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L I R' E.
Giving an
When only Fourteen Years of Age:
His leaving his Mother's house from religious motives, wan-
dering several Days in the Deserts without Food, and being
at last taken by an Indian Hunter among the Cherokees,
where he was condemned to die : -
&c. &c. &c.
The whole Authenticated
By the Reverend W. ALDRIDGE,
Halifaa .
Printed at the Office of J. Nicholson & Co.
| 8 || 5.

The following Narrative is as plain and artless,
as it is surprising and extraordinary. Plausible rea-
sonings may amuse and delight, but facts, and facts
like these, strike, are felt, and go home to the heart.
were the power, grace, and providence of God ever
more eminently displayed, than in the conversion, sac-
cess, and deliverance of John Marrant He and his
companions enter the meeting at Charles-Town toge-
ther ; but the one is taken, and the other left. He
is struck to the ground, shaken over the mouth of
hell, snatched as a brand from the burning; he is
pardoned and justified ; he is washed in the atoning
blood, and made happy in his God. You soon have
another view of him, drinking out of his master's
cup; he is tried and perplexed, opposed and despi-
sed; the neighbours hoot at him as he goes along ;
his mother, sisters, and brother hate and persecute
him ; he is friendless, and forsaken of all. These
uneasy circumstances call forth the corruptions of his
nature, and create a momentary debate, whether the

pursuit of ease and pleasure was not to be preferred
to the practice of religion, which he now found so
sharp and severe 3 The stripling is supported and
strengthened. He is persuaded to forsake his family
and kindred altogether. He crosses the fence, which
marked the boundary between the wilderness and
the cultivated country; and prefers the habitation of
brutal residence, to the less hospitable dwellings of
enmity to God and godliness. He wanders, but
Christ is his guide and protector. Who can view
him among the Indian tribes without wonder . He
arrives among the Cherokees, where gross ignorance
wore its rudest forms, and savage despotism exercised
its most terrifying empire. Here the child, just turn-
ed fourteen, without sling or stone, engages, and
with the arrow of prayer, pointed with faith, wounds
Goliah, and conquers the king.
The untutor'd monarch feels the truth, and wor-
ships the God of the Christians; the seeds of the gos.
pel are disseminated among the Indians by a youthful
hand, and Jesus is received and obeyed.
The subsequent incidents related in this Narrative
are great and affecting; but I must not anticipate the
reader's pleasure and profit.
The novelty or magnitude of the facts contained in
the following pages, may dispose some readers to
question the truth of them. My answer to such is
—1st, I believe it is clear to great numbers, and tº

some competent judges, that God is with the subject
of them : but if he knowingly permitted an untruth
to go abroad in the name of God, whilst it is confes-
sea the Lord is with him, would it not follow, that
the Almighty gave his sanction to a falsehood 3-2d,
I have observed him to pay a conscientious regard to
his word-3d, He appeared to me to feel most sensi-
bly, when he related those parts of his Narrative,
which describe his happiest moments with God, or the
most remarkable interpositions of Divine Providence
for him; and I have no reason to believe it was coun-
I have always preserved Mr. Marrant's ideas,
though I could not his language : no more altera-
tions, however have been made, than were thought
I now commit the whole to God. That he may
make it generally useful, is the prayer of thy ready
servant, for Christ's sake,
July 19, 1786.

I John MARRANT, born June 15, 1755,
in New-York, in North-America, wish
these gracious dealings of the Lord with
me to be published, in hopes they may be
useful to others, to encourage the fearful,
to confirm the wavering, and to refresh
the hearts of true believers. My father
died when I was a little more than four
years of age, and before I was five my
mother removed from New York to St.
Augustine, about seven hundred miles
from that city. Here I was sent to school,
and taught to read and spell; after we
had resided here for about eighteen
months, it was found necessary to remove
to Georgia, where we remained; and 1
was kept to school until I had attained
my eleventh year. The Lord spoke to
me in my early days, by these removes,
if I could have understood him, and said

“Here we have no continuing city.” We
left Georgia, and went to Charles Town,
where it was intended I should be put
apprentice to some trade. Some time af.
ter I had been in Charles Town, as I
walked one day, I passed by a school,
and heard music and dancing, which took
my fancy very much, and I felt a strong
inclination to learn the music. I went
home, and informed my sister, that I had
rather learn to play upon music than go
to a trade. She told me she could do no-
thing in it, until she had acquainted my
mother with my desire. Accordingly she
wrote a letter upon it to my mother,
which, when she read, the contents were
disapproved of by her, and she came to
Charles Town to prevent it. She persua-
ded me much against it, but her persua-
sions were fruitless. Disobedience either
to God or man, being one of the first fruits
of sin, grew out from me in early buds.
Finding I was set upon it, and resolved
to learn nothing else, she agreed to it,
and went with me to speak to the man,
and to settle upon the best terms with

