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He came at the time Daniel said the Anointed Prince would come.” Leila Ada T–, the carefully educated and only daugh- ter of a wealthy Jew, by reading the New Testament, learned to believe that Jesus was the predicted Messiah. Her Memoir, written by O. W. T. Heighway, of London, England, was pub- lished in 1853, in Philadelphia, by the Presbyterian Board of Publication. She wrote to her father; “Why is our nation skeptical in reference to the Prophet Daniel's inspiration? Simply because it is Daniel, who most unmistakably defines the time of the Deliverer's appearance. If Daniel be true, that is, if he was inspired, they have a deep conviction that the period is passed. Therefore it is that they have removed him from his place, and made him one of the writers of the KETHUBIM (Writings), and not one of the NEBIIM (Prophets), p. 101. * * * Our late writers while laboring to refute the interpre- tation of Christians in favor of the * * * Messiahship of Jesus, have contradicted their predecessors, as they themselves have admitted. David Kemchi, wishes to apply the second Psalm to David merely. But he confesses that our pious fore- fathers applied the Psalm to Messiah, and that if the Psalm be thus interpreted, the meaning will be clear.”—P. II.4. PSALIMI. “Thou uplifting Spirit Thou Christ of the ages : Draw near to us now, be our comforting friend. Thou hast lighted the pathway of prophets and sages, In times of affliction, a helper did send. Now in Zion’s great need we ask thy assistance; We ask it in faith, may we ask not in vain; Give us living bread, a spiritual substance; Give us strength the cause of truth to maintain. Thine shall the honor and glory be, While the unceasing years roll on;– Thou uplifting Spirit Thou Christ of the ages! Hear, O hear our prayer.” THE SPIRIT SAYS. “O Zion! withhold not thy blessing, The true testimony is thine, And unto all kindreds and nations, Go publish thy Order Divine. O pour out thy life like a river, *Till knowledge shall cover the land, And thou shalt by sacrifice surely In greater and greater strength stand.” “Contempt, prior to examination, bars information.” “The wisdom of the Prudent, is to understand his way.” INTERPRETING + PROPHECY, AND THE APPEARING OF CHRIST, “Blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the 1335 days.” RECENT writer, alluding to the above text, asks, “Has that time come 2 and is Daniel standing in his lot at the * end of the days?" As a true solution to this query may enlighten many, and as we are of those who understand that said time has expired, we wish to furnish some data whereby others, we hope, can settle this matter for themselves. The subject is briefly treated in the “Testimony of Christ's First and Second Appearing,” p. 459. We trust this essay will reach some thoughtful people who have not access to that book; besides, it will bring out points not, to our knowledge, elsewhere elaborated. - The Prophet is told that the wicked shall not understand, but the wise shall understand. As the wicked are not disquali- fied for observing and understanding natural causes, but are disqualified, while in that state, for understanding spiritual things, and as the understanding and practice of spiritual truth is what makes wise, we believe that the changes and events foretold as occurring at the end of that period are less natural than spiritual, less earthly than heavenly. The kingdom of 2 INTERPRETING PROPHEOY, heaven being a spiritual realm, perceived only by spiritual sight, its true subjects must be spiritual, and behold things existing in spiritual light. .* Second Adventists have repeatedly proved, so far as can be proved by the numbers given in prophecy, and by the records of history, that the time was up as early as 1844. But because certain miraculous events, which the wicked can understand as well as they, events predicated on a natural and literal inter- pretation of symbolic language,_did not occur as they had planned, they were sadly disappointed, and laid the cause to a supposed error in their reckoning. Are they wise to rest their decision on events which they understand no better than the wicked, and which may never occur? In the same vision, the Prophet heard a messenger who stood on the waters of a river, with hands uplifted toward heaven, say, “At the completion of the scattering of the power of the holy people, finished are all these.” (Young's Bible.) Dan. viii: 12, explains why this scattering, viz., because of transgression. Dan. vii:23, viii. 9, Rev. xi. 7, xiii: 4, explain by what agency, viz., the wild beast clement in human nature, exalted to the highest position in worldly government. Dan. viii: 14, tells us the time limit to which the treading down of the sanctuary would extend, viz., unto 2300 days. Sanctuary here stands for a Bible word which means separation, i. e., hal- lowed, consecrated, set apart for communion with the Divine Presence. The allusion to a local sanctuary must be in a sub- ordinate and typical sense, because the local sanctuary was only a figure of the spiritual and real sanctuary, designed ultimately to be established in the hearts of righteous people. Jesus said to the woman of Samaria, “The hour comes when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father, * * * The hour comes, and now is, INTERPRETING ! PROPHECY, 8 when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth.” When Jesus spake this, true worship, and the place of its sanctuary, was not external, but interior of the human soul, or spirit. This internal spiritual sanctuary was typified by the “Most Holy” place of the outward temple, the entrance into which (i.e., to the spiritual) the writer of Hebrews tells us, was not made manifest while the first tabernacle, i. e., the figurative “Holy Place,” was standing. Consequently, when Jesus made a way, in his own person, into the holy of holies, i.e., the real spiritual sanctuary, by the crucifixion of his selfish or carnal will, in perfect obedience to the anointing spirit, allud- ed to in Dan. ix: 24, the outward figurative sanctuary ceased to have standing authority. It was made desolate of the Divine Presence and worship by the worldly ambition and abominable crimes of its covetous Officers, and renegade Jews, who convert- ed it into a den of thieves and of mutual slaughter, previous to its final destruction by the Romans, The abominations which desolated the Jewish temple and worship, and terminated its daily religious service, were reenacted about four hundred years later, in an organization called the Christian Church, when those who assumed the name of Christ transgressed the laws of his kingdom, and Čeased to bear the daily cross he enjoined, and to obey his commands. This apostacy of the Church, and the false doctrines promulgated in Christ's name, completed the darkening of the sun, which Jesus had foretold. Hence the 2300 days cover the period of 42 months, during which the Holy City of Christian principles, revealed in Christ's First Appearing, was trodden down by Gentiles, and the beast prevailed against the Saints, as described in Rev. xi. As the purpose of the type has been fulfilled by the mani- festation of the substance, and its usefulness outgrown by the 4 INTERPRETING PROPHEOY, increase of knowledge, and as transgression desolates not a local, material structure, but the heart of the transgressor, the sanctuary here named must refer to the permanent spiritual sanctuary, or consecrated human soul. This view is supported by the fact that the word here translated cleansed, is not the word used to signify the removal of filth, though it may include that idea, since cleanliness is an essential element of godliness, but it literally means to make righteous, and is more properly rendered in the margin, justified. As righteousness and justification are not attributes of houses nor places, but of rational beings, it must apply here to one or more human beings with whom the Divine Presence has again taken its abode among the children of men, and formed a nucleus for the Saints, i. e., “the holy people,” to gather to. As it is written, “Behold the tabernacle of God is with men.” This agrees with Christ's saying, “If anyone” (man or woman) “love me, he will keep my words, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our abode with him.” The dark “night, in which no man could work” the works of Christ, had passed away from many justi- fied souls, when, in 1789, the American Constitution went into operation, binding the dragon of physical violence and bloody persecution for religion’s sake, by the power of the civil govern- ment, the first time in the history of nations. Mark the period as contemporary with the organization of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing in communal order, then in progress, but not complete till 1792. If those days were reckoned consecutively, like the days of our week, they would make less than seven years from the date of the vision, in which period there are no known events which fulfil the prediction. If the days named were days of atone- ment, appointed under the typical law for the confession of INTERPRETING PROP.ECY, 5 sin, and justifying figurative Israel, of which there was but one in each year, and, like the Sabbath, it came ever in its season, whether legally observed or not, then we have 2800 years. Even literalizing Adventists account those days for years. And since they have been three times disappointed in their ex- pectation of a literal cleansing of the earth by fire and catastro- phe, they have concluded that the sanctuary must be heavenly and not earthly. They also believed in the personal and literal descent of Jesus through the sky to judge the world, and the literal rise of dead bodies from the dust, by miracle, as many others do