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CLEMENTS LIBRARY Gift of Virginia Bartlett RECIPES Collected BY THE LADIES OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, OF KINGSTON, PENN’A. & U 1907 Soups CLAM CHOWDER--Maryland Style. % lb. fat salt pork. Salt, pepper. 6 chopped onions. 25 clams. I qt. tomatoes. I doz. chopped potatoes. I tablespoon Worcester- Pinch of thyme. shire sauce. . I qt. oysters. Chop pork, brown in frying pan. Remove hard part of clams, chop fine. - ** Boil clams, onions, pork, tomatoes and seasoning four hours with one pint water and juice of clams. Add po- tatoes three quarters hour before serving; and oysters ten minutes before. - Mrs. R. B. Vaughn. coRN chowDER. I qt. cabbage. & I qt. green tomatoes. I qt. corn. I qt, celery. - I qt. Lima beans. 3 qts. vinegar. I qt green cucumbers. I oz. mustard seed. I qt. green, red and yellow 2 lbs. sugar. peppers. - Boiſ one-half hour. Do not put corn in until fifteen minutes before removing from fire. Mrs. M. A. Van Scoy. VEGETABLE SOUP STOCK. I bushel tomatoes. % peck onions. I peck okra. IO green peppers. 2 red peppers. I cup salt. * If desired, add I doz. large or 2 doz. small ears of corn. Scald, skin, Squeeze and stew tomatoes as for 4 table use. Add onions and peppers Skinned and free from seeds and chopped. When cooked add Gkra cut in discs. Stir frequently, add salt, and when okra is tender, put into glass jars and seal. One pint thickens one quart of meat stock. - Mrs. Andrew Raub. - BEAN soup. t 1 pt. cold baked beans. I teaspoon butter. I qt. water. I teaspoon flour. % tea cup catstip. º - Put the beans over the fire in the water and when soft rub through a colander. Return to the fire, add the catsup, and salt and pepper, if needed. Rub the butter and flour together and stir into the soup. Boil. Serve with croutons or bread browned slightly in oven. - Mrs. R. P. Brodhead. CHIC KEN SOUP. 1 qt. chicken broth. . I tablespoon chopped pars- 3 cups milk or cream. ley. I teaspoon Salt. - /4 cup chopped celery. Dash of Cayenne. %tablespoon butter. I teaspoon Onion juice. I tablespoon flour. Rub butter and flour together before using. Add some hot stock and stir until smooth, then stir into soup. Boil up once and serve. Mrs. W. H. Faulds. cFEAM of PEA soup. I pt. peas, boiled and mashed through a colander. Place in a sauce pan one tablespoon butter; when melted, add 2 even tablespoons flour. Stir well and add slowly I. pt. boiling water, I qt, boiling milk, then mashed peas. Cook until blended. Season with salt and pepper: Serve very hot. - Mrs. B. R. Tubbs. 5. ToMATO PUREE. I qt. canned or fresh to- Sprig of parsley. nTatCeS. Stick of celery. I pt. water, or stock pre- 6 pepper corns. ferred. - I teaspoon sugar. I bay leaf. Put in granite ware sauce pan. Simmer until tomato is Soft. In another sauce pan fry a sliced, onion and table- spoon butter. Add tablespoon flour and cook but not brown. Add enough tomato to dilute mixture. Mix well with rest of tomato and salt. Strain. Heat again before serving. Serve with croutons. Mrs. C. W. Bixby. ** BLACK BEAN SOU P. I pt. black turtle soup 9% lb. beef bone. beans. I carrot, cut or grated. V% lb. salt pork. I teaspoon whole cloves or I onion. allspice. I turnip. Soak beans over night. Put beans into six quarts cold water with other ingredients and boil three or four hours. Put through colander, add thickening and boil a few min- utes longer. Add wine. Put slices of lemon and hard boiled eggs in tureen and pour soup over. Mrs. H. H. Welles, Jr. POTATO SOUP. Cut a small portion salt bacon in small pieces and boil twenty minutes with a few slices of onion. When bacon is nearly done add two potatoes, and boil until done. Remove potatoes, mash them and put them back in the saucepan, adding one tablespoon butter, one cup milk, one teaspoon cornstarch. Season. Mrs. C. Bach. * *', ſyrº-, . „ 9 Tisb. OYSTER COC KTAI L. 5 Small oysters to a glass. 9% teaspoon tobasco sauce. I cup oyster liquor. Juice of lemon. % cup catsup. Salt. ... Mrs. T. L. Welles. OYSTER PIE. Line deep pie plate with pie crust and fill with two layers of oysters putting on each layer flour, pepper. salt and a piece of butter. Cover with upper crust and bake in quick oven. - - Mrs. C. Bach. FRICASEE OF OYSTERS. Boil twenty-five oysters in their own liquor and drain in a colarſder. * Cook one minute in a sauce pan, stirring all the time:– Butter size of egg. - I tablespoon flour. One cup oyster liquor. Take from fire and mix in yolks of two eggs or the whole eggs. Add salt, Cayenne pepper, I teaspoon lemon juice and a grating of nutmeg. - - Return to fire to set the eggs, put in oysters to heat and serve on thin slices of toast or in patty shells. -- - Mrs. B. R. Tubbs. A N ICE DISH FOR TEA. I pint stewing oysters chopped quite fine. I egg well beaten. Add a handful coarse cracker crumbs, salt and pepper to taste. Drop by spoonfuls in hot butter and fry a nics brown. Mrs. Cooper. IO CREAMED OYSTERS. 25 Oysters. 1 tablespoon corn starch or I pt. Cream. flour. I tablespoon butter. Mace, Salt, pepper. Boil oysters in their own liquor and drain through colander. Cook cream, etc., in double boiler. Add oys- ters, stir until thoroughly heated and serve. Mrs. B. R. Tubbs. LOBSTER NEwBERG. Split two good sized freshly boiled lobsters. Pick meat from shells and cut into inch long pieces. Place them in Sauce pan on hot range with one tablbespoon butter. Season with one large pinch of salt and same amount of red pepper. Cook five minutes then add one wine- glass of Maderia or sherry wine. Boil three minutes and set aside. Beat yolks of three eggs light, add to them V/3 pint sweet cream, and a cup of sweet milk. Put the whole in a separate sauce pan and heat very hot. Stir into it a teaspoon of cornstarch which has been dis- solved in cold water, and add the mixture to the lobster. Turn into hot tureen and serve on hot plates. Miss Augusta Hoyt. Rock Fish of HALIBUT A LA CREME. Boil the fish in salted water. When done remove the skin and take out the bone. (This is for rock.) Make a dressing with I pint of milk and I pint of cream, butter the size of an egg and three tablespoons of flour, adding a little chopped parsley, half a chopped on- ion, Salt and pepper. Stir this on the fire until thick, take from fire and thoroughly cool. Butter a dish and put in alternate layers of fish and dressing, sprinkling the fish with a thin layer of grated cheese. The dressing must be the top layer. Sprinkle with bread crumbs, cheese and small bits of butter. Bake 30 minutes. - * *_ Miss Augusta Hoyt. II SALMON BALLS. I can salmon. }% cup milk. 2 eggs. I cup cracker crumbs. Fry in hot fat. Mrs. Hilbert SALMON CAKES. I can Salmon, % cup dried bread or I egg. cracker crumbs. }% cup milk. % teaspoon baking powder % teaspoon salt. Beat egg and salmon together until smooth. Add other ingredients and drop from spoon into hot lard or butter. A. S. ESCOLLOPED SAL MON. 2 cups milk. Yolks of two eggs. 2 tablespoons flour. 4. - Cook together and when thick add beaten whites of eggs. Arrange layers of salmon, bread crumbs, bits of butter and the above dressing. - Bake one-half hour in buttered dish.’ S. S. Goodwin. OYSTER COCKTAIL. Eight tablespoons tomato catsup, six tablespoons of lemon juice, one tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce, one tablespoon grated horseradish, one salt spoon of salt, six drops of tobasco sauce. Mix together and keep very cool until ready to serve. Put the oysters into punch glasses and fill with the mixture. This is sufficient for eight glasses. Mrs. M. E. Marvin. I2 T3 I4 s Yūcats. OATMEAL STUFFING. Cook one heaping cup of Irish or Scotch oatmeal in double boiler, with salt, pepper, a medium onion, two cold sausages chopped fine and piece of butter size of an egg. A slice of pork may be used in place of sausage. Pour over this boiling water enough to cover mixture. Let this stand over the fire until water is all taken up by oat- meal. It need not boil hard all the time. Do not stuff breast of turkey too full. It is necessary that the right amount of water be used. The dressing should be almost crumbling when served. Miss Elizabeth Loveland. BAKED MEAT DISH, Put layer of chopped beef or veal in baking dish, then layer of raw canned tomatoes, seasoned, then layer of cooked vermicelli. Repeat. Cover with bread crumbs and lumps of butter. Gravy adds to it. Bake one and one-half hours. - Miss. Katharine Parsons. POTTED OR JELLIED MEAT.-Scotch Dish. A shin of beef, broken for boiling. Cover with cold water and boil until meat comes from bone. Cool, skim, cut meat fine and replace in kettle after straining liquor. Season and boil briskly for half an hour. Put in molds and keep in cool place. Mrs. Duncan Stewart. 16 YORKSHIRE PUDDI NG. 5 tablespoons flour. 2 eggs. I pt. Sweet milk. Salt. Beat flour and milk, add eggs well beaten and salt. Bake in meat gravy after removing roast. Bake in hot oven twenty-five minutes. Mrs. R. B. Vaughn. BAKED HAM. One slice ham one-half inch thick. Place in skillet with a little water. Sprinkle ham with a little sugar. Bake one hour. - Mrs. Benner. BAKED CURED HAM. Soak a ham over night. In the morning put on to boil in cold water. Let it simmer two or three hours. Let ham remain in kettle until luke warm. Remove skin and bake in oven for two hours, using cup of wine, vinegar or hard cider sweetened with brown sugar to baste with. Baste frequently. When baked, spread ham with a paste made of fine bread crumbs, two teaspoons brown sugar, one teaspoon dry mustard, moistened with cider or wine. Return ham to oven long enough to brown well. Mrs. B. R. Tubbs. SAUSAGE, 100 lbs. of 94 lean and 3% IO oz. ground sage. fat meat chopped fine. IO oz. black pepper. 2% lbs. Salt. Mix meat and seasoning thoroughly. Keep in cool place. . Miss Frances Dorrance. 17 FAR MER'S DAINTY DISH. 5 potatoes. I onion. - % lb. Salt pork, sliced. I lb. beef, mutton or veal. Peel and slice thin the potatoes and onion. Cut meat in small pieces. Shorten bread or biscuit dough. In a stew pan place slices of pork, meat, potato and onion, a little pepper, then a layer of crust. Repeat this until the stew pot is full. Pour in water to cover and finish with crust. Simmer until all is done, but do not let boil. Serve hot. Mrs. Andrew Raub. BEAF LOAF. 3 lbs. chopped beef. 2 eggs. 4 crackers, rolled. Butter size of egg, I tablespoon salt. I teaspoon pepper. % nutmeg, grated. % cup milk. Bake an hour and a quarter. Mrs. Albert E. Miller. SPRING CHIC KEN. Open chickens down back and spread out. Rub the whole chicken with butter, then sprinkle in mustard and salt. Roast about one hour, basting frequently. Have very little water in the pan. Make a little gravy and pour over. Miss Katharine Parsons. CH | C K E N AND MACARON I. I cup macaroni broken and boiled in salted water. Pick up stewed chicken. Place layers of chicken and macaroni in dish, sprinkle on top cracker or bread crumbs and bits of butter. Pour on the layers a dressing of two table- Spoons melted butter and two tablespoons flour, one pint boiling milk and one cup liquor from chicken. Season. Mrs. James H. Hughes. I8 SAVORY MEAT. 3 lbs. round steak. 6 crackers, ground. 3 eggs. I teaspoon pepper. % tablespoon salt. - Butter. Bake in loaf. Mrs. C. Bach. CORN ED BEEF.—Quick Made. 5 lbs. beef. 4 teaspoons salt. Saltpetre size hazle nut. 2 tablespoons sugar. Dissolve salt, sugar and saltpetre in enough water to cover beef. - • , Let stand two or three days, and boil tender in the same water. Skim while boiling. ROASTED VEAL CUTLETS. Sprinkle cutlets with salt and pepper. Dip in egg and bread crumbs. Put bits of butter on cutlets, and put in pan with one cup water. Roast in hot oven. Mrs. F. W. Frantz. VEAL LOAF. No. 1. 3 lbs. veal, chopped fine. 2 teaspoons summer Sa- % cup bread or cracker vory. crumbs. % lb. beef, chopped fine. % teaspoon allspice. 2 teaspoons salt. 3 eggs. 3 tablespoons cream. I teaspoon black pepper. W4 cup butter. & e I teaspoon onlon Ju1ce. Mix the meat, crumbs and seasoning, add eggs, well beaten, cream and melted butter. Press into a mould wet with cold water, then turn out on a flat baking pan. Bake in moderate oven two hours, basting occasionally with melted butter. . . Mrs. D. H. Lake. 19 - No. 2. 2 lbs. veal, chopped. 2 eggs. % lb. salt pork, chopped. Butter size of egg. I}/4 tablespoons cream. Salt, pepper. % nutmeg. A little parsley. % cup bread crumbs. - Bake one and one-half hours. Mrs. T. W. Thomas. No. 3. 3 lbs. raw chopped weal. 6 soda crackers, rolled. 3 beaten eggs. I tablespoon salt. I teaspoon pepper. - A little summer savory. Mix and make into a round, long loaf. Bake two and one-half hours, basting every fifteen minutes with the butter and water in pan. - Miss Katharine Parsons, Miss Hasseby. No. 4. % lb. salt pork, chopped. 4 tablespoons melted but- 2 lbs. veal, chopped fine. ter. % cup cracker crumbs. Salt. Pepper. A little onion juice. 3 eggs, Mrs. Philip Hessel. 2I Wegetables. ESCOLLOPED TOMATOES. Season a can of tomatoes with I teaspoon salt and 34 teaspoon pepper. Spread a shallow baking dish with thin layer of bread crumbs; pour in the tomatoes, sprinkle over them I teaspoon sugar; cover the top with a cupful of bread crumbs which has been moistened with a tablespoon of melted butter. Bake in hot oven I5 minutes. Miss Esther French. SPAN ISH SPAGH ETTI. Break one-half pound spaghetti into small pieces. cover with boiling water and boil twenty minutes. Slice one medium sized onion and fry slightly brown in butter, add three or four large tomatoes, or half a can of tomatoes, half dozen or more chillies and salt. Cook all together, then strain, if desired, before adding spaghetti. Cook with the tomato sauce a few minutes longer. Mrs. H. B. Payne. MACARON }. When macaroni is well cooked add butter size of all egg, Salt, pepper, tablespoon mustard mixed with vinegar. Grate cheese. Cover with milk and bread crumbs. Mrs. B. R. Tubbs. POTATO FR ITTERS. 2 cups mashed potato. Salt. Pepper. 2 eggs, unbeaten. Flour to make thick batter. I teaspoon baking pow- der Fry in hot lard. - e Mrs. F. W. Frantz. 22 STUFFED TOMATOES. I tablespoon melted butter, I heaping cup bread I tablespoon onion, chop- crumbs. ped. I teaspoon salt. I cup minced meat (chick- Dash of pepper. en or lamb). Pulp of tomatoes. I tablespoon chopped pars- ley. Fry onion and butter together, add other ingredients and stir over fire until of right consistency. Cut slice from end of tomato and remove inside. Rub inside with onion. Fill with stuffing. Place small lump of butter on top. Place each tomato on piece of toast well moistened. Bake fifteen minutes. Serve with brown S3.11CC. Mrs. D. H. Lake. CUCUM BERS. Slice together, very thin, 4 or 5 cucumbers and I small onion. Sprinkle with salt and let stand half an hour. Wring out with the hands. Cover with 34 cup of thick cream mixed with V4 cup vinegar. Sprinkle with pepper. : Mrs. John E. Jenkins. BAKED BEANS. At noon put to soak one quart beans; at night drain, put in baking dish, adding one pound salt bacon, two tablespoons sugar, one tablespoon mustard and pinch of Cayenne. Cover beans with water and bake until morn- 1ng. Mrs. M. A. Scureman. DRY FRIED ONIONS Peel and slice white Bermuda or Spanish onions. Al- low to separate into rings. Soak in sweet milk for ten minutes. Sprinkle a little flour on bread board. Drain onions and place on board. 