- - - PART II. C LOS IN G. R O LI L FROM HOLY AND ETERNAL WINDOM, MOTHER ANN, FATHER WILLIAM AND FATHER JAMES, \ To THE CHILDREN of Zion. *my ºr-ºr-my v-y vºmy-my-wºmy w_w_w_w w vºmy-my PART II. SACRED COVENANT OF OUR HEAVENLY PARENTS, sENT FORTH Upon EARTH To THEIR CHILDREN, AT THE close of THEIR LATE MAN- IFESTATION, (oN THE Holy MoUNT of God,) For THE PURIFICATION of Zion AND THE INHABITANTS THEREOF. GIVEN BY INSPIRATION, IN THE church of THE HOLY MOUNT of GoD AT NEW LEBANON, December 31, 1841. wºr-wº, -y-v-v ºf , ººgº ºf tº-To be kept saſhed by Ali Zion's ChibREN.-sº PRINTED AT cANTERBURY, N. H. INTRoduction. • Cº-º-º-º-º-º-º- sº-º-º-º-º-º-e ºſºm &ºm=ºg "The following word, or roll, was firstly prepared by the hand of Holy Wisdom, and *written upon parchment. g” ~. º But as a very great share of the heavy sufferings and burden of the late manifestation had rested upon her daughter Ann, she has left a part of this roll, which was written on the first day of January, 1842, for her daughter Ann to fill out with her last words of instruction and solemn warning to her children, respecting many things, requesting her to set James, [Father James Whittaker, to re-copy such parts of this roll, when fill- ed out, as referred in a special manner, to all her Instruments, in the temple, in this part of Zion, on a beautiful Gold PLATE, that it may there remain for ages. But the remaining word upon the parchment, must go forth to the people, when her angels shall have finished reading all the rolls, and conveyed all the presents, which by us were designed to be bestowed upon the people on the Holy MoUNT. This is the order in which I require this roll to be handed forth to the people, saith Holy Wisdom, that all may know my will, and the will of their blessed Mother and heavenly Parents, respecting all the presents and individual notices, both for Instru- ments and others, that have been given out from the heavens above, at the close of this great manifestation to our children in this place. This is in love and charity to you all, that you may so walk, as to be greatly benefit- ced by that which you have received from a sacred and divine source. New Lebanon, January 8, 1842. SECTION I. The words of Holy Wisdom, drafted from the roll of parthment, on to the Golden Plate, for all the faithful Instruments in the Zion of God, by Father James, January 7, 1849, and read by the Reading Angel of Mother Ann, for mortal hand to write, January 27, 1843, Come gather near, listen and understand, all powers of heaven above, to sound forth words, hand-forth writings, or to convey presents of any kind; hearken I say, and hear the words of me, your Holy and Eternal Parent. ten upon this GoLD PLATE, together with the word of your blessed Mother Ann. And this we send to each and every one of you,as a rich present, and among the last of our solemn les-|| the disobedient and unfaithful. |little ones, I can speak unto you, as a body of sons of warning, for your instruction, that you may go safely while you sojourn in time below. Also that you may know that you are owned and blessed of us for your faithful labors, through the late manifestation, and furthermore, that you have faithfully held out to the end, and finished your work according as we, in our wisdom did require. | fort and consolation, and then will follow a few words of solemn instruction. I have, saith Wisdom, repeatedly, for more than four years past, hovered with my wings of wisdom, over this part of my Zion, which stand- eth on the Holy Mount of God, here on earth. I have with my Eternal Wisdom, through your \ |heavenly Parents, interposed both by night and ye Instruments, who have been called by the by day, that the mortal Instruments, whom we had chosen and called to work for us, in this great manifestation, and who were obedient to our call, and commenced this work with cleans- |ed hands and hearts well purified, might be safely My words to you,as individuals, are now writ-|| directed, and protected from the subtle influence of false spirits, until this, our holy and sacred manifestation to the inhabitants on the Mount, should, in a measure be closed. This I have done. None have been lost, but And now my faithful and true Instruments, my words of praise and consolation. You have well done your work, for you have followed the light of my eter- nal wisdom, through many gloomy and dismal clouds of darkness, until you have safely reached |the line of demarkation, or bounds, prescribed And I, Holy Wisdom, do now address you, my little ones, first, with a short word of com- by my holy and eternal wisdom, over which ye are not required to pass. Here the ministering spirits, and the powers | of the heavenly world above, must cease to ad- minister in the line of inspiration, only through that medium which I, in my holy wisdom have | appointed, through the order of my anointing, which is as the ladder, that Jacob, in ancient days did see, in a vision of God, that reached CLOSING ROLL. from the earth into the heavens, upon which the one and all, and be ye satisfied and thankful, angels of God were continually descending and | ascending. And the spirit and substance of this vision, is of communication, at the foundation, will re- dom that established it, closes the same. º And if any of you should ever be called upon by the Anointed, to labor further in this line, ferings of both soul and body, necessary to pre- pare you for a true Instrument, I will blot your names out of the Book of Life; for you have all greatly tasted of the good word of God, and have been deeply baptised with the powers of the world to come. And I have told my angels, to give unto each | and every one of you, this GoLDEN PLATE, and a golden chain, with twelve diamond seals to that which you possess not, but have put about your necks. Now receive ye this, 5 |with that notice which I, and your blessed Moth- |er Ann, with the rest of your heavenly Parents, |have bestowed upon you. * now in this your day fulfilled. And this avenue | For it has not been our wisdom, or our inten- |tion to notice all of our Instruments just alike, main open, until that Almighty Power and Wis- or just as much to one as to another. But we | did choose you in our wisdom, and we have no- |ticed you in the same, according as ye have earn- ed through suffering and tribulation. and you refuse to go through the pain and suf-|| Therefore let no murmuring feelings be heard by my little angels, that guard around your tents, lest they take from you all that has been given, and leave you with only a bare record of lost through disobedience. All that has been given you, if you are faith- ful and wise, may freely be used while you are in | time, and when you enter eternity, you will be | clothed with the same, saith Holy and Eternal |Wisdom; so be ye comforted. SECTION II. Words of solemn warning and instructions, from Holy Wisdom, to be observed through life, I now do give you solemn warnings, respecting the many dangers to which you will be exposed; therefore let them sink deep in your hearts, and | keep them through time, and they will keep you from falling a prey to the adversary, who will, from this time henceforth, be very busily en- gaged to destroy such little ones among you, as will most easily fall a prey to his devouring the faith of many in the late work of God, and manifestation from the heavenly world. |ones, should, in any way be conversing together { upon the gifts of which you have been the bear- ers, or those that have been brought forth by others. - I do also forbid, that ye answer any of the |people who seek in the line of disorder, to draw from you any knowledge respecting what you | may know in relation to the bringing forth grasp; and by that means he thinks to destroy | of this gift or that, by whom, through whom, | when, or where, or in relation to any presents |or farewell notices, that have been handed forth My wisdom does forbid, that any of you, little | either to the Instruments or to the people, 6 sef so far as respects the medium through which they were given. | N. •. This is my wisdom, that these things may be kept in their sacred order; and all who may de- sire any further knowledge respecting them, must go to their Elders. | But remember, my little ones, there will evil spirits, yea, and wicked spirits often beset you from this time henceforth in this line, and many times slily work through those that pretend to be the true followers of Christ and of your bless- ed Mother. But be ye not deceived, or led astray by the enemy and crafty devices of Satan; for he will leave no means untried that is in his power, to mak: use of, to overthrow and destroy, even the faith of the Instruments' themselves, in the late work to which they have been called; which he knows, full well, would not only destroy their own souls' salvation, but would make great shipwreck of faith and obedi- ence, among the inhabitants of Zion generally. to accomplish. But hear ye my word; far better would it have been for that soul never to have had an existence, who has been used as an Instrument in this manifestation, and shall in ary way hereafter, turn and betray their trust, by denying the present manifestation, which has been going on for about four years past. If the Devil could accompli: h his design by O O | making an inroad among our chosen Instru-|| CLosing Roll. at your gates, “Watch ye your words, watch ye | your ways and goings, from the rising of the sun to the setting of the same: watch ye that spir- it by which ye are influenced, from the setting of the sun till the rising of the same.” Now if any of you, my little ones, get careless, and slumber into sleep, and the enemy cometh upon you, and makes a prey of your souls, and | cuts you off from among my holy people, re- member your situation in eternity will be like unto that of Judas, who betrayed his Lord and | Master. But I, Holy and Eternal Wisdom, have acted the part of a kind and tender Parent, in show- |ing you the danger to which you will be exposed; and that, in due season, ye might shun the aw- | ful step. My wisdom does furthermore require, that ye should all often bear testimony, in the pow- |er and gift of God, operating in your own souls, |of the word, and to the work of your heavenly And this is the great object of his pursuit, which he is striving and will strive still harder || Parents, and to the pure gospel of your Mother. If ye do not this, darkness and the power of evil, will by degrees become thicker and stron- |ger, thicker and stronger, until it overshadows both your own souls, and the Zion of God. Think not to settle down, and not labor for the gifts of God, because this order or manner of communication with the spiritual world ceases, |for if you do, you will surely lose the life of the gospel from your souls. But by keeping alive in your duty, in the path ments, either now or hereafter, here on the Holy Mount, what would be the loss and destruction of true obedience, and subjection to your visible |Lead, the beautiful graces of the gospel, which he would cause in the more out parts of our | you have gained through tribulation, in this man- Zion, who must be fed and nourished from |ifestation, shall adorn and beautify you through this fountain? Surely it would be great. |time, and in the endless ages of eternity. Therefore does the voice of Wisdom cry aloud || And if you will faithfully keep these sayings, CLOSING ROLL. 7 which are written upon your GoLD PLATE, i. your days on earth will be bright and clear, i. though in the midst of darkness and tribulation, saith Holy and Eternal Wisdom. SECTION III. Mother Ann's word upon the Gold Plate to those who have been called as Instrument. O ye little ones, who have been called by been patient in tribulation and have not me, your Mother, and by the powers of heaven |fainted by the way. above, to sound forth in the name of the sacred | But as Holy Mother did say unto you, so can orders in heaven, the living truth to the inhabi- ||I in truth say, you have held out to the end tants of Zion; faithful and true, and have reached the destined I say, hear and receive ye your Mother's word of comfort and consolation, for now my work in this manner is finished in this place, as respects the body of the people, as you all well know. Therefore have I caused my word to be writ- ten upon the Gold PLATE, with that of Holy Wis- point allotted by Him who overruleth in the heavens above, and in the habitations of Zion lon earth. Therefore do I breathe upon you peace, love and good will, and with this, power to overcome every enemy to your soul's prosperity; yea as dom's, that you, my 'ear children, in whom I greatly delight, because of your beautiful sim- plicity, honest sincerity, and true devotedness of soul that you have shown for me, and the rest of your heavenly Parents, during this late man festation, may forever have it in your souls, if you will be faithful, for your com- fort and strength, through time and in éternity. You have all passed through mortification |Christ breathed upon his disciples, that they |might receive the Holy Ghost, so do I breathe upon you as I leave you; for you have been my chosen disciples through this manifestation, and nothing but your unfaithfulness will ever take away your discipleship in this respect. And now, dear children, I have brotght a present unto you: this is a large GoLDEN CRoss, |and this I have told my reading angel to place and tribulation, for me, your Mother, and some of you have waded month after month, and year after year, under as much tribulation as your souls could carry. And this you have done, because you loved me, your Mother, and was willing to lay down upon each and every one of your breasts, be- fore he left; and from the ends of this cross, is | extended a shining band of silver over your shoul- ders, and back under your arms, to the cross again; and on the cross is written “Good obedi- ENT CHILDREN, AND FAITH FUL INSTRUMENTs in your natural lives, rather than disobey or dis- THE HANDs of Your MoTHER AND HEAVENLY please your Mother. And how think ye, dear ||PARENTs.” O children, can my love be expressed for such || So when ye hear th’s word, you must all souls? Mortal tung cannot do it. You havel come forward, and kneel down in the alley, 8 while my angels place upon your heads this Gold PLATE, and the gold chain with its twelve seals about your necks; also this shining