BANNA KER'S MARYLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, DELAWARE, VIRGINIA, KENTUCKY, and NORTH- CAROLINA Plmanack AND EPHEMERIS, For the YEAR of our LORD I 796; BEING BISSEXTILE, OR LEAP-YEAR; THE TWENTIETH YEAR OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE, AND EIGHTH YEAR OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. BALTIMORE: Printed for Philip EDWARDS, JAMES Keddie, and THOMAS, ANDREWS and BUTLER; And Sold at their reſpective STORES, Wholeſale and Retail. P R E F A CE. TO GENTLE READER, o make an ALMANAC is not so eaſy a matter as ſome beople think-like a well furniſhed table it requires to bare a variety of diſhes to ſuit every palate, beſides confiderable ſkill in the cooking- Now, as it is impoſſible to ſuit all the difpes to every particular taſie zve bope you will not be offended, fbould you find any not entirely to you to a bair. We are perſuaded you will not only be entertained but nftructed by our Bimanac. for wc buve ranſack:d all the repoſitories of earning to culla few flowers for your amuſement. Moreover, Kind Rea er, as we believe you would think the better of a man for baving a decent coat on his back, so we have exerted ourſelves to m ke our slmanac appear in a more reſpectable dreſs, tban fome other Almanac mongers have done, who, it wou'd ſeem, bave thought their Almanacs Mot wortby a good coat But there is one we invite you to partake of, and we are prouder of it than of al the reſ put together; and to whom do you think are we indebted for this part of our entertainment? Wby, to a Black Man-Strange! Is a Black capable of compoſing an Al manac ? Indeed, it is no less ſtrange then true; and a clever, wife long-beaded Black be is: It would be telling ſome whites if they had nade as much uſe of their great ſchool learning, as this fage philoſopher bas made of the little teaching be bus got. The labours of the juftly celebrated Bannaker will likewiſe furniſo you with a very important leffon, courteous reader, u bich you will not find in any other Almanac, namely, that the Maker of the Univerſe is no reſpecter of colours ; that the colour of the ſkin is no ways conne Elod with frength of mind or intellectual powers; that al though the God of Nature has marked the face of the African with a larker fade than bis brethren, be bas given him a foul equally capable of refinement. To the untutored Blacks the following elegant lines of GRAY тау be applied " Full many a gem of pureft ray ferene, " The dark unfathom d caves of ocean bear : “ Full many a flower is borne to bluſh unſeen, “And waſte its fragrance on the deſert sir." Nor gou ne preud, impute to theſe the blame If Afric's ſons to genius are unknown, For Banneker h is prov'd they may acquire a name bodo bright, as laſting as your own. Common Notes and Moveable Feaſts, for the YEAR 1796. Dominical Letters CB Eaſter Sunday, March 27 Cycle of the Sun 13 Aſcenſion Day May 5 Golden Number 11 Whitſunday May Epaat 20 | Trinity Sunday May Number of Direction 6 Advent Sunday Nov. 15 22 27 Three Eclipſes of the Sun, and one of the Moon, for the Year 1796. Firſt, of the Sun, January 10th. inviſible in the Unit- Red States, ó at ib. 1.5m. A. M. O is 5- digits eclipſed on tbe meridian in long, 161. 15 eaji from the meridian of Baltimore, in or near the torrid zone. Second, of the Sun, July 4th. inviſible in the United States, o at 6h. 8m. P. M. © is centrally and totally eclipſed (the Moon's femidiameter being greater than that of the Sun) on the meridian at 6h. 16m. in from the meridian of Baltimore, and lat. 40 norin. Third, of the Moon, December 14th. at 20 min. paft 9 b'clock in the morning, invijible in this part of the globe. Fourth, of the Sun, December 201h. inviſible in the United States, ó at 16.3m. A.M. O is centrally eclipſed on the meridian at 11b. 39m. in long. 164. 15 eaſi from the meridian of Baltimore, and lat, 18 48 youth. Poſtage of Letters throughout the U. States, For the poſtage of any ſingle letter to or from any place by land, not exeeeding 30 miles, 6 cents; over 30, to 60, 8 cents; over 60, to 180, 10 cents; over 100, to 150, 12 cents; over 150, 10 200, 15 cente; over 200, to 250, 17 cents ; over 250, to 350, 20 seots; over 350, to 450, 22 cenrs; and from every place more than 450 a.iles, 25 cents. Ift Month, JANUARY, hath 31 Days. I w I II is la. 25 N O Full O 24 5 19 21 Τι σο 20 Deg. 19 D's 14 cold 7 19 4 41 971 d. h. m. PLANETS PLACES. Laſt Q. 3 V 18 Moro D. o 1241814 New ) 10 I 15 Morn. Firſt Q.17 II 2 Morn. 81 5 Morn. 17 17! 71129 9 1213 N [13237/14/12 161224 S 3 2917151151 22214 S. 21 19 2s|a 6 7|6|ig| ko 123 N. MW|Remarkable days, O O D. ) D|D | Aſpects, Wea. & c. Iriſes. fets placeriſe fouth age. il 6 Circumciſion 7 204 404 7 riſe morn 22 217 windy 7 2014 40 19 morn 6 191 23 3CIſt Sund p Chrift7 204 40 m 11 2517 I 24 42 and 7 19 4 41 132 2517 44 25 51 3 253 238 281 26 64 Epiphany 17 18 4 42 # 7 4 19 9 12 27 7! 5.04 rain7 1814 42 1815 3319 58 28 81 6 Arcturu: ri. 11 187 1714 4319 05 6 104429 or 17 1714 43 1 26 571 321 30 Io Cift Iſt Sund p. E. O 7 164 44 24 fets af 22 ) 216) 4 17 154 45 75 71 12 3 frow 7 154 45 207 1112 3 13 416 O Occident.7 144 46 318 15 2 50 4 141 5 fying 7 134 47 169 2 3 39 5 15. 6 Day incr 18 min. 7 13 4 47 7 010 27 4 28 6 7 clouds 17 124 48 1411 365 18 7 17 C 2d Sund p Epip: 17 11 4 49 28/morn6 10 8 18 2 followed 7 10 4 500 120 4773 9 19 30 7 by 7 10/4 50 271 5717 57 IO 20 40 enter mot snow7 94 510 113 618 52 11 21 5 Pleiades fou. 7 20784 52 254 11950 12 1221 6 or7 74 53 105 14 10 50 13 231 7 Days 9 48 cold 7 64 54 64 54 256 13 11 50 14 24 Septuag. Sund. 7 54 55 2 9 riſe morn 15 rain,7 44 56 236 540 48! 16 26 3 Sirius fou. 10 h.7 314 57 mg 78 11 42 17 127 41 7 24 581 209 62 321 18 ſnow 7 14 59 310 913 191 19 29! 6 Day roh toward 7 05 1611 914 4 20 30 7 the 28 morn 4 48 21 21 Sexag. Sund. endl6 5845 27 1007'5 301 22 ΑΙ 2 12 2 16 251 2 128, 5 O 16 5915 I saw ww Lar. 9' 234 N. 21 3 4 wy Hd Month, FEBRUARY, hath 29 Days. d. h. m. PLANETS PLACES. Laſt Q. 25.20 Morn. Do 2 1218 q 요 ​D's New ) 8 6 6 Aft. Firft O. 15 8 12 Afc. mi * Full Ō 22 6 13! 718] 23 Aft. 3 7 19 720 26 16 x 411 S. 19 131 25 7.21 29 23 115 S. II OD 18 Deg 194 1 722 72 70 170 N. 18 1251 7 71231 8 1515 N MW|Remarkable days, O DD-4fpects, Wea. &c.rife fer placeriſe fouthag. 1 2 0 ſnou 16 57153m 21| 13.6 12/23 21 3. Purificat. V. Mary 6 565 4† 31 586 55 24 and6 555 51 152 537 41125 4 5 Days inc. 56 m. 16 5415 6 26 3 478.281 26 516 cold 6 535 715 84 409 16 27 bard 16.525 8 205 28 10 5/ 28 7 CQu. S. 8:02 Oli. 6 515 9 36 12/105629 8 2 ) 26 weather, 6 505 10 16 fe. 16 16. 11481) 9 3 Shrove Tuor. 16 4915 u 295 576 382 104 Ah Wed. 16 4815 12 127. 61 28 windy 6 4615 14 268 142 18 12 6 Bulls eye fet 1 396 4515 15 P109 223 S 13 7i Stationary and 6 445 16 1410 303 58 14 Val . Tit S. m Lent6 435 178 811 384 49 11512 cold 6 425 15 22 morn5 41 16 3 Days 10 40 16 405 200 60 456 35 1741 sain 6 39 5 21 201 517 33 10 16 385 22 25 52 568 35111 19 6 o enters * 16 36/5 24 204 do 3.712 ſnow, 16 3515 25 52.44 501035 13 21 C2d Suod, in Leps6 345 26 18 5 43 32 14 moderate 16 33.5 27 m 2 r fe morn! 23 31 weather 6 325 28 166 430 29 10 241 41°t. Mathias 16 3115 29 297 431 15 17 125 50 h 16 3015 30 -128 431 59 18 266 towards 6 2815 32 24'9 432 4319 12717 the 16 2715 33m 61042 3 2720 28 B 3d Sund. in I ent 16 265 34 18 11 404 11 21 1291 21 end 6 2515 351 # omo + 551 22 VENUS ( 9 ) will be Evening Ster, until the 7ih day of August, and then Morning Star, until the End of the lear IT 5 1815 20 22 2 IId Month, MARCH, hath 31 days. d. h. in. New ) 9 21 D's 105 2 2 PLANETS PLACES. Laft Q. 1 11 32 Morn. 8 Morn. 7 D 0112181181 D's Firſt Q. 16 4.13 Morn. HP 141 Lat. Full O 23 7 36 Morn. i 12 71 251 91 1512!3 N. Lait Q. 31 4 12 Aft, 7 18 8 2611 21 8-3 S, 172 13 24 8 261141 28 3 4 S. 11 17 Deg. 19 90 91 291718 616 2 N. 16 ) 25 61 9*01191 131 8' 5 N. MW|Remarkable day,s, ) D D Aſpects, Wea.&c. rife | fet place riſe fouthlage. 71 3 8 0 8 0 1. Sr. D. 6 245 36 120 37 5:40 23 41 16 235 37 231 3+16 266 24 31 5 Pleiades fet 1 566 225 3818 52 29 7 13 25 quinds 6 215 39 1713 2318 2 26 517 with 16 195 41 294 138 52 27 6 B 4th S in I entrain 6 175 43 114 599 42 28 71 26 D 4,0 h $ or 6 165 44 245 411032 29 8 3 Grow 6 145 462 76 2017 22 30 9 4 Days inc. 1. 