23 Sprinkle lightly with flour, fry in hot lard, as potato chips. Drain, salt to taste. Cover platter with napkin and Serve. Mrs. F. L. Olds. STUFFED EGG-PLANT. Boil an egg-plant thirty minutes. Cut in half, scrape out the inside. Mash this with two tablespoons butter, season with salt and pepper. Fil! the halves with the pulp, sprinkle with bread crumbs and brown in oven. A little minced veal or chicken may be added to the pulp. - Miss Frances Dorrance. PEAS, MARTINIQUE STYLE. I tablespoon olive oil. I tablespoon butter. I can peas. - I onion, medium. Sugar. Salt. - Put oil and butter in pan; when hot, add peas, from which liquid has been drained, the onion grated, Salt and sugar. Heat and serve. Mrs. L. C. Darte. POTATO SNOW. Boil large potatoes in skins, drain and dry thoroughly. Peel. Heat a dish, and rub potatoes through a coarse sieve into this dish. Do not touch them afterward or the flakes will fall. Serve very hot. Miss Lawley. HASHED BRow N POTATOEs. 2 tablespoons butter. Salt. Pepper. I qt. cold boiled potatoes. º Put butter in spider, when melted, add potatoes coarsely hashed. Season. Press lightly with back of spoon, Čover and brown for fifteen minutes. Turn out as an omelet. - Miss Esther French. 24 25 26 27 TEntrees. WELSH RAREBIT. I tablespoon butter, Red pepper. 2 lbs. cheese, grated or cut. Salt. I egg. g I small cup cream. Mustard. Melt together butter and cheese. When nearly melted add mustard, red pepper and salt. When smooth, add yolk of egg and cream. Stir a few minutes. Add beaten white of egg. Union League Club. EGG CUTLETS. 3 hard boiled eggs, chop- I teaspoon chopped pars- pe, i. ley. I clip milk. I tablespoon onion juice. I tablespoon dour. Black pepper. I tablespoon inelted butter. Heat milk in double boiler; stir into it flour and but- ter, stirring until smooth. Add parsley, onion juice and pepper to eggs and cook a few minutes with milk iſ, double boiler. Turn out on platter to cool. Form into cutlets, dip in egg, then in bread crumbs and fry in hot fat. Stick a sprig of parsley in each cut- let before serving. Pour over them a cream sauce made with - - . - 2 tablespoons butter. I pt. milk Seasoned with 2 tablespoons flour. Salt and pepper. When boiling add half-pint of cooked peas to the Sall Ce. • Miss Augusta Hoyt. 28 LIVER TERRAPIN. % a calf's liver 2 tablespoons b11tter. % pt. water. I gill wine. I tablespoon mustard. I pinch Cayenne. 2 hard boiled eggs, chop- ped. Boil or fry liver, then cut into dice. Melt butter, stir in flour, add a little water, then the liver to which the dry seasoning has been added. Add wine and eggs when the mixture boils up. Serve at once. Mrs. B. R. Tubbs. CHIC KEN SOU FFLE. I tablespoon butter. I tablespoon flour. I tablespoon parsley, chop- I cup milk. ped. 3 eggs. I cup minced chicken. Dash pepper. % teaspoon salt. Make white sauce of the butter, flour, milk and Season- ing. Remove from fire and stir in the beaten yolks and the chicken. Stir mixture over the fire a minute, then set aside to cool. Just before serving stir the beaten whites into the chicken, and bake in a hot oven twenty minutes. Veal or lamb may be used. . Miss Elizabeth Loveland. cHEESE souffle. 3 eggs, well beaten. 2 tablespoons butter. I cup mild cheese, grated. I tablespoon flour. % teaspoon salt. }% cup milk. Dash of red pepper. Bake twenty minutes in buttered dish. • Mrs. J. D. Flanagan. 29 CUC U M E E R ASPIC. 4 large cucumbers. Salt and white pepper to I small onion. taSte. % box gelatine soaked in % cup cold water. Peel cucumbers and cut in thick slices. Put them and the sliced onion over the fire with a scant quart of water. Simmer for an hour, stir in the gelatine, and when this is dissolved, season the jelly. Strain and turn into moulds or glasses. CHE ESE BALLS. % cup grated cheese. % teaspoon salt. % teaspoon red pepper. Yolks of two eggs. Mix thoroughly, make balls, roll in fine bread crumbs, then in beaten egg several times and cook in hot ovem. Mrs. Meginess. CHE ESE SOUFFLE. I cup grated cheese. % cup soft bread crumbs. I cup hot milk or cream. V4 teaspoon Salt. I tablespoon butter. Dash of Cayenne. Beaten yolks of 3 eggs. Cook all together three minutes, then fold in whites of the three eggs beaten very stiff. Fill souffle dishes or big dish and bake in moderate oven about fifteen minute - Mrs. C. W. Bixby. FRIED APPLES. Slice apples and take out core. Dip in flour and fry in butter. Sprinkle with Sugar and cinnamon. Mrs. R. A. Hutchison. 3O EGG SOUFFLE. 4 eggs, yolks and whites I tablespoon butter. beaten separately. I}% tablespoons flour. I}% cups milk. Salt. Cook milk, flour and butter until smooth, add yolks, take from fire, add whites and bake 20 minutes. Mrs. B. R. Tubbs. CHE ESE FON DUE, Four eggs, the weight of two in cheese, the weight of two in butter. Beat the yolks of the eggs, grate in the cheese, or cut in thin flakes, add the butter and plenty of red pepper and salt. Beat well, then lightly stir in the whites of the eggs, beaten stiff. Bake in a small round dish, or in ramekins, and serve immediately. Fill the dish only half full. Miss Frances Dorrance. NU NS TOAST. 4 or 5 hard boiled eggs cut I onion chopped fine. into slices. I teaspoon flour. Butter half size of egg. I cup milk. Cook onion and butter together without coloring. Add flour and milk, and stir until smooth. Pour over toast. Mrs. J. G. Sperling. CORN OYSTERS. I can corn chopped, or 2 eggs, I pt. fresh sweet corn 94 teaspoon salt. scored and pressed. Dash Cayenne and black 2 heaping tablespoons flour pepper. Beat eggs separately. Stir corn into yolks, add whites, beat gently and add seasoning. Drop by spoonfuls into pan into two tablespoons hot lard or butter. Brown on both sides. - Mrs. W. L. Dean 3I APPLE FR ITTERS. I cup sweet milk. % teaspoon Soda. .9% cup sour milk. A little salt. 2 eggs. . Flour. Batter not too stiff. Apples sliced round. Fry in swim- ming lard. Miss. Esther French. tº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- CORN FR ITTERS. 6 ears corn. - A little salt and peper. 2 eggs. 2 tablespoons water. 2 tablespoons flour. - - Miss Esther French. CHIC KEN SOU FFLE. % pt. rich milk. I tablespoon chopped pars- 2 table spoons butter. ley. I tablespoon flour. I pt. finely chopped chicken % cup bread crumbs. or turkey. Salt. White pepper. Whites of 4 eggs well beat- €11. - Mix flour with butter and put with milk over fire. Add crumbs and stir to smooth paste. Put in other in- gredients, cutting the whites in last. Bake in moderate oven twenty minutes or more, and serve very hot. Miss Frances Dorrance. CORN OYSTERS. I2 ears green corn grated. % teaspoon salt. 6 eggs, yolks and whites beaten separately. Stir whites in last. * - Miss Raub. 32 CHIC KEN TERRAPIN. % pt. cream. - 3 hard boiled eggs (chop- J/4 lb. butter. ped). o I tablespoon flour. Salt. Cayenne pepper. Rub butter and flour together, stir into cream and boil. Add chicken prepared as for salad, eggs, salt and pep- per. Flavor with sherry wine. - Mrs. C. W. Bixby. smsºmºsºms"sº-ºmsº BANANAS BAKED. A—4 large bananas, peeled I tablespoon melted butter. and cut in slices length- Mix thoroughly. wise. C—% cup powdered maca- B—% cup sugar. f"OO11S. % teaspoon salt. Meringue of 2 eggs, whites 2 tablespoons lemon juice. and Sugar. |Put A and B in layers in baking dish, bake half an hour; then cover with C. Brown slightly and serve. Mrs. C. W. Bixby. OATM EAL FR ITTERS. I cup cold cooked oat-flake. A cup flour. 2 eggs. % teaspoon baking powder, 2 tablespoons milk. Fry in hot fat. Mrs. Hilbert. FRIED APPLEs. Wash and core apples. Cut through in rings about one inch thick. - Cook slowly in butter and sugar in granite pan unti! they become almost clear, then brown. S. S. Goodwin. 33 CHEESE souffle. 3 tablespoons butter. % cup milk. - 3 tablespoons flour (heap- 3 eggs, beaten separately. ing). % teaspoon salt, scant. I cup grated cheese. Dash Cayenne. . Stir flour until Smooth with the butter in a sauce pan. Add yolks, well beaten, milk and cheese. Cool and add whites of eggs. Bake in baking dish. • Mrs. W. L. Dean. RICE FR ITTERS. % cup rice, steamed until 9% cup milk. dry. I heaping teaspoon baking 2 eggs beaten light. powder. I tablespoon sugar. Flour to thicken. Salt to taste. Fry in deep fat. Mrs. T. W. Thomas. OYSTER RAREBIT. Boil oysters in their own I saltspoon salt. liquor until edges curl. I saltspoon mustard. Keep hot. I Saltspoon pepper. I tablespoon butter. 2 egg3. % lb. grated cheese. Add oysters to melted cheese and stir in eggs. Serve On toast. Mrs. B. R. Tubbs. CHE ESE BALLS. I pt. milk. Salt and red pepper to taste I teaspoon butter. Mix enough flour in milk % lb. grated cheese. to thicken the mixture. Heat milk, add other ingredients and stir until smooth. Pour out to cool and let stand several hours, or even until next day. Roll into small balls, slip the balls into egg and cracker crumbs and fry in hot lard. Mrs. Phillip Hessel. 34 CHHCKEN; CRöQt). ETTES. tº- I solid pint finely chopped I tablespoon flour. chicken. - I tablespoon lemon juice. I cup cream or chicken 3 tablespoons butter. gravy. I teaspoon onion juice. 4 eggs. - I pt, crumbs to roll cro- I tablespoon salt. quettes in. % teaspoon pepper. Heat cream or gravy to boiling point, add flour and butter rubbed together, and as it thickens add seasoning and chicken. Let boil two minutes and add two eggs well beaten. Cool and form into shape with as little handling as possible. Slip into beaten egg, roll in bread crumbs and fry one and one-half minutes, or until light brown. Makes twelve medium sized croquettes. Miss Elizabeth Loveland. GREEN CORN FR ITTERS. I pt. grated corn. I tablespoon cream. 2 eggs. I tablespoon flour. Pinch salt. I tablespoon butter, melted. Beat the eggs well, add corn, beat hard, add salt, but- ter, milk and flour. Miss Frances Dorrance. SWEET-B READS STEVED. Wash, remove all the bits of skin, Soak in salt and water one hour then parboil. Cut into small pieces, stew in a little water till tender, add a piece of butter, a teaspoon of Salt, a teaspoon of flour, and boil up once. Serve on toast very hot. May be served with tomato Sat1 Ce. . . - - - Mrs. M. A. Scureman. 35 Rosettes. - I cup flour. I teaspoon lemon juice. I cup water. 2 tablespoons olive oil. Pinch salt. Let stand one hour. Time does not hurt. Mrs. H. C. Smythe. KARTEISE KLASE. 3 eggs beaten. Grated rind of lemon. I tablespoon Sugar. 2 cups milk. Salt. * w - From biscuit one day old grate the crust and cut each biscuit in four pieces. Dip in above mixture, lay on plate and let stand two hours. Roll in the grated crust and fry in butter. When fried roll in sugar and cinnamon. Recipe is for twelve biscuits. They may be served with fruit and used as a dessert or simply as a sweet fritter. Mrs. L. C. Darte. CREAM CROQUETTEs. A—Boil together 2 tablespoons cornstarch. I pint milk. I tablespoon flour. I Stick cinnamon. Yolks of 3 eggs. B—Beat together % cup cold milk. % cup sugar. I saltspoon Salt. Pour A on B. Stir well, strain into double boiler and cook fifteen minutes, stirring often. Add I teaspoon butter. I teaspoon vanilla. Pour into buttered bread pan and cool. When very hard, cut in strips, roll in egg and crumbs like a cro- quette, and fry brown in hot lard. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve hot. Mrs. John E. Jenkins. 36 SALMON FRITTERS. I can salmon. % cup milk. I egg. A pinch of salt. I cup of bread crumbs. Fry in butter. - Mrs. M. Brewster. GREEN CORN OMELET. 8 ears of corn, grated. I tablespoon butter. Yolks of 3 eggs. Salt. I pt. milk. Beat whites of eggs stiff and add last. Bake in pudding dish in hot oven, or fry in butter. - - Mrs. R. B. Vaughn. : VEAL OMELET. 3. lbs. raw veal. Salt and pepper. 3 eggs. 3 Boston crackers or 6 2 tablespoons cream or small ones. milk. Chop veal, make loaf, spread over with butter and bake two hours, basting often. Mrs. C. W. Bixby. CORN OMELET. 3 eggs. I cup milk. 4 ears corn. Pepper and salt. I tablespoon flour. Put in pan of hot butter and lard, Brown in oven. Mrs. Meginess. - OMELET. I cup sweet milk. Salt. I tablespoon flour. Yolks of 4 eggs well beaten After mixture is well beaten, add the whites beaten stiff. Fry in hot butter and lard fifteen minutes. - - - Mrs. C. W. Bixby. 37 TOMATO OMELET. Break 6 eggs and give them 12 vigorous beats, or enough to break up whites and yolks. Add three table- spoons milk or cream. Dash of pepper. Melt in frying pan one tablespoon butter. Do not brown. - Turn in eggs, sprinkle with one half teaspoon salt. Shake pan until eggs are Set, not cooked hard. Take from fire, add by tablespoons four tablespoons to- matoes reduced by boiling to one-half original bulk. Fold. Loosen from edges and turn out on hot platter. Miss Augusta Hoyt. 38 39 4O 4I salass. - OYSTER SALAD. Boil two dozen small oysters five minutes in water which covers them. Add little salt and tablespoon vin- egar; drain ; cool. Put into salad bowl centre leaves of two heads of lettuce; add oysters whole. Pour over may- onnaise. Garnish with hard boiled eggs. Mrs. W. L. Stewart. BANANA SALAD. Dip halved bananas quickly in lemon juice. Put on lettuce leaves. Cover with chopped pecans and mayon- naise dressing into which a little cream has been whipped. Mrs. C. W. Bixby. NUT SALAD. One cup English walnuts, chopped celery, and chopped apples. Moisten with any good salad dressing. Mrs. R. B. Vaughn. CABBAGE SALAD. I cup vinegar. 3 tablespoons sugar. I cup cream or milk. I tablespoon mustard. 3 eggs, beaten. I tablespoon butter or oil. I tablespoon salt. Mix, boil and cool, and pour over cabbage. - Mrs. H. G. Ellis. ITALIAN SALAD. 3 medium size tomatoes, 2 sweet mangoes. 2 medium size onions. I tablespoon Sugar. I teaspoon salt. - Dash tobasco sauce. 4 tablespoons oil. Vinegar. 42 Cut the vegetables, and add dressing made of the oil, vinegar, sugar and salt. BANANA SALAD. Peel bananas and roll in lemon juice with pinch of salt in it. Roll bananas in chopped walnuts. Serve on lettuce leaf with mayonnaise. SALAD DRESSINGs. No. 1. I teaspoon flour. I Small teaspoon salt. 2 tablespoons sugar. 2 eggs, well beaten. 2 tablespoons butter. 34 cup cream. I small teaspoon mustard. 34 cup vinegar. Mrs. Newett. No. 2. % pt. cream. I teaspoon mustard. % pt. vinegar. Butter size of egg. I cup Sugar. Salt and pepper. 3 eggs beaten. Boil. When cold, pour over cabbage. t - Miss Jessie Macfarlane. No. 3. Yolks of two eggs ice cold and eight tablespoons olive oil ice cold, slowly beaten together. Add a pinch of salt, one teaspoon made mustard, teaspoon lemon juice. Miss Jessie Macfarlane. No. 4. I cup mild vinegar. % salt spoon Cayenne pep- Yolk of I egg. - per. - }% salt spoon turmeric 34 cup sugar. powder. I desert spoon cornstarch. I teaspoon mustard. I desert spoon butter. Mix and boil. Cool before using. . Mrs. L. C. Diggory. 43 COLD DRESSING FOR CABBAGE. - RNo. 1. Yolks of 2 eggs beaten Piece of butter size of egg, light. * Beat again. - }% cup sugar, Beat again. % cup mild vinegar. Pinch of salt. Heat in double boiler. When thick, add one-half cup cream, stirring constantly. When cool mix with finely cut cabbage. Mrs. W. L. Dean. No. 2. 3 eggs beaten to a froth. I teaspon black pepper. % cup vinegar. % cup melted butter. I tablespoon mixed mus- tard. • Cook eggs and vinegar together, stirring constantly until it thickens. Cool. Add the other ingredients. Sour cream may be used instead of butter. Mrs. Franck. No. 3. . 3 eggs. 3 tablespoons melted but- I teaspoon Salt. ter. Dash Paprica. 6 tablespoons milk. A little mustard. I or 2 tablespoons vinegar. Beat salt, pepper and eggs. Add other ingredients. Put in double boiler and stir constantly until thick. When cool, oil may be added. - Mrs. A. D. W. Smith. No. 4. Yolks of 4 eggs: I teaspoon salt. 4 tablespoons butter. % teaspoon pepper. 2 tablespoons white winé I cup cream. vinegar. - Mrs. M. D. Rosser. 44 No. 5. 3 tablespoons vinegar. Small pinch red pepper. I cup water. % teaspoon salt. 2 eggs. I teaspoon sugar. I even teaspoon mustard. Butter size of egg. 3 teaspoons flour. Boil the vinegar and water. Add butter. Mix other ingredients. Pour the vinegar and water over them. If not stiff enough, cook a few minutes, stirring constantly. Nice for either cabbage or potatoes. - Mrs. Frederic Corss. - No. 6. 2 eggs. I teaspoon mustard. Butter size of hickory nut. Salt and pepper. 