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Once more, O Beloved, do I, your Holy Mother, communicate my will unto you. For long, long have I heard the deep and fervent supplications of your blessed Father Joseph, rolling thro’ the Heavens, even to my holy dwelling-place. And O Beloved, for what do you think he hath bowed his spirit, and long, long entreated of me his Holy Mother? Lo! this was his ſervent desire; that I, in my infinite wisdom, would anoint one of my shining angels, to go forth in my power and wisdom, and write a book for the guidance and safe-going of the youth in the first and second part of the holy Church on earth. But having much to do, to cleanse the western branches, and mark each soul, I have not, until lately, seen fit to answer your blessed Father, and in a measure, release his spirit of the heavy burden he felt for the young, and tender youth. - This I did, by making him a sealed promise, on a gold leaf of my love, that on the tenth of Nov. w I \ } 4 WORDS OF HOLY MOTHER. I would write the Beloved a letter, informing them of the manner of a book which I will direct an an- gel to write, which the Beloved on earth shall re- ceive on the fourteenth: yea, even the ever watchfui Elders over the tender buds in Zion. Holy Mother then repeated the following words to Father, which constitutes the letter, saith the an- O Beloved, grieve not in your tribulation, nor think strange that I write to you in particular, at this time; for the Holy Anointed are filled, & I know they are willing I should direct to you; tho' you must read it in their hearing, at the first opportunity. I am INFINITE WisDom; I dwell with the ETER- NAL FATHER, and have known all things, and the transactions of both good and evil spirits on the earth and in the heavens, ever since the beginning and cre- ation thereof. I know the mighty power of the dev- il, and the Almighty power of God. I know the hosts of hell, and the greater and stronger hosts of hea- ven. I also know the cunning craftiness of evil spir- its, and the great influence they have on the souls of mortal creatures, and especially when young and inexperienced. - - These things have I long viewed with sorrow. But my God, whose power is Almighty, whose mer- cy endureth long, will not always be mocked by men or devils; for in his own time, he will set all things right; and none shall say aught against his holy work. . And now, O ye little ones, ye beloved Elders in the work of God on earth, know ye this, that in my wisdom, I have chosen from the fifth band of the angels of love, a powerful and bright angel, that I shall anoint and appoint to reveal, in my wisdom, a WORDS OF HOLY MOTHER. 6 book which may be called, THE YouTH's GUIDE IN Zion, AND Holy MoThr R's ProMises. This beck shall firstly be divided into numbered lessons, aſter which shall fellow my sure promises to all who will faithfully learn these lessens, and walk as they direct, through time. If the Holy Ancinted feel unicn with this work, then see ye that the Instrument whom I have cho- sen to write this letter from me, your H. ly Mcther be prepared in low humiliation, with purity and singleness cf heart, to write ten hours in a day, un- til the work is accomplished and fealed by the word of the angel, cemmencing, (iſso it may be,) on the first day of January, 1842, at the hcur of your ap- pointment. Suffer him nºt to speak, while thus engaged, to any one in Zion but the Lead. I require him to bow low every morning in prayer, to be blost with the true fear cf God, and that he may write simply as the angel shall direct. And it is my desire that the writings be inspected once a day by the Legd; and if counsel is necessary cn his part, be faithful and free to impart it. - Truly I know that there has been much given for the instruction cf Mcther’s children in the church; but this work I intend to be plain, simple and harm- less. For it is my love to the young and tender buds, which have been planted within my holy vineyard on earth. And it is my desire to have such of these lessons committed to memºry by Father's class, 'as ye in your wisdom see fit, by such cres es ye *may think proper. . . . . - §s If for the convenience and improvement of the young, you desire to have several bocks of these les- iºnºid my premises, ye may appoint such ones as * . #1 - § words of Holy MoTHER. you see fit, to copy, in a plain style, as many as may be desirable, and no more than can be pro- tected, and kept holy and sacred. & If you feel to commit a copy of this book into the charge and protection of the elder of any of the retiring rooms, where there lives a number of Fath- er's class, overcounting or exceeding three, I shall have no objections. But if this be done, I shall re- quire the elders of such rooms to be faithful and trusty members, whose feelings are strong in the faith, impartial, and thankful to take care of my sacred words. ... . - Where there are less than the ſorementioned num- ber, the Elders of the family may keep copies of the book for such ones to read and study. But none of Father's class, who borrow the book, shall keep it over the space of four hours. After this length of time, the book must be returned into the care of the elder; and if no other one has applied for it, the same one may take it four hours longer; and so con- tinue to do, until satisfied. . . •. & If any be light, unguarded, or full of laughter & talk with others, while this book is in their posses- sion; it shall become the duty and privilege of the elder, to request the book of such, and take it into safe charge, to the shame and disgrace of the one who had it. • • * Truly there have been much and many valuable treasures given to the trust of mortals, from the fountains of heaven; and to such as have gained this great trust, I say, rejoice and be glad, for it has been gained only by the cross, and obedience to the order of God. The time will yet come when the young cannot feed so bountifully upon the rich things which these enjoy whom you now behold WORDS OF HOLY MOTHER. 