MOTHER EARTH , . . ཐལ། .….…, , , , - ར :: ་.… ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་་ ་་ ་་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ༧ པ ་་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ལ་ ལ བ ་ བ ་ ་་༦ ལ་མ༥༠ ཡ ས ་ འབ བ་མས། ;et. རྒྱ ན་རྫས་སྦྱོར་ Groups of Trées, Shrubs, Etc. MOST APPROPRIATE for Different Portions of Grounds to PRODUCE HARMONIOUS RESULTS Which Varieties to Plant !! Where to Plant Them !!! PUBLISHED AND COPYRIGHTED BY Western New York Nursery Co. (INCORPORATED ROCHESTER, N. Y SECRETS OF SUCCESS CONFIDENTIAL INSTRUCTIONS-The sugges- tions made in this pamphlet are for the confidential use of our duly appointed and authorized salesmen. These instructions should not be made public. Salesmen fol- lowing the advice herein given will soon develop con- siderable ability along landscape lines, and can then easily double their sales of ornamental trees, shrubbery, roses, etc. When salesmen are in a quandary as to the proper selection of trees or plants, they are at liberty al- ways to submit their rough sketches to us for our close attention. Landscape Work cerned sub-divides itself into andamano W 1 , as far as the salesman is con- making proper selections of trees, shrubs and plants for setting in, 1st. CORNER BEDS. 2nd. CENTRAL BEDS, which may be circular, oval, oblong or star-shaped to suit taste of owner. 3rd. STRAIGHT LINES. This includes hedges, screens and divisional lines between lots or sections thereof. 4th. BORDERS. 5th. SPECIMENS for open space of lawn. NOTE All diagrams in this - üve feet to the tacn. It Scale, 5 feet to 1 inch Group A . 2 5 6 7 6 : 6 No. 1. One Weigela variegated-leaved. No. 2. One Prunus Triloba. No.3, One Forsythia Fortunei. No. 4. One Deutzia Gracilis No. 5. One Berberis Thunbergii. No. 6. Three Spiræ A. Waterer. No. 7. One Tree Hy- drangea P. G. or Tree Japan Snow- ball. These plants should be set 34 feet apart. GROUP B–This same diagram may be used for a bed of Berberis Thunbergii, and would hold 18 plants, arranged as follows: Nine on back angle. Six on front line. Three in center of bed. These plants should be set two feet apart. Scale, 5 feet to one inch This diagram can be planted with Shrubs as named in Group A or Group B as preferred. 6 : 4 Scale, 5 feet to one inch Group C. 16 15 No. 1) No. 2 Berberis pur- No. 3) ple leaved. No. 4] Golden No. 5) Syringa No. 6 | Deutzia Gra- No. 7 ſ cilis rosea No. 8) No. 9 (Spiræa A. No. 131 Waterer No. 14) No. 101 No. 11 Spiræa Cal- No. 12 ) losa Alba. No. 15 | Hydrangea No. 16 P. G. Plants from No. 1 to 7 and from No. 1 to 6 are set 3 feet apart. Plants in front row are 23 feet apart. V12 GROUP D-Same diagram as above may be planted with No. 1) No. 8) No. 2 Cornus Mas Variegata No. 9 No. 3) No. 13 | Spiræa Arguta No. 14 ) No. 41 No. 5Weigela Eva Rathke No. 10) No. 11 Berberis Thunbergii No. 61 No. 12) No. 7) Deutzia Lemoine Na. 151 No. 16 ) Prunus Triloba In this group plants are set the same as in Group C. GROUP E For Spring Planting only No. 11 No. 8 ) No. 2 Althæa Double Rose No. 9 Rhododendrons in No. 3) No. 131 variety No. 14 ) No. 41 No. 10) No. 5 ) Golden Syringa No. 11 Azalea Mollis in No. 12 ) variety No. 6, Japan Cut Leaved No. 151 No. 7 Maples No. 16 ) Weigela Eva Rathke EXTRA-X Japanese Purple Leaved Maple may be put here In this group plants are set same as in Group C. 30-29 BB 18 17 28 I 1998. Jos 33/ ' 1 15 216 16 Ś () 105 35 21 2 1 11- 13 24 36 22 37- 38- 2.) a 4. 