TH4kEil OF~2 MIHII Volume 20, Number 9 December 26, 1990 L [4 4r) - .- V -Lr. h E F ,-C g 1ix :TV 1' [I I iEWVi Volume 20, Number 9, December 26, 1990 The University of Michigan Bulletin (UPS 651-660) is issued monthly. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send form 3579 to College of Engineering 2420 EECS Building The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2116 Published by: Engineering Publications College of Engineering The University of Michigan 2310-2312 EECS Building Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2116 Curriculum Coordinator Shirley Hnidy Graphic Designer Kristin Lee Mead Executive Editor Cathy D. Melett Associate Editor Lisa Mooney Publications Assistant Shekinah Errington Front Cover: The University of Michigan Sunrunner solar car won first place in GM's Sunrayce USA, the first national college solar car race, held July 9 -19, 1990. More than 120 students from disciplines such as Engineering, Business, and Literature, Science and the Arts participated as a team to design, build, promote, and race the Sunrunner. Powered only by the sun and using a solar array for energy efficiency on cloudy days, Sunrunner made the 1,600-mile journey from Florida to Michigan with the best overall elapsed time, outrunning competitors from 32 other universities from the U.S. and Canada. The Sunrunner team went on to compete in the World Solar Challenge in Australia in November 1990. Sunrunner took third place in this transcontinental professional solar car race across the Australian outback, competing against teams from Honda, Nissan, Ford, and other companies from around the world. According to Electrical Engineering senior Michael Goodman, "It was the chance of a lifetime. Where else can you build a million dollar car from scratch and then race it?" Generous support from alumni, corporations, and friends made this worthwhile hands-on learning experience possible. Sunrunner will go on permanent display at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan, in June 1991. Photographed by Philip T. Datti/o Back cover: A view of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) building on the University of Michigan's scenic North Campus in Ann Arbor. Photographed by David Smith Summer 1991 Dear Prospective Student, It is my pleasure and honor to welcome you to the University of Michigan College of Engineering. Although the College is one of the top ten engineering schools in the country, our learning environment is similar to that of a small university. You will find excellent learning resources, such as the best computer facilities in the country, caring and talented faculty, and most of all, your high achieving peers. Four years of a Michigan engineering program with outstanding academics and high ethical standards will help you to become a responsible, intelligent member of society. Once you are here, you'll be proud to be a part of the Michigan tradition of excellence. I know I am! In this bulletin you will find an outline of many aspects of the College. Some of the important information includes general degree program requirements, basic course descriptions, admis- sion criteria and academic rules and procedures. As is true with many publications, this is not your only source of information about the College of Engineering. Your professors, academic counselors, program advisors and other experienced students and staff can assist you with any questions you may have. Don't be shy in asking your questions because the best answers you'll get will be from people, not books. Dr. Julian Earls, Chief of the Health, Safety, and Security Division at NASA-Lewis Research Center, told a group of Engi- neering students when he visited here this spring, "You make a living by what you get, you make a life by what you give." His words are certainly applicable here at the College of Engineering. You can take all of what the College has to offer and walk away- but real satisfaction lies in giving back to the organization that helped you become the person you are. Plenty of opportunities exist to get involved in the College through professional societies, honor societies, student publications, and student government. I encourage you to explore the College in whatever way suits you best. I promise that you won't be disappointed. Valerie Guenther President University of Michigan Engineering Council (UMEC)* *UMEC is the College of Engineering's student government. There are more than 25 student societies in which Engineering students can get involved.  The University of Michigan Bulletin College of Engineering 1991-92 University of Michigan James J. Duderstadt, President of the University of Michigan Gilbert R. Whitaker, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Farris Womack, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Richard L. Kennedy, Vice President for Government Relations and Secretary of the University Jon Cosovich, Vice President for Development William C. Kelly, Vice President for Research Henry Johnson, Vice President for Community Relations Mary Ann Swain, Vice President for Student Services George D. Zuidema, Vice Provost for Medical Affairs College of Engineering Peter M. Banks, Dean of the College of Engineering, 2309 EECS, 764-8475 George R. Carignan, Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Research, 2306 EECS, 763-2174 Lynn Conway, Associate Dean for Instruction and Instructional Technology, 2402 EECS, 763-5509 Erdogan Gulari, Associate Dean forAcademic Affairs, 2307 EECS, 763-5464 Gene E. Smith, Assistant Dean forAdvising and Career Planning, 2419-B EECS, 764-5158 Dwight Stevenson, Assistant Dean for Continuing Engineering Education, 1020 Dow, 763-1233 James 0. Wilkes, Assistant Dean for Admissions and Instruction, 2419-C EECS, 764-3378 Administrative Directors Brad Canale, Director of Development, 2403 EECS, 763-2160 Randall Frank, Director of Information Technology and CAEN, 249 Chrysler Center, 936-3566 Barbara Holbrook, Assistant to the Dean, 2308-A EECS, 764-8475 James MacBain, Director of Research Relations, 2406 EECS, 747-3220 Anne Monterio, Director of Records and Scholarships, 2423 EECS, 763-3174 James Murdock, Assistant to the Dean, Director of Business and Finance, 2305 EECS, 763-2596 Donald Peterson, Director of Placement, 201 Stearns, 764-8483 Robert Schneider, Director of Corporate Relations, 2407 EECS, 763-5630 Derrick Scott, Director of Minority Engineering Programs, 2316-B EECS, 763-4256 Pubilcations Office Cathy D. Mellett, Executive Editor, 2312 EECS, 763-5646 CCollege of Egneering The Unvesty of Michign NORTH CAMPUSr AND+ i^R CENTRAL CAMPUS *H NORT CAMPU D4avl rcitct RHMn W..LytomoieLbrtr CENTAL wLPhonxMmralLbrtr DISTRICTARK AST TO US02 C estac Engineering Building 5MMihignNLagu 6FRDckhamiuildin 00000neriNORTHdin TO FLINTE letia Egnern n 000 AREA ENRL Poei M moi DEabr trOI N AIRPGO RT dv ne ec n lg SOUTH5 TO * AIRPORTin Cete s Et + "R P nsitteTOLciecDOn CONTENTS Page 2 Calendar 4 Office Directories 6 History of the College 9 General Information 12 Career Choices 14 Facilities 15 Computing Facilities 18 Libraries 19 Student Health Services 20 Scholarships 24 Cooperative Education 25 Placement 26 Extracurricular Opportunities 30 Residency Requirements 33 Admission 45 Academic Advising 48 Undergraduate Degree Programs 49 Combined Degree Programs 54 Planning the Student's Program 67 Rules and Procedures 87 Undergraduate Degree Programs 89 Aerospace Engineering, B.S.E. 95 Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences, B.S. and B.S.E. 101 Chemical Engineering, B.S.E. 105 Civil Engineering, B.S.E. 111 Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, B.S.E. 112 Computer Engineering 115 Electrical Engineering 119 Industrial and Operations Engineering, B.S.E. 125 Materials Science and Engineering, B.S.E. 131 Mechanical Engineering, B.S.E. 137 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, B.S.E. 141 Nuclear Engineering, B.S.E. 147 Engineering Physics, B.S.E. 151 Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Degree Program 157 Graduate Studies 159 Master's Degrees 159 Master of Science in Engineering 160 Master of Science 160 M.S.E. in Aerospace Engineering and M.S. in Aerospace Science 161 M.S.E. in Applied Mechanics 161 M.S. in Atmospheric Science and M.S. in Oceanic Science 162 M.S. in Bioengineering 165 M.S.E. in Chemical Engineering 165 M.S.E. in Civil Engineering 166 M.S.E. in Construction Engineering and Management 167 M.S.E in Public Works Administration 167 M.S. in Environmental Engineering CONTENTS Page 167 M.S.E. and M.S. in Computer Science and Engineering 169 M.S.E. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering (Systems) 170 M.S.E. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering 171 M.S.E. and M.S. in Industrial Operations Engineering 172 Joint MBA/M.S. (10E) 173 Master's in Hospital Administration and Industrial Engineering 173 M.S.E. in Materials Science and Engineering 173 M.S.E. in Mechanical Engineering 174 M.S.E. and M.S. in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering 174 M.S.E. in Nuclear Engineering and M.S. in Nuclear Science 175 Professional Degrees Aerospace Engineer, Applied Mechanics Engineer, Chemical Engineer, Civil Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Industrial and Operations Engineer, Marine Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Metallurgical Engineer, Naval Architect, Nuclear Engineer 176 Doctoral Degrees 180 Military Officer Education Programs 181 Air Force Officer Education Program 184 Army Officer Education Program 189 Navy Officer Education Program 192 Course Descriptions (faculty listings prior to each department) 196 Aerospace Engineering 208 Applied Mechanics (See Mechanical Engineering) 215 Applied Physics 217 Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences 226 Bioengineering 229 Business Administration 231 Chemical Engineering 239 Chemistry 244 Civil and Environmental Engineering 261 Economics 263 Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 292 Engineering Electives 294 Geological Sciences 303 Humanities 306 Industrial and Operations Engineering 319 Materials Science and Engineering 326 Mathematics 337 Mechanical Engineering 354 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering 362 Nuclear Engineering 369 Physics 377 Statistics 384 Technical Communication 381 Committees of the College of Engineering 389 Index ACADEMIC CALENDER 2 Fall Term, 1991 Ann Arbor Campus (Contact Registrar's Office at 764-6280.) Orientation September 1-4 Labor Day (Holiday) September 2 * Registration September 3-4 Classes begin September 5 Thanksgiving recess 5 p.m. November 27 Classes resume 8 a.m. December 2 Classes end December 11 Study Days December 12,14-15 Examinations December 13, 16-20 Commencement December 15 Dearborn Campus (Contact Registrar's Office at 593-5200.) Registration August 28-29 Classes begin September 4 Flint Campus (Contact Registrar's Office at 762-3344.) Registration September 3 Classes begin September 4 Winter Term, 1992 Ann Arbor Campus (Contact Registrar's Office at 764-6280.) Orientation January 5-7 * Registration January 6-7 Classes begin January 8 Martin Luther King, Jr., Birthday January 20 University Symposia. No Regular Classes Vacation begins 12:00 noon February 22 Classes resume 8:00 a.m. March 2 University Honors Convocation March 29 Classes end April 22 Study Days April 23, 25-26 Examinations April 24, 27-May 1 Commencement May 2 Dearborn Campus (Contact Registrar's Office at 593-5200.) Sunday -Wednesday Monday Tuesday-Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Monday Wednesday Thursday, Saturday-Sunday Friday, Monday-Friday Sunday Wednesday-Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Sunday-Tuesday Monday-Tuesday Wednesday Monday Saturday Monday Sunday Wednesday Thursday, Saturday-Sunday Friday, Monday-Friday Saturday Registration Classes begin January 3 January 7 Friday Tuesday Flint Campus (Contact Flint Registrar's Office at 762-3344.) Registration January 2-3 Classes begin January 6 Thursday-Friday Monday ACADEMIC CALENDAR Spring-Summer Term, 1992 Ann Arbor Campus (Contact Registrar's Office at 764-6280.) 3 Orientation * Registration (Full Term & Spr. Half) Classes begin Memorial Day (Holiday) Classes end (Spring Half) Study Day Examinations Spring Half Term ends Orientation (Summer Half) * Registration (Summer Half) Summer Half Term classes begin Independence Day (Holiday) Classes end Study Day Examinations Full Term & Summer Half Term end May 3-5 May 4-5 May 6 May 25 June 23 June 24 June 25-26 June 26 June 28-30 June 29-30 July 1 July 3 August 18 August 19 August 20-21 August 21 Sunday-Tuesday Monday-Tuesday Wednesday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday-Friday Friday Sunday-Tuesday Monday-Tuesday Wednesday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday-Friday Friday Dearborn Campus (Contact Registrar's Office at 593-5200.) Registration Classes begin Summer Half Term Registration Classes begin May 1 May 6 June 25 July 1 Flint Campus (Contact Registrar's Office at 762-3344.) Registration May 1 Classes begin May 4 Friday Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Friday Monday Thursday Wednesday Summer Half Term Registration Classes begin June 25 July 1 * Check School Office for registration dates to avoid late registration fee. This Calendar is subject to change. DIRECTORIES General University Offices General Information: (313) 763-INFO Academic Affairs (Provost's Office), 3068 Fleming Bldg., 764-9290 Admission of Freshmen, 1220 Student Activities Bldg. (SAB), 764-7433 Career Planning & Placement, 3200 Student Activities Bldg., 764-7460 Cashier's Office, 1015 Literature, Science, and the Arts Bldg. (LSA), 764-8233 Employment: Student, 2503 Student Activities Bldg., 763-4128 Hospital, 300 N. Ingalls Bldg. (NIB), Room 8A04, 747-2375 Campus, 2031 Ad Services & 1020 LSA, 764-7280 Extension Service, 200 Hill Street, 764-5306 Financial Aid, 2011 Student Activities Bldg., 763-6600 Foreign Student Counselors, International Center, 603 E. Madison, 764-9310 Graduate School, 1004 Rackham Bldg., 764-4415 76-GUIDE, 24-hr. Telephone Counseling Svc. 3100 Union, 764-8433 Health Services, 207 Fletcher, 764-8325 Housing, 1011 SAB Residence Halls Assignments, 763-3164 Family Housing Assignments, 763-3164 Off-Campus Housing, 763-3205 Small Group Housing (fraternitiessororities, co-ops, etc.), 763-3205 Fees, payment of, Cashier's Ofc., 1015 LSA Bldg., 764-8233 International Center, 603 E. Madison, 764-9310 Ombudsman, 3000 Union, 763-3545 Orientation, 3011 SAB, 764-6290 President's Office, 2074 Fleming Bldg., 764-6270 Secretary of the University/Vice President for Govt. Relations, 2014 Fleming, 763-5553 Student Accounts; Room, Board and Tuition, 2226 Student Activities Bldg., 764-7447 Student Locator, 764-2330 Student Organizations Development Center, 2202 Mich. Union, 763-5900 Student Legal Services, 3409 Mich. Union, 763-9920 Veterans Affairs, 1514 LSA Bldg., 764-1575 DIRECTORIES U-M College of Engineering Offices g General Information: (313) 764-8470 Student Information: (313) 763-1168 Freshmen Admissions: 1220 Student Activities Building, 764-7433 Transfer Admission: 2417 Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Bidg. (EECS), 763-6841 (Includes foreign, guest, special, and undergraduate admissions) Cooperative Education, 2421 EECS Bldg., 763-5086 Engineering Council, 1230 EECS Bldg., 764-8511 Engineering Learning Resource Center, 2327 EECS Bldg., 764-6489 Freshman Advising, 2419 EECS Bldg., 764-5158 Lost and Found, 3415 EECS Bldg., 763-2305 Minority Engineering Program Office, 2316 EECS Bldg., 764-6497 Placement (student and alumni), 201 Stearns Bldg., 764-8483 Records Office, 2420 EECS Bldg., 763-3170 Scholarships, 2416 EECS Bldg., 764-8477 Society of Minority Engineers, 1232 EECS Bldg., 764-7252 Society of Women Engineers, 1226 EECS Bldg., 763-5027 Withdrawal/Disenroliment, 2417 EECS Bldg., 763-6857 6 History of the College The College of Engineering was founded in 1853-54. In 1857, when the first engineering degree was awarded, there were only a few other colleges around the country providing opportunities for study in engineering. Ii'i As early as 1852, President Henry P. Tappan of the University of Michigan proposed "a scientific course parallel to the classical course," containing "besides other branches, Civil Engineering, Astronomy with the use of an observa- tory, the application of chemistry and other sciences to agriculture, and the industrial arts generally." The early curriculum included mathematics, graphics, physics, natural science, elements of as- tronomy, language, philoso- phy, and engineering subjects including plain geodetics, railroad and mining surveying, leveling, the nature and strength of architecture, machines, materials, theory of construction, (particularly the steam engine and locomotive), and motors, particularly steam and water. Upon completion of the first four-year curriculum offered at the University, two students were granted the first degrees in Civil Engineering in 1860. After that, the College of Engineering went on to establish itself as a leading engineer- ing school with a number of other firsts. Michigan established the nation's first program in Metallurgical Engineering (1854), Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (1881), Chemical Engineering (1901), Aeronautical Engineering (1914), Nuclear Engineering (1953), and Computer Engineering (1965). Today, the College of Engineering at the University of Michigan is consistently ranked among the top engineering schools in the world. Virtually all of its degree programs are 7 rated in the top ten nationwide. About 1,000 bachelor's degrees and 600 master's and doctorate degrees are awarded annually. And the opportunities for study have expanded so that students may choose from about 950 engineering courses. There were 320 teaching faculty, 57 research faculty, 4,204 undergraduate students and 1,766 graduate students in the College of Engineering in Fall 1990, and they took advan- tage of the College's diverse research facilities. The College of Engineering expended about $55 million dollars in research grants for 1989-90-approximately 20% of total University research funds. These research units operate with budgets of more than half a million dollars: Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Biomechanics Laboratory Cellular Biotechnology Laboratory Center for Ergonomics Center for Space Terahertz Technology Communications and Signal Processing Laboratory Gas Dynamics Laboratory Hazardous Substance Research Center Laboratory for Advanced Scientific Computation Materials Research Laboratory Nuclear Engineering Measurements Laboratory Optical Science Laboratory Radiation Laboratory Solid-State Electronics Laboratory Space Physics Research Laboratory Special Projects Division Ultrafast Science and Technology Laboratory 0011 ~, 'A GENERAL INFORMATION 9 ur society is increasingly dependent on a scientific and technological base not only for its prosperity but for its very survival. Throughout the modern era, the need has been great for men and women who as scientists can discover the truths of nature, or as engineers can apply those truths "for the benefit of mankind." Never has the need been greater than it is today. Engineers as well as scientists make their contribu- tions to the storehouse of knowledge. It should be stressed, however, that engineers are occupied primarily with solving real-life problems. Engineering is a profession that began as a practical art, and although it has become less of an art and more of a science, its main concern is still "the benefit of mankind." By bringing to bear on each problem a proper combi- nation of knowledge, experience, and judgment, engineers seek the best or most economical solution. Every day of every year, they find more and more ways to make our way of life easier, safer, cleaner, and more comfortable-for more and more people. They invent methods for doing something never done before. Unhappy with what exists, they are always seeking ways to improve, to do things better and more efficiently. In the various processes of inventing, designing, manufacturing, and constructing, engineers are concerned continually with the use of manpower, and the effects of their creativity on people and their total welfare. They also find ways of coping with the problems that derive from their earlier successes-such problems as air and water pollution, mass transportation, the noises of supersonic travel, or the need for better forms of information storage and retrieval. In our time, the engineering approach to problems has taken on particular importance because social and technologi- cal problems have become so closely interrelated. The problem of air pollution, to cite but one example, cannot be solved in terms of the underlying physical causes alone. We must know why it looms as such a major problem; what social, political, legal, and ethical conflicts it arouses; and how the alternative technological solutions would affect both individual and group interests or welfare. Positions in modern engineering demand a sensitivity to such problems across the full range of our social and economic concerns. These Engineering students will soon join the ranks of the 47,500 other University of Michigan engineers who make things happen. GENERAL INFORMATION The College of Engineering is dedicated to educating young men and women for such technological leadership. To an increasing number of young people today, the words "environment" and "ecology" suggest a wide range of opportunities that lie ahead in solving the problems and K bn9p meeting the needs of contemporary society. The solution to these problems certainly involves the contributions of the engineers who design, build, and operate our machines, plants, and processes. Students in the College of Engineering have the opportunity to elect courses that will broaden their knowledge of the environment and ecology. Those who do will be ed to utilize their technical knowledge solutions to environmental problems. during educational objective is that of particularly well qualifi in developing definitive The College's en preparing its students for positions of responsibility that are commensurate with their abilities and interests. But the means by which the College carries out this objective must be continually revised in the light of conditions that are continually changing in education and throughout the whole of society. Students enrolled in the College soon discover that its programs have been planned to prepare them for any one of a broad range of possibilities. According to their aptitudes and desires, students may go on to become practicing engineers, researchers, administrators, or teach- ers. Moreover, the knowledge and discipline gained from undergraduate engineering study are proving to be excellent preparation for other careers, particularly in business, law, and medicine. Many graduates of the College remain after they have received an undergraduate degree to earn a master's or doctorate degree. Another opportunity for continued growth and development beyond the undergradu- ate degree is that of registration as a professional engineer. After a certain length of experience (usually four years), new engineers can take qualifying examinations offered by the state in which they seek registration. At Michigan, students have an opportunity to associ- ate with distinguished teachers who have not only solid GENER AL INFOR MATION academic grounding but also broad professional involvement, the result of continuing research and consultation on actual engineering projects. The College believes that such profes- sional involvement is necessary if its faculty is to retain maximum efficiency both in the classroom and the labora- tory. The benefits of such involvement are passed on to students through formal classroom exposure and through informal exposure as well. Often, teaching is most effective when a teacher can work together with students in funda- mental scientific investigations, or on improved ways of applying scientific knowledge to the problems of industry and public well-being. Graduate and undergraduate students in the College have an opportunity to participate in such activities in well-equipped engineering laboratories and at a 11 number of field locations. The College's program for under- graduate study consists typically of a four- year program leading to a bachelor's degree. There are 12 programs that lead to the degree Bachelor of Science in Engineering, and two that lead to the degree Bachelor of Science; these are identified throughout this catalog as B.S.E. and B.S., respectively. By careful planning, an additional bachelor's degree (B.S. or A.B.) can be earned within the College of Engineering or in combination with the College of Literature, Science, and ;4r the Arts in about one year beyond the time For further information, refer to Undergraduate Programs. required the later for a secti single degree. on on GENERAL INFORMATION a eer In choosing engineering as a career, the main criteria are usually an interest in and successful completion of high school mathematics and science courses; a desire Choic and ability to investigate the "why" as well as the "how" of things; and an interest in the creative development of devices or systems that meet specific needs. The engineer of the future will be increas- ingly concerned with the preservation of our natural environ- ment, the wise use of our natural resources, and the impor- tance of individual creativity and initiative in the framework of a free democratic society. Certainly not all of these signs or interests will fit everyone, but they can be used as a rough guide. More and more women are enrolling in engineering. Women who like science and mathematics will find engineer- ing a satisfying career with a wide variety of employment opportunities. The College has one of the largest female enrollments of any engineering school in the country. Officers and academic counselors within the College are glad to consult with high school or transfer students who are faced with a critical career choice or with the problem of choosing the school that best suits their interest and abilities. A student with questions in this regard may benefit from a leaflet titled "Engineering"-available by writing to the office of the Assistant Dean, College of Engineering, 2419 EECS Building, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2116. Registration as Professional Engineer Modern civilization has found it necessary to regulate the practice of persons whose activities deal with the protection of life, health, property, or other rights. A profession such as engineering is judged by the qualifications and competency of all who use its name. Therefore, to provide the pub- lic with a clearly recognizable line of demarcation between the engineer and the non-engineer, the state establishes standards and provides the legal processes associated with the registration of individuals and their practices as professional engineers. In Michigan, the State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers provides an opportunity for students during their senior year to take the first half of a 16-hour, two-part examination as the first step toward registration, provided the degree is awarded within six months after the examination, and the degree program is one that has been accredited at the College by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). The accredited degree programs are listed below. This first part is a general coverage of the fundamentals common to all fields of specialization including mathematics. After a minimum of four years of experience, which may include one year of graduate study, the applicant will take the second half of the examination which will involve the application of engineering judgment and planning ability. On completion of registration, an engineer establishes professional standing on the basis of legal requirements and receives authority to practice the engineering profession before the public. While state laws may differ in some respects, an engineer registered under the laws of one state will find that reciprocal agreements between states generally make possible ready transfer of privileges to other states. Accreditation The following degree programs offered on the Ann Arbor campus have been accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET): Aerospace, Chemical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Industrial and Operations, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, and Nuclear. 13 GENERAL INFORMATION Facilities The offices and facilities used for instruction and research in engineering are located mostly in the following buildings on the Central and North Campuses: The Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) Building North Campus Engineering Buildings Advanced Technology Laboratories Aerospace Engineering Building and Laboratories George Granger Brown Laboratory (G.G. Brown) Chrysler Center Mortimer E. Cooley Building Dow Building Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Building (EECS) Engineering 1A Industrial and Operations Engineering Building Institute of Science and Technology Building Walter E. Lay Automotive Laboratory Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Building Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory Phoenix Memorial Laboratory with the Ford Nuclear Reactor Research Activities Building Space Research Building Technical Information Design and Analysis Laboratory University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) Central Campus Engineering Building West Engineering Building Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Towing Tanks Laboratories and other facilities are described within the sections on Undergraduate Degree Programs, pages 87-157. C A E N 15 CAIN The Computer Aided Engineering Network (CAEN) provides the College of Engineering with one of the world's premiere comput- ing environments for engineering-related research and educa- tion. Committed to the concept of distributed computing since CAEN's inception in 1983, CAEN now maintains a fully inte- grated, multi-vendor network of advanced function workstations and specialized high-performance computers serving the faculty, staff and students of the College. The Computing Environment Comprised of more than 900 engineering class workstations and over 1,000 advanced microcomputers, the CAEN environment has become one of the largest integrated networks in the academic world. Some of these machines are housed in faculty and graduate offices, others in laboratories for classroom instruction. Most, however, are spread across the campus in more than 20 public facilities, conveniently available to the entire Engineering community for unlimited use, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A tour of CAEN facilities reveals workstations from many different vendors, including Apollo, Apple, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, NeXT, Silicon Grap crosystems, and Texas Instruments. Re- mote access to a variety of supercomputer centers is also available from CAEN facili- ties. These varied platforms provide users with tremendous flexibility. They also give exposure to the many industry standards of today, as well as tomorrow. An Integrated Network The CAEN network allows users to sit at any workstation, from an IBM PC or Apple Macintosh to an Apollo or Sun, and see an integrated, "single system" image of what is really a heterogeneous physical network. Several distributed file systems-including S Arde hics, nt, AT&T, D Stellar, Sun EC, Mi- un Microsystems' NFS, Apollo Computer's DFS, Columbia University's AUFS, and the Andrew File System-are actively supported. Together they enable CAEN to provide nearly 200 gigabytes of centrally administered file storage, all of which can be reached by any computer on the CAEN network. CAEN's single logical internet is layered over a diverse collection of physical networks. These include Ethernet, Apple GENERAL INFORMATION EtherTalk and LocalTalk, Apollo Token Ring, IBM Token Ring, and a high-speed FDDI fiber optic backbone network. CAEN's computing environment is fully integrated with other University of Michigan organizations, including the Computing Center's UMnet (a part of the State of Michigan's regional Merit Computer Network) and the Electrical Engineer- ing and Computer Science Department's Departmental Com- puting Organization (DCO). Michigan's gateways to the Internet (including NSFNET and CICNet) and BITNET extend this connectivity across the country and around the world. na CAEN Open Laboratories As of fall 1991, CAEN will operate 20 open lab facilities. These labs contain Apollo, Macintosh, IBM, Sun, Hewlett- Packard and DEC workstations. All computers have their own hard disks, and all are connected to the CAEN general network. Most available software resides either on the computer's hard disk or on networked servers. In addition to the leading workstations in the industry, CAEN provides access to the premiere software for engineering and general productivity applications. This software is available for use both in assigned classroom projects, as well as for general use by any CAEN user. Users are encouraged to learn and take advantage of the enormous breadth of software available on the CAEN network to enhance their learning and research efforts at the University. The CAEN Handbook and newsletter articles describe software that is available on the network. Short courses on various packages are announced via the newsletter and online, and technical notes provide introductory material on many packages. Access to CAEN open labs is available to all College of Engineering faculty, staff, and registered students, and to other students who are majoring in computer science and/or are taking College of Engineering computing courses and who have paid a lab access fee. To use CAEN facilities, users must present appropriate and valid identification. Most of CAEN's open labs are also available 24 hours a day via electronic card- key access. Information and User Services CAEN's Information and User Services has developed a full range of tutorial, instructional, and informational resources to help users more effectively use the computing environment. The CAEN Handbook is a detailed overview of services and CA EN resources provided by CAEN; CAEN Tutorials and CAEN 17 Technical notes provide topical instruction and information on using software, equipment, and services available to CAEN users; the monthly CAEN Newsletter offers technical articles on CAEN systems as well as regular information on changes and updates to the network and services; and classroom instruction ranging from single-session seminars to regular courses for credit are offered on a variety of topics. The CAEN Newsletter is available for pickup at most CAEN labs. All other CAEN publications, including the CAEN Hand- book and technical notes are available at the main CAEN office, 229 Chrysler Center. Most CAEN informational material, including the newsletter and technical notes, is available online as well. A complete reference collection of manuals for most CAEN software packages is located at the reference desk of the Dow Library for on-site use. Copies for purchase of many manuals are available at various bookstores and copy centers. CAEN consultants are located in several of the larger labs, including the Dow Mezzanine, North Campus Commons, and the Undergraduate Library. Consultants are also located at the CAEN central hotline office in 231 Chrysler Center for both walk-in and phone consultation (763-5041). Hours vary at each location and change over the course of the year based on demand. CAEN Employment Opportunities for Students Many aspects of the CAEN computing environment are developed, operated, and maintained by student staff. Employ- ment opportunities for students exist in office support, lab maintenance, backup operations, lab counseling and user services, systems programming, and more. Postings for these positions-including details on how to apply for them-appear regularly in the CAEN Newsletter and as bulletins in the labs. tI-M Computing Center The Computing Center is a research and service facility for the students, faculty, and research staff. Computing services are provided through an IBM 3090-600E running under an operating system called the Michigan Terminal System (MTS). MTS permits both conversational and batch processing from microcomputers, workstations and terminals. Active support is provided for micro-computer services and computer network development. For questions concerning Computer Center facilities and services, call the Computing Center Consultants, 764-HELP, weekdays 8 a.m.-midnight. GENERAL INFORMATION Engineering Libraries Engineering-Transportation Library The Engineering-Transportation Library, located on the third floor of the Undergraduate Library, is one of the more than 25 divisional libraries in the University Library System. Its collection of approximately 450,000 volumes covers all fields of engineering except nuclear engineering. The library subscribes to almost 3,000 serial titles, maintains a large collection of technical reports and government documents, and accesses a wide variety of online databases. The Library also houses more than 70 microcomputers in the CAEN Network. North Engineering Library The North Engineering Library, located in the Dow Building on the North Campus, opened in the Fall of 1986 and includes a basic collection of engineering texts, reserve materials, and popular and heavily-used engineering journals along with the nuclear engineering collection. The Library uses a wide variety of online information services and also provides access to 100 microcomputers in the CAEN Network. The Engineering Libraries provide trained staffs, course- related instruction programs, and computerized reference searching in order to assist the student in making effective use of information resources both on the University campus and around the world. Use of Facilities Laboratory, classroom and office equipment, shops, the library, and the computer are examples of a wide variety of facilities that serve as aids for instruction and research. Their use is limited to the purpose for which they are made available and any misuse will be subject to disciplinary action. Student Identification Cards Student Identification cards are required for entrance to many campus facilities, especially certain laboratories and libraries. Student ID Cards are issued by the Housing Office in Room 100, Student Activities Building (SAB). HEAL TH Health 19 While at the University, stu- dents may come to the Uni- versity Health Service for all their health care needs. The University Health Service (UHS) offers outpatient services and health education programs. Located at 207 Fletcher on the central campus, it is funded through student tuition fees. Most of the services provided are free of charge for enrolled students. Spouses of students may use the UHS by enrolling in its prepaid health care plan. The general Medical Clinic sees patients by appoint- ment and on a walk-in basis Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., and Saturday, 9 a.m. - noon. There is a Treatment Center for emergency care. For current building hours and services, call the UHS's INFO HOTLINE, 764-8320. If you have a medical emergency during hours when the UHS is closed, you may wish to go to the closest hospital emergency room. All fees incurred at the hospital are the responsibility of the patient. The UHS also offers a wide range of specialty clinics provided free of charge for currently enrolled students. These clinics include: Allergy, Dermatology, Gynecology, Immunization, Neurology, Nutrition, Ophthalmology, Ortho- pedics, Ear, Nose and Throat, Sports Medicine, and Physical Therapy. Medical support services include an X-ray depart- ment, laboratory, and pharmacy. The UHS also has an Eye Care Clinic, staffed by two full-time optometrists. For details on what's available at the UHS, pick up a copy of its brochure or call the UHS Information Hotline at 764-8320. The Health Service Building is accessible to handicapped persons via its South entrance. On request, the University will provide information on its facilities for housing, health care, recreation, physical education, and athletic participation. GENERAL INFORMATION Scholarships Numerous University of Michigan scholarships, fellowships, and prizes as well as loan funds, are available to qualified Engineering students. In keeping with the University's practice and policy, financial assistance is available to qualified students regardless of sex, race, color, or creed. Scholarships are established by gift or endowment. The University and the College of Engineering are fortunate that many of their alumni, along with industry, and various organizations, have contributed support through annual gifts and endowment funds, which earn annual income to be used for scholarship awards. There is no direct obligation to repay a scholarship, but as recipients recognize their moral obligations to return gifts to the college scholarship fund, according to their abilities, other worthy students will benefit. Below is a brief description of the broad range of undergraduate scholarships available to engineering students. Entering Students ; , , Although families (students, parents, spouses) are primarily responsible for meeting college costs and are expected to contribute according to their ability, a few Academic or Merit Scholarships are granted by The University of Michigan's Admissions Office and the College of Engineering, to incoming students (freshmen and transfer students). Once a student has completed a full term (12 credit hours) in the College of Engineer- ing, it is possible to apply for a Need- Based Scholarship or an Industry- Sponsored Scholarship (see details below). Entering students who are eligible for financial aid should apply for second term awards during their first term in which they are enrolled. Appli- cations from first term students will be processed but held until grades are reported. SCHOLARSHIPS University Admissions Office Academic Scholarships 21 The University of Michigan has established a variety of programs to recognize superior academic achievement. Participation in these programs is restricted to citizens of the United States and persons on Permanent Resident Visas. Nominees are selected or identified from Admissions Appli- cations or the Admissions Roster and are formally notified of their eligibility. Financial need is not a factor in the selection of scholarship recipients for Academic Awards. The stipends may change from year to year. College of Engineering Academic Scholarships Each year a limited number of incoming freshmen are selected for honorary scholarships. Selection is made from the University's Admission Unit Roster and is based on SAT and/or ACT scores, class rank, high school or college grade point average (GPA). These scholarships are restricted to citizens of the United States and persons on Permanent Resident Visas. The Freshman award is for the Academic Year (two terms), while the Transfer Student award is for only one term. Continuing Students Need-Based Scholarships The majority of scholarships awarded through the College of Engineering are based on financial need. To qualify for a Need-Based Scholarship, students must also apply for financial aid through the University of Michigan's Office of Financial Aid. Within the various scholarship funds are other criteria to be met. It is the task of the Engineering Scholarship Office and the Engineering Scholarship Commit- tee to match qualified students to the appropriate fund. Need-Based Scholarships are not renewable; students must reapply for scholarships each term and/or terms at which time the applicants' needs are re-evaluated based on the new information. Scholarships are restricted to full-time (12 credit hours) students who have completed one full term in the College of Engineering, have established a grade point average (GPA) of 2.7 or higher, and can demonstrate finan- cial need. Need-Based Scholarships are also restricted to students who are citizens of the United States or have a permanent resident visa. Since Need-Based Scholarships are based on financial need, to qualify, students must also make an application for financial aid through the University's Financial Aid Office, 2011 Student Activities Building. (See "Deadlines" next page.) GENERAL INFORMATION 22 Industry-Sponsored Scholarships Several industries offer scholarships to students. Sometimes a summer internship accompanies the monetary award given by industry and often the industry awards are renewable. Recipients are selected based on the criteria established by the donor. Scholarships are restricted to full-time (12 credit hours) students who have completed one full term in the College of Engineering, have established a grade point average of 3.2 or higher, and are citizens of the United States or on permanent resident visas. Where to Apply Application forms for Need-Based or Industry Sponsored Scholarships can be obtained at the Engineering Scholarship Office, 2416 EECS Building. When to Apply Scholarship application is always made one term preceding the term of the award; therefore, entering students should apply during their first term enrolled to receive an award during their second term. Scholarship applications from first term students are held until completion of the term and verification of credit hours and grades. Limitations Please be aware that it is the policy of the College of Engi- neering to not "over award" a student, which means, if you reach a point where your total awards equal more than the student budget, as established by the University of Michigan, you will not qualify for an engineering award. Deadlines Applications for Winter Term are accepted from September 15th to October 15th. Applications for Spring and/or Summer Terms; Fall only or Fall and Winter Terms, are accepted during the period of January 15th to March 15th. Students applying for University Financial Aid must have all paperwork, including the Student Aid Report (SAR), submitted to the Financial Aid Office, 2011 Student Activities Building, no later than April 15th. Industry Sponsored Scholarships have no deadline for application. Awards are made as industry contributions are received. SCHOLARSHIPS Graduate Students 23 Financial aid for graduate students is normally awarded through individual departments. Graduate students are encouraged to contact the graduate offices for more informa- tion. Foreign Students Foreign students must be prepared to finance their entire undergraduate education while enrolled in the College of Engineering. A guarantee of total financial backing must be provided when making application for admission. Scholar- ship applications are not accepted for foreign students. Veterans and Social Security Benefits Educational benefits are available to students who qualify under the several Public Laws providing benefits for veterans (or their children) and to orphans or children of a disabled parent who qualify under the Social Security Law. Questions may be referred to The Office of Student Certification, LSA Building. GENERAL INFORMATION 244 Cooperative Education The Co-op Program is made possible through the cooperation of corporations, government agencies, and the University, whose goal it is to provide students with the opportunity for relevant employment experience. Co-op Education helps students apply theory and practice in a working situation and supports their efforts to plan their careers more effectively. Engineering students who apply for Co-op Education are enrolled in a wide range of engineering degree programs, including: Aerospace; Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Science; Chemical; Civil; Computer; Electrical; Engineering Science; Interdisciplinary; Industrial; Materials and Metallur- gical; Mechanical; Naval Architecture and Marine; Nuclear; Physics. Advantages Among the many advantages to students participating in the program are the following: the opportunity to gain experi- ence and expertise in a chosen field of study; progressively challenging responsibilities; growth in self-confidence; and greater personal financial independence. Students who have participated in cooperative education usually find that they are offered higher starting salaries than their classmates who have not had prior relevant work experience. How the program works Employers send letters to the Cooperative Education Office describing their hiring needs. The Co-op Office makes arrangements for interviews to be held with students whether on campus or at an employer location. On-campus interviews are conducted from October through November, and again from mid-January to March. The Co-op Program Office works to match qualified applicants with employer needs. However, final selection for work assignments is made by the employer. Once a match has been made and both parties accept the terms of employ- ment, a student will alternate a term of attendance at the University with a term of work. Note. The Cooperative Education Program Office does not guarantee placement for every applicant. However, every effort is made to place students in appropriate positions. COOPERATIVE EDUCATION & PLACEMENT While on assignment, students are subject to the rules 2s and regulations of their employer company. The employer will rate their performance at the end of the work term and send a report to the Cooperative Education Office. Upon returning to the University, students are asked to submit an evaluation of their work experience to the Co-op Office. How to sign up Student participation in the Co-op Program is voluntary. Students may submit an application, resume, and transcript during the second term of their sophomore year. At that time, students are asked to select the corporations with which they desire to interview. To learn more about eligibil- ity requirements, and for more information on the program, write or call: Cooperative Education Program, College of Engineering, 2421 EECS Bldg., The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, (313) 763-5086. Placement The College of Engineering considers the proper placement of its graduates to be very important, and it is recognized that the first years of professional experience are of great significance in developing the full capabilities of the young engineer. For these reasons, the College provides an engineering placement service for students. This service includes the arranging of employment interviews on campus, the announcement of openings received by mail, and the providing of placement information through counseling and published material. Some of these services are available to alumni. Summer positions are also of- fered by many employers, especially to students who have completed at least three years of an engineering program. The placement service provides all pos- sible assistance in this area, since such experience is generally considered to be a valuable adjunct to formal technical edu- cation. Foreign students should be informed that placement services for them are very limited. Almost all GENERAL INFORMATION 26 companies will interview only U.S. citizens and permanent visa holders. Further, companies involved in National Defense work will usually interview only U.S. citizens. The University's Career Planning and Placement Office conducts lectures, discussion groups, and seminars each fall and winter on a number of career planning and job search topics; included are sessions on interviewing and resume writing. The Engineering Placement Office complements these sessions with individual counseling and meetings on how to use the Placement Office facilities and services. Extracurricular Students at The Univer- i sity of Michigan have an O pP ortunities opportunity to participate in a number of extracur- ricular activities. Some of these are associated with professional societies, others with social organizations, musical and drama groups, sports or service groups. In addition, a great many cultural programs are offered throughout the year-more than anyone could possibly attend. The College of Engineering encourages participation in the wide range of activities-campus-wide as well as those within the College. Used to advantage, college activities can provide a basis for many friendships and memorable times, as well as an opportunity for self-development. The following is a list of organizations of particular interest to students in Engineering. Those interested in explor- ing other campus-wide opportunities may obtain information concerning campus organizations at the Student Organizations, Activities, and Programs (SOAP) Office, 2400 Michigan Union, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. College Student Government and Judiciary Engineering Council. The University of Michigan Engineering Council is the student government of the College of Engineering and serves as the representative for engineering student opinion on College and University issues. The Council's work, done by committees, advisory boards, and a coordinating executive board, includes efforts in student-faculty relations, summer and permanent job placement, grades and grading, and faculty and course evaluation. Membership is open to all students of the College and the sole requirement for full mem- bership is attendance at two of three consecutive meetings. EXTRACURRICULAR OPPORTUNITIES The Council welcomes the opinions of all students, from freshmen to seniors, as well as their active participation in its projects. New ideas and projects are always welcome. Those wishing to express opinions or to bring ideas to the Council should attend a Council Meeting or come to the Engineering Council Office, 1230 EECS Building, 764-8511. Honor Council. The Student Honor Council, the student judiciary for the College, has the responsibility of conducting hearings and recommending action to the Discipline Committee in the case of alleged violations of the Honor Code or College rules on conduct. Honor Societies The criteria for election to one of the honor societies are based on the rules and regulations of the respective society. In general, the criteria include a scholastic requirement. Student members of a society are responsible for election of new members. On request, the College will provide to each society, the names and local addresses of students who are eligible for election according to scholastic criteria specified by the respective society. Membership in honor societies will be posted on the academic record upon receipt of the list of newly elected members from the secretary of the organization. 27 ADARA, Michigan senior women's honorary society Alpha Nu Sigma, national nuclear engineering honor society Alpha Pi Mu, national industrial engineering honor society Alpha Sigma Mu, national materials science and engineering honor society Chi Epsilon, national civil engineering honor society Epeians, engineering leadership honor society Eta Kappa Nu, national electrical engineering honor society Golden Key, national honor society Mortar Board, national senior honor society Phi Beta Kappa Phi Kappa Phi, national honor society for seniors of all schools and colleges Phi Lambda Upsilon, national chemical engineering, chemistry, and pharmacy honor society Pi Tau Sigma, national mechanical engineering honor society Quarterdeck Honorary Society, honorary-technical society for the Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Sigma Gamma Tau Sigma Xi, a national society devoted to the encouragement of research Tau Beta Pi, a national engineering honor society Vulcans, senior engineering honor society GENERAL INFORMATION Professional Societies American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, student chapter American Institute of Chemical Engineers, student chapter American Institute of Industrial Engineers, student chapter American Nuclear Society, student chapter American Society of Civil Engineers, student chapter American Society of Mechanical Engineers, student chapter Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, student chapter Michigan Metallurgical Society, student chapter National Society of Professional Engineers, student chapter Operations Research Society of America, student chapter Society of Automotive Engineers, student chapter Society of Manufacturing Engineers, student chapter Society of Minority Engineering Students Society of Women Engineers, student chapter Society of Engineering Science, student chapter Society of Christian Engineers, student chapter College Service Activities IAESTE-US, International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience, United States, Michigan Chapter Meteorology and Oceanography Student Council, for the Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences Engineering Student Publications, publishers of the Michigan Technic- student magazine for the College, and Anvi-student newsletter University of Michigan Amateur Radio Club, organization of students interested in radio communications as a hobby Minority Engineering Program Office (MEPO) The Minority Engineering Program Office (MEPO) of the College of Engineering was founded in 1969. Its primary function is to provide a support system for minority students beginning in the seventh grade and continuing through graduate school. At the pre-college level, MEPO offers students in grades 7 through 12 a chance to actively explore and prepare for engineering and other technical career fields. MEPO hosts a Summer Engineering Academy each year with a EXTRACURRICULAR OPPORTUNITIES program that addresses pre-college students' academic and personal development needs. The Office also maintains a formal relationship with the Detroit Area Pre-College Engi- neering Program, Inc. (DAPCEP), which sponsors tutoring activities, academic enrichment and engineering exposure sessions, and hands-on projects for Detroit Public School students; and sponsors the Engineering Industrial Support Program (EISP), which sponsors similar activities for the Ann Arbor/Washtenaw County area. At the college level, orientation/professional develop- ment workshops, career advising, academic advising services and scholarship assistance is available through MEPO. The Engineering Learning Resource Center (ELRC), located in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Building, is maintained by MEPO. The Center provides a study room with reference books, study materials, and microcomputers, and is available to students daily. Tutoring and study group assistance is also coordinated through ELRC. In addition, MEPO provides support to the student- based organization, the Society of Minority Engineering Students (SMES). At the graduate level, MEPO has represented the College of Engineering with the National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering, Inc. (GEM) since its inception in 1976. GEM is involved in encouraging promising minority students to pursue graduate degrees in engineering. The Society of Women Engineers The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) is a national organi- zation whose goal is to promote and support women in engineering and engineering-related sciences. The Univer- sity of Michigan student chapter has identified its function as "a support group for women in engineering and technical sciences which provides an opportunity for members to share common experiences, questions, and goals, while also creating an atmosphere in which many friendships develop." Some of the SWE programs and activities include: pre- interview, annual scholarship banquet, annual career fair, monthly lectures, monthly newsletter, picnics and parties, and the annual ski trip. Members of SWE invite all inter- ested students; men and women, to contact them with questions or comments. GENERAL INFORMATION Residence Regulations Residence Regulations of the University of Michigan 1. Since normally a student comes to the University of Michigan for the primary or sole purpose of attending the University rather than to establish a domicile in Michigan, one who enrolls in the University as a non-resident shall continue to be so classified throughout his/her attendance as a student, unless and until he/she demonstrates that his/her previous domicile has been abandoned and a Michigan domicile established. 2. No student shall be eligible for classification as a resident unless he/she shall be domiciled in Michigan and has resided in Michigan continuously for not less than one year immedi- ately preceding the first day of classes of the term for which classification is sought. 3. For purposes of these Regulations, a resident student is defined as a student domiciled in the State of Michigan. A non-resident is defined as one whose domicile is elsewhere. A student shall not be considered domiciled in Michigan unless he/she is in continuous, physical presence in this State and intends to make Michigan his/her permanent home, not only while in attendance at the university but indefinitely thereafter as well, and has no domicile or intent to be domiciled elsewhere. 4. The following facts and circumstances, although not neces- sarily conclusive, have probative value in support of a claim for resident classification: a. Continuous presence in Michigan for periods when not enrolled as a student. b. Reliance upon Michigan sources for financial support. c. Domicile in Michigan of family, guardian or other relatives or persons legally responsible for the student. d. Former domicile in the state and maintenance of signifi cant connections therein while absent. e. Ownership of a home in Michigan. f. Admission to a licensed practicing profession in Michigan. g. Long-term military commitment in Michigan. h. Commitments to further education in Michigan indicating an intent to stay here permanently. RESIDENCE REGULATIONS i. Acceptance of an offer of permanent employment in Michigan. Other factors indicating an intent to make Michigan the student's domicile will be considered by the University in classifying a student. 5. The following circumstances, standing alone, shall not constitute sufficient evidence of domicile to effect classifica- tion of a student as a resident under these Regulations: a. Voting or registration for voting. b. Employment in any position normally filled by a student. c. The lease of living quarters. d. A statement of intention to acquire a domicile in Michigan. e. Domicile in Michigan of student's spouse. f. Automobile registration. g. Other public records; e.g., birth and marriage records. 6. An alien who has been lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States shall not, by reason of that status alone, be disqualified from classification as a resident, provided, however, that aliens who are present in the United States on a temporary or student visa shall not be eligible for classification as a resident. 7. These Regulations shall be administered by the Office of the Registrar, in accordance with the following residence review procedures: a. It shall be the responsibility of the student to register under the proper residence classification, to advise the Office of the Registrar of possible changes in residence, and to furnish all requested information pertinent thereto. b. Applications for reclassification shall be filed not later than 20 calendar days following the first day of classes of the term for which such reclassification is sought. Such application shall be filed with the Assistant Registrar for Residence Status (see "f' below for address) and shall set forth in writing a completestatement of the facts upon which it is based, togetherwith affidavits or other supporting documentary evidence. Failure to timely file such an application shallconstitute a waiver of all claims to reclassification or rebates for such term. Any student may appeal the decision of the Assistant c. Registrar for Residence Status made pursuant to para graph b, above, by taking the following steps within 20 calendar days after notice of such decision was served GENERAL INFORMATION 32 upon him/her, either in person, by mail, or by posting in a conspicuous place at 500 South State Street: i. Provide the Residency Appeal Committee with a written notice of appeal stating the reasons therefore; ii. File said notice with the Assistant Registrar for and Residence Status, together with a written request that all documents submitted pursuant to paragraph b, above be forwarded to the Residency Appeal Committee. Failure to timely comply with this paragraph c shall constitute a waiver of all claims to reclassification or rebates for the applicable term or terms. The decision of the Residency Appeal Committee shall be the final recourse within the University. d. Reclassification, whether pursuant to paragraph b or c above, shall be effective for the term in which the appli cation therefore was timely filed in accordance with paragraph b and for each term thereafter so long as the circumstances upon which the reclassification was based shall remain unchanged. Appropriate refunds shall be made or accounts credited within a reasonable time following such reclassification. e. Classification or reclassification based upon materially erroneous, false or misleading statements or omissions by or in support of the applicant shall be set aside retro actively upon the discovery of the erroneous nature of such statements. f. Inquiries should be addressed to: Resident Status Office, Office of the Registrar, 1514 L.S.&A. Building, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1382. Approved by the Board of Regents, March 15, 1974. ADMISSION A~illSS1011 To be admitted at the freshman level, an applicant must be at least 16 years old and a graduate of an accredited secondary school. Graduates of unaccredited schools may be asked to take College Board Achievement Tests or the American College Test. The requirement of a high school diploma may be waived for a few exceptionally gifted students., For older students, the results of the General Education Development (GED) test may be presented in place of a high school diploma. The University of Michigan Nondiscrimination Policy Notice The University of Michigan, as an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action employer, complies with applicable federal and state laws prohibiting discrimination, including Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. It is the policy of the University of Michigan that no person, on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, age, marital status, handicap, or Vietnam-era veteran status, shall be discriminated against in employment, educational programs and activities, or admissions. Inquiries or complaints may be addressed to the University's Director of Affirmative Action, Title IX/Section 504 Compliance, 6015 Fleming Administra- tion Building, Ann Arbor, MI 48109- " 1340, (313) 763-0235. T.D.D. (313) 747-1388. 33 Admission as a Freshman A I Freshmen students are admitted to the College of Engineering by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions (1220 Student Activities Building, (313) 764-7433, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1316) from whom appropriate forms and instructions are available. Michigan high school students who have begun the senior year may pick up application forms from their high school adviser. Please note that freshmen students are admitted to the College of Engineering and not to a degree program. Freshman applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible in the fall of their senior year. All applicants should be aware that some schools and colleges may close admissions before the "equal consideration" date. 77 7 ,7 7/ 7 7 >77 77 / / 4"7 7 <77 « 7 "7' /4 "77' 7 77 >77 / '77 77 7 < 7 <'> 7/7 7 7 /7j 7' '7 4-4' -4' 14 7 o4 / 7 4 >4 95 Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences is concerned with the description and explanation of all phenomena in the atmosphere, the oceans, and the boundaries between them. Both basic and applied problems are encompassed. The increased recognition of the importance of the atmosphere and the oceans in a wide range of human activity has created a demand for meteorologists and oceanographers with a broad basic knowledge of the many processes that take place in the water and the air, and an ability to apply this knowledge to specific problems ranging from the bottom of the ocean to the outermost fringes of the atmosphere. The qualified meteorologist or physical oceanographer may find employment in the weather services, in the space sci- ences, in industry, govern- ment, teaching, research, and in private practice. The understanding of processes in the atmosphere and oceans requires knowl- edge in many areas of the Program Adviser Professor Stanley Jacobs (Oceanography) 2233 Space Research Building (313) 764-3335 Program Adviser Professor S.R. Drayson (Atmospheric Science) 2233 Space Research Building (313) 764-3335 mathematical and physical sciences. Although the fundamental laws are those of classical hydrodynamics and thermodynamics, it is as a rule necessary to modify these laws before applying them to a specific problem of atmospheric or oceanic interest, because the atmos- phere and oceans are thermodynamically active systems receiving energy from many physical proc- esses such as short and long wave radiation, condensa- tion, and interaction with the other medium and dissipat- ing energy through frictional processes. AOSS students rely on satellite technology to study global climate change from space. PROGRAMS 96 The applied aspects of the two sciences cover a wide range of activities and interests. The applied meteorologist will be called upon to solve meteorological problems in connection with air pollution, industrial plant location and processes, the design of structures and the wind loading of them. Many important decisions on transportation, whether by land, water, or air, depend critically on meteorological factors. The applied oceanog- rapher is concerned with water supply and control, water pollution, wave action on structures and beaches, biological and geological processes in the ocean, and many other oceanographic and ocean engineering problems. It is recognized that the undergraduate program cannot, in the time available, adequately treat all areas of importance. Graduate work, therefore, is strongly encour- aged. The undergraduate student elects one of three options, two of which lead to the degree B.S. (Meteorology) and B.S. (Physical Oceanography); the student thus acquires knowledge in depth in one discipline while obtaining good working knowledge in the other. The third stresses the engineering applications of meteorology and leads to a B.S.E. (Meteorology). The options are: Degree Program Option 1. (B.S.) Meteorology Meteorology is the science of the lower atmosphere, including dynamics, thermo- dynamics, chemistry, radia- tion, cloud physics and precipitation processes, interaction with the ground and ocean, the general circulation of the atmosphere and weather forecasting. With suitable choices of electives, a student may receive preparation in weathercasting for radio and television. Students in Radio & TV Weathercasting should include Comm. 100 and Geo. 201 in their Hum./Soc. Sci. electives, and include as technical electives A.O. & S.S. 408, Comm. 421 & 425 and at least two of the following: Astro. 221, A.O. & S.S. 462, 463, 424, 499, and/or advanced Comm. courses. Degree Program Option 2. (B.S.) Physical Oceanography Physical Oceanography is primarily the science of Ocean Dynamics. It involves the application of physics, mathematics, and engineer- ing to circulation, waves and tides. Degree Program Option 3. (B.S.E.) Meteorology, Degree Program In addition to the basic Meteorology described under Option 1, the student will elect a number of design courses in such areas as: meteorological instrumenta- tion, design and implementa- tion of field experiments, environmental impact studies, and computer modeling. Facilities: Meteorology Laboratories include Air Pollution Meteorology, Meteorological Instrumenta- tion, and a Synoptic Meteor- ology Laboratory where current weather data including satellite informa- tion are received over a satellite link. A recently acquired weather radar is now operational. The Department also operates a Radiation Measurement Analysis Facility, which includes comprehensive solar and infrared radiation measuring devices with automatic data acquisition. The Space Physics Research Laboratory houses teaching and research activities for studies of all regions of Earth's atmosphere and space probe studies of the atmospheres of other planets. ATMOSPHERIC, OCEANIC AND SPACE SCIENCES Oceanography The oceanography program has laboratories devoted to the studies of physical oceanography and data processing, coastal and off shore engineering, marine instrumentation, and underwater technology. Requirements Candidates for the degrees - B.S. (Meteorology), B.S. (Physical Oceanography) or B.S.E. (Meteorology)- must complete the program listed on the following pages. The sample schedule is an example of one leading to graduation in eight terms. Many students find that it is necessary to extend their schedule to 8-1/2 or nine terms. 97 PROGRAMS 98 Required Programs Sample Schedule by term 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Hours Subjects required by all programs (56 hrs.) (See under "Minimum Common Requirements, " page 52, for alternatives) Mathematics 115,116, 215, and 216 English 125, Intro. Composition Engineering 103, Computing Chemistry 130 Physics 140 with Lab. 141; 240 with Lab. 241 Senior Technical Communication Humanities and Soc. Sci. (Note A) Advanced Sciences (3 hrs.) Chem. 210, 211 Program Subjects (6 hrs.) A.O. & S.S. 304, Atm. & Ocean. Sciences I A.O. & S.S. 305, Atm. & Ocean. Sciences II Free Electives (6 hrs.) Option 1. Meteorology (B.S.) (55 hrs.) Mech. Eng. 240, Intro to Dynamics Mech. Eng. 325, Fluid Mechanics Stat. 412, Intro to Probab. & Stat. Aero. Eng. 350, Aerospace Engineering Analysis A.O. & S.S. 310, Synoptic Lab. I A.O. & S.S. 311, Synoptic Lab. II. A.G. & S.S. 312, Climatology A.O. & S.S. 330, Thermo. of Atmosphere A.G. & S.S. 332, Radiative Proc. in the Atmos. A.O. & S.S. 401, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics A.G. & S.S. 451, Atmospheric Dynamics I A.O. & S.S. 454, Lab. in Weather Analysis A.G. & S.S. 479, Atmospheric Chemistry Technical Electives (Note B) Total 16 4 3 3 8 3 19 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 6 3 3 3 5 5 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 18 128 2 - 3 - - - 3 - - - 4 - - - - 3 - - - -- - - - - 3 - - - 3 -3 - - -5 3 - 4- 6 -1 -- 1 3-1--- - - - - 2 - - - - - -- - 3-- - - --- 3 - - - 16 1616 1517 15 1617 Option 2. Physical Oceanography (8.S.) (55 hrs.) Geol. 117, Intro. to Geology 5 Biol. 112, Intro. to Biology 4 A.O. & S.S. Sci. 308, Lab. in Ocean. Data 2 A.O. & S.S. 334, Physical Oceanography I 3 A.G. & S.S. Sci. 335, 3 Elective Sequence in Oceanography (Note C) 24 (23-24 hrs.) Technical Electives (Note D) 14 Total 128 4 2 5 3 6 3 6 6 6 - - - - 4 4 4 2 16 16 17 16 16 16 16 15 ATMOSPHERIC, OCEANIC AND SPACE SCIENCES 99 Hours 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Option 3. Meteorology (B.S.E.) (55 hrs.) Mech. Eng. 240, Intro. to Dynamics 3 - - - - - 3 - - Mech. Eng. 325, Fluid Mechanics 3 - - - - - 3 - - Statistics 412, Intro. to Probab. & Stat. 3 - - - - - - - 3 Math/Aero Eng. 350, Aerospace Engr. Anal. 3 - - - - 3 - - - A.O. & S.S. 310, Synoptic Lab. 1 - - 1 - - - - - A.O. & S.S. 311, Synoptic Lab. I1 2 - - - 2 - - - - A.G. & S.S. 312, Climatology 3 - - - - - 3 - - A.C. & S.S. 330, Thermo. of Atmos. 3 - - - - 3 - - - A.O. & S.S. 332, Radiative Proc. in the Atmos. 3 - - - - - 3 - - A.G. & S.S. 401, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics 3 - - - - 3 - - - A.G. & S.S. 408, Environ. Prob. Solv. wi. Comp. 3 - - - - - - 3 3 A.G. & S.S. 451, Atmospheric Dynamics 1 4 - - - - - - - 4 A.G. & S.S. 454, Lab. in Weather Analysis 3 - - - - - - 3 - A.O. & S.S. 460, Satellite Meteorology 3 - - - - - - 3 - A.G. & S.S. 461, Air Pollution Instrumentation* 2 - - - - - - - 2 A.G. & S.S. 462, Meteorological Instrumentation* 3 - - - - - - 3 - EECS 314, Circuit Anal. and Electronics* 3 - - - - - 3 - - EECS 315, Circuit Anal. and Electronics Lab.* 1 - - - - - 1 - - Technical Electives 6 - - - - 4 2 - - Total 128 16 16 16 15 16 161716 Note A. Oceanography majors will take four hours of Humanities and Social Sciences in the 4th term, three in the 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th terms. Note B. A minimum of six hours of Technical Electives must be chosen from the Atmospheric Oceanic and Space Sciences Department.'In addition, EECS 300, or Math. 455 is strongly recommended. Note C. Mech. Eng. 240 and 325, and Chem. 365 are included in the Elective Sequence in Oceanography when required. Note D. A course in statistics (Stat. 402, Nat. Res. 438) is strongly recommended. *Another approved engineering design course may be substituted. AN,', S'e faw irz!41 / / '.r, 101 Chemical Engineering The degree program in Chemical Engineering was established in 1898 at The University of Michigan, one of four schools to introduce the profession in the United States in the last decade of the nineteenth century. The Michigan Student Chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers was the first established by that professional society. Chemical Engineering, of all branches of engineering, is the one most strongly and broadly based upon physical and life sciences. It has been defined by the Directors of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers as, "The profession in which a knowl- edge of mathematics, chemis- try, and other natural sciences gained by study, experience, and practice is applied with judgment to develop economical ways of using materials and energy for the benefit of mankind." Because of a broad and fundamental education, the chemical engineer can contribute to society in many functions, such as pure research, development, process design, plant opera- tion, marketing, sales, and corporate or government administration. The work of the chem- ical engineer encompasses many industries, from the manufacture of chemicals and the refining of petro- leum, to nuclear energy and space technology. Because of this breadth, there are many special fields in which chemical engineers may concentrate. The program allows seven hours of free elec- tives. A student may use this elective freedom to develop individual abilities and interests, and to prepare for graduate studies or for other professional programs such as law, business administration, or medicine. The electives also provide the opportunity for combined degree programs or for preparation in fields within or related to chemical engineering such as petro- leum, polymers, environ- mental engineering, chemi- cal reaction engineering, control systems, computers, nuclear energy, biochemical processes, solar energy, and natural resource usage. This program is accredited by ABET. Program Adviser Professor Dale E. Briggs Program Office 3126 Dow Building (313) 764-7143 Chemical engineering students analyze fluid flows in the Undergraduate Laboratory using a viscosimeter. PROGRAMS Facilities The facilities located in the Dow Building include biochemical engineering, catalysis, coal liquefaction, energy logistics, ecosystem simulation, electrochemical, heat transfer, light scattering and spectroscopy, petroleum research, polymer physics, process dynamics, real time computing, and surface science laboratories; and in the George Granger Brown Laboratory, large and pilot scale heat transfer, mass transfer, kinetics, and separations processes equipment. Combined Programs in Chemical and Materials Science and Engineering A combined degree may be obtained in chemical engineering and materials science and engineering. Chemical engineering students who choose a second degree in the metal- lurgical option will take a minimum of fourteen additional hours in the field of process, physical, and mechanical metallurgy. Those who choose the materials option will take at least fourteen additional hours in physical metallurgy, physical ceramics, and polymers. Requirements Candidates for the Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering (Chemical Engineering)-B.S.E. (Ch.E.)-must complete the program listed on the next page. The sample schedule is an example of one leading to graduation in eight terms. Transfer students may find that it is necessary to extend their schedule to 8-1/2 or nine terms. Note: Transfer students may require a program different from that printed. Details of such programs are not shown here, but may be obtained from the program adviser. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Required Programs Sample Schedule by term 103 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Hours Subjects required by all programs (54 hrs.) (See under "Minimum Common Requirements, "page 52, for alternatives) Mathematics 115, 116, 215, and 216 English 125, Intro. Composition Engineering 103, Computing Chemistry 130 Physics 140 with Lab. 141; 240 with Lab. 241 Senior Technical Communication Human. and Social Sciences (See page 59) (to include a course in economics) Advanced Science (21 hrs.).(Note A) Chem. 210 & 211, Struct. & Reactiv. I & Lab. Chem. 215 & 216, Struct. & Reactiv. II & Lab. Chem. 302, Inorganic Chem. Chem. 468, Physical Chemistry Chem. 469, Physical Chemistry Related Technical Subjects (10 hrs.) EECS 314, Cct. Analy. and Electronics EECS 315, Cct. Analy. and Electronics Lab Engineering 303, Comp. Meth. Engr. Elective Course in Engineering Program Subjects (36 hrs.) Chem. Eng. 230, Thermo. I Chem. Eng. 330, Thermo. II Chem. Eng. 341, Fluid Mechanics Chem. Eng. 342, Heat and Mass Transfer Chem. Eng. 343, Separation Processes Chem. Eng. 344, Reaction Eng. and Design Chem. Eng. 360, Chem. Eng. Lab I Chem. Eng. 460, Chem. Eng. Lab II Chem. Eng. 466, Process Control and Dynamics Chem. Eng. 486, Chem. Proc. Sim. & Design I. Chem. Eng. 487, Chem. Proc. Sim. & Design II. Free Electives (7hrs.) Total 16 4 3 3 8 3 17 4 4 4 - 3 - 3 - - 4 3 3 4 3 5 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 5 5 3 4 4 5 4 3 1 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 7 128 - 3 - 1 - - - - 3 3 -- - 4 - - - - - - -4- - - - - --3- -- - - - - -3 - - - ---- - - 3 - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - -3 - - - - - - - 3 1 3 17 16 16 15 16 17 15 16 Note A. An advanced natural science course may be substituted for Chem. 468 or Chem. 469. T-I7 v I \s~ ~ vA I av r v a a' 9'> OR, 'K"; # '" s 10 4 J U Igt Jp I R f i f~;j JV \ \u T% 1 \' 105 Civil and Environmental Engmeenng Civil engineers have always had the unique opportunity to touch the everyday lives of those around them. They design, plan and construct the buildings in which we live and work, the roads, highways and bridges upon which we travel, the transit and transportation systems we use, and much more. As the world population grows and society becomes more technologically complex, the issues facing civil engineers will be even more important and the challenges more exciting. Civil engineers will be involved in environmental and public health issues as they examine the disposal of newly generated wastes and the handling of contaminated sites. New technologies for the control of water and air quality, and computer models to predict the movement and dispersion of wastes in goundwater, will be developed. Advances in the construction industry will allow civil engineers to design and build new facilities more efficiently. As new materials are developed, innovations in all constructed facilities, from buildings to space stations will be possible. Computer tech- nology, including machine learning, will also play a larger role in civil engi- neering. In all of these areas, civil engineers are given the rare opportunity to improve the environ- ment and to have a direct impact on society's life- style. The following are areas of concentration within Civil and Environ- mental engineering at Michigan. Construction Engineering and Management Planning, estimating, scheduling, and managing the construction of engi- neered facilities using modern construction meth- ods, materials, and equip- ment. Business and legal principles of construction contracting. Environmental Engineering Municipal and industrial water distribution and waste collection, water quality and water pollution control, the improvement and regulation Program Adviser Professor E.A. Glysson Program Office 2342 G.G. Brown Building (313) 764-9412 Structural engineering research takes place in G.G. Brown Laboratories. PROGRAMS 106 of natural waters for munici- pal, industrial, and recrea- tional use; water resources development and manage- ment, the analysis and design of water resource systems; environmental design for control of solid wastes and air and water pollution, management of engineering problems in the urban environment. Geotechnical Engineering The evaluation of soil properties and environ- mental conditions in founda- tions of earth-supported structures; mass stability in excavations and subsurface construction; use of soil characteristics and proper- ties and soil classification in design and construction of highways, railways, airports, and other surface facilities. Materials and Highway Engineering The analysis, engineering, and testing of civil engineer- ing materials pertaining to infrastructure renewal and high performance structures. The area encompasses the study of infrastructure rehabilitation (including bridge and pavement technology), advanced emerging materials (includ- ing cement-based compos- ites, polymer, and ceramics), micromechanics of compos- ite materials, durability of materials, and innovative materials/structures. Hydraulic and Hydrological Engineering The application of the fundamental principles of hydraulics and hydrology to the optimum development of surface water and ground- water resources for various water uses. The area includes the study of flood prediction and flood control, pollutant discharges and other diffusion phenomena, transients in pipe lines and channels, coastal engineer- ing, and hydraulic design of involved structures. Municipal Engineering The design, construction, maintenance, and manage- ment of the water, wastes, and transportation systems of the urban population along with consideration of the many other factors which affect the urban environment so as to maintain safe and wholesome physical condi- tions within the city. Structural Engineering The theory, analysis, design, and construction of struc- tures such as bridges, buildings, chimneys, tanks, and towers, involving the use of steel, reinforced concrete, aluminum, timber, and other materials; studies of inelastic behavior of materials and structures; studies of dynamic forces and their effects on structures. CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENT AL ENGINEERING Facilities 107 The Civil and Environmental Engineering Depart- ment has its departmental offices in the G. G. Brown Building. The George Granger Brown Building on the North Campus houses the construction engineering and management laboratory, the structural research laboratory, hydraulic engineering laboratory, the soil mechanics laboratory, and the civil engineer- ing materials laboratory The Engineering Building 1A, a wing of the G. G. Brown Building, contains laboratories for Environ- mental and Water Resources Engineering. Equip- ment is available for physical and biological studies, analytical determinations, and data analyses in environmental science and water quality engineering. The Walter E. Lay Automotive Laboratory houses the surveying instrument room. Requirements Candidates for the Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering (Civil Engineering)-B.S.E. (C.E.)-must complete the program listed on the next page. The sample schedule is an example of one leading to graduation in eight terms. Many students find that it is necessary to extend their schedule to 8-1/2 or nine terms. Electives should be carefully planned in consultation with advisers so that the complete program includes the equivalent of two terms of engineering science and one term of engineering design. PROGRAMS 108 Required Programs Sample Schedule by term 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Hours Subjects required by all programs (56 hrs.) (See under "Minimum Common Requirements, "page 52, for alternatives) Mathematics 115, 116, 215, and 216 16 4 4 English 125, Intro. Composition 4 4 - Engineering 103, Computing 3 3 - Chemistry130 and 125 5 5 - Physics 140 with Lab. 141; 240 with Lab. 241 8 - 4 Senior Technical Communication 3 - - Humanities and Social Sciences (Note A) 17 - 4 Advanced Electives Advanced Mathematics (Note A) 3 - - Advanced Sciences (Note B) 3 - - Engineering Sciences (20 hrs.) Mech. Eng. 110, Statics 2 - 2 Mech. Eng. 210, Intro. to Solid Mechanics 3 - - Mech. Eng. 240, Introduction to Dynamics 3 - - CEE 280, Intro. to Environ. Engin. 3 - - Mech. Eng. 235, Engineering Thermodynamics 3 - - (Note C) Mat. Sci. & Eng. 250, Prin. of Eng. Materials 3 - - CEE 325 (Mech. Eng. 325), Fluid Mech. 3 - - Program Subjects (17 hrs.) CEE 303, Computational Methods 3 - - CEE 312, Theory of Structures 3 - - CEE 315, Design of Structures 3 - - CEE 400, Contracts and Engr. Legal Rel. 2 - - CEE 421, Hydraulics 3 - - CEE 445, Eng. Properties of Soil 3 - - Technical Electives (18 hrs.) (Note D) 18 - - Option A (3 credit courses) CEE 351, Civil Eng. Materials Option B(3 credit CEE 413, Design of Metal Structures CEE 420, Hydrolo or CEE 415, Design of R/C Structures CEE 428, Intro. to CEE 431, Construction Contracting CEE 480, Environr CEE 440, Engineering Geology CEE 485, Water Si General Courses (3 credits each) CEE 405, Civil Eng. Systems CEE 470, Transportation Engineering CEE 332, Eng. Surveying and Measurement Applications Design Concentration (6 hrs.) (Note E) 6 - - Free Electives (5 hrs.) 5 - - Total 128 1614 4 4 4 4 4 4 - - 3 - - - - - - 3 3 3 3 3 3 - 3 - - - 3 - - - 3 - - - 3 - 2 - - - 3 - 3 - - -8 6 courses) gy Ground Water Hydrology mental Chemodynamics pply & Waste-water Eng. ---- 33 - - - 5 14 16 18 18 16 16 CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Note A. The elective in advanced mathematics may be satisfied 109 with any course in mathematics, probability, statistics, operations research, mathematical programming, or computer science that has the equivalent of at least Math. 215 as a prerequisite. Note B. Select one of the following: Biol. 152 (4), Chem. 210 (4), Chem. 230 (3), or Physics 242 (3). Students electing Chem. 210 are advised to elect Chem. 211 (1). Note C. Chem. Eng. 230 (3) may be substituted for Mech. Eng. 235 (3). Note D. Upper Division Technical Electives (18) must include at least five of the courses listed. Of these five, a student must take three (3) in Option A or B, two (2) outside of this option, but no more than one (1) of the general courses listed. Note E. The design concentration will be composed of an approved sequence of courses in some area of civil engineering practice. As early as possible, a student should select a particular area of interest and confer with the adviser in that field regarding the electives required for the completion of the program. A student must elect one set of two courses which will provide the required minimum of 3 units of design. Groupings of courses which meet the technical concentration requirements are available in the following areas: Construction Engineering - Adviser: Professor Carr Environmental Engineering - Adviser: Professor Vogel Geotechnical Engineering - Adviser: Professor Gray Hydraulic and Hydrological Engineering - Adviser: Professor Wright Materials and Highway Engineering - Adviser: Professor Li Municipal Engineering - Adviser: Professor Glysson Structural Engineering - Adviser: Professor Goel \\ \ ®\ \\ \\ 4N \\ \\ N \ \: \ \\\ \\ \ \ N :7N 4< \\w \\\ \\ \ \\'A6 1NM all I~ OW N" \N 'N 'a vv. < N"vv°v \ \; vN N o AN r. ODA° v VA> N% A\ \\ > > N ' AvA A V > '> Np ~ -av VA v V AAO\ \ A\ U K A N N AN N A\ A A \ \ o\.A,.eA\ .N' y N"N~ N N ~ 111 Electric Engineering and Computer Science Modern electrical engineer- ing is itself a broad and diverse field, but the closely related area of computer science and engineering has now achieved its full role as a profession, and rivals all engineering disciplines in its impact on society. The expanding roles of both electrical and computer engineers and scientists in today's society reflect the variety and scope of these exciting professions. In recognition of the distinct qualifications required of engineers and scientists entering these fields, the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Depart- ment offers three under- graduate programs: the electrical engineering program leads to a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Electrical Engineering)- B.S.E. (E.E.); the computer engineering program leads to a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Computer Engineering)-B.S.E. (Comp. E.) and the computer science program leads to a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science (consult the LSA Bulletin). Throughout the program students work with modern laboratory equipment and are exposed to the most recent analytical techniques and technological develop- ments in the field. Associa- tion with outstanding faculty, most of whom are actively engaged in research or professional consulting, serves to acquaint students with the opportunities and rewards available to practic- ing electrical or computer engineers and scientists. If further specialization and a high degree of competence in a particular area is desired, students are encouraged to seek an advanced degree. The advanced degrees available are described under Graduate Studies. Facilities The facilities of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department include instructional laboratories in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the Researchers at work in the Solid State Electronics Laboratory. PROGRAMS 112 following laboratories devoted primarily to research: commu- nications and signal processing, bioelectrical science, systems engineering, radiation, solid-state electronics, optical science, vehicular electronics, advanced computer architec- ture, computer vision and cognitive science, artificial intelli- gence and software systems. The instructional laboratory facilities available to the student provide access to many types of digital computers, logic design modules, and modern instrumentation for the design of discrete analog and digital circuits and systems. In addition, there are specialized facilities for communications and signal processing, inte- grated circuit and solid state device fabrication, image processing, electromagnetics and optics, VLSI design, distributed systems, computer vision, and artificial intelli- gence. Computer Engineering Program Adviser Professor Keki Irani Program Office 3415 EECS Building (313) 764-8517 CSE Undergraduate Computer Engineering Option (College of Engineering Degree) The program in Computer Engineering provides the student with a broad and well-integrated background in the concepts and method- ologies that are needed for the analysis, design, and utilization of information processing systems. Al- though such systems are popularly called "comput- ers," they involve a far wider range of disciplines than merely computation, and the Computer Engineering Program is correspondingly broad. A set of required technical courses (along with the college-wide require- ments of the first two years) gives the essential material in electronic circuits, digital logic, discrete mathematics, computer programming, data structures, and other topics. Following completion of this work, the student is free to select courses in a wide range of subject areas. These include operating systems, programming languages and compilers, database systems, software engineering, computer graphics, computer architec- ture, computer-aided design and VLSI, fault-tolerant computation, artificial intelligence, robotics, control engineering, and computer networking, among others. A broad selection from these areas is recommended for most undergraduate students with specialization in par- ticular areas being more typical of graduate programs of study. This program is accredited by ABET. Advising Appointments with program advisers are scheduled at 3415 EECS Building or by calling 763-2305. COMPUTER ENGINEERING Requirements Candidates for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering (Computer Engineering)-B.S.E. (Comp. E.)-must complete the program listed below. The sample schedule is an example of one leading to graduation in eight terms. Many students find it neces- sary to extend their schedule to 8-1/2 or nine terms. 