18 m 6 135 47 21 fet af 12 ) flying 16 125.487 56 531 clouds, 16 us 49 198 21 52 3: 12 Grego y 695 518 39 112 441 4 113 B5th S. in Lent 6 85 52 18 10 20 3 38 5 14. 2 moderate 6 75 53 2112914 34 15 3 Days II 48 17 mon 54 32 7 16 4 weather, 6 45 56050 386 3! 8. 17 5 St. Patrick. 6 35 57 1516 4513 301 9. 18 6 cold 6 25 58 292 503 29 o 19 7 o ent. 9,*? 6 06213 3:4619 25 11 20 B Palm S. (e. d.& n. 5 596 1274 321019 12 fair 15 586 2 115 1211113 22 3 Spico ng fou. I 11 5 576 3 245 49115914 and 15 556 54 7 ile mr 15 124 5 wind, 5 545 6 207 410 45 16 256 Good Friday 15 535 7m 38 411 30 17 26 7 8 great elong. 5 5258 159 412 141 18 27 B Eaiter Sod. 15 505 10 2710 402 59 19 28 2 Eaſter Mond. 15 496 12911 38/3 45 20 29 3 Eaſter Turf. 5 4815 12 2 1 morn 4 33 21 130 41 pleafant 5 466 14 12 20 355 21 22 31 5 Days 12 30 wea. 5 456 15 91 23 16 65 54 21 2 123 4 14'1 3016 d. h. m. Aftil I 2 22 19 10 23 5 S. IS 21 15 61 2 N. D's D's 1 41 I Vth Month, APRIL, hath 30 Days. PLANETS PLACES. New ) 7 7 15 Aft. Dohl 4.8 ļ $ 1 ) 's Firſt Q. 14 O o Noon. Full 0.21 10 37 No 118 *€ Lar. Lait Q. 29 11 13/10 211 15 I S. 2 Afi :7 3.241 28 13 24/11 426 0571 2 627 12 11 5N 25 7129 19! 22 MW Remarkable days, ) > DID Aſpectos, Wea. &c. rife | ſet place riſe fouthage, 6 Sirius iet To 53 15 446 16 19 262 20 558 24 217 cloudy s 436 1783 67 47125 3 Bli A S. p Eat. 15 416 19 203 488 36 26 41 2 St. Ambroſe and 5 406 20 314 289 25 27 5 3 cool 5 396 21 165 410 141 28 6 4 followed 5 386 22 295 35 11 3 29 71 519 fet o 46 by5 366 247 13 fet 1152 ) 81 6 rais, 5 356 251 2717 If 9 7 Days 12 52 fine 5 346 268 128 81 31 10 Bad S. р Eaſt. 15 33/6 27 279 18 2 25 3 28 ) 4 pleafunt 5 326 28 II 12 10 30 3 23 4 1 2 3 procyon ( 12 20 5 306 30 27 11 4014 23 13 41 weather.5 296 31 011 morn5 27 14 5 Days inc. 3. 48 ms 286 32 250 456 27 7 flying 5 276 33 62 91 433 25 8 clouds 5 266 34 2312 3618 20 9 17 B 3d S. p Eaſt. 5 256 35 my 73 219 12 18] 2 and 5 236 37 2014 010 4 19 30 ent. 8 showers 5 226 381 34 331052 12 of 15 216 39 41137 13 21 5 pleiades fet 8 57 5 206 40 291 riſe morn 14 221 6 rain 5 186 42 m:17 400 21 15 23 7St. George windy5 176 43 238 391 4/16 24 B 4th S. p Eaſt, 15 166 441 59 371 48 17 25 2 St. Mark with 5 1516 451 1710 34 2 33 18 26 3 flying 5 146 46 2911 30321 19 27 4 Arietis rife 4 21 5 136 47v8 ni morn 4 5 clouds 5 126 48 230 2415 and 15 16 49 51 135 51 30 7 Days 13 40 rainl5 106 50 1711 546 391 23 2 !1 151 01 167 IO 2014 1615 II 20 J. 21 28 1296 22 Vth Month, MAY, hath 31 Days. 1 II 29! 26 414 S. 21 D's 2 2 d. h. m. PLANETS PLACES. New ) 7 4 2 Morn. D 2 Morn. D o 124 Firſt Q. 138 40 Aft. II 8 Lat. Full O 21 I 50 Afr. I 2131 8 Lait Q. 29 I 25 Aft. 7 17 14 9/18 0 2 16 4 S. 14 13 2415) 9 o 8 2913 N. 82 II O 14 Deg. 19 29 15 10 0 1478 5 N. 13 25111 5 16u1 29 21 181 S. MW Remarkable days, o D's D D Deels, wea. & criſe fet place riſe onth age, || B|Rog. S. S.Pb & Ja.5 96 51 29 2 3117 26 24 216) 4 5 85 52* 12 3 6 3 14 25 3 3 pleiades fet 8 12 576 53 253 399 226 4 41 clear 5 56 55 784 119 527 5 5 Aſcenſion day and 5 46 56 224 43 10 38 28 6 St. John Evang. 536 578 65 15 11 28 29 7 71 pleaſant, 5 26 58 21 fet af 24 ) 8 BS. p Al. 6 0 % oc.5 116 5911 68 261 21 9 2 expect 5 07 219 36 2 20 3 10 3/4 riſe 1 49 4 597 1 610423 22 4. rain, 4 587 2 21|11 424 24 5 clear 4 5817 252 5 morn 5 22 13 6 fet 10 34 14 5717 3 190 3916 17 7 147 and 14 567 400 2/1 26 7 7 9 15 BWhit: Sun. warm + 557 51 37 55! 9 16 21Whit. Mond. 4 5417 0 282 308 40 10 17 3 Whit. Tuef. 4 537 74112 579 25 18 4 Jying 4 527 8 24 3 25 10 10 191 5 clouds, 14 527 8m 713 5410 55 13 2016 enters II 4 517 9 1914 24 11 421 14 thunder 14 517 9 + 1 riſe morn 15 B Trinity Sund. 4 507 10 13 18 270 30 16 12312 guls4 497 11 259 2311 18 17 61241 31 and 14 48 7 12 13 70152 6 18 1125 44 great elong. 14 4717 13 1911 3 2 541 19 5 rain. 4 4617 14 1114713 42 20 15127, procyon ſet 9 26 4 467 14 13 morn 4 311 21 7 fine 4 457 15 25° 27'5 191 22 2.29 Bit S.p T. 6) 414 447 16* 81 13012 growing 4 447 16 211 37 6 53 24 311 3 Day 14 34 weath.4 4317 1717 4/2 717 391 25 11 41 12 51 152 I 1 12 2117 22 18/26 AN 21/28 2 d. hm. TI 5 S. 1 71 16 ON. 5 N. 2 N II OD 12 20 21 II 16| 19 4.S. D's 2 VIch Month, JUNE, hath 30 Days. PLANETS PLACES. New ) 5 11 21 Mon D, ņ 126181 18 1D's Firſt Q 12 5 32 Morn. Lat. Full 0 205 21 Moro. 12171228) 27) 4. Laſt Q_27 11 41 Afi 181812271221 12 13 13! 23181325) Deg. 19 2911913231 12 12515512011312 I MW Remarkable days, o D D's D's D D Aſpects, wea. & c.| riſeret place rife ſouth age. 140 04 4 437 17 7 182 37 8 25 26 2 51 warm 4.427 138 23 59 14 27 3 Days inc. 520 4 42 7 18 163 41 10 7 28 4 winds 4 417 19 14 21 15 29 5 B 20 S. p. Trin 4 417 19 16 fet af. 5 D 62% gr. elong. from 4 417 195 18 261 5 7 3,6 Oh,A 2184 40 7 20 169 26 2 5 8 41 the ſouth, 4 407 2052 010 213 5 9 5 Arcturus f. 8 51 4 407 20 14 II 7,4 5 106) rain 4 3917 21 28 11 48 4 6 u7S Barnabas and 4 397 211m 12 morn 5 47 7. 12 B 3d S.p Trin. 4 3917 21 250 24 6 36 8 13 21 wind, 4 397 21 80 587 22 9 1'4 3 8 0 4 3917 21 211 278 6 11514 flying 4 38/7 22m 31 53 8 49 II clouds 4 387 22 152 21 9 32 17 6 St, Alban 4 387 22 272 49 1016 13 with 4 387 227 93 21 11 2 14 19 B'4th S. p. Trin. 4 387 22 21 3 55 1150 15 20 2 tkunaer 4 387 22 19 3 riſe main 16 21 3 O enters on 14. 3817 22 158 510 39 17 22 4 Days 14 44 14 387 22 2719 37. gulls 4 387 22 910 20 2 19 19 26 St. John Bap. 4 387 22 125 7 and 4 387 227 54 34 3 59 26 B 5th SpT. 6 ) 24 387 22 18 morn 4 47 1272 rain 4 387 227 ilo 4 5 32 232 ends 4. 38 7 22 140 32 6 18 2430 294 St-Pet & P, this 4 397 21 2711 2751 251||31 30 5 Days d. 2 m me*th 4 397 2118 ili 357 55! 29 84 56 1615 12 11871 I 29 18 12315 2210 593 20 2 2 22 2 283 Vilth Month, JULY, hath 31 Days. 3 N. I 3 21 10 2 1 d. h. m. PLANETS PLACES. New.) 4 6 8 Aft . DI O 126 121 D Fift Qu 6 8 Aft. Ful 199 95 111 Lat. * # 203 2 Mon. Il 10 Laſt Q_ 27 7 10 Morn. 21 13 1919 91 4 S. 71-16 2213118 2115 II 0 131 221 2213118 22 12 5 N. UTC 10 Deg. '19 28 23 13 18 22 13 IS 25132 2411218119 141 5 S. MW Remarkable days, O DD Aſpects, wea. &c. ife ſets placer fe louth age. I 60 h ? # 39 7 218 25 2 1218 48 27 7 Vifitation V. Ma. 4 40 7 2011 10 2 5219 45 28 3 Bóth S. p. Trin. 4 49 7 20 25'3 3810 45 29 4. 2 O ec, in. T. St, M. 4 40 7 20610 let 1149 D 513 bot 4 407 19 25 8 12 af, 53) 6 4 and 4 417 19 92109 1151 7 56 o ori ſultry, 14 42 7 18 24 9 432 45 3 8 6 thunder 4 42 7 18 8 10 19 3 37 4 97 gufts 4 437-17 21 10 51/4 26 10 B7th S.p Trin. and + 43 7 17– 411215. 12 rain, 4 447 16 1711 465 54 7 612 3 Spica my ſet 11 14 4 44 7 16 29 morn 6 36 8 71113 4 hring 4 45 7 15mino 12 7 19 9 $||14! 5 Days dec. 14 m. 4 457 15 23.0 408 3.10 clouds, 14 467-141 € 51118 49 1 1016 7. warm 4.47 7 13 IZI 459.39| 12 11 17 13th S. p Trin. 4 4717 13 292 25 10 29 13 11 18 2 all fouth South 4 48 7-12 19113 8119 14 1319 31 4 2 8 , Itation. 4 49 7 11 23 riſe morn 15 1420 4 Margaret 4 497-15 8 14 0 9 16 5 winas,4 507 10 1818 530 59 17 16 22 6 Magd. Oent. Sl 4.5117 9* 19 31 1 49 18 2370 D 24 4.527 81 1410 5 2 39 19 124 Porh S. p Trin. 4 537 7 27 10 33 3 271 20 125 2 gr. elon. St. Ja. 4 547 61011 04 13 21 3 St. Anne, 14 547 6 23 11 3 2 4 58 22 2274 thunder 4 55 7 5 8 7 morn5 46 23 1 28 5 Syra f. 9 59 guſt: 4 567 4 210 66 37 24 and 14 577 3 50 427 31 251 8:30 7 Dog d. begin rain 4 5817 2 19,5 238 27 26 1311-Ioth S.p Trin. 14 5917 19 42 129 27 27 Nm mo ao 5111 2 9156 1321 26 222916 5 д I Laſt Q.25 4 7 Aft. 254 S. | ( 1 213 19 fet af 2 VIIIth Month, AUGUST, hath 31 Days. d. h. m. PLANETS PLACES New) 3. I 29 Morn Dh21181818 1D's Fi i Q. 10 8 48 Morn S2 Lac. Full O 18 10 18 Morn * 122 10 24 12 1817 221 N. 7 16 25 11 1913 32 15 N. 1 9 13 22 25 1021 9131 N. 8 II 9 Deg. 19 27 26 10 23 7 21 8 25.m3) 261 9.251 5 mg Slz s. MW Remarkable days, D D D aſpects, wea. &c. riſes, ſets. place riſe. |ſouth age. 2 Lammas Day 15 07 000193 910 3028 15 116 592 44 71 30 29 31 412 ſets 8 34 wind 5 216 58 301 D. 41 51 and 15 316 57 m 3,8 151 26 5 6 rain,5 416 56 17,8 522 18 3 6 7 Transfig. 5 56 55 - 09233 61 7 Blu SpTo ori5 66 54 139 523 50 5 81 2 clear 576 53 26 10 17 4 346 93 and 1586 52 m 810 465 18 7 St. Lawrence. 