“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of those bring good tidings.” EAST CANTHRBURY, N. 189). H. ºtho | %º | AMERICAN HISTORY || UNIVERSITY'ſ MICHIGAN || * = a- ºr amº, º a zºº a an e = * ~ a2- | Å ' ' ' || , } ( | #| WILLIAM.L.CLEMENTS ſ | |% LIBRARY OF W ** a ſº-º-º-º- - -s -º COLLECTION . OF HYMNS AND ANTHEMS PUBLIC WORSHIP. PUBLISHED BY THE SHAKERs. “My lips shall greatly rejoice when f sing unto Thee.”—Psa. lxxi., 28. EASTCANTERBURY, N, H. 1892. IPREFACE. º \ IN order to have the Hymns and Anthems in a more convenient form than as found in the MANIFESTO, for which paper they were obtained, we have collected all that were ster- eotyped in pamphlet size, hence the appearance of this book. * The compositors’ work having been done in different places and through a term of some fourteen years may account for the difference to be observed in the size of the music type and in the arrangement of the pieces. H. C. B. A New Song, Angel Choirs, - Blest Retreat, Beautiful Shore, Bright Day, Bright Vision, U-ſº Bountiful, © . . Blessings of To-day, | Beautiful Home, Consolation, - Christ of the Ages, Changeless Pages, Christian Pilgrim, Counsel, – Committed, Chosen, ( → Christ Angels, Entreaty, - Endless Growth, IExaltation of Zion, Faint Not, Forever, Q Faith’s Vision, Forgiveness, Cºme Farewell Vain World, Faith and Hope, Fold of Christ, CONTENTS, –o-oº-ºoo- PAGE. 82 144 . . 49 , , , 81 . . , 89 92 . . , 97 ; : 101 • 1,30 22 46 à8 118 128 134 138 60 62 19 27 66 67 90 - 114 140 Gospel Truth, - Glory to the Righteous, Going Horne, - God’s Blessing, - Harps of God, Gº Here am I, | Yº Holy Call, - Q_º Haven of Rest, | ` Hour of Worship, & Q Happy Mansions, C. ^ Hallowed Peace, - P Holy City, - . Humble Petition, ſº Heaven, 6 ( How deeply Iv'e shared, Immortal Treasure, I may not reach the height, Invocation, - Infinite Love, Q tº Jordan, - & ) Keep Away, 2 ºf a 35 64 74 91 105 119 120 131 47 55 61 72 136 106 Light, & P ( ) Light of Lights, G 2 Life's Victories, º My Savior, - ºp My Mission, G 2 My Work, J , º, 2 Ministering Angels, 17 48 129 15 98 Morning Light, Ministration, Morning Herald, No Surrender, Not one Sparrow, Our Deliverer, O the Blessedness of Love, Our Captain's Call, Offering of Praise, Purest Blessing, Prayer, | > Petition, ( ) Path of Duty, - Praise God, Peaceful Victory, Pillar of Fire, Purity, . ( * * Praise 9 ( ) Progression, tº ºn Redemption's Song, Reverential Praise, Recompense, Resignation, - Scenes of Glory, Sweet Home, - Song of Praise, Summer Land, Spirit I Cowet, Soulful Prayer, Supplication, Sure Defense, iii. 102 132 142 54 100 36 42 73 124 18 29 32 65 77 110 113 116 117 122 25. 26 40 43 44. iv. Sun of Righteousness, Spirit World, - {_> Sure Promise, { } ſº Star of Purity, - Sowing, {_ º Sweet Assurance, C 2 Soul Breathings, - Sweet Peace, - Sweet Praise, * -> Stewardship, - - Sweet is the Peace, The Savior’s Promise, Triumph, - ( , ) The Good Samaritan, The Beatitudes, ( Trust in God, - Trust in God, tº- The Temple, C > | > The Cross of Christ, The Beacon, ( ) ( , , The Life Boat, - The Mercies of the Lord, The Reaper's Call, The Landing, ( . ) True Riches, | J The Overcomer, , Thanksgiving, ( ) The Glad Song, ( ) Universal Love, = , We are Seen, [ -º Welcome Good Angels, Welcome Summons, - We are Marching On, Willing Service, - * > Watch and Pray, - Waiting and Watching, Watching and Waiting, © We are Sowing, ( ) - 109 53 80 88 95 121 - 133 140 10 16 38 & 94 - 108 125 – 126 137 24 34 112 - 181 ſ * G WE ARE SEEN. “There is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; and hid that shall not be known.”—Matt. x., 26. * GARRET. K. LAWRENCE. 1835. ' .* CANTERBURY, N. H. & - d Iº ==E=C= CE- 1. All things here on earth re - vealed, In - di - cate a great First 2. Mor - tals here may try to cov-er, And con - ceal their sins a - 3. Although conscience seems to slumber, And re - sign its Sweet con- Q ==== –2 — — — ( —º-º-º- IZEE-I-T-TTº T –2– t === +–H–H=N==H=H-H=== - & t | A. 2- ! - & J © & ( ). —sº-Ex-g v Cause, From whose sight there's naught concealed, All om-nis-cient are his - while, There's a God who will un - cover, And ex-pose the deep - est - trol, Yet each deed re-cords its number, Deep en-grav - en on the 4-2 L H–– | | - N–H–1– =b– Tº * º &J → -º-º-º: aſ—c—o— laws, Ev-'ry tho’t and word and ac - tion, All lie o - pen to 1.is guile. True as heav - en e'er ex - ist - ed, Watchmen there, their vig - ils soul. And from these the soul e - ter - nal, Takes im-pres - sion day by Á '. ** —E-T-I- e L H 2- | L —— -— U. U * \ 0––– wrº-w 2- ————1– | 24-Hº —l- HNH -——H– fººp-º-º: - - I - –HCH-CH=CH-C-Hº- \SD zº- —l º–t – º – =- Z \ . -º-, -e- i Q view; None can hide the least transac-tion, We are seen in all we do. keep; Ev- 'ry veil shall yet be lift-ed,There's an ‘Eye’ that nev-er sleeps. day, Whether spir - it-ual or car-nal, Good or e - vil, yea or nay. 1. . . ) way I have turned from this world's transient glo - ry, 2. Be - hold the sweet pros - pect of life nev - er end-ing 1 3. *Tis here you may find the true balm of the spir - it, 4. Though tri - als a - wait me the light has de - scended, ~ | - *==#= | H-e-H2– — [− I I- From e - vil, and Here scenes of bright And feast on the The high - way of that the wick - ed can boast; ry will o - pen to you; bread and the wa - ters of life; heav - en to me has ap-peared; And 8,S all the Though my life it &#E And have set out for Yea, rich treas—ures HH | º Zi - on, O! hear the glad sto-ry strong ties of nat - ure are rending, ter - nal may safe - ly in - her - it, cost me, I’ll not be of - fend-ed, -º | TO gain, more than Kind heav - en will Se - cure from this grant world But keep the strait way what in E - den was lost. you 8, life that is Ile W. of con - fu - Sion and strife. which the Lord has pre - pared. *—A o, . L wº Wº º – –L–C-2 IELARES OFT G.O.D. —ooºººo-o- à- Music, ** N. H. —I-I-Hº- mid---a- —l- =[-I-T- w—mr—w wºuvº- Ha!-e---- —--—l- ------- Hº 1. Raise your voice in sol-emn numbers, Ye who in Mount Zi - on reign; 2. Light di - vine, from God de - scending, Here his ho ly work dis - plays, 8. But the souls that now are dreaming, Vain - ly dream-ing all is well, 4. Not one car - nal base af - fec - tion Shall they have the pow'r to screen; JT *** s Lº * > ITTI While a world in ru - in slumbers, Wake, to your e - ter - nal gain. Joy and triumph nev - er end -ing, Fill the soul with sol - emn praise. In the light that here is beam-ing From the realms where an - gels dwell, All who fol - low earth's at-trac-tion Shall by heav - en’s light be seen. p—º * - | ve Wake, the harps of God are ringing, Hear the gold-en trumpet sound; Zi - on, rise, ar-rayed with glo-ry, Truth and leve thy heav'nly shield; .. Soon shall find, , with fear and wonder, Their ſoun - dation in - se - cure; Who re - ceive * the sol - emn warning By the voice of conscience, given, 2-k CTTTTTETTI —T-- A- - –E–F–2 . * — |->— v-Y-TV Y-Z ~ ~my-myº-y *my-v º -—H---- ºr º - Wºmº l - } flº *—º-º. A * A. * | || Saints and an - gels, sweet-ly ging-ing, Loud their heav'n - ly theme re - Sound. Ev’ - ry power. shall fall be - fore thee, Earth and heav'n their treas - ures yield. Truth, di - vine, like roll - ing thunder Shall dis - play their hearts im - pure. Yet shall bless the judgment morning When their souls re - joice in heaven. -- - - - . ºf-t-i-E =#:= | A- -1– ( *º Y-y º ––– ——- * *NOTRT maſ’ º TTLIII III*__ —4– +. ºpºlº Jººlſ --- |-- [ C-L *_º --L----- ºf , ºf . AAL-A - , , —ie- mºm- ºr -º z-Ur-u TITL … * F-1– & ' THE SAVIOR's PROMISE. “But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind.”— Luke, xiv., 13. CANTERBURY, N. H. fºr yºu º =-|-- –– I-—— - Hiſ N–A– -º- —I wº I will gath -er un - to me, saith the Sav-ior of men, The poor and de - \ | ºf . - , -º- ===#=t-É- | =EE I-3- F REEMENEH ====E=EEE3–3–F V/ J spised of the earth ; They who hunger and thirst from my hand shall be fed, And their *s —A— am - * _-º-, -º- Hº ###E º *… | hush their sigh-ing, To my fold they shall come and mourn no more. -º- —ſº- —ſº- - - F- & &mºm tº hiſ ºf hºmºmº, MT. Lebanon, N. Y. & My weary heart hath found a resting place, My feet no lon - ger roam, : i : For in the blessedness of perfect love I've a home sweet home. & & ^ = as tº e = * * * A- A- A—º. G CANTERBURY, N. H. U-vº º 2 A-. © – — sº- -º- -a- 1. IIow ex - alt - ed and how beau - ti - ful, the 2. Though ut - tered a - ges long a - go, they 3..My Sav - ior, O, I love thy life, so A. … º. | © 9' *—e—e— _º º-s, ºn a ºf Y_º | # , say - ings of our Lord! How clothed in grace and still re - tain the power To cheer the wea - ry. free from guile and stain; Thy in - no - cence and e. ſe e €-##Hº-º-º-º- +*#~#. H- — — T U = -º-º-º-º- ºr mºmº ºf Tema ºr-w J m = \mu nºw 2- ------ dig - ni - ty, is each in - spir - ed word; They soul, and throw light o'er ge each ad - verse hour; And & - ri - ty my ad - O - I’8, - tion claim., It * . . . . . - º: As A_ ———— T2-2-I-2-7 TTT ſºmſºmº, ~my _º_ ſº-º-º-º: ––– ===H-2–– * <- ſº i ( * are to me as gold - en fruit, in sil - ver pict - ures count-less mill - ions, a - ges hence, shall sing and speak the serves to el - e - vate my mind to count thy virt - ues set, Like mu - sic which the fi - nite praise, Which fills the heart and moves the o'er, And prompts the strife to pat - tern O 62 - 42– 42° vºy ºm-mº - Lº- º 2- ſº ºn 2- O vºy v vºy vºy U-nº º w \ - A - Nº º A-º-º-º-, *—A- IC ! C *—A-A-Ame A—A—º-A—º-A—A.—A. fºL-E--—z-9+- | – —--- -Rw—T--- #~#~i== | | | | { v-y v=º ºf a ū- ºl v ––––––1 ---— — A---— —---—---—A-4--A—A- *—º Am A^mº . . . A-º-º-º: 2- zº- * [. - A ſºmº, ſºmº, A. U - \º - --> v-rº- ----- U - A A – º y - a - ºr ~ * A- ſº ºn A-A Y-Z g” v-v Y-Tº ºr -— . amumwº-ºum * * * feit. - ter days. no more.” «» 4. º ~" * ſ | m myº- my --—–1— 2- ( . * º 12 « » - s'." ſ } and ye have your re - ward.” | its worth will ap - pear. s' * \; * of ſº 8 MY MIssrorN. CANTERBURY, N. H. -º- †- Go strengthen the fee - ble, en - cour - age the strong; Be 2-> |-5 L/- -N TV !->{<-- & | & 6 J days come and go and the swift mo - ments flee? It is, Live to do thou as 8, light, a joy, a new song; Seek on - ly the Sav - ior's in - junction so sim - ple and plain. But give to the thou for the future; tho' hid - den may be The structure you – —f (s * , º º ſ D & 2 . A == v=w --- ſ w .*. ºr U º 1 A- C. ^ sº- ºf ſº & ºr F — good where - so – e'er is your call, And give to the house - hold wisdom that comes from a - bove, First ho - ly, then peace - ful, needy, thus lend to the Lord, “For these ye have al - ways, build by de - vo - tion and care, If founded in virt - ue --------~e-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- your serv - ic - es all. © [...] * & t \ a - bound - ing in love. ; Ah, this is the mis-sion ap - point-ed Tº Jºº O what is the mis-sion ap - point - ed to me, As the 1. 2. * 3. “And do not your alms to be hon - ored of men,” Was the 4. Like the dil - i - gent cor - al be - neath the deep sea, Toil * Amº T A LTC <--> - Lº Dº C ſº ſº- L' . *—º. zº zº a. º. * Al A—A 4- - 2- ºr-vºmy º | | wr-ºr-ºr-y wrº-ºr-my T w A-º-º-º-A *—º-º. *—º. A zº *. v-Tº-y Yº-Yºmy g Watching and pray - ing I find you, O my be - lov - ed, my own, l— Tº- ~gº- Trust - ing a Fa - ther's rich prom - ise, I will not leave you b Or a - part in the mountain ye pray For strength in the hour of need, I :—b–H- Fº-3 I O B |tºpºlº Jº Jº Jºjº. If I ºf IT Mº’ - lºº" [ . . Tº l L P-2-l/-º-º-º: ºfº". Tº } tºº ( tº 3. º ºr - º ºf TN 4. v-ºr º 2. VSU & Dú, , – ſ - s 1. God’s love is at the helm I We shalſ out-ride the storm; 2. And since we know the strength Of light and love in God, • Whose life is in the light, Can fear no earth - ly harm. Shall we be found at length As those who doubt his word? . A}^s 2–5– f *-º-º: The pas - sage may be long Ere Truth o'er Er – ror rise; Nay, truth our path shall fill And bring a cloudless sky; —£2– Q. º; ſº Je But they are always strong Who make no com-pro - mise. We’ll trust and do his will Thus all our foes de - fy. —ºe -º- —s- | |- zº a. º. … *-*_^_^_^_^_^- º Y *. —le- 11 WIEDI.COMTED G-OOID AN GHEIAS. MT. LEBANoN, N. Y. 1. Wel - come, good an - gels, I feel you are near With heav - 2. Near - er, still near - er, Oh ev - er re - main With com - 3. Wel - come, thrice wel - come ! Oh, would that your love Be felt N | ATFT ºr ſarºv-J-T-7 |SA-2–L-I-I en - ly love, this my spir - it doth cheer, this my spir - it doth fort -ing joy, with a power to sus - tain, with a power to sus- here be - low, as in heav-en a - bove, as in heav - en a - N. N. —º cheer. While I am sail - ing o'er life’s storm - y sea, tain., Then, should the bil - lows en - com - pass me round, bove; Earth to re - deem from eI* - FOT and blight. + = good an ! gels, watch o - ver me, watch o - ver me. With good an - gels I shall be found, I shall be found. O good an - gels, speed on the right, speed on the right! + = -- • * ſº Yº L- a Cº. -———2– – 2 L-E. T. vº LVTEC -—1–1— T D || || || || ——º- [. tº-2'-º'- *—I- ––– H -- L. ) 2–H | 2-ly- º-º-º-L-L-L-L-Mºtº— [] Lº | ºe 12 * • welcome summons. “Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life.”—Rev. ii., 10. CANTERBURY, N. H. N_ &m &m - - A ºf ºm ºw a mºm lºº V \ Q {} Fel-low trav-eler, bound for Zi - on, Go re-joic -ing on your way; . Fal- *-w-wºw mumºm « » « » º 2- O ter not in time of tri - al, Nor make the least de - lay. Though the - * -º- -ſ}- #Tº TET wº—H — * * … * ºr ———º– — -O- -a-wºm-D- > | Ç # 2- 2. O H=HH E cross may be heav - y, And life's bur - dens weigh you down; It will YT e º nº . —L–1—--—r— –H–; ; –- –B–EE------9—2–9–E––– === E*- = V y V | V : V 13 * : WELCOME SUMMONs. crown in heaven a - waits you, Glo - rious prize that you have won, Where the - ?: º f ºf: wel-come sum-mons greets you, “En - ter in, your work’s well done.” Oh, ====E== Ex-E-Lº- –5–tº–H– A-—A- —N –A– the glo - ry of the meet - ing, On the bright ce - les - tial shorel And N N -w-vºm- N 3— #EEa NEEE H-i-º-º-º-E —º † -º- the rap- ture of the greet-ing, By the saints who 've gone be - fore I _{* * ~ * -º- ºr -º- ºr -º- º mºnº- =9—#–9–9-Hº-W--—HE —º—H- THE GOOD SAMARITAN. | “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these, my brethren, yé have done it & unto me.”— Matt. xxv., 40. CANTERBURY, N. H. A—A——-- ===N=NEHF I will walk with you, when the shad-ows fall, When err - ing steps ye e #H#H= fº | [ ___, *-m- * ºr as , ſº =v-me ame. q ºum-wºm, º —— | *##### º : –– £5–N=N=N=N-F-A- E-RE ====EH =====# - #2; Hº: Twº > would re-call, When seeming-ly ye are by all Earth-ly friends for-got - ten. \\ ge tº -O- -º-, -a- #-º-º-º: *—º-— < * * * -E-F-3-p3–3– 9:### —e- Q ==#EEEE s—w—5–9– w—w—— W #EEEE * > +–C– ---- mº ºm & ºm > Q to die; The good Samar-i-tan com-ing nigh Brings mercy and' for-bear—ance. —ſº- -º-e º —£2. e 15 MY WORK. “Every man’s work shall be made manifest, and fire shall try every man’s work.”—1 Cor. iii., 13. ENFIELD, N. H. 1. *T is lights and shades that pave my way, They teach me les - sons 2. O beau-teous res - ur - rec-tion morn 1 My spir - it un - to 3. No more of temp - est, no more storm, No more out - cast, no º —ſº *—e—º-º- FFF -º-E I P-E- ev - 'ry day, And what my work shall be; thee is born; Thy el - e-ments I love, Thy el - e-ments I more for-lorn; The still small voice I hear, Con - tin - ual-ly I Yea, what my work shall ſº A swift-er trav - el for the soul, A love. Thy air I breathe, in thee I live, The substance lost I hear. Its whispers thrill my heart and soul, And all the acts of strong-er pow'r life -—2— C. A---—A-A- " v-y ITTSI - I -—-——L —=––– —º-l– — --L--- - - - ————— e- ſº-ºw x , tº ammº Kºmſºmº — *-y- G. f_ºmº-º-º-º-º- ºr mºmº- ºf- > -º –A–F ––a–N-1— ===HEEEEE Fs-3-3 EHE -T- * > to control; This is the life for me, The chos-en life for me. now retrieve; Which opens heav'n a - bove; The worlds of light a - bove. life con-trol; And thus the cross to bear; The yoke of Christ to wear. —ſº---ſº-ſº-ſº ax —£2 f: ,—2 —º. TTIT-T –2–E–F –9- —H-E-2– f 16 THE BEATITUDEs. MT, LEBANON, N. Y., 7-i y U____X^{A__Y X Y 2 Y-y 24. I1. Tº- ſº r [ _º - - SP-5 2- The pure in heart are bless - ed, For they shall see the God of ~ - Y-y Y-y wº-vºrºr-v-ºr-wºr-wºmy s' ſº \ –––L– — & --E-L- ( - ºr-v-wºmy —º-L– 2–. ET-Fºr- | love : Bless - ed are the merci - ful, For they have mer-cy from ~. | —l- . Re- I --- ET 2 – 2- N-2 Ü I-i-L-L-N-L-I- - 2. Lº - - v=v-ºr-ºr – iſ cºde I-Lº-2-ºle-ºr- *—— - —et—L–C–s * -------- ſº a - bove. Blessed are they who thirst and hun - ger 2- O b - º : | --- O --- --- le Bless - ed are they • aft - er truth & and righteousness; Bless - ed are the meek -e- -e-e- ; !