2 tablespoons sugar. % cup vinegar. Boil all together and add two-thirds cup cream. Mrs. C. W. Bixby. No. 7. I cup cream, scalded. Mustard. I egg. I teaspoon Sugar. Dash of Cayenne. I tablespoon vinegar, Salt. Mix egg and seasoning together and add to scalded cream. Do not boil or it will curdle. p Mrs. Walter. No. 8. Juice of one-half lemon strained into as much olive oil. Shake in fruit jar until well mixed. One-half cup sour cream, two teaspoons Sugar, otre-fourth teaspoon salt. Mix these and pour into oil and lemon juice. Shake until well blended. - Mrs. James S. Croll. 45 No. 9. Yolks of 4 eggs. 8 tablespoons oil. 4 tablespoons vinegar. I teaspoon salt. 4 teaspoons Sugar. I dessertspoon mustard. I cup whipped cream, or whites of 2 eggs beaten Stiff. - Add half the oil to the yolks, then slowly add vinegar. Cook in double boiler until thick, stirring constantly. When cold, add other ingredients. Mrs. Geo. F. Lee. 46 47 48 49 T]ics. MINCE MEAT. 4 lbs. Ican meat. 9 lbs. apples. I}% lbs. Suet. 3 lbs. raisins. 2 lbs. currants. % lb. citron. 5 lbs. Sugar. - 3 teaspoons cloves. IO teaspoons cinnamon. 5 teaspoons mace. I teaspoon black pepper. 6 tablespoons Salt. I qt, boiled cider. I pt. molasses. Juice and rind of two lemons and three oranges. Sherry and brandy to taste. Keep in stone jars. When making pies, add more liquor if necessary. - Miss Frances Dorrance. MINCE MEAT. 2 lbs. Suet. 3 lbs. raisins. 3 lbs. currants. I2 lbs. apples. 2 lbs. citron. I oz. cinnamon. 5 lbs. Slºgar. % oz. cloves. I Oz. nutmeg. % doz. Oranges and lemons % oz. mace. chopped fine. I pt. wine. - 2 lbs. meat, tongue pre- ferred. Any fruit syrups may be used, also dates and figs. - Mrs. Snow. MAPLE SYRUP PIE. Yolks 3 eggs. I}/3 tablespoons cornstarch. I}% cups syrup. Butter size of walnut. Save whites for meringue. 50 C REAM PIE. I cup cream. % cup Sugar. I cup raisins, seeded and 3 eggs. chopped. - - Reserve whites for meringue. S. S. Goodwin. M INCE MEAT. 4 lbs. lean beef. 3 lbs. Suet. 8 lbs apples. 3 lbs. Currants. 3 lbs. raisins. 6 lbs. Sugar. 2 lbs. citron. - Grated rind I orange. % oz. cinnamon. % oz. cloves. % oz. mace.' 4 nutmegs. 3 pts. Sweet boiled cider or I qt. Madeira wine. This makes about three gallons mince meat. Miss Elizabeth Loveland. CHO.COLATE PIE. I qt. milk. I square chocolate. Salt. I cup brown sugar. 2 eggs. 3 tablespoons cornstarch. Cook in double boiler. Flavor with vanilla. Bake crust first. Mrs. Brewster. COCOANUT PIE. I cup fresh grated cocoanut I cup milk. 2 tablespoons flour. I tablespoon butter. Yolks 2 eggs. Salt. * % cup sugar. Put cocoanut in large coffee cup and fill up with milk. Mix flour with milk, and boil until thick, stir constantly. Add butter. When cool, beat in yolks of eggs and salt, sugar and cocoanut. Fill crust. Reserve white for mer- ingue. Mrs. E. G. Gage. 5.I Mock cherRY Pie. Cook together cranberries and raisins. Sweeten as for cranberry jelly, two cups sugar to one quart berries. Bake in a two crust pie. Mrs. E. E. Buckman. --- SQUASH PIE. I cup Hubbard squash. 2 cups milk. I teaspoon cinnamon. % teaspoon ginger. Yolks 2 eggs. 3 tablespoons sugar. Steam and strain squash. Salt. Bring to boil squash and milk and spices. Beat eggs and sugar; add the milk and squash and thoroughly mix. Flavor with vanilla. Cool before baking in a paste-lined pie tin. Mrs. E. E. Buckman. RAISIN PHE. I lemon. I cup raisins. I cup water. I cup cracker crumbs. Boil lemon, raisins and water, add cracker crumbs. Mrs. Wesley Hilbert. LEMON PIE. 2 lemons. I2 or 14 crackers. I qt. water. 2 Or 3 eggs. Grate lemons, roll crackers, pour on boiling water and let cool. Beat in eggs. This makes three pies. - Mrs. Wesley Hilbert. PUM PKIN PIE. I qt. Stewed pumpkin. I qt. milk. 4 eggs. I Cup Sugar. Pinch salt. I teaspoon ginger. Stew and rub pumpkin through colander before meas- uring. - Miss Frances Dorrance. 52 PU M PKIN PIE. Small pumpkin, boiled, Milk to thin. drained and put through Sweeten. colander. Flavor with nutmeg and Whites 3 eggs beaten stiff. cinnamon. . Butter size of an egg. (f Mrs. Gregory. LEMON PHE. I Cup Sugar. I tablespoon butter. 3 eggs. 2 tablespoons cornstarch. " I cup boiling water. I grated lemon. Boil until clear. Bake crust, then pour in custard and make meringue of whites of eggs. Mrs. J. D. Flanagan. R H U BARB Pi E. I}% cups rhubarb, chopped I level tablespoon flour. fine. - I egg. I Cup Sugar. Small piece of butter. Bake in two crusts. Mrs. J. D. Flanagan. POTATO PIE. I pt. Cream. 4 eggs. I lb. Sugar. I lemon, juice and rind. I lb. mashed potatoes. Rub cream, Sugar and potatoes through seive. Bake like custard pie. - Miss Frances Dorrance. LEMON PIE. Yolks of 4 eggs. I tablespoon cornstarch. I lemon, grated. I tablespoon butter. I tablespoon sugar. - I tablespoon milk. Reserve whites for meringue. - Mrs. D. H. Eavenson. Q. 53 1.9- ORANGE PIE. - Yolks 2 eggs. I even tablespoon corn- I heaping tablespoon flour. starch. - I pt. milk. Salt. gº V3 cup sugar. Beat eggs and sugar, add flour, dissolve cornstarch and * salt in a little cold milk, pour into boiling milk and cook about three minutes. Cool and flavor with extract of orange. Pour in baked crust. Make meringue of whites of eggs and one-half cup sugar; flavor with orange ex- tract. . • * . Mrs. John Nugent. LEMON RAIS IN PIE. I}/4 cups cold water. % cup sugar. I egg. I teaspoon cornstarch. I cup chopped raisins. Grated rind of one lemon. Squeeze juice into water, sugar, etc. - Miss Raub. LEMON PIE. I Cup Sugar. I tablespoon cornstarch. I cup hot water. 2 eggs. Small piece butter. Juice and rind of lemon Use whites of eggs for meringue. Miss Jessie Macfarlane. LEMON CREAM PIE. % cup sugar. Yolks of 2 eggs. Piece butter size of egg. White of I egg. I pt. 1milk. Juice and rind of lemon, 2 heaping tablespoons corn- - starch. Bake, crust. Wet cornstarch with a little milk. Cook all the ingredients together in double boiler until thick and smooth. Stir constantly. Make meringue of other white and one tablespoon powdered sugar. Mrs. T. W. Thomas. 54. PIE CRUST. 4 tablespoons lard. I cup flour. 4 tablespoons cold water. Pinch salt. - Rub thoroughly together; roll out without kneading. Mrs. C. Bach. RHUBARB PIE. I}% cups sugar. I egg. - 2 teacups raw rhubarb. % cup chopped raisins. Pinch of salt. Lump of butter. Bake in two crusts. Cut rhubarb, add one-fourth tea- spoon soda, cover with boiling water and let stand until cool. Drain and add other ingredients. tº * - 4 • ? -- - - ! g t * * * s y - ! ,-8 - g © g * . .” •-ºw - sy pubbings. ENGLISH PLUM PUDDING. 1 lb. flour. I qt. Sweet milk. I lb. grated bread. 6 eggs. I lb. beef suet chopped I nutmeg. fine. I teaspon allspice. I lb. brown sugar. % teaspoon cinnamon. I lb. 1aisins. % teaspoon cloves. I lb. currants. I glass brandy. % lb. citron. Beer may be used instead of milk and brandy. Boil five hours without stopping, in well floured bag. When served, pour brandy over and light. Serve with hot brandy sauce. Q Miss Elizabeth Loveland. ENGLISH PLUM PUDDING. 2 lbs. raisins. I pt. bread crumbs. I lb. currants. I cup molasses. I lb. brown sugar. 4 egg S. I lb. chopped suet. Nutmeg. I lb. flour. I teaspoon cinnamon. % lb. citron. % teaspoon cloves. % lb. almonds. % teaspoon Soda. Steam six hours. Mrs. Pierce Butler. suet PUDDING, I cup flour. % cup raisins. % cup Suet. I egg. - % cup milk. I teaspoon Soda. }% cup molasses. Salt and spices to taste. Steam twenty minutes in egg poacher. - Mrs. R. B. Vaughn. 58 PLAIN PLUM PUDDING. I cup sweet milk, I cup N. O. molasses. I}/4 cups suet chopped fine. 2 cups raisins. 2 cups currants. 3 eggs. Steam four hours. I teaspoon soda. I teaspoon cinnamon and nutmeg. - Flour enough to make Spoon stand upright. Pinch of salt. Miss Jessie Macfarlane. PLU M PUDDING, 1% cups chopped suet. I cup milk. I cup molasses. 2 cups dried bread crumbs. I cup flour. 2 cups raisins. Steam four hours. 2 cups currants. I cup citron. % teaspoon Soda. I teaspoon cloves. % teaspoon salt. I nutmeg. Mrs. R. A. Hutchison. POOR MAN’S PUDDING. I cup chopped suet or but- ter. I cup-molasses. 2 cups sweet milk. 2 eggs. I qt. flour. & I even teaspoon soda. I heaping teaspoon baking powder. 2 teaspoons cinnamon. 94 teaspoon cloves. % nutmeg grated. I large cup raisins. Currants and citron may be added. If made with Suet add one-half teaspoonful salt; if with butter, add a very little salt. Steam three hours. Mrs. von Krug. PLUM PUDDING. cup bread crumbs. cup flour. Cup Sugar. - cup chopped suet or but- ter. cup sweet milk. cup raisins. Steam three hours. : : % cup currants. 2 eggs well beaten. % teaspoon soda. 2 teaspoons cinnamon. I}% teaspoons cloves. % teaspoon salt. Mrs. J. R. Davis. HARFORD PUDDING. cup molasses. cup raisins. cup suet chopped fine. cup Sour milk. Steam three hours. : I cup flour. % teaspoon Soda. Salt. Mrs. T. L. Welles. HARD TIMES PUDDING- cup molasses. cup buttermilk. cup suiet chopped fine. cup raisins. cup currants. teaspoon cinnamon. : I teaspoon cloves. % teaspoon salt. I teaspoon soda dissolved in warm water. Flour enough for thick bat- ter. - Boiſ in buttered mould three hours. Miss Elizabeth Loveland. ASHBURTON PUDDING. I cup molasses. 4 cups flour. I cup butter. I cup sour milk. "I or 2 cups raisins. Boil or steam three hours. 4 eggs. I teaspoon soda. I}% doz. . . cream nuts blanched and sliced are an improvement. Mrs. George Shoemaker. 60 INDIAN PUDDING. I qt. milk scalded. I egg. I cup molasses. I teaspoon ginger. 7 even tablespoons yellow Pinch of salt. corn meal. Mix molasses, meal, egg, salt and ginger together and stir into scalding milk until slightly thickened. Bake in pudding dish two and one-half hours. Bake slowly or pudding will burn. Serve hot with butter. - Mrs. F. L. Olds. GRAHAM PUDD|NG. I cup sweet milk. 2 cups seeded raisins. I cup molasses. Salt. 2 cups graham flour. Spices. I teaspoon soda. Steam two and one-half hours. Mrs. W. L. Dean, Mrs. T. R. Phillips. DARK STEAMED PUDDING. I cup brown sugar or mo- 193 cups raisins. lasses. 3 cups flour. I cup sweet milk. I teaspoon baking powder. cup suet chopped fine. Steam two to three hours. I Mrs. Brewster. WHOLE WHEAT PUDDING, 2 cups whole wheat flour. I egg well beaten. I cup sweet milk. I even teaspoon Soda. I cup molasses. Salt. - I cup chopped raisins. Spices to taste. Steam three hours. Miss Helen Goodwin. 61 MARMALADE PUDDING. I cup Suet. 3 eggs, whites and yolks. I cup Sugar. beaten separately. I}/4 cups bread crumbs. % cup flour. I teaspoon salt. Season to taste. 2 tablespoons marmalade. Steam two hours. Mrs. William Callam. FRESH PLUM PUDDING. I cup chopped Suet. I teaspoon baking powder. 2 cups flour (large.) Milk enough to make thick I teaspoon salt. batter. º Stir full of fresh plums, cut in half, or sour cherries or huckleberries. Boil in buttered mould three hours. Eat with hot sauce. Miss Elizabeth Loveland. HONEY-COMB PUDDING. I pt. molasses. I teaspoon Soda. I cup brown Sugar. 6 eggs. Butter size of egg. I cup flour. I cup milk. Mace and cloves. Beat molasses and sugar together. Melt butter and soda in milk, and pour into molasses. Add yolks of eggs, stir in flour, mace, cloves and whites of eggs beaten stiff. Bake one hour in moderate oven. Mrs. W. F. Church. BROWN PUDDING. % cup butter. % teaspoon cloves. % cup molasses. % teaspoon salt. I cup sweet milk. Dash of nutmeg. 2 eggs. I small half teaspoon soda. 2 cups whole wheat flour, I heaping teaspoon baking I heaped teaspoon cinna- powder. In Oli. - - 62 Steam two and one-half hours. Eat with hard or creamy sauce. - Mrs. von Krug. HuckLEBERRY PUDDING. I cup molasses. I teaspoon Soda. I cup berries. I teaspoon cloves. % cup warm water. I teaspoon cinnamon. Butter size of egg. 2 cups flour. . Boil two hours. # * Mrs. C. W. Bixby. HUCKLE BERRY PUDD|NG. 2 tablespoons butter. A little nutmeg. I cup brown Sugar. % cup flour. 2 eggs. I pt. berries. % teaspoon cinnamon. % teaspoon Soda. % teaspoon cloves. tº Mrs. Meginess. ' ' - 2-> HUC KLEBERRY PUDDING. I good pint sifted flour. I cup sweet milk. % teaspoon salt. I egg. 2 teaspoons baking powder. I heaping cup huckleberries 4 cup butter. Sprinkled with flour and % cup Sugar. stirred in last. Serve warm with cream. Mrs. W. L. Dean. ORANGE SOUFFLE. % box gelatine. % cup cold water. Juice of five oranges ( one 94 cup hot water. pint.) ! > I pt. whipped cream. % cup sugar. Bit of orange rind. 63 Soak gelatine in cold water thirty minues. Add hot water and when dissolved add sugar, orange juice, and orange rind. Strain and when it begins to thicken stir in whipped cream. Put in mould on ice. Serve with whipped cream. Miss Nellie Parry. CORN PUDDING. I pt. milk with I tablespoon sugar. I tablespoon flour. 4 eggs. I tablespoon butter. Salt. Add to corn grated from six large ears. - - Mrs. Gregory. LEMON PUDDING. I pt. bread crumbs. Yolks of three eggs. I qt. milk. - Sweeten to taste. Juice and grated rind of one lemon. Bake twenty or twenty-five minutes. When baked cover with meringue made from the beaten whites. Mrs. E. G. Gage. CHE ESE PUDDING, In buttered dish place alternate layers of broken cracker, cheese, salt, pepper and butter. Pour milk over all and bake. Mrs. R. B. Vaughn. cARROT PUDDING. % lb. grated carrot. I egg. % lb. Chopped Suet. % lb. brown sugar. % lb. flour. Spices to taste. % lb. raisins. Salt. % lb. currants. * Steam two hours. - - Miss Nellie Parry. # 3& 64 COTTAGE PUDDING. % cup butter. I egg. I Cup Sugar. I teaspoon baking powder. I cup milk. Pinch of salt. 2 cups flour. - Mix as for cake and bake in quick oven. Miss Elizabeth Loveland. TAPHOCA C REAM. 2 tablespoons tapioca. 4 eggs. I qt. milk. Little sugar. Soak the tapioca two hours. Cook half an hour in the boiling milk. Beat the yolks of the eggs with the sugar, add them to the tapioca and cook three minutes. Take from fire and stir in whites of eggs beaten stiff. Serve cold. Miss Esther French. SUNDER LAND PU DD IN G. I pt. milk. 3 tablespoons flour. 6 eggs. A little salt. Beat the eggs separately. Rub the flour smooth in a little milk. Beat the eggs into the flour and milk, yolks first then whites. Add the rest of the milk. Bake in quick oven. Serve hot with hot sauce. Mrs. George Shoemaker. CHOCOLATE BLANC MANGE. Cover 1 oz. gelatine with water. Boil I pt. milk five minutes with 4 oz. chocolate and I2 oz. sugar. Add gela- tine and boil five minutes longer, stirring constantly. Flavor with vanilla and pour into moulds to cool. Serve with cream or a rich custard sauce. Miss Esther French. s' º, 65 PRU NE PUDDING. I lb. prunes. Lemon juice. I Cup Sugar. Whites of three eggs bea- Salt. ten stiff. Soak prunes over night. In morning stew until tender and remove stones. Cut in small pieces and stir in other ingredients folding in whites of eggs. Bake twenty minutes. Mrs. R. A. Hutchison. - CHERRY PUDDING. I pt. 1nilk. I pt. red cherries stoned 6 tablespoons flour. and flavored. I tablespoon melted butter. Salt. 3 eggs well beaten. Make paste with flour and a little of the milk. When smooth add remainder of milk and other ingredients and steam in buttered mould two hours. Serve at once with brandy sauce. - Miss Frances Dorrance. MOULDED SNOW. % cup rice. Heaping teaspoon gelatine. I pt. cold water. I teaspoon vanilla. I pt. milk. Salt. % cup Sugar. % pt. whipped cream. Serve with chocolate sauce. * M. A. Van Scoy. TAPIOCA PUDDING. 4 tablespoons Learl tapioca. I cup sugar. I qt. milk. I teaspoon vanilla. 4 eggs. tº Soak tapioca over night. In morning boil slowly in milk until transparent. Add yolks of eggs beaten with sugar and cook until it thickens. Cover with meringue made from whites of eggs. Mrs. Gregory. Ö6 AMERICAN CREAM. }% cup cold water. 