WILLIAM L. CLEMENTS ich herrlene Elu Raie en saben to 14268 Chinle - 1945. El- manzie din 428 ESTC 105429 AN EXPLICATION OF THE FIRST CAUSES 0 F Action in MATTER; * AND OF THE CAUSE OF GRAVITATION. By CADWALLADER: COLDEN. N E W.Y OR K: Printed in the Year, MDCCXLV. And London Reprinted: for J. BRINDLEY, Bookfeller to His Royal Highneſs, the Prince of WALES, at the Feathers in New Bond- ftreet1746. ( Price One Shilling.) LO [iii KERANCINHA ΤΟ JAMES ALEXANDER, Elg; AT NE W - Y OR K. Athing halten Y in tretters SIR, OU have obliged me exceedingly big my 3 actin love the trouble and care you have taken in examining the papers I ſent to you, for that purpoſe. You will ;' He maring now find the number of lines in ſeveral places , the luryhing Porn conßderably increaſed; becauſe I find it difficult to convey new conceptions of things to others ; 3 Ile Elastil, with that conciſeneſs , I at firſt intended, and ranking power which require a method of thinking entirely dif- ferent from that, which, perhaps, has become habitual to them: but I muſt have been tedious if A 2 iv DEDICATION. if I had not left fome ſteps to be ſupplied by the reader. For the ſame reaſon, I have not followed a method ſtrictly mathematical, but ſuch as I thought would more eaſily lead the mind of the reader; step by ſtep, into the ſame concep- tións I have. An adequate idea of any com- plicated matter cannot at once be formed; and therefore the difficulties which may ariſe in the firſt steps, cannot be eaſily removed, till the con- ception of the whole matter is cleared up by go- ing further on. I have likewiſe, in ſeveral ſteps, taken different methods of conveying and clearing up the ſame conception: becauſe the ſame man at different times, and different men at all times, receive any idea more eaſily in one way than in another. THE deſign of theſe papers is ſo exceeding hardy, that I have all the reaſon in the world to be diffident of myſelf. To attempt to efta- bliſh new principles in phyſics, different from thoſe of all writers before me; to attempt to explain the cauſe of gravitation, after all the great men in philofophy. have failed, and after fir ISAAC NEWTON ſtopt port, as at an en-- quiry not furmountable by his fagacity, which had diſcovered fo many wonders : when I confi- der this, I have reaſon to fear, that this at- tempt will not only be blamed, as bold and raſh, but will be look' d on as ſo vain and fooliſh, as not to deferve, a reading, or any conſideration, However, after having for a confiderable time revolved DEDICATION. revolved it in my mind, and conſidered every ob- jection which occurr'd to me, with all the care and impartiality that I am capable of; the truth of the principles which I now advance, ftill appear with ſo much evidence to me, that I can no longer doubt of their certainty. Tho® 1 may not pretend to have acquired a perfect and adequate conception of what I treat, or that I have fallen upon the beſt method of con- veying to others, the conceptions which I have formed myſelf, on this ſubject; the force of the evidence on my mind, is as ſtrong as that of day-light after the ſun is up in cloudy wea- ther. IF the ſubje&t of the following ſheets were a mere piece of curioſty, in an abſtruſe point; it will even as fuch (if well performed) be very acceptable to curious men: but it has likes wiſe opened to me, a prospect of great improve- ment in all the uleful ſciences in human life. I expect that not only for ISAAC NEWTON's theorems, in his Principia, may be explained more eaſily from theſe principles, without the aſſiſtance of the conic ſections ; but that more eaſy and certain methods may be found for de- termining the orbits of the planets, and even of the moon, and of forming equations for that purpoſe, than can be done from other princi- ples. Of how great conſequence this may be in geography and navigation, they beſt know, who think that no method for diſcovering longitude vi DEDICATION. at fea, can ſucceed, till the moon's place cah be determined at all times with ſufficient exact- neſs. It gives me likewiſe a profpext of im- provement in ſeveral other parts of phyſics. Upon the whole then; the evidence of truth, and the uſefulneſs of the ſubject of the following Sheets, as they appear to me, I hope will gain a favourable conſtruction of my intention in printing only ſo many copies of them, as may be ſufficient to ſubmit my thoughts to the exa- mination of the learned ; and without any de- fign of troubling the world any further on this ſubject, but according to the reception theſe Jheets ſhall have with proper judges. old; I have likewiſe another reaſon for my print- ing in the manner I do, that as I think theſe diſcoveries certain and uſeful, I would not have them loft to the world. I am grown I am not ſo much at eaſe as is neceſſary to proſecute fuch fudies to any length, and I want many things neceſſary for this pur- poſe : theſe, then, may ſerve as hints to others of much greater abilities than I can pretend to: and though what I have done, be not ſufficient to ſet the truth in a clear light; others may be able to clear it of thoſe obfcurities, that I have not been able to I have already gone ſo far, as to ap- ply theſe principles to ſeveral phenomena and caſes in gravitation : but I ſhall ſtop short in this publication, with finiſhing the sheet, wbare remove. DEDICATION. vii where the explication of gravitation in gene- ral ends, till I ſhall know the judgment of thers; and then, if I find it will be accepta- ble, I may add as far as my time and capacity shall allow me to proceed. NOW, fir, if you approve of theſe reaſons for my printing the following ſheets; I hope you will allow me publickly to acknowledge your kindneſs, in examining and making remarks on the firſt draught of them : that if theſe papers have any merit to preſerve themſelves from ob- livion; they may continue to our children, the memory of the friendſbip that has for many years ſubfiſted between us ; and that I may have the pleaſure while alive, of fancyiug, that if any bereafter ſhall think of my name, they will at the ſame time believe, that I ever was, as I now am, with great eſteem, Your moſt affectionate Friend, and moſt humble Servant, CADWALLADER COLDEN. Coldingham, in the Pro- vince of New York, December 10, 1745 (9) 3 AN EXPLICATION OF THE FIRST CAUSES OF Action in Matter, &c. Ο Η Α Ρ. Ι. Of the primary material agents; or, the firſt principles in phyſics. "A NY thing is ſaid to be extended, or extenſion is an eſſential pro- perty of that thing, when we cannot conceive it without li- mits, or bounds, or ſhape; or when we can- not form any conception of it, without per- ceiving at the ſame time, that it is capable of being greater or ſmaller ; capable of addition B or ( 10 ) or diviſion, as conſiſting of parts, or as being diviſible into parts : for that property is eſſen- tial to any thing, without which we cannot form any conception of that thing. There- fore, 2. Every thing conceived as quantity, is extended. 3. A thing is ſaid to be impenetrable, when it excludes every thing elſe from the ſpace which it occupies. Every thing, which we conceive as diſtinct from another, neceſſarily includes this property : for the moment that we ſuppoſe, that two things abſolutely occu- ру the ſame ſpace, all diſtinction ceaſes in our conception of them; and therefore the one or other, as to us, becomes a non-entity, or that of which we have no conception. 4. Every thing, which is conceived as ex- tended and impenetrable, I call Matter. 