4 L v A NAAv DINNERS for ALL OCCASIONS With INSTRUCTIONS for# andINfORMAL DINNER SERVICE ELIZABETH 0./ rHILLER PUBLISHEBD ANDCOPYRIGHlTED THE P.RFVOLLAND COMPANY ~JOLIET, ILLINOIS NEW YORK SOSTON TORONTQ  FOREWORD I N response to the numerous requests from young housekeepers and hostesses, "for a new calendar of dinners, accompanied by all recipes mentioned in the menus," I offer this compilation to those who accepted the old Calendar of Dinners, as a more helpful culinary adjunct; sincerely.hoping that a new audience will tender the new Calendar, "Dinners for all Occasions," as gracious a reception. Judging from the experiences recorded in many of these letters of inquiry, it is very evident that the difficulty which confronts many young housekeepers lies in select- ing appropriate menus for such occasions. It is the aim of this Calendar to overcome such difficulties. There are menus for "plain family Sunday dinners, company dinners, and real Holiday dinners." Recipes for preparing the different meats, poultry, game and fish that serve as the "piece de resistance" (the meat course) are followed by recipes for sauces, vegetables, salads and desserts that properly accompany them; each of which will provide sufficient to serve from six to eight people. It is very important that the instructions How to Measure Accurately, Methods of Cooking, etc., be thoroughly studied and religiously followed, when using these recipes. If this is done, the preparation of these dinners will be comparatively easy. The plain dinners should be worked out first, before attempting the more pretentious menus. In this way you will have learned how to manage "cooking three or four things at the same time." This is one of the difficulties I wish to help you to overcome. Get into the habit of referring to the Calendar not only in emergencies, but daily, and do not look upon it as too good for everyday service. Only by making it your constant companion, can you learn all that it may do for you in conserving your tine, thought and labor. If you would become a clever hostess, bear in mind that the first and most important rule to be observed, is not to attempt more than can be done well and with ease. If the foregoing suggestions are given due atten- tion, I can vouch that the Calendar of "Dinners for al Occasions" will fill every requirement. ELIZABETH 0. HILLER.  FORMAL AND INFORMAL DINNERS When covers are laid for ten guests (or less) to which formal invita- tions have been sent, the menu should consist of from eight to ten courses, rather fewer if the dinner is to be followed by any special form of entertainment, as a theatre party, bridge or a dance. The different courses should be carefully selected so as to blend one with the other, in order to have harmony prevail throughout the dinner. The essentials are a centerpiece of flowers, fruits or ferns, spotless damask, sparkling silver and glass, dainty china, comfortable chairs, a dining room not too warm, a few dishes well cooked, daintily served, however simple, a genial host, a gracious hostess and pleasant people furnish an entertainment leaving little to be desired. THE TABLE: The table may be square, oblong or round. The round table seems to be the preference of all others, as it lends itself so readily to decorative effects, giving an attractive view of the guests, in fact of the whole ensemble. LAYING THE TABLE: Two important points to be observed in laying the table, is first having the linen immaculate, without creases and the best damask one can afford. Second, arranging the covers with mathematical precision. Cover the table with an asbestos mat that perfectly fits the shape and top of the table, spread over this a double-faced cotton fabric made for this purpose, called the "silence cloth"; above this, lay the dinner cloth; it should fall over the edge of the table from twelve to fourteen inches. Then in the exact center, lay a centerpiece of lace or embroidered linen which serves as a back- ground for the floral decorations. FLORAL DECORATIONS: These should be simple, and low in design, so as not to obstruct the view of the guests Small nosegays or a single blossom may be placed at the ladies' covers and a boutonnier at the men's, if desired. Flowers should be selected that will harmonize with both the china and candleshades, if the latter are used. ILLUMINATION OF THE TABLE: Lighting both the table and dining room are most important; handsome candlesticks and candles, with or without shades or electric lights are used. If candles are used they must be protected from all danger of igniting. Electric lights are the safest and they are always shaded. For further illumi- nation try, if possible, to have the lights come from the sides of the room, rather than from the ceiling which is always cold and unbe- coming. LAYING THE COVERS: The covers include the silver, glass, china and napkins. First the service plates (plates from 10 to 12 inches in diameter) are placed one inch from the edge of the table, allowing 24 inches of tablespace between covers (measuring from the center of one plate to the center of the other). These service plates are to remain in place until they are exchanged for the first warm plate. All courses served on small plates or in ramekin dishes are placed on the service plates and these are removed only to give place to a warm plate of the same size, holding a portion of the main course (piece-de- resistance) of the dinner. The silver, i. e., knives, forks and spoons are placed in the order in which they are used, and one inch from the edge of the table. The knives with the cutting edges turned toward the service plate, forks, with the tines and spoons with the bowls turned upward in the following order: 1 Oyster fork on the extreme right 1st course 2 Soup spoon on the left of oyster fork 2nd course 3 Fish fork on the left of service plate . 3rd course 4 Dinner fork on the left of fish fork 4th course 4 Dinner knife (with steel blade) at right 4th course 3 Game knife next to service plate . . . . 5th course 5 Game fork on left next to service plate . . 5th course When game is not served as a course at dinner, the salad forks may then be placed next to the service plates on the left and the game knives and forks are omitted. The silver used for the remaining courses are placed just before the course is served with which they are to be used. The silver that is not placed on the table when the  covers are first arranged may be laid in the order in which they will be used on the serving table or sideboard. Small silver, crystal or paper recepticals holding salted nut meats are placed above the service plate. The end of the blade of the dinner knife marks the place of the water goblet. Goblets are used for both formal dinners and luncheons. Tumblers are used for all other less formal occasions. Wine glasses are no longer used. THE NAPKIN: Dinner napkins should be large and of the same quality and pattern as the dinner cloth; embroidered with the initials or monogram of the hostess. These may be placed on the service plates or at the left of the forks when oysters or canapes occupy the service plate. Napkins should be folded with the monogram showing and one corner turned under showing the dinner roll placed in the fold. PLACE CARDS are laid upon the napkin or near the goblets if they are those that stand. Four stemmed glass dishes may be placed on the table diagonally across from one another, one holding salted nut meats, another bon- bons, the third olives and the fourth jelly. These dishes with their contents form a part of the decorations of the table and remain in place until the table is "crumbed" for the dessert, then the two latter only are removed. The table being laid, water goblets filled three-fourths full and the lights turned on, the butler or waitress quietly announces (to the hostess by word or nod) that "dinner is served," the guests enter the dining room in the following order: The host offers his arm to the lady guest for whom the dinner is given or the one chosen to sit at his right, and leads the way to the dining room, followed by the other men with their ladies, the hostess with the gentleman of honor bringing up the rear. The guests stand behind their chairs until the hostess makes the move to be seated; then the men push up the chairs for the ladies, each seating herself from the left of her chair. The clever hostess will see that husbands and wives are not seated side by side and even engaged couples should be separated. The hostess either tells each man, as she receives him, the name of the lady he is to escort to dinner or he may find this information on a card in an envelope addressed to him, in the dressing room and the letter R or L (also on the card) designates the side of the table on entering the dining room. SERVING THE FORMAL DINNER The entire dinner may be served from the butler's pantry, having each course arranged on individual plates and placed by the waitress on the right of each guest, with the right hand, and anything which is to be served with the course passed on a tray at the left and low enough and sufficiently near to the guest to be easily taken with the right hand, or each dish may be so arranged on a platter, or serving dish on a tray, that the guest may easily serve himself. When the waitress removes the course plate with the left hand, she replaces it with another plate with the right hand. By this method of service, the tray, if used at all, is only needed when the food is passed on it, but not for removing dishes. REMOVAL OF COURSES: When every one has finished, the waitress removes one plate at a time, after each course, beginning with the hostess or with the guest at the right of the hostess. Before the dessert is served, everything not needed with this course should be removed from the table; if there are crumbs, they should be carefully taken up with a napkin and tray from the left of each guest. After this is finished, place the dessert dishes from the right. While the dessert is being eaten, the finger bowls are filled to one-third their depth with tepid water, to which a few drops of orange water has been added, and set on doily covered plates. When the dessert plates are removed, the finger bowls replace them. If coffee is served in the dining room, the finger bowls are not placed until after the coffee, but coffee is usually served in the drawing or living room. ORDER OF SERVING THE DINNER: The guests at the right of host and hostess are served first in the first course. In the second course, the guests at the left of the host and hostess. In the third course the second guest on the right of host and hostess and so on in succession, so that rio guest is served twice first. Some hostesses S contend that they should be served first. If the different courses are passed, rather than served from the butler's pantry, this might be advisable, but otherwise there seems to be no reason for it. THE ORDER OF THE DINNER First Course Oysters or Clams Small Sandwiches or Wafers Second Course Clear Soup Croutons Third Course Fish or Lobster Fourth Course (Entree) Chicken Patties Fifth Course Leg of Lamb Mint Sauce Potatoes Green Peas in Timbale Cases Sixth Course Punch Seventh Course Broiled Squabs Celery Salad Eighth Course Baked Alaska Sunshine Cake Ninth Course Fruit and Bonbons or Water Biscuit and Roquefort Cheese Tenth Course Cafe Noir Salted nut meats and bonbons remain on the table throughout the service. Celery is passed with oysters or clams. Radishes, olives or gherkins to be passed with the fish course. The foregoing is a brief outline of how a formal dinner should be served where two or more maids or a cook and butler are employed. THE INFORMAL DINNER The table may be laid with as much care, the arrangement of the covers is exactly the same. But the details of the service are greatly lessened and fewer courses are served. The informal dinner should be easy of accomplishment by the average hostess. If she is a clever housekeeper and appreciates the delights of hospitality, her Sunday dinner will need but little embellishment for those who are invited informally to partake of a "Company Dinner."' A few carefully selected courses, well cooked, simply garnished and properly served make any home dinner a success. It is not unlike the formal dinner, except that the bread and butter plates are on the table, placed above the forks, salt and pepper cruets remain on the table as do the salted nut meats and bonbons. The hostess may serve the soup or it may be served from the side and the host the fish, and the roast. The vege- tables, sauces and entrees are served from the side. Either host or hostess dresses the salad and the hostess serves the dessert and the coffee. At the informal dinner, guests as well as the family help others andi themselves by passing the necessary accessories from one to the other. In spite of all these departures from accepted rules, this informal dinner with but little service is often the most enjoyable and thorough- ly appreciated of all home entertainments. Space forbids of further detail. Remember my parting injunction -the first rule to be observed when entertaining guests, is not to attempt more than can be done well and with ease. ELIZABETH O. HILLER. _.. __ HOW TO MEASURE ACCURATELY Modern Cookery (Scientific Cookery) requires a system of accu- rate measurements; this is absolutely necessary to insure success. Scien- tific training has exploded the old idea that "with good judgment and experience measuring ingredients by sight will do." The exact quantity called for, measured each time in the same utensil whatever it may be- cup, tablespoon or teaspoon-are definite guides that must be followed if success would be attained. Enameled measuring cups, marked plainly in quarters or thirds, each holding a half-pint, a teaspoon of regulation size (holds sixty drops), a tablespoon of regulation size (do not mistake al dessert spoon for this spoon) and a case-knife are the few essentials that must be used for measuring ingredients in the recipes incorporated in this book. These utensils may be purchased at any kitchen furnishing shop for a nominal sum. To Measure Ingredients Sift before measuring all flour, meal, confectioner's, powdered and granulated sugar, soda and other ingredients that are put into cartons or cans, that are apt to settle and, in some cases, harden. This sug- gestion is not to be ignored if you would be successful as well as economical, for by sifting these ingredients they are lightened and made to go further. A Cupful A cupful means all the cup will hold; the cup is filled with a table- spoon heaping full, then leveled with a knife. Great care must be taken not to shake the cup when measuring flour or sugar, as more may be added than required in the recipe. All dry ingredients are tossed lightly into the cup, then leveled with a knife. Measuring Liquids Place the cup to be filled on a saucer and fill it to the brim. A cup- ful of liquid could not be carried safely across the kitchen without spilling some of its contents. Measuring Butter, Lard, Etc. Fats used for shortening are packed solidly in cup, tablespoon or tea- spoon and leveled with a knife. A pair of measuring cups will be found very convenient when measuring ingredients; one for the dry and the other for the shortening and the liquids. One cup may serve the purpose if dry ingredients are measured first, then liquids and fats when such ingredients are called for. Tablespoons and Teaspoons Tablespoons are filled and leveled with a knife. Teaspoons are filled and leveled with a knife. To measure liquids, a tablespoon or teaspoon means all the spoon will hold. To measure dry ingredients in tablespoon or teaspoon, dip the spoon in the ingrodient; when filled, lift and level with knife, sharp edge of blade turned toward handle of spoon. Dividing with knife lene thv-ise of the bowl of spoon is a half-tablespoon. Dividing the half crosswise is a fourth, and dividing the fourth crosswise is an eighth. Divisions are made in the teaspoon the same way. Less than an eighth of a teaspoon is a few grains. METHODS OF COOKING BOILING: Cooking in boiling water. Boiling point 212* F., sea level. STEWING: Cooking slowly for a long time in water below the boiling point, simmering point, 185' F. FRIcASSEEING: A combination of stewing and sauteing. STEAMING (DRY) : Cooking in a steamer over boiling water. STEAMING (WET) : Cooking in moulds set in a kettle on a trivet sur- rounded with boiling water; steamed brown bread, plum pudding, etc. BRAISING: Combination of stewing and baking. BAKING: Cooking in an oven with hot, moderate or slow heat. ROASTING: Cooking in a hot oven or before a glowing fire. BRoILING: Cooking over glowing coals or under the gas flame in a gas range. FRYING: Cooking in deep hot fat in a Scotch bowl. (A bowl-shaped iron kettle.) SAUTEING: Cooking in shallow skillet in a small quantity of fat.  NEW YEAR'S DINNER Oyster Cocktails Olives Celery in Grape Fruit Salted Nuts Browned Crackers Consomme Princess Crab Meat in Ramekins Roast "Green" Goose, Potato and Sausage Stuffing Chantilly Apple Sauce Glac6 Sweet Potatoes Hawaiian Salad Cranberry and Raisin Pie Orange Cream Ice Water Biscuits Cheese Fingers Little Queens Cafe Noir C ]T oasted heese OYSTER COCKTAILS IN GRAPE FRUIT Allow 5 small oysters (either blue point or cherry stone) to each portion. Cut medium size grape fruit in halves crosswise, loosen the pulp and remove the tough center. Add oysters and season each portion with lemon juice, salt, a drop or two of Tabasco Sauce and 1 tbsp. of Mayonnaise dressing. Sprinkle with paprika, dispose on a bed of crushed ice, garnish with sprigs of parsley. Serve with crisp Saltines. Horseradish may be used in place of Mayonnaise dressing. CONSOMME PRINCESS Pour hot chicken consomme into warm bouillon cups; to each portion add 1 tsp. each of small green peas, tiny cubes of cooked carrot and 2 tbsp. of small cubes of cooked breast of chicken. Serve with Brown Crackers. BROWNED CRACKERS Spread Saratoga Wafers or unsalted crackers thinly with butter, sprinkle with salt, f.g. of cayenne and paprika. Place in a hot oven until delicately browned. Serve with consomme, bouillon, etc. CRAB MEAT IN RAMEKINS Melt 4 tbsps. of butter in a sauce-pan, add 4 tbsps. of flour, stir until well blended; add gradually 2cs. hot cream, stirring constantly until sauce is smooth; season with salt, f.g. cayenne and nutmeg, i4 tsp. paprika, one tbsp. of rated onion, one tsp. finely chopped parsley. Reheat 2cs. of crab meat in the sauce. Turn mixture into well buttered ramekins. Cover with buttered crumbs. Bake in a hot oven until crumbs are brown. ROAST "GREEN" GOOSE POTATO AND SAUSAGE STUFFING A "green" goose is a young goose and at its best when about 4 months old. Dress the same as chicken. If fat and strong wash in white soap suds, scrub with a brush, rinse *horoughly with cold water, drain and wipe Irv. Stuff, truss, sew. Place on a rack in a Iripping pan, sprinkle with salt, pepper, dredge ,vith flour, cover breast with thin slices of fat salt pork and roast in a moderately hot oven until tender (from one to three hours according to age of goose). basting with the dripping In the pan, every fifteen minutes. If necessary drain off superfluous fat, add 2c. of boiling water and continue basting until joints are easily separated. POTATO AND SAUSAGE STUFFING Cut fat salt pork in f in. cubes; there should be ,c. Try out in a spider, remove scraps and cook 2c. chopped onion in pork fat until soft but not colored, add to 3cs. of hot mashed potatoes and season with i tbsp. poultry seasoning salt, pepper and stir in 2cs. of lightly cooked sausage meat cut in small cubes. Mix thoroughly and use for stuffing goose, ducks, etc. CHANTILLY APPLE SAUCE WITH HORSERADISH Pare, core and cut in quarters 5 medium- sized Greenings. Cook with very little water; when soft and quite dry, rub through a fine sieve. To the pulp add ?c. granulated sugar, "3c. of fresh grated horseradish, then fold in an equal measure of whipped cream. Serve at once, with Roast Goose, ducks or roast pork. GLACL SWEET POTATOES Wash and pare 6 medium-sized sweet potatoes. Parboil 10 mins. in boiling salted water, drain and cut lengthwise in halves. Make a syrup by boiling Ic. of sugar with 2c. of water, and 2 tbsps. of butter 3 to 4 mins. Dip each piece of potato into syrup, arrange in a well buttered agate dripping pan. Bake in a moderate oven about 40 mins. basting with remaining syrup until all is used. HAWAIIAN SALAD Arrange slices of canned Hawaiian pineapple, drained from syrup in can, in nests of crisp lettuce heart leaves. Pile above each slice, Malaga grapes, peeled, cut in halves lengthwise and seeds removed, mixed with an equal measure of English walnuts broken in pieces. Moisten generously with Mayonnaise and sprinkle with candied cherries cut in shreds. CRANBERRY AND RAISIN PIE Mix thoroughly 1tcs. of cranberries cut in halves lengthwise, V4c. seeded and shredded raisins, lc. of sugar, 1 tbsp. flour and f tsp. of salt. Pile mixture in a pie-pan lined with rich paste. Dot over 1 tbsp. butter, and sprinkle with 2 tbsps. lemon or orange juice. Cover with top crust and bake 35 mins. Serve hot or cold with Cheese "Fingers." ORANGE CREAM ICE Cook 2cs. sugar, 2cs. boiling water and a thin paring of lemon rind 5 mins, strain. Add the grated rind of 2 oranges, 2cs. of orange juice and c. lemon juice. Chill, turn into a freezer and freeze to a mush. Whip 212cs. triple cream, add %c. of powdered sugar and s tsp. salt. Beat yolks of 2 eggs until very light, add to cream, then fold in the stiffly beaten whites 2 eggs. Add to frozen mixture and finish freezing. Serve in shallow champagne glasses. Sprinkle with finely chopped crystalized orange peel. LITTLE QUEENS Cream Mc. butter, add gradually 1c. sugar, stirring constantly. Add the grated rind and juice of % a lemon, the yolks of 4 eggs beaten very light. Sift together lc. of flour, is tsp. salt and u tsp. soda; add to first mixture beating meanwhile. Then fold in the stiffly beaten whites 4 eggs. Beat thor ighly. Bake 25 mins. in small deep well buttered muffin tins. Spread tops with boiled frosting and sprinkle with chopped pistachio nit mea 40 THANKSGIVING DINNER Oyaers on the Half-Shell Ripe Olives Water Cress Sandwiches Pepper Mangoes Roast Turkey, Grandma's Bread Stuffing Giblet Sauce Cranberry Jelly Mashed Potatoes, Hot Slaw Sweet Corn New England Style Creamed Onions Spiced Peaches 9 Apple, Almond and Celery Salad Thanksgiving Pudding Pumpkin Pie with Chantilly Cream Ohocolate Ice Cream, Marshmallow Sauce Macaroons Toasted Wafers Cheese Cafe Noir OYSTERS ON HALF SHELL Prepare the required number of dishes as follows: Place a cocktail glass in the center of a soup plate, surround glass with crushed ice. Put 1 tbsps. of cocktail dressing into each glass. Open oysters, loosen, serve them in the shells. Arrange five shells on the bed of ice, having small ends of shells point toward the cocktail glass. Dispose sprigs of parsley be- tween shells. COCKTAIL DRESSING Mix 1 tbsp. of fresh grated horseradish, 1 tbsp. vinegar. 3 tbsps. lemon juice, 3c. tomato catsup, i tsp. salt and a few drops of Tabasco Sauce. Mix thoroughly pnd use as di-eted. ROAST TURKEY Select a plump 10 lb. young turkey. Dress, clean, stuff and truss; place on thin slices of fat salt pork arranged on bottom of dripping pan; rub entire surface with salt and spread breast, wings and legs with the following mix- ture: Cream ?fc. butter; add slowly 1c. flour, stirring constantly. Place in a hot oven and brown delicately; baste every 10 minutes until richly browned with Vc. of butter melted in 1c. boiling water. Add 1> cs. of boiling water to fat in pan; continue hasting every 15 minutes until turkey is tender. It will require from 3 to 3Y hours according to age of the turkey. If turkey is browning two fast cover with a larger pan. Remove the skewers, sewing and trussing before placing on hot serving platter. , . THANKSGIVING DINNER GRANDMA'S BREAD STUFFING Remove the crust from 1-15c. baker's loaf; slice and pick in small bits; season with Y2 tsp. black pepper, 2X tsps. salt, 4 tsp. poultry seasoning and 1 medium sized Thopped onion. Mix well, add %c. butter or margarine melted in c. boiling water; toss with two forks and add 2 eggs slightly beaten. Continue tossing until well blended. Fill body and breast of turkey, putting sufficient in latter to give tur- key a plump appearance. If stuffing appears too dry add more hot water. When eggs are scarce they may be omitted. GIBLET SAUCE Strain into a sauce-pan, 3 tbsps. of fat from dripping pan in which turkey was roasted. Add 3 tbsps. butter, brown richly; (do not burn), add Y2c. flour, stir until well blended, continue browning, then pour on slowly 3cs. of strained stock in which the giblets, neck and pinions were cooked, stirring constantly. Season with salt, pepper and Y tsp. kitchen bouquet. Add finely chopped giblets, reheat and turn into hot sauce boat. CRANBERRY JELLY Wash, pick over, remove stems from 1 qt. of cranberries. Add Y2c. water; place on range and as soon as they begin to cook add 4 tsp. of soda. Stir well and skim off all froth that rises to the top. Cook until berries are very soft, (watching carefully that they do not burn). Rub through a strainer, throw away skins, add 2cs. sugar, cook slowly until sugar is dissolved. Turn into serving dish and when cool, cover to prevent a tough skin forming on top. WATER CRESS SANDWICHES Wash and pick over fresh crisp water cress; drain and dry between towels and press out moisture, discard the coarse stems and chop moderately; there should be Ic. Mix with two finely chopped hard-cooked eggs, season with salt, pepper, moisten with mayonnaise to the consistency to spread. Shape small round of white bread (the size of a silver dollar), spread half the rounds with mayonnaise and the remaining half with cress mixture. Put together in pairs. Serve two sandwiches with each portion of oyster cocktails. MASHED POTATOES Wash, pare and cut in thick slices 6 medium sized potatoes. Cook in boiling salted water until soft. Drain and press through a ricer. Add 3 tbsps. of butter, season with salt and white pepper; moisten with c. of hot cream or milk. Beat with a fork until light and fluffy. Serve at once in a hot vegetable dish. If potatoes must stand some time keep hot over hot water; beat before serving. HOT SLAW Shave 12 medium-sized head of white cabbage as fine as possible. Serve with a dress- ing made as follows: Beat the yolks of 2 eggs slightly, add slowly Y4c. each of hot water and hot vinegar, beating constantly. Add 3 tbsps. butter, V tsp. salt, sifted with 1 tsp. of mustard and % tsp. pepper. Add grated onion to season delicately. Stir mixture over hot water until it thickens to the consistency of cream. Add cabbage, mix well, place on range. Stir until thoroughly heated. If desired add 2 tbsps. of sugar. SWEET CORN NEW ENGLAND STYLE Turn the contents of 1 can corn into a chop- ping bowl, and finely chop, or chop 2cs. of cooked sweet corn cut from the cob; add to pulp 3 eggs slightly beaten, j tbsp. sugar, 1 tsp. salt, % tsp. pepper, 1 tbsp. melted butter and 2cs. scalded milk. Mix well and turn into a buttered baking dish or individual ramekins and bake in a moderate oven until firm in center like custard. Serve in baking dish. APPLE, ALMOND AND CELERY SALAD Mix equal measure (lc. each) of Jonathan apples cut in Julienne strips (match-like pieces 1 in. long), almonds blanched and each kernel tut in 3 lengthwise strips, and each strip divided, and tender celery hearts cut the same. Toss all lightly together, moisten with cream mayonnaise and arrange in individual nests of crisp lettuce heart leaves. Mask with more mayonnaise, sprinkle with paprika and serve very cold. THANKSGIVING PUDDING Remove all tissue and stringy portions from kidney suet. Chop fine and cream ic. with the hand. Add ic. molasses and ic. buttermilk. Sift together 3cs. flour, 1 tsp. soda, 1% tsps. salt, 2 tsps. cinnamon, V tsp. each cloves, allspice and nutmeg. Add gradually to first mixture, stirring constantly. Mix 1 cs. seeded and shredded raisins, mc. currants, 3 c. finely shredded citron; dredge with 3 tbsps. flour; add to mixture and beat 2 or 3 mins. Turn into a well greased fluted tube mould to 3 its depth; butter inside of cover, set in place, set mould on trivet (wire tea stand) in kettle, surround with boiling water and steam 3 hrs. Add more water as needed. Serve with hot Orange Sauce. ORANGE SAUCE Mix 2 tsps. of arrowroot or corn-starch with 1c. sugar and f.g. of salt. Add gradually 2cs. boiling water stirring constantly. Cook over boiling water 20 mins. Add the grated rind and juice of 2 oranges, 1 tbsp. lemon juice and 1 tbsps. of butter. Mix thoroughly and serve hot PUMPKIN PIE Line a deep pie plate with rich pastry. Wet the rim with cold water and lay around an inch wide strip of pastry; flute with the fingers build- ing the rim up well. Brush over with slightly beaten white of egg. Fill with the following mixture: Mix lc. sugar, Y tsp. nutmeg, 1 tsps. ginger, 1 tsp. cinnamon and f.g. of salt. Add to 1c. cooked and strained pumpkin or squash, add le. thin cream or top milk, 3 eggs slightly beaten, mix thoroughly (%c. of brandy is a great addition). Bake 35 mins. in a hot oven for the first 10 mins. to set pastry; reduce heat and finish baking. Serve cold with Chantilly Cream. CHANTILLY CREAM Sweeten and flavor delicately 2cs. of triple cream with essence of nutmeg or sherry wine, adding the latter very slowly while beating briskly. Spread cream over pie, heaping it slightly in the center, sprinkle with nutmeg, and serve very cold. CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM Beat 2 eggs slightly; add mc. flour, 1c. sugar, and 2cs. of milk; cook in double boiler 20 mins. stirring constantly the first 10 mins. afterwards occasionally. Melt 2 squares of unsweetened chocolate, add 2 tbsps. sugar, 2 tbsps. boiling water, cook until glossy, stirring constantly. Add to egg mixture and chill. Add 2cs. of cream, 4 tsp. salt, 1 tbsp. vanilla and freeze. Serve in tall stem glasses with Marshmallow Sauce. MARSHMALLOW SAUCE Cut M lb. marshmallows in 4 pieces and melt in double boiler. Dissolve 2cs. confectioners' sugar in jc. of boiling water, add to marsh- mallow and stir until well blended. Turn into serving dish and cool before serving. MACAROONS Work ic. of almond paste and ic. of confec- tioners' sugar on a marble slab or large platter until smooth. Then add the whites of eggs, one at a time, until 3 have been added, work mixture with the hands until smooth between each addition. Then use spatula until in- gredients are thoroughly blended. Drop from the tip of a teaspoon in small cones one inch apart on a buttered paper laid over a baking sheet. Bake 15 to 20 mins. in a slow oven. If liked soft they should be slightly baked. Re- move from oven, invert paper on cake cooler, wet with a cloth wrung from cold water; and the macaroons will readily slip off. y This mixture is stiff enough to hold its shape but spreads in baking. 