painty Dishes For painty people. º - º - - --- Many people are not aware of the many dainty dishes which can be prepared from MOTHER'S OATS, besides the regular breakfast porridge. By careful research and at considerable expense, we are able to present our friends with a line of entirely new receipts by practical demonstrators, who have made a study of the food problem. In this connection we wish to present the much agitated “meat versus cereals' question. Regardless of the price of meat, please bear in mind that relative merits of MOTHER'S OATS and meat are so much in favor of the cereal, that beefsteak at to cents per pound is not only much more expensive than cereals, but not so healthy. Professor H. W. Wiley, chief Chemist of Department of Agriculture at Washington, says: “Men nourished oncer- eals are capable of the hardest and most enduring manual labor.” If you will keep meats off your breakfast table and substitute MOTHER'S OATS, you will work better, play better and sleep better. - - Try some of the following dainty dishes, which are edited and recommended by Mrs. Rorer. DIRECTIONS. - In measuring a “cup" is always a half-pint. A tablespoonful is rounding unless otherwise specified. A teaspoon- ful the same. A double boiler is a utensil composed of two saucepans, one smaller than the other. The under, or larger vessel, holds the boiling water into which you place the upper, smaller vessel containing the porridge or breakfast food. In this way oatmeal may be cooked without stirring, which greatly improves its quality. oat cakes. 1. Pour a half-pint of boiling water over a half-pint of MOTHER'S OATS. Cover and stand aside for half an hour. Dissolve half a compressed yeast cake in four tablespoonfuls of warm water. Add this to a half-pint of milk that has been scalded and cooled. Stir in a half teaspoonful of salt and then the scalded oatmeal. Add either a half- pint of whole wheat flour or white flour; beat thoroughly, having the batter sufficiently stiff to work with the hand. Cover and stand aside over night. Early in the morning make this into little biscuits and stand them over hot water fifteen minutes. Bake in a quick oven fifteen minutes. Serve warm for breakfast. - This batter may also be baked in muffin rings as English oat muffins. OAT'M EA s PON. E. 2. Add one cup of milk to one cup of cold left-over MOTHER'S OATS porridge. Add a teaspoonful of salt and then stir in one cup of flour with which you have sifted a teaspoonful of baking powder. Pour this into a shallow greased pan and bake in a quickoven thirty minutes. Serve hot cut into squares. - - -- - 2 -- nºw stric Larup erown sºleap. 3. Mix one pint of MOTHER'S OATS with one pint of Mother's Wheat Flakes, a half-pint of Graham Flour and a half-pint of Good Morning Breakfast Food. Dissolve a level teaspoonful of soda in two tablespoonfuls of warm water. Add this to a half-pint of New Orleans molasses; as soon as the molasses begins to foam, turn the mixture into a pint of thick, sour milk. Mix in the dry ingredients, stirring constantly for five minutes until every particle is thoroughly l mixed. Turn into a greased brown bread mould and bake or steam for three hours. Serve warm. This is one of the most palatable and most wholesome of brown breads, y MUFF1 Rºs- 4. Sprinkle a pint of MOTHER'S OATS into one pint of rapidly boiling water. Cover and stand aside overnight; next morning add a pint of milk, the well beaten yolks of two eggs, a level teaspoonful of salt. Sift a half-pint of white flour with two teaspoonfuls of baking powder; add to the oatmeal, mixthoroughly; fold in the well-beaten whites of the two eggs, bake for twenty minutes in a quick oven in twelve gem pans. - - ** -- ºw - * - - scorcº" murruns. 5. Add a half-pint of milk to a half-pint of cold MOTHER'S OATS breakfast poſſ-ridge. Mixthoroughly; add two ablespoonfuls of butter melted, and a half yeast cake dissolved in two tablespoonfuls of warm water. Beat in slowly a half-pint of good bread flour. Cover and stand in a warm place two hours. Bake on greased griddle or in English muffin rings. ºw - These may be served warm, or they may be pulled into halves, toasted and served with cheese at dinner. y - 3 - salab escuit. 6. These are made precisely the same as Scotch muffins; use baking powder instead of yeast, making them up quickly. ©A*M EAL so Jºs. It is a well known fact that a11 cream soups contain more hourishment than those made from stock or succulent vegetables. Oatmeal that has been thoroughly cooked, or left-over porridge, is the very best thickening material that one can use. There is no comparison between cream soups thickened with flour and those thickened with breakfast porridge. These soups should be served for lunch or make admirable supper dish for young children, and they com- pletely take the place of meat from a food standpoint. All bones left from roasts, beef or mutton, the carcass of fowls should be saved, covered with cold water and cooked slowly for two or three hours, then strained. This gives sufficient amount of stock to enable one to have stock soups almost every day in the week, which have much better flavor than those made from water; then, too they have more food value. - º CREAM OF As PARAGUs so UP- Take one