1 8 69 1 66 29 ) GROUP F-For Taller Growing Shrubs. Number 1. One Std. Hydrangea P. G. 3. Upright Honeysuckles in variety 5.) Set plants 3 feet apart Number 6 One Lilac Frau Dammann " Ludwig Spæth Chas Joly on 9 66 16 Marie Legraye 10 " " Coerulea Superba oo " Lamarck Set Plants three to three and one-half feet apart. No. 12. One Weigela Can No. 27 dida. " 28 Deutzia Gracilis or Lemoine " 131 " 14 ) Weigela Eva Rathke. 30 One Scarlet Japan 56 15 One Spiræ Van Quince. Houttei. *** 16 ) Syringa Boule d'Argent 32 Syringa Gerbe de 33 ) Neige 181 19 ) Viburnum Plicatum 34 One Weigela Varie- 20 One Spiræ Van gated leaved Houttei 66 351 " 211 , 22 ) Weigela Desbois 36 Spiræ A. Waterer 23 66 24 (Syringa Purpurea -o 38 One Scarlet Japan " 25 ) Maculata Quince. • 26 Spiræ Billardi Plants from number 12 to Plants from number 23 to number 22 set 3 feet apart. number 38 set 27, feet apart 31 ) 66 17 on 37) For an Effective Rose Bed, plant One Tree Rose Frau Karl Druschki for center. 5 Bush Frau Karl Druschki for first row 5 Set about 2 ft. apart 8 16 Gruss an Teplitz For second row or other good red.) Set abuut 2 ft. apart 12 Bush roses, Baby Ramblers, ) Crimson, pink, and white, to for outside row be planted alternately J About 18 inches apart Or a similar sized bed could be planted with Peonies as follows, One white in centre Three white in 1st row, set 27 ft. apart Six crimson in 2nd row -6 Ten pink in outside row" : "o "6 A The line B -C is 3 inches long. At A, plant one Std or tree rose. From A to B, plant seven White Baby Rambler roses, one foot apart. On curve BD A plant ten Crimson Baby Rambler roses, one foot apart. From A to C, plant seven Crimson Baby Rambler roses, one foot apart. On curve A EC, plant ten White Baby Rambler roses, one foot apart. In ellipse ADB, plant six bush roses, one or more varieties. In ellipse A E C, do same thing. + x * od Straight Line Planting For such we recommend Privet, Berberry, Rosa Rugosa, Spiræs, Japan Quince, American Arbor Vitae and Norway Spruce. SCREENS For a fine, effective screen to cover up any unsightly build- ing, or on a trellis for a divisional screen, we recommend planting, say 2 or 27 feet apart, strong climbing roses, such a8 Crimson Rambler, White Rambler, Dorothy Perkins, Lady Gay, Veilchenblau, Hiawatha, etc., and plant same alter- nately. BORDERS If desired to shelter or to hide the view, shrubs are most suitable. The tall growing varieties should be planted along the outside row three feet apart. The innermost row should consist of dwarf shrubs set two feet apart, while the central row or rows should be made up of shrubs of medium size, set 27 to 3 ft apart. In making proper selections for borders, a great deal of practice is necessary to produce the most strik ing effects. Where a border of herbaceous flowering plants is desired, the same general rules should be followed. Along edge of herbaceous border nothing is more effective than a few standard roses. SPECIMEN TREES When the lawn is of small dimensions, trees should be se- lected that do not grow too tall nor attain too great proportions. Where the lawn is large and extensive, we recommend planting specimens of any of the following varieties and al- lowing each specimen ample room for future development, viz., Purple Beech, Weeping Beech, Cut-leaved Weeping Birch, Japan Rose-flowered Weeping Cherry, Camperdown Elm, Horsechestrut double-flowering, Magnolias, Maples Reitenbach, Norway, Schwedler's or Wier's; Colorado Blue Spruce, Nordmann's Silver Fir, White Pine, and Pine Cembra, .. - : - - - - . - - w h o wants 2 LTH CO HOCHETSLRY NO. 75 RED CANADA Medium to large, oblate; red; rich, crisp, sub-acid, refreshing and delicious. Productive. January to May. | RLCCO 500181279, SCBN 2012 SEE Fle RENA . 