14mr, CHRISTMAS DINNER Clam Cocktails Cucumber Sandwiches 9 Pimiento Bisque Celery Shreds Cheese Wafers Ripe Olives Creamed Oysters in Ramekins Roast Capon, Chestnut Stuffing Orange Sauce Mashed Sweet Potatoes, Marshmallow Meringue Onions in Cream Brussels Sprouts with Ceery Christmas Salad Plum Pudding, with Yankee Hard Sauce Mince Pie Cheese Delusions Christmas Cake Bon Bons Nuts Raisins Chocolate Dipped Orange Peel C(offee CLAM COCKTAILS Place 5 little neck clams (after removing the black portion) in chilled cocktail glasses. Mix 3c. tomato catsup, I tbsp. fresh grated horseradish, 1 tsp. salt and a few drops of Tabasco Sauce. Chill and put 1 tbsps. of dressing over clams, mix well and serve with Cucumber Sandwiches. CUCUMBER SANDWICHES Pare 1 large slender cucumber, cut in slices crosswise the thickness of a silver dollar. Mar- inate with French dressing. Let stand in a cold place 15 rnins. Shape thin slices of white bread in small rounds a trifle larger than sliced cucumber, spread with Mayonnaise, cover half the slices with a slice of cucumber, cover with remaining halves, press edges and sprinkle tp side with paprika. Serve 2 small sand- Ohes with each cocktail. PIMIIENTO BISO UI Cook 2c. rice in 1 k1 fits. of Chicken stock in a double boiler until soft. Rub through sieve. Drain pimiento froin the liquor in can, rinse 5 with cold water, drain, rub through a sieve, add to rice with % tbsp. salt and a few drops of Tabasco Sauce. Heat to boiling point and add the yolks of 2 eggs well beaten and diluted with %c. cream. Do not allow mixture to boil after adding eggs. Serve in bouillon cups with Cheese Wafers. CHEESE WAFERS Spread wafers thinly with butter, cover with grated cheese, sprinkle with salt, f.g. cayenne and lightly with paprika. Set in a hot oven until cheese is melted. -qwpl CHRISTMAS DINNER CELERY SHREDS Use only the large stalks of celery that lie under the coarse outer stalks. Cut them in uniform lengths 5 or 6 ins. long. Then cut each piece lengthwise in narrow strips (size of barley straws). Drop at once into ice water, let stand until crisp and well curved; tossing them occasionally that they may curve evenly. Drain, pile mound-like on serving dish with bits of ice. CREAMED OYSTERS IN RAMEKINS Put 2A tbsps. of butter into a sauce-pan, when melted add 3 tbsps. flour mixed with M tsp. salt, % tsp. celery salt, and Y tsp. white pepper. Stir until well blended. Pour on slowly ic. hot thin cream and %c. strained oyster liquor; stir until sauce is smooth. Clean 1 pt. select oysters and cook until plump and edges curl; drain at once and reheat in the cream sauce, add Y tsp. finely chopped parsley, turn into buttered ramekins, cover with butter- ed crumbs, set in a hot oven until crumbs are brown. ROAST CAPON Dress, clean, stuff and truss a large, plump capon. Place on its back on rack in dripping pan, rub entire surface with salt and spread legs, breast and wings with roc. butter rubbed until creamy with 3 tbsps. flour. Place in a hot oven and when lightly browned, reduce heat and baste every ten minutes with /c. butter melted in %c. of boiling water until capon is cooked, (from 1j to 3 hrs. if young). After this is used baste with fat in pan. Turn Capon once that it may brown evenly. If a brown glaze is preferred spread bird with butter only. When leg meat is tender bird is well cooked. Remove skewers, sewing and trussing. Place on hot serving platter, garnish with parsley or surround with peppers stuffed with corn. CHESTNUT STUFFING Shell and blanch 5cs. of French chestnuts. Cook in boiling salted water until soft. Drain, mash and press through ricer, add 1c. butter, 1 tsp. salt, Y tsp. pepper and %c. hot cream. Melt Ac. butter, add 1c. fine cracker crumbs, stir until well blended, then combine mixtures and use for stuffing capon, turkey or boned leg of venison. If stuffing seems too dry add more cream. HOT ORANGE SAUCE Melt 2 tbsps. butter, add 4 tbsps. flour mixed1 with 1 tsp. mustard and / tsp. salt, stir until well blended; then add gradually 1c. stock, stirring constantly. Let simmer 10 mins. then add %c. currant jelly, continue cooking and stirring until jelly is melted. Add the juice and grated rind of 2 oranges; stir until well blended. Serve hot. MASHED SWEET POTATOES WITH MARSHMALLOW MERINGUE To 3cs. of mashed and riced sweet potatoes, add 4 tbsps. butter, 34 tsp. salt, A tbsp. sugar and moisten with hot cream or milk. Beat until very light and turn into a buttered baking dish. Brush the sugar and starch from fresh marshmallows, dispose over top of potato mixture, placing them 1 in. apart. Bake in a moderate oven until marshmallows are well plumped and delicately browned. Serve at once in baking dish. ONIONS IN CREAM Peel the required number of white onions, cover with water, bring to boiling point, drain. Cover again with boiling salted water, cook until tender (45 to 60 mins.) but not broken. Drain and dress with hot cream, butter, salt and pepper, or pour over cream sauce. BRUSSELS SPROUTS WITH CELERY Remove wilted leaves from 1 qt. Brussels sprouts, soak in cold water until crisp. Drain and cook in boiling salted water until tender (15 to 20 mins.). Drain. Wash tender celery and cut in thin slices crosswise; there should be 1 Acs. Melt 3 tbsps. butter, add celery and cook 3 mins. tossing constantly. Add 3 tbsps. flour stir until blended; then pour on gradually 1Ycs. top milk or thin cream. Heat to boiling point; add sprouts, season with salt and pepper. Serve as soon as sprouts are reheated. CHRISTMAS SALAD Select the required number of small, firm uniform sized tomatoes; peel, chill and with a sharp knife cut them into eighths, beginning at the stem end, cutting toward the blossom ends. Drain slices of canned Hawaiian pine- apple from the syrup in can. Arrange them in center of individual nests of crisp lettuce heart leaves; with a sharp knife cut them into narrow wedge shape pieces (pie fashion), leaving slices intact. Arrange the pieces of tomato cut side down over pineapple, with stem ends toward center to simulate a poinsett'a. Allow five pieces for each portion. The effect will be more easily obtained if the soft pulp is removed. Fill center with a large drop of Mayonnaise and insert a tuft of yellow celery leaves in center. Pipe Mayonnaise between red petals, using a pastry bag and a small rose tube for this purpose. If the foregoing details are carried out a most attractive holiday salad will result. CHRISTMAS CAKE Cream one-half cup of butter, add gradually 1%cs. of fine granulated sugar stirring constant- ly. Add 5 eggs beaten until thick and lemon tinted, continue stirring. Sift together 2% cups of flour, 2% tsps. baking powder and A tsp. salt. Add alternately to first mixture with Ac. of milk and A tsp. each of lemon and vanilla extract. Continue beating until thoroughly blended (2 or 3 mins.). Turn into a well buttered spring form tube pan, bottom lined with 2 layers of paper well buttered and bake 45 mins. to 50 mins. in a moderate oven. Remove from pan and when cool spread with Marshmallow Frosting and decorate top with candied cherries cut to imitate tiny poinsettias; place a tiny yellow candy in center of each and use narrow strips of citron or angelica for stems. PLUM PUDDING Remove tissue and stringy portions from kidney suet, finely chop; there should be le. Work with the hand until creamy, add 1, molasses and gradually 1c. buttermilk beating constantly. Sift 3cs. flour, 1 tsp. soda, 1A tsps. salt, 2 tsps. cinnamon, % tsp. each cloves and allspice, and 1 tsp. grated nutmeg, add gradually to first mixture, beating meanwhile. Mix 1%cs. seedless raisins, Ac. currants, %c. finely shredded citron, dredge with 3 tbsps. flour, add to batter little at a time, continue beating until thoroughly blended. Turn into a well greased fluted tube mould, fill % full, set cover (well greased inside) in place and steam 3 hrs. Serve with Yankee Hard Sauce. YANKEE HARD SAUCE Cream Mc. butter, add slowly 1cs. powder- ed sugar, stirring constantly. Add 2 tbsps. of syrup from spiced peaches, drop by drop- continue stirring. Force through a pastry bag and rose tube in small roses on a cold plate. Sprinkle with nutmeg. MINCE PIES Mince pies should always be made with two crusts. For Thanksgiving and Christmas pies, Puff Paste is often used for rims and top crusts, but never for the under crusts. Use a good plain paste for the latter. Fill pans lined with plain paste with mince meat, cover with rich paste, flute rim with fingers, and bake 35 mins. in a hot oven for the first 10 mins. Reduce heat and finish baking. Serve hot with Yankee Hard Sauce or plain with cheese "fingers." CHEESE "DELUSIONS" Work a cream cheese until smooth, add Ac. finely chopped nut meats. V tsp. salt and f.g. cayenne. Shape in balls the size of an English walnut, roll in finely chopped nut meats, flatten and place halves of English walnuts on opposite sides of each piece. Arrange on a doily covered plate in a pyramid.  SUNDAY DINNER Number One Cream of Tomato Soup, Croutons Rolled Rib Roast of Beef, Brown Gravy Yorkshire Pudding Franconia Potatoes String Beans with Parsley Head Lettuce, Roquefort Cheese Dressing Chocolate Cream Pie Coffee CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP Scald 1 qt. of milk with 2 thin slices onion. Remove onion, thicken milk with 4, tbsps. flour diluted with cold water to pour. (Have no lumps in mixture). Cook 20 mins. in double boiler, stirring constantly the first 5 mins. afterwards occasionally. Put 1 qt. canned tomatoes in saucepan, cook until thick, rub through sieve (thereshould be 2cs. of pulp), add % tsp. soda, remove froth, add 2 tsps. sugar. Pour tomato mixture into milk, then strain into hot soup tureen over 3c. butter, 1 tsp. salt, and 3 or 4 drops Tabasco Sauce. Serve at once with Croutons. CROUTONS Cut stale white bread in N in. slices. Trim off crusts, spread thinly with butter, sprinkle with salt, f.g. of paprika and cut in %~ in. cubes. Put in a dripping pan and bake until delicately and evenly browned in a hot oven. ROLLED RIB ROAST OF BEEF Have ribs removed at the market, meat rolled, skewered and trussed in shape from a 5 lb. rib roast. (Have ribs and trimmings sent with meat). Wipe meat, sprinkle with salt, and dredge with flour, arrange on rack in drip- ping pan. Place in a hot oven and when well seared on one side turn and sear the other; reduce heat and baste every 10 mins. for the first 30 mins. with fat in pan; afterwards every 15 mins. during cooking. If liked rare allow 1 hr. and 10 mins. If well done 1 hrs. Serve with Yorkshire Pudding and Brown Gravy. YORKSHIRE PUDDING Sift together Ic. flour and Y tsp. salt. Add gradually lc. milk, stirring constantly until paste is perfectly smooth. Add 2 eggs beaten until thick and light. Cover the bottom of a hot shallow agate pan with fat taken from roast, pour in mixture to the depth of in., bake 20 mins. in a hot oven. (starting 30 mins. before roast is done), basting twice with dripping from roasting pan. Cut while hot in squares for serving. Mixture may be baked in hissing hot iron gem cups. BROWNED GRAVY Drain and strain fat from dripping pan. Return 3 tbsps. to pan, add 4% tbsps. flour and stir until well browned-(do not burn)--add slowly 1ycs. brown stock or boiling water, stirring constantly until smooth and glossy. Season with salt, pepper and 6 tsp. Kitchen Bouquet. Serve in hot sauce boat. FRANCONIA POTATOES Wash and pare the required number of medium-sized potatoes; parboil 5 mins. Drain dry. Place on grate around roast beef. Baste with fat in pan when basting roast. Bake 30 to 35 mins. turning often that they may brown evenly. Remove from pan, sprinkle with salt and arrange around roast of beef. STRING BEANS WITH PARSLEY Fresh or canned string beans may be used. If canned are used, heat thoroughly in their own liquor, then drain well. Put 1 tbsp. of strained bacon fat into a sauce-pan; in it cook i small thinly sliced clove of garlic 2 mins. without browning. Remove garlic, add 1% tbsp. finely chopped parsley. Add beans and toss until well mixed with fat and parsley. Serve hot. HEAD LETTUCE WITH ROQUEFORT CHEESE DRESSING Remove outer coarse wilted leaves from a large firm head of lettuce. Cut in quarters lengthwise, dispose on chilled individual plates and just before serving, pour over Roquefort Cheese Dressing made as follows: Work c. of crumbled Roquefort cheese to a cream, gradually add 6 tbsps. of olive oil, I tsp. salt, Y tsp. paprika, f.g. cayenne and 2 tbsps. vinegar, stirring constantly. Chill and before serving beat thoroughly. CHOCOLATE CREAM PIE Melt 2 squares of unsweetened chocolate, add Vc. sugar, 3 tbsps. cornstarch, 3 egg yolks slightly beaten, Y tsp. salt and 2cs. milk, and mix well. Cook in double boiler until thickened (20 mins.), stirring constantly; add 2 tsps. vanilla. Pour into a deep baked pie crust shell, spread with meringue made by beating whites 2 eggs until stiff, adding 2 tbsps. powdered sugar. Sprinkle with granulated sugar and brown in oven.  SUNDAY DINNER Number Two Cream of Corn Soup en Cups Crisp Crackers N Roast Chicken Bread Stuffing Giblet Sauce Mashed Sweet Potatoes Egg Plant Fritters Cauliflower Salad with Mayonnaise Apple Tapioca, Sweetened Cream Coffee CREAM OF CORN SOUP Chop corn (1 can) very fine; add 2cs. boiling water, cook slowly 20 mins. Scald 1 slice onion with 2cs. milk. Remove onion, add milk to corn, add 1% tsps. sugar. Melt 2 tbsps. butter, add 2 tbsps. flour, stir until well blended, add enough of the first mixture to make of the consistency to pour. Combine the two mix- tures; add 1 tsp, salt and X tsp. white pepper. Beat thoroughly. Keep hot over hot water. Serve in bouillon cups with 1 tbsp. whipped cream. Sprinkle with paprika. ROAST CHICKEN Remove pin feathers, singe, take tendons from legs, draw the skin back from the neck, :ut off neck close to body, cut out oil bag. Make an incision between legs extending from tip of breast bone down to vent; through this opening remove entrails. Draw wind pipe and crop from the neck opening. Never make an incision in the skin of the breast. Wash inside of bird, remove blood clots, lungs, etc. Wipe, stuff, sew, skewer and truss in shape. Brush over with soft butter, sprinkle with salt and dredge with flour. Place on rack in drip- ping pan, cook 15 mins. in a hot oven. Then Iredge bird and bottom of pan with flour, -educe heat and baste every 10 mins. until :hicken is tender, turn twice during cooking. Allow 15 mins. to the lb. for roasting. BREAD STUFFING Mix 2cs. soft bread crumbs with hc. melted hmtter, 1/ tbsp. poultry seasoning, 2 tbsps. chopped onion, 1 tsp. finely chopped parsley, salt and pepper to season. Add boiling water until of the right consistency, but many prefer a rather dry stuffing. Use for stuffing chicken, brisket of veal, flank steak, etc. GIBLET SAUCE See Thanksgiving Dinner. Roast Turkey with Giblet Sauce. MASHED SWEET POTATOES To 2j cs. mashed and riced sweet potatoes add 3 tbsps. butter and 1 tsp. salt. Moisten with hot milk or cream. Beat until very light. Serve at once. EGG PLANT FRITTERS Cut egg plant in Y in. slices crosswise. Pare off skin, sprinkle with salt, pile slices one above the other, cover with a plate and weight and let stand several hrs. or over night. Drain, rinse in cold water, dry mn towels, dip in fine cracker crumbs seasoned with salt and pepper, then in egg and again in crumbs and fry in deep hot fat. Drain on brown paper. CAULIFLOWER SALAD WITH MAYONNAISE , Marinate Cold Boiled Cauliflower with French dressing, let stand 1 hr. or longer. Drain, mask with Mayonnaise, sprinkle with finely chopped chives and serve on a bed of crisp water cress or endive. APPLE TAPIOCA Cook Y2c. of pearl tapioca in 4cs. of boiling water until transparent, add 1/ tsp. salt an, grated rind of 1 lemon. Core and pare 1 Jonathan apples, arrange in deep baking dish, fill cavities with sugar, (4c. for all), and a few drops of lemon juice. Pow over tapioca and bake in a moderate oven until apples are tender. Dot over 1 tbsp. of butter before removing from oven. Serve hot -r cold with sweetened cream.  SUNDAY DINNER Number Three Cream of Celery Soup, Browned Crackers Roast Leg of Lamb, Mint Sauce French Fried Sweet Potatoes Peas, French Style I Pear and Lettuce Salad Cheese Sandwiches V Sponge Cake and Peaches Whipped Cream Coffee CREAM OF CELERY SOUP Chop the outer stalks of celery and pound in a mortar or wooden bowl, Cook in double boiler with 2 slices of onion and 4cs. milk 35 mins. Melt 3 tbsps. butter, add 3 tbsps. flour, stir until well blended, then gradually pour on hot milk, stirring constantly. Season with 4 tsp. salt, Y4 tsp. celery salt and Y8 tsp. white pepper. Add Y4c. hot cream, strain and serve in hot bouillon cups. Add a sprinkle of finely chopped parsley. Serve with Browned Crackers. (See New Year's Dinner.) ROAST LEG OF LAMB Remove caul, wipe meat, sprinkle with salt, place on rack in dripping pan and dredge with flour. Place in hot oven and baste, after flour is brown (not burned), every 10 mins. for the first 30 mins.; afterwards every 15 nins. until done. It will require from 1f to 1 % hrs. If lam;) is not fat baste with Y4c. butter melted in 1c. boiling water. When this is used baste with dripping in pan. Serve with mint sauce. MINT SAUCE Wash, pick off leaves from stems of fresh mint, wring in a cloth to remove excess moisture and finely chop; there should be Vic. Add a. vinegar, I tbsp. lemon juice, Y4c. boiling water and 1 4 tbsps. sugar. Let stand in a warm place 30 mins. Serve hot or cold. FRENCH FRIED SWEET POTATOES Wash and pare medium sized sweet potatoes, cut them lengthwise in eight pieces of uniform size. Soak in cold water two hrs. changing water several times. Drain. Dry on towels, then fry a few at a time in deep hot fat. Drain on brown paper and sprinkle with salt. Be sure fat is not too hot at first for potatoes must be cooked, as well as browned. PEAS, FRENCH STYLE Cut 1 slice of bacon with the shears in shreds crosswise. Cook bacon with 2 tbsps. butter 10 mins. without scorching. Remove scraps, add 2cs. fresh peas, 1 doz. small white onions and 1 small sprig of mint. Add 4c. boiling water and simmer until onions are soft. Drain. Beat 1 egg yolk slightly, add 3,c. cream, add to peas, season with salt and pepper; reheat and serve. PEAR AND LETTUCE SALAD Drain halves of canned pears from syrup in cans. Chill and arrange two halves in in- dividual nests of chicory or lettuce heart leaves, having the stem ends almost meet in center. Cut a Maraschino cherry tulip fashion, set in center and pipe Cream Mayonnaise around pears. Sprinkle pears and Mayonnaise with finely chopped pistachio nuts. CHEESE SANDWICHES Grate Y4 lb. of American cheese and rub to a paste with 2 tbsps. of butter, season with salt, pepper and 1 tsp. of made mustard. Moisten with salad dressing to the consistency to spread and use as filling between thin slices of white bread. Cut in small triangles. Serve with green salad. SPONGE CAKE Beat the yolks of 3 eggs until thick and light, add 2 tbsps. of hot water, and gradually lc. of sugar and continue beating. Add lc. flour sifted with 1 tsp. baking powder and f tsp. salt, beating meanwhile, then fold in the stiffly beaten whites of 3 eggs and 1.tbsp. of lemon juice. Turn into a well buttered and paper lined shallow pan and bake 20 mins. in a moderate oven Remove from pan, cut in squares, set one-half a lemon cling canned peach above and fill pyramid-like with whipped cream sweetened and flavored with lemon extract.  SUNDAY DINNER Number Four Tomato Bouillon Crisp Wafers k Roast Loin of° Pork, Brown Gravy Glace Sweet Potatoes . Baked Apples Corn Pudding Apple, Celery and Nut Salad Lemon Pie Cheese Coffee TOMATO BOUILLON To 5cs, of Standard Broth add enough thick strained tomato pulp to color a vivid red. Season to taste with tomato catsup and a few drops Tabasco Sauce. Reheat; turn into hot bouillon cups, and serve with crisp crackers or bread sticks. ROAST LOIN OF PORK Wipe a 5 lb. loin of pork (preferably little pig). Wipe meat, sprinkle with salt, pepper, a little powdered sage and dredge with flour. Place on rack in dripping pan, surround with some of the fat trimmings cut in small pieces. Set to cook in a hot cven, basting every 10 mins. for the first 30 mins. Reduce heat and baste with fat in pan every 15 mins. until tender (from 3' to 4 hrs.). remove to hot serv- :ng platter, surround with baked apples or Apple rings and make a rich brown gravy. (See Sunday Dinner Number One. Roast Beef.) GLAC$ SWEET POTATOES See New Year's Dinner. BAKED APPLES Wipe and core the required number of apples, preferably Jonathans or 1 lb. pippins, (latter cut in halves). Arrange in an agate dripping pan, fill cavities with sugar and sprinkle tops with cinnamon. Sprinkle bottom of pan with 5c. sugar, pour around Acs. cold water. Bake in a moderate oven until tender (but skins not broken). Baste 3 times during cook- ing with syrup in pan. Dispose on serving dish, pour syrup over apples and sprinkle with coarse granulated sugar. Serve hot or cold. CORN PUDDING To 2cs. of cooked green corn (or 1 can of corn), finely chopped, add 2 eggs slightly beaten, 1 tsp. salt, % tsp. pepper. 1 tsp. sugar, grated onion to flavor delicately. V green pepper finely chopped. 2 tbsps. melted butter and 1%cs. scalded milk. Mix thoroughly, turn into a buttered baking dish; bake until firm in center (from 20 to 25 mins.). Serve in baking dish. APPLE, CELERY AND NUT SALAD Pare, core and cut fine flavored apples in straws 1 in. long, allow V an apple for each portion. Sprinkle with lemon juice, cover and set aside in a cool place. Cut in match-like shreds 1 in. long. tender stalks of crisp celery, having half as much celery as apple. Toss lightly together and mix well with Mayonnaise. Pile pyramid like in individual nests of lettuce heart or well bleached chicory leaves. Mask with more Mayonnaise and sprinkle thickly with hickory nut meats chopped moderately. LEMON PIE Mix %c. sugar, 2 ' tbsps. cornstarch, 2 tbsps. flour and f.g. salt, add gradually Ic. boiling water, stirring constantly. Cook in double boiler until thickened, add 4 tbsps. lemon juice and the grated rind of 1 lemon, add 2 tbsps. butter and 2 egg yolks slightly beaten. Cook 1 min. Remove from range. Turn into a deep pie pan lined with rich pastry. Wet edges and lay around rim a strip of pastry 1 in. wide, flute rim, building it up well. Cool mixture, turn into lined pie pan. Bake in a hot oven for the first 10 mins. to set pastry; reduce heat and continue baking 25 mins. Cool slightly, spread with meringue made of the stiffly beaten whites 2 eggs and 2 tbsps. powdered sugar. Sprinkle lightly with granulated sugar, return to oven to cook and brown meringue. Chill and serve.  SUNDAY DINNER Number Five Consomme with Macaroni Rings Stuffed Halibut Steaks, Oyster Sauce French Fried Potatoes Scalloped Tomatoes Lettuce, Cucumber and Chive Salad Orange Pudding, Hard Sauce Assorted Nuts Raisins Coffee CONSOMME WITH MACARONI RINGS To 6 Cs. of diluted Brown Stock add A c. of Macaroni rings cooked 20 mins. in boiling salted water. Drain, reheat in hot stock and serve in hot bouillon cups. BROWN STOCK Wipe a 5-lb. shin of beef and cut the meat in Y2 in. cubes. Brown % of meat in hot frying pan in some of the marrow. Add 3 qts. of cold water to remaining meat and bone, let stand 30 mins. then add browned meat. Bring to boiling point, skim, cover and simmer 5 hrs. Then add c. each carrot, celery, turnip and onion cut in small pieces, Y tsp. pepper-corns, 2 cloves, 3. bay leaf, 1 sprig each of thyme and marjoram, 2 of parsley and 1 tbsp. salt the last hr. of cooking. Strain, cool, remove fat and clear before serving. STUFFED HALIBUT STEAKS Have 2 halibut steaks cut 1 ins. thick. Cover with a marinade (French dressing seasoned only with salt), let stand 1 hr. Drain. Lay thin slices of fat salt pork on a fish sheet, place 1 steak over pork, dip oysters in melted butter, then in seasoned cracker crumbs (it will require Ic. of oysters), cover entire surface; place remaining steak upon oysters, season with salt and pepper and lay thin slices of pork on top. Bake 35 mins. basting every 10 mins. with dripping in pan or with butter melted in boiling water 10 mins. before removing fish from oven, take off pork, cover top with 1c. of buttered and seasoned cracker crumbs. When crumbs are browned remove to serving platter and serve with Oyster Sauce. OXSTER SAUCE Wash 1 pt. oysters; strain liquor; there should be Ic. Heat liquor to boiling point and strain. Melt )/c. butter, add 114c. flour, stir until well blended. Then add gradually hot oyster liquor mixed with lc. hot milk or cream, stirring constantly. Season with salt, pepper and celery salt. Put oysters in an omelht pan, place on range and when plump and edges are curled, drain and reheat in sauce. Do not allow sauce to boil after adding oyster;. Serve in hot sauceboat. FRENCH FRIED POTATOES Wash and pare medium-sized potatoes; cut lengthwise in 8 pieces. Sak in cold watp, - cover 2 or more hrs., changing water 3 times. Drain and dry between towels. Then fry a few at a time in deep hot fat. Drain on brown paper and sprinkle with salt. The fat must not be too hot at first as the potatoes must be scooked as well as browned. SCALLOPED TOMATOES Season 1 qt. of canned tomatoes with 1X tsps. salt, % tsp. pepper, 2 tbsps. sugar, 1 tbsp. grated onion and a few drops of Tobasco Sauce. Place on range and boil rapidly 20 mins. Moisten 2cs. soft, coarse bread crumbs with %c. melted butter. Butter a deep bak- ing dish, cover with a thick layer of crumbs, pour in tomato mixture and cover with remain- ing crumbs. Bake in a hot oven until heated through and crumbs are browned. LETTUCE, CUCUMBER AND CHIVE SALAD Wash, drain and dry the leaves of 1 solid head of lettuce. Arrange in salud bowl as near the original shape as possible. Pare and thinly slice 1 cucumber, strew slices among the lettuce leaves, sprinkle thickly with finely cut chives. Keep in a cool place. Just before serving pour over French Dressing. FRENCH DRESSING Rub the salad dressing bowl with a cut clove of garlic. Mix in it M tsp. salt, Y4 tsp. paprika, f. g. of cayenne, 2 tbsps. Tarragon vinegar and 6 tbsps. olive oil, beat thoroughly. Chill and just before serving beat again, then pour over salad. HARD SAUCE Cream Mc. butter, gradually add 1c. pow- dered sugar, stirring constantly. Add 1 tsp. vanilla or orange extract and 1 tsp. hot water and beat until light and creamy. Serve with hot steamed puddings. ORANGE PUDDING Pour 2cs. scalded milk over ic. soft bread crumbs. Beat 4 eggs slightly, add inc. sugar, 1 tbsp. lemon juice, /2c. orange juice, grated rind of 1 orange and Rc. of chopped blanched almonds, Y2 tsp. salt. When well blended add milk mixture. Steam in buttered individual cups or moulds % hr. Remove to serving plates, garnish with slices of orange and serve with Hard Sauce.  