pint of the hard, rejected portions of bundles of asparagus, cover them with a pint of water or stock, cook slowly one half hour, press through a colander; add a pint of cold MOTHER'S OATS breakfast porridge, a pint of cream, a level teaspoonful of salt, a saltspoonful of pepper. Stir until the mixture reaches the boiling point. Addhas. tily a tablespoonful of butter; straining through a sieve and serve. - 4. - scorcº sºonrº Fors invalies. I Wash and crack apart one neck of mutton. Put into the soup kettle two quarts of cold water, bring slowly to boil- ing point and skim. Simmer gently one hour, then sprinkle in half-pint of dry MOTHER'S OATS. Add a table- spoonful of chopped onion, the same of chopped carrot, two whole cloves and a bay leaf. Cover the kettle and simmer gently one hour longer. Strain–season with a little salt and serve. This is one of the most nutritious and valuable of all soups. SCC)". "Cº. 3&O tº E5. Pour a half-pint of boiling water over a half-pint of MOTHER'S OATS. Add a tablespoonful of butter. Allow this to stand until cold; then add a half-pint of milk, a half-pfnt of good bread flour that has been sifted with two tea- spoonfuls of baking powder. Mixthoroughly and drop by spoonfuls into a greased baking pan. Bake in a quick oven thirty minutes. Serve warm, or pull apart and toast. © RC Lºº Lº CA ºs- Add one cup (one-half pint) of milk to one pint of cold MOTHER'S OATS breakfast porridge. Add a half tea- spoonful of salt and the well beaten whites of two eggs. Now stir in one cup of boiling water and two cups or one pint of flour that has been sifted with two rounding teaspoonfuis of baking powder. Beat thoroughly for three minutes, and then stir in gently first the yolks of two eggs, then the well beaten whites. Bake the same as ordinary griddle cakes. 5 cºnstrumas Puppings. Strain and chop a quarter of a pound of uncooked suet. Seed a half pound of raisins, mix them with a half pound of shredded citron, a quarter of a pound of currants. Sprinkle over four tablespoonfuls of flour, and then mix them with the suet. Add one pint of dry MOTHER'S OATS, the grated rind of a lemon, a teaspoonful of cinnamon, and a half-grated nutmeg Beat three eggs until very light without separating. Add to them a half-cup of grape or orange juice: then mix this with the dry ingredients—working it carefully with the hands: Pack into a greased mould and steam continuously six hours. Serve hot with hard sauce. r - If properly made this is quite equal to any English Plum Pudding. - - OUR PREMIUM PLAN. A coupon will be packed in every package of MOTHER'S OATS. Save these coupons, as they are of value to you. When you have accumulated enough of them, you can send them to MOTHER'S OATS, Akron, Ohio, and receive handsome premiums. SEND US 50 OF THESE COUPONS AND $2.75 IN CASH, Too OF THESE COUPONS AND $2.5o IN CASH, 17o OF THESE Coº's AND $2.00 IN CASH, SEND US 206 OF THESE COUPONS AND $1.5o IN CASH, 23o OF THESE COUPONS AND $ IN CASH, or, 275 OF THESE COUPONS AND NO CASH And obtain for either of the above plans the following premiums, packed ready for shipment at our station, Akron, Ohio: Either an Elegant Decorated Tea Set (56 Pieces); or a Handsome Decorated Toilet Set (ro Pieces), or a Fine, Decorated Cottage Dinner Set (44 Pieces); or a Beautiful Tea Service (4 pieces). These premiums ato worth al. retail $8.o.o. Every Package has a Coupon. Every Coupon has a Value. In addition to the above handsome premiums, we offer the following useful articles for a less number of coupons found in MOTHER'S OATS packages. - Ladies' Nickle Plated Scissors, 3o coupons and 4c. in stamps; Concise Pocket Atlas of the World, 40 coupons and 4c. in stamps; Needle case containing 4 packages best oil-tempered needles and 20 assorted sizes darning needles, to cou- pons and to cents postage. See next page for our new Spoon Offer. ſº - - ºxof OJIR, SPECIAL SPOON OFFER. We have contracted with Wm. A. Rogers, one of the most reliable silver houses in the world, for our requirements of standard up-to-date silverware, and desire to call your atten- tion to the following liberal offer. OUP. “MOTHER'S" SPOON. - Send us four coupons, any letter, from packages of Mother's Qats, and 15 cents in stamps, and we will send you postpaid, free of all charges, one ºf our handsome, new 'Mother's" Spoons, triple plated with pure silver, latest design and best quality; will wear a lifetime. Retail value fully 60 cents. Send is ſo coupons, any letter, from packages of MOTHER'S OATS and 25 cents in stamps, and we will send you one-half dozen of our New Qrient" pattern, double silver plated spoons. These are first-class spoons and will last many years. Worth at retail fully $1. Send all coupons and orders to - 8 MOTHER'S OATs, Akron, Ohio. BOOK NO. F. This book contains a partial list of the names of those who have recently received one of ººdsº Tea Sets. The following names were selected from localities in WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS, VERM NT, NEW HAMP- SHIRE, RHODE ISLAND, CONNECTICUT, MAINE, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, part of EASTERN NEW YORK and ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA. wº. Mºssºº lºsºº" ſº ATHON.