still. If they had dated the commencement of those years at the period of the vision, the time would terminate before they were born, as it really did, and disprove their literal theory, which the wicked understood as well as they, and knew that no such events had ever taken place. Hence, their literal theory compelled them to skip 97 years of actual desolation, (which must have been covered by the 2300, since the days cut off by the work of Messiah were included,) to find a beginning which would throw forward into the future those impossible, because unnecessary, events, fancifully connected with the termination. These things are not taken up for controversy, but because many, not Adventists, like the Jews in Christ's day, insist upon a literal fulfilment of symbolic language as a condition of belief. And, like the Jews, who expect a military Messiah, they cheat themselves with a delusive hope that will perish like a dream of disordered fancy. Second, because Adventists have done much to fix attention on these prophecies, and their frequent failures to realize what, according to the orderly methods of Divine Wisdom, will never take place, have caused many to regard prophecy as a fruitless study. But, surely, prophecy is designed to disclose a Divine Purpose running through the ages, and to 6 INTER PRETING PROPHECY, prove that a superintending Providence overrules the affairs of men; also to confirm the faith and trust of wise believers in a Power and Wisdom Almighty to accomplish its designs, and enable them to intelligently co-operate, and work according to a plan of Divine Order, as it is manifest in the world in their day. Believers in Christ's Second Appearing are living in the events which fulfil the prediction and furnish a key to the prophecy, and have no occasion to revise their calculation, which is as follows: The date of the vision is 553 years before Christ, at a time when the figurative temple was lying waste, and its people were captives in the land of their enemies. As this was the chief subject of the Prophet's concern, there is no valid reason why the 2300 days should not date from the vision. Subtract 553 from 2300, and it gives 1747 after Christ as the time when justifying the true sanctuary, i. e., the heart and spirit of man and woman, should begin to bring in the everlast- ing substance, of which the day of national atonement, and yearly justifying figurative Israel, was a type. The Prophet is told that from the taking away of the daily sacrifice (or con- tinuance) and the setting up of the abomination which makes desolate, there shall be 1290 days. As the abomination which makes desolate was removed in justifying the sanctuary, the 1290 days terminate with the 2300, i. e., in 1747. Take 1290 from 1747, and we have 457 after Christ as the period of the cessation of the cross of Christ, and setting up the abomination of desolation in the Primitive Church, which became the true sanctuary after the anointing of the “Holy of Holies,” i. e., the Messiah, described in Dan. ix: 24. Taking 1290 from 1885, allows 45 years of waiting for the gradual growth of the work begun in 1747, till the second spiritual temple was built of resurrected and justified souls. Add 45 to 1747 and we have INTERPRETING PROPHECY. 7 1792, the year in which the church of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing was fully organized and established in gospel order, on the basis of a united and consecrated interest in all things, spiritual and temporal, after the example of the Primi- tive Church as recorded in Acts ii: 44, and iv: 32, 35. The gathering of the holy, i. e., consecrated and purified ones, is itself a sign that the time of scattering is past. And those who have renounced the world within and without, and have brought their deeds to the light of the judgment that is placed in Christ's witnesses, and have forsaken sin and all carnal ties and selfish possessions, that they may gather and unite in one heart and soul to follow Christ in the regeneration, through the strait gate and narrow way to eternal life, by serving God and denying self continually, such bring forth fruits by which all may know they are a justified and “holy people,” and that their sanctuary is “the tabernacle which God hath set up, and not man.” A movement started in England in 1747, under the minis- tration of James and Jane Wardley, the forerunners of the message of Christ's Second Appearing. A small number of people, by silent waiting and submission to the direction of the Spirit, were led to separate from all other denominations, and in their meetings for worship to move as the spirit moved within them. In these respects, they resembled the Quaker Friends, who began in 1647 just one hundred years before. But while Friends were moved to go abroad, to all people claiming to be Christian, to fulfil their mission of exhorting souls to repent, and turn to the inward light to find Christ, the subjects of the Wardley movement clave together and staid at home; and, on account of a supernatural power which shook their bodies when assembled, were given the name, Shakers. They were Divinely gifted with visions, revelations and prophecies, which progress- 8 INTER PRETING PROPHECY. ively increased, with a ministration of all those spiritual gifts which were bestowed on the Church in the days of the Apostles. They professed to follow Christ in the regeneration, united in a degree of order, and were exceedingly zealous and strict in morals and discipline, according to the light received. In these “the judgment was set,” which takes away from the soul the dominion of beast, and slays him with the sword of the spirit, and consumes his body in the fire of the daily cross. (See Dan. vii; 10.) The books of memory of the lives of each were opened by honest oral confession in the presence of mortal witnesses, in whom the standard of righteousness and light of Christ abide. Thus the sanctuary is justified by confessing and for- saking sin, and in no other way. Our Mother Ann washed in this cleansing fountain till her sanctuary was justified and prepared to receive the Bridegroom. * * It may be objected to our view of the judgment that what we have related concerning it, is an unutterably insignificant affair in comparison with the sublime description thereof given by the Prophet. But readers should consider that Daniel describes the work of an age in the cause-world, both in its completeness and results. We are endeavoring to trace signs of its beginning only, in the world of effects. Moreover, Jesus likened the kingdom of heaven—which we are told is to supplant all other kingdoms under heaven, and to increase and stand forever—to a grain of seed, which, when it is sown is the least of all seeds, but grows till it accomplishes its mission. He also said, “The kingdom of God is within you,” and cometh not with obsérvation, in reply to the question when it should come. The sign of the Son of Man would be seen coming; it was and is a gradual advance. The presence (Greek, parousia) of the Son of Man was to be like the lightning, which shineth out from one INTERPRETING PROPHECYe 9 part under heaven unto another part under heaven. The ap- pearance of lightning is local and limited, being seldom visible over a space of more than 200 miles. Every eye shall see him, not at once, but successively, as the work progresses, until it shall have become universal. Jesus, after predicting some signs of that revival of the heavenly life and work, says: “Learn the parable of the fig tree. When her branch is yet tender and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh. So ye in like manner when ye see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, at the doors. Truly I say to you, this generation shall not pass away till all these may be done.” The meaning of which is, that which oc- curred during that generation on a limited scale—viz., the descent of the Holy Spirit, the preaching of the gospel, and its accept- ance by multitudes, and by foreign people in widely distant countries, and the destruction of opposing ecclesiastical systems, and sweeping away their establishments—would be repeated on a world-wide scale when the Son of Man should come in his glory, and all the holy messengers with him. But that coming would be like the approach of summer—there would be a change in the mental and spiritual atmosphere, from the chilly, freezing blasts of tribal and sectarian hate, and selfish greed and covet- ousness, to the genial airs of benevolence, kindness and brotherly love, favoring the growth of Celestial plants and humanitarian virtues. And those seeds of a Divine substance, planted in the elements of the world by the preaching of the word in the life- time of the Apostles, would spring up in many places, wherever they had found lodgement, and grow and fruit in genial soil and the warm, magnetic breath of vernal skies. New light breaking forth in one place under heaven, should shine to other places under heaven, and there meet co-attesting witnesses, chasing * See Note A, at the end of part first. 