gold cross upon your breasts; and after standing on your knees a few minutes, you may bow four times; then repeat the following words, We Will forever Wear the Golden Cross of our blessed Miłother. These words, above spoken, repeat with three bows, and then return to your places. } Now my dear little children, receive this from me, as the last present from a kind and tender Mother. I have noticed you all indi- vidually, and have given you rich presents from heaven. And you must be careful now, that the ad-l versary does not buffet you, and cause you to feel trials because you think some other one has received a little more notice from me than what you have. I have given unto every one of you, accord- ing to my wisdom, and according to the trav- el and measure of sufferings that you have pass-|| ed through, in this manifestation, for me your Mother. This has been my intention from the beginning: I have not left this for mortals to do, as some caviling spirits have already supposed. But all these individual notices, and presents which have been handed forth, now at the clos- ing of my work, I did carry with my own hands, and did cause my little angels to carry, and lay upon the elder brethrens’ table, in their dwell- ing room, in the first order, between the twenty fifth day of December, 1841, and the eighth day of January, 1842. « And I gave my Instrument, (whom Holy * Q Mother had appointed, in union with the Min-l istry and Elders, to finish and see to the closing| wºmº Yº CLOSING ROLL, |of my work in this place,) charge concerning i stood. them, though some of these I have offered in other places, but they were not properly under- | And though we shall leave this place with your beloved Ministry, and accompany them to Wisdom's Valley, yet hath Holy Wisdom ap- pointed, in union with the Anointed, that we ! should leave our reading angels to correctly read, for such Instruments, as are appointed in the line of order, to write, until they shall have ample time to finish, and close all the writings necessarily connected with the ending of my work in this place, according to my will. And for all of you who have been called to spend your time and strength by day and by night, to finish my work, says Mother, accord- ſing to my requirement, I have placed in the |hands of each of your little reading angels, a golden medal, with my likeness, and a double portion of my thanks, love and blessing engraven thereon. - This the angels shall place in your right |hands, when you receive the other presents, for you have not been to work in obedience to your own natural feelings, but you have been to work to please me, your Mother, and obey my |voice; and you have been faithful and good In- |struments, to write my little rolls and notices, that all my children might have a comforting word from me, their Mother. I have also placed in the hands of my little |angels, a silver plate, with the golden ark and |covenant of safety engraven thereon: this, the |angels will place in the right hand of all the Elders, Deacons and Deaconesses in the temple. This I have given them as a reward for their patience and forbearance, which they have shown CLOSING ROLL. 9 from the beginning of my work, to the present.[natural feelings, which all inherit from their day, and in a special manner, in the closing of the same. And now, my dear little ones, such of you as feel troubled in your spirits, because you think you have not at all times, so readily obeyed the call of your Mother and heavenly Parents as you ought to have done, hear the words of your kind and feeling Mother, round you, as from your heavenly Parents. Also the careful and reserved feelings of your || |ced on earth, and the power and means for the beloved Ministry and Elders, which were indis- pensably necessary for them to feel, that our || | in the hands of the visible Lead. chosen Instruments, in this great manifestation, might not be carried beyond the bounds of pro- | |sider you all in these things, and if you have But all these things, my little ones, your Moth-|made any mis-steps in such respects, you are | all now freely forgiven; and by walking in per- tection, and by that means come under loss. er knows you have, in your youthful and inex- perienced travel, had to meet, which, many times did weigh upon your little spirits like | .. |and I will be your Ioving Mother, through mountains of lead. And many times had you given way to your l births, you would have strongly set your feel- |ings against ever speaking another word for me |your Mother, or any of your heavenly Parents in the line of inspirations But, little ones, you must remember at such times, I have sent my little comforting angels |to help dispel those bad feelings, so that you |should not be left to fight against my influence, You need no longer be troubled, my little ones, |though some of you, might, for a long time feel on that account, for you have not willfully re-| belled against my work, nor fought against my | , gospel. Your Mother knows the feelings you | have had to feel, as well from those that sur-|great gifts and manifestations as have been giv- |en of late, these feelings to a certain extent are more bound, cramped and straightened in those things, than you otherwise would have done. Yet, remember dear children, that in such very necessary. For the altar of wisdom is pla- protection of those in natural bodies are placed Therefore your Mother knows how to con- fect obedience to your visible Lead hereafter, you shall always be my pretty little children, time, and in the world to come. ( A ſº-º-º: lºgº. A SECTION IV. flother Ann's last words of solemn warning and instruction, written upon the Gold Plate '• for all her Instruments, -> *= * dome, all ye my little ones, and gather around of your heavenly Parents, ministering angels, your Mother, and hear my last and solemn | and justified spirits did descend therefrom, to words of instruction unto you. The heavens || the inhabitants of Zion on earth. And by the were opened and your Mother, with the rest || seal of Holy Wisdom's approbation, did I call ſ e | {} C Lus ING ROLL. A lº you to stand as mediators, mouths or instru-| inents in our hands, to convey from the in- visible, to the visible, and when necessary, from the visible to the invisible. , es | You have stood as the connecting link of immediate communication between those in || eternity and those in time; and the most part of you have been in this sacred position and attitude of spirit for near, or between three || | who may have a desire so to do, says your and four years past. . But the time has arrived in the order of God's wisdom, again to close the heavens with the same power by which, they were first opened, that is, as it respects the body of my people in this place. . Therefore have we often expressed our- s2kvés, as you, well know, of returning to our || mansions in heaven, no more to work on earth, as we have done ; this is true. - But you must all remember that we have only intended such like expressions as imme- diately referred to the closing of this work, ia that part of Zion, which is located upon the Holy Miount. . . . d Therefore as a body of people, dwelling o the Holy Mount, the veil between those in eter-| nity and those in time, is again drawn, and the general avenues again closed, as it respects our iºnmediate manifestation. * - ſº- But we may yet have much to do in other societies before the work which God has allot- ted, is completed; therefore none need to think stange if they should hear that Holy Wisdom, or any of their heavenly Parents, are at work in societies, either east or west. But the time of our departure from all the societies in Zion, will be hastened according to So now, my little ones, you are required to gather home to your beloved Elders; look there. for your strength, protection and support, La- bor to support a free and godly union with your equals, brethren and sisters. * te But mind that ye do not enter into conversa- tion with them, respecting the gifts, that have been brought forth in this manifestation. And I do forbid each and every one of you, | Mother, from taking any means, direct or indi- rect, to let others know that you, yourselves or others, were the bearers of such gifts or com- munications, or to answer any such like ques- Q |tions, one side cf your beloved Lead, according as Holy Mother hath strictly commanded you. And they that disregard and slight my word unto them, will lose all these blessings and pres- ents, which P have bestowed upon them, lose their travel, and fall out of the work of God. And I furthermore say unto you, my little Ones, keep humble and low, pursue a straight forward course, and keep your souls from be- ing stained with actual sin; love purity, love. the gifs of God. And when you feel, see or hear frowns, sneers, scoffs, or rubs, from this one or that, in |respect to the work of the late manifestation, in which you have been called, suffer it not, in any way, to dishearten or bind your souls, or |cause a certain shameful glow of feelings, re- specting the simplicity, or the operations, and ex- ercises in which I have required you to go forth in this work; or any power that may hge. after operate upon your bodies; or any gift |of simplicity that you may feel. For remember this is the very way that the wisdom of Holy Mother. - |the devil will work behind the curtain; (that CLosing ROLL. adº - ff isso long as he can keep there, ) and he will ||come more and more slippery, until you fall, and work in this way, through such Instruments|can rise no more in the beauty of your Mother's as he can employ in his service. ||gospel. ! . But, on the other hand, you must let all || Always be thankful for a privilege to bear tes- such things serve to increase your zeal, sim- |timony that you do love your Mcther, you love plicity and energy and to redouble your testimo- her word, you love her work. - * ny, both in public and private against the pow-|| Now if you will be wise, my little ones, while er of evil, and the subtil workings of the ser-|you are passing through time, you have gained pent. - |by your faithfulness in this manifestation, a And as Christ said unto his disciples, so do I ||large, bright shining star, that shall never be tº- say unto you, my little ones, go ye forth and bellken from your crowns. . . • ‘ as harmless as doves, yet wise as serpents. And But if you are unfaithful, you will be far worse know ye, my dear children, that the adversary|| off, both here and hereafter, than those who will narrowly watch your steps, to get the ad-lhave not had so great a privilege. in this mani- vantage of you, and will many times cast back || festation as you have. & * between your teeth, the very words that ye have || I do furthermore require that all of you, who spoken in my name, and in the name of the have had particular notices on the account of be- rest of your heavenly Parents. ing Instruments should keep that to yourselves, And whenever this may hereafter occur from ||for the present, until your Elders give you lib- any individual, who shall presume to make in- |erty to show them to your room mates. quisitions of the name or the work of their heav- But none 6f these sacred notices, or parting enly Parents in this line, answer not baek again |words of your Parents, are to be caried to your to the one so speaking, but go to your Elders, shops, only by special liberty of your Elders; but and there honestly open it, and in so doing the keep them in your dwelling rooms and read then adversary shall get no advantage over you. in remembrance of me, your Mother, and the T bind this strictly upon my Instruments who || rest of your heavenly Parents. are under thirty years of age, as they will be the Your work, now, in this line of inspirá- most exposed in this line to receive, from the [tion is finished, and it is well done. I spirit of evil, the boldest attacks of this sort. || thank you, I love you, and bless you all, for the But be faithful, my little ones, cause your feet ||same. What sacred rolls or writings there are to walk in strait paths. Suffer wrong rather ||further to be written, will be done in the order than do wrong. Be truly obedient to your Lead, which holy Wisdom has provided for the same. as I have told you, and the devil with all his em- | So receive again the love and thanks of all issagies and imps, from the infernal regions, shall ||your heavenly Parents for your faithful persever- never overthrow your souls, nor destroy your |ance to the end. I can now look upon you with love to your Mother. & - |pleasure and delight, for resigning to crosses But if you depart a little upon the right hand ||and confining yourselves to writing the many ſit- ôt upon the left, remember your path will be-l tle rolls that my angels have read unto you, ac- 12 cording to the requirement of Holy Wisdom and me your Mother. ſ This GoLD PLATE is a very large one, and is || covered all over, out side and in, with writing, as fine as your beloved Father James could write: | This PLATE is given to you all, and when any of you desire to read what is upon it, you may || go to your Elders, and ask them to be so kind as upon the very edge of the Plate. And thus to let you see; for hereafter you will not be able | to see, without your Elders' help, to read min- utely that which is written on the PLATE, but your Elders will have a record of all that is | written thereon. So live in peace, in heart and mind be one, And do as I have said; | - - 0 | a desire to read it, give them an opportunity as |your wisdom may direct, says; CLOSING ROLL. Then unto me your souls shall come, When from the earth your spirit's fled. In me you'll find a Mother dear, A Parent kind and true, So I leave good angels your way to cheer, Until with things of time you're through. This little verse Father James has written ends the word upon the GoLD PLATE. It is my desire, that the Elders would keep a copy of this; and when the Instruments have Mother Ann. - SECTION W. The words of Holy and Eternal wisdom written upon the roll of parchment for the people dwelling within the Temple, t § Draw near, O ye indwellers of this foundation part of Zion, and hear my last and solemn words of warning unto you. & Of all the different parts of Zion, none have been so greatly noticed as you that dwell in this place. None have been so thoroughly swept and cleansed, without and within as you, that inhabit the temple. itations, saith Holy Wisdom, that will be beset more strongly, with the power of evil to destroy than will those who dwell on the Holy Mount. And this he will do in various ways and means. | But as winter follows summer so will this power| And there are none in Zion's hab- * |tion, humbly seated in the vale of humiliation and influence follow the great work and bright } | | > º manifestations of God, that have of late been among you. gºv I, even I, Holy Wisdom have twice conde- scended to come and visit you, and bestow a bless- |ing upon all such as had humbled themselves |according to my request, by cleansing their hands, and purifying their hearts, as your Mother has always directed from the beginning. e Many of you did I find, in my last manifesta- and true repentance; and some of you did I find º still soaring on the loſty regions of a self-will, and a fallen polluted nature. 