5. Then if matter be taken in this large ſenſe of the word, which, I think, is the common acceptation of it; we muſt allow that there are different kinds or ſpecies of matter, diſtinguiſhed by manifeſt eſſential properties, peculiar to each fort, and incon- fiftent with the eſſential properties of the o- thers: which I propoſe to thew more parti- cularly by what follows. 6. There is ſome thing endowed with a certain kind of force or power, by which it refifts every alteration of its preſent ſtate, whether it be in motion or at reft: this is commonly called, the power of reſiſtance, and by (11) by fir ISAAC Newton, vis inertia. There can be no doubt of ſomething poffeffing this property, or that is endowed with this power or force: for it is ſo generally obſerved in e- very thing, which is the object of our ſenſa- tions, that this power is generally attributed to all matter. But how truly this is done, will better appear after we have conſidered the nature of this power; which however will not be found eaſy for us to do, ſeparate- ly from other ſpecies of matter : becauſe all the ideas we form of power, or force, or of action, are generally taken from matter in motion; and therefore we cannot eaſily con- ceive any action without motion. . Yet it is evident, that motion ought by no means to enter into our conception of this power of reſiſting; for it exerts its force at reſt as well as in motion. 7. In order to form an adequate notion of this power or force, I ſhall obſerve, 1. That this power or force cannot proceed from a meer want of action: for the power of re- fiſting is ſometimes greater, at other times lefs; fometimes it is able to reſiſt a greater force, at other times only a leſs : but a meer want can never be greater or leſs; it is a non- entity, and cannot be of any quantity either great or ſmall: it can have no power or force; for it is a negation of all power or force. No kind of motion can enter into the con- ception of the manner of action in the pow- er : for in the idea of motion we muſt con- B 2 ceive 2. ( 12 ) ceive ſome kind of tendency or direction from one place or point towards another place or point. If then the idea of reſiſting has any thing in common with motion, it muſt oppoſe motion more in one direction than in another, more when the motion which it oppoſes is in an oppoſite direction to the direction of reſiſtance, than when both directions tend the ſame way: but reſiſtance oppoſes motion in all directions; therefore nothing of motion can properly enter into the conception of it. 3. This power equally exerts its force, whether it be in motion or at reſt: for when two quantities of this reſiſting power are different while at reſt, the one greater than the other; if they be put in motion, that quantity which reſiſted moſt while at reſt, will likewiſe reſiſt moſt while in motion. 4. The effects of this power ap- pear in a kind of obſtinacy, by which it op- poſes all other power or force. It does not deſtroy the oppoſite power, but only oppoſes its action, and in ſome caſes (as will be ſhewn afterwards) continues the effect of ac- tion of the other powers, which would other- wiſe ceafe. Neither can the power or force of reſiſting be deſtroyed by an oppoſite pow- er : for if this power be effential to any thing, (as we ſhall afterwards prove) it cannot be deſtroyed without annihilating the thing it- felf. This power, and every part of it, or particle, exerts its force or action in all di- rections: for it, and every part of it, equally oppoſes, 5. (13) oppoſes, reſiſts or leſſens the action of other powers, in whatever direction they be applied, 6. The thing or being which exerts this pow- er or force, is truly an agent; it is a principle which acts of itſelf, without the force, pow- er or agency of any other thing: for, ſince its whole power or force is exerted in oppoſing the actions of all other power or force, it cannot receive its power or force from that which it oppoſes. Therefore, 8. The thing endowed with the power of reſiſtance, or vis inertia, is an agent, or ac- tive ſubſtance, ſubſiſtence, exiſtence, or be- ing, endowed with a certain power or force, whereby it perſiſts in its preſent ſtate, and oppoſes or refifts all other power that would change that ſtate, whether it be in motion or at reit; and thereby weakens, or renders more or leſs ineffectual, the action of all o- ther power or force: which force it exerts in a manner peculiar to itſelf, and different from all other natural agents. Force without ac- tion, is a contradiction in terms; yet we are ſo accuſtomed to join motion with all action, that I find it very difficult to convey any no- tion of action or agency in the power of re- fiſting, tho? it demonſtrably be an agent or acting principle. 9. This power of reſiſting, or vis inertie, may be conſidered as quantity: for it is every day, and in all places, obſerved to be greater or leſs : It is capable of being augmented or leſſened; of conſequence it is contained with- in ( 14 ) erting this in fome bounds or limits: it is of ſome ſhape, parts may be taken from it, or added to it, that is, it is extended. Indeed we can form no conception of it, without conceiving it as exiſting within fome bounds or other : and therefore extenſion is eſſential to the agent ex- power. 10. Again, it is impoſſible to conceive this power of reſiſting, without fuppofing at the fame time, that this agent is impenetrable ; that no other power can at the ſame time poffefs the ſame place : for as this agent acts by reſiſting other power or force; the thing which it refifts muſt occupy a different place, otherwiſe we cannot conceive the one as re- fiſting the other : therefore impenetrability is an effential property of the reſiſting agent: And of conſequence, agent endowed with, or exerting the power or force of reſiſting, is a ſpecies of There is no great difficulty of form- ing a conception of this agent, as a ſpecies of matter, or as being extended and impenetra- ble; every object of our ſenſes round us, raiſes this idea in our mind: but I have taken this method of proving it, the more eaſily to ap- ply this reaſoning to ſome other agents, which we are not accuſtomed to conſider in this II. The matter. manner. 12. It is generally concluded, that the force of reſiſtance is in proportion to the quantity of matter reſiſting : becauſe a greater quantity of reſiſting matter; requires a greater force to move (15) move it. But it muſt be obſerved, that in conſidering this reſiſting matter, there are two different ways of conſidering it as quantity: either the quantity of extenſion (its bulk) or the quantity of its force. When we ſay two powers producing the ſame effect'are equal, we then mean only as to the quantity of force; but two different quantities may have the fame force : there may therefore be different ſpecies of this reſiſting matter, in which the proportions of their force to their bulk may be different; and, as theſe different propor- tions may be infinite in number, the different ſpecies of refiſting matter may be infinitely different. No experiment, which only de- termines the force of two different agents to be equal, does, for that reaſon, determine that their bulk is ſo likewife. From fir ISAAC NEWTON's diſcovery of the infinitely different ſpecies of light, it is poſſible there may be as many different ſpecies of reſiſting matter; and if there be, we may hope that a method may be diſcovered to demonſtrate this. Before fir Is A AC's diſcovery, light was uni- verſally thought to be homogeneous; and yet he has ſo clearly demonſtrated the contrary, that none can doubt of its being the very re- verſe, that it conſiſts of an infinite variety of - ſpecies. Could any man have imagined, that this diſcovery, which had avoided all the cu- rious reſearches of philoſophers to his day, was made by ſo ſimple and common a contrivance, as a triangular glaſs-priſm? Glaſs and priſms had ( 16 ) had been known and in uſe many ages, and in all that time it was never imagined that any ſuch diſcovery could be made : who then can ſay what diſcoveries may be made, when ſuch another genius as fir ISAAC Newton's Shall appear in the world? 