- ={}= ºf VITA FOODS | Palatable and Nourishing Foods—Rich in Vitamins and the Precious Organic Salts. Vitamin Foods Promote Growth Children Vigor of and Health Adults VITAMIN FOOD CO., INC. Gotham National Bank Building 1819 Broadway New York Vitamins are a food, not a drug. V E G E X EGEX is a vitalized food which sup- V plies in a highly concentrated form essential Vitamins which are either lacking or not contained in sufficient quan- tities to sustain vigorous health in the or- dinary foods we eat. The daily use of Vegex will assure you of an abundant supply of this vital food ele- ment in delicious form. Each pound of Vegex contains the Vitamins and precious organic salts of 22 pounds of rich brewery yeast. In our processes of ex- traction and manufacture, much of the non- Vitamin-carrying portions of the yeast are eliminated, and with these unessential por- tions go the other objectionable qualities of yeast as a food—its unattractive odor and taste, its ferments, etc. Vegex is essentially a food and in addi- tion to its unique Vitamin content it con- tains 35% protein and valuable phosphates. As the body does not store Vitamin B a daily supply is most important in the regular diet. Vegex is endorsed by THE GOOD HOUSE- EEE PING MAGAZINE. It is used extensively in hospitals an º' sanitariums to feed in valids and convales- cents because of its great nourishing qual- ities and its palatable, delicious flavor. In - valids unable to retain any other food, retain and build up on Vegex. - wVºſtºnu ºre- - - - - wo-v vegex is packed in porcelain jars: Trial size, 2 oz. 35 cents Small size, 4 oz. …—--" 65 cents Medium size, 8 oz $1.20 Family size, 16 oz. tins--- i." - Two pound tins …—ºver $3. Your body, charged with Vitamins resists disease. EMINENT SCIENTISTS ENDORSE VEGEX VITAFOODS SUPPLY WHAT THE COOK, THE CANNER AND THE MILLER DESTROY CIENCE has demonstrated that overcook- ing, baking, boiling, pasteurizing, dehy- drating and canning have a destructive effect on the highly organized, life-promoting elements in food now known as Vitamins. Milling, bolting, and over-refining of cereals, as in the making of white flour, remove the life giving mineral salts and Vitamins which the mother plant has provid- ed for the growth of its embryonic offspring in germ and outer layer. Vitafoods supply in richest form the essen- tial Vitamins so feebly present or entirely absent from most cooked and canned foods, especially of city dwelling people, and from some types of pasteurized milk of growing children. The daily use of Vegex and Vitafood will assure any family an abundant vsupply of these Vitamin elements in delicious form. Experiments made by the Pure Food Spec- ialist, Prof. J. C. Drummond, of London, and by the Lister Institute of Preventive Med- icine, London, show that Vegex is many times richer in Vitamin B than any other food-stuff known to science. Recent scientific experiments reported in the London Lancet of Dec. 10, 1921, show beyond doubt that Vegex is a most power- ful but wholly natural stimulant to the ap- petite and an important aid to digestion, as- similation and body building through the power of its Vitamin B content, - Get your Vitamins through your kitchen. 3. Vitamin deficiency means lessened resistence. ADVICE TO THE HOUSEWIFE AND MOTHER ATURE put an almost perfect balance N of Vitamin into mother's milk, and an almost equal balance into cow's milk. Breast fed babies of healthy mothers are assured their Vitamin ration even though the mother draw on her own tissues to sup- ply it, which she must do unless her own diet is rich enough in Vitamins to replace what she gives. But growing children are fed too much sterilized or pasteurized milk, milled and de- vitalized bread, and cereal and super-cooked food of all kinds. All of these processes lower and in some cases wholly destroy the Vitamin potency of these primary foods. A slight supplementary diet, therefore, of richly vitaminized food is an insurance against Vitamin hunger and Vitamin star- Vation in childhood. The Vitamins in Vegex are fairly resis- tive to heat, and Vegex may be cooked for moderate periods in combination with other foods without materially decreasing the Vita- min content while adding materially to the flavor of the dish. As a general rule, however, Vegex should be added after the cooking process has been completed. Twenty years of tried and tested exper- ience lies behind VEGEX as a food, and as a natural appetizer. The following sugges- tions, if tried by any housewife or mother should prove this experience anew. Many more combinations of VEGEX are possible than are given in this booklet for supplying the family, and especially children with the needed Vitamins, through the kitchen and over the dining-room table. The ingenious cook or housewife can find a hundred combinations and different ways in which she can use Vegex. When you in- vent a special dish, or discover a new Vegex combination, I would be glad to have you write out the recipe, and send it to me as your contribution to this great forward movement. Mollie Griswold Christian 171 West 71st St., New York. No Vitamins, means no sound teeth. 4. Veger is a concentrated Vitamin food. SOURCES AND USES OF VITAMINS Vitamin A dissolves in fat, and is there- fore called “fat soluble”. It is present in cream, butter, and Codliver oil (crude cod- liver oil is 250 times richer than butter in the Vitamin A) and is found also in fresh cabbage, carrots, yolks of eggs and in the germ of yellow, but not of white corn. This vitamin is indispensable to growth, but does not do its share in body building unless there is present with it Vitamin B. Vitamin B, is called “water soluble” because º dissolves in Water. It is found in the wheat germ, the outer covering of the wheat Brain, the germ of rice, but more abundantly n fresh, growing vegetables, and especially n the growing cells of Yeast. This Vitamin supplies nerve reserve, prevents and cures Wertain forms of neuritis and nervous debility nd stimulates appetite, assimilation and growth. Vitamin C is found abundantly in lemon and orange juice and in many fresh veg- etables. Animals store it slightly in their muscle tissues, getting it from the plants they eat. It increases body tone, protects against bone diseases and is a very marked agent in tooth, enamel and bone formation. Vitamin D, associated with A, plays its art in body building, especially regulating he use of lime in building bony structure. Certificate of Vitamin Content Professor Lewis B. Allyn, Director of the Westfield Testing and Research Laboratories, Westfield, Mass., national- ly known food expert and chemist, after experimentation, issued the following certificate of Vitamin content: “Our feeding tests show VEGEX to be the most potent carrier of the Water-soluble B. Vitamin We have ever seen. The Christian Vitafood Wafers show a higher Vitamin potency than milk and many times more potency than baker's yeast, They are particularly rich in the fat soluble A and the water solubles, B and C. (Signed) Lewis B. Allyn.” |— - - T "eger bouillon instead of coffee as a morning drink. 