0. * And I did, through ministering spirits, en- treat of you to gather down, to gather home, and CLOSING ROLL. work in your own hearts, before the harvest was past and the summer ended, and your souls not truly cleansed at last. I did require your Elders to stand as witnesses between your souls and me your Eternal Parent. And many of you have said within yourselves, “Why should Holy Mother require a witness, if | she knoweth all things? Why should the Elders be required to tell her, whether they felt satisfi- ed with me or not? Why should my case be left to mortals, when there was a power so much su- perior, come forth upon earth, (or pretendedly so,) to judge it? & 2 ders to help her; if it is really the power that it is said to be, I’m sure there would be no need of mortals helping.” So have some of you, after this sort reasoned in your hearts, since my last manifestation; but the number is few in the Temple who have done || |learn a lesson not to be forgotten. If you ever | enter the gates of my heavenly kingdom, it will. |have to be in perfect union with that order and this, thing or hearkened to the caviling spirit in this line. * = And I am thankful that it is so, for the sak of those who sincerely desire to sacrifice all, that they may win Christ, and find a peaceable mansion of rest in my holy kingdom. - Now give ear, O ye people and understand my word. Be prudent and saving of that which] ye have gathered in this manifestation, do not| 13 all such as have done this, have obeyed the voice of their heavenly Parents, and such as have not must suffer hunger, as the righteous and just consequence. Remember, O ye children of Zion, that ye have been instructed in almost every respect, and that too, direct from the heavens. Never |before was there a people on earth so highly fa- |vored in this respect as you have been. There- |fore is the accountability resting upon you, as |much greater as has been your privilege. Remember all ye people, that I Holy Wisdom, & || plainly testify unto you, that we, in the order of I do'nt see why Holy Mother wants the El- our ETERNAL BRIGHTNESS and Power, work by means; and that order, which by our wisdom: we have established for the protection of souls, ||is the order by which we work; and no soul can ever enter our heavenly kingdom, only such as are justified by that order. And this I have done, that you all might anointing which is placed before you, for your |soul’s protection, while in the visible body; for there is not, and never will be, any other order | established, by which souls can enter through the door into the peaceable kingdom of Christ. throw it away, do not waste it, for if ye do, re- member my word, the day will come that ye will starve for the want of it. For the winter, is not the harvest season. The great harvest season with you, O ye people, is now passed. And ye have been told by your blessed Mother, and those with her, from the commercement of this harvest, to lay up an abun- dance in...store, against the time of need. And Therefore I have reminded you of that order in my visitation; for in that order, or anointing, | is held the keys that Christ gave to Peter; and |whatsoever on earth is loosed by this order, shall |be loosed in heaven; and whatsoever on earth is bound by this order, shall be bound in hea- Ven. - º | It is not the mortal bodies of flesh and blood that have this power; but it is our holy, saving and anointing power; 14 -* vested in the immortal part, while yet its. a tabernacle of flesh and || Aº |and understand; they are closely watching an |opportunity to return and again sow their pois- dwelling is in blood. Holy and Eternal Wisdom does rejoice in the increase of Zion's children. The very least cross that a soul takes up to obey the noticed by my little angels, and wafted before my throne, and a record of it is kept. There- fore, remember, day by day, when trials and crosses line your way, that much I shall set down to your credit, if you will take them up cheerfully. & - Also the moments you spend whether at home or abroad in breathing forth prayers to | God, or in silent contemplation upon heavenly things, are recorded by my holy angels. And they that faithfully do their duty with their hands |your dwelling rooms; and when you read them and at the same time give their hearts to God, by placing their desires upon heavenly things, will be able every night to load my angels with | sweet smelling incense, to bring before my throne, and this they never fail to do when a soul has thus spent its time through the day. So does Holy and Eternal Wisdom, who is one with the GREAT FIRST CAUSE of all cre- ated things, delight to notice the most iminute action, when performed in obedience to her righteous will. If not one hair of your heads falleth to the ground, without your Heavenly Father's no-ſtry, and as far by the Elders, as they may think tice, then consider ye that it is impossible for any action of your lives, whether good or bad, to pass unnoticed. But it is the greatest de- light of my holy angels, to notice and record the good and virtuous actions. S. I solemnly warn you, my little ones, against the evil workers that prowl around your borders. q 4 gospel, and travel in the path of purification, is CLOSING « ROLL. |Much evil, and many abominations have been |purged from the Temple. But hear my words onous seed of corruption. But watch, yea, watch from sun to sun, that the adversary en- |tereth not your habitations, nor breaketh out among you, yea even in your own dwellings and that as a viper; and what I say unto |you, I say unto all, watch and pray, that ye be not overcome with temptation, but that ye may be delivered therefrom. & I do require, saith Holy Wisdom, that all ye |people who have received written notices from the spiritual world, should now keep them sa- |cred and choice; do not have them round a- mong you as common things, but keep them in labour to derive comfort, strength and support therefrom, for they are the last that you will re- ceive in time in this line. f warn you dear chil- |dren to keep sacred things in their sacred order. It is my will that the general record of all the sacred writings be finished as soon as con- sistent, according to the order that was sent |forth for that purpose, and that when finished, |all the manuscripts, be carefully packed away, in the possession of the Holy Anointed in the meeting house. - & C & The books of record to be kept by the minis- proper; and in their wisdom be read to the |people, when, and at such times, as they may feel they may do the most good. - And I, Holy Wisdom, do strictly forbid that any soul, whether small or great, who has re- ceived any written notices from the spiritual world, either much or little, should in any way CLOSING divulge the same to the children of this world, or carry them off, if they themselves should turn back to the ways of sin. This is Wisdom's Holy LAw, and if any souls presume to break it, they shall, in the eter- mal world, suffer double punishment for all the transgressions of their lives. Understand my sayings all ye people; these holy and sacred spiritual world, have all been given you, on these conditions, that if you remain faithful in the work of God to the end of your days, these | ston E * |saith Holy Wisdom. presents are yours through time. If not, neither the presents, or a record of the same is in any wise yours; for when you || have lost your obedience, and departed in spirit from the gift of God, then do these sacred things| become as pearis. before swine, and this our sacred order does forbid. And I do strictly enjoin it upon the Elders, as a strict commandment, that when any of the members are evidently departing in their daily walk from the way and work of God, and gath- ering to themselves the spirit of insubordination to their visible Lead, it shall be your indis-| pensable duty, to take these pieces of sacred writings from them and keep them until they humbly repent, and again turn and walk in strict obedience to their teaching; and humbly seek to have the sacred treasure returned to them again. And no one is to keep two copies of these sacred notices; one copy is sufficient for any individual, and if any have more than this they must return it to their Elders. And when any one dies, it hall be the duty ROLL4 15 they be not scattered about, and perhaps lost, or picked up by some evil-minded person to do mischief with. But let these sacred writings be strictly kept in their order, until, in our Eternal Wisdom, the time hath arrived for the great ones of the earth to bow before Zion's gates, to know, and | do her will. presents that have been handed forth from the | And this may not be as many ages distant, |from the present period, as some of you may |apprehend. But in our own time will the eyes of nations be turned towards the “LITTLE ’ cut out of the mountain, without hands, O my little flock of your blessed Mother's care, cleave to God and to his Christ ; let the commandments of your heavenly Parents, in this pure gospel, be all and all to fill your souls; |build with nought but that which has been tried in the fire of the gospel, for nothing else can stand in the day of trial, that awaits Zion's | inhabitants. Remember, ye little ones of your Mother, | that you have had so great a harvest of late from the spiritual world, that you are not able in the present time, to sense, but in a small degree the value of these things, as you will be in a short time hence : for now unto you the days of this great manifestation are accom- |plished. i of the Elders, to gather up all such writings | of a sacred nature and take care of them, that O ye children of the Most High God, who dwell upon the Holy Mount, saith Wisdom, I have hovered over you for good,and would have gathered every one of you under my wings as a hen gathereth her chickens, and sealed you with my eternal seal of protection, bn, si lo si lo waster re lon, I would not, be- cause ye would not be gathered: some few I | 6 CLOSING ROLL. say, whose feet in the paths of true obedience are strangers, time will clearly show. But be ye comforted my children, for I speak words of peace and love unto you. All ye who truly stand and walk in justification and have || been gathered under my wings, have taken to yourselves the bread and the waters of eternal |parting message, to be worth more than many |such worlds as this, in which you live. I do furthermore, as a kind and tender. Pa- rent, warn you, dear children, to keep the sacred order and counsel, that has been given you from heaven respecting all these sacred gifts and writings; and those who have been life, that will never be taken from you, but you ||used as Instrments in bringing them forward. will live a life to God; and when you enter eterni- ty, you will be able to meet your heavenly Parents in peace. So be ye encouraged, this number is many, and my holy power and protection shall be their constant guard. I say, and under- stand ye my words, there are none now num- bered within the walls of this part of Zion, but what may, if they will, finish their days in time, in true obedience to their Mother's gos- pel. I say there is not now any numbered among you, but what are in that situation, | they can do this if they will. g” . . . But remember, dear children, though Judas- es should rise among you, yet will I, with my arm of protection, lead you on to the mansions of the r deemed, to the abodes of your blessed| Mother; for I have gathered you under my wings| and they that want my protection, my love and my blessing must here remain ; and here they will be safe. Though mountains do sink around you, and valleys rise in sight, or blood | to blood doth run, yet under my holy wings ye shall be safe. Now will ye all remember this promise of your Holy and Eternal Mother, and walk so exact as never to forfeit it, by any || known disobedience? If you will, dear chil- dren, you may number PLEADes seven times, and that will not arrive before the period of time shall come, that you will feel this protec- téction which I now promise you in my last and > | exposed. *= Remember that I Holy Wisdom, do strictly forbid; that any should ask them questions, one |side of their Elders, concerning these things, whether it be in relation to gifts which they themselves have brought forth, or that of others; but love and bless them as ye desire that others would love and bless you. And never |allow yourselves, in any way, to cant in words |of slurs upon them, because they have been | used as Instruments in this, our late manifes- tation. A' ... • If they are out of the way, and you get dis- pleased with them, this way or that, and are overcome to vent your feelings in words to them, see that you make no kind of méntion whatever, of the sacred order of this works or of that sacred calling to which they have been called. Upon this ground you will be greatly Therefore as a kind and tender Parent; lºve I condescended to warn you with my | own mouth, for if any should do this, they | will surely cast themselves from under the wings of my protection. But go together in love, dwell together in my peace, be of one heart and all pull one way, towards the kingdom of your God. Keep my sayings and keep the sa ngs of all your heavenly Parents, nd all the powers of | earth and hell cannot destroy you. CLOSING ROLLA Always be thankful for a privilege to join | with every testimony that strikes against an evil ( nature, whether in yourselves, or