him she could. He insisted upon twenty
pounds down, which were paid, and I
was engaged to stay with him eighteen
months, and my mother to find me in eve-
ry thing during that term. The first day
I went to him he put the violin into my
hand, which pleased me much, and, ap-
plying close, I learned very fast, not only
to play, but to dance also ; so that in six
months, I was able to play for the whole
school. In the evenings, after the scho-
lars were dismissed, I used to resort to
the bottom of our garden, where it was
customary for some musicians to assem-
ble to blow the Frenchhorn. Here my
improvement was so rapid, that in twelve
months' time I became master both of
the violin and Frenchhorn, and was
much respected by the gentlemen and la-
dies whose children attended the school,
as also by the master: This opened to
me a lage door of vanity and vice, ſo I
was invited to all the balls and assem-
blies that were held in the town, and
met with the general applause of the
inhabitants. I was a stranger to want
being supplied with as much money as I
had any occasion for ; which my sister
observing said, “You have no need of a
trade.” I was now in my thirteenth year,
devoted to pleasure and drinking in ini-
quity like water; a slave to every vice
suited to my nature and to my years.
The time I had engaged to serve my
master being expired, he persuaded me
to stay with him, and offered me any
thing, or any money, not to leave him.
His entreaties proving ineffectual, I quit-
ted his service, and visited my mother in
the country ; with her I stayed two
months, living without God or hope in
the world, fishing and hunting on the sab-
bath day. Unstable as water I returned
to town, and wished to go to some trade
My sister's husband being informed of
my inclination, provided me with a mas-
ter, on condition that I should serve him
one year and a half on trial, and after-
wards be bound, if he approved of me.
Accordingly I went, but every evening
was sent for to play on music somewhere
or another and I often continued out

very late, sometimes all night, so as to
render me incapable of attending my
master's business the next day; yet in
this manner I served him a year and four
months, and was much approved of by
him. He wrote a letter to my mother to
come and have me bound, and whilst my
mother was weighing the matter in her
own mind, the gracious purposes of God,
respecting a perishing sinner, were now
to be disclosed. One evening I was sent
for in a very particular manner to go and
play for some gentlemen, which I agreed
to do, and was on my way to fulfil my
promise; and passing by a large meet-
ing-house, I saw many lights in it, and
crowds of people going in. I inquired
what it meant, and was answered by my
companion, that a crazy man was halloo-
ing there; this raised my curiosity to go
in, that I might hear what he was halloo-
ing about. He persuaded me not to goin,
but in vain. He then said, “If you will
do one thing, I will go in with you.” I
asked him what that was He replied,
"Blow the Frenchhorn among them.” I

liked the proposal well enough, but ex-
pressed my fears of being beaten for dis.
turbing them ; but upon his promising to
stand by and defend me, I agreed. So
we went, and with much difficulty got
within the doors. I was pushing the
people to make room, to get the horn of
my shoulder to blow it, just as Mr.
Whitfield was naming his text, and look.
ing round, and as I thought, directly up
on me, and pointing with his finger, he
uttered these words, “PREPARE to Mººn
Thy GOD O Israel.” The Lord accom.
panied the word with such power, that
I was struck to the ground, and lay both
speechless and senseless for twenty-four
minutes : When I was come a little to,
found two men attending me, and a wo
man throwing water in my face, and
holding a smelling bottle to my nose.
and when something more recovered
every word I heard from the minister
was like a parcel of swords thrust intº
me; and what added to my distress,
thought I saw the devil on every side of
me. I was constrained by the bitternes

ºf my spirit to halloo out in the midst of
the congregation, which disturbing them,
they took me away : but finding I could
neither walk nor stand, they carried me
as far as the vestry, and there I remained
till the service was over. When the peo-
ple were dismissed, Mr. Whitfield came
into the vesity, and being told of my con-
dition he came immediately, and the first
word he said was, “JESUS CHRIST
HAs Go! THEE AT LAST.” He asked
where I lived, intending to come and see
me the next day; but recollecting he was
to leave the town the next morning, he
said he could not come himself, but
would send another minister; he desired
them to take me home, and then taking his
leave of me, I saw him no more. When I
reached my sister's house, being carried
by two men, she was very uneasy to see
me in so distressed a condition. She got
me to bed, and sent for a doctor, who
came immediately, and after looking at
me, he went home, and sent me a bottle
of mixture, and desired her to give me a

spoonful every two hours; but I could
not take any thing the doctor sent, nor
indeed keep in bed; this distressed my
sister very much, and she cried out
“The lad will surely die.” She sent for
two other doctors, but no medicine they
prescribed could I take. No, no; it may
be asked,—a wounded spirit who can
cure ? as well as who can bear P. In this
distress of soul I continued for three days
without any food, only a liftle water now
and then. On the fourth day, the minis
ter Mr. Whitefield had desired to visi
me came to see me, and being directed
up stairs, when he entered the room,
thought he made my distress much worse
He wanted to take hold of my hand, but
I durst not give it to him. He insisted
upon taking hold of it, and I then go
away from him on the other side of the
bed ; but being very weak I fell down.
and before I could recover he came to me,
and took me by the hand and lifted me
up, and after a few words, desired to gº
to prayer. So he fell upon his knees, and
pulled me down also ; after he had spent