SUNDAY DINNER Number Six Grape Fruit Cocktails Tomato Soup French Style Croutons Braised Beef Brown Mushroom Sauce Mashed Potatoes Creamed Celery Buttered Beets Cabbage Relish Graham Pudding, Lemon Sauce Coffee GRAPE FRUIT COCKTAILS Remove pulp from grapefruit and cut sec- tions in halves cross-wise. Put into chilled cocktail glasses to % their depth. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and set a small green cone of Creme de Menthe Ice on top of each. Garn- ish with a spring of fresh mint. Serve at once. TOMATO SOUP FRENCH STYLE Add 1 qt. can tomatoes to 1 qt. of brown soup stock, 1 onion thinly sliced, small clove, garlic, % doz. sprigs parsley, small bit of bay leaf, Y tsp. peppercorns, 1 tsp. salt, % tsp. pepper and f.g. cayenne. Bring to boiling point and boil % hr. Rub through a sieve, add % tsp. soda and % tsp. sugar. Melt 2 tbsps. butter, add 2Y2 tbsps. cornstarch, stir until blended, then pour on hot mixture, stir- ring constantly until boiling is reached. Let simmer 10 mins. and just before serving add 1 cs. hot cream. Serve in bouillon cups with croutons. CROUTONS Cut stale white bread in in. slices. Trim off crusts, spread thinly with butter, sprinkle with salt, f.g. of paprika and cut in 3 in. cubes. Put in a dripping pan and bake until delicately and evenly browned in a hot oven. BRAISED BEEF Cut 2 slices fat salt pork in small cubes. Try out in a Dutch oven. In it brown 4 or 5 lbs. of beef cut from lower part of round or face of rump that has been sprinkled with salt, pepper and dredged with flour. Turn until evenly and richly browned on both sides. Place on trivet and surround with 3 c. each carrot, turnip, onion and celery cut in % in. cubes; add tsp. peppercorns, small bit of bay leaf and 3 sprigs parsley. Pour around 3cs. of hot water or brown stock; cover closely and bake 4 or 5 hours in a very slow oven. Keep liquid just at boiling point through the cooking. Serve with Brown Mushroom Sauce. BROWN MUSHROOM SAUCE Melt Y c. butter or some of fat in pan, add 5 tbsps. flour and brown richly. Strain liquid from meat, remove fat; there should be 2 cs. (if needed add boiling water to make 2 cs.) Pour slowly on first mixture, stirring until smooth, add Y tsp. Kitchen bouquet and Y c. thinly sliced canned button musnrooms. When boiling point is reached turn into hot sauce boat. MASHED POTATOES Pass 6 hot boiled potatoes through a ricer, add 3 tbsps, butter, 1 tsp. salt, f.g. white pepper and X cup of hot cream or milk; beat with a fork until light and fluffy. Reheat -and pile lightly into a hot serving dish; dot over with bits of butter, sprinkle lightly with pepper or paprika and serve at once. CREAMED CELERY Wash, scrape and cut the outer stalks or crisp celery in 1 in. pieces; there should be 2 cs. Cook 20 mins. in as little boiling salted water as possible. Drain, reserve water; there should be Y c., to this add Y c. of hot cream or milk. Melt 2 tbsps. butter, add 2 tbsps. flour mixed with Y4 tsp. salt, Y8 tsp. white pepper and stir until well blended; then add gradually the hot liquid stirring constantly until smooth. Add prepared celery, bring to boiling point, turn into hct serving dish and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley. BUTTERED BEETS Cut 4 hot boiled beets in Y in. slices, adu 3 tbsps. butter, 1 tbsp. sugar, Y tsp. salt and shake over a low fire until beets are well buttered and sugar is melted. Serve hot. CABBAGE RELISH Shred as finely as possible head white cabbage (about 2Y cs.) add 2 finely chopped green peppers (discarding seeds and white portion) and 1 medium-sized Bermuda onion. Add Y c. finely chopped celery. Mix thoroughly, and season with 1 tsp. celery salt, Y tsp. white mustard seed, salt to season, and 4 c. sugar; dilute Y c. vinegar with 2 tbsps. water, add to mixture and stir until well blended. Chill and serve with fried oysters, scallops, fish cutlets, etc. STEAMED GRAHAM PUDDING Melt Y c. butter, add q c. molasses, M c. milk and 2 eggs beaten until thick and light. Mix together 1Y cs. Graham flour, Y tsp. soda, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. ginger and 1 c. raisins seeded and shredded. Turn into a well buttered mould, cover and steam 2Y hrs. Serve with Lemon Sauce. LEMON SAUCE Mix 2 c. sugar and 1 tbsp. cornstarch. Add 1 c. boiling water, gradually, stirring constantly; bring to boiling point and boil 5 mins. Remove from range, and add 2 tbsps. butter, M tsp. salt, 2 tbsps. lemon juice and 3 or 4 gratings lemon rind. Stir until well blended.  SUNDAY DINNER Number Seven Oyster Cocktails with Mayonnaise Watercress Sandwiches Roast Stuffed Brisket of Veal Brown Mushroom Sauce Baked Potatoes Cabbage au Gratin Grape Fruit Salad Raisin Pie Cheese Balls Coffee OYSTER COCKTAILS WITH MAYONNAISE Pick over and clean selected oysters. Par- boil in their own liquor until plump. Drain, when cool remove tough muscles. Marinate soft portions with French Dressing, cover and thoroughly chill. Dispose on small lettuce heart-leaves arranged on small individual plates, aMowing 5 oysters for each service. Set a small rose of mayonnaise on each oyster, using a pastry bag and small rose tube. Serve at once. WATERCRESS SANDWICHES Mix ic. finely chopped crisp watercress, 2 hard-cooked eggs, finely chopped, and 2 tbsps. finely chopped chives. Moisten with mayonnaise to the consistency to spread. Cut white bread in X in. slices; cut slices in 1 Y in. rounds, spread with mayonnaise; spread half the rounds with a layer of mixture put together in pairs. Serve with oyster, clam, or lobster cocktails. ROAST STUFFED BRISKET OF VEAL Select the fancy brisket or shoulder of veal; weighing 5 or 6 lbs.; have bones removed and stuff (recipe for stuffing given below). Sew and skewer into shape, dredge with flour, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cover top with thin slices of salt pork, also bottom of pan. Bake in a hot oven, allowing 20 mins. to the pound. Baste every 10 mins. with fat in pan. Add ic. boiling water and continue basting. Remove pork from top of meat 30 mins. before done and brown richly. A delicious gravy may be made from fat in pan. STUFFING Melt 4 tbsps. butter, add lc. cracker crumbs; stir until butter is absorbed. Add 1 tsp. finely chopped parsley, U tsp. pepper, 1 tsp. salt, 1 onion finely chopped and 1 c. chopped canned mushrooms. Add 4 to 1c. of hot water and stir until well blended. Use as directed. BROWN MUSHROOM SAUCE (See Dinner Number Six). BAKED POTATOES Select smooth, medium-sized potatoes. Wash and scrub with a vegetable brush. Place in a shallow pan. Bake in a hot oven 40 to 45 mins. Turn once while baking. Remove from oven and serve immediately. If allowed to stand after baking, unless the skin is broken and steam allowed to escape, they will become soggy. CABBAGE AU GRATIN Cut % head of boiled cabbage in small pieces. Put into a buttered baking dish, sprinkle with salt, pepper and finely chopped pimiento. Mix with 1c. of White Sauce to which has been added Yc. grated cheese. Mix thoroughly, sprinkle top with buttered crumbs. Bake in a hot oven until heated through and crumbs are brown. Serve in baking dish. GRAPE FRUIT SALAD Remove the sections from large, heavy grape fruit that have been cut in halves crosswise. Chill. Arrange heart lettuce leaves on indivi- dual plates. Slightly thin mayonnaise dressing with cream. Just before serving pile the fruit in center of lettuce leaves and mask with the cream mayonnaise. Sprinkle with paprika. Serve at once. RAISIN PIE Line a glass pie plate with rich pastry and fil with the following mixture. Beat the yolks of 2 eggs until light; add lc. of sugar, the grated yellow rind and juice of 1 lemon, 3H tsp. salt. Cook 1 /2cs. seedless raisins in very little water until plump, drain (reserve water). Cool and chop. Add to first mixture and if the latter seems dry add a little of the raisin water, dot over with I 2 tbsp. of butter and bake thirty mins. in a moderate oven. When cool, cover with meringue made of the whites of 2 eggs beaten until stiff, add gradually 4 tbsps. sugar and continue beating until mixture will hold its shape when piled on pie. Sprinkle lightly with sugar and cook slowly at first in the oven, then brown quickly.  SUNDAY DINNER Number Eight Cream of Lettuce Soup Imperial Sticks Ham Loaf Whipped Cream Horseradish Sauce Sweet Potato Croquettes Spinach with Eggs Lettuce, String Bean and Onion Salad Mock Cherry Pie Cheese Coffee CREAM OF LETTUCE SOUP Cook 1 tbsp. finely chopped onion in 1 tbsp. butter 5 mins. without browning. Add 2 heads of lettuce finely chopped, 3 tbsp. un- cooked rice and 3cs. Chicken or White Stock. Cook slowly until rice is soft, then add %c. hot cream mixed with the yolk 1 egg slightly beaten; continue cooking 1 min. Season with f.g. nutmeg, salt and pepper. Serve in soup nappies, sprinkle lightly with finely chopped chives or parsley. IMPERIAL STICKS Cut stale bread in V in. slices, trim off crusts and spread lightly with butter; cut in in. strips. Arrange in a shallow pan and brown evenly and delicately in a hot oven. Stack log-canin-fashion on a fancy plate covered with a lace paper doiley. HAM LOAF Pass 2 lbs. fresh lean pork and 1 lb. smoked raw ham through the meat chopper twice. Add ic. rolled cracker crumbs, 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted; season with black pepper and salt if needed. With the hands mix thoroughly while gradually adding 1c. milk. When well blended, pack solidly into a brick shaped bread pan; bake 1Y hrs. in a mod- erate oven. Drain off superfluous fat. Re- move to serving platter, set in the oven a few minutes to dry off. Serve hot on a bed of boiled well seasoned spinach. or cold thinly sliced, with Whipped Cream Horseradish Sauce. Garnish with sprigs of parsley and Spiced Crabapples. WHIPPED CREAM HORSERADISH SAUCE Mix 4c. fresh grated horseradish with 1 tbsp. cider or malt vinegar. Y tsp. salt, 3 tsp. paprika, f.g. cayenne. Just before serving, fold in fc. of triple cream beaten until stiff. Pile lightly in a fancy sauce boat and sprinkle with finely chopped chives. Serve with boiled ham, tongue or ham loaf. SWEET POTATO CROQUETTES Mix 2cs. hot riced sweet potatoes with 3 tbsps. butter, % tsp. salt, f.g. pepper, Mc. finely chopped English walnuts and 1 egg well beaten. If mixture appears too dry, add a little hot cream or milk. Mould in cork-shape croquettes, roll in fine bread crumbs, dip in egg diluted with cold milk (1 tbsp milk for ea. egg) and again in crumbs. Fry in deep hot fat; drain on brown paper and arrange around Ham Loaf or Baked Ham. SPINACH WITH EGGS Pick over and wash in several changes of water I pk. of spinach. Cook in an uncovered vessel in as little boiling water as possible (if young and tender) or in a large quantity of boiling salted water, if old, to which has been added 2 tsp. soda and 1 tsp. sugar. Drain thoroughly and finely chop. Season with 53 tbsps. butter, f.g. nutmeg and salt to season. Shape in a rectangular mound on hot serving platter, dispose ham loaf above and surround with hard-cooked eggs cut in halves lengthwise (cut side out) and a thin slice cut from the large ends to make them stand upright. Sprinkle each yolk with a dash of paprika. LETTUCE, STRING BEAN AND ONION SALAD Arrange individual nests of crisp lettuce or romaine leaves on chilled salad plates. Drain small string beans from the liquor in the can. rinse with cold water and drain again. Mar- inate with French dressing and let stand in a cold place 1 hr. Drain, pile lightly in the center of each nest, sprinkle with thinly sliced green onions and mask with cream mayonnaise; sprinkle with paprika or finely chopped parsley. MOCK CHERRY PIE Mix thoroughly 1%,s. large cranberries cut in halves lengthwise, with %c. of seeded raisiru cut in halves, 1c. sugar, I j tbsps. flour and f.g. salt; dot over with 1 tbsp. butter and bake between 2 crusts, 35 mins in a moderate oven, Serve hot. ,  Olives SUNDAY DINNER Number Nine Cream of Corn Soup Crisp Wafers Salted Peanuts Old Fashioned Chicken Pie Cauliflower a la Bechamel Head Lettuce, Russian Dressing Celery Orange Charlotte CREAM OF CORN SOUP (See Dinner Number Two). OLD FASHIONED CHICKEN PIE Dress, clean and cut up 2 fowls. Put into a stew-pan with 1 sliced onion, cover with boiling water, cover and let simmer until tender, the last hour of cooking add Y2 tbsp. salt. Remove chicken, strain stock, skim off fat, return to range and let boil until reduced to 1 qt. Thicken stock with .c. flour diluted with cold water to pour. When boiling point is reached add 3 tbsps. butter in small bits, and more salt if needed. Place an inverted cup in center of baking dish, dispose chicken around it (discarding the large bones) cover with gravy, and cool. Cover with baking powder crust rolled Y in. thick, in which several incisions have been made that there may be an outlet for steam and gases. Wet edges of crust and lay around a narrow rim; let rim come close to edge of dish. Bake in a moderate oven until crust is well risen and evenly browned. BAKING POWDER CRUST Sift together 3cs. flour, 2 tbsps. baking powder, , tbsp. salt. Rub in 3 tbsps. lard with tips of fingers, then add gradually 1 ycs. milk. Toss on a floured board, knead lightly, roll, shape and use as directed. CAULIFLOWER A LA BECHAMEL Remove the leaves and cut off the stalk of a large white head of cauliflower. Soak head- down in cold salt water to cover thirty minutes. Drain and cook (head up) in boiling salted water 20 mins. or until tender. Drain. Re- move whole to hot serving dish and pour over hot Bechamel Sauce. Fresh Lady Fingers )ffee BECHAMEL SAUCE Melt rc. butter; add YMc. flour, mixed with j tsp. salt, Yg tsp. white pepper and f.g. nut- meg. Stir to a smooth paste. Then add 1 acs. highly seasoned hot chicken stock (taken from the stock in which fowls were boiled) stirring constantly. Add %c. hot cream and the yolks 3 eggs slightly beaten; let cook 1 min. and use as directed. Sauce will curdle if allowed to boil after the addition of egg yolks. HEAD LETTUCE-RUSSIAN DRESSING Remove the outer wilted leaves from a large, solid head of crisp lettuce, cut in quarters lengthwise. Dispose in a salad bowl previously rubbed inside with a cut clove of garlic or arrange each quarter on chilled individual salad plates. Just hefore serving pour over Russiana Dressing. RUSSIAN DRESSING To lc. of mayonnaise add slowly while beat- ing constantly, Yc. olive oil. Mix I tbsp. tarragon vinegar, M tsp. salt, l tsp. paprika, 1 tbsp. each pimiento puree, green pepper finely chopped, chives finely chopped and yolks 2 hard-cooked eggs and whites chopped separ- ately. Add to first mixture and chill. Just before serving add Y2c. Chili Sauce. ORANGE CHARLOTTE Soak I M tbsps. gelatine in %c. cold water, dissolve in Mc. boiling water, strain and add lc. sugar, 3 tbsps. lemon juice and pulp. Chill in a bowl of ice water; when quite thick, beat with a wire whisk until frothy, then fold in the stiffly beaten whites 3 eggs and the whip from 1 pt. of triple cream. Line individual moulds with thin slices of oranges cut in quarters, turn in mixture, spread evenly, chid and serve with fresh lady fingers.  SUNDAY DINNER Number Ten Crab Meat Cocktails M Roast Stuffed Hamburg Steak Tomato Sauce Savory Rice Creamed Celery Romaine and Grape Fruit Salad Apricots in Orange Jelly Cocoanut Cake Coffee CRAB MEAT COCKTAILS Mix 4 tbsps. tomato catsup, 1 tbsp. each of horseradish and lemon juice, % tsp. finely chopped shallot or chives; season with salt; naprika, and f.g. cayenne. Mix thoroughly, chill and pour over 2 tbsps. crab meat piled lightly in coctitail glasses. Sprinkle with finely chopped mild green or red peppers. Serve with cucumber sandwiches. ROAST STUFFED HAMBURG STEAK Remove fat, tissue, and bone from 2 lbs. round steak; pass twice through meat chopper wil 1 grecn pepper and 1 medium sized onion; soak 1c. stale bread crumhs I hr. in cold water; drain and wring dry in folds of a towel. Add bread to meat, sCason hifgehly with salt and pepper; add white 1 egg and mix well with the hands. Pat into an oval sheet, lay a layer of bread stuffing (see stuffing for turkey Thanks- giving dinner) in center, gradually work meat over stuffing; press meat into an oval loaf. Try out marrow trom bone and fat trimmings in dripping pan, add %c. butterine; place loaf in 1an and roast in a medium hot oven 1 hr. bast- ing often with fat in pan or ,c. butterine melted in e. boiling water. Remove to hot serving platter and pour around tomato sauce. SAVORY RICE Cook Ic. blanched rice in 2 qts. boiling salted water until tender (20 to 25 mins.), add Yc. butter, 1 tbsp. finely chopped parsley, and 2 or 3 tbsps. finely chopped chives or onion accord- ing to taste; toss lightly together and serve in place of potatoes, with roast beef, pork, goose or ducks. TOMATO SAUCE Melt and brown (without burning) 4 tbsps. butter, with 1 slice onion, 1 small clove garlic, 2 slices carrot, tiny piece bay leaf, 1 sprig each parsley and thyme. Remove seasonings, add 5 tbsps. flour, stir until well blended, continue browning. Then add gradually while stirring constantly, 1 cs. each of stewed and strained tomato pulp and brown stock. Season with salt, pepper and 2 or 3 drops Tabasco Sauce. Bring to boiling point and strain around steak. CREAMED CELERY (See Dinner Number Six). ROMAINE AND GRAPE FRUIT SALAD Remove the coarse outer wilted leaves from a large, firm head of romaine or head lettuce. Separate the leaves and arrange them on in- dividual salad plates. Cut large, juicy grape fruit in halves, crosswise, remove seeds and white portion. With a grape fruit knife, re- move the sections of pulp and pile pyramid like in center of each portion of lettuce. Mask with cream mayonnaise and sprinkle with pistachio nut meats broken in pieces. APRICOTS IN ORANGE JELLY Soak 2 tbsps. granulated gelatine in %c. cold water 20 mims., dissolve in 1,cs. boiling water, strain, add lc. sugar, 1->cs. orange juice and 3 tbsps. lemon juice. Drain peeled canned apricots from the syrup in can; pour orange mixture into individual moulds (wet moulds inside with cold water) to the depth of % in.; place a blanched almond in the pit cavity of each half apricot and when jelly is set arrange prepared apricots over gelatine, cut side down; pour over enough of the orange mixture to hold fruit in place when jelly is set, fill moulds to top. Chill. Unmould and serve with whipped cream. COCOANUT CAKE Cream ?>c. butter; gradually add Ic. sugar stirring constantly. Sift together 2cs. pastry flour, 3 tsps. baking powder and Y tsp. salt. Add to first mixture alternately with Vc. milk; add 1 tsp. vanilla and lastly cut and fold in the stiffly beaten whites 3 eggs. Bake 15 milns. in 2 square layer cake pans, that have been buttered and floured. Put together with boiled frosting, sprinkle thickly with fresh grated cocoanut. Spread top and sides with frosting and sprinkle thickly with cocoanut. k SUNDAY DINNER Number Eleven Cream of Mushroom Soup Hot Veal Loaf Hot Horseradish Sauce Risotto Brussels Sprouts in Brown Butter Peach and Orange Salad with Chantilly Mayonnaise Little Rhubarb Pies with Meringue Coffee CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP Wipe % lb. fresh mushrooms, remove stems and peel caps; chop stems and caps, add to 1 qt. of chicken or veal stock with 2 slices of onion. Cook 20 mins. then rub through a puree strainer. Reheat. Melt 2 tbsps. butter in a sauce-pan, add 2 tbsps. flour, stir until well blended, then add gradually some of the hot liquid until of the consistency to pour. Com- bine mixtures, add 1 c. of hot cream and c. thinly sliced sauted mushrooms; season with salt, pepper and serve in hot cups with 1 tbsp. whipped cream set above each service. HOT VEAL LOAF Wipe 3 lbs. of lean veal, remove skin and bone. Pass through meat chopper twice, add r/ lb. finely chopped fat salt pork. Roll 6 Uneeda Biscuits, add to meat, with Y c. of cream. With the hand, mix thoroughly while adding 1 tbsp. salt, tsp. of black pepper, 2 tbsps. lemon juice and grated onion to flavor delicately. Pack solidly into a well buttered brick shaped bread pan, smooth evenly and brush top with slightly beaten white of egg. Bake in a moderate oven 3 hrs. basting with 4 c. of pork fat. With a fork prick often whil baking, that fat may filter through and be absorbed by meat. Remove from pan to hot serving platter, surround with Risotto and serve with Hot Horseradish Sauce. HOT HORSERADISH SAUCE Mix I c. fresh grated horseradish, % c. soft bread crumbs, 4 tsp. salt, Yt tsp. paprika and 1 c. of Thin White Sauce. Heat to boiling point, then add 2 tbsps. lemon juice and I tbsp. vinegar. Serve in hot sauce boat. BRUSSELS SPROUTS Carefully remove all the outer wilted leaves from 1 qt. of fresh brussels sprouts. Wash thoroughly in several changes of cold water. Drain and cover with boiling water to which add 1 tsp. salt and boil 20 mins. Drain on a sieve, return to sauce-pan. Add 1 tbsp. butter, season with tsp. salt, and V tsp. pepper. Gently toss and shake the pan until well mixed with seasoning. Then melt and richly brown (do not burr) 2 tbsps. butter in a small black frying pan, pour over sprouts and serve at once. RISOTTO (ITALIENNE RICE) Gradually add 1 c. of washed rice to 2i or 3 qts. boiling salted water; let boil 5 mins. Drain and rinse in cold water. Drain again. Melt 3 tbsps. butter in a sauce-pan, add medium sized onion and rice, let cook until butter is absorbed, add 1% es. of thick tomato pulp, % tbsp. salt; K tsp. paprika and 2 to 3 cs. of beef broth or boiling water; continue cooking until rice is tender and the moisture is absorbed. Remove onion. Then carefully stir in % c. of grated cheese. Use a fork for this purpose lifting and stirring lightly to avoid breaking the kernels. Serve hot around veal loaf. PEACH AND ORANGE SALAD WITH CHANTILLY MAYONNAISE Arrange lettuce heart leaves in nests on individual salad plates. Set halves of canned lemon cling peaches (or sliced peaches) in the center of nests; place cubes of orange pulp in the pit cavities in small pyramids. Pipe chantilly mayonnaise around peach next to lettuce also around orange cubes, set a small rose of mayonnaise above orange cubes. Sprinkle with paprika. This is a most delic- ious salad to serve with game. LITTLE RHUBARB PIES WITH MERINGUE Cut 1 lb. of pink Southern rhubarb (without peeling) in Y in. pieces, wash, drain and put alternate layers of rhubarb and sugar into a sauce-pan until rhubarb and 1 c. of sugar have been used. Cook slowly until tender. To each pint of rhubarb add the juice Y lemon, yolks 2 eggs slightly beaten and f. g. of salt. Turn mixture into small individual baked pastry shells, place in a moderate oven and cook until mixture thickens. Remove from oven, cool slightly, spread with meringue made of whites of 2 eggs beaten stiff with 4 tbsps. sugar. Sprinkle meringue lightly with gran- ulated sugar, and bake 8 to 10 mins. in a slow oven to cook and brown meringue. Serve hot or cold.  SUNDAY DiNNER Number Twelve Pimiento Bisque Crisp Wafers Radishes Assorted Salted Nuts Crown Roast of Lamb Currant Mint Sauce Olives Mashed Potatoes Asparagus a la Hollandaise Tomato and Pearl Onion Salad Prauline Ice Cream PIMIENTO BISQUE Cook % c. rice in 3 qts. of chicken broth (all fat removed) in a double boiler until rice is soft; rub through strainer. Add pimientos drained from 1 small can rinsed in cold water, and rubbed through strainer; Y tbsp. salt and Tabasco sauce to season. Bring to boiling point and add the yolks of 2 eggs slightly beaten and diluted with Y c. of cream. Cook until eggs are set and serve in bouillon cups. Sprinkle top with finely chopped chives or parsley. CROWN ROAST OF LAMB Have a crown of lamb prepared at the market. Wrap each bone in a thin slice of fat salt pork or insert in 1 in. cubes of pork to prevent bones from burning. Cover with a larded paper. Roast in a hot oven 1 hrs. allowing from 15 to 18 mins. to the lb. Remove pork from bones, slip paper chop frills over each bone, fill crown with puree of sweet potato or chest- nut or with French fried potateos. CURRANT MINT SAUCE Cut ? glass of currant jelly in small pieces, (do not stir or beat it). Add 134 tbsps. finely chopped fresh mint leaves and the grated rind 4 an orange. Serve in a small sauce boat. MASHED POTATOES (See Sunday Dinner Number Six) ASPARAGUS A LA HOLLANDAISE Cut off hard woody part of stalks as far down as they will break easily. Wash, remove scales and retie in bunches. Cook in boiling salted water 20 min. or until soft, leaving tips above water for the first 10 mins. Drain, remove string and arrange on hot serving dish and pour over Hollandaise Sauce. HOLLANDAISE SAUCE Wash 2 c. butter, pat out water and divide in 3 parts, (if unsalted butter is used time will be saved) put 1 part into a sauce-pan with the unbeaten yolks of 2 eggs, and 1 tbsp. lemon juice. Set sauce-pan in a larger one holding boiling water, and stir constantly with a wire Orange Jumbles whip until butter is melted; add the 2nd piece of butter, and, as mixture thickens, add the the 3rd piece, continue stirring, then add 1 tsp. hot water mixed with 1 tbsp. cream. Cook I min. (no longer) season with 4 tsp. salt, and f. g. of cayenne. Use as directed. s GRAPE FRUIT, ORANGE AND PEAR SALAD Remove the pulp from 1 large grape fruit, and 1 large navel orange, cut canned Bartlett pears in inch cubes. Drain the juice from fruit. Arrange individual nests of crisp lettuce heart leaves. Mix fruit with Cream French Dressing and dispose in nests. Serve at once. CREAM FRENCH DRESSING Into a small bowl mix tsp. salt, % tsp. white pepper, 1 tsp. powdered sugar and 2 tbsps. lemon juice and 4 tbsps. olive oil. Stir until well blended then add 3 tbsps. triple cream; beat again and serve at once. PRAULINE ICE CREAM Caramelize c. of sugar by stirring con- stantly in an iron frying pan over a slow fire until of a light brown color. Add 3 c. chopped nut meats and turn on a slightly buttered plate. Cool, pound in a mortar and sift. Scald 2 cs. of milk, pour slowly while stirring briskly on the yolks of 2 eggs mixed with c. of sugar and Y8 tsp. salt. Cook over hot water until mixture thickens, continue stirring. Add prepared nut meats and chill: then add 1 c. of triple cream beaten until solid, and % tbsp. vanilla. Freeze as ice cream, using 3 parts crushed ice to 1 part rock salt, Serve in tall glasses. ORANGE JUMBLES Cream 3 tbsps. butter, add the grated rind of 1 orange, and gradually X c. of sugar stirring constantly; then add X tsp, salt; the juice I orange and slowly 1i c. flour. Chill dough. Turn on a floured board and roll to Ys in. thickness; shape with a small doughnut cutter first dipped in flour. Sprinkle tops lightly with sugar. Arrange on baking sheets covered with buttered paper and bake in a moderate oven until delicately browned, about 12 mins. I SUNDAY DINNER Number Thirteen Tomato Bouillon with Oysters Duchess Crusts Salmon Cutlets Chicken in Casserole Sauce Tartare Potato Croquettes Parsnips au Gratin Asparagus with Chantilly Mayonnaise Snow Pudding Boiled Custard Coffee TOMATO BOUILLON WITH OYSTERS .o 1 qt. can of tomatoes add 1 % qts. bouillon 1 small onion sliced, a small piece bay leaf, 3 cloves, Y tsp. celery seed, and X tsp. pepper- corns. Cook twenty five minutes, strain, cool, and clear. Parboil 2 cs. selected oysters until plump and edges curl. Add to bouillon and serve at once in hot bouillon cups with Duchess Crusts. DUCHESS CRUSTS Cut stale bread in X in. slices, trim off crusts, Spread thinly with butter, cut slices in M in. cubes, put into a shallow pan and brown delicately and evenly in a hot oven. SALMON CUTLETS WITH SAUCE TARTARE Melt V c. butter; add % c. flour mixed with tsp. salt, Y tsp. paprika and f. g. cayenne. Stir constantly until blended; add 1 c. hot milk and V c. hot cream, continue stirring until boiling; add 1 egg beaten very light and cook until egg is set, add 1% tsp. lemon juice, 2 cs. (1 can) flaked canned salmon and 1 tsp. finely chopped parsley. Mix lightly with a fork. Turn on a plate, cool; shape in balls, allowing 1 rounded tbsp. for each ball; roll in fine bread crumbs, then shape into cutlets; dip in beaten egg then again in crumbs. Fry in deep hot fat, drain on brown paper and serve with Sauce Tartare. SAUCE TARTARE To 1 c. mayonnaise made with mustard, add i shallot very finely chopped and 2 tbsps. each of very finely chopped capers, olives, cucumber pickles and i tbsp. finely chopped parsley. Mix thoroughly ind serve cold. CHICKEN IN CASSEROLE Dress, clean and cut a large young fowl in pieces for serving, spread with % c. of butter first worked until creamy. Arrange in a casserole and sprinkle with salt, pepper and pour over 1 c. boiling. Cover and cook in a hot oven until chicken is tender, (about 111 hrs.) Add 1 c. hot cream and 2cs. fresh mushroom caps, peeled, broken in pieces and seasoned with a few drops onion juice. Continue cooking until mushrooms are tender. Thicken liquor with 1Y2 tbsps. flour diluted with 3 tbsps. cold water. Cook 10 mins. Serve in the casserole. POTATO CROQUETTES To 2 cs. hot riced potatoes add 3 tbsps. butter, Y tap. salt, M