- - - - - - - - - - - August. ºn - - - 42 ºz 2, 472 º - ºn's /. *** Cook ſº Hudson’s Latest Cook Book Compiled and Published by The Ladies of the First Presbyterian Church of Hudson, Wisconsin. 1921 - A º Recipe for a Day Take a little dash of water cold, And a little leaven of prayer, And a little bit of morning gold, Dissolved in the morning air; Add to your meal some merriment, And a thought for kith and kin. And then, as a prime ingredient, A plenty of work thrown in. But spice it all with the essence of love And a little whiff of play. Let a wise old book and a glance above Complete the well-made day. --tº- Preface in securing from the most excellent cooks of our own and neighboring cities, many receipts which have heretofore been their personal and private property. I COMPILING this book we have been extremely fortunate Realizing, as we do, what it means to give these to the public, we desire, in behalf of the ladies of the First Presbyterian Church of Hudson, Wisconsin, to extend to all contributors, our sincere thanks, and to assure them that their kindness and generosity are fully appreciated. To Miss Saugestad and Miss Heminger for valuable assist- ance, we are especially indebted. Sincerely yours, MRS. R. W. CLARK, The Committee MRS. H. K. HUNTOON, Nov. 21, 1907. MRS. H. J. ANDERSEN. Reprinted Aug. 1921 MRS. H. E. NYE, The Committee MRS. R. A. GRIDI.E.Y. MISS. T. M. DINSMORE Soups CORN BISQUE. 1. can COrn Salt, etc. 2 pints milk Flour Cream Boil corn in one pint milk one hour. Mash, and put through colander. Add 1 pint milk and let come to boil. Thicken a little and season. Add whipped cream when ready to serve. Mrs. H. J. Andersen. DUCHESS SOUP. 1 quart milk 2 tablespoons butter A slice carrot 2 tablespoons flour A slice onion 3 he a p in g tablespoons A blade mace cheese Salt and pepper Yolks of 2 eggs Put on milk to cook with carrot, onion and mace. Rub butter and flour together. Remove vegetables from milk and add milk to butter and flour and stir until it thickens. Add cheese and stir 3 minutes. Take from fire and add the beaten yolks of eggs, pepper and salt. Anna F. Smith. CREAM OF CELERY. 1 cup rice 2 heads celery 2 pints milk 1 quart white stock 1 pint cream Cayenne, salt Cook rice in milk until it will pass through a sieve. Cook grated celery in stock until tender, then strain. Bring to a boil, rice, stock and cream. Season with cayenne and sait. Mrs. Robert Slater. SALMON PUREE. 1 quart milk 1 tablespoonful flour #3 teaspoonful onion juice % lb. salmon 2 tablespoonfuls butter (softened) % teaspoonful salt Rub butter and flour together; add to the hot milk; rub salmon fine; add 2 tablespoons ful cream the last thing before taking off. Beat with egg beater. Serve with a spoonful of whipped cream. Mrs. J. M. Oliver. SPANISH SOUP. 1 quart rich soup stock 3 tablespoons m in c e d 6 tablespoonfuls finely crumbed chicken bread 6 eggs In each plate place 1 tablespoonful finely crumbed bread, % tablespoonful minced chicken, 1 egg poached in the stock. Add hot strained soup and serve at once. Mrs. N. B. Bailey. LUCY KIMBALL EVANS” TOMATO SOUP. Strain one pint canned tomatoes 2 tablespoons butter 1 quart milk 1 tablespoon flour 1 cup chicken stock 1 level small spoonful soda Bring tomatoes to boiling point and add soda. Also bring milk to boiling point. Add tomatoes and stock, mix butter and flour very smooth and add to the above, Season to taste with salt, and some form of red pepper. Cream may be used instead of stock, but the latter gives a nicer flavor. BACON SOUP. 4 medium sized potatoes, peeled 3 thin slices of bacon, cut and cut in 6 pieces each in small pieces 3 medium sized onions, sliced Salt and pepper well fine Put all in kettle, pour on 2 quarts boiling water, cover tight and boil 1% hours. When almost ready to serve add 1 pint rich milk or cream. Mrs. C. Taylor. MRS. PORTER'S PEAPOD SOUP. Take 2 quarts of peapods and put on to boil in 1 quart of water. Boil down to 1 pint. Take 1 pint milk and put on in double boiler. Put in small piece of butter and pinch of salt and pepper and when nearly boiled, thicken with 1 tablespoon flour. Then pour the peapod juice in and serve. If you have cold peas left, mash them through the colander and add to the soup. FRUIT SOUP. 3 pints water or less 1 chopped apple 1 doz. blue plums Sugar to taste When boiled add a few drops of vanilla, a little lemon juice, and one or two seeds of cardamon. Dry and powder the cardamon seeds. Is good either hot or cold. Serve with Wafers. Mrs. C. C. Napier. Fish SALMON. 2 cupfuls salmon 2 rounding tablespoons 1 cupful thin cream butter 2 eggs Salt and pepper 2 rounding tablespoons flour Heat the butter, add the flour, then add the cream and cook until thick; then pour over the salmon. Put this mixture into cups and sprinkle with parsley. Cover this with the well beaten eggs and then sprinkle with fine bread crumbs. Place cups in a pan of hot water and bake in a quick ovel) until brown. When ready to serve place a piece of parsley in the center of each cup. Mrs. Hiram Nye. FISH CHOPS. 1 can salmon 3% teaspoonful pepper 3% cupful breadcrumbs 1 cupful thick white sauce % teaspoonful salt 1 well beaten egg Drain off oil from fish. Remove skin and bones. Pick very fine with fork. Add salt, pepper and crumbs, mix thoroughly and bind together with the white sauce. Let cool, shape into chops, stick a piece of macaroni in the end for the chop bone, roll in egg, crumb, and fry in deep fat. Garnisii With parsley and serve with quarters of lemon. Mr.S. F. D. Parker. BAKED SALMON. 1 can salmon Lump butter size of egg 1% cups cracker crumbs Salt and pepper 2 eggs well beaten Milk enough to moisten Well Stir all together and bake in a greased pan for 3% hour. Mrs. Kinney. OYSTER COCKTAILS. 2 dozen small oysters, ice cold SAUCE 1 tablespoon horseradish 1 thºsp. tomato catsup 1 tablespoon vinegar 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 tables p O on Worcestershire 3% teaspoon Tabasco sauce Sauce 3% teaspoon salt Mix well and set on ice an hour before using. Put Oysters in six small glasses, add one tablespoon sauce to each glass; or fill grape-fruit, lemon shells or tomato cups, adding the pulp. Maria Macartney. CREAMED OYSTERS. 1 pint nice oysters Flour 1 pint cream Small lump butter Pepper and salt Steam the oysters until edges curl. Put cream in double boiler and thicken with flour. Put in butter, salt and white pepper to taste. Turn over the oysters and serve at once, either alone or on squares of buttered toast, or opened baking powder biscuits. The sauce should be thick enough not to spread over the plate too much. The oysters will thin it some. Especially nice as a luncheon dish. Mrs. Geo. D. Cline. HOLLANDAISE SAUCE. 3% cup butter 3% cup boiling water % lemon, juice % teaspoon salt 2 eggs, yolks Speck cayenne Beat butter to a cream. Add yolks, one by one, lemon juice, pepper and salt. Place bowl in boiling water a minute, beat- ing constantly until it begins to thicken. Then beat ill the boiling water, when like a soft custard it is done. Pour around meat or fish. Miss Parloa. Eggs BAKED EGGS. 6 eggs 1 Onion, juice % cupful cream 1 saltspoon salt - Pinch red pepper Boil eggs 20 minutes, remove yolks and mix them with other ingredients. Return to whites and set on end in pud- ding dish. Cover with sauce. Bake 20 minutes. SAUCE. 3 tablespoons cornstarch 1 saltspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter (small) 1 pinch red pepper Cream Put this in one pint of boiling cream less the amount used for yolks. Stir until Smooth and thick. Mrs. G. P. DeLong. - EGG CUTLETS. 3 tablespoons butter 1 large thisp parsley 3 tablespoons flour 1 scant tablespoon lemon % teaspoon salt juice 1% cups milk 10 drops onion juice 10 eggs Bread crumbs Dash cayenne pepper Prepare a thick cream sauce of butter, flour, salt, pepper and milk. Stir into this 8 eggs which have been hard boiled and coarsely chopped, chopped parsley, lemon juice, onion juice, and beaten yolks of 2 eggs. Stir and cook a moment. Turn out, cover; and set aside to cool. Dust hands lightly with flour, form into cutlet shape, dip into slightly beaten eggs, then into fine dry bread crumbs, and fry a golden brown in deep fat. Mrs. Penfield. OMELETTE. 1 cup hot milk 5 eggs 1 large cup bread crumbs Pinch salt Pour milk over bread crumbs. Let stand until it can be mashed smoothly with spoon. Add yolks of eggs and salt. Beat Whites to Stiff froth and add to above mixture. Pour immediately into a hot buttered Spider. Bake in oven or if desired it may be fried, then it will be necessary to turn the omelette. Mrs. Burghardt. Entrees CHEESE FONDU. % cup milk 34 lb. cheese salt and pep- 2 tablespoons bread crumbs per to SeaSOn 2 eggs 1 tablespoon butter Shave or grate cheese and put it with the pread crulmbs 6 and butter, into the hot milk, and add the beaten yolks of eggs. Set it on back of the stove to melt, not cook, stir smooth, then fold in the stiff beaten whites of eggs, bake in a buttered dish about 20 minutes. Mrs. Lucy Gridley. MACARONI RAREBIT. Into a frying pan put 1 tablespoon butter, when it begins to bubble, lay in gently 1 cup cooked macaroni, cut in small pieces. Over this pour 1 cup grated cheese and lastly 2 well beaten eggs. Sprinkle with pepper. Cook about 10 minutes and serve hot. Garnish with parsley. RICE AU GRATIN. 3 cups boiled rice with plenty of 2/3 cup grated cheese butter added while rice is hot 1/3 can tomatoes Small onion sliced thin Mix all together, adding 1 cup sweet milk. Put in buttered pan with crumbs and cheese on top. Bake 30 to 40 minutes. Meats SWISS ROAST. 3 lbs., round steak 1 cupful flour Suet Pepper and salt 1 quart tomato juice 3% small onion Have steak 3 or 4 inches thick. Put meat on board, pour flour over it. This chop into meat with edge of plate. When well worked in put into kettle containing hot suet and sear. Put in remainder of flour, onion and tomato juice. Cook slowly until very tender — about four hours. Strain gravy. If necessary add Water. Dorothy Hurlbert. CREME TONGUE 1 beef tongue 1 cup Sweet cream Bacon Tomatoes or Chili sauce Paprika, Boil fresh beef tongue until tender. Take from kettle, plunge into dish of cold water. Then peel. Arrange in baking pan with thin slices best bacon covering it. Sprinkle with Paprika. Pour large cupful sweet cream (thin) over dish. Place in hot oven to cook and brown bacon. Serve with sliced raw tomatoes or Chili sauce. Delicious. Mrs. Chas. Warren Taylor. MEAT CHEFFEY. 1 heaping teaspoon butter 1 cupful finely chopped 1 heaping teaspoon flour cooked meat 2 eggs 1 cupful milk Salt and pepper Melt the butter and stir into it the flour, salt and pepper. Then gradually stir in the milk and let it boil until it thickens. 