some time in prayer he rose up, and ask.
ed me how I did? I answered much
worse; he then said, “ Come we will
have the old thing over again;” and so
we kneeled down a second time, and af.
ter he had prayed earnestly we got up,
and he said again, “How do you do.
now * I replied worse and worse, and
asked him if he intended to kill me?
“No, no, said he you are worth a thou-
sand dead men, let us try the old thing
over again ;" and so falling upon our
knees, he continued in prayer a consider-
able time; near the close of his prayer.
the Lord was pleased to set my soul at li
berty, and being filled with joy, I began
to praise the Lord immediately ; my sor-
rows were turned into peace, and joy,
and love. The minister said, “How is
it now " I answered, all is well, all hape
py. He then took his leave of me ; but
called every day for several days after-
wards, and the last time he said, “ Hold
fast that thou hast already obtained, till
Jesus Christ come.” I now read the
Scriptures very much, My master sent

often to know how I did, at last came
himself, and finding me well, asked me if
I would not come to work again I an-
swered no. He asked me the reason, but
receiving no answer, he went away. I
continued with my sister about three
weeks, during which she often asked me
to play npon the violin for her, which I
refused ; then she said I was crazy and
mad, and so reported it among the neigh-
bours, which opened the mouths of all
around against me. I then resolved to go
to my mother, which was eighty-four
miles from Charles Town. I was two
days on my journey home, and enjoyed
much communion with God on the road,
and had occasion to mark the gracious in-
terpositions of his kind providence as
passed along. The third day I arrived a
my mother's house, and was well receiv-
ed. At supper they sat down to eat with
out asking the Lord’s blessing, which
caused me to burst out into tears. My
mother asked what was the matter? I
answered I wept because they sat down
to supper without asking the Lord's bles-

sing. She bid me, with much surprise,
to ask a blessing. I remained with her
fourteen days without interruption ; the
Lord pitied me, being a young soldier.
Soon, however, Satan began to stir up
my two sisters and brother, who were
then at home with my mother; they cal-
led me every name but that which was
good. The more they persecuted me, the
stronger I grew in grace. At length my
mother turned against me also, and the
neighbours joined her, and there was not
a friend to assist me, or that I could
speak to ; this made me earnest with
God. In these circumstances, being the
youngest but one of our family, and,
young in Christian experience, I was
tempted so far as to threaten my life; but
reading my bible one day, and finding
that if I did destroy myself I could not
come where God was, I betook myself to
the fields, and some days stayed out
from morning to night to avoid the perse-
cutors. I stayed one time two days with-
out any food, but seemed to have clearer
views into the spiritual things of God.

Not long after this I was sharply tried,
and reasoned the matter within myself,
whether I should turn to my old courses
of sin and vice, or serve and cleave to the
Lord ; after prayer to God, I was fully
persuaded in my mind, that if I turned to
my old ways I should perish eternally
Upon this I went home, and finding them
all as hardened, or worse than before,
and every body saying I was crazy, but a
little sister I had, about nine years of
age, who used to cry when she saw them
persecute me, and continuing so about
five weeks and three days, I thought it
was better for me to die than to live
among such people.
I rose one morning very early, to get a
little quietness and retirement; I went
into the woods, and stayed till eight
o'clock in the morning ; upon my return
I found them all at breakfast; I passed
by them, and went up stairs without any
interruption ; I went upon my knees to
the Lord and returned him thanks; then
I took up a small pocket Bible and one
of Dr. Watts' hymn books, and passing

by them went out without one word spo-
ken by any of us. After spending some
time in the fields, I was persuaded to go
from home altogether. Accordingly I went
over the fence, about half a mile from our
house, which divided the inhabited and
cultivated parts of the country from the
wilderness. I continued travelling in the
desert all day without the least inclina-
tion of returning back. About evening
I began to be surrounded with wolves; I
took my refuge from them on a tree, and
remained there all night. About eight
o'clock next morning I descended from
the tree, and returned God thanks for the
mercies of the night. I went on all this
day without any thing to eat or drink.
The third day, taking my Bible out of my
pocket, I read and walked for some time,
and then being wearied and almost spent
I sat down, and after resting a while I
rose to go forward, but had not gone
above a hundred yards when something
tripped me up, and I fell down: I prayed
to the Lord upon the ground that he
would command the beasts to devour me,

that I might be with him in glory.
made this request to God the third and
part of the fourth day. The fourth day
in the morning, descending from my usu-
al lodging, a tree, and having nothing all
this time to eat, and but a little water to
drink, I was so feeble that I tumbled
half way down the tree, not being able to
support myself, and lay upon my back on
the ground an hour and a half, praying
and crying ; after which, getting a little
strength, and trying to stand upright to
walk, I found myself not able ; then I
went upon my hands and knees, and so
crawled till I reachad a tree that was
tumbled down, in order to get across iſ
and there I prayed with my body leaned
upon it above an hour, that the Lord
would take me to himself. Such nearness
to God I then enjoyed, that I willingly
resigned myself into his hands. After some
time I thought I was strengthened, so I
got across the tree without my legs or
feet touching the ground; but struggling,
I fell over on the other side, and then
thought the Lord will now answer my