5 Vitafoods are better than milk for growing childre. Suggestions and Recipes for using Vegex y MOLLIE GRISWOLD CHRISTIAN Author of “EN cycloPAEDIA of CookERY” in collaboration with the Author of “THE GoLDEN RULE Cook Book” (Little, Brown & Co., Boston) FOREWORD. CIENCE cannot yet tell us exactly wha Vitamins are. They have thus far prove too complex in their structure, too clos to the essence of life itself to yield to an known chemical analysis. - We do not know what electricity is. W do not see electricity in a motor, we se only matter in motion. We do not hea electricity in a telephone, we hear it man ifested in sound. So too with Vitamins, w know them by the physiological powers the wield in the human body. This little booklet aims to show the man deliciously palatable ways in which VEGE (vegetable extract) can supplement our dai meals, bringing a rich Vitamin content t any menu, and especially into the diet growing children who need Vitamins mo than any others except the sick. Vegex disappeared from the America food market during the Great War becaus the British Government, knowing its uniqu value in fortifying soldiers against diseas and increasing their vitality and health commandeered almost the entire world ou put of Vegex, or Marmite, as it is called i England, for use in the British army. Ma mite was added to the ration of the soldie to give the diet full nutritional value an Vitamin content. A British army was besieged by the Turk in the desert city of Rut, Mesopotamia. Th soldiers were incapacitated by thousanſ with what we now know as Vitamin Starv tion. Seven British bombing planes we sent to the rescue. They did not carry bomb but packages of Vegex (Marmite) the Vit: min extract of yeast, rich and concentrate This great life saving food we now offer our fellow workers. == & Veger promotes growth in weak children. 6 - l'egea is rich in organic body building suits. VEGEX AS A BREAKFAST DRINK VEGEX B0 UiLL0 N. No other simple broth known contains as much flavor and nutriment as that made from 1/4 to 1/3 teaspoonful of Vegex dissolved in 1 cup of hot water, this making a perfect Plain Bouillon. The product is so pure, and so sensitive to other flavors, that salt and pepper should be very sparingly used. VEGEX BiSQUE. 3 cups of milk, cream or half-and-half Salt, pepper and celery salt 3 teaspoons Vegex Bring the milk, cream or half and half to the boiling point, being careful that it shall not boil. Add seasoning, Vegex dissolved in hot water and serve. - SANDWICHES FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN AND AFTERNOON LUNCHES EGG AND 0 LIVE SANDWI CHES. 3 ripe olives - * Vegex butter Mayonnaise dressing 2 pimentoes 1 hard boiled egg Chop the egg fine and mince the olives and pimen- toes. Mix all with the dressing and place between slices of bread which have been spread with Vegex butter. * Mir Peger and sweet butter in the proportion of 1 part of Veger to 2 parts of butter. CLUE SAND WICHES. Tomatoes Toast - Lettuce Chopped Parsley Salad Dressing Vegex butter Cooked Chicken On a slice of toast which has been spread with Vegex butter place a lettuce leaf, spread with mayon- naise dressing and a thin slice of chicken. Over this place another piece of lettuce, then mayonnaise, then thin slices of tomatoes, sprinkled with chopped parsley, more lettuce and dressing. On this place another piece of buttered toast. Press firmly to- gether and cut in half. Serve with toast hot. NUT AND OLIVE SAN DWI CHES. Ripe olives egex butter Grated nuts Whole wheat bread or Cream cheese or crackers Peanut butter Stone and chop fine ripe olives. Add an equal amount of the cream cheese or peanut butter, as preferred, and mix thoroughly. Place between slices of bread or crackers, spread with Vegex butter. Use Veger as a daily food for children and adults. Pitamins control tooth and bone formation. VEGEX - CHEESE SANDWICHES. Cream cheese Vegex Lemon juice Whole wheat bread To 1 rounding teaspoon of cream cheese add 34 teaspoon Vegex, which has been dissolved in a very little lemon juice. Mix well and spread between crackers or bread. CREAM CHEESE AND NUT SANDWICHES. 1 small chopped onion 1 tablespoon chopped walnuts 2 ounces cream cheese 1 teaspoon chopped parsley Salt and paprika Few drops of 1emon juice 1 teaspoon Vegex butter Mix all ingredients thoroughly and spread between whole wheat or graham bread. CHICKEN SALAD SANDWICHES. Cooked chicken Mayonnaise dressing Chopped celery Salt and paprika Ripe olives egex Lettuce Whole wheat bread Dissolve 4 teaspoon of Vegex with the mayonnaise and mix with all the ingredients, which have been chopped fine. Place lettuce leaf on whole wheat bread, spread with the salad filling, trim and serve. CUCUMBER SAND WICHES. 1 cucumber sliced Vegex butter Mayonnaise dressing Whole wheat bread Crisp a few slices of cucumber. Dry on napkin. Place between bread spread with Vegex butter. Cover with salad dressing, trim and serve. CHEESE - NUT SAND WICHES. American cheese Grated nuts Sweet cream Vegex butter Lettuce Whole wheat bread Moisten equal parts of grated nuts and American cheese with heavy cream. Season to taste and place on bread spread with Vegex butter. - MEXICAN SAND WICHES. 14 cup Edam cheese Paprika and salt % cup grated pecans 4% teaspoon Vegex Whole wheat bread Melt the cheese and pour over pecans, add Vegex, which has been reduced to a thin paste, a pinch of salt and paprika. Spread between bread or crackers. Veger promotes appetite and digestion. 8 Veger for the convalescent, ask the Doctor. CELERY - NUT SANDWICHES. Chopped Celery Grated nuts Mayonnaise dressing Vegex butter Bread or crackers Wash and scrape celery very fine. Add nuts and sufficient mayonnaise to make a thick paste. Place between slices of bread which have been spread with Vegex butter. CHEESE - TOMATO SANDWICHES. Tomato Mayonnaise dressing Grated cheese Vegex read Dissolve a tiny bit of Vegex in the mayonnaise. Cover a slice of tomato with this, place on bread and sprinkle with grated cheese. ANCHOVY - VEGEX, SAND WICHES. 