7 Add meat. When this is well heated draw it aside to stop its boiling and add the well beaten yolks. As soon as it is cool, add the well beaten whites. Put into a buttered dish and bake 20 minutes. Serve hot. Mrs. H. E. Nye. HAMBURGER STEAK. 1 lb. round steak (chopped fine) Milk 1 egg 1% tablespoons flour Salt and pepper 44 tsp. ground cloves % teaspoon allspice To the steak, egg and flour add sufficient milk to make nice and moist, then add other ingredients. Drop from Spoon into pan containing hot melted butter. Mrs. M. E. Stewart. CHICKEN SOUFFLE. 2 cupfuls scalded milk 1 tablespoon salt 4% cupful flour 4% tablespoon pepper 3% cupful butter 1 tablespoon parsley % cupful soft bread crumbs 3 eggs 2 cupfuls chicken. Beaten whites of eggs added last. Set in pan of water and bake 35 minutes. Anna F. Smith. CREAM OF WEAL. 3 lbs. leg of veal 3% pint cream 1 can American mushrooms 1 quart milk 4 tablespoons flour Pepper, salt crackers 5 tablespoons butter Boil veal until tender, cut in dice, cutting mushrooms in same way. In a double boiler — put milk and cream and let it boil. Stir butter and flour together until smooth — then add to boiling milk. In a baking dish put layer of veal, mushrooms, cream, until the dish is filled. I lastly cover the top with rolled crumbs and bits of butter. Season with salt and pepper and bake half an hour. Mrs. W. B. Andrews. CHICKEN SHORT CARE. 1 pint flour 1 cupful sweet milk 2 teaspoons baking powder Little salt 3% cupful butter Mix baking powder, flour and salt well, rub in the butter, then add the milk. Bake quickly. Have prepared the rem- nants of chicken heated with the gravy, seasoned well. Pour over the short cake. Serve at once. Cooked veal or beef can be used in the same way. Very nice as a luncheon dish. Mrs. Geo. D. Cline. HUNGARIAN POT ROAST. A four-pound piece of beef cut from the round. Put a tablespoon of butter in a deep kettle, add a chopped onion and fry until brown. Lay the meat in and cook first on one 8 side and then the other, until a brown crust is formed. This allows about five minutes cooking to each side. Then pour in a cup of canned tomatoes, or two or three whole ones, one bay leaf, four cloves, six whole pepper corns, a half teaspoon of paprika and a heaping teaspoon of salt. Add a little water from time to time, keep well covered and allow to simmer for three hours or more; if it seems tough cook longer. When done remove meat to a platter, thicken the gravy with butter an flour mixed together, or stir flour in a little cold water, let boil, strain and serve with the meat. Mrs. H. E. Nye. MAMIE W. HOPKINS, JELLIED TONGUE. 1 tongue 2 tablespoons soaked 3 cupfuls liquid gelatine 1 Onion Eggs 6 cloves Stuffed olives Boil tongue until tender, Let get cold. Slice. Allow liquid to boil down to about 3 cups. Add sliced onion and cloves to liquid while boiling. Strain. Add salt and gelatine. Lime mould with sliced hard boiled egg and stuffed olives. Lay in tongue and pour over liquid. CREAMED CHICKEN. % cup celery 1 tablespoon butter 1% cups chicken 2 tablespoons flour 1 pint cream 3% teaspoon salt Cracker crumbs Pepper Boil celery in cream, 10 minutes. Add butter and flour. Strain to remove celery. Add salt, pepper, and diced, cooked chicken. Put in bake dish and cover with cracker crumbs. Melt butter and stir into crumbs. Bake until light brown. Mrs. M. E. Stewart. MOCK CHICKEN LOAF. 3 lbs. veal (shank is best) 1 quart broth 2 lbs. pork Allspice 2 tablespoons salt Boil veal and pork together until well done. Pick meat off bones and chop fine. Boil broth with bones in, down to one quart; strain over meat and mix well. Do not salt meat, just the broth while boiling. Add a little allspice to improve flavor. Put in forms and place in cold to harden. Mrs. Otto Arnguist. VEAL LOAF. 3 lbs. Veal, chopped fine 3 beaten eggs % lb. salt pork, chopped fine 1 lemon 1 cupful strained tomato Pepper, salt % cupful cracker crumbs Tomatoes highly seasoned. Mix all together. Grease pan and pack in. Slice lemon thin and lay on top of meat. Then spread over with cracker crumbs. Bake slowly 1% hours. Take off lemon and cracker crumbs before turning out. Serve hot or cold. Good hot with tomato sauce. Mrs. F. F. Gray. º 1 f º VEAL BIRDS. Veal Egg Salt pork Hot Water Cracker crumbs Flour Salt Cream Pepper Lemon Onion Toast of veal from the loin; cut very thin; remove Pound to 44 inch thick. Trim into Chop the trimmings fine with one square Add half as much fine Take Slices bones, skin and fat. pieces 2% x4 inches. inch of fat salt pork for each bird. cracker crumbs as you have meat. Season highly with salt, pepper, lemon juice, and a little onion. Moisten with one egg and a little hot water. Spread mixture on each slice of meat nearly to the edge. Roll up tightly and tie or fasten with skewers. Dredge with salt, pepper and flour. Then fry them in hot butter until a golden brown, but not dark or burned. Then draw pan to one side, pour in some hot water — enough to half cover them; cover and let simmer until tender. Add some cream before they are quite done. When done remove the strings and serve on toast. Pour the cream over them and garnish with slices of lemon. Mrs. A. H. Barber. BEEF LOAF. 3 lbs. beef 34 lb. fresh fat pork 1 tablespoon powdered sage 2 teaspoons salt Bake about two hours in a slow oven. crumbs on top of the loaf. 1 teaspoon pepper 2 eggs 1 cup cracker crumbs Put about 1/3 of Mrs. R. W. Clark. Vegetables POTATO AU GRATIN. 1 pint milk % teaspoon salt 1 saltspoon pepper 3% cup cracker crumbs Dash cayenne Cut potatoes into 3% inch dice. Make a cream dressing of the milk, salt, pepper, flour and two tablespoons butter. Add cheese and pour over potatoes. Cover with cracker crumbs which have been moistened with the remaining butter. Rake 15 minutes or until brown. Miss Macartney. 1 qt. cold boiled potato 3 tableSpoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons grated cheese 1 teaspoon chopped parsley FRIED BEETS. Boil until tender. Peel, slice and fry in butter. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and the juice of a leſmon. Alice Murdock. 10 BAKED SQUASH. Peel and cut in inch slices winter squash. Lay in a but- tiered tin. Sprinkle with a little salt, plenty of sugar and dot with bits of butter. Bake until brown and tender, 20 to 30 minutes. Miss Ella Richardson. FRENCH ONIONS. Slice one large Spanish onion on a cutter and place in ice water an hour and a half to crisp. Drain and dry on towel. Cover onions with milk. Let Stand one half hour and drain. Dredge heavily with flour and fry a golden brown in deep fat. Drain on paper and sprinkle with salt. Nice served With liver. Mrs. L. A. Baker. SPANISH TOMATOES. 1 quart canned tomatoes Green peppers % cupful rice, cooked 1 medium sized onion Rice must be well cooked. Mix with tomato and brown in butter. To this add onion chopped fine and sufficient green peppers chopped, to highly flavor. Cook all together 3% hour. Mrs. H. D. Brown. TURRISH PILAFF". % cupful strained tomatoes 3% cupful dry rice 1 cupful brown stock highly 3 level tablespoons butter seasoned Mix stock, tomato and dry rice. Cook in double boiler until liquid is absorbed and rice soft. Put butter over top of rice and folded towel over top of boiler in place of cover. Place on back part of stove until rice is dry. Mrs. F. F. Gray. STUFFED PEPPERS. Peppers Bread crumbs Tomatoes Salt Onions Butter Cabbage Remove inside of large green peppers — opening at stem end, and soak in salt and water. Make a filling of tomatoes, two or three onions and cabbage chopped together, with bread crumbs. Salt well. Put into bake dish with a little water and small lump of butter on each pepper. Bake 34 hour. Mrs. W. B. Andrews. NOODLES. 5 eggs Salt Flour For a family of five (5) take five eggs. Beat well. Add a little salt and flour enough to make very stiff. Roll very thin and dry in oven or hang them near stove on a towel. Be sure not to get them too dry when wanted for dinner. Drop in boiling water and add pinch of salt. Let boil up once then drain quickly and put in dish and serve with melted butter slightly browned. For soup, one or two eggs will do. Drop into soup shortly before serving. Mrs. H. C. Michelson. 11 STEWED CABBAGE. 1 small cabbage (chopped) Butter size of an egg % cup vinegar 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup Water 3% teaspoon pepper Boil 1 hour. Mrs. J. K. Mellon. Salads SALAD DRESSING WITHOUT OIL. 1 teaspoon mustard 4 tablespoons vinegar 1 teaspoon salt 2 eggs well beaten 1 teaspoon Sugar Cream 4 teaspoons butter Sift mustard, salt and sugar together. Stir in the eggs, butter and vinegar, and bring to a boil in a double boiler, stirring constantly. When ready to use stir in whipped cream to taste. For a pint of dressing take three times this amount. Mrs. H. C. Baker. FRUIT SALAD. 1 can sliced pineapple 2 teaspoons lemon juice 2 bunches celery (inside only) 2 teaspoons sugar White grapes or cherries % teaspoon cayenne pep- % cupful cream, whipped per, Scant 34 lb. blanched almonds Cut pineapple in small pieces. Cut grapes in halves and seed, almonds also cut in small bits. Mix lemon juice, sugar and pepper, putting small portion on each plate. Just before serving add Whipped cream. Mrs. H. T. Fall. FRUIT SALAD. 1 peach, green grapes 1 large lemon Pineapple - 34 cupful powdered sugar Nuts, if desired % cuprul whipped cream 1 egg, white Heat — not boil — lemon and sugar: pour over beaten egg. Have cream whipped and mix just before serving. Mr S. H. D. Brown. TOMATO JELLY SALAD. Into a saucepan put: % can tomatoes 34 teaspoonful pepper (or 1 bay leaf paprika) 4 cloves 10 drops onion juice 1 blade mace % teaspoon salt Simmer 15 minutes and press through a sieve. Add one- third box of gelatine which has been soaked in one-third cupful of cold water and stir until dissolved. Pour into moulds and when firm, serve on lettuce leaves. Garnish with mayonnaise, or make border of jelly and fill) center with nuts and celery mixed with mayonnaise. Mr.S. F. D. Parker. SALAD DRESSING. 1% teaspoons mustard 4 tablespoons melted butter 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoonful sugar 2 tablespoons vinegar 2 eggs well beaten Mix thoroughly and cook in double boiler until it begins to thicken. When cold, add 34 cupful of cream, a little red pepper, and juice of 1 lemon. Mrs. S. J. Bradford. FRUIT SALAD. juice from 1 can cherries juice from 1 can pineapple juice from 1 orange Boil until it thickens. juice from 1 lemon 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon cornstarch Cut Oranges, pineapple, bananas into small pieces. Add cherries or other fruit. Grace Taylor Morse. MRS. GEORGIA JOHNSON'S MAYONNAISE SALAD DRESSING. Yolks of 2 eggs 1 teaspoon mustard 1 teaspoon sugar % teaspoon salt 1 cup whipped cream A little red pepper 2 tablespoons vinegar 2 tablespoons lemon juice % pint olive oil Contributed by Mrs. Ray Reid. MAYONNAISE DRESSING. 