— Frank W. Broo, 83 Sanders. BARRE- Mrs. Winn. Mandrew, Kimble. CºIICOPEE FAT.º.S.– Mrs. Margaret Andrew, roS Grape. CI,INTON.— J. W. O'Toole & Co., 13 Franklin. EAST DOUGH.A.S.-- Nels Nelson. EAST PEPPERILL- Mrs. P. Bancroft. EAST PRINCETON.— Mrs. W. C. Cotton. FITCFIBURG- Mrs. W. A. Chaissm, r32 laurel. GARD NETº- Mrs. A. Simenson, rao Washington. ºſº.º.BRTV ſº- Mrs. Stevenson. Gº, AMDY- Mrs. Wm. Smith, Cold Hill. gº- Fred L. Lyons, 83 Conway. Høj, YOKE – Mrs. Catharine Hyland, 14 Clinton. FIUNTINGTON.— Jos. Demary. H.EQM:NSTER– - James McLaughlin, 284 6th. MALDEN- Mrs. H. Lee, oo Akron. Mrs. Hogg, 144 Granite. - Mrs. Eldridge, 63 Linwood. (Toilet Set.) OAKDAIE- - Mrs. Alice Hodkinson Box 238. - Q ROGRIDA.T.: + Mrs. Chas. E. Hardy. SPRING FIELD– - Mr E. Abott Todd, 67 St. James Ave. E. H. Hamblen & Co. Mrs. J. H. Mannix, 148 Bond. Mrs. Thomas W. Keating, 589 Chest- nut. Mrs. Mary Shepherd, 430 N. Main. Mrs. Cora B. Quinby, 367 Orange. L. E. Crankshaw, 36.7% Chestnut. Timothy Garvey, 63 Congress. Mrs. Samuel Godfrey, 11.4 Main. - A. W. Channell, caré Roºſ & Wood- bury. - J. Flanagan, care Rood & Wood- 11 ry. -- Mrs. E. P. Tilton, 507 Union. Mrs. Thomas L. Brinton, 1.9 Cher- relyn Ave. SPRINGFIELD-Continued. B. A. Thayer, 32 Plymouth. Mrs. C. L. Chapman, 42 Crystal Ave. Mrs. N. G. Payrow, 96 Andrew Sr. Armory Dept. Mrs R. G. Cassidy, 9 Boyleston. Mrs. F. D. Orcutt, 17 Morgan. Mº E. A. Knowlton, 156 Belmont ve. 8TER LING— Mrs. Lucy Winchester, Box 148 Mrs. Mary A. Butterick. Mrs. L. S. Newhall, Box 153. Mrs. Stedman W. Piper. Scheme.) UXBRIDGE– Taft Bros. Waldo E. Rawson. WHITINSWILLE- Mrs. Jas. Caines, 44 New Villag Boarding House. Wor-CESTER– - Mrs. C. F. Hunt, 3.7 Mason. Wm. Verner, 6.5 Thomas. Mrs. W. T. Perry, 273 Lincoln. Mrs. Anna Nelson, 14 Oak Ave. Carl Ross, 59 Seymour. (New Mrs. J. Ball, 26 Clifton. Mrs. E. G. Toren, 2 Forbes. Mrs. M. Fanning, 127 Cambridge. Jennie S. Ryan, 4o Wellington. Belmont Provision Co., 149 Bel- notht. John Cairns, 81 Chandler. Mrs. M. E. Knapp, 22 Home. Mrs. G. E. Hubbard, r Horner. Mrs. A. L. Bush, 56 Benefit. Mrs. Mary Smith, 28 Gardner. Mrs. Gust Carlson, care Family Gro. Co., 65. Thomas. Mrs. Christina Rydberg, care Fam- ily Gro. Co., 6.5 Thomas. Mrs. Chas. Wick, 113 Hanover. E. A. Ahlfeldt, 4 Hooper. Mrs. Carolina Jeckel, 21. Orient. Chas H. Rich, 16 Townsend. Mrs. Chas. R. Ekberg, 64 Dewey. S. Anderson, 15 Win hrop. Alex C. Wood, r., care John C. Mc- Innes & Co. Mrs. Adaline E. Adams, 5 Westby. L. Andºrson, 21 Perry. Mrs. Carl Muskovin, 24 Stockholm. Wm. E. Rice, 5 Cottage. The Finlanders' Grocery Union, 221 Towe. Io Mrs. D. Lebean, Grafton Sq. Mar- ket. Mrs. E. W. Briggs, 299 Lincoln. E. A. Weeks, 1.4% Townsend. - Mrs. Mary Lyons, 19 Ward. . . Mrs. Joseph Gerard, 7 Bloomingdale t. - Adeile Helie, 65. Orient. Wm. A. Lendergan, 163 Canterbury. M. A. Joyce, 23 Hollis. - Mrs. L. G. Gustafson, care First Swedish Co-oper. Store. ... Carl Oscar, Norberg, 71 Hollis. Kuno, Soderlund, Earle. , The Finlanders'Gro, Union, 1.38 Belmont. - Scandinavian Co-op. Gro, Union, 371 Millbury. Mrs. Peter Dean, 4 Forbes. H. R. Phelps, 32 Grove. - Mrs. Oskar Sjoblad, 48 Catherine. Miss A. Danie son, ro Everard. Carl Nylen, 25 Glen. Mrs. C. L. Johnson, 1.21 Eastern Mrs. John Lammie, 8 Bismarck. Mrs. John C. Woodbury. Mrs. Johanna Hines, 16 Preston L. Anderson, 21 Perry Ave. (2 Sets) Mrs. E. C. Burgess, 305 Salisbury WORCESTER—Continued. - ...g. E. Sandburg, 6% Whittier. Aug Soderlind, 8 Alpine. Per Olson, 74 Belmont. Mrs. Culver, 8.2 Penn Ave. Mrs. D. Tessier, 26. Hackers. Mrs. John Larson, 25 Caro. Mrs. Anna Lewstrom, 25 Caro. Mrs. C. H. Hohgkins, 58 Orange. Mrs. O. Bokelund, 4o Earle Place. E. A. Weeks, 14+ Townsend. Mrs. C. F. Kennan, 46 Irving. - Mrs. Nellie Rafferty, too. Hanover. Mrs. Peter Rochette, 159 Canter- º: Mrs. Erie Lindberg, 17. Ester. C. H. Larson, 224 Vernon. L. F. Larson, 27 Ester, Mrs. A. Hill, I Orchard. P. Cushin, 134 Prescott. Mrs. Geo. Laird, 177 Hollis. Okaf Olsen, 8 Greendale Ave., Greendale. - Mrs. Marcus Kamb, 576 Millbury. Mrs. John Rourke, 9 Belknap. . Mrs. Chas. G. Stackhaus, 14 Lewis. º Waltie, 15 Kilby. rs. Wm. H. Daley, to Tower. Mrs. T. W. Whittey, 1 I Batchelder. Mrs. J. Giddings, 667 Southbridge. A. Borgeson, 34 Rodney. G. E. Demers, 65 Salern. A. Ballon, 78 Chatham. Mrs. Ellen Duprey, 44 Coral. Fred W. Brigham, r so Chandler. C. O'Neil, 31 Barcley. rs. H. G. Evans, care A. Tunstall. Mrs. Edith Carlson, 4 Armory Ct. v E ºvº º Rººſ". BASIN HARBOR.— Mrs. Jos, Larrow. EELDENS- Mrs. D. W. Nash. B.E.L.GWS FAI.T.S.– D. Savage. BENNINGTON.— Grant K. Harbour. Mrs. E. O. Edson. Mrs. C. E. Perry, 739 Main. Mrs. Edward Green, 117 Dewey. BRAND GRT- Miss S. J. Mead. Ed. Chandler. BRATTLEEðR0– Mrs. Clara E. Henkel, 18 Estey. Mrs. G. W. Knowlton, BRIDGEPORT- Cora M. Sherribo. BRISTOL– Mrs. Mary Schaefer. BurLINGTON.— Mrs. H. H. Adams, 81 Pearl. Mrs. J. A. Merrill, to 5 King. Mrs. J. W. Stevens. Geo. N. Browe, 31 N. Champlain. James Polworth, 221 Penn. CASTLETON.— Susan Parson. Mrs. Edward Dunn, Cedar Grove House. CHEL SEA- Edwin D. Fuller. (Toilet Set.) EAST MIDIDI.EBURY- Joseph Roberts. HYDEVIT.I.E- Catherine Bolger. I, UDI.OW- Lizzie D. Keating. MIDDIEBURY- Mrs. John Hammond. Mrs. H. M. Foot. G. M. Gipson, Box 222. Mrs. C. F. Benedict. (Toilet Set) II. MONTPELIER– - - Margaret Gilligan, 9 West. (Toilet FARMINGTON.