113 Required Programs Sample Schedule by term 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Hours Subjects required by all engineering programs (56 hrs.) Mathematics 115,116, 215, and 216 English 125, Intro. Composition Engineering 104, Computing *Chemistry 130 and 125 Physics 140, with Lab. 141; 240 with Lab 241 Senior Technical Communication Humanities and Social Sciences (See page 59) Program Subjects (46 hrs.) EECS 216, Circuit Analysis EECS 270, Intro. to Logic Design EECS 280, Prog. & Intro. Data Structures EECS 300, Math. Meth. Sys. Analysis EECS 303, Algebraic Found. Comp. Eng. EECS 317, Digital Electronics. EECS 370, Intro. to Comp. Organization EECS 373, Des. of Microproc. Based Systems EECS 380, Data Struc. and Algorithms EECS 381, Assembly Language Programming EECS 401 or Stats 412; Probabalistic Methods EECS 400 or Math 419, Lin. Spcs. & Matrix Theo. EECS 360 or 476 or 477 or 478 Systems, Computer Science Technical Electives (17 hrs.) (Note A) Free Electives (9 hrs.) Total 16 4 3 5 8 3 17 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 3 4 17 9 4 4 3 3 3 4 2 4 7 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 - - - - - - 4- - - - - - 4 6 7 - - - - - - 3 6 128 17 17 16 15 17 17 13 16 *Students who qualify are encouraged to take Chem. 210 (4), Chem. 211 (1) as a replacement for Chem. 130 (3), Chem. 125 (2). PROGRAMS Note A. Must include at least 16 hours at the 300 level or higher. Must include at least 11 hours of courses whose primary orientation is in computer-related areas such as those listed on succeeding pages, and must also include at least 6 hours of courses whose primary orientation is not in computer-related areas. Electives should be carefully planned in consultation with advisers so that the complete program includes the equivalent of two terms of engineering science and one term of engineering design. Non-Computer Oriented Technical Electives (Min. 6 hrs.) Courses can be selected with the approval of the adviser from EECS, IOE, ME, NE, AERO, AO & SS, PHYS, and MATH. Computer Oriented Technical Electives (Min. 11 hrs.) A broad selection from the following areas is recommended. Algorithms EECS 477, 586, 587 Artificial Intelligence EECS 492, 546, 547, 591, 592, and 595 Communications Signals and Systems EECS 351, 453, 455, and 456 Computer Graphics EECS 487 and 588 Computer Vision and Image Processing EECS 442, 542, and 543 Control Systems EECS 360 and 460 Database Management Systems EECS 484, 584, and 585 Digital Design and Computer Architecture EECS 373, 470, 474, 478, 570, and 577 Networks EECS 489, 557 Operating Systems EECS 482 and 582 Programming Languages and Compilers EECS 483, 485, 486, and 583 Software Engineering EECS 481 and 581 Theoretical Computer Science EECS 476, 574, and 575 Robotics EECS 467 and 567 VLSI EECS 427, 527 and 627 Free Electives (9 hrs.) See also EECS 477 and EECS 584 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE Electrical Engineering 115 The program in Electrical Engineering is designed to provide students with a fundamental background in the basic theoretical concepts and technological principles that constitute the founda- tions of modern electrical engineering and, at the same time, the opportunity to emphasize subject areas in which they have a particular interest. The curriculum requirements are flexible enough so that students, with the assistance and approval of the program adviser, may design an academic program to achieve a variety of objectives. Furthermore, students may emphasize the applied and experimental aspects of electrical engi- neering or may concentrate on subjects requiring an analytical or theoretical treatment. Ten areas of concentration in which electrical engineer- ing students may specialize are listed under Technical Electives. Electives should be carefully planned in consul- tation with advisers so that the complete bachelor's program includes the equivalent of two terms of engineering science and one term of engineering design. Detailed programs for each major area are available at the Program Office. This program is accredited by ABET. Program Adviser Assoc. Professor E.L. McMahon (Chief Advisor) Program Office 3415 EECS Building (313) 763-2305 Student Adviser Barb Toma Program Office 3415 EECS Building (313) 747-1762 Requirements Candidates for the Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering (Electrical Engineering)-B.S.E. (E.E.)- must complete the program listed on the following page. The sample schedule is an example of one leading to graduation in eight terms. Students may find that it is necessary to extend their schedule to 8-1/2 or nine terms. PROGRAMS 116 Required Programs Sample Schedule by term 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Hours Subjects required by all programs (56 hrs.) (See under "Minimum Common Requirements, "pac Mathematics 115,116, 215, and 216 English 125 Intro. Composition Engineering 103, Computing Chemistry 130 (3 hours) and 125 (2 hours) OR Chem. 210 (4 hours) and Chem. 211 (1 hr.) Physics 140 with Lab. 141; 240 with Lab 241 Senior Technical Communication Humanities and Social Sciences (See page 59) Related Technical Subjects (12 hrs.) Mat. Sci. & Eng. 250, Prin. of Eng. Materials Physics 242, General Physics Ill Group Requirements (6 hrs.) Two courses, each from a different group: A. Dynamics: ME 240, or Physics 401 B. Probability: EECS 401 C. Thermo: ME 231 or Physics 406 or Chem 365 Program Subjects (31 hrs.) EECS 216, Circuit Analysis EECS 270, Intro. to Logic Design EECS 300, Math Methods in Sys. Analy. EECS 316, Circuits and Systems EECS 317, Digital Electronics EECS 318, Analog Electronics EECS 320, Intro to Semiconductor Device Theory EECS 331, Electromag. Fields I EECS 332, Electromag. Fields II Laboratory Requirement: (2 - 4 hrs.) Acceptable hardware labs: EECS 359, 373, 412, 423, 425, 431, 437, 458, 467, 474 Technical Electives (18-21 hrs.) Technical Electives (See next page) Free Electives (6 hours) ge 52, for alternatives) 16 4 3 5 8 3 17 4 4 3 3 3 4 2 4 7 4 4 4 3 - - - - - 4 - - 3 3 6 - - 3 - - - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - 3 - 3 - - 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 20 - - - - - 3 8 9 6 - - - - 3 - 3 - 128 17 17 15 17 1616 15 15 Total ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Technical Electives Description 1.Minimum of 18 hours including at least 12 hours in EECS courses and at least 3 hours non-EECS. 2. Non-EECS are Tech. Electives from Physical or Biological Sciences, Mathematics, other Engineering Departments, and certain courses in Busineess and Economics as approved by the Program Adviser. 3. Must be 300 level or higher except for EECS 280, 283 and EECS 284. 4. No more than 4 credit hours of Independent Study courses are permitted. Areas of concentration in which technical electives may be selected include: Bioelectrical Sciences Circuits and Electronics Communications Computers Control (and Robotics) Electromagnetics Measurements and Instrumentation Optics Signal Processing Solid-State Devices and Integrated Circuits 7 7 <7 F6 ,/"6 ' it H6,<~6 , / 7, 6< / fr, 6 6 r 7'z . IM/ND A IF ins'. 7/i jY«7ji<, A '7 dl H9 119 Industrial and Operations Engineering Industrial and Operations Engineering is concerned with the efficiency in which work is performed by ma- chines, people, and comput- ers. An industrial engineer deals with the design, im- provement, and installation of integrated systems drawing upon specialized skills in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences, together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis, for specifying, predicting, and evaluating the results to be obtained from such systems. Some integrated working systems arise in industry and manufacturing while others are found in a variety of non- industrial settings, ranging from health care and educa- tion to financial centers and government. The wide range of tasks an industrial engineer may be called upon to perform in different settings necessitates knowledge of the five follow- ing areas: operations re- search, human factors, management engineering, manufacturing engineering, and computer and informa- tion processing. Operations Research Operations research is an applied science devoted to describing, understanding, and predicting the behavior of human-machine systems operating in natural environ- ments and guiding them towards better performance. Courses in this area are designed to teach the use of mathematics in constructing models to analyze and design operational systems. The student studies known model structures and their application in real-world processes such as produc- tion, maintenance, inspec- tion, resource allocation, distribution, and scheduling. Human Factors In the human factors area, emphasis is placed on the technical knowledge neces- sary to analyze and predict the performance of humans in human-machine systems. Basic courses cover the capabilities and limitations of the major human sub- systems including cardiovas- cular, muscular, and cogni- tive (information processing) Program Adviser Professor Gary D. Herrin 242 Industrial and Operations Engineering Bldg. (313) 764-3297 I.&O.E. Professor Chaffin, Director of the Center for Ergonomics, explains musculoskel- etal biomechanics to one of his classes. PROGRAMS 120 systems. Knowledge of these human subsystems is used to aid in the design of effective and safe working environ- ments. Management Engineering In the design and implemen- tation of integrated systems, industrial engineers must be able to master the technol- ogy of new systems, to understand the technical change process, and to achieve the benefits of such systems. Courses emphasize the role of people acting as individuals and as part of a group in operating systems. Theories of administration, group dynamics, and human motivation are applied to specific managerial problems in the establishment, clarification, and modifica- tion of an organization's objectives and in the design, evaluation, and improvement of human-machine systems for accomplishing these objectives. Manufacturing Engineering Manufacturing engineering is concerned with determining how to manufacture engi- neered products with minimal capital investments and operating costs in facilities safe to both workers and the environment. Students study methods for evaluating production and inventory systems, facility layout, and material han- dling systems and are prepared to aid in the daily operation of a manufacturing facility while evaluating operations for the future. Computer & Information Processing Computers and information systems are important components in most modern human-machine systems. In this area, students are introduced to the basic terminology and concepts of information system design, construction, and usage. The objective is to provide a sense of both the value and the limitations of computing capabilities. Emphasis is placed on the role of com- puter hardware and software systems as used in informa- tion processing and on their interface with management in helping to achieve the objectives of an organization. The program in Industrial and Operations Engineering at the University of Michigan is designed to prepare students for challenges in the areas described above, or for continuing their academic work to acquire an M.S. or Ph.D. degree. Approximately one-half of the courses required for the B.S.E. degree consist of the com- mon College of Engineering core requirements, com- prised of studies in math- ematics, basic physical sciences, digital computing, humanities, and social sciences, along with a broad base in engineering funda- mentals, specifically courses in mechanics, thermodynam- ics, manufacturing pro- cesses, and electronic circuits. The fundamentals required for study in indus- trial engineering are pro- vided by the seven 300-level I.&O.E. courses. A solid foundation in the five areas of interest described above is obtained through 12 credits of departmental I.&O.E. electives in which students select one course from four of the five areas of interest. In addition, students gain valuable experience applying their knowledge in a senior- level design course. The opportunity for students to tailor their studies in pursuit of indi- vidual interests is provided by six credits of I.&O.E. technical electives, nine credits of non-I.&O.E. technical electives, and eight credits of free electives. The goal of the non-I.&O.E. technical electives is to provide a background in areas related to industrial and operations engineering. This freedom of electives not only allows students to deepen their knowledge in specific areas of industrial and operations engineering but also provides the opportunity to prepare for advanced studies in other engineering disciplines, medicine, law, or business. The I.&O.E. program is accredited by ABET. INDUSTRIAL AND OPERATIONS ENGINEERING Facilities As an aid to the student's education, the department has well-equipped labora- tories in the following areas: human performance, industrial systems, plant flow analysis, and computation. In addition to the facilities on campus, the department has excellent relationships with various local firms around the Ann Arbor- Detroit Area so that students are exposed to actual operating industrial, service, and other business systems. Requirements Candidates for the Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering (Industrial and Operations Engineer- ing)-B.S.E. (I.&O.E.)-must complete the program listed on the following page. The sample schedule is an example of one leading to graduation in eight terms. Many students find that it is necessary to extend their schedule to 8-1/2 or nine terms. 121 PROGRAMS 122 0 0 T rd Progrms Sample Schedule by term Hours 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Subjects required by all programs (58 hrs.) (See under "Minimum Common Requirements, "page 52, for alternatives) Mathematics 115,116, 215, and 216 16 4 4 4 4 - - - - English 125, Intro. Composition 4 4 - - - - - - - Engineering 103, Computing 3 3 - - - - - - - *Chemistry 130 3 3 - - - - - - - Chemistry125 2 - 2 - - - - - - Physics 140 with Lab. 141; 240 with Lab. 241 8 - 4 4 - - - - - Senior Technical Communication 498 3 - - - - - - 3 - Humanities and Social Sciences 17 3 3 - - 4 - 4 3 Related Technical Subjects (13 hrs.) Mech. Eng. 211,Intro to Solid Mech. 4 - - - - - 4 - - Mech. Eng. 235, ThermodynamicsI 3 - - - - 3 - - - Mech. Eng. 282, Elem. of Mfg. Sys. 3 - - - - - - - 3 EECS 314, Circuit Analysis and Electronics 3 - - - - - - 3 - Program Subjects (36 hrs.) I.&0.E. 300, Mgmt. of Technical Change 3 - - - 3 - - - - I.&0.E. 310, Intro. to Optim. Methods 3 - - - - 3 - - - I.&0.E. 315, Stochastic Industrial Proc. 3 - - 3 - - - - - I.&0.E. 333, Human Performance 3 - - 3 - - - - - I.&0.E. 334, Human Performance Lab 1 - - 1 - - - - - I.&0.E. 365, Engineering Statistics 4 - - - 4 - - - - I.&0.E. 373, Data Processing 4 - - - - 4 - - - I.&0.E. Senior Design Course (See Note) 3 - - - - - - 3 - I.&0.E. Electives (12 hrs., see Note next page) 12 - - - - 3 6 - 3 Technical Electives (15 hrs.) (6 hrs. must be I.&0.E.) 6 - - - 3 - - - 3 (9 hrs. must be non-I.&0.E.) 9 - - - - - 3 3 3 Free Electives (8 hrs.) 8 - 3 - 3 - 2 - - Total 128 17 1615 17 17 15 16 15 *Chem 210 (4 hours) and Chem 211 (1 hour) may be substituted for Chem 130 and Chem 125. INDUSTRIAL AND OPERATIONS ENGINEERING Note on Departmental l.&0.E. Electives: 123 Within the 12-hour elective requirement, the student must elect one course from four of the following five I.&O.E. core groups shown below: 1. I.&O.E. 441 (Production and Inventory Control) or I.&O.E. 447 (Facility Planning) 2. I.&O.E. 451 (Engineering Economy) 3. I.&O.E. 463 (Work Measurement and Prediction) 4. I.&O.E. 465 (Experimental Design) or I.&O.E. 466 (Statistical Quality Control) 5. I.&O.E. 473 (Information Processing Systems) or I.&O.E. 474 (Simulation) Note on I. &0.E. Senior Design Requirement: During the senior year, each student must elect one of the following design courses: 1. I.&O.E. 424 (Practicum in Production and Service Systems) 2. I.&O.E. 481 (Practicum in Hospital Systems) 3. I.&O.E. 499 (Senior Design Projects) 4. Other I.&O.E. courses satisfying the design requirement, if approved by the undergraduate program adviser and with the consent of the course instructor. I 4 ii V V V/- Y- h { '17 7 ~mac ry Mfw' B ARM, Ilion" / a 1 M rals Science and Engineering Materials scientists and engineers specialize in the development, production, and utilization of the metal- lic, ceramic, polymeric and electronic materials that are employed in all fields of technology. Engineering materials have been crucial to the development of civilization since the dawn of history as evidenced by the naming of the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age for the most advanced materials available then for construct- ing tools and weapons. More recently, materials scientists and engineers have developed a variety of important materials to meet the needs of our modern technological society, including: high temperature superconductors; ultra-high- purity semiconductor materials for solid state electronic devices; high- strength alloys for use at the very high temperatures encountered in jet and rocket engines; strong, light alloys for aerospace applications; specialized glasses and The Structural Ceramics Laboratory. ceramics having high thermal, mechanical, and chemical stability; and a host of polymeric materials which are replacing metal, glass, wood, and natural fibers in dozens of applications. The future role of materi- als scientists and engineers promises to be even more important and challenging than in the past. It is already widely recognized that we are facing a crucial energy shortage and there is growing public concern about waste disposal problems. It is less widely appreciated, but equally important, that the supplies of copper, lead, zinc, nickel, tin, manganese, chromium, and a number of other important materials are as limited as those of petroleum and natural gas. New processes that will consume less energy and reduce pollution must be developed for producing all types of materials. To conserve our dwindling natural resources and to protect our natural environ- ment, methods must be Program Adviser Professor W.C. Bigelow 2146 Dow Building (313) 764-3321 PROGRAMS 126 Ww- developed for recycling many materials that are now discarded. New materials will be needed to replace current materials that are being depleted. In addition, new and better materials will be required to meet the needs of our advancing technology. Materials scientists and engineers of the future will continue to be at the forefront of all of these important and chal- lenging activities. In addition to these newly developing fields, materials scientists and engineers are in constant demand for a number of more traditional, but equally important and rewarding activities. These include: the production of basic materials from ores and minerals; the processing of basic materials into forms suitable for use in various manufacturing processes; managing manufacturing processes that critically involve the manipulation of materials properties; modifying existing types of materials and the develop- ment of new types of materi- als to meet advanced design requirements; cooperating with mechanical, chemical, aeronautical, automotive and other types of engineers in selecting appropriate materi- als in the design of various devices; evaluating the performance of materials in service, and particularly, determining the causes and cures for in-service failures; plus various kinds of supervi- sory, research, teaching, and management activities. The tremendous range of opportu- nities open to materials scientists and engineers will be more evident if it is recognized that all of these types of activities apply equally for metals, polymers, ceramics and electronic materials, and for applica- tions ranging from the manufacture of basic tools and machines to the develop- ment of high temperature superconductors and compo- nents of space probes. The program in materials science and engineering at the University of Michigan MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING has been carefully designed to prepare students for all of types of activities described above, or for continuing their academic work to acquire an M.S. or Ph.D. degree. A foundation in principles relating to all classes of materials is provided by two courses (MSE 250 and MSE 350) that are normally taken in the fourth and fifth terms; however, students that enter with a firm interest in materials can take a special course (MSE 150) in their second term, thereby getting an earlier start on their professional course work. A broad base in engineering fundamentals is provided by required courses in mechan- ics, electronic circuits, physical chemistry and thermodynamics, and transport phenomena, while two senior design courses ensure a high level of professional competence. Two laboratory courses give our students a working knowledge of practical things, such as operating a furnace, running a rolling mill, the use various kinds of testing equipment, prepara- tion of specimens for microscopic examination, use of optical and electron microscopes and x-ray diffraction equipment, and the measurement and evaluation of the important properties of different types of materials. To give students an opportunity to tailor their courses to meet individual interests the program provides six credits of free electives, ten credits of electives in engineering, science and technical subjects, and six credits of electives in advanced program subjects, plus allowing a selection among three senior level courses that are devoted to specific types of materials and three that deal with different phenomenological topics. This unusual elective freedom allows students to take materials oriented courses in other departments such as chemical, electrical and mechanical engineering, and also facilitates obtaining a second degree in these departments. Materials science and engineering students are required to take at least one course in economics due to the importance of this subject in most engi- neering activi- ties. They are also urged to select other humanities and social sciences courses in such a way as to obtain a sound basis for the future enjoy- ment of, and participation in, the cultural, political, economic and social aspects of modern society. This program is accredited by ABET. 127 PROGRAMS 128 Combined Degrees Materials are critically involved in most fields of engineering; therefore, it is particularly advantageous to obtain a B.S.E. degree in materials science and engineering in combination with a B.S.E. degree in other fields such as mechanical, chemical, electrical and aerospace engineering. Students interested in such double degree programs should consult with the program advisers in both programs as early as possible to work out optimum combi- nations of courses. Facilities The facilities for the pro- gram in materials science and engineering are housed primarily in the Dow Building. These include laboratories equipped for basic studies of the struc- tures and properties of metals, polymers, ceramics and electronic materials; special purpose laboratories for studies of corrosion and electrochemical processes, crystal plasticity, high temperature alloys, and structural composites; and instrument laboratories containing optical and electron microscopes, x-ray diffraction and spectroscopic apparatus, and precision mechanical testing equipment. Requirements Candidates for the Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering (Materials Science and Engineering)-B.S.E. (MatI. Sci. & E.)- must complete the program listed at the right. The sample schedule is an example of one leading to graduation in eight terms. Many students find that it is necessary to extend their schedules to 8-1/2 or nine terms. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Sample Schedule by term 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Required Programs Hours Subjects required by all programs (56 hrs.) (See under "Minimum Common Requirements, "pa4 Mathematics 115,116, 215, and 216 English 125, Intro. Composition Engineering 103, Computing Chemistry 130 and 125 Physics 140 with Lab. 141; 240 with Lab 241 Senior Technical Communication Humanities and Social Science, including Economics (See page 59) Free Electives (6 hrs.) Science and Technical Subjects (29hrs.) *A 200 level course in Chemistry or Physics Chemistry 365, Prin. of Physical Chem. Mech. Eng. 110, Statics Mech. Eng. 210, Intro. to Solid Mechanics Mat. Sci. & Eng. 250, Prin. of Eng. Materials EECS 314, Cct. Analys. and Electronics EECS 315, Cct. Analys. and Electronics Lab. Science and Technical Electives* ge 52, for alternatives) 16 4 4 4 4 - - - - 4 4 - - - - - - 3 5 8 3 3 5 4 4 3 17 6 3 4 2 3 3 3 1 10 - 3 3 3-4 - 4 - 3 - 3 - - - - 3 2 3 3 3 3 1 4 4 (*Organic chemistry is a recommended elective for those with special interests in polymers. Physics 242 is recommended for those with special interest in electronic materials.) 3 3 Program Subjects (37 hrs.) Mat. Sci. & Eng. 350, Prin. of Eng. Mat. II Mat. Sci. & Eng. 356, Mat. Lab. I Mat. Sci. & Eng. 430, Thermodynmics of Matls Mat. Sci. & Eng. 435, Transport Phenomena Mat. Sci. & Eng. 456, Matls. Lab. II Mat. Sci. & Eng. 480, Matls.Engr. Design Mat. Sci. & Eng. 489, Matls. Process Design 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 Elect 2 of the following 3 courses: 6 Mat. Sci. & Eng. 400., Elec.,Mag. & Opt. Prop. of Matls. (3) Mat. Sci. & Eng. 420, Mech. Behavior of Materials. (3) Mat. Sci. & Eng. 460, X-ray Methods & Crystallography (3) - - - - 3 - 3 - Elect 2 of the following 3 courses: Mat. Sci & Eng. 412 Polymeric Matls. (3) Mat. Sci. & Eng. 440, Ceramic Matls. (3) Mat. Sci. & Eng. 470, Physical Metallurgy (3) Electives in Program Subjects 6 3 - 3 6 - - - - 3 3 Total 128 16 17 16 16 16 16 15 16 p, ",mvp iA: f of ppc \4 ON\ v vv A\ MIN N* mw\ A N N \ N N > N N N N N\ N N N <~ ~N K> ~ V k. N ~ 'K> ~ \ l N\ NE Ima Mechanica Engineering The scope of activities of mechanical engineering includes all aspects of the mechanics of equipment and processes used in the rapidly developing technical era in which we live. Mechanical engineers play a major role in the national space pro- gram, in energy utilization and conservation, in solar energy, in the design of both conventional and nuclear power plants, in heating and air conditioning, refrigeration and cryogenics, in the transportation and automo- tive fields, and in the fields of automation, fluid machinery, production and processing machinery including the petroleum and chemical fields, and consumer goods and appliances. They have responsibility for research, design, develop- ment, testing, control, and manufacture in these many and diverse fields. Many mechanical engineering graduates assume positions of management, while others prefer a career along techni- cal and professional lines. Because a mechanical engineer might work in any one of these fields, an academic program has been Program Adviser Professor Claus Borgnakke 307 Auto Lab (313) 936-0432 Student Adviser Susan J. Gow 2206 G.G. Brown (313) 763-4276 or (313) 763-4277 planned that offers a chal- lenging and basic education. It is designed to provide a knowledge of the basic physical sciences, and to encourage the development of ingenuity for the purpose of creating well-engineered solutions to technological problems. A basic science program in physics, chemistry, and mathematics, an engineering science program in thermo- dynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, solid mechan- ics, dynamics, materials, and electronics integrated with laboratory experiences in measurement, and studies in design and manufacturing, will prepare the student equally well for any of the fields of application. The Student performs heat transfer through oscillation in the MEAM Laboratory PROGRAMS 132 program includes a number of both technical and non- technical electives that permit the student to undertake further studies in an area of particular inter- est. Technical electives may be grouped under one of three specialized technical option areas, Energy and Power, Materials and Manufacturing, or System/ Design, or may be elected under a General option. Students who do well in their undergraduate pro- gram are encouraged to consider graduate work, and may take some of their electives in preparation for graduate study. Information and assistance regarding fellowships and assistant- ships for graduate study may be obtained in the Office of the Department of Mechani- cal Engineering and Applied Mechanics. This program is accredited by ABET. Facilities The laboratories of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, located in the George Granger Brown and Walter E. Lay Automotive Laboratory buildings on the North Campus, provide facilities for both instruction and research. The George Granger Brown Laboratory contains the thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics laboratories, a drop-tower for zero-g heat transfer studies and a large centri- fuge for high-g investiga- tions, a two-phase flow loop, holographic measurements laboratory, and thermal systems research. Also located in this building are the bio-mechanics labora- tory, robotics laboratory, the manufacturing processes and integrated manufacturing laboratories, and materials laboratories, which provide facilities for investigations in such areas as adaptive controls, welding, acoustic emission, brittle fracture, heat treating, plasticity, friction and wear, surface phenomena, and mechanical properties. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING The Walter E. Lay Auto- 133 motive Laboratory houses the mechanical analysis laboratory with a wide variety of electromechanical instrumentation and comput- ers for the experimental analysis of dynamics of mechanical systems; the cavitation and multiphase flow laboratory for theoreti- cal and experimental investigations into many aspects of such phenomena; the automatic controls laboratory for demonstrating and investigating principles and applications of control systems; the combustion laboratory with a gas chromatograph and an infrared spectrometer; and the facilities for automotive engineering, which include a number of well-instrumented test cells for reciprocating engines, a test cell for a small aircraft gas turbine, an automotive gas turbine installation, as well as a number of single cylinder engines. Requirements Candidates for the Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)-B.S.E. (M.E.)-must complete the program listed on the following pages. The sample schedule is an example of one leading to graduation in eight terms. Many students find it necessary to extend their schedule to 8-1/2 or nine terms. PROGRAMS 134 Required Prora s Sample Schedule by term Hours 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Subjects required by all programs (56 hrs.) (See under "Minimum Common Requirements, "page 52, for alternatives) Mathematics115,116, 215, and 216 + 16 4 4 4 4 - - - - English 125, Intro. Composition + 4 4 - - - - - - - Engineering 103, Computing 3 3 - - - - - - - Chemistry 130 and 125 or Chemistry 210 and 211 5 5 - - - - - - - Physics140Owith Lab141; 240 with Lab 240 + 8 - 4 4 - - - - - Senior Technical Communication 3 - - - - - - 3 - Humanities and Social Sciences (See page 59) 17 - 4 - 3 3 4 3 - (to include one course in micro or macro economics) (see page 264) Advanced Mathematics (3 hrs.) (Note) Elective 3 - - - - 3 - - - Related Technical Subjects (17 hrs.) Mat. Sci. & Eng. 250, Princ. of Eng. Materials + 3 - - - 3 - - - - M.E.101,Intro to CAD 2 - 2 - - - - - - M.E.110, Statics+ 2 - 2 - - - - - - M.E. 210,Intro. to Solid Mechanics+ 3 - - 3 - - - - - M.E. 240, Intro. to Dynamics+ 3 - - - 3 - - - - EECS 314, Cct. Analy. & Electronics 3 - - - - 3 - - - EECS 315, Cct. Analy. & Electronics Lab 1 - - - - - 1 - - Program Subjects (32 hrs.) M.E. 236, Thermodynamics + 4 - - 4 - - - - - M.E. 281, Mech. Behav. of Engineering Materials+ 4 - - - - 4 - - - M.E. 324, Fluid Mech.+ 4 - - - - - 4 - - M.E. 350, Mech. Design l+ 4 - - - - - 4 - - M.E. 360, Dynamics of Mech. Sys.+ 4 - - - - 4 - - - M.E. 371, Heat Transfer 4 - - - - - - 4 - M.E. 450, Mech. Design II 4- - - - - - - -- 4 M.E. 461, Automatic Control 4 - - - - - - - 4 Option Area (15 hrs.) (see option requirements following) Technical Electives are included in Options 15 - - - - - 3 6 6 Free Electives (5 hrs.) 5 - - 2 3 - - - - Total 128 16 16 17 16 17 161614 +Students must earn a C or better in prerequisite courses marked (+), where one C- is permitted. D- Rule: no grade less than D shall be earned in courses used for degree credit. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 135 Option Requirements Hours General Option Professor C. Borgnakke, Adviser M.E. 336, Thermodynamics II 3 At least four M.E. courses at the advanced level 12 Total 15 Energy and Power Option Professor G. Smith, Adviser M.E. 336, Thermodynamics II 3 At least four courses from the following: M.E. 426, 432, 435, 436, 438, 439, 474, 478, 490, 491; EECS 361, 457* Note: M.E. 458 may be selected provided M.E. 438 and M.E. 439 are also chosen. 12 Total 15 Materials/Manufacturing Option ProfessorJ. Holmes, Adviser At least five courses from the following: M.E. 381, 401, 451, 452, 465, 467, 482, 483, 487, 490, 491; M.S.&E. 414, 420, 440, 470, 480, 489; l.&0.E. 451; EECS 361, 457* Total 15 Systems/Design Option Professor J. Stein, Adviser M.E. 311, Strength of Materials 3 At least four courses from the following: M.E. 305, 441, 442, 443, 451, 452, 454 or Aero 484, 458, 465, 467, 483, 490, 491; AM 412; EECS 361, 457* 12 Total 15 Note 1: A mathematics course (other than Math 216) that requires at least Math 215 as a prerequisite should be elected within two terms of completing Math 216. See Department for a listing of appropriate courses. Note 2: Pertinent technical subjects (OPTION COURSES) begin at the 300 level. *These courses may be supplemented from time-to-time by additional courses. See the department for current information. There is a limitation of six credit hours for Technical Electives in Options outside of Mechanical Engineering. Program of studies under options must be approved by the option adviser. p {,,,,,z /7 / /4 72/' / <4, 4, / 4 r ~' 4*~n 4/ 4 fl'~ '<'44 I I 4 / /7/ 4 / is2 *won 137 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering The program of study in naval architecture and marine engineering covers primarily the design of ship hulls and ship power plants. Such topics as the form, strength, stability and seakeeping qualities, internal arrangement, and resistance and propulsion characteris- tics of ship hulls are in- cluded. The various types of propelling machinery, such as conventional and nuclear steam plants and the several categories of internal combustion engines, are considered. Other subjects of concern are the economic aspects of ship design and ship operation, special platforms and other work systems of various types for operation in and on the ocean, pleasure boats and other small craft, high performance marine ve- hicles, ship model testing, maneuvering and other control considerations, ship production, propeller theory, vibration problems, and piping and electrical system analysis and design. Since the design of a modern ship-or any marine system of what- ever configuration or function-encompasses many engineering fields, graduates of this depart- ment are called upon to handle diverse profes- sional responsibilities. It is therefore essential that the program include training in the fundamen- tals of the physical scien- ces and mathematics, as well as the engineering aspects of as broad and comprehensive an array of the elements that constitute marine design as possible. To provide the appropriate educational breadth, it is also desirable that as many courses in the humanities and social sciences, and other disciplines, as can be accommodated be elected. But the marine industry needs graduates with some specialization as well, and often students themselves wish to explore certain areas in greater depth than others. It is recognized that the Program Adviser Professor R.A. Yagle 210 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Building (313) 764-9138 Professor Yagle and student with model. PROGRAMS 138 undergraduate program cannot, in the time available, commensurately treat all these important considera- tions and graduate work therefore is encouraged. Undergraduate students seeking the degree B.S.E. (Nav. Arch. & Mar. E.)- Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Naval Architec- ture and Marine Engineer- ing)-must complete a series of program subjects. These include among others the four first courses in four areas of concentration that constitute the basic engi- neering educational interests and concerns of naval architecture and marine engineering. These four areas are: (1) Marine Strength, (2) Marine Resistance and Propulsion, (3) Marine Power Systems, and (4) Marine Dynamics. Among their technical electives all students must also select two of the second courses in these same four areas of concentration, plus Requirements Candidates for the Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering (Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering)- B.S.E. (Nav. Arch. & Mar. E.)- must complete the program listed at the right. The sample schedule is an example of one leading to graduation in eight terms. Many students find that it is necessary to extend their schedule to 8-1/2 or nine terms. another elective in one of these. Students may earn an additional B.S.E. degree in aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, or in several other branches of engineering under combined programs with the respective engineering departments. These combined programs allow substantial substitution of courses required in one regular program for those required in the other, and typically can be completed in one extra term. The department is in constant touch with the country's ship design offices, shipyards, and ship opera- tors, including the cognizant governmental agencies and organizations concerned with other phases of ocean development. It is therefore able to assist its graduates in obtaining positions in the marine industry. A large ship model towing tank, complete with appro- priate shops and instrumen- tation and as the designated Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory, an Ocean Engineering Laboratory and a Computer-Aided Marine Design Laboratory are operated by the department for teaching, and student and faculty research. This program is accredited by ABET. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND MARINE ENGINEERING Required Programs Sample Schedule by term139 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Hours Subjects required by all programs (56 hrs.) See under "Minimum Common Requirements, "page 52, for alternatives Mathematics 115, 116, 215, and 216 English 125, Intro. Composition Engineering 103, Computing Chemistry 130 and 125 or 210 and 211. Physics 140 with Lab. 141; 240 with Lab. 241 Senior Technical Communication Humanities and Social Sciences (See page 59) Advanced Mathematics (3 hrs.) Mathematics 350 Related Technical Subjects (23 hrs.) Mat. Sci. & Eng. 250, Prin. of Eng. Materials Mech. Eng. 101, Intro to CAD Mech. Eng. 110, Statics Mech. Eng. 210, Intro. to Solid Mechanics Mech. Eng. 240, Intro. to Dynamics Mech. Eng. 235, Thermodynamics I Mech. Eng. 325, (CEE 325), Fluid Mech. EECS 314, Cct. Analy. and Electronics EECS 315, Cct. Analy. and Electronics Lab Program Subjects (33 hrs.) Nav. Arch. 270, Marine Design Nav. Arch. 302, Static Stability of Marine Vehicles Nav. Arch. 310, Marine Structures I Nav. Arch. 320, Marine Hydrodynamics I Nav. Arch. 330, Marine Power Systems I Nav. Arch. 340, Marine Dynamics I Nav. Arch. 381, Probal. Meth. in Marine Sys. Nav. Arch. 385, Ship Produc. & Shipn. Man. Nav. Arch. 470, Ship Design or Nav. Arch. 471, Offshore Eng. Design Nav. Arch. 475, Design Project Technical Electives (9 hrs.) These must include at least two of the second courses in the four areas of concentration- Nav. Arch. 410, Marine Struc. II; Nav. Arch. 420, Mar. Hydro II or Nav. Arch. 425 Phys. of the Ocean; Nav. Arch. 430, Mar. Power Systems II; or Nav. Arch. 440, Mar. Dynamics II Another Elective Free Electives 4hrs.) 16 4 3 5 8 3 17 4 4 3 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 6 3 4 3 - - - - 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 J 3 3 4 4 2 3 - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - 3 6 3 4 - - - - - - 3 3 - - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - 4 - Total 128 16 16 17 16 16 15 16 16 q \;t A\: . 'XX\\\X""\ \\ \ \\\\\\ \\\\\\\ '< \ XX ' vv \\\\ \\\\ , ,\ \\\\ .a. XX \VAV A\X'>'XX A XX \Av V~ v vX\ v ~y' V< yoXA\\\X \Xvo '<'XXXX\\ OA0 XX\'< 'XX '<' -7 7 147 Engineering Physics Physics has been traditionally an integral part of the engineering curriculum, and all engineering students are required to take the introduc- tory physics courses. How- ever, in many areas of engineering the sophistica- tion of a particular field, coupled with the tremendous rate of technological ad- vances, has created a need for engineers with strong backgrounds in physics people who can work in an engineering environment and who are capable of applying advanced concepts in physics to their particular tasks. For example, the development of the computer closely followed the invention of the transistor and is representative of a considerable number of recently discovered physical phenomena that have been successfully applied and utilized by engineers (con- sider lasers, nuclear reactors, particle accelerators, etc.). There is also a need to accommodate those students who desire to attend gradu- ate school but who have not decided on a particular field of specialization. An ad- vanced physics and mathe- Program Adviser Professor Gary Was 213 Mortimer E. Cooley Building (313) 763-4675 Academic Adviser Pam Derry 256 Mortimer E. Cooley Building (313) 936-3130 matics background, coupled with conventional engineer- ing courses, is an excellent preparation for many graduate engineering pro- grams (e.g., nuclear engi- neering, electrical engineer- ing) as well as a traditional physics or applied physics program. Engineering Physics meets these needs by providing a thorough curriculum in basic and advanced engineering courses combined with sufficient physics and mathematics to be equivalent to a traditional degree in physics. A unique feature of the curriculum is the elective sequence of engineering courses that the student must take in a narrow field of engineering design and The Michigan Ion Beam Laboratory, administered by the Department of Nuclear Engineering. PROGRAMS 148 analysis. This sequence of courses can be chosen by the student (with the adviser's agreement) in a field of particular interest, such as microprocessor design, plasma/nuclear fusion, computer methods, energy systems, and radiological science, to name a few. Requirements Candidates for the Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering (Engineering Physics)-B.S.E. (Eng. Physics)-must complete the program listed on the right. The sample schedule is an example of one leading to graduation in eight terms. Many students find that it is necessary to extend their schedule to 8-1/2 or nine terms. ENGINEERING PHYSICS Required Programs Sample Schedule by term 149 Hours 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Subjects required by all programs (56 hrs.) (See under "Minimum Common Requirements," page 52, for alternatives) Mathematics 115,116, 215, and 216 16 4 4 4 4 - - - - Engl.125, Intro. Composition 4 4 - - - - - - - Engineering 103, Computing 3 3 - - - - - - - Chemistry 130, and 125 5 3 2 - - - - - - Physics 140 with Lab. 141; 240 with Lab. 241 8 - 4 4 - - - - - Senior Technical Communication 3- - - - - - 3 - Humanities and Social Sciences 17 - 6 4 3 - 4 - - Technical Electives (9 hrs.) Mathematics 6 - - - - 4 - - 2 Engineering or Science 3 - - - - 3 - - - Related Technical Subjects (40 hrs.) Mat. Sci. & Eng. 250, Princ. of Eng. Materials 3 - - - 3 - - - - Mech. Eng. 211, Intro. to Solid Mech. (SeeNote) 4 - - 4 - - - - - Mech. Eng. 324, Fluid Mech. 4 - - - - - - 4 - Mech. Eng. 371, Heat Transfer 4 - - - - - - - 4 EECS 314, Cct. Anal. & Electr. 3 - - - 3 - - - - EECS 315, Cct. Anal. & Electr. Lab 1 - - - 1 - - - - EECS 457, Instrumentation 3 - - - - - 3 - - Engineering Elective* 18 - - - - 4 4 6 4 Program Subjects (23 hrs.) Phys. 242, Gen. Phys. III 3 - - - 3 - - - - Phys. 401, Int. Mech. 3 - - - - 3 - - - Phys. 405, Int. Elect. and Mag. 3 - - - - - 3 - - Phys. 406, Stat. and Thermal Phys. 3 - - - - - 3 - - Phys. 409, Mod. Lab. 2 - - - - 2 - - - Phys. 453, Atomic Phys.I 3 - - - - - - 3 - Phys. 463, Solid State Phys. 3 - - - - - - - 3 Phys. Elective 3 - - - - - - - 3 Total 128 14 16 16 17 16 17 16 16 Note: ME 110 and ME 210 can be substituted for ME 211. *The engineering electives are to be chosen in consultation with the faculty adviser to form a coherent sequence that clearly defines professional goals for the student. Sample elective sequences for a number of different subject areas are available from the faculty advisers. Electives should be carefully planned in consultation with a faculty adviser so that the complete program includes the equivalent of one term (16 hours) of engineering design. g / y r AMY 7 74'4 / / / 4 4' /7 >4 4 7' <'S'7 / 7 / ' /7/; / / / 77/ 44 /7 7/ / '7<1k 4 /7 >4 7/' 77 7 4' / /F i r j OI 7 7 '7-7' 74j 7/ 77 77 , >4 7 7 / , 7 <, x'//1 /4 ' Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Degree Program 151 Recent technological, eco- nomic, and social develop- ments have significantly extended the range of prob- lems to which engineering skills and methodologies must be applied. Problems in environmental quality, transportation systems, housing, and urban planning, among others, challenge students to develop programs combining technical knowl- edge with social and political awareness. In addition, the complexity of our technologi- cal society requires that some engineers integrate studies in several technical areas. To meet these needs, the Interdisciplinary Engineering Program-B.S. (Engineer- ing)-allows students to com- bine studies in several engi- neering fields or to combine studies in engineering with studies in other fields. This program can prepare stu- dents for a wide variety of career and graduate school opportunities while providing a distinctive undergraduate education. The program, however, is suited only for those students who have clearly defined career goals. Because the degree is undesignated (e.g., non-departmental), the program does not automati- cally provide the routine and typical career opportuni- ties available to students in departmental programs. Interdisciplinary Areas Students with interdisci- plinary goals devise a program option from the course offerings of two or three engineering depart- ments, if the goals of such programs cannot be at- tained by pursuing one of the departmental B.S.E. degrees. These programs will be one of the following: 1. A pre-professional or pre-graduate program. The student chooses, for ex- ample, a pre-law, pre- medicine, pre-dentistry, pre- public administration, pre- business administration, pre- bioengineering, or pre-public systems engineering option. Most B.S. (Engineering) students have an option in one of these areas. 2. An interdepartmental College-wide program. The student crosses traditional boundaries in technical disciplines to study in new areas such as energy resources, integrated transportation systems, or technical communication. Before considering an option in one of the areas, students should investigate the Program Adviser Professor J.C. Mathes 117A TIDAL (313) 763-5395 PROGRAMS 152 possibilities in departmental programs. 3. An interdisciplinary University-wide program. The student combines studies in the social sciences, natural resources, business administration, architecture, or industrial design with complementary studies in engineering. Most students obtain dual degrees when they choose an option in one of these areas. Students are able to pur- sue these goals by choosing from advanced courses in other fields and colleges as well as engineering. Program Design Each student is asked to define his or her own educational goals and to design a program with the advice of one of the program advisers. It is very impor- tant to choose a purposeful sequence of advanced engineering concentration courses to complement an integrated sequence of program option courses. Together these form a "major." Such a program, however, results from the student's own decisions. Since there is no structure of prerequi- site and required courses in the junior and senior years, within the constraints explained below this pro- gram is flexible and allows considerable freedom to choose courses. Requirements Candidates for the Bachelor of Science degree (Engineering)-B.S. (Engineering)-must complete the program listed at the right. The sample schedule is an example of one leading to graduation in eight terms. Many students find that it is necessary to extend their schedule to 8-1/2 or nine terms. INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAM Required Programs Hours Subjects required by all programs (56 hrs.) (See under "variations" for alternatives) Sample Schedule by term 153 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mathematics 115, 116, 215, and 216 Engl. 125, Intro. Composition Engineering 103, Computing Chemistry 130, and 125 Physics 140 with Lab. 141; 240 with Lab. 241 Senior Technical Communication Humanities and Social Sciences Engineering Sciences* (18-20 hrs.) Program Subjects (42-40 hrs.) Engineering Concentration** Program Option Courses*** Free Electives (12 hrs.) 16 4 4 4 4 - - - - 4 3 5 8 3 17 18-20 22-20 20 4 3 5 4 2 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 - 3 6 6 3 - - - 3 4 6 6 3 - - 3 - 3 4 4 6 12 - 6 - - - - 3 3 Total 128 16 16 17 16 16 16 16 15 *See guidelines for Engineering Science courses **See guidelines for Engineering Concentration courses. The combined hours for Engineering Science and Engineering Concentration courses must total at least 40 hours. ***See guidelines for Program Option courses The outline of studies demonstrates the well- rounded college education provided by the interdiscipli- nary engineering program. Few degree programs in any university allow such a balanced distribution of science, mathematics, social science, humanities, and engineering courses. Program Option Courses This group of courses is selected by students to pro- vide a unified program of study oriented to their educational career goals. The program option can include courses from throughout the University. For most program options, these should be 300-, 400-, and 500-level courses. Each student is encour- aged to design a curriculum that reflects his/her individ- ual goals. Some of the possible options have been identified on the next two pages. PROGRAMS 154 Pre-Law Students choose this option to prepare for law school to become attorneys in a law firm or to specialize in an area such as corporate law where they use their techni- cal training as a member of a corporate staff. However, a B.S.E. degree from an engineering department is a viable pre-law alternative. Pre-Medicine Students choose this option to become physicians or to go into biomedical research where they can use their technical training. However, Chemical Engineering or Engineering Science degrees also are appropriate pre- medical degrees. Pre-Bioengineering Students choose this option to prepare for a graduate program in bioengineering, a field related to medical research in which analytical methods are applied to problems in living systems and in design of new biological structures. An alternate path is provided by the Engineering Science program. However, gradu- ate programs in bioengineer- ing do not require under- graduate training in bioengi- neering, so a B.S.E. degree is also excellent preparation. Pre-Dentistry Students plan to become dentists or to do dental materials research. Pre-Business Administration or Business Administration Some students combine business courses with engineering courses to prepare for a career in business. Some students earn an M.B.A. (Master of Business Administration) after completing a B.S. in engineering. About half of all engineers who enter industry eventually assume manage- rial responsibilities. Stu- dents interested in this program option should consider whether or not a degree in Industrial and Operations Engineering would be more appropriate than the B.S. (Engineering) degree. Furthermore, any engineering degree provides sound preparation for an M.B.A. program. Technical Sales and Applications Engineering Students combine engineer- ing, communications, and business to prepare for positions in these fields. Many companies require sales engineers in order to design and market their products to meet the needs of other corporations and government agencies. These persons serve as liaison between their corporations' research, design, product, and manufacturing engi- neers and the customers engineers and managers. INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAM Appropriate Technology Students interested in alternative technologies design program options in appropriate technology, alternative energy resources, or environmental systems. Urban and Regional Planning An increasing number of engineers become planners and administrators in urban systems because they know sophisticated technology or are trained in problem- solving and systems design. Related options are in architecture, sociology, natural resourses, and transportation. This option primarily is a pre-graduate school option. Industrial Design Some students pursue a combined degree with the School of Art, usually in Industrial Design but occasionally in Graphics. The combination prepares students for careers meeting challenges in human/ technology interface systems or in computer graphics. Technical and Professional Communication Students choose this option either to enhance their qualifications for careers as managers in industry, business, and government, or to prepare themselves for careers as technical commu- nicators. The option is distinctive among technical communication programs in the United States because its graduates combine engineer- ing skills with communica- tion skills. Engineering Concentration Courses The engineering concentra- tion courses supplement or complement the program option courses. The student elects a series of engineering courses that must have coherence with respect to subject matter, and progres- sion with respect to level of study. In environmental studies, for example, courses in the life sciences, natural resources, or geophysical sciences are taken with courses from Civil and Environmental Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, and Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences. In business administration, courses in systems, planning, manage- ment, operations, decision- making, and design-from several engineering fields- complement the program option. These should be 300-, 400-, and 500-level courses. Engineering Science Courses The engineering science courses provide science- based skills applicable to engineering problems. Most courses are at the 200- and 300-level and are prerequi- sites for many advanced engineering courses. These courses for the most part are those required in all engi- neering degree programs. 155 PROGRAMS 156 Each student in the program must select courses from this list in at least four of the six areas: Area Electrical Materials Mechanics Nuclear Systems Thermodynamics Course EECS 216 (4) or EECS 314 (3) & 315 (1), EECS 331 (4) Mat. Sci. & Eng. 150 (4) or Mat. Sci. & Eng. 250 (3), Mech. Eng. 251 (3), Mech. Eng. 252 (3) Mech. Eng. 110 (2), Mech. Eng. 210 (3), Mech. Eng. 211 (4), Mech. Eng. 240 (3), Aero. Eng. 314 (3), Mech. 324 (4) or Mech. Eng. 325 (3) Nuc. Eng. 311 (3), Nuc. Eng. 312 (3) I.&O.E. 310 (3) or CEE 405 (3), I.&O.E. 315 (3), I.&G.E. 373 (4) Mech. Eng. 231 (4) or Mech. Eng. 235 (3) or Chem. Eng. 230 (4) A Unique Feature: Educational Goals Statement For the interdisciplinary engineering program, students are asked to write out a statement of their educational goals and career objectives, explaining how course selections contribute toward these goals. Goals may be modified as the student progresses. Finally, students are encouraged to explore postgraduate opportunities and alternative career paths. Graduate Studies i k <4< \ <4 ~'4 ~4 '4 W\o\\\ \\\\\ \ \\\\\ .. Vt \A"A \AA '4 \\\ >O\\\\\\\ 4 444 \ >Wt '4« w"k \ \vA r v\\\ : > \ v \v \\ . \\N A V \ < A 'V7 \ AV\ A V \A \\ AA VA\A4 \\ AA> Nt',AA A \,OAVAA\ \ VV \\ \ 41 p, ~p9 \ N ~<>N~ '{~ 444< W\W\\ \\ 4 a\\ \ k \ sc,\ \\;," N 4; V Hs\ \\\ t 3 A " 44%k <4 44 Nt 4 0.0 Graduate Studies The undergraduate program in engineering offers only limited opportunities for advanced or special studies. Many students find continued study for at least one additional year a decided advantage. It offers an attractive opportunity to pursue their special interests and to acquire a more thor- ough preparation for their first employment. The University of Michigan has always maintained a leading position in postgraduate engineering education and provides excellent facilities in many fields. All students who are candidates for graduate degrees are enrolled in the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Its Bulletin should be consulted for complete information. Anyone contemplating graduate work should consult with the program adviser or the advisory committee for the desired program. Electing courses approved for graduate credit Credit, not to exceed 15 hours (limited to 10 hours for a graduate student in Civil Engineering), earned with a grade of B or better in graduate level (400 or 500) courses while enrolled as an undergraduate with senior standing, and not used to meet bachelor's degree requirements, may be used to partially satisfy the requirements for a degree in the School of Graduate Studies. The student should consult the Graduate School for the regulation per- taining to the transfer of this pre-graduate credit. Master's Degrees Master of Science in Engineering A candidate for the degree M.S.E.-Master of Science degree in Engineering-must meet the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Science in Engineering at the University in the student's field of specialization, or essentially the equivalent of these requirements, with sufficient evidence that the scholastic requirements of study can be met at an advanced level. GRADUATE STUDIES 1so Master of Science Qualified students who have attained an undergraduate degree in mathematics or an appropriate field of physical science are offered opportunities by the faculty of the College of Engineering in several instances to pursue their studies that will lead to an M.S. degree-Master of Science. Admission Requirements In general, an applicant must have earned a B average in undergraduate work to be accepted by the School of Graduate Studies into a master's degree program. If the preparation of an otherwise acceptable candidate is not adequate, the candi- date will be required to take the necessary preparatory courses without graduate credit. Degree Requirements The requirements for a master's degree include the completion of at least 30 credit hours of graduate work approved by the adviser or advisory committee for the program elected, with an average grade of at least B covering all courses elected as a graduate student. It is required that a student take at least two graduate- level cognate courses for a minimum of two hours of credit each, in a department other than the department of the student's specialization, selected with the approval of the adviser. A 400-level course listed in the Bulletin of the School of Graduate Studies may be elected for graduate credit when approved by the student's adviser. A superior student who is well prepared may complete the requirements for a master's degree in two terms. The degrees offered are designated in the headings to the several descriptions that follow. M.S.E. in Aerospace Engineering and M.S. in Aerospace Science Advisory Committee: Consult departmental office Because of the broad nature of study in Aerospace Engineering, a B.S.E. in any of a variety of engineering fields is suitable preparation for entrance to the M.S.E. program. Admission and setting of degree requirements are approved by the departmen- tal graduate committee. A candidate for the M.S.E. degree will include in his or her program at least five courses in aerospace engineering at the 500 level or higher, excluding directed study courses, and at least two approved courses in mathematics beyond advanced calculus. Up to four credit hours of non- technical studies and up to six credit hours of directed study may be elected. The courses in aerospace engineering may be GRADUATE STUDIES selected to emphasize one or more of the following technical 161 areas: gas dynamics, flight dynamics and control systems, and structural mechanics. A candidate for the M.S. degree in aerospace science must present substantially the equivalent of the four-year program in physics or mathematics at the University. The requirements for the M.S. degree are otherwise the same as the requirements for the M.S.E. degree described above. M.S. E. in Applied Mechanics Adviser. Professor Alan Wineman 2006 G.G. Brown, (313) 763-9223 A total of 30 hours of graduate study is required for the master's degree. These must include 18 hours of graduate credit in applied mechanics courses, Applied Mech. 407, 422, and ME/AM 441 or their equivalent; at least six hours from graduate courses concerned with advanced mathematics. A master's thesis, subject to departmental approval, may be substituted in place of six of the twelve credit hours which are not specific course requirements. Details of admissions and specific course requirements will be furnished by the department upon request. M.S. in Atmospheric and Space Sciences; M.S. in Oceanic Science Advisers: Professor Sushil Atreya and Professor Stanley Jacobs Candidates for the M.S. in atmospheric and space or oceanic sciences must present the substantial equivalent of a bache- lor's degree in engineering, physics, mathematics, or some other scientific area, including the equivalent of Math. 404 and Physics 240 and 241. Each candidate will follow a special program arranged in conference with an adviser and may be required to make up deficiencies. A total of 30 hours is required, including 15 hours of atmospheric, oceanic and space sciences, and six hours of mathematics, or three hours of mathematics and three hours of physical sciences. A Master's thesis or research essay is required. Thesis or Research Essay: A student will select a research topic in conjunction with an appropriate faculty member who will guide the student in preparation of both the research and the thesis or research essay. Satisfactory completion of the thesis or research essay will count for six credit hours of the total 30 required for the master's degree. A student must sign up for a master's thesis or research essay under AOSS 701. A master's degree is not a prerequi- site for obtaining a Ph.D. degree in atmospheric and space or oceanic sciences. GR ADU AT E STUDI ES 162 M.S. in Bioengineering Executive Committee: Professors Spencer Bement (EECS), Charles Cain (EECS), John Faulkner (Physiology), Steven Goldstein (Surgery), Janice Jenkins (EECS), Albert Nuttall (OTO), Bernhard Palsson (ChE) The Bioengineering Program at The University of Michigan is a graduate program in the School of Graduate Studies granting the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Bioengineering. The Program is jointly supported by the College of Engineering and the Medical School. The program is interdisciplinary. A student may plan a widely diversified educational program to advance the student's personal goals under the guidance and counsel of faculty associated with the Program. Research opportunities are as diversified as the range of activities conducted by the University units supporting the program. Entrance requirements for the Bioengineering Program: Those students with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering or Physics degree should present a minimum background of: One course in organic chemistry One course in either basic biology or introductory physiology that has laboratory experience One course in a generally related area of the biological sciences such as anatomy, experimental psychology, microbiology, physiology, pharmacology, etc. Those students with a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree and majors in related bioengineering areas such as experimental psychology, physiology, zoology, microbiology, and biochemistry, must complete the above requirements plus the following: Two terms of college physics Mathematics through differential equations One course in basic electronic circuits At least one term (three credit hours) in two of the following: mechanics, fluid mechanics, and thermodynamics Students may enter the Bioengineering Program prior to meeting all the prerequisites if approved by the admissions committee. These students must plan to complete the prerequisites during their enrollment in the program in addition to the stipulated requirements for the Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy degree in Bioengineering. The requirements for degrees follow. GRADUATE STUDIES In order to obtain the master's degree in bioengineer- 163 ing, students must complete at least 30 credit hours of graduate study beyond the bachelor's degree. Within this requirement, a group of core courses or their equivalents in the biological sciences, and several graduate level engineer- ing and physical science courses must be completed. Di- rected research work is required to familiarize the student with the unique problems associated with biological systems research. The course requirements or their equivalent total 12-23 hours as follows: Human Physiology (4 hours) Introductory Biological Chemistry (3-5 hours) Bio-instrumentation (4 hours) Statistics (3-4 hours) Directed Research (2 hours) Advanced Math (3-4 hours) Students who have completed courses equivalent to any of the core courses prior to entering the master's degree program may take graduate level biological science or engineering courses in their place. The remainder of the students' programs will include a minimum of eight hours of coursework in advanced engineering and physical sciences. A grade of B or better must be attained in each course used toward the master's degree. Directed Research and Thesis Research Opportunities The University of Michigan Bioengineering Program provides a wide range of research opportunities and thereby affords students a variety of choices. The major thrust of the program is in the use of engineering analysis, science, mathematics, and instrumentation to formulate a basis for understanding or predicting the performance of living systems. The environment of the clinic and the research laboratory is particularly important to students in this program. The conception and development of new instru- mentation and advanced data systems frequently moves hand-in-hand with research investigations. The following are examples of the types of research efforts in which Bioengineering students are participating: The engineering analysis of the performance of different parts of the nervous system. This work includes dynamic analysis and modeling of receptor systems, determination of skeletal muscle transfer characteristics, signal analysis of the electro- myogram and of compound action potentials, and modeling GRADUATE STUDIES of signal transmission and coding in neurons. Improved bioelectric electrodes are being developed to facilitate some of the above work. Studies of neurosensory systems include the neurophysiology of the auditory and vestibular systems, the electrical biophysics of the peripheral auditory system, and detailed characterization of the electroretinogram, and quantitative studies of the somatosensory system. The properties of biological tissues and materials used to replace and repair natural tissue are a significant consideration in many engineering analyses of biological problems. Tissue studies include the mechanical properties of bone, and the factors involved in fracture and healing of bone. Studies of artificial materials used as implants include mechanical property analysis and _n' " biocompatibility under various conditions of material-tissue interac- tion. The results of these fundamen- tal studies are being applied directly to practical problems such as traction treatment of spinal curvature, improved protection of automotive vehicle occupants, and the design of prosthetic devices such as total knee replacements. Several research activities have as their goals the application of engineering principles to the solution of clinical problems. The work may be in the form of instrumentation development to enable new measurements to be made, or in the utilization of the techniques of systems analysis and optimization theory for better diagnosis and treatment. Examples of instrument development include smaller and more responsive electrodes for blood gas measurement, a device for continuous monitoring of the degree of cervical dilation during labor, and an ultrasonic particle measuring instrument. Growth and physical development of children are being assessed more accurately through improved measuring devices and computer controlled anthropometry. Diagnostic applications of signal processing and parameter estimation techniques include the early detection of lung disease, quantitation of the degree of arteriovenous shunt- ing in patients with congenital hearing defects, and prediction and prevention of complications in heart attack patients. Examples of therapeutic applications of engineer- ing systems theory are the optimization of therapy with drugs such as anticoagulants, determination of the proper timing and amount of blood transfusion or intravenous infusion, and computer control of treatment with the artificial kidney to reduce the incidence of low blood pressure reac- tions. These projects rely on the results of other investiga- GRADUATE STUDIES tions involving fundamental research on pharmacokinetics, 165 transport of materials across natural and artificial membranes, and the mechanisms of cardiovascular control. The facilities available for student research include well- equipped laboratories in the Medical School and the Engineer- ing College, the clinical facilities of the University of Michigan Hospitals, and Ann Arbor Veteran's Administration Hospital. Students working in the laboratories and clinics have access to modern on-line data acquisition equipment and the flexibility of both large and small scale computational capacity. A medium scale computer system housed in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department is devoted to a large extent to medical imaging problems. This machine is part of a network which links several systems in the medical school and other campus locations. The student's education in the laboratory or clinic of his/ her choice is enhanced by seminars, clinical conferences, and informal discussion with faculty members. M.S.E. in Chemical Engineering Adviser: Professor Brice Carnahan Program Office, 3074C H. H. Dow Building The minimum requirement for the M.S.E. degree is 30 graduate credit hours with an average grade of B. A thesis is not re- quired. The course work must include at least 21 hours in chemical engineering (courses with a Chem. Eng. prefix) of which up to six credit hours of research are accepted (Chem. Eng. 695); and at least two courses outside the chemical engineering program. The required courses are Chem. Eng. 595 (research survey), Chem. Eng. 527 (fluid flow), Chem. Eng. 528 (chemical reaction engineering), and Chem. Eng. 542 (intermediate transport phenomena). Each student is encour- aged to develop a program to fit his or her professional objec- tives and should consult with the graduate adviser concerning a plan of study. A student wishing to pursue a combination of the M.S.E. and B.S.E. program in the senior year should contact the undergraduate program adviser. M.S.E. in Civil Engineering Advisory Committee: Professors Robert Carr, Subhash Goel (Chair), Donald Gray, Nikolaos Katopodes, Victor Li and Timothy Vogel. A candidate for the M.S.E. degree must present the equivalent of the undergraduate civil engineering program as preparation and in addition must complete at least 30 credit hours of graduate work approved by the adviser, of which 15 or more GRADUATE STUDIES 166 hours must be in civil engineering courses. Graduate study programs leading to this degree may be arranged in the following special areas: construction, geotechnical, hydraulic and hydrological, materials and highway, municipal, solid waste, and structural engineering. M.S. E. in Construction Engineering and Management Adviser: Professor Robert Carr This program is available to students interested in construc- tion who meet the requirements for admission to master's degree work in engineering. The requirement for this degree is successful completion of at least 30 credit hours of gradu- ate work, of which 18 credit hours must be in courses emphasizing construction. The remainder of the program will be selected in conference with the adviser along lines designed to best complement the student's ultimate objective. M.S. E. in Public Works Administration Adviser. Professor Eugene Glysson The program in municipal engineering and public works administration is available to those students who meet the requirements for admission to master's degree work in Civil Engineering. The requirement for this degree is the success- ful completion of at least 30 hours of graduate work of which at least 15 must be in civil engineering courses related to public works engineering. The remainder of the program will be selected from such areas as: urban planning, theory of management, system analysis, and political science, in conference with the adviser so as to best complement the student's ultimate objective. M.S.E. in Environmental Engineering Advisers: Professors Timothy Vogel and Steven Wright (Environmental and Water Resources Engineering), Professor Jonathan W. Bulkley (Water Resources Management) A student interested in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering may elect to pursue a M.S.E. degree in either Civil Engineering or Environmental Engineering. The M.S.E. in Environmental Engineering is described below. The program leading to the degree M.S.E. in Environ- mental Engineering is open to qualified candidates with a Bachelor of Science degree in any of the generally recognized fields of engineering or science. Program emphasis is placed on development of both technological and socio-economic concepts required for solution of a variety of environmental GRADUATE STUDIES and water resources problems. Candidates for the degree M.S.E. 167 must complete a minimum of 30 hours of graduate work, planned in consultation with the program adviser, constituting an integrated program. A typical program normally includes courses in: hydrology and water quantity management; water quality and water pollution control; water, wastewater, and hazardous waste treatment, water pollution control; water, wastewater, and hazardous waste treatment, water chemistry and limnology; air pollution and solid wastes control; systems analysis, operations research techniques, and computer applica- tions; political and institutional factors in environmental and water resource systems. M.S.E. and M.S. in Computer Science and Engineering, Requirements for all Divisions of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 1. A student must satisfy both the general master's degree requirements of the Rackham School of Graduate Studies, as specified in Section 7:1 of the Rackham Bulletin, and the College of Engineering regulations as specified in the College of Engineering Bulletin. The Rackham cognate requirement (at least two graduate level courses for a minimum of two credit hours each) must be satisfied. In addition, the student must satisfy the requirements listed below. 2. 30 credit hours of graduate level courses must be completed. 3. At least 24 credit hours in technical coursework must be earned. 4. At least 12 credit hours of EECS coursework at the 500 level or higher must be earned. Credit hours earned in other departments or universities and credit hours earned in individual study, research, or seminar courses cannot be counted towards this requirement. 5. A maximum of six (6) credit hours of individual study, research and seminar courses (EECS 598, EECS 699 and similar courses) will be accepted toward the master's degree. 6. The course grade must be B- or better for the credit hours received in any course to be counted towards any master's requirement (including the 30 total credit hours). 7. The Grade-Point-Average in EECS coursework must be at least 5.0, based on Rackham's 9.0 scale. (In addition, Rackham requires the overall GPA among all courses applied to the master's degree to be at least 5.0.) 8. Courses of insufficiently advanced level, or which GRADUATE STUDIES 168 substantially duplicate in level and content courses already completed by the student, may not be counted as meeting any master's requirement. Degree-Specific Requirements to Computer Science and Engineering The Computer Science and Engineering masters degree program requires students to complete "kernel" course requirements, mandated electives, and free electives, for the total of 30 credits. A research-oriented directed study or Master's Thesis is also required. The purpose of the kernel is to give the student training in the major areas of computer science and engineering. Students who enter without an undergraduate engineering degree receive a M.S. degree. Students who enter with an engineering degree have a choice of either the M.S. or M.S.E. degrees. Computer Science and Engineering kernel requirements: 1. Software: EECS 482, Computer Operating Systems (Prerequisite: EECS 380 and 381) or EECS 483, Compiler Construction (Prerequisite: EECS 480 or EECS 380) 2. Hardware: EECS 478, Switching and Sequential Systems (Prerequisite EECS 303, and senior or graduate standing) or EECS 570, Logical Design of Digital Computers (Prerequisite: EECS 470 or EECS 370 and 478) 3. Theory: EECS 574, Theoretical Computer Science I (Prerequisite: EECS 476) or EECS 586, Analysis of Algorithms (Prerequisite: EECS 480) 4. Intelligent Systems: EECS 492, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Prerequisite: EECS 380 and 303) Courses taken at another university or department that are equivalent in level and content may fulfill one or more of these requirements. Such "equivalency" is granted by the graduate chairman. Moreover, equivalency does not fulfill any other degree requirements-in particular credit hour requirements. Computer Science and Engineering directed study requirement: A research-orented directed study of at least three credit hours must be completed. (It is possible to replace this directed study with a Master's Thesis.) GRADUATE STUDIES Computer Science and Engineering mathematical cognate requirement: 169 One of the two cognate courses required by the Rackham graduate school must be a mathematics course. A list of courses is maintained by the CSE division from which this course must be selected. M. S. E. and M. S. in Electrical Engineering (Systems) Program Chair: Professor Frederick Beutler The Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering (Systems) is identified with the disciplines of communications, control, signal and image processing, systems theory, stochastic systems, information theory, estimation and detection, robotics, bioelectrical science, and other disciplines in which the emphasis is on the design and analysis of systems of interacting components or devices, rather than on the physical components of devices themselves. The program is administered by the Systems Science and Engineering Division of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department (EECS). The M.S.E. and M.S. degree pro- grams are identical except for admis- sions requirements. Students desiring admission to the M.S.E. program must have an earned bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, or the equivalent of the undergraduate Electrical Engi- neering Program at The University of Michigan. Students desiring admission to the M.S. program should have an earned i / bachelor's degree in engineering, physi- cal sciences, or mathematics. Application procedures are described in a depart- mental brochure containing information for prospective students. The principal requirements for the M.S.E. and M.S. degrees are listed below. (A more complete statement on master's degree requirements is available from the EECS department.) A student must earn at least 30 credit hours of graduate level coursework of which at least 24 credit hours must be in technical courses, at least 12 credit hours must be EECS course work at the 500 level or higher (excluding credit hours earned in individual study, research or seminar courses), and at least three (3) credit hours must be in mathematics. The student must also choose a major and minor area, and complete a "kernel" of courses in each. The major area must be communication, control systems, or signal processing. The minor area must be different from the major and must be chosen from either the previous list or bioelectrical sciences, circuits and electronics, computers, GRADUATE STUDIES 170 electromagnetics and electrodynamics, electro-optics, or solid state. At least nine (9) credit hours must be earned from the kernel of the major area, with at least six (6) of these at the 500 level or higher. At least six (6) credit hours must be earned from the kernel of the minor area, with at least three (3) of these at the 500 level or higher and satisfactory completion of the EECS Introductory Seminar course in the first fall term. Course grades must be B- or better in order to be counted towards any requirements. A master's thesis is optional. Up to six (6) credit hours may be transferred if the department grants approval. The student must also satisfy the regulations of the School of Graduate Studies and the College of Engineering. M.S.E. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering Program Chair: Professor Ronald Lomax The Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering covers topics such as circuits, electronics, electrodynamics, electromagnetics, energy conversion, electro-optics, and solid state materials, devices and integrated circuits. The program is administered by the Electrical Science and Engineering Division of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department (EECS). The M.S.E. and M.S. degree programs are identical except for admission requirements. Students desiring admission to the M.S.E. program must have an earned bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, or the equivalent of the undergraduate Electrical Engineering program at The University of Michigan. Students desiring admission to the M.S. program should have an earned bachelor's degree in engineering, physical sciences, or mathematics. Application procedures are described in a departmental brochure containing information for prospective students. The principal requirements for the M.S.E. and M.S. degrees are listed below. (A more complete statement on master's degree requirements is available from the EECS department.) A student must earn at least 30 credit hours of graduate level coursework, of which at least 24 credit hours must be in technical courses, at least 12 credit hours must be EECS course work at the 500 level or higher, excluding credit hours earned in individual study, research, or seminar courses, and at least three (3) credit hours must be in mathematics. EECS 590, "EECS Introductory Seminar," must be taken in the first fall term of graduate studies. The student must also choose a major and minor area, and satisfy a requirement in each. The major area must be circuits and electronics, electromagnetics and electrodynam- ics, electro-optics, or solid state. The minor area must be GRADUATE STUDIES different from the major and must be chosen from either the 171 previous list or bioelectrical sciences, communications, computers, control systems, or signal processing. For each designated major and minor area there is a set of courses called the "kernel." As specified below, the major and minor requirements are to be satisfied by taking courses from the respective kernels. Specifically, at least nine (9) credit hours must be earned from the kernel of the major area, with at least six (6) of these at the 500 level or higher. At least six (6) credit hours must be earned from the kernel of the minor area, with at least three (3) of these at the 500 level or higher. A grade point average of B or higher is required overall and also in EECS course work. Course grades must be B- or higher to earn credit toward the master's degree. A master's thesis is optional. Up to six (6).credit hours may be transferred if the department grants approval. The student must also satisfy the regulations of the School of Graduate Studies and the College of Engineering. M.S.E. and M.S. in Industrial and Operations Engineering Adviser: Professor John R. Birge, 244 Industrial and Operations Engineering Building The Master of Science degree in Engineering, in Industrial and Operations Engineering, is available to students who complete the M.S.E. course requirements and have a bache- lor's degree from a recognized program in engineering. The Master of Science degree in Industrial and Operations Engineering is available to students with a bachelor's degree from a recognized program in physics, mathematics, or other field related to engineering. Students who hold bachelor's degrees from other fields and who wish to receive an M.S. in Industrial and Operations Engineering should consult with the program adviser as specialized programs (usually involving additional credit hours over basic requirements) can be provided. The basic requirements include 30 credit hours of approved graduate level courses, of which: at least 18 hours must be in I.&O.E. courses; at least four courses must be at a 500 (or higher) level, of which at least three must be from I.&O.E. (independent study courses, I.&O.E. 590, do not count towards this requirement); no more than four credit hours of independent study. At least two courses (four credit hours) must be from outside the I.&O.E. department. Stu- dents are required to make up deficiencies in their prepara- tion in probability, statistics, and computer programming. An overall grade point average of B or higher, in graduate courses taken in the program, is required. Special options, for which sequences of courses have GRADUATE STUDIES 172 been defined, include Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Occupational Health and Safety Engineering, and Public Systems Analysis. Material describing these options and other details of the graduate programs are available from the graduate program secretary, Room 240 I.& O.E. Building. Joint MBA/MS(IOE) Degree Program Adviser: Professor Jeffrey K. Liker, 210 Industrial and Operations Engineering Building The School of Business Administration and the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering offer a joint degree program enabling a student to pursue concurrent work in Business Administration and Industrial and Operations Engineering leading to the MBA and MS(IOE) degrees. The program is arranged so that all requirements for both degrees are completed in two and one-half years of enrollment with 65 credit hours necessary. Students interested in the MBA/MS(IOE) combined program must apply to and be admitted by both schools, using their respective application forms and indicating that applica- tion is being made to the joint program. However only one application fee is necessary. Students are expected to meet the prerequisites for each program. In particular the statistics requirement for the IOE program should be discussed with an advisor prior to commencing either program. This combined program is not open to students who have earned either the MBA or MS(IOE) degrees. However, students registered in the first year of either program may apply. Students admitted to this joint program must satisfy the following degree requirements: 1. The 30-credit hour MBA core 2. 15 elective hours in business administration (12 of the 15 hours must be approved by IOE) 3. 18 credit hours in graduate level IOE courses (at least nine of which must be in courses numbered 500 or above) 4. A 2 credit independent study in IOE or the Business School which would lead to a paper integrating business and IOE perspectives on a particular area of interest. The joint program can begin with studies in either school. However, because of the sequences nature of the core course in the MBA program, most students will find it advantageous to start the first year in the Business School. Students who wish to begin with Industrial and Operations Engineering should consult a counselor in the Business School to work out an appropriate plan of study. GRADUATE STUDIES Master's in Hospital Administration and Industrial Engineering 173 Adviser: Professor Walton Hancock, 116 10E Lab This 60 credit hour interdepartmental master's degree program is administered jointly by the Industrial & Opera- tions Engineering Department in the College of Engineering and the Health Services Management and the Policy Depart- ment in the School of Public Health. This program prepares graduates for engineering and administrative positions in hospitals and other health organizations. The degree provides a comprehensive program in health administration and engineering. Areas of study include hospital administration, hospital systems engineering, management information systems, computer aided systems, and operations analysis. M.S.E. in Materials Science and Engineering Adviser: Professor J. Wayne Jones, 2168 Dow Building A minimum of 30 credit hours of graduate-level work must be passed. Of the 30 hours at least 19 hours must be formal class work and must include Mat. Sci. & Eng. 590 (1). Individual research is required. Up to 11 hours of Mat. Sci. & Eng. 690 or M.S. thesis may be used as part of the 30-hour requirement. At least six hours should be in courses outside of materials science and engineering. All students are encouraged to design their programs to satisfy their individual interests. A booklet describing the graduate program in more detail is available from the secretary in the graduate committee office, 2168 Dow Building. M.S.E. in Mechanical Engineering Adviser: Professor J.R. Barber, 2206 G.G. Brown The requirement for this degree is 30 credit hours of ap- proved graduate course work. At least 18 hours must be taken in mechanical engineering, 6 hours in mathematics, with at least two cognate subjects. Up to six credit hours of research or nine credit hours of thesis can be taken as part of a 30 credit-hour requirement. Details of course require- ments and fields of specialization will be furnished by the department-upon request. Students majoring in Mechanical Engineering will not be given graduate credit for courses equivalent to any that they have been required to take for the bachelor's degree or for courses required in the undergraduate curriculum of this department. GRADUATE STUDIES 174 M.S. and M.S.E. in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Adviser. Professor Michael M. Bernitsas, 204 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Building The applicant should have a bachelor's degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering or its equivalent. Applicants with bachelor's degrees in other engineering disciplines will have to take extra courses beyond the 30 credit-hour minimum. A minimum of 30 credit hours is required for the degree, of which at least 15 hours are taken in Naval Archi- tecture and Marine Engineering. Half of the program must consist of 500-level (or higher) courses. Five or more hours must be in graduate-level mathematics courses. Two courses of at least two credit hours each must be taken outside the department. Students will specialize in one or more of the follow- ing areas: ship hydrodynamics, ship strength and vibration, marine engineering, ocean engineering, marine systems, ship production, or computer-aided marine design. Within each of these areas of specialization students are required to take several core courses, with the remainder chosen to meet individuals' goals and objectives. Refer to the booklet titled, "Graduate Programs in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering," available from the departmental office, for a more detailed description of the graduate program in naval architecture and marine engi- neering. M.S.E. in Nuclear Engineering and M.S. in Nuclear Science Adviser: Professor Terry Kammash Students entering the program in Nuclear Engineering must have a bachelor's degree from an accredited engineering program. The nuclear science program is available to those with bachelor's degrees from recognized programs in physics, chemistry, or mathematics who wish to work on nuclear energy development. Students planning to enter the M.S. degree program who do not have an undergraduate degree in Nuclear Engineering should take courses in atomic and nuclear physics and in advanced mathematics for engineers (Math. 450 or equivalent). Students without these prerequisites will be requested to make up the deficiencies in addition to the 30 hours required for the M.S. degree. An upper-level course in electronic circuits (Elec. Eng. and Comp. Sci. 313, 314, or 315, Physics 455, or equivalent), a course in fluid mechanics (Mech. Eng. 325, or equivalent), a course in electromagnetic fields (Physics 405 or equivalent), and a course in digital GRADUATE STUDIES computer programming (Eng. 103, Elec. Eng. and Comp. Sci. 175 283, or equivalent) are recommended as desirable prepara- tion. The requirements for the master's degree are 30 hours of course work at the graduate level, including 20 hours from Nuclear Engineering and two courses outside the department. At least four of the nuclear engineering courses, excluding Nuc. Eng. 599 and 799, must be at the 500 level or higher. A student must elect a laboratory course in Nuclear Engineering or show equivalent experience. The student, with approval of the program adviser, may substitute a master's project report for two to six credit hours of graduate course work, with the Nuc. Eng. 599 credits not to exceed 3 credit hours per full term. In this case, the student will be required to make a seminar presentation of the master's project, in addition to a written final report. Additional courses are selected with the help of the program adviser from courses in Nuclear Engineering, cognate fields of engineering, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and others. Where the entering student presents evidence of satisfactory completion of work equivalent to any of the nuclear engineer- ing courses, substitution of other courses will be arranged by the program adviser. Professional Degrees The following programs lead to professional degrees: Aerospace Engineer - Aerospace E. Applied Mechanics Engineer - App. M.E. Chemical Engineer- Ch.E. Civil Engineer- C.E. Electrical Engineer - E.E. Industrial and Operations Engineer - I.&O.E. Marine Engineer - Mar.E. Mechanical Engineer - M.E. Metallurgical Engineer - Met.E. Naval Architect - Nav. Arch. Nuclear Engineer - Nuc.E. The professional degree programs require a minimum of 30 credit hours of work beyond the Master of Science in Engi- neering level or its equivalent, taken at this University with a grade average of B or better. Successful completion of a qualifying examination for admission to candidacy is re- quired. GRADUATE STUDIES 176 The total graduate program shall include: 1. At least 24 hours in the area of the department or program cited in the degree. The department or program advisers may specify these hours in greater detail. 2. At least six hours devoted to a research, design, or development problem, including a written report covering the work. A committee of faculty members will supervise the work, approve the report, and conduct a final oral examination.on this work. 3. At least three courses in cognate fields other than mathematics. 