prayer, and take me home; but the time
was not come. After laying there a little,
I rose, and looking about, saw at some
distance bunches of grass, called deer-
grass; I felt a strong desire to get at it;
though I rose, yet it was only on my
hands and knees, being so feeble; and in
this manner I reached the grass. I
was three quarters of an hour going in
this form twenty yards. When I reached
it I was unable to pull it up, so I bit it off
like a horse, and prayed the Lord to bless
it to me, and I thought it the best meal I
ever had in my life, and I think so still, it
was so sweet. I returned my God hear-
ty thanks for it, and then lay down about
an hour. Feeling myself very thirsty, I
prayed to the Lord to provide me with
some water ; Finding I was something
strengthened, I got up and stood on my
feet, and staggered from one tree to ano-
ther, if they were near each other, other-
wise the journey was too long for me. I
continued moving so far for some time,
and at length passing between two trees,
I happened to fall upon some bushes,

among which were a few large hollow
leaves, which had caught and contained
the dews of the night, and lying low
among the bushes, were not exhaled by
the solar rays; this water in the leaves
fell upon me as I tumbled down and was
lost ; I was now tempted to think the
Lord had given me water from Heaven,
and I had wasted it. I then prayed the
Lord to forgive me. What poor unbeliev.
ing creatures we are though we are as:
sured the Lord will supply all our needs.
I was presently directed to a puddle of
water very muddy, which some wild pigs
had just left; I kneeled down, and asked
the Lord to bless it to me, so I drank both
mud and water mixed together, and be
ing satisfied I returned the Lord thanks,
and went on my way rejoicing. This day
was much chequered with wants and sup:
plies, with dangers and deliverances.
continued travelling on foot nine days,
feeding upon grass, and not knowing whi-
ther I was going ; but the Lord Jesus
Christ was very present, and that com.
forted me, through all. The next morn.

ing, having quitted my customary lodg-
ing, and returned thanks to the Lord, for
my preservation through the night, read-
ing and travelling on, I passed between
two bears, about twenty yards distance
from each other, both sat and looked at
me, but I felt no fear; and after I had
passed them, they both went the same
way from me withoutgrowling, or the least
apparent uneasiness. I went and return-
ed God thanks for my escape, who had
tamed the wild beasts of the forest, and
made them friendly to me: I rose from
my knees and walked on, singing hymns
of praise to God, about five o’clock in the
afternoon, and about 55 miles from home,
right through the wilderness. As I was
going on, and musing upon the goodness
of the Lord, an Indian hunter, who stood
at some distance saw me: he hid himself
behind a tree; but as I passed along he
bolted out, and put his hands on my
breast, which surprised me a few mo-
ments. He then asked me where I was
going? I answered I did not know, but
where the Lord was pleased to guide me.
Having heard me praising God before
came up to him, he inquired whom I wº
talking to I told him I was talking .
my Lord Jesus ; he seemed surprized
and asked me where he was P for he di
not see him there. I told him he coul.
not be seen with bodily eyes. After all
tle more talk, he insisted upon taking in
home; but 1 refused, and added, that
would die rather than return home. H.
then asked me if I knew how far I was
from home? I answered, I did not know.
you are 55 miles and a half, says he, ſo
home. He farther asked me how I
to live? I said I was supported by tº
Lord. He asked me how I slept I
swered the Lord provides me with a bº
every night ; he further inquired whº
preserved me from being devoured byt
wild beasts 2 I replied, the Lord Jes
Christ kept me from them. He stood a
tonished, and said, you say the Lord Jº
sus Christ does this, and does that, an
does every thing for you ; he must be
fine man, where is he? I replied, he
here present. To this he made me no an

swer, only said, I know you, and your
mother and sister, and upon a little fur-
ther conversation I found he did know
them. This alarmed me, and I wept for
fear he should take me home by force :
but when he saw me so affected, he said
he would not take me home if I would go
with him. I objected against that, for
fear he would rob me of my comfort and
communion with God: But at last being
much pressed, I consented to go. Our
employment for ten weeks and three
days, was killing deer and taking off their
skins by day : the means of defence and
security against our nocturnal enemies,
always took up the evenings: We col-
lected a number of large bushes, and
placed them nearly in a circular form,
which united at the extremity, afforded
us both a verdant covering, and a suffi-
cient shelter from the night dews. What
moss we could gather was strewed upon
the ground, and this composed our bed.
A fire was kindled in the front of our
emporary lodging-room, and fed with