13. We daily obſerve, that ſome things move, or paſs from one place to another : the power of reſiſting is ſo very different from that of moving, that they can in no manner be conceived as the effects of the ſame agent, or of the fame cauſe. We every day ob- ſerve, that ſome things in motion, loſe their motion; that the ſame things again, or o- ther things at reſt acquire motion, and things moving with ſmall velocity acquire greater velocity: this motion then muſt either be by fome power, force or agency in the moving thing itſelf, or it muſt be the effect of ſome other power without it: this other thing muſt be of itſelf an agent, and has the power of moving eſſential to it; or it muſt be put in motion by a third thing, and ſo on; we muſt then at laſt reſt in ſomething to which the power of moving is eſſential, or we muſt al- low, that an effect can be produced without a cauſe: this thing then, to which motion is eſſential, which moves by its own natural force, muſt be an agent, which has its active principle in itſelf. 14. We every day perceive different quan- tities of motion, or its force or power ſome- times greater, ſometimes leſs, and we per- ceive (17) ceive it in different places : we cannot then otherwiſe conceive it than as bounded, or of ſome ſhape, and as conſiſting of parts; and therefore extenſion is eſſential to the idea thereof. We every day likewiſe ſee refiſting matter put in motion by this agent; therefore they muſt be impenetrable to each other : for otherwiſe we cannot conceive the one as mo- ving, the other as reſiſting; neither can we otherwiſe conceive them as diſtinct beings, without diſtinct places. This moving agent, or this thing endowed with the power of mo- ving, is a ſpecies of matter. When we ſee a ſmall ſpark gradually ſet a large city all in a blaze, can any man imagine that there is no more motion in all the parts of the city, thus on fire together, than there was in the firſt little ſpark that began the fire? That there is no more power or force in this prodigious fire, than there was in the ſcarce diſtinguiſh- able ſpark which began it ? But if there be not ſuppoſed fomething mixed in the mate- rials of the city thus on fire, which has a pow- er of moving of itſelf; all the prodigious force of motion in the city thus on fire, muſt be ſuppoſed in the firſt little ſpark which be- gan the fire : for nothing can give what it has not. There are innumerable other Phæ- nomena, which evidently ſhew, that ſome parts of matter are ſelf-moving agents, and which ever move, unleſs hindered by the ſu- perior force of reſiſting matter; and that as ſoon as the reſiſting power is by any means re- с moved, ( 18 ) moved, the ſelf-moving matter immediately recovers its motion. 15. Since the reſiſting and moving agents are ſo very contrary to each other in their na- ture, reſiſting motion and ſelf-moving, that it is impoſſible to conceive them as exiſting in the ſame thing, or that any one thing can have both powers eſſential to it; we muſt then be very careful not to attribute theſe different powers, and inconſiſtent modes of action to the ſame agent: which however, from what follows, it will appear, is not eaſy for us to a- void, 16. Suppoſe that two quantities of the mo- ving agent, or two particles of moving mat- ter (for both theſe expreſſions fignify the ſame thing) move towards each other with the ſame force, in oppoſite directions, what will happen after their meeting? If you ſay, that they will ſtop each other, and remain at reſt; I deny it; becauſe motion never de- ſtroys motion, or leſſens it: it is the property of reſiſting matter only to ſtop, lefſen, or ren- der ineffectual the force of the moving mat- I ſhall aſk, what is it in the oppoſite motions which deſtroys motion ? If you fay, that it is their mutual reſiſtance; I anſwer, they have no reſiſtance. I have proved (7, 8, 13, 14, 15,) that the power of reſiſt- ing and moving, can never exiſt in the ſame agent; and therefore two particles of moving matter in the proper fenſe of the word, reſiſt each other's motion. What ter. cannot, ( 19 ) What then, you'll ſay, muſt happen after the meeting of theſe two oppoſite movers? They muſt either return back, or go off together, or from each other, in ſome direction or o- ther. I don't at preſent enquire which of theſe will happen; all that I aſſert is, that motion will not be lefſen'd in this caſe, in ei- ther one or the other, or in both taken toge- ther ; the change of direction only ſeems à neceſſary conſequence of their impenetrability. The truth of this appears in the meeting of two quantities of elaſtic matter ; the motion in this caſe is no way lefſened by the oppoſite motions: it muſt then be ſomething elſe than motion which leſſens or deſtroys it; for nothing deſtroys itſelf, or its own force. We muſt care- fully diſtinguiſh the effects which are necef- ſary conſequences of impenetrability, from thoſe which are the conſequences or the ef- fects of the reſiſting agent; without this care, we ſhall often run ourſelves into confuſion, becauſe of a faulty habit, which every one acquires, of confounding theſe very diſtinct properties in matter, impenetrability and re- fiſtance. The reaſon of this is, that all our ideas of motion are taken from reſiſting mat- ter in motion, which is endowed with both theſe properties. 17. Suppoſe next, that two quantities of matter meet, the one of the moving agent, the other of the reſiſting, what will happen? If the reſiſting power be greater, or equal to the moving power, it will ſtop the action of C the ( 20 ) the moving power, and both remain at reft, tho' the force, or endeavour, or power to move, ſtill remain in the moving power; but if the moving power be greater or ſtronger than the reſiſting, then the moving power will only loſe part of it's motion, and both will move together, with the remaining force of motion : this becomes a compound quantity, endowed with both motion and reſiſtance. It is not my preſent buſineſs to proſecute this more particularly, but only to give general no- tions of theſe two different agents, and of their manner of acting. 18. Again, fuppoſe that this united quan- tity of the moving and reſiſting agents, be by ſome means ſeparated; I ſay, that the mo- ving matter will, the moment after it is ſepa- rated from the reſiſting matter, recover its firſt and original action of moving, or its whole motion : and the reſiſting matter will conti- nue its motion in the ſame manner, or with the ſame velocity it did, while joined with the moving matter; and this by its power of re- ſiſtance: for this power or force confifts in perſiſting in whatever ſtate it is at any time in, and in oppoſing all change of that ſtate. As the degree of velocity, with which it moves, is the ſtate in which every part of that quan- tity of reſiſting matter is in at the time; the force of reſiſting all change, or perſiſting in that ſtate, in two different quantities ſo mo- ving, will be as the quantities themſelves; and in different quantities moving with different velocities, ( 21 ) velocities, as the velocities multiplied into the reſpective quantities of reſiſtance. This force is called Momentum, by fir ISAAC NEWTON, and is by him rightly diſtinguiſhed from mo- tion: for it is plain, they ariſe from the ac- tions of agents effentially different in their na- ture and manner of acting. It is likewiſe evident, that any quantity of reſiſting matter, moving thus by motion communicated to it, loſes the whole, or ſome part of its motion, every time it meets with any other quantity of reſiſting matter, and never of itſelf recovers that motion again. The laws of this com- municated motion (Momentum) being moſt common to our obfervation, are well deſcri- bed by philoſophers: but the laws, by which the primary agents act, are little underſtood, though they be truly the cauſe of all the Phæ- nomena in nature, and therefore deſerve the trouble of further enquiry. 