I _ 9, 4i. , j tE7& CAEDR ZP5 ELICIOUS. SA./ rY'ac/ ~'SW EET SANWICES r2UBEVERAGES ELIZABETH 0. HILLER, KY PlUfLISli -1A'O COPYRIGH'TEDt TE P. RVOLLAND COMPANY; ,JOLI ET, ILLINOIS NEW YORKi BO TCN reRONT  FOREWORD T ~HIS Calendar has been written in response to innumer- able requests from many of my friends "for something novel, new and good in sandwiches and beverages." It would appear, when glancing over the long list of sandwiches found on the menus of the popular tea rooms, that not another combination could be suggested. And yet the possibilities of making many more palatable sand- wiches, seemed, as I experimented with unusual combinations, inexhaustible. Sandwiches have long since been the chief reliance for cold luncheons, and are always acceptable if well made and attrac- tively served. Here are three hundred and sixty-five, each of which I have personally made and from which you may make your selection, bearing in mind that certain sandwiches are better adapted to certain occasions than are others. There are sandwiches suitable for any and all occasions; hot and cold savory sandwiches, sweet sandwiches and a few delicious sand- wiches that may be served as dessert. They range from the tiny sandwiches that accompany the edible cocktails, the reception sandwiches, the Five o'Clock Tea, the Thimble Tea, the porch party, the lawn fete sandwiches, tni sandwiches for children's parties (these are shaped with fancy cutters such as animals, birds, flowers, etc.) to the hot sand- wiches that make an "all-on-one-plate" or "one-piece" service and the broiled steak or Frankfurter sandwiches that may be made on the shore or in camp over the out-door fire. There also are recipes for "fancy butters" for spreading bread for certain varieties of sandwiches, thus adding zest and devel- oping flavors of certain meats, fish and other materials used for fillings that are sometimes lacking in seasoning; and in the event that there is shortage of materials for fillings, when one is called upon to make "impromptu" sandwiches, any of these butters will serve the purpose most satisfactorily by the addi- tion of crisp lettuce leaves. The fancy butters are only one of the many "unusual, new and novel viands" included in this collection. Choice recipes will be found for making hot or cold bever- ages of all sorts and kinds of entertainments. Coffee, of course, heads the list of the hot beverages and best accompanies the hot or cold savory sandwiches. Recipes are given for making tea; "tea accessories" follow, offering many novel suggestions in the way of "dainties" to serve with the fancy sandwiches suitable for the large afternoon reception or the Five o'Clock Tea. And recipes for making the most delicious chocolate and cocoa, only permissible with the "aesthetic" variety of sandwiches in which candied fruits and other sweetmeats are used as fillings. Minute instructions are given in the recipes for making a large variety of the most unusual and refreshing -anches, frappes and other inspiring beverages, including home-made nectars, etc. Recipes for making any and all of these beverages in large quan- tity are given and will prove a benefaction to those who are often called upon to prepgre beverages for so or 1oo guests. Provided with this calendar and with the revised edition of the Calendars of Salads and Desserts (which I have recently brought up to date), the success of home catering for every social affair to be given there is assured and will be accomplished with ease. By carefully following each recipe, also the instruc- tions for garnishing and serving each dish, with a strict ob- servance of combinations suggested for serving on diflerent occasions, the complete success of your entertainments, as far as the refreshments are concerned, is assured by the author, ELIZABETH O. HILLER.  HOW TO MEASURE All measurements are made level in these recipes. A teaspoon of regulation size holds sixty drops. Three level teaspoons equal one level tablespoon. Sixteen level teaspoons equal one cup (one-half pint). The half-pint measuring cup is the standard used in modern cookery, BREADS USED FOR SANDWICHES White bread, rye bread, Graham bread, entire wheat bread, cereal bread, Boston brown bread with or without raisins, nut, raisin and date breads are all suitable for making sandwiches. As a rule, bread for such purposes should be twenty-four hours old; but very fresh bread, which is more pliable than bread two days old, is better adapted for sandwiches that are to be rolled. The bread most commonly used for sandwiches is yeast bread, although very tempting and equally palatable results are obtained from the "quick" breads (baking powder mixtures,) and it is not even essential that the two slices of bread be of the same kind; almost any of these breads are interchangeable with white bread or brown bread. Cut the bread for sandwiches in even, / in. slices; then cut in squares, triangies, or strips, using a sharp knife; or shape in rounds, hearts, diamonds, spades, clubs, as animals, birds, etc., with fancy cutters made for this purpose. For children's parties the latter shaped sand- wiches afford amusement for the little folks. Cutters can be obtained in the shape of animals, birds, Bowers, rings, etc. The flavor of many sandwiches is improved by spreading the bread with mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing in place of butter; this, too, will be found much more economical. Never spread butter, salad dressing or filling upon bread before it is cut from the loaf. This is wasteful, as the crusts are usually removed and may be dried and used for griddle cakes, puddings, etc., and the butter, dressing or filling spread too near the extreme edges of the bread is liable to soil the fingers or gloves that come in contact with it. Under no circumstances should butter be melted for spreading sandwiches, as it makes the bread sodden and greasy, changes the flavor of the butter and more is used than is necessary. Creaming the butter for such use will prove most satisfactory. FANCY BUTTERS AND SALAD DRESSINGS Used for Spreading Bread for Sandwiches Maitre d'Hotel Butter Cream 4 tbsps. of butter with a wooden spoon; add / tsp. salt, % tsp. pepper and f. g. cayenne, stirring constantly; add 2 tbsp. finely chopped parsley and slowly / tbsp. lemon juice, continue stirring until well blended. Use for spreading bread for sandwiches when the filling con- sists chiefly of fish, lobster, shrimps, or crab meat. This butter is also used for spreading over broiled steaks, chops, steaks, fish, etc. Horseradish Butter Cream r lb. (1 c.) of fresh butter, then add fresh grated horseradish until the desired flavor and strength is obtained. Season with salt and pound in a mortar or work with spoon until thoroughly blended. Use for spreading bread for sandwiches when thinly sliced or finely minced cold boiled corned beef or corned beef tongue are used as filling. A few drops of vinegar may be added slowly while pounding or working the ingredients. Lemon Butter Cream f c. of butter, add lemon juice, drop by drop, until of the desired flavor (about 2 tbsps) stirring constantly until mixture is smooth and well blended. Use for spreading bread for saindwiches when the filling consists of lobster, crab meat, smoked fish or fish mixtures. This butter is a delicious addition to broiled or planked white fish or lobster, when spread thickly over either just before serving. Pimiento Butter Cream / c. butter. Drain pimientos from the liquor in can, rinse with cold water and drv between the folds of a towel. Wash and rub 3 through a sieve and gradually work the pulp into the creamed butter until well blended, then season with salt. If pimientos are small, use four. Green Pepper Butter Cut a slice from the stem ends of 3 or 4 (according to size) green pep- pers ; remove the seeds and all the white portion. Cook in boiling water until soft; drain vell and finely chop, drain again and rub through a sieve; there should be 2 tbsps. of pulp. Cream f c. of butter and add pulp gradually, stirring constantly; season with a f. g. each of salt and cayenne. Use for spreading bread for sandwiches. Spread over broiled or planked fish, steaks, or chops it will greatly enhance their flavor. f 4K Green Butter sieve the yolks of 2 hard-cooked eggs. Add Mash and rub through a 1 c. of creamed butter and finely chopped and thoroughly drained cold boiled spinach until the desired color is obtained; add / tsp. finely chopped chives a sprig of fresh tarragon finely chopped, 1 tsp. of anchovy paste, 2 tsps. each finely chopped capers and gherkins. Pound mixture in a mortar until well blended and rub through a sieve. Season pulp with salt, pepper and French dressing to taste. Use as a sandwich filling, or for spreading bread for sandwiches when the filling is made of chopped olives mixed with cheese, Swiss cheese thinly sliced, or fish fillings. Anchovy Butter No. 1 Cream 1 c. of butter and add slowly anchovy essence until of the de- sired flavor. Use for spreading bread for sandwiches when fish, lobster, or shrimp mixtures are used for the filling. Shrimp Butter Clean and finely chop freshly cooked or canned shrimps; place them in a mortar; allow lb. (1 c.) fresh butter for each pound of prepared shrimps. Pound all together until perfectly smooth; then rub through a sieve and spread slices of bread used for sandwiches, with mixture. Olive and Anchovy Butter Pare the meat from 1 doz. large queen olives, the pulp. Skin, bone and finely chop anchovie Mix thoroughly and add half their bulk of finely chop and measure s to make equal measure. fresh butter. Pound all together in a mortar until perfectly smooth. Use for spreading sandwiches, when chopped eggs, fish, shrimp, crab Swiss cheese is used for the filling. bread for inly sliced meat or th Cream / c. found in the Lobster Butter of butter. Carefully wash the lobster coral (the spawn hen lobster) in a sieve by letting cold water run over it; drain and dry it on a towel and pound to a paste in a mortar with the creamed butter. Add anchovy essence drop by drop until delicately flavored. Use for spreading slices of bread for sandwiches when the filling is made of lobster, crab meat, etc. This butter is delicious when spread over planked white fish or broiled lobster. Prepared Mustard ground mustard, 1 V2 tbsps. powdered sugar, and Sift together 1 tsp. salt. Ad stirring consta range and gra for spreading 2 tbsps d 1 egg slightly beaten. Add / c. of vinegar slowly while Intly. Cook 5 mins.; continue stirring. Remove from dually add '1 tbsp. of olive oil. Beat thoroughly and use sandwiches, when meat or cheese are used for filling. Red Pepper Butter Cream }2 c. butter; gradually beat into it the pulp scraped from cooked red peppers (discarding the seeds) until butter is of the desired flavor and color. Add 1 tbsp. lemon juice, a few drops at a time, while stirring constantly. The Chili peppers used in this recipe are about 3 in. long; they are bottled and imported from England. Cooked fresh pimientos will be found equally good. Use wren cheese, anchovy, and sardines are used as filling in sandwiches. Mayonnaise Dressing Sift into a bowl 1 tsp. salt, ?/ tsp. paprika, f. g. cayenne and 1 tsp. powdered sugar: add the yolks of 2 eggs, stir until well blended; then add gradually 3 tbsps. lemon juice or 2 of lemon juice and 1 of tar- ragon or cider vinegar. Beat vith a Ladd egg beater until well blended. Add olive oil by the teaspoonful, beating constantly between each addi- tion of oil, until 14 c. of oil has been added; then add from 2 to 4 tbsps. of oil at a time, beating constantly between each addition, until 12 cups oil has been used. This recipe makes 1 pt. of dressing. Cover closely and keep in the refrigerator. Cooked Salad Dressing bowl sift 1 tbsp. salt, , tbsp. mustard, 2 tbsps. sugar, Into a small cayenne and 1 tbsp. cornstarch. Add the yolks of 4 stirring constantly until well blended ; then add % c. milk, and slowly / c. vinegar diluted with 2 tbsps. well blended, cook in double boiler until mixture thi slightly beaten f. g. eggs, melted butter, c. cold water. When :kcns continue ring until smooth. Remove at o sandwiches. If used for dressing nce and salads, when cool use for spre thin with cream. stir- ading Bacon Sauce Heat 5 tbsps. strained bacon fat in a sauce-pan, add 2 tbsps. flour, stir until well blended. Add 2 c. hot water to % c. vinegar and pour slowly into first mixture, stirring constantly: add i/ tsp. salt and V tsp. paprika. Remove from range and add the yolks 2 eggs, slightly beaten. Chill and use for spreading bread when making certain kinds of sandwiches.  . JANUARY FIRST Turkey Sandwiches Mix 1 c. ea. finely chopped cold cooked turkey, 1 c. celery and blanched almonds. Season with salt, pepper and moisten with mayonnaise dress- ing. Spread half the slices with the dressing, cover with a lettuce leaf; spread remaining slices with a thick layer of turkey mixture. Put to- gether in pairs, trim off crusts and cut diagonally across. Garnish with ripe olives and celery hearts. Serve with coffee or mulled cider. JANUA Caviare To / lb. of Russian or Domestic RY SECOND Sandwiches Caviare, add 2 tbsps. lemon juice and 3 tbsps. of olive oil. S'tir until creamy. Spread between thin small round slices of white or entire wheat bread, press edges together, sprinkle one side of each sandwich with paprika, insert small sprigs of parsley in centers and serve with Oyster or Little Neck Clam Cocktails. JANUARY THIRD Celery Sandwiches No. 1 Mix than May with 1 c. finely chopped celery with 1 c. pared and finely chopped Jona- apples and 1 c. finely chopped English walnut meats. Moisten with onnaise Dressing. Spread between thin slices of Nut Bread. Serve cold roast pork, chicken or turkey salad. Coffee will accompany this combination very agreeably. JANUARY FOURTH Salmon and Cucumber Sandwiches Drain salmon from the oil in the can (small can), remove skin, bones, and fat, and finely mince the meat. Pare and finely chop the half of a medium- sized cucumber (after discarding the seeds and soft part). Drain well. Mix materials, season with pepper and salt, and moisten with mayonnaise dress- ing. Use as filling between thin slices of sandwich bread that has been spread with mayonnaise. Cut each sandwich in 3 strips. JANUARY FIFTH Hot Open Oyster Sandwiches Scald 1 c. cream, ad tsp. paprika, f. finely chop 2 doz. thoroughly heated V d 2 tbsps. of fine-grated bread crumbs, 1 tbsp. butter, g. nutmeg and salt to season. Wash, drain and select oysters, add to first mixture and stir until vithout boiling. Add / tsp. finely chopped parsley and once, spread rounds of hot buttereci toast with garnished with celery hearts and deviled c the mixture. Serve at ives. Serve coffee. of JANUARY SIXTH Finely served from t water split la Serve Date and Ginger Sandwiches chop one package of cleaned and stoned dates; add fine chopped pre- ginger to flavor delicately and moisten with ginger syrup drained he jar. Add grated orange and lemon peel to flavor, and / c. of and cook until of the consistency to spread. Use as filling between dy fingers or between thin buttered slices of Boston brown bread. with tea, cocoa, or chocolate with meringue at bridge or luncheon. JANUARY SEVENTH Chicken and Nut Sandwiches Finely chop the white meat of cold boiled chicken. Season with pepper and moisten with mayonnaise dressing. Shape thin slices of bread with a crescent, a cutlet and a round cutter, spread thinly hal slices with mayonnaise dressing and sprinkle with very thinly almonds or Brazil nut meats. Spread remaining half with the ch mixture; put together in pairs, press the cdges to keep them in s salt, white f the sliced icken hape, dives, arrange them in fan sweet gherkins and Serve coffcc. cv baslts or on sandwich dainty checse balls. (See plates. Pass ripe 0 S andi ch i Accessories.) JANUARY EIGHTH Sophomore Sandwiches Cut nut bread in 3 in. slices. Spread half the slices thinly with butter and remaining halves with a filling made as follows: Mix % c. of peanut butter with ' c. of hot cream, or water. Add finely chopped pineapple fingers and chopped nut meats to taste. The filling must be of a consistency to spread easily. Put together in pairs, press firmly, trim oft crusts (if desire plates down. d) and cut each sandwich in 4 triangles. Arrange on individual 2 triangles standing upright and one on each side of these lying Garnish with tiny lettuce leaves. Serve with cocoa with whipped cream.  5 ti # Y { tr I JANUARY NINTH Peanut Sandwiches Finely chop 1 pt. freshly roasted peanuts; then pound them in until smooth, season with salt and moisten with thick cream. filling between thin slices of white bread. Trim off the crusts each sandwich in three narrow strips. Serve with Orange pass thinly sliced oranges or crystalized ginger. JANUARY TENTH Lobster Fingers a mortar Use as and Pekoe cut tea, Finely chop cold boiled lobster meat. Season w a few grains of cayenne or moisten with French wich bread in thin slices, spread half the slices with and remaining slices with lobster mixture. Pu press edges lightly, and cut each sandwich in 3 pi 4 ins, long and 1 ins. wide. Garnish with par ith salt, paprika and dressing, Cut sand- Green Pepper Butter t together in pairs, eces slecy measuring about and the slender feelers of the lobster. Serve coffee. JANUARY ELEVENTH Toasted Creame Cheese; and Pecan Sandwiches Mash a cream cheese and moisten with French dre slices of Graham Bread with mixture and sprinkle chopped pecan nlut mecats, sprinkle lig)htly with salt with bread, spread with butter, trim off the crusts, ssing. Spread thin thickly with finely and paprika, cover cut in finger-shaped with a dinner salad. strips and toast lightly on both sides. Serve hot E JANUARY TWELFTH Anchovy Puree Sandwiches Pound 4 paprika, boned anchovies, inl a mortar until 2 hard-cool smooth. '1 _/ iris in small rounds (mteasuring hard-c ed egg yolks, / c. hutter and 'hen press it through a sieve, diameter) of white bread wi muayolnnaise. Put together in tsp. sp'read ith the p airs. mixture, Sprinkle and an canial niler v-itn one side of each smanll sand wich lightly wit pIa pr.i k-JA a and.. serve with oyster or Ilbter cocktails. JANUARY THIRTEENTH Cream Cheese and Peanut Butter Sandwiches Mash a creamn cheese, blended. Season 1z nn eroulslv with ii xture, salt 21 tbsp s. of peanut butter and stir until well alid. s> re2.d t bin slices of Graham bread geii- ,L~ .O< f :r c i I crust I'ass s and Cut in cubes of suga "a N' C3 1f ll l airs, t-rs ediges togrether, remove nc~~~~~~~'L sa sSLreih ane Pekoe tea. hued over the well washed and dlried oranges r I rep ioLls'. ri until the su 2n4 is «well colorec' and flavored with orange zest. JANUARY FOURTEENTH Olive, Chc.Lese and Anchovy Sandwiches 1 iviely ch op 12 gr ,en ol:vcs. Place inl a bowvl 1 cream or Neuifchatel cheese. Run" to a Patei \v h 1 t .j). ainchovy essence. Season v~li .salt, a I Cxv rn-Ii C Icave : v_, add clix* es antd ' _ tsp. f1inclv choiupcd p)arslev. \I\ 1 VU.ld an?( cix' readi h; Cwocn thinl slices of Wh'il'e sr?1trw ich Lr~ d i ht~v re-ail tf hat slignty white br sugar, / c. it does not cool, spread ead. Cut in nade. (See fancy shapes beverages.) and serve with ginger punch or egg lemo JANUARY TWENTY-SEVENTH Fried Oyster Sandwiches Drain and wipe selected oysters or New York Counts. Dip in fine cracker meal, seasoned with salt and pepper, then in egg and again in crumbs. Fry a golden brown in deep hot fat. Drain on brown paper. Have ready slices of bread spread with sauce tartare or horseradish butter, cover each sandwic half the slices with the fried oysters (allow 2 oysters for h) cover oysters with remaining slices and serve with celery, olives and piping hot these sandwiches for Sunday coffee with plenty of hot cream. night supper. Serve JANUARY TWENTY-EIGHTH Hot Chicken Sandwiches Chop medium f buttered toast. and spread half ine cold cooked chicken. IIav Slightly moisten the chicken e ready rounds of hot with hot chicken gravy Cover with remaining the rounds with the mixture. rounds. gravy. Arrange sandwiches on hot plates and put over hot chicken Serve with celery salad and coffee. JANUARY TWENTY-NINTH Emergency Grate stale cheese; there should be Sandwiches 1 c.; add 3 ch op pedc. Add 1 tbsp. finely chopped chives hard-cooked eggs finely or onion, season with with mayonnaise, cooked between thin slices of salt, few grains cayenne and paprika. M salad dressing or thick cream. Use as white bread, spread with mustard butter. oisten filling JANUARY THIRTIETH Hot Lobster Sandwiches (After Theatre Supper) Cook tbsps. meat, pour tbsp. yolks min. '2 a finely chopped green pepper, 2 finely chopped shallots in 4 butter until shightly browned. Add 2 cs. finely chopped lobster cook 5 mins. Add 6 tbsps. flour, stir until well blended, then on gradually 1 K cs. chicken stock, heat to boiling point, add ' C lemon juice, " tsp. paprika, ' tsp. 2 eggs slightly, add 1 c. cream, stir Cover lightly toasted whi'e bread w salt and f. g. cayenne. Beat into lobster mixture; cook 1 Tith mixtire, set another cover. Cut in triangles slice and of toast above, pour sprinkle with paprika. over mixture to Prepare lobster in chafin diish.  JANUARY THIRTY-FIRST Betrothal Sandwiches Cut white bread f enerously with lightly and place a small vegetable in 14 in. slices. Shape with a heart cutter, spread pimiento butter, put together in pairs, press edges in center of each a tiny heart cut from pimientos, using cutter for this purpose. FEBRUARY FIRST Halibut Sandwiches Finely chop juice, 2 tsps. fold in r4 c. 1 lb. of cold cooked halibut; season with lemon juice, /z' tsp. paprika, 1 tsp. salt a few~ drops onion and f. g. cayenne; stiff, and the whites heavy cream that has been beaten until 3 eggs beaten unitil stiff. Turn m~ixture into a small buttered brick- shaped mouldl and cooks in a moderate oven until firm. Chill ; remove from mould, cut it, thin slices and use as filling between thin slices of white bread, spread with mayonnaise or cookedl salad dressing. FEBRUARY SECOND Cottage Cheese and Anchovy Sandwiches To 1 c. of cottage cheese acid 2 tsps. of anchovy essence, 1 tsp. paprika, salt to season, I tbsp. -each finely chopped -parsley and chives. Mix thoroughly and spread between thinly spread with mayonnaise crusts and leave slices in their thin slices of rye bread that Sor cooked salad dressing. original oval shape. have Trim been off FEBRUARY THIRD Rarebit and Onion Sandwiches Follow recipe for makting Welsh Rarebit; let cool. Spread /' the slices thinly with mustard, then with rarebit mixture ; spread remaining half with mayonnaise and finely chopped Spanish or Bermuda onions mois- tened with mayonnaise. Put together in pairs. FEBRUARY FOURTH c canut Butter and Tomato Catsup Sandwiches n slices of white 1toist 1) 12ad :,,cad Press en peanut butter with tomato catsup. Spread thi wvith the mixture and an equal uiulI1er xvi h mayonnaise or cooked dressing-; cover wv th crisp~ lettuce leaves and~ put to..ether in pairs. the edges, trim off crusts and cut sandwichles in 3 narrow strips. FEBRUARY FIFTH Spanish Sandwiches No. I Put the through a seeds and meat chopper or grate 3'u lb. of American cheese. Remove white v~ortion from 2 grc-cn pep,-crs, drain 2 pimientos from the brine in can, rinse with cold water and dry between towels. Put throuc h ineat chopper. Adld to cheese, mix well and moisten with cooked salad dressinlg. Use as filling between thinly sliced rye, entire wheazt or Graham bread. FEBRUARY SIXTH Puree of Sardine Sandwiches Drain pound adld ;. with thinly oil from 1 large can of sardines. Reminove skins and bones: s fish to a paste and rub through a puree strainer. To the pulp c. of creamed butter, 2 finely chopped hard-cooked eggs ; season alt, pepper and \Vorcestershire sauce. Mlix thoroughly. Spread slice d sandwich bread with mayonnaise andl an equal niumber of slices with sardine mixture ; put together in pairs with crisp lettuce leaves between. Cut sandw'iches in 3 strips lengthwisc of slices. In this way each sandwich makes 3 of the popular sized sandwiches, served at social affairs. FEBRUARY Melba Sai SEVENTH ndwiches Finely chop the meat paired from the pits of 3 dc Add 1 c. finely chopped dressing. Spread thin; slict pecan nut meats. 'Moil es of Graham Bread wi: th ~z. large 5ten wit C: reen queen olives. h mayonnaise Pepper Butter and an equal number with the olive mixtuire ; put together in pairs, press edges together, trim off crusts and cut in small triangles. Serve with lobster salad or oyster cocktails. d FEBRUARY EIGHTH Pate-de-Foie-Gras Sandwiches Pound to a paste 2 freshly boiled goose or duck's livers. Add 2 tbsps. creamed butter, % tsp. paprika, f. g. cayenne and rub through a siege; add the yolks 2 eggs slightly beaten and 1 c. hot cream. Cook over hot water until mixture thickens. Season with salt and when cooled spread slices of bread with mixture, and an equal number with mayonnaise. Put together in pairs. Press lightly, remove crusts and cut each large sand- which in 3 narrow strips. FEBRUARY NINTH Roquefort Cheese Sandwiches Cream a c. butter, add V4 c. of Roquefort cheese and stir until mix- ture is well blended; season with / tsp. paprika and finely chopped chives to flavor delicately (1 tsp.). Season with salt and moisten with mayonnaise. Spread between thinly sliced rye or Graham bread. If Sherry wine is not available, moisten mixture with mayonnaise. Serve with green salads. FEBRUARY TENTH Pimiento Butter Sandwiches Cut white bread in /-in. slices. Spread slices generously with pimiento butter; lightly spread lettuce leaves with mayonnaise dressing and place between each pair of slices. Press edges lightly and cut in tri- angles. Sprinkle one side of each small sandwich with paprika. For pimiento butter see Fancy Butters. FEBRUARY ELEVENTH Watercress Sandwiches Wash and pick over fresh crisp watercress; dry between towels. Finely chop the whites of hard-cooked eggs and press the yolks through a potato ricer. Mix the yolks, whites and watercress; season with salt, pepper and moisten with mayonnaise. Spread thin slices of white, entire wheat or Graham bread lightly with mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing and an equal number with the watercress mixture. Put to- gether in pairs, trim off crusts and cut in strips or triangles. Allow 2 hard-cooked eggs for each cup of chopped watercress. FEBRUARY TWELFTH Log Cabin Sandwiches Sift together With milk; Mix ness. Fold long; a hot the tips mix wi well, turf SpinkIl in three brush t oven. 1 c. bread flour, 2' tsps. baking powder and i tsp. salt. of fingers rub in 1 tbsp. of butter, add gradually 8 c. th a knife; when well blended add / c. grated cheese. n on a floured board, knead lightly and roll to 's-in. thick- e with grated cheese seasoned with salt, and f. g. cayenne. layers roll and reneat. Cut in strips / in. wide and 7 ins. ops with milk, sprinkle with paprika and bake 12 mins. in Mhen cool, split, spread with butter and red currant jelly or jam. Serve with after dinner coffee. FEBRUARY THIRTEENTH Marshmallow Sandwiches Toast fresh marshmallows in a quick oven; place while crisp butter thins, small ginger snaps or vanilla wafers. wiches are especially good served with cocoa or a glass children's parties, or luncheons at home. hot between These sand- of milk for FEBRUARY FOURTEENTH St. Valentine's Sandwiches Drain one pimiento from the liquor in the can. Rinse in cold water, dry between folds of towel; mash and rub through a sieve. Mash 1 cream cheese; add gradually pimiento pulp, stirring constantly until well blended; add an equal measure of finely chopped deviled olives. Moisten with mayonnaise. With a heart-shaped cutter, cut from thin slices of white bread small hearts. Spread half the hearts with mayonnaise and remaining half with cheese mixture. Put together in pairs, press edges and garnish each sandwich with a tiny heart cut from pimientos, using a small vegetable cutter for this purpose. Serve in a fancy sandwich basket gaily decorated witl- iny red paper hearts. Serve cocoa Chantillv style.  