fresh fuel all night, as we slept and
watched by turns ; and this was our de
fence from the dreadful animals, whose
shining eyes and tremendous roar we of
ten saw and heard during the night.
By constant conversation with the
hunter, I acquired a fuller knowledge of
the Indian tongue: This, together will
the sweet communion I enjoyed with
God, I have considered as a preparation
for the great trial I was soon to pass
through. -
The hunting season being now at an
end, we left the woods, and directed out
course towards a large Indian town, be
longing to the Cherokee nation ; and
having reached it, I said to the hunter
they will not suffer me to-enter in. He
replied, as I was with him, nobody would
interrupt me. -
There was an Indian fortification all
round the town, and a guard placed a
each entrance. The hunter passed on
of these without molestation, but I was
stopped by the guard and examined
They asked me where I came from, and

what was my business there? My com-
panion of the woods attempted to speak
for me, but was not permitted ; he was
taken away, and I saw him no more. I
was surrounded by about 50 men, and
carried to one of their chiefs to be exa-
mined by him. When I came before
him, he asked me what was my business
there? I told him I came with a hunter,
whom I met with in the woods. He re-
plied, “Did I not know, that whoever
came there, without giving a better ac-
* count of themselves than I did, was to
be put to death?” I said I did not
know it. Observing that I answered
him so readily in his own language, he
asked ºne where I learnt it p To this I
returned no answer, but burst into a
flood of tears, and calling upon my Lord
Jesus. At this he stood astonished, and
expressed a concern for me, and said I
was young. He asked me who my Lord
Jesus was - To this I gave him no an-
swer but continued praying and weeping.
Addressing himself to the officer who
stood by him, he said he was sorry; but

it was the law, and it must not be broken.
I was then ordered to be taken away,
and put into a place of confinement.
They led me from their court into a low
dark place, and thrust me into it, very
dreary and dismal; they made fast the
door, and set a watch. The judge sent
for the executioner, and gave him his
warrant for my execution in the afternoon
of the next day. The executioner came
and gave me notice of it, which made me
very happy, as the near prospect of death
made me hope for a speedy deliverance
from the body : And truly this dungeon
became my chapel, for the Lord Jesus
did not leave me in this great trouble,
but was very present, so that I continued
blessing him, and singing his praises all
might without ceasing : The watch hear.
ing the noise, informed the executioner
that somebody had been in the dungeon
with me all night; upon which he came
in to see and to examine, with a great
torch lighted in his hand, who it was
had with me; but finding nobody he
turned round, and asked me who it was

and I told him it was the Lord Jesus
Christ; but he made no answer, turned
away, went out, and locked the door.
At the hour appointed for my execution,
I was taken out and led to the destined
spot, amidst a vast number of people. I
praised the Lord all the way we went,
and when we arrived at the place I un-
derstood the kind of death I was to suf-
ſer, yet blessed be God, none of those
things moved me. The executioner
shewed me a basket of turpentine wood,
stuck full of small pieces, like skewers;
he told me I was to be stripped naked,
and laid down in the basket, and these
sharp pegs were to be stuck into me, and
then set on fire, and when they had burnt
to my body, I was to be turned on the
other side, and served in the same man-
her, and then to be taken by four men
and thrown into the flame, which was to
finish the execution. I burst into tears,
and asked what I had done to deserve so
cruel a death. To this he gave no answer.
I cried out, Lord, if it be thy will that it
should be so, thy will be done: I then ask.

ed the executioner tolet me go to prayer
he asked me to whom? I answered, to
the Lord my God; he seemed surprised,
and asked me where he was? I told him
he was present; upon which he gave me
leave. I desired them all to do as I did.
so I fell down upon my knees, and men.
tioned to the Lord his delivering of the
three children in the fiery furnace, and
of Daniel in the lion's den, and had close
communion with God. I prayed in En-
glish a considerable time, and about the
middle of my prayer, the Lord impressed
a strong desire upon my mind to turn in-
to their language, and pray in their
tongue. I did so, and with remarkable
liberty, which wonderfully affected the
people. One circumstance was very sin.
gular, and strikingly displays the pow-
er and grace of God. I believe the execu-
tioner was savingly converted to God.
He rose from his knees, and embraced
me round the middle, and was unable to
speak for about five minutes; the first
words he expressed, when he had ut

tenance, were, “No man shall hurt thee
till thou hast been to the king."
I was taken away immediately, and as
we passed along, I reflected upon the de-
liverance which the Lord had wrought
but for me, and hearing the praises which
the executioner was singing to the Lord,
I must own I was utterly at a loss to find
words to praise him. I broke out in these
words: What can’t the Lord Jesus do P
and what power is like unto his? I will
thank thee for what is passed, and trust
thee for what is to come. I will sing thy
praise with my feeble tongue whilst life
and breath shall last, and when I fail to
sound thy praises here, I hope to sing
them round thy throne above: And thus,
with unspeakable joy, I sung two verses
ºf Dr. Watts hymns:
“My God, the spring of all my joys,
The life of my delights;
The glory of my brightest days,
And comfort of my nights.