1 415 23 BUS 24 HOMEX IS B with RE 09. WINTER BANANA Fine, vigorous grower, large, healthy foliage: early bearer. Fruit medium to large, smooth and handsome, golden-yellow usually shaded with red blush: flesh fine grained. rich, sub-acid, aromatic; highest qual- ity. One of the best dessert apples. A valuable market variety in some sections. OSSER AOCHESTER, PLATE 22 07 13 20 CD SA ER NG X SU $ . RSS BE RES ROCMESTER | LTH. co. ROCHESTER,N* NO. 15 NORTHWESTERN GREENING. Tree productive, hardy. Fruit large, fair and handsome. A good variety for market. A good keeper. Rochester Lithographing and Printing Co., Rochester, N. Y. 59 SU NORTHERN SPY SEAT es A CL SA ASIA 323 23 ha WEALTHY use 2 13 B 52 RESSE 20 SA RO VS edia SES CAL 22 DUCHESS 3. . GA w . ZA 5 SUZ NA FOR ES mu RES BLES RTS BALDWIN WAGENER GRIMES GOLDEN $ SER 2 23 SA SS sssss ROCHESTER LITH. co. POCHESTER,NY NO. 39 RED ASTRACHAN This is a free-growing, hardy variety, with large foliage. One of the first to ripen its adbundant crops of sub-acid fruit. Very handsome and valuable. sont TI OUGE 3:2 A 2007 le 2 ) 22 20 TE IND ROCHESTER LITHco POCHESTERN NO. 65 YELLOW TRANSPARENT The earliest apple grown. Ripens two weeks before Early Harvest. Can easily be kept ten days after ripening, making it a desirable market fruit. Flesh fine grained, juicy, rich, sub-acid; comes into bearing very early, and yields im- mense crops. Of Russian origin, new and very valuable. . 2 WENN wita CONCOUR 33393383 SA 2013 SES VIS 2009 CE SO MAIDEN’S BLUSH. Tender and pleasant, but not high flavored ; bears large crops. A valuable old market variety. Rochester Lithographing and Printing Co., Rochester, N. Y . OS 1 SHS WOLLE SAA 9963240 HOV ROCHESTER SOCHEATER PLATE 17 JONATHAN. A very beautiful dessert apple. Its great beauty and productiveness in all soils unite to recommend it to all orchard growers. Good. san COM SOBOK SE3 BARTLETT BARTLETT 2 STO CLAIRGEAU DE NANTES ce ,15 2 23 0 , 38 SA KIEFFER 341 KIEFFER roch Sithol CS 3 NR WS 28 ROCHESTER LITHO.Co. ROCHESTER,N.Y. PLATE 203 CLAPP'S FAVORITE A well-tested, fine pear. Similar to the Bartlett. Fine texture, melting, buttery, juicy, with a rich, sweet, delicate vinous flavor. Hardy and productive. Ripens August and September. 23 SES SON sa a ROCHESTER LỆ TH. co. POCHESTER.NY NO. 209 DUCHESS D'ANGOULEME A magnificent, large, dessert pear, sometimes weighing a pound and a quarter A most delicious fruit of the highest quality. October. re SO CARLA DRESSES THE WONDERFUL BOSC PEAR Scientifically improved under the Greening Method, the Bosc Pear will revolutionize fruit growing. Its profits as a market pear are astonishing. From $3.00 to $5.00 per bushel an average price. Large size 31/2 to 5 inches, a good late fall keeper; the most luscious, honey-like flavor; beautiful golden color, pro- ductive and early bearer. Considered years ago as an impossible variety to grow with success on account of its feeble, straggley growth. Under the Greening Method we top work the Bosc on the stem of the Kief- fer Pear and French Pear root stock, changing the tree to a strong vigorous grower. We trade mark every tree. SON INSERTS ES SOOS 23 SRS SNS ROCHESTER LITHO.CC POCHESTERNY HYSLOP WHITNEY'S SEEDLING Fruit large and striped; flesh yellow; sub-acid ; good for canning and market. August. A hardy, good keeping variety; fruit produced in clusters; flesh yellowish; sub-acid; good for cooking and other purposes. October to December. ENGLE'S MAMMOTH 19 PER NEW PROLIFIC YNK Se ELBERTA TOS PER etc BANNER OR NOVO RS SHO 9 FA 2 TON KIHLKEN SMOCK CA30 08 ANDERSON SAN SER S WA SER 2 ROCHESTER LITHQ.CO. ROCHESTER, N.Y. CHAMPION