5 96 51 2011 156 2 8 5 warm,5 106 501 211 446 46 121 Days dec. 1 6 15 116 49 14'mord 7 3210 131 7 thuuder 15 126 48 26 o 19 8 2011 14) Biath S.PT. 5 136 471 70 599 912 1512 and 5 146-46 191 45 9 5913 16 3 Bulls tye ri. 11 445 156 45 1 2 36 10 4914 rain 5 166 44 133 30/11 38 15 great 15 18 6 42 2 rile morn 16 191 016) 4 15 19 6 414 97 570 27171 20'6 40 22 8 321 16 18 21 B13 S.PT. 80/5 216 39 7 59 32 519 [accidents 226 38 199 342 5420 123] 3 enters thg 236 378 310 93 44:21 24 4 St. Bartholomew 5246 36 17 50 45 4 36 22 251 5 thunder 15 26 6 34 I 111 24'5 30 23 26 6 Ar&urus 10 55 15 27.6 33 15 morn 6 26 24 12717 gus5 286 32 290 107 24 25 28 B 14 SpT. St. Aug.5 296 31 5 141 38 2426 291 2 St. John behead.5 306 30 292 09 25 27 30 31 8 0 4 acci. and 5 32 6 2882143 5 10 25'28 3114 Days 12 54 rain'5 336 271 284 15.11 24:29 ΙΟ 117| 4 185 2017 dews5 22 2 IXth Month, SEPTEMBER, hash 30 Days. I New ) 30 9 49 S. 27/286 21 ſouth age. 15 44 6 10 d. h. m. PLANETS PLACES. New ) 1 10 22 Morn Firſt Q. 8 11 38 AfD 0141 81% 8 ) 's Full o 16 11 10 Aft. me I k 1 || mg Lat. Laſt Q. 23 10 8 AF. 1027 8281 71 20 5 N. Afi. 7 15/271 71191 81 293 N. 8 1322/276 411193 II 057 Deg. 19 814 185 S. 7 25–31281 51 11 191 272 N. MW|Remarkable days, D's DID |aſpects, wea. &c. [rife fets. place fet 11 5 8 h great 5 34 6 26mg 1 2 fet lo 18) 21 6 dews, 5 35 6 25 26 7 27 1 6. 62 31 7 Dog days end 15 3 6 6 24 97 55/1523 4 Bigch s. p. T. 5 386 22 228 23 2 384 5) 2 flying 5 39 6 21m 518 533 23 5 6 3 0 H 8 5 406 20 179 234 616 clouds 5 416 191 299 534 511 7 8 5 Na ivity V. Ma.5 436 17 #11|102615 38 8 9! 6 and 23/11 616 26 9 9 이 ​rair5 456 15113 411 4917 1410 HTB16h S.p. T. 15 466 14 16 morn 8 pleaſant 5 48 6 12 2810 371 2810 3718 51112 12 (13) 3 Pleiades riſe 8 405 496 TOT 309 4013 weathr5 506 10 222 26 10 28114 51 5 6 2 s 526 82 413 25 011615 11166 followed 15 536 7 17 riſe morn 16 by 5 546 or 07 7/0 4117 11 18 BL7th S. p. T. 15 556 5 14 7 370 52/18 rain, Is 566 4288 941 40 19 $19 20 3 añ 5 586 2 8 12 3.422 30.20 420121 4 St. Matthew 269 2213 2321 5 Equal Da. & N.15 06 0 0 10 10 84. 1922 56223 6Centers a cool 6 25 58 25|11 215 19123 302 (247 dews.5 35 57 10morb6 2324 26:25 B 18SpT. AK 45 56 250 217 2612 241 26 2 St. Cyprian 6 55 55 82 91 5 18 28126 rain 16 75 53 23/2 110 262 1284 towards 16 85 52 713 18/10 2028 St Michael the 6 95.51 2114 2611 iol29 14 1301 6 Days 11 38 send 6,615.49 5 et 561) 107 0 21 [I 1 1 2 2 13 114 41 5 18 19 2 5 596 I 412 22 24" 2713 25 25/7915 d. h. . 1 15 28 27 28 26 21 I 2 268 43 O 4 Xth Month, OCTOBER, hath 31 Days. | PLANETS PLACES. Firſt Q.8 6 32 Aft. Do h1246 § 18 lo's Full O 16 III Morn. Lait Q. 23 6 8 Morn. II * wg um Lat. New ) 30 O 19 Aft. 9 28 5 15 24 315 N 7 7 4 18] 29 100 N 6 21 28 4 22 11 5 135 S 11 O 6 Deg. 19 3 II162 S. 5 251m 3.28 3 mol 17 1214 N. M|W|Remarkable days, @@ DD Afpe&ts, wea.& c.riſe | fet place| fet llou hlage. 117 Days dec. 3 8 16 12 5 48 - 1816 33 0 42 2 B 191h S. p. Trin. 16 13 5 47 m 117 31 28 321 cocl 16 14 5 46 147 332 14 3 41 3 dews, 16 15 5 45 5 4 h ftationary 16 17 5 43 88 37 3 47 5 65 ha 16 18 5 42 209 134 34 6 76 g. eloog. expea 6 19 5 41 VS 19 54'5 21 8 7. rain, 16 20 5 40 13 104 6 9 8 9 B 20th S.p. Trin. 16 22 5 38 25 113 26 57 9 white 6 23 5 376 morn 7 45 10 froft, 16 24 5 36 180 27 8 33 11 1 2 4 6 14 6 25 5 35 * 0 1 25 9 21 13 5 riſe 2 52 6 27 5 33 13 2 26 10 9 13 plea ant 6 285 32 26 3 30 1957 14 151 7 weather, 16 295 31 90 94 36 11 45 15 16 B 21 ft S. p. Trin. 16 305 30 23 riſe morn 16 1712 flying 16 3 25 288 76 490 3317 18 3 St. Luke clouds, 6 335 27 217 241 23 18 wind 6 345 26 1 58 72 17 19 20 54 gr. cl. A01 6 35.5 25 208 56 3 15 20 216 and rain, 16 36 5 245 59 52 4 15 21 22 7 enteram 16 385 22 2010565 17 22 23 B 22d S. p. Trin. 6 395 21 2 4 morn 6 19 23 cool mornings, 6 40 5 20 180 180 27 18 24 25 3 pleiades riſe 6 126 41 5 19 1 2 1 9 8 13 25 26 4 falling weather 6 42 5 18 1275 towards 6 44 5 16 - 03 209 55 27 28 6 Simon & Jude the 6 45 5 15 13 4 24 10 42 28 1297 end 5 465 14 265 27 11 27 29 30 B8 O8 ori.23d S 6.47 $ 13m 9 fet af 12 m 311 2 Days 10 24 (p T.6 48 5*12 226 20 561 iol 2 II 3 I 2 1416 191 41 24 21 16 2 159 5) 26 XIth Month, NOVEMBER, hath 30 Days. d. h. m. П I 1 Deg. 19 I 288 7 24 rife or PLANETS Places. Firft Q. 7 1 58 Aft. DO 2/2 å Full O 14 TO 25 Aft. m Last Q. 21 4 3 Aft. Home more m Lat. New ) 29 5 42 Morn 1027) 3 5 24 43 N. 7 16 27 31 9 21 63 S. 13 22 27 4 13 894 S. 88 11 4 28 27 418 15 13 2 N. 21 3 1:57 4 26 5/22 22 18 5 N. MW Remarkable days, o DD Aſpects, wea. &c. riſe. I fet. placej fet fouthage 3 All Sainte. 16 495 11 # 416 391 4212 24 Pleiades f. 1 8 16 515 g 1617 182 303 3 5 windy 16 525 & 13 20 46 0ħ weather, 6 53 5 7 13 10 8 47 4 10 57 rain 16 545 6 229 365 06 6 B 24th S. p. Trin. 6 555 51 3 10 285 47 3 18 16 565 41 15/11 236 338 8 3 Sirius riſe 10 37 6 575 3 27 morn 7 19 9 9 46 D 4 fnow, 6 585 21% 90 22 8 4110 105 Days dec, 4 426 595 I 221 22 8 49 11 11 6 St. Mariin 7 05 ogo 512 22 9 35 12 pleaſant 7 14 59 18 13 25-10221 13 13 B 25th S. p. Trin.7 24 5818 24 31 11 12 14 14 2 for 7 34 571 16 rife morn 15 153 Bulls eye f. 1 5 7 44 560 016 5/16 16 4 the 17 54 55 1516 471 17 514 fet 12 19 17 64 54.5 017 392 IS 6 feason 7 74 53 158 423 419 19 7 flying 7 8 4 528 09 474 720 20 B 26th S.p. Trin. 784 52 14/10 55 5 clouds 7 94 51 28 morn 6 4/22 22 31 enters 7 14 50 g H2O 123141 with 7 11 4 49 261 107 48 241 241 5 Days dec. 5 8 7 12 4 481 92 16 8 35 25 wind 17 12 4 48 22 3 199 2126 26 7 rain 7 134 471 m 54 22 10 7 27 27) B|Advent Sund. 7 14 4 46 1815 25 105328 28 2 Algol f. 10 37 or 7 154.45| E 06 2511 38 29 29 3 frow 17 154 45 12 fet af 23) 301 41Days 9 28 17 16 4 44 24/5 461 7/2 1127 Olo 1117 118 721 21 2 3 6 58 / 23 1256 d. h. m. 1 IT 1 10 II 95 2 Deg. 21 2 or XIIth Month, DECEMBER, hath 31 Days. PLANETS PLACES. Firft Q. 7 6 50 Morn DC h 4181180's Full o 14 920 Moro #m Lat. Laſt Q 21 2 22 Morn New ) 29 1 Morn 26 526 29 27 OS. 3 7 1625 6m6 765 S. 3 13 23 25 7 5 13 152 S. 88 19 29) 241 8 9202515 N. 2518 524 814) 28194/3 N. MW Remarkable days, el 01) D's DDIA Dets, wea. & c.rifi ft place ſet fouth age 51 AN 17 16 4 44/13 66 311 551 3 26 .cold IZ 174 43 18 7 21 2 45 4 37 and 7 184 42 o 8 16 3 35 5 4 B 2d S. in Advent 7 184 42 129 12 4.23 6 51 2 windy 7 19 4 41 24 10 95 107 63 Nicholas ó D 247 194 41 * 6 11 75 55 7 4 A 24 rain 17 204 40 18 morn 6 39 9 8 5. Cos. V. Mory 7 204 40 777 23 10 96 7 204 40 14 1 98811 7 snow 17 21 4 39 27 2 118 55 12 11 3 3d. S. in Adyen: 7 214 39 8 11 3 159 44 13 cloudy 17 214 39 25 4 2310 37 14 133 and wet 7 214 39 I 95 3311 34 15 14 4 D's eclipſe inv. 7 224 38 24 riſe morn 16 15518 @ 1 occident 7 22 4 385 96 130 35 17 16! 6 clear 17 224 38 247 181 38 18 11717 and 7 22 4 38, 32 98 27 2 42 19 18 B4th S. in Advent 7 22 4 38 239 353 42 20 19 2 0 ô 4 cold 7 224 38m 7 10 41 4 38 21 3 enters VS 7 22 4 38 21 11 475 28 22 Shorteit day 7 224 38€ 5 morn 6 15 23 followed 7 224 38 18° 527 11 24 23 6 Days 9 16 17 224 38m 1/1 557 46 25 7 224 38 142 578 31 26 25) B Chriſt. 0 0 8 oc, 7 22 4 38 26 3 599 16 27 26 2 St. Stephen 7 22 4 384 85 010 2 28 27 3 St. John. 7 224 38 205 58 10 48 29 28 4 Innocents. 7 21 4 39 19 26 5511 35 30 29 5 Decl. inv. rain 7 21 4 39 14 fet af 23 ) of ſnow 7 21 4 39 26 5 oli 12 131 z Silvefler. 17 204 401 85 562 213 ΙΟ 12 2 20 21 (22) 51 12417 by 13061 2 Prin-1 One Three Six Nine A cipal Month. Months. Months. Months. YEAR. s. d. q. s. d. q. s. d. q. s. d. 9.1s. d. 9 Jio 3,0 3 310 1010 310 3 5 1510 30 5 8. olo TO 1 2 3 2 ооо 20 I ооо 10 ovu 1 2 o 2 Shillings. Pounds A TABLE of SIMPLE INTEREST, at Six per Cent. trom Five Shillings to a Thouſand Pounds; and, to avoid Fractions, is as near the Truth as it can poſſibly be. Tens of Pounds Ilo I ΤΟ 3 210 7 TO JO 211 2 2 210 2 20 7 II 2 1 9 312 4 3 3.0 3 20 TO 21 9 22 8 23 71 311 2 2,2 4 313 7. 14 92 6 oli 6 03 o 0,4 6 016 O 7 II 9713 7 15 4 37 22 8 22 1 216 3 2,8 4. 810 9 22 4 314 9 27 2 219 7 910 10 312 8 2,5 4 3 8 I I 10 9 S. d.ll. S. d. L. s. d. l. S. d.. S. d. solo olo 3 Ojo 6 olo 9 olo 12 O 2010 2 olo 6 olo 12 olo 18 O 4 *3010 3 Oto 9 OO 18 0 1 7 O! 116 4010 4 olo 12 OI * 01 16 02 5 00 15 OI 'IO O2 5 03 600 6 olo 18 of 16 013 IZ 700 7 OI 1 O2 2 013 3 04 4 8010 8 ΟΙ 4 ol2 8 013 I 2 014 16 9010 9 OJI 7 012 14 0.4 1 014 8 1. оооооооо ol2 14 100 o 200 o о 100 I 100 o 4. 100 60 I O 03 оо 6 o 9 O O2 300 I TO O 4 10 0 9 O 013 10 0 18 O 4.00 2 Ooj 6 OOI 2 O c! 18 O 0,24 0 500 2 T0 7 10 15 022 10 0130 0 600 3 оо 9. 