19. But befides theſe two powers, the one reſiſting, oppoſing or fupprefſing motion, or any alteration of its preſent ſtate; the other a felf-moving power, always changing or en- deavouring to change its place, by moving in ſome one direction or other; there is a third kind of force or power obſerved, by which the parts of this thing receive any impreſſion or action from any other agent, either the mo- ving or reſiſting agent; and by a kind of re- acting force communicates this action to all things round it, as by a kind of expanſion of action, or ſuch kind of action as ſeems to proceed ( 22 ) proceed from a center of every part, in ſtrait lines to the ſurface: and this reaction is al- ways obſerved to be equal to the force im- preſſed. As we take our idea of this power from elaſtic bodies, whoſe parts, if by any force compreſſed nearer, endeavour to recede, and reſtore themſelves with a force equal to that which compreſſed them; and thereby e- qually preſs every thing round them, which oppoſes the reſtoring of them to their firſt ſituation; it is uſually called elaſtic force. 20. Now it is plain, that this elaſtic or ex- panſive force cannot be the effect of the re- fiſting agent: for the whole power of the re- fiſting agent is exerted in preſerving its pre- fent ſtate, and oppoſing all change; but the very idea of this includes a perpetual endea- vour of change by expanſion. Again, the reſiſting power is exerted in oppoſing, leſſen- ing and rendering ineffectual all motion ; but this power, by its reaction, preſerves the mo- tion impreſs'd upon it in its full force, and only alters the direction. Neither can it be the effect of the moving power : for the mov- ing power exerts its force only in one di- rection; but this power exerts its force in all directions from every point. This then muſt be the force or power of an agent eſſentially different from both the reſiſting and moving agents: for the effect of this power cannot be produced by either of thoſe agents fingly, or by both jointly. The whole manner of action in this agent is fingular and peculiar to itſelf, ( 23 ) any other itſelf. This power neither reſiſts nor moves, and exerts no kind of action of itſelf, with- out the concurrence of ſome other power; fo that in the abſence of other powers, it muſt be conceived as in perfect inaction. Its po- wer conſiſts in this, that every part of it rem ceives the impreſſion or action of contiguous power; and by a kind of expan- fion, or elaſticity, or reaction, every part re- flects or expands that action which it received, in every direction, in an oppoſite direction as well as in the direct, and thereby communi- cates it to the adjacent parts. It muſt be conceived as exiſting alternately in two dif- ferent ſtates; the one of receiving, the o- ther of reflecting, expanding, or reacting: it receives in one direction, and reflects in every direction: it has no manner of acting peculiar to itſelf, independently of the other powers; but receives any manner of action, either that of the reſiſting or moving power; and then, if this elaſtic matter be ſuppoſed to fill the ſpace between any other ſpecies of matter, by a power peculiar to itſelf, it communicates the action of the one to the other at a diſtance, which otherwiſe could not be done : ſo that it is the general medium, by which all action is communicated to any diſtance from the acting power. This po- wer of reaction, and reflecting any force im- preſſed upon it, is the power peculiar to this ſpecies of matter; and it exerts this power in a manner fimilar to the manner of acting of any ( 24 ) any other power, from which it receives its action. 21. The reſiſting power is negative to eve- ry other power, to the elaſtic power as well as the moving: for reſiſtance muſt leffen e- very other action; and whatever leffens or weakens any action, is negative to that action. Therefore, in whatever degree the action of the reſiſting power is communicated to any part or particle of the elaſtic power, in the ſame degree the action of reacting or reflect- ing (which is the proper and peculiar action of elaſtic matter) is leſſened: but the moving and elaſtic power being no way negative to each other, in no manner leſſen or weaken each others action. For the ſame reaſon, the action of ſeveral quantities of the ſame po- wer, acting in oppoſite directions, are in their directions negative to each other; becauſe it is impoſſible they both can at the ſame time take their full effect: but the reaction of the elaſtic power, in the direction oppoſite to the direction of the action which it reflects, is not negative to that action, becauſe performed at different times; as is evident from the i- dea of receiving and reflecting. Hence the action of every power muſt not be conceived as one continued act, but as a great many re- peated acts or momentaneous vibrations; and that the reaction of the elaſtic power is in the interval of theſe acts or vibrations. This alternate action and reaction, or alternate fy- ſtole and diaſtole, or undulating vibration is par- ( 25 ) particularly obſerved by Sir Isaac NEWTON, in the paſſage of light thro' any medium. 22. This expanſive or elaſtic force has been uſually attributed to the ſhape of the parts which compoſe the elaſtic body. They are ſuppoſed to be fpirial ſprings, like watch- {prings : but why a ſpiral ſhape, or any ſhape, or any manner of arranging the parts of any thing, ſhould give that thing any power which it had not before, is to me inconceivable. It is plain from common obſervation, that no Shape can give an elaſtic force to lead; a ſpi- ral of lead is as little elaſtic as a ſtrait line of lead. 23. As we cannot conceive this expanſive or laſtic power, otherwiſe than as conſiſting of parts, every one of which exerts its reactive force, as it were in lines from the centre of every part to its ſurface, and every part as acting upon all the ſurrounding parts, and acted upon by them; the agent exerting this force cannot be conceived otherwiſe than as extended and impenetrable; and therefore, that it is a ſpecies of matter. 24. It follows then, from the whole of what has been ſaid, that theſe ſpecies of mat- ter above deſcribed, are agents or acting prin- ciples; that each has a power or force pecu- liar to itſelf, differing from the others in its eſſence and manner of acting. Whether there be any more ſpecies of matter, is not eaſy to determine, tho' moſt of the ancients agree in this number. That theſe three are ef- D ( 26 ) eſſentially diſtinct, I can make no doubt. If there be any other diſtinct ſpecies of matter, it muſt likewiſe be an active principle: for we can have no idea of any thing but what a- riſes from action, and there can be no proper- ty without ſome power or force. For this rea- fon ſome of the ancient philoſophers ſaid, all nature is alive; that is, all nature is active. Try to deſcribe matter without action, po- wer, or force, the whole deſcription muſt conſiſt of negatives, that is, it muſt be the deſcription of no thing; and then it very cer- tainly follows, that no thing or no being ex- ifts no where. The word matter, defined to be a thing without action, without power, or force or property is ſynonymous to the word no-thing; and then I think it requires no great penetration to demonſtrate, that it ex- iſts no where, or is not: and yet this is the ſum of fome late learned and elaborate diſa courſes. 