PEACH Beyond doubt this is the champion early peach of America. Tree and fruit buds extremely hardy-has stood 18 degrees below zero and produced a full crop the following summer. Fruit often ten inches in circumference: quality A 1: a remarkable shipper. August. eres i 1 OM SUR VERO MERUN ROCHESTER LITHO.CO, E ROCHESTER, NY PLATE 308 FITZGERALD. A seedling found at Oakville, Ontario, where it stands the winters perfectly and for the past four years has cropped regularly. Oakville is situated outside of the peach growing district, and any other varieties will not succeed there. It is undoubt- edly very hardy, and the fruit averages larger than any variety we know of. Quality first-class, freestone, and we reconmend it with entire confidence. HE 388 SD MAS les SUN SA 42 P ASVE 10 3 12S SCO WE RE Dec SON PS KO RU PS ROCHESTER LITHO.CO. ROCHESTER, N.Y. PLATE 341. ST. JOHN A very fine peach. A very deep yellow, with a red cheek. A very showy fruit. Is planted largely. One of the best of its season. MEET HONES 2 K LOMBARD LA DIAMOND ABUNDANCE 20 SAM 3 BURBANK 2659 Roch. Sithe. Co. ROCHESTERITA BRADSHAW. Tree an upright, vigorous grower; flesh juicy, brisk, pleasant. Ripens in August. Rochester Lithographing and Printing Co., Rochester, N. Y. RIS cosA Roch. Sitho. Co. ROCHESTER AYON REINE CLAUDE. Universally admitted to hold the first rank among all plums, and is highly esteemed; flavor sprightly and luscious. Rochester Lithographing and Printing Co., Rochester, N. Y. ONSER BESAR 2 BARU AR POCHESTER "LL TH co. ROCHESTERN NO. 426 MAMMOTH AUSTRIAN PRUNE IMPORTED FROM AUSTRIA Two and one-half inches in length; very late; skin tough; fine keeper and shipper; splendid quality; heavy bearer and hardy in wood and bud. - - 3 . : RO 1 . ORIOL 28 . . . CGE ee . . . 2 ::. .. . S 23 . 2872 . tes MUS TE . MASSWS NSRS RS BARAN 12 SA indi PAS & 95 EUR S DACA SS NG MOUR RU Pyloco War 1-NAPOLEON BIGARREAU--Sweet; one of our best yellow sorts; productive, early June. 2-LARGE MONTMORENCY-Sour; clear red, fruits young; very hardy. Last of June. 3--GOVERNOR WOOD--Sweet; most popular yellow sort; good in every way. July. 4-BLACK TARTARIAN-Best sweet black sort. Last of June. 5-EARLY RICHMOND. Most popular sour sort; can't be beat. 6-WINDSOR-Sweet; fruits early and heavily ; very hardy. July. GS 1 ER W ES ROCHESTER LITHO.CO. OROCHESTER. NY. ENGLISH MORELLO A fine cherry; an old and valued sort. Tree a good and regular bearer. Flesh deep red and very juicy. ORANGE A superb fruit and one of the largest. Tair and handsome. Tree healthy, a thrifty en grower, productive. to SO ROCHESTER LTH. c. ROCHESTERN NO. 534 * SES 22 CHAMPION Remarkably productive. Large and uni- form: a good quince Valuable for cooking and canning. 15 SER LO NO CS mer Fy ROCHESTER LITH. cơ. ROCHESTER, NY NO. 502 RUSSIAN APRICOTS Three very hardy apricots. 1-Alexander. The earliest, very prolific and bears annually; sweet and delicious, handsome and showy. 2-Alexis. A good and prolific sort; large, of very fine flavor. 3—Budd. A splendid late variety, and is unexcelled in flavor and quality. Good LILY se ices a KSM PER AR ROCHESTER LTH co.. ROCHESTER.HU NO. 708 CAMPBELL'S EARLY A New Grape Of Great Promise. Photographed from Nature. Exact Size. WORDEN This has deservedly won its reputation as being one of our finest grapes. Vine very healthy and never fails to bear good crops. gauty s vices a POCHESTER LITHO.CO. ROCHESTER. N.Y. . . WHITE GRAPE 322 INDUSTRY WILD CU SA BLACK CHAMPION DOWNING RED JACKET DOWNING Roch litho.Co 3:41 NO . ETTE one recent VREDENBURG & CO. ROCHESTER, N. Y. TREE GOOSEBERRY. (PHOTOGRAPHED SECOND YEAR IN BEARING.) This interesting addition to the Gooseberry family is very desirable. The fruit is of large size, sweet and excellent. Being in tree form the fruit is kept clean and easy to gather. BE 22 N CONRATH ASSO ERO CUTHBERT 2 . SKA . RE ts Sel CUMBERLAND 73352 SEN 0 COLUMBIAN 830 ROCHESTER LITHO.CO DROGHESTER, NY. 1 GOLDEN QUEEN-Large, beautiful amber color; fine quality, hardy and productive. 