ABORIGINAL PORTFOLIQ BY J Q, LEWIS - – º – N - - º º ºt, º Nº. 1 º- º- J. O. LEwis. Lithographid by Lehman&Duval Nº 83&nk Alley Philadelphia º/” …// / / / / *** **** ************ * Zºº º ADWERTISEMENT TO Tº HI E' ſº I R § {T ºf U ºf BJº JR OF THE º, Pºlañºs In presenting the first No. of the following work to the public, the Publisher will perhaps, be excused, for candid- Iy acknowledging the conciousness of his own inability to render that full justice in its execution, which the subject from its own importance requires; but as the present is the first attempt of the kind in this country, he sincerely trusts, that the judicious and critical will regard it with a favourable and indulgent eye. The great and constantly recurring disadvantages to which an artist is necessarily subject, while travelling through a wilderness, far removed from the abodes of civilization, and in “pencilling by the way,” with the rude materials he may be enabled to pick up in the course of his progress, will, he hopes, secure for him the approbation, not only of the critic, but of the connois- seur:---And when it is recollected, that the time for holding Hndian treaties is generally very limited; that the deep- felt anxiety of the artist to possess a large collection must be no small impediment in the way of his bestow- ing any considerable share of his time and attention on any one production, together with the rapidity with which he is obliged to labor ;---he confidently believes as they are issued in their original state, that, whatever im- perfections may be discoverable, will be kindly ascribed to the proper and inevitable cause. He would beg leave, moreover, to state, that he had the honor to be employed by the Indian Department express- ly for the purpose. As regards the merits of their general character, and the fidelity of the costume, he can with con- fidence assure the public, that the resemblances of both are faithfully and accurately given. Copies from the principal originals were painted by Mr. King of Washington, and are now deposited in the War Office. With this brief introduction, the Subscriber res- pectfully offers the work to the kind patronage of his fel- low citizens and the public. J. O. LEWIS. Philadelphia, May 1835. - - a - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - 22 - º -- 24, wº-ºº: zºº \\ \\\ – N \ – "l'º o R rur, |U R \\ 0 \\ |\ |\ \"\"I'll ºnieſ of the Sioux tribe. /* * º, º ºvº --- - - - N \ Ko Milº an or bººs on A Monomonie Chief. ºzzº Zºzº, a º Aº, Zººº - Zºzz azza. - |-| - - 2×zºzºw” ºn tº , as Nº wºosin on tur WIU U Rº D STON || A Chippewa Chief. Zºº //, // º Aº, Zºº //º/” (ºlº (0–1) A rouawatomie Chief Zºº & Zºº ºw…/º/º/* -º-º-º-º-º- Tºll (JIII (ſº A celebrated Chief half winnebago and half lºrench . ºzºa º zºº, º zºº & Zºº - *- :- - --- - - …º- \|\– ( - || – |\ \– Kººl