7 feeding around you. Then will they that are young be thankful for every crum that you now secure in this rich harvest of good things. * * Yea, they will bow in thanks to you and to God, that you were so kind and zealous to preserve these heavenly crums for them, of which this little book will be numbered as one. w sº This, Beloved, will be a work not so very lengthy; but truly it may be counted as fulfilling the promise to the little children of Mother, who have freely forsaken the practice of perusing histories and other unprofitable books, invented by the skill of sinful man, aided by the false spirits of Satan, to catch the young mind. * * * So now, Beloved, what more I have to say con- cerming the order of this book, I shall give the an- gel to be written in the preface, commencing at the date before mentioned, or at your own appointment, just as circumstances will admit, in relation to your own affairs and those of the instrument. e Farewell, O ye faithful Elders of my love, re. ceive a good store, and impart of the same to my Holy Anointed. & Now, said the angel to the instrument, I have sevened the letter, in plainness, that you have care- fully written. You have no more to do but to give it to your Elders, and be thankful for the privilege you have had. • . - * Farewell My Holy Mother is now loudly sounding her trumpet for me, and I hastily take my flight through the heavens unto her. * e . . Copied from the original manuscript, which was written by inspiration November 14, 1841. be- tween the hours of 10. A.M. and 3. P.M. commen- cing at 35 minutes past 10, and ending at 3, PREFACE, By Holy mot HER WIS DOM, I am Infinite Wisdom. I dwell with the Eternal Father, and have known all things and transactions of both good and evil spirits on the earth and in the heavens, ever since the beginning and creation therecſ. I know the mighty power of the devil, and º sº sy the Almighty power of Gcd. I know the hosts o hell, and I know the greater and stronger hosts of heaven. . . . . . . . I also know the cunning craftinéss cf evil spirits, and the great influence they have on the souls of mortal creatures, and especially upon the young and inexperienced mind. e These things have I long viewed with sorrow; but God, whose power is Almighty, whose mercy endureth long, will not always be mocked by men nor devils; for in his own time, he will set all things right; and none shall say aught against his holy work. º tº It was by the humble cries and supplications of your Father Joseph, that I condescended to have my word written, to the youth in Zion on earth, as it stands on the following pages of this little book; concerning which I give the fellowing crders, to be noticed and kept by all whom the Elders may see fit to grant a privilege to read it. - No book, wherein my lessons and true promises are written, shall be kept over four hours, without the special liberty of the Elders of the family. b Neither shall it be taken out of the dwelling house without the same special liberty. PREFACE. 9 When individuals have the loan of this book, they are required by my wisdom, to keep the fear of God; to have their words few, and to have no lightness or carnality whatever. -> When the four hours are expired, the borrower must, if possibly consistent, return the book into the hands of such as have the immediate care and oversight of the same. And if no others have appli- ed for it, the same may take it four hours longer, and so continue to return and ask for the same until satisfied. As order is heaven's first law; so must all things that pertain to heaven be strictly kept in heavenly and perfect order. - U - I am ETERNAL WisDom, and in my wisdom have I stated the order for souls to keep in regard to this book, and if any should break my orders, they lose my blessing, and unless they confess their carelessness, and beg my blessing of their Elders, it shall not rest on them. [* | What I have given to be written in this little book, may, by liberty of the Lead, be committed to memory, which will prove a strength and pro- tection to all such as will faithfully keep the same, in all they say and do, which must be in perfect union with the Lead. s r D Some will be exposed to say, that these are small . things for Holy Mother to send unto us. , I should not think that she would take any trouble about such small affairs. * * Beware, I say, and let not the tongue of any mor- tal give form to words of such an evil disposition; for all souls will yet find, that before they enter the kingdom of peace and happiness, these things, that I have caused to be written herein, will appear of the greatest importance unto them: I0 LEssons of Holy wisdom. * By the true light and gift of God, much of which I have herein spoken, has been revealed to your blessed Mother Ann, and taught by her and her com- panions, in the first commencement of their work and labors in the gospel. º 1 * > And as a witness to them, and to the truth of their teaching, both by word and example, do I re- quire this little work to stand holy and sacred in the hands of their children in time. : , , g” Holy MoTHER Wisdom. LESSONS OF HOLY WISDOM, Given for the Young, and tender Youth in Zion, SECTION I. 1. By disobedience to the command of God, man transgressed in the beginning, and thereby displeas- ed his Creator, bringing darkness and sin upon him- self and his descendants. * 2. Thus his children, by the same spirit of dis- obedience, were in a state of darkness, until the Sun of Righteousness descended from the throne of mercy, to teach the way and will of God to the lost children of darkness in time. . . . Q. 3. The Sun of Righteousness was Christ, a Sav- ior of souls; a Prince of light and power to all who would deny themselves and follow him freely. 4. The Prince of Light received from the Eternal and Holy Father, a sure promise of etermal life; to give to the sons of men, if they would walk in obe- dience to the will of God, as taught by him. : 5. Thousands believed in him, and such as obey: ed his word, to the giving up of all, have obtained the promise, and are now enjoying the same in the LEssons of Holy wispoM. 11 mansions of their Heavenly Father's house, arrayed in garments of holiness and bright glory. 