25. The quantity of power, or the quan- tity of matter, are fimilar expreſſions; that is, a cubic inch, for example, of refifting, moving, or elaſtic matter, has half the quan- tity of reſiſtance, motion or elaſticity, that two cubic inches of the fame power or ſpe- cies of matter have; but the manner of ex- power, or degree of action, or of force, is as great in the cubic inch as in the two inches. Or more generally, every part of any ſpecies of matter has the power of acting in as great a degree as the whole has : for erting that ( 27 ) Since power for where any power is eſſential, there can be nothing in the thing itſelf to obſtruct the ex- ertion of that power, and any. external ob- ſtruction is not ſuppoſed. It is neceſſary therefore, to diſtinguiſh carefully between the quantity of power, and the degree of force, or of action, or of the manner of exerting that power: for velocity, for example, from the higheſt or quickeſt that can be conceived, to the floweſt, may be divided into infinite degrees; and all theſe degrees are different manners of exerting the moving power. is the effence or fubftance of the thing, nothing can communicate its power; for that would be to tranſubſtantiate or to create : but every power can communicate a different degree of action or manner of acting, to another, and therefore it cannot properly be faid, that any power communicates any quantity of power to another, but only ſome certain degree of force or manner of acting. And the only effects or alterations, which any power or agent can produce on another, is to communicate to this other, ſome degree of its action, or manner of acting. 26. The degree of action communicated, is always in the ratio of the quantity of the act- ing to the receiving power. Thus, if any quantity of moving power communicate any degree of motion to a cubic inch of the refift- ing power, or of the elaſtic, it will commu nicate but half that degree to two cubic inch es: ſo that the degree communicated does D 2 23 not ( 28 ) not conſiſt in the abſolute quantity of the act- ing power, but in the ratio it has to the re- ceiving power. do nota 27. This communicated action, or the ef- fects of different powers, muſt be different according to the nature or different manner of acting. Thus, if any degree of motion be communicated, it cannot be augmented by the addition of a leſs degree, in the ſame direc- tion; as the velocity of a ball moving at the rate of ten miles in an hour, cannot be aug- mented by the action of a ball moving at the rate of nine miles in the ſame time. Indeed, the firſt can receive no impulfe or action from the latter ; and therefore there can be no ad- dition of different degrees of motion in the ſame direction : but it is otherwiſe in the re- fiſting power. 16 orli bros o'o 28. Though the degree of reſiſtance com- municated, be always in the ratio of the re- fiſting power to the receiving, as in the mo- ving, the effects ariſing from it are different from what they are in the moving: becauſe it exerts its action not in one ſingle direction, as the moving power, but in every direction. For example, if any quantity of reſiſting matter communicate to a quantity of elaſtic matter, a degree of reſiſtance, as 10, and a- nother quantity of refifting matter commu- nicate to another quantity of elaſtic matter, a degree of reſiſtance as 5; whenever theſe two quantities of elaſtic matter are contiguous, their ſeveral degrees of actions muſt be united in ( 29 ) in the reaction, which is exerted or expand- ed in all directions; and therefore, in the re- action, the degree of action between theſe two, will be equal to 15 degrees of reſiſtance : For fince the action of reſiſtance is negative to the other action, and thereby leffens it; it is evident, that, though the moving power be leſſened in any degree by a ſtrong action, it may be ſtill further leſſened by the appli- cation of a weaker action. 29. However, there ſtill remains a diſtinc- tion to be obſerved between the effects of the power itſelf, and of the action communicated to another thing: for example, any quantity of elaſtic matter, having any degree of reſiſtance, or of motion, communicated to it, cannot communicate a greater degree than what it has received ; if it communicate the whole degree to another inch of elaſtic matter, it cannot communicate a greater degree to half an inch. It is otherwiſe as to the power it- ſelf: for, if it communicate a degree, as 10, to any quantity, it will communicate a de- gree, as 20, to half that quantity. And it is likewiſe to be obſerved, that though the de- gree of communicated action cannot, by being communicated to a leſs quantity, be increaſed; yet it may be leffened by being communica- ted to a greater. 30. If upon further inquiry into the nature and manner of acting of theſe ſeveral agents, , ſome of the moſt general phænomena in na- ture become plain, and eaſy to our concep- 23VID tion, ( 30 ) tion, and which have hitherto puzzled the greateſt philoſophers; it will be a ſtrong ad- ditional proof of what has been advanced. My next attempt ſhall be, to ſhew this in fome inſtances; and before I proceed, I ſhall only obſerve, that perhaps the chymiſts aim at the ſame thing I do, in the three princi- ples which they eſtabliſh, viz. Salt, Sulphur, and Mercury : By Salt, they may intend the reſiſting matter or power ; by the action of which chiefly the parts of matter (as will be afterwards ſhewn) attract each other, or are kept in union: By Sulphur, the moving mat- ter, by which, motion, or that kind of ac- tion, which is moſt evident to our ſenſes, is produced; and by Mercury, the elaſtic mat- ter, by which (like a meſſenger) the action of one is carried thro' any diſtance to another, and like Mercury or Proteus, takes or imitates the action of either of the others: but the inquiring into the opinions of philoſophers on this ſubject, is beſide my preſent purpoſe. POSTSCRIPT. -0% IM AM very AM ſenſible how difficult it is to con- vey any new conceptions of things, or which are contrary to notions confirmed by long habits. This was the caſe of fir ISAAC Newton's Theory of Light and Colours. It was violently oppoſed by ſome of the greateſt philoſophers at that time ; and every one per- ceives (31) ceives, on his firſt reading of that book, with what reluctancy he yields to the evidence of truth, which forces his affent. What can ſeem more abſurd to common obſervers, than to be told, that there is no colour in any body we ſee; that all colours are only in the light, and that white is made up of a mixture of all colours ? Tell this to any man not converfant in that theory, and he'll immediately think, that you are a fool, or deſign to play the fool; and yet there is no man, who underſtands fir ISAAC's book, that can doubt of the truth of theſe things. After we have been accuſtomed to the reaſonings and ideas communicated by fir ISAAC NEWTON, we find no difficulty in theſe conceptions, which ſeemed at firſt the moſt difficult to conceive ; and I preſume, that after a cloſe attention and repeated reflex- ions, the reader will find the fame eaſineſs with reſpect to the doctrine here delivered. I find moſt people ſtartled, when I tell them, that the reſiſtance of a body at reſt, or without motion, is performed by ſome ac- tion in the refifting body. When a body at reſt, or without motion, reſiſts, does it do any thing ?