10 INTERPRETING PROPHECY, spiritual darkness from the intervening space, even as electric lights, which are literal “lightning,” chase away natural darkness. Franklin's discovery, in 1752, that the lightning of the clouds is identical with the substance called electricity, and the modern inventions for converting night into day by means of electric machinery, also the lightning telegraph, which flashes human thought under oceans, from continent to continent, while yet the agent of communication is unseen, is deemed a marvelous coincidence of material development with our Savior’s prediction: “As the lightning, which cometh out from one part under heaven, and shineth unto another part under heaven, so shall the presence (not coming, as in English) of the Son of Man be in his day.” Who was the first in this age of the world to make that presence known? We Say Ann Lee, by bringing forth those fruits which proved her to be a doer of his works. As this testi- mony is not received by those who think Christ's teaching un- practical, and his works of service and of crucifixion to the world within unnecessary, we hand forth the evidence in the fruits of our own lives, molded by her teaching, and in the written record delivered to us, and leave each to decide, according to evidence presented to their consciousness, not doubting what the final verdict will be with every one that shall escape from falling Babylon to a home with the Lamb on Mount Zion—from a world of sin, vexation and doubt, of slavery, conflict, and cease- less struggle, to the peaceful reign of the heavens in the ever- lasting kingdom of God. Jesus testified, “Except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall in no wise enter the kingdom of Heaven.” And “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Who ever knew a child born without a Mother? Some will say the Church is that Mother. But the Church is INTERPRETING PROPHECY, 11 composed of living members, every one of whom must have been regenerated of the Father and born of a Mother, that is, reborn, born of the Spirit, born from above, before they could form a Church of Christ. It is evident to reason that a Christian Church cannot exist without both Father and Mother for its prior cause, and both are represented in its head. The necessity and office of a Divine Father, of whom Jesus was the duly accredited messenger and first perfected human representative, is never questioned by professed believers in Christ. . Early dis- ciples regarded the Holy Spirit of Divine Wisdom as the spirit- ual Mother, of whom believers in Christ's Second Appearing testify that Ann Lee, the blacksmith's daughter, was the duly accredited messenger, revealer, and first perfected and complete human representative. “And the nations, of them that are saved, shall walk in the light of her,” in her offspring. “And I saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem, descend- ing from God out of heaven prepared as a Bride adorned for her husband.” The Apostle tells us, “Jerusalem which is above, is the Mother of us all.” But that dispensation was then yet to come, and could only be realized on earth through human agents of corresponding character. According to prophetic symbology, the dispensation of the Bride must begin in woman, as that of the Bridegroom began in man. The Hebrew word for Bride, Young says, means the complete and perfect one. “The Bride shall appear, and she coming forth shall be seen that is now withdrawn from the earth.” (Esdras.) Agreeable to East- ern custom, woman's agency and office in the work of redemp- tion, in the character of the spiritual Bride, was veiled in types and symbols, and concealed from the vision of mortals, till the marriage of the Lamb should furnish the key to interpret and finish the mystery, at the sounding of the seventh trumpet. 12 INTERPRETING PLOPHECY. The Holy City of the Bride has for its counterpart the Holy City of the Bridegroom, which was trod by Gentiles 42 months, counting a day for a year, during the 1260 years' reign of the wild beast. The sanctuary of the first Christian temple had to be justified in the life of its believers before the second Holy City or dispensation of the Bride could be received, or have a fit place to stand. And as Bridegroom and Bride, by mutual adaptation, witness to each other, so also are the two Christian dispensations obvious counterparts of one perfect whole, and mutually witness to each other that they proceeded from one source, for the accomplishment of one ordained end. The two complete the manifestation of the two witnesses, the two lamp- bearers, the two olive trees, “The Two Anointed Ones that stand before the Lord of the whole earth.” And thus ends the mys- tery of God for man's redemption, as He announced the joyful tidings to His servants, the Prophets. (Revelation x: 7.) It is believed that the silence observed in Friend's meetings, waiting for the movement of the spirit within them, was an external sign of the opening of the seventh Seal of the Apoca- lypse, or seventh and sabbatic order of times, which was follow- ed by silence in heaven for the space of half an hour. It was the beginning of a new order of work, for which previous knowl- edge and experience were not sufficient guide. Therefore, the messengers and servants of God waited in silence for a further revelation and knowledge of His will. Believers in Christ's Second Appearing have preserved this sign in the half hour of silent meditation and prayer, regarded as a preparation before assembling to worship. The frequent practice of this inward silence before God is found highly profitable for spiritual im- provement by such as wish to conquer self and rise in dominion over the world within and without. * INTER PRETING PROPHECY. 13 The revelation of the Motherhood in Christ and in Deity, and the second proclamation of the gospel of Christ, by the first- born Daughter of the Holy Spirit, after it had been rejected by men and trod under foot 1260 years, fulfilled the sign seen by John at the sounding of the seventh trumpet: “A woman clothed with the Sun” of Divine light and inspiration—“having the moon,” natural genius and ordinances of nature, “under her feet,” as a temporary foundation only, while clothed with the earthly body. “And on her head a crown of twelve stars,” signifying that she is spiritually of royal descent, and bears rule in the heavens. She is our Elder Sister, in the holy order twelve—namely, twelve male and twelve female Elders sitting on thrones of judgment, in presence of Deity, as our Prophets declare. Here is fact for the Ecclesiastics of a confused theology and an expiring dispensation to consider. Near the middle of the eighteenth century, an illiterate woman of the laboring class, in a manufacturing town in England, bound by the law of a carnal commandment to a husband; bound by false cus- toms, false opinions, and the laws of man to be her husband's slave—casts off her clogs, breaks the shackles of opinion and custom, and flowers out toward the kingdom of God, proclaimed by Jesus and his Apostles, beyond all her cotemporaries, male and female, as proved by her fruit. She sought, but found little or no aid from the churches of her period, which opposed and persecuted her with deadly hate. She was brought into great consternation, because she saw there was no Intercessor. There- fore, through struggles, and groans, and tears, and strong cries to God, through watching, and toiling, and fasting, and pray- ing, and firmness in resisting the tempter, her own arm wrought salvation, supported by one who trod the wine-press before her; 14 INTERPRETING PROPHECY, and she became the Lord's free woman, and the joyful Mother of spiritual children, through whom was founded a church after the pattern of Primitive Christianity, having all things in com- mon, and where are daughters as free, and standing on the same footing, as the sons, sharing equally in all honors, rights, duties and privileges. In her and her offspring is fulfilled the promise: “The seed of the woman shall crush the serpent’s head,” for that is just what they do. It stands to reason and intuition and prophecy, that the seed of the bondwoman, bound by her desire for a mortal husband to the will of another, and paying the penalty of violated law, could never accomplish this mission. But the seed of the free woman, now on its mission for a hun- dred years, is making its power felt on all the most advanced minds of both sexes, and they are bursting the bonds of prece- dent, and the ethics of the worship of mammon, and tactics of the beast, in obedience to the impulses and the revelation that God is writing in their hearts to-day. The seed of the New Woman keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus, against the sins of the world, and the lawlessness of the carnal mind. And in her and her offspring is fulfilled the promise made to womanhood, and recorded in the 54th chapter of Isaiah. Here the wife of youth, despised, forsaken, grieved in spirit, who chose her Maker for her husband and rejected the addresses of every other, is made the head of the household, as Jesus promised to the servant whom the Master should find at the post of duty when he re- turned before morning. Luke, xii; 44. How is it that expounders of an incomplete revelation, (I. Cor. xiii: 9,) mixed with tares of the adversary, (See parable Matt, xiii,) receive as gospel every ban and restriction pronounced on woman in penalty for transgression, when the INTER PRETING PROPHEC Y, 15 perfect gospel redeems all its subjects from transgression and sin, and the penalties thereof. How is it that the same inter- preters, professing vast veneration for the letter of Scripture, construe every promise of woman's emancipation from the curse and penalty of sin, and of her restoration to freedom and favor, and coagency in the work of salvation and redemption to eternal life, light, liberty and glory, to mean a church whose head is a father, but whose children are constrained to be their own mother, or abide motherless where Rulers and Teachers are all masculine, and whose women are wives, subject to the law of a carnal commandment and the penalties of unremoved trans- gression. Is not this the church of Antichrist and mother of harlots and abominations of the earth ? Are they not all wor- shipers of the beast in their own hearts, who claim the author- ity of a holy Apostle, for holding women in bondage to the carnal will of man 2 The same Apostle wrote that to be carnally minded is death. For the carnal mind is enmity against God, and cannot be subject to the law of God. Hence, it is that LAWLESS ONE, whose mystery is now revealed through woman—that Man of sin, and son of destruction whom the Lord is consuming with the spirit of his mouth, (which is like a flaming sword against that filthy, corrupt nature,) and is bringing it to nought in both parts of manhood, by the shining forth of his presence, through the cleansed man and woman. II. Thess. ii: “This is the true word of God,” tested by ex- perience of many living witnesses. NOTE A, REFERRED TO ON PAGE 9. THE KINGDOM OF GOD, which Jesus said would come with power, within the days of the generation to whom he spoke, had no reference to the destruction of Jerusalem and the Jewish national polity. That was a worldly affair entirely, and as opposite to the kingdom of God and His works, as a lie is to the truth, or death to life, or darkness to light. 