— Melissa M. Turner. Set.) - J. F. Hall August McNeal 3 Fuller . . ST. A.BANS- -- FITZWILLIAM– Mººn". care Marvin & Mrs. W. H. Chaffe, 44. High. Ralph L. Tenney, Box 81. Mrs. C E Bugbee, 17 Fuller. Vº GREENLAND Tºº- iMrs D. F. Móðvern' care of Mar. Mrs. W. H. Adams; , , Mrs Julia A. Crowell. vin & Sherburne. Mrs. Doan Kingsland. HAMIPTON – Miss Mary H. Gleason. 17 Baldwin, WIN00SKI— Mrs. Carrie L. Coles. Mrs. Effie A. Downey, care P. G. Mrs. Fred Love11, 18. Platt. - Dewey. - - HINSDALE- Mrs. D. G. Livingston, 53 Barre. º ºf ſºlº Fºs tº fl ºz º. Ida J. Drury. Peter G. Dewey. - CLAREMIONT— º– - Mrs. M. J. Galvin, 2.7 Kent. Mrs. George E. Roundy. Mary Donoyan, 200 Winchester. T}. G. Livingston, 52 Barre. (Toilet Mrs. K. S. Blake, 5 High. Mrs. Mary Jarvis, 1.65 Winchester. Set.) - GoINCORD- Miss Ida Fisher. Nº. flºº Mrs. Wm. H. Martin. - ººº Forest. º Reynolds. Pºcºa º 3. - º: Wºº # ºº & Co - - u - - - - - roo - sº Allard. *...* Batcheller, it 50 Washing- . º º of Geo. E. Čiºn cash store Mrs. Chas. Brierly. - º*ś. care Geo. Margaret Ryan, ſo Méââow. Mrs. Dennis D. Ryan, 7o Portland E. Hºok & Cº. - S. Grandº o Forest. - Mrs. Julius H. Doughty. Bostºn Grºry Co. #. M. Fianders, Niğackette. Geº. W. Gray, 409 Central Ave. Mrs. W. A. Perry, 53 South. . . . Mº * Anderson, Box 277, W. º 5 Grove. Mrs. F. J. Belden, care C. H. Bridge- utiland. - - ºlº. - Eliza Dooley, 33 Killington Ave. * Mrs. J. H. Stevens. |avel Beat. 3.2 raconia - Mrs. Geo. F. Babb. MANCHESTER– Mrs. Wºm. Arbuckle, 397 "Amherst. IMARE-BORG- Ashley N. White. J. F. Richardson. Hattie* Mrs. Oscar F. Sprague, 5 Ritter. Miss M. F. Parker, 72 Vine. N. F. Brown, 4 Bennett. Mrs. Edwin H. French, Elm Ct. Mrs. F. S. Stickney, I Rice Ave. Mrs. Lewis Rock. - NEW CAST, E- Mrs. Albert W. Hanscom. Miss Evelyn Tarleton, Box 146. Evelyn Tarleton, Box 47. Miss Ada Locke. NEWINGºn- Lydia Smith Coleman. NEWPORT- D. M. Richards & Co. (3 Sets.) Mrs. Ellen Rowe. (Toilet Set.) PORTSMOUTET – Globe Grocery Co. Geo. P. Knight, 42 Vaughn. E. Newton & Co. Mrs. Henry Crider, 12 Court. Mr. Fred L. Simpson, care Button Shop. - - Mrs. W. A. Moore, 44 Middle. REED’s FERRY- W. H. Darrah. ROCHESTER– Mrs. Willie Dame, 9 Union, RYTE– - Mrs. John O. Foss. SEA Bºolº- A. A. Locke. ºlº tº E3 =&º º- ARLINGTON.— Mrs. James Crofton. ARGº"IG- The P.V. Cash Market. The P.V. Cash Market. (Box 48 for customers). ERIST01,– Mrs. Downing, tº Thames. Mary McKay. Ezra Mason. Mrs. Mildred A. Dunbar, 23 Oliver. CAROLINA- R. K. Hoxie & Son. Mrs. Annie Rigan. CENTRAL, FAH.I.S.– Mrs. Cairn, 2 to Cross. Gilbert Carty. - Mrs. Margaret Scally, 37 Parker. Mrs. Samuel Harkness, 195 Cleve- land. CENTREDALE – Geo. Morrison. CENTREVILLE- Eimer Eaton. CRANSTON – Francis A. Cullen, 361 Smith, Edge- wood. - EAST GREEN WICE- Gorman Bros. GREEN VILLE- Mrs. Adam John, LAKEWOGT5– Mrs. Winn. G. Green. Mrs. L. W. Remington, Fair. TIANTON – *: Jos, Newman, care H. C. ohle 15 NATICK– Henry A. McCelan. NEWPORT- Mrs. P. Greenland, 24 Carey. Mrs. J. Dond, Aquidneck Wharf. Mrs. F. M. Kirwin, 19 South Baptist. Mrs. D. Booth, 66 Pope. Mrs. Andrew Anthony, 21 Brinley. A. R. O'Hanley, 632 Thames. ICatie Sheehan, 26 Heath Court. Lyman H. Baker, Box 102. Mrs. Alice Wood, E4 Bay View Ave. OLNEYVILLE- Minnie Johnson, 243 ſillingly. Mrs. F. E. LaRose, 231 Laban. Mrs. A. E. Henry, 84 Priscilla Ave. W. G. Hoffman, 38 Atwood. PAWTUCKET-- M. J. Brennan, 57 French. Mrs. M. Ural, 16 Montgomery. Wm. H. Haworth, 655 Wooden. Mrs. Damasa Poliquin, 58 Japonica. James F. Ford, 241 Mineral Springs ve. Mrs. Nellie Squires, 89 Brooks. Jennie Mack, 595 Broadway. (Toi- let Set.) Mrs. Orrin C. Noyes, ſo Sanford. Mrs. O. Beauregerde, 83 Quincy Ave. (Toilet Set.) Mill PEQVIDENCE- Mrs. S. H. Nason. *: J. Henry Wheeler, 59 Bérk- Siliſe. Mrs. Pardon Wilbur, 64 Pitman. Mrs. Andrew Grace, 13 Morgan. O. W. Potter, to 7 Snow. Mrs. John Myers, care C. H. Robin- son, 314 Prairie Ave. Mrs. Haggarty, 1724 Westminster. W. J. Bansk, 1.4 Lime. Katie V. Macguire, 98 Penn. Mrs. Thomas Rogan, rear to Oak. Mrs. H. R. Crowley, 134 Somersett. Mrs. Terence Galligan, 88 Knight. Mrs. J. J. Bebeau, 43 N. Main, room 7. Mrs. M. Jennings, 103 Summer. 2Mrs. Addie S. Capelle, 144 Potters Ave. Liſa A. Hawkins, 55 Alverson Ave. Mrs. W. P. McGinn, 64 Borden. Mrs. Frank Gill, 17 Newark. Mrs. Kupfer, care Win. R. Taylor, 247 Thurbers Ave. - * 4 Mrs. Edw. G. Quinn, 4 Kepler. Mrs. J. Carmishael, 563 Branch Ave. Mrs. P. C. Carlson, Io Parsonage. Mrs. D. Sullivan, 5o Steuben. E. M. Robinson, 72 Priscilla Ave. Mrs. Patrick Lynch, 84 East Tran- sit. Mrs. Geo. A. Weir, 24.2 Rugby. ſº Wiggins, 6 Kepler. rs. E. H. Halton, 41 Harvard Ave. Leduc & Gironard, 2246 Valley. Mrs. Florence Ottinger, 576 Douglas Ave. (Toilet Set.) Mrs. Thos. Hawrigan, 168 River Ave. Robt. J. Sheehan, 37 Bergen. (Toi- let Set.) Mrs. James O'Brien, 851 N. Main. RIVER, POINT. John B. Bowker, trg Branch Ave. RUMIFORD– John A. Denton. SAYLESVILLE- Mrs. Maggie Bamford. WALLEY FALL3– Burnham Gro. Co. Mrs. Sarah Leighton. wakeville— Mrs. G. L. Kent. Mrs. Harry D. Wilson. WARREN- Mrs. Chas. G. Puffer. Geo. I. Foreman, 98 N. Main. WESTERLY- T. A. Williams, Chester Block. WIGKFORD– Mrs. Mary T. Nichols, “The Elms.” WESTERLY- T. A. Williams, Chester Block WOONSOCKET- º