| |- º ZZSI ‘TTIVH OINOSVIN LSNIJ --- INTERIOR OF PRESENT MASONIC HALL. Occupied since 1849 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE NO. 48, F. & A. M. READFIELD, MAINE FRON1 1826 TO 1909 compILED BY Charles W. Crosby P. M. ASYLUM LODGE No. 133 of Wayne, Me. MERLE J. HARRIMAN LEON O. TEBBETTS WILLIAM G. HUNTON Committee of the Lodge sºsºsºsºmºmºre AUGUSTA MAINE FARMER PRESS 1909 - Fatracts from the Records of Lafayette Lodge Dec. 3, 1904. On motion, Voted that a committee be nominated and appointed to prepare statistics for a lodge history. Bros. Merle J. Harriman, Leon O. Tebbetts and William G. Hunton were appointed that committee. Feb. 6, 1909. On motion of Bro. Arthur S. Nickerson, Voted that the com- mittee having the lodge history in charge be authorized to have three hundred copies printed on or before May 1, 1909. HISTORY TIEADFIELD! the home of Lafayette Lodge, No. 48, F. 'iR & A. M., is one of the oldest of the inland towns of Maine. The first settlement was made in 1770. The town, as is well known, was then a part of Pondtown, Tº afterwards named Winthrop. As a separate town it was incorporated March 11, 1791. The earliest settlement was in the eastern part of the town, but a few years later there were settlers at the Corner. Very early there was a saw mill on the dam at the foot of Torsey Pond and soon after a grist mill on the site of that now in operation. After roads were built the Corner came to be a place of much conse- quence for those days. - . The North road was the direct road from the north country to Hallowell and tide water, and over this road there was a great amount of business until the day of the railroads. There were several taverns and the merchants did a large business. There had been a woolen mill very early, and all the industries common to New England villages thrived here. There was a tannery on Tannery Brook, a fulling mill, blacksmiths, shoe makers, cabinet makers, etc. . - - Here the trainings and musters of the old militia were held and great days they were. Among those early settlers were the ancestors of several of the members of Lafayette Lodge, among them Reuben Smith, Levi Johnson, Daniel Gordon, Jr., Franklin Bean, Oliver Bean, Asahel Brainard, Richard Mace, Charles Smith, Lewis Haines, and later Emery O. Bean, Mathias Smith, Gustavus Smith, Noah Jewett, Dennis B. Jewett, Amos A. Sampson, Elisha S. Case and George M. Fillebrown. Of the present members of the lodge who bear the names of the early settlers and are descendants from them are: Nelson T. Gordon, Sumner A. Dudley, Ervin C. Dudley, Włłliam G. Hun- 4. - FIISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE ton, William D. Haines and Gustavus Smith, Albert E. Mace. Jefferson D. Hunton, Emery L. Hunton, Hartwell R. Hunton. Since those early days the prosperity and population of the town have waxed and waned. Today, though the town is prosperous, its population is no more than one-half what it was sixty years ago. In a community of this kind, similar of course to that of many others in our State, Lafayette Lodge was born, it has attained its majority and is fast verging to its centennial anniversary. Previous to 1825 there had been constituted six lodges of Free and Accepted Masons within a radius of twenty-five miles of Readfield Corner, viz.: $ - Kennebec No. 5, at Hallowell in 1796. Oriental Star, No. 21, at Livermore in 1811. , Temple, No. 25, at Winthrop in 1817. Hermon, No. 32, at Gardiner in 1820. Waterville, No. 33, at Waterville in 1820. Bethlehem, No. 35, at Augusta in 1821. The first three were chartered by the Grand Lodge of Massa- chusetts, the three last by the new Grand Lodge of Maine, Hermon having been the first lodge chartered by our Grand Lodge. The old records of Kennebec, Oriental Star and Bethlehem, have been destroyed by fire. From those of Waterville and Hermon nothing has been learned concerning the early members of Lafayette Lodge. The following items gathered from the records of Temple Lodge are of interest to Lafayette Lodge. At a meeting of Masons in Winthrop and Monmouth held at the latter place January 18, 1817, preliminary to the organization of Temple Lodge, an invitation was extended to the Masons in Readfield to unite with them. Jonathan G. Hunton appears to have been the only one to accept the invitation, which he did and became a charter member. He was afterwards quite fully identified with the lodge, a member of the first Committee of Inquiry and Proxy to the Grand Lodge in 1830. The following men from Readfield received their degrees in Temple Lodge: Edward Fuller, William C. Fuller, Lory Bacon, Benjamin F. Nickerson, Elias Hunt, and Josiah Whittier 2nd. Of these Benjamin Nickerson and Elias Hunt were never members of Lafayette Lodge. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 5 Lory Bacon was S. W. in 1823 and Master in 1824. James Williams was elected an Honorary Member May 30, 1825, and elected Chaplain Sept. 26, 1825. - Daniel Judkins and John Stevens of Fayette, afterwards mem- bers of Lafayette Lodge, received their degrees in Temple, also Robert Erskine of Wayne. . - James Williams received his degrees in Bethlehem Lodge. No record has been found to show where,the others who united to form Lafayette Lodge received their degrees. - There being a considerable number of Masons resident in Read- field and vicinity, the idea of having a lodge of their own, which would much better accommodate them, was no doubt often consid- ered. We have no account of any action taken preliminary to the peti- tion for the charter, but that they did not rush into it heedlessly is shown by the lapse of time between the date of Bro. Edward Ful- ler's degrees, 1818, and the petition for the charter, 1825. In November, 1825, Edward Fuller, Samuel Swett, Benjamin Burnham, Jonathan Holmes, Reuben Smith, Lory Bacon, Josiah Whittier 2nd and James Williams, presented a petition to M. W. William Swan, Esq., Grand Master of Masons in Maine, praying that they might be constituted into a regular lodge of Free and Accepted Masons by the name of Lafayette Lodge. It is most probable that this name was selected because of the very recent visit of Marquis de Lafayette to this State, and his well-known con- nection with Free Masonry. º * \ The charter was granted to the above petitioners at the An- nual Communication of the Grand Lodge, January 13, 1826, and bore date of the same day. At the same Communication of the Grand Lodge, a charter was refused to the brethren at Mt. Vernon. On Dec. 23, 1825, the brethren had presented a request to Temple Lodge asking the approval of that lodge for their petition, which was at first refused, but later granted. - As before stated we have no record of any meetings held, previ- ous to those held under the charter, but it was a matter of necessity that some meeting should have been held for the purpose of com- pleting arrangements and raising funds. The fee for a charter at that time was $80.00. *-*. *º- 6 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Feb. 16, 1826, the brethren assembled for the first meeting of the lodge at the dwelling house of James Fillebrown, Jr., Esq. This house is now standing at the corner of Main St., and the North Road. Mr. Fillebrown does not appear as a Mason. There were present Lory Bacon, Josiah Whittier 2nd, James Williams, Edward Fuller, Samuel Swett, Jonathan Holmes. -- Lory Bacon, who was a Past Master of Temple Lodge, took the chair. Josiah Whittier 2nd was in the West and James Wil- liams in the South and Edward Fuller acted as Secretary. The lodge then proceeded to the election of officers and chose . Lory Bacon, W. M. Josiah Whittier 2nd, S. W. James Williams, J. W. Edward Fuller, Sec'y Samuel Swett, S. D. Jonathan Holmes, J. D. The Secretary was authorized to act as Treasurer until one was chosen. Bros. Whittier, Williams and Fuller were appointed a commit- tee to purchase jewels, collars, furniture and clothing after they had made due inquiry and reported to the lodge. The Master and Wardens were made a committee to procure and appoint a place for future meetings. -- ~. There is no record that the officers chosen were ever installed. An election in the earlier days was often all that was deemed neces- sary. After the business was completed the lodge was adjourned to the 23 inst., then to meet at Bro. E. Fuller's at 6 o'clock P.M. The second meeting was held according to adjournment at the house of Bro. Edward Fuller, now the home of Miss Lottie Smith, Feb. 23, 1826, at 6 o'clock P. M. Bros. John Judkins and Daniel Judkins of Fayette and William C. Fuller of Readfield were present, all members of Temple Lodge. - . The petition of Samuel Swett, Jr., was received and put on file. The fees for the degrees were fixed at $5.00 for deposit, $10.00 for E. A. degree, $2.00 for F. C. degree, and $2.00 for M. M. degree. The Stated Communications were fixed by the following vote: “Voted that the regular Communications of this lodge shall in future be on the Thursday next preceding every full moon ex- cept when the moon fulls on Thursday, then the Thursday on which the moon fulls instead of the preceding one shall be the EIISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 7 regular Communication of this lodge.” An invitation was extended to the following brethren to become members of the lodge without paying the usual fees, provided they make application before the next regular meeting: Jonathan G. Hunton of Readfield, John Jud- kins, Daniel Judkins, Lewis Stacy, Stephen French and Sylvester Jones of Fayette, Dexter Baldwin, R. K. Rice and Byron Porter of Mt. Vernon. - The third meeting of the lodge was held Mar. 2, 1826, at James Fillebrown, Jr., Esq.’s hall and petitions were received from Levi Johnson and Franklin Bean. March 9 and 16 meetings were held at Fillebrown's Hall for instruction. March 23, 1826, Regular Communication. John Judkins, Daniel Judkins, Stephen French and Lewis Stacy of Fayette, and Dexter Baldwin, R. K. Rice and John Gilbreth of Mt. Vernon were admitted members. Reuben Smith was pres- ent and acted as Tyler, the first one mentioned. In regard to Stephen French, who was elected a member of the lodge Mar. 23, 1826, his name appears on the records but once after the above date, while the name of John S. French appears several times. In a list of members as they existed Sept. 1, 1826, in the handwriting of Bro. Edward Fuller, the name “Stephen” has been erased by him and “John S.” substituted. It is most probable that by an error the name “Stephen” was wrongly used. - Samuel Swett, Jr. was balloted for as an E. A., elected and initiated, the first candidate to receive the Entered Apprentice de- gree. He was passed to the F. C. degree at the same meeting. April 4, Samuel Swett, Jr., and Levi Johnson were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason, the first candidates to be raised to that degree. There were present at this meeting six Masons, which would be thought in these days a small company for working the M. M. degree. No mention is made of refreshments. The petition of John Hutchins, “a learned preacher of the Gos- pel,” as the record says, was received and put on file. - May 25, Franklin Bean and Byron Porter were elected mem- bers. Levi Johnson was elected an Honorary Member. Samuel Swett, Jr., was elected Treasurer. . . June 15, William Holmes, Stephen Packard and John Hutchins were admitted members. – - 8 º HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE July 15, Geo. S. Currier was admitted a member. The W. M. appointed William E. Holmes, S. S. and Stephen Packard, J. S., and Geo. S. Currier, Tyler. The Treasurer was instructed to agree with the Tyler for his compensation. He later reported that he had agreed with Bro. 3. Currier for $.50 per night. It was also voted to loan one of the brethren $17.00 on secur- ity satisfactory to the Treasurer. Bros. Fuller, Whittier and Currier were appointed a committee to draft By-Laws. This committee reported June 14. The By-Laws were accepted with the proviso that they might be taken into consid- eration at the next meeting if thought advisable. - R. W. Amos Nourse of Hallowell, D. D. G. M. of the 3d Masonic District, in which Lafayette Lodge had been located, made the lodge an official visit, Sept. 28. He was received at the door of the lodge, conducted to the East in due form and when his visit was completed he retired in the same manner. The D. D. G. M. granted a dispensation to ballot on an application at this special meeting. - The lodge opened with eight charter members. At the close of the lodge year this number had increased to fifteen, including one honorary member. . . . . . . - . The attendance of the officers and members had been very regular. . . . . - The names of visiting brethren are frequently mentioned in the record and evidently much interest was maintained. Petitions were received at Stated or Special Communications, and the ballot was taken in two or four weeks. No Committee of Inquiry appears to have been appointed. A ballot was taken for each degree and for membership. - The Grand Lodge held Annual and Quarterly Communications; but the lodge was not represented in 1826 or ’27. - Twelve Regular and eleven Special Communications were held the first year, and nine brethren raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason, viz.: Samuel Swett, Jr., Levi Johnson, Franklin Bean, William E. Holmes, Stephen Packard, Rev. John Hutchins, Geo. S. Currier, Benjamin R. Lake, Nathaniel Mayo. No applications were rejected. *a- - s: - - * ..º.ºr. º' LORY BACON 1826 FIISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 9 Feb. 8, 1827, was the Annual Communication and the following brethren were elected as the officers for the ensuing year, the W. M. declining a re-election: - Josiah Whittier 2nd, W. M. James Williams, S. W. Edward Fuller, J. W. Franklin Bean, Treas. Samuel Swett, Jr., Sec'y Nathaniel Mayo, Jr., S. D. Jonathan Holmes, J. D. William E. Holmes, S. S. Stephen Packard, J. S. Lewis Stacy, Mar. The officers-elect were installed by Wor. Lory Bacon at the same meeting. At a Special Communication, Feb. 18, several petitions were received and a Committee of Inquiry appointed, the first mentioned. Mar. 8, Edward Fuller, Josiah Whittier 2nd and Franklin Bean were made a committee to form a design for and procure a Seal. Mar. 22, Samuel Morrill was admitted a member. April 19, Lewis Haines was admitted a member. Josiah Whittier 2nd, Edward Fuller, Samuel Swett, Jr., Na- thaniel Mayo and Franklin Bean were appointed a committee to make arrangements for laying the corner stone of the Union Meet- ing House to be erected that season. May 3, Edward Fuller, George S. Currier and Nathl. Mayo were appointed a committee to confer with Bro. Lewis Haines in reference to finishing a hall for the lodge in the building he was ..about to erect. - May 10, Stephen Lovell was elected an honorary member, and Charles Smith and David Smith were elected members. May 17, Richard Mace and Ezra Bearse were elected members. May 24, the lodge assisted the Grand Lodge in laying the cor- ºner stone of the Union Meeting House, erected on the site of an old frame structure that had never been finished. The record gives us little information as to the exercises on that occasion. From one who was present as a small boy we learn that there was a large gathering. The oration was delivered by Rev. Bro. William A. Drew, a prominent Universalist minister of that time. - - - There was placed in the stone a silver plate with the following inscription: — - 10 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Union M. H. Corner. Stone laid by Grand Lodge Erected A. D. 1827 of Maine, May 24, A. L. 5827, at F. Hunt, |th t of Lafayette Lodge. R. Mace, } Builders the request of Lafayette ge Jere Page, M. W., C. Fox, Esq., G. M. S. Currier, \ J. Whittier, 2d W. M. # ; Rev. J. Williams S. W. j ñjºwn, Jr., Committee |E|. Fuller J. W. J. Whittier, Esq. S. Swett, Jr. Sec'y G. Smith, Clerk, Lafayette Lodge - •) At a special meeting of the lodge held at the office of Edward Fuller, June 9, it was “Voted that the thanks of the lodge be pre- sented to Bro. Wm. A. Drew for his eloquent and truly Masonic ad- dress delivered at the laying of the corner stone of the Union Meet- ing House, and request him to publish it in the ‘Christian Intelli- gencer’ and Gardiner Chronicle.” - “Voted to present Bro. Drew $5.00 and that he be requested to accept the same of the lodge as a token of their friendship for him.” Sept. 13, Charles Smith and Edward Fuller were appointed a Committee to contract with Bro. Lewis Haines to finish a hall in his store and give him $30.00 for a term of six years. Oct. 4, Asahel Brainard was admitted a member of the lodge. It was voted to present a petition to the Grand Lodge for the “In- stallation” of the lodge. This was the Constitution of the lodge and probably the dedication of the new hall. - - Oct. 18, Ichabod Thorn and William C. Larabee were admitted members. - A committee was appointed to procure a stove and pedestals. Nov. 1 and 29, preparations were made for the Installation. The D. D. G. M. was notified and Temple Lodge was invited, and accepted the invitation, and voted to attend with jewels. The date was set for the 6th of December. There is no record made of the event, but it probably came off as arranged and D. D. G. M. Amos Nourse probably officiated as Grand Master. - Dec. 27, the lodge met in Masonic Hall. This hall was in the building now occupied by Bros. Bertran E. and Fred Leighton, and here the lodge continued to meet until the Dark Days of Masonry. At this meeting, Jacob Gilman was admitted a member. EIISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 11 Jan. 31, 1828, Samuel Swett, Jr., Franklin Bean and Lewis Haines were appointed a committee to inquire into the character of David Hunton, in response to a request from a lodge in Vermont. They made their report at a later meeting. The close of the second year of its existence found the lodge in a very happy condition. Twelve new members including one hon- orary member had been added to their numbers. A new hall pro- vided, and the importance and influence of the lodge in the com- munity certainly recognized. tº 9 . Eleven Regular and twelve Special Communications were held during the year and nine brethren raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason, viz.: Samuel Morrill, Lewis Haines, Ezra Bearse, Richard Mace, Charles Smith, David Smith, Asahel Brainard, Wil- liam C. Larabee, Jacob Gilman. 1828 Feb. 27, Annual Communication. The following brethren were elected and appointed officers for the ensuing year: * Josiah Whittier 2nd, W. M. . James Williams, S. W. Edward Fuller, J. W. Franklin Bean, Treas. Samuel Swett, Jr., Sec'y Nathaniel Mayo, S. D. William E. Holmes, J. D. Stephen Packard, S. S. Lewis Haines, J. S. Dexter Baldwin, Mar. Samuel Morrill, Tyler There is no record of an installation. Mar. 27, Wor. Bro. Josiah Whittier was requested to attend the Grand Lodge lectures at the expense of the lodge. The attitude of the lodge towards good morals and good citizen- ship is shown by the following resolutions presented by Rev. Bro James Williams at a previous meeting and adopted Mar. 27 in his absence, and ordered spread upon the records. Resolutions presented by Rev. Bro. James Williams, S. W., March 13, 1828, and put on record March 28, 1828. “For as much as gambling, drinking ardent spirits to excess, and other evil practices, are attended with fatal consequence to life, lib- erty and property, the more sober and religious part of the com- munity are making great exertions to suppress practices so danger- ous in their consequences and dangerous in their effects. Therefore, Resolved that gaßbling, drinking ardant spirits to 12 - HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE excess and other evil practices do not accord with the spirit of the times and are highly dangerous to sound principles and morality and that we the members of Lafayette Lodge will signify our disap- probation of such practices by our example and that we will use our influence in union with our fellow citizens to suppress the same in others. Resolved further that should any member of this lodge be so unfortunate as to be overtaken in such practices and persists in them we will give speedy information to the lodge that they may be dealt with according to the pure principles of Masonry.” Shortly after the adoption of these resolutions one of the breth- ren was suspended for six months, and at the expiration of that time a brother was appointed to cite him to appear before the lodge to show cause why he should not be expelled. There is no record of any action taken. The brother was to the end of his life a member of the lodge and faithfully performed his duties as a Mason. April 1, R. W. Daniel Wardsworth of Hallowell of the Grand Lodge Committee on Lectures was present, and spent some time, at this time, and later, in instructing the brethren in the work and lectures. - April 24, the By-Laws were amended and the date of the Regu- lar Communication fixed for Monday after the full moon. - - July 28, Elijah Hussey and James Gordon were admitted mem- bers. • Y . Aug. 27, at a Special Communication it was voted to pay Louis Montans $10.00 from the funds and $2.12 by contribution. Dec. 17, R. W. Cyrus Kendrick of Gardiner visited the lodge as D. D. G. M. - Jan. 19, 1829, Franklin Bean, Treasurer appears to have opened the lodge and presided, ho Master or Warden or Past Mas- ter being present. - The lodge was represented in Grand Lodge at the Annual Com- munication January, 1828. Two new members were added to the membership during the year. * - - . . . - Ten Regular and five Special Communications were held dur- ing the year. - . . . Six brethren received the degree of Master Mason, viz.: Lorrin M. Judkins, James Gordon, Elijah Hussey, Peabody H. Rice, James HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 13 R. Bachelder, Frederick A. Hodgäon. No applications had been rejected. 1829 Feb. 23 being the Annual Communication the following breth- ren were chosen the officers for the ensuing year: James Williams, W. M. - Edward Fuller, S. W. Sam’l Swett, Jr., J. W. Tranklin Bean, Treas. Geo. S. Currier, Sec'y William E. Holmes, S. D. Lewis Haines, J. D. Elijah Hussey, S. S. Zenas King, J. S. Frederick Hodgāon, Chap. - The officers were installed at a later meeting by Wor. Bro. Lory Bacon. Mar. 23, Bernard King, Zenas King, and Frederick A. Hodgdom were admitted to membership. * The By-Laws were amended so as to do away with annual assess- ments. t July 22, James R. Bachelder admitted as a member. Oct. 7. R. W. Cyrus Kendrick of Gardiner, D. D. G. M. of the 3d Masonic District, made his official visit. Edward Fuller was chosen a committee to procure a seal. r Perhaps the committee appointed Mar. 8, 1827, had reported a design for this seal. Only one impression is known to be in exist- ence. This shows a circle of one and one-half inches in diameter within which is the inscription, “Truth and Union, Lafayette Lodge.” Two pillars standing on a pavement raised one step, be- tween them the Holy Bible resting on the third step, above it the square and compasses and over all the “All-seeing Eye.” During the year the brethren had met in thirteen Regular and five Special Communications. - Albert G. Scott and Daniel Gordon were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. Four new members were admitted. There was no representation in Grand Lodge during the year. Jan. 11, 1830, it was voted that each member pay fifty cents for a diploma. - 1830 The annual election was held Feb. 8, and officers chosen as fol- lows: . . . . . . - * 14 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Edward Fuller, W. M. Sam’l Swett, Jr., S. W. Franklin Bean, J. W. Bernard King, Treas. Geo. S. Currier, Sec'y Asahel Brainard, S. D. Sam’l Morrill, J. D. Elijah Hussey, S. S. Lorrin M. Judkins, J. S. Col. James R. Bachelder, Mar. Frederick A. Hodgdon, Chap. Albert G. Scott, Tyler The officers were later installed by Wor. Bro. Lory Bacon. Feb. 21, at an adjourned meeting, Bro. Lorrin M. Judkins was elected a member. Five Regular and two Special Communications were held dur- ing the year. No candidates presented themselves for the degrees. One member was elected. 1831 Feb. 28, the brethren met and elected the following officers: Edward Fuller, W. M. Samuel Swett, Jr., S. W. Franklin Bean, J. W. Bernard King, Treas. Zenas King, Sec'y Stephen Packard, S. D. Elijah Hussey, J. D. Jan. 14, 1832, Bernard King was chosen proxy to represent the Lodge in Grand Lodge at Augusta January 19, 1832, and the Grand Lodge proceedings show that the lodge was represented. Three Regular and two Special Communications were held dur- ing the year. - . - - - Perhaps it is possible to imagine something of those meetings. The records only by their silence tell us of what was done. The meetings had been held at the hall to the last recorded, but there are traditions that gatherings were held at distant farm houses and it is not impossible that the ancient meeting places of the craft were also used. sº- - - 1832 - Feb. 20 being the annual meeting, the record of that date shows that five brethren met in Masonic Hall to transact the annual busi- ness; those brethren were Samuel Swett, Jr., Franklin Bean, Ber- nard King, Zenas King and Edward Fuller. The only business recorded was the election of officers as follows: Samuel Swett, Jr., W. M. Franklin Bean, S. W. Bernard King, J. W. Edward Fuller, Treas. Zenas King, Sec'y HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 15 The record does not say that these officers were installed. The lodge then adjourned for two weeks. Of the five gathered on that occasion Edward Fuller and Franklin Bean are the only ones whose names ever again appear upon the records. From the organization in 1826 to 1829 had been a period of prosperity for the lodge. The membership had increased from 8 to 42, financially there was evident prosperity, harmony prevailed and the future looked bright. But almost with the birth of this lodge there was born that period of black bigotry and senseless antip- athy toward Masonry known as Morgan anti-Masonry. In September, 1826, occurred the events at Batavia, N. Y., from which sprung that excitement, which was seized upon by some of the demagogic politicians of those days and used with such effect that the greatest number of the Masonic lodges were obliged to sus- pend work. Hundreds of the most able and patriotic men of the country who were Masons were driven from public life and the ex- citement even went so far that eighteen electoral votes for President of the United States were cast for an anti-Masonic candidate in 1832. The Grand Lodge of Maine was organized in 1820 with thirty- one lodges. There is no report of the number of lodges for some years, but in 1830 there were fifty lodges and the Order had been in a most prosperous condition. In 1826, thirty-two lodges were represented in Grand Lodge, in 1828, thirty-eight lodges were pres- ent. In 1832 the Grand Lodge met in Augusta and eleven lodges were represented; in 1836, four, and in 1837, one, and in 1842, none, the annual session being composed of the J. G. W., Gr. Sec'y, and five brethren. In 1843 the tide had turned and six lodges were rep- resented. On Oct. 4 and 5 of that year a Masonic Convention was held in Portland at which twenty towns were represented. On June 24, 1844, a great celebration of the Feast of St. John was held in Portland, and from that day Masonry was again in its proper light before the world. The recovery from the dark days was rapid. In 1850, forty of fifty-eight lodges had made returns to the Grand Lodge. • . There is little left now to tell us what was the condition of the Order in Readfield during those years. The Hall was abandoned, and the property of the lodge packed away in the care of the faith- ful brethren. The Charter of Lafayette Lodge was never-surrendered 16 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE or forfeited, nor does it appear that any member ever formally withdrew from the lodge, and only one member of the old lodge, so far as known, who continued to reside in the town, did not become identified with the lodge after the revival. In some way a little light was kept burning. In 1833 the Grand Treasurer reports re- ceiving $2.00 from Lafayette Lodge. At the Annual Communica- tion of the Grand Lodge at Augusta in January, 1844, Lafayette Lodge was represented by Edward Fuller, W. M., and David Smith, proxy. But in 1849 the chances of the lodge ever resuming work had become so remote that R. W. Lory Bacon, D. D. G. M. of the 3d Masonic District, advised that the charter be forfeited. However, on August 29, 1849, through Bro. Bacon himself, the lodge received a dispensation from Grand Master John C. Humphreys to resume work. The original charter had been lost during the years of the suspension. The jewels were sold to Bethlehem Lodge and the rec- ords were preserved. All other property of the lodge had disap- peared. Sept. 8, 1849, is a date that marks the beginning of a new era i in the history of Lafayette Lodge. On that date, after a silence of more than seventeen years the sound of the gavel was again heard and the Craftsmen resumed their labors. Of those who had constituted the lodge in older days, but few were left to help in the erection of its fallen altar. Some had passed to the unknown lodge, others had removed from the town, and others had become too old to resume active Masonic labors. The little light that had been carefully tended during the years of big- otry and gloom was brought forth and the fires upon the Masonic Altar rekindled. The working tools which for many years had lain idle in the quarries, were again put to their accustomed uses, never again to be stilled by the clamors of an ignorant multitude, wheth- er stirred by political demagogues or religious fanatics. Sept. 8, 1849, was the regular date of the Stated meeting of the Lodge. - - Eleven Master Masons met on that date in Washingtonian Hall, as it was now called, although it had once been known as Masonie Hall. * - . - The members of the lodge present were Josiah Whittier 2nd, Edward Fuller, Richard Mace, George S. Currier, Franklin Bean, Jacob Gilman and Asahel Brainard. Zç-IçSI ‘HOTĀVJL ‘J HVISOȚ GEORGE S. CURRIER, 1853-JOHN VOSMUS, 1854-55 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 17 Visitors present were Noah Jewett, Wm. C. Fuller, Ira S Chap- man and Robert Williams. Bro. Josiah Whittier was called to the chair and read the dis- pensation which had been issued August 29, 1849, to George S. Currier, Asahel Brainard, Richard Mace, Josiah Whittier 2nd, David Smith, John Stevens, Jacob Gilman and Franklin Bean. Of the forty-two members of the lodge at the time of the sus- pension these, with Edward Fuller, were all who ever participated in its work after the revival. John Stevens and William C. Fuller had been members of Temple Lodge at Winthrop. They then proceeded to the choice of officers and elected, appar- ently as a temporary organization: - Josiah Whittier 2nd, W. M. Edward Fuller, S. W. Franklin Bean, J. W. David Smith, Treas. Geo. S. Currier, Sec'y Richard Mace, S. D. Asahel Brainard, J. D. Wm. C. Fuller, Robert Williams, Josiah F. Taylor, Noah Jew- ett and Ira S Chapman were elected members of the lodge. The officers-elect tendered their resignations and the lodge adjourned till the 17th of September. Sept. 17, the lodge met according to adjournment in the new hall and in that same new hall Lafayette Lodge has continued to meet ever since. The officers chosen at the previous meeting opened a lodge of Entered Apprentices. The same brethren were present, except Noah Jewett. Bro. John Stevens was also present and Mathew Keating was present as a visitor and was elected a member of the lodge. The resignations of the officers tendered at the previous meeting were accepted and the following brethren elected in their places: :: * jr:*. Josiah Whittier 2nd, W. M. Josiah F. Taylor, S. W. Wm. C. Fuller, J. W. David Smith, Treas. Jacob Gilman, Sec'y Robert Williams, S. D. Ira S Chapman, J. D. James S. Fillebrown, S. S. Geo. S. Currier, J. S. - Edward Fuller, Tyler Bros. Edward Fuller, Geo. S. Currier and Jacob Gilman were chosen a committee to prepare By-Laws and furnish a hall; Bro. Geo. S. Currier a committee to procure jewels. The fee for the de- grees was made $15.00; for membership, $.50. – 18 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE All Masons in the vicinity in good standing were invited to become members. - The Stated Meetings were fixed for Saturday on or before the full moon and Sept. 29 was fixed as the date of the first Regular Communication. - Sept. 29, the first regular meeting, the petition of Cushman Denning of Wayne was received and placed on file. This meeting was held in Washingtonian hall. Oct. 13, a Special Communication was held in Masonic Hall; the lectures were passed and some regulations as to procedure were made. - - Oct. 29, the regular Communication was held at Masonic Hall and the officers-elect were installed by Bro. Joseph Covill of Port- land. . - Cushman Denning and James S. Fillebrown were initiated Entered Apprentices. Voted unanimously to extend the thanks of the lodge to Beth- lehem Lodge at Augusta, for the good condition in which they had preserved the jewels of this lodge. The lodge had re-purchased the jewels from Bethlehem Lodge, to whom they had been sold in 1844 for $12.00, for the same price. • Bro. David Smith was appointed a committee, Nov. 24, to pur- chase furniture for the lodge. Jan. 20, 1850, Oliver Bean, Cushman Denning and Wm. B. Briggs were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. April 27, William C. Fuller, S. W., was requested to attend Grand Lodge. . May 3, 1850, the Grand Lodge voted to grant to Lafayette Lodge a new charter and to grant their request for the privilege to meet one year at Readfield and one year at Wayne. The lodge never met at Wayne, however. The new charter was issued May 20, 1850. The brethren named in the new charter are: Edward Fuller, Asahel Brainard, Franklin Bean, Oliver Bean, George S. Currier, Josiah Whittier 2nd, William C. Fuller, Ira S Chapman and J. S. Fillebrown. - - -> It will be noticed that this charter carried the names of but three of the brethren named in the Dispensation. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 19 This charter is signed by M. W. Joseph C. Stevens, G. M., and is in the usual form. May 18, voted that the officers elected under the Dispensation serve under the charter. This was intended to continue only until the annual election. • , Oct. 19, Josiah Norris of Wayne was elected a member. 1850-51 - Nov. 2, Geo. S. Currier, Franklin Bean, and Emery O. Bean were elected a finance committee. The printed By-Laws adopted in 1850 fix the annual election for September. For some reason it was not held this year until Nov. 16, when the following officers were elected: Josiah Whittier 2nd, W. M. Josiah F. Taylor, S. W. William C. Fuller, J. W. David Smith, Treas. Edward Fuller, Sec'y Ira S Chapman, S. D. Cromwell P. Hunton, J. D. Oliver Bean, S. S. John Stevens, J. S. . Edmund H. Frost, Tyler - . Elaborate preparations were made for the installation which was to be public on Nov. 30 at one o'clock. Oliver Bean was ap- pointed Marshal for the occasion. The installation was carried out as planned. R. W. Eusebius Weston, D. D. G. M., of Skowhegan, was the installing officer. Rev. Bro. H. M. Eaton officiated as Chaplain and delivered an oration. At 5 o'clock P. M. the lodge held a special meeting for work in the M. M. degree, which was inspected by the D. D. G. M. From the reorganization of the lodge to Nov. 16, 1850, there were held 14 Regular and 13 Special Communications. The lodge had made their annual return to the Grand Lodge, being one of the forty lodges so to report. Ten brethren had been raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason, viz.: Oliver Bean, Cushman Denning, Wm. B. Briggs, J. E. F. Dunn, C. H. Wood, James S. Fillebrown, Edmund H. Frost, Rev. Rufus Day, Cromwell P. Hunton, Emery O. Bean. The returns to the Grand Lodge May 1, 1850, gave the lodge 16 members. t No candidates had been rejected. Jan. 11, 1851, Bros. Oliver Bean, William C. Fuller and Geo. - S. Currier were appointed a committee to condole with the family 20 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE of Rev. Bro. James Williams, Past Master of the lodge, who died Dec. 30, 1850. There is no record of a Masonic funeral. - April 12, 1851, David Smith and Ira S Chapman were elected Proxies to Grand Lodge. - July 12, Rev. Thomas B. Hood withdrew his petition presented at a previous meeting. Sept. 6, 1851, David Smith and Edward Fuller were appoint- ed a committee to inquire into the financial condition of Mrs. Hus- sey, widow of Elijah Hussey, Esq., late a member of this lodge, and report to the lodge. The committee subsequently reported Mrs. Hussey as feeble in health and, so far as they could learn, destitute of funds, and worthy of the patronage and protection of the lodge. For twenty-six years from this date Mrs. Hussey was cared for by the lodge, as is evidenced by the frequent bills presented and grants made to her to the final expenses of her burial. On Oct. 3, 1851, it was voted to give her the Bible formerly used by the lodge. The year 1850-51 closed quietly. Not so much work had been done as the previous year, but the lodge was prosperous and united. Bros. Geo. S. Currier and David Smith as Proxies had represented the lodge at Grand Lodge. Eleven Stated and five Special Communi- cations had been held. Four candidates had received the Master Mason degree, viz.: John O. Dearborn, Sampson A. Coolidge, Francis A. Williams and Isaac Randall. No applications were rejected. . May 1, 1851, 24 members were returned to Grand Lodge. 1851-52 Officers for 1851-52 were elected Nov. 8, as follows: Josiah F. Taylor, W. M. William C. Fuller, S. W. • Geo. S. Currier, J. W. David Smith, Treas. Emery O. Bean, Sec'y Ira S Chapman, S. D. Cromwell P. Hunton, J. D. Asahel Brainard, S. S. John Stevens, J. S. Col. Oliver Bean, Mar. E. H. Frost, Tyler °. At the same meeting David Smith was appointed to purchase certain regalia. Nov. 13, the lodge met at their hall at one o’clock P. M. and marched in procession to the Union Meeting House where the of— ficers-elect were installed by R. W. Bro. Eusebius Weston, D. D. G. IHISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE - 21 M., and an able and interesting address was delivered by Rev. Bro. H. M. Eaton of Kent’s Hill. Dec. 6, Bro. David Smith was directed to purchase a sword for the lodge. Dec. 20, the petition of Albert Sherburn was received and as he was about to leave for California it was voted to ballot on the same at the same meeting, and he being accepted, the three degrees were conferred on him during the afternoon and evening. Feb. 7, 1852, a delegation from Kennebec Lodge at Hallowell visited the lodge. April 10, at a Special Communication the brethren had a friendly discussion on the virtues which a Mason should exercise. At a Special Communication Sept. 4, it was voted to change the By-Laws and have the annual meeting in September instead of November. - t A remarkably prosperous year closed with the annual meeting of 1852. - Ten Stated and sixteen Special Communications were held and twelve brethren received the Master Mason degree, viz.: Albert Sherburn, Matthew Hayward, Henry D. Frost, James Williams, John Vosmus, Humphrey Vosmus, O. B. Hewett, John Calvin Pat- tee, Sumner H Stanley, Samuel Jackson, Elisha S. Case, Wm. M. McArthur. - - - The following brethren were elected members of the lodge: Isaac Randall, Sampson A. Cooledge, Francis A. Williams, Henry D. Frost, John Vosmus, John Calvin Pattee. No applications were rejected. William C. Fuller, S. W., represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1852. Thirty-four members were returned to the Grand Lodge. 