T H E WILLIAM L. C L E MENTS LIBRARY Purchased from the Trust Fund of Lathrop Colgate Harper L IT T. D. - - - - - - - - % %7 ////// //Z ////Z// /////////// ///////// |- ----Ø Ø Ø%Z- : |-\,//Ø----Ø2%~~©ØZſae%////ØØ ||%%Źź!/Z%Ø ----: ----Z!%----|--Ø),-Ø---- | _ SILVIA DU BOIS, 1768. 5th, MARCH Born SILVIA DUBOIS, (NOW 116 YERS O.L.D.) ----→ A BIOGRAFY —OF- The Slay Wilſ. Whipſ hºr Misſºs —AND– GAND HER PREDOM. BY C. W. LARISON, M. D., PRINCIPAL 0F THE ACADEMY OF SIENC AND ART AT RING08, N. J. : FORMERLY PROF. NATURAL SIENG IN THE UNIVERSITY AT LEWIS- BURG, PA.; AUTHOR OF ELEMENTS OF ORTHOEP); THE TENTING SCHOL, &c., &c. RINGOS, N. J.: C. W. LARIson, PUBLISHER. 1883. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - Entered according to Act of Congress, in By C. W. LARISON, In the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - º - - - - - º - - i. - - - - the year 1883, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - As mieh intérést alwas ātāehés to win whö livs to a véry grat ag, ànd is a negrés so old às Silvià. Dubois is séldiim non, I hav thot thät in outlin biögrafy 5v hēr mit be desird by the reding piiblic. The mor so, beeas whil géting the biögrafy 5v the heroin, a våst âmount 5v the clistiims ànd mānārs Óv the peplwith hwom she liva is also iequird, and ă knölédg 5v the was 5v folksºv a hindréd yers âgo gand. In riting this, skéteh, I hav bin is bref ãs gireimstängés wild alou. As mieh 5v the mättér &ntéring into the ejmposishiin Öv this bok was gétén from hár, in a eoloquial mān- nër, ànd is this was put iſ pēn papér, in short- händ, jūst is she spok it, and ās by giving her on wirds in the order ånd styl in which she spok thém, portras mor Öv the cărăetér, intél- ligêng, ànd forg Sv the heroin thàn ean posi- bly be given in any iſthér wa, I hav ritén the 4. most ésénshål parts &v it, Śxãctly as she re- latéd the fiets to me. The nārativábounds in profanity, àn élemént thät is forén to me, and win thät I most eor- dyåly despis, and singerly déprecat. Büt, Silvià is a profan negrés ; hér längwag alwas àbounds in profinity; ānd, túrs ànd forcibl is it is, castigat it 5v its profan wirds, and it is flåtånd meninglés, and itérly fals to conva the idea inténéd, or to revel hör ciráctér. In the nárativ, my am is mor to sho the cáráctér, forg ănd spirit Öv independênç 5v the heroin, thän to mak out a lºng lin Óv yers; or to 'tū with hom she dwelt. To ejmplish this, I mist us thos wirds ānd frases peculiár to hersèlf. hwieh ālon àr àdequat to the tāsk befor me. This then is my apúlogy for the profinity that so abūndāntly exist in this story. In the orthūgraſy Öv this bok, I hav, in the man, amd to fūlo the ruls (ºv the Spéling Re- form. Thät in sim instāngēs I hav fald, ther is no doubt. Büt, in mény instāngēs in hwieh I hav nét fölod the ādvis àv the Filológic Society, I hav din so becas I thiſt the ādvis àv thät body, respéeting thes pārticular instångés nót wel foundéd (äs in using 5 for o in the 5 wiird or ), or éls not práctic ät the présént tim. In the futur, përhāps, såm Öf the ehangés to hwieh I alud wil be prátic. And hwán the reding pepl fir prepard for them, nin wil be mor rédy to adópt them thän I. Inded, Ilúng to se thé tim hwán win cârâctër wil réprezént biſt win fon; and win fon is répresöntöd by win cârâctér. Bút, hwil I am nót wiling to adopt, in Śvēry instång, jūst nou, Śvēry masur récèméndéd by the Cömite on the Reform Öv English Spél- ing, ther fir mény mastirs, nāt récéméndéd by the comite, thāt ar müch nedèd, Ånd that I shālāt wing adópt. To fölo the spéling nou in vog, is itérly ābsiird. Süeh ā meninglés, jūmbling 5v car- ãctérs às cir in the printing or riting 5v wirds ās found in most boks and neuspapérs is impårdūnābl, ànd instilting to the tast and jūdgmént Šv all reders Óv eiiltur. A feu yers ago, ritérs cud nöt safly do iſthérwis than to fölo this génsurabl spéling; bit, sing this wid-spréd conçërted àeshiin Öv the Spéling Reformérs—mén 5f the hiêst ànd braděst cil- tur, ànd so famiisly non is critics ànd teehérs in our Colegés ànd Universitis, ther is, it the 6 bëst, bit por excus for eontinuing to spél wirds with āfonic ciráctérs. As it ma hāpén that sim h9 àr nôt àc- qwantéd with the Reformd spéling 5v the English längwag mared this bok, to hèlp them to lörn the neu orthūgrafy, ànd to facilitat thar progrés in reding thes pages, Iher intrödug the ruls sibmitéd in the “Report 5v the Améri- cán Cómite on the Reform Öv English Spél- ing.” In stating thes ruls, so far ás it suts my púrpäs, I us the lăngwag öv Dr. F. A. March, athlir 5V the répôrt citéd. RULS OW THE COMITE ON THE REFORM OF ENGLISH spºilſ Ng. 1. e.—Drôp silént e hwön fönéticăly uslés, às in live, liv; vineyard, vinyārd; believe, be- lev ; bronze, brûnz; single, singl; engine, Čn- gin ; granite, gränit; eaten, etn; rained, rand, etc. 2, ea.—Drôp a from ea håving the sound Öv ã, is in feather, föthér; leather, lêthér; jealous, jélüs, etc. 3, eau-For beauty, us the old beuty, buty. 4. ed.—Drôp of 5m eo having the sound Öv ë, às in jeopardy, jëpårdy; leopard, lêpård. For yeoman, rit yomân. 7 5. i.—Drôp i öv parliament, pârlămént. 6. o.-För o having the sound 5v iſ in bút, rit iſ, is in above, abüv; dozen, dizn; some, sim ; tongue, túng, etc. For women, restor wimén. 7. ou.—Drôp o from ou having the sound Öv ii, is in journal, jūrnāl; nourish, närish; trouble, trübl; rough, riff; tough, túf, etc. 8. u.—Drôp silént u after g befor 3, and in nátív English wirds, is in guarantee, gārānte; guard, gārd; guess, gés; guild, gild; guilt, gilt. 9. ue.—Drôp ue in apologue, àpológ ; cata- logue, citālūg; demagogue, démāgög, etc. 10 y—Spél rhyme, rime, rim. 11. Dúbl cónsonants ma be simplifid: Finál b, d, g, n, r, t, f, l, x, as in ebb, &b; add, ād; egg, àg ; inn, in ; purr, pār; butt, bit; bailiff, balif; dull, dil; buzz, būz; (not all). Medial befor inithér consonánt, às in battle, bâtl; ripple, ripl; written, ritn. Inishālūnâc- céntéd prefixes, ānd iſthér ináegéntéd syläbls, ãs in abbreviate, àbreviat; accuse, acus; affair, àfar; traveller, travélér. 12. b.-Drôp àfonic bin bomb, būm; crumb, crüm ; debt, dét; doubt, dout; dumb, diſm; -- - 8 lamb, lam; limb, lim; numb, nim ; plumb, plúm; subtle, siſtſ; succumb, siciſm; thumb, thūm. - 13. c.—Chang c bák to s in cinder, sindér; expence, expéns : fierce, fers; hence, hēns; once, wins; pence, pëns; scarce, scars; since, sins; source, sors; thence, thens; tierce, ters; whence, hwöns. 14. ch.-Drôp the h 5v ch in chamomile, cámomil : cholera, célerå ; choler, célér; mel- ancholy, mēlāncöly ; school, scol; stomach, stümâc. 15. d.—Chang d and ed finál to thwān so pronounct, is in crossed, cröst; looked, lokt, ete. 16. g.—Drôp g in feign, fan; foreign, fūrén; sovereign, sévérén. 17. gh.-Drôp h in aghast, agást : burgh, bürg ; ghost, gost. Drôp gh in haughty, haty: though, tho : through, thru. Chang gh into f hwar it häs that sound, as in cough, cof: enough, entif: laughter, laſtër: tough, túf. 18. 1.-Drôp 1 in could, cud. 19, p.–Drôp p in receipt, reget, 9 20, s.-Drôp s in aisle, il: demesne, demen: island, ilând. Chang s into z in distinctiv wirds, as in abuse, abuz (verb) : house, houz (verb): rise, riz (verb): etc. 21. sc.—Drôp c in scent, sént: scythe, syth. 22. tch.-Drôp t is in catch, céeh; pitch, pieh; witch, wieh, etc. 23. w.—Drôp w in whole, hol. 24, ph.—Rit f for ph, as in philosophy, fil- Ösofy; sphere, sfer, etc. Thé àbüv ruls gratly id is in improving English spéling; yet ther fir mény dificiiltis thät tha do not hèlp is solv. To sirmount thes, I ad a feu that sem to me quit is négés- ary is thos mad by the abüv namd filólogists: 1. Silênt vouéls.—Drôp all silënt or àfonic vouëls, is in goose, gos; loose, los; food, fod; book, bok; great, grat; gain, gan. 2. i.-Rit i for e or ee hwān so soundéd, is in been, bin. 3. a.-Rit & for a hwán a hås the sound 5v ć ãs in any, Čny; many, mény. 4. e-Rita for e whénie hās the sound 5v a, ãs in eight, at they, º 10 5. w.—Us w only as ācānsonant. Ritu for w in diffhängs in hwieh whâs the sound ºvu, ãs in new, neu; stew, steu. 6. o.—Us o is a vouël only. Hwën o his thé sound Öv w, rit w, as in one, win; once, wins. 7. u.—Hwën u is equiválēnt to w, rit w, is in language, längwag; lingüal, lingwāl. 8. i.-Rit y for i hwön i hās the sound 5v y, às in pinion, pinyún; minion, minyún. 9, c, t, s.---Rit sh for c, t, and s, hwæn c, t and s hås the sound Öv sh, as in ocean, oshūn; social, Soshāl; nation, nashūn; notion, noshūn; mission, mishūn; passion, páshún. 10. f.---Rit v for f hwæn f has the sound Öv v, as in of, Öv. The ābūv ruls, god is tha àr, if usd, wil mak in English orthógrafy véry lit betër thän the win hithúrto in us. Inded, to do mieh, in the improvnént Šv English orthó- grafy, we mist häv à betër alfabét. Thé win in général us is not sifishënt. In our àlfabét thér shud be ät lest win cârâctér for €véry simpl fon; and eeh caráctér shud alwas be cald by the sound, or fon, it is inténdéd to répres- ént, Bút, in our längwag ther ir thirty-seven 11 wāl defind fons; hwil in our àlfabét ther fir only twänty six ciráctérs. And, what maks thémétér würs, forów thes caráctérs, a, i, u and X, répresents compound fons---a begining with a sound hörd only in the inishäländ sénshäl 5v a, ànd then énding in a sound hörd in the ésénshāl Ānd vānish ùv e. i is equal to fie; u is equal to yu, x is equal to ks orgs. Héng, in reality, we hāv twenty-tu carráctérs to rép- resent thirty-thre simpl fons, and for caráctérs thät répresent compound fons. To improv the ālfabét, then we mist énlärg it. This we do by using eeh āv the vouél cáráctérs in the old àlfäbét, without diácritiq märks to répresent the sound, or fon, hērd in ittéring it; thät is, we use its nam sound. Héng whén ány wouél häs no diacritic márk, it häs its nam sound, as a in ape, ap; e in eve, ev; u in tune,—tun; o in old, i in unite, unit; Bút, to répresent iſthér vouél fons, thes vouël cáráctérs médifid by diacritic marks ar usd. This, a répresents the vouél fon in the wird àsk, a in all, a in what, 3 in it; & in mét; i in it ; 5 in nôt, Q in boot, bot; 9 in book,+bok; ií in bit, u in rude,-rud; u in full,—ful; y in ºyst; y in my. 12 Súm Öv the consonant cârâctèrs répresent mor thin win fon. Stieh ār c, g, n, s, th; x, Z; ās for instång, c in corn and c in ced; g in gun, gün, and g in gem-gém; n in no, änd n in link, link, or sing; s in sin, sin, and s in his, -his; th in them,-them änd th in thing—, thing; x in fix,-fix, and x in exist,-exist; z in Zone,—zon, and z in azure, Åzhur. The first sound abúv instångt is the win hwieh is thémor frequéntly herd. Héng, we macal it the first sound. To represent this (the first sound) we wil us the sévérál con- sonánt cârâctèrs, her citéd without diacritic märks; and to indicat the sécónd sound Öv eeh āv the sam ciráctérs, we will us gértin märks. This, to répresent the sécènd sound Öv c, we will us c märdt this g; ānd to répre- sént the sécind sound Öf g, we will us g mårkt this g; the seclind sound 5v n we wil indicat this n; and Öy th thus th; (the first sound being répresented by th]; and ov x this x; ănd ov z this zh. Héng, our àlfabét wil aper ãs the ārangmént Šv cirãcters belo. 13 ALFABET USD IN THE ORTHOGRAFY ov i . THIS BOK. VOUEL CARACTERS. -- ale, fate, Hal, fat. ădd, fīt,-ād, fīt. ârm, fathér. ăsk, gläss. all, talk. what, wander. eve, mete=ev, met. ênd, mét. içe, fine=ig, fin. in, fin. old, note=not. Ödd=ód, nét, what. prove=prov, d9, to. wolf, wol, book=bók. use, tube-us, tub. iís, túb. rude=rud, d9. bull=bul, put, wolf. fly, ige=ig. - w cyst, pin. 14 CONSONANT CARACTERS, AND THE SOUNDS g - C OR FONS THA REPBESENT. bärn, rob. call, colt. çede, trage. ehild, mueh. dale, såd. fame, leaf. go, gāg. gém, gin. hall, hät. jär, joke, gém. keep, king, call. léft, běll. make, age. nét, ten. link, incle, same pay, ape. (Hueen, cónquést. rip, för. same, yes, gede. häs, amuse, shělf, flésh. tone, nãt. thing, bréath. thine, with. Vane, WaWe. wét, was. 15 hw hweat, hweel. X expéct, föx=föks. X exist=&gsist. y yawn, yet. Z ZOne, maZe. Z-h azure=azhure. In printing the bok, I hav usd the diacritic typ prepard to print my bok entitlá Elements 5v Orthoepy. This maks the spéling 5v the wirds—as the spéling 5v čvéry wird shud be —fonic. (For a discúshūn 5v fonics ànd fonic spéling, se my “Elements Šv Orthoepy,” or my Fonic Spélér and Syläbatér.) By using the diacritic typ ànd föloing the fonic orthógráfy, the nimbér Šv pages, in the bok is about win fifth lés thin wud be, hād I fülod the afonic spéling. By using the diacritic typ, no doubt is léft respécting the proningiashiin ov čny wird; by this méthéd, eeh fon in a wird is répresented by ä sutābl cáráctér; ānd with feu Čxçëpshūns ther is no cáráctér in a wird that diis not répresent à fon. C. W. LARISON. ACADEMY ov SIENC AND ART, RINGOs, N. J., Agust 1st, 1883. THE BIOGRAFY OF SILVIA DUBOIS. The twenty sévénth Öv Jānuary 1883 dand frèsty and drery. The mércitry pointëd to 20° ābāv zero. The sky was ovércăst ànd son the wether perd thréténing. Hils ànd dals, mountins ànd välys, iipländs and lès, wer cúvèrd with sno; ind, say the numériis bold aréâs 5v wods and the spréding bous Óy leflés orehårds, the prèspéct was quit arctic. The enilly ar casd the cătl to reman in thar stals, or to snügl togéthér lipčn the le-sid 5v bildings. The poltry refusd to degénd frºm that rost. The spåro hivering its lit! fråst-bitén fet, itérd its shärp ehirp in a plantiv wa Whil the sno bird, in quést Öv wed-sed, bisily hôpt ovér the frozēn crist, or diligēntly ſitéd aming the déd brānehés ºv 17 âmbrosia, scarçly taking the tim to itér his shril nots---e.he-de-de-de---so egér was he to find fod for his morning mel, ànd then to hastén to his shëltèrd hant. Bút, the slaing was god and the cars Óv bisy lifforºt mény à côtér from his hom to brav the frigid ar Öv the ehily morning. Horsås stépt quik, lit ànd fre, and the jingl §v sla bêls écod from the for cémèrs Öv the hori- zún, Bút, the füry miſs civièring the hèds ănd façës 5v the wel robd pāsēngèrs told wél thät no win léft his hom thät morning to sla-rid for plasur. - It was Sātūrda; and, as the dutis Šv the scol-rom did nºt demānd our labor for the da, we tirnd our à tênshūn to the ābjéct, ànd the agéd. Acordingly, about 7 o'clék A. M., we àdjústěd our rāpings, mountéd the sla ànd dirécted our wa to Cedar Sūmmit, the most élevatéd, porshiin Öv the Sourländ Moun- tin. Rápidly we spéd élèng. And, as we reeht the brou äv the mountin, for a momént we pasd to sirva the lăndscap. Toward the wést, north and est, the viu was ānābstriţetēd, ănd the prèspéet was gränd. Elévatéd 400 fetabüv the Rédshal Wälly, w8 18 scănnd the basin Öv the Răritán from the sorg §v the strem to its éxit into the se. The bold mountins that skirt it on the north, ros géntly iíp ànd semd to slop so gräduâly toward the north thät tha semd nols ànd hills. The plan, thoroling and rigd, semd ëntirly lévèl. Evéryhwär was sno. Inded, the drery samnés 5v the snoy fleg was only relevd by spårg areas 5v wod lånds, and the löng line 5v pering fênçës. Evēn the distant vilagës cud hardly be descrid, so ejmpletly wér tha &nvélopt in the fleg öv sno. Bit, nerër by, from the elim- my úv mény à farm-hous āsgéndéd the soty smok, in cirling fèstons. Onwärd we hāsténd, ovér à rod that meån- dèrd nou ämid in timbragús föröst, nou âmid rôky areas ovér-gron with gedars, nou amid the smal rôky felds 5v the mountin fărmér. Evēryhwör the fêthéry bous ºv the gédārs that skirtà the wa war péndant with sno---à boutiful spectacl. The brānehés ºv the grat oks mantand thar lit sombr gra, ăding drerings to the winter sén. The oval båks 5v the hug röks liftéd a mound 5v sno, lik the houses 5v the Esquimos. The moun- tinërs hits, far removd from the rod, awa, bāk 19 ner siſm spring, or úpún the brink Šv sim plishing ril, éxhibitéd no sins 5v lif, sav the soty coliſm &v cirling smok that lazily isgénd- §d amid the forêst bous. Fröm the man rod to eeh mountinérs hiſt, or to spārg grops ov squalid séttlménts, fot- päths, or náro by-was, exténd bâk, sümtims, for mils, meändéring amid hug röks, thikēts 5v cedars, ümbragús fºrêsts, thru mårshes ànd swamps, änd, ovér strems that àr nôt &véry- hwör fordéd. Thés by-was ār best non to thé mountinérs. Thar stºk Čy geográfic nél- ëdg consists manly in in àcquantáng 5v thes winding was. And, whil eeh mountinér, in the dārkést nit fülos eeh, and ény win Öv thes by-was, with ās mileh gértinty and ās mieh déxtérity is a cât travérsés à bem in the nit, or hēr meåndéring path thru a glomy ha-mou, à pèrsiin nôt skild in the was 5v the moun- tinérs, wud, it mid-da, be nºt mor sitcº&sful in his jūrnying her than in the lăbyrinth Öv Egypt, or öv Córinth. Acordingly, hwān we hād Arivol at the eornér it hwieh the rod &x- ténds est-ward to Rök Mils, to led our wa to thé hit of Sylvià. Dubois, we &mployd win 20 h9 profést to be äcquantéd with thes meån- déring pāths. To me, the sit it which we lèſt the man rod to go in to Sylviä's mánshūn lökt no mor lik & rod than did Čny tither half rād 