tsp. pepper, 1 V tbsps. chopped chives, and the yolks 3 eggs slightly beaten. Shape in balls allowing 1 rounded tbsp. for each ball. Roll in flour, slightly beaten egg, then in finely shredded blanched almonds. Fry in deep hot fat. drain on soft paper and serve with fried or broiled chicken. PARSNIPS AU GRATIN Scrape and slice medium sized parsnips; there should be 2Y2 cs. Cook until tender In boiling water. Drain and turn into a baking dish. Pour over a sauce made as follows:- Melt Y c. butter, add K c. flour, stir until well blended, pour on 1 J cs. hot milk; season with A tsp. salt; stir in 1 tsp. finely chopped parsley. Pour over parsnips, sprinkle with ; c. grated cheese and Y tsp. paprika. Bake in a hot oven until cheese melts. Serve in baking dish. ASPARAGUS WITH CHANTILLY MAYONNAISE Dispose chilled asparagus tips in individual nests of crisp lettuce heart leaves. Allow 6 stalks of the short white spears and 4 or 5 small lettuce leaves for each service. Partially mask with Chantilly Mayonnaise, sprinkle with pimientos cut in tiny bits or fancy shapes. Serve at once. Chantilly Mayonnaise is made by folding whipped cream into mayonnaise, allowing M c. of heavy cream whipped to 1 c. of Mayonnaise dressing. SNOW PUDDING Soak 1 tbsp. granulated gelatine in K c. cold water, dissolve in 1 c. boiling water, add 1 c. sugar, 3 tbsps. orange juice and 1 tbsp. lemon juice. Strain, and set in a cool place, stirring occasionally; when quite thick, beat with a wire whisk until frothy; then fold in the stiffily beaten whites - eggs. Continue beating until stiff enough to keep its shape. Turn into individual moulds; chill. Unmould on a glass platter and pour around cold boiled custard. BOILED CUSTARD Slightly beat yolks 3 eggs, add X c. sugar, and tsp. salt; stir constantly while adding 2 cs. scalded milk. Cook in double-boiler, continue stirring until mixture thickens and coats the spoon, strain at once. Chill and flavor with Y tsp. orange or vanilla extract. If cooked too long the mixture will curdle; if this occurs, by beating with a Dover egg-beater a smooth consistency may be restored. This will thin the custard somewhat. t 4 SUNDAY DINNER Number Fourteen Chicken and Tomato Bisque Wafers with Cheese Mushrooms on Toast Boiled Leg of Mutton Caper Sauce Scalloped Potatoes Buttered String Beans Asparagus Salad with Tartare Mousseline Sauce Orange Dainty Lady Fingers Coffee CHICKEN A24D TOMATO BISQUE To 3 pts. of well seasoned chicken or veal stock add Y? c. tomato puree and 3 c. cream. Bring to boiling point and add 1 tsp. salt, few drops Tabasco sauce or f. g. cayenne and 3J tsp. soda. Strain and serve in hot bouillon cups with a tbsp. of whipped cream above each service. To obtain tomato puree; put 1 pt. canned tomatoes in stewpan, let boil gently until reduced %; then rub through a puree strainer. WAFERS WITH CHEESE Arrange Saratoga Wafers or Saltines in a drip- ping pan, sprinkle thickly with grated cheese, sprinkle lightly with salt and paprika. Bake in a moderately hot oven until cheese melts. BROILED MUSHROOMS ON TOAST Wipe 12 large mushrooms, remove stems and peel caps (reserve stems and peelings to flavor soups and sauces). Arrange in a well buttered wire broiler and broil over a clear fire 3 or 4 mins. or until tender. Turn broiler and place a dot of butter on the gill side of each cap. Place on 12 circular pieces ot bread toasted on one side. Saute in 2 tbsps. butter 1 c. of thinly sliced mushrooms; season with salt, pepper and a few gratings of onion; add - c. heavy cream, Reheat and pour over mushrooms on toast. Serve at once. BOILED LEG OF MUTTON Wipe a tender 6-lb. leg of mutton with a cloth wrung from cold water. Gently pound the meat with a cleaver, place in a kettle, cover with cold water, bring to boiling point, boil 5 mins. Skim. Then add 2 slices of carrot, 2 slices of onion, 1 stalk celery cut in 1-in pieces, a small piece bay leaf, I sprig thyme, 2 sprigs parsley, and 2 cloves. Bring again to boiling point, reduce heat and let simmer until meat is tender (from 2 to 3 hrs.) When half cooked, add 1 tbsp. salt. Remove to serving platter and serve with caper sauce. CAPER SAUCE Melt 2 tbsps. butter, add X c. flour mixed with 4 tsp. salt, f. g. cayenne, stir until well blended. Then add gradually IX cs. stock in which mutton was cooked or boiling water, stirrng until sauce is Rmooth. Add a few drops onion iuice, 14 c. capers, cook 2 mins. Then add 1 egg yolk diluted with 4 c. cream. Cook 1 mbn. Remove at once and turn into hot sauce boat. BUTTERED STRING BEANS Drain canned green string beans from the liquor in can. Cover with boiling water; let stand 1 min., drain, return to sauce-pan, add 2 tbsps. butter; season with M tsp. salt, and M tsp. pepper. Shake pan over slow fire until eans are well mixed with seasoning and thor- oughly heated. SCALLOPED POTATOES WITH GREEN PEPPERS Into a buttered baking dish put a layer of thinly sliced blanched potatoes, sprinkle with a layer of thinly sliced onion, green and mild red peppers, salt, dots of butter and flour. It will require the following ingredients: 1 qt. sliced potatoes, 1 onion, Y2 green and 3, red pepper, 1 tsp. salt. 3 tbsps. butter and 34 c. flour, and milk enough to come to the top of potatoes. Cover and bake in a moderate oven 2 to 3 hrs., adding milk as needed. Remove cover the last J~a hr. of cooking to brown potatoes. Serve in baking dish. ASPARAGUS SALAD Arrange cold cooked asparagus spears, from which the hard portions have been removed, in nests of crisp lettuce heart leaves; put two tbsps. of tartare mousseline sauce over each portion, sprinkle with paprika and serve at once. TARTARE MOUSSELINE SAUCE To i c. of mayonnaise add 2 tbsps. each of finely chopped olives, gerkins, capers, chives and f. g. each of salt and cayenne. Just before serving fold in Y3 c. triple cream beaten until solid. ORANGE DAINTY Soak 2 tbsps. granulated gelatine in M c. cold water, dissolve in M c- boiling water. Strain into a bowl, add 1 c. sugar, 1 c. orange juice, the grated rind of 1 orange . and 1 tbsp. lemon juice. Set bowl in a pan of crushed ice or ice water and stir constantly until it begins to thicken. Then fold in the uhip from 3j Gs. of cream, add j at a time. Turn into indi- vidual moulds or glasses and chill thoroughly. Garnish each service with a cube of orange or mint jelly. Serve with lady fingers or Mac- aroons.  SUNDAY DINNER Number Fifteen Cream of Tomato Soup Radishes Green Onions Braised Beefs Tongue Hot Horseradish Sauce Brabrant Potatoes Spinach Orange Salad Pineapple Cream Ice Potato Flour Sponge Cake Coffee CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP Scald 1 qt. milk, with 1 slice of onion, re- move onion, and thicken milk with % c. flour diluted with cold water to the consistency of thin cream and free from lumps; cook 20 mins. stirring constantly at first, cook 1 pt. of tomatoes with M tbsp. sugar 15 mins. Add Y tsp. soda and rub through strainer. Add to thickened milk, bring to boiling point and strain over % c. butter, 1 tsp. salt, H tsp. pepper and 2 drops Tabasco sauce. Serve in cups with croutons. BRAISED BEEF'S TONGUE Slect a fresh beef's tongue for braising. Put tongue into kettle, cover with boiling water; bring to boiling point then cook slowly 2 hrs. Drain from water, trim off roots and remove skin. Place in a Dutch oven and sur- round with 3 c. each carrot, onion, and celery cut in small pieces. Add 2 sprigs parsley Y tsp. peppercorns, 1 tbsp. salt; pour over 4 cs. of the water in which tongue was cooked. Cover closely and bake in the oven 2 hrs., turn after first hour. Serve on a bed of spinach. Pass Hot Horseradish Sauce. (See Sunday Dinner Number Eight.) BRABRANT POTATOES Select small potatoes; wash, pare, trim egg- shaped or cut in cubes-drop at once into cold water, let soak J hr. if new. 2 hrs. if old. Drain; parboil 10 mins, drain again and place in a baking dish and bake in the oven until soft- basting 4 times with melted butter or beefd dripping. Sprinkle with salt and serve. SPINACH Remove roots and wilted leaves from M pk. of spinach. Wash thoroughly until entirely free from sand and grit. Cook slowly in as little water as possible or without water if young until the juice is drawn out, then cover and boil until tender. Drain and chop very fine. Melt 2 tbsps. butter in a saucepan, add 1 tsp. chopped onion, stir until delicately browned, add 2 tbsps. fine cracker crumbs or flour, 9 tsp. salt, % tsp. pepper, f. g. nutmeg and gradually 1 c. beef or chicken broth and spinach. When thoroughly heated stir in 1 raw egg, cook I min. Arrange in a mound on hot serving platter. Garnish with sliced hard- cooked eggs. ORANGE SALAD Pare 6 medium sized navel oranges, removing every particle of white portion. Cut in quarters lengthwise, remove white core and cut quarters crosswise into H-in. slices. Marinate with French dressing made with lemon juice in place of vinegar, omit pepper and use very little salt, let stand 30 mins. Drain and dis- pose moundlike in a nest of lettuce heart leaves or water cress. Sprinkle with 2 tbsps. finely chopped mint leaves. Serve with cream mayonnaise. Sprinkle lightly with mint. POTATO FLOUR SPONGE CAKE Beat yolks 5 eggs until thick and lemon- tinted. Add gradually 1 c. sifted gran. sugar, while beating constantly; add juice and grated yellow rind of H small orange. Sift Y c. potato flour, Y tsp. salt 5 times. Beat whites of eggs unt" " t; add half the whites of eggs to first mixtu, , mix well, then fold in flour; when well blended, cut and fold in remaining whites of eggs. Beat mixture 1 mm. Turn into an unbuttered tube pan and bake 45 mins. in a moderate oven. Serve without frosting. PINEAPPLE CREAM ICE Boil 1 c. sugar and 2 cs. water 15 mins., strain, when cool add 2 cs. fresh grated pine- apple and the juice or 1 can grated pineapple. Freeze to a mush. Then fold in 2 cs. cream whipped until stiff and combined with 2 stiffly beaten whites of egg. Continue freez- ing. Let stand 1 hr. before serving. Pile lightly in frappe glasses and sprinkle with chopped pistachio nuts.  SUNDAY DINNER Number Sixteen Grapefruit Cocktails X Guinea Fowl Baked Paprika Potatoes Giblet Sauce Stuffed Peppers Cauliflower and Cress Salad 9 Lemon Fauchonettes Coffee GRAPEFRUIT COCKTAILS Cut the grapefruit in halves and remove each section of pulp whole. Reserve juice. Ar- range sections of pulp in chilled cocktail glasses; sprinkle with powdered sugar. Finish each portion with an unhulled strawberry or Maraschino. Chill juice, just before serving pour 1 tbsp. of juice mixed with l tbsp. of grape juice over each portion. 1 tbsp. of sherry was formerly used for each cocktail. GUINEA FOWL BAKED Dress, clean and split a year old guinea fowl as for broiling. Arrange in a dripping pan or double roasting pan over thinly sliced fat salt pork. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and cover with thin slices of fat pork. Pour around 1 c. boiling water, cover closely and cook in a moderate oven until tender (1% to 2 hrs. according to age) basting often if cooked in dripping pan. Remove to hot serving platter, and surround with stuffed green peppers. PAPRIKA POTATOES Scrub the required number of large potatoes with a brush. Bake in a hot oven until soft in center (about 45 mins.) Cut 2 gashes on one side of each potato at right angles to the other. Take up in a tea towel and gently press to force out steam and loosen pulp. Turn back corners and put I tbsp. butter in center, sprinkle generously with salt and paprika. Serve in a folded napkin. STUFFED GREEN PEPPERS Cut thick slices from the stem ends from 6 medium sized green peppers; remove seeds, all white portion and parboil 15 mins. in boiling salted water to which add Y tsp. soda. Drain, fill with corn mixture. Cut the corn lengthwise from 1 doz. ears or use 2Y cs. of canned corn. Put corn into a sauce pan, add c. milk or thin cream and simmer slowly 15 mins. (if green corn) or heat through if canned corn is used. Stir often. Season with 2 tbsps. butter, 1 tbsp. finely chopped chives or onion. 1 tsp. sugar, salt and pepper. Fill peppers, sprinkle top with paprika. Garnish with sprigs parsley. CAULIFLOWER AND 'CRESS SALAD Marinate flowerets of cold cooked cauliflower with a little French dressing; let stand closely covered in refrigerator until ready to serve. Arrange nests of crisp water cress on individual salad plates and carefully arrange drained cauliflower in centers. Sprinkle with tiny figures cut from pickled beets or pimiento and serve cream mayonnaise apart in sauce boat. LEMON FAUCHONETTES Invert small, individual pie pans and cover outside with rich pastry. Prick top of paste with a fork. Set on baking sheet, bake in quick oven. Remove from pans; fill with thr following mixture. Spread with meringue and brown delicately in a slow oven. Filling:- Moisten 3 tbsps. corn starch with 3 tbsps. colt water, stir into 1y cs. boiling water, boil 2 mins. Then cook in double boiler 10 mins. Add 1 c. sugar f. g. salt, 1 tsp. butter, remove from fire, add juice and grated rind 1 large lemon and the yolks 3 eggs well beaten.  SUNDAY DINNER Number Seventeen Sardine Cocktails 9 Braised Stuffed Shoulder of Veal Brown Gravy Sweet Potatoes, Alabama Style Onion Souffle Head Lettuce, Roquefort Cheese Dressing Rice Bavarian Cream with Prunes ( f fe SARDINE COCKTAILS Drain I can of sardines from oil. Remove skin, bones and separate in >1-in. pieces. Mix % c. tomato catsup, 2 tbsps. fresh grated horse- radish, 3 or 4 drops Tabasco sauce, the juice of r, lemon, and salt to season. Add sardines. Chill thoroughly, and serve in small tomato cups. BRAISED STUFFED SHOULDER OF VEAL Have the bones removed at the market, from 5 lbs. shoulder of veal. Stuff with bread stoufing (see Thanksgiving Dinner) and sew in shape. Try out 2 slices fat salt pork cut in small pieces in a Dutch oven. Remove scraps. Sprinkle veal with salt, pepper and dredge with flour; brown entire surface evenly in hot fat. Place on trivet and surround with c. each carrot, turnip, onion, and celery cut in small cubes. Add 3 cs. brown stock or boiling water; cover closely and bake slowly 4 hrs., basting every 30 mins. Turn after 2 hrs. cooking. Remove to hot serving platter. Strain liquor and use for making brown gravy. SWEET POTATOES ALABAMA STYLE Into a broad flat bottom baking dish, melt c. butter and /' c. sugar. When blended cover with a layer of raw sweet potatoes, pared and cut in halves lengthwise. Season lightly with salt and pepper, cover with another layer (not too closely) of potatoes. Pour on boiling water to partially cover the bottom layer, cover vessel closely and set to cook in a sleyv oven. When the lower layer is browned, re.nove to top to brown the other layers. When pota- toes are all browned and tender the liquor should be well reduced, leaving a little syrup to pour over potatoes after removing to serving dish. ONION SOUFFLE Cook silver skin onions in boiling salted water until soft. Drain, reserve water, and rub onions through a puree strainer; there should be 13/2 es. pulp. Melt K c. butter. Add Y4 c. flour; pour on slowly 1 c. onion water and % c. hot cream; add onion puree to hot mixture, heat to boiling point. Season with salt and pepper. Beat yolks 3 eggs until thick and light, add to mixture; then fold in the stiffly beaten whites 3 eggs. Turn into a buttered pudding dish and bake 25 ruins. in a moderate oven. Serve immediately. IEAD LETTUCE WITH ROQUEFORT DRESSING (See Sunday Dinner Number One) RICE BAVARIAN CREAM WITH PRUNES Blanch ! c. rice, then cook until tender in 1Y c. milk. Make a soft custard with / c. milk, the yolks 3 eggs slightly beaten with 3 c. sugar; add 1 tbsp. gelatine softened in Y c. cold water, and strain over rice. Set in ice water and stir until mixture begins to thicken, Then fold in the pulp of I , doz. cooked prunes. stoned and rubbed through a sieve, 2 es. triple cream beaten until stiff, and the juice , lemon. Turn into a mould, chill thoroughly. Unmould on serving platter, garnish with cooked chilled, stoned prunes stuffed with slightly cooked apricots. } SUNDAY DINNER Number Eighteen Little Neck Clam Cocktails Cucumber Sandwiches Consomme au Riz Toasted Wafors Boned Stuffed Shoulder of Lamb Roasted Franconia Potatoes Buttered Asparagus Pineapple and Tomato Salad x Cocoa Cocoanut Pudding, Marshmallow Sauce Coffee LITTLE NECK CLAM COCKTAILS Place clams in a shallow dish after removing the black portions. There should be 1 't. Mix thoroughly Y c. tomato catsup, 1 tbsp. horseradish, 2 tbsps. lemon juice, 1 tsp. salt, and 3 or 4 drops Tabasco sauce. Chill and pour over prepared clams and let stand several irs. in a cold place. Serve in chilled cocktail glasses with 2 small cucumber sandwiches for each service. CUCUMBER SANDWICHES Pare and cut 1 long slender chilled cucumber in %-in. slices crosswise. Marinate with French dressing. Spread thinly sliced white bread circles, cut same size (in diameter) as cucumber, with mayonnaise. Sprinkle half slices with finely chopped chives, cover with drained sliced cucumber; set remaining circles of bread above, press together and insert a sprig of parsley in center of each sandwich. CONSOMME AU RIZ Cook Y4 c. of blanched rice in 1 qt. boiling salted water until tender; orain and pour over boiling water to separate the kernels. Drain, and add to 2 qts. hot consomme. Serve in bouillon cups. Sprinkle top with a little finely chopped parsley. BONED STUFFED SHOULDER OF LAMB ROASTED Order a forequarter cut from spring lamb, boned at the market; have bones sent with meat for making stock. Fill boned meat with bread stuffing, roll, sew and skewer into shape. Ar- range on rack in roasting pan, sprinkle with salt, pepper, dredge with flour and roast in a hot oven; basting frequently with hot dripping, allowing 9 mins. to the pound for roasting. Remove to hot serving platter. Add 4 tbsps. flour to dripping in pan, stir until well browned; then pour on 1Y cs. stock (made from trim- mings and bones) stirring constantly until smooth. Season with salt, pepper and M tsp. Kitchen Bouquet. Strain into hot sauce boat. FRANCONIA POTATOES (See Sunday Dinner Number One) BUTTERED ASPARAGUS Wash stalks, break off all the white woody portion. Tie in a bunch. Cook in a deep vessel in boiling salted water. Stand upright with tips out of water for the first 10 nins. Cook for 30 mins. or until tender. Drain and arrange tips on buttered toast on a hot serving platter. Pour over melted butter and sprinkle with salt and pepper. PINEAPPLE AND TOMATO SALAD Chill on ice 1 can of the small sliced pine- apple. Peal, chill and cut medium sized toma- toes crosswise in A-in. slices. Drain pineapple from syrup in can, arrange in nests of crisp lettuce heart leaves disposed on individual salad plates. Set a slice of tomato above pineapple. Pour over each portion Y tbsp. French dressing made with lemon juice in place of vinegar and very little salt; set a "rose" of coral mayonnaise (the latter colored with fruit coloring) in center of tomato, insert a sprig of parsley in each rose. To shape the "roses" force mayonnaise through a pastry bag and rose tube. COCOA COCOANUT PUDDING Soak % c. soft bread crumbs in 1 c. scalded milk until very soft. Add M c. grated cocoa- nut, c. sugar mixed with A c. cocoa, 1 tsp. vanilla, and Y4 tsp.salt. Beat thoroughly, then add the yolks 2 eggs slightly beaten; when thoroughly blended fold in the stiffly beaten whites 2 eggs. Turn into well buttered pud- ding dish and bake 30 mins. in a xnoderate oven. Serve hot with Hard Sauce or cold with Marshmallow Sauce. MARSHMALLOW SAUCE Boil 1 c. sugar and a c. boiling water until it spins a thread (about 5 mins.) Add 2 c. fresh Marshmallows and beat until they are melted. Keep warm but not hot while using.  SUNDAY DINNER Number Nineteen Orange and Strawberry Cocktail Chicken Southern Style Bechamel Sauce Mashed Potatoes Corn Fritters Romaine with Roquefort Salad Dressing Cheese Straws 9 Steamed Almond Pudding, Whipped Cream Coffee ORANGE AND STRAWBERRY COCKTAIL Peel large navel oranges, removing white membrane. Cut crosswise in h-in. slices. Cut slices in cubes rejecting the white core, save juice. Wash (if necessary) large firm strawberries, dry them, hull and cut in halves lengthwise. Chill prepared fruit on ice. When ready to serve, mix fruit carefully and divide equally between the required number of chilled cocktail glasses. There should be equal measure of orange cubes and halves of berries. Sprinkle each with I tbsp. sugar. Pour over orange juice to which add lemon juice in the proportion of 1 tsp. to each ? c. orange juice. Garnish each portion with a large unhulled strawberry. Maraschino cherries may be used in place of strawberries and some of the juice mixed with orange juice, then poured over fruit. CHICKEN SOUTHERN STYLE Dress, clean and cut up 2 chickens (one year old or less). Sprinkle with salt, pepper; then dip in egg diluted with cold milk (2 tbsps. milk for each egg) and fine bread crumbs. Place in a well greased dripping pan and hake in a hot oven until evenly browned; turn often and baste after first 5 mins. cooking with % c. butter melted in % c. hot water. After butter is used baste every 5 mins. with fat in pan. If chickens are young it will require 35 mins- to complete cooking. Arrange on lot serving platter and pour around 2 cs. Pechamel Sauce. Garnish with crisp bacon. Serve Corn Fritters. BECHAMEL SAUCE Melt 1 c. butter in sauce pan; add i c. flour, stir until well blended, then add gradually 1 cs. of chicken stock made from liquor in which neck, pinions and giblets were cooked. Stir until sauce is smooth. Add f c. hot cream Season with salt, pepper and f. g. nutmeg. Remove from range and beat in the yolks 2 eggs slightly beaten. Do not allow sauce tr cook after adding egg yolks. MASHED POTATOES (See Sunday Dinner Number Six.) CORN FRITTERS Mix 2 es. finely chopped canned corn, or grated green corn. 3 tbsps. cream, 11j cs. flour, I tsp. salt, 1 tsp. sugar, and M c. melted butter. Mix well and add 3 eggs beaten until thick and lemon tinted. Drop by tablespoon- fuls on a well greased griddle; cook until browned on one side, turn and brown the other side. Serve at once. ROMAINE WITH ROQUEFORT DRESSING Remove the outer imperfect leaves, separate remaining leaves of a solid head of crisp romaine or if heads are long and solid, cut in quarters lengthwise. Arrange portions on individual salad plates and just before serving pour over French dressing to which has been added % c. Roquefort cheese crumbled and beaten until well blended, then stir in 2 tbsps. thin cream. Cream may be omitted. STEAMED ALMOND PUDDING Cream 34 c. butter, add 1 c. sugar gradually, ? c. molasses and 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted, sift together 1i Cs. flour, tsp. soda, "' tsp. cinnamon, Y4 tsp. nutmeg, and % tsp. salt. Add to first mixture altera- nately with j c. milk. Then stir in % c. blanched almonds that have been fried in deep hot fat, drained and finely chopped. Turn into a well buttered mould cover and steam 21% hrs. Serve hot with whipped cream or foamy sauce.  SUNDAY DINNER Number Twenty Smoked Salmon and Anchovy Canapes Tomato Bisque Soup Boiled Halibut Steaks Toasted Croutons Egg Sauce Boiled Potatoes Crystallized Cauliflower au Gratin Chiffonade Salad Vanilla Ice Cream Hot Chocolate Sauce Cafe Noir SMOKED SALMON AND ANCHOVY CANAPES Cut stale bread in Y-in. slices, remove crusts and cut slices in rounds or triangles. Saute in butter. Spread with anchovies pounded to a paste in a mortar and mixed with an equal measure of butter. Cover with flaked smoked salmon and sprinkle with finely chopped hard- cooked white of egg and sifted yolks, set a stuffed olive in center of each canape. TOMATO BISQUE SOUP To Y can tomatoes, add onion sliced, 2 cloves, 3 tsp. peppercorns, 1 sprig parsley, I stalk celery broken in pieces, and a bit bay leaf. Turn into a sauce-pan, bring to boiling point and let simmer 20 mins. Rub through a strainer. Add % tsp. soda skim, add 1 tsp. sugar and 1 tsp. salt. Melt 3 tbsps. butter, add 3 tbsps. flour, stir until well blended then pour on slowly hot mixture, stirring con- stantly; add to 1 qt. scalded milk, and serve at once in bouillon cups. Garnish with whipped cream seasoned with salt and paprika. BOILED HALIBUT Arrange 2 chicken halibut steaks cut 1 in. thick in a deep dripping'pan, side by side. Cover with boiling water. add 2 tbsps. carrot, onion and celery cut in small pieces, a bit of hay leaf, 4 cloves, i tsp. peppercorns, the juice V2 lemon and salt to season. Let simmer in a moderate oven until the fksh leaves the bones (30 to 35 mins.) Remove slices with a broad blade knife or griddle cake spade, to hot serving platter, overlapping one another. Garnish with sliced lemon sprinkled with parsley and boiled potato balls. Spread fish with soft butter. sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and serve egg sauce in a sauce boat. EGG SAUCE Pat >; c. butter in a circular piece; divide it equally in 2 parts. Melt one part in a sauce- pan. Add 3 tbsps. flour. mixed with ;i tsp. salt and iS tsp. pepper. Stir until well blended then add 1/' cs. boiling water gradually stir- ring constantly until smooth. Add remaining butter in small pieces, continue stirring until well blenddl. And add 2 hard cooked eggs cut crosswise in Vt-in. slices; stir in 1 tsp. finely chopped parsley. BOILED POTATOES CRYSTALLIZED Select new potatoes (when in season) of uniform size; scrape or pare and cook in boiling salted water until tender; drain perfectly dry and sprinkle with salt from the dredger turning that they may be evenly salted. Serve im- mediately, while very hot. CAULIFLOWER AU GRATIN Cook 1 large head of cauliflower in boiling salted water (uncovered) until tender. Drain and carefully remove whole to hot serving dish. Cover with buttered crumbs and place on grate in hot oven to brown crumbs. Pour around cauliflower 1 c. thin white sauce to which has been added Y c. grated cheese. Sprinkle sauce generously with paprika. CHIFFONADE SALAD Cut a slice from the stem ends of 2 green peppers, remove seeds, white portion and finely shred, using scissors for this purpose. Peel 3 tomatoes and cut in quarters. Clean the hearts of celery to equal 3 head; cut in 4-in. pieces. Remove the peel and all white mem- brane from 1 large grape fruit leaving sections whole, then cut them in halves crosswise. Chill materials. Wash and drain dry 1 head of romaine, arrange leaves in salad bowl. Dispose pepper and tomatoes in alternate sections; pile celery in center and cover all with sections of grape fruit. Pour over Parisian Dressing made as follows: Add 4 c. French dressing to V c. mayonnaise while beating constantly; then add % tsp. each finely chopped parsley chervil and 1 tbsp. each finely chopped sweet green and red peppers. Chill before adding to salad. VANILLA ICE CREAM Mix 12 pts. of triple cream with 1 pt. milk, add 1? cs. sugar and 2 tbsps. vanilla. Freeze in the usual way. Serve with Hot Chocokite Sauce and sprinkle with chopped pecan nut meats. HOT CHOCOLATE SAUCE Put 1 c. sugar into a saucepan, add f c. thin cream, 1 tbsp. butter and 1 square chocolate melted; heat to boiling point and let cook 7 mins., stirring meanwhile. Remove from fire and add Y tsp. vanilla. r SUNDAY DINNER Number Twenty-one Cream of Spinach Crisp Luncheon Biscuit Broiled Lamb Chops Mint Sauce Sweet Potatoes, Atlanta Style Green Peas Boiled N Head Lettuce, Chili Salad Dressing N Sugared Pineapple Sponge Drops Cafe Noir CREAM OF SPINACH SOUP Wash Y/ pk. spinach, thoroughly pick over and cook Y hr. in 1 '% cs. boiling water, to which has been added Y tsp. soda; drain, chop and rub through strainer; add 4 cs. veal or chicken stock, bring to boiling point. Melt Y c. butter, add M c. flour, stir until blended, add hot mixture until of the consistency to pour, stirring constantly. Combine mixture and add 2 cs. milk that has been scalded with 1 slice onion (remove onion). Season with salt and pepper. BROILED LAMB CHOPS Lamb chops trimmed of all superfluous fat, the bones scraped and cut in uniform lengths, are called French Chops. Wipe chops, place on a well greased broiler and cook over a bed of glowing coals or under a gas flame. Turn every 10 seconds, allowing 8 mins. for chops cut 1 in. thick. Remove to hot serving platter, spread with Maitre d'Hotel Butter and sur- round with potato roses, buttered green peas or asparagus spears, dress with Mint Sauce. MINT SAUCE (See Sunday Dinner Number Three.) SWEET POTATOES, ATLANTA STYLE Season mashed hot boiled sweet potatoes with butter, salt, pepper and delicately with grated orange peel. Moisten with hot cream and beat 5 mins. with a slitted spoon. Turn into a buttered baking dish, leaving surface very rough. Pour over a syrup made by boiling 2 tbsps. maple syrup and I Y tsps. butter, 3 mins. after boiling point is reached. Bake in a moderate oven until evenly and lightly browned. Serve in a baking dish. GREEN PEAS BOILED Hull peas and let stand in cold water hr. Remove undeveloped peas as they rise to the surface of water. Drain remaining peas and cook gently in as little boiling water as possible with 1 very small onion, adding salt to season the last 15 mins. of cooking (20 mins. to 1 hr.). There should be but very little water to drain off. Season with salt, pepper, butter and 1 tsp. of sugar, for 2 cs. peas. HEAD LETTUCE WITH CHILI SALAD DRESSING Remove the outer wilted coarse green leaves from a large head of lettuce. Cut head in quarters and arrange in a border of cress. Pour over chilled cooked salad dressing, thin- ned with a little cream, allowing 2 tbsps. each of cream, Chili sauce, and 2 tbsps. finely chopped chives for 1 c. of dressing. SUGARED PINEAPPLE Remove the tough outer surface and "eyes" of a large ripe pineapple; with a silver fork, follow the lines made by the scales, cut around the single fruits and remove them one by one from the hard core. Separate into smaller pieces if too large. Sprinkle thickly with sugar; let stand in a cold place 1 hr. and serve with sponge drops or lady fingers. SPONGE DROPS Beat the yolks 3 eggs until thick and lemon tinted, add gradually V c. sugar, and a grating of lemon rind while beating constantly; beat white 3 eggs until stiff; fold in Y the whites to first mixture with 9 tbsps. flour sifted several times before measuring. Cut and fold in re- maining % of whites. Turn into unbuttered small muffin tins, sprinkle with sugar and bake 12 mins. in a moderate oven. Remove from oven, let set on a wet tea towel, loosen edges and when slightly cool remove from tins. CAFE NOIR When preparing Cafe Noir (black coffee) use twice the measure of coffee or half the amount of water, given in the recipe for Boiled Coffee. Percolated or filtered coffee is now generally preferred, where cream is' not used, as is always the custom when black coffee is served. Serve hot in warm after-dinner coffee cups, with or without sugar.  