--- E–2–3– HEE EE E := hun - ger aft - er truth • Blessed *—u— yº-ºw \m ºf a Eytºtº- ſ —--> -º'-- w = x = (-\wº-> &m umº-' se mº | &######EE are the meek 1 7 west GLoucestER, ME. * * | ºt Lºzºº |Sºſºy wr-w -II- º — -: |WSL & Lº º A 5- - -- * > * 1. I see the light be - fore me, 'Tis guiding, me still farther 2 This glorious pros-pect cheers me, onward to the goal I As ––––––---------- &### Bºlſº E. --~T i- =-—th º Lºs A =-aº-Hºº-º- . We 2 le { º A [A. & ~, Izzº. Tº TT -º- -º- « » —Cº. — -z-z, º :- on A - long my heav-enly journey, Un - to my future home. press; The vales of truth seem rich-er With prom -is-es of º J 2 ſ. C N C d 2 . L^ Cº. º And as I climb the rugged heights The skies bé-gin to brighten; Re - joice and be ex - ceeding glad, My soul, re-new thine ar - dor; —ſº- * -º- –3–f- *—º–eº—3–E–tº–e— : It tº TETETFTTLEI.TIFTºI. • 2 m ºf . ==== ( ). --- === —i. . 24—º->. T \, º tº = *-*. l T Ex. NSL eſ—D—º. My sor - rows van-ish one by one And all my bur-dens lighten. Zºº With right-eous-ness of saints be clad, Be truth a - lone thine ar-mor. |z-Si-H+. p-º-º-as-ſ-º-º-º-º-E-º-º-º-º-Tº-º-º- G. s. wº - º Y ſ * 3 \ .A. & 2. Let thy deeds like sun - light falling Where the shadows oft - en stray, 3. Best, a - mid the pearls that glitter, In the vic-tor's di - a - dem, -*- TTL 2+. Tº + = e ſ º { º ( ſº A-, º Q t T TT —º-LI ſº 1. Shun the thorn and grow the flower, Speak no sen-ti -ment un-kind; | Let thy life like balmy showers, Give sweet fragrance to the mind. And thy voice in loving accents Cheer the , wea - ry o'er life's way! Is the one of purest water—Love—the bril-liant, sparkling gem Af a Y-Z H--— * -- Aº-º-A R—H *my |- ſº º Ö wº-y —-P-P-L-F … *. ſº - le We 'Sk For with days so swift - ly passing, Friends may go and come no more; , We are all so prone to er-rgr, Gifts of love and gos - pel care This the ha - lo of our Savior, This the glo-ry of his strife, º N fe- | ( _l Are the sweet-est joys that min-gle With our bat-tle and our prayer. Let us weave its ra - diant brightness In the fa-bric of our life. d Let them bear thy pur - est bless-ing,-Giv - ing but re - fills thy store. 19 FAINT NOT. } . “I looked, and lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him an hundred, | forty and four thousand.”— Rev. xiv., 1. ( * * , , ENFIELD, N. H. ºf--—-F-I--N--N–A–-N-- 2- -] ##### ====A=N=N=N= =########## vº #—###–:#:----àe-e— ###4-P-P-P-P-P-P-Hºº-º- vºy 9:#Eiff=#v=::==== º ( gº H==A=N=== =Er | -º-º-º-º-º-H-I---aſ-a- —º-E-- Yºr-wºmy — — — — — — — —— -*—-ºl—————- º †s-s-s-s-t sirº-s-s-s-s-- ſº-z-z5- wº-d — 2-—A- £ 3. ^- ## =#. E. H=#EEEE É=2 –9– --—2—2–H––– wº- º my º –2 e_s-e- *= « » HZE −3-H: ==== -- I need not faint in the heat of the day; There is an arm that ----| J. : + #-F#– *—s—e--—ſº- 1——- }— —H-– H– –– O --E-R-E- yº-º-º-º- w—w Hº-Hº- H-4—y–E–F–F ===#E ZTET | 20 TEUST IN G-OID. —o-o-º-ºoo-- 4. o - | \ 4. A MoUNT LEBANON, N. Y. t D V - m^* ºr - A I - -— v-ºmr-v-ºr r w— —w-w v-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: fº–º–e ++–=—- storm will not always last. Tho' clouds may threaten, and muttering , -º- -º- -º- +++: 2- A—A- A. A- zº-_º- --_- __l 2- 2- winds De - fiantly sweep o'er our souls; Far sweeter is the calm 21 TJNIVERSAL LOVE, CANTERBURY, N. H. III 1. Blest be that u - ni - ver - sal love For which the christian aims; 2. Be lift-ed up O vir – gin throng, With o – pen hearts em - brace 3. Its re-al sub-jects, grand-ly rise Su - De - rior in their sway & Whose source in God is found a - bove All nar-row human claims. The prin - ci - ple which pu - ri - fies And el - e - vates the race. O'er earth-ly loves and tend - en-cies, In ac-tion, word and way. ———— —— –– As towers the loft - y mountain top A - bove the dis - tant sea, The love which seeks the good of all, In ev' - ry land and clime, Then let us join this no - ble band And seek the joy, the hope, .* # = + = G#. †— 3–H -p s 2- - Q So stand the mer - its of this love In Which vi - tal - iz - es, cheers, for-gives Andren-ders life sub - lime. The free - dom which this love will bring, Found al - ways “Higher up.” £2–il | º Lº Łº A 2- U-º-º-º- tº-ſº |-A DT Leº II º \ Tº Tººl ºf P- H– P Dº I Tºº Tº º e * - 22 } { ,” CIHIEIST OF THE A.G.E.D.S. Mount Lebanon, W. Y. Ad Libitum. J * * > WY_i. T. º 4. ZTEFT tº Tº Tºº LTNTNUTNT *R-4-ºf-3–PHHC-C 4. ſºººº-L "dºm. - SP-C-G-I- - vºy ſ ºr ºr ºr-ºr ºr-º-º: . w wr-ºr vºr vºr - ºr Y-Z Y-y º 2- ºr **—º-º-º- Ö Cº. º A v=v-w-w *—A. .* G N C A--A. ſ º A- A. A—A- s º º A L Al-e A- A-º-º-º-º-º-A- A 0. 2 6 e º ( Thou up-lift-ing spir-it, ' Thou Christ of the a- gest Draw near * 2S-E-i-z5–Zº-I-º-º-º- 1—— — — . SººYº 2 ºf Jº. Jº Jº Lº |− lº-Zºilº C º 4- l | tº C (, , —t [ º ſ ) ſº IL Z ºt-º- Aſ Tºſº I TD –– |-- SL2– LIT Tº- did send. Now, in Zion's great need we ask thy as - sist - ance; e. e. º Irº NSL We ask it in faith, may we not ask in vain; f Lºs W ſºlº" ºr , Zºº ſº tº Lº H= C *— T U ºr Give us living bread, -º-º- T- º TE TTT'ſ ITT'ſ IT TT | –L-2–1– "—---- • * C- ~ fºLIT É=Eº-º: +++E+3+2. \ Thine shall the honor and IETUREl & £2– ſºyºº. 1 lººſ *_Zººſ Thou uplifting spirit! Thou Christ of the a-gest Hear, o hear our prayer. ar, { } - © *_ ] º º ſ T. S. |- ſº , & ºf T. T. Tº (.32 tº Tſ. I tº TTT'ſ ºf JTFT | --I stEH L_ ~. C- TVIRD AIRED IMARCELING ONſ. –oo-ºo-o- CANTERBURY, N. H. º - Cy # tº K. .* 2 | * . 'y 1. We are march - ing on, we are march - ing on, Bid - ding the world a 2. We are march - ing on, we are march - ing on, Joy - ful - ly heeding the * R 2- &###### N fº-f-f-r-g £—: * * º —— fi - nal a - dieu: We've our ar - mor on and our hopes placed a - bove, call of the Lord; Whose love we know whose guid - ance trust, | Ear - nest - ly seek - ing the home of the true. Brave - ly, brave - ly All our sup - plies are drawn from his word. - | shall crown the conquest in view, And we will rejoice in the home of the true. * a 2- P Nº. &#E *TTET | …TU-T G M ºf º 7 . C - A. 25 SONG-- OE" EPRAISE. -—eo; skee— $. Ilancock, Aſass. O Canterbury, W. H. -º-Tº-T. -ºº º - 1. While God in - spires my heart to sing, Or gives it life to 2. God's pow'r di - vine my spir - it fills—My high - est theme in- 3. The fires of truth with-in my heart, Ex - tin-guished ne'er shall ~ G | e. ea -. f* f EP—º-E-e-- i +----|-- ==E====E==–e- beat, Praise off’rings I will free - ly bring Be - fore the - mer-cy seat. spires : His presence, all my be - ing thrills With ar- dent, pure de - sires. be, Till I from sin and death de - part, All stainless, pure and free. er, W || v ~’ se U | - This feeds my soul with hope and faith, And love which nev - er dies: What blessings hour-ly, on me pour, In chastening and in love 1 I will be faith-ful ev - er - more—While life and strength are given, ~ | O , N -º- /~ Zºº, , zºº, , , | ,- ~ /*N TZTT ITE-ITEFET-Fºx I-É2- A—A---—A-- —& C-T- ==E=EHEaº- + —P- ——l-—— }~~ *-i-º-º: . I ( → -I-P-P-I-T-I- -Cl-º-º-º- And sheds there-on a liv - ing warmth From bright ce - les - tial skies. What mer-cies rich—an end-less store–De - scend-ing from a - bove. That with the ransomed I may find, E - ter - nal Poace and heaven. = | | | Ti AºN sº A { 25- -t- T-ºf- —º ºrºmy-my *— Sweet Summer land, O land of bright glo-ry, Thy beau-ti- ful fields are spread & -*------- - - *- . . …e. wonderful they are, IIow wonderful they are l Won-der - full won' der-full beau-ti- ful N S l - ure full, º, Hºle:US ºr-wºmy-wrº-ºr-wºmy —gº—º- ſº- --~~ w FN- == cheerful heart, —- 8, living soul; And through ===== Tº [ g be made whole, for ev - er and for - ev - er. " , " | T Af : . O 28 Q * TERUsT IN GOD. b “Though thy sun may for a season cease to shine.” ENFIELD, CoNN. TN MT. LEBANon, N. Y. * Affetuoso. ge ( ) & F#==ENE * T T. FFN++ -N. |éºfºrff - EFF: #º #: v sea = • *----, - - ſº 1. Brother, is life's morn-ing clouded, Has the sun-light ceased to shine, 2. Brother, all things round are calling, Call-ing with u - nit - ed: voice, 3. He from His high throne in heaven, Watches ev - ery step you take, —— —T- -P-->4 v-y ( 2– I- A— -T— 2- / &; ( 2 £gº- Is the earth in dark-ness shrouded, Wouldst thou at thy lot re- Tho' the wrongs of earth are gall - ing, They must lose their strength ere He will sce each fet - ter riv - en, Which your foes in an - ger s' ve Allegretto. { }, º ſ Aº —- ºf A ºn ºf A * v-wºr-wºr -j- “N- N-I-ii- * . .” •= #2-a-has-FF+ ===#EEEE: Y-y ---º- Lº Dº J -º Cheer up, Brother, let thy vision Look a - bove, see 1 light is Yea, my Brother, tho' life's troubles Drive thee near to dark de- make. Cheer up, Brother, He has power the bit - ter e := e−e re e. [… e º Tº. JT Tº T' JT TY. DTI', C = @ º C º ºr & Z. L–C ºr-º-º: ºn T. e. g. | [. C KZ C *— —A. * A * , ºf lºw , , ºr C J uſ 2- A 2-k 2- Y-y near, Soon will come the next tran - si - tion, Trust in God and perse-vere. spair, Soon they'll van -ish like a bub-ble, Trust in God and perse-vere. tear, And though dark-est tem-pests low - er, Trust in God and perse-vere. a | g 29 * PRAYER, 1. O, Fa - ther, to Thy throne we come, In at - ti - tude of prayer, * | 2. O, bless us with a fer - vent zeal, To know and do thy will; || | . º f & * -º- -º- " --> | | Our hearts pe - ti - tion-ing Thy grace, Thy guid - ance, love, and care. With more a - bun-dant right-eous-ness Our un - der - stand-ings fill: i | We ask for pow - er to con-trol The el - e - ments of earth; That we may walk with pur - pose fix’d The path - way of the pure; & Ç * -6- *-*—e—frº-Hº-3–ºf–ſt–tº–f &M, --——- !— — —- Q F- { I I v-Tº-y *E=======E=====#EEEEEE E-ZTTE: 2–1 2- –H w_w = LTw-v-w —º--- | - « i" A I- A--- ū- H.-- * > { | | ( zº a tº zº > ſ A. CA- Y -º * - 4 ſ gº | | tº- O. | For wis - dom, to ex-pand the soul Un - to the high - er birth. Ful - fill - ing all the law of grace, Thy fa - vor to in - sure. .*.* ºr 2- e- A- ºr –H 2 • + Izºº Lº H — q f- Pi—H- 2- 30 WILLING SERVICE. “Teach me thy way, O Lord-”—Psalm xxxvii., 11. CANTERBURY, N. H. *r-ºr ſº- ºr ºn ———-——º HERENTEFETT ==N: --N-H EXEFEEEE ===FFFF; -(2- * 1. In Thy wis-dom, Fa-ther, guide me, In the way that seem -eth 2. When al - lur - ing paths have o - pened To be - guile the way-ward –––e—e—e—-e—f-e—e— ===HE=== tº-º-º-º-Hº-ji= best; Where-so – e'er I'm need-ed choose me, To Thy goodness I'll at - step, Thou hast in Thy. low -ing-kind-ness An-gels sent to in - ter - -*. -º- f. £2 -£2- _2_ -(-)- —H·– z-a º Aº-º-º- a º 2–2– #EEEECEA-E- *-i-L +/–2–1–– EEEEE ===N=NE -*— INTIN-Fi-L-N-N-E == –3–F —z–a–si--a-a-a-a---g- & Y__º &m & º - > -— # # 3 is is # 5 - 2 test. In the bright-est, dark-est hour Thou hast Ilot for - Sak – en cept. Hav -ing guid - ed thus far safely, Led me ov - er dang’r-ous :* -º- + N., a U-> duº ( ) :0 —- —— 6–2–3–tº– |- —H-H #E –––4— H–4– R-T- U T&T. = ~ * I T– º | X- Amºmº e v-º-Tº-y |- ºr ( ) ( ) --—l *T*TE - z-z ‘s-s $ me; For be-yond the gloom has ris - en Just suf-fi - cient light to see. ways; Rec - og-niz-ing Thy sure mer-cies I would serve Thee all my days. -—º —º-º. - net Of thy un-dying love, For | tº 2. Wouldst Thou di-rect me thith -er O'er yon tempestuous flood, My - 3. Speak, Lord, thy servant heareth, And gladl wr -Y. * ev - er seal my spir - it, That I thine own lnay prove. | - faith in Thee is anchored, Thou knowest my best good. e'er Thou wouldst, my Fa – ther, Make known to me, I pray. tº tº * | * | FF# º 4- A- ºr ºr – | ºmº- V - ºn fº C A- U Y-Twº-y C Lº º [… Tº Tº IT ~2—t—º —I-I-I-- A—- ~my-w | Teach me to know Thy voice, Though tem - pests may de - fy; And when I hear Thy call O may I e er re - ply What - ev - er cares op - press, What - ev - er int' - rests try, —tº . —gº— e —fº–6P--I----— Tº Tº § 2 º T. 2–3– | 1- - — EEEa–EEE -T- – " | Yº-Yº ºn a Dºº Gº || || I *-L-C-2 & ſº <=}—e. S-sººl —º-,--→-2–- Let me be clothed with grace To answer, “Here am I.’” With true sub-mis - sive heart My Father, “Here am I.” I’ll trust my all with Thee And answer, “Here am I.’” 32 PETITION. -º- T. T. sº a ~TT. ~ſº-T-T H–H– º-º-º: -zº. Umm , - . . . . . . . . . . | T. º ... ºd’ 1. Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, May we feeſ thy 2. May that liv-ing in - spi-ra-tion Ifrom the heavenly -i. º–º A, ~ ( * * > f I ' ſº I & | `- t ..b. [ _º pres-ence near, Re - al - ize thy love and blessing, Flow-ing worlds de-scend, . That will work complete sal-va-tion, Peace iñ *** - P. - <> tº w [, & Cº. 2- Kl LI” Jº IT —l-- A T – Tº Lº TT Tº ". . . vºy v-y Y-y 6 J D - tº tº sº G ſ - <- * ſº { * e -a, T & ... " • - ? - Lº • * * tº tº ... " & * . ; : *. - gº • 4. " Nº. - sº e º LP 2 * 4 Zºº” rººt. ~my vºmy-ºr-º-my º J - Zº fºLyrº-Tº-º-º-º-º-º: , - gº • . * ~ * = ( 2 g ºv * * *e we gºn - e *~ tº- -º- C - * * @- sº • *- p =wº = e - G - ºr * * 4. down like, wa - ters clear. Give, O give us strength and power | - Christ that knows no end. IHeavenly Father, Heaven - ly Mother, ºr v I ºr-ºr-wºmy * , ºr « T ºr } zº A-º-º-º-º-º-º- 4- 2- .* Umºº, , , , ºr v Y-y 6 | ( - | « - e A- A- wº-y v-y v v-w º | A--- Æ- AEA. A- A- º - - - ºr-º-º: º ºr * & - 2- A- * 2- *. … º. ºe. a- º º • . " _\ ºr *—º- Æa º *—A—º A. º A - A--&- A. A- A- ºr v-v v-z. v C | > -º- A--A fººm. A- i A- ſe º - – ' - & A - A. v ºr º - ºr wr ºr ºr ſº vºy wr-vºy v ºr w w P--- Yºr ſº --v - 's ( L. . t & sy tº O *. A. I l A. A * - - - - A A- A 2- A—A-A- w º | e 4 º' g G ſ & ſ * * * > . |------------- —ſº-º- }. To re - new Oll)" lives té ...thee, Con - sé ( * > crate each | May we feel thy watch-fif care; Bless each earn - est U- - z U_\ , , * ºf e | pass - ing hour, To the cause that mak - eth free. . soul en - deavor, Hear, Ó hear our hum - ble prayer. C A-º-º-º-A—A---—& C Cy T Tº EQaº. 33 THE TEMPLE. —oo-ºo-o- º - South Union, Ky. 1822. |24-tº-4-HE--- EHE —— —=—F-P-—e–F– {{P Lºſ 2 Tººl −2. 2-H- —º — #E sº-tº- a=EEE2-E ==== --|-- Y-y —wr ºr | *r-ºr-wºr-ºr Y-y ºr —w 1. The Lord hath a - gain in His temple ap - peared, The sound of 2. For thus saith the Lord I’ve re - turned to be A com - fort 3. Break forth in - to singing ye heavens a - bove, Ye mountains 4. The chil - dren of Israel their voices shall raise In songs of —— T-T— | ——H. ––––– ºr ºr T t—— --T-I- ! ? ) J - E. ºr w-w-w | w— —ºr | re-joicing and glad-ness is heard, The Bridegroom and Bride have 1 to all who will call up - on me, A lamp to the wanderer, re - joice in a son - net of love The hills and the val - leys thanksgiving and an - thems of praise, To heaven’s Pro - tect - or **. now uttered their voice, And all their com - panions in union re-joice. a couch to the frail, A cer-tain pro - tection that never will fail. in rapture may tell, Je - ho - vah hath comforted all that do well. and Zion's great friend, From whom unto mortals all blessings descend. | $ | | e- H-— F---- U → ºf mºrnº 1–TI- U -t —r- ºr zº a tº A ſºl wº-y A. —A- *—A-A* e T R | ſ ENFIELD, N. H. zºº; *Nº 2 sº Aſ º dº ſº wº A-º-º-º-º-A—A.—A-. v -- *-y Ü o º A—A—A---—& U-Gº-º-º-º- - ºr-vºmy | C- A—A. v= -\sr 2- wº-vº-vºmy ºr Tºy 4-4- ----- ſº . a a D º . . . sº tºº & A__ A. º U-A ſmº, A- ( * * * * * ºn | --- & LP . . " … *. | - ## *— i. & zºº. A--A ºr dº º a - wr-v-w wTww-w — vºy I — — — | w—ºr [ - - , --T—— vºmy-ºr-g sº Q º d •º- t Watch and pray, watch and pray, Is the warning voice to - day; *—fº—g: —fº-fº *my *—I --. —! —l- ===== --º--e- - Lest temptation bear the sway, And thou dost fail to conquer. Iisten to the warning cry, Oh, my soul, why will ye die? Trust the fruitless “By - and - By" With cherished hopes no longer. ==== 35 . G-OSIPEDIL, "I'EUTIHL- NoFTH UNIon, OIIIo. 