5v ground iípón the sam sid Öv the rod, for the last half mil. But, fath in our gid, induct is to fºlo him implicitly whérévêr he lèd. The wa was véry crokéd. Pérhāps, nāt a singl rôd Öv the päth exténdéd in the same dirécshūn. Nor, eud we se fár ahéd ov is, simtims not à rºd. Bút, Ön we movd, around hug röks, betwen lărg tres, ovér lärg stons, thru nāro ànd dān- gériſs pås was, nou ämid a thikët 5v cedars, or a groth Öy bråmbls, or à cöps Šy bushës, or à spårs fürést Öv imbragús oks and hikoris. Súmtims the rod was rity, sümtims sidling, simtims àp à shärp mol, sümtims doun & step bänk; névér lévél; sūmtims stony, and al- was dangèrüs. Biſt, by änd by a vistă ăp- perd. We wer. Ön a slit &minénç. Opéning iip befor is was ān area 5v länd clerd 5v tres, bushës ànd bråmbls, fönçt ànd firmd. It is thé propérty 5v Elizābūth, the yúngēst datér Öv Sylvià. Dubois. Upon it, hērmēdést min- shin risés, a hit tën fet squar, bilt 5v lögs, 22 roft with bords, inádornd with poreh, pīāzā, cólonad or véránda. Primătiv simplicity &n- tèrs into èvéry fas 5v its àrcitétour. It con- tans nät àn élemént thât is not àbsolutly nédéd. Ner by stands the scrágling branehés Öv à déd plºre, and beneth it is the shëltér for the fathful dóg. Around the area is a fênç bilt in the most economic wa;-in sim plaçës it is mad 5v critehés with win pol, in sim places with critehés ànd tu pols, in sim plaçës ther fir tu staks and a ridér, in iithér plagés it is mad 5v rals so Arangd that win &nd rests tipºn the ground whil the tither is elevatéd by mens øv staks fixt acrāsānūthér inclining ral. Pering abüv the sno, her and thar, wer staks Öv maz, cibag, ben-vins, pe-brúsh ind iſthér évidénçës that the énclosd area, during the spring sūmār ānd atümnăl minths, hād bin tild, ind hād yeldéd a spårg sūply to the ténánts Úv the soil. - - Wén from the éminéng we hād sirvad the hit and its énvirons, we degéndéd to the fêng thät &nclosd the löt, fasténd, and blankétd our horses ànd advanct toward the hābitashūn. Thé d'Or is dibl---eónsisting 5v šnippér ànd 24 à néthér pārt. The tipër pårt stod ajār, and in the géntér Šv the opening apérd the ful, round faç 5v a lărg, bixim negrés, the oner ând proprietorów the mánshūn which we visitéd, ãnd the yūngést daghtérôv Silvià. Dubois, the lady Óv hom we hād hèrd so mieh talk. Our visit was a sūrprs. Yét, with márkt eompla- sång ind thät höspitālity that caractérizes the ferlès mountiner, we wer invitéd in, ind bâd to be setéd by the stov. The rom was nãt wül litéd. And is I was siting down, I notict, siting tipón a ehar, a disky form closly snügld üp in the nāro spaç, betwen the stov and the wal. As my ys (eyes) becam icómodated to the degre Öv litnás Óv the rom, I sa that this disky form was the éldérly lady that we desird to se, -that she hād fixt hörsölf her in the warmést pårt äv the rom, ànd that she was āslep. I scănd her closly. Thositing, her slep was às tränquil is that Öv à bab. Hèr hēd, tid tip with a håndkèrehiſ, aftör the usual mānér Šv cülürd ladis, was boud forwärd, so thät the ehin réstěd tipún húr flèshy ehést. Hér hands wór foldéd tipúnhér láp. Hér fêt wür öxténdéd 25 beneth the stov, Hör countenang was sever, bût seren. - - Hér àpāré! was not Parisian: yèt, it was résiinably hol, ànd nöt dirty. Thér semd to be entif Öy it, ind ădjūstād &ntirly in icordāng with the genyūs ūv the Afrieän rag. Inded, the spectacl was sieh thiſt it eligitéd the Čx- prèshūn (thàt, not mad): “Wöl! yu är it hom in the énjoyment àv lif, jūstās yu wud hiv it.” Cashūsly, bit criticily, I sirvad the rom ănd the fürnitur. The lögs composing the wal wºr mét éntirly strat, ind the interspaçës betwen them, in sim plaçës, wer larg. At win tim, thès intérspagés had bin fild with mild,— ànd then, no doubt, the hous was câmpára- tivly warm. Bit, nou, in měny plagés, by frèst ànd ran, and by big ind moug, the mid his crimbla ánd falén out; ind, the opénings ãdmit alik the lit ind the wind. Within reeh āv my ehar, I clid pås my hind betwen the lögs, intil it was entirly out Öv dors; ind, in sim plaçës, I cud se lit thru a crévig tu fet lång; in tithers, I cud pås my fingörsälöng ăn opén spag betwen the lögs from tân to fiten inehés. Thru thes opén spagés, the wind was påsing at a råpid ºt. 26 The inée sūrfăç 5v the wal was not even. Eeh lüg shod its bärky contur, and eeh intér- spaç its clay ládà, or its opén spaç. Călcimin ănd whit-wash did nöt àper; ind wal-papér with gilded bordér was wanting. The geling is wanting. In its stéd is the bar rof, or the splintéry stirfăç 5v sim rals that ēxténd from wal to wal, for the sūpport àv sieh things às ār in the was if lying tipón the flor. In erecting the dific, the lºgs in the sūth- §rn fågad hid ben lad iip to the hit Öv 4, ſet, with in opén spagner the genter, to serv is a dor. The néxt lačr Öy lºgs &xténd &ntirly ãround, forming the plats for the rof ind the lin- té àv the dor. Fröm thes lèg-plats isgènd, it à shärp inclinashin, to the ridg-pol, the rāftārs, hwieh in sim plages àr civièrd with shingls; in tithers, with bords or birk. Upon ethèrsid Öy the dor, from the lög-plat thät câps the front wal, to its countérpärt ūpān the bik wal, éxténd ok rals, with the flät splintéry sid downwards. This forms, lipún ethér sid Öv the dor, a smallóft, lipčn hwieh ār pild bündls öv cloths, būd-cloths ànd biºding, ànd I no nãt hwat &ls. To gét tipún thes löfts, ther ar nethér steps nor ladér; ind yet - - - - 27 tha àr hāndy. Ständing tipún the flór, a tal pêrstân cân reeh almost to Čny párt Óv them, ănd take doun, or put awa, Čnything désird. I notiºt thät the ebars that wer nôt in us håd bin plagtipún win Öv thes löfts, out Öv the Wa. Solo is the lintël, thāt in the āctäv čntéring the dor, a pérsiºn is obliga to stop : ánd, hwæn rising tip, after &ntéring, wer he nót carful to be in the opén spag betwen the löfts, he wud băng his hôd against the ral flor. Altho this was my first visit, I was fortunat entif, iipún ëntéring, to be in the rit posishin. Būt, I was nāt a lit stirprisd is I lokt about ànd found that hwil my ſet änd lºgs, and the loér párt Óv my bâdy wer doun stars, my sholdërs, ārms ànd héd wºr tip stars. Houévér, the sūrpris did nºt infit me for sirvaing the löfts, thar irang- ménts ind that cºntënts. Pérhāps, I wud hiy sūrvad thes àpārtménts ànd that conténts löngér, ind mor criticăly : bitt, whén wel &ngagd in veuing thes things, the thºſt jeird: Whāt matha be doing belo; ma my néthér pārts not be in sim dangèr; or it the lest, matha nët de- mānd my iténshin. Acúrdingly I stopt doun, ăçëptéd a prºférd ebar, and setéd mysélf in a spaç that semd to be the most out 5v the was ând begån, as āforséd, a critical sirva Öv the ënvirüns àv my posishin. The flor semd to be mad Šy bords ānd split wod, ladipčn the ground, and pèrhāps poundéd ūpān, intil nerly levél. I sa no pidls öv ständing water, ànd yét the flor was nét éntirly dry. The intérspaçës betwen the flor-bords wud ésily hiv Šloud me to isgèrtan the quality Öy the soil tipún which the hous is bilt. Altho thes intérspaçës wér túlérābly wél fild with cla, yet the flor simhwat remindéd me Šv the ãperäng (ºv a corduroy rod. The lögs out Öv hwieh this hous is bilt, sérvd a térm Övyers in the wal ován Óldër hous. The primativ hous hwieh was ān ārlićr mān- shiin Ön this löt, was bilt a long hwil ago. In the cors Óv tim the énds 5v the lögs Öv that hous rôtéd Öf ind the édific beeam ūnsaf. therúpon, win aftörnon about 18 yers ăgo, Eliz- ābéth cônvokt här nabürs, in the capāeity Öv à frélic, is sieh gathérings àr her cald, to recén- strict her mánshūn. Acording to her plan, tha tok doun the old bilding, nāteht the lögs bâk à sutābl distāng from the énd, and pild them iip in sieh a wa that, out Öv the usābl matérial 29 Öy the old hous tha cânstrictód the présént ëdific. We àr told that the old hous was sim- hwat lårgér Šn the ground, simhwāt hiêr, ànd in Śvēry wa mor stylish thin the présént man- shūn. The houshold fürnitur—so far ás I culd se— cönsistêd 5v in old-tim cok stov, a dinér pât, à watór pal, six ebars, ā smal citbärd ānd slim béd-cloths that àperd to hiv bin lóng in us, and nót wel protécted from dirt. - The cok stov is win Öv thit pâtérn hwieh wäs in us from 30 to 40 yers ágo. It was mad for bürning wod. It is nou mieh the wirs for war. Thér is yút remāning 5v hwat it wins was, a párt Ów ceh fir-dòr, and a cân- siderābl Óv the top plats. Būt, the fir is wel ard; it häs in abūndāng ov draft from évéry sid It ständs clos ūp in the southwest cornér, in a diágonal mānér, in sieh ā wa thit the pip-ànd is toãrd the cornér, ind the fir-ànd toãrd the géntér Šv the hous. The smok finds exit thru tu joints Úv pip, thāt &xténd from the stov al- most to the rof Fröm the rof ipwärd úxténds a kind Övehimny, mad 5v a peg öv shot-iron, bént almost into a cylindér, with fantástic scólöps around the tüp—w8thér the wirk ºv 30 ān ārtisan, or the résilt 5v the disintegrating influêng Sv rāst, I do not no. Altho the spag betwen the pip ind the enimny is lărg, súmhow the spårks ind the smok—that is sim Öv them—fülo this intérüptéd flu iſp and out 5v the hous. Altho I sa, out Öv dors, no pil 5v wod from hwieh tha cud dra—and I think I sanātā singl stick, the stov was wél féd, the spårks riishing ūp the intérüptèd smok-wa furitisly. And, altho my bàk was a lit cold, my shins ànd nes wer àbout às hôt às I hiv čvêr hād them, ànd my ys (eyes) wer is wel fild with smok is tha hāv čvár bin, nét éxcepting the tims during hwieh I hav bin iténding a fir in a smok- hous. The diner-pºt was impl. and āpérd to hiv sen sèrvić. Of cours, it was lipºn the stov-the water in it, boiling furisly; bit from it, I fald to detect &ny odiºr ºv sething pºtag—bef or mütün, pork or ehīkèn. - The ebars wºr bútümd with rish, ind tha wór in god repar. * - Alóng the wal, lipčn the west sid Öy the rom, stod a bºx or cibärd, about 3 ſet lång, 18 inehés wid ind 2, ſet hi, pantéd and ārmd with 31 dors. Upon it was a tin kérosen lämp that bürnd without à enimny : änd, jūdging from the crist Öy sot ànd låmp-blåk ipên the ral- geling diréctly abov the plaç it cupyd, it smokt wel—&vén if it fald to lit the rººm. Thes wer the only irticle Öv fürnitur thät I sa. Thät ther wër tithers, éxçëpting sieh ās ma håv bin in the citbird, is hårdly påsibl. During the tim I was māking the sūrva, ther was not silenç. All the hwil we convérst. Our talk ran sūshābly, ind our host was ās cómpläçënt às a Frèneh bel. At léngth, we indungt thât we had cūm- to intérvew the agéd lady, Mrs. Silvià Dubois. Herúpiºn, hēr datār ārousd her müthér, told hèr thät pårtis håd eald to se hòr, ind introdügt is tº our heroin. Ourgretings wºrnötvéry formál, nor mieh prolóngd. Būthwil &ehānging så- luts, our höst, for a múmént, fred from éntërtan- ing is, adjústěd things about the rom, mad in- éſàbl apºlogis respécting the perān; 5v the āpārtmént, ind &xténdéd to is sieh politnäs ănd sieh āténshūn, is mad is fel that we wer welcúm gésts. I had sen Silvià on a formér ocáshún, and 32 neu simthing Šv hèr idiosyncrasés. Indéd, I hād, during a former intérvu, hērd hör relat mäny Šv the most important instāngēs 5v hèr lif. So, hwat fölos, in this céloquy, tu sām ëxtént, I hid hörd hör relat befor, and was, it this tim, dran out, by a seris Šv prepard qwās- yüns, in the ordór in hwieh it is her stated, so thät to the reder it wud be simhwat coherent. Silvià is lărg 5v statur. In her pâmy das, she his bún nētlès thin 5 ſet 10 inehés hi. She informs me thit she usualy wad mor thin 200 ibs. She is wel proporshänd, Öv à nérvo-lym- ătic témpérimént, ànd is stil capabląv grat &ndurang. Yers ago, she was non to be the ströngést pérsiºn in the sūtlmént, ànd the win h9 hãd the gratést &nduranç. She was in- distritis, and was usualy in grat reqwest during the hous-clening ind sop making sesún šv the yer. Evēry bºdy winted Silvià to help clen hous, and to help mak sop. She was so ströng she cud lift &nything thát medód to be movd, ănd cud cáry &nything thit had to be totéd; änd she was so wiling to its här stréngth that hér pºpulärity was inéſàbl. So Silvià went évéryhwór, ànd Čvºry body neu hūr—éspéshály 33 the ehildrén, ho, äs à rul, wēr windérfuly àfrad Čv her. Acording to her on count, to ehildrén she was nãt vãry woing. On the contrary, she usd to tak delit in téling them göblin storis, and in making them afrad 5v hér. She usd to tél thém that she wild kidnăp them, ànd that she wild swälo them aliv ; ind, it is séd, to ehildrén, she lökt às if she mit do sieh things. Usualy, ehildrén képt out Öv hèr wa- Usu- ăly, hwæn tha sa hör climing, tha sat réfug in the ciimpany Šv oldër folks,—in sim secludiid plag- or in a fot-rag. As a jok, she tels á story respécting in Öciíréng in the boy-hod 5vº à gèrtin individual nou wel ádvānçt in yers. He, a lit mor bold thin the āvūrag boy 5v 10 yers, Ön win Öcashin, vénturd to be à lit sasy to her, ànd for the tim, képt out Öv hēr wa Bút a fêw das after, hwil he was bisy plaing in a gårdén, iround hwieh was a hi pickët feng, Silvià éntérd the gat about the tim the lăd sa hár. To try his mêtål, she exclamd: Nou I'll häv yu, sir! Up he bounct! Evēry limb was in moshin' The hi pal-fông was a trifling bariér—win aful yèl he giv, and then thru the rāsbéry briº, ănd ovér the fênç he 34 wänt lik a căt; ánd, houling listily as he rān, disãpérd from veu, by creping indér in old bārak. Hér liiv 5v frediim is boundlés. To be fre is the al-important thing with Silvià. Bönd- ag, or even restrant, is to her akin to déth for Silvià. Frediim is the gol; frediim Óv speeh, frediſm ºv labir, feediim Sv the pāshāns, fre- dim Üv the āpetit—inrestrand in al things. To &njoy this, she wud go to Čny éxtrems— evén to the éxtrems ov living tipón the ebarity Öv hèr aqwantángós in the hit in hwieh we found hūr-àwa from civilizashūnānd cūltur, with bit lit to et, with les tº war, and the porést kind Öy shèltér. This she gans the Öb- jéct Öv hèr desir. And, she is inded fre–Čvéry páshún is fre, Čvéry desir is grätifid. Lês re- strånt I névér sa in Čny pérsiºn—nor inded cud ther be. The old lady did not awak from her slimbér qwikly. Nor did she q wikly comprehénd that she hād visitors. Būt, às agèd folks usually do, she awok sloly,–a párt Óv hèr àt à tim, às it wér. At first, she movd her hānds and ārms; thén hér ſet änd legs; then riſbd hér faç; then she movd her búdy upon the enar; and in the 35 cors Óy sim minits, she begån to realiz that she hād gésts, ind thät she mist éntértan them. Tharipön, adjústing her cloths, ind qwikly túrning hòr hēd toãrd me, she ejãculatéd: “HQ ir thes º' To this intérogashiin hér datér replid: “Hwy, mùmy Dr. Lārison, his datür, ànd Mis Pral. Tha want to se yu —tha want to tak with yu.” Qwikly ind stērnly shë replid: “Want to se me! I don't no hºwy tha shud want to se me ; sieh ān old thing is I im,-préty ner déd nou, ănd Göd nos I at to hiv bin déd lºng ago.” Herúpón, I began to inq wir about här hēlth. She informd me that she was wél—ind that she was alwas wél; except simtims she sūférd “colds.” She séd that she hād névér hād a spél Öv sever siknés, and did not inténd to hiv; thät “tant no us to be sik; folks don’t fel wel wén tham sik; tha fel best wºn tham wel.” “Júst so, Silvià,” I replid; “büt, it sems thät folks can't alwas be wel—siknés will clim sūmtims.” To this cºmmént the old lady hastily replid: Thă widént be sik haſ so mieh if tha'd behav 'ém sélys, and sta ät hom, ànd et plan vitals. - Tha want tº rān all ovér, and be into all kind 36 Öv nigär shins, and stiff’émsélys with all kinds Öv things; ānd thar gifts wont ständ it. Thén tha gét sik; ind lik entif sénd for a déctor— ănd whén he cims, if thar nôt préty carful, tha’i hāv a hál Óv à tim; for he's shur to go rit for the guts, fist pās; névér neu win Öv 'ém to mis. A big dos év calomé ànd jäläp to begin bisinés, ind then the war is begin. Thés doctors, tha’vgöt no mércy on yu, 'spésh- ăly if yur blåk. Ah! I'v sen &m, mény à tim, bit, thay névér clim after me, I névér gav'ém à ehāng-nót the fist tim. Whén I had gron q wièt from a fit Öv läftör, provokt by the old womán's styl, às mieh ās frºm the mātūr spokön, I told her that I had cúm to tak with här, to lörn hwat I clid re- spécting her grat ag, hêr cors Óv lif, the history Šv hèr fåmily, the cistüms àv the pepl ho livd a géntury or mor ago, hêr présént welfar ănd hör futur prospécts. With this statmént Silvià semd plesd, and ânounct thät she was rédy ànd wiling to in- form me respécting måtérs às fär is she was abl. At wüns, she isumd in Åtitud, and ān ar thät shod she was “all ºtönshūn' ànd rédy to tak. I had providéd mysélf with paper ånd 37 pêncil to tak doun in short-hānd, hêr längwag às it föl from her mouth. Respécting this, I informd her, ànd reqwāstěd the privilèg thät I might print ànd pāblish ánything thát she told me. To this reqwest she replid: “Most Öv foks think that nigèrs hån’t no àcount; bit, if yu think hwat I telyu is wirth pāblishing, I wil be glād if yu do it. Tºwont do me no god; bit ma be 'twil slimbúdy čls. I’v livd à god hwil, and hāv sen