SUNDAY DINNER Number Twenty-two Consomme au Parmesan Olives Salted Nut Meats Radishes Mushroom Patties Larded Fillet of Beef Sauce Bearnaise Creamed Sweet Potatoes Sugared Buttered Beets Orange, Grapefruit and Nut Salad Ice Cream Chocolate and Sultana Bars Coffee CONSOMME AU PARMESAN Serve consomme very hot in small soup plates. Put grated Parmesan cheese into a cut glass serving dish and pass to each guest. The cheese is taken up by spoonfuls and sprinkled lightly over consomme. Serve crisp Premium crackers. MUSHROOM PATTIES Wipe % lb. fresh mushrooms. Remove stems, scrape, break in small pieces and cover with cold water. Bring to boiling point and simmer until liquor is reduced to 4 tbsps. Peel caps and break in pieces. Melt 4 tbsps. butter, add mushrooms, sprinkle with salt, pepper, a few drops onion juice, cover and simmer until mushrooms are tender. Reheat in a sauce made as follows and serve in hot patty shells: Melt 3 'tbsps. butter, add 3 tbsps. flour, stir until well blended. Then pour on slowly while stirring constantly hot mushroom liquor to which has been added 3 c. hot milk and 1 c. hot cream. Stir until sauce is smooth. Season with salt, pepper, and serve in crisp hot patty shells. LARDED FILLET OF BEEF Wipe, remove fat and tendinous portions from a 6-lb. fillet of beef. Lard the rounding side with the grain of meat and between the lardoons insert thin strips of truffle, using a sharp pointed knife to make incisions. Use 1 large truffle for the fillet. Sprinkle fillet with salt, pepper, place on rack in dripping pan and dredge with flour. Arrange 6 thin slices fat salt pork in pan. Bake in a hot oven 35 mins. basting every 10 mins. with fat in pan. Re- move to hot serving platter and surround with stuffed tomatoes. Serve with Sauce Bearnaise. SAUCE BEARNAISE Beat the yolks 3 eggs slightly, add, grad- ually, X c. olive oil and 1 tbsp. hot water. When well blended cook over hot water, stir- ring constantly until mixture thickens. Re- move at once from fire and add 1 tbsp. Tarra- gon vinegar. % tsp. salt, f. g. cayenne, 3 tbsp. finely chopped parsley. If fresh Tarragon is available, I tsp. finely chopped may be added, then use plain vinegar. Keep hot over hot water, the latter just below the boiling point. CREAMED SWEET POTATOES Cut cold boiled sweet potatoes in %-in. cubes; there should be 2 cs. Put in a sauce- pan with 3 tbsps. butter, and cook 3 mins., shaking pan often to prevent burning. Season with V tsp. salt, % tsp. pepper, f. g. paprika and Y tbsp. sugar; then sift over 2% tbsps. flour and pour over 1Y cs. thin cream or rich milk. Shake pan. Stir potatoes lightly with a fork until well blended. Turn into'a buttered casserole and bake slowly 20 mins. Serve in casserole. SUGARED BUTTERED BEETS Wash 1 doz. small new beets. Cook in boil- ing water until tender. Remove skins and thinly slice beets, or cut in M-in. cubes. Mix c. sugar, 1 tsps. corn starch. Add M c. vinegar slowly stirring constantly. Let boil 5 mins. Pour over prepared beets. Cover and let stand in a warm place 30 mins. Just before sending to table add 2 tbsps. butter in small bits. ORANGE, GRAPEFRUIT AND NUT SALAD Arrange nests of lettuce heart leaves on colt individual salad plates. Then pile pyramid- like whole sections of orange and grapefruit carpels in center having more orange than grapefruit. Marinate with very little French dressing in which lemon juice was used in place of vinegar. Chill and just before serving force chantilly mayonnaise over top using pastry bag and rose tube. Sprinkle with chopped nut meats. CHOCOLATE AND SULTANA BARS To 1 c. sugar add Y c. melted butter, l unbeaten egg, 2 squares chocolate, melted. Y c. flour, X tsp. salt, Y tsp. vanilla and 4 c. each sultana raisins and chopped nut meats, Mix thoroughly. Line an 8-in, square layer cake pan with waxed paper, turn in mixture, spread evenly and bake in a very moderate oven. Remove at once from pan, carefully pull off paper and cut at once in bars 334 b 1% ins. The work of removing paper aA shaping bars must be quikkly done while cake is warm. i  SUNDAY DINNER Number Twenty-three Juienne Soup Bread Sticks Creamed Fresh Shrimp Roast Stuffed Shoulder of Mutton Mint Sauce Mashed Potatoes French String Beans with Bacon Crab Meat Salad Apricot Custard Pudding tdee JULIENNE SOUP To 1 qt. of clear brown soup stock, add ? c. each carrot, turnip and celery cut in thin match-likestrips 1 Y in. long, previously cooked in boiling salted water until tender; 3 tbsps. each cooked peas and flageolets. Heat to boiling point, serve in soup plates with crisp wafers or bread sticks. CREAMED FRESH SHRIMP Clean and cook 1 pt. fresh shrimps. Break each shrimp in 3 pieces. Reheat in 1, cs. cream sauce, to which has been added f. g. mace 1 tsp. finely chopped parsley, 1 tsp. anchovy essence and lemon juice to flavor. Serve in hot puffpaste patty shells as an entree. ROAST SHOULDER OF MUTTON Wipe and bone shoulder of mutton. Stuff, sew and skewer in shape. Arrange on rack in dripping pan, sprini;le with salt, pepper and dredge meat and bottom of pan with flour. Bake in a hot oven until well seared, turn, that it may brown evenly. Allow 15 rains. to the lb. Baste as soon as flour is lightly browned in bottom of pan, with dripping melted in 1 c. hoiling water, every 15 nins. until meat is done. Serve with Mint Sauce. (See Sunday Dinner Number Three.) STUFFING FOR MUTTON To 1 c. cracker crumbs, add Y< c. melted butter, 7/ tsp. salt, ;_k tsp. pepper, I tsp. each, summer savory, thyme and majoran, 1 tbsp, finely chopped parsley and % c. boiling water, toss lightly with a fork until well blended. MASHED POTATOES (See Sunday Dinner Number Six.) FRENCH STRING BEANS AND BACON Remove beans from can, put in a strainer and rinse thoroughly with cold water from faucet, lifting beans lightly while water is running through them. Drain and dress with bacon fat and tiny cubes of crisp bacon, salt and pepper. CRAB MEAT SALAD Remove the meat from fresh cooked crabs, and cut in pieces of uniform size; there should he 1 c.; mix lightly with 1 c. celery hearts cut in small pieces. Marinate with French dress- ing, and arrange in pyramids in center of nests of crisp lettuce heart leaves; dispose quarters of peeled and chilled tomatoes around pyra- mids allowing 3 pieces for each service. Then garnish with creain mayonnaise using a pastry bag and rose tube. APRICOT CUSTARD PUDDING Spread 18 lady fingers with apricot marma- lade lightly heated. Arrange them in a buttered baking dish. Beat yolks 4 eggs slightly, add j c. sugar, K tsp. salt, and gradually 2 es. scalded milk, cook over hot water until mixture thickens; add K tsp. vanilla and pour over lady fingers. Let stand 1 hr. then reheat in oven. Spread with meringue made of whites 3 eggs, beaten until stiff, add 4 tbsps. powdered sugar and Y tsp. vanilla, then fold in 3Y2 tbsps. (extra) powdered sugar. Return to oven 12 mins, to cook and brown meringue.  SUNDAY DINNER Number Twenty-four Soft Shell Crabs Sauce Tartare Planked Sirloin Steak Garnish with Sauted Mushrooms Duchess Potatoes Dandelion Salad Carrots a la Poulette Hot Salad Rolls Scalloped Rhubarb, Whipped Cream Cafe Noir SOFT SHELL CRABS SAUCE TARTARE Clean crabs, sprinkle with salt, dip in egg and roll in fine cracker crumbs. Fry in deep hot fat, turning several times while frying. Serve hot with Sauce Tartare. (See Sunday Dinner Number Thirteen.) SIRLOIN PLANKED STEAK, GARNISHED SAUTED MUSHROOMS Wash Y/ c. butter, add i tbsp. each finely chopped sweet red pepper, green pepper, parsley and onion, 1 very small clove of garlic, finely chopped. and 1 tbsp lemon juice. Spread % of the mixture in the center of a hot plank and arrange a border of Duchess Potatoes around edge of plank, using a pastry bag and large rose tube for this purpose, Pan broil a sirloin or porterhouse steak cut 1 Y2 ins. thick 8 mins., turning every 10 zeconds. Remove to plank. Spread with emaining butter, and put into a hot oven to finish cooking. Garnish steak with J'% doz. large mushrooms-sauted in butter. DUCHESS POTATOES To 6 cs. hot riced potatoes add 6 tbsps. butter, 2 tsps. salt, the yolks 4 eggs slightly beaten. Beat thoroughly and use as directed. CARROTS A LA POULETTE Wash and scrape new carrots and cut in A in. cubes; there should be2Y cs., cover with boiling water, let stand 5 mins. Drain and cook until tender in boiling salted water to which has been added M tbsp. butter; drain. Melt 3 tbsps. butter, add 3 tbsps. flour, stir until well blended; then add gradually 1 c. veal or chicken stock. stirring constantly, M c. hot cream and carrots. Season with salt, pepper and tsp. lemon juice. Heat to boiling point, remove from fire and add yolks 2 eggs slightly beaten. Serve at once. DANDELION SALAD WITH GREEN ONIONS Pick over, thoroughly wash and remove root. imperfect leaves and cut in 1-in. pieces. Pour over hot bacon fat. made acid with vinegar to taste (5 Y tbsps. bacon fat to 2 tbsps. vinegar). Toss dandelions, until slightly wilted, drain; pile moundlike on serving dish and sprinkle thickly with thinly sliced green onions. Serve with Bacon Sauce or French dressing. SALAD ROLLS Add 2 tbsps. butter, 2 tbsps. sugar, 1 tsp. salt to 1 c. scalded milk when lukewarm. Add % yeast cake, softened in M c. lukewarm water, and I Y cs. flour. Beat thoroughly. Cover and let rise until light. Beat again, add enough flour to knead (about lY cs.). Cover, let rise again, toss on a floured board, knead slightly and shape in small biscuit, cover with cloth and dripping pan; when well puffed, make a deep crease through center of each roll with handle of small wooden spoon. Press edges together, place close together in buttered pan. Cover. Let rise and bake 15 mins. in a hot oven. SCALLOPED RHUBARB Wash and wipe the stalks of fresh pink rhubarb. Do not peel if young and tender. Cut crosswise in 4-in. pieces; there should be 3 cs. Melt 4 tbsps. butter, add 2 cs. soft bread crumbs, toss until butter is absorbed. Mix 1 c. sugar with the grated rind of 1 orange. Sprinkle the bottom of buttered 1 qt. pudding dish with Y the crumbs; cover crumbs with M the rhubarb. Sprinkle with Y c. sugar. Repeat until crumbs, rhubarb and sugar are used, having layer of crumbs on ton. Cover closely and bake 45 mins. in hot oven. Remove cover and brown quickly. Serve hot with whipped cream sweetened and flavored with orange extract. i SUNDAY DINNER Number Twenty-five Puree of Peas, Croutons Baked Breaded Lamb Chops, Breton Sauce New Potatoes, Chive Sauce June Salad Cherry Pies Buttered Asparagus Cheese Coffee PUREE OF PEAS 'rain large peas from the liquor in can; rinse with cold water, again drain, add 2 cs, cold water, 1% tsps. sugar, and cook 20 mins. Rub through puree strainer. Scald 2 cs. milk with 1 slice onion. Melt 2 tbsps. butter in sauce-pan, add 2 tbsps. flour, stir until blended; add pea pulp, cook 1 mm. stirring constantly. Remove onion from milk and pour milk slowly into pea mixture stirring constantly until smooth and well blended. Season with 1 tsp. salt, % tsp. white pepper; add % c. hot cream. Beat with a wire whip and serve in warm bouillon cups with small croutons. BAKED BREADED LAMB CHOPS Wipe the required number of loin lamb chops, remove bones, fold flank around chop and fasten securely with a small skewer (toothpick). Roll in soft fine bread crumbs, then dip in egg, beaten slightly and diluted with 2 tbsps. of milk, then again in crumbs well seasoned with salt and pepper. Arrange in a well greased dripping pan surround with Y2 c. salt pork cubes and bake 20 to 25 mins. in a hot oven. When brown on one side turn and brown the other. Add more fat as needed. Serve around a mound of buttered peas or asparagus. Serve Breton Sauce in sauce boat. BRETON SAUCE To 2 cs. of brown sauce-(See Sunday Dinner Number Eighteen) add 1 M tbsps. each of red currant jelly. Harvey's sauce, and mushroom catsup; 2 tbsps. thick tomato puree, and 2 tbsps, each of finely chopped gherkins, button mushrooms finely shredded boiled ham and tongue. Heat to boiling point and turn into warm sauce boat. NEW POTATOES WITH CHIVE SAUCE Select new potatoes of uniform size, wash, scrape and drop at once into cold water to prevent discoloration. Cook in boiling salted water until soft. Drain and reheat in thin white sauce to which finely chopped chives have been added, in the proportion of 1 tbsp. of chives to 1 c. of sauce. BUTTERED ASPARAGUS (See Sunday Dinner Number Eighteen.) JUNE SALAD Mix equal measure of shredded fresh pine- apple, bananas cut in A in. cubes and large cherries pitted and cut in halves. Moisten with French dressing made with lemon juice in place of vinegar and very little salt; let stand in a cold place and just before serving drain; then moisten with cream mayonnaise and arrange in individual nests of lettuce heart leaves or watercress. CHERRY PIES Line small individual pie pans with pastry; put in as many pitted cherries as the pastry will conveniently hold, probably M c. measured after pitting; add a tablespoon of juice to each pie, f. g. of salt and sugar to sweeten; if sweet June cherries are used 1 y tbsps. sugar for each pie is sufficient; add 1 tsp. flour, dot over with 1 tsp. butter. Moisten edge of pastry with cold water, cover with top crust, press edges and flute with fingers. Bake 20 mins. Serve hot, with cheese cut in "fingers."  SUNDAY DINNER Number Twenty-six Cucumber and Bacon Canapes Tapioca Soup, Wafers with Cheese Loin of Veal en Casserole, Tomato Sauce Franconia Potatoes Corn Souffle Pineapple Fritters Lettuce with French Dressing Strawberry Tarts Cream Cheese with Bar-le-Duc Cafe Noir CUCUMBER AND BACON CANAPES Mix equal parts of cucumber pared and cut in small cubes and cold broiled bacon cut in small pieces. Moisten with mayonnaise, spread on rounds of toast and sprinkle with finely chopped chives or tiny pearl onions. Serve on small plates covered with lace paper doilies. TAPIOCA SOUP Heat 2% qts. of consomme to the boiling point; slowly sprinkle in c. of minute tapioca, stirring constantly, continue stirring until boiling rapidly throughout; cook in a double boiler 30 mins. stirring frequently. The soup is done when the tapioca is entirely blended with it, which will be slightly thickened. Serve in bouillon cups with 1 tbsp. whipped cream seasoned with salt and paprika set above each portion. WAFERS WITH CHEESE Mash a pimiento cheese, moisten with a little mayonnaise or cream and force through a pastry bag and rose tube on Saratoga wafers, letting the frills extend the length of wafers. Sprinkle lightly with finely chopped parsley or chives. Serve with clear soups or with "green" salads. LOIN OF VEAL EN CASSEROLE Have the bones removed from a loin of veal at the market (have bones sent with the meat). Roll and tie in several places. Slice 1 onion and M large carrot into an earthen casserole; over these arrange veal, sprinkle with salt and pepper and cover with a layer of sliced onion and carrot. Pour over V c. tried out salt pork fat, cover and cook in a moderate oven 3 hrs. turn meat 2 or 3 times while cooking and baste with hot fat 3 or 4 times each hr. Make a stock of bones and trimmings, seasoned with thin slices of onions, carrot and sweet herbs, simmer while meat is cooking. Strain broth, and use for making tomato sauce. Remove cover from casserole the last half hour of cooking to brown meat, turn, that it may brown evenly. Remove to hot serving platter and surround Franconia Potatoes. FRANCONIA POTATOES (See Sunday Dinner Number Eighteen.) CORN SOUFFLE Melt 1 tbsp. butter, add 2 tbsps. flour, stir until well blended, then pour on slowly 1 c. milk stirring constantly; heat to boiling point, add corn from 1 can, 1 tsp. sugar, 1y, tsps. salt, Y tsp. pepper, the yolks 2 eggs beaten until thick and light, then fold in the stiffly beaten whites 2 eggs. Turn into a buttered baking dish and bake 30 mins. in a moderate oven. Serve at once. PINEAPPLE FRITTERS Drain small sliced canned pineapple from the syrup in can and dry on a tea towel. Dip in batter and fry in deep hot fat. Drain on brown paper, sprinkle with powdered sugar, pour around a little of the syrup slightly thickened with arrowroot. BATTER FOR FRITTERS Sift together 1 c. flour, and Y tsp. salt, add gradually 3 c. milk or water, 1 tbsp. melted butter, the yolks 2 eggs well beaten, then fold in the stiffly beaten whites 2 eggs. Use as directed. LETTUCE WITH FRENCH DRESSING Remove the outer wilted coarse leaves from head lettuce, cut in halves or quarters according to size of head. Arrange each portion on indi- vidual salad plates and just before serving pour over French dressing. FRENCH DRESSING Rub a small bowl inside with a cut clove of garlic. Sift into it 1 tsp. salt, f. g. cayenne, f tsp. paprika. Then add 6 tbsps. olive oil and gradually 1I tbsps. table vinegar. Beat until salt is dissolved and mixture is creamv. Chill and beat again before dressing salad. STRAWBERRY TARTS Cut rounds from flaky pastry. Then cut an equal number of rings of the same diameter using a doughnut cutter for this purpose. Moisten edges of rounds with cold water set rings above press lightly and bake in a hot oven until delicately browned. For I qt. washed and hulled berries take 1 c. sugar and 1 c. boiling water, let stand over a low fire, stirring occasionally until sugar is melted. Then add part of the berries, and as soon as boiling point is reached skim out berries; repeat until all have been cooked. Boil syrup until very thick, return berries to syrup, boil up once; then fill center of tarts. Sprinkle rims with powdered sugar. Serve hot or cold.  SUNDAY DINNER Number Twenty-seven Horseradish Canapes Iced Pimiento Consomme, Wafer Crackers Jellied Chicken Peppers Stuffed with Green Corn French Artichokes, Sauce Vinaigrette Cheese Souffle Currant and Raspberry Ice Macaroon Sandwiches Iced Coffee HORSERADISH AND CAVIARE CANAPES Pound V4 c. fresh grated horseradish with M c. butter until thoroughly blended, then rub through a coarse sieve. Spread rounds of bread cut Y4 in. thick with prepared butter; then with a small pastry bag and small star tube pipe a narrow frill of jelly mayonnaise around edges of bread. Fill centers with caviare, seasoned with lemon juice and f. g. cayenne. ICED PIMIENTO CONSOMME Remove the fat from 1 qt. of chicken con- somme and clear, using the white 1 egg slightly beaten and 2 canned pimientos drained, chopped and pressed through a fine sieve. Strain carefully, chill on ice and serve in cold bouillon cups, with toasted triangles. TOASTED TRIANGLES Cut stale bread (white or rye) in thin slices (N in. thickness) trim off crusts; then shape in triangles toast delicately or bake in a moderate oven until crisp and browned. JELLIED CHICKEN Dress, clean and cut up a 4 or 5 lb. fowl. Put into a kettle with one sliced onion, cover with boiling water, bring to boilingpoint, cover and simmer until meat falls from bones (4 or 5 hrs. according to age). When half done add tbsp. salt. Remove chicken; reduce stock by boiling, to % c . Strain, partially chill and remove fat. Decorate a brick shaped mould with sliced hard-cooked eggs, capers and thinly sliced deviled olives. Pack in meat freed of fat, skin and bones and seasoned with salt, pepper and celery salt. Pour over stock and when cool place mould under heavy weight. Chill over night. If weather is hot add 1 tsp. dissolved gelatine to stock before using. Un- mold on a bed of watercress and garnish with small radishes cut to imitate tulips. PEPPERS STUFFED WITH GREEN CORN Cut thick slices from the stem ends of six medium sized green peppers; remove seeds and white portion. Parboil 15 mins. in boiling salted water to which add Y tsp. soda. Drain, fill with the following mixture. Dispose on hot serving platter, sprinkle tops generously with paprika, and garnish with sprigs of parsley. FILLING FOR PEPPERS Score the kernels of 1 doz. ears of sweet corn lengthwise, scrape out pulp, there should be 3 cs. Put pulp in sauce-pan, add % c. milk and cook slowly over a low fire 20 mins, stirring often, season with 1 tbsp. grated onion, salt, pepper, 3 tbsps. butter and i tsp. sugar. FRENCH ARTICHOKES WITH SAUCE VINAIGRETTE Trim the tips of petals and wash the required number of French (Globe) artichokes. Cook in boiling salted water to cover until tender. Remove from water, drain, tops down and spread out the petals leaving them attached to the bottom (the choke can be removed from the center) representing a large rose. Serve on individual plates with sauce vinaigrette. SAUCE VINAIGRETTE Mix thoroughly the following ingredients. Put into a bowl, 1 tsp. salt, % tsp. paprika, f. g. black pepper, 3 tbsps. vinegar, 6 tbsps. olive oil, 1 tbsp. each finely chopped onion or chives, pickles and sweet red and green peppers, 1 tsp. chopped parsley, chevril and tarragon. If the latter is not available, use 1 tbsp. tar- ragon vinegar and 2 tbsps. cider vinegar. Chill and stir well before using. CHEESE SOUFFLE Melt 2 tbsps. butter, add 3 tbsps. flour, stir until well blended then add slowly Y c. scalded milk stirring constantly then sift in Y tsp. salt, % tsp. mustard, f. g. cayenne and Y c. grated American cheese, when well blended, remove from range; add yolks 3 eggs, yolks well beaten; beat thoroughly, then fold in the stiffly beaten whites 3 eggs. Turn into a well buttered quart baking dish and bake 20 mins. in a moderate oven. Serve immediately. CURRANT AND RASPBERRY ICE Prepare a syrup by boiling 4 Cs. water and 2 cs. sugar, 20 mins. Add 1 c. red raspberry juice and 1 cs. red currant juice, chill, strain and freeze using equal measure of crushed ice and rock salt. Serve in shallow champagne glasses. Garnish with red raspberries or clusters of red currants. MACAROON SANDWICHES Stir finely chopped English walnut meats into boiled frosting until quite thick then spread between fresh macaroons, sandwich fashion. Cover top with plain frosting, finish with half a nut meat. Serve in fancy basket with after- noon tea or with assorted small cakes, and ice cream for dessert. ICED COFFEE Strain strong boiled coffee (See Sunday Dinner Number Twenty-Nine), immediately after making; sweeten to taste and when cold, chill on ice. Dilute with cream, pour into a large pitcher. Serve in tall chilled glasses or "ice tea mugs," set a heaping tablespoonful of whipped cream, sweetened and flavored with Vanilla, on top of each portion. Serve at once.  SUNDAY DINNER Number Twenty-eight Strawberry Cocktails Smothered Chicken, Cream Gravy Fried Rice Scalloped Corn Cherry and Nut Salad Pineapple Dessert Sandwiches Cheese Cream Water Biscuit Demi Tasse STRAWBERRY COCKTAILS Arrange 3 or 4 very small lettuce heart leaves in chilled cocktail glasses. Wash (if necessary) large strawberries, drain on towels, hull; reserving a few for garnishing. Cut in halves lengthwise, then in quarters if very large. Pile in center of lettuce leaves and keep in a cool place. Just before serving, pour over Cream French Dressing. CREAM FRENCH DRESSING Mix thoroughly 4 tsp. salt, Y tsp. paprika, 2 tbsps. lemon juice and 4 tbsps. olive oil. Just before serving beat in 4 c. heavy cream. Put 1 tbsp. over each cocktail. SMOTHERED CHICKEN Dress, clean and split 2 young chickens (small broilers are best) sprinkle inside and out- side with salt and pepper, dredge outside with flour and fold over. Heat a Dutch oven, pour in 1 c. heavy cream and arrange chickens in kettle side by side, cook gently until chickens are well and evenly browned, turning often and adding cream as needed. Cover kettle and cook slowly until chickens are tender. Remove to hot serving platter; keep warm. Melt 3 tbsps. butter, add 3 tbsps. flour, stir until smooth; then pour on slowly, while stirring briskly 132 cs. chicken stock and % c. hot cream Bring to boiling point, season with salt, pepper and strain around chicken. Garnish with parsley and toast points dipped in chopped parsley. FRIED RICE Pick over and wash 1 c. of rice. Cook in double boiler with 1 ^. boiling water until rice has absorbed water Add 2 es. scalded milk or boiling water and 1 Y tsps. salt; grated onion to flavor and 1 tbsp. finely chopped parsley. Continue cooking until rice is tender, add more liquid if needed. Turn into a shallow dish, let stand until cold. Then take up in pieces the size of a large walnut and drop from the tip of spoon into deep hot fat; fry until delicately browned, drain on brown paper and serve with smothered chicken. SCALLOPED CORN Wipe i small green pepper, remove seeds, white portion, and finely shred; finely chop Y2 onion, cook pepper and onion in 2 tbsps. butter 5 mins. without browning, stirring constantly. Add 2 tbsps. flour mixed with 1 tsp. salt, 14 tsp. each paprika and mustard and f. g. cayenne; stir until well blended, add gradually M c. milk, continue stirring. Bring to boiling point, add 1 c. canned corn, 1 egg yolk, 2 c. dried bread crumbs cooked in 12 tbsps. of butter until well browned. Mix well and turn into a buttered baking dish, cover with buttered crumbs and bake in a hot oven until crumbs are brown. CHERRY AND NUT SALAD Remove the pits from equal measure of dark red and white ox-heart cherries. Fill pit cavities with blanched and toasted Jardon almonds or blanched hazel nuts or filberts. Arrange cherries in pyramids on slices of chilled pineapple disposed in nests of lettuce heart leaves. Marinate with a little French dressing made with lemon juice in place of vinegar. Then pipe cream mayonnaise around pine- apple and garnish with a plume of celery. PINEAPPLE DESSERT SANDWICHES Turn one can sliced pineapple (small size) into a sauce-pan, add Y c. sugar, bring to boiling point and let simmer until fruit is soft. Roll pastry to 4 in. thickness, cut in rounds size of pineapple slices, arrange on bak- ing sheet, prick surface with fork ard bake in hot oven 10 mins. Put together in pairs with cream filling. Dispose a slice of pineapple on each sandwich and set a large candied cherry cut tulip fashion in centers of pineapple. CREAM FILLING Mix 1 c. sugar; ?3 c. flour and Vs tsp. salt, blend thoroughly, then pour on i % es. scalded milk stirring constantly. Cook in double boiler 15 mins. continue stirring until mixture thickens. Add yolks 2 eggs slightly beaten. Cook 2 mins. Remove from fire, chill and fold in Y2 c. cream, beaten until stiff and 1 tsp. Vanilla. Use as directed. CHEESE CREAM Mix 1 Philadelphia cream cheese with Y lb. Roquefort cheese, season with salt, f. g. cayenne 1 tbsp. pimiento puree and cream to moisten, beat until light and well blended. Press through a ricer on to a glass serving dish, sprinkle with paprika and serve with water biscuit. , SUNDAY DINNER Number Twenty-nine Clam Bisque, Pulled Bread Salmon Mould (cold), Cucumber Sauce Savory Rice Broiled Tomatoes, Horseradish Sauce String Bean Salad Blueberry Pie with Meringue Cheese Boiled Coffee CLAM AND TOMATO BISQUE Pour 2 cs. cold water over 1 qt. clams, then drain and reserve water. To water add the hard part of clams finely chopped. Bring slowly to boiling point and cook 25 mins. then strain. Cook M c. butter with Y sliced onion 5 mins., remove onion, add A c. flour, stir until well blended, then pour on clam water, stirring constantly. Add 2V cs. hot cream, the soft part of