in others; this will be a great help and strength to your own souls. ner of sin; and much oftener than this would be still better, if done in a proper sense. And it is my desire, beloved Ministry and Elders, that you in your wisdom would labor to have this thing attended to, where it has not been, For you will hereafter find this to be of great | read. use in keeping the body of the sense alive to God. ministering a gift one to another, and this can al- ways be done in good order and harmony. You| should not wholly rely upon your Elders, when you come to meeting, and expect they will give you a gift, whether you have labored for one or not: this would be unjust, and your souls in this kind of sense would suffer barrenness and poverty. So be wise my little ones, and my blessing will be with you, and my wings will be over you. l { | Our Holy and Eternal Wisdom, with our own hands, and, through your blessed Mother Ann, and heavenly Parents, have now brought || No young persons who are called to dwell in the church, who are between the ages of eigh- teen and forty, should ever suffer themselves to go longer than three months, without bearing a solemn testimony in meeting against all man- | 1 W. Ö | > '• ( ) the inhabitants of Zion, in the temple, right, or 2 17 to that state which we in our eternal wisdom, in the beginning of this manifestation, had de- signed to bring them; where we could estab- | lish our eternal laws and orders, with our way- marks of safety in the hearts of the people. |This has now been done, and our wise purposes fulfilled. These are now established where the power of the adversary can never overthrow them, nor blot them out. And now, O ye lambs of your Mother's fold, each one and all, I, Holy Wisdom have sent on this parchment the record of my last and parting present. The angel that readeth this roll for mortal hand to write, shall convey this present into the Elders' hands, when this roll is This is a gold and crimson colored box, Every one should assemble in that state tol filled full with red and white waſers or seals. worship God, that they can be a help in ad- | say in truth they are ready, and forever will And all over the age of sixteen years, who can stand in that situation that they will readily seal the truth of this testimony of their blessed Mother's gospel by their own blood, if called so to do, may come to their Elders, and upon |their knees receive a seal, and eat it up, for I shall record the name of every one that takes this seal. So farewell, my little ones, Objects of Holy Mother's love; My wings extend, my arm has come To lead you safe, to realms above. From Holy Mother Wisdom. 18 C.I.OSING ROLL. SECTION WI. The last and parting words of instruction and kind entreaties of Mother Amn, tº her children in the Temple, written upon the roll of parthment with IIoly Mother's word. My dear children, who have found favor in the sight of your Holy and Eternal Parents, and to whom my soul is bound in golden cords of love, will you condescend this once, with open hearts to-hear, and undesstand the word which my || own mouth hath dictated upon this roll of parch- ment? for this will be the last that you can receive direct from me, your Mother. O my dearly beloved children, have ye not all received from me a parting word of consola- tion, in a little book, and does not this feel | more rich. than earthly treasures of either gold or sihver? Yea, Mother, your spirits will often say; and so they do; they feel to you now more rich than any earthly treasure whatever. But, dear children, these things cannot feel any more precious, near or dear to you, than your souls feel to me; nay, in no wise; the nearest and | dearest objects of my love, are such as: daily labor to keep my gospel unspotted, and pro- mote the same heavenly zeal, in others. Did you think, O ye little ones of my love, that the spirit of a kind and tender Mother could leave you, with whom she had spent so many days in scenes of sorrow and tribulation; | with whom she had walked hand in hand, for more than three long years, spending many an hour in your kind embraces, feasting with her little ones on the holy things of God, and then |beloved and faithful children who dwell up the Holy Mount. bid you adieu, without leaving each of you her last and parting word of consolation and | { } | love, and that in a form that ye could look upon it in days to come, when her voice you | could no longer hear? Nay, dear children, this a kind. and tender Mother could not do, for I should have grieved in my spirit, if I had returned to my mansion in the heavens above, and not answered the prayers, the most hearty and sincere desires of my children in this respect. Yea, says Mother, and you my dear children who yet sojourn upon the earth, would have |also grieved in tribulation, with me, and the rest Foryour heavenly Parents; for we have all been |most delightfully engaged in preparing the rolls to compose these little books, for our dearly Il Your loving Mother's voice did sound and resound through the habitations of her children, |inviting, them to press on, press on, and faint |not by the way; that you would in so doing soon join her in the mansions of her God. and your God, in the heavenly world above; ſ & & l • t where your weary souls should rest in peace from the toilsome things of time, and where the wicked must cease from troubling the right- €OUlS. C. We have often spoken, says Mother, in our | different communications, in the closing days | of our work among you, of the words that we CLOSING ROLL. were then speaking, as being the last, meaning that they were among the last, and closing com-| ||earth, for all these things to be correctly written, munications of our work. As we have spoken in the Covenants which we have written for our children, they are worded as our last and parting word, for such Athey are to all, save those in Zion's Centre. ‘This communication is unto you as the cov- •enants are unto them. I know not, says Mother that I shall ever again make another direct communication to my children in this place. And you, beloved children, all must rea- sonably know that it was utterly impossible for *me and the rest of your heavenly Parents, to |place might be comforted with a written word |from me, individually, where they otherwise 'finish their work, and cause all the rolls, pres- ents and communications, which they had pre- pared in the heavens, for their children on earth in this place, and which would have to be writ- ten by mortal hand, through such means as we had provided for that purpose. - I say this was utterly impossible to be done in proper order, in the short space of time that was allotted us before your beloved Ministry left here for Wisdom's Valley, at which time we were to leave also. this portion of it deferred for a short season. Therefore, did we prepare all these things, and send them forth, before the hour of our de- parture had come, and these rolls and commu- nications bear the date when they were by us prepared, or the time we handed them forth to || mortal Instruments, to be written as fast as they could consistently be done; and for this purpose, (as I have before told you, ) did I, with your Holy and Eternal Mother, provide And the Instruments| that were appointed to finish our work, were |work has been finished in the order that it desirous, and had been for some weeks, as & were also the Ministry and Elders, to have || | Sº means through the medium of our reading an- gels, and in union with the Holy Anointed on 2 just the same as though your heavenly Parents had all remained here until this was all corn- |pleted. e | So dear children, if any of you have been troubled with buffetings, on this ground, you may now be wholly released from them. As this manner in which my work has been fin- ished, as respects immediate inspiration, isºmoi a plan of the Instruments' devising, but it is a way that I, your Mother, haid out as I have be- |fore told you, that my dear children in this | could not have been. ºy So I have clearly spoken of these things, ny | dear children, that you may all know how to ſecl #right, as this is the greatest source of joy and delight to your kind and loving Mother, to know and feel that her dear children on earth, | at all times feel right towards her and towards each other. So now I think, beloved little ones, I have given you a clear understanding why my has. | And now, dear children, I feel it my duty, as a kind and tender Parent, (and as the last, for aught I know, that I shall ever bestow upon you in this line, ) briefly to cite your minds to take a serious and solemn review of the greatness of that privilege which you have had for four years past; a privilege which God, in his mercy, has granted to his people while yet dwelling in mortal clay, to be joined hand in hand with the | heavenly hosts, and to converse face to face with holy angels; and to receive almost daily 20 ..aſ instruction, direct from the mouth of me, your kind and tender Mother, and from the mouths|| Pause | |been granted you, remembering at the same of all the rest of your heavenly Parents. for a moment, dear children, and consider the greatness of that day and privilege, through | which you have been passing, and the bound- less condescension and charity of an Almighty God on your behalf, that you might not be left a prey to the power of evil, that was fast ma- king inroads among you, my little ones. Do consider, dear children, that your God bearance; and I entreat of you, as a kind and feeling Parent, never, O never, nay, never again to weary the patience of an Almighty God, by a hard and unbelieving heart. the youngest person, who is now in the hearing of the sound of your Mother's voice, is upon the earth. If you cannot refrain for your own souls' sake, do, my little ones, refrain for the sake of your Mother, and for Zion's sake, that the judgments of an Almighty God be not poured forth upon her. D lay down your lives, under the most excrucia- ting and painful tortures, before you would deny | ine your Mother, or renounce my gospel; and by this faith you are endeared and brought nigh to the heavenly hosts in eternity. But there are many, who are now in the meridian Nay never, O never again be guilty of that sin, while || | Moses. I know that the most part of you, my dear || children, who reside in this part of Zion, would CLOSING ROLL. ye not faint-hearted nor cast down, but go on your way rejoicing, in gratitude and thankful- ness to God, for that great privilege which has time, that God is able, and will surely fulfill all his promises of strength and protection, to every true and honest hearted child that walks in obedience day by day. His hand will not be shortened, that it can- not save, nor his strength and power withdrawn | that it cannot protect, all who walk worthy of is a God of love, of charity and of long for- his special notice and blessing. Now dear children, I would cite your minds back to the days of Moses, when by the command of God he led the children of Israel out from under the bondage and servitude of Egypt, and see if you can find any thing recorded in the sacred volume, respecting the manifestations of God, through Moses, to that people, for their protection from the power of the surrounding nations, (their natural enemies, ) but what is predicated wholly upon this proviso, that they must walk in strict and true"obedience to his revealed will through And furthermore, see if you can find one instance where they were truly obedient accord- ing to the best of their understanding, but that the previous promises of God were unto them verified to the full extent, and that too in va- rious ways and manners, for which no natural means nor mortal power, could possibly ren- der any reason, save this; that for their true obedience, the overruling hand of providence smote their enemies before them. And so shall it be with the inhabitants of Zion of life, and in their youthful days, that have | not yet passed through the days of their heav- iest trial. But the strength that will be given || to every-faithful soul, will be sufficient for the day of trial thereof. So be ye encouraged, my dear children, be on earth in these latter days; if they will keep || the revealed statutes of heaven, and obey their visible Lead, the hand of God will be stretched GI2O3][NG out over them, for their protection, , and his righteous arm shall lead them on in his eternal|| wisdom. A cloud of light and pillar of fire, shall show to the surrounding nations , where | the power of the Most High does dwell. | So dear children, remember these my words, and this my promise unto you, when ye hear my voice no more. Though you should be cast into the midst of a fiery furnace, or into the depths of the foaming ocean, if you will walk in true obedience, this ARM, that is stretched out, shall be your sure and never failing protection. But on the other hand, it will be withdrawn and heavy judgments will ensue; the Canaanites around Zion shall have power to scourge and afflict, to scourge and afflict, and lead into cap- tivity many of the inhabitants thereof; yea they will surely become as briers in their eyes, ..and as thorns in their sides. • G But I pray to my God, dear children, that from under this ARM of protection, by pursuing All of you, my dear children, says Mother, who now dwell in this place, according to the established order of God for the protection of Zion, you stand your own ways or your own wills. first, as the center or leading part; there- fore, you, as a body, must come the nighest, and be the most deeply baptised into the spirit and image of his eternal brightness, or in other words, you are called to stand in the near- test relation to that body of holy angels that surround his eternal throne, of any people that ever existed as a body, upon the earth. And for this reason, O dearly beloved chil- dren, are we your heavenly Parents thankful to ‘spend and be spent for your sakes, that ye may | always stand and appear as apples of gold set] { º R01.L. 24 in pictures of silver, in, the eyes of God your Heavenly Father. Nay, dear children, there has never been, a day, since your Mother, or, those who labored on earth with her, laid down their earthly taberna- cles, and entered the eternal mansions, of the } just in the heavenly world above, * but that We could have willingly returned again to earth, if |it had been God’s will, and once more drank the bitter cup of sufferings and tribulation, if by |that means we could have established the feet of Zion's children, with that degree of firmness, upon that foundation which God hath laid, that |in after days they would not have strayed; I again repeat, dear children, this we would have |willingly done, if it had been God's will. So dearly beloved, you may all know of a |truth, that the love of your kind and tender |Mother, the love of your heavenly Parents and |the love of God through them to you is very none of you may ever be so unwise as to depart great,that which no mortal tongue can tell, nor pen describe; were it not so, we never could have been granted the privilege, of , walking hand in hand with you on earth, as we have for four years, past. Yea, dear children, many are the days I have spent with you within four years past, in heavy and sore tribulation, crying to God, my Heav- enly Father, to hear my supplication, and grant the prayers of you, my dear children on earth, |and many have been the moments that may spirit has rejoiced with you in the service of God. Yea, many have been the times that your Moth- er with the rest of your heavenly. Parents, have attended your meetings; and refreshed their souls with those beautiful gifts of love and sim- plicity that you brought forth. And many and many have been the times 22. within the period before mentioned, that the in- numerable hosts of heaven have descended to And many of them have been commissioned to speak through mortal Instruments unto you. And the words of the Almighty God of heaven and earth, with those of Holy and Eternal Moth- er Wisdom, have they often sounded into the hearts of my dear children in this place; I say into the hearts of my dear children in this place; I say not into the ears only, but into the hearts. Yea, and more than this, have you my dear chil- dren, who are the favored few of God’s peculiar notice, twice received from the divine and sa- cred lips of Holy and Eternal Wisdom, her gracious words of loving kindness, in streams of everlasting blessing to your souls' And with her own hallowed hand did she mark each faith- €Il, And where is that people, my dear children, s that has ever before you, received such special notice? Surely my little ones, they have never existed upon the earth, until in this your day, and ye yourselves are the objects that our Al- mighty God has been pleased to notice after this sort. And so long as you remain in time, O ye children of your Mother, you will owe a very great debt of gratitude and thanks to God, through your heavenly Parents, for that which ye have received in this manifestation from the powers of heaven above. g And when ye meet together to sound forth sacred and solemn Songs of praise to his name, So sought after by the nations of the earth, as the forget not to pay the interest of this debt. now, my little ones, ye objects of your Mother's |stained with old age, or lose that thrilling charm <! closing ROLL. love, ye for whom and over whom I have spent |hours, days and months, in tears of godly sor- earth, within Zion's habitations, to behold the y devotedness of the children of God, who do in this latter day of glory dwell upon the earth. row, and outstretched arms of love, that I might, by every means in my power, strengthen and en- courage your souls to press on in the pure way of God. I say unto you I must now begin to |close my last and parting word upon this sacred |roll. And I have solemn werds in a Moth- er's kindness to impart unto you, respect- ing the manner and sacred use that must always |hereafter be made of all these sacred gifts and writings, which have come forth in this late |manifestation. And I cannot think, dear little ones, that you | will ever grieve the tender spirit of your Moth- er, or those that have labored with her, in de- parting from her counsel; nay, I will look for better things from every one of you. For you do witness for me, that I have taken great pains o that ye might all be comforted before I left, or ful soul for the Lord of hosts, the God of heav-|| ºf a ceased my work in this place. Your holy and eternal parents have given solemn warning in this respect, dear children, | that all these sacred writings must be kept and used in the true fear of God; they must not be read and used as common writings, or taken round to your shops, but you must keep them in your dwellings, where you retire to labor for the gifts of God; in so doing they will not become as pearls before swine; neither will they become which will always serve to awaken and enliven |the sensation of all my faithful and honest heart- ed children; they will never wax old, or lose the cheering rays of life, light and hope, which they possess, if they are kept in their order. But the days will come, when they will be closing Roll. most precious morsel from the heavenly world above, And for this purpose, that the inhabi- tants of Zion might have something from this] time henceforth, which should be unto them as || the URIM and Thummim in ancient days were upon the High Priest's breast-plate, has, God suffered these things to be written. True light and perfection is contained in them, and this every true and obedient child of Mother will always feel from them. I entreat of you, says Mother, O ye little ones of Zion, that ye do hereafter walk so carefully, that this heaven-glowing virtue may never be | lost from these writings, as it respects impart- ing to your souls the life and power of God, as was the URIM and THUMMIM from the breast- plate of the High Priest in ancient days. All the presents that I have sent, or caused to be sent forth unto you, must be used in a proper.| | against every natural feeling of pride or pleas- |ure to the mortal body; I say, dear children, it & |has not been easy for your heavenly Parents to mess and semblance of material things that do ex- ist on earth, that you might be better able to ap-| line of sensation, for they are all spiritual, wheth- er they be from those of ancient or modern date. They have been sent forth in this degree of near- preciate in lively colors, and thrilling sensations, the real adornings and beauties of the spiritual | world, or the abodes of the righteous, in the paradise of God, of which the earth and all the arts of man's invention are but a dismal, gloomy| and imperfect figure. w ge Therefore make no mention, in common and passing talk, of these rich presents which have| been sent unto you; but with all these things you may be rejoiced in lovely smiles of the sol- emn fear of God. And they will be a great | ^. tº |might be benefited thereby. help to you, if rightly used, in keeping your sen- sation in that line, that it will be easy for you |to get hold of the gifts of God, when you assem- 23 ble to worship him. Much, I say, dear children, God has suffered to be written on your account, and great has been the sufferings of such souls as have been called to write it, that they might be enabled to do the will of God, and that alone, in writing his sacred word. And of the depth of these sufferings, those who have not been called in this labor cannot judge; for in no way could they tell, says Mother, except I should lead them along the same path. - And I have ever found it very difficult, since the commencement of this manifestation, to find Instruments that were indeed and in truth, willing to lay down their lives, and all earthly and natural enjoyments, and spend their days |in tribulation of soul, for me their Mother, and for my mortifying work, which was directly find Instruments that were willing in truth to do this; and where we have found such, wheth- er in this place or elsewhere, you must not think it strange, dear children, that we feel it our right and our duty to notice them in our own wisdom. e • * Therefore, there can no true child of mine, |gather envious feelings towards them on that account, but they will love them and bless them, because they have, out of pure love to their Mother, and her blessed gospel; been willing to pass through these mortifying scenes of suffer- ings and tribulation, that all my dear children Had there been no one willing to have 34 passed through sufferings, to enable them to write these things, they would not have been written; and this work, this great work, in this mânifestation to the inhabitants of Zion, would, in process of time, have passed away and faded from the mind like a transient dream. And in a great part of these communications, my In- struments, says Mother, have had to pass through two heavy scenes of tribulation to obtain them; one to speak them and one to write them. I speak of these things, dear children, that you || may know that these givings of God have not tome forth to the inhabitants of Zion, as they now stand, without great sufferings, firstly on | the part of your heavenly Parents, your Minis- try and Elders, and very heavily upon the In- struments. * love and bless each other, build up each other in the most holy faith, comfort ye one another in my gospel; soothe ye the grief of the troubled soul, that ye may find the soothing spirit of a Mother when ye enter eternity. , , Remember, dear children, as you pass along from hour to hour, and e from day to day, that the very spirit which you mete out, and measure unto others, whether it be good or evil, will certainly, yet all be measured unto you, either in time Or in eternity. & ſ •- Therefore beware, my little ones, do not do that to others that will, in the end, render yóurselves Y unhappy and uncomfortable, do not dear children, for my sake; for nothing dis- tresses the spirit of your Mother, and of your heavenly Parents more than to see their chil- dren disagreeing together, making it hard for each other, and destroying their own peace. The Zion of God is required to be His para- cLošing Rolt. dise on earth, where nought does dwell to mar the one pure and golden chain of union that does surround the body. Keep in this dear children, and you cannot in any wise be will- ing to make it hard for each other, for if ye are of one heart and one mind, you will all pull to- |gether, and you will all go in union. You will not be setting up standards of your own to go by; but the orders of God will be the unerring line of truth, by which ye will steer. So comfort, ye one another, and my good angels shall comfort you; and though you may feel ever so great tribulation, you will always have a comforter within your own hearts. Now | dear children, I counsel you to keep the sensa- tions which you have gained in these days of & * . = | this bright manifestation, alive in your hearts, So now, dear children, I entreat of you, to || Yea, my little ones, if you keep these things |sacred and holy, they will keep your vessels clean. If you love to honor God, through your heavenly Parents, by keeping his command- ments, then God .* will love to honor and pro- |tect you, and will hold you in the hollow of his hand in the midst of the days of his fierce an- ger. If you will deſight to keep the sayings and obey the voice of me your Mother, you will delight to unite with me in every gift that will serve to bind your evil natures, or the power of |the opposite spirit. And as you, my dear children, treat this late manifestation, so God will treat you; remem- ber my words, for they will alter not. But if you suffer your souls to lose that love, that |nearness of simplicity in feeling, that has ever brought you near to my ..] soul, and near to God, the gifts of this manifestation will become as unimportant and trifling things in your minds, | and you will thus fall away from the pure way CLOSING ROLL. 25 ef God. But I hope and pray, as I have often | of parchment is now finished: your beloved before said, that none would be so unwise, who || Father William and Father James have a few are gathered into Zion, but that they would | words, to witness to the foregoing, and then our make their calling and election sure, by their |work is done. But the holy angel of eternal true obedience; for upon this basis all the prom-|brightness, with the twelve holy angels that ises of God do rest, that were ever handed forth || surround the throne of God, have entered, sound- to mortals. « » |ing aloud their seven sealing trumpets; and So dearly beloved children, your Mother now|their sacred seals, with the commandments of must leave you; but in your true obedience the God their Almighty Father, will follow these righteous hand of God will surely lead you. ||rolls and seal the same, forever more to stand. So fare ye well, beloved ones, my daughters |But your beloved Fathers must speak a short and my sons. | word first. My word says Mother Ann, upon this roll SECTION. VII. Words of Father Williamka Lee. O ye children of the one true and living God || we have sent them ſorth to satisfy our own souls, keep your lamps filled with good oil, well trim-|and do the will of God our Heavenly Father, med and burning; suffer them not to go out, for ||and if there be any of you that cannot sign if ye do, we can no longer help you to light|them in singleness of heart and sincerity of them, as we have done. |soul, I again repeat it unto you, keep your But if by the scourging rod you have been |names from that sacred writing: and even if cleansed and purified, keep so dear children. || there are any of you that cannot count it There is no path so easy for souls to get along ||a great privilege to put your names to that sa- in, if they pretend to be believers, as the path |cred writing, keep your names from those sa- in which they can keep their souls clean and jored pages. pure. | we have not from the beginning, intended to Remember, O ye my beloved ones, your || close this work, without leaving that separating heavenly Parents have sent forth their Cove-|line, that binding Covenant, which would cause nants unto you; they have not framed some-|the unbelieving serpent to squirm and show it- thing to please a carnal mind, or indulge a cav-|self, in whose ever bosom it does exist, for this .iling spirit, in any way, shape, or manner; but is the commandment of Gød, which he, hath • * * *- - * * * •-->44. 