16 INTERPRETING PROPHECY, The demonstration of the presence of the kingdom of God, was in the spirit which caused the disciples to be of one heart and one soul, and to gather into one family, renouncing all selfish ties, ambitions and possessions, and holding in corrimon all things necessary for subsistence, both spiritual and temporal. Thus, all who sought first the kingdom of God and its righteousness, could have all necessaries supplied without anxious solicitude, as Jesus had taught his hearers. J'his was truly a love feast, and firstfruits of Christ's mission to the world, furnishing both a proof of the power of God to redeem man from selfishness, and an example of what the reign of God is like. Therefore it is the goal for which all who are dissatisfied with present social conditions should strive. Thus the living temple of God first formed in Jesus, soon after he was violent- ly taken away, was reconstructed of Believers who constituted the members of Jhrist’s visible body. This required a continual daily sacrifice of ease, self-seek- ing, and self-preferment, on the self-denying cross of Christ. But we learn from Daniel, that this daily continuance in the truth ceased, and the abomination that makes desolate was set up in the holy place about the year A. D. 457. See p. 6. This could not mean the holy place of the Jewish temple, for that had been de- stroyed, nearly 400 years, The male is the fructifier. Christ's first Appearing, chiefly in the male sex, was the seed sowing for his second appearing in the female, or fruit bearer and perfecter. INTERPREING # PROPHECY. PART II. Terrible Inflictions and Afflictions. The Spirit Poured Out and Vision Restored. “The Lord hath created a new thing in the earth; woman shall compass J } . . ." man.” Jeremiah. “Remember not the former things, and things of ancient times regard mot. Behold I make a new thing ; even now it shall spring forth ; will ye not regard it º’ Lowth's Isaiah, aliii. “Get thee up on a high mountain, O daughter, that bringest glad tidings to Zion : Evalt thy voice with strength, O daughter, that bringest glad tidings to Jerusalem.” Lowth's translation, all: 9. = y =w SECTION I. Ann Lee was the beginning of a Royal line of female messiahs, or Christ Anointed Leaders out of sin, and emanci- pators of both sexes from bondage of the flesh, and from the rudimentary conditions of earth life. And to her and her spiritual offspring it is given to be arrayed in fine linen white and clean, which is the righteousness of Saints. “Instead of thy fathers, shall be thy children whom thou shalt make princes in all the earth. I will cause thy name to be remembered in all generations.” And for the deliverance wrought through thy agency, “people shall praise thee to the age of ages.” Ps. 45. 18 *e INTER PRETING PROPHECY, As previously stated, the testimony of Friends was first proclaimed in 1647. In their benevolent lives, and non-resist- ance to personal injuries, was reincarnated the Angel's song of “Peace on earth and good will in men.” James and Jane Wardley, the immediate forerunners of Christ's Second Appear- ing, began their ministration in 1747. In 1847, began the “Rochester spirit knockings,” whose sounds are yet reverberat- ing through the world, and their attending phenomena are forcing myriads to believe in the perpetuity of rational, intelli- gent life after death. People are also learning, gradually and surely, that there is no break in the continuity of life—no miraculous transformation of character wrought by transference to the invisible, nor by faith in a church Creed, as taught in old, ecclesiastical systems—no interruption to the law of sequence, in the relations of cause and effect, by vicarious atonements. IHence, that every one will have the happiness or misery of reaping in kind, from life over there, precisely what he has put into life here, with all the increase returned by the elements. This knocking of the spirit world, at the doors of the material and rudimental, in which man has been shut up so long he was learning to doubt if there be any exit but into nothingness, we think is a sign of the time signified in the message to the Angel of the seventh church of Asia: “Behold I stand at the door and Inock. If any one hear my voice and will open the door, I will coune in and sup with him and he with me.” The Seventh is the last and sabbatic order of times, and the meal referred to, the last and principal meal of the day. Because these knockings are not of the world, the world, that loves its own, refuses to know them. ...We believe the external knocking is a forerunner of the celestial presence, intended to arouse sleepers in the dust, and to prepare this terrestrial to receive the celestial, as soon as INTERPRETING PROPHECY, 19 spiritual hunger has grown to demand celestial food. It is also a sign that the Lord has returned from the wedding; Luke, xii: 36. & In February, 1848, before intelligent communication was opened between the two worlds, through the knockings, by question and answer, a political earthquake shook the thrones of Europe, and drove several potentates into private life. Three Republics were declared, one of which continues to live, a standing menace to the remaining monarchies. The cause of the people has been gaining ground ever since, and militaryism, despotism, and ecclesiasticism, have been losing esteem in like proportion. These all-devouring heads of the wild beast, de- scribed in prophecy, have grown up from the lust, avarice and ambition fostered in the hearts of the people, from lowest to highest. When all people reject these vile passions, and prac- tice instead, the gospel of mutual service, justice, equity, fraternal love, and universal kindness, those devourers of human flesh and substance will die of inanity, and melt away like ice- bergs under a tropic sun. e * It is related of the Prophet Elijah, that, when weary of contending with the folly of men, he repaired to Mount Horeb to seek a respite and Divine direction, a great and strong wind passed by and rent the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces. After the wind, an earthquake, and after the earth- quake, a fire. But God was not in the wind, the earthquake, nor the fire. Then a still, small voice was heard, and Elijah wrapped the mantle of his cloak about hiru, and went out of his cave, and stood in the presence of the Lord, who directed him what to do. Nations, old in custom and tradition, and forms of government that fetter the growth of the human soul as with gyves and manacles, confining all manifestations of intelligence 20 INTERPRETING PRoPHEcy. to ruts as pard as stone pavements, are visited with the wind of revolution, to rend the mountains of power and usurped authority. The earthquake comes to shake down their feudal castles, built of the tears and groans and sweat and poverty of their victims. And the fire is needed to clear away the filth and rubbish, before there is an opening for the Prophet of the “still, small voice” to accomplish his work. So the American revolution preceded the first opening of the gospel of Christ's Second Appearing in America, to break off the colonies from the old world superstitions. For it was attended with a revolution ôf ideas, greater than the revolution in politics. The first JFrench revolution was coeval with the gathering of the Believers in Christ's Second Appearing into communal order. This com- munal order—being, we believe, the order of angelic societies ins heaven, and above the marriage order of the world, and adopted through religious motives—answers to the ascent of the witnesses in a cloud to heaven, described in Rev. xi. 12. Believers in Christ's Second Appearing are witnesses of that appearing. A cloud here means a multitude, who “arose and stood upon their feet;" i. e., upon the first principles of true understanding, or axiomatic truth, and not on any foundation of Antichrist, nor creed of man's devising. Their change from the self-seeking and private property-holding order of the world, to the unselfish and nonpossessing order of a community, under the direction of a voice from heaven, was an actual ascent from earthly to heavenly conditions, which has become a fact of history. “And their enemies beheld them.” It was done in sight of the world, and of their persecutors, who hated them for the same cause that Jesus was hated, viz., because they testified that the works of the world are evil, and their practice proved that its creeds and beliefs, substituted for the religion of !| INTERPRETING PROPHECY. 