1. Hail gos - pel truth thou precious gem, Thou rich, thou love - ly 2. Not all the gold from Ophir's mine, Or pre-cious stones, or 3. Since with this treas - ure I am bless'd, Let grat - i-tude per- 4. Who would re-sign this great reward, For all the wealth that A tº -1– ==E= &– --- *— di - a - dem, Re - veal’d in these last days. No pearl with - in gems that shine, Can be com-pared to thee; Not all the robes vade my breast, For peace shall dwell with me. Yea let me safe- worlds af-ford, Or pleas - ures earth can give? Or, who would bow —-i-I ſº A ,- LWT : the o - cean lies; No lu - cid orb that gilds the skies, Is half that Monarchs wear, Or diamonds which their crowns may bear, Can with ly keep this prize, "Twill make me hum-ble, meek and wise, "Twill ope to earthly kings, To lust, or pride, or car - nal things, And lose *— t —N NE w A-. º 2- |«i so rich, so bright a prize, As thy life - giv - ing rays. this gos – pel truth com-pare, This gem be - longs to Iſle. the door of par - a - dise, And there’s where I shall be. this pre - cious pearl that brings Our souls with God to live 2 vºy T - º, —l + -4– F: -T a H -i- 36 OUR DELIVERER. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. " ==A-N- wº-y —I dº - Y - 2 [ x > -- 1. Christ, our de - liv - er -er from the hand of bond - age, Come and dwell a - & 2. Grant an in - her - it-ance to thy true dis - ci - ples, In the man -y º mong us ev - 'ry day, Till our lives are fash-ioned in thy per-fect man-sions of thy care, Where the sun of glo - ry beam-eth ev - er —ſº- -2. ' ºw ºn Aw w wºw, -e- im - age; Teach us the pur - er and bet - ter way. Beau - ti - ful art clear-ly, Where heav'n-ly mu - sic pervades the air. Far a - way from thou, how we love thy ho-ly guid - ance, For thou dost safe - ly sin, for it yield-eth pain and sor - row, Far from the shades of 37 OUR DELIVERER. # EF =N=N=ITHE --L-T------|--|-- N- –2— w—wr fºL &m , "ºº- m^*- *-º-º-º-º-º-º-e U ºr ºf . Nºmº. *—H-4–2–d——º—- Y-y --- } | –Cl– & 2 « » - " sº tº Y_{m_* * |}}4—23—1–2–2- ; :-- -F–G --2m--——º-23 Tºr. lead. We have oft-en felt thy bless - ed pres-ence, Thou art our night, Draw us near to thee, O lov - ing Sav-ior, Tholl art the -T-F- ºm-º- - a - [Tº Tº -— -E---|-- b CHORUS, with spirit. —-N-- E - E I- =E tº 2- ºr mºm # = friend - In thy strength we’ll bravely toil day un - to truth Q - ſº- HH-9—s —t-º-º-º-º-º-La--a-º-Ee-º-º-H 9:#EEEEEEEE EEEE #: EHEHE ===########### º +++====== ºf ºf hºmº & Cºmº- w—wer == um-ºw-tº E | i-Es ——— * = - \ N=== With the faith that giv - eth cour - age, jour - ney a - long ; ... e. e. O tº – _2. ūº An ºx ºr º ºs º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º ÆA A – B-EE- ——H–—º-— R y zºzº Rais -ing high t e ſº-º-º-º- º º # be our song. thy cross we’ll o - ver - come,” shall —ſº- 38 THE CROSS OF CHRIST. CANAAN, N. Y. * > f ſºmºmºmºmºmºmº, -— wr-w A- A- —- —1–––––. ſº ſt ſº 2- – º E-F-I- 4– --- S- 1. Oh the glo - ry of the cross of Christ! The beauty of the heavenly * - 2. With ho-ly trust and liv - ing faith, Press on toward the shin-ing 3. Oh come ye heav - y lad - en souls, Cast off your robes of guilt and sº T tº . .N : 4-Hz-EH- I 1– -- p—- ſºmſ ºf lºw-g {} 4—— *N l O * . º-ºº-Hº-FFFFFFFFE –H– | ſº IVTIT --- | F-E--- sº-TE- |→--— ==EEEE *- Ç way 1 Up - lifting souls from sin and dross, Un - to the perfect day. goal; Where pearly por - tals an - gels ope Un - to the weary, soul. sin; Come to the stream that mak-eth whole, Its moving waves step in. • * | | O K. &º ſ & ſº K- | }:Lº-º- Sº– ſ | Y-Tº- —— | –––– 2- –9—H ~myTºmºrºmy-º-º-ºrºmy - U ºr ºf ºn Yºmº ( -- —b. ºr - º TTº ~my F- — w . – w—w — _ ] ſº ºf . !. *-y … Lº- ################# S$2–22–L-c-e-. =FP-3–3–3–Fº-º-º-º-tº-º- | –G–" C Jº I ... s." 2. . . 35 No more shall death have power to harm, While steadfast in the narrow O hap - py thought! there's rest and peace Be - yond the care and burden | There's heal - ing in the flow -ing tide, Then plunge beneath the swelling way, For conq’ring faith shall bear the palm And God will be their stay. here; The wicked from all troubling cease, In the e - ter - mal sphere. flood And wash in faith, till pu - ri - fied And born a - new in God. 39 REDEMPTION's son G. Canterbury, N. H. 1. Re - demp-tion’s song, for thee I long, Thy bliss my soul would know, 2. I’ll learn one meas-ure day by day Thro' stud - y, pains and care; 3. This pas - sage of the vic-tor's song O let my heart re - peat; ſaye . ——l- … *_^_^. … "._- J ºr-º-º-º: ; ~-_- s Vs. Jº Z *-Tº-Tº-Tº-y o: —l-l- S-23-4–ſº-º-º: —2 tit-Q– t From whose rapt chords and liv - ing words Pure in - spi - ra - tions flow; And no false note, no si - ren lay, Shall plant a dis - cord there. In un - ion with the saint - ed throng Dis-course its music sweet. N __-º-_-º- > -º- -º- -º- -º- -º- - hº ==#==#EEEEEEEEEEEE ===== E::=::= — e-º-º: ——— | Pºl-ſal—ci-ſº E: F#–EEE E=E= Whose notes of joy from tri - umphs won The vic - tors on - ly sing, I’ll set it to the Gold - en Rule The Sav - ior gave—said he, This is the song for which I long, The bliss my soul would know ; *. s— I DTI ITT T. X-ºumºmum-m We tº -> And from whose voic - es blent in one The grand - est pe - ans ring. “Do un - to oth - ers as ye would That they should do to thee.” Its thrill - ing chords and liv-ing words From high - est sourc - es flow. -E- I ſº-º-º-; LT 40 SEPIERIT I COVET. –o-o-º-ºoo- --Pi—S- Mt. Lebanon, N. Y. --—N–N N– fººt-ºf- H===== -NETTTT. U-mººn by-----, *TI Iº. It -T T vºy ºr-ºr | v=v, ; __2_2_ººl- ºf º-º- (ºmº 2- - - & 1. Pray -ing spir - it of my Savior, In my heart O find a place; 2. Peace - ful spir - it of my Savior, Canst thou find a place with me? 3. Stead-fast spir - it of my Savior, Let me feel thy'scepter's sway; 4. Tov - ing spir - it of my Savior, 5. Bless - ed ſº & Let me in thy fountains bathe; Savior, thy ex-am-ple E'er shall be my “Polar Star; ” ---e e. f := e : e := + º-' ſº e= ===NERE º' -es «» E. Help me when the night is dark-est, When up - on the des - ert waste; Give me pow'r to calm the tem-pest, While up - on Time’s bil- lowy sea. Then like thee, I’ll tread with firmness, Du - ty's paths in tri - als’ day; Read - y to re - nounce all pleasure Which a selfish heart would crave. Guiding, tho' 'mid track-less wa-ters, Point-ing on to realms a - far; º C * + -N- :== When the day seems drear and cloudy, I would have my words and actions Like thee I will And sweet hope her pow’rs resign, Bend subservient to thy will; stand un-yield-ing To the lurking charms of ease: With thy influence for my Guardian, I can for all oth - ers care, Prayer:ul, Peaceful, Steadfast, Holy, Lov-ing and For-giv-ing free, *H.E:: * : * * * * *º-E = p + 2 -ere: NIT º º w—w-w | 4- A.& A , .º.__*. º *—E-. cº-º-º: Tºr-z IT- vºy-ºr-ºr { g-º’- H2–E-Z-E- •-º-º: Bless-ed Sav-ior, be thou near me, That should wrath my bo-som ºn-ter, Over self will reign tri-umph-ant, Joy with them when joy aboundeth, Bless - ed Spir-it of my Sav-ior, ºr ºvº- • A 2 Prayer-ful Spir-it, be thou mine. I can whisper, “Peace, be still.” Seeking God alone to please. Likewise of their burdens share. O, I pray thee, dwell with me. © 41 TELEC BEA.CONT. © ." | CANTERBURY, N. H. Zººlººlºº sº. F-N Q ze. …º. Es | A---—A---—& F-F- @-lº-E — ... 1) * * * —-TT–T-J-T-I-H- - /... … * [. &# & - A - A - , , , , , | 6. S}. - * 4 × - & a dº v. * e & s” ( > R --- tº , +-- —dº =3 1. Far out up - on Life's o - cean We see the com -ing sail! 2. Hold out the bea-con clear - ly,–Sal - va-tion's glo-rious ray; 3. In vain we cry the blessing, Still waiting on the shore; f y -ſº & -º- --- ge & —i-L- + -- ---> _i 2 º: Y-Tº-T-7 | |: . The waves are in com-mo-tion As old tra - di - tions fail. Not in the past nor fut-ure, We see its light to - day. A - wake to act - ive service, And ply the labor - ing oar. 7-I-D- Pi—ºf *R-9–5–C5– G- * > ºf TNTV. JTºº Tº E'. ſ & ama. A. A J • ºp Sail on, brave Ship of Prog - ress, Cón - tend with craft and creed Let present rev - e - la - tion Light up the darksome tide, The na-tions thirst for knowledge,_Where is the Sav - ior found? 0 Un - til the suffering millions By light and truth are freed. Un - til our need -y comrades In har - bor safe - ly ride. Let vir - gins sing the ad-vent, With no un - cer - tain sound. Q TN, ºr • 12-T-E-i-º- -T-º- lºº-ºº--L--ºl-L- *-fºr-jºiº.º.º.º. ~~~~ * * 't..., Mr. LRBANoN, N. Y. Sºlºlº º O the blessedness of love that is purel Tried like sil-ver in re-finer's fire, H====== &#:::::::= 2 Till in brightness of per-fec-tion and grace Shines the like - ness of the morn -ing mists a - way; Doubt - ing ceas - es, heav - y cares .*_*. º ſº *—º- … * 2 tº T. I––– j- – –2–Has-as-ſ- Fº ==== –2– fe- --~~ –– –– ( > 43 ſº SOULFUL PRAYER. “Lord, send I pray Thee, by the hand of him whom Thou wilt send.”—Ex. iv., 13. - MT. LEBANON., N. Y. –0— v-my ~my (TN S. HHHHHH.E. -ty : -g- -º-º- 1, O God, Thou art my hope, In Thee I trust and live. Thou 2. As bloom the pearl – y flowers, Which to the sun - light turn, AS 3. Yet still O God, I yearn For more di - vin - i - ty, For 4. Like silv - 'ry stars that glow, And crown the eb - on night. 2 So -º- | -º- — | *— | H-º-º: | | Nº º know -cst ev – ’ry need, And free - ly Thou dost give. When ris - es in - cense pure, From each sweet nec - tar urn, SO light, and truth, and grace, To search and cov - er me, Re - shine thy gifts O God, Thro' dark-ness un - to light. May ... " ––1. —t-–t ===E==E== f: TºT →--Hºº-º-º-H2—-a- | | | r | w | | & N weak I feel Thy strength, When faint Thou giv - est bread, When fills my soul with praise, So rise my faith and pray’r, So new my leart to - day, With ho - ly life bap - tize, That peace and pur - est love, My soul's a - dornment be: O —h-- +2+ v – FEEF-Eº- == -T- —T-T- - m ºmºmº-º-º-º-ºdº f_hºmºm-º: Fº } | -- N , ºr e - pº - -I-III---|--- - - - -- | ºr-º-ºr I | ==E:&- sº ſº- | blind, Thou sendest light To show the path I tread, To show the path I tread. grat - i - tude as-cends, For all the good I share, For all the good I share. from the pow'r of sin, Triumphant I may rise, Tri – umpliant I may rise. send by whom Thou wilt,That I may dwell in Thee, That I may dwell in Thee. #############| ======Hº-º-º-E Pi—P--—HP2 - —1– s • , , | A tº ... I v-y ºr-ºr —º—l—-— r—t-r—r—t— | ſ 44 STUIPELICATION". ENFIELD, N. H. * Hear us, Hear us O righteous God, Hear us, Hear us; Hear our sup-pli-cation. In hu-mil-i- V ! - - — - 1 \, . ! E--> « | | | | ==#EEEFEEEEEEEEF==Hºº::PF=Hºº | } p— *—s. E-T- º Cº. | –H–4–3–3; –5+H- i-I — ––––L_2_2 <-2T_2 L_CLL. |--|--— T. W. W. J C VT Hear us, Hear us; [TVººD. Nºt I. A LL-E-L-rº ty we come in - to Thy house of prayer. Give us strength, O Lord, we pray, To re-new our lives to *-Z" , . wº ºr A--- -- Am a Cº A C gºw Thee. Open Thy avenues of boundless love, Thy fountains of life-giving waters. & |Bless * Bless us O Lord, —— ſº | 2. – ſ | [ ſ i 4}. us O Lord, Bless us with Thy blessing. Cover us as with a mantle, : from all harm. º Bless us t and shield us { layºf TCT ) ºr 45 - - , ~ -- Q REVERENTIAL PRAISE" –e-oººoº- MT. LEBANoN, N. Y. Zºly TZ Dº Dº Tºlſº ſº | & Zºº;4== (...) -Tº- T TºI | H. *—º- —A-A—A-A- ſerviz-Dr. TI-I-I- s–L-X-2 —-- --I-FE- SLA-tº-º-º-º- ºl F—º-Lº-----gº- Hº-2 &m. | |T. F- | | | | | 1. º Lord, in - spire our hearts to feel Thy sa - cred pres- ence here; Our 2. A heavenly still-ness, ho - ly calm, Our in - ner souls in - fuse, We' 3. As gushed the stream from Horeb's mount, The wells of truth run o'er; And 4. With - inº sanc - tu - a -ry blest, We'll bring thank of - fer - ings; * | Q_\m ——H. • | souls in ad – o – ra. - tion kneel, Jn chas - tened ho - ly fear. With . feel thy love a heal - ing balm, De - scend like Her-mon’s dews. O from a new – er fail - ing fount, We quaff to thirst no more... And e- | feel thy ben - e - dic - tions rest, Pike shad - ows from thy wings. For ~ -i-I." -—º-º-E-g– *-2– rev - 'rent wait - ing hearts we near The shrine of faith and pray’r life in - ef - fa - ble and grand l O joy so pure and sweet! rev - e - la - tion’s glo - rious light Doth fill this ho - ly place; ev’ - ry good that com - eth down, For light and wis - dom shown; -š. ( * *=e-e | To min - gle with bright ser - a - phim, In songs of prais - es there. To feel the unc - tion from that land, Where blessed angels meet. By it our souls are led , a - right, To..., know thy Saving grace. For blessings which our spir - its crown, We'll wor-ship Thee, a -lone. | -> * *—A-A- º LT [… ºr º 46 CHANGELESS PAGES. * Y MT. LEBANON, N. Y. ºf Tº -— S-I- –E-— 141– ** TTC’ſ 2 TLIT TNATTNT * T TY' " ſº-4: — Tº hel TN-Iºn Tºº A ºf A H_ _ _ ]º *S**t. -— º -º-º-º-º- [s ſº- –2– —-- º 7 º' . © —w— º 2. Though our time is swift - ly pass -ing, Yet each mo - ment, as it © • On our mem' - ries’ change-less pages Shall our thoughts and ac - tions +...º.e. ( ). Aº-k—º-º-º-º-º-º: ---. wr-y ſ v-Tº-Tº-y vºy ſm is stand, To bless or blight the spir - it In the im - mor - tal land. 47. © IMMORTAL TREASURE. “Well done, thou good and faithful servant; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.”—Matt. xxv. 21. J CANTERBURY, N. H. ſ 772 f *—-A f N -la. & . Sing, oh my soul, of that im - mor- taltreasure Which is reserved as the —s—º-º- • wºme ºw- ========#EEEEEEEEEE V V f=ſ== —-a-A-r-ţ-A—A-H– EH===E========EE IºTºTº TIE Tº Tº Tº ºf spir - it of God. Sweet-er by far than the plau - dits of mil - lions, 4. ——º-s—s—£4–s—º-º-º-º-º-º-r-—e—e—e—º-º-- H2–2—2– E=Elżº- —E– =#Eff=#Ef --- ! --------— *—º-º-º- –H–9–2–3–2– | | - Gained in the con-flict for fame and re-nown, Shall be the re-turn, “Well ~... . . . . N -A—A-- HEEEEE done, faith-ful servant,” Sure -ly my love is thy joy and thy crown. ar;--8–?—e—e—8–-e—e—e—º-º-º-º-º-º-e—e--— #: #E:EF= #T #EE: f:fffl # =P-Hz—w–9–E– =====-º-º-tº-L-z =z=r *—i-I ) V V d LIGHT. | “Arise, shine; forthy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.”—Isa. lx: 1. . CANTERBURY, N. H. 1890. mp -ºm ` G-mºmº- *mºv *- \m. f |ZFEPHBA ; : Light of lights, beam on my way, Bear-ing more of truth each day, & 2 —ſº amºm ——— dºm: -—————— ==HEHEEE -º-º-º- +---|--|--|--|--G-E-22–23—: * --> m --> Gººmº = - - --> -- um- ººm-m = —————— —d -: + # := —J–Hafiz- Shin -ing thro' the realm of thought, E - ter. nal life re - veal - ing. BiºHº , -e-E-F#–à– E Biº- - © 3-pº-Hº- |4.———G-F— W What a Father's wis-dom loves, What a Mother's care approves -º-º: ( ) cres. Teach me, for my soul would move Within thy brightness, ev - 2- () 49 BLEST RETREAT. CANTERBURY, N. H. a º Aº - - \ L J-T. ſ *5% 2 | (ANY L. ZTE SL ºr |- C —ſ ſºlº 2 C º 2 º’ tº| # 1. In - to the sa-cred blest retreat Of lowliness and prayer Oft let 2. Prayer o-pens wide the pearl-y gates Of ho-liness and peace; O en - us turn Our way-ward feet, And find a sol-ace there. There list - en ter where the har - vest waits To bless with its in - crease. May watch-ful- to the still small voice Of conscience, while it pleads For each ness and prayer com-bined, Their time -ly vig - ils keep, And lov- to live to high - est light, As day to day suc - ceeds. ing deeds with words re - fined Be ours to sow and reap. (2. Q & > G º o º t Q «C * © C. $U15&E TXIECENIENCE. Enfield, W. H. —L– —l —Fa H. e E -e- =FIFF Tej-, -e, -eſ Thou, O Lord art my sure De-fence. Thou art my strong-hold and Tower. ... .e. ::==. =::= , = e−. *— Cº. º Y - L- +H====H-E-H== º - [.. .1 –– __N______ \ . | | || { } m - | | | Nº HI- + Tº º T U --- —cº-º-º- —º- | -e- . Thy Arm is able for strength to uphold, For Thou art Al - migh - ty Power. . gº —- - - ---> w-w K T- [q >q *-Tº-y- ; | (* Fiercely the stormy winds may sweep o'er my way. Thou art in the tempest and … . . . º. A tº a tº e==== Jø–Frt: : ºr vºy ºr *my ºr |: ºr -( , & | Q “A t 51 L. -N- i-tº- —T- ºr 2- T.I.I.I.I.T.T. -T-I- zº-Hi F+ . C —— | | * | ——— Aſſº-J-M Pi—al- Hł |-º- c. 2 In NSJ I Gºt * º || Kºe JT-Tº-Tſ , & -º- a -º- -6- & g | | the tempest at Thy “Peace be Still.” Then will I trust 'Thee, trust Then will I trust #EEEE The O Lord I will lean up-on Thy arm for safe-ty. Glo-ry be to trust. Thee O Lord, 2-> --> —H-e-ºº-º-º: ſº +++++ze. DT’ º •T TY. C. Tº Tº L' ALTT – º ſºmºm my | -*-*m-e- A- ~1– A- Y-y & b––a– | Thee, Glory be to Thee, Glory be to Thee O righteous Lord I will sing a -> * ---- lſ I . . I I will Thy praise in the tabernacle of Thy saints, I will praise, sing Thy praise e I will | _-º-_-º- --P- Tº IT ------> --—t - 1 1 { 0. *N 2. S † 0. L. ºrº z D 4, …'. A [s -: H. | Thy name for-ev-er more, for-ev-er more. A-men. A-men. praise Thy name, ~ 2 * , ( r e–G– -ēj-e- £2. sºme J ºf TITL2+ T T2+: 2–2 H=###EEEEEß Ete--tº-t-t-t-t +----|--|-- }} Lºſ AO) ^s * . | /* § tº º WAITING AND WATCHING. . . * For behold your reward is great in heaven.”