2 CUTHBERT-One of best red sorts; often one inch in diameter; unaffected by drought; propagates from tips; very hardy and very productive 3 OHIO-A new large black of fine quality, perfect hardiness and a great producer. 4 GREGG-Large jet black, best quality, very hardy and enormously productive; a fine market sort. & 3 Sre sol Shoe 3 S . 50s de Suosi Cat SNYDER RE ROCHESTER LITH.COM ROCHESTER, NY NO. 804 ELDORADO $ Hu ROCHESTER LITH. co. 5. FOCHESTERN PLATE 909 THE GREAT NEW MAMMOTH STRAWBERRY, BUBACH'S No. 5. One authority says, "The great strawberry the horticulturists have been seeking and the millions waiting for has been found-Bubach's No. 5, the best ou of 500 new seedling varieties. Very prolific, of excellent flavor, sweet sub-acid, and in size simply immense, berries averaging large, many over 24 inches in diame ter and 7 inches in circumference. Its equal has not been produced on this continent." Another says: “Exceeds all others in size, quality and productiveness. AS RONIS TAS H IM - Fertile SENATOR DUNLAP It is of the Warfield type splendid shape and is of a class ABOVE and BETTER than such grand varieties as Clyde, Haverland and Bubach. SA ROCHESTRA 8 LITH co. ROCHESTER.AT * NO. 908 WARFIELD NO. 2 Berry dark red, conical in shape; flavor much like Wilson when ripe; sweet and rich; a vigorous grower, with long, penetrating roots to resist the drouth; tall leaves to protect the blossom from frost. NEW AMERICAN MULBERRY One of the best; fruit of excellent quality. Ripe from June 15 to Sept. 20. ROCHESTRA LTH. co. ROCHEGTER.NU NO. 8 20 U ROCHESTER LTH. co. POCHESTERN NO. 1411 CUT-LEAVED WEEPING BIRCH An elegant, graceful tree, with silvery bark, slender branches, and light and airy foli- age. Thrives in the poorest soils and most exposed situations. A great favorite. A Reproduced from Photo by Rochester Litho. Co., Rochester, N. Y. CAMPERDOWN WEEPING ELM. Grafted 6 to 8 feet high, this forms one of the most picturesque of drooping trees. Of rapid growth, leaves dark green and glossy, which cover the tree with a luxuriant mass of verdure. CAT 71 filiatt usilliin tilhamellkla ila St lipsiliser itti tutto 2 ZEN requiremeniti eres ni SS 1 70 : ** 11? . tra moviments litica w aist CASES ASI chans att lampi Misalnya u home alone rasti Pret: 12 POCHESTER LITHO. ROCHESTER. NY AMERICAN SWEET CHESTNUT. This well-known chestnut leads all others in the sweetness of its nuts. It is a very rapid grower and should be given ample room. It should be pruned closely when transplanted. GA AU A IDEN 6 119 7 DIS Stop SUS VAS PA MEN AU OTS dar 1 DVN NO Su MY USU Le lar 2 . ON LO Se WOCHESTER LITH. co., COCHESTER, NO. 1401 JAPAN WALNUT (SIEBOLDIANA) A very vigorous grower, quickly forming a handsome round-headed tree. prolific bearer, but nuts are inferior to our native species. A VE 2 & es be TUOTA 2 ROCH LIT ROCHE NO. SILVER LEAVED MAPLE A North American species of rapid growth, large size and very hardy. Foliage bright green above, and silvery-white beneath; where immediate shade is required it is one of the most useful trees; also a favorite street or park tree. M . ROCHESTER LITH. co. FOCHESTERN NO. 1438 NORWAY MAPLE Native of Europe. A large, handsome tree, of spreading, rounded form, with broad, deep green, shining foliage. Its compact habit, and stout, vigorous growth, render it one of the most desirable species for the street, park or garden. ROCHESTER LITH. co. ROCHESTER NY NO. 1436 MAGNOLIA SOULANGEANA Flowers white and purple, cup-shaped. Foliage large, glossy and massive. One of the hardiest and finest of the foreign magnolias. 