clams and bring to boiling point, and add 1 c. hot stewed and strained tomatoes to which has been added % tsp. soda. Season with salt, paprika, and f. g. cayenne. Serve in bouillon cups. PULLED BREAD Cut off ends and remove crust from a baker's French loaf. Cut loaf in halves crosswise. Then pull apart, in strips lengthwise, using two 3-tined forks for this purpose. Have strips of uniform thickness. Arrange on baking sheets and bake in a moderate oven until crisp and very delicately browned. Pile log-cabin fash- ion in a fancy plate or basket and serve with the soup coufse. SALMON MOULD Drain 1 lb. can salmon from oil in can, rinse well with hot water, cool, remove skin, bones, then flake. Mix well 2 tbsp. sugar, tbsp. salt, ri tbsp. flour, 1 tsp. mustard, and f. g. cayenne. Add yolks 2 eggs slightly beaten, 1/ tbsps. melted butter, % c. cream or milk and " c. mild table vinegar. Cook in double boiler, stirring constantly until mixture thick- ens, add Y tbsp. gelatine, previously soaked in 2 tbsps. cold water, and d issolved over hot water. Garnish a buttered fish mould with bits of green peppers, turn in mixture; chill thoroughly, unmould and serve with cucumber sauce. CUCUMBER SAUCE Beat Y c. triple cream until solid, add salt, f. g. cayenne to season, and gradually 2 tbsps. vinegar; then fold in 1 medium sized cucumber that has been pared, finely chopped (discarding large seeds) and thoroughly drained, and flavored with grated onion. Serve very cold. BROILED TOMATOES Wipe and peel medium sized tomatoes. Cut in halves crosswise, sprinkle with salt, pepper, onion juice and pour over melted butter. Broil from 6 to 8 mins. Remove to rounds of hot buttered toast and on each place a table- spoonful of Horseradish Hollandaise Sauce. HORSERADISH HCLLANDAISE SAUCE Wash M c. butter, or use unsalted butter; divide in 3 equal parts. Put 1 part into a saucepan with the yolks 3 eggs and M tbsps. vinegar and Y tsp. salt, set pan into another larger one holding boiling water, stir constantly until butter is melted, then add second part, and as -mixture thickens add the third part. Remove at once from water, add Y c. fresh grated horseradish and 2 tbspn heavy cream beaten until stiff. Serve at once. SAVORY RICE Cook 1 c. washed rice in 2 qts. boiling salted water until soft. Drain. Add % c. butter, Y c. finely chopped onion and Y/ tbsp. finely chopped parsley. Toss lightly together until well blended, using 2 forks to preserve shape of kernels. Reheat over hot water and serve asn vegetable. Particularly good with baked fish, roast ducks, goose, etc. STRING' BEAN SALAD Remove the string from either green string beans or butter beans; cut them in uniform lengths. Wash and cook them in boiling water until tender (112 to 2 hrs.) Add salt to season the last } hr. of cooking. Drain, chill and pile mound-like in a border of crisp water cress. Sprinkle thickly with thinly sliced green onions and marinate with French dressing to moisten. Mask with bacon sauce thinned with cream. BLUEBERRY PIE WITH MERINGUE Beat the yolks 2 eggs slightly, add 2 tbsps. lemon juice, 3 cs. fresh blueberries. Sift together 1 c. sugar, 2 tbsps. flour, Y tsp. salt; add to berry mixture and turn into a deep pie pan lined with pastry, moisten rim of pie and lay around a 1 in. strip of pastry, press edges together, flute rim and bake 30 mins. in a moderate oven. When slightly cooled, spread with meringue made of the whites 2 eggs beaten until stiff, beat in 4 tbsps. sugar and %' tsp. lemon extract, return to oven to cook and brown meringue (about 10 mins.) BOILED COFFEE Put 1 c. medium ground coffee into a bowl, add 1 tbsp. white of egg, stir until well mixed, add Y c. cold water, stirwelland turn into a scalded coffee pot; add 6 es. boiling water, pack spout with soft paper, and let boil 5 mins. (no longer) pour off 1 c. to clear spout of grounds, return to pot, pour in c. cold water stir down and set on back of range, where it will keep hot, but not boil. Let stand 10 mins. then serve at one in hot cups, with hot cream, and sugar. F SUNDAY DINNER Number Thirty Cream of Water Cress Soup Toasted Triangles Baked Ham, Cider Sauce French Fried Potatoes Moulded Spinach with Beets Cucumber and Chive Salad Salad (Cream Wafers) Blackberry Pie Blackberry Hard Sauce Iced Coffee with Meringue CREAM OF WATER CRESS SOUP Finely chop 2 bunches water cress, cook 5 mins. in 3 tbsps. butter, stirring constantly; add 2 cs. white stock or chicken broth and boil 5 mins. Melt 2 tbsps. butter. Add 2 tbsps. flour, stir until well blended; add enough of first mixture to make of the consistency to pour. Combine mixtures, season with salt, pepper and onion juice. Just before serving add V c. hot cream and 1 egg yolk well beaten. Bring to boiling point, remove from fire and serve with toasted triangles. BAKED HAM Soak a 12-lb. ham over night flesh side down, in cold water to cover. Wash, scrape and trim off hard skin at end of shank. Put into a stock pot, with 1 c. each sliced onion and carrot, Y doz. sprigs parsley, Y medium sized bay leaf, 6 cloves and 1 tsp. peppercorns, cover with cold water, bring to boiling point and simmer slowly until tender (4 to 4Y hrs.) After 2 hrs. of cooking pour in 2 qts. cider. When done, let ham cool in the liquor. Remove from iquor, reserve 1 % cs., peel off skin, and sprinkle thickly with brown sugar and soft fine bread crumbs. Insert large cloves in diagonal rows 2 ins. apart. Return to oven, bake slowly 1 hr. Serve with Cider Sauce. - CIDER SAUCE Melt 3 tbsps. butter. Add % c. flour, stir until well blended, then pour on slowly while stirring briskly, 1 % cs. strained hot ham liquor. Bring to boiling point, add Y c. cider and Y2 glass apple jelly whipped with a fork. Let reach the boiling point again, add salt to season and serve in sauce boat. FRENCH FRIED POTATOES (See Sunday Dinner Number Five.) MOULDED SPINACH WITH BEETS Wash thoroughly and pick over 1 pk. spinach. Cook uncovered in its own juice if young or in boiling salted water to cover (if old) to which have been added Y tsp. soda, and Y tbsp. sugar. When tender, drain, finely chop and season with M c. butter, Y tsp. salt and reheat. Pack solidly into a buttered ring mould and keep hot until ready to serve. Unmould on hot sereing platter, fill ring with hot buttered beets-(See Sunday Din..er Number Six),-and surround with 6 hard cooked eggs cut in halves lengthwise, cut side out; remove thin slices from large ends of eggs, so they will stand up- right. Put a dash of paprika in the center of each yolk. CUCUMBER AND CHIVE SALAD Pare the required number of small thick cucumbers, cut in small slices crosswise, not quite severing them. Arrange each one on an individual bed of crisp water cress, sprinkle with finely cut chives; chill and just before serving pour over French dressing. SALAD CREAM WAFERS Sift together 1Y es. pastry flour, 1 tsp. salt and Y tsp. paprika. Add rich cream gradually to make a soft dough, (about Y c.) Turn on a floured board, knead until smooth. Roll as thin as noodle paste, prick over with a fork and shape with a small fluted cutter. Arrange on buttered baking sheet, brush over with slightly beaten white of egg, sprinkle with finely chop- ped nut meats and bake in a moderate oven until lightly browned. Serve with salads or at afternoon tea. BLACKBERRY PIE Pick over and wash 2 cs. blackberries. Heat to boiling point with just enough water to prevent burning. Add sugar to sweeten to taste and Y8 tsp. salt. Cool. Line a pie pan with pastry, turn in berries, moisten rim with cold water and cover with a top crust in which are several openings; flute rim and bake 30 mins. in a moderate oven. Serve hot with Black- berry Hard Sauce. BLACKBERRY HARD SAUCE Make Hard Sauce (See Sunday Dinner Num- ber Five.) Add to sauce, drop by drop, H c. crushed and strained blackberry pulp. Chill and force through a pastry bag and rose tube. Serve 1 rose on each piece of pie. ICED COFFEE WITH MERINGUE Make Boiled Coffee (See Sunday Dinner Num- ber Twenty-Nine); add sugar to sweeten, and cream to color richly. Chill on ice and serve in tall glasses with a tablespoonful of whipped cream sweetened and flavored with vanilla piled on top or each glass. Sprinkle cream lightly with grated sweet chocolate.  SUNDAY DINNER Number Thirty-one Crab Meat Cocktails in Tomato Cups Veal Loaf (Cold), Russian Sauce Pimiento Potatoes Corn on Cob Combination Salad Cheese Crescents Peach Ice Cream Marshmallow Margarites Orange and Mint Flip CRAB MEAT COCKTAILS IN TOMATO CUPS Peel, cut slices from the stem ends of 6 firm medium sized tomatoes; with a teaspoon carefully scoop out the soft pulp and seeds, to form cups. Use fresh crab meat or canned. If the latter is used, turn into a bowl and mix with the following dressing: Finely chop 1 mild green and a red pepper, then pass through meat chopper. Add M c. tomato catsup and 1 tbsp. grated onion. Mix thoroughly with crab meat, fill tomatoes, serve on small plates each set in 3 small bleached lettuce leaves. Garnish each with a sprig of parsley. If fresh crab meat is used, the crabs should be cooked, chilled and meat removed from shells. VEAL LOAF (Served cold.) (See Sunday Dinner Number Eleven.) RUSSIAN SAUCE Mix French made mustard with a little tarragon vinegar, season with salt, pepper and sugar; add half as much of fresh grated horse- radish as mustard. Mix thoroughly and serve with cold meats. PIMIENTO POTATOES Season 3 cs. hot riced potatoes with 3 tbsps. butter, Y2 c. cream, salt and pepper to taste. Beat with a slitted spoon 5 mins. Add 2 tbsps. of pimiento puree, continue beating until well blended. Reheat and press through a ricer into hot serving dish, sprinkle with paprika. Pimiento puree is prepared by mashing and pressing canned pimentos through a sieve. CORN ON THE COB Remove husks and silky threads. Cook from 10 to 20 mins. in boiling water. Drain and place on platter covered with a large napkin, fold corners of napkin over corn and send to the table. Corn may be cut from the cobs, seasoned with salt, pepper and butter. COMBINATION SALAD No. 2. Rub salad bowl with a cut clove of garlic. Arrange crisp lettuce leaves rose fashion in bowl. Between the leaves dispose thin slices of cucumber, radishes (sliced without paring.) thin slices of green onion and small tomatoes peeled and cut in eighths. Pour over Victor's French Dressing. VICTOR'S FRENCH DRESSING Rub bowl with a cut clove of garlic. Add Y2 tsp. salt, % tsp. paprika, f. g. cayenne, and 6 tbsps. olive oil, stir until well blended; then add drop by drop 2 tbsp. tarragon vinegar, beating constantly until creamy. Chill and beat again before using. CHEESE CRESCENT Roll rich pastry rather thin, cut in crescents and rounds, using a small biscuit cutter Sprinkle generously with grated Stilton cheese, sprinkle with salt, and with paprika until quite red. Bake in a quick oven and serve hot or cold with salad course. PEACH ICE CREAM Mix 4 cs. thin cream, 1 c. sugar, % tsp. salt; and 2 or 3 drops almond extract, color a rich pink with red fruit coloring. Peel, chop and press ripe peaches through a sieve. There should be 2 es. of pulp. Turn cream mixture into freezer and freeze to a mush then add peach pulp and finish freezing. Pack, cover and let stand several hours. Serve in tall glasses. Garnish with a teaspoonful of red Bar-le-Duc. MARSHMALLOW MARGARITES Make boiled frosting and immediately after turning hot syrup over the beaten white of eggs add 12 marshmallows and beat until thoroughly blended. Add % c. chopped pecan nut meats and 3 c. fresh grated cocoanut. Spread thick- ly over crisp crackers and brown slightly in a moderate oven. Serve cold. GRANGE AND MINT FLIP Make a syrup by boiling 4 cs. waterand 2 es. sugar 20 mins. Add 2cs. orange juice, Uc. lemon juice and the grated rind of 2 oranges; cool, strain and freeze, using equal parts of crushed ice and rock salt. When ready to serve, put small cones of the ice into chilled champagne glasses, sprinkle with finely chopped mint and fill glasses with chilled ginger ale. Serve at once.  SUNDAY DINNER Number Thirty-two Orange Bouillon, Butter Thins Cold Boiled Beef Tongue, Horseradish Sauce Potato Salad Peppers Stuffed with Aspar g's Egg Sandwiches Peach Cake ORANGE BOUILLON Strain orange juice through a coarse strainer; there should be 1 qt. (8 portions). Put into double boiler with c. gran. sugar; stir while heating, until sugar is dissolved. Then add 2 tbsps. lemon juice. Dilute 2 tbsps. Arrow- root with mc. cold water. Add to orange mixture. Stir constantly until mixture thickens and becomes transparent; cover and cook ten mins. Chill and serve in champagne glasses. Garnish with a sprinkle of mint. Serve crisp butter thins or unsalted wafers. COLD BOILED BEEF TONGUE Cover a corned beef tongue with cold water and bring slowly to the boiling point. Boil 5 mins., skim; reduce heat and cook slowly until tender (3 to 4 hrs.). If tongue is very salt it should be soaked before cooking several hours in cold water to cover; change water twice. When tender, drain from water, remove skin and trim off roots, return to water and let stand until cold. Drain and cut in uniform slices and arrange over-lapping one another around a mound of potato salad, and Cold Horseradish Sauce. COLD HORSERADISH SAUCE (See Sunday Dinner Number Eight) POTATO SALAD Cook 6 medium sized potatoes in the "jackets" in boiling salted water to cover until tender. When cool, peel, cut in Y4-in. cubes and chill. Mix with 1 medium sized onion finely chopped, 1 tbsp. ea. finely chopped green and red pepper, and 1 c. blanched and shredded almonds. Toss lightly together and just before mixing with dressing add 1 c. cucumber cut in X-in. cubes. Serve with cooked salad dressing, thinned with cream. Serve in a border of cress, lettuce leaves or chicory. COOKED SALAD DRESSING Sift together I tbsp. salt, Y2 tbsp. mustard. 2 tbsps. sugar, f.g. cayenne and 1 tbsp. corn- starch; add yolks 4 eggs slightly beaten, . c. melted butter, f c. milk, then add slowly 4 c. vinegar, diluted with 2 tbsps. water; cook in double boiler until mixture thickens. Cool. vnd thin with cream. Sweetened Cream >ffee PEPPERS STUFFED WITH ASPARAGUS Cut slices from the stem ends of 6 medium sized green peppers; remove seeds and white portion. Parboil in boiling salted water 10 mins., drain and fill with creamed asparagus cut in Y2-in. pieces. Cover with buttered crumbs and bake 10 mins. in a moderate oven. Serve in buttered toast rings on a hot platter. CREAMED ASPARAGUS Prepare asparagus in the usual way. Cut in u-in. pieces and reheat in Cream Sauce to which has been added I tbsp. each finely chopped chives and pimiento. CREAM SAUCE Melt 2 tbsps. butter, add 2 tbsps. flour; stir until well blended. Then pour on slowly 1 c. hot thin cream while stirring constantly. Season with h tsp. salt and Ys tsp. white pepper. EGG SANDWICHES Hard cook 4 fresh eggs. Chill, remove shells and chop moderately. Chop or cut moderately crisp lettuce leaves (the outer large leaves may be used for this purpose). Toss eggs and lettuce lightly together and moisten with mayonnaise dressing. Spread thin slices of white bread (after removing crusts) with mayonnaise. Spread an equal number gener- ously with egg mixture; put together in pairs and cut diagonally across in triangles. Serve with potato salad. PEACH CAKE Sift together 2 cs. pastry flour, % tsp. salt, 3 tsps. baking powder and 3 tbsps. sugar. Add yolks 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon- tinted; j~ c. melted butter and 1 c. milk. Beat mixture thoroughly. Cut and fold in the whites 2 eggs beaten until stiff. Spread mixture evenly in a well buttered shallow pan to the depth of 3 in. Peel, stone and cut in quarters or eighths ripe peaches. Press sharp edges into batter in 2 or 3 parallel rows; according to size of peaches. Sprinkle with sugar, finely chopped blanched almonds and lightly with mace. Bake 25 mins. in a hot oven. Serve hot with sweetened cream.  SUNDAY DINNER Number Thirty-three Lobster Canapes Cold Roast Lamb with Stuffed Peppers, Mint Jelly New Potatoes with Parsley Butter Succotash Yellow Tomato and Cucumber Salad Cheese Biscuit Strawberry Short Cake Whipped Cream Iced Tea with Mv int LOBSTER CANAPES Finely chop cold cooked lobster meat; mix with an equal measure of the yolks of hard- cooked eggs, pressed through a ricer. Moisten with mayonnaise to which has been added German or French mustard to flavor delicately. Spread on rounds of lightly sauted bread, garnish with rings cut from the whites of the eggs and sprinkle with paprika. Rounds of bread should measure 2% in. in diameter and M in. thick. COLD ROAST LAMB WITH STUFFED PEPPERS Cut cold roast leg of lamb in thin slices of uniform size and arrange over-lapping one another around a chop platter. In center arrange hot green peppers, stuffed with aspara- gus, allowing 1 pepper for each person. Pass mint jelly arranged on a glass plate garnished with sprigs of mint. STUFFED PEPPERS (See Sunday Dinner Number Thirty-Two) MINT JELLY (Serve with Spring Lamb) Soak Y pkg. gelatine in Y c. cold water, 20 mins. Boil 1c. sugar, and % c. vinegar diluted with l4 c. cold water, 5 mins. (after boiling begins). Add gelatine, 4 tsp. salt, Y tsp. paprika, and I c. finely chopped mint leaves. Color mixture an emerald green with vegetable coloring. Cool; then set in a pan of ice water and stir until mixture begins to thicken to prevent mint settling. Turn into small individual moulds, first dipped into cold water and set in a cold place until firm. Unmold and garnish each with a tiny sprig of mint. Serve with hot or cold roast Spring Lamb. NEW POTATOES WITH PARSLEY BUTTER Scrape new potatoes and let stand in cold water V hr. Cook in boiling salted water until soft; drain and dry by shaking in cool air % min. Add from 2 to 4 tbsps. melted butter (according to the number cooked). Shake pan until each potato is lightly coated with butter. Then sprinkle over 1 tbsp. finely chopped parsley, continue shaking pan until potatoes and parsley are well mixed. SUCCOTASH Shell and pick over beans. There should be 2 cs. Barely cover with boiling water, add 1 in. cube of fat salt pork, let cook until almost soft; then add 2 cs. green corn, cut from cobs; continue cooking 20 mins. When the water should be nearly evaporated remove pork. Add 1 % tbsps. butter, % c. cream and Y2 tsp. sugar. Season with salt and pepper. Sugar may be omitted if corn is sweet. YELLOW TOMATO AND CUCUMBER SALAD Select yellow tomatoes of uniform size. Peel and cut slices from the stem ends; with a teaspoon carefully scoop out seeds and soft pulp. Sprinkle lightly inside with salt, invert on a plate and chill. Pare and cut cucumbers in quarters lengthwise. Discard large seeds and cut in Y4-in. cubes. Measure and add %' the quantity of tiny pearl onions. Mix with 1 tbsp. chopped parsley and toss together until well mixed. Marinate with French dressing to slightly moisten. Just before filling tomatoes, drain filling and mix with mayonnaise. Fill tomatoes, arrange each tomato in a nest of chicory. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and garnish with nasturium blossoms. CHEESE BISCUIT (See Sunday Dinner Number Forty-Four) STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE Sift together 2cs. flour, i tsp. salt, 3 tbsps. sugar and 4 tsps. baking powder, with tips of fingers rub in 4 tbsps, butter. Beat 1 egg until thick and lemon-tinted, add 13c. milk; combine mixtures; turn on a slightly floured board; divide in 2 equal parts. Roll out to fit round layer cake pans, butter pan and put in one part, brush over with soft butter and cover with second part. Brush top with milk and bake in hot oven 25 mm. Remove top cake spread with butter. Sprinkle strawberries with sugar, place on range until warmed, mash slightly and cover buttered cake with a thick layer. Cover with remaining cake, spread wit h butter, and a thick layer of berries. Pile whipped cream sweetened and flavored roughly over top, garnish with whole berries and serve at once. ICED TEA WITH MINT Scald an earthen tea-pot, drain; put 4 tsps. tea into pot and pour on 2 cs. boiling water. (Water should be freshly drawn and freshly boiled.) Let infuse 5 mins. Pour at once over cracked ice placed in glasses or "tea mugs in which has been placed 1 sprig of fresh mint. If stronger tea is desired secure it by the addi- tion of more tea, and not by longer infusing. Garnish glasses with frosted sprigs of mint. To prepare "frosted sprigs," brush washed and dried sprigs of fresh mint lightly with slightly beaten white of egg, then dredge lightly wit'h granulated sugar; let dry and use as directed.  SUNDAY DINNER Number Thirty-four Orange, Pineapple and Mint Cocktails B Baked Blue Fish, Drawn Butter Sauce New Potatoes, Chive Sauce Creamed Cucumbers 9 Cabbage Relish n Gelatine Blanc Mange with Blackberries Potato Flour Sponge Cake Butter Thins, Camembert Cheese Mint Punch ORANGE, PINEAPPLE AND MINT COCKTAILS Mix I c. grapefruit juice, 4 tbsps. orange juice, 2 tbsps. lemon juice and 6 tbsps. sugar syrup f. g. salt and 8 sprigs mint. Put into a cocktail shaker and shake until foamy and thoroughly blended. Strain. Chill on ice. Fill chilled cocktail glasses with 1 in. cubes of orange and fresh pineapple, using equal parts. Pour over some of the prepared fruit juice, sprinkle with a little finely chopped mint and insert a sprig of "frosted" mint into each cocktail. Serve as an appetizer at luncheon or dinner. BAKED BLUE FISH Clean a blue fish, keep head and tail in place. Remove the eyes, gills and clean the mouth thoroughly. Dry the fish, sprinkle inside with salt and pepper. Stuff, sew up opening and cut 3 or 4 gashes, 2 in. long through skin and flesh on each side of fish and press strips of salt pork in each. Truss in the shape of the letter S, by running a trussing needle threaded with greased twine, through the tail, the middle of the body and the head; pull into shape and tie securely around head. Bake in a moderate oven 45 mins. Baste with hot fat each 10 mins. during cooking. Remove twine, and threads before sending to table. Serve with Drawn Butter Sauce. STUFFING FOR FISH Mix 2 cs. soft bread crumbs, J c. melted butter, f tsp. salt, H tsp. black pepper, f tbsp. chopped chives or onion, 1 tsp. chopped parsley, 2 or 3 raw mushrooms peeled and finely chopped or i tbsp. mushroom catsup, and 1 tbsp. lemon juice. Use as directed. DRAWN BUTTER SAUCE Melt 3 tbsps. butter, add 4 tbsps. flour, stir until well blended, add 2 es. boiling water gradually, stirring constantly until sauce is smooth. Then beat Y c. butter, add. it in small pieces. Season with M tsp. salt and 1 tbsp. lemon juice, and 1 tsp. finely chopped parsley. NEW POTATOES WITH CHIVE SAUCE (See Sunday Dinner No. 25) CREAMED CUCUMBERS Pare 3 medium sized cucumbers. Cut in quarters lengthwise, remove seeds and cut in % in. pieces. Mix in a small sauce pan 2 tbsps. butter, add 2 tbsps. flour, then pour on grad- ually stirring constantly Y c. each milk and cream. Season with % tsp. salt and Y tsp. pepper. Melt 1 tbsp. butter in a frying pan. Add cucumbers. Season with salt and pepper, toss gently and briskly until well mixed with butter, let cook 10 mins. over moderate fire; drain in a sieve and reheat in sauce. Let cock 5 mins. Add f. g. nutmeg. Then turn into hot serving dish. GELATINE BLANC MANGE WITH BLACKBERRIES Soak 1% tbsps. gelatine in y c. cold milk 20 mins. Add to gelatine 2J, es. scalded milk, > c. sugar, stir until sugar is dissolved; strain. Add f tsp. orange extract and turn into a fluted mould, first wet inside with cold water. Chill over night. Unmould on chop platter and surround with fresh blackberries, sprinkled with powdered sugar. Serve with sweetened cream. POTATO FLOUR SPONGE CAKE (See Sunday Dinner No. 15) MINT PUNCH Put into 2 qt. jar 1Y cs. sugar, the leaves picked from 1 bunch of mint, and 1 c. cold water. Put 2 rubber rings on jar, set cover in place, seal and shake until contents of jar are well blended and sugar dissolved. Add the juice of 6 lemons, 2 cs. red raspberry juice, and 1 c. of red currant juice. Shake again, strain and chill on ice. When ready to serve, have glasses half filled with cracked ice; fill glasses % full of fruit juice, dilute with sparkling water. i SUNDAY DINNER Number Thirty-five Tomato Cocktails Chicken Pot Pie, Dumplings Green Corn, Creole Style Mashed Summer Squash New Beets with Sweet and Sour Sauce Escarole Salad Spanish Salad Dressing Peaches Chantilly, Lady Fingers Cafe Noir TOMATO COCKTAILS Select very small smooth tomatoes, those that grow in clusters are best. They are the size of large cherries. Peel and chill. When ready to serve arrange tomatoes in chilled cocktail glasses and pour over the following dressing: Rub a bowl with a cut clove of garlic; add 3 tbsps. tomato catsup, 1 tbsp. mushroom catsup, 1 tbsp. horseradish, 1 tbsp. tarragon vinegar, or lemon juice, ^ tsp. Worcestershire sauce, and 2 or 3 drops Tabasco Sauce. CHICKEN POT PIE Dress clean and cut a large fat chicken in pieces for serving (a year old). Put into a stew-pan, cover with boiling water. Add 1 onion sliced, 2 stalks of celery, cut in pieces, 2 spri.gs parsley and Y tsp. peppercorns. Cover and cook slowly until tender (from 3 to 4 hrs.) Add 3 tbsp. salt the last hr. of cooking. Remove chicken, strain liquor and skim off fat. Thicken stock with % c. flour diluted with cold water. Return chicken to "gravy" heat to boiling point. Drop dumplings on top of chicken (dumplings should not sink into gravy). Cover stew- pan with a towel, set cover in place and cook dumplings 12 mins. Arrange dumplings around rim of hot platter, put chicken in center cover generously with gravy; sprinkle all with finely chopped parsley. DUMPLINGS Sift together 2 cs. flotr, 4 tsps. baking pow- der, Y tsp. salt; with tips of fingers, rub in 1 tsp. butter. Add Y c. milk gradually, mixing it in with a knife. Drop from tip of spoon on top of meat 1 in. apart. Cover closely and cook 12 mins. GREEN CORN. CREOLE STYLE Remove the husks and silky threads from 6 ears of sweet tender green corn. Carefully cut corn from the cobs. Heat 1 tbsp. of olive oil or 2 tbsps. butter, in a frying pan; in it cook 1 finely chopped seeded pepper and 1, small onion, finely chopped, stir and cook 3 mins. until delicately colored (not browned), stirring constantly; add corn, and simmer 8 mins. Continue stirring; then add 2 medium-sized finely chopped peeled tomatoes. Season with 2 tsp. salt, ;> tbsp. sugar, 4 tsp. paprika and cook gently 8 rnins., stirring often. Serve to hot vegetable dish. MASHED SUMMER SQUASH Wash, and cut the yellow crook neck squash in thick slices crosswise. Do not pare or remove the seeds if squash is young and tender. Cook in boiling salted water until soft. Drain and turn into a double fold of cheese cloth, place over a colander and let drain again; then wring as dry as possible. Mash and season with salt, pepper and butter, mix thoroughly. and when hot, turn into hot serving dish. NEW BEETS WITH SWEET AND SOUR SAUCE Wash small new beets and cook until soft in boiling salted water to cover. Reserve M c. of the water. Drain. Cover with cold water, slip off the skins and cut beets in Y in. slices. Melt 2 tbsps. butter. Add 2 tbsps. flour, stir until well blended, pour on beet water, stir until smooth, then add slowly Y c. each vinegar and cream, or 2 tbsps. sugar, Y tsp. salt and Y tsp. black pepper. Reheat beets in sauce. ESCAROLE SALAD-SPANISH DRESSING Remove the outer imperfect leaves of 1 large head of escarole. Wash if necessary, or wipe with a piece of cheese cloth wrung from cold water. Cut in halves or quarters (according to size of head) lengthwise. Arrange on individual salad plates in a dainty border of cress or pepper grass. Just before serving pour over Spanish Dressing. SPANISH SALAD DRESSING To French dressing add 3 tbsps. Roquefort cheese rubbed to a paste with 2 tbsps. cream and 1 tbsp. pimiento pulp, that has been rubbed through a sieve, 1 tbsp. each Chili sauce and chopped chives. Mix thoroughly and serve with vegetable salads. PEACHES CHANTILLY Peel 8 large peaches, cut them in halves and remove stones. Place them in a shallow dish and pour over a few tablespoons of the syrup drained from Maraschino cherries, sprinkle with powdered sugar and set aside in a cold place until ready to serve. Pile sweetened and flavored cream pyramid-like in the center of a cold round serving platter and arrange the peaches around the base. Sprinkle with Maraschino cherries finely chopped. Serve with lady fingers.  