— Luke VI, 23. - Mr. LEBANON, N. Y. r T LA … "._-_º- zºº we *Tºrºmy-º-º: ºf † 3- +H==== TL ==== % º V ( : G 1. There are beau -ti- ful 4n-gels just o -ver the way, Who’re waiting and watch- 2. They are joy - ful - ly do -ing the will of the Lord; They’ve passed the dark val- 3. Oh, the glo - ri- ous banks by the riv - er of life Are wa-tered a - fresh ſº-3–5––F A-A-A- + F SUZ-C-N-TV—L … *-º-º: i. * y ſº-Fs- TºTº-TEFEE E ==== #H#H#HE ſº 9–5–9–5–4–4–5–5– V gy 4. o G c ing for me. Their mu - si-cal ca-dence now floats on the air, As I long ley of tears; They acknowledge His goodness, the pow'r of His word,As the proof by its flow; It is winding its way thro’ the val-ley of love;To that beau- • A -º-, -e- -a- N N EHEEEg-ºf-f #####EE †-i- -p-3–9–5–2– } 9 for the home of the free. f of His love re - ap - *} Waiting, Watching, They are wait-ing and watch- ti - ful place I would go, N -º-, : -e- Eº-º-º- Ex-E-E Fy- V tº | - ing for me. Wait-ing, Watching,they are waiting and watching for , me. ~ /*N sº- © 53 ſ •. f ) CANTERBURY, N. H. _N R. s_N.N. | Ghovsland, N. Y. Pºlº-EE 2ſº ISIS. III. as—sº 32 C Cº-º J– Sº º 1– 1 . . ~! l—- 1 —- | tºp-UIA *CL Lºi º Lº __{ | SP-tt-º-i-I-º-º-º-I- 7-N-I-T-13–39–I-62 -º-,- Tºº 2- A--- e;############ U-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: | le * —— Q | Lºal- I/TNTZT (...) e º 'º T' —A. * , ––– º C | O'er the hill-tops its light is streaming, Re - vealing the E - ternal Throne. s—s———º- Tº DT. Tº Tº . J . Tº TNºº Tº ºf Lºſ Tº 2- ! {} Ç - 2 – 2 L-L-L-2-2-2 T-L-L- º * * * ( | E’en the arches of Heaven are shin - ing, And the path of the pilgrim is . | N N N S ' I * N tº It is ar, *-T- —T-T ºlº Jº Jº K. J. Nº || | —l— | _ _ " - L. | Y. ITT D le A- | 54 2. || | | e | \ . | w Q , || No suTRENDER. Esfield, N. H. 2- U →m ºf fºLA As —–1--- *— Y-Z ~- IT A-_ _- * & A-. | vºy - . *—º- |T wºr-ºr e T ~ R - \ſ ºr-º-º-º-ºmr-ºr Y-y == -j- º “Tº v v — I .* vºy A---—--A { } Y-y H–H Q º - - Q A © =# { ºf . , , , , Q O Q ºr O vºy ºr º T. s. | wº-y I ––– ſ --- «» o Ö. Q -º- vTº-ºº-y p * –--- º 7- 1. Wouldst thou know the joys of Heaven, Wouldst thou find sweet peace with- 2. While up - on thy homeward journey, Friends may fal-ter at Yhy ==e^ i. J–T- *Tºmy vºr ºmy v-º-º-º-º: == E *—l- J - I |- º Æ-º-º. º. Mºl Z A º A- a 4-0 º r | ºf !---- --- Al a', L|e q – ſº snares of guilt and sin. Walk the path of self- de - ni - al, Dai - ly, strife thou wouldst a - bide. Let not weakness, doubt, nor troubles Move thy in Je - ho - vah's sight. Rec-om-pense for all thy la-bors, Thro' thy sist - ent in the strife. Thy in, her - it - ance is tru-ly One of hourly watch and pray; Trust in God through eve - ry heart from pur - pose true, Burst all bands as emp - ty earthly so - journ here, One of Zi - on's bless-ed blessed, rich in - crease, While thy glo - rious fut- ure, { . Ö 2-> ! Q º ( ) © 3. Eve - ry faith-ful, firm en-deavor In , the f glo-rious cause of 4. On - ward, then, let “no surrender” Be the mot-to of your ſ 2-> * - ºr • <> /* \e == , E=- t O O - * F- -—1– Sº; T-tº- +- ---> H III -T-LC *E=E – B Tør-TTT2- III-T ET. Tº T. J.T. & • " | | ºr v-z. 2- | ºry —- ºr * º #2H- —Ha-e- ºr- ----- U ſº -º-F- « in, Let thy life to be giv - en, Shun the side, Weak in faith, may seek to turn thee From the right, Stands for thee a star - gem ev - er, , Pleas - ing * life. . Know -ing God is thy De - fend-er, While per - (ºp-à-º: H E-- *— T-T—TI-7 (* \ ; | [. A 55 +g: ===== *T*E=E=E." tri - al, «» G thy ho - ly faith o - bey. bubbles, And each day thy faith ... re - new. saviors— Such shall crown thy blest Cà, - ſeer. surely, Shall re - dound to , end - less peace.' great love to me ; ( M. 3– 2- S -] ww-w-w-wºm-ww-II —w-w-ww-w f*I-ºf-ºf -º- | *— — turned my But this I know, I’ve felt its worth, And 56 HOLY CALL. “Give diligence to make your calling, and election sure.”—2 PE. I., 10. * CANTERBURY, N. H. as * 2° ſº Æ-à–AEA_*—º. º. º. | -— -- . *— *—- | | « » A---—A- i 2- | | .* . #==H=HEH=HEF=#| * º º L 1. While time is roll-ing, God is call-ing home his cho-sen few; His 2. From the world you're call'd To do his will and praise his ho - Iy name, He'll 3. The Lord is just, He will pro-tect the right-eous with his arm; And -º-º-º-º-º-º-e—e—º-f *—H-E-F- H f #====H –––. | | | | | | wº-wºmy-ºr-wº -º-º-T *mºr-my Ef-i- ºr i-i- # "I U º-T <- | - work in wis-dom is shown forth, Slight not his call to you. crown you with his right - eous - ness, If faith - ful you re - main. f by his ho - ly will di - rect, And guide them safe from harm. •=== *— == H # E – f • ==He =E e º H E { Nº º e ‘. . º Come home, come home, For the Lord calls, “Come Home.” /*N —º-e • *@- 4 He'll lead the wandering pilgrim home, ' To dwell with Him in love, Within those courts of purest bliss, In heavenly worlds above. CANTERBURY, N. H. # -69 1. Lead me, lead me, angels, lead me To the fountain nev - er 2. An - gels wait on thy en - treat-y, Sweet re - sponses greet thy —º-s— dry; Heed me, heed me, an-gels. heed me, … Do my thirsty soul sup- heart; We will kind-ly act our mis-sion Teach thee of the bet - ter º: — -C– * H-H Tº TL, ply. Teach me duty, teach me beauty, In the new and liv - ing part. Wis - dom's valley is the surest, Safest ref - uge from the N O := -e-. Tº o–H – T-I-T-I--—I- -*—ife—e- — H– - Y-y --- ºr-º-º: *—º. 1. – – I-- | e l * • *—— v wºr-ºr-wºr-w . NT v | | Pº | r ºf "um, & A- ſ - a C- | —dº- Wºmſ | A *my wºr-wr-v wºr-wr U-º-º-º: LET 2. HHCas---— º l- E-FE:3-7. Has *— C C. ... I ſº . . . * way; To the sur - est and the purest I would give my life a - way. storm And her fountains are the purest,-Make it thy a - bid-ing home. * -º- as -º- & C > *-* ſº º -º-º-º: TT . J. –––. 58 CEIRISTIAN E-II, GERIMI DO NOT FAILTER. From the Spirit of John Bunyan. A --CCC– © JAMES G. RUSSELL. & FNFIELD, N. H. HNTRFs-Es—=== |-C-C-FEHEER-C-ECE H •--- # ---. – :== *f; 3 & º Chris-tian pil-grim, do not fal-ter: Dost thou dread the tower-ing ===T-º-º- IIFTTTTºTº" –2– | ——f-—r—— +-a--a--- Is IST — =#H#H# Cross? Take it quick-ly, bear it meek-ly, And thou wilt in truth re- *—e—r-a-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-e-2–t & e {é:-b– H-e–E–F–H–E–F–e—e -º-e-F— |-5––e–of–Es–s–o-e-To-Hº-TT–TF-Tº-Hº- *####### —r—ſ-–a–ſa-- b- ===s+ Tºra. In TT *E=#EEEEEEEEE ==2====Eali-e-I:EEEEEEEE: 9. © & @ — - £2 _e Cºmº ºm d ºn ºf A A- gº ºuſ L. f. p. __# -6- €HEğ EEEF-E-H-e— 3–5– —-- v-y vTº-y |-b- ===H-E-2–2+ –––. w-v-ºr-mºrmy mºmºmºmº -- a--a- e º & 4 e- *.. * & - s –6, & ſº &—4----a | & (9 (9 ſº ſº a T *—e !--- –2– * &b-E-º-º: *–H–– *—º-º-º: |- —e—[------|-- mr-w Tºa jº off - (2. —e- ºmº-ºr –H zºº. …- … * * *. 2. Christian pilgrim, do not falter: 3. Christian pilgrim, do not falter: Are there Lions in the way? Is Apollyon coming on? Heed them not, they cannot harm thee, Seize thy sword, prepare for battle, Let not fear thy heart dismay. Here’s a victory to be won. Thine Example, bright and lovely • Tho' the strife be fierce and bloody, Passed these dreaded monsters here. Keep thy zeal a burning flame; Be like him in faith abounding, One has conquered this Apollyon– Pass them without doubt or fear. Thou canstnow achieve the same. 4. Christian pilgrim, do not falter: 5. Christian pilgrim, do not falter: - Hast thou reached the Shadow’d Wale? Dost thou fear the river’s flow 2 Tho' with death-like terrors streaming, One has entered here before thee, Let not now thy courage fail. . Thro' these waters thou must go. IHe who walked this vale before thee, Oh! the glories that await thee Braved its dangers all alone; Just ahead on yonder shore Trust in God thy Heavenly Father, Christian, great is thy deliverance, He will now protect his own. • Thou art blest forevermore. 60. ENDLEss GROwitH. Cantenauer, N. H. nº 1– º º I__N\l T.I. 2- ºr b Tº Tº T —L-1– º º --L--—P-C-F-I-e- Ll * C ſº ( ) -º- P- * * * 1. Ryer chang-ing, ey-er aim-ing Toward a high-er better life; Ev-er 2. Oft re - viewing and re - new-ing Con - se - cra-tions made to God; Oft re- 8. Be it ev. - er, our en - deavor As the sand our time glass fills, To be -z- W ſ Y-Z ºr ºr t ºr-v 2- == A--- gº º º z g” º C. : C- N | & • • N sº-º-º: *ºz- J_. Tº Lºſ *—-P-5 º N N º º ºr { *- * A *— —º. | wº-y II--------- 2 « . # — H ---> U - –2–3–– E 29. Tº C. -ā- learning, ev-er earn-ing, Is the good be-liever’s strife. Light penting, ne'er re - sent-ing. At the test - ing of his rod. Mount- moulded by the Pot-ter. In the fash-ion that he wills. For | ———T-HT-N- E*-a-E-F-Es== Lºmº v-y Jº pl - { º º 'º un - folding, spirit moulding, Is the law of endless growth; Feeding ing higher drawing nigh-er To the realms of truth and love, Tracing he knoweth and he doveth What-so-e'er is wise and just, Let us *N FFFFFFFN-NFFFFFEEEF v-y *EGEHa-H-----R-H I-> +-----f — —dº Y-F * ºf ºf 2, Fº C º —l-L -º- -&- O. -e- thought and word and ac-tion, From the wells of boundless truth. du - ty see - ing, beauty. In the laws he doth ap - prove. all, with hum - ble spirit In his keep - ing place our trust. • [ 2- ——º ~- A- * *—º. Cº -*. sº - Yº Yº Y_* C –sº- 3– :-º-º-º-T- --- ſºl F- – s 2- º- —º- ~ ta- —— * lº- - A—A 61 INVOCATION. CANTERBURY, N. H. #: 1. O list, our Father, to our prayer, As humbly we draw near; 2. O may thy ho - ly spirit rest Up - on this chos-en few; leº-He======== &### F ===== – We e —º- — We *T le We ask thy strength the feet to guide, Thy love, which casts out fear. | And give us fer - ven-cy of heart, Thy per - fect will to do. --~ e—-ſº #ay-º-º-º-E-º-º-º-º-Fºr-º-º-f-p-ºº-º-º-º: leºE==#######:=== Vº & «P -- -ſ 2–2-- |-|-- º sº tº ºr -— hº – z- H ######:s #3; Take from us ev’-ry worldly strife, And give us sav -ing power To We ask the gift of wis - dom, The pre-cious boon of love, The *— 2- 2- & ºf J ºw- tº , - ( - ) - 2- Y-y ºr - u- ~ O -º A … *. *E*—f-_*—º. A_º. *—º. Aſſº–º. *. *—9-h- ºr-ºr ºmy -- U - A Y Y_____ºf_ —-º. mº dº .*. U ſº ºmºmº ( \myº º * ſº m ſm, tº- * 9—4– | A \, , , , , & 4 • *. flºw Y-y Jº = <-- Ng Y-y u-º Y-Tº-y --~~~~~~-------- A—A--- A- ( ^ = g” - 9—b. ÆA–Zºº. - Y__ - - L-L-L-L- U - > * > . . . . . ) vºy A-º-º-º: ( * ~ * *n_-_ -> w-º- --—A- *— —A | —º-º- ºr ºr º g 2- =h w ºf p > - & Ö. | cleanse the heart and bring the life To Thee hence-forth, for - ever. chain of spir - it un - ion Con-necting with worlds a -bove. *my *-e-e—º- name, thy name for- * &º ==e— —T- ſmº 4--A — LIT H-H —T-I-T-I- 2–2–2 w ..º._-_^- … "._^-_- { | ſº sin-sick soul a healing balm. Noth-ing can des - troy or | 2 * > * ſº all God's ho - ly mountain. Beautiful for habi - ta-tion is mount Zion. (.3 A- YT-º-y | - 1, Y-F * > * A--- —A-...--—A- ſº ºf 2 A. wºme e-man-º-º-º-m ºr * A-A- U > d . wº-y i | | righteousness and peace. The wanderer here may find a home, The ! | i J --- ºw- ºr 40- ~my Vº O fº " E.N.I.T. Tº TT Zºº. JTaº: Tººl tº:-E-3–Ef-º-Eß-E **—tº-I-I-I-I-I-I-I ºr - *r-ºr-º-º-ºmrºmº-wºrm, TºT. • 2- A 2- wº-y v-ºr -º Beautiful, beautiful for habi-tation, for habitation is mount Zi - on, *****, zzzare-r-fi Tº a | is mount Zion. Beautiful for habi - ta - tion is mount Zion. | 1. | ~ 21TT – º N Tſ wº —le—e-le- — 64 | vº » 42 g p f ( ) GLORY TO THE RIGHTEOUS. “The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance.” Ps, CXII, G Q. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. t –A–A–A–– • - * º HHEEEEE t– F-7 - H- © — { } H i—"g-- o * o Glo - ry to the righteous, Who can know their work?‘‘I have heard from the ut-ter-most H=Hº # vºn --—-1— I-6 v=w=v-ºr-w-w-ºr-w —i. * - * * = * a sweet ben - e - dic -tion from the #=#E::== vºy jº , — = -- - Q. # - - -g:- Q Hº & \s 2– heav'ns a - bove, Is a crown of recompense and fulness of love, For those who to e. -º- ( ) O mºmº mºme | e ==3–g–E–F#–E–F–Ff=f-pg== #:#; 2-Tº-Tri-ETSENT →+ pre- #EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE:=====H-E-HEPE #: —— —H---—H–p--H-I---— *—— 2–2–1– F–F–Hº-F–H– F--iº— * -T—w-y-F-I- TV Tº * . V 2 - God their service have giv'n While cre - at - ing O Il (28. A rth the King-dom of Heav'n. y- A- -- A- A- * / ~ —l— ^ = 2 \, x_x | #EE::====E=SE:#; —& Fºs H-II–s IF ATIH OF IDTUTY. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. º _--> ſ t A--- a º * .*. … *. -º-º-º-º-A- A-_- a 4-h A. -- * | - .* .* .* A-º-º-º: A 2- º º v-ºrºr ºr ºr-vºm-y w * }. -- e - Y-Tº-y –G– | wr-v-w w *-*--- |-|->|->|- sR-s-s-ſ-3-3-- -as-a-—r-º-º- ======= ====Hºº-ºf-Hºf e-º-Ee-º-e—º- == v are flowers blooming fresh" and sweet. To the weary heartbe-clouded with - -, * =##### 66 f d FAITH'S VISION. “Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God.”— Psa. lxxxvii, 8. , , MT. LEBANON, N. Y. 1. To the Spir - it land we’re hast-ening, Gold - en mo - ments flit 2. Oft its pearl - y gates are O - pened, Floods of glo - ry thro’ be - fore, While each sun - set brings us near -er To its Seem—ing them come; And we catch a glimpse of beau - ty. Just a fore-sight —e–-e- -------------------- ------ N–N-T— --~~ *-º-º-º-º- | N 2- A- (ºn tº A H ſº-º-º- ºg — ºr-wº —N mº sºmé T-I-N: .N. -1 P ºr | *r-ºr i wº-y s + º — | wº-y : Q +REFEF-º- EEE ==E * -k- E-E :==– dis-tant shore. Yet up - on her snow-y pin - ions, Faith will lift our hearts. of our home. Oh, it is by ho - ly liv - ing That we gain an en - —ſºle -º- & —p—p—EE —f E. f f —º-E- ©ºm J - —s—He--—p—e —r- —Hº º .* H–E–EE-H-E-L-E-L- =y-tf —#– w—-H- f\_º A--&- ( 2- LZººl. LT *—º-A-A*-*—-A. aſ T. E ' ' ' ) –H 6t -º-tº- := TULTE to see In the life that is be - fore us Bless-ed im - mortal - i - ty. . trance there; For com-mun-ion with the an-gels, Spot-less robes we must pre-pare. -2—z—a-re-e—e—e—re-e—e-e– C22- - 67 FORGIVENEss. “If ye forgive not men their,trespasses neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” MATT. VI: 15 CANTERBURY, N. H. \ wº-y p flºw TTT ==N= ºr-wºmy -– & ########## « ——A–H -— —— —--------- - N --|-- A–A ºmºmºm-º. –-in-tº-ſº d—º: * º ––––––– > ! y V" ††††: º * W Aº O Shall I for - give? “For - give and be for - giv - en; Where Đă – *H A--A—A-...--AA-AA-A—A-. B- ºr-ºr-wºmy *—- £) º-E-o- —-– Q L Th; –F–F– —º TDſ. TEL } | =: – — L -v-v- –F–– =N==N= Our God, can - not reign. His * . . . .e. • * * * * - =====EEEEE –H– : 2–EłżE V º sal - va - tion, His love is a , ref - uge, A () ——H- –––F#–E–F–e—e—f: -- # –2– A--- e- -- Y- TI, -–a– —o- p—º ºr ~, |Zip-EE #EEEEEEEEEEE '*—------ 2- A. --- H-H - 2- ===Hiſ ===#EFF ref - uge for . . the err - ing And for the strong.” O –2. ºr º. -º- A- e- _-C- wºr-y -O- Y- O ſº * #H#EEEEEEEEEE ==== # –5–2–p–g-r—z= +- W W º º 6 68 SPIRIT worr, D. 66 BRHold, the kingdom of God is within you."—St. Luke, xvii., 21. CANTERBURY, N. E.I. £f TETTI ++-ai-Hºi-º-º: \. FE | J "º "ºº-º-º: & A_\ , tº a sº 1. Bright Spir - it world, bright land of souls, Art thou a -bove the stars? 2. O pil-grim list, look not a - far, Be - low nor yet a -bove; & 2- 7-E-- — > U. Rºº -—be v-y | ----- Y-y 3–– (l zº ze. U- A- am. • 2- º 2- w w - I- ſº Y-Tº-Tº-y dº * Hast thou for me im - mor - tal joys, No grief or sigh that mars? The spir - it world is Truth and Light, Is Mer-cy, Peace and Love. And will the friends who loved me here Still know me as I pass? And as these gifts thy life control Thou hast “Thy kingdom come,” And shall I hear the welcome song Ring o'er the “Sea of glass?” E - ter - nal Life, en - during bliss, With kin-dred souls a home. THE LIFE-BOAT. ** If God be for us who can be against us?”—Rom. viii: 31. Y CANTERBURY, N. H. 1890. º | ========= .