2 eggs. % cup gelatine. % cup Sugar. . I pt. milk. I teaspoon vanilla. Let the milk come to boil. Add the yolks of eggs beaten with sugar. Stir in whites of eggs when cold. Mrs. D. H. Eavenson. AUNT PBGGY'S APPLE DUMPLINGS, I pt. flour. Salt. I teaspoon baking powder. Butter or lard size of egg. Mix with milk or water into rather soft dough. Roll out and divide dough into five or six strips three inches wide. Spread apples cut into thin slices on strips and roll up like cinnamon buns. Put close together in deep bread pan and pour over them. % cup Sugar. I tablespoon butter. Pinch of cinnamon. Hot milk enough to fill the cup. Bake thirty minutes. Serve with cream or sauce. Mrs. B. R. Tubbs. coTTAGE PUDDING. I cup flour. 2 eggs. I Cup Sugar. - 2 teaspoons baking powder. V% cup milk. Butter size of egg. Miss Raub. VANILLA souffle. I cup milk. % teaspoon salt. 2 tablespoons flour. . I teaspoon vanilla. 3 tablespoons sugar. 4 eggs. 2 tablespoons butter. 67 Scald milk with salt in double boiler. Add butter and flour rubbed together. Cook ten minutes stirring con- stantly. Turn into yolks of eggs which have been beaten to cream with sugar. When cool fold in lightly the beaten whites of the eggs, and bake in buttered pudding dish in moderate oven thirty or forty minutes. Serve at once with sauce. Miss Esther French. FROZEN MOCHA TART. 3 eggs. 5c. worth candied cherries, I pt. cream—whipped. chopped. .. I Cup Sugar, 5c. worth pineapple, chop- 8 almond macaroons. ped. 5c. worth English walnuts, 2 tablespoons mocha. chopped. - Beat whites of eggs, add sugar, then yolks, cream, fruits, and macaroons rolled fine. Flavor with mocha and put in mould. - stEAM BATTER PUDDING. I pt. milk. - I cup flour. 4 eggs. % teaspoon salt. Beat eggs light, add milk. Pour into flour and beat until smooth. Steam one and one-quarter hours in but- tered mould. Serve with hard sauce or cream and sugar. Mrs. B. R. Tubbs. PEACH PUDDING. I cup sugar. I egg. % cup sweet milk. I tablespoon butter. I}% teaspoons baking pow- I}/4 cups flour. der. ~ Salt. Fill baking dish one-third full of sliced peaches, well sugared. Over this pour the batter. Bake one hour Serve with cream or hard sauce. Mrs. B. R. Tubbs. 68 ORANGE BLANC MANGE. % cup sugar. % box gelatine. 2 cups boiling water. 4 tablespoons orange juice. I tablespoon lemon juice. Whites 3 eggs. Salt. Wine. • Mrs. B. R. Tubbs. C HOCO LATE PUDDING. I qt. bread crumbs. Vanilla. 8 tablespoons chocolate, I qt. nilk. grated. 6 tablespoons sugar. Butter size of egg. Salt. Soak bread crumbs in hot milk and add other ingred- ients. Bake one and a half hours in moderate oven. Serve hot. Mrs. H. C. Miller. LEMO N CREAMS. I lemon, grated. Yolks 4 eggs. 4 tablespoons sugar. 4 tablespoons cold water. Beat eggs, sugar and water. Let simmer, Stirring constantly until thick. Add beaten whites. Serve in glasses with crackers. Mrs. B. R. Tubbs. sNow BALLs. % cup butter. % cup sugar. I cup flour. % cup corn starch. 3 teaspoons baking powder. A cup milk. Whites 4 eggs. - Cream butter and sugar. Sift flour, cornstarch and baking powder. To this add milk and stir in gently whites beaten stiff. Steam in buttered cups for one-half hour. Turn out and roll in powdered sugar. Serve with fruit Sauce. Makes, six. Mrs. D. M. Rosser. 69 chocoLATE sponge. 4 eggs. 1% oz. chocolate melted. % lb. granulated Sugar. I large teaspoon vanilla. % box gelatine. Soak gelatine in small cup warm water one-half hour. Beat yolks of eggs and sugar together until very light, add chocolate and mix with gelatine. Beat the whites very stiff, add vanilla and stir lightly into chocolate mix- ture until all is stiff. Pour into punch glasses and serve with whipped cream. & Mrs. H. B. Payne. CRUMB PUDDING. 2 cups bread or cracker 3% cup sugar. crumbs rolled fine. I cup raisins. I cup flour. I teaspoon Soda. I cup suet or butter. Spices and salt to taste. I}/4 cups buttermilk or sour milk. Boil or steam one hour. Mrs. C. Bach. APPLE DUMPLINGS. I pt. sifted flour. Butter size of walnut. I teaspoon baking powder Milk to make soft dough. sifted with flour. * Salt. - Have boiling in deep baking pan,— I pt. water. % cup sugar. Butter size of egg. Put dumplings in pan and bake. 70 RAISIN PUFFS, 2 eggs. 2 cups flour. % cup milk. I cup milk. 3 level teaspoons baking I cup raisins, chopped very powder. fine and dredged in floºr. 2 teaspoons Sugar. - Steam forty-five minutes in small cups. - Mrs. William Callam. 7 72 . •73 - T]uðöing Sauces. CHOCOLATE SAUCE. 2 Cups Sugar. 34 cup chocolate. I cup cream. I teaspoon vanilla. Boil sugar, cream and chocolate together five minutes, stirring constantly. Add vanilla. Serve hot. - Mrs. Andrew Raub. SAUCE FOR COTTAGE PUDDING, I cup powdered sugar. % cup butter. 2 eggs (yolks). Beat half an hour. Flavor with wine. Improved by adding a little cream. - Miss Raub. SAUCE FOR WHOLE WHEAT PUDDING. I cup sugar. I egg, well beaten. I heaping tablespoon flour. I pt. water. % cup butter. Sift flour into sugar. Rub in butter. Add egg and water. Flavor to taste. - Miss Helen Goodwin. VANELLA DIP. I cup sugar (Small.) Piece butter. I tablespoon flour. . Mix and pour on boiling water. Boil like gravy. Flavor with vanilla. p - . . . Mrs. Meginess. 74 HARD SAUCE. 2 cups sugar. % cup butter. Cream together half an hour and add the unbeaten whites of two eggs. Flavor to taste. Mrs. J. R. Davis. *ºmºmºsºms STRAWBERRY SAUCE. 2 tablespoons butter. I cup powdered sugar. Yolk of I egg. Cream butter. Beat in one-half cup fruit or jam. Chill before using. Mrs. D. M. Rosser. SAUCE. I cup Sugar. I egg. % cup butter. Lemon or }% cup boiling water. 4 tablespoons sherry. Beat butter and sugar very light, stir in yolk of egg well beaten, then lemon juice and grated rind, and steam in double boiler, stirring constantly, till it Smokes, not boils. When hot, add white of egg well beaten and one- half cup hot water. Serve at once, - Mrs. Geo. Shoemaker. C REAM SAUCE. 2 eggs. - 4 tablespoons Sugar. % cup whipped cream. Wine to taste. Whip whites and yolks of eggs very stiff. Whip in cream, sugar and wine. . Mrs. C. W. Bixby. 75 HARD SAUCE. % cup butter. I tablespoon brandy or va- I cup powdered sugar. nilla. Whites of two eggs. Cream butter and sugar, add eggs gradually and beat until very light. Sprinkle with nutmeg. Mrs. R. B. Vaughn. CHO.COLATE SAUCE. I square melted chocolate. % cup sugar. I cup milk. - I teaspon vanilla. Cook chocolate and milk until smooth. Add sugar and vanilla. M. A. Van Scoy. FOAM ING SAUCE. 2 cups Sugar. I egg. I cup butter. I teaspoon corn starch dissolved in little cold water. Slowly fill cup in which corn starch is dissolved with boiling water. Pour into other ingredients which have been beaten to a cream and cook a few minutes. Flavor. Mrs. W. L. Dean. SAUCE FOR CRUMB PUDDING. I cup Sugar. Nutmeg. % cup butter. Salt. % cup flour. 2 cups boiling water. IBoil five minutes. SAUCE FOR APPLE PUDDING. I}/4 cups water. 2 tablespoons cornstarch. % cup butter. I tablespoon vanilla. 5 tablespoons sugar. 77 78 79 Tºfrozen Tº)esserts. FROZEN PEACH ES. 2 lbs. very ripe peaches. I qt. water. I}% lbs. Sugar. Boil sugar and water. When cool add peaches mashed through sieze. Freeze. This is enough for eight large dishes. Miss Elizabeth Loveland. PEACH ICE CREAM. I pt. milk. I lb. Sugar. I pt. cream. 6 large, ripe peaches. Scald milk and cream together, take from fire and dissolve one-half the sugar. Mash the peaches through a sieve and add reminder of sugar. Add peaches to milk when cool and freeze. Miss Elizabeth Loveland. ICE CREAM | N M ELO NS. Pack strawberry ice cream in halved gem musk mel- lons and garnish with halved berries. Mrs. Geo. F. Lee. FROZEN FRUITS. 2 lbs. Sugar. I heaping tablespoon flour I qt. peaches. mixed smooth with cold I qt. pineapple. * water and scalded with I qt. boiling water. the boiling water. Grind the fruit, mix all together and freeze. - - Mrs. D. H. Eavenson. 8O SICILIAN SHEREET. I can peaches. Whites of two eggs beaten I pt. orange juice. light. I pt. Sugar. Press peaches through colander, add orange juice and sugar and stir until sugar is dissolved. Put in freezer and when partly frozen stir in whites of eggs. Stir beater a few times and let stand about an hour. WHITE VELVET SHERBET. Juice of three lemons. I qt. milk. I}% cups sugar. I teaspoon lemon extract. Add milk slowly to lemon juice and sugar. Freeze at O11CC. Mrs. James H. Hughes. SHEREET. 3 pts. Water. Juice of 3 lemons. 3 cups Sugar, 3 bananas chopped fine. Juice of 3 oranges. Whites of 3 eggs. Boil water and sugar to a syrup. When cool add the fruit. When nearly frozen add the beaten whites. Very nice if garnished with cherries when served. Mrs. James H. Hughes. SHEREET. To 2 cups sugar boiled five minutes, y 3 qts. water. 3 grated lemons. Juice of four oranges. Freeze and when frozen add whites of three eggs beaten. Nellie Grover. 8I MAPLE MOUSSE. I large cup maple syrup. Yolks of four eggs, beaten light. Stir together and cook slowly until it thickens. Cool, beat well while cooling and add the mixture to I pt. cream whipped very light. Beat well together and put in freezer from two to three hours. Use more salt than when churning it. - Mrs. Andrew Raub. NEAPOLITAN MOUSSE. I qt. Cream. 4 tablespoons wine. % package gelatine dis- 3 lb. candied cherries. solved in one-third cup 5% cup boiling water cold water. poured on dissolved gela- I Cup Sugar. tine. Whip cream, add wine, sugar and soaked gelatine and stir, not beat, until mixture thickens. Pour layer into mould, sprinkle cherries cut small, then cream and cher- ries again, etc. Pack mould in ice and salt three hours. Mrs. B. R. Tubbs. cHocoLATE SAUCE FOR VANILLA ICE CREAM. I pt. 1milk. 2 eggs. I tablespoon corn starch. I teaspoon vanilla or sher- 3 oz. Bakers chocolate. ry. I small cup powdered Sugar. Scrape chocolate and dissolve with two tablespoons of the sugar and two tablespoons boiling water. Mix cornstarch with a little of the milk then put with rest of milk and dissolved chocolate in double boiler. Drop yolks of eggs into this custard. Beat whites of eggs with rest of Sugar and add the last thing to the custard. Serve boiling hot. Miss Frances Dorrance. 82 84 85 Cakes. FRUIT CAKE. 3 Cups Sugar. 2 teaspoons soda. I}/4 cups butter. % lb. currants. 6 eggs. - 34 lb. raisins. I}/4 cups sour cream. % lb. citron. Flour. I nutmeg. Add sugar and butter to beaten eggs. Dissolve soda in warm water and put into cake while warm. Scald raisins and dredge with flour. Put citron into cake in thin slices as you pour cake into pans. Make cake thick. Phoebe Mott. - BLACK FRU IT CAKE. I lb. butter. % pt. brandy. I lb. Sugar. I gill orange water. I 1b. flour. 2 oranges, rind and juice. 4 lbs. raisins. I teaspoon vanilla. I}/4 lbs. citron. - 2 large nutmegs. 2 lbs. currants. 2 even tablespoons cloves. 2% lbs. dates. I tablespoon ginger. I lb. Jordan almonds. 4 heaping tablespoons cin- IO eggs. namon. I pt. molasses. Rub Sugar, butter and unbeaten yolks to cream. Add unbeaten whites and beat very light. Put in molasses then flour, fruit and spices—brandy last. Bake from three to four hours in slow oven. Miss Elizabeth Loveland. º MOTHER'S FRUIT CAKE. I}/4 cups butter. % lb. orange peel. 2 cups Sugar. I lb. raisins. 7 eggs. I lb. currants, I cup sweet milk. - 2 cups flour. - % lb. citron. 2 teaspoons baking powder. % lb. lemon peel. 86 Add eggs one at a time to creamed butter and sugar. Cut citron, lemon and orange peel fine. Bake two and one-half hours in moderate oven. Mrs. Albert F. Miller. BETH LEH E M BLACK CAKE. 3 Cups Sugar. I tablespoon soda. % cup butter. I tablespoon cinnamon. I cup sour milk. % tablespoon cloves. 3 eggs. Raisins, citron, currants. 3 cups flour. Miss Esther French. FARMERS’ FRUIT CAKE. 3 cups dried apples. I cup sweet milk. 2 cups molasses. - I cup chopped raisins. 34 cup butter. I}/3 teaspoons soda. I Cup Sugar. Spices to taste. Flour to make stiff batter. - Soak apples in warm water over night. Chop slightly in morning and simmer two hours in molasses. Add other ingredients and bake in quick oven. Mrs. Brewster. Dutch BREAD. I pt. milk scalded. I cup currants. }% cup butter. 2 eggs. I Cup Sugar. - Flour for stiff batter. Beat very thoroughly. When cold add little yeast and let stand over night. In the morning spread out in pan and cover top with bits of sugar, butter and cinnamon. - Mrs. C. W. Bixby. a sº- 87 DUTCH CAKE. I Cup Sligar. w % cup Sweet milk. I}% cups flour. 2 teaspoons baking powder. % cup butter. 2 eggs. Mix Sugar, flour, butter and baking powder into crumbs. Take out one-half cup of crumbs and to the re- mainder add eggs, well beaten, and milk gradually. Turn into pan and cover with the half cup of crumbs which has been reserved. Mrs. Keller. DUTCH CAKE, Mix well together, I cup Sugar. I cup yeast. I cup mashed potatoes. Let rise four hours and add, 2 eggs. % cup butter. Salt. Flour enough to mould into loaf. Let it rise over night. In the morning put in pie pans to rise until light. Bake ten minutes. Brush over with melted butter, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and re- turn to oven a few minutes to harden. Makes four cakes. Mrs. Benner. DUTCH CAKE. 2 eggs, yolks and whites 2% cups flour. beaten separately. 2 tablespoons baking pow- I tablespoon butter. der. I cup Sugar. I cup milk. Mix butter, sugar and yolks of eggs together; add milk, flour and baking powder. Fold in whites, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar and bake in moderate oven. - - Mrs. A. D. W. Smith. /...ſ.. . *t's ºv. s vº. 24.1 s * 88 DUTCH CAKE. I tablespoon butter mixed I cup flour. with I cup milk. I cup Sugar. - Then, Add, I cup flour mixed with I egg. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Put in long pan and cover with cinnamon and sugar, Mrs. James S. Croll. DUTCH APPLE CAKE. 2 cups flour. I cup milk. % teaspoon baking powder. 3 tablespoons sugar. 2 tablespoons butter. 4 or 5 large Sour apples. Mix thoroughly and bake one-half hour. - Mrs. Hilbert. DUTCH CAKE. I tablespoon butter mixed with I cup flour. % cup sugar. I cup milk or water. I egg. Mix well and add, I cup flour. 2 tablespoons baking powder. Sprinkle generously with Sugar and cinnamon. DUTCH CAKE. Stir together, I Cup Sugar. Piece of butter size of egg. I cup flour. Work butter in with hands. Add:— I egg beaten light. I cup milk. - Then:— I cup flour mixed with 2 teaspoons baking powder. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar and bake in drip- ping pan. Mrs. W. H. Faulds. WHITE CAKE. Put in teacup the whites of two eggs. Add enough soft butter to half fill the cup and fill brim full with milk. Put in a sieve:— - I Cup Sugar. I}/4 cups flour. I rounded teaspoon baking powder. Sift these into mixing bowl, empty contents of tea- cup into dry ingredients and beat briskly five minutes. Flavor and bake in moderate oven. Ice with boiled icing. Mrs. E. E. Buckman. FLAKE CAKES. 2 cups flour. % teaspoon soda dissolved % cup butter. in Sour cream. % cup sugar. 3 eggs (whites for icing.) % cup molasses. I teaspoon cloves. I cup sour cream. Mrs. T. L. Welles. • MEASURED POUND CAKE. 1% cups butter. I teaspoon baking powder. 2% cups flour, heaped. 2 tablespoons hot water 2 cups Sugar. - added last. 7 eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately. - Mrs. H. B. Payne. 90 LOAF CAKE. 3 cups light bread dough. I cup raisins chopped fine. 2 cups Sugar. I teaspoon soda. I cup butter. Nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves. 4 eggs. Miss Raub. H|CKORY-NUT CAKE. I}% cups sugar. - Whites of four eggs. % cup butter. I teaspoon baking powder. 34 cup cold water. I large cup chopped nuts. 2 cups flour. - Mrs. Phillip Hessel. *gºmºmºmºmº NUT AND CRACKER CAKE. I}% cups sugar. % cup chopped citron. % cup butter. I cup grated chocolate. 7 eggs. - I}% cups fine cracker 4 tableSpoons milk. crumbs. . % cup chopped walnuts. % cup chopped raisins. Bake in large tin in moderate oven one hour. Mrs. Franck. HICKORY-NUT CAKE. 2 cups Sugar. 2 cups nuts. I cup butter. 4 eggs, - I cup milk. 3 teaspoons baking powder. 3 cups flour. Bake until a straw comes out clean. Don’t have over too hot. - Mrs. A. E. Miller. QI C IN NAMON CAKE. I Cup Sugar. I cup sweet milk. 2 eggs. 3 cups flour. Good sized piece of butter. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Save white of one egg for top. - Top. - I cup sugar. - Butter size of egg. White of one egg. I spoon cinnamon. Spread on cake and bake. ENGLISH WALNUT CAKE. (With Maple Icing.) 2 cups granulated Sugar. 2 heaping teaspoons baking I cup butter. powder. I cup milk. Orange or vanilla flavor- 7 eggs (whites.) ing. 3 Scant cups flour. Cream butter and sugar very light. Add little milk, then little flour, continuing until all have been used. Bake in three tins. Icing. 2 cakes maple Sugar. Whites of 2 eggs. I}/4 lbs. English walnuts. Pinch cream tartar. Boil maple syrup with cream tartar in boiling wate: enough to cover until it will form a soft ball in cold water. Pour on beaten whites and beat until it forms a thick soft cream. Put with chopped nuts be- tween layers of cake. Miss Helen Goodwin. SPONGE CAKE. I cup sugar. 4 table spoons water. I cup flour. 2 teaspoons baking powder. 3 eggs. - - I teaspoon lemon extract. &- 92 Beat yolks of eggs with lemon and half the water until very light. Beat, beat, BEAT. Add remainder of water, flour with baking powder and beaten whites. Bake until the cake loosens from pan. Mrs. Franck. DELICATE CAKE. I cup butter. 3% cups flour well sifted. 2 cups sugar. 2 teaspoons baking powder Whites of Io eggs, well in last cup of flour. beaten. I cup milk. Stir whites in lightly last of all. Tiny slices of citron mixed through this cake make it very nice and keep it fresh a week or more. A fine recipe from Boston. Miss Frances Dorrance. -*- - PORK CAKE. 12 oz. pork chopped fine. I lb. raisins chopped. I pt. boiling water. I teaspoon Soda. 2 cups sugar. - 8 cups flour. I cup molasses. I teaspoon each, cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg. - º Pour boiling water on pork and let stand until cool enough to mix. Add other ingredients. Mrs. Brewster. ROLL JELLY CAKE. 3 eggs. - I teaspoon cream tartar. I cup Sugar. % teaspoon soda (Small.) I cup flour. Bake quickly in large pan. Roll with jelly while hot. - Mrs. W. L. Dean. 93 SAND TARTS. % cup butter. % teaspoon baking powder. }% cup milk (scant.) Pinch of salt. I Cup Sugar. A scrape of nutmeg. I}% cups flour. . Roll thin. MOLASSES CAKE. 2 cups molasses. I tablespoon soda. I Cup Sugar. I cup sour milk. 2 lemons. Salt, ginger. 2 egg S. % cup lard. Mrs. Newitt. CONNECTICUT LOAF CAKE, I Cup yeast. I Cup Sugar. 3 cups new milk. . . Flour to make batter stiffer than cake, but not so stiff as bread. Let rise in warm place during night. In morning cream — l $4 cup butter. 3 Cups Sugar. /stºps lard. - I egg, well beaten. Knead into this mixture the risen dough. Add, 2 cups chopped citron. I nutmeg, grated. 2 cups seeded raisins I tablespoon mace. dredged in flour. Wine glass brandy. Let rise again, and, last of all, add pinch of Soda in spoonful of flour. |Miss M. C. Tubbs. CHECKER-BOARD CAKE. 2 cups A Sugar. 3% cups flour. - 3 eggs. - 2% teaspoons baking pow- % cup butter. der. * I cup milk. 94 Keep white of one egg for icing. Divide dough into two equal parts. Stir tablespoon of melted chocolate into one part. Take three cake tins and in the middle of two put a teaspoon of dark mixture; in the third, a teaspoon of light. Around the dark centers put row of light mixture; around light center, a row of dark. Put four rows in each tin. When baked put layer with light center between layers with dark center. - Icing. - Beat white of one egg. Stiffen with powdered sugar, Add spoonful melted chocolate. - Nellie Grover. MYRTLE CAKE. I cup Sugar. I egg. % cup water. g Pinch of salt. - 2 cups flour. 2 tablespoons baking pow- I tablespoon butter. der. Mrs. T. D. Hutchings. TILDEN CAKE. I cup butter. - 4 eggs. - 2 cups powdered sugar. 2 teaspoons baking pow- I cup sweet milk. der. 3 cups flour. 2 teaspoons lemon extract. % cup corn Starch. Miss Lawley. READING SPONG E CAKE. 5 eggs (whites of two for 2 cups flour. icing.) - 2 teaspoons baking powder. 2 cups powdered sugar. Rind and juice of one or- % cup cold water. ange. Bake in layers with white icing. - Mrs. Franck. 95 SPONGE CAKE. 6 eggs, % lb. flour. 34 lb. granulated Sugar. I gill water. Beat yolks of eggs very light. Add well-beaten whites. Boil sugar and water until clear, and pour into beaten eggs. Beat until cold. Add juice of one lemon and the flour. - Mrs. W. H. Faulds. SPONGE CAKE. 3 eggs. I teaspoon baking powder. Salt. - I teaspoon vanilla. I cup Sugar. % cup boiling water. I cup flour. Beat eggs with salt five minutes. Add sugar and beat again. Sift baking powder through flour and stir in water last. - Mrs. Hilbert. PHOEBE NUT CAKE, I cup butter. Whites of eight eggs. 2 cups Sugar. 3 teaspoons baking powder. 4 cups flour. 2 cups hickory nut meats. I cup sweet milk. BUTTERNUT CAKE. I cup Sugar. 2 teaspoons cinnamon. 3/4 cup butter. 2 cups flour (more if I cup buttermilk or sour needed.) milk. - A little nutmeg. 2 eggs. 2 cups butter-nut meats. I small teaspoon Soda. s Miss Parry. 96 HICKORY-NUT CAKE. 2 cups Sugar. - 2 teaspoons baking powder. I cup butter. I teaspoon vanilla. I cup milk. I}/4 cups chopped hickory- 3 cups flour. . nut meats. - Whites of four and one whole egg. - Mrs. D. H. Eavenson. NUT CAKE. I cup butter. e 3 cups flour. 2 Cups Sugar. - 2 teaspoons baking powder. 4 eggs. 2 cups chopped nuts. I cup water. - Icing. Boil three cups sugar in one cup water until it hairs. Whip slowly into whites of eggs. - Mrs. H. C. Smythe. |MPERIAL CAKE. I lb. butter. 34 lb. citron. I lb. Sugar. 34 lb. Jordan almonds. I lb. flour. I 2 eggs. I lb. raisins. Add wine glass of brandy if you wish to keep some time. - Miss Elizabeth Loveland. IMPERIAL CAKE. I lb. butter. 34 lb. citron. I lb. Sugar. I2 eggs. . I 1b. flour. - - - I nutmeg. 2 lbs. almonds. I lemon. 2 lbs. raisins. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Mrs. Pierce Butler. 97 LADY CAKE. I cup butter. 4 cups flour. 2 cups Sugar. I teaspoon Soda. I cup sweet milk. 2 teaspoons cream tartar. Whites of eight eggs. Almonds to flavor. Miss Esther French. WHITE LAYER CAKE. I cup butter. Whites of five eggs beaten 2 cups sugar. stiff. º I cup sweet milk. 2 heaping teaspoons baking 3 cups flour. powder. Mrs. Hammond Talbot. QUEEN CAKE. 2 cups sugar. I lb. raisins and citron to- I cup butter. gether. I cup sweet milk. 94 lb. almonds. 4 cups flour. A few currants. 8 eggs, yolks and whites Small wine glass brandy. beaten separtely. Dust raisins with part of measured flour. Miss Raub. . LEMON CAKE. 3 CupS Sugar. I teaspoon Soda dissolved I cup butter. in milk. . . I cup milk. Juice and rind of one lemon 5 eggs, yolks and whites 4 cups flour. beaten separately. Miss Jessie Macfarlane. SNICKERDooDLE. 2 eggs. g 3 level cups flour. % cup butter. - 2 teaspoons cream tartar. 2 cups sugar. I teaspoon soda. I cup milk. - * % teaspoon salt. 98 Cream butter and sugar together. Add beaten whites, then yolks. Dissolve soda in milk, mix cream tartar and salt with flour. Sift cinnamon and sugar over the cake and bake twenty minutes in flat biscuit tins in mod- erate oven. Cut in squares when cold. Mrs. W. F. Church. SPICE CAKE. 3 eggs, yolks and whites I teaspoon each cinnamon, beaten separately. cloves and nutmeg. 34 cup butter. I teaspoon cream tartar. 2 cups Sugar. 9% teaspoon soda. I cup strong coffee. Flour. Nellie Grover. W H iTE CITRON CAKE. I cup butter. Whites of eight eggs. 3 Cups Sugar. - I teaspoon Soda. 4 cups flour. - 2 teaspoons cream tartar. I cup sweet milk. Grated rind and juice of % lb. citron sliced fine. . one lemon. Juice of lemon may be left out. Mrs. T. H. B. Lewis. 4 • JACKSON CAKE. 8 eggs. - % lb. butter. I lb. powdered sugar. 34 cup flour. Bake in moderate oven. Mrs. D. M. Rosser. Dol-LY vardEN CAKE. 2 cups Sugar. 3 egg S. % cup butter. I teaspoon cream tartar.' I cup sweet milk. % teaspoon soda. 3 cups flour. Flavor with lemon. 99 Bake one-half the above mixture in two pans. To the remainder add: I tablespoon molasses. I teaspoon each cinnamon, I cup chopped raisins. cloves, nutmeg and all- % cup currants. spice. Piece of citron chopped fine Put together with jelly or icing. Mrs. Brewster. SPICE CAKE. 2 cups brown sugar. 4 cups flour. I cup butter and lard. I lb. stewed raisins. - I cup Sour milk, I teaspoon each cinnamon, 2 teaspoons Soda. - cloves and nutmeg. 3 eggs. ... Put soda in Sour milk. Mrs. E. R. Morgan. COFFEE CAKE. I Cup Sugar. I}4 teaspoons Soda. I cup butter. I teaspoon gloves. 2 eggs. I nutmeg. I cup cold coffee. A little ginger. I cup molasses. - I lb. each raisins and cur- 3 cups flour. rantS. 2 teaspoons baking powder. - Mrs. H. B. Payne. COFFEE CAKE. I cup lard and butter mixed. I cup raisins. 2 eggs. I cup currants. I cup cold coffee. 3% cups flour. I cup Sugar. I teaspoon Soda. % cup molasses. - Spices to taste. ºr Mrs. H. G. Ellis. IOO MOUNTAIN CAKE. 2 eggs, whites and yolks 2 cups flour. beaten separately. I teaspoon cream tartar. I Cup Sugar. % teaspoon Soda. % cup butter. I teaspoon lemon extract. % cup sweeet milk. Beat butter light before adding sugar. Mrs. Brewster. TVWO EGG CAKE. I cup Sugar. 2 cups flour. % cup butter. I teaspoon soda dissolved 2 eggs, yolks and , whites in little hot water. beaten separately. 2 teaspoons cream tartar. I cup sweet milk. Vanilla. Mix cream tartar in one-half cup of the flour. Bake in two layers. Mrs. James H. Hughes. ANGEL CAKE. Whites of eight large or nine small eggs. I}% cups sugar measured after sifting five times. A trifle over one cup flour, measured after sifting five times. - Scant one-half teaspoon cream tartar. Add pinch salt to eggs before whipping. Whip eggs to foam, add cream tartar and whip until very stiff. Beat in sugar and flavoring. Fold flour lightly through. Put in moderate oven at once and bake from twenty to forty minutes. Mrs. T. R. Phillips. ANGEL's Food. I}% tumblers powdered su- Whites of ten eggs beaten gar. to stiff froth. I tumbler flour. Flavor with vanilla or rose I teaspoon cream tartar. Water. IOI Beat cream tartar with eggs. Sift sugar and flour to- gether and stir gently into the eggs. Bake in an un- greased pan forty minutes. - Miss Raub. C HEAP BLACK CHOCOLATE CAKE. I Cup Sugar. % teaspoon soda dissolved I egg. in milk. I}% cups flour. I tablespoon butter. I cup milk. 3 Squares chocolate. I teaspoon baking powder, Beat yolk of egg with sugar and add flour. Melt cho- colate and butter together and add last. Use white of egg for icing. Don't use more flour. Bake in two layers. Mrs. James H. Hughes. sunshil NE CAKE. Whites of Seven eggs. I cup flour (scant) meas- Yolks of five eggs. ured after sifting five I cup Sugar. times. I teaspoon orange extract. 94 teaspoon cream tartar. Beat the whites very stiff with the cream tartar and a pinch of salt. Add sugar, beat thoroughly. Add flavor- ing and the yolks beaten very thick; beat lightly and carefully stir in the flour. Bake in tube pan in moderate oven forty or fifty minutes. Miss Raub. APPLE SAUCE CAKE. I Cup Sugar. I cup raisins. % cup butter. 2 teaspoons soda. 2 cups flour. I teaspoon each cloves, cin- I}% cups apple sauce. namon and nutmeg. Bake in two pans in moderate oven one and one-quarter hours. - Mrs. Geo. H. Ives." smmº ** IO2 cocoa NUT CAKE. 2 eggs. 2 teaspoons cream tartar. I cup sweet milk( large.) Flour. % cup shortening (Scant.) Flavor with lemon. I teaspoon Soda. - GOLD CAKE. I cup butter. 3 cups flour. 2 cups Sugar. I very small teaspoon soda. I cup milk. 2 very small teaspoons Yolks of five eggs. Cream tartar. Miss Augusta Hoyt. GOLD CAKE. % cup butter. •. % cup sweet milk. I Cup Sugar. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Yolks of 8 eggs. I}% cups flour. Mix in order given. Beat yolks thoroughly before adding to butter and sugar. Beat cake hard before put- ting into pan. Bake in tube pan forty minutes. Makes good layer cake. TILDEN CAKE. I cup butter. 3 cups flour. 2 cups powdered sugar. % cup corn starch. 4 eggs beaten light. - 2 tablespoons vanilla or le- I cup sweet milk. 111011. Sift cornstarch and flour well. Mrs. W. L. Stewart. GOLD LOAF. 2C % cup butter. 2% cups flour. I}4 cups sugar (sift after I teaspoon cream tartar. measuring.) % teaspoon soda. % cup sweet milk. Vanilla. IO3 Sift flour, measure, add soda and sift three times. Beat yolks about half, add cream tartar and beat until stiff. Beat all together very hard, put in oven at once and bake from three to five hours. Mrs. T. R. Phillips. mºmºm BREAD CAKE. 3 large cups raised dough. 4 eggs. The firmer, the better. I teaspoon soda. 2 cups Sugar. Spice and fruit. I cup butter. - % cup buttermilk or sour milk. e Add flour if too thin. Mrs. von Krug. BREAD CAKE. 3 cups very light dough. I teaspoon soda dissolved 3 cups brown sugar. in hot water. 3 eggs. I lb. raisins. I cup butter. I nutmeg grated. Mix butter and sugar together, add eggs and nutmeg, beat well and mix all thoroughly with dough. Beat very light. Let rise again before baking. Makes two loaves. Miss Frances Dorrance. BREAD CAKE. ſº 3 cups light bread dough. I teaspoon soda. 2% cups sugar. I teaspoon cinnamon. 3 eggs. % teaspoon cloves. I cup butter. % teaspoon nutmeg grated. Use more spice if desired. Mrs. Geo. Shoemaker. IO4 THE “BULLY” CHOCOLATE CAKE. % cup butter. 4 eggs, yolks and whites | }% cup sugar. beaten separately. % cup milk. I heaping teaspoon baking I34 cups flour. powder. Add well beaten yolks to creamed butter and sugar. Add milk and 2 oz. Baker’s chocolate dissolved in five tablespoons boiling water. Add stiffly beaten whites last. Bake in layers. g Filling. % pt. cream. % cake Baker’s chocolate. - Melt chocolate over kettle of boiling water. Add as many teaspoons of confectioner's Sugar as you have of cream. Beat until perfectly smooth. H. W. T. CHO.COLATE CAKE, I34 cups sugar. 3 teaspoons baking powder. % cup butter. % cake chocolate dissolved 2 eggs. in % cup sweet milk. % cup boiling water. 2 cups flour. Flavor to taste. Put chocolate in last. Mrs. J. G. Sperling. BLACK CHOCOLATE CAKE. Boil together, % cup milk. I egg beaten. % cake grated chocolate. Ž cup sugar. 2 tablespoons boiling water, When cold add :- I cup Sugar. 2 cups flour. % cup butter. 2 teaspoons baking powder. % cup milk. - 2 eggs, yolks and whites beaten separately. - Add whites of eggs last. Nellie Grover. IO5 CUP POUND CAKE. I}% cups flour. % teaspoon Soda. I}% cups sugar. 5 eggs. I cup butter. - Beat butter and flour to a cream. Add eggs and Sugar. Baking powder last. Mrs. Meginess. SILVER CAKE. 3 cups Sugar. % lb. citron, cut fine. I cup butter. I teaspoon cream tartar. I cup milk. % teaspoon soda. 4% cups flour. Whites of ten eggs. Miss Jessie Macfarlane. POUND CAKE. I lb. Sugar. IO eggs. I lb. flour. Wine glass of brandy. /54 lb. butter. Miss Jessie Macfarlane. SPONGE CAKE. 3 eggs, thoroughly beaten. I cup Sugar. I cup flour. 4 tableSpoons water. Boil water and sugar together and pour gradually over eggs. Flavor with lemon. - ' Miss Jessie Macfarlane. ORANGE CAKE. 2 cups Sugar." - % teaspoon soda. % cup butter (scant). I teaspoon cream tartar. 2 cups flour. Rind of one orange. % cup water. Juice of one and one-half Yolks of 5 eggs. oranges. Whites of 4 eggs. IO6 Beat butter to cream, add sugar gradually, then the orange, the eggs well beaten, the water, and the flour in which soda and cream tartar have been mixed. Icing. White of one egg. I}% cups or more of pow- Juice of one and one-half dered sugar. Oranges. Mrs. George W. Lewis. HUCKLEBERRY CAKE. }% cup butter. I tablespoon soda. I}/4 cups sour milk. Salt. % cup molasses. Huckleberries to taste. I cup Sugar. - Flour to make stiff batter. 2 eggs. To be eaten hot with butter or as a pudding with sauce. Mrs. H. H. Welles. . . COFFEE CAKE. I cup strong, cold coffee. I teaspoon allspice. I Cup Sugar. Cinnamon. I cup butter. I teaspoon soda dissolved I cup molasses. in little vinegar. 4 cups flour. I lb. raisins. 