6 or 8 anchovies French dressing Celery hearts Vegex Lettuce Bread Crush anchovies and add to chopped celery hearts. Dissolve 4 teaspoon of Vegex in a little French dressing. Mix all and spread over lettuce leaf. Place on whole wheat bread and serve. VEGETABLE SANDWICHES. Green peppers Lettuce onato Mayonnaise dressing Cucumber Vegex butter Toast * On the toast spread with Vegex butter place a lettuce leaf, mayonnaise dressing, slice of tomato, a bit of chopped green pepper, more mayonnaise, a slice of cucumber, more lettuce and dressing. Press firmly together and cut crosswise. CLUB SAND WICHES. Make club sandwiches by using sliced tomatoes, a very little minced onion or chives, a few capers, lettuce and mayonnaise, placing between bread or toast spread with Vegex or Vegex butter. - EGG SANDWIGHES. Slice hard boiled eggs in thick slices. Place a close layer of the egg, topped with a crisp lettuce leaf on slices of bread with Vegex piquant relish or Vegex butter. - TEA SANDWICHES. - Cut thin slices of bread, spread with Vegex butter Veger increases general metabolism. 9 Peger insures against Pitamin Starvation. or plain Vegex, add a leaf of crisp lettuce, lay slices together; press firmly, trim the crusts, and cut in half diagonally. Vary by adding chopped nuts, minced cress, cheese, olives, celery, etc. ENTREES BRAISED CELERY. 3 medium size or 2 cups, vegetable stock, 2 large bunches of celery milk or water 2 tablespoons oil 2 tablespoons flour Sliced lemon 2 teaspoons Vegex Minced parsley Clean celery and trim roots carefully, leaving as much of them as possible. Cut to lengths of about six inches, tie in a bunch and place in boiling water, with the tops, greens and all. Cook gently until a fork easily pierces the stalk, drain and serve with brown gravy and minced parsley. - WELSH RAREBIT. 1 cup grated cheese % teaspoon salts 1 tablespoon butter Pinch of pepper 1 tablespoon cream Paprika 1 teaspoon curry powder 1 tablespoon Vegex Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the cream. When hot put in the cheese, grated, pepper, salt, and a shake of paprika. Stir constantly until the consistency of rich cream. Add the curry powder and cook for one or two minutes. Add the Vegex, dissolved in 4% cup of hot water. If a light rarebit is desired beat in 1 egg before adding the Vegex. Serve on toast and sprinkle with paprika. CHOP SUEY. 1 cup chopped onions 1 cup mushrooms 2 tablespoons oil or butter Salt and pepper 1 cup diced boiled celery 2 teaspoons Vegex Fry the onions until quite brown in the oil, add the boiled celery, mushrooms and seasoning. Simmer for ten minutes. Add the Vegex, dissolved in a small quantity of hot water. Serve with small bowls of boiled rice. Many combinations can be made always using this as a base, by the addition of peppers, lobster, chicken or any other left-over... Nut meats make an attrac- tive addition as do such fruits as pineapple, bananas, etc. Veger as an appetiger is wonderful. 10 One pound Veger is the Vitamin concentrate of 22 pounds of rich brewer's yeast. PAPRIKA G0 ULASH. \!. 2 tablespoons oil or butter 4 pound of nut meat or 1 cup chopped onions diced chicken 1 cup diced potatoes 1 bay leaf - 2 cups cold water Paprika Salt and pepper Salt and pepper 1 cup vegetable stock 1 teaspoon Vegex Melt the oil or butter, then add the onions and potatoes, cut into small pieces, and the two cups of cold water. Simmer for $4 hour (or slowly for a longer time), then add the bay leaf, salt and pepper. If the nut meats or chicken are used dredge heavily with paprika and cook slowly until thickened to the desired consistency. Dissolve the Vegex in the heated vegetable stock (or hot water), and serve in a cas- serole with triangles of toast. SPAGHETTI. Cook the desired amount of Italian Spaghetti in boiling, salted water about twenty minutes. Drain and mix with sauee (see recipe for Tomato sauce on page 14) and serve. A bowl of grated cheese should be served with the Spaghetti. KIDNEY BEANS MEXICAN STYLE. 1 lb. dried beans 5 or 6 beans of garlic 2 green peppers 1 can tomatoes - 2 onions 1 or 2 tiny red (chili) peppers. Salt and pepper 2 tablespoons butter 1 heaping teaspoon Vegex Wash beans and soak over night or several hours. Boil slowly until tender. When almost done, add tomato sauce to the beans (see recipe on page 14) and cook until tender and sauce is very thick. SOUPS, BOUILLONS AND BROTHS. VEGEX BHSQUE. 3 cups of milk, cream or half-and-half Salt, pepper and celery salt 3 teaspoons Vegex Bring the milk, cream or half and half to the boiling point, being careful that it shall not boil. Add seasoning, Vegex dissolved in hot water and serve. VEGEX BOUILL0 N. No other simple broth known contains as much flavor and nutriment as that made from 4% teaspoon Veger bisque, the strengthening morning drink. --- Veger is a concentrated Vitamin food. 9 of Vegex dissolved in 1 cup of hot water, this making a perfect Plain Bouillon. The product is so pure, and so sensitive to other flavors, that salt and pepper should be very sparingly used. (Note—Use scant 34 teaspoon Vegex to each cup of liquid.) ONION SOUP AU GRATIN. 2 cups chopped onions Salt and pepper 2 tablespoons oil Grated cheese 3 or 4 slices toast 5 cups water 2 heaping teaspoons Vegex To two full cups of chopped onions add the oil and fry until a rich brown. Scrape the contents of the frying pan into a large kettle, add five cups of cold water and boil slowly for fifteen minutes. Have the toast (rye bread is excellent for this pur- pose) heavily sprinkled with grated cheese in the soup toureen. Add Vegex dissolved in hot water, salt and pepper and pour over the toast. Serve with grated cheese. - N00DLE SOUP. 1 pound of noodles 1 teaspoon of salt 2 quarts of boiling water 2 tablespoons Vegex Have the two quarts of water boiling rapidly before adding the noodles and salt. Boil for five minutes or until tender. Add other seasoning to taste. Just before serving add the Vegex, dissolved in hot water. - VEGETABLE SOUP. 1 large onion 1 green pepper 1 potato 14 can tomato 3 garlic beans 1 carrot 4 or 5 pieces of celery 6 or 8 Okra 2 or 5 pieces of celery 14 cup of rice 1 tablespoon butter Small piece red pepper 1 cup mashed peas Salt and Pepper 1 tablespoon Vegex Wash and chop fine all vegetables. Cover with water, add seasoning, rice and mashed peas. Cook until all vegetables are well done, then add the Vegex which has been thoroughly dissolved in hot water, and serve. Do not cook after Vegex has been added. SPINACH SOUP. 1 qt. spinach Tablespoon grated parmigiano cheese 4 cups of milk Salt and Pepper 2 tablespoons Butter 1 heaping teaspoon Vegex - - - - - No Vitamins, imperfect bone development. 