In darkest shades, if thou appear,
My dawing is begun; -
Thou art my soul's bright morning star.
And thou my rising sun.
Passing by the judge's door, he stop-
ped us, and asked the executioner why
he brought me back? The man fell up-
on his knees, and begged he would per-
mit me to be carried before the king,
which being granted, I went on guarded
with two hundred soldiers with bows
and arrows. After many windings I en-
tered the king's outward chamber, and
after waiting some time he came to the
door, and his first question was, how
came I there? I answered I came with a
hunter whom I met with in the woods,
and who persuaded me to come there.
He then asked me how old I was PI told
him not fifteen. He asked me how I
was supported before I met with this
man? I answered by the Lord Jesus
Christ, which seemed to confound him.
He turned round, and asked me if he
lived where I came from? I answered

yes, and here also. He looked about
the room, and said he did not see him :
but I told him I felt him. The execu-
ioner ſell upon his knees and entreated
the king, and told him what he had felt
of the same Lord. At this instant the
king's eldest daughter came into the
chamber, a person about 19 years of age,
and stood at my right hand. I had a bi-
ble in my hand, which she took out of it,
and having opened it, she kissed it, and
seemed much delighted with it. When
she had put it into my hand again, the
king asked me what it was 2 and I told
him, the name of my God was recorded
there ; and, after several questions, he
bid me read it, which I did, particularly
the 53d chapter of Isaiah, in the most so-
lemn manner I was able; and also the
26th chapter of St. Matthew's Gospel;
and when I pronounced the name of Je-
sus, the particular effect it had upon me
was observed by the king. When I had
finished reading, he asked me why I read
those names with so much reverence?
I told him, because the Being to whom

those names belonged made heaven and
earth, and I and he this he denied. I
then pointed to the sun, and asked him
who made the sun and moon, and stars,
and preserved them in their regular or-
der P. He said there was a man in their
town that did it. I laboured as much
as I could to convince him to the contra-
ry. His daughter took the book out of
my hand a second time she opened it.
and kissed it again; her father bid her
give it to me, which she did ; but said
with much sorrow, the book would not
speak to her. The executioner then fell
upon his knees, and begged the king to
let me go to prayer, which being granted,
we all went upon our knees, and now the
Lord displayed his glorious power. In
the midst of the prayer some of them cri-
ed out, particularly the king's daughter.
and the man who ordered me to be exe-
cuted, and several others seemed under
deep conviction of sin : This made the
king very angry : he called me a witch.
and commanded me to be thrust into the
prison, and to be executed the next

morning. This was enough to make me
think as old Jacob once did, “All these
things are against me; for was drag-
ged away, and thrust into the dungeon
with much indignation; but God, who
never forsakes his people, was with me.
Though I was weak in body, yet was I
strong in the spirit: The Lord works, and
who shall let it? The executioner went
to the king, and assured him, that if he
put me to death, his daughter would ne-
wer be well. They used the skill of all
their doctors that afternoon and night;
but physical prescriptions were useless.
In the morning the excutioner came to
me, and, without opening the prison
door, called to me, and hearing mean-
swer, said, “Fear not, thy God who de-
livered thee yesterday, will deliver thee
to day.” This comforted me very much,
especially to find he could trust the
Lord. Soon after I was fetched out; I
thought it was to be executed ; but they
led me away to the king's chamber with
much bodily weakness, having been
without food two days. When I came

36 |
into the king's presence, he said ºne
with much anger, if I did not make his
daughter and that man well, I should be
laid down and chopped into pieces be
fore him. I was not afraid, but the Lord
tried my faith sharply. The king
daughter and the other person were
brought out into the outer chamber, and
we went to prayer; but the heaven
were locked up to my petitions. I be
sought the Lord again, but received nº
answer: I cried again, and he was in
treated. He said, “Beit to thee as thou
wilt;" the Lord appeared most lovel,
and glorious; the king himself was awa.
kened, and the others set at liberty. A
great change took place among the peo.
ple; the king's house because God's
house; the soldiers were ordered away.
and the poor condemned prisoner had
perfect liberty, and was treated like
prince. Now the Lord made all my
enemies become my great friends. I re-
mained nine weeks in the king's palace
praising God day and night; I was nº
wer out but three days all the time

haº assumed the habit of the country,
and was dressed much like the king, and
nothing was too good for me. The king
would take off his golden ornaments, his
chain and bracelets, like a child, if I ob-
jected to them, and lay them aside.
Here I learnt to speak their tongue in the
highest style.
I began now to feel an inclination
growing upon me to go further on, but
none to return home. The king being
acquainted with this, expressed his fears
of my being used ill by the next Indian
nation, and, to prevent it, sent fifty men,
and a recommendation to the king, with
me. The next nation was called the
Creek Indians, at sixty miles distance.
Here I was received with kindness, ow-
ing to the king's influence, from whom 1
had parted; here I staid five weeks. I
next visited the Catawar Indians, at about
fifty-five miles distance from the others:
astly I went among the Housaw Indi-
ans, eighty miles distant from the last
mentioned; here I staid seven weeks.
These nations were then at peace with