1 level teaspoon salt, 1 level teaspoon mustard * tablespoons lemon juice 2 eggs 1 level teaspoon powdered Sugar 14 teaspoon paprika." 3 tablespoons vinegar 1% cups olive oil. Thoroughly chill the oil, bowl and spoon. Separate the eggs. Mix the dry ingredients in the bowl, add the yolks of eggs, mix well, (using a wooden spoon) then add the oil, a drop at a time; stir constantly and add oil a little faster as it begins to thicken. When all the oil is added add the lemon juice and vinegar a little at a time. Lastly fold in the whites of eggs, beaten dry. If the mixture should curdle it is because the oil has been added too rapidly and may be remedied by taking another egg yolk and adding the curdled mixture to it slowly. Mrs. H. E. Nye. SALAD DRESSING MADE WITH BUTTER. 4 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 1 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoonful salt 3% teaspoonful mustard 3 eggs or 6 yolks 3% cup vinegar If vinegar is very sour, take a third cupful and the rest water 1 large cupful milk A speck cayenne Let the butter get hot in a saucepan, add the flour and stir until smooth being careful not to brown. Have milk hot in double boiler and add butter and flour. Stir mustard, salt and pepper in the sugar, then add the beaten eggs and last the vinegar. Stir into this the boiling mixture and stir until it thickens like custard which will be in about five minutes. Beat it with the egg beater. Set away to cool; and when cold, bottle and place in the ice chest. This will keep for weeks. Add cream when ready to use. Mrs. Annie M. Norton. ADIRONDACK SALAD. 3 tablespoons peas 3 tablespoons onion 3 tablespoons cheese 3 tablespoons sweet pickle Dice cheese, onion and pickle size of pea. This makes enough for six people. Mrs. Gorham. JELLIED HAM SALAD. Soak 34 box of gelatine in 34 cup of cold water. Add 34 cup boiling chicken stock and strain. Add 1 cup chopped ham, which has been highly seasoned with cayenne, and a little lemon juice. Let stand until it begins to thicken. Then add a cup of cream whipped to a stiff froth and turn into a wet mould. When firm, turn out on a bed of lettuce and gar- nish with mayonnaise. Nice with a fish dinner. Mr.S. Starr. FRUIT DRESSING FOR SALAD. 1 small cup lemon juice or vine- 2 eggs gar 1 tablespoon flour % cupful sugar Boil until smooth. When cool add juice of 1 small orange and a dash of cinnamon. Add whipped cream as desired. Particularly good on white grapes and nuts — or any conn- bination of celery, apples, nuts, etc. Mrs. H. K. Huntoon. FOR THE SALAD COURSE. Make Dutch cheese into little balls and roll in finely chopped peanuts or parsley. Mrs. F. F. Gray. CUCUMBER SALAD. Three cucumbers, one small onion; chop together moderate- ly fine; salt and pepper to taste; two tablespoons vinegar; let stand one-half hour, then drain off vinegar, add enough sweet cream to fairly moisten as in any salad. Serve — colder the better. Mrs. H. E. Nye. Puddings and Sauces CARROT PUDDING. 1 cupful sugar 1 cup chopped raw potatoes 1% cups flour 1 cup chopped suet 1 cup raisins 1 teaspoon soda. 1 cup currants 1 teaspoon cloves 1 cup bread crumbs 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup chopped raw carrot 1 pinch salt Mix all together well and steam three hours. Mrs. R. W. Clark. 14 BLACK PUDDING. 1 egg 2 cups flour 1 cup molasses 1 cup stoned raisins 1 cup Warm Water 1 teaspoon soda. Mrs. Gallup. HARD SAUCE. % cup butter 1 cup whipped cream 2 cups powdered sugar 1 egg Flavor with vanilla. Mrs. Gallup. SOUTHERN PUDDING. % cupful molasses 3 eggs % cup butter 3% teaspoon soda % cup sugar 3% tsp. ground cloves 34 cup sweet milk 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup raisins % of a nutmeg 1% cups flour Cream the sugar and butter and add the eggs well beaten, then all other ingredients. Steam one hour in a buttered mould. PUDDING SAUCE. Beat 2 eggs very creamy. Cream 3% cupful butter and 1 cupful sugar and add to the eggs. Then add 1 cupful scalding milk. Cook until thick and creamy. One cupful or more cream added to this sauce is fine for Southern pudding. Mrs. W. C. Johnson. QUEEN OF PUDDING. 1 pint milk, hot 3% lemon juice and grated % cup sugar rind 1 cup bread crumbs 4 tablespoons powdered 2 eggs Sugar 1 tablespoon butter Pour milk on bread crumbs; add butter. Cover and let get soft. When cool add the beaten yolks of eggs and 4% cup sugar, also lemon rind. Bake in a buttered dish until firm and slightly brown, from 3% to 34 of an hour. Beat whites of eggs to stiff froth; add powdered sugar and lemon juice, cover over the pudding; put back in the oven and brown until a light straw color. Eat warm with lemon sauce. SAUCE. 1 cup sugar 1 lemon and grated rind % cup butter 3% cupful boiling water 1 egg Beat egg, sugar and butter lightly. Add lemon and water. Cook in a double boiler until thick. Mrs. Scott Chambers. 15 º FIG PUDDING, 2 cups flour 1 heaping tablespoon bak- 1 cup milk ing powder 2 eggs - 3 tablespoons butter Pinch of Salt 3% lb. figs Beat eggs very light; add milk and flour; stir until smooth. Add butter, baking powder, salt and figs chopped fine. Mix well, pour in buttered dish. Steam two hours and serve with hard sauce. Mrs. Haven. RAISIN PUFFS. % cup sugar 1 cup raisins 3% cup butter, creamed 2 egg 1 cup Sweet milk 3 teaspoons baking pow- 2 cups flour der Beat eggs thoroughly. Mix all together. Bake 34 hour in ramekins set in hot water. Serve hot with hard sauce made as follows: 1 cup butter 3% cup whipped cream 3 cups powdered sugar Mrs. Haven. cHocoLATE BREAD PUDDING, 1 pint milk 2 eggs 1 pint bread crumbs 5 tablespoons chocolate % cupful sugar Scald milk. Add crumbs and melted chocolate. Then add sugar and beaten yolks. Bake in pudding dish 15 to 20 minutes. Beat whites, add 2 tablespoons sugar, spread on top pudding and brown. - Mrs. Raster. Mrs. B. J. Price. FIG PUDDING. % lb. suet 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 lb. figs, chopped fine 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 Scant cup Sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup sweet milk 1% pint flour 2 eggs Steam one and one-half hours. SAUCE). % cup butter 1 cup milk, scalded 1 cup Sugar 2 eggs Beat butter, sugar and eggs together until very light and creamy. Add milk and a little vanilla. Use a hard sauce if preferred. Mrs. Grinnel. DATE AND FIG DESSERT. % lb, dates and figs 1 Orange % cup sugar 3% lemon Some walnut meats cut fine. 16 Stew dates and figs. When tender add juice of orange and lemon and walnuts. Serve cold in sherbert glasses with whipped cream on top. Mr.S. F. J. Carr. NEVER FAIL SHORT CAKE. 1 pint flour % teaspoon salt 34 cup butter 2 teaspoonfuls baking pow- 1 scant cup milk der Any kind of fruit 1 egg, beaten Sift flour, salt and baking powder together; rub in butter. Mrs. Gorham. FANCY PUDDING. % cup granulated sugar 1 tablespoon flour 1% cups walnuts chopped fine 1 teaspoon baking powder 3 eggs Vanilla. To beaten yolks add sugar with egg beater. Add nuts to the beaten whites and stir into the yolks and sugar; then add flour mixed mith baking powder. Bake in round layers. Keep slightly warm. Serve with whipped cream between and on top. Mrs. W. H. Phipps. Anna F. Smith. CRANBERRY PUDDING. 2 cups cranberries 2 tablespoons sugar 2 cups boiling water Add boiling water and sugar to cranberries and boil until they crack. BATTER. 1 cup flour 1 teaspoon baking powder % cup milk % teaspoon salt Strain juice from cranberries. Put layer of batter in cups, then the cranberries, and so on until cups are nearly full. Steam one-half hour. - SAUCE. 1% cups juice 1 rounding tablespoon 1 cup Sugar cornstarch 1 tablespoon butter If not sufficient juice add water. When it boils add sugar, cornstarch and butter. Cook until thickened. Serve with the pudding. Mrs. F. R. Coit. PINE APPLE TAPIOCA. 1 cup tapioca 2 lemons, juice, % cup water % lb. canned sliced pine- 3 eggs apple and juice 1% cups sugar 17 Soak tapioca over night in plenty of water. In morning drain. Add 3% cup water, lemon juice, pineapple and juice and sugar. Cook slowly in double boiler. Do not stir much. Cook until clear. Have ready whipped whites of the eggs; fold in carefully. Mold and serve cold with whipped cream. Mrs. L. A. Baker, New Richmond. APPLE AND BANANA PUDDING. Pare, core and quarter sufficient number of tart apples to fill baking dish. Place layer of apples in dish, then layer of bananas, sugar, a few bits of butter—then another layer of ap- ples, bananas, sugar, etc. Pour a very little water over them, bake in medium hot oven. Eaten cold, with cream. The addition of a layer of nut meats is desirable. Mrs. Chas. Warren Taylor. BAKED CHOCOLATE PUDDING. 1 square Baker's chocolate 1/3 cup sugar 1 quart milk 5 eggs (yolks) Grate the chocolate, scald the milk with the chocolate, then pour over the beaten yolks of 5 eggs and 1/3 cupful sugar. This is to be baked in a pudding dish inside of dish of water. Make meringue of whites with 5 tablespoons sugar, spread on top and return to Oven. Mrs. B. J. Price. SUET PUDDING. 1 cup chopped suet 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup chopped dates 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup molasses Flour enough to make 1 cup sour milk Stiff SAUCE. 1 cup pulverized sugar - 1 teaspoon vanilla % cup butter Beat all to a cream. Mrs. A. F. Fulton. SUET PUDDING. 1 cup chopped suet 2 teaspoons baking pow- 1 cup brown Sugar der 1 cup raisins (chopped) 1 cup hot water 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon nutmeg Mix all together and steam three hours. Serve with a sauce. Mrs. Wm. Smith. CHOCOLATE PUDDING. 2/3 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanillaſ 2/3 cup sweet milk 1 tablespoon baking pow- 1 cup flour der 1 egg 34 cake Baker's Chocolate, 1 tablespoon butter melted Steam one hour. Serve with whipped cream. Mrs. R. C. Mosher. 18 SAUCE. 2 eggs 1 tablespoon hot water 1 cupful sugar Beat everlastingly PLUM PUDDING. 1 pint bread crumbs 3 eggs (well beaten) 1 teacup Suet 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teacup raisins 1 teaspoon salt 1 teacup currants 1 teaspoon baking powder % cup citron chopped fine % teaspoon cloves 1 tablespoon flour, large % teaspoon allspice 5 tablespoons sweet milk 1 cup sugar Mix all the dry ingredients; then add the eggs and milk. Steam six hours. Mrs. H. L. Humphrey. FIG OR PRUNE, PUDDING. 