0 0 18 o 0127 CO 036 o 700 3 10 OMIO 10 021 0131 10 042 0 800 4 OOI 2 O 024 0 0 36 0 480 900 4 10 0 13 10-027 0 040 10 o o oli 5 O 0130 0 0145 o 460 o EXPLANATION - If you want to know the intereſt of Fifty Pounds you will find that for a month it is five chil- lings; for three months fifteen ſhillings; for fix months one pound ten thilliugs, &c. оооооооооо 154 o 100015 { 5: union, exent, and 31° and 49° N. lai. bound ries of the U it Between E. and 24 Wilon ed Stats, from Poiladelphia Being about 1250 miles in length; 1030 miles in b eadth. DOUNDED agreeably to the On the norihweſt and limi s citaolished by the defini. north, by the high lands ire treaty of peaca between the w ich lie to the eaſtwaru Unit.d and Great. Bri- of the river St. Lawrence, tais, ratified on the thi e day of and which d vide the rivers Sep ember, 1783. J that fall into the St. L-w- rence from thote that fall into the Atlan ic O.ean; Up ger Canada, 'he river Iroquois or Calaraqu y; the L kes, iz. L ke Ontaro, Lake Erie, Lake Superior, the Long L ke, the L k of the Woods, and a line drawn due welt trom the northweite nmoſt angle of the laft mentioned Lake to the river Milflippi; on the weſt by the river Milflippi; on the ſouth by Weſt-Florida, Eal-Fi rida, and St. Mary's river; on the eaſt by the Atlantic Ocean, the river St. Croix, and Nova Scot a; comprehending all itlands wishin twenty leagues of the coaſt. The late geographer of the Uni'ed States, Mr. Hutchins, has compued that the ſurface contaia d within the above hounda ies is one million of ſquare iniles; which amounts to 640,000 000 of acrcs. of this, agreeable to his computa. ion, 51.000 ooo of acres are water, So that the land wi hin the United States amounts to 589,000,000 of acres. About three fitibs of which is compriſed within the ftares hat now compoſe the union. The remainder, to wit. 220 000 000 ef acres, lying weſt of the northern and mid ile kates, and northweh of the river Ohio, and extending o the river Mifflippi, together with an extenfive territory fouth of the Ohio, origin Ily ceded to the Unit d States, by North C rolina, Sout). Carolina, and Georgia, forms what a utually denominated the Western Territo. y. A great proportion of this territory is yet claimed and "ccupied by the aboriginal na ives. That part of it which is already purchafed of them by the government of the Uni ed States (as alſo that which is ſtill unpurchaſed, ſo faft is the title of the prefent poffeffors may be hereafter extin. guiſhed) is approp izted as a tinking fund for the relief of he principal of be national debt. Table of the Federal Money of Accompt, as eſtabliſh by Congreſs. 10 Mills make 10 Cents I Dime 10 Dames I Federal Dollar Jo Dollars 1 Earle. I Cent POPULATION. F 10 all he 192 nd motion ES! DISTRICTS. Free white upwards. Free white 16 years. Free white Females. All other Slaves. Number o TOTAL. Repreſen- tatives, 1581 2 538 None New Hampihire, 36,086, 34,851 70 160 630 141 885 Vermont, 22,4.351 22,328 40 505 255 16 85 539 S Maine, 24:3844 27,748 46,870 96,540 Maflachuſetts, 95,453 87,289 190,582 5 463 None 378,787 Rhode Iſland, 16,019 15 99 32,652 3,407 948 68,825 Connecticut, 60,523 54,403 117 448 2,808 2,764 237,946 New-York, 83,700 78,122 152,320 4.6541 21,324 340,120 New Jerſey, 45:251 4.1,416 83,287 2,762 11,423 784 139 Pennſylvania, 110,788106,948 206,363 6,537 3.7371 434,373 Delaware, 11,783 12,143 22 3841 3,899 8,887 59,094 Maryland, 55:9151 51,339 101,395 8.043 103,036 319,728 Virginia, 110.936 136,135215,046 12,866 292,627 747,619 Kentucky, 15 154 17,057 28,922 114) 12 430 7.3, 677 North-Carolina, 69,988 77,506 140 710 4,975100,572 393,751 South Carolina, 35757637,772 66 880 1,801 107,094 249,073 Georgia, 13,103 14,044] 25,739 398 29264 82,548 f & Jot21,&c 3,893,625 S.W. Territory, 6,273|10,277) 15,3651 3,417 35,6911 All perfons|3,929.3261 nenomm. anon 1790. agreeably to an act for that purpoſe, paffed March 1lt, within the ſeveral diſtricts of the Uone: Siates, The following is a ſchedu e of the whole num er of perſons laken 361 COURTS OF LAW OF THE UNITED STATES. SUPREME COURTS are held At the ſeat of the gene neral government, at preſent in Philadelphia, on the si Mondays in February and Auguft, annually. CIRCUIT COURTS-In New-Flampſhire, on the 24 h of May and Otober at Portſmouth and Ex ter. In Mal- ſachuſetts, on the 12th of May and O&tober, at Boſton. In Rhode Iand, on the 7th of November and June, at Newport and Providence. In Connect cut, on the 25th of April and September, at Hartford and New-Haven. In Nw-York, on the 5th of April and September, at New York. In New Jerſey, on the 2d of April and November, at Trenton. In Pennſylvania, on the 11th of April and Nov m er, at Philadelphia and York Town. In Dela- ware, on the 27th of April and November, at NewrCaſtle and Dover. In Maryland, on the 7th of May and De- cember, at Annapolis and Eaſton. In Virginia, on the 22d of May and December, at Richmond. In North- Carclina, on the iſt of June and 30th of November, at Newbern. In South-Carolina, on the 12th of May and 25 h of O&tober, at Columbia and Charleſton. In Georgia, on the 25th of April and 8th of November, at Augufta ant Savannah. DISTRICT COURTS-In New Hampſhire, on the third Tue days in December, March, June, and September, at Exeter and Portſmouth. In M flachuſetts, on the itt Tueſdays in December, Murch, June, and September, at Boston ard Salm, and on the hird Tueſday in June, in Maine diftri&t at Portland and Pownalborough. Ic Rhode- Illand, on the fi ft Mondays in Augult, November, Febru. ary, and May, at Newport and Provid nce. In Connecti- cut, on the third Tueſdays in Nyvember, February, May and Auguft, at Hartford and New Haven. In New York, on the firſt Tueſdays in November, February, May, and Auguſt, at New-York. In New Jerſey, on the firſt Tuer- days in November, February, May, and Auguft, at New- Brunſwick and Burlington. In P nnſylvania, on the ſecond Tueſdays in November, February, May, and Auguſt, at Philadelphia. In Delaware, on the 4th Tueſdays in No vember, February, May, and Auguft, at New Caſtle and Dover. In Maryland, on the firft Tueſdays in December, March, Jone and September, at Baltimore and Eaſton. In Virginia, on the third Tueſdays in December, March, June, and September, at Richmond and Williamſburg ; and on the ſame days in Kentucky diſtrict, at Harrodíburs. In North-Cary ina, on the firſt Mondays in July, October, January, and April, at Newbern, Wilmington, and Eden- In South-Carolina, on the third Mondays in Mrch on. and September, the firſt Monday in July, and the ſeconds Monday in December, at Charlefton. In Georgia, on the fecond Tuefd ys in December, March, June, and Septem- ber, at Savannah ar d, Augufta. Nate. Excluſive of the above mentioned courts, the Dif- triel Ju ges have power to hold fpecial courts in their re- fpective diſtricts, at their diſcretion. 2 A 2 Suprenie Courts in Pennſylvan a, are held T Philadelphi', the 2d of January and April, the 2d of July and 24th of Septeinber. In the reſt of the ita e as may be appointed by the Judges. COURTS of OYER and TERMINET, all over the fate, are held as occafion my require ; appointed by the Judges. Courts of Error and Appsal, are held T Philadelphip, at lealt twice in every year, viz. on fails on Sunday, in which caſe, on the day following. Courts of Common Pleas and General Quarter-S (ſi ne, held T Philadelphia, for the city and county of Philade hud Monday in September, and firſt Monday in December --at Cheſter, for the county of Delaware, on the laſt Mon- days in January, April, July, and Octobe:-at Readin; or Berks county, on the firſt Mondays in February, Mas, dugult, and November---Montgomery, for Montgomery ounty, on the ſecond Mondays in February, May, Au uft, and November--at Weft Cheſter, for Chilter couy, n the third Mondays in February, May, Auguft, and No- vember-at Lancaiter, for Lancafter county, n the lift Mondays in February, May, Auguft, und November-a York Torn, for York county, on the first Moadays in March, June, Septehiber, and December---for Dauphin y county, on the ſecond Mendays in March, Jane, Sep eni- ber, and Decernb rt Eaſton, for Northampton count, d on the ſecond Mondays in January, April, Auguft, and [ November--for