1852-53 Josiah F. Taylor, W. M. Geo. S. Currier, S. W. Cromwell P. Hunton, J. W. David Smith, Treas. - Emery O. Bean, Sec'y John Vosmus, S. D. Francis A. Williams, J. D. Asahel Brainard, S. S. . William B. Briggs, J. S. Herrick M. Eaton, Chap. Oliver Bean, Mar. - Matthew Hayward, Tyler 22 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE The officers were installed in public at the Union Meeting House by the W. M., Josiah F. Taylor, and an address was deliv- ered by Rev. Bro. Otis H. Johnson, of Jay. Oct. 2, voted to dispose of the old jewels and buy new ones. New collars had been purchased previous to the installation. It is not known whether the old jewels were sold or not, if not, those now in use are the first jewels of the lodge. Dec. 8, 1852, and Mar. 19, 1853, R. W. Stephen Webber of Gardiner, D. D. G. M., visited the lodge. Apr. 9, 1853, a committee was appointed and reported resolu- tions expressing the regret of the lodge that Bro. Ira S Chapman was about to remove from the town and State. George S. Currier, S. W., represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1853. The membership was returned to Grand Lodge as 34, the same as the previous year, though four candidates were raised to the Sublime Degree, viz.: Asa Gile, Luther W. Fillebrown, Edward Hennessey and Matthias Smith. Rev. Herrick M. Eaton, Asa Gile, Humphrey Vosmus, Sumner H Stanley and Matthias Smith were elected members. Eleven Stated and nine Special Communications were held. 1853-54 . - * . George S. Currier, W. M. John Vosmus, S. W. Emery O. Bean, J. W. David Smith, Treas. f Asa Gile, Sec'y Matthias Smith, S. D. Edmund H. Frost, J. D. James Williams, S. S. Asahel Brainard, J. S. Rev. Otis H. Johnson, Chap. Oliver Bean, Mar. - Jacob Gilman, Tyler - The officers were installed by Wor. Bro. Josiah F. Taylor. Oct. 15, 1853, voted to have 150 copies of By-Laws printed. Mar. 11, 1854, R. W. D. D. G. M. Stephen Webber visited the lodge, but no work was presented for inspection. April 8, voted to raise a committee to solicit funds to aid in the erection, at Washington City, of a monument “to the memory of the memorable George Washington,” and April 15 voted to ap- propriate $5.00 to that purpose. - April 19, voted to grant a demit to John Calvin Pattee. This was the first demit granted of which there is any record. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 23 July 8, demits were granted to Wm. B. Briggs and to Cush- man Denning. Twelve Stated and five Special Communications were held during the year. Three brethren were raised to the Master Mason degree, viz.: Abram S. Bachelder, Dana B. Fogg, William H. Fuller. No brethren were elected members and 34 members were again returned to Grand Lodge. - George S. Currier, W. M., and Emery O. Bean, J. W., rep- resented the lodge in Grand Lodge. 1854-55 John Wosmus, W. M. Emery O. Bean, S. W. Asa Gile, J. W. David Smith, Treas. Erancis A. Williams, Sec'y Matthias Smith, S. D. William H. Fuller, J. D. Matthew Hayward, S. S. Dana B. Fogg, J. S. Sampson A. Cooledge, Tyler May 26, 1855, voted that the Secretary collect 12% cents from each member for Grand Lodge dues. It was also voted that any member who would not pay the 12% cents annual tax should be expelled. . July 4, the lodge met to attend the funeral of Bro. Humphre Wosmus, who died July 2, 1855. Later it was voted to drape the hall in mourning in memory of Bro. Wosmus. Twelve Stated and four Special meetings were held this year. John E. Warney and Gervais Nolin were raised to the degree of Master Mason. Matthew Hayward was elected a member. One application was rejected. . . . . z . Thirty-five members were returned to Grand Lodge. George S. Currier, Proxy, represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1855. 1855-56 - John Vosmus, W. M. Emery O. Bean, S. W. Asa Gile, J. W. David Smith, Treas. Dana B. Fogg, Sec'y Ira S Chapman, S. D. Matthew Hayward, J. D. Franklin Bean, S. S. - Gervais Nolin, J. S. | -- Oliver Bean, Mar. dºº- John E. Warney, Tyler 24 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE From the record it would appear that only the newly elected and appointed officers were installed 'this year. Sept. 22, a demit was granted to William H. Fuller. Jan. 19, 1856, a committee was raised to take into considera- tion the propriety of having a public Masonic lecture. April 19, the D. D. G. M., R. W. Stephen Webber was present. Aug. 28, the lodge met to attend the funeral of Wor. Bro. Edward Fuller, who died Aug. 26, aged 74 years. Bro. Fuller was the oldest member of the lodge as a Mason, though perhaps not in years. He was made in Temple in 1818. He had been a constant, regular and influential member from the beginning of the lodge in 1826 until failing health prevented. He had been one of the five who held that last meeting in February, 1832, and during the long years before the restoration there is evidence that his zeal never flagged, and he was one of the first to be at the reorganiza- tion. The year apparently was a quiet one. Eleven Stated and three Special Communications were held. Two candidates received the Master Mason degree: Ward L. Parker and Louis Belanger, and no application was rejected. Louis Belanger was elected a member. 29 members were returned to the Grand Lodge. With the exception of one death there seems to be nothing to show what became of the rest of those returned the year before. - - Dana B. Fogg, Proxy, was the representative in the Grand Lodge, May, 1856. + * . 1856-57 Emery O. Bean, W. M. Asa Gile, S. W. - • Ira S Chapman, J. W. David Smith, Treas. Matthew Hayward, Sec'y Dana B. Fogg, S. D. John E. Warney, J. D. Otis H. Johnson, Chap. Oliver Bean, Mar. Gervais Nolin, S. S. Louis Belanger, J. S. Geo. A. Cooledge, Tyler The officers were installed Oct. 24, probably by the retiring Master, John Wosmus. Sept. 20, a committee was appointed who presented resolu- tions fittingly expressing the sentiments of the lodge on the death of Wor. Bro. Edward Fuller. №Ē№ ----!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--~--~ \O � uro � + \C) CO r-+ ~ \O CO r-+ O ---> \O uro CO r-+ FIISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 25 Dec. 6, voted to meet every Saturday evening for lecture and instruction. If the meetings were held no record was made. Eleven Stated and four Special Communications were held dur- ing the year. Cyrus B. Whittier, George Miller Fillebrown, and Samuel Nes- bit were raised to the Master Mason degree. - No application was rejected. The lodge returned 25 members to Grand Lodge April 1, 1857, but report no losses. As is well known to all older Masons, the business of a Masonic Lodge was formerly done in an Entered Apprentice’s lodge, until about fifty years ago, when the law was changed. The Stated Communication of this lodge held March 27, 1858, was the last Stated Communication held in the Entered Apprentice degree. * Bro. David Smith, Proxy, represented the lodge at Grand Lodge this year. 1857-58 Emery O. Bean, W. M. Asa Gile, S. W. Ira S Chapman, J. W. David Smith, Treas. Matthew Hayward, Sec'y Geo. S. Currier, S. D. - Cyrus B. Whittier, J. D. Gervais Nolin, S. S. Louis Belanger, J. S. Otis H. Johnson, Chap. Oliver Bean, Mar. George M. Fillebrown, Tyler The officers were publicly installed by P. M. Otis H. Johnson, who delivered an address. - May 1, 1858, Bro. John Vosmus was granted a demit. Aug. 21, voted to assess the members one-eighth of a dollar each to pay Grand Lodge expenses. - A Committee was appointed to “stir up” delinquent members to attend the meetings. - Feb. 27, the lodge adopted resolutions of respect and sympathy for the memory of David Ormsby of Fayette, to which Mrs. Ormsby replied in very appreciative language. Her letter was spread upon the records. Bro. Ormsby was not a member of Lafayette Lodge. This was a very quiet year, but the attendance seems to have been quite good and not to have been particularly affected by the committee whose duty it was to “stir the brethren up.” 26 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Twelve Stated and five Special meetings were held. Charles S. Morse was raised to the Master Mason degree. One application was rejected. Thirty members were returned to Grand Lodge this year. Gervais Nolin, Proxy, represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1858. - Cyrus B. Whittier and George Miller Fillebrown were elected members of the lodge. 1858-59 Emery O. Bean, W. M. Asa Gile, S. W. Ira S Chapman, J. W. David Smith, Treas. Matthew Hayward, Sec'y Cyrus B. Whittier, S. D. Charles S. Morse, J. D. Oliver Parsons, S. S. Samuel Nesbit, J. S. George Miller Fillebrown, Tyler The officers were installed Oct. 16, 1858, by Francis G. Day, D. D. G. M. Nov. 20, the lodge voted to approve the petition of Temple Lodge at Winthrop, which was about to apply to the Grand Master for a dispensation to resume work. - -- - Feb. 19, 1859, Bro. Amos A. Sampson was elected a member of the lodge and at the same meeting was granted a demit. * March 26, a committee was appointed to solicit funds to assist in erecting a monument to the memory of M. W. John Miller, a P. G. M. of Masons in Maine. June 11, voted to attend as a lodge the installation of Temple Lodge at Winthrop on June 17. This was the constitution of Tem- ple Lodge, and was quite an elaborate affair. - The lodge had received a lengthy and strongly worded letter from Benjamin Swasey, of Mt. Vernon, who claimed to be a Mason and a Past Master of Mt. Lebanon Lodge at Meredith Bridge, N. H., in which he complained bitterly of the treatment he was receiving at the hands of the town officials of Mt. Vernon and asking for relief from the lodge. - - * * A committee was appointed Sept. 18 to investigate his case, but there is no record of any report made by the committee. Bro. Wm. F. Davis was appointed and installed Tyler in place of Bro. Geo. M. Fillebrown. - - - IHISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 27 Dec. 25, 1858, the W. M. had been instructed to ascertain the cost, and whether it was desirable to purchase a carpet or chart. No report seems to have been made, but Bro. Charles S. Morse was engaged to paint the chart now in use and was paid $33.00. Feb. 19, a committee was appointed to purchase a frame for the same which was done at a cost of $5.28. - An invitation to participate in a celebration of the Fourth of July at Gardiner was courteously declined by the lodge. June 18, voted to join the Sons of Temperance in a picnic on the 4th of July and to invite Temple Lodge to join with Lafayette Lodge. Bro. Otis H. Johnson was invited to deliver an address. From the preparations made it must have been a picnic on quite an extensive scale. This was a very prosperous year for the lodge. Twelve Stated and eighteen Special meetings were held. - Nine candidates were raised to the Master Mason degree, viz.: Amos A. Sampson, William F. Davis, Abel Cole, H. Owen Nick- erson, Mark Ham, George Eustice Dyer, John Franklin Dyer, Thomas J. Woods, Moses R. Leighton. . . One application was rejected. - Charles S. Morse, Samuel Nesbit, Amos A. Sampson, H. Owen Nickerson, Abel Cole, William F. Davis, Mark Ham, John Frank- lin Dyer, George Eustice Dyer, Thomas J. Woods, were -elected members of the lodge. . - Emery O. Bean, W. M., attended Grand Lodge, May, 1859. Thirty-two members were returned to the Grand Lodge, April 1, 1859. . - • * 1859-60 - - Emery O. Bean, W. M. Asa Gile, S. W. Ira S Chapman, J. W. Matthew Hayward, Treas. H. Owen Nickerson, Sec'y Cyrus B. Whittier, S. D. Charles S. Morse, J. D. Oliver Parsons, S. S. Samuel Nesbit, J. S. Otis H. Johnson, Chap. - Wm. F. Davis, Tyler The officers were installed Oct. 22. Oct. 8, voted to approve the petition of the brethren at Mt. Vernon who were about to petition the Grand Masterior a dispen- sation to open a new lodge at that place. - 28 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Oct. 22, it was voted to attend in a body the funeral of M. W., P. G. M. Robert P. Dunlap on the following Monday at Bruns- wick. There is no record of the attendance of the lodge at that time. March 31, 1860, a demit was granted to Ward L. Parker. May 5, the W. M., in behalf of Bro. J. B. Fillebrown, pre- sented the lodge with a silver trowel suitably engraved, and the W. M. and Wardens were instructed to inform him of their ac- ceptance of the gift and return him the thanks of the Lodge for the same. Bro. Fillebrown was a native of Readfield, but at this time was in business and lived in Portland. June 2, demits were granted to Mark Ham, Thomas J. Woods and Geo. Eustice Dyer, who were about to unite with Vernon Wal- ley Lodge. Aug. 25, voted to donate Western Star Lodge of Nebraska City, Nebraska Territory, $5.00 in response to their appeal. The receipt of the same was afterwards acknowledged. - Thirteen Stated and twenty Special Communications were held during this year, an indication that it had been a very busy year. Nine candidates were raised to the Master Mason degree, viz.: David Wentworth, Augustus A. Nickerson, Hiram Gilman, Joseph T. Woodward, Jerre P. Johnson, Franklin Foster, Henry M. Ros- ter, I. F. Decker, John D. Robbins, all of whom were elected mem- bers of the lodge. •. - Forty members were returned to Grand Lodge, April 1, 1860. Emery O. Bean, W. M., and Cyrus B. Whittier, Proxy, rep- resented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1860. Some time during the earlier part of the year, Bro. J. I. Stev- ens, Master of Harmony Lodge, No. 38, of Gorham, Me., was taken suddenly and violently ill while in Readfield. The brethren exerted themselves in his behalf and saw that he was well cared for. Later a very cordial vote of thanks was extended to Lafayette Lodge by Harmony Lodge. 1860-61 Ira S Chapman, W. M. Oliver Parsons, S. W. Cyrus B. Whittier, J. W. Matthew Hayward, Treas. H. Owen Nickerson, Sec'y Charles S. Morse, S. D. David Wentworth, J. D. John D. Robbins, S. S. . Oliver Bean, J. S. IRA S CHAPMANG. MILLER FILLE BROWNBENJAMIN T. RICHARDS 18611863, 18841871 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 29 Emery O. Bean, Mar. Hiram Gilman, Chap. * Abel Cole, Tyler The officers were elected Sept. 29, but were not installed until Dec. 25, when a very elaborate public installation was held at the |Union Meeting House, the lodge going in procession from the hall to the church. The ceremony was performed by P. M. David Car- gill of Temple Lodge. Music was furnished by the Mt. Vernon band and by a select choir and Bro. Emery O. Bean delivered an able address. At the close the lodge reformed and marched to the public house of Col. J. O. Craig, where a sumptuous dinner was served. . . On Dec. 17, the lodge attended the funeral of Bro. Edmund H. Frost, who died on the 15th inst. Suitable resolutions of re- spect to his memory were later adopted. Dec. 22, D. D. G. M. Francis J. Day visited the lodge in his official capacity, and inspected work on the E. A. degree. - Jan. 21, 1861, the death of Bro. Matthew Keating was reported. Later resolutions were presented and adopted. - Feb. 1, the lodge attended the funeral of Brother Richard Mace. Bro. Mace was one of the early members of the lodge, having been initiated Mar. 27, 1827, and very soon after the reorganization entered into the work. He was a farmer and a descendant of one of the earlier settlers of the town. - Feb. 14, the lodge assisted Vernon Valley Lodge at the fun- eral of Bro. John Philbrick of that lodge. March 23, the lodge voted to donate $10.00 to Bro. Jonathan Holmes of Canaan. Bro. Holmes was one of the founders of the lodge in 1826 and had probably removed from the town before the lodge resumed work, as he is nowhere mentioned previous to the above date. - - \ The By-Laws were amended Mar. 23 and the Annual Com- munication was changed from September to May. May 18, voted to accept the report of a committee appointed to ascertain if there is a “Leak in our Masonic Ship.” The commit- tee had reported that there was a “leak.” - May 11, voted to waive jurisdiction over Charles Haskell in favor of Temple Lodge. * : - May 18, charges were preferred against two brethren for vio- lation of Masonic obligations in disclosing the names-of applicants 30 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE for the degrees, the nature of reports, of discussion, and ballots, to persons not members of the Order. Trials were held later and one brother was expelled and the other reprimanded by the Master. The change in the By-Laws previously mentioned gave the year only eight Stated Communications and fourteen Special Communi- cations were held. Two candidates were raised, viz.: Hebron M. Wentworth and Reuben Russell, while four applications were rejected. - Forty members were returned to the Grand Lodge, April 1, 1861. . Cromwell P. Hunton, Proxy, represented the Lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1861. - 1861-62 Oliver Parsons, W. M. george Miller Fillebrown, S. W. H. Owen Nickerson, J. W. Matthew Hayward, Treas. Hebron M. Wentworth, Sec'y David Wentworth, S. D. John D. Robbins, J. D. - Oliver Bean, S. S. Reuben Russell, J. S. Emery O. Bean, Mar. James Williams, Chap. Hiram Gilman, Tyler The officers were installed by D. D. G. M. David Cargill. June 22, voted to attend the funeral of Bro. Jedediah Prescott of Temple Lodge at N. Monmouth, on the 23 inst. Sept. 16, the death of Bro. William C. Fuller was announced in the lodge and arrangements made to attend his funeral on the 18th inst. All the neighboring lodges were invited to attend. Tem- ple was present in a body and many visiting brethren. - Bro. Fuller was made a Mason in Temple Lodge in 1818 and united with Lafayette at the reorganization. He had always been an active and zealous Mason and "one of the leading citizens of the town. He dropped dead in the street at Winthrop village, Sept. 16. Resolutions expressing the great respect and honor in which Bro. Fuller had been held by the lodge were adopted. -- Jan. 11, 1862, Hamlin F. Eaton was balloted for, for the three degrees of Masonry under a dispensation from the D. D. G. M. This was the first instance of the kind which was afterwards so frequent during the years of the Civil War. - Feb. 8, voted to appropriate $5.00 for the monument to the memory of P. G. M. Robert P. Dunlap. l EIISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 31. Feb. 22, the application of Lieut. Ezekiel R. Mayo of Hamp- den was presented, referred to the committee, reported, balloted, and the three degrees were conferred on him at the same meeting under a dispensation from the D. D. G. M., of which the following is given as a sample of all those which followed: “To the Worshipful Master of Lafayette Lodge, No. 48, F. & A. M., at Readfield: You are hereby authorized to order a ballot on the petition of Ezekiel R. Mayo for the degrees of Masonry within the gift of your lodge at any meeting duly called, his being a case of emergency. If accepted you may, if you find it impracticable to hold an- other meeting before he leaves for the seat of war, confer all the degrees at one meeting. Requirements of Grand Lodge complied with. . - Fraternally yours, DAVID CARGILL, D. D. G. M. 5 Mas. Dist.” April 12, the office of Secretary was declared vacant, and Bro. Emery O. Bean was elected and installed Secretary. Bro. Hebron M. Wentworth, the Secretary, had gone to the front with his regi- ment. - Twelve Stated and twenty-two Special Communications were held during the year. - - Seven candidates were raised to the Master Mason degree, viz.: Henry P. Torsey, Noyes S. Sherburn, Sebastian S. Lovejoy, Hamlin F. Eaton, Melville C. Linscott, Ezekiel R. Mayo, Washington B. Smith. * * Three applications were rejected. • . Noyes S. Sherburn, Sebastian S. Lovejoy, and Reuben Russell were elected members. Forty-three members were returned to the Grand Lodge, April 1, 1862. . Llewellyn A. Luce, Proxy, represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1862. - 1862-63 . . . . Oliver Parsons, W. M. George M. Fillebrown, S. W. David Wentworth, J. W. Matthew Hayward, Treas. Emery O. Bean, Sec'y John D. Robbins, S. D. Augustus A. Nickersen, J. D. Y 32 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Abel Cole, S. S. Noyes S. Sherburn, J. S. Reuben Russell, Chap. Cromwell P. Hunton, Mar. - Hiram Gilman, Tyler The officers were installed June 7, by P. M. Emery O. Bean. May 22, the lodge attended the funeral of Bro. Daniel Jud- kins at Fayette: . - Bro. Judkins was one of the members of the old lodge, but does not appear to have taken any part in the work or to have attended the meetings after the revival. June 7, the lodge accepted an invitation to attend the one hundredth anniversary of Masonry in Maine at Portland, June 24. There is no record that the brethren attended, but as a com- mittee was appointed to put the jewels, etc., in condition, and the Master authorized to purchase tickets from the lodge funds and give to such brethren as he thought best, it is probable that there was an attendance from this lodge. June 29, the lodge attended the funeral services at Kent's Hill in memory of Bro. Charles Haskell of Temple Lodge. Bro. Has- , kell died of wounds received at the battle of Fair Oaks, May 31- June 1, 1862. - The body was not present, not having been brought from the South, so no Masonic service was performed. This was one of the most largely attended funeral services ever held in this vicinity. The popularity of the young brother, the circumstances of his death, and the patriotic spirit which filled all hearts at that time drew the whole community to the empty bier. - July 19, D. D. G. M. David Cargill visited the lodge in his of ficial capacity and inspected work in the F. C. degree. . Aug. 9, voted to attend as a lodge the funeral of Bro. Edwi S. Robinson of Mt. Vernon. T Bro. Lewis Stacy was granted a demit. He was a member of the old lodge, but had in no way been identified with the lodge in the later years. - Oct. 18, voted to attend the constitution of Relief Lodge at Bel- grade on Oct. 28. - . . Jan. 31, 1863, a committee was appointed to report a revised code of By-Laws. April 9, 1863, the lodge attended the funeral of Wor. Bro. George S. Currier, who died April 6. Bro. Currier was made a HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 33 Mason under the old charter and was raised July 13, 1826, and remained with the lodge till the last, except for the last two meet- ings when his presence is not recorded. He was for many years a prominent figure in the community and “Doctor George,” as he was familiarly called, was known for miles around and was the family physician of all Readfield and many of the adjoining towns. - • . On the fourth of October, 1862, a question came before the lodge, which precipitated a contest that lasted for two years. At that meeting a committee was appointed to see what could be done about buying or renting a hall. From some things which appear on the records it would seem that the hall was not entirely safe for work. During the contest votes were passed and reconsidered and rescinded. Work was ordered done which was not done. Com- mittees reported and discharged and others appointed. Bro. Oliver Bean, who owned the larger part of the hall made a proposition which was accepted and then rejected. At one time it was voted to remove to Gile Hall until a hall could be secured and a commit- tee was appointed to move the furniture, and again the members changed their minds, and so the contest went on. * . Finally it was decided to purchase of the Readfield Woolen Co. their part of the building for $800.00 and to lease of Bro. Bean his part of the hall for a series of years at $18.00 per year. This decision was arrived at Sept. 10, 1864, and committees were at once appointed to make necessary repairs and on the 12th of November of that year a committee was appointed to purchase a carpet and furniture. . . It was also voted to finish the hall in such a way as would ac- commodate a Chapter. z Twelve Stated and twenty-four Special Communications were held during the year and eight brethren were raised to the Master Mason degree, viz.: William L. Ward, Nathaniel B. Buxton, Joseph E. C. Denton, Albion B. Frost, Dudley S. Fogg, John M. Williams, Gustavus Smith, Sylvanus J. Blanchard. No applications were rejected. Joseph E. C. Denton, Sylvanus J. Blanchard, Amos A. Samp- son were elected members of the lodge. Forty-five members were returned to Grand Lodge, April 1, 1863. - – . 34 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Charles S. Morse was Proxy to Grand Lodge, May, 1863. 1863-64 . - George Miller Fillebrown, W. M. John D. Robbins, S. W. H. Owen Nickerson, J. W. Matthew Hayward, Treas. Cromwell P. Hunton, Sec'y Joseph E. C. Denton, S. D. Noyes S. Sherburn, J. D. Sylvanus J. Blanchard, S. S. Dudley S. Fogg, J. S. Reuben Russell, Chap. Emery O. Bean, Mar. . George S. Johnson, Tyler - The officers were installed by D. D. G. M. David Cargill, July 11, 1863. - Twenty-five members of Vernon Valley Lodge were present and the Mt. Vernon Cornet Band furnished music. - Sept. 30, the lodge attended the funeral of Bro. Matthew Hay- ward, who died Sept. 27. - - Bro. Hayward was Treasurer at the time of his death, to which office he was first elected in 1859. He was a faithful member dur- ing the few years of his Masonic life. Oct. 24, the W. M. appointed Bro. Amos A. Sampson, Treas- urer, and installed him, and on Jan. 23, 1864, he was elected and installed again, the appointment probably not being considered law- ful. Nov. 21, a demit was granted to George A. Cooledge. So much work had been presented that a greater number of ‘Special Communications had been held than ever before, thirty having been held besides twelve Stated. Thirteen brethren were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason, viz.: Warren A. Wright, George S. Morrill, Christopher A. Clough, George S. Johnson, Noah Jewett 2d, Sewall J. Hawes, James F. Mears, Wilbert P. Friend, John Wesley Richards, Samuel H. Morrill, Hiram Rockwood, Henry Hoscroft, Warren Daggett. Six applications. were rejected. - Hamlin F. Eaton, Warren A. Wright, Christopher A. Clough, George S. Johnson, Noah Jewett 2d, John M. Williams, Dudley S. Fogg, George S. Morrill, James F. Mears, Wilbert P. Friend, John W. Richards, Samuel H. Morrill, were elected members of the lodge. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 35 Henry M. Foster, Proxy, represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1864. Forty-nine members were returned to Grand Lodge, April 1, 1864. . . - t 1864-65 Emery O. Bean, W. M. H. Owen Nickerson, S. W. Henry M. Foster, J. W. Amos A. Sampson, Treas. Cromwell P. Hunton, Sec'y Joseph E. C. Denton, S. D. Abel Cole, J. D. Sylvanus J. Blanchard, S. S. Dudley S. Fogg, J. S. Hiram Gilman, Chap. Josiah F. Taylor, Mar. . David Smith, Tyler June 18, Wor. Bro. Oliver Parsons installed Bro. Emery O. Bean, Master, after which the W. M. installed the other officers. . Oliver Parsons, Cromwell P. Hunton, and Henry M. Foster were appointed a committee to write the history of the lodge. At the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, in May, 1864, the Constitution of the Grand Lodge was amended, and one ballot for the three degrees, was established as the law, in place of a separate ballot for each degree, as had always been the custom. June 18, this lodge cast its first regular ballot for the three degrees under the new law. - June 24, on invitation of Oriental Star Lodge, twenty-five members of the lodge attended the celebration of St. John's Day at Livermore Falls. . . - Aug. 28, seventeen of the members including the W. M. opened a lodge at Mt. Vernon for the purpose of attending and assisting at the funeral of Bro. Emery Dudley of Vernon Valley Lodge. The Committee on By-Laws reported Sept. 10, a new code, which was adopted. There has been no copy of these By-Laws found. Oct. 17, R. W., David Cargill, D. D. G. M., visited the lodge and witnessed work in all the degrees for which he granted a dispensa- tion. Dec. 10, a demit was granted Bro. John D. Robbins. Jan. 14, 1865, voted to attend the funeral of Bro. George S. Morrill, weather and traveling permitting. There is no further record. Bro. Morrill was a member of Temple Lodge. Jan. 7, a committee was appointed to secure from the Legis- lature an Act of Incorporation. . - wº - 36 - HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE On the same date it was voted to give Bro. Jonathan Holmes $10.00. . ‘. . . . Feb. 4, Bro. Henry M. Foster on behalf of the brethren from North Wayne presented the lodge with a beautiful sword which was accepted by the W. M. in fitting language. Bro. Hiram Gilman presented a Bible for use in the ante-room. At this Communication it was voted to have a seal and a con- tribution was taken for that purpose and $11.00 was contributed. It was probably to be a seal and press to be used in place of the old wax seals. - - It was voted to tax the members $1.00 each for dues and this appears to be the first time dues were assessed, except to pay the Grand Lodge tax of 12% cents, since the lodge resumed work. April 16, the lodge attended the memorial funeral service for Bro. Charles S. Morse. Bro. Morse died in the Confederate prison at Florence, S. C., Sept. 16, 1864. No further business of importance came before the lodge before the annual election. Twelve Stated and thirty Special Communi- cations were held during the year. . Sixteen candidates were raised to the Master Mason degree, viz.: Edward K. Richardson, Thomas H. B. Pierce, Thomas Wing, Loannas C. Billings, Arthur D. Chase, William H. Richmond, Den- nis B. Jewett, Daniel Lothrop, Amos H. Eaton, Thomas F. Palm- er, William H. Fisk, John H. Shedd, Elias H. Kent, Augustus S. Tuck, Winfield Smith, George A. Russell. ... Two applications were rejected. ... • The following brethren were elected members of the lodge: Hiram Rockwood, Warren Daggett, Henry Hoscroft, Edward K. Richardson, Franklin R. Perry, Thomas H. B. Pierce, Thomas Wing, Daniel Lothrop, Dennis B. Jewett, Loannas C. Billings, Gus- tavus Smith, Sewall J. Hawes, Amos H. Eaton, Winfield Smith, William H. Fisk, John H. Shedd. . . . . ". Sixty members were returned to the Grand Lodge, April 1, 1865. - Hamlin F. Eaton, Proxy, represented the Grand Lodge, May, 1865. 1865-66 - Emery O. Bean, W. M. - H. Owen Nickerson, S. W. Oliver Parsons, J. W. Amos A. Sampson, Treas. Amos H. Eaton, Sec'y HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 37 Joseph E. C. Denton, S. D. Abel Cole, J. D. Dudley S. Fogg, S. S. Warren Daggett, J. S. Hiram Gilman, Chap. Cromwell P. Hunton, Mar. David Smith, Tyler The officers were installed by P. M. Oliver Parsons and W. M. Bean. July 8, the lodge voted to restore to the rights and benefits of Masonry the brother who was expelled in 1861. . Brother Samuel Nesbit presented the lodge a letter “G.” Bro. David Smith died Oct. 9, 1865, and his funeral was at- tended Oct. 12, by the lodge. Bro. David Smith was born in Scot- land in 1791 and came to the United States with a large family in the early part of the last century. He was a tailor by trade and a thorough master of his calling, and his little shop on the North road was a familiar landmark to all old citizens for more than half a century. He was initiated into Lafayette Lodge, Mar. 29, 1827, and was ever after one of the most constant attendants and faithful members of the lodge. He was one of those to whom the dispen- sation was issued to resume work, but his name is not on the charter of 1850. He was the faithful Treasurer of the lodge for ten years from the reorganization in 1849. The resolutions adopted after his death testify to the high esteem in which he was held by his brethren of those days. - - A demit was granted Bro. Otis H. Johnson, Oct. 28. Bro. Johnson was a highly esteemed and exceedingly popular clergyman of the Universalist denomination who had served the lodge several years as Chaplain, but nowhere is he included in the membership of the lodge. The lodge appears to have entertained somewhat different ideas as to membership in those days, than pre- vail at the present time. - - - Several brethren appear as members of the lodge of whom there is nothing to show when or how they became members. The Legislature of 1865 had granted the lodge an Act of In- corporation, and on Dec. 2, Bros. Emery O. Bean, Asa Gile and Cromwell P. Hunton were appointed to draft regulations for the government of the lodge under the Act. Dec. 30, James O. Hamilton was elected a member of the lodge on his Diploma from Acacia Lodge, No. 18, -Washington, D. C. - - 38 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LOIDGE Bro. Noah Jewett died, Jan. 5, 1866, and his funeral was at- tended Jan. 7 by the lodge. Bro. Jewett was an aged member of the lodge, who became a member at the reorganization. He appears to have been Master of some lodge as he is included in a list of Past Masters. He had been a sailor in his younger days, but late in life his circumstances became reduced and for several years the lodge assisted in his support, as they did in that of his widow during the rest of her life. R. W., Orlando Currier, D. D. G. M., made his official visit to the lodge Feb. 24, 1866. - - Bro. Andrew L. Kendall, who was initiated April 12, 1860, applied to the lodge Mar. 24, 1866, for papers to enable him to receive the F. C. and M. M. degrees elsewhere. . April 28, 1866, demits were granted to Bros. John Stevens and Josiah Norris, who had decided to unite in organizing the new lodge at Wayne. This was the last general business for the year. Thirteen Stated and thirty-one Special Communications were held during this year. Eight brethren were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason, viz.: Ferdinand Tinker, Thomas Dillingham, Sanford S. Chapman, Benjamin W. Harriman, Tyler Newton, Gilman B. El- der, John G. Fuller, Alvin Packard. *. One application was rejected. - - - The following were elected to membership: George A. Russell, Ferdinand Tinker, James O. Hamilton, Thomas Dillingham, Gil- man B. Elder, John G. Fuller. - - H. Owen Nickerson, S. W. and Dudley S. Fogg, Proxy, were the representatives of the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1866. Sixty-three members were returned this year. 1866-67 - H. Owen Nickerson, W. M. - Dudley S. Fogg, S. W. Franklin R. Perry, J. W. Cromwell P. Hunton, Treas. George A. Russell, Sec'y Dennis B. Jewett, S. D. Ferdinand Tinker, J. D. Gustavus Smith, S. S. Abel Cole, J. S. - Hiram Gilman, Chap. . . . Noyes S. Sherburn, Mar. Cyrus B. Whittier, Tyler FIISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 39, The above officers were installed by P. M. Emery O. Bean. June 23, 1866, P. M. Emery O. Bean was elected an Honorary Member of the lodge. . - July 21, Hamlin F. Eaton and Amos H. Eaton were granted: demits. Aug. 25, Bro. Amos A. Sampson was appointed Treasurer to: fill a vacancy caused by the removal of Bro. Cromwell P. Hunton, from the jurisdiction. At this meeting the Master and Wardens. were appointed a committee to solicit funds for the sufferers by the fire in Portland on July 4 and 5, and $65.00 was contributed by the brethren. Sept. 22, voted that the officers be a committee to present a remonstrance to the Grand Lodge against granting a charter to: Asylum Lodge at Wayne. The jurisdiction of Lafayette Lodge. would be materially limited if a lodge should be established at that place. The remonstrance was presented to the next Grandº Lodge, but it was decided that the interests of Masonry would be advanced by having a new lodge at Wayne and so Asylum Lodge. received its charter. The most cordial relations have ever existed between Asylum Lodge and this lodge since the constitution of that lodge. A demit was granted Bro. Winfield Smith, Dec. 15. The Annual Festival was celebrated Feb. 27, 1867. This cus- tom, which is now one of the events of the year, may have been a custom of some years, but the records are silent previous to this date. April 14, 1867, the lodge voted to attend the funeral of Bro. Cromwell P. Hunton, No record was made, however. - April 20, voted to attend the funeral of Bro. Henry Hos- croft, as he requested, but there is no record. - Twelve Stated and twenty-six Special Communications were held during the year. - - . . . . . . Thirteen brethren were raised to the Master Mason degree, viz.: Loring M. Hunton, George H. Waugh, David Dudley, J. Eugene. Lewis, William F. Gilman, Henry C. Packard, Fred A. Lovejoy, Nelson S. Bean, Albion Gordon, Benjamin T. Richards, George H. Graves, Charles H. Millett, Daniel Gordon. Three applications were rejected. • - w . . " J. Eugene Lewis, David Dudley, William F. Gilman, Henry C. Packard were elected members of the lodge. - 40 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Sixty-three members were returned to Grand Lodge, March 1, 1867. g H. Owen Nickerson, W. M., and Emery O. Bean, Proxy, rep- resented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1867. 1867-68 H. Owen Nickerson, W. M. Franklin R. Perry, S. W. Amos A. Sampson, J. W. Dennis B. Jewett, Treas. George A. Russell, Sec'y Benjamin F. Richards, S. D. George S. Morrill, J. D. Henry C. Packard, S. S. David Dudley, J. S. Hiram Gilman, Chap. - Noyes S. Sherburn, Mar. Thomas Dillingham, Tyler The officers were installed by P. M. Emery O. Bean. Dec. 22, the lodge met at East Readfield to attend the funeral of Wor. Brother Josiah Whittier, who died Dec. 18. The day was stormy, but a goodly number of the brethren were present to assist in the last rites and to testify to their respect for the aged brother. Bro. Whittier was one of the founders of the lodge. He was made a Mason in Temple Lodge in 1825. He was Master of Lafayette in 1827 and 1828, and again in 1849 and 1850. During the years previous to, and the years he was first Master he was a con- stant attendant on the meetings, but from the time he retired from the East in 1828 until the reorganization in 1849 he is reported present but once. He was a farmer and Justice of the Peace, and a prominent citizen of the town for many years. * Jan. 4, 1868, R. W., Moses S. Mayhew was present in his of ficial capacity as D. D. G. M. - A demit was granted Louis Belanger, Jan. 4. . The Annual Festival was held Feb. 5, and from the preparations made it was quite an elaborate affair. - March 8, 1868, the lodge attended the funeral of Bro. Hosea Elliott at South Fayette. #. Elliott was not a member of the lodge, but there was a very good attendance of the brethren. Thirteen Stated and twenty-one Special Communications were held during the year. • Eight brethren were raised to the Master Mason degree, viz.: Nelson D. Gordon, Charles D. Cutter, George F. Richardson, George №: H. OWEN NICKERSON, 1867-68-69, 1886-87J. EUGENE LEWIS, 1876-77-78 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE Lodge 41 W. Cofran, John A. Worthley, William M. Rideout, Samuel D. Strout, Gilbert Allen. Two applications were rejected. The following were elected members: Benjamin T. Richards, George H. Graves, Daniel Gordon, Fred A. Lovejoy, George A. Cofran, William Lincoln, Richard Dearborn. Sixty-eight members were returned to Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1868. H. Owen Nickerson, W. M., Franklin R. Perry, S. W., and Jo- siah F. Taylor, Proxy, represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1868. 1868-69 \ - H. Owen Nickerson, W. M. Franklin R. Perry, S. W. Amos A. Sampson, J. W. Dennis B. Jewett, Treas. George A. Russell, Sec'y Benjamin T. Richards, S. D. George S. Morrill, J. D. Sewall J. Hawes, S. S. George W. Cofran, J. S. Hiram Gilman, Chap. Noyes S. Sherburn, Mar. Samuel Nesbit, Tyler - The officers were installed by P. M. Emery O. Bean. This year the lodge elected a Proxy to Grand Lodge. Previ- ously the Proxy had been appointed by the Master or Master and Wardens under instructions from the lodge. - May 2, Bro. Samuel Nesbit presented the lodge with nicely framed portraits of Lafayette and Andrew Jackson to be hung in the South and West. It was voted to buy new collars for the officers. Somewhat singular charges were preferred against Bro. Dudley S. Fogg by Bro. Elisha S. Case, which at a hearing at a later meet- ing were not sustained. - - - Aug. 5, Samuel G. Millett was raised to the M. M. degree, his application having been received under dispensation from the Grand Master, he having formerly been a resident of Bridgewater, Mass. No similar case had happened in the lodge before. The Annual Festival was held Jan. 27, 1869. Benj. T. Richards, F. R. Perry, J. H. Shedd and Sam’l D. Strout were selected as a committee to procure portraits of mem- bers and hang in the hall. - 42 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE April 24, Dennis B. Jewett was elected a member of the lodge. He had been Treasurer for several years, which is another evidence that the lodge was somewhat lax in many business matters in those days. - At this time it was decided to make repairs in the banquet hall. Twelve Stated and eighteen Special Communications were held this year. - Three brethren were raised to the Master Mason degree, viz.: Daniel S. Norris, Samuel G. Millett, Charles E. Packard. John A. Worthley, Samuel D. Strout and Dennis B. Jewett were elected members. March 1, 1869, the lodge returned 69 members to Grand Lodge. Two members had been deprived of membership. This was the first instance of discipline for non-payment of dues in the history of the lodge. - - H. Owen Nickerson, W. M., attended Grand Lodge, May, 1869. 