1 pint boiling water % lb. cooked chopped % cup sugar pruneS 3% cup graham flour Pinch salt Stir the flour and sugar into the boiling water slowly, then add the prunes and cook in double boiler 34 of an hour. Serve with cream and sugar. Mrs. W. H. Phipps. SNOWBALL PUDDING. % cup butter 1% level teaspoons baking % cup sugar powder 34 cup milk Whites of 2 eggs 1% cups flour Beat whites of eggs stiff. Mix like cake and steam 35 minutes in buttered cups. Serve with strawberry sauce, or any fruit sauce preferred. Mrs. Kinney. BAKED INDIAN PUDDING. 1 quart milk 2 tablespoons New Or- % teacup meal leans molasses Butter size of egg Saltspoon of salt 1 cup light brown sugar Cinnamon to flavor Cook milk and meal to the consistency of buckwheat batter. When cold add 2 eggs, sugar, molasses, butter, salt and cinnamon to flavor one pint of milk. Bake slowly three hours. Mrs. Ada Hall. Mrs. C. T. Burnley. PLUM PUDDING SAUCE. 1 cupful sugar 1 tablespoon cold water Butter size of egg White of 1 egg Juice of 2 lemons Beat butter and sugar together, add juice and water. Let come to a boil and pour over white of egg beaten very stiff. Mrs. H. D. Brown. 19 STEAMED PUIDDING. 1 cup molasses 1 teaspoon cinnamon 3% cup melted butter 1 nutmeg grated 1 cup sweet milk Salt and vanilla. 3% cups flour Raisins if desired % teaspoon soda Dissolve soda in one tablespoon hot water. Then stir it into molasses. Add butter, milk, flour and spices. Steam one and one-half hour. SAUCE FOR STEAMED PUDDING. 2 eggs % cup Water 1 cup powdered sugar Vanilla. Beat yolks well. Dissolve in double boiler. Then add the whites beaten stiff and flavor. Mrs. Penfield. APPLE SNOW. % cup cut apple pulp % cup powdered or granu- Whites of three eggs lated sugar Quarter and core 4 sour apples. Cook until soft and rub through sieve. Beat the whites of eggs until stiff. Add the apples sweetened to taste. Put in glass dish and serve with custard sauce. Mrs. Charlotte Hills. COLD CHOCOLATE PUDDING. 4 ounces grated chocolate 1 small teacup flour 3 cups new milk Whites of 5 eggs % cup cornstarch Melt the chocolate and stir until Smooth. Boil milk. Dissolve cornstarch in a little cold milk and add to the boiling milk, let cook until thick. Add the sugar and the stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Beat all together over the fire for 5 minutes. Take up, flavor with vanilla. Divide the mixture in halves. To one-half add the chocolate. Pour the white mixture in the bottom of a pudding mould, then the chocolate mixture on top. Set on ice until frozen. Serve with whipped cream, Sweetened and flavored with vanilla. Mrs. Geo. D. Cline. BARED CARAMEL CUSTARD. 4 eggs 8 tablespoons sugar 3 cups milk, scalded Pinch of Salt 1 teaspoon vanilla Put sugar into saucepan, stir until melted and the color of maple syrup. Add to the hot milk. Beat the eggs slightly, add slowly to the milk after the sugar has dissolved, vanilla, and salt. Strain and bake as plain custard. Serves eight. CARAMEL SAUCE FOR CUSTARD. Melt 1 cup silgar. As soon as well browned add 1 cup of Water. Boil five minutes. Served cold or warm. Mrs. E. A. Harding. 20 MARSHMALLOW. PUDDING. 1 tablespoon Knox gelatine 1 scant cup granulated 1 cup boiling water Sugar Whites of 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla Dissolve the gelatine in 1 cup boiling water. When dis- solved put in a large bowl with the unbeaten whites of 2 eggs, add granulated sugar and vanilla. Beat all for 20 minutes with wire egg beater. Nuts or cherries may be added. Serve with whipped cream. Mrs. E. A. Harding. CHARIOTTE RUSSE. 1 small cup milk Whites of 2 eggs 1 small cup cream 1 tablespoon gel at in e % cup sugar soaked in 34 cup cold 1 pint whipped cream Water Yolk of 1 egg % can grated pineapple Heat the milk and cream in a double boiler to the boiling pointſ. Pour this on the yolk of egg beaten with the sugar. After this has cooled a little, add the gelatine; then the pine- apple, the Whipped cream and the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Pour over ladyfingers in a form. Let it stand till it gets thoroughly cold and stiff. This will serve seven persons. Mrs. H. C. Baker. GRAHAM PUIDDING. 1 cup sour milk 1 cup graham flour 1 teaspoon soda. % cup wheat flour 3% cup molasses 1 cup seeded raisins Steam 1 hour. Mrs. E. M. Rusch. CUSTARD SAUCE FOR BOILED RICE. 1 pint rich milk % cup sugar 3 eggs Vanilla. Scald in doudle boiler the milk. Beat yolks of eggs, with fine grated maple sugar until thick and light. Now pour scalded milk slowly on the yolks while stirring constantly. Strain in- to the double boiler. Cook, stirring all the time until like heavy cream. Take from fire, beat a few moments, flavor with vanilla and set away to cool. To be cooked at scalding point but not to boil. Mrs. Penfield. CHOCOLATE SAUCE FOR RICE OR BREAD PUDDINGS. 34 cup butter Vanilla. 1 cup light brown sugar 4 tablespoons hot water 1 square unsweetened chocolate Cream butter and sugar in bowl. Shave into this chocolate and set over hot water stirring in gradually the hot water. When the chocolate is melted and the sauce is smooth and creamy, it is ready to serve, Flavor with vanilla. Mrs. Penfield. 21 ORANGE PUFF. 1 cup sugar 3 eggs (yolks) % cup butter (scant) 2 teaspoons baking pow- 1 cup milk der 2 cups flour A little orange flavor Steam 1 hour SAUCE. 1 cup Sugar 2 oranges (grated rind and juice) 3 eggs (whites) Cook Sugar and orange juice and stir into beaten eggs. Add grated rind last. Mrs. W. B. Andrews. PUIDDING SAUCE. 1 cup powdered sugar % cup cream % cup butter Cream butter and sugar; add cream, place in double boiler until melted. Mrs. Robert Slater. Pies PLAIN PIE CRUST. Sift 1% cups flour, 3% teaspoon salt. Into this chop or rub 3% cup shortening and add three tablespoons cold water. CHOCOLATE CREAM PIE. 1 cup milk 1 heaping tº a b l e s p o on 2/3 cup sugar cornstarch 2 eggs 1 heaping table s p o on 1 teaspoon vanilla Baker's Chocolate 1 tablespoon sugar Line pie plate with paste. Prick with fork, and bake. For cream use coffee cup milk, sugar, cornstarch, yolks of eggs. Cook in double boiler. When thick, flavor with vanilla and put in crust. Beat whites of eggs. Add grated chocolate, 1 table- spoon sugar, flavor with vanilla and spread on pie. Place in oven and brown. . Mrs. Penfield. LEMON PIE. 1 lemon 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 cup Sugar 3 eggs 1 cup sweet milk Grate one lemon and use juice of one lemon. Pour mixture in a crust and bake slowly. Beat whites to a stiff froth and add 3 tablespoons of sugar and spread on top. Mrs. Chubbuck. 22 PRUNE PIE. 1 cup cooked chopped prunes 14 cup sugar 1 cup cream 1 tablespoon cornstarch Yolks of 2 eggs Pinch of salt When baked, make a meringue of whites of eggs for top. Mrs F. R. Coit. APPLE NUT, WHIPPED CREAM PIE. Line a deep pie tin with a rich crust and bake. Set aside to cool. When ready to serve fill crust with the following: Sweetened apple sauce in which is mixed 3% cup chopped walnut meats. Pour over top whipped cream flavored with vanilla. Serves six persons and is delicious. Mrs. Frank Galvin. ORANGE PIE. 1 orange, grate rind, chop or slice 3% cup sugar the pulp, removing seeds 1 cup sweet milk 4 eggs, save the whites of two 1 heaping teaspoon of for frosting corn starch Cook until thick, bake in rich crust. Mrs. Lucy Gridley. MOCK CHERRY PIE. 1 cup cranberries, chopped 1 level tablespoon corn- 1 cup white sugar starch 1 cup raisins Butter size of small wal- 3% cup water nut Mix sugar, cornstarch and butter with warm water. Line pie plate with a rich pie crust, put in cranberries, then add sugar, etc. Bake with an upper crust. Mrs. Mary P. Oliver. MRS. P. Q. BOYDEN'S MINCE MEAT. 2 quarts chopped meat 8 even tablespoons cinna- 1 quart chopped suet mon 5 quarts chopped apple 4 even teaspoons pepper 4 quarts light brown sugar 1% guarts molasses 1% guarts vinegar 34 lb. butter 6 even tablespoons salt even teaspoons mace even teaspoons cloves nutmegs lemons cups currants lb. chopped raisins : Mix the spices and sugar together, then mix with the meat; then the other ingredients. Use the broth the meat is boiled in to moisten it with. Put whole raisins on the top of pie when filling. CREAM PRUNF PIE. For two pies, wash and stew two cups of prunes, then rub through a colander. Add three cupsful of sweet cream, 23 the beaten yolks of three eggs, one and one-half cupsful of sugar, the beaten whites of the eggs and flavor with pineapple. T}ake With an undercrust. Cover with the beaten Whites of two eggs and two tablespoons of sugar. Flavor with pineapple. Bake twenty-five minutes in a moderate oven. Mrs. H. E. Nye. SOUR CREAM PIE. 1 Cup Sour cream % teaspoon salt 1 cup Sugar % teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup stoned raisins % teaspoon nutmeg 1 beaten egg 34 teaspoon cloves 1 tablespoon vinegar Bits of fruit added if desired. Bake with two crusts. Mrs. A. J. Foss, Mrs. Gorham. PIE PLANT PIE. 1 large cup pie plant 1 handful oyster crackers 1 cup Sugar rolled % cup raisins Dust a little cinnamon and add a bit of butter. Cover and bake brown. Mrs. Lester Nash. APPLE PIE. Firm apples, cooked, sweetened slightly and, strained. To 1 pint apple, 1 pint double cream, yolks of three eggs well beaten, 4% nutmeg. Bake crust first. Add filling with whites On top. Mrs. L. A. Baker. PIE PLANT PIE. Take 1 cup pie plant cut fine, add 2 well beaten eggs, 1 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon cornstarch. Bake with upper and lower crust. Mrs. M. Keeley. APPLE TURNOVER. % cup sugar % cup flour 2 eggs well beaten 2 teaspoons baking pow- 4 tablespoons rich milk or cream der 3% teaspoon vanila Fill the bottom of pudding dish with sliced apples sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar and small pieces of butter. Bake until apples are done. Take out and pour batter over the apples and place in oven again and bake 20 minutes. Serve with whipped cream. Mrs. G. P. Hosford. Pickles, Jellies and Conserves GRANDMA, GLOVER'S GRAPE AND CRANBERRY JELLY. 1 basket Concord grapes 1 quart cranberries Boil and strain separately. Put juices together and pro- ceed as with any other jelly. 24 HIGDON. 