6. The lovely Son, having faithfully finished his work below, returned to his Father, and took his seat on the right hand of power to judge the souls of men, leaving the new and living Testament of eternal light, life and truth, by which he judgeth all until his second appearance on earth, with the gos- pel of complete salvation from sin. 7. Unto such as hear, receive and obey the gos- pel of righteousness, as revealed in the second ap- pearance of Christ, the promise is renewed, the hope is enlivened, and far greater strength, protection and power is given, than souls had ever before received since the creation of the world. * 8. By the pure testimony and light of God, given in the gospel of self-denial, all souls will be judged, who hear and receive faith in the same, whether obedient or disobedient thereunto. $ 9. Election to eternal life is given to all souls; but this election is not sure; (that is, it does not en- sure salvation to the soul; J for souls in the present state of the world, are more easily influenced to e- vil than to good, being by nature born under the veil of darkness, and entirely foreign from, and, des- titute of the true spirit of godliness. 10. All souls who are called to deny themselves, and bear the cross of Christ, are elected to Eternal life. And such as do faithfully bear the cross, and hold out to the end, will, by so doing, make their election sure. . . - 11. To obtain complete salvation from sin, and gain a full victory over an evil nature, is a great thing, and consequently requires a full sacrifice to be made, of all that is natural and earthly. 12 LEssons of Holy wisdom. 12. It is far better for souls who are called to the trial in time, than for those who are not; provided they are willing to endure the purifying fire of the t * gospel furnace. SECTION II. 1. Gold is valuable, when well refined at the mine; and much is thought thereof. 2. Souls are valuable, bright and glorious, when well refined and tried in time. They are thought much of by God, the Holy Father, and placed first in his kingdom of glory. sy e 3. The first step of rising from the death of the spirit, to everlasting life, after being convicted of the works of death, which is sin, is honestly to con- fess the same to the living witnesses of God, estab- lished in the true order of his Eternal Wisdom. 4. One side of honest confession, no soul can ev- er find acceptance with God, or ever taste his loving mercy, and enjoy his lasting peace. . . . 5. After confessing, repentance is needful, to prove unto God the sincerity of the soul, and wash away the stains of sin. • 6. True repentance is a forsaking of all sin, and a continual prayer for the mercy of God, without which no soul can be forgiven, e. ſ 7. To travel easy in the gospel, and make the swiftest possible progress towards the kingdom of righteousness and peace, is to keep a close union and joining to the body of the Church of Christ. 8. Never try to run on ahead, before the main body of good believers, and above all, never fall back; but keep close up and be in the gift, LESSONS OF HOLY WISDOM. 13 9. The greatest travel, comfort and blessing a soul can gain, is to be found in being up and alive in every gift; feeling united in spirit, and thus the main body is strengthened, and Zion is built up and adorned. * * 10. There is a Lead in Zion to which all souls must gather and look for help, strength and support. This is the order, of God and not of man; and no soul can run by this order without losing the bless- ing and protection of God. 11. God pours his blessing and love on such as keep a close union and a free spirit of honesty to the Lead. And where all do this, all will receive alike; for God is not partial. 6 12. If souls are disobedient to the leading order of God, they at once fall behind, and lose the bless- ing that the obedient share and enjoy, & 13. By disobedience man fell into slavery and bondage unto death; and now by obedience, man can rise, if he will, to liberty, life and bright glory. 14. Seek the glory of heaven, and that which is earthly will disappear and flee from your desire. 15. Be wholly given up to do the will of God, and Satan will stand afar off, knowing you to be the servant of a mightier power than his, 16. Boast not of thy righteousness; but rather show the same by keeping silent and fearing God, who is able to smite with his hand of judgment, both the righteous and the unrighteous. 17. Do the will of God, and despair will never enter thy soul, nor discouragement block thy way. 18. The willing and obedient shall have no oc- easion to say that they are the worst of all souls, 2 14 LESSONS OF HOLY WISDOM, SECTION III. . . - 1. The root of all evil is seen in such as walk hand in hand with pride and self-exaltedness. 2. When souls give way to envy and malice, Satan is at the door, and is well pleased to see them. & . . . . 3. Say not to thy friend, there are weeds in your garden, when thy Cwn is choked with the same; but rather look at home. *= * - 4. Learn wisdom while young, and her paths will always appear beautiful and inviting. ſº 5. Wisdom is meek and lowly in spirit: she loveth righteousness, and delighteth in the will of God. 6. Perseverance and diligence are worthy com- panions in the pursuit of salvation. Seek to walk with them in all you do. * ... 7. Many words are not profitable, for leanness cometh thereby; and the spirit is made faint. 8. All power is with God: stand firm for HIM, and HE will deliver thy soul from alſ harm. * 9. Love is food to the soul: seek that which com eth of God, pure and holy. • e 10. Faith is a giſt of God; nourish it by good works, and it will make thy soul to shine with glory. , 11. Faith is a consuming worm to disobedient souls, who deny the same, by seeking to cover it in the ways of darkness. . . . 12. Thou dost well to praise God with thy tongue. Let not the same member speak blasphemy, nor give form to ungodly words of vanity. " . . 13. Devote thy whole soul to learn the way of truth, and no lie shall pass thy lips, nor deception blind thy soul. • LEssons of Holy wisdom. 15 14. Deception is the inroad of Satan, and leadeth many vices into the soul of man. Let no sin enter thy spirit upon this path. e : '. 15. The honest hearted are marked with meek- ness, and are found in the low valley of innocence. 