Luzerne county, on the third Mondays in January, April, Auguſt, and Novenber-at Sunbury, Northumberland coun v, on the fourth Mondays in January, Acril, Auguft, and November--at Casline, for Cumber- land county, on the firſt Mo days in January, April, and Auguft, and left Monday in O&tober--for Mifflin county, on the ſecond Mondays in January, April, and Auguft, 1 and firſt Monday in November-for Huntingdon couny, on the third Mondays in January, April, and Auguft, ansi fecond Monday in November-at Bedford, for Bedford county, on the fourth Mondays in January, April, and Auguft, and third Monday in November-at Ci amberſburg, 10 1 0 lo da lan for Franklin county, on the Mondays next following bed- ford county courts--at Pittſburg, for Alleghany county, on the firſt Mondays in March, june, September, and D- cember-at Hannah's Town, for Weltmoreland county on the ſecond Mondays in March, June, September, and December-at Union, for Fayette county, on the third Mondays in March, June, September, and December-at Waſhington, for Waſhington county, on the Mondays next following Fayette county courts. The times allowed by law for holding and continuing the Courts of General Quarter Seſſions of the Peace, in each of the ſaid counties, not to exceed four days in each ſeſſion. City Courts in Philadelphia, are held THE third Monday in March, June, September, and December, The Aldermen's Courts are held AT the City-hall, on the forenoon of Monday and Thu: day in every week. Supreme Courts in the Delaware ftate, are held Jd TOR New.Caſtle county the ſecond Tueſdays in Apri M F and O&ober; for Kent county, the fourth Tueſdays M. of April and Otober; and in Suffex county, the ſecond Tueſdays after the terms fhall commence in Kent county Couris of Common Pleas are held M FOR Suſſex county, the ſecond Tueſday after the terms of the Supreme Court ſhall commence in Suſſex county in Kent county, on the ſecond Tueſday after the terms of th the Court of Common Pleas thall commence in Suflex Cec county; and in New Caſtle county on the ſecond Tueſday after the terms of that court ſhall commence in Ken 194 county. High Courts of Errors and Appeals, are held ONCE in every year, at Dover, on the firſt Tueſday in CI Auguft. Courts of Chancery are held IN each county, on the firſt Tueſdays next ſucceeding of the commencement of the Courts of Common Pleas. Days for holding Couris in Maryland. M GENERAL COURTS. OR the Weſtern Shore, at Annapolis, on the ſecond , D For the Eaſtern Shore, at Eaſton, on the ſecond Tueſday in April and September. COURTs of APPEALS-at Annapolis, the ſecond Tue days in June and November. CHANCERY COURts-at Annapolis, the ſecond Tuel day in February, firſt Tueſday in May, firſt Tueſday Oétoher, and third Tueſday in December, annually. Ito lan ei bei an Sunty Bed COUNTY COURTS-for the Wettern Shore, at St. Mas D. ry's, on the first Monday in March and Auguſt; in Call vert, on the third Monday in March and Auguſt; in Prince nty George's, on the firſt Monday in April and September ; in and Charles, on the third Monday in April and September; in Ebird Ann-Arundel, on the third Monday in April and Sep- tember; in Montgomery, the ſecond Monday in March, day! and firit Monday in November ; in Frederick, the fourth Monday in March, and third Monday in November; in tuing Waſhington, on the ſecond Monday in April, and firft each Monday in December, in Alleghany, on the fourth Mon- llion day in April and third Monday in December ; in Baltimore, on the fourth Monday in March and Auguſt; in Harford, on the fecond Monday in March and Auguft. For the Eaſtern Shore-In Cecil, on the firſt Monday in March and ſecond Monday in October ; in Talbot, on the "hu fecond Monday in June and fourih Monday in November; in Worceſter, the ſecond Monday in June and fourth Mon day in November; in Dorcheſter, the third Monday in Apri March and fourth Monday in O&tober; in Kent, the third Efday Monday in March and fourth Monday in October; in recon Queen Ann's, the third Monday in May, and ſecond Mon- day in November; in Caroline, the firſt Monday in March and fecond Monday, in O&tober ; in Somerſet, the third Monday in May and ſecond Monday in November. ORPHANS COURTS-For the reſpective counties, at unty the place where the county courts are uſually held, on the ſecond Tueſdays in February, April, June, Auguft, Os- tober, and December: Mayor's Courts-For the city of Annapolis, are held quarterly, viz. on the laſt Tueſday in January, April, July, and October. fday Courts in the COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA, held at RICHMOND. The SUPREME COURTS of APPEALS-on the 20th zeedir of June, and the 20th of November annually. THE HIGH COURT of CHANCERY-on the firſt of March, twelfth of May, fixth of Auguſt, and twelfth of October, annually. DISTRICT COURTS in VIRGINIA, are held as follow : iſt diſtrict. The counties of Henrico, Hanover, Chef- erfield, Goochland, and Powehatan, held at Richmond the iſt of April and the ilt of O&tober. 2d diftri&t. James City, Charles City, New-Kent, Sur. ry, Glouceſter, York, Warwick, and Elizabeth City, at Williamſburg, the 29th of April and the 29th of Septem- 3d dilriet. Richmond, Weſtmoreland, Lancaſter, and term rm Sulle uelda Ker fecor ueſda d To d Tur ber. ſday Nostumberland, at Noribumberland Courz-houfi, the ift OF April and the ift of September. 4th diſtret. Eflex, Middleſex, King and Queen, ana (King William, at King and Queen Court-houſe, te 15th of Aprilsnd the 15th of September. 5th diftri&t. Spotifylvania, Caroline, King George, Stafford, Orange, and Culpeper, at Frederickſburg, th: 29th of April and the 29th of September. 6th diftrict. Frederick, Berkley, Hampſhire, Hariy, and Shenandoah, at Winchefter, the 15th of April and in of September. 7h diſtrict. Auguſta, Rockbridge, Rockingham, and Pendleton, at Staunton, the ift of April and the ilt of September. 8th diftri&. Albemarle, Louifa, Fluvanni, and Am heift, at Charlotteſvi.le, the 15th of April and 15th o September. 9 h diftri&t. Fairfax, Fauquier, Loudon, and Prince William, at Dumfries, the 12th of May and the 12th of OEwber. Toth diſtrict. Herrifon, Monongalia, Ohio, and Ran dolph, at Monongalia Court-houſe the 3d of May and the 20th of September. 11th diftri&t. Montgomery, Waſhington and Ruſſel, at Walkington and Montgomery Court-houſes, alte nately, the ad of May and the 2d of October. 12 h diſtrict. Norfolk, Ile of Wight, Princeſs Ann, Narfsmond, and Southampton, at Suffolk, the 12th of May, and the 12th of October. 13 h diſtrict. Prince George, Suſſex, Dinwiddie, and Amelia, at Peterſburg, the 15th of April and the 15th of Sep'ember. 14th diftri&t. Brunſwick, Greenville, Lunenburg, and Mecklenburg, at Brunſwick Coure-houle, the 29.h of April and 29th of September. 15th diftriet. Prince Edward, Buckingham, Charlotte, Halifax, ard Cumberland, at Prince Edward Court-houl., the i ft of April and the 1ſt of September, 16th diitri&, Bedford, Campsell, Franklin, Pittſylva- nia, and Henry, at New-London, the 15th of April and the 15th of September. 17th d ftri&t. Ac omack and Northampton, at Acco mack Court-houſe, the 12th of May and the 12 h of Oc- tober 18th diſtrict. Greer - Brier and Bote'ourt, at Lewiſburg (for the preſent) the 18th of May and the 18 h of O&tober. County Couts in Virginia, for each month. TIRST Monday in Amherſt, Henrico, Richmond, Ohio, Prince William, Charlo te, and Williamſburg ; ſecond Monday in James City, Northumberland, Nantemoud, Buckingham, King ad Queen, Stafford, Mecklenburg, 54 Louiſa, and Monongalia; third Monday in Dinwiddie, Effex, York, Prince Edward, Fairfax, Goschland, and Cul- peper; fourth Monday in Cumberland, Brunſwick, Fau. quier, Middleſex, Bedford, Yohoganit, Rockingham, and Loudoun; firſt Tueſdły in Frederick, Montgomery, Keo- tucky, Rockbridge, and Jefferſon ; fecond Tueſday in Northampton, Prince George, Fayette, and Hampfhire; third Tueſday in Augufta, Berkley, Green Brier, and Lin coln; fourth Tueſday in Sury; laſt Tueſday in Acco- mack, Weſtmoreland, and Waſhington; firſt Wednefta y in Charles City; filt Thurſday in Idle of Wight, Hanover, Am King George, Glouceſter, and Fluvanna ; ſecond Thurl- day in Princeſs Ann, Warwick, Albemarle, Caroline, New-Kent Southampton, Lunenburg, and Botetourt; third Thurſday in King Willian, Halifax, Suſſex, Spottfyiva- 10 nia, Lancaſter, Norfolk, and Powhatan; fourth Thurſday in Amelia, Orange, Elizabeth City, and Henry; lat an Thurſday in Shenandoah; and firft Friday in Cheſterfield, and "100 in 8. d. o 20 66 13 60 ооо 83 ооо оо 88 17 TABLE of EXCHANGE between New Jerſey, Pennfylu Fania, Delaware, Maryland, and the under named tely places. L. 100 currency of the above ſtates, are at par New Hampſhire, Connecticut, Rhode L. Iſland, Virginia, [dollar 6.] 