2 dozen large green cucumbers 1 teacup white mustard 8 large white onions seed 1 teacup salt 3% teacup black peppers 2 teacups white sugar Chop the cucumbers and onions. Mix with the salt. Put in a colander and let drain over night. In the morning mea- sure the liquid drained off and add the same amount of white vinegar. Add 2 teacupfuls white sugar. Bring to a boil and turn over once. Mrs. H. L. Humphrey. SWEET PICKLED TOMATOES. Slice one peck of green tomatoes and three green peppers, place in a stone jar in layers, sprinkling each layer with salt; cover with boiling water, let stand over night, draw well, add four large onions, sliced, one ounce of whole cinnamon, one ounce of cloves, two pounds of brown sugar, place in a kettle and nearly cover with vinegar; boil slowly until dome. Grace A. Semple. YELLOW TOMATO CONSERVE. 3 pounds little yellow tomatoes 1 ounce ginger root 3 pounds sugar juice of 3 lemons Wash tomatoes, put tomatoes and sugar into kettle. Add boiling water to almost cover. Put in lemon juice and ginger and cook until tomatoes are clear. Skim out tomatoes and allow juice to boil until thick. Return the tomatoes. Boil five minutes. Fill the jars and seal. Elizabeth Sutherland. ORANGE MARMALADE. 1 dozen fine oranges 3 lemons Slice very thin, leaving rind on. For every pound of fruit add 3 pints cold water. Let stand over night. In morning boil from 2 to 3 hours. For every pint of cooked fruit add 1% lbs, granulated sugar and boil 20 minutes. Put in jelly glasses and cover with wax. Mrs. H. D. Brown. MRS. LEWIS THATCHER'S CRAB APPLE PICKLES. Take smooth, perfect trancendent crab apples. Steam un- til the skin cracks a little. Take out by stem. Put in cans. The apples will be hard and seem uncooked. 1 pint good cider vinegar 2 cups Sugar 1 pint Water Add stick cinnamon to taste. Some like cloves. Boil the syrup well. Pour over apples. Add a little more cinnamon in each can. Seal tight. Before using, pour apples and syrup in an earthen or porcelain dish, simmer slowly until apples are tender. If these directions are followed carefully your apples will not mash. 25 PLUM CONSERVE. 1 basket blue or red plums 3 oranges, peeled 5 lbs. Sugar 1 lemon peeled 1 lb. raisins - Cut plums in pieces. Cook one hour, slowly. Goose- berriese, cherries or grapes may be used. Mrs. E. S. Graves. GOLDEN CHIPS. 7 lbs. pumpkins peeled and cut in strips as thin as possible. Cover with 5 lbs. of sugar and let stand over night. Add 6 lemons (the juice and rind) and 34 lb. green ginger. Mix thoroughly and cook one hour. Daisy Campbell Jensch. GRAPE MARMALADE. 2 quarts grape juice (one basket 2 packages seeded raisins makes this amount) 1 good pound walnuts, 3 lbs. sugar broken Mrs. B. J. Price. GINGER PEARS. Use hard or under ripe pears; pare, core and cut into very thin slices. To 8 pounds of pears allow 8 pounds of sugar, 1 cup hot water, and juice of 4 lemons. Cut the lemon rind into thin strips and add. Add 14 pound ginger root cut into small pieces. Simmer until thick as marmalade. Elizabeth Sutherland. TOMATO RELISH. 1 peck tomatoes, ripe 6 Mango peppers 2 cups celery 6 onions, medium 1 cup salt. Small 2 ounces white mustard 1 lb. brown sugar seed 3 pints vinegar % teaspoon nutmeg Peal and chop tomatoes, add chopped celery, the peppers after removing seeds, and chopped onions. Drain each of the the above separately. Seal without heating. Mrs. S. W. Campbell. CHILI SAUCE. 18 ripe tomatoes 3% cup salt 3 onions, chopped fine 2 cupfuls vinegar 2 red peppers, small, or 1 green 1 teaspoon each cloves, One cinnamon 1 cup Sugar Mrs. Robert Dinsmore. CUCUMBER SAUCE, Peel and grate large green cucumbers and drain in a coarse sieve one hour. Season with salt and pepper and add about 1 tablespoonful of vinegar to 1 cup of drained cucumber. Fine With fish. Mrs. H. L. Humphrey. 26 PICCALLILLI. 1 peck green tomatoes 1 pint salt 1 iarge cabbage Vinegar 1 quart brown sugar 1 cup horseradish Chop 1 peck green tomatoes. 1 tablespoon cloves 2 tablespoons cinnamon 2 tablespoons white mus- tard seed 2 small peppers Mix with pint of salt. Let stand over night. Chop cabbage, add to tomatoes and scald in vinegar. Drain and add other ingredients. Cover with cold vinegar. Mrs. R. Dinsmore. MIXED CUCUMBER PICKLES. % peck cucumbers, 4 in. long 1 quart small onions 2 bunches celery 2 large green peppers 2 large red peppers 1 gal. white vinegar 5 cups white sugar 1 small cup salt Slice cucumbers and celery in pieces about 4 inches long; onions very thin, and soak in ice water 3 hours; wipe and pack tight in jars. Add enough water to vinegar to take off the sharpness, heat boiling hot and pour over pickles and seai. Mrs. Brush. FRENCH PICKLES. 1 peck greem tomatoes 6 large onions, sliced 1 quart vinegar Sprinkle with 1 teacup salt and let stand over night. Drain and boil until tender in one quart vinegar and 2 quarts water. Let drain again and pack in jars. 2 quarts vinegar 1 quart Water 4 lbs brown sugar % lb. white mustard seed CUCUMBER SALAD 1 pint vinegar 1 cup Sugar 1 cup Water Cover with the following: 2 tablespoons whole all- spice 2 tablespoons cinnamon 2 tablespoons cloves A little red pepper Mrs. O. S. Sodal. PICKLES. % doz. Small onions % teaspoon ginger 12 teaspoon pepper 1 doz. med. sized cucumbers % teaspoon cinnamon Cut cucumbers and onions in thick slices. Put in bowl in layers with good sprinkling of salt on each layer. Let stand 2 hours, drain, put in kettle with all ingredients, scald and can hot. Mrs. Chas. Arnold. CUCUMBER PICKLES. Pick small cucumbers and wash, then put in pickle, made as follows: To 1 galloll of vinegar, use: 1 cup sugar 1 cup salt 1 cup mustard (ground) Piece of allum size of wal- nut (broken up) Mix sugar, salt and mustard together before adding to vinegar. Mrs. Lucy Gridley. RIPE CUCUMBER RELISH. 6 ripe cucumbers 4 red peppers 6 green tomatoes, medium size 3% cup white mustard seed 3 onions, medium size 3% cup sugar 1 large green pepper Chop tomatoes, cucumbers and onions quite fine and stir in 3% cup salt. Let drain 2 hours. Chop peppers, mix all together and cover well with vinegar. º Mrs. Phipps. MUSTARD PICKLES. 1 quart small cucumbers Dressing 2 quarts cut cucumbers 34 lb. mustard 1 quart small onions % oz. tumeric 3 heads califlower 3 cups Sugar 6 red peppers, cut fine 1 cup flour Leave in brine two days. Mix together with cold vinegar. Heat 3% gallon vinegar and add mixture. Mrs. Herbert Penfield. COLD TOMATO SAUCE. % peck ripe tomatoes 2 heads celery % cup salt 2 tablespoons black pep- 1 Cup Sugar per 1 cup mustard seed 1 teaspoon allspice ground 1 gill nasturtiums 1 large root of horseradish Onion Vinegar Chop and drain tomatoes. Then mix all together, cover with cold vinegar, bottle and seal. Chopped onion may be added. - Miss A. Murdock. Bread, Tea Cakes, Etc. BRAN MUFFINS. 1 cup sour milk 1 teaspoon soda % pint flour Salt 1 pint brain Chopped nuts or raisins 2 tablespoons molasses Add chopped nuts or raisins. Bake in moderate oven. Mrs. Penfield. FRITTERS. 1 pint sweet milk 2 teaspoons baking pow- 4 cups flour der 3 eggs 3% teaspoon salt Take up batter by spoonful and drop into boiling lard. Mrs. Hosford, Mrs. G. W. Slater. 28 SPIDER JOHNNY CAKE. 1 cup sweet milk 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup sour 1 teaspoon salt 1% cups corn meal 2 tableSpoons butter % cup flour Melt butter in Spider. Pour mixture in. When putting in to bake pour over 1 cup sweet milk, but do not stir. Bake from 20 minutes to 3% hour or until firm. Should have veins of custard in it. Mrs. Elwell. BREAD GRIDDI.E CARES. 1% cups fine bread crumbs 2 eggs 1% cups hot milk 3% cup flour 2 tablespoons butter % teaspoon salt 3% teaspoons baking powder Mix in the order given. One cupful of any cooked cereal may be used instead of bread crumbs. Alexandra Saugestad. RAISED MUFFINS 3 cups of Warm Water 2 teaspoons salt 2 heaping basting spoonfuls lard 2/3 cup sugar 2 eggs 2/3 cup yeast Put the warm water in a jar, melt in it the lard. Then add beaten eggs, sugar and salt. Stir in some flour, then add the yeast, then more flour, making the dough as stiff with flour as can be easily stirred with a basting spoon. Let raise until quite light, then push down and let raise again, push down and set away in cool place until needed, covering closely. Put in rings to raise about 4 hours before wanted. Allow 20 minutes to bake. Fill rings about 1/3 full, cover and let raise until rings are full. Mrs. A. H. Barber. WHOLE WHEAT GEMS. 2 cups whole wheat flour 1 egg 1 cup milk 1 level teaspoon salt 2 large tablespoons sugar 3 teaspoons baking powder % cup lard and butter (melt it) in flour Mrs. F. J. Carr. PETTIJOHN'S NUT BREAD. 1 quart Pettijohn's bºre a k fast 1 pint luke warm water Food or milk 1 teaspoon salt 3 cups wheat flour 1 tablespoon sugar 1 compressed yeast cake % cup filberts Put the breakfast food into a bowl. Add salt and sugar. Dissolve yeast in the water or milk. Mix well and let rise until very light. To this add 34 cupful filberts or walnuts, chopped moderately, and 3 cupfuls wheat flour. Knead well. Mould into two loaves and put in well greased pan. Let rise and bake 45 minutes. Should be made in 3% hours. Mrs. L. A. Baker. 29 BROWN BREAD. 1 pint sour milk 1 tablespoon sugar 2 cups graham flour 1 teaspoon salt 2 cups white flour 1 round teaspoon soda 1 cup molasses Bake one hour. Put pan of cold water in oven. Mrs. A. J. Foss. SOFT CORN BREAD OR SPOON BREAD. 2 eggs well beaten 1 heaping teaspoon baking 3 cups milk powder 1 scant cup corn meal 1 tablespoon melted butter 2 tablespoons flour Pinch of Salt (Mix the flour and baking powder in a bit of the corn meal.) Bake in a well greased baking dish, and serve with a Spoon. Requires about half an hour to cook. Mrs. David Humbird. SOUTHERN BEATEN BISCUITS. 1 quart flour 1 teaspoon salt Lard the size of a hen’s egg. Sweet milk and water enough to make a stiff dough. Pound for half an hour, or until the dough blisters. Shape with the the hands into small biscuits and prick with a fork. Mrs. David Humbird. ROLLS. 1 pint new milk 3% tablespoon butter % cup sugar % cup home made yeast % tablespoon lard 2 quarts flour Put milk in double boiler. Let come to boiling point and add sugar, lard and butter. Remove from fire. Stir well and let cool enough to add the yeast and flour. Mix thirty minutes. In morning knead back gently with potato masher twice. Then roll with rolling pin thin. Cut with biscuit cutter. Put one teaspoonful equal parts melted butter and lard in one-half of biscuit, fold over and place in tin, not letting them touch. Let rise very light. Bake in hot oven. (Do not cover with cloth, ever). If dry yeast is used, allowance must be made for the extra water and salt. Breadmixer may be used with good re- sults. Good care and gentle handling will insure success. Mrs. S. W. Campbell. GRAHAM BREAD. 