LL' FEBRUARY FIFTEENTH Chicken and Ham Sandwiches Cream % c. butter, add gradually /2 c, each finely chopped white meat of chicken and lean cold boiled ham. Season with salt, paprika and f. g. cayenne. Spread thin slices of white bread, entire wheat or Graham bread with mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing; spread an equal num- ber of slices with chicken mixture ; put together in pairs, press edges lightly, trim off crusts and cut diagonally into triangles. Serve at afternoon receptions with tea or cocoa. FEBRUARY SIXTEENTH Brown Bread Sandwiches Steam Boston brown bread for sandwiches in wvell greased '/-lb. baking powder cans. Chill arnd cut in 1 -in. slices ; spread with butter. Finely chop English walnut meats. There should be 111 c. mixed with 1 c. of grated American dairy cheese ani moisten with salad dressing. Use as filling between the buttered bread and garnish each sandwich with / a nut meat. Serve with coffee or tea. FEBRUARY SEVENTEENTH Liver Sausage and Watercress Sandwiches Pick over, wash, drain and finely chop 1 bunch of watercress, drain again if n~ecessary. M olisi n ithi mavonmais e. Spread thinly sliced rye bread wvith mustard butter and ain ecuInal number with mayonnaise. Cover those spread with mnustardl butter with thin slices of liver sausage, the remaining slices with the cress mixture. Put together in pairs. Press edges, trim off crusts and serve with coffee. FEBRUARY EIGHTEENTH Swiss Cheese Sandwiches Spread thin slices of rye bread sparingly, with prepared mustard. Cover mustardl with thin slices of S1,iss cheese. Spread anl eqlual number of slices of the bread wvith miayonnaise or cooked salad dressing; cover with verv thin slices of Spanish or Bermudla onions, spread onion ligzhtly with (dressing. and put together inl pairs, trim off the crusts and serve Nvith coffee. FEBRUARY NINETEENTH Sliced Chicken Sandwiches Cut cold boiled or roasted chicken in very thin slices. these narrow slices bet ween thin slices of white b)read spread twithl Green Pepper Futter. Spread chicken wVith co%-er with buttered sl ices of b~readl; press edlges togYel crusts and cut each large sandwvich in three strips or InI nush each with three thin slices of stuffed olives. ScrV bridge parties. Put several of that have been mayonnaise and e- ti-jul1 off tile triang les. Gar- e with coffee at FEBRUARY TWENTIETH Hot Hain and Tomato Sandwiches Saute very thin,:v sli.cc toast sp ree( garnish twit t na sr C -l on till h1 sliced. vs of lean hame s. liave read1v Svirc..,l to;a 1 jtj.'i.Jc. Scryc verv qiuickly ini fryinl g pan. Peel and slices o± v, hiv breazd cut ;" ini. thick \i'I : {'ll ad C c ssin, cover with1 ham, '-li.'peed le leaves. Cover withl d iss£n. Cut diagonally across and Nvithl coffee. FEBRUARY TWENTY-FIRST Egg and Anchovy SandvWichcs Chop 3 hard thenr beat ini btw~een thinl wich loaf.) cooked crr.s ' ; c. Fa1'U2Ai sl ~ces o r',U Toast lightl-r wic Uie rc-; l . ofe anhv lste gradually, ai~~ e U?; 1,.I-lr sat it needed. Spread V~r U.(t 5o the Pullrman rve breadU, large sanld- a(id serve hot. FEBRUARY TWENTY-SECOND Washington's Birthday Sanciwi ihes i'inely chop and thoroughly mix r'2 c. each of candIied cherries, pineapple anld crystail ec1 orange peel ; addl , c. finely chopped NIanc hed allmonlds. M4oisten twilt oral? e hon)tey. Use as f]i1lln b)etween thin slices oft Boston b~rowvn bread I hat have b)eeni steamed in -l.baking powder cans; shape half the rounds wi~th a small doughnut cut ter and place a marascliino cherry .n the center of each sandiwichl. Serve with tea on WVashington's birthday If served to children on this day, serve cocoa or glasses of milk..  FEBRUARY TWENTY-THIRD Five o'clock Tea Sandwiches Work a cream cheese with a small wooden spoon until of the right consistency to spread. Season with f. g. salt and paprika. Spread on thin salted unsweetened crackers; cover with marshmallows cut in halves crosswise and pull with the tips of fingers to fit the crackers. Cover with crackers, press very gently together; place on a cooky sheet and set in a moderate oven until cheese and mallows begin to melt. Serve hot with 5 o'clock tea. FEBRUARY TWENTY-FOURTH Orange Honey Sandwiches Boil 1 c. sugar with / c. each of water and orange juice, 2 thin shavings of orange rind until syrup spins a thread when dropped from tip of small wooden spoon. Add / c. finely chopped crystalized orange peel and / tsp. vanilla. Heat to boiling-point, cool and spread between thin slices of white, nut bread or raisin bread cut in fancy shapes. Use animal, bird or leaf shaped cutters. Serve at children's parties. FEBRUARY TWENTY-FIFTH Jewish Cheese Sandwiches Work a large-sized cream cheese with 4 c. sweet butter until of a creamy consistency. Then add 1 tsp. chopped capers, 1 tsp. paprika, 2 anchovies finely chopped, 1 shallot finely chopped, / tsp. caraway seed and , tsp. salt. Mix thoroughly and pack solidly into a small brick shaped mould. Let stand in the refrigerator over night to "ripen." Re- move from mould, cut in thin slices and put between thinly sliced rye bread spread sparingly with French mustard. Press edges lightly to- gether, trim off crusts and arrange in a doiley-covered sandwich basket. Serve with coffee. FEBRUARY TWENTY-SIXTH Buffet Luncheon Sandwiches Remove the crust from a large loaf of white bread, and cut lengthwise in 3 even slices. Spread upper side of 2 slices with butter, on one slice spread finely cut chicken salad, on second slice spread a mixture of chopped hard-cooked eggs, walnut meats, pimientos, salt, paprika and mayonnaise. Set one slice above the other, the third one with buttered side down. Fold the loaf in a damp cloth, put in a bread pan with a board above and let stand 30 mins. Remove cloth, set loaf on platter and mask entire surface with cream cheese, which has been moistened with cream to the consistency to spread. Sprinkle with chopped nut meats. The fillings must be minced very fine so that the loaf may be eosily sliced. This is an attractive creation served with coffee for Sunday evening company repast. The hostess should slice and serve it on individual plates. FEBRUARY TWENTY-SEVENTH Palace Hotel (Calif.) Sandwiches Cut sandwich bread in %-in. slices. Spread 3 slices thinly on both sides with mayonnaise dressing and spread 2 slices on but one side. Put mild green peppers through meat chopper twice. Put mild red peppers through meat chopper twice. Keep separate. Then wring separately in a cloth to remove moisture; season with grated onion and moisten with mayonnaise. Put betwen slices of bread. There should be two layers of green pepper and one of red. Trim off crusts and fold loaf in a napkin; place under a weight and let stand several hours in a cool place. Cut in T-in. slices for serving. Dispose in a shallow sandwich basket. FEBRUARY TWENTY-EIGHTH Luncheon Sandwiches Remove the crusts from slices of bread cut from a large-sized sandwich loaf. Spread slices with butter and cover half the slices with sliced Swiss, or Guyere Cheese. Above the cheese lay a thin slice of cooked ham; cover ham with another slice of cheese and the cheese with a slice of bread. Press hrmly together, lift sandwiches with a spatula into a mixture of slightly beaten egg, mixed with '4 c. milk, seasoned with salt. Moisten well with egg mixture and saute in hot butter, browning first on one side, then on the other. Use two spatulas for turning the sandwiches, or they may be lightly toasted in the oven. Garnish each with a slice of peeled tomato and finish with a spoonful of mayonnaise.  MARCH FIRST Pork Tenderloin Sandwiches Wipe 2 large fine grained pork tenderloins with a piece of cheese cloth wrung from cold water. Sprinkle them with salt, pepper and dredge with flour. Arrange thin slices of fat salt pork in the bottom of a dripping pan, place tenderloins above and roast in a moderate oven until tender; basting every ten mins. Turn once that they may brown evenly. Remove from pan; chill. Cut in thin slices crosswise and arrange on thin slices of white bread spread with horseradish butter. Cover with slices of bread spread the same. Serve a spiced crabapple or a baked Jonathan apple with each sandwich. MARCH SECOND Hot Shrimp Sandwiches Remove the intestinal veins from shrimp; then finely chop; there should be 1 c. Melt 1 tbsp. butter in an omelet pan, add shrimps and stir until hot; add 2 eggs beaten with 2 tbsps. of milk; season with salt and f. g. of cayenne, stir and scrape from the bottom of pan as scrambled eggs. Have ready 6 slices of bread toasted lightly and well buttered, cover half the slices with a layer of the mixture and cover with remaining slices of hot buttered toast. Pour around cream sauce, sprinkle with paprika. Serve for luncheon or breakfast. MARCH THIRD Oyster and Sweetbread Sandwiches Parboil 2 cs. of oysters, drain, remove the tough muscles, finely chop and chill. Finely chop 1 pr. of cold cooked sweetbreads, add to oysters with 2 c. finely chopped celery. Mix well and marinate with French dressing; let stand 2 hrs. Drain well and moisten with mayonnaise dressing. Cover thin slices of white bread with a layers of mixture; spread the same number of slices of bread with mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing. Put together in pairs, trim off crusts, cut in triangles and serve with a combination salad for Sunday night supper. MARCH FOURTH Pressed Chicken or Turkey Sandwiches Fill an agate brick-shaped bread pan with alternate layers of finely chopped cold cooked chicken or turkey, chopped hard-cooked eggs and aspic, waiting until each layer of aspic sets before adding another. Chill over night. Cut in thin slices. Spread thin slices of white bread with mayonnaise, cover half the slices with finely chopped celery moistened with mayonnaise, the remaining half with the thinly sliced chicken. Put together in pairs. Cut in triangles and serve at afternoon receptions. MARCH FIFTH Green Pepper, Onion and Parsley Sandwiches Cut a slice from the stem ends of 4 green peppers. Remove seeds and white portion and finely chop and pass through a meat chopper. Finely chop 1 medium sized Bermuda onion, add ; c. finely chopped parsley, mix all lightly together, moisten with mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing Use as filling between thin slices of Graham or entire wheat bread spread with salad dressing. Cut in small triangles and serve with oyster cocktails or oysters on the half shells. MARCH SIXTH Lobster, Eggs and Cucumber Sandwiches Finely chop the meat from 1 cold boiled lobster; add 3 finely chopped hard-cooked eggs and 1 medium sized cucumber, pared, cut lengthwise and seeds removed, then finely chopped. Toss all lightly together, sea- son with grated onion and moisten with mayonnaise. Use as filling between thin slices of white bread spread with mayonnaise and covered with crisp lettuce leaves. Cut each sandwich in triangles or narrow strips. D MARCH SEVENTH Chicken A la King Sandwiches Melt 1?/ tbsps. chicken fat in an omelet pan, add 1 tbsp. cornstarch, s.tir until well blended, then add gradually, stirring constantly - c. chicken stock and 4 c. cream. Bring to the boiling point, add / tsp. salt, 2 tbsps. butter in small pieces, 1 c. cold boiled fowl cut in 1-in. strips, / c. sauted fresh mushroom caps, thinly sliced, and 4 tbsps. fine cut canned pimientos. Bring again to the boiling point, add yolk 1 egg slightly beaten. Have ready 8 slices hot, weld-buttered, delicately toasted bread; cover half the slices with some of the mixture. Serve at chafing dish supper with head lettuce mashed with Roquefort cheese dressing. MARCH EIGHTH Sauted Cheese Sandwiches Cut stale white bread in thin slices; remove crusts and cut in rectan- gular pieces, spread thinly with mustard. Cut mild cheese in /-in. thick slices, the same size as pieces of bread; sprinkle with salt, paprika and f. g. of cayenne. Place a slice of cheese between each two slices of bread and saute in butter until delicately browned on one side; turn and brown the other side. Serve hot with green salads. MARCH NINTH Checker-board Sandwiches Steam brown bread in a 2-qt. brick-shaped ice cream mould. Cut 3 slices each of white bread and brown bread / in. in thickness. Spread a slice of white bread with creamed butter, place a slice of brown bread on it; spread this with creamed butter and cover it with a slice of white bread; repeat process, beginning with brown bread. Put both piles in a cold place under a light weight and let stand until butter has hardened. Then trim evenly and cut each pile in 3/-in. slices. Spread these with cream butter, put together in such a manner that a white block will alternate with a brown one. Set again in a cool place under a light weight until butter is perfectly firm. Then cut in triangles and dispose in a sandwich basket. MARCH TENTH "Kiddies" Birthay Sandwiches Cut white bread in '4-in. slices. Shape with a rectangular cookie cutter with scalloped edge. Spread generously with pimiento butter. Cover with pieces of bread the same shape and size, from which pieces have been removed with small fancy vegetable cutters. For pimiento butter see Fancy Butters. MARCH ELEVENTH Deviled Almond Sandwiches Blanch and finely shred '2 c. of almonds. Brown them delicately in 1 tbsp. of butter, being careful not to burn them. Remove from range. Mix 2 tbsps. finely chopped sweet gherkins, 1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce, 1 tbsp. chopped chutney, season with salt and pepper, pour over al- monds, cook 3 mins., stirring constantly. Mash and work 1 cream cheese until smooth, season with salt, f. g. cayenne. Spread thin slices of white bread with salad dressing, spread half the slices with cheese, sprinkle with nut mixture, cover with remaining slices, trim off crusts and cut in triangles. Saltines may be used in place of bread. Serve with dinner salads. MARCH TWELFTH Spanish Sandwiches Pound together in a mortar or very finely chop 3 anchovies, 2 pickled gherkins, 2 sprigs of parsley, 3 tbsps. capers, 3 deviled olives, 1 tsp. made mustard, the yolks of 2 hard-cooked eggs, season with salt and paprika; mix thoroughly and moisten with mayonnaise. Use as filling between thin slices of white bread that have been spread with horseradish butter and sprinkled with the finely chopped whites of eggs. Put together in pairs, trim off crusts and cut in fancy shapes. MARCH THIRTEENTH Hot Broiled Ham and Egg Sandwiches Have ready the required number of lightly toasted slices of white bread cut / in. thick. Cover half the slices with small pieces of hot broiled ham (ham should be cut very thin) use some of the fat. Chop hard-cooked eggs and moisten with Bacon Sauce. (See Salad Dressings.) Spread remaining slices with egg mixture. Put together in pairs and cut in triangles. Garnish with stuffed olives thinly sliced. Serve hot.  MARCH FOURTEENTH Toasted Marmalade Sandwiches Cut the required number of slices of bread /-in. in thickness. Spread with creamed butter, cover half the slices with a layer of orange, grape- fruit or Kumquat marmalade. Put together in pairs, press lightly, trim off crusts, cut in triangles, brush both sides lightly with melted butter and toast delicately and quickly on both sides in a hot oven. Serve hot at 5 o'clock tea. MARCH FIFTEENTH Sorority Sandwiches Mix thoroughly chopped dates a f. g. salt, and orange marmala slices of brown or chocolate. 2 c. finely chopped Canton ginger, / c. stoned and nd / c. finely chopped pecan nut meats. Season with moisten with some of the ginger syrup or chopped de to the consistency to spread between saltines or thin bread spread with creamed butter. Serve with hot cocoa MARCH SIXTEENTH Eggs a la Moutarde Sandwiches Hard cook 6 eggs, remove from shells and finely chop. Melt / c. butter in a sauce pan, add eggs, 1 tbsp. French mustard and 2 tbsps. of white vinegar. 1 tbsp. each of finely chopped tarragon leaves, chervil, parsley and chives. Toss all lightly together, season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Mix thoroughly and spread while hot between slices of white bread delicately toasted and well buttered. Serve hot for luncheon or Sunday night supper. MARCH SEVENTEENTH St. Patrick's Sandwiches Cut white bread in %-in. slices. Trim off crusts and spread half the slices with green butter and remaining half with mayonnaise dressing. Chop 2 doz. (or more) queen olives very fine, add half their measure of finely chopped pecan nut meats; moisten with green mayonnaise and spread generously the slices of bread spread with mayonnaise. Put together in pairs, press edges lightly together and cut in triangles. Garnish with tiny pipes cut from green peppers. MARCH EIGHTEENTH Hot Ham Sandwiches Lightly toast thin slices of white side with salad dressing; cover with very thin slices of hot qt slices of bread, toast side up. dill pickle. bread with lickly Cut in on one side. lettuce leaves broiled ham. triangles and Spread untoasted and cover leaves Cover ham with serve with sliced MARCH NINETEENTH Lenten Sandwiches Chop hard-cooke two anchovies to cayenne. Moistei thin slices of br egg mixture. Pu in narrow strips. I eggs and pound to a paste each egg. Season with salt i with mayonnaise or cooked cad with mayonnaise and an t together in pairs, press edges, Serve with a dinner salad. vith anchovies, allow paprika and f. g. salad dressing. Spr equal number with trim off crusts and ing of cad the cut MARCH TWENTIETH Peanut Butter with Fruit Sandwiches Put % c. seeded raisins through food chopper, put 3 or 4 washed figs through food chopper; there should be equal measure: add / tsp. salt and V c. peanut butter creamed with ; c. cream or milk. Add lemon juice to flavor, mix all thoroughly and use as filling between thin slices of brown, Graham, or whole wheat bread. MARCH TWENTY-FIRST Roast Goose Sandwiches Cut the breast of cold roast goose in thin slices. Spread thin slices of white bread with horseradish butter, cover half the slices of bread with the meat, sprinkle with salt and pepper and remaining slices with finely chopped celery and Bermuda onion moistened with mayonnaise. (Al- low '1 c. onion to 1 c. of celery.) Put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts. Cut in halves diagonally and serve a spiced crabapple with each sandwich.  MARCH TWENTY-SECOND Hot Ham and Egg Sandwich No. 2 Cut white bread in /a-in. slices, toast lightly and spread one side with mustard butter, cover with very thin slices of broiled smoked ham; cover ham with a slice of buttered toast and set a poached or fried egg above. Sprinkle with salt, paprika, and garnish with sprays of watercress a-nd small red radishes. MARCH TWENTY-THIRD Hot Cheese Sandwiches With Tomato Sauce Have ready thin slices of white bread. Spread lightly with creamed butter and sprinkle half the slices thickly with grated New York cream cheese or American cheese. Season with salt, paprika and f. g. of cayenne ; cover with remaining slices, press firmly together and toast lightly and quickly. Dispose on a hot serving platter, pour over each sandwich Hot Tomato Sauce. Sprinkle with grated cheese and serve as the chief dish for luncheon or Sunday night supper. MARCH TWENTY-FOURTH Cheese, Raisin and Nut Sandwiches Finely chop 1 c. Sultana raisins and / c. pecan nut meats. Moisten these with lemon juice and a little grated rind, and stir into 1 cream cheese; mix thoroughly and spread between thin slices of Boston brown bread or Graham bread that has been lightly spread with mayonnaise or creamed butter; trim off crusts, cut in triangles and press the half of a pecan nut meat on top side of each triangle. MARCH TWENTY-FIFTH Shad Roe and Celery Sandwiches Finely chop cold cooked shad roe (1 set). Finely chop crisp celery- there should be 1 c. Add to roe with 1 small onion finely chopped. Moisten with mayonnaise. Use as filling between thin slices of white bread that has been lightly spread with anchovy butter. Trim off crusts, cut in narrow strips and serve with green dinner salads. MARCH TWENTY-SIXTH Pineapple, Sweetbread and Pimiento Sandwiches Finely chop 1 pr. cold cooked sweetbreads. Drain, dry on a towel, canned pineapple; finely chop. There should be half as much pineapple as sweetbreads. Drain pimientos from the liquor in can and rinse with cold water and dry on a towel; then cut with the scissors in tiny bits. Mix ingredients lightly together, moisten with salad dressing and use as filling between thin slices of white bread that have been spread with Green Pepper Butter. Trim off crusts cut in 3 narrow strips and serve with coffee. MARCH TWENTY-SEVENTH Cold Ham and Egg Sandwiches Mash and press through a ricer the yolks of 6 hard-cooked eggs. Mix with 1 tbsp. of French mustard to a smooth paste. Add 1/2 cs. finely chopped ham, having a little of the fat mixed with it. Moisten with cooked salad dressing. Spread thinly sliced rye or Graham bread witi. mustard butter. Spread half the slices with-a layer of the ham mixture, put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts and wrap each sandwich in waxed paper. Pack in pail or lunch box. Use the whites of eggs finely chopped in potato salad. MARCH TWENTY-EIGHTH Colonial Sandwiches Cut large-sized sandwich bread in 3 in. slices; spread one slice with mayon- naise, or cooked salad dressing. Cover with a layer of finely chopped lettuce, delicately flavored with grated onion. Squeeze out the superfluous water, mix lightly with mayonnaise, cover with thin slices of breast of cold cooked chicken, sprinkle with salt and pepper and cover chicken with thin slices of broiled bacon. Spread a second slice of bread with mayonnaise, and set it above the chicken. Spread bread with mayonnaise and cover with thin slices of peeled tomatoes. Spread tomatoes with mayonnaise mixed with finely chopped celery and place this with third slice of bread above tomatoes. Cover with a thick layer of finely chopped celery or cabbage mixed generously with mayonnaise. Garnish with strips of pimiento. Trim off the crusts and cut each large sandwich diagonally across making 2 triangles. The celery should be minced quite finely. i t MARCH TWENTY-NINTH Peanut Butter and Lettuce Sandwiches Moisten peanut butter with mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing. Cut rye bread in thin slices, spread half the slices with peanut mix- ture and remaining half leaves, put together in slices in their original paste with a little cream stuffed olives and 1 tsp. f with salad dressing, cover with crisp lettuce pairs, press edges, trim off crusts and leave shapes. Rub 1 Neufchatel cheese to a stiff or salad dressing, inely chopped chives add 2 tbsps. finely chopped Season with salt, paprika the mixture in small balls and the f. g size . cayenne. With butter paddles roll of a hickory nut. Serve a ball with each sandwich. MARCH THIRTIETH Chicken, Tongue and Mushroom Sandwiches Finely chop cold cooked chicken-there should be 1 c. chopped cold cooked or potted tongue and / c. finely Add 1 c. finely chopped broiled fresh mushrooms. Mix thoroughly, onion and pimiento or cooked and c mixture, moisten with salad dressing add 2 tbsps. each finely chopped :hilled green pepper; add to first and use as filling between thin slices of white bread. Spread half the slices with mustard butter and cover with a generous layer of meat mixture. Spread remaining slices with salad dressing mixed with finely chopped celery or watercress. Put row together strips. in pairs. Press Particularly good edges, trim off crusts and cut in 3 nar- for card parties. MARCH THIRTY-FIRST Sandwiches for Club or Church Luncheons Boil 2 12-lb. hams. Chill, remove most of the fat and pass meat through meat chopper. Add 2 small jars of made mustard and moisten with condensed milk (about 2 cans). Use as filling between thinly sliced sandwich bread. The milk will keep the sandwiches moist. Spread half the slices with salad dressing and remaining half with ham. Put together in pairs. APRIL FIRST Egg and Bacon Sandwiches With an egg slicer cut 3 hard-cooked eggs in thin slices. Cut thin slices of bacon into 1/-in. pieces. Broil until brown, but not too crisp. Spread thin slices of white bread, after removing the crusts, with mayonnaise or sauce tartare. Cover half the slices with sliced eggs, spread generously with the sauce or mayonnaise, then with bacon. Cover with remaining slices of bread spread with sauce. Press together and cut in triangles. Garnish each with a small lettuce heart leaf holding a tsp. of sauce tartare. Serve at luncheon. APRIL SECOND Cheese and Herring Sandwiches Work 1 cream cheese and 2 tsps . beef extract until well blended. Skin, bone and finely mince fillets of smoked herring, or those put up in mustard; there should be equal measure. Moisten with mayonnaise; spread slices of bread with cheese mixture and an equal fish; press together in pairs. number with APRIL THIRD Colonial Sandwiches II Spread thin slices of sandwich bread with mayonnaise dressing. Cover half the slices with thin slices of peeled tomatoes, cover tomatoes with thin slices of finely chopped Texas onions, spread or mixed with mayonnaise. Cover remaining slices of bread with small crisp lettuce heart leaves spread with mayonnaise ; sprinkle with lightly and cut diagonally meat or shrimp salad. salt and peppe across in two tria r. Put together in pairs, press ngles. Serve with lobster, crab- APRIL FOURTH Mock Crab Sandwiches Cream 2 tbsps. butter, add / c. of grated American cream cheese; add 1 tsp. each French mustard, tarragon vinegar and anchovy paste, 1 tbsp. finely chopped deviled olives. Season with salt and paprika. Spread between thin slices of white or rye bread and cut in small sandwiches the size of a silver dollar or in 1/-in. cocktails. squares. Serve with sea-food  APRIL FIFTH Cold Roast Beef Sandwiches Thinly slice cold rare roast beef and have the slices in small narrow pieces, that they may separate more easily when cutting and eating the sandwiches. Spread half the slices of white bread with mustard butter and cover with the sliced beef; sprinkle meat with salt and pepper. Spread remaining slices of bread with horseradish butter. Put together in pairs, press lightly together, remove the crusts and cut diagonally across, making 2 triangles. Arrange on a sandwich plate and garnish with slices of dill pickles, pickled onions and sprigs of parsley. Serve with coffee. APRIL SIXTH Shrimp and Watercress Sandwiches Finely chop cold cooked shrimp (canned shrimp may be used), remove the intestinal veins before chopping. Marinate with a little French dress- ing and let stand an hour or longer if necessary. Drain and measure shrimps, add an equal quantity of finely chopped watercress; add 2 hard-cooked eggs finely chopped. Moisten with mayonnaise dressing Use as filling between thin slices of Graham or entire wheat bread. Hav- ing spread the slices of bread with salad dressing, cut sandwiches into triangles. Garnish each sandwich with thin slices of stuffed olives. Serve at bridge luncheon. APRIL SEVENTH "Three-Story" Sandwiches Spread very thin slices of white or entire wheat bread thinly with mus- tard butter, cover with thin slices of soft Herkimer County cheese; cover cheese with another thin slice of bread spread on one side with mustard butter (next to cheese), and the other side with mayonnaise; cover this side with very thin slices of sweet or dill pickles well drained; cover pickles with another slice of bread spread with mayonnaise. Cut each large sandwich in 3 strips 1/ ins. wide and about 3/ ins. long. Sprinkle tops lightly with paprika. Serve for Sunday night supper with lobster, shrimp or fish salad. APRIL EIGHTH "New Fangled" Sandwiches Cook % c. of rice in boiling salted water until soft. Drain, add 2 tbsps. of butter, 1 tbsp. finely chopped chives or onion, / tbsp. finely chopped parsley, / c. finely chopped cooled chicken or calf's liver, / c. finely chopped cooked ham. Season with salt, pepper and paprika; when cold moisten with mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing. Use as filling between thinly sliced white bread spread with salad dressing. Serve for home luncheon. APRIL NINTH Country Club Sandwich Toast 3 slices of white bread cut from a large sandwich loaf, and spread with butter. Arrange 1 slice of the prepared bread on a serving plate. Above the bread place 4 large broiled oysters, dot over with butter, sprinkle with salt, pepper and lemon juice; cover oysters with a slice of bread toasted side down and on this arrange thin slices of hot cooked breast of chicken, 2 thin slices of broiled bacon and cover with remaining slice of bread. Cut the sandwich diagonally across, garnish each triangle with a slice of sweet dill pickle and serve with freshly peeled tomato cup filled with sauce tartare. APRIL TENTH Sauted Egg Sandwiches Finely chop 4 hard-cooked eggs, then pound them to a paste with 2 tbsps. of butter, adding gradually 2 tbsps. of cream, stir until well blended and of the right consistency to spread (add more cream if needed). Season with salt, pepper and f. g. of cayenne. Have ready 12 thin slices of white bread; spread 6 slices generously with the mixture, cover with remaining slices, press hrmly together and dip each sandwich into egg slightly beaten and diluted wtiith cold milk: allowing 2 tbsps. of milk for each beaten egg. Saute in eoual measure of butter and lard, brown on one side then turn and brown the other side. Serve at once for luncheon or supper. ff APRIL ELEVENTH Rolled Sardine Sandwiches Drain sardines from oil, remove skins and bones; pound to a paste with 2 tbsps. butter. Season with / tbsp. onion juice, f. g. cayenne and 1 tbsp. finely chopped parsley; add the yolk of 1 hard-cooked egg, mashed and sifted. Moisten with mayonnaise. Remove crusts from very thin slices of fresh white bread, spread lightly with mixture and roll at once like jelly roll. Each roll should be 3 ins. long; fasten with toothpicks to keep in shape. Sprinkle with paprika; when ready to serve remove picks. Arrange in a pyramid on a sandwich plate and serve with head lettuce dressed with Thousand Island dressing. APRIL TWELFTH Egyptian Ham Sandwiches Cream / c. butter, add / tsp. each paprika and mustard; add 1 c. finely minced cold boiled ham. Rub the yolks 2 hard-cooked eggs through a sieve, finely chop whites of eggs, add to ham mixture. Mix thoroughly and spread between thin slices of white bread that has been spread with mayonnaise. Trim off crusts and cut sandwiches in crescents and rounds. Serve at card luncheons. APRIL THIRTEENTH Marguerites Boil 12 cs. of sugar and / c. of water until it spins a thread. Remove to back of range and add 6 marshmallows cut in pieces. Pour slowly onto the whites of 2 eggs beaten until stiff ; add 2 tbsps of grated or shredded cocoanut, / tsp. vanilla and 1 c. of chopped pecan nut meats, beating constantly. Spread mixture on saltines or soda crackers and bake in a moderate oven until delicately browned. APRIL FOURTEENTH Mayonnaise, Egg and Anchovy Sandwiches Finely chop 3 hard-cooked eggs; add / tbsp. of Anchovy paste and 1 c. finely chopped cress or lettuce and 3 or 4 small finely chopped sweet pickled gherkins. Moisten with mayonnaise. Cut rye bread in thin slices, remove the crusts and spread with mayonnaise, spread half the slices with mixture and cover with remaining slices of bread; press together and garnish each sandwich with a sweet gherkin cut to imitate small fans. APRIL FIFTEENTH Sausage Sandwiches Put large link country sausages into a skillet and add just enough water to cover. Cook slowly until water is evaporated and sausages are quite dry. Chill and cut in very thin slices. Spread thin slices of white bread with horseradish butter, cover with a layer of sliced sausage; lightly spread lettuce leaves with mayonnaise dressing, lay over sausage and cover with slices of horseradish buttered bread. Press edges together, trim off crusts and cut in triangles. Serve with spiced crabapples and mulled cider. APRIL SIXTEENTH Bloater Sandwiches Broil 3 bloaters ; remove the skins, bones and finely chop. If convenient, pound them to a paste in a mortar. Add butter as they are worked or pounded until a soft paste is formed. Season with salt, paprika and lemon juice. Spread thin slices of white or Graham bread with butter to which has been added very finely chopped watercress. Cover half the slices with a layer of the fish mixture; put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts and cut in squares, strips or triangles. Serve each sandwich garnished with a round slice of dill pickle. Coffee will accompany these sandwiches or ginger ale julep will be very acceptable. APRIL SEVENTEENTH Shrimp and Cucumber Sandwiches Drain wet-packed shrimps from the liquor in the can, rinse thoroughly with cold water, remove the intestinal veins and chop meat fine. Add half the measure of finely chopped and drained cucumber, discarding the seeds. Moisten with mayonnaise dressing and use as filling between thin slices of buttered white bread. 