of THE BAI) || \\\TR Monomonie Chief. º -------- | | | | | || – || || – || – A \– BA on T 11 F. B |(} A Chippewa Chiet ſººn ºzºº º, º ºvº --- n º (K. \\\\ – pºlº on Triº || | | \Y|X (' | () Nº. - - prince of the Fox tribe Z/…///, //, /º/, // / / /…, zºº - - - - sº º gºsys $º sº. º º ºx. l, at ****A pººl – = C. J. G. Lºwls. Lithographid by Lehman&Duval Nºank Alley Philadelphia º/” zºzº.” Z//z º. º. º -º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- Pºle ºr lºve.-- | ADWERTISEMENT To THE S E CO Wº D = W* U". W H E IR OF THE '3|Rºº, Pºº-ººººº., The Subscriber, with sincere thanks for the liberal patronage the “Port Folio” has received from his fellow citizens, returns his grate- ful acknowledgments to his friends and patrons, who have in the most kind manner interested themselves in its behalf, and again obtrudes himself upon their notice. The second number of the work is now before the public, and it re- mains for them to decide whether it has realized the promises ori- ginally held forth in the Prospectus, and meets the general expecta- tion. He would beg leave to observe, that the plan is unique in its character, and as it is the first attempt of the kind in the country, he has no doubt it will be considered entitled to the public approbation, and a share of the public favour. In consequence of an intimation to the publisher, shortly after the appearance of the first number, that something superadded to the work, in the form of a biographical and historical sketch would great- ly enhance its value, and impart an additional interest to its general contents, the subscriber immediately published a “Card” in several of the daily papers of this city, expressive of his intention to devote himself to the compilation of an “Historical and Biographical De- scription of the Indians,” from notes taken by himself during his per- ambulations among them, making an additional number, to be deli- wered to subscribers gratis. He now reiterates this assurance, and informs his patrons that the whole is in complete progress, and that no exertion on his part will be wanting to render the work both use- ful and entertaining. The publication, he now confidently trusts, will progress under the favourable auspices which have marked its commencement. Ar- rangements have been entered into, to ensure its regular monthly deli- very to subscribers. The most skilful workmanship, and the best materials for the portrait part, will be procured, to improve and beautify and make the “Port-Folio” as attractive as possible. With this concise expression of his views, and its general features, he respectfully submits the second number. J. O. LEWIS. Philadelphia, June, 1835. -º-, - . |- |- |- |-|- | |- - |-|- |- |- |- · - |- |- ---- |- - |- |-- |-· |-| |- -º-º-º-º-º- KIAH) = () – RIſ (IK or "I'ELR' wºv I ("Hºllºw ( !" () N. The present Chief of the Saul; tribe and Successor to Black Hawl; . ºzºº º/º/, / º zºº - tº-a-dº-wºº' UK Yv () I., R. - - TELF, ſº I N. SHI () Iſ NK = (HIII NIR AWinnebago Cluef Zºº wº ººzzº /… \ - - - - | zºº.