2 cups white bread sponge Graham flour % cup (good measure) New Or- leans molasses - Add graham flour until it can be easily handled, not too stiff. If a fine bread is preferred, sift graham. Set in a warm place to rise. When light, put in tin and let rise again about an hour. Bake slowly one hour and fifteen minutes. Mrs. Michael Keeley. 30 RICE MUFFINS. 2 cups boiled rice 3 eggs 2 cups milk Mix together: 4 cups sifted flour 1 tablespoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 tablespoons sugar Mix together. Put two mixtures together and bake in gem tins. Mr.S. F. J. Carr. BOSTON BROWN BREAD. 1 pint Graham flour 1 cup sweet milk 1 cup corn meal 1 teaspoon soda 2/3 cup molasses 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup sour milk Steam three hours and then put in oven and brown slightly. When first put on water must not be boiling. Mrs. Otis, Mrs. Townsend. BAKED BROWN BREAD. 44 cup molasses 2 teaspoons soda % cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 egg 2 cups graham flour 2 cups sour milk 1 cup white flour Bake in covered pans about 34 hour. (I use 1 lb. coffee cans). Mrs. Herbert Penfield. Cookies, Doughnuts, Etc. DENVER COOKIES. % cup sour cream 1 egg 1 cup butter 1 teaspoon soda (even) 1 cup Sugar Nutmeg 4 cups flour Use a little more than four cupfuls flour. Roll very thin and bake in quick oven. Mrs. H. J. Andersen, Grace Taylor Morse. CHO.COLATE BROWNIES. 1 cup sugar % cup flour 6 thSp. melted Crisco 1 cup chopped walnuts 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 squares chocolate 3 tablespoons boiling 1/3 teaspoon salt Water Cream, crisco and sugar, add eggs well beaten, chocolate dissolved in boiling water, salt flour, vanilla, and nuts. Divide and spread thin in two well greased, square pans and bake in a slow oven for twenty to twenty-five minutes. Cut in strips and serve with ice cream. These are a cross between a cookie and a heavy cake. Sufficient for 50. Elizabeth Sutherland. 31 MOLASSES COOKIES. 1 cup New Orleans molasses 2 large tablespoons vine- 1 cup white sugar gar 1 cup butter 1 scant teaspoon ginger % cup thick sour milk 1 heaping teaspoon saler- 1 egg atus Flour Flour enough to make a soft dough. Put molasses, sugar, and butter together. Then add egg. Put vinegar into sour milk to which add saleratus. Mrs. F. M. Warner. DATE COOKIES. 4 eggs, whites 2 cups dates 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup walnut meats Beat the eggs until stiff. Add the sugar, the dates cut fine the walnuts broken a little, and the vanilla. Drop by teaspoonful on buttered tins leaving plenty of room for them to spread. Bake slowly until brown. Miss Ella Richardson. FRIED AIR. 3 eggs, yolks Pinch Salt 3 tablespoons milk Vanilla Flour Hot 1ard To yolks of eggs, milk, salt and vanilla add flour enough to roll in as thin a sheet as possible. Cut in narrow strips and fry in hot lard. Do not use baking powder. Mrs. C. S. Larsen. FRIED CAKES. 1 cup Sugar % teaspoon saleratus 1 cup sour milk 1 teaspoon cream tartar Butter size of egg 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 eggs Enough flour to mix stiff Mrs. W. H. Johnson. BROWN SUGAR COOKIES. 2 coffee cups brown sugar 1 large nutmeg grated 2 eggs, not beaten 1 teaspoon soda (dissolved 1 cup butter in 1/3 cup water) Mix stiff with flour Mrs. S. J. Bradford. DOUGHNUTS. 4 potatoes 2 eggs Butter size of walnut 4 teaspoons baking pow- 1 cup Sugar der 3% cup sweet milk Salt and nutmeg Cook 4 potatoes the size of an egg, mash and put through a sieve, add a piece of butter the size of a walnut and beat to a cream. When the potatoes are cold, add 1 cup sugar, 32 3% cup sweet milk, 2 eggs beaten, 4 teaspoons baking powder, salt, and flavor with nutmeg. Add flour enough to roll (about 3 cupfuls). Blanch Fulton. CINNAMON STARS. Whites 6 eggs 2 tablespoons cinnamon 1 lb. brown sugar 1 lb ground almonds Stir eggs, sugar and cinnamon for 20 minutes. Take out 4 tablespoonfuls of this mixture and set aside; then add almonds. Cover board well with powdered sugar, roll out and cut with star cutter. Put a drop of plain mixture in center of each. Mrs. Joseph Yoerg. - TRILBYS. 1 cup sugar 3 cups flour 1 cup butter 3% cup butermilk 3 cups oatmeal 1 teaspoon soda Roll thin and bake. FILLING. % lb, dates, chopped 1 cup water 1 cup brown sugar Boil 1 hour. Spread between two cookies. Mrs. Haddow. OATMEAT, DROPS. 1 cup butter 2 small cups oatmeal 1 cup Sugar % cup hot water 1 cup raisins 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 cup nuts 34 teaspoon soda 2 small cups flour Dissolve soda in the water. Mrs. Ray Reid. DROP COOKIES WITH JELLY BETWEEN. 1% cups sugar % teaspoon lemon extract 2/3 cup butter 2 level teaspoons baking 34 cup milk powder 3 eggs 2% cupsful flour or enough to make a fairly stiff dough. Method: Cream the butter and sugar. Add the eggs well beaten, and beat all together thoroughly. Beat in the lemon extract and milk. Add the baking powder, stirred into the flour and mix in the flour with as little stirring as possible. Drop with a teaspoon on greased pans. Bake in a moderately hot oven for five or ten minutes. Place two cookies together with jelly spread between and dip into pulverized sugar. Mrs. David Humbird. GINGER COOKIES. 1% cups sugar 3 eggs 1 cup molasses 2 teaspoons ginger 1 cup butter and lard 2 teaspoons soda Flour to make a soft dough. Mrs. Otis. 33 GINGER COOKIES. SNAPS. 1 cup Sugar 1 even tablespoon ginger % cup molasses 1 teaspoon cinnamon % cup water cold 1 even teaspoon soda sift- % cup shortening ed with the flour CREAM PUFFS. 1 cup hot water 1 cup sifted flour % cup butter 3 eggs Boil water and butter together, while boiling stir in the flour. Take from stove and stir to a smooth paste. After this cools stir in three eggs, not beaten; stir five minutes. Drop in tablespoon on a buttered tin and bake in quick oven 25 minutes. When cool open at side with sharp knife and fill with whipped cream or with the following: 1 cup thin cream 2 tablespoons flour % cup sugar Vanilla 1 egg Cook until it thickens. Mrs. Hosford. Mrs. G. W. Slater. SPICE DROP COORIES. 1 scant cup sugar 2 eggs 1 scant cup New Orleans 1 teaspoon cinnamon Molasses 1 teaspoon cloves 1 scant cup warm water 1 teaspoon soda. 1 cup butter (4% lard) 2% cupsful flour or enough to make a fairly stiff dough. Method: Cream the butter and sugar, add the eggs well beaten, and beat all together thoroughly; beat in the molasses and spices; add the warm water with the soda dissolved in it. Mix in the flour with as little stirring as possible. Dron with a teaspoon on greased pans. Bake in a moderately hot oven from five to ten minutes. Mrs. David Humbird. Mr.S. W. E. Webster. VANILLA DROP COOKIES. 2 eggs 1 cup Sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla. % cup butter 1% teaspoons baking pow- % cup milk (sweet) der 1% cup flour Cream, butter and Sugar. Drop with teaspoon on pans. Bake in moderate oven. Mrs. O. S. Sodal. PEANUT COOKIES. 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon milk 1 cup nuts, chopped 1 teaspoon baking pow- 1 cup flour, large der 1 rounding tablespoon Butter 1 egg Mix butter to a cream, add egg and sugar; then add milk and heat well, next add nuts, baking powder, and flour. Drop with teaspoon into buttered pans about one inch apart. Bake in moderate oven. Mrs. Napier. 34 CHOCOLATE: COOKIES. 1 cup sugar 1 cup raisins % cup sweet milk 1 cup nuts 2 cups flour 3% cup butter (melted) 2 eggs 3 squares chocolate (melt- 1 teaspoon soda (level) ed) Drop in buttered tins; bake in quick oven. Blanche Coit. BLITZKUCHEN. % lb. butter 34 lb. chopped almonds % lb. granulated sugar 4 eggs 34 lb, flour Rind one lemon Stir butter to a cream, add whole eggs, one at a time, beat- ing well; add sugar, leaving a little to spread on top; add grat- ed lemon rind and flour; spread' in a thin layer in buttered pans, then sprinkle with the almomds, chopped and bleached. cinnamon and sugar. Bake in rather hot oven. Cut in squares while hot and leave in pan until cool. Mrs. C. C. Napler. Cakes. BROWN STONE CAKE. First Part. % cup water 2 squares chocolate % cup sugar 1 egg (yolk) Boil until thick and set aside to cool. Second Part. 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 3% cup butter 1% cups flour #3 cup water 1 teaspoon soda (small) Cream, butter and sugar; add yolks; 1st part, flour, soda and whites of eggs, beaten stiff. Mrs. H. C. Mickiesen. WHITE LAYER CARE. 1% cups flour after sifting 1 heaping teaspoon bak- 1 cup Sugar ing powder 2 eggs (white) Put in measuring cup whites of eggs (not beaten), then fill cup until half full of soft butter. Then fill with sweet milk. Put all together in dish and beat, the longer beaten the better. Mrs. H. M. Nye. ONE EGG CAKE. 34 cup butter 1 egg well beaten % cup sugar 1/3 teaspoon vanilla Sift 1 and 1/3 cups Swansdown flour and 1% teaspoons 35 baking powder together 2 or 3 times, add alternately with 4% cup milk a little at a time, bake in shallow pan. Mrs. Frank Galvin. MAPLE FROSTING. 1 pint maple syrup 4% lb. marshmallows 34 cup butter 3 or 4 tablespoons boiling Water Cook syrup and butter until it will form a soft ball. Add hot water to marshmallows and set the pan over boiling water. When marshmallows are partly melted, beat into the syrup mixture and continue beating until the whole is smooth and cool enough to remain on the cake. Mrs. R. S. Roe. CHOCOLATE GLAZE FOR CARES. % cup sugar 3% teaspoonful vanilla 3 tablespoons Water 1 oz. Baker’s chocolate To sugar add 2 tablespoons water and stir over fire until sugar is nearly melted. Remove spoon and boiſ gently 4 minutes. Let cool. Add vanilla. When blood warm beat thick and white. Place in pan of boiling water and stir until thin enough to pour. Dissolve chocolate and add 1 tablespoon hot water. Add to syrup and spread. Miss M. Macartney. SPONGE CAEKE. 6 eggs 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 cup sugar, granulated or teaspoon vanilla 1 cup flour Beat the yolks and sugar together for 20 minutes without stopping. Add flavoring. Beat whites until stiff and dry, fold them in lightly, then sift in flour and fold in carefully without any stirring. Bake in funnel cake pan from forty to sixty minutes. When done, invert the pan and let stand until cold. To make this cake well, requires strength in beating and judg- ment in baking. Mrs. W. H. Phipps. CHRISTMAS CARE. 3% cup butter 3% cup Eng. Walnut meats 1 cup fine granulated sugar 3% cup raisins, chopped 3% cup milk 34 cup citron, cut 1% cup flour 2% teaspoons baking pow- 3 eggs - der Cream, butter, and add gradually, while beating constantly, sugar; then add yolks of eggs beaten, milk, flour mixed and sifted with baking powder, and whites of eggs beaten stiff. Add to above and beat thoroughly. Turn into buttered and floured angel cake pan. Bake in a moderate oven fifty minutes. Add nuts, raisins and citron. Irma Day Hall. p DEVIL’S FOOD. 1 cup brown Sugar % cup milk 1 cup grated chocolate Set on stove in double boiler until all is dissolved, but do not boil. When cold stir in part second. 