16. Purity shines like the morning sun; so doth the spirit of all such as stand in true justification before God and man. . 17. Obedience is the true path to happiness and comfort, and the soul that walks therein, doth glow like the fair morning rose. 18. Tribulation is sweet to the seeker after right. eousness. It is the staff of humility, and a hand- rail to honesty. ... - 19. Humility is a beautiful robe, wherewith all faithful souls are clad, in the work of regeneration. 20. Sincerity of soul in the work of redemption is worth mountains of gold. The offerings of the sincere are sweet smelling flavors to the Father of heaven. - - g . . . 21. Innocent babes are emblems of the redeem- ed. It is good to love innocence tho' ye are not redeemed; yet, such as love innocence will seek to be likened thereunto. * 22. Ye despise the wicked ways of sin; yet seek to walk therein by speaking evil one of another. This ought not to be; for it is the main spring of mischief and hard feelings, one against another, which is base wickedness to reign in the souls of Zion's children, - SECTION IV. i. Idleness is the sure road to destruction and misery; and souls that walk therein, will find an in- 16 LEssons of Holy wisdom. expressibly great work to do, before they can enter the bright kingdom of peace and rest, in the world to COIſle. • . . . . . . ." 2. Carelessness is the door to poverty and want. Never open this door, lest ye stumble on the rough threshhold thereof, & fall into the pit of wretchedness. 3. By your works, words and ways ye will surely be judged; then how careful ye should be to walk uprightly and speak in the fear of God, at all times. 4. Idle words proceed from the fullness of the heart; and a tree is known by the fruit it brings forth. & . . . 5. A fool loveth vanity; his talk is like an empty sound, and hath no force at all; therefore flee from the course of vanity. º' 6. Praise thyself by good works only. More than this is uncomely in the sight of men, and giv- eth them no chance to speak in thy behalf. 7. Seek not to display any great talents in time; for that belongs to, and is of the children of dark- ness; by which they gain glory one of another; but have none of God. ** * - - -- 8. He that humbleth himself before God, shall rise to everlasting glory that never faileth. 9. Order is the creation of beauty. It is heav- en's first law, and the protection of souls. 10. Keep all things in order, as keeping the law of heaven; and keep the order of Zion, that heaven may protect you. - e • 11. Union is the cement wherewith souls are join- ed to the fountain of all good, and sealed to the gos- pel of pure love. ſº - ſ Q * 12. Charity is a heavenly gift of God. As ye free- ly receive, so freely give. If ye have not this char- ity, ye are counted mean in the sight of God, and are as empty bubbles. LÉsšöNs of Holy wisdom, †† 13. If ye have not charity, the day will come, when ye shall cry aloud for help, and receive none; for God will remember your covetousness. 14. Prudence is the servant of wealth. Plente- ousness abounds where prudence takes her resi- dence; and want is driven far away to the abodes of wastefulness. . *- 15. Prudence provides stores for charity to give to the poor; clothes to cover them, and food to sus- tain them. 16. Prudence claimeth a right in Zion. Be care- ful not to offend her, for she is a spirit that hath great favor in the sight of God; therefore hearken, ye to her voice, and obey the counsel she giveth thee. 17. Thankfulness is the favorite of prudence, and is careful to save all that God giveth, both of spiritual and temporal things. . P Let thankfulness reign in thy breast, That of thy God thou mayst be blest. - 18. Contentment is a sign of resignation to the cross, with which all faithful souls are marked. It fills the homest soul with comfort and happiness. 19. Let contentment dwell within thy breast. Bé subject thereunto; for it is a lovely guest. SECTION v. 1. Seek not to explore the world to view the high mountains and low valleys, or rivers and lakes; for ye have a far better calling than that, to labor 2. Ye are called to be separate from the world; then seek not to converse with the wicked subjects théreof. * • ** 18 Lessons of Holy wisdom. 3. Ye cannot leave the world behind unless ye wholly reject the wicked ways thereof. ºr * 4. Righteousness is found in Zion, and it never can be found elsewhere; therefore seek it where it is to be found. . . . . . . - - || 5. The pleasures of nature and time have no part with those of the world to come. 6. The true cross-bearer forsakes the pleasures of time, and curbs the strong desires of nature. Such souls feast upon the love of God, and taste the sweet pleasures of eternal life in the world to come; yet dwell in a house of clay. 7. Thou sowest thy grain, but reapest it not, nor enjoyest the increase thereof, until the stalk is dead; the kernel still liveth. Thy body is a stalk which dieth; but the spirit liveth. 4’ & & tº • 8. If thou plant thy faith in a good soil, it will yield to thy spirit a great increase of gospel fruit in abundance; and thou shalt taste the goodness there- of in time. But the final harvest is in the world to come, after the stalk to thy spirit is decayed. 9. Faithful souls have no terror in death, but re- joice over the sting thereof, for their faithfulness to God. `, A 10. The grave boasteth no victory over the faith- ful child of Zion; but the devil is put to shame when the grave is opened to receive the body. 11. When faithful souls are taken from the scenes of time, they greatly rejoice in the beauty of their heavenly mansions, and their everlasting treasure, in the etermial world. º - 12. The sinner hath no confidence to stand in the light of God; but the faithful hath no lack. , ; ; 13. Temptation hath many bright charms of . pleasure; but all pleasure is fading, save that which is gained by the cross. p ikssons of Holy wisdoiſ. |}} 14. If ye will have honor of worldly men, which lieth down with the body, in the bosom of the earth; then ye do not gain the honor of God, which never faileth through all eternity. . . . . . .15. Seek the durable riches, and bid adieu to the unprofitable things of time. . . . 