a god del, ànd if I shud tâl yu al I’v sen, it wud mak the har ständ tip all ové yur hēd.” By this tim, it hid fully perd thät Silvià, in hér on wa, was not à litl religits, ind was wel usd to speking the nam. Öv the Suprem Being; ind hwat is mor remärkāblin a womán, she semd to be so familyār with all thos wirds éxprésiv čv the ātributs ov Göd. Inded, I hav sèldümly non à clérgymān, Čván hwān ān x- gélént Hebru änd Grek scălăr, to be mor famil- yār with thes térms thin Silvià, nor mor in the hābit Öv using them. And yét, betwen Silvià. ànd a clérgymān, ther semd to be à markt dif- éréng in the wa in hwieh eeh usd them. For, hwil the clergymān uses thes terms manly in speking ºv the godnés àndàmnipotēng (ºv Göd, 38 ănd in invoking His blésing, Silvià semd to us them in in intérjécshūnâl, Ör in adjéctival wa to &mbélish här längwag, ànd to giv forg to hérèxprèshüns. And, Öv al that I hav čvér lisénd to, I hav nºt herd &ny win händl thes térms mor retóricaly, or yet mor in icordāng with the pringiple 3v člocushin. And, as it wil detrict véry gratly from the mérits 5v hēr dis- cors, in cas I omit this pārt 5v hèr längwāg, I bég my reders the privilèg Övleving the wirds in hér fråzès, jūst is she litérd them, às müeh às is barābl. Hwil Silvià's familiárity with the titls with hwieh Jehová is wint to be ädrést, is Čxged- ingly grat, hēr nolédgèv that ùthér being cald the Dévil, is, by no mens limitčd. If his cărăctér his évér bin bétér portrad by ény ūthér pèrsún, or if he hās éver bin idrést by, or non by, Čny tither terms thin thos she usd, it his not clim to my nôlédg. Inded, it semd thät véry titl, àpélashūn, and Špithet, thāt hãd Švér bin usd in réfŚróng to his Satánic Mäjësty, she hāndld with peculiãr frediim and es. Inded, the prolificnés àv hēr mind, in this dirécshūn, is träns&ndant. For hwör rots with the most exqwisit prefixás ànd stifixés, fal to 39 sérv her pürpos, she éxtémporaneisly and with- out hesitashūn, coins in ovérflo Úv sélf-ex- planing compounds, that sem to fully met the demānd Övön 5v hèr on Čxtrem cases. Nor is she birén Öv ideas respécting thos imäginary beings, cald by the lèrnéd, Faris, Nymſs, Sprits, Elfs, Demons, and the lik. To hér, Śvēry gröt ànd cornér, &véry wod and swamp, hil and médo, is inhábítěd by thes im- aginéry beings, h9 àr geslésly plying thar arts in intérfering with human à ſars—working to this pérsiºn welth ind hapinés, to that win, povérty and wo. THE COLLOQUY. I begån my intérogashins by saing, I Šx- péct yu hūv alwas bin prêty wel ácquantéd with the pepl living tipón this mountín. To this remärk she quíkly replid: Yes! And I telyu that tha àr the wirst sét Öv folks that his Övör livd; they ly ind stel, ànd ehet, and rôb, and mirdèr, to. Hwy yu wud’nt belev hou bâd tha àr; tha'd ehet the véry dévil, if he was on Črth; ind tha'dly him out Öv his poséshūns, to. Hwy, à persän is in dangér Šv his liftip her, ànd he cán't kep nóthin”. Tha’d stel the bråd out Öy a blind nigér's mouth, and then mürdèr him if he told Öv it. Thät's the wait gos ūp her—tha’r wiis thin the dévil himself. Bút, I replid, ther müst be sim god wins ămăng them. To this she ejäculatéd: No, ther ant; nét win; thar il bad, ind sim fir wiis. Yu névér sen sieh folks; thar the damdést thät àvér liva. - 41 Wël, then, hou do tha livºséd I. Liv Hwy, tha don’t liv-tha only sta—and härdly that; a god mény 5v them don't sta löng in the sam plaç, nethér; tha'r a sét Öf dāmd târtls; tha căry althav got in that bàks —änd thit ant mieh, nethér, and then thar rédy to gét up ind gét out, Čny tim; ind yu cáeh 'ém if yºu want to. Wöl, if tha àr so bid, d9 &ny Šv them liv togéthér, or dùseeh win liv alon? I inqwird. To this she replid: Liv togéthér Gés tha do; to mény (ºv 'em. Hwy in sim Óv them shāntis ther fir à dizén or mor, hwits ànd blåks, ind al ciliil's ănd nöthn’ to et, and nčthn’ to war, and no wod to birn,-ànd hwat cán tha do—thä hiv to stel. And then ther is no distincshiin Öv ciliiriip her? sūd I. No, not a bit. The nigèrs ànd whits allív -- togéthér. The hwits àr jūstās god is the nig- ërs, ind both ir às bād as the dévil can mak 2× ell. Wel, then, do the negros máry the whits? Hwën tha want to ; bit, tha don’t do mieh mårying tip her—tha don’t häv to-ànd then its no us, its to mieh trübl. 42 Wöl, then, hou about the ehildrén, är ther ény Yés; a plónty 5v 'em : ând al ciliirs—bląk, ănd whit, and yelo–ind &ny àthèr cilir that yu hūv čvár sen, būt blu; ther ant no blu wins yet. Wöl, if ther parénts àr nôt mārid, hou do tha bring tip the ehildrén 2 Bring 'ém ip ! Tha don’t bring 'em ûp. Hwy, is son is tha àr born, Čvéry dévil čv’ém is for himself ind the dévil's for ºm al. Thät's hou that gos. And I telyu, tha håv a blamd hārd tim Üv it, to. And then, hou do thanam the ehildrén 2 Nam ém Hwy, tha nam &m āftār thar dādī's, to be sur—if tha no h9 tha àr. Būt, thät don’t mak &ny àds; cas, befor tha àr gron ūp, häf Öv 'em don’t no that on yùng wins from ënybódy čls's, and the iſthér haſ Óv 'em wudn't on &m if tha did ; and the yūng wins ant no bétér-tha Öfén swar tha hād no dàdis”. Yu se, jūst is son is tha gét big entif, tha trävél out to gét simthing to et, and if the fed is prèty god, ma be tha'ſ sta—névér gēt bäk; ānd if thä clim búk, tha find so mény mor in the nést, tha căn’t sta if tha want to. Hwy nün 43 5v Šm thät’s god for Čnything &vér stas her. Tha go àwa hwán tha àr smal, ànd gét wirk ănd sta. Yu’l find folks born Ón this mountin, liv'n in Pringtún, Neu Brünswik, in Tréntin, in Neu York, and the dévil nos hwör al; and if tha àr driv'n tem for sim big-biigs, or ār wa- tèrs in sim grat hotěl, tha'l névér on tha wer born on this mountin, nät à bit Öy it. Tha no bétér. Būt, if win tirns out to be a por dévil, ănd géts into sim bid scrap—that felo is sur to climbăk to the mountin. Thät's the watha kep the rànks ful—ful 5v the scoundréls that cán’t sta ény hwör els; that’s the waſ it gos with the folks her. Håv yu alwas liva Ön this mountín, Silvià 2 No ; I was born 5n this mºontin in in old tävérn that usd to stand ner the Rök Mils; it stod ipên the lănd nou ond by Riehård Scót. The old hotěl was ond and képt by Riehård Cúmptin; it was torn doun a löng hwil ago, and nou yu can't tel the spºt ºn hwieh it stod. My parénts wer slavs: änd hwán my mastër movd doun to Neshānic, I went alóng with them : ând, hwön my mástér went to Grat Bénd, Ön the Súsqwehānā, I went with him thar. Afterwards Iiva lin. Neu Brünswik, and in 44 Príngtin, and in tither placés. I cam běk to the mountin becas I inhéritéd a hous ànd lötöv länd, it my fäthér's déth. Thät’s hwat bröt me bàk to the mountin. Ho was yur fathèr? My fathér was Cúfy Bard, a slav to Jön Bard. He (Cúfy) was a fifer in the bit 5v Pringtún. He usd to be à fifer for the minit mén, in the das Šv the Révolushin. Ho was yur miſthér 2 My mithér was Dorcüs Cúmptiºn, a slav to Riehard Cúmptiºn, the proprietor Öv the hotél, àt Rök Mils. Hwën I was to yers old, my müthér bút hér tim 5v Riehård Cúmptiºn,-- Minical Dubois going hòr security for the pa- mént Šv the miny. As my miſthér fald to mak pamént àt the timãpointëd, she becam the prép- ërty 5v Minical Dubois. With this falur to mak pamént, Dubois was gratly disãpointéd, ănd mieh displesd, is he did not wish to ſalar to my mithér ind her ehildrén, äs slavs to him. So he tratéd mithér bâdly—5ſén tims crućly. On win Öcasylin, hwön hér bab was bút thre dās old, he whipt här with ān Öx-gãd, becas she didn’t hold à hāg hwil he yokt it; it was in Māreh; the ground was wét ànd slipéry, 45 ànd the hög provd to stróng for hēr, indér the circiimstängés. Fröm the éxposyur ànd the whiping, she becam severly sik with pučrperål fever; bitt, aftör a löng hwil she recévèrd. Undér the slav las 5v Neu Jérsy, hwæn the slav thiſt the māstër to sever, ànd the slav and the māstër did nöt gút along harmonitisly, the slav had a rit to hint à neu mästér. Acord- ingly, my mithér Dorcüs, went in qvést Öv à neu mästär; ind, is Mr. Wm. Bard usd to sénd things for hērānd hörehildrén to et, hwön Du- bois néglécted, or refusd to fürnish entif to sát- isfy thar craving stimãcs, she askt him (Bard), to by her. This he did. And she likt him wél; bit she was āmbishūs to be fre. Acord- ingly, she bêt her tim 5v Bard, bit fald to mak pamént, ànd retirnd to him his slav. She was then sold to Mils Smith, ho was ā kind māstér, and a god mán. Būt, she was àmbishūs to be fre—so Šv, Smith she bêt här tim, ànd wént àwa to wirk, and to liv with străngérs. But, is she fald to mak pamént àt the āpointéd tim, she was takén bākā slav, and spént the remandér Šv hèr das with him, ànd was bârid 3 bout 45 yers ago ipên his homsted. Ov cors, I remand a slav to Minical Dubois. 46 He did not tret me cruely. I trid to ples him, ănd he trid to ples me; and we got along to- géthér prêty wel—excepting sumtims I wud be à litl refråctory, ind then he wud giv me a se- wer flóging. Hwën I was about fiv yers old, he movd tipún a firm ner the vilag öv Flag- toun. Hwil ther, I had god tims—a plenty to et, à plenty 5v cloths, ind a plenty 5v fun— only my mistrés was téribly pāshunat, ind târi- bly cros to me. I did not lik her, ànd she did not lik me; so she usd to beat me bādly. On wun öcashun, I did sumthing that did not sut hér. As usual, she scoldëd me. Then I was ságy. Heruptºn, she whipt me until she mārkt me so bádly that I will névér los the scărs. Yu cán se the scărs her upon my hed, to-da; and I will névér los them, if I liv inuthér hundréd yers. Hwën I was about tën yers old, the bit ov Münmuth Öcurd. I remèmbér véry wel hwön my mistér cum hom from thút bätl. Chéris wór rip, ind we wºr gāthéring harvést. He was ān Öſtiger; but I do not no his ränk. He told grat storis about the bitl, ind Öv the bravéry 5v the Neu Jérsy milishā; and about the conduct Čv Général Washingtun. He séd 47 tha whipt the British bādly—but it was a dés- pérat fit. He told us that the bitlöcurd Ün the hôtést da he Övör sa; he séd he cam ner périshing from thú &xgés àv het änd from thirst; ànd that à grat mény did di for the want Öv water. - I also remèmbér hwán my ſithér ind uthèrs returnéd from the bitls öv Tréntun ind Pring- tun, but I was yungör then, änd only remèm- bér that it was winter, ànd that tha câmpland thät tha hād sufférd so mueh from cold ànd ëxposur. Befor the bit ºv Pringtun, my mistér had bin a prisunér. Öv war. He hād bin câpturd hwil fiting on the watºr, sum whār ner Neu York. I usd to her him tºlhoal he ind súvörål uthèrs wer crouděd into a véry smal rom in the hold Öv à vésél–the trip-dor securly fäst- ënd doun, and the suply §v fresh at so com- pletly shut Öf thit almost al ho wür thus im- prisund, did in a few hours. In this plaç tha wór képt tº das. Dubois, by brething with his mouth in clos cóntāct with a mal-hol, hēld out until he was removd. Tu or threuthèrs wér fortunat enuf to find sum uthèr defécts in 48 the wod-wurk, thru hwich a scánty suply §var Calm. - Hwën I was in my 14th yer, my mistér movd from Flägtoun to his firm ālöng the Sus- qwhână Rivér. This färm is the lúnd Ön hwich the yilag cald Grat Bénd his bin bilt. Hwën we movd upon the firm, thºr was but wun uthér hous in the sūtimént for the distāng ov sévéral mils. Thes tu houses wºr bilt ºv 15gs. The wun upon my mistérs firm hād bin köpt às à têvéºn; ind hwæn he movd into it, he köpt it is a tävärn. The plaç was non is Grat Bénd. It was in important stöping plag for trävélèrs on thar wa to the Lak Cuntris, and to uthèr plags westward. Also, it was a plag mueh visitéd by botmén going doun and up the rivér. Her, to, cam grat numbers Öv hun- tèrs ànd drovérs. In fict, Čvén in thes das, Grat Bénd was ān important plag. - In moving to Grat Bénd, we went in tu wāguns. We tok with us tu cous; thes I droy al the wathar. Aftör we crost the Dölä- war it Estun, the rod óxténdéd thru à grat föröst, with only her ind thar a clerd pāteh, ând a smal lùg hut. Evēn the tāvūrns wer only log huts—sumtims with but wun rom - 49 doun stars ànd win tip stars. Thén ther wud be tu or thre béds in the rom tip stars, ānd win in the rom doun stars. The grat förést was cald the Beeh Wods. It was so big thät we was six das in going thru it. Sümtims we wud go à half da with- out påsing a hous, or meting a pérsiºn. The wods was ful 5v bars, pánthórs, wild-cáts ànd the lik. About thes I hid hºrd à grat mény wild storis. So I mad shur to kep my cous prêty clos to the wigüns. Usualy, we stûpt ovér nit it a hotél. Bīt, às the houses wer smal, Öfén it wild hipčn thät iithérs håd stēpt befor we àrival, ànd the lödg- ing roms wudal be ºcupid. Thén we wud slep in our wigüns, or in the out-bildings. In thos - das, trivºlºrs håd to gét àlöng the bèst wa tha cud. As my mistér sa thit the sit tipún which he liva was favīrābl to bisinés, during the third simér after our àrival, he erected a lărg neu fram hous—the first hous, nºt bilt 5v lögs, in Grat Bénd. Thén, he begin to do à larg bis- inés, and becam a véry prºminént min thar, is he was hwil he livil in Neu Jérsy. Alrédy several púpl hid movd to the nabūr- 50 hod, hād erécted lög houses, clerd the lănds, ănd begin to citltivat felds, and ras stºk. Véry son, in the vilag, stor-houses ànd mils wór bilt. Inded, Grat Bénd begån to be the çëntér Šv à larg ind thriving sétlmönt. At this tim hintérs usd to clim to this point to trad; to sel der-met, bar-met, wild târky's ănd the lik, and to exehàng the skins 5v wild ânimäls for sieh comúditis is tha wisht. At our tā vērn, tha usd to sta; and tha wºr a jöly sét Öy felos ; I likt to se thém clim—ther was fún thin. Thér was a féry acrºſs the Súsqwehānā āt Grat Bénd. The botlipčn our sid was ond by my mástér; the win ipên the iſthér sid was ond by Căptin Hateh. I son lérnd to manag the bot às wel às &ny win cud, and Öfén usd to féry tems àcrös alon. The folks h9 wer ic- qwantéd with me, isd to préfér me to tak thém acrás, Čvén hwön the fêrymèn wer about. Bút, Căptin Hāteh did nºt lik me. I usd to stel his clistiimérs. Hwën I lindéd my bot iípún his sid, if Čny body was thar that wanted to clim ovér to the Bénd, běfor he neu it, I wud hiry them into my bot ànd push of from the shor, and lev him swaring. Yu se the 51 miny I gåt for fêtehing bik a lod was min; ând, I stol mény à lod from old Hāteh; I alwas did, Övöry tim I cud. Alông with the féry bot, alwas wér win or tu skifs. Thes we tok alóng to hiv in rédines in eas Öv acidént. Hwën the lod was håvy, or hwán it was windy, tu or mor fêrymén wer re- qwird. At sieh tims, I wud help them acrés, bút I alwas clim bik alon in a skif. In this wa Igút so that I cud handl the skif first rat, ànd was véry fºnd Öv using it. Ofén tims I usd to tak singl pāsēngèrs ovér the féry in a skif, sümtims tu or mor it wing. This I likt, ànd tha usd to pame wel to do it. I had a god nam for mânaging the skif—tha isd to sa that, in using the skif I cud bet ény mán Ón the Susqwehànà,-ànd I alwas did bet al that ragt with me. Oféntims hwán the fêrymén wºr it dinér, súm win wud cūm to the fêry to crês. Tha wud hºlo to let is no that sim win wanted tº crós. Thén ther wud be a rag. I'd skip out, and doun to the wharf so son thät I’d hav 'ém lodéd and pusht öf befor Čny win Śls cud gét thar—and then I’d gét the fe. I telyu, if tha did not entiknifánd fork, and rún št wine, 52 'twas no us—tha cud’nt riān with me.