each other, and I passed among them
without danger, being recommended
from one to the other. When they re.
collect, that the white people drove them
from the American shores, the three first
nations have often united, and murdered
all the white people in the back settle.
ments which they could lay hold of man,
woman, and child. I had not much rea-
son to believe any of these three nations
were savingly wrought upon, and there-
fore I returned to the Cherokee nation,
which took me up eight weeks. I conti-
nued with my old friends seven weeks
and two days. -
I now and then found, that my affec-
tions to my family and country were not
dead : they were sometimes very sensi
bly felt, and at last strengthened into an
invincible desire of returning home.
The king was much against it; but feel-
in the same strong bias towards my
country, after we had asked the Divine
direction, the king consented, and ac-
companied me 60 miles with 140 men.
went to prayer three times before we
could part, and then he sent 40 men with

me a hundred miles farther ; I went to
prayer, and then took my leave of them,
and then passed on my way. I had se-
wenty miles now to go to the back settle-
ments of the white people. I was sur-
rounded very soon with wolves again,
which made my old lodgings both neces-
sary and welcome. However it was not
long, for in two days I reached the settle-
ments, and on the third I found a house;
it was about dinner-time, and as I came
up to the door the family saw me, were
frightened, and ran away. I sat down to
dinner alone, and eat very heartily, and
after returning God thanks, I went to see
what was become of the family. I found
means to lay hold of a girl that stood
peeping at me from behind a barn. She
fainted away, and it was upwards of an
hour before she recovered ; it was nine
o'clock before I could get them all to
venture in, they were so terrified.
My dress was purely in the Indian stile;
the skins of wild beasts composed my
garments, my head was set out in the
savage manner, with a long pendant down
my back, a sash round my middle, with-

out breeches, and a tomakaw by myside
In about two days they became sociable,
Having visited three or four other fami.
lies, at the distance of 16 or 20 miles, I
got them together to prayer on the Sab-
bath days, to the number of 17 persons.
I staid with then six weeks, and they
expressed much sorrow when I left them.
I was now one hundred and twelve miles
from home. On the road I sometimes
met with a house, then lºwas hospitably
entertained ; and when I met with none,
a tree lent me the use of its friendly shel.
ter and protection, from the prowling
beasts of the woods during the night.
The God of mercy and grace supported
me thus for eight days, and on the ninth
I reached my uncle's house.
The following particulars, relating tº
the manner in which I was made known
to my family, are less interesting; and
yet, perhaps, some readers would not for
give their omission : I shall, however, be
as brief as I can. I asked my uncle for
a lodging, which he refused. I enquired
how far the town was off; three quarters
of a mile, said he. Do you know Mrs.

Marrant and family, and how the chil-
dren do? was my next question. He
said he did, they were all well, but one
was lately lost; at this I turned my head
and wept. He did not know me, and
upon refusing again to lodge me, I de-
parted. When I reached the town it was
dark, and passing by a house where one
of my old school-fellows lived, I knock-
ed at the door; he came out, and asked
what I wanted I desired a lodging,
which was granted? I went in, but was
not known. I asked him if he knew
Mrs. Marrant, and how the family were *
He said he had just left them, they were
all well; but a young lad, with whom he
went to school, who after he had quitted
school went to Charles-Town to learnsome
trade; but came home crazy, and rain-
bled in the woods, and was torn in pieces
by the wild beasts. How do you know,
said I, that he was killed by wild beasts?
I and his brother, and uncle, and others.
said he, went three days in the woods in
search of him, and found his carcase
torn, and brought it home, and buried it.
and are now in mourning for him. This

affected me very much, and I wept ; ot-
serving it, he said what is the matter? I
made no answer. At supper they sai
down without craving a blessing, for
which I reproved them; this so affected
the man, that I believe it ended in a
sound conversion. Here is a wild man,
says he, come out of the woods to be a
witness for God, and to reprove our in-
gratitude and stupifaction After supper
I went to prayer, and then to bed. Riº
sing a little before day-light, and praising
the Lord, as my custom was, the family
were surprised, and got up: I staid with
them till nine o'clock, and then went to
my mother's house in the next street.
The singularity of my dress drew every
body's eyes upon me, yet none knew me.
knocked at my mother's door, my sis-
ter opened it, and was startled at my ap-
pearance. Having expressed a desire tº
see Mrs. Marrant, I was answered, she
was not very well, and that my business
could be done by the person at the door
who also attempted to shut me out
which I prevented. My mother being
called, I went in, and sat down, a mob of

people being round the door. My me-
her asked, “what is your business?”
only to see you, said I. She was much
obliged to me, but did not know me. I
asked, how are your children? how are
your two sons? She replied, her daugh-
ters were in good health ; of her two
sons, one was well and with her, but the
other, unable to contain, she burst into
a flood of tears, and retired. I was
overcome and wept much ; but nobody
knew me. This was an affecting scene!
Presently my brother came in : He en-
guired who I was, and what I was My
sister did not know ; but being uneasy
at my presence, they contrived to get me
out of the house, which being overheard
by me, I resolved not to stir. My young-
est sister, eleven years of age, came in
from school, and knew me the moment
she saw me: She goes into the kitchen,
and tells the woman her brother was
come; but her news finding no credit
there, she returns, passes through the
room where I sat, made a running curt-
sey, and says to my eldest sister in the
next room, it is my brother! She was