Belrose, 9 Monument Sq. ilbrod Valliere, Willa Nova Park, 171 E. Front. Mrs. G. L. Drury, 383 Front. Jos Mennier & Son. Ço N. N. ECTL CUT. ANSONIA— Mrs. Annie Duffy, 75 Myrtle Ave. Mrs. H. G. Fosdick, roo Central. (Toilet Set.) - BRIDGEPORT E. J. Sullivan, 5.88 E. Main. BRIST01,– Mrs. Harry Simpson, Hull. BURNSIDE— Mr. L. M. Bryan DEEP RIVER– L. H. Shailer. ELMWOOD- Mrs. Lottie Kaesser. HARTFORD- Mrs. M. J. Curtin, 35 Franklin Ave. (Toilet Set.) P. Neville, 337 Windsor. Mrs. Wilmar A. Schlag, 80 Jefferson. Mrs. E. Hitchcock, 766 Park. IMANCHESTER– Mrs. S. E. Hurlbut. TTERIDENT— Mrs. L. Leardm, 149 4th. A. M. Doolittle, 2d Union. H. E. Bushnell.... Mrs. Louis P. Ellis, 224 Crown. Frank Weisner. F. A. Cornell, care H. E. Bushueil, 70 W. Main. - S. Y. Clark, care H. E. Businell. Jºjº, ETOWN: - James G. Mathers. I5 IMIYSTIC- Mrs. Ellery E. Tucker, Box. 545 Mrs. P. Bruggemann. NEW BRITAIN– D. C. Judd & Co. T. Cobey, 13 Clark. M. I. Tuttle, 392 S. Main. Mrs. W. J. Rossburg, 155 Main. P. S. Macmahow. Jennie Nelson, 21 o Main. Wm. E. Beers. Mrs. Geo. Walker. James Kilaher, 166 S. Main. H. Herbert Wetherell, 10 Fairview. Mrs. John Peterson, care A. Bórian- der, 22 Park. Mrs. Chas. Wigglesworth, East. Mrs. F. Clarke, 1 oz. East Emma Brown, 2 oo Brook. Mrs. Mary E. Fall, 54 DeWitt. NENGATEJCK- Samuel Grant, Iro Highland Ave Mrs. Frank Myrick - NFW HAVEN- Mrs W. E. Ford, 20 Court. Caroline Eloise ſºuthank Mrs. S. Ender, 54 DeWitt. NEW LONDON.— Mrs. Henry C. Fuller. OAKWII, LE- Mrs. C. B. Fuller, Box 155. C. S. Bradley. ROCKVILLE- Mrs. J. E. Reardon. SEIELTON.— - Mrs. John J. Conners, 503 Howe. Mrs. Thomas Finn, Bridge. S. A. Libby. STRATFORD- Mrs. Edward Berne11. Mrs. J. H. Paul, Box 8. THOMASTON.— H. A. Welton. - Mrs. Ruth C. Barnes, 22 Grand. Mrs. Geo. Simpson. - THOMPSON WILLE- Mrs. Wm. I. Soper. TORRINGTON.— Mrs. Frank W. Gamsey, 260 Water. Mrs. Conrad Priend, Box 924. Adolph Wilman, 277 Main. Mrs. Lucy Eaton, 19 John. Edwin E. Main. Miss Mary Meagher, sº Clark. Mrs. Edward W. Morgan, 125 Water. Miss Annie Phalen, 38 George. rs. Amos Gange11, 28 Smith Block. G. W. Main, Main. Mary Felly, 55 Gleason. Geo. Nelson Jones. Mrs. D. Mulcanvy, 52 George. C. Wheeler, 31 Daycoeten Place. Mrs. Paul Stuguel, 191 Church. Mrs. James E. Birge. Mrs. C. A. Doolittle, 646 N. Main. Alfred Wynn, Joyce. Mrs. Margaret McMahon, po Albert. Mrs. Frank W. Garnsey, 266 Water Mrs. Conrad Friend, Box 924. Adolph Wilman, 2.77 Main. Aug. Mahiew, 28 E. Main. Mrs. S. D. Trafford, 54 E. Main. Mrs. Wim. F. A.beling, Box ios 2. UNION VILLE-- Mrs. Wim. Wagner. Geo. R. Pörter. WALLING FORE- Mrs. E. E. Bailey, 765 Centre WATERBURY--> Hamilton Cash ºº: º Mrs. O. Rolla L. Andrus, 37 Colly, . Margaret A. Reid, 5 Carrollton Pl. Mrs. Mary A. Williams, 157 Bank. Mrs. Mary E. Hickox, 224 Cherry. L. Baldwin, to 27 W. Main. Mrs. Owen Cary 30 Colley. Mrs. James Strather, 128 Round Hill. Susan A. Coyle, got N. Main. Aug. Anderson, Johnson Ave. Mrs. M. J. Kilduff. Mrs. John Griffin, 635th. Mrs. Simon Cronin, I to Ridge. Ernest Montambault, 4o Ward. Jos. Kenny, 57. Luke. Sylvain Bordinot, 214 Bank, care ite & Wells Co. Mrs. George P. Roberts, 369 Grand Ave. - Mrs. W. H. Lamar, 52 Bishop. Mrs.I. Parket, 35 Cossett. - Mrs. Jas. W. Turley, 21. Colley. Mrs. Sarah Garritt, 65 Phoenix Ave. Mrs. F. S. Brittain, 62; North River. Mrs. Jennie Chipman. - Mrs. Laurence Schupback, 33 S. Leonard. - Mrs. Jas. Kelly, 1294 East Main. (Toilet Set.) - WATERBURY-Continued, Jos, W. Bagley, 30% Bacon. Mary F. Dunn, 12 Spencer Ave. Mrs. L. H. Smith, 48 Cottage P1. Mrs. John Kelley, 27 Stone. WATERVILLE- Mrs. John Lorenson. Mrs. James O'Darmell. Mrs. Rena Gardner, care E. LeFord. WEST HAVEN- H. W. Robinson, care C. S. Merrick & Co. Mrs. C, E, Gierding, 583 3rd Ave. tº ſº. Tº ſº. BANGOR- Mrs. H. H. Sanborn, care T. J. Daly & Son. Mrs. C. S. Lawrence, 63 Pearl. Mrs. Lizzie Stevens, 37 Everett. Mrs. L. G. Bickford, 134 Park. Mrs. M. L. Williams 35 Everett. BATH Mrs. C. A. Vaughn, 36 Oak. Frank L. Black, 26 Spring. Mrs. A. C. Combs, 35 Highland. F. L. Brackley, 1 House. Mrs. H. E. Lewis, 476 Washington. Mrs. Zina B. Hunt. (Toilet Set.) H. W. Hanson. BIDDEFORD- Mrs. E. Webster, 18 West. BRUNSWICK– Mrs. James Eastman, Hillside. L. D. Snow. Mrs. Wm. K. Thomas, 9 Stonewood. C. W. Patter, Pleasant. - Chester H. Booker, tº Everett. COOPERS MIT.I.S.– Mrs. Maude E. Mann. COSTIGAN– J. W. Russell. EAST ORRINGTON.— Mrs. Lyman Smith. GARD NIER– H. A. Fuller. (3 Sets.) Mrs. Thomas Cusick. Mrs. Ellen Tozier, S. Gardnier. GREAT WORKS- Mrs. Wm. E. Walsh. (Toilet Set.) GUILFORD– Otis Sylvester. N. Douglas & Co. (Toilet Set.) (Toilet Set.) GREENE– Mrs. Hayden Bigelow. I.EWISTON.— Mrs. Isaac S. Wilson, 45 ºhipple. J. K. Briggs. L. L. Hersey. Dr. M. C. Wedgwood, Nealy & Miller. Nora Conway, 318 Maine. W1.1. Q. Tapley, 32 Lowell. IINGOLNWILLE- A. O. Thomas. TNEW CASTIE- Mrs. John A. Berquoist NORTH WHITEFIELD– Sarah J. Erhart. OLT TOWN- Mrs. Geo. H. Potts, Box oë. CROTTO- Mrs. James B. Morrison. Mrs. August Burden, Peters. Mrs. James H. Caine ar..., F. H. Par. ady. PITTSFIELD– Frank J. Spaulding. Frank I. Spaulding. 