21 Christ, were a fraud and delusion, and its title to the saint's inheritance, a cheat. “And that same mour was there a great earthquake, and a tenth part of the city fell.” France was one of the ten king- doms into which the Roman Empire was divided when it came under the dominion of that mysterious hierarchy which ruled in Rome, after the fall of the Empire, and made mystic “Babylon the great, and Mother of harlots and abominations of the earth.” These ten kingdoms were represented on Daniel 's fourth beast by ten horns, and on Nebuchadnezzar's dream image, by ten toes. But as they all spring from one body, are composed of the same material, and support one general system of polity and conduct, they are but component parts of a common polity, or City, which rules all people in their depraved state. Rome, or the system which Imperial Rome represented, is elsewhere char- acterized as “The great city which ruleth over the kings of the earth.” The king of France was called eldest son of the Roman church, but, in the great earthquake, she fell from the ancient order of absolutism and priestly domination of a treacherous hierarchy. And though there have been repeated attempts at partial restoration, she continues falling from the old, slavish regime of ignorance, toward the new regime of individual free- dom of conscience, and general mental illumination about to be. This exoteric interpretation of the prophecy, by historic facts, need be no bar to a more interior and spiritual interpretation of the same, if one be found appropriate. Many prophecies have both an exterior and interior fulfilment. The highly figurative or symbolic language of Some, allows their application to more than one series of events without annulment or contradiction. No contradiction of other explications is here intended. The “little horn” has been explained as applying to the church of 22 INTERPRETING PROPHECY. Antichrist, which we believe is correct. But the Atheistic horn is identical in character. It is the same beast stripped of his leopard skin, or religious profession, and displaying his real color, that of blood, which is the life of nature. [Note. The high-priest of Egyptian temples wore a leopard skin when.per- forming religious service.] The exterior application is visible to the natural, rational eye of man. The interior meaning is perceived only by the spiritual. Rev. xi : 13. Dan. vii: 8. “There were slain of men, seven thousand, and the rem- nant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.” The last phrase here, signifies not repentance, conversion, nor thanksgiving, but recognition. (Vincent.) The margin reads, “names of men,” or men of titled rank. The enmity of the populace was particularly directed against their former rulers, and the titled nobility, who were regarded as the chief cause of their misery. Every one, of whatever station, whose opinions did not agree with the authorities who ruled the hour, was a “suspect.” Fifty thousand revolutionary committees were es- tablished throughout France, to enforce the law against suspects, the penalty being death. To be accused was equivalent to being sentenced without proof or trial, and 150,000 salaried persons had authority to designate for death. In Wendee, which resisted, but was finally overpowered, 900,000 lives perished. 15,000 women and 22,000 children were shot and drowned, many of them in batches, a hundred at a time; (Encyclopedia Americana.) such treatment as is due to vermin or pests. For awhile, anarchy prevailed in Paris, and the most shocking crimes were committed with apparent impunity. The guillotine was constantly employed, decapitating arrested suspects; good or bad, innocent or guilty, they fared alike. Barrere, a chief actor in those scenes, in after years wrote: “We had only one INTER PRETING PROPHECYe 23 feeling, my dear sir, that of self-preservation—only one desire, that of keeping our existence, which each of us believed to be menaced. You caused your neighbor to be guillotined, that your neighbor might not guillotine you.” Taine says, “In six fnonths the Republic expended 15 millions to destroy 400 millions worth of property in Lyons.” This period is designated in history, “The Reign of Terror.” It was the reign of Athe- ism, in the name of NATURE AND REASON, whom those lawless desperadoes professed to adore, while claiming for their motto “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity.” t; Reason is the eye of rational man. Daniel saw a little horn which came up last on the fourth beast, Chap. vii. This beast was, in character, human nature, organized into a gov- ernment, not guided by the oracles of God. In this horn “were the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking great things.” Before it, three of the first horns were plucked up by the roots. This atheistic horn, i. e., power, plucked up in France the kingly power, the power of aristocracy, and the ecclesiastical power. It abolished the observance of a Sabbath, and all religious ser- vice, and strove to change times and laws by arbitrary fiat. This beast put forth a succession of heads or horns, each of which devoured its predecessor and was more violent, till “the remnant were frightened” by the dreadful slaughter, and gave glory to the God of heaven by re-opening their places of public worship, in acknowledgment of the Supreme Ruler of heaven and earth. The strong winds and earthquakes of this period convulsed Europe during a quarter of a century. In America, during the same period, the Church of the virgin brotherhood and sisterhood, after organizing and testing its constitution, covenant, or organic law, sent out heralds and established branches, proving its power to propagate its likeness in other 24 INTERPRETING PROPHECY, souls. Believers in Christ's Second Appearing increased in numbers, and other clouds were formed in and upon which was seen the sign of the Son of man coming, in the gradually changing character of the witnesses composing the clouds, into his likeness, by doing his works. SECTION II. DARKENING THE SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNEss. “Ye shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and shall praise the name of Jehovah your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you. And my people shall never be ashamed.” They shall no more do works of shame. “And it shall come to pass after- ward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh,” (formed in my likeness). “Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy; your old men shall’ dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. Also upon the servants and handmaids in those days, will I pour out my spirit.” Joel ii; 27. An inspired Apostle applied this prediction to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, eighteen centuries ago. But that was only the beginning of a series which termi- mated with the cessation of the cross of Christ in the primitive church, when but a very little part of all flesh had been visited. It is evident to reason's eye, that this prediction could not have complete fulfilment till the preaching of the everlasting gospel of millennial judgment and resurrection, under the sounding of the seventh trumpet, for the conversion of the kingdom of the world to our Lord and His Anointed, as declared in the Apoca- lypse. The vision was closed up and sealed till the time of the end of treading down the truth; end of scattering the power of the holy people; end of the darkness; end of the abomination in the holy place. Micah had said, because the prophets cause INTER PRETING PRO PHECY, 25 the people to err, “Therefore night shall be unto you that ye shall not have a vision. * * * The sun shall go down over the prophets and the day shall be dark over them. They shall cover their lips, for there is no answer of God.” While Christ was in the world, and so long as he had a people who followed him, they were the light of the world. They had visions, revela- tions and prophecies, as the records prove, and it was daytime with them. The light and love of God, shined through their lives and conduct. But Jesus foretold the darkening of the Sun of Righteousness by false Christs and false Prophets; i. e., false teachers, or preachers, and that night should come, wherein his hearers would desire to see one of the days of the Son of man and should not see it. Those who condemn spiritualism, and deny all revelation from God since the New Testament was written, witness to this state of things, and that themselves are spiritually dark, and disqualified to teach concerning spiritual matters. “Where there is no vision, the people perish” to spiritual light and life. Hence, with the restoration of spiritual life and light, there is restoration of spiritual vision and revelation. Habakkuk says, “If the vision tarry, wait for it; at the end it shall speak clearly and not deceive.” (Newcome.) The restora- tion of spiritual gifts and visions, and their common diffusion among people who have neither sought nor desired them, is one of the signs of the end foretold, also of the near approach of the powers of the world to come, and the re-opening of heaven to man. Genuine spiritualism is neither sorcery, thaumaturgy, nor witch- craft, but a divine gift, from the Father of lights and perfections, to enlighten, uplift, and purify the heart. Diabolism and car- mality are not spiritualism, but are directly opposed thereto, even though instigated and promoted by excarnate beings. For God, 26 INTERPRETING PROPEIECY. the Supreme good, is spirit—Christ, the resurrecting life, is spirit—and all that is deathless and incorruptible in man is spirit. The normal growth and development of the human mind is away from the grossness and limitations of matter, toward the infinite life, light and joy-bearing realm of spirit. The whole trend of Christ's life and doctrine is to spiritualize and harmonize his followers—to wean their thoughts and feel- ings from visible, earthly, and temporal things, and place them upon invisible truths and principles which lead to the eternal, heavenly kingdom of invisible causes. Spiritualism, etymolog- ically defined, means the doctrine of moral causes, and of spirit- ual existences and conditions. Honestly and uprightly