--- or nothing? If it do nothing, it does not reſiſt; if it do any thing, it muſt act ;and if it act, there muſt be action without mo- tion. It is ſurprizing, to find it ſo difficult for a thinking being, to conceive action with out motion. When a man thinks he does ſomething, then thinking is acting, or is a kind of action ; but this action cannot be con ( 32 ) conceived as conſiſting either in motion, or in reſiſting, or in reflecting motion : it is a kind of action different from every one of theſe. But I find it is expected, that I ſhould ex- plain the Modus or manner of acting in refift- ing matter ; otherwiſe it is concluded, that the whole theory is defective and uncertain. Tho' I cannot explain the modus, or manner of act- ing, when I think; I hope none will deny, that I do or can think: but I will ſay more ; we cannot explain the modus or manner of acting of any ſimple power, no not of the moving power. When a quantity of moving matter puts another quantity of matter into motion, what conception have we of the mo- dus, or of the manner of acting? If it be ſaid, to be by puſhing or preſſing the body which it moves ; I muſt aſk again, what idea have you of puſhing or preſing ? Have you any o- ther idea, but that the moving body communi- cates motion to the body which it puſhesor pref- ffes ? Asto my part, I can form no other concep- tion of puſhing or preſſing; and if any other can; I ſhall be exceedingly pleas'd to ſee its modus, or manner of acting explained: ’till this be done, I ſhall preſume to ſay, that we may have as clear and diſtinct a conception of the modus, or manner of acting in reſiſting mat- ter, as of the action of moving matter; that is, that reſiſting matter communicates its acti- on to the matter on which it acts. I muſt likewiſe add, that we have no idea of any thing but of action; and that all ideas ariſe from ( 33 ) from the communication of ſome kind of actiot to the thinking thing or being : fimple ideas aa riſe from the actions of fimple powers, and complex ideas from the complicated actions of ſeveral ſimple powers: no ſimple idea can be explained; as I think is confeſſed by all ; and the explication of complex ideas, is the Thewing of what ſimple ideas they are com- pounded. Let any man ſhew any idea, which does not evidently ariſe from ſome action or other, if he can. In the laſt place, I muſt obſerve, that, tho' I call that matter or power; elaſtic mata ter, which reflects any action, or conveys any action from the acting matter or agent, to any diſtance from it (being a term uſed by fir Isaac Newton, and other philoſophers); yet the action of this elaſtic matter muſt not be conceived as in any manner ſimilar to that of elaſtic bodies, ſuch as a ball of ivory; but as a kind of action fingular and peculiar to itſelf, and which cannot be explained by any fimilitude to the action of any other thing, no more thản the actions of reſiſting or think- ing can be explained by any fimilitude to the action of moving. Therefore, if one ſhould imagine, the elaſtic matter to conſiſt of in- numerable ſmall globules, (as of ivory) whoſe parts being preſſed together, rebound with the fane force with which they are com- preſſed; he would have no conception of the elaſtic matter which I mean. The actions of E all ( 34 ) all firſt principles, and the ideas of them, muſt be all fimple; nothing of ſhape, or of parts, or of number, or of any thing like compoſition, can enter into theſe ſimple ac- tions, or into the ideas of them : for other- wiſe they cannot be ſimple. In any concep- tion of globules, they muſt be conceived as conſiſting of parts; which being preſſed near- er to each other, endeavour to ſeparate again : and as this cannot be conceived otherwiſe than as in motion, ſuch elaſtic power can never re- flect or continue any other action but that of motion. Theſe parts which are thus ſuppo- ſed to contract and dilate, have either the fame elaſtic power, or not: if they have not, then an aggregate has a power which no part of it has: if they have the ſame power, they muſt be again compounded of others, till we come at laſt, in conception at leaſt, to ſuch as are not compounded; theſe, then muſt have this elaſtic power without any contrac- tion or dilatation of parts. If it be ſaid, that this divifion into parts goes on in infinitum ; and therefore can never be reduced to fingle parts: in this caſe we muſt ſuppoſe that the aggregate has power or action which none of its parts have; and that the power of reflec- ting or reacting conſiſts only in number, and not in the thing itfelf. It is true, that in ma- chines, and ſuch like aggregates, there is a kind of compound action, which none of the parts have ſeparately; and by this the ma- chine ( 35 ) chine or aggregate becomes a kind of unity, or tò év, as the Greeks expreſs it); for its ef- fence is deſtroyed by diviſion, and it no long- er remains the ſame thing but every one eaſily perceives, that no machine can be a ſimple being, nor its action fimple, but is the complication of the actions of ſeveral ſimple actions; and therefore the nature of all ma- chines, and the manner of their acting can be explained; but the manner of acting of fimple beings, as before obſerved, cannot be explained. Canleg bowiod bolso en C Η Α Ρ. ΙΙ. Of Æther and Gravitation. 31. SR 31. IR ISAAC NEWTON, with wondern ful fagacity, has diſcovered, that Gra- vitation is an effect of ſome cauſe or agent, which operates in every part of the univerſe of which we have any knowledge; and he has deſcribed its manner of acting, ſo far as can be concluded from the effects: but what that cauſe is, whether it acts by attraction or pulſion, he has no where determined. And tho' in ſeveral parts of his writings in the laſt editions) he has more exprefly declared his opinion, that the agent which makes all badies E 2 ( 36 ) bodies gravitate towards each other, acts by pulfion; yet the manner he has taken to ex- plain this pulfion, has not given that general ſatisfaction which the other parts of his wri- tings have; and he having at firſt explained himſelf, as done by attraction, his followers Have frequently been puzzled, and foreigners have received a prejudice to the whole of that doctrine. Suppoſe that gravitation be by attraction, how can two bodies be ſuppoſed mutually to draw each other, without ſome- thing like ſtrings paſſing between them? but the free motion of any other body between theſe two, ſhews, that there can be nothing of that kind between them. Again, the force of gravitation towards any body being at every diſtance reciprocally, as the ſquares of the diſtances, ſeems to ſhew, that gravi- tation is the effect of fome emanation from the attracting body: for the force of the e- manation of any vertue, proceeding from a- ny body, as a center in ſtrait lines, is at e- very diſtance reciprocally, as the ſquares of the diſtances; which is demonſtrated by dr. Gregory, in the 48th propoſition of the firſt book, and 57th propoſition of the third book of his Aſtronomy. But this no way lef- fens the difficulty: for how can we conceive, that an emanation or motion from any body, can make another move towards it. Theſe difficulties, and ſome others, have prevented the general reception of a doctrine, which evidently agrees with all phænomena. If I can ( 37 ) can fhew then, how gravitation is perform- ed, ſo as one may be able to form a clear conception of the ſame, conſiſtently with all manner of acting, of which we have any certain knowledge, and founded on the prin- ciples before explained; I hope to do ſome- thing that will be aeceptable to the curious. 