4. At least nine hours in mathematics beyond the Bachelor of Science in Engineering mathematics requirements of the department cited in the degree. Doctoral Degrees Doctor of Philosophy-Ph.D. The doctor's degree is conferred in recognition of marked ability and scholarship in some relatively broad field of knowl- edge. A part of the work consists of regularly announced graduate courses of instruction in the chosen field and in such cognate subjects as may be required by the committee. In addition, the student must pursue independent investigation in some subdivision of the selected field and must present the result of the investigation in the form of a dissertation. A student becomes an applicant for the doctorate when admitted to the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies and accepted in a field of specialization. No assurance is given that the student may become a candidate for the doctorate until evidence of superior scholarship and ability as an original investigator has been shown. There is no general course or credit requirement for the doctorate. In most areas, a student must pass a comprehensive examination in a major field of specialization and be recom- mended for candidacy for the doctorate. A special doctoral committee is appointed for each applicant to supervise the work of the student both as to election of courses and in preparation of the dissertation. Requirements regarding foreign language and nontechnical courses are left to individual departments or programs, and to the Graduate School. A prospective doctoral student should consult the program adviser regarding specific details. A pamphlet that describes the general procedure leading to the doctorate is available in the Graduate School office upon request. GRADUATE STUDIES Applied Physics at Michigan-Ph.D. 177 The quickening pace of development at the frontier between physics and engineering creates a need for interdisciplinary training and research which is not readily accommodated by traditional single-focus grduate programs. The University of Michigan Applied Physics Program is designed to fill this gap, providing students with the opportunity to gain a solid base in the fundamentals of modern physics while exploring applications in the context of engineering. The program, which spans the Physical Science Division of the College of Literature Science and Arts and the College of Engineering, offers graduate studies leading to the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in Applied Physics. A broad range of research opportunities are available through the multidisciplinary spread of faculty participating in the program. For further information about the program, research facilities, research specialties of the faculty, fellowships, assistantships, and sources of financial assistance, write directly to the Applied Physics Program Administrative Assistant, Rohn Federbush, 1049 Randall Laboratory, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1120 or telephone on (313) 936-0653. Admission: The Applied Physics Program is designed for students intending to pursue coursework and research leading to the Ph. D. degree. Accordingly, students are not admitted as candidates for the Master of Science degree. Under certain circumstances students may elect to terminate their study early and would then be eligible for a masters degree after they have satisfied the following requirements. Minimum Number of Credits Required: 30 credit hours. Up to six credit hours may be transferred from other gradu- ate programs or universities subject to program approval. Specific Course Requirements: At least 20 hours of graduate level courses from the Applied Physics core curricu- lum at the 500-level or higher. Students must attain at least a B average in order to satisfy requirements. Language Requirement: none Thesis or Research Essay - none Final Examination - none Doctor of Philosophy Admission: A completed application and transcripts of all previous academic records must be on file. The admission committee will take into account the applicant's background in the physical sciences, engineering physics and related disciplines. A good grounding in basic physics is expected with at least 15 hours of introductory and intermediate coursework in classical mechanics, statistical GR ADU AT E STUDI ES 178 physics, electricity and magnetism, and quantum physics. Graduate Record Examination general scores are required and the GRE Subject Test in Physics is recommended. Three letters of recommendation must be submitted of which at least two must be from an academic institution. Students from non- English-speaking countries are required to demonstrate profi- ciency in English via the TOEFL examination. Minimum score for admission is 560. Applications will be processed for Fall term admission. The deadline for applications for financial aid consideration is February 1st. Range of Enrollment: The program is normally four to five years with an emphasis on coursework during the first two years, thereafter on research. Students are encouraged to become involved in research at the earliest opportunity and are required to complete a supervised research project in their first year. When students complete the basic academic core, have satisfied the qualification procedure (see below), have formed a Dissertation Committee and have obtained approval for their Dissertation Prospectus, they are eligible to be recommended for admission to Candidacy for the Ph.D. The recommendation is made by the Applied Physics Program Executive Committee. Candidacy is normally achieved after four or five semesters of graduate work. Specific Course Requirements: In order to achieve Candi- dacy and form a Dissertation Committee, nine prescribed 500 - level courses (Phys. 511/Phys. 512 or EECS 540/EECS 541, AP 530/AP 531, Phys. 507, Phys. 510, Phys 520, AP 550 and AP 518) must be passed with a grade B or better. In addition, two 600-level courses and two distribution courses (chosen in consultation with the program advisor according to the student's research needs) must be completed satisfactorily. Satisfactory completion of one 4-credit hour course on non- thesis research is also required, under the supervision of a faculty member. All first and second year students are required to enroll in a weekly seminar course (AP 514). Qualification: The decision to qualify a student for Ph.D. study is based on the student's academic record, performance in a four credit hour supervised research project, and the results of a two-part Qualifying Examination. The first part of the Qualifying Examination consists of the GRE Subject Test in Physics, normally administered in Ann Arbor in April. Students who have taken the GRE Subject Test in Physics within the last GRADUATE STUDIES five years with a score of 70% or more do not need to retake this test. The second part of the Qualifying Examination is an oral examination beginning with a brief presentation of the student's supervised research followed by questions on standard undergraduate-level physics. The Qualifying Examination (both parts) can be retaken once, and only once, after begining graduate studies. The student must qualify within two years of entering the grduate program. Preliminary Examination: A preliminary examination of the student's preparation for dissertation research will be made by the student's Dissertation Committee. The prelimi- nary examination will take the form of a presentation to the committee of a Dissertation Prospectus statting the objectives and proposed methods of investigation. Candidate Status: Students normally will have formed their Dissertation Committee by the end of their fifth term in graduate school. Approval of the Dissertation Prospectus is a program requirement prior to candidacy. For information on the Dissertation Committee, preparation of dissertation, final oral examination and publication of dissertation. The typical structure of course work is as follows: First Year: Fall QM I (AP 540) E&M I (AP 530) Mech. (Phy. 507) Second Year: Fall Stat. Mech. (Phy. 510) Lasers & E-0 I (AP 550) Micro Tech & Interface. (AP 518) Third Year: Fall 600 Level (3 hous) 990 Precandidate Winter QM II (AP 541) Adv. E&M (AP 531) Supv. Research (AP 715) Graduate Seminar (AP 514) Winter Solid State (Phys. 520) Distribution Course Distribution Course Graduate Seminar (AP 514) Winter 600 Level (3hours) 990 Precandidate 995 Candidacy MILITARY OFFICER EDUCATION PROGRAMS 180 Miltary Officer. Education Programs Military Officer Education Programs The University, in cooperation with the armed services of the United States, provides an opportunity for all eligible male and female students to earn a commission in any of the three services (Army; Navy, including Marine Corps; and Air Force) upon completion of the degree requirements. This opportu- nity is available through enrollment in the Military Officer Education Program (MOEP), which is nationally known as the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC). All three officer educational programs (Army, Navy, and Air Force) offer four and two-year program options, financial benefits, and scholarship opportunities. Minor variations, however, do exist among the programs, and students should consult the specific information under the respective program. Financial Benefits All students enrolled in advanced (junior and senior year) officer education courses, whether or not on scholarship, receive a monthly stipend of $100 for the academic year. A uniform and the necessary books and equipment are fur- nished to all students. In addition, pay and travel allowances are provided for attendance at summer field training courses. Scholarships In addition to the financial benefits provided for all students enrolled in the advanced courses, a limited number of two, three, and four-year merit-based scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis by each of the Officer Education Programs. These scholarships provide full tuition, laboratory fees, full payment for required books, and a $100 monthly stipend. Course Election by Non-Program Students Officer education courses are also open to University students not enrolled in the program by permission of the instructor. MILITARY OFFICER EDUCATION PROGRAMS Air Force Officer 181 Education Program Program Office: Room 154, North Hall 764-2403 Chair: Colonel Buley Captains Berke, Gaul, and Campbell Students who enroll as cadets in the Air Force Officer Education Program, successfully complete the program, and receive a University degree are commissioned as second lieutenants in the United States Air Force. Career Opportunities Men and women can serve in a wide range of technical fields such as meteorology, research and development, communi- cations and electronics, engineering, transportation, logistics, and intelligence as well as in numerous managerial and training fields such as administrative services, accounting and finance, personnel, statistics, manpower management, education and training, investigation, and information services. There are also opportunities in the pilot, navigator, and missile career fields. Advanced education or technical training for these career areas may be obtained on active duty at Air Force expense. Four-Year and Two-Year Programs The four-year program consists of eight terms (16 hours) of course work. The first terms (freshman and sophomore years) comprise the General Military Course (GMC). No military obligation is incurred during the freshman year for AFROTC scholarship recipients and none during the fresh- man or sophomore years for non-scholarship AFROTC students. During the summer following the GMC, students are required to attend a four-week field training session. After completing field training, students enroll in the last four terms (junior and senior years) of AFROTC called the Profes- sional Officer Course (POC). Once students attend the first POC class, they assume a contractual obligation to complete the program, accept a commission, and discharge the military service obligation. The two-year program is for junior-level college students or graduate students with a two-year degree program who have not participated in the GMC but want to enter the POC. Application for the two-year program must MILITARY OFFICER EDUCATION PROGRAMS 182 be made by January 1 of the year in which students desire to enter the POC. Students must attend a six-week field training session prior to entering the POC. Once they attend the first class, these students incur the same obligation as four-year program students. Financial Benefits and Scholarships For a detailed description of the available financial benefits and scholarships, consult the appropriate sections in the general introduction to the Military Officer Education Pro- grams. Course of Study Students enroll in one course in Aerospace Studies (AS) during each term of participation in the program for a total of 16 hours. In addition to the Aerospace Studies courses, students must satisfy certain supplemental course require- ments. Distribution is indicated below: Basic course sequence (first and second year): Aerospace Studies 101, 102, 201, 202 (4 hours), plus an approved course in English Composition (scholarship students only). Advanced course sequence (third and fourth years): Aerospace Studies 310, 311, 410, 411 (12 hours), plus an approved course in mathematical reasoning. Scholarship students must, in addition, successfully complete one academic year (6 semester hours) of a major Indo-European or Asian language prior to commissioning. This sequence of courses attempts to develop an understanding of the global mission and organization of the United States Air Force, of the historical development of air power and its support of national objectives, of concepts of leadership, management responsibilities and skills, of national defense policy, and of the role of the military officer in our society. Flying Activities Cadets who are physically and mentally qualified to become Air Force pilots receive dual and solo flight instruction under the supervision of an Air Force instructor pilot. The training is usually given between a cadet's junior and senior years at an Air Force pilot training base. Cadets holding FAA private pilot certificates or higher are exempt from this training. MILITARY OFFICER EDUCATION PROGRAMS Military Obilgation After being commissioned, graduates of the program will be called to active duty with the Air Force in a field usually related to their academic degree program. The period of service is four years for non-flying officers, six years for navigators after completion of navigator training, and ten years for pilots after completion of flight training. Air Force Officer Education Courses (Aerospace Studies) 183 101. The Air Force Today Prerequisite: none. I. (1 credit) Examines the growth and development of the United States Air Force; covers Presidential, Secretary of Defense and JSC roles in the defense posture, and the national and U.S. military strategic concepts; studies the Air Force supporting forces. Compares the dynamics and interaction of all U.S. military forces in the General Purpose role and their cooperative efforts in the national security posture. 102. The Air Force Today Prerequisite: none./i. (1 credit) Continuation of AS 101. 201. U. S. Aviation History and Its Development into Air Power Prerequisite: none. I. (1 credit) Development of aviation from the 18th century, from balloons and dirigibles, to the present, and how technology has affected growth and development of air power; traces use and development of air power through WW's I and II, the Korean and Vietnamese conflicts, and employment in relief missions and civic action programs in the late 1960s. 202. U.S. Aviation History and Its Development into Air Power Prerequisite: none. II. (1 credit) Continuation of AS 201. 310. Concepts of Leadership Seminar Prerequisite: none. 1. (3 credits) The concepts, principles, and techniques of leadership and human relations presented within the framework of behavioral theories. Emphasis on the leader, group, and situation; their interaction as dynamic factors in an organizational environment with methodo- logical implications for military and other profes- sions. Practicum and laboratory centered on operational simulations and cadet corps activities. MILITARY OFFICER EDUCATION PROGRAMS 184 311. Principles of Manage- ment Seminar Prerequisite: none. II. (3 credits) Historical overview of management theory development with particular consideration of behavioral science's impact on primary management function. Problem-solving will be incorporated into discussion of management functions, and analysis will be made of management principles as they apply to various combinations of political and power relations in the organizational setting. Exercises will simulate operational situations requiring the decision- making approach. 410. National Security Forces in Contemporary American Society Seminar Prerequisite: none. I. (3 credits) Focuses on the Armed Forces as an integral element of society. Provides examina- tion of a broad range of american civil-military relations, and the environ- mental context in which defense policy is formulated. Special themes include: social attitudes toward the military; the role of the professional military leader- manager in a democratic society; the fundamental values and socialization processes associated with the Armed Services; the requisites for maintaining adequate national security forces; political, economic, and social constraints on the national defense structure; the impact of technological and international develop- ments on strategic preparedness; the manifold variables involved in the formulation and implementa- tion of national security policy. 411. National Security Forces in Contemporary American Society Seminar Prerequisite: none. I. (3 credits) Continuation of AS 410. Note. A Leadership Laboratory (0 credit), meeting for one hour each week, accompanies each of the above listed AS courses. Army Officer Education Program Program Office: Room 131, North Hall 764-2400, 764-2401 Chair: Lieutenant Colonel William Gregor; Assistant Chairs. Major Young, Captain Neal and Captain Rauch Upon graduation and completion of program requirements, students receive a commission as second lieutenant in the United States Army Reserve or in the Regular Army. MILITARY OFFICER EDUCATION PROGRAMS Career Opportunities 185 Graduates may request active duty in the Army, or choose reserve duty service in the Army National Guard or Army Reserve in order to pursue a civilian career or graduate schooling. Others may apply for a Regular Army commission (same as West Point commission) and enter active duty for worldwide assignment. Service in the Army's 97 career specialties provides an opportunity to practice skills gained during university life. Four-Year, Three-Year, and Two-Year Programs Students may choose one of three program options as described in the general introduction to the Military Officer Education Programs. All programs include a six-week advanced summer camp at an Army post, which is taken as part of the advanced course sequence normally between the junior and senior years. The first two years of the four-year program can be taken without an obligation to the Army. Students who intend to enroll in the two-year pro- gram should contact the chairman by February of their sophomore year in order to apply for attendance at a six- week summer basic camp before enrollment in the program the following fall term. Two-year candidates must have a total of two years of school remaining at the undergraduate and/or graduate level. Students with prior military service (or prior ROTC training) may enroll in the program with advanced standing at a level determined by the chairman and based on an evaluation of prior service or training. Financial Benefits and Scholarships Army ROTC scholarships are merit-based and provide partial to full tuition and partial book fees. All advanced course students receive a $100/month stipend to help cover room and board. Engineering students may request an additional year of scholarship benefits if they are enrolled in a five-year program. Army Fellowship Program Each year the top 5% (based on GRE scores) of all students chosen for Regular Army commissions are awarded Army ROTC Fellowships. This award permits the recipient to pursue a course of study leading to a master's degree at the Army's expense while receiving full pay and allowances as a commissionedofficer. MILITARY OFFICER EDUCATION PROGRAMS 186 Simultaneous Membership Program Non-scholarship students can choose to join a Reserve or National Guard unit of their choice while enrolled at the University. The student trains as an officer trainee, gaining valuable leadership training as a member of the Reserve Forces and can collect over $1,100 per year in addition to the $100/month stipend previously mentioned. Branch Assignments In their last year, cadets are classified for branch assign- ments to one of the following 16 branches of the Army in accordance with their personal preference, aptitude, aca- demic background, and the needs of the Army: Corps of Engineers, Signal Corps, Aviation, Armor, Field Artillery, Air Defense Artillery, Adjutant General's Corps, Military Intelli- gence, Finance Corps, Infantry, Medical Service Corps, Military Police Corps, Ordinance Corps, Quartermaster Corps, Transportation Corps, and Chemical Corps. Course of Study Students enroll in one course in Military Science (MS) during each term of participation in the program for a total of 12 hours distributed as follows: Basic Course sequence (first and second years): Military Science 101, 102, 201, 202 (4 hours total). Advanced Course sequence (third and fourth years): Military Science 301, 302, 401, 402 (8 hours total). The complete course of instruction includes: land navigation, Army orientation, professional ethics, military writing and speaking, principles of military leadership, staff management principles, military justice, and tactics. In addition to the classroom courses, students participate in Leadership Laboratories (one 90 minute period per week). Training includes orienteering, rappelling, marksmanship, and physical training. In addition, courses in human behavior, effective writing, mathematics computer science, and military history are required for completion of the program. Military Obligation Students may request non-active duty assignments in the Army Reserve or National Guard in order to pursue graduate schooling civilian careers, or a limited period of active duty. All advanced course students are obligated to eight years of service which may be served in an active or reserve status depending on individual preference and Army needs. MILITARY OFFICER EDUCATION PROGRAMS Army Officer Education Courses (Military Science) 187 101. Land Navigation. Prerequisite: none. (1 credit) The objective of the course is to develop proficiency in a critical military skill. The student will learn to use a military map and lensatic compass to navigate over unfamiliar terrain. The course will emphasize map reading skills and terrain association techniques and will include two outdoor practical exercises. Specific topics include: terrain features, the military grid reference system, determin- ing and plotting azimuths, measuring route and straight line distances, methods of intersection and resection, aerial photographs and the use of polar coordinates. Student evaluation is based on quizzes, practical exercises and examinations. 103. Leadership Laboratory Prerequisite: none. (1 credit) The 90-minute laboratory is required for all Advanced Course cadets and scholarship students. Advanced Course and scholarship cadets attend leadership laboratory every week. MS IV cadets occupy positions of responsibility in the Cadet Battalion and plan, coordinate, and conduct cadet training and activities under faculty guidance. MS Ill laboratories focus on developing basic military tactical skills in preparation for summer Advanced Camp. Laboratories for MS I and II cadets may be grouped together to form single, longer periods of instruction on one or two evenings or weekends during the term. 102. Armed Forces and Society Prerequisite: none. (1 credit) Armed Forces and Society is an introductory course in military instructions. Sociology and political theory will be used to explore selected phenomena related to the organization of the military and other institutions of society. The course will explore the evolution from feudal to modern military systems, the origin of military professionalism, the social characteristics of the officer corps and the enlisted soldier, and the sociology of combat. The course will also explore contemporary issues in the recruitment, organiza- tion, and training of the American armed services. Although the course will focus on American military institutions, the course method will be comparative. Students will compare the American military system with those of other countries to gain insight on how national culture influences the development of military systems. The course grade will be determined by two examinations and a short research paper. 201. Military Leadership Prerequisite: none. (1 credit) The purpose of this course is to develop a basic under- standing of military leadership. The course focuses on current military leadership theory and its organizational application. It will include discussions of leadership styles, principles of leadership, human behavior, principles of motivation, ethics, counseling, communication and the military problem solving process. It also incorporates leadership assessment training and discussions of how MILITARY OFFICER EDUCATION PROGRAMS 188 leadership influences the achievement of organizational goals. Student evaluation is based on quizzes, exams, and oral presentations. 202. History of the Military Art Prerequisite: none. (4 credits) History of the Military Art traces the evolution of the art of warfare from ancient Greece to the present by examining the development of generalship, strategy, tactics, theory, doctrine, professionalism and logistics (internal military dimensions), and their interaction with social, political, economic, and techiological factors (external elements of military organizations). The course will explore the fundamental principles of war that comprise the permanent elements of military science and strategy. Though there is no simple agreed list of principles, the course will attempt to cull from the record of historic campaigns and battles enduring elements of the art of war. The importance of these principles will be illustrated through an examination of some of the campaigns of Napoleon and the major campaigns of World War II. Students will be expected to contribute to the classroom discussions and to master the significant details of major campaigns and battles. Student performance will be evaluated through a series of two exams and quizzes. 301. Introduction to Small Unit Tactics Prerequisite: none. (2 credits) This course is a part of the Advanced Course for Army ROTC cadets. It is designed to provide the MS Ill cadet with three essential categories of officer skills: small unit tactical planning, map reading, and communi- cations. Students receive instruction in map reading, terrain analysis and platoon level operations in offensive, defensive and patrolling operations. Cadets will be required to present formal and informal briefings on the various topics covered in the course. The course also includes an examination of historical examples of combat leadership. Evaluation of student performance will be done through the use of quizzes, exams, oral presentations and a military history essay. 302. Small Unit Tactics and Combined Operations Prerequisite: none. (2 credits) This course provides the cadet with a basic under- standing of the tactical employment of the combined arms team and completes the cadet's preparation for the Army ROTC Advanced Camp. Instruction is based on the Air-Land Battle doctrine of the U.S. Army. The course emphasized the missions, organization and capabilities of the elements of a company-sized combined arms team. Instruction includes practical exercised involving company team offensive and defensive operations. Students will be evaluated through quizzes, examinations, oral presentations and two writing assignments. 401. Military Law Prerequisite: none. (2 credits) This course is a part of the Advanced Course for Army ROTC cadets. The course is a seminar on the military justice system, military administrative law and international law of war. After a brief survey of the evolution of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice and its Constitutional basis, the course focuses on the officer's role in the military justice system. Topics include criminal and military offenses, rules of evidence, the conduct of searches and seizures, non-judicial punishment, investigations and preparation of changes, MILITARY OFFICER EDUCATION PROGRAMS court-martial procedures, and international treaties and conventions dealing with the law of war. Students are expected to become familiar with the Manual for Courts- Martia/and to make recommendations on charges and specifications consistent with the facts of a case, the rules of evidence, and the required elements of proof. The student's knowledge is evlauated through quizzes, exams, and an essay. 402. Military Professionalism and Professional Ethics Prerequisite: none. (2 credits) This course explores concepts of military professionalism and relates these concepts to issues in military ethics, the conduct of military operations, and national security. Contempo- rary military leadership issues will be explored. Selected professional development topics will also 189 be addressed to facilitate the transition from cadet to lieutenant. Standards of conduct governing Army personnel will be presented to inform cadets of expected and proper behavior while in the service of the military. Students will be evaluated through the use of quizzes and examinations. Navy Officer Education Program Program Office. Room 103. North Hall 764-1498 Chair: Capt. Klintworth, USN CDR Sparaco; Lieutenant Commander Block; Lieutenants Perrone, Reynolds and Stevens; Major Gasapo, USMC Students enrolled as midshipmen in the Navy Officer Educa- tion Program who successfully complete the program and receive a university degree are commissioned as officers in the United States Navy or Marine Corps, or in the Naval or Marine Corps Reserve. Career Opportunities Graduates of the program have a wide range of job and career opportunities as commissioned officers in the Navy or Marine Corps. Navy officers may choose duty in surface ships, aviation, and submarines and in subspecialties such as nuclear propulsion. Marine Corps officers may choose aviation, infantry, armor, or artillery specialties. After graduation, all commissioned officers receive additional training in their chosen specialties. MILITARY OFFICER EDUCATION PROGRAMS 190 Four-Year and Two-Year Programs The four-year program includes eight terms of course work. A military obligation is incurred at the beginning of the sophomore year for scholarship students. The two-year program includes six weeks of training at the Naval Science Institute in Newport, Rhode Island during the summer before a student's junior year. This is followed by enrollment in the same junior and senior level courses taken by four-year program students. A military obligation is incurred by two-year program students upon enrolling in junior level classes. Financial Benefits and Scholarships For a detailed description of the available financial benefits and scholarships, consult the appropriate sections in the general introduction to the Military Officer Education Pro- grams. Each year the Navy awards scholarships for study at The University of Michigan to students chosen on the basis of selections made by a national committee. Criteria for eligibil- ity vary between the several programs offered. Details are available from the program chair. Course of Study Students enroll in Naval Science (NS) courses during each term of participation in the program. In addition, all stu- dents are required to elect college course work in calculus, physics, foreign languages, and other Navy required courses. Students also participate in a four- to six-week summer training exercise during the periods between academic years. Military Obilgation Depending upon the program in which they are enrolled, graduates have a three or four year active duty service obligation. Those who are selected for postgraduate educa- tion may incur an additional service obligation upon comple- tion of that training. MILITARY OFFICER EDUCATION PROGRAMS Navy Officer Education Courses 101. Introduction to Naval Science Prerequisite: none. 1. (2 credits) An introduction to the structure and principles of naval organization and management. Practices and the concepts behind naval organization and manage- ment are examined within the context of American social and industrial organization and practice. 102. (Nav. Arch 102) Naval Ship Systems Prerequisite:none. II. (3 credits) Types, structures, and purposes of ships. Ship compartmentation, propulsion systems, auxiliary power systems, interior communications, and ship control. Elements of ship design to achieve safe operations, and ship stability characteristics. 201. (EECS 250) Electronic Sensing Systems Prerequisite: preceded or accompanied by Physics 240. I. (3 credits) Introduction to properties and behavior of electromagnetic energy as it pertains to naval applications of communica- tion, radar, and electro- optics. Additional topics include sound navigation and ranging (SONAR), tracking and guidance systems, and computer controlled systems. 202. Seapower in American History Prerequisite: none. II. (3 credits) This course focuses on the role of seapower in American history, with emphasis on the U.S. Navy. The course includes discussions of: the development of U.S. naval power and its application as an instrument of foreign policy; the historical relationship of the navy and the domestic political and economic environment; the historical relationship of the navy and the American Merchant Marine; and the rise of the United States as a maritime power. 301. (Astron. 261). Navigation Prerequisite: none. . (3 credits) Theory, principles, and procedures of ship navigation including piloting, dead reckoning, celestial methods, and modern electronic navigation; practical sextant work, plotting on charts, and use of navigational publications. 302. Naval Operations Prerequisite: none. ii. (2 credits) Principles of shiphandling and fleet operations from the point of view of Officer of the Deck, including study of relative motion, communica- tions, tracking, and rules of the road. MILIT A RY OFFICER EDUCATION PROGRAMS 192 310. Evolution of Warfare. Prerequisite: none. (3 credits) (History 389. Warfare Since the Eighteenth Century Prerequisite: none. (credits 4) taught in the school of L.S.&A.) Basic study of the art of war, concepts of warfare, and evolution of warfare from beginning of recorded history to present. Special emphasis is placed on technological, tactical, and organizational innovations. Conceptual base is developed in the student by study of selective battles that have had major political, military, and social significance. 401. Leadership and Manage- ment I. Prerequisite: none. I. (2 credits) Study of leadership and management theory, structure of organizations, decision theory, communications, authority, chain of command and behavioral science and the manager with emphasis on U.S. Navy Application. 402. Leadership and Manage- ment II Prerequisite. none. II. (2 credits) Study of organizational administration, human goals, race relations, equal opportunity, drug awareness, and human resources management with emphasis on U. S. Navy application. 410. Amphibious Warfare Prerequisite: none. (3 credits) History, development, and techniques of amphibious tactics. Course examines in detail significant amphibious operations of twentieth century from Gallipoli to present. Note. The courses listed herein are offered primarily for the students participating in the program; however, they are open to and may be taken by any University enrolled student with prior permission of the course instructor. Course Descriptions COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 194 The courses offered by the College of Engineering, and by certain closely associated departments of other units of the University, are listed with a brief descrip- tion of each. Time Schedules are issued separately, giving hours and room assignments for the courses and sections offered each term. Designations Each listing begins with the course number and title set in boldface type. [Course number] refers to past course numbers. (Course number) indicates cross-listed courses. A Roman numeral may appear at the end of the title that indicates the position of the course in a sequence of courses on the same subject. Prerequisites, if any, are set in italics. They are followed by roman numerals, also set in italics that indicate the times at which the department plans to offer the course: I fall See under Term for definitions HI winter relating to the several terms Ill spring-summer Il/a spring half I/lb summer half The italics in parentheses indicates the hours of credit for the course; for example, (3 credits) denotes three credit hours, or, (to be arranged) denotes credit to be arranged. What the Course Number indicates The number of each course is designated to indicate the general level of maturity and prior training expected. 100 Freshman level courses 200 Sophomore level courses 300 Junior level courses *400 Senior level courses 500 Predominantly Graduate level courses 600 Graduate level courses and above *A 400 level course listed in the Bulletin oftthe Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies may be elected for graduate credit when approved by the student's graduate program adviser. PREREQUISITES Unless a phrase such as "Junior Standing," "Senior Stand- 195 ing," or "Graduate Standing" is part of the list of prerequi- sites for a course, a student may elect an advanced level course relative to his/her current status if the other prerequi- sites are satisfied. If the difference in standing level is greater than one academic year, it is usually not wise to elect an advanced level course without first consulting the depart- ment or the instructor offering the course. In general, the prerequisites listed for a course designate specific subject materials and/or skills expected to have been mastered before electing the course (or, in some cases, concurrent with). Course equivalence Unless otherwise stated, the phrase "or equivalent" may be considered an implicit part of the prerequisite for any course. When a student has satisfactorily completed a course that is not listed but is believed to be substantially equivalent to one specified as a prerequisite for a course that the student wants to elect, the individual may consult the program adviser and upon determining if equivalency has been satisfied, election may be approved. Permission of Instructor The phrase "or permission of instructor (or department)" may be considered an implicit part of the statement of prerequisites for any course. When permission is a stated requirement, or when a student does not have the stated prerequisite for a course but can give evidence of back- ground, training, maturity, or high academic record, the student should present to the program adviser a note of approval from the instructor or department concerned. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS ' Aerospace Engineering Department Office 302 Aerospace Engineering Building (313) 764-3310 Thomas C. Adamson, Jr., Ph.D., Professor and Chair Harm Buning, M. S. E., Professor and Associate Chair Professor William J. Anderson, Ph.D. Joe G. Eisley, Ph.D. Gerard M. Faeth, Ph.D. Elmer G. Gilbert, Ph.D. Donald T. Greenwood, Ph.D. Paul B. Hays, Ph.D. N. Harris McClamroch, Ph.D. Arthur F. Messiter, Jr., Ph.D. Philip L. Roe, B.A. Martin Sichel, Ph.D. John E. Taylor, Ph.D. Bram van Leer, Ph.D. Nguyen X. Vinh, Ph.D. Adjunct Professor Jack R. Lousma, Eng. Degree William F. Powers, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus Frederick L. Bartman, Ph.D. Frederick J. Beutler, Ph.D. Robert M. Howe, Ph.D. Arnold M. Kuethe, Ph.D. Edgar J. Lesher, M.S.E. Vi-Cheng Liu, Ph.D. James A. Nicholls, Ph.D. Richard L. Phillips, Ph.D. Lawrence Rauch, Ph.D. William L. Root, Ph.D. Pauline M. Sherman, M.S. William W. Willmarth, Ph.D. Associate Professor Louis P. Bernal, Ph.D. Werner J.A. Dahm, Ph.D. James F. Driscoll, Ph.D. Pierre T. Kabamba, Ph.D. C. William Kauffman, Ph.D. Nicolas Triantafyllidis, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Alec D. Gallimore, Ph.D. Kenneth G. Powell, Sc. D. Anthony M. Waas, Ph.D. Peter D. Washabaugh, Ph.D. Lecturer Donald M. Geister, M.S.E. David W. Levy, Ph.D. See page 195 for statement on course equivalence. 200. General Aeronautics and Astronautics Prerequisite: Physics 140, preceded or accompanied by Eng. 103. land/. (2 credits) Introduction to aerospace engineering. Elementary problems designed to orient the student in the program of aerospace engineering, together with a discussion of the current state of aerospace developments and the role of the engineer. Recitations and demonstrations. 301. Laboratory I Prerequisite: preceded or accompanied by EECS 314. l and I. (2 credits) Comprehensive series of lectures and experiments designated to introduce the student to basic principles of electronics, circuit analysis, transducers, modern labora- tory instrumentation, experimental methods, and data analysis. Experiments involve simple measurement and instrumentation problems. 302. Laboratory II Prerequisite: Aero. Eng. 301. I and I. (2 credits) Continuation of the material in Aero. Eng. 301. 314. Structural Mechanics I Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 210; preceded or accompanied by Aero. Eng. 350. l and II. (3 credits) Review of plane states of stress and strain; basic equations of plane elasticity AEROSPACE ENGINEERING and selected problems; failure criteria and applications; energy principles of structural theory; thin-walled beam theory. 320. Introduction to Gas Dynamics I Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 235; preceded or accompanied by Aero. Eng. 350. l and /. (3 credits) Physical properties of gases; conservation laws for mass, momentum and energy. One- dimensional isentropic flow; stagnation and critical conditions; nozzles and diffusers. Normal shock waves; oblique shocks; expansions. One-dimensional flow with friction and heat addition. 330. Introduction to Gas Dynamics II Prerequisite: Aero. Eng. 320 or introductory course in fluid mechanics. land/. (3 credits) Viscous stresses; elementary viscous flows. The boundary- layer approximation; laminar boundary layers; pressure gradient and compressibility; heat transfer. Instability and transition to turbulence. General description of turbulent flows; turbulent boundary-layer structure and modeling. 340. Mechanics of Flight Prerequisite: Aero. Eng. 200, Mech. Eng. 240. l and /. (3 credits) Mechanics of a particle applied to the analysis of vehicle flight paths. Rigid body mechanics applied to translational and rotational vehicle motion. Analysis of vehicle motion and static and dynamic stability using perturbation theory. 350. (Math. 350) Aerospace Engineering Analysis Prerequisite: Math. 216. l and /. (3 credits) Formulation and solution of some of the elementary initial-and-boundary-value problems relevant to aerospace engineering. Application of Fourier series, separation of variables, and vector analysis to problems of forced oscillations, wave motion, diffusion, elasticity, and perfect-fluid theory. 380. Undergraduate Seminar Prerequisite: junior standing (1 credit) A series of seminars by noted outside speakers designed to acquaint undergraduates with both current problems and state of the art aerospace industry. Will involve a short term project or paper pertinent to one of the seminar topics. 390. Directed Study (To be arranged). Individual study of specialized aspects of aerospace engineering. 411. (CEE 411) (Nav. Arch. 411) Finite Element Applications Prerequisite: Eng. 103, Mech. Eng. 211 or Mech Eng. 210. I. IL//I/a. (3 credits) The application of user- oriented finite element computer programs for solving practical structural mechanics problems of frames, 2-D and 3-D solids, plates, shells, etc., and displaying the solutions graphically. Students learn to prepare input data and interpret results. A short introduction to the underlying theory is also presented. 414. Structural Mechanics iI Prerequisite: Aero. Eng. 314. l and /. (3 credits) Introduction to plate theory. Stability of structural elements; columns and beam columns; plate in compres- sion and shear; secondary instability of columns. Introduction to matrix methods of deformation analysis; structural dynamics. 197 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 198 416. (CEE 514) Theory of Plates and Shells Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 210, Math. 450 or Aero Eng. 350. (3 credits) Linear elastic plates. Membrane and bending theory of axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric shells. Approximate treatment of edge effects. Finite element techniques for plate and shell problems. 420. Aerodynamics I Prerequisite: Aero. Eng. 320; preceded or accompanied by Aero. Eng. 330. land/I. (3 credits) Kinematics and dynamics of incompressible irrotational flow; velocity potential; stream function; Euler and Bernouli equations. Thin-foil theory; lift and moment for cambered airfoils. Finite- wing theory; induced drag. Compressible flow; small- disturbance theory; thin wings at subsonic and supersonic speeds. 430. Aerospace Propulsion Prerequisite: Aero Eng. 320. l and IL (3 credits) Fundamentals of propulsion: performance parameters, thermodynamic cycles, introduction to combustion. Performance analysis of various flight propulsion systems: turbojets, turbofans, ramjets, rockets, propellers. 440. Vehicle Systems Performance Prerequisite: junior standing. (3 credits) Role of performance in systems analysis; mathemati- cal modeling; identification of constraints, performance parameters, and performance indices. The aircraft performance problem: flight envelope, aerodynamic approximations, available propulsion systems; takeoff, landing, climb, and range performance. Modern performance optimization techniques. Applications to automobile, high-speed train, and space vehicle perform- ance analysis. 443. Spaceflight Dynamics Prerequisite: ME/AM 240; Aero. Eng. 340 recom- mended. I. (3 credits) Particle dynamics with applications to space station dynamics and tethered bodies. Orbital mechanics and earth satellite operations. Orbital decay. Rigid body dynamics and satellite attitude control. Dual-spin satellites. Gyroscopic instruments. 447. Flight Testing Prerequisite: Aero. Eng. 340. (2 credits) Theory and practice of obtaining flight-test data on performance and stability of airplanes from actual flight tests. No laboratory fee will be charged, but a deposit covering student insurance and operating expense of the airplane will be required. 452. (EECS 401) Probabilistic Methods in Engineering Prerequisite. EECS 300 or Math. 448. Iand/. (3 credits) C.1.C.E students may not receive graduate credit for both EECS 401 and 501. Basic concepts of probability theory. Random variables: discrete, continuous, and conditional probability distributions, averages, independence. Introduction to discrete and continuous random processes: wide sense stationarity, correla- tion, spectral density. 464. (A.0. & S.S. 464) Upper Atmospheric Science Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing in a physical science or engineering. . (3 credits) An introduction to physical processes in the upper atmosphere; density, temperature, composition, and winds; atmospheric radiation transfer processes and heat balance; the ionosphere; rocket and satellite measurement techniques. AEROSPACE ENGINEERING 471. Automatic Control Systems Prerequisite: Aero. Eng. 340. , / and //IA. (3 credits) Automatic control problems; solution approach using feedback. Transfer function and state space description of linear control systems. Control design criteria; stability, sensitivity, time response. Use of Routh- Hurwitz, root-locus, Nyquist, Bode methods for control design. Application to design of automatic control systems for flight vehicles. 481. Airplane Design Prerequisite: senior standing. (4 credits) Power-required and power- available characteristics of aircraft on a comparative basis, calculation of preliminary performance, stability, and control characteristics. Design procedure, including layouts and preliminary structural design. Subsonic and supersonic designs. Emphasis on design techniques and systems approach. Lectures and laboratory. 482. Design of Rocket- and Air-Borne Remote Sensing Probes Prerequisite: senior standing. (4 credits) Design techniques and projects for geophysical, environmental, and earth resources surveys. Aircraft, sounding rocket, and balloon instruments and payloads as well as vehicle characteristics, and performance are considered. Student projects bring together in a unified concept components for sensing (remote and in situ), telemetering, tracking, performance, safety, and data processing. 483. Aerospace System Design Prerequisite. senior standing. II. (4 credits) Aerospace system design, analysis and integration. Consideration of launch facilities, booster systems, spacecraft systems, communications, data processing, and project management. Lectures and laboratory. 484. Computer Aided Design Prerequisite: Aero. Eng. 414 and senior standing.- I (4 credits) Computer generation of geometric models. Calcula- tion of design parameters. Finite element modeling and analysis. Each student will complete a structural component design project using industry standard applications software. 490. Directed Study (To be arranged) Individual study of specialized aspects of aerospace engineering. Primarily for undergraduates. 510. Finite Elements in Mechanical and Structural Analysis I Prerequisite: Aero. Eng. 414. I. (3 credits) Introductory level. Develop- ment of the linear finite element displacement method. Virtual work. Application to trusses, beams, plates, shells, and solids. Stress, displacement, strain energy. Computer laboratory based on a general purpose finite element code. Term project. 511. Finite Elements in Mechanical and Structural Analysis II Prerequisites: Aero Eng. 510 or Appl. Mech. 505. I. (3 credits) Intermediate level. Finite element solutions for structural dynamics and nonlinear problems. Normal modes, forced vibration, Euler buckling (bifurcation), large deflections, nonlinear elasticity, transient heat conduction. Computer laboratory based on a general purpose finite element code. 199 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 200 514. Foundations of Solid Mechanics Prerequisite: Aero. Eng. 414 or equivalent. I. (3 credits) Introduction to nonlinear continuum and structural mechanics. Elements of tensor calculus, basic kinematics, conservation laws (mass, linear and angular momentum, energy, etc.), constitutive equations in continua applications in hyperelastic solids, numerical (f.e.m.) methods for the corresponding nonlinear boundary value problems, derivation of non-linear shell theories from 3-D considerations. 515. Mechanics of Composite and Microstructured Media Prerequisite: Aero. Eng. 514 or equivalent. 1. (3 credits) An introduction to the mechanics of composite (more than one phase) solids with an emphasis on the derivation of macroscopical constitutive laws based on the microstructure. Eshelby transformation theory, self consistent methods, homogenization theory for periodic media, bounding properties for effective moduli of composites. Applications of aerospace interest. 516. Mechanics of Fibrous Composites Prerequisites. Aero Eng. 414 or App. Mech. 412. . (3 credits) Effective stiffness properties of composites. Constitutive description of laminated plates. Laminated plate theory. Edge effects in laminates. Nonlinear theory of generally laminated plates. Governing equations in the Von Karman sense. Laminated plates with moderately large deflections. Postbuckling and nonlinear vibration of laminated plates. Failure theories and experimental results for laminates. 518. (Appl. Mech. 518) Theory of Elastic Stability I Prerequisite: Appl. Mech. 511. I. (3 credits) Elastic and inelastic buckling of bars and frameworks; variational principles and numerical solutions; lateral buckling of beams. Insta- bility of rings. 520. Compressible Flow I Prerequisite: Aero Eng. 420. / (3 credits) Elements of inviscid compressible-flow theory: review of thermodynamics; equations of frictionless flow; analysis of unsteady one- dimensional and steady supersonic two-dimensional flows; including the method of characteristics; small- disturbance theory with applications to supersonic thin- airfoil theory. 521. Experimental Methods in Fluid Mechanics Prerequisite. senior standing. II (3 credits) Fundamental principles of modern flow facilities and advanced instrumentation: mechanics, analog and digital electronics, optics. Digital data acquisition and analysis; turbulent flow measurement; power spectrum estimation; conditional sampling techniques. Flow visualization, two- and three-dimensional velocity field measurement. Digital image analysis, contrast enhancement, pattern recognition. Lecture and laboratory. 522. Viscous Flow Prerequisite: Aero. Eng. 330 andAero 420. I. (3 credits) The Navier-Stokes equations, including elementary discussion of tensors; exact solutions. Laminar boundary- layer theory; three-dimensional and compressible boundary layers. Laminar-flow instability theory; transition. Introduction to the mechanics of turbulence; turbulent free shear flows and boundary layers. AEROSPACE ENGINEERING 523. Computational Fluid Dynamics I Prerequisite: One graduate math course or permission of instructor; some computer programming experience; preceded or accompanied by Aero. Eng. 520. L (3 credits) Mathematical and physical fundamentals of computa- tional fluid dynamics, with computer applications to model equations. Classifica- tion of partial differential equations, finite-difference approximations to linear convection and diffusion equations, truncation error, stability, monotonicity, nonlinear conservation laws, weak solutions, finite-volume approximations. 524. Aerodynamics II Prerequisites: Aero. Eng. 420. ll. (3 credits) Two- and three-dimensional potential flow about wings and bodies; complex-variable methods; singularity distributions; numerical solution using panel methods. Unsteady aerodynamics; slender-body theory. Viscous effects: airfoil stall, high-lift systems, boundary-layer control. Wings and bodies at transonic and supersonic speeds; numerical methods. 525. Introduction to Turbulent Flows Prerequisite. Aero. Eng. 522. I. (3 credits) Mathematical description of turbulent flow phenomena. Flow equations, vorticity dynamics, Reynolds-averaged equations, engineering turbulence models. Theory of homogeneous turbulence, spectral dynamics. Shear flow turbulence, mean and fluctuating structure of free and wall-bounded turbulent flows. 530. Turbojet Propulsion Prerequisite: Aero Eng. 430. I. (3 credits) Advanced analysis of turbojet engines: effect of altitude parameters on engine performance; off-design equilibrium running of a turbojet engine; dynamics of engine considered as a quasi- static system; fluid mechanics of a rotating axial blade row; centrifugal compressors; transonic flow problems. 531. Experimental High- Temperature Gasdynamics Prerequisites: senior standing. II. (3 credits) Lectures and experiments to give students experience in measuring properties of high temperature reactive gases and in visualizing flow patterns using modern laser diagnos- tics. Laser velocimetry, Schlieren and laser light sheet flow visualization, spectroscopy and fluorescent diagnostics used in flames and supersonic flows. Lab reports required. 532. (AOSS 596) Gaskinetic Theory Prerequisite: graduate standing. . (3 credits) Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, kinetic determination of equation of state, specific heats of gases. Dynamics of two-particle collisions. Elementary transport theory, molecular effusion, hydrodynamic transport coefficients, mean free path method. Advanced transport theory, the Boltzmann equation, collision terms, Chapman-Enskog transport theory. Aerody- namics of free-molecular flow. Shock waves. 533. Combustion Processes Prerequisite: Aero. Eng. 320. (3 credits) This course covers the fundamentals of combustion systems, and fire and explosion phenomena. Topics covered include thermochemistry, chemical kinetics, laminar flame propagation, detonations and explosions, flammability and ignition, spray combustion, and the use of computer techniques in combustion problems. 201 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 202 535. Rocket Propulsion Prerequisite: Aero. Eng. 430. I. (3 credits) Analysis of liquid and solid propellant rocket powerplants; propellant thermochemistry, heat transfer, system considerations. Low-thrust rockets, multi-stage rockets, trajectories in powered flight, electric propulsion. 540. Intermediate Dynamics Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 240. I. (4 credits) Kinematics of motion, particle dynamics, Lagrange's equations. Rigid body dy- namics including Euler's equations, the Poinsot construction, spin stabiliza- tion, the rotation matrix. Vibrations of coupled systems, orthogonality relationships, generalized co- ordinates and generalized system parameters. 541. Computational Dynamics Prerequisite: Aero. Eng. 540. . (3 credits) Formulation of dynamics problems for computer solution. Kinematic preliminaries. Matrix and dyadic notation. Constraints, generalized coordinates, and quasi-coordinates. General- ized speeds. Rigid and flexible multi-body dynamics. Computational efficiency. 542. Astrodynamics I Prerequisite: Aero. Eng. 340. I. (3 credits) The study of motion of aircraft in a vacuum and in the atmosphere with emphasis on preliminary mission planning. Analysis of trajectories in suborbital, orbital, lunar, and interplanetary operations. Aerodynamic forces and heating characteristics and their effect on the selection of flight paths during entry into planetary atmospheres. 543. Structural Dynamics Prerequisite. Aero. Eng. 414 or 540. (3 credits) Natural frequencies and mode shapes of elastic bodies. Nonconservative elastic systems. Structural and viscous damping. Influence coefficient methods for typical flight structures. Response of structures to random and shock loads. Lab demonstration. 544. Aeroelasticity Prerequisite: Aero. Eng. 414 or 540. (3 credits) Introduction to aeroelasticity. Vibration and flutter of elastic bodies exposed to fluid flow. Static divergence and flutter of airplane wings. Flutter of flat plates and thin walled cylinders at supersonic speeds. Oscillations of structures due to vortex shedding. 545. Principles of Helicopter and V/STOL Flight Prerequisite. preceded or accompanied by Aero. Eng. 420. 1. (3 credits) Introduction to helicopter performance, aerodynamics, stability and control, vibration and flutter. Other V/STOL concepts of current interest. 546. Advanced Dynamics Prerequisite: Aero. Eng. 540 or App!. Mech. 443 or Mech. Eng. 443. II. (3 credits) Hamilton's equations, canonical transformations, and Hamilton-Jacobi theory. Applications to orbital problems. General perturba- tion theory. Introduction to special relativity. 548. Astrodynamics II Prerequisite: Aero. Eng. 542. (3 credits) Orbit determination. Systems of canonical equations. Perturbation theory with applications to the motion of an artificial satellite. Lunar and planetary theories. 550. (EECS 560) Linear Systems Theory Prerequisite: graduate standing. l and /. (3 credits) Linear spaces and linear operators. Bases, subspaces, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, canonical forms. Linear differential and difference equations. Mathematical AEROSPACE ENGINEERING representations: state equations, transfer functions, impulse response, matrix fraction and polynomial descriptions. System- theoretic concepts: causality, controllability, observability, realizations, canonical decomposition, stability. 551. (EECS 562) Non-Linear Dynamical Systems Prerequisite: graduate standing. II.(3 credits) Introduction to and analysis of phenomena which occur in non-linear dynamical systems. Topics include: equilibria, limit cycles, second order systems and phase plane analysis, bifurcations and chaos, Liapunov and input-output stability theory, asymptotic analysis including averaging theory and singular perturbations, numerical techniques. 552. (EECS 501) Probability and Random Processes Prerequisite. EECS 401 or graduate standing. l and/I. (4 credits) Introduction to probability and random processes. Topics include probability axioms, sigma algebras, random vectors, expectation, probability distributions and densities. Poisson and Wiener processes, stationary processes, autocorrelation, spectral density, effects of filtering, linear least-square estimation, and convergence of random sequences. 553. (EECS 502) Stochastic Processes Prerequisite: EECS 501. II. (3 credits) Correlations and spectra. Quadratic mean calculus, including stochastic integrals and representations, wide- sense stationary processes (filtering, white noise, sampling, time averages moving averages, auto- regression). Renewal and regenerative processes, Markov chains, random walk and ruin, branching processes, Markov jump processes, uniformization, reversibility, and queueing applications. 565. (Appl. Mech. 565) Optimal Structural Design Prerequisite: Aero. Eng. 414 and 350. I. (3 credits) Optimal design of structural elements (bars, trusses, frames, plates, sheets) and systems; variational formulation for discrete and distributed parameter structures; sensitivity analysis; optimal material distribution and layout; design for criteria of stiffness, strength, buckling, and dynamic response. 570. Guidance and Navigation of Aerospace Vehicles Prerequisite: a course in feedback control. L (3 credits) Principles of space vehicle, homing and ballistic missiles guidance systems in two and three dimensions. Explicit, linear perturbation, and velocity-to-be gained guidance modes. Mechanization by inertial and other means, including strapped-down and stable-platform inertial systems. Celestial navigation procedures with determination and redundant measurements. Application of Kalman filtering to recursive navigation theory. 571. (EECS 561) Digital Control Systems Prerequisite: EECS 460/Aero. Eng. 471/Mech. Eng. 461. . (3 credits) Sampling and data recon- struction in computer control systems, z-transforms and state equations to describe discrete and mixed data systems. Analysis of digital feedback systems using root locus, Nyquist and Jury tests. Design of digital feedback systems using frequency domain techniques and state space techniques. Non-linear digital feedback systems. 572. (EECS 566) Non-linear Control Systems Prerequisite: EECS 460/Aero. Eng. 471/Mech. Eng. 461 and EECS 562/Aero. Eng. 551. L (3 credits) Methods of analysis and design of non-linear control systems. Topics include: stabilizing controllers, absolute stability theory, describing function COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 204 methods, input-output stability of feedback systems. Control techniques for non- linear systems: dither, vibrational control, variable structure systems and sliding mode control, linearization by nonlinear feedback. 573. Real-Time Simulation of Dynamic Systems Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Il. (3 credits) High-speed simulation of systems described by ordinary differential equations with emphasis on real-time applications and hardware-in-the-loop. Error analysis of numerical integration methods, use of multiple frame rates, treatment of discontinuous non-linearities, performance of D-A and A-D converters. Examples include control systems, flexible structures, and aerospace vehicles. 574. Control of Aircraft, Missiles, and Space Vehicles Prerequisite: a course in feedback control. I. (3 credits) Analysis and synthesis of autopilots for aircraft. Design of thrust-vector control systems including effects of elastic structures and fuel sloshing. Altitude control systems for space vehicles; mechanization using jet thrusters and inertia wheels; gravity gradient moments. 575. Optimization of Space Trajectories Prerequisite: permission of instructor. I. (3 credits) Introduction to optimal control. Switching theory. Applications to aerospace trajectories: orbital transfer and rendezvous, atmospheric reentry, aero-assisted transfer. 576. (EECS 563) Optimal Control Prerequisite: EECS 560/Aero. Eng. 550. II. (3 credits) Definition of optimal control problems. Formulation of discrete time optimal control problems as constrained mathematical programming problems. Formulation of continuous time optimal control problems as variational problems. The Pontryagin necessary condition. Application to a variety of specific optimal control problems from diverse disciplines. Introduction to computational methods in optimal control. 577. (EECS 505) (I.&O.E. 511) (Math. 562) Continuous Optimization Methods Prerequisite: Math. 417 or Math. 419. l and/. (3 credits) Survey of continuous optimization problems. Unconstrained optimization problems: unidirectional search techniques; gradient, conjugate direction, quasi- Newton methods. Introduc- tion to constrained optimiza- tion using techniques of unconstrained optimization through penalty transforma- tions, augmented La- grangians, and others. Discussion of computer programs for various algorithms. 578. (EECS 564) Estimation, Filtering, and Detection Prerequisite: EECS 501, 560. II. (3 credits) Principles of estimation, linear filtering and detection. Estimation: linear and non- linear minimum mean squared error estimation, and other strategies. Linear filtering: Wiener and Kalman filtering. Detection: simple, composite, binary and multiple hypotheses. Neyman-Pearson and Bayesian approaches. 579. Control of Aerospace Structures Prerequisite: Aero. Eng. 471, Aero. Eng. 414, and Aero. Eng. 550. II. (3 credits) Equations of motion of controlled elastic structures; modal and finite element formulations; shape control; active damping using feed- back; application to control of flexible aircraft and flexible space structures. AEROSPACE ENGINEERING 580. (EECS 565) Linear Feedback Control Systems Prerequisite. EECS 460/Aero. Eng. 471/Mech. Eng. 461 and EECS 560/Aero. Eng. 550. HI. (3 credits) Control design concepts for linear multivariable systems. Review of single variable systems and extensions to multivariable systems. Pur- pose of feedback. Sensiti- vity, robustness, and design tradeoffs. Design formulations using both frequency domain and state space descriptions. Pole placement/observer de- sign. Linear quadratic Gaussian based design methods. Design problems unique to multivariable systems. 590. Directed Study (To be arranged) Individual study of specialized aspects of aerospace engineering. Primarily for graduates. 597. (A.0. & S.S. 597) Fundamentals of Space Plasma Physics Prerequisite: Senior level statistical physics course. I (3 credits) Basic plasma concepts, Boltzmann equation, higher order moments equations, MHD equations, double adiabatic theory. Plasma expansion to vacuum, transonic flows, solar wind, polar wind. Collisionless shocks, propagating and planetary shocks. Fokker- Planck equation, quasilinear theory, velocity diffusion, cosmic ray transport, shock acceleration. Spacecraft charging, mass loading. 611. Advanced Topics in Finite Element Structural Analysis Prerequisites: Aero. Eng. 511 or Mech. Eng. 605.. (3 credits) Cyclic symmetry, design sensitivities and optimization. Applications to stress analysis, vibration, heat conduction, centrifugal effects, buckling. Introduction to high-level matrix-oriented programming languages (e.g. Direct Matrix Abstraction Program). Use of a large, general purpose finite element code as a research tool. 614. (CEE 614) Advanced Theory of Plates and Shells Prerequisites. Aero. Eng. 416 & CEE 514. ll. (3 credits) Differential geometry of surfaces. Linear and nonlinear plate and shell theories in curvilinear coordinates. Anisotropic and laminated shells. Stability and post- buckling behavior. Finite element techniques, including special considerations for collapse analysis. 615. (CEE 615) 205 (ME/AM 649) Random Vibrations Prerequisites: CEE 513 or ME/AM 541 or Aero Eng. 543. II. (3 credits) Accelerated coverage of elements of probability theory. Characterization of random processes and fields. Correlation and spectral density functions. Response of linear discrete and continuous systems to random excitation. Introduction to problems involving random systems. Maxima and minima of random processes. Applications to problems of engineering interest. 618. (Appl. Mech. 618) Theory of Elastic Stability i Prerequisite: Aero. Eng. 518 or equivalent and graduate standing. ll. (3 credits) Koiter's theory for buckling, post-buckling, mode interaction and imperfection sensitivity behavior in non- linear solids. Applications to thin-walled beams, cylindrical and spherical shells as well as to 3-D hyperelastic solids. Loss of ellipticity in finitely strained solids. Hill's theory on bifurcation, uniqueness and post-bifurcation analysis in elastic-plastic solids with applications. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 2os 620. Dynamics of Turbulent Shear Flows Prerequisite: Aero. Eng. 520. II. (3 credits) Fundamentals of turbulent shear flows, with emphasis on dimensional reasoning and similarity scaling. Develop- ment of laminar shear flows, instability and transition to turbulent flow, kinetic and scalar energy transport mechanisms in turbulent shear flows, critical examination of numerical methods for turbulent flows, comparisons with experi- ments. 621. Compressible Flow II Prerequisite. Aero. Eng. 520. 11. (3 credits) Characteristics theory and flows with shock waves, including various examples of unsteady flows and steady supersonic flows. Linear and nonlinear small-disturbance approximations, with applications to acoustics, three-dimensional steady supersonic flows, transonic and hypersonic flows. 623. Computational Fluid Dynamics II Prerequisite: Aero. Eng. 523 or equivalent, substantial computer-programming experience, and Aero. Eng. 520. II. (3 credits) Advanced mathematical and physical concepts in computational fluid dynamics, with applications to one- and two-dimensional compressible flow. Euler and Navier-Stokes equations, numerical flux functions, boundary conditions, monotonicity, marching in time, marching to a steady state, grid generation. 627. Topics in Advanced Fluid Mechanics Prerequisite: Aero. Eng. 520 and Aero 522. 1L (3 credits) Linear and nonlinear surface waves. Flow instabilities; nonlinear stability analysis. Vorticity dynamics: vortex motions, instabilities, and breakdown. Boundary layers: steady and unsteady interactions; nonlinear instability. 632. Gas Flows with Chemical Reactions Prerequisite.' Aero. Eng. 533. II. (3 credits) Thermodynamics of gas mixtures, chemical kinetics, conservation equations for multicomponent reacting gas mixtures, deflagration and detonation waves. Nozzle flows and boundary layers with reaction and diffusion. 651. (EECS 600) Function Space Methods in System Theory Prerequisite: EECS 400. II. (3 credits) Introduction to the description and analysis of systems using function analytic methods. Metric spaces, normed linear spaces, Hilbert spaces, resolution spaces. Emphasis on using these concepts in systems problems. 652. (EECS 602) Theory of Stochastic Processes Prerequisite: EECS 502. (3 credits) Measure theoretic treatment of stochastic processes. Analysis and representation of various stochastic processes using function analytic concepts. Wiener processes, martingales, diffusion processes. Stochastic integrals, introduction to stochastic differential equations and stochastic calculus. 653. (EECS 603) Estimation Theory Prerequisite: EECS 553. Il (3 credits) Representations of stochastic processes for statistical estimations. Least squares and linear unbiased minimum variance estimators. Bayes, min-max, maximum likelihood of posteriori and maximum AEROSPACE ENGINEERING likelihood estimators. Recursive filtering, prediction, and interpolation. Applica- tions to control and communications. 673. (EECS 617) (Nuc. Eng. 673) Topics in Theoretical Plasma Physics. Prerequisite: Nuc. Eng. 571 or EECS 517 or Aero Eng. 726. l and I. (3 credits) An advanced course in theoretical plasma physics covering topics of current research interest. Specific content will vary from year to year. Representative topics include: studies of weakly ionized plasmas with applications to gas lasers; space plasmas; laser fusion plasmas; and non-linear plasma dynamics and plasma turbulence. 729. Special Topics in Gas Dynamics Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (To be arranged) Advanced topics of current interest. 740. Special Topics in Flight Dynamics and Control Systems (To be arranged) 800. Seminar (To be arranged) 810. Seminar in Structures (To be arranged) 820. Seminar in Aerodynamics (To be arranged) 830. Seminar in Propulsion (To be arranged) 840. Seminar in Flight Dynamics and Control Systems (To be arranged) 880. Seminar in Space Technology Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (To be arranged) 990. Dissertation/Pre- Candidate l and I (2-8 credits); I//a and llb. (1-4 credits) Election for dissertation work by doctoral student not yet 207 admitted to status as a candidate. The defense of the dissertation, that is, the final oral examination must be held under a full-term candidacy enrollment. 995. Dissertation/Candidate Prerequisite: Graduate School authorization for admission as a doctoral candidate. land/ (8 credits); lla and//lb. (4 credits) Election for dissertation by doctoral student who has been admitted to status as a candidate. The defense of the dissertation, that is, the final oral examination must be held under a full-term candidacy enrollment. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 208 Applied Mechanics Department Office 2250 G.G. Brown (313) 764-2694 Administered by the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics See page 195 for statement on course equivalence. 305. (ME 305) Introduction to Finite Elements in Mechanical Engineering Prerequisites: Mech. Eng. 311. . (3 credits) Rod element stiffness matrix. The assembly process. Solution techniques, gaussian elimination. Truss examples. Beam elements. Frame examples. Plate bending. Heat conduction. Triangular and quadrilateral elements. The Isoparametric function. Plane stress applications. The course is project-oriented with a substantial design content. A commercial finite element package is used extensively. 401. (ME 401) Engineering Statistics for Manufacturing Systems Prerequisites: Senior or Graduate Standing. I. (3 credits) Fundamentals of statistics. Independent t-test and paired t-test. Two-level factorial design. Fractional factorial designs. Matrix algebra and canonical analysis. Regres- sion analysis (Least Squares Method). Response surface methodology. Probability. Binomial and Poisson distributions. Single sampling plan. Statistical process control (SPC). Taguchi methods. Introduc- tory time series analysis and Defect Preventive Quality Control. 402. Experimental Stress Analysis Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 210 or 211 and Math. 216. 1. (3 credits) Review of plane stress-strain relationships; fundamentals of photoelastic method of stress determination using transmission polariscope and methods of separating principal stress-es; theory and application of brittle coatings; fundamentals of Moire fringe method of strain analysis; techniques of mechanical, optical, and electrical resistance strain gages and related circuitry. Lectures and laboratory experiments. 404. (ME 404) Coherent Optical Measurement Tech- niques Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing. II. (3 credits) Modern optical techniques using lasers in measure- ments of mechanical phenomena. Introduction to the nature of laser light and Fourier optics; use of holograph and laser speckle as measurement techniques; laser doppler velocimetry. 407. Theory of Solid Continua Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 210, Mech. Eng. 324, Math. 450. 1. (3 credits) The general theory of a continuous medium, kine- matics of large motions and deformations; stress tensors; conservation of mass, momentum and energy; constit-utive equations for elasticity, viscoelasticity and plasticity; applications to simple boundary value problems. APPLIED MECHANICS 412. Advanced Strength of Materials Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 311. I. (3 credits) Review of energy methods, Betti's reciprocal theorem; elastic, thermoelastic and elastoplastic analysis of axisymmetric thick cylinders and rotating discs; bending of rectangular and circular plates, including asymmetric problems; beams on elastic foundations; axisymmetric bending of cylindrical shells; torsion of prismatic bars. 419. Mechanics of Composite Materials Mech. Eng. 210 or 211and 240. I. (3 credits) Classification and characteri- zation of composite materials. Behavior in the elastic range. Stress-strain relations for anisotropic media. Orthotropic laminae. Plane problems. Theory of anisotropic plates. Bending, buckling and vibrations of laminated plates. 422. Intermediate Mechanics of Fluids Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 325, preceded or accompanied by App!. Mech. 501. [.(3 credits) Fundamental concepts of theoretical fluid mechanics. Development and applications of continuity, stream func- tions, vorticity. Euler and Bernoulli equations, irrotational flows. Laplace equation, conformal mapping, numeral methods. Hydrody- namic forces and moments. Navier-Stokes equations and solutions. Elements of boundary layers, jets, wakes. 435. (ME 435) Design of Thermal-Fluid Systems Prerequisites: ME 336 and ME 371. II. (3 credits) System design concepts, models and simulation; optimization; mathematical techniques: economic considerations. Application to various thermal-fluid systems. Design term projects. 441. (ME 441) Intermediate Vibrations Prerequisites: Mech. Eng. 240. I. II. l/la. (3 credits) Transient and forced single- degree-of-freedom linear vibrations; support motion, rotating unbalance, vibration isolation. Linear multiple- degree-of-freedom systems, analysis by matrix and approximate methods. Lagrange formulation. Continuous systems, modal summation. 442. (ME 442) Analysis & Synthesis of Motion Prerequisites: Mech. Eng. 240. II. (3 credits) Particle and rigid body kine- matics in 3D rotating reference frames. Algebraic and graphical analysis and synthesis of planar mechanisms. Coordinate translations and rotations, homogeneous displacement matrices. Solution of direct kinematics problem. Euler and Rodrigues parameters. Solution of indirect kinematics problem. Com- puter projects. Applications to robotics. 443. (ME 443) Intermediate Dynamics Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 240. Il. (3 credits) Vector Kinematics in 3D, rotating coordinate systems. Systems of particles. Rigid body inertial properties. Rigid body dynamics: Euler equations, direct and inverse dynamic problems, bearing reactions, tops and gyroscopes. 456. (Bioeng. 456) (ME 456) Biomechanics Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 210 or 211, and Mech. Eng. 240. II. (3 credits) Definition of biological tissue behaviors, including elastic, viscoelastic, and plastic properties, with emphasis on bone; dynamics of gait; impact and tolerance criteria in vehicle design for human safety; prosthetic and orthotic mechanics and design. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 210 495. (Bioeng. 495) Introduction to Bioengineering Prerequisite: permission of instructor. .(1 credit) Definition of scope, challenge, and require- ments of bioengineering field; faculty members review engineering-life sciences interdisciplinary activities as currently pursued in the College of Engineering and Medical School. P/F credit only. 501. (ME 501) Analytical Methods in Mechanics I Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 210 or 211, Mech. Eng. 240 and Math. 216. A/ (3 credits) An introduction to the notation and techniques of vectors, tensors, and matrices as they apply to mechanics. Emphasis is on physical motivation of definitions and operations, and on their application to problems in mechanics. Extensive use is made of examples from mechanics. 502. (ME 502) Methods of Differential Equations in Mechanics Prerequisite: Math 454. ll. (3 credits) Applications of differential equation methods of particular use in mechanics. Boundary value and eigenvalue problems are particularly stressed for linear and non-linear elasticity, analytical dynamics, vibration of structures, wave propaga- tion, fluid mechanics, and other applied mechanic topics. 503. Numerical Methods in Mechanics Prerequisite: one 500/level course in mechanics. /. (3 credits) Matrix methods applied to the stiffness matrix, vibration analysis, and hydrodynamic stability. Solution of integral equations by collocation, variational methods, successive approximations; applications to elasticity, plates, slow viscous flow, and inviscid flow. Finite difference and finite increment methods; application to wave propaga- tion, structural stability, plasticity, free-surface flows and wakes. 504. The Principles and Applications of Variational Methods Prerequisite: Appl. Mech. 443/ Mech. Eng. 443. (3 credits) Fundamental processes of the calculus of variations; derivation of the Euler- Lagrange equations; proof of the fundamental lemma; applications of the direct method; Lagrange multipliers; "natural" boundary conditions; variable end points; Hamilton's canonical equation of motion; Hamilton-Jacobi equations. Descriptions of fields by variational principles. Applications to mechanics. Approximate methods. 505. (ME 505) Finite Element Methods in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics Prerequisite: ME/AM 501, Mech. Eng. 311, or Mech. Eng. 324, or Mech. Eng. 371. / and /H. (3 credits) Theoretical and computational aspects of finite element methods. Examples from areas of thermal diffusion, potential/irrotational flows, lubrication, structural mechanics, design of machine components, linear elasticity, and Navier-Stokes flows problems. Program development and modification are expected as well as learning the use of existing codes. 512. (ME 512) Theory of Elasticity Prerequisite: Appl. Mech. 407 or Appl. Mech. 412. /. (3 credits) Stress, strain and displace- ment, equilibrium and compatibility. Use of airy stress function in rectangular and polar coordinates, asymptotic fields at discontinuities, forces and dislocations, contact and crack problems, rotating and accelerating bodies. Galerkin and Papcovich-Neuber solutions, singular solutions, spherical harmonics. Thermoelasticity. Asymmetric contact and crack problem. Asymmetric torsion. APPLIED MECHANICS 514. Nonlinear Fracture Mechanics Prerequisite: Appl. Mech. 412. IL (3 credits) Elements of solid mechanics, historical development of fracture mechanics, energy release rate of cracked solids, linear elastic fracture mechanics, elastic-plastic fracture mechanics. 515. (ME 515) Contact Mechanics Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 350 or Appl. Mech. 412. /, alternate and even years. (3 credits) Hertzian elastic contact; elastic-plastic behavior under repeat loading; shakedown. Friction; transmission of frictional tractions in rolling; fretting; normal and oblique impact. Dynamic loading. Surface durability in rolling. Surface roughness effects. Conduction of heat and electricity across interfaces. Thermal and thermoelastic effects in sliding and static contact. 517. Theory of Linear Viscoelasticity I Prerequisite: Appl. Mech. 407 l. (3 credits) Viscoelastic stress-strain relations; generalized creep and relaxation models, operational approach. Correspondence between visco-elastic and elastic solutions of boundary value problems. Three-dimensional theory of linear viscoelastic media. Quasi-static problems; sinusoidal oscillation problems; use of complex modulus and compliance; dynamic problems, impact. 518. (Aero. Eng. 518) Theory of Elastic Stability I Prerequisite: Appl. Mech. 407 . (3 credits) Elastic and inelastic buckling of bars and frameworks; variational principles and numerical solutions; lateral buckling of beams. Instability of rings. 519. Theory of Plasticity I Prerequisite: Appl. Mech. 407 L. (3 credits) Fundamentals of plasticity; stress-strain relations, yield criteria and the general behavior of metals and nonmetals beyond propor- tional limit in the light of experimental evidence. Various approximate theories with emphasis on the theory of plastic flow. Applications to problems of bending, torsion, plane strain and plane stress; technological problems. 522. (ME 522) Mechanics of Inviscid Fluids I Prerequisite: Appl. Mech. 422. 1!. (3 credits) Theory of inviscid flows. Forces, moments, and the added mass tensor; application of conformal mapping; free streamline theory; flows with concen- trated and distributed vorticity; linear wave theory; flow past slender bodies and wings; holograph and Karman-Tsien methods for subsonic flows; method of characteristics; perturbation methods in high-speed flows. 523. (ME 523) Mechanics of Viscous Fluids I Prerequisite: Appl. Mech. 422. I!. (3 credits) Theory of viscous flows. Exact solutions of the Navier- Stokes equations; slow motion solutions; boundary layers; jets and wakes; forced and free convection flows; heat transfer and compress- ible boundary layers; hydrodynamic stability; statistical theories of turbulence; rotating flows; surface tension effects. 524. Wave Motion in Fluids Prerequisite: App! Mech. 422. ll. (3 credits) Surface waves in liquids; group velocity and dispersion; water waves created by and wave resistance to a moving body; Korteweg-deVries equation; conoidal and solitary waves in water; wave reflection and diffraction; shallow-water 211 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 212 waves by the method of characteristics; statistical approach and spectral analysis; wave generation. 526. (ME 526) Computational Fluid Mechanics Prerequisite. Appl. Mech. 422 or Mech. Eng. 521. I. (3 credits) Application of finite differences and other numerical techniques to current problems in fluid mechanics, including high speed flow, boundary layer and separated flows. Problems in aerodynamics, combustion, and turbulent flow. Random choice, vortex, and panel methods. Visual presentation of numerical simulations. 527. Dynamics of Nonhomo- genous Fluids Prerequisite: Appl. Mech. 422. l and /. (3 credits) Theory of large-amplitude motion of fluids and variable density and entropy in a gravitational field, including the phenomenon of blocking and selective withdrawal of water; waves of small and of finite amplitudes in stratified fluids, including waves in the lee of mountains; stability of stratified flows; flow of nonhomogeneous fluids in porous media. Analogy with rotating fluids. 541. (ME 541) Mechanical Vibrations Prerequisite: ME/AM 441. 1. (3 credits) Time and frequency domain mathematical techniques for linear system vibrations. Equations of motion of discrett nonconservative systems. Vibration of multi- degree-of-freedom systems. Small oscillation theory. Free vibration eigenvalue problem. Undamped system response. Viscously damped systems. Vibration of continuous systems. Modes of vibration of bars, beams, membranes, plates. 543. (ME 543) Analytical and Computa- tional Dynamics I Prerequisite: ME/AM 441 or ME/AM 443. I. (3 credits) Modern analytical rigid body dynamics equation formulation and computa- tional solution techniques applied to mechanical multibody systems. Kinematics of motion generalized coordinates and speeds, analytical and computational determination of inertia properties, generalized forces, Gibb's function, Routhian, Kanes's equations, Hamilton's principle, LaGrange's equations, holonomic and nonholonomic constraints, constraint processing, computational stimulation. 548. (ME 548) Nonlinear Oscillations and Dynamic Stability of Mechanical Systems Prerequisite: ME/AM 443. ll. (3 credits) Large-amplitude vibrations of mechanical*systems; dynamic instability theory of rods, plates, and shells; methods of Liapunov; asymptotic approaches of Krylov, Bogoliubov, and Mitropolsky; perturbation methods; Floquet theory. 565 (Aero. Eng. 565) Optimal Structural Design Prerequisite: Aero. Eng. 435 or 414. II. (3 credits) Optimal design of structural elements (bars, trusses, frames, plates, sheets) and systems; variational formulation for discrete and distributed parameter structures; sensitivity analysis; optimal material distribution and layout; design for criteria of stiffness, strength, buckling, and dynamic response. 590. Engineering Practice and Problem Solving in Applied Mechanics Prerequisite: graduate standing. /, IA, lila, lilb, and ill (3 credits) An individual study course designed for the master's degree candidate. Student and individual faculty members will select a APPLIED MECHANICS problem of mutual interest and appropriate depth and complexity. The course is designed to develop the ability to do background research, to select analytical and computational models, and to utilize experimental evidence. 605. (ME 605) Advanced Finite Element Methods in Mechanics Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 505/ Appi Mech. 505 or CEE 510/ Naval. Arch. 512. l. (3 credits) Recent developments in finite element methods: mixed, hybrid, mixed-hybrid, reduced integration penalty, singular, boundary integral elements. Emphasis on the methodology for developing elements by using calculus of variations. Applications selected from various branches of solid and fluid mechanics. 618. (Aero. Eng. 618) Theory of Elastic Stability II Prerequisite: Aero. Eng. 518 or equivalent and graduate standing. I. (3 credits) Koiter's theory for buckling, post-buckling, mode interaction and imperfection sensitivity behavior in nonlinear solids. Applica- tions to thin-walled beams, cylindrical and spherical shells as well as to 3-D hyperelastic solids. Loss of ellipticity in finitely strained solids. Hill's theory on bifurcation, uniqueness and post-bifurcation analysis in elastic-plastic solids with applications. 619. Theory of Plasticity II Prerequisite: App!. Mech. 519. lI. (3 credits) Plastic theory for materials with isotropic hardening, kinematic hardening, and time dependence. Theories based on crystal slip; variational theorems; range of validity of total deformation theories. Theory of generalized stresses applied to circular plates; behavior at finite deflection; limit analysis of shells. Plane stress, plane strain, and axial symmetry. Plastic response to impact loads. Minimum weight design. 623. Theory of Hydrodynamic Stability Prerequisite: ME/AM 422. I. (3 credits) Treatment of hydrodynamic equations in general co- ordinates by tensorial methods; gravitional, hydromagnetic, and surface- tension instabilities; instability of rotating fluids and of flow in porous media. Tollmien- Schlichting waves; instability of free-surface flows. 626. (ME 626) Singular-Perturbation and Approximate Methods in the Mechan- ics of Fluids I Prerequisite: App!. Mech. 422 or Mech. Eng. 521. ii. (3 credits) Application of asymptotic methods to fluid mechanics, with special emphasis on the method of matched expan- sions. Regular perturbation solutions; suppression of secular terms; method of multiple times; boundary layer and low Reynolds number flows by inner and outer expansions; phenom- ena in rotating flows; asymptotic solutions of the Orr-Sommerfeld equation. 641. (ME 641) Advanced Vibrations of Structures Prerequisite. ME/AM 541. I. (3 credits) Energy formulation for nonconservative gyroscopic systems. Spectral methods for free and forced vibrations. Eigenvalue and boundary value problems. Non self- adjoint systems. Variational methods of approximation: Bubnov-Galerkin. Perturba- tion theory for the eigenvalue problem. Dynamics of rotating systems. Dynamics of constrained dynamical systems. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 214 643. (ME 643) Analytical and Computa- tional Dynamics 1I Prerequisite: ME/AM 543. II. (4 credits) Kinematic and dynamical equation formulation for rigid and flexible mechanical multibody systems undergoing large overall motion and small elastic deformation. Energy principles, higher and lower pair joint parameterizations, sparse and dense equation formulation and solution techniques, numerical integration, generalized impulse and momentum, collisions, and computational elastodynamics. Course project. 648. (ME 648) Nonlinear Oscillations and Stability of Mechani- cal Systems Prerequisite: ME/AM 541. II. (3 credits) Large amplitude mechanical vibrations; phase-plane analysis and stability; global stability, theorems of Liapunov and Chetayev; asymptotic and perturbation methods of Lindstedt- Poincare, multiple scales, Krylov-Bogoliubov- Mitropolsky; external excitation, primary and secondary resonances; parametric excitation, Mathieu/Hill equations, Floquet theory; multi-degree of freedom systems and modal interaction. 649. (ME 649) (CEE 615) (Aero. Eng. 615) Random Vibrations Prerequisite: CEE 513 or ME/ AM 541or Aero. Eng. 543. II. (3 credits) Accelerated coverage of elements of probability theory. Characterization of random processes and fields. Correlation and spectral density functions. Response of linear discrete and continuous systems to random excitation. Introduction to problems involving random systems. Maxima and minima of random processes. Applications to problems of engineering interest. 699. Advanced Special Topics in Applied Mechanics Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. . II, lla, ll/b, 11/. (To be arranged) Advanced selected topics pertinent to applied mechanics. 790. (ME 790) Mechanical Sciences Seminar Prerequisites: Candidate status in ME/AM. I. (1 credit) Every Ph.D. student in the field of Mechanical Sciences is requested to present a one- hour seminar about his/her research, and lead a one- hour follow-up discussion. Active participation in the discussions that follow all presentations is also required for a grade. In addition, each student will participate as a panelist in a panel that discusses the future trends in his/her field. 990. Dissertation/ Pre-Candidate land/I1(2-8 credits); lla andlllb. (1-4 credits) Dissertation work by doctoral student not yet admitted to status as candidate. The defense of the dissertation, that is, the final oral examination, must be held under a full term candidacy enrollment. 995. Dissertation/Candidate Prerequisite: Graduate Schoolauthorization for admission as a doctoral candidate. / and/I1 (8 credits), 11/a and 11/b. (4 credits) Dissertation work by doctoral student who has been admitted to status as a candidate. The defense of the dissertation, that is, the final oral examination, must be held under a full term candidacy enrollment. APPLIED PHYSICS Applied Physics*** 215 Department Office 1049 Randall (313) 936-0653 Division 320 *Colege of Literature, Science and the Arts **College of Engineering Professor Roy Clarke, Director Professors Allen, Atzmon, Bilello, Bhattacharya, Dierker, Field, Gilgenbach, Gland, Merlin, Mourou, Orr, Rand, Ross, Sander, Srolovitz, Steel, Uher, Winful, Zorn. 514. Applied Physics Seminar land II. (2 credits) Graduate seminars are required each term to familiarize students with current research and problems. Given by a mix of faculty, external lecturers, and the students themselves, to acquaint students with the scope of research activity and opportunities, the goal of the seminar structure is to promote a strong interaction with the work being done in Applied Physics. 518. Microcomputers in Experimental Research I. (3 credits) A graduate-level laboratory course in the application of microcomputers to experi- mental research, this course is designed to give students hands-on experience of modern techniques of data acquisition, data handling and analysis, and graphical presentation of results, using microcomputers. A number of experiments will be carried out which illustrate how to interface modern research instrumentation in a variety of commonly encountered experimental situations. 530. (EECS 530) Electromagnetic Theory Prerequisite: EECS 331 or Physics 405. 1. (3 credits) Maxwell's equations. Electrostatics, magneto- statics and electrodynamics applied to waveguides, antennas, propagation and diffraction. Boundary conditions, uniqueness of solutions, Green's functions, potentials and multipole expansions, integral representations and other expansions for fields. Reciprocity, equivalence, induction, reaction and Babinet's theorem. 531. (EECS 630) Advanced Electromagnetics Prerequisite: EECS 530. . (3 credits) Propagation in anisotropic media (crystals, ionosphere) and near conducting surfaces. Special relativity, Lienard- Wiechert potentials, radiation by moving charges (synchrotron, Cerenkov, Brems-strahlung radiation), multipole radiation. Cross sections and scattering from electrons, atoms, inhomo- geneities, dynamic density fluctuations and spheres. Coherent and incoherent scattering and an introduction to nonlinear matter-field interactions. 540. (EECS 540) Applied Quantum Mechanics I Prerequisite: EECS 300 or Math 404, Physics 242. I. (3 credits) Introduction to nonrelati- vistic quantum mechanics. Summary of classical mechanics; one dimensional quantum problems including .the quantum wells, WKB approximation, tunneling and the harmonic oscillator; introduction to angular momentum; the hydrogen atom; molecular orbitals; the rigid rotator and diatomic molecules; spin and identical particles, and time independ- ent perturbation theory. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 216 541. (EECS 541) Applied Quantum Mechanics II Prerequisite: App. Phys. 540 or EECS 540. I. (3 credits) Advanced theory of angular momentum, time dependent perturbation theory, quantization of fields, the second quantization for bosons and fermions, scattering theory, the density matrix, reservoir theory. 550. (EECS 538) (Physics 651) Lasers and Electro-Optics I Prerequisite: EECS 434. I. (3 credits) Propagation of laser beam: Gaussian wave optics and the ABOD law. Crystal properties and the dielectric tensor; electro-optic effects and devices; acousto-optic diffraction and devices. Introduction to nonlinear optics: coupled mode theory and second harmonic generation; phase matching. 