36 Part Second. 1 cup brown sugar 2 cups flour 1 small 3% cup butter 1 teaspoon soda (sifted Yolks of 3 eggs into the flour) 3% cupful milk Bake in layers and frost with cream frosting. Mrs. T. F. Young. Mrs. H. C. Hansen. FAIRY CARE. 1% cups sugar 2% cups flour, after sifted % cup butter 1 teaspoonful cream tartar % cup milk 1 level teaspoon soda 4 eggs (beaten separately) 1 teaspoon vanilla Beat butter and sugar to a cream, add milk and yolks, then the beaten whites, to which add the cream of tartar, then the flour with soda, added. Bake in moderate oven 45 minutes. This makes a fine grained cake if Swansdown Cake flour is used. Maria Macartney. DEVIL’S CAKE. Part 1. % cup grated chocolate 3% cup milk % cup brown Sugar Boil in double boiler. Part 2. % cup butter 2 eggs 1 cup brown Sugar 1 teaspoon soda #3 cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups flour Cool part 1 and stir in part 2. Bake in three layers. Agnes Crary. HONEY MOON GINGER CARE. % cup sugar 2% cups flour % cup butter 1 teaspoon cloves 1 cup molasses 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup boiling Water 1 teaspoon ginger 2 eggs 2 teaspoons soda. Put sugar, shortening and molasses together and over these pour boiling water. Soda and spices added with the flour and the eggs, well beaten, added last. A cup of raisins and nuts may be used and a very good spice cake is the result. May also be baked in layer. Mrs. W. B. Andrews. CREAM CARE. 2 eggs 1 heaping teaspoon bak- Cream ing powder 1 cup Sugar - Lemon flavor 1% cups flour 37 Put eggs in measuring cup and fill with cream. Place all toegther in bowl and beat well. Flavor with lemon. Sweet or sour cream can be used. If sour cream is used, add 3% teaspoon soda. This is good for loaf or layer. - Mrs. J. K. Mellon. MARSHIMALLOW CARE. 3% cup butter - 2 eggs 1% cup sugar 2 teaspoons baking pow- 1% cup flour der Warm wateri 1 teaspoon vanilla Pinch of Salt Cream butter and sugar. To well beaten yolks add luke warm water to fill cup. To 3% cup of the sifted flour add bak- ing powder. Beat all 5 minutes, then add whites of eggs beaten stiff. ICING. 1 cup marshmallow 6 tablespoons hot water 2 cups Sugar 2 eggs, whites Cut marshmallows in two or three pieces each. Cook sugar and water until it hairs. To beaten whites add the marshmallows just before pouring on the boiled sugar. Stir until stiff enough to spread. Mrs. Charlotte Hills. CREAM CARAMEL CAKE. 3% cup butter 2 teaspoons baking pow- 2 cups sugar der 2/3 cup sweet milk 5 eggs, whites 3 cups flour Flavor Stir butter and sugar to cream. Sift flour and baking powder together. Last, add whites of eggs, beaten to stiff froth, flavor. Beat very thoroughly and bake in two layers. FILLING. 2 cups granulated sugar Cream tartar 2/3 cup boiling water Flavor Cream tartar size of a common bean. Stir all together for 10 minutes. Set on stove and boil until it will ball when dropped into cold water. Do not stir while boiling. Take from stove. Flavor. Let cool until you can bear finger in it, then stir until creamy white. Mrs. Lucy Gridley. SPONGE CAKE. 4 eggs 4 tablespoons cold water 1% cups sugar 2 level teaspoons Cream 2 cups flour Tartar % cup boiling water 1 teaspoon soda 45 minutes moderate oven Sift flour, soda and cream tartar three times. Put sugar in an earthen dish, add the cold water, yolks, and a little salt; beat until light and creamy, add hot water, mix well, and let 38 stand while the whites are beaten stiff; add them to the batter after the flour. Flavor with rose. 2 teaspoons baking pow- der can be used instead of soda. Mr.S. J. M. Oliver. MARSHMALLOW DEVIL’S CAKE For CuStard Part: 1 cup grated chocolate 1 yolk egg 1 cup brown Sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 3% cup sweet milk Stir all together in double boiler until thick. Let cool. Cake Part: 1 cup brown Sugar 3% cup sweet milk 2 cups flour 2 eggs 3% cup butter 1 teaspoon soda Cream butter, sugar and yolks. Add milk, sifted flour, and whites of eggs beaten stiff. Beat all together, then stir in custard and add soda dissolved in a very little warm wa- ter. FILLING. 2 cups white sugar 3 whites of eggs 10 teaspoons hot water 1 cupful walnut meats 34 teaspoon cream tartar Boil until thick like candy. Put in 32 marshmallows pul- led apart. Boil again. Then stir in whites of eggs beaten stiff. When almost cold add chopped walnuts and beat unti! cold. Spread thick in layers. Anna F. Smith. FILLING FOR CARE. % cup sugar 1 white of egg 1 lemon 1 large tart apple Beat white of egg to stiff froth, add sugar, grated apple, and juice and rind of one lemon. Mix well and spread between any layer cake. Mrs. C. C. Napier. CARAMEL FROSTING. 2% cups brown sugar 5 tablespoons cream 3% cup water Cook sugar and water until brittle when dropped into water. Remove from fire and stir in the cream. Stir until cold. If too stiff when cooling add a little cream. Mr.S. R. Slater. GON_D CAKE. 3% cup butter 1/3 cup cornstarch 1% cups sugar 1 teaspoon cream tartar 34 cup sweet milk 4% teaspoon soda - 2 cups sifted flour Flavor to suit Use one whole egg and yolks of eight. Mrs. J. A. Andrews. 39 CHRISTMAS CARE. 1 cup lard % teaspoon cloves 3 cups brown sugar 5 cents worth of candied 3 cups apple sauce, (strained) Orange peel 4 teaspoons soda (level) 5 cents worth of citron 2 lbs. raisins 1 cup of almonds, blanched 1 mutmeg 1 cup walnuts 2% tablespoons cinnamon 4 cups flour % teaspoon allspice Salt Mame Whaley Allen. MARSHMALLOW CARE. % lb. marshmallow Little vanilla and sugar % pint cream Soak marshmallows in the cream over night. If the cream is thick in the morning do not whip. Use 3% of the Angel food receipt. for layers. Mrs. McIntire. NEW BOILED FROSTING. 1 cup Sugar - % cup water 1 tablespoon vinegar 2 eggs Boil until brittle. Pour over beaten whites of 2 eggs Beat until cold. Grace T. Morse. SOUR CREAM FROSTING, 1 1/3 cup white sugar 1 pinch soda 2/3 cup brown sugar 3% cupful unsweetened 2/3 cup sour cream chocolate 1 cup chopped nuts 1 teaspoon vanilla Boil until like soft gum when tested in water. Then cool. Add vanilla and beat briskly. Lastly add 1 cup chopped nuts. - - Helen Clark Phipps NEVER FAIL ANGEL CARE. 7 eggs, whites 1 teaspoon cream tartar 1 cup Sugar Pinch of salt 1 cup flour Flavor Beat whites and gradually stir in sugar, salt and flavor. Little at a time cut in flour mixed with cream of tarter. Bake in slow oven. Extra sifting of sugar and flour are not Inecessary. Mrs. C. S. Larsen. WHITE CAKE. 4 eggs, whites 1 cup sweet milk % cup butter 2% cups flour, after sifted 2 cups sugar (scant) 2 tsps. baking powder Crealm butter and sugar. Add slowly and alternately the flour and milk and lastly the beaten whites of eggs. Mrs. H. E. Nye. Daisy Campbell Jensch. 40 DATE CAKE. 1 cup of dates, over which pour 1 cup boiling water and stone. After stoning and cutting up dates, pour over them 1 cup boiling water, add 1 teaspoon soda, let stand until cool. Cream 1 large tablespoon butter with 1 cup sugar, 1% cups flour, 1 cup walnuts, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Mrs. Barbara Bradford. ALMOND CAKES. 12 oz. Sugar 6 oz. ground almonds (do 12 oz. flour not blanch) 12 oz. butter 1 egg Bake in small tins. Mrs. Joseph Yoerg. CARAMEL FROSTING. 1 cup sugar 2 eggs (whites) #3 cup water - 3% teaspoon vanilla. Boil water and sugar until it forms ball when dropped in water. Pour into the whites of beaten eggs. While beating brown 2 tablespoons white sugar, pour into white frosting, beating rapidly. Mrs. E. A. Harding. CONFECTIONER'S FROSTING. 2 tabelspoons boiling water or Confectioner's sugar Cream. Flavoring To liquid add enough sifted sugar to make right consistency to spread. Then add flavoring. Fresh fruit juice may be add- ed in place of boiling water. Mrs. H. E. Nye. CHOCOLATE FROSTING. 3 tablespoons grated chocolate 4 tablespoons of boiling 1 cup of sugar Water Mix sugar and chocolate, add boiling water. Add 1 egg, beating yolk and white separately, putting white in last. Boil well and stir until cool. Mrs. W. B. Andrews. SOUR CREAM PEANUT FROSTING. 1 cup Sour cream 1% cups brown sugar Boil about three minutes, add 1 cup chopped peanuts, (the peanuts help thicken the frosting) Beat until cool and spread. Mrs. Frank Galvin. JELLY ROLL. 4 eggs 2 tablespoons cold water 1 cup Sugar !: #ſou - 1 teaspoon lemon extract 2 teaspoons baki g’ powder Pinch of salt in eggs Beat eggs very light, sift flour, baking powder and sugar together and add to eggs, mix well, add cold water last and stir very little after water is added. Mr.S. M. E. Stewart. 41 ANNA ANSLEY MARTIN'S “SPICE CAKE.” 1 cup butter 2 eggs 1 cup molasses 1 tablespoon cinnamon 2 cups brown Sugar 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 cup strong coffee % teaspoon ginger 4% cups flour 1 teaspoon soda 1 lb. nuts 1 lb raisins Whites and yolks beaten separately. MOLASSES LAYER CARE. 2 eggs 1 teaspoon soda 1/3 cup butter % teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup molasses 34 teaspoon ginger % cup sour milk or buttermilk 2 cups flour Bake in three layers and put together with icing flavored with lemon. Mrs. Annie M. Norton. COJ_ONIAL I)AME SPONGE CAKE. 1 lb. sugar Grated rind and juice of 1 lb. eggs 1 lemon % lb. flour (sifted) After weighing the flour and sugar, break the eggs care- fully into the same bowl and weigh. Take the yolks out without breaking — into the bowl you stir your cake in, and beat until creamy. Add sugar and lemon; beat 15 minutes, or even longer, then fold in the flour, and whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth, alternately (do not beat them in). Bake in long narrow deep tins — two loaves. Have the oven moderately hot. Mrs. H. C. Baker. SPONGE CARE. Whites of 11 eggs Pinch of Salt and cream 1% cups granulated sugar of tartar Yolks of 7 eggs 1 cup flour sifted, 5 times Flavor Beat 11 whites very stiff, then add pinch of salt and of cream of tartar. Sift 1% cupfuls sugar 3 times and add to the beaten whites. Then add the yolks of 7 eggs (beaten). Sift an even cupful flour 5 times and stir in. Finally add a tea- spoonful each of any two kinds of flavoring desired. Bake the cake in a slow oven for an hour, using an ungreased tin, with a hole in the middle. Mrs. W. H. Johnson, Sixth Street. FILLING FOR CARE. 1 cupful sweet cream 2 tablespoons cornstarch % cup nut meats (heaping) 1 or 2 yolks of eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla. 2 tablespoons sugar Beat eggs light and add sugar and cornstarch. When cream is nearly boiling add these. Stir very little. Cook just enough to cook cornstarch. When cool add nuts and vanilla. Mrs. M. E. Stewart. 