17 PORTLAND- Mrs. F. H. Quigly, 200 Cumberland: Miss Mae Toye, Sherwood, Hotel. Mrs. E. W. Rowe, 8 Davis. Mrs. James E. Owen, 94 Gray. Mrs. C. E. Rowe, 6 Dyer. Mrs. J. E. McBrady, 78 Adams. Helen Cady, 83 York. Mrs. P. A. Drolet, 24 Exchange. (Toilet Set.) Mrs. E. E. Curtis, 6or Congress. Mrs. Linwood L. Norcross, 15 Wins- 1ow. Z. B. Qsgood, 16 Cumberland. Mrs. M. Herbert Brickett, 136 Brackett. Mrs. Hugh L. Boyal, 84 Pleasant. C. J. Ward, 57 Mountfort. (New Scheme.) Edward J. Ryan, II Washington Ave. (New Scheme.) RCCKLAND– Fred E. Bramhall, 5 Benkeley. Mrs. G. S. Manning, 5 Achorn. Mrs. W. L. Knowlton, 5o Pine. Sumner Waldron, 2d Holmes. Mrs. Eliza P. Wylie, 5 South. Mrs. Florence Sherman, to 3 N.Main. Ms. Elias White, 29 Gay. (Toilet et.) Mrs. F. F. Peterson, 99 Camden. (Toilet Set.) Mrs. Addie Marshall, 218 Main. Mrs. Robt. H. House, Glen Cove. Mrs. H. A. Larrabee, 39 Maverick (Toilet Set.) Carrie E. Rhoades, 27 Camden. Mrs. E. D. Mills, 29 Spruce. Mrs. Cora L. Simmons, 74 Maverick. (Toilet Set.) - Mrs. C. E. Hoyt, 12 Willow. Mrs. John Halrorson, 12 James. Mrs. E. F. Staples, 99 Cedar. Rºčº Cº- Mrs. G. R. Farnsworth. Mrs. A. P. Spear. SPRUCE HEAD– Mrs. Wm. Bend. STILT, WATER– Bernard Poynter. Julia Russell. WINAL HAVEN– Gertrude McIntosh. E. G. Carver. - Mrs. John H. Wright. Mrs. Byron I. Wºn: I Mrs. Fred E. Littlefield. Mrs. F. B. Snowman. Mrs. Barbara Fraser. Mrs. Llewellyn Smith. WALDOBOR,0– Everett F. Simmons. Mrs. James McHenan. WARREN- Mrs. S. V. Weaver, Box 298. A. W. Batchelder. WINNEGANCE– Mrs. Alton Oliver. (Toilet Set.) D. s. o F. Go R-U M El A. ANAGOSTIA— Mrs. McPherson, 195 High. Mrs. M. J. McGrath, 430 Jackson. (Toilet Set.) B. J. King, 152 Jackson. GEORGETOWN- Mrs. Ida E. Young, 2052 32d. WASHINGTON.— Geo. Bush, 4th and G., N.W. Mrs. B. R. Stickney, 215 oth, S. W. Mrs. F. O'Brien, 1314 36th, N. W. Luke J. Kearney, 1811 14, N.W. John Meiklejohn, Blair Road. (Toilet Set.) WASHINGTON.—Continued. John J. Siggers, 118 E, N. E. Mrs. L. A. Kieny, 634 Toth, N. E. Miss S. L. Stamm, 415 11th, S.E. (Toilet Set.) Edgar Browning, 130.o 44, S.W. Mr. W. R. Huff. 63, S. # Gertrude º care C. Hooper, Toor G, S. E. Geo. R. Jackson, 326 N, S. E. Luke J. Kearney, 181r I, N. W. (Toilet Set.) Mrs. Anna Bauer, cor. 7th and M, S. W. Geo. T. Berkeley, 3ro D, S. E. Dr. J. E. Smith, 1850 Mintwood Pl. (Toilet Set.) Ms. * Somerset, 1323 Union, Theo. F. Wilson, care Philip Otter- beck, I toº. 11th. Geo. W. Sanford, 13oo 44, S.W. Mrs. Annie Sipple, Toro 4th, S. E. Mrs. K. T. Meade, 1604 Vermont Ave., N. W. Mrs. L. Nightengalle, Washington Beeks. - - Mrs. Jas, C. Lain, 480 L, S. E. Pauline Naeker, 563 oth, S. E. Mrs. A. R. Tiller, 864 G, S. W. Lou A. Shimp, 75 N. N. W. Hattie Ager, 15 to 32d N. W. Mrs. Wm. H. Fenderson, 1405 New Jersey Ave., N. W. Mrs. Susie Humphries, 722 11th, S.E. Mrs. Mary Connolly, 353 N. S. W. Louise Newcomb, 4oo A, S. E. John Schneider, 709 6th, N. W. (Toilet Set.) Mrs. Jos. E. Hodgson, 808 E, S. E. (Toilet Set.) - Mº #: J. Krupp, 1322 Florida Ave., Max Mazo, 4th and Elm, N.W., *g. Wºº 233 8th, N. E. (Toilet et. ºl Mrs. M. E. Shaffer, 6.39 E., S.E. Lewis H. Disney, 14 of E, S. E. Mrs. Lizzie Bergling, 7 ro 5th, N.W.ſ. J. A. Culp, care Chas. R. Hooper, S. E. corroth and G, S. E. Evelyn DeKoven, 823r 3th, N. W. (Toilet Set.) Mrs. Sadie Schwing, 17oo 5th, N.W. rs. H. M. Bush, 764 New Jersey Ave., N. W. Hester Callisher, 363 T, N. W. Mrs. L. Pearson, 1226 D, N. E. Mrs. Woodbridge, 72d 43, S.W. (Toilet Set.) Geo. T. Berkeley, 319 D, S.E. (Toi- let Set.) Mrs. J. A. Schmidt, 1231 4th, N. W. Maggie Lee, 1.25o Union Court. SW. M. Ragan, too; E, S.W. (Toilet Set) Mrs. Ellen Turner, 1323 12th, N. E. Mrs. Henry C. Mackabee, 482 G.S.W. Mrs. E. Slingluff, r33o 44, S. W. Mrs. James Taylor, Trž2 Blandens- burg Rd., N. E. (Toilet Set.) Mº § Rammling, 3rz Penn Ave., Wº ºGº º AºA- A.I.E.X.A.Nºt A- Mrs. Sarah Barrett, 613 S. Columbus. Mrs. J. A. Stoutenburg, 429 N. Co- 1umbus, Mrs. Mary E. Butts, 424 N.Columbus Mrs. A. C. Davis, 219 N. St. Asaph. Mrs. Geo. B. Carlin, 3rr S. St. Asaph. Mrs. Robt. Murphy, cor. Orinono and Alfred. Sarah E. Harris, oog Princess. Mrs. M. Benson, 3rr Queen. Mrs. Mary "... yº 2 tº N. Alfred IQ ALEXANDRIA–Continued, Mrs. Herbert Ramey, I to S. Alfred. Mrs. Pauline Jones, 425 S. Washing- ton. Mrs. Laura A. Cheshire, 231 N. West. Mrs. Harnie A. Johnson, 517 N. Henry. Martha James, 765 S. Washington. Mrs. Huntington, care E. N. & Bro., Cameron and Henry. Mrs. Nora Foltz, 505 S. Lee. Wm. T. Penn, care Herbert T. Beach. E. Gºgºvºy ºzº Fº. ALBANY– Nora } Doyle, 17o Grand. (Toilet Set. Mrs. E. Krebs, 261 Lark. J. H. Bennink, cor. Green and Schuyler. Mrs. Anna S. Bader, 63 Northern Boulevard. (Toilet Set.) Mrs. R. C. Batchelder, 7.76 Brºadway Nora F. McMahon, 181 Livingston Ave. - F. Hahn, care J. F. Mulrooney, 522 Hamilton, Dunn Mrs. Emma Rank, 3.38 S. Pearl. Mrs. C. A. Graves, 185 Elk. Jennie Steinfeld, 71 Grant. Mrs. John W. Zallenbeck, 211 First. Mrs. B. Miller, 652 Central Ave. (Toilet Set.) Mrs. William Hazard, I to Orange. D. R. W. Hutchinson, 143 Central Ave. Mrs. E. M. Bohl, 524 Central Ave. (Toilet Set.) Mrs. Catherine Green, 332 Orange. Mrs. S. DeForest, 156 Allen. Mrs. M. S. Keenholts, 247 Central. Arthur J. Vine, 5o 5 Central Ave. William W. Weller, care Walter Mc- Wail. Mrs. Henry Bulson, 3957 Hudson. W. D. Myers, 24 N. Knox. Zeb. A. S. Strevell, 14o S. Knox. Percy Gallup, 14o S. Knox. Wm. Stoffler, Jr., 464 Washington. J. P. £º cor. Maiden Lane and ... tº earl. Andrew Shondy, 77 Perry. Mrs. J. C. Johnston, 1.37 Central. Mrs. A. B. Parmalee, 596 Central. Mrs. J. Beer, 74.9tail. Mrs. Gray, 5 Elizabeth. 