SUNDAY DINNER Number Thirty-six Tomato Bouillon, Radishes Crisp Wafers Olives Roast Fillet of Beef, Brown Mushroom Sauce Rice Timbales Glazed Carrots Chicory, Lima Beans and Chive Salad N Vanilla Peach Ice Cream, Filippini Sauce Lady Fingers and Macaroons Coffee TOMATO BOUILLON To 6 cs. of Standard Broth add thick tomato puree to color broth a vivid red. Reheat and serve in bouillon cups with crisp crackers. STANDARD BROTH Remove the meat from 4 lbs. beef, veal, lamb or chicken. Brown richly f of meat in some of the marrow taken from bones. Cover remaining meat and 1 lb. bones with 2% (ts. cold water. Let stand 30 mins. Add browned meat, rinse pan with some of water. Bring to boiling point, and skim. Reduce heat and boil slowly :5 hrs. Stock should be reduced to 3 pts. The last hr. of cooking add 12 tsp. peppercorns, 4 cloves, 1 sprig marjoram, 2 sprigs each thyme, and parsley, V bay leaf and 4 c. each diced carrots, celery and onion and V tbsp. salt. Strain. Cool. Remove fat and clear. ROAST FILLET OF BEEF (See Sunday Dinner No. 22) BROWN MUSHROOM SAUCE (See Sunday Dinner No. 6) SAVORY RICE TIMBALES Prepare Savory Rice (See Sunday Dinner No. 29) and pack rice while hot into buttered individual timbale moulds; keep hot, and when ready to serve unmould and arrange around roast fillet of beef. GLAZED CARROTS Wash and scrape 2 bunches of small new carrots of uniform size. If large, cut in strips lengthwise, - in. thick. Cook in boiling salted wa ter until nearly done (15 mins. if young, 30 rins. if old). Drain. Melt j/ c. butter in a frying pan, add carrots and shake pan until carrots are well coated with butter, sprinkle with 2 tbsps. sugar and shake over moderate fire until carrots begin to brown. Add Y c. stock or boiling water and continue turning and shaking pan until tender and delicately browned. Add more stock as needed. CHICORY, LIMA BEANS AND CHIVE SALAD Wash, pick over, and drain dry the bleach heart leaves (only) of crisp chicory. Arrange in a border on a shallow serving dish. Cook fresh small green lima beans in boiling water (uncovered) until soft; add salt the last 15 mins. of cooking. Drain, chill and marinate with a little French dressing, let stand 1 hr. Drain again and moisten with cream mayon- naise, sprinkle with finely chopped chives and pile moundlike in center of border. After serving salad on individual plates, pass French dressing, that the leaves of chicory may be moistened. VANILLA PEACH ICE CREAM WITH FILIPPINI SAUCE Make Vanilla Ice Cream (See Sunday Dinner No. 20). When cream is half frozen add the pulp of 6 large ripe peaches that have been peeled, chopped and pressed through a sieve. Color ice cream a rich pink with red vegetable coloring; finish freezing and pack into a quart brick mould; cover securely and pack in crushed ice and rock salt. Unmould and serve with Filippini Sauce. FILIPPINI SAUCE Cut f of a fresh pineapple in very small pieces. Place in a small sauce-pan with 3 tbsps. sugar, Y c. water, j c. red raspberry syrup, 1 tbsp. lemon juice and boil gently until sugar is melted (about 6 mins.). Remove trom range. Chill and put 1 tbsp. of sauce over each slice of ice cream. i SUNDAY DINNER Number Thirty-seven Cream of Celery Soup Cheese Wafers N Chicken a la Maryland, Cream Chicken Gravy Mashed Potatoes Corn Fritters Pickled Watermelon Romaine with Thousand Island Dressing Birds' Nest Pudding, Sweetened Cream N Water Biscuit, Roquefort Cheese Cafe Noir CREAM OF CELERY SOUP (See Sunday Dinner No. 3) CHICKEN A LA MARYLAND Dress, clean and cut up 2 young chickens ("fryers"). Sprinkle with salt, pepper, roll in flour, dip in egg and roll in fine bread crumbs. Melt 3 tbsps. lard in a dripping pan, add the chickens, and bake in a hot oven 30 mins. basting each 5 mins. with fat in pan or with Y c. melted butter. Turn, that chicken may be evenly browned. Dispose on hot platter, pour around 2 cs. cream gravy. Garnish chicken with 6 elices of crisp bacon, and hot corn fritters placed around rim of platter. CREAM GRAVY Melt % c. butter in sauce-pan; add Y4 c. flour, stir until smooth and very delicately browned. Add gradually 1 c. each hot milk and thin cream, stirring constantly until smooth. Season with Y tsp. salt, 4 tsp. white pepper, f. g. cayenne, and nutmeg. Bring to boiling point and serve. CORN FRITTERS Finely chop 1 can corn, add 1 c. flour, sifted with 1 tsp. baking powder, 2 tsps. salt, and 4 tsp. pepper; add the yolks 2 eggs well beaten, add Y tsp. finely chopped parsley, then fold in the stiffly beaten whitcs 2 eggs. Cook in an iron frying pan in fresh hot lard,.taking mixture up by tablespoonfuls. When brown on one side turn and brown other side. Drain on paper and serve. MASHED POTATOES (See Sunday Dinner No. 6) ROMAINE WITH THOUSAND ISLAND DRESSING Prepare one large firm head of romaine in the usual way. Cut in quarters (if very large) lengthwise. Chill, arrange the portions on individual salad plates, and just before serving pour over Thousand Island Dressing. THOUSAND ISLAND DRESSING To 1 c. of Mayonnaise dressing made with tarragon vinegar, add 1 tbsp. each finely chopped pimiento, chives, tomato catsup and Chili sauce. Fold in 2 tbsps. heavy cream whipped until stiff and 1 hard cooked egg chopped moderately. Chill on ice before serving. BIRDS' NEST PUDDING (Apple Dumpling) Pare, core and slice tart apples into a but- tered baking-dish; the dish should be r full (5, 6 or 7 apples, according to their size). Sprinkle over with V4 tsp. salt, and 2 or 3 tbsps. water. Cover with a rich soft dough. Bake 25 or 30 mins. in a hot oven. Invert on hot serving dish with a fork, mix apples with soft part of crust lying next to apples by pricking with the fork. Sprinkle thickly with sugar, dot over generously with butter, sprinkle lightly with cinnamon or nutmeg and serve with sweetened cream. FOR RICH SOFT DOUGH (See Hot Baking Powder Biscuit Sunday Din- ner No. 44)  SUNDAY DINNER Number Thirty-eight Clam Consomme with Whipped Cream Olives Celery Creamed Sweetbreads Roast Ducklings, Apple Sauce Mashed Sweet Potatoes French Green Peas Sweet Cider Frappe x Celery, Apple and Nut Salad Steamed Cranberry Pudding Coffee CLAM CONSOMME WITH WHIPPED CREAM Wash thoroughly 2 qts. of clams in the shells. Put into a large stew-pan with ?/ c. cold water, cover and cook slowly until shells open. Strain the liquor through a double fold of cheesecloth. Add the broth to 1 qt. of hot consomme and clear as soup stock. Heat to boiling point, serve in warm bouillon cups; set a tablespoonful of whipped cream on top of each portion. Sprinkle with paprika. Cream should be delicately seasoned with salt and white pepper. Use clams for making clam chowder. CREAMED SWEETBREADS IN TIMBALE CASES Parboil a sweetbread in boiling salted acid- ulated water 12 mins. Drain. Cut in % in. pieces, add / c. sliced button mushrooms. Reheat in 1 c. of Cream Sauce. Serve in Swedish Timbale cases. CREAM SAUCE Melt 3 tbsps. butter, add 2 tbsps. flour. Stir until well blended; then add gradually I c. hot cream, stirring until sauce is smooth. Season with ! tsp. salt, tsp. white pepper and i>2 tsp. finely (.hopped parsley. ROAST DUCKLINGS Dress and clean a brace (a pair) of young ducks. Put into the body 2 apples pared and quartered and 2 sliced onions. (These are to improve the flavor and not to be served.) Truss, the same as goose. Arrange on a greased rack in a dripping pan, brtfsh over withI oil or soft butter, sprinkle witi salt, black pepper, dredge with flour; pour into /. c. boiling water; roast in a moderate oven until tender, time required 1 to 1V hrs. Baste each 15 mins. while roasting, and turn several times that they may brown evenly. Remove skewers and trussing. Arrange on a hot :platter. Garnish with water cress. Serve with hot apple sauce. FRENCH GREEN PEAS Drain 1 can French peas from the liquor and rinse with cold water. Melt 4 tbsps. butter in a sauce-pan, add 2 or 3 very small white onions and a tiny sprig of mint. Add peas and simmer 10 mins. Remove onions and mint; season with salt, paprika and -i tsp. sugar. Serve with lamb, wild duck or ducklings. MASHED SWEET POTATOES Wash and pare sweet potatoes of uniform size. Cook in boiling water until soft (20 to 30 mins.). Drain; press through a ricer; there should be 2y cs. Add /N c. butter, % tsp. salt, and hot cream to moisten (about 334 tbsps.). Beat with a fork until light and fluffy. Press again through ricer into ho: serving dish. Sprinkle with paprika. CELERY, APPLE AND ALMOND SALAD Mix equal measure of celery hearts cut in Julienne strips, Jonathan apples pared, cored and cut the same (sprinkle apple at once with lemon juice). Blanch and shred almonds lengthwise. There should be 1 c. of each. Mi lightly and moisten with Chantilly Mayon- naise. Chili and dispose in individual nests of lettuce heart leaves arranged around thick slices of chilled and peeled oranges. Pile salad mound-like on orange. Sprinkle with paprika. SWEET CIDER FRAPPE Put 2 qts. sweet cider into the can of freezer, add 1 c. ginger syrup drained from a jar of preserved Canton ginger. Freeze, using 3 measures of crushed ice to 1 of rock salt. Serve in sherbet glasses with roast pork, goose, ducks or baked ham. STEAMED CRANBERRY PUDDING Cream c e. shortening, 1 c. sugar gradually. stirring constantly, add 3 well beaten eggs. Sift together 31/" cs. flour, t tsp. salt and 33 tsps. baking powder; add to first mixture alternately with f c. milk. Stir in 13, cs. cranberries. Mix well, turn into a buttered pudding mould, cover and steam 3 hrs. Serve with sweetened cream.  SUNDAY DINNER Number Thirty-nine Cantaloupe Cocktails Mock Bouillon Souffled Crackers Fried Scallopes, Sauce Tartare Roast Guinea Chicken, Brown Nut Sauce Candied Sweet Potatoes Baked Tomatoes with Cream Salad, Touraine Style Caramel Custard Caramel Sauce Coffee CANTALOUPE COCKTAILS Cut the pulp of small cantaloupe into Y2 cubes. Arrange them in chilled cocktail glasses, sprinkle lightly with "rely chopped crystallized ginger or orange peel, lemon juice and powdered sugar, allowing 2 cs. cantaloupe cubes. Y c. chopped ginger, or 2 tbsps. orange peel juice, 1 lemon and Y4 to % c. sugar. Garnish with small balls scooped out of chilled watermelon, using a "potato baller" for this purpose. Serve very cold. MOCK BOUILLON Put 2 qts. canned tomatoes into a stew-pan, add 4 stalks celery cut in 1 in. pieces, % medium sized carrot thinly sliced, / onion sliced, 1 small shredded green pepper (discarding seeds and white portion), 2 cloves, and a blade mace. Heat to boiling point, and cook slowly 20 mins.; season with i tsp, salt, few drops Tabasco sauce. Strain, cool and clear. Serve in bouillon cups, with souffled crackers. SOUFFLED CRACKERS WITH CHEESE Split in halves the required number of Bent's water biscuit, moisten with hot wat:-r; cover with melted butter and thinly with French mustard; sprinkle thickly with grated cheese, seasoned with salt, paprika and a few grains of cayenne. Arrange them in a buttered shallow dripping pan. Set in hot oven until crackers are slightly puffed and cheese is creamy. Serve with soup or with dinner salads. FRIED SCALLOPS Pour boiling water over 1 pt. scallops, keep hot 5 mins. with boiling; drain and dry on towels. Marinate with very little French dressing. Let stand 1 hr., drain and dry again. Roll in fine cracker meal, then in egg and again in cracker meal; fry in deep hot fat until a golden brown. Serve as an entree on folded doilies laid over small hot plates. Garnish with parsley, slices of lemon. Pass Sauce Tartare (See Sunday Dinner No. 13) in sauce boat. ROAST GUINEA CHICKEN Singe, clean, wash, stuff and truss a plump guinea chicken. If not stuffed, put 2 slices of bacon inside the body; brush over the outside with soft butter, sprinkle with salt, pepper and flour. Fasten thin slices of salt pork over breast and legs, using small skewers (tooth- picks). Place in dripping pan breast side down, over 3 or 4 thin slices of salt pork. Cook in a hot oven until evenly browned, basting each 15 mins. Turn breast upwards the last hr. of cooking. Dredge lightly with flour after each basting and cook until tender (about 2 hrs.). Serve with brown nut sauce and watercress salad with French dressing. BROWN NUT SAUCE Brown 2 tbsps. butter in a sauce-pan, add 2 tbsps. peanut butter; stir until well blended, add 3% tbsps. flour and continue stirring until richly browned. Then add gradually 1 Y cs. chicken stock, continue stirring until smooth. Bring to boiling point, add f c. hot cream, add Y2 tsp. salt, % tsp. black pepper. Pour around guinea chicken and sprinkle with j c. coarse bread crumbs browned in 2r4 tbsps. butter. CANDIED SWEET POTATOES (See New Year Dinner, Glace Potatoes) BAKED TOMATOES WITH CREAM Wipe 6 smooth round, sound, ripe tomatoes, of uniform size. Prick them several times with a fork, arrange in a buttered baking dish and bake in a moderate oven until soft. Carefully remove skins and pour over a sauce made of 2 tbsps. butter, 3 tbsps. flour, Y tsp. salt, Y tsp. pepper, and f. g. cayenne. Add 1 c. of hot cream and stir until smooth; then stir in1 ?, tbsp. finely chopped chives. Serve at Onlce. SALAD-TOURAINE STYLE Remove the sections from 1 large grapefruit. Cut each in 4 pieces. Wipe and pare Bartlett pears and with a French potato "baller", scoop out balls or cut pears in % in. cubes. Measure and have ready an equal measure of orange cubes. Drain juice from fruit and marinate with cream French dressing. Let stand in a cool place, until ready to serve. Then arrange in a nest of well bleached lettuce heart leaves and pour a little more dressing over lettuce leaves. Sprinkle with tiny figures cut from thinly sliced truffle. CARAMEL CUSTARD Put /2 c. sugar into an omelet pan. Place on range and stir wi th a metal spoon until melted to a syrup of a light brown color. Remove at once from fire and add gradually to 1 qt. of scalded milk (be very careful that milk does not boil over). Stir until sugar is melted in milk. Then add mixture slowly to 5 eggs lightly beaten; stirring constantly. Add Y tsp. salt and I tsp. Vanilla. Butter a pud- ding dish, sprinkle lightly with sugar; strain in mixture; set dish in a pan of hot water and bake in a moderate oven until firm (about 20 mins.). Chill and serve with Caramel Sauce. CARAMEL SAUCE Caramelize c. sugar in an omelet pan w for caramel custard. Add M c. boiling water and let simmer 10 mins. to form a syrup. Let cool before serving. I SUNDAY DINNER Number Forty Cream of Onion Soup Croutons Mangoe Peppers Celery Roast Shoulder of Pork, Hot Horseradish Sauce Baked Sweet Potatoes Scalloped Tomatoes and Corn N Apple, Celery and Chestnut Salad Orange Puffs Orange Sauce Coffee CREAM OF ONION SOUP Peel and chop 6 medium sized onions, cook in 2 tbsps. butter 5 mins., stirring constantly; add 3 cs. water. Cook until soft (45 mins.). Drain (reserve liquor). Rub pulp through a sieve. Melt 3 tbsps. butter, add 4 tbsps. flour, stir until well blended, add gradually while stirring constantly 2 es. scalded milk: season with salt, f. g. cayenne, cook 5 mins. Combine mixtures, bring to boiling point. Reduce heat. Add 1 egg yolk slightly beaten, 1 tbsp. pimiento pulp, and 2 tbsps. Parmesan cheese. Serve with croutons. ROAST SHOULDER OF PORK Have the butcher remove the bones from a shoulder of "little pig." Fill opening made by removal of bones with sage stuffing; sew and truss in shape. Score the skin for proper carving. Brush over with tried-out salt pork fat, dredge with flour and set to cook in a moderate oven. Baste often with dripping in pan and dredge lightly with flour after each basting. Cook until tender from 3% to 4 hrs. Serve with Chantilly Apple Sauce, or hot horseradish sauce. SAGE STUFFING Mix 2 cs. coarse soft bread crumbs, 3 c. melted butter, I tsp. salt, Y tsp. black pepper, sage and thyme to taste, and 1 small onion finely chopped. Mix well and use as directed. HOT HORSERADISH SAUCE (See Sunday Dinner No. 8) BAKED SWEET POTATOES Select smooth medium sized sweet potatoes. Avoid long slender potatoes. Wash and scrub with a vegetable brush, trim off roots and rough ends. Arrange in a dripping pan and hake in a hot oven 40 to 45 mins. or until soft. Remove from oven and serve at once. If allowed to stand, unless the thick skin is broken to allow steam to escape, they will become soggy. SCALLOPED TOMATOES AND CORN Butter a baking dish and in it arrange alter- nate layers of soft bread crumbs, peeled and sliced tomatoes and canned corn, or green corn cut from the cobs. Season each layer with scraped onion and a light sprinkle of finely chopped green pepper, salt, dots of butter, allowing 1 tsp. butter for each layer. Have top layer tomatoes. Cover with 1 c. bread crumbs mixed with Y c. melted butter. Bake in a hot oven 35 mins. Let crumbs brown last 5 mins. of baking. Serve in baking dish. APPLE, CELERY AND CHESTNUT SALAD Wipe and pare fine flavored apples and cut in matchlike pieces 1 in. long. Cut crisp celery hearts the same. Cook shelled French chest- nuts in boiling water well seasoned with salt, until soft. Drain, chill and break in pieces. Marinate with French dressing. Let stand 1 hr. Drain. There should be 1 c. of each. Toss lightly all together and serve with Cream French dressing (See Sunday Dinner No. 12) disposed in nests of "feathery" chicory leaves. ORANGE PUFFS Cream M c. butter, add gradually 1 c. sugar stirring constantly. Add 2 eggs beaten until thick and lemon-tinted. Sift together 1/ cs. flour, f. g. salt, I tbsp. baking powder; add alternately to first mixture with 1 c. milk, add l tsp. orange extract or the grated rind of 1 an orange. Turn into deep buttered muffin cups and bake 15 mins. in a hot oven. Serve hot with orange sauce. ORANGE SAUCE (For Puddings) Beat the whites of 3 eggs until stiff, add gradually 1 c. powdered sugar, continue beao- ing; add the grated rind and juice of 2 large oranges and juice 1 lemon. Beat thoroughly and serve on hot or cold puddings.  SUNDAY DINNER Number Forty-one Consomme with Vegetables Hot Crackers Celery Shreds Sweet Gherkins Beef a la Mode, Brown Gravy Baked Potatoes Egg Plant Fritters Banana Fritters Onion and Chicory Salad Squash Pie CONSOMME WITH VEGETABLES Cut carrots and turnips in 1 in. straws, cut string beans in 3 in. diamonds. There should be 2 tbsps. of each. Add 2 tbsps. each of peas and asparagus tips, 1 medium sized onion thinly sliced. Cook vegetables in boiling salted water until tender. (If canned peas and asparagus are used they need only to be reheated in the consomme). Drain vegetables and add to 2 qts. of hot consomme or beef stock. Add 1 c. thick tomato puree; bring to boiling point and serve with hot crackers. CELERY SHREDS Cut the stalks of celery in uniform lengths (7 in. long). Then cut each piece in shreds lengthwise the size of rye straws. Drop into ice water. Let stand until criso and curled somewhat. Drain and serve piled pyramid-like on a glass serving dish with a few bits of ice. BEEF A LA MODE Have 12 large lardoons of fat salt pork. drawn through a large piece of beef cut from the round or rump. (This can be done at the market.) Sprinkle with salt, black pepper and dredge with flour, and brown richly the entire surface in hot salt pork fat. Arrange on a trivet in a Dutch oven or iron kettle and sur- round with j$ c. each of carrot, turnip, onion and celery cut in small pieces. Add 2 sprigs parsley, a small piece bay leaf, 3 tsp. pepper- corns and half cover the meat with toiling water in which 1 tsp. of beef extract has been dissolved. Cover closely and simmer slowly until meat is tender (about 41 hrs.). Kcep the liquid just at the boiling point. Remove to hot serving platter. Strain liquid and thicken with browned flour; season with salt and pepper and serve in sauce boat. BAKED POTATOES Select smooth potatoes a little larger than "medium size". Wash and scrub with a vegetable brush and arrange them in a dripping pan or on the middle grate of the gas oven. Bake in a hot oven 15 mins. or until soft, turn once during baking. Remove from oven, cut 11 in. gashes at right angles on the side of each potato. Take u with a towel and press firmly to force out steam and loosen the pulp; put a cube of butter into opening and sprinkle with salt and generously with paprika: Serve at once. Whipped Cream ffee EGG PLANT FRITTERS Pare a medium sized egg plant, and cut in 1 in. slices crosswise. Sprinkle slices with salt, pile in their original shape, on a plate. Cover with another plate, set a weight above to press out the acrid juice. Let stand 1Y/ hrs., drain off juice occasionally. Sprinkle slices with a few drops of onion juice, dredge with flour, dip in egg, fine seasoned bread crumbs and fry in deep hot fat. Drain on paper and serve at once. BANANA FRITTERS Sift together 1 c. bread flour, 12 tbsp. pow- dered sugar, 4 tsp. salt and 2 tsps. baking powder. Add 1 well beaten egg, add to t-j c. milk and combine mixtures. Beat until smooth. Then add ° bananas that have been peeled, scraped and rubbed through a sieve. Mix well and drop by tablespoonfuls into deep hot fat, turn to brown evenly. Drain on paper and serve with lemon or orange sauce. LEMON SAUCE Make a syrup by boiling 1 c. sugar, 3 thin shavings of lemon rind, and !4 c. water, 8 nuns.; remove from fire, skim out rind, add I thsp. lemon juice and J tbsp, butter; beat until well blended. ONION AND CHICORY SALAD Peel and thinly slice crosswise 6 Bermuda onions. Cover with ice water and let stand until crisp Drain. Arrange in a border of crisp well bleached chicory leaves. Sprinkle lightly with sugar and pour over Cream French dressing. Serve very cold. CREAM FRENCH DRESSING (See Sunday Dinner No. 12) SQUASH PIE To 2 cs. steamed and strained squash add Y c. brown sugar, 1 tsp. cinnamon, V4 tsp. ginger, Y tsp. mace and /,' tsp. salt. Mix well, then add 2 eggs slightly beaten, c. of cream. Turn into a pie pan lined with rich pastry and bake 30 mins. Serve hot with hard sauce or cold with whipped cream sweetened and deli- cately flavored with orange, and piled unevenly over top. t O SUNDAY DINNER Number Forty-two Oyster Cocktails Olive Sandwiches Celery Hearts Pickled Limes Stewed Chicken, Hot Baking Powder Biscuit Stewed Tomatoes with Corn Onions in Cream Pear Salad with Chantilly Mayonnaise N Fig Custard with Meringue Coffee OYSTER COCKTAILS Mix Y c. tomato catsup, 1 tbsp. fresh grated horseradish, 1 tbsp. vinegar, 2 tbsps. lemon juice, 1 tsp. salt, and a few drops of Tabasco Sauce. Chill and just before serving, stir briskly. This sauce is sufficient for 6 cocktails. Place 6 small oysters into chilled cocktail glasses add sauce, mix well with oysters and serve with small olive sandwiches. OLIVE SANDWICHES Pare the meat from the pits of 1 doz. large olives and finely chop. Spread small thin rounds (1 ,z in. in diameter) of white bread with Mayonnaise. Moisten olives with mayon- naise and spread an equal number of rounds with mixture. Put together in pairs. On one side of each sandwich put a dash of paprika in center and insert a tiny sprig of parsley in it, as a garnish. Serve 2 sandwiches with each cocktail. STEWED CHICKEN Dress, clean and cut up a fowl for serving. Put into a stew-pan, cover with boiling water. Add 1 sliced onion, 1 stalk celery cut in 1 in. pieces tsp. peppercorns. Cover, bring to boiling point, skim, reduce heat and cook slowly until tender (3y to 4 hrs.) Adding M tbsp. salt the last hour of cookini'. Remove chicken to hot serving platter, strain stock, skim off fat, and thicken with Y c. flour diluted with cold water to pour readily. If a richer gravy is desired add 1 cup of rich cream, and more flour for thickening. Season with salt and pepper. Split small hot baking powder biscuit and drop into gravy. Arrange them around chicken and pour gravy over both chicken and biscuit. Pass extra gravy in a sauce boat. Sprinkle chicken with 1 tsp. finely chopped parsley. BAKING POWDER BISCUIT Sift together 2 es. flour, M tsp. salt, and 4 tsps. baking powder. With tips of fingers, rub in 3 tbsps. butter. With a case knife mix in % cup rich milk. Mix well, turn on a floured board, knead lightly, roll to Y in. thickness and shape with a small biscuit cutter. Set close together in a well greased shallow pan and bake 15 mins. in a hot oven. STEWED TOMATOES WITH CORN Peel 3 large tomatoes and cut in eighths, dis- carding the seeds. Melt 2 tbsps. butter in a frying pan, in it cook j mild green pepper finely chopped and I tbsp. chopped onion; let cook 5 mins. without browning. Add toma- toes and 1 c. canned corn or green corn cut from the cobs. Cook until tomato is soft. Add 2 tbsps. butter and 1 tsp. sugar. Season with salt and pepper. ONIONS IN CREAM Peel 12 medium sized white onions. Cover with cold water bring to boiling point; drain, repeat; then cover with boiling water, add salt to season and cook uncovered until soft (45 to 60 mins.) Drain, add 1' tbsps. butter, % tsp. salt and c. hot cream. Turn in hot serving dish and sprinkle with paprika. PEAR SALAD Select fine flavored medium sized pears, wipe and pare, core and cut in thin slices crosswise, and keep in original shapes. Allow a pear for each portion. Arrange them standing upright. Surround them, blossom like, with small lettuce heart leaves and serve with Chantilly Mayonnaise. Sprinkle with tiny figures cut from Pimientos using tiny vegetable cutters for this purpose. Serve very cold. FIG CUSTARD WITH MERINGUE Scald 1 qt. milk. Mix 2 tbsps. cornstarch, % c. sugar and Y tsp. salt. Pour on slowly scalded milk and cook in double boiler 10 mins. Add yolks 3 eggs slightly beaten and continue cooking 3 mins. Cut lb. washed figs in small pieces, put into double boiler, add c. boiling water, 4 tbsps. sugar, and 1 tbsp. lemon juice; cover and cook until figs are tender. Combine mixtures and let cool; turn into serv- ing dish. Beat whites 3 eggs until stiff, add 3 tbsps. sugar, beating constantly. Pile by large spoonfuls over pudding; set in moderate oven to cook and brown meringue. Serve cold.  SUNDAY DINNER Number Forty-three Chicken and Oyster Consomme Bread Sticks Celery Pepper Hash Roast Suckling Pig, Apple Sauce Hominy Croquettes Baked Apples en Casserole Souffled Winter Squash Grapefruit, Orange and White Grape Salad 0Qange Fanchonettes Coffee CHICKEN AND OYSTER CONSOMME Finely chop 1 pt. of select oysters; reserve the soft part of 15. After removing tough muscles, add 12 c. cold water and simmer 25 mirs. Strain oyster liquor through a double fold of cheesecloth and add to 1 qt. of well seasoned chicken stock, from which fat has been removed. Season with salt, pepper. Add / c. hot cream and the soft parts of oysters previously cooked in an omelet pan until plump. Reheat and serve at once with crisp bread sticks. BREAD STICKS Use water bread dough. When light, shape into two equal parts. Shape one part into a loaf and place in a greased bread pan, cover and set to rise. Shape remaining dough into sticks 8 in. long. To shape sticks, roll dough on a floured board, shape with small biscuit cutter, roll with the hands on board without flour until the required length and the thick- ness of a lead pencil, tapering at ends. A rrange on a baking sheet; cover, let rise andi start baking in a hot oven. reduce heat, that sticks may be slightly browned, crisp and dry. ROAST SUCKLING PIG Clean, stut. truss and skewer in shape a suckling tig (about 4 weeks old). In large city markets these pigs are prepared for the oven by the butcher. Make 4 or 5 parallel gashe-, 3 in. long through the skin on each side. Place on rack in large dripping pan, brush the entire surface over with dripping. Sprinkle with salt, black pepper and pour around 1 pt. boiling water. Cover with a piece of heavy paper well greased. Roast in a moderate oven hasting each 15 mins. with liquor in pan; for 3 to 4 hrs. increasing heat the last hr. of roast- ing. Wlin half done spread with soft butter. Remove paper the last 30 mins. of cooking and waih over with thick cream (this will aid the browning process) and finish cooking. Re- move to serving platter, put a small red apple in the mouth, candied cherries in the eye sockets and a wreath of parsley or cress around neck. Arrange hominy croquettes around pig garnish sprigs of parsley and serve with hot apple sauce, or Chantilly apple sauce. (See New Year Dinner.) IIOMINY CROQUETTES Steam N c. granulated hominv in 1a c. boil- ing water until water is absorbed; add ?