3 eggs. I lb. currants. 2 nutmegs. % lb. citron. 2 teaspoons cloves. Bake slowly. Mrs. George F. Lee. CHO.COLATE CARAMEL CAKE. I cup Sugar. % cup sweet milk. % cake chocolate. Yolk of I egg. Boil until thick, then cool. Io/ CAKE PART. I cup Sugar. . 3 cups flour (pastry). % cup butter. 2 teaspoons baking powder. I cup sweet milk. I teaspoon vanilla. 2 eggs. Put together before putting in flour. Bake in three layers. Use white frosting. Mrs. F. W. Frantz. MOLASSES CAKE. 2 eggs. 2 teaspoons soda (small). 2 cups molasses. Nutmeg. I cup sour milk. Salt. - Don’t mix too stiff. Mrs. John Nugent. ED IN BOROUGH G|NGER BREAD. 4 cups flour. 4 tablespoons drippings. 2 cups Sugar. 2 tablespoons ginger. 2 cups. fine oat meal. 2 tablespoons soda. 2 cups molasses. % lb. blanched almonds. I cup warm water. % lb. orange peel. 2 eggs. - Split almonds and chop orange peel. - Mrs. George W. Lewis. BOST ON G|NGERBREAD. I lb. butter. 2 smail tablespoons soda I lb. Sugar. dissolved in boiling wa- I pt. molasses. ter. - I pt. Sour cream or but- I heaping tablespoon gin- termilk. ger. 2% lbs. flour. I even tablespoon cinna- 111011 % teaspoon cloves (scant). This makes five or six small loaves. Miss Augusta Hoyt. IO8 - - G|NGER CAKE. % cup N. O. molasses. I egg. % cup sugar. I teaspoon soda. 94 cup lard. I teaspoon ginger. % cup sour milk or hot I teaspoon cinnamon. Water. Miss Jessie Macfarlane. GOSSAM ER GINGERBREAD. % cup butter. 2 cups flour (scant). I Cup Sugar. - I egg. % cup sweet milk. I}% tablespoons ginger. Spread as thin as possible on well buttered tin sheets. Bake in moderate oven. When baked cut in narrow strips. and take off tin while hot. - Miss Elizabeth Loveland. SOFT G|NGER CAKE. I cup molasses. . % teaspoon ginger. 2 tablespoons lard. I teaspoon cinnamon. I cup hot water. 2 cups flour. I teaspoon soda in the hot Salt. Water. - Mrs. C. Bach. IO9 I I O III Crullers, 2)oughnuts, Tftc. BIXBY DOUGHNUTS. 2 cups sugar. 3 eggs. - I cup sweet milk. 3 teaspoons baking powder. I large tablespoon melted butter. - Mix into soft dough and fry in deep fat. - Mrs. C. W. Bixby. CRULLERS. 3 Cups Sugar. . I pt. buttermilk. % cup butter. I teaspoon Soda. 3 eggs. g - Miss Jessie Macfarlane. cRULLERs. 5 eggs. 2 cups milk. 3 cups Sugar. 2 qts. flour. * I heaping tablespoon but- 2 teaspoons baking powder. ter. - Mrs. Geo. H. Ives. cREAM FRIED cAKEs. I coffee cup sour cream, 2 eggs—one will do. not too rich. 2 teaspoons salt. I coffee cup sugar. I teaspoon Soda. " Mix with flour, roll and fry. - - Mrs. Geo. Shoemaker. GERMAN CRULLERs. 2 eggs. - I cup milk. - I tablespoon lard. I teaspoon baking powder. I cup sugar. Flour to make soft dough. Knead lightly. When cold dust with powdered sugar. - g Mrs. E. R. Morgan. II 2 PUFF DOUGH NUTS. 3 eggs. - Nutmeg. I Cup Sugar. 2 heaping teaspoons baking I pt. milk. powder. Salt. Flour enough to permit the spoon to stand upright in mixture. Beat until very light. Drop dessert spoonfuls into boiling lard. These are not rich and do not absorb fat. Mrs. E. G. Gage. DOUGH NUTS. 2 cups Sugar. 2 eggs. 2 cups milk. I tablespoon soda. 2 tablespoons butter. I tablespoon brandy. 2 tablespoons cream tartar. Flour to roll. Mix butter and cream tartar together. After cutting out let stand one hour before cooking. Mrs. Wm. McColloch. FRIED CAKES, I cup Sugar. 2 eggs. I cup buttermilk. I teaspoon Soda. 3 tablespoons melted but- Flour to make firm dough. ter. Mix sugar and eggs together. Add buttermilk, flour, butter, and soda dissolved in little of the milk. t - Mrs. Albert E. Miller. CRULLERS WITHOUT SUGAR. . I qt. flour. I teaspoon salt. 3 teaspoons baking powder. Milk to make quite soft. I level tablespoon butter. . Cut in strips, twist into crullers and fry. Mrs. W. L. Foster. II3 POPLAR CHiPS. I pt. thick, sweet cream. I teaspoon salt. 4 eggs, yolks and whites Flour to roll—not too beaten separately. much. Cut in Strips and fry like doughnuts. Mrs. Markle. DOUGH NUTS, I cup Sugar. 5 Small cups flour. " - 3 tableSpoons melted lard. 3 even teaspoons baking I small teaspoon salt. powder. 2 Or 3 eggs. A little nutmeg. I cup sweet milk. Add eggs to sugar without beating, then salt, melted lard from kettle and other ingredients. Mix as soft as possible. Fry in hot fat. Mrs. Hassiby. RAISED DOUGH NUTS. In the afternoon make a sponge with :— I cup Sugar. % yeast cake ir % cup sweet milk. % cup cold water. % cup boiling water. Salt. % cup mashed potatoes. Flour to make soft sponge. % cup lard. At bedtime add :- 2 eggs. - Flour enough to form into % teaspoon salt. lump, Nutmeg. In morning roll, cut out and let stand until very light. Fry in hot lard. II.4. * II5 s Ginger Snaps, £tc. GINGER SNAPS, ETC. Boil together fifteen minutes:— I pt. molasses. % cup water. While boiling stir in one cup butter or lard, or a mixture of the two. When cold add:— 2 teaspoons soda, a little ginger and salt. Flour to roll. Miss Lawley. G|NGER CAKES. 2 cups N. O. molasses. 2 eggs. % cup Sugar. 2 teaspoons Soda dissolved I cup butter. in milk. }% cup buttermilk or sour 2 teaspoons ginger. milk. Roll as soft as possible. - . Miss Jessie Macfarlane. GINGER cookies. I cup molasses. 2 teaspoons Soda. I cup brown sugar. 2 teaspoons ginger. I cup melted shortening. Salt. 9% cup hot water. Flour to roll Out. G|NGER CAKES. I cup brown sugar. I tablespoon soda. I cup lard. Ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon I cup hot water. to taSte. I egg. Flour to stiffen. I}/2 cups N. O. molasses. Drop by spoonfuls into well greased pans. Mrs. Grover. II6 G | NGER SNAPS. I cup molasses. % teaspoon soda. I cup butter. % teaspoon ginger. % cup granulated sugar. Boil the ingredients five minutes. Cool, mix in flour till very stiff, roll very thin and bake in moderate oven. Miss Elizabeth Loveland. G|NGER COO KIES WITH FROST ING. I cup butter or lard. % cup sour milk. I cup Sugar. I teaspoon ginger. 2 cups molasses. I teaspoon cinnamon. 3 eggs (whites for frost- 4 teaspoons soda (Scant). ing). % teaspoon salt. Roll one-fourth inch thick. Have dough stiff enough to be taken up with knife. - * Frosting. & I large cup sugar boiled with four spoonfuls water until it threads. Stir into whites of eggs, beat well and spread over cookies. - * Mrs. J. R. Davis. ORANGE GENGER SNAPs. I qt. Imolasses. I teaspoon cloves. 1 lb. sugar. Grated rind of two large 34 lb. butter. oranges. % lb. lard. % teacup brandy. I oz cinnamon. 4 lbs. flour. - 2 oz. ginger. - g Boil molasses, sugar, butter and lard together, add other ingredients and let stand until next day. Roll thin and bake in moderate oven. - - - Mrs. Fancourt. II.7 GINGER SNAPs. 2 cups boiled molasses. I egg. I Cup Sugar. I tablespoon ginger. I cup lard. I tablespoon soda. I cup buttermilk. - - Mrs. Meginess. GINGER COOKIES. . I cup molasses. 2% cups flour. % cup lard. I tablespoon ginger. % cup water. I heaping teaspoon soda. N I egg. I scant teaspoon salt. Drop in well-greased pans. Bake in hot oven. - Mrs. L. C. Diggory. M RS. CONOVER'S GINGER SNAPS. I pt. butter or lard. I tablespoon cinnamon. I pt. molasses. % tablespoon allspice. I Cup Sugar. % tablespoon cloves. % teaspoon salt. I tablespoon soda in half I nutmeg, grated. cup boiling water. I tablespoon ginger. Flour to roll out. - - Mrs. Geo. Shoemaker. G|NGER SNAPS. I cup butter. I even teaspoon soda and I Cup Sugar. 2 teaspoons ginger mixed I cup molasses. with I tablespoon hot I egg. Water. Flour to make very stiff. Mrs. T. R. Phillips. II8 LIEBE KUCHEN. I qt. molasses. I large teaspoon each, all- I qt. flour. - - spice, cloves, cinnamon, I cup lard or butter. nutmeg and ginger. I lemon (rind grated.) 2 teaspoons soda. Boil molasses. Add other ingredients and keep in warm place twenty-four hours. Work the dough an hour. Roll and bake like ginger snaps, putting icing and thin piece of citron on each cake. They may also be cut in rectangular shape. Mrs. Franck. II 9 I2I Cookies, Jumbles, Etc. CHARLOTTE RUSSE. % package gelatine, dissolved in very little water. I pt. whipped cream, flavored and sweetened to taste. Stir gelatine into cream. Line a mold with lady fingers and pour cream over. FRUIT COO KIES. 2 eggs. I teaspoon soda dissolved I}% cups sugar. w in tablespoon water. I cup butter. I teaspoon each cloves, cin- I cup chopped raisins or namon and nutmeg. Cl11-rantS. Flour to stiffen. Miss Esther French. ROCKS. 2 lbs. English walnuts (I 3 eggs. lb. r" d). Salt. I lb. chopped raisins. I teaspoon soda dissolved I}% cups sugar. - in hot water. I cup butter. I wine glass wine or bran- 3 cups flour. dy. MO RAVIAN CHRISTMAS CAKES. I lb. Sugar. % spoon cinnamon. - 5 oz. butter. 2 tablespoons rose water. 4 eggs. I}/4 lbs. flour, Mix flour, butter and sugar together. Beat eggs well. |Roll out thin. - • * w Miss Esther French. I22 SWEDISH COO KIES. 2 cups sugar. 4 2 teaspoons baking powder. I}% cups butter. - I teaspoon vanilla. 3 eggs, Flour to make soft dough. Roll thin and sprinkle with chopped nuts and sugar. Mrs. T. L. Welles. ČHocoLATE JUMBLEs. % cup butter. I egg. I cup granulated sugar. I cup grated chocolate. I cup brown sugar. I teaspoon vanilla. Flour to stiffen. - Roll thin and bake quick. - - Mrs. Gregory. H|CKORY-NUT kisses. 3 qts. shellbarks (kernels picked out). I lb. Sugar. º t Whites of five eggs. I tablespoon flour. - Beat whites to stiff froth; add sugar and flour mixed. Add kernels. Drop scant teaspoonfuls on buttered paper. Put paper in pan and bake. - * - Mrs. C. W. Bixby. CINNAMON CAKES. % cup butter. * 2% teaspoons baking pow- I Cup Sugar. der. - 2 eggs. I tablespoon cinnamen. % cup milk. Chopped nuts. - -- I}4 cups flour. • - - . Mix in order given and bake in buttered individual cake tins. . . . - - Makes fifteen cakes. & . . . . tº . º S. S. Goodwin. I23 OAT FLAKE cookIES. 2 cups brown sugar. %, cup hot water. % cup butter and lard . I teaspoon soda. mixed. 2 teaspoons vanilla. 2 cups crushed oats. Flour to stiffen. Roll thin. Mrs. D. H. Eavenson. sºmeºmº-m-m- NUT WAFERS. I lb. chopped hickory nuts. 3 eggs beaten separately. 2 cups brown sugar. 5 tablespoons flour. - 2 tablespoons butter. I teaspoon baking powder. Add nuts last. Drop in half teaspoonfuls on well buttered pan. Bake in moderate oven. Mrs. C. W. Bixby. PUFFS. 2 cups flour. 4 eggs. 4 cups sweet milk. Salt. . Dressing for Puffs. I cup Sugar. I egg. Lump butter. Vanilla. Mrs. Keller. FRU iT J U M El_ES. I cup butter. % cup milk. 2 cups sugar. 3 eggs. 3% cups flour. % teaspoon soda. I cup currants. - % nutmeg, grated. Baks in gem tins. - - Mrs. Gregory. I24 DROP CAKEs. 2 cups dark brown sugar. 3 eggs. I cup butter. % teaspoon soda. 2 cups chopped raisins. I teaspoon cinnamon. % cup chopped walnuts. 9% teaspoon cloves. 3 cups flour. 2 tablespoons brandy. % cup milk. Drop by teaspoonfuls on buttered tins. Mrs. H. B. Payne. Rocks. 1% cups brown Sugar. I cup dates. *: I cup butter. 3 eggs. 2 a. 3 cups flour. I lb. English walnuts. I}% cups raisins. I teaspoon soda dissolved in warm water. % glass sherry or brandy. Mrs. John Nugent. HERMITS. 2 cups brown Sugar. I cup raisins. I cup butter. I teaspoon cinnamon. 2 eggs. - - I teaspoon cloves. I cup Sour milk. 2 teaspoons soda. 3% cups flour. - Mrs. Keller. MACAROONS. Whites of 4 eggs, beaten. 34 cup flour. . . -w I lb. powdered sugar. I teaspoon baking powder 1 cup shellbarks, chopped - -.' fine. I25 MACAROONS. Whites of three eggs beaten stiff with small pinch soda. I cup powdered sugar. - - I lb. English walnuts, chopped. 2 tablespoons flour. Vanilla to taste. Bake in moderate oven. Mrs. Z. H. Long. COCOANUT DROPS. Whites of 2 eggs beaten I cup cocoanut Stiff. 2 tablespoons flour I Cup Sugar - • Drop on buttered tins. Better try one, as more flour may be needed. Miss Esther French. ORANGE PUFFS. 6 eggs I pt. Sweet milk. I tablespoon melted butter. Pinch salt. I cup sifted flour. Save whites of three eggs for Sauce. - Beat yolks till very light. Add butter, flour, milk and whites of three eggs. Bake in muffin pans. - SAUCE. (Not to be cooked.) I cup powdered sugar. Juice of three oranges. - Whites of three eggs well beaten. Mrs. George W. Lewis. COCOANUT JUM.B.L.E.S. 2 cups sugar. 2 eggs. - 2 cups flour. I grated cocoanut. 34 cup butter, - a & I26 Beat butter, sugar and eggs very light. Add flour and cocoanut, mixing as little as possible. Sprinkle with sugar and bake a light brown. Miss Elizabeth Loveland. BOSTON COO KIES. I}% cups sugar. % cup nuts, I cup butter. I teaspoon Soda. 5 eggs. I teaspoon ginger. 2% cups flour. I teaspoon cloves. I cup raisins, 2 teaspoons cinnamon. % cup currants, Chop fruit and nuts fine. Mix the day before baking. Roll thin, adding a little more flour if necessary. Mrs. Frederic Corss. PEPPER NUTS. I}/4 lbs. Sugar. I teaspoon Soda. - I cup butter. 2 teaspoons cream tartar. “ 4 eggs. I Vá lbs. flour. * I cup sweet milk. Dough not too stiff. Miss Esther French. CHOCOLATE PUFFS. Whites of 2 eggs, beaten 2 oz. grated chocolate, stiff. mixed with - - 2 cups powdered sugar. 2 tablespoons cornstarch. Drop from spoon on buttered tins. Bake in moderate OVer). Mrs. Wm. Callum. I27 OAT MEAL COOKIES. I cup sugar. 2% cups oat flakes. I tablespoon butter. I teaspoon baking powder. 2 eggs. I teaspoon vanilla. Salt. Cream Sugar and butter and beat in eggs. Stir bak- ing powder through the oat flake, mix and drop from Spoon on well greased pan. - Mrs. R. A. Hutchison. wal-NUT wafeRs. % lb. brown Sugar. % teaspoon baking powder. % lb. walnut meats. 2 eggs. 3 even tablespoons flour. - Beat the whole eggs very light, add sugar, chopped nuts, flour and baking powder. Drop from teaspoon on buttered tins. Bake in slow OVerl. Miss Elizabeth Loveland. G|NGER DROPS. % cup butter. I heaping teaspoon each I cup molasses. Soda, salt and pure gin- I Cup Sugar. ger. I cup cold water or cof- Flour to make batter to fee. drop from spoon. Drop on tin and bake. LEMON COOKIES. I cup butter. Grated rind of lemon. 2 cups sugar. I qt. flour. 3 eggs. I teaspoon soda in the juice of one lemon. - Mix soft. Mrs. D. M. Rosser. I28 cocoanut cookies. % cup butter. 3 cups flour. 2 cups sugar. . 2 teaspoons baking pow- 2 eggs. . . . . der. : I cup grated cocoanut. 94 cup milk. Stir butter and sugar to cream, add eggs, cocoanut. milk and flour. Roll thin. - Mrs. D. H. Eavenson. AUNTY Hol-LENBAcK's SHREwsBURY CAKES. I}% lbs. Sugar. . 8 eggs, minus one-half the 1% lbs. butter. whites. 2 lbs. flour. 4 tablespoons cinnamon. 4 tablespoons brandy. A drop cake. - • Miss Frances Dorrance. - SMALL NUT CAKES. }% lb. butter. - 4 eggs. I lb. Sugar. I pint nuts. I 1b. flour. Mrs. Grover. COCOANUT DROPS. I lb. grated cocoanut. % lb. powdered sugar. White of one egg. - Roll all together, make into little balls and bake in buttered tins. - Mrs. Grover. WINE - JU M BLES. I lb. Sugar. - I teaspoon ground mace. I lb. flour. I teaspoon ground cinna- 34 lb. butter. In Orl. 6 eggs. I29 Bake in quick oven, in shallow jumble tins. After taking from oven, while still warm, moisten with cloth dipped in wine and sprinkle powdered sugar on top. - Miss Frances Dorrance. JUMBLES. 2 cups sugar. - I teaspoon soda. I cup butter. 2 teaspoons cream tartar. }% cup milk. Míšš Jessie Mcfarlane. LEMON CHEESE CAKES. Juice and rind of 4 lemons. 2 lbs. Sugar. % lb. butter. 4 eggs. Boil twenty minutes. Line patty pans with pastry, fill with lemon and bake. Mrs. Fancourt. CARAVWAY SEED COOKIES. 2% lbs. flour. 2 eggs. I lb. butter. % cup caraway seeds. % pt. milk. - I teaspoon salt. - I}/4 lbs. Sugar. I teaspoon baking powder, Mix well. Roll thin. Mrs. H. H. Wells, Jr. CHOCOLATE COOKIES. 3 eggs. I teaspoon vanilla. 2 cups sugar. 2 teaspoons baking powder % cup butter. - sifted in flour. . I cup chocolate. Salt. % cup milk. Roll thin. Bake in quick oven. Mrs. R. A. Hutchison. I3O wine DROPs. I cup sugar. . . I teaspoon soda. . . % cup molasses. . I small teaspoon cream % cup sweet milk. tartar. - % cup shortening. % teaspoon each, cinnamon, % cup currants or raisins. cloves and nutmeg. Drop with spoon on buttered tins and bake in hot oven. May be made without fruit. SUGAR COO KIES. % cup butter. 