16. If a tree leaneth over the water the fruit will drop therein. Bend thy spirit heavenward, that thy fruit may fall therein, and be for thy comfort here- after. * 17. Consider all eternity; it is a journey without end; therefore lay ye up stores therein, to support you in time of need. . . . . t 18. Ye who are called, while young, to travel in the work of God and prove faithful unto the end, ye shall be the bright glory of heaven and the sweet flowers of paradise. 19. No soul is counted faithful whose sin is cov- ered in the heart. Gain and hold fast the principle of honesty, for God knoweth the secret heart of all souls, both in time and eternity. sº * 20. Pray without ceasing, lest ye be taken in sin. The tempter of souls is always ready to allure the . . young mind, and lead it astray. . . . . 21. Seek wisdom in early life, and pray that she may lead thee in the true path of thy duty. . . 22. Be temperate, and not go to excess in any calling or duty. Wisdom doth not mark her ways by intemperance; but with prudence she claims the yirtue of temperance; and the thankful heart shall be blessed of Wisdom. ſº * 23. Love meekness; for this is a strong virtue. Pride will make no tarry with meekness: but flee away to the high minded zeal; 30 LEssons of Holy wisfjößt. 24. Love patience, for it is a virtue of the great- est importance to support the soul, when heavy trials bear thereon. . . . . . . . - 25. If persecution should meet you, ye would stand a poor chance without patience, God is love and power, and patience claimeth a right in both of these. Therefore, if ye have patience, ye have the love and power of God; and in times of persecu- tion, this is worth all things else. 26. Pray for them that hate you, and love your enemies. This ye are required to do; but ye can- not do this, unless ye have patience. d • * * 27. Simplicity should have a place in thy heart and soul: this beautifies the child of God. 28. Simplicity is needful in conversation; it for- bids high flown words, and guides the tongue in wisdom, to speak in simple language. & 29. Zion's children are called to speak with a new tongue. Simplicity is in the voice, and in wisdom it giveth form to its words. 30. Simplicity scorneth pride, and is far from mincing steps and stiffened joints. . . . . 31. Pride belongs to the devil; it sprang forth of lust, and is a crown for evil spirits; shun it as dead- ly poison. Q - 32. Selfishness is baneful to charity; it belongs to the sons of darkness, and not to the children of gospel light. • * 33. Put selfishness far away, or ye cannot lay up a treasure in heaven, and assist in the upbuilding. of Zion. .. & * . . ; SECTION VI. 1: Spiritual devotion is a necessary employment LEssons of Holy wisdom. 21 It draws the mind to a sense of the Almighty Fa- ther, and of his mercy and charity to souls. It enli- vens the spirit of thankfulness, invigorates the mind to faithfulness, and strengthens the true children of Zion in bonds of pure love and union. 2. The worship of God is made beautiful by the true devotion of the worshipers. When all are sincerely devoted, the power of God is strong; his peace, love and blessings are, to be felt in abun- dance. But ye must make your offerings in spirit and in truth; else ye had better make no attempt, for it is not a trifling matter. - . e 3. To devote the whole feelings of soul and body to God, requires a giving up of all that belongs to the regions of darkness; pride, bondage, self-will, fleshly affections and carnal desires, with all feel- ings of covetousness, or hankering after the honor, wealth and vain glory of time. a 4. There never was a soul, and never will be one who stands in true justification in Zion, but who could or might feel the flowings of the spirit in the worship of God. Hear ye my word; for I am Eter- nal Wisdom.' . . . - • 5. The power of God cannot be gained at all times without a struggle and labor; and many times it will require a deep labor, in order to satisfy the soul. ºf - 6. If ye cannot always readily gain the power of God by laboring for it, so as to be able to feel it, either inwardly or outwardly, you must search your heart, and find out the cause. Enquire of your conscience; and that will inform you. 7. The conscience is a journal, and a ready wri- ter. All you do, is inscribed therein. That which is of the greatest importance, either good or bad, 22 LEssons of Holy wisdom. takes the heaviest inscription, and is the longest retained. . . . . . . . . " - 8. Always strive to have as little sin as possible written on the conscience; for it takes the waters of true repentance to wash away such writings; and these waters have to be bought with a price. 9. Good spirits daily read the consciences of Zion's children, else they would not so readily know who to bless. . 10. The more good the justified spirits can read in the conscience of each soul, the more pleased they are to bestow their love, blessing and peace thereon. So strive to get all you can, and enter- tain them by your good works, which they, read .* from the journal of your conscience. . . - 11. Evil spirits read the conscience of souls, when they can get a good chance; and if they can find much sin written thereon, they say one to anoth- er; “This soul seems to be on our side; I love to read such writing; it is plain to be understood; I guess we shall have this one before long.” 12. There is a good spirit set to guard each soul of Zions children in time. Evil spirits come upon the soul with temptation; and if the soul resisteth the temptation and uniteth with the good spirit, to drive away the evil one, there is always sufficient power to overcome and put the tempter to flight. 13. On the other hand, if the soul should unite with evil, and give way to sin, the good spirit would withdraw from the soul, until the evil one is satisfi- ed., Then the good spirit will return and make the soul feel ashamed of the act of sin, and cause the impression to be heavy on the conscience;and whisper the soul closely, showing it how to find forgiveness; which is by honest confession and re- pentance. LEssons of Holy wisdom. 23. 