551. (EECS 539) (Physics 651) Lasers and Electro-Optics II Prerequisite: App. Phys. 550 or EECS 538. I. (3 credits) Laser resonators, eigenmodes, and stability analysis; rate equation analysis; homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening mechanism; laser gain and gain saturation; 0-switching and mode locking. Special topics: laser pulse compres- sion; Raman and Brillouin scattering; phase conjugation 674. (Nuc. Eng. 674) High Intensity Laser- Plasma Interactions 715. Individual Projects 990. Dissertation/ Precandidate 995. Dissertation/Candidate Prerequisites: Nuc. Eng. 571 instructor. I. Nuc. Eng. 471, or permission of (3 credits) Coupling of intense electro- magnetic radiation to electrons and collective modes in time- dependent and equilibrium plasmas, ranging from underdense to solid-density. Theory, numerical models and experiments in laser fusion, x-ray lasers, novel electron accelerators and nonlinear optics. ATMOSPHERIC, OCEANIC AND SPACE SCIENCES Atmospheric, Oceaiic and Space Sciences Department Office 2233 Space Research Building (313) 764-3335 Paul B. Hays, Ph.D., Dwight F. Benton Professor of Advanced Technology and Chair S. Roland Drayson, Ph.D., Professor of Atmospheric Science and Associate Chair for Academic Affairs John Vesecky, Ph.D. Professor of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science and Associate Chair for Research Professor Sushil K. Atreya, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science Peter M. Banks, Ph.D. Professor of Atmo- spheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences; Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; Dean of the College of Engineering John R. Barker, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science John P Boyd, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science Thomas M. Donahue, Ph.D. Edward H. White 11 Distinguished University Professor of Planetary Science Tamas I. Gombosi, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science Stanley J. Jacobs, Ph.D. Oceanic Science Timothy L. Killeen, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science William R. Kuhn, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science Andrew F. Nagy, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science Donald J. Portman, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science Perry J. Samson, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science James C. G. Walker, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science Adjunct Professor George R. Carignan Adjunct Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Research of the College of Engineering Professor Emeritus Frederick L.W. Bartman, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science Albert Nelson Dingle, Sc.D. Atmospheric Science Gerald C. Gill, M.A. Atmospheric Science Associate Professor Dennis G. Baker, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science Guy A. Meadows, Ph.D. Oceanic Science Assistant Professor John T. Clarke, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science Steven L. Mullen, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science Lecturer Lee H. Somers, Ph.D. Oceanic Science See page 195 for statement on course equivalence. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 218 111. Underwater Methods for Engineering and Sciences Prerequisite: permission of instructor (to establish physical and swimming abilities). l and/l. (3 credits) Principles and practices of conducting engineering and research operations under- water include human performance, use of diving equipment; underwater safety; underwater engineering and research techniques. Preparation of students to organize and conduct their own under- water operations. Lecture and laboratory. 123. Life and the Global Environment Prerequisites: None. /I. (2 credits) A hard look at the Gaia hypothesis. Do organisms cooperate to control the compositions of ocean and atmosphere? Can life prevent harmful changes in the global environment? Does the geologic record provide answers to these questions? What future change in the global environment can be expected? 202. The Atmosphere land /I. (3 credits) Elementary description of the atmosphere: characteristics and behavior, changes over generations and hours, destructive capability, and response to human activity. 203. The Oceans land /I.(3 credits) Elementary descriptions of the oceans: characteristics and behaviors; the sea as a world resource, and as an influence on civilizations. 204. Introduction to Planetary and Space Science 1. (3 credits) Development of space exploration is presented with an emphasis on the exploration of the solar system, comparative atmospheric phenomena and the impact that these studies have had on understanding our own (terrestrial) environ- ment. The course is intended for nonscience majors with a background in high school math and science. 212. Introduction to Weather Forecasting Prerequisite: Previous or concurrent with A. 0. & S.S. 202. land II. (1 credit) This laboratory supplements A.O. & S.S. 202, The Atmosphere, with an introduction to weather fore- casting. Participants will learn how to read and draw weather maps, how to make weather observations and measurements, and how to assimilate this information into their own weather forecasts. 304. Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences I Prerequisite: Physics 140, Math. 116, Chem. 130 or 114. l and/I. (3 credits) The various aspects of meteorology and oceanogra- phy. Emphasis is placed on the geophysical and geochemical origins, composition, structure, and motions of the atmosphere oceans. 305. Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences II Prerequisite: A.O. & S..S. 304, Math. 215. I. (3 credits) A continuation of A.O. & S..S. 304, with emphasis on the description and physical basis of geophysical fluid wave motions and other physical and biological processes, introducing the student to various aspects of aeronomy, meteorology, and oceanography. 310. Synoptic Laboratory I Prerequisite: preceded or accompanied by A.0. & S.S. 304. I. (1 credit) An introduction to atmos- pheric data and their practical treatment; methods of observation of different elements. ATMOSPHERIC,0CEANIC AND SPACE SCIENCES 311. Synoptic Laboratory II Prerequisite: A. 0.& S.S 310 and preceded or accompa- nied by A.0 & S..S. 305. Il. (2 credits) Analysis of meteorological data in space and time; vertical distribution of different elements in the atmosphere; weather forecasting. 312. Climatology Prerequisite: A.0. & S.S. 305 and preceded or accompa- nied by Math. 216. ll. (3 credits) Climatic classification schemes; the physical basis of climates in terms of long- term equilibria of the earth- atmosphere-ocean systems; the global distribution of energy balance components; the influence of atmospheric and oceanic circulation on climate. 330. Thermodynamics of Atmosphere_ Prerequisite:preceded or accompanied by Math. 216. I. (3 credits) Physical principles of thermodynamics with emphasis on atmospheric applications. Topics include: equation of state; first and second laws of thermody- namics, adiabatic processes; energy conservation laws; thermodynamics of water phases; heat transfer, molecular and eddy diffusion of heat; thermodynamic diagrams; vertical stability. 332. Radiative Processes in the Atmosphere Prerequisite: A.0 & S.S. 305, Physics 240, Math. 215. II. (3 credits) The nature of radiation, solar and terrestrial radiation, scattering, atmospheric visibility, satellite measure- ments of solar and terrestrial radiation. 350. (Nav. Arch. 350) Ocean Engineering Systems Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 325. I. (3 credits) Engineering analyses of work systems for operation in and on the oceans. Offshore drilling platforms, submers- ibles and semi-submersibles, cables, and moorings. Buoy systems, pipe laying, salvage and rescue systems, ocean lining. Selected aspects of physical oceanography underwater acoustics and instrumentation. 401. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Prerequisite: Physics 240; preceded or accompanied by Aero. Eng. 350 or Math 450. I. (3 credits) Dynamics of the oceans and atmosphere. Equations of motion in spherical coordinates, beta-plane approximation, wave properties in the oceans and atmosphere. 408. Environmental Problem Solving with Computers Prerequisite: Eng. 103, Math. 216. I. (3 credits) Solution of meteorological, oceanographic, and general environmental problems using computers. Applica- tions of numerical analysis, statistics, and data handling to geophysics and environ- mental numerical output in terms of observed phenomena. 411. Cloud and Precipitation Processes Prerequisite: A.0.& S.S. 330 and Chem. 365. I. (3 credits) The special nature of water substance; nucleation of phase changes in the free atmosphere; the structure and content of clouds; the development of physical characteristics of precipita- tion; air cleansing by rain; rain chemistry; and the dynamics of rain systems. 412. Dynamics of Climate Prerequisite: A.0. & S.S. 312 . (3 credits) Climatic fluctuations and change; paleo and historical climates; construction of climatic models; and the climatic implications of human activity. 219 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 220 422. Micrometeorology I Prerequisite: Physics 240or Math. 215. . (3 credits) Physical processes responsible for the thermal and moisture conditions in the air layer near the ground. Components of net radiation exchange, heat transfer in soil, wind structure and turbulence near the ground, turbulent transfer of sensible heat and water vapor, evapotranspiration; forest climatology, transitional microclimates. 424. Mesometeorology Prerequisite. A.0. & S.S. 454. I. (3 credits) An introduction to mesome- teorological phenomena including organized convection, thunderstorms, tornadoes, foehns, lee waves, orographic blocking, sea breezes, urban heat islands, and effects from the Great Lakes. 425. (Nav. Arch. 425) Physics of the Oceans Prerequisite. A.0. & S.S. 305 or permission of instructor. I. (4 credits) Physical conditions and physical processes of the oceans; integration of observations into compre- hensive descriptions and explanations of oceanic phenomena. Emphasis on thermodynamics and equations of state of sea water, optical and acoustical properties of sea water, currents, tides, waves, and turbulent phenomena. 429. (Nat. Res. 429) Great Lakes Limnology Prerequisite: Nat Res. 311 or Zool. 443, or A.0. & S.S. 423(Nat. Res. 423). II. (2 credits) Lectures on the physics, chemistry, and biology of the Great Lakes ecosystems are presented by instructors and invited outside speakers. Each student is required to research a topic mentioned in the introductory lectures, prepare an abstract and list of references, and make an oral presentation as the basis for a class discussion. 435. (Nav. Arch. 435) Analysis of Geophysical Data Prerequisite: A.0. & S.S. 401. I. (3 credits) Methods of geophysical data analysis with emphasis on atmospheric and oceano- graphic applications. Power spectral analysis, optimal estimation theory, digital signal processing and time/ space domain techniques for time series analysis. 440. Coastal Dynamics and Sedimentation Prerequisite: A.0. & S.S. 335, Math. 216, Physics 240. II. (3 credits) Fundamentals of shallow water wave motions are investigated in terms of near- shore processes, water waves (generation, propagation, refraction, and breaking); tides and long term sea level changes; longshore current generation and prediction and sediment transport. The response of the beach and coastal structures to these processes will be examined. 442. Oceanic Dynamics I Prerequisite: A.0. & S..S. 401. II. (3 credits) Wave motions; group velocity and dispersion. Gravity waves, wave statistics and prediction methods; long period waves; the tides. Steady state circulation, including theories of boundary currents and the thermocline. 450.(Nav. Arch. 450) Design of Offshore Facilities Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 325 and Nav. Arch. 350. I. (3 credits) Loading and motions of offshore structures. Morison's equation. Current and wind loads. Wave loading. Design methodolo- gies for offshore structures. Conceptual design alternatives, evaluation, preliminary design, launching and installation. Ice resistant structures. Students will do two computer design mini- projects on risers, towing, cables, mooring, pipelines, redesign or tower dynamics. AT MOSPH ERIC,0CE ANIC AND SPACE SCIENCES 451. Atmospheric Dynamics I Prerequisite: A.0. & S.S. 401. II. (4 credits) Quasi-geostrophic energetics; fronts; the mean circulation; planetary and equatorial waves: overview of the dynamics of the middle atmosphere; wave-mean flow interaction; spectral methods; and tropical meteorology. 454. Weather Analysis and Forecasting Laboratory Prerequisite: A.0. & S.S. 401. I. (3 credits) Principles of meteorological analysis. Structure of wave cyclones and fronts; vorticity, divergence, and vertical velocity; quasi-geostrophic theory and diagnostics; cyclogenesis and fronto- genesis. Description of operational numerical forecast models and facsimile products. Daily weather discussion and forecasting. Lectures and laboratory exercises. 455. [554J Advanced Synoptic Meteorology: Middle Latitude Weather Systems. Prerequisites: preceded or accompanied byA.0.& S S. 401 or A.0. & S.S. 454. I. (3 credits) Review of governing equations. Extra-tropical cyclones and cyclogenesis; jet streams and upper waves in the westerlies; fronts and frontogenesis. Diagnosis of vertical velocity. Quasi- geostrophic and semi- geostrophic theory. Diabatic effects. Lectures map discussions, and laboratory exercises. 460. Satellite Meteorology Prerequisite: permission of instructor. I. (3 credits) Topics selected from: characteristics of meteorologi- cal satellite orbits and of instruments used for the measurement of meteorologi- cal parameters using visible, infrared, and microwave radiation. Application of satellite measurements to Earth's radiation balance and albedo, surface temperature, atmospheric temperature structure, cloud heights and types, minor atmospheric constituents, aerosols and precipitation, winds, and circulation. 461. Meteorological Instrumentation for Air Pollution Studies Prerequisite:permission of instructor. II. (2 credits) Analysis of meteorological factors that affect dispersion directly and indirectly. Guidelines in selecting wind speed, wind direction, turbulence, temperature, and humidity measuring instru- ments. Significance of rate of response of sensors. Methods of measuring these parameters above the heights of towers. Methods of 221 measuring diffusion by tracer experiments, both visible and invisible. Wind tunnel modeling of urban problems. 462. Meteorological Instrumentation Prerequisite. A.0. & S.S. 330 or 332. I. (3 credits) Principles of meteorological instruments; methods of measurement of ground level pressure, temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind, and radiation; methods of measurement of upper air conditions. Elementary analysis of response characteristics of single instruments and of instrument systems. Lectures, laboratory, and field trips. 463. Air Pollution Meteorology Prerequisite: permission of instructor. I. (3 credits) Weather and motion systems of the atmosphere; topographic influences on winds, atmospheric stability and inversions; atmospheric diffusion; natural cleansing processes; meteorological factors in plant location, design, and operation. 464. (Aero. Eng. 464) Upper Atmospheric Science Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing in a physical science or engineering. . (3 credits) COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 222 An introduction to physical processes in the upper atmosphere; density, temperature, composition, and winds; atmospheric radiation transfer processes and heat balance; the ionosphere; rocket and satellite measure- ment techniques. 466. (Geol. Sci. 466) Computational Models of Geochemical Processes Prerequisite: Ability to program in BASIC. L. (3 credits) Computational models of the processes that govern the composition of ocean and atmosphere. Geochemical reservoirs, mechanisms of transfer, chemical interactions, and feedback processes. The impact of organisms on the global environments geological history of atmospheric and oceanic composition. 469. (Nav. Arch. 469) Underwater Operations Prerequisite: permission of instructor. II. (3 credits) Survey of manned undersea activities in oceanography and ocean engineering. The tools of underwater opera-tions: decompression chambers, habitats, sub-marines, diving apparatus; pertinent design criteria and applications as based on human hyperbaric physiology and performance. Topics in research diving for engineer-ing and oceano- graphic studies. 479. Atmospheric Chemistry Prerequisite: Chem. 130 or 210, Math. 216. 1. (3 credits) Thermochemistry, photo- chemistry, and chemical kinetics of the atmosphere; geochemical cycles, generation of atmospheric layers and effects of pollutants are discussed. 480. (Geol. Sci. 480) The Planets: Composi- tion, Structure, and Evolution Prerequisite: Math. 216, Physics 240, Chem. 130 or 210. I. (3 credits) Origin of the solar system, composition and radial distribution of material in planets and satellites; relationship of gravity fields to shape and density distribution; magnetism; origin and significance of topography; structure of planetary atmospheres; energetics and dynamics of interiors and atmospheres, thermal histories and evo- lution of interiors, devolatiza- tion, origin, and evolution of atmospheres. 495. Thermosphere and Ionosphere Prerequisite: senior standing in engineering or physical science. L. (4 credits) Basic physical processes significant to the structure and characteristics of the upper atmosphere; photo- chemistry, diffusion, ionization, distribution of neutral and charged particles; thermal structure of the upper atmosphere; atmospheric motions, geomagnetic storms. 499. Directed Study for Undergraduate Students Prerequisite: permission of instructor. /, //, //I, Il/a and /lb. (To be arranged) Directed reading, research, or special study for advanced undergraduate students. 501. Seminars in Limnology and Oceanography Prerequisite: graduate standing. l and I. (1 credit) Current research efforts will be presented by graduate students and faculty dealing with all phases of limnology and oceanography. 524. General Circulation Prerequisite: previous or concurrent with A. 0. & S.S. 401. / (alternate, odd years). 1. (3 credits) Processes that maintain the general circulation of the Earth's atmosphere; the observed general circulation; energetics; balance requirements; comparison of observations with simple theories and results from general circulation model simulations. ATMOSPH ERIC,0CE ANIC AND SPACE SCIENCES 528. (Nav. Arch. 528) Remote Sensing of Ocean Dynamics Prerequisite: A.0. & S.S. (Nav. Arch.) 335 or permission of instructor. II (3 credits) The dynamics of ocean wave motion, both surface and internal waves, and ocean circulation are explored utilizing active and passive remote sensing techniques. Emphasis is placed upon the synoptic perspective of ocean dynamics provided by remote sensing which is not obtainable by conventional means. 532. Radiative Transfer- Thermal Processes Prerequisite: A.0. & S.S. 332. II. (3 credits) Fundamental principles of molecular radiative transfer applicable to planetary atmospheres; macroscopic and microscopic forms of the transfer equation for both grey and non-grey cases; line broadening mechanisms; band models; non-local thermodynamic equilibrium source functions; applica- tions to, and results from climate studies. 533. Radiative Transfer- Scattering Prerequisite: A.0. & S.S. 332. I. (3 credits) Theory of atmospheric scattering. Single scattering, Rayleigh scattering, introduction to the Mie Theory; multiple scattering in planetary atmospheres, scattering by clouds and aerosols, optical pheno- mena, approximate methods of solution of radiative transfer equations. 550. (Nav. Arch. 550) Offshore Engineering Analysis 1 Prerequisite: Nav. Arch. 420, Nav. Arch. 440, and Nav. Arch. 450. ll. (3 credits) Design and analysis requirements of offshore facilities. Derivation of hydrodynamic loads on rigid bodies. Loads on long rigid and flexible cylinders. Viscous forces on cylinders, experimental data, Morison's equation, Stokes wave theories. Shallow water waves. Selection of appropriate wave theory. Diffraction of waves by currents. Hydrodynamic loads on risers, cables, pipelines and TLP's. 551. Advanced Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Prerequisite: A.0. & S.S. 451. I. (3 credits) Advanced topics in dynamic meteorology and oceanogra- phy including frontogenesis, stability and instability, dynamics of the equatorial ocean, CISK and hurricanes, modons and Gulf Stream rings, strange attractors. 554. Advanced Synoptic Meteorology: Middle Lat. Weather Systems Prerequisite: A.0. & S.S. 401 (which may be taken concurrently) or A. 0. & S.S. 454. 1. (3 credits) Review of governing equations. Extratropical cyclones and cyclogenesis; jet streams and upper waves in the westerlies; fronts and frontogenesis. Diagnosis of vertical velocity. Quasi- geostrophic and semi- geostrophic theory. Diabatic effects. Lectures, map discussions, and laboratory exercises. 555. Spectral Methods Prerequisite: Math. 216 and Eng. 103 or knowledge of FORTRAN. II. (4 credits) An introduction to numerical methods based on Fourier Series, Chebyshev polynomials, and other orthogonal expansions. Although the necessary theory is developed, the emphasis is on algorithms and practical applications in geophysics and engineering, especially fluid mechanics. Many homework assign- ments will be actual problem- solving on the computer. 223 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 224 563. Air Pollution Dispersion Modeling Prerequisite. A.0. & S.S. 463. I. (3 credits) Principles of modeling air pollution transport and dispersion. Discussion of models for line sources, area sources and point sources. Analysis of individual model data requirements, founding assumptions, and inherent limitations. Practical experience using currently operational models. 564. The Stratosphere and Mesosphere Prerequisite: A.0. S.S. 464. 1, odd years. (3 credits) The physical, chemical, and dynamical properties of the atmosphere between the tropopause and the turbopause. Among the topics covered are the heat and radiation budgets, atmospheric ozone, stratospheric warmings, the biennial stratospheric oscillation, airglow. 565. Planetary Atmospheres Prerequisite: graduate standing. AI. (3 credits) Radiative, photochemical, thermodynamic, and aeronomical processes in the atmospheres of the planets and satellites, with the objective of understanding the composition, structure, origin, and evolution of the atmospheres; theoretical and empirical results, including planetary observations by space probes. 566. Topics in Planetary Electrodynamics Prerequisites: permission of instructor. 1. (3 credits) This is a topics/seminar course providing an overview of modern research in electro-magnetic phenomena at the Earth and planets. Topics include dynamo theories of planetary magnetic fields, lightning and lower atmospheric potentials, the ionospheric dynamo, and atmosphere/magnetosphere coupling. 567. (Chem 567) Chemical Kinetics Prerequisites: Chem 469 or A.0.&S.S. 479. H. (3 credits) A general course in chemical kinetics, useful for any branch of chemistry where reaction rates and mecha- nisms are important. Scope of subject matter: practical analysis of chemical reaction rates and mechanisms, theoretical concepts relating to gas and solution phase reactions. 578. (E.I.H. 666) (Environ. Health 666) Air Pollution Chemistry Prerequisite: A.0. & S.S. 479, or Chem. 365. I. (3 credits) Tropospheric and strato- spheric air pollution are discussed following a review of thermochemistry, photo- chemistry, and chemical kinetics. Gaseous and particulate air pollutants are considered in terms of their origins and transformations. 595. (Elec.-Comp. Eng. 518) Magnetosphere and Solar Wind Prerequisite: graduate standing. 1, even years. (3 credits) General principles of magnetohydrodynamics; theory of the expanding atmosphere; properties of solar wind, interaction of solar wind with the magnetosphere of the Earth and other planets; bow shock and magnetotail, trapped particles, auroras. 596. (Aero. Eng. 532) Gaskinetic Theory Prerequisites. Graduate standing. 1. (3 credits) Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, kinetic determination of equation of state, specific heats of gases. Dynamics of two-particle collisions. Elementary transport theory, molecular effusion, hydrodynamic transport coefficients, mean free path method. Advanced transport theory, the Boltzmann equation, collision terms, Champman-Enskog transport theory. Aerody- namics of free-molecular flow. Shock waves. AT MOSPH ERIC,0CE ANIC AND SPACE SCIENCES 597. Fundamentals of Space Plasma Physics Prerequisite: Senior level statistical physics. ll. (3 credits) Basic plasma concepts, Boltzmann equation, higher order moments equations, MHD equations, double adiabatic theory. Plasma expansion to vacuum, transonic flows, solar wind, polar wing. Collisionless shocks, propagating and planitary shocks. Fokker- Planck equation, quasilinear theory, velocity diffusion, cosmic ray transport, shock acceleration. Spacecraft charging, mass loading. 605. Current Topics in Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences Prerequisite: permission of instructor. /and II. (1-4 credits) Advances in specific fields of atmospheric and oceanic sciences, as revealed by recent research. Lectures, discussion, and assigned reading. 606. Computer Applications to Geo-Fluid Problems Prerequisite: A.0. & S.S. 442 or 451, and Eng. 103 and Math 450. fl. (3-4 credits) Solution of geo-fluid problems by numerical techniques using a digital computer. Lectures, laboratory, exercises using the digital computer. 651. Dynamics of Planetary Atmospheres and the Upper Atmosphere Prerequisite: A.0. & S.S. 451. . (3 credits) Dynamic meteorology of other planets (Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Titan), the Earth's middle atmosphere, and thermosphere. Tides, solitary waves, quasi- geostrophic turbulence, and dynamics and chemistry are among the phenomena discussed. 701. Special Problems in Meteorology and Oceanography Prerequisite:permission of instructor. lIand Il. (To be arranged) Supervised analysis of selected problems in various areas of meteorology and oceanography. 731. (EECS 731) Space Terahertz Technology and Applications Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. 1. (1 credit) Study and discussion of various topics related to high frequency applications in space exploration. Topics will be chosen from the following areas: Planetary Atmospheres and Remote Sensing, Antennas, Active and Passive Circuits, Space Instrumentation. 749. Space Science Seminar Prerequisites: None. May be repeated every term. 1, I. (1 credit) Student and Faculty presentations about current research results, "classic" research papers and new ideas. 990. Dissertation/ Pre-Candidate 1, fl, and 111(2-8); l1la and 1l1b. (1-4 credits) Election for dissertation work by doctoral student not yet admitted to status as a candidate. The defense of the dissertation, that is, the final oral examination, must be held under a full term candidacy enrollment. 995. Dissertation/Candidate Prerequisite: Graduate School authorization for admission as a doctoral candidate. 1,11, and Ill (8 credits); 11/a and 1lb. (4 credits) Election for dissertation work by doctoral student who has been admitted to status as a candidate. The defense of the dissertation, that is, the final oral examination, must be held under a full-term candidacy enrollment. 225 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 226 Bioengiieering Department Office 3304 G.G. Brown/ Dow Connector (313) 764-9588 Charles A. Cain, Ph.D., P.E., Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; and Chair, Bioengineering Program See page 195 for statement on course equivalence. 401. (Anatomy 401) The Human Body: Its Structure and Function 1. (4 credits) A lecture-oriented, multi- media course that highlights the basic fabric of the human body as a functioning biological organism. A blend of gross anatomy, histology, developmental anatomy and neuroanatomy that takes the human body from conception to death while dealing with organization at all levels from cells to systems, system interrelations, and key features of select ana- tomical regions. 410. (Mat. Sci. & Eng. 410) Biomedical Materials Considerations Prerequisite: Mat. Sci. & Eng. 250 or permission. (2 credits) Interactions of materials implanted in the body. Histological and hematologi- cal considerations including general foreign body reactions, inflammation and reparation, carcinogenicity, thrombosis, hemolysis, protein and cellular issues, immunogenic and toxic properties. Basic discussion of implants vs. transplants and relevant biological components. Tours of relevant university facilities. 417. (EECS 417) Electrical Biophysics Prerequisite: EECS 210 or 213 or 314 or 416. and, preceded or accompanied by EECS 300 or Math. 448. I. (3 credits) Electrical biophysics of muscle, nerve, and synapse; electrical conduction in excitable tissue; models for nerve, muscle, and sensory recep-tors, including the Hodgkin-Huxley equations; biopotential mapping, cardiac electrophysiology, and biological noise. 432. (EECS 432) Fundamentals of Ultrasonics with Medical Applications Prerequisite: EECS 331. lI. (3 credits) Basic principles; waves, propagation, impedance, reflection, transmission, attenuation, power levels. Generation of ultrasonic waves; transducers, focusing, Fraunhofer and Fresnel zones. Instrumentation; display methods, Doppler techniques, signal process- ing. Medical applications will be emphasized. 434. (Chem. Eng. 434) (Civ. Eng. 580) (Microb. 434) Microbiology for Engineers Prerequisite: Chem. 225. l andl. (4 credits) Principles and techniques of microbiology with an introduction to their application in the several fields of engi-neering. Lectures and laboratory. 456. [546] (Appl. Mech. 456) (Mech. Eng. 456) Biomechanics Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 211, 240. II. (3 credits) Definition of biological tissue behaviors, including elastic, viscoelastic, an plastic properties, with emphasis on bone; dynamics of gait, impact and tolerance criteria in vehicle design for human safety; prosthetic and orthotic mechanics and design. BIOENGINEERING 458. (EECS 458) Biomedical Instrumenta- tion and Design Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Iand/I. (4 credits) Measurement and analysis of biopotentials and biomedical transducer characteristics; electrical safety; applications of FET's, integrated circuits, operational amplifiers for signal processing and computer interfacing; signal analysis and display on the laboratory minicomputer. Lectures and laboratory. 476. (Mech. Eng. 476) Thermal-Fluid Sciences in Bioengineering Not open to Mech. Eng. majors. I. (3 credits) Fluid dynamics, thermody- namics, and heat transfer at micro- and macro-level. Systemic circulation, microcirculation, simulation of flow regulation, artificial flow- regulating devices. First and second laws of thermodynam- ics. Conduction, metabolic heat generation, convection, radiation, regulation of body temperature, clothing, micro heat transfer, hyperthermia, hypothermia and cryogenic applications. 481. (Nuc. Eng. 481) Engineering Aspects of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine ll. (2 credits) An introduction to the physical principles, instru- ment systems, and analytical method of importance in radiation-related medical procedures. Topics are drawn from research and clinical activities in diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine, and radiation therapy. 495. (Appl. Mech. 495) Introduction to Bioengineering Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Il. (1 credit) Definition of scope, challenge, and requirements of the bioengineering field. Faculty members review engineering-life sciences interdisciplinary activities as currently pursued in the College of Engineering and Medical School. 516. (Chem. Eng. 516) Cellular Bioengineering Prerequisite: a course in physical chemistry and a course in biology. L. (3 credits) Use of reaction/transport theory systems science to explain the function and design of cells and sub- cellular components. Methods of analysis: order of magnitude analysis, temporal decomposition and non-linear dynamics. Applications to: Metabolic reaction networks, epigenic systems, cellular growth, and differentiation. Surveys of genetic engineering and large-scale cell culture. 519. (Physiol 519) Bioengineering Physiology Prerequisite: Biol. 105 or 112 or equivalent, and permission of instructor. (4 credits) Quantitative description of the structure and function of mammalian systems, including the neuromuscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal and endocrine systems. Mathematical models are used to describe system performance where appli- cable. Lectures, laboratories, and problem sessions. 525. (Microb. 525) Systems Analysis of the Microbial Cell Prerequisite: Biol. 105 or 112 and Math. 215. 1. (3 credits) This course is designed to equip the student with appropriate concepts and tech-niques for the quantitative analysis of the integrated behavior of complex biochemical systems. A general approach is developed from the basic postulates of enzyme catalysis and is illustrated with numerous specific examples, primarily from the microbial cell. 534. (I.&O.E. 534) Biomechanics and Physiology of Work Prerequisite: L.&0.E 333 and l.&O.E 334, or L&0.E 433. (3 credits) New techniques to predict the anatomical and physiological 227 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 22s basis for human performance in various man-machine systems. Models to 1) muscle contraction speed, strength, and endurance, 2) skeletal strength and movement, 3) human metabolism and cardiopul- monary system responses to work stress, and 4) motor system control functions. Biomechanical and physiological monitoring systems, and applications to the design of man-machine systems. 535. (l.&O.E. 535) Laboratory in Biomechanics and Physiology of Work Prerequisite: /L&0.E 534 (Bioeng. 534). H. .2 credits) This laboratory is offered in conjunction with the Bio- mechanics and Physiology of Work course to allow students to experimentally determine 1) musculoskeletal reactions to volitional acts, 2) how EMG is used in muscle actions and fatigue evalua- tion, and 3) how the cardiopulmonary systems respond to various work stressors. 569. (EECS 569) Introduction to Neuro- physiological Systems Prerequisite: EECS 360 or FECS 460. H. (3 credits) Application of systems theory to neurophysiology; a theoretical and experimental study of the application of linear and nonlinear theory, state-space concepts, and stability criteria to several neurophysiological systems; neuromuscular systems, pupillary control, eye tracking, temperature regulation, and central nervous system function. 590. Directed Research (Credit to be arranged). Provides opportunity for bioengineering students to participate in the work of laboratories devoted to living systems studies. 690. (Physiol. 690) (Zool. 691) (Anat. 690) (Psych. 690) (Pharmacol. 690) (Neurol. 690) Neuroscience Prerequisite: graduate standing and permission of instructor. 1. (3 credits) Study of nervous system including comparative aspects, structure, function, chemistry, behavior, and pathology. 691. (Physiol. 691) (Zool. 691) (Anat. 691) (Neurol. 691) Neuroscience Laboratory Prerequisite: Physiol. 690 and permission of instructor. 1. (3 credits) Laboratory exercises and demonstrations in neurobiology. 890. Bioengineering Seminar (1 credit) 990. Dissertation/ Pre-Candidate I, fl, and III. (2-8 credits); I//a and //b. (1-4 credits) Election for dissertation work by doctoral students not yet admitted to status as candidates. Defense of dissertations, that is, final oral examinations, must be held under full-term candidacy enrollments. 995. Dissertation/Candidate Prerequisite. Graduate School authorization for admission as a doctoral candidate. I, IA, and /I. (8 credits); //a and//b. (4 credits) Election for dissertation work by doctoral students who have been admitted to status as candidates. The defense of dissertations, that is, final oral examinations, must be held under full-term candidacy enrollments. BUSINESS ADMINI STR ATION Business Administration 229 Department Office 1235 Business Administration (313) 763-5796 Engineering undergraduate students interested in pursuing the Master of Business Administra- tion degree, following the completion of their Bachelor's degree in Engineering, are encour- aged to consult with counselors in the Office of Admissions and Student Services, 1235 Busi- ness Administration. Undergraduate engineer- ing study is a particularly good preparation for the MBA degree program and excellent career opportunities exist for engineers who earn the MBA degree. The business courses below are of special interest to students enrolled in the undergradu- ate engineering curriculum. In the election of such courses, attention is called to the adminis- trative rules of the School of Business Admini- stration, which affect elections as follows: No student shall elect courses in the School of Business Administration who does not have at least third-year standing (55 credit hours). This does not apply to Accounting 271 and 272, which are listed as sophomore-level courses in the Economics Department of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the Accounting area of the School of Business Administration. Juniors may elect courses numbered 300 to 399 inclusive, and seniors may elect any courses numbered 300 to 499 inclusive, provided they have satisfied particular course prerequisites. Courses numbered 500 or above may be elected only by properly qualified graduate students and are not open to undergraduate students. For descriptions of the following and other courses in Business Administration, see the undergraduate Bulletin of the School of Busi- ness Administration. Accounting and Information Analysis A 271. Principles of Accounting (3 credits) A 272. Principles of Accounting (3 credits) Business Economics and Public Policy BE 300. Economics of Enterprise (3 credits) Computer and Information Systems. CIS 301. Information Systems and Data Processing (3 credits) Finance F 300. Financial Manage- ment (3 credits) Law, History, and Communication LHC 305. Business Law (3 credits) LHC 306. Business Law (3 credits) Marketing M 300. Marketing Management (3 credits) Organizational Behavior and Industrial Relations OB 300. Behavioral Theory in Management (3 credits) OB 315. Management of Personnel (3 credits) OB 322. Management-Union Relations (3 credits) COUR SE DESCRIPTIONS Operations Management OM 311. Operations Management (3 credits) Statistics and Management Science SMS 301. Introductory Probability and Statistics (3 credits) CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Chemical Engineering 231 Department Office 3074 Dow Building (313) 764-2383 Professor Dale E. Briggs, Ph.D., P.E. Brice Carnahan, Ph.D., P.E. Rane L. Curl, Sc.D. Francis M. Donahue, Ph.D. H. Scott Fogler, Ph.D., P.E., Vennema Professor of Chemical Engineering John L. Gland, Ph.D. Erdogan Gulari, Ph.D. Associate Dean for Academic Affairs of the College of Engineering Robert H. Kadlec, Ph.D., P.E. Michael A. Savageau, Ph.D. Henry Y. Wang, M.S., Ph.D. James Oscroft Wilkes, Ph.D. Gregory S. Y. Yeh, Ph.D., also Materials Engineering Johannes Schwank, Ph.D., Professor and Chair Adjunct Professor Associate Professor Howard Klee, Jr., Sc.D. Professor Emeritus Lloyd L. Kempe, Ph.D., P.E., also Microbiology, Medical School John E. Powers, Ph.D. Maurice J. Sinnott, Sc.D., also Metallurgical Engineering Mehmet Rasin Tek, Ph.D., P.E. George Brymer Williams, Ph.D., P.E., also Metallurgical Engineering Edwin Harold Young, M.S.E., P.E., also Metallurgical Engineering Costas Kravaris, Ph.D. Bernhard 0. Palsson, Ph.D. Robert Ziff, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Stacy G. Bike, Ph.D. Mark Burns, Ph.D. Jennifer J. Linderman, Ph.D. Anastasios C. Papanastasiou, Ph.D. Phillip E. Savage, Ph.D. Levi T. Thompson, Jr. Ph.D. See page 195 for statement on course equivalence. 230. Thermodynamics I Prerequisite: Eng. 103, Chem. 126, Math. 116. . (4 credits) An introduction to applica- tions of the first law of thermodynamics. Steady and unsteady state material and energy balances, the equilibrium concept. Properties of fluids. Engineering systems. 330. Thermodynamics II Prerequisite: Chem. Eng. 230 (Mat. Sci. & Eng. 230). ll (4 credits) Development of fundamental thermodynamic property relations and complete energy and entropy balances. Analysis of heat pumps and engines, and use of combined energy-entropy balance in flow devices. Calculation and application of total and partial properties in physical and chemical equilibria. Prediction and correlation of physical/ chemical properties of various states and aggregates. 341. Fluid Mechanics Prerequisite: preceded or accompanied by Chem. Eng. 230. /. (3 credits) A study of fluid mechanics for Chemical Engineering. Mass, energy, and momentum Note. Laboratory fees are required to be paid in advance for each course involving laboratory work. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 232 balances on finite and differential systems. Laminar and turbulent flow in pipes, porous media, and equipment. Boundary-layer and potential flow. 342. Heat and Mass Transfer Prerequisite: Chem. Eng. 230 and 341; Math 216. I. (3 credits) Theories and applications of heat and mass transport phenomena, emphasizing their analogies and contrasts. Fourier's law. Steady and unsteady thermal conduction. Heat transfer coefficients. Heat exchangers. Condensa- tion and boiling. Radiation, Kirchoff's law and view factors. Fick's law. Steady and unsteady diffusion. Mass transfer coefficients. Absorbers. Simultaneous heat and mass transfer. 343. Separation Processes Prerequisite: Chem. Eng. 230 (Mat. Sci, & Eng. 230). I. (3 credits) Introduction and survey of separations based on physical properties, phase equilibria, and rate processes. Emphasis on analysis and modeling of separation processes. Staged and countercurrent operations. 344. Reaction Engineering and Design Prerequisite: Chem. Eng. 330, preceded or accompa- nied by Chem. Eng. 342. II. (3 credits) Fundamentals of chemical reaction engineering. Rate laws, kinetics, and mechanisms of homoge- neous and heterogeneous reactions. Analysis of rate data. Diffusion limitations. Design of industrial reactors. 360. Chemical Engineering Laboratory I Prerequisite: Chem. Eng. 342. I. (3 credits) Experimentation in thermodynamics and heat, mass, and momentum transport on a bench scale. Measurement error estimation and analysis. Lecture laboratory, conferences, and reports. 417. Biochemical Technology Prerequisite: organic chemistry. 1. (3 credits). Concepts necessary in the adaptation of biological and biochemical principles to industrial processes and technology of the biochemi- cal engineering industries. Lectures, problems, and library study will be used to develop the ideas presented. 447. Waste Management in Chemical Engineering Prerequisite: Ch. E. 342 and Ch. E. 343. I. (3 credits) Control of gaseous, liquid, and solid wastes. Regula- tions and management procedures. Waste minimization and resource recovery. Separations and reaction engineering approaches. 452. (Mat. Sci. & Eng. 452) (Macro. Sci. 452) Applied Polymer Processing (3 credits) Theory and practice of polymer melt processing. Non-Newtonian flow; extrusion, injection and molding operations; fiber, film, and rubber processing; kinetics of solidification; mechanical orientation; product characterization; structure-property relations. 457. (Mat. Sci, & Eng. 457) Fundamentals of Polymeric Materials Prerequisite: Mat. Sci. & Eng. 250. I. (3 credits) Basic preparation, characteri- zation, identification of bulk polymers and polymer molecules including the amorphous, glassy, and crystalline states; basics of forming and processing CHEMICAL ENGINEERING techniques, engineering and design properties including tensile behavior, creep and stress relaxation, fracture, fatigue. 460. Chemical Engineering Laboratory II Prerequisite: Chem. Eng. 343. land/. (3 credits) Experimentation in rate and separation processes on a scale which tests process models. Introduction to the use of instrumental analysis and process control. Laboratory, conferences, and reports. 466. Process Dynamics and Control Prerequisite: Chem. Eng. 343 and 344. L. (3 credits) Introduction and process control in chemical engineering. Application of Laplace transforms and frequency domain theory to the analysis of open-loop and closed-loop process dynamics. Stability analysis and gain/phase margins. Controller modes and settings. Applications to the control of level, flow, heat exchangers, reactors, and elementary multivariable systems. 470. Colloids and Interfaces Prerequisite: Chem. Eng. 343 and 344. I. (3 credits) This is a first course in colloid and interface science. The repulsive forces and attractive forces at interfaces are described along with the dynamics of the interfaces. Topics include the stability of macroemulsions, the formulation and properties of microemulsions, and surface metal-support interactions of catalysts. 485. Biochemical Engineering Process Design Prerequisite: Chem. 225 and preceded or accompanied by Chem. Eng. 340 or Chem. Eng. 343. II. (3 credits) Selection and design of processes and equipment for the industrial manufacture of biochemical including foods, pharmaceuticals, and potable water, and for industrial waste treatment. Recitation and calculation periods. 486. Chemical Process Simulation and Design I Prerequisite:preceded or accompanied by Chem. Eng. 342, 343. I. (3 credits) Economic evaluation of chemical processes. Strate- gies for decision making, trouble shooting faults, potential problem analysis, plant safety and failure analysis. The selection and specification of engineering materials for use in the chemical, petrochemical, and petroleum industries. 487. Chemical Process Simulation and Design I Prerequisite: Chem Eng. 344, 486, preceded or accompa- nied by Chem. Eng. 466. l and /. (4 credits) Process synthesis and design. Process simulation with computer assistance. Process and corporate economics. Design project with technical report. 490. Directed Study, Re- search and Special Problems (To be arranged) Laboratory and/or confer- ences. Provides an opportunity for undergradu- ate students to work in research or areas of special interest such as design problems and economic studies. Where the subject covers some aspect of plant work, as in summer employment in industry, arrangements should be made in advance. Not open to graduate students. 507. Mathematical Modeling in Chemical Engineering Prerequisite: Chem. Eng. 344 and Eng. 303. I. (3 credits) Formulation of deterministic models from conservation laws, population balances; transport and reaction rates. Formulation of boundary and initial conditions. Dimen- sional analysis, analytical and numerical methods. 233 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 234 508. Applied Numerical Methods I Prerequisite: Eng. 103. (3 credits) Numerical approximation, integration, and differentia- tion. Single and simultane- ous linear and nonlinear equations. Initial-value methods for ordinary differential equations. Finite- difference methods for parabolic and elliptic partial differential equations. Implementation of numerical methods on the digital computer, with applications to fluid flow, heat transfer, reactor engineering, and related areas. 509. Statistical Analysis of Engineering Experiments (3 credits) The use of statistical methods in analyzing and interpreting experimental data and in planning experimental programs. Probability, distributions, parameter estimation, test of hypothe- ses, control charts, regression and an introduc- tion to analysis of variance. 511. (Mat. Sci. & Eng. 511) Rheology of Polymeric Materials Prerequisite: a course in fluid mechanics or permission of instructor. (3 credits) An introduction to the relationships between the chemical structure of polymer chains and the rheological behavior. The course will make frequent reference to synthesis, processing, characterization, and use of polymers for high technology applications. 512. (Mat. Sci. & Eng. 512) Physical Polymers Prerequisite. senior or graduate standing in engineering or physical science. (3 credits) Structure and properties of polymers as related to their composition, annealing and mechanical treatments. Topics include creep, stress- relaxation, dynamic mechani- cal properties, viscoelasticity, transitions, fracture, impact response, dielectric properties, permeation, and morphology. 516. (Bioeng. 516) Cellular Bioengineering Prerequisite: a course in physical chemistry, and a course in biology. . (3 credits) Use of reaction/transport theory systems science to explain the function and design of cells and sub- cellular components. Methods of analysis: order of magnitude analysis, temporal decomposition and non-linear dynamics. Applications to: Metabolic reaction networks, epigenic systems, cellular growth, and differentiation. Surveys of genetic engineering and large-scale cell culture. 525. Catalysis, Kinetics, and Research Reactors Prerequisite: two physical chemistry courses. (3 credits) The course covers topics in heterogeneous catalytic reactions and research reactor kinetics. It emphasizes basic principles of heterogeneous catalysis, surface effects, reaction kinetics, and design of research reactors. 526. Heat Transfer Prerequisite: Chem. Eng. 342. (3 credits) Principles of conduction, convection, and radiation. Application to processes in the chemical and petroleum industries. Selected topics such as heat transfer effects in two-phase flow, condensation of multicompo- nent vapors, extended surfaces, and radiation from gases and flames. 527. Fluid Flow Prerequisite: Chem. Eng. 341. (3 credits) Applications of fluid dynamics to chemical engineering systems. Theory and practice of laminar and turbulent flow of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids in conduits and other equipment. Multiphase flow. Introduction to the dynamics of suspended particles, drops, bubbles, foams, and CHEMICAL ENGINEERING froth. Selected topics relevant to chemical and other engineering disciplines. 528. Chemical Reactor Engineering Prerequisite: Chem. Eng. 344. (3 credits) Analysis of kinetic, thermal, diffusive, and flow factors on reactor performance. Topics include batch, plug flow, backmix reactors, empirical rate expressions, residence time analysis, catalytic reactions, stability, and optimization. 529. Mass Transfer Prerequisite: Chem. Eng. 342. (3 credits) Formulation of diffusional mass balances; diffusion in solids, liquids, and gases; Fick's first and second laws; convective mass transfer, modeling of mass transfer systems. 537. Thermodynamic Relations and Applica- tions Prerequisite: Chem. Eng. 330. (3 credits) The fundamental property relation and its application to physical and chemical equilibria in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. Magnetic, electric, surface, and stress effects. Fugacities and activities of the consti- tuents of multicomponent mixtures are determined through analyses of experi- mental PVT, concentration, and electrochemical potential data. 538. Statistical and Irrevers- ible Thermodynamics Prerequisite: Chem. Eng. 330. (3 credits) The laws of probability and statistics are applied to microscopic matter to yield properties of macroscopic systems. Relations between classical and statistical thermodynamics are developed. Coupling of irreversible processes is treated through the entropy balance and microscopic reversibility. 541. Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer Prerequisite: Chem. Eng. 342. (3 credits) An integrated study of fluid mechanics and heat transfer. Differential mass, momen- tum, and energy balances. Inviscid, viscous, and turbulent flow; dimensional analysis. Motion of bubbles; two-phase flow and fluidi- zation. Conduction, con- vection; radiation from surfaces and gases. Appli- cation to problems in the chemical and petroleum industries. 542. Intermediate Transport Phenomena Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. (3 credits) Foundations of transport phenomena. Heat and mass transfer with chemical reaction in three-dimensions, selective motion. Unsteady energy and mass balances in three-dimensions. Distribu- tions in more than one variable. Boundary layer theory. Estimation of interfacial transport coefficients. Dispersive flows: Taylor Dispersion. Application to equipment design. 547. Separations Processes II Prerequisite: Chem. Eng. 343. (3 credits) A general approach to the design of separation processes based on mathematical modeling. Fundamental bases for separation and possible arrangements to improve performance. Thermal diffusion, distillation, adsorption; ideal cascades and batch processes. 548. Electrochemical Engineering Prerequisite: Chem. Eng. 344. (3 credits) Analysis of electrochemical systems from a theoretical and practical point of view. 235 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 236 Topics include the application of electrochemi- cal thermodynamics and kinetics to batteries, fuel cells, electroplating, electrosynthesis, and corrosion. 552. Fundamentals of Polymer Processing Prerequisite: Chem. Eng. 341 and Math. 216. I. (alternate years). (3 credits) Introduction to rheology of non-Newtonian fluids; analysis of viscometric flows; mathematical modeling of common polymer melt processing operations such as extrusion, spinning, film blowing and injection molding; heat and mass transfer in polymer systems. 566. Process Control in the Chemical Industries Prerequisite: Chem. Eng. 343 and 460. (3 credits) Techniques of regulation applied to equipment and processes in the chemical and petrochemical industries. Linear and nonlinear control theory, largely in the spectral domain. Controller types, transducers, final control elements, interacting systems, and applications. 573. (Mat. Sci. & Eng. 573) Corrosion Engineering Prerequisite: course in Materials Engineering. (3 credits) Fundamentals involved in choosing materials in corroding media, corrosion control methods, and corrosion-failure analysis. 585. Production and Process- ing of Petrochemicals Prerequisite: Chem. Eng. 343. (3 credits) Production, pipelining, conservation, processing and storage of crude oil and natural gas. Chemical Engineering calculations, economics, and design applied to reservoir engineering, petroleum processing, refining, and other related areas of the petrochemicals industry. 587. Chemical Process Design II. (2 or 4 credits) First half-term: Selection and design of chemical, biochemical, or petrochemi- cal processes, equipment and control systems; economic studies; comparison and optimization. Equipment evaluation and estimating procedures; computer methods. Second half-term: Engineering design and economic analysis of a process. Original and individual work, and excellence of reporting are emphasized. Oral examination on final written report. 588. Optimization and Control of Chemical Systems Prerequisite: Chem. Eng. 407 or 508. (3 credits) Techniques for finding extrema of functions and functionals relating to chemical process problems. Solution methods, including digital computation, alternative, and approximate procedures. Geometric, dynamic, and linear programming. Constrained variables and systems. Variational methods, the maximum principle, search methods. Sensitivity and errors. 595. Chemical Engineering Research Survey (1 credit) Research activities and opportunities in Chemical Engineering program. Lectures by University of Michigan faculty and guest lecturers. Topics are drawn from current research interests of the faculty. 607. Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering Prerequisite: Chem. 507. (3 credits) Matrices and their application to reaction and separation processes. Linear operator CHEMICAL ENGINEERING theory and application to transport phenomena. Non- linear systems, stability, bifurcation. Perturbation methods and chaotic systems. 608. Applied Numerical Methods 11 Prerequisite: Chem. Eng. 508 or EECS 404. (2 or 3 credits) The finite-element method for solving partial differential equations, with applications to incompressible fluid flow and heat transfer, occupies at least one-third of the course. Banded equation-solving techniques. Stiff systems of ordinary differential equa- tions. Boundary-value problems. Hyperbolic equations. Matrix eigenval- ues. Computer applications. Credit depends on topics selected. 616. Analysis of Chemical Signalling and Cellular Networks Prerequisite: Biochem. and Chem. Eng. 516. II. (3 credits) Quantitative analysis of chemical signalling systems, including receptor/ligand binding and trafficking, signal transduction and second messenger production, and cellular responses such as adhesion and migration. In the second half of the course, cellular networks, including immune and neural networks and tissue differentiation, will be analyzed. 625. Coupled Rate Processes Prerequisite: Chem. Eng. 528, and 526 or 527 or 529. (3 credits) Theoretical and experimental phenomena associated with the coupling of two or more rate processes. Material selected from contemporary chemical engineering involving reaction kinetics in two-phase flow, thermal effects in chemical reactors, coupled diffusional processes, coupled chemical reactions, flames, and electrolytes. 627. Computational Fluid Mechanics and Rheology Prerequisite: Chem. Eng. 527 or Chem. Eng. 508 or equivalent. I. (3 credits) Conservation equations and boundary conditions. Constitutive equations. Finite element and time- integration. Confined free surface and multilayer flow. Viscoelastic liquids and polymer processing. Processing of composites and semiconductors. Heat and mass transfer. Chemical reaction and phase change. Stability and birfurcation analysis. 628. Industrial Catalysis Prerequisite: Chem. Eng. 528. (3 credits) Theoretical and experimental aspects of heterogeneous catalysis and surface science. Design, preparation, and characterization of catalysts. Kinetics of heterogeneous catalytic reactions, thermal and diffusional effects in catalytic reactors. Case studies of important industrial catalytic processes. 687. Chemical Process Design II Prerequisite: Chem. Eng. 587 (3 credits) The application of machine computation to process and equipment design and simulation. Process-oriented languages, data banks, decompositional methods related to process system arrangement. Heuristic synthesis of equipment sequences. Applications in chemical, petrochemical, and petroleum industrial processes. Recycle, chemical reactors, heat transfer, and separations are emphasized. 237 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 238 695. Research Problems in Chemical Engineering (To be arranged) Laboratory and conferences. Provides an opportunity for individual or group work in a particular field or on a prob- lem of special interest to the student. The program of work is arranged at the beginning of each term by mutual agreement between the student and a member of the faculty. Any problem in the field of chemical engineering may be selected. The student writes a final report on his project. 696. Selected Topics in Chemical Engineering (To be arranged) 697. Problems in Chemical Engineering (To be arranged) 698. Directed Study in Chemical Engineering (To be arranged) 707. Special Topics in Mathematical Modeling Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor. 1. (3 credits) Selected topics on modeling chemical engineering processes at both the macroscopic and micro- scopic levels. 751. (Chem. 751) (Macr. Sci. 751) (Mat. Sci. & Eng. 751) (Physics 751) Special Topics in Macromolecular Science Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (2 credits) Advanced topics of current interest will be stressed. The specific topics will vary with the instructor. 807. Seminar in Mathematical Modeling Prerequisite: candidacy in Chemical Engineering. IH. 3 credits) Current literature on mathematical modeling of Chemical Engineering processes will be reviewed and studied. 895. Seminar in Chemical Engineering. (To be arranged) 990. Dissertation/ Pre-Candidate 1, fl, and 111 (2-8 credits); lla and /llb. (1-4 credits) Election for dissertation work by doctoral student who has not yet admitted to status as candidate. The defense of the dissertation, that is, the final oral examination, must be held under a full term candidacy enrollment. 995. Dissertation/Candidate Prerequisite: Graduate School authorization for admission as a doctoral candidate. I, II, and Ill (8 credits); lla and//lb. 4 credits) Election for dissertation work by doctoral student who has been admitted to status as a candidate. The defense of the dissertation, that is, the final oral examination, must be held under a full term candidacy enrollment. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Chemistry* 239 Department Office 2035 Chemistry Building (313) 764-7317 Note. Safety regulations forbid the wearing of contact lenses in the laboratory. 125. General and Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Prerequisite. to be elected concurrently by students who have completed Chem 123 or are eligible for (or enrolled in) Chem. 124. (2 credits) One four-hour laboratory and one pre-lab lecture. Basic laboratory techniques and their application to simple chemical systems. 126. General and inorganic Chemistry: Chemical Dynamics Prerequisite: Chem. 123 or 124; prior or concurrent enrollment in Chem. 125. 1, ll, lla. (3 credits) Three lectures and one discussion. * College of Literature, Science, and the Arts Professor Curtis, Chair Professors Ashe, Bartell, Blinder, Coucouvanis, Coward, Dunn, Ege, Evans, Francis, Gland, Gordus, Griffin, Kopelman, Koreeda, Kuczkowski, Lawton, Lohr, Marino, Meyerhoff, Morris, Nordman, Rasmussen, Sacks, Sharp, Townsend, Wiseman and Yocum; Associate Professors Lubman, Pecoraro, Pearson, Penner-Hahn; Assistant Professors Glick, Knochel, Korzeniewski, Lee, Moore, and Schnitker 130. General Chemistry: Macroscopic Investiga- tions and Reaction Principles Prerequisites: Three years of high school math or Math 105; one year of high school chemistry recommended. Placement by testing, or permission of Chemistry Department. Intended for students without AP credit in chemistry. (3 credits). Introduction to the major concepts of chemistry, including the microscopic picture of atomic and molecular structure, periodic trends in chemical reactivity, the energetics of chemical reactions and the nature of chemical equilibria. Students are introduced both to the fundamental principles of modern chemistry and to the underlying theories that account for observed macro- scopic behavior. Students learn to think critically, examine experimental data, and form generalizations about data as chemists do. Three lectures and one discussion. A special section of 130 is reserved for students who would benefit from a smaller lecture section and more frequent contact with both senior faculty and teaching assistants. Four lectures and one discussion. Approval of a counselor is required for registration in this special section. 210. Structure and Reactivity I Prerequisites: High school chemistry. Placement by examination during orientation or AP credit. To be taken with Chem. 211. (4 credits) The content of organic chemistry is used to introduce students to major concepts of chemistry including ideas about bonding, energy, equilibrium, kinetics, stereo- chemistry, and the relationship between the structure and the reactivity of a chemical species. CHEMISTRY 240 211. Investigations in Chemistry Prerequisites: To be taken with Chem. 210. (1 credit) An introduction to laboratory techniques in chemistry using inorganic and organic compounds, with emphasis on thin layer chromatogra- phy, stoichiometry, acid-base chemistry, and microscale organic reactions. 215. Structure and Reactivity II Prerequisites: Chem. 210 and 211, concurrent enrollment in Chem. 216. lI. (3 credits) A continuation of Chemistry 210. Students get further practice in applying the major concepts of chemistry to predicting the physical and chemical properties of organic compounds, including macromolecules, both synthetic and biological. 216. Synthesis and Charac- terization of Organic Compounds Prerequisites: Chemistry 210, 211. Must be taken with Chemistry 215. (2 credits) Students participate in a number of projects in which they have to decide how to synthesize an organic compound on a microscale, then how to purify and how to characterize the compound using chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques. 225. Organic Chemistry Prerequisite: Chem. 126 or 197 or 348. 1, //, and //a. (4 credits) Chem. 225 is the first term of a two term sequence devoted to the chemistry of carbon compounds. The course involves the relationships between structure, energy, and chemical reactivity and establishes the principles upon which this branch of chemistry is based. Three lectures and one discussion each week. 226. Organic Chemistry Prerequisite: Chem. 225 and concurrent enrollment in Chemistry 227. I, II, and //a. (3 credits) Aromatic compounds, proteins, and other topics. Three lecture periods. 227. Organic Chemistry Prerequisite: Chem. 225. I, II, and //la. (2 credits) Chemistry 227 is elected concurrently with Chemistry 226. Chemistry 227 is a laboratory course in organic chemistry and emphasizes basic laboratory procedures involved in the isolation, preparation, purification, and identification of organic compounds. 230. Physical Chemical Principles and Applica- tions Prerequisites. Chem 215 or permission of instructor. No credit for students with credit for Chem. 340. (3 credits) An introduction to the physical principles underlying some of the major topics of inorganic and analytical chemistry. The liquid and solid states of matter, phase transitions, solutions, electrochemistry, coordination complexes, spectroscopy, and the principles of thermodynamics that explain observed chemical reactions are studied from the view-point of the experimental scientist, with an emphasis on the application of chemical principles to a wide range of professions. 302. Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure, Reactivity, and Function Prerequisites: Chem. 215 and 216, or permission of instructor. (3 credits) This course provides an introduction to the structure and properties of those elements other than carbon. Topics include the electronic structure of atoms, molecules and extended solids, bonding, periodicity, main group and transition element chemistry, catalysis and bioinorganic chemistry. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 312. Synthesis and Characterization Prerequisites: Chem. 215 and Chem 216. Prior or concurent enrollment in Chem. 302. (2 credits) Introduces students to advanced techniques used in the synthesis, purification, and characterization of inorganic and organic compounds. 340. Principles of Physico- chemical Measurements and Separations Prerequisites: Math. 116 or Math 114, Chem. 215 and Chem. 216. Prior enrollment in Chem. 302 is recom- mended but not required. Credit not granted to those with credit for Chem. 230. (5 credits) Emphasizes the fundamentals of thermochemistry, equilibria, kinetics and spectra. Computer acquisition and analysis of data, modern physicochemi- cal measurements, and techniques used in chemical separations are emphasized in the laboratory. 365. Principles of Physical Chemistry Prerequisite: Chem. 126 or 196, Physics 140-141 or 190 and preceded or accompa- nied by Math. 215 or 285. ll. (4 credits) Kinetic theory of gases, first and second laws of thermodynamics, applica- tions including chemical and phase equilibria, kinetics of chemical reactions. A self- contained one term course (in Physical Chemistry) less detailed than the sequence Chemistry 468/Chemistry 469. 403. Inorganic Chemistry Prerequisite: Chem. 348 or Chem. 197 or Chem 346 and Chem 347, and preceded or accompanied by Chem. 469. l and Il. (3 credits) A systematic survey of the chemistry of the elements from the standpoint of atomic structure, periodic and group relationships. 413. Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Prerequisite: to be preceded or accompanied by Chem. 403. land II. (2 credits) Laboratory work in the preparation and manipulation of inorganic materials. Techniques such as crystallization, sublimation, high-temperature reactions, and electrochemical preparations are emphasized. 427. Separation, Characteri- zation and Identification of Organic Compounds Prerequisite: Chem. 228. I, Il and llla. (3 credits) Review of physical and chemical properties of organic compounds that lend themselves to the separation of mixtures and the characterization of ID of compounds of mixtures. The chemistry of the major functional groups, chromato- graphic methods of separation of mixtures, and the fundamentals of spectroscopic methods is reviewed in the lectures. Emphaiss is put on the solution of problems involving these concepts. The laboratory part of the course consists of five structured experiments involving the separation of mixtures and the identifica- tion of their components. Extractive and chromatogra- phic techniques are used in separations. The use of techniques suitable for the handling of small quantities of material in the preparation of derivatives and the determination of physical properties is emphasized. Extensive use is made of the chemical literature. 241 C H E MIS TR Y 242 447. Physical Methods of Analysis Prerequisite: Chem. 197 or 348 and 225. l and/I. (3 credits) Theory and applicability of principal physical and physicochemical approaches used in chemical analysis, including electrical, optical, and radiochemical methods. Lecture. 448. Physical Methods Laboratory Prerequisite: to be preceded or accompanied by Chem. 300 and Chem. 447. /,/I. (2 credits) Laboratory experiments illustrating techniques or analysis discussed in Chem. 447. 468. Physical Chemistry Prerequisite: Physics 240-241 or 190-191, and Math. 216 and three terms of chemistry. I, II, /Ia. (4 credits) Nature of the gaseous and liquid states, solution theory, homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria, thermochemistry, and thermodynamics. Graduate students elect Chemistry 468 for 3 hours of credit. 469. Physical Chemistry Prerequisite: Math. 216 and Physics 240-241 or 190-191 and three terms of Chemistry; Chem. 468 is recommended. 1, /l and l/la. (4 credits) Chemical kinetics, statistical thermodynamics, solid state; quantum chemistry, molecular structure and spectroscopy. 481. Physicochemical Measurements Prerequisite: Chem. 197 or 348 and 468. To be preceded or accompanied by Chem. 469. l and/. (2 credits) Laboratory measurements involving properties of pure compounds and solutions, homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria, kinetics, electrochemistry, and atomic and molecular properties. One discussion period dealing with treatment of errors and related topics. 482. Physicochemical Measurements Prerequisite: Chem. 300 and Chem. 481. l and/. (2 credits) A continuation of Chemistry 481 involving experiments at a more advanced level. 535. Experimental Methods for the Study of Solutions of Macromolecules Prerequisite: Chem. 469. I. (2 credits) Theory and description of experimental methods for studying the properties of natural and synthetic macromolecules in solution. 536. Laboratory in Macromol- ecular Chemistry Prerequisite: Chem. 535 or Physics 418 or permission of instructor. 1. (2 credits) Experimental methods for the study of macromolecular materials in solution and in the bulk state. 538. Organic Chemistry of Macromolecules Prerequisite: Chem. 226. I. (2 credits) The preparation, reactions, and properties of high molecular weight polymeric material of both natural and synthetic origin. COUR SE DE SCRIPTIONS 567. (AO&SS 567) Chemical Kinetics Prerequisite: Chem. 469 or A. 0. &S. S. 479. II. (3 credits) A general course in chemical kinetics, useful for any branch of chemistry where reaction rates and mecha- nisms are important. Scope of subject matter: practical analysis of chemical reaction rates and mechanisms, theoretical concepts relating to gas and solution phase reactions. 570. Molecular Physical Chemistry Prerequisite: Chem. 468/469 or equivalent. I. (3 credits) Basic concepts in modern chemical physics; molecular symmetry, group theory, operators, introduction to the electronic structure of atoms and molecules. 575. Chemical Thermodynamics Prerequisite: Chem. 469. II. (3 credits) Application of classical thermodynamics to chemical phase equilibria, solutions, and chemical reactions. Introduction to statistical mechanical calculations and nonequilibruim thermodynamics. 243 'C 9Y' A; i ~' 'TCMiiK COURSE DESCRIPTIONS -Civil& Environmental Engmeerng Department Office E. Benjamin Wylie, Ph.D., P.E., Professor and Chair 2340 G. G. Brown Richard D. Woods, Ph.D., P.E., Professor and Associate Chair (313) 764-8495 Professor Jonathan W. Bulkley, Ph.D., P.E. Raymond P. Canale, Ph.D., P.E. Robert I. Carr, Ph.D., P.E. Eugene Andrus Glysson, Ph.D., P.E. Subhash C. Goel, Ph.D., P.E. Donald H. Gray, Ph.D., P.E. Robert D. Hanson, Ph.D., P.E. Movses Jeremy Kaldjian, Ph.D. Antoine E. Naaman, Ph.D. Andrzej S. Nowak, Ph.D. Walter Jacob Weber, Jr., Ph.D., P.E., Earnest Boyce Professor of Civil Engineering James Kenneth Wight, Ph.D., P.E. Professor Emeritus Glen Virgil Berg, Ph.D., P.E., Ernest Frederick Brater, Ph.D., P.E., Hydraulic Engineering Donald E. Cleveland, Ph.D., P.E. Donald Nathan Cortright, M.S.E., P.E. Robert Blynn Harris, M.S.C.E., P.E. Frank Edwin Richart, Jr., Ph.D., P.E., WalterJ. Emmons Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering Wadi Saliba Rumman, Ph.D. Victor Lyle Streeter, Sc.D., P.E., Hydraulics Egons Tons, Ph.D., P.E. Associate Professor Linda Abriola, Ph.D. Will Hansen, Ph.D. Photios G. loannou, Ph.D. Nikolaos D. Katopodes, Ph.D. Victor C. Li, Ph.D. Steven J. Wright, Ph.D. Associate Professor Emeritus John M. Armstrong, Ph.D., Adjunct Associate Professor Victor L. Graf, Jr., B.A., J.D. Charles J. Hurbis, B.S.E. (I.E.), J.D. Assistant Professor Avery H. Demond, Ph.D. Kim F. Hayes, Ph.D. Roman D. Hryciw, Ph.D. Ralf Peek, Ph.D. Iris D. Tommelein, Ph.D. Timothy M. Vogel, Ph.D. Adjunct Lecturer Rajendra K. Aggarwala, M.S. See page 195 for statement on course equivalence. CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 280. Introduction to Environ- mental Engineering Prerequisites: Chem 125, Math 116. II. (3 credits) An introduction to environ- mental engineering; discussion of the physical, chemical, and biological processes which influence the extent of air, water, and land pollution; methods for monitoring, controlling and preventing pollution; environmental impact assessment and pollution control philosophy; current critical pollution issues. 303.(Eng. 303) Computational Methods for Engineers and Scientists Prerequisite: Eng. 103 and preceded or accompanied by Math. 216. land/lI. (3 credits) Applications of numerical methods to problems in various areas of engineering and science; personal computer case studies; development and comparison of techniques for roots of nonlinear equations, simultaneous linear alge- braic equations, curve fitting, numerical integration, and ordinary differential equations. 312. Theory of Structures I Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 110. I. llla. (3 credits) Calculations of reactions, shears, and bending moments , axial forces and deflections in statically determinate structures. Influence lines. Flexibility method for simple indetermi- nate structures. Introduction to matrix displacement method of structural analysis. 315. Design of Structures Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 210. II. llb. (3 credits) Fundamentals of design of structural elements in reinforced concrete, steel, and timber. Allowable stress and ultimate strength design procedures. Lectures, problems. 325. (Mech. Eng. 325) Fluid Mechanics Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 240, preceded or accompanied by Mech. Eng. 235. 1, ll, and llla. (3 credits) Principles of mechanics applied to real and ideal fluids. Topics include fluid properties and statics; continuity, energy and momentum equations by control volume; dimensional analysis and similitude; laminar and turbulent flow; boundary layer, drag, lift; incompressible flow in pipes; free-surface flow; adiabatic flow of ideal gases in conduits; fluid measurement and turbomachinery. 332. Engineering Surveying Measurements and Applications Prerequisite: Math. 116/Eng. 103. 1, lla. (3 credits) Engineering surveying measurements of terrain including contouring and layout of infrastructural works. Survey measurement theory and practice in engineering applications. Survey measurement errors and analysis in direct and indirect measurements. Design of measurements and field operations. Use of topographic maps. Use of computers for surveying computations design and plotting. 351. Civil Engineering Materials Prerequisite: Mat. Sci. & Eng. 250 and Mech. Eng. 110. /1. (3 credits) Studies of single and multicomponent construction materials such as portland cement and bituminous concretes, plastics, wood, steel and others. Evaluation of constituents and design of mixtures and composites, load-time-deformation characteristics, and response to typical service environ- ments. Introduction to concepts of material variability. Lectures and laboratory. 245 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 246 400. Contracts and Engineer- ing Legal Relationships Prerequisite: senior standing. / and l. (2 credits) Principles of contracts including formation, inter- pretation, performance, discharge and remedies; other Engineering related legal issues and professional ethics. 405. Civil Engineering Systems Prerequisite: Math. 216. I. (3 credits) Introduction to optimization techniques with applications to civil engineering systems. Statistical topics, stochastic processes, mathematical programming, computer applications, economic concepts, and decision making. 411. (Aero. Eng.411) (Nav. Arch. 411) Finite Element Applications Prerequisite: Eng. 103, Mech. Eng. 211or Mech. Eng. 210. l and/. (3 credits) The application of user- oriented finite element computer programs for solving practical structural mechanics problems of frames, 2-D and 3-D solids, plates, shells, etc., and displaying the solutions graphically. Students learn to prepare input data and to interpret results. A short introduction to the underlying theory is also presented. 413. Design of Metal Structures Prerequisite: CEE 312 and CEE 315. 1. (3 credits) Design of metal members and connections, and their use in buildings and bridges. Application of relevant design specifications with emphasis on structural steel. Lectures, problems, and laboratory. 415. Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures Prerequisite: CEE 312 and CEE 315. II. (3 credits) Design of reinforced concrete members and slabs, and their use in buildings and bridges. Application of relevant design specifications. Lectures, problems, and laboratory. 420. Hydrology Prerequisite. CEE 325 (Mech. Eng. 325). . (3 credits) The hydrologic cycle; precipitation, its causes, distribution, and frequency; snow melting processes; evaporation; transpiration; infiltration; aquifers, well hydraulics; normal and low flows, magnitude and frequency of floods; storm sewer capacities; flood routing; storage requirements for flow augmentation; measurement of river discharge. 421. Hydraulics Prerequisite. Eng. 103 or 120, CEE 325 (Mech. Eng. 325). ll. (3 credits) Gradually varied flow, controls, and hydraulic jump; orifices, weirs, and venturi meters; turbomachines, pumping systems, pipe flow, and pipe networks; sewer hydraulics and control devices; system optimization; unsteady flow. Lecture, laboratory and computation. 428. Introduction to Ground- water Hydrology Prerequisite: junior standing. 1. (3 credits) Importance and occurrence of groundwater; chemical and physical properties of the groundwater environment; basic principles of groundwater flow; measure- ment of parameters; pump test design and analysis; transport of contaminants; use of computer models for the simulation of flow and transport problems. 430. Special Problems in Construction Engineering Prerequisite. permission of instructor. /, II, l/la, and//b. (1-3 credits) Individual student may choose his or her special problem from a wide range of construction engineering and management areas. CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 431. Construction Contracting Prerequisite: junior standing. I and I. (3 credits) Construction contracting for contractors, architects, owners. (1) organization and administration; industry structure; construction contracts, bonds, insurance. (2) Planning, estimating, and control; quantity takeoff and pricing; labor and equipment estimates; estimating excavation and concrete; proposal preparation; scheduling; accounting and cost control. Students use contract documents to prepare detailed estimate. 432. Construction Engineering Prerequisite: junior standing. l and /. (3 credits) Major construction equipment and concrete construction. Selection of scrapers, dozers, cranes, etc., based on applications, methods, and production requirements. Power generation, transmission, and output capacity of equipment engines. Calculation of transport cycle times. Concreting methods include mixing, delivery, and placement. Design of forms for concrete walls and supported slabs. 440. Engineering Geology Prerequisite: junior standing. II. (3 credits) Composition and Properties of Rocks and Soil, Geologic Processes, Geologic Structures and Engineering Consequences, Natural and Artificial Underground Openings, Terrain Analysis and Site Investigation, Civil Engineering Facility Siting, Seismic Zonation for Ground Motions and Soil Liquefac- tion Potential, Geotechnical Aspects of Municipal and Hazardous Waste Disposal. 445. Engineering Properties of Soil Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 210. 1. (3 credits) Soil classification and index properties; soil structure and moisture, seepage; com- pressibility and consolida- tion; stress and settlement analysis; shear strength. Lectures, problems, and laboratory. 470. Transportation Engineering Prerequisite: junior standing. II. (3 credits) Planning, location, design, and operation of transporta- tion facilities. Introduction to engineering economics. 480. Dynamics of Environ- mental Systems Prerequisite: Chem. 130 and 125; and Math. 216. 1. (3 credits) Dynamics of transformation processes in natural and engineered environmental systems; application of ideal and non-ideal reactor concepts to system modeling; energetics and rates of intraphase and interphase mass transport and reaction processes in surface and groundwaters, treatment operations, and other systems of concern in environmental engineering. 485. Water Supply and Waste-Water Engineering Prerequisite: junior or senior standing. /and //a. (3 credits) Design of works for the collection and purification of water for municipal use, fundamentals of design of waste-water collection systems and waste-water treatment plants. Lecture and recitation. 490. Independent Study in Civil Engineering Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. I, II, IlIa and Ilb. (1-3 credits) Individual or group experimental or theoretical research in any area of Civil 247 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 248 Engineering. The program of work is arranged at the beginning of each term by mutual agreement between the student and a faculty member. Written and oral reports may be required. 501. Legal Aspects of Engineering Prerequisite: CEE 400 or a course in contract law. I. (3 credits) Provides insight into various areas of civil litigation. Includes personal and property loss, professional liability, product liability, land use, and the role of the engineer as an expert witness. 502. Artificial Intelligence Applications in Civil Engineering Prerequisites: senior or graduate standing. I. (3 credits) Introduction to artificial intelligence for engineers; theoretical concepts of Al explored and illustrated with applications in civil engineering and construction management, such as facilities design, site layout, planning and scheduling, selection of construction equipment and operation methods, construction automation. Students acquire hands-on experience with expert systems in final project. 510. (Nav. Arch. 512) Finite element Methods in Solid and Structural Mechanics Prerequisites: graduate standing. I. (3 credits) Basic equations of three dimensional elasticity. Derivation of relevant variational principles. Finite element approximation. Convergence requirements. Isoparametric elements in two and three dimensions. Implementational considera- tions. Locking phenomena. Problems involving non- linear material behavior. 511. Fiber Reinforced Cement Based Composites Prerequisite: CEE 415 or CEE 553. II. (3 credits) Fiber reinforcement of cement based matrices; continuous and discontinuous fibers and meshes. Fiber reinforced concrete and Ferrocement. Behavior and mechanical properties. Mechanics of fiber reinforcement. Constitutive models. High strength, high performance fiber composites. Influence of additives such as superplasti- cizers, micro-silica and polymers. Lectures, projects and laboratory. 512. Theory of Structures II Prerequisite: CEE312. I. (3 credits) Energy theorems and their application. Shear deforma- tions in beams. Matrix analysis of two-dimensional frames by the stiffness method. Temperature effects. Behavior of frames and approximate methods of analysis. 513. Structural Dynamics Prerequisite: None. L (3 credits) Structural vibrations. Transient and steady-state response to dynamic forces. Response beyond the elastic range. Earthquake forces. The response spectrum. Seismic building codes and their relation to structural dynamics. 514. (Aero 416) Theory of Plates and Shells Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 210, Math. 450 or Aero. Eng. 350. L (3 credits) Linear elastic plates. Membrane and bending theory of axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric shells. Approximate treatment of edge effects. Finite element techniques for plate and shell problems. 515. Prestressed Concrete Prerequisite: CEE 315. I. (3 credits) Fundamental principles of prestressing; prestressing materials; prestress losses; allowable stress and ultimate strength design methods; analysis and design of beams CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING for flexure, shear, and deflection; composite construction; bridges; slab systems 516. Bridge Structures Prerequisite. CEE 413 and CEE 415. L(3 credits) Advanced concepts and modern trends in design of bridges. Rehabilitation, repair, and retrofit of existing bridges. Use of relevant codes. Study of alternative structural forms and materials for efficiency and economy. Design problems and reports. 517. Structural Safety Prerequisite: CEE 315. II. (3 credits) Fundamental concepts related to structural safety, statistical analysis and modeling of resistance and loads, safety measures, optimum safety levels, optimization of building codes. 518. Advanced Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures Prerequisite: CEE 415. L (3 credits) Analysis and design of concrete structural systems including two way floor systems, slender columns, members subjected to torsion, foundation systems, retaining walls, shear walls, deep beams and connections. Applications of computer aided design programs. Use of design code provisions. Design projects. 519. Plastic Analysis and Design of Frames ll. (3 credits) Plastic analysis of structural frames. Rules of practice for the plastic design of steel structures. Design problems and reports. 520. Deterministic and Stochastic Models in Hydrology Prerequisite: CEE 420 and 421. /. (3 credits) Mathematical description of the Hydrologic cycle. Computation of overland flow. Flood routing through reservoirs and rivers. Unit Hydrograph theory. Linear and nonlinear models for small watershed analysis. Application of time series and spectral analysis to hydrologic data. Streamflow stimulation by autoregressive and moving average models. 523. Flow in Open Channels Prerequisite: CEE 325 (Mech. Eng. 325). L. (3 credits) Energy and momentum concepts; flow in the laminar and transition ranges; selection of canal cross- sections; minor losses; critical depth; rapidly varied flow; controls; gradually varied flow; channels of varying width; steep chutes; translatory waves; high velocity transitions; bends. 525. Turbulent Mixing in Environmental Applications. Prerequisite: CEE 325 (Mech. Eng. 325). I. (3 credits) Mechanics of fluid waste discharges to the environ- ment. Solution of the diffusion equation with applications including longitudinal dispersion. Detailed analysis of jet mixing including surface jets, effects of ambient current and density stratification, and buoyancy effects. 526. Design of Hydraulic Systems Prerequisite: CEE 420 and preceded or accompanied by CEE 421. II. (3 credits) Hydraulic aspects of the design of canals, dams, gates, spillways, sea walls, breakwaters, and other structures. Determination of the most economic design of an hydraulic engineering project. Application of the digital computer to engineering design. 249 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 250 527. Coastal Hydraulics Prerequisite: CEE 325. (Mech. Eng. 325). I. (3 credits) Equations of oscillatory wave motion; generation of waves by wind; refraction; energy transmission, breaking waves, diffraction; energy dissipation; run-up and overlapping; wave forces; the design of sea walls and breakwaters; currents and wind tides; shore erosion processes; harbor design. 528. Flow and Transport in Porous Media Prerequisite: CEE 428 or equivalent. II. (3 credits) Basic principles governing flow and transport in porous media; development of mathematical models at pore and continuum levels; single and multiphase flow; solute transport and dispersion theory; parameter estimation; application to saturated and unsaturated groundwater flow, flow in fractured media, petroleum reservoirs saltwater intrusion and miscible and immiscible subsurface contamination. 529. Hydraulic Transients I Prerequisite: CEE 421. 1. (3 credits) Incompressible unsteady flow through conduits; numerical, algebraic and graphical analysis of waterhammer; solution of transient problems by the method of characteristics; digital computer applications to pump failures, complex piping systems; valve stroking, and liquid column separation. 531. Construction Cost Engineering Prerequisite: graduate standing and preceded or accompanied by CEE 431. 1. (3 credits) Cost engineering for construction organizations, projects, and operations. Construction financing; breakeven, profit, and cash flow analyses; capital budgeting. Equipment cost and procurement decisions. Construction financial accounting, cost accounting, cost control systems, databases. Cost indices, parametric estimates, unit price proposals, measuring work and settling claims. 532. Construction Management and Project Engineering Prerequisite: graduate standing and preceded or accompanied by CEE 431. 1. (3 credits) Planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling construction firms, departments, projects, and operations. Strategic planning; organization design and behavior; construction business functions; marketing; management information systems. Project organizations; man-power planning; jobsite layout; labor, material procurement; time, cost, quality control. Construction operation planning, supervision, analysis work improvement. Case studies, projects from construction. 533. Construction Perform- ance Management Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing. I. (3 credits) Dimensions of performance: effectiveness, efficiency, safety, quality, profitability, productivity, quality of work life, innovation. Factors that influence performance: environment, structure, organizational and behavioral processes such as planning, controlling and motivation. Measurement, analysis, and improvement of performance. Examples and cases from construction settings. 534. Heavy Industrial Construction Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing. lila. (3 credits) Design interdependencies, procurement, construction, and start-up of heavy industrial facilities; power plants, chemical plants, oil refineries. Design interfaces, specifications, drawing CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING preparation. Procurement contracts, fabrication, quality control. Construction: site, structural, piping and vessels, electrical, instru- mentation. Job planning and organization. Facility start- up. Examples from construction settings. 535. Excavation and Tunneling Prerequisite: CEE 445. II. (3 credits) Selection of methods of attack for excavation of tunnels and deep vertical- sided openings. Tunneling procedures based on behavioral characteristics of soil and rock. Study of tunnel boring machines, shielded and drill-and-blast operations, linings. Deep excavation procedures related to support of excavation systems, methods of installation and dewatering. 536. Critical Path Methods Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing. I and II. (3 credits) Basic critical path planning and scheduling with arrow and precedence networks; project control; basic overlapping networks; introduction to resource leveling and least cost scheduling; fundamental PERT systems. 537. Construction of Buildings Prerequisite: CEE 315. I. (3 credits) Material selection, construction details, manufacture, fabrication, and erection of building structures using steel, light wood, timber, cast-in-place concrete, precast concrete, and masonry; and of building materials for roof, floor, and wall surfaces. Field trips to fabrication plants and construction sites. 538. Concrete Construction Prerequisite: CEE 351 and CEE 315. L. (3 credits) Selection of concrete, batch design, additives, and batch plant. Structural design, construction of concrete formwork for buildings, civil works. Transporting, placing, and finishing equipment and methods. Plant and on-site precasting and prestressing methods and field erection. Sprayed, vacuum, and preplaced aggregate concrete applications. Industrialized concrete systems. Concrete grouting, repair. 541. Soil Sampling and Testing Prerequisite:preceded or accompanied by CEE 445. I. (3 credits) Field and laboratory practice in sampling and testing of soils for engineering purposes. Field sampling and testing; standard split- spoon sampler, Dutch Cone penetrometer, field vane, Iowa borehole shear device. Lab tests; direct shear, unconfined compression, triaxial compression, consolidation. Laboratory and lecture. 542. Soil and Site Improvement Prerequisite: CEE 445. I. (3 credits) Analysis of geotechnical problems affecting site use including weak, compressible soil; water logged conditions; high shrink-swell potential; erodibility. Stabilization techniques including compaction, earth reinforce- ment, drainage and erosion control, admixture stabiliza- tion, grouting, precompres- sion, thermal and electro- kinetic stabilization. Geotechnical aspects of disposal fills, e.g., tailings, fly ash, sanitary landfills, and hazardous waste. 544. Rock Mechanics Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 210. L (3 credits) Engineering properties and classification of rocks. Strength and deformability of intact and jointed rock; in- situ stresses; lab and field test methods. Stereonets and structural geology. Rock slopes; stability and reinforcement. Foundations 251 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 252 on rock. Rock blasting; explosives; shot design; vibration problems. 545. Foundation Engineering Prerequisite: CEE 445. . (3 credits) Application of principles of soil mechanics to: determi- nation of bearing capacity and settlement of spread footings, mats, single piles and pile groups; site investigation, evaluation of data from field and laboratory tests; estimation of stresses in soil masses; and lateral resistance of piles and pile groups. 546. Stability of Earth Masses Prerequisite: CEE 445. IL (3 credits) Stability of hillsides and open cuts, geologic considera- tions; stability of man made embankments including earth dams and structural fills, compaction and placement of soil in earth embankments, problems of seepage and rapid drawdown, earthquake effects, slope stabilization techniques; lateral earth pressures and retaining walls, braced excavations. 547. Soils Engineering and Pavement Systems Prerequisite: CEE 445 II. (3 credits) Soils engineering as applied to the design, construction and rehabilitation of pavement systems. The design, evaluation and rehabilitation of rigid, flexible and composite pavements. 548. Foundations for Marine Structures Prerequisite. CEE 445.1. (3 credits) Effects of seepage and dewatering on design of waterfront structures. Soil retaining structures, cellular cofferdams, anchored bulkheads. Compaction and consolidation of soil masses. Water wave forces on offshore and harbor structures. Soil-structure interaction for offshore towers, piers, wharves, sea walls, and jetties. 550. Quality Control of Construction Materials Prerequisite: CEE 351. HI. (3 credits) Construction material specification and test procedures. Sampling methods, data collection and statistical data distributions. Quality control charts, development of quality assurance specifications and acceptance plans. Examples using data from actual field construction and laboratory experiments collected by destructive and non- destructive methods. 551. Rehabilitation of Constructed Facilities Prerequisite: CEE 351. . (3 credits) Infrastructure needs. Rehabilitation studies of buildings, underground construction, bridges, streets, and highways: Types of distress; numerical condition surveys for foundation, structural, and functional deterioration; design criteria; materials and techniques; predictive performance models; evaluating alternatives; databases; maintenance management. 