º. Zºº ºr N \ || – Sill Ny A – tº AA or "I'll " will ſºlº, loſſ) (*S 30 N. l'ottawatomie Chief Zºº º Aº, º zºº /… ) zº ſhºw º,…, x 7”// E. - |[LCMN A Shawnee Chief - º º | } || wazz, Azoº, 7%rºm //ºrºza º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: & ſºrº. wºrrºw” ºza -- zzzzz ---- |- wº-ºoººwº ºr AW BAE SHI Chief - WA\,\! A Celebrated Sioux º/ º Aº º ºn 2. */ºrrº, wº Ž wº-yº ºwntº Z --- "I ()() = SELA = N \ = (+\N = K_\ or "THIII", Ilºl"I'll Bº () TTER | AWinnebago Chief. | //zza2 … Zºzº, crºzzº Zºzºa º ż.” t º . - - - - - 7,” ºrwº 2.* NITIN-T) (We WIN or THIF CORY A Chippewa Dwarf /* ///w/º: wºº º ºzº, Az, Zºº” --~~-º-º-º-º: NIU) = \\y\\\\ – ZN or "['Hllº lulºl"I'll nº Yū)||R' A Miami Chief Zºº & Zºº zºº 4./ a wº º – – – C. J. O. LEwis. - --~~~~ - º Lithographid by Lehman&Duval N°8'Bank Alley Philadelphia ºzºzzº.”zz.” zºzz//w/4 & //zºº ºz/z. ºw ºrAº ºzºº Zºº º 'º º – - - Pavable on del ivery ADVERTISEMENT To the T in it d ..wºw.m. it is it OF THE º, Pººlºº. In presenting to his patrons the third number of the Aboriginal Port-Folio, the subscriber is happy in believ- ing it will afford decided and general satisfaction. It is scarcely necessary to observe, that neither time nor ex- pense have been spared to accomplish all which was held forth in the Prospectus, and to entitle it to the liberal and handsome patronage it has thus far received from his fel- low citizens. It has been the sincere desire of the Publisher, from the commencement of the undertaking, to impart to the exe- cution of the work full justice; and he trusts, if any doubts have existed, they have been by this time completely dis- pelled, as regards its future character. Before taking leave, he would observe, that the Histo- rical and Biographical portion of it is progressing, and will appear as soon as completed; and as this number.---- the eleventh----will be gratuitous, and additional to the ori- ginal terms of the Prospectus, he hopes that sufficient time will be allowed him for its completion, in order that the labour incidental to the task of its compilation and ar- rangement, may render it as complete as possible, and such as may be worthy of his patrons. With his best wishes to his subscribers, and the public generally, he remains their obedient servant, J. O. LEWIS. Philadelphia, July 20, 1835. , , , , /º/ // saevus (1,1,1,1Nm aiſ, jo laed op mo suauotºiſuuuooº unos!!!