2 ROCHESTER LITH. co. ROCHESTERN BECHTEL'S DOUBLE FLOWERING CRAB Photographed on the Ground of OREGON NURSERY COMPANY, Salem, Ore. NO. 1412 Bechtel's Double Flowering (P. Malus Floribunda)-Makes a medium sized ornamental tree of great beauty; perfectly hardy; succeeds well in all soils not extremely wet. When in bloom in early spring this tree presents the appearance of being covered with perfectly double, small pink roses of delicious fragrance. The only sweet scented Double Crab; blooms quite young. Unlike many other trees, it does not bloom until the leaves are fully developed, which adds greatly to its beauty. Sure to hecome anita nonulom on BRO wa ROCHESTER LITH.CO. BCCHESTERNY NO. 1452 TEA'S WEEPING RUSSIAN MULBERRY This most remarkable tree will undoubtedly take the foremost place among Weeping trees. It is the most graceful and beautiful hardy tree in existence, and wholly unlike anything heretofore introduced, forming a perfect umbrella shaped head, with long, slender, willowy branches drooping to the ground. For light, airy gracefulness and delicacy of form it is without a rival. inn ARS SN ASS REPRODUCED FROM PHOTO. BY ROCHESTER LITHO. CO., ROCHESTER, N. Y., PLATE NO. 1228 AMERICAN ARBOR VITÆ A most beautiful, hardy evergreen ; especially valuable for screens and hedges. COM SA 22 NO ROCHESTER LTH. co. BOCHESTERM NO. 1093 RHODODENDRON The Rhododendrons are the most magnificent of all the flowering evergreen shrubs. There is a great variety of colors. 3 RE ** REPRODUCED FROM PHOTOGRAPH BY ROCHESTER LITHOGRAPHING CO., ROCHESTER, N. Y. NORWAY SPRUCE HEDGE It is planted for hedges, shelter-belts, screens. background, etc., in large quantities every year. It has a naturally fine gothic form, grows fast, and seems to suit all soils. Can be pruned to any form with great effect. Can be made umbrella form. 3 2 EEN CE . WA HER SRS BAS 2012 ANNN ................ . wwwwwwwww CSS ........ w ANON . SASA WA 20200 com a Xwed til SONO ORA 33 CA . 22 ha Ben * 63099 ASSOS BO ex XX ss * ut 5 DAO . SS203 w Axo ar XXX BA 322 23 NON HT * 280 uti 8 XXXXXXX WOX exe 38 20 XXX 3 BASS * 29 REPRODUCED FROM PHOTOORAPH BY ROCHESTER LITHO. Co., ROCHESTER, M. Y. BARBERRY THUNBERGI-HEDGE BY TRIMMING, THIS HEDGE CAN BE KEPT ANY SIZE OR SHAPE DESIRED (OVER) 32 . 319 SA www ASS OS dodo w ASS min 223 . AN www S US 0000000 OSO ens. SAD 398 wagowosos esonde g BORNO som www Son oo namumunuan wwwww . ....... w 33 INT 33 Secon . *** w www . mem www wwwwwwwwwwwww www wwwwwwwwwww w wwwwwwww www w ww w w w www w wwwwwww ww www 02 www www www SAS www www. . ANAS www www Stos 28 Se www www SONS w wwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwww ww SASA AM w w SU 23 8 w ww ** SO w www BRON wwwwwwwwww www ORAS NA www . SON non AXON mood 88 USA ess wwwwwws X 2003 $ 8888888 23 38 RE HR 3 38 wwwwwwwwwwww REPRODUCED FROM PHOTOGRAPH BY ROCHESTER LITHO. Co., ROCHESTER, N. Y. CALIFORNIA PRIVET HEDGE One of the best known hedge plants, and when sheared which it stands well, makes one of the handsomest, rapid growing shrubs. Very desirable. ROCHESTER LITH.CO.ROCH,N.Y. AMPELOPSIS VEITCHII. JAPAN CREEPER, BOSTON Ivy-Leaves smaller than those of the American and overlap one another, forming a dense sheet of green. The plant is a little