12 Veger bouillon instead of coffee as your morning drink tº- Pcook spinach thoroughly and mince. To this add outter, cheese, milk, salt and pepper. Before serving, add the Vegex which has been thoroughly dissolved in a portion of the soup. Serve with croutons. Do not cook after Vegex has been mixed with soup. LENTIL SOUP. 2 cups cooked lentils 1 small onion 1 bean of garlic 1 tablespoon of butter 1 small piece of celery Salt and pepper 3 cups of water 2 teaspoons Vegex Mix water, mashed lentils, butter, chopped vegetab- les, salt and pepper together. Boil about thirty or forty minutes. Add a little thickening, making soup about consistency of thick cream. When ready to serve add Vegex, which has been dissolved in hot water, Do not cook afterwards, VEGETABLE CHOWDER. #3 cup chopped carrot 14 cup chopped turnips #2 cup chopped onion 1 or 2 chili peppers 1 cup chopped cabbage 2 green peppers chopped 1 cup chopped celery 1 tablespoon sugar 2 cups tomato juice 3 tablespoons butter 2 qts, water Salt and Pepper 3 teaspoons Vegex Wash, and prepare vegetables, chop fine an mix all ingredients together. Cover closely and cook an hour or more until tender. Dissolve the Vegex in another vessel, mix well, add season and serve. RICE AND PEA S0 U.P. 3 cups mashed peas Tablespoon butter Small onion 1% cups boiled rice Salt and pepper 3 cups of water 2 heaping teaspoons Vegex Mash rice thoroughly, chop onion and mix together all ingredients except Vegex. Boil fifteen minutes. When ready to serve add Vegex which has been dissolved in hot water. Mix well. Grated Parmigiano cheese served with this is excellent. CREAM ºr PEA SOUP. 1 lb. dried peas 1 onion Milk Butter Salt and pepper 1 heaping teaspoon Vegex Veger bisque, the strengthening drink. 13 Veger is rich in organic body building salts. Cook peas, and mash through a collander. This will be more than needed for one meal but use sufficient quantity to make amount of soup required. To this add enough grated onion to flavor and milk to make quantity desired. Thicken until consistency of thick cream, season to taste and just before serv- ing add Vegex which has been dissolved in hot water. MILAN ESE SOUP. 1 small cauliflower A little parsley 1 carrot 1 small celery stalk 1 or 2 leeks 1 small sized potato 1 turnip 2 tablespoons butter 1 onion 3 garlic beans 1 cup of cooked beans % cup of cooked rice 2 teaspoons of Vegex Wash and cut all vegetables in small pieces, cover with water, add salt and cook until tender, then add rice, beans, butter, chopped parsley. Season to taste and boil five minutes more. Before serving mix well the Vegex, which has been thoroughly dissolved in another vessel. Grated Parmigiano cheese can be served with this if desired. ROSE BOUILLON. 3 large beets Seasoning to taste 2 quarts of water 2 tablespoons Vegex Wash and peel the beets. Cover with the cold water. Boil until the water is crimson. Add season- ing, Vegex, dissolved in hot water, and serve with whipped cream. SCOTCH BROTH. % cup barley or samp A cup diced carrots º, cup chopped onions 2 tablespoons butter or oil Salt and pepper 2 heaping teaspoons Vegex Place the barley or samp in a large saucepan with the butter or oil. Add the carrots and onions. Stir well and let simmer for a few minutes, then add 4 cups of cold water. Let cook slowly for three- quarters of an hour. Add the seasoning and Vegex, dissolved in hot water and serve. If very thick add a little water. sauces, GRAvies AND RELISHEs Most hot sauces are improved by adding Vegex, but a few which are made unique by its use are the following: Veger stimulates the appetite. 14 Growing children need more Vitamins. - TOMATO SAUCE. 1 large can tomatoes 2 cups of water 13 can tomato paste 4 beans of garlic 1 medium size onion Small piece of red pepper 1 teacup grated parmigiano cheese 1 green pepper 2 tablespoons olive oil Piece of butter (size of walnut) Salt Pepper 1 teaspoon sugar 1 heaping teaspoon Vegex Add water to tomatoes. Boil about thirty minutes and strain. Add to the strained tomatoes, garlic, onion, green pepper and red pepper, cut all very fine. To this add oil, butter, sugar, tomato paste. Salt and pepper as desired. Cook slowly about thirty to forty minutes, then add the grated cheese. Vegex should be thoroughly dissolved, in another vessel, in a small amount of the sauce before mixing, then add and mix thoroughly when ready to serve. Do not cook after Vegex is mixed with sauce. CURRY SAUCE. 2 tablespoons oil or melted butter 14 cup minced onions *4 minced apple 2 tablespoons tomato catsup or chutney (or both) 2 tablespoons flour 2 cups vegetable stock or water 1 heaping teaspoon Vegex Place the minced onions, minced apple, and tomato catsup or chutney, (or both) in a sauce pan with the oil or melted butter and cook gently for fifteen minutes. Add the flour and after blending the vegetable stock or water, and the Vegex. Mix a little of this with the curry base, and serve the remainder separately. Many vegetables make earcellent curries as well as the meats and meat and vegetable combinations commonly used. Dried beans, lentils, peas, sweet corn garnished with hard-boiled eggs are delicious. Veger insures against Vitamin starvation. 15 Veger promotes growth in weak children. - Arrange your curry, with a small amount of the sauce added, in the center of a large platter or chop dish, in the center of a ring of boiled rice. French-fried onions are an attractive addition. SAUCE MEUNIERE. 4 slices lemon Salt and pepper 14 cup minced parsley A cup hot water 34 cup oil or melted butter 1 teaspoon Vegex Into a frying pan put the oil or melted butter, and when very hot stir in 1 teaspoon Vegex. The extract will separate and harden, but let it con- tinue to cook for a minute, then remove from the fire, and cool somewhat. Add #3 cup hot water, stir well, return to the fire and stir until Vegex has blended, which will require only a few seconds. Add 14 cup minced parsley, 4 slices of lemon, salt and pepper and serve very hot. Eggs Meuniere are made by serving this sauce over fried or poached eggs. Fried green tomatoes are excellent with this sauce. It is also earcellent used on fish. BROWN GRAVY. The taste of gravy made with Vegex may be greatly varied by the kind of fat used. Thus, at the same meal several sauces may be served, each having a different flavor, depending upon whether the base is of olive oil, corn oil, or butter. Place flour and oil in saucepan, blend and place over fire, add stock, milk or water. Cook gently for five minutes. Add lemon, parsley and Vegex, dissolv- ed in hot water and serve. PIQUANT RELISH. Mix one part of mayonnaise with one part of Vegex. Vary by adding chopped chives, onions, capers, etc. This sauce is excellent over hors d'oeuvres, such as hard boiled eggs, ripe olives, fond d’artichoke, etc. It makes an excellent salad dress- ing for all vegetable salads. VEGEX, FOR BOTTLE-FED BABIES A third of a teaspoonful of Vegex dissolved in cupful of warm water is a stimulating protective drink for bottle-fed babies, increasing the development of white blood corpuscles and resistance to disease. Veger promotes appetite and digestion. - 16 Veger increases general Metabolism. WEGETABLE VEGEX RECIPES FOR CHILDREN 1 T0 3 YEARS OF AGE. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. All vegetables, especially succulent plants, should be cleaned thoroughly. In preparing vegetables for children care should be taken that they are well- cooked, preferably in a covered vessel, in their own juices. When they are washed, the water remaining on the leaf will give sufficient moisture. The water should be cooked out. Valuable mineral salts in solution are lost by draining. SPINACH - VEG EX. 1 pint of spinach * Vegex bouillon Butter Place spinach in a covered vessel, add a bit of butter (no water) and cook until tender. Put through a strainer or chop very fine. Mix equal parts of spinach and Vegex bouillon thoroughly and serve. * Use scant 4 teaspoon Veger to one cup of hot water for Vegea bouillon, adding a little well cooked 7-1 ce. VEG EX BOUILLON. One tablespoon of strained spinach and one table- spoon of Vegex bouillon is sufficient for one feeding for a child of 1 year. The quantity may be in- creased according to age. CARROT - VEG EX. 2 or 3 carrots Vegex bouillon Butter Salt Wash and scrape young carrots, cut fine. Cover with water and cook slowly for one hour in covered vessel. Mash thoroughly or put through a colander. Mix 1 tablespoon of the carrots with 1 of Vegex bouillon and a bit of butter. SQUASH - VEG EX. Substitute squash for carrots in above recipe. PEA - VEG EX. Fresh peas Salt Egg white Vegex bouillon Butter Cook peas until very tender, put through a colander. Mix a bit of butter, with 1 tablespoon each of the pea pulp and Vegex bouillon and the whipped egg white. Serve warm. - - POTATO - VEG EX. Substitute potato for peas in the above recipe. EGG - VEG EX. 1 egg 14 teaspoon cream Vegex bouillon Whip the egg. To half of the egg add 1 teaspoon of Vegex bouillon and 4% teaspoon of cream. Mix well and serve. Use Veget as a daily food for the children. 17 - The organic salts of Pºitafood neutralize acid. A Statement by Eugene Christian URING the past twenty-six years, Eugene Chris. tian's studies in food and hitman nutrition have gained for him a position of national leadership as probably the most widely known expert on diet and food problems. Approarimately 1,250,000 volumes of his books, “Little Lessons in Corrective Eating,” “Weight Control for Health and Efficiency,” “How to live 100 Years,” “250 Meatless Menus,” “Christian's Encyclo- pedia of Cookery" (four volumes), “Christian's En- cyclopedia of Diet” (five volumes), are in use, as a basis for the dietary practice of his read cris and partieſts, during the present year. During the past twenty-six years, I have devoted myself unremittingly to study and research in prob- lems of food and nutrition. As the result of in- tensive work on Vitamins in collaboration with several chemists of national standing, I have made a discovery which I believe is the most important step forward of my life's work. It is a process of combining VITAMIN concentrates with natural food products. Prof. LEwis B. ALLYN of the Westfield Testing & Research Laboratories, who is working in coopera- tion with me, has discovered processes of concentrat- ing fruit pulp, so as to leave their IV fainin intact. Prof. Allyn's work as food editor of Collier's and McClure’s Magazine; his association with Dr. Wiley in awakening public opinion to the dangers of such food adulteration as benzoate of soda and alum in Vitafoods are better than milk for growing children. 18 Vitamins are a food, not a drug. baking powder; his courageous" fight against the “GREAT AMERICAN FRAUD” of patent medicines in Collier's Magazine, made him a nationally known figure and established his standing as one of the country's foremost food chemists. My readers know how for twenty-six years I have insisted that there must be present in the diet un- cooked foods containing all the necessary elements of nutrition, including Vitamins, the presence of which I sensed twenty years ago although I had no name for them. Science has now demonstrated that overcooking, baking, boiling, pasteurizing, de- hydrating, canning, exert a destructive effect upon the most highly organized food constituents, just as the over-refining, bolting and milling processes re- move the life-giving mineral salts and Vitamin fac- tors of outer coats and germ. I was greatly interested in the discovery of Casimir Funk, the founder of the Vitamin Science, that animals fed on milled or polished white rice become diseased and die of mal-nutrition in from fifteen to thirty days, and that if the polish or millings of the rice, or an extract made from the same without boiling, is put back into the diet, they recover quickly; and also in the Japanese investiga- tions, which proved that men eating polished rice get beri-beri and are either protected or cured by adding the polish or millings to their diet. My cardinal principal of food selection, balance and combination depends upon dividing all foods into two general classes: “Live” or Vital Food, and “DEAD” or Non-Vital. Among the dead foods I class also all foods that have been processed, refined, dried, chemically treated, over-boiled, baked, so as to destroy their complex and most valuable life- giving substances. Science, with its marvelous discoveries regarding Vitamins, now reveals why certain Live Foods have Use Vitafood wafers for school luncheons. 19 Get your Vitamins through your kitchen. such curative, growth promoting, sustaining qualities. Vitamins we know, but not yet in their pure form. We can separate from certain unprocessed foods highly potent Vitamin concentrates; but these con- centrates are too complex, too near to LIFE itself to yield to chemical analysis. Feeding tests show in them a mysterious, LIFE-GIvi No ELEMENT that protects against disease and inſection, increases human vitality, is a pre-requisite of vigor and goºd health, and that without Vitamins in their food, men and animals become diseased and in a short time die. Vitamins are an INDISPENSABLE Food. By their use in the purer forms now available to me, I can accomplish for my patients results that I never dreamed of before. It would seem almost in- credible, were I to tell you what these Vitamin foods, during our experiments, have already ac- complished and what they will accomplish if taken in the right way. It is estimated that twenty million adults who dwell in American cities subsist largely upon pre- pared, refined, heat treated, and highly processed foods. This processing lowers and in many cases destroys the Vitamin element. There are ten mil- lions of children who need a daily portion of Vitamin, to stimulate their growth, to build firm bodies, and to protect them against the deficiency diseases and the impaired vitality that results from lack of Vitamins, In addition to their Vitamin content, these wafers are rich in the most precious organic salts, out of which the bones, teeth and most important body tissues are built—magnesium, organic iron and calcium. - - During the past twenty-six years, I have found it often discouraging work trying to emphasize to the public the importance of food and diet as factors of health. Now at least the tide has turned. There Cºre children Veger sandwiches for school luncheons. 