4 APRIL EIGHTEENTH Celery Sandwiches Finely chop crisp celery-there should be 1 c. Add 2 hard-cooked eggs finely chopped; add / c. finely chopped green onions; season with salt, pepper, and moisten with mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing. Spread between thin slices of white, rye or Graham bread spread thinly with mayonnaise. Press edges, trim off crusts, cut in triangles or narrow strips. Arrange on sandwich plate and garnish with small red radishes and green onions. These sandwiches are genuine "appetizers." APRIL NINETEENTH Celery, Orange and Nut Sandwiches Pare and slice very thinly 2 large navel oranges lengthwise, then in quar- ters. Remove white cores and marinate with French dressing made with lemon juice in place of vinegar. Wipe and finely chop tender celery hearts. There should be 1 c., add 1 c. finely chopped English walnut meats, moisten celery and nut meats with mayonnaise dressing, spread thin slices of white bread with mayonnaise. Cover half the slices with orange slices drained from the marinade. Cover remaining slices with celery mixture. Put together in pairs, trim off crusts and cut in triangles. Serve with Wild Duck Salad. APRIL TWENTIETH Springtime Sandwiches Press the yolks of 4 hard-cooked eggs through a sieve and finely chop the whites of the eggs. Finely chop small red radishes without paring- there should be 2 c. Add / c. of finely chopped green onions. Mix all thoroughly, season with salt, pepper, and moisten with cooked salad dressing. Lightly spread thin slices of white bread with salad dressing, cover with crisp lettuce leaves that have been dipped quickly into French dressing and drained. Spread an equal number of slices of bread gen- erously with the egg mixture; put together in pairs; trim off crusts, cut in narrow strips or small triangles, arrange in a fancy sandwich basket, garnish with cowslip blossoms and foliage. APRIL TWENTY-FIRST Date, Fig and Prune Sandwiches Remove the stones from dates and fancy large prunes. Have an equal weight of dates, figs and prunes (/ lb. of each). Pass them through a meat chopper. For each cup of materials allow / c. of finely chopped English walnut meats. Moisten with finely chopped orange marmalade. Use as filling between thin slices of buttered brown bread. Press together, cut in small triangles and serve with cocoa or at 5 o'clock tea. APRIL TWENTY-SECOND Bacon Sandwiches Spread thin slices of bread with salad dressing to which has been added very finely chopped hard-cooked eggs. Cover with thin slices of hot broiled bacon and slices of bread spread with the salad dressing. Press together, roll in waxed paper and pack in lunch box. APRIL TWENTY-THIRD Peanut Butter with Sweet Pickle Sandwiches Cream / c. peanut butter, moisten with 2 c. hot water. Then add / c. finely chopped sweet pickle gerkins. Mix thoroughly and spread between thin slices of buttered bread. Use for school lunches. APRIL TWENTY-FOURTH College Girl's Sandwiches Grate American cream cheese or mash 3 Neufchatel cheeses and work with a wooden spoon with enough creamed butter until a soft paste is formed. Add 1 doz. olives finely chopped. Chop 3 pimientos, rub through a sieve and add pulp to cheese mixture; add / c. finely chopped nut meats, season with salt, paprika and f. g. of cayenne. Spread be- tween saltines or thinly sliced white bread. Press lightly together. If bread is used, trim off crusts and cut in triangles. Jars of salad dressing may be purchased at any first-class grocery. Both bread and saltines may be spread with dressing in place of butter.  APRIL TWENTY-FIFTH Egg, Ham and Watercress Sandwiches Mash and rub the yolks of hard-cooked eggs through a sieve; finely chop the whites of the eggs. Add half the quantity of finely minced lean boiled ham, 1 c. of finely chopped watercress; season with salt, f. g. of cayenne and moisten with salad dressing. Use as filling between thin slices of rve bread that has been spread with mustard butter. Press edges, remove crusts and leave in their original shape (oval). Serve coffee with these sandwiches. APRIL TWENTY-SIXTH Bermuda Onion Sandwiches Spread thin slices of white bread with mayonnaise dressing. Cover half the slices with thinly sliced Bermuda onions (slice onions on a slaw cutter) ; sprinkle with salt and paprika. Dip crisp lettuce leaves quickly into French dressing, drain well and lay above onion; cover with re- maining slices of bread. Press edges, trim off crusts and edges of let- tuce leaves; cut in triangles and sprinkle sandwiches lightly with paprika. APRIL TWENTY-SEVENTH Hot Dandelion and Bacon Sandwiches Finely chop hot cooked dandelions, season with salt, pepper and reheat in hot bacon fat. Spread thin slices of bread with cooked salad dressing, or mayonnaise. Cover half the slices with a thick layer of prepared dande- lion, arrange thin slices of crisp bacon over dandelion and cover with remaining slices of bread. Cut diagonally across and garnish each tri- angle with / deviled egg. The bread may be lightly toasted on one side. Spread untoasted side with mixture. Remove crusts before spreading. APRIL TWENTY-EIGHTH Pimolas Sandwiches Finely chop pimolas-there should be 1 c. Season with / tsp. mustard, / tbsp. thick tomato catsup, 3 drops Tobasco sauce, / tsp. celery salt and moisten with mayonnaise dressing. Mix well and use as filling between thin slices of white or rye bread. Cut white bread (if used) in triangles or narrow strips and leave the rye bread in ovals after removing crusts. APRIL TWENTY-NINTH Deviled Sandwiches Toast delicately % c. of finely shredded almonds in just enough butter to prevent burning, stirring constantly. Then finely chop. Mix 2 tbsps. finely chopped olives, 1 tbsp. finely chopped sweet gherkins, 1 tbsp. chutney, 1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce, / tsp. salt, and f. g. of cayenne. Add almonds and cook 3 mins., stirring constantly. Work 1 c. cottage cheese with thick cream until smooth, add 1 tbsp. finely chopped chives, season with salt and pepper. Spread thin slices of bread with cheese mixture, sprinkle with nut mixture. Spread an equal number of slices with may- onnaise. Put together in pairs and arrange attractively on a sandwich plate or basket. Use with dinner salads. APRIL THIRTIETH Nut Bread and Cheese Sandwiches Melt 1 tsp. butter in a sauce pan, add 1 c. grated cheese, season with 4 tsp. paprika, t tsp. mustard and / tbsp. Worcestershire sauce. Stir until cheese is melted and mixture is smooth. Remove from range, add 2 raw egg yolks, beaten and diluted with 1 c. thin cream or rich milk. Cook over hot water 2 mins. Cool and use as filling between thin slices of nut bread. MAY FIRST Anchovy and Egg Sandwiches Remove shells from 6 hard-cooked eggs, mash and sift the yolks, finely chop the whites; mix with 1 tbsp. finely chopped parsley, clean and finely cho 6 anchovies, add to egg mixture: moisten with mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing. Spread thinly sliced white bread generously with mixture and an equal number of slices with mayonnaise mixed with 2 tbsps. each finely chopped watercress and green onion. Cover with crisp lettuce leaves. Put together in pairs, trim off crusts, cut in triangles and serve at May Day picnic.  MAY SECOND Watercress and Egg Sandwiches Pick over and thoroughly clean the leaves of 1 large bunch of water- cress. Dry leaves between towels and finely chop. Add the sifted yolks of 2 hard-cooked eggs and the finely chopped whites, 1/ c. finely chopped ham; mix well and moisten with Sauce Tartare. Use as filling between thin slices of white bread. Garnish each sandwich with a small sweet gherkin, cut to represent small fans. Serve for Sunday night supper. MAY THIRD Cream Cheese and Smoked Herring Sandwiches Work 2 cream cheeses and / tsp. of beef extract until well blended. Remove the skin and bones from 2 smoked herring; mince fine and pound to a paste. Add to cheese mixture and season with lemon juice, / tsp. paprika and salt to season to taste. Add 1 tsp. finely chopped chives or green onion and moisten with salad dressing. Use as filling between thin slices of rye bread. Trim off crusts and cut in crescents and rounds, using a small biscuit cutter to shape them. MAY FOURTH Boston Sandwiches Mash cold baked beans to a paste-there should be 1 c. Add 2 tbsps. grated horseradish, 1 tbsp. finely chopped onion and moisten with tomato catsup. Cut Boston brown bread in /-in. slices. Spread half the slices with French mustard, the remaining slices with a thick layer of the bean mixture. Put together in pairs, press edges and arrange on a sandwich plate covered with a lace paper doily. Steam the brown bread in half- pound baking powder cans to avoid waste in shaping the sandwiches. White bread may be used and is a favorite with this mixture. MAY FIFTH May-Time Sandwiches Work 2 Neufchatel cheeses to a paste with a little thick cream. Add a few drops of green vegetable coloring until cheese is a vivid pea green tint; add 1 c. finely chopped pecan nut meats and season with salt, pap- rika and f. g. of cayenne. Spread thin slices of sandwich bread with mayonnaise, sprinkle with finely chopped chives and an equal number of slices with a thick layer of the cheese mixture. Put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts and cut in 3 narrow strips. Sprinkle top sides of sandwiches with paprika. Serve with coffee at porch or lawn party luncheons. MAY SIXTH Picnic Sandwiches Clean, and remove the intestinal veins from fresh or canned shrimp, finely chop-there should be 1 c. packed solidly. Marinate with 2 tbsps. of French dressing; mix well and let stand 2 hrs. Add / c. each finely chopped lettuce, watercress and / c. green onions. Add the sifted yolks of 3 hard-cooked eggs and the finely chopped whites; moisten with mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing. Use as filling between thinly sliced white or Graham bread that has been spread with mayonnaise; trim off crusts, cut in narrow strips and enclose in waxed paper. MAY SEVENTH Motor Sandwiches Cream f c. butter, crumble and mash / lb. of Roquefort cheese, and add gradually to butter stirring until well blended. Season with % tsp. of paprika, a few grains cayenne, salt to taste, and 2 tsp. of Worcestershire sauce and 1 tsp. finely chopped chives, or onion. Moisten with mayonnaise dressing to the consistency to spread. Use as filling between thin slices of Pullman rye bread. These sandwiches are particularly good for "Stag" party refreshments. MAY EIGHTH Toasted Cheese with Nut Meats Cut thin slices of rich cheese a trifle smaller than saltine crackers. Arrange saltines in a dripping pan side by side; cover with sliced cheese and over cheese place the halves of pecan or English walnut meats. Sprinkle with salt and paprika; set in the oven to melt the cheese. Oven should not be hot enough to brown the crackers.  MAY NINTH Florida Sandwiches Drain canned pineapple from the syrup in can (or use candied pine- apple), finely chop-there should be 1 c. Work 2 cream cheeses with c. of cream until well blended. Add prepared pineapple and 1 c. of finely chopped nut meats (fresh Brazil nuts will prove satisfactory after removing the brown skins). Mix thoroughly and spread between thinly sliced Boston brown bread. Cut in small triangles and serve with hot chocolate or cocoa. MAY TENTH Harlequin Sandwiches Spread thin slices of white bread with green pepper butter. Spread an equal number of slices with mayonnaise dressing. Cover the latter with crisp lettuce leaves; then spread with a layer of finely chopped cucumber (discarding the seeds and soft portion), and an equal measure of finely chopped green onions moistened with mayonnaise. Put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts and cut in three narrow strips. Serve with shrimp or lobster salad for lawn or porch party luncheon. MAY ELEVENTH Peanut, Watercress and Green Onion Sandwiches Finely chop fresh roasted peanuts, season with salt and moisten with cooked salad dressing. Finely chop garden or watercress, and an equal measure of finely chopped green onions; moisten with salad dressing. Spread thin slices of white bread with salad dressing; cover half the slices with nut mixture and remaining slices with cress mixture. Put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts and cut in narrow strips or triangles. Serve at luncheon with tea or coffee. MAY TWELFTH Nasturtium Sandwiches Rub / c. butter to a cream and color a vivid green with spinach, or green pepper pulp. Add 2 tbsps. finely chopped parsley, 1 tbsp. finely chopped small nasturtium seed pods and some of the small leaves finely chopped; season with salt and pepper. Spread thin rounds of white bread with the mixture and press fresh nasturtium blossoms (that have been washed and dried between towels) into the mixture, spread lightly with salad dressing. Put together in pairs, press lightly and arrange in a fancy sandwich basket and serve for luncheon at afternoon reception. These sandwiches mix well with meat or chicken sandwiches for such occasions. MAY THIRTEENTH Savory Roast Beef Sandwiches Pass cold rare roast beef through the meat chopper twice, using a fine cutting knife for the second grinding. Season with salt, celery salt, tomato catsup, Worcestershire sauce and grated horseradish; moisten with mayonnaise. Use as filling between thin slices of bread spread lightly with mustard butter. Cut in triangles or leave in their original size. Serve at "beach spreads" with ripe olives and sour pickles. MAY FOURTEENTH Ham and Mustard Sandwiches Finely chop or pass through meat chopper cold boiled ham with a little of the fat mixed with it-there should be 1 c. packed solidly. Season with prepared (French) mustard and f. g. of cayenne. Soread between thin slices of rye bread that has been spread lightly with horseradish butter. Trim off crusts and leave slices in their original shape. Enclose in waxed paper and pack in lunch box or dinner pail. MAY FIFTEENTH Children's Luncheon Sandwiches Cream / c. butter, add gradually 1 c. of powdered sugar (rolled and sifted brown sucar may be used), stirring constantly ; add % tsp. orange extract. % c. each finely chopped seeded (layer) raisins and hickory nut meats. Mix thoroughly and spread between thin slices of Boston brown bread (that has been steamed in i-lb. baking powder cans), press edges together and serve in dainty sandwich basket. Serve marshmallow cocoa. These sandwiches are particularly good for children's parties. MAY SIXTEENTH Snappy Sandwiches Mash the yolks of 3 hard-cooked eggs and rub through a sieve: finely chop the whites of the eggs; add half their bulk of finely chopped olives and mustard pickles, add 2 tbsps. finely chopped onion; moisten with cooked salad dressing and spread between thinly sliced white bread that has been spread with horseradish butter. Press edges, trim off crusts, cut in triangles and serve with coffee.  MAY SEVENTEENTH Pressed Corned Beef Sandwiches Cook corned beef until it falls in shreds. Drain and arrange the shreds lengthwise with some of the fat in a brick-shaped agate bread pan. Reduce the liquor in which it was cooked to 12 cs., and pour over meat. Place a weight above and set in a cool place over night. Unmould and cut in thin slices crosswise of loaf. Spread thin slices of bread with horseradish butter and cover with meat. Spread an equal number of slices of bread with mayonnaise, cover with a thin slice of Spanish onion that has been dipped in French dressing. Put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts and cut in triangles. Garnish with pickled beets. MAY EIGHTEENTH Egg and Texas Onion Sandwiches Finely chop 4 cold hard-cooked eggs. Finely chop 2 small peeled Texas onions (about the diameter of a half dollar). Chop watercress, pepper grass or lettuce leaves; there should be 1 c. Mix all thoroughly and season with salt. Moisten with mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing. Spread thin slices of bread with salad dressing and use mixture as filling between. MAY NINETEENTH Cottage Cheese Sandwiches Prepare the cottage cheese at home. Season with salt and very finely chopped green pepper and chives, allowing 1 tbsp. of each for 1 c. of cheese. Moisten with thick cream. Use as filling between thinly sliced rye bread with caraway seeds. Trim off crusts and if slices are not too large leave them in their original shape. Serve with any of the Sum- mer beverages or hot coffee. MAY TWENTIETH Roquefort Cheese and Olive Sandwiches Crumble and mash Roquefort cheese-there should be 1 c. packed solidly. Season with Worcestershire sauce, and f. g. of cayenne to taste; add / c. finely chopped ripe olives and moisten (if necessary) with mayon- naise. Thinly slice rye bread, remove the crusts and spread bread with peanut butter. Cover half the slices with the cheese mixture, put together in pairs, press edges and with a round cutter shape in crescents and small rounds. Serve with coffee for luncheon Sunday evening. MAY TWENTY-FIRST Chicken and Green Pepper Sandwiches To 1 c. of potted chicken add 1 finely chopped green pepper (that had been parboiled 10 mins. and drained), after discarding seeds and white portion. Mix thoroughly with chicken and moisten with mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing. Use as filling between thin slices of sandwich bread that has been spread with salad dressing; place crisp lettuce leaves over half the slices and spread remaining slices with chicken mixture; put together in pairs, trim off crusts and cut in 3 narrow strips. Serve at club luncheons. MAY TWENTY-SECOND Lobster Salad Sandwiches Remove the meat from a freshly boiled and thoroughly chilled lobster. Finely chop, add an equal quantity of finely chopped celery and % the quantity of finely chopped hard-cooked eggs. Moisten with mayonnaise. Thinly slice sandwich bread; spread half the slices with mayonnaise and the remaining half with a thick layer of lobster mixture. Put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts and cut each sandwich in 3 narrow strips. Serve at afternoon receptions or bridge parties. MAY TWENTY-THIRD Cheese and Onion Sandwiches Work 1 c. of cream cheese with sweet cream until of right consistency to spread; add 2 tbsps. fine chopped Texas onion, and season with salt. Spread thin slices of white bread with the mixture and an equal number with creamed butter; cover the latter with lettuce leaves spread with mayonnaise. Put together in pairs, remove crusts and cut in 3 narrow strips. MAY TWENTY-FOURTH Neufchatel Cheese, Celery and Olive Sandwiches Mix thoroughly 2 cs. of Neufchatel cheese, 1 c. of finely chopped tender celery, z c. finely chopped stuffed olives (stuffed with pimientos), 2 tbsps. of finely cut chives and season with % tsp. each of salt, and paprika. Moisten with rich cream, mayonnaise, or cooked salad dressing to the right consistency to spread. Use as filling between thin slices of rye bread. Fresh cottage cheese may be used in place of Neufchatel cheese.  MAY TWENTY-FIFTH Hot Bacon Sandwiches Spread thin slices of white bread with bacon sauce. Cover half the slices with hot broiled bacon. Cover remaining slices with finely chopped hot boiled eggs, moistened with cooked salad dressing. Put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts, and serve wih Moulded Spinach Salad. MAY TWENTY-SIXTH Ham and Mustard Pickles Sandwiches Finely chop the remnants of cold boiled ham-there should be 1 c. Mix with /3 c. of finely chopped mustard pickles. Moisten with cooked salad dressing. Use as filling between thin slices of rye or white bread that has been spread with horseradish butter. Serve with hot or cold Boston baked beans. Hot coffee is the proper beverage to serve with this com- bination. MAY TWENTY-SEVENTH Date, Fig and Candied Cherry Sandwiches Pour boiling water over dates; separate them with a fork, remove dark spots, drain, stone and chill; then finely chop. Finely chop an equal measure of figs and cherries. Moisten with Apricot or Orange Marmalade chopped so as to spread easily. Use as filling between thinly sliced Boston brown bread. Cut in small triangles and garnish each with cherries cut to simulate small tulips. Serve at Afternoon Tea. MAY TWENTY-EIGHTH Veal, Tongue and Horseradish Sandwiches Finely chop cold roast veal with a few slices of cold boiled tongue-there should be 1/ cs. Season with salt, black pepper and fresh mixed horse- radish sauce. Moisten with salad dressing. Thinly slice white or rye bread, spread half the slices with salad dressing and remaining slices with meat mixture; cover meat with crisp lettuce heart leaves and lightly spread with salad dressing. Put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts and serve for Sunday night supper, with hot coffee. MAY TWENTY-NINTH Swiss and Spanish Sandwiches Spread thin slices of rye bread lightly with prepared mustard (French or domestic) and an equal number with mayonnaise; cover half the slices with thinly sliced Swiss cheese and remaining slices (spread with mayonnaise) with thin slices of Spanish onion; spread onion lightly with mayonnaise. Put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts, cut in any desired shape and garnish with sliced mangoes. Serve with head lettuce cut in quarters and dressed with Thousand Island dressing. Serve with coffee at stag supper. MAY THIRTIETH Chicken, Lettuce and Almond Sandwiches Finely chop cold boiled or roasted chicken (potted chicken may be used). Add half the bulk of finely chopped lettuce or celery and j the bulk of finely chopped blanched almonds. Moisten with mayonnaise dressing. Thinly slice fresh baked sandwich bread (use the large size loaves) ; trim off crusts, spread slices with mayonnaise or sauce tartare and thinly with chicken mixture; roll like jelly roll; fasten each roll with toothpicks. Cover with a damp napkin and several folds of a towel, set in a cool place until ready to serve. Remove picks and serve at shower luncheon or engagement announcement part y. MAY THIRTY-FIRST Prauline Sandwiches Cream '2 c. of butter; gradually add 1 c. of finely shaved maple sugar, stirring constantly, add Y c. of finely chopped pecan nut meats and f. g. of salt. Stread between thin slices of Boston raisin brown bread that has been steamed in $-lh. baking powder cans. Press the half of a pecan nut meat on top side of each sandwich. Arrange in dainty sandwich baskets and serve at children's birthday parties, or serve at Five O'clock Tea. JUNE FIRST Another Sardine Sandwich Mixture Drain sardines from the oil of 2 cans. Remove skins and bones, mince very fine and pound to a paste with 1 tbsp. of anchovy paste or essence. Press the yolk of 6 hard-cooked eggs through a ricer, finely chop the whites, season with salt, f. g. of caven.'e, add to sardine mtixture; moisten with mayonnaise. Snread thinly sliced white bread with mayonnaise.; spread half the slices with the filling; put together in pairs, press edces, trim off crusts and cut in 3 narrow strips. Serve with combination or potato salad and iced or hot coffee.  