-the fe was gén. I’v göt mény à shiling that was ānd mény à god drink, to. I askt: Was yur mistér wiling that yushud ehet the fêrymān out Öv his fes in that war She replid: He did not car; he thºt I was smårt for doing it. And simtims, if I had not bin in the hābit Öv hirying things àp in this wa, pepl wud hiv wated at the fêry by the hour-büt yu se tha did`nt häv to wat hwön I was about, and this is hwy tha likt mé, ind hwy my mistèr likt me, tº. Wél, Silvià: hwāt kind Öv tims did yu hūw hwil it Grat Bénd 2 What kind Öv tims? Hwy, first rat tims' Thér wër plenty 5v frolics, and I usd to go ănd dàng al nit-foks cud dang then. Hwy thér wér sim \v the best dāngērs àp that thit I &vér sa; ſoks neu hou to dàng in thos das. Thén yu think that the yūng folks ºv this naborhod don't no hou to dàng I no tha don't: I’v sen &m try, ind tha cán't dang a bit. Tha’v gºt no step. Håv yu sen &nybody try to dang very latly? Yès; last winter tha mad a party over 53 her, it win Öv the nabirs, ānd tha invitéd me ovér; ānd I went. Tha hād a fidl, ànd tha trid to dàng—bit tha cud’nt—not à dāmd a wiin Öv ºm. Wöll hwat was the mātūr 2 Hwat was the mātūr Hwy tha hād no stép-yu can’t dāng inlés yu hiv the stèp; ănd tha wer is akwärd ās the dévil; ind then thä wºrso dàmd climsy. Hwy, if tha went to crös thar légs, tha'd ſal doun. Thén yu think that to dang wel, it is néges- ary to crös the lègs? Súmtims it is, -nobºdy can dàng mieh without crösing the legs; bit tha cudn’t do it —tha'd gét tangld in the rigin and cápsiz. Hwy tha cântérd ovér the for lik so mény he gots. - Wél, did yºu sh9 them hou to dàng? Wél, yūs; I tok a step or tu ; bit I cudn't dº it is I usd to hwön I was yúng. Tha thūt I did wel; bit tha don't no–tha’y névér sen god dànging. Hwy hwön I was yūng, I’d cròs my ſet ninty-nin tims in a miniſt, ànd névér mis the tim, strik hel or to with eqwāles, ind go thru the figurs is nimblås a witeh. Büt nou tha'r so climsy thät hwön 54 win taks a fot of from the flor, simbódy his to hold him tip hwil he shaks it. And then hwæn tha rel tha push ánd croud lik a yok 5v yüng sters, ānd tha bing eeh āthér intil tha àr in dangér Šv that livs. Yes, Silvià, the ārt ºv dānging his falén into declin, and I am söry for it. The yüng foks 5v this générashūn ar nôt only climsy ând akwärd, bit tha àr bâd figurs; ther is nithing in thar sports to develop a god form, ănd is a conseqwāng, this générashūn is carāc- térizd by bâd development—wek biºdis with igly façes, ānd por minds. Herúpon Silvià bgān to sa: Bút, tha think that grat things ànd véry händslim. Büt tha ant; thar por, scröny mor- tāls—mak no àperäng, ànd cán't do nothing. Hwy the mén (v. the ag ov my mástér, lokt brav. Tha wºrtal and cūmānding, ànd stout Öv limb, and graçful ind hāndy; tha hād god façës, grat hiſorhéds—and lång brit ys (eyes) ànd bród mouths with god teth. Tha stod tip strat, ind walkt with frediim indes. I telyu, in thos Óld tims, ther wër god loking mén,- bravloking mén, thawer also : Général Wash- ingtún was, and Lafaét was, ind my mástér was 55 ând al the grat mén that I &vér sa wer, ànd tha wºral god dangers; and dançt hwænévér tha hād a ehång. Tha usd to sá that Général Washingtún was the most beutiful dançër in América—that he cud even bet the Marcüs de Làfaët. - The big yankis from York Stat ànd Neu England, usd to clim to our hous, ind tha wer véry fin loking mén—al ºv’ém wer. And tha wer véry tal, and véry strat, and véry dignifid; ànd thar wivs wer wél formd ind beutiful, ànd véry dignifid wimén. And tha wer al véry polit—hid the best 5v máněrs—wer the mòst acomplisht folks I &vér sa. And tha wer al god dangers—the best Öy dāngērs—and tha névér göttird Óv dānging. Evēn the old mén ind old wimén dàngt—and tha wºrjūstās god figurs às yºu ever sa, and véry graçful. I se, Silvià, thāt yu hid god tims hwán at the Grat Bénd. Ges we had Hwën my mistér movd into his neu hous, we hād a big tim. Al the gränd foks wer thar, and I tº yu, things wer livly. We hād a plenty 5v brändy, ind tha usd it, to —a big tim I telyu; tıy ãy the bigést kind ov a tim. 56 Did yu us ény brándy ? Wél, I did; bit nºt til towards nit; I had to mileh to do; I had to se to the rést; I neu hwör Övörything was, and I had to help them gét them. Būt, I lokt out for mysélf. Thér wäs win keg öv brándy that I neu was mad véry god, for I helpt mak it: wě usd to mak our on brándy, ind I alwas helpt my mistér mak it, and neu jūst as wél hou to do it is énybódy. Ilêft this kég til it was the last thing to be movd; then, hwön I ind a gèrtin fêlo begån to mov it, we concluděd thit we wud se if it hād képt wel; we hād no clip, so we drawd it out in in Črthén pºt; and then he drink; ind thén I dränk—til we dränkal we cud; bit stil thér was simléft in the pot, and we cudn’t gét it bàk in the kūg, for we hād no fūnēl; we didn’t want to throit àwa, thāt lokt to wastful; so, we concludéd we'd drink it iip; so, he dränk ănd I dränk, til it was gºn. This mad is prêty ful; bit we started with the kég; by ănd by it begin to be to hevy—ind then it göt doun, ind then we göt doun , and then I neu thér’d be a tim, becas I neu if my mistérsa me, I’d gét à hèl (ºv a likºn, And slim Óv the 57 rést neu that to. And tha didn’t want to se me likt, so thagút me tip, and helpt me of to- wärd the hous to put me to bed. I usd to be sibjčct to the crämps, änd slim- tims I usd to hiv it véry bâd, so thät my mistrés usd to giv me médigin for it; ānd, wins à lit hwil befor, I was so bad with it thât she thét I was going to di with it. Wöl, I thūt nou I had betúr hāv the crimp, ind then mabe I wudn’t gét likt. So I begån to hav pan—ind son it göt préty bâd—worsthän I’d Övör hād it befor; any hou, I mad mor füs thin I Śvēr hād befor, and yéld à god del loudër. Prêty son tha cald misy, ind she was awfuly friténd; she thét I wud di, shur; she séd she'd névér sen me so wek with it befor. So she hād me cárid and plaçt tipún the tründl–béd, in hér on rom, ind îténdéd to me nigly. She gay me stim médigin hwieh she thūt hélpt me amazingly ; bit befor the médi- çin cud d9&ny god the rimstäpt al my yeling, ănd grünting to ; in fågt, I was so drink that I cudn’t se, her, nor fel. For ahwil, I thot I was déd; bit by änd by the brándy begån to war ºf ind I begin to se. I cashi'sly sqiírmd âround to se wéthér ºbºdy was about, and 58 thar sát misy, fining me. I cashiily opénd my ys (eyes) jūst the lest bit, to se hou she lokt; she lokt véry pity ful—I was to drink to lif; bût “My God,” thot I, “if yu only neu hwät I am doing, yu'd thro that fin awa and giv me hôl.” At nit, my mástér cam to bed véry lat. Hwën he cam in to tindrés, I was making be- lev that I was āslep. I didn’t dar to gét wel to son. At wüns, mistrés begån to tél him housik I was: änd hou ner I cam to dy- ing.—büt I didn't fol him. He lokt it me à litl, ànd then wänt to bed. He sed: “Pal she's only drink—she’s bin drinking with the men. Go to slep she’l be al rit in the morn- ing.” And so I was, to ; bitt, thāt curd me Öv drinking. Thén yu névér dränk after that? I névér göt drink after that. Sümtims hwán iſthérs håv bin drinking, I hav takin a drām, to ; bit, I didn't gºt drink—I névér do. I no my masur, and I tak no mor. Did yºur mistrés àvér find out that yu wer degeving her hwán yu wer drink? I ges nôt; if she hād, she’d a kild me—if she cud : bit, I havlāft about it a grat mény 59 tims. I spoild hèr fün for that nit—she hād to lev her climpany ànd tak car Öv me, it was prêty hard for hēr; for she hād a grat del 3 y big cimpany that thät nit, and she was hål for ciimpany. Wél; yur mistrés was alwas kind to yu, wasn’t she Kind to me; hwy, she was the véry dévil himself. Hwy, she'd lèvel me with &nything she cudgét hold Öv-clüb, stik Öv wod, túngs, fir-shūvél, nif. ix, hātehét; &nything thát was händyèst: ānd then she was so dámd qwik about it, to. I telyu, if I inténdéd tº sag hèr, I mad shur to be of awas. Wél; did she Övör hit yºu? Yes, Öfén; wins she nógt me til I was so stif that she thét I was ded; wins after that, becas I was a lit sagy, she lèveld me with the fir-Siluvé ànd brok my pat. She thét I was ded then, būt I wasn’t. Brok yur pat? Yés; brok my skill; yºu can put yur fingers her, in the plaç hwar the brak was, in the sid Öv my hed, yet. She smāsht it rit in—she didn't do things to the hálvs. 60 Heripön I &xãmind Silvià’s håd, ind found thät, àt stim tim, lºng ago, the skül hād bin brokén ánd deprést for a spagnút lés thin thre inehés ; that the deprést frägmänt häd nöt bin élevatéd, is sirgèns nou do, änd that in conse- qwāng, ther is, to this da, a depréshūn in hwieh Icin béry a lărg pårt äv the indéx finger. Upon hér höd, I found numérüsüthèr scărs most Öy hwieh Silvià sés, ir the result ov wounds inflictód by hôr mistrés Bút she sés sūm Öv them är nôt. Thes àr, àcording to her tël, the resúlts 5v wounds incird during tither wars, wagd after she gand her frediim. For, in the strigl for lif, Silvià incird mény à côm- bāt; ind, altho she alwas câm Öf from the feld victorís, simtims she did nºt clim Óf in- scăthd. In hér fits, it is séd, she engagd alik mán or womân, blåk or hwit-best or bird—&nything bût Göd or dùvil. Acording to her tāl, she card bit lit for fist or ſot ; bitt sämtims hwön tha cam doun ipên hër with wod and stel, she did wing a litl, Bút wo! to the combåtånt thât dard to resort to thos ūnſar implemünts ºv war. At bäst, Čvén with thes, tha cud only wound hūr;-júst enuf. 61 to śxáspérat her to do jūstic to the Öcashun. For, hwön rigd for a fist fit, névér entif stod befor hēr, nor gāthārd around her, to discúmfit hér, or to kep her tipón the sod. Respecting her pro-wºs, Silvià's téstimony is nāt al thät I havgåthérd. Diförént mén, whijs vénérabl lùks sho that tha àr old entif to re- mèmbér sens that tha witnást sixty and sév- ênty yers ago, tú me that tha håv sen Silvià in bātl mény à tim, ànd that her citrag, ànd her ability was alwas ādeqwat to Čny émérgénøy. Houévér, tradishūn stats, thāt Silvià was néthér qwārēlsúm nor agrésiv. On the con- trary, she was decidédly a peg-makér; ānd sim Öv hèr most notwirthy ſets wer comphlist hwön stiprésing a rou, or, pārting combåtånts; inded, hêr préséng 5fén prévôntéd a fit. Be- cás, if the fit begån contrary to her wil, Öfén- tims she, to mak thém mor obedićnt in the futur, and to térify ithérs Óv à q warelsim or à pugilistic natur, wud severly whip both the cómbåtånts. Nor was she lès likly to intérfer in cases hwör ther was a fre fit. In cases in hwieh from fiv to tún wºr in 5 fit, Sílvià his 5ſén bin non tº wad in, tº sez wērévêr hand-holt was esſést, 62 ănd to thro win negro in win dirécshūn, and âniithér in Ånithér diréeshhūn, until the last félo was hirld from the arenå Öv fit; ind, Öfén tims she thru thém with sieh forg, thät the dāsh ùpön the ground infitéd them for fürthér âcshūn, or for retúrning to the batl; sūeh fets, oing to her grat siz, and grater strénth, she ãcömplisht with ez; ind, it is sed, thāt sieh wér hēr delibérashūns, thāt she wud retirn from sieh sens in the ütmost composur. Wél, Silvià, hwät did yur màstèr sa about sūeh ās was diin by yur mistrésº Sa! hwy he neu hou pāshūmat she was. He sa hör kik me in the stim㺠win da so bidly, thät he intérferd. I was not gron tip, then: I was to yung to stand sieh. He didn't telhér so hwön I was by ; bit, I hav herd him telhér hwán tha thét I was not listéning, thāt she was to sever—that sieh wirk wud nöt do—she’d kil me néxt. Wél, did his remünstråting with her makhér ëny betér? Nöt à bit; mad her wirs—júst put the dévil in hér. And then, jūsās sºn âs he was out Öy 63 the was if I was a litl sagy, or à lit negléctful, I’d cáteh hälägén. Bút I fixt hör—I pad her lip for al hör spink; I mad īp my mind that hwön I gru tip I wud do it: ānd hwán I had a god enāng, hwán sim 5v hèr gränd cūmpany was āround, I fixt hör. Wöl, hwät did yºu do? I nékt her doun, and blåmd ner kild her. Wél; hwar ind hou did that häpén 2 It hapénd in the bar-rom ; thar was sim gränd folksstöping thar, and she wantéd things to lok prêty stylish ; and so she sét me to scrib- ing tip the bar-rom. I felt à lit grüm, ànd didn’t do it to sut her ; she scoldéd me about it, and I sagt här ; she striſk me with här hānd. Think’s I, it’s a god tim nou to drés yu out, ănd dàmd if I wºn’t do it; I sét doun my tols, ând sqwārd for a fit. The first hwäk, I strik hér a hèl ºy a blo with my fist. I didn’t něk hérèntirly thru the pânăls öv the dor ; bitt här lânding agánst the dor mad a téribl smāsh, Ånd I hirt her so bádly that al wer friténd out ov that wits, and I didn't no mysélf bit thât I’d kild the old dévil. Wér ther &ny win in the bar-rom, then? 64 It was ful 5v folks; sūm Öv them wer Jérsy foks, h9 wer going from the Lak Cúntris hom, to visit thar frénds; sūm wer drovérs, Ön thar wa to the west, and sim wer hintérs ànd botmén staing a hwil to rést. Hwat did tha do hwön tha sa yu nãk yur mistrés doun ? Do! hwy, tha wer going to tak hèr pārt, Öv cors; bit I jūst sät doun the slöp bikët ànd stratènd üp, and smäkt my fists àt 'em, ànd töld'ém to wadin, if tha dard, and I'd thrásh êvéry dévil čy ’ām; and ther wasn’t a dāmd à win thät dard to clim. Wöl, hwät něxt? Thén Igút out, and prêty q wik, to. I neu it wudn’t do to sta thar; so I went doun to Chenāng Point: ánd thar wënt to wirk. Hwar was yur mâstér, diring this fractis 2 He he was gèn to ténd cort at Wilksbar. He was a gränd-jūry-mân, and hād to be gön à god mény das. He ſºn sérvd is gränd jury- mān, and then he was alwas gön a wek or tu. Things wud hiv gön betër if he hād bin hom. Hwën he cam hom, hwat did he do? He sūnt for me to clim bik. Did yu go? 65 Ov cors, I did, I had to go; I was a slav, ănd if I didn’t go, he wud hiv brût me, and in ā húry, to ; in thos das, the mistérs mad the nigèrs mind; ind hwæn he spok, I neu I mist oba. Thém old māstérs, hwæn thagút mid, hād no mércy on à nigér–tha'd cūt a nigéral àp in a hiry—cit 'em al āp into strings, jūst lev the lif—that’s al.; I’v sen 'em do it, mény à tim. Wél, hwät did yur mâstër sa hwán yu cam bäk? He didn't scold me mieh; he told me that, ās my mistrés ànd I got alóng so bädly, if I wud tak my ehild and go to Neu Jérsy, and sta thar, he wud giv me fre; I told him I wud go. It was lat àt nit; he rot me à pås, gav it to me, ind Črly the néxt morning I sét out for Flägtoun, N. J. It sems that yu gót along with yur màstér mieh betër thän yu did with yur mistrésº Yés; I got àlöng with him, first rat; he was a god mān; and a grat man, to; al the gränd folks likt Minical Dubois. Hwën the grat mén häd thar metings, Minical Dubois was alwas invitéd tº be with 'ém ; and he alwas 66 wānt, to ; he was āwa from hom a grat del; he hād a grat del 5v bisnés, and he was non al ovér the cintry. I likt my mastër, and Övöry bödy likt him. He névér whipt me inlés he was shur that I deservéd it; he usd to let me go to fºlics ănd bals, and to hiv god tims àwa from hom, with lithèr blak folks, whénévér I wantéd to : he was a god mān ānd a god mästèr; bit, hwön he told me I mist clim hom from a bal ăt à gértin tim, hwæn the tim cam, the jig was out—I neu I mist go it wudn't dº to dis- àpoint Minical Dubois. Did pārtis ºftºn Scirº Yés; and I alwas wént, to ; Old Minical wud alwas lét me go, becaus I was a god ne- grés, and alwas trid to ples him ; I had god tims hwæn he was āround, and he alwas diin things rit: bit yu mūstn't gét him mid. In the löng nits 5v winter, we ºftºn häd frül- ics, almöst &véry wek ; we’d hardly gét Svěr win frolić wen we'd begin to fix for antither. Thén ther was the holidas—Cristmas, ind Neal Yêr, and Estér, and the Forth ov Júly, ănd Géneral Traning. Būt, the bigèst Öv 'em al was géneral traning. Thät was the bigést 67 da for the nigèrs—I telyu that was the bigést da. The nigèrs wer al out to génerál traning —litlánd big—old ànd yung : ānd then tha'd hāv sim rim—alwas håd rúm it géneral tran- ings–ànd then yu’d her 'em laf a mil—and hwön thagút into a fit, yu’d her 'em yel mor thän fiv mils. Did the nigèrs yúl hwön thafat? The couárds did—wirs than énything yu &vér hērd—wirs thin &nything bit a couárdly nigér. Hwar did yu hold yur frülics? Thér was a grat mény nigèrs around the nabürhod 5v Grat Bénd, and simtims we’d met ät win mästér's hous, and simtims àt àn- ūthér's. We was shur to hiv a fidl, ànd a frolik, Ånd a first rat tim; bit niin Öv čm hād a bêtêr tim thún mysélſ—I likt fråligs. I cud dān; al nit, and fel is jóly is a wieh al néxt da. I névér tird āt frålics—not ; nür àt géneral traning, nethér. Did yu sa yur mástér usd to mak his on brändy ? Yés; he Öfén mad it—alwas mad his peeh brändy : ény win cân mak peeh brändy—the bèst that was ever drink; yu jūst birn about 68 for pounds 5v drid péehés intil yu can rāb thém to poudér in yur hānds; yu mūst birn 'ém in a pút thât hāsā vēry tit civièrºn. Thén rüb &m fin in yur hānds; or, if slim pegés àr to hard for that, pound them fin with a håmér. Thén put this poudér Šv börnt peehés into a bárál Óv neu äplhwisky, and in for wëks, ifyu shak the birélévéry da, yu wil häv à biré àv peeh brändy god Śniif for Čny body. Yu mak apl brándy in almost the sam wa; yu bûrn about for pounds 5v špls drid with the skins &n. Mak thém into pouder, and put 'em in a birél 5v neu äpl hwisky, and shak the bārēlēvéry da for for weks. In for weks, yu hāv a biré àv àpl brándy oëtér thin &ny yu évér sa. A lit! ÜV that will mak a félo talk— ănd wón’t bärn his gifts out, néthér. Foks usd tº drink brándy rit ālöng—dränk it every da—dränk a plenty 5v it, and didn’t gét the mân-á-poehe, nor the delērím trèmèns, nethér. Hwy, the brándy usd to be god–tastëd god. ànd was plesent to drink; yu can’t gét niin súeh nou—not à bit Öy it. A drink 5v brándy nou, birns lik fir—birns al the wa doun-gos thru the güts wirs thin a shet Öv réd-hötsänd pâpér. - SILV LA A. FIRE IN EG-IRES. Hou did yu go to Flägtoun ? On fot, to be shur; I cam rit doun thru the Beeh Wods, al ālon, êxçëpting my yung win in my firms; sūmtims I didn’t se à persän for à haſ a da; sūmtims I didn’t gét half entif to et, and névé had any bad to slep in; I jūst slept ånyhwar. My baby was ābout à yer and a håf old, and I had to ciry it al the wa The wod was ful 5v pånthèrs, bars, wild-cats ànd wolvs; I Šfén sa 'ém in the datim, ànd alwas hérd &m houling in the fit. O thät old pān- thér—hwán he hould, it mad the harständ tip al ovér my hed. - - At Estún, I went ºn bord ov a raft tº go doun the Délàwar. A man by the nam. Öy Brink, hād his wif ind family Ún bord úv à raft, bound for Filádélifā; I went ºn bord to help the wif, for my pāsag; tha war nig folks, ănd I had a god tim; I left the raft not far 70 from Tréntin, bit I do not no éxãctly hwar– thar was no toun it the plág it hwieh I gåt Öf the rāft. Thén I progeded diréctly to Flägtoun, to se my mithér; I did not find her that—she