80 New-York, North-Carolina, [dollar 82.] 106 13 4 South Carolina, Georgia, [dollar 458.] 62 4 5 1-3 the Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Canada, 4 Idollar 58. ] , England, ho Treland, 65 Barbadoes, ralllar 69.3] lott Jamaica, [dollar 658. ] Gul English Windward Idands, [dollar 8s31] 100 French iſlands, 2200 livres, [dollar 8 livres. ſols. ylit Dutch iſlands, 366 2-3 pieces of eight, [p. ofeight 559 2-3] Daniſh iſlands, 416 2-3 pieces of eight [p. of eight 499 1-2] Spaniſh iſlands, 266 2-3 pieces of eight [p. of eight 786] dra Spain, 333 1-3 piaſtres of exchange, (piaſtre of exc. 68] 10 Portugal, 213 mill rees 335 rees, [mill ree 984 1.2] Holland, 670 florins I ſtiver, Sforin 35 1-2 pence.] The whole of RICHARD BROTHERS's WONDERFUL PROPHECIES, With a teſtimony of their authenticity, by Nathaniel Brefley Halbed, M. P. for ſale by the Editors of this Almanac, С O 1-3 O an fou tobe Oh ECO оо weight. Standard of Eagles.Le Dimes: Cents. Mills. NA o ооо 02 оо 16 2013 3. 5 16 0 4 vooooo an І 2 A TABLE of the weight and VALUE of COINS, as they paſs in the relpečlive Rates of the union, with their ſterling and federal value. Sterling | N. Hampſhire, IN. Jerſey, |Federal val. Money Maſſachuſetts, N. York Pennſylv. South Names of Coins. Rhode Iſland, and Delaware Caroli- Great- Connecticut & Norih and na and Britain Virginia, Carolina Maryland Georg (GOLD)* wt gr. l. s. d. I. d. 1. S. d.ll. $. d.l. s. d.le. d.d.c, m A Johannes, 18 03 12 16 6 8 o 6 014 oor 6 OOO An Half Johannes, 9 or 6 8 4 of 3 9 ооо A Doubloon, 6. 5 12 6310 011 4 9 3 3 A Moidore, 6 181 8 01 8 0 6 OOO An English Guinea, 5 60 8 I 17 0 19 4.66 7 A French Guinea, 5 1 7 I 16 O I 14 611 15 4 600 A Spanish Piſtole, 4 60 16 9 8 olo 18 o 37 7 3 A French Piſtole, 4 4 0 16 80 I 7 60 176 3 6 6 7 (SILVER) A French or Engliſh Crown 19 o 5o 6. o 891 8 40 50! The Dollar of Spain, Sweden or Denmark, 17 610 4 6 6 8 olo 7 60 4 8 І ооо A Piitareen 3 nilo o 10 3 1710 1 600 11 * All other gold coins, of equal fineneſs, are valued at 89 cents per penay-weight, and alih lother filver coins, of the laine fineneſs, at u cents per ounce. OI I I I 15 оооооо O 1 edd cm OO 390 OO 3 3 o 18 of the United Netherlands Hamburg A TABLE of the Value of other & OREIGN COINS, &c. in FEDERAL MONEY. OI48 o Mark Barco of Pound Sterling 04.44 o Florin or Guilder 0 1 24 o Livre Tournois of e d d cm Pound of Ireland o 4 IOO Pagoda of India o 1 9 4 0 Ruble of Ruſſia o o 66 O! France Rupee of Bengal oos 5 s Real Plate Spain - OTO Tale of China Mill-ree of Por- tugal ооооо 511 I 2 I I I 2 I o 8 Ι Ι Ι Ο 0 o o 1 0 2 0 0 A N É DO T E S. A PARSON (tanding once in need of a new wig, his old one defying all farther aſliſtance of art; he went over to Can- terbury, and appliel to a barber young in buſineſs, to make him one. The tradeſman, who was juſt going to dinner, begged the honour of his new cuſtomer's company to his (meal ; to which the piríon moſt readily conſented After dinner a large bowl of punch was produced, and the reve- rengueſt, with equal readinefi, joined in its demolition ; when it was out, the barber was proceeding to buſineſs, and begin to handle his meaſurem-when the parfon defired him to defift, ſayiag he ſhould not make his wig. "Why not, exclaimed the aſtoni hed laver, «s Have I done any thing to offend you, Sir?” Not in tlre leaſt, replied the parſon ; but I find you are a very honeſt, good natured fellow; fo I will take ſome body elſe in-had you made it, you never would har: been paid. RS MARKABLE INSTANCE OF SAGACITY IN AN! ELEPHANT. MANY Gurpriſing anecd stes have been related of that ha! reaſoning animal the elephant; but the following is ſo ex- eraordinary a f12, that had it not occurred in the preſenci of a numerous body of inen, fome doubts might ariſe in thi nini of zhe realer, reſpeking the credibility of the narrativa img the elephants that we st round ta Madrafs with troops in the year 1731, der the con nand of the late colone Perfe, there was ons while keeper had been at times, par- ficularly negleftial of lin; and win bat frequently pilierea from his grain, on the line of much. Upon every ſuch oc- leafin the elephane diſcorered evilene figas of anger and ru. entinent, as if he was neither infeable to the negligenc: mor ignorant of the nyl-practi:35 of his keeper. But as the noble min led animal continued out to threaten, the fe'lou hec i mye leis and leſs miall of hin, till at ienath he wholly lifegarded the frequency of his threats. One morning the cattle, &c. were ordere1 to be mufteret for review, ani whea the coumuading officer, in going along the line, pa fier infront of the elephia t, the animal paired gu', as if i uj frem to attract his attention for when he perceived that the eye of the colonel wes dire: 1 towards hin, he immediately lait toll f his keeper with his proboſcis, pur hin on ter his feet, an cruhedhin to death; then fell upor This knees, and-Clicized the conel for purdin. The ſin galasity of this act in acel colonel Pearſe to make an imme liate enquiry reſpecting it, when he learnt that th: elephant had bee, forze, contrary to his natural difpofition, to in dit this puni hment on his k-eper, for the incorrigible ne. leat he wis proce to connit, and the frauds he had fo long practisel on his daily, allowance, L AN EXTERI PORE SERMON, Preached at the Requeſt of two Scholars, by a Lorer of Ale; cut of a hollow Tree. BELOVED, ET me crate your attention ; for I am a little man, come at a fort warning, to preach a brief fermon upon a iwall ſubject, to a thin congregation, in an unworthy pulpit. And now, beloved, my text is MALT, which I cannot divide into fentences, becauſe it is none; nor into words, it being but one; por into fyllables, becauſe upon the whole matter, it is but a monofyllable. Therefore I muſt, as neceflity nforces me, divide it into letters; which I find in ny text, co be only theſe four--M, A, L, T, malo. M, my beloved, is moral, L, is literal, and A, is allegorical, T is theological. The moral is well ſet forth, to reach you drunkards good manners; therefore, M, my maſters L, liften A, all of you, T, to my text: The allegoricalls, where one thing is ſpoken, and another ching is meant. Now the thing ſpoken of is bare MALT, but the thing meani, is STRONG BLER, which you ruſticks make, M, meat, I, liberty, A, asparel T, treaſure, The literal is, according to the letter. , much L, little A, ale, T, thift. Much ale, Victle thrift, The theological, is according to the efTees which it works, slih I find in my toxt to be of two kinds. I. In this world. 2. in the world to come. In this world the effects which it works, are in feme, M, murder, in fome, L, looſeneſs of life, in others, A, adultery, in others, T, treaſon, In the world to come, in fome, Ni, trilery, in fome, L, languiling, in oibers, a, anguith in othe:s, 1, toment. Wherefore my first uſe hall be exhortation. M, my masters L., leare A, all of you, T, tipling. Or efe, 2dly, by way of threatening, M, my maflers, L, look for A, all of you! T, torment. So much for this time and text; on'y by way of caution ake this.--A drunkard is an annoyance to modely--the trouble of civilig--the ſpoil of wealth--the deftruction of gres fon--he beggar's compatior--the conſtable's trouble-- Dis wifes woen--his children's forrow-hia neighbour's fcoif-- This country's diſgrace--his own fame walking swILL irur--the picture of a beaft, and the monder of a man. RULES OF DIET AND EXERCISE. BY DR. SUTHERLAND, OF ALIMENT. HEN we take in a larger quantity of aliment than chyle, ſuch never can turn to goood nourishment. 2. Food highly faturated with faits and oils, corrupts the blood. 3. People of groſs habits, and feveriſh diſorders, ſhould feat fparingly. 