\,, \ſiv"Io, Apin,ſimțupi, josºwo siwºlaevoſ) w saņem sv. wol, Los sxw ſwoi' s'aixolvox ſiivsſiivou, Lvºvo. Lloei's ſoºviſiºſ NN Lw'sºxo, sovs ''ximois º sw.wa.u.hi.iſo altijos ſolumnw unipu1000, jo s.p.m. win ipſiſ, mae |£84 (1411,1…101s |- slºp'TEMBER is at which upwards of 5000 Indianwarriors of the chippºway's, Sioux, SACss FoxEs,wix NEBAGoºs, Potrow \tToulºs, MENow.oxiºs, Ioways &ottowas tribes were present Gov. LEWIS CASS of Michigan and W"CLARK of Miſsouri, Commiſsioners on the part of the UNITED STATF's . ////, //, // / / / /* º º - ºn ºf lºº - 2. KIWR → 0) = \|\!\!\!", A Celebrated Winnebago Chief. 7/w, wºº, Zºº 4.2% zºº ///, /* ********** NII-A = QL' = \ A Miami Chief. 7… Zºzº.” Zºº”../w/zzarZºº” zºº, wºº NABI-NAA-KLAM-STICK THE ONE NII) iº OR THE Sky A. Chippewa Chief rºad wrºteZººZººZºººzº.” zºº - - º, ITN = \ – (#||Yl' or HIARI) – "I'll Nºll'S. - A Pottawatomie Chief. 7/w, wº, ſº wº, Zºº. 47.7//**** yº-º-º-º-º: PIE = \ = , IUK A Chippewa Chief. Zºº, º ZººZºº & Cº. /* %/22e2,… ~---- -|- - zºº, sº HIE, LITIVIII" (RU) \\ A celebrated Sioux Chief’. ºnzº ºvºzzwº ºf ºz ZººZººrººz. zºz.” - Sº º º º - º º *//, wº BRITNYHWTT. A celebrated Miami Chief. ſººn ºz º.º. Zºº, ºwa ////**** - º "A sº º) ºf º º º º º J. J. Lewis, s— — . Lithographſ by Lehman&Duval N'8Bank Alley Philadelphia º/” sº ſº…/ / / / / - *- - - ºº ºvº º - - Payable on delivery |- ----|- |-! - … ºv- ſº - - - - pºrºzº … ºn a //~~~ - ſae.1 + ) > § 2 § 5 ( ~:-) - ~ |- !u* : · | 2. Ž ž · S! !! , ! ---- № |-1·----|- №23|-· ET , ~。- … ~2ſ - ~ = = ? . |-|- T =|- ----·|- ~~ ~|- ~-|- ~ - ~|- |- - - º º - -º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: ()’ – ("Ell" ("K- K.V. or- For R L.F.G. S. Head Chief of the Winnebagoes on Winnebago Lake. Michigan - º- /*a*4 ſº, º żº Zºº /* - - - - - A \\ |\ \ |\ |\ \( () S Q. A \\ wire of 0°-cra tºok-ixA or rºot ºr Llº, Gs /////, // ºr ººzºº ºvºzº - - - - N \ \|\! , º, . priº, sºur GEON 1. A Chippeway (hief. //º ºvºº º Zºº tº 4-tº-º-º- NAL SETI-NIITN A Miami Chief ºntº, tº ºr zºº, ſº ºw y tº /arr, A noted Chippeway Chief. … ººº-º-º: - .º - . - tº * , 3. º: | ºn. t **. º ºR". º *A pºº º rºw Lºwrs. - \ - - — ` - - - Lithographid by Lehman & Duval Nºank Alley Philadelphia ºzº ſº ºzº.” Zºº / º º 'º -º º º 'º -- ~ ºn Payable on delivery · ·| _ - _ - - ("Uſ"I'-TAN-TAS = TIA A telebrated Chief of the Fox tribe ////z.*** //z, Zºº /ø/º - - - ºf ºº Miami Chief rººf zºne zºº. ºv ſº ºwes oung A v. - ºr ºf the zºº º ---- - zº,…” PRESURIſ ('Raſūlſº A. Celebrated Chippeway Chief ºz ºf ºzº” zºº ºvº”. - A Miami Chief Zºº” º ºvºº - --- |- ---- - - 1-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: | ||||=(' |||— ( Chief A Pottowattonnie *...