32. Sir ISAAC ſuppoſes, that there is a fine ſubtile fluid, or medium, expanded thro the univerſe, which he calls Æther. This occupies all the ſpace not filled with other matter, and permeates all the interſtices or paſſages, which are in or between bodies. He brings ſeveral proofs of the exiſtence of ſuch a medium, in the 18th and 21ſt que- ries, at the end of his opticks, and in ſeve- ral other places of that book. Every philo- fopher almoſt has ſuppoſed the exiſtence of fome ſuch thing; all agreeing, that it is im- poſſible to account for the general and con- ſtant phænomena, without the exiſtence of ſuch a medium. We have no way of diſco- vering the exiſtence of any phyſical agent, thing or being, but by the mediatę or im- mediate impreſſion it makes on our ſenſes. We only diſcover the agent by the effects, and the manner of its acting, by a continued obſervation of effects. If then from a ge- neral obſervation of many perpetual phæno- mena, and of the particularities in them, they appear to be the effects or action of an elaſtic agent, (19, 20,) and neceffarily fol- low, if ſuch an elaſtic agent exiſt; we thero- by ( 38 ) by have the ſame proof of the exiſtence of ſuch an agent, that we have of the exiſtence of reſiſting matter, or of moving matter : for neither our ſenſes nor our ideas reach to the things or ſubſtances themſelves. We have no idea or conception of any thing other than of its power or force, or of the action or manner of its exerting that power or force. By the effects of the reſiſting or moving matter, ei- ther mediately or immediately on our ſenſes, we conclude that ſuch powers exiſt; and no otherwiſe have we any proof of their exi- ſtence : ſo that I preſume to give the ſame proof of the exiſtence of æther, (or of an elaſtic medium) that can be given of the exiſtence of any thing whatſoever, that does not immediately ſtrike our ſenſes. 33. Suppoſe then a line of elaſtic matter, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, conſiſting of any num- ber of particles or parts; then if any im- preffion be made, or action communicated on a, it will communicate the whole of the impreſſion or action, and the whole force it received, to b, and b in like manner will communicate the whole force to c, and c to d, and ſo on, thro' the whole length of the line, however long it be: and with what- ever force a preſſes b, with the ſame force b in its reaction will preſs a, and ſo c will preſs b, &c. the reaction will every where be equal. If you ſay, that a communicates lefs to b, than it received, and bleſs to c; the communicated force continually decrea- ſing ( 39 ) оо оооо fing, by reaſon of the reſiſtance of the ſeves ral parts: I ſay, that you have not fufficient attention to the caution given before (16, 20): for elaſtic matter has no power of re- ſiſting in itſelf. 34. Suppoſe again, any tri- angular ſurface, filled with par- ticles of elaſtic matter, or of æ- ther, in ſuch manner, that the number of particles in each rank or line con- tinually increaſe equally: then whatever de- gree of action be communicated, by any power whatfoever, to the fingle particle at the top, it will communicate one half of that degree to each of the two particles in the next rank, and one third of that force or degree of action to each particle in the third rank, and one fourth to each particle in the fourth rank, &c. For, ſince the fin- gle particle communicates the whole force or degree of action which it received, to two particles, it cannot communicate more than one half to each, otherwiſe it muſt give what it has not received; nor does it communicate leſs, becauſe there is no refift- ance to leſſen it. Then the force or degree of action, in this caſe communicated to each particle in each rank, will be as the diſtance of the rank applied to the force or degree of action of the firſt particle ; that is, as 1, 3, , , ;, &c. Now it is plain, that the difference between 1 and i, is greater than and, and the difference between and , is ( 40 ) is greater than between and Ă, and ſo on : likewiſe, 1:1::2:1, and ; : :: 3 : 2, and :::4:3. Therefore, theſe conti- nually decreaſe reciprocally, to an increaſing arithmetical progreſſion. Then the degree of force communicated to each particle of the feveral ranks, will, in the ſeveral ranks be in the ratio of 'numbers decreaſing reciprocally to arithmetical increaſing proportionals. Then by the reaction of the æther, in this triangular ſurface of it, each particle of the outermoſt or fartheſt line or rank, from the ſummit or point, will communicate the degree of force or of action which it received, to the parti- cles in the next line or rank within it, to which the direction of its reaction can go. This ſecond rank, having its communicated degree of action thus augmented, will, by its reaction, communicate its degree of action to the particles of the line or next rank within it, in like manner; and thereby this third line or rank of æther, will have its degree of ac- tion augmented in the ratio of the firſt and ſecond lines or ranks; and in like manner the fourth will be augmented by the addi- tion of the firſt or outermoft, ſecond and third; and the fifth by that of the firſt, ſe- cond, third and fourth. Thus the force or degree of action of the ſeveral ranks or lines in this triangular ſurface of æther, being thus changed by a continued addition of their ra- tio's, in an order reciprocal or contrary to the natural or direct order of increaſing ratio's, the ( 41 ) the ratio of force communicated to the fin gle particle at the ſummit, will become 15; the ratio or degree of force communicated to each of the two particles in the next will be 10; to each of the three next 6; to each of the four next 3; and that of each of the five out- ermoſt will be 1: and the differences of de- grees of action communicated by the reaction to the particles in each line, from the ſum- mit or ſingle particle, will be, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, or decreaſing arithmetical proportionals. 35. In order to underſtand the nature of reciprocal ratio's, it is to be obſerved, that as the direct are the ratio's of quantities greater than unity ; fo the reciprocal are the ratio's of quantities leſs than unity; and that unity is the common meaſure, to which both are referred. Therefore the ratio's of equidiſtant terms from unity of fimilar ſeries, the one increaſing, and the other decreaſing, are al- ways the ſame. So likewiſe, if any addi- tion, ſubſtraction, multiplication, or diviſion, of any number of terms of the direct or in- creaſing ſeries be made; and a like addition, ſubſtraction, multiplication or diviſion of the correſpondent equidiſtant terms from unity, of the decreaſing or reciprocal ratio; the ram tio ariſing from ſuch addition, ſubſtraction, multiplication or diviſion, will in both ſeries be the ſame. Theſe two ſeries then are pro- perly thus expreſſed, (&c. *; } î 1, }, 1 &c.) that is, 2:1:: 1:1, 3:1::1:5 and 4: 18:1:1 &c. Then 2+3:15:1 F T. ( 42 ) : + or 5:1::1:5, and the ſum of all, 10:1::1:*. For the denominators in the reciprocal, are indexes of the fame ra- tio's, that the integers or numerators are in the direct. Therefore the reciprocal ratio's may be as well expreſſed by negative num- bers, thus, -2, -3, -4, &c. as by the frac- tions; they both equally ſhewing the ratio to unity. Therefore, whatever be the product of two or more ſeries of increaſing ratio's from unity, however combined, the fame product will ariſe from the ſimilar combina- tion of ſimilarly decreaſing ſeries from unity; and the one may be ſubſtituted in the place of the other. But to avoid miſtakes, it muſt be carefully obſerved, that what is here af- firmed, is not of the quantities themſelves, but of their ratio's only.; and this diſtinction between the ratio's of quantities and the quan- tities themſelves, is conſtantly to be kept in mind; for otherwiſe many difficulties may ariſe, or objections be made to what follows, only from not obſerving this diſtinction : for generally, I treat of only the ratio's of quan- tities, and not of the quantities themſelves. 