*. *—º. ºr 4- •2- A-2- A-. A | Y-Fºr ºr ze. #EEf — al- wº-y == 1. Tho' frail the barque and fierce the gale, Un - seen the Pi - lot's 2. No clouds can veil God’s won - drous love, No pur - pose thwart his 3. When God is for us what the storm | What pow'r his law with- a 3-#-E =f-Hº-5-[a —º-T-H -º- H-Lº-º-E yºu a =vº-º-º-> [ _ºme 2– 2– - " , EEEEET EEE-F#EEz EFF2–F ==HEEz===Ea-i-Ez—rett-El =E={Z}=#EH ==#EEEEZE=E=EH === -d--d- -a- * > hand; Yet as thy day so comes the strength. To reach the “Promised will; Un-dimm’d his sun of mer - cy shines O'er mount - ain, vale and stands ! His wis - dom per - fect,changeless, pure, Our lov - ing trust de- -- mº- º E : - e. • *EEz- Ež fÉ – == + G. 1 -. Ef HHHHHHHH ------I ——l-l— 1– wº- | —H * = ºn | *Hººra-º- Land.” hill. } The life-boat I the life-boat The Spir - it sends it forth; Our mands. ..f O O . ( ) e O £) > mº Amºº - ) EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE| Tz-ETT523- ++? +:Fe-f ==== Fºº- God is mind - ful of our need, And guides its on - ward course. #####H. —f-t-2—e———— d Yº-Yºº-y *—-— ºf = - A P ºn v 2. - #EEEE3– —Ea-le-Hº- =#EE? flººm, #EE ––– &=H –5–F–F–H–H–He—a Hº H-——— IºTECTI Ei \ 70 IE LAVIENT OIF I RES’ſ Ne 1. O glo - ri - ous ha - ven of e - ter - nal rest, Where 2. This beau-ti- ful ha - ven of rest is pre - pared For s—º. +: - =#===== weary so- journ - ers with sor - row op - pressed, May all who in meek-ness of spir - it have shared The * #==========s. TESEs tº v=ºmº- wr - sº & ºf P G º O p & D, ~~~~ –––––––––. — ===G=CH-CH-is ###, --- E- ama amº-rumºmºs º-º-º-º-º-ºh, sºm-º ºmº uºm- ſºmum ſºme 2 amus v- w -º-y G | & | , º find from their wand'rings a bliss - ful re - pose, Where suff’-rings of Christ as be - com - ing their lot, And • Ç _62 | O F- | tº º - A_^_^. A- w º ºmy-ºr-mº-w | | amºmeºmºmº ºt-º Lºudºmº e dºº-º-º-º- ºf ºs ºf mº º Tº Tºmºm 71 bloom - eth the lil - y and count - ed the same as a +z=#EEE reet, fra - grant rose. . wise-ly sought. 8. Such surely are numbered as servants of worth, Though clothed for a season with vestments of earth, A blessing shall follow their faithful career, And rays of bright glory their pathway will cheer. 4. Administring guardians will stand by their side, & Upholding through dangers that often betide, Protecting and cheering with comforting love, While nearing the portals of glory above. . . 5. Take courage, good pilgrims, in faith be ye strong, A host is inviting and helping along, & The progress is sure and you soon will be blest, With blissful repose in the haven of rest. 6. There, there with the blessed Redeemer to reign Supremely in glory, thy infinite gain Will bring thee rejoicing and comfort sublime, And mist in oblivion the sorrows of time. \ ..! INTETINITIEC E,OVE. Tºw * JudgMENT also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet.”—Isaiah xxviii., 11. & CANTERBt, FY, N. H. . 1. #. er than un-fathomed wa-ters, Broader than un - measured space, Is |6. 2. the gen - the voice of wis-dom, Re-gal in her lov - ing sway, Blends | A-4–A- —T-- Y-F --~~~TE-ITNT NTN-pºsit- | ——N ſºm emº-Cº TIN-ELºz-i- Ea-E-F-I- NIT. {{B} -4––5 - *-es-, NEEE: ºf Es-e-Eº-º-T (P is . I P. R. v. We º'- P ſh 1. § than un - fathomed waters, Broader than un - measured space, 2. While the gentle voice of wisdom, Re - gal in her lov - ing sway, N the love of God our Fa - ther, Boundless in re - deem -in grace. Justice holds ma - ter - nal love, dif - fus - ing Mer - cy, light and peace - Way. O en - shrine | N N N = --- ========= º ºt ºliº: Le Ve we s 2 2 * : Is the love of God our Father, Boundless in re - deem-ing grace. . Justice | Blends ma-ter - nal love dif- fus-ing Mer - cy, light and peace al- way. O en- d d p sº ;H- ### —t C —— .2-e º M P-Pºl-e-L F-a an ev. - en bal - ance, Judg - ment to the line is laced, Right - eous - ness our hearts in du - ty, Where no tempt - er can al- lure; Ea - ther, Moth- ſ | … º. a = A-. A tº A- a | NINI III. T. T Q/ ! . * - / . | | We & holds an ev - en balance, Judgment to the line is placed, shrine our hearts in du-ty, Where no tempter can al-lure. 2==== —º- —-Hºº-º-º--Pi—H º un - to the lum - met. In pa - ter - . nal care is traced. er, rich "s less & * JBIold us thine for - ev - er - more. — - *E *E= e- º- TTTTTT U-mº * Le Le º: eous - ness un - to the plummet, In pa - ter - nal care is traced. ther, Moth-er rich in blessing, Hold us thine for - €Y ~ ET = I\OTes &#: t -Ex- =={ e 73 OUIE, CAE’TAINT’S CALL- A CANTERBURY, N. H. ,\ *—A 2- , •. f * Wºmſ mºm ºn 0. ſ Tºmſ. ºr-º-º-º-ºmr 2- v-z —s ~my-my-y v-ºr-ºrmy - wºr-wºr-wºmy ( - - ) #FFF --- U_ºmº, U - Lºſ -4- †Eº-º-E- fºLºmº mºſºmºſº A- ºr We | TV, T º, ºmº-º-º-º-; pe- — * A-. -- 2. Forward, step forward, Gos-pel Zeal re - new ; Upward, step 3. Forward, step forward, Clad in ar-mor bright; Upward, step E9E l --> | r = ### | 2- º *—A | | | | | | | Iſ Jº Jº. 2 ſº - - 1. Forward, step forward, Is our Captain's call; Upward, step |--|-4–4–4– =##== H= & Q & upward, Loy - al hearts, with heav’n in view. Who greater love can upward, Bound for truth, at - tain F- ſ We - & İz-Yº # = s v-º-º: --- | b. ~my 2- | 2- *—& … º.º. º. A a º 74 GOING HOME. “Ye ought rather to Jorgive him, and comfort him, lest such an one should be swallowe •º up with overmuch sorrow.”—2 Cor. ii., 7. CANTERBURY, N. H. 1890 — I ºr * | l - Y-y Y-y -º- º free, Where I know the gifts that my spir-it craves, Are kind-ly spread for - Tº C- -2 © -o- —r & A. w 4-º-º-º: —£9– fºr a — U U ( ) A (O- l 1. —----- .* - | i– *2 ºſ *E*EEff=f Ef-HEPE=Ef Fæ- 9—H-2—2–H–2—H- *H w-r —e—e—Hº E= }: +2 A-º- # ---, 42 U , Yºº - \ºm hºmº- m^mºmºmº M. A mºmºmºmºmºn A—A—H. 2- —T-sº {G}-2–––H. I +-a ==EE Gº == J T Y-y vºy ( ) W | IIYC. I will seek the balm for ev-er-y wound, Forgiveness—God's pur Zºº ( * • w - H * N º vºmy-wºmy--y-my-w wr-r (> SEá==E=Eff- L– O -- ----— —T--- v= \ºm 5– – === N–H HEE f – [TS … º. a =. I-TO.T.T.T. DTI mºr dº º ==#EEEE|H=#H# love; I will take the cross, the burden bear, And with the faithful move. . . a - - —%- -º- * -O- -º-, ºf-a-Ee-à-2–2++++++t-e-a-Hº-Hº- # —HO p— –2– ge—s- LäT2: H v-º-º: A—A- E—a -L-L * + 2- -T- –– 2- ~2. Nº | 2–ºf–Fºrff-FFFFFFFFFE —ſº -|--|z-L-I-T-I-I-I-P----|-- -º- ºr + | V º | W 75 TEIOUTR. O.E." WORSHIEP. CANTERBURY, N. H. Yº-Yº - -— f. ºr A- A- —i-Gi-z-z-i-i-i-i-i-j- Lº-º-º-º-º-º: 3. 2: (D 1. I love the hotºr of wor - ship, Where an - gels gath - er nigh, 2. I love to know, my spir - it Is blend - ing with the pure, " --------- w * * * • /~" ( = } Lº D 2— > ——so- 2 tº EAE-EE-º-Hº-e -- 82–1-fºr---- I - --L--R-A-2– With heav'n-ly in - spi - ra - tion To raise our thoughts on high. That I am ſ: storing treasures E - ter - mal - ly Sè - CUITC. I-E wº-y —— 2- 2- | | | | 2- .*. | | /º, –H–H–He l— P- e-Ha!-H-H ——ºl-L ſº ––G–L-º- -* ºf º- > ~ : = • I love to of - fer pledg - es Be - fore my Fa - ther's throne, And thus I feel ex - alt - ed Yet hum-ble, when I See Which , will re. - deem from er - ror, And draw his blessing down. How good in , all his deal - ings My God has been to me. .*_-_- 76 IRIECCOIME’ENTSEC. L. —oo-ºo-o- | CANTERBURY, N. H. 1. The beauti - ful gifts of the spir - it Are treasures I 2. I’m finding these treasures im-mor - tal, And sing in the | 3. I on - ly sur - ren - der the world-ly, And joys of tho { /*N - , , A-, * Z. . . —fº = Hit-e -º- -e- -a, -º- -a. —I-I-I-I--- wº-y L-T-I- —T-T—T- ==HHHH ºr t — | ~~- º - —1– - HºHºa, - cov-et as mine; I’ll earnestly seek to in-herit The wealth of the joy of my soul; Their glory in - creasing for-ever, New pow – ers, new spir-it a - bound; I on-ly pray earnest- ly, humbly, And an - gels are & /*N zºº, -º-º-º- –P –º. f: -e. ( EP Hº-E.------E. A H– —l-l } A--A— —- 2- A--- A 1 - . | | Sºmez. —H--H –H | F-F—H–H2— #T i **. .—D—# *my-º-ºrºmyºmº-vºz ſºmº- Y-y * * ºf wr-w-w |- —— &# –––F–FEI- ===E |{{B}=º-H ſº- sº- :-º—#–E–F––Ko–Kº– |: ) * , ( ) | king – dom di - vine. This earth hath no text – ure, Il O vis - ions un - fold. I ban - ish 3. thought that is hov' - ring a - round. I know that the chan - nels aro /º { } | —£2– =HE:= =f ſº | /*:N ###E ſ &—º Ko- | w—wr —l- vºy-ºrºrºrºrº tinting, Which lus - tr; or beau - ty af - ford, Like that of the e - vil, And pu - ri - ty reigns in my heart; Its sweet-ness is while the true spir - it - ual gra - ces We fash - ion in serv - ing the Lord. cheer - ing and precious, I pray that it ne'er may, de - part. king - dom we're gain-ing, Sup-plies am-ply meet the de - mand. * TTTTTTTºTº-Tº-Tº-Taº - Tax- # ſº * -- G . —l v-y —HT-I- TT. Tº Ti LL I I - — PRAISE GOD. “I will praise the Lord with my whole heart.” — Psa, CXI., 1. ... • MT. LEBANON, N. Y. * - sº Q_º_Y_º * * * > | A. \ mºmºſºme mºmºm En - ter His courts with songs of thanksgiving, Bring forth ob – la – tions from * f :=#—#–E–2– *E*EHEEE---- ETT-ti | *Tºmº-º-º: x ºr --~~~ | hearts sin - cere. Praise God, praise God. Here in His tem -ple where tempo. 7°ºf © © 78 PRAISE GOD. ——A-–A– 1– --———- -R-N-ER-E---|--|--|--|-- H===s== saints are as - Sem-bled, Heav - en and earth in com-mun - ion meet. ESE *—4–A– *#= flºº d sº ºf M \ºm (mº- ºmºmºm (, ºr mºm mºs -- P--- --~~-_-_- wº —£4—H an ºm m ( → ~ * : * ~ * 4 =º — – J– *sm Y-Tº-y A-_^. – *** *-* * * – == == ſº w L-NLI; . \ | *-i- ===EEEN- N– z----- –– –– ſ *:::#–E–F–º-z-z-fºr-º-º-º- –––F–F–F–F–F–L-- ###====Hº-Hä=H====#EE= A-_^. *. / • Here souls may feel His ho - ly unc-tion ; Know of a truth that God still lives. - wºm | - | – , - . ---. º . º: * | ºr-º-wºmy-ºry 2– T 1– -º-, -g- -2- Tº TE → T. Tº Tºº Tſº-Tº-Tº-T TTETI — —-------- —[–F– u-ā- [ _º - Yº y -Eſ---— 0. H–F–. -*-- ºr-º-º: ºr-ºr - es | Praise Him for-ev - er, praise Him forever, Praise Him for-ev-er, ev - er-more. For 2. … *. … *__* A. Y-Z <- grºw =#H#Ha =–4——º–A– *__ #:*##: === Tºsſ- O —E-v------—r –0 —º # A A- A--A A A—A---—A—A- A-A*- ſº A-, * > . . . w—w-w ſºm-º an ºvums –ur-a ºrºr A ..º.º. º. * ===º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-, -um, 4 - - , , *w-a- sºw-> *my-my ºr vºy v-ºmº v-v-wr | | tº-º-º- A—º-º-º-º. AEA & AEAA. hºme A- 2- ºmy-my x 2 ( × 2 4- w YY Y- > « » w *º-ºw •uº ºf \s emº x > - v-y A *r-ºr E. Iſ * > . . wºr-ºr v-ºr v=v, Tº" ) & | 2- & M \, 2- ze. *—A—A-. yºu-ºmºm mº-º-º-º-º: * * * tº- 4- *—º-º-º: --- ƺ. A. ym º ºs w * = * Y-º-º: =0. vºmy 4 e o { i– A-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- Y-Tº-T-7 ) lſ t • * 2- - 2-—A-º-º-º: Æh. *- 2- A- A- A- 2- y ^ , 2- 2- A- 2- ſº o 79 PRAISE GOD. 2-A-N-Hº " TøTTTTNITTTTTTN -ºrd ºº ºn 5 -º-º- mum ==HE # 3 Fº-º-º-tº-º-º- d • =w= *—A h —1–- w - º \ d & Therefore praise Him, worship and adore Him, Bring precious gifts to the Throne of Grace, And -g- * *si - * * : *... . . . . . . . . . . . . ;- 9*######## º ##########EEE " —- 4––––?-Lº ſº-º-º-º-º-Lº-fi PTT. T.T., LLI-P-P-II --~ =====s=== F-T-9-5 2–2+–F– *=-t—"—”–2–3– -º-º-º-#2–2–2– e 9:#H#H### EEEE —º-º-e 2-2-Eif 2–2–0-t E. ~ | n + N | *ET —A–R-—Fºº--s——N-I-- * ###EEEEg=a+:Hº-sig== =====#EEEEEEE join with the an - gels and sing forth your praises till earth will re-ech - o the m -º-" -º- -d-. -º-, -º- +2- iº is: - - s:###–E–F–F–4–5–5– # F#–E– º– 3–3–2–3–H 3: EEE ############# *Ama-A —º-º'-- Tº TETTLEITZTETZ PTFTP Y-Tº- -> -ºs- | *H = == –– !---T- H --- sºlº CT ######E Lººs---|--|-- ==EEE ===2#; T ===============a+ ---- Sound. Then sing forth prais-es, Sing, O sing, Sing forth prais-es, | –ſ--- * > --- | v-Tº-Tº-º-º: EEEEEEEE| H2FF —23—H wº-y- T- - Nºv-y-y ) —H– -º-º-º-º-º-º- un - to God €W - €I* - ID OTG. |~! 2—º-d-----—— wr wr-er --— —— #EE –2—Hø—£2– –F–F–F–F Prais-es un - to God, 80 STURED IFIFOMISE. l —oo-ºo-o- PLEASANT HILL, KY. d CANTERBURY, IN H * ~ | /*N LT- -H TT. - —-] —P- IIT º f º i *—& - | ºr 1– 2- E ºr –E - -e- – 2- !- ~ 2 =} ſ: £ :*-*—a EF • * - A - > | 1. My Soul, im – mor-tal, can-not live . On gross ma - te - rial things, . 2. O. Fa – ther, give me dai - ly bread, And, wine that's ev - er new ; º 3. The earth is promised to the meek, E - ter - nal life be - side; 4. O then let noth-ing rob my soul, Nor an - y doubts pre - vail; {} as ze. … *_*. A , .º._^-a- –5– PEEE gmſ. × 2 | | And all the wealth this world can give, No last -ing com-fort brings. No fam -ine then I need to dread, Nor what my foes can do. If heav-en’s king - dom they would seek, Their Fa – ther will pro - vide. For while e - ter - nal a - ges roll, His goodness shall not fail. TN-> /*N . ſ : ‘s … * Sº 5- *..., I– ºr Yºr-PHEEEEEEEEEEE Then let me la - bor for that meat Which ev - er will en - dure, While anx - ious cares of earth-ly toys, So ma - ny millions wound, He feeds the ra-vens when they cry, He clothes the smiling mead, I need but lit - the here be - low, Have lit - the time to learn, | w b S ^ | | –2. X-in-ºil–i- --~~|~~E ####: H{-ºf- == ——i-H. Sº 5-– *r-ºr } |- G mºmºſºm, — dºm. º ) = -2-3- -& ºf • D That food which saints and an - gels eat, That hidden man - na pure. My spir - it feasts on in - ward joys And pit-ies those a - round. And will he not my wants sup - ply With ev'ry thing I need? Then O that world to which I go, Shall be my great con - cern. 81 º BEAUTIFUL SHORE. | “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.”—Rev. vii., 17. MT.” LEBANoN, N. Y. Andante. «» - tº 44–F– ==== ##g=g ITZ2T. 1. Time's dark billows and tempests may roar, Yet will I sing of that beau-ti-ful shore, 2. Gladsome the spring of that fair happy land, Blossom and fruitage in glory ex-pand, 3. Pil-grims who tarry, your time yet abide,Slowly re-ceding is life's ebb-ing tide: º_e ſº. N & Cºm Where the chill win-ter of life shall be o'er, Ne'er to re-turn to the soul. While the soft breeze from its em - er - ald strand, Scent-la-den float to us here. O - ver its sur-ges your spir-its shall glide Safe to that beau-ti- ful shore. ſº s—º-º- O— -T- -j- £º Hs -º-E-L-L |-i-Sº. s © º–2 i H2—s | V V TNTNT !---——- –Cºl— * > ſ' Blest summer land, free from, sorrow and gloom, In fadeless beauty our spirits shall bloom, * Love builds its mansion all pear-ly and bright, Rising in grandeur in rose-tinted light: Hap ºpy the tho’t if our hearts are made pure, We an in - her - it-ance there shallse-cure. /*N – fº- — - 1.- I P-2–2–2– E While the earth cas-ket in- her - its the tomb,Sea - sons su-per-nal will roll. 'Tis for the bless-ed,whose robes are made white, Heav-en-ly homes have been rear'd. Hope still confides in the prom-is - es Sure, When here our journey is o’er. BºžH=##### ######| –2–2–2—2–2 —H2—2– 2–tº–2—2–H–9–EEE2–H ==HH-F#–E–F– P 82 A. NETW SOING-. MT. LEBANoN, N. Y. *mºr *- v=v, ſº ſº Gºs - Y ===N=## L|e -TFE- L’s mºº Lºſ Iºſ I Lºº : I RT-I- -º-ass-a- -e Let us sing, let us sing, Sing un - to the Lord a New Song. Let 8va. ſº Q Q {} Ç C. •. ( ) Ö ( ) © Q us raise a joy - ful sound a joy - ful sound to the Rock of our Sal - vation. Give unto the Lord the glo - ry due his name, Bring an off'ring and come in - to his courts. Give un-to the Lord the glo- --- - A--A—A-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-A—A-..A-. 2- zº- *—º-º-º. A 4-A—º. P- - vºy wºr-wºr-wºmy—wer-w-w w wºrv *mºv-v wº v-y vºy *my-º-y ſº- ſ { } 2- - A—º-º-º-º: A---—A- 2- - | * , , L F- - - ----- wº-y v H– DT { * * U ºn A_ _ _ _ Y-Tº-Tº-TV A—A-A* A—A---—A- ſ_Mºmº Yº - C frºm ºf . Ú Y-y C C. H- ! 4- Wºmº-mºmº_*(Y__ U ºmºmº tº ºmºmºmº Ú ºr *. U- uſ -º-º: ( ) aſ *. w 2- d º Aº A-hº A–A–A–A ſº-ſº Y-Z ſº T ºf ſº fly ºf ºmºfºº ºr ºmºfºº º U_º U → Y . . . ſmſ \ºm ºxº ºr v º gº 83 † A—A---—- "T f vºy =f vº -º-- –?—— —gººd- un-tó the world the L or d reigneth Say unto the world the L or d reign- ſº º ( * -º- -49- - º º: | sº ſe: -I-9– # A- =#= **E*:E -sºº. Bºž U- > * : * Q. C º – º 0. – be joy-ful and all that is there - in. Exalt the Lord and worship at his 2-> * * /~ ... mºm, *rºr Y-y Y-Z sº ºn a #3:=###### -l ºr-º-º: 2- —t--I- ####, . # —t-t——-r- wº-y ——º-Hºº-º-º-c- ho-ly shrine. For the Lord our God is holy, And his people must be holy. -º P. ##fe-tºº--e. ºr | wº-y - U [ e A- | || H e-ºf-ºf- - I-I-II--- | T v-z Y-y J T ºr e * * HAPPY MANsions. “In my Father's house are many mansions : *** I go to prepare a place for you.”