* a Laº. º- -- Ž Pºmazºº, ſº wrºnaºua /* ſº, º ſº. A TRAN (IS, |)||Rſ) Y. A CELEBRATED CHIEF AMONG THE MIAMIS half French & half Miami Zºº ºr ºr ſº - º zoºman sº ºrth º' NII-NO-QUINT A distinguish'd Pottowatomie Chief. *** * *zazz &/ºrz Że zºº & Z & Zezzº SEIF]- SHIHBA THF, Little DUCK. Acelebrated Winnebago Chief. º, º ſº, ºr ºrº Zºº / " " 'º - *†† I. º.O.M. º. NUMEROUS NOTICE:s ſi ºdºu austºn. H II. |PORT - 0.10: |ſ P - [. |ſ. # Cºſſicſ, ſº ºptºtev is tº ºpers, Iſ The following are selected, as showing the on in III I |ſ| chiº, ºne ºf , º, I - | - MR. Lewis's Asoº - Philadelphia. … … º º (º º º tº- º - -- - - - º º - - sº º º º, tº - º -º º - ºw. – º º Lehmanºmal Nºaul Alley Philadelphia. º/”º º/º/, ///w///l/ w "wº . º Zºº” ſº wº, ºw, ſº y Zºº” = − × (~~~~ „mºz/, /º/, º, , , , //, /, /w/,/ º aquae ſw.world!!!) oiſ. Jo , INNOL TILLpire{{I} \\ (I TIRIIGI NI LIL - THIT PIPE I) \NUE and THIF, TOMAHAWK DAN[T] - - of the Chippeway tribe. - - º, z//w//ø/, /º/, 73% /~/ ("Zeº KH' ||— 0–1 || || K- KWI. A Pottowaſtomie Chief. *////* /a/ Zºº / / / / RI (HINQI)Y|| || || The Head Chief of the Miami tribe of Indians // / / /ø ºr Zºe Zºº /º/, /* - ( [ \ſu () - Nº º ºſº || Pollowatomie ( hief. *//w//, /º/, //// //, /////wwº º - lºan ººzz/rºº ASI- "-TAA-YA-W (TFYI A celebrated Chippeway Chief * * *//vrº Zºº, ſº 4////ø. . - ||||||} \, ()Y A Miami Chief tº wº, º, º zºº // º tº /eºs ºf tº / " .--_--- - ( )--- -|-· ſ ().|- ) --- _|-−−− → |-T T| ~ ~ ~): :=≡ () | | Z2//ar, ºzºa, Zºº A ('elebrated Ottawa ('hief Zºº” ºr Zºaſ, or Zºº /azzº Zºº & J & Zºº. |- V ( K– ( () () - Iſ N A telebrated tº Chief. * … … º Hºº": Hº: ºcºſ tº NUMERCU's NCTICEs H I I H A BORIGINAL H i ſ H - # - ſ ºpicſ, jaue appeareu itu fºr ºpers, # i The following are selected, as shoºting the estimation in I. I which the work is held: ſ I –-º-º-º-º-º-º- ſ ſ II. I | I ſ iſ: ſ ſ L. H ſ II. ſ ſ |ſi II. I II. II. ſ I | ſ II. H | ſ nº. Lewis's II. H The ſ ſ II. H II. ſ I. I I ſ ſ |ſi º | ſ II. ſ II. II. ſ | II. ſ II. |ſi º - II. - – L- - no lºs – 2– º- Lithographid by Lehman&Duval \{\bank Alley Philadelphia - º/”Zºº” ºn//////w/º: w w/º ºv/s/…/º/, /* * * * º, , , ſº ºvº º Aº, ſº ſy /º/cºw – Pavable on deliverv. - - | ſae///////////, /w/,/ ſºſy/ « . . . . . . . . . . |- #º // & Zºº /º/* ///a/* O'ſ "Ill Nº Dº MURIS. Tº ºf Oſlº. In with the arrival of the Commiſsioners Gov. L. FWIS CASS and Col. Mº KENNEY * /'4' - // / / / / /////www. - Lºmºnºpºrºzºº VLA (- ("ſ"I-I-VIIs, HI- ||= (\- (I_{\{ B I A("k HAWK A Celebrated Sac ('hief. ////r///////ws uſ //wa//33 ****** ****** * * * * ***, *, *, *, *, *… ººzºº or nº ------- - - | \, ( II-H-IDſ) A lottowattomie (hief //º/”/, wºº MF-0-N E-ME, a c///, ºrºzz/ C., (7//zºo/, * /. // / / //, ////w//, //, //, ºr * * * **, ºnzºa. º 4% º ºſº L/m/, & //// rº \\\\ – R \|^ - Siſſº-KA //z. tº a RATTL F - SNARE A Winnebago Chief. /* * * *////º/, /d/, /º/, //, Lºhman wºma/ /i/º IPIſ N=N ()\Y= WR= Z[A A Miami Chief. * * * * * * * * *%- ("(),\l – N () – º A– Q | \ A Pottowattomie Chief //// / / / / /º/, // / / / / /* ºn wººl. \\\|YTL ||||—||) () ()- K(\\\\\ Chief of the Winnebagoes. / / / / / / / /ø ſº ſº.” /// \\\\ – "I'()||D- || – N. º://e FAGLE'S BEI) A Fox (hief * / /º/, //*, *, *///Zºº º, - - . - C- --- - º º º -º-º: -T- – - - - º * . 