hād, movd to Neu Brünswik. On my was a män cald to me, àsking me, “ HQs nigér àr yu?” I replid, I’m no mán's nigér—I belºng to Göd —I belong to no mán. He thén séd : H war iryu going I replid : Thät’s niin Öy yur bisnés—I’m fre; I go hwar I ples. He cam towārd me; I sat doun my yung win, shod him my fist, ind lokt it him; and I gés he sa tº was no us; he mozed Óſ, téling me thät he wud hav me àréstěd is son às he cud find a mägistrat. Yu se that in thos das, the negros wer al slavs, ind tha wer sént noh war, nār āloud to to go ènyhwar without à pås; ānd hwán Čny- win mêt à negro who was not with his más- tér, he hād a rit to démānd Öv him hos negro he was: änd if the negro did nºt sho his pās, or did not giv god Śvidéng h9s he was, he was ārēstéd it wins, and képt intil his más- tér cam for him, pād hwatever ehārgés wer 71 mad, Ånd tok him awa. Yu se, in thos das, Čnybody hid athérity to irést vagrant negros. Tha göt pa for irésting them, ànd ehārgd for that keping til that mistêr redemd them. Būt, he didn’t firést me—nºt a bit. Hwën I gºt to Neu Brünswik, I found my müthér son àftör, I went to wirk, and re- mänd in Neu Brünswik sºvërål yers. Fröm Neu Brünswik I went to Pringtún to wirk for Victor Toulan. I remand in his family a lºng hwil; I wirkt for him hwön Paül Toulan was ā ehild; I wirkt thar hwæn he was born. Victor Toulan was a grat min, and a god mān; and he usd his sérvánts wel; ind Paul was a nig boy, ind Mādām Toulan was a god wumān; and I likt &m al ānd al the sérvánts likt ºm. After a löng hwil, I visitéd my grändfathér, Háry Cúmptin, he livd it the, forks ºv the rod, ner this plag; he was then ăn old mān; thasa he was mor thin a hindréd yers old, and I gés he was ; bit he was yet q wit activ; he wantéd me to staWith him and tak car Öv him, ànd I stad; and āt his déth, I inheritéd his prépérty. I liva ºn the old homstúd intil à feuyers ago, hwæn them dāmd démocráts set 72 fir to my hous, and birnd tip my hom ind al thät I had. Sing thät tim, I hav livid it this plag, with my yungést datér. Wél, Silvià, yu hūv livd a lºng hwil, ind hāv súférd à grat mény hardships, änd, I expéct thät Yu är tird 5v living. No, I ant; I’d lik to liv inithér hindréd yers yet—and I don't no bit I wil, to ; my teth ir god, and if I can gét entíf to et, I dºn’t no hyy I shud di; ther's no us in ding—yu ant god for Čnything after yu är déd. Wél, Silvià, I &xpéct yu är wel àqwantéd with this mountin, ind with al the folks that liv on it. Yés, I no évéry fot 5v it—every hol ānd cornér Šv it; every plag hwar &nybody livs, or évêr hās livd. And I no the folks, to; and sim Öv 'em är préty bâd wins, to ; in fict, tha àr albād, and sim 5v them är würs. Hiwat the dévil wil &vér do with them hwæn he hās to tak 'ém, I don't no. Shurly he dön’t want 'em, and wudn’t häv &m if he cud help it. The only resún that sim Óv thes foks lip her dùn't di sonér thin tha do is, the dévil wºn't hiv them: He jūst puts 5ftāken them, becas he nos hwat à tim he’l hāv hwæn he gēts 'em. Hwy sūm 73 5v them är stårvd to déth lºng entif befor tha di; bit, tha căn’t di—thºr's no plaç for them to go to aftör tha àr déd. Tha an’t fit to go to hövån, and the dévil wºn't hāv 'ém, ànd so tha hāv to staher. Hwy, this mountin is wirs thin hèl itsälf; hwy, if slim Óv thes foks don’t be- hav bötér, aftör thago into the införnäl regiºns thin tha do hwil her, the dévil wil hävä tim ov it. IIel névêr mānag &m ; he’l häv to cal a cöngrés ànd hāv in imúndmünt fixt to the cönstitushún. A brimston fir won’t do; it wil nčvér faz čm ; it don't her. I’v sen it trid, ind it don’t do it al—only maks &m wirs. Wöl, Silvià, yu tél & préty hird story about yur nabirs. Téla hård story ! I tº the truth: ind I cud têl mor Öv it; hwy, yu dont no ºm ; ther is morfolkskild tip her thin &nybºdy nos ºv; ind yu no simbödy is kild tip her Györy yer; ind nobôdy is Čvér hāngd for it; ind it göts wirs ănd wirs. If tha kil &nybºdy tip her, tha jūst tak the mirdórðrs Óſ to Flémíngtiān ānd kép 'ém in jalahwil til tha håv trial, ind then tha túrn &m out to clim bººk her, ind thin tha àr wiłrs thin tha wer befor; tha jūst kil &nybºdy thèn. L 74 And tha stell hwy, yu wiſdºnt belev hou mieh tha stel; tha don't stel mieh 5v win in- ūthér, becas that wildn't do; if thawer cat it thät, tha'd gét kild dàmd son, and then tha 'ant göt mieh to be stold Büt tha go ºf frºm the mountin, doun into the vilis, ind that tha stel ánything tha căn find—shëp ànd ebickëns, ând gran, and met, ànd cloths—ind &nything éls that tha căn et or war; ind, nobódy cin find &nything thát häs bin stolén by the folks iip her, for, hwön &nything is to be stolén, tha al no àbout it, and tha ally for eeh iſthér, and tha al no hyar it is to be hid, and tha al help to kep folks from finding it; so it diis no god to hint àp her for stolén gods. And then tha no so dàmd wel hou to hid things, to ; tha don’t hid hwat tha stel, in that houses, intil al the housés håv bin séreht; hwön tha stel ënything tha hid it in sim hol that nobódy bút mountinërs no Šv ; or ēls indér sim rôks, or ündér sim wod, hwar nobódy bit the mount- inërs wud think Čv loking. Thăt is the wa tha do bisnés àp her ; ind if yu tél 'em öv it, tha'] kil yu—dāmd if tha won’t. And Silvià, yu hiv livil rit her, in the midst 75 5v them for fifty yers without ſaling into thar was 2 Yès; and löngér to. I no ºm ; I’v bin to *ēm—but tha håv névér trübld’me mieh–tha no it wud’nt do; thano I'd giv ‘ām thút. (So saing, she brût hér rit fist into her léft händ intil the smäkcud be hārd fifty yārds.) Wöl, Silvià, hwat do yu think Št to be diin with thes bâd folks? Ot to be diin with 'em 2 Hwy, süm Öv Šm Öt to be hāngd rit āp by the nék; ānd sim Óv 'ém Öt to be tid lip ind likt merly to déth—tid rit tip to a post and likt til within in ineh āv the lif. Thăt's hwat Öt to be din with ‘ām— thät's the wa I'd sérv ºm. I'd tak'ém tip to Flémingtún, and lik 'em til tha'd névér want to be likt agèn. Håv yu Čvér bin to Flémíngtin, Silvià 2 Bin hwar 2 Bín to Flémíngtiān 2 Bín to thät dāmd Flémingtún”—yès, I'v bin thar; and it is the dāmdést plaç in the wirld. Hwy, Silvia, hwat häv yu ägènst Fléming- tún 2 - I'v göt entíf agánst it. Yu can't gét ény- thing thar without miny; nobādy is einsid- 76 &rd &nything thar inlés he hās miny; nobúdy wil tăl yu &nything that ùnlàs yu giv Šm müny; if yu äsk a layer &nything, he won't túl yu ä bit intil he gēts yur miny. Yu can't gćt jūstic that ùnlàs yu hūw slim miny; ind yu can't gét it then—becas, if inithér pèrsiºn hās mor miny thän yu hiv, tha'i al āv 'm— Čvéry dåmd layer, the jūdg, ànd the jury, go for him, ànd a por búdy his no sho it al. I no 'ém—I'v bin to ºm-thar a bid sét. Håv yu bin to the layers ät Flémingtún, Silvià 2 Yes, I hiv-büt, it didn't do &ny god ; thes dāmd S ërty awa fråm me for mény yers, ānd I wantéd 's hāv bin trying to gét my prêp- to consilt á layer to gét him to put thes dévils thru; bit I cudn't ; nüt a dāmdā layºr wud tak my cas, būcas I hid no miny; thii sãd tha cud not talk without miny : tha cudn't do &ny- thing for me inlés I pad 'ém sim miny. Hwy didn't yupa thém sim miny Pa *ěm I cudn't—I hidn’t a cént to my In a 101. Wöl, Silvià, hou did yu fel hwön tha told yu thät tha cud do nithing for yu without yu gav them sim miny 77 Fell I felt lik kiking thar dāmd trips out. Tha think tha àr so dàmd big becas tha àr drést tip a lit!; ind tha àr to dāmd proud to be degént. If tha'd clim over Ön the moun- tin we’d sho’ém ; we’d skin Čvéry dévil Öv 'em —I'd do it mysélf, is old às I am. I'd jūst lik to put my fist agènst that ys (eyes). (So saing, she brût the fist agónst the hānd, ūntil it smäkt aloud.) War yu &vé àt Flómingtún hwön yu wer not consilting layers 2 Yös, Öſén. I usd to go hwönévér ther was Čny doings that ; hwönövér ther was général traning, ànd hwönévér the big mén häd thar mětings thar. Al the nigèrs usd to go to Flémíngtiin Ön thos big das; ind then thad gét likt—god Göd, hou thad gét likt! Hwy, thad ti’m rit iip ind lick’m to déth—cit Öm into pegés—cit ºm al into strings. Did yu Čvér se thém hwip the negros? Se’ém yés, I hiv : se ºm lik a dizón Öv *m it a tim. Tiºm rit tip to a post, ind giv ºm hāl, rit ºn the bar-bäk—féteh the blod Čvéry tim; and tha'd hölör! God Göd! tha'd houl til yu cud her 'em à mil: änd then, hwön tha hād ciſt the bik al in slits, tha'd put salt YS In the gashës; ānd then tha'd houl, Lord Göd! no pánthér in the bêeh wods Švér mad half so mileh nois. Thät's the wa tha fixt the nigér in old tims, thém dāmd Flémingtönérs—tha think tha àr so dāmd big. Hwat did the negros do, thät tha hwipt them so bâdly Hwy, Öv cors tha'd gét sim hwisky, and then tha'd gét into a kinty-koy, ànd maki nois pér- hāps; tha'd gét into a rou or à fit, ind then sūm- bödy wud gét hirt; ind then the win thit gót hirt wild cómplan to the athóritis, and thén the constábls wud be äſtör the nigèrs;– and hwán tha cat’m tha'd ti’ém rit āp without jūdg or jury, ind pul ºf the shirt, and put it rit on the bar hid. My Göd, hou tha'd lik &m —cit the hid al in gåshús. That's the wa tha usd to fix the old slavs: giy `ām a hölida to hiv a litl sport, ind then if tha hād ‘ny fún, lik &m til tha'd hav a sor bāk til the néxt hölida cüm. Wöl, Silvià, wud tha want to go to the néxt hölida. ? Yes, the nigèrs alwas wantéd to go, bák sor or wël; névér neu win to mishwān his māstër - 79 told him he cud go. Thén he'd be shur to gét likt wins thin he was befor; becas sim nigèrs cudn't häv à holida without géting into a fit, thèn he'd be shur to gét tidiip ind likt. During the tim Silvià was ānsāring the last few q westyūns, she beçam so tºxçitód, so elo- qwānt in hér own was ind so indigènt in hér profan Špithets, thāt I ferd thiit I wud nöt be ābl to tak doun al that she séd, nár be ablfg fit tip for the prés hwat I did tak doun. In- ded, hwön she begin to túl ibout the tretmént Öv the negros during the das Šv slavéry, she ăt wins wixt Gloqwānt, ànd son becam so ve- hemünt, thāt I did not no hyváthēr it was wis to prosecut my inq wirys &ny fürthér in this di- récshūn. At almost the first q\věstyūn, I thot I smélt the füms ºv brimston; and is we pro- çeded, the sulfürüsodir began so ströng, thāt I ferd that by her pouérful gésticulāshān ānd the pels öv hēr tèrific lingwag, she hād rént the crist Öv the eith súmhwör ner hwar she sät, ind the fums from the inférnal regiºns wer àsgènding thru the fishir into the apártmént in hwieh we sit. Inded, the atmösfer was dé- gidédly ehoky, and I shud hav askt for a bêtêr 80 - včntilashūn, bit for the fict thât, hwiehövér wa Ilokt, the opén spaçës betwen the lögsåloud me to se the swaing förést tres, ind gav the perging wind a fre cirént to my ehily bâk and to my ehiliër ers. Reflécting that this, then, näturály wild be à lit! &xciting to in old slav, I concluděd to rün the risk Čv the swing 5v hèr big fist, ind the incresing enčkynés àv the sülfürüs àtmös– fer, ànd progedüd is ſolos: Wör yu ät Flémíngtiān hwön the lit negro was hångd for mirdèring his mistrés? - Yés; ind that was the dimdést tim I &vér sa. The nigèrs q waréld ind fout, and poundéd eeh iſthér, and bit eeh iſthörsers ºf; ind then poundéd eeh āthèrs nost's doun, būngd eeh ūthèrs ys (eyes) ind sim gºt blamd ner kild. And then them dimd Flémingtönérs got after 'ém, ànd thatid 'm tip, ind likt 'em without mércy—cut ºm al āp—cút ‘ūm al in strings; júst léft the liſ–no mor. Thät was a grat tim, I'l navčr forget thât. Wöl, Silvià, did the negros nºt deserv to be hwipt simtims? Yés, stimatims—most alwas, I expéct. Tha 81 hād to lik 'em, ther was no tither wa; tha hād to mak 'ém mind; the nigèrs that behavd wél névèr gāt likt; bit stim wudn't behav ; tha'd alwas gét into a rou, or stel simthing, ànd thèn tha'd be shūr to gét likt. Silvià, tha sa thit yºu är vöry old, ovér à hindréd yers old—do yºu no hou old yu är Nöt &xãctly—can't tel exãctly ; tha didn't usd to kep a récird 5v the birth Öy nigérs; tha hardly köpt å récird 5v the birth Öv hwit ehildrén; nünbüt the gränd folks kept å récird 5v the birth Öv thar ehildrén—tha did`nt no mor kep the dat Öv à yúng nigér, thin tha did Öv à calf or à colt; the yūng nigèrs wer born in the Fal or in the Spring, in the Sümér or in the Wintār; in câbag tim, or hwön ehéris wer rip; hwön tha wer plinting corn, or hwön tha wór hisking corn; ind that's al the wa tha takt about à nigér's ag. Bút, Silvià, is ther no wa to tél aprčximatly hwán yu wºr born ? To be shur ther is ; ind that's hwat maks foks sa that I Am a hindréd and fiftén yers old. Tha têl this by the récird 5v the birth Öv Riehård Cúmptin. My miſthér ind mény ūthér old folks, usd tººl me that, hwæn my 82 mithér was a slav to Riehárd Cúmptin, ther was born to him a sin, hom tha cald Rieh- ârd, aftör his fathér. Hwën this sin Riehård was tu das old, I was born ; so ther is bút tu das diföréng betwen the dat Öv Riehård Cúmp- tún's birth ind my birth. In in old Bibl hwieh is nou in pāsēshiin Öv Mr. Riehård Gomo, h9 livs ner Rök Mils, is the récird 5v the Cúmptin fåmily. By reför- ing to this récird thatél hou old I im. Būt I do not no hou old I am-I can’t red; bit I Čxpéct thatél me rit. I no thiit I am oldër thān &nybody čls áround her—oldër thin thar parénts wer; ind in most casts, I neu thar grat-gränd parénts. I remèmbér thit hwil we wºr smal enildrön, I ind Riehård Cúmptin wér about Öv à siz, ănd thiſt we usd to pla togéthér. My mithūr ănd his mitthör usd to túl me that we both nirst the sam brùst, altérnatly, the sam da; às we wer so ner the sam ag, hwön his miſthér wisht to go àwä to visit, or úpón bisnés, Rieh- ârd was löft in the car Öv my miſthér; and whil his mithèr was awa, he usd to nirs my miithér with me. Wins, Mrs. Cúmptiºn ànd wiin Öv the nabors was gén tº the city a hol 83 wek; and hwil gºn, Riehard was left in ehârg 5v my mithūr. Thén she usd to tak is both tipún húr lip, ind hwil he was nürsing win bråst, I was nirsing the üthér. Tha usd to sa thit this was the resön Riehård ind I göt àlöng so wül together. As löng is he livd, he alwas clamd to be about my ag, ànd we al- was visitäd, ind we usd to tak ovér the cir- climstäng thät we usd to be togéther hwán we wer babis, and hwön we wºr ehildrén, ind thit we hil alwas visitéd, ind alwas inténdéd to visit. -- A grat mény old ſoks usd to tél me that tha hād sen me nirs my miſthör it the sam tim thät Riehård Cúmptiºn was nitrsing her, ànd thit he ind I wºr about the sam in ag. As we livá út a tävärn, I &xpút folks sa ús mor, ind thiſt morfolks notigt is thin wud hiv diin so, in a lés piblic plaç. To vérify the stātmöntsäbüv mad, réspéct- ing Silvià's ag, I visitád Mr. Gomo to constilt the anshēnt récird 5v the Cúmptiºn fåmily. I son lérnčd that Mrs. Gomo was ā neg öv Rieh- ârd Cúmptiºn; thit she was the datür öv Rieh- àrd Cúmptin's sistêr Dęborã, h9 was born 84 Jān, 5th, 1793. This lády, Débora Cúmptün, hād mārid Vänlieu, by hom she hād Mrs. Gomo. Aftör Vänlieu’s déth, she mārid D. Dănbüry. Aftör Dānbüry’s déth, she livd with hér datór, Mrs. Gomo, to hom she usd to tél thät hér brothér Riehård, ind Silvià Dübois, wér about Öv in ag. Mrs. Gomo, now in Öld lady, informs me, thätsävéral old folks used to tél här hwán a girl, thāt hér Unclfiehård ind Silvià. Dubois, wºr about Öv the sam ag; that tha hād sen both Riehārd and Silvià nirs the sam mithèr àt the sam tim; ind that her UnclRiehård usd to túl thit his mithér usd to sa that he was tu das oldër thin Silvià. It häpénéd that the old Bibl in the pos- séshūn Öv Mrs. Gomo, did not contan à ful récird Óv the Cúmptiºn fåmily; that the ré- cúrd her mad dated no farthér bàk thin the birth Öy Déborá. Climptiºn, hwieh 5ccürd ās ābūv statüd, Jān. 5th, 1793; bit, Mrs. Gomo införmd me thūt the old Bibl, hāving the an- shěnt recird for hwieh I was sérehing, was in pösésshiin Öv hèr datér, Mrs. Jön Elbértsön, living about tu mils est 5v Rök Mils. Upºn visiting Mrs. Elbértsön, and stating the pār- pos év my visit, she kindly produçt the old 85 bok, and wélcümd me to the hôspitálitis Šv hèr climfortābl hom. In this récird, I found, āmūng üthèrs, the fêlowing statmént: Rieh- ârd Cúmptin born Māreh 3d, A. D., 1768; Déborá Cúmptin, born Ján. 5th, A. D., 1793; Héng, we lèrn thät, wär Riehård Cúmptin stil living, hē wud be almost 115 yers old. Thén, if tradishūn is tru, änd, in this cas it is cérôb- Örated in so mény was thit I cinnüt doubt it, Silvià. Dubois will be 115 yers old üpún the 5th da öv Māreh, 1883. Silvià is in god hölth, and in god condishiin Öv mind. Hér mémory is exgålént; and she is ás mueh intéréstéd in the Afars 5v lifás is the mòst Öv pépl it thirty-fiv. She loks is if she mit liv mény yers yút. Unto Silvià hāv bin born six ebildrén : Mösés, Judith, Chârlöt, Dorcis, Elizabéth ind Raehél. Raehél livs in Pringtún. Lizi ons, ànd resids tipčn the löt déscribd in this àrticl. With här, nou livs hèr agúd mūthér. She is à larg and stout womân, and loks as if she mit liv to be äs old às här miſthér. She is wel prépôrshiind and véry activ. It is séd that it is not esy to find evån aming the “bulis,” a mân that is a mäteh for