1869-70 Franklin R. Perry, W. M. Benjamin T. Richards, S. W. James O. Butman, J. W. Henry C. Packard, Treas. George A. Russell, Sec'y George S. Morrill, S. D. George W. Cofran, J. D. Sewall J. Hawes, S. S. John H. Shedd, J. S. Hiram Gilman, Chap. George M. Fillebrown, Mar. Samuel Nesbit, Tyler The officers were installed by R. W., David Cargill, D. G. M. Bro. James O. Butman was elected a member of the lodge May 22 on his demit from Bethlehem Lodge. Bro. Franklin Bean died June 5, 1869, and was buried with Masonic rites, June 7. Bro. Bean was the third candidate initiated under the first charter and had been all the time devotedly attached to the lodge. He was one of those last present in the old lodge and of the first at the revival, and his interest continued while life lasted. - . . . . June 17, Bro. Oliver Bean died and his funeral was attended by the lodge, also by delegations from Vernon Valley and Asylum Lodges. Bro. Bean was one of the first two candidates raised after the lodge resumed work. He was one of the most prominent citi- zens of Readfield in his day. He was Colonel in the Militia and HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 43 for twenty years was one of the selectmen of the town, besides hold- ing other positions of trust. He was a faithful and devoted Mason. August 21, resolutions of respect to the memory of Bros. Frank- lin and Oliver Bean were adopted. At the same meeting Bro. Em- ery O. Bean presented to the Charity Fund of the lodge, $50.00 as a gift from the late Bro. Oliver Bean. - Sept. 18, the By-Laws were amended and the annual meeting was changed from May to February and the W. M. was authorized to appoint members of the Finance Committee to fill temporary vacancies. Voted to have a picnic at East Winthrop, Sept. 23, probably uniting with Temple Lodge and perhaps others. Bro. Benjamin T. Richards was appointed Historian of the lodge and instructed to prepare the history from the foundation of the lodge. * W Jan. 8, 1870, the lodge attended the funeral of Bro. Ira S Chap- man, who died Jan. 6. Temple and Vernon Valley lodges were pres- ent and assisted. Bro. Chapman had come to Readfield from North Anson many years before as superintendent of the woolen mill. He affiliated with the lodge at the re-organization and was one of the most prominent members all the rest of his life. In him real Ma- sonic virtues were practically illustrated in acts of charity and broth- erly kindness. A brother now living speaks of him as one of the best men for whom he ever worked. - - • R. W., Bro. William Macartney, D. D. G. M., made his of. ficial visit Jan. 21, and the Master Mason degree was exemplified for his inspection. - The annual meeting having been changed to February there were but eight Stated Communications held and fourteen Special. No candidate was raised this year. The work was often exem- plified and the lectures passed, special meetings being held for that purpose quite frequently, the W. M. going from North Wayne to attend, and when we compare the comfort of winter traveling then and now we can conceive some idea of his devotion to duty and the lodge. The custom of reading the proceedings of Grand Lodge in open lodge was well observed. It would be well for the fraternity in these days if the custom was revived. Sixty-seven members were returned to Grand. Lodge, Mar. 1, 1870. 44 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Benj. T. Richards, S. W., and H. Owen Nickerson, Proxy, represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1870. 1870-71 Franklin R. Perry, W. M. Benjamin T. Richards, S. W. James O. Butman, J. W Henry C. Packard, Treas. George A. Russell, Sec'y George S. Morrill, S. D. George W. Cofran, J. D. George F. Richardson, S. S. Gustavus Smith, J. S. Hiram Gilman, Chap. - Samuel Nesbit, Tyler - The officers were installed by George M. Fillebrown, P. M. Feb. 12, 1870, demits were granted to Bros. David Wentworth and Hebron M. Wentworth. Mar. 12, voted to transfer $100.00 of the lodge funds to the Charity Fund. - e - - Bro. Benj. T. Richards reported progress in the preparation of the history of the lodge, and was instructed to send a copy to the Grand Lodge Committee on History. Bro. Richards’ history was a brief and well written account of the general affairs of the lodge to that time. No copy was preserved in the archives of the lodge. - - April 9, Bro. John R. Masterman was elected a member on de- mit from Maine Lodge, Farmington. - - Ferdinand Tinker was granted a demit. May 13, a Special Communication was held to hear the report of the delegates to the Grand Lodge. The representatives were not present, however. * Sylvanus J. Blanchard died May 29 and the lodge attended his funeral at Readfield Depot, June 1. June 11, it was voted to give $5.00 to Excelsior Lodge at Northport. - - Demits were granted to Charles E. Packard and Thomas Dil- lingham. . - - New collars were purchased at this time at an expense of $62.55. Mrs. Kimball and Mrs. Haskell furnished the refreshments for the raising, June 25, Bro. Cinklar S. Kimball being the can- didate. - © - JAMES O. BUTMAN 1872–73 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 45 July 9, a new code of By-Laws as revised by Bros. H. Owen Nickerson, John H. Shedd, and Emery O. Bean, was adopted. Oct. 7, the lodge attended the funeral of Bro. Ezra Fisk at Fayette Corner. , Dec. 3, Wilbert P. Friend was granted a demit, also Charles D. Cutter. The W. M., Bro. Franklin R. Perry, removed from the State soon after June 1, leaving the East vacant. S. W. Bro. Benjamin T. Richards was the Acting Master for the rest of the year, but the different Past Masters presided the greater part of the time. The Communications for lectures and exemplification of the work were kept up during the year and a good number of candi- dates presented themselves at the outer door. * Twelve Stated and twenty-eight Special Communications were held for the year. - - Nine brethren were raised to the Master Mason degree, viz.: Linn L. Billings, Phineas Morrill, Jr., Charles W. Morse, Roderick McDonald, Benjamin F. Haskell, Cinklar S. Kimball, William Laughton, George E. Cofran, Fred F. Graves. • * Three applications were rejected. The following brethren were elected members of the lodge: John R. Masterman, affiliated from Maine lodge, Phineas Mor- rill, Jr., Charles W. Morse, Roderick McDonald, Nelson D. Gor- don, Benjamin F. Haskell, Cinklar S. Kimball. March 1, 1871, 67 members were returned to the Grand Lodge. At the Annual Communication of the Grange Lodge, May, 1871, Benjamin T. Richards, Jr., W. M. and Henry C. Packard, Proxy, were the representatives of Lafayette Lodge. 1871-72 At the Annual Communication of the lodge, Feb. 4, 1871, the brethren undertook the election of officers in an entirely new and unique manner. A committee was appointed to nominate a full list of elective officers, who having performed that duty presented a list of nominees and the following resolution, which was adopted, and ordered spread on the record: - - “Resolved, That the above named brethren are nominated as officers of this lodge for the coming year upon the express condition that if elected they shall feel it their imperative duty to punctually 46 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE attend the Communications of this lodge and especially prepare themselves for the prompt and faithful discharge of the Masonic duties of their respective offices.” - The brethren nominated were elected as follows: - Benjamin T. Richards, W. M. James O. Butman, S. W. John H. Shedd, J. W. Henry C. Packard, Treas. George A. Russell, Sec'y George S. Morrill, S. D. George W. Cofran, J. D. Sewall J. Hawes, S. S. Charles W. Morse, J. S. Hiram Gilman, Chap. George M. Fillebrown, Mar. Fred F. Graves, Tyler . . The officers were installed Feb. 8, by R. W., J. W. Toward of Augusta and the Annual Festival was held at the same time. March 4, a committee was appointed to procure portraits of deceased brethren at the expense of the lodge if necessary. March 10, R. W., William Macartney, D. D. G. M., made his official visit, but a small attendance of the brethren greeted him. April 1, Bro. Daniel H. Thing of Vernon Valley Lodge was invited to give his lecture on Speculative Masonry before the pub- lic. - Portraits of Bros. Cromwell P. Hunton, Henry Hoscroft and William C. Fuller were presented to the lodge and a vote of thanks tendered to the donors. June 3, Bro. Asahel Brainard was elected an Honorary Mem- ber. - - - Bro. Thomas F. Palmer was appointed a committee to solicit funds to erect a gravestone over the grave of our late brother, Hosea Elliott. - A demit was granted to Benjamin F. Haskell, conditionally. - June 6, the lodge attended the funeral of Bro. Loannas C. Billings at North Fayette. After the services the lodge repaired to the house of Bro. Thomas F. Palmer for refreshments. At a later meeting of the lodge, Bro. Palmer declined to present any bill for the refreshments and the lodge voted to give Mrs. Palmer $5.00. Sept. 23, D. D. G. M. Moses S. Mayhew visited the lodge in his official capacity and inspected work in the Master Mason degree. A large number of the officers and members of Vernon Valley Lodge accompanied the D. D. G. M., and there were also many visitors from other lodges. - HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 47 Edward K. Richardson was granted a demit, conditionally. Thirteen Stated and fourteen Special Communications were held during the year. + The Master Mason degree was conferred on three brethren, viz.: Samuel T. Skofield, Arthur D. Jordan, George W. Billings. Three applications were rejected . 1872–73 James O. Butman, W. M. John H. Shedd, S. W. Henry C. Packard, J. W. Charles W. Morse, Treas. George A. Russell, Sec'y George S. Morrill, S. D. Phineas Morrill, J. D. Sewall J. Hawes, S. S. Samuel T. Skofield, J. S. Reuben Russell, Chap. Fred F. Graves, Tyler These officers had been elected, as the previous year, by a nomination by a committee. No resolution was presented as before. R. W., Moses S. Mayhew, D. D. G. M., installed the officers Feb. 28, and the Annual Festival was again held at the same time. Bro. Charles W. Morse presented the lodge the Rough and Perfect Ashlars. - - A demit was granted George H. Graves, Mar. 23. June 15, a demit was granted William F. Davis. Dec. 14, the By-Laws were amended to conform to the recent amendment of the Grand Lodge Constitution, making every brother who received the Master Mason degree a member of the lodge con- ferring the degree. - - The Stated Communications were changed to the first Saturday in the month. , , z - Jan. 4, 1873, John O. Dearborn was granted a demit. A demit was also granted Dennis B. Jewett, conditionally. - Twelve Stated and eight Special Communications were held during the year. - - • . - No candidate was raised to the Master Mason degree. One application was rejected. * Thomas Dillingham was elected to membership. March 1, 1872, seventy-one members were returned to Grand Lodge. • . - James O. Butman, W. M., and H. Owen Nickerson, Proxy, were in attendance at Grand Lodge, May, 1872. - 48 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE Lodge 1873-74 James O. Butman, W. M. - George F. Richardson, S. W. George S. Morrill, J. W. Charles W. Morse, Treas. Emery O. Bean, Sec'y Fred F. Graves, S. D. Phineas Morrill, Jr., J. D. George W. Cofran, S. S. Thomas Dillingham, J. S. Reuben Russell, Chap. H. Owen Nickerson, Mar. Hiram Gilman, Tyler Feb. 2, the lodge attended the funeral of Bro. John S. French, an aged Mason of Fayette. He was a member of the old lodge, but had not attended after the revival. The record speaks of him as an upright Mason and worthy man. The family provided refreshments for the lodge after the services. Feb. 13, Grand Master David Cargill installed the officers and delivered an address. The Annual Festival was held in connection with the installation. - * 4 Jere P. Johnson was elected a member of the lodge, June 7. July 5, Cinklar S. Kimball was granted a demit, and August 2, one was granted to William F. Gilman. Dec. 1, Bro. John G. Fuller, who died Nov. 28, was buried with Masonic ceremonies. - Bro. Emery O. Bean later presented resolutions expressing the deep sadness which the brethren felt at the taking away of the brother in the prime of life and usefulness. - Jan. 3, 1874, a vote was passed making the lodge year begin and end with the date of the annual meeting, and assessing all new members joining between those dates with full annual dues. -- Twelve Stated and twenty-two Special Communications were held during the year. s The following brethren received the Master Mason degree and became members of the lodge: Ernest W. Lewis, Charles C. Mor- rill, Miles C. Simpson, Pierre Thebeault, James S. Blaisdell, Ed- ward R. Stain, James Barbour, Francois B. Aubin, Nathaniel Has- kell, Wilfred R. Campbell, Albion E. Bowman. - Three applications were rejected. Nelson D. Gordon, Jere P. Johnson, Freeman W. Bunnell were elected members of the lodge. - - Seventy members were returned to Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1873. GEORGE F. RICHARDSON 1874-75 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 49 In Grand Lodge, May, 1873, George S. Morrill, J. W., and Fred F. Graves, Proxy, represented Lafayette Lodge. 1874-75 George F. Richardson, W. M. George S. Morrill, S. W. J. Eugene Lewis, J. W. Phineas Morrill, Jr., Treas. Emery O. Bean, Sec'y Fred F. Graves, S. D. Sewall J. Hawes, J. D. George W. Cofran, S. S. William Laughton, J. S. Thomas Dillingham, Tyler A public installation of the officers was held at the hall of the Elmwood House, R. W., J. W. Toward of Augusta being the install- ing officer. The W. M. was not present for installation. A ban- quet followed the ceremonies, and a general good time was enjoyed. July 4, by contribution and appropriation, $10.03 was raised for the brethren of Louisiana, suffering from the flood on the Mis- sissippi river in that year. Aug. 1, a committee reported that $10.00 had been collected for trespass, from some parties who had taken the lodge ladders from the ladder house and the money was appropriated to the Char- ity Fund. - - Oct. 3, R. W., Peter Williams, D. D. G. M. of Wassalboro, visited the lodge officially, and the Master Mason degree was exemplified for his inspection. - Dec. 5, Bro. David D. Merriman, having previously deposited his demit from Richmond Lodge, Richmond, Maine, was elected a member. . - . . . . Jan. 2, 1875, Bro. Wilson F. Morse of Kent's Hill, having previously deposited his demit from Elm Creek Lodge, Randolph, N. Y., was elected a member of Lafayette Lodge. Twelve Stated and ten Special Communications were held dur- ing the year. - f Grafton N. Frost and Alvin Turner Swift received the Master Mason degree and became members of the lodge. Two applications were rejected. Ninety members were returned to Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1874. George F. Richardson, W. M., and George S. Morrill, S. W. at- tended Grand Lodge, May, 1874. 50 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LoDGE 1875-76 George F. Richardson, W. M. George S. Morrill, S. W. J. Eugene Lewis, J. W. Phineas Morrill, Jr., Treas. Emery O. Bean, Sec'y Fred F. Graves, S. D. Sewall J. Hawes, J. D. George W. Cofran, S. S. William Ilaughton, J. S. James O. Butman, Chap. H. Owen Nickerson, Mar. Samuel Nesbit, Tyler Feb. 6, 1875, Bro. Benjamin T. Richards took his demit from the lodge. The officers were installed at the Elmwood House hall, Mar. 3, by M. W., David Cargill, Grand Master. The Annual Festival was held at the same time and altogether it was a very pleasant gather- ing. Bro. Orrin Farnham was elected a member, March 6, on his demit from Kennebec Lodge. - April 28, the lodge attended the funeral of Bro. Asahel Brain- ard, who died April 26. Brother Brainard was raised May 17, 1827, and although he is not mentioned in the last few records of the old lodge he doubtless maintained his interest in the order through the whole of the decline. His name is second on the dis- pensation and charter, and he was for years a very regular attendant at the meetings. - - Sept. 4, Bro. Thomas Wing received his demit. Oct. 2, R. W., Peter Williams, D. D. G. M., visited the lodge of. ficially and witnessed work on the Master Mason degree. A large attendance of visitors was present from Temple Lodge. Demits were voted to Bros. James F. Mears and Abel Cole. Dec. 4, Bro. Samuel G. Millett was elected a member. Nothing of particular interest further engaged the attention of the lodge before the Annual Communication, Feb. 5, 1876. Twelve Stated and fifteen Special Communications were held during the year. - Seven brethren received the Master Mason degree and became members of the lodge, viz.: Augustus R. Turner, Hamlin H.Murphy, William G. Hunton, Frank H. Brown, Haynes H. Harden, Fred E. Bean, Wilbur F. Berry. One application was rejected. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 51 Ninety-three members were returned to the Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1875. George F. Richardson, W. M., represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1875. 1876-77 J. Eugene Lewis, W. M. George A. Russell, S. W. Fred F. Graves, J. W. Phineas Morrill, Jr., Treas. Fred Emery Bean, Sec'y Sewall J. Hawes, S. D. George W. Cofran, J. D. Alvin Turner Swift, S. S. Augustus R. Turner, J. S. Nelson D. Gordon, Chap. - Samuel Nesbit, Tyler P. M. Bro. Emery O. Bean installed the officers at the Elmwood Hall in the presence of a large company of brethren and ladies. - Mar. 4, 1876, Bro. Jacob Gilman was elected an Honorary Member. Henry M. Foster took his demit. - April 9, the lodge attended the funeral of Bro. Dudley S. Fogg, who died April 7. - - * June 3, permission was granted Gustavus A. Sanborn to apply to Kennebec Lodge for the degrees. Aug. 8, Bro. Charles W. Morse was granted a demit. Oct. 7, R. W. Peter Williams made his official visit to the lodge and witnessed work on the Master Mason degree. Nov. 4, a demit was granted to Bro. Thomas F. Palmer. Twelve Stated and nine Special Communications were held for the year. - g Joseph W. W. Rich, Charles M. Gordon, John L. Davis and Charles W. Parsons were raised to the Master Mason degree and became members of the lodge. - Ninety-four members were returned to the Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1876. - - George A. Russell, S. W., and Nelson D. Gordon, Proxy, repre- sented Lafayette Lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1876. 1877-78 -- - J. Eugene Lewis, W. M. T George A. Russell, S. W. Sewall J. Hawes, J. W. 52 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Phineas Morrill, Jr., Treas. Fred E. Bean, Sec'y Nelson D. Gordon, S. D. George W. Cofran, J. D. Augustus R. Turner, S. S. Frank H. Brown, J. S. Hiram Gilman, Chap. - Samuel Nesbit, Tyler The officers were publicly installed at the Elmwood House by P. M. Emery O. Bean, assisted by Grand Chaplain Charles C. Ma- son, and the festival was held at the same time. At the annual meeting the lodge voted to assist a lodge in Mississippi to rebuild their hall which had been destroyed by fire. March 21, the lodge attended the funeral of Brother Hiram Gilman, the Chaplain of the lodge, who died March 18. The day was stormy and a large attendance of the lodge was not present. Later a committee presented suitable resolutions which were adopted. - -- - May 5, Charles H. Millett, who after receiving his degrees in this lodge affiliated with Raboni Lodge, Lewiston, was elected a member of this lodge. - April 7, the lodge voted to waive jurisdiction over Roscoe E. Handy in favor of Lafayette Lodge, Boston. - Twelve Stated and six Special Communications were held. No degrees were conferred during the year. - * One application was rejected. . The lodge returned 96 members to the Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1877. J. Eugene Lewis, W. M., and Phineas Morrill, Proxy, were the Grand Lodge representatives, May, 1877. 1878-79 - J. Eugene Lewis, W. M. Sewall J. Hawes, S. W. Fred E. Bean, J. W. Phineas Morrill, Jr., Treas. Charles H. Millett, Sec'y Nelson D. Gordon, S. D. George W. Cofran, J. D. Augustus R. Turner, S. S. Frank H. Brown, J. S. James O. Butman, Chap. Samuel Nesbit, Tyler The officers were installed, Feb. 27, by R. W., D. D. G. M., R. Wesley Dunn, who made his official visit at this time and work in the Master Mason degree was exemplified for his inspection. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 53 Mar. 2, a demit was granted Bro. Thomas H. B. Pierce. April 6, Franklin Foster was granted a demit. July 6, Bro. Richard Dearborn was granted a demit. Nov. 2, a demit was granted Bro. Fred F. Graves. Jan. 4, 1879, Bros. Emery O. Bean, Geo. M. Fillebrown and Henry P. Miller were appointed a committee to act with a general committee in making arrangements for a celebration of St. John’s Day in Portland. No Annual Festival was held this year. Twelve Stated and six Special Communications were held. Henry P. Miller and George W. Manter were raised to the Master Mason degree and became members of the Lodge. - The lodge returned 96 members to Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1878. Samuel Nesbit, Proxy, represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1878. * . 1879–80 Sewall J. Hawes, W. M. - Nelson D. Gordon, S. W. Phineas Morrill, Jr., J. W. George W. Manter, Treas. Charles H. Millett, Sec'y George W. Cofran, S. D. John L. Davis, J. D. Augustus R. Turner, S. S. Henry P. Miller, J. S. James O. Butman, Chap. . Samuel Nesbit, Tyler Feb. 5, R. W., R. Wesley Dunn, D. D. G. M., made his official visit. There was a very small attendance of brethren to receive him. The installation of the officers and Annual Festival was held Feb. 20, P. M. Emery O. Bean installing the officers. The night was stormy and the attendance not so large as usual. March 20, the lodge was at East Readfield to assist Kennebec Lodge at the funeral of Gustavus A. Sanborn. April 6, objection having been made in open lodge to the ad- vancement of an Entered Apprentice, a ballot was taken and he was declared rejected. - - º - Aug. 16, the lodge received as visitors, two brethren made in this lodge years before and now met from widely separated sections of the country. Bro. James S. Fillebrown, made in 1849, and now from Columbia, S. C., and Albert Sherburn, made in 1851, now of Alamo Lodge, Calif. Bro. Fillebrown appears as one of the mem- 54 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE bers in the Charter of 1850 and was Senior Steward in 1850; his name does not appear again, nor is there any vote recorded granting him a demit. Bro. Sherburn never affiliated with the lodge. Both brethren made interesting remarks for the entertainment of the brethren, Oct. 4, the Stated Communication of this date was the most largely attended of any ever held by the lodge, 33 members and 33 visitors being present to witness work in the Master Mason degree. Nov. 1, Bro. Benj. W. Harriman was elected a member of the lodge. Dec. 6, the lodge voted to waive its jurisdiction over Mr. John G. Yeaton in favor of Temple Lodge. A demit was granted Bro. Hiram Rockwood. June 3, 1880, jurisdiction over Henry P. Cochran was waived in favor of Temple Lodge. - Feb. 2, R. W., Frank E. Smith of Waterville, D. D. G. M., made his official visit and was met by a very small attendance. Twelve Stated and six Special Communications were held dur- ing the year. John H. Morse was raised to the Master Mason degree and be- came a member. - & - Two applications were rejected. - The lodge had considerably reduced its membership during the year and returned 88 members to the Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1879. Phineas Morrill, Jr., J. W., represented the lodge at Grand Lodge, May, 1879. 1880-81 Sewall J. Hawes, W. M. Nelson D. Gordon, S. W. Phineas Morrill, Jr., J. W. George W. Manter, Treas. Charles H. Millett, Sec'y George W. Cofran, S. D. Francis B. Aubin, J. D. Henry P. Miller, S. S. Ernest W. Lewis, J. S. Cinklar S. Kimball, Tyler The officers were installed at the Elmwood by D. D. G. M. Frank A. Smith. - • Feb. 7, a demit was granted Bro. John R. Masterman. . A demit was granted Bro. Fred E. Bean, April 3. Aug. 7, a communication was received from Bro. William E. Holmes asking for a diploma from this lodge. Bro. Holmes was HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 55. initiated April 20, 1826, and raised May 18, 1826, being the fourth candidate raised in Lafayette Lodge. His request was granted. Jan. 1, 1881, a largely attended communication was held and work presented in the Master Mason degree. . • - The Secretary was made a committee to write the history of the lodge for the eleven preceding years. - - Twelve Stated and nine Special Communications were held during the year. . º Six brethren were raised to the Master Mason degree and became members of the lodge, viz.: Charles P. Greely, John San- ford W. Hewett, Sullivan S. Willard, Fred L. Dixon, John B. Roderick, William C. Record. One application was rejected. Eighty-seven members were returned to the Grand Lodge, March 1, 1880. At the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, May, 1880, Lafayette Lodge was represented by Sewall J. Hawes, W. M., Nelson D. Gordon, S. W., and Phineas Morrill, Jr., J. W. 1881-82. Nelson D. Gordon, W. M. Phineas Morrill, S. W. Sullivan S. Willard, J. W. George W. Manter, Treas. Charles H. Millett, Sec'y John H. Morse, S. D. Alvin T. Swift, J. D. Henry P. Miller, S. S. Charles P. Greely, J. S. George F. Richardson, Chap. - . * > Cinklar S. Kimball, Tyler . Bro. Charles H. Millett, Sec'y, the committee appointed to write the history of the lodge, presented the same Feb. 5, in the shape of an abstract of the records. No copy of this history was preserved in the archives of the lodge. . - The installation and Annual Festival took place Feb. 16, D. D. G. M. Frank A. Smith installing the officers. . Wor. Bro. H. Owen Nickerson having been appointed D. D. G. M. of the 12th Masonic District at the last Communication of the Grand Lodge, he was installed into that office by Wor. Bro. Nel- son D. Gordon, July 2. Nov. 5, a collection of $3.80 was taken for the brethren in Michigan, who were sufferers by the devastating fires in that State. 56 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODG, Eight hundred and four dollars and fifty-one cents was contributed by the Masons of Maine. Twelve Stated and five Special Communications were held during the year, and three candidates were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason, viz.: William S. McDonald, John C. Goodwin, and Joseph Gilman. Two applications were not accepted. - The lodge returned 89 members to the Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1881. The lodge was represented in Grand Lodge, May, 1881, by Nelson D. Gordon, W. M. and John S. W. Hewett, Proxy. 1882–83 Nelson D. Gordon, W. M. Phineas Morrill, S. W. Sullivan S. Willard, J. W. George W. Manter, Treas. Charles H. Millett, Sec'y Joseph Gilman, S. D. Alvin T. Swift, J. D. Charles P. Greely, S. S. Samuel Nesbit, J. S. Cinklar S. Kimball, Tyler Bro. Samuel Nesbit was elected an Honorary Member Feb. 4, 1882. Feb. 4, a demit was granted to William C. Lincoln. * Bro. John C. Goodwin died at Lewiston, Feb. 5. Bro. Good- win received his degrees in Lafayette Lodge, July, 1881. A Special Communication was held at East Readfield, Feb. 7, for the purpose of attending the funeral of Bro. Frank H. Brown, who died at Gardiner, Feb. 2. - - - At the Stated Communication of the lodge, Mar. 4, bills to the amount of $84.91 were allowed for expenses incident to the sick- ness and death of Bro. Brown. Later a vote of thanks was ex- tended to the officers and brethren of Hermon Lodge, Gardiner, for their kindness to Bro. Brown, during his sickness. In the fall of 1882 a new lease of the hall was taken from Bro. Emery O. Bean, and quite extensive repairs and renovations were made on the building, hall and ante-rooms. Twelve Stated and five Special Communications were held this year. The following brethren were raised to the degree of Master Mason and became members of the lodge, viz.: William P. Under- SEWALL J. HAWES 1879-80, 1899 NELSON D. GORDON 1881-82-83 PHINEAS MORRILL, 1885 EIISTORY OF IAAFAYETTE LODGE 57 wood, Melville W. Manter, John W. Manter, Thomas F. Manter. Two applications were rejected. The returns to Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1882, give the member- ship of the lodge as 88. - Phineas Morrill, S. W., and Samuel H. Morrill, Proxy, rep- resented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1882. 1883-84 Nelson D. Gordon, W. M. - Phineas Morrill, S. W. George W. Cofran, J. W. Roderick McDonald, Treas. George W. Manter, Sec'y William G. Hunton, S. D. Alvin T. Swift, J. D. Samuel Nesbit, S. S. Melville W. Manter, J. S. George F. Richardson, Chap. Emery O. Bean, Mar. Henry P. Miller, Tyler The officers were installed by R. W., H. Owen Nickerson, D. D. G. M. It was decided to hold the Annual Festival at the Maranacook House, Feb. 23. . Bro. Levi Collins having previously deposited his demit from Bethlehem Lodge, was elected a member of Lafayette Lodge, March 3. - Aug. 4, Bro. Josiah F. Taylor was elected an Honorary Mem- ber. - Oct. 6, Bro. Franklin R. Perry was granted a demit. No work presented itself during the year. The lectures, how- ever, were frequently passed for instruction. - Twelve Stated and five Special Communications were held. Ninety-four members were returned to Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1883. Nelson D. Gordon, W. M., and Phineas Morrill, S. W., were in attendance at Grand Lodge, May, 1883. 1884-85 George M. Fillebrown, W. M. Phineas Morrill, S. W. George W. Cofran, J. W. Roderick McDonald, Treas. George W. Manter, Sec'y William G. Hunton, S. D. Alvin T. Swift, J. Dr 58 - HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Gustavus Smith, S. S. Melville W. Manter, J. S. James O. Butman, Chap. Emery O. Bean, Mar. - Henry P. Miller, Tyler The officers were installed by P. M. Emery O. Bean and the W. M. * * March 1, 1884, the lodge voted to purchase an organ, and the bill for the same was presented at the Communication of April 5, amounting to $66.34. Thomas Dillingham demited March 7. The Festival was held March 11 at Masonic Hall. April 5, H. P. Miller tendered his resignation as Tyler. The year passed quietly. - - Two candidates received the Master Mason degree, viz.: Reuel T. Fletcher and William Harvey. One application was rejected. Twelve Stated and eight Special Communications were held. Ninety-four members were returned to the Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1884. - - - George W. Cofran, J. W., represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1884. - - 1885-86 Phineas Morrill, W. M. George W. Cofran, S. W. Sullivan S. Willard, J. W. Roderick McDonald, Treas. George W. Manter, Sec'y Charles H. Millett, S. D. Gustavus Smith, J. D. Varus Stearns, S. S. Alvin T. Swift, J. S. Reuben Russell, Chap. Melville W. Manter, Org. Cinklar S. Kimball, Tyler The officers were installed Feb. 14 by R. W., Orestes E. Crow- ell, D. D. G. M. - - - Bro. Varus Stearns was elected to membership Feb. 7. A Special Communication was held at East Readfield, Feb. 12, for the purpose of attending the funeral of Bro. Marcellus Gil- man, a member of Orient Lodge, South Dedham, Mass., who died at East Readfield, Feb. 8. The Annual Festival was held at the hall Feb. 26. A pleas- ing program was enjoyed and a picnic supper served. - April 5, a demit was granted Bro. William H. Fisk. BLISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 59 June 6, a demit was granted Bro. Wilbur F. Berry. - Bro. Jacob Gilman died at his home at Kent's Hill, July 8, and a Special Communication was held July 10 to attend his fun- eral, the burial being at Readfield Corner. Bro. Gilman was one of the very few remaining members who were made previous to the decline of Masonry. He was initiated Nov. 29, 1827, and raised Dec. 27, and had always been a faithful and devoted member, although in his later years not able to attend the Communications of the lodge. - No further business of general interest engaged the attention of the lodge during the year. - • The brethren met in eleven Stated and four Special Com- munications. * . - No work was done for the year. Ninety-five members were returned to the Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1885. * . . . . . Phineas Morrill, W. M., represented the lodge at Grand Lodge, May, 1885. gy 1886-87 H. Owen Nickerson, W. M. George W. Cofran, S. W. Sullivan S. Willard, J. W. Roderick McDonald, Treas. George W. Manter, Sec'y Cinklar S. Kimball, S. D. Gustavus Smith, J. D. Warus Stearns, S. S. ... Alvin T. Swift, J. S. James O. Butman, Chap. George F. Richardson, Mar. Melville W. Manter, Org. Henry P. Miller, Tyler Bro. Cinklar S. Kimball was elected a member on his demit from Temple Lodge, Feb. 6. - : r - The officers were installed by P. M. Emery O. Bean, Feb. 20. March 6, a demit was granted Bro. Nathaniel Haskell. The Annual Festival was held at the hall, March 12. Bro. Dana B. Fogg was granted a demit April 3, 1886. May 24, a Special Communication of the lodge was held at North Wayne to attend the funeral of Wor. Bro. Josiah F. Taylor, who died May 22. Asylum Lodge, in a body, assisted. Bro. Taylor was made a Mason in Oxford Lodge, Oxford, Mass. Initiated June 15, 1826, and passed and raised July 13. He af- 60 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE filiated with Lafayette, Sept. 8, 1849, and was elected W. M. in 1851 and 1852. For many years he was a prominent and influen- tial member of the community in which he lived, as well as in a broader field in business and the councils of the church of which he was a member and most liberal supporter. June 5, a vote of thanks was extended to Asylum Lodge and the brethren and their ladies at North Wayne for their hospitality and assistance on the occasion of Bro. Taylor's funeral. Dec. 21, the lodge met in Special Communication to perform the last rites over the remains of Bro. David Wentworth of Hermon Lodge, Gardiner, formerly a member of this lodge. Some further matters of business of which it is not necessary to speak in this place engaged the attention of the lodge during the last months of the year. - Twelve Stated and fourteen Special Communications were held during the year. Hartley W. Knight was raised to the Sublime Degree of Mas- ter Mason. One application was rejected. Ninety-three members were returned to Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1886. - . George W. Cofran, S. W., and Cinklar S. Kimball, Proxy, represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1886. 1887-88 H. Owen Nickerson, W. M. Sullivan S. Willard, S. W. Cinklar S. Kimball, J. W. Roderick McDonald, Treas. George W. Manter, Sec'y Gustavus Smith, S. D. Warus Stearns, J. D. Alvin T. Swift, S. S. Emery L. Hunton, J. S. Emery O. Bean, Chap. Geo. F. Richardson, Mar. Melville W. Manter, Org. George W. Cofran, Tyler The officers were installed by R. W., J. Wesley Gilman, D. D. G. M., Feb. 15, on which occasion he made his official visit to the lodge. - - The Festival was held March 12, and a general good time was enjoyed. - HISTORY or LAPAYETTE LoDGE 61 Bro. Samuel L. Skofield died in New Boston, N. H., Aug. 14, 1887. Nov. 5, the lodge voted to contribute $5.00 to Eastern Lodge, No. 7 at Eastport, to assist them in furnishing their new hall. Jan. 4, the lodge met to attend the funeral of Bro. Asa Gile, who died Jan. 1, 1888. Bro. Asa Gile had long been a familiar figure and personality to the citizens of Readfield, and the many ways in which he contributed to the improvement of the village will long remain monuments to his interest and benevolence. He was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason, Oct. 2, 1852. and was for years an active member of the lodge. - The Festival was held Tuesday before the full moon in Jan- uary. Elaborate preparations were made and a delightful evening was enjoyed. Eleven Stated and seven Special Communications were held during the year. - * Emery L. Hunton and Ernest A. Morgan were raised to the Master Mason degree. - Ninety-four members were returned to the Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1887. H. Owen Nickerson, W. M., represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1887. . 1888-89 Joseph Gilman, W. M. Cinklar S. Kimball, S. W. Gustavus Smith, J. W. Roderick McDonald, Treas. Ernest A. Morgan, Sec'y William G. Hunton, S. D. Alvin T. Swift, J. D. George W. Manter, S. S. William Harvey, J. S. Emery O. Bean, Chap. George F. Richardson, Mar. Melville W. Manter, Org. - . - Emery L. Hunton, Tyler A public installation was held Feb. 22, at which R. W., J. Wesley Gilman officiated. A new supply of dishes, etc., was purchased at this time for furnishing the banquet hall. - - Bro. Levi Collins was elected an Honorary Member of the lodge, June 2. - Oct. 6, ten dollars was contributed to the sufferers from the yellow fever in the South. 62 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Nov. 3, Brother Joseph Gilman, W. M., presented the lodge a twenty-four inch gauge, square, and Marshal's baton, and a vote of thanks was extended him for the same. Bro. Elisha S. Case was elected an Honorary Member, Dec. 1, 1888. - - R. W., Charles A. Stilson, D. D. G. M., of Wassalboro, made his official visit to the lodge, Jan. 5, 1889, and work in the Master Mason degree was exemplified for his inspection. Bro. Daniel Lothrop was granted a demit. Ten Stated and seven Special Communications were held dur- ing the year. , - - -- Bro. George E. Coleman was raised to the Master Mason de- gree. - Ninety-two members were returned to Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1888. +. At the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge, May, 1888, Lafayette Lodge was represented by Joseph Gilman, W. M., and Melville W. Manter, Proxy. At the Annual Communication Feb. 2, 1889, Wor. Bro. Gil- man, realizing that his earthly journey was near its end, declined to be a candidate for re-election. Possessed of fine executive abil- ity, a thorough knowledge of the ritual, and of the laws, usuages. and customs of the fraternity, his administration had been of great benefit to the lodge. After the election, P. M. Emery O. Bean presented Bro. Gil. man in behalf of the lodge a handsome Past Master's jewel. 