pursued, it is impossible for it to have a degrading tendency, but quite the reverse. As a rule, the motive of the seeker will determine the character of the find. If baseness is sought, because it is uppermost in the desires, it can be found in demonism or nat- uralism which discards all manifestations that mortify the passions and restrain natural desires—in infidelity to the highest truth, adhesion to which truth is often ignorantly and atheistic- ally pronounced “superstition”—in that occultism which is hiding, concealing, and therefore darkening to true understanding. But not in spiritualism proper, which is unveiling, disclosing, and therefore enlightening. Spiritualism is the “still, small voice” of the Cause world, prophesying to the dry bones, the spurned and neglected truths of immortal life, the disappointed hope and deferred expectations of spirits in the flesh, and in hades, as Ezekiel prophesied to the dry bones of Israel, to reclothe them with living, sensitive tissues, that shall cause them to stand erect, a breathing, moving, aspiring multitude, climbing the strait Way to the heaven of eternal life. It is the mission of genuine spiritualism to level all caste distinctions, Save of virtue alone, INTERPRETING PROPHECY, 27 and to convert mankind into one family of universal brother- hood and sisterhood. For the work has begun which is destined to lay low the haughtiness of man, and cause pride and self- exaltedness to perish. The Lord alone will be exalted in this day. Lord means Ruler. Virtue and Truth in the will, rule the kingdom of the Saints. Absolute Truth is the law, and Virtue is perfect obedience thereto. Second Adventists, when disappointed of being caught up in the clouds of September 1843, and of witnessing the Sud- den literal destruction of our planet by fire and catastrophe, reviewed their calculations and believed they discovered a mis- take of three and a half years. Adding this to the previous date, they decided that the 45 years of waiting certainly terminated in 1847. Still disappointed of their literal expectations, they reasoned that the Sanctuary referred to was not earthly, but must be heavenly, and have settled, to their own satisfaction, that the 45 years ended, at the latest, in 1844. They could not, with any plausible show of reason, make it later, and adhere to the prophecy. The raising of the Saints to meet Christ in the air, and the destruction of the natural earth and heavens by fire, because these did not literally and visibly occur at that time, as they expected from their construction of prophecy, are supposed by them to occur nevertheless, at some indefinite period in the future, they cannot tell when, nor can anybody. We have shown above, that 1847 was a remarkable epoch for the beginning of the Rochester “spirit knockings” and their attending phenomena, which are carrying forth the light of the cleansed and justified Sanctuary through myriads of telephonic and magnetic channels, into the midst of surrounding darkness. Penetrating and illuminating from above, the most secret recess- es of hearts, which, by ordinary human instruments alone, 28 INTERPRETING PROPHECY. would be impossible to reach. And all this is but a preparation or presage of the dawn of that day which “will come as a snare on all those dwelling upon the face of the whole earth.” Luke, xxi.; 35. Mental Cure, Faith Cure, Christian Science healing, though their votaries repudiate all connection with spiritualism, are not the less spiritual gifts. Inasmuch as there is any virtue or healing in their processes, it came down from the Divine Father and Mother of the spirits of all flesh, from whom every good and perfect gift descends to mortals. It is a sign of the presence and activity of dispensers of resurrecting life, awaking sleepers from the dust of the earth. SECTION III. The date fixed for the end of the 1335 days, by Miller, with whose teaching Second Adventists began their rise, was 1843. This date was remarkable for a wonderful influx of spirits from hades, into the bodies of Believers in Christ's Second Appear- ing. These were of various nationalities, and of all classes and conditions when in earth life, except the wilfully vile and criminal—including rulers and subjects, learned and ignorant, names celebrated in history, ancient and modern, and names obscure, also many tribes of native Americans. Done by per- mission of those in authority and conducted with a degree of order, both for our learning, and for the benefit of the invisibles who were awaking to the Judgment, and returned for a brief visit to the rudimental sphere, to increase knowledge and to gain instruction in the gospel of eternal life. Teachers I have known, preached in our meetings, to multitudes in the world of spirits, whom our Seers told us had come, and that some had been sent to us for that purpose. Moreover, entranced mediums, attended with guides, preached to spirits assembled to receive INTER PRETING PROPHECY, 29 instruction, in places they visited in the spirit world. We were told in writing, that those who came to earth to begin their spiritual travail were only as a drop to a shower, in comparison with the millions from all quarters of the globe, gathering to gospel centers in eternity. Spirits awakened by “the voice of the Son of man” through messengers redeemed from the earth, to stand with the Lamb on Mount Zion in this, and the spirit world. This intelligently harmonizes with the prediction: “Many that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and ever- lasting contempt.” It is not necessary to conclude from this that souls will be held in everlasting contempt. We are persuad- ed that none need be, unless they deliberately choose it in the judgment, in preference to being separated from their sins, and from a sinful life of rebellion against their own best good. The resurrection restores, i. e., awakens to consciousness the whole past, good and bad alike, that the evil may be condemned and abhorred in the judgment, and cast forth from the life. The dust alluded to, is the trivialties, vanities, and follies—the least and lowest things of life—of which Isaiah says: “dust shall be the serpent's meat.” Those who rise, do of necessity, cast off their marred, sin- ful, rudimental bodies, (even the astral) which gravitate to former things, that they may take on Superior conditions and new environments, adapted to the endless, pure and perfect life. All such do hold in utter contempt, their former serpen- time life in sensuous externals, compared to sleep, because in- sensible to the larger life above. Jesus somewhere speaks of an unclean spirit which went out of a man, and wandered through dry places, seeking rest and finding none. So he returned with seven other evil spirits, worse than himself, and finding no 30 INTER PRETING PROPHECY. resistance, re-entered the house whence he came out. Inference; the spirit of uncleanness is no part of the real man and woman, and when souls who have practiced unclean works, awake to ever- lasting life, they will awake to a sense of shame and aversion for all such practices, which they will confess, and abandon to everlasting contempt. No process so effective to awaken this shame and contempt for the worship of the beast, and to liber- ate the soul from further inclination thereto, as an honest con- fession, one by one, before the judgment seat of Christ in his saints, of all secret works and vile deeds done in the body. Confession and repentance is the “Valley of Achor, the Door of Hope” to erring souls, and the “Strait gate,” opening the “Narrow Way” to Eternal Life. Mother Ann Lee testified: “I see multitudes of the dead who were slain in battle, arise and come into the first resurrec- tion' I see Christ put crowns on their heads.” She was fre- quently known to preach to the dead. Father James Whittaker, and Elder John Hocknell did the same. These things disclose a vital connection and relation between the worlds visible and invisible, also a harmony and unity of certain operations in both, which the people of this world were in no way prepared to receive nor to comprehend, previous to the advent of the “Spirit knockings.” And still the heavenly work proceeds with irre- pressible and unabated activity, and many views heretofore peculiar to Believers in Christ's Second Appearing, are being proclaimed through hundreds, if not thousands of apparently independent channels. Fresh prophets of the Elias Order, are successively and continuously arising, inspired and guided by the light now descending to mortals, through myriads of cleans- ed and renovated messengers, operating in the spirit spheres. Here we offer the suggestion that Shakers’ most effective * J * INTERPRETING PROPHECY, 31 work is not alone the dissemination of ideas, which, though sweet in the mouth, are bitter to the carnal life, while digest- ing in practice, but in manifesting to beholders the fruits of a discipline as absolute in its control of the conduct, as the laws of chemical combination, and of planetary revolutions, in their sway over matter. A discipline to which ideas furnish a key of the rationale that will make it acceptable to such as are qualified by motive, courage and persistence, to work out its practical re- sults. Our purpose here is to emphasize the discipline which regenerates and redeems the individual, making of each one a new and perfect creation. Those who do not understand, recoil from the cross involved. Not comprehending the object, they wish to relax restraint, and destroy the rules. Individual cases sometimes occur in which relaxation or modification of particu- lar rules may be briefly necessary, and Elders are the Judges to decide when and to what extent. But a permanent abrogation or nullifying of rules so as to allow the least fraction of a selfish carnal will to live