hēr, in a hånd to hind 86 cönflict, or in a fist fit. Pérhāps she is is ner lik her müthér, in bild, prouts ind &ndur- àng, às à dater can be ; she sems mild, compla- gént ànd cūrteiis. Būt, rumür ses thät she hās takén pårt in měny à priz fit; thit she his névér bin párticular hyöthér the ehāmpeõn ho was to met hér was mal or femal; ind thit she his séldüm, if Övör, clim out Öy the contëst sčciínd bést. It is also told thit she hās sim- tims gén á long distâng to met the elimpeõn h9 dard to enālūng hòr, or to prevok her ir. Lizi Dubois is fir famed is a förtun täl- lòr. To her hē dàscânt tipún the events Úv his lif, mény à yùng fèlo wºnds his wa to the hūmbl hit 5v this sabl lady, ind, elated with the informashūn gand, dróps his peg öv silvér into Lizi’s hånd, hists àwa to witeh secrétly, the inſolding 5v čvéry mistéry, Nor is här stöck Šv loſ bárón Öv wiellery. Fröm afir, the vöteris Šv wiehcraft go to Lizi in qYêst Öv nélèg réspécting stolén gods, and üthér things that àr siſposd to be non only to thos h9 àr in comúnicashūn with the spirits ùv the méthér abods. Lizi is about 78 yers Öv àg; bit she is so 87 wāl présérvd that she wud pas for a negrés ºv 40. Hèr ehåncés to lív to be 120 yers old, fir véry god. Silvià, yu hiv in linusually stróng fram, ànd yu hūv livd to in Čxcedingly grat ag; yu mūst hāv bin vöry prépérly fúd in ehidhud, or éls thés things cud nöt be. Upon hwat did tha us to fed yu, thāt yu hiv grön so lärg ind so stróng 2 Tha giv us Indián dimplings, såmp, pörag, corn-bréd, potatos, pörk, bef mish ind milk, ànd nigér bütür; ind we did`nt gét à bºly-ful 5v thes, simtims—I’v číčn gön to bed hingly, bût, 'twas no us to cºmplan;–yu hid yur masur ind yu got no mor. Thăt’s the wa tha fúd ying nigèrs, in old tims, bit tha mad 'em grO. Tël me hou the dimplings, pörag, corn-bréd ànd nigór bútér wër mad. To mak indián dimplings, scald the indián mel, wirk it into a bal, ànd then boil intil diin, in the liqûr that met–pork or bef-hăs bin boild in. Thes wºretén without &ny dip, būtūr or sag. To mak simp pårag: Boil &gwāl pārts Čy 88 bef ind pork togéthér, intil din; remov the met änd stir into the liqûr in hwieh the met was boild, cors indián mel, ànd boil til din. Corn-bréd was mad by mixing eqwāl masurs ūv indián mel ànd ry mel togéthér, and baking in in ovén. Nigér bútár was mad by mixing tu pārts Šv lärd with win párt Óv molāsēs. This nigér bútér was hwat we hād to its on our brēd ; and we did wél if we did`nt häv to spréd it duçãd thin. The bröd was so härd thät it medód gresing ; ind this was althät we hãd to gres it with—we had no gravy. We usd to hiv pis casyiinaly. Sümtims tha wer mad out Öv swet àpls ; sūmtims out Öv sour wins, without any shugar (ºr molāses; did`nt fed nigers shugār ānd molāses mileh in thos das; the hwit folks did’nt get mileh āv 'em—thar pis war almost is sour is ours; ind ther was very lit shugar in that coſe, ind the shugar that tha usd was ās blák is my hid. We never dränk cºſe or te. Sümtims we göt sim Gidar. The hwit folks only dränk te ănd cūſe ºn Sünda, or hyen tha had cūmpany. 89 Tha usd to boil, or rost our potatos, with the skins &n, änd then we did`nt tak the skins àf, we at ºm skins ànd al. And the hwit folks at thar's jūst so; bit tha hād gravy, or bútér, to put Ön thar’s. The hwit folks did`nt et hwet bröd only 5n Sünda, or hwön thahād cūmpany. Tha àt ry oréd ; tha did`nt citltivat mileh hwet, 'twud’nt gro; névér hid mor thin entif to mak pi-crist ind caks, out Öy. Tha at à grat del Öv mish ind sámp pårag, ànd indián caks, and thes wºr god entif if yºu hūd a plenty 5v god milk ind bittér, and gravy to et with 'em. I Šxpéct folks nou-ā- das, think that this was hård far, bit ’twas god entif—hwán we hād entif Öv it; bitt sämtims we did`nt gét à biºly- ful—that went à lit hird. If the folks nou-ā- das wud liv is we usd to, tha'd be à god del ströngér, mor hēlthy, ind wuldºnt di so son. Tha et so mény dantis; to mieh Shugar, to mény swet pudings ànd pis, to mieh rieh cak, and to mileh frèsh bräd; ind tha drink to mieh cöfe ànd te; and tha dºn't drés warm entif; thät câlico ant the thing for hēlth. We usd to war wolén indér cloths, ind our skirts wer alwas mad 5v lindsy-wolsy. Our stückings wér wolén ánd our shos wer mad 5v god thick 90 léthér, so hèvy that yu cud kika män’s trip out with 'ém. This is the wa we usd to drés, ind it was ā god wa to. The old māstérs neu hou to tak car Öv that nigèrs. We hād god beds to slep in ; the tiks wer fild with stra, ànd we hād plónty 5v wolén blånkéts, and cūvèrlèts, is tha usd to cal'ém. The firs wer al mad 5v wod, ind iſsuály tha wór big. The fir plaçës iſsualy &xténdéd én- tirly acrost win &nd Öv the kitehén—15 to 20 fet wid, with larg ston jāms that mad ‘ºm 3 or mor fet dep, providéd with a ehimny thit 2 or 3 cud clim lip ind stānd in, sid by sid. In the bik pårt äv this hug fir-plag à larg bik- lög, às müeh ās tu or thre cud cáry—was pligt, and üpún the hāndiriins inithér log cald à for-stik, is mieh ās à min cud cáry, was plagt; and then betwen this bik-lóg ind for- stik was pild smalér wod, üntil it mad a fir thät wud scar the yūng foks (ºv this généra- shūn out Öv thar wits. This big fir nôt only warmd, bit it also lited the rom. As a rul, the nigèrs håd no lithèr lit, and no lither fir thān this—tha hād to sta in the kitehén—this was thar pårt äv the hous, ind her tha had god 91 tims, to. The hwit folks wer in Ånithér pārt 5v the hous, hwar the fir-plaç was nãt q\wit so big. Sümtims the hwit folks håd stovs; ánd thèn tha litèd thar roms with tilo cindls; ther was no kérosin then, nor &ny col, tha did`nt no hou to us sieh things. This éndéd our coloquy with Silvià. Dubois. As the da was fär spént, we gåthèrd our utún- sils, drópt into the hānd Övouragéd hostés àn ëxprèshūn Öv our ehārity toward hör, bād hér god-by, mountēd our sla ánd sét Öf to visit Riehård Gomo, ät Rök Mils, to Čxämin the récirds Öv the Cúmptiºn fåmily. Hwën the récirds håd bin Čxãmind, the nit was fast clim- ing on, and we hastënd toward Ringos. We ărivd hom after the shads 5v nit hid fuly super- vénd, tird ānd hingry, bit delitëd with the ãcqwisishins 5v the da. The agéd ind car- worn visag öv Silvià. Dubois, hêr himbl hit and sparg fürnitur, hêr shril, stern voig her pért replis, hēr qwik instºrs, hêr eherful dispoſshūn ând her conténtmént with härlöt, hās formd a pictur in our minds so indélàbl, thät tim wil névér eras it. A P E N D L X . Elévén minths håv Člāpst sing the riting ov the preçediug pages, ānd stil Silvià. Dubois livs hal, härty, wity, ànd is piús ās &vér The flāsh ùv hēr ye (eye) stil is lik a glem öv a fäl- ehin. Hēr gat is firm, hēr voig cler, hêr hering ăcut, hêr visyūnēxgålént. She ets wel, drinks wól, ànd smöks bêtêr, Hör mümory is Čxçël- ënt, ànd she taks is mieh intérést in păsing evénts, is wud win Öv förty yers. She &njoys à jok is wel is ever; ind tāls win with Čxged- ing graç. Húr läſ is is indikativ čv mérimént às that Öv à wéneh āv aten. Inded, Silvià is āliv yūt. Silvià's god spirits do mileh towards prū- lönging hòr das. Hör mâtér-ºf-fict wa Öv vuing lif, prevénts wiry, ànd keps the māshen- ëry Śv här systèm fråm fricshūn. Thät hwieh wars out the māshenèry 5v the himán fram mor thin Čny iithêr win thing (I hid almost 93 séd mor thän al els combind) is wiry. Fröm this Silvià is Śvēr fre; she his that firm réli- ăng ipên Próvidéng thát éntirly prévônts &ny ânxiety about the futur. To find win bºtör botiſmd tipún the Călvinistic fath, is not esy; she sés she gru üp among the Old Scol Près- bytereans, thāt she sa thar was wér god ind thät she adóptéd them—thät is, thos Óv thar was that sut her; she sés : If win wil only do rit, Próvidéng wil provid for him. Tant no us to wiry—it only maks things wirs; let clim hwāt wil, yu’v göt to bar it—'tant no us to flineh. Próvidéng nos búst–He sénds tº yu hwatóvár. He wants yu to hiv, ind yu’v göt to tak it, ind mak the bèst Öv it. I’v alwas got ălöng sūmhou, änd I always wil—bitt sämtims its prêty dåmd härd sléding, I telyu. Silvià névér fidgets. Hwën she sits, hêr händs rést in her läp, ind she is is moshūnlés às à stätu. Hwën she stands, she is is firm às à tre. Hwën she waks, hēr gat is précis ind ãdroit. Hwil taking, she gésticulats not à litl; bút in the manuvéring ºv hèr hānds, ther is mieh graçãnd mārkt propriety; she is a hårty lāfēr, bit hér läf is agreabl—ánd not véry if- ricinic-àntirly fre from thät labiál Gine-negro läf-wa, wa, wa, waſ or thiſt pålatälläf so pe- culiār to the negro: ya, ya, ya, ya! In the fict ūv läfing, hēr hol fram is in moshūn, so mieh so, thät win mit think she’d shak the sols öf from her shus. With al här viváçity, she shos declin. Dur- ing the last yer, she hās gron old rápidly—hās beclim emāsheatéd and simhwat boud. Făr- thér, hêr mind shos declin, ind her convérsa- shūn indicats that she is vérging toward the end Öv lif; she taks müeh Öv d'éth, and Öv di- ing, ànd sems wiling to di. In the cors Óv cönvérsashin, she remärkt: “Niin Öv is håv a les 5v lif; bit, I no I am old, and ācording to the wait häs bin with Čvéry body čls, Ise I mist di; I ma di väry sidenly—hwön nün àr w - y Čxpécting it—siteh old folks simtims divá sūdénly, bitt, thers no túling about thât. Upon the first 5v Novémbér läst, I cald it the himbl mānshān in hwieh Silvià resids, to inqwir àftër her hēlth, hēr wants, &c., &c. It was evićning, ànd the shads Šv nit häd wel ni prevéntëd me from föloing my wa; so, to mak mâtérs shur, I was escortéd ovér the rocky, winding path, by ä gid. Aftörsövérál stüm- bls, and scrátehés by cedar búshés, in the dis- 95 tång aperd à fant lit. To this, Isa ourgid was âming. It was the lămp that iluminats the hiſt Sv our heroin ; son we àrivd it the dor was wélcúmd in, Čntërd ānd stātéd the resún Öv our èränd. The old lady såt in hår àcis- tümd plag—in the nieh betwen the stov ind the west wal. Besid her, I plaçt a préfèrd ehar, ănd begin convérsashin. She distinctly re- mèmbérd my visit tipón the 27th Öy Jānuary, 1883, and mileh thit we takt about, -ſaltéd me for nôt hāving clim to se her soner, ànd in- qwird āftār the welfar Öv thos h9 wer with me during my last visit. Upon inq wiry, she införmd me thit she hād ënjëyd god húlth—that she was ströng ind stil cud wak a löng wa-thit she hād jūst retúrnd from Hârlingén—a distāng 5v 4 mils. To be cértán is to the mānār āv retirning frºm Härlingén, I iskt här : Hø brût yu from Hârlingún 2 To this, in hår påculiár styl, she replid: Bröt mysélf—nobúdy brút me ! Hwat I did yu wakhom from Hârlingén this àftörnon? To be shur I did; hou äls wod I gét her! Hwat! a womân 116 yers old, wak for ind & häf mils in in aftörnon 2 Yés; thūrs no àthér wa–I hid to wak. Hou lūng weryū ūpān the war About tu ours, I gès—we cam slo—hād a god del to ciry—ind I can’t wak fist ény mor. Aryu nãt vãry tird * No ; I 'ant mileh tird—I’m a litl tird, to be shur ând a litt hängry. Hör datér (with hom Silvià livs) semd to be gáthēring hòr winter stor; ind in the lit hit wär mor pegés ày fürnitur ànd boxês, thin I hād sen befor. A tabl, à birél or tu, änd a pil Övehés-búxés, wºr croudéd in the bik pårt äv the rom, ind the spaç in the löft semd véry ful. Inded, the litl hous send so ful that ther was härdly siting rom or stånding rom. Elizābūth, is usual, was lävish with apólogy. Hér hous was not in order-it nedèd reparing —she’d had a cărpéntër to veu it to se hwat cud be din; mimy's drés was old ànd ràgéd, and nédéd washing ; the fir was por—she’d not yötgöthér winter wod, ind hör stov had almost giván out—and I no not hwat ther was for hwich she did not àpúlogiz. 97 To mak irangménts for the Fotográf Öv our heroin, tipún the 20th Öv Novémbér, I agún cald it här datür's hom. I found Silvià in hér àcistümd nieh, with här hēd and faç véry mieh swolén, and véry mieh miſld with rāgs ănd poltiges. She hād siiſerd a sever q winzy, ànd hād nöt yet fully rectivārd hör hèlth. She was febl, ànd nedèd siporting tretmént. Ac- ordingly, I préscribd for hēr, ind Advizd hèr dater hou to mánag her poltiges, &c., &c. Hwil I was fixing her médigin, Silvià remärkt: I didn't usd to gét q winzy, nor &ny tither kind Öv sor throt; bit nou I'm old, ind my teth ir out, ind the wind blos rit doun my throt, ind I tak cold. Hwy sūmtims it blos cler doun to my stimãº, änd flirthér to ; howil it blos cler thru me. Hwën I had teth, it did`nt usd to do so. Arangménts wer mad with Silvià to sit for hér fotográf is son is she was wéi entif to rid to the Artist's Gālery. Upon teling hòr that à ciriag wud be rédy to takhér it Šny tim, she replid: I want yu to inform me in tim for me to fix mysélf, and gét Ön sūm decânt clos—them folks àt Lâmbértvilără proud. sét—ánd I don't want 98 tº go doun thar loking jūst &ny hou; I want to lok préty snipshūs. I replid: I se, Silvià, yu är simhwat proud in yur old das. I alwas was proud, and likt to per degént; ănd I alwas did aper degént, wän I cud; bit I névér drést beyºnd my mens—I wiſdºnt do thät At 10 o'clok, tipún the 30th Öv Novémbér, Silvià Sàt for her Fotográf. Altho welni 116 yers old, this was her first experiênç in loking into the ārtist's camera. Bút, the frontigpeg Öy this völum, givs sim idea 5v the graçfulnés Öv hèr mânărăt thes àdvånct yers. The pictur shos that she was a lit tird. This will be ex- pêctúd by Čvéry win, hwön informd that the old lady had rod about min mils betwen the tim Öv bråkfasting ind that Öv čntéring into the Artist's Gālery. It is not likly that so old à womân hås &vér befor sét for a fotográf ; ind it is not likly that so old à win will &vér pre- sént her faç to the artist's camera. Imédiatly after taking the négativ for Silvia's pictur, the artist idjústěd the cámera tº the 99 - faç 5v Elizabeth, the yúngēst datér and cūn- - - - w - ~ - w - stänt compányin Öy our heroin. This à wo- mán in the 78th yer Öy hèr ag, ànd her müthér in the 116th yer Öv ag, wēr fotográft Ön the sam da. G L TE N IN G. S. About 21 yers ago, the práctic Śv médigin bröt me into acqwāntáng with mény 5v the möst agèd peplºliving in the sūthèrn párt Óv Hünterdön ind Sömérsét Countis, and the nčrthérn párt Óv Mergér. Sing thät tim, it his bin my fortun to mantan ān ācqwantáng with merly al the old folks for mény mils around. As I hiy alwas håd in er for history, ind &s- peshåly a dep intérést in al that relats to the history Óv my nativ county, ànd Öv the pepl ho dwel her, I hav čvár listênd to, ändöfén mad nots (v, the storis that the agéd hiv told me. Héng, I hiv sloly icumulatéd a stor Öv ficts, sieh ās évéry livār āv history cinét wel forgöt —évén if he wantéd to. Ov thes fäcts, sim relat to the farëst fazès Öv lif—to heroic patriótizm, to hi-sold filān- thropy, to intiring devoshān to the Cristyán cas, to filyālāfécshūn and the lik; sūm, to the 101 dārkëst, drerººst fazés àv himān-lif.