20 No Pitamins, no strong bones. is general public interest in foods. The food ques- tion is basic to our National Health; to our National Efficiency as Workers; to our National Economic Structure. Professor Henry C. Sherman, Ph. D., head of the Department of Physiological Chemistry at Columbia º in his book, “Chemistry of Food and (utrition,” on page 386, brings out interesting igures: “True economy in the use of food must be physiological as well as pecuniary economy. * * * The majority of families in the United States have had in recent normal times incomes of less than $800, per year, of which not over 45 per cent can be spent for food if other living conditions are to be at all satisfactory. This implies an allowance of approximately one dollar per day for food for the ‘normal’ family of five, or 20 cents per capita per day. “If this be taken as approximating the average expenditure in normal years, it would follow that the sum annually spent for food in the United States is in the neighborhood of $7,000,000,000. From such statistical estimates of the value of the different food industries as the writer has been able to find it would appear that this is dis- tributed somewhat as follows: - ſeats, poultry, fish and shellfish. . about $2,800,000,000—or about 40% ºggs . . . . . . . . . . about 400,000,000—or about 6% ſilk ......... about 500,000,000—or about 7%. heese . . . . . . . . about 50,000,000—or less than 1% utter and other - fats . . . . . . . . about 500,000,000—or about 7% rain products...about 1,000,000,000—or about 14% ugar, Molasses, etc. . . . . . . . . . about 500,000,000—or about 7% egetables . . . . about 500,000,000—or about 7%. Growing children need more Vitamins. - o- Jºitamin deficiency means lessened resistence. Fruits . . . . . . . . about 300,000,000—or about 4% Nuts . . . . . . . . . about 50,000,000—or less than 1% Miscellaneous (in- - cluding beverages, etc.) by "difference -------- - - - - - about 6 to 7% Of VITAMIN's he says, in Chapter XII, under the heading “Antiscorbutic and Antineuritic Properties of Food”: “Recent investigations have shown that food furnishing sufficient amounts of proteins, fats, car- bohydrates, and inorganic foodstuffs may not always prove permanently adequate. * * * In normal nutrition the occurrence of scurvy is prevented by the antiscorbutic properties of the food. Beri-beri is primarily a disease of the nerves, a neuritis, and can be prevented by the use of food adequate in antineurºtis substances or properties. Similarly some foods have growth promoting properties beyond what can be ac- counted for by the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and salts which they contain.” All of my efforts in diet control have tended to increase the use of vegetables, milk and fruit as substitutes for meat. This viewpoint has now been adopted and is being urged by such men as Sherman, who points out, besides the advantage in health, the enormous economic effect of such a change in diet, which would result in the saving of hundreds of millions, and if universally adopted, at least twenty per cent of our food bill, or $1,400,- 000. annually would be sold. Like most new thought, the Vitamin discovery is being exploited by conscienceless fakers. In the public’s partial information about the wonderful Vitamin discoveries, they see only an opportunity for fraud and the faker’s chance to impose upon Vitazvins promote good health in children and adults. 99. _ Growing children need more Vitamins. the ill-informed millions hungry for truth on this great subject. These men are copyrighting and ad- vertising, under similar sounding names, worthless and almost inert products for their own profit, but to the public's detriment. The right way to check these patent medicine fakers is to prepare and merchandise Vitamins as a food product and to offer them generally, in pure, wholesome form, at the lowest possible cost. Our VITAMINIzED FRUIT WAFERs are the first form in which this has been done. The VITAMIN Food Co., IN.c., is in possession of methods of extraction that enable it to produce vitamins at lower cost than by any other method known to its officers and consulting chemists. It has entered a contract that assures it of the cooperation of the Westfield Testing & Research Laboratories and of Prof. Lewis B. Allyn. It has associated and interested in the company and in its service several highly trained food chemists, whose services VITAMIN Foop Co., IN.c., will be guided by the scientific research in Vitamins that is going on at universities and biological laboratories here and abroad. It will endeavor, as soon as possible, to translate new knowledge into more comprehensive terms and better methods of com- mercial vitamin production. To the VITAMIN FooD Co., IN.c., I have assigned permanently the exclusive right to the use of the name Eugene Christian in connection with any food product; with a restriction, however, that such food product must bear my approval and, further, that no false representation and no exaggerated claims, that cannot be substantiated by actual test, be made in connection with any food bearing the name Eugene Christian. Serve Vitafood wafers as dessert daily. 23 Get your Vitamins through your kitchen. Eugene Christian's VITAFOOD A fruit, cereal and nut product exceedingly rich in the four Vitamins, A, B, C and D. Composed of uncooked fruit pulp, cereal extracts and concentrates of Vitamin – bear. ing vegetable organs of growth, and con- tºlining not less than 3% per cent of the most valuable organic mineral salts such as Iron, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Sodium and Phosphorus, etc. There is more iron in easily assimilable organic form in one Vitafood wafer than in a generous handful of raisins, and many times more than in the various pills and pellets and tablets whose chief asset is their patent medicine names that sound like Vitannin. Vitamins and the precious mineral salts, such as organic iron, should be taken as FOOD and not as drugs or medicine. Each Vitafood wafer has a fuel (food) value of 20 calories in easily assimilable form. Over 66% of the carbohydrate (ener- grizing fuel matter) of these wafers is in the form of easily digested and assimilated natural fruit sugars. They are practically starch free. It is the best medical opinion that many modern nervous and digestive troubles are traceable to over processed foods and short- age of vitamins, not complete enough to bring on acute disease, but sufficiently serious to rob us of the fullness of our health, vigor and energy. Health and vigor should be universal, just as they are common to men and animals living under natural ronditions, eating unprocessed and unrefined foods. The body charged with vitamins, whether of adult or child, possesses far greater resistance to infection or disease. Use three to six wafers a day for child or adult. Pitafoods make for sound teeth. 