2 - 6 º' ºvº Althºgrapha b. ſewag pºva as Bank Ale, ºvaesºa- & obsevº on pricº 2.28b, www.ew ºsswºmeºs º ovºares cºe ºnnasºvava, # was a Ascºle as: A******* *** Wºwºwºsovº tº a lºw. ºsmºs” ºr feable on A ºver, - ºn & ſº ()–(HIV-NA § {||N K- KAA // tº far- MAN THAT STAND S AN ID STRIKFS A Winnebago Chief. Pºnſº uſ ſº ſº, ſ/º ºw. - - Lºra ºr, wº TA-MA-KAKE-TOKİ). or a WOMAN THAT Spokº, FIRST A Chippeway Squaw. (mol/ Panza at the /realy ºf Aonda, Zac Zºº” & J C Zzuº |KII-V,\ – || || N. roºm, "was ly Chippeway Chief ſº ºw” ºr ºrº Zºº /*- an a meal ºr pºwe = \\,\= \|\|→ ( ſº Rºſſ' or w/º. YELLOW Thu Nidºl: - A Chippeway Chief – * /t/ lºw w/ ſº ºw/ºu wº ſº wº Leſºta, & ſºrrºr//#/.” A. Chippeway Squaw and ('hild — ”Wa/ 'h, ºf Jºaº ////www. º ... / º KFMH – \|| || – (), NIH' RAIN A Chippeway Chief Pºntº, º Aºmºſ, Zac Zºº ///w Zeºs. Lºw, & ºf Zºº,” \|S|[= S, TIA- Q(ſ) ºf-w, Thiº ("Lil'Air sixY AChippeway Chief - * * * *//* */º ld, ºzºrd, º' Chippeway Squaws. º, ſº ºn.//, /a, ºyſ & ſº "" L. º º * ...ºf º º “” - - J. J. Lºwis, sº - - -> 2. - Lithograph'd by Lehman & Duval N°] ºnly Alley Philadelphia ºv///7cc2% ///Z’’ - // / /º/, %, ’’ Z//?” %zzº **, *//º/, //e/cº-ººoº…º/ / /ºzcº º yº Zºº /º/ ºf Zºº Payable 011 delivery Zºzzzz & Zozzazzº rº A Sioux Chief *** * *//ºra, a zºº. 2,70 / ..., zºº ºn - Tº - - º TWN's or A TA wº or THE ONE, THAT OPENS THE DOOR Shawnese Prophet Azz/22, 7&carzzz//e A.…/2 oz. zºº & ºvazzazz/ºrº - - ºn (). WAN (H ROH or-º- Lit"I LE Ei, Ix AWinnebago Chief *** * * *///*** * &c., 44.7 0 ºzºzº zºrºa dºzazzº AT TIR, CONSW, ofthe NDING, RRIN DEFR A Chippeway Chief /* * * * * .// w ſurrºw/ Lºº W,\ – K. VI (Y sNAkº AWinnebago ('lieſ // / / / / /º/, cºcº Zºº & 7 º' Zºº - - tº war- , I A( K-O-PA. orzh, SIX A Chippeway Chief /*/////zºº ho A ºn - \\\\ – || V | – ||} () ['S', ' || |\\\\ A Chippeway Chief º, º ºx.” Zºº /* - - * \\ - |}|N = {}}". Bºy WHITE, IIFAljkºl) F.A.G.L.F. A chippeway Cluel Zºadca. 4. & Zºº o lºw is. D – ~ -- --- Lithographid by Lehmans. Duval \"ºbank Alley Philadelphia - vº/” wº" ("/". º/º/, ////// / / / /* º/” Pava ble on deliverv'. / / / / / / / / /º/, "gº - . . . . . . . . . . , , , , - - - - º ºf ºzºa ERIOR OF A SIO ſº I - T. ºvzzº, wº . - |\|^|| 0 || || || \\\\ |\ |\ \{ || \, - 'I' H F, G R FAT MARTIN * * * * * Zºº ºv/Zeº | -º-º-o-º-º-º-º: VI, V (, N-VAITH' A Pottawatomie ("hief /////, / ///, //cºw/////øe 20% º - VB R \|| \\| Q || ARY The last Indian of the Nantucket tribe age 6+ º/~/ ZºZº. Z//w/ºzzº /* * *, 2//w/º. 4, &//º/, º/” ºf . - º - N \ \|\ NIS, (T′ "I A Pottowattamie Chief * /º/” ”/"Zºº sº I'll N IN tº or the ( () () |\ \ |\ |\ Kºš VI AY \ ('hippeway Chief /… º. ºº, /º/, //, //, ///Zºº lie ----|- Zºº” tº A Chippeway Chief /////, //////, //, //0// 2.5 zlºvazzºthºr zzzzzzz &r ZZ ZººZº. Tº ſºlº A. L. (OIG, HITU N T . on the River Platte. l - 9/4+