4. Unſeaſonable abſtinence has alſo bad conſequences; for without a fupply of freh chyle, animal juices acquire a putreſcency. Weakneſs proceeding from want of due nou- frifhment, produce fevers of the worſt fort, as thoſe who faſt too religiouſly feel to their coft. 5. The weak, emaciated, hektic, or conſumptive, cught to obſerve the Atrifteft regimer. To ſuch, exceſs in things che moſt innocent is perilous. 6. Nature abhors difcordant mixtures, fina, fich, wine, beer, cyder, cream, and fruit. Theſe diftend the bowels with wind, and prevent: digeſtion. 7. Bread mave of the pureſt Aour of wheat, rouriſhea much, and binds the belly. Mixed with bran it is opening, and nouriſhes leſe. Wheac bread, properly fermented and vell baked, is the moft valuable part of diet. 8. Milk is already elaborated, prepared and digefted in he body of the animal. It is an exta& of animal and vegetable food. It is replete with nutricious juices, and wants little elſe than the colour, to be blood. Where fever. ich heat pre dominates, ia coſtive habita eſpecially, butter milk and brown bread, are truly ſpecifics. 9 {ea falt, moderately uſed, is very wholeſome; to ex- ceſs, the reverſe, The Aeſh of animals in their prime of life, of ſuch as are Rcaſtrated, and not uſed to hard labour, is beft. The fleſh of granivorous birds is not fo oily as that of wa. ter fowls, Mutton is the beſt of all fleſh for the delicate. Beef and pork are proper only for the firong, and thoſe who uſe hard exerciſe, so. Pond filh, or ſuch as are fat, are hard of digelion, Such as are caught near the fea-hore are lighter. Builed filh is lighter than roafied. Il. Bitters bind the belly. Acids gripe the bowels. Salt- ed things promote tuoi and urige: 'Sweet things breed phlegm. 12. Onions, leeks, radilhes, and all the alcalefcents, are antiſeptic. Muſtard, and crefles, occafion a difficulty of urine. Cellery is dioretic. Aromatics heat. Colworts and Lettuce cool. Cucumbers are cold, crude, and hard to diseſta Ripe fruits open the belly; unripe, bind. Pulſes of all forts are windy. Honer promotes urine and ftoo's. bót grires nay. Soft bread increaſes acidity in fiomachs troubled with heart burns, biſcuit, Icfs. Confi&tions and daintier eftempt people to eat too much, and are hard of digeſtion. 13. By ſtatical experiments, the Sanctorians have diſco- vered that the body perſpirea but little while the ſtomachris too full or too empty. That-full diet is prejudicial to thoſe who uſe little exerciſe. but indiſpenſably neceſſary to thoſe who labour much. That food, the weight of which is not felt in the ſtomach, nourihes bell and perfpires moſt freely. That he who goes to bed without fupper, being hungry, wisi perfpire but little; and if he does fo often, will be apt to fall into a fever. That the fera of young animals, good mutton, ind bread well baked, are the beſt food. That the body feels heavier after four ounces ef ſtrong food that nouriſhes much, ſuch as pork, eel, ſalt fifh or fieh, than after fix punces of food that noushe, little, ſuch as freſh frth, chicken and ſmall sirds; for where the digeſtion is dificult, the per ſpiration is flow. That unuſual faftig, frequently repeated, prings on a bad ffate of health. That the body, is more un afy and heavy after ſix pounda taken in at one meal, then after eight taken at three. That he deſtroys kirſelf lowly, sho makes but one meal a day, let him eat much or little. feat he who eats more than he can digeft, is souriſhed leis han he ought to be, and to becomes emaciated. That to eat immoterately after immoderate exerciſe of body or mind, Is bad : for a body fatigued perfpires but lit:le. 14. Wine, cyder, perry, and all fermented liquors, are antiſeptic, When leer neither oppreſſes the fomach, ner Sinds the belly, but fafies by urine, it may be allowed. Where it generate: wind, pables Nuggiſhly, or breeds ſony concretions, it ought not. Wine drank too freely weakens the man, as may be ſeen Phy his actions Sweet wines promote ftools, but they ezcite natulency ani thirst; they promote expectoration, but im- bede urine. Tawny auſtere wines are good when the body: is looſe, provided there be no diſorder in the head, no impe- linient in ſpitting or making water. Ture wine is beſt for the ſtomach and bowels; diluted with water it is beſt for the head, breat, and urinary pasſages. Strong Spaniſh or Hun- garian wines, 1rengthen the liomach wonderfully. 15. Mineral waters are poſſeſſed of a {pirit which helpe di gehion, and promoter ſleep. Patients require but little pure vine while they drink waters, Hetics ought to drink nene Vineral waters are all hard, and therefore unkt for domeſtic Jourpoſes, until they are robbed of their acid by boiling. In ju icious therefore, is the practice of thoſe who recommend foath waters at meals. People of lax bowels may daivk them none other. Pure foft water is the beſt of all diluents, eſper cially to thofe who are naturally collige. Thoſe who are troubled with ftomach complaists, ought to drink wine, or rather rum, or brandy. The latter are only lowered with water, the former is compoſed of we know pot what. 16. To drinking mighit produce many falutary effects, were the cuſtom confined to people of rigid 6bres and active lives. The penetrating quality of the faid, added to the (aponaceous antiſeptic property of the ſugar, would render the infafion miſcible with the blood; obftruâions might be removed, acid ſalts diluted, viſcid phlegm diffolved; the adringency of the plant might anſwer the good purpoſe of Ipaffing off the liquor more quick y; the fanguinary, the bi libus, the phlegmatic, and the melancholic, might all and relief, fevers might be prevented in the young, and aches and obftructions in the old, the belly, mighi be kept roluble, the urinars paſſages cleanſed, and infenfible perſpiration, the bealthieſt of all fecretions, might be promoted. But fich is the force of example, the lazy, the indolent, the effe minate, men as well as women, of weak nerves, relaxed fibres, and foul juices, indaige themſelves twice od thrice a day in the immoderate uſe of a tipple, which iner. vates more and more. OF EXERCISE. 1. In general chat ſort of exerciſe is beſt, to which one has been accuſtomed, which beft agrees, and in which people take delight. 2. Exerciſe is beſt when the ftomach is moſt empty. When the patient begins to ſweat, grow weary, or fort-breathed, he ſhould forbear till he recovers, For the delicate and in. form, that ſort of exerciſe is most proper which is performed by external help, geſtation in wheel carriages, hosſe-litters, ſedan chairs, failing, &c. 3. For ſuch as are neither robuſt nor very tender, that ffort of exercife is beſt which is performed partly fy ourſelves, partly by foreign affifiance. Of this fort riding on horſe- back is the foremoſt. 4. After exerciſe every man ought to reſt before he fres down to dinner. Cold ſmall liquors after exerciſe, are per- nicious. A REVEALED KNOWLEDGE of the PROPHECILS and TIMES. By RICHARD BROTHERS. NHE viſion of Dariel, chap. 7, of the four great beallis, alludes to the forefent time of the wo Id. The first was like the Lion, with eagló virgs, and means George the Third, King of England. Plucking the wings, means taking away the power of the King. Shrding on the feet, as a man, with a man's heart, means his reduction to the conditio of other men, and poſſelling fimilar thoughts, St. John, in the 19th chapter of Revelations, from verſe 10 to 21, alludes to this prophecy of Daniel's, and to the ruinous conſequences of the preſent wai te many nations land perſons. The ſecond bealt was like the BEAR, with three rib's between its teeth; and they ſaid thus to it, ariſe devour all fleſh. This means the preſent Empreſs of Rur. fia: Aceording to the judgment of God the is decreed to faffer death by the hands of man. The third beaſt was like the LEOPARD, with four heads, and four wings of a lowl upon is back. This beaſt means Louis XVI. King of France. The fall and death of this monarch, to fulfill the judgment of God, by his propliet was impoſſible for all the armies of Europe to prevent. The fourth beaſt, with: ten horns and iron teeth, which was dreadful and terrible, and ſtrong