tender while young, and requires protection the first Winter ; but once established, there is no further risk. It grows rapidly and clings to wall or fence with the tenacity of Ivy. The foliage is very handsome in Summer, and changes to crimson scarlet in Autumn. For covering walls, stumps of trees, rockeries etc., no plant is so useful. For the ornamentation of brick and stone structures, it can be specially recommended. PR HITEL RNS X 474 NS HONEYSUCKLES. REPRODUCED FROM PHOTOGRAPH BY ROCHESTER LITHO.CO. ROCHESTER.N.Y. PLATE NO 953 1 MONTHLY FRAGRANT-Flowers red and pale yellow ; sweet scented during the Summer. 2 SCARLET TRUMPET-One of the showiest Honeysuckles with long tubular crimson flowers in bunches during the summer, followed by ornamental scarlet berries. 3 HALL'S JAPAN-Excellent for covering trellies, rocks, dry banks, fences, etc. giving dense almost ever- green foliage. Has very fragrant yellow flowers in constant successson. The best. SINTA 3 66 CAD MA SVR SO 3 BE ES 22 22 233 28 ROCHESTER LITH.CO. ROCHESTER.NU NO. 972 CLEMATIS PANICULATA The most rapid grower of its class. The new clematis, a native of Japan, has proved entirely hardy. No climbing plant possesses its hardiness and vigor of flowering qualities. Very fragrant, Foliage beautiful dark green. Si A Dance 3 GO KU ROCHESTE, LTH cp LI ROCHESTERNY NO. 974 CLEMATIS 1. HENRYII—Best perpetual white, large; blooms freely from June until frost. 2. MADAM ED. ANDRE-Flowers of rich carmine color, 3 to 4 inches across, in great profusion from early June until late Fall. 3. RAMONA-Very large flowers, sky blue; blooms profusely. 4. JACKMANNI-Large, violet purple flowers. July to October. One of the best. ANGEAD : 3 SPIREA VAN HOUTTE BARBERRYAM. WEIGELA ROCHESTEA LITH. co. BUCHEGTER.NL NO. 1065 HYDRANGEA P. G. 2-SPIREA VAN HOUTTE. 3-BARBERRY THUNBERGII. 4-WEIGELA ROSEA. 5-ALTHEA—Purple. BOLSOS Roch. Sitholo. ROCHESTER NY STANDARD or TREE ALTHEA. Superior to Tree Roses ; hardy, unique and easy to manage. This new departure in ornamental gardening was originated and propagated by Hoopes, Bro. & Thomas, who control the entire stock of plants. When in full bloom, our large blocks of Standard Altheas won the admiration of all visitors without a single adverse criticism, and it would be difficult indeed to imagine a grander sight than these minature trees with their regularly formed heads covered with flowers of every conceivable color. SAN W www. 200 32 33 LAGER Reproduced from Photo by Rochester Litho. Co., Rochester, N. Y. Spirea Van Houttei. Without doubt the grandest of all the Spiræas; beautiful at any season, but when in bloom is a complete fountain of white flowers, the foliage hardly showing. Per- fectly hardy and an early bloomer. S 22 E . 2 es . KA RA 28 28 . 22 32 A CV COX we 2 09 23 REPRODUCED FROM PHOTOGRAPH BY ROCHESTER LITHO.CO. ROCHESTER.N.Y. PLAT HYDRANGEA PANICULATA GRANDIFLORA A fine shrub, growing from 8 to 10 feet high; flowers white, in great pyra- midal panicles a foot long, and produced in August and September, when very few shrubs are in flower. One of the finest flowering shrubs. WEIGELA- Eva Rathke Flowers rich crimson, makes second growth, flowering latter part of summer. Is from Japan and perfectly hardy. 