14. When ye are tempted and overcome with sin, ye feel guilt and remorse, and ye know that hon- est confession is the only requisite to find release- ment. Don't give back because of the cross; if you do, the evil one will soon lead you to the pit of hell, and there you will burn with inward horror and condemnation. So hearken to the word of ETERNAL Wisdom, and always keep your conscience clear, by honest confession, which is mortifying and crucifying to the man of sin. 15. Mortification is profitable; it helps subdue an evil nature more than any thing else. • 16 Without mortification, your spirits never can be made to shine with glory: the fruits of it are holy; therefore love it, and bear it patiently. 17. You may gain mortification by your own exertions, when you assemble to worship God, by exercising, motioning, bowing and bending, and sometimes speaking your faith, and making good promises: mortification gained in this way, is very good. & & 18. It is better to gain it so, than to have your Elders put it upon you. If you do not gain it by your own exertions, if you get any at all, your Elders will either have to help you to it, or else you will escape it; and if you escape it, you will surely es- cape entering the kingdom of bright glory. 19. This is true, for I am INFINITE wisdom; I know these things, and have known them from the very beginning. I speak nothing but truth, and eternal truth it is. I give it in simple language that ye may all understand, and withal obey unto everlasting happiness, or disobey unto condemnation andºmisery. ge e 24 LEssons of Holy wisdom. 20. The spirits of mankind are so much swal- lowed up and sunk in the works of nature, pride, lust, and fleshly affections, that true godliness is not to be found among them; but it is found in the Church of Christ and its branches, which is a burn- ing light unto all nations, and a city of truth, into which all souls must enter, if they eyer find Ged, and wish to gain eternal life, and be redeemed from sin. 21. The children of the Church of Christ are not numbered with the children of mankind at large; but they are the children' of the New Jerusalem, and they are numbered, and their names are written in the Book of LIFE. • 22. A record is surely kept of the lives of all souls; and ye whose names are entered and written in the book of life, will be tried by the record of your own lives; and if ye are found wanting in that day of trial, better would it have been for you had there been a millstone tied to your necks, and ye cast into the sea, ere your names were written in the Book of LIFE. . . . 23. Therefore, in mercy to your souls-do I warn you to faithfulness and obedience to the gospel, wherein ye have sufficient light and knowledge to direct you in the true path of your duty; and ye will all be left without excuse in the end. • * * 24. Ye should often think of the greatness of }. calling and privilege in the only true way of li 62. l, - . . . . . . . 25. The morning of righteousness has but just begun to dawn; and ye, O ye little ones of your Mother, have been called at an early hour of the day. Look a thousand years forward, and consider the souls who will be called to the gospel. They Holy MoTHER wisDom's PROMISEs. 25 will look back to your days on earth, and by them ye will be considered even of the first founders of the work of God in time. Amen. Holy MoTHER Wisdom. Holy Mother Wisdom’s Promises, To the Youth in Zion. º Given On C0ndition of their faithfulness, 1. Little children in Zion, hearken ye to the voice of Wisdom, and get understanding; for I have condescended and given you my word for this pur- pose, that ye might have frequent access unto the same, and learn wisdom of my sayings. e 2. Where are the souls of men or women that have greater light and knowledge of the spirit than ye have? Ye know not, neither is there any on the shore of time, who dwell in tabernacles of clay and breathe the mortal breath of life. 3. This knowſedge is unprofitable to you, unless you make a wise and godly use thereof. If ye will walk in true and humble subjection to the Holy Laws, and to the light and knowledge of God given unto you, the day will come when your thankful- ness will be greater than you can express. 4. In that day will I clothe you with garments shining bright as the noon-day sun: then will I say to you, be joyful; for your glory has but just begun. 5. Wars and tumults shall overspread the earth: kingdoms shall rise against kingdom, and nations shall split, subdivide and fall to ruin; the mountains shall burn, the valleys sink, and the watery deep 3 26 Holy MoTHER wisdom's PROMISEs, shall cast up mire and foam; earthquakes shall shake with great fury, and lay in desolation districts, countries and cities; yet amidst all this, the faithful soul shall be protected from harm; but woe to the unfaithful, who slight the offers of God to their souls! I promise them nothing but a burning in hell. 6. These things do I know; for I ever have been, am, and ever shall be Eternal Wisdom who know all things, ever before, now, and hereafter; there- fore marvel not at my sayings, but swallow them in your souls, as eternal truths; for the Almighty is willing that you should know all that I please to tell you. Therefore listen, and understand my word, and $6nsider the great importance of being faithful; for I say unto you, that, not only 7. Fierce wars and tumults shall betide, And fill the earth from end to end, Or nations split and subdivide, And kingdoms all in pieces rend, And mountains burn and valleys sink, Or oceans cast up foam and mire, And heave and toss from brink to brink, And earthquakes rage at God’s desire; 8. But clouds of darkness will o'erspread, And through the troubled sky shall roll, While lightning fleet shall gleam o'er head, And thunder peal from pole to pole. Fierce hurricanes shall sweep the land, And skim the deep from shore to shore; Tornadoes rend the coral strand, And set the world all in uproar. 9, Fear not all this for God is just, And will protect his faithful few; 10. 11. 12. HôLY MOTHER WISDOM’s PROMISEs. 