% tsp. salt, 1 c. milk and cook in double boiler until soft. Add 2 tbsps. butter, and % c. fresh grated horseradish, 1 tsp. finely chopped parsley, and more salt if needed. Cool, shape in uniform size balls, roll in crumbs, dip in diluted egg, again roll in crumbs, and fry in deep hot fat. Drain on soft paper. BA IED APPLES EN CASSEROLE Wipe, pare and core 6 medium sized Jona- than or Willow Twig apples. Put into cass- erole, add 1 c. water, Iy cs. sugar and dredge with flour and cinnamon. Cover and bake 114 hrs. in a slow oven. Do not lift cover dur- ing baking. Serve hot in the casserole, or cold on serving plate. SOUFFLED WINTER SQUASH I Cut winter squash in pieces, remove seeds, stringy portion and pare. Place in a steamer or strainer and cook over boiling water, 45 mins. or until soft. Force through a ricer; season with butter, salt and pepper. To 2 cs. mashed and seasoned squash add gradually 1 c. cream, beating constantly, yolks 2 eggs, beaten until thick and lemon-tinted; then fold in the stiffly beaten whites 2 eggs. Turn into a buttered baking dish and bake in a moderate oven until firm in center. Serve at once. GRAPEFRUIT, ORANGE AND GRAPE SALAD Cut the grapefruit and orange in halves crosswise, with a sharp knife remove the sections, free from white portion and membrane in whole pieces. Peel large white grapes and remove the seeds. There should be equal measure of grape fruit and orange and ? the measure of seeded grapes as the other fruits. Drain juice from fruit Arrange in nests of lettuce heart leaves, first grapefruit, then orange and lastly a light layer of grapes. Pour over each portion 1 tbsp. of French dressing (made with lemon juice in place of vinegar, % tsp. of salt and no cayenne). Then set a rose of cream mayonnaise over grapes and sprinkle with chopped English walnut meats. ORANGE FANCIIONETTES Cover inverted patty pans with rich pastry, prick over with a fork and bake in a quick oven. Remove from pans, place shells in a shallow pan, fill with orange filling, spread with meringue and bake 10 mins. in a moderate oven. ORANGE FILLING Mix 1 c. sugar, f c. flour, Y tsp. salt., grated rind 1 orange, I c. orange juice, 2 tsbps. lemon juice, 2 eggs slightly beaten and Y. tbsp. butter. Cook in double boiler 12 mins. stirring constantly until mixture thickens, afterwards frequently. Spread with meringue made of whites 2 eggs beaten very stiff, gradually add 4 tbsps. sugar, continue beating, and add tsp. Vanilla.  SUNDAY DINNER Number Forty-four (Madam Galli's Style) Consomme Parmesan Cheese Spaghetti a la Italienne Olives Celery Broiled Squabs Roast Tenderloin of Beef, White Turnips Cauliflower Carrots French Bread Romaine, French Dressing Bananas Figs Water Biscuit Nuts Gorgonzala Cheese Coffee CONSOMME AU PARMESAN Serve consomme very clear and hot in soup plates and pass grated Parmesan cheese served in a shallow dish with a soup spoon. Each person sprinkles the cheese over top of soup according to their individual taste. Pass French bread cut in pieces 2 ins. thick and not quite severed at bottom crust. Each person "pulls" off a piece as needed. SPAGHETTI A LA ITALIENNE If convenient, procure the imported long "pipes" of spaghetti. Cook f package in 2 to 3 qts. of rapidly boiling water to which have been added 1 onion, stuck with 2 cloves, 1 tbsp. butter and salt to season. When tender, drain. Turn on a hot platter. pour over hot tomato sauce and sprinkle with fresh grated Parmesan cheese. TOMATO SAUCE Brown 4 tbsps. butter in a sauce-pan, add 5,1 tbsps. flour stir until well blended and con- tinue browning. Add l% cs. ea. hot brown stock and thick puree of tomato (stewed, strained and well reduced tomatoes) 3 slices ea. carrot, and onion, bit of bay leaf, 2 sprigs parsley, 4 cloves, 1 tsp. salt, Y tsp. black pepper, f. g. cayenne, and 1 very small clove garlic. Simmer 20 mins. Strain. Use as directed. BROILED SQUABS Carefully dress and singe the required num- ber of plump squabs. Remove head, pinions, feet, and split them down the backbone, break the breastbone as chicken for broiling. Wipe carefully, brush over with soft butter, sprinkle with salt, pepper and arrange in a well oiled double wire broiler, and broil over glowing coals, or arrange in a greased dripping pan, over thin slices of bacon; set in a very hot oven 10 to 15 mins. Baste often with melted fat. Turn that they may be well browned; Finish cooking under gas flame. Serve on slices of toast moistened with fat in pan. ROAST TENDERLOIN OF BEEF (See Sunday Dinner No. 22). Remove fillet to hot serving platter and surround with small white turnips, carrots and cauliflower, sauted in butter. Garnish with watercress. CARROTS Wash, scrape and cut carrots in quarters, lengthwise, if large, if small new carrots, leave them whole. Cook until soft in equal parts of water and white stock or chicken broth. Drain. Saute in hot butter until slightly browned. Use as directed. WHITE TURNIPS Wash and pare small uniform sized "purple- top" turnips. Cook them in boiling water until almost done (equal parts of water and white stock are best). Drain. Saute in butter, until slightly browned or finish cooking in dripping pan around roast. CAULIFLOWER Remove leaves, cut off stalk and soak 30 mins. in cold, salt water (head down) to cover. Cook (head up) in equal parts of white stock and boiling, salted water until tender. Drain and separate flowerets in rather large clus- ters; pour over melted butter, sprinkle with salt and paprika and arrange alternately with turnips and carrots around fillet of beet. ROMAINE WITH FRENCH DRESSING Remove the outer leaves from large firm heads of Romaine; wipe with a cloth wrung from cold water or if necessary wash and dry on towels. Cut heads in halves lengthwise, if very large, cut in quarters. Arrange each portion on individual salad plates and touch lightly here and there with a cut clove of garlic. Pour over French dressing and serve at once. FRENCH DRESSING (See Sunday Dinner No. 26). I Emmu.%-. SUNDAY DINNER Number Forty-five Cream of Rice Wafers with Cheese Oyster Patties Roast Venison, Currant Jelly Blood Orange Sherbet Sweet Potatoes, Southern Style Celery au Gratin Sweet Pickled Peaches Endive with Russian Dressing Suet Pudding, Foamy Sauce Water Biscuit, Camembert Cheese Cafe Noir CREAM OF RICE SOUP To 2 qts. of chicken stock (the water in which fowl has been boiled will answer) add 1 c. rice, I small onion sliced. 1 stalk celery cut in 1 in. pieces; simmer slowly until rice is soft (keep stock just below boiling point). Rub all through a sieve; add 1 pt. each of hot cream and milk. Season with salt and pepper. Bring to boiling point and serve at once. OYSTER PATTIES Clean and cook 1 pt. of select oysters until soft parts are plump and edges begin to curl; drain, reserve liquor, and reheat in oyster cream sauce. Serve in patty shells, timbale cases or croustades of bread. OYSTER CREAM SAUCE Melt 3 tbsps. butter in sauce-pan add 3 tbsps. flour mixed with " tsp. each salt, celery salt, and white pepper, stir until well blended, then pour on gradually Y c. strained hot oyster liquor and 1 c. hot cream, stirring constantly until smooth. ROAST VENISON If the leg is to be roasted, prepare and cook the same as mutton, covering the leg with thin slices of fat salt pork, or spread over generously with lard and baste often (each 10 mins.) with fat in pan. If the saddle is to be roasted, have it rolled and larded at the market, and cook the same as roast mutton (about 1)4 to 1, hrs. according to weight) basting each 10 mins. with dripping in pan. Serve with black or red currant jelly and watercress or endive salad. The meat of venison being very dry it will be improved by straining the gravy in pan, removing fat, then pour gravy over roast. BLOOD ORANGE SHERBET Make a syrup by boiling slowly 4 cs. water and 2 es. sugar 20 mins.; add 2 cs. orange juice, f c. lemon juice, the grated rind of 2 oranges, let stand until cool. Strain and color a deep pink with fruit red coloring. Freeze to a mush then add the stiffly beaten whites 2 eggs. Serve in stem glasses with a spoonful red Bar- le-Duc placed in a depression made in each portion. SWEET POTATOES SOUTHERN STYLE (See Sunday Dinner No. 17). CELERY AU GRATIN Wash, scrape and cut celery stalks in M in. pieces there should be 72 cs. Cook until soft (about 20 mins.) in boiling salted water. Drain and reheat in 1 c. of white sauce to which has been added Y c. grated American cheese and M finely chopped mild red pepper. Turn into a buttered baking dish, cover with buttered crumbs and bake in a hot oven until crumbs are brown. ENDIVE WITH RUSSIAN DRESSING Separate the leaves of crisp French endive, wipe with a soft cloth wrung from cold water. Arrange them on individual salad plates, surround with a few bleached leaves of chicory and chill. Just before serving pour over Russian Dressing. RUSSIAN DRESSING Finely chop the whites and yolks of 2 hard- cooked eggs, separately. Rub 1 pimiento through a sieve; and finely chop (or pass thru meat chopper) 1 small green pepper. Have ready French Dressing; add ingredients in the order given, then add 1 tbsp. finely chopped chives, 1 tbsp. Chili sauce and X tsp. paprika. Beat well before using. SUET PUDDING To I c. finely chopped suet, add 1 c. molasses and I c. milk; stir until well mixed. Sift together 3 cs. flour, 1 tsp. soda, M tbsp. salt, I tsp. cinnamon, tsp. cloves, X tsp. nutmeg, Y tbsp. ginger, combine mixtures, beat thoroughly and turn into a buttered tube mould. Cover closely and steam 3 hrs. Un- mold on hot serving dish and serve with Foamy Sauce. FOAMY SAUCE Beat the whites of 3 eggs until stiff and dry; add gradually 1 c. powdered sugar, and slowly 1 c. boiling water while beating constantly. Add 1 tsp. orange or vanilla extract. Serve hot or cold. mmmklw. _ I , W: ",':.v SUNDAY DINNER Number Forty-six Oyster Stew Crisp Oysterettes Creamed Mushrooms on Toast Roast Partridge, Bread Sauce Rice Croquettes Oyster Plant Poulette Escarole Salad Apricot Souffle Assorted Salted Nuts Raisins Demi Tasse OYSTER STEW Scald i qt. milk with 1 stalk celery cut in pieces. Clean 1 qt. select oysters by placing them in a strainer, pouring over 1 c. cold water. Reserve the liquor, carefully pick over oysters to avoid bits of shells. Heat liquor to boiling point, strain and cook oysters in strained liquor until plump and edges begin to curl. Skim out oysters, put into a hot soup tureen with 14 c. butter, y4 tsp. salt and Y tsp. pepper. Strain liquor into scalded milk; remove celery and pour milk mixture over oysters. Serve with hot crisp oysterettes. CREAMED MUSHROOMS ON TOAST Remove stems, peel caps of % lb. mush- rooms. Melt 2 tbsps. butter in a frying pan. Arrange mushrooms in pan top-sides down, sprinkle with salt, and pepper; put 2 or 3 drops of grated onion into each cap. Cover and let simmer until tender. Turn caps and sift over 1r tbsps. flour, pour around 1 c. hot thin cream and stir until sauce is slightly thickened. Have ready the required number of rounds of hot buttered toast, cover with mushrooms and pour a little sauce over each. Serve hot under glass bells or without the latter. ROAST PARTRIDGE-BREAD SAUCE Dress, clean, truss and roast exactly as chicken or capon. Basting more frequently than the latter, the meat being dryer. Time requiied (if birds are young), 45 nmns. Serve with Bread Sauce or orange sauce. If broiled, prepare the same as chicken, brush over on both sides with olive oil or soft butter and broil 25 mins. on the breast side, then turn and brown the cut side. The fire should be moder- ate; the broiling may be done in a dripping pan in a hot oven and birds basted each 10 mins. Remove to hot serving platter, pour around bread sauce and sprinkle both bird and sauce with fried bread crumbs. Garnish with rice croquettes and parsley. BREAD SAUCE Cook in double boiler '>5 c. fine stale bread crumbs with 2 cs. mik, one small onion stuck with 4 cloves, i'2 tsp. salt 11 tsp. paprika, in double boiler 1 hr. When ready to serve, remove onion, add 3 tbsps. butter. Mix well and pour around roast partridge, grouse or quail. Brown 1 c. soft bread crumbs in 2 tbsps. butter, and sprinkle over birds and sauce. RICE CROQUETTES WITH JELLY Wash c. rice, add M c. boiling water se;isoned with Y tsp. salt; cover and steam until water is absorbed. Then add 1 c, scalded milk, stir lightly with a fork, cover and steam until rice is soft. Remove from fire, add 2 egg yolks slightly beaten, and 1 tbsp. butter; cool and shape in balls, roll in crumbs, then shape in form of small saucers or nests. Dip in egg, again in crumbs and fry in deep hot fat. Drain on soft paper and place a cube of black or red currant jelly in each, garnish with sprigs parsley. Serve with game. OYSTER PLANT POULETTE (Salsify) Wash and scrape 1 bunch of oyster plant; drop at once into cold water to which add 2 tbsps. vinegar (to prevent discoloration). Cut in Y in. slices and cook in boiling salted water until soft, drain, and reheat in sauce made as follows: Melt 2 tbsps. butter in sauce-pan, add 4 finely chopped shallots, cook 5 mins. without browning, add 2 tbsps. flour, stir until well blended, gradually add 1 c. white stock or milk, stirring constantly, then add Y c. hot cream, season with salt, pepper, f. g. nutmeg. Mix well, bring to boiling point. Add oyster plant and 2 tsp. finely chopped parsley. Let simmer 10 mins. Remove from fire, add I egg yolk diluted with 1 tbsp. cream. Mix well and serve in hot vegetable dish. ESCAROLE SALAD Remove and discard the outer leaves of 1 or 2 heads of escarole, wipe heads with cheese cloth wrung from cold water; cut in halves lengthwise; if large, cut in quarters. Arrange on individual salad plates, in border of chicory or watercress. Just before serving pour over Spanish Salad Dressing. SPANISH SALAD DRESSING To French Salad Dressing, add 3 tbsps. Roquefort cheese, mashed and rubbed to a paste with 2 tbsps. cream, 1 tbsp. pimiento puree, 1 tbsp. each Chili sauce and chopped chives. Mix well, chill and serve. APRICOT SOUFFLE Drain canned apricots from syrup in can; cut fruit into quarters, arrange them close together in the bottom of a buttered baking dish. Pour over the following mixture: Melt 3 tbsps. butter, add 4 tbsps. flour, stir until well blended. Then pour on slowly 1 c. scalded milk, stirring constantly. When well thickened, pour on to yolks 4 eggs beaten until thick and light, and M c. sugar; cool, then fold in whites of eggs beaten until stiff. Pour over fruit and bake 35 to 40 mins. in a moderate oven. Serve at once with apricgt syrup and whipped cream sweetened, and flavored with Vanilla. 1 SUNDAY DINNER Number Forty-seven Olive and Nut Canapes Stuffed Celery Deviled Scallopes in Ramekins Mallard Ducks, Olive Sauce Candied Sweet Potatoes Peas with Mint Celery, Almond and Orange Salad Macaroon Cream Macaroons Cafe Noir OLIVE AND NUT CANAPES Cut white bread in V in. slices; shape in rounds 21 in. in diameter. Saute in equal parts of butter and lard; when a golden brown, turn and brown the other side. Drain on soft paper. Mix equal measure of finely chopped green olives and English walnut meats, with mayonnaise dressing; spread mound-like on prepared bread. Garnish with small figures cut from pimientos. Serve as an appetizer, at beginning of dinner. STUFFED CELERY Mix cream or Neufchatel cheese with pimiento puree to slightly color, add ! tbsp. chopped chives, season with salt, f. g. cayenne and moisten with a little cream or mayonnaise. Fill the hollow groove in small hearts stalks of crisp celery rounding it above edges; do not remove small leaves; sprinkle cheese generously with paprika and serve on a glass celery dish with canapes or with salads. DEVILED SCALLOPES IN RAMEKINS Clean 1 qt. scallopes, drain and bring to boiling point in an omelet pan, shake pan or stir while cooking; drain, reserve liquor; cream, , c. butter, add Y tsp. mustard, 1 tsp salt, f. g. cayenne and % c. strained liquor. Chop scallopes, add to mixture, add 1 tsp. lemon juice and Y tbsp. finely chopped parsley; let stand 1 hr., then put into small buttered ramequins, cover with buttered crumbs and bake 20 mins. in a moderate oven. MALLARD DUCKS Dress, singe, clean and wipe 1 or 2 fat Mal- lard ducks. Season inside with salt and place 3 stalks of celery, apples cored and quartered or 3 small onions in the body of ducks to improve flavor and overcome fishy flavors, should there be any. Truss as goose and place on rack in dripping pan, sprinkle with salt, pepper and cover breasts with 2 or 3 very thin slices of fat salt pork. Bake 18 to 20 mins. in a very hot oven if liked rare, or 40 mins. if well done, basting every 5 mins. with fat in pan. Remove skewers, trussing and apples or vegetables; place on hot serving -platter. Strain gravy. Remove fat and pour gravy over ducks. Serve with fried hominy, black or red currant jelly, and with orange or olive sauce. Other wild ducks are prepared and roasted exactly the same. Wild ducks are seldom stuffed. OLIVE SAUCE With a small sharp knife pare the meat fri9m the stones of 12 large green olives, leavi g it in a continuous curl. Cover with boiling water and cook 5 mins. Drain and add olives to 2 cs. Brown Sauce (See Sunday Dinner No. 1). CANDIED SWEET POTATOES (See New Year Dinner-Glace Potatoes) PEAS WITH MINT (See Sunday Dinner No. 38) (Use canned French or extra sifted domestic canned peas, when green peas are not in season.) CELERY AND ORANGE SALAD Pare large navel oranges, removing every particle of white skin. Cut oranges in slices crosswise 4 in. thick. Arrange orange slices in nests of bleached chicory or small lettuce heart leaves. Cut oranges pie fashion, leaving them in their original shape. Clean celery hearts and cut them in Y in. pieces crosswise. There should be Y c. for each slice of orange; mix with blanched and finely shredded almonds, allowing 1 c. shredded almonds to 1 c. prepared celery. Marinate each portion with 1 tbsp. of French Dressing, made with f. g. of salt, lemon juice in place of vinegar. (Use no garlic.) Mask with Chantilly Mayonnaise, sprinkle with paprika. MACAROON CREAM Soak 1 tbsp. gelatine in Y c. cold water 20 mins. Make a custard 2 cs. scalded milk, yolks 3 eggs, Y c. sugar, and tsp. salt; add gelatine. Stir until well blended; strain into a bowl, set in ice water. Add - c. crushed and sifted macaroons, and 1 tsp. Vanilla. Stir until mixture begins to thicken; then the whites 3 eggs beaten until stiff; beat until blended. Turn into a melon mould that has been wet inside with cold water, cover and chill in refrigerator over night. Unmold on cold serving dish. Surround with fresh macaroons. Serve with whipped cream. sweetened and flavored with Vanilla.  SUNDAY DINNER Number Forty-eight Cream of Lima Bean Soup Croutons Pickles Celery Hearts Belgian Hare a la Maryland, Corn Oysters Mashed Potatoes Creamed Turnips Tomato and Pineapple Salad Mince Pie Cheese Coffee CREAM OF LIMA BEAN SOUP Soak 1 c. dried lima beans over night in cold water to cover; drain, add 1V qts. of cold water; cover and cook until soft; add more water as needed-rub all through a sieve. Cook 3 slices onion, 2 tbsps. carrot, cut in small pieces in 2 tbsps. butter 5 mins. without brown- ing; remove vegetables, add 2Y2 tbsps. flour, stir until well blended; add to bean mixture; season with 1 tsp. salt. Y tsp. pepper and 1 c. of thin cream or top milk. Bring to boiling point; strain; then stir in 2 tbsps. butter. Serve with croutons. BELGIAN HARE OR RABBIT Skin, singe and remove entrails if this has not been previously done. Wipe thoroughly inside and out with a cloth wrung from cold water. Do not wash or soak in water as the flavor is injured by so doing. Split down back and cut each side in 4 pieces. Then follow directions for cooking chicken a la Maryland (See Sunday Dinner No. 37). Bake 45 rains. basting each 10 mins. with strained bacon fat in place of butter or dripping. Serve with corn oysters. CORN OYSTERS Turn can of corn into wooden bowl and finely chop. Sift together 1 c. flour, 1 tsp. baking powder, 2 tsps. salt, " tsp. pepper and 1 tsp. sugar. Add to corn, mix well; add yolks 2 eggs beaten until thick; then fold in stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Drop by spoonfuls, the size of large oysters on a well greased griddle. Fry as griddle cakes, MASHED POTATOES (See Sunday Dinner No. 6). CREAMED TURNIPS Nash, pare and cut small purple top turnips in Y in. cubes; there should be 3 cs. Cook in boiling salted water until soft. Drain and reheat in 1 c. cream sauce. Cream Sauce is made the same as white sauce, substituting cream for milk. Add 1 tsp. finely chopped parsley. TOMATO AND PINEAPPLE SALAD Select smooth uniform size tomatoes; peel, cut a slice from stem ends and with a teaspoon carefully scoop out pulp and seeds; sprinkle inside with salt, invert on a plate and chill. Drain canned pineapple from syrup in can and cut in small triangles. Mix with an equal measure of celery cut in small pieces. Moisten with mayonnaise and refill tomato cups, rounding it well above tomato. Dispose to- matoes in 3 or 4 small lettuce heart leaves arranged on salad plates and pipe mayonnaise around tomato; using pastry bag and rose tube for piping. Garnish each with a plume of fringed celery. Use sliced pineapple when tomatoes are not in season. Add 1 c. pecan nut meats broken in pieces. MINCE PIE (Without brandy or whiskey-) Mix together 2 es. chopped apple, I c. seeded raisins chopped, 1 c. currants, 1 c. seedless raisins, 4 c. ea. candied orange and lemox peel, V c. chopped citron, 1 c. chopped suet, 2 cs. sugar (or more), 2 tsps. cinnamon, 1 tsp. cloves, 1 tsp. nutmeg, ?z tsp. mace, and salt to season. Mix thoroughly, add 2 cs. chopped left over boiled or roast beef or veal, 1% Cs. stock,and moisten with sweet cider and vinegar from spiced peaches. Heat all to boiling point, simmer Y hr. Add 1 glass of currant jelly stir until jelly is melted. Bake between 2 crusts and serve hot with a small rose of hard sauce set above each portion. .., SUNDAY DINNER Number Forty-nine Consomme Princess Mock Almonds Celery Salted Almonds Olives Baked Lake Trout with Oyster Stuffing, Oyster Sauce Baked Potatoes Scalloped Tomatoes Cucumber, Onion and Pimiento Salad Corn Meal Cheese Muffins Lemon Cream Pie Coffee CONSOMME PRINCESS To 2 qte. of chicken consomme add % c. ea. green peas, and the breast of chicken cut in i4 in. cubes. Serve in bouillon cups with Mock Almonds. MOCK ALMONDS Cut stale bread in in. slices. Shape with a small round cutter 1 Y in. in diameter. Then cut from each round 2 "almonds" by placing cutter less than half across rounds cutting through, thus making almond shape croutons. 2 may be cut from each round. Brush over with melted butter and brown delicately in oven; turn that they may brown evenly. SALTED ALMONDS Cover lb. almonds with boiling water, let stand 2 or 3 mins. Drain, cover with cold water, rub off skins and dry in folds of towels. Place 1.2 the almonds in a croquette basket and fry a delicate brown in deep hot fat. Drain on brown paper and sprinkle with salt. Re- peat until all are fried. BAKED LAKE TROUT WITH OYSTER STUFFING Clean a 4 lb. lake trout, sprinkle with salt inside and out, stuff and sew. Cut 5 gashes diagonally on each side of backbone and insert narrow pieces of salt pork. Arrange on a greased fish sheet placed in a dripping pan, brush fish over with soft butter, sprinkle with salt, pepper and dredge with flour, surround with small cubes fat salt pork. Bake 1 hr. in a hot oven, basting as soon as fat is tried out; continue basting each 10 mins. Serve with oyster sauce. STUFFING FOR FISH (See Sunday Dinner Number 34). To this stuffing add 1 c. oysters, 11 tsps. lemon juice (omitting onion juice) and !/ tbsp. finely chopped parsley. OYSTER SAUCE (See Sunday Dinner Number 5). BAKED POTATOES (See Sunday Dinner Number 41). SCALLOPED TOMATOES Mix 2y cs. soft bread crumbs with % c. melted butter. Drain most of the liquor from a qt. of canned tomatoes. Butter a baking dish and put in a thin layer of crumbs, then a thick layer of tomatoes, sprinkle with M tsp. sugar, bits of green pepper, scraping of onion juice and a little salt. Repeat having 2 layers of tomatoes, with crumbs on top, the middle layer of crumbs should be generous. Bake 20 mins. Serve in baking dish. CORN MEAL CHEESE MUFFINS Pour 12 c. boiling water over Y c. corn meal, add 2 tbsps. butter. Mix thoroughly, cover and let stand an hr. Then add Y c. pastry flour sifted'with 14 tsp. salt, 2 tbsps. sugar and 2 tsps. baking powder. Beat 1 egg until thick and lemon tinted add to mixture then beat in 1c. milk, continue beating l min. Turn into buttered muffin pan and set 3 or 4 small cubes of American cheese on top of each muffin. Bake 25 mins. in hot oven. Serve hot with salad course. Receipe makes 1 doz. small muffins. CUCUMBER, ONION AND PIMIENTO SALAD Pare a chilled cucumber and cut in Julienne strips (matchlike pieces 1Y2 in. long). Peel and thinly slice 1 Bermuda or Spanish onion, let stand in ice water until crisp. Line a salad bowl with crisp lettuce-heart leaves. Drain onions from water (using the smaller rings) dry on towels and toss in center of leaves, strew onion rings with cucumber straws, and tiny strips cut from pimientos. Pour over French dressing flavored with a little garlic. Serve at once and very cold. Serve with hot cheese muffins. LEMON CREAM PIE (See Sunday Dinner Number 16). (Use this filling for large pie).  SUNDAY DINNER Number Fifty Oyster on Half Shell Green Pepper Sandwiches Roast Leg of Pork, Horseradish Apple Sauce Candied Sweet Potatoes, Creamed Onions Broiled Ruta-baga Beet and Pecan Salad Open Cranberry Pie, Cheese Coffee OYSTERS ON HALF SHELL Open oysters with an "oyster knife;" loosen oysters, reserve liquor. Serve in deep halves of shells on a bed of crushed ice, with small ends of shells pointing toward center, where a small glass is placed, holding the following dressing: For 6 portions allow 6 small cherry stone or blue point oysters. Into a bowl 2 tbsps. fresh grated horseradish, V tsp. salt, 2 tbsps. vinegar, 4 tbsps. tomato catsup. Mix thoroughly, season with a few drops Tabasco sauce and Y tsp. paprika. Mix thoroughly, divide between 6 small glasses or tomato cups. Garnish each with a quarter of a lemon, sharp edge dipped in finely chopped parsley. Serve with Green Pepper Sandwiches. GREEN PEPPER SANDWICHES Parboil 2 large green peppers 10 mins., after removing seeds and white portion. Drain and finely chop or pass through meat chopper. To pulp add an equal measure of chopped celery and scraped onion juice to flavor delicately. Moisten with mayonnaise and spread between round of white bread cut % in. thick and shaped with a cutter measuring 1, in. in diameter. ROAST LEG OF PORK Select a leg cut from very young pork weigh- ing 6 or 7 lbs. Score in deep criss-cross lines over rind sides. Place on rack in a dripping pan, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge lightly with flour and pour around , c. boiling water. Roast in a moderate oven until tender. Time required from 31 to 4 hrs., according to weight. Baste each 10 mins. during roasting, with dripping in pan. Brown richly the last 30 mins. of cooking by increasing the heat. Serve with Horseradish Apple Sauce. Surround with Candied Sweet Potatoes. (See New Year Dinner) alternating with spiced peaches. HORSERADISH APPLE SAUCE 4;&e Sunday Dinner No. 8) CREAMED ONIONS (.See FErnday Dinner No. 42) BROILED RUTA-BAGA (Yellow Turnips) Wash 1 medium sized ruta-baga, pare off the thick skin. Cut them crosswise in 2 in. slices. Cook in boiling salted water until soft; drain well; spread one side of each slice with soft butter, sprinkle thickly with sugar, and paprika, and arrange in a dripping pan. Place in a hot oven or some distance from the gas flame in broiling oven. Cook until browned delicately and evenly. Serve around roast pork, pot roast of beef, etc. BEET AND PECAN SALAD Cook small beets in boiling water until soft, drain and cover with cold water. Remove the skins and dry beets on towels. Cut in L in. cubes. Measure cubes and add half the quan- tity of pecan nut meats broken in pieces. Mix well and marinate with French dressing; let stand 1 hr., drain, then mix with cooked salad dressing or mayonnaise. Arrange in individual nests of bleached chicory. COOKED SALAD DRESSING Sift together 1 tbsp. salt, 34 tbsp. mustard, 2 tbsps. sugar, f. g. cayenne, and 1 tbsp. corn- starch; add yolks 4 eggs slightly beaten, % c. melted butter, % c. milk, and slowly Y c. vinegar diluted with 2 tbsps. cold water. Stir until well blended. Cook in double boiler until mixture thickens, stirring constantly. Chill. Thin with cream before using. OPEN CRANBERRY PIE Cover an inverted pie pan with rich pastry; prick over with a fork both top and sides. Bake to a rich straw color. Remove shell from outside of pan, wipe pan and set shell inside. Fill with the following mixture and decorate top with tiny figures cut from pastry and baked. FILLING Mix together 2 tbsps. cornstarch, X tsp. salt, 1 c. sugar; pour on I c. boiling water. place over low fire, stir until boiling point is reached; add 4 c. molasses, e tbsp. butter and 2 c. chopped cranberries and % c. chopped seeded raisins. Mix well and let simmer 15 mins. When cool, turn into shell and decorate as directed. Serve with cheese cut in 2} in, fingers, M in. thick.  V I ;. . . . . ., .: _ , . ,:. _. t __ Brown Sugar Drop Cookies. From Miss A. L.: Do you have a recipe for a drop cooky using brown sugar and nuts? Sift cake flour once and measure two and one-fourth cups. Add two teaspoons of baking powder, one- half teaspoon of soda and one- fourth teaspoon each of salt, nut- meg and allspice and sift together three times. Cream one-half cup of shorten- ing until it is light. Then cream in two-thirds cup of firmly packed brown sugar until the mixture is fluffy. Add one egg and beat well. Then stir in one cup of broken walnut meats. Add the sifted dry ingredients al- i ternately with one-half cup of heavy sour cream, beating after 1 each addition until the mixture is smooth. Drop the dough from a tea- spoon onto an ungreased baking ' sheet. Bake in a hot oven (425 degrees Fahrenheit) for eight to 10 minutes, or until done. This1 will make about three dozen cookies.