24 Peger insures against Vitamin starvation. A few Ways of Using Vitafood Fruit Wafers . Vitafood Wafers With cream . Vitafood wafers with cream cheese Vitafood wafers with cottage cheese Vitafood wafers with nuts, pecans preferred - . Vitafod wafers with peanut butter . Vitafood wafers with nut butter or peanut butter and cheese combined Vitafood wafers combined with cream and cottage cheese 8. Vitafood wafers with unsalted dairy butter. The above combinations make a delicious and nourishing dessert. If something sweet- . is ºred the following combinations may e used. A. Vitafood wafers with jelly or mar- malade B. Vitafood wafers with cream cheese and figs C. Vitafood wafers with cream cheese and dates or raisins D. Vitafood wafers with heavy cream and crushed dates E. Vitafood wafers with peach or pear - preServes. Vitafood Wafers, chocolate covered (dip - wafer in either bitter or sweet chocolate paste, and leave to cool - and harden). Vitafood Wafers, cut in half and rolled into a pitted date, cover the Whole with bitter chocolate, makes a delicious dainty dessert. - NOTE: The conventional custom of eat- ing a liberal service of something sweet at the close of the meal is wrong, not with reference to the quality but the quantity. One usually eats all or more than is neces- sary to sustain strength and energy and the dessert is merely a hurden laid upon the digestion and needs of the body. A bite or two of something sweet causes a liberal flow of saliva and aids digestion, therefore from one to three Vitafood wafers serve two pur- poses: First, they furnish the Vitamin ele- ment necessary to insure perfect assimilation of food; and second, the quantity of dessert is limited to the safe requirements of the body. Veger as an appetiger is wonderful. 25 Growing children need more Pitamins. Certificate of Vitamin Content WEST FIELD TESTING & RESEARCH LABORATORIES, Westfield, Massachusetts. LEwis B. ALLYN, Director. Dec. 12, 1921. Vitamin Food Co., Inc., New York, N. Y. Gentlemen: We report here with on the chemical analysis of CHRISTIAN'S VITAMINIZED FRUIT Wafers, together with a brief summary of feeding tests thereon: Fat or other ex- Acidity as citric tract 5.93% , acid - 1.57% Proteins (N × 6.25) 6.12% Moisture 9.03% Carbohydrates 75.42% Water-soluble Invert Sugars 49.80% matter 70.06% Ash or mineral Alkalinity of the matters 3.50% ash 31 cc Calories per pound—1767 Calorie value of 1 wafer-19.5. - - RATIos: - Fat to ash–1.7– Protein to ash–1.7+ The ash or mineral matter consists essentially of the following: Iron oxid . . . . . . . . 1.17% Phosphoric acid Calcium oxid S º, - - - - - - 14.02%. - ulph es (as (lime) …..7.88% HaSO4) . . . . . . 6.75% Potassium ºxid: ... 1.32% chloß . . . . . . . . 6.73% Sodium oxid ; : ... 31.07% Nitrates, silica and Magnesium oxid .. 2.36% undetermined . . 28.75% COMMENTS. It will be noted that the ratios of the fat and protein to ash are practically identical. Each wafer contains approximately 20 calories. These wafers are rich in the organic mineral salts essential to proper nutrition. An abundance of lime, iron, phosphates and the like are present. These salts are strongly alkaline in reaction and tend to correct acid or hyper-acid conditions. The sugars present are principally of the invert type, maltose and dextrose, and are readily assimilated. The wafers contain traces only of starch, and are therefore practically starch-free. Over 66% of the carbohydrates consist of readily assimilated sugars. Vitafood wafers are better than milk for growing children. 26 | Your body, charged with Vitamins resists disease. SUMMARY OF FEED ING TEST.S. When administered to growing animals in the laboratory, these wafers show a higher Vitamin potency than either milk or yeast. They are par- ticularly rich in the fat-soluble A and water-solubles B and C Animals fed on a Vitamin-free diet soon develop scurvy, polyneuritis or die. When the Vitaminized Fruit Wafers were added to this diet, a quick substantial growth resulted with no discernible dietary deficiencies. Respectfully submitted (Signed) I. B. ALLYN. SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. The Vitamin Food Company is ready to furnish the following scientific literature: Eugene Christian’s “Little Lessons in Cor- rective Eating”—a complete course of diet With menus, and directions, for selection, combination and balance of foods. 24 Lessons. Price $2.00. “British Government Research Committee Report on Present State of Knowledge Con- cerning Vitamines.” Contains Scientific knowledge obtained by the Lister Institute and the scientists in charge of mass feeding for the British organization during the war period as well as the research results of British Laboratories for the study of human nutrition. Special Price $1.25. 'Vitamines” by Benjamin Harrow, Ph. D., Columbia University, a clear statement in §le language of recent Vitamine knowl- edge. - Regular Price $2.50. Vitamin Research Laboratories. Special Edition $1.25. Order direct from Vitamin Food Co., gººm National Bank Building, New York ity. Vitafoods are concentrated Vitamin foods. 