exceedingly, means the Emperor cf Germany. The ten horns means the Electors or Princes of the empire. In one part of this chapter, the horrs are called Kings, be- cauſe the electors raiſe armies, go to war, and rule wih ab. folute power. They are repreſented as horns from their be- ing the def nce of the Emperor's head. This beaſt devour- ing, breaking in pieces, and ftamping on the reſidue with fits feet, means the entire deſtruction of the German Elect- ors, and the poffeffion of their territories by the Emperor. He will deſtroy them, and ſpred his dominion over Italy, threatening all Europe, and diſperſing its Kings. Rome and Venice will fall under his power, but the former will kbe retaken by the French republic ; the latter will be plun. dered, and almoſt deſtroyed. He will make pe ce witir the French, notwithſtanding the remonſtrances of the Engliſh, whoſe army will be ſurround: ed and difarmed. He will then reduce all Germany, be. ginning wi h Hanover, and plundering it quite bare. After this the Emperor will ſuffer death by the hands of A FRIENDS GENERAL MEETINGS are kept, T Philadelphia, the fourth Friday in the third and the ſpring meeting in Philadelphia; at Chelter River, the (third Seventhday in the fourth month; at Duck Creek, the fourth Seventh day in the fourih month; ar Salem, the third Firſtday in the fifth month; at Fluſhing the laſt Firſtday in the fifth month; at Little Egg-Harbour, the firſt Firhday in the fixth month; a Curls and Black Water, in Virginia, alternately, the third Seventhday in the fifth month; at Baltimore, the ſecond FirAday in the tenth month; at we port, Rhode Idand, the ſecond Sixthday in the fixth month; at Little-Creek the fourth Seventhiday in the tenth month; at Shrewſbury the fourth Firltday in the tenth nonih; ar Caecil, the third Seventhday in the tenth month; at Mati- nicock, on Long Illand, 'the laſt Firſtday in the tenth month; at the Old Neck, in Perquimans, North Carolina, the fourth Sixthday in the tenth month. GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. GEORGE WASKINGTON, Preſident, and Commander ir Chief; falary 25,000 dollars. John Adams, Vice-Preſident, and Preſident of the Senate; ſalary 5000 dollars. Frederick Auguſtus Muhlenberg, Speaker of the Houſ of Repreſentatives. John Rutledge, Chief Juſtice, falary 4000 dollars. William Culing, of Malachuſetts, 7 James Willon, of Pennſylvania, Affociate Tuflices, John Blair, of Virginia, >falary 3500 dol- James Iredell, of North-Carolina, lars each. Willia a Paterſon, of New Jersey. Secretary of State. Secretary of the Treaſury. Tiirothy Pickering, S creta y at War A B LE, Shewing how much ſhould be added to, or ſubftracted from the moon's fouthing, for the time of high water at the ſeveral places following; this mark * directing to add, and this I 'o iubftra&t. H. M. H. M. Albany 600* Capes Henry and Amboy } I 001 3431 Hatteras Annapolis, N.S. O 021|Nantucket 4 281 Bolion 0 451 New York 3 001 Burlington 2 381 New-Hiven I 001 Cape Ann 0 131 Newbury Port and ? Cape Canfo and Williamburg } O 301 Illand Sable 3301 Plymouth 1 231 Cape Sable & Halifax 4 001 Philadelphia I 25 Capes May & Hen. Poughkeepſie, Pro- lopen, and Port 3 451 vidence, and 3 Main Ocean Charlofion Light- Quebec Houſe, and 700 San ly-Hook 3 431 Gerge'own Bar Wilmington (Del.) o 001 Kingſton (Eropas) A list of tie poit towns in the Uaned States, with their diitances. Main line from Wifcaret to Sunbury. Maine. Wells 141 mile. Yok 161 Bath 13 13 |Mall, and N. Hamp. Brunſwick 25||Portſmouth N. Yatmouth 15 40Newbury Port 133 15 145 Biddeford 14. 691] Beverly 101 1551 3 40* Roeway } 002 2 58 83 Wiſcaflet to 99 12 12 UT Portland 55; Ipfwich 12 2 157 10 573 10 583 65891 8 6721 26 347|| 12 22 755 14 429 22 601 999 18 482 1 2 Salem Maryland. Lynn 6 163||Elkton Boſton 3 176|| Charleſtown Worceſter 48 224 | Havre-de-Graec Sp:ingfield 49 273|Harford 12 601 Connecticut. Baltimore 251 625 Hartford 28 301||Bladenſburg 38 6641 Middletown 14 315||Georgetown New Haven Virginia. Stratford 14 355| Alexandria $ 680 Fairfield 8 363|| Colcheſter 16 696 Norwalk 12 375 Dumfries 708 Stamford 10 3851 Frederickſburg 251 733 New-York. Bowling Green Kingſbridge 30.415|| Hanover court houſe 25 780 New-York Richmond 802 New Jerſey. Peterſburg 251 827 Newark 9438 Nortla-Carolina, Elizabeth-Town G444 Halifax 751 902 Bridgetown 6 450 farborough 371 939 Woodbridge 4 454) smithfield New-Biuniwiik 10 4640 Fayetteville 501049 Princeton South Carolina, Trenion 494 Cheraw court houſe, Pennſylvania. er G eenville 75 1124 Briitol TO 504 Camden 55111791 Pailade'phia 20 524 | Columbia 35 1214 Chifter 15 539 Cambr.dge Delaware. Georgia. Wilmington 134 552|Auguſta 5011344 Chriftiana Bride IT 563 Savannah 120146+ Sunbury 4911513 CROSS POST 5. Nev York to Burling'on and Montreal. New-York. Kin 'cr ook 14 145 New-York to kings Albany 20 165 bridge 15 151 Lanſingburg 9174 Rekkill 35 50 Vermont. Fichkil 70, Benringen 2S! 202 Poughkeepſie 14- 84|| Manchester 22. Rhuebeck 17 1on1 Rulnd 351 259 Red-Hook V rgeones 41 303 Clermo it 6. Burlingt a 221 326 IIudion 16. 131|| Montreal (Canada) Philadelphia to Carliſle. Pennſylvania. Lebanon 28! 84 Philadelphia to Barriburg 25 109 Potilgrove Reading 56,1 801129% 20 $ 109 115 36 36 | Carille 371 126 Philadelphia to Nia ara. 66 232 18' 250 80 370 11 152 6 210 67277 23 I 2 12 20 121 Pernlylvania. New Yok. Philadelphia to Painted Poit Reading 56 56) Bath Northumberland 701 126. Williamſburg 40290 Lycoming 40! 166 Niagara Philadelphia to Pittſburg. Pennſylvania. Cambrilburg Philadelphia to Lan- Strafburg caſter 66 66Bedtord Yorktown 23 89 Greenſburg Carliſle 31 120 Pittſburg 331 310 Shippenſburg 21; 141 Philadelphia to Norfolk. Delaware. Dagfborough -27 121 Philadelphia to Snowhill 31 152 Wilmington 28 28 Horntown 16 168 Cantwellíbridge 51 Virginia. Duck Creek C. R. 63. Drummond, or Ac- Frederica 75 comac court ho. 261 194 Milford 7 82 Bellhaven 20 214 Maryland. Northampton c. b. 234 Clowes 431 277 Philadelphia to Snowhill. Philadelphia to Cheſtertown 16 78 Wilmington (D.) 28 28||Chelter Mills 15 93 Maryland. Eafon 221 115 Warwick 251 291 143 Georgetown croſs Saliſbury 151 158 roads 9 62 Snowhill 191 177 Baltimore to Leonardſtown. Maryland. Port Tobacco 1683 Baltimore to An- Nawport 111 94 rapolis 301 301 Chaptico 8 102 Upper Marlborough 21 51|| Leonardſtown 11| 113 Piſcataway 161 67 Baltimore to Chamberſburg, Maryland, Sharpsburgh 241 176 Baltimore to Hagerſtown 14 Frederickſtown 521 52 Chambersburgh, P. 21 11 Alexandria to Staunton, Virginia. Stevenſburg 8 118 Straſburg 461 46|Woodſtock 12 140 Shepherdſtown 32 78 Ruckingham 331 173 88 Staunton 94 Norfolk 3 2 53|| Vienna 90 IO 128 Alexandria to Leeſburg Martinfburg Winchefter JO 371 210 22 11ο Almanacs Bonmaker 30! 50 78] 28 Port Royal 20 18 98 66 423 Frederickſburg, by Kintale, 10 Urvanna. Virginia. | Kinfale Frederickſburg to 201 74 Northumberland 35189 Leedſtown 40 40 Urbanna 301 119 Weltmoreland 14! 54|| Frederickſburg to Urbanna. Virginia. Tappahannock Erederickſburg to Urbanna 201 Richmond to Portſmouth. Virginia ||Hampton Richmond to Wil- Norfolk 181 116 liamſburg 68 68|Portſinouth 117 Yorktown 12 80 Richinond to Danville, Virginia. Montgomery c. h. 55 254 Richmond to Co- Withe court h. 47 301 lumbia 461 46|Abingdon 56 357 Charlotteville 40 86||Soutn Weft. Territory. Staunton 40 126 Hawkins court h. Lexington 331 159 Kentucky. Fincaſtle 401 199l/Danville 2011 624 Peterſburg to Portſmouth. Virginia Il Smithfield 37 63 Peterſburg to Cab- Il suffelk bin Point 261 26|Portſmouth Peterſburg to Wilmington. Virgioia. ||Plymouth 23 162 Peterſburg to Suf- Waſhington 38 200 felk 85 851 Newbern North-Carolina. Wilinington 93) 331 Edenton 544 13911 Halifax to Plyniouth, North Carolina. Williamſton 55 Halfax to Blountſ- Plymouth 79 ville 301 3011 Halifax to Saliſbury. North-Carolina. li Hillthorough 48 101 Halifax to War- Guildford court h. 50 151 35 25 176 Williamſborough 18 53|Saliſbury 35i 211 Edenton 10 Indiantown. North Carolina, Nixonton 28 Edenton to Hert- Sawyer's Ferry 15 43 ford 16; 16||Indiantown III 54 Fayetteville to Wilmington. North Carolina. zabethtown 36 36 Fayetteville to Eli- Wilmington 471 3] 22 85 281 113 38 238 2 24 renton 35||Salem 12 8 Alorianaes BannekeBenjaan Ba