—John xiv., 2. Mt. LEBANON, N. Y. To the bright and happy mansions in our Father's care, We are go-ing, we are #t===::=# | v w wºr-v-v-y e &= ** — I-K–A– +-A—A-N-F-A-2–E- | 3–4–3–2–E–3–7–2– V V V V e - vil may we car-ry to that dark and 6–– # = * * Thro' this vale – º –––? ſº N ( * Y-F 6–––FA —|--|- ſº v-rº-'Tº-Tº-y H-H Gº-H- HEHe—I –––f Hi- –4 # –9-ºf-f-0–º-Tº-Tº- ** H=#### lone . . . . let us journey, With faith never falt' ring,led by truth and love, Pass the * ; $ | ! --—- — |--|-- 85 STA ER OF EURITY. UNIon VILLAGE, OHIo. * * –- ºr * Y- U-a-A =8 g º r . º * # O ) 1. O bright-er than the morning star, Is the heart that's pure, and free; l 2. The gems with-in the o-cean deep, And the wealth her cav-erns bear, ſº —N_ | || j | • Le A Lºs • Tº Y-Z DºTT [. And the light that's ev - er glow-ing there, The Star of Pu - ri - ty. Let the o – cean and her caverns keep, In darkness hid - den there. :-e- º * The sin shall wane, the stars go down, And reign of time be o'er; But the But O, al - might - y Fa-ther, send Thine an-gels from a-bove, TO * -e -sºº. 42° e -e —L- \ liv-ing light in the heart that’s pure, Shall shine for - ev - er - more. . kindle in my heart a fire Of pu - ri - ty and love. - A- A-AA- A vºy 2- vºyY-y º w 2-ºr : . g” e '• 86 THE MERCIES OF THE LORD. “The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting.”—Psa. ciii., 17. CANTERBURY, N. H. e = g” ſ—--> —Ne——A—- ū- ————A––A. wº H == Y-y ==== g- =HH := 2Eitzi--~~~-tº-e- :EHEBEF: U- `-- * l Will sing, . . I will sing of the mer- cies of the Y-y *E* == === —f-re- FF ==E====EEPEALEHEEEEEEEEEE ======E= –– I Will Sing, - - - - A -—— U- we ºw- = \ms wº ———————-— A *—ºm. |— —--N # =FF --> -- O +2– –s----|--|-- EdTTE e- dº Y-Z —t-d Ejirºtº-ji=tº- f_* = , —l —l –C– TºS-T Q for ev - el', ev – or, ev – er. Bless-ed •. - | —ſº- e X —s—º–º–Lø EE *-E?–g-pº-º-TE)- v-Tº-T-7 ====#====#EEHHºF H===========A== mer - Cies Of the Lord fol' Bless–ed --Tº--N-N----A—R—A—A— Fº-º-º-HiFift= Y-y d—d—--G-G-G-G- peo - ple that know sº G –º *E* — ==9. iºd——— the joy - ful Bless - ed ºf-F#H#H# g—-2– + -a-. p---> iS the peo - ple 87 THE MERCIES OF THE LORD. & —-A— —A— - i .** ——º––P. &—+–-6––G– *—---w--w- They shall walk, O Lord, ill the f :2 . N–-A—H–A–1--—-R-N-- ======#===#EEEE 2= FºEP-FF ºr Omºm m. --~1– C & A_2 & A_º_*-* ——iº— ! ( | ! 1 | { vT- T ºr Uºmº- ºr ºn º f_* ºf *mm- ºr um —ſ--A——N TN A. — *—A 3–in–in–in–H–F– Eºfe- #EEEEFEREEE ET P-p+2=4=====E==== *E*===E*=#EEEEEEE –––––a–H–5–2--—s–à–-e- light of Thy truth, for Thou art the glo - ry of their strength, - - - —ſº- a - - « » i- ~ * O - –A–A–A–––2–3–tº–------------ :-b- Tºi º Tº I =FFFF ====HERE-FFHE 3-2-7L ==E=E=E={j=#EEz-Z-7–7–H–HE — .*.*-*—A-AA O —l vºsr-vºy =EEE2–C–H -> —— ( , –F– EF- — —i– -4–w— •– —-H V and in Thy name shall they re - joice, andl in Thy right - eous - ness shall N | 2–~ #–p- —s— —ºe—s— -e--—?— A-A-º. - 9: *E —º EF --- # •------- —"—E —- #| Etta • TEEEEEELt.-H. TøT | --~ \ºf | } ! SOVING-. “Blessed are they that sow beside all waters.”—Isaiah xxxii., 20. –o-o-º-ºoo- MT. LEBANON, N. Y. 7– § - –*— s-T 2- Tſ. 2- – v=w --N- ====#EEEEHREE iº | e-à-gº-gº---- & 1. The sun fails not, nor the dews and showers, The sea-sons in their 2. In faith we plant, waiting long in prayer, Still trusting that the 3. Who toils in love, with an earn-est heart, His la-bors in the º * Cºmº . mºm. D. u º ºr mºtº - 2 egº:= | Eºsi-º-º-; vest from the seed we º or - der come and go; So we look in faith to the high-er pow'rs For a har- pre-cious seed will live, And blessed fruit-age in due time bear, God sure- Lord are not in vain; The good we here in truth im - part. To the spir- T [s * \ſ Æk—&º º T ºr Q e. lº- Tºº Clº Tº Tº l \ —HT-TT i —Cºleſ A -º-T ly will the in-crease give.}Let us sow, let us sow, With a free it will re-turn a - gain. Let us sow, let us º { U #EEE su-º-º- mºs */ •—e—e-le-aft-e- and lib’ral hand; Let us sow, e let us sow, O - ver the sea and the land. &# Let us sow, TE-E- | | & | so-ºº-º- La M º Lºſ rº- Vº *†J a º e Le * Jºi II | . º Tº º ſº º 89 BRIGHT DAY. “Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God hath shined.”— PSA. 1, 2. • CANTERBURY, N. H. 1891. W - Cº- There has come unto thee, O thou Zi -on of God, A day of thanks-giv-ing and —ſº- - - -G2a -O- * prayer; With thy sons free and strong let thy daughters re-joice, And •ſº- —£9– -º- $:- &P | y bless-ed be the heart that is pure. The heart that is pure and the hand that is true, The feet swift to car - ry glad news I will -º- -Q- gird with my strength and clothe with my love, And my pow'r in their spirits renew. # dº” 90' FAREWELL VAIN WoRLD “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.”—Col., iii., 2. GARRET K. LAwRENCE. 1835. ( ) MT. LEBANoN, N. Y. \ ſ # ºfs : -º- : N-" --- ... Tºy" 1. Fare - well! fare-well vain world, farewell! I find no rest in thee; 2. Fare - well, vain world, I say once more, I’m bound for Canaan’s land. 3. He can command the roar -ing tide And si - lence all my foes; 4. Tho' shin-ing mil-lions sailed be - fore, Who gained the port a -bove; 2- º ~ o 2-> 9-#—H-H-I-T-I-HT-- **-uºum A-mm Zºº – –H–C–H–2 CEE == s—2–H FFFF == Ef U-4 {{B-2–Ha-CH2—Ha—H· ºf: —ºf H-H-H-H–2–Ha– e J | || N ºr " **-*H: +--e-a- --> O -º- | Thy great-est pleas - ures form a hell Tôo dark and sad for me. I See ºt, hap – py world be - fore Pre - pared at God’s right hand. With cour-age safe - ly I can ride Thro’ ev - 'ry wind that blows. Found nothing in old Ba - bel's store, That they could prize or love. _f = 2 + 2. ~~ →–2– &#####EEE:E3 Há–####H ~ –62 ( ſ | –62 |--|-- F-I-2– 2-> o 2-> º N. Y. ..]_ -–1 . | | – | | — –2– 2–Hz —- +-2— z-Fºr-Ez- | Fes-Hº-E-2– H2– z-Hº-3-#Hz –2—H2— Iº 28–2—H-2— _* ºr ver—ºr A-A-A--A—A —— 2- ~ A - las, a - las! I have too long Pre - fered thy sin - ful crowd, On life's tem-pest - uous sea I sail, While countless bil - lows roll, Then as I dai - ly homeward steer, To - ward the land of peace, That ev - er - last - ing glo - ry bright, Will tar - nish all be - low, ~ a 2- . * . _2 + ſí. , 4- 24 tº #if f : . 2 S / 0 –2–E–F–F–F–2–H–H–He–F–F–F ~ ## EE E. *H=F ——— Q– — v H-H-F=S-H- {{P}–2 3–2–HºH2===HE Uºmº | | SL2– *—º-º-º-A—A- =A=º-º. –6–4–23–2, 2- wº-ºº-ººr e J –2–2. -->- 7 7 -3- zºº *_ i-N-º ! I lis-tened to your si - ren song, While mer-cy called a - loud. But Christ, my pi - lot will not fail, With Him I trust my soul. This world does less and less ap - pear, And all its charms decrease. Just , as the sun's me - ºri - dian light, For - bids the stars to glow. |2- 2- cº e = -(2- --~~~ A- —£2—ſº wº-wº- ºmº-ºr v ºr-wºmy zº- | Jº 22– RPH =HIH-ſº-T-Z-T-Z-Ef-f-a-T-zz-Taz.T. —s—º-F—— (SºCº |--|--—H--—H–——H- #EAEEE?== * –E==E2 ==2–H–F–C–E2–H–H–H–H– a—º- I- Qºm. A —l-—l-º- -—HT- C. 91 GOD’s BLESSING. CANTERBURY, N. H. 1. As the dew of the morning, Or as bright riv - ers roll; 2. As the dawn of the morning, Or a heav - en - ly ray; ---- | 2— ====E====E: Hºef-E —ſº *-z —2–2–L. – — is \ ©Et-EE ======# l * * Tºº- | So free-ly God's bless - ings Flow in - to my soul. His glo - ri - ous bright- ness Il - lumines my way. gº-e d | I’ll walk in His pres - ence . As one great - ly blest; I’ll sing of His fa - vor, I’ll mer - it His love; | Tº ſº ( . 1 rº º - * * { º - º « { J ºſ º' —T v=v-wr ——— ------ TU dº- —£2—& g- g— | º On whose soul the love of His work is im - pressed. By hon - est en - deav - or My loy - al - ty prove. | 92 BRIGHT vision. CANTERBURY, N. H. | in God in works of truth, In love which o-ver - comes the earth. Tº | || 2––2–E– Za` —w- lºſs T-ly- Tº T C. & |\º’TFTTNT | I--L-- -—ſ-- Zaº-º-º-Tº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- | Lºſ ºr vºy - 93 SWIBXPET ASSTUF.A.N.C.E. –e-o-º-ºoo--—— MT. LERANON, N.SY. {#EEEE *rºmº-ºr-º-º-º-wºmy ºff-as-i-º-; - º, , , , 1. I feel a sweet as - sur - ance Of im - mor - tal - i - ty, T---- 2. The voice that called my spir - it To res - ur - rec - tion light, 3. Faith looks a - bove earth's tri - al, While hope transport - ing sings, 4 –H–C–H–62–-- v H A—A------- - -, -º F--- :---&as-Hº- ==== | -j-E-L-º-º- – It shines thro' doubt and darkness Like sun - light o'er a sea. And bade me cleanse my garments Till they were clean and white, How bright the fut - ure prospect Of heaven and heavenly things I wr-v-w H.--—H-H º vºy * v-z. ---. I-I-I-T-I- —NS-E-HH-T——— 2- O bless - ed con - so - la - tion The balm in Gil - cad Still chides in love and mer - cy, And shows the glo - rious Still joy - ful - ly the bur - den With kin – dred hearts I’ll iž-F = O MT. LEBANON, N. Y. C, TDEE-L-T-TTNTRT – –––F–F– gº ge ========= E-SE ==EHESEEE ** ===================== || 1. Be... thou my guide and stay, O Ho - Iy Spir-it; Thy 2. Faith draws my soul to Thée, Come dwell with -in; All | 3. Bliss of the an - gel life, Free, from re - morse, Hope 4 #EE:==== F==-º-p-f-a-L Ç -º-, *mum –. L. “ 4- & ºm. -T –F– — |*P-p-4—i-––a–ſe- s e====E======= |ÉER=NEESEEEES ==5––º-Ezº-g–3–Eg—3–*::= sav - ing love al - way O may I merit. Sin oft my #k: ning shad - ows flee When light shines in. I cow-et O the chris – tian strife, Joy of the cross. Tho’ now my --—&——º--—fx-e º jº-Tº-E E-º-º: |S-5-5 is . +H: -º-º: Bº-E-SEEEESE====EE *2---ºf-a-N-a- '- my-ºr ===== & Nº Mºre &ºm A-\mu^ &T wºr-v-ºr & &– –sº - cº—es-- m ºf Y__ t path be - Sets, Clouds of doubt hang drear; Earth’s gifts the best; An - gel love would share, Mount - feet must tread Heights of Cal - va - ry, Thus e. º ~N~~~N~NTNTETTT — 2.É.-->==E=EEE —: ºy-----——s-----&––ºf– = zººm U- A yºu … *-a-... .º. --- v-y —L-—Gº- o care my heart for -, gets When Thou art near. ing to ho - li - ness On wings of prayer. comes true rest in God, E - ter - nal - ly. 96 HALLOWEID PEACE. Enfield, W. EI. ^ #F#FFFFFFFFFFF; EğEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE|{# -g-- ===-g-g-------- º 1. Aft - er true re - pent - ance, aft - er the voice of prayer, 2. Aft - er con - se - cra - tion com-eth the ho - ly peace, – L__N __N N N s |{e}: #Eff--- *— fºr tº:-Hº- Cº- + Číž –––2 EEE’E2E2=====E-e=== |— :8: Y-Tº-Tº-y (D ( , -------—H- v-y + -T-E N= —N — H |--|-- —s-e- O © - vºy w & Aft - er the full res - ig - na - tion com - eth the full #" • CPC8,S62. 2- T2--~ J. II C Hº-Hºº-º-º-º: —º-º-º-º: amºmº O Cometh a spir - it - ual bless - ing crown - ing our sorrow and care. Pºl I—62 ºl. wº-y « 2- Nº ºl- º- Fresh as the dew of the morn - ing, it quickens to new- ness of life, Per - fect the rest in the ser - vice, and broad is the growth in this love; Linking with joy and de - votion all our bur - den and strife. Sacred the bless-ings descending free from the fountain a - bove. f := N 2. ==y BOUNTIFUL. “They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun Might on them nor any heat.”—Rev. vii., 16. CANTERBURY, N. H. 1890. Livoto. -&- & w O let us not hunger nor thirst, The fruits of the spir -it abound; The | rich -es of im-mor -tal truth I’m reap - ing on hal- low - ed ground. } - W My gos - pel companions, we’ll rise, Re-joice in the light of to - day; We (, . -º- -º- See as nev -er be - fore, How God doth his mer- cy dis - play. © 98. MINISTERING ANGELs. f MT. LEBANON, N. Y. ---2–––H–A-T—HE ——H-1 Eff *EEEEE ENFEHF 1. Who can tell what count-less an - gels, Throng our path -way here be - 2. When our feet are worn with climb -ing, And in flow - ery paths we 3. At the morning's dawn they’re o'er us, Thro' the noon-tide's heat and 4. Oft our eyes are closed in blind-ness, And our ears are deaf to r -] º wº-vºr A- —- > e. A-. A-. <- – == ======FFF ——!—r- ſº –––– Y-y —— -- * O. } -— v=w A- | *-z – A-_º-º. —— -- -º-º-º- ºn, -) 2- d_ºmºmºmºmºs --- 2-—- Y-y f Y . A---—A---—A-A-M-A-A---—--A—A- - / #EEENENIEHEEREF=====EEE −2======E===w=====E=E=E===7– low ; Who can tell what cares they light - en, On their Stray, Choos-ing oft to lin - ger long - er In fair care; And when shades of * twi - light deep - en, They are hear; Still like cloves they hov - er o’er Uls, When wo v-, ºr A - yº- vºy v v-ºr-vºmºrrºmºr-ºr Y-Fºx -Tº-F ºr-º-w A- a º ze. 2- A- º w ---> zº r *—- 7TN-T – SUZ *H= —— | .*—A-A- --- .* A—A---—A---—A-.A.---—A---—-º-º-º-A. A. *—a. —— A- * * * = wºm. , A—º- –-...- 9:# --— L. —— —— ———-l. ºr v wr-r—r-r = 2- H -- vºy-v-, ºr ºr H--- –––––N-RETTE -N––– ºr-ºr H=H ======E===HEEEE mis - Sion to and fro; Sent of God, these ho - ly pleas - ure's Sun - ny way; Then in tones of sweet re - near to heed our prayer; Thought too vast for com - pre think not they {LI*@ Il (28.I. Let us list their gen - the 99 MINISTERING ANGELS. #HFNH=N=N-F-T, HE-F A--A → - - H–-N-Hº s—º- ºr-º-º: #EE v-Tº-Tº-y # ============-aº-Hº-E-F-F—º-CEEZEE: ——-—*— —r- ——l -I ––º-- – H ––– ºr-v-º-º-ºmr-v-v-ºr-y Watch-ers, Ev - or hov - er round our hèarts; Cheer us prov - ing, Whis-per they of hope and love; Tho' the hend -ing, That the friends we’ve loved of yore, We can foot - falls, Let us heed their voice of love; For their #– --~~T –2– —— | #. -*-ºſ & T – 2- Tº Lº- wº-y —C- -Cº- ——— tº mºm ºmºmº º |- l wº-ºº-y ( - mººſ ºf Mºmºſºmſ ºf , ºf , ºº sº ET-T- Cº. © Nº cº- ºwº-ºº-º-º-º-º-Y_\{\{- 2- – 2*:-2--—-A-H- #——º–—#——Ha-i--——# ——— *mºr-mºrmy C– ===F | —- -z-- -(-)- -2-e F#m-i-LINTEFETRIE ºl-lº – emº m ' ' |* A yºu ºvº-vº * *=( - +* — iA º --G---------—— --zº-s - - 1 —-- {{B A–a–a a –a–0. ===Hº- -d–a– D 4 × when our life seems drear – y, with the strength their love im - parts. mount of life is rug - ged, There is sun - shine up a - bove. know and feel their pres - ence, Clasp them to us 8,S be - fore. pur- pose is to guide us To their heavenly home a - bove. ºf-3 === E. ====== =Ex== #E ==== # TFTHT: ; ### | -—23–F– #: # N N ------- —l wº-y ---- ( - ºn Y º_* \ºm L -] wºº A-4---—A--A. === =====HFHFN-FM-ºf-ºf-Fa- =====Frºis-ses- –2–s–-N--N-tº-º-º-º: =F2F TIEETº Tfliº Fº-º-º-tº-2-3-2 g——2––G–E––65— V A---—A—º-º-º-º-º: Cheer us when our life seems drear -y, With the strength their love im - parts. Tho' the mount of life is rug-ged,There is sun - shine up a - bove. We can know and feel their presence, Clasp them to us as be - fore. For their pur- pose is to guide us To their heavenly home a - bove. –47 ( ) Ö l - AA—A. #=#E –F–F–F–A–– 100 NOT ONE SPA RE&OW. -so: Gºo-o- MT. LEBANoN, N. Y. ###### Not one sparrow is for - gotten, E'en the raven God will feed; Q *AC. Pººr- E- As Nº i ºl I P- *-Jº-A- –– --- TR-R-T-T- T IT E. L." *——l-l. º, Lºſ lºº. Tºlº" || | | | | | Wºº J. Tº º ITNF-i-TE º L s- *— Lº * Lºs º ſay Cº. ſº- vºy Úºmſºm, wºm- º U-Yº, \ºdº . . . J | A- U Y.Y__ O \º’ Tºº - Y-Tº-Tº-y v-Tº-Tº- Y-y Y-Z G 2. ". Jº – e º - 2 = z: Hº-s—s-s-s And through faith and prayer, my Mother, Merit thy protecting care? 101 BLESSING's OF TODAY. Canterbury, N. H. A-a-A ſ T || | W. • A sº "y Q Q 1. o the bless - ings —P —º- • * , rich and ma - ny; Which are mine to 2. E'en the path - way where I wandered Is . -º-, te amº * il - lumed with share to - day ! All the fount - ains heavenly light ! . Showing where are Y. ſº s & * & b of God's good - ness Seem to "" er-ror's foot-prints, Where the e. o - pen in my way. steps to glory's height. Stength- en when I Grown while strick - en 'neath the rod climb the steep : Guide Bless - ed -- SOIls me through the ====== of in - struc - tion dai-ly sow - ing Sent to lead me home to I Till E - ter - nal Life * * A. & ** «» D \\ ſ Q * g” f t N - - © - & o \ , MoRNING LIGHT. \ —o-oº-ºo-o-º- / JAMEs G. Russell. ENFIELD, N. H. . . . - | } t —C) e 1. The glo - rious morn is dawning; All hail its blessed 2. Ac - cept the cross with pleasure; Nor murmur by the ====FRF #### ( * * * * v=ºmum, ammu, -e- -º- &T& . –63– light! Come home ye weary, wand'ring, Now ends the gloomy way, What-ev - er be thy measure, The sum which thou must ==# —o { Fo | e º e night. The ra - diant orb of glory, Now rising full in pay. O may the promised blessing, Thro' faithfulness be 103 | e www-wºw Tw-ww.-----—w-w- ºr -C - -, -º- ***. . . . . view, Bespeaks the gladsome story, That Christ is come thine, Salva - tion’s prize possessing, Thy crowning theme _* is * =z-z-z- #2 • , s e to you. Come home, ye wand'ring souls, diº- vine. ! * -e? l—l N: *-*1–1–tº– -—l - T A-º-º-º: – wº-ſº wºr-Yºsr º — ST] l | ſº-, *s ºr ºr —º- – | ſºm - - , ººmy x = | * = & A__ … * º-T -— ---------------- a------ TºT&T d Come home, — ºr List ºf =====Fº || DIT & GTº TºI. ––––– O | - | we Sal-va-tion's sound most sweet - ly rolls. In desert wilds no º º O A W. —£5– T —- ſº--- DIT —g—g— ºr ºf ºr a s : vº. | *-> 4 * : *= F--——— A- [T& — — . * —23––– —r- w—w -------- f *-e tº P | *-i- ºf- … *_- z \ z =. v-ºmrºy Aº vºmy * s Y- « » | | . . . º § 2–2–2 A-N , gº | wº- wºve -ºc mºmumºv-- ºw-wºw-wºw ºwns ºu umumus come home. RESIGNATION. “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee.”—Isa. xxvi., 3. \' .