JUNE SECOND Crearn Cheese and Pineapple Sandwiches Mash and work cream cheese with enough drained, shredded pineapple to spread easily. Season with salt and paprika and use as filling between thin slices of white bread cut from large sandwich loaves and spread with creamed butter. Press edges together, remove crusts and cut each sand- wich in 3 narrow strips. Serve with a variety of sandwiches at wedding luncheon. JUNE THIRD Snappy Cottage Cheese Sandwiches Prepare the cottage cheese at home-there should be 1 c. packed solidly. Season with salt and moisten with rich cream. Add 1 tbsp. of finely chopped chives and % c. of finely chopped stuffed olives (Pimolas). Spread between thin slices of rye bread that have been spread with mayonnaise. Trim off crusts and with a small biscuit cutter shape in rounds and cres- cents. Serve with green salads. JUNE FOURTH Lobster, Watercress and Egg Sandwiches Finely chop the meat from a cold boiled lobster-there should be 2 es. Add / c. finely chopped watercress and 2 cs. finely chopped hard-cooked eggs. Season with salt, f. g. cayenne, and moisten with mayonnaise. Use as filling between thin slices of white bread that have been spread with mayonnaise or lobster butter. Press edges, trim off crusts and cut each large sandwich into 3 narrow strips. Serve at afternoon receptions mixed with a variety of sandwiches. JUNE FIFTH Peanut Butter and Orange Marmalade Sandwiches Mix / c. of peanut butter with / c. of cream, or hot water, to the consistency to spread. Spread generously on thin slices of whole wheat bread, then cover with a layer of orange marmalade ; trim off the crusts and cut each sandwich into 4 triangles. Serve at afternoon tea or at children's parties. JUNE SIXTH Fried Egg and Bacon Sandwiches Pan broil the required number of thin slices of bacon. Drain and pour off some of the fat. Carefully fry the required number of eggs in fat re- maining in the pan; season with salt and pepper. Spread thin slices of white bread with creamed butter, place a hot fried egg on one-half the slices of bread, cover eggs with one slice of bacon and put together in pairs. Trim off the crusts (if desired). Serve with fresh green onions, small round red radishes and coffee. Prepare and serve at beach parties. JUNE SEVENTH Egg and Cucumber Sandwiches Finely chop 6 hard-cooked eggs. Pare and cut 1 large cucumber into quarters lengthwise, scrape out the seeds and soft portion; then finely chop with one or two fresh green onions. Add to eggs and season deli- cately with salt and f. g. of cayenne. Moisten with mayonnaise and use as filling between thin slices of white or Graham bread that have been spread with green pepper butter. Press edges, trim off crusts and cut in small triangles. Serve with cold meat and potato salad. JUNE EIGHTH Halibut and Cucumber Sandwiches Finely chop cold boiled halibut-there should he 1 c. packed solidly. Pare and cut 1 medium sized cucumber into quarters lengthwise, remove the large seeds and most of the soft portion; finely chop the remainder. Finely chop fresh green onions-there should he % c. Mix materials thoroughly, season with salt, black pepper and moisten with mayonnaise. Use as filling between thinly sliced white bread. Serve for Friday's luncheon. JUNE NINTH Egg and Cucumber Pickle Sandwiches Mash and press the yolks of 6 hard-cooked eggs through a sieve: finely chop the whites. Finely chop 6 sweet or sour small cucumber pickles (gherkins). Season eggs with salt and pepper, add prepared pickles and moisten with salad dressing. Snread an enul number of slices of bread with the mixture and the same number with mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing. Put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts. cut in strips and enclose each sandwich in waxed paper. Pack in picnic luncheon.  JUNE TENTH Society Sandwiches Finely chop 1 pkg. seeded raisins, add 2 cs. fmiely chopped pecan nut meats, season with f. g. salt. Whip V c. of triple cream fold in the stiffly beaten white 1 egg, season with salt and paprika. Moisten raisin mixture with the cream. Use as filling between thinly sliced white bread, spread with creamed butter. Serve at afternoon tea or with hot cocoa or orangeade at children's parties. JUNE ELEVENTH A Dessert Sandwich Bake sponge cake mixture in square layer cake pans. When cold cut them in 3-in. squares, split them and spread half of the squares with a tart jelly; cover with remaining slices. Arrange these jelly sandwiches on individual serving plates and pour over each just enough boiled cus- tard to cover. Stick thickly with blanched and shredded almonds, having them stand upright. Chill and serve with whipped cream as a dessert. JUNE TWELFTH Lobster Sandwiches-Club Style Mix equal measure of finely chopped lobster meat and the yolks of hard- cooked eggs mashed .and rubbed through a sieve. Moisten with melted butter and season with French mustard, beef extract diluted with a few drops of boiling water, salt and pepper. Spread mixture between thin slices of bread that have been spread with mayonnaise. Trim off crusts and cut sandwiches in shape of diamonds, hearts, clubs and spades. If shaped as cards, they should be stamped out before spreading with mixture. JUNE THIRTEENTH Stuffed Egg and Tongue Sandwiches Have ready 4 stuffed eggs (8 halves) cut cold boiled tongue in very thin slices. Spread thin slices of white bread with mustard butter; cover half the slices with tongue and remaining slices with lettuce leaves, spread lightly with salad dressing. Put together in pairs. Press lightly, cut in triangles and place a stuffed egg on each triangle. Serve for home luncheon. JUNE FOURTEENTH Bridesmaids Luncheon Sandwiches Chop exceedingly fine cooked white meat of chicken; there should be 1/ es. Add 4 c. fine-chopped celery and / c. fine-chopped salted almonds. Mix lightly together, season with salt and pepper and moisten with mayonnaise dressing to the consistency to spread. Use as filling between thin slices of heart-shaped white bread spread with creamed butter. Decorate each sand- wich with tiny hearts cut from pimientos. Serve at shower or bridesmaids luncheon. JUNE FIFTEENTH Tuna Fish Sandwiches Remove the fish from flat 7-oz. can, and finely mince. Add 3 finely chopped hard-cooked eggs, 1 medium sized mild green pepper finely ground or chopped after discarding seeds and white portion. Season with salt, pepper, and moisten with mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing. Use as filling between thin slices of white bread that have been spread with salad dressing. Place a crisp lettuce leaf over fish mixture. If used for picnic luncheon, leave sandwiches their original size and enclose each in waxed paper. JUNE SIXTEENTH Anchovy and Cheese Sandwiches Mix well with grated Parmesan cheese 5 anchovies that have been mashed and rubbed to a paste. Anchovy paste may be used. Use as filling between thin slices of white or rye bread. Toast lightly on both sides. Or mix 1 c. of cream cheese with q tsp. of mustard, % c. anchovy paste and spread between thin slices of buttered bread. Toast lightly. JUNE SEVENTEENTH Nasturtium Sandwiches No. 2 Spread very thin slices of white bread with mayonnaise dressing. Wash carefully perfectly fresh nasturtium blossoms and dry in a cheese cloth without crushing them. Arrange blossoms overlapping one another until there are 2 layers of blossoms; spread lightly with mayonnaise, cover with another slice of bread, press lightly together, trim off crusts and cut in 3 narrow strips. Serve with tea or half cups of coffee.  JUNE EIGHTEENTH Olive, Ham and Nut Sandwiches Pare the meat from the pits of large Queen olives and finely chop-there should be 1 c. Add 1 can of potted ham and Y c. finely chopped pecan nut meats. Moisten with mayonnaise. Cut rye bread in thin slices, remove the crusts, spread half the slices thinly with French mustard and a layer of the olive mixture. Spread the remaining half with mayon- naise, cover with crisp lettuce leaves, put together in pairs, press lightly and with a small biscuit cutter shape in rounds and crescents or leave in their original shapes. JUNE NINETEENTH Parisian Sweet Sandwiches Cut Boston brown bread made with raisins in thin slices. (If steamed in 2-lb. baking powder boxes they will be the right size.) Spread / the rounds with the following mixture: Finely chop preserved Canton ginger -there should be / c. Add / c. finely chopped crystalized orange peel and % c. finely chopped blanched almonds, mix well and moisten with some of the ginger syrup or orange marmalade taken from the jar. Cover with a round of bread and garnish each sandwich with a large seeded raisin or with candied cherries cut to represent tiny tulips. Serve at "shower spread" for the June bride. JUNE TWENTIETH Wedding Sandwiches Finely chop the white meat of chicken; there should be 2 cs. Add 1V' cs. finely chopped celery or finely chopped lettuce or watercress. Add 1 c. finely chopped blanched almonds. Season with salt and paprika, moisten with mayonnaise. Cut fresh bread as soon as cold, lengthwise of the loaf, as thinly as possible, using a hot knife for this purpose. Spread with mix- ture and roll (as jelly roll) fasten with toothpicks, cover with a damp cloth and set aside in a cool place. Just before serving remove picks and pile pyramid fashion in a dainty sandwich basket. Garnish with cherry. JUNE TWENTY-FIRST June Picnic Sandwiches Cream / c. butter, add 1 tbsp. mixed mustard, f. g. cayenne, / tsp. salt, beat in ' c. each of mayonnaise and finely minced ham. Use as filling between thin slices of rye bread that have been thinly spread with French mustard. Trim off crusts, press edges and enclose each sandwich in waxed paper before packing in lunch basket. Serve with sour pickles. JUNE TWENTY-SECOND Spinach, Egg and Green Onion Sandwiches Finely chop cooked spinach; there should be 1 qt. Add 4 hard-cooked eggs and 6 green onions all finely chopped. Moisten with Bacon Sauce and use as filling between thinly sliced white bread that has been spread with Bacon Sauce. Cut in 3 narrow strips or triangles, garnish with small red radishes cut to simulate tulips. JUNE TWENTY-THIRD Olives, Green Pepper and Chicken Sandwiches Finely chop the meat pared from the pits of large green olives; there should be 1 c. Add 2 c. finely chopped green pepper (discarding seeds and white portion). Add 1z1x cs. finely chopped cold cooked chicken. Toss all lightly together, season with salt and paprika, moisten with mayonnaise. Spread thinly sliced white bread with mayonnaise, cover half the slices whih a layer of mixture, lay crisp lettuce leaves over remaining slices; put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts and cut each large sandwich into 3 narrow strips. Serve in sandwich basket at lawn or porch party. JUNE TWENTY-FOURTH Cheese and Pineapple Sandwiches Mash 1 large cream cheese, add / c. triple cream whipped. Add an equal measure of finely chopped fresh or canned pineapple, well drained. Spread thin slices of whiie ,read with mayonnaise, cover half the slices with a layer of mixture and rema:inin; half with lettuce leaves lightly spread with mayonnaise. Put toretuer in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts and cut in triangles. Garnish each triangle with a small wedge shaped piece of pineapple sprinkled with paprika. I JUNE TWENTY-FIFTH Cheese and Almond Sandwiches Mash I large sized cream cheese, moisten with French dressing or mayon- naise. Spread between thin slices of Graham or white bread that have been spread with mayonnaise and sprinkle thickly with finely chopped salted almonds or peanuts. Cover with thin slices of bread, trim off crusts. Cut in 3 narrow strips the size of Saratoga wafers. JUNE TWENTY-SIXTH Grated Cheese and Chili Sauce Sandwiches Mix thoroughly 1 c. of dry grated American cream cheese with % c. of Chili sauce. Spread between saltines or thin slices of white bread that have been spread lightly with mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing. Press edges, trim off crusts and cut each large sandwich into 3 narrow strips. JUNE TWENTY-SEVENTH Rolled Sandwiches Remove crust from a sandwich loaf. Cut lengthwise in / in. slices. Spread with creamed butter and with any of the following mixtures: Peanut butter worked to a paste with cream, or hot water and mixed with fine-chopped sweet pickle gerkins to flavor. Peanut butter moistened with mayonnaise, fine-chopped seeded raisins, dates and nut meats added, using / c. each. Peanut butter and ham paste mixed with fine chopped olives, creamed cheese and mayonnaise. Fine-chopped chicken salad, etc. Use bread 24 hrs. old, spread slices on damp cloth, roll tightly from you, using a little pressure. Wrap snugly in damp nap- kin, place in refrigerator until ready to serve. Cut crosswise in / in. slices. JUNE TWENTY-EIGHTH Chicken, Sweetbread and Mushroom Sandwiches To 2 cs. of cold cooked chicken finely chopped add 1 c. cold cooked sweet- breads finely chopped and 1 c. finely chopped mushrooms. Marinate with sufficient French dressing to moisten; let stand 2 hrs. in a cool place. Drain and mix generously with mayonnaise dressing. Chill and serve be- tween thin slices of white bread that have been spread thinly with mayon- naise. Press edges, trim off crusts and cut each large sandwich into 3 narrow strips. Serve for luncheon at "showers," "coming out" parties, or afternoon receptions. JUNE TWENTY-NINTH Strawberry Sandwiches Turn a plain sponge cake mixture into a shallow pan so that when cake is baked it will not exceed 1 in. in thickness. When cool, cut into pieces of a suitable size for individual service, split each piece. Have ready large strawberries, washed, drained dry, hulled, sliced and sugared. Put a layer of prepared berries between two slices of cake, cover top with berries, and set a cone of vanilla ice cream above berries. Serve at once as dessert, or for a light dainty luncheon accompanied with hot chocolate with meringue. Use only a freshly made cake for these sandwiches. JUNE THIRTIETH Plain Bacon Sandwiches Pan broil thinly sliced bacon (preferably that which is well streaked with fat and lean). Arrange the bacon while hot between thin slices of but- tered bread. Press edges together, trim off crusts, cut in triangles and serve with dandelion salad garnished with sliced hard-cooked eggs, sprinkled with salt and heavily with paprika. JULY FIRST Sponge Cake and Raspberry Whip Sandwiches (For Dessert) Bake a sponge cake in a brick-shaped bread pan. When cool, cut in / in. slices crosswise. Spread between slices a thick layer of chilled raspberry whip. Mask top and sides with whipped cream and garnish with fresh raspberries set close together around edges of sandwiches. For Raspberry Whip, set a bowl into another larger one, holding crushed ice. Put iivto the smaller bowl 13 cs. raspberries, 1 c. powdered sugar, few drops of lemon juice and the white 1 egg. With a wire egg beater, beat mixture until it will stand or keep its shape (about 35 mins.), then use as directed. i JULY SECOND Egg and Pickle Sandwiches Finely chop the whites of 3 hard-cooked eggs, mash and rub the yolks through a sieve. Finely chop cucumber pickles or mixed mustard pickles; there should be / c. Mix all lightly together and moisten with mayon- naise until of the right consistency to spread. Spread entire wheat or Graham bread thinly sliced with salad dressing; spread an equal number with egg mixture, put together in pairs, trim off crusts and cut in tri- angles. Serve with coffee. JULY THIRD Neufchatel and Pimolas Sandwiches Spread thin slices of Nut-bread with salad dressing. Mash and work a cream or Neufchatel cheese with a wooden spoon. Add an equal measure of finely chopped deviled olives and / c. finely chopped green onions. Moisten with mayonnaise dressing and use as filling between prepared bread. Cut in 3 narrow strips and serve at Sunday night supper. JULY FOURTH Hurry-up Sandwiches Spread thin slices of bread with salad dressing. Pare and thinly slice a slender cucumber. Dip cucumber into French dressing and cover half the slices of bread with cucumber. Finely chop green onions, lettuce or watercress and moisten with salad dressing. Spread remaining slices with onion mixture, put together in pairs, trim off crusts and cut small in any desired shape. Serve with oyster cocktail. JULY FIFTH Boston Club Sandwiches Butter thin slices of white sandwich bread; cover each with a lettuce leaf that has been dipped into French dressing, cover lettuce with thin slices of cold boiled tongue and spread with mayonnaise; cover tongue with thin slices of peeled tomato spread with mayonnaise and cover with a thin slice of but- tered bread. Trim off crusts and cut diagonally across. Serve with sliced sweet pickle gerkin. JULY SIXTH Smoked White Fish Sandwiches Remove the skin from medium-sized smoked white fish. Pan broil fish in 2 tbsps. melted butter or bacon fat. When slightly browned on one side turn and brown the other side. When cool remove bones and finely mince the meat. Add / c. finely chopped watercress, / c. finely chopped pickle. Moisten with mayonnaise and use as filling between thin slices of white bread spread with salad dressing. JULY SEVENTH Corned Beef Sandwiches Spread thin slices of rye bread with horseradish butter; cut cold boiled corned beef in thin small slices. Cover half the slices of bread with beef and spread thinly with horseradish. Put together in pairs, trim off crusts and wrap each sandwich in waxed paper. Pack in lunch pail or box. Serve with coffee. JULY EIGHTH Veal, Egg and Celery Sandwiches Finely chop cold roast veal-' here should be 1 c. Finely chop 3 hard- cooked eggs; finely chop celery, there should be / c. Toss all lightly together and season with salt, pepper and onion juice or finely chopped chives. \loisten with mayonnaise dressing. Cut white bread in >: in. slices, spread with salad dressing, cover half the slices with lettuce leaves that have been dipped in French dressing, spread remaining slices with veal mixture; put together in pairs, trim off crusts, cut in narrow strips. Particularly good for Sunday night supper. JULY NINTH Tomato and Horseradish Sandwiches Mix % c. of mayonnaise dressing with f c. of fresh grated horseradish. Peel and cut ripe tomatoes crosswise in thin slices, sprinkle with salt and pepper and spread with the dressing. Spread thin slices of white bread with thc horseradish mayonnaise, cover half the slices with the tomatoes and cover tomatoes with remaining slices of bread. Trim off the crusts and cu diagonally across in 2 triangles. Garnish with sliced pimolas.  JULY TENTH Beach Luncheon Sandwiches Wipe 1 large, mild green pepper, cut in halves lengthwise, remove the seeds and tough portion. Cook in boiling salted water to which add f. g. of soda, 8 mins. Drain and peel off the thin skin and finely chop. Mash a cream cheese, add pepper and / c. finely chopped English walnut meats. Season with 1 tsp. salt, / tsp. Worcestershire sauce, / tsp. pepper and a few drops of onion juice. Spread between soda crackers or thin slices of rye bread that have been spread thinly with prepared mustard. JULY ELEVENTH Fraternity Sandwiches Finely chop 1 small bottle of stuffed olives; add / c. finely chopped sweet pickle gherkins, and / c. finely chopped pecan nutmeats. Mix thor- oughly. Moisten with mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing. Spread be- tween thin slices of white bread that have been lightly spread wiLh salad dressing. Put together in pairs, press edges lightly, trim off crusts and cut in 3 narrow strips or triangles, according to size of slices. JULY TWELFTH Sunshine Sandwiches Spread thin slices of Sunshine Cake wish Orange Honey, sprinkle thickly with fresh grated cocoanut and finely chopped crystalized orange peel. Put together in pairs and cut in narrow strips (fingers). Serve at after- noon tea, porch parties or with cocoa at children's parties. JULY THIRTEENTH Canton Ginger Sandwiches Finely chop preserved Canton ginger after draining it well from the syrup in the jar. Add finely chopped crystalized orange peel to flavor delicately. Moisten with just enough of the syrup in the jar to make mixture of a consistency to spread. Lightly butter thin slices of Boston brown bread (made with chopped raisins or dates) ; spread half the slices with the mixture and remaining half with creamed butter. Put together in pairs, press edges lightly and with a small biscuit cutter shape in rounds and crescents. Serve with Golden Fizz or any Summer beverage. JULY FOURTEENTH Cream Cheese and Herring Sandwiches Work a cream cheese with a few drops of Worcestershire sauce to a smooth paste. Smoked or any herring may be used, but those canned in oil are most convenient because always found in the market. Remove skin and bones and mince the flesh very fine, using a fork for this pur- pose. Mix thoroughly with the cheese. add / c. finely chopped mustard pickles, moisten and spread mixture between thin slices of white bread. Trim off crusts and cut in narrow strips or triangles. JULY FIFTEENTH Nut Bread and Orange Marmalade Sandwiches Cut nut bread in f in. slices, spread with creamed butter and orange marmalade. Press together in pairs, cut in 4 small triangles and place a half pecan nut meat on each triangle. Serve at children's luncheons. JULY SIXTEENTH Potted Ham, Chicken and Tongue Sandwiches Remove the meat from the cans and mix thoroughly. Moisten with may- onnaise. Spread thin slices of white, Graham or rye bread with salad dressing; spread half the slices with the meat mixture and remaining half with lettuce leaves spread lightly with the dressing; put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts and cut in triangles. Dispose in sandwich basket, garnish with crisp round red radishes, green and ripe olives. JULY SEVENTEENTH Baked Bean and Onion Sandwiches Mash cold baked beans to a paste, season with tomato catsup or prepared horseradish. Add enough finely chopped green onions to flavor to taste; moisten with cooked salad dressing. Use as filling between thin slices of rye bread that has been spread lightly with mustard. Trim off crusts and leave in their original shape. Enclose each sandwich in a waxed paper and pack in hamper, serve with dill pickles and deviled eggs for luncheon when motoring. A thermos bottle filled with hot Cafe au Lait will be a pleasing accompaniment.  JULY EIGHTEENTH Lobster and Egg Sandwiches Finely chop lobster meat, measure and add half the quantity of yolks of hard-cooked eggs pressed through a ricer and the finely chopped whites of eggs. Season with prepared mustard, salt, pepper, f. g. of cayenne and moisten with mayonnaise. Use as filling between thin slices of white or Graham bread that have been spread with salad dressing, and place a crisp lettuce leaf between the slices. Serve with coffee. JULY NINETEENTH Cream Cheese, Pimiento and Piquant Mayonnaise Sandwiches Remove 2 pimientos from the can, rinse them with cold water, dry on a towel and finely chop. Work the pulp into 1 cream cheese, until well blended. Cut rings from slices of white bread (using a doughnut cutter for this purpose), spread half the rings with Piquant Mayonnaise and the remaining half with cheese mixture. Put together in pairs, press lightly and set a radish cut to simulate a tulip in center of each. For Piquant Mayonnaise. Add to 1 c. of mayonnaise 2 tbsps. each onion, olives, pickles, green pepper, all finely chopped. JULY TWENTIETH Another College Girl Sandwich Spread zephyrettes or saltines with Neufchatel cheese that has been worked with a spoon while adding a little cream, until of the right con- sistency to spread. Season with salt, paprika and f. g. of cayenne. Cover with finely chopped olives, cover each with a zephyrette, press together, serve with cocoa, punch or any fruit beverages found in Part III. JULY TWENTY-FIRST Tongue and Olive Sandwiches Cut cold boiled pickled or smoked tongue in very thin slices. Spread white or rye bread with mayonnaise dressing. Sprinkle thickly with finely chopped olives. Spread an equal number of slices thinly with French or English mustard, cover with sliced tongue. Press together in pairs, re- move crusts if desired, and fold each in a waxed paper. Pack in lunch box or pail. Serve with coffee. JULY TWENTY-SECOND Baking Powder Biscuit and Bacon Sandwiches Follow recipe for making baking powder biscuit. Split and spread with butter while hot. Put hot broiled bacon between buttered biscuit and serve for luncheon or supper with deviled eggs and coffee. JULY TWENTY-THIRD Broiled Frankfurters Sandwiches Remove the casings from the large sized frankfurters. Cut them length, wise in thin slices. Brush sides over with bacon fat and broil under a gas flame in a double wire broiler 3 mins. on each side. Spread slices of white bread with mustard or horseradish butter, cover with hot slices of Frankfurters, cover with slices of bread, press together and serve at picnic luncheon with piping hot coffee. JULY TWENTY-FOURTH Lamb Sandwiches Cut cold roast lamb in very thin slices, pour over mint sauce and let stand 1 hr. Drain well. Spread slices of white bread with salad dressing, cover with crisp lettuce leaves. Spread an equal number of slices of bread with currant jelly, lay slices of lamb over jelly, press together in pairs and cut in 3 narrow strips. Serve at luncheon with Asparagus Salad. JULY TWENTY-FIFTH Fried Egg Sandwiches Cut white bread in % in. slices. Remove crusts if desired. Spread with butter and set a delicately sauted egg, seasoned with pepper and salt, over butter. Cover with another slice of buttered bread and garnish each sandwich with two thin slices of broiled bacon. Pan-broil bacon ; slightly cool and drain off some of the fat remaining in pan, then carefully break eggs, one at a time, into a saucer and slip into remaining fat. Let cook until white is firm and edges are lightly browned. Use as directed above. These sandwiches should be served hot.  JULY TWENTY-SIXTH Fruit Sandwiches Finely chop washed figs, add a small quantity of water and cook in a double boiler until a paste is formed. Sweeten to taste and flavor with grated lemon peel or juice. Cool and spread between thin slices of but- tered raisin or nut bread. Press together in pairs. Cut in four small triangles. Garnish each with a large seeded raisin. Serve at sewing society with tea or cocoa with whipped cream, or any of the fruit bever- ages. (See Hot and Cold Beverages.) JULY TWENTY-SEVENTH Halibut and Cucumber Salad Sandwiches Finely chop 1 lb. of cold cooked halibut. Season with a few gratings of onion, 2 tsps. lemon juice, / tsp. paprika, 1/ tsps. salt, f. g. cayenne. Add 1 c. finely chopped cucumber that has been well drained ; moisten with mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing. Spread thin slices of sand- wich bread with Maitre d'Hotel Butter and an equal number with fish mixture. Press together in pairs, trim off crusts and cut in 3 narrow strips. Serve garnished with small sweet or sour pickles. JULY TWENTY-EIGHTH Anchovy and Cottage Cheese Sandwiches To 1 c. of Cottage Cheese add 2 tsps. of Anchovy essence, / tsp. paprika and 1 tbsp. each finely chopped chives and parsley; season to taste with salt and moisten with mayonnaise. Spread between thin slices of rye bread thinly spread with dressing. Garnish with new green onions and serve with coffee. JULY TWENTY-NINTH Toasted Cheese Sandwiches Cut white bread in l in. slices, spread lightly with mustard butter and sprinkle thickly with grated cheese. Cover with buttered slices, press to- gether and arrange in a wire broiler. Toast a delicate brown on one side, turn and lightly toast the other side. Serve hot with tea or coffee. JULY THIRTIETH Bread and Butter Folds Cut fresh white bread in as thin slices as possible. Remove crust. Spread generously with Maitre d' Hotel butter, press together in pairs and cut in 3 narrow strips. Serve with meat or fish salads or serve with tea. JULY THIRTY-FIRST Ginger and Orange Marmalade Sandwiches Spread thinly sliced Boston brown bread (that has been steamed in lb. baking powder cans) with orange marmalade. Cover half the slices with thin slices of preserved ginger, drained from the syrup. Press together in pairs and arrange in a dainty doily covered basket at afternoon recep- tions as one of several varieties that are usually served on such occasions. Serve punch or any of the fruit beverages with this variety of sandwiches. AUGUST FIRST Marshmallow Tea Sandwiches Brush the sugar and starch from fresh marshmallows. Place them on crisp, unsalted crackers and set them in a moderate oven until "plumped" and soft; remove at once from oven and set another wafer above marsh- mallow; press lightly and serve at once with a Summer cold beverage. AUGUST SECOND Sunshine Cake Sandwiches with Marshmallow Sauce Bake Sunshine cake mixture in a rectangular pan (12x8x2 ins.). When cool cut in 3 in. squares. Split and spread half the squares with the fol- lowing filling: Use peeled canned apricots or remove the skins if present. Drain free from syrup; press pulp through a sieve; there should be 1 c. of pulp; add 1 c. of sugar; juice of lemon or / small orange and the white of 1 egg. Beat with a wire whisk until the mixture will stand. Cover mixture with remaining squares and pour over Marshmallow Sauce. Boil 1 c. of sugar and l c. of water 5 mins. after boiling begins. Do not stir after syrup boils. Remove from range, add 2 lb. marshmallows cut in four pieces and beat until melted. Serve at once. These sandwiches make a delicious dessert  AUGUST THIRD Sardines, Eggs and Pimiento Sandwiches Drain sardines from the oil in a medium sized can. Remove skins, bones and finely mince. Rub the yolks of 6 hard-cooked eggs through a sieve and finely chop the whites. Drain 4 pimientos from liquor in can, rinse in cold water, dry between folds of a towel, and finely chop. Mix all thoroughly and moisten with mayonnaise dressing. Use as filling between thin slices of white bread that have been lightly spread with salad dressing. Cut in narrow strips, wrap in waxed paper. Nice for the beach luncheon. AUGUST FOURTH Open Orange Marmalade Sandwiches Spread crisp, unsalted Premium Crackers with orange marmalade. Sprinkle half the crackers thickly with grated cocoanut and an equal number with chopped pecan nut meats. Serve in pairs with Ginger Ale Orangeade. Mid-Summer Sandwiches Work a fresh cream cheese with cream until soft and of the consistency to spread. Add / c. pimolas, 4 sweet gherkins, 2 tbsps. each of capers and chives all finely chopped. Mix thoroughly, moisten with mayonnaise and use as filling between thinly sliced rye bread spread with mustard butter. Serve with crisp radishes and new cucumber pickles. AUGUST SIXTH Chocolate and Nut Sandwiches Melt 2 squares of unsweetened chocolate, add 2 tbsps. of hot cream, / c. of fine-chopped nut meats, 1 tsp. vanilla, and sifted XXXX sugar to make of the consistency to spread. Use as filling between crackers, lady fingers, or thin slices of sponge cake. Serve with cold summer drinks. AUGUST SEVENTH Cherry and Pineapple Sandwiches Stone, drain and thinly slice red and white ox-heart cherries. Add an equal measure of chopped and drained pineapple and / c. finely chopped pecan nut meats. Moisten with mayonnaise dressing. Use as filling be- tween thin slices of nut bread that have been spread with mayonnaise or creamed butter. Cover half the slices with mixture and remaining half with crisp lettuce heart leaves. Put together in pairs, press edges, trim off the crusts and cut in triangles. Arrange attractively in a sandwich basket, garnish with whole cherries and foliage. Serve with Iced Mint Tea at 'porch or lawn party luncheon. AUGUST EIGHTH Tomato, Neufchatel and Roquefort Sandwiches Peel and cut smooth round tomatoes in / in. slices crosswise. Mix equal measure of Neufchatel and Roquefort cheese together and moisten with mayonnaise dressing. Stamp out rounds from white bread 24 hrs. old; spread with salad dressing. Cover half the rounds with slices of tomato, spread tomato with mayonnaise and finely chopped chives; the remaining half with cheese mixture. Put together in pairs, garnish with slices of cucumber marinated with French dressing, then dipped in finely cut chives. AUGUST NINTH Crab Meat Sandwiches Remove the meat from fresh boiled crabs. (Canned crab meat may be used.) Finely mince with a fork or silver knife. Add an equal measure of finely chopped and well drained cucumber (discarding the seeds). Add 3 tbsps. finely chopped chives or white onions. Moisten with mayon- naise. Use as filling between thin slices of white bread that have been spread generously with horseradish butter or mayonnaise. Press edges, trim off crusts and cut in narrow strips, rectangles or triangles. Particu- larly good for porch or lawn parties or for Sunday night suppers. AUGUST TENTH Egg and Tomato Sandwiches Spread thin slices of bread generously with mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing. Cover half the slices with crisp lettuce leaves and thin slices of tomato, spread each with a thin layer of salad dressing. Finely chop 6 hard-cooked eggs. Add / c. finely chopped watercress or lettuce, season with salt, pepper and moisten with mayonnaise. Spread remaining slices with a layer of egg mixture. Put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts. Cut in triangles and garnish each with / slice of tomato sprinkled with finely chopped parsley and a tiny roses of mayonnaise.  