1889-90 Cinklar S. Kimball, W. M. - Gustavus Smith, S. W. William G. Hunton, J. W. Roderick McDonald, Treas. Ernest A. Morgan, Sec'y George E. Coleman, S. D. David Dudley, J. D. George W. Manter, S. S. William Harvey, J. S. Warren A. Wright, Chap. George F. Richardson, Mar. Melville W. Manter, Org. Emery L. Hunton, Tyler The officers were installed, Feb. 9, by Past Master Joseph Gil- man, it being his last official act for Lafayette Lodge and the last time he was ever in the lodge and to this day this installation is HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 63 spoken of by those present as the most solemn and impressive cere- mony of its kind ever witnessed in this lodge. Feb. 2, the lodge voted not to waive jurisdiction over a candi- date in favor of Asylum Lodge. The Annual Festival was held in the hall Feb. 14. March 2, 1889, a demit was granted Bro. Thomas F. Manter. A vote of thanks was extended to Bro. Joseph Gilman for the very able manner in which he performed his duties as installing officer and also for the picture of distinguished Masons presented the lodge by him. A similar vote was extended to Bro. Melville W. Manter for a Masonic picture presented by him. Wor. Bro. Joseph Gilman died at the home of his mother at Readfield, June 10, aged 32 years. Bro. Gilman was born and had lived nearly all his life in Readfield. He was raised to the Master Mason degree Dec. 3, 1881, and immediately took an active and intelligent interest in the fraternity. Soon after he went to Bos- ton where he spent a few years in a drug store. His health failing he returned to Readfield to regain his health if possible, but with only temporary relief. The funeral service, June 13, was under the direction of Trinity Commandery, Knights Templar, and was among the most largely attended ever held in Readfield, Lafayette Lodge, Asylum Lodge of Wayne, and Winthrop Royal Arch Chap- ter assisting. - Wor. Bro. George F. Richardson died Oct. 19, 1889, and was buried Oct. 23 with Masonic Rites. Bro. Richardson was born Aug. 2, 1828, in Readfield, and was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason Oct. 20, 1867. He had filled the most important offices of the lodge with dignity and distinct advantage to the lodge and was a most devoted member as well as one of the most highly esteemed citizens of the town. - The furniture and jewels of the lodge were draped in mourning for ninety days in respect to Bro. Richardson. - - Jan. 5, Melville W. Manter, Phineas Morrill, and Ernest A. Morgan were appointed a committee, to represent Lafayette Lodge at Portland in connection with other lodges and at the invitation of the lodges in Portland, to make arrangements for a celebration of St. John’s Day, June 24. . Nothing of further general interest engaged the attention of the lodge for the year. - 64 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE Lodge Twelve Stated and six Special Communications were held. Bro. E. Sherman Gilman was raised to the Master Mason de- gree. . . • v. Ninety-two members were returned to Grand Lodge Mar. 1, 1889. Bro. Roderick McDonald, Proxy, represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May 1, 1889. -- - 1890-91 William G. Hunton, W. M. . Gustavus Smith, S. W. - George E. Coleman, J. W. Roderick McDonald, Treas. John M. Williams, Sec. David Dudley, S. D. Henry P. Miller, J. D. Ernest A. Morgan, S. S. A. Howard Yeaton, J. S. Emery O. Bean, Chap. Emery L. Hunton, Mar. Melville M. Manter, Org. - Alvin T. Swift, Tyler . - The officers were installed by W. Bro. Charles W. Crosby of Asylum Lodge, and the Annual Festival was held at the same time. Feb. 1, the thanks of the lodge was voted to Mrs. Ira S Chap- man for the portrait of Bro. Ira S Chapman, presented to the lodge by her. - A Special Communication was held Feb. 15 to attend the funeral of Wor. Bro. Phineas Morrill, who died Feb. 12, aged 59 years. Bro. Morrill was raised Mar. 19, 1870. He had always been a very regular attendant at the meetings and had held nearly every office in the lodge, including Master. . March 8, the Masonic Text-Book owned by Bro. Phineas Mor rill was presented to the lodge by Mrs. Morrill and a vote of thanks was tendered her for the same. “ Bro. J. Eugene Lewis having been appointed D. D. G. M. of the 12th Masonic District, presented himself in the lodge and was installed into that office June 7. Oct. 4, the following letter was received by the lodge, the gift accompanying the same accepted, and the letter ordered spread upon the records: x_ Readfield, Oct. 4, 1890. To the W. M. and Brethren of Lafayette Lodge: & Herewith please find my check for one hundred dollars which I wish to donate to the Charity Fund of Lafayette Lodge. I JOSEPH GILMAN 1888 CINKLAR S. KIMBALL 1889. Tyler WILLIAM G. HUNTON 1890-91-92 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 65 desire the treasurer of that fund to safely invest the same and that the interest thereof be expended annually forever in Masonic char- ity. Although the sum is small I do not wish it to be increased by interest and I donate it upon the express condition that the income of it be expended each year as above stated. I have long been a member of the lodge and have derived much benefit and satisfaction in attending its convocations. In the ordi- nary course of nature I cannot expect to be present at its meetings much longer and I wish to contribute my mite in token of my continued interest in the institution of Masonry and in aid of its perpetual usefulness. Very truly and fraternally yours, EMERY O. BEAN. Oct. 14, R. W., J. Eugene Lewis made his official visit and inspected work in the Master Mason degree. Jan. 4, 1891, a special communication was held to attend the funeral of Bro. Samuel Nesbit, who died Jan. 1, aged 89 years, 8 months. It was at Bro. Nesbit's special request that the lodge attended his funeral and a large number of brethren complied with his wishes. After the burial the brethren repaired to the hotel and partook of refreshments, as provided by Bro. Nesbit in the arrangements he had made for his funeral. The interest which Bro. Nesbit took in Masonry was proverbial. Always present at the meetings when health and weather would permit, his name last appears upon the records Feb. 15, 1890, less than a year before his death and when he was more than 88 years of age. Such devotion to the interests of the Order ought to cause some of our present day Masons to inquire of themselves what they are doing to advance the cause. The funeral of Bro. Nesbit was the last work of the year. º, Twelve Stated and twelve Special Communications were held during the year. * A. Howard Yeaton and Fred I. Brown were raised to the degree of Master Mason. - One application was rejected. .* Eighty-four members were returned to the Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1890. . George E. Coleman, J. W., and Roderick McDonald, Proxy, represented the lodge in Grand Lodge. - - 66 - HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 1891-92 William G. Hunton, W. M. Gustavus Smith, S. W. George E. Coleman, J. W. Roderick McDonald, Treas. John M. Williams, Sec'y David Dudley, S. D. E. Sherman Gilman, J. D. Ernest A. Morgan, S. S. John L. Davis, J. S. Emery O. Bean, Chap. Emery L. Hunton, Mar. Melville W. Manter, Org. Cinklar S. Kimball, Tyler The officers were installed by P. M. Emery O. Bean. The Annual Festival was held at the Hotel, Mar. 24. May 2, Bro. Samuel H. Morrill presented the lodge an ele- gantly bound copy of the Holy Bible and the thanks of the lodge were returned to him for his thoughtful remembrance of his Ma- Sonic home. * May 9, the lodge attended the funeral of Bro. E. Sherman Gil- man, who died suddenly May 6, aged 31 years and 7 months. Bro. Gilman had been a Mason less than two years. He was a most devoted son to a widowed mother and a genial and loved friend, whose seeming untimely taking off was deeply mourned. June 6, Ancient Landmark Lodge of Portland refused to waive jurisdiction over George A. Fox in favor of Lafayette Lodge. Bro. J. Eugene Lewis, having declined a re-appointment as D. D. G. M. of the 12th District and Wor. Charles W. Crosby of Asylum Lodge having been appointed to that office, he presented himself in this lodge June 6 and was installed by R. W., J. Eugene Lewis, and inspected work in the Fellow Craft and Master Mason degrees. July 4, Bro. Ernest A. Morgan was elected and installed J. D. in place of Bro. E. Sherman Gilman, deceased. Bro. Sumner A. Dudley, having previously deposited his demit from Vernon Valley Lodge was elected a member of this lodge, Aug. 1. On the same date, Mrs. Lucinda Gilman presented the lodge the Past Master's jewel which had been presented to Bro. Joseph Gilman by the members of this lodge. . Sept. 20, the lodge was again called in Special Communication to attend the funeral of a brother who had been long and promi- nently identified with its interests, R. W. Bro. H. Owen Nickerson, who died Sept. 17, 1891, aged 59 years and 7 months. Bro. Nick- HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 67 erson was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason, Mar. 12, 1859, and at once took an active part in the affairs of the lodge, serving in almost every office in the lodge to that of Master and D. D. G. M. of the 12th Masonic District and in Grand Lodge on impor- tant committees. He was also an earnest worker in other organiza- tions in which he held membership. In the affairs of the com- munity he was ever found on the side that stood for the bettering of humanity. A genial and companionable man he was ever greet- ed with cordial heartiness by his fellows. His place in the lodge is one long vacant and perhaps never supplied. R. W. Charles W. Crosby, D. D. G. M., 12th District, made his official visit to the lodge, Jan. 30, 1892, and inspected work in the M. M. degree. - A new desk was purchased for the Secretary, which added much to the convenience of that officer and to the furnishings of the hall. . Twelve Stated and thirteen Special Communications were held during the year. Bros. Frank A. Dow, Carter B. Keen, Willis H. Wright, and Eli Merriman were raised to the Master Mason degree. Eighty-four members were returned to Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1891. Emery L. Hunton, Proxy, represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May 1, 1891. Bro. Noyes S. Sherburn died Jan. 26, 1892. No Masonic ser- vices were held at his funeral. At the Annual Communication, Feb. 6, 1892, Bro. Gustavus Smith was elected W. M., but declined the honor. - 1892-93 William G. Hunton, W. M. George E. Coleman, S. W. Alvin T. Swift, J. W. Roderick McDonald, Treas. John M. Williams, Sec'y Carter B. Keen, S. D. Ernest A. Morgan, J. D. Frank A. Dow, S. S. John L. Davis, J. S. Emery O. Bean, Chap. Emery L. Hunton, Mar. Melville W. Manter, Org. - Cinklar S. Kimball, Tyler The officers were installed by Wor. Bro. Emery O. Bean. 68 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE The Annual Festival was held at Giles Hall in March, with the usual exercises. - The lodge called off from June to September of this year. Sept. 30, a Special Communication was held to attend the fun- eral of Bro. Levi Collins, who died Sept. 27. Bro. Collins had come to Readfield some ten or twelve years previous to his death and during those years he was held in high esteem as a citizen and Mason. Having accepted the invitation of Asylum Lodge at Wayne to attend the celebration of its twenty-fifth anniversary, a goodly num- ber of the brethren were present on the occasion of that event, Oct. 11. Dec. 17, D. D. G. M. Charles W. Crosby was present and wit- nessed work in the Entered Apprentice degree. Jan. 7, 1893, Bro. John R. Masterman, having previously de- posited his demit from Caribou Lodge, No. 170, was elected a mem- ber of the lodge. . The number of Communications held during the year was nine Stated and seven Special. . William D. Haines was raised to the Master Mason degree. March 1, 1892, 83 members were returned to the Grand Lodge. George E. Coleman, S. W., represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1892. 1893-94 George E. Coleman, W. M. Carter B. Keen, S. W. John L. Davis, J. W. Roderick McDonald, Treas. Ernest A. Morgan, Sec'y Frank A. Dow, S. D. - *Eli Merriman, J. D. William D. Haines, S. S. Geo. C. Hunton 2nd, J. S. John R. Masterman, Chap. Emery L. Hunton, Mar. Cinklar S. Kimball, Tyler The officers were installed by P. M. William G. Hunton. The Annual Festival was held as usual. - Sept. 16, William J. Trefethen was balloted for under dis- pensation. - A new carpet was laid in the hall and repairs made during this Season. - HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 69 Ten Stated and nine Special Communications were held dur- ing the year. Edward H. Gile, William J. Trefethen, Frank P. Fogg, and George C. Hunton were raised to the Master Mason degree. One application was rejected. Eighty-five members were returned to Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1893. Geo. E. Coleman, W. M., represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1893. 1894-95 George E. Coleman, W. M. John L. Davis, S. W. Frank A. Dow, J. W. Roderick McDonald, Treas. Ernest A. Morgan, Sec'y Eli Merriman, S. D. William D. Haines, J. D. George C. Hunton, S. S. Sumner A. Dudley, J. S. John R. Masterman, Chap. Emery L. Hunton, Mar. Melville W. Manter, Org. Cinklar S. Kimball, Tyler The officers were installed by P. M. William G. Hunton. A Special Communication was held Feb. 10 to attend the funeral of Bro. Sullivan S. Willard, who died Feb. 7, 1894. No services were performed except to deposit the evergreen. Bro. Wil- lard came to Readfield from New Sharon and very soon, by his digni- fied manner and sterling character, made himself one of the leading men of the town and a most Worthy Mason. Mar. 3, Bro. Matthias Smith was elected an Honorary Member. The Annual Festival was held at the hall Mar. 17. Sept. 1, Bro. Eli Merriman resigned the office of S. D. and P. M. William G. Hunton was elected to the vacancy. Sept. 4, a Special Communication was held at East Readfield to attend the funeral of Bro. Elisha S. Case, who died Sept. 1. Bro. Case had for many years been a conspicuous figure in the affairs of this town, holding the office of selectman for twenty-four years in succession. A surveyor’ by occupation, it is probable that more of the bounds in this town were fixed by him than any other man. In earlier years he was quite a regular attendant at the meetings of the lodge, but was never prominent in its affairs. 70 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE The Festival was held Nov. 14, much earlier in the season than usual. Twelve Stated and eight Special Communications were held during the year. James G. Harlow, Frank S. Willard and Charles D. Record were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. Eighty-seven members were returned to Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1894. George E. Coleman, W. M., represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1894. 1895-96 g Frank A. Dow, W. M. John B. Roderick, S. W. William D. Haines, J. W. Fred I. Brown, Treas. Ernest A. Morgan, Sec'y William G. Hunton, S. D. Charles D. Record, J. D. Sumner A. Dudley, S. S. George C. Hunton 2nd, J. S. John R. Masterman, Chap. Emery L. Hunton, Mar. Melville W. Manter, Org. Cinklar S. Kimball, Tyler The officers were installed by P. M., W. G. Hunton, the cere- monies being public. - R. W., Charles W. Crosby, D. D. G. M., made his official visit Mar. 4. - Aug. 16, a Special Communication was held at North Wayne to attend the burial of Bro. Matthias Smith, who died Aug. 13. Asylum Lodge assisted as escort. Bro. Smith was a native of Read- field, but had lived at North Wayne many years. He was raised in Lafayette Lodge, May 21, 1853, and all his life had been a most earnest, faithful and devoted Masón and therefore good citizen, most highly respected in his community. - Ten Stated and five Special Communications were held during the year. -- Mark S. Collins was raised to the Master Mason degree. One application was rejected. - Eighty-seven members were returned to the Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1895. - • Frank A. Dow, W. M., represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1895. - - - HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 71 1896-97 Frank A. Dow, W. M. John B. Roderick, S. W. David Dudley, J. W. Fred I. Brown, Treas. Ernest A. Morgan, Sec'y Charles D. Record, S. D. George C. Hunton, J. D. John L. Davis, S. S. William G. Hunton, J. S. John R. Masterman, Chap. Emery L. Hunton, Mar. Melville W. Manter, Org. Cinklar S. Kimball, Tyler The officers were installed by P. M. Charles W. Crosby of Asylum Lodge, the ceremony being public and attended by a large company of Masons and friends. Feb. 1, 1896, Bro. Emery O. Bean was appointed a committee to place the names on the portraits of the brethren hanging in the hall, which duty he satisfactorily performed in due time. The W. M. was authorized to purchase new chairs for the sta- tions. g - June 6, P. M., J. Eugene Lewis was made an Honorary Member of the Lodge. Bro. Elliott J. Beal, having previously deposited his demit from Augusta Lodge, No. 141, was elected a member of this lodge, Jan. 2, 1897. Eleven Stated and three Special Communications were held during the year. Roscoe W. Harvey was raised to the degree of Master Mason. Eighty-five members were returned to the Grand Lodge Mar. 1, 1896. Frank A. Dow, W. M., represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1896. - 2 The Annual Festival was held in January and was largely at- tended. - 1897-98 t Frank A. Dow, W. M. Sewall J. Hawes, S. W. Charles D. Record, J. W. Ered I. Brown, Treas. Ernest A. Morgan, Sec'y Frank P. Fogg, S. D. George C. Hunton, J. D. Elliott J. Beal, S. S. Charles P. Greely, J. S. John R. Masterman, Chap. Emery L. Hunton, Mar. - Melville W. Manter, Org. . - _º- . 72 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Cinklar S. Kimball, Tyler The officers were installed by P. M. Charles W. Crosby of Asylum Lodge. ... • Feb. 6, 1897, Bro. Amos A. Sampson was elected an Honorary Member. - R. W. Franklin Walker of Waterville, D. D. G. M. of the 12st Masonic District made his official visit, Mar. 6. ... ". May 1, demits were granted to Bros. Samuel H. Morrill and Albion Gordon. -- Bro. Alden F. Chase, having previously deposited his demit from Felicity Lodge at Bucksport, was elected a member of this lodge, Dec. 4. - Ten Stated and nine Special Communications were held dur- ing the year. z Seven brethren were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason, viz.: Fred A. Handy, Walter C. Gile, Leon O. Tebbetts, Ells- worth E. Peacock, Hartwell R. Hunton, Appleton Moore, Arthur J. Fogg. One application was rejected. Eighty-two members were returned to the Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1897. - - Frank A. Dow, W. M., represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1897. - - º 1898–99 - Frank A. Dow, W. M. Sewall J. Hawes, S. W. Charles D. Record, J. W. Fred I. Brown, Treas. Ernest A. Morgan, Sec'y Ellsworth E. Peacock, S. D. Elliott J. Beal, J. D. Leon 0. Tebbetts, S. S. Arthur J. Fogg, J. S. John R. Masterman, Chap. Emery L. Hunton, Mar. Melville W. Manter, Org. - Cinklar S. Kimball, Tyler - The officers were installed by P. M. Charles W. Crosby, Asylum Lodge. The installation was public and an address was delivered by Bro. E. O. Bean. - * . Feb. 5, 1898, a demit was granted Bro. Roderick McDonald. The Annual Festival was held at the hall Feb. 12, and as usual was largely attended and an enjoyable occasion. GEORGE E. COLEMAN 1893-94 FRANK A. DOW 1895–96-97-98 ELLSWORTH E. PEACOCK 1900-01. Secretary - HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 73 Bro. Jesse Spaulding, formerly a member of Relief Lodge at Belgrade, the charter of which had been recalled, was elected a mem- ber of this lodge. . Mar. 5, R. W., Franklin Walker, D. D. G. M., made his official visit, and inspected work in M. M. degree. May 7, 1898, the lodge voted to grant permission to Lafayette Chapter, No. 50, Order of the Eastern Star, to hold their meetings in Masonic hall. - The organization of this Chapter was one of the most impor- tant events connected with the history of Lafayette Lodge. Its in- fluence for the betterment of the lodge has been greater than any one thing connected with its existence. In the summer of 1898 the question of alterations and repairs on the hall commenced to be agitated. A committee was appointed to consider the purchase of Gile's Hall, which later reported against it. * D. D. G. M. James H. Witherell of Oakland made his official visit to the lodge Oct. 1. - Bro. Alden F. Chase died at Kent’s Hill, Oct. 22, 1898. No Masonic services were held at his funeral. Bro. Chase had been a prominent educator for many years. He was president of the East Maine Conference Seminary at Bucksport for several years and at the time of his death was president of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary . and Female College. Bro. Costello Weston was elected a member of the lodge, Nov. 5. Nov. 19, a Special Communication was held to attend the fun- eral of Bro. Charles P. Greely, who died Nov. 16. For the greater part of the time for many years, Bro. Greely had been a citizen of Read- field and for a number of years carried on the business of a tan- ner. A quiet and unostentatious man respected by all who knew him. He was raised in Lafayette Lodge June 5, 1880. He was a regular attendant at the Communications to the lodge, but not an active worker. Feb. 5, 1899, a Special Communication was held to attend the funeral of Bro. Jere P. Johnson, who died Feb. 3, at North Anson. Bro. Johnson was raised in Lafayette Lodge, Mar. 17, 1860. He was a native of Readfield and was postmaster for several years. He had never been an active Mason, though in his earlier years had. been quite a regular attendant at the meetings of the lodge. 74 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Eleven Stated and eleven Special Communications were held during the year. The following brethren were raised to the Master Mason de- gree: Thomas A. Dow, John Walter Folsome, James Elmore Har- vey, Arthur S. Nickerson, Walter A. Nickerson. Two applications were rejected. Ninety-two members were returned to the Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1898. Ernest A. Morgan, Proxy, represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1898. 1899-1900 Sewall J. Hawes, W. M. Elliot J. Beal, S. W. Ellsworth E. Peacock, J. W. Fred I. Brown, Treas. Ernest A. Morgan, Sec'y Leon O. Tebbetts, S. D. Hartwell R. Hunton, J. D. Walter A. Nickerson, S. S. John R. Masterman, Chap. Emery L. Hunton, Mar. Cinklar S. Kimball, Tyler The officers were installed by R. W., Herman W. S. Lovejoy, D. D. G. M., of the 13th Masonic District. The installation was public and followed by music and select readings, and closed with a picnic Supper. - Feb. 19, a Special Communication was held to attend the fun- eral of Bro. John C. Rider of Boston, a member of Washington Lodge, Roxbury, Mass. Bro. Rider died in Bangor and his re- mains were brought to Readfield, his former home, for burial. A delegation representing the various Masonic bodies of which Bro. Rider was a member came from Boston and performed the funeral service, assisted by Lafayette Lodge: The delegation was composed of the following brethren: Wor. Geo. A. Brackett, representing Washington Lodge, Wor. E. P. Sherburn, representing Mt. Vernon Chapter, R. A. M., Wor. C. E. Stevenson, representing Roxbury Council, R. & S. M., Wor. William H. Gerrish, representing Joseph Warren Commandery, K. T. Mar. 4, 1899, another committee was appointed to consider al- terations, etc., in the hall. Later it was voted to proceed with the repairs after plans made by Bro. James E. Harvey. The Corpora- tion of Lafayette Lodge also voted to take a lease of Bro. Bean’s part of the hall for 99 years. - & HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 75 Feb. 4, Bro. David Smith was elected a member of the lodge, having previously deposited his demit from Webster Lodge. March 4, 1899, a demit was granted Bro. William J. Trefethen. The Annual Festival was held March 15. May 13, the lodge received from the members of Washington Lodge at Roxbury, Mass., a bust of Lafayette, as an expression of their appreciation of the courtesies extended to the brethren of that lodge who attended the funeral of Bro. John C. Rider. The lodge later adopted and forwarded to Washington Lodge a suitable reply, expressing their appreciation of the beautiful gift and of the fraternal spirit which had actuated the brethren of Wash- ington Lodge in presenting the same. During the summer of 1899 meetings were partially suspended. The inside of the hall had been entirely torn out, the ceiling raised as much as possible and the plans prepared by Bro. James E. Har- vey carried out. During the fall and early winter the meetings of the lodge were held at the hall of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, Grand Master Winfield S. Choate having granted a dis- pensation for that purpose. - . Dec. 2, the repairs had progressed so far that a committee was appointed to purchase a carpet and new furniture. Dec. 11, D. D. G. M. James H. Witherell made his official visit to the lodge and inspected work in the Fellow Craft degree. The year now closing had been one of great importance to the lodge, inasmuch as they were now practically in possession of a new hall, the plans adopted having so changed the appearance of the whole interior that it could not be recognized as the same room. The arched and panelled ceiling, the fluted pillars, the window alcoves, the newly arranged stations, the beautiful decorations of walls and ceiling, the new carpet, furniture and chandeliers, all combined to make one of the handsomest halls in Maine and it was with a feeling of utmost satisfaction and pleasure that the members again met in their own hall on the occasion of the annual meeting, Feb. 3, 1900. - Eleven Stated and eleven Special Communications were held during the year. Bros. Frank L. Brand, Albert E. Mace and Maurice W. Crosby were raised to the Master Mason degree. -- Aº 76 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Ninety-seven members were returned to the Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1899. . Sewall J. Hawes, W. M., represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1899. 2 1900-01 Ellsworth E. Peacock, W. M. Elliot J. Beal, S. W. Leon O. Tebbetts, J. W. Fred I. Brown, Treas. Ernest A. Morgan, Sec'y Roscoe W. Harvey, S. D. George C. Hunton, J. D. Appleton Moore, S. S. Maurice W. Crosby, J. S. John R. Masterman, Chap. Emery L. Hunton, Mar. Cinklar S. Kimball, Tyler The officers-elect were installed by P. M. Charles W. Crosby of Asylum Lodge. Feb. 26, 1900, the lodge met in Special Communication for the purpose of dedicating the hall. A large company of the mem- bers of the lodge with their ladies, together with many visitors from Temple, Asylum and Vernon Valley Lodges, were present. M. W., Grand Master Winfield S. Choate performed the cere. monies, assisted by a number of the brethren from Augusta, who filled the offices of the Grand Lodge. At the conclusion of the dedicatory service the company repaired to the banquet hall, where Wor. Bro. Frank A. Dow and his assistants had prepared an elegant banquet. After this had been discussed to the entire satisfaction of the inner man the company again repaired to the hall and lis- tened to toasts and speeches from the Grand Master, members and visitors. * P. M. Bro. Emery O. Bean presented to the lodge as a gift from Bro. George A. Russell of Wilbraham, Mass., an elegant ivory and ebony gavel which was accepted in behalf of the lodge by W. M. Peacock. - A Special Communication was called for June 7, to attend the funeral of Bro. David Dudley, who died June 4, 1900. The lodge repaired to his late home at East Readfield and escorted his remains to the cemetery at Readfield Corner, where the Masonic services were held. Bro. Dudley was a life-long resident of Readfield where he was a most highly respected citizen. He was made a Mason in EIISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 77 Lafayette Lodge and raised to the Master Mason degree Aug. 25, 1866 and all his life had been a faithful and devoted Mason. June 12, a Special Communication was called at Winthrop to attend the funeral of Wor. Bro. J. Eugene Lewis, who died June 9, 1900. Bro. Lewis was one of the most highly esteemed members of the lodge. He had served in nearly every office to that of Master and was D. D. G. M. in 1890-91. He received his Entered Appren- tice and Fellow Craft degrees with Bro. Dudley, who so shortly preceded him to the future life. June 30, the officers of Bethlehem Lodge, Augusta, having been invited to be present for that purpose, conferred the Master Mason degree upon Bro. Merle J. Harriman. The ceremony was beautifully performed. A large company of members and visitors was present, and the evening was one long remembered. Sept. 21, a social gathering was held at Masonic Hall to cele- brate the fiftieth anniversary of the raising to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason of Wor. Bro. Emery O. Bean. A terrific thunder shower in the early evening prevented many from attending, but a very pleasant evening was enjoyed by those present. The lodge pre- sented Bro. Bean a Past Master’s Apron as a memorial of the occa- SIOI). Dec. 17, R. W. James H. Witherell, D. D. G. M., made his of. ficial visit to the lodge, at which time a very small attendance of the members was present. Jan. 5, 1901, Wor. Bro. Caleb E. Garey, having previously deposited his demit from Guiding Star Lodge, Tremont, N. Y., was elected to membership. . . Jan. 5, a vote was passed inviting Bro. Roderick McDonald to return his demit to the lodge and advised him that the lodge would be pleased to make him an Honorary Member. Eleven Stated and nine Special Communications were held dur- ing the year. Bros. J. Grant Henry, Merle J. Harriman and Aurelius H. Winters were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. Ninety-eight members were returned to the Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1901. - - | W. M. Ellsworth E. Peacock represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1901. 78 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 1901-02 Ellsworth E. Peacock, W. M. Leon O. Tebbetts, S. W. Walter A. Nickerson, J. W. Fred I. Brown, Treas. Ernest A. Morgan, Sec'y George C. Hunton, S. D. Merle J. Harriman, J. D. John R. Masterman, Chap. Emery L. Hunton, Mar. J. Grant Henry, S. S. Aurelius H. Winters, J. S. Cinklar S. Kimball, Tyler The officers were installed by R. W. Thomas H. Bodge, D. D G. M. of the 11th Masonic District, assisted by Bro. Ronald E Gooch as Marshal. The installation was public and the Annual Festival held at the same time. - * Feb. 2, 1901, a demit was voted Bro. William S. McDonald. Mar. 2, Bro. Reuben Russell was elected an Honorary Member. A committee was appointed to make arrangements for the funeral of Bro. Roderick McDonald, lately a member of this lodge, who died at Everett, Mass., and was buried at Readfield, Mar. 3, a Special Communication being held that day for that purpose. - April 6, Bro. Miles C. Simpson took his demit from the lodge and Bro. James Barbour was elected an Honorary Member. April 16, a Special Communication was held to attend the fun- eral of Bro. Sewall J. Hawes, who died very suddenly, April 11. Bro. Hawes had been a life-long resident of Readfield and one of the most respected and honored citizens of the town, and his death was a great shock to his many friends. He had held the most im- portant town offices, always to his credit. He was a true and con- sistent Mason and a member of this lodge more than thirty years, where he had held all the working offices. A committee on resolu- tions presented a report at a later meeting. Nov. 2, a committee previously appointed to purchase a safe for the valuable books and papers of the lodge reported that one had been purchased and Bro. Henry P. Miller was instructed to letter the same with the name and number of the lodge. After this safe had been placed in the hall it was found to be too small to hold the books, and it was voted to sell it and procure another which at a later date was done. - - At this time a new set of officers’ collars was purchased. They were of velvet, embroidered with white silk. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 79 Nov. 6, R. W. John M. Webber, D. D. G. M., of Waterville, made his official visit to the lodge and work was presented in the E. A. degree. Dec. 7, Merle J. Harriman, Leon O. Tebbetts and Walter A. Nickerson were appointed a committee to revise the By-Laws. Jan. 4, 1902, Bro. Herman W. S. Lovejoy, having previously deposited his demit from Siloam Lodge at Fairfield, Me., was elected to membership. - Bro. Henry P. Miller presented the lodge a very handsome gavel block for the East and the lodge extended him a vote of thanks for the same. - A committee consisting of Bros. Fred I. Brown, Frank A. Dow and Arthur S. Nickerson was appointed to confer with Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S., and Bro. Bean with reference to leasing that part of the second floor of Masonic Block belonging to Bro. Bean to be used for the purposes of the lodge. The committee presented a report later, and the lodge voted to lease the rooms on second floor for ninety-nine years at a rental including Bro. Bean’s part of both second and third floors, of $50.00 per year. Twelve Stated and eighteen Special Communications were held during this year. Bros. Harry M. Gibbs, W. Wirt Brand, Charles M. Daicy, Jefferson D. Hunton, J. Warren Butman and Frank H. Bodge were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. Ninety-seven members were returned to Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1902. Bro. Leon O. Tebbetts, S. W., represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1901. - - 1902 . Leon O. Tebbetts, W. M. Walter A. Nickerson, S. W. George C. Hunton, J. W. Fred I. Brown, Treas. Arthur S. Nickerson, Sec'y Merle J. Harriman, S. D. J. Grant Henry, J. D. John R. Masterman, Chap. Emery L. Hunton, Mar. Harry M. Gibbs, S. S. Charles M. Daicy, J. S. Cinklar S. Kimball, Tyler The installation was public, P. M. L. Elwood Jones of Temple Lodge officiating, assisted by P. M. Irving O. Gage of Augusta Lodge as Marshal and Rev. Bro. Archibald Cullins as Chaplain. 80 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Feb. 1, 1903, Bros. James E. Harvey, Frank A. Dow and Her- man W. S. Lovejoy were appointed a committee to make the re- pairs on the rooms on the second floor. A demit was granted Bro. Frank E. Willard, Feb. 1, and the same date Bro. Warren Daggett was elected an Honorary Member. Mar. 1, the report of the committee on By-Laws, which had been presented at a previous meeting, was accepted, and the By-Laws adopted, and the committee instructed to have three hundred copies printed. The principal change made was changing the Annual Communication from February to October. Edward R. Stain was granted a demit, Mar. 1. The committee having in charge the repairs on the second floor, attended faithfully to their duties during the spring and early sum- mer, with the result that a most delightful suite of rooms was evolved from the old rooms. The banquet hall was moved to the extreme eastern end of the building. A fine, convenient kitchen was arranged adjoining. The old banquet hall was divided into a coat room and a small supper room or smoking room, and another room of the old arrangement was made into a parlor, the entire furnishings of which were presented by Bro. Emery O. Bean and Mrs. Bean as a gift to Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S. --- * Bro. Frank A. Dow, having been appointed to purchase silver knives and forks for the use of the lodge, arranged an entertainment and from the proceeds purchased eight dozen each, knives and forks. June 20, a Special Communication was held to attend the funeral of Bro. Edward H. Gile, who died in Auburn, June 18. Bro. Gile was the son of Bro. Asa Gile, for many years a member of this lodge. He had been a most trusted employee of the M. C. R. R. for many years. His bright, sunny, and cheerful disposition, had great- ly endeared him to all who knew him. He was a most devoted hus- band and father, a true friend and faithful Mason and his death in the prime of life was a sad loss to a large circle of friends. Aug. 2, Bro. Charles J. Cole, having previously deposited his demit from Normal Lodge, Normal, Ill., was elected to membership. The By-Laws having changed the Annual Communication to October, only eight Stated and nine Special Communications were held. • - - - Bros. Louis B. Morse and Ernest E. Smith were raised to the Master Mason degree. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 81 One hundred members were returned to Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1902. Bro. Merle J. Harriman, Proxy, represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1902. 1902-3 Leon O. Tebbetts, W. M. Walter A. Nickerson, S. W. Geo. C. Hunton, J. W. Fred I. Brown, Treas. Arthur S. Nickerson, Sec'y J. Grant Henry, S. D. Frank H. Bodge, J. D. John R. Masterman, Chap. Emery L. Hunton, Mar. Harry M. Gibbs, S. S. Aurelius H. Winters, J. S. Melville W. Manter, Org. Cinklar S. Kimball, Tyler These officers were installed by P. M. Herman W. S. Lovejoy. The lodge voted to accept an invitation from Lafayette Chap- ter, O. E. S., to attend a reception tendered by that Chapter to Mrs. Georgia, C. N. Bean, Grand Matron of the O. E. S. in Maine, and a member of Lafayette Chapter. It is well to add here that the reception was an extremely pleasant social gathering. Dec. 6, voted to drape the furniture of the lodge in mourning in memory of M. W. Past G. M. Josiah H. Drummond, who died in Portland, Oct. 25, 1902. . - Dec. 29, R. W. John M. Webber, D. D. G. M., of the 12th Ma- sonic District, made his official visit to the lodge and witnessed work on the M. M. degree. * The Annual Festival was held Jan. 12, 1903. April 4, a demit was granted Bro. Albert E. Mace. May 2, Bro. Charles F. Howland, having previously deposited his demit from St. John’s Lodge, Albany, Oregon, was elected a member of this lodge. Bro. Louis B. Morse died, May 23, in Portland, and Bro. Benj. W. Harriman, June 5. No Masonic services were held in either case. Bro. Morse was a young man of much promise, kind hearted, generous, cultured, and refined. His early death was a great grief to his parents and many friends. Bro. Harriman was one of the most widely known men in Readfield and Kennebec County. His business relations had brought him into close touch with the people of the surrounding towns and had taken him into every part of the $82 ... - HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE neighboring towns and counties. He had been for years active in all the affairs of the town, in politics, church, and business. He had in years past been a regular attendant at the lodge, but had never held office. In his death the town and community lost an extreme- ly influential and worthy citizen. June 21, the lodge attended divine services in commemoration of St. John the Baptist. The sermon was by Rev. Bro. A. E. Russell, pastor of the Universalist church. Aug. 1, the lodge voted to have Bro. Varus Stearns brought to Readfield and cared for during the rest of his life. Twelve Stated and sixteen Special Communications were held this year. Ernest Masterman, Charles H. Mallett, Charles S. Brown, Ber- tran E. Leighton, Augustus H. Wilson were raised to the Maste Mason degree. - - One hundred and four members were returned to the Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1903. Leon O. Tebbetts, Master, represented the lodge at Grand Lodge, May, 1903. 1903-4 - Leon O. Tebbetts, W. M. Walter A. Nickerson, S. W. . Geo. C. Hunton, J. W. Fred I. Brown, Treas. Arthur S. Nickerson, Sec'y J. Grant Henry, S. D. Charles M. Daicy, J. D. ! John R. Masterman, 'Chap. Emery L. Hunton, Mar. J. Warren Butman, S. S. Aurelius H. Winters, J. S. Cinklar S. Kimball, Tyler These officers were later installed by P. M., H. W. S. Lovejoy, with P. M., C. W. Crosby of Asylum Lodge as Marshal and P. M., E. E. Peacock as Chaplain. - - Nov. 5, a Special Communication was held to attend the fun- eral of Bro. Varus Stearns. Bro. Stearns had joined this lodge many years ago on a demit. He had formerly been an active busi- ness man in the town, but later removed to New Jersey where ad- vancing years, failing health and business reverses obliged him to seek assistance from his brethren with a desire to pass his last days in Readfield. He was most kindly cared for by Bro. C. S. Kim- ball and his wife during the few months he lived after returning to this town. • - HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 83 Jan. 2, 1904, Bro. Eli S. Hannaford, having previously depos- ited his demit from Blue Mountain Lodge at Phillips was elected to membership. Information was received of the death at Boston of Bro. Fred A. Lovejoy on Dec. 4, 1903. Bro. Lovejoy was a native of Fay- ette. He was made a Mason in this lodge in 1866. He later re- moved to Massachusetts, where he was engaged in business as clerk in a large mercantile house. The Annual Festival this year was held the first Wednesday in January. Feb. 6, a demit was granted to Bro. Carter B. Keen. Shortly before his death, Bro. Stearns presented the lodge the formula for a liniment which had been in his possession many years. The lodge having decided to sell the formula, the matter was left to Bro. E. E. Peacock, who later reported the sale of the same. Among the effects of Bro. Stearns, at his death, was a gold watch and gold headed cane. These were delivered to the lodge as some compensation for their expense in his care. The lodge voted to present the watch to Bro. Kimball and the cane it was decided should be kept by the lodge and loaned to some brother who needed its use. Rev. Bro. John R. Masterman was selected as the first brother to whom it should be loaned. . April 7, R. W. Harold E. Cook of Waterville, D. D. G. M., made an official visit to the lodge and witnessed work on the M. M. degree. - June 4, voted to drape the furniture of the lodge in mourning in memory of P. G. M. Joseph A. Locke. . The following brethren were raised to the Master Mason degree during the year: Cyrus D. Winters, Arian H. Jones, Louis W. Merrow, Herbert H. Carle. . . Eleven Stated and six Special Communications were held this year. * - . One hundred and six members were returned to Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1904. - . Leon O. Tebbetts, W. M., Walter A. Nickerson, S. W., and Merle J. Harriman, Proxy, represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1904. - - 84 IHISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 1904-5 Walter A. Nickerson, W. M. George C. Hunton, S. W. J. Grant Henry, J. W. Fred I. Brown, Treas. Arthur S. Nickerson, Sec'y Charles M. Daicy, S. D. Bertran E. Leighton, J. D. John R. Masterman, Chap. Emery L. Hunton, Mar. Herbert H. Carle, S. S. Louis W. Merrow, J. S. Cinklar S. Kimball, Tyler The officers were installed by P. M., H. W. S. Lovejoy. Dec. 4, voted that a committee be nominated and appointed to collect and prepare facts for a history of the lodge. The committee selected consisted of Bros. Merle J. Harriman, Leon O. Tebbetts and William G. Hunton. ; Dec. 16, 1904, a Special Communication was held and largely attended for the purpose of conducting the funeral services of Wor. Bro. Emery O. Bean, who died suddenly at his home, Dec. 13. Long before his death, Bro. Bean had made certain arrange- ments for his funeral and these were carried out as nearly as pos- sible. The death of Bro. Bean was a great blow to all the interests of the village in which he had passed the whole of his long and active life. Almost the last life connecting the old with the new, his inter- est in all that concerned the welfare of lodge, church, or town, was as keen the day he died as it was forty years before. . His long years as a member of the bar of Kennebec County had given him an acquaintance as broad almost, or quite, as the State, and a prominence in the councils of State and church that had been exceeded by few. - - His constant presence at the Stated Communications of this lodge for over fifty-four years is a record that probably car- not be equaled in this State and can never be fully appreciated by the members. The last acts of his life in so arranging that the lodge should have for practically a hundred years to come its pres- ent beautiful home, at the least expense, is a monument to the life- long interest he has had in Lafayette Lodge. , - Contrary to the precedent followed in compiling this history the memorial to his memory presented by the committee appointed for that purpose is published here, because of his long Masonic life and the appropriate character of the memorial itself. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 85 MEMORIAL The death on Dec. 13, 1904, of our Honored Brother, Past Master Emery O. Bean prompts us to put on record our hearty and grateful appreciation of his worth as a man and a Mason, and the long and faithful service he has given to Lafayette Lodge, Free- Masonry and his fellowmen. Made a Mason in 1850, his membership in our lodge has con- tinued through fifty-four, of the seventy-eight years of our lodge history, and the record of those years is full of the story of his active interest in the Craft, and his constant fidelity to its work. Six years he ruled his lodge as Worshipful Master, and throughout the whole term of his membership he served it with loyal and steadfast devo- tion. Much of its past usefulness and present strength is due to his wise council and efficient aid. All measures for its welfare and ad- vancement secured his earnest support. All duties intrusted to him were carefully discharged. His attendance at our Stated Meetings was remarkable for its regularity. The Masonic duties which lie outside the lodge were no less loyally regarded; worthy and distressed brother Masons, their widows and orphans never sought his sym- pathy and aid in vain. No presence was more familiar or more wel- come in our homes in times of trouble and bereavement than his. No hand was readier to assist, no heart quicker to respond to the calls of need than his. As neighbor and friend, he endeared himself to all our lives. In the work of his profession, in the duties of citizenship, and in the various natural relations of human life, he was true to the principles of Masonry and the high responsibilities of Christian manhood. 2 - He was our senior member. Almost the last survivor of his own generation, he lived to welcome to the rites and benefits of Masonry the sons and grandsons of his former comrades and fellow craftsmen. And it was a warm and generous welcome he gave them. His many years had not dulled his spirits nor deadened his cordial- ity. To younger Masons he was the same genial friend and broth- er that he had been to the associates of his earlier years. We honored him while he lived. We cherish his memory as a precious possession, and we extend to the members of his family not only our fraternal sympathy in their bereavement, but also our 86 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE congratulations on the enduring influence that remains to them and us in the remembrance of his useful life and noble manhood. GEO. A. RUSSELL l CostELLO WESTON | E. E. PEACOCK X Committee , C. E. GASEY W. G. Hunton J The Festival was held Feb. 10. Mar. 4, 1905, the Past Masters of the lodge occupied the stations and places and conferred the M. M. degree on Bro. John S. Milliken. Wor. Bro. James O. Butman presiding. The work was followed by a banquet and a most enjoyable evening was the opinion of all pres- ent. - Mar. 28, R. W. Harold E. Cook, D. D. G. M., was present and the lodge presented work on the M. M. degree. Sept. 2, a Special Communication was held to attend the funeral of Bro. William Harvey, who died Aug. 31. Among the visitors present on this occasion was Wor. Bro. Benjamin T. Rich- ards, at one time Master of this lodge, but now of Humane Lodge, Rochester, N. H. Bro. Harvey had been a member of this lodge , twenty-two years and though never an active member, he had main- tained his interest always. Actively engaged in business from very early in life, he was possessed of an energy that never yielded before any obstacle until it was overcome, and a perseverance that kept him to a purpose when almost any other would have dropped out of the race long before. He was never an aspirant for office, and entered but little into social life. He was kind hearted and devoted in his family, a social, ready and interesting conversationalist and possessed of a great fund of general and business information. Sept. 3, a Special Communieation was held to attend the fun- eral of Wor. Bro. Caleb E. Garey, who died. Aug. 31. Bro. Garey became a member of this lodge, Jan. 5, 1901, on his demit from Guiding Star Lodge, Tremont, N. Y. He had been Master of his lodge in New York and at once took an active inter- est in this lodge and in the few years he was among us he was a most highly esteemed brother and citizen. Sept. 5, a Special Communication was held in Deering Chapel, Rent's Hill, to attend the funeral of Bro. Amos A. Sampson, who died Sept. 2. Bro. Sampson was a native and life-long citizen of FIISTORY OF IAFAYETTE LODGE 87 \ Readfield, where his quiet, unpretending life had caused him to be most highly respected. In his earlier years he was an active mem- ber of the lodge, but in later life his impaired hearing rendered all gatherings of the kind undesirable. He had held the offices of J. W. and Treasurer in the lodge. - 1905-06 Walter A. Nickerson, W. M. George C. Hunton, S. W. J. Grant Henry, J. W. Fred I. Brown, Treas. Arthur S. Nickerson, Sec'y Charles M. Daicy, S. D. Bertran E. Leighton, J. D. John R. Masterman, Chap. William G. Hunton, Mar. Herbert H. Carl, S. S. Louis W. Merrow, J. S. Cinklar S. Kimball, Tyler These officers were installed by P. M. Leon 0. Tebbetts, assists ed by Bro. Merle J. Harriman as Marshal. \ The Festival was held Feb. 8, 1906, and was a joint affair with the members of Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S. Mar. 29, a Special Communication was held to attend the funeral of Wor. Bro. Nelson D. Gordon, who died at his home, Readfield Depot, Mar. 26. The services were conducted by Trinity Commandery, K. T. Bro. Nelson D. Gordon had for many years been a very prominent citizen of Readfield. He had carried on an extensive business at his general store and grist and saw mills, and was a leading factor in the business interests of the town. He had also been prominent in the affairs of the town, holding town office and representing the town in the Legislature. In all that goes to make a good citizen his name was most commonly heard. He was an interested Mason in his earlier life and was Master of this lodge in 1881-84. In later life his extensive business and failing health prevented his attendance at the meetings, except at funerals or other special occasions. .. - Mar. 31, R. W. Harold E. Cook officially visited the lodge. April 7 was again observed as Past Master’s night and the Master Mason’s degree was conferred, P. M. William G. Hunton presiding in the East. - * - - - - Albert E. Mace, having previously deposited his demit from Newton Lodge, Wilbraham, Mass., was elected to membership. 88 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE In the great calamity which destroyed San Francisco, the mem- bers of Lafayette Lodge did their part in assisting to relieve the dis- tress. Thirty-seven dollars and seventy-five cents was collected in voluntary contributions for that purpose. Through the efforts of Bro. Leon O. Tebbetts and others the Legislature of 1905 appropriated the sum of $500 to erect a suit- able monument over the grave of Ex-Governor Jonathan G. Hunton in the cemetery at Readfield Corner. Gov. Hunton was a charter member of Temple Lodge at Winthrop and never united with La- fayette Lodge. - Bro. Geo. A. Russell, having been appointed by Gov. Cobb as the agent to expend the appropriation, attended to that duty, and caused to be erected a substantial and noble monument. Oct. 7, 1905, he brought before the lodge the matter of its suitable dedica- tion with Masonic ceremonies to its intended purpose. The lodge decided that as Bro. Hunton was a member of Temple Lodge, that lodge should properly have charge of the dedication and the mat- ter was referred to them with cordial assurance of the hearty co- operation and assistance of Lafayette Lodge. After considera- tion Temple Lodge decided that they could not undertake the duties necessary to the carrying out of the dedication. Lafayette Lodge then decided that they would undertake to see. the dedication properly carried out, and Bros. Leon 0. Tebbetts, Merle J. Harriman and Emery L. Hunton were appointed a com- mittee of arrangements. The funds necessary for the expenses were promptly contributed by the members and much interest was taken in the proposed undertaking. . . . . Sept. 5, a Special Communication was held for the purpose of attending the dedication and a large gathering of the brethren was present, together with a goodly delegation from Vernon Valley Lodge, Mt. Vernon. * • - * . The lodge formed in procession and escorted the Grand Lodge of Maine and Gov. William T. Cobb to the cemetery where the cere- monies of dedication were performed by M. W. Grand Master Chas. F. Johnson, who was assisted by R. W. Chas. W. Crosby as D. G. M. R. W. Thomas H. Bodge as G. S. W., Wor. Leon 0. Tebbetts as G. J. W., Wor, and Rev. William H. Fultz, Grand Chap., Wor. Har- old E. Cook, Gr. Mar., and Bro. Willard C. G. Carney, as Grand Tyler. The day was perfect in every respect and a large number of LEON O. TEBBETTS 1902-03-04 GEORGE C. HUNTON 1907 WALTER A. NICKERSON 1905-06 J. GRANT HENRY 1908 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 89 citizens gathered to witness the ceremonies. After the services at the cemetery the lodge repaired to the Brick church, where a most interesting address was delivered by Past Master William G. Hun- ton, after which Gov. Cobb addressed the company in a very pleasing and appropriate manner. Music throughout the exercises was ren- dred by the quartette of Trinity Commandery of Augusta. Re- freshments were served at the close of the exercises. - The whole affair passed off as one of the most successful of the many happy events in the history of Lafayette Lodge. This event closed the year of the lodge. Twelve Stated and six Special Communications were held during the year. Two candidates received the Master Mason degree: Eugene L. Millett and Ervin C. Dudley. .** One hundred and nine members were returned to Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1906. . * Leon O. Tebbetts, Proxy, represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1906. . } 1906-07 George C. Hunton, W. M. J. Grant Henry, S. W. Charles M. Daicy, J. W. Fred I. Brown, Treas. Arthur S. Nickerson, Sec'y Bertran E. Leighton, S. D. Louis W. Merrow, J. D. John R. Masterman, Chap. Emery L. Hunton, Mar. Augustus H. Wilson, S. S. John S. Milliken, J. S. Cinklar S. Kimball, Tyler The officers were installed by R. W. Thomas H. Bodge of Beth- lehem Lodge, Augusta. The thanks of the lodge were extended to . Bro. Bodge for the very pleasing and elegant manner in which he had performed the ceremonies of the occasion. Oct. 6, a committee of one, Bro. Elliott J. Beal being that com- mittee, was appointed to establish a line between the land belonging to the lodge and that of Bros. G. W. and M. W. Manter. On the same date a committee was appointed to organize a male quartette to furnish music at the meetings. - The Annual Festival was held Dec. 27, and as usual was an enjoyable event. : - - 90 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE iſſ) DGE Jan. 5, 1907, the Secretary was instructed to ask of Vernon Valley, Lodge a waiver of jurisdiction over Melzar W. Fish, which, was later granted. x Feb. 2, an invitation was received and accepted to attend the Festival of Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S. On the same date a petition for the Master Mason degree was received from Bro. Neal Mitchell, a Fellow Craft made in Duval Lodge, Florida, that lodge being now dormant. ... The petition was accompanied by a certificate from the Grand Secretary of Florida certifying to his standing and eligibility to apply for the M. M. de- gree. Bro. Mitchell was accepted and a Special Communication was held in the morning for conferring the degree. A Communication had not been held in the day time for conferring the degrees for more than forty years, and this occasion was a very happy one. April 6, R. W. Lon M. Philbrick of Mt. Vernon, D. D. G. M. of the 12th Masonic District, visited the lodge in his official capacity and work was exemplified for his inspection. At this time the question of erecting some kind of a fire escape from the hall began to be agitated. June 23, the lodge attended divine worship in commemoration of St. John the Baptist at the Brick church, and listened to a most excellent sermon by Rev. Bro. Costello Weston. A number of vis-. itors were present from Vernon Valley and Asylum Lodges. The Grand Treasurer having returned as not needed, the mon- ey contributed by the members of this lodge for the sufferers by the San Francisco earthquake, it was voted to place the same in the Charity Fund. - July 16, a Special Communication was held to attend the funeral of Bro. William C. Record, who died July 13. For more. *than twenty years, Bro. Record had been one of the leading busi- ness men of the town and had been prominent in its affairs. While his many excellent qualities of heart and mind were reasons for the high place he held among those who knew him best. - Sept. 7, Bro. John R. Masterman was elected an Honorary Member of the lodge. . Sept. 24, the lodge opened the hall for the purpose of cele- brating the golden wedding anniversary of Bro. Masterman and wife, which proved to be an event of much pleasure to all present. The lodge presented him a Chaplain's jewel in gold. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 91 Sept. 29, a Special Communication was held to attend the fun- eral of Bro. Charles D. Record, who died very suddenly at Oak- land, Sept. 27. The day was very stormy and but few could at- tend. The early death of Bro. Record terminated abruptly the career of one well fitted by nature to have made a successful busi- ness man, while his agreeable personality made him many friends. During the year twelve Stated and ten Special Communica- tions were held. Six candidates were raised to the Master Mason degree, viz.: Edwin M. Hutchinson, William B. Quincy, Melzar W. Fish, Neal Mitchell, Arthur W. Palmer, John A. Chase. - One application was rejected. One hundred and twelve members were returned to the Grand Lodge, Mar. 1, 1907. George C. Hunton, W. M., represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1907. * 1907-08 J. Grant Henry, W. M. - Charles M. Daicy, S. W. Merle J. Harriman, J. W. Fred I. Brown, Treas. Arthur S. Nickerson, Sec'y Louis W. Merrow, S. D. John S. Milliken, J. D. J. Warren Butman, S. S. John A. Chase, J. S. John R. Masterman, Chap. Emery L. Hunton, Mar. Cinklar S. Kimball, Tyler The installation was conducted by R. W. Leon O. Tebbetts, D. D. G. M. of the 12th Masonic Disrtict. * Oct. 5, a committee which had been previously appointed on an application for the degrees reported that the applicant was not eli- gible to receive the degrees as he could neither read nor write. Bro. Cinklar S. Kimball, having met with quite a serious fi- nancial loss, the lodge presented him with a purse of money as a token of good will and Bro. Kimball and wife expressed to the lodge their sincere gratitude for the remembrance. Dec. 7, Samuel D. Strout was elected an Honorary Member, and J. Wesley Richards was excused from further payment of dues. Jan. 21, 1908, a communication was received, informing the lodge of the death at Antrim, N. H., May 5, 1904, of Bro. Warren Daggett. . . - - - - 92 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Bro. Daggett had been a member of the lodge forty years, but for much the greater part of that time had been a resident out of the State. He was a mechanic and iron worker by trade. On the evening of March 1, the community was terribly shocked by the announcement that Bro. George C. Hunton had been acci- dentally shot by his young son. Bro. Hunton lingered for a few hours in an unconscious condition and died in the early morning of the 2nd. A Special Communication was held March 5, to attend the funeral of Bro. Hunton, and a committee was appointed to prepare resolutions of respect to his memory, who later reported. Bro. Hunton was a young man most highly esteemed in the com- munity where he had always lived, and his tragic death produced a feeling of sadness throughout the town. He was upright and honor- able in all the relations of life, courteous, and attentive to business, and devoted to his family, a faithful Mason and good citizen. March 7, the lodge voted to allow the use of the hall to the Ark Marriners Lodge, recently organized. May 2, the lodge received notice of the death of Bro. Hamlin H. Murphy, which occurred at his home in San Francisco, Cal., March 18, 1908. Bro. Murphy had been a member of the lodge since 1875, but had lived in California many years, where he had been a member of the San Francisco police force and later a treas- . ure guard for the Wells Fargo Express Co. He was a soldier in the Civil war. • - June 6, notice was received of the death of Wor. Bro. Geo. Miller Fillebrown, which occurred at his home in Gloucester, Mass., May 18. Bro. Fillebrown was born in, and for many years lived in, Readfield, where he was interested in several different lines of busi- ness, but for about twenty-four years he had lived in Massachusetts. He had been a member of the lodge"forty-eight years and was Mas- ter in 1863-64 and 1884-85. June 21, the lodge attended divine service at the Brick church in commemoration of St. John the Baptist. The sermon was preached by Rev. J. W. Steele of Hallowell. . Sept. 29, Bro. George W. Billings died at his home in Fayette, and his funeral was attended by the lodge. Bro. Billings had al- ways lived in the town of his birth, where he was one of the most sincerely respected citizens. Of a charming personality, everybody was his friend. He was an honored member of this lodge, from IHISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 93. the meetings of which declining health had absented him for some years. - - Bro. Geo. A. Russell for the committee later presented memo- rials of Bros. Billings and Fillebrown. Ten Stated Communications and three Special Communications were held during the year. - Two candidates were raised to the Master Mason degree, viz.: Benjamin H. P. Bowlby and Benjamin W. Harriman. One hundred and fifteen members were returned to Grand Lodge, March 1, 1908. § Bro. Merle J. Harriman, J. W., represented the lodge in Grand Lodge, May, 1908. 1908-09 Charles M. Daicy, W. M. Merle J. Harriman, S. W. Louis W. Merrow, J. W. Fred I. Brown, Treas. Ellsworth E. Peacock, Sec'y John S. Milliken, S. D. John A. Chase, J. D. J. Warren Butman, S. S. Cyrus D. Winters, J. S. John R. Masterman, Chap. Emery L. Hunton, Mar. Cinklar S. Kimball, Tyler The officers were installed by R. W. Leon O. Tebbetts, D. D. G. M. For a long time the subject of a fire escape was discussed by the lodge and finally at the Stated Meeting in December of this year it was voted to appoint a committee to erect a fire escape on the south side of the building at an expense not to exceed $200.00. This committee, consisting of Bros. Merle J. Harriman, Geo. A. Russell and John S. Milliken, attended to that duty and the fire escape was erected at once. The Annual Festival was held Jan. 14, 1909. One candidate has thus far been raised, Bro. Franklin McK. Buswell. March 6, notice was received of the death on Feb. 19 at his home in Foxboro, Mass., of Bro. J. Wesley Richards. Bro. Richards had been a member of the lodge forty-three years, but for nearly the whole of that time had resided out of the State, and had taken no part in the lodge. He was a travelin salesman many years. . , sº - 94 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Bro. Noah Jewett was granted a demit, March 6. April 3, notice was received that Bro. Pierre Thibeault died at his home in Skowhegan, March 16. Bro. Thibeault was born in the Province of Quebec and came to Fayette when a young man and began work in the scythe shops at that place, and followed the same trade all his life. He was a highly respected citizen in the communities where he had made his home. For eighty-three years Lafayette Lodge has been an important factor in the affairs of this town. Through its doors have passed nearly all its prominent men, together with those who have filled the humbler stations in life. Two hundred and ninety-six men have been initiated and two hundred and ninety-three have been raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. Two have received the E. A. degree only, two the E. A. and F. C. only, and one the M. M. degree only, and there have been three hundred and thirteen members. Forty-three became members by affiliation and thirty-five who received the M. M. degree did not become members of the lodge. . There have been one hundred and seven deaths, including all those of the old lodge. Seventy-five have demitted, including some who have been dropped from the list because they had removed from town. The membership at this time is one hundred and thirteen. The members of the lodge have come from every walk in life. Over eighty were farmers, thirty-three merchants, fourteen lawyers, eleven doctors, eighteen ministers, besides teachers, mechanics, manufacturers, laborers, electricians, government employes, under- takers, plumbers, publishers, carpenters, cabinet makers, shoe mak- ers, tanners, fullers, millers, photographers, carpet printers, etc., and several who united two or more of these occupations. . At the present time the oldest member of the lodge in years is Bro. Reuben Russell, born Feb. 14, 1817. The oldest in years of membership is Bro. Gervais Nolin of Skowhegan, raised Jan. 27, 1855. Bro. Jacob Gilman was a member for fifty-eight years. Bro. Emery O. Bean was an active member fifty-four years. The following deceased brethren were Masons forty years or more: Jacob Gilman, fifty-eight; Emery O. Bean, fifty-four; Fran- cis A. Williams, fifty-one; George Miller Fillebrown, fifty-one; HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 95 Asahel Brainard, forty-eight; Franklin Bean, forty-three; Amos A. Sampson, forty-three; J. Wesley Richards, forty-three; Mathias Smith, forty-two, Josiah Whittier, forty-one; Warren Daggett, forty. - Others of whom we have no exact data were Benjamin Burn- ham, Jonathan Holmes, John Judkins, John S. French, Byron Por- ter. - Of the members now living, the following have been Masons forty years or more: Gervais Nolin, fifty-four; Augustus S. Nick- erson, forty-nine; Joseph T. Woodward, forty-nine; Reuben Rus- sell, forty-eight; Sebastian S. Lovejoy, forty-seven; Warren A. Wright, forty-six; John M. Williams, forty-six; George S. Morrill, forty-five; Geo. A. Russell, forty-five; Gustavus Smith, forty-three; Henry C. Packard, forty-two; Samuel D. Strout, forty-one; Sam- uel G. Millett, forty-one; James O. Butman, forty. Bros. Amos A. Sampson, Thomas Dillingham, Cinklar S. Kim- ball, John R. Masterman and Albert E. Mace, have been twice mem- bers of the lodge. - . The following brethren have been elected Honorary Members of the lodge: Levi Johnson, Stephen Lovell, Emery O. Bean, Asahel Brainard, Jacob Gilman, Samuel Nesbit, Josiah F. Taylor, Levi Collins, Elisha S. Case, Mathias Smith, Amos A. Sampson, James Barbour, Warren Daggett, Reuben Russell, J. Eugene Lewis, Ger- vais Nolin, John R. Masterman, Samuel D. Strout. In two instances, three generations of the same family and same name have been members of the lodge: Oliver Bean, Emery O. Bean and Fred E. Bean; Asa Gile, Edward H. Gile, Walter C. Gile. - # Of the brethren identified in any way with this lodge, the fol- lowing served in the Civil War: Hamlin F. Eaton, Lieut., Emery L. Hunton, Dennis B. Jewett, Noah Jewett, Lieut., Melvin C. Lin- scott, Capt., Charles S. Morse, Thomas H. B. Pierce, Hebron M. Wentworth, Dudley S. Fogg, Jefferson D. Hunton, George A. Rus- sell, Lieut., Gustavus Smith, Ferdinand Tinker, Jr., George H. Waugh, John M. Williams, John R. Masterman, Caleb E. Gary, Ed- ward K. Richardson, Winfield Smith, Ezekiel R. Mayo, Lieut., H. Owen Nickerson, Arthur D. Chase, William H. Richmond, Daniel Lothrop, William Laughton, Freeman W. Bunnell, Albion B. Frost, James A. Hamilton, Nathaniel Haskell, Wilbert P. Friend, Joseph. 96 - HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE T. Woodward, Edward Hennessey, and probably others of whom we are not informed. Reuben Smith was an ensign and Lory Ba- con a sergeant in the war of 1812. The lodge first held its meetings on Thursday evenings on or before the full moon. On April 24, 1828, the date was changed to Monday after the full moon. In 1849 the change was made to Sat- urday on or before the full moon, and in 1872 the date was fixed for the first Saturday in each month. - The Annual Meetings were first in February, in 1850 changed to November, in 1852, to September, in 1861, to May, in 1869, to February, and in 1902, to October. - - -- The regular hour of meeting in those old days was 6 and 6.30 P. M., and Specials were frequently held in the afternoon, and installations were held at afternoon meetings with processions and bands. .*. Of course the meetings in the early days, and in fact to quite a late period, were held by the light of candles and among the old bills on file are those for many pounds of tallow candles, as well as for sperm and wax, and later for kerosene oil at $1.00 and $1.25 per gallon. 4. The bills presented for refreshments show that very simple fare was the order of the evening. Codfish and crackers, cheese, figs, raisins and apples constituted the usual bill of fare on the occasion of raisings. On high state occasions a turkey supper was served at the public house. . - - The lodge was placed in the 3rd Masonic District at its organi- zation and afterwards changed to the 5th and later to the 12th. Three members of the lodge have served as D. D. G. M., viz.: H. Owen Nickerson, J. Eugene Lewis and Leon O. Tebbetts. - Thirty-two brethren have served as Masters and Bros. Josiah Whittier, Emery O. Bean, George M. Fillebrown, H. Owen Nicker- son and Sewall J. Hawes have been again elected to the East after a lapse of years. Bros. Bean and Dow served the longest by suc- cessive elections, four years each. . . . The greatest number of meetings held in one year was in 1865-66 when thirteen Stated and thirty Special Communications were held. Twenty-one candidates were raised in 1864-65, the largest number raised in one year. - MERLE. J. HARRIMAN CHARLES M. DAICY Senior Warden Master LOUIS W. MERROW Junior Warden FRED I. BROWN JOHN S. MILLIKEN JOHN A. CHASE Treasurer Senior Deacon Junior Deacon OFFICERS OF LAFAYETTE LODGE-1908-1909 J. WARREN BUTMAN JOHN R. MASTERMAN - Chaplain Senior Steward * . Q EMERY L. HUNTON ELLIOT J. BEAL AUGUSTUS H. WILSON Marshal Finance Comm. Finance Comm. OFFICERS OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 1908-1909 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 97 The lodge has engaged in two public functions outside its own affairs. The laying of the corner stone of the Brick church in 1827 and the dedication of the Gov. Hunton monument in 1906, nearly 80 years apart, and during its history the Grand Master has been present in the lodge but three times. As we come to the concluding lines of this history we fully realize how feeble have been the results of our efforts. We have made an attempt to gather together the facts connected with the life of Lafayette Lodge, and present them to our readers in a man- ner that shall preserve to them, and to future generations the real history of this lodge. There perhaps is much that could have been omitted. There are some things we should have been glad to in- clude if it had been possible to obtain the facts. A few incidents have been purposely omitted. - Could we have had the benefit of the presence of those whose memories carried back to the early days, this work could have been much more complete, but it was commenced too late. Every mem- ber of the lodge, who had to do with the revival and the years im- mediately following, were dead before this work was commenced. Such as our work is, we now present it to you, rejoicing with you that the early days of this Year of Light 5909 finds Lafayette Lodge strong and sturdy and more likely to present material for Ma- sonic history one hundred years from now than it has been at any period of its past history. - Much time has been spent to make the sketches contained in the following pages correct, particularly as to dates. * The sketches include all of those identified with the old lodge. Since 1849 they are confined to the living members, and those who were members at the time of their death. We regret that in a few instances we have not been able to give all the dates. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES Aubin, Francois Benoit, born in St. Gervais, Province Que- bec, 1839. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, July 5, 1873; J. D., 1880. He was a scythe maker by trade and lived at Fayette many years. He afterward moved to Skowhegan where he died October, 1896. Bachelder, James Robinson. Probably born in New Hampshire in 1793. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, June 30, 1828; Marshal in 1830. He was not identified with the Fraternity af- ter the revival though he remained to his death a widely known citi- Zen of the town. Having a considerable property he was principal- ly occupied in the care of the same. He was a Colonel in the old Militia, High Sheriff of Kennebec County in 1842 and Adjutant General of Maine in 1855. He died at Readfield Nov. 3, 1871. Bacon, Lory. Born in Augusta, Maine. Made a Master Mason in Temple Lodge, Winthrop, June 21, 1819; S. W., 1823, and Master, 1824. A charter member of Lafayette Lodge and the first Master, in 1826. He afterward moved to Augusta, where he was a member and Master of Bethlehem Lodge. He was D. D. G. M. of the Third Masonic District in 1846-47-48-49, and High Priest of Jerusalem R. A. C. He was a merchant at Kent's Hill and afterward at Readfield Corner, and probably at Augusta; one of the selectmen of Readfield, six years from 1819; first postmas- ter at Kent's Hill, 1826, and town clerk in 1836. In the War of 1812 he was a Sergeant in a Readfield Company in Lieut. Col. Sweet's Regiment. He died in Augusta, but we have not been able to learn the date of his death. Baldwin, Dexter. We have not been able to locate the place of his birth or the date. He was from Mt. Vernon and a doctor there many years, and probably came there from New Hampshire. He HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 99 was one of the first to become a member of the lodge in 1826; he had also been a member of Temple Lodge. He was a Justice of the Peace many years. He was Marshal of the lodge in 1828. He was the first postmaster at Mt. Vernon Village, in 1828. The date of his death is not known to us. ſ Barbour, James. Born in Gardiner, Maine, March 31, 1824. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, May 16, 1873. Elected an Honorary Member, April 6, 1901. Is a farmer. Lives in Read- field. - Beal, Elliott Johnson. Born in Farmingdale, Maine, Oct. 8, 1853. Made a Mason in Augusta Lodge, Augusta, Maine. Affili- ated in Lafayette Lodge, Jan. 7, 1897. He was S. S., 1897; J. D., 1898; S. W., 1899-1900. He is a stone mason by trade and for many years was employed by the M. C. R. R. on important con- struction work having charge of the work. In 1897 he purchased a farm in Readfield and has been largely engaged in orcharding. At the present time he is superintendent of the farm of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary at Kent's Hill and lives at that place. Bean, Franklin. Born in Readfield, March 1, 1791. Raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason, May 4, 1826, in Lafayette Lodge. He was Treasurer in 1827-28-29; J. W., 1830-31, and S. W., 1832. His name is in the Dispensation of 1849 and the Char- ter of 1850. He acted as J. W. at the re-organization of the lodge, 1849. He was a farmer. He died June 5, 1869, and was buried with Masonic honors. His home was on the farm overlooking Tor- sey pond, now occupied by Mr. George Black. Bean, Oliver. Born in Readfield, Nov. 15, 1797. Raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge Jan. 20, 1850, and ever after was one of its leading members. He held but few offices in the lodge but was Marshal for many years. He found- ed the charity fund of the lodge known as the Bean Charity Fund. He was one of the selectmen of Readfield for twenty years from 1828. A member of the Maine House of Representatives in 1832- 33 and of the Senate in 1848-49. He was a soldier of the War of 1812 and was prominently identified with the old Militia, hold- ing the rank of Colonel. He was a farmer, his farm being that lately owned by Bro. E. A. Morgan. He died June 11, 1869. 100 EIISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Bean, Emery Oliver. Born in Readfield, Sept. 10, 1819. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Sept. 21, 1850, and for over fifty years was one of the most prominent members of the lodge. He was Sec'y in 1851-52-62-73-74-75; J. W., 1853; S. W., 1854-55; Master, 1856-57-58-59-64-65; Marshal, 1860-61-63-83-84; Chap., 1887-88-90–91-92. A member of Jerusalem Chapter, R. A. M. and Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S. He was ad- mitted to the Kennebec Bar in 1843 and was an ac- tive member of his profession for sixty-one years. He was town clerk of Readfield in 1849-50 and 1853-54, and for years a member of the school committee. He was a member of the Maine House of Representatives in 1852, and of the Senate in 1856, and Judge of Probate of Kennebec Co., 1881-85. He was also a member of the Board of Trustees of Westbrook Seminary, Presi- dent of the Universalist State Convention, and for seven years was one of the trustees of the Maine State College at Orono. He died, Dec. 13, 1904, and was buried with Masonic honors. Bearse, Ezra. Born in 1771. The place of his birth is un- known. He was made a Master Mason in Lafayette lodge, May 3, 1827. He was a farmer and lived many years in Readfield, and died there Oct. 7, 1843. * . - Billings, George Weston. Born in Fayette, Maine, July 11, 1834. Raised to the Master Mason degree, Feb. 17, 1872, in La- fayette Lodge. He was a farmer all his life. He died at his home in Fayette, Sept. 29, 1908. - Billings, Loannas Cyrillo. Born in Fayette, Apr. 4, 1836. Raised to Sublime degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Sept. 10, 1864, and became a member, Nov. 12, 1864. He was a farmer in his native town, where he died, June 3, 1871, and was buried with Masonic rites. Blaisdell, James Sandford. Born in Rome, Maine, May 13, 1850. Raised to Master Mason degree, April 26, 1873. Was for- merly a carpet printer but now a farmer and lives in Rome. Blanchard, Sylvanus Judkins. Born, August, 1826; where, is not known. Raised to degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, March 28, 1863. He was a farmer and teamster, his home being HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 101 at Readfield Depot. He died, May 29, 1870, and was buried with Masonic honors. Bodge, Frank Hamlin. Born in Fayette, Feb. 6, 1869. Raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Jan. 20, 1902; J. D., 1902. He is a farmer and lives on the farm in Fayette which was the home of his father and grandfather. Bowlby, Benjamin Hardy Parker. Born in Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia, Feb. 25, 1886. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Oct. 19, 1907. He is a farmer by occupation and lives in Readfield. Brainard, Asahel. Born in Winthrop, Me., Feb. 6, 1797. Raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, May 17, 1827. He was S. D. in 1830 and a Steward for several years after the revival of the lodge, and was elected an Honorary Mem- ber June 3, 1872. One of the selectmen of Readfield in 1835-36- 37. He was a farmer and a highly esteemed citizen of the town. He died, April 27, 1875. Brand, Frank Leslie. Born in Starks, Maine, Aug. 5, 1858. Raised to the Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge, Apr. 1, 1899. A member of Winthrop R. A. C. and Trinity Commandery, K. T. For over twenty years salesman and collector for the Mc- Cormick Harvester Machine Co. and the International Harvester Co. Lives at Augusta, Maine. . Brand, William Wirt. ‘Born in Pittston, Me, March 8, 1880. Raised to the Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge, July 6, 1901. He is a member of Winthrop R. A. Chapter. By occupa- tion an engineer of stationary engine. Lives at Pittston, Me. Brann, Robert Alvin. Born in Belgrade, Maine, Feb. 27, 1877. Raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, March 28, 1905. Was formerly telegraph operator and station agent for M. C. R. R. Lives in Augusta and is salesman for the International Reaper Co. He is a member of Winthrop R. A. Chap- ter and Trinity Commandery, K.T. . . - . . . . . 102 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Brown, Charles Sanborn. Born in Readfield, Feb. 9, 1866. Raised to the Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge April 4, 1903. A member of Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S. Resides in Read- field, and is in the grocery and meat business. Brown, Frank Henry. Born in Readfield July 25, 1853. Raised to the degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, April 21, 1875. He was J. S. in 1877-78. He was a carpet printer by trade. He died in Gardiner, Feb. 2, 1882. Brown, Frederick Isaac. Born in Chesterville, Maine, Dec. 26, 1851. Raised to Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge, Oct. 14, 1890, Treasurer since 1895. Member of Winthrop Chapter, R. A. M., Alpha Council, R. & S. M., Trinity Commandery, K. T., and Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S. President of Kennebec County Ag- ricultural Society, 1907-08. He has been engaged in meat and grocery business at Readfield since 1879. One of the selectmen for six years from 1888; town clerk, 1885-88; member of Maine House of Representatives, 1891, and of the Senate, 1905-07. Lives at Readfield. Bunnell, Freeman Worthley. Born in Phillips, Maine, Sept. 22, 1841. Made a Mason in Blue Mountain Lodge, Phillips, Me. Affiliated in Lafayette Lodge, Mar. 12, 1870. He was -a scythe maker at North Wayne previous to 1869. Went to Oregon in the early seventies, where he lived for many years. Now lives at Gotts- ville, Calif., and is engaged in mining. Burnham, Benjamin. Born in Rummery, N. H., Dec. 6, 1791. One of the original charter members. There is no record as to where he received his Masonic degrees. He was a Methodist min- ister and for a short time pastor of the East Readfield church. His membership in the lodge terminated with the suspension of work, though he had long before removed from the town. He died in Groton, Vt., Oct. 25, 1875. Buswell, Franklin McKenzie. Born in Norway, Maine, Aug. 11, 1886. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Jan. 2, 1909. Educated in the schools of Norway. Superintendent of the Wilton division of the Maine Telephone Co. Lives at Wilton. w Butman, James Owen. Born in Vassalboro, Maine, Sept. 7, 1836. Raised to the Master Mason degree in Bethlehem Lodge, HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 103 Augusta. Affiliated in Lafayette Lodge, Sept. 24, 1869. J. W., 1869-70; S. W., 1871; Master, 1872-73; Chaplain, 1878-79-84-86. He came to Readfield in 1866 and purchased a farm, where he has since lived, extensively engaged in orcharding and sheep rais- ing. Selectman of Readfield, 1892–93-94. He is a member of Readfield Grange, P. of H. Butman, James Warren. Born in Readfield, Sept. 7, 1880. Raised to the Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge, Jan. 6, 1902, J. S., 1907-08. Member of Winthrop Chapter, R. A. M. and Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S. Attended school at Kent’s Hill and graduated from University of Maine. He is a farmer and also engaged in shipping apples. Lives on the home farm in Read- field. - & Campbell, Wilfred R. Born in Newcastle, Maine, Feb. 15, 1850. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Aug. 16, 1873. He was a carpet printer at the time he was made a Mason. He later went to Boston and worked for the Youth’s Companion Co. While working for this company he was accidentally killed, July 12, 1893, in the building of the company. Carle, Herbert Henry. Born in Sangerville, Me., Aug. 17, 1859. Raised to Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge, July 2, 1904; S. S., 1904-1905. Member of Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S. He is a farmer and lives at Readfield Depot. Case, Elisha Snow. Born in Readfield, Nov. 27, 1809. Received his Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge, April 3, 1852, and was elected an Honorary Member Dec. 1, 1888. He was a farmer and surveyor by occupation. Selectman of Readfield twenty-four years in succession from 1842. Member of the House of Repre- sentatives in 1858. He was an exact mathematician and probably knew more of the bounds, lot lines, and town lines than any man in the town. He was extremely eccentric which often caused him much trouble. He died Sept. 1, 1894. Chapman, Ira S. Born in Waterloo, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1818. Raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason in Northern Star Lodge, Anson, Me., March 4, 1848. He was one of the charter members of Lafayette Lodge in 1850; was J. D., 1849; S. D., 1850-51 and 104 EIISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 55; J. W., 1856-57-58-59; W. M., 1860. He was a woolen manufac- turer at Anson, and afterward at Readfield, where he was asso- ciated with Anson P. Morrill for twenty years. He died at Read- field, Jan. 6, 1870. & Chase, Alden Fitzroy. Born in Woodstock, Me., Oct. 26, 1842. Made a Mason in Paris Lodge, South Paris, Maine. A charter member of Newton Lodge at Wilbraham, Mass., and a member of Felicity Lodge at Bucksport. Affiliated with Lafayette Lodge Dec. 4, 1897. Educated at Kent's Hill and Wesleyan University. For twelve years he was a teacher in the Maine Wesleyan Seminary and two years at Wilbraham Academy. He was twelve years president of the East Maine Conference Seminary at Bucksport, Me., and in 1897 was elected president of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary at FCent's Hill. He had been very prominently identified with the work of the M. E. Church both in the local and general Confer- ences. He died at Kent's Hill, Oct. 22, 1898. Chase, John Abbott. Born at Kent's Hill, May 15, 1875. Raised to the Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge May 4, 1907; J. S., 1907; J. D., 1908. Educated at East Maine Confer- ence Seminary and Ohio Wesleyan University and entered the Med- ical Department of Columbia University, but was obliged to relin- quish the course because of his health. Now one of the proprietors. of Camp Cebennek, an outing camp for boys, on Torsey Pond, Read- field. Lives at Kent's Hill, Me. Cofran, George Washington. Born in Readfield, July 7, 1817, Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Feb. 1, 1868; J. S., 1868; S. S., 1873-74-75; J. D., 1869-70-71-76-77-78; S. D., 1879– 80; J. W., 1883-84; S. W., 1885-86; Tyler, 1887. He was a car- penter by trade and also a farmer. He died, March 25, 1895, in Medford, Mass. : vº, - Cole, Charles John. Born in Columbia, Loring Co., Ohio, Aug. 19, 1860. Made a Mason in Normal Lodge, Normal, Ill. Affiliated in Lafayette Lodge Aug. 2, 1902. Member of Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S. He is a lawyer by profession and was engaged in practice in Illinois until his health compelled him to abandon the law, and has since been engaged in farming. Lives at Kent's Hill. Coleman, George Edmund. Born, Augusta, Sept. 19, 1862. Raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, EIISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 105 May 5, 1888; S. D., 1889; J. W., 1890-91; S. W., 1892; Master, 1893-94. Member of Winthrop R. A. Chapter and Trinity Com- mandery, K. T. Station agent and telegraph operator for M. C. R. R. for some years; also proprietor of a summer resort on Lake Maranacook. Town clerk of Readfield, 1893-94. Secretary of Kennebec Co. Agricultural Society seven years. Lives at Readfield Depot. - Collins, Levi. Born in Litchfield, Maine, Feb. 26, 1809. Prob- ably made a Mason in Bethlehem Lodge at Augusta. Affiliated in Lafayette Lodge, Mar. 3, 1883. He had been a tanner before com- ing to Readfield but did not follow that business in this town. He was elected an Honorary Member of the lodge, June 2, 1888. He died at Readfield Sept. 27, 1892. Collins, Mark Stewart. Born in North Anson, Maine, Dec. 29, 1868. Raised to the Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge March 4, 1895, and of Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S. Member of Winthrop R. A.C. and Trinity Commandery, K. T.; M. C. R. R. station agent and telegraph operator and proprietor of Maranacook Grove, a summer resort on the M. C. R. R. in Readfield, with which he has been identified for over twenty years. Lives at Readfield Depot. - - Crosby, Maurice Winfield. Born in Belfast, Maine, June 6, 1877. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, April 29, 1899. Was for some years engaged in telephone business. Since dispos- ing of his interest in that business he has been engaged in farming. Currier, George Stanley. Born in Readfield, Aug. 23, 1801. Raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, July 13, 1826. He was Tyler in 1826-27; Sec'y, 1829-30; J. W., 1851; S. W., 1852; Master, 1853; S. D., 1857. He was a Charter Member of 1850. He was a doctor and located at Belgrade and afterward at Readfield and practiced his profession in this and neighboring towns for many years. He died at Readfield, April 6, 1863. . . . Daicy, Charles Manney. Born, Auburn, Me., Feb. 11, 1872. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Sept. 7, 1901. J. D., 1903; S. D., 1904-05; J. W., 1906; S. W., 1907; Master, 1908. A member of Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S. Came to Readfield, 1899. A house painter by trade. Now U.S. mail carrier in the T. F. D. department. Lives at Readfield. 106 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Daggett, Warren. Born in Leeds, Maine, May 12, 1833. Raised to the Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge, May 7, 1864. He was a Steward in 1865. From very young in life until too old for heavy labor he was a workman in the scythe business, working for many years at North Wayne and later in other centers of that busi- ness. He was made an Honorary Member of Lafayette Lodge, Feb. 1, 1903. He died at Antrim, N. H., May 5, 1904. Davis, John Lambert. Born in Readfield, Aug. 30, 1844, where he has lived all his life on the farm where he was born. Raised to Sublime Degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Oct. 7, 1876. He was J. D., 1879; J. W., 1893; and one of the Stewards a number of years. Dow, Frank Adelbert. Born in Alna, Maine, May 20, 1866. Raised to the Master Mason’s degree in Lafayette Lodge, March 7, 1891; S. S., 1892; S. D., 1893; J. W., 1894; Master, 1895-96-97- 98. Member of Winthrop R. A. Chapter, Alpha Council, and Trin- ity Commandery, K. T. and Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S. He was fourteen years cook for the Maine Wesleyan Seminary at Kent's Hill. Is now in the livery and stage business and mail carrier, in Company with Brother H. M. Gibbs. Member of the S. S. Commit- tee of Readfield, 1906-07-08. Lives at Kent's Hill. Dow, Thomas Ayers. Born in Alna, Me., Nov. 28, 1875. Raised to the Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge, March 5, 1898. He is a cook and lives at Wiscasset, Maine. Dudley, David. Born in Readfield, Dec. 26, 1831. Raised to the Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge, Aug. 25, 1866; J. D., 1889; S. D., 1890-91; J. W., 1896. Member of the board of select- men of Readfield, 1899-1900. In earlier life he was a carpet printer but later returned to the farm where he was born, where he lived till his death. He died June 4, 1900, and was buried with Masonic rites. . Dudley, Sumner Augustus. Born in Readfield, April 15, 1848. Made a Mason in Vernon Valley Lodge, Mt. Vernon; affiliated in Lafayette Lodge, Aug. 1, 1891; Steward, 1894-95. He is a farm- er and lives in Mt. Vernon. - - Dudley, Ervine Clarence. Born in Readfield, Jan. 30, 1875. Raised to the Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge, July 7, 1906. He is a farmer living on the home farm in Readfield. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 107 Dunn, Joseph Ellery Foxcroft. Born in Poland, Maine, but date has not been ascertained. Was raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Feb. 16, 1850. He was a grad- uate of Bowdoin College. He was a lawyer and practiced that pro- fession in Machias and North Wayne. Later he was engaged in the manufacture of men’s boots in Waterville, Maine, where he died, in 1853-54. Farnham, Orrin. Born in Vassalboro, Maine, May 22, 1828. He was made a Mason in Kennebec Lodge, Hallowell, and affiliated with Lafayette Lodge, March 6, 1875. He was a farmer and lived in Readfield, but died in Augusta, at the City Hospital, where he had been taken for treatment, Aug. 9, 1906. Fillebrown, George Miller. Born in Readfield, May 20, 1830. Raised to the Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge, June 6, 1857; S. W., 1861-62; Master, 1863 and 1884; Marshal, 1869-70- 71. Town clerk, 1857 to 1864; Steward at the Maine Agricultural College at Orono when that institution was opened to students. When in Readfield he was a merchant and proprietor of the hotel. He went to Ayer, Mass., in 1884, and was for some years engaged in business there. He died in Gloucester, Mass., May 18, 1908. Fish, Melzar Weston. Born in Duxbury, Mass., May 10, 1861, and came to Maine when five years old. Was made a Master Ma- son in Lafayette Lodge, March 2, 1907. He is a farmer and lives in Mt. Vernon. - - Fogg, Arthur Josiah. Born in Readfield, Sept. 20, 1875. Raised to Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge, Jan. 21, 1898; J. S., 1898. Is a traveling salesman and lives in Boston. Fogg, Frank Prescott. Born in Readfield, Sept. 19, 1862. Raised to Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge, Jan. 6, 1894. He is now advertising agent for the National Magazine and lives in Dorchester, Mass. He has traveled extensively in the interests of the National Magazine. - Fogg, Dudley Stacey. Born in Readfield, Apr. 10, 1841. Raised to Sublime degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Oct. 10, 1862; receiving all his degrees at one meeting; S. W., 1866; mem- ber of Jerusalem Chapter R. A. M. at Hallowell. He was a farmer and also engaged in grain business and later was foreman in car shop at Taunton, Mass. He was in the 21st Regt. of Me. Vol. in 108 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE the Civil War and promoted to corporal. Died, April 7, 1876, at Readfield. Folsome, John Walter. Born in Augusta, May 24, 1868. Raised to Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge Mar. 5, 1898. Was some years engaged in grocery business at Readfield but in the early part of 1909 he went to Washington State. French, John Shaw. Born in Fayette June 14, 1797. It is not known where he was made a Mason. Elected a member of Lafay- ette Lodge, March 23, 1826. He was a farmer and master carpen- ter; a Captain in the Militia; a selectman of Fayette many years, and a man of much prominence in the town in his day. He died in Fayette, Jan. 30, 1873. Frost, Edmund Harrison. Born in Winthrop, 1816. Raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, June 8, 1850. Tyler, 1850–51; J. D., 1853. He was a harness and trunk maker. Died Dec. 15, 1860, at Readfield. Frost, Henry Danforth. Born in Winthrop Aug. 10, 1824. Raised to Sublime degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Feb. 7, 1852. He was a merchant tailor at Readfield many years and afterward moved to Skowhegan, where he died. The date of his death has not been learned. - * Fuller, Edward. Born in Winthrop Jan. 22, 1782. Raised to Sublime degree of Master Mason in Temple Lodge in 1818. He was a Charter Member of Lafayette Lodge in 1826 and also in 1850 when the new charter was issued. He was Sec'y in 1826; J. W., 1827-28; S. W., 1829; Master, 1830-31; Treasurer 1832-1850. He was a lawyer and followed his profession many years at Readfield Corner. Town clerk in 1812-1844. A member of the House of Representatives 1823. County Commissioner from 1833 to 1836. He died at Readfield Aug. 26, 1856. * - . - Fuller, William Crocker. Born in Winthrop Nov. 23, 1791. Raised to the Master Mason degree in Temple Lodge, Winthrop, Aug. 26, 1818. At the re-organization of Lafayette Lodge he be- came a Charter Member. He was J. W. in 1849-50 and S. W., 1851. One of the selectmen of Readfield 1842-46; a deputy sheriff of Kennebec Co. and a leading citizen of both Winthrop and Read- field. He died suddenly on the street in Winthrop, Sept. 16, 1861. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 109. Fuller, John Gray. Born in Turner, Maine, May 19, 1843. Raised to Sublime degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Jan. 27, 1866. Educated at Kent's Hill. He was a painter by trade and was at one time in business in Boston. He had also spent some time in the Western States. Died Nov. 28, 1873, at Kent’s Hill and was buried with Masonic rites. Garey, Caleb Emery. Born in Sanford, Maine, June 7, 1834. Made a Master Mason in Lily Lodge, Morrisiana, N. Y. After- ward a member and Master of Guiding Star Lodge, Tremont, N. Y. He became a member of Lafayette Lodge Jan. 5, 1901, and was also a member of Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S. Bro. Garey was a car builder and was superintendent of car shops in New York many years. After coming to Readfield he was engaged in farming. In the late war he served in the 6th Maine Regt. and was a member of the G. A. R. He was also a member of Readfield Grange, P. of H. He died at his home in Readfield Aug. 31, 1905. Gibbs, Harry Marston. Born in Livermore, Maine, May 17, 1870. Raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, June 1, 1901; S. S., 1902. Member of Winthrop Chapter R. A. M., Trinity Commandery K. T., and Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S. In company with Bro. Frank A. Dow he owns and operates the stage lines from Kent's Hill to Readfield Depot and to Mt. Ver- non and North Wayne; American Express agent at Readfield De- pot. Lives at Kent's Hill. t ‘. - Gilbreth, John. Born in Mt. Vernon April 19, 1782. He was one of the seven brethren elected to membership March 23, 1826. There is no record available as to where he received his degrees. His home was in Mt. Vernon and he was probably a farmer. No rec- ord of his death has been found. . Gile, Asa. Born in Mt. Vernon, Maine, Oct. 20, 1811. Raised to the Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge, Oct. 2, 1852; Sec'y, 1853; J. W., 1854-55; S. W., 1856-57-58-59. He learned the trade of a brick mason and was a skilled workman. Later he studied law and was admitted to the Kennebec Bar in 1843. He was town clerk in 1851-52. In 1861 he was the Democratic candidate for Repre- sentative to Congress. He died at Readfield Jan. 1, 1888. Gile, Edward Henry. Born in Readfield, June 12, 1855. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge May 6, 1893. -He attended the . 110 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE schools of Readfield, the Little Blue School, Farmington, and West- brook Seminary. For a time he was engaged in the manufacturing of sash and blinds and also of fine fishing rods. He afterwards en- tered the employ of the Maine Central Railroad, where as baggage master and conductor he remained until his failing health compelled him to give up all work. He died at Auburn, Maine, June 18, 1902, and was buried with Masonic rites at Readfield. Gile, Walter Cudworth. Born in Everett, Mass., Jan. 8, 1875. Raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge April 17, 1897. Member of Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S. Received his education in the town schools and at Kent's Hill. Is in the employ of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad at Boston, where he lives. He has also devoted considerable time to the study of elocution and is frequently engaged in public enter- tainments. Gilman, Edwin Sherman. Born in Readfield Sept. 16, 1859. Raised to the Master Mason degree Sept. 7, 1889. He was an elec- trician by occupation. Died suddenly at the home of his mother in Readfield, May 6, 1891. Gilman, Hiram. Born in Mt. Vernon, Maine, Jan. 14, 1804. Raised to Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge, March 31, 1860. He served the lodge several years as Tyler and Chaplain and was a faithful and honored member. He was a carpenter by trade. Died in Readfield March 18, 1877. - - Gilman, Jacob. Born in Mt. Vernon Nov. 7, 1805. Raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason Dec. 27, 1827. From the records he does not appear ever to have been a seeker for office. His membership extends over a period of fifty-eight years, the longest of any member, yet he held office but two years, Tyler, 1853, and Sec'y, 1849, but his interest in and devotion to Masonry were pro- verbial. He was a carpenter by trade. He was elected an Honor- ary Member March 4, 1876 and died at his home at Kent’s Hill July 8, 1885, and was buried with Masonic ceremonies. - Gilman, Joseph. Born in Readfield Dec. 15, 1856. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Dec. 3, 1881; S. D., 1882; Mas- ter, 1888. He was a member of Winthrop R. A. Chapter and Trin- ity Commandery, K. T. He was a house painter for several years and then a clerk in a drug store in Boston. He died at the home of his mother in Readfield, after a long illness, June 10, 1889. HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 111 - Goodwin, John Charles. Born in St. Albans, Maine, in 1844. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, July 23, 1881. He was a photographer by occupation. Died in Lewiston, Feb. 5, 1882. Gordon, Daniel, Jr. Born in Readfield Jan. 13, 1801. Raised to Sublime degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Jan. 11, 1830, and was the last candidate upon whom the degrees were con- ferred in the old lodge. He was a farmer at East Readfield. He died Sept. 10, 1868. Gordon, Nelson Dudley. Born in Readfield April 29, 1846. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Aug. 10, 1867; S. D., 1877-78; S. W., 1879-80; Master, 1881-82–83. He was a mem- ber of Jerusalem R. A. Chapter at Hallowell and Trinity Com- ‘mandery, K. T. For many years he conducted an extensive busi- ness in grain, feed, lumber and general store at Readfield Depot. He was one of the selectmen of Readfield in 1884-85-86 and town treasurer nine years from 1892. He was postmaster at Readfield Depot from 1887 to 1893 and from 1901 to his death. He was a member of the Maine House of Representatives in 1899. He died at his home at Readfield Depot March 26, 1906. - Gordon, Charles Melvin. Born in Mt. Vernon, Feb. 18, 1848. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Aug. 5, 1876. He is a carpet printer and lives at Winthrop, Maine. Gordon, James. Born in Readfield Aug. 1, 1799. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge Apr. 1, 1828. He was living in New Gloucester, Maine, in 1873, but nothing further is known of him. . Gordon, Nelson Thomas. Born in Readfield Feb. 4, 1884. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Apr. 19, 1905. Member of Winthrop R. A. Chapter and Trinity Commandery, K. T. At his father’s death he succeeded to his business, which he is still carry- ing on. His home is at Readfield Depot. Greely, Charles Prescott. Born in Hallowell June 2, 1839. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, June 5, 1880; Steward, 1881-82. He operated the tannery at Readfield for a number of years, afterward went to Framingham, Mass., where he lived for several years and then returned to Readfield, where he was en- gaged in farming. He died Nov. 16, 1898, at his home in Read- field. * : Aº - --- 112 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Haines, Lewis. Born in Readfield, July 11, 1798. Received his Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge, Apr. 19, 1827; was J. D., 1829. He was a merchant and built the store over which was the first Masonic hall. He was town treasurer, 1830-33. Died in Readfield Oct. 7, 1834. - Haines, William Dudley. Born in. Readfield, Oct. 25, 1859. Received the Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge Jan. 29, 1893; J. D., 1894; J. W., 1895. A plumber and hardware dealer and lives in Waterville, Maine. Leader of the Waterville Band. Handy, Frederick Albert. Born in Readfield Oct. 13, 1860. Received the Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge, April 3, 1897. For several years he was in the boot and shoe business, at Readfield, which he later disposed of and now lives at Oakland, Maine, where he does general repairs in the same line. Hannaford, Eli Snow. Born in Farmington, June 10, 1848. Made a Mason in Blue Mountain Lodge, Phillips, Maine. Affiliated in Lafayette Lodge, Jany. 2, 1904. Graduated from Bowdoin Col- lege Medical School in 1869. Located in Phillips the same year. Removed to Readfield in 1875, where he has since lived and prac- ticed his profession. - Harlow, James Grant. Born in North Anson, Maine, May 18, 1868. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Apr. 7, 1894. Is proprietor of The West Carry Pond Camps, a sports- man's resort in the Dead River region. Has been postmaster at Dead River, American Express agent, and ticket agent for the Franklin & Megantic R. R. at Carrabasset; assessor of Dead River Plantation one year. Lives at Dead River. Harriman, Benjamin Warren. Born in New Sharon, Maine, June 23, 1835. Received the Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge, December 2, 1865. Owned and operated the stage line from Rent's Hill to Readfield Depot eighteen years. Later for twenty years was engaged in business, dealing in agricultural implements, stock and horses; also did a large business in fire and life insurance. Selectman three years from 1886. Member of the Maine House of Representatives 1880. Postmaster at Kent's Hill 1897-99. Died at his home at Kent's Hill June 5, 1903. Harriman, Merle Jaques. Born at Kent's Hill, Maine, Sept. 16,1877. Raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason in EIISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 113 Lafayette Lodge, June 30, 1900; J. D., 1901; S. D., 1902; J. W., 1907; S. W., 1908. Member of Winthrop R. A. Chapter and High Priest, 1908. Member of Alpha Council and Trinity Commandery. He is a carpenter by trade and also agent for life and fire insur- ance. Lives at Kent’s Hill. … Harriman, Benjamin Warren. Born at Kent's Hill, Dec. 27, 1880. Raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Dec. 7, 1907. Member of Winthrop Chapter, R. A. M. Graduated at Maine Wesleyan Seminary in 1898 and has since been employed as telegrapher and station agent for the M. C. R. R. Is now located at Woodfords, Maine. Harvey, William. Born in Readfield, June 26, 1841. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, July 5, 1884. He was actively engaged all his life in a variety of mercantile and manufacturing enterprises. For several years he resided at Augusta but later came to Readfield, where he passed the remainder of his life. He died August 31, 1905, at Peak's Island, Me. Harvey, Roscoe William. Born in Readfield, July 2, 1865. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Aug. 1, 1896; S. D., 1900. Member of Winthrop Chapter, R. A. M. Graduated from Colby College. Studied law but has never engaged in practice. Became a partner in his father's business, and is now engaged in lumbering operations. Lives in Augusta, Maine. Harvey, James Elmore. Born in Augusta, Sept. 30, 1867. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, May 2, 1898. Mem- ber of Winthrop Chapter, R. A. M. and Trinity Commandery, K.T. Educated at Kent's Hill and University of Maine. Is now superin- tendent of a woolen mill at Oakland, Maine, and lives in that town. Hawes, Sewall Jacobs. Born in Readfield, Nov. 10, 1842. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, May 5, 1864; S. S., 1868-69-71-72; J. D., 1874-75; S. D., 1876; J. W., 1877; S. W., 1878; W. M., 1879-80-99. Member of Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S., and Readfield Grange, P. H.; selectman of Readfield three years from 1897, and for many years was a deputy sheriff for Kennebec Co. He lived all his life on the farm in Readfield, where he was born, and died there April 11, 1901. , , , Hayward, Matthew. Born in Readfield, March 4, 1811. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Jan. 31, 1852; Tyler, 1852; 114 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE S. S., 1854; J. D., 1855; Sec'y, 1856-57-58; Treas., 1859 to 1863. Town treasurer from 1844 to 1851 and 1860 to 1863. Having means sufficient for his maintenance he was engaged in no busi- ness except the management of his small farm. He died in Read- field, Sept. 27, 1863. Henry, Jonathan Grant. Born in Beverly, N. J., Sept. 25, 1865. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Feb. 12, 1900; S. S., 1901; J. D., 1902; S. D., 1903–04; J. W., 1904-05; S. W., 1906; W. M., 1907; Past Worthy Patron of Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S. A blacksmith by trade. Lives at Readfield. - Hewett, John Sanford Wingate. Born in Hallowell, Maine, Nov. 19, 1835. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, May 15, 1880. Was for a time in trade at Fayette and was postmaster from 1878 to 1881. Has served his town in all its important offices and was deputy sheriff of Kennebec Co. several years. Is now living on the farm in Fayette which has been the family home for three gen- erations. Hodgdon, Frederick A. Raised to Master Mason degree Sept. 29, 1828. Nothing further is known of him, except that he was a clergyman, but of what denomination is not known. Holmes, Jonathan. Born 1779, perhaps in Monmouth, Maine. Made a Master Mason in Temple Lodge, Aug. 13, 1821. He was a Charter Member of Lafayette Lodge in 1826, and the first J. D., 1826-27. He was a cabinet maker by trade and much of the house- hold furniture used in this town 75 years ago, together with spin- ning wheels of the olden time, was his handiwork. He left Read- field and was living in Canaan, Maine, in 1865, at which time he was very feeble and died there sopn after, but the date of his death is not known. *: Holmes, William E., son of the above. Born, Nov., 1804, per- haps in Monmouth. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, May 18, 1826; J. D., 1828; S. D., 1829. He was a cabinet maker and farmer. He moved from Readfield many years ago and lived at Canaan, Athens, Brighton, Harmony and Solon. Sept. 4, 1880, at his request, the lodge voted to give him a Master Mason's diploma. He is said to have died in Harmony but the date is not known. Hoscroft, Henry. Supposed to have been born in one of the Canadian Provinces about 1828. Made a Master Mason in Lafay- HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE Lodge 115 ette Lodge, May 4, 1864. He was a farmer and tanner living at East Readfield, where he died April 18, 1867. Howland, Charles French. Born in Mt. Vernon, Oct. 14, 1859. Made a Master Mason in St. John's Lodge, No. 62, Albany, Oregon. Affiliated in Lafayette Lodge, May 2, 1903. He was W. P., and Acting President of Albany College, Albany, Oregon, for two years; Principal of Pennell Institute, Gray, Me., three years, and is now a teacher in Fall River High School. A mem- ber of Cumberland Chapter, R. A. M., Yarmouth; Portland Coun- cil, R. & S. Masters, Portland Commandery, K. T., and Main Consistory, S. P. R. S. Lives at Fall River, Mass. - IHunton, Cromwell Pitts. Born in Readfield, 1812. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Aug. 31, 1850; J. D., 1850-51; Sec'y, 1863-64; Treas., 1866. He was a shoemaker by trade and with the exception of a few years at Lewiston lived all his life in Readfield. Deputy sheriff for many years. He died April 2, 1867, at Lewiston, Maine. . Hunton, William George. Born in Readfield, Nov. 13, 1852. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Mar. 13, 1875; S. D., 1883-84-88; J. W., 1889; Master, 1890-91-92. Member of Lafay- ette Chapter, O. E. S., and Readfield Grange, P. of H. Educated at Kent's Hill and Bowdoin College. Studied law and admitted to the Bar, but has never engaged in practice. He is a farmer; was a member of the Maine Board of Agriculture and Sec'y of Ken- nebec Co. Agricultural Society several years; town clerk, 1878; selectman, 1890-93 and 1908-09. Lives on the farm where he was born. - 2 - Hunton, Emery Louis. Born in Readfield, Sept. 19, 1840. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Feb. 15, 1887; Tyler, 1888-89 and Marshal since 1890; selectman three years from 1894; tax collector of Readfield eighteen years. A member of the 4th Maine Battery in the Civil war. Lives on his farm in Readfield. Hunton, Jefferson Dudley. Born in Readfield, Aug. 8, 1844. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Jan. 6, 1902. He is a farmer living in Readfield. - Hunton, Hartwell Robinson. Born in Readfield, Jan. 29, 1873. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, June 5, 1897; J. D., 1899. A farmer and lives in Readfield. * 116 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Hunton, George Craig. Born in Readfield, Dec. 15, 1869. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Feb. 11, 1893; Steward, 1893–94; J. D., 1896–97; S. D., 1901; J. W., 1902–03; S. W., 1904- 05; Master, 1906. Has been engaged in meat and grocery busi- ness. He was postmaster at Readfield from 1901 to the time of his death. He died March 2, 1908, from the effects of a bullet wound received from the accidental discharge of a rifle in the hands of his young son. Hussey, Elijah. Born April, 1793, where, we have not been able to learn. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, June 2, 1828. He was a farmer but little is now known of him. He was a captain in the old Militia and was in command at one time of one of the companies that went to the Aroostook in the time of the trouble with Great Britain in 1839. He died Sept. 1, 1846. Hutchinson, Edwin Martin. Born in Waterville, Maine, March 26, 1854. Raised to the Master Mason degree in Lafay- ette Lodge, Nov. 3, 1906. Has been in the shoe business since he was sixteen years of age and now operates the Hutchinson Walk- Over Boot Shop at Indianapolis, Ind. His residence is Readfield Depot, Maine. - Hutchinson, John. Date and place of his birth is unknown. Raised to Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge, May 25, 1826. He was a clergyman but of what denomination is not known. Fur- ther information has not been obtained. Jewett, Noah. Born in Durham, N. H. Where he was made a Mason is not known. Became a member of Lafayette Lodge, May 10, 1851. Had been Master of a lodge at some time but it is not known where. He was a sea captain; was shipwrecked and lost all his property. The last years of his life he lived at Kent's Hill. Lafayette Lodge contributed largely towards his support for sev- eral years. He died, Jan. 5, 1866. .. Jewett, Noah. Born at Kent's Hill, July 24, 1835. Raised to Master Mason degree, Aug. 22, 1863, in Lafayette Lodge. He served in the 10th Me. Vol. two years and enlisted in the 2nd Me. Cavalry as 2nd Lieut.; was promoted to 1st Lieut. and later was in command of the organization. He was engaged in trade at Kent’s Hill many years. Was postmaster fourteen years and one HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 117 year a member of the board of selectmen. He now lives in Auburn and is a barber. Johnson, Levi. Born in Readfield, then Winthrop, March 23, 1772. Raised to Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge, Apr. 4, 1826. One of the two first candidates raised, and May 25, the same year, he was made an Honorary Member. He was a select- man of Readfield five years from 1804. He was a farmer. Later in life he removed to Canaan, Me., where he died Feb. 25, 1861. Johnson, Jere Page. Born, East Readfield, Aug. 28, 1825. Raised to Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge, May 17, 1860. Was never an active Mason and did not become a member till June 7, 1873. Was engaged in trade at Readfield for many years. He was postmaster at Readfield from 1878 to 1885. The last years of his life he lived at North Anson, where he died Feb. 3, 1899. Jones, Arrion Howard. Born, Readfield, Sept. 26, 1878. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Jan. 2, 1904. Is a mem- ber of Winthrop R. A. C., and Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S. Lives at Readfield Depot and is an employe of the M. C. R. R. - Jordan, Arthur Denwood. Born at North Yarmouth, Maine, Dec. 10, 1846. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Feb. 17, 1872. Lives in Bedford, P. Q., where he is an edge tool maker. * . - Judkins, Daniel. Born in Fayette, March 4, 1790. Raised to Master Mason degree in Temple Lodge, July 9, 1821, and be- came a member of Lafayette, Mar. 23, 1826. He was a farmer in Fayette all his life and also kept a tavern and was postmaster at Fayette Corner many years. Died, May 20, 1862. : Judkins, John. Born in Fayette, March 18, 1788. Made a Mason in Temple Lodge. Became a member of Lafayette Lodge, Mar. 23, 1826. He removed to Prentiss, Maine, where he was a prominent citizen and member of the Legislature from that town in 1858. He was a Captain in the War of 1812 and was pro- moted to rank of Major. He died in Prentiss, Dec. 12, 1878. Judkins, Lorain M. Place and date of birth not ascertained. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Feb. 27, 1826, and became a member, Feb. 21, 1830, the last to become a member of . 118 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE the old lodge. He was a shoemaker and a violinist of some skill and taught dancing schools. Died in Augusta, date not known. Keating, Matthew. Born about 1786, but where is not known. It is not known where he was made a Mason. He affiliated in Lafayette Lodge, Sept. 17, 1849. He lived in Fayette, where h was a farmer. Died, Jan. 1, 1860. - Kimball, Cinklar Scribner. Born in Temple, Maine, Aug. 7, 1837. Raised to Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge, June 25, 1870. Dimitted from Lafayette Lodge, July 5, 1873 and again affiliated Feb. 6, 1886. S. D., 1886; J. W., 1887; S. W., 1888; Master, 1889 and has served as Tyler more than twenty years. For many years he was an overseer of woolen spinning, but in later years he has been a farmer and gardener. Is a member of Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S. - King, Zenas. Born in Monmouth, Maine, April 10, 1800. Affiliated in Lafayette Lodge, March 2, 1829; J. S., 1829; Sec'y, 1831-32. Was engaged with his brother in the grist mill while living in Readfield. In a great freshet in the late fifties, his wool shop situated on a small stream near the Kennebec river at Hallo- well, was carried away, with him in it, and he was drowned in the river, but the exact date is not given. King, Bernard. Born in Monmouth, Maine, March 18, 1796. Affiliated in Lafayette Lodge, March 2, 1829. Was Treas., 1830- 31; J. W., 1832; Proxy to Grand Lodge, 1832. With his brother Zenas he operated the grist mill at Readfield for some years. He died in Hallowell, Maine, May 21, 1846. Knight, Hartley Willis. Born in Gray, Maine, Dec. 25, 1856. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Sept. 4, 1886. He was a carpenter by trade. Later he was a traveling salesman for the firm of Hall & Knight, Lewiston. He died suddenly at his home in Auburn, Me., Oct. 6, 1901. Larrabee, William Clark. Born in Cape Elizabeth, Dec. 23, 1802. Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in Lafay- ette Lodge, Oct. 18, 1827. He graduated from Bowdoin College in 1828; was a teacher in the Maine Wesleyan Seminary in 1827- 28, and acting principal part of that time; was principal of the same from 1835 to 1840, when he was elected to a professorship in Asbury University in Indiana. He was elected Superintendent of EIISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 119 Public Instruction for Indiana in 1852 and again in 1856, and was also in charge of the Asylum for the Blind. He died in Indiana, May 4, 1859. Laughton, William. Born in Hallowell, Oct. 4, 1835. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Sept. 3, 1870. Member of Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S. Formerly Bro. Laughton was a tan- ner, but for a good many years he has been a farmer and gardener. Lives in Readfield. Leighton, Bertran Edwin. Born in Mt. Vernon, April 19, 1869. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, May 2, 1903; J. D., 1904-05; S. D., 1906. Lives at Readfield. Dealer in boots, shoes and men’s furnishing goods. A member of Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S. Lewis, John Eugene. Born in Dedham, Mass., Jan. 25, 1845. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Sept. 8, 1866; J. W., 1874-75; Master, 1876-77-78; D. D. G. M., 1890; a member of Jerusalem R. A. C., and Trinity Commandery, K. T. For many years he was a carpet printer by trade. One of the selectmen of Winthrop in 1889. He was elected an Honorary Member of the lodge, June 6, 1896. Died at his home in Winthrop, June 9, 1900. Lewis, Ernest Woodbury. Born in Portland, Dec. 9, 1851. Raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, March 1, 1873. Was a carpet printer in the oilcloth works for some years and then became a farmer, which occupation he now follows at Livermore Falls, Me., where he has lived for some years. Lovejoy, Herman Winfield Scott. Born in Salem, Maine, Dec. 10, 1862. Made a Mason in Siloam Lodge, Fairfield, Maine, and was S. D., Sec'y, S. W., and Master of that lodge, and D. D. G. M. of the 13th Masonic Dist. Affiliated with Lafayette Lodge, Jan. 4, 1902. He is a member of Winthrop R. A. C. and Trinity Commandery, K. T. He is a carpenter by trade and lives at Kent's Hill. . . Lovejoy, Frederick Aiken. Born in Fayette, Maine, March 3, 1845. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Jan. 19, 1867. He was a clerk by occupation and for many years, and at his death, 120 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE was in the employ of Hovey & Co., Boston. He died in Boston, Dec. 4, 1903. Lovejoy, Sebastian Smith. Born at North Wayne, May 28, 1840. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Nov. 30, 1861. Was a scythe maker at North Wayne; later went to Janesville, Wis., and engaged in the lumber business; then went to Arkansas in the same business. He now lives at Port Angelos, Wash., where he still continues in the lumber business. Lovell, Stephen. Born in Weymouth, Mass., April, 1799. Made a Mason in Amity Lodge, Camden, Maine, in 1825. He was made an Honorary Member of Lafayette Lodge, May 10, 1827, and was Master of Temple Lodge in 1828. He was a member of Jerusalem Chapter, R. A. M., and of the Council and Encampment or Commandery in Boston. He was Master of St. Paul’s Lodge, South Boston, and G. Chaplain of Grand Lodge of Massachusetts in 1829-30, and President of the High Priesthood of Massachu- setts, and an Honorary Member of Portland Lodge. He was a distinguished Methodist clergyman and is said to have preached more than 6000 sermons. He was also a prominent lecturer on Masonry. He died in Boston, 1858. Mace, Richard. Born, June, 1782, probably in Readfield. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, May 10, 1827. He was a farmer at East Readfield. Died at East Readfield, Jan. 30, 1861. Mace, Albert Eugene. Born in Readfield, April 8, 1872. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, April 3, 1899. Demit- ted, April 4, 1903, and again affiliated April 7, 1906. He now lives at Providence, R. I., where he is employed as an overseer in the Moses Brown School. . Mallett, Charles Herbert. Born at Gilbert's Cove, Digby Co., Nova Scotia, Oct. 11, 1874. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Jan. 15, 1903. Member of Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S. Is a barber and lives in Readfield. . Manter, George West. Born, Starks, Maine, Dec. 3, 1849. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, May 11, 1878; Treas, 1879-80-81-82; Sec'y, 1883-84-85-86-87. He was a member of the firm of J. W. Manter & Son and is now of the firm of G. W. and M. W. Manter, drugs and general merchandise. A member of HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 121 Trinity Commandery, K. T., and Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S.; town treasurer, 1878; town clerk, 1879 to 1885 and 1901 to 1908. Lives at Readfield, Me. Manter, John West. Born in New Sharon, Maine, April 3, 1858. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, June 3, 1882. Has held no Masonic office. Postmaster at Readfield, 1897 to 1901. Painter and paper hanger by trade. Lives at Readfield. Manter, Melville West. Born in New Sharon, Maine, May 12, 1861. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Apr. 1, 1882. Only office held has been that of organist, which he has held prac- tically all the time since he was made a Mason. Is a member of the firm of G. W. and M. W. Manter. A member of Trinity Com- mandery, K. T., and Maine Consistory, S. P. R. S. Masterman, John Robertson. Born in Weld, Maine, July 21, 1838. Made a Mason in Blue Mountain Lodge at Phillips. Af- filiated with Lafayette Lodge, April 19, 1870, and demitted, Feb. 7, 1880, and became a member of Caribou Lodge at Caribou, Me. Again affiliated with Lafayette, Jan. 7, 1893, and since that time has been Chaplain; elected an Honorary Member, Sept. 7, 1907. Is a member of Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S. He is a minister of the Methodist Church and has held the pastorate over about twenty different charges but is now retired. He was in Co. B of the 2nd Me. Cavalry in the Civil war and is a member of the G. A. R. and also of the P. of H. He lives at Readfield. . Masterman, Ernest. Born in Caribou, Maine, April 7, 1879. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Dec. 29, 1902. Was formerly engaged in the grocery business in the firm of Folsom & Masterman. Went to Washington State in 1909 and is there at this writing. Mayo, Nathaniel, Jr. Place and date of birth unknown. Raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Dec. 14, 1826; S. D., 1827-28. He was a clothier and had a fulling mill at the sawmill dam. There was also a grist mill there at that time. The time or place of his death has not been learned. Merriman, David Douglass. Born in Harpswell, Maine, Nov. 27, 1831. Made a Mason in Richmond Lodge, Richmond, Maine. Affiliated in Lafayette Lodge, Dec. 5, 1874. He has lived in Read- 122 FIISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE field more than thirty years, all of the time engaged in the dry goods business. Merriman, Eli. Born in Tamworth, N. H., Oct. 11, 1863. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Jan. 30, 1892; J. D., 1893; S. D., 1894; Town Clerk of Readfield, 1888 to 1893. U. S. railway mail clerk. Lives at Woodfords, Maine. Merrow, Louis Woodman. Born in Farmington, Maine, Sept. 10, 1878. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, April 7, 1904; J. S., 1904-05; J. D., 1906; S. D., 1907; J. W., 1908. Educated at Cony High School, Augusta. Learned the trade of a mason, which he followed for several years. Is head clerk for F. I. Brown. Lives at Readfield. Millett, Eugene Leroy. Born in Milton Plantation, Me., Mar. 25, 1870. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Apr. 7, 1906. He is a clerk and lives at Readfield Depot. Millett, Charles Holmes. Born in Leeds, Maine, Dec. 25, 1844. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Apr. 13, 1867. Affiliated with Raboni Lodge and became a member of Lafayette Lodge, May 5, 1877; Sec'y, 1878-79-80-81-82; S. D., 1885. He was a carpenter by trade. Died at Readfield, Oct. 29, 1890. Millett, Samuel Gould. Born in Leeds, Maine, Dec. 5, 1832. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Aug. 5, 1868, under a waiver of jurisdiction from Fellowship Lodge at Bridgewater, Mass. Affiliated with this lodge, Dec. 4, 1875. For several years was in the gold mines of California and Idaho. From 1865 to 1896, he was engaged in the shoe business as foreman, Superintendent, and manufacturer. Retired from active business in 1896. Lives in Brockton, Mass. . * Milliken, John Sewall. Born, Farmington, Me., Sept. 20, 1875. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Mar. 4, 1905; S. S., 1906; J. D., 1907; S. D., 1908. Graduated from the Maine Medical School and was one year each an interne in Christ Hos- pital at Jersey City, N. J., and Scarlet Fever and Diphtheria Hos- pital of New York City. Settled in Readfield in 1903, in the practice of medicine, where he now resides. Mitchell, Neal. Born in Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 21, 1855. He received the Entered Apprentice and Fellowcraft degrees in HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 123 Duval Lodge, Jacksonville, Fla., in 1892 and 1893, and was raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, March 13, 1907. His education was received at Kent's Hill and Lapham Institute, N. Scituate, R. I. Graduated from Amherst College and received the A. M. degree from that college. Attended Bellevue Medical College, N. Y., and Long Island Medical College, Brook- lyn, receiving his M. D. degree from the latter college; Friederich Wilhelm University, Berlin, Germany; interne in Gen’l Hospital, Hamburg, Germany. Member and former President of State Ex- amining Board, 4th Judicial Dist., Fla., Duval Co. Board of Health and Duval Co. Medical Society; member of the Society of Ameri- cancan Physicians at Berlin; American Medical Association and Florida Medical Association. Was in the active practice of his profession at Jacksonville from 1880 to 1892, when he was obliged to relinquish it because of ill health. His practice continued through one of the most serious outbreaks of yellow fever that Jacksonville had ever had and through it all he remained in the city caring for the sick. Now lives in Readfield. Moore, Appleton. Born in Vienna, Maine, Feb. 13, 1861. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Jan. 24, 1898; S. S., 1900; Town Clerk of Readfield, 1898 to 1901; traveling salesman for a Portland wholesale firm. Lives in Readfield, Maine. Morgan, Ernest Amos. Born in Weld, Maine, Oct. 8, 1849. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, June 4, 1887; Secretary, 1888-89 and 1893 to 1901. Member of Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S. Ten years deputy sheriff of Kennebec Co. Formerly a farmer but since selling his farm he has been engaged the most of the time as traveling agent purchasing furs. - Morrill, Samuel. Born in Brentwood, N. H., June 4, 1800. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, March 27, 1827; Tyler, 1828-29; J. D., 1830. He was a sleigh maker by trade and had a shop where Mr. McCormac now lives. Died Feb. 14, 1843, in Readfield. Morrill, George Stanley. Born in Readfield, Nov. 12, 1837. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, July 25, 1863; J. D., 1867-68; S. D., 1869-70-71-72; J. W., 1873; S. W., 1874-75. A farmer and lives at East Readfield on the farm where he was born. Morrill, Charles Craig. Born in Readfield, Mar. 13, 1850. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, March 8, 1873. A farm- 124 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE er and lives at East Readfield. Member of board of selectmen, 1904-05-06-07-08-09. Deputy sheriff for Kennebec Co., 1907-08. Morrill, Phineas, Jr. Born in Brownville, Maine, June 24, 1830. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, March 19, 1870; J. D., 1872–73; Treas., 1874-75-76-77-78; J. W., 1879-80; S. W., 1881-82-83–84; Master, 1885. In earlier life he was a spinner and weaver in the woolen mills. In later life was retired from active business. Died at Readfield, Feb. 12, 1890, and buried with Masonic honors. \ Morse, Charles Sanford. Born in Readfield in 1827. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, June 26, 1858; J. D., 1858-59; S. D., 1860. He was a carriage and ornamental painter by trade. He painted the Master’s carpet used in Lafayette Lodge for nearly fifty years. He served in the Civil War; was taken prisoner and confined in several Confederate prisons and died in that at Flor- ence, S. C., Sept. 13, 1864. His Masonic diploma and Masonic pin he entrusted to a Southern Mason, but they were never afterward See Il. Morse, Wilson Fay. Born in Westfield, N. Y., May 7, 1845. Made a Mason in Elm Creek Lodge, Randolph, N. Y. Affiliated in Lafayette Lodge, Jan. 2, 1875. Member of Lewiston Lodge of Perfection. In the Civil War he was Band Master of the 2nd Div. of the 12th Corps and was at the Battle of Lookout Mountain, where his band rendered most stirring music for the first two hours of the battle. Since 1870, he has been Director of the Conservatory of Music at Kent's Hill. Received the degree of Mus. Doc. from Syracuse University. Lives at Kent's Hill. . Morse, Louis Beethoven. Born at Kent's Hill, Nov. 14, 1878. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, March 15, 1902. Educat- ed at Kent's Hill, and was a teacher in the Conservatory of Music. Died at Portland, Maine, May 23, 1903. - S.-” Murphy, Hamlin Hiram. Born at Bristol, Maine, Sept. 19, 1845. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, March 13, 1875. Served three years in the 19th Me. Inf, in the Civil War. Member of the San Francisco police force from 1878 to 1898 and retired on half pay because of injuries received in service. In employ of the Wells Fargo Express Co., as a treasure guard on railroad and stage lines for several years. Died in San Francisco, Cal., March 18, 1908. - -> HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 125 Nesbitt, Samuel. Born in Lebanon, Maine, April 22, 1802. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Oct. 3, 1857; Tyler, 1868-69-70-75-79; J. S., 1858-59. He was a most constant at- tendant at the meetings of the lodge to the very last of his life. He was a railroad engineer and machinist and during and after the late war was employed by the York & Erie Railroad. Feb. 4, 1882, the lodge made him an Honorary Member. He died at Readfield, Jan. 1, 1891, and was buried with Masonic rites. - Nickerson, Hezekiah Owen. Born in Waterville, Me., Feb. 10, 1833. Raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason in Lafay- ette Lodge, March 12, 1859; Secretary, 1859-60; J. W., 1861-63; S. W., 1864-65; Master, 1866-67-68-86-87; D. D. G. M., 12th Ma- sonic Dist., 1881-82-83. Sec'y of Kennebec Co. Agricultural So- ciety many years. Member of the Maine Board of Agriculture. Member and Master of Readfield Grange, P. of H. He was a mem- ber of the 1st Me. Cavalry in the Civil war. He was a farmer. Died at his home in Readfield, Sept. 17, 1891. Nickerson, Augustus Alden. Born in Strong, Maine, Feb. 14, 1838. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Mar. 3, 1860; J. D., 1862. He learned the photographer’s art in its early days and was in the business several years. Some of the portraits in Masonic Hall are his work. He went West many years ago and engaged in ranching and railroad business. He is now a farmer and lives in Topeka, Kansas. Nickerson, Arthur Snow. Born in Readfield, Sept. 21, 1866. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, July 2, 1898; Sec'y, 1902 to 1908. A member, and Worthy Patron of Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S., and a member and former Master of Readfield Grange, P. of H. Educated at Kent's Hill. Has always lived on the home farm which he and his brother Walter still operate. Member of board of selectmen of Readfield, 1900-01-02. Nickerson, Walter Augustus. Born in Readfield, Dec. 23, 1869. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, July 2, 1898; S. S., 1899; J. W., 1901; S. W., 1902-03; Master, 1904-05. Has always lived, and still continues to live, on the home farm in Read- field. Is a member of Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S., and of Read- field Grange, P. of H. Educated at Kent's Hilk - * . 126 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Nolin, Gervais. Born in St. Gervais, Prov. Quebec, Feb. 15, 1830. Raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason in Lafay- ette Lodge, Jan. 27, 1855; J. S., 1855; S, S., 1856-57. Made an Honorary Member, Oct. 7, 1905. When eighteen years old he came to North Wayne, where he was employed in the scythe shops fifteen years. From 1863 to 1870, he was Supt. of the Dunn Edge Tool Works at Fayette, and from 1870 to 1878 held the same position at Oakland. He removed to Skowhegan in 1878 and en- gaged in the manufacturing of Scythes for himself. He lives at Skowhegan. Packard, Henry Clay. Born in Readfield, Aug. 1, 1844. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Jan. 5, 1867; Treas., 1869-70-71; J. W., 1872; postmaster at Readfield, 1872-1877; se- lectman, 1876. He is a druggist. He lives in Auburn, Maine, where he still does a large business in the drug line and is clerk in charge of Station No. 2, Auburn P. O. Packard, Stephen. Born Sept. 15, 1801, in Readfield. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, May 18, 1826; J. S., 1826- 27; S. S., 1828; S. D., 1831, the last until 1849. He was a cabinet maker and removed to Massachusetts. He died at the Home for Aged Men in Boston, May 2, 1876. - Palmer, Arthur Walden. Born in Dexter, Maine, Aug. 22, 1881. Raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason in Lafay- ette Lodge, May 4, 1907. Educated at Kent's Hill and Colby Col- lege. Is teaching in Haverford School for Boys at Haverford, Pa., and in company with Bro. John A. Chase conducts a summer camp for boys at Camp Cebennek, on the shore of Torsey Pond, Readfield. His home is Kent's Hill, Maine. , Peabody, Barrak Cecil. Born in Searsport, Maine, July 11, 1866. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Feb. 10, 1892. Formerly M. C. R. R. station agent at several stations on that road. Is now an undertaker with business in Portland. Lives in Wood- fords. - Peacock, Elmer Ellsworth. Born in West Gardiner, Maine, July 25, 1873. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, June 5, 1897; S. D., 1898; J. W., 1899; Master, 1900-01; Sec'y, 1908; Superintendent of Schools in West Gardiner, 1895-96; selectman of Readfield, 1904-05; Treas., 1907; Secretary of Kennebec Co. Agri- HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE . 127 cultural Society in 1907-08. Educated at Kent's Hill and princi- pal of the commercial department of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary from 1896 to 1905. Member of the firm of Beane & Beane, law- yers. Lives at Kent's Hill, Maine. Porter, Byron. Born in Vienna, Maine, May 11, 1802. Af- filiated with Lafayette Lodge, May 25, 1826. Where he received his degree is not known. Graduated from the Maine Medical School and was a doctor by profession. He died in Worcester, Mass., in 1872. Quincy, William Brazer. Born in Neponset, Mass., Feb. 3, 1885. Made a Mäster Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Nov. 3, 1906. •Member of Winthrop R. A. C. and Trinity Commandery, K. T., and Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S. Is now in an insurance house in Boston, and lives in Dorchester, Mass. Record, William Clement. Born in Hallowell, Maine, Jan. 24, 1837. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Jan. 1, 1888. For a number of years from the time he was eight years old he was a sailor. In 1859 he went to the California gold mines; later he went to Nevada, where for eighteen years he was engaged in mining, lumbering and stock raising. From 1877 to 1888 he was engaged in farming at Kent's Hill; in the latter year he purchased the grist mill at Readfield, which he continued to operate in con- nection with a general grain business, until a short time before his death. One of the selectmen of Reādfield in 1883-84. He died at his home in Readfield, July 13, 1907. Record, Charles Dunn. Born in Redwood City, Calif., March 12, 1873. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Jan. 31, 1895; J. D., 1895; S. D., 1896; J. W., 1897-98. Educated at Kent’s Hill and for fifteen years was engaged in printing and mail order business at Augusta, Readfield and Waterville. Died suddenly at Oakland, Maine, Sept. 27, 1907, and was buried at Readfield. Rice, Peabody Harriman. Born in Meredith, N. H., Aug. 11, 1797. When a child his parents came to Mt. Vernon. He received the Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge, June 30, 1828, but did not affiliate with the lodge. He moved to Monson in 1837 and became a member of Kineo Lodge at Abbot and very likely later became a member of Doric Lodge at Monson. He became a very enthusiastic Mason. He was Capt. of the Militia Co. at Mt. Ver- 128 EIISTORY OF LAFA YETTE LODGE non. At Mt. Vernon he carried on the business of a clothier and dyer and for that purpose with a partner built the brick mill at the village. At Monson he kept a tavern for sixteen years and then retired to a small farm. He was injured in an accident with a runaway horse and for five years was a helpless invalid. He died Sept., 1872, and was buried with Masonic rites, according to his wishes. Rice, Richard Kendall. Born in Meredith, N. H., Jan. 3, 1799, and came with his parents to Mt. Vernon, Me., when a child. Where he was made a Mason is not known. Affiliated with Lafay- ette Lodge, March 23, 1826. Many years ago he removed to Port- land and New York and finally to California. He is said to have been an active business man but in what line has not been learned. He died in California, many years ago. - Rich, Joseph Waldo Vinal. Born in Chesterville, Me., April 5, 1849. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, April 15, 1876. Made a Chapter Mason in Winthrop Chapter and the Orders of Knighthood were conferred on him in St. John’s Commandery, Providence, R.I., in which he was Prelate. By profession he was a teacher, having taught most successfully at the Maine Wesleyan Seminary and afterwards as Principal of Edward Little High School, Auburn; Somersworth, N. H., High School; Woonsocket, R. I., High School, and Messer St. Grammar School, Providence, R. I. He was also a minister in the Methodist Church but not as pastor of any church. Died in Providence, R.I., June 16, 1905. Richards, John Wesley. Born in Lincolnville, Maine, Mar. 17, 1833. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, March 19, 1864. He was a scythe maker at North Wayne many years; afterwards was engaged in trade there in a general store. Later removed to Foxboro, Mass., and was for a number of years a commercial travel- er. Died in Foxboro, Mass., Feb. 19, 1909. Richardson, George Frost. Born in Readfield, Aug. 2, 1828. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Dec. 7, 1867; S. S., 1870; S. W., 1873; Master, 1874-75; Chaplain, 1881, 1883; Mar- shal, 1885-86-87-88-89. With the exception of a few years as a bookkeeper in Baltimore, he spent his whole life in Readfield, en- gaged in farming. Died in Readfield, Oct. 21, 1889. Roderick, John Baptiste. Borm, Jan. 18, 1848, in St. Victor de Tring, County Bosse, P. Q., and came to Maine with his parents HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 1:29 when a small boy. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Sept. 4, 1880; S. W., 1895-96. For many years he has been one of the skilled workmen in the scythe factories at Fayette, North Wayne and Oakland. Now lives at Oakland, Maine. - Russell, George Almon. Born in Avon, Maine, Jan. 8, 1842. Raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, April 18, 1865; Sec'y, 1866 to 1872; S. W., 1876-77. Educated at Maine Wesleyan Seminary. Superintendent of Schools in Read- field; selectman six years, 1871-77; Secretary of Kennebec Co. Agricultural Society; railway mail clerk, 1877-81; superintendent of mails at Augusta P. O., 1881-86. Member of Maine House of Representatives in 1877 and 1905, and of the Senate in 1887; Steward of Wilbraham Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1887-1902; trustee of the same as well as of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary at Kent's Hill. He was 2nd Lieutenant of Co. F, 21st Me. Vol. Inf, which was a part of Gen. Banks’ command in Louisiana. He is a member of Seth Williams Post, G. A. R., at Augusta and Maine Commandery of the Loyal Legion. He was appointed the agent of the State to erect the monument over the grave of Gov. Jonathan G. Hunton. He lives at Readfield. Russell, Reuben. Born in Weld, Me., Feb. 14, 1817. Re- ceived the Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge, April 27, 1861. J. S., 1861; Chap., 1862-63, 1872-73, 1885. He was elected an Honorary Member, March 2, 1902. He has always been a farm- er until age and infirmities have obliged him to relinquish all work. Sampson, Amos Attwell. . Born at Kent's Hill, April 5, 1830. Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Feb. 12, 1859. Elected to membership, Feb. 19, 1859, and dimitted the same date. Again became a member, May 10, 1862. Treasurer, 1864-65; J. W., 1867-68. Excepting for a short time in the Western States, he lived his whole life on the ancestral farm at Kent's Hill, the last of the name. He was a Trustee of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary for many years. He was elected an Hon- orary Member of the lodge, Feb. 6, 1897. He died Sept. 2, 1905. Scott, Albert Galetan. Not ascertained when or where he was born. Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, May 18, 1829. Tyler, 1830. Nothing further is known of him. - - 130 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Sherburn, Noyes Smith. Born in Mt. Vernon, Oct. 5, 1826. Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason, August 3, 1861. J. S., 1862; J. D., 1863; Marshal, 1866-67. He was a blacksmith at Readfield Depot. Died Jan. 26, 1892, at his home, Readfield HDepot. Skofield, Samuel Thomas. Born in Baring, Maine, July 15, 1840. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Sept. 23, 1871. J. S., 1872. Educated at Kent's Hill and Bowdoin College. He was a physician and was several years on the staff of the Massachu- setts General Hospital. He died in New Boston, N. H., which was then his home, Aug. 14, 1877. Smith, Charles. Born in Readfield, May 5, 1799. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, May 10, 1827. He was a doctor and lived in Fayette for a short time and died there, Dec. 12, 1829. Smith, David. Born in Scotland, Jan. 10, 1791. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, May 10, 1827. He was Treasurer from 1849 to 1858, and Tyler in 1865. Proxy to the Grand Lodge in 1844, twelve years after the lodge had ceased to work. When a young boy his parents removed to Ireland, where his father started a linen mill. When fourteen years old he was apprenticed to a Dublin tailor and served seven years at his trade. For more than forty years, he worked at his trade in this town and the most of that time in the little shop on the North road known to all the older people of the town as “Tailor David's Shop.” He died Oct. 9, 1865. Smith, David, Jr. Born in Readfield, April 25, 1843. Made a Master Mason in Webster Lodge, Sabattus, Maine. Affiliated with Lafayette Lodge, Feb. 4, 1899. He was a cutter in a wholesale clothing house in Boston for thirty-two years. He lives at Sabattus, Maine. . Smith, Ernest Edmund. Born in New Sharon, Maine, August 17, 1876. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, June 21, 1902. A member of Mt. Kebo R. A. Chapter at Bar Harbor. A teacher by occupation, principal of a large grammar school at Har- risville, R.I., and also principal of an evening school at the same place. His home is at Harrisville, R. I. Smith, Reuben. Probably born in Readfield, but date not known. One of the charter members of 1826. He was a farmer and lived on the farm now owned by Fred Packard. He died Oct. 1, 1846. - HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE Lodge 131 Smith, Mathias. Born in Readfield, Nov. 16, 1816. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, May 21, 1853. S. D., 1853-54. Member of Maine House of Representatives, 1872, from Wayne. He was elected an Honorary Member of the lodge, March 3, 1894. He was a farmer and mechanic. He died at his home in North Wayne, Aug. 13, 1895. . - Smith, Gustavus. Born in Readfield, Aug. 30, 1829. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Oct. 18, 1862. S. S., 1884; S. D., 1887; J. W., 1888; S. W., 1889-90-91. He was a member of the 21st Maine Regiment in the Civil War and is a member of the G. A. R. He was four years in the gold mines of California. The rest of his life has been spent on the farm where he was born and which has been the home of his ancestors for a hundred and twenty-five years. He is a member of Readfield Grange, P. of H. Spaulding, Jesse. Born in Belgrade, Maine, Dec. 23, 1842. Made a Master Mason in Relief Lodge, Belgrade. Affiliated with Lafayette Lodge, March 5, 1898. He is a farmer and lives in Read- field, Maine. He served one year in the 28th Maine Infantry in the Civil War. He is a member of Readfield Grange, P. of H. Stearns, Varus. Born in Landaff, N. H., Oct. 9, 1818. Made a Mason in St. Mark's Lodge, Newburyport, Mass. Dimitted from Social Friends Lodge, Keene, N. H., and affiliated with Lafayette Lodge, Feb. 7, 1885. S. S., 1885-86. By occupation he was a car- penter and cabinet maker. For a time he kept the hotel at Read- field. Later he removed to New Jersey. Old age, misfortunes and ill health made him dependent on others. In the summer of 1903 Lafayette Lodge had him removed to Readfield where he was cared for by the lodge until his death, Nov. 3, 1903. Strout, Samuel Dennen. Born in Poland, Maine, Oct. 21, 1822. Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, April 29, 1868. He was elected an Honorary Member, Dec. 7, 1907. Was for many years a scythe maker at North Wayne and was a skilled mechanic in iron and steel. Died in Collinsville, Conn., April 8, 1909. Swett, Samuel. Place and date of birth not ascertained. He was one of the original charter members and the first S. D. He was a local Methodist preacher. Whether he had other occupation - has not been learned. He died in Readfield, but the date of his death is not known. - • - • *- asº. " 132 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Swett, Samuel, Jr. Born in Readfield, but date has not been learned. He was the first candidate to receive the degrees in Laf- ayette Lodge. He was initiated and crafted, Mar. 23, 1826, and raised to the Sublime Degree, Apr. 4, 1826. He was Treas., 1826; Sec'y, 1827-28; J. W., 1829; S. W., 1830-31, and Master, 1832, being the last Master elected by the old lodge. He was a cabinet maker. He went away from Readfield many years ago and it is not known when or where he died. Swift, Alvin Turner. Born in Fayette, Maine, August 29, 1852. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Dec. 19, 1874. J. S., 1876-1881; J. D. 1881-82-83-84-88; J. W., 1892. A machin- ist by trade and occupation. Lives at Readfield. Taylor, Josiah Flint. Born in Southboro, Mass., Nov. 11, 1804. Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in Oxford Lodge, Oxford, Mass., July 13, 1826, and was exalted to the August Degree of R. A. M. in King Solomon’s Chapter, Charlestown, Mass., in 1828. Affiliated with Lafayette Lodge, Sept. 8, 1849. He was S. W. in 1849-50, and Master, 1851-52; Marshal, 1864. He came to North Wayne in 1841 and engaged in the manufacturing of Scythes, and under his able management the works at that place became the largest of the kind in the world at that time. He was postmaster at North Wayne for over thirty-two years. He was prominently identified with the Methodist church for many years and a man of influence in the State, but never held any public office except postmaster. Elected an Honorary Member, Aug. 4, 1883. He died at North Wayne, May 22, 1886. - Tebbetts, Leon Obra. Born in Mt. Vernon, Maine, Dec. 16, 1876. Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, April 17, 1897. S. S., 1898; S. D., 1899; J. W., 1900; S. W., 1901; Master, 1902-03-04; D. D. G. M., 1907-08. Member Winthrop Chapter, No. 37, R. A. M., Alpha Council, and Trinity Commandery, K. T., and Lafayette Chapter, O. E. S. Treasurer of Readfield, 1906. Elected Register of Deeds for Kennebec Co. 1906. Sec'y of Kennebec Co. Agricultural Society several years. Originat- ed the movement for the erection by the State of the monument over the grave of Ex-Gov. Jonathan G. Hunton. His home is in Readfield and his business is that of merchant tailor. Tebbetts, William Garfield. Born in Readfield, Oct. 23, 1882. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Feb. 4, 1905. He is HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 133 solicitor and local manager for the International Correspondence School. Lives in Lynn, Mass. Thibeault, Pierre. Born in St. Gervais, P. Q., Aug. 1844. Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Mar. 22, 1873. A workman in the scythe shops for many years, first at Fayette, Maine, and then at Skowhegan, Maine. Died in Skowhegan, March 16, 1909. - Thorn, Ichabod. Place and date of birth not known, neither is it known where he received his Masonic degrees. Affiliated with Lafayette Lodge, Oct. 18, 1827. He was a carpenter by trade and went to South America many years ago, where he died. Turner, Augustus Rodolphus. Born at North Monmouth, Maine, Sept. 3, 1852. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Feb. 13, 1875, and was a Steward in 1876-77-78-79. He was a clerk for Bro. Henry C. Packard and was postmaster at Readfield from 1877 to 1878. He was engaged in publishing a county direc- tory at the time of his death. His home was in Auburn. He was a passenger on the steamer Portland, Nov. 27, 1898, and was lost with the rest of the company in that terrible disaster. - Underwood, William Parker. Born in Fayette, August 9, 1857. Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, April 1, 1882. He was in the employ of the Maine Central Railroad as fireman and engineer for twenty years. He died in Lewiston, July 2, 1899. • Vosmus, Humphrey. Born about 1825, where is not known. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Feb. 14, 1852. He was a tinsmith by trade. He died July 2, 1855. Wells, John Edwin. Born in Vienna, Nov. 19, 1848. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Feb. 4, 1905. He is a farmer and lives on the farm in Readfield formerly owned by Reuel Pack- ard. jº. - - Weston, Costello. Born in Mt. Vernon, Maine, Aug. 27, 1844. Made a Mason in St. Lawrence Lodge, Canton, N. Y., 1867. Af- filiated in Lafayette Lodge, Nov. 5, 1898. Educated in common schools, Eaton Boarding School at Kent's Hill, and St. Lawrence University, New York. Ordained a minister of the Universalist church in 1868 and has held pastorates at Bridgton, Rockland, Dex- ter, and Bath, Maine, Halifax, N. S., Gloucester and Charlton, 134 EIISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Mass., St. Johnsbury, Vt., Hammonton, N. J. Is now retire and lives in Mt. Vernon. - * Whittier, Josiah 2nd. Born in Chesterville, Maine, May 5, 1791. Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in Temple Lodge, Winthrop, July 25, 1825. He was one of the petitioners for the original charter of 1826, and was the first S. W. in 1826, and Master, 1827-28. His name is on the dispensation of 1849 and also the charter of 1850 and he was the first Master after the reor- ganization. He was a farmer and one of the prominent men of the town in his day. One of the selectmen in 1833-34-35 and many years a Justice of the Peace. He died Dec. 18, 1867. Willard, Sullivan Savage. Born in New Sharon, Maine, July 5, 1825. Came to Readfield in 1872. Raised to the Sublime De- gree of Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, July 3, 1880. J. W., 1881-82–85-86; S. W., 1887. Selectman of Readfield, 1885 to 1888. He was a carpenter and farmer and lived on the old Conforth farm in this town. He died Feb. 7, 1894. Williams, James. Born in Stowe, Mass., May 24, 1782. Made a Master Mason in Bethlehem Lodge, Augusta, in 1822. He had been a member of Temple Lodge at Winthrop. He was one of the petitioners for the lodge and a charter member. He was J. W. in 1826; S. W., 1827-28, and Master in 1829. He was a blacksmith by trade and also a manufacturer of axes. In 1812 he went to Baltimore, Md., where he was making axes, and afterwards was en- gaged in the same business in Fredericton, N. B. He was a local Methodist preacher and a most highly esteemed citizen. He was a member of the House of Representatives from Readfield in 1828-29. He died at Fredericton, N. B., Dec. 30, 1850. His remains were brought to Readfield for burial. Williams, Francis Asbury. Born at Kent’s Hill, July 22, 1820. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodges June 7, 1851. He was J. D., 1852; Sec'y, 1854. He was a blackºith and lived at Presque Isle and Fredericton, N. B., and finally at Skowhegan, Me., where he was engaged in the hardware business and where he died, Jan. 17, 1902. Williams, John Merrill. Born in Readfield, Jan. 27, 1841. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Oct. 15, 1862. Sec'y 1890–91-92. Served in the 21st Me. Infantry in the late war. Member of the S. S. Committee, 1903-04. Member of Lafayette HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 135 Chapter, O. E. S. Member of Lewis H. Wing Post, G. A. R., at Wayne and of Readfield Grange, P. of H. Is Trial Justice. He is a manufacturing jeweler and lives at Readfield. - Williams, Josiah Wesley. Born in Readfield, May 25, 1853. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, July 8, 1893. He is a farmer and lives in Farmingdale, Maine. Treasurer of that town in 1908. º Wilson, Augustus Hamblet. Born in North Anson, Maine, July 3, 1848. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, July 18, 1903. J. S., 1906. Hardware dealer and harness maker. Lives at Readfield. $ Wilson, Clyde Elmer. Born in Mt. Vernon, Jan. 31, 1881. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Jan. 12, 1905. Attend- ed school at the Maine Wesleyan Seminary. He is now cashier for the Swift Meat Co. at Manchester, N. H., where he lives. Winters, Aurelius Harold. Born in Montville, Maine, Feb. 12, 1856. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, July 7, 1900. J. S., 1901-03. A farmer, lives at Kent’s Hill, on the old Jewett farm. - Winters, Cyrus Decker. Born in Unity Plantation, Maine, Jan. 5, 1881. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, Oct. 17, 1903. Lives at Kent's Hill, and is a U. S. rural mail carrier. Woodward, Joseph Timothy. Born in Sidney, Me., Jan. 27, 1838. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, May 5, 1860. Educated at Kent's Hill. Adjutant of the 21st Maine Regt. Inf, and was wounded at Port Hudson, La. Served as Deputy Pro- vost Marshal and Com. of enrollment of the 3rd Dist. of Maine. Member of the Maine House of Representatives, 1862, and of the Senate, 1867-68, and State Librarian. Inspector of Customs and Vice Consul at Conticook, Canada. Was for a time in seed and nursery business at Roºster, N. Y., and Asst. Gen. Manager of the Sewall Car Heating Co. A member of Chapter Council and Commandery. Also a member of Seth Williams Post, G. A. R., and the M. O. of L. L. of Maine, and is a member of the bar. Lives at Sidney, Maine. Wright, Warren Adams. Born in Palmyra, Maine, March 9, 1837. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, May 9, 1863. He received his medical education at Bowdoin College Medical School and also at Harvard Medical School, from which latter insti- 136 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE tution he graduated in 1862 and the same year he settled in Read- field in the active practice of his profession, in which he has con- tinued to the present time. He has been a member of the S. S. Committee of Readfield, but has not taken an active part in official affairs. Wright, Willis Howard. Born in Readfield, March 14, 1867. Made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, June 6, 1891. Has been in the employ of the M. C. R. R. as clerk and station agent until 1908, in which year he resigned his position and purchased a farm in Mt. Vernon, where he is now living. Yeaton, Alfred Howard. Born in Belgrade, Maine, Nov. 19, 1848. Raised to the Master Mason degree in Lafayette Lodge, March 8, 1890. J. S., 1890. He is a blacksmith by trade, but is now farming at Winthrop Center, Maine. Officers of Lafayette Lodge from Its Foun- dation to the Present Year, 1909 Worshipful Masters Lory Bacon 1826 to 1827* Josiah Whittier 2nd 1827 to 1829* James Williams 1829 to 1830* Edward Fuller 1830 to 1832* Samuel Swett, Jr. 1832 to $: Josiah Whittier 1849 to 1851* Josiah F. Taylor 1851 to 1853* George S. Currier 1853 to 1854* John Vosmus 1854 to 1856* Emery O. Bean 1856 to 1860* Ira S Chapman 1860 to 1861* Oliver Parsons 1861 to 1863* George Miller Fillebrown 1863 to 1864* Emery O. Bean 1864 to 1866* EI. Owen Nickerson 1866 to 1869* Franklin R. Perry 1869 to 1871* Benjamin T. Richards 1871 to 1872 James O. Butman 1872 to 1874. George F. Richardson 1874 to 1876* J. Eugene Lewis 1876 to 1879* Sewall J. Hawes 1879 to 1881* Nelson D. Gordon 1881 to 1884* George Miller Fillebrown 1884 to 1885* Phineas Morrill, Jr. 1885 to 1886* H. Owen Nickerson 1886 to 1888% Joseph Gilman 1888 to 1889* Cinklar S. Kimball 1889 to 1890. William G. Hunton 1890 to 1893 1893 to 1895 George E. Coleman 138 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Frank A. Dow Sewall J. Hawes Ellsworth E. Peacock Leon O. Tebbetts Walter A. Nickerson George C. Hunton J. Grant Henry Charles M. Daicy Senior Wardens Josiah Whittier 2nd James Williams Edward Fuller Samuel Swett, Jr. Franklin Bean Josiah F. Taylor William C. Fuller George S. Currier John Vosmus Emery O. Bean Asa Gile Oliver Parsons George M. Fillebrown John D. Robbins H. Owen Nickerson Dudley S. Fogg Franklin R. Perry Benjamin T. Richards James O. Butman { John H. Shedd *a George F. Richardson George A. Russell Sewall J. Hawes Nelson D. Gordon Phineas Morrill, Jr. George W. Cofran Sullivan S. Willard Cinklar S. Kimball Gustavus Smith 1895 1899 1900 1902 1904 1906 1907 1908 1826 1827 1829 1830 1832 1849 1851 1852 1853 1854 1856 1860 1861 1863 1864 1866 1867 1869 1871 1872 1873 1874. 1878 1879 1881 1885 1887 1888 1889 to to to to to to to to to to to to to 1899 1900+ 1902 1904 1906 1907+ 1908 1827+ 1829* 1830+ 1832% 1851* 1852* 1853* 1854* 1856* 1860* 1861* 1863* 1864* 1866* 1867* 1869* 1871 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 1872 1873 1874% 1878 1879* 1880+ 1885* 1887* 1888% 1889 1892 FIISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 139 George E. Coleman Carter B. Keen John L. Davis John B. Roderick Sewall J. Hawes Elliot J. Beal Leon O. Tebbetts Walter A. Nickerson George C. Hunton J. Grant Henry Charles M. Daicy Merle J. Harriman Junior Wardens James Williams Edward Fuller Samuel Swett, Jr. Franklin Bean Bernard King William C. Fuller George S. Currier Cromwell P. Hunton Emery O. Bean Asa Gile Ira S Chapman Cyrus B. Whittier H. Owen Nickerson David Wentworth H. Owen Nickerson Henry M. Foster Oliver Parsons Franklin R. Perry Amos A. Sampson James O. Butman John H. Shedd Henry C. Packard George S. Morrill J. Eugene Lewis Fred L. Graves 1892 1893 1894 1895 1897 1899 1901 1902 1904 1906 1907 1908 1826 1827 1829 1830 1832 1849 1851 1852 1853 1854 1856 1860 3861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1869 1871 1872 1873 1874 1876 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 1893 1894 1895 1897 1899% 1901 1902 1904 1906* 1907 1908 1827+ 1829* 1830+ 1832% 1851% 1852* 1853* 1854* 1856* 1860* 1861% 1862* 1863% 1864* , 1865* 1866* 1867* 1869* 1871 1872 1873 1874. 