8 . XXX KX REPRODUCED FROM PHOTOGRAPH BY ROCHESTER LITHO.CO. ROCHESTER.N.Y. PLATE NO 1080 LILAC WHITE (Alba-Grandiflora) Flowers in large panicles; one of the finest. Hardy everywhere. al 26 Sa SES SS. URDE . PURPLE LILAC Panicles long; individual flowers large, single; dark purplish-red; distinct, superb. e OCHESTER LITH. co. POCHESTER.NU ES 2 EN S SNA ROCHESTER LTH c. ROCHESTERN NO. 1076 JAPAN SNOWBALL VIBURNUM PLICATUM-From North China. Of moderate growth; handsome plicated leaves, globular heads of pure white neutral flowers early in June. Itsur- passes the common variety in several respects. Its habit is better, foliage much handsomer, flowers whiter and more delicate. One of the most valuable flower- ing shrubs, 253ACE -* BEBE 229 w PAS IN SE HOVA ROCHESTER LITH.CO. ROCHESTERNY NO. 1302 1. COQUETTE DES ALPES One of the grandest White Roses grown. . 2. GEN, JACQUEMINOT Carmine Crimson; a grand Rose in every way. 28 LA FRANCE-Pink. A beautiful hybrid perpetual. A very profuse bloomer and has an exquisite tea scent. Hardy. Roch. Sithol ROCKY STER FISHER HOLMES-Red. Vigorous grower; deep, glowing crimson ; much like Jacqueminot, but every way decidedly better. SA 35. NO TRE 2099 SYVUM ZEY VETES 20 DS ro 3 Roch Sithe.Co. horSTERY MRS. JOHN LAING, Pink-The best hybrid perpetual rose for winter forcing; it is an exquisite pink hybrid, a constant and free bloomer. EARL OF DUFFERIN, Red-Remarkably vigorous growth and bushy habit; an early, continuous and late bloomer; very fragrant. Hybrid Remontant. Rochester Lithographing Co., Rochester, N. Y. AT ! SE UN US 4319 HAWAII RUS 55555503111 VA Wales SA SSS CA ROCHESTER LITH.CO GOCHESTERN NO. 1303 2002 TA 5 SOS Kaiserin Augusta Victoria Delicate creamy-white with exquisite fragrance. Beautiful buds. Killarney beautiful new variety which ha: taken a prominent place among garder Roses. It is a strong and robust grower very free flowering. An excellent rose. EKSSON RAMBLER PINK BABY RAMBLER WHITE BABY RAMBLER e NA = OCHESTER LITHO.CO. ROCHESTERN PLATE 1314 XO PA sar SA SON SIRU13 ST CRIMSON BABY RAMBLER. 02 AE SSOS A ou KSINS UM 2 D KAREN 1902 ca 22 B ASSY - S US SU and White Rambler. Crimson Yellow 32 SER 31 I ROCHESTER,N.Y. SPECIMEN ROSE TREE ROCHESTER LITHO.Co. · PLATE 1311 This is one of the most perfect ornaments for the yard or lawn. Any color can be supplied. This is a European production, imported and grown largely in this country. VREDENBURG & CO NC ROCHESTER NY DOUBLE HOLLYHOCK [ALTHÆA ROSEA] This rival of the rose is an old-time favorite, full of sentiment and associations. It is a plant of strong, vigorous growth and most ornamental character, and its present high degree of perfection has been attained through years of careful selection. It is well adapted for growing next to buildings or fences, or for creating effects where tall, showy and graceful plants are needed. 922 23 SEO SA 03 ARO SU 2 R eche SET ROCHESTES LITHO.CO. PROCHESTERN Phlox RED AND WHITE. محله TULIPS. POCHESTER LUT 2 ESTEN F SA CROCUS. UR SA O sh w Vili TIATI 23 RA - SOS * ZIMU AN 9 cavati var 24 HEC WWW 135132 - AN SU 2M 24UXXiitt ASS01 SDS w HYACINTHS. TIR NE 2018 Stro an MO STARS PRE ES GLADIOLUS.-ASSORTED COLORS. One of the most beautiful of summer bulbs, with tall spikes of flowers, which can be had in a great variety of colors. TESTET NBLUES S ISTERSCHAFT ALLERS RE STATU STREET ASSES S ELLESITE METALL F REE R 12 URIER MIRES SELLE LICHT SZOF LATEST LR DOLORES 0151 T HE LECTUS NEDERDER LUCU PERSILLE LESTE DESIRE CERTINI ROSSA SY 5 OS THE MANCHESTER Cat al GET 31 BRASIL AL E TLER ELECTRONICS 103 LUD LILLEHORROR SEHAT WA HER T EUR HIGHS PA O NTE BORRE SENTES LLLLLLLS INC DEHAT BULLET PES SED RES 6TH TER BH USWEISE LISTE OCE UHR US DO LU 20% STELU S2 DELFI CREC TO TERIER SULES TEST HE TORS SU IND INTE ar R S VW WEWE LIENDS SEREB GO MA EST WERSAL TAL 2005 VEREIRO INDONES V ETETTO SESTRELLES SELLUS PERS ESTRO B ANER INTE TORT THERS LAURA EAT ELE 37 SH R RESORTS LA DIE EU TORTE TUELLE PETITA SCE SON BRIL GO SBP TE