* • CANTERBURY, N. H. = *º º :#– v=uw-wºw ºw-www.we, ^_* ºn & [ - > amºmum e ºp | | G Ep 5-a-s-s-Hº-Hº-HF –C–1 —-N- ºt. Tz-z ſº --TT-Tº-º- a-T- --N-N-N-T-FE--- #. 5–F–A–D–E–E–3–3–2– EFEEEºi=E | º V V | g––– -g- -º- ---— dost my fer - vent prayer heed, De - fine each whisper low. I’ll , -º- # ==EH ========== v-up m - g-º —-H–N–N–H–N—A—A----- ºr º T-A-N-FFF == FE ſº ==#: EINE —-N-- 5=#EEEEEEEEEEEEEE Eä fy & sº * @ tº & -º-; -º- I wºumºury-º* *E —N- ; J º - | trust. Thee, Fa - ther, Moth-ºr, God, Thou wilt, as Thou hast ClOne, Re - . i . -º- - -º- -º- - -º- -º- ( ). | =======E-2–2–T-E-F-G-B-s---p-º-º-º-º-º-º: um am ºn = ºrim, a - - - rººm, vºm ºf —l—— v-7 +- ſº 2 m x 4 Au Pº- –H–H H-– - – -— -- P-3EL2TBT º–H–1––c-—s— ==========EEg====EE Tſº-J V –2–1--9-?— =º-5-5–H =Ft-F —1– pa - rent - al love The daugh - ter and the Son. 105. HOLY city. “And the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass.” REV. XXI: 18. & CANTERBURY, N. H. H=# #FENERENENE: |- ſhip fºtº- ############# gold; All its el - e-ments of beau - ty. To thy vis-ion shall un-fold. v-z. ºr-ºr | ºr ºr-ºr ym . *. * > U m V When the love of truth shall an - chor Thy whole life in deeds of Q -º-, -º- -º- - -2- JT, & Ç -º-º-º-º-º-º-Pi— w_ºf_Y_ºf_*-º-º- A—A- * |º]}=# ym my •-ummim –2–––2 FEE y—y *—2– 2, light, Pear-ly gates of peace shall o - pen In - to courts for-ev-er bright. 106 –o-oº-ºo-o- SouTH UNION, KY. ' MRs. E. L. AsHFord, NASHVILLE, TENN. 1. Keep a - way, keep a - way, let my spirit have rest, All ye vanish - 3. Keep a - way, keep a - way, let my spirit go frce, That no heaven- Æ- º Aº-k—º. A Æ- A. R A N R -ſº 9- l º º & ſº Ys ~ ---H. – “T sº-Tº-TT– "SºL/IELIDIT ICT III. Tº T. ET’ſ TTTºTPJTºf TIf Tº". FE — |LZ-V-E Ld –2–2–2-lº2- —— O º o U-------º-º-º-º-º/ _l a--º-º-º:= ing fol - lies which tend to mo - lest, And to hinder my prog-ress in ly gifts be with-hold - en from me, And that I may keep pace with the \ r ſº :*-e— —e—e— ---> I | | } | Ç We Heaven’s highway, From my soul, from my soul, keep a-way. 2. Keep a-way, light of the day, From my soul, from my soul, keep a-way. 4. Let me live P:Tºe Tº Tº Tº Lºſ 2–H -T- keep a - way, all ye idols of time, That are on - ly a hindrance with my Brethren and Sisters in love, And with them in sweet un - ion jº. It N :=== F-F-T-º-º-e e=== e;== :=#### 107 | and clog to the mind, That would be of no use, but would lead * Iſ Olę 3,. - | and meekness im-prove By re - jecting all e - vil by night and by . . /*N Qº gº– ==[-º-º-º: *rº-wºmy Uſ --— A-. } A- | G stray, From my bod - y and soul, keep a - way. day, 2 Where all bondage and death keep a - way. 5. O my soul keep [ ] _-> ºf " " - Cº- . e= # #—eº— 23: –––2–E2E —º-º-º-z-z-z- | ge fore - see; And to be in your duty, this word you’ll o - bey, And from all that is wrong, keep a-way, keep a-way, keep a-way, keep a - way. 108 THE “LANDING." “Ye are my friends, iſ ye do whatsoever I command vow.”—John, xv., 14. CANTEIRBURY, N. H. Andante. ishall meet the brave soulsat the “Landing,” When shore unto shore shall re- e Y--> spond; Where kin - dred and guardians are joy -- ful, To * _--> wid - en the spir - it - ual bond. I shall meet them as friends of the :-º-º: Saviour, Who vict - 'ry in earth - life have found; Where he 2- + ſº :*===== & -&- • triumphed they al-so had conquest— Togeth-er they reign, and are crowned. , º, ( ) -63– * º 109 sº Af SVVIEET ENIEA CE. MT. LEBANON, N. Y. 1. Come sweet peace and con - so - la - tion Sovereign of e - ter - nal 2. Come sweet peace, thou art pre - vail-ing, Sure-ly thou hast gained the 3. Come sweet peace, thou God-like spir-it, Thou art hum-ble meek and 4. Come sweet peace and fill my bos-om, Let all jarr -ing sounds be :==== —Hz: :-º-º- £;-&—f- ====## =#EE: s ~~ •== - ºf- I ---, FES-ºs-Esſixt= EHE-ºf-E z_o ºr © ** cº-º-º- ;eV-— rest, Bless thy children's hab - i - ta-tion, Come and reign a - mong the just. palm, Bit - ter en – vy, strife and railing, Flee be - fore the peace-ful Lamb. mild. Who can clear-ly show thy merit? Thou art Heaven’s love-ly child. mute, Let the Ol - ive spread and blossom Fill us * with the heav'nly fruit. * -*- +: . =====ff========= 1 vºy * º & P — – ſ • & º — | - Tº ſº IT < * Y_*- & Mºº-> *Tº Léº-tº- w [ _ <- * = xx x^ Come sweet peace and march be - fore us Bind us in thy golden chain Come sweet peace and take pos - ses - sion, Bear the scep-tre in thy hand, Come sweet peace thou art the bear-er Of pure love and char -i- ty Come sweet peace and ban - ish ev - er, All con - ten -tion, war and strife, ===E=#==== =######E #: -— Fº- • / While we join the heavenly cho-rus “Peace on earth, good will to man.” Feast the na - tions with thy blessings Ride tri- umph-ant thro’ the land. Ev - ery fea - ture, ev - ery ges-ture, Shows that heav- en's found in thee. Join us as a band for - ev - er To the blooming tree of life. * * 110 PrºACEFUL vrcTORY. —ºese- , * MARTHA J. ANDERSON. MIT. LEBANON, N. Y. -e-f * 1. Rise ye waves of joyful music Roll to earth's re-mot-est 2. Still the pulse of fe-vered 49e O | Y-y ! © T, TT * =T *- —— |ŠP–2–Isº-º-º-º-º-º-T3–C–F–A–2–2–23– | | –69– | º | " | We . . - ſ bound, Bear-ing notes of peaceful vic - tory To the jarring king- strife, Where the marshaled hosts are treading, Crushing virtue, hope e –H–- | Thrill the air with strains of gladness, Swell and life ; Rea - Son’s rule a - loud pro-claim-ing, Ar- £9 e 69 @ o 69 e the blessed song of peace, Till the na-tions own its power, bi-tration's peaceful sway O-pens now the pearl-y portal ( ; , O e O e iſ iſ ºf: sº gº t | º *E*—º- – º º e -º-º-º-º-º-, (-J Y-y –– == =-e- -a †: STC s —----— v-ºr -(-; O Nº. v wº ( ) ſ G É’i-fi Tia aſ a sº 2TOTT —— TE_* T. *—T-P-I - f * º Lºº TT §T =SE * ––– CT as TTTTTTST=ST ... Eºf. Tº 3’ ºr ºf 2: b ºr T Q º d z’ * -ºvº. " t * } | - N. 111 2, 22. ye, spirits | N N S Ta-Ta-a-2 º Come rave and #H#E2-EEEs—sº :=#H#H#H#: e b —*–8–N– « » – A_." A - —— Te TNTST ITTCITT - dººm tº :*: —a c v- e- ##### —— Tø. Tº TøTº ºff T. –2; TTTTTTT. *—º-:----—- | 2 \ d And all sound of discord Cease. To the bright ap - proach - ing day. ... wº - () • S---- —— ——e—e—ſ- -e- —---2° - -——— &#-f • 3-2– : &m ºm Tºº TITL. — – + – F— -- —º- —— E *H – *=ºur-ºn-º-º- iſ mº-> * Z Cº- Work with earnest, purpose _62 e O faithful your OVEI* wrong. \ 3. Haste O day of golden promise ! 4. Prophecy of human weal; Swords shall be to ploughshares beaten, Spears to pruning hooks of steel; Then as time with budding glory Brings the coming years' increase, Men shall march to fields of labor, Learning there the arts of peace. | «» e e. | —e= ſe----|--|-- | =s=–Es–C–G–ºo | T —H· —r-Pa-— F-- T-- 2T -a- Earth shall smile in youthful beauty, Ocean sing from shore to shore To a brotherhood united, Peace, goodwill forevermore; b Fruitful fields and verdant valleys, Mountain, plain and flowing stream, Prospered homes and gladsome labor, Will the praise of peace redeem. 112 / VATCHING AND WAITING-. —e-oºººoe— EN FIELD, Cox.N. SHAKERs, N. Y. *—A-A*—º. A. ~, N-N-D-N-is- —ass ſº 4- l——----- —i– -º-º-º: ńm him k a m —E-º-Lº- º 2 * 1. Lord, her watch thy church is keep-ing; When shall earth thy rule ( 2. Ti - dings sent to ev’ - ry creature, Mill - ions yet have nev- 3. To the end thy church com-plet-ed, All thy chos - en gath- Hº-Hº-H-E ===== H — | == ===EEEEEEE L-sº --- – º – * Lºº. SI-PS- ſºm ºf . – ºn * Sl-l-ºil–E à- a- a When shall end the night of weep - ing? When shall Can they hear with - out a preach-er? Lord Al - With their King in glo - ry seat - ed, Sa - tan —T-T—L– —H- • ' ºr vºy (, *r-y L- wºmºmº, ºr mºmº. A – e |- ( ) - w ——ºf +. Wºmºſº …e. —2–ºf–ºf–H– Ež - N 47 r & –G––– : A-º- ºr-º-º-º-ºmr = – A 4- t amº ſº mº my A 7 4---—--- --> - – wn mºmºm. ºr-º-º-º-ºrº-ºrºr-wºmy ! . == e) º º - * º i. Peak the prom - ised day? See the whit’ning harvest lan - 1:1.igh - ty, give the word. Give the word in every Y18, - bound and ban - islled sin. Gone for - ev - er, parting, weep- : ºf L V - guish, Wait - ing still the lab - - 'rer's toil; Was it vain thy tion, Let the gos - pel trump - et sound, Witness-ing a ing, Hun - ger, sor - row, death and , pain; Lol her watch thy g-ſt III mame=am-º-º-º-º- "m 4--- #–H–H– ---L---- jº-N=N=E=== v-z. º ºf HEH U- JT Le 2 : - son's deep an - guish? Shall the strong re - tain the spoil? | world’s sal - va - tion To the earth's re - mot - est bound. church is keep - ing, Come Lord Je - sus, come to reign. *—A—A-A- A *r-ºr v-ºw | | T —º |- > Y-y ºr *—A. º. ººk—º. … "._^_^_^_^. … º. H … * … * | -- —le T_T T. - | - ems ºf , º, º my > f : " [ . N 113 ! Aº’ PrºTAR OF FIRE. SHIRLEY, \l Ass. & 1. O hail the bright morning whose heaven-y rays On earth are | 2. We wel - come the dawning, thou morning di-vine; Blest har - bin- 3. Blest morning di - vine, may thy rays still in-crease, En - cir - cling o a tº Tº be - gin-ning to shine. In g songs of thanks-giv-ing O God, we wilr ger of that great day When God will of mer-cy and right-eous-ness the u -ni - verse round, Till na - tions shall bow to that scep-tre of praise Thy name for this glo - ry di- vine. Brightem - blems of heav - make His last and his fi : nal dis-play. For souls can no long - peace, Which now in Mt. Zi - on is found. May they by thy bright- º R 2. • *—f-ºf--ºf-É– #2. ~ *---- &=== ——} — : —E-º- --- [ - Lºmºmºmº-e, - -mſº $:=#E. ====# } w Y-y s––– ºmºſºmy-ºr-v-w as ºw Q b º | en, O let thy pure beams Our souls with new vig - or in-spire, To fol- jer in darkness re - main, Con - cern -ing what He doth re-quire; His word ness be-gin to dis - cern The king - dom of Christ, the Messiah, When sub- | .." s -> eN N - -º- -º- N | * ... | --- ––––-º- — — — — — –-ſº ...T. TºTºI. Tº: –75–––––. 2––-I-— :*———H-H-62–62—o:- ––F––––---- (º-FE*=========#E*===== tº hºme wº dº dº ºf hº T–T-TET -kºº-ºº-ººh-bº- • A low thy bright-ness as Is - ra. - el. did, When led by the Pillar of Fire. has gone.forth, it is Yea, and A - men, Re - vealed in a Pillar of Fire. jects at all times, by night and by day, Are led by a Pillar of Fire. Nº. • N-º- -º- -º-, —e—º–º–d -C -Cº- aş ==########### 114 FAITH AND HOPE. —co-ºo-o- * | - tº { & / CANAAN, N. Y. ==N=SEs. =====E, His:# l—--—- Q- —- A---—A—A--A— A--A—A- |→ v wºme. v= *- : * > w-uº-w ——— — ~~- ºxy e #–3–3–3–2–3–T-J.-- #; & * | 1. Our jour - ney through time may seem length-ened By the 2. We will brave the rough storm on the riv - er, And we’ll s 3. We may feel that our bur - dens de - press us, That the & -—2. — sºm ſºme sm Tº: =. —-—————————— —£–2–2 ...b-6–Le Hº-º-º-º-º-º-Hº-H-----if *S*H:====E=#EEEH –––––––––a– -Paſ-Fºr-Pa-Pa---- Tºº-Tº-T G º g wº I-L-t-s-s- – ––– º issiº | * S-- ſº TGT * +@- | ... = •º º har - row-ing bur-dens of strife, And our pil - grim staff may be heed not the bil-low - y spray, For it may be an an - gel cross is too heavy to bear, Do we think that a bright crown |———es -- e 9– Y-y mºry ºf ºn m- ºn my um ºn a mº-'gº-e arm - G - m^m \mum e º my haſ mºrnſ nº ºf ºn- &B–2–3–2–3++2+:Fe-5-fºº-º-º-º: —b––2–2– 2-2– Y-y &=#######: % =E===HE-F | N- & bro - ken While climb-ing the high-way of life; But the hope of stands ready To anch - or us safe in the bay; Fara - way on awaits us The meed for true la-bor and prayer? O ! the faith of *—f- \ & z' those beau - ti - ful lands, Out - stretched on the the ev - er-green shores, ' Where Jor - dan shall the mar - tyrs we need, Lest we walk the dark IT TITUTIT] ––3– TO TO moun - tains of God The Soul's fi - mite peace - ful - ly roll, * There bright - ly an val - ley un - shod, ~ And fail of the vis - ion ex - pands To see the heav - en - ly road. E - den shall bloom, The long sweet home of the soul. hope that will lead Thro' joy and sor - row to God. –5 1 16 ſ | \ PURITY. CANTERBURY, N. H. ! ſº g: ; ; ºr * *L* as v-y º º { |-- | at rºº w - 2. I -H e | |. 1. O sa-cred cause of pu - ri - ty, We pledge a - new our ſ 2. Thou sun and cen - ter of our hope, Il - lumed by thee we 3. A gain, we pledge to keep thy law, ' And light and love and Y-y v-y | C. A. ſº º TT JT | lives to thee, Thou art our joy, our hap – pi- ness, And source of end- need not grope, For want of light, to gild the way From mor - al dark- beau-ty draw From all thy pre-cepts, tried and true, Un - til the per- l less life and peace. - ness, up to day. }sº purity, thou art in truth A crown to age, a charm | fect life we know. /*N to youth; We'll cherish thee through-out all life, And glory in the noble strife. 2- /*N Jºº-º- fºr-Tºº-Ti- Hº-Fe- A- – w | & A lºw 2- | vºmy W ſ *mºr-º-º-wºmy / . e J-|{ſ e cºmmºn . H. eº-Hº- | E — and shade; Let our lives be true praise-giving, Be His lové Q T - º ºr , - t 1. Praise the Lord sweet anthems sing - ing, Praise thro’ ev’ - ry light 2. Time and tide may bring us bur - dens That may test our faith 3. Praise the Lord e'en for his chastening, Hum - ble, trust - ful, hope - 4. Praise the Lord a - mid the har - vest, When the sheaves of joy zºº. … * +--- -º- and prayer; Thro' the test - ing praise Him ev-er, For His love ful, pure; Anchored firm - ly in His serviec, Peace is gained, are full; When in life and health the strongest, Let His praise -º- our strength, our aid. Praise the Lord sweet anthems singing, Praise the Lord, IS e ( ~ ven there. and heaven is sure. pos -sess the soul. 118 COUNTSECL. CANTERBURY, N. H. Make the Lord thy God, who shall bring thee to judgment And – Y-y T 2- -- U- - 2- A-A- ~—ſ a d lead thee to righteousness, glory and peace; Make the people thine is: ———---— ( , , º ſº- º W ſº L- ( - my - – º —L- K_ *L-d tº a ~ ºr C. ſº C-C- •-zº- § truths to seeking The kingdom of Christ, in i fº- e- For no earthly pow'r hath wis-dom to guide thee, And kin- © GE [. | 1 & Y ºn - *-*. ( A = , Ú-J U ºf , L (J ( ) [2. • ? ( * , º = "[ 2 A- A - A- ( -- Y-Z ºmy-ºry - U-º- C. Cºx, * --~~~-_- * 2- 4- - - F - - — i–– -— —f-N- —l-l ºf Lºlºlº ſmºſºm-m ºmºm N. nº FN-si U !--- sº º 3–5–º-º-º- dred will in when af-flictions a-bound. From out of the depths cry “O a—H. IT T. as-H --P-A-R-A-Hºº-º-º: Dº T. Jºlº 2 || || 2 I-LD Tº 2 ºf 2– ––– T -- --- e |-|--|--|-2–––2–2– º' Tº tº-2– *—24-l. —c aſ a | S. E. le r w * O & * lºſſ 2 Lºs * v-y –º- E----- v- | & & | Lord, we will serve Thee, We’ll flee to the refuge where mer-cy is found.” | ſºm mſ ºn C. º | EEEEEEEEEEEEEH-E-FEEE Ef 2- —k T I I I I-L-el-Li – el cº- ºr- * † Tº ºf Ill º– * "º Lºº *-i-IT-L º 'º 119 \ ſ HUMBLE PETITION. —-o-o-º-ºoº- CANTERB URY, N. H. Breathe on our , souls O Lord we pray The strength' -ning power C. As we in - voke thy fa - vor, Lord O may we live . 2- ~ . ſºmſ ºmºſº.º.º. ) -º- --> | Q -º- *—aº- : Y-Z A- A- + wrwr-w e- *- ºr —s ſºmº º – -º-f — F wº • ºf , ººm- -- ETTTP-NT RTET ASD- FEEECE –- EEEEE ==E: 2- of faith; Ar - rest our foot - steps in the way That leadeth down to Thee; And while we trust thy way and word More con-se - cra - e- + * - e. º f e- Q –––––––– —— *. -I-T-- 3–E– { } --—l- | ( ) -E-as-s— A—A- { * —F––– J v=w *—A * & - O ==E= to death. For what is life, with - out thy grace, To mould cach ted be. We would be will -ing instruments, De - pen - dent liv -ing act? And what is joy with - out the smile of God to appro-bate? I on thy will We would reflect thy pow'r, thy love, And thus our callful-fill. . . • | N l, f : , ſ: º, e - ºne ºf | | :==== ##### -] === Æa_^. { } —w- 4- | *-m-º-º- º *. zº- —------ v-y U vºy -- B - L tº ºſmy GA = A \ \º º 4|\m ºn m p & - p º All their sins have been for- given And their robes are pearly white. C - ºf D uſ ºn Tº Lºs TE - &mum . ſº Cº. ( ) *-y - ºvº º smº" um-9 LT III.T.T.I. 2-T-I-T-5 121 *-*. switHT PRAISE. —o-oºººoo- IENFIELD, N. H. Zºº & • } – == |-|-º-º- o l A__*-a- d_ºmºmºmy sºm ºf my W Y-y fºr , vºmy vºy A-. ===Hºº- Y-y 4. H -&H º º º ſ Fº J e 2"> , ". Q Tº ſºlº I. Jº Jººlſ. Tº |-|-- ſ Ǻ H–– ºr A--- 4---—A M- Lº 20 J . . | vºy of beau-ty! Each soul, strike the chord. We'll sing a-way sadness, bring joy º o º * C |- a U. C C Al- *= y \ Jr. sº º C C * , º gº º | [… º * L º | t } | 122 sº- IP. R.O.G. RESSION. ' , ABRAHAM PERKINS. ! ENFIELD, N. H. • A- Yº e º 'º ( x_b =Elºğ — & wº-ºº-º- *—-4— *my « < x = \| = 1. I must live, must have my be - ing; Faith 2. Heaven in - vites me, con - science prompts me, Ev - – Tºp-2- ——º—- tº Rºmum-mº =====*-Hº- ===== and con - science must be free : Deep - er, wid - er, ery dic - tate of my soul Ur - ges on - ward, broad - er, high - er, Eve - ry act and up - ward, heaven - ward, Where pure in - Spi- feel - ing be. Creeds and forms do but op - press me, ra - tions roll. Ope’ the gold - en port- als wid - er, Bur - dens weight-y ad - ding more ; Life a - lone, a | Full - er ex - plo - ra - tions come; More to court-ly liv - ing sub - stance, All af - flic - tion bears me o’er. cham-bers lead me, Where pro-gress-ive laws are known. * G 2—2–Ig- :=: -*Le—e-e— —I--- H –F–F– FE: == –. He-º-H+=2 < *ſ-, ºr U- © \ 124 OFFEERING OF PERAISE. 