27 And mockers all shall be accurs'd And in that day shall get their due. Tho' you may not all live to see These frightful times and awful scenes; But do be faithful unto me, ge And ye shall all know what it means. I’ll gather you within my arms, Who faithfully in Zion dwell, And guard you from such dire alarms. And many worse, that lie in hell. , I’ll clothe the faithful with my love, Who patiently endure all things; $ And unto God, in heaven above, I will anoint them priests and kings. Hear ye my word, for true I am, One with the Father, in his power; And faithful souls of Christ the Lamb, I will protect each trying hour. Tho' Satan with his ireful host, Break from the burning scenes of hell. With battle arms invade the coast, The very spot whereon ye dwell; And raging like the hurricane, On every side to persecute, * And get you scatter'd o'er the main, And Zion's walls strive to pollute; Fear not all this, but stand ye fast, Like pillars of strong adamant, And trust in God for he can blast The ireful host that Zion haunt, 28 HOLY MOTHER wisdom's PROMISES, 13, God is with me and I’m with God, And ever was and e'er will be; We have all power to use the rod, To rend the earth and spill the sea. . All heaven is at our command; ... - We speak thereto, it doth obey; And what is earth beneath our hand? It is but one light ball of clay. 14. We form'd the earth by our own power, We have dominion o'er the same; We can dissolve it any hour, With an all bright eternal flame. . . . We form'd the sun, the day to light; We form'd the brilliant starry maze, We also form'd the queen of night, To shed on earth her gentle rays. 15. We did give birth unto expanse, Which none but we can comprehend; And in a moment we can glance Our eyes there through, from end to end, Of any part, or world therein; Thousands of which we twain did build, Long ere this earth we did begin, (Whereon ye live, ) or even will’d. 16. We laid the course of all these things, < Which ever move at our command, Like lightning swift upon their wings; At our desire they all do stand. Our voice they dare not disobey, Lest we in vengeance melt them down; But thereunto, from day to day, * , They soar and glide and roll around. 17. 18. 19. 20. Dare ye presume to scoffat God? Holy MoTBER wisdom's PROMISEs. 29 Now think of this, ye helpless worms! Ye little specks of mortal clay ! . Since at our word all heaven turns, Dare ye presume to disobey? And mock and scorn his holy power? Beware, I say, lest with his rod He smite your souls in that same hour. O little children, could you know *- The call of mercy unto you, You'd sacrifice all things below, And cast off nature clear from you, The world with its alluring charms Of pleasure false and vain delight, Its riches, husbands, wives and farms, Would be disgusting in your sight. Therefore subdue each vain desire Of worldly fading things below; t With all your might strive to acquire A treasure where you soon will go. And if ye will all things endure, And drink the cup that is for you, Eternal life ye will secure: This is the word of Wisdom true. The glory of the faithful soul, No mortal mind can e'er conceive; But in the heavens 'tis enroll’d, . And all who will, can yet receive. By faithfulness, that glory's sure, Which, like a long eternity, Forever is and will endure: Consider now this word from me. #3 © 80 HOLY WIND OM's I is T WORDs. 1. Hearken, read and obey my word, O ye young and tender youth in Zion! For I am ETERNAL WIs- Dom, and my word is the same. , Q. º 2. In union with God, the Almighty, by request of your Father Joseph Meacham who bowed low before me, in deep tribulation, have I caused my word to be given, for you to study and learn, in union with your visible Lead, whose full union I also have, in sending it to you. - 3. Remember this is my love and desire for your , increase in Zion. Keep my words and lessons sa- cred; learn and practice them by good works, and they will be worth more than mountains of gold unto you. • • 4. Never did I see your Father rejoice with much greater joy, on your account, than he did when my swift-winged angel of love read this little book thro' unto him; after which I bade the angel to give this sentence concerning your Father's joy, to be written with the rest, that you might know that he was thankful in your behalf, and that he truly acted the part of a friend and father to you. . P 5. He bowed low, he shouted in thanks; and I made him welcome, and poured my love and blessing on him, and called him my faithful servant. And all souls that will obey my word I will call my faith- ful servants; I will crown them with my love, I will bless them with my blessing, and they shall be shod, with the almighty power of God, and wield the sword of eternal truth, before which no enemy cari stand: * 6 Holy wisdom's LAST words. 31 6. Yea, I say unto you, (for I am Eternal Wis- dom, and have a right so to do, ) That faithful souls shall surely ride On char’ots of fire o'er wind and tide, Thro' heaven's vast unbounded space: Their enemies they shall give chase, With banners flying and unfurl’d, Ye shall explore the heavenly world, Shouting the victory over sin, Which once your souls were swallow'd in. 7. O ye little ones, ye must think of these things; and put discouragement far away, when trials and sore afflictions roll upon you, like the heavy billows of the watery deep, that vent their fury on solid rocks, and like these rocks stand unshaken, that ye may obtain the promises I have given for such as are faithful and hold out to the end: - 8. God never had a people on earth, who were accepted of him in eternity, before he had well proved them. He hath proved those who have gone before you, and he will you, and those who follow you. . . . . . . . . v . 9. So shrink not from the battle, but bravely fight the good fight of faith; and in the end, as the Son of God did say, so shall you say, I have overcome the world. - 10. Drink, yea, patiently drink the cup of suffer- ings that is measured out for you, of which ye have but lightly sipped, for ye are young. e 11. Consider the whole universe, the many na: ‘tions therein, and the many millions of souls that constitute the same. Consider all that have been emancipated from the body, to the eternal regions, since the foundation of the world; and that all need the gospel as much as you do: 32 Holy wisdom's Last words, 12. Many of them have, indeed, received the gos- pel; but the number is few, in comparison to those who still sleep in their sins, both on earth and in eternity. 