42 CHOCOLATE CARE. 2 squares chocolate Butter size of Walnut % cup boiling water 2 yolks and 1 white of egg 1 cup sugar 1 level teaspoon soda % cup sour cream 1% cup flour Add chocolate to boiling water and let cool. Add chocolate to other ingredients, last. FILLING. 1 cup sugar 1 scant thsp. vinegar % cup cold water Marshmallows Cook without stiring until it hardens in water. 5 cents worth marshmallows cut up in frosting and beat until dis- solved. Mrs. Matteson. CHOCOLATE NUT FROSTING. 1 cup broken walnut meats 2 squares chocolate 2 cups sugar 2 egg whites % cup water Boil sugar and water until it threads. Remove from fire. Let cool while whites are beaten. Beat whites and syrup to- gether until partially cooled. Add melted chocolate vanilla and walnuts meats. Mrs. H. J. Andersen. CREAM CARAMEL FROSTING. 2 cups brown sugar Lump butter size of wal- 1 cup cream nut Put all into a spider and cook until a little dropped into cold water can be rolled up into a soft ball. Then take from stove and stir or beat till it is thick enough to spread nicely on top of cake. - Mrs. Evans. SNOW CARE. 94 cup butter 3 level teaspoons baking 1% cups sugar powder 2 cups flour 7 eggs, whites 1 cup cornstarch 1 teaspoon lemon or 1 cup milk vanilla, Beat butter to a cream and gradually add sugar. Sift to- gether several times, flour, cornstarch and baking powder, and add to butter and sugar alternately with one cup milk. Then add the beaten whites of egg and extract. Bake in two pans or one large sheet about 40 minutes. Mr.S. R. S. Roc. WALNUT CARE. 2 cups brown sugar 3% lb. raisins 3% cup butter 1 lb. English walnuts 1 cup sour milk 1 teaspoon cloves 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon cinnamon 5 yolks of eggs 1 teaspoon soda Mrs. W. E. Webster. Mrs. H. Matteson. 43 WHITE FRUIT CAKE. 2 cups sugar 2 tsp. baking powder 1 cup butter 1 lb. seeded raisins 1 cup sweet milk 1 lb. figs 2% cups flour 1 lb. blanched almonds 1 cup grated cocoanut % lb. citron 7 whites of eggs 1 teaspoon lemon extract All fruit chopped fine. Bake slowly 2 hours. T. M. Dinsmore. POTATO CHOCOLATE CAKE. 1 cup butter 1 teaspoon cinnamon 2 cups sugar 1 teaspoon cloves % cup sweet milk 1 teaspoon nutmeg 2/3 cup grated chocolate 1 teaspoon vanilla 1% cups chopped walnuts 4 eggs 1% cups flour 1 cup finely mashed pota- 2 teaspoons baking powder toes Add potato before milk, Bake in loaf and frost. This will keep as well as fruit cake. Mrs. A. G. Armstrong. Torte. SCHAUM TORTE. Whites of six eggs 1 tablespoon vinegar 2 cups sugar 1 teaspoon flavoring Beat eggs until stiff, slowly sift in sugar, add vinegar and flavoring. Bake in shallow pans one hour, Slow oven. Use any fruit as filling and serve with whipped cream. Dorothy Everson. DATE TORTE. Follow directions for Schaum Torte, add 3% pound of dates, chopped. Bake in deep pan and serve with cream. Bake very slowly. Dorothy Everson. CHALME TORTE. Whites of 3 eggs, beaten stiff, 3% tablespoon vinegar, and % teaspoon vanilla mixed with eggs. Fold in 1 cup sugar. Put in tin with tin and wax paper both buttered, bake in slow Oven about one hour and 15 minutes. Serve with pieces of fruit (fresh or canned) on top, with a spoon full of whipped cream over it. Mrs. Lucy Gridley. Ices and Ice Creams. MAPLE FRANGO. 1 cup maple syrup yolks of 4 eggs 1 cup cream Put syrup in a double boiler, beat yolks to a froth, stir 44 into the syrup until it thickens. Remove from fire, strain through sieve and set aside to cool. Whip the cream and stir into the cool syrup, and freeze. Mrs. E. E. Mayer. LEMON SHERBET FOR THIRTY. 2 quarts water, boiling 4 Oranges, juice 4 cups sugar 4 eggs, whites 10 lemons juice Boil sugar and water fifteen minutes. Let get cold. To the juice of the lemons and oranges strained, add the syrup. Freeze. When nearly done stir in the whites beaten to a stiff froth Mrs. H. C. Baker. CARAMEL ICE CREAM. (1 gal) 1 quart milk 3 pints cream 3 eggs 1/3 cup flour, scant 3 cups Sugar Scald milk. Beat eggs : add 1% cups sugar and 1/3 cup flour : stir milk into this slowly : cook twenty minutes. Brown 1% cups sugar : add slowly into the custard, stirring constantly Cool. Add cream and freeze. Helen Clark Phipps. LEMON MILK SHERBET. 1 pint sugar 1 quart milk 1 cup water 4 lemons Boil sugar and water to a syrup but not enough to hair. Cool. Add 1 quart milk and when partially frozen add juice of four lemons. Helen Clark Phipps. DELICIOUS SHERBET. Two large oranges Two cups Sugar Two lennons Two bananas mashed with the sugar Add two cups of water, the juice of the lemons and oranges. Squeeze all through a strainer, a half cup of raspberry juice of canned raspberry; add to the flavor and color, and just before freezing add the beaten whites of two eggs. This will serve sixteen persons. The raspberry juice may be omitted. Freeze in freezer. Mrs. H. E. Nye. MAPLE ICE-CREAM. 1 quart milk % cup flour 3 cups white sugar 3 pints cream 3 eggs Make custard of milk, flour, eggs and 1% cups sugar. Brown 1% cups sugar, add to custard. When cool add cream and freeze. Mrs. J. L. Geddes. 45 CHO.COLATE SAUCE FOR ICE-CREAM. % cup sugar 4 tablespoons chocolate 1 Cup Water 1 tablespoon Arrow Root 3% cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla Salt 1 stick cinnamon Boil sugar and cinnamon in one cup water. Strain and add chocolate dissolved in the milk and arrow root dissolved in 44 cup water. Boiſ 5 minutes. Add vanilla. Maria Macartney. Candies. FONDANT FOR FRENCH CANDY. Boil: 2 quarts sugar Vanilla 1 quart water Use a marble slab. When the syrup commences to thicken drop a little on the slab. Then take a pancake turner and move these drops. If a white iine is seen to follow the turner, the candy is done. Then pour it all on the slab and as soon as possible stir with the hands until it becomes hard enough to knead. Add a few drops of vanilla and knead until white and cold. Then the fruit or nuts or coloring, etc., can be used as wished. Alice Chubbuck. CREAM, CANDY. % pint water 1 level tablespoon butter 1 pint granulated sugar Put water, sugar and butter together and dissolve. Cook until when dropped in water it is hard enough to dent. Do not stir while boiling. Pour over buttered marble slab. Pull when hot. T. M. Dinsmore. FUDGE. 2 cups granulated sugar Butter size of walnut % cup milk and cream Vanilla 1 square chocolate Melt sugar and chocolate in milk at low temperature. Do not stir while cooking, unless cooking at a very high tem- perature, and then only occasionally. Cook until a little drop- ped into cold water can be rolled into soft ball. Add butter. Pour into dish and let stand until cold or nearly so. Add vanilla and beat vigorously until creamy, or not too thick to pour on buttered dish. Jane Hemminger. FUDGE. 3 cups Sugar % teaspoonful cream tar- 2/3 cups milk tar 3 squares Baker's chocolate Butter size of an egg Vanilla 46 Boil until it makes a soft ball when dropped in water. Let stand until stone cold, then beat. Mary Dinsmore Klingbeil. PARISIAN SWEETS. 1 lb. dates 1 lb. English walnuts 1 lbs. figs Chop and work in confection sugar until well mixed. Cut in squares, roll in sugar, pack in tin box with paper between. Mrs. W. C. Johnson. PEANUT BAR. 1 cup Sugar % cup cold water 1 cup molasses 1 teaspoon salt 3% cup butter Boil until it hardens in cold water; add 3 quarts of peanuts Spread thin in pans and when partly cool, cut in bars. Mrs. F. J.Carr SEA FOAM. 3% cup water 2 cups sugar 34 cup corn syrup Whites of 2 eggs Boil and when candy becomes brittle in water, beat into the whites of 2 eggs. Add nuts or candied fruit. Helen Clark Phipps ***** Weights and Measures. 1 cup flour, milk, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . equals 3% pint 2 cups butter . . . . . . . ------------------- . . . . . . . . equals 1 lb. 2% cups powdered sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . equals 1 lb. 2 cups (1 pint) water or milk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . equals 1 lb. 3 cups Indian meal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . equals 1 lb. 4 cups dry flour . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... equals 1 lb. 10 eggs . . . . . ----------------- - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . ... equals 1 lb. 2 cups minced beef ... . . . . ------- ------------- ... equals 1 lb. 1 gill liquid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . equals 3% cup 1 tablespoon granulated sugar, heaping . . . . . . . . equals 1 oz. 2 tablespoons powdered sugar, heaping . . . . . . . . . equals 1 oz. 2 tablespoons flour, heaping . . . . . . . . . . . . -------- equals 1 oz. 2 tablespoons ground coffee, heaping . . . . . . . . . . . equals 1 oz. 1 tablespoon milk, vinegar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . equals 3% oz. 1 lemon, juice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . equals 2 thisp. 1 cup suet chopped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - . . . . . . . . equals 4 oz. 1 cup bread crumbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - . . . . . . equals 4 oz. 1 cup brown sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . equals 3% lb. 1 cup raisins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . equals 3% lb. Soups . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Fish . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - 4 Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 6 Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Meats . . . . . . . . . . ------------------------------- . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Vegetables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . 10 Salads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Puddings & Sauces . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14 Pies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22 Pickles, Jellies & Conserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Bread, Tea-cakes, etc. . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- . . . 28 Cookies, Doughnuts, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Cakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - . . . . .35 Torte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Ices & Ice Creams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Candies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 46 48