1. To the al - tar of truth ho - ly off’r-ings we'll bring, And a song of 2. By the power of the truth we’re pro - claim-ing the word, Heaven's arch-es praise we will loud-ly sing, For our spir - its are filled with heaven-ly joy, ech - o with Praise the Lord, For the gates of sal-va -tion are opened in deed, le | 2 º' } From the dawn of the º ZººL f L. T. TITT. ©EE ^ = x , , , —ººl— f -º-º-º----- *. Let the prais - es of God every tongue em - ploy. We will sing Praise the Lord for the truth maketh free. F- == .” morn, till evening's closing light, Let our theme be Triumph over - Lº ºf -smſ error's might; Let us bear the daily cross while we tarry here be - low, ; ..??? = } — - 2- Kº-º-L — Jºž" A” We We We That the song of the victor and the ransomed we may know. - I-7 A-A-R-A-A-M-,-------A — A -T- -U -- C- .&§| : ºL. g-A. * : ,- ºº**!t $. r•.{ | 125 e TRUE FRICH iss. l heart, on high - er aims Than seek - ng 2 thought on no - bler themes Than fame or 3. Let pur - er mo - tives guide my feet In Wis - dom’s 4 to gain a world Of - den & | world. - ly pleas - ure; Thy long - ing spir - it hath its claims wealth in - spires; For these shall pass like i - dle dreams ways so pleas - ant; Since fut - ure bliss is made com - plete joys or glo - Ty, If by our gain we lose the soul, º 2-> & 2- || 2 & 2 ſº .* | On an e - ter - nal treas - ure. By guard-ing well the pres - ent. In depths of sin and fol - ly? Be - fore truth’s al - tar fires. : Ah, “What shall it. profit & Inan, Cho, 5 - - A º I' ſº 2- w ºr ºr ºr ºr === 2- --- Nº a º flºw … *. ºr v-Tº-º-y ~ If he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" Mark, witá, 36. & º O a d e A-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: * gº-he *Sº I JITſ – --~~~~TET-TTE Tºº ~my S㺠F#-FEEEEEEEE 4 C . & ºr Y-y ſº v-y |-4. IV-H-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- tº Tw ( ). f | ! 126 THE OVERCOMER. “He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith.”—Rev., ii. , 7. CANTERBURY, N. H. To him that o - ver-cometh, Will I grant to sit with me; I ===HEf===Hº-H —— == r__ –––. --—1– ſ_\ºmyºmº- —F--—H- —l º v Pi —t- TI. & Y share my Fa – ther's King-dom, There al - so he shall be. . . . No. ; : * : fºr ſl v-y ~my-my-wºmy vºn A_-_º ºf Y_ - 2- 2" .* |- w * him who work-eth harm shall o - ver - take * Nº. 2 ºf , N. ſº- 'º A mº _N —- v-vºy—w-vºs, -- —— ---1– & —d ( , . . . . . . . . . . . . ; A- | } || || * = 2 w v=w=w ºr-º-º-º: v=ºm, —y ºr-ºr tºº ( , Umſ º —º- Iº -—C- –2– == #3 pow - er o - ver na - tions up - on him shall de - scend. zº-_^. . Umºmº ºf Mºſt ſºm IT" . — --_- w vºy EEEſº-É —F- 127 THE OVERCOMER. -O- no more out for ev - er, A new name shall he take, Jr. º. He’ll -(-)- feed on hid - den man - na, Be clothed in rai - ment white; And 2-> him will I con-fess be - fore my Fa - ther in the light. ~my-v w Y-y | |- –2–1--— 128 committed. “My people shall be satisfied with my goodness.”—J er. xxxi., 14. CANTERBURY, N. H. . Divoto. • . . ſ My hands in Thy service find *-* My heart to Thy work is com-mit- ted, *=~" D t – ted, How 2-\ Thy laws to my needs are well fi & ºv great-ly my spir-it is blest! O glo - ri-ous, glo-ri - ous foun- | - . ### #F da - tion! Most I’m build-ing there - Oh, , Come building thereon; ſ Aº. _Tºmar ºn v= [2 P. \,- Ö storm or come rain as a tempest, I’m saved by the truth I have sown. 129 LIFE's VICTORIEs. Mt. Lebanon, N. Y. -T-I-T-I-i- … "._^. º-y | Gºd H-Lº- 2 * - * ſº | 1. I’ll fol - low Thee, O bless - ed Guide, Till all thy walks I tracel 2. To Ol - i - vet how oft re - tired, Blest mount of praise and pray’r; 8. Hath not each soul a hal - low'd place, A chal - ice and a shrine, ! [º d | And seek the fields where Thou hast won The conq’ring strength of grace. Where as - pi-ra-tion spread her wings, And soared from ev’ - ry care. An al-tar pure, where Christ shall bring The bread and liv - ing wine? The struggle in the wil - der - ness, Temp - ta -tion with - out sin; 'Tis When trials compassed Thee a - round, How sa-cred that re-treat, A - The gar-den with its ag - O - ny Faith's fi - nal test may prove; For here the glo - rious lessons Of life’s grand vic - to - ries be - gin. lone to pour thy soul to God, And heav'n - ly unc - tion meet. God each hu - man heart shall try, Till per - fect in his love. fºr f* 130 • s” º - s BEAUTIFUL FIOM.E. CANTERBURY, N. H. |= === TE f === R–– Tº | ------------ --— Tº g H- Cºumm mºur aſ , P- —a- ga-- 1. There's a home a - bove, a beau - ti - ful home, a - –a–––– - ITFs. II. I -s– ST 9-a- Fº === Ee==Es== –H–– =F9-e-r-E g——g— –2––2——1–7–2–2–-*—t—- wait - ing the true the faith - ful heir ; When the — * –– - U A = A As & g” & º a A- L_ ------ * –º-º-º-º-º-º-º- -è—º-º-º: --------- Es=s====ESESHE,F2======== Ee-H. Æ-A—º.—º-º. º. A -º-o- *. -e | s— | –F–2. | º T. ©Mº- ºr --> —0–C–G–C–F–C–H–H–H–a–H– –2–– t º | bat - tie is o'er, and the vic - to - ry won, There's a — e= ~T--- | T Tl -ga- v-T-Z –F–F–F–2–2–F– home for the soul, 8, heav - en - ly home. step bears you on, & º O • ? -º-º-º- N - N' S — Eº- ( ) —I- I-- †—T-H-I-Hi-f a 2-, "sº- 2 = ...amº, sº me - TºIIºTºTºMº Jºº. 's-H º == f __ ! . . . 2. There are friends we love in that beautiful home, Awaiting us all with anxious care, º Let us honor their trust our loyalty prove, And meet in that home, our heavenly home. s wr —w-r —º-— t C We are sow - ing, daily sow - ing Seed, in future fruit to bear; ### Heaven IT & J & 2 HTNº. H–– TT H-Hº- Di —l--1-1-ºn- —l- i-I-I-A º C ^ How deeply I’ve shared The goodness of my God! How kindly been led By 22- -3.5— --~N~ Tº Tººl =-Hash-ºa … * l- III ITT T.C.T. TT - I I– ----- ºr u-º- Y A-----—A.—A- - V--- Cºmº w Yºrºz —a---- z-----→ the chastening of His word 1 O angels, bear a - loft Sweet praises from ºr-ºr G-A-R-N- *—A 2- Tºl-IN - || —— 1–––. * -º- : * = - v-Tº- ~Tº-y TNT Tº Tº . [. 2-J | Nº e Te z w Ps * º '-- Sº * tº 0 - ( . tº- Dºe, wº A-...--A—A.—A º v-y w 2-—º-º-º-º-º-º: - A- & ( ) - # vºy †† vºmyºmº-º-º-º-º: / my soul That I am blest to live, Where love and peace con - trol. 132 MINISTRATION. “The ministration of the spirit is glorious.”–2 Cor., iii., 8. CANTERBURY, N. H. -(5- - Blow, heaven-ly breez-es, blow, Waft, waft us in - spi-ra - tion; - 2: 2-\ Grant us thro' this vale be - low, Sa-cred min - is - tra - tion. ad wº V & Bound by all that's good and true, To per - fect our jour - ney, -O- M Thou wilt dai - ly strength re - new, We shall tri-umph ful - 133 STEWARDSHIP. “Give an account of thy stewardship.”— Luke xvi., 2. CANTERBURY, N. H. * Be lift - ed up, my soul, Till the heavens shine up - on thee, And $ º ( ) ; : in the maj-es - ty of truth and love Thou art a - ble to walk. Thou shalt set no bounds for la - bor, “But as a stew - ard * a º W ºf faithful, In God's service shall thy life In un - ceasing measure flow. -º-, -º- 134 CHOSEN. “I have chosen you out of the world.”—John, xv., 19. CANfeRBURY, N. H. —l —l T | -- ==EFFF wº-y J —N – -1– == - -º- A-_º- → : I walk thro' the val - ley and meet Thee there, I —#—#— Fº-E-P- H=H= * gº . A Ar" ——A–A– *– … * – s # rise to the moun - tain, still feel - ing Thy care, A - mid -: 0. d £ Pi—2– =#Tº TíT=E * º— throng or des-ert thrilling whis - pers de-clare “I have cho-sen thee,_ %% come fol-low me, I have cho-sen thee, come fol - low me.” me.” as . | | \\SUV_ r 22-H4–5– —l---. " 2.4 Gºº V ºTTT - ſºnº IJT ET-- ~myTºy grasp the hand out - stretched and stand with the wise, W -º- fear - ful tem - pest rise, In truth shall my spir- it N fol - low Thee. . 136 JORDAN. “Come wmto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.”—Matt., xi., 28. ſº ^ CANTERBURY, N. H. A --- A- ^ -º A- a a º ze. a- a ._^. … *. A- ºr U- ºr-º-º-º: *my-wºmy-ºr +N+N=N=N=N=N=EHRENEEEEEEEEE º Q –-I-T- 3–1–69 tº ºx ºf | -j- -aſ- * | What saith the Spir-it to the poor and oppressed?"Come unto me and I will — — — — . t— wº-y r– v-y ºr -º-º-º-º-t-i-º-Hi #–E–F–F–F–F–F– * A-_-_^_^_^* … *. ſº-ſº-ſº A- ſº fl-º-º: & º l— v-wºmy U - a A-. ſ ºr - ------ —l 1– 2- ºr-ºr ! --—- - L 2- | º I [ [.. r . . * [ A-...-- ºr TI ºr J ºr I--- ºrvºr-º-º: vºy vºy J 4- | \ ^_Y , Cº- t W V give you º Are ye heav-y la - den, have ye fall-en by the way? ~ || & © ºf , -a- - -º Jor - dan hath the power of heal - ing. Brave ye the bil - lows (? ( ). * now and a - gain, Heal-ing from blindness, from sor - row and pain, O be per-suaded the waters to try, God in his mer-cy is deal - ing.” 137 THANKSGIVING, “He hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”—1 Peter, ii., 9. h CANTERBURY, N. H. N Break forth, O my soul, In Songs of thanks - giv - ing, J 3. trib - ute To the God -j- FOT he hath called thee, Called thee from dark - ness; N N H Tº Ç l 2- — | ~ W his bound-less love, With joy 138 CIE IRIST ANGIELS. / 1. My heart is in the Spir - it world; My 2. Years fol - low years, the cent - uries pass, And 3. Then O my soul im - mor-tal, thou Shalt 4. They sing to us in ac - cents sweet, The 5. “New earth and heavens are com -ing up, The -º- —ſ-— -* > vº d'º - Amº vºy ºr Ú-º | O | O l VA ºf a x = f_* 2- 2- 2- A-A àºm Am. A---—A—A 2- 4. ( • is , roam - ing there; I dwell a - mid the earth - a - ges roll. Un - num-bered fig - ures - er, nev - er die, While truth to fead thee - sic of their - sphere; “A - rise and stand up- fast fade a - way. The night of an - ti- den - i - zens Of that bright may not tell The his - tory shall ex - ist, And love to on your feet, We come, our christ is o'er, All hail the º a y Q ºn U- U-y OT ºn ºr ºr x^ - , Yº A- vºy Cºmº gº, w wr mu-º º A. v=Tw-Tw- *. Y-Tº-y ſºmſºmºmºmºmº & *r-ºr mº G-U wº-y *º-ºr-º-º: ºr-v-ºr v-º-º-º: G - ) O U ( 2-—A-A--&- A- ––– A- am. amº-AA-4-4- 2- A---—-- A ---. 2- - º U- | | w wºrv -w Cº-C y w—ºr *m;’ Y-y 139 ^ ===s=0– ( × O mºmº amº-º-º-º- me | ū- ºr U-ºf-4- |- 4- A *-i- • º wº-vºy ºr ºr wº-ºº-ma e Like sea - šons in this earth- ly sphere The Its days are deeds, its years are shown By | The an - gels in , the in - ner sphere In No more shall war with dire - ful curse Stain kin - dred firm and strong Cheer cy - cles come and go ; Their cease - less € = OIS changes in it wrought; It lives when God’s own age e - ter - mal-–all—, In God they live, in earth with hu - man gore; Con - tend - ing ar – mies up, your zeal re - new ; Leave all the eI - TOTS see They are not count - ed SO. rules The se - cret springs of thought. move, God is their all in all. right, The reign of sin is o’er.” past, Christ An - gels are with you.” /* º -O- à- =f_*- - ºr v v-y | A—A- ºr v T C —l *—º-A- = \, ' ' Y____\mſ ºw vºy *- ºf , , , .*.* *. A---—A- A-_^- ſº * – ºr-ºr-T-ºr-º-º-º: Y-y | { f © 140 . . ENOLD OE' CECIFIST. <-> CANTERBURY, N. H. Aaº" A.— k—A-- **-*-A--&–A-\–A- … º. º. º. ( ) - A- —º tº Tºrºlº-rº– C: sº Jº-º-º: 2–Lº-L *—D— 24 C ( ) tº: C —I C C- ( → * Shel - ter'd in the fold of Christ, Bless- ed is thy por -tion to be F-F—S - º ſº - Lºlº £2 ( ) r 2- º 1 – Z Fºº : || A-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: Slz— º [… ſº ^ Nº I. Nº ACT T A-º-A—A- it º–º Q. l ſº-º-º- £ 2–º v-y w—w Y-F gº— Sweet is the peace of the spir- it re - signed,—Giving to good every &= ENER ESHEENERESHEREa–EFEREEEE N–S- v w Nº [] C º [… " º [. . . . { } s º Ç | º ––s l—l-l- J T. Jº ºf J --- Uºmº- C -º A = -ze. —l wº-y Y-y () Q ] wº * { Q char - i - ty, at home and abroad. sky of the pure; Those who the yoke of Christ will en- dure. … 141 W THE GLAD son G. ENFIELD, N. H. Beautiful and love -ly are thy courts O Zion! Purity is written on thy a ſº- ºr reel-º-º-º She-Hºt ÉÉ:# º O | ÆA–4–4– —& 4-, 4- *E*—A-. A dº. A 4-A –A–Ek *. zº- - - A—º. zº- … * …e. * *—º | -D ºr |-- wr-wr • ºmºr-ºr-wºmy-ºr V - a - a - { Ǻmº - A v-Tº-y U ºn Tºº, *r-v-ºr A ºr-ºr & *ºmºm. U *. UAmº | A. A- - _ A---—A—A ——l- Nº Q ſl e A- ſº 'e ( ) { Y-y v vTº- W. | U e Z. U U * - > I- ! -—— 1 - . * A_\m --- O Q v-y Y-y flººm ºr ºf Cººm U ( ) Ö i ( Q • 2 ( ) walls, Puri-ty and Love, Holiness, Holiness unto the Lord. Come Zion's | S-S-S-S-I-eff.cº.-- 2+3– IITIE wº-vºy | = [ . a lººr, Y-> Wºmºm Cº. * V ºg a We we now is come sal - vation, the kingdom of our God, Glorious fulness of days. *N - Nº N S s & S E *—haº-H. P-P- – ( ) ſ MORNING HERALD. ' “And I will rejoice in Jerusalem; and joy in my people; and the voice of weeping shal/ no more be heard in her, nor the voice of crying.”—Isa. lxv., 19. ( , / 4- J \ CANTERBURY, N. H. 1891. Ö O, there’ll be a song of tri- umph, When the bat - the days are - - ſ º o'er, When the house is set in or - der, And the tempt-er comes no \ more; When with pu - ri-ty of pur- pose Thy whole life [º -O- given; All the world can-not con - tain it, rise for joy to Heav'n. iſ ( > 143 MORNING. H.F.R.A.L.D. N It will rise, a morn-ing her - ald, Of Mt. Zi - on's tra - vail here, And the hosts beyond the lim-it, of the tem-ple and the V sphere Will re - peat, “as in Heav-en, Up-on earth thy will is done;” For “thy kingdom” is es - tablished, Glorious vic - to-ries are won. -O- 144 ANGEL CHOIRs. | * ENFIELD, N. H. H–4– } F- | U _N - !— A--- A- s— … *. * .*.* 2- - - ======= O !-----—- __* . -2'- \mu= \m. ===Hº 1. Hark! list- en to the sweet refrain, The an -gel choirs delight to sing; Be - 2. No mor-tal eye hath ev - er seen The glories of that world so fair, Nor 3. No dis-cords grate up - on the ear Where angel choirs to-gether meet, Where • J. =EHº-Lº-º Jº 2#HTEETE p TſI Ež f *. # * H- E a- # - F-F == 9–4–2 | IºTI [TT e—s | Tº 2–2*TI- |-- -F-I-I- | y | V | —-1–s—- A-a- a a A- a -a-. An Am a - a a A- a -a -º – ºrº *== — L v-7 -T- – ar-i-r— F- hold! a spirit bright and pure, Un - to the courts of heav'n we bring; For e'er the heart of man conceived The rich - es that are treasured there; For love e - ter—nal, reigns supreme, And har - mo - nies are all complete; The -d F-T- —l *——º- —TH- f: f: #==== r —r-H H= E º --- T - - —f- *. A *-y F ( { } those who in their youthful days, De - vote their lives un-to the Lord, Shall , those who in life's ear-ly morn, Re-ject, all worldly pleasures vain, De- pearl - y gates are o- pen wide, And myriad voices swell the strain, Thrice . .” . .7 ar, N A --~~~ 2- 2- | _ ſº | s -º-º- =#EEEEEEE be the flowers of Par-a- dise, welcome to your heav- en - ly home, —&— 2–– I- Tº 2– *- –23–24-Hº- === a º Aº. zº In heaven's di-vine and blest a- bode. the Savior’s name. vot-ing time and tal - ents all, In With Christ for-ev - er - more r hon - or to to reign. –––––f f-_e_g== Eº-º-º-H2–E–F– Ll º —— | v-y # * > M \my | *== º " * g aſ º & • . * . g & B -3 .r- º º , - - lº ſº ( * ** . . o * *J ^ .* | / & * * = \- º * ... • e ‘ as T' * 7, ,” tº- º • * g •. - d \ * t * * . Nº - W * * - * & - 0. tº *a * | t 'h d 0. 2 t ,-- * e - . . . " | - - w 2 " . , tº gº €4 b ; ( e." . . . - a *- - & & - t 0. 4° & g • J /. - - v e = . * ** - - P & - | ſ f w - - . - º * * Q Q ſ - - | - ( ) - * W o t de . . . * * — . . & Q º P | / 2. ~ * : ) o ſ O & e - D & g 3. | * ſº \ dº * p D ! s tº | * | ſ ſ 2. gº 2 º G . Op J * ! D «» -> As Az N. / Q w º ' . * * & 2 ſ ! ſº D D N ſº | ^ * D sº D Ö * | \ * - * \ P *Us f Öp \ | ^. / Ö 49 4 .* _r=" P sº º 4- ºf | d \, 4 J l Amº- | º ſº ſ * W **** * Zº * tº- \ ſ |l & A- «» f © ºr O f * * º Q 2. 2. º * f gº |. ar ał º ſ 's D Q Af J gº | | Ö P ^. * 1. a Af JP ". ſ f P Q f ~ G º r º J). º ( ) \\ sº º f * f l G f * º * { | O / w ſº f N | i l b | * «» | mºn Af * D \ l D. Aº 4' w \ | *= l \ w () d * ſ \ d O J º ſ ..- .* 4’ | p «» sº * º * | N \ & 4 \ f " & t & P J º C. Ame ſ ! . O Ns } s 47 L d N. * P , w º r” º W * r | 4 º' s tº ( ) º ſ S. & | º 1 & [ . A N. Q | f J | * - 4. t & O D *.. | tº * G **--- l Lº .."