2 egg S. I}% cups sugar. 2 teaspoons of cream tartar. % cup sweet milk. I teaspoon Soda. - Mrs. F.W.F. CHE ESE STRAWS. % cup grated cheese. I egg. A little pepper. Flour enough to roll out. % teaspoon salt. . g Cut into narrow strips and bake until nicely brown. Mrs. Meginess. I 32 I33" - Tſcings, Tftc. LEMON FILLING. I lemon. I cup sugar. 2 eggs. - Butter size of walnut. Boil ten minutes in double boiler. M“s. Meginess. MOCHA FILLING. I}% cups powdered sugar. I teaspoon vanilla. 2 dessert Spoons cocoa. I teaspoon butter. Mix all with cold coffee so that it will spread nicely. Put on layers and top of cake. . Mrs. L. C. Diggory. MILK IC ING. I Cup Sugar. 2 tablespoons cream. 5 tablespoons milk. - Boil sugar and milk until it threads. Add cream and beat until cool. Mrs. J. S. Monks. |CING NO. 1. Small piece butter. White of I egg. I cup powdered sugar. Vanilla. Mix butter and sugar. Add egg and beat ten min- utes. If too thick add few drops of cream; if thin, more Sugar. . . J. A. S. iCING NO. 2. 3 tablespoons cream. 2 tablespoons cocoa. I cup confectioner's sugar. Vanilla. Beat until very smooth. Add five drops of vanilla to keep from cracking. J. A. S. 134 FIG FILLING. % lb. raisins. % lb. dates. % lb. figs. -. - - Chop very fine, sweeten and make thin enough with water to spread on cake. - Mrs. B. R. Tubbs. NUT FILLING. I cup Sour cream. I cup chopped nuts. I cup Sugar. Boil seven minutes. - - Mrs. Meginess. CHOCOLATE IC ING. 5 heaping tablespoons grat- I egg, beaten. ed chocolate. I Cup Sugar. I tablespoon cream. Stir all together and let come to boil. Mrs. F. L. Olds. APPLE FILLING. I cup sugar. Juice of 4 lemon. I apple, grated. White of I egg. Beat all together until like whipped cream. To be eaten fresh. - 135 136 I37 Yºrcač, Niluffins, Tftc. GRAHAM BREAD. 2% cups sour milk. 2 teaspoons soda. % cup molasses. I teaspoon salt. 4 cups graham flour. Let rise forty-five minutes. Bake forty-five minutes. Mrs. Keller. GRAHAM BREAD. 2% cups hot liquid (water 3 cups graham flour, sifted. or milk.) I}% teaspoons salt. % cup molasses. I tablespoon shortening. 3 cups flour. I yeast cake. Makes two small loaves. ". S. S. Goodwin. GRAHAM BREAD. I pt. buttermilk or sour 2 cups graham flour. milk. % cup molasses. % cup sugar. I teaspoon Soda. I cup flour. I teaspoon salt. % cup cornmeal. Bake in oven. Mrs. Murdock. BOSTON BROWN BREAD. 2 cups sour milk. % cup molasses. I cup warm water. I heaping teaspoon Soda. I cup flour. % teaspoon salt. 3 cups cornmeal. Steam two hours. Mrs. T. L. Welles. 138 ENTIRE WHEAT BREAD. 4 cups entire wheat flour. 2 cups milk. . * I cup molasses with one teaspoon soda beaten into it until it foams. . . * I teaspoon salt. 2 teaspoons baking powder. - Steam in orie pound baking powder cans one hour. then brown in oven. - * . .--- - - Mrs. Murdock. coRN BREAD. I egg. - 1 cup flour. % cup sugar. 2 teaspoons baking powder. I cup milk. . . . . . . Pinch of salt. . . * 1% cups cornmeal. r . . . . . - Melt one tablespoon lard and add last. Bake in quick OVerl. a •. . . . " Mrs. L. C. Darte. corn BREAD. I pt. Indian meal. 2 eggs. . . I pt. flour. . . . I pt. milk. . . . . I cup Sugar. 2 teaspoons baking powder % cup butter. - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Geo. F. Lee. ºn e-a.------s “.. -- * BROWN BREAD. 1 cup sour milk. I egg. I cup meal, Pinch of salt. . . . I cup flour. - - - - I teaspoon. Soda. % cup molasses. Steam, three hours. . . . . . . . . . . . • * : . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Brewster. I39 CORN MUFFIN.S. I cup sweet milk. Butter size of egg. % cup sugar (Scant). I egg. - I cup cornmeal. 2 teaspoons baking powder. I}% cups flour. . - - 0 Mrs. Geo. H. Ives. CORN MUFFINS. % cup sugar. 2 eggs. % cup butter. - 2 heaping teaspoons bak- % cup cornmeal (scant). ing powder. * I cup milk. •- is ºr - - Mrs. C. W. Bixby. coRN MUFFINs. % cup butter (scant). ... I}/\cups cornmeal. % cup sugar. I}/4 cups wheat flour. 2 eggs. & a 2 small teaspoons baking I cup milk. powder. If butter is fresh, add salt. Mrs. von Krug. MUFFINS. % cup sugar. I cup milk. . . . . . . . . I tablespoon butter. 2 teaspoons baking powder. 2 eggs. Flour to stiffen. . . . . ‘. . . . - Mrs. Frane. MUFFINS. I pt. flour. . . . . 2 teaspoons baking powder. I cup milk. . . . . Butter size of an egg. 2 eggs. . . . & - . . Beat yolks with butter. Add well-beaten whites. Sift baking powder with flour. Bake in muffin rings. * .. Mrs. A. Raub. .*. * , I4O MUFFINS. 2 tablespoons melted but- 3 cups flour. ter. 5 teaspoons baking powder. 2 tablespoons sugar. I}% cups sweet milk. 2 eggs. - Bake in gem tins in hot oven. gº Mrs. W. F. Church. QUICK MUFFINS. 2 eggs. I teaspoon salt (small.) I pt. Sweet milk. 2 level teaspoons baking 2 cups flour. powder. I tablespoon melted butter. Beat eggs separately. Add milk and other ingred- ients gradually to yolks. Beat until smooth and light, adding well-beaten whites last. Bake in well greased muffin rings on a griddle or in the oven. Pans must be hot or batter will run under rings. If baked on griddle, turn to bake both sides. - - Mrs. Frederick Corss. JOHNNY CAKE, I cup sour milk. I teaspoon Soda. % cup molasses I}% cups cornmeal. I egg. % cup flour. 2 tablespoons melted but- ter. Makes one pan of Johnny Cake. - - - Mrs. R. B. Vaughn. Johnny cAKE. I pt. milk. - Butter size of egg. I pt. cornmeal. 2 eggs, beaten separately. 2 tablespoons wheat flour. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Beat very hard. - Mrs. John Remmell. 141 - JoHNNY cake. I egg, well beaten. I tablespoon melted but- ' % cup sugar and molasses ter. mixed. I teaspoon soda. I}% cups buttermilk. Salt. I cup flour. Meal enough to thicken like cake. - * - Mrs. Gregory. JOHNNY CAKE. I cup cornmeal. I teaspoon salt. I cup flour. - I large tablespoon shorten- I cup sweet milk. ing. . 2 teaspoons sugar. Yolk of I egg. 2 teaspoons baking powder. - Sift together cornmeal, flour, baking powder, sugar and salt. Rub in shortening. Add milk and beat until smooth. Add yolk and beat again. Bake in loaf. - - Mrs. E. E. Buckman. GRAHAM GEMS. 2 cups buttermilk or sour I tablespoon melted lard milk, I teaspon Soda. % cup sugar.. % teaspoon salt. Graham flour enough to make batter that will drop. from spoon. ſº Beat well and drop into hot, well-buttered gem irons. Bake ten minutes in hot oven. Mrs. J. S. Monks. GRAHAM GEMS. 2 cups buttermilk. % tablespoon salt. 2 cups graham flour. I tablespoon molasses. 2 teaspoons soda (small). Butter size of walnut. Beat well. Bake in hot gem pans in steady oven. - Mrs. Abram Goodwin. I42 RICE GEMS. 3 eggs. . I tablespoon melted butter. I cup milk. I teaspoon salt. I}/4 cups flour. . I teaspoon baking powder. I cup boiled rice. Beat eggs separately. Add milk, salt, butter and flour to yolks and beat until smooth. Add rice and fold in the whites of the eggs, beaten stiff with a grain of salt. Bake fifteen minutes in gem pans in hot oven. Mrs. James H. Hughes. MUSH GEMS. I cup cornmeal. 2 tablespoons melted butter. I cup water. I teaspoon salt. I cup milk. I teaspoon baking powder. 3 eggs beaten separately. Heat the milk and water together in a farina boiler. Add the cornmeal slowly and cook ten minutes. Add butter and salt and let cool. Add eggs, first yolks, then whites, and the baking powder, and bake in muffin pans in moderate oven. Miss Frances Dorrance. POP OVERS. I cup milk. I egg. I cup flour. . % teaspoon salt, Put all ingredients together in bowl and beat five min- utes with Dover egg beater. Bake twenty-five minutes in hot oven. - Mrs. C. W. Bixby. Pop overs. 2 eggs. 4 teaspoons baking powder. I cup milk. - I qt. flour. 2 tablespoons sugar. Salt. Bake in very hot oven. Mrs. W. L. Dean. 143 HoT cRoss BUNs. I qt. milk. % lb. currants. - I cup Sugar. - % lb. lemon peel, sliced }% cup melted butter. thin. - % nutmeg, grated. I yeast cake. Make sponge with milk and yeast cake and let stand over night. In the morning add other ingredients and knead thoroughly. When well risen mold into oval- shaped cakes. Let rise. Brush over with white of egg, make a cross on top and bake in quick oven. Mrs. Fancourt. POTATO BU NS. I cup mashed potato. I cup yeast. I Cup Sugar. . . . º Let Stand all night. In the morning add – 3 eggs. - % cup melted lard. Salt, and flour enough to make a very stiff dough. POTATO SCON ES. 2 tablespoons butter. 2 teaspoons baking powder. 2 cups flour. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 cups mashed potatoes. "Enough sweet milk to make a dough. Rub the butter into the flour, add potatoes, salt, baking powder and milk. Cut an inch thick and bake in quick oven. Mrs. R. A. Hutchison. scorch scones. 4 cups flour. 3 teaspoons sugar. I teaspoon Soda. I, teaspoon salt. I teaspoon cream tartar. . . 2 cups sweet milk. Butter size of egg. . . . . , s Roll out one-half inch thick. Bake on griddle. Mrs. D. M. Rosser. I44 TEA Biscuit. I qt. flour. I tablespoon sugar. 3 teaspoons baking powder. I tablespoon butter or lard. I teaspoon salt. % pt. Sweet milk. Mix flour, baking powder, salt and sugar and put twice through sieve. Rub in butter. Bake fifteen min- 11tes. - Mrs. W. L. Stewart. RUSK. Make sponge with:— I cup flour. . I cup sweet milk boiled and I cup yeast. º cooled. I cup sugar. Let rise over night. In morning add:— % cup sugar. I egg. % cup butter. Use raisins, if you like them. Mrs. M. A. Van Scoy. ©. BOSTON ROLLS. Make a sponge with :— I pt. Sweet milk, boiled and I penny's worth yeast. cooled. Flour to make thick bat- 3 tablespoons sugar and ter. salt. When well risen add piece of butter size of egg, stif- fen like bread and let rise again. Roll out an inch thick, cut with cake cutter, rub over with melted butter, turn double and bake in quick oven. y Miss Jessie Macfarlane. I45 WAFFLES. 2 cups flour. I tablespoon baking pow- I tablespoon sugar. der. % teaspoon salt. Sift together and add:— Yolks of 3 eggs, weli 2 tablespoons melted but- beaten. ter. I cup sweet milk. Whites of 3 eggs, beaten stiff. Mrs. Elliott R. Morgan. WAFFLES. 34 cup melted butter. I teaspoon Salt. I qt. milk. Flour to make rather thick 2 heaping teaspoons baking batter. - powder. Beat hard ten or fifteen minutes. Mrs. B. R. Tubbs. BREAD CRACKERS. 2 lbs. bread dough. 6 oz. butter, size turkey's egg. Work butter into dough with hands. Roll out not quite one-half inch thick, cut out, prick with fork, set to rise. Bake slowly, break apart and put in heater to dry. Cut dough right size with cutter before baking. - Mrs. J. Ford Dorrance. ENGLISH MUFF INS. I pt. milk. 4 scant cups flour. 4 tablespoons melted but- 9% cake compressed yeast ter. - dissolved in one cup wa- . I teaspoon salt. ter. Scald the milk and let cool until lukewarm. Add butter, yeast, salt and flour. Beat well. Let rise until very light. Bake in rings on griddle. Miss Loveland. I46 sHort cake. I large saucer butter. 3 saucers flour. - I cup powdered sugar. Mix well, turn out on bake board and work until it will roll out in three cakes one-half inch thick. Grease white paper, lay cakes on paper in a pan and bake brown in moderate oven. Mrs. D. M. Rosser. BREAKFAST cake. I pt flour. I egg. I cup milk. 2 teaspoons baking powder. I tablespoon melted butter. Salt. Eat hot with butter. - - Mrs. B. R. Tubbs. VIRGINA CAKE OR BREAD. I qt. Sour milk or butter- 2 tablespoons sugar. milk. I teaspoon Soda. I pt. cornmeal. I teaspoon salt. 3 eggs. Bake three-quarters of hour. - Miss Esther French. STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE. % cup butter. - Milk enough to make stiff. 2 cups flour. batter or soft dough. 2 teaspoons baking powder. Bake in quick oven. Split in usual way. - e x Mrs. Cooper. COFFEE BREAD. . . I qt. flour. 2 eggs. - I cup Sugar. - 4 teaspoons baking powder. 2 cups milk. Salt. - Bake fifteen minutes in quick oven. . - º - Mrs. Geo. F. Lee. I47 148 149 TJreserves. orange MARMALADE. 6 large Washington navel oranges. 3 lemons. - Score the fruit deeply lengthwise, then slice across very thin. - - To each pound of fruit add three pints of cold water and stand aside for twenty-four hours. Boil hard for three-quarters of an hour and stand aside again for twenty-four hours. To each pound of fruit allow one and one-quarter pounds of Sugar. t • Boil the fruit alone half an hour add sugar and boil until it will jell. - -- Mrs. J. R. Davis. ORANGE MARMALADE. 5 lbs. Oranges. 5 lbs. Sugar. Peel the oranges and put peels through meat grinder. Put peels on to boil in cold water. When they boil pour off the water and repeat the process three or four times. (It depends upon how bitter you like your marmalade.) Put pulp of oranges through grinder, boil until tender in hot water, put pulp, peels and sugar together and boil twenty minutes. Don't let it burn. • - Mrs. John Nugent. STRAWBERRIES PRESERVED IN SUN. 5 lbs sugar. I large coffee cup water. • Mix and boil twenty minutes. While boiling dº in three pounds large berries and boil five minutes. Take 15o the berries out carefully with skimmer and arrange on platter. Boil syrup until thick, pour over berries and let them stand in hot sun all day. Stir occasionally and turn in syrup. At night put in glasses and cover with bran- died paper or parafin. - This is a splendid way to preserve pineapple, first shredding it with a fork. Miss Dorrance. GRAPE CONSERVE. 5 lbs. grapes. - I lb. raisins, stoned. 5 oranges, peeled and cut 4 lbs. Sugar. in dice. Rind of two oranges. Remove skins from grapes, boil the pulp and strain out seeds. Add raisins and grape skins and boil twenty minutes. Add oranges and sugar and boil ten minutes ITTOre. p. Mrs. John Nugent. RH U BARB CONSERVE. 4 lbs. rhubarb. 3 Oranges. 3% lbs. Sugar. I lb. seedless raisins. Chop all fine and cook until it jellies. - Mrs. L. C. Diggory. GREEN GOOSEBERRY JAM. I lb. fruit. 34 lb sugar. % teacup water. • . Boil fruit half hour. Add sugar and boil until the proper thickness, twenty minutes or more. . . . Mrs. M. A. Van Scoy. BRAND ED PEACHES. 4 lbs. fruit. : I pt. brandy. 3 lbs. Sugar. % pt. water. is: Put sugar and water in preserving kettle; peel peaches and drop into boiling syrup. Let them boil gently twenty minutes, remove carefully into glasses and let the syrup. boil twenty minutes longer. Add the brandy, and just as the boiling point is reached, pour over the peaches. Seal at once. GINGERED PEARS. I pk, pears. - % lb. ginger root broken in pieces. - To each pound of pears allow:— I bowl water. 34 lb. Sugar. Boil until clear, or about three hours. Mrs. C. Bach. PICKLED CHERRIES. I lb. Sugar to 1 lb. cherries. - - Pit. cherries and let stand covered with white wine vinegar twenty-four hours. Drain and put in bowl with sugar and stir until Sugar is dissolved. Can without cooking. Mrs. M. A. Van Scoy. PRESERVED PIN EAPPLE. IV4 lbs. Sugar to I lb. fruit. Slice the fruit and place in an earthen jar in layers, with sugar between. Cover closely and set on cellar floor for twenty-four hours. Stir several times during the day. Can without heating. The sugar must be entirely dis- solved. - Miss Elizabeth Loveland. I52 CRABAPPLE JELLY. Cut choice apples into quarters without paring or coring. Cover with water and boil until cooked but not much broken. To every pint of juice add one pound of sugar. Take about one-half pint of the juice and beat into it when cold the white of one egg. Pour it into the kettle with the rest and boil twenty minutes, skimming carefully. Miss Frances Dorrance. CHERRY JAM. I bowl cherries pitted and chopped. I bowl sugar. - Heat juice and sugar, add cherries and cook to the thickness of cranberries. • & . - • * Mrs. M. A. Van Scoy. SPICED GRAPES. 5 lbs. brown Sugar. I qt. vinegar. 