AUGUST ELEVENTH Crab, Tomato and Celery Sandwiches Finely chop the meat taken from cold cooked crabs (canned crab meat may be used). There should be 1 c. Add 3 c. finely chopped celery (if not available use watercress or the outer leaves of head lettuce). loisten with mayonnaise. Peel smooth round tomatoes, cut them crosswise in / in. slices. Spread thin slices of bread with mayonnaise, cover half the slices with crab mixture and remaining half with sliced tomatoes. Spread tomatoes with mayonnaise. Put together in pairs, trim off crusts and cut in any desired shape. AUGUST TWELFTH Sweet Butter, Mustard and Ham Sandwiches Cream / lb. (1 c.) of sweet (unsalted) butter, add sufficient French mustard to highly season it. Spread thin slices of bread with the butter; cover one-half the slices with thin slices of boiled ham. Put together in pairs, trim off the crusts, cut in triangles and serve with sliced dill pickles. AUGUST THIRTEENTH Carmi Sandwiches Drain the sardines from 1 large can. Remove skins, bones and finely mince. Add 2 tbsps. finely chopped sour cucumber pickles, season with salt, mustard, pepper, catsup and moisten with salad dressing if needed. Spread rye bread with horseradish butter; spread half the slices with a generous layer of the sardine mixture. Put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts, cut in rounds and crescents, using a small biscuit cutter. AUGUST FOURTEENTH Green and Red Pepper Sandwiches Remove a slice from the stem ends of 2 mild green and 2 mild red pep- pers; discard the seeds and white portion. Parboil 8 mins. in boiling salted water (do not cover), drain, chill and finely chop or pass through a meat chopper. Add 1 medium-sized white onion finely chopped. Season with salt and moisten with mayonnaise. Spread thin slices of white bread with mayonnaise, cover half the slices with a layer of the pepper mixture and the remaining half with crisp lettuce leaves that have been lightly sprinkled with French dressing. Put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts and cut in 3 narrow strips. Serve with Fish Salad. AUGUST FIFTEENTH Baked Bean, Horseradish and Celery Sandwiches Press Boston baked beans with some of the pork through a sieve or ricer; there should be 1 c. of pulp. Add 2 tbsps. of fresh mixed horseradish and finely chopped onion to season. Spread rye or entire wheat bread thinly with French mustard, cover half the slices with a layer of the bean mix- ture. Put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts and cut in rounds or leave in their original shapes. Serve with pickles and chili sauce. Very appetizing for picnics, beach parties, etc. AUGUST SIXTEENTH Pressed Cold Corned Beef Sandwiches Boil the corned beef at home, let cool in the water in which it cooked. Drain; arrange in a bowl under a heavy weight. Let stand 24 hrs. then cut in very thin slices. Spread thin slices of white bread with horse- radish butter, cover with corned beef slices, spread an equal number of slices with mayonnaise to which has been added / tbsp. each capers, pickles, olives, parsley and onion finely chopped for each 2 c. of mayon- naise. Put together in pairs, press edges, trim off the crusts and cut diagonally across. Garnish each triangle with a small pickle cut to imi- tate a fan. AUGUST SEVENTEENTH Ripe Olive and English Walnut Sandwiches Drain ripe olives from the brine in bottle or can, pare meat from pits, finely chop and drain; there should be 1 c. Finely chop fresh shelled English walnut meats; there should be % c. Mix thoroughly with olive meat, moisten with mayonnaise. Spread thin slices of white bread with pimiento butter. Spread half the slices with the olive mixture. Put to- gether in pairs; press edges, trim off crusts and cut in 3 narrow strips; Serve at card parties, afternoon teas, etc. Coffee is the beverage that best accompanies these sandwiches. 4 AUGUST EIGHTEENTH Minced Ham and Mustard Pickles Sandwiches Finely chop cold boiled ham, adding a little of the fat; there should be 1 c. Add to ham %l c. finely chopped mustard pickles, moisten with some of the dressing. Spread thin slices of white bread with mustard dressing. Spread one-half the slices with a layer of the ham mixture and the re- maining half with crisp lettuce leaves spread with salad dressing. Put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts and cut in triangles. Gar- nish each sandwich with thinly sliced mustard pickles. AUGUST NINETEENTH Olive, Celery and Egg Sandwiches Chop fine 4 hard-cooked eggs ; chop separately, ripe, or green olive meat pared from the pits ; there should be / c. Chop fine, tender celery ; there should be c. Toss all lightly together, season with salt, pepper and grated onion to taste. Moisten with salad dressing to the consistency to spread. Use as filling between thin slices of white buttered bread. Trim off the crusts and cut each sandwich in 4 triangles. Serve each with a spiced crab-apple. AUGUST TWENTIETH Tomato and Chive Sandwiches Cut white bread in thin slices. Trim off the crusts and spread with may- onnaise dressing. Cover slices with crisp lettuce leaves, spread lightly with salad dressing; cover half the lettuce covered slices with thin slices of peeled and chilled tomatoes, spread with salad dressing and sprinkle thickly with finely chopped chives or onion. Put together in pairs, press edges and cut in triangles. Garnish each with a thin slice (triangle) of peeled tomato sprinkled with chopped chives. AUGUST TWENTY-FIRST Garden Rummage Sandwiches To 1 c. of mayonnaise dressing add % c. each of finely chopped garden cress, onion, small round red radishes (without paring), celery, mild green and red pepper and crisp fresh cucumber. Mix thoroughly and season with salt, pepper, f. g. cayenne and little grated garlic. Use as filling between thin slices of white, rye or Graham bread that have been spread with horseradish butter. Cut in narrow strips and serve at once with chicken salad. AUGUST TWENTY-SECOND Rarebit Sandwiches (For Cool Day Luncheon) Melt 2 tbsps. butter in a sauce-pan, add 2 tbsps. flour, mixed with '/ tsp. salt, f. g. of cayenne and Y tsp. paprika. Stir until well blended, add gradually 1 1/ cs. milk, stirring constantly. Add 1V cs, grated cheese and 1 tbsp. of Worcestershire sauce, continue stirring until cheese is melted. Remove from range and add the yolks of 2 eggs slightly beaten. Put between slices of hot buttered lightly toasted bread. Place a tbsp. of mixture on top of each sandwich, sprinkle with paprika and serve at once. AUGUST TWENTY-THIRD Romanoff Caviar Sandwiches Remove the caviar from a jar (holding 2 ozs.), season with paprika, f. g. of cayenne, lemon and onion juice. Spread thin slices of white bread with mayonnaise that has been mixed with finely chopped chives or onion (allowing 2 tbsps. for each / c. of dressing). Cover half the slices with very thin slices of Spanish onion dipped in French dressing and remaining half with a layer of caviar. Put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts and cut each sandwich into 3 narrow strips. Serve with lobster, shrimp or crab meat cocktails. AUGUST TWENTY-FOURTH Salami Sausage Sandwiches Spread thinly sliced rye bread with mustard or horseradish butter. Re- move the crusts and cover the slices with thin slices of salami (dry sum- mer sausage) sausage, spread lightly with French mustard. Spread an equal number of slices of bread with Sauce Tartare. Put together in pairs and serve at card parties, picnics or for motor luncheon where gentle- men are present.  AUGUST TWENTY-FIFTH Pimiento Cheese and Nut Sandwiches To the contents of 2 cans (weighing 4 ozs. each) of pimiento cheese add enough mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing to make of a creamy con- sistency Add / c. finely chopped pecan nut meats and / c. finely chopped olives. Use as filling between thin slices of nut bread that has been spread with salad dressing. Press edges, remove crusts and cut in 4 small triangles. Garnish each with half a pecan nut meat. Serve for afternoon teas, thimble parties, etc. AUGUST TWENTY-SIXTH Raw Beef Sandwiches Scrape raw round steak crosswise of the grain until there is 1 c. of pulp obtained. Season well with salt and black pepper. Spread thin slices of white bread with the prepared beef and an equal number with made mustard. Put together in pairs and cut in dainty narrow strips. Serve with a cup of hot tomato boullion. These sandwiches are particularly good for those suffering from anemia. AUGUST TWENTY-SEVENTH Salmon Egg and Lettuce Sandwiches Remove salmon from can holding 7 ozs. Drain, pick out bones, skin and fat portion; finely mince. Add 3 hard-cooked eggs finely chopped and the large outer leaves of head lettuce finely chopped; there should be equal measure of lettuce and fish. Add finely chopped green onions to suit the taste. Mix thoroughly, season with salt and pepper; moisten with mayon- naise and use as filling between thin slices of white bread that have been spread with mayonnaise. Cut in triangles and serve with cucumber salad. AUGUST TWENTY-EIGHTH Toasted Chicken and Ham Sandwiches Spread / in. thick slices of white bread with creamed butter. Cover half the slices with very thin slices of cold cooked chicken and ham. Put together in pairs, toast lightly, and cut diagonally across. Serve hot. AUGUST TWENTY-NINTH Lettuce, Celery and Pecan Sandwiches Finely chop 3 small white hearts of head lettuce. Add half the quantity of finely chopped celery, 1 medium sized white onion and 1 c. finely chopped nut meats. Toss all lightly together; moisten with mayonnaise. Use as filling between thin slices of nut or Graham bread that have been spread with pimiento butter. Trim off crusts and cut in narrow fingers. Serve with crab meat, lobster, shrimp or chicken salad. AUGUST THIRTIETH Cucumber and Mayonnaise Sandwiches Select small thin cucumbers that there may be no large seeds. Peel and thinly slice, drop into ice water, let stand 10 mins.; drain, dry between towels, dip slices into French dressing and lay between thin slices of white bread which have been spread with mayonnaise and sprinkled with chopped chives. AUGUST THIRTY-FIRST Afternoon Tea Sandwiches Steam Boston raisin brown bread in / lb. baking powder cans. Remove from moulds. When cold cut in thin slices and spread with orange marma- lade, sprinkle thickly with finely chopped blanched almonds. Put to- gether in pairs, press the edges and arrange on a sandwich platter covered with a lace paper doily. Serve with hot tea or iced mint tea. Pass crystalized orange peel and ginger cut in small shreds. 'i SEPTEMBER FIRST Holland Herring Sandwiches Soak 6 Holland herrings over night in cold water to cover. Drain, bone and finely chop. Add 1 medium sized Bermuda onion finely chopped and 1 medium sized cucumber finely chopped, rejecting the seed and soft por- tion. Mix thoroughly, moisten with mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing Use as filling between thinly sliced white, rye or entire wheat bread, that has been spread with salad dressing. Serve for Friday's luncheon with potato salad. SEPTEMBER SECOND Guava Jelly and Cheese Sandwiches Spread an equal number of thin slices of white or nut bread with creamed butter. Spread half the slices with guava jelly and the remaining half with cream cheese; sprinkle cheese with finely chopped hickory nut meats; put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts and cut each large sandwich into 3 narrow strips. Serve with Grape Fruit Salad or with afternoon tea. These sandwiches are particularly good to serve at col- lege girls' "spreads." Both the cheese and jelly can be purchased at any first-class grocery shop. SEPTEMBER THIRD Tongue and Celery Sandwiches Chop very fine cold, boiled, corned tongue, or smoked tongue; there should be 1 c. Add / c. fine-chopped celery and fine-chopped dill pickle to flavor. Moisten with salad dressing to the consistency to spread. Use as filling between thin slices of buttered rye, or whole wheat bread. Serve a thick slice of peeled tomato with a spoonful of mayonnaise with each sandwich. SEPTEMBER FOURTH Toasted Cheese and Bacon Sandwiches Cover thin slices of white bread (2 days old), with / in. thick slices of sandwich cheese; cover cheese with thin slices of bacon. Place in a moderate oven until cheese is melted and bacon is crisp. Cover with a second slice of bread and toast sandwich quickly on both sides. Serve hot. SEPTEMBER FIFTH Pickled Tongue Sandwiches Finely mince pickled lambs' tongues. Rub 1 drained, rinsed and dried pimiento through a sieve; finely chop two tbsps. capers, mix all thor- oughly. Moisten with mayonnaise and use as filling between thin slices of rye bread which have been spread with horseradish butter. SEPTEMBER SIXTH Kingston Sandwiches Cut Kingston brand of bologna sausage in thin slices crosswise, remove the casing. Cut rye bread in thin slices and spread half the slices thinly with French mustard, cover mustard with sliced sausage; spread remain- ing slices of bread with horseradish butter, sprinkle thickly with chopped chives or onion, put together in pairs. Press edges, trim off crusts and leave in their original shape. Serve with hot or cold potato salad. SEPTEMBER SEVENTH Open Fried Oyster Sandwiches Drain and wipe 1 pt. large oysters. Season 1 c. flour with &alt and pep- per, roll the oysters one at a time in the flour, dip in an egg beaten and diluted with 2 tbsps. milk, then roll in fine cracker crumbs. Fry in deep fat, drain on brown paper and arrange 3 or 4 oysters on slices of hot buttered toast. Set a tsp. of sauce tartare on each oyster and serve piping hot with coffee. Finely chop the heart of a small head of white cabbage, moisten with enough Sauce Tartare to hold cabbage together. Use as di- rected. Garnish each service with 2 olives and hearts of crisp celery.  SEPTEMBER EIGHTH Caviar Sandwiches No. 2 To 1 can of Russian caviar add the juice of X lemon and moisten with mayonnaise to a creamy consistency. Spread thin slices of bread with a layer of the mixture and an equal number of slices spread with horse- radish sauce. Put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts and cut in narrow strips. Serve with any sea food, edible cocktails, as the first course at dinner. SEPTEMBER NINTH Sardine and Cheese Sandwiches Remove the skin and bones from the sardines of 1 box; finely mince meat and gradually work pulp into 1 Neufchatel cheese. Add 1 tbsp. each of finely chopped chives and cucumber pickle, season with salt, pepper and moisten with salad dressing. Use as filling between thin slices of white bread that has been spread with pimiento butter. Press edges, trim off crusts, cut in 3 narrow strips and serve with dressed head lettuce, Romaine or French endive. SEPTEMBER TENTH Liver Sausage and Pickle Sandwiches Cut the large sized sandwich bread in very thin slices; remove crust and spread with salad dressing to which add (to / c.) 2 tbsps. of grated horseradish and / c. finely chopped watercress. Cover with thinly sliced liver sausage, after discarding the casing; cover sausage with crisp lettuce leaves lightly spread with dressing; cover with a second slice of bread spread on both sides with dressing; cover bread with very thin slices of dill pickles, lettuce leaves and the third slice of bread spread on the under side with dressing. Press firmly together and cut diagon- ally across. These are excellent sandwiches for "out-door-spreads." Serve with coffee. SEPTEMBER ELEVENTH Apricot Sandwich with Sauce (Serve as dessert) Cut stale baker's bread in / in. slices; trim off crusts and cut slices diagonally across or in circles. Beat slightly the yolks 2 eggs and 1 whole egg, add / tsp. salt, 2/ tbsps. sugar and 1 c. milk or thin cream; strain into a shallow dish. Soak bread in mixture, lift with spatula and saute in butter. Spread one-half the slices with apricot marmalade, cover with remaining slices and pour over the following sauce. Serve as des- sert at dinner or luncheon. Sauce Beat 1 egg yolk until thick and light, add / c. sugar gradually, stirring constantly. Mix c. sugar with 1 tsp. cornstarch, / tsp. salt, then pour on slowly / c. scalded milk. Cook in double boiler 10 mins., stirring constantly until mixture thickens, afterwards occasionally. Combine mix- tures, add / tsp. orange extract, 1 tbsn. lemon juice, grated rind / lemon; then fold in the stiffly beaten white of egg. Serve hot. SEPTEMBER TWELFTH Cucumber, Celery and Nut Sandwiches Pare crisp cucumbers, cut in quarters, lengthwise, scrape out the large seeds and finely chop. Drain, add an equal measure of finely chopped crisp celery, 1 medium sized mild onion and / the measure of chopped English walnut meats. Moisten with mayonnaise and use as filling be- tween thin slices of white bread that have been spread generously with mayonnaise. Press edges together, trim off crusts and cut in 3 narrow strips of equal size. Arrange on a fancy sandwich plate and serve with Lobster, Crab Meat or Salmon Salad. SEPTEMBER THIRTEENTH Sportsman's Sandwiches Pass cold boiled ham, cold boiled corned beef tongue through a meat chopper; there should be equal measure. Finely chop dill pickles; allow / c. of chopped pickles for each cup of meat. Mix thoroughly, season with a little made mustard and spread between thin slices of bread that have been spread with horseradish butter. Press edges, trim off crusts and cut diagonally across. Serve sliced pepper mangoes with these sand- wiches. Particularly good for the "hunter's" lunch box. Both ham and tongue may be thinly sliced, spread with mustard and then covered with the chopped pickle.  SEPTEMBER FOURTEENTH Swiss Cheese and Ham Sandwiches Cut cold boiled ham in very thin slices. Cut Swiss cheese in thin slices. Cut white or rye bread in / in. slices, spread half the slices with horse- radish butter, cover with ham, spread ham with mustard. Spread remain- ing slice of bread with salad dressing, cover with cheese, put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts and cut each sandwich diagonally across. Serve each with a slice of dill pickle, an olive and celery. SEPTEMBER FIFTEENTH Bloater and Watercress Sandwiches Wipe 2 or 3 bloaters inside and outside. Brush over with oil or soft butter and broil under the gas flame or in a hot skillet. Remove skin, bones and chill the meat ; then finely mince. Cream / c. butter, add as much finely chopped watercress or pepper grass (small. mustard leaves may be used when in season) as the butter will take up. Spread thinly sliced bread with prepared butter, add 2 finely chopped hard-cooked eggs to fish, moisten with mayonnaise, spread half the bread with mix- ture, cover with remaining half, press together, trim off crusts and cut in 3 narrow strips. Serve with potato or combination salad. SEPTEMBER SIXTEENTH Anchovy Butter Folds Cream / c. butter, add slowly anchovy essence to flavor highly, stirring constantly. Season with lemon juice, adding it drop by drop; continue stirring, add f. g. of cayenne and fruit red coloring until mixture is a rose color. Use as filling between thin slices of white bread. Cut in narrow strips and serve with lobster, shrimp or crab-meat salads or with oyster or shellfish cocktails. SEPTEMBER SEVENTEENTH Edam Cheese and Salted Nut Sandwiches Mix grated Edam cheese with creamed butter to form a thick paste, season with pepper, spread thin slices of bread with mixture; cover with thinly sliced or chopped salted almonds. Spread an equal number of slices with mayonnaise. Press together in pairs. Serve with salad course. SEPTEMBER EIGHTEENTH School Girl Sandwiches Beat the white of 1 egg until stiff, fold in / c. of whipped cream (cream must be whipped until solid). Sweeten to taste, then fold in 1 c. of finely chopped nut meats (hickory nut meats if available). Use as filling between fresh lady-fingers or sweetened wafers. Serve with hot cocoa or chocolate or with any of the "soft drinks." SEPTEMBER NINETEENTH Autumn Sandwiches Finely chop butternut or black walnut meats, add an equal measure of finely chopped olives and mix thoroughly with 1 can of potted ham. If needed, moisten with a little salad dressing. Spread between slices of rye Graham or white bread spread with pimiento butter. Serve with coffee. SEPTEMBER TWENTIETH Red Cross Sandwiches Cream / c. butter, gradually beat in / lb. of grated mild American cheese-Neufchatel or cream cheese may be used-by mashing and work- ing it into the butter. Season with salt, paprika and f. g. of cayenne, a grating of onion to flavor. Use as filling between thin slices of white bread spread lightly with pimiento butter. Press edges, trim off crusts, and cut each large sandwich diagonally across. Garnish each triangle with red crosses cut from pimientos. Serve with tea, cocoa or coffee. SEPTEMBER TWENTY-FIRST Hot Biscuit with Cheese Filling Melt 2 tbsps. of butter in a sauce-pan, add 2 tbsps. flour mixed with % tsp. salt, ?4 tsp. paprika and f. g. cayenne. Stir until well blended, then pour on slowly 1 c. strained thick tomato puree, heat to boiling point and add 1 jar of nippy cheese; stir until cheese is well mixed with sauce. Remove from range. when cool cover and set aside in a cool place until ready to use. Shape baking powder biscuit dough with a small biscuit cutter. Bake in a hot oven. Split while hot, spread with cheese mixture and serve with any dinner salad or for Sunday night supper.  SEPTEMBER TWENT Y-SECOND Hot Anchovy, Spinach and Egg Sandwiches Cook spinach in the usual way, chop very fine and season with salt, pep- per, a few drops of Tabasco sauce and moisten with a little bacon sauce. Have ready hot toast, spread with anchovy paste (this paste can be pur- chased at any first-class grocery), cover with a layer of the hot prepared spinach; serve open on a hot plate garnished with sliced hard-cooked eggs, sprinkled with salt and paprika. Serve for luncheon or supper. SEPTEMBER TWENTY-THIRD Club Oyster Sandwiches Cut sandwich bread in / in. slices, trim off crusts and cut slices di- agonally across. Toast lightly, when cool spread with Sauce Tartare. On 1 triangle of toast set 1 or 2 lettuce heart leaves spread with the sauce; above 3 or 4 large fried oysters. Cover oysters with lettuce leaves, spread with the sauce, over these arrange 2 slices of broiled bacon. Cover with a second piece of hot toast spread with sauce. Con- tinue until the required number of sandwiches are prepared. Serve on hot plate with a lemon basket filled with additional sauce. Serve for Sunday night supper or after theatre supper, with piping hot coffee. SEPTEMBER TWENTY-FOURTH Prune and Cream Cheese Sandwiches Soak / lb. of fancy prunes over night in cold water to cover. In the morning set them to cook in the water in which they soaked, let them simmer until barely tender. Remove from range, chill and stone; cut in small pieces and moisten with cream mayonnaise. Work a cream cheese with enough mayonnaise to make of the consistency to spread. Cover thinly sliced white bread with a layer of the prune mixture and an equal number with the cheese; cover cheese with crisp lettuce leaves spread lightly with Mayonnaise. Put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts and cut in triangles. Serve with hot tea, cocoa or coffee. SEPTEMBER TWENTY-FIFTH Egg and Cheese Paste for Sandwiches Remove the yolks from 2 hard-cooked eggs, mash and press through a ricer. Chop whites of eggs and pass them through a meat chopper, using the fine knife. Cream / c. butter, add / c. fresh grated Parmesan cheese, add eggs and mix in a mortar or wooden chopping bowl until of a smooth consistency. Season with salt, pepper and mustard. If mixture is too stiff moisten with a little mayonnaise or add more creamed butter. Spread thinly sliced white bread generously with mixture and shape in folds, or cut in narrow strips. Serve with dinner salads. SEPTEMBER TWENTY-SIXTH Ham and Tomato Sandwiches Pan broil quickly very thin slices of boiled ham. Have ready peeled, thin-sliced tomatoes. Cover slices of white buttered bread with ham; cover the ham with sliced tomato spread with salad dressing and a thin layer of shredded lettuce spread with the dressing, and cover with a second slice of bread buttered on both sides. Press firmly together and toast quickly on both sides. Serve at once. SEPTEMBER TWENTY-SEVENTH Tomato Sandwiches Remove the crusts and spread thinly sliced sandwich bread generously with sauce tartare, cover with crisp lettuce leaves, spread with mayonnaise, over these arrange thin slices of peeled and chilled tomatoes, spread with mayonnaise and very thin slices of onion that have been marinated with French dressing, cover onion with lettuce leaves and a second slice of bread. Press together and cut in 3 strips. Serve with veal, chicken, fish or shellfish salads. SEPTEMBER TWENTY-EIGHTH Cucumber, Egg and Watercress Sandwiches Pare 1 long slender cucumber or 3 medium sized crisp home grown cu- cumbers, cut in quarters, lengthwise, and scrape out the large seeds; then finely chop and set to drain. Finely chop an equal mceasnre of crisp watercress, discard- ing the large stems. For each 2 es. of the ve-etables allow 2 hard-cooked eggs finely chopped. Mix all lightly together, season with salt, pepper and grated onion. Moisten with mayonnaise and use for flling between thinly sliced white bread that has beeu spread generously with horseradish butter. Cut in any desired shape and serve with fish, shellish or crustaceans' slads. Thrse sandwiches are delicious.  