3 25 intended from the beginning, should pinch and || squeeze the unbeliever, in his righteous and ho-| ly work. t |says Father . So let all be wise, and they that wish from | this time henceforth to steer, heavenward, take.]]: cLosſ NG ROLL. the right means for it, and they will be protected on their way. So fare ye well, dear children SECTION WHI. Words or Father James whittaker. O ye little lovely ones of your blessed Mother, my kind and tender Parent. I beseech you dear children to go with your Mother, go with your heavenly Parents, and you will never have cause to regret, in time nor in eternity. But if you turn a little here and a little there, great will yet be your lamentations when it is too late. Therefore as a kind and tender Father, | I can but warn you all to be exceeding thank- ful. , - - They that seek to please themselves, seek not * & SECTION. | to please the Lord their God, or their bless- ed Mother; therefore in my everlasting love. |and blessing, I bid you all dear children, a. kind farewell says Father Ame %2422. The word of the roll read by the reading angel of Mother Ann, is now finished, and the angel |has retired, and here follows ! w IX. The word upon the seven seals, spoken of by Mother. Ann, in the prºceeding pages, brought by the twelve holy angels, and read by the holy Thus saith the reading angel of Holy and Eternal Wisdom to the writer of the seven sealed rolls, or the word on the seven seals. Hark! O thou mortal writer, for Lo, the wit- angel of Wisdom, to another Instrument, ther, has entered this the Temple of your God, and they have, even at this moment, sounded aloud their seven sealing trumpets, and I have received from them seven gold seals, bearing nessing angel of EternAL BRIGHTNess, ac- companied by the twelve most holy angels that daily surround the throne of your Almighty Fa- the names of Holy Mother Wisdom, Christ º Savior, Mother Ann Lee, Father William "Lee, Father James Whittaker, Father Joseph CLOSING ROLL• | word to the people of the Holy Mount, residing Meacham and Mother Lucy Wright, upon one side of the seals; and upon the other side a in the Centre. These seals I am commanded by the united voice of these holy angels, to hand unto thee O mortal writer, that they may be set by thee, up- -on the sacred rolls, which are written upon the GoLD PLATE and on the PARCHMENT, and that the word which is written upon these seals may be correctly copied, and follow the word of Ho- ly and Eternal Wisdom and Mother Ann, for | surely this is their desire. And now, I, the angel that am chosen to || read unto you, command you to see that this thing be done, and delay not your time, for thé people stand in great need of this word. So || |sen, this my day of cursing shall pass by, and my now write thou, while I read the word of the Seals. Words upon the first Seal, Thus saith the Almighty Power, O ye inhab- *itants of my Zion on earth, ye children of the new creation, ye in-dwellers of Zion upon the Holy Mount of my glory, hearken ye to the || word of the Lord your God, even to my word saith Almighty Power. In my loving kindness have I purposed a way in which my chosen people, yea, even the cho-| sen few of my peculiar delight, could be sup- ..plied to the satisfying of their souls, and the cheering of their spirits, with the beautiful treasures of, and from the rich and bounteous || |receive freely, and withall to be satisfied with. |the goodness of your God, and rejoice in the |same, in the holy fear of my righteous justice. | ſeasts of my heavenly kingdom above, and that my promises should all be fulfilled in due time ..and season, for the good of my people; And that my real goodness, love, charity, less mercy, should all be verified in full reality, |have I thus done. 27 kindness, never ending forbearance, and end- Again, O ye my people, know ye all that 'this my promise I did make, and this my word |I did send forth, to the Holy Anointed of my |Zion, even at the day, and in the midst of my mighty curses, and furious indignation against my Zion, and my sore displeasure with the inhab- |itants thereof; yea indeed at that time it was, that I did say unto them, Know ye not, O ye Holy Anointed that my day of severe trial, heavy judgments and fierce anger, has already come, and that my hand filled with heavy curses, I have stretched over the inhabitants of my Zion, and |my word of displeasure I have passed upon them. Yet know ye, O mine Anointed and Holy Cho- day of blessing shall come. And the same hand |that is now filled with judgment and cursing, shall be filled with blessings, of equal weight, |and without number, which shall be poured forth |unto the in-dwellers of this my Holy Temple, when they shall humble themselves before me their just and holy God. For lo! even when at my holy throne, I raised my hand to finish the word of my justly pro- voked anger, and to seal it with the seal of my |heavy judgment, I did write this my word, and make this my promise, and did seal it with the seven seals of my love, kindness, forbearance, |charity, condescension, peace and mercy, saith your Eternal Father. So now, fear ye not O my chosen people, to Yet ever standing ready for the times and 28 closing Rott. seasons, yea, for my times and seasons, saith the |word of your ever holy Parents, contained in the Eternal Power, to come and pass by, and the rolls upon which this seal is to be placed, and remainder of my promises to be fulfilled, for ||let the whole be the word of eternal truth. know ye O my people, that my hand of might, Amen, even so let it be. and my arm of power is still stretched out and | extended over you, and in my wonderful wis-| Words upon the third Seal. • dom, as my times and seasons shall come, shall || Again, saith the Lord your God, I am justice, ... 2 passby, and pass by and pass over: this same migh-ll I am equality, I am everlasting righteousness. ty hand of mine, saith the ALMIGHTy, shall per-land peace. So hearken, O ye my people, for ſo form many mighty wonders among my people;|my time is near, my day is at hand, and my. and I say not but it will yet pour forth both cur-|hour is already come, and indeed now in my ho- sings and blessings; and Amen, even so let it be. ||ly wisdom I have commanded the trumpet soun- U ºf 2 |ding and proclaiming angels of my throne, to Words upon the second Seal. ||wind up their trumpets of solemn truths, of warm- Thus saith the Lord your God, O ye my peo-|ings, of judgment, and of alarm for a season ple, ye chosen few of my pleasure, hearken to and time. But hearken ye, and understand now my word, for lo, I am well pleased so to do, and |the word of your God and Almighty Father. in my wisdom have called from among you my || Beware, beware! O beware, ye people of my holy chosen messengers, even your blessed Moth- name, how ye deal with my precious treasures of er Ann, and her fellow laborers, your heavenly | my kingdom, and how ye handle the work of my Parents, but know ye, one and all, that ere the hands, or how ye receive into your hearts, the hour of this my word unto them, I did of my- |words which I have caused to be sent forth un- self require them to supply themselves with these || to you for four years past, especially that which heavenly blessings, and more than this, I did || ye have received the last two years, and that in my unbounded mercy and never ending | which now, even at the last moment of the stay love, provide means in the heavens, whereby||of your heavenly Parents among you, ye are dai- all these things could be prepared, and made ||ly receiving. Hearken ye to this, the word ready for the hour of their departure. of the Lord your God, and know ye that mortals, So let no one of my people murmur, at my|yea, even those of my peculiar choice, are not doings; let no tongue judge my work,and let no ||endowed with true knowledge, wisdom or under- hand be moved to steady the Ark, or my holy ||standing sufficient to know, judge or compre- Covenant which I have sent forth, as did Uzziah ||hend the times and seasons of my work, either of old, lest ye be smitten, and these lovely bless-|on earth or in heaven, nor even to understand ings, which I myself have commanded to be pre-|the meaning of my words very many times; nay pared and handed unto you, the peculiar people |by no means, neither that which now is, or that of my love, become a snare in your path before||which is to come. ** * , you. Hearkeñº ye unto this the word of your || This is my word, saith. Almighty Power, and Añighty Father, and obey with pleasure the Amen, even so let it be. i { ČLöSłNě (Ofitſ, Words upon the fourth Seal. the same medium, that ye received a short time ago, the heavy words of warning, and felt the spiercing bitterness of my rod, ye have now re- ceived these many blessings and rich presents; -source, by the same order, yea, from the hands of your heavenly Parents in like manner, ye have received these things. And now again, know ye, that I the Lord your God, did command by my own word, your ever blessed Mother Ann, to write the word of these rolls, both upon the 'Gold PLATE and upon the PARCHMENT, and that without delay, ere the hour of her departure should arrive, promising that I would, in my mortal power, and sounded in the ears of my people, after she, your Mother had depºrted from you her children, even as the Savior did from his disciples; and this O my people, ye see I have done. hath she, even ETERNAL BRIGHTNEss, sent it forth unto you. ers of my holy Temple on earth, that it is the ‘word, the will, and the earnest desire, of the eternal and heavenly Parents of the children of *the New Creation saith Eternal Power; and, -Amen, even so let it be. [. Words upon the fifth Seal. Hear again, O ye my people, saith living truth,' And be assured, O ye in-dwell- 29 º & 2. Ö | stop and consider upon what you have already Still longer, O ye my people saith the Lord, ºfsten to this my word, and know ye that from || the same hand, by the same power, and through heard, and then listen yet a little longer, for surely the word of the four seals, which ye have heard, is in very reality the word which I, my- |self, yea, even the Lord your God, did send forth unto the Holy Anointed of my Zion, written up- on a roll, sealed with four seals of my promise, and the same I did cause your blessed Mother yea, from my eternal fountain, through the same Ann to read unto them, even with her own voice. And again know ye, that the many blessings which ye have received, from the hand of your |parents, are only the fulfillment of my promise, even at that time. This remember and know, that my hand of blessing is as ready in the day of my blessing, as in my cursing; and also re- member, that I your holy God, am much more delighted and far better pleased, to empty it up- | on you, my peculiar people, when filled with own wisdom, and according to my own pleasure, provide a way, whereby it could be written by | blessing,than with cursing. But consider ye well the word of the four seals, and ever fear my holy name, while you remain in time; and remember that I alone sway . the bright shining sceptre of eternal justice, and |everlasting truth, saith Almighty Power, and |Amen, even so let it be. As to the word of Holy and Eternal Wisdom, in the preceeding rolls, know ye that it was writ- | ten by her own hand; and by her own power | Words upon the sixth Seal. upon this sixth seal, O my people, do. I now write unto you, that ye may, know, that I have * .now, even at this hour of the departure of my holy messengers, your heavenly Parents, from among you, sent forth my twelve most holy an- gels, and have commanded them to enter the ho- ly temple of my likeness, standing upon the |Mount of my glory, and to hand forth these |seven seals, to the chosen writer, that they |might be copied, and follow the forementioned rolls upon the GoLD PLATE and PARchMENT 30 whithersoever they may go, or be sounded in the ears of my people, in union with the holy An- ointed on earth; and to fulfill yet another of my promises to them, have I, the Lord your God, | your ever blessed Mother Ann, and this the | word of the Lord your God, written upon thus done at this time. * , And now on this sixth sea!, do I the Lord your God, place with my own hand, a roll of my holy and righteous love, which you my peo- ple may receive, as a memorial of my mercy and never ending kindness, and of the day in which I myself walked in Zion, and sounded forth my word in the ears of the people, even as a man talketh with his brother, and as the fond parent instructeth the innocent babe of his delight. Surely at the end of the word of these seven seals, ye may all stretch forth your right hands and receive a ball of the eternal love of your Almighty Creator and Heavenly Father; yeaſ |according to my will, and to which I set my even of my holy love, saith Jehovah, and Amen, even so let it be. Words upon the seventh, or last Seal, Now upon this seventh seal, do I the Lord your God, with my own hand, write my com- mand, and make known my will, concerning the rolls upon which the seals are to be placed. My will, saith the Lord, and the command which I now seal, while I sit upon my ETERNAI, THRONE, in regard to the reading of the word of Holy and ternal Wisdom, and of your ever blessed Mother Ann, upon the Gold Plate and parchment, is as follows. your God, gather ye yourselves together, O ye in-dwellers of the sacred temple of my name, up- on my Holy Mount, even upon the first sab- |Mother Thus saith the Lord | Eternal and ever Holy Father; and blessed ‘CLosing Roll. bath in the sixth month of the year, and in holy fear, and in solemn reverence to my everlasting goodness, which has been displayed to mortals on earth, read ye the word of Holy Mother, these seals, brought by the twelve holy angels of my throne. This is my word and my will; and to this have all your heavenly Parents signed their names and placed their seals, saith Jeho- vah; and Amen, cven so let it be. And now again listen, and hear my last words unto you, O ye people of my name. Hearken |and understand my word, while I make known my will, and give you my word and command concerning the reading of the solemn and sacred Covenant, which your heavenly Parents have written and sent unto you, which was fully everlasting seal, and to which your ever Holy Wisdom, and Jesus Christ your |blessed Savior, have placed their seals. It is my command that upon the second sab- bath of the sixth month of the year, ye gather together, even as I the Lord did say concerning the first sabbath, and solemnly read and hear the word of that sacred covenant. Cº. But if circumstances render it