36. But in the caſe of the triangular ſurface of æther here put, the æther is ſuppoſed to be bounded; which cafe really never hap- pens, becauſe the æther is expanded through the univerſe: therefore, though I put it for the more eaſy conception of the ratio of ac- țion communicated, this fuppofition is in fe- veral refpects defective in giving a true con- ception (43) ception of the reaction of the æther: and, as the action of reſiſting matter is negative to all other power ; the general ſuppoſition of any action cannot fo clearly ſhew that of the re- fiſting power. Let us ſuppoſe then, an un- bounded ſurface of æther; then if any point be taken in this furface, and the action of the reſiſting power be communicated from this point in all directions; theſe directions be- come ſo many radii from this point. From the ſame point divide the ſurface into any number of circles, ſo that their radii be in- creaſing arithmetical proportionals; the cir- cumferences of theſe circles muſt likewiſe be increaſing arithmetical proportionals. Now, by 'the ſame reaſoning uſed in the caſe of the triangular ſurface of æther, the ratio of action communicated to the particles of æ- ther in each circumference, muſt be in the reciprocal ratio of the radii, or of the cir- cumferences themſelves; and the reaction in the ſame direction or radius, muſt be reci- procal to increaſing numbers, whoſe diffe- rences are arithmetical proportionals. But as this ratio of increaſe of the reaction is fun- damental in the idea of the manner of act- ing of the æther; it may be neceſſary to ex- plain this more fully, in order to give an ad- equate conception of it. The reaction or re- flection of action of every particle of æther (20) is equal in every direction; then if any particle b, in any of theſe circumferences be taken, and two other contiguous particles, a F2 and ( 44 ) a, a; and c, in the ſame circumference, one on each fide; the action communicated to theſe three particles being in each equal, the reac- tion of b, in the direction of the circumfe- rence, muſt be made null (21) towards by the equal and oppoſite reaction of and its reaction towards c, be made null by the reaction of c: therefore the particles of æ- ther can have no reaction in the directions of theſe circumferences. Again, take any num- ber of contiguous particles, a, b, c, d, &c. all in the fame radius or direction to the center, but each in different circumferences ſince the action of the reſiſting power com- municated to their ſeveral particles, is reci- procal to their diſtance from the center, or is leſs in the ratio of their diſtance; and, the reſiſting power is negative (21) to every other power; the power of reacting or re- flecting any action, muſt be leſs in the par- ticles nearer to the center, than in thoſe fur- ther from it; and conſequently the particles further from the center, muſt have a ſtrong- er reaction, or force of reflecting, than thoſe that are nearer: then there can be no reac- tion in the direction from the center; for the ſtronger and contrary action muſt annul the weaker in contrary directions (21) : therefore all reaction in the direction of every radius muſt be towards the center; and being in all inſtantaneous (21), the action of the far- theſt diſtant particles muſt ſtrengthen or in- creaſe the action of the nearer to the cen- ter, as ( 45 ) ter. For the action muſt in one inſtant be communicated to the outmoſt extent, and the reaction made through the parts in the next inſtant. 37. Suppoſe in the third place, a cone of ſuch elaſtic particles or of æther, and that this cone is divided tranſverſely to its axis, into any number of parallel ſegments or cir- cular ſurfaces : in this caſe the content of each ſegment or circular ſurface is as the ſquares of their diſtances from the ſummit of the cone. Then any force or degree of action communicated from the ſummit, or ſingle particle at the top, to each particle in each circular ſurface, will be as the force impref- ſed upon the first particle applied to the ſquares of the diſtances, or reciprocally as the ſquares of the diſtances. And the force communicated to each particle in one circle, and to each particle in the next contiguous circle, is reciprocally as the ſquares of their diſtances from the top of the cone: that is, as I, 4, 5, it is, &c. Therefore by a fi- milar reaſoning to that in the preceding pa- ragraphs, the force or degree of reaction of the æther in the ſeveral ſurfaces, will be reci- procal to a ſeries of increaſing numbers, whoſe differences increaſe as the ſquares of arithmetical proportionals, or reciprocal to theſe numbers 1, 5, 14, 30, 55, &c. 38. In the fourth place, ſuppoſe a particle of this elaſtic matter placed in the center of a ſphere of the ſame matter, and that this ſphere ( 46 ) ſphere be divided into any number of concen- tric ſpherical ſurfaces. Now, ſince the con- tents of theſe ſpherical ſurfaces are as the ſquares of their diſtances from the center, any force communicated from the center to every particle in each reſpective ſpherical ſur- face, is as the force at the center applied to the ſquares of their diſtances, or reciprocally as the ſquares of increaſing arithmetical propor- tionals; and the reaction will be reciprocal to an increaſing ſeries, whoſe differences increaſe as the ſquares of arithmetical proportionals : for the reaſoning in this and the preceding cafe is entirely the ſame. 39. Now, fince elaſtic matter communi- cates any impreſſion or force made upon it, in the manner above deſcribed ; let there be any quantity of reſiſting matter placed any where in the æther, which is ſuppoſed to extend all over the univerſe : this reſiſting matter is an agent continually and neceſſarily acting and ex- erting force, (8) and muſt therefore commu- nicate its action or manner of acting, to the parts of the æther contiguous to it, and they to others next to them. (20) Therefore calling any quantity of teſiſting matter a body; and ſuppoſing a ſpherical body placed in the æther, and the æther round it divided into any num- ber of ſpherical ſurfaces, concentric with the fphere of reſiſting matter : then the force im- preſſed by the reſiſting agent, which is here ſuppoſed a ſpherical body, will be communi- çated to the particles in each ſpherical ſurface ( 47 ) 40. Then if of æther, in a ratio reciprocal to the ſquares of their diſtances. (38) And therefore by the reaction as above deſcribed, the elaſtic force of every particle of æther ſurrounding the re- fiſting body in its action of reflecting the ac- tion of any motion, will be leſſened in a ratio reciprocal to increaſing numbers, whoſe diffe- rences are increaſing ſquares of arithmetical proportionals : for the action or force of re- fifting matter, is to obſtruct or leſſen, or is negative to the action of all other power or force. any moving thing or power or agent, be placed within this ſphere of æther, ſurrounding the reſiſting body; it will by the reaction in the æther of its own action be preſſed on all ſides by the elaſtic particles of æther, whoſe force of reaction increaſes reci- procally, as in the preceding paragraph. There- fore, that thing