552. Bituminous and Cement Mixes for Construction Prerequisite. CEE 351. II. (3 credits) Types and properties of bituminous, portland, and other cements used in construction. Natural and synthetic aggregate characteristics and uses. Compositions and properties of different mixtures used for highways, airports, parking areas, reservoir linings and other constructed facilities. Laboratory experiments with selected compositions 553. Advanced Concrete Materials Prerequisite: CEE 351. . (3 credits) Concrete components, microstructure, and CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING properties of portland cement pastes. Early heat of hydration and thermal stress development in concrete. Strength , fatigue, failure mechanisms, creep, shrinkage, and durability of hardened concrete. Special concretes: lightweight, heavyweight, high strength, and ultra high strength. 554. Materials in Engineering Design Prerequisite: CEE 351 or per instructor. II. (3 credits) Integrated study of material properties, processing, performance, structure, cost and mechanics, as related to engineering design and material selection. Topics include design process, material properties and selection; scaling; materials database, processing and design, and optimization. Examples will be drawn from cement and ceramics, metals, polymers and composites. 571. Traffic Engineering Prerequisite: CEE 470. (3 credits) Driver, pedestrian, transit rider, vehicle and way characteristics and studies. Traffic system management including planning and design of information and control device applications. 572. Transportation Evalu- ation Methods Prerequisite: CEE 470. (3 credits). Methods of evaluation in transportation systems planning, design and operation. Cost and impact analysis; transportation economics; multi objective decision methods. 573. Geometric Design of Ways and Terminals Prerequisite: CEE 470. (3 credits) Land transportation geo- metric design controls. Alignment, cross section, and intersection design for highway and railway routes. Geometric design of bus and rail terminals, parking facilities, and airports. Lecture, problems, and design laboratory. 574. Public Transportation Systems Prerequisite: CEE 470. (3 credits) The planning, location, design, construction, maintenance and operation of railroad facilities, other guideway systems and public bus transportation services. 575. Airport Planning and Design Prerequisite: CEE 470. (3 credits) Planning, site selection, and configuration; airport capacities; air traffic control; geometric design of landing area; development of terminal area; lighting; pavement requirements; drainage. 576. Disaggregate Transpor- tation Demand Models Prerequisite. senior or graduate standing. (3 credits) An introduction to the development of disaggregate travel demand methodology including multinomial logit and probit models, aggregation techniques and application to the urban transportation planning process. 577. Traffic Flow I Prerequisite: a course in statistics. (3 credits) Studies of determinants and characteristics of traffic flow and accidents. 578. Transportation Planning Prerequisite. CEE 470. (3 credits) Application of systems analysis techniques to the generation, evaluation, and selection of alternative transportation plans. Use of quantitative and qualitative 253 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 254 analysis of multi-mode networks for the selection of operating policies and investment programs. Consideration of planning processes and federal guidelines. 579. Special Problems in Transportation Prerequisite:permission of instructor. 1,1A, and //a. (1-3 credits) Advanced problems selected from the broad area of transportation engineering, including railroads, airports, highways, traffic, and mass transportation. 580. Physicochemical Processes in Environ- mental Engineering Prerequisite: CEE 480. II. (3 credits) Physicochemical separated and transformation processes in natural and engineered environmental systems; process modeling; design of operations involving state and phase transformation; chemical oxidation, reduction, sorption, stripping, and exchange processes, membrane separations, particle aggregation and coagulation, sedimentation and filtration. 581. Aquatic Chemistry Prerequisite: Chem. 125. 1. (3 credits) Chemical principles applicable to the analysis of the chemical composition of natural waters and engi- neered water systems; chemistry of water purification technology and water pollution control; chemical processes which control the movement and fate of trace contaminants in aquatic environments including precipitation- dissolution, oxidation- reduction, adsorption- desorption, and complexa- tion. 582. Environmental Microbiology Prerequisite: Chem 130. I. (3 credits) Description, biochemistry, and environmental activities of bacteria, algae, and protozoa. Emphasis on role of micro-organisms in changing chemistry of environment and on role of environment in selecting for certain microbial characteris- tics. Degradation of pollutants by microbes is discussed. Lecture and lab. 583. Surfaces and Interfaces in Aquatic Systems Prerequisites: CEE 581 or permission of instructor. AI (3 credits) Introduction to the principles of surface and interfacial aquatic chemistry, surface complexation theory, and interfacial phenomena. Topics covered include capillarity, wettability, surface tension, contact angle, and surface active agents; surface-chemical aspects of adsorption, ion-exchange, and electrical double layer theory. Discussion of the effects of surfaces and interfaces on transformation reactions of aquatic pollutants. 584. (E.l.H. 667) Hazardous Waste Processes I. (3 credits) The study of thermal, chemical and other systems and processes used in the detoxification of hazardous wastes, other than radioactive wastes. 585. Solid Waste Management II. (3 credits) The study of methods for managing the solid wastes generated by urban communities, evaluating alternatives and design of disposal facilities. Methods for minimizing adverse effects on the human health and environment are included. CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 587. (Nat. Res. 558) Water Resource Policy Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing. I. (3 credits) Consideration of policy processes associated with the development and utilization of water resources. Special attention is given to the history and development of policy related to water quality. Multi-objective planning is presented. Consideration of institutional problems associated with the implementation of water policy in the federal-state- regional-local arenas. 589. (Nat. Res. 595) Risk and Benefit Analysis in Environ- mental Engineering Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing. l. (3 credits) Introduction to techniques of risk benefit analysis as applied to water resources and environmental engineering. Techniques of multi-objective water resource planning. The engineering political interfaces; consideration of political bargaining and decision making. 590. Stream, Lake, and Estuary Analysis I Prerequisite: Math. 216. II. (3 credits) Introductory principles of mass transport, kinetics, and material balance. Character- istics and distribution of contaminants in waterways. Effects of biological oxygen demand, reaeration, sludge deposits, nitrification, and aquatic plants. Mathematical models describing oxygen resources in streams, lakes, and estuaries. Demonstra- tion of practical problems. 592. Biological Processes in Environmental Engineering Prerequisite: CEE 582. II. (3 credits) Analysis and modeling of the kinetics of microbial substrate utilization and biomass production as these relate to processes in water quality control. Topical emphasis is placed on aerobic and anaerobic biological unit processes for renovation of waters and wastewaters to illustrate these fundamental principles. Lecture and lab. 593. Environmental Soil Physics Prerequisites: CEE 428 or CEE 445. I. (3 credits) Principles of soil physics with emphasis on environ- mental problems. Topics include characteristics of solid, liquid and gaseous components of soil; capillarity, air entrapment and the static distribution of water in the unsaturated zone; infiltration, exfiltration and the redistribution of water. Extension of principles to movement of organic liquids in subsurface. 594. Environmental Soil Chemistry Prerequisites: CEE 581. ll (3 credits) Introduction to the principles of soil chemistry. Topics covered include chemical composition of soils, chemical structure of minerals and soil organic matter, soil colloidal phenomena, sorption, ion- exchange, surface complex- ation theory, reactivity of soil constituents with inorganic and organic environmental contaminants. Emphasis on the relationship between chemical structure and reactivity. 599. (E.I.H. 699) Hazardous Wastes: Regulation, Remedia- tion, and Worker Protection Prerequisite: graduate standing and E1.H. 503 or E.H. 508 or E.H. 541 or E/.H. 650 or E.H. 667 or permission of instructor. /1 (3 credits) Integration of information on current regulatory climate and governmental guidelines with case studies in hazardous wastes/ substances. Case studies provide examples of hazardous waste and remedial actions, with emphasis on site worker 255 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 256 exposure and protection, and community exposures to chemical and radiological agents. Lectures, problem solving sessions, and guest speakers. 612. Metal Structural Members Prerequisite. CEE 413. L. (3 credits) Elastic and inelastic behavior of beams and columns. Torsion of open and box members. Combined bending and torsion. Buckling of beams and beam-columns. Behavior of steel and aluminum structural members is studied with reference to their code design procedures. 613. Reinforced Concrete Members Prerequisite: CEE 415. I. (3 credits) Inelastic behavior of reinforced concrete beams, columns and connections. Combined bending, shear, and torsion in beams. Behavior under load reversals, and development of appropriate hysteresis models. Derivation of relevant design code provisions. 614. (Aero. Eng. 614) Advanced Theory of Plates and Shells Prerequisite: CEE 514 or Aero. Eng. 416. l. (3 credits) Differential geometry of surfaces. Linear and nonlinear plate and shell theories in curvilinear coordinates. Anisotropic and laminated shells. Stability and post-buckling behavior. Finite element techniques, including special considera- tions for collapse analysis. 615. (Aero. Eng. 615) (ME/AM 649) Random Vibrations Prerequisite: CEE 513 or ME/ AM 541 or Aero. Eng. 543. II. (3 credits) Accelerated coverage of elements of probability theory. Characterization of random processes and fields. Correlation and spectral density functions. Response of linear discrete and continuous systems to random excitation. Introduction to problems involving random systems. Maxima and minima of random processes. Applications to problems of engineering interest. 616. Structural Design for Dynamic Forces Prerequisite: CEE 611. Il. (3 credits) Determination of dynamic loads on structures caused by earthquakes, wind, impact, and vibration. Methods of design to resist these forces utilizing elastic and inelastic material and member characteristics. Lectures and independent projects. 618. Advanced Prestressed Concrete Prerequisite: CEE 515. II. (3 credits) Prestressing in statically indeterminate structures; design of prestressed concrete slabs; analysis and design of partially pre- stressed concrete beams; nonlinear analysis; optimum design; analysis of members prestressed with unbonded tendons; prestressed tensile members. Special research and/or application related topics. 621. Computational Hydraulics Prerequisite: CEE 523 and Chem. Eng. 508. II (3 credits) Development of computa- tional techniques for two- and three-dimensional flow problems. Simulation of shallow-water flow in rivers and estuaries. Floodwaves and tidal bores. Groundwater and seepage models. Computation of contaminant transport in streams and aquifers. Comparative analysis, verification and calibration of regional models. Computer graphics for multdimensional flow problems. CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 622. Special Problems in Hydraulic Engineering or Hydrology Prerequisite: permission of instructor. I. and II (To be arranged) Assigned work on an individual basis. Problems of an advanced nature may be selected from a wide variety of topics. 624. Free Surface Flow Prerequisite: CEE 523. (3 credits) Dynamics of spatially varied flow; unsteady momentum and continuity equations applied to prismatic and nonprismatic channels. Rainfall and overland flow relationships. Different numerical solutions to flood routing in channels and flood plains. Simulation techniques using digital computer. 628. Numerical Modeling of Subsurface Flow Prerequisite: CEE 528 or CEE 593 and Math. 471. I. (3 credits) Application of numerical solution methods, including finite differences, finite elements, boundary elements, and method of characteristics to various subsurface flow problems: saturated isothermal flow, solute transport, multiphase flow, geothermal reservoirs, use and modification of existing models in addition to new code development. 629. Hydraulic Transients II Prerequisite: CEE 529. II. (3 credits) Steady-oscillatory flow by impedance methods and characteristics methods; self- excited and forced resonance of piping systems; pulsatile flow through distensible tubes. Digital computer applications to reciprocating pumps, valving, resonance in complex piping systems, hydropower systems. 630. Directed Studies in Construction Engineering Prerequisite: graduate standing. /, //, 1l1a and//b. (1-3 credits) Selected reading in specific construction areas. 631. Construction Decisions Under Uncertainty Prerequisite: CEE 405 or a course in probability or statistics such as Stat 310 or Stat. 311 or S.&M.S. 301. II. (3 credits) Construction project and organization decisions for the uncertain future. Selection of construction method, equipment, contract, markup, and financing alternatives having the highest expected values. Uses decision theory, competitive bid analysis, probabilistic modeling and simulation, and multiple regression analysis in managing construction. 632. International Construction Prerequisite: preceded or accompanied by CEE 532. (3 credits) Conditions and practices necessary for multinational construction operations. Financial environment, world trade, and investment. Cross cultural influences. Inter- national construction markets. International construction contracts. Mobilization and perform- ance of international construction projects. 633. Construction Manage- ment Information Systems Prerequisite: CEE 531 and preceded or accompanied by CEE 536. II. (3 credits) Design of computerized construction management information systems (MIS). Students perform microcom- puter database and spread- sheet programming to develop estimating, planning and scheduling, financial and cost accounting, and project control subsystems having common, integrated data structures. Students implement subsystems as an integrated MIS which they apply to construction problems and case studies. 257 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 258 636. Project Networking Techniques Prerequisite: CEE 536. (3 credits) Advanced networking techniques. Unlimited and limited resource leveling. Time-cost trade-offs using precedence networks. Targeting, updating and float trend analyses. Network cost analysis using PMS criteria. Extensions to precedence networks. Survey of computerized CPM systems. CPM implementation in major projects. 645. Theoretical Soil Mechanics Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (3 credits) Stress conditions for failure of soils; earth pressures and retaining walls; arching in soils; theories for elastic and plastic deformations of soil masses; theory of bearing capacity; theories for stresses in semi-infinite and layered elastic solids; theory of elastic subgrade reaction. 648. Dynamics of Soils and Foundations Prerequisite: CEE 445. IH. (3 credits) Transient and steady state vibrations of foundations; phase plane analysis of foundations with one and two degrees of freedom; dynamic properties of soils; vibration transmission through soils. 649. Civil Engineering Vibrations Laboratory Prerequisite: CEE 611 and preceded or accompanied by CEE 648. II. (2 credits) Field and laboratory determination of dynamic material properties; measurement of vibration of structures and foundations; introduction to electronics for dynamic measurements; introduction to holographic interferometry. 650. Fracture and Micromechanics of Fibrous Composites Prerequisite: Per instructor I. (3 credits) Fracture mechanics fundamentals and micromechanics of cement, ceramic and polymer based fibrous composites. Topics include elastic crack mechanics, energy principles, interface mechanics; shear lag models; residual stress; non- alignment problems; first crack strength, steady state cracking and reliability; multiple cracking, bridging fracture energy; and R-curve behavior. Lectures and project. 676. Traffic Control Prerequisite: CEE 577 (3 credits) Theory and application of traffic control techniques. 677. Traffic Flow II Prerequisite: CEE 676. (3 credits) Detailed studies of microscopic and macroscopic traffic flow theories. 682. Special Problems in Environmental Engineering Prerequisite: permission of instructor. /, //, /Ia, and //b. (To be arranged) Special problems designed to develop perspective and depth of comprehension in selected areas of sanitary, environmental or water resources engineering. 687. (E.I.H. 617) Special Problems in Solid Waste Engineering Prerequisite: CEE 585 and permission of instructor. 1, /, //a and //b. (To be arranged) Application of principles presented in CEE 585 to engineering and environmental health problems in the collection and disposal of solid wastes; comprehensive analysis and report assigned on an individual student basis. 692. Biological and Chemical Degradation of Pollutants Prerequisite: CEE 582 or permission of instructor. I (3 credits) Biological and chemical mechanisms and pathways of organic pollutant degradation under environmental conditions. Biological: substitution, CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING elimination, redox reactions; enzyme participation. Chemical: substitution, elimination reactions, linear free-energy, applications. Pollutants include: aliphatic and aromatic compounds, both with and without halogen substituents. 810. Structural Engineering Seminar l and I. (To be arranged) Preparation and presentation of reports covering assigned topics. 830. Construction Engineering and Management Seminar land II. (To be arranged) Assigned reading and student reports on problems selected from the field of construction engineering and management. 870. Transportation and Traffic Engineering Seminar I and/l. (To be arranged) Assigned reading and student reports on problems selected from the fields of transporta- tion and traffic engineering. 875. Highway Engineering Seminar Prerequisite: graduate standing. l and/l. (To be arranged) Seminar dealing with highway design, materials and construction. Assigned reading and student reports. 880. Seminar in Environ- mental and Water Resources Engineering Prerequisite: None. l and II. (To be arranged) Presentation and discussion of selected topics relating to environmental and water resources engineering. Student participation and guest lecturers. 910. Structural Engineering Research (To be arranged) Assigned work in structural engineering as approved by the professor of structural engineering. A wide range of subject matter is available, including laboratory and library studies. 921. Hydraulic and Hydrologi- cal Engineering Research Prerequisite: permission of instructor. land l. (To be arranged) Assigned work in hydraulic and hydrological research; a wide range of matter and method permissible. 930. Construction Engineering Research. (To be arranged) Selected work from a wide range of construction engineering areas including planning, equipment, methods, estimating and costs. 946. Soil Mechanics Research (To be arranged) Advanced problems in soil mechanics, foundations or underground construction, selected to provide the student with knowledge of recent application and development in engineering design and construction practice. Assigned problems must be carried to a stage of completion sufficient for a written report which will normally be required for credit. 950. Structural Materials Research Prerequisites: Per instructor. l and I. (To be arranged) Topics dealing with mechanics and engineering of structural materials. Assigned reading and student reports. 259 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 260 970. Transportation Engineering Research Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (To be arranged) Individual research and reports on library, laboratory, or field studies in the areas of transportation and traffic engineering. 975. Highway Engineering Research. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (To be arranged) Individually assigned work in the field of highway engineering. 980. Research in Environ- mental Engineering Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (To be arranged) A research study of some problems relating to water resource development and water supply, waste treatment and pollution control, or sanitation and environmental health; a wide range of both subject matter and method is available, including field investigations, laboratory experimentation, library and public record searches, and engineering design work. 990. Dissertation/ Pre-Candidate I and II, (2-8 credits); lla and llb (1-4 credits). Election for dissertation work by doctoral student not yet admitted to status as Candidate. 995. Dissertation/Candidate Prerequisite: Graduate School authorization for admission as a doctoral candidate. I, II, and I/I (8 credits); I/Ia and//lb (4 credits) Election for dissertation work by doctoral student who has been admitted to status as a Candidate. The defense of the dissertation, that is, the final oral examination, must be held under a full-term candidacy enrollment. ECONOMICS Economics* 261 Department Office Room 238 Lorch Hall (313) 764-2355 Introductory Courses Students who want to take advanced courses in Eco- nomics must elect Economics 201 and 202. For further details with respect to these courses and for additional courses in the field of economics, consult the Bulletin of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. *College of Literature, Science, and the Arts Professor Varian, Chair Professor Brown, Associate Chair Professors W. Adams, R. Barlow, T. Bergstrom, K. Binmore, M. Bornstein, C. Brown, P. Courant, J. Cross, A. Deardorff, R. Dernberger, G.J. Duncan, M. Gersovitz, R. Gordon, E. Gramlich, R. Holbrook, E.P. Howrey, S. Hymans, G. Johnson, T. Juster, J. Kmenta, J. Laitner, W. Manning, R. Porter, S. Salant, G. Saxonhouse, C. Simon, J. Slemrod, F. Stafford, P. Steiner, R. Stern, H. Varian, T. Weisskopf, M. White; Emeritus Professors G. Ackley, W.H. Locke-Anderson, H. Brazer, P. Feldstein, D. Fusfeld, H. Levinson, J. Morgan, E. Mueller, W. Palmer, W. Stolper; Associate Professors D. Lam, M. Shapiro, G. Solon, W. Whatley; Assistant Professors R. Barsky, J. Bound, M. Genius, A. Katz, M. Kimball, S. Kossoudji, J. Levinsohn, M. Levenstein, J. Mackie-Mason, D. O'Brien, G. Shaffer, J. Swierzbinski, R. Wells; Lecturers J. Gerson, F. Thompson, J. Wolfe 201. Principles of Economics I No credit granted to those who have completed Econ. 400. 1I, ,Ila and/I/b. (4 credits) The basic ideas of microeco- nomics: production, consumption, and the markets for outputs and inputs. The virtues of competitive markets are exposed, and the causes and remedies of such market failures as monopoly, indivisibility, spillover costs and inequity are examined. 202. Principles of Economics If Prerequisite: Econ. 201. No credit granted to those who have completed Econ. 400. I, ll, lla, and/llb. (4 credits) The basic ideas of macroeco- nomics: employment, inflation, output and growth. The determinants of the state of the market economy are explored, and the influence of monetary, fiscal and other public policies are examined. 310. Money and the Economy Prerequisite: Econ. 201 and 202. No credit granted to those who have completed or are enrolled in Econ. 411 or 412. (3 credits) A general course on the structure of financial institutions and the role of money in the economy. Emphasis is placed on important contemporary problems in the area of monetary and fiscal policy. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 262 320. Survey of Labor Economics Prerequisite: Econ. 201 and 202. Credit is not granted to those who have taken Econ. 421 and/or 422. (3 credits) A general course that introduces students to the labor market; problems of wages and unemployment; trade unionism and collective bargaining; aspects of public policy toward labor-market issues. 330. Industrial Performance and Public Policy Prerequisite: Econ. 201 and 202. Credit is not granted for Econ. 330 concurrently with or after Econ. 431 or 432. (3 credits) A survey course that develops an analytic framework for evaluating the performance of major U.S. industries and examines the principal government policy instruments affecting industrial performance. 350. Comparative Economic Systems Prerequisite: Econ. 201 and 202. No credit granted to those who have completed or are enrolled in Econ. 451. (3 credits) Theories of capitalism and socialism and of market and planned economies, and their application in selected countries, including the United States and the Soviet Union. 380. Public Finance Prerequisite: Econ. 201 and 202. Credit is not granted for Econ. 380 concurrently with or after Econ. 481 or Econ.482. (3 credits) A survey of government expenditure and revenue issues, designed for students wishing to take a single comprehensive course in the field of public finance. 400. Modern Economic Society Prerequisite: For upperclass and graduate students without prior credit for principles of economics. I, ll, Illa and Ilb. (4 credits). Students who have received credit for Econ. 201 and/or 202 may not receive credit for Econ. 400) A single-term accelerated treatment of the material of Econ. 201 and 202. (Econ. 400 is sometimes permitted to serve as a prerequisite for advanced courses in Economics.) ELEC-TRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 263 Department Office 3316 EECS Building (313) 764-2390 George I. Haddad, Ph.D., Professor and Chair David J. Anderson, Ph.D., Professor and Associate Chair, Systems Science and Engineering Division Yuri Gurevich, Ph.D., Professor and Associate Chair, Computer Science and Engineering Division Thomas B. A. Senior, Ph.D., Professor and Associate Chair, Electrical Science and Engineering Division Professor Daniel E. Atkins, Ph.D. Peter Banks, Ph.D., Dean; also Atmospheric, Oceanicsand Space Sciences Ben F. Barton, Ph.D. Spencer L. BeMent, Ph.D. Pallab K. Bhattacharya, Ph.D. Theodore G. Birdsall, Ph.D. Charles A. Cain, Ph.D., also Director of the Bioengineering Program Donald A. Calahan, Ph.D. Kan Chen, Sc.D. Kuei Chuang, Ph.D. Lynn Conway, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Instruction and Instructional Technology Edward S. Davidson, Ph.D. Anthony W. England, Ph.D. Bernard A. Galler, Ph.D. Ward D. Getty, Sc.D., P.E. Elmer G. Gilbert, Ph.D., also Aerospace Engineering Daniel G. Green, Ph.D. John P. Hayes, Ph.D. John H. Holland, Ph.D. Keki B. Irani, Ph.D. Ramesh C. Jain, Ph.D. Stephen Kaplan, Ph.D. Pramod P. Khargonekar, Ph.D. Emmett N. Leith, Ph.D. Ronald J. Lomax, Ph.D. N. Harris McClamroch, Ph.D., also Aerospace Engineering Semyon M. Meerkov, Ph.D. John F. Meyer, Ph.D. Gerard A. Mourou, Ph.D. Andrew F. Nagy, Ph.D., also Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences and Associate Vice President for Research Arch W. Naylor, Ph.D. David L. Neuhoff, Ph.D. Matthew O'Donnell, Ph.D. Andrejs Olte, Ph.D. Yale Patt, Ph.D. Dimitris Pavlidis, Ph.D. Kang G. Shin, Ph.D. Duncan G. Steel, Ph.D. Fawwaz T. Ulaby, Ph.D. William J. Williams, Ph.D. Kensall D. Wise, Ph.D. Adjunct Professor William Becher, Ph.D. George J. Zissis, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus Frederick J. Beutler, Ph.D. Richard K. Brown, Ph.D. Arthur W. Burks, Ph.D., Sc.D. John J. Carey, M.S., P.E. Chiao-Min Chu, Ph.D. William G. Dow, M.S.E., P.E. Hansford W. Farris, Ph.D. Aaron Finerman, Sc.D. Ralph E. Hiatt, M.A. Louis F. Kazda, Ph.D. John A. M. Lyon, Ph.D. Alan B. Macnee, Sc.D. Charles W. McMullen, Ph.D. Raymond F. Mosher, S.M., P.E. William L. Root, Ph.D. Norman R. Scott, Ph.D. Charles B. Sharpe, Ph.D. Melville B. Stout, M.S. Chen-To Tai, Sc.D. Herschel Weil, Ph.D. Chai Yeh, D.Sc. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 264 Associate Professor Kevin J. Compton, Ph.D. Larry K. Flanigan, Ph.D. James S. Freudenberg, Ph.D. Jessy W. Grizzle, Ph.D. Alfred 0. Hero Ill, Ph.D. Janice M. Jenkins, Ph.D. Pisti B. Katehi, Ph.D. David E. Kieras, Ph.D. Leo C. McAfee, Jr., Ph.D. E. Lawrence McMahon, Ph.D. Trevor N. Mudge, Ph.D. Clyde L. Owings, M.D. Ph.D. Stella W. Pang, Ph.D. Stephen C. Rand, Ph.D. William B. Ribbens, Ph.D. William C. Rounds, Ph.D. Karem A. Sakallah, Ph.D. Jasprit Singh, Ph.D. Elliot Soloway, Ph.D. Wayne E. Stark, Ph.D. Quentin F. Stout, Ph.D. Demosthenis Teneketzis, Ph.D. Toby J. Teorey, Ph.D. Janis Valdmanis, Ph.D. John L. Volakis, Ph.D. Michael W. Walker, Ph.D. Herbert G. Winful, Ph.D. Adjunct Associate Professor Peter Honeyman, Ph.D., also Associate Research Scientist, CITI Valdis V. Liepa, Ph.D., Research Scientist Juris Upatnieks, M.S.E. Assistant Professor Associate Research Santosh G. Abraham, Ph.D. Chaitanya K. Baru, Ph.D. William P. Birmingham, Ph.D. Richard B. Brown, Ph.D. John T. Coffey, Ph.D. Edmund H. Durfee, Ph.D. Glen A.B. Feak, Ph.D. Martin D. Giles, Ph.D. Todd B. Knoblock, Ph.D. Yasuo Kuga, Ph.D. Stephane Lafortune, Ph.D. John E. Laird, Ph.D. Steven L. Lytinen, Ph.D. Pinaki Mazumder, Ph.D. Khalil Najafi, Ph.D. Atul Prakash, Ph.D. Chinya V. Ravishankar, Ph.D. Gabriel Rebeiz, Ph.D. Andrew L. Robinson, Ph.D. Brian G. Schunck, Ph.D. Stuart Sechrest, Ph.D. Deepak D. Sherlekar, Ph.D. Fred L. Terry, Jr. Ph.D. Spencer W. Thomas, Ph.D. Gregory H. Wakefield, Ph.D. Doreen A. Weinberger, Ph.D. Terry E. Weymouth, Ph.D. Kim A. Winick, Ph.D. Andrew E. Yagle, Ph.D. Research Scientist Marlin P. Ristenbatt, Ph.D., Lecturer Scientist Philippe Bado, Ph.D. James L. Daws, Jr., Ph.D., Lecturer Jack R. East, Ph.D. Patrick J. McCleer, Ph.D.P.E. Kurt Metzger, Ph.D. Donald F. Umstadter, Ph.D. Assistant Research Scientist Selden Crary, Ph.D. M. Craig Dobson, M.A. Thomas F. Haddock, Ph.D. Richard K. Mains, Ph.D. Umapathi K. Reddy, Ph.D. Kamal Sarabandi, Ph.D. John F. Whitaker, Ph.D. Steven L. Williamson, B.S. Adjunct Research Scientist John H. Bryant, Ph.D. Adjunct Lecturer Randall Frank, B.S., Director of CAEN See Page 195 for statement on Course Equivalence. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 181. (CS 181) Introduction to Computer Systems Prerequisite: none. l and l (4 credits). A student can re- ceive credit for only one: EECS 181, Eng. 103, or Eng. 104 Introduces students to computers. Focuses on software, hardware, and social impact of computers. Elementary programming concepts, software packages and applications, word processing, data communica- tions, information manage- ment, input-output, data entry, computer hardware components and storage devices, microcomputers, and ethics in computing. Programming assignments using a personal computer. Term paper required. 183. (CS 183) Elementary Program- ming Concepts Prerequisites: None. /, I, and /lha. (4 credits). Not intended for CS or Computer Engineering majors Introduction to a high level programming language, top- down analysis, and structured programming. Basic searching and sorting techniques. No previous experience in computer or programming is assumed. Students will write and debug several computer programs. 216. Circuit Analysis Prerequisite: preceded or accompanied by Math. 216. I , I and lila . (4 credits) Resistive circuit elements; mesh and node analysis; network theorems; network graphs and independence; energy storage elements; one- and two-time-constant circuits; phasors and a.c. steady-state analysis; complex frequency and network functions; frequency response and resonance. Lecture and laboratory. 250. (Nav. Sci. 202) Electronic Sensing Systems Prerequisite: preceded or accompanied by Physics 240. I. (3 credits) Introduction to properties and behavior of electromagnetic energy as it pertains to naval applications of communica- tion, radar, and electro- optics. Additional topics include sound navigation and ranging (SONAR), tracking and guidance systems, and computer controlled systems. Several laboratory demon- strations will illustrate applications of the theories and concepts learned in the classroom. 270. (CS 270) Introduction to Logic Design 1, II and llla. (4 credits) Binary and non-binary systems, Boolean algebra digital design techniques, logic gates, logic minimiza- tion, standard combinational circuits, sequential circuits, flip-flops, synthesis of synchronous sequential circuits, PLA's ROM's RAM's arithmetic circuits, computer- aided design. Laboratory includes hardware design and CAD experiments. 280. (CS 280) Programming and Introductory Data Structures Prerequisite: Math. 115 and EECS 183 or EECS 284 or Eng. 104 or passing a placement test in PASCAL. Allow two credits for students who have already taken EECS 283. land I. (4 credits) Techniques of algorithm development and effective programming, top-down analysis, structured programming, testing, and program correctness. Program language syntax and static and run-time semantics. Scope, procedure instantiation, recursion, abstract data types, and parameter passing methods. Structured data types, pointers, linked data structures, stacks, queues, arrays, records, and trees. 265 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 266 283. (CS 283) Programming and Computer Systems Prerequisite: EECS 183 or Engr. 103 or Engr. 104. l and IL (4 credits) Advanced topics in PASCAL including the implementation of linked lists, trees, and hashing. Searching and sorting techniques. Selected topics in programming language theory. Students will write several programs in PASCAL. 284. (CS 284) Introduction to a Programming Language or System Prerequisite: Some programming knowledge. land II. (1 credit) Can be elected more than once for credit provided that a different language is learned each time. A 7-week mini course covering the fundamentals of a programming language such as C, PASCAL, LISP, SNOBOL, Prolog, or Modula- 2; or a system such as UNIX. Programming problems will be assigned. Specific languages or systems to be offered will be announced in advance. 300. (Math. 300) Mathematical Methods in System Analysis Prerequisite: Math. 216. I, II and lla. (3 credits). A student cannot receive credit for both EECS 300 and Math. 448 An introductory course in operational mathematics as embodied in Laplace Transforms, Fourier Series, Fourier Transforms, and Complex Variables, with emphasis on their application to the solution of systems of linear differential equations. The response of linear systems to step, impulse and sinusoidal forcing functions. 303. (CS 303) Algebraic Foundations of Computer Engineering Prerequisite: Math. 115. l and I. (4 credits) Fundamental concepts of algebra; partially ordered sets, lattices, Boolean algebras, semi-groups, rings, polynomial rings. Graphical representation of algebraic systems; graphs, directed graphs. Application of these concepts to various areas of computer science and engineering. 314. Circuit Analysis and Electronics Prerequisite: Math. 216 and Physics 240. /, // and 111a. (3 credits). Not open to electrical engineering or engineering science students. A survey of electrical and electronic circuits for non- electrical engineering students. Formulation of circuit equations; equivalent circuits; frequency response ideas; steady-state and transient response; introduction to amplifiers; operational amplifiers; survey of electronic devices and circuits. Use of computer simulations for analysis of more advanced circuits. 315. Circuit Analysis and Electronics Laboratory Prerequisite: preceded or accompanied by FECS 314. l and IL (1 credit). Not open to electrical engineering or engineering science students. Lecture and laboratory designed to illustrate the principles developed in EECS 314 with application to other engineering disciplines. AC and DC measurements; steady-state and transient response; amplifiers and filters. Transducers for the measurement of strain, position and velocity, temperature. Design of a simple thermostat and electric motor speed control circuit. 316. Circuits and Systems Prerequisite: EECS 216 and EECS 300. I, II and /la. (3 credits) Mesh, node, and state- variable analysis. Complex frequency and s-domain analysis. Feedback. Discrete signals and z-transform methods. Frequency response. Two-port parameters. Convolution. System concepts. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 317. Solid-State Devices and Digital Electronics Prerequisite: EECS 270 and EECS 216. /, /and//a. (3 credits) Circuit models for diodes, bipolar-junction and field- effect transistors; piecewise linear and nonlinear analysis; logic circuits; memory circuits (flip-flops, RAM, ROM); computer analysis of electronic circuits. 318. Analog Electronics Prerequisite: EECS 316 and EECS 317. I, l. (4 credits) Operation and small-signal models of diodes, junction and field-effect transistors; basic single-stage and multi- stage amplifiers: gain, biasing, and frequency response; feedback; op-amp circuits: amplifiers, rectifiers, ocillators, filters. Design problems. Lecture and laboratory. 320. Introduction to Semicon- ductor Device Theory Prerequisite: EECS 216 or EECS 314 and Physics 242. 1, / and /I/a. (3 credits) Introduction to semiconduc- tors in terms of atomic bonding and electron energy bands. Equilibrium statistics of electrons and holes. Carrier dynamics; continuity, drift and diffusion currents, generation and recombina- tion processes. Introduction to: PN junctions, metal- semiconductor junctions, bipolar junction transistors, junction and insulated-gate field-effect transistors. 331. Electromagnetics I Prerequisite: Physics 240, Math. 216. land /. (4 credits). Gauss's law and the static electric field; boundary value problems in electrostatics. Dielectric and magnetic media. Magnetostatics; Faraday's law and applica- tions. Maxwell's equations; wave equation; plane waves. 332. Electromagnetics II Prerequisite: EECS 331. l and /. (3 credits) Theory and applications of electromagnetic waves; reflection, refraction, and attenuation in various media. Antennas and radiating systems. Introduction to radio and optical transmis-' sion including waveguides, striplines, optical fibers, and the earth's atmosphere. 359. Measurements and Instrumentation Prerequisite: EECS 316. l and /. (3 credits) Measurements of circuit parameters, electric and magnetic fields, characteris- tics of discrete and integrated devices. Basic concepts of modern instrumentation. Two lectures and laboratory. 360. Dynamic Systems and Modeling Prerequisite. EECS 300. l and /. (4 credits) Mathematical models of dynamic systems and input- output relations: state variables, transfer functions, fundamental matrix, convolution. Modeling of physical systems, including nonlinear and distributed parameter systems: electrical, mechanical, chemical, biological, ecological. Basic systems' concepts: linearity, time invariance, causality, differential systems. Simulation on analog, hybrid, and digital computers. Lectures and recitation- demonstration. 361. Automotive Electronic Systems Prerequisites: EECS 316 or ME/AM 360. I. (3 credits) Theory and practice of electronic systems on automobiles. Detailed qualitative, quantitative, and performance analyses are made of automotive electronic systems including: digital engine/drivetrain control, instrumentation, vehicle multiplexing, diagnostics, suspension, steering antilock braking/ traction control, communica- tion and safety subsystems. 267 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 268 370. (CS 370) Introduction to Computer Organization Prerequisite: EECS 270 and EECS 280. l and/I. (4 credits) Computer organization will be presented as a hierarchy of virtual machines representing the different abstraction from which computers can be viewed. These include the logic level, microprogramming level, and assembly language level. Lab experiments will explore the design of a micropro- grammed computer. 373. Design of Microproces- sor Based Systems Prerequisite: EECS 270 and junior standing. l and/. (3 credits) Principles of hardware and software microcomputer interfacing; digital logic design and implementation. Experiments with specially designed laboratory facilities. Introduction to digital development equipment and logic analyzers. Assembly language programming. Lecture and laboratory. 380. (CS 380) Data Structures and Algorithms Prerequisite: EECS 280 and EECS 303. land/I. (4 credits) Abstract data types. Recurrence relations and recursions. Advanced data structures: sparse matrices, generalized lists, strings. Tree-searching algorithms, graph algorithms, general searching and sorting. Dynamic storage manage- ment. Analysis of algorithms 0-notation. Complexity. Top-down program development: design, implementation, testing modularity. Several programming assignments. 381. (CS 381) Systems Programming Prerequisite: FECS 380. l and /. (4 credits) Design and implementation of basic systems program- ming tools and infrastructure. Topics to be covered include assembly language programming, assemblers, macro processors, linkers and loaders, and I/0 drivers, etc., and programming projects will involve the design and implementation of such systems. Students will also write some programs in assembly language. 398. Special Topics Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (1-4 credits) Topics of current interest selected by the faculty. Lecture, seminar or laboratory. 400. (Math. 419) Linear Spaces and Matrix Theory Prerequisite. four semesters of college mathematics beyond Math. 110. l and/I. (3 credits). Not open to students with credit for Math. 417or 513 Finite dimensional linear spaces and matrix represen- tations of linear transforma- tions. Bases, subspaces, determinants, eigenvectors, and canonical forms. Structure of solutions of systems of linear equations. Applications to differential and difference equations. The course provides more depth and content than Math. 417. Math 513 is the proper election for students contemplating research in mathematics. 401. (Aero. Eng. 452) Probabilistic Methods in Engineering Prerequisite: EECS 300 or Math. 448. 1, /and //a. (3 credits). C/CE students may not receive graduate credit for both EECS 401 and 501. Basic concepts of probability theory. Random variables: discrete, continuous, and conditional probability distributions; averages; independence. Introduction to discrete and continuous random processes: wide sense stationarity, correla- tion, spectral density. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 410. Circuit Analysis and Synthesis Prerequisite: EECS 316. I. (3 credits) Matrix formulation of network equations: mesh, node, and cutset. Two-port parameters and their relationships. Frequency and time domain constraints. Numerical solutions for nonlinear networks. Telegen's Theorem and sensitivity analysis. Synthesis of one- and two- port LC and RC networks. Butterworth and Chebyshev approximations; frequency transformation. 411. Microwave Circuits I Prerequisite: EECS 332. 1. (3 credits) Transmission-line theory, microstrip and coplanar lines, S-parameters, signal- flow graphs, matching networks, directional couplers, low-pass and band-pass filters, diode detectors. Design, fabrication and measure- ments (1-10GHz) of microwave-integrated circuits using CAD tools and network analyzers. 412. Communications Electronics Prerequisite: EECS 318. I. (4 credits) High frequency analysis and design of electronic circuits for communications, including feedback amplifiers, mixers, detectors, tuned amplifiers, and oscillators. Emphasis on practical design considera- tions and the use of integrated circuits as circuit elements. Two lectures and laboratory. 417. (Bioeng. 417) Electrical Biophysics Prerequisite: EECS 216 or EECS 314 and preceded or accompanied by EECS 300 or Math. 448. . (3 credits) Electrical biophysics of muscle, nerve, and synapse; electrical conduction in excitable tissue; models for nerve, muscle, and sensory receptors, including the Hodgkin Huxley equations; biopotential mapping, cardiac electrophysiology, and biological noise. 420. Microwave Semiconduc- tor Devices Prerequisite. EECS 320. I. (3 credits) Transit-time effects; Induced- Current Theorem; two terminal negative resistance devices (IMPATTs, BARITTs, TUNNETTs, RTD's). P-N and Schottky-Barrier junctions for mixers, detectors, harmonic multipliers, switches and attenuators; three-terminal devices, (FETs, BJTs, HEMTs, and HBTs). 421. Properties of Transistors Prerequisite: EECS 320. 1. (3 credits) DC, small and large signal AC, switching and power- limiting characteristics, and derivation of equivalent circuit models of: PN junctions, metal-semicon- ductor and metal-insulator semiconductor diodes, bipolar junction transistors, junction and insulated-gate field-effect transistors, and thyristors. 422. Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Materials Prerequisite. EECS 320. . (3 credits) Free electron theory for transport, crystal structure and X-ray diffraction, Bloch theorem, band structure and effective mass; donors and acceptors and carrier statistics; phonons; transport in electric field; heterostruc- ture concepts. 423. Solid-State Device Laboratory Prerequisite: EECS 320. . (3 credits) Semiconductor material and device fabrication and evaluation: diodes, bipolar and field-effect transistors, passive components. Semiconductor processing techniques: oxidation, diffusion, deposition, etching, photolithography. Lecture and laboratory. 269 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 270 424. Monolithic Device Structures for Integrated Electronics Prerequisite: EECS 320. II. (3 credits) Fabrication techniques for solid state devices; epitaxy, oxidation, ion-implantation, deposition. Bipolar, field effect transistors. Relation- ship between fabrication technology and device performance studied with computer simulations. Design problems. 425. Integrated Circuits Laboratory Prerequisite: FECS 320 and EECS 427. IL (2 credits) Integrated circuit fabrication; mask design, photographic reduction; photoresist application, exposure, development, and etching, oxidation; diffusion; metal film deposition by evapora- tion and sputtering; die bonding, wire bonding, and encapsulation; testing of completed integrated circuits. 426. (CS 426) Fundamentals of Electronic Computer- Aided Design Prerequisite: EECS 280 and Senior level standing. 1. (3 credits) Course will address, in roughly equal proportion: (1) modeling, simulation, and verification at various abstraction levels; (2) behavioral and logic synthesis; and (3) placement and routing. Emphasis will be on understanding the underlying techniques and algorithms of these various CAD areas rather than on the use of specific CAD tools. 427. VLSI Design I Prerequisite: FECS 317. / and II. (4 credits) Design techniques for rapid implementation of very large- scale integrated (VLSI) circuits, MOS technology and logic. Structured design. Design rules, layout procedures. Design aids: layout, design rule checking, logic, and circuit simulation. Timing. Testability. Architectures for VLSI. Projects to develop and lay out circuits. 429. Semiconductor Optoelec- tronic Devices Prerequisite: FECS 320. II. (3 credits) Basic concepts of optics and electromagnetics relevant to optoelectronic devices. Optical processes in semiconductors, lumines- cence, absorption, transition rates, and carrier lifetimes. LEDs, semiconducting lasers, and photodetectors. Device structures and material considerations. 431. Fields and Optics Laboratory Prerequisite: preceded or accompanied by EECS 332. / and //. (2 credits) Experiments and lectures to demonstrate the behavior and practical aspects of electromagnetic fields at microwave and optical frequencies. Microwave experiments involving transmission lines, waveguides, antennas, sources, and detectors. Fiber optics and lasers. 432. (Bioeng. 432) Fundamentals of Ultrasonics with Medical Applications Prerequisite: FECS 331. II. (3 credits) Basic principles; waves, propagation, impedance, reflection, transmission, attenuation, power levels. Generation of ultrasonic waves; transducers, focusing, Fraunhofer and Fresnel zones. Instrumentation; display methods, Doppler techniques, signal process- ing. Medical applications will be emphasized. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 433. Principles of Optics Prerequisite: Physics 240 and Math 216 I. (3 credits). Basic principles of optics: generation and propagation of light; interaction of light and matter; geometric optics, ray tracing and introduction to aberration theory; superposition of waves, coherence and interference; Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction. Special topics such as lasers and holography. 434. Principles of Photonics Prerequisite: EECS 332. ii. (3 credits). Wave propagation in crystals; propagation of Gaussian beams; optical resonators; optical wave guides; interaction of radiation and atomic systems; theory of laser operation; the modulation of optical radiation; the detection of optical radiation; noise in optical detection and generation; nonlinear optical phenomena. 435. Fourier Optics Prerequisite: EECS 300, preceded or accompanied by EECS 433. I. (odd years) (3 credits) Basic physical optics treated from the viewpoint of Fourier analysis. Fourier-transform relations in optical systems. Theory of image formation and Fourier transformation by lenses. Frequency response of diffraction-limited and aberrated imaging systems. Coherent and incoherent light. Comparison of imagery with coherent and with incoherent light. Resolution limitations. Optical information processing, including spatial matched filtering. 436. Optical Radiation and Detector Technology Prerequisite: Physics 240 and Math 216. I. (3 credits) Theory and instrumentation for sensing and measuring visible and infrared radiation. Topics include blackbody radiation, radiometric concepts; radiative transfer through the atmosphere; basic optics of semiconduc- tors; photon detectors (photoconductive, photovol- taic, and photoemissive); thermal detectors; detector noise sources and figures of merit; imaging detectors (pyroelectric arrays and CCD's); LED's and diode laser sources. 437. Coherent Optics Laboratory Prerequisite: EECS 433. II. (2 credits) Experimental aspects and techniques of coherent optics. Lasers, alignment techniques for optical systems, characteristics of photographic recording materials, spatial filtering, coherent imaging, interferom- etry and coherence measure- ment of light sources, holography. Lecture and laboratory. 442. (CS 442) Computer Vision Prerequisite. FECS 303 and EECS 380. . (3 credits) Computational methods for the recovery, representation, and application of visual information. Topics from image formation, binary images, digital geometry, similarity and dissimilarity detection, matching, curve and surface fitting, constraint propagation and relaxation labeling, stereo, shading texture, object representation and recognition, dynamic scene analysis, and know- ledge-based techniques. Hardware/software techniques. 450. (NR 543) Imaging Radar as a Remote Sensor Prerequisite:NR 541 or senior standing in Elec. or Comp. Eng. II. (3 credits) Descriptive treatment of imaging radar systems, theoretical and operational performance and limitations, reflection from terrestrial and vegetal surfaces, interpretation of imagery; application to topics of student's interest (e.g. geology, oceanography, forestry). Special topics include holographic radar, COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 272 passive microwave systems, synthetic aperture radar, and imaging sonar. 451. Digital Signal Processing and Analysis Prerequisites: FECS 316. 1. ll .lla. (4 credits) Introduction to digital signal processing of continuous and discrete signals. The family of Fourier Transforms including the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). Develop- ment of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Signal sampling and reconstruction. Design and analysis of digital filters. Correlation and spectral estimation. Laboratory experiences exercise and illustrate the concepts presented. 453. Analog Communication Signals and Systems Prerequisite: FECS 316. I. (3 credits) Mathematical analysis of the signals and signal process- ing used in analog communication systems; spectral analysis, signal transmission; amplitude, phase, frequency, and pulse modulation; modulation and demodulation techniques; frequency and time multiplexing; analysis of signal to noise ratio; application to radio and television. 455. Digital Communication Signals and Systems Prerequisite. FECS 316 and FECS 401. H. (3 credits) Digital transmission techniques in data communi- cations, with application to computer and space communications; design and detection of digital signals for low error rate; forward and feedback transmission techniques; matched filters, modems, block and convolutional coding, Viterbi decoding. 457. Instrumentation Prerequisite: EECS 314 and EECS 315. l and /. (3 credits) Instrumentation methods for the measurement and recording of time, frequency, temperature, acceleration, pressure, noise, etc. Information storage techniques. Introduction to transducers, motors, and motor control. Advanced instrumentation for spectral analysis and correlation. Logical design and instru- mentation. Two lectures and laboratory. May not be elected for credit by EECS students. 458. (Bioeng. 458) Biomedical Instrumenta- tion and Design Prerequisite: permission of instructor. / and IA (4 credits) Measurement and analysis of biopotentials and biomedical transducer characteristics; electrical safety; applications of FET's, integrated circuits, operational amplifiers for signal processing and com- puter interfacing; signal analysis and display on the laboratory minicomputer. Lectures and laboratory. 459. Advanced Electronic Instrumentation Prerequisite: FECS 360 or 359 or EECS 453 or EECS 458. 1 (3 credits) Systematic design of optimum measuring instruments which give maximum con-fidence in results. Analog and digital signal processing, transducer modeling. A/D and D/A conversion, survey of modern instrumentation components. 460. Fundamentals of Control Systems Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 240 and EECS 316 or EECS360 and senior standing. I, II, and l/la. (3 credits) Concept and importance of control systems. Control system descriptions; state ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE variable and transfer function representations. System performance and design criteria: stability, sensitivity, time response. Concept of feedback. Time response of linear control systems. Use of Hurwitz, root-locus, Nyquist, and Bode methods for analysis and synthesis of linear control systems. 463. Modern Control Systems Design Prerequisite: FECS 460. II. (3 credits) Introduction to concepts and techniques of modern control in the context of control system design. Topics include: state variable feedback, optimal control, nonlinear control, state estimators, and adaptive control. Both analog and digital control design techniques are presented. Design application is emphasized through use of selected case studies. 467. (Mech. Eng. 467) Robotics: Theory, Design and Application Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 360; or EECS 280 and EECS 360; and senior standing. l and /. (3 credits) Basic concepts underlying the design and application of computer-controlled manipulators: Manipulator geometry, work volume, sensors, feedback control of manipulator linkages, kinematics, trajectory planning, programming, robot system architecture, design and application. Lab experiments cover kinematics, dynamics, trajectory planning, control of manipulators and motion by fixed robots and mobile robots. 470. (CS 470) Computer Architecture Prerequisite: EECS 370. land II. (4 credits) Basic concepts of computer architecture and organization. Computer evolution. Design methodology. Performance evaluation. Elementary queueing models. CPU architecture. Introductions sets. ALU design. Hardwired and microprogrammed control. Nanaprogramming. Memory hierarchies. Virtual memory. Cache design. Input-output architectures. Interrupts and DMA. I/0 processors. Parallel pro- cessing. Pipelined pro- cessors. Multiprocessors. 476. (CS 476) Foundations of Computer Science Prerequisite: EECS 280 and EECS 303 or equivalent. I and 11. (4 credits) An introduction to computa- tion theory: finite automata, regular languages, pushdown automata, context-free languages, Turing machines, recursive languages and functions, and computational complexity. 477. (CS 477) Introduction to Algo- rithms Prerequisites: EECS 380. I. II. (3 credits). Fundamental techniques for designing efficient algorithms and basic mathematical methods for analyzing their performance. Paradigms for algorithm design: divide-and -conquer, greedy methods, graph search techniques, dynamic programming. Design of efficient data structures and analysis of the running time and space requirements of algorithms in the worst and average cases. 478. (CS 478) Switching and Sequen- tial Systems Prerequisite: EECS 303 and EECS 270 and senior or graduate standing. l and II. (3 credits) An introduction to the theory of switching networks and sequential systems. Switching functions and realizations, threshold logic, fault detection, connected- ness and distinguishability, equivalence and minimality, state identification, system decomposition. 481. (CS 481) Software Engineering Prerequisite: EECS 380. l and /. (4 credits) Pragmatic aspects of the production of software 273 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 274 systems, dealing with structuring principles, design methodologies and informal analysis. Emphasis is given to development of large, complex software systems. A term project is usually required. 482. (CS 482) Introduction to Operating Systems Prerequisite: EECS 370 and EECS 381. I, I. (4 credits) Operating system functions and implementations: multi- tasking; concurrency and synchronization; deadlock; scheduling; resource allocation; real and virtual memory management input/ output; file systems. Students write several substantial programs dealing with concurrency and synchronization in a multitask environment. 483. (CS 483) Compiler Construction Prerequisite: FECS 370 and 381. I. II. (4 credits) Introduction to compiling techniques including parsing algorithms, semantic processing and optimization. Students implement a compiler for a substantial programming language using a compiler generating system. 484. (CS 484) (I.&O.E. 484) Database Management Systems Prerequisite: EECS 380 or L.&0.E. 473. l and /I. (3 credits) Concepts and methods in the definition and management of large integrated database for organizational information systems. Functions and objectives of existing file and data management systems will be considered and methods of analyzing proposals for new data management software will be studied; database administra- tion, database design, and data security problems. 485. (CS 485) Principles of Program- ming Languages Prerequisite. FECS 380. I and I. (4 credits) Principles of programming languages including Algol- like languages, logic programming and an introduction to program verification and semantics. 486. (CS 486) Object-Based Software Development Prerequisite: EECS 380. II. (3 credits) Object-based programming concepts such as data and program abstraction, decomposition of large systems into reusable objects, and inheritance. Programming projects will be done in an object-based language such as Ada. Comparative studies will be made of languages such as C++, Objective C, Eiffel, and Smalltalk that support object- based programming. 487. (CS 487) (l.&O.E. 478) Interactive Computer Graphics Prerequisite: EECS 380 or I.&0.E. 373, and senior standing. l and Il. (3 credits) Graphics devices and fundamentals of operation. Two dimensional and three dimensional transformations. Interactive graphical techniques and applications. Three dimensional graphics, perspective transformation, hidden line elimination. Data structures and languages for graphics. Interactive graphical programming. 489. (CS 489) Computer Networks Prerequisites: EECS 482. IL (3 credits) Hardware and software architectures employed in building modern computer networks. Emphasis is placed on architectural and design considerations over actual implementation issues. Tradeoffs in network architectures and in understanding what choices are available. Software problems assigned. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 492. (CS 492) Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Prerequisite: EECS 380 and 303. land H. (4 credits) Basic artificial intelligence methods using LISP. Topics covered include search, rule- based systems, logic, constraint satisfaction, and knowledge representation. 493. (CS 493) (IOE 437) User Interface Design and Analysis. Prerequisite: EECS 481. 1. (3 credits) Current theory and design techniques concerning how user interfaces for computer systems should be designed to be easy to learn and use. Focus on cognitive factors, such as the amount of learning required, and the information-processing load imposed on the user, rather than ergonomic factors. 497. Analysis and Design Projects Prerequisite: successful completion of at least two- thirds of the credit hours required for the program subjects. A student may elect this course more than once ONL Y with the explicit approval of the Chief Program Advisor. 1,ll, and ///. (1-4 credits) Professional problem-solving methods developed through intensive group and individual studies. Normally, two or three significant engineering analysis and design projects will be carefully chosen from devices, software tools, and systems. Use of analytic, computer, design, and experimental techniques where applicable. Lecture and laboratory sessions will be arranged. 498. Special Topics Prerequisite:permission of instructor. (1-4 credits) Topics of current interest selected by the faculty. Lecture, seminar or laboratory. 499. Directed Study Prerequisite: senior standing in EECS. I, A/, lii, illa, and Illb. (1-6 credits) Individual study of selected topics in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. May include experimental investigation or library research. Primarily for undergraduates. 500. Tutorial Lecture Series in System Science 1, ll. (1 credit) Students are introduced to the frontiers of System Science research. Sections 01, 02, and 03 are devoted, respectively, to Communica- tions, Control and Signal Processing. The tutorials are delivered by leaders of the respective research fields, invited from academia and industry. The presentations are self-contained and accessible to all graduate students in System Science. 501. (Aero. Eng. 552) Probability and Random Processes Prerequisite: EECS 401 or graduate standing. l and ll. (4 credits) Introduction to probability and random processes. Topics include probability axioms, sigma algebras, random vectors, expectation, probability distributions and densities, Poisson and Wiener processes, stationary processes, autocorrelation, spectral density, effects of filtering, linear least-squares estimation, and convergence of random sequences. 502. (Aero. Eng. 553) Stochastic Processes Prerequisite: EECS 501. ll. (3 credits) Correlations and spectra. Quadratic mean calculus, including stochastic integrals and representations, wide- sense stationary processes (filtering, white noise, sampling, time averages, moving averages, autoregres- sion). Renewal and regenerative processes, Markov chains, random walk and ruin, branching processing, Markov jump processes, uniformization, reversibility, and queueing applications. 275 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 276 504. Simulation Methods for Large Scale Systems Prerequisite: FECS 401 or EECS 501. I. (3 credits) Modelling and digital computer simulation of large scale systems. Discrete event simulation, statistical tests, random number generators, experimental design of simulation experiments. Introduction to simulation languages. The course usually involves a project. 505. (I.&O.E. 511) (Math. 562) (Aero. Eng. 577) Continuous Optimization Methods Prerequisite: Math. 417 or Math. 419. 1. (3 credits) Survey of continuous optimization problems. Unconstrained optimization problems: unidirectional search techniques; gradient, conjugate direction, quasi- Newton methods. Introduc- tion to constrained optimization using techniques of unconstrained optimization through penalty transformations, augmented Lagrangians and others. Discussion of computer programs for various algorithms. 506. (CS 506) Computing System Evaluation Prerequisite: EECS280 or EECS 283, and EECS 370 and FECS 501. I. (3 credits) Theory and application of analytic methods for evaluating the performance of reliability of computing systems. Measures of performance, reliability, and performability. Reliability evaluation: classification and representation of faults, stochastic process models, coherent systems. Perform- ance evaluation: Markovian queueing models, networks of queues. Unified performance-reliability evaluation. 507. Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition Prerequisite: EECS 401. II. (3 credits) Introduction to statistical pattern recognition as it is applied to engineering problems, biomedical applications, and problems in biology and psychology. Fundamental mathematical tools for statistical decision- making processes. Topics include hypothesis testing, linear classifiers, parameter estimation, feature selection, and clustering. 508. Probability for Computer and Queueing Applica- tions Prerequisite. graduate standing. I. (3 credits) Probability spaces. Elementary probability properties and calculations. Discrete and continuous random variables. Probabil- ity distributions. Expectation and conditional expectation. Discrete state stochastic processes: Poisson and renewal processes, Markov chains. Examples will be drawn largely from areas such as computer engineer- ing, queueing and reliability. 509. (l.&O.E. 503) Social Decision Making Prerequisite: Stat. 310 or EECS 401 or EECS 501 or L.&0.E. 315. IH. (3 credits) Elementary decision analysis, examples in public sector; basic problems in social decision making; social values and preferences, multiattribute utility functions, subjectivity measurement, Pareto optimality, Arrow's impossibility theorem; group decision analysis, two- person game theory; social decision processes, strategy of conflicts. 511. Microwave Circuits II Prerequisite: EECS 411. IL (3 credits) General theory of waveguides; inhomogene- ously filled waveguides. Surface waveguides. Circuit theory of waveguiding systems. Passive microwave devices; directional couplers, filters, isolators, circulators. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 512. Pulse and Switching Circuits Prerequisite: EECS 318 and either EECS 410 or EECS 412 or EECS 522. 1. (3 credits) Diode and transistor switches; transient behavior and charge storage model. Clipping, clamping, differentiating, and integrating circuits; voltage and current sweep circuits; Schmitt trigger, pulse formation, timing, flip-flops and multivibrators. Design and limitations of various wave shaping circuits using either discrete components or integrated circuits. 513. Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Modeling for Computer- Aided Design Prerequisite: EECS 318 and either EECS 412 or EECS 512 or EECS 522. Hi. (3 credits) Computational aspects of modeling semiconductor devices and integrated circuits. Computer-aided analysis procedures. Adequacy of models; accuracy-efficiency modeling trade-offs; equivalence of models; measurement of model parameters. Models for BJTs, FETs, op-amps, and digital gates. 517. Physical Processes in Plasmas Prerequisite. EECS 332. ll (3 credits) Collision phenomena, diffusion and mobility; development of the Boltzmann- Vlasov equation; conductivity and dielectric tensors of a plasma; hydromagnetic equations; wave propagation in gaseous plasmas; applications to fusion research and gas lasers. 518. (A.&0. Sci. 595) Magnetosphere and Solar Wind Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. I, even years. (3 credits) General principles of magnetohydrodynamics; theory of the expanding atmosphere; properties of solar winds, interaction of solar wind with the magnetosphere of the Earth and other planets; bow shock and magnetotail, trapped particles, auroras. 519. (Nuc. Eng. 575) Plasma Dynamics and Particle Optics Lab Prerequisite. Preceded or accompanied by a course in plasmas or physical electronics. ll. (3 credits) Experimental techniques for plasma dynamics, electron and ion beam technology, and vacuum technology. Experiments on microwave and probe diagnostics of plasmas, plasma instabilities, vacuum systems, plasma generation, electron and ion beam generation and optics, and other topics of current interest. Lectures given for background material. 520. Theoretical Methods for Solid-State Electronics Prerequisite: EECS 422. /1, even years. (4 credits) Bandstructure in semicon- ductors; strain dependence of bandstructure; perturbation approaches to scattering; transport in semiconductors; optical properties of semiconductors. 521. High-Speed Transistors Prerequisite: EECS 420 or 421. II. (3 credits) Detailed theory of high-speed digital and high-frequency analog transistors. Carrier injection and control mechanisms. Limits to miniaturization of conven- tional transistor concepts. Novel submicron transistors including MESFET, hetero- junction and quasi-ballistic transistor concepts. 522. Analog Integrated Circuits Prerequisite. EECS 318 and EECS 320, and either EECS 423 or EECS 424 or EECS 427. IL (4 credits) Analysis, design, and applications of analog 277 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 278 integrated circuits. Terminal performance and its dependence on the physics and technology of the monolithic structures involved. Present perform- ance limitations and future trends. Topics include operational amplifiers, comparators, D/A, A/D, phase-locked loops, charge- transfer filters, and solid- state sensors. Design problems. 523. Digital Integrated Circuits Prerequisite: EECS 320 and EECS 317, and either 412 or EECS 423 or FECS 427 or EECS 512. 1. (3 credits) Device technologies for LSI circuits. Approaches to logic implementation, including gate arrays, master-slices, PLAs. Non-volatile semiconductor memory structures, including ROM, PROM, EPROM, and EAROM. Static and dynamic random access memory and microcomputers. Relation- ship of terminal performance to the design, layout, and fabri-cation techniques used. Circuit layout and computer simulation. 525. Solid State Microwave Circuits Prerequisite: EECS 420 and EECS 411. II. (3 credits) General properties and design of nonlinear solid- state microwave networks, including: negative resistance oscillators and amplifiers, frequency convertors and resistive mixers, transistor amplifiers, power combiners, and harmonic generators. 527. Computer-Aided Design for VLSI System Prerequisite: FECS 478. II. (3 credits) Theory of circuit layout partitioning and placement algorithms. Routing algorithms, parallel design automation on shared memory and distributed memory multiprocessors, simulated annealing and other optimization techniques and their applications in CAD, layout transformation and compaction, fault-repair algorithms for RAM's & PLA's hardware synthesis from behavioral modeling, artificial intelligence- based CAD. 528. Principles of Microelectronics Process Technology Prerequisite: EECS 422 and EECS 424. 1. (3 credits). Theoretical analysis of the chemistry and physics of process technologies used in microelectronics fabrication. Topics include: semiconduc- tor growth, material characterization, lithography tools, photo-resist models, thin film deposition, chemical etching, plasma etching, electrical contact formation, microstructure processing, and process modeling. 529. Semiconductor Lasers and LEDs Prerequisite: EECS 429. 1. (3 credits) Optical processes in semiconductors, spontane- ous emission, absorption, gain, stimulated emission. Principles of light emitting diodes, including transient effects, spectral and spatial radiation fields. Principles of semiconducting lasers; gain- current relationships, radiation fields, optical confinement and transient effects. 530. (Appl. Phys. 530) Electromagnetic Theory I Prerequisite: EECS 332 or Physics 438. I. (3 credits) Maxwell's equations, constitutive relations and boundary conditions. Potentials and the represen- tation of electromagnetic fields. Uniqueness, duality, equivalence, reciprocity and Babinet's theorems. Plane, cylindrical and spherical waves. Waveguides and elementary antennas. The limiting case of electro- and magneto-statics. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 531. Antenna Theory and Design Prerequisite: EECS 332. II. (3 credits) Theory of transmitting and receiving antennas. Reciprocity. Wire antennas: dipoles, loops and traveling- wave antennas. Analysis and synthesis of linear arrays. Phased arrays. Input impedance and method of moments. Mutual imped- ance. Aperture antennas: slot, Babinet's principle. Microstrip antennas. Horns, reflector and lens antennas. 532. Microwave Remote Sensing I: Radiometry Prerequisite: EECS 332 and graduate standing. I. (3 credits) Radiative transfer theory: blackbody radiation; microwave radiometry; atmospheric propagation and emission; radiometer receivers; surface and volume scattering and emission; applications to meteorology, oceanography, and hydrology. 533. Microwave Measurements Prerequisite: EECS 411 and EECS 431 and preceded or accompanied by 530. I. (2 credits) Manual and automatic microwave network analyzer measurements; power, spectrum, and noise measurements; characteriza- tion of devices and systems. Special topics will include design and construction of microwave devices, RCS and antenna measurements, microstrip measurements, and microwave circuit measurements. 534. Design and Characteriza- tion of Microwave Devices and Monolithic Circuits Prerequisite: EECS 525 or 420 and graduate standing. 1. (3 credits) Theory and design of passive and active microwave components and monolithic integrated circuits including: microstrip,lumped inductors and capacitors, GaAs FETs, varactor and mixer diodes, monolithic phase shifters, attenuators, amplifiers and oscillators. Experimental characterization of the above components using network analyzer, spectrum analyzer, power and noise meters. Lecture and laboratory. 535. Optical Information Processing Prerequisite: EECS 300, 433. ll, odd years. (3 credits) Theory of image formation with holography; applications of holography; white light interferometry; techniques for optical digital computing; special topics of current research interest. 536. Classical Statistical Optics Prerequisite. EECS 300, 434. l, even years. (3 credits) Applications of random variables to optics; statistical properties of light waves. Coherence theory, spatial and temporal. Information collecting interferometers; stellar, intensity, and speckle. Phase retrieval; imaging through inhomogeneous media; noise processes in imaging and interferometric systems. 537. Integrated and Guided Wave Optics Prerequisite: EECS 332. . (3 credits) Theory of guided light wave propagation; planar and channel waveguides; optical fibers. Waveguide excitation and coupling; integrated devices; directional couplers, gratings, filters, and modulators. Materials issues; dispersion and attenuation; aspects of waveguide and device fabrication. Introduction to nonlinear optical phenomena in waveguide structures. 538. (Appl. Phys. 550) (Physics 650) Lasersand Electro- Optics I Prerequisite: EECS 434. 1. (3 credits) Propagation of laser beams: Gaussian wave optics and the 279 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 280 ABCD law. Crystal properties and the dielectric tensor; electro-optic effects and devices; acousto-optic diffraction and devices. Introduction to nonlinear optics: coupled mode theory and second harmonic generation; phase matching. 539. (Appl. Phys. 551) (Physics 651) Lasers and Electro- Optics II Prerequisite: EECS 538 I. (3 credits) Laser resonators, eigenmodes, and stability analysis; rate equation analysis; homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening mechanisms; laser gain and gain saturation; Q-switching and mode locking. Special topics: laser pulse compression; Raman and Brillouin scattering; phase conjugation. 540. (Appl. Phys. 540) Applied Quantum Mechanics I Prerequisite: EECS 300 or Math 404 and Physics 242. 1. (3 credits) introduction to nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. Summary of classical mechanics; one dimensional quantum problems including the quantum wells, WKB approximation, tunneling and the harmonic oscillator; introduction to angular momentum; the hydrogen atom; molecular orbitals; the rigid rotator and diatomic molecules; spin and identical particles, and time indepen- dent perturbation theory. 541. (Appl. Phys. 541) Applied Quantum Mechanics II Prerequisite: FECS 540. I. (3 credits) Advanced theory of angular momentum, time dependent perturbation theory, quantization of fields, the second quantization for bosons and fermions, scattering theory, the density matrix, reservoir theory. 542. (CS 542) Vision Processing Prerequisite: EECS 442. 1. (3 credits) Details of image formation theory, including the consideration of dynamic image sequences. The theoretical frameworks for edge detection, feature extraction, and surface description are presented. The relationship between image formation and object features is examined in detail. Programming required. 543. (CS 543) Knowledge-Based Computer Vision Prerequisite: EECS 442 and 492. II. (3 credits) Application of topics in Al to Computer Vision. Central issues are introduced through a critical examination of working image-interpreta- tion systems. Topics: representation of geometric structure, and non-geometric characteristics relation of image features to object structure, reasoning, dealing with uncertainty, and dynamic interpretation. Programming required. 545. (CS 545) Machine Learning Prerequisite: EECS 492. IL (3 credits) Survey of recent research on learning in artificial intelligent systems. Topics include learning based on examples, instructions, analogy, discovery, experimentation, observation, problem solving and explanation. The cognitive aspects of learning will also be studied. 547. (CS 547) Cognitive Architecture Prerequisite: EECS 492. I. (3 credits) Survey of architectures of symbolic systems in artificial intelligence. Architectures such as blackboards, production systems, logic systems, reflective systems, discovery systems and learning systems. Also integrated cognitive architectures such as ACT*, SOAR, MRS, and EURISKO. 550. Information Theory Prerequisite. EECS 501. ll. (3 credits) The concepts of source, channel, rate of transmission of information. Entropy and ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE mutual information. The noiseless coding theorem. Noisy channels; the coding theorem for finite state zero memory channels. Channel capacity. Error bounds. Parity check codes. Source encoding. 551. Deterministic Signal Processing Prerequisites: preceded or accompanied by EECS 451. L. (3 credits) Fundamentals of determinis- tic signal processing are introduced: Signal representation, linear vector spaces, parametric representations, time- frequency distributions, time- varying models; least- squares filtering; adaptive signal processing. Principles presented in lecture are investigated through open laboratory projects. 552. Fiber Optical Communications Prerequisites: EECS 332 and EECS 320. 11. (3 credits) Fundamentals of lightwave communication systems. Introduction to calculus of variations and geometrical optics; propagation in step- index and graded-index fibers; intra- and inter-modal dispersion; optoelectronic devices: LEDs, lasers, PIN and APD detectors; direct detection and heterodyne receiver structures; noise calculations; and basic statistical communication theory for optical channels. 554. Introduction to Digital Communication and Coding Prerequisite: EECS 316 and EECS 401. I. (3 credits) Digital transmission of information across discrete and analog channels. Sampling; quantization; noiseless source codes for data compression: Huffman's algorithm and entropy; block and convolutional channel codes for error correction; channel capacity; digital modulation methods: PSK, MSK, FSK, QAM; matched filter receivers. Performance analysis: power, bandwidth, data rate, and error probability. 555. Digital Communication Theory Prerequisite: FECS 501 and 554. I. (3 credits) Theory of digital modulation and coding. Optimum receivers in Gaussian noise. Signal space and decision theory. Signal design. Bandwidth and dimensional- ity. Fundamental limits in coding and modulation. Capacity and cutoff rate. Block, convolutional and trellis coding. Continuous phase modulation. Filtered channels and intersymbol interference. Equalization. Spread-spectrum. Fading channels. Current topics. 556. Image Processing Prerequisite: EECS 551 and EECS 501. II. (3 credits) Theory and application of digital image processing. Random field models of images. Sampling, quantization, image compression, enhancement, restoration, segmentation, shape description, reconstruction of pictures from their projections, pattern recognition. Applications include biomedical images, time-varying imagery, robotics, and optics. 557. Communication Networks Prerequisite: Graduate standing and preceded by EECS 401 or accompanied by EECS 501. I. (3 credits) System architectures. Data link control: error correction, protocol analysis, framing. Message delay: Markov processes, queuing, delays in statistical multiplexing, multiple users with reser- vations, limited service, priorities. Network delay: Kleinrock independence, reversibility, traffic flows, throughput analysis, Jackson networks. Multiple access networks: ALOHA and splitting protocols, carrier sensing, multi-access reservations. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 282 558. Stochastic Control Prerequisite: EECS 501 and FECS 560. I. (3 credits) Analysis and optimization of controlled stochastic systems. Models: linear and nonlinear stochastic controlled systems, controlled Markov chains. Optimization of systems described by Markov processes; dynamic programming under perfect and imperfect information, finite and infinite horizons. System identification: off- line, recursive. Stochastic adaptive control: Markov chains, self tuning regulators, bandit problems. 559. Advanced Signal Processing Prerequisite: EECS 551 and EECS 501. II. (3 credits) Estimators of second order properties of random processes: nonparametric and model-based techniques of spectral estimation, characterization of output statistics for nonlinear systems, time-frequency representations. Perform- ance evaluation using asymptotic techniques and Monte Carlo simulation. Applications include speech processing, signal extrapolation, multidimen- sional spectral estimation, and beamforming. 560. (Aero. Eng. 550) Linear Systems Theory Prerequisite: graduate standing. Iand IL (3 credits) Linear spaces and linear operators. Bases, subspaces, eigenvalues and eigenvec- tors, canonical forms. Linear differential and difference equations. Mathematical representations: state equations, transfer functions, impulse response, matrix fraction and polynomial descriptions. System- theoretic concepts: causality, controllability, observability, realizations, canonical decomposition, stability. 561. (Aero. Eng. 571) Digital Control Systems Prerequisite: EECS 460/Aero. Eng. 471/Mech. Eng. 461. I. (3 credits) Sampling and data reconstruction in computer control systems. Z-trans- forms and state equations to describe discrete and mixed data systems. Analysis of digital feedback systems using root locus, Nyquist and Jury tests. Design of digital feedback systems using frequency domain techniques and state space techniques. Nonlinear digital feedback systems. 562. (Aero. Eng. 551) Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Prerequisite: graduate standing. Il.(3 credits) Introduction to and analysis of phenomena which occur in nonlinear dynamical systems. Topics include: equilibria, limit cycles, second order systems and phase plane analysis, bifurcations and chaos, Liapunov and input- output stability theory, asymptotic analysis including averaging theory and singular perturbations, numerical techniques. 563. (Aero. Eng. 576) Optimal Control Prerequisite: EECS 560/Aero. Eng. 550. II. (3 credits) Definition of optimal control problems. Formulation of discrete time optimal control problems as constrained mathematical programming problems. Formulation of continuous time optimal control problems as variational problems. The Pontryagin necessary conditions. Application to a variety of specific optimal control problems from diverse disciplines. Introduction to computational methods in optimal control. 564. (Aero. Eng. 578) Estimation, Filtering, and Detection Prerequisite: EECS 501 and EECS 560. Il. (3 credits) Principles of estimation, linear filtering and detection. Estimation: linear and nonlinear minimum mean squared error estimation, and other strategies. Linear filtering: Wiener and Kalman filtering. Detection: simple, ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE composite, binary and multiple hypotheses. Neyman-Pearson and Bayesian approaches. 565. (Aero. Eng. 580) Linear Feedback Control Systems Prerequisite: EFCS 460/Aero. Eng. 471/Mech. Eng. 461 and EECS 560/Aero. Eng. 550. II. (3 credits) Control design concepts for linear multivariable systems. Review of single variable systems and extensions to multivariable systems. Purpose of feedback. Sensitivity, robustness, and design tradeoffs. Design formulations using both frequency domain and state space descriptions. Pole placement/observer design. Linear quadratic Gaussian based design methods. Design problems unique to multivariable systems. 566. (Aero. Eng. 572) Nonlinear Control Systems Prerequisite: EECS 460/Aero. Eng. 411/Mech. Eng. 461 and EECS 562/Aero. Eng. 551. L. (3 credits) Methods of analysis and design of nonlinear control systems. Topics include: stabilizing controllers, absolute stability theory, describing function methods, input-output stability of feedback systems. Control techniques for nonlinear systems: dither, vibrational control, variable structure systems and sliding mode control, linearization by nonlinear feedback. 567. Introduction to Robotics: Theory and Practice Prerequisite: EECS 380. I. (3 credits) Methods of design and operation of computer-based robots. Kinematics and dynamics of a six-jointed arm; force, moment, torque, compliance, control methods, trajectory planning. Integration of computer vision systems to form hand- eye coordinated systems. Man-machine communica- tion via high-level language. 568. Informational Aspects of Biology Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor. AI, alternate years. (3 credits) A survey of the role of information and control processes in biology. Tentative topics: evolution and adaptation: cells and cellular self-reproduction; molecular information processing; discrete and dynamical models in biology; cellular control systems; development and morpho- genesis; self-recognition and immunity; information processing in the nervous system and brain; physio- logical control systems; community and ecosystem. 569. (Bioeng. 569) Introduction to Neuro- physiological Systems Prerequisite: EECS 360 or 460. ll, odd years. (3 credits). Application of system theory to neurophysiology, a theoretical and experimental study of the application of linear and nonlinear systems theory, state-space concepts, and stability criteria to several neurophysiological systems; neuromuscular systems, pupillary control, eye tracking, temperature regulation, and central nervous system function. 570. (CS 570) Parallel Computer Architecture Prerequisite: EECS 470. I. (3 credits) Pipelining and operation overlapping, SIMD and MIMD architectures, numeric and non-numeric applica- tions, VLSI, WSI architec- tures for parallel computing, performance evaluation. Case studies and term projects. 571. (CS 571) Principles of Real-Time Computing Prerequisite: EECS 470 and EECS 482 or permission of instructor. Il. (3 credits) Principles of real-time computing based on high performance, ultra reliability and environmental interface. Architectures, algorithms, operating systems and applications that deal with 283 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 284 time as the most important resource. Real-time scheduling, communications and performance evaluation. 572. (CS 572) Digital Computer Arithmetic Prerequisite: EECS 470 or 370, and 478. 1. (3 credits) Classification and structure of finite number systems and arithmetic including weighted, redundant and signed digit classes of number systems. Theory of modern high-speed computer arithmetic including fast carry logic, multiplier recoding and SRT division. Case studies of general and special purpose arithmetic processors. 574. (CS 574) Theoretical Computer Science I Prerequisite: EECS 476. / and I. (4 credits). Formal grammars, recursive functions, logic, complexity theory. 575. (CS 575) Theoretical Computer Science I Prerequisite: EECS 574. I. (4 credits) Advanced computational complexity, intractability, classical probability and information theory, algorithmic information theory, and special topics such as computational algebra, concurrency, semantics, and verification. 577. (CS 577) Reliable Computing Systems Prerequisite: EECS 478 and EECS 280. Il. (3 credits). An introduction to models and methods used in the analysis and design of reliable hardware systems, software systems and computing systems. Aspects of reliability considered include fault tolerance, fault detection and diagnosis, reconfiguration, design verification and testing, and reliability evaluation. 579. (CS 579) Digital System Testing Prerequisite: EECS 478. L (3 credits) Overview of fault-tolerant computing. Fault sources and models. Testing process. Combinational circuit testing. D-Algorithm and PODEM. Sequential circuit testing. Checking experiments. RAM and microprocessor testing. Fault simulation. Design for testability. Testability measures. Self-testing circuits and systems. 581. (CS 581) Software Engineering Tools Prerequisite: EECS 481 or equivalent progamming experience. Il. (3 credits) Fundamental areas of software engineering including life cycle paradigms, metrics, and tools. Information hiding architecture, modular languages, design method- ologies, incremental programming, and very high level languages. 582. (CS 582) Advanced Operating Systems Prerequisite: EECS 482. IL (4 credits) Course discusses advanced topics and research issues in operating systems. Topics will be drawn from a variety of operating systems areas such as distributed systems and languages, networking, security, and protection, real- time systems, modelling and analysis, etc. 583. (CS 583) Programming Languages and Compilers Prerequisite: EECS 483 and EECS 476 or permission of instructor. Honor students (LSA) may take either FECS 483 or EECS 583, but not both. I. (4 credits) A survey of the theory, implementation, and support of modern programming languages. Topics include introduction to mathematical foundations of programming languages, semantics of programming languages, advanced compiler optimization, compilation of modern and special purpose programming languages (e.g., logic programming or ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE functional language), tools for compiler construction, type systems, program verification, and run-time support. 584. (CS 584) Distributed Database Concepts Prerequisite: EECS 484. Il. (3 credits) Database design methodolo- gies, distributed database technology, and develop- ments in heterogeneous systems. Distributed database design and implementation issues such as transaction management, concurrency control, security, and query optimization. Database design includes semantic data modeling, transformation to SQL, normalization theory, physical design, and data allocation strategies. 585. (CS 585) Advanced Topics in Database Systems Prerequisite: EECS 484 and permission of instructor. I. (3 credits) Topics such as: Theory of relational databases, dependencies, operators, normal forms, representa- tional systems, relational languages. Principles of object-oriented database management systems: inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism; implementation issues. Knowledge based and rule based systems. Extensible database systems. Parallel database systems. Logic systems. Multi-media systems. 586. (CS 586) Design and Analysis of Algorithms Prerequisite. EECS 380. I. (3 credits) Design of algorithms for nonnumeric problems involving sorting, searching, scheduling, graph theory, and geometry. Design techniques such as approximation, branch-and- bound, divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, greed, and randomization applied to polynomial and NP-hard problems. Analysis of time and space utilization. 587. (CS 587) Parallel Algorithms Prerequisites: EECS 380 and graduate standing. . (3 credits) The design and analysis of efficient algorithms for parallel computers. Fundamental problem areas, such as sorting, matrix multiplication, and graph theory, are considered for a variety of parallel architec- tures. Simulations of one architecture by another. 588. (CS 588) (l.&O.E. 578) (Mech. Eng. 551) Geometric Modeling Prerequisite: EECS 487 (l.&0.E. 478), Mech Eng. 454 or permission of instructor. lI. (3 credits) Individual or group study of topics in geometric modeling and computer graphics. Geometric data structures for curves, surfaces, and volume parameterization, and topological data structures for vertices, edges, faces, and bodies. Algorithms for set operations. Euler operations and deformations. Design and experimentation with geometric modeling facilities. 589. (CS 589) Raster Graphics- Principles and Applications Prerequisite. EECS 487. I. (3 credits) A detailed account of modern raster-based computer graphics. Topics include solid area scan conversion, color theory and application, hidden surface elimination, shading, highlights, animation, painting, and standardized graphics software. 590. EECS Introductory Seminar Prerequisite. senior standing. I. (1 credit) Introduction to the technical areas of graduate study and research in the EECS 285 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 286 department. Discussion of the policies and practices of graduate study. 592. (CS 592) Advanced Artificial Intelligence Prerequisite: FECS 492 or permission of instructor. ll. (4 credits) Advanced topics in artificial intelligence. Issues in knowledge representation, knowledge based systems, problem solving, planning and other topics will be discussed. Students will work on several projects.. 593. (CS 593) The Human as an Information Processing System Prerequisite. graduate standing and permission of instructor. I. (3 credits) Basic human information handling processes such as perception, learning cognitive map information, and problem solving are analyzed in an evolutionary context. Emphasis is largely theoretical. Includes the application to the human- computer interface of the principles that emerge. 594. (CS 594) Introduction to Adaptive Systems Prerequisite: EECS 303 and Math Stat 425. L. (3 credits) Programs and automata that "learn" by adapting to their environment; programs that utilize genetic algorithms for learning. Samuel's strategies, realistic neural networks, connectionist systems, classifier systems, and related models of cognition. Artificial intelligence systems, such as NETL and SOAR, are examined for their impact upon machine learning and cognitive science. 595. (CS 595) (Ling. 541) Natural Language Processing Prerequisites: Senior standing. I. (3 credits) A survey of syntactic and semantic theories for natural language processing, including unification-based grammars, methods of parsing, and wide range of semantic theories from artificial intelligence as well as from philosophy of language. Programming will be optional, though a project will normally be required. 597. Technology Planning and Assessment Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing. 1. (3 credits) Interdisciplinary lecture and project course in strategic planning and management of technology in both private and public sectors, and> policy-oriented assessment of societal effects of technology. Typical projects; planning and assessment of microcomputers, communi- cations, transportation systems, and alternative energy sources. 598. (CS 598) Special Topics in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Prerequisite: permission of instructor or counselor. / ,H Ill, /Ia and'//b. (1-4 credits) Topics of current interest in electrical engineering and computer science. Lectures, seminar, or laboratory. Can be taken more than once for credit. 599. Directed Study Prerequisite: prior arrange- ment with instructor. /, A ll, l/a, and //b. (1-4 credits) Individual study of selected advanced topics in electrical engineering and computer science. May include experimental work or reading. Primarily for graduate students. To be graded on satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis ONLY. 600. (Aero. Eng. 651) Function Space Methods in System Theory Prerequisite: FECS 400. I. (3 credits) Introduction to the description and analysis of systems using function analytic methods. Metric spaces, normed linear spaces, Hilbert spaces, resolution spaces. Emphasis on using these concept in systems problems. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 602. (Aero. Eng. 652) Theory of Stochastic Processes Prerequisite: EECS 502. (3 credits) Measure theoretic treatment of stochastic processes. Analysis and representation of various stochastic processes using function analytic concepts. Wiener processes, martingales, diffusion processes. Stochastic integrals, introduction to stochastic differential equations and stochastic calculus. 603. (Aero. Eng. 653) Topics in Stochastic Systems and Control Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Il. alternate years. (3 credits) Advanced topics on stochastic systems such as stochastic calculus, nonlinear filtering, stochastic adaptive control, decentralized control, and queueing networks. 617. (Aero. Eng. 673) (Nuc. Eng. 673) Topics in Theoretical Plasma Physics Prerequisite. Nuc. Eng. 571 or EECS517or Aero. Eng. 726. ll. (3 credits). An advanced course in theoretical plasma physics covering topics of current research interest. Specific content varies from year to year. Representative topics include studies of weakly ionized plasmas with applications to gas lasers; space plasmas; laser funsion plasmas; and nonlinear plasma dynamics and plasma turbulence. May be taken for credit more than once. 620. Quantum Electronics Prerequisite: EECS 520. II, odd years. (3 credits) Principles and applications of quantum electronics. Field quantization; interaction of fields and charges; photon emission by free electrons; interaction of bound electrons and photons; masers and lasers; noise in quantum devices; Rayleigh scattering; Raman scattering; nonlinear optics; coherent transient effects. 621. Electronic Properties of Solid State Materials Prerequisite. EECS 520. II, odd years. (3 credits) Second quantization, spontaneous and stimulated emission; many body theory; plasma oscillations; bandgap in heavily doped semicon- ductors; dielectric response; quantum transport and quantum devices; supercon- ductivity. 627. VLSI Design II Prerequisite: EECS 427. 1I. (4 credits) Advanced very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuit design: VLSI CAD tools and techniques. IC failure modes: testing. Design for testability. Self-checking circuits. Automated layout. Design verification; placement and compaction; routing. Gate arrays; silicon compilers. Advanced projects in chip design and CAD tool development. Testing of chips fabricated in EECS 427. (3 hours lecture plus design laboratory). 630. (Appl. Phys. 531) Electromagnetic Theory II Prerequisite: EECS 530 and graduate standing. I, even years. (3 credits) Introduction to tensor analysis. Propagation in homogeneous and inhomogeneous media. Multipole radiation. Special relativity, radiation from moving charges. Scattering from electrons, atoms and spherical objects, coherent and incoherent cross sections. 631. Electromagnetic Scattering Prerequisite: EECS 530 and graduate standing. 1. even years (3 credits) Boundary conditions, field representations. Low and high frequency scattering. Scattering by half plane (Wiener-Hopf method) and wedge (Maliuzhinets method); edge diffraction. Scattering by a cylinder and sphere: Watson transforma- tion, Airy and Fock functions, creeping waves. Geometrical 287 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 288 and physical theories of diffraction. 632. Microwave Remote Sensing II. Radar Prerequisite: EECS 532 and graduate standing. II, even years. (3 credits) Radar equation; noise statistics; resolution techniques; calibration; synthetic aperture radar; scatterometers; scattering models; surface and volume scattering; land and oceanographic applications. 633. Antenna Theory II Prerequisite: EECS 530 and EECS 531. I, odd years. (3 credits) Numerical techniques in antennas; solutions of integral equations: method of moments, Galerkin's technique, conjugate gradient FFT and finite element/ boundary integral methods. Planar antennas: strip dipoles and patches, infinite and finite arrays. High frequency methods; applications to aperture antennas, Hybrid techniques. Antenna synthesis and design. 634. (Phys. 611) Nonlinear Optics Prerequisite. EECS 537 or EECS 538 or EECS 530. 1I (3 credits) Formalism of wave propagation in nonlinear media; susceptibility tensor; second harmonic generation and three-wave mixing; phase matching; third order nonlinearities and four-wave mixing processes; stimulated Raman and Brillouin scattering. Special topics: nonlinear optics in fibers, including solitons and self- phase modulation. 638. (Physics 610) Quantum Theory of Optical Physics Prerequisite. EECS 541; preceded or accompanied by EECS 630. I. (3 credits) The atom-field interaction; density matrix; quantum theory of radiation including spontaneous emission; optical Bloch equations and theory of resonance fluorescence; coherent pulse propagation; dressed atoms and squeezed states; special topics in nonlinear optics. 650. Channel Coding Theory Prerequisite: EECS 501 and EECS 400.//, even years. (3 credits) The theory of channel coding for reliable communication and computer memories. Error correcting codes; linear, cyclic and convolutional codes; encoding and decoding algorithms; performance evaluation of codes on a variety of channels. 651. Source Coding Theory Prerequisite: EECS 501. / odd years. (3 credits) Introduction to a variety of source coding techniques such as quantization, block quantization; and differential, predictive, transform and tree coding. Introduction to rate- distortion theory. Applica- tions include speech and image coding. 658. Fast Algorithms for Signal Processing Prerequisite: EECS 456, EECS 501. I. odd years. (3 credits) Introduction to abstract algebra with applications to problems in signal processing. Fast algorithms for short convolutions and the discrete Fourier transform; number theoretic transforms; multi-dimen- sional transforms and convolutions; filter architectures. 659. Adaptive Signal Processing Prerequisite: EECS 559. I even years. (3 credits) Theory and applications of adaptive filtering in systems and signal processing. Iterative methods of optimization and their convergence properties: transversal filters; LMS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE (gradient) algorithms. Adaptive Kalman filtering and least-squares algorithms. Specialized structures for implementation; e.g., least- squares lattice filters, systolic arrays. Applications to detection, noise cancelling, speech processing, and beam forming. 661. Discrete Event Systems Prerequisites. FECS 560 or EECS 476 or equivalent. / (3 credits) Modeling, analysis, and control of discrete event dynamical systems. Modeling formalisms considered include state machines, Petri nets, and recursive processes. Supervisory control theory; notions of controllable and observable languages. Analysis and control of Petri nets. Communicating sequential processes. Applications to database management, manufacturing, and communication protocols. 670. Advanced Topics in Computer Architecture Prerequisite: EECS 570, graduate standing & permission of instructor. HI. (3 credits) Advanced concepts and specialized areas in computer system design are discussed and analyzed in depth. Topics chosen by instructor. Examples are database machines, highly reliable systems, computers for artificial intelligence, architectural support for operating system functional, high-level language architectures, object oriented architecture, other special purpose architecture (vision, dataflow). 681. Advanced Software Engineering Prerequisite: EECS 481 and either EECS 581, EECS 582, EECS 583, or EECS 584. I (3 credits) Problems of current research interest in software engineering such as software environments, program transformations, application generators, and very high level languages. A term project will be required. 682. Advanced System Programming Prerequisite. EECS 482 or EECS 582. I or II. (3 credits) This course introduces the student to the more difficult problems and techniques of system programming. Such areas as dynamic storage allocation and relocation, interaction between central and peripheral hardware units, etc., will be discussed. The main emphasis of the course is a group project and the handling of the problems that are involved in all aspects of system design and final implementation. 691. Advanced Natural Language Processing Prerequisite: EECS 5952. IL (3 credits) An in-depth look at state-of- the-art systems for natural language understanding, processing, and generation. Content will vary from year to year. Example topics: integrated syntactical and semantic systems; implementation of new semantic paradigms; learning systems. 694. Theory of Adaptive Systems Prerequisite: EECS 594 or permission of instructor. I or 1/ (3 credits) Development of the theoretical underpinnings of the topics discussed in EECS 594. Topics include the common mathematical framework underlying mathematical genetics, mathematical economics, adaptive control, game theory and learning. The course presents a series of theorems concerning feasible adaptive plans and makes a detailed study of general applicability of genetic operators to searches and optimization. 695. (Psych. 640) Neural Models and Psychological Processes Prerequisite:permission of instructor. II. (3 credits) Consideration of adaptively and biologically oriented 289 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 290 theories of human behavior. Emphasis on both the potential breadth of application and intuitive reasonableness of various models. There is a bias toward large theories and small simulations. 698. Master's Thesis Prerequisite: election of an EECS Master's Thesis Option. (May be elected for a maximum of 6 credit hours). I, l,1/la, Ilb, III. (1-6 credits) To be elected by EE and EES students pursuing the Master's Thesis option. May be taken more than once up to a total of 6 credit hours. To be graded on a satisfac- tory/unsatisfactory basis only. 699. Research Work in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Prerequisite: graduate standing and permission of instructor. 1, 11ll. Ila, Ilb. (1-6 credits) Students working under the supervision of a faculty member plan and execute a research project. A formal report must be submitted. May be taken for credit more than once up to a total of 6 credit hours. To be graded satisfactory/unsatisfactory only. 700. Special Topics in System Theory Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (To be arranged) 720. Special Topics in Solid- State Devices, Integrated Circuits, and Physical Electronics Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (1-4 credits) Special topics of current interest in solid-state devices, integrated circuits, microwave devices, quantum devices, noise, plasmas. This course may be taken for credit more than once. 730. Special Topics in Electromagnetics Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (1-4 credits). (To be arranged) 731. Space Terahertz Technology & Applications Prerequisites: permission of instructor. I. (1 credits) Study and discussion of various topics related to high frequency applications in space exploration. Topics will be chosen from the following areas: Planetary Atmospheres and Remote Sensing, Antennas, Active and Passive Circuits, Space Instrumentation. 735. Special Topics in the Optical Sciences Prerequisites: Graduate standing and permission of instructor. Term to be arranged. (1-4 credits) Key topics of current research interest in ultrafast phenomena, short wave- length lasers, atomic traps, integrated optics, nonlinear optics and spectroscopy. This course may be taken for credit more than once under different instructors. 750. Special Topics in Communication and Information Theory Prerequisite:permission of instructor. (To be arranged) 755. Special Topics in Signal Processing Prerequisites: permission of instructor. Term to be arranged. (1-4 credits) 760. Special Topics in Control Theory Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (To be arranged) 770. Special Topics in Computer Systems Prerequisite:permission of instructor. (To be arranged) ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 291 f ! f 1 K a tY \ 3 u < 874. Seminar in Theory of Computing Prerequisite: EECS 574. I and ll. (2 credits) Advanced graduate seminar devoted to new developments in theory of computing. Topics may include theory of programming languages, complexity, algorithms, Al, and applications of logic and mathematics to computer science. 880. Software Research Seminar Prerequisites: Graduate standing in EECS or permission of instructor. May be taken more than once since topics will vary each term. I. and II. (1-3 credits) Seminar and current research in programming languages, operating systems, distributed computing, software engineering, databases, graphics, and other software topics. Each week a different speaker will describe his/her own research, or report on a recent published paper. Occasional speakers from other universities. 892. Seminar in Artificial Intelligence Prerequisite: EECS 592 or equivalent. I and ll. (2 credits) Advanced graduate seminar devoted to discussing current research papers in artificial intelligence. The specific topics vary each time the course is offered. 990. Dissertation/ Pre-Candidate , 11 and iii. (2-8 credits); llla and illb. (1-4 credits) Election for dissertation work by a doctoral student not yet admitted to Candidate status. 995. Dissertation/Candidate Prerequisite: Graduate School authorization for admission as a doctoral candidate. , lland ill. (8 credits); lla and li/b. (4 credits) Election for dissertation work by a doctoral student who has been admitted to Candidate status. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Sngeevg i sion See Page 195 for statement on Course Equivalence. 103. P.C. Fortran Prerequisites: None. I. and ll. (3 credits). Not open to students with credit for Eng. 104 or 105. Introduction to the personal computer, operating systems, and applications. Visual editing, FORTRAN-77 for numerical and nonnumerical calculations, spreadsheets, and computer graphics. Local area networks, communication with Michigan Terminal System and electronic mail. 104. PC Pascal Not open to students with credit for Eng. 103 or 105. l and I. (3 credits) Introduction to the personal computers, operating systems, and applications. Visual editing, PASCAL for numerical and nonnumerical calculations, spreadsheets, and computer graphics. Local area networks, communica- tion Michigan Terminal System and electronic mail. 105. The Personal Computer and the Michigan Terminal System Prerequisite: knowledge of a programming language. land I. (I credit). Not open for credit to students who have elected Eng. 103 or Eng. 104 Introduction to the personal computers, operating systems, and applications. Visual editing, compilation and execution of programs, spreadsheets, and computer graphics. Local area networks and communication with Michgian Terminal System. All undergraduate degree programs in the College of Engineering will accept up to four credit hours of elective courses from this group as free and/or technical electives. 150. (Mat. Sci. & Eng. 150) Introduction to Engineering Materials Prerequisite: Chem. 123 or 124. II. (4 credits). Open only to freshmen; satisfies any program requirement of Mat. Sci. & Eng. 250 A course in engineering materials covering the structure, properties and processing of metals, polymers and ceramics. 151. (Chem. Eng. 151) Plastics Prerequisite: high school chemistry. (3 credits) Plastics such as nylon, lucite, and polystyrene will be synthesized, analyzed, molded and tested mechanically by the students. The instructor will demon- strate advanced methods of characterization and processing. Lecture followed by a three-hour laboratory. Local plant visits. 195. Selected Topics in Engineering (To be arranged) 303. (CEE 303) Computational Methods for Engineers and Scientists (Required for some programs, see your adviser) Prerequisite: Eng. 103 and preceded or accompanied by Math 216. l and/I. (3 credits) Applications of numerical methods to problems in various areas of engineering and science; personal com- ENGINEERING DIVISION puter case studies; develop- ment evaluation and com- parison of various techniques for roots of non-linear equations, simultaneous linear algebraic equations, curve fitting, numerical integration and ordinary differential equations. 371. (Math. 371) Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists Prerequisites: Eng. 103, Eng. 104 or equivalent, Math 216. I and I (3 credits) This is a survey course of the basic numerical methods which are used to solve scientific problems. In addition, concepts such as accuracy, stability and efficiency are discussed. The course provides an introduction to MATLAB, an interactive program for numerical linear algebra as well as practice in FORTRAN programing. 390. Special Topics in Engineering Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (To be arranged) Individual or group study of 300-level, undergraduate topics of current interest. 400. Engineering Cooperative Education Prerequisite: permission of Program Director. , 1/, and Ill. No Credit Off-campus work within the cooperative education program. Engineering work experience in government or industry. 451. Technology and Society / and II. (3 credits) Examines areas where contemporary technological development has substantial impact on our way of life. Effects on the environment, in medical practice, in industry and on the workplace, and on local and global politics are examples. Experts in the respective areas are engaged to participate with the class in discussion/debate. 490. Special Topics in Engineering (To be arranged) Individual or group study of topics of current interest selected by the faculty. 293 / ~\ : COURSE DESCRIPTIONS -Geological Sciences* Department Office 1006 C.C. Little (313) 764-1435 *College of Literature, Science and the Arts Professor H. N. Pollack, Chair Professors Beck, Essene, Farrand, Gingerich, Kelly, Kesler, Meyers, Moore, O'Neil, Outcalt, Owen, Peacor, Pollack, Rea, Smith, Van der Voo, Walker, Wilkinson; Associate Profes- sors Fisher, Halliday, Kitchell, Lay, Lohmann, Mukasa, Ruff, Walter; Assistant Professors Gurnis, Satake, van der Pluijm; Adjunct Professor McElhinny; Visiting Assistant Professor Singer 100. Coral Reefs (1 credit). (NS). Lecture Coral Reefs will be an in- depth tour of the biological and physical processes active in modern reef systems to provide a detailed under- standing of the ecology of the individual organisms and the complex nature of their interactions within the reef community. Evolution of the reef community will be examined, ranging from crude framework structures formed over one billion years ago by primitive algae, luxuriant and diversified reefs of the modern-day oceans, and evolutionary strategies of reef building organisms. By tracking these evolutionary strategies through geologic time, the implications of man's intervention with the Earth's hydrosphere and atmosphere on the character of future reef communities will be considered. 101. Waves and Beaches (1 credit). (NS). Lecture This short course approaches the subject of "waves and beaches" by combining relevant topics in both oceanography and geology, although no previous background in these subjects is required. We shall attempt to understand this dynamic place where land and sea interact by emphasizing the processes responsible for the major types of coastlines and the geologic/oceanographic phenomena associated with them. Some of the topics which will be considered include: fundamentals of wave and tide theory; the impact of waves and tides upon beaches; coastal geology; coastal processes on a short- and long-term time scale; estuaries; and, the impact of plate tectonics upon coasts. Instruction will be by lecture. Grades will be based on one exam at the end of the course. 102. Energy from the Earth (1 credit). (NS). Lecture A survey of the principal non-nuclear energy resources of the earth: oil (petroleum), natural gas, coal, tar sands, oil shale. Includes discussions of the geology of these materials, their composition and/or mineralogy, types of deposits, recovery, utili- zation and technology, and ecological problems. No prerequisites, except that a course in elementary chemistry (high-school or university) is highly desirable. Lectures only. Grade based on two short assignments and final examinations. GEOLOGICAL SCI ENCES 103. Dinosaurs and Other Failures (1 credit). (NS). Lecture This course will provide an introduction to our current understanding of dinosaurs and certain other reptilian groups of the Mesozoic Era. It is intended for students with an interest in geology, paleontology, or evolution, but does not require prior training in these fields. The course will deal with broad features of the evolutionary history of dinosaurs, methods of reconstructing dinosaur behavior and ecology, new developments in our interpretation of the biology of dinosaurs, and possible causes for the extinction of dinosaurs. There will be two lectures each week and a single exam at the end of the course. 104. Ice Ages, Past and Future (1 credit). (NS). Lecture This course looks at the effects of present and past glaciations on the landscape and on life, humans in particular. Glaciers are examined as dynamic, climatically controlled systems of moving ice. Climatic and environmental changes concurrent with glaciation, in both continental and oceanic realms, are reviewed. The causes of the ice ages that have dominated the Earth for the past two million years and predictions of future ice ages are examined in the light of current geological and climatic research. The course consists of lectures, one hour exam, and one final exam. 105. Continents Adrift (1 credit). (NS). Lecture This one-credit hour course will explore the mobility of the continents and oceans in geological times. Conceptual and factual material will be combined with the principles of plate tectonics and the processes that drive the plates. No special background is recommended, and evaluation will be based on a final exam (with a practice take-home exam midway). The goals of this short course are to familiarize students with one of the more exciting recent developments in earth sciences, a unifying concept that explains ocean evolution, mountain building, earthquakes and volcanoes. 106. Fossils, Primates, and Human Evolution (1 credits). (NS). Lecture Anatomical and behavioral characteristics of living primates are reviewed, and the fossil record is used to document the course of human evolution through the past 60 million years. No special background is required. Students seeking a more detailed course with laboratory exercises may follow this with Geology 438 (Evolution of the Primates). Course consists of 12 lectures, and a one-hour final examination. 107. Volcanoes and Earthquakes (1 credit). (NS). Lecture This course is an introduc- tion to earth processes with a focus on earthquakes and volcanoes. Topics include: the structure of the earth; plate tectonic theory; geography of earthquakes and volcanoes; relationship of earthquakes and volcanoes to plate tectonics and the internal dynamics of the earth; the products of volcanism; structure of volcanoes; volcanic rocks; volcanic activity through time; volcanic exhalation and the evolution of the atmo- sphere; volcanoes in the solar system; techniques of determining the location and magnitude of earthquakes; earthquakes and the generation of seismic waves; seismic wave propagation and the study of the internal structure of the earth; earthquake hazards and potential for prediction. Instruction by lecture, evaluation on the basis of a final exam. 295 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 296 108. Minerals in the Modern World (1 credit). (NS). Lecture This course concerns the geology, politics and economics of strategic minerals, such as chromium, manganese, nickel and cobalt, which are essential for industrial and defense applications, but which are in short supply in the U.S. The course begins with an overview of strategic mineral positions for major world powers and continues with detailed discussions of production methods, uses, markets, international trade, sources, and remaining reserves of each of the strategic minerals. Particular emphasisis placed on understanding the geologic processes that form deposits of each of the strategic minerals in order to better appreciate the accuracy of world and U.S. reserve estimates and the capacity of the U.S. for self-sufficiency. The course closes with an evaluation of means to reduce U.S. dependence on foreign suppliers, including a discussion of the Strategic Stockpile. A course pack (Dollar Bill Copy) is strongly recommended and a book (Skinner, "Earth Resources") is recommended. Grading is by means of a final exam. 110. The History of the Oceans- (1 credit). (NS) The history of past oceanic life, events, and environ- ments as recorded in sea floor sediments is examined and discussed. 111. Climate and Man (1 credit). (NS) The intent of GS 111 is to give a heightened awareness to students of the nature and fragility of the Earth's climate, and how changes in climate have affected past civiliza- tions and may affect our future. Course topics will include: a description of the climate systems of the Earth, the atmosphere, oceans and polar ice caps; the informa- tion we gather to understand the history of those systems; how changes in climate have affected past civilizations, and what we think will happen to the planet when the long expected "Green- house Effect - Global Warming" finally arrives. 112. Geological History of Michigan (1 credit). (NS) An introduction to the geological history of Michigan, from the Precambrian to the present, and the evidence for this changing panorama. Michigan has not always been a land of upland temperate forests surrounded by the Great Lakes. During major intervals of time, what is now Michigan lay under broad tropical seas or was beset by extensive volcanism. At other times vast ice sheets a mile thick sculpted the surface of Michigan. Remains of animal and plant life from these times are distinctively different from those of the present day. This mini-course presents an introduction to the evidence from which this changing geological panorama has been inferred. Topics to be considered include the nature of the Precambrian world and its life; Early Paleozoic coral reefs and associated salt deposits; Late Paleozoic coal swamps; glacial geology of the recent past, the geologic development and history of the Great Lakes; and the rise and fall of the diverse Pleistocene megafauna of mammoths and mastodons. There will be an opportunity to examine some excellent fossil specimens in the collection of the Museum of Paleontology. Grades will be based on a final examination. 113. Planets and Moons (1 credit). (NS) "Planets and Moons" is a survey of the geology of the "solid" bodies of the solar system as revealed by both the manned exploration of our own moon and GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES unmanned, "robotic" exploration of the inner planets and moons of the outer planets. The course will not only provide qualitative description of planetary surfaces as revealed by photographic reconnaissance, but will also provide physical explanations of what we see in terms of external cratering processing and internal dynamic processes. Exploration of the planets reveals that impact cratering is the single most pervasive process in the solar system. Particular emphasis will be placed on why the various bodies have such different morphologies, especially why they are so different from the Earth. Nevertheless, planetary exploration does provide the framework to understand our own Earth better, especially the first billion years of terrestrial evolution. 115. Geologic Time (1 credit). (NS). Lecture This course will introduce non-specialists to the subject of the time span over which the earth has developed, the processes that are involved in the formation of rocks and minerals, the determination of the rates at which these processes occur, and the ways in which we can use the current behavior of the earth to deduce how rocks formed in the past. The course will also include relevant aspects of the historical development of geological theory. It will be scientifically rigorous but, at the same time, draw upon examples meaningful to the student to illustrate the principle. Lectures twice weekly for half the term. A final examination. 116. Introductory Geology in the Field Not open to those who have had an introductory course in geology on campus. l//b. (8 credits) An introduction to geology in the field. This course is the equivalent of G.S. 117 or 121 but is taught at Camp Davis, the University's Rocky Mountain Field Station near Jackson, Wyoming. The principles and procedures involved in the study of earth materials and processes are stressed. Minerals, rocks, and fossils are studied in their natural settings. Lectures are given both in camp and in the field, but a majority of time is spent outdoors in the nearby Teton, Hoback, Gros Ventre, and Snake River Ranges. Trips are also taken to areas of special significance, including the Wind River Range, Craters of the Moon, and Yellowstone Park. Lectures, laboratory, extensive field studies. Application forms for admission are available from the departmental in 1006 C.C. Little Building in January of the year that the course is to be elected. 117. Introduction to Geology Not open to those who have had an introductory course in geology. I. (5 credits) A basic single-term course in introductory geology concentrating on the evolution of the Earth in physical and chemical terms. Reference to the interaction of the external biosphere- atmosphere-hydrosphere with the Earth's interior is an essential component of the course. The laboratory provides a practical study of minerals, rocks, fossils, and geologic maps. One hour each week is scheduled for review and discussion topics covered in class. Lectures, laboratory, discussion. 119. Introductory Geology Lectures Not open to those who have had an introductory course in geology. I. (4 credits) This course consists of lectures shared with geology 117 but does not include the laboratory section. A separate discussion section is also scheduled to ensure continuity with class material and student teacher contact. Students interested in a one- term laboratory introductory science course should elect geology 117. Lectures and discussion. 297 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 298 120. Geology of National Parks and Monuments Credit is not granted for G.S. 120 to those with credit for an introductory course in geology. I. (4 credits) This course approaches earth history by examining the geology of places rather than geological processes. There are three lectures each week and one two-hour demon- stration. Lecture material covers the geologic history of selected National Parks and Monuments chosen so that those in which the oldest rocks are exposed are discussed first. The demonstrations provide first- hand experience with rocks, minerals, and fossils and an opportunity to discuss these in small groups. 123. Life and the Global Environment IL (2 credits). A hard look at the Gaia hypothesis. Do organisms cooperate to control the compositions of ocean atmosphere? Can life prevent harmful changes in the global environment? Does the geologic record provide answers to these questions? What future change in the global environment can we expect? 125. Evolution and Extinction II. (3 credits) This course will describe the linkage of the phenomena of evolution with the historical extinction of species. 135. History of the Earth II. (3 credits). (NS) This lecture course is intended for students with a strong high school background in math and science. It will serve as a broad introduction to the earth sciences for students considering a Geological Sciences concentration, as well as for students interested in studying the earth sciences as part of a general science background. Topics covered include methods of determining relative and absolute ages, the early history of the earth, its accretion and chemical differentiation, the develop- ment of continental and oceanic lithosphere, the evolution of plate tectonics, the history of the crust, sediments, oceans, atmosphere, and life. The unique aspects of earth history will be highlighted by viewing the development of the earth from the perspective of the evolution of the moon and the other terrestrial planets. Evaluation will be based on three examinations. 222. Introductory Oceanography No credit granted to those with credit for A.0. & S.S. 203. (3 credits) (NS) This course introduces students to the scientific study of the oceans. Contents include the shape, structure, and origin of the ocean basins: the sedimen- tary record of oceanic life and conditions in the past; the composition of seawater and its influence on life and climate: waves and currents; the life of the oceans and how it depends upon the marine environment; the resources of the ocean and their wise use by society. The course format consists of lectures and readings from an assigned textbook. The course grade will be based on several hour exams. 223. Introductory Oceanogra- phy, Laboratory Concurrent enrollment in G.S. 222. (1 credit). (NS) This course is an optional laboratory intended to provide students with opportunities to explore further marine topics presented in the G.S. 222 lectures. Laboratory sessions will include sampling procedures, use of equipment, discussions, and demonstrations of how data are generated. The course grade will be based on written laboratory exercises and a final exam. GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES 280. Mineral Resources, Politics and the Environment . (2 credits). No previous knowledge of geology is required for this course. This course concerns the origin, distribution, and remaining supplies of mineral resources such as gold, iron, oil, and salt. These and other important mineral resources are discussed in terms of the economic, engineering, political, and environmental restrictions that govern their recovery, processing, and use. Among topics considered are mineral discovery, rated strip mining, smelting methods, oil and gas transport, nuclear waste disposal, taxation, royalties, and corporate profits in the mineral industry. 305. Sedimentary Geology Prerequisites. An introduc- tory geological sciences laboratory course; orpermis- sion of/the instructor. / (4 credits). Properties of.sediments and their origin, transportation, deposition, lithification, and diagenesis followed by ecology and environmental analysis, paleocology and facies analysis and an introduction to stratigraphic methods and principles. Lectures, laboratory and field trip. 310. Petrology G.S. 231 and either an introductory geological sciences course or G.S. 351 to be elected prior to or concurrently with G.S. 310. II. (4 credits) A review of the rock-forming minerals is followed by a discussion of the origin, modes of occurrence, alterations, classification, and methods for the determina- tion of the important rocks based on megascopic characteristics. 351. Structural Geology G.S. 305 or permission of instructor. I. (4 credits) Sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rock structures and the mechanics of rock deformation. Three- dimensional structure problems and geologic map interpretation given in the laboratory. Lectures and laboratory. 415. Introductory Economic Geology (Metals) G.S. 310, 351, or permission of instructor. I. (4 credits) This is a survey economic geology course whose main emphasis is on gaining an understanding of how we study and describe ore deposits as well as studying specific examples of each major type. Fossil fuels and most nonmetallic ore deposits are left to other courses in the department. Such a study of the processes, controls on, and extent of different kinds of ore deposits, will allow the student to better understand the problems in locating concentrations of natural resources as well as the technical, practical, environmental and monetary considerations that decide whether or not an elemental concentration is an ore. The course is directed to the senior/first-year graduate student who has completed the core courses in geology, and is an elective outside the required departmental sequence. The method of teaching will combine lecture and discussion with a one hour per week lab session devoted to problem solving the first half of the term, and small lab exercises the second half. There will be a midtern and final as well as a term paper on a subject of the students' choosing. No text books are required but the Geology of Ore Deposits by Guilbert and Park is recommended. 420. Introductory Earth Physics Math. 116. I.(3 credits) This course is intended to be a comprehensive introduction to the physics of the solid earth. Topics to be included are: seismology and structure of the earth's interior; 299 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 300 geodynamics; gravity and the figure of the earth; isostasy; geomagnetism and paleomagnetism and its implications for plate tectonics; geothermics and the thermal history of the earth. 422. Principles of Geochemistry G.S. 231, 305, 310, and Chem. 126. 11. (3 credits) Instruction is directed toward how geochemical methods, such as stable isotope and trace element analysis, radioactive age dating, determination of phase relations of minerals and melts at low to high temperature and-pressure, and computation of or experimentation on equilibria in the hydrosphere, hydrothermal solutions, and metamorphic and igneous systems, can unravel and provide insight into the origin and chemical evolution of the earth and its parts (core, mantle, crust, crustal rocks). 442. Geomorphology 1 (4 credits) A study of the processes that affect the Earth's surface and that determine its form. Geomorphology is concerned with both modern and ancient landscapes. The course is designed for geology concentrators and advanced students in the natural sciences and archaeology. Lectures, discussions, and field trips. 444. Soils and Their Development An introductory geological sciences course or permission of the instructor. L. (3 credits) Field identification and laboratory analysis of soils; study of their genesis as controlled by geologic, biotic, and climatic determinants and of their evolution through time; and consideration of soils as environmental factors. Lectures, laboratory, and required field trips. 446. Permafrost, Snow, and Ice Math 116 or equivalent. ll. (3 credits) Introduction to the environmental conditions in high altitudes and latitudes for students of natural sciences and engineering. Topics include general climatology and geography of alpine and arctic regions, economic development, environmental protection problems. 447. Archaeological Geology G.S. 442 or 448 or equivalent and one course in archaeol- ogy (Anthro. 282, or 581, or Class. Arch. 323. II. (3 credits) In-depth treatment of geological concepts and techniques important in and applicable to the study of archaeological sites. Lectures, laboratory, and optional field trips. 448. Geomorphology- Glacial and Periglacial An introductory physical geology course or permis- sion of instructor. L (4 credits) Study of geologic phenom- ena characteristic of the Pleistocene epoch, including glaciation, pluviation, and marine phenomena. Three required field trips, including at least one overnight. Lectures, recitation, and field trips. 449. Marine Geology G.S. 222/223 or introductory physical geology. II. (3 credits) Topography, geomorphology, sediments, processes, and environments of the oceans; characteristics of oceanic segments of the Earth's crust; theories of structural development. Sedimentary record of past oceans and climates. GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES 455. Determinative Methods in Mineralogical and Inorganic Materials One term of elementary chemistry and physics. II. (4 credits) Introduction to the principal quantititive methods of characterizing the chemistry and structure of inorganic phases, including X-ray diffraction, XRF, microprobe, SEM, wet chemical, optical, resonance, and Mdssbauer spectroscopy. Laboratory provides student with practical experience with principles covered in lectures. 458. X-ray Analysis of Crystalline Materials G.S. 455 or permission of instructor. II. (3 credits) X-ray diffraction theory through a review of crystal structure determination. Emphasis is on the Weissenberg and precession single-crystal methods with extensive laboratory participation. 466. Computational Models of Geochemical Processes Ability to program computers in the BASIC language and introductory course in a natural science. (3 credits) Computational models of the processes that govern the composition of ocean and atmosphere. Geochemical reservoirs, mechanisms of transfer, chemical interac- tions, and feedback processes. The impact of organisms on the global environment. Geological history of atmospheric and oceanic composition. 467. Stratigraphy G.S. 305, G.S. 310, and G.S. 351. 1. (3 credits) Principles underlying correlation, sedimentation, and paleogeographic interpretation. Regional stratigraphy and sedimentary tectonics. 473. Fundamentals of Organic Geochemistry G.S. 305 or Chem. 226. (3 credits) An introduction to the fundamentals of the souces, transport, accumulation, and alterations of organic matter in sediments and sedimen- tary rocks. elemental, isotopic, and molecular indicators of origins, diagenetic and catagenetic pathways of constituents of organic matter, and carbon biochemical cycles, formation of petroleum and coal. 478. Aqueous Geochemisty Chem. 365 or the equivalent. (3 credits) The application of chemical principles to the study of rock/water interactions in natural systems. Importance of kinetics, thermodynamics and activity/concentration relative to geologic problems. 479. Marine Geochemistry Chem. 124 or the equivalent. (3 credits) Distribution and composition of marine sediments, marine cycles and budgets of the elements, paleoceanograph, conceptual and quantitative models of ocean composi- tion, thermodynamic and kinetic controls on composition, sea floor hydrothermal systems, current research topics. 480. (A.O.&S.S. 480) The Planets: Composition, Structure and Evolution Math 216, Physics 240, Chem. 126. 1. (3 credits) Origin and distribution of material in the solar system, gross composition and radial distribution of material in the planets and satellites; gravity fields and their relationship to shape and internal density distribution; origin and significance of surface topography; thermal, ionospheric and extended structure of planetary atmospheres; magnetism; energetics and dynamics of planetary interiors and atmospheres, thermal histories and evolution of solid interiors, devolatiliza- tion, origin, and evolution of atmospheres. 301 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 302 483. Geophysics: Seismology Math. 215 at least concur- rently and Phys. 240; or permission of instructor. II. (4 credits) Elastic properties of rocks, elastic waves, seismological instruments and data, use of body wave travel times, surface wave dispersion, and periods of free vibrations to infer the structure and composition of the earth's interior; earthquake intensity and magnitude scales; spatial, temporal and magnitude distribution of earth dynamics and global tectonics, moonquakes, underground nuclear explosions and "man-made" earthquakes, earthquake prediction and control. Lectures and laboratory. 484. Geophysics: Physical Fields of the Earth Math 216 at least concur- rently and Physics 240, or permission of instructor. 11 (4 credits) Newtonian attraction; the potential function, spherical harmonics; attraction of special distributions, gravity exploration techniques; isostasy, the figure of the earth; earth tides, the magnetic field of the earth, spatial and temporal variations, theories of origin; rock magnetism, paleomag- netism, contributions to earth dynamics and global tectonics; magnetic field of special distributions, magnetic exploration techniques; temperatures and heat transport in the earth, geothermal measurements, implications for tectonic processes. Lectures and optical laboratory. 485. Computer Utilization in the Earth Sciences Calculus and experience in computer programming. ll. (3 credits) Application of computers to earth science problems. Utilization of existing programs, data inventories, and specialized equipment. Topics include mapping, data management, and analysis and simulation. 486. Geodynamics G.S. 420 and prior or concurrent election of Math. 215 and Physics 240 or permission of instructor. (3 credits) Analysis of dynamic problems in geology through application of continuum the thermal physics. Concepts of stress, strain and elasticity; flow of viscous fluids; and conduction and advection of heat will be developed in geological contexts. Physical basis for plate tectonics considered in detail. 540. (CEE 540) Seminar in Engineering Geology CEE 445 and a 400-level course in physical geology or geomorphology. ll. (2 credits) Study of case histories in engineering geology, dealing with dam sites, slope stability, waste disposal, foundation and bridge problems, power plant siting, groundwater and other problems. 589. (A.O.&S.S. 589) Global Geochemical Cycles and Fluxes Prerequisite:permission of instructor. H. (2 credits) The processes that control the composition of the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. The budgets of major constituents and of isotopes. Quantitative modeling of possible changes with time in the compositions of oceans, sedimentary rocks, and atmosphere. Global productivity and the impact of life. Climatic consequences of geochemical change. HUMANITIES Humanities 303 Department Office 111-A TIDAL Bldg. (313) 764-1420 Professor David Yerkes Hughes, Ph.D., Humanities Henryk Skolimowski, D. Phil. Humanities Professor Emeritus Edward M. Shafter, Jr., Ph.D., Humanities Robert Allen Martin, Ph.D., English Stephen Sadler Stanton, Ph.D., English (See also Technical Communication) Ralph A. Loomis, Ph.D., Professor of English, Humanities Coordinator Associate Professor Gorman Lynn Beauchamp, Ph.D., Humanities Hubert Irwin Cohen, Ph.D., Humanities Associate Professor Emeritus William Byrom Dickens, Ph.D., English Warne Conwell Holcombe, Ph.D., English Richard John Ross, Ph.D., Humanities Humanities seminars and elective courses in the College can be used to meet humanities and free elective requirements. A student is expected to maintain a satisfactory standard of English in all courses. Failing to do so, a student may be reported to the Assistant Dean who, with the student's program advisor and a Humanities or Techni- cal Communication faculty representative, may prescribe additional study. See Page 195 for statement on course equivalence. Humanities Courses The Humanities faculty offers a variety of courses. These courses are open to all students in the University, but are primarily designed to help engineering students fulfill their program requirements. (Not every course is taught every term.) COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 304 Sophomore standing is a prerequisite for the following 200 and 300 level humanities courses. 239. Quest for Utopia (3 credits) Reading and discussion of some of the major efforts to chart the good society from Plato's Republic to Orwell's 1984. The chief purpose of this survey of utopias and anti-utopias is to help the student evaluate the present order. 310. Science Fiction (3 credits) This course will survey major works and themes of science fiction in their historical context. Selected works of such writers as Mary Shelley, Verne, Wells, Heinlein, Clarke, and Asimov will be studied. Directed Study Courses 275. 375. 475. (1-4 credits) Prerequisite: permission of Humanities faculty. (elective credit only) Conference and tutorial sessions which provide the opportunity for students with special interests to work on a tutorial basis with a member of the Humanities faculty. These courses are not intended as substitutes for regularly scheduled courses. Students who wish to elect Directed Study must confer with an instructor about the proposed study. If the instructor agrees to accept the student for this study, the two agree on a contract. (Directed Study contract forms and additional information are available from the Humanities office.) Selected Topics 151. (1-4 credits) 301. Prerequisite: sophomore standing. (To be arranged) 401. Prerequisite: junior standing. (To be arranged) Study of selected topics. When offered, the course or courses will be announced in the Time Schedule. Seminars in Humanities In these courses, a selection of significant works, in some instances thematically organized, will be examined intensively through discussions and written assignments. 430. Major British Writers Prerequisite. junior standing. (3 credits) A study of the major works of several significant British authors such as Swift, Fielding, Blake, Dickens, Hardy, Conrad, Joyce, Lawrence, and Shaw. 432. Major American Writers Prerequisite: junior standing. (3 credits) A study of the major works of several significant American authors such as Hawthorne, Whitman, Twain, O'Neill, Frost, Faulkner, and Hemingway. 440. Fiction Prerequisite: junior standing. (3 credits) To acquaint the student with basic elements of the novel, novella, and short story- plot, setting, character, style, and theme. In any specific section, the focus may be a particular type and/or period of fiction, but the distinctive features of fiction as a unique literary genre will be emphasized. HUMA NI TIES 450. Literature and Philosophy Prerequisite: junior standing. (3 credits) Readings in literature and modern thought in order to introduce the students to some important philosophi- cal questions in literature. 460. Themes in the Humanities Prerequisite: junior standing. (3 credits) An examination of a significant theme, or themes, treated in one or more of the following disciplines: history, philosophy, art, music, film, and literature. Such themes might include Primitivism, the Faustian hero, or the collapse of Realism in the 20th century. 305 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 306 Idustriland Operations Engmeerng Department Office 240 Industrial and Operations Engineering Building (313) 764-3297 Professor Don B. Chaffin, Ph.D., P.E. Walton M. Hancock, D. Eng., P.E., William Clay Ford Professor of Product Manufacturing Gary D. Herrin, Ph.D. Katta G. Murty, Ph.D. Stephen M. Pollock, Ph.D. Ramesh Saigal, Ph.D. Robert L. Smith, Ph.D. Daniel Teichroew, Ph.D. Tony C. Woo, Ph. D. Adjunct Professor Seth Bonder, Ph.D. Jay Elkerton, Ph.D. Chelsea C. White IIl, Ph.D., Professor and Chair Professor Emeritus Assistant Professor Herbert P. Galliher, Ph.D. Wilbert Steffy, B.S.E. (Ind.-Mech.), B.S.E. (M.E.) Richard C. Wilson, Ph.D. Yavuz Bozer, Ph.D. Ching Yee Teresa Lam, Ph.D. Bernard J. Martin, Ph.D. Medini R. Singh, Ph.D. M. M. Srinivasan, Ph.D. Associate Professor Adjunct Assistant Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D. James C. Bean, Ph.D. John R. Birge, Ph.D. W. Monroe Keyserling, Ph.D. David C. Kieras, Ph.D. Jeffrey J. Liker, Ph.D. Jack R. Lohmann, Ph.D. James M. Miller, Ph.D., P.E. Candace A. Yano, Ph.D. Professor Paul A. Green, Ph.D. Lecturer James A. Foulke, B.S.E. (E.E.) See Page 195 for statement on Course Equivalence. 300. Management of Technical Change I and I. (3 credits) Implementation of technical change. The process and factors affecting technical change in operating systems. Resistance to change and methods of reducing resistance to change. The characteristics of blue and white collar forces. The effects of group formation; cohesiveness, management style, worker and manage- ment attitudes on the change process. 310. Introduction to Optimization Methods Prerequisite: Math. 215. l and I. (3 credits) An introduction to determin- istic models in operations research with special emphasis on linear programming; the simplex, transpor-tation, and assignment algorithms and INDUSTRIAL their engineering applica- tions. Brief introduction to integer, dynamic, and other non-linear programming models. 315. Stochastic Industrial Processes Prerequisite:preceded or accompanied by Math. 116. landll. (3 credits) Elementary concepts in discrete and continuous time Markov chains, queueing and birth/death processes, the Poisson process and underlying elements of probability. Applications to replacement strategy, machine repair strategy, inventory, and other engineering problems. 333. Human Performance land/. (3 credits) Introduction to the functional processes of the human system that pertain to an understanding of the limitations of humans in man-machine systems. Psychology, physiology, ergonomics, and safety in the context of measuring and predicting human perform- ance. Principles are applied through design problems. 334. Human Performance Laboratory Prerequisite: preceded or accompanied by l.&0.E 333. l and I. (1 credit) Principles of measurement and prediction of human performance in man-machine systems. Laboratory experiments investigating human capabilities of vision, hearing, information pro- cessing, memory, motor processes, strength, and endurance. 365. (Stat. 311) Engineering Statistics Prerequisite: l.&0.E 315 or Stat. 310, or Math. 215 and Eng. 103. landll. (4 credits) Analysis of engineering data associated with stochastic industrial processes. Topics include: fundamentals of distribution analyses; process model identification, estimation, testing of hypotheses, validation procedures, and evaluation of models by regression and correlation. Students are required to use the MTS computer system for problem solving. 373. Data Processing Prerequisite: Eng. 103. l and Il. (4 credits) Introduction to the systems organization and program- ming aspects of modern digital computers. Concepts of algorithms and data structure will be discussed AND OPERATIONS ENGINEERING with practical business applications. 416. Queueing Systems Prerequisite: l.&0.E 315. (3 credits) Introduction to queueing processes and their applications. The M/M/s and M/G/1 queues. Queue length, waiting time, busy period. Case studies in production, transportation, communication, and public service systems. 421. Work Organizations Prerequisite: 1.&0.E 300 and senior standing. . (3 credits) Applications of organizational theory to the design and management of work organizations is emphasized through case studies, group exercises, and written assignments. Topics include: attitudes and work performance, theories of motivation, groups in organizations, leadership styles, planning and control, technological innovation, and organizational change strategies. 424. Practicum in Production and Service Systems Prerequisite: Senior standing and permission o/instructor. l and Il. (3 credits) Student teams will work with an organization on a design 307 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 3o8 project with potential benefit to the organization and to the students. 425. Manufacturing Strategies Prerequisites: Senior Standing. 1. (3 credits) Review of the manufacturing philosophies that have been successfully applied by world class manufacturers, including workflows, quality assurance, process design, inventory product through- put, maintenance, simultane- ous design, voice-of-the- customer and total quality control systems. Students tour plants to analyze the extent and potential of the philosophies. 432. Industrial Engineering Instrumentation Methods Prerequisite: .&0.E. 365. 1/a. (3 credits) The characteristics and use of analog and digital instrumen- tation applicable to industrial engineering problems. Statistical methods for developing system specifications. Applications in physiological, human performance, and production process measurements are considered. 433. (E.I.H. 556) Ergonomics t (3 credits). Not open to students who have credit for L.&0.E 333. The concept of the human- machine system is used as a basis of study of worker safety, health, and perform- ance. Topics including work measurement, anthropome- try, biomechanics, work physiology, cumulative trauma, information presentation and processing problems, and control design are presented through lectures, laboratory demonstrations, and projects. Ergonomic problems related to design of jobs and consumer products discussed. 436. Human Factors in Computer Systems Prerequisite: 1.&0.E. 333 or permission of/instructor. II. (3 credits) The design and evaluation of computer systems for ease of use. Topics to be covered include keyboards and how people type, vision and video display design, human body size and computer furniture, regulations concerning working conditions, software issues, methods for studying user performance, documen- tation, and information systems of the future. 437. (EECS 493) (CS 493) User Interface Design and Analysis Prerequisites: EECS 481. lI. (3 credits) Current theory and design techniques concerning how user interfaces for computer systems should be designed to be easy to learn and use. Focus on cognitive factors, such as the amount of learning required, and the information-processing load imposed on the user, rather than ergonomic factors. 439. Safety Management Prerequisite: .&0.E 300 or graduate standing. II. (3 credits) Standards, government regulations, accident investigation, databases, and user/operator characteristics in relation to risk/safety management. How human errors relate to design/use of machines and products, and to accident causation. Accident reconstruction examples using cases from occupational, transportation, consumer, and recreational environments. 441. Production and Inventory Control Prerequisite: /.&O.E 310 and /.&0.E 365. I. and//. (3 credits) Models and techniques for managing inventory systems and for planning production. Topics include basic deterministic and probabilis- tic inventory models and extensions; production loading, planning, and smoothing; and sequencing problems. INDUSTRIAL 447. Facility Planning Prerequisite:.L&0.E 310, I.&0.E 315, and I.&0.E 373. . (3 credits) Fundamentals in developing efficient layouts for single- story and multi-story production and service facilities. Manual procedures and computer algorithms used on mainframe and microcomputers. Algorithms to determine the optimum location of facilities. Special requirements for planning service facilities such as hospitals, airports and offices. 449. Material Handling Systems Prerequisites: I.&0.E 310, .&0.E 315and1L.&0.E 373. II. (3 credits) Review of material handling equipment used in ware- housing and manufacturing. Algorithms to design and analyze discrete parts material storage and flow systems such as Automated Storage/Retrieval Systems, order picking, conveyors, automated guided vehicle systems, and carousels. 451. Engineering Economy I (3 credits) The logic of economic decision making common to engineering, industrial management, and personal finance is developed. Concepts of compound interest, capital growth, and equivalence are developed. Commonly used measures of worth are defined and compared. Decisions involving taxes, multiple alternatives, financing, replacement, and uncertainty are considered. 460. Decision Analysis Prerequisite: I.&0.E 310 and /.&0.E. 315, and senior standing. I. (3 credits) Theory and methods for the analysis of decisions under uncertainty. The use of expert judgment and value of information. The encoding of attitudes toward risk. Applications selected from capital investment, bidding, purchasing, inspection, inventory control, and other areas. 463. Work Measurement and Prediction Prerequisite: I.&0.E 333, .&0.E 334 and L.&0.E 365. Il. (3 credits) The analysis and prediction of human performance in industrial and service man- machine systems. The use of predetermined time systems, learning curves, operator selection procedures, work sampling, and motion economy principles in the design of the work place. AND OPERATIONS ENGINEERING 465. Design and Analysis of Industrial Experiments Prerequisite: .&0.E 365. I. (3 credits) Methods of design and analysis of industrial experiments. Topics include: general regression and variance analysis, mixed models, efficient statistical search procedures, model assessment, and remedial measures. 466. (Stat. 466) Statistical Quality Control Prerequisite: .&0.E 365. l and /. (3 credits) Design and analysis of procedures for forecasting and control of production processes. Topics include: attribute and variables sampling plans; sequential sampling plans; rectifying control procedures; charting, smoothing, forecasting, and prediction of discrete time series. 471. (Mech. Eng. 483) Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 381; or .&0.E 373 and Mech. Eng. 252. IL (3 credits) Basic elements of numerical control of metal processing systems; programming languages for point to point and contouring machines; interaction between geometry 309 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 310 and machinability decision. Laboratory experiments in optimizing part-programming and equipment utilization. Computerized numerical control, adaptive control, industrial robots, flexible manufacturing systems. Two one-hour lectures and two two-hour laboratories. 472. Operations Research Prerequisite: preceded or accompanied by Stat. 310. t (3 credits) Introduction to operations research; the methodology of mathematical modeling and its relation to problems in industrial, commercial, and public systems. The use of queueing theory, linear programming, inventory theory, simulation, decision analysis. Not open to industrial and operations engineering undergraduate students. 473. Information Processing Systems Prerequisite:I.&0.E 373. (3 credits) Organization of major types of information processing systems. Programming languages (COBOL, PL/1). Database management systems. Alternative system organizations. Techniques for evaluation of performance of systems. 474. Simulation Prerequisite: /.&0.E 315, /.&0.E. 365 and L.&0.E 373. (3 credits) Digital simulation of complex discrete-event systems with applications in industrial and service organizations. Course topics include modeling and programming simulations in FORTRAN; use of a high-level simulation language as SIMSCRIPT, GPSS, SLAM, or SIMAN; input distribution specifica- tion; random number generators; generating random variables; statistical analysis of simulation output data. 478. (EECS 487) (CS 487) Interactive Computer Graphics Prerequisite. .&0.E 373 or EECS 380, and senior standing. /and/. (3 credits) Graphics devices and fundamentals of operation. Two- and three-dimensional transformations. Interactive graphical techniques and applications. Three- dimensional graphics, perspective transformation, hidden line elimination. Data structures and languages for graphics. Interactive graphical programming. 479. (IPPS 479) Operations Research for Public Policy Prerequisite: Math. 413 and Pub. Pol. 529. I. (3 credits). Not open to students with credit for .&0.E. 472 or .&0.E 460. The philosophy and use of quantitative methods of analyzing public sector problems. Decision analysis as a framework for choice under uncertainty. Simula- tion, mathematical programming, and probabilistic methods presented with case studies and examples from the literature. 481. Practicum in Hospital Systems Prerequisite:1.&0.E 300. l and Il. (3 credits) Projects in hospital systems. Projects will be offered from areas of industrial and operations engineering, including work measurement and control, systems and procedures, management, organization, and information systems. Lectures will deal with the hospital setting, and project methodologies. Faculty, administrative, and engineering personnel will be available during the term for project aid. INDUSTRIAL 484. (EECS 484) (CS 484) Database Management Systems Prerequisite: EECS 380; orl.&0.E. 473. land/. (3 credits) Concepts and methods in the definition and management of large integrated databases for organizational information systems. Functions and objectives of existing file and data management systems will be considered and methods of analyzing proposals for new data management software will be studied; database administra- tion, database design, and data security problems. 490. Directed Study, Research, and Special Problems I Prerequisite. permission of department. (3 maximum). Pass/Failonly Individual or group study, design, or laboratory research in a field of interest to the student or group. Topics may be chosen from any area of industrial and operations engineering including management, work measure-ment, systems, and procedures. 491. Special Topics in Industrial and Operations Engineering (To be arranged) Selected topics of current interest in industrial and operations engineering. 499. Senior Design Projects Prerequisite: Senior standing and permission of instructor. l and I. (3 credits) Selected design projects in industrial and operations engineering to be conducted for clients. 503. (EECS 509) Social Decision Making Prerequisite: Stat. 310 or 1.&0.E. 315 or EECS 401 or EECS 501. (3 credits) Elementary decision analysis, examples in public sector; basic problems in social decision making; social values and preferences; multiattribute utility functions, subjectivity measurement; Pareto optimality. Arrow's impossibility theorem; group decision analysis, two- person game theory; social decision processes, strategy of conflicts. 510. (Math. 561) (S.&M.S. 518) Linear Programming I Prerequisite: Math. 417. 1. I. and lIla. (3 credits). Formulation of problems from the private and public AND OPERATIONS ENGINEERING sectors using the mathemati- cal model of linear programming. Development of the simplex algorithm; duality theory and economic interpretations. Postoptimal- ity (sensitivity) analysis; applications and interpreta- tions. Introduction to transportation and assign- ment problems; special purpose algorithms and advance computational techniques. Students have opportunities to formulate and solve models developed from more complex case studies and to use various computer programs. 511. (EECS 505) (Math. 562) (Aero. Eng. 577) Continuous Optimization Methods Prerequisite: Math. 417 or Math. 419. L and I. (3 credits) Survey of continuous optimization problems. Unconstrained optimization problems; unidirectional search techniques; gradient, conjugate direction, quasi- Newton methods. Introduc- tion to constrained optimi- zation using techniques of unconstrained optimization through penalty transforma- tions, augmented La- grangians, and others. Discussion of computer programs for various algorithms. 311 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 312 512. Dynamic Programming Prerequisite: EECS 503 or t.&0.E 515. (3 credits) The techniques of recursive optimization and their use in solving multistage decision problems, applications to various types of problems. Algorithms for solving Markovian programming problems and their applications. 515. Stochastic Processes Prerequisite:1.&0.E 315 or Stat. 310. (3 credits) Introduction to non-measure theoretic stochastic processes. Poisson processes, renewal processes, and discrete time Markov chains. Applications in queueing systems, reliability, and inventory control. 522. Theories of Administration Prerequisite:L&0.E 421. I. (3 credits) Provide insight into leading theories concerning the administration of research and industrial organizations. Treat the concepts needed for describing, assessing, and diagnosing organizations; processes of organizational communication, motivation, and conflict management; adaptation of organization systems to the requirements of work and information technologies. 533. Human Factors in Engineering Systems I Prerequisite: I.&0.E 365 and I.&0.E.333/.0.E. 433 (EIH 556). I. (3 credits) Principles of engineering psychology applied to engineering and industrial production systems. Visual task measurement and design, psychophysical measurements, signal detection theory and applications to industrial process control. Human information processing, mental workload evaluation, human memory and motor control processes. 534. Occupational Biomechanics Prerequisite: I.&0.E 333 and L.&0.E 334, orl.&0.E 433/ E I.H. 556. Il. (3 credits) Anatomical and physiological concepts are introduced to understand and predict human motor capabilities, with particular emphasis on the evaluation and design of manual activities in various occupations. Quantitative models are developed to explain (1) muscle strength performance, (2) cumulative and acute musculoskeletal injury, (3) physical fatigue, and (4) human motion control. 539. Occupational Safety Engineering Prerequisite: 1.&0.E 365 or Biostat. 500. II. (3 credits) Design/modification of machinery/products to eliminate or control hazards arising out of mechanical, electrical, thermal, chemical, and motion energy sources. Application of retrospective and prospective hazard analysis, systems safety, expert systems and accident reconstruction methodolo- gies. Case examples: industrial machinery and trucks, construction and agriculture equipment, automated manufacturing systems/processes. 541. Inventory Analysis and Control Prerequisite: I.&0.E 310 and .&0.E 315and1.&0.E 365 and .&0.E. 441. II. (3 credits) Review of basic inventory models. Models and solution techniques in various problems related to multi-stage production and distribution systems. Topics include: assembly systems, material requirements planning, hierarchical pro- duction planning, flexible manufacturing systems, distribution systems. Read- ings will include classic works and recent papers on techniques and applications. INDUSTRIAL 543. Theory of Scheduling Prerequisite: t.&0.E 315 or I.&0.E 515, and .&0.E 310. I. (3 credits) The problem of scheduling several tasks over time, including the topics of measures of performance, single-machine sequencing, flow shop scheduling, the job shop problem, and priority dispatching. Integer programming, dynamic programming, and heuristic approaches to various problems are presented. 547. Plant Flow Systems Prerequisite: .&0.E 310 andl.&0.E 416. IL (3 credits) Analytical models for the design and throughput performance evaluation of material handling systems used in discrete parts flow production facilities. Analysis of design and control issues for manual and automated handling systems including lift trucks, microload automatic storage/ retrieval systems and automated guided vehicle systems. 551. Capital Budgeting Prerequisite: .&0.E 365 and I.&0.E 451. I. (3 credits) The role and logic of capital budgeting decisions in engineering management is developed. Decisions involving capital rationing, incomplete information, replacement, and a probabilistic treatment of uncertainty are studied in depth. The relative effectiveness of commonly used capital budgeting decision procedures on the growth of the firm is examined. 560. (Stat. 550) (Stat. & Mgt. Sci. 603) Bayesian Decision Analysis Prerequisite: Stat. 425. (3 credits) Axiomatic foundations for personal probability and utility; interpretation and assessment of personal probability and utility; formulation of Bayesian decision problems; risk functions, admissibility; likelihood principle and properties of likelihood functions; natural conjugate prior distributions; improper and finitely additive prior distributions; examples of posterior distributions, including the general regression model and contingency tables; Bayesian credible intervals and hypothesis tests; applications to a variety of decision- making situations. 563. Labor and Legal Issues in industrial Engineering Prerequisite: /.&0.E 463 or I.&0.E 433. (3 credits) A case study approach to AND OPERATIONS ENGINEERING engineering related issues in 313 union-management relations, professional and product liability, and worker rights legislation. 564. (Mech. Eng. 554) Computer Aided Design Methods Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 454 or App!. Mech. 501 or t.&0.E 373. (3 credits) Generalized mathematical modeling of engineering systems, methods of solution and simulation languages. Analysis methods in design; load, deformation, stress and finite element considerations; non-linear programming. Computational geometry; definition and generation of curves and surfaces. Computer graphics; transformations; clipping and windowing; graphics systems; data structures; command languages; display processors. 565. Forecasting and Time Series Analysis Prerequisite: I.&0.E 465. IL (3 credits) Forecasting and prediction of time series including regression, moving averages, exponential smoothing, direct smoothing, adaptive control procedures, Bayesian methods, and Box/Jenkins models with applications to production, inventory, and quality control. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 314 567. Advanced Work Meas- urement and Design Prerequisite: 1.&0.E 433 or I.&0.E 463. H. (3 credits) Non-traditional approaches to job evaluation are applied to a variety of manufacturing and service jobs. Topics include: computer-aided job analyses and design, ergonomic work measure- ment, evaluation of "white collar" productivity, and high level predetermined time systems. Case studies are used extensively to develop observational, analytical, and design skills. 573. Analysis, Design, and Management of Large- Scale Administrative Information Processing Systems Prerequisite: 1.&0.E 473. I. (3 credits) Introduction to informal and formal techniques or analysis, design, and management of large scale information processing systems in administrative environments; presentation of techniques to control and aid in the process by which computer systems are developed with major emphasis on the collection and analysis of user requirements. 574. Simulation Analysis Prerequisite: I.&0.E. 474. IL. (3 credits) Underlying probabilistic aspects of simulation and statistical methodology of designing simulation experiments and output interpretation. Random number generators, variate and process generation, output analysis, regenerative method, variance reduction techniques, multiple comparisons, ranking and selection problems as applied to simulation. 575. Information Processing System Engineering Prerequisite: 1.&0.E 473. IL (3 credits) Software design methodolo- gies for development of large-scale information processing systems. Application of database management systems, distributed processing, microprocessors and communication networks. Design and use of computer- aided software development systems. Software engineering and project management. Ergonomics aspects of information systems. Emphasis is placed on practical experience in software design projects. 578. (EECS 588) (CS 588) (Mech. Eng./ Appli. Mech. 551) Geometric Modeling Prerequisite: EECS 487 or 1.&0.E 478 or ME 454 or permission of instructor. Il. (3 credits) Individual or group study of topics in geometric modeling and computer graphics. Geometric data structures for curves, surfaces, and volume parameterization, and topological data structures for vertices, edges, faces, and bodies. Algorithms for set operations, Euler operations and deformations. Design and experimentation with geometric modeling facilities. 579. Performance Modeling and Evaluation of Large Systems Prerequisite: 1.&0.E 416 or EECS 501. I.(3 credits) Introduction to queueing models, isolated queues, open and closed networks of queues, concept of local balance, algorithms for analysis of closed networks, model calibration and workload characterization simulation of models, applications in computer networks: routing and flow control, cyclic service models for token ring networks; models of flexible manufac- turing systems. INDUSTRIAL 581. Hospital Systems Engineering Prerequisite: .&0.E 365 or Hosp. Admin. 654. (3 credits) Systems methodologies to aid in the more efficient and effective operation of the major administrative systems in hospitals. Inpatient admissions scheduling, operating room scheduling, patient classification, nurse staffing, departmental productivity, patient flow processes, facility planning; including bed and ancillary facilities, and length of stay determinants. 590. Directed Study, Research, and Special Problems II Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (3 maximum) Continuation of I.&0.E. 490. 591. Special Topics Prerequisite:permission of instructor. (To be arranged) Selected topics of current interest in industrial and operations engineering. 610 (Math. 660) Linear Programming II Prerequisite: I.&0.E 510 (3 credits) Primal-dual algorithm. Resolution of degeneracy, upper bounding. Variants of simplex method. Geometry of the simplex method, application of adjacent vertex methods in non-linear programs, fractional linear programming. Decomposi- tion principle, generalized linear programs. Linear programming under uncertainty. Ranking algorithms, fixed charge problem. Integer program- ming. Combinatorial problems. 611. (Math. 663) Non-linear Programming Prerequisite: .&0.E 510. (3 credits) Modeling, theorems of alternatives, convex sets, convex and generalized convex functions, convex inequality systems, necessary and sufficient optimality conditions, duality theory, algorithms for quadratic programming, linear complementary problems, and fixed point computing. Methods of direct search, Newton and Quasi-Newton, gradient projection, feasible direction, reduced gradient; solution methods for non- linear equations. 612. Network Flows Prerequisite: .&0.E 510. (3 credits) Flow problems on networks. Maximum flow minimum cut theorem. Labelling algorithms. Circulation and feasibility theorems. AND OPERATIONS ENGINEERING Sensitivity analysis. Incidence matrices. Shortest routes. Minimum cost flows, out-of-kilter algorithm. Critical path networks, project cost curves. Multicommodity flow problem, biflows. Matching problems in graph theory. 614. Integer Programming Prerequisite:L.&0.E 510. (3 credits) Modeling with integer variables, total unimodularity, cutting plane approaches, branch-and-bound methods, Lagrangean relaxation, Bender's decomposition, the knapsack, and other special problems. 616. Queueing Theory Prerequisite: .&0.E 515. (3 credits) Methods and analytical techniques of queueing theory. Markovian queues: finite queue size, finite population, bulk arrivals and departures, Jackson networks. The M/G/l and GI/ M/s queues. Pre-emptive and non-pre-emptive priority systems. 633. Man-Machine Systems Prerequisite: 1.&0.E 533 or equivalent. II. (3 credits) Introduction to advanced concepts in the identification, 315 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 316 design, analysis, develop- ment, and implementation of human operated systems; existing and emerging systems identified from industrial and service organizations. Students handle case examples. Relevant theories of communication, decision, and control augmented by readings and laboratory demonstrations where appropriate. 635. (Bioeng. 635) Laboratory in Biomechanics and Physiology of Work Prerequisite: I.&0.E (Bioeng.) 534. I. (2 credits) This laboratory is offered in conjunction with the Biomechanics and Physiology of Work course to allow students to experimen- tally determine (1) musculo- skeletal reactions to volitional acts, (2) how EMG is used in muscle actions and fatigue evaluation, and (3) how the cardiopulmonary systems respond to various work stressors. 639. Research Topics in Safety Engineering Prerequisite: I.&0.E 439 or .&0.E 539 or permission of instructor.. (3 credits) Selected topics studied in depth necessary to critique existing and to propose future research. Topics from accident model; safety performance measurement; accident prevention philosophies; hazard analysis and systems safety techniques; expert systems; warnings and instructions; machine, tool, and consumer product safety; slips/falls/ climbing; vehicle operator visibility; robotics/automated systems. 640. Concepts in Mathemati- cal Modeling of Large Scale Systems Prerequisite. I.&0.E 310 and I.&0.E 365 and I.&0.E 515. (3 credits) Application or engineering, operations research, and economic concepts to the operational analysis and planning for large-scale systems. Practice in mathematical modeling and critical evaluation of various aspects of existing and proposed models of systems in the public and private sector. 641. Seminar in Production Systems Prerequisite: I.&0.E 541 or permission of instructor. (3 credits) Analysis and discussion of classic and state-of-the-art research papers on production and service systems. Research issues and research methodology will be emphasized. 645. Reliability, Replace- ment, and Maintenance Prerequisite:I.&0.E 515. (3 credits) Analytic stochastic models for the failure of components and systems. Analysis of policies for optimal reliability, including strategies for surveillance, inspection, maintenance, repair, and replacement. 690. Graduate Study in Selected Problems I Prerequisite: permission of graduate committee. (To be arranged) 691. Special Topics Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (To be arranged). Selected topics of current interest in industrial and operations engineering. 712. Infinite Horizon Optimization Prerequisite: I.&0.E 510 or I.&0.E 512. II. (3 credits) A seminar on optimization problems with an infinite time horizon. Topics include topological properties, optimality definitions, decision/forecast horizons, regenerative models, and stopping rules. Applications discussed include capacity expansion, equipment replacement, and production/ inventory. INDUSTRIAL 790. Graduate Study in Selected Problems II Prerequisite: permission of graduate committee. (To be arranged) 800. First-Year Doctoral Seminar Prerequisite: permission of instructor. I. (1 credit) Presentation by I.&O.E. faculty members of current and future research activities within the department. Discussion of procedural, philosophical, and professional aspects of doctoral studies in industrial and operations engineering. 801. Directed Research Prerequisite: L&0.E 800. (1-3 credits) Directed research on a topic of mutual interest to the student and the instructor. This course complements 1.&O.E. 800, First Year Doctoral Seminar. 810. (Math. 861) Seminar in Mathematical Programming Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (1or 2 credits) 815. Seminar in Stochastic Service Systems Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (1-3 credits) A working seminar for researchers in stochastic service systems. 836. Seminar in Human Performance Prerequisite: graduate standing. (1-2 credits) Case studies of research techniques used in the human performance and safety fields. Speakers actively engaged in research will discuss their methods and results. 837. Seminar in Occupational Health and Safety Engineering Prerequisite: graduate standing. (1-2 credits) This seminar provides an opportunity for graduate students interested in occupational health and safety engineering problems to become acquainted with various related contemporary research and professional activities, as presented by both staff and guest speakers. 843. Seminar in Operations Research (1 or 2 credits) Study of recent developments and ongoing research in OR methodology, operational science and OR practice. 873. Seminar in Administra- tive Information Processing Systems Prerequisite: .&0.E. 575. (1-3 credits) Recent developments, case AND OPERATIONS ENGINEERING studies, and individual or group development projects in administrative information processing systems. 878. Seminar in Computer Graphics Prerequisite: I.&0.E 578. (1-3 credits) Selected lectures and readings on recent developments in computer graphics. 881. Research Seminar in Hospital and Medical Systems Prerequisite: l.&0.E 581 or graduate standing. To be arranged) The use of quantitative techniques in hospital and medical care research. Discussion and review of current research and related methodological techniques in this area of interest. Outside speakers will present selected research topics. Readings, survey, and development of research projects. May be elected more than once. 906. Master's Thesis Project Prerequisite: permission of department. (6 maximum total-may be spread over several terms). 317 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 318 916. Professional Thesis Project Prerequisite: permission of department. (To be arranged) 990. Dissertation/ Pre-Candidate Prerequisite.'permission of department. I, 1/, and/lll. (2-8 credits); 11/a and 11/b. (1-4 credits) Election for dissertation work by doctoral student not yet admitted to status of Candidate. The defense of the dissertation, that is, the final oral examination, must be held under a full-term candidacy enrollment. 995. Dissertation/Candidate Prerequisite: Graduate School authorization for admission as a doctoral candidate. /, //, and ll/. (8 credits); 11/a and 11/b (4 credits) Election for dissertation work by doctoral student who has been admitted to status as a candidate. The defense of the dissertation, that is, the final oral examination, must be held under a full-term candidacy enrollment. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Materials Science and Engineering 319 Department Office 3062 Dow Building (313) 763-4970 Ronald Gibala, Ph.D., Professor and Chair Professor Wilbur Charles Bigelow, Ph.D. John C. Bilello, Ph.D., also Applied Physics I-Wei Chen, Ph.D. Frank E. Filisko, Ph.D., P.E. Amit K. Ghosh, Ph.D. John H. Halloran, Ph.D. William F. Hosford, Jr., Sc.D. Edward Ernest Hucke, Sc.D. Robert Donald Pehlke, Sc.D., P.E., also Chemical Engineering Richard E. Robertson, Ph.D. Tseng-Ying Tien, Ph.D. Gary S. Was, Sc. D., also Nuclear Engineering Albert F. Yee, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus Richard A. Flinn, Sc.D. William Cairns Leslie, Ph.D. Lawrence H. Van Vlack, Ph.D., P.E. Edwin Harold Young, M.S.E., P.E., also Chemical Engineering Associate Professor J. Wayne Jones, Ph.D. Richard M. Laine, Ph.D. David J. Srolovitz, Ph.D., also Applied Physics Assistant Professor David C. Martin, Ph.D. David C. Van Aken, Ph.D., P.E. Steven M. Yalisove, Ph.D. See Page 195 for statement on Course Equivalence. 150. (Eng. 150) Introduction to Engineering Materials Prerequisite: Chem 123 or Chem 124. II. (4 credits). Open only to freshmen; satisfies any program requirement for Mat. Sci. & Eng. 250. A course in engineering materials with sequential emphasis on metals, plastics, and ceramics. Structure, properties, and processing aspects are considered. 250. Principles of Engineering Materials Prerequisite: Chem. 123 or Chem 124; preceded or accompanied by Physics 240. (3 credits) An introductory course in the science of engineering materials. The engineering properties (mechanical, thermal, and electrical) of metals, polymers, and ceramics are correlated with: (1) their internal structures (atomic, molecular, crystalline, micro-, and macro-) and (2) service conditions (mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrical, magnetic, and radiative). Two lectures and two recitations. 350. Principles of Engineering Materials II Prerequisite: Mat. Sci. & Eng. 250 1. (3 credits) Structure and reaction kinetics of crystalline and amorphous engineering COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 320 materials. Phase diagrams. Equilibrium and nonequili- brium phase transformations. Crystal chemistry. Defects. Surfaces. Diffusion. Sintering. 356. Materials Laboratory I. Prerequisites: Mat. Sci. Eng. 250. I. (2 credits) Experimental techniques for the quantification of microstructure and physical properties of metals, ceramics, polymers and selected composites. Techniques for sample preparation and proper use of optical microscopy. 400. Electronic, Magnetic and Optical Properties of Materials Prerequisites: Physics 240, Mat. Sci. Eng. 250. I. (3 credits) The fundamentals of quantum mechanics and electronic theory that apply to electronic, magnetic and optical materials. Engineer- ing aspects of these materials and their use in solid state devices, hard and soft magnets, superconductors and optical devices. 410. (Bioeng. 410) Biomedical Materials Prerequisite: Mat. Sci. & Eng. 250 or permission. (2 credits) Interactions of materials implanted in the body. Histological and hematologi- cal considerations including general foreign body reactions, inflammation and reparation, carcinogenicity, thrombosis, hemolysis, protein and cellular issues, immunogenic and toxic properties. Basic discussion of implants vs. transplants and relevant biological components. Tours of relevant university facilities. 412. (Chem. Eng. 412) Polymeric Materials Prerequisite: Mat. Sci. & Eng. 350. l. (3 credits) The synthesis, characteriza- tion, morphology, structure and rheology of polymers. Polymers in solution and in the bulk liquid and glassy states. Engineering and design properties including viscoelasticity, creep, strees relaxation, yielding, crazing and fracture. Forming and processing methods. 414. (Chem. Eng. 414) (Macro. Sci. 414) Applied Polymer Processing (3 credits). Prerequisites: Mat. Sci. & Eng. 350. Theory and practice of polymer melt processing. Non-Newtonian flow; extrusion, injection and molding operations; fiber, film and rubber processing; kinetics of solidification; mechanical orientation; product characterization; structure-property relations. 420. Mechanical Behavior of Materials Prerequisite. Mech. Eng. 210 or Mech. Eng. 211, Mat. Sci. & Eng. 350. L (3 credits) Macroscopic and micro- scopic aspects of deforma- tion and fracture. Plasticity, general continum approach. Microscopic hardening mechanisms. Rate and temperature dependent deformation. Deformation and fracture mechanism maps. Fracture mechanics. Fatigue behavior. 430. Thermodynamics of Materials Prerequisite: Chem. 365, Physical Chemistry. L (3 credits) Application of basic thermodynamic principles to problems involving solid and liquid materials. Mass and energy balances. Gas reactions. Ellingham, phase, stability and Pourbaix diagrams. Defects in solids. Interfaces. Non-stoichiomet- ric phases. Statistical thermodynamics. 435. Transport Phenomena in Materials Engineering Prerequisites: Math. 216, Mat. Sci. Eng. 250. ll (3 credits) Principles of fluid, energy and mass transport with applicatons to materials systems. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 440. Ceramic Materials Prerequisite: Mat. Sci. & Eng. 350. II. (3 credits) Chemistry, structure, processing, microstructure and property relationships, and their applications in the design and production of ceramic materials. 456. Materials Laboratory II Prerequisite: Mat. Sci. & Eng. 356. ll. (2 credits) Phase transformations, recrystallization and diffusion in metals, ceramics and polymers. Fracture mechanics concepts and experimental determination of fracture properties. 460. X-ray Methods and Crystallography Prerequisite: Mat. Sci. & Eng. 250. I. (3 credits) The methods of x-ray diffraction and spectroscopy and the principles of crystallography, of importance in materials engineering. X-ray spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction, the powder and Laue methods. Sterographic projection, pole figures. Crystal symmetry, point groups and space groups. Diffraction intensities and their relation to crystal structure. Lectures and laboratory. 470. Advanced Physical Metallurgy Prerequisite: Mat. Sci.. & Eng. 350. ll. (3 credits) Phase transformations and hardening mechanisms in metallic systems. Nuclea- tion, diffusion controlled growth, spinodal decomposi- tion and martensitic reactions. Strengthening mechanisms based on two phase microstructure. Thermal stability. 480. Materials Science in Engineering Design Prerequisite: senior standing. L. (3 credits) Design concepts. Engineer- ing economics. Problems of scaling. Materials substitu- tion. Competitive processes. Case histories. Professional and ethical considerations. Written and oral presenta- tions of solutions to design problems. 485. Design Problems in Materials Science and Engineering Prerequisite: Mat. Sci. & Eng. 480. land/I. (To be arranged: 4 credit hours maximum.) Design problem supervised by a faculty member. Individual or group work in a particular field of materials.of particular interest to the student. The design problem is arranged at the beginning of each term by mutual agreement between the student and a faculty member. Written and oral reports are required. 489. Materials Process Design Prerequisite: preceded or accompanied by Mat. Sci. & Eng. 430 and Mat. Sci. and Eng. 435. II. (3 credits) The design of production and refining systems for engineering materials. Unit processes in the extraction and refining of metals. Production and processing of ceramic and polymeric materials, and electronic materials and devices. 490. Research Problems in Materials Science and Engineering I, ll, l/a, //b, and l/. (To be arranged). Not open to graduate students. Individual or group work in a particular field or on a problem of special interest to the student. The program of work is arranged at the beginning of each term by mutual agreement between the student and a faculty member. Written and oral reports are required. Laboratory and conferences. 321 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 322 493. Special Topics in Materials Processing and Application Prerequisite: Mat. Sci. & Eng. 350 (To be arranged). Selected topics of current interest for students entering industry. 501. Structure and Processing of Electrical Materials Prerequisite: Mat. Sci. & Eng. 440 or FECS 314. (2 credits) The role of chemistry, structure, and processing in determining the properties of electrical materials. 511. (Chem. Eng. 511) Rheology of Polymeric Materials Prerequisite: a course in fluid mechanics or permission from instructor. (3 credits) An introduction to the relationships between the chemical structure of polymer chains and their rheological behavior. The course will make frequent reference to synthesis, processing, characterization, and use of polymers for high technology applications. 512. (Chem. Eng. 512) Polymer Physics Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing in engineering or physical science. (3 credits) Structure and properties of polymers as related to their composition, annealing, and mechanical treatments. Topics include creep, stress relaxation, dynamic mechanical properties, viscoelasticity, transitions, fracture, impact response, dielectric properties, permeation, and morphology. 514. Composite Materials Prerequisite. MSE 350. (3 credits) Behavior, processing, and design of composite materials, especially fiber composites. Emphasis is on the chemical and physical processes currently employed and expected to guide the future development of the technology. 515. Mechanical Behavior of Solid Polymeric Materials Prerequisite: Mat. Sci. & Eng. 412, Mech. Eng. 210 and Mech. Eng. 211, or permission of instructor. HI. (3 credits) The mechanical behavior of polymers from linear viscoelastic to yield and fracture are covered. Specific topics include dynamic- mechanical relaxations, creep, yielding, crazing, fatigue, and fracture mechanics. The materials include toughened plastics, polymer alloys and blends, and composite materials. Structural design with plastics is also considered. 520. Advanced Mechanical Behavior Prerequisite: Graduate standing. AI. (3 credits) Advanced studies of deformation and failure in materials. Macroscopic and microscopic aspects of deformation. Elasticity and plasticity theories and problems in deformation processing. Fracture mechanics and composite toughening mechanisms. Mechanisms of creep deformation. 523. (Mech. Eng. 582) Metal-Forming Plasticity (3 credits) Elastic and plastic stress- strain relations; yield criteria and flow rules; analyses of various plastic forming operations. Effects of work hardening and friction, temperature, strain rate, and anisotropy. 525. Dislocations and Plastic Flow of Materials Prerequisite: Mat. Sci. & Eng. 420 or graduate standing in engineering or physical science. II. (3 credits). Fundamentals of dislocation theory. Applications to the understanding of physical and mechanical behavior of materials. Dislocation bases for materials design. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 526. Micromechanisms of Strengthening and Flow Prerequisites: Mat. Sci & Eng. 420 or Mat. Sci & Eng. 470. Il. (3 credits) Micromechanisms responsible for strengthening and deformation in structural materials. Quantitative analyses of microscopic processes. Theories of work hardening, ploycrystalline strengthening, dislocation precipitate interactions, kinetics of slip and climb processes, diffusion-assisted flow, grain boundary sliding and migration processes, physical basis for constitutive equatior. 532. Avanced Thermodynam- ics of Materials Prerequisite: Mat. Sci. & Eng. 430 or equivalent. I. (3 credits) Classical and statistical thermochemistry with emphasis on topics important in Materials Science and Engineering; including thermodynamics of solids, solution thermochemistry, heterogeneous equilibria of stable and metastable phases, multicomponent systems, coherent equilibria and strain effects interfaces and adsorption, polymer alloys and solutions. 535. Kinetics, Phase Transformations and Transport Prerequisite. Mat. Sci. & Eng. 430 or equivalent I. (3 credits) Fundamentals of phase change, diffurion, heat transport, nucleation, and growth applied to solidifica- tion; ordering, spinodal decomposition, coarsening, reactions, massive transformations, diffusion- limited transformations and glass transitions. 