-to sens Öv révélry, acts 5v debåehéry, to sqwālid pāv- ërty, to abjéct degéneraçy, ànd to hands crims. Bút ficts àr fåcts; ind, it häs takön ceh ānd al 5v thes, ānd thousands that àr yet intold to form the livs 5v the citizéns 5v our county —the doings Öv the pepl among hom we liv ; ănd no history Óv our county can be complet, nor Öv mileh vàlu äs à récord úy the livs 5v a peplithit diis not crönicl, it the sam tim, the doings Öv the grat ānd the smal, the rieh ānd the por, the proud ind the himbl, the éxaltéd ănd the ābjéct, the virtuis ànd the vigyûs, the frugal ind the sqwalid. To 5fén, hwat is cald history, is bút the récirds Öv the farëst făcts 5v a singl famils individual, or öv a fav- ord few, hwieh lok wel úpún papéránd ār ples- ing to the er, bit hwieh only répresent the sin- tilashūns 5v society, or öv sim ſavird individ- uál, éntirly ignoring the doings Öv the másés, ândshiining with disdan, the deds, the pashënts ănd the sūférings Öv the por. To 5ſén we forgēt thât it taks the pésént às welás the prest ănd the président, to mak society, to form the Cönstituángy 5v a Stat. To fên we forgöt thät the degénerat, and the abjëct àr indispén- 102 gibl pārts to society, that tha håv rits ànd privélags–ànd that tha àr bút the countërparts Öv the bèst Öv the citizéns 5v a câmânwëlth. On this jeashūn, it is my bisněs to recºrd the ācts ànd saings Öv win ho his not ben il- iístritis for filánthropic deds. But, a stüdy čv this récord—-5v thes àcts and saings—is wirthy, ind wil wel repa &ny win ho wishës to no the resúlts ºv a lif Öv disolūtnés; ho wishés to se hwat inbridlá páshúns led to; ho wishës to no hou äbjéct ànd sqwālid a pérson cán be, ind yét liv not far frºm the farëst fazès Öv civilizd lif. Thät my reders ma the bêtêr comprehénd the lif Öv the heroin Öv this tal, I will giv a bref skēteh 5v in anshēnt mountin tivārn, wins famils for itſam. This hous, tradishin sés, stodipún the north sid Öv the rod that ùxténds wästwärd from the Röck Mils, ner its intérséc- shün with the rod that ùxténds from Wértsvil to Hopwél. It was the prépérty 5v a mani- mitčd negro, änd was cald Pút's Tāvérn—after- wärds, Pút's Old Tāvūrn; a prépérty that Silvià. Dubois inhéritéd frºm her grändfathér, Häry Cúmptiºn. The foundér Šv this hous, and for mény yers 103 its proprietúr, was the cărăctër h9 figurs in the cºloquy, in this bok, is Háry Cúmptiºn, the fifer, Öv not in the firmy úv the Révolushūn, Häry was a slav to Général Rufús Pútnam, h9 sold him to Căptin Ryner Stats, h9 sold him to Riehård Cúmptiºn, from hom he bêt his tim ind becam fre. As Général Rufús Pút- nám was his first mistér, and mor disting wisht thän ethür öv the iſthér tu mästèrs, Håry was Öfén cald after his first mistér, Häry Pútnām; inded, this nam he preförd. Acordingly, hwön he becam the proprietor ºv a hotel, and a män Öv not is a mountin tävärn kepúr, for short, tha cald him Háry Pút; ind the hous that he képt, was usualy cald Pút’s Tāvūrn. Häry Pútnám's hous, altho fir famd, ind mieh freqwāntëd, espéshály by sporting cirãc- tèrs, was névér ligênst. In Örly tims, the séling Öv hwisky and üthèr intoxicating liq wers äs à béverag, was āloud to almost &véry win–lin- lès, by so doing, the vendër becam véry 5fén- giv. In the plaç, in hwieh Hāry’s hous was bilt, even än &xtravigang in the sal öv liqwār, or in the démünstrashūns conseqwāntipún the us 5v it, was lés likly to be compland Öv, than to be encúragd. Cônseqwéntly, in peg 104 ănd präspérity, he mānagd his bisnés, acumii- latéd welth, ind becam rénound. His hous, fär removéd frºm the gaz čv the ciilturd, and the piús, becam the sen Öv cék-fits, föx- ehases, hisling maehés, priz-fits, &c., &c. In- ded, Pút's Tāvūrn becam famiis is a plaç 5v résort for al siteh ās indigd in sieh gams, or likt to be présént hwör sieh things tränspird. It was the géntër for the disolut. Fröm afâr, renound gamstérs cam,_ánd trädishin sés, mény wer the pounds, shilings ànd péng tha cárid ºf with them; and mény wºr the yüng mén ánd ying winnön ruind in that hous. At Put's Hous, cilir was bút lit regårdèd. Blåks ànd hwits, alik, pārtok in the pāstims, or the bisnés, Öv the Öcashin. Thät the blaks wer regårdèd eqwāl with the hwits, ther ma be sūm dout: bit that the blåks wer is god is the hwits, ther is no q westyūn, Bút be thes things is tha ma, tha preténdéd to isoshiat ūpön terms 5v čqwālity, tº mieh so for the wól being 5v ther påstérity. Twenty yers ago I was fisishin to several old gamstérs, the mālādas Šv h9m wer incird by freqwénting this célebrated hous Óvilfam, ănd the cºnseqwént intércors with sieh ās 105 cºngregatéd thar. Altho the mishāps leding to dises cird during boy-hod, or ërly mán- hod, the materes morbi wer néyér eradicatéd, ănd thes old Öféndérs Óv Natiir's las, is tha gru oldér, cónstantly neded the car Öv à médi- călădvisor. Altho tha wºr wünt to cirs the datha land to fūčnd, and deplord the sham ind misery hwieh than 5fünçës hād brót them, yet Öfün, hwil I was engagd in préparing medi- gin for them, thausd to delit in téling me 5v the gränd old tims tha usd to hiv in that yüng das, at Püt's old tâvérn. Nöt win Öy thes numériis bits 5v history is fit to be recordéd in this náràtiv : évéry win Öv them was révolt- ing to peplºy citur ; most Öv them wud shök the mòdésty 5 v 5 Hötöntöt, ànd mény àv them wud blåneh the enek ándehil the blod 5v the möst disolut. Tha wºrsens pērpetratēd by in- téléctual, bit lud mén, Öv the bisést pāshūns, fird by hºwisky and hilărity, in in atmösfer &n- tirly fre frºm decónsy or sham. This lét los, in climpany with ther pèrs, thar pāshūns wirkt out sieh things is cud be diin only by the most daring, the most listful, and the most wantún. To thos h9 no only a frågmént ºv the history Öy this anshēnt hous, it is not a windér that E2 - 106 thér fir so mény shads 5v cilir in the popula- shiin Öv the naburhod 5v cedar simit, när that in thos Óv litér shads, ther is so mieh tendêncy to vig and crim. Häry Pút hād an instinctiv desir to be fre. Being indistirüs, frugal and hönorabl, he man- agd to by his tim Üv his mästér, Riehård Cúmptiºn. Chârcol being mileh in demänd in thos tims, he türnd his à tênshūn to the birn- ing 5v colpits, and āt the bisnés, acumulatéd à lit miny. With his érnings he pārehast a sit ind erécted a hous. His soshāl qwālītis, ănd the sūply 5v liqwār alwas on händ, mad his hous à popular plaç ºv resort. Son he found it négésary to enlärg—so rapidly did his patrónag incres; and, finály, he found it négés- ary to rebild. The neu hous, tradishūm ses, was simhwat preténshūs. It consistéd Öv for lärg roms tipón the first flor, and a hálf story, sutābly dividéd into roms, abúv. Along the éntir frünt was ā poreh; and the windos ànd dors wer impl. Ner by stod the shēds ànd iſthér négésary out- búldings; the hol siroundéd by a virgin förést thät &xténdéd for mils in Śvēry dirécs him. It is hårdly to be siſposd, thāt Häry Pút, a 107 slav, hols hispirit promptéd him to mak the säcrifices nécésary to piirehas his frédiim, hād à vishūstāndānçy. It is esſér to belev that he was ān indistriús, ezy-going, fléxibl, fir-Seing negro, h9, inscold in ethiks, and frèshly libér- atéd from búndag, hād nöt à jūstāprèshëashūn Öv frediim ind mörålity ; and, withal, à stróng gred for gan, ind a desir to be pöpilár. This, cönstitütéd, he becam a fit to for sieh ās de- sird tö fréqwānt à hous so far removd from the gaz čv the la-àbiding ind the piús, thät, hwil thar, ther pāshūns cud be inbridld, thar acts insen by the virtuis, and thar deds in-non, ëxçëpt to the basóst Öv mén. The gèsts that visitéd Pút’s Hous wer not al from the mountin, när yet from the adjagént väſis. Făr from it, from Tréntiºn tha câm, ănd from Pringtún, and Neu Brünswig, ànd Neu York, and Filádélfia, ànd even from citis fărthér awa. The neus Óy à côk-fit, in old gamstér ses, usualy spréd thru a câmünity and reeht the ers Óv gåmblérs, in oldén tims, fastër thän the stink 5v a skink travérsés the ar. Öv à väly. The sam old wit isd to sa, the er Öy à gamstér is is sharp to her the report 5v a 108 cok-fit, as the noz čv à villtur is to sent à déd hors. So, hwönévér the ar Öv the mountin becam polutéd with the concécshiin Öv à côk-fit, évéry gamstér that snift the ar for a hindréd mils àround winded the gam, ànd, with his wéneh or his drāb, sét out for the mountin. As à cônseqwānç, a spekld host isémbld. The negro àv the mountin was thar; ind thar to, was the negro ºv the valis round about. The mountin bandit was thar; ind thar, to, wer thé banditi Öy the adjagént välis, and Öv the nerër citis. And thar, to, was every gāmblér h9 dwelt within a radius Čv mény à mil, ho cud wak or rid, thāt cud posibly lev hom. The négrés in rāgs, and the drāb in brûcad, and in sātīn; the negro with his pāeht cot, the city bändit in his bever sut; the farmér gamstér in his linsy-wolsy, the mecănic in satinét, drink– ing ind taking, láfing and shouting, intér- mingld is th9 ºvery elémént Óv déstincshūn hād bin removd, ind the bisnés àv lif was only hilărity. I recălâ statmént mad mény yers ago, by a véry wirthy pashënt, respécting a câk-fit thät he witnest àt this plag, thät Öcird in his boy- 109 hod. The story—or thät párt Óv it hwieh I včntur to tél—rüns this: Hwën about 18 yers old, I was sent by my fathér to se à cértin mån respécting a cértin bisnés. Hwën I ariva at his hous, I was informd that he was nºt it hom —thit he hād gön to Pút's Old Tāvūrn to it- ënd a cük-fit. Acordingly I dirécted my wa thithúrwārd; ind, hwön ner the hous, I sa a grat concors Óv pepl–5v alcùlúrs, Öval sizés, ănd Öy both séx. Tha wºr in the wod, a lit! wa frºm the hous. Süm wºr wël dröst, sim wór stipërbly drést, süm wer bâdly drést, and súm wer hārdly drést at al. Tha wºr inti- matly mixt—the rāged ind the dandy. Her a wāneh with härdly entif pāehés to kep the flis Üf stud taking to a mán drést in cóstly bröd– clöth ; thir à thik lipt negro, ràgéd and dirty, ànd drink, stud taking with winnén drést in bröcad, and dékt with the mòst gady juels. Her a grup, boistérüs in making bets, thar a būneh hiläriäs with fün and rúm : yòndër a ring förmd around tubulis—win a hwit min, the iſthér blåk—fiting for no iſthér resún thän to se hwieh cud hwip. Hwil, in this grup ànd in that, wēr hwit mén ánd negros, hwit winnén ănd wénehés, with scráteht façës ànd swolón 110 ys (eyes),-the resilts 5v combåts that häd gron out Öv jëlúsy, hwisky, or the intrigs Öv shrud mén h9 likt to se fits. The wod was vocal with negro láſ—ya, ya, Yº, ya—ind wa, wa, wa, wa; and with shouts Öv mirth ind merímént, Öv indegént songs, and Öv boistris profanity. A morapaling ind a mor disgåsting sen, I névér witnást. I was ūpān ā hors; I did not dismount. I inq wird for, and found, the mān I was sént to se, trans- ãctèd, my bisnés, rand my hors towārd the rod, ănd lèſt the wod in itér disgist. Oval the incidénts respécting Put's Hous, thät hāv clim to my ers, the abiiv is the mild- ëst. Büt, the abūv is only a párt Óv the story; the rést is to dārk to be told. Thät the hous was bêtêr képt àftër it dé- géndéd into the hānds 5v our heroin ; or thät the gésts that freqwāntéd it wer 5v a hiêr order, is mieh to be doutéd. Houévér, its pūpā- lărity wand, and its patróns wer thos Óv lés not. As the demānd for timbérincrést, the wod tipón the sid and the top 5v the mountin was cit awa; the sun shon in lipon plaçës that hitherto wór dārk, the lănd in plaçës was tild, civiliza- shūnând virtu incroeht iſ pàn the énviróns ov 111 the sen Öv the disolut; Pút's Tāvūrn becam a thing 5v Óprobritim, ànd in the yer 1840, it was búrnd to ashës. Süeh is the history Óv the hous that was the arenå, tradishùn sés, Öv the vilést deds that wer. Śvēr pérpetratéd in Hün- tërdiin County. Silviä mieh compland Öy the lös 5v prop- ërty incird by the conflāgrashūn. Al that she hād was in this bilding; beds, ehars, boks, culinary àparatiis, indhwatevörels is nésésary to in outfit to kep a mountin tävérn. The conflágrashiin Öcird during hòr absénç. She stats that she is såtisfid thit the hous was plūndārd befor it was fird. In evidénçõv this, she stats that several àrtikls öv fürnitur ànd sévéral boks,—win a bibl contaning the family récird, wºr found scátērd ovér the mountin,_ súm in win hous, sim in inithér, Bút, it sems, she was névérabl to réclam win Öv thes things. In Silvia's da, Put's Tāvārn was regårdèd only is a cak and ber hous. Būt, thātūthér drinks cud ºftºn bé göt thar, ther sems to be ān abūndāng 5v čvidéng. Inded, on win Öca- shūn, it is séd, the hous was visitéd by än Öfi- 112 cér Šv the la, ànd the proprietir, fre 5v eharg, énjoyd & rid to the county set. In hér dà, Silvià was simhwat famils às a bredór Ów hogs. For this bisnés, the grat un- fênçt mountin forést, was véry favīrābl. Hér hérd was Ófén very larg, ànd her stock véry notéd. Ofén, to improv his bred, a firmér wild go à long wa to Silvià's herd, to by a hôg. Nor did he expéct to pārehas her stok at à lo figur. She wel neu the valu ÜV hogs, and al- was got à far prig. After the birning ºv Put’s Tāvūrm, I am told, thāt Silvià erécted intíthēr hous, and dwélt tipón the lănd that she hād inhéritéd. This hous, it is séd, was bilt ºv gedars. The ârcitéctur was primâtiv. The pols ºv hwieh it was mad, wer ciſt about is löng is a ral, and ărangd simhwat after the pâtérn fölod in bild- ing the fram Öv à wigwam. Thes pols wer civ- ūrd with gedir brûsh, ind the lik, irangd sim- hwat after the mānér Šv fixing stra in thieh- ing a ruf Hwat the fürnitur Öv this hous was, I hav fald to lörn. Būt, thāt it was ampl; and that 113 the édific was spashūs, ind cūmfortābl, ther cán be no dout. Nor cin it be doutéd that Silvià was ºver selfish, or inhöspitäbl. Evên hér sow ind pigs, it is sed, shard with her the climforts ºv hºr mánshūn. Nor did she com- pèl hèrehickëns to go to in out-bilding, or a tre, to rost: bit, cónsidérat ānd cūnsérvativ, she mad eeh win fel it hom beneth her hospit- ābl rof. This it peg with best ànd foul, Silvià, for a hwil, spént her das. Bút, pèrpètual ind in- stiled hipinés his nºt bin béqwetht to Čny mortal. During hòr abséng, süm vil ingéndu- ary fird hördömicil, ind Silvià agún was hous- lés. Advāngt in yers, pënylés ànd dismad, she ăçëptèd in invitashin to abid with hür datür, ând with her datür she stil livs. O U ER L A S T V IS I. T. Excépting the pagés ritn indér this håd. the mátēr 5v this bok is nou in typ, rédy for the prés, ind, bit for the printing 5v the pages thät I am nouriting, Dec. 21st, 1883, the last form Öv this bok wild go to prés to-da, Bút, çërtin Circiimstängés sem to wirént à delaintil I can pèn a feu pages, ānd my printér can put thém in typ. Thes Gircümstāngēs ār ās fölos: Upon the ninténth Öv Degémbér, Öcird à sever storm, ànd during it, a sno fél to the dépth Öv séven inehes. To evöry win it semd thät winter hād begin with Čxtrem vigor, and the thétful begån to méditat respécting the prépárashūns tha hād mad for the blék das ānd the frigid nits, Öy thes trying winter münths. Our thiſts wer nét éntirly confind to our on cöndishūn, nor to the préparashūns that we hād mad for ourselvs alon. Amiing the déstitut thät Öcúrd to our mind, was that agúd lady, 115 the heroin Öv this völum, Silvià Dubois, ho dwels with här fathful datér Lizi, in that Litl Old Hútner the tºp 5v the mountin. To visit hér, to inciirag her, ànd to lörn hér meds, was qwikly detérmind tipún, and the morning ºv the 20th Öv Dec., 1883, was the tim pointéd to pa our respécts to her agúd ladyship. The slaing was god, the ār salubritis, ind the senéry inviting. Altho the sky was ovér- căst, the da was delitful. It mieh resembla thos qxiēt, cloudy das that I usd to se so ºftºn fölo à hèvy sno-störm in Northéºn Neu Yörk ànd in Cămăda. Nöt wiling to enjoy the slaing alon, nor the tret Öv visiting the hom Öv thes agèd moun- tiners, on my was about 9 in the morning, I cald tipën tu 5v my pashënts, Mrs. Rebäcá Pral ànd Mis Elizā Pral, hom I invitéd to shar with me, the events 5v the da. Son we wer as- génding the slop Óv the mountin. The près- péct was delitful—a eherful wintersen. Hiiip the hil, ipên a favărăbl spöt, we stûpt to yu. The sno–clád plan beneth is stréteht awa, so géntly that we cud detéct nethér ridgnor médo, nethér the cors Óy the rods, nor the meånder- ing strems. The vilagës that wer bút a feu 116 mils àwa cud hardly be distinguisht; hwil thos hwieh wær bút litl färthér Šf, cud nöt be dés- crid—so completly wér àl things cuvérd with the neu-ſalén sno. Towärd the northest, the plan semd interminăbl—streeht àwa without hil or val, intil the snoy &xpång semd boundéd by the estérn sky. Būt, ové àganst is, 15 mils awa, ros ūp the graçful form Öv Löng Ridg, hwieh lifts its graçful crésts ànd its bold sūmits to relev the veu änd but ify the lănd- Scap. Son we reeht the crêst Öy Cedar Sūmit. The senery her, was espéshály délitful. The cedars cuvèrd with sno, semd things Öv àrt; hwil the hug round rôks, with snoy bàks, lokt lik the picturs àv houses in Arctic sens. Thru the winding wa we wºndéd our cors, amid a förést mostly 5v gedar, intil, it wing, à mountin vistă căm to veu, änd we lokt estwärd, far out ovér à délitful plan that stréehés àwa intil it is boundéd by the se. Büt son the vistă was past; ând agón we wound around hug röks ànd thru thikáts ºv gedirs, üntil—Thar! Hwat is that? Thät sqwālid hiſt bilt 5 y logs, and rúft with bords—windolés ànd ehimnylès, and is fast yelding to deca? 117 tº- Thät Hwy, that's the mánshūn, the hom Öv Lizi Dubois. Thät’s the hous yu’v longd to se. We dismountēd from the sla; bit, er we reeht the hous, Jo, the fathful dóg, gav š feu shril bărks, and out câm the hostés to se hwat was distirbing the q wièt 5v thar secludéd hom. She mét is with a smil, ànd bād is go in. We &ntérd, wer setéd ner a véry warm stov, found Silvià in hér icistümd plag—be- twen the stov ind the west wal, begån to ehat, ànd the tim påst plesèntly. Diréctly, we in- qwird āftār the hèlth, Öv our host and her agèd miithér, and āftör ther stiplis for the winter. We wer informd that tha wer déstitut; —thät tha wer in want Öv mény things—bit espèsh- ăly, tha wer in wānt 5v wod. Tha hād &m- ployd sim hānds to cit thar winter wod–bit so fir, tha hād fald to find tems to hal it hom. Bút, hwil taking, süm win drov iip with a lod Öv wod; ind then ther was grat rejoicing; the old womán Čxclamd: Thănk havén I’m so glād—nou we wil be abl to kep warm. Silvià hād qwit regand her hèlth, was véry cherful, ànd mileh inclind to tak; she inqwird after the hèlth Öv mény Šv hēr old àcqwantān- 118 gés, and in al respécts shu that she was āliv to the afars Óv the da; she taked 5v the ciiming holidas, and told is hwat god tims tha usd to hāv during Cristmas ànd Neu Yer; hou mény pārtis she usd to iténd, hou tha usd to dàng, &c., &c. - I remärkt: Did I indérständ yu to sa that yu usd to dàng on Cristmás? She replid : To be shur, we did Hwy the old slavs no mor neu the mening Šv Cristmás, thān the högs in the pén Tha only neu that it was ā húlida, and that tha wer tirnd los for sūm fün, and, Öv cors, tha håd it; to be shur tha dāngt. In thos das tha cud dang, to. I séd: Thényu think tha cân’t dang now-à- das - - She replid: No ; nüt a bit; tha think tha cán; tha stômp, and jūmp, and höp, and rún, ănd lik entif tirn hels ovér hēd; ānd thacal it dānging : bit it isnt dancing ; tha don't no hou to dáng; tha’v göt no steps—tha don't no ëny steps. - Hwat steps did yu lik best hwæn yu usd to dāng - Wél; I likt the elévén tims, the twelv tims, ànd the thirten tims; thes wer the bèst steps 119 for me; thes wer the stèps that my grändſäthér, Háry Cúmptiºn, usd to lik, and al āthér god dāngērs. Was Háry Cúmptin a god dangér” wal he was He was cºnsidérd the bèst dānçër on the mountin, or thät hās &vér bin Ön this mountin, or ényhwör in thes pārts; I hav sen him hwán he was old, dàng at Pringtun; ănd ºvéry bºdy hosa him, süd he was the best dāngēr tha Śvēr sa. Was Háry Cúmptiºn à larg månº No ; he was short, bit véry stoùt, ànd véry stróng; he was considérd the stróngést min Ön the mountin : Ānd tha usd to sa that he was the stróngést negro that Övör livid; ind he was véry activ; he cud put &ny mán ipún the ground—hwit or blåk. Silvià, do yu think yu cud dàng yet? Yés; I cud dàng yet—only had a gud fidl— I lik music. A god fidl alwas starts the ne- gro, even if he's old. Wél' do yu think yu’l dàng this Cristmas? Gés nºt; gés I’d beté; think about sim- thing els; folks 5v my ag had betër think about dying. Büt I lik to se 'em dang—it loks god. 120 In the cors Óv convêrsashūn, Silvià. Advěrtéd to the dificiilty she hād hād with cērtin ſoks ho trid to sòl hèr länd from her. Her ys (eyes) son begån to sparkl, hēr voig gru loud, and her wirds mor búlky and a lit silfürüs; she son coind sim préty hird Śpithets, and usd them with no lit forg. I askſ hèr: Is the géntlmän h9 trid to selyur länd früm yu, living yet? Türning her faç toward me, in a véry posi- tiv manér, she replid: Hes no géntlmän!