inconsistent to attend to this my word upon these days, then it shall be the duty of the leading influence to transfer it to the next. This is my word and my will, saith God, your shall be every one that obeys it; and AMEN, | EVEN SO LET IT BE FOREVER, END of THE ROLL. IPATRT III, A sack E D Coy ENANT o F o U R H E A v ENLY PAR ENTs. sENT ForTH upon EARTH, To THEIR chILDREN, AT THE close of THEIR LATE MANIFESTATION, FoR THE PURIFICATION of Zion, & AND THE INHABITANTS THEREOF. given BY INSPIRATIon, IN THE CHURCH of THE HOLY MOUNT OF GOD, AT NEW LEBANoN, December 31, 1841. v-vºy Jºm. 2- --- w_w_w_w_w_w = A Sacred Covenant, sent forth such as do believe, in full purpose of heart, with- upon earth, or to that part of Zion residing |out a doubt, res ecting the reality of the late within and without the Temple or Inner Court || manifestation of God to his people. I shall love on the Holy Mount, by Mother Ann, for all || you and bless you much better than I could, if such of her children as are over the age of six-lyou should go forth to write your names with teen years, and under the age of seventy, or to ||an unbelieving heart. º such of them as can and do count it a great privi-|| And furthermore, says Mother, I do strictly lege to place their names and seals, as a testi- || enjoin upon all to consider well, before they at- mony of their firm and unshaken confidence, |tempt to sign their names or place their hands and full belief in the late manifestation of God to | upon these three sacred Covenants, combined his people; and of their full faith in the truth of |in one, and sent from their spiritual and heaven- the word which has been handed forth from | ly Parents, Mother Ann, Father William and their Eternal Parents, Holy Mother Wisdom, Father James, to their dear children residing Mother Ann, and the rest of their heavenly Pa-|in this place. For these shall stand in time, rents, with the Elders, ministering angels and ||ſor ages and ages to come; and in eternity they spirits. | « & y | shall never be blotted out, but shall remain as an And I do entreat of you, my dear children, ||everlasting memorial of the closing, parting and says Mother Ann, that no one of you would sacred Covenant, sent forth from heaven, for write your names, or cause the same to be writ-|such of Zion's children to sign, as have been or ten, in assenting to this sacred Instrument, only || may hereafter be deeply baptised with a spirit 32. of full, firm and unshaken belief in the late work | signers thereto, we shall take home to our of divine inspiration to the in-dwellers of Zion upon earth: This, says Mother Ann, I require to be sign- ed and sealed throughout this society, as soon as possibly consistent after the windows and doors of Heaven are closed. And if in union with the beloved Ministry, I require the Instru- ment through whom I first commenced my work in this place, to see this faithfully execu- ted. And this is the last duty which I have laid, in a special manner, upon that instrument, if this be in your union, beloved Lead. And I forbid the Elders of each family, says Mother Ann, to suffer any souls to put their || names to this sacred writing, that have not, in a good degree received the blessing of their Ho-| ly and Eternal Mother Wisdom, or have not, since the day of her visitation, confessed and repented, and come so humble and low, that them, which Holy Wisdom left in their hands for that purpose. SACRED COVENANT. For these Covenants, with the names of the mansions in heaven. And when those who have signed them enter eternity, if they have walked in strict obedience, through time, both in spirit and to the letter of that which is there- in contained, they shall be read before the throne of Holy and Eternal Wisdom, as an everlasting recommendation of their true and genuine faith- fulness, while they did sojourn upon the earth. And Holy Wisdom will, in her great condescen- |sion and kindness, bestow upon. them a ticket of her everlasting love and blessing. ſºme But to such as shall enter enternity having disobeyed their most solemn, and sacred pledge in signing their names to this writing, it shall stand as a memorial against them, and a stain and dishonor that never can be washed out, and they can never meet our faces in peace says: | Mother. their Elders could bestow that blessing uponl THE SAC REI) 00 W ENANT. 1. I pray'God that his Holy Spirit, through my heavenly Parents, the holy angels and justi- fied saints in eternity, would condescend, this once, to draw near to my heart, and bear wit- ness that my soul is filled to overflowing with p T - w . - p © Q . g (* | gratitude and thanks to the Giver of all good, 'for'his great condescension in opening the doors ‘and windows of heaven so wide, that the Holy and Eternal ‘Mother Wisdom, surrounded by ‘the everlasting brightness of the GREAT First clºse, 'could come forth to the inhabitants of yzion, and notice the faithful with “her bless- 'ing. & 2. To my ever blessed Mother Ann, also, do I bow low, even to the dust, in thankfulness of soul, yea and gratitude of heart, for that testi- mony of living truth, which she hath sounded, |and sounded, and sounded again, in my ears,. | that it might purify my 'heart, and cleanse my j vessel clean, I know it to be true; "I know it to be the living truth of God, though sounded |by inspiration through mortal “clay-unto me. SACRED COVENANT. 33 3. And I do furthermore testify, in the most |received of these sacred and holy things in bound- solemn and sacred feelings of my soul, before God, his holy angels and our heavenly Parents, and in the presence of my beloved Elders, brethren and sisters, that I have not the least shadow of a doubt, or wavering feeling existing in my mind, respecting the genuineness, purity | less measures, from the hands of our ever bless- led Mother and those who labored and toiled with her. These sacred, holy and divine treas- |ures, are as wells of living waters in our souls |“springing up into everlasting life,” that which carnal eyes cannot behold, nor polluted hearts and holiness of the laws, orders, messages, com- | enjoy. But such as have clean hands, and spir- munications and divine songs, which have been showered down from the heavens above, in this | 7. And I do testify unto all living, so far as this l, * | word may be heard, that I do know that God 4. I do believe and know, and that without || one faltering feeling in my heart, that God, in || his boundless charity and loving kindness, did || |misunderstood,) to poor frail mortals on the late manifestation commencing about four years since. Hook upon the indwellers of Zion, though but worms of the dust, and frail mortals in his sight, ſº J º , with an eye of pity and compassion, turned thith- erward through the incessant prayers and hum- ble supplications of our spiritual and heavenly Parents, and was induced to open the closed av- enues of spiritual communication, from the man- sions of the celestial world to the inhabitants of Zion, whose souls were yet confined in taberna- cles of mortal clay. 5. That they might be made able to enjoy| tion of the goodness of God to his people. and partake, freely, of the spiritual and beauti- ful treasures reserved in the heavens above, for all such as were and forever would be true and faithful to walk in, maintain and support, to the Iaying down of their lives, that everlasting, sin its pure, can render thanks unceasing to their God, through Christ and Mother Ann. has, in these last days, condescended through means of his own choosing, to make known his word and will, in language plain, (and not to be earth; and with this his word, evidence sufficient to convince every rational and reasonable mind- ed person. 8. And I do covenant and agree, yea, and solemnly promise here, in the presence of God and his witnesses, that I will never in any case whatever, suffer my heart to feel, or my tung to move, in uttering words of doubt, unbelief or | disrespect, to any gift however small or great, that has been sent forth, in this late manifesta- This I will never do, ſrom this time henceforth, even until my soul shall enter that long and sweet eter- nity, from whence these holy and sacred things have been handed ſorth to us, while sojourn- ing on the earth. 9. I know the voice of my Mother; and that I never will deny, through time nor in eternity. I know the voice that calls my soul from sin and | death, to life and peace. I know the voice of all my heavenly Parents, for oft and oſt have they destroying, and self-denying gospel, which the Elord and Savior Jesus Christ and Mother Ann Lee did, through tribulation deep, and sufferings sore, (supported by the hand of Almighty God,) plant upon the earth, forever more to stand. • 6. And since this work commenced we have | 4 | 34 SACRED COVENANT, been sounded in my ears, and in thrilling veins || they have a right so to do; for I have already of light and truth, have they pierced the inmost|recorded their names in heaven, says Mother recesses of my heart. |Ann. F0. I know the voice of truth, and that alone 13. Now, says Mother, dear children, can you has been sounded forth from the heavens above |sign this in truth? If ye can, then your Mother unto me; and of this my soul can bear witness|will bless you in so, doing. For I have written through time and in eternity. No trying hours||and signed it in the presence of my Heavenly however dark, nay, nor days and years of tribula-|Father, and before his holy angels. Now if you tion, shall in any way whatever, cause my souhl can sign, in truth, well; if not forbear, for a to feel, or my tung to speak slightly of any gift| deceitful heart is an abomination in the sight sent forth in this divine manifestation, which of God, and the vain pretense of such a soul, is has been sanctioned upon the ALTAR of WisDom, like a person beginning to erect a house, before where God hath placed it to be tried. |he has built any foundation to set it upon. 11. I do solemnly promise here, in the pres- 14. But I should be thankful to God, with all ence of my Elders, brethren and sisters, that I || my soul, says Mother, if it were so, that there will forever hereafter, in the true fear of God, | Was Il Ot a child in any part of my vineyard OIk carefully obey the goodly shepherd's voice, that earth, who hath heard the sound of my voice, leadeth Zion's children heavenward, and always ||but what was now able to sign this writing with walk in true obedience to my beloved Lead, me with full purpose of heart, without a doubt. placed for my protection; and this I will cheer-|| 15. But be not discouraged, my dear children fully do, without murmuring or complaining: my little ones, who are near to my soul; for For I do truly know that the greatest blessing a |your Mother, with the holy angels in heaven, soul can have, is a visible Lead, to protect and ||does bow before the throne of God, in gratitude direct it while on its journey home to God. |and thanks, for that purification, through tribu- 12. This Covenant, says Mother Ann, I have lation, which has been found in this part of written with my own hand, in the heavens above;|Zion, and throughout our lovely vineyard. and I have now sent it forth upon earth, through: | 16. Great has been the increase, yea, great means of my own choosing, that in union|indeed has been the increase of our children on with the beloved Lead, all such of my chil- |earth. Keep it, O do forever keep it, is the dren as reside in this Society and further if they prayer of your kind and tender Parent. And feel, and are over sixteen years of age, who have || this prayer I shall continually pour forth, in the been among believers two years, (and less if|mansions of my God, to which place I must now they have been truly faithful) may sign and seal }. retire, having finished the present order of my their names to this Covenant. I say, all such |work in this part of my vineyard. as can do it in truth and sincerity of soul, be-|| 17. And now, in the tenderest feelings of a lieving in their hearts that which is herein stated;|Mother's love, my dear and lovely children, my but no others. If those who are over seventy ||little ones, in whom my soul delights, I must bid desire to have their names placed in this book, Ilyou all along and kind farewell. Fare ye well; SACRED COVENANT, and this will always be your lot, if ye keep in the holy way and work of God. These are the last || 35 and parting words in a direct line of your kind and affectionate Parent, and Mother wiTH HIS FATHER WILLIAM'S COVENANT, CIHI IL DIRT EN : Written December 31, 1841, ‘l. Having full faith in the late manifestation “of God, and knowing of a truth, that it has pro- soul, that it never was, from the beginning, the invention of man nor woman, but of the AL- MIGHTY CREATOR of heaven and earth, I here unite my voice and declare, in the presence of God and his witnesses, as follows; 2. I never will, in any wise, deny my blessed Mother, nor any of my heavenly Parents, nor *| present faith, or vary from it in the least degree. | 4. And I do furthermore testify, that neither •ceeded from the source of ALL Good ; and hav- men nor devils can falsify or counterfeit this: ing a witness, a full assurance within my own | late divine manifestation of God that has been given to his people on earth. And I promise, covenant and agree, before God and my heaven- |ly Parents, and in presence of his living witness- es on earth; that I will never join, in any way shape or manner, or in affinity with any spir- it or person, that does not believe, own and ac- knowledge the divine origin and the sacredness any gift sent from heaven, by or through mor- |ness of God hath been showed unto Zion, and tals, to mortals on earth, which is owned, ac- knowledged and sanctioned by the visible Tead, but I will forever stand firm, unshaken and true, *in the way of truth and holiness, in the blessed | 'gospel of salvation, revealed through Mother || -Ann. 3. This I will do, through all storms of perse- "cution and heart trying scenes, knowing of a | struth, that this work of the Almighty has carri- •ed full evidence in itself, sufficient to convince || every rational soul of its true emanation from ‘the Divine Source and FounTAIN of all. good. Therefore I say, let this my word stand of that manifestation which, through the good- entered the hearts of those who dwell within her walls. 