SEPTEMBER TWENTY-NINTH Hot Creamed Tuna Fish Sandwiches Turn / lb. can of tuna fish into a strainer; pour over boiling water and drain well. Melt 2 tbsps. butter in a sauce pan; cook in it % a green pepper, cut in thin strips 1 in. long, and 1 tbsp. of thinly sliced onion until soft, without browning. Add 3 tbsps. flour and stir until smooth, then pour on gradually 1'/y cs. of milk, stirring constantly. Season with 2 tsp. salt, / tsp. pepper and / tsp. finely chopped parsley. Reheat fish in sauce and just before serving add 2 hard-cooked eggs finely chopped. Have ready hot lightly toasted bread spread with soft butter. Cover half the slices with a layer of the mixture, set a second piece of toast above and cover tops with remaining fish. Sprinkle with paprika. Serve for home luncheon or supper. SEPTEMBER THIRTIETH Tomato and Bacon Sandwiches Cut white bread in / in. slices, lightly toast slices on one side. Spread untoasted side with mayonnaise dressing; cover half the slices with peeled and thinly sliced firm tomatoes, spread tomatoes with mayonnaise and cover with thin slice of broiled bacon. Cover bacon with lettuce leaves and remaining slices of bread. Cut in triangles and serve with sweet gherkins. OCTOBER FIRST Chicken and Salted Almond Sandwiches Finely chop cold roast chicken; there should be 1 c. Finely chop / c. salted almonds, mix thoroughly and pound to a paste in a mortar with 1 pimiento that has been drained, rinsed with cold water, dried between the folds of a towel, mashed, then rubbed through a sieve. Season mixture with a drop or two of Tabasco sauce and mayonnaise enough to make of the consistency to spread; use as filling between very thin crustless slices of white bread or for spreading rolled sandwiches. The bread and filling should be of equal thickness. Serve with a variety of other sand- wiches at afternoon reception or at Five O'clock Tea. OCTOBER SECOND Lobster and Pimolas Sandwiches Remove the meat from a fresh boiled lobster, chill and finely chop; there should be 1 % cs. Add 1 c. of finely chopped pimolas (olives stuffed with pimientos), 3 hard-cooked eggs finely chopped and season with salt, paprika, a f. g. of cayenne and moisten with mayonnaise. Use as filling between thin slices of sandwich bread. Spread slices thinly with mayon- naise; cover half the slices with crisp lettuce leaves and remaining slices with a thick layer of the lobster mixture. Put together in pairs, press edges and trim off crusts; cut each large sandwich in 3 narrow strips and garnish each strip with 3 thin slices of pimolas. Serve at afternoon recep- tion or Bridge party. OCTOBER THIRD Lettuce and Spanish Onion Sandwiches Spread thin slices of white bread with mayonnaise dressing. Cover half the slices with crisp lettuce heart leaves, spread lightly with mayonnaise. Cover remaining slices with very thin slices of Spanish onion that have been dipped into French dressing. Put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts and cut in any desired shape. Serve at luncheon with broiled frankfurters and coffee. OCTOBER FOURTH Roast Pork Sandwiches Finely chop cold roast pork; season with salt, pepper and a sprinkle of sage. Spread thin slices of bread with mustard, mustard butter or horseradish butter. Cover half the slices with lettuce leaves, spread lightly with salad dress- ing, and remaining slices with pork mixture ; put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts and cut in triangles. Serve with Waldorf salad and coffee. OCTOBER FIFTH Lady Finger and Orange Marmalade Sandwiches Finely chop washed figs; if necessary finely chop orange marmalade. The materials used in making orange marmalade are sometimes chopped or thinly sliced; if the marmalade used for sandwich filling is made like the former it will not be necessary to chop it. Separate fresh baked lady fingers and spread half of them with the mixture that has been combined to the consistency tq spread. Put together in pairs; press lightly together. Serve at ladies' luncheon, after- noon tea, or at children's parties, with Marshmallow Cocoa.  OCTOBER SIXTH Kippered Herring Sandwiches Drain kippered herring from an 8 oz. can, and mince fine; add 1 tbsp. of fine-chopped sweet red pepper, / c. fine-chopped celery and enough mayonnaise for spreading. Spread thin slices of white bread with creamed butter, and spread an equal number of slices with the herring mixture; put together in pairs, press firmly, trim off crusts and cut each sand- wich in 4 triangles. Serve with combination salad and coffee. OCTOBER SEVENTH Pate de Foie Gras Sandwiches Thoroughly mix 1 jar of Pate de Foie Gras with the sifted yolks of 3 hard-cooked eggs; add the finely chopped whites, 2 tsps. of finely chopped chives or mild onion and moisten with mayonnaise. Use as filling between thin slices of rye or white bread that has been lightly spread with green pepper butter. Serve with coffee for Sunday night supper or at Stag Chafing Supper. OCTOBER EIGHTH Liver Sausage and Horseradish Sandwiches Spread thin slices of white bread with mayonnaise dressing; cover half the slices with thinly sliced liver sausage (first removing the casing), spread sausage with prepared horseradish. Put together in pairs, press edges, remove crusts and cut each large sandwich in triangles or in 3 narrow strips. Excellent for lunch box, pail or motor hamper. OCTOBER NINTH Card Party Sandwiches Drain pimientos from the liquor in the can, rinse with cold water, dry between the folds of towels, split and stamp out hearts, diamonds, spades and clubs, using small cutters made for this purpose. Cut white bread in very thin slices and shape with the same cutters. Spread bread with Sauce Tartare and cover half the slices with pimiento (of the same shape). Spread lightly with mayonnaise, cover with the second cor- responding slices, press together, garnish one side of each sandwich with tiny figures cut from the remnants of pimientos, and thinly sliced truffles, using tiny vegetable cutters for this purpose. Serve with fish, shellfish or crustaceans' salad at Bridge party. OCTOBER TENTH Roquefort Cheese and English Walnut Sandwiches Cream / c. of butter. Crumble and mash / lb. of Roquefort cheese, add to butter gradually, stirring constantly until thoroughly blended. Season with salt, f. g. cayenne and a few drops of Worcestershire. Add f lb. English walnut meats finely ground. Mix thoroughly and use as filling between very thin slices of rye or white bread, first removing the crusts. Cut in small triangles and press a half nut meat on one side of each sandwich. Arrange them attractively on a sandwich plate covered with a lace paper doily and serve with half cups of coffee at the con- clusion of dinner. OCTOBER ELEVENTH Mint and Sweet Butter Sandwiches Cut white bread in every thin slices, trim off the crusts and cut bread in small triangles or narrow strips. Spread with sweet butter (unsalted), worked to a cream. On half the slices press candied mint leaves and cover with remaining slices. Press lightly together, garnish each dainty sandwich with a candied mint leaf and arrange them attractively on a sandwich plate or basket. Serve at afternoon receptions or at Five O'clock Tea. OCTOBER TWELFTH Egg and Smoked Salmon Sandwiches Cut white bread in strips 4 in. long and 12 ins. wide. Toast lightly on one side, spread untoasted side with creamed butter (/ c.), to which has been added the mashed and sifted yolks of 2 hard-cooked eggs, season with tsp. salt, f. g. cayenne and 2 tbsp. finely chopped parsley. Spread an equal number of slices of bread the same size with anchovy paste. Cover with very finely minced smoked salmon moistened with mayon- naise. Put together in pairs, press lightly and dispose in a sandwich basket and garnish each sandwich with a slice of gherkin. Serve with potato salad.  OCTOBER THIRTEENTH Raisin Sandwiches Finely chop large seeded raisins. To 1 c. raisins add / c. chopped nut meats. Mix with maple frosting and spread between thin rounds of brown bread spread with creamed butter; cut in triangles, garnish with large seeded raisins. Serve with cocoa, chocolate or tea. OCTOBER FOURTEENTH Crab Meat and Tomato Sandwiches Remove the crab meat from 1 can; separate with a fork and finely chop; there should be 1 c. Add Y c. finely chopped celery and moisten with mayonnaise. Peel and thinly slice crosswise medium sized firm (not too ripe) tomatoes. Have ready rounds of white bread cut / in. thick and a trifle larger than the sliced tomato, and spread with mayonnaise. Cover half the rounds with crab meat mixture and remaining half with sliced tomato lightly spread with dressing Put together in pairs, press lightly, dispose in a sandwich basket and serve at luncheon OCTOBER FIFTEENTH French Chestnut and Chicken Sandwiches Marinate 1 c. of shelled and cooked French chestnuts with French dress- ing; let stand 1 hr., drain and finely chop. Mix with 1 c. finely chopped cold boiled fowl. Add 1 finely ground mild red pepper after discarding the seeds and white portion. Mix thoroughly and moisten with mayon- naise dressing Use as filling between thin slices of white bread cut in strips 4 ins. long and 12 ins. wide. Serve at afternoon receptions, bridge parties, etc. These sandwiches are delicious. OCTOBER SIXTEENTH Crab Meat Sandwiches Chop crab meat very fine. To the prepared meat from 1 can, add 2 hard- cooked eggs chopped fine, / c. fine-chopped celery, / sweet red pepper put through the food chopper twice, and enough mayonnaise dressing to moisten to the consistency for spreading; season with salt, pepper and fine grained cayenne. Spread between thin slices of whole wheat, or white, bread spread with creamed butter. Trim off the crusts and cut each sandwich in 3 strips. Served with dressed iceberg lettuce and coffee. OCTOBER SEVENTEENTH Chicken and Oyster Sandwiches Pick over, clean and parboil 2 cs. select oysters. Remove the tough muscles. Finely chop cold boiled fowl; there should be 2 cs., add 1 c. finely chopped celery and the oysters finely chopped. Moisten with mayonnaise, and use as filling between thin narrow strips of white bread that have been spread with horseradish butter. These sandwiches are unusual and very delicious. Serve olives and pickles with them for Sunday evening spread. OCTOBER EIGHTEENTH Sweetbread, Celery and Cucumber Sandwiches Mix equal parts of parboiled sweetbreads finely chopped and crisp celery hearts finely chopped. Mix thoroughly and just before serving add 1 c. finely chopped and drained cucumber well flavored with grated onion. Moisten with mayonnaise. Cut sandwich bread in % in. slices, remove crusts and cut in triangles. Spread half the triangles with mayonnaise and remaining slices with sweetbread mixture. Put together in pairs with crisp lettuce heart leaves between. Serve at receptions, card parties, etc. OCTOBER NINETEENTH Swiss Cheese and English Mustard Sandwiches Cut the large sized loaf of rye bread in % in. slices, remove the crusts and spread with prepared English mustard. Cover with a slice of imported Swiss cheese cut q in. thick. Cover cheese with a second slice of bread, press together and cut in rounds and crescents, or leave in the original ovals. The slices are rather large if left thus and are better adapted to the "hunter's" lunch box or for the laborer's lunch pail. OCTOBER TWENTIETH Deviled Ham and Swiss Cheese Sandwiches Cut white bread in /-in. slices, trim off the crusts and spread thinly with mustard butter or prepared table mustard. Cover half the slices with a layer of deviled ham moistened with salad dressing. Cover remaining slices with thin slices of Swiss cheese. Put together in pairs, cut diagonally across and garnish each with a sour gherkin, ripe olive and a pimola. Serve at stag luncheon with potato salad and coffee.  OCTOBER TWENTY-FIRST Hot Giblet Sandwiches No. 1 Pour off liquid in pan in which turkey or chicken has been roasted. From liquid skim off / c. fat; return fat to pan and in it brown 5% tbsps. flour, gradually pour on 2 cs. stock in which the giblets, neck and tip of wings have been cooked. Cook 5 mins., season with salt and pepper, then strain. Reheat in sauce the finely sliced giblets (gizzard, heart and liver). Have ready 8 slices of bread toasted lightly. Cover 4 slices with some of the giblets, set a second slice above and pour over remainder of giblets, dividing it evenly between the four large sand- wiches. Serve for luncheon with pepper relish. OCTOBER TWENTY-SECOND Pineapple and Tomato Club Sandwiches Drain the small-sized sliced pineapple from the syrup in the can. Peel and cut firm ripe tomatoes in slices to correspond in diameter and thick- ness with pineapple. Cut white bread in /-in. slices and shape with a biscuit cutter the size of pineapple slices. Spread bread with mayonnaise dressing, cover with a slice of pineapple, spread lightly with dressing. Cover with a slice of bread spread on both sides with dressing. Set a slice of tomato above, spread with dressing and cover with the 3rd slice of bread spread on the under side with dressing. Serve on individual plates covered with lace paper doilies. Serve an olive, stalk of celery hearts and a pin money pickle with each. OCTOBER TWENTY-THIRD Grilled Ham and Egg Sandwiches Cut smoked lean ham in very thin slices. Have ready the required num- ber of slices of bread very lightly toasted (after removing crusts). Grill (broil) ham in a well greased broiler; when lightly browned turn and grill the other side. Fry an equal number of fresh eggs in bacon or ham fat, cover buttered toast with a slice of ham, set a fried egg above, add a dot of butter, sprinkle with salt and pepper and cover with re- maining slices of bread lightly buttered. Garnish with a bacon curl. OCTOBER TWENTY-FOURTH Lobster and Tomato Sandwiches Finely mince the meat of a cold boiled lobster. There should be 1% cs. (canned lobster may be used). Mix with / c. finely chopped celery, moisten with cream mayonnaise. Thinly slice white bread, trim off crusts and spread half the slices with lobster mixture. Cover with peeled and very thinly sliced tomato; spread tomato with mayonnaise and crisp lettuce heart leaves, lightly spread with mayonnaise. Cover with a second slice of bread spread on under side with mayon- naise. Serve with pickled onions, olives or pimolas and celery hearts; cut in any desired shape. Very good for after theatre or Sunday night suppers. OCTOBER TWENTY-FIFTH Sardine and Olive Sandwiches Drain the sardines from 1 large box. Remove skins, bones, fins, tails and finely mince. Pare the meat from large Queen olives and chop or grind very fine. Mix thoroughly with 2 tbsps. finely chopped mustard pickles, add sardines, mix well and moisten with salad dressing. Use as filling between thin slices of white bread that have been spread with pimiento or horseradish butter or salad dressing. Place crisp lettuce heart leaves between slices. Cut in 3 narrow strips, triangles or rectangles. OCTOBER TWENTY-SIXTH Tomato and Lettuce Sandwiches Spread white bread with creamed butter: cover with shredded lettuce mixed xith mayonnaise. Cover the lettuce with peeled, thinly sliced tomatoes; spread with, mayonnaise; cover with lettuce and a second slice of buttered bread and cut in triangles. OCTOBER TWENTY-SEVENTH Pickled Pigs' Feet Sandwiches Remove the bones from thoroughly cooked and nicely pickled pigs' feet. (These are found in the market, boned, pickled and put up in glass jars, and are very fine.) Chop or grind the meat very fine. For each c. allow / c. finely chopped celery. Mix thoroughly and moisten with salad dressing or mustard pickle dressing to the consistency to spread. Cut rye or white bread in thin slices, remove the crusts, spread half the slices thinly with mixed mustard and pigs' feet mixture; remaining slices with mayonnaise sprinkled with chopped water- cress; put together in pairs, press edges and serve with piccalilli.  OCTOBER TWENTY-EIGHTH Cream Cheese and Bar-le-duc Sandwiches Work 1 cream cheese with enough rich cream to make of the consist- ency to spread. V ith a small rose tube and pastry bag pipe the cheese around the edge of saltines, leaving a small nest in the center. Fill nest with a tsp. of red Bar-le-duc currants. Serve 2 saltines with each demi- tasse at the conclusion of dinner. OCTOBER TWENTY-NINTH Hot Roast Beef Sandwiches Cut sandwich bread in %-in. slices; remove the crusts and toast lightly on one side. Have ready thinly sliced hot rare roast beef and plenty of hot brown gravy. Arrange slices of toast on hot plates, toast side down, cover with a slice of beef and 2 tbsps. of gravy; set a second slice of bread above, toast side up, and pour over hot gravy to entirely cover. Set a stuffed baked tomato on top of each and serve for luncheon with cabbage relish and piping hot coffee. An individual pumpkin pie would complete the luncheon. OCTOBER THIRTIETH Dainty Lady Finger Sandwiches (For the Afternoon Tea) Finely chop candied cherries, oranges, pineapple, apricots, pears and layer raisins seeded. There should be 1 c. when chopped. Add / c. finely shredded blanched almonds. Moisten with orange or grape-fruit marmalade (chopped if materials were sliced) to the consistency to spread. Have ready fresh baked lady fingers. Split apart and spread half the fingers with prepared fruit, set remaining halves above, press lightly together and insert a few shreds of salted almonds on the top of each sandwich. Arrange them in a fancy sandwich basket or plate and serve with hot or iced tea, hot cocoa or chocolate. OCTOBER THIRTY-FIRST Woodland Goodies Sandwiches (For Hallowe'en Spread) Finely chop or pass through a meat chopper / c. each English walnut meats, pecan nut meats, butternut meats and hickory nut meats; add 1 c. of grated carrot and grated onion juice to flavor. Season with salt and moisten with mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing. Use as filling between thin slices of white or brown bread, that have been lightly spread with mayonnaise. Serve with apple and celery salad and mulled cider for the Hallowe'en spread. NOVEMBER FIRST Kumquat Marmalade and Cocoanut Sandwiches Cut fresh baked bread (as soon as cool) in as thin slices as possible. Spread with creamed butter and generously with Kumquat marmalade, sprinkle with fresh grated cocoanut; roll each slice like jelly roll and fasten with tooth picks, to keep rolls in place. Cover with a damp napkin and several folds of a towel; set aside in a cool place for an hour or more. Remove picks before serv- ing. Have ready a pitcher of hot chocolate with meringue and serve at bridge luncheon or thimble parties where light refreshments are usually served. NOVEMBER SECOND Tuna Fish, Celery and Pimiento Sandwiches Turn the contents of 1 (7 oz.) c. of tuna fish (white meat) into a chop- ping bowl and finely chop. Add / the measure of finely chopped celery and 2 pimientos drained, rinsed, dried and rubbed through a sieve. Mix thoroughly and moisten with salad dressing. Cut bread in very thin slices, spread with salad dressing or horseradish butter. Cover half the slices with a layer of fish mix- ture and remaining half with crisp lettuce leaves. Put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts and cut in 3 narrow strips. Serve with stuffed olives and a tiny lettuce leaf holding chili sauce. NOVEMBER THIRD Chicken Salad Sandwiches Have ready fresh made Eclairs (these can be ordered at any first-class bake shop) without filling. Remove a slice from the top of each and fill shell with chicken or turkey salad. Replace top, insert a small crisp lettuce leaf in each end, allowing them to curl slightly over top. Sprinkle tops lightly with paprika and serve with shredded celery, olives, salted nuts and coffee for luncheon at bridge party.  NOVEMBER FOURTH Black Walnut and Cheese Sandwiches Work a cream cheese with cream until of the consistency to spread. Add / c. finely chopped black walnut meats. Season with salt, f. g. cayenne and black pepper. Spread thinly sliced white or rye bread with pimiento butter; spread half the slices with a thick layer of the cheese mixture. Put together in pairs. Press edges, trim off crusts and cut in triangles. Serve with mulled or sweet cider. NOVEMBER FIFTH Camembert and Sauce Tartare Sandwiches Remove a "ripe" camembert cheese from the box and wrappings. If well ripened it will be soft enough to spread; if not, mash and work to consistency to spread with a little mayonnaise dressing. Cut rye bread in thin slices; remove crusts and spread half the slices with the cheese and remaining half with a generous layer of Sauce Tartare. Put together in pairs, press edges and cut in any desired shape. Serve with combina- tion salad and coffee. These sandwiches will prove a favorite with gentlemen. NOVEMBER SIXTH Hungry Hunter's Sandwiches Have ready round steak cut /-in. in thickness, cut in uniform pieces, a trifle smaller than the average slice of bread. Pound with the edge of a heavy saucer until the fibre is broken and the meat barely hangs to- gether. Drop the pieces into a hissing hot iron spider well greased with beef fat. Turn quickly when well seared. Continue turning until well seared and brown. Spread with butter; sprinkle with salt and black pepper; dispose between slices of bread spread with butter. Serve while hot with coffee. These sandwiches may be prepared at a "beach" luncheon. The meat is then broiled over glowing coals. Horseradish is a fine accompaniment. NOVEMBER SEVENTH Cottage Cheese, Chives and Watercress Sandwiches Mash and work cottage cheese with just enough mayonnaise or rich cream to the consistency to spread. For 1 c. of cheese allow 2 tbsps. finely chopped chives and 4 tbsps. of finely chopped watercress leaves. Season with salt, pepper and a few drops of tobasco sauce. Spread between thin slices of bread from which the crusts have been removed, using a generous layer of the cheese mixture. Cut in any desired shape. Serve with pickled onions, tiny lemon basket holding cucumber relish, and piping hot coffee. NOVEMBER EIGHTH Sandwiches-Norway Style To / c. of mayonnaise dressing add 3 finely chopped hard-cooked eggs. Season with / tbsp. anchovy paste, mix thoroughly. Cut rye or entire wheat bread in thin slices, spread half the slices with anchovy butter and the remaining with a generous layer of the mixture. Put together in pairs, press edges, cut in rounds, crescents, triangles or strips. Serve with smoked fish salad and coffee. NOVEMBER NINTH Pickled Tongue and Pimiento Sandwiches Finely chop pickled lambs' tongues, then pound in a mortar to a paste with pimiento pulp and capers, allowing 2 tbsps. each for every 2 tongues. Moisten with a little mayonnaise mixed with just enough tomato catsup to color a vivid red. Use as filling between thin slices of rye bread that have been spread very lightly with mustard butter. Cut in any desired shape and serve with coffee. NOVEMBER TENTH Edam Cheese and Nut Sandwiches Grate Edam cheese and add just enough creamed butter to form a paste. Season with salt, pepper and finely chopped salted almonds or pecan nut meats. Spread nut or raisin bread very thinly sliced with creamed butter; spread an equal number of slices generously with the cheese mixture. Put together in pairs, trim off crusts and cut in triangles. Serve with sliced green peppers stuffed with cabbage. " NOVEMBER ELEVENTH Pate-de-Foie-Gras and Jelly Sandwiches Spread the required number of crisp wafers with a layer of pate-de- foie-gras, and an equal number with currant, grape or gooseberry jelly. Put together in pairs, press lightly and serve with hot bouillon. The combination will prove refreshing after shopping, a long drive or walk. NOVEMBER TWELFTH Hot Giblet Sandwiches No. 2 Cook giblets until tender in boiling salted water. Drain and reserve the liquor. Finely chop the giblets (there should be 1 c.) and add them to a brown sauce made of the strained liquor, well seasoned with / tsp. of Kitchen Bouquet. Toast the required number of slices of bread on one side only. Cover toasted side of half the slices with some of the mixture, place remaining slices (toasted side up) above and pour over more of the hot giblet mixture. Sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and serve for the chief dish for luncheon. NOVEMBER THIRTEENTH Tongue, Egg and Mustard Sandwiches Cut -lb. cold boiled beef tongue in small pieces. Put it into a mortar with the yolks of 2 hard-cooked eggs, 1 tbsp. of made mustard, salt, black pepper, and pound to a paste. Moisten with a little salad dressing or thick cream. Spread between thin slices of rye bread or white bread that has been lightly spread with mustard butter. Press edges, trim off crusts and serve with ripe cucumber relish and coffee. NOVEMBER FOURTEENTH Toasted Jam Sandwiches (For the "Cozy" Cup of Tea) Cut white bread or raisin bread in thin slices, trim off the crusts and spread half the slices with butter and half with raspberry jam. Put together in pairs, cut in 3 narrow strips and arrange them in a wire broiler and toast delicately on both sides. Serve at once with butter and hot tea or cocoa. NOVEMBER FIFTEENTH Spanish Onion Sandwiches Cut white bread in very thin slices and trim off crusts. Finely chop Spanish or Bermuda onions. Mix well with mayonnaise dressing to the consistency to spread. Use as filling between slices of bread that have been spread with pimiento butter; cut in 3 narrow strips. Decidedly appetizing with potato or string bean salad. NOVEMBER SIXTEENTH Waldorf Sandwiches Finely chop tender crisp celery-there should be 1 c. Finely chop Jona- than apples-there should be 1 c. Blanch and cut in very thin slices 1 c. of almonds. Mix thoroughly and moisten with mayonnaise. Spread thinly sliced nut bread with mayonnaise. Spread half the slices with a generous layer of mixture, cover remaining half with small lettuce heart leaves. Put together in pairs, press edges, trim off crusts and cut in triangles. Serve with coffee. NOVEMBER SEVENTEENTH Brie Cheese Sandwiches Cream / c. butter, gradually work into it 1 tbsp. finely chopped parsley and 1 tbsps. of finely chopped chives. Spread thinly sliced rye bread with the prepared butter and an equal number with mayonnaise or mus- tard butter, cover these with Brie cheese cut in thin slices. Put together in pairs, press the edges, trim off the crusts and cut in any desired shape. Serve with any of the green salads. NOVEMBER EIGHTEENTH Celery and Roquefort Cheese Sandwiches Finely chop crisp celery-there should be 1 c. Moisten with mayonnaise dressing, to which has been added %3 c. crumbled and sifted Roquefort cheese. Mix well and spread between thin slices of white or rye bread.  NOVEMBER NINETEENTH "Hasty" Cream Cheese Sandwiches Rub to a thick paste 1 Philadelphia cream cheese, 1 tbsp. butter and the sifted yolks of 2 hard-cooked eggs; season with salt, paprika and f. g. cayenne. 