—hes à dimd råskl'' Iséd : Wūl, is he living? She replid: I don't no withèr the dévil his sént for him yet or not; if he han’t yūt, he wil sūm Öv thes das. He preténds he's so dàmd god; bitt he'l névér gēt to hºvén. Hwën he berid his fithér, he winted to sho his piety, ănd he hād cūt tipón the ornamónt (mūnumént, I sipos) that he plaçt tipún his gray, a hånd, with win finger pointing towards håvén— Thät loks prêty well; bit he Öt to hiv had a bötl Óv hwisky &ngravd jūstābāv the énd Öv the finger; thit wud lok betër , wud be mor significant —spéshály to thos Óv us ho neu him. Hwy was his fathér a bad mán, toº No ; his fathér was not à bid mān; bit he did lik a drām 5v hwisky most déspérat wel; ànd he cud tak sieh ā sokér, to. Rely, his fathér was a god mān, was véry god to the por—and we al likt him. He was às müeh to be likt for his godnés, is his sën is to be dispisd for his bâdnēs. The trübl is, hwön the old mān did, he tok al the godnés àv the family with him ; hwat is léft behind is nithing bit dāmd träsh. His sån is wirs than the dévil himself, and willehet énybódy he cán. Hwil taking, I herd the voices àvehikëns. Tha semd to be diréctly behind the ehar Öv wiin Öv our pārty. To let my compányins se hou mountiners car for thar poltry, I séd : Don’t I her sim ehikëns? “Yés—I gés yu do,” replid Lizi. “We hāv to fêteh our ehikëns in the hous āt nit, to kep thém from the vs. Tha stel everything tip her, hwön tha cân. So I jūst put my ehikëns in this böx, and bring them in. As it is snoy to-da, I hav not put them out ; tha àr nig wins—yu cán se ‘em.” So saing, she razd the lid Öv à lărg box, and thar stod the birds ās slek ás divs, and ās dégil is ebildrén. 122 Silvia—do yu ever iténdehāreh? Yés; sūmtims. Hwën I was yung, I usd to go to ehāreh véry 5fén; bitt, nou I don’t go véry oftºn. Thér is no ehüreh ner is ; and I cán't wak so far ány mor. I usd to wak a god was to meting—to Péningtún, to Pringtún, to Hopwél, ànd to Hârlingén, and to camp-met- ing ; bit, I can’t wak so far ány mor. We usd to hiv meting ner by, and then I alwas wént. Büt, the hwit trish brok our meting iíp; ānd now I don’t her preehing &ny mor— bút I’d lik to. - Did yu sayu usd to go to camp-meting * Yés; I alwas wént to camp-meting—spèsh- ăly hwán I was yúng. Thät was the bèst kind I likt thät. I’d wak ten mils to a câmp-meting—fürthér tº: * - Öv meting for me Tha usd to hiv grat tims at camp-metings. Tha'd târn out fråm évéryhwar—both bláks and hwits. I’v sen 2,000 folks it win meting. Thér was a câmp-meting about sévénty-fiv yers àgo, about four mils belo Tréntin, ner a plaç cald Cróswiks; and I and sim mor Övour călăr, went doun ; we wakt doun. Thät was the bigést câmp—meting I &ver iténdéd, and the nigést win, to. The cámp-ground was a 12:3 millóng—and tha hād sieh god order; ther was nobódy drink, and ther wër no fits, and ther was no nois àv čny kind, except hwat the metin’ folks mad—and tha hād a big tim—the bigést kind Öv a tim; tha hôlérd ànd shouted, til yu'd think the dévil was in 'em. I névér hérd sieh shouting—yu cud her 'em to Trén- tūn; ther wér for pulpits—a god wa apárt— ănd for preehérs wer préehing al the tim. And tha hôlérd, and the folks hålérd—god Göd, hou tha hôlérd; I névér sa sieh a tim—I gés no- bödy did. I went to sta. al the wek, bitt in about thre das, I gºt à biºlyful 5v it, ind mor to—and then I startúd hom. And hwæn I gºt hom I gés I was glād—I gés no nigér was $vér so glid to gét hom. I got entif cūmp-meting in thos thre das, to last a yer ; bit the néxt yer I herd 5v inithér cìmp-meting, ànd I wantéd to go jūst is bâd is Čvér. Did yusa the hwit folks distiárbd yurmeting? Yès; tha brok it tip. We usd to hiv a god meting ovér her, her the Rök Mils; bit this hwit trash around her cudn’t behav ; tha'd cūm into the meting-hous ànd tak rit out in met- ing, ànd caleeh āthér's nams–ànd do &ny- thing to distiárb us. And hwán q wartúrly 124 meting cam, the hwit trash from all ovér cam, ănd fild the hous ànd the spag åround the hous, ànd behavd so bâdly, ànd mad so mieh nois out Öv dors, thät we cud’nt häv meting &ny mor. Wél, Silvià, this is a hård story. It’s a dis- graq to the mor respéctābl hwit peplºv the nabürhod, thāt tha håv not protécted the cil- ūrd ehüreh. Cértínly, ther is mileh ned Öv à ehāreh jūst her; inded, I no 5v no plaç, hwar win is mornedèd. The peplºv this mountin, cértinly ned preehing to ; and if the ciliird peplitry to hiv a ehāreh her, ther öt to be re- spéctäbl hwit pepleniif to Čnforg the la, ànd se that that metings àr nôt distürbd. This mâtér müst be lokt after ; we’lse if this entireh cán't be reorganizd. Hwën the tim ariva for is to dra our visit to a clos, we bid Silvià adu, änd proceded toward the sla. The pāths wer not shivld, ind in Lizi’s opinyún, ther was sim dangér that the ladis in waking to the sla, wudgét that sh9s snoy, and āsā conseqwāng, befortha àrivd hom, wud stiför cold ſet. To ºbviat this dificialty, the kind woman tok a bord from the sid Öv the hous, Čxténdéd it from the dor-sil to the sla, ând this sectird ús àgénst the éfécts 5v the sno. - - WORKS PUBLISHED BY C. W. LARISON, AT RING 0ES, N. J. These Works are Printed in Phonic Orthography. ANY BOOK SENT PREPAID ON RECEIPT OF PRICE. DEscriptive CIRCULARs sº NT upon APPLICATION. ELEMENTS OF ORTHOEPY. The ELEMENTS OF ORTHOEPY was prepared to be used as a text book in the Academy of Science and Art, at Ringos, N. J. A few vol- umes were sent to the editors of leading jour- mals of education, and to such distinguished teachers as are eminent for scholarship in the field of English literature. The reception of the book has been so cordial, and the criticisms upon its plan and the matter it contains has been so favorable, that I have concluded to place it in the market. The work, though brief, covers the whole field of Orthoepy. To accomplish brevity and at the same time perspicuity, the scientific method is followed in every part. The author first deals with Phonics, the elementary sounds of the language; then with Syllabication—the coalescing of the sounds into syllables; then with Articulation—the joining of the syllables into euphonic words; and then with Accent. Under each heading, after the principles have been discussed, are enough examples to afford ample practice for the learner. And to afford scope in drilling upon difficult combinations of words, following the text is a collection of phrases and sentences that are difficult of utter- ance. In this collection of phrases, nearly all the orthoepical difficulties of our language are met and the ways in which they are to be over- come pointed out. To facilitate the study of Orthoepy, the work begins with an introduction discussing Utter- ance and the Hygiene of the Vocal Apparatus, Calisthenic Maneuvers, Phonic Laughter, etc. This part of the book is especially valuable. PRICE, - - - $ 60 Sent pre-paid, by mail, to any teacher, on receipt of the price. C. W. LARISON, Publisher and Bookseller, RINGOs, N. J. What is said of the Book: “The American Educator,” Lockport, Ill. We recommend this work very strongly as a help to all stu- dents of orthoepy, and as a great assistance to teachers in pre- paring lessons upon phonics. It contains excellent drills for the vocal organs, and is thorough in every department of the study. “The Normal Teacher,” Danville, Indiana. - Those who are pursuing this study, will find much in this boo to interest them. M. K. Reading, M. D., Nokesville, Va. Any one can see that this book has grown up out of school room work. I like it for its arrangement, and for its excellent Hygienic and Physiologic teachings. - C. P. Hoffman, Professor of Music in the Bordentown. Female College, Bordentown, W. J. C. W. LARIson–Dear Sir : I have looked through your book quite carefully, a few times, and my general impression of the work is, that it is in a high degree logical, novel, and withal, practical. The diagrams of the elements of the language—vow- els and consonants—are striking and entirely natural ; and, I confess to having perused this department with genuine pleasure. * The calisthenic manevers are the very best for the pur- ose. * * * I have a hearty good opinion of the book, and its practical adaptedness to the end aimed at. R. F. Y. Pierce, Principal Reading Academy, Flemington, W. J. DR. C. W. LARIson–My Dear Sir : I have carefully examined your “Elements of Orthoepy,” and am greatly pleased with it. I am sure it will supply a long felt want, and trust that it may find a place in every school room. “Journal of Education,”–New England and National. This little manual was compiled by the author as a text book. The author has invented diagrams, suggested by the action of a tuning-fork in striking la, which shows the outlines of the vocal organs in representing the proper sounds. By the intelligent study of his diagrams, many things that seem obscure are made plain in the science and art of orthoepy. It is a manual that will be of great practical service to teachers. THE TENTING SCHOOL. The book entitled THE TENTING SCHOOL, describes : 1st. The outfit of the school, the carry-all and its arrangement, the tents and how to use them, the tent furniture and how to use it, the culinary apparatus, the instruments for geo- graphic, geologic, botanic, zoologic, perspective and photographic work while in the field. 2nd. The party while working in the field and making excursions and tours. 3rd. An excursion to Pickle’s Mountain and the work done by the teachers and students while upon the excursion. 4th. A tour of Central New Jersey, requir- ing eight days. 5th. In Appendix A, the cost of the tour and of the expenditure of the tourists, in an itemized bill. 6th. Appendix B is An Essay by Jennie Dilts, one of the students, entitled “Our Sail on Barnegat Bay,” during the tour of Central N. J., read at the 7th anniversary of the Acad- emy of Science and Art, at Ringos, N. J., July 12th, 1882. 7th. Appendix C, is An Essay, entitled “The Villages by the Sea,” by Mary Rude- bock. This essay was also read at the 7th anniversary of the Academy, July 12th, 1882. In printing the book, the type made expressly for printing the author's work on Orthoepy has been used. Hence, every vowel, and every con- sonant that needs one, has a diacritical mark to show just what sound it is intended to repre- sent. In the orthography and utterance of the scientific and artistic terms, these diacritic marks are very valuable, showing at once, without consulting a Dictionary, just how each word should be pronounced. The book is very fully illustrated by wood cuts, showing the form of apparatus and instru- ments, and of buildings, geographic areas, maps and the like, geologic sections, etc., etc. The work is neatly and substantially bound in cloth, and will be sent prepaid to any ad- dress, on the receipt of price, $1.00. Liberal discount to the trade. Opinions of the Press and Teachers re- specting "The Tenting School.” “Lambertville Record,” 1883. THE TENTING SCHOOL is not a dry scientific work, alone inter- esting to teachers and schools. It will well repay any one to read it. It contains a great deal of useful information given in an entertaining way, with some spicy bits of description of char- acters met with, with excellent descriptions of scenery and pop- ular explanations of scientific facts. Here and there are scraps of “word painting '' that are unusually fine. “Democratic Advertiser,” July 28th, 1883. After describing the necessary equipments for a tenting party, the author takes his readers on a tour through Central New Jersey, and by his very easy manner, conveys to their minds much instruction in the geography, geology, botany and zoology of that part of the State. He adopts the diary style, thus enab- ling his readers, in fancy, to travel with him over the route. Having descriptive power of a high order, he clothes his thoughts in glowing words that cannot fail to wake responsive throbs in the breast of every appreciative reader. “Hopewell Herald, Aug. 1st, 1883. The author of this book is an untiring investigator in all mat- ters pertaining to the Natural Sciences. His zeal in the cause of education is well known, and his method of combining field practice and observation with the daily duties of the class-room, is attracting attention among other educators and scientific men. “The School Bulletin,” Syracuse, N. Y., Aug. 1883. This book is unique. * * * We predict that any one who takes it up will read it through and think his time well spent. “The Blairstown Press,” Aug. 29th, 1883. To teachers, a work of this kind must be very valuable. - “The Teacher,” Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 1883. We commend the book to the careful notice of Principals of Academies, Seminaries, etc. It is descriptive of a highly inter- esting feature in school life, which would be followed to advant- º in many of our schools, and which would prove an element of popularity with patrons and pupils. “The Educationist,” Topeka, Kansas, Sept. 1883. The work gives some very interesting and somewhat humorous descriptions of places and people, as Long Branch and others. From the Principal of The Female Institute, Lewisburg, Pa., Sept. 1st, 1883. None will read this book, without a desire to accompany the author on one of these tenting tours. - KATHERINE B. LARIson. From Lizzie M. Reading, Teacher of Cedar Grove School, Prince- ton, W. J., Sept. 3d, 1883. THE TENTING SCHOOL is an invaluable work to the excursion- ist and naturalist. T H E FONIC SPELLER AND Syl ABATER. This little volume has been prepared as an aid in teaching beginners to spell and pronounce fonically. It has been compiled and printed with much care and pains. In arrangement, it is progressive. Thus: 1st.—The Fonic Alphabet is arranged by the side of key words, or words in which the exact pronunciation, or utterance, of each character used in the fonic spelling, is properly and distinctly sounded, thus enabling one to see at a glance just what sound is to be given to each individual character. The Fonic Alphabet consists of the letters of the “English al- phabet” modified by the affixing of suitable diacritic marks. In the main, the diacritic marks are the same as those used in Web- ster’s Dictionary. 2d.—The spelling and syllabating exercises begin with the sim- plest sounds and the shortest words, homophonously arranged; then gradually the more difficult sounds and harder words are in- troduced ; then words of two syllables, of three, four, five, six, seven and eight syllables homophonously arranged so far as re- spects the first syllable, thus leading the learner by degrees from the alphabet through the simplest combination of fons or sounds, to the most complex combinations and to the largest and most difficult words. In this way, the child is taught, successfully, the science and the art of spelling and syllabating, and soon learns to master the most formidable words. 3d.—The reading exercises are carefully graded so that the pupil passes inductively from easy words of one syllable, to more difficult words. Where properly used, the book cannot fail to greatly aid the beginner in acquiring a knowl- edge of the spelling and reading of our language. The book will be sent by mail to any address, on receipt of the price, $0.25. Liberal discount to the trade. - - º - º - - - - º 52. º