13. Consider again my word. All souls who en- ter the true kingdom of everlasting happiness, have firstly to subdue their fallen, corrupt natures by the cross; and in the narrow path they must walk, even as ye are shown and taught on earth. 14. Those who have gone before you in the gos- pel, have suffered for you, and ye must suffer for those who come after you. 6 15. And if ye prove faithful in suffering, ye shall be honored by those who come after you. Yea, I say unto you, ye suffer not only for yourselves, but for unborn millions do ye suffer; for so did your Parents before you. * 16. Ye are nigh unto your Mother, even called to be her children's children. Ye shall be held in great esteem by after generations, if ye will be faith- ful. I speak of the present generation, in the ye eighteen hundred forty two. ge And now my word is ended, and I say, Amen. , - Holy AND ETERNAL Wisdom, R ! 6 sº * , t cºmme ºmºmºmº ºmºmº º WORDS OF THE ANGEL. 33. The Swift-winged Angel of Love, that revealed the foregoing pages of Holy Wisdom's Word, by her liberty, and in union with the Visible Lead, stals or closes the work by his own word, as written upon the following pages, THUS SAITH THE ANGEL of LovE. 1. I am a bright, a swift-winged angel from the realms of light; from the bowels of Wisdom I came forth. My experience is great, you will see, if you will hearken a moment to me. • 2. I was an angel of Wisdom's delight long ere this earth was formed, or dust was fashioned into man. Many worlds before this I have seen; some bright, and some dark, and some that were empty and void: of such I have nothing to say, - 3. But listen awhile to my words; for Wisdom hath spoken to me, and that which I please, I may give and write, little ones, unto you. g 4. Wisdom is great, and knoweth all things: all tongues of the earth she doth know; and In a plain language she has written to you: Receive ye the word, it is holy and true. 5. I have seen the ways of man from the begin- ning; I know they are darkness and sin. 6. I have seen valleys sink and mountains burn, and islands flee away, at the appointment of Al- mighty God. A-4” 7. Many cities, large and strong, I have seen crum- ble into dust beneath the power of God's strong hand, 2. 34 words of THE ANGEL. 8. Thousands of years have I lived and walked, and soared in the heavens above, and sung to my God with delight: Yea, With many bright angels of Wisdom's pure love, Have I pass'd and repass'd thro' the heavens above, 9. Thousands of souls have I seen, who were, in time, mean, wretched vagabonds, chained in dark- ness, in misery and hell, too awful to relate. And many of these wretched souls were such as rebelled against the light of God that now shines in time; that light wherein you dwell, unto whom I now speak, º - 10, Little children' I am an angel of love, and to love the faithful souls in the work of God, is my greatest delight; at pres ten de ren son vista, ( 2 11. In the late work of your blessed Parents, I have been much interested in performing kindness- es, preparing love and rich presents for them to give unto you. 0. 12. The heavens have indeed been opened for your sakes, and ye have received much good there- from. Hold fast thereunto, and be ye exceeding thankful. G ſº . 13. I see the awful gulf of misery wherein many of you, yea, all would finally have landed, if ye had continued in your own ways a few years longer. 14. Altho you had good and faithful Elders to teach you; yet you did not hearken to them; but went on from day to day, in, I can say nothing bet- ter than your own ways; seeking ease and indul- gence to your fallen natures. 15. Now you may think this to be rather strange for an angel, that never before spoke to you, to tell about your own ways, and that too, of my own ac- cord. worDs of THE ANGEL. 35 16. But little ones, I speak truth and that alone. I know your own ways, and where they will land you, if you do not forsake them. . . . . 17. I know the way of life, wherein ye are called to travel; and if ye fall therefrom by stumbling on the rock of disobedience, ye will land in the bosom of hell. & º 18. But I need not say much concerning these things; ye have the word, the truth and the light; and if ye walk not therein, ye will not find happi- ness and comfort. . . . 19. I could tell you many things concerning the world of spirits; but as I belong to Eternal Wis- dom, so do I share a portion of her wisdom; and it is necessary to use wisdom in these things, as well as in others. - S 20. I think you have sufficient knowledge of the spiritual world for your present good. If ye have too much knowledge thereof, it will tend to create an uneasiness, and a spirit of discontentment. If ye knew too much thereof, ye would not be so well satisfied as ye ought to be in time; and ye cannot go hence, until your work is done below. There- fore I say unto you, if ye knew too much of the spiritual world, ye would be no comfort to your- selves, nor to others in time, 21. So be ye contented, and thankful to your God. I must draw to a close soon, for I know there has been enough said. I only intended to speak as a witness to the truth of all that you have receiv- ed from the eternal regions of light and glory; for I know that God is good, and that all good floweth from him, and what ye havé given you is good; this ye know ; therefore say it is of God. Amen, even so let it be. * * <-> THE Swift-wingED ANGEL of LovE, APPENDIX. --- A-...-A Amºn A few words of Eternal Wisdom by the Angel concerning the orders of this book as given in the preface. - They may be altered if the Lead see fit; but let no others plead to have them altered; for the wisdom of the Lead is sufficient to direct all things aright. And now I give this book into their hands, to be extended when and wherever they desire, let it be far or near. & This is the word of Eternal Wisdom saith the Angel. - g f A- adº- a mº-y- Y-Tº-y v-y Y-y ºr v-y ºr-wrº Y-y Y-Tº-Tº-F º s | | | | | |