'Spread mixture between crisp saltines, butter thins or Saratoga wafers. Serve with dinner salads. NOVEMBER TWENTIETH Egg, Pepper and Sardine Sandwiches Finely chop 4 hard-cooked eggs, add 2 tbsps. each of finely ground or chopped mild green and red pepper, 1 tbsp. finely chopped parsley, 2 tbsps. finely chopped chives or onion with a little grated garlic. Drain the sardines from 1 large or 2 small boxes; remove skins, bones and finely mince, add to first mixture and toss with a fork until well mixed. Add 1 tsp. of salt, 2 tbsps. lemon juice and moisten with mayonnaise. Use as filling between very thin slices of white bread (after removing the crusts), having filling the thickness of bread. Cut in triangles and serve with coffee at stag parties or card parties when gentlemen are present. NOVEMBER TWENTY-FIRST Nut Bread and Cream Cheese Sandwiches Work a cream cheese with very thick cream to a consistency to spread. Season with salt, paprika and f. g. of cayenne. Add % c. of seeded and chopped layer raisins. Spread thinly sliced nut bread (after removing the crusts) with creamed butter. Spread half the slices with a gener- ous layer of the cheese mixture. Put together in pairs and cut in small triangles. Press a seeded raisin on the top side of each triangle. Serve for afternoon tea or at card party luncheon. NOVEMBER TWENTY-SECOND Ginger and Cream Cheese Sandwiches Work into 2 packages of cream cheese enough rich cream to make a moist, spreadable mixture; add 4 c. of fine-cut crystallized ginger. Spread between thin slices of buttered bread, remove the crusts and cut each sandwich in 3 strips. Serve at afternoon tea. NOVEMBER TWENTY-THIRD Hot Toasted Cheese Sandwiches Cut white bread in thin slices, toast lightly on one side, cover untoasted side with thin slices of mild soft cheese, sprinkle with salt, f. g. of cayenne and paprika. Set into the oven long enough to melt the cheese. Serve open on individual plates with head lettuce dressed with Thousand Island dressing and coffee. NOVEMBER TWENTY-FOURTH Turkey Club Sandwiches Have ready the required number of triangular pieces of lightly toasted bread. The large-sized sandwich loaves are best for club sandwiches. Spread prepared bread with mayonnaise dressing; cover half the slices with shredded lettuce leaves, cover lettuce with mayonnaise and thin slices of white meat of roast turkey and spread with the dressing; over this put thin slices of broiled bacon and shredded lettuce moistened with mayonnaise; cover with remaining triangles of toast. Garnish with slice of peeled tomato with a rose of mayonnaise set in the center. NOVEMBER TWENTY-FIFTH Onion and Nut Meat Sandwiches Peel, slice and finely chop Spanish or Texas onions. Add half the amount of finely chopped English walnut or pecan nut meats. Mix thoroughly and moisten with mayonnaise dressing to the right consistency to spread. Use as filling between thin slices of white, Graham or rye bread that has been spread with salad dressing. Press edges together, trim off the crusts and cut each large sandwich in three narrow strips. Serve with celery hearts. NOVEMBER TWENTY-SIXTH Milwaukee Club Sandwiches Toast lightly 2 slices of white sandwich bread and 1 slice Milwaukee rye bread (large size). Arrange I slice on a plate covered with a lace paper doily; on this place 3 or 4 fried oysters. spread with Sauce Tartare; cover with rye toast, on this lay two thin slices of the breast of chicken or turkey, spread with mayonnaise or Sauce Tartare and 2 thin slices of crisp bacon. Cover with a third slice of toast. Garnish with a slice of peeled tomato, on which set a spoonful of dressing. Serve these sandwiches for Sunday night supper with coffee. Remove the crusts from the rye bread and trim the white bread the same shape before toasting.  NOVEMBER TWENTY-SEVENTH French Sandwiches Finely mince /-lb. boiled tongue and the same of boiled ham, add 3 finely minced truffles, season with paprika, lemon and onion juice. Moisten with mayonnaise, use as filling between thin slices of white bread, laying a few sprigs of watercress over mixture before pressing the slices to- gether. NOVEMBER TWENTY-EIGHTH Turkey Sandwiches No. 2 Melt 4 tbsps. butter (or equal parts of butter and turkey fat) in a sauce pan. Add 4 tbsps. flour, stir until well blended; add gradually 1 c. each of hot milk and cream, stirring constantly until sauce is smooth. Season with 1 tsp. salt, 1V tsps. celery salt, and / tsp. pepper. Add 2 cs. of finely chopped cold cooked turkey, / c. finely chopped mush- rooms and / c.,finely chopped celery. Pour over toasted side of slices white bread (delicately toasted on one side), cover with slices of bread, toasted side up. Cover with a .thin layer of creamed turkey, sprinkle with paprika and garnish with 2 stalks of celery for each portion. Serve coffee and hot cream. Recipe makes 5 large sandwiches. NOVEMBER TWENTY-NINTH Fig and Raisin Brown Bread Sandwiches Cook -lb. of washed figs in boiling water with a slice or two of lemon, until the water is absorbed and figs are tender. Remove lemon and finely chop figs; add / c. of sugar, return to range and cook until boiling point is reached. When cool, use as filling between thinly sliced raisin brown bread that has been spread with creamed butter. Cut in 4 small triangles and serve with afternoon tea or for luncheon with hot marsh- mallow cocoa. NOVEMBER THIRTIETH Club Sandwiches Cut large size loaves of sandwich bread in /-in. slices; remove crusts, toast lightly and spread with mayonnaise; set 2 slices of the breast of chicken over 1 slice, cover with thin slices of broiled bacon and lettuce leaves, spread with a little of the dressing. Set above a second slice of the toast, spread on both sides with mayonnaise, cover top side with chicken, bacon and lettuce leaves spread with mayonnaise. Finish with a third slice of toast and cut diagonally across. Garnish with a slice of tomato and sliced dill pickle. Serve with coffee. DECEMBER FIRST Chicken, Ham and Olive Sandwiches Finely chop the breast of cold cooked chicken-there should be 1 c. Finely chop cold boiled ham, leaving in a little of the fat-there should be 1 c. Finely chop the meat of large Queen olives-there should be / c. Mix together thoroughly and moisten with mayonnaise dressing. Use as filling between thin slices of white sandwich bread that have been spread with mayonnaise dressing (after removing the crusts). Cover half the slices with crisp lettuce leaves spread lightly with mayonnaise. Spread remaining slices with a generous layer of the meat mixture. Put together in pairs, cut diagonally across, and serve with celery hearts and piping hot coffee. DECEMBER SECOND Tomato and Horseradish Sandwiches Mix one-third cup of mayonnaise dressing with one-thrd cup of fresh grated horseradish. Peel and cut firm ripe tomatoes in rather thin slices crosswise, sprinkle with salt and a few grains of cayenne. Stread thin slices of white bread with the horseradish mayonnaise, cover half the slices with tomatoes, place remaining slices above tomatoes, press together lightly, trim off the crusts and cut each sandwich diagonally across to form two triangles. Gar- nish with sliced pimolas. DECEMBER THIRD Boy Scout Sandwiches Finely chop f head of crisp white cabbage: season it with salt; let stand ?' hr. Add 1 lb. finely chopped boiled ham, adding a little of the fat, 3 hard-cooked eggs finely chopped, and % doz. finely chonned pickled onions. Mix thoroughly; add more salt if needed and sprinkle with / tsp. black pepper. Moisten with salad dressing and spread between thin slices of bread (wi~hout removing crusts) spread thinly with mustard; cut diagonally across and serve with pickles.  DECEMBER FOURTH Anchovy, Fish and Egg Sandwiches Finely mince / lb. of cold boiled fish (1 c. packed solidly). Add 2 hard-cooked eggs finely chopped, and % doz. anchovies, washed, skinned and finely chopped, % a medium-sized pickled beet chopped fine. Mix thoroughly, season with salt and black pepper. I inely chop crisp chicory or watercress, add to / c. mayonnaise. Spread thinly sliced white bread with dressing, cover half the slices with fish mixture; cover with re- maining half; press together and cut in triangles. Garnish with sliced stuffed olives and pearl onions arranged around olive slices. DECEMBER FIFTH Watercress, Apple and Nut Sandwiches Finely chop crisp watercress-there should be 1 c. Finely chop Jonathan. apples; mix at once with cress and 1 c. finely chopped hickory meats: season with salt, pepper and moisten with mayonnaise. Use as filling between thin slices of Graham or nut bread that have been spread with mayonnaise. Press together, trim off crusts and cut in triangles. Serve with deviled eggs and coffee for home luncheon. DECEMBER SIXTH Celery, Almond and Turkey Sandwiches Finely chop 3 heads of crisp celery. Finely chop the white meat of cold roast turkey-there should be 3 cs. Blanch and finely shred (crosswise of kernels) 1/2 cs. almonds. Mix all lightly together, season with salt, pepper, and moisten with mayonnaise. Thinly slice the large size loaves of sandwich bread, trim off crusts and spread with pimiento butter. Spread half the slices with a thick layer of mixture and remaining slices with lettuce heart leaves lightly spread with mayonnaise. Put together in pairs, press edges and cut in 3 strips. Garnish each sandwich with small stars cut from pimiento. At the points of stars set a tiny pearl onion. Serve during the holiday season with coffee. DECEMBER SEVENTH Caviare Toast Sandwiches Put the caviare into a shallow dish, add mayonnaise until of a creamy consistency (about 1 tbsp). Add the juice of / a lemon and 1 tsp. finely chopped or grated onion. Spread thin slices of white bread from which crusts have been removed with mixture and an equal number with mayonnaise. Put together in pairs, press lightly and cut into fingers, brush very lightly with soft butter and arrange in a wire broiler. Toast lightly and quickly, first on one side then on the other. Serve with after- dinner coffee. DECEMBER EIGHTH Roman Sandwiches Finely mince cold broi'ed smoked fish-there should be 1 c. Add 1 tsp. of anchovy paste or 3 anchovies pounded to a paste; add 1 tbsp. of French mustard, 1 tbsp. vinegar from pickled onion bottle and just enough mayonnaise dressing to moisten mixture. Use as filling between very thin slices of white bread that have been spread with salad dressing. Cover half the slices with mixture and remaining half with lettuce leaves lightly spread with mayonnaise. Put together in pairs, trim off crusts and cut in triangles. Serve with pin-money pickles and coffee. DECEMBER NINTH Quince Jelly and Pecan Nut Meats Sandwiches Whip 1 c. of quince jelly with a fork and add 1 c. of finely chopped pecan or hickory nut meats; mix well and use as filling between split lady fingers or thinly sliced nut bread spread with creamed butter. Serve with fruit salad and coffee or cocoa at afternoon, thimble or card party. These dainty sandwiches are an addition to the Iive O'clock or Afternoon Tea. DECEMBER TENTH Baked Beans, Tongue and Egg Sandwiches To 1 c. of Boston baked beans add 1 c. of tinely chopped cold boiled beef tongne or ham. Add 2 hard-cooked eggs, finely chopped; season with 1 .p. chopped parsley, salt, pepper and 1 tbsp. of vinegar from a pickled onion bottle. Mix thoroughly. Spread thin slices of brown bread or white bread (with crusts removed) with mustard butter; cover half the slices with a layer of mixture and remaining slices with lettuce heart leaves ouickly dined in French dressing. Put together in pairs, prres edts. cut in triangles, garnish with gherkins; serve with coffee.  DECEMBER ELEVENTH Veal, Celery and Nut Sandwiches Remove the meat from a knuckle of veal that has been boiled for soup or white stock. Finely chop meat-there should be 1% cs. Add % c. finely? chopped celery hearts and % c. of finely chopped nut meats (after removing brown skin). Mix thoroughly and moisten to the con- sistency to spread with salad dressing. Use as filling between thin slices of white bread that have been spread with creamed butter. Cut in any desired shape. Serve a small heart lettuce leaf holding a spoon- ful of chili sauce with each sandwich. DECEMBER TWELFTH Celery and English Walnut Sandwiches Finely chop the hearts of crisp celery, add % the quantity of new Eng- lish walnut meats, finely chopped. Mix lightly together; season with salt and moisten with mayonnaise. Spread thinly sliced white bread (crusts removed) with Sauce Tartare. Spread half the slices with celery mixture and remaining half with lettuce heart leaves. Press together and cut in triangles. Press the half of nut meats on top of each triangle. Serve at card parties, afternoon receptions, etc. DECEMBER THIRTEENTH Mock Crab Sandwiches Grate left-over cheese; there should be 1 c. Rub the yolk of 1 hard-cooked egg through a sieve; then to a paste with salad dressing (preferably mayon- naise), add to cheese, work well together and use as filling between crisp saltines or very thin slices of rye bread spread with mayonnaise. This mixture resembles very much in taste deviled crab meat. DECEMBER FOURTEENTH Chicken and Tomato Sandwiches Cut cold boiled fowl in very thin slices (using the breast only). Peel and thinly slice crosswise firm tomatoes. Have ready white bread cut in /-in. slices, crusts removed and bread spread with mayonnaise to which has been added (to each / c.) 2 tbsps. finely chopped celery, 1 tbsp. each finely chopped chives and capers. Cover half the slices with chicken, sprinkle with salt and pepper, cover with lettuce leaves spread with mayonnaise, sliced tomatoes spread with mayonnaise, lettuce leaves spread with dressing and the second slice of bread; press firmly together and cut in 3 uniform strips. Serve with Bur Mangoes or Pickled Water- melon. DECEMBER FIFTEENTH Turkey and Ham Sandwiches Cut the breast of cold boiled or roasted turkey in thin slices. Cut cold boiled ham in thin slices. Spread thinly sliced large sandwich bread with mayonnaise; cover some of the slices with turkey and lettuce leaves spread with mayonnaise; cover lettuce with a second slice of bread spread on both sides with mayonnaise; cover bread with slices of ham, spread ham with mustard and lettuce leaves, spread leaves with dressing and cover third slice of bread. Press together firmly and cut diagonally across. Garnish with celery hearts and ripe olives. Serve for luncheon or Sunday night supper. Piping hot coffee best accompanies this class of sandwiches. DECEMBER SIXTEENTH Hot Turkey Sandwiches Finely chop both light and dark meat of cold boiled or roast turkey- there should be 2 cs. Add / c. finely chopped canned mushrooms. Reheat in 2/ cs. of turkey gravy. Have ready lightly toasted white bread, with crusts removed. Place one slice on a hot plate, cover with the hot mixture and set a second slice of toast above. Pour over mix- ture to cover and serve each sandwich with a small mould of cranberry jelly. The recipe will make 5 large sandwiches. DECEMBER SEVENTEENTH Toasted Cheese Sandwiches Cut sandwich-bread in / in. slices. Cut sandwich cheese in slices half as thick as the slices of bread. Spread bread with butter, cover half the slices with a slice of cheese, put together in pairs, press firmly and toast lightly on both sides. Cut diagonally across and serve hot with strawberry or raspberry jam. r DECEMBER EIGHTEENTH Cream Cheese, Peanut Butter and Jam Mash a cream cheese, add gradually 3 tbsps. of peanut butter, stirring constantly until well blended. Season with salt. Cut graham or white bread in very thin slices, trim off crusts and spread half the slices with a thick layer of cheese mixture. Spread remaining half with a layer of red Bar-le-duc, or red raspberry jam or any tart red jelly. Put together in pairs, press edges and cut in small triangles. Dispose on a sandwich plate or dainty basket covered with a doily. Serve at 5 o'clock tea with assorted salted nut meats, crystalized orange peel or shredded ginger. DECEMBER NINETEENTH Holiday Sandwiches Work 1 c. of almond paste (the paste can be purchased in 1-lb. tins of any first-class grocer) until smooth, add 1 c. of powdered sugar and f. g. of salt. When thoroughly blended moisten with heavy cream (about 6 tbsps.). Spread thin slices of buttered brown or white bread with a thick layer of mixture, sprinkle with grated cocoanut and cover with a second slice of buttered bread. Press together and cut in triangles, finger shapes, hearts, diamonds, etc. Serve with tea, cocoa or coffee to callers during the holiday season. These sandwiches will not dry out if kept in a cool place covered with a damp napkin and a bowl. DECEMBER TWENTIETH Lobster Mayonnaise Sandwiches Finely mince cold-boiled lobster meat and add to mayonnaise to form a thick paste. Spread thin slices of white bread generously with mix- ture. Spread an equal number of slices with mayonnaise, cover with chopped lettuce; press together in pairs, trim off crusts and cut in triangles. DECEMBER TWENTY-FIRST Sunshine, Chocolate Ice Cream Sandwiches Bake a sunshine cake mixture in a large shallow pan so that it will be 1j/2 ins. in thickness when baked. When cold, cut in slices the size of brick ice cream, split and place a layer of chocolate ice cream cut Y in. thick between slices. Serve on cold individual plates and pour over marshmallow sauce made as follows: Cut /-lb. marshmallows in small pieces and melt in double boiler. Dissolve / c. confectioners' sugar in 2 c. of boiling water. Turn into marshmallows and stir until well blended. When cool use as directed, and sprinkle each portion with finely chopped candied cherries. Appropriate as dessert at Christmas luncheon. DECEMBER TWENTY-SECOND Maple Cream Sandwiches Melt /2-lb. maple cream bon-bons in the top of double boiler. Remove from range and spread between very thin slices of white bread spread with creamed butter or spread between fresh made lady fingers (press lightly and if bread is used cut in small triangles and garnish with halves of pecan nut meats) ; spread on the flat side with some of the cream mixture. Serve with tea, cocoa, chocolate or punches. DECEMBER TWENTY-THIRD Hot Creamed Oysters Put into the blazer of a large chafing dish 25 to 50 choice oysters. Let them heat until plump and edges are curled. Shake blazer often while heating. Season with salt, pepper, celery salt, lemon juice and butter to taste (allow % c. to 1 pt. oysters). When butter is melted, arrange over squares of hot buttered toast; to the liquor in blazer add / to 1 c. of hot cream (according to number of oysters used) and 1 tsp. finely chopped parsley. Set a second slice of toast above oysters and pour over hot cream to moisten. Serve at once. DECEMBER TWENTY-FOURTH Hot Beef Steak Sandwiches Cut thin slices from a large fillet of beef, pound with a chop bat. Brush over with soft butter and broil over glowing coals or under a gas flame, allowing about 3 mins. for each side. Season with salt and black pepper and lay over thin slices of bread that have been spread with horseradish butter; cover with a second slice of bread, press together. Set a thick slice of broiled tomato on each sandwich and serve for luncheon. r DECEMBER TWENTY-FIFTH Lobster Sandwiches with Corn Relish Remove the meat from a cold boiled lobster, chop very fine, sift over the coral and stir in the liver of the lobster. Add enough mayonnaise to moisten. Cut white bread in very thin slices, trim off crusts and spread with mayonnaise. Cover half the slices with a layer of prepared lobster, cover remaining half with a thin layer of finely chopped corr relish, cover relish with crisp lettuce leaves lightly spread with mayonnaise. Put together in pairs, press firmly together and cut in 3 narrow strips. Serve 1 sandwich with each portion of the Christmas dinner salad. DECEMBER .TWENTY-SIXTH Left-over Turkey and Stuffing Sandwiches Cut cold stuffing in /-in. slices, dip in beaten egg diluted with / c. of milk, then in fine cracker meal. Saute in hot turkey fat, browning first on one side, then on the other. Have ready 2 cs. of finely cut left-over turkey, heated in 2/ cs. of turkey gravy. On a hot plate place a slice of prepared dressing, cover with some of the turkey and gravy, cover with a second slice of stuffing, pour over a part of hot turkey. Serve for luncheon with cranberry sauce and celery hearts. Hot buttered toast may be used in place of stuffing. DECEMBER TWENTY-SEVENTH Pineapple Sandwiches Cook slowly finely chopped canned pineapple with the syrup and an addi- tional 4 c. of sugar and the juice of lemon until thick like marmalade. When cool spread between fresh baked lady fingers or sponge drops. Press to gether in pairs and serve with hot or iced tea, lemon or orangeade or punch. This variety of sandwiches are particularly good for the many large and small affairs given during the holiday season. DECEMBER TWENTY-EIGHTH Turkey and Tongue Sandwiches Chop fine remnants of cold roast turkey; add half the quantity of fine- chopped boiled tongue (potted tongue may be used). Mix well. Then add half as much fine-chopped celery as meat; moisten with salad dress- ing until of the right consistency to spread. Use as filling between thin slices of sandwich bread that have been lightly spread with salad dressing, or butter. Trim off the crusts and cut each sandwich in 3 narrow strips. Arrange on a sandwich plate and garnish each with a small mould of cranberry jelly. DECEMBER TWENTY-NINTH Beet and Cream Cheese Sandwiches Work 1 cream cheese with a little mayonnaise until of the consistency to spread. Finely chop a medium-sized cold cooked beet; mix with grated horseradish to taste; moisten with salad dressing. Spread thinly sliced bread (after removing the crusts) with salad dressing; spread half the slices with a layer of cheese mixture and remaining half with beet mixture. Put together in pairs; press firmly and cut in 3 narrow strips. Serve with dinner salads. DECEMBER THIRTIETH Mushroom and Lobster Sandwiches Peel and saute /-lb. fresh mushrooms in 2 tbsps. of butter with 1 tsp. of finely chopped onion 5 mins. Cover with chicken or beef stock and cook slowly until soft. Drain and finely chop and chill. Add an equal measure of finely chopped cold boiled lobster, mix well and season with salt, pepper, lemon juice and, if desired, tomato catsup may be added. Spread between thinly sliced bread that has been spread with salad dress- ing without the crusts. Place a lettuce leaf between and cut in any desired shape. Serve with coffee at card parties when men are present. DECEMBER THIRTY-FIRST Watch Night Sandwiches (Chicken, Sweetbreads and Oysters) Melt / c. butter in a sauce pan, add 12 c. flour mixed with 1 tsp. salt, f tsp. each pepper and celery salt, stir until well blended, then pour on slowly while stirring constantly Y c. strained oyster liquor and 2 es. hot cream or rich milk. Bring to the boiling point and add 2 cs. of cold boiled fowl, cut fine, 2 es. boiled sweetbreads cut in small pieces and 1 qt. of oysters cleaned and drained. Cook until oysters are plump (no longer), add 1 tbsp. finely chopped chives and 1 tsp, finely chopped parsley. Serve at once between slices of hot buttered toast. Pour some of the mixture over top of each sandwich. Serve with olives, pickles, celery shreds and hot coffee after "watch meeting," New Year's Eve.  HOT AND COLD BEVERAGES To Make Tea Scald an earthen or china teapot; drain, add the required measure of tea, allowing 1 tsp. for each / pt. measuring cup of boiling water. Cover closely and let stand in a warm place from 3 to 5 mins. (according to the quantity) and not a moment longer. Strain into another scalded teapot and serve immediately, with or without sugar, and pass cream. Iced Tea Make tea according to the instructions given above, adding an extra tsp. of tea for each pt. of boiling water. Do not allow the tea to infuse longer than 5 mins. Strain immediately into a pitcher. Allow the juice of 2 lemons for each pt. of tea; add sugar to sweeten to taste. Granulated sugar dissolves more readily than squares of sugar. Stir until sugar is dissolved; turn into bottle with patent stoppers or glass fruit jars, cover securely and when cold place on the ice in the refrigerator to thoroughly chill. Serve in cold glasses or mugs, with a thin slice of lemon in each mug. Tea with Mint Leaves Follow recipe for making iced tea. Into each glass or tea mug place 3 spearmint leaves and 2 tsps. of granulated sugar; let stand in a cool place until ready to serve; fill each glass % full of crushed ice; then fill glasses with tea infusion. Pass fine granulated sugar. The mint leaves should not be crushed as they are liable to impart a bitter flavor to the tea. Insert a few sprigs of frosted mint into each glass. Five O'clock Tea When tea is made in the dining room or the reception room, a Five O'clock Tea service is used. This consists of the tea kettle or "samover," the tea caddy, hot water pot, sugar, cream and "accessories" as described here- after. Dainty sweet or savory sandwiches, thin wafers, small cakes, Marguerites, marshmallow tartlets, etc., are arranged on doily-covered plates set in an English basket tray or "curate" and passed with each por- tion of tea, accompanied by the various tea accessories. TEA "ACCESSORIES" Arrange thinly sliced lemon (rejecting seeds) on a dainty glass plate. These may be served plain or with a tiny sprig of fresh mint inserted in the center of each slice. Thick slices of orange, cut "pie fashion." An orange triangle added to each cup of hot tea, with a thin slice of crystalized ginger, makes a happy combination for those who are fond of ginger, or the orange may be served alone. Tiny cloisonne caddies, filled with large Penang cloves, comprise another attractive addition to the Afternoon Tea Service. Penang tea is made by the addition of two or three Penang cloves to each cup of tea, with sugar to sweeten to taste. Candied cherries and candied pineapple are also used in both hot and iced tea. Hawaiian tea is made by adding to each cup 3 small triangles cut from candied pineapple that has been softened by gently heating the slices in a double boiler, then cutting them in the desired shapes. Lemon and Orange Sugar Wash both lemons and oranges, wipe dry, then rub the entire surface of squares of sugar over the rind of each until they are of a yellow color, having absorbed the aromatic oil which gives one the flavor of lemon and the other the flavor of orange. Place them in separate sugar bowls and serve them with Five O'clock Tea. To Make Tea in Large Quantity Put the tea leaves in a bag made of cheese cloth or sheer muslin. Place bag into a large clean, well scalded tea pot; add sufficient boiling water to make a strong infusion. Let stand in a warm (not hot) place 5 mins., then remove the bag and dilute the tea to suit the taste with water just below the boiling point. Cambric Tea (For the Kiddies) Put 1 square of loaf sugar in the bottom of each cup, fill cup % full with hot cream; let stand 1 min., then fill cup with freshly boiled water, pouring it direct from the tea kettle. This is a mild, nourishing beverage and heartily recommended for the children's breakfast during the winter months. It will also be found very pleasing to those who cannot partake of coffee.  Boiled Coffee To 1 c. of medium-ground coffee add 1 tbsp. of white of egg, slightly beaten, and % c. cold water; mix thoroughly and turn into a well scalded coffee pot; add 6 cs. of boiling water; place on range, bring to boiling point and let boil 4 mins., counting time when boiling begins. Stir down, pour off 1 c. of coffee to clear the spout of grounds, return coffee to pot, add / c. of cold water and remove to back of range, where it will keep hot but not boil. Let stand 10 mins. Serve at once in hot cups with hot milk or cream and sugar if desired. Cafe au Lait Follow recipe for Boiled Coffee, using but 3 cs. of boiling water and 3 cs. of scalded milk. When the coffee is removed to the back of range to ripen, scald the milk in a double boiler, then combine the two. Serve in hot cups for breakfast. This is the favorite breakfast coffee of the French nation. It is a most delicious beverage and serves the purpose most delightfully when cream is scarce. After-Dinner Coffee (Cafe Noir) For making after-dinner coffee use twice the measure of coffee, or half the measure of water, given in the recipe for boiled coffee. Serve in after- dinner cups or demi-tasse (half-cups), with or without sugar. Percolated or filtered coffee is often preferred where milk or cream is not used, as is always the case with after-dinner (black) coffee. Coffee and Orange Blossoms Follow recipe for making after-dinner coffee-there should be 1 qt. Ex- tract the juice from sweet oranges-there should be 1 c. Add to coffee and sweeten to taste with fine granulated sugar. Fill glasses to / their depth with cracked ice; add coffee mixture to witnin 1 in. of the top of glasses. Cover top with a pyramid of whipped cream sweetened and delicately flavored with orange extract. Serve immediately. Iced Coffee Follow recipe for Cafe au Lait. When cold turn into bottles or fruit jars and chill on ice. Serve in cold glasses or pretty earthen mugs, with whipped cream sweetened and flavored delicately with vanilla. Pile cream rounding above glasses. Pass powdered sugar. Cocoa Mix 4 tbsps. of cocoa, 4 tbsps. of sugar and / tsp. of salt. Add 4 c. of hot water slowly, stirring constantly until well blended; heat to boiling point and let boil gently 5 mins., stirring occasionally. Scald 1 qt. of milk in double boiler; add cocoa mixture, stirring constantly; then beat 2 mins., using a Dover egg beater. Just before serving beat again and add 1 tsp. vanilla. Serve in tall cups with whipped cream, sweetened and delicately flavored with vanilla, piled on top of each service. If marshmallows are served with the cocoa omit the vanilla. Reception Cocoa (Serves Fifty Guests) Mix 1/ cs. of cocoa, 1 cs. sugar and / tbsps. salt. Add gradually 4 cs. cold water, stirring constantly, then add 2 qts. boiling water; boil gently 20 mins. Combine with 6 qts. of scalded milk. Beat with a large wire whisk until foamy. Serve with whipped cream; add one fresh marshmallow to each cup. Chocolate Melt 2 squares of unsweetened chocolate in a small sauce pan, placed over hot water; add %/3 c. sugar, a f. g. of salt, and, gradually, 1 c. boiling water, stirring constantly until smooth. Place on range and boil 2 mins.; add to 1 qt. of scalded milk; beat with a Dover egg beater until foamy. Serve in warm chocolate cups with whipped cream sweetened and flavored with vanilla. Chocolate (Serves Fifty Guests) Break 1 lb. of unsweetened chocolate in pieces and melt over hot water add 1Y es. of sugar and 2 qts. boiling water, and boil 10 mins. Add Y2 tbsp. salt and 6 qts. scalded milk. Beat with a large wire whisk until foamy. Add 12 tbsps. vanilla, beat again and serve at once with whipped cream sweetened and flavored delicately with vanilla. 