5. And I declare unto all people, says Father William, that the soul who confesseth not that #his work is of God, shall surely be accursed in his sight, and shall wither and die, and drop off |from the body of Christ, as a dry and withered fbranch. - & ſº .6. In this heart searching work of the Lord. my faith is grounded, never more to be destroy- ked or shaken. I know my Father's voice, be- | cause it cometh, in the power of God, to search ## my accuser, should I ever turn from my 'the heart with the candle of the Lord, and cleanse f 36 ** SACRED COVENANT, the soul from every filthy stain; that it may be clothed in humility and love, and be adorned with a Parent’s blessing; that the smiles of heav- en may distill upon it, as dews upon a tender || plant, and clothe it in a garment white. And from this my faith, I never will depart, either upon the right or upon the left. But straightly | enly Parents in the eternal world above, hold || this Covenant, with all the names that are signed and sealed thereto, in the mansions of their God in the narrow path I will walk, while sojourn- ing in time's dark vale below. 7. Now, dear children, can you, with your beloved Father William, sign this Covenant, with a full purpose of heart, never to depart from, one jot or tittle, to the right or to the left? And say in truth, I never will be ashamed of this gospel, nor of those precious gifts which have been giv- en, or handed down to us from the heavens above? For the light of God in my own soul, doth clearly show and testify, that nothing but! the carnal fallen propensities of lust will cause all soul to despise the simple gifts and power of Al- mighty God. * 8. So now, dear children, I must say with your •weg)ess-- ever blessed Mother, the time is come, thatſ must | depart from the earth, and return with my Moth- er, and your Mother, to the mansions of my God. 9. And those of you that can sign this Cov- enant indeed and in truth, never more | to depart therefrom, may always remem- ber, while you remain in time, that your heav- and your God, as a testimony and lasting me- morial of that work which God, in his mercy, sent us forth to do upon earth. 10. And now, dear children, your kind and | loving father must bid you adieu. So fare ye well my loving friends; keep your faith unspot- ted. Stand in the work of God unmoved, and the powers of hell shall not prevail against you. In kindness and charity, love ye one another, as your father hath loved you. So fare well, | says your loving friend and Father W FATHER JAMEs coveNANT, For such orhis dear gospel friends as are able to sign it with g” thankful hearts: e & • & Writiºn December 31, 1811. 1. Come gather near, my little ones, and hear the words I have to speak. I, for one, says Father, do believe and know, beyond a doubt, or a possibility of a contradiction, within my || own soul, that this gospel is the power of God| unto salvation, to all such as believe and obey it. 2. I also believe and know, that God in his infitüte goodness and mercy, hath opened the A-A- |heavens, for several years past, with that degree of his brightness and power, that none within Zion's borders, who were bound in their sins, and would not come to judgment, could help fearing the searching rays of his eternal light,' and fear and tremble in his presence. ". | 3. Nay, nay, O heavenly Parents! I never will | slight the holy and sacred work of God, which in SACRED COVENANT. his condescending mercy and goodness, has been bestowed upon his people, for a few years past. I never will, nay, I never will to the end of my days, I never will say, I never will speak, that aught of the things that have been sent forth from the heavens above, were the inventions of man or of woman, or that the Instruments were instructed by the Ministry and Elders, to bring forward -these things in the name of God, of Christ or Mother, or any of the heavenly hosts. 4. I never will flinch and stop to hearken to the influence of the devil. But when I find my fallen, corrupt, filthy and exalted nature, is closely ground on every hand and side, by rea- son of the sacred Laws and Orders which have been sent forth from heaven, in this late manifes- 37. see; mortals calling upon the sacred pewers of the | heavens above to sanction their own views and natural feelings / this, though cloked under a divine sanction, is what 1 call BLASPHEMY. 8. Now my beloved gospel relations, I am your Father, I am your friend; and as such, I now warn you against these evil and wicked spirits, which will come up against Zion, as a flock of hungry vultures in quest of prey. 9. Thus do I forewarn all my children of the days and heavy pressure of evil, which will surely come, when our voices shall cease to be heard, sounding among you, and the doors of communication shall be closed between those in time, and those i i eternity, which is now meas- tation, to be established in Zion, I will not suffer the wicked and benighted influence of the ad- versary to overshadow my soul, and cause me to feel, act or speak after this manner, viz; 5. I don’t capect to regard that as a law, order {} | ! : . . b | a urably done, as respects this part of the vine- yard of God upon earth. * - \ 10. Therefore I do, with a thankful heart sol- emnly promise, covenant and agree, before God and his holy angels, from this time henceforth, even forevermore, that I will never, in any way, or rule for me to go by; I know well (nough how shape or manner, listen to, join with, or take it came. The Ministry or Elders wanted some- | any part on the side of the opposite spirit, to thing of the kind established: so they hinted it, support it, either in deed, in word or in action, to some of the Instruments, and soon it came for- which will strive to destroy and trample under ward, 3anctioned and established by the powers | foot, the holy and sacred orders of God, and above, as a law or order that all must eep. much better be at work with their hands, than ! | 6. I can see human nature here, whether any world. body else can or not. I think the Instruments had « again blend in spirit with the children of this 11. This I promise you, my beloved Elders, brethren and sisters I never will do, but will to be cooped up there, writing laws and orders, resist every temptation thereto, even to the lay- for the rest of us to keep. , 7. And worse than all the rest, is their bold- ! ſ Q . | i i ing down of my natural life. But I will love, I will bless the way and work of God; I will ness in putting on such a divine sanction every bless my brethren and sisters; I will love and now and then, saying; “Thus saith the Lord bless the order of God, which is established in of heaven and earth. So says Mother Ann. Zion for my protection; and forever more, yea, So say your heavenly Parents, or the holy angels through my days in time, I will yield strict obe- in heaven.” This is what I dislike to hear, or ſidience thereunto. - 38 s.AcRED CovenANT. 12. I will often kneel down and bow row || poor and needy soul; for without this, I know I even with my face to the floor, and pour forth ||cannot be cleansed, nor find acceptance in the my feelings in gratitude and thanks to God, kingdom of my God. I do most solemnly prom- and Holy and Eternal Wisdom, to Christ, Moth-|ise you all, that with every sharp and powerful er Ann, and all our heavenly Parents, Elders |testimony against sin, I will always unite my and holy angels and spirits that surround them, heart, and join my voice to support the same, for the boundless stores and heavenly treasure || by saying, It is the truth of God. of good things, which I have received by and || 15. I love you, yea, I love you dear children, through such means as God, in his own wisdom, with every feeling of my soul, and bless you did provide, in this his late wonderful and re-||with every sensation of my spirit. In obedience markable manifestation to his people dwelling|to my Mother, did I come to work among you, in the Zion of his likeness upon earth. and in obedience to my Mother, do I return 13. These I prize as the most rich, precious ||with her, to dwell in the mansions of my God. and invaluable treasures that can possibly be | 16. All such of you as are prepared to sign given to human beings, while residing in mor- this Covenant, in singleness of heart and sin- tal clay, I am also thankful to God, for every | cerity of soul, with a fixed and full determina- chastening and scourging that I have received |tion never to depart therefrom, will confer a få- to humble, mortify, cleanse and purify my heart. vor, and bestow much comfort upon your loving 14. I also beg and pray of my beloved Elders, Father. So fare ye well in peace. never to with-hold the chastening rod from my | 2. mea 2//takez. –eze Additional Words from WLIOther Ann. 1. Draw near, my little children, and hear || enly Parents; for this will surely be a great again the words of your Mother. We have all || strength to every sincere and honest hearted three written these Covenants, with our own || soul. Also, that you may always remember the hands, for our children in this part of Zion, |parting instructions of your Mother, Father and as far as the Anointed may feel a desire to William and Father James, combined and put extend it. We wrote them while sitting to- in the form of solemn and sacred Covenants; gether in our mansion, in the heavens above, ||and so it must be kept for generations to come. that our dear children upon earth might have || 3. And now, O Holy Anointed: if this meets something to bind the adversary of their souls, your approbation, it is my wish that you and and be a help and strength to them, both now|the Elders in the Church, keep a copy of the and hereafter. & |same; and also, that you, in your wisdom, suf, 2. And also, that you may have a privilege|fer each family in this Society to read it once a to enter into covenant relation with your heav- year. And such members as have become oth \ º enough and have been faithful, and have a desire to sign and keep the same, give them a privilege so to do, when it is read. kept close and sacred. And whoever signs it, whether now, or in years to come, shall, if they || are sincere and honest hearted, receive a ball of their heavenly Parents' love; for I have provi- | ded means to place our love in balls upon the ta- ble, before those who shall write their names, in singleness of heart, in this book. And this they may receive, by taking a ball from the ta- ble and bowing once. 5. And whenever this is read, let all kneel placed my name and seal. If you will repeat the love and blessing of your heavenly Parents shall distill upon you from the heavens above, and your souls shall be refreshed. 6. And now, beloved Ministry, in your wis- A tº A tº 2- A- ~my -v- * =Tw YT-7 APPROVAL OF THE MINISTRY ON THE HOLY MOUNT, We, the Ministry of the flock of Christ, on the Holy Mount of God, and in Wisdom's Wal- ley, do hereby acknowledge and approve the sa- cred Covenants of our heavenly Parents, con- tained in the preceding pages, and esteem it our blessed privilege to support and maintain the same, even to the sacrificing of our lives, if ~&e na& %24. 62. SACRED COVENANT, | dom deal with this, as with all other gifts. | is my desire that these three Covenants be kept | in the hand writing of the Instrument through 4. This book, I require, sayss Mother to be |( END OF THE COVENANT. | my blessing and my thanks. down, and if they will, in the sincerity of their || in love; fare ye well in a Mother's peace and hearts, unitedly make the following promise, by | repeating these words; I will be faithful and || keep these sacred promises, to which I have || 39 It whom they were given, if it be with your union, beloved Ministry; for they are the parting and finishing words of your heavenly Parents to the people. * 7. And to all such as sign these Covenants, they will on entering etermity, be firstly present- ed with a copy of the same: and this they may remember from day to day, as they pass through time. So now beloved, receive my everlasting love, Now fare ye well consolation. Note. All who are unable to write their own names; but feel desirous that their names & D should be written in this Covenant, shall distinct- these words, with four bows, says Mother Ann, | ly ask some one of the Elders or members to | write it for them, and they, if able to be present, shall stand by the side of the writer, with the |right hand uplifted and see it written. wºr-w w-wºw- ---, -y- wz-----------—— cº T required; and we freely and conscientiously re- commend the same to all the faithful in Zion by |affixing thereto our names and seals, this first day of March in the year of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, one thousand eight hundred and forty two; and from the birth of our ever bless- ed Mother Ann, one hundred and six. &enezez &/9%. '73. 93.9% º &u/~e &4%. 63. 93. gº N. B. The figures at the right signify the persons' ages. CONTENTS. ----->léºl{}|<ºlc- P A R T I. INTRoduction. -* º * T = & ' ( . ) Cº- - (. . " SECTION I. The words of Holy Wisdom for all her faithful Instruments. - - SECTION II. Words of solemn warning and instructions, to be observed through life. , From Holy Wisdom. Ǻl ( † (, ) [ _ ] (, .) SECTION III. Mother Ann's word upon the Gold Plate, to those who have been called as Instruments. º º { D - ( . ) ( Q. Cº. ( ) ºn SECTION IV. Mother Ann’s last words for all her Instruments. - | > { … ) ' SECTION W. Words of Eternal Wisdom for the people dwelling within the Temple. SECTION VI. Last and parting words of Mother Ann, to her children in the Temple, g written upon parchment; or words of instruction and kind entreaties. SECTION VII. Words of Father William Lee. - b * Cº. º [.. he ( ) SECTION VIII. Words of Father James Whittaker. - Cº. º © 2 [ _ - & W SECTION IX. The word upon the Seven Seals, brought by twelve holy angels: the last seal denotes the time when the Closing Roll and Sacred Cov- enant are to be read. | ( ), tº º Cº ( ), Qº X. | > P A R T II. Jº Words of Mother Ann. ) ^ C 9 ( → & A D {- Mother Ann's Covenant. - {A^ ( , tºº. º, º º ( 2 Father William's Covenant. • ( . ) - Cº. ( > Cº. [ _ ( > Father James’ Covenant. - • = • & P º ( - G ºr Additional words from Mother Ann. - [ . . - - ( Q- ( … Approval of the Ministry at New Lebanon. - * * * me 12 18 25 26 26. 32 35 - - | - | || | -- ||| - | | - - | - - | | | - | ||- | --| | -- | - | -- -- | | | - | | | |- - | | | | | | | | | | | -