7 lbs. ripe Concord grapes. Ground cinnamon and cloves to taste. - Squeeze the grapes from the skins, scald the pulps until they will pass through sieve and put in kettle with vinegar. Boil. Add the skins and boil one hour, or longer if you wish them thick. These quantities are right for spiced plums. Miss Frances Dorrance. CONSERVE. 3 lbs. cherries, or currants, or plums. 2 lbs raisins, stoned and steamed twenty minutes. 3 lbs. Sugar. 4 oranges, rind of two chopped fine. Cook twenty minutes after it begins to boil. . . . - - - - S. S. Goodwin. I53 - CONSERVE. 5 lbs. currants. 4 Oranges. 2% lbs. raisins. 2 lbs. Sugar. Mash currants and boil with sugar. Put in chopped oranges and raisins and boil twenty minutes. Can. Mrs. R. B. Vaughn. CAN DIED GRAPE FRUIT PEEL. Cut peel in strips leaving all the white after the inner skin is taken out. Use California fruit if possible, as the peel is thicker and a deeper yellow. Soak over night in weak salt and water. Rinse it thoroughly and put on to boil in cold water. Boil for one hour, pour off the water, add boiling water and boil again, repeating the process until the fruit is perfectly tender. If too bitter, pour water off and use boiling water again. To one cup of peel add one cup Sugar and half as much water. Boil briskly until the syrup is all but gone. Dry piece by piece and put on brown paper. When cold roll in white sugar. Keep in air tight box,-glass or tin. Miss Frances Dorrance. I 55 I57 T]ickles, Tftc. TOMATO CHUT NEY. 50 large, ripe tomatoes. 2 cups brown Sugar. 3 onions, chopped fine. % oz. whole aluspice. 4 red peppers, cut fine. % oz. whole cloves. 2 cups vinegar. 2 tablespoons salt. Peel tomatoes and cut up. Mix all together and cook slowly four or five hours, until thick. Cool and bottle. Seal tight. Mrs. Geo. H. Ives. |N DIA RELISH. 194 pecks green tomatoes. 9% lb. whole white mustard. % peck onions. I cup salt. 3 qts. vinegar. 2 tablespoons each allspice, % teaspoon red pepper. cloves, cinnamon, ginger 2 pounds brown sugar. and celery seed. Slice and chop onions and tomatoes. Cover with salt, let stand over night. In the morning drain, cover with one quart of the vinegar, boil fifteen minutes. Drain. Put sugar, mustard, pepper and spices in remaining vine- gar and bring to a boil. Add tomatoes and onions and boil ten minutes. Put in glass jars while hot. Mrs. Geo. H. Ives. FRENCH PICKLE. 2 or 3 carrots. I bunch celery. 4 qts. green tomatoes. I qt. Small onions. I head cauliflower. 6 peppers, red and green. Cut carrots and celery into dice, chop tomatoes, peel Onions, chop peppers. Cook carrots until nearly done. Cook Onions. Separate cauliflower and cook slightly. Let stand in weak brine twenty-four hours. Change brine and cook ten minutes. 158 Mustard Paste. I tablespoon turmeric pow- 5 cups white sugar. der. 3 teaspoons ground mus- 1 cup flour. tard. Mix with water to form paste, pour into two and one- half quarts boiling vinegar. Cook until thick, then pour over pickle and seal while hot. - Mrs. Geo. W. Lewis. CH |L | SAUCE. 18 large ripe tomatoes. 2 teaspoons Salt. - 6 onions. I teaspoon each, nutmeg, 3 green peppers. cinnamon and allspice. I Cup Sugar. % teaspoon cloves. 2% cups vinegar. Scald and peel tomatoes. Chop onions and peppers. Cook all until tender. Mrs. C. R. Gregory. CUCU M MBER CATSU P. Pare large, ripe cucumbers, remove the seeds, grate and drain. To every pint of grated pulp add:— % pt. cider vinegar. 2 heaping tablespoons grat- % teaspoon Cayenne. €d horseradish. I teaspoon salt. Bottle and seal. Mrs. Franck. CH | LI SAUCE. I peck tomatoes. I pt. vinegar. I doz. onions, chopped fine. I cup sugar. I tablespoon black pepper. W4 cup salt. g % teaspon Cayenne pepper. I tablespoon cinnamon. I teaspoon cloves. Boil, but do not strain. Miss Katharine Parsons. I59 PICKLES. 2 qts. medium-sized onions. 2 tablespoons whole mus- 2 qts. small cucumbers, inch tard seed. in diameter. 2 tablespoons celery seed. 2 qtS. vinegar. w I teaspoon turmeric. I large cup brown sugar. I gill olive oil. Slice onions and cucumbers crosswise. Sprinkle salt between, and press in a colander over night. Bring vinegar and sugar to a boil, strain and add Spices and oil. Cool and pour over cucumbers and onions. Mrs. John Nugent. FAVORITE RELISH. I. qt. cabbage, chopped fille. I teaspoon salt. I qt, boiled beets, chopped 9% cup grated horseradish. fine. A little black pepper. 2 cups Sugar. - Cover with cold vinegar. Keep air tight. PEPPER HASH. 2 dozen peppers. & I5 Onions. 3 tablespoons Salt. % cup sugar. I qt. vinegar. Chop peppers and onions, and pour over them boiling water. Let stand five minutes. Drain, Scald again and let stand fifteen minutes. Pour vinegar, sugar and salt over peppers and onions and cook fifteen minutes. Mrs. T. D. Hutchings. SPAN ISH PICKLE. 8 qts cabbage, chopped. I oz. celery seed. 8 qts. green tomatoes, 94 oz whole cloves. sliced. I oz. ground ginger. % cup salt. * . % lb. white mustard seed. I doz. good sized onions, 2% lbs. brown sugar. sliced. 4 qts vinegar. I oz. turmeric. I6O Sprinkle cabbage and tomatoes with one-half cup Salt. Let stand two hours. Drain, add onions. Put in layers in large enameled kettle, sprinkling each layer with spices and sugar. Pour over vinegar, cover and boil fifteen Iminutes. Bottle. - Mrs. R. P. Brodhead. MUSTARD PICKLE. I qt. Small cucumbers. 3 green mangoes, chopped % doz. large cucumbers. fine. - I qt. Small onions. I large cauliflower. I qt. green tomatoes. Cut up large cucumbers, tomatoes and cauliflower, add onions, small cucumbers and mangoes. Let stand over night in a brine of four quarts water and one cup salt. In the morning cook until tender, then drain. Boil two quarts vinegar and one cup sugar five minutes. Make a paste with one cup flour, four tablespoons mus- tard and one tablespoon turmeric mixed with enough vin- egar to make smooth. Add one tablespoon celery seed, and cook all together five minutes. Mrs. D. M. Rosser. CUC U M BER PICKLES. Select small cucumbers. Pour boiling water over them. Let stand until cool enough to handle. Dry on towel, pack in glass jars one-third full; add one tablespoon salt, a few bay leaves, and repeat until jar is full. Pour over scalding vinegar sweetened. Add a few cloves and cin- namon. Seal. They can be used in two weeks. Mrs. J. D. Flanagan. I6I CHILL SAUCE. I peck ripe tomatoes, peeled. - 5 sweet peppers and IO onions chopped fine. I cup sugar. I qt. vinegar. % cup salt (small). I tablespoon each of ginger, cloves, allspice and cin- 113.111011. *: Mix all together and cook slowly two hours or until thick enough to suit. - - Mrs. S. E. Leacock. 162 I 64 165 YSeverages. STRAWBERRY AND RASPEERRY VIN EGAR. 3 lbs. ripe berries. 2 oz. citric acid. I qt. Spring water. Dissolve acid in water, pour over berries and stand twenty-four hours. Drain, strain and add to liquor its own weight in sugar. Boil five minutes in porcelain kettle. Cool, cork lightly four days, then seal tight. Mrs. John Uugent. SPAN IS H CHOCOLATE. I qt. milk. I cake French chocolate. Yolks 2 eggs. I teaspoon vanilla. Melt chocolate and pour into boiling milk. Whip eggs to froth. While beating pour in chocolate a spoonful at a time. Add vanilla. Serve very hot with whipped cream on top of each cup. - Miss Frances Dorrance. GRAPE JUICE, Cover grapes with water and cook until soft. Put in bag and drain. Heat juice, add sugar to taste. Do not let boil. Bottle while hot. t Mrs. B. R. Tubbs. LEMONADE For 30 PEOPLE. I qt. lemon juice. 2 QtS Sugar. 6 qts. water. Add oranges and pineapples. Takes 2 doz. good lemons. Mrs. H. H. Welles, Jr. I66 167 Çamëics, Titc. PEANUT BRITTLE. % cup peanuts. % cup sugar. Cook sugar in iron sauce pan until liquid. Don’t let it bubble or it will burn. Add chopped peanuts and pour on large inverted pan which has been heated and greased. Roll out very thin with greased rolling pin. Cut in small squares and when cool turn upside down and hit with handle of knife. It will break easily. FRUIT CANDY. 4 lbs. Sugar. I lb. iigs. 2 cups water. I}% lbs dates. 2 heaping tablespoons grat- 3 lbs English walnuts. ed chocolate. Boil as for fudge. Beat hard when done. Mrs. M. A. Van Scoy. CHO.COLATE FUDGE. 2 cups Sugar. I teaspoon vanilla. I cup milk. Butter size walnut. 2 squares Baker's choco- & late. MOLASSES CANDY. 2 cups molasses. Butter size of walnut. I Cup Sugar. I tablespoon vinegar. Boil twenty minutes, stirring all the time. Just before taking from fire add one teaspoon soda. Mrs. B. R. Tubbs. I68 CHOCOLATE CHEW. 1 lb. brown sugar. 2 tablespoons molasses. % cup milk. Butter size of egg. % lb. chocolate. . I teaspoon vanilla. Boil until hard when dropped in water. - - Mrs. von Krug. . C HOCOLATE FUDGE. 2 cups Sugar. Large piece butter. % cake chocolate. Vanilla. I cup water. I 7o 171 Yttiscellancous. cure For FELoNs IN six Hours. 1 tablespoon dry white lead. I tablespoon turpentine. I tablespoon lard. I tablespoon Sweet oil. Simmer on stove in a porcelain dish, stirring with a pine stick until of a light brown color. Then add table- spoon flour. Apply hot. C. L. T. To STORE EGGs. 5 gallons water. I pint salt. I lb. lime, fresh, unslacked. Slack lime with a little hot water in a stone jar. Add the water. Stir frequently during the day. Next morning a fight, flaky scum will have formed over the top. If this is too thick and hard a crust, add more water. Add salt, and when dissolved, put in the eggs. Miss Frances Dorrance. TO WASH FLANNELS. Place flannels to soak in pail of water at IOO degrees Fahrenheit, in which Ivory Soap has been boiled. Cover tight and soak for one hour. - - To 6 qts. of water add /á cake Ivory Soap. I}% tablespoons Household Ammonia. 2’ % teaspoon powdered borax. Wash out by drawing through the hand. Do not rub. Ring out twice in luke warm water and run through wringer. Hang clothes lengthwise to dry. Iron while damp, stretch into right shape. Iron should not be too hot. - - - Mrs. J. Ford Dorrance. I72 FERN BANK LIN | MENT. I gal. vinegar. I oz. tinct. iodirie. 4 oz. oil organum. I oz. spirits camphor. 4 Oz. Sugar of lead. 2 oz. oil vitrol, last. 4 Oz. turpentine. Fine for sprains. C. L. T. weights AND MEASUREs. 4 teaspoonfuls, liquid, equals I tablespoonful. 3 teaspoonfuls, dry materials, equals I tablespoonful. 4 tablespoonfuls, liquid, equals 9% gill, or % cup. I6 tablespoonfuls, liquid, equals I cup or 94 pint. I2 tablespoonfuls, dry material, equals 9% pint. I cup, liquid. equals /, pint. - g 4 cups, liquid, equals I quart. 4 cups flour, equals I quart or I pound. 2 cups granulated sugar equals I pound. I cup butter equals 9% pound. I round tablespoonful butter equals I ounce. I heaping tablespoonful butter equals 2 ounces, or % cup. I heaping tablespoonful sugar equals I ounce. I pinch of salt or spice is about I saltspoonful. WASH ING FLUID. I box Banner Lye. 2 oz. salts of tartar. 2 oz. Sal ammoniac. Dissolve each separately then put together. C. L. T. HARD soap. Dissolve one box Banner Lye in 3 pints of soft cold water. Heat 5 lbs. clean grease. - I handful borax. % cup ammonia. I73 Put all together, stirring constantly. Then put in a warm place for 24 hours. Cut into squares and dry for 11SC. - C. L. T. BAKING POWDER. 16 oz. cornstarch. 8 oz. bicarbonate soda. 5 Oz. tartaric acid. g Mix thoroughly by putting through a sieve several times. Put in tight tin cans. Miss Esther French. To add one pint of milk to water in which I dozen ears of corn are boiled adds to the flavor of the corn. J. A. S. TO BOI MUSH FOR FRYING. I qt. water. Butter size of egg. I pt. milk. Thicken with cornmeal. I teaspoon of Salt. Boil twenty minutes. When cold, fry. J. A. S. To KEEP cIDER sweet. 26 gals. cider. % oz. salycilic acid. 1 oz gelatin dissolved in cold water. C. L. T. FRENCH MUSTARD. 2% tablespoons mustard. I egg. . I tablespoon sugar. I cup v1negar. Mix mustard and sugar until smooth, add egg, then vinegar gradually, and cook until thick. When done add a small piece of butter. Mrs. Albert E. Miller. I74 YEAST. I small handful hops. % cup salt. I qt. water. I Cup Sugar. 4 large potatoes. I Cup yeast. Boil hop water, grated potatoes, sugar and salt together until thick, then add potatoes. I 75 176 177 2Aöðitional Yiecipes. SOUR CHERRIES PRESERVED IN SUN. Wash cherries, drain thoroughly and pit. To one pound cherries add one pound sugar. Let them heat through slowly until sugar is dissolved, then boil five minutes, skimming carefully. Dip Qut on large plates and set in a hot sut for twelve hours. They must have twelve hours of sun if it takes two or three days to get it, Cover with mosquito netting and draw a chalk line around whatever they are in to keep away ants. When fruit is clear they are done and can be put in jars. Do not heat again. - Miss Elizabeth Loveland. CELERY SOUP. I pt. sliced celery. I pt. hot cream, I tablespoon rice. Salt and pepper to taste. Boil celery and rice together and put through sieve. There should be a quart of the mixture after it goes through sieve. Add cream and seasoning. Mrs. R. P. Brodhead. POTATO SOUP. 4 large potatoes cut in 34 cup hot cream. quarters. I tablespoon chopped pars- I Small onion. ley. I bay leaf. - Salt and pepper. Boil potatoes ten minutes, pour off water, and boil again in one quart of boiling water until fully dissolved. Put through sieve and add other ingredients. - Miss Elizabeth Loveland. 178 CREAM TOMATO SOUP. I qt. Strained tomatoes. Pinch of soda size of pea. I cup hot cream. Salt and pepper. Serve with toast croutons. Mrs. Wells. cHickeN NooDLE soup. Beat one egg, add as much flour as egg will take up, season with salt and roll as thin as possible. Hang to dry, roll up and slice very thin. Drop into boiling soup made from the neck, wings and bones of chicken. Add a little parsley with the noodles. - - - Mrs. Wells. CLAM CHOWDER (For Small Family). 6 large potatoes cut in dice. Butter size of egg. I teaspoon allspice. I cup milk or cream. I doz. clams. Salt and pepper. I tablespoon flour. Put allspice in bag and boil with potatoes. When pota- toes are done take out bag and add clams cut in pieces. Do not boil after adding the cream. . Mrs. Wells. CHE ESE DUMPLINGS. I pt. milk. % teaspoon salt. 2 tablespoons butter. % saltspoon white pepper. 6 tablespoons flour. 9% cup grated cheese. Make thick cream dressing with first five ingredients and when it begins to boil add cheese. For the dumplings take:— 2 eggs, beaten very light. / cup grated cheese. 8 tablespoons milk. Flour enough to make bat- % teaspoon salt. ter that will keep shape Shake of red pepper. of spoon. I79 Drop the dumplings from spoon into hot cream dless- ing, sprinkle grated cheese over the pan and bake in quick oven twenty minutes. Serve at once. Miss Elizabeth Loveland. APPLE SNOW. Pare and stew eight tart, juicy apples. Strain, sweeten and flavor with lemon and, when cool, break in the whites of two eggs. Beat briskly. Serve with whipped cream or boiled custard. - - Mrs. Wells. C HOCO LATE PUDDING. 4 oz. Sweet chocolate. 2 cups Sugar. I qt. milk. I cup Stoned raisins. I pt. bread crumbs. I cup blanched almonds. 4 eggs, well beaten. Nutmeg. - I cup butter. Boil chocolate in milk, pour over bread crumbs and let stand one hour. Add other ingredients and steam two hours. - - * - Mrs. Wells. NUT CAKE. % cup butter. - 2% cups flour. I Cup Sugar. I}% teaspoons baking pow- 3 eggs. der. }% cup milk. I cup chopped nuts. Make into a firm batter. * Mrs. Wells. 18o I 81 I 82 Tſněex. Soups . Fish . Meats . Vegetables Entrees Salads Pies Puddings . Pudding Sauces . Frozen Desserts . Cakes . gº ſº º Crullers, Doughnuts, Etc. Ginger Snaps, Etc. . Cookies, Jumbles, Etc. . Icings, Etc. . . . Bread, Muffins, Etc. Preserves . . Pickles, Etc. . . Beverages Candies, Etc. . Miscellaneous tº Additional Recipes . . 49 sº I5 2 : o 41 57 73 79 J . I I I . II.5 . I2 I . I33 . I37 . I49 . . I57 . I65 . 167 . I7 I . I77 372 #42. oker'ſ Rec ºpes co lected v. 6 ºr . . . a O 7 ~ /~/ / / / / "7 12e - * . 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