27 Veger stimulates the appetite. TEN LITTLE LESSONS ON VITAMINS Their Source, Purpose and Use “These lessons,” says Dr. Christian, “con- tain the newest and most authentic know- ledge about this mysterious food substance. They give the results achieved by the world's ablest chemists, in finding the source of Vitamins, and thousands of feeding tests, to find their uses. They give the results of feed- ing men and women upon rich Vitamin bear- ing foods, in nearly every country in the world and under all conditions of health and disease. These “Little Vitamin Lessons” are not theoretical essays, but practical menus and instructions by which you and your family can begin at once to correct your eating.” Order direct from Vitamin Food Co., Inc. Gotham National Bank Building, 1819 Broad- way, New York City. , Price $2.00 “TEN LITTLE LESSONS ON VITAMINS” TELL How correct eating and vitamin balance in diet are the only scientific method of growth control. How nerves starve for Vitamin B when it is deficient in our food, how they regen- erate and come back to normal when it is restored to our diet. How Vitamin C affects growth of tooth and bone tissue, tends to prevent caries or * tooth decay, by building sound tooth structure from within, reduces the chan- ces of pyorrhea, to a minimum and ohelps make sound tooth Surface. How complete deficiency of certain vitamins quickly leads to loose teeth in scurvy and rickets. How Vitamin A builds up strong healthy body tissue and protects against infec- tions, through making for body tone and increasing resistance. How an abundant supply of Vitamin B increases the number of white blood corpuscles and thereby the resistance of the blood to in faction. How expectant mothers may build in their own bodies reserves for themselves and Vitafoods insure against Vitamin starvation. 28 Vitamins are a food, not a drug. ;" by right vitamin ration in their OOCl. How parents can assure their children of the elements vitally necessary to normal growth through right feeding and “vita- min insurance”. - How to select, combine and balance foods to insure right vitamin content, wholesome and nutritious diet and yet save 20% on food bills, saving the average family from $40. to $200, a year. ITAMINES in their concentrated form should be used under medical advice in difficult cases of disorders of digestion and nutrition. Your physician can secure a sº- ply of Vitamin Concentrates and scientific information by writing to the Vitamin . Re- search Laboratories, Lewis B. Allyn, Direc- tor, Westfield, Mass. Products of the Vitamin Food Co., Inc. are now sold by high grade grocery and drug stores. Some have not yet received their stock. If unable to secure the Vitamin Food Products and Vegex Products from your grocer or from the food department of your drug store, write to us directly for informa- tion in order to make available to mothers and others responsible for proper feeding. VITAMIN FOOD CO., Inc. Gotham National Bank Bºldg., 1819 Broadway, New York. C & THE right way to check the patent medicine fakers, who are ex- ploiting the public's partial information about the wonderful Vitamin discoveries, is to prepare and merchandise Vitamins as a food product and to offer them generally, in pure, wholesome form at the lowest possible cost. That is the purpose of this Company, and we feel sure of a hearty, generous response on the part of public.” Signed) EUGENE CHRISTIAN Get your Vitamins in your food, not in drugged pellets. 29 No Vitamins, imperfect bone development. Eugene Christian's VITAFOOD A fruit cereal and nut product exceedingly rich in all four vitamins. Composed of un- cooked fruit pulp, cereal extracts and con- centrates of vegetable organs of growth. Depending on natural sugars for sweetness. Contains not less than 3% 76 of the most valuable organic mineral salts of iron, cal- cium, potassium, sodium and phosphorus. Vitamin A is indispensable for growth and maintenance of eye health. Vitamin B protects against neuritis; sup- plies nerve reserve, and assists the A vitamin in stimulating metabolism and growth. Vitamin C increases body tone; is the effec- tive agent in sound tooth and bone forma- tion. Insufficiency of this vitamin delays teething and impairs the teeth. Vitamins A and D protect against rickets; build firmer bones and teeth, and regulate the absorption and use of lime in body structure. All vitamins are protectives against infec- tion and increase body health and vigor. One box containing 90 wafers (one month's vitamin supply) . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 Vitafood Chocolate Candy (Vitafood Walfers coated with delicious choco- late); one month’s supply, per box. . $2.50 Six billion tin cans of food used in America 30 Vegea. Almonds delicious, palatable and tourishing VEGEX ALMONDS VITAMIN FOOD Mild in Fat Soluble A Rich and Strong in Vitamins B and C. Vitamins increase appetite, improve digestion and normalize the functions of the stomach and bowels. They promote the growth of children and are potent stimulators of the vigor of men and women. They tend to build reserve for nerves, glands, organs of growth, reproduction and cell nuclei. They assist the calcium intake of the body, for building better teeth, bones and general health. VITAMINS GIVE TO MEN the strength and vigor of youth. VITAMINS GIVE TO WOMEN the health and beauty of girlhood. VITAMINS GIVE TO CHILDREN robust º bodies, strong teeth, happy, active In 111C1S. In Ioc. and $1.00 tins. Certificate of Vitamin Content THIS IS TO CERTIFY That we have conducted feeding tests in our laboratories, using Vegex Almonds as the sole source of Vitamins; That Vegex Almonds are highly potent in Fat Soluble A or the growth-promoting factor, the Water Soluble B, and the Water Soluble C factors. In addition, they give us satisfactory chem- ical analysis with an acid neutralizing ash of organic mineral salts. We regard them as a highly desirable product, both from the stand- point of vitamins and of chemical constituents. WESTFIELD TESTING & RESEARCH LABORATORIES L. B. ALLYN, Director. Serve Veger Almonds daily on your table 31 The organic salts of Vitafood neutralise acid. The HOW and WHY of VITAFOOD WAFERS The taste buds of the average person have been trained to accept conventional food. The conventional food is not of necessity the to rect nor the best food. In many instances ac- 1stomed as it has been since infancy to highly c oked and processed animal proteins and other deratured foods. Hence it may not readily accept he rich, clean, pure, natural delicious foods that one to us sun-cooked. These wafers are a mixture of these rich, atural sun-cooked foods. IF YOU WILL EAT i EM FOR A PERIOD OF THREE OR FOUR \ YS ACCORDING TO THE DIRECTIONS R LOW, YOUR TASTE WILL READILY ACCEPT THEM AND YOU WILL, GAIN FROM THEM NOT ONLY THE PALATE PLEASURE, BUT THE GREAT VITAMIN VALUE THEY CONTAIN IN ITS BEST AND MOST POTENT FORMI. HOW TO USE THEM. One Vitafood wafer eaten at the close of each meal will supply the quantity of Vitamin A, B, C and D necessary for the day. A supply of wafers should be left on the table as a dessert, to be taken during or after the meal by children and adults. If you feel languid, anaemic, or under nourished, you can take two or even three wafers at each meal and eat a few between meals, until the Vitamin balance has been restored. These wafers may be eaten alone, or with ordinary dairy butter, cream cheese, peanut butter, nuts, cottage cheese, cream or rich milk. Growing children need more Vitamins. Cooke 32 zaſ/4-// º V. Haſseds - pastº le and ſafºe! V. * neurish ºn 4 foods