1876* 1877 140 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Sewall J. Hawes Fred E. Bean Phineas Morrill Sullivan S. Willard George W. Cofran Cinklar S. Kimball Sullivan S. Willard William G. Hunton George E. Coleman A. Turner Swift John L. Davis Frank A. Dow William D. Haines David Dudley Charles D. Record Ellsworth E. Peacock Leon O. Tebbetts Walter A. Nickerson George C. Hunton J. Grant Henry Charles M. Daicy Merle J. Harriman Louis W. Merrow Treasurers Samuel Swett, Jr. Franklin Bean Bernard King Edward Fuller David Smith Matthew Hayward Amos A. Sampson Cromwell P. Hunton Dennis B. Jewett Henry C. Packard Charles W. Morse Phineas Morrill, Jr. George W. Manter Roderick McDonald Fred I. Brown 1877 1878 1879 1881 1883 1887 1885 1889 1890 1892 1893 1894. 1895 1896 1897 1899 1900 1901 1902 1904. 1906 1907 1908 1826 1827 1830 1832 1849 1859 1863 1866 1867 1869 1872 1874 1879 1882 1895 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 1878+ 1879 1881* 1883% 1885* 1888 1887% 1890 1892 1893 1894. 1895 1896 1897% 1899% 1900 1901 1902 1904* 1906 1907 1908 1827* 1830+ 1832* :k 1859* 1863* 1866* 1867% 1869 1872 1874+ 1879* 1882 1895* IHISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 141 Secretaries Edward Fuller Samuel Swett, Jr. George S. Currier Zenas King Jacob Gilman Edward Fuller Emery O. Bean Asa Gile Francis A. Williams Dana B. Fogg Matthew Hayward H. Owen Nickerson Hebron M. Wentworth Emery O. Bean Cromwell P. Hunton Amos H. Eaton George A. Russell Emery O. Bean Fred E. Bean Charles H. Millett George W. Manter Ernest A. Morgan John M. Williams Ernest A. Morgan Arthur S. Nickerson Ellsworth E. Peacock Senior Deacons Samuel Swett Nathaniel Mayo, Jr. William E. Holmes Asahel Brainard Stephen Packard Bobert Williams Ira S Chapman John Vosmus Matthias Smith Ira S Chapman 1826 to 1827* 1827 1829 1831 1849 1850 1851 1853 1854 1855 1856 1859 1861 1862 1863 1865 1866 1873 1876 1878 1883 1888 1890 1893 1901 1908 1826 1827 1829 1830 1831 1849 1850 1852 1853 1855 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 1829* 1831* :- 1850+ 1851* 1853* 1854* 1855* 1856* 1859* 1861* 1862* 1863+ 1865* 1866 1873 1876* 1878 1883% 1888 1890 1893 1901 1908 1827* 1829* 1830+ 1831* :: 1850+ 1852 1853% 1855* 1856* 142 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Dana B. Fogg George S. Currier Cyrus B. Whittier Charles S. Morse David Wentworth John D. Robbins Joseph E. C. Denton Dennis B. Jewett Benjamin T. Richards George S. Morrill Fred F. Graves Sewall J. Hawes Nelson D. Gordon George W. Cofran John H. Morse Joseph Gilman William G. Hunton Charles H. Millett Cinklar S. Kimball Gustavus Smith William G. Hunton George E. Coleman David Dudley Carter B. Keen Frank A. Dow Eli Merriman William G. Hunton Charles D. Record Frank P. Fogg Ellsworth E. Peacock Leon O. Tebbetts Roscoe W. Harvey George C. Hunton Merle J. Harriman J. Grant Henry Charles M. Daicy Bertran E. Leighton Louis W. Merrow John S. Milliken 1856 1857 1858 1860 1861 1862 1863 1866 1867 1869 1873 1876 1877 1879 1881 1882 1883 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1892 1893 1894. 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1902 1904. 1906 1907 1908 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 1857 1858% 1860* 1861* 1862* 1863* 1866 1867 1869 1873 1876 1877* 1879* 1881* 1882* 1883* 1885 1886* 1887 1888 1889 1890 1892* 1893 1894. 1895 1896 1897% 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902% 1902 1904. 1906 1907 1908 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 143 Junior Deacons Jonathan Holmes William E. Holmes Lewis Haines Samuel Morrill Elijah Hussey Ira S Chapman Cromwell P. Hunton Francis A. Williams Edmund H. Frost William H. Fuller Matthew Hayward John E. Warney Cyrus B. Whittier Charles S. Morse Daniel Wentworth John D. Robbins Augustus A. Nickerson Noyes S. Sherburn Abel Cole Ferdinand Tinker George S. Morrill George W. Cofran Phineas Morrill Sewall J. Hawes George W. Cofran John L. Davis Francis B. Aubin Alvin T. Swift Gustavus Smith Varus Stearns Alvin T. Swift David Dudley Henry P. Miller E. Sherman Gilman Ernest A. Morgan Eli Merriman William D. Haines s Charles D. Record *. 1826 1828 1829 1830 1831 1849 1850 1852 1853 1854. 1855 1856 1857 1858 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864. 1866 1867 1869 1872 1874. 1876 1879 1880 1881 1885 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894. 1895 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 1828+ 1829* 1830+ 1831+ 1850% 1852* 1853* 1854* 1855% 1856* 1857% 1858% 1860+ 1861% 1862* 1863 1864* 1866 1867* 1869 1872% 1874% 1876* 1879* 1880 1881% 1885 1887 1888% 1889 1890% 1891 1892% 1893 1894 1895 1896* 144 IHISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE George C. Hunton Elliot J. Beal Hartwell R. Hunton George C. Hunton Merle J. Harriman J. Grant Henry Frank H. Bodge Charles M. Daicy Bertran E. Leighton Louis W. Merrow John S. Milliken John A. Chase Senior Stewards William E. Holmes Stephen Packard Elijah Hussey Oliver Bean Asahel Brainard Francis A. Williams Matthew Hayward Franklin Bean Gervais Nolin Oliver Parsons John D. Robbins Oliver Bean Abel Cole Sylvanus J. Blanchard Dudley S. Fogg Gustavus Smith Henry C. Packard Sewall J. Hawes George F. Richardson Sewall J. Hawes George W. Cofran Alvin Turner Swift Augustus R. Turner Henry P. Miller Charles P. Greely 1896 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1902 1903 1904. 1906 1907 1908 1826 to to to to to to to to to to 1898* 1899 1900 1901* 1902 1902 1903 1904. 1906 1907 1908 1828* 1829* 1831* 1851* 1853% 1854* 1855* 1856* 1858 1828 1829 1850 1851 1853 1854 1855 1856 1858 1860 1861 1862 1863 1865 1866 1867 1868 1870 1871 1873 1876 1877 1880 1882 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 1860* 1861% 1862* 1863 1865% 1866* 1867 1868 1870% 1871% 1873% 1876* 1877 1880% 1882 1883% HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 14.5 Samuel Nesbit Gustavus Smith Varus Stearns Alvin T. Swift George W. Manter Ernest A. Morgan Frank A. Dow William D. Haines George C. Hunton Sumner A. Dudley John L. Davis Elliot J. Beal Leon O. Tebbetts Walter A. Nickerson Appleton Moore J. Grant Henry Harry M. Gibbs J. Warren Butman Herbert H. Carl Augustus H. Wilson J. Warren Butman Junior Stewards Stephen Packard Lewis Haines Zenas King Lorain M. Judkins John Stevens, Jr. William B. Briggs Asahel Brainard Dana B. Fogg Gervais Nolin Louis Belangier Samuel Nesbit Oliver Bean Reuben Russell Noyes S. Sherburn Dudley S. Fogg Warren Daggett 1883 1884 1885 1887 1888 1890 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904. 1906 1907 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 1884* 1885 1887% 1888 1890 1892 1893 1894 1895% 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904. 1906 1907 1826 1828 1829 1830 1850 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1858 1860 1861 1862 1863 1865 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 1828% 1829* 1830% 1852% 1853% 1854* 1855 1856 1858% 1860% 1861% 1862 1863% 1865% 1866* 146 HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Abel Cole David Dudley George W. Cofran John H. Shedd Gustavus Smith Charles W. Morse Samuel T. Schofield Thomas Dillingham William Laughton Augustus R. Turner Frank H. Brown Henry P. Miller Ernest W. Lewis Charles P. Greely Samuel Nesbit Melville W. Manter Alvin T. Swift Emery L. Hunton William Harvey A. Howard Yeaton John L. Davis George C. Hunton Sumner A. Dudley William G. Hunton Charles P. Greely Arthur J. Fogg Maurice W. Crosby Aurelius H. Winters Charles M. Daicy Aurelius H. Winters Louis W. Merrow John S. Milliken John A. Chase Cyrus D. Winters Chaplains Frederick Hodgäon Hamlin M. Eaton Otis H. Johnson 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874. 1876 1877 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1885 1887 1888 1890 1891 1893 1894. 1896 1897 1898 1900 1901 1902 1902 1904. 1906 1907 1908 1829 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 1852 to 1853 to 1867% 1868% 1869% 1870% 1871 1872% 1873% 1874. 1876 1877% 1879% 1880 1881 1882% 1883% 1885 1887 1888 1890% 1891 1893 1894+ 1896 1897 1898% 1900 1901 1902 1902 1904 1906 1907 1908 1831. 1853% 1860% HISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE 147 Hiram Gilman James Williams Reuben Russell Hiram Gilman Reuben Russell James O. Butman Nelson D. Gordon Hiram Gilman James O. Butman George F. Richardson James O. Butman Reuben Russell James O. Butman Emery O. Bean Warren A. Wright Emery O. Bean John R. Masterman Marshals Lewis Stacy Dexter Baldwin James R. Bachelder Oliver Bean Emery O. Bean Cromwell P. Hunton Emery O. Bean Josiah F. Taylor Cromwell P. Hunton Noyes S. Sherburn George M. Fillebrown H. Owen Nickerson Emery O. Bean George F. Richardson Emery L. Hunton Tylers George S. Currier Samuel Morrill Albert G. Scott 1860 to 1861 to 1862 to 1864 to 1872 to 1875 to 1876 to 1877 to 1878 to 1881 to 1884 to 1872 to 1886 to 1887 to 1889 to 1890 to 1893 to 1827 to 1828 to 1830% 1851 to 1860 to 1862 to 1863 to 1864 to 1865 to 1866 to 1869 to 1873 to 1883 to 1885 to 1890 to 1826 to 1828 to 1830+ 1861* 1862% 1864. 1872% 1874. 1876 1877% 1878% 1880 i884* 1885 1874% I887 1889* 1890 1893% 1828% 1829* 1858% 1862* 1863% 1864* 1865* 1866* 1869% 1872% 1876* 1885* 1889* 1828% 1830% 148 FIISTORY OF LAFAYETTE LODGE Edmund H. Frost Matthew Hayward Jacob Gilman Sampson A. Cooledge John E. Warney George A. Cooledge George M. Fillebrown William F. Davis Hiram Gilman George S. Johnson David Smith Cyrus B. Whittier Thomas Dillingham Samuel Nesbit Fred F. Graves Hiram Gilman Thomas Dillingham Samuel Nesbit Cinklar S. Kimball Henry P. Miller Cinklar S. Kimball Henry P. Miller George W. Cofran Emery L. Hunton Alvin T. Swift Cinklar S. Kimball *—Deceased. 1850 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1859 1861 1863 1865 1866 1867 1868 1871 1873 1874. 1875 1880 1883 1885 1886 1887 1888 1890 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 1891 to 1852* 1854% 1854* 1855% 1856* 1857% 1859% 1860% 1863% 1865% 1866% 1867% 1868% 1871% 1873 1874. 1875 1880% 1883 1885 1886 1887 1888% 1890 1891 A LIST OF THE SIGNERS OF THE PETITION TO THE GRAND LODGE FOR THE RESTORATION OF THE CHARTER OF LAFAYETTE LODGE, AND THEIR AsSOCIATES; ALSO THE NAMES OF THOSE WHO HAVE RECEIVED THE DEGREES IN THIS LODGE, AND OF THOSE ADMITTED TO MEMBERSHIP, HAVING RECEIVED THE DEGREES IN OTHER LODGES. NAMES # Initiated | Passed | Raised ; *...” Died Dimit, Notes § Edward Fuller, 7. I Aug. 26, 1865 Died in Readfield Samuel Swett, § 2 Date unknown & 4 & 6 * & Benjamin Burnham, º 3 Oct. 25, 1875 “ “ Groton, Vt. Jonathan Holmes, f E 4 About 1865 “ “ Canaan, Maine Feuben Srmith, QC) 5 Oct. 1, 1846 “ “ Readfield Lory Bacon, | > 6 Date unknown “ “ Augusta Josiah Whittier, 2nd., | :- 7 Dec. 18, 1867 “ “ Readfield James Williams, J Sº 8 Dec. 30, 1850 ‘‘ ‘‘ Fredericton, N. B. John Judkins, º 9|Mar. 23, 1826 Dec. 12, 1878 ‘‘ ‘‘ Prentiss, Maine Daniel Judkins, ...t. 10| “ “ “ |May 20, 1862 . . Fayette, Maine John Shaw French, O 11| “ “ “ Jan, 30, 1873 “ “ Fayette, Maine Lewis Stacy, 12| “ & & 4 & Aug. 9, 1862 Dexter Baldwin, 13. “ “ “ |Date unknown Richard Kendall Rice, 14| “ ‘‘ ‘‘ |Date unknown Died in California, John Gilbreth, 15| “ “ “ Date unknown Samuel Swett, Jr., 1|Mar. 23, 1826 Mar. 23, 1826|Apr. 4, 1826|16|May 25, “ |Date unknown Levi Johnson, 2. “ 30, “ Apr. 4, “ * “ “ |17| “ “ “ Feb. 25, 1861 Died in Canaan, Maine Byron POrtor, I8. “ 6 & 6 & 1872 “ “ Worcester, Ma. William E. Holmes, 8|Apr. 20, “ Apr. 20, “ May 18, “ Stephen Packard 4 * “ “ “ 27, “ * 6 & & 6 & Franklin Bean, 5| “ 7, “ & 4 & 6 & 4 & & 4, “ |19|May 25, 1826|June 5, 1869 Died in Readfield John Hutchins, 6|May 4, “ May 18, “ |May 25, “ 20|June 15, “ |Date unknown TNO further record Obtainable TVWilliam E. Holmes, 2]| “ “ “ |Date unknown Perhaps died in Harmony, Me. Stephen Packard, 22 “ “ “ |May 2, 1876 Died in BOSton George Stanley Currier, 7|June 15, 1826|June 29, 1826|July 13, 1826|23|July 13, “ Apr. 6, 1863 “ “Readfield Benjamin Reed Lake, 8|Sept. 28, “ Oct. 13, “ |Oct. I3, “ Nathaniel Mayo, 9|Nov. 9, “ | Dec. 14, “ Dec. 14, “ 24|Feb. 8, 1827|Date unknown No further record Obtainable Lorrin Manley Judkins, 10|Feb. 4, 1827Feb. 27, 1827Feb. 27, 1827 Benjamin Bryant, 11|Mar. 8, “ Mar. 27, “ Samuel Morrill, 12| “ “ “ “ 8, “ Mar. 27, 1827|25|Mar. 27, 1827Feb. 14, 1843 Died in Readfield Ezra Bearse, 13| “ , “ Apr. 19, “ |May 3, “ Richard Mace, 14] “ “ “ tº $ 4, “ “ 10, “ 26 Apr. 19, 18 May 10, " : May 19, 31 17, May 17, 1827|32|Oct. 4, Oct. 18, “ |33 “ 18, 62 & 4 é & 4 4 17, tº $ & & Dec. 27, July 28, 1828 1828 1829 June 22, “ July 28, Feb. 2, Aug. 29, 1830 1849 Dec. 6, 1851 Oct. 7, 1834 Oct. 9, 1865 Dec. 12, 1829 1858 Oct. 7, 1843 Jan. 30, 1861 Apr. 26, 1875 May 4, 1859 Date unknown July 8, 1885 Date unknown Sept., 1872 Sept. 1, 1846 Date unknown May 21, 1846 Ex?c to 'te un"n NOW. 3, 1871 Sept. 10, 1868 Date unknown Sept. 16, 1861 May 21, 1886 Jan. 17, 1902 Died in Readfield & 4 & 6 $ 6 & 6 Fayette BOSton Readfield 6 (; & 4 6 & “ Indiana South America, at Kent's Hill Place Of death unknown Died in MOnSOn, Maine Died in Readfield £ 4 & 6 6 (; & 8 $ 6 & 6 & 4 º Hallowell “ “ Readfield Readfield Augusta. { Died in Chicago Charter m'b'rASylum UOdge Died in Winthrop, Maine “ “ Norwalk, Florida. “ “ North Wayne, Main “ “ Readfield “ Fayette & 4 4 & é & 6 & Charles Smith, Lewis Haines, David Smith, Oharles Smith, Stephen LOWell, Ezra Bearse, Richard Mace, Asahel Brainard, William Clark Larabee, Ichabod Thorn, Jacob Gilman, James Gordon, Peabody Harriman Rice, James Robinson Bachelder, Elijah Hussey, Frederick A. Hodgóion, Eernard Ring, Zenas King, James Robinson Bachelder, Albert Galetan Scott, Daniel Gordon, Jr., Lorrin Manley Judkins, John Stevens, William Crocker Fuller, Robert Williams, JOSiah Flint Taylor, Ira S Chapman, - Matthew Keating, Cushman Denin, James Sullivan Fillebrown, Oliver Bean, William B. Briggs, James Sullivan Fillebrown, JOSeph Ellery FOxcroft Dunn, Cyrus Hamlin Wood, Edmund Harrison. Frost, Rufus Day, Cromwell Pitts Eſunton, Emery Oliver Bean, JOSiah Norris, John Otis Dearborn, Noah Jewett, William B. Briggs, Sampson Aaron Cooledge, Isaac Randall, Francis Asbury Williams, 15|Mar. 22, 1827 16 & 4 29, 4 & 17| “ 18|April 4, 1827 19|Oct. 4, “ 20||Nov. 29, 1827 21 Jan. 31, 1828 g|Mºr. 13, . 24 4 & 3. 25|July 28, “ Mar. 2, 1829 Dec. 14, 1829 Nov. 24, 1849 NOV. 24, Jan. 5, Mar. 28, May 18, July 20, “ Aug. 17, Oct. 19, “ 39|Jan. 11, 1851 Mar. 15, “ Apr. 19, 1827 May 3, “ 6 tº May 17, Oct. 4, Dec. 27, 1827 Apr. l, 1828 3. 4 & & 6 & 4 & 4 $ 6 3, Aug. 25, “ Mar. 23, 1829 Dec. 28, “ Jan. 19, Dec. 22, Jān. 5, Jan. 5, Feb. 16, “ Apr. 17, Aug. 3, Sept. 14, NOV. 2, 1850 Feb. 17, June 7, 1851 4l! Apr. 12, 1851 May 10, 1827 Apr. 4, “ Dec. 27, 1827 Apr. 1, 1828 June 30, & 4 4 & 4 & & 6 2, Sept. 29, May 18, 1829 Jan. 11, 1830 26, 1850 4 & 4 & & 4 £ 4 Nov. 3, May 10, 1851 June 21, “ |May 17, 1851 June 7, 1851 29 30 34 35 36 54 56 57 58 9 5 60 61 Sept. § 9 6 & 4 & 6 £ 6 & 4 tº 6 Sept. 17, “ Feb. 16, 1850 Feb. 16, 1850 Mar. 23, 1850 & 6 July 20, 1850 Ogt. 19, 1850 $ 6 tº ſº 6 & Nov. 30, “ May 10, 1851 Dec. 3, . Jan. 6, 1870 Jan. 1, 1860 June 17, 1869 1853-54 Dec. 15, 1860 Apr. 2, 1867 Dec. 13, 1904 |Jan. 4, 1873 Jan. 5, 1866 Date unk'n July 8, 1854 Date unk'n Apr. 28, 1866 July 8, 1854 NOV. 21, 1863 & 4 Died in Readfield Probably died in Columbia, S. Died in Waterville Died in Readfield Died in Lewiston “ “ Readfield Died in Wayne, Maine } Charter m'b’rAsylum. LOdge Died at Kent's Hill Perhaps died in LaCrosse, Wis. No dates, rec'd, death Or dermit Died in Skowhegan, Maine 65 NOV. 20, 1852|Jan. Feb. 19, 1853|Mar. Apr. 30, 1853|May July 16, 1853|Aug. NOV, 12, 1853|Jan. Dec. 10, 1853|Jan. Sept. 30, 1854|Oct. Nov. 4, 1854 Dec. Sept. 29, 1855|Oct. Nov. 17, 1855 Dec. Feb. 7, 1857|Mar. Apr. 11, 1857|May July 4, 1857|Aug. 2. 1857 May 8, 1858|May 22, 1858 Dec. 25, 1858|Jan. 15, 1859 22, 1853 19, 1853 14, 1853 13, 1853 14, 1854 14, 1854 28, 1854 2, 1854 8, 1855 22, 1855 17, 1857 2, 1857 Mar. 26, May 21, Sept. 17, Feb. 11, Feb. 18, Dec. 30, Jan. 27, Oct. 20, Jan. I9, April 4, June 6, Oct. 3, June 26, Feb. 12, Dec. 25, 1858 Jan. 1, 1859 Jan. 15, 1859 Jan. 22, 1859 Apr. 16, 1859 Apr. 16, 1859 Apr. 16, 1859 June 4, 1859 NOV. 5, 1859 Dec. 3, 1859 Jan. 7, 1860 Feb. 11, 1860 Jan. 29, 1859 Jan. 29, 1859 Feb. 26, 1859 Apr. 9, 1859 May 14, 1859 May 14, 1859 May 14, 1859 June 25, 1859 Feb. 18, 1860 Mar. 17, 1860 Feb. 19, Mar. 5, Mar. 12, Apr. 30, June 30 June 14, June 18, July 9, May 5, Feb. 4, Mar. 3, Mar. 31, 1853 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 & 4 1860 & 4 86 96 Mar. 26, 1853 June 18, “ Sept. 22, 1854 Dec. 30, “ Jan. 27. 1855 Oct. 20 “ Sept. 20, 1856 Feb. 7, 1857 Oct. 3 . Sept. 18, 1858 & 4 & 4 6 & Eleb. 19, Apr. 16, & 4 $ $ * { June 11, 1859 July 9, . & 4 6 & t & 1859 & 4 & 4 #Mar. º. 13% & 4 June 2, Jan. 1, 1888 Aug. 13, 1895 Sept. 27, 1863 May 18, 1908 Jan. 1, 1891 Sept. 13, 1864 O Sept. 17, 1891 J Mar. 18, 1877 Apr. 3, 1886 July 28, 1855 Mar, 31, 1860 Jan. 4, 1868 1859 1872 1875 1860 & & £ 4 6 & & & & c. & G Feb, 12, 1870 Elisha, Snow Case Albert Sherburn Matthew Hayward Henry Danforth Frost James Williams John VOS mus Humphrey VOSmuS Obediah B. He Wett, John Calvin Pattee Sunnner H. Stanley Elisha. Snow Case Samuel JackSOn ASa. Gile William Henry McArthur Herrick Munson Eaton Humphrey VOSmuS Luther Williams Fillebrown Edward HenneSey Asa Gile Matthias Smith Abram S. Bachelder Matthew Hay Ward Dana Boardman Fogg William Henry Fuller John Ellis Varney Gervais NOlin Ward LOCke Parker Louis Bejangier Oliver Parsons Üyrus Benjamin Whittier George Miller Fillebrown Sahmūel Nesbit Charles Sanford Morse Amos Attwell Sampson William Franklin DaViS Abel Cole - Hezekiah Owen Nickerson Mark Ham George Eustice Dyer John Franklin Dyer Thomas Jefferson Woods MOSes Riggs Leighton Joseph Timothy Woodward David Wentworth Augustus Alden Nickerson Hiram Gilman 42 Dec. 13, 1851. Mar. 13, 1852 Apr. 3, 1852 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 64 Dec. 20, 1851 Dec. 20, 1851 Dec. 20, Jan. 3, 1852 Jan. 17, 1852|Jan. 31, Jan. 3, 1852Jan. 17, 1852|Feb. 7, Jan. 3, 1852Jan. 17, 1852 “ “ Jan. 10, 1852Jan. 24, 1852|Feb. 14, Jan. 10, 1852|Jan. 24, 1852 “ “ Jan. 10, 1852|Jan. 24, 1852 Feb. 19, Jan. 10, 1852|Jan. 24, 1852|Feb. 21, Mar. 6, 1852. Mar. 13, 1852|Apr. 3, Mar. 6, 1852|Mar. 13, 1852 Apr 3, June 26, 1852|Aug. 7, 1852|Oct. 2, Aug. 28, 1852|Sept. 4, 1852|Sept. 22, 1851 1852 & & 6 & & & Feb. 19, 1852 Sept. 25. 1852 Oct. 23, “ Sept. 1, 1894 July 2, 1855 Date unk’n June 25, 1870 May 1, 1858 Apr. 19, 1854 No date NO date July 21, 1866 Died in Skowhegan Died in Gardiner Died in Skowhegan Died in Winthrop IDied in Readfield Died in Winthrop Died in Middleboro, Mass. IDied in Readfield { Died in Piqua, Ohio Charter mem. Asylum Lodge Died in Readfield Died in North Wayne Died in Skowhegan Died in Readfield Lives in Strong Died in Skowhegan April 16, 1878 Lives in Skowhegan Died in Oakland March 1, 1891 June 1, 1861 Died in Gloucester, Mass. Died in Readfield Died in Confederate Prison Florence, S. O. Re-affiliated in Lafayette Lives in SOuth Act On, Mass. Died in Readfield Charter member Vernon Valley 6 & 6 g 6 & tº $ & 6 tº € 6 tº & & & 6 $ tº tº $ $ $ Died in Gardiner Lives in Topeka, Kansas Died in Readfield 82 Mar. 24, 1860 106 107 108 109 110 1Il 112 113 114 5 Joseph Timothy Woodward Jere Page JOhnson Andrew Lucius Kendall Henry Martin Foster Franklin Foster Isaac F. Decker John D. RObbins Hebron Mayhew Wentworth Reuben Russell Henry Pierson Torsey Noyes Smith Sherburn Sebastian Smith LOVejoy Hamlin Fairfield Eaton Melville COX Lin SCOtt Washington Benjamin Smith Ezeckel R.Obinson Mayo AmoS Att, Welli Sampson William I.OWell Ward Nathaniel Blanchard Buxton Joseph Elliott Clark Denton Albion Benton FroSt. Dudley Stacy Fogg John Merrill Willian).S Gustavus Smith JOSeph Elliott Clark Dent On Sylvana.S Judkins Blanchard Warren Ada,n].S Wright, Sylvanus Judkins Blanchard Hamlin Fairfield Eat On John D. H.Obbins Warren Adams Wright Christopher Adle Clough George Stanley Morrill George Sanford John S.On NOah Jewett, 2nd Dudley Stacy FOgg John Merrill Williams George Stanley M.Orrill JOhn Wesley Richards Sewall JacobS HaWes Henry HOScroft Hiram ROckWOOd Warren Daggett, Samuel Henry Morrill James Franklin Mears Wilbert Proctor Friend Samuel Henry Morrill Henry HOScroft, 116 117 2|Oct. Apr. 12, June 9, June 23, June 30, Dec. 23, Mar. 16, May 11, May 25, Jul y 27, 3|Jan. 11, Jan. 18, Feb. 15, Feb. 22, Mar. 29, May 8, June 14, Sept. 27, Oct. Oct. Jan. 31, June 13, June 20, July 28, Aug. 22, Jan. 2, Feb. 20, Feb. 27, Ma, r. 8, Mar. 17, 5|June 16, “ 4 & & 4 4 & 1861 4 & 1862 & 4 & 4 1862 & 1863 1863 4 & Apr. 21, July 7, July 14, July 21, July 28, Feb. 2, Mar. 30, July 6, July 13, Oct. 26, Jan. 18, Jan. 18, Mar. 22, Feb. 22, Apr. 19, June 14, July 19, Sept. 27, Oct. 10, Oct. 15, Oct. 18, Mar. 7, Apr. 11, July 18, July 11, July 28, Aug. 22, 1860 1860 & & 1861 4. 1862 & 4 & & 1862 May 17, 1860 Aug. 11, 1860 Aug. 4, “ Aug. Aug. 25, Mar. A. 18, 2, pr. 27, July 20, Aug. NOV. Feb. Apr. 8, 30, !. 12, Feb. 22, May 17, June 21, Aug. Sept. 27, 23, Oct. 10, Oct. 15, Oct. 18, Mar 28, May July 9, July 28, Aug. Mar. Mar. May May Apr. Mar. Mar. 22, 4 £ 6 1861 & & & 4 & 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 May 21, Sept. 29, 1860 Sept. 29, 1860 Apr. 20, 1861 June 22, “ Sept. 14, 1861 Jan. 11, 1862 May 10, 1862 July 5, “ Jan. 3, 1863 May 3, 1863 May 30, “ June 27, “ July 25, 1863 Aug. 22, “ Aug. 22, 1863 Sept. 26, . Mar. 19, 1864 Apr. 16, “ Apr. 16, 1854 * { 121J.June 18, “ Jan, 26, 1892 Sept. 2, 1905 May 29, 1870 Apr. 7, 1876 Feb. 19, 1909 Apr. 18, 1867 Mar. 4, 1876 Apr. 6, 1878 Feb., 12, 1870 July 21, 1866 Dec. 10, 1864 Oct. 2, 1875 Dec. 31, 1876 May 1, 1897 Lives in Sidney Died in Pennsylvania Died in Skowhegan Died in Oakland Died in Gardiner Lives in Readfield Died in Kent's Hill Died at Readfield Depot Lives in Port Angelas, Wash. Died in North Wayne Died at PKent’s Hill March 1, 1890 Died in Skowhegan March 1, 1890 Died at Readfield Depot Lives in Oaks, North Dakota, Died in Augusta Lives in Readfield Oct. 2, 1880 Oct. 2, 1880 Lives in Auburn Died in Readfield Lives in Readfield Lives in Readfield Died in Foxboro, Mass. Lives at East Saugus, Mass Di"d Sold "rs H'me Milw'kee, Wis. Lives in Artesia, Cal. Died in Readfield Warren Taggett Edward FCent Richard SOIn Thonnas Hart, Benton Pierce Franklin Rollins Perry Thomas Wing Loannas Cyrillo Billings Arthur Drinkwater Chase William Hellry Richmond Amos Herrick Eaton Dennis Barker Jewett Hirann ROckWOOd Daniel LOth rop Thomas Francis Palmer Gustavus Smith Elias Hutchinson FCent Sewall Jacobs Hawes John H.O.Ward Shedd Annos Herrick Eaton Augustus Stimpson Tuck William Henry Fisk Thomas Francis Palmer Winfield Smith George Almon Russell John HOWa.rd Shedd William Henry Fisk George Almon Russell Ferdinand Tinker Thomas Dillingham Benjamin Warren Harriman Sanford Spencer Chapman Tyler Newton James A. Hamilton Gilman Burleigh Elder John Gray Fuller Alvin Packard Loring Manley Hunton George Henry Waugh IDavid Dudley John Eugene Lewis Nelson. Shepherd Bean William Frank Gilman Henry Clay Packard Frederick Aiken Lovejoy Albion GOrciOn Benjamin Tyler Richards Georg c Henry Graves Daniel GOrdon. 122|June 18, 1864|May 5, 1904 118 Apr. 9, 1864 May 14, 1864|May 28, 1864|123|July 16, “ Sept. 23, 1871 119 Apr. 30, “ June 4, “ June 24, 1864|124|Aug. 12, “ Mar. 2, 1878 120. “ 6 & 5 & & 4 & 4 June 22, “ |125. “ $ 4 & 8 Oct. 6, 1883 121|June 2, “ July 2, “ |July 23, “ 126 Sept. 10, “ Sept. 4, 1875 122 July 30, “ Aug. 12, “ Sept. 10, ‘‘ 127|Nov. 12, “ June 3, 1871 #Sept. W. sept. 7, sept.*, 125 Sept. 20, “ Nov. 19, “ Dec. 10, “ 126 Oct. 8, “ Oct. 8, “ Oct. 22, “ 128 Oct. 15, 1864 Dec. 6, 1879 127 Oct. 17, 1864|Oet. 17, 1864|Oct, 17, 1864|129 Oct. 17, “ Jan. 5, 1889 128||Nov. 12, “ Nov. 19, “ Dec. 24, “ 130 Nov. 12, 1864 129 Nov. 26, 1864 Jan. 21, 1865 Feb. 4. 1865 131|Dec. 10, 1864|Apr. 11, 1901 130 Dec. 17, 1864|Dec. 31, 1864|Jan. 28. 1864 132|Jan. 7, 1865 July 21, 1866 131 Dec. 17, 1864|Jan. 21, 1865 Feb. 4, 1865 132 Dec. 24, “ Dec. 31, 1864|Jan. 14, “ 133|Feb. 4, 1865 NOV. 4, 1876 133 Feb. 18, 1865|Feb. 18, 1865|Feb. 20, 1865||134|Feb. 20, 1865 Dec. 15, 1866 134 Mar. 11, “ Mar. 25, “ Apr. 18, “ - 135|Mar. 11, J.865 136|| “ $ 4 & 6 Apr. 5, 1885 137|May 6, $ 6 É|June 10, 1835|Aug. 5, 1865|Aug. 12, 1865138|Sept. 30, . Apr. 19, 1870 136|Sept. 9, Sept. 30, ‘‘ Oct. 11, ‘‘ |139|Dec. 30, “ June 11, “ 137|Oct. 7, ‘‘ Nov. 11, “ |IDec. 2, ‘‘ 138||Nov. 18, “ Nov. 18, “ Nov. 25, “ 139|| Dec. 9, “ |Dec. 23, “ Dec. 30, “ 140 Dec. 30, 1865 Mar. 16, 1867 140|Jan. 6, 1836 Jan. 13, 1866|Jan. 20, 1866|141|Feb. 24, 1866|Sept. 24, 1879 141 & 4 & 4 4 4 & 4 & 4 Jan. 27, & 4 & 6 £ 4 6 & NOV. 28, 1873 142|Mar. 31, “ Mar. 31, “ Apr. 2, & & 143|May 12, ‘‘ |June 2, ‘‘ June 23, “ 144|June 2, “ |July 7, “ |July 21 “ 145|Aug. 4, ‘‘ Aug. 18, ‘‘ |Aug. 25, ‘‘ 142||Dec. 15, 1866|June 4, 1900 146|| “... “ & 4 § { “ “ Sept. 8, “ 143 “ “ ‘‘ June 9, 1900 147|Oct. 13, “ |Oct. 13, “ |Feb. 2, 1867 148|Nov. 3, “ ||Nov. 17, “ Nov. 24, 1866|144|Jan. 19, 1867 Aug. 2, 1873 149|Dec, 15, “ |Dec. 29, “ Jan. 5, 1867|145|Feb. 16, “ 150 Dec. 22, “ & 6 ſ. 6 “ Jan. 19, “ - 15}| “ t “ Jan. 12, 1867|Feb. 2, “ 146|Apr. 13, 1867 May 1, 1897 152|Feb. 16, 1867|Mar. 2, “ Mar. 16, ‘‘ 147|May 18, “ Feb. 6, 1875 153|Feb. 23, “ & & 4 “ |Mar. 23, “ 154|Mar, 30, “ Apr. 20, “ |May 11, “ .148|June 13, 1867 Sept., 3, 1904 Died in Antrim, N. H. Died in Augusta Lives in Dexter Died in SOmer Ville, Mass. Charter Mem. Asylum LOdge Died in Fayette, aged 95 years Died in Fayette Lives in Fayette Died in Fayette Died in Winthrop Died at Livermore Falls Lives in Readfield Died in Fayette Died in Readfield Lives in Middleboro, Mass. Died in Leeds Died in Fayette |Togus NOW living at Soldier's Home, March 1, 1891 Died in BOW doinham Lives in Readfield Died in Winthrop Re-affiliated in Lafayette Decea.Sed Died in LeWistOn Died at Kent’s EIill Deceased Lives in Monmouth Died in Readfield Died in Winthrop Died in Hallowell Died in Roadfield Lives in Fayette Lives in ROchester, N. H. Lives in Winthrop Charles Holmes Millett Nelson Dudley Gordon Charles Drinkwater Cutter Frederick Aiken Lovejoy George Henry Graves • George Frost Richardson George Washington Cofran Richard Dearborn John Adams Worthley William Miller Rideout, Samuel Dennen Strout William Lincoln . Charles Drinkwater Cutter Gilbert Allen Charles Edward Packard John Adams Worthley Daniel Smith Norris Samuel Gould Millett Samuel Dennin Strout Dennis Barker Jewett James Owen Buttman Linn Leroy Billings Charles Weeks Morse Phineas Morrill, Jr. Roderick Mc Donald Willis Herbert, Turner Freeman Worthley Bunnell John Robertson Masterman Charles Weeks Morse ROderick Mc Donald Phineas Morrill, Jr. Benjamin Franklin Haskell Cinklar Scribner Kimball William Laughton George Edward Cofran Frederick Fuller Graves Samuel Thomas Skofield George Weston Billings Arthur Denwood Jordan William Laughton Thomas Dillingham Ernest Woodbury Lewis Nelson Dudley Gordon Pierre Thibeault, Charles Craig Morrill Miles Carleton Simpson James Sanford Blaisdell Edwin Ruthvin Stain 155 155 I57 158 159 160 16] 162 163 164 I65 I66 180 181 I82 Mar. 30, June 29, Oct. 18, Oct. Dec. Dec. Feb. Feb. 20, 14, 14, 15, 22, Apr., ll. June 13, July 4, Juiy 27, Feb. 15. & & & 4 { % ºf g & Apr. 9, June 4, Aug. 20, Sept. 10, Dec. 3, Aug. 19, Jan. 20, Jan. 27, Jan. 4, Jan. 11, 183 184|Apr. 5, “ 185 & 4 * { & 4 4 & 4 & 1867 4 & & 4 1887 1867 1898 I8 & 4 1868 1870 & 4 & 4 1870 6 & 4 & & ſº 1871 1872 1873 1878 1867 4 4 Apr. 6, July 13, NOV. l, 1867 I868 1898 & 4 Nov. 9, Jan. 11, Jan. 11, Feb. 22, Mar. 28, Apr. 18, 1868 July 18, “ July 11’ 1868 Aug. 1" “ Feb. 2, 1870 1, & 4 Mar. 3, Mar. 6 tº § { & 4 6 & Apr. 30, June 18, Aug. 27, Sept. 12, DeC. 10, Sept. 9, 1871 Feb. 10, 1872 1870 6 & & 4 Jan. 18, 1873 Apr. 18, Aug. 10, NOV. 15, 1857 tº 6 1867 1868 1868 $ 4 Dec. 7, Feb. 1, Feb. 1, Feb. 29, Apr. 29, Apr. 25, 1868 OCt. 3, & 6 July 18, Aug. 5, 1868 y 9 Mar. 12, Mar. 26, Mar. 19, Apr. 2, 1870 & 4 May 14, 1870 June 25, “ Sept. 3, Sept. 12, Dec. 31, ‘‘ Sept. 23, 1871 Feb. 17, 1872 & & 4 & Mar. 1, 1873 Mar. 22, 1873 Mar. 8, “ Mar. 15, § { 6 º' Apr. 26, May 3, & 4 149 151 152 3 154 155 157 I59 160 161| A 162 163 164 I # 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 1857 1868 Apr. 24, Sept. 24, Mar. 12, 1870 pr. 9, “ May 14, June 11, Aug. 6, Oct. 8, 1870 Dec. 31, “ Sept. 23, 1871 Feb. 17, 1872 Dec. Hå, . 1, 1873 Mar. 22, . * { 6 & & 4 4 & & 4 $ 8 Mar. & 4 ( & { % & & & & 179 Apr. 26, May 3, 6 & Dec. 4, 1903 Oct. 19, 1889 Mar. 25, 1895 F Feb. 13, 1890 Aug. 14, 1877 Sept. 29, 1908 Mar. 26, 1906 Mar. 16, 1909 Mar. 23, July 6, Feb. July July 4 ; Mar. Apr. 6, Mar. 1. 1872 1878 1882 1878 1873 1880 1876 1898 1871 1873 1881 1878 1884 1901 Died in BOSton Died 1n Readfield Died in Medford, Mass. Lives in Pasadena, Cal. I)ied in Arkansas, Died in Wilton Lives in Seattle, Wash. April 6, 1878 Deceased Lives in Collinsville, Conn. Lives in Manchester Lives in Readfield Lives in Providence, R. I. Lives in Gottsville, Cal. Reaffiliated with Lafayette Died in Dexter Died in Everett, Mass. Died in Readfield Re-affiliated with Lafayette Lives in Readfield Lives in Medford, Mass. Lives in Waterville Died in New BOS ton, N. H. Died in Fayette Lives in Bedford, P. Q. Lives in Readfield Lives in East Livermore Died at Readfield Depot Died in Skowhegan LiveS in Readfield Lives in Winthrop Lives in ROIne 1902 ſlives in Winthrop James Barbour Jere Page Johnson Francis Benoit Aubin Nathaniel HaSkell Wilfred R. Campbell Albion E. BOWnnan Grafton Norris Frost David Douglass Merriman William George Hunt On Alvin Turner Swift, Wilson Fay Morse Augustus Rodolphus Turner Orrin Farnham William George Hunt On EIamlin Hiram Murphy Frank Henry Brown Haynes Hague Harden Samuel Gould Millett Fred Emery Bean Wilbur Fisk Berry Joseph Waldo Vinal Rich Charles Melvin GOrdon John Lambert DaVis Charles Wade Parsons Oharles Holmes Millett John Purington Bickford E[enry Pryor Miller George West Manter , John Henry M.Orse Benjamin Warren Harriman Charles Prescott Greely John Sanford Wingate Hewett Charles Prescott Greely Sullivan Savage Willard Fred LOuis Dixon Sullivah Savage Willard John Baptiste Roderick William Clement Record William Stephen McDonald John Charles GOOdwin Joseph Gilman William Parker UnderWOOd IMelville West, Manter John West Manter Thomas Flint Manter Levi Collins Reuel T. Fletcher "William Harvey 186|Apr. 5, 1873|Apr. 19, 1873|May 17, 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 196 97 May 17, June 7, July 5, Aug. 2, Aug. 16, Sept. 20, Aug. 15, Dec. 5, Dec. 19, Jan. 2, Feb. º Mar. 13, . April 21, 195|Oct. 2 Cº. 2, Dec. 4, Jan. 8, 1 198 199: 200 201: 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 217 218 219 220 221 222 1873 187|May 24, 1873|June 7, 1873|July 5, “ 188|June 14, “ |June 28, “ Aug. 2, “ 189|June 21 “ |June 28, “ Aug. 16, “ 190|Sept. 6, “ Sept. 13, “ Sept. 20, “ 191jJuly 11. 1874|Aug. 1, 1874 Aug 15, 1874 192|July 18, 1874|Sept. 5, 1874|Mar. 13, 1875 193|Nov. 21, “ Dec. 5, “ Dec. 19, 1874 194|Feb. 6, 1875|Feb. 10, 1875|Feb. 13, 1875 195|Mar. 6, 1875|Mar. 10, 1875|Mar. 13, 1875 196|Apr. 3, “ Apr. 17, “ |A pr. 21, “ 197|May 1, “ Sept. 18, “ Oct. 2, “ 198|Dec. 4, 1875|Jan. 1, 1876 Jan. 8, 1876 199|Jan. 8, 1876|Jan. 22, “ Jan. 29, “ 200|Mar. 18, “ Apr. 1, “ Apr. 15, “ 201|June 3, “ |July 1, “ |Aug. 5, “ 202|Sept. 3, “ Sept. 30, ‘‘ Oct. 7, “ 203 Sept. 16, “ . “ Oct. 21, “ 204|Feb. 9, 1878 205|Mar. 2, “ |Mar, 16, 1878 Apr. 6, 1878 206|Apr. 13, “ ay 4, “ |May 11, “ 207|Aug. 16, 1879|Sept. 6, 1879|Oct. 4, 1879 208 Apr. 3, 1880 May 1, 1880|June 5, 1880 209|Apr. 13, “ “ “ “ |May 15, “ 210|June 7, ‘‘ June 19, 1880|July 3, 1880 211 “ . . . $ $ $ 6 & 4 $ & June 26, { { 212|June 11, 1880 June 26, 1880|Sept. 4, 1880 213|Sept. 11, “ Dec. 4, “ Jan. 1, 1881 214|Feb. 5, 1881|Feb. 11, 1881|Feb. 17, “ 215|July 18, “ July 23, “ |July 23, “ 216 Oct. 1, “ ||Nov. 5, “ | Dec. 3, “ 217|Jan. 7, 1882|Feb. 4, 1882 Apr. 1, 1882 218 Feb. 11, “ |Mar. 4, “ & & & 8 219 May 6, ‘‘ |May 20, “ June 3, 1882 220 July 15, “ |Aug. 5, “ Aug. 19, “ 221 May 10, 1884|May 24, 1884|June 7, 1884 222 May 17, “ |May 31, “ ljuly 5, “ Jan. 29, Apr. 15, Aug. 5, Oct. 7, April 6, May 11, Oct. 4, Nov. 1, May 15, June 5, June 26, Feb. 17, July 23, 216 Dec. 3, Apr. !" June 7, 223 |July 5, 1878 { { 1877 1878 1879 1880 $ Feb. 3, 1899 Nov. 10, 1895 July 12, 1893 Nov. 28, 1898 Aug. 9, 1906 Mar. 18, 1908 Feb. 2, 1882 June 16, 1905 Oct., 29, 1890 June 5, 1903 Nov. 16, 1898 Feb. 7, July 18, 1901 Feb. 5, 1882 June 10, 1889 July 2, 1899 1894 1884 Sept. 27, º Aug. 31, 1905 Mar. 6, 1886 Oct. 18, 1880 June 6, 1885 Feb. 7, 1885 Feb. 2, 1901 Mar. 2, 1889 Lives in Readfield, Me. Died in NOrth Anson, Me. Died in Skowhegan, Me. Lives in Lewiston, Me. Died in Boston, April 6, 1878 March 1, 1890 Lives in Readfield Lives in Readfield Lives at Kent's Hill LOSt. On Steamer Portland, Died in Augusta Lives in Readfield Died in San Francisco Died in Gardiner, Me. March 1, 1890 Lives in Brockton, Mass. Lives in Hallowell Lives at Kent's EHill Died in Providence, R. I. Lives in Winthrop, Me. Lives in Readfield March 1, 1890 Died in Readfield Sept. 4, 1903 Lives in Readfield March 1, 1890 IDied at Kent's Hill, Me. Lives in Fayette Died in Readfield, Me. Lives in Denver, Colo. Died in Readfield, Me. Lives in Oakland, Me. Died in Readfield, Me. Lives at Fort Scott, Kans. Died in LeWiston, Me. Died in Readfield, Me. Died in LewistOn Lives in Readfield Lives in § { Me. Lives in Caribou, Me. Died in Readfield May 7, 1887 Died at Peaks Island, Maine. Varus Stearns Cinklar Scribner Kinnball Hartley Willis Knight Emery LOuis Hunt On . Ernest Amos MOrgan George Edmund Coleman Edwin. Sherman Gilman Alfred HOWard Yeat. On Frederick Isaac Brown. Frank Adelbert, DOW Carter Brewster Keen Willis Howard Wright Sumner Augustus Dudley Barrak Cecil Peabody Eli Merriman Barrak Cecil Peabody John RobertSOn Masterman William Dudley Haines George Craig Hunton, 2d JOSiah Wesley William S Edward Henry Gile JOSiah Wesley William S William J. Oseph Trefethen Frank PreSCOtt, FOgg James Grant Harlow Frank Stansbury Willard Charles Dunn Record Mark Stewart, COllins Roscoe Williann Harvey Elliot, Johnson Beal Frederick Albert Handy Walter Cud WOrth Gile LeOn Obra, Tebbetts Ellsworth Elmer Peacock Eſart, Well Robinson Hunt On Alden Fitzroy Chase Appleton Moor Arthur JOSiah FOgg JeSSe Spaulding Thomas Ayers DOW John Walter Folsom James Elmore Harvey Arthur Snow Nickerson Walter Augustus NickersOn COS tello WestOn David Smith - Frank Leslie Brand Albert Eugene Mace 224 Feb. 7, 225 Feb. 6, 223|July 10, 1886|Aug. 14, 1886|Sept. 4, 1886|226|Sept. 4, 224|Jan. 15, 1887|Jan. 29, 1887|Feb. 15, 1887|227 Feb. 15, 225|April 9, “ May 15, “ |June 4, “ .228 June 4, 226|April 7, 1888|April 21, 1888|May 5. 1888,229 May 5 227|Aug. 3, 1889|Aug. 17, 1889 Sept. 7, 1889|230|Sept. 7, 228|Feb. 8, 1890|Feb. 22, 1890 Mar. 8, 1890|281|Mar. 8, 229 Aug. 2, “ Sept. 6, “ |Oct. 14, “ |232|Oct. 14, 230|Feb. 14, 1891|Feb. 28, 1891|Mar. 7, 1891|233|Mar. 7, 281) “ “ “ |Mar. 21, “ Apr. 4, ‘‘ 234 Apr. 4, 232|April 18, “ June 6, “ June 6, “ 1235|June 6, 236 Aug. 1, 233 Dec. 12, 1891 Dec. 28, 1891|Feb. 10, 1892 234|Jan. 2, 1892|Jan. 13, 1892|Jan. 30, “ |237|Jan. 30, 288 Feb. 10, 239|Jan. 7, 235||Dec. 3, 1892|Jan. 21, 1893|Jan. 29, 1893|240|Jan. 29, 236|Dec. 17, “ “ “ “ Feb. 11, “ .241|Feb. 11, 287|Jan. 7, 1893|July 8, “ |July 8, “ 238|Mar. 11, “ April 1, “ May 6, “ .242|May 6, 243|July 8, 239|Sept. 16, 1893|Sept. 23, 1893 Sept. 23, 1893|244|Sept. 23, 240 Dec. 2, “ | Dec. 16, “ Jan, 6, 1894.245|Jan. 6, 241|Feb. 17, 1894 Mar. 3, 1894|Apr. 7, ‘‘ 246|April 7, 242|July 7, “ |Aug. 4, “ Sept. 1, “ .247|Sept. 1, 243|Jan. 12, 1895|Jan. 26, 1895|Jan. 31, 1895|248|Jan. 31. 244 “ “ “ Feb. 9, “ Mar. 4, “ 49|Mar. 4. 245|July 4, 1896July 11, 1896|Aug. 1, 1896|250 Aug. 1, 251|Jan. 7, 246|Feb. 13, 1897|Mar. 6, 1897|Apr. 3, 1897|252|April 3, 247|Mar, 13, “ Mar. 27, “ Apr. 17, “ .253 Apr. 17, 248 & & £ tº $ 6 4 & ſ & 6 (; i. i* tº & 4 & 254 4. & 6 249|May 1, “ May 15, “ June 5, 255|June 5, 250 May 8, $ 6 & 6 & 6 $ 6 4 & & 6 4 & 256 $ 6 & 4 257 Dec. 4, 251|Jan. 1, 1898|Jan. 15, 1898|Jan. 24, 1898|258|Jan. 24, 252 & 6 & 6 & 4 & 4 4 & { % é & $ $ £ 6 259 & 4 £ 6. 260 Mar. §: 253|Feb. 11, 1898|Feb. 19, 1898|Mar. 5. 1898|261. “ t 254 § { & £ & 6 & 4 & 4 { { & 4 & 4 & 6 262 $ $ 4 4 255|Mar. 19, “ April 2, “ May 2, “ .263 May 2, 256|June 23, “ June 29, “ July 2, “ .264|July 2, 257 6 : tº º & 6 & 6 4 & & 4 £ 4 & 4 265 & 6 & 4 266 Nov. 5, 267 Feb. 4, 258|Feb. 11, 1899Mar. 17, 1899|April 1, 1899|268|Apr. 1, 259/April 1, “ April 3, “ April 3, “ 1269 Apr. 3, 1885 1886 1887 . 1888 1889 1890 1891 $ 1892 1898 $ $ 1898 1894 1895 1896 1897 Nov. 3, 1903 Oct. 6, 1901 May 6, 1891 Mar. 2, 1908 June 18, 1902 Sept. 27, 1907 Oct. 22, 1898 98 Feb. 6, 1904 Mar. 4, 1899 Feb. 1, 1902 Apr. 4, 190cc & 4 tº t & & & 6 4 & & 4 4 & & & Died in Readfield Lives in Readfield Died in Lewiston, Me. Lives in Readfield Lives in Readfield Lives at Readfield Depot Died in Readfield Lives at Winthrop Center, Me. LiveS in Readfield Lives at Kent's Hill Lives in Washington, D. C. Lives in Mt. Vernon Lives in Mt. Vernon Lives in Woodfords, Me. Lives in WOOdfords, Me. Ilives in Monmouth Me; Lives in Water Ville Died in Readfield Died in Auburn Me. Lives in Farmingdale, Me. Lives in Wilton, Me. Lives in Dorchester, Mass. Lives in Dead River, Me. Lives in San Gabriel, Calif. Died in Oakland, Me. Lives at Readfield Depot Lives in Augusta, Me. Lives at Kent's Hill Lives in Oakland, Me. Lives in Boston, Mass. LiveS in Readfield, Lives at Kent's Hill Lives in Readfield Died at Kent's Hill Liyes in Readfield BOston Readfield WiScasset, Me. Yakima, Wash. Oakland Readfield Mt. Vernon Sabattus, Me. Augusta, Me. Re-affiliated in Lafayette LOdge Maurice Winfield Crosby Jonathan Grant Henry Merle Jacques Harriman Aurelius Harold Winters Caleb Emery Garey Harry Marston Gibbs William Wirt Brand Charles Manney Daicy Louis Beethoven Morse Jefferson Dudley Hunton Herman Winfield Scott Lovejoy. James Warren Butman Jefferson Dudley Hunton Frank Hamlin Bodge Louis Beethoven Morse Ernest Edmund Smith Charles John Cole Erliest Masterman Charles Herbert Mallett Charles Sanborn Brown Bertram Edwin Leighton Charles French Howland Augustus Hamblet Wilson Cyrus Decker Winters Arian Howard Jones Eli Snow Hannaford Louis Woodman Merrow Herbert Henry Carle Clyde Elmer Wilson John Edwin Wells William Garfield Tebbetts John Sewall Milliken Robert Alvin Brann Nelson Thomas Gordon Eugene Leroy Millett Albert Ulgene Mace fºr Vin Clarence Dudley Edwin Martin Hutchinson William Brazier Quincy Melzar Weston Fish Neal Mitchell Arthur Welden Palmer JOhn Abbott Chase Benjamin Hardy Parker Bowlby Benjamin Warren Harriman Franklin McKenzie Buswell 260 26] Apr. 21, Nov. 9, 262|May 9, 263 6 & £ 6 264 Apr. 6, 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 0 Dec. 16, Jan. 4, Jan. 13, June 9, Dec. 6, T]ec. 10, Mar. 18, *Mar. 21, June 6, Aug. 1, Nov. 21, Mar. 15, 280 June 4, 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 Oct. 15, Dec. 17, Feb. 13, Mar. 3, June 7, Oct. 2), Feb. 12, Apr. 18, Aug. 3, Oct. 21, NOV. 21, 1899 1800 1901 & ſº tº & 1902 Apr. 26, 1899 ec. 26, “ June 2, Apr. 20, 1901 June 6, “ Aug. 21, “ Nov. 26, “ Dec. 26, “ Jan. 6, 1902 1902|Jan. 20, 1902 1902|June 13, 1902 June 21, 1902 D 1903 1903 1906 1907 1907 § { & & 1908 Dec. 18, 1902 303 M 8, ; 3 0, l June 20, 1903 Sept. 19, “ Dec. 5, “ Apr. 2, 1904 June 14, “ Nov. 23, “ Jan. 21, 1905 . 23, “ Mar. 21, . Mar. 17, 1906 June 21, 1906 ſ & N Nºv. 1: . Feb. 21, 1907 Apr. 30, 1907 Sept. 7, “ Apr. 29, Feb. 12, June 30, July 7, June 1, July 6, Sept. 7, Mar. 15, Jan. 6, Jan. 6, Jan. 20, Dec. 20, July 18, Oct. 17, Jan. 2, Apr. 7, July 2, Jan. 12, Feb. # Mar. 4, Mar. 28, Apr. 19, Apr. 7, Oct. 19, Dec. 7, Jan. 2, 1899,270 900271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 1902 1902 1902 1902 1903 & $ 1903 1904 1904 & { { 1909 279 9 281 282 283 284 285 3 313 Apr. 29, 1899 Feb. 12, 1900 June 30, “ July 7, “ Jan, 5, June 1, July 6, “ Sept. 7, “ Jan. 4, Jan. 6, Jan. 20, “ Mar. 15, “ June 21, ‘ Aug. 2, “ Dec. 29, “ Jan. 15, 1903 Apr. 4, “ May 2, .. July 18, “ & 7, £ 6 July 2, “ Jan. 12, 1905 Feb. 4, . Mar. 4, “ Mar. 28, “ Apr. Apr. 7. T}ec. 7, Jan. 2, 1909 Aug. 31, 1905 May 23, 1903 Liyes in Readfield tº $ { { at Kent's Hill Died in Readfield Lives at FCent's Hill “ in Pittston, Me. § { { { Lives at Headfield FCent's Hill Liyes in Readfield & & & & Fayette T}jed in Portland, Me. LiveS in * { £ 6 $ $ £ & { { t $ § { * { * & & & & © $ 6 $ & $ $ Harris Ville, R. I. Kent's Hill Yakima, Wash. Readfield & & Fall River, Mass. Readfield “ at Kent's Hill § { § { in & 4 at Readfield Depot Readfield Readfield Depot “ in Manchester, N. H. { { $ & & 8 & ſº & 8 & 8 at £ 6 in { % & $ at in 6 & 6 & § { & t at § { § { $ 6 & & § { in Readfield Lynn, MaSS. Readfield Readfield Depot Providence, R. I. Readfield Readfield Depot, IDOrchester, Mass. Mt. Vernon Readfield Rent's Hill Readfield Depot, WOOdfords, Me. Wilton, Me. ſ. |- |- · |- |- . | … : ||