and operate, is to defeat the purpose of the order, and undermine the structure we raise, and render our work abortive. For not a particle of inferior self-will, nor of a carnal nature can ever enter the heavens of eternal life and glory, but must die in the fining, because corrupt and corrupting. Neither can any sinful experience enter the Holy Jerusalem state, to cause darkness, cloudiness or opacity. For everything there is perfectly diaphanous, transmitting the light in every direction. Every covering but that of charity and forgiveness must be re- moved in the judgment, and the creature accustomed to the continual gaze of the witnesses of truth in whom is the judgment seat, before it is prepared to dwell in the Holy City, or be a pillar in the temple to go no more out. Some are distrustful of spiritual visions and revelations, 32 INTERPRETING PROPEIECY. and we freely allow that caution, as to what we accept, as well as to what we reject, is both wise and necessary. It is needful to exercise careful discrimination both as to character and source. But to reject all visions and revelations because some are of inferior spiritual states, and others counterfeit, is to shut the eyes to spiritual light, and check advance in the wisdom which is from above; is to cut off the vital nourishment of a living religion. This is precisely what those do who reject all present revelation and manifestation of spiritual gifts. They have no spiritual vision, no answer of God. The vision and the prophecy is hid from their comprehension. How can they interpret spirit- ual predictions with any certainty of being correct 2 The res- toration of spiritual vision and prophecy, that was interrupted by the abomination in the Holy Place, is proof of “the end.” For “at the time of the end, shall be the vision” restored. Through the medium of restored vision, a truthful Seer (Calvin Green) has told us that Daniel stands in his lot, that of Revealer of spiritual knowledge, and interpreter of the will of God to angels and men. Through the same channel, in 1841, were written many pages in continuation and elucidation of his prophecies, relating to the work of God in this second dispensa- tion of the gospel of Christ, purporting to be dictated by said Prophet's inspiring spirit presence. SECTION IV. THE COMING AND PRESENCE OF CHRIST. The Apostle tells us “We see in part, and prophesy in part, but when that which is perfect comes, that which is fragmentary shall be done away. We now see as in énigma, (Greek,) but then, face to face.” Then how could their language in relation to events then future, be other than enigmatical, the key to INTERPRETING PROPHECY, 33 interpret which, are the events themselves? Jesus, in his last discourse in the body, said, “These things have I spoken to you in proverbs” (similitudes) “but the time comes when I will no more speak to you in proverbs, but will show you plainly of the Father.” Then his language did not plainly convey his meaning to those not in the spirit thereof, but needs to be interpreted. Because spiritual things cannot be presented to the natural mind, only by figures, symbols and similitudes which shadow them forth. It cannot perceive the things themselves, until itself becomes spiritualized. Those who insist on a literal and bodily coming of the man Jesus, should consider the many different ways in which Christ is predicted to appear, and that they cannot all be literally ful- filled in one appearing. FIRST. He is to be revealed from heaven in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God. SEcoRD. Unto them that look for him, shall he appear a second time, without sin, unto salvation. THIRD. Behold I come as a thief; Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his gar- ments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame. FourTH. Behold he cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see him, and they also that pierced him. He is to come in clouds and upon clouds, “and all tribes of earth shall mourn because of him,” at the sundering of carnal ties. These are clouds of heaven, observe, and not of vapor, dust, nor smoke. They may be clouds of witnessing angels, spirit messengers, whom he promised to send and gather his Elect from the four winds, or quarters of the earth. Harken, dear reader' Don't you hear the trumpet, calling you to live,the truth? Don't you hear him in his mes- sengers, knocking at your door? If you do, the election is offered to you. But there is earnest work to be done, to secure it. FIFTH. He is to come in his glory, and the glory of his 34 INTER PRETING PROPHECY, Father, and all the holy Angels (messengers) with him. And he shall sit on the throne of his glory, and before him will be gathered all nations. Not much like a thief, that! The Apostle tells us “woman is the glory of the man.” Then why is not the feminine principle in Christ, and in his Father, the glory of each respectively? “For the invisible things of Him, from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things which are made, even His eternal Power and Deity.” Rom. i. 20. As a modern writer forcibly puts it, “A God wholly masculine is but half a God.” As it required a perfected man to reveal the masculine elements of Deity, it required a perfected woman to reveal the feminine half, and to complete His glory. That these instruments were not created perfect for that work, in the beginning, but had to perfect themselves by labor and suffer- ings, shows that they belong to our race, and are examples for us to follow if we would be in like manner perfected. SIXTH. He was to come as a Bridegroom, at midnight, after the beast, which rises out of the abyss of mortal lust and depravity, had scattered the power of the holy people, and had conquered and killed his witnesses—and while the “Mystery of Lawlessness” sat in the temple of God, exalting himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, and was self-posing as a god. But there was one who had compassed this “Man of sin” with that fire and light of TRUTH, which exposed his real character and works, and consumed him out of her temple and sanctuary, which she cleansed and furnished for the reception of the Bridegroom and his virgin guests. It is absurd to claim that the church wrought this wondrous miracle, for the church of the world had no light, and all the churches so-called had not power to resurrect a single soul, nor to cure its sickness. The true church makes day, wherever present. The church of Christ's INTERPRETING PROPHECY. 35 first appearing had withdrawn to the heavens. The church of his second, had not been gathered. That which succeeded to the shells and nominal titles of the original church, and claimed sole custody of the Divine oracles, was a public harlot serving for hire in the marts of Mystic Babylon. She had many daugh- ters, and a quarrelsome set they were, drunk with the blood of Saints and martyrs. Babylon is typical of confusion, also of the subjection of the spiritual element in human nature, to the material. Babylon was built on the river Euphrates, which means fruitful, or that makes fruitful. It is regarded in symbolic lan- guage, as a type of generation, particularly in the female, the fruit bearing part of corporeal man. When this great river, which supports and perpetuates Babylon, was dried up in woman's soul, and its waters converted from material to spiritual channels and celestial uses, the fall of Babylon was initiated, and the end was declared from a beginning. Rev. xix: 1–7. t SEVENTH. “This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” It is not stated how many will be present to witness this coming, and nothing is said of sounding a trumpet as in other cases. How many saw him taken up? Probably none but those who were in a condition to receive his mantle. Even as the granting of Elisha's request for Elijah's mantle was conditioned upon his seeing the latter when he was taken from him—i.e., upon his being in the same psychic state. Peter tells us that after Jesus was raised up, God gave him to be seen openly; yet not to all people, but only to witnesses, chosen before, of God. Why this discrimination if it be not owing to different spiritual states? Only those who saw him received up, 36 INTERPRETING PROPHECY, and those who believed their testimony, could ever know that it occurred. Just so he has come in like manner, seen only by witnesses, chosen before of God, to see and proclaim it. And these, we believe, were chosen because in a spiritual state to re- ceive and wear his mantle, and by so doing to become perma- nently transformed from the image and pursuits of this world, into the likeness of his character. But “every eye shall see him,” says the objector. What eye, and to what purpose, if it be not the eye of faith and reason which perceives character; the psychic eye of the Spirit within 2 This implies a change of state for some, since it includes those who have “pierced him” with fiendish crimes, cloaked under his name. It signifies an awakening to spiritual life, in which alone they can realize the enormity of their folly, by contrast of the states within them. For only in so much as they approach the likeness of his state, can they see him as he is. John says, “When he appears, we know we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.” It is because they are like him, that they see him as he is. Stand with your loins girded and lamps burning, and be like men that wait for their Lord when he shall return from the wedding; that when he comes and knocks, they may im- mediately open to him. Reader, are you so intent on beholding a theatrical show in the clouds, that your hearing is sealed against the voice appealing to your understanding? As were the days of Noah, even so will be the presence of the Son of man. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, till the day Noah entered the ark, and knew not till the flood came and took them all away, even so will be the presence of the Son of man. Why did they not know? Because they refused to harken to the messengers of warning. Noah was a preacher of Righteous- INTERPRETING PROPHECY, 37 ness, and was himself warned one hundred and twenty years beforehand. The Jews were warned by the preaching of the gospel of the Son of God, before the destruction of their National polity. The people of the Roman Empire were warned by the preaching of Christianity, before its destruction by northern barbarians. Jesus, when predicting the end of an age, in relation to which he had been asked a sign, said: “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole habitable world, for a witness to all nations, then shall the end come.” Matt. xxiv. At the coming of the “Son of man in the clouds of heaven, he will send forth his messengers with the great sound of a trump- et, to gather his Elect.” The trumpet sounds the Everlasting gospel of the harvest, and the Elect are those who elect to obey it. “The harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are the messengers,” so Jesus tells us. This coming is identical with the coming of the Son of man in his glory and in the glory of his Father, when, sitting on the throne of his glory, before him will be gathered all nations. And he will separate Saint and sinner, as a shepherd divides sheep from goats. This is believed to be a description of the judgment. Be it so then. But we are told, Rev. xiv.; 6, 7, that the gospel of eternal life is preached in the judgment hour, or season, to every nation, kindred, tongue and people, dwelling on the earth. And are not all nations gathering fast as practicable to this favored land of the Church of Christ's Second appearing, the Church which proclaims the gospel of the harvest, the gospel of the kingdom, the gospel of the resurrection and the judgment, all in one? If there are any that are not here, we learn that it is proposed to bring them here for the Columbian Exposition now incubating. The spirit works through human agency. 38 INTERPRETING PROPHEOY. Thus the gospel is preached to whoever will harken, while the obstinately unbelieving and the devotees of pleasure refuse to be instructed till their jollification is suddenly extinguished by the chastisements inflicted on the disobedient. We are ex- pressly told that those who continue to worship the beast of carnal pleasure, after the gospel is preached, shall be tormented with the wrath of God against sin, and with fire and sulphur, (which is darling passions), in the presence of the Lamb, and in the presence of his messengers, though they may be unable to see either, because not in the same psychic state, unless the messengers are human spirits incarnated in mortal bodies. And there can be no reprieve, till they submit to the yoke of the cross. “The wrath” expels evil, to free the victim. The Apostles followed Jesus at first, not because the prophecies centered in him, for they knew almost nothing of that, till after he had passed permanently to the psychic, or invisible state, and they were baptized with the Holy Spirit. They followed him because of the ministration they felt from him, which fed their spiritual hunger. Afterwards they per- ceived that the facts of his life, and of the movement he inau- gurated, furnished a key of many wards to interpret Scriptural prophecies. It was precisely so with Mother Ann. People gathered to her because of her ministration of spiritual power and gifts, which nourished their famishing spirits, and gave them strength and courage to break their bands, and led them up into the atmosphere of eternal life, liberty, peace, light and happiness. We that follow on, perceive that the facts of her history, and the development out of the movement she inaugu- rated, furnish a key to interpret ancient prophecy, and solve many problems which perplex modern thinkers. The shaking of the powers of the old heavens, with the INTER PRETING PROPHECY, 39 crumbling of petrified creeds and traditional beliefs that are powerless to save, gives us no anxiety, for we are built on a foundation which cannot be shaken, and are united to the power that causes shaking in the things to be removed. The sex problem, the labor problem, and the distribution problem were solved in our community, one hundred years ago. Spirit- ualism, so-called, which is the dread of the church of the world, we regard as an auxiliary to our cause, which is the cause of man's redermption from error. Much that goes by that name is mere PsychicIsM. We are spiritualists, acquainted with the various grades and forms of spirit manifestations. We have re- ceived instruction from a high spiritual source, concerning their prevalence, and the purpose they are designed to accomplish. They are as much a part of the normal development of human beings, and of the plan of Deity, so we believe, as is the sowing of seed, or the flowering of a tree before it fruits. If the following did not take place while some of the people addressed were still alive, or, if it did, we think the literal theory is certainly exploded. Because it declares, “WE who are alive shall be caught up.” “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven in a shout, in a voice of the archangel, and in a trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air. So shall we be ever with the Lord.” This evidently refers to being caught up in spirit. Physical bodies are not sustained in the air with . out material support. Paul himself was caught up in spirit, to the third heavens. He writes to the Corinthians of being ab- sent in body, but present in spirit. 1 Cor. v. 3. And to Co- lossians—“For though I be absent in flesh, yet I am with you in spirit, joying and beholding your order, and the steadfastness of 40 INTERPRETING PROPHECY, your faith in Christ.” Ch. ii. 5. The same Apostle says: “Although we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now, henceforth, know we him no more.” Jesus himself declared: “The world Seeth me no more. But ye see me, because I live, and ye shall live,” after they were baptized with the holy spirit. Inference : Till then, they saw only as the world sees, with un- spiritual eyes, which is proved by the questions they asked: “What will be the sign of thy presence and the end of the age?” “How wilt thou show thyself to us and not to the world?” And even after his return from hades: “Lord, wilt thou at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” Still expecting a literal king- dom. But the baptism of the holy spirit, which in the Syrian and Hebrew languages is feminine, was equivalent to a birth in. to the same life that Jesus lived, and a resurrection to the same plane. Henceforth they knew and understood him as never be- fore; and as the world, and the half orphans of a motherless church, never can. The world cannot receive the Spirit of Truth, because it sees her not, neither knows her. Jon. xiv: 17. It is not alive to her as Jesus was alive, nor as the Apostles were alive after they were baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire from heaven. To receive the genuine holy Spirit of Truth, is to be translated from darkness to light, to be born out of the king- dom of this world, into our Lord and his Anointed. Rev. xi : 15. Inference: None have the promise of seeing Christ, who do not come into the same state, if it be only for a brief season, during which, is implanted the light of the judgment that ar- raigns them, self-convicted at the bar of conscience, the eyes of their understanding being opened to the light which his light- nings are flashing along. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy are they who have part therein. IMTER PRETING PROPHECY. 41 P EAN OF THE NEW DISPENSAT|ON, “The day shall be, it dawns even now, When the knowledge of the Lord shall increase, And spread o'er the earth from center to pole, As the waters cover the sea: And as the twilight of morning is lost, In the more perfect light of the day, So shall the darkness and wrongs of the past, Vanish forever away.” ALONzo G. HoLLISTER, Mount Lebanon, Columbia Co., N. Y. 1892. Shakers publish “THE MANIFESTO,” a monthly, 75 cents a year, at East Canterbury, N. H. HENRY C. BLINN, Editor. WISDOM OF THE SPHERES. Received in 1862, by Miranda Barber, one of our seers, from spirit IBenjamin Franklin, the lightning tamer. “We are under obligations to fulfil by obedience, the measure of light already received, as the condition of our re- ceiving more. Our standard is unity of faith, sentiment and practice. Without this, we can do no more than has been done. The love of God and of Christ will not suffer us to dwell in the palaces of heaven, and quaff the glories thereof in quiet rest and ease, while there remains one suffering child of the human race that has not heard the gospel testimony. We are enclosed by a wall of truth. Error will destroy itself, and fall by its own impotence.” |B. FRANKLIN." IPSAILM OF JOY. “All hail the bright morning of the New Creation, All hail the bright rays of the Eternal Sun, Beaming forth in its splendor, New praise I will render, 'Tis God’s New Creation begun: New fathers, new mothers, New sisters and brothers, New tongues and new kindreds combine, To swell the full number Who stand on Mount Zion, The firstfruits unto God and the Lamb.” t 4-----. —O ºn ºf , “Come hear the caution kindly given, By him who raises souls to heaven; Abide in me and I in you, Then as I do, so ye will do.” “More beautiful than precious stones, Brighter than gems have ever shone, Are those who bow before the throne Of purity and virtue: \ Their garments gleam like lilies white, They dwell in floods of heavenly light, And angel hosts with them unite In songs of Life Eternal.” /906/