542. Reactions in Ceramic Processes Prerequisites: MSE 450 or graduate standing. (3 credits) Dissociation, sintering, vitrification, devitrification, and thermochemical reactions in ceramic processing. 543. Structures of Ceramic Compounds Prerequisites. MSE 450 or graduate standing. (3 credits) Structures and crystal chemistry of ceramic compounds. 544. Properties of Ceramic Compounds Prerequisites: MSE 450 or graduate standing. (3 credits) Consideration of mechanical, thermal, dielectric, ferroelectric, magnetic, and semiconducting properties of ceramic compounds. 550. Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing and permission of instructor. L. (3 credits) An advanced level survey of the fundamental principles underlying the structures, properties, processing, and uses of engineering materials. 555. Physical Properties of Materials Prerequisites: MSE 400 or MSE 550. II. (3 credits) An introduction to the quantum and statistical mechanics and the mathematics of crystal physics. Application of these methods to the electronic and vibrational properties of solids. The relationship of these to the thermodynamic properties of solids will be emphasized. 560. Structure of Materials Prerequisite: Mat. Sci. & Eng. 550. II. (3 credits) Atomic arrangements in crystalline and noncrystalline materials. Crystallography, kinematic and dynamical theories of diffraction, applications to x-rays, 323 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 324 electrons and neutrons. Interpretation of diffraction patterns and intensity distributions, applications to scattering in perfect and imperfect crystals, and amorphous materials. Continuum description of structure emphasizing the tensor analysis of distortions in solids. 562. Electron Microscopy I Prerequisite: Mat. Sci. & Eng. 460. I. (4 credits) An introduction to electron optics, vacuum techniques and the operation of electron optical instruments. The theory and applications of transmission and scanning electron microscopy and electron microprobe analysis in the study of nonbiological materials. 573. (Chem. Eng. 573) Corrosion Engineering Prerequisite: course in Materials Engineering. (3 credits) Fundamentals involved in choosing materials in corroding media, corrosion control methods, and corrosion-failure analysis. 574. High Temperature Materials Prerequisite: Mat. Sci. & Eng. 350. (3 credits) Principles of behavior of materials at high tempera- tures. Microstructure- property relationships including phase stability and corrosion resistance to high temperature materials. Fracture and fatigue at elevated temperatures. Damage accumulation behavior and engineering applications of service life techniques. 577. Failure Analysis of Materials Prerequisite: Mat. Sci. & Eng. 350. II. (3 credits) Analysis of failed structures due to tensile overload, creep, fatigue, stress corrosion, wear and abrasion, with extensive use of scanning electron micro- scope. Identification and role of processing defects in failure. 580. Materials Science and Engineering Design Not open to students who have taken Mat. Sci. & Eng. 480. I. (4 credits) Design of materials processing systems. Selection and utilization of materials in engineering applications, economic aspects of design, estimating procedures. 585. Materials or Metallurgi- cal Design Problem Prerequisite: Mat. Sci. & Eng. 480 or to be taken concurrently with Mat. Sci. & Eng. 580. I. (2 credits) Engineering design and economic evaluation of a specific process and/or materials application. Original and individual work and excellence of reporting emphasized. Written and oral presentation of design required. 590. Materials Science and Engineering Research Survey (2 credits) Research activities and opportunities in the Materials Science and Engineering programs. Lecture by faculty and guest lecturers. Topics are drawn from current research interest of the faculty. Brief weekly reports. 622. (Nucl. Eng. 622) Ion Beam Modification and Analysis of Materials Prerequisites: NucL. Eng. 421/521 or Mat. Sci. Eng. 350 or Permission of Instructor. I. (3 credits) Ion-solid interactions, ion beam mixing, compositional changes, phase changes, microstructural changes; alteration of physical and MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING mechanical properties such as corrosion, wear, fatigue, hardness; ion beam analysis techniques such as RBS, NRA, PIXE, ion channeling, ion microprobe; accelerator system design and operation as it relates to implantation and analysis. 662. Electron Microscopy II Prerequisite: Mat. Sci. & Eng. 562. (3 credits) Advanced methods in electron microscopy such as: high resolution bright field and dark field imaging, micro and convergent beam diffraction, analysis of thin film specimens, and electron energy loss spectroscopy. Two lectures and one three- hour laboratory-discussion session per week. 690. Research Problems in Materials Science and Engineering , I, and /I (To be arranged) Laboratory and conferences. Individual or group work in a' particular field or on a problem of special interest to the students. The program of work is arranged at the beginning of each term by mutual agreement between the student and a member of the faculty. Any problem in the field of materials and metallurgy may be selected. The student writes a final report on this project. 693. Special Topics in Materials Science and Engineering (To be arranged) 751. (Chem. Eng. 751) (Chem. 751) (Macr. Sci. 751) (Physics 751) Special Topics in Macromolecular Science Prerequisite: permission of instructor (2 credits) Advanced topics of current interest will be stressed. The specific topics will vary with the instructor. 890. Seminar in Materials Science and Engineering (To be arranged) Selected seminar topics in physical metallurgy, mechanical metallurgy, chemical metallurgy, physical ceramics, process ceramics, physical polymers, polymerization reactions, or electronic materials. 990. Dissertation/ Pre-Candidate 1, / and /l/. (2-8 credits) I/a and /I/b (1-4 credits) Election for dissertation work by doctoral student not yet admitted to status as Candidate. The defense of the dissertation, that is, the final oral examination, must be held under afull term candidacy enrollment. 995. Dissertation/Candidate Prerequisite: Graduate School authorization for admission as a doctoral Candidate. I II, and /I. (8 credits); I//a and /I/b (4 credits) Election for dissertation work by doctoral student who has been admitted to status as a Candidate. The defense of the dissertation that is, the final oral examination, must be held under a full term candidacy enrollment. 325 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 36.Mathematics Department Offices 3217 Angell Hall (313) 764-0337 317 West Engineering (313) 764-6485 105. Algebra and Analytic Trigonometry Prerequisite: one to one and one-half units of geometry, and one to one and one-half units of algebra. land/I. (4 credits). No credit for engineering students. Number systems; factoring; fractions; exponents and radicals; systems of equations; linear, quadratic, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions, their graphs and properties; triangle solutions; curve sketching. 106. Algebra and Analytic Trigonometry Prerequisite: one to one and one-half units of algebra and one to one and one-half units of geometry. Iand I. (4 credits) Course content is identical with Math. 105. There are no lectures-students are assigned to a tutor in the Math Lab for individualized instruction. College of Literature, Science and the Arts. Other courses in mathematics are listed in the Bulletins of that College and of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Professor D.J. Lewis, Chair Professors Blass, Brown, Burns, Conlon, Dickson, Dolgachev, Duren, Federbush, Fornaess, Gehring (T.H. Hildebrandt Distinguished University Professor), Griess, Hanlon, Harer, Higman, Hinman, Hochster, (R.L. Wilder Professor), Kister, Krause, Lewis, Masser, McLaughlin, Milne, Montgomery, Prasad, Ramanujan, Rauch, Raymond, P. Scott, Simon, Smoller, Stafford, Storer, Taylor, Ullman, Wasserman, Winter, Woodroofe; Associate Professors Barrett, Goldberg, Krasny, Lott, Moy, Schwartz, Shih, Spatzier, Stembridge, Stensones, Uribe, Weinstein; Assistant Professors Boden, Bohus, Borgers, Brady, Brummelhuis, Buckley, Butler, Chen, Collins, Dean, Draghicescu, Gitik, Gross, Harabetian, Hauser, Hildebrand, Hu, Huang, Jing, Karni, Lu, Peretz, Redondo, Sauter, Shearer, Silverman, Thunder, To, Trapp, Wooley, Ye, Zhang; Hildebrandt Research Assistant Professors; Cheung, Izzo, Jin, Leaderich, Shen, Shpiz; Lecturers Plochinski, Shure; Professors Emeriti Bartels, Brumfiel, Dolph, Harary, Hay, Heins, D. Jones, P. Jones, Kaplan, Kincaid, Lee, Nesbitt, Pearcy, Piranian, Reade, Rosen, Titus, and Wendel. 109. Pre-calculus Prerequisite: two years of high school algebra. l and II. (2; No credit for students who already have 4 credits for pre-calculus mathematics courses.) Linear, quadratic, and absolute value equations and inequali- ties. Algebra of functions; trig identities. Functions and graphs: trig and inverse trig, exponential and logarithmic, polynomial and rational. Analytic geometry of lines and conic sections. 110. Pre-calculus (Self-paced) See Math 109. 115. Analytic Geometry and Calculus I Prerequisite: 3-4 years high school math including trigonometry. I, ll, I/Ia, and I/lb. (4 credits) Functions and graphs; derivatives, differentiation of algebraic functions, applica- tions; definite and indefinite integrals, applications to polynomial functions. MATHEMATICS 116. Analytic Geometry and Calculus II Prerequisite: Math. 115. /, II, 1/a, and /l/b. (4 credits) Review of transcendental functions; techniques of integration; conic sections; infinite sequences and series; power series. 175. Combinatorics and Calculus I Prerequisites: Permission of the honors counselor. 1. (4 credits) There are two major topic areas: graph theory and enumeration theory. The first will include basic definitions and some of the more interesting and useful theorems of graph theory. The emphasis will be on topological results and applications to computer science and will include (1) connectivity; (2) trees, Prufer codes, and data structures; (3) planar graphs, Euler's formula and Kuratowski's Theorem; (4) coloring graphs, chromatic polynomi- als, and orientation; and (5) optimization of network flows. The section on enumeration theory will emphasize classical methods for counting including (1) binomial theorem and its generalizations; (2) solving recursions; (3) generating functions; and (4) inclusion- exclusion. 176. Combinatorics and Calculus II Prerequisite. Math. 175 or permission of instructor. AI. (4 credits) A follow-up to Math. 175, taught with a strong emphasis on experimentation and discovery. Topics include integrals, Monte Carlo integration, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, areas, arclength, power series, convergence tests, Taylor's Theorem, conic sections. 185. Honors Analytic Geometry and Calculus I Prerequisite: permission of the Honors counselor. L. (4 credits) Topics covered include functions and graphs, derivatives, differentiation of algebraic and trigonometric functions and applications, definite and indefinite integrals and applications. Other topics will be included at the discretion of the instructor. 186. Honors Analytic Geometry and Calculus II Prerequisite: permission of the Honors counselor. I. (4 credits) Topics covered include transcendental functions, techniques of integration, introduction to differential equations, conic sections, and infinite sequences and series. Other topics will be included at the discretion of the instructor. 195. Honors Mathematics I Prerequisite: permission of the Honors counselor. I. (4 credits) Functions of one variable and their representation by graphs; limits and continuity; derivatives and integrals with applications; parametric representation; polar coordinates; applications of mathematical induction; determinants and systems of linear equations. 196. Honors Mathematics II Prerequisite: permission of the Honors counselor. I. (4 credits) Transcendental functions, methods of integration, infinite series, linear algebra. 215. Analytic Geometry and Calculus Ill Prerequisite: Math. 116 or 186. /, //, 1lia and 111b. (4 credits) Topics include vector algebra and vector functions; analytic geometry of planes, surfaces, and solids; functions of several variables and partial differentiation; line, surface, and volume integrals and applications; vector fields and integration; Green's Theorem and Stokes' Theorem. 327 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 328 216. Introduction to Differential Equations Prerequisite: Math. 215. I, II, //a, and //b. (4 credits; no credit after 316) Topics include first-order differential equations, higher- order linear differential equations with constant coefficients, linear systems. 217. Linear Algebra Prerequisite: Math. 215 or 285. l and /. (3 credits; no credit after 417) The topics covered are systems of linear equations, matrices, vector spaces (subspaces of Rn), linear transformations, determinants, Eigenvectors and diagonaliza- tion, arfd inner products. 285. Honors Analytic Geometry and Calculus Ill Prerequisite: Math. 186 or permission. I. (4 credits) Topics include vector algebra and vector functions; analytic geometry of planes, surfaces, and solids; functions of several variables and partial differentiation; line, surface, and volume integrals and applications; vector fields and integration; Green's Theorem and Stokes' Theorem. 286. Honors Differential Equations Prerequisite: Math. 285. ll. (3 credits) Topics include first-order differential equations, higher- order linear differential equations with constant coefficients, linear systems. 288. Math Modelling Workshop Prerequisite. Math. 216, 316, or 286 and 217, 417, or 419. I. (1 credit) During the weekly workshop students will be presented with real-world problems on which techniques of undergraduate mathematics offer insights. They will see examples of (1) how to approach and set up a given modelling problem systematically, (2) how to use mathematical techniques to begin a solution of the problem, (3) what to do about the loose ends that can't be solved, and (4) how to present the solution to others. Students will have a chance to use skills developed by participating in the UM Undergraduate Math Modelling Competition. 289. Problem Solving Prerequisite: permission of instructor. l and /. (1 credit) Students and one or more faculty and graduate student assistants will meet in small groups to explore problems in many different areas of mathematics. Problems will be selected according to interests and background of the students. 295. Honors Analysis I Prerequisites: Math. 196 or permission. I. (4 credits) This course studies functions of several real variables. Topics include elementary linear algebra; vector spaces, subspaces, bases, dimen- sion, solution of linear systems by Gaussian elimination; elementary topology: open, closed, compact, and connected sets, continuous and uniformly continuous functions; differential and integral calculus of vector-valued functions of a scalar; differential calculus of scalar- valued functions on Euclidean spaces; linear transformations: null space, range, matrices, calculations, linear systems, norms; differential calculus of vector- valued mappings on Euclidean spaces: derivative, chain rule, implicit and inverse function theorems. 296. Honors Analysis II Prerequisite: Math. 295. II. (4 credits) Differential and integral calculus of functions on Euclidian spaces. MATHEMATICS 300. (EECS 300) Mathematical Methods in Systems Analysis Prerequisite. Math. 216. l and /. (3 credits). Credit is not granted for both Math. 300 and Math. 448. An introductory course in operational mathematics as embodied in Laplace transforms, Fourier series, Fourier transforms, and complex variables with emphasis on their application to the solution of systems of linear differential equations. The response of linear systems to step, impulse, sinusoidal forcing functions. 312. Applied Modern Algebra Prerequisite: Math. 116. 1,/I, and occasionally /la. (3 credits) There are many possible topics which are natural here including counting techniques, finite state machines, logic and set theory, graphs and networks, Boolean algebra, group theory, and coding theory. Each instructor will choose some from this list and consequently the course content will vary from section to section. 316. Differential Equations Prerequisites: Math. 215 and 217 or equivalent. l and/. (3 credits). Credit can be received for only one of Math. 216 or 316, and credit can be received for only one of Math. 316 or 404. Math. 316 is a rigorous course on differential equations for math, science, and engineering majors with a good background in both calculus and linear algebra. As well as material normally included in a junior level differential equations course, Math. 316 will include qualitative theory, and existence and uniqueness theorems. The use of microcomputers and standard commercial programs available for such a course will be encouraged. 350. (Aero Eng. 350) Aerospace Engineering Analysis Prerequisite: Math. 216. (3 credits) Formulation and solution of some of the elementary initial- and boundary- value problems relevant to aerospace engineering. Application of Fourier series, separation of variables, and vector analysis to problems of forced oscillations, wave motion, diffusion, elasticity, and perfect-fluid theory. 371. (Eng. 371) Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists Prerequisite: Eng. 103 or 104, or equivalent; and Math. 216. land II. (3 credits) This is a survey course of the basic numerical methods which are used to solve scientific problems. In addition, concepts such as accuracy, stability and efficiency are discussed. The course provides an introduction to MATLAB, an interactive program for numerical linear algebra as well as practice in computer programming. 404. Intermediate Differential Equations Prerequisite: Math. 216. , I, //a and //lb. (3 credits; no credit after 286 or 316) Linear systems, solutions by matrices, qualitative theory, power series solutions, numerical methods, phase- plane analysis of non-linear differential equations. 412. First Course in Modern Algebra Prerequisite. Math. 215 or 285 or permission of instructor. I, II, l/la and//lb. (3 credits) Fields and domains. Polynomials. Divisibility. Solution of polynomial equations. Symmetric functions. Determinants. Vector spaces. 416. Theory of Algorithms Prerequisite: Math. 312 or 412 or FECS 303. / and I. (3 credits) Enumeration-type algorithms: sieve formulas, binomial coefficients, Stirling num- bers. Generation-type algo- rithms: generating permuta- tions, subsets, partitions, Random generators. Graph 329 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 33o algorithms: paths, depth-first search, spanning trees, cliques. Complexity: run and storage restrictions, NP completeness. 417. Matrix Algebra I Prerequisite: 3 courses beyond Math. 110. I, II, /Ia and //lb. (3 credits;none after 217). Topics include matrix operations, vector spaces, Gaussian and Gaussian- Jordan algorithms for linear equations, subspaces of vector spaces, linear transformations, determi- nants, orthogonality, characteristic polynomials, eigenvalue problems, and similarity theory. Applica- tions include linear networks, least squares method (regression), discrete Markov processes, linear program- ming, and differential equations. 419. (EECS 400) Linear Spaces and Matrix Theory Prerequisite: four courses beyond Math. 110. land /I. (3 credits; 1 after 417, no credit after 217 or 513) Basic notions of vector spaces and linear transforma- tions: spanning, linear independence, bases, dimension, matrix represen- tation of linear transforma- tions, determinants, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, Jordan canonical form, inner- product spaces; unitary, self- adjoint, and orthogonal operators and matrices, applications to differential and difference equations. 420. Matrix Algebra II Prerequisite: Math. 417 or 419. lI. (3 credits) Hermitian, positive definite and unitary matrices. Applications in mechanics. Linear programming, simplex algorithm. Selected topics from theory of finite elements, coding theory, Rayleigh quotients, and others. 425. Introduction to Probability Prerequisite: Math. 215 or 285. land /. (3 credits) Topics include the basic results and methods of both discrete and continuous probability theory. Different instructors will vary the emphasis between these two theories. 433. Introduction to Differential Geometry Prerequisite: Math. 215. ll. (3 credits) Curves and surfaces in three- space, using calculus. Curvature and torsion of curves. Curvature, covariant differentiation, parallelism, isometry, geodesics, and area on surfaces. Gauss-Bonnet Theorem. Minimal surfaces. 448. Operational Methods for Systems Analysis Prerequisite: Math. 450 or 451. I. (3 credits). Credit is not given for both Math. 448 and Math. 300 cannot both be taken for credit. Introduction to complex variables. Fourier series and integrals. Laplace trans- forms, application to systems of linear differential equations; theory of weighting function, frequency response function, transfer function, stability criteria, including those of Hurwitz- Routh and Nyquist. 450. Advanced Mathematics for Engineers I Prerequisite: Math. 216, 3.16 or 286. /, A , l/a, and /1b. (4 credits) Topics include a review of curves and surfaces in implicit, parametric, and explicit forms; differentiability and affine approximations; implicit and inverse function theorems; chain rule for 3- space; multiple integrals; scalar and vector fields; line and surface integrals; computations of planetary motion, work, circulation, and flux over surfaces; Gauss' and Stokes' Theorems, derivation of continuity and heat equation. Some instructors include more material on higher dimensional spaces and an introduction to Fourier series. MATHEMATICS 451. Advanced Calculus I Prerequisite: Math. 285, or 215 and one subsequent course. I, ll, lla. (3 credits) The material usually covered is essentially that of Ross' book. Chapter I deals with the properties of the real number system including (optionally) its construction from the natural and rational numbers. Chapter II concentrates on sequences and their limits, Chapters III and IV on the application of these ideas to continuity of functions, and Chapter VI does the same for (Riemann) integration culminating in the proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Along the way there are presented generalizations of many of these ideas from the real line to abstract metric spaces. 452. Advanced Calculus I1 Prerequisite: Math. 217, 417, or 419 (may be concurrent) and 451. (3 credits) topics include (1) partial derivatives and differentiabil- ity, (2) gradients, directional derivatives, and the chain rule, (3) implicit function theorem, (4) surfaces, tangent plane, (5) max-min theory, (6) multiple integration, change of variable, etc. (7) Green's and Stokes' theorems, differential forms, exterior derivatives (8) introduction to the differential geometry of curves and surfaces. 454. Fourier Series and Applications Prerequisite: Math. 216, 316, or 286. I, I, Ila and//lb. (3 credits; 1 after Math. 455 or 554) Classical representation and convergence theorems for Fourier series; method of separation of variables for the solution of the one- dimensional heat and wave equation; the heat and wave equations in higher dimensions; spherical and cylindrical Bessel functions; Legendre polynomials; methods for evaluating asymptotic integrals (Laplace's method, steepest descent); discrete Fourier transform; applications to linear input-output systems, analysis of data smoothing and filtering, signal processing, time-series analysis, and spectral analysis. 462. Mathematical Models Prerequisite: Math. 216 and 417. II. (3 credits) Construction and analysis of mathematical models involving probability, combinatorics, decision theory, optimization, games, and dynamics. Applications to some of the physical, social, life, and decision sciences. 471. Introduction to Numerical Methods Prerequisite. Math. 216, 316, or 286; and 217, 417, or 419; and a working knowledge of one high-level computer language. land I. (3 credits) Topics include computer arithmetic, Newton's method for nonlinear equations, polynomials interpolation, numerical integration, systems of linear equations, initial value problems for ordinary differential equations, quadrature, partial pivoting, spline approximations, partial differential equations, Monte Carlo methods. 481. Introduction to Mathematical Logic Prerequisite: Math. 412 or 451 or equivalent experience with abstract mathematics. I. (3 credits) In the first third of the course the notion of a formal language is introduced and propositional connectives ('and', 'or', 'not', 'implies'), tautologies and tautological consequences are studied. The heart of the course is the study of first- order predicate languages and their models. The new elements here are quantifiers ('there exists' and 'for all'). The study of the notion of truth, logical consequence, and provability lead to the completeness and compactness 331 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 332 theorems. The final topics include some applications of these theorems, usually including non-standard analysis. 490. Introduction to Topology Prerequisite: Math. 412 or 451 or equivalent experience with abstract mathematics. I. (3 credits) The topics covered are fairly constant but the presentation and emphasis will vary significantly with the instructor. Point-set topology, examples of topological spaces, orientable and non-orientable surfaces, fundamental groups, homotopy, covering spaces. Metric and Euclidean spaces are emphasized. 512. Algebraic Structures Prerequisite: Math.285 or one 400 level course or permission of instructor. Math. 512 requires more mathematical maturity than 412. Credit is not given for both Math. 412 and 512. I. (3 credits) Description and in-depth study of the basic algebraic structures groups, rings, fields, including: set theory , relations, quotient groups, permutation groups, Sylow's Theorem, quotient rings, field of fractions, extension fields, roots of polynomials, straightedge and compass solutions, and other topics. 513. Introduction to Linear Algebra Prerequisite: Math. 412. land ll. (3 credits) Vector spaces; linear transformations and matrices, equivalence of matrices and forms, canonical forms; application to linear differential equations. One credit for 513 will be given to those with credit for Math. 417. 516. Topics in the Theory of Algorithms Prerequisite : Math. 416 and 417, EECS 480, or equivalent. (3 credits) Graph Theory, Algorithms, Planarity - Graphs, planarity, Kuratowski subgraphs, polynomial time planarity tests, 3-connectivity, Tarjan's algorithm. Matchings - the Edmonds algorithm, Gabow's extension, applications. 525. (Stat. 525) Probability Prerequisite: Math. 450 or 451; or permission of the instructor. land II. (3 credits) Axiomatic probability; combinatorics; random variables and their distributions; expectation; the mean, variance, and moment generating function; induced distributions; sums of independent random variables; the law of large numbers; the central limit theorem. Optional topics drawn from: random walks, Markov chains, and/or martingales. Carries one unit of credit for students with credit for Math./Stat. 425. 555. Introduction to Complex Variables Prerequisite. Math. 450 or 451. , l,1la, and Ilb. (3 credits; 1 after 554). Differentiation and integration of complex valued functions of a complex variable, series, mappings, residues, applications. 556. Methods of Applied Mathematics I Prerequisite. Math. 217, 419, or 513; and 454. I. (3 credits) Topics include Green's functions for ordinary differential equations, distributions, integral operators on L2, Hilbert spaces, complete orthonormal sets, compact self-adjoint operators, and scattering theory on R. Other topics may include material on the basic partial differential equations of mathematical physics. (Laplace's Equation, the Heat Equation, the Wave Equation, and Schrddinger's Equations.) 557. Methods of Applied Mathematics II Prerequisite: Math. 217, 419, or 513; 454 and 555. II. (3 credits) Topics include transform MATHEMATICS methods for partial differential equations, asymptotic expansions, regular and singular perturbation problems, non- linear stability theory, bifurcations, non-linear evolution equations, and associated phenomena. 559. Selected Topics in Mathematics Prerequisite: Math. 451 and 419 or equivalent. I. (3 credits) Covers a branch of mathematics which has been strongly influenced by another science. The instructor will educate the student in the intuitions of that science as well as present mathematical proofs. 561. (S&M.S. 518) (I.&O.E. 510) Linear Programming I Prerequisite: Math. 417 or l.&0.E. 310. I, II, and /I/a. (3 credits) Formulation of problems from the private and public sectors using the mathemati- cal model of linear programming. Development of the simplex algorithm; duality theory and economic interpretations. Postoptimal- ity (sensitivity) analysis; applications and interpreta- tions. Introduction to transportation and assign- ment problems; special purpose algorithms and advanced computational techniques. Students have opportunities to formulate and solve models developed from more complex case studies and to use various computer programs. 562. (EECS 505) (I.&O.E. 511) (Aero. Eng. 577) Continuous Optimization Methods Prerequisite: Math. 417 or Math. 419. (3 credits) Survey of continuous optimization problems. Unconstrained optimization problems; unidirectional search techniques; gradient, conjugate direction, quasi- Newton methods. Introduc- tion to constrained optimization using techniques for unconstrained optimization through penalty transformations, augmented Lagrangians, and others. Discussion of computer programs for various algorithms. 565. Combinatorics and Graph Theory Prerequisites: Math. 412 or 451 or equivalent experience with abstract mathematics. I. (3 credits) Graph Theory topics include Trees; k-connectivity; Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs; tournaments; graph coloring; planar graphs, Euler's formulas, and the 5- Color Theorem; Kuratowski's Theorem; and the Matrix-Tree Theorem. Enumeration topics include fundamental principles, bijections, generating functions, binomial theorem, partitions and q-series, linear recurrences and rational generating functions, and Polya theory. 566. Combinatorial Theory Prerequisite: Math. 216 or 286 or permission of instructor. (3 credits) Permutations, combinations, generating functions, and recurrence relations. The existence and enumeration of finite, discrete configurations. Systems of representatives, Ramsey's Theorem, and extremal problems. Construction of combinato- rial designs. 567. The Combinatorics of Communication Theory Prerequisite: Math. 217 or 417 or equivalent. This course is an introduc- tion to coding for error correction. Topics include algebraic coding theory, Golay codes and the miracle octad generator; coding for constrained channels using finite state machines. 571. Numerical Methods for Scientific Computing I Prerequisite: Math. 217, 419, or 513 and 454 or permis- sion. l and/I. (3 credits) The topics covered usually include direct and iterative methods for solving systems 333 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 334 of linear equations, least- squares methods, and computation of eigenvectors and eigenvalues. 572. Numerical Methods for Scientific Computing 11 Prerequisite: Math. 217, 419, or 513 and 454 or permis- sion. 1/. (3 credits) Topics include one step, multistep, and stiff methods for initial value problems for ODE's, stability and convergence, hyperbolic, elliptic, and parabolic PDE's, CFL condition, von Neumann stability, finite element methods, spectral methods. 593. Algebra I Prerequisite: Math. 513. I. (3 credits) Rings and modules. Euclidean rings, PIDs, classification of modules over a PID. Jordan and rational canonical forms. Structure of bilinear forms. Tensor products of modules; exterior algebras. 594. Algebra II Prerequisites: Math. 593. (3 credits) Group theory. Permutation representations, simplicity of alternating groups for n>4. Sylow theorems. Series in groups; solvable and nilpotent groups. Jordan- Holder theorem for groups with operators. Free groups and representations. Field extensions, norm and trace, algebraic closures. Galois theory. Transcendence degree. 596. Analysis I Prerequisite: Math. 451. (3, 2 hours credit for those with credit for Math. 555.) Review of analysis in R2 including metric spaces, differentiable maps, Cauchy- Riemann equations, auto- morphisms. Analytic functions, Cauchy integral formula. Power series and Laurent expansions, fundamental theorem of algebra, harmonic functions. Functions analytic in a disk. Global properties of analytic functions. Riemann mapping theorem. Normal families. 597. Analysis I Prerequisite: Math. 451 and 513. 1. (3 credits) Lebesgue measure and integration on the line; convergence theorems, functions of bounded variation, absolute continuity, differentiation theory in one and several variables; general measure spaces; product spaces, Fubini's theorem; Radon-Nikodym theorem. 602. Real Analysis I1 Prerequisite: Math. 590 and Math 597. I. (3 credits) Introduction to functional analysis; metric spaces, completion, Banach spaces, Hilbert spaces, LP spaces; linear functionals, dual spaces; Riesz representation theorems; principle of uniform boundedness, closed graph theorem. Hahn- Banach theorem, Baire category theorem; applica- tions to classical analysis. 604. Complex Analysis II Prerequisite: Math. 596. I. (3 credits) Selected topics such as normal families, Riemann mapping theorem, conformal mapping of multiply connected domains; elliptic functions; entire and meromorphic functions, Picard's theorem, value distribution theory; Phragmen-Lindelof theorems; harmonic functions, Dirichlet problem; schlicht functions. 607. Theory of Distributions Prerequisite: Math. 597 (3 credits) Theory of distributions. Sobolev spaces. Fundamen- tal solution of partial differential equations. Boundary value problems. Solutions of problems of optimization with partial differential equations as side conditions. Theorems of regularity. Characterization of singularities. MATHEMATICS 625. (Statistics 625) Probability and Random Processes I Prerequisite. Math. 597. II. (3 credits) Axiomatics; measures and integration in abstract spaces. Fourier analysis, characteristic functions. Conditional expectation. Kolmogorov extension theorem. Stochastic processes; Wiener-Levy, infinitely divisible, stable. Limit theorems, law of the iterated logarithm. 626. (Statistics 626) Probability and Random Processes II Prerequisite: Math. 625. I. (3 credits) Selected topics from among: diffusion theory and partial differential equations; spectral analysis; stationary processes and ergodic theory; information theory; martingales and gambling systems; theory of partial sums. 651. Foundations of Applied Mathematics I Prerequisite: Math. 451, 555, and one other 500 level course in analysis or differential equations or consent of the instructor. 1 (3 credits) The regular Sturm-Liouville theory for ordinary and partial differential equations including the rudiments of spectral theory and operator theory. 652. Foundations of Applied Mathematics II Prerequisite: Math. 651 or consent of instructor. II (3 credits) A continuation of Math. 651. Spectral theory of self-adjoint operations and an introduc- tion to the singular Sturm- Liouville theory. 656. Advanced Partial Differential Equations Prerequisite: Math. 558, 597, and 603 or permission of instructor. (3 credits) Modern developments in the theory of partial differential equations. 658. Ordinary Differential Equations Prerequisite: Math. 602. (3 credits) Existence theorems, linear systems, Sturm-Liouville theory. Qualitative study of flows and vector fields in the plane and on 2-manifolds. Periodic solutions, Hamiltonian systems, stability. 660. (I.&O.E. 610) Linear Programming Il Prerequisite: Math. 561. If (3 credits) For description, see .&O.E. 610. 663. (I.&O.E. 611) Non-linear Programming I Prerequisite: Math. 561, 594, or 490. I. (3 credits). For description, see I.&0.E. 611. 664. Combinatorial Theory I Prerequisite: Math. 512. 1. (3 credits) An introduction to the techniques of enumeration. Basic material for the first of this course is found in Stanley's "Enumerative Combinatorics, Vol. I." The second half consists of such topics as ordinary and exponential generating functions, Sieve methods, partitions and q-series, Polya Theory and other optional topics as time permits. 665. Combinatorial Theory II Prerequisite: Math. 664 or equivalent. II. (3 credits) Selected topics from among: diffusion theory and partial differential equations; spectral analysis; stationary processes and ergodic theory; information theory; martingales and gambling systems; theory of partial sums. 335 CoUR S E DESCRIPTIONS 336 668. Topics in Graph Theory Prerequisite: Math. 565 or 566, or permission of instructor. (3 credits) Selected subjects chosen usually from the areas of graphs and matrices, graphs and their groups, topological graph theory, and extremal problems. 669. Topics in Combinatorial Theory Prerequisite: Math. 565 or 566, or permission of instructor. (3 credits) Selected topics from the foundations of combina- torics, including the analysis of general partially ordered sets, combinatorial designs in loops and structures in abstract systems, enumera- tion under group action, combinatorial aspects of finite simple groups. 671. Analysis of Numerical Methods I Prerequisite: Math. 571, 572, or permission of instructor. (3 credits) This is a course on special topics in numerical analysis and scientific computing. Subjects of current research interest will be included. Recent topics have been: Finite difference methods for hyperbolic problems, multi- grid methods for elliptic boundary value problems. Students can take this class for credit repeatedly. /A 4 COE//// /i / r y / //" J MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MECHANICS Mechanical Engineering 337 Department Office 2250 G.G. Brown (313) 764-2694 Professor Vedat S. Arpaci, Sc.D. James R. Barber, Ph.D. Samuel K. Clarke, Ph.D., P.E. Maria A. Comninou, Ph.D. Walter Ralph Debler, Ph.D., P.E. David Kniseley Felbeck, Sc.D., P.E. Stanley J. Jacobs, Ph.D., also Oceanic Science Noboru Kikuchi, Ph.D. Yoram Koren, Ph.D. Kenneth C. Ludema, Ph.D. Herman Merte, Jr., Ph.D. Panos Papalambros, Ph.D. Donald J. Patterson, Ph.D., P.E. Albert B. Schultz, Ph.D., Vennema Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics Gene Everett Smith, Ph.D., Assistant Dean of the College of Engineering John E. Taylor, Ph.D., also Aerospace Engineering Alan Stuart Wineman, Ph.D. Shien-Ming Wu, Ph.D., J. Reid and Polly Anderson Professor of Manufactur- ing Technology Wei-Hsuin Yang, Ph.D. Wen-Jei Yang, Ph.D., P.E. Richard Edwin Sonntag, Ph.D., Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics Richard Anthony Scott, Ph.D., Professor and Associate Chair of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics Professor Emeritus Associate Professor Herbert Herle Alvord, M.S.E. Jay Arthur Bolt, M.S., M.E., P.E. Orlan William Boston, M.S.E., M.E., P.E. John Alden Clark, Sc.D., also Production Engineering James Wallace Daily, Ph.D., also Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Engineering Joseph Datsko, M.S.E. Glenn Vernon Edmonson, M.E., P.E., also Bioengineering John Hermann Enns, Ph.D. Robert Seaton Heppinstall, M.S. (M.E.) Engineering Graphics Robert Lawrence Hess, Ph.D. Edward Russell Lady, Ph.D., P.E. William Mirsky, Ph.D. John Raymond Pearson, M.Sc.M.E. Richmond Clay Porter, M.S., M.E., P.E. Leland James Quackenbush, M.S.E. (M.E.) Leonard Segel, M.S. Joseph Edward Shigley, M.S.E., P.E. Hadley James Smith, Ph.D. Chia-Shun Yih, Ph.D., Stephen P. Timoshenko University Professor Emeritus of Fluid Mechanics James Ashton-Miller, Ph.D. Claus Borgnakke, Ph.D. David Edward Cole, Ph.D. Director of Office for Study of Automotive Transportation-UMTRI Glen E. Johnson, Ph.D. Elijah Kannatey-Asibu, Jr., Ph.D. Bruce H. Karnopp, Ph.D. Massoud Kaviany, Ph.D. Robert B. Keller, Ph.D. Jwo Pan, Ph.D. Christopher Pierre, Ph.D. William W. Schultz, Ph.D. Jeffrey L. Stein, Ph.D., P.E. Gretar Tryggvason, Ph.D. A. Galip Ulsoy, Ph.D. Associate Professor Emeritus Joseph Reid Akerman, Ph.D. Kurt Christian Binder, B.S.E. (M.E.), M.B.A., Engineering Graphics Howard Rex Colby, M.S.E. Donald Craig Douglas, B.S.M.E., Engineering Graphics Robert H. Hoisington, M.S., Engineering Graphics Joseph Casmere Mazur, M.S.E. Raymond Clare Scott, M.S. (Ed.), Engineering Graphics John Graham Young, B.S.E. (M.E.) CoURSE DESCRIPTIONS 338 Assistant Professor Rayhaneh Akhavan, Ph.D. Giles J. Brereton, Ph.D. Steven Ceccio, Ph.D. Debasish Dutta, Ph.D. Spilios Fassois, Ph.D. Robert S. Fijan, Ph.D. John W. Holmes, Ph.D. Gregory M. Hulbert, Ph.D. Sridhar Kota, Ph.D. Noel Perkins, Ph.D. Ravi Rao, Ph.D. Douglas G. Talley, Ph.D. Allen C. Ward, Ph.D. Lecturer Donald M. Geister, M.S.E. Research Scientist Robert D. Ervin, M.S. Assistant Research Scientist Johann Borenstein, D.Sc. Jun Ni, Ph.D. Ahmet Selamet, Ph.D. See Page 195 for statement on Course Equivalence. 101. Introduction to Computer Aided-Design 1, / and //la. (2 credits) High end engineering computer workstations and CAD software with 3D wireframe, surfacing and solids. Use of such computers and software to generate the necessary geometry and data for the engineering analysis/design/ manufacturing process. Graphical communication via freehand sketching. 110. Statics Prerequisite: Math 115. I, II, /la. (2 credits) Basic principles of mechanics; concepts of statics, vectors, and vector additions and products; moments and couples; resultants and equilibrium of general force systems; free body method of analysis; applications to simple problems in all fields of engineering, elementary structures, cables, friction, centroids. Two lecture- recitation classes per week. 210. Introduction to Solid Mechanics Prerequisite: Math 116, and Mech. Eng. 110. 1,1/,/Ia, and //b. (3 credits) Introduction to mechanics of deformable bodies; concepts of stress and strain, classi- fication of material behavior, stress-strain relations, and generalized Hooke's law. Applications involve members under axial load, torsion of circular rods, bending, and shear stresses in beams, combined stresses, deflection of beams. Three lectures per week and six two-hour laboratories per term. 211. Introduction to Solid Mechanics Prerequisite: Physics 140 and Math. 116. /, II, //a. (4 credits). Not open to mechanical engineering students. Principles of statics including equilibrium and static equivalence. Determination of moment and force resultants in slender members. Introduction to mechanics of de-formable bodies; concepts of stress and strain, classifications of material behavior, stress- strain relations and generalized Hooke's law. Application to engineering problems involving members under axial load, torsion of circular rod and tubes, bending and shear stresses in beams, combined stresses, deflection of beams. Four lecture-recitation classes per week and six self-contained, two-hour laboratory sessions per semester. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MECHANICS 231. Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics Prerequisite: Chem. 123 or 124, and 125, and Math. 215. I. (4 credits). Not open to mechanical engineering students. Basic thermodynamics, first law, second law, properties of a pure substance, ideal gases and gaseous mixtures, applications to heat-power machinery. Introduction to statistical thermodynamics and evaluation of thermody- namic properties. Four recitations. 235. Engineering Thermodynamics Prerequisite: Chem. 123 or 124, and 125, and Math. 116. I, II, and //a. (3 credits). Not open to Mechanical Engineering students. Basic course in engineering thermodynamics. First law, second law, system and control volume analyses; properties and behavior of pure substances, ideal gases and mixtures. Three recitations. 236. Thermodynamics I Prerequisite: Chem 123 or 124 and 125, and Math. 116. I, II, and.//a. (4 credits) Basic course in engineering thermodynamics. First law, second law, system and control volume analyses; properties and behavior of pure substances, ideal gases and mixtures; thermodynamic availability; power and refrigeration cycles. Four recitations. 281. mechanical behavior of Engineering Materials Prerequisite: Mat. Sci. 250 and Mech. Eng. 210. l and /. (4 credits) Fundamentals of the mechanical behavior of metals, polymers, ceramics and composites. The relationship between microstructure and mechanical behavior at ambient and elevated temperatures. Strength, fatigue, creep and viscoelas- tic behavior of engineering materials. Two one-hour lectures, one one-hour recitation and one two-hour laboratory per week. 282. Elements of Manufacturing Systems Prerequisite: Physics 240 and 241. I and II. (3 credits). Not open to mechanical engineering students. Introduction to subsystems concerned with workpiece, equipment, kinematics, energy, information, and organization; discussion of dependent relationships between subsystems and cost and quality of products; relevant laboratory projects including use of conventional and numerically controlled machine tools. Two one- hour lecture-recitations and one three-hour laboratory discussion period per week. 305. (Appl. Mech. 305) Introduction to Finite Elements in Mechanical Engineering Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 311. . (3 credits) Rod element stiffness matrix. The assembly process. Solution techniques, gaussian elimination. Truss examples. Beam elements. Frame examples. Plate Bending. Heat conduction. Triangular and quadrilateral elements. The Isoparametric formulation. Plane stress applications. The course is project oriented with a substantial design content. A commercial finite element package is used extensively. 311. Strength of Materials Prerequisites: Mech. Eng. 210 and Math 216. I, II, and /Ia. (3 credits) Energy methods; buckling of columns, including approximate methods; bending of beams of unsymmetrical cross-section; shear center and torsion of thin-walled sections; membrane stresses in axisymmetric shells; elastic- plastic bending and torsion; axisymmetric bending of circular plates. 339 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 340 324. Fluid Mechanics Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 236 and Mech. Eng. 240. I, II, /l/a, and //lb. (4 credits) Control volume analysis; continuity, momentum, angular momentum, and energy equations. Dimen- sional analysis and similitude. Introduction to differential analysis; kinematics; fluid statics; inviscid flow; potential flow; simple viscous incompress- ible flow; lift and drag. Steady one-dimensional compressible flow. Applications to fluid machinery and systems. Three lectures and one three- hour laboratory. 325. (CEE 325) Fluid Mechanics Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 240, preceded or accompanied by Mech. Eng. 235. /, //, //a, and l/b. (3 credits). Not open to mechanical engineering students. Principles of mechanics applied to real and ideal fluids. Topics include fluid properties and statics; continuity, energy and momentum equations by control volume; dimensional analysis and similitude; laminar and turbulent flow; boundary layer, drag, lift; incompressible flow in pipes; free-surface flow; adiabatic flow of ideal gases in conduits; fluid measurement and turbomachinery. 335. Thermodynamics la Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 235. Not open to students with credit for Mech. Eng. 236. I. (1 credit) Thermodynamic availability; power and refrigeration cycles. One recitation. 336. Thermodynamics II Prerequisite. Eng. 103; Mech. Eng. 236 or Mech. Eng. 235 and Mech. Eng. 335. land/. (3 credits) Introduction to statistical thermodynamics and evaluation of thermodynamic properties; general thermodynamic relations, equations of state, and compressibility factors; chemical reactions; combustion; gaseous dissociation; phase equilibrium. Two recitations and one three-hour laboratory. 350. Mechanical Design I Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 210 and Mech. Eng. 281. l and /. (4 credits). Principles of mechanical design; synthesis and selection of machine components. Design project. Three hours lecture and one hour recitation. 360. Introduction to System Dynamics Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 240. /, II, and //la. (4 credits) Unified approach to modeling and analysis of active and passive mechanical, fluid, thermal, and electrical devices. Derivation of governing differential equations. Introduction to state variables, superposition free and forced response, stability and system characterization. Solution to state equations by direct analysis and digital computer methods. Three lectures and one 3-hour lab. 371. Heat Transfer Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 236 and 324. /, II, and lla. (4 credits). Mechanisms of heat transfer. Steady and transient condition in solids; approximate and exact solution procedures. Convection processes; laminar and turbulent (dimensional analysis with experiment). Heat exchanger design and performance. Thermal radiation. Introduc- tion to diffusion and mass transfer between phases. Three one-hour lectures and one three-hour laboratory. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MECHANICS 381. Manufacturing Processes. Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 281. 1, /and //a. (3 credits) Modeling and quantitative analysis of the processes used to manufacture mechanical systems; process costs and limits, influence of processes on the final mechanical properties of the product. Two recitations and one two-hour laboratory. 400. Mechanical Engineering Analysis Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 210, Mech. Eng. 240 and Math. 216. I. (3 credits) Exact and approximate techniques for analysis of problems in Mechanical Engineering including structures, vibrations, control systems, fluids, and design. Emphasis is on applications. 401. (Appl. Mech. 401) Engineering Statistics for Manufacturing Systems Prerequisites: Senior or Graduate Standing. I. (3 credits) Fundamentals of statistics. Independent f-test and paired t-test. Two-level factorial design. Fractional factorial designs. Matrix algebra and canonical analysis. Regression analysis (Least Squares Method). Response surface methodology. Probability. Binomial and Poisson distributions. Single sampling plan. Statistical process control (SPC). Taguchi methods. Introduc- tory time series analysis and Defect Preventive Quality Control. 404. (Appl. Mech. 404) Coherent Optical Measurement Techniques Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing. lI. (3 credits) Modern optical techniques using lasers in measure- ments of mechanical phenomena. Introduction to the nature of laser light and Fourier optics; use of holography and laser speckle as measurement techniques; laserdoppler velocimetry. 426. Hydraulic Machinery Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 324 or 325. II. (3 credits) Flow along streamlines and in blade passages. Influence of blade shape and number. Design of impellers and passages. Hydraulic systems. Losses and efficiency in hydraulic machinery. Applications to centrifugal and axial machinery, e.g., fans, pumps, and torque converters. 432. Combustion Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 336, preceded or accompa- niedbyMech. Eng. 371.I. (3 credits) Introduction to combustion processes, reaction kinetics, ignition, and flame propagation. Combustion of sprays. Detonation, temperature, and radiation. Spectrographic analysis. Optical methods for combustion studies. Otto, diesel, gas turbine, and rocket combustion. 435. (Appl. Mech. 435) Design of Thermal-Fluid Systems Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 336 and Mech. Eng. 371. lI. (3 credits) System design concepts, models and simulation; optimization; mathematical techniques: economic considerations. Applications to various thermal-fluid systems. Design term projects. 436. Direct Energy Conversion Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 336. I. (3 credits) Thermodynamic and operational analysis of direct energy conversion devices. Topics include fuel cells, thermoelectric generators and coolers, thermionic, photovoltaic, and magneto hydrodynamic converters; demonstration of selected devices. 341 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 342 437. Applied Energy Conversion Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 336. / (3 credits) Quantitative treatment of energy resources, conversion processes, and energy economics. Consideration of fuel supplies, thermodynam- ics, environmental impact, capital and operating costs. Emphasis is placed on conversion of natural energy sources to electric, treating both the technical and economic aspects of fossil, nuclear, solar, and geo- thermal power production. 438. Internal-Combustion Engines I Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 336. l and/. (3 credits) Performance, economy and emission characteristics of spark ignited and Diesel engines. Thermodynamics of engine cycles. Fuels, fuel systems, combustion and combustion problems, friction. Valving and manifold considerations. Comparison of alternate engine design advantages and disadvantages including supercharging, turbo- charging, and compounding. 439. Automotive Laboratory Prerequisite: preceded or accompanied by Mech. Eng. 438. l and I. (3 credits) Experimental study of spark ignited and Diesel engines, including power, economy, thermal efficiency, mechani- cal efficiency, energy balance, cycle analysis, fuel systems, and emissions. Introduction to design of experients as well as computerized data acquisi- tion and analysis. One four- hour laboratory emphasizing hands-on participation and test report preparation. 441. (Appl. Mech 441) Intermediate Vibrations Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 240. I, II, and //la. (3 credits) Transient and forced single- degree-of-freedom linear vibrations: support motion, rotating unbalance, vibration isolation. Linear multiple- degree-of-freedom systems, analysis by matrix and approximate methods. Continuous systems, modal summation. 442. (Appl. Mech. 442) Analysis & Synthesis of Motion Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 240. II. (3 credits) Particle and rigid body kinematics in 3D rotating reference frames. Algebraic and graphical analysis and synthesis of planar mechanisms. Coordinate translations and rotations, homogeneous displacement matrices. Solution of direct kinematics problem. Euler and Rodrigues parameters. Solution of indirect kinematics problem. Computer projects. Applications to robotics. 443 (Appl. Mech. 443). Intermediate Dynamics. Prerequisites. Mech. Eng. 240. II. (3 credits). Vector kinematics in 3D, rotating coordinate systems. Systems of particles. Rigid body inertial properties. Rigid body dynamics: Euler equations, direct and inverse dynamic problems, bearing reactions, tops and gyroscopes. 450. Mechanical Design II Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 350 and Mech. Eng. 360. , II, /Ia. (4 credits) A mechanical engineering design project by.which the student is exposed to the design process from concept through analysis to layout and report. Projects are proposed from the different areas of study within mechanical engineering and reflect the expertise of instructing faculty. Two four- hour design periods. 451. Properties of Advanced Materials for Design Engineers Prerequisites. Mech Eng. 281 or Mech. Eng. 282. II. (3 credits) Mechanical behavior and environmental degradation of polymeric-, metal-, and ceramic matrix composites; manufacturability of advanced engineering materials; use of composite MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MECHANICS materials in novel engineer- ing designs. 452. Design for Manufacturability Prerequisites: Mech. Eng. 350. I. (3 credits) Conceptual design. Design for economical production, Taguchi methods, design for assembly; case studies. Product design using advanced polymeric materials and composites; part consolidation, snap-fit assemblies; novel applica- tions. Design projects. 454. Computer Aided Mechanical Design Prerequisite: Eng. 103, Mech. Eng. 360. l and/. (3 credits) Introduction to the use of the digital computer as a tool in engineering design and analysis of mechanical components and systems. Simulation of static, kinematic and dynamic behavior. Optimal synthesis and selection of elements. Discussion and use of associated numerical methods and application software. Individual projects. 456. (Bioeng. 456) (Appl. Mech. 456) Biomechanics Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 210 or 211, 240. II. (3 credits) Definition of biological tissue behaviors, including elastic, viscoelastic and plastic properties, with emphasis on bone; dynamics of gait; impact and tolerance criteria in vehicle design for human safety; prosthetic and orthotic mechanics and design. 458. Automotive Engineering Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 350. l and /. (3 credits) Emphasizes systems approach to automotive design. Specific topics include automotive structures, suspension steering, brakes, and driveline. Basic vehicle dynamics in the performance and handling modes are discussed. A semester team based design project is required. 461. Automatic Control Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 360. 1, 1/, and //la. (4 credits). No credit for graduate students in M.E Linear feed-back control theory with emphasis on mechanical systems; transient and frequency response; stability; system performance; control modes; compensation methods; analysis of hydraulic, pneumatic, inertial components and systems. Three one-hour lectures and one three-hour laboratory. 465. Microcomputer Applica- tions in Manufacturing I Prerequisite: Eng. 103 and preceded or accompanied by Mech. Eng. 461. I II, and //a. (3 credits) Applications of microcompu- ters to problems in process control, quality control and mechanical analysis. Considers assembly level programming, input/output system, and conversion of mechanical characteristics to digital data. Emphasis on the complete microcomputer system through case studies of current application in manufacturing. Two one- hour lectures and one three- hour lab. 467. (EECS 467) Robotics: Theory, Design and Application Prerequisites: Mech. Eng. 360; or ECS 280 and ECS 360; and senior standing. I II. (3 credits) Basic concepts underlying the design and application of computer-controlled manipulators: Manipulator geometry, work volume, sensors, feedback control of manipulator linkages, kinematics, trajectory planning, programming, robot system architecture, design and application. Lab experiments cover kinematics, dynamics, trajectory planning, control of manipulators and motion by fixed robots and mobile robots. 343 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 344 470. (Nuc. Eng. 443) Heat Transfer Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 231 or 236, Math. 454 or 455. Not open to mechanical engineering majors. I. (3 credits) Mechanisms of heat transfer. Steady and transient conduction in solids; approximate and exact solution procedures. Convection processes; laminar and turbulent (dimensional analysis with experiment). Heat exchange design and performance. Thermal radiation. Introduc- tion to diffusion and mass transfer between phases. Special emphasis on systems involving energy generation. 471. Computational Heat Transfer Prerequisite. Mech. Eng. 371 1. ll. (3 credits) Enclosure and gas radiation. Parallel flow and boundary layer convection. Variable property and odd geometry conduction. Technological applications. Individual term projects. Use of elementary spectral, similarity, local similarity, local (finite) difference and global difference (finite element) solution techniques. 474. Phase Change Dynamics in Energy Systems Prerequisite. Mech. Eng. 336 and Mech. Eng. 371. II. (3 credits) Heat and mass transfer and fluid dynamics of phase change and two-phase flow. Basic laws, mechanisms and correlations for evaporation, boiling, condensation, pressure drop. Applications in areas of power plant boilers and condensors (conventional and nuclear), internal combustion engines (carburetion, diesel injection), freeze drying, bubble lift pumps, humidifi- cation/dehumidification. 476. (Bioeng. 476) Thermal-Fluid Sciences in Bioengineering Not open to Mech. Eng. students. I. (3 credits) Fluid dynamics, thermody- namics, and heat transfer at micro- and macro-level. Systemic circulation, microcirculation, simulation of low regulation, artificial flow-regulating devices. First and second laws of thermodynamics. Conduc- tion, metabolic heat generation, convection, radiation, regulation of body temperature, clothing, micro heat transfer, hyperthermia, hypothermia and cryogenic applications. 478. Dynamics and Control of Thermal-Fluid Systems Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 371. I. (3 credits) Application of fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and control theory to thermal- fluid equipment and processes in the mechanical engineering field. Methods for determination of dynamic characterization, controller types and applications of techniques of regulation. 480. Manufacturing Processes Laboratory Prerequisite: Mat. Sci. & Eng. 250. I. (1 credit). P/F only. Not for graduate credit. Laboratory experience with basic machine tools to illustrate the geometric configurations, tolerances and surface finishes each can produce. Relationship of the manufacturing processes to design features and the design process. One three- hour period per week. 482. Machining Processes Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 381 II. (4 credits) Application of engineering fundamentals to design and analysis of machining operations. Special consideration is given to those facets of machine tool, cutting tool, and work material behavior which must be controlled in the use of computers, new electrical MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MECHANICS processes, and other modern and future facilities and techniques in manufacturing. Two recitations and two three- hour laboratories. 483. (I.&O.E. 471) Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems Prerequisite. Mech. Eng. 381, /.&0.E 373 and Mech. Eng. 282. II. (3 credits) Basic elements of numerical control of metal processing systems; programming languages for point to point and contouring machines; interaction between geometry and machinability decisions. Laboratory experiments in optimizing part-programming and equipment utilization. Computerized numerical control, adaptive control, industrial robots, flexible manufacturing systems. Two one-hour lectures and two two-hour laboratories. 487. Welding Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 281. L (3 credits) Study of mechanism of surface bonding, welding metallurgy, effect of rate of heat input on resulting micro- structures, residual stresses and distortion, economics and capabilities of the various processes. 490. Experimental Research in Mechanical Engineer- ing Prerequisite: Senior Standing. I, Il, Ila, lIb. (3 credits) Individual or group experimental or theoretical research in the area of Mechanical Engineering. A topic in Mechanical Engineering under the direction of a member of the Department. The student will submit a final report. Two four-hour laboratories per week. For undergraduates only. 491. Independent Study Prerequisites: Mech. Eng. 490 and Permission of Instructor. I. II. Ill. Ila. llb. (1-3 credits). P/F only Individual or group experimental or theoretical research in the area of Mechanical Engineering. A topic in Mechanical Engineering under the direction of a member of the Department. The student will submit a final report. Two four-hour laboratories per week. For undergraduates only. 499. Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. I, I/, I//a, and//lb. (To be arranged.) Selected topics pertinent to mechanical engineering. 501. (Appl. Mech. 501) Analytical Methods in Mechanics Prerequisites: Mech. Eng. 210 or 211, Mech. Eng. 240 and Math 216. . (3 credits) An introduction to the notation and techniques of vectors, tensors, and matrices as they apply to mechanics. Emphasis is on physical motivation of definitions and operations, and on their application to problems in mechanics. Extensive use is made of examples from mechanics. 502. (Appl. Mech. 502) Methods of Differential Equations in Mechanics Prerequisites: Math 454. II. (3 credits) Applications of differential equation methods of particular use in mechanics. Boundary value and eigenvalue problems are particularly stressed for linear and nonlinear elasticity, analytical dynamics, vibration of structures, wave propagation, fluid mechanics, and other applied mechanic topics. 505. (Appl. Mech. 505) Finite Element Methods in Mechanical Engineer- ing and Applied Mechanics Prerequisite: ME/AM 501, Mech. Eng. 311, or Mech. Eng. 324, or Mech. Eng. 371. l and I. (3 credits) Theoretical and computa- tional aspects of finite 345 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 346 element methods. Examples from areas of thermal diffusion, potential/ irrotational flows, lubrication, structural mechanics, design of machine components, linear elasticity, and Navier- Stokes flows problems. Program development and modification are expected as well as learning the use of existing codes. 507. Approximate Methods in Mechanical Engineering Prerequisite: senior standing. H. (3 credits) Orthogonal and non- orthogonal expansions. Matrix algebra and algebraic eigenvalue problems. Finite difference formulation and solution. Integral and variational approaches to finite element formulation. Solution by electronic calculator and digital computer. Application to conduction, convection, and radiation heat transfer, and fluid and solid mechanics. 512. (Appl. Mech. 512) Theory of Elasticity Prerequisite: Appl. Mech. 407 or Appl. Mech. 412. II. (3 credits) Stress, strain and displace- ment, equilibrium and compatibility. Use of airy stress function in rectangular and polar co-ordinates, asymptotic fields at discontinuities, forces and dislocations, contact and crack problems, rotating and accelerating bodies. Galerkin and Papcovich-Neuber solutions, singular solutions, spherical harmonics. Thermoelasticity. Axisymmetric contact and crack problem. Axisymmetric torsion. 515. (Appl. Mech. 515) Contact Mechanics Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 350 or Appl. Mech. 412 I. alternate and even years. (3 credits) Hertzian elastic contact; elastic-plastic behavior under repeated loading; shakedown. Friction; transmission of frictional tractions in rolling; fretting; normal and oblique impact. Dynamic loading. Surface durability in rolling. Surface roughness effects. Conduction of heat and electricity across interfaces. Thermal and thermoelastic effects insliding and static contact. 521. Fluid Mechanics Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 324. I, II, andlla. (3 credits) Principal concepts and methods of fluid mechanics. Special types of flow; methods of solution; applications to fluid machinery, fluidics, lubrication, propulsion systems and process industries. 522. (Appl. Mech. 522) Mechanics of Inviscid Fluids I Prerequisites: Appl. Mech. 422. II. (3 credits) Theory of inviscid flows. Forces, moments, and the added mass tensor; application of conformal mapping; free streamline theory; flows with concen- trated and distributed vorticity; linear wave theory; flow past slender bodies and wings; holograph and Karman-Tsien methods for subsonic flows; method of characteristics; perturbation methods in high-speed flows. 523. (Appl. Mech. 523) Mechanics of Viscous Fluids I Prerequisites: Appl. Mech. 422. II. (3 credits) Theory of viscous flows. Exact solutions of the Navier- Stokes equations; slow motion solutions; boundary layers; jets and wakes; forced and free convection flows; heat transfer and compressible boundary layers; hydrodynamic stability; statistical theories of turbulence; rotating flows; surface tension effects. 526. (Appl. Mech. 526) Computational Fluid Mechanics Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 521 or Appl. Mech. 422. I (3 credits) Application of finite differences and other MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MECHANICS numerical techniques to current problems in fluid mechanics, including high speed flow, boundary layer and separated flows. Problems in aerodynamics, combustion, and turbulent flow. Random choice, vortex, and panel methods. Visual presentation of numerical simulations. 532. Advanced Combustion Prerequisites: Mech. Eng. 432 or equivalent. II. (3 credits) Advanced treatment of fundamental combustion processes. Conservation' equations for reacting gas mixtures. The structure of one-dimensional diffusion and premixed flames; introduction to activation energy asymptotics. Two- dimensional Burke- Schumann flames and boundary layer combustion. Flame instabilities and flame stretch; turbulent combustion. 534. Internal-Combustion Engines II Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 438. L. (3 credits) Engine balancing and torque reaction considerations. Thermal efficiency, heat transfer, and thermodynamic modeling of both spark ignited and Diesel engines. Design of catalytic and noncatalytic exhaust treatment devices. Principles underlying recent advances in power development systems. 535. Thermodynamics Ill Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 336. l and //la. (3 credits) Definitions and scope of thermodynamics; first and second laws. Maxwell's relations. Capeyron relations, equations of state, thermodynamics of chemical reactions, availability. 539. Cryogenics and Refrigeration Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 336 and preceded or accompa- nied by Mech. Eng. 371. II. (3 credits) Vapor compression refrigeration systems, properties of refrigerants, design of low temperature systems. Liquefaction, storage and handling of cryogenic fluids, including liquid natural gas, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and helium. Insulation problems. Applications of superconduc- tivity. Emphasis placed on engineering practice, safety, and economics rather than low temperature physics. 541. (Appl. Mech. 541) Mechanical Vibrations Prerequisite. ME/AM 441. I. (3 credits) Time and frequency domain mathematical techniques for linear system vibrations. Equations of motion of dis- crete nonconservative sys- tems. Vibration of multi-deg- ree-of-freedom systems. Small oscillation theory. Free vibration eigenvalue problem. Undamped system response. Viscously damped systems. Vibration of con- tiuous systems. Modes of vibration of bars, beams, membranes, plates. 543. (Appl. Mech. 543) Analytical and Computa- tional Dynamics I Prerequisite: ME/AM 443. I. (3 credits) Modern analytical rigid body dynamics equation formulation and computa- tional solution techniques applied to mechanical multibody systems. Kinematics of motion generalized coordinates and speeds, analytical and computational determination of inertia properties, generalized forces, Gibb's function, Routhian, Kanes's equations, Hamilton's principle, Lagrange's equations holonomic and nonholonomic constraints, constraint processing, computational stimulation. 548. (Appl. Mech. 548) Nonlinear Oscillations and Dynamic Stability of Mechanical Systems. Prerequisites: ME/AM 443. II. (3 credits) Large-amplitude vibrations of mechanical systems; dynamic instability theory of 347 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 348 rods, plates, and shells; methods of Liapunov; asymptotic approaches of Krylov, Bogoliubov, and Mitropolosky; perturbation methods; Floquet theory. 551. (EECS 588) (CS 588) (10E 578) Geometric Modeling Prerequisites: EECS 487 (I0E 478) or ME 454 or permission of instructor. I. (3 credits) Individual or group study of topics in geometric modeling and computer graphics. Geometric data structures for curves, surfaces, and volume parameterization, and topological data structures for vertices, edges, faces and bodies. Algorithms for set operations, Euler operations and deformations. Design and experimentation with geometric modeling facilities. 554. (10E 564) Computer Aided Design Methods Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 454 or ME/AM501orf.&0.E. 373. (3 credits) Generalized mathematical modeling of engineering systems, methods of solution and simulation languages. Analysis methods in design; load, deformation, stress and finite element considerations; non-linear programming. Computational geometry; definition and generation of curves and surfaces. Computer graphics; transformations; clipping and windowing; graphics systems; data structures; command languages; display processors. 555. Engineering Design Optimization Prerequisite: Graduate standing. II. (3 credits) Mathematical modeling of design problems for optimization. Emphasis on analytical techniques, monotonicity analysis, bounding functions, geometric programming, and extensions. Students propose a design term project from various engineering disciplines and apply the theory to analyze their individual problem. 556. Fatigue in Mechanical Design Prerequisite: Stress-based finite element course recommended. I, ll. (3 credits) A broad treatment of stress, strain, and strength with reference to engineering design and analysis. Major emphasis is placed on the analytical and experimental determination of stresses in relationship to the fatigue strength properties of machine and structural components. 557. Materials in Manufactur- ing and Design Prerequisite. Mech. Eng. 381. l and /. (3 credits) Material selection on the basis of cost, strength, formability and machinability. Advanced strength analysis of heat treated and cold formed parts including axial, bending, shear and cyclic deformation. Correlations of functional specifications and process capabilities. Problems in redesign for producibility and reliability. 558. Vehicle Dynamics Prerequisites: ME/AM 441 or ME/AM 443. I. (3 credits) Dynamics of the motor vehicle. Static and dynamic properties of the pneumatic tire. Mechanical models of single and double-track vehicles enabling prediction of their response to control forces/moments and external disturbances. Directional response and stability in small disturbance maneu- vers. The closed-loop driving process. Behavior of the motor vehicle in large perturbation maneuvers. Ride phenomena treated as a random process. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MECHANICS 560. Modeling Dynamic Systems Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 360. I. (3 credits) A unified approach to the modeling, analysis and simulation of energetic dynamic systems. Emphasis on analytical and graphical descriptions of state- determined systems using Bond Graph language. Analysis using interactive computer simulation programs. Applications to the control and design of dynamic systems such as robots, machine tools and artificial limbs. 561. Design of Automatic Control Systems Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 461 and Mech. Eng. 560. ll. (3 credits) Topics from control theory are introduced in the context of control systems design. Topics such as state variable feedback, modal control, optimal control, and adaptive control are introduced for both continuous and discrete systems. Design application is emphasized through the use of selected case studies. 562. Dynamic Behavior of Thermal-Fluid Processes Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 478. H. (3 credits) Principles of transport processes and automatic control. Techniques for dynamic analysis; dynamic behavior of lumped- and distributed-parameter systems, non-linear systems, and time-varying systems; measurement of response; plant dynamics. Experimental demonstration for dynamic behavior and feedback control of several thermal and fluid systems. 563. Time Series Analysis for Manufacturing Systems Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 461, plus one from Stat. 402, Stat. 310, or EECS 401. ll. (3 credits) Principles for identifying parametric time series models from discrete data and the relationship to autovariance, spectrum, and the Green's function from linear system theory are considered. Theory is developed for application to prediction, characterization, signature analysis, and process identification and control. 571. Conduction Heat Transfer Prerequisite: ME 371 or 470 or NE 443. l and ll. (3 credits) Lumped, differential, and integral formulations of conduction. Product solutions in terms of orthogonal functions or approximate profiles. Periodic conduction. Computational con- duction: Finite difference versus finite element. Technological applications. 572. Convection Heat Transfer Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 371. ll. (3 credits) Differential and integral formulations of convection. Parallel and nearly parallel laminar (boundary layer) flows. Similarity solutions. Periodic convection. Computational convection. Instability and turbulence. Kinetic and thermal scales and spectra. Flow prediction. Heat transfer prediction. Multiple scale dimensional analysis. Technological applications. 573. Radiative Heat Transfer Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 371. I. (3 credits) Electromagnetic, optical and quantum aspects of radiative equilibrium. Enclosure radiation including spatial, specular, and spectral distributions. Gas radiation including boundary affected thin gas and thick gas approximations. Averaged and spectral properties. Technological applications. 575. Heat Transfer in Porous Media Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 371 or equivalent. I. (3 credits) Heat transfer and fluid flow in porous media are examined based on conservation principles. Local volume- 349 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 35o averaging is developed and applied to conduction, convection, mass transfer, radiation, and two-phase flows. Several single-phase and two-phase problems are examined. 580. Rheology and Fracture Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 281. I. (3 credits) Mechanisms of deformation, cohesion, and fracture of matter. Unified approach to the atomic-scale origins of plastic, viscous, viscoelastic, elastic, and anelastic behavior. The influences of time and temperature on behavior. Stress field of edge and screw dislocations, dislocation interactions, and cross slip. Surface stress and energy states, wetting, solid adhesion, friction. Ductile, creep, brittle, and fatigue failure mechanisms. 581. Friction and Wear Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 580 or Mat. Sci. & Eng. 350 and 356. II. (3 credits) The nature of solid surfaces, contact between solid surfaces, rolling friction, sliding friction, and surface heating due to sliding; wear and other types of surface attrition are considered with reference to practical combinations of sliding materials, effect of absorbed gases, surface contaminants and other lubricants on friction, adhesion, and wear; tire and brake performance. 582. (Mat Sci. & Eng. 523) Metal-forming Plasticity HI. (3 credits) Elastic and plastic stress- strain relations; yield criteria and flow rules; analyses of various plastic forming operations. Effects of work hardening and friction, temperature, strain rate, and anisotropy. 583. Sensing and Modeling for Manufacturing Control Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 381; preceded or accompa- nied by Mech. Eng. 461 or 483. I. (3 credits) Fundamental concepts in manufacturing with emphasis on welding, machining, and forming. Input and output variables for process control. Characteristics of sensors for feedback in manufacturing. Fiber optics, interferometry, infrared thermal imagery, tactile sensing, force/torque sensing for robots, force dynamometers, acoustic emission. Signal processing. Process modeling for control. 585. Mechanics of Manufacturing Prequisites: Mech. Eng. 381. I. (3 credits) Development and evaluation of models for forming and machining processes. Applications to understand- ing causes of product defects, establishing conditions for quality, die/ tool designs, and adding to the knowledge base of CAD/ CAM systems. 589. Failure Analysis Case Studies Prerequisite: preceded or accompanied by Mech. Eng. 350. II. (3 credits) Detailed case study of a variety of service failures in engineering structures such as vehicles, medical implants, hoisting equip- ment, machinery, and consumer products such as ladders, mowers, and tools. Procedures for analysis include applications of optical and electron microscopy; load history, dynamics, and stress analysis; indentation hardness analysis; accident investigation and reconstruc- tion techniques; specifica- tions and standards; fracture mechanics. The expert's role in product liability litigation. 590. Study of Research in Selected Mechanical Engineering Topics Prerequisite: graduate standing: permission of instructor who will guide the work must be obtained before registration. I, fl, Ila and/lb. (Credit to be arranged; a maximum of six credit hours will be allowed toward MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MECHANICS graduate degrees; three hours per term.) Individual or group study, design, or laboratory research in a field of interest to the student. Topics may be chosen from any of the areas of mechanical engineering. The student will submit a report on his project and give an oral presentation to a panel of faculty members at the close of the term. Course grade will be re- ported as "Satisfactory" or Unsatisfactory". 595. Master's Thesis Proposal Prerequisite: graduate standing in Mechanical Engineering. I, II, l//a, l//b, and III. (3 credits) (Not for credit until 6 hrs of Mech. Eng. 695 satisfactorily completed.) A course devoted to literature search, analysis, design of experiments and other related matters prior to completion of a master's degree thesis. A thesis proposal clearly delineating the proposed research and including the above items is required at the conclusion of the course. 599. Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. 1,1/1, lla, and l/b. (To be arranged) Selected topics pertinent to mechanical engineering. 605. (Appl. Mech. 605) Advanced Finite Element Methods in Mechanics Prerequisite: ME/AM 505 or CEE510/Nav. Arch. 512.. /H. (3 credits) Recent developments in finite element methods; mixed, hybrid, mixed-hybrid, reduced integration penalty, singular, boundary integral elements. Emphasis on the methodology for developing elements by using calculus of variations. Applications selected from various branches of solid and fluid mechanics. 626. (Appl. Mech. 626) Singular-Perturbation and Approximate Mechanics of Fluids I Prerequisite: Appl. Mech. 422 or Mech. Eng. 521. I. (3 credits) Application of asymptotic methods to fluid mechanics, with special emphasis on the method of matched expansions. Regular perturbation solutions, suppression of secular terms, method of multiple times, boundary layer and low Reynolds number flows by inner and outer expansions, phenomena in rotating flows, asymptotic solutions on the Orr-Sommerfeld equation. 631. Statistical Thermodynamics Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 231 or 336. II. (3 credits) Introduction to statistical methods for evaluating thermodynamic and transport properties. Elements of quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and kinetic theory, as applied to engineering thermodynamics. 635. Thermodynamics IV Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 535. II. (3 credits) Discussion of thermody- namic systems including surface phenomena, external fields, and relativistic effects. Study of complex equilibrium calculations including effect of heterogeneous reactions and real substance behavior. Introduction to the thermo- dynamics of irreversible processes with applications to heat and mass transfer, relaxat ion phenomena and chemical reactions. 641. (Appl. Mech. 641). Advanced Vibrations of Structures Prerequisite: ME/AM 541. I. (3 credits) Energy formulation for nonconservative gyroscopic systems. Spectral methods for free and forced vibrations. Eigenvalue and boundary value problems. Non self- adjoint systems. Variational methods of approximation: Bubnov-Galerkin. Perturba- tion theory for the eigenvalue problem. Dynamics of rotating systems. Dynamics of constrained dynamical systems. 351 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 352 643. (Appl. Mech. 643) Analytical and Computa- tional Dynamics I1 Prerequisite: ME/AM 543 IL (4 credits) Kinematical and dynamical equation formulation for rigid and flexible mechanical multibody systems undergoing large overall motion and small elastic deformation. Energy principles, higher and lower pair joint parameterizations, sparse and dense equation formulation and solution techniques, numerical integration, generalized impluse and momentum, collisions, and computational elastodynamics. Course project. 648. (Appl. Mech. 648) Nonlinear Oscillations and Stability of Mechani- cal Systems Prerequisite. ME/AM 541. II. (3 credits) Large amplitude mechanical vibrations; phase-plane analysis and stability; global stability, theorems of Liapunov and Chetayev; asymptotic and perturbation methods of Lindstedt- Poincare, multiple scales, Krylov-Bogoliubov- Mitropolsky; external excitation, primary and secondary resonances; parametric excitation, Mathieu/Hill equations, Floquet theory; multi-degree of freedom systems and modal interaction. 649. (Appl. Mech. 649) (Aero. Eng. 615) (CEE 615) Random Vibrations Prerequisite: CEE 513 or ME/AM 541 or Aero. Eng. 543. II. (3 credits) Accelerated coverage of elements of probability theory. Characterization of random processes and fields. Correlation and spectral density functions. Response of linear discrete and continuous systems to random excitation. Introduction to problems involving random systems. Maxima and minima of random processes. Applications to problems of engineering interest. 661. Adaptive Control Systems Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 561. I. (3 credits) Introduction to control of systems with undetermined or time varying parameters. Theory and application of self-tuning and model reference adaptive control for continuous and discrete-time deterministic systems. Model based methods for estimation and control, stability of non-linear systems, adaptation laws, and design and application of adaptive control systems. 672. Turbulent Transport of Momentum, Heat and Mass Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 572. I. (3 credits) Introduction to laminar flow stability. Statistical and phenomenological theories of turbulence. Turbulent transport of momentum, heat and mass in steady and unsteady internal, boundary layer, and free flows. Skin friction, heat and mass transfer coefficients. Discussion of experimental results. 674. Special Topics in Phase Change Dynamics. Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 474. II. (3 credits) Advanced topics in mechanisms and dynamics of phase change: nucleation, bubble dynamics, cavitation, flow boiling heat transfer, condensation, hydrodynam- ics of two-phase flow. 695. Master's Thesis Research Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 595. I, //, /Ia, Ilib, and /// (3 credits) (Student must elect 2 terms oft3 hrs./term. No credit if student has had Mech. Eng. 590.) Student is required to present a seminar at the conclusion of the second election as well as prepare a written thesis. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MECHANICS 699. Advanced Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. 1,11, ll, lla, Illb. (Arr.) Advanced selected topics pertinent to mechanical engineering. 790. (Appl. Mech. 790) Mechanical Sciences Seminar Prerequisites: Candidate status in the Mechanical Sciences. .(1 credit) Every Ph.D. student in the field of Mechanical Sciences is requested to present one- hour seminar about his/her research, and lead one-hour follow-up discussion. Active participation in the discussions that follow all presentations is also required for a grade. In addition, each student will participate as a panelist in a panel that discusses the future trends in his/her field. Graded S-U. 990. Dissertation/ Pre-Candidate I, fl, and II. (1-8 credits); llla and /llb. (1-4 credits) Election for dissertation work by doctoral student not yet admitted to status as candidate. 995. Dissertation/Candidate Prerequisite: Graduate School authorization for admission as a doctoral Candidate. I, IA, and III. (8 credits); Ila and Il/b. (4 credits) Election for dissertation work by doctoral student who has been admitted to status as a candidate. The defense of the dissertation, that is, the final oral examination, must be held under a full term candidacy enrollment. 353 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS SNaval Architecture and Marine Engineering Department Office 222 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Building (313) 764-6470 Professor Movses Kaldjian, Ph.D. also Civil Engineering Michael G. Parsons, Ph.D. William S. Vorus, Ph.D. John Woodward, Ph.D. Raymond A. Yagle, M.S.E. Professor Emeritus Harry Benford, B.S.E. Richard Couch, Ae.E. Amelio M. D'Arcangelo, M.S. Robert F. Beck, Ph.D., Professor and Chair Associate Professor Klaus-Peter Beier, Dr. Ing. Michael M. Bernitsas, Ph.D. Howard M. Bunch, M.S.E., C.M.A., Transportation Management Dale G. Karr, Ph.D. Guy A. Meadows, Ph.D., Physical Oceanography Anastassios N. Perakis, S.M. (M.B.A.), Ph.D. Armin W. Troesch, Ph.D., P.E. Assistant Professor Marc Perlin, Ph.D., Ocean Engineering David J. Walker, Ph.D. See Page 195 for statement on Course Equivalence. 102. (NS 201) Introduction to Ship Systems II (3 credits) Types, structures, and purposes of ships. Ship compartmentation, propulsion systems, auxiliary power systems, interior communications, and ship control. Elements of ship design to achieve safe operations, and ship stability characteristics. Not open for credit to students in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. 270. Marine Design Prerequisite: preceded or accompanied by Mech. Eng. 101. land II. (3 credits) Overall view of the ship and marine system design process. Weights, buoyancy, stability, powering, and economics. Each student designs an offshore vessel to satisfy a set of performance specifications. Hull lines are created and faired. 302. Static Stability of Marine Vehicles Prerequisite: Nav. Arch. 270., Eng. 103. II. (3 credits) Calculation of areas, volumes, centers. Statical stability, damaged stability, launching. Use of digital computer is emphasized in all problems. 310. Marine Structures I Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 210. . (4 credits) Quasi-static analysis of ship hulls and offshore structures. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND MARINE ENGINEERING Hull primary response. Introduction to probabilistic approach. Plated structures and ship structural components. Combined stresses and failure theories. Framing systems. Brittle fracture and fatigue failure modes; structural details. Midship section synthesis, classification society rules stress superposition. Material and fabrication considerations. 320. Marine Hydrodynamics I Prerequisite: Nav. Arch. 270 and Mech. Eng. 325. . (4 credits) Water waves. Ship resistance components: skin friction, form drag, wave resistance. Resistance prediction from standard series. Propeller geometry and design. Hull- propeller interaction, propeller charts, powering prediction. Model testing in the towing tank: wave loads, hull resistance, open water pro- peller test, shaft horsepower. 330. Marine Power Systems I Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 235; preceded or accompanied by Mech. Eng. 325. 1. (4 credits) Diesel engines, steam turbines, and gas turbines as marine prime movers. Ratings, matching to loads. Electrical and mechanical transmission of power to marine loads. Energy conservation by means of bottoming cycles. Principles of fluid system design. Characteristics of electrical generators, motors, and distribution systems. 340. Marine Dynamics I Prerequisite: Nav. Arch. 302; preceded or accompanied by Mech. Eng 325. II. (4 credits) Structural vibration, one and multi-degree of freedom models. Forced steady-state response. Fourier Series. Propeller excitation. Rigid body motions of floating structures. Sea wave excitation. Hydrodynamic added mass and damping. Vibration absorbers; anti-roll tanks. Ship maneuvering; controls fixed stability and turning circle radius. 350. (A.0. & S.S. 350) Ocean Engineering Systems Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 325. lI. (3 credits) Engineering analyses of work systems for operation in and on the ocean. Offshore drilling platforms, submers- ibles and semi-submersibles. Cables and moorings. Buoy systems, pipe laying, salvage and rescue systems, ocean mining. Selected aspects of physical oceanography, underwater acoustics and instrumentation. 381. Probabilistic Methods in Marine Systems Prerequisites: Math 350, preceded or accompanied by Nav. Arch 340. II. (3 credits) Basic concepts of probability and statistics. Random processes, Fourier transforms and series, and spectral analysis. Marine linear systems and several formulations of ocean wave spectra for fully-arisen, fetch- and duration- limited, and design-seas. Prediction of sea surface amlitude, period, and maxima. 385. Ship Production and Shipping Management Prerequisites: Nav. Arch. 270. . (2 credits) Techniques for performing economic evaluations of maritime management decisions; basic ship production technology; shipping economics; planning and scheduling concepts. 401. Small Craft Design Prerequisite: preceded or accompanied by Nav. Arch. 320. (3 credits) Design of planing craft, hydrofoils, and other small high performance craft. 355 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 356 403. Sailing Craft Design Principles Prerequisite: preceded or accompanied by Nav. Arch. 320. (3 credits) Application of hydrodynamic and aerodynamic principles to the design of sailing craft. 410. Marine Structures II Prerequisite: Nav. Arch. 310; preceded or accompanied by Nav. Arch. 340. I and ll. (3 credits) Equilibrium methods, energy methods and matrix methods are applied to problems in linear elastic beam theory. Solutions for classic beam problems include static bending, torsion, buckling, and vibration. Modeling and analysis techniques for ship and marine structural design are reviewed. Introduction to finite element analysis. 411. (Aero. Eng. 411) (CEE 411) Finite Element Applications Prerequisite: Eng. 103, Mech. Eng. 211or Mech. Eng 210. . II. lla. (3 credits) The application of user- oriented finite element computer programs for solving practical structural mechanics problems of frames, 2-D and 3-D solids, plates, shells, etc., and displaying the solutions graphically. Students learn to prepare input data and interpret results. A short introduction to the underlying theory is also presented. 420. Marine Hydrodynamics II Prerequisite: Math 350, Nav. Arch. 320. I. (3 credits) Viscous fluid theory applied to ships. Navier-Stokes equations, boundary layer theory, separation, form drag. Ideal fluid theory, Laplace and Bernoulli equations, method of singularities, numerical hydrodynamics. Two-dimensional and three- dimensional airfoil theory. Theoretical propeller design. 421. Ship Model Testing Prerequisite: Undergraduates only and permission of instructor. /, //, and//la, (To be arranged.) Undergraduates only Individual or team project, experimental work, research or directed study of selected advanced topics in ship model testing. 425. (A.O. & S.S. 425) Physics of the Oceans Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing. II. (4 credits) Physical conditions and physical processes of the oceans; integration of observations into compre- hensive descriptions and explanations of oceanic phenomena. Emphasis on thermodynamics and equations of state of sea water, optical and acoustical properties of sea water, currents, tides, waves and turbulent phenomena. 430. Marine Power Systems II Prerequisite. Nav. Arch. 330. II. (3 credits) Alignment analyses of marine gears and shafting systems. Characteristics of electrical generators, motors, and distribution systems. Electrical load analysis. Transients and faults in electrical systems. Applications of thermody- namics to diesel turbocom- pounding, turbocharging, and bottoming cycles. Choice of working fluid for bottoming cycles. 435. (A.O. & S.S. 435) Analysis of Geophysical Data Prerequisites: A.0.&S.S. 401. 1. (3 credits) Methods of geophysical data analysis with emphasis on atmospheric and oceano- graphic applications. Power spectral analysis, optimal estimation theory, digital signal processing time/space domain techniques for time series analysis. 440. Marine Dynamics II Prerequisite: Nav. Arch. 340, Math 350. I. (3 credits) Wave spectra formulations, determination of ship motions and loads in a seaway. Linearized equations NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND MARINE ENGINEERING of motion for a ship in six degrees of freedom. Damping. Analytical treatment of added mass, introduction to strip theory. Hull surface forces and vibratory response. 450. (A.O. & S.S.450) Offshore Engineering Analysis I Prerequisite: Mech. Eng. 325 & Nav.Arch.350. I (3 credits) Loading and motions of offshore structures. Morison's equation. Current and wind loads. Wave loading. Towing, mooring, oil drilling, production, pipelaying, etc. Design methodologies for offshore structures. Students will do two computer design mini- projects on risers, towing, cables, mooring, pipelines, redesign or tower dynamics. 