5 Tea Punch (Serves One Hundred Guests) To 1 gal. of strong English Breakfast tea infusion add the juice of 3 doz. lemons, the juice of 1 doz. oranges, 1 qt. of red raspberry juice and 1 qt. of white grape juice. Mix thoroughly; strain through a double fold of cheese cloth; add sugar to sweeten to taste; stir until sugar is dissolved or sweeten with sugar syrup. Dilute with sparkling water and cracked ice. Fruit Nectar Mix 1 qt. water and 2 cs. sugar. Heat to boiling point and boil 10 mins. When cool add 2 cs. grape-fruit cut in small pieces, juice of 4 lemons and the juice of 4 oranges. Freeze to a mash, add the stiffly beaten white of 1 egg. Repack freezer and let stand 3 hrs. to ripen. Serve in sherbet glasses. Cherry Frappe To 1 qt. of hot cherry juice, add 4-lb. sugar, 1 c. hot water and the juice of 1 lemon. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Chill and freeze to a mush. Add the stiffly beaten white of 1 egg and 1 c. of cherry pulp. Continue freezing and turn into a punch bowl. Serve in sherbet glasses. Mint "Tulip" Squeeze the juice out of 4 oranges and 5 lemons, rejecting the seeds. Pick leaves from sprigs of 2 bunches of mint, reserving the most perfect sprigs for use as a garnish (about / bunch). Add mint leaves, 2 cs. of sugar and Y c. of water to fruit juice. Let stand / hr. or until sugar is dissolved. Turn into a punch bowl, add ice and 1 / qts. of ginger ale. Serve in sparkling water glasses immediately. Garnish each glass with a sprig of "frosted mint." To Frost Mint Leaves Select perfect sprigs of mint, brush each lightly with the slightly beaten white of egg; then dredge with fine granulated sugar at once while leaves are still moist. Let dry and use as directed. Mint Punch Wash freshly gathered mint; dry by shaking in a double fold of cheese cloth. Pick off the leaves-there should be 1 qt. Put them into a pitcher, mash with a wooden pestle until soft. Add freshly boiled water (while boiling), enough to entirely cover leaves. Cover and let infuse 10 mins. Strain, and when cool set in the refrigerator until ready to serve. Then add 2 cs. of chilled grape juice and sufficient lemon juice to bring out the flavors. Add fine granulated sugar to sweeten to taste and stir until sugar is dissolved. Just before serving add 1 qt. of a fine quality oi ginger ale. Turn into glasses filled /3 full of cracked ice and serve at once. Ginger Ale Julep Put 1 cs. of fine granulated sugar into a pitcher, add the strained juice of 6 large lemons. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Chill thoroughly on ice. Turn into fancy serving pitcher filled / full with cracked ice, shake vigorously 1 min. Then insert / doz. long sprigs of fresh mint into the mouth of pitcher; slightly bruise the lower leaves by pinching them with the fingers; add 2 pt. bottles of ginger ale and pour at once into glasses filled to / their depth with cracked ice. Garnish each glass with 3 frosted sprigs of mint. Serve immediately. Milk Shake Put 1 tsp. of fine granulated sugar into each glass (/-pt. tumbler). Add thoroughly chilled rich milk, enough to fill glasses to within 1 in. of the top; stir until sugar is dissolved, add 1 tsp. of maraschino syrup to each glass; set 1 tbsp. of whipped cream on top, cover with a shaker and shake 1 min. Add a dash of nutmeg and serve at once. If not sweet enough increase the measure of sugar to suit the taste. Cafe au Vanilla Frappe To 1 qt. of chilled clear strong coffee add / c. of cream, 1 tbsp. of vanilla and sugar to sweeten to taste (about Y c.). Turn into a freezer packed in equal measure of rock salt and crushed ice. Freeze to a mush (and no more). Serve in tall glasses with a meringue of whipped cream sweetened and delicately flavored with vanilla placed on top of each por- tion. Any of the sweet sandwiches may be served with this delicious frapp6. It will prove a favorite at porch or bridge parties or wherever light refreshments are desired.  Hygeia Punch Into a punch bowl put a large piece of ice and 1 qt. of thoroughly chilled grape juice; add 2 qts. of ginger ale and serve at once in tall, thin glasses, chilled. Chocolate with Meringue Melt 4 squares of chocolate over hot water, add 4 tbsps. of sugar, a f. g. of salt and / c. of hot water. Cook over a slow fire until smooth, stir- ring constantly. Scald 1 qt. of milk with a 2-in. stick of cinnamon; re- move cinnamon and add the chocolate mixture. Beat with a Dover egg beater until thoroughly blended. Add 1 tsp. of vanilla. Beat 1 pt. of triple cream until stiff; beat the whites of 3 eggs until stiff, then fold them into the beaten cream; add gradually /s c. of powdered sugar and continue cutting and folding until well mixed. Add / of the meringue to the chocolate and pile the remainder on the top of each portion when poured into hot chocolate cups. Sprinkle lightly with grated vanilla chocolate. Lemonade Make a syrup by boiling together 2 cs. of sugar and 4 cs. of water until a heavy syrup is formed. Cool and add 1 c. of lemon juice, discarding all seeds and pips. Dilute with ice water or very cold water. Orangeade Prepare syrup the same as for lemonade. Sweeten orange juice with syrup to taste and dilute with cold water or pour over cracked ice. Ginger Ale Orangeade Follow recipe for making orangeade. Pour over cracked ice and dilute with ginger ale. Pineapple Lemonade Make a syrup by boiling 1 c. of sugar and 2 cs. of water 10 mins. Add 1 can of grated pineapple, the juice of 3 lemons and juice of 1 large orange; chill, strain and dilute with 1 qt. of cold water; pour over cracked ice and serve in tall thin glasses. Fruit Punch No. 1 (Serves Fifty Guests) Add 8 cs. (4 lbs.) of sugar to 4 qts. water. Boil 20 mins. Chill. Add 2 shredded pineapples, 4 cs. loganberry juice, 2 boxes strawberries hulled and sliced lengthwise, juice of 12 oranges, juice of 6 lemons; chill and dilute with sparkling water until of the desired strength. Serve in sherbet glasses. Fruit Punch No. 2 To 1 qt. of red raspberry juice add 1 qt. of red currant juice, juice of 3 lemons, juice of 1 pineapple, juice of 4 oranges. Mix thoroughly, add 6 cs. sugar to 1 qt. water, bring quickly to the boiling point and boil 10 mins. Cool slightly; add to fruit juice mixture and chill thoroughly. Fill tall glasses /a full of cracked ice, add punch to fill glasses % full; then dilute with sparkling water and serve immediately. Delicia Punch Prepare a syrup by boiling 1 c. of sugar and / c. water until it spins a thread ; pour syrup on the whites of 3 eggs beaten until light and fluffy, but not 'stiff ; to this add slowly 1 qt. of fresh made English breakfast tea infusion that has been well chilled; add this mixture to 1 qt. of ice cream flavored with lemon extract and not frozen too hard. Mix care- fully and thoroughly; turn into freezer and frapp6. Serve from a chilled punch bowl in tall thin glasses. Pomona Frappe Prepare a syrup by boiling 2 cs. of water and 2 cs. of sugar 10 mins., add 1 qt. of sweet cider, 2 cs. of orange juice and / c. of lemon juice; strain, chill, add 1 pt. of imported ginger ale and frapp6. Serve in shallow champagne glasses. Rhubarb Punch Wash, drain and cut 4 lbs. of rhubarb in 1-in. pieces. Add 1 qt. of water, 1 small bay leaf, and cook 20 mins., or until rhubarb is soft. Strain through a double cheese cloth; do not squeeze pulp as it will cloud the juice. Add 2 cs. of orange juice, 1 c. lemon juice and / c. ginger syrup (taken from a jar of preserved Canton ginger). Add sugar to sweeten to taste (about 2;, cs.). Cook 5 mins., strain again. Chill and dilute with sparkling water or ginger ale and cracked ice. If ginger ale is used, the ginger syrup may be omitted. The recipe will serve 30 guests, 1 sherbet glass each.  Malted Milk Cocoa Egg-Nog Put into a sauce pan 2 tbsps. of malted milk, 2 tbsps. of cocoa, 1 tbsp. of sugar, f. g. of salt; gradually add 1 c. of boiling water, stirring constantly until ingredients are thoroughly blended. Add / c. cream and bring to the boiling point; remove at once from the fire and pour slowly on 1 egg that has been beaten until thick and lemon-tinted. Turn into 3 hot tea cups, sprinkle with nutmeg and serve with Marguerites for a light luncheon. Mulled Cider Put 1 qt. of sweet cider in a sauce pan. Add 1 small stick of cinnamon broken in pieces, / tsp. whole allspice, 6 whole cloves and 1 small piece ginger root. Bring to boiling point; let boil 3 mins. Skim and turn into a hot stone pitcher; serve hot in small steins. Hot ginger bread, sweet butter and "crumbly" cottage cheese mixed with rich cream and mulled cider, makes a palatable luncheon for Hallowe'en. Chocolate Syrup Mix % c. of Walter Baker's breakfast cocoa and 2 es. of sugar thorough- ly. Add 1 c. boiling water while stirring constantly; bring to the boil- ing point, and let boil gently 5 mins. Cool, add 1 tbsp. vanilla; turn into a pint glass fruit jar and keep in the refrigerator. Chocolate Ice-Cream Soda Into a tumbler put a small cone of vanilla ice cream, pour over 2 tbsps. of chocolate syrup and fill the glass with thoroughly chilled soda water drawn from syphon. Chocolate Milk Shake Fill a tumbler / full of finely crushed ice, add 2 tbsps. chocolate syrup, 2 c. of rich milk and / c. thoroughly chilled soda water drawn from syphon. Turn into a shaker and shake until well blended. Serve with whipped cream sweetened and flavored delicately with vanilla. The whipped cream may be omitted. Chicago Cooler Add / c. of cream to 1 bottle of imported sarsaparilla and stir thor- oughly. Serve immediately. Both the cream and sarsaparilla should be thoroughly chilled before mixing. Raspberry Shrub Pick over 6 qts. of raspberries, put 2 into an earthen jar; add 1 qt. of pure cider vinegar, cover and let stand 24 hrs. Strain through double fold of cheese cloth. Pour strained liquor over remaining raspberries, let stand 24 hrs. Strain again through a jelly bag. To each cup of juice add 1 lb. (2 cs.) sugar. Bring slowly to the boiling point, stirring until sugar is dissolved. Let boil 20 mins. Skim, bottle and seal. Di- lute with water for serving. Ginger Ale Cobbler Have on hand the required number of soda water glasses. These glasses hold 12 ozs. (A common-sized tumbler holds / pt.) Fill a soda water glass half full of finely crushed ice, add 1 slice (the small size) pine- apple and fill the glass with a fine quality of ginger ale. Serve immediately. "A Brain Duster" Put into a soda water glass 2 tbsps. of coffee syrup, / c. of whipped cream and V4 c. shaved ice. Shake (use a shaker) well and fill the glass with carbonated water; finish with whipped cream sweetened and flavored with vanilla. Serve immediately. Chicago Blink Into a soda water glass put 2 tbsps. of pineapple syrup, 1 tbsp. of rasp- berry syrup, add 1 tsp. lime juice, 2 tsbps. white grape juice, the juice of 1 lemon and % of a glass of finely crushed ice. Fill the glass with carbonated water. Mix well, garnish glass with half slice of pineapple and a maraschino cherry. Serve at once.  INDEX TO RECIPES A Dessert Sandwich.. ..........June 11th Afternoon Tea Sandwiches ......... Aug. 31st Alabama Sandwiches.... .... ..Jan. 22nd Anchovy, Cottage Cheese Sand ..... July 28th Anchovy and Cheese Sandwiches .... June 16th Anchovy and Egg Sandwiches...... May 1st Anchovy Butter Folds............. Sept. 16th Anchovy, Fish and Egg Sandwiches. Dec. 4th Anchovy Puree Sandwiches ........ Jan. 12th Another College Girl Sandwich...... July 20th Another Sardine Sandwich Mixture.. June 1st Apricot Sandwich with Sauce...... Sept. 11th Autumn Sandwiches...............Sept. 19th Bacon Sandwiches.. ............Apr. 22nd Baked Bean and Onion Sandwiches.. July 17th Baked Bean, Horseradish and Celery.Aug. 15th Baked Beans, Tongue, Egg Sand .... Dec. 10th Baking Powder Biscuit, Bacon Sand . July 22nd Beach Luncheon Sandwiches ....... July 10th Beef Steak Sandwiches ............ Nov. 25th Beet and Cream Cheese Sandwiches.. Dec. 29th Bermuda Onion Sandwiches ........ Apr. 26th Betrothal Sandwiches.............Jan. 31st Black Walnut, Cheese Sandwiches. .. Nov. 4th Bloater and Watercress Sandwiches.. Sept. 15th Bloater Sandwiches ............... Apr. 16th Boston Sandwiches................May 4th Boston Club Sandwiches.......... .July 5th Bread and Butter Folds............ July 30th Bridesmaids Luncheon Sandwiches..June 14th Brie Cheese Sandwiches............ Nov. 17th Broiled Frankfurters Sandwiches.... July 23rd Broiled Ham Sandwiches.......... .Jan. 15th Brown Bread Sandwiches .......... Feb. 16th Buffet Luncheon Sandwiches ....... Feb. 26th Camembert, Sauce Tartare Sand ... . Nov. 5th Camp Sandwiches ................ Dec. 3rd Canton Ginger Sandwiches.........July 13th Card Party Sandwiches........... Oct. 9th Carmi Sandwiches. .............Aug. 13th Caviare Sandwiches No.1..........Jan. 2nd Caviare Sandwiches No. 2..........Sept. 8th Caviare Toast Sandwiches ......... Dec. 7th Celery, Almond, Turkey Sandwiches.Dec. 6th Celery, English Walnut Sandwiches. Dec. 12th Celery, Roquefort Cheese Sand ..... Nov. 18th Celery, Orange, Nut Sandwiches. .. Apr. 19th Celery Sandwiches No. 1........... Jan. 3rd Celery Sandwiches No. 2........... Apr. 18th Checker-board Sandwiches......... Mar. 9th Cheese and Almond Sandwiches.....June 24th Cheese and Anchovy Sandwiches.... Jan. 16th Cheese and Herring Sandwiches..... Apr. 2nd Cheese and Onion Sandwiches ...... May 23rd Cheese and Pineapple Sandwiches.. . June 24th Cheese, Raisin and Nut Sandwiches..Mar. 24th Cherry and Pineapple Sandwiches...Aug. 7th Chicken a la King Sandwiches ...... Mar. 7th Chicken, Green Pepper Sandwiches.. May 21st Chicken and Ham Sandwiches ...... Feb. 15th Chicken and Nut Sandwiches....... Jan. 7th Chicken and Oyster Sandwiches.....Oct. 17th Chicken, Salted Almond Sandwiches.Oct. 1st Chicken, Ham, Olive Sandwiches... . Dec. 1st Chicken and Tomato Sandwiches.... Dec. 14th Chicken, Lettuce, Almond Sand..... May 30th Chicken Salad Sandwiches ......... Nov. 3rd Chicken, Sweetbread and Mushroom Sandwiches....................June 28th Chicken, Tongue, Mushroom Sand. . Mar. 30th Children's Luncheon Sandwiches.... May 15th Chocolate Sandwiches ............. Jan. 26th Chocolate and Nut Sandwiches. ....Aug. 6th Club Oyster Sandwiches ...........Sept. 23rd Club Sandwiches...............Nov. 30th Cold Ham and Egg Sandwiches ..... Mar. 27th Cold Roast Beef Sandwiches........Apr. 5th College Girls' Sandwiches..........Apr. 24th Colonial Sandwiches .............. Mar. 28th Colonial Sandwiches II ............April 3rd Corned Beef Sandwiches No. 1...... July 7th Cottage Cheese, Anchovy Sand ..... Feb. 2nd Cottage Cheese, Chives and Water- cress Sandwiches................Nov. 7th Cottage Cheese Sandwiches ........ May 19th Country Club Sandwich...........April 9th Crab Meat and Celery Sandwiches... Aug. 11th Crab M at and Tomato Sandwiches . Oct. 14th Crab M- atSandwiches............Aug. 9th Crab Meat Sandwiches ............ Oct. 16th Cream Cheese, Bar-le-duc Sand .....Oct. 28th Cream Cheese, Herring Sandwiches.. July 14th Cream Cheese, Peanut Brittle Sand.. Jan. 13th Cream Cheese, Pineapple Sand...... June 2nd Cream Cheese and Smoked Herring Sandwiches....................May 3rd Cream Cheese, Peanut Butter and Jam Sandwiches . ............... Dec. 18th Cream Cheese, Pimiento and Piquant Mayonnaise Sandwiches......... July 19th Cucumber, Mayonnaise Sandwiches. Au,. 3' th Cucumber, Celery, Nut Sandwiches. Sept. 12th Cucumber, Egg, Watercress Sand ... Sept. 28th Cucumber Sandwiches............. Jan. 20th Dainty Lady Finger Sandwiches ... .Oct. 30th Date and Ginger Sandwiches ....... Jan. 6th Date, Fig, Candied Cherry Sand . . .. May 27th Date, Fig and Prune Sandwiches ... .Apr. 21st Deviled Almond Sandwiches........ Mar. 11th Deviled Ham, Cheese Sandwiches.. . May 17th Deviled Ham, Swiss Cheese Sand... . Oct. 20th Deviled Ham Sandwiches .......... Jan. 17th Deviled Sandwiches...............Apr. 29th Edam Cheese and Nut Sandwiches. . Nov. Edam Cheese, Salted Nut Sand . . . . Sept. Edam Cheese, Eggs and Watercress Sandwiches .... .........Dec. Egg and Anchovy Sandwiches ...... Feb. Egg and Bacon Sandwiches......... Apr. Egg and Cheese Paste for Sand...... Sept. Egg, Cucumber Pickle Sandwiches... June Egg and Cucumber Sandwiches ..... June Egg and Pickle Sandwiches.........July Egg and Smoked Salmon Sand ...... Oct. Egg and Texas Onion Sandwiches. . . May Egg and Tomato Sandwiches ....... Aug. Egg, Ham, Watercress Sandwiches.. Apr. Egg, Pepper, Sardine Sandwiches.... Nov. Eggs a la Moutarde Sandwiches..... Mar. Egyptian Ham Sandwiches.........Apr. Emergency Sandwiches............ Jan. 10th 17th 2nd 21st 1st 25th 9th 7th 2nd 12th 18th 10th 25th 20th 16th 12th 29th Fig, Raisin Brown Bread Sand...... Nov. 29th Five O'Clock Tea Sandwiches....... Feb. 23rd Florida Sandwiches ............... May 9th Fraternity Sandwiches.............July 11th French Chestnut, Chicken Sand.... .Oct. 15th French Sandwiches....... .......Nov. 27th Fried Egg and Bacon Sandwiches....June 6th Fried Egg Sandwiches ............ July 25th Fried Oyster Sandwiches...........Jan. 27th Fruit Sandwiches.................July 26th Garden Rummage Sandwiches ...... Aug. 21st Ginger and Cream Cheese Sand ..... Nov. 22nd Ginger, Orange Marmalade Sand....July 31st Grated Cheese and Chili Sauce Sand. June 26th Green and Red Pepper Sandwiches. . Aug. 14th Green Pepper, Onion, Parsley Sand. .Mar. 5th Grilled Ham and Egg Sandwiches ... Oct. 23rd Guava Jelly, Cheese Sandwiches.. . . Sept. 2nd Halibut and Cucumber Sandwiches.. June 8th Halibut, Cucumber Salad Sand ..... July 27th Halibut Sandwiches ............... Feb. 1st Ham, Mustard Pickles Sandwiches. . May 26th Ham and Mustard Sandwiches......May 14th Ham and Tomato Sandwiches ...... Sept. 26th Harlequin Sandwiches ............. May 10th "Hasty" Cream Cheese Sandwiches.. Nov. 19th Holiday Sandwiches ............... Dec. 19th Holland Herring Sandwiches....... .Sept. 1st Hot Anchovy, Spinach, Egg Sand ... Sept. 22nd Hot Bacon Sandwiches ............ May 25th Hot Beef Steak Sandwiches.........Dec. 24th Hot Biscuit with Cheese Filling. ....Sept. 21st Hot Broiled Ham, Egg Sandwiches. . Mar. 13th Hot Cheese Sandwiches, Tomato Sce.Mar. 23rd Hot Chicken Sandwiches.......... Jan. 28th Hot Creamed Oysters.............. Dec. 23rd Hot Creamed Tuna Fish Sandwiches.Sept. 29th Hot Dandelion, Bacon Sandwiches. . Apr. 27th Hot Giblet Sandwiches No. 1 .......Oct. 21st Hot Giblet Sandwiches No. 2 .......Nov. 12th Hot Ham and Egg Sandwiches......Mar. 22nd Hot Ham and Tomato Sandwiches . .Feb. 20th Hot HamSandwiches.............Mar. 18th Hot Lobster Sandwiches...........Jan. 30th Hot Open Oyster Sandwiches....... Jan. 5th Hot Roast Beef Sandwiches ........Oct. 29th Hot Shrimp and Celery Sandwiches.. Feb. 29th Hot Shrimp Sandwiches ........... Mar. 2nd Hot Toasted Cheese Sandwiches.... Nov. 23rd Hot Turkey Sandwiches ...........Dec. 16th Hungry Hunter's Sandwiches....... Nov. 6th Hurry-Up Sandwiches.............July 4th Jelly Sandwiches... .............. Jan. 25th Jewish Cheese Sandwiches.........Feb. 25th June Picnic Sandwiches............ June 21st "Kiddies" Birthday Sandwiches.... Mar. 10th Kingston Sandwiches ..............Sept. 6th Kippered Herring Sandwiches ...... Oct. 6th Kumquat Marmalade and Cocoanut Sandwiches....................Nov. 1st Lady Finger and Orange Marmalade Sandwiches .................... Oct. 5th Lamb Sandwiches................. July 24th Left-over Turkey, Stuffing Sand.....Dec. 26th  INDEX TO RECIPES-Continued Lenten Sandwiches.. ............ Mar. 9th Lettuce, Spanish Onion Sandwiches.. Oct. 3rd Lettuce, Celery, Pecan Sandwiches. .Aug. 29th Liver Sausage, Horseradish Sand. . . .Oct. 8th Liver Sausage, Pickle Sandwiches. .. Sept. 10th Liver Sausage, Watercress Sand..... Feb. 17th Lobster and Egg Sandwiches ....... July 18th Lobster and Pimola Sandwiches..... Oct. 2nd Lobster and Tomato Sandwiches ... Oct. 24th Lobster, Eggs, Cucumber Sand... ..Mar. 6th Lobster Fingers................. .Tan. 10th Lobster Mayonnaise Sandwiches.... Dec. 20th Lobster Salad Sandwiches.......... May 22nd Lobster Sandwiches-ClubStyle... .June 12th Lobster Sandwiches with Corn RelishDec. 25th Lobster, Watercress, Egg Sandwiches June 4th Log Cabin Sandwiches ............. Feb. 12th Luncheon Sandwiches.............Feb. 28th Maple Cream Sandwiches.........Dec. 22nd Marguerites.. Apr. 13th Marshmallow Sandwiches..........Feb. 13th Marshmallow Tea Sandwiches ...... Aug. 1st Mayonnaise, Egg, Anchovy Sand.... Apr. 14th May-Time Sandwiches............ May 5th MelbaSandwiches................Feb. 7th Mid-Summer Sandwiches .......... Aug. 5th Milwaukee Club Sandwiches....... Nov. 26th Minced Ham and Mustard Pickles Sandwiches...................Aug. 18th Mint ard Sweet Butter Sandwiches..Oct. 11th Mock Crab Sandwiches No. 1....... Apr. 4th Mock Crab Sandwiches No. 2....... Dec. 13th Motor Sandwiches ................ May 7th Mushroom and Lobster Sandwiches. Dec. 30th Nasturtium Sandwiches No. 1...... May Nasturtium Sandwiches No. 2 ...... June Near Chicken Sandwiches.......... Jan. Neufchatel Cheese, Celery and Olive Sandwiches . .................May Neufchatel and Pimolas Sandwiches. July "New Fangled" Sandwiches........ Apr. Nut Bread and Cheese Sandwiches. . Apr. Nut Bread and Cream Cheese Sand.. Nov. Nut Bread and Orange Marmalade Sandwiches....................July 12th 17th 21st 24th 3rd 8th 30th 21st 15th Olive, Celery and Egg Sandwiches. . .Aug. 19th Olive, Cheese, Anchovy Sandwiches. Jan. 14th Olive, Ham and Nut Sandwiches . . .. June 18th Olives, Green Pepper, Chicken Sand. June 23rd Onion and Bacon Sandwiches....... Jan. 19th Open Fried Oyster Sandwiches......Sept. 7th Open Orange Marmalade SandwichesAug. 4th Orange Honey Sandwiches ......... Feb. 24th Oyster and Sweetbread Sandwiches.. Mar. 3rd Palace Hotel (Calif.) Sandwiches .. . Feb. 27th Parisian Sweet Sandwiches......... June 19th Pate-de-Foie-Gras, Jelly Sandwiches.Nov. 11th Pate-de-Fois-Gras Sandwiches No. 1.Feb. 8th Pate-de-Fois-Gras Sandwiches No. 2.Oct. 7th Peanut Butter, Lettuce Sandwiches . Mar. 29th Peanut Butter, Orange Marmalade Sandwiches....................June 5th Peanut Butter and Tomato Catsup Sandwiches.. ...............Feb. 4th Peanut Butter with Fruit Sand..... Mar. 20th Peanut Butter with Sweet Pickle Sandwiches......................Apr. 23rd Peanut Sandwiches ............... Jan. 9th Peanut, Watercress and Green Onion Sandwiches ....................M ay 11th Pickled Pigs' Feet Sandwiches ...... Oct. 27th Pick'd Tongue, Pimiento Sandwiches.Nov. 9th Pickled Tongue Sandwiches ........ Sept. 5th Picnic Sandwiches ................May 6th Pimiento Butter San dwiches........ Feb. 10th Pimiento Cheese, Nut Sandwiches... Aug. 25th Pimola Sandwiches................ Apr. 1t th Pineapple, Tomato Club Sandwiches.Oct. 22nd Pineapple Sandwiches ............. Dec. 27th Pineapple, Sweetbread and Pimiento Sandwiches .................... M ar. 26th Plain Bacon Sandwiches ........... June 30th Pork Tenderloin Sandwiches ....... Mar. 1st Potted Ham, Chicken, Tongue Sand. July 16th PraulineSandwiches ..............May 31st Pressed Chicken or Turkey Sand... . Mar. 4th Pressed Cold Corned Beef Sand ..... Aug. 16th Prune, Cream Cheese Sandwiches . . Sept. 24th Puree of Sardine Sandwiches........ Feb. 6th Quince Jelly and Pecan Nut Meats Sandwiches....................Dec. 9th Raisin Sandwiches................Oct. 13th Rarebit and Onion Sandwiches...... Feb. 3rd Rarebit Sandwiches ............... Aug. 22nd Raw Beef Sandwiches.............Aug. 26th Red CrossSandwiches.............Sept. 20th Ripe Olive and English Walnut Sand.A u;. 17th Ripe Olives, Nut, Cheese Sand ....Jan. 18th Roast Goose Sandwiches........... Mar. 21st Roast Pork Sandwiches............ Oct. 4th Rolled Sandwiches ................ June 27th Rolled Sardine Sandwiches.........Apr. 11th Romanoff Caviar Sandwiches....... Aug. 23rd Roman Sandwiches .............. Dec. 8th Roquefort Cheese and English Wal- nut Sandwiches.................Oct. 10th Roquefort Cheese, Olive Sandwiches.May 20th Roquefort Cheese Sandwiches ...... Feb. 9th St. Patrick's Sandwiches........... Mar. 17th St. Valentine's Sandwiches.........Feb. 14th Salami Sausage Sandwiches ........ Aug. 24th Salmon and Cucumber Sandwiches.. Jan. 4th Salmon, Egg, Lettuce Sandwiches . . .Aug. 27th Sandwiches for Club or Church Luncheons.....................Mar. 31st Sandwiches-Norway Style ........Nov. 8th Sardine and Cheese Sandwiches..... Sept. 9th Sardine and Olive Sandwiche<.......Oct. 25th Sardipes, Eggs, Pimiento Sandwiches.Aug. 3rd Sausage Sandwiches............... Apr. 15th Sauted Cheese Sandwiches ......... Mar. 8th Sauted Egg Sandwiches............Apr. 10th Savory Roast Beef Sandwiches...... May 13th Scallop and Celery Sandwiches...... Jan. 24th School Girl Sandwiches ............ Sept. 18th Shad Roe and Celery Sandwiches.... Mar. 25th Shrimp and Cucumber Sandwiches. .Apr. 17th Shrimp and Watercress Sandwiches..Apr. 6th Shrimp, Celery and Egg Sandwiches. Jan. 23rd Sliced Chicken Sandwiches ......... Feb. 19th Smoked White Fish Sandwiches..... July 6th Snappy Cottage Cheese Sandwiches. June 3rd Snappy Sandwiches ............... May 16th Society Sandwiches ...............June 10th Sophomore Sandwiches............ Jan. 8th Sorority Sandwiches............... Mar. 15th Spanish Onion Sandwiches ......... Nov. 15th Spanish Sandwiches No. 1.......... Feb. 5th Spanish Sandwiches No. 2.......... Mar. 12th Spinach, Egg and Green Onion Sand. June 22nd Sponge Cake and Raspberry Whip Sandwiches (For Dessert) ........ July 1st Sportsman's Sandwiches...........Sept 13th Springtime Sandwiches............Apr. 20th Strawberry Sandwiches............ June 29th Stuffed Egg and Tongue Sandwiches.June 13th Sunshine Cake Sandwiches with Marshmallow Sauce.............Aug. 2nd Sunshine, Chocolate Ice Cream Sandwiches....................Dec. 21st Sunshine Sandwiches.............. July 12th Sweetbread, Celery and Cucumber Sandwiches ...................Oct. 18th Sweet Butter, Mustard and Ham Sandwiches....................Aug. 12th Swiss and Spanish Sandwiches ...... May 29th Swiss Cheese and English Mustard Sandwiches....................Oct. 19th Swiss Cheese and Ham Sandwiches. . Sept. 14th Swiss Cheese Sandwiches........... Feb. 18th "Three Story" Sandwiches.........Apr. 7th Toasted Cheese Sandwiches........Dec. 17th Toasted Cheese Sandwiches ........ July 29th Toasted Cheese, Bacon Sandwiches.. Sept. 4th Toasted Cheese with Nut Meats .... May 8th Toasted Chicken and Ham Sand. ... Aug. 28th Toasted Cream Cheese, Pecan Sand . Jan. 11th Toasted Jam Sandwiches........... Nov. 14th Toasted Marmalade Sandwiches. . . . Mar. 14th Tomato and Bacon Sandwiches ..... Sept. 30th Tomato and Chive Sandwiches......Aug. 20th Tomato, Horseradish Sandwiches.. . July 9th Tomato and Lettuce Sandwiches.. . . Oct. 26th Tomato, Neufchatel and Roquefort Sandwiches ....................Aug. 8th Tomato Sandwiches............... Sept. 27th Tongue and Celery Sandwiches. . . . . Sept. 3rd Tongue and Olive Sandwiches...... July 21st Tongue, Egg, Mustard Sandwiches. . Nov. 13th Tuna Fish, Celery, Pimiento Sand.. . Nov. 2nd Tuna Fish Sandwiches ............. June 15th Turkey Club Sandwiches............Nov. 24th Turkey and Ham Sandwiches....... Dec. 15th Turkey and Tongue Sandwiches..... Dec. 28th Turkey Sandwiches No. 1..........Jan. 1st Turkey Sandwiches No. 2 .......... Nov. 28th Veal, Celery and Nut Sandwiches. . . Dec. 11th Veal, Egg and Celery Sandwiches.... July 8th Veal, Tongue, Horseradish Sand ... . May 28th Waldorf Sandwiches...............Nov. 16th Washington's Birthday Sandwiches.. Feb. 22nd Watch Night Sandwiches .......... Dec. 31st Watercress and Egg Sandwiches..... May 2nd Watercress, Apple, Nut Sandwiches. Dec. 5th Watercress Sandwiches ............Feb. 11th Wedding Sandwiches..............June 20th Woodland Goodies Sandwiches .... Oct. 31st a r ) I 1 y Ca s ! I 'II vv / 4 Al 1 V / , IF ;;