then called a foolish girl, and threaten.
ed; the child cried, and insisted upon it.
She went crying up-stairs to my mother,
and told her; but neither would my mo.
ther believe her. At last they said to
her, if it be your brother, go and kiss
him, and ask him how he does? She ran
and clasped me round the neck, and look.
ing me in the face, said, “Are not “ you
my brother John?” I answered yes, and
wept. I was then made known to all the
family, to my friends, and acquaintan-
tes, who received me, and were glad, and
rejoiced: Thus the dead was brought to
life again; thus the lost was found. I
shall now close the Narrative, with only
remarking a few incidents in my life, un-
til my connection with my Right Ho-
mourable Patroness, the Countess of
Hurring pon.
I remained with my relations till the
commencement of the American troubles.
I used to go and hear the word of God,
If any Gospel ministers came into the
country though at a considerable dis-
tance; and yet, reader, my soul was got
not a declining state. Don't forget out

Lord's exhortation, “What I say unto
ºu, I say unto all. Watch."-In
hose troublesome times, I was pressed
ºn board the Scorpion sloop of war, as
their musician, as they were told I could
play on music.–I continued in his ma-
jesty's service six years and eleven
months; and with shame confess, that a
amentable stupor crept over all my spi-
ritual vivacity, life, and vigour; I got
cold and dead. My gracious God, my
dear Father in his dear Son, roused me
every now and then by dangers and deli-
verances.—I was at the siege of Charles-
Town, and passed through many dan-
gers. When the Town was taken, my
old royal benefactor and convert, the
king of the Cherokee Indians, riding into
the town with general Clinton, saw me,
and knew me: He alighted off his horse,
and came to me; said, he was glad to see
me, that his daughter was very happy,
and sometimes longed to get out of the
body. -
Some time after this I was cruising
about in the American seas, and cannot
help mentioning a singular deliverance I

had from the most imminent danger, and
the use the Lord made of it to me. We
were overtaken by a violent storm;
was washed overboard, and thrown on
again; dashed into the sea a second time
and tossed upon deck again. I now
fastened a rope round my middle, as a
security against being thrown into the
sea again; but, alas! forgot to fasteni.
to any part of the ship ; being carried
away the third time by the fury of the
waves, when in the sea, I found the rope
both useless and an incumbrance. I was
in the sea the third time about eight mi.
nutes, and the sharks came round me in
great numbers; one of an enormous size
that could easily have taken me into its
mouth at once, and rubbed against my
side. I then cried more earnestly to the
Lord than I had done for some time.
and he who heard Jonah's prayer, did no
shut out mine, for I was thrown aboard
again ; these were the means the Lord
used to revive me, and I began now tº
set out afresh.
I was in the engagement with the Dutch
off the Dogger Bank, on board the Prin-

ess-Amelia, of 84 guns. We had a great
number killed and wounded ; the deck
was running with blood ; six men were
illed, and three wounded, stationed at
he same gun with me; my head and face
were covered with the blood and brains
ºf the slain : I was wounded, but did not
all, till a quarter of an hour before the
engagement ended, and was happy du-
ring the whole of it. After being in the
hospital three months and 16 days, I was
sent to the West-Indies on board a ship
ºf war, and, after cruising in those seas,
we returned home as a convoy. Being
aken ill of my old wounds, was put into
he hospital at Plymouth, and had not
been there long, when the Physician gave
it as his opinion, that I should not be ca-
pable of serving the king again : I was
Therefore discharged, and came to Lon.
don, where I lived with a respectable and
pious merchant three years, who was un-
willing to part with me. During this
|ime I saw my call to the ministry fuller
and clearer; had a feeling concern for
the salvation of my countrymen; I car.
ºn them constantly in the arms of pray.
º -
ºr and faith to the throne of grace, and
had continual sorrow in my heart for my
brethren, for my kinsmen, according to
the flesh-I wrote a letter to my bro.
ther, who returned me an answer, in
which he prayed some ministers would
come and preach to them, and desired
ºne to shew it to the minister whom I at
ended. I used to exercise my gifts on
Monday evening in prayer and exhort-
tion and was approved of, and ordained at
Bath. Her ladyship having seen the let
ter from my brother in Nova Scotia,
thought Providence called me there
To which place I am now bound, and
pect to sailin a few days.
I have now only to entreat the earnest prayers ºl
all my kind Christian friends, that I may be carried
safe there; kept humble, made faithful, and suº
ful; that strangers may hear of and run to Chris
that Indian tribes may stretch out their hands to God.
that the black nations may be made white in the blood
ºf the Lamb : that multitudes of hard tongues, and 0.
a strange speech, may learn the language of Canº
and sing the song of Moses, and of the Lamb; and an
ticipating the glorious prospect may we all, with ſº
vent hearts, and willing tongues sing hallelujah; the
kingdoms of the world are become the kingdoms
our God, and of his Christ. Amen * Amen. -
[J. Nicholson & Co, Printers, Halº