20 Mrs. Charles Griswold,872nd Ave. Mrs. E. C. Irving, 3oz Clinton Ave. Mrs. John Pommer, 174 First. Mrs. James Brannock, 2.64 Elm. William Clerk, 365 Hudson Ave. Miss E. D. Parsons, 75 Ten Broeck. Mrs. Friaehor Mahr, 70. Sherman. Mrs. J. Morey, 453 Hudson Ave. Clinton Ten Eyck, 198 Weston Ave. Mrs. M. J. Abriel, 21 tº Livingston. Mrs. James White, 16 Delaware: Mrs. J. E. Smith, care J. F. Mul- rooney, 239 Ontario, POUGHREEPSIE– Mrs. James Martin, 52 Church. Mrs. A. J. Frey, 24 Academy. Mrs. Kathryn Hayden, 2.0Talmadge. Mrs. J. H. Titus, 58 Academy. Mrs. W. J. Boyd, 48o Main. Mrs. P. Clark, 2 Lincoln Ave. Mrs. Sarah O'Hare, 6o Main. Mrs. R. Leahey, 9 Cataract Place. Robert Good, 16 Bain Ave. Mrs. Wm. E. Ferris, 37 Harrison. Laura Croshier, Arlington. ... Mrs. A. A. Williams, 81 Washington. Mrs. P. F. Carlson, 53.N. Clinton. Mrs. Fred Carter, 43 High. Poughkeepsie continued. W. H. Fetter, rs7 Mill. (Toilet Set.) Mrs. J. H. Wentworth, 79 Mont- - gomery. Mrs. Anna Kuhn, 42 Pine. Mrs. J. Maier, 9; Union. (Toilet Set.) Mrs. Jane McDonald, 5 Albany. Chas. W. Polhemers, 5 Harrison. Mrs. Win. Van Wagner, or Union. Mrs. Eliza Cashin, 186 Church. Mrs. John Purcell, 54 Gifford Ave. (Toilet Set.) Mrs. Edna M. Pasca1. Mrs. J. Dolfinger, 6.3 Church. Mrs. Rowe Deyo, 37 Thompson. Mrs. M. Baer, ºr 3 Main. M. A. M. Blackºji, 55 Washing- O11. Bertha Abeel, 9 Elm Place. Nannie O'Haré, 32 Winfield. Mrs. Wm. Gill, 125 Tallmadge. (Silver Set.) Mrs. R. N. King, 52 Washington. º Stokes, 56 S. Water. rs. M. McMillen, 11 South Water. (Toilet Set.) Mrs. Shay, Winfield. (Toilet Set.) Mrs. Chas. B. Dietz, 28 John. Mrs. C. S. Lawrence, Arlington ROCHESTER– Sam Berman, 252 Baden. Miss A. Bruehl, to Hawkins. Mrs. Frank Van Lear, 56 Meng. Place. (Toilet Set.) Mathias Leyler, 125 Wild. Mrs. Andrell, Dingfelder, 67 Peck. Mrs. W. H. Emery, 37 Locust. Mrs. J.G. Pearce, 460 Plymouth Ave. Mrs. F. Gunther, 267 Averill Ave. Mrs. Josephine Ort, 1 Centennial. Mrs. J. H. Camburn, 79 Frost Ave. Mrs. A. E. Saulpaugh, 77 Park Ave. Mrs. º Schmalholz, 33 Hollister. Miss L. Weisenborn, 31 Peck. Mrs. A. E. Gill, 281 Adams. Mrs. John Silbert, 356 Joseph Ave. Mrs. J. Kelly, 159 Tremont. Mrs. J. H. Ernisse, 595 Bay. (Toi- let Set.) - - J. B. Champagne, 4 Hollister. (Sil- ver Set.) Mrs. Ernest Northrup, 88 Clarissa. Mrs. Wim. A. Attridge, 1449. S. Ave. and Stewart. H. P. Schlenker, 69 Hollister. Mrs. Ella Miller. 336 Monroe Ave. Mrs. B. Preuss, 338 Scio, Geo. R. Arthur, 1971exington Ave. Mrs. Nichols Brayer, 198W. Maple. C. Schlegel, 344 Central Park. Wm. J. Lehle, #4 Bay. Mrs. Jos. Kuebel, 23 Central Park. (Toilet Set.) Mrs. F. F. Sabey, 79 Manhattan. Mrs. Geo. V. Popp, 362 Colvin. Mrs. Gus. Sauerteig, 52 Comfort. Mrs. C. W. Frost, 5io Mt. Hope Ave Mrs. H. Knop, 34 Gordon Park. Mrs. Ellen Manning, 35. Durgin. Mrs. James F. Doyle, 129 Driving Park Ave. Mrs. C. Leuchtner, 38 Sullivan. Mrs. Jos. Bilings, 17 Joseph Place. Mrs. A. F. Gardner, 93% Webster. Mrs. Thos. Morrison, 29 Kent. Mrs. Filon W. Jones, 73 Wellington. Mrs. M. McPhee, 151 Wilder. Mrs. C. T. Rau, 4. Third. Mrs. F. Graves, 74 Concord. Mrs. A. E. Norton, 323 Linden. Mrs. J. E. Sullivan, 489 Central Park. Mrs. M. Heary, 66 Villa Mrs. A. Jeffries, 7o Wooden. J. B. Hendrickson, Ellwager and Barry Building. - 21. - RQCHESTER–Continued. Mrs. # Murphy, 266 Bronson Ave. Mrs. J. L. Palmer, 540 South Ave. Mrs. Charles Paulus, 35 Myrtle. Mrs. P. Rosner, 128 Chatham. Mrs. Altpeter, care Collins Grocery, 24o Central Park. Mrs. E. E. Westfall, 4 Glencairn. Mrs. M. Rose, 2 Lochner Park. W. Barber, 376 Central Ave. P. G. Mattle, 1.5o Wilder. Mrs. John Rºgers, 24 Alexander. Mrs. C. F. Gütland, 323 CentralAve. Mrs. J. E. Bowman, 26 Rainer. C. C. Woehrien, New No. 790 N. Goodman, olyte– ſº Mrs. John Parry, 462 E. Myrtle. Mrs. Jonas W. Armstrong, 327 W. homas. Mrs. M. B. Metcalf, 173 Hammon Block. Mrs. Esther Weld, 210 Steuben. . . Mrs. Geo. E. Sherman, 3oo W. Lib- erty. Mrs. §. O. Carr, 315 W. Park. Rev. S. J. Greenfield, 212 W. Em- bargo, (Toilet Set.) Mrs. C. Gibbon, Io; N. Washington. (Toilet Set.) Marietta Boylan, 805 E. Dominick. Mrs. 3. J. Connell, care A. P. Root & Co. Mrs. Thos. Street. SCHENECTADY- Mrs. F. L. Burck, II 19 Albany. Mrs. E. M. Ives, 2 Mingay Blk, Mt. Pleasant. - Mrs. Harman P. Shaver, S. Schenec– tady. - Mrs. Lillian Waterbury, 8 to Stan- ley Place. Mrs. Jennie E. Young, 328 Summit. Wm. F. Wessell, care F. C. Krueger & Co., 142 State. Theo. Van Laak. Mrs. Eliz. McKinney, 62o Liberty. F. C. Krueger & Co. Mrs. Jno. H. Bolan, 78 Tondo. Mrs. R. Levi, 218 Liberty. Fred Grauman, Central Electric Co. Mrs. R. Bolling, r32 S. Ferry. W. 3. Wessell, care F. C. Krueger O. E. Hallenbeck, 739 E. Liberty. Mrs. Fred Martin, 154 Lafayette. - 22 Louis Vogel, 964 Albany. Mrs. Wm. Candon, Irrf Albany. Mrs. Milward, Box 734, Bellevue. F. L. Glassford, 57 Second Ave., Mt. Pleasant. Mrs. A. Williams, Box 58. E. J. McMullin, 996 State. E. Tieman, cor. Gilbert and West- inghouse, Mt. Pleasant. Mrs. F. Dicklemire, 22 Quackenbos t Mrs. Eliz. Farrell, 38 Fonda. let Set.) C. J. Dailey, 124 Prospect. Mrs. D. L. Ostram, 