455. Coastal Dynamics and Sedimentation Prerequisites: Nav. Arch. 425 or A.0.&S.S. 425. l. (3 credits) Fundamentals of near-shore processes are investigated in terms of: water wave generation, propagation, refraction, diffraction, and breaking; tides and long term sea level changes; longshore current generation and prediction of sediment transport. The response of the beach and coastal structures to these processes are examined. 460. Ship Production Planning and Control Prerequisite: Nav. Arch. 385, preceded or accompanied by Nav. Arch. 470. II. (3 credits) Overview of ship production systems; shipyard organiza- tion and arrangement; pro- duct standardization and work simplification systems; performance measurement; use of models and compo- sites; PERT/CPM and other control techniques; the design and use of Informa- tion Systems for Production Control. 469. (A.0. & S. S. 469) Underwater Operations Prerequisite:permission of instructor. H. (3 credits) Survey of manned undersea activities in oceanography and ocean engineering. The tools of underwater operations: decompression chambers, habitats, submarines, diving apparatus; pertinent design criteria and applications as based on human hyperbaric physiology and performance. Topics in research diving for engineering and oceano- graphic studies. 470. Ship Design Prerequisite: senior standing. l and HI. (3 credits) Preliminary design methods for sizing and form, powering, maneurvering, seakeeping, arrangements, and safety of ships. Computer-aided design computations and validation. Given the owner's general requirements, the student creates the conceptual/ preliminary design for a displacement ship. 471. Offshore Engineering Design Prerequisites: Nav. Arch. 320, Nav. Arch. 381. II. (3 credits). Only one of Nav. Arch. 470 and Nav. Arch 471 may be taken for credit. Preliminary design methods for sizing and form, transport, mooring, seakeeping, arrangements, and safety of offshore projects. Computer- aided design computations and validation. Given the owner's general require- ments, the student creates the conceptual/preliminary design for a semisubmers- ible, tension-leg platform or similar offshore engineering project. 474. Optimization and Numerical Methods in Marine Design Prerequisite: Nav. Arch. 302, Eng. 103. 1. (3 credits) Preliminary design models. Numerical methods for curve fitting, interpolation, integration, linear equations, regression, eigen values. Optimization methods applied to marine design problems. 357 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 358 475. Design Project Prerequisite: Nav. Arch. 470. I, II, and //a. (3 credits) Teams of several students conceive and complete a marine design project - most often a ship, yacht or offshore system. Oral presentation and written report required. 485. Maritime Management Prerequisite: Nav. Arch. 381 and Nav. Arch. 385. I. (3 credits) Structural analysis of industries. Measures of merit. Risk; utility theory. Tradeoff analysis; optimiza- tion (linear, integer, dynamic programming) applications in maritime management. Fleet deployment. International trade theory. Tariffs, quotas and other barriers. OPEC and tanker shipping. The basing point system. Rate formation in conference systems. Maritime policy, tax law, and admiralty law. 490. Directed Study, Research and Special Problems Prerequisite: undergraduate only and permission. /, /and //a. (To be arranged) Individual or team project, experimental work or study of selected topics in naval architecture or marine engineering. Intended primarily for students with senior standing. 510. Marine Structures Ill Prerequisite: Nav. Arch. 410. I. (3 credits) Von Karman plate equations. Strip-beam solutions with geometric and material nonlinearities. Application to ship section modulus reduction in damaged condition. The flange tripping non-linearity. Series solutions for flat plates. Effects of aspect ratio. Ship main-deck buckling example. 511. Special Topics in Ship Structure Prerequisite: prior arrange- ment with instructor. (To be arranged) Individual or team project, experimental work, research or directed study of selected advanced topics in ship structure. Primarily for graduate students. 512. (CEE 510) Finite Element Methods in Solid and Structural Mechanics Prerequisite: Graduate standing. II. (3 credits) Basic equations of three dimensional elasticity. Derivation of relevant variational principles. Finite element approximation. Convergence requirements. Isoparametric elements in two and three dimensions. Implementational considera- tions. Locking phenomena. Problems involving non- linear material behavior. 518. Strength Reliability of Ship and Offshore Structures Prerequisite: Nav. Arch. 410, Aero. Eng. 452. I. (3 credits) Stress versus strength analysis. Deterministic stress analysis, safety factor approach. Random nature of loads, geometry material and construction. Random variables and random functions. Reliability of structures described by one or more random variables. Introduction to random vibration of discrete and continuous structural systems. 520. Marine Hydrodynamics IlIl Prerequisite: Nav. Arch. 420. II. (3 credits) Ideal fluid theory. Surface distribution of singularities. Green's theorem, sources, dipoles, vortices. Numerical hydrodynamics using boundary integral methods. Two-dimensional unsteady airfoil theory. Ship wave resistance, Michell's integral, wave cut analysis, and hull form optimization. 521. Directed Study and Research in Marine Hydrodynamics Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (To be arranged) Individual or team project, experimental work, research or directed study of selected NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND MARINE ENGINEERING advanced topics in ship hydrodynamics. Primarily for graduate students. 528. (A.0. & S. S. 528) Remote Sensing of Ocean Dynamics Prerequisite: Nav. Arch. 425, A.0.&S.S. 425, or permission of instructor. I. (3 credits) The dynamics of ocean wave motion, both surface and internal waves, and ocean circulation are explored utilizing active and passive remote sensing techniques. Emphasis is placed upon the synoptic perspective of ocean dynamics provided by remote sensing which is not obtainable by conventional means. 530. Automatic Control in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Prerequisites: EECS 460 or Aero. Eng. 471. ll. (4 credits) Applications of classical and modern control design methods. Emphasis on ship steering and ship motions control. Review of classical methods using pole placement, deterministic observers, and multivariable integral control. Optimal stochastic control and Kalman filter design. 531. Marine Propulsion Plant Vibration Prerequisite: Nav. Arch. 340 and Nav. Arch. 430. 1 (4 credits) Vibration of marine propulsion systems and machinery. Torsional analysis of turbine and diesel propulsion systems. Longitudinal analysis of shafting systems. Coupling of longitudinal and torsional modes. Lateral analysis of propulsion shafting. Simulation of marine propulsion systems using digital and analog computers. 540. Marine Dynamics Ill. Prerequisite: Nav. Arch. 440. II. (3 credits) Motion of ships in calm water and waves. Forces on stationary bodies in waves and moving at constant speed. Statistical analysis of ship motion. 550. (A.O.&S.S. 550) Offshore Engineering Analysis II Prerequisite: Nav. Arch. 420, Nav. Arch. 440, and Nav. Arch. 450. H. (3 credits) Design and analysis requirements of offshore facilities. Derivation of hydrodynamic loads on rigid bodies. Loads on long rigid and flexible cylinders. Viscous forces on cylinders, experimental data, Morison's equation, Stokes wave theories. Shallow water waves. Selection of appropriate wave theory. Diffraction of waves by currents. Hydrodynamic loads on risers, cables, pipelines and TLP's. 560. Ship Production. Prerequisite: Nav. Arch. 460. I. (3 credits) Selected areas of ship production, including group technology, welding processes, accuracy control, production planning and control, human resource development. Specialized production; naval vessels, workboats, recreational boats. 571. Ship Design Project Prerequisite: prior arrange- ment with instructor (To be arranged) Individual (or team) project, experimental work, research or directed study of selected advanced topics in ship design. Primarily for graduate students. 574. Computer-Aided Hull Design and Production Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission. lI. (3 credits) Hull surface representation, creation, distortion, fairing. Computer-aided arrange- ment, piping, structures. Computer systems for structural detailing, production, manufacturing. 359 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 360 575. Computer-Aided Marine Design Project Prerequisite: Nav. Arch. 574. /, l 1Ila, I/b, and Ill. (2-6 credits) Development of computer- aided design tools. Projects consisting of formulation, design, programming, testing, and documentation of programs for marine design and constructional use. 582. Marine Reliability and Tradeoff Analysis. Prerequisite: FECS 401. I. (3 credits) Review of probability, statistics, and elements of financial management. Tradeoff analysis. Reliability, availability, maintenance, replacement, and repair decisions. Fault tree and event tree analysis. Marine applications. 590. Reading and Seminar Prerequisite: permission. I, ll, l/la and //lb. (To be arranged) A graduate level individual study and seminar. Topic and scope to be arranged by discussion with instructor. 592. Master's Thesis (3 credits) 610. (CEE 610) Finite Element Methods. Prerequisites: Eng. 103 and Nav. Arch. 510 or CEE 512. II. (3 credits) Influence coefficients and stiffness matrices. Formula- tion and calculation of the finite element matrices using the principles of virtual displacements. Preparing computer programs. Introduction to the isoparametric family of elements. Familiarization with and use of existing finite element programs and pre- and post-processors for data processing and graphic display. 615. Ship Structure Analysis Prerequisite. Nav. Arch. 510 and prior arrangement with instructor. (To be arranged) Advances in specific areas of ship structure analysis as revealed by recent research. Lectures, discussions, and assigned readings. 621. Experimental Marine Hydrodynamics Prerequisite: Nav. Arch. 520 and 540. l/la. (3 credits) Non-steady state ship model testing to compare hydrodynamic theory to experimental results, to develop experimental techniques, and to illustrate advanced applications. Propellers, seakeeping, vibrations, waves, resistance, etc. 622. Real Flows of Marine Hydrodynamics Prerequisite: Nav. Arch. 520. I. (3 credits) Review of the basic equations: Stokes equations, Helmholtz vorticity equation, Biot=Savart law. Boundary layer theory, stability considerations. Simple models for turbulence: eddy viscosity and mixing length theories. The integro- differential velocity-vorticity formulation. Degeneration to the Green's theorem formulation of ideal flows at infinite Reynolds number; some approximate solutions. 624. Marine Propulsors Prerequisite: Nav. Arch. 420, Nav. Arch. 520, and graduate standing. II. (3 credits) Propeller series, momentum analysis, geometry, hull/ propeller interaction. Lifting line and lifting surface theory. Operation in non-uniform flow. Propeller noise. Compound propulsors: tandem, contra-rotating, preswirl, ducted. 625. Special Topics in Marine Hydrodynamics Prerequisite. permission. l and I. (To be arranged) Advances in specific areas of marine hydrodynamics as revealed by recent research. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE. AND MARINE ENGINEERING 635. Special Topics in Marine Engineering Prerequisite: permission. l and I. (To be arranged) Advances in specific areas of marine engineering as revealed by recent research. Lectures, discussions, and assigned readings. 650. Dynamics of Offshore Facilities Prerequisites: Nav. Arch. 410, Nav. Arch. 420, Nav. Arch. 440, Nav. Arch. 450. ll. (3 credits) Dynamics and stability of single point mooring systems. Marine cable statics and dynamics. Dynamics and stability of multilegged mooring systems. Dynamics and stability of towing systems. Dynamics of offshore towers. Structural redesign. Correlation of finite element model and physical structure. Dynamics and stability of marine risers; bundles of risers. Statics and dynamics of pipelines. 655. Special Topics in Offshore Engineering Prerequisite: Nav. Arch. 410, Nav. Arch 420, Nav. Arch. 440, Nav. Arch. 550 or Nav. Arch 650. I. (To be arranged). Advances in specific areas of offshore engineering as revealed by recent research. Lectures by doctoral students. Projects and presentations by M. S. students. Discussion, assigned readings. 685. Special Topics in Marine Systems Prerequisite: permission of instructor. landll. (To be arranged) Advances in specific areas of marine systems engineering as revealed by recent research. Lectures, discussions, and assigned readings. 792. Professional Degree Thesis. 1, H and ll. (2-8 credits) Illa and ll/b. (1-6 credits) 990. Dissertation/ Pre-Candidate /, fl, and III. (2-8 credits); Illa and Illb. (1-4 credits) Election for dissertation work by doctoral student not yet admitted to status as candidate. The defense of the dissertation, that is, the final oral examination, must be held under a full term candidacy enrollment. 995. Dissertation/Candidate Prerequisite: Graduate School authorization for admission as a doctoral candidate. I, l, andlL. (8 credits) I//a and Il/b. (4 credits) Election for dissertation work by doctoral student who has been admitted to status as a candidate. The defense of the dissertation, that is, the final oral examination, must be held under a full term candidacy enrollment. 361 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 362 Nuclear Engineering Department Office 121 Mortimer E. Cooley Building (313) 764-4261 Professor A. Ziya Akcasu, Ph.D. James J. Duderstadt, Ph.D., President of the University of Michigan Ronald Fleming, Ph.D. Ronald M. Gilgenbach, Ph.D. Terry Kammash, Ph.D., Stephen S. Attwood Professor of Nuclear Engineering William R. Marti n, Ph.D., Professor and Chair Glenn F. Knoll, Ph.D. Edward W. Larsen, Ph.D. John C. Lee, Ph.D. George C. Summerfield, Ph.D. Gary S. Was, Sc.D. Professor Emeritus Associate Professor Mary L. Brake, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Michael Atzmon, Ph.D. James P. Holloway, Ph.D. David K. Wehe, Ph.D. William Kerr, Ph.D. John S. King, Ph.D. Dietrich H. Vincent, Dr. Rer. Nat. See Page 195 for statement on Course Equivalence. I 100. Nuclear Energy in Modern Society l and I (2 credits) Nuclear power, as an example of introducing new technology for societal use. Human energy needs vs. consumption, alternative energy technologies (solar, fossil, and nuclear), natural and man-made radiation environment, nuclear medicine, nuclear energy, and the Green Revolution. Guest lecturers. 311. Elements of Nuclear Engineering I Prerequisite: Physics 242, preceded or accompanied by Math. 450. (3 credits) Properties and structure of nuclei. Radioactivity; alpha-, beta-, and gamma-decay. Nuclear reaction. Interaction of neutron, gamma rays, and charged particles with matter. Nuclear fission. 312. Elements of Nuclear Engineering II Prerequisite: Nuc. Eng. 311. H. (3 credits) Neutron physics; the four- factor formula for the multiplication constant for the infinite reactor; neutron generation time; one-speed neutron diffusion with elementary solutions; space- independent slowing down theory. Nuclear fusion. 315. Nuclear Instrumentation Laboratory Prerequisite: preceded or accompanied by Nuc. Eng. 312. ll. (4 credits) An introduction to the devices and techniques most common in nuclear measurements. Topics include the principles of operation of gas-filled, solid state, and scintillation detectors for charged particle, NUCLEAR ENGINEERING gamma ray, and neutron radiations. Techniques of pulse shaping, counting, and analysis for radiation spectroscopy. Timing and coincidence measurements. 400. Elements of Nuclear Energy Prerequisite. junior standing. l and/I. (3 credits) Ideas and concepts important to the development of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes-designed for those in fields other than nuclear engineering. Principal emphasis upon fission reactors and fusion reactor research. History of the nuclear energy program, elementary nuclear physics, radiologic health physics, and nuclear medicine. 421. Nuclear Engineering Materials Prerequisite: Nuc. Eng. 312. L (3 credits) An introduction to materials for nuclear fuels, nuclear reactors, and nuclear radiation detection, including radiation effects in these materials due to neutrons, charged particles, and gamma radiation. 425. Applied Nuclear Radia- tion Prerequisite: Nuc. Eng. 315. 1. (4 credits) Nuclear methods for materials analysis, including activation analysis, neutron diffraction and neutron radiography, tracer methods, ion beam analysis, Mdssbauer spectroscopy. Lectures and laboratory. 441. Introduction to Nuclear Fission Reactors Prerequisite: Nuc. Eng. 312 and Math. 454 or Math. 455. I. (4 credits) An introduction to the theory of nuclear fission reactors including such topics as neutron diffusion, the one- speed theory of nuclear reactors, reactor kinetics, multigroup diffusion theory and criticality calculations, and neutron slowing down and thermalization. 442. Nuclear Power Reactors Prerequisite: Nuc. Eng. 441. ll. (3 credits) Analysis of nuclear fission power systems including an introduction to nuclear reactor design, reactivity control, core thermal- hydraulics and feedback, fuel depletion, nuclear fuel management, environmental impact and plant siting, and nuclear systems analysis. 443. (Mech. Eng. 470) Heat Transfer Prerequisite. Mech. Eng. 231 or 236, Math. 454 or 455. Not open to Mech. Eng. Majors. I. (3 credits) Mechanisms of heat transfer. Steady and transient conduction in solids; approximate and exact solution procedures. Convection processes; laminar and turbulent (dimensional analysis with experiment). Heat exchanger design and performance. Thermal radiation. Introduc- tion to diffusion and mass transfer between phases. Special emphasis on systems involving energy generation. 445. Nuclear Reactor Laboratory Prerequisite. Nuc. Eng. 315 and Nuc. Eng. 441. /and //a. (4 credits) Measurements of nuclear reactor performance: activation methods, rod worth, critical loading, power and flux distributions, void and temperature coefficients of reactivity, xenon transient, diffusion length, pulsed neutrons. 462. Reactor Safety Analysis Prerequisite: preceded or accompanied by Nuc. Eng. 441. II. (3 credits) Analysis of those design and operational features of nuclear reactor systems that are relevant to safety. Reactor siting, reactor containment, engineered safeguards, transient behavior and accident analysis for representative reactor types. NRC regulations and procedures. Typical reactor hazards analyses. 363 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 364 471. Introduction to Plasmas and Fusion Prerequisite: Nuc. Eng. 312. L. (3 credits). Introduction to the requirements and operation of fusion systems. Reaction cross sections. Plasmas and plasma containment. Wave phenomena in plasmas. Analysis of simple laboratory plasmas and devices, including glow discharges, probes and simple pinches. 472. Fusion Reactor Technology Prerequisite: Nuc. Eng. 471. H. (3 credits) Study of technological topics relevant to the engineering feasibility of thermonuclear fusion reactors as power sources; including energy and particle balances in fusion reactors; neutronics including tritium breeding and neutron damage; various approaches to plasma fueling and heating; adiabatic compression and reactor ignition; dynamics and control; and special topics including environmental aspects. 481. (Bioeng. 481) Engineering Aspects of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine ll. (2 credits) An introduction to the physical principles, instrument systems, and analytical methods of importance in radiation- related medical procedures. Topics are drawn from research and clinical activities in diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine, and radiation therapy. 490. Special Topics in Nuclear Engineering I Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (To be arranged) Selected topics offered at the senior or first-year graduate level. The subject matter may change from term to term. 499. Research in Nuclear Engineering Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (1-3 credits) Individual or group research in a field of interest to the student under the direction of a faculty member of the Nuclear Engineering Department. 511. Quantum Mechanics in Neutron-Nuclear Reactions Prerequisite: Nuc. Eng. 312 and Math. 450. I. (3 credits) An introduction to quantum mechanics with applications to nuclear science and nuclear engineering. Topics covered include the Schroe- dinger equation and neutron- wave equations, neutron absorption, neutron scat- tering, details of neutron- nuclear reactions, cross sections, the Breit-Wigner formula, neutron diffraction, nuclear fission, transuranic elements, the deuteron. problem, masers, and lasers. 512. Interaction of Radiation and Matter Prerequisite: Nuc. Eng. 511. H. (3 credits) Classical and quantum- mechanical analysis of the processes by which radiation interacts with matter. Review of nuclear structure and properties. Nuclear models. Nuclei as sources of radiation. Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter. Interaction of charged particles with matter. Radiative collisions and theory of bremsstrahlung. Interaction of neutrons with matter. Interaction mechanisms and cross sections are developed. 515. Nuclear Measurements Laboratory Prerequisite: permission of instructor. 1. (4 credits) Principles of nuclear radiation detectors and their use in radiation instrumenta- tion systems. Characteristics of important devices with applications in nuclear science. Gamma ray spectroscopy, fast and NUCLEAR ENGINEERING thermal neutron detection, charged particle measure- ments, pulse analysis, nuclear event timing, and recent development in nuclear instrumentation. 521. Radiation Effects in Nuclear Materials Prerequisite: permission of instructor. 1. (3 credits) Radiation effects in crystalline solids; defect production, spike phenom- ena, displacement cascades, interatomic potentials, channeling, focusing, slowing down. Radiation effects on mechanical behavior of reactor components; creep, hardening, fracture, fatigue. Applications to pressure vessel steels, in-core components, and fusion reactor wall materials. 522. Nuclear Fuels Prerequisite: permission of instructor. HI. (3 credits) Nuclear reactor fuels; physical properties, radiation damage, thermal response. Fuel behavior; densification, fission-gas release, swelling, burn-up. Cladding; metallurgy, mechanical properties, corrosion behavior, radiation effects. Fuel design and fabrication, fuel behavior. Fusion reactor fuels. 541. Nuclear Reactor Theory I Prerequisite: Math. 454 or 455 and Nuc. Eng. 312 or Nuc. Eng. 511 concurrently. 1. (3 credits) A graduate level course on the principles of nuclear fission reactors including neutron transport theory, the Pn approximation, multigroup diffusion methods, fast and thermal group constant generation, core lattice analysis. A strong emphasis will be placed on numerical analysis and computer methods. 542. Nuclear Reactor Theory II Prerequisite: Nuc. Eng. 541. II. (3 credits) A continuation of Nuc. Eng. 541 including neutron resonance absorption and thermalization, perturbation and variational methods, flux synthesis, and numerical methods for solving the neutron transport equation including Sn and Bn methods, collision probabilities, and Monte Carlo methods. 551. Nuclear Reactor Kinetics Prerequisite: preceded or accompanied by Nuc. Eng. 441. I. (3 credits) Derivation and solution of point reactor kinetic equations; concept of reactivity and inhour equation; reactor transfer function; physical origin and mathematical description of 365 feedback. Linear and non- linear stability of reactors, and the derivation of the stability criteria. Lyapunov's theory with reactor applications. Space- dependent reactor kinetics and xenon oscillations, coupled core analysis, introduction to reactor noise analysis. 554. Radiation Shielding Prerequisite: preceded or accompanied by Nuc. Eng. 441. I. (3 credits) A macroscopic study of the absorption of nuclear radiation in dense material with applications to radiation shielding. Topics considered include radiation sources, permissible radiation levels, gamma-ray attenuation, neutron attenuation, shield optimization, heat generation and removal in shields, and other related problems. 561. Nuclear Core Design and Analysis I Prerequisite: preceded or accompanied by Nuc. Eng. 542. I. (3 credits) Analytical investigation of areas of special importance to the design of nuclear reactors. Includes development, evaluation, and application of models for the neutronic, thermalhydraulic, and economic behavior of both thermal and fast COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 366 reactors. Typical problems arising in both design and operation of nuclear reactors are considered. This course includes extensive use of digital computers. 562. Nuclear Core Design and Analysis II Prerequisite: Nuc. Eng. 561. l/la. (3 credits) Continuation of subject matter covered under Nuc. Eng. 561 with emphasis on applications of analytical models to the solution of current problems in reactor technology. 571. Plasmas and Controlled Fusion I Prerequisite: permission of instructor. I. (3 credits) Fundamentals of the physics of fusion and of ionized gases. The basic equations describing the collective behavior of charged particles are formulated. General physical implications of these equations are examined. 572. Plasmas and Controlled Fusion II Prerequisite: Nuc. Eng. 571. II. (3 credits) Investigations in plasma dynamics based on the Boltzmann and Fokker- Planck equations of magneto-hydrodynamics. Study of problems of containment, pinch effect, plasma oscillation, diffusion. 575. (EECS 519) Plasma Dynamics and Particle Optics Laboratory Prerequisite: preceded or accompanied by a course in plasmas or physical electron- ics. 11(3 credits) Experimental techniques for plasma dynamics, electron and ion beam technology, and vacuum technology. Experiments will be on microwave and probe diagnostics of plasmas, plasma instabilities, vacuum systems, plasma generation, electron and ion beam generation and optics, and other topics of current interest. Lectures will be given for background material. 576. Principles of Charged Particle Accelerators Prerequisite: Phys. 242 and 405 or permission of instructor, EECS 314 and 315. I, alternate years. (3 credits) Study of electrostatic and electrodynamic accelerator principles and technology. Magnetic and electrostatic focusing of relativistic charged particles. Transient analysis of pulsed accelerators. Poisson/Laplace analysis of accelerator systems and components. Electron beam cathodes. Ion beam sources. Engineering aspects of field emission, insulator flashover, and vacuum arc phenomena. 590. Special Topics in Nuclear Engineering II Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (To be arranged) Selected advanced topics such as neutron and reactor physics, reactor core design, and reactor engineering. The subject matter will change from term to term. 599. Master's Project Prerequisite. permission of instructor. ,/,1A///, and /la or 111b. (1-3 credits) Individual or group investigations in a particular field or on a problem of special interest to the student. The course content will be arranged at the beginning of each term by mutual agreement between the student and a staff member. This course may be repeated for up to 6 credit hours. 622. (MSE 622) Ion Beam Modification and Analysis of Materials Prerequisites. Nucl. Eng. 421/521 or Mat. Sci. Eng. 351 or Permission of instructor. 1. (3 credits) Ion-solid interactions, ion beam mixing, compositional changes, phase changes, microstructural changes; alteration of physical and mechanical properties such as corrosion, wear, fatigue, hardness; ion beam analysis techniques such as RBS, NUCLEAR ENGINEERING NRA, PIXE, ion channeling, ion microprobe; accelerator system design and operation as it relates to implantation and analysis. 644. Transport Theory Prerequisite: Math. 555. 1. (3 credits) Mathematical study of linear transport equations with particular application to neutron transport, plasma physics, photon transport, electron conduction in solids, and rarefied gas dynamics; one-speed transport theory; Wiener-Hopf and singular eigenfunction methods; time- dependent transport processes; numerical methods including spherical harmonics, discrete ordinates, and Monte Carlo techniques; non-linear transport phenomena. 671. Theory of Plasma Confinement in Fusion . Systems I Prerequisite: Nuc. Eng. 572. I. (alternate years) (3 credits) Study of the equilibrium, stability, and transport of plasma in controlled fusion devices. Topics include MHD equilibrium for circular and non-circular cross section plasmas; magneto- hydrodynamic and microinstabilities; classical and anomalous diffusion of particles and energy, and scaling laws. 672. Theory of Plasma Confinement in Fusion Systems I Prerequisite: Nuc. Eng. 671. II, alternate years. (3 credits) Study of the equilibrium, stability, and transport of plasma in controlled fusion devices. Topics include MHD equilibrium for circular and non-circular cross section plasmas; magneto- hydrodynamic and micro- instabilities; classical and anomalous diffusion of particles and energy, and scaling laws. 673. (Aero. Eng. 673) (EECS 617) Topics in Theoretical Plasma Physics Prerequisite: Nuc. Eng. 571 or EECS 517or Aero. Eng. 726. l and HI. (3 credits) This course may be taken for credit more than once. An advanced course in theoretical plasma physics covering topics of current research interest. Specific content will vary from year to year. Representative topics include: studies of weakly ionized plasmas with applications to gas lasers; space plasmas; laser fusion plasmas; and non-linear plasma dynamics and plasma turbulence. 674. (Appl. Phys. 674) High Inensity Laser- Plasma Interactions Prerequisite: Nuc. Eng. 471, 571. , or permission of instructor. I. (3 credits) Coupling of intense electromagnetic radiation to electrons and collective modes in time-dependent and equilibrium plasmas, ranging from underdense to solid-density. Theory, numerical models and experiments in laser fusion, x-ray lasers, novel electron accelerators and nonlinear optics. 676. Physics of Intense Charged-Particle Beams Prerequisite: Nuc. Eng. 572. , alternate years. (3 credits) Generation of intense electron and ion beams, dynamics and transport of such beams in vacuum, neutral and ionized gases. Stability and erosion of intense beams with applications to inertial confinement fusion and high- power coherent radiation. 367 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 368 799. Special Projects (1-6 credits) Individual or group investigations in a particular field or on a problem of special interest to the student. The project will be arranged at the beginning of the term by mutual agreement between the student and a staff member. 990. Dissertation/Pre- Candidate I, ll, and ll. (2-8 credits); llla and/lllb. (1-4 credits) Election for dissertation work by doctoral student not yet admitted to status as a Candidate. The defense of the dissertation, that is, the final oral examination, must be held under a full term candidacy enrollment. 995. Dissertation/Candidate Prerequisite: Graduate School authorization for admission as a doctoral candidate. I, land Ill. (8 credits); la and Ilb. (4 credits) Election for dissertation work by doctoral student who has been admitted to status as a Candidate. The defense of the dissertation, that is, the final oral examination, must be held under a full term candidacy enrollment. Physics* Department Office 1049 Randall (313) 764-4437 369 *College of Literature, Science, and the Arts Professor H. A. Neal, Chair Professors Akerlof, Allen, Axelrod, Becchetti, Bretz, Bucksbaum, Chapman, Clarke, Coffin, Einhorn, Ford, Hecht, Hegyi, Janecke, Jones, Kane, Krimm, A. Krisch, Lewis, Longo, Merlin, Meyer, Neal, Overseth, Rich, Roe, Ross, Sander, Sanders, Sands, Saulf, Sinclair, Steel, Thun, Tickle, Tomozawa, Uher, van der Velde, Veltman, Ward, Weinreich, Williams, Wu, Yao, Zorn; Associate Professors Dierker, Gidley, Gray, J. Krisch, Rand, Tarle; Assistant Professors Amidei, Aronson, Ben-Jacob, Campbell, Evard, Fahy, Field, Hoogerbeets, Nori, Orr, RasulRoser, Snow. 140. General Physics I Prerequisite: Calculus and Physics 141 to be taken concurrently. 4/I, l/a. (3 credits) The normal course consists of two lectures and two discussions per week. However, there are Keller sections available that meet four hours per week in two- hour sessions. An Honors section may be taken by the well qualified student with permission of the Physics Department. This is the first of a three-term sequence in general physics for scientists and engineers, and the following topics are covered: Classical Mechanics: Vectors, motion in one dimension, circular motion, projectile motion, relative velocity and acceleration, Newton's Laws, particle dynamics, work and energy, linear momentum, torque, angular momentum of a particle, simple harmonic motion, gravitation, planetary motion, pressure and density of fluids, Archimedes Principle. 141. Elementary Laboratory I To be taken concurrently with Physics 140. 4, l/,la. (1 credit) One two-hour period of laboratory per week, designed to accompany Physics 140. 240. General Physics II Prerequisite: Physics 140 or equivalent: Physics 241 to be taken concurrently. , /l, la. (3 credits) The normal course consists of two lectures and two discussions per week. However, there are Keller sections available that meet four hours per week in two- hour sessions. An Honors section may be taken by the well qualified student with permission of the Physics Department. This is the second of a three-term sequence in general physics for scientists and engineers, and the following topics are covered: Electricity and Magnetism: Charge, Coulombs's Law, electric field, Gauss's Law, electric potential, capacitors and dielectrics, current and resistance, EMF and circuits, magnetic field, Biot-Savart Law, Amperes' Law, Faraday's Law of Induction. Waves: Traveling wave equation, light waves, interference. 241. Elementary Laboratory II To be taken concurrently with Physics 240. 4, l/,la. (1 credit) One two-hour period of laboratory per week, designed to accompany Physics 240. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 370 242. General Physics Ill Prerequisite: Physics 240-241 or equivalent. 1, II. (3 credits) This is the third of a three- term sequence in general physics for scientists and engineers, and the following topics are covered: Relativity: Review of spacetime, energy- momentum transformation, invariant mass, mass-energy equivalence, energy- momentum conservation, and applications. Atomic Physics and Quantum Effects: Rutherford scattering, atomic structure (Bohr, Sommerfeld, Goudsmit-Uhlenbeck), electron spin, Zeeman effect. Waves, Schrddinger equation and its application to free particles, bound states of square well potential, harmonic oscillator and the Hydrogen atom. Rotational spectrum, Band theory of solids, Fermi energy, etc. 250. Introduction to Quantitative Study of the Environment Prerequisite. two and one- half years high school math or any college course in math or natural science. II. (3 credits) A course to develop some techniques and concepts of physics, such as the first and second laws of thermody- namics, in order to understand some environ- mental problems and their possible solution. 288. Physics of Music II. (3 credits) Lectures, demonstrations, and laboratory designed to acquaint the student with the physical basis of music. Distribution of time between laboratory and demonstra- tions would depend on enrollment. While no prior formal knowledge of either physics or music theory is required, a reasonably strong interest in music is assumed, as well as a willingness to combine ear and mind in an attempt to analyze the phenomena involved. Topics to be covered include: nature of sound; properties of musical tones; dynamics of vibrating bodies, dynamics of continuous systems; harmonic series; pitch relationships; temperaments and their role as expressions of style; survey of musical instruments. 333. Keller Tutor 140 Prerequisite. permission of instructor. l and II. (1-3 credits) Student works as a tutor in Keller Physics 140. 334. Keller Tutor 240 Prerequisite: permission of instructor. lIand IL (1-3 credits) Student works as a tutor in Keller Physics 240. 401. Intermediate Mechanics Prerequisite: Physics 126 or 240-241 and Math. 216 or equivalent. land l. (3 credits) The methods of Lagrange are introduced and compared with the Newtonian approach to solving problems. Simple problems are introduced using the new methods: Simple harmonic motion, problems with springs and pulleys, projectile motion, spherical pendulum. The theory of small oscillations for two or more dimensions: Secular determinant, eigenfrequen- cies, normal modes, normal coordinates, the double pendulum, resonance, CO2- like molecules, etc. Problems with three or more dimensions: Central and planetary motions; the laws of Kepler; Newton's Law of universal gravitation, the theory of the motion of a rigid body, instantaneous angular velocity, the center of mass, the theory of moments of inertia, the theory of the motion of a free rigid body, and the symmetric top. PHYSICS 402. Light Prerequisite: Physics 126 or 240-241 and Math. 216 or equivalent. I. (3 credits) The phenomena of physical optics, reflection, refraction, dispersion, interference, diffraction, polarization, etc., interpreted in terms of the wave theory of light. 403. Optics Laboratory Prerequisite: Physics 242 or permission of instructor. / and /. (2 credits) Laboratory course covering geometrical and physical optics. It is intended for physics and other science majors. Lab experiments cover the following topics: lens equations, lens aberrations, light sources and detectors, polarization, interferometry, diffraction, electro-optical effects, light scattering, spatial filtering, holography, and spectros- copy. Although no formal optics course is required, students are encouraged to take Physics 402 (Light). 405. Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism Prerequisite: Physics 126 or 240-241 and Math. 216 or equivalent. land II. (3 credits) The laws and principles of electrostatics, moving electric charges and electromagnet- ism; introduction to Maxwell's equation. 406. Statistical and Thermal Physics Prerequisite: Physics 126 or 240-241 and Math. 216. l and/l. (3 credits) Introduction to thermal processes, including the classical laws of thermody- namics and their statistical foundations: Basic probability concepts, statistical description of systems and particles, thermal interaction, microscopic basis of macroscopic concepts such as temperature and entropy, laws of thermodynamics, elementary kinetic theory of transport processes. 407. Thermodynamics Laboratory Prerequisite: Physics 126 or 240-241. l and /f. (2 credits) Laboratory course meeting four hours per week. Normally taken concurrently with Physics 406. Experi- ments in thermodynamics and heat transport. 409. Modern Laboratory Prerequisite: admission primarily to science majors in the junior year by permission of instructor. / and I. (2 credits) Develops experimental skills as well as acquaints the students with some of the subject matter of modern physics. Experiments available include: electron charge to mass ratio, electron charge, photoelectric effect, optical interferometer, microwaves, velocity of light, and others. 411. Introduction to Computa- tional Physics Prerequisites: Physics 242, Calculus, some knowledgeof BASIC, FORTRAN or PASCAL. 1. (3 credits) Introduction to techniques of computational Physics with applications in optics, atomic, solid-state, nuclear and particle physics. 413. Physics of Complexities Prerequisites: Physics 401 or equivalent and familiarity with programming in BASIC. I. (3 credits) This course is intended to introduce some concepts of non-linear dynamics, chaos, fractals, and disorderly growth at an undergraduate level. It should be useful to students in physics, chemistry, biological sciences, engineering, medical sciences, and, in some cases, social sciences. The prerequisites are Physics 401 (undergraduate mechanics) or the equivalent, or permission of the instructor. 415. Special Problems Prerequisite:permission of instructor. I, II, I/I, //a and //b. (Arranged) 371 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 372 417. Dynamical Processes in Biophysics Prerequisite: Math. 216, Physics 242, Physics 402, or equivalent or by permission of instructor. I. (3 credits) Introduction to physics techniques to study the ultrastructure of macromole- cules and biomolecules: characterization of macro- molecular structure; factors influencing conformational stability; an elementary study of structural techniques; scattering theory (x-ray diffraction, light scattering, etc.) and spectroscopic methods (infrared, Raman, UV, NMR, etc.) with application to macromole- cules. 418. Macromolecular and Bio-Physics II Prerequisite: Math. 216, Physics 242, 402, 417 or by permission of/instructor. II. (3 credits) An intensive study of macromolecular structural problems and their solutions: thermodynamics and statistical mechanics of chain molecules; conformational transitions; denaturation; statistical nature of physical properties; nature of general organization and folding in macromolecules; case studies of structural problems in bio-and macromolecules. 435. Gravitational Physics Prerequisite. Physics 442 and 481 or equivalent. Iand/. (3 credits) The Einstein theory of general relativity provides the foundation of gravitational physics, astrophysics, and cosmology. After an introduction to the theory, experimental tests of general relativity which were performed in the past, the implications of pulsars, black holes, supernova, and cosmic background radiation as well as the ongoing experimental detection of gravitational waves are discussed. This is an elective course for concentrators in physical sciences and the prerequisites for the course are Physics 242 and 401. 438. Electromagnetic Radiation Prerequisite: Physics 405. I (3 credits) Electromagnetic waves in free space; propagation of electromagnetic waves in matter; reflection and refraction by dielectrics, con- ductors and ionized gases; dispersion ; wave guides, cavity resonators, and transmission lines; absorp- tion and scattering of light; radiation by dipoles and antennas; radiation by moving charges: bremmstrahlung; synchrotron radiation and Cerenkov radiation. 451, 452. Methods of Theoretical Physics Prerequisite: Physics 401 and Math. 405 or equivalent. 451, l; 452, ll. (3 each) Applications of matrix theory, vector and tensor analysis, boundary value problems approximation and variational methods, applications from theory of analytic functions. Fourier series and integrals, eigenvalue problems, spherical harmonics, Bessel functions and other special functions of mathematical physics. Green's functions. Other topics may include an introduction to integral equations or group theory with applications to physical problems. 453. Quantum Mechanics Prerequisite: Physics 242 or equivalent, 401 or 405, or permission of instructor. I and II. (3 credits) The course in an introduction to quantum mechanics. Introduction: Bohr model, breakdown of classical mechanics, Stern-Gerlach experiment, probability amplitudes. Schrodinger Equation: Application to a free particle, reflection at a potential discontinuity, barrier penetration, bound states of a square well, harmonic oscillation, qualitative discussions of solutions of the Schrodinger Equation for the hydrogen atom. PHYSICS Electron spin and fine structure (hydrogen atom): The Stern-Gerlach experi- ment, angular momentum coupling for the one-electron atom; semi-quantitative (non relativistic) treatment of spin- orbit coupling and fine structure. The many electron-atom: Pauli Principle, the periodic table, X-rays, Moseley's Law. 454. Electronic Acquisition and Processing of Physics Data Prerequisite: basic knowledge of computer structure helpful. L. (3 credits) Open to students at the junior, senior, and graduate level. The external characteristics of analog and digital electronic elements are reviewed prior to their use in specific circuits for monitoring and collecting from physics experiments. 457. Nuclear Physics Prerequisite: Physics 453. II. (3 credits) The course is an introduction to nuclear physics. The basic elements of quantum mechanics are used. Nuclear Structure: binding energies, size and shape, angular momentum, parity, isospin, magnetic moments, electric quadrupole moments; statistical, shell, and collective models for the nucleus. Nuclear Decays: radioactiv- ity, barrier penetration and alpha-particle decay, the weak interaction and beta- decay, electro-magnetic transitions in nuclei. Nuclear Interactions: Basic properties of the nuclear force, nucleon-nucleon scattering, the deuteron, nuclear reactions, and reaction models. Nuclear Radiation: Interaction of charged particles, gamma rays and neutrons with matter, nuclear radiation detectors. 459. Nuclear Laboratory Prerequisite: Physics 242 and one 400-level physics laboratory course, or by permission. l1and II. (2 credits) Study of nuclear phenomena and instrumentation. Experiments available include: radioactivity; scintillation counter, angular correlation, Compton effect, Rutherford scattering, cosmic-ray muon lifetime, nuclear magnetic resonance, nuclear fission, neutron diffusion, and others. 460. Atomic Physics Prerequisite: Physics 453. II (2 credits) This is the second of a two-course sequence on quantum mechanics and atomic physics. The topics covered are: The two-electron atom: The Pauli exclusion principle, energy levels of the helium atom. Structure and spectroscopy of many-electron atoms: L-S land j-j coupling, the Zeeman, Stark, and Paschen-Bach effects, hyperfine structure; elementary treatment of transition probabilities and selection rules, line widths and broadening. Lasers: Stimulated emission, pumping, output characteris- tics. lnteraction of light micro- waves with atoms: Nuclear magnetic resonance, optical pumping, level-crossing spectroscopy. 461. Atomic Laboratory Prerequisite: Physics 242 and one 400-level physics laboratory course or by permission. lIand l. (2 credits) Intended for science majors. Covers atomic phenomena. Zeeman Effect, Faraday Effect, optical pumping and mass spectrometer, diffraction of electrons, atomic spectros- copy. 463. Introduction to Solid State Physics Prerequisite: Physics 453 or permission of instructor. IL (3 credits) Structure and physical properties of crystalline solids. Ionic crystals; free electron theory of metals; 373 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 374 band theory of solids; effects of impurities and imperfec- tions; theories of magnetism. Introduction to the concepts of phonons, polarons, plas- mons, etc. Interaction of radiation with crystalline materials. 464. Solid State Laboratory Prerequisite: Physics 242 and Physics 406. Physics 463 to be taken concurrently or previously. I. (2 credits) Experimental work in x-ray diffraction from solids, electron transport in solids, phase transitions, the use of the electron microscopes and thermal mechanism in solids. 468. Elementary Particles Prerequisite: Physics 453, or Physics 453 taken concur- rently. I. (3 credits) A survey course, emphasiz- ing the systematics of elementary particles, basic theory, and current experimental problems. 505, 506. Electricity and Magnetism Prerequisite: Physics 405 and Math. 450. 505, 1. (2 credits); 506, II. (3 credits) Electromagnetic theory; Maxwell's equations and the radiation from a Hertzian oscillator; connections with special relativity theory. 507. Theoretical Mechanics Prerequisite: an adequate knowledge ofldifferential equations: an introductory course in mechanics is desirable. I. (3 credits) Lagrange equations of motion; the principle of least action. Hamilton's principle, the Hamilton-Jacobi equations; Poisson brackets. 510. Statistical Physics. I I. (3 credits) Kinetic and statistical methods of Boltzmann, and explanation of the second law; extension to the quantum theory; nonideal gases and the theory of the solid body; theory of radiation; fluctuation phenomena. 511. Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure I Prerequisite: Physics 453. Physics 511 is a prerequisite for Physics 512. II. (3 credits) 512. Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure II Prerequisite: Physics 511. I. (3 credits) Pysics 511 and 512 make up a two-term sequence on the quantum theory and its applications to the solution of problems in atomic physics. 513. Advanced Quantum Mechanics I and II. (3 credits) A review of time dependent perturbation theory, creation and destruction operator formalism, second quantization of the photon field, scattering of photons and atoms, and the Klein- Gordon and Dirac equations. 515, 516. Supervised Research Prerequisite: permission. land I. (4-6 credits) each term. 517. Graduate Physics Laboratory Prerequisite: graduate standing. I. (3 credits) Experiments i-n atomic, optical, nuclear, condensed matter, and low temperature physics for the graduate student with limited experimental experience. 518. Microcomputers in Experimental Research Prerequisite: graduate standing. II. (3 credits) A laboratory course in the application of microcompu- ters to experimental research: data acquisition, handling, analysis, and geographical presentation. PHYSICS 375 520. Solid State Prerequisite: Physics 510, 511 or equivalent. II. (3 credits) Modern theory of solids with emphasis on fundamental interactions: electron states, band theory, electron- electron interactions; phonons; electron-phonon interactions; and topics from transport theory, supercon- ductivity, and semi- conductor physics. 521. Elementary Particle Physics Prerequisite: Physics 506, 512, or equivalent. ' (3 credits) Experimental aspects of the following topics will be covered in depth; particles and their quantum numbers; measurement techniques; basic symmetries, e.g., parity, charge conjugation, etc.; weak interactions; electromagnetic interactions; strong interactions. 523. Advanced Quantum Mechanics II Prerequisite: Relativistic Quantum Mechanics at the level of Physics 513. II. (3 credits) This course will assume a background of Relativistic Quantum Mechanics at the level of Physics 513 (Advanced Quantum Mechanics 1). Among the topics explored will be: Group theory, spin, isospin, SU2 and higher groups, the application of the Dirac equation to High Energy Physics, hyperfine splitting, etc. Topics in field theory will include Feynman diagrams and calculations of cross sections for simple processes. 601, 602. Particles and Fields 605, 606. Group Theory 610. (EECS 638) Quantum Theory of Optical Physics Prerequisites: EECS 541, preceded or accompanied by EECS 630. I. (3 credits) The atom-field interaction; density matrix; quantum theory of radiation including spontaneous emission; optical Bloch equations and theory of resonance fluorescence; coherent pulse propagation; dressed atoms and squeezed states; special topics in nonlinear optics. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 376 611. (EECS634) Nonlinear Optics Prerequisites: EECS 537 or EECS 538 or EECS 530. ll. (3 credits) Formalism of wave propagation in nonlinear media; susceptibility tensor; second harmonic generation and three-wave mixing; phase matching; third order nonlinearities and four-wave mixing processes; stimulated Raman and Brillouin scattering. Special topics: nonlinear optics in fibers, including solitons and self- phase modulation. 615, 616. Advanced Mechanics 617, 618. Continuous Media 619, 620. Solid State 621, 622. Quantum Theory of Fields 623, 624. Advanced Statistical Physics 625, 626. Theory of Elementary Particle 627, 628. Experimental High Energy Physics 631. 632. Advanced Mathematical Physics 633, 634. Fluid Dynamics 635, 636. Theory of Relativity 637, 638. Theory of Nuclear Structure 639, 640. Low Temperature Physics 643, 644. Advanced Atomic Physics 650. (EECS 538) (Appli. Phys. 550) Propagation of Laser Beams Prerequisites: FECS 434. I. (3 credits) Gaussian wave optics and the ABCD law. Crystal properties and the dielectric tensor; electro-optic effects and devices; acousto-optic diffraction and devices. Introduction to nonlinear optics: coupled mode theory and second harmonic generation; phase matching. 651. (EECS 539) (Appli. Phys. 551) Lasers and Electro- Optics II Prerequisites: EECS 538. I[ (3 credits) Laser resonators, eigenmodes, and stability analysis; rate equation analysis; homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening mechanisms; laser gain and gain saturation; 0-switching and mode locking. Special topics: laser pulse compression; Raman and Brillouin scattering; phase conjugation. 655, 656. Advanced Molecular Physics 665, 666. Contemporary Physics 667, 668. Astrophysics 670. Fundamentals of Plasma Physics 715. Special Problems 990. Dissertation/ Pre-Candidacy 995. Dissertation/Candidacy STATISTICS Statistics* 377 Department Office 1444 Mason Hall (313) 763-3519 *College of Literature, Science, and the Arts Other courses in statistics are listed in the Bulletins of that College and the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Professor Muirhead, Chair Professors Csorgo, Ericson, Hill, Howrey, Hymans, Kmenta, Rothman, Smith, and Woodroofe; Associate Professors Jeganathan and Keener; Assistant Professors Belisle, Faraway, Hardwick, Sun and Thelen 100. Introduction to Statistical Reasoning Prerequisite: none. I, lI, and //a. (4 credits) Course is designed to expose a student to the basic ideas underlying statistical reason- ing and modern statistical methodology. Topics covered include: rudiments of probability theory; critical discussion of alternative interpretations of probability; statistics as inference and/or decision making; basics of decision theory; the funda- mental ideas underlying hypothesis testing and estimation; classical versus Bayesian ideas. 170. The Art of Scientific Investigation Prerequisite: none. AI. (4 credits) The course will explore the critical thought processes involved in a scientific investigation. Concepts covered will include: the role of empiricism, modelling, the nature of variability, the design of scientific exper- iments (advantages and disadvantages), the role of randomization, the measure- ment process, possible biasses, the use of controls, and the evaluation of final results. Examples from the history of science will be used to illustrate successes and failures in science. Various ethical issues will be considered. 301. Introduction to Decision Theory Prerequisite: None. /. (3 credits) Models for decision making, including actions, states of nature, and consequences; using probability to measure uncertainty; the subjective and objective views of probability; Bayes and mini- max solutions to decision problems with data; admissible and inadmissible strategies; relation to game theory; solutions to decision problems with data; quanti- fying the value of informa- tion; choosing among alter- native experiments; special topics such as group and multi-purpose decision making. 310. Elements of Probability Prerequisite: taken concurrently with Math. 215. l and /. (3 credits) Basic concepts of probability; expectation and variance, covariance; distribution functions; bivariate marginal and conditional distributions. The binomial and related distributions, the Poisson process, the exponential and gamma distributions, the normal distribution, the distributions of sample statistics, the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 378 311. (I.&O.E. 365) Engineering Statistics Prerequisite: Eng. 101 or Math. 215. l1and II. (4 credits) Analysis of engineering data associated with stochastic industrial processes. Topics include: fundamentals of distribution analyses; process model identification, estima- tion, testing of hypotheses, validation procedures, and evaluation of models by regression and correlation. Students are required to use the MTS computer system for problem solving. 402. Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis 1, /land l/b. (4 credits) A one-term course in applied statistical methodology from the analysis of data viewpoint. Frequency distributions; measures of location; mean, median, mode; measures of dispersion, the variance; graphic presentation; elementary probability; populations and samples; sampling distributions; one- sample univariate inference problems; two-sample problems; categorical data; regression and correlation; analysis of variance. Use of computers in data analysis. Three hours of lectures and one and one-half hour lab session each week. 403. Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis it Prerequisite. Statistics 402. l and /. (4 credits) This is a continuation of Statistics 402. Covers additional topics in the design and analysis of experiments (partially hierarchical, Latin squares, split plot; fixed, random, and mixed models, both parametric and non- parametric techniques); multiple regression including some discussion of model choice and evaluation, partial correlations, multicollinearity, etc.; analysis of covariance; analysis of categorical data from both a classical x2 perspective and via linear models. Each techniques presented with assumptions and illustrative examples. 404. Problem Solving in Medical Statistics Prerequisite: enrollment in Inteflex or permission of instructor. I. (3 credits) This course is designed to introduce students in the medical sciences to the measurement and interpretation of clinically relevant variables. Applications to the design and analysis of clinical trials and diagnosis will be presented. The methodology includes some probability theory, classical inference, and curve fitting. Many of the topics are illustrated through current problems in medicine. 405. (Econ. 405) Introduction to Statistics Prerequisite. Econ. 201 or 400, Math. 115. land II. (4 credits) The purpose of this course is to provide students with an understanding of the prin- ciples of statistical inference. Topics covered include probability, experimental, and theoretical derivation of sampling distributions, hypo- thesis testing, estimation, and sample regression. 412. Introduction to Probability and Statistics Prerequisite: taken concurrently with Math. 215 and either EECS 283 or Eng. 103. /, II and lila. (3 credits) An introduction to probability theory; statistical models, especially sampling models; estimation and confidence intervals; testing statistical hypotheses; important applications, including the analysis of variance and regression. 425. (Math. 425) Introduction to Probability Theory Prerequisite: Math. 215. l and /. (3 credits) Basic concepts of probability; expectation, variance, covariance; distribution functions; bivariate, marginal and conditional distributions. STATISTICS 426. Introduction to Mathematical Statistics Prerequisite: Statistics 425. l and /. (3 credits) Treatment of experimental data; normal sampling theory; confidence intervals and tests of hypotheses; introduction to regression and to analysis of variance. This course will serve as prerequisite for many 500-level statistics courses. 466. Statistical Quality Control Prerequisite. Statistics 311. II. (3 credits) Design and analysis of procedures for forecasting and control of production processes. Topics include: attribute and variables sampling plans; sequential sampling plans; rectifying control procedures; charting, smoothing, forecasting, and prediction of discrete time series. 470. The Design of Scientific Experiments Prerequisities: Statistics 311, 402 or 412 or 426 or permission of instructor. l and I1. (4 credits) The course will cover the design of sample surveys, comparative observational studies and randomized experiments. Concepts. covered will include: stratified and multistage samples, retrospective and prospective studies, design of multifactor experiments, optimal experi- mental designs, confounding and possible sources of bias. The course will include projects involving all aspects of a scientific study - from the design through the analysis of the data and the write-up of the results. 499. Honors Seminar Prerequisite:permission of departmental honors adviser. I, II, /la, and /I/b. (2-3 credits) Advanced topics, reading and/or research in applied or theoretical statistics. 500. Applied Statistics I Prerequisite: Math. 417 and a course in statistics (402 or 426 or permission of instructor). I. (3 credits) Review of matrices, multi- variate normal and related distributions. Regression and general least squares theory, Gauss-Markov Theorem, estimation of regression coefficients, polynomial regression, step-wise regression, residuals. ANOVA models, multiple comparisons, analysis of covariance, Latin squares, and other designs, random and mixed-effects models. Applications and real data analysis will be stressed, with students using the computer to perform statistical analysis. 501. Applied Statistics II Prerequisite: Statistics 500 or permission of the instructor. II. (3 credits) A variety of topics in applied statistics will be covered in the course. The main topics are survey sampling methods including: simple random sampling, stratification, cluster sampling, systematic sampling and multistage sampling methods. Survival analysis including: hazard and survival functions, censoring, Kaplan-Meier estimation, graphical methods and proportional hazards models. Bootstrap and jackknife methods and their uses. Topics in time series analysis including: autocorrelation functions, stationarity, identification, estimation and forecasting with ARIMA models and spectra. Non-parametric density estimation including: kernels, cross validation, stationarity and the penalized maximum likelihood estimators. Discriminant analysis including: linear and quadratic discriminators, relation to regression and non-parametric approaches. 502. Analysis of Categorical Data Prerequisite: Statistics 426. I, Il. (3 credits) Models of contingency tables, including the Poisson, multinomial, and hypergeom- etric models; additive and log 379 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 380 linear models for cell proba- bilities; estimation of para- meters, exact and asymptotic sampling distributions, and sufficient statistics; tests of hypotheses, including likeli- hood ratio tests, chi-square tests, and Fisher's exact test; special topics, such as quantal response problems, incomplete tables, tests for trend, and/or measures of association. 503. Applied Multivariate Analysis Prerequisites: Statistics 500 or permission. I. (3 credits) Topics in applied multivariate analysis including Hotelling's T2, multivariate ABOVA, discriminant functions, factor analysis, principal compo- nents, canonical correlations, and cluster analysis. Select- ed topics from: maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods, robust estimation and survey sampling. Appli- cations and data analysis using the computer will be stressed. 504. Seminar on Statistical Consulting Prerequisite: Statistics 403 or 500. I, IL (1-4 credits) Applications of statistics to problems in the sciences and social sciences; students will be expected to analyze data and write reports. 505. (Econ. 673) Econometric Analysis Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (3 credits) Theory and practice of hypothesis testing, statistical estimation, and the basic statistical theory underlying the linear model. 506. Statistical Computing Prerequisite: Statistics 426 or Statistics 500 and Computer Science 380 or Computer Science 383 or permission of instructor. 11. (3 credits) Monte Carlo procedures, generation of random numbers, computation of estimators, linear and non- linear problems, resampling algorithms, structural algorithms, splines, and other topics. 510. Mathematical Statistics I Prerequisites: Math 450 or 451 and a course in probability or statistics, or permission. 1. (3 credits) Review or probability theory including: probability, conditioning, independence, random variables, standard distributions, exponential families, inequalities and central limit theorem. Introduction to decision theory including: models, parameter spaces, decision rules, risk functions, Bayes versus classical approaches, admissibility, minimax rules, likelihood functions and sufficiency. Estimation theory including unbiasedness, complete sufficient statistics, Lehmann-Scheffe and Rao- Blackwell theorems, and various types of estimators. 511. Mathematical Statistics II Prerequisite: Statistics 510. I. (3 credits) More on the theory of estimation including: minimax, Bayes and James- Stein estimators. The theory of hypothesis testing including: tests significance levels, power, the Neyman- Person lemma, uniformly most powerful unbiased tests, monotone likelihood ratios, locally best tests, similar tests, likelilhood ratio tests and the associated large sample theory, sequential tests, goodness of fit tests, and tests in contingency tables. Other topics include: confidence regions, introduction to the general linear model, and non- parametric methods. 525. (Math 525) Probability Prerequisite. Math 450 or 451 or permission of the instructor. Ian II. (3 credits) Axiomatic treatment of probability, with emphasis on discrete sample spaces. Sums of independerit random variables, random walks, limit theorems; Markov chains and other stochastic processes. Carries one credit for students with credit for Stat./Math. 425. STATISTICS 526. (Math. 526) Discrete State Stochastic Processes Prerequisite: Math. 525 or Stat. 510. (3 credits) Review of discrete distribu- tions; generating functions; compound distributions; renewal theorem; systems as Markov chains. Properties of Markov chains: Chapman- Kolmogorov equations; return and first passage times; classification of states and periodicity; absorption probabilities; forward equation; stationary distributions; backward equation; ergodicity; limit properties. Branching and queueing processes, exam- ples from engineering, biological and social sciences; continuous time Markov chains; embedded chains; the M/G/1 queue; Markovian decision processes; inventory problems. 531. Statistical Analysis of Time Series Prerequisite: Statistics 426. land /. (3 credits) Decomposition of series; trends and regression as a special case of time series; cyclic components; smoothing techniques; the variate difference method; representations including spectrogram, periodogram, etc.; stochastic difference equations, autoregressive schemes, moving averages; large sample inference and prediction; covariance structure and spectral densities; hypothesis testing and estimation; applications, and other topics. 550. (Stat. & Mgt. Sci. 603) (I.&O.E. 560) Bayesian Decision Analysis Prerequisite: Stat. 425. (3 credits) Axiomatic foundations for personal probability and utility; interpretation and assessment of personal probability and utility; formulation of Bayesian decision problems; risk functions, admissibility; likelihood principle and properties of likelihood functions; natural conjugate prior distributions; improper and finitely additive prior distributions; examples of posterior distributions, including the general regression model and contingency tables; Bayesian credible intervals land hypothesis tests; applications to a variety of decision- making situations. 551. Bayesian Inference Prerequisite: Statistics 550. II. (3 credits) Foundations; likelihood principle, non-informative stopping; sequential analysis; choice of priors; stable estimation; conjugate priors; invariance; estimation; credible intervals; hypothesis testing, the Lindley-Jeffreys paradox, the meaning of significance levels; unidentifiability; Behrens- Fisher problem; regression and multivariate problems. 552. Sequential Analysis and Design Prerequisite: Statistics 426 or equivalent. ,11. (3 credits) Models for sequential sampling and sequential design; potential advantages and disadvantages of sequential methods, including their increased efficiency, ethical considera- tions and the effect on significance levels; the insensitivity of the likelihood function and posterior distributions to sequential sampling; fixed width confidence intervals; the Robbins Munro and related processes; some common sequential tests, including the sequential probability ratio test and restricted sequential procedures; decision theoretic formula- tion of sequential problems; Bayesian solutions of sequential problems by dynamic programming; applications to quality control and clinical trial; special topics. 381 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 382 560. (Biostatistics 685) Introduction to Non- parametric Statistics Prerequisite: Statistics 511 and permission of the instructor. /and/. (3 credits) Confidence intervals and tests for quantiles, tolerance regions and coverages; estimation by U statistics and linear combination of order statistics; large sample theory for U statistics and order statistics; the sample distribution and its uses including goodness-of-fit tests; rank and permutation tests for several hypotheses including a discussion of locally most powerful rank and permutation tests; large sample and asymptotic efficiency for selected tests. 570, Experimental Design Prerequisite. Statistics 426 and basic knowledge of matrix theory or permission of the instructor. / and/f. (3 credits) The course will cover the basic topics and ideas in the design of experiments. That is, randomization and randomization tests, the validity and analysis of randomized experiments, randomized blocks, Latin and Graeco-Latin squares, and plot techniques; factorial experiments, the use of confounding, single and fractional replications, and other types of factorial arrangements; topics in split plot experiments, split plot confounding and response surface methodology; weighing designs, lattice and incomplete block and partially balanced incomplete block designs. 575. (Econ. 775) Econometric Theory Prerequisite: Stat 425, Math 417; or Econ. 673 and 653 or equivalent. (3 credits) A course in econometric theory stressing the statistical foundation of the general linear model. The course involves a development of the required theory in mathemati- cal statistics and of derivations and proofs of main results associated with statistical inference in the general linear model. 576. (Econ. 776) Econometric Theory Prerequisite: Economics 775 or the equivalent. /1. (3 credits) Generalized least squares, multivariate multiple regression, simultaneous equation models (including problems of identification, estimation by equation and system methods, and forecasting), introduction to asymptotic theory, estimation problems in time series models. 580. Theory of Sampling Prerequisite: statistics 426 and permission of instructor., Il. (3 credits) Mathematical foundations of sampling finite populations. Simple random sampling; stratification; ratio and regression estimates; systematic sampling, subsampling; cost functions and choice of optimal designs, estimation procedures. 600, 601. Advanced Topics in Applied Statistics, I and I Prerequisite: Statistics 501 or permission. 600, /; 601, I. (3 credits each) Advanced topics in applied statistics, such as cluster analysis, analysis of qualitative data, ranking and selection methods, sequential methods, etc. The course will study one or two advanced topics in detail with case studies. 610, 611. Mathematical Statistics, I and II Prerequisite: Math. 601 and 625. 610, 1; 611,/I (3 credits each) Decision theory, including: an introduction to subjective probability and utility, and finite decision problems, Bayes and minimax procedures, admissibility and completeness, exponential STATISTICS families, and the role of sufficiency. Point and interval estimation, including unbiasedness, invariance, large sample theory, maximum likelihood, Bayes, and empirical Bayes methods, and multiple comparisons. Hypothesis testing, including power, uniformly most powerful tests, Bayes tests, best invariant tests, best unbiased test, likelihood ratio tests. Special topics. 620. Theory of Probability I Prerequisites: Math 451 or the equivalent. I. (3 credits) The course covers the basics of probability at an advanced level. Specific topics will include the following: Discrete probability spaces, the weak law of large num- bers, the DeMoivre-Laplace theorems, classes of sets, algebras, measures, exten- sion of measures, countable additivity and Lebesque and product measures. Also: measurable functions, random variables, conditional probability, independence, the Borel-Cantelli lemmas and the zero-one law. The course will additionally cover: integration, convergence theorems, inequalities, Fubini's theorem, the Radon Nikodym theorem, distribu- tion functions, expectations and the strong law of large numbers. 621. Theory of Probability II Prerequisites: Statistics 620. IH. (3 credits) The course is a continuation of Statistics 620. The topics covered will include: weak convergence, characteristic functions, inversion, unicity and continuity, the central limit theorem for sequences, extensions to higher dimensions, and the Cramer- Wold theorem. Also: the renewal theorem, conditional probability and expectation, regular conditional distributions, the Ergodic theorem, martingales, and the optional stopping theorem. The course will also cover: the Poisson process, Brownian motion, the strong Markov property and the invariance principle. 625, 626. (Math. 625, 626) Probability and Random Processes I and II Prerequisite: Math 601 for!l; Stat. 624 for i. (3 credits each) Advanced introduction assuming knowledge of measure theory. Conditional expectation, characteristic functions, stochastic processes, limit theorems, selected topics. 630. Topics in Applied Probability Prerequisite. Statistics 526 or Math. 626. I. (3 credits) Advanced topics in applied probability, such as queueing theory, inventory problems, branching processes, stochastic difference and differential equations, etc. The course will study one or two advanced topics in detail rather than attempting to study several in a (necessar- ily) superficial manner. 383 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 384 Technical Communication Department Office 111 Technical Information and Design and Analysis Laboratory (313) 764-1427 Professor J. C. Mathes, Ph.D. Dwight W. Stevenson, Ph.D., Assistant Dean for Engineering Continuing Education Professor Emeritus Webster Earl Britton, Ph.D. Thomas Mitchell Sawyer, Ph.D. Leslie A. Olsen, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Director of the Technical Communication Program Associate Professor David Edward Kieras, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Marthalee S. Barton, Ph.D. Peter Roberts Klaver, Ph.D. Usually, Engineering College students will take a three-hour technical communication course in their senior year. However, students are expected to maintain satisfadtory standards of English in all courses. Failing to do so, students may be directed to the Assistant Dean who, with the students' program advisers and technical communication or humanities faculty representatives, may prescribe additional study. The following courses provide senior and graduate students with intensive training in communication. One of the following courses must be elected to satisfy the requirement for a writing course in the senior year: 492, 497, 498, or 499. I 400. Technical Information and Communication Resources l and/I1(1 credit) Overview of information resources in printed, electronic, and verbal form; use of the information research process to explore communication among scientists and engineers. 486. Design of Computer Documentation Prerequisites: senior or graduate standing. . (3 credits) Application of theories of documentation to actual development and testing of computer documentation. Brief review of documen- tation theory and current industry guidelines for producing documentation; audience analysis, task analysis, writing, and testing of an actual piece of documentation. 490. Technical Information Resources and Research I. (3 credits) Description and demonstra- tion of all forms of technical information resources now available to engineers. Access to a wide variety of sources and systems, with TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION primary emphasis on online networks, and use of conferencing and database systems. 492. Visual Communication of Technical Information Prerequisites: senior or graduate standing. I. (3 credits) Theory and research on effective design of visual representations in science and technology. Application of principles of visual representation to the design of written and oral discourse. Topics include the relation of word and image; and the perceptual, cognitive, and aesthetic bases of visual design. Written and oral term project. 497. Argument and Persuasion Prerequisite: senior standing. l and /. (3 credits) Logical argument and its role in persuasive discourse, especially writing. The nature of a reasoned argument; the formulation and analysis of problems; and methods of selecting, arranging, writing, and editing information on the basis of the intended effect on a particular audience. 498. Technical and Profes- sional Writing for Industry, Government, and Business Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing. 1,1//,/I/a and //lb. (3 credits) Development of the communication skills required of engineers and managers in industry, government, and business. Focus on (1) the design and writing of reports and memoranda that address the needs of diverse organiza- tional audiences and (2) the preparation and delivery of organizational oral presenta- tions and briefings. 499. Scientific and Technical Communication Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing. (3 credits) Writing and speaking about design and research problems in terms that will satisfy both specialists and non-specialists. A series of short explanatory papers and speeches leading up to a final formal report and public lecture. 385 Directed Study Courses in Technical Communication Prerequisite.' permission of Technical Communication faculty. (elective credit only). Conferences and tutorial sessions that provide opportunities for students with special interests to work on a tutorial basis with a member of the Technical Communication faculty. These courses are not intended as substitutes for regularly scheduled courses. Students who wish to elect Directed Study must confer with an instructor about the proposed study. If the instructor agrees to accept the student for this study, the two prepare a contract and submit it for approval. Directed study contracts must be approved before the student may enroll. (Directed Study contract forms and additional information are available from the Technical Communication office.) COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 386 475. Directed Study Prerequisite: permission of instructor. I, /, I/Ia and/I/b. (To be arranged). Conferences and tutorial sessions for students with special interests. May be taken for 1-4 credit hours as arranged by the instructor. Graduate Courses in Technical Communication 520. Technical and Scientific Editing ll. (3 credits) A general overview of the roles, responsibilities, and practices of an editor of technical and scientific information. Application of these variables to editing proposals, scientific and technical papers, design reports, users' manuals and group-writing projects. Includes practice and applications in computer- based editing. 570. Comprehension of Technical Prose I. (3 credits) A survey of research literature from cognitive psychology, psycholinguists, and artificial intelligence on how written text is comprehended, with emphasis on technical text, such as scientific writing, computer documentation, and equipment manuals. 575. Directed Study Prerequisite: permission of instructor. I, II, I//a and//lb. (To be arranged). Conferences and tutorial sessions for students with special interests. May be taken for 1-4 credit hours as arranged by the instructor. 675. Directed Study Prerequisite: graduate standing and permission of instructor. 1, /, ///a and ///b. (To be arranged). Conferences and tutorial sessions for students with special interests. May be taken for 1-4 credit hours as arranged by the instructor. 585. Theory of Documentation . (3 credits) A survey of the scientific research and theory that yields principles and guidelines for effective documentation for equipment such as computer systems. Topics covered include the choice of documentation content, effective presenta- tion, and readability. Emphasis on science base rather than design experience. 586. Design of Documentation /H. (3 credits) A design course which applies theories of documentation to actual development and testing of documentation, especially computer documentation. A brief review of documentation theory; analysis of current industry guidelines and procedures for producing documentation; actual writing of documentation; and testing of documentation in a laboratory environment. 590. Internship in Technical and Professional Communication Prerequisite: Tech. Comm. 498 or 499 and permission of instructor. , //,I///a and //b. (To be arranged) Advanced instruction and on- the-job experience in technical writing for students interested in preparing for careers as technical communicators or in enhancing their qualifications for administrative roles in industry and government. 595. Communication, Technology, and Public Policy L. (3 credits) Analysis of the public policy decision making process involving technology management. The structure TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION and techniques of policy discussions from the engineering management perspective. Communication in social decision analysis for engineering projects. Design of specific types of policy statements such as the position paper, legislative testimony, and environmental impact statement. 598. Management and Administrative Communication Processes Prerequisite: Tech. Comm. 498 or equivalent, or permission of instructor. lI. (3 credits) Description, analysis, and assessment of written and oral communication processes in organizations. Establishing and managing effective communication procedures and practices. The role of communication in organizational and decision making processes. The contribution of communica- tion to production efficiency and productivity 610. Dissertation, Disserta- tion Proposal, and Thesis Writing Prerequisites: graduate standing. lIand /. (1-3 credits) For American and foreign students writing their dissertations, dissertation proposals or theses. Writing guidelines and their scientific base for problem definition and literature review; argument structures for the discussion of problems, criteria, methodology, results, and conclusions; selection and ordering of information; editing visual aids; and special grammatical problems. Selected Topics in Technical Communication Study of selected topics. When offered, the course or courses will be announced in the Time Schedule. 401. Selected Topics Prerequisite: junior standing. l and /. (To be arranged) Study of selected topics. May be taken for 1-4 credit hours as arranged by the instructor. 620. Teaching and Supervis- ing Technical Writing Prerequisite: graduate standing. 1. (3 credits) For graduate students of two types: those planning academic careers in technical contexts; and those planning administrative and project management careers in industry. The objectives, methods, and resources necessary to teach technical writing and to supervise technical personnel who write. 501. Selected Topics Prerequisite.' graduate standing. (To be arranged) Study of selected topics. May be taken for 1-4 credit hours as arranged by the instructor. 601. Selected Topics Prerequisite: graduate standing. (To be arranged) Study of selected topics. May be taken for 1-3 credit hours as arranged by the instructor. 387 COMMITTEES 388 Committees of the College Executive Committee Dean P.M. Banks, Chair; R.W. Carr, G. Knoll, N.H. McClamroch, and A. Schultz Standing Committee Dean P.M. Banks, Chair; T.C. Adamson, R. Beck, R.W. Carr, R. Gibala, G. Haddad, P. Hays, G. Knoll, W. Martin, N.H. McClamroch, H. Merte, J.W. Schwank, R.E. Sonntag, C.C. White Ill, E.B. Wylie, and Engineering Council Representatives Committee on Scholastic Standing J.G. Eisley, Chair; S.C. Goel, P. loannou, K. Murty, R. Robertson, R. Smith, W.H. Yang, and A. Yee Committee on Discipline D.H. Gray, Chair; L. Bernal, P.D. Kabamba, E. Kannatey-Asibu, A.S. Nowak, and J. Stein Committee on Scholarships and Loans W.D. Getty, Chair; G. Was, and S.J. Wright Committee on Curriculum D.E. Briggs, Chair; D. Kieras, J. Lohmann, A. Messiter, G.E. Smith, J. Wight, and H. Winful Committee on Combined Degrees with the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts W.C. Bigelow, Chair; and J. Wilkes Committee on Freshman Counseling G.E. Smith, Chair; D.T. Greenwood, W.F. Hosford, J. Meyer, T. Woo, and R. Yagle Committee on Placement D.E. Cole, Chair; H. Buning, L.A. Olsen, and D.C. Peterson Committee on Faculty Rules J. Eisley, Chair; W. Hosford and G. Tryggvason Committee on Program Counseling G.E. Smith, Chair; all undergraduate program advisers INDEX Index 389 Absence, 69 Academic calendar, 2 Academic advising, 45 Academic record, 75 Accreditation, 13 Adding a program, 72 Adjustment of advanced credit, 40 Admission, 33 advanced placement, 36 aptitude test, 35 as a freshman, 33 as a guest student, 44 as a special student, 44 as a transfer student, 37 credit by exam, 37 criteria, 34 non-degree, 44 nondiscrimination policy, 33 of foreign students, 41 of graduates, 40 placement examinations, 36 requirements, 34 scholastic performance, 35 standardized testing, 35 with advanced standing, 36 with deficiencies, 35 with prescribed program,40 with unassigned status, 44 Advanced credit, 36 Advanced standing, 36 Advising, 45 Aerospace Engineering courses offered, 196 degree program, 89 graduate studies, 160 Affirmative Action, 33 Air Conditioning, see Mechanical Engineering Air Force Officer Education Program, 181 Applied Mechanics courses offered, 208 graduate studies, 161 Applied Physics, 215 Army Officer Education Program, 184 Atmospheric, Oceanic , and Space Sciences courses offered, 217 degree program, 95 graduate studies, 161 Attendance, 69 Audit, 72 Automotive, see Mechanical Engineering Averages, 76 adjusted cumulative, 76 grade point, 76 Awards, 81 Bachelor's degrees, 83 additional bachelor's degree, requirements for, 85 Bioengineering courses, 226 graduate studies, 162 Business Administration, 229 joint MBA/M.S.(IOE), 172 Calendar, 2 Career choice,12 Changing a program, 72 Chemical Engineering courses offered, 231 degree program, 101 graduate studies, 165 Chemistry, 61 courses offered, 239 Civil and Environmental Engineering courses offered, 244 degree program, 105 graduate studies, 165 Class honors, 82 Class standing, 65 Classification, 71 change of, 71 College service activities, 28 Combined programs, 49 in music and engineering, 52 with other institutions, 39 with College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, 49 Commencement, 85 Committees of the College, 388 Composition requirement, 59 Computer Aided Engineering Network (CAEN), 15 Computer Science and Engineering graduate studies, 167 Computer Engineering degree program, 112 Computing Center, 17 Conduct, general standards, 67 see Honor Code INDEX 390 Construction Engineering, 105 graduate studies, 166 Convocations, 82 Cooperative work-study programs, 24 Counseling services, 46 Course equivalence, 195 Course numbers, 194 Course offerings, 71 Courses, substitution of, 74 Credit adjustment of advanced, 40 by examination, 37 graduate, 159 hour, 70 Military Officer Education, 54, 86 work load, 70 transferring of, 37 Cumulative average, 76 Dean's list, 81 Degree programs, 89-156 choosing a program, 48, 72 Degree requirements, 50, 54 Degree, second bachelor's, 49 Description of courses, 196-387 Diploma, 85 recognition on, 83 Discrimination, policy against, 33 Dismissal 67, 74 Doctoral degrees, 176 Drawing, see Mechanical Engineering Dropping courses, 73 Dual degrees, 49, 85, 91,102,128 Economics, 261 Election of studies, 69 Elective studies, 62, 74 Electric Power, see Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering and Computer Science degree program, 111 courses offered, 263 Electrical Engineering degree program, 115 graduate studies, 169, 170 Electronics see Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Engineering as a profession, 9 Engineering, 61 courses offered, 292 Engineering Council, 26 Engineering graphics, see Mechanical Engineering Engineering libraries, 18 Engineering Physics, 147 English, 60 English Composition Board, 59 English Language Institute, 42 Enrollment withheld, 78 waived, 79 Environmental Engineering, 105 graduate studies, 166 Equal opportunity, 33 Equivalence, course, 195 Examinations, 69 Expenses, 64 Extracurricular opportunities, 26 Facilities, 14 Faculty of the College, listed prior to each department's course descriptions Fee regulations, 64 Fellowships, 20 First-year studies, 56 Fluid mechanics, see Applied Mechanics Food processing, see Chemical Engineering Foreign language, 37, 60 Foreign students, 21, 41 Freshman advising, 46 Freshman program, 55 General information, 11 Geological Sciences, 294 Geotechnical Engineering, 106 Government, student, 26 Grade point average, 76 Grade reports, 75 Grades and scholastic standing, 76 Grades, irregularities, 76 Graduate studies, 159,179 Graduation diploma, 85 requirement, 54 with distinction, 81 Guest students, 44 Health Service, 19 Heat power engineering, see Mechanical Engineering History of the College, 6 Honor Code, 67 independent study, 68 use of facilities, 18 Honor Council, 27 Honor societies, 27 INDEX Honorable dismissal, 74 Honors, 81 Honors-level courses, 57 Hospital Administration and Industrial Engineering, 173 Hours credit, 70 lower division, 64 upper division, 64 work load, 70 Humanities, 59, 62 courses offered, 309 Hydraulic and Hydrological Engineering, 106 Illumination, see Electrical Engineering Incompletes, 80 Indebtedness to the University, 65 Independent study, 68 Industrial and Operations Engineering courses offered, 306 degree program, 119 graduate studies, 171 Information, general, 4 Interdisciplinary undergraduate degree program, 151 Internal combustion, engines, see Mechanical Engineering International Center, 43 Irregularities, of grades, 81 Keller Plan, 63 Language, foreign, 37, 60 Libraries (Engineering); 18 Loan funds, 20 Machine design, see Mechanical Engineering Marine Engineering, see Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Master's degrees, 159 Materials Science and Engineering courses offered, 319 degree program, 125 graduate studies, 173 Materials and Highway Engineering, 106 Mathematics, 57 courses offered, 326 MBA/M.S.(IOE), 172 Mechanical Engineering courses offered, 337 degree program, 131 graduate studies, 173 Military Officer Education Program, 54,180 Minority Engineering Program Office (MEPO), 28 Municipal Engineering, 106 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering courses offered, 354 degree program, 137 graduate studies, 174 Navy Officer Education Program, 189 Nondiscrimination Policy, 33 Nuclear Engineering courses offered, 362 degree program, 141 graduate studies, 174 Objectives of the College, 9 Offices, 4 Organizations, 26 Orientation, 45 Pass-fail option, 76 Permission of instructor, 195 Petition for diploma, 85 for reinstatement, 79 for substitutions, 74 Petroleum production and refining, see Chemical Engineering Physical metallurgy, see Materials Science and Engineering Physics, 61 courses offered, 369 Engineering Physics, 147 Placement advanced, 36 examinations, 36 graduate employment services, 25 Planning the student's program, 54 Plastics, see Chemical Engineering Prerequisites, 195 Probation, 78 Process Metallurgy, see Materials Science and Engineering Production engineering, see Mechanical 391 INDEX 392 Professional degrees, 175 Professional societies, 28 Program adding, 72 advising, 46 changing, 72 combined, 49-53 degree, 48 freshman, 55 military, 54, 182 planning, 54 prescribed, 40 selection, 48, 72 sophomore, 55 Protective coating, see Chemical Engineering Public Works Administration, 166 Pulp and paper, see Chemical Engineering Readmission, 75 Recognition, 83 Refrigeration, see Mechanical Engineering Refund, 62 Registration, 71 dates, 2-3 Regulation fee, 64 residence, 30 Reinstatement, 79 Repeating courses, 81 Representative schedule, 85 Requirements for degrees, 54 for programs, 50 Research, 7 Reserve Officers Training Corps, see Military Officer Education Program Residence regulations, 30 Rules and Procedures, 67 Schedule, sample, 85 Scholarships, 20 Scholastic standing rules, 75, 78 Second-year studies, 56 Service activities, college, 28 Social sciences, 59 Social security benefits, 23 Societies and organizations, 26 Society of Minority Engineering Students, 29 Society of Women Engineers, 28 Society recognition, 82 Sophomore programs, 55 Special students, 44 Statistics, courses offered, 377 Structural Engineering, 106 Student aid, 20 Student government, 26 Student judiciary, 26 Student organizations, 26 Studies of the first year, 56 Studies of the second year, 56 Substitution of courses, 74 Technical Communication, 60 courses offered, 384 Term, 69 Thermodynamics, see Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Applied Mechanics Time requirements, 83 Title IX, 33 Transcripts, 75 Transfer admission, 37 credit, 37, 40, 75 graduates of other colleges, 40 orientation, 45 to another unit, 74 undergraduate, 37 Tuition fee, 64 refund, 64 Unassigned status, 44 Undergraduate degree programs, 89-156 Upper division, 64 Unsatisfactory performance, 78 Veterans, 23 Visit, 72 Withdrawal from the College, 65, 74 Women Engineers, Society of, 28 Work load, 70 Writing Workshop, 60  BENTLEY HISTORICAL LIBRARY I IIIIII 711111 3 0509474 4110 For more information: The University of Michigan College of Engineering Information Request for Undergraduate Studies Name Street Address City Soc. Sec. No. State Telephone ( ) Grade . Name of High School or College Zip. Zip_ City. - State Please send me the following information (check as many as apply): Q Aerospace Q Engineering Physics Q Atmospheric, Oceanic, & Space Sciences Q Industrial & Operations Q Chemical D Interdisciplinary Program Q Civil & Environmental Q Materials Science & Engineering Q Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Q Mechanical D Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering D Please send me an application Q Nuclear The University of Michigan College of Engineering Information Request for Graduate Studies Name Street Address City State ____ Zip Telephone ( ) Year of Graduation Please send me the following information (check as many as apply): D Aerospace Q Applied Physics D Atmospheric, Oceanic, & Space Sciences Q Bioengineering Q Chemical Q Civil & Environmental D Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Q Please send me an application D Industrial & Operations D Macromolecular Science & Engineering Q Materials Science & Engineering Q Mechanical Q Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering Q Nuclear Q Please send financial aid information NAME ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FIRST CLASS PERMIT NO. 1100 ANN ARBOR, MI POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE Office of Recruitment and Admissions College of Engineering The University of Michigan 2417 EECS Building 1301 Beal Avenue Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-9990 NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES I iliilliiliui.IIII.iil.I.iI.IiililiIiIi.II,.iui.III NAME ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FIRST CLASS PERMIT NO. 1100 ANN ARBOR, MI POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE Graduate Studies College of Engineering The University of Michigan 2423 EECS Building 1301 Beal Avenue Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-9990 NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES The Regents of the University of Michigan Deane Baker, Ann Arbor; Paul W. Brown, Petoskey; Shirley M. McFee, Battle Creek; Neal D. Nielsen, Brighton; Philip H. Power, Ann Arbor; Veronica Latta Smith, Grosse lie; Nellie M. Varner, Detroit; James L. Waters, Muskegon; James J. Duderstadt, ex officio. The University of Michigan, as an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action em- ployer, complies with applicable federal and state laws prohibiting discrimina- tion, including Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Actof1973. It isnthe policy ofnthe University of Michigan that no person, on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, national origin orances- try, age, marital status, handicap, or Vietnam-era veteran status, shall be discriminated against in employment, educational programs and activities, or admissions. Inquiries or complaints may be addressed to the University's Director of Affirmative Action and Title IX/Section 504 Coordinator, 6015 Fleming Administration Building, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1340. (313) 763-0235. T.D.D. (313) 747-1388. The University of Michigan College of Engineering 2420 EECS Building Ann Arbor, Ml 481 09-2116