621 State. Mrs. Annie Messer, 4r Fuller. Mrs. J. O. Hetn, iroo Duane Ave. Mrs. Geo. W. Gates, 367 Edison Ave. Rev. H. C.Cooper, 173 Nott Terrace. Mrs. Seymour, 972 Albany. Mrs. Julius Kircher, 2 r Linden. (Toi- SYRACUSE– Mrs. W. D. Auringer, 362 Temple. Mrs. M. R. Graham, 314 Burnet Ave. Mrs. Cora B. Piper, 557. S. Clinton. Mrs. Martin Guthman, E. Syracuse. (Toilet Set.) Mrs. C. A. Ruleff, E. Syracuse. Mrs. Thomas Slack, 7 ºr Ulster. - - SYRAGUSE–Continued. Mrs. B. Rosenbloom, 816 S. State. Mrs. J. Schall, Toro Almond. Mrs. W. R. Foster, 215 Summer. Mrs. James Bull, 154 Lakeview Ave. Mrs Richard Eagen, 612 Madison. Mrs. º Kraff, 417 Seymour. Mrs. F. L. Harter, 226 Hawley. Mrs. J. L. Edwards, 221 Kellogg. James Wheeler, care Fred Wells, New Butternut. Mrs. August F. Balitz, 936 Emerson ve. Miss E. Stroh, 506 E. Jefferson. Mrs. T. J. Coffey, 201 W. Adams. Mrs. Lester Potter, ros. Exchange. Mrs. John F. Wilson, 713 Center. Mº R. Moosbruger, ros. Brewster ve. Mrs. M. G. Shapero, 421 Cedar, Mrs. Burke, 312 S. Geddis. August Blume, 204 Saile. Mrs. Pius Gottstein, 702 Townsend #º. Storer, East Syracuse. Mrs. Prederick E. Cole 235 Midland. Mrs. John Barragar, 507 W. Wilkin- son. Chas. Hoard, 123 W. Manlius, E. Syracuse, N.Y. — ` - Mrs. R. M. Madden. It 7 South. Fred C. Low, care Hudson Bros. Emma Clark, 382 South Ave. Mrs. W. M. Robar, Tro Fremont. John Parsons, 716 Orange. Chas. O. Gale, Troö E. Fayette. Otis W. Kenyon, 131 Furman. Henry Keene, 603 Rowland. Geo. E. Hunt, II 25 Wolf. Mrs. Griffin, 462 Shounard. Fred L. Morgan, 331 E. Castle. Mrs. Geo. Krum, 264 Oneida. Wm. A. Menikheim, 121 N. Clinton. Mrs. Marie Teachout, 1816 Park. G. Hittlor, Io9 Peter. rs. Albert Mauggaug, roë Rowland. Mrs. Thos. Donnelly, 352 Elm. Mrs. F. W. New, 1414 Lodi. Mrs. A. Slosson, Io; McClure. Mrs. º Faller,823 N. Salina. , Mrs. David C. Fleming, 408 Bear. Mrs. Ira Brown 41 o Cortlan W. M. Steele, 246 Gertrude. Mrs. Mary Wood, 133 Nelson. Mrs. Thos. Kerr, 660 Gifford. º Follmer, 420 Kirkpatrick. ax Grom, 1319 E. Division, cor. Townsend. Wm. Hardy, 151 Nelson. A. - - *3.” Mrs. L. Bobinsky, 525. E. Adams. A. Ripberger, Izo Kirk Building. Mrs. John Cahill, 202 Sabline. F. G. Kimman, 641 Catherine Mrs. Fred Unz, gro S. Geddes. Thos. Lukase, 262 Sackett. Mrs. Lincoln Cole, Box roë, E. Syra- cuse. Mr. Francis Tobin, 414 Hawley. A. Bihler, care F. i. Wairah & Co. Mrs. Wm. Schade, 647 Gifford. Mrs. W. F. Saunders, 319 W. Onon- daga. Mrs. Max L. Wechsler, 713 S. State. Mrs. W. J. McClusky, 516 Court. Mrs. Geo. W. Kennedy, 21 r Oswego. Mrs. Thomas McDonald, 317 Apple. Mrs. E. Haas, 850 N. Salina. *** TROY- Mrs. J. Maxwell, 386. Mann Ave. Mrs. M. McGuire, 431 3rd. Hattie Ferguson, 4 ManchesterAve., Sycaway. Nora Rogers, care T.T. Smith, Hoo- sick and 16th. - Mrs. Ed. G. Vincent, 331 5th Ave., Upper Troy. Jennie Murphy, 2660 5th Ave. lºbkey. 436 Mrs. Richard Dixon, Vanderheyden Farm, Oakwood Ave. Mrs. Wm. Ryan, 23 Mount. Mrs. }. Cannon, 413. 3rd. Mrs. James Cornell, 367 Toth Ave. H. M. Morrison, 142 Ferry. . Emma E.Green, 27 High. (Toilet Set) Mrs. Mary Doran, 1720 6th Ave. Mrs. Geo. H. Stowe, care Chas. S. Spall, Upper Troy. Mrs. John Carey, care Wm. Mackey, 34o Congress, A. Bugalla, 4o'ſ 9th. Mrs. Rood, Hoosick and 16th, * W. § º 63 5th Ave. pper ITOy). - Mrs. £º Schlegel, 839 River. Louis A. Zion, 2014 6th Ave. Mrs. Chas. Gardner, 21477th Ave. Mrs. Mary Shannon, 628 4th. Sarah Walsh, 721 Burden. - Mrs. Edward Hefert, 331 3rd. (Toi- 1et Set.) Emma Butler, 5066th Ave. (Up- per Troy). - P.H.Mackey,9Glen Ave. (Toilet Set) Mrs. Chas. S. Baker, 3 Waite Place. Mrs. James Morehead, 1138th. Patrick Walsh, 579 4th. - Patrick º 4.77 Second. Mrs. Edward McCarthy, 462 2nd. Mºº Mrs. James H. Ormsby, 32.58th. Mrs. Guy Lasher, 391 Toth H. M. Davis & Bro., 3361. 6th Ave. John F. Barthel, 363 Fulton. Mrs. Richard Webb, Box 8th, Paper Co., Pawling Ave. Mrs. Timothy Minahan, 542 2nd. Michael Woods, 529 First. P. J. Guerin, Jr., 124 Hill. º's Logan, Sulphur Springs. rs. Sherwin, 238th. Mrs. Alex. Spenard, 61 Adams. Mrs. J. A. Raitgan, 28 Christie. Mrs. Chas. Fredericks, 3323 6th. Mrs. M. I. Brien, 224. 2nd. Mrs. F. H. Bryant, 157 1st. Mrs. Thomas Moores, 92 11th. Mollie Murray, Tyler, east of 4th. Mary Ahearn, 4424th. Nicholas Hughes, 83 Ida. UTICA– Mrs. J. C. McFadden, 92 Albany. Mrs. Reinhold Pistsch, 24. Walnut. Geo. A. Anna, 125 Mohawk. Mrs. Thomas F. Quinn, 18 Neilson. Mrs. J. M. Bernstein, II Hoyt. º º 0&tº (ºn. º V. - Mrs. Geo. A, Bowman, 133 Seymour ve. Mrs. Kate Quinn, 167 Blandina. rs. Geo. Moath, 197 Elizabeth. Mrs. James E. DeForest, 7 ºr Mary. Mrs. George Shuemaker, 4o Stark. Wm. Kuchinling, 31. Louisa. M. F. Kelly, too º Mrs. Jake Kratzenberg, 15 Oaklane. W. H. Longley, rog Eagle. Wm. L. Knapp, 75%. Steuben. Mrs. Martin Wolfert, 172 Miller. Mrs. Biel, 362 Kossuth Ave. S. C. Hill, 97 Elm. W. Euchier, 68 Brinkerhoff Ave. Mrs. Geo, Amdorfer, 8 Jasen. C. K. Cook, 124 Webster Ave. Mrs. Wm. Howard, 98 Erie. Mrs. D. Perkins, Box 172. - Mrs. Hallan Townsend, 115 White- OTO. Mrs. John McElwain, 213 Brinker- hoff Ave. Mrs. Elizabeth Roberts, 304 Cath- etine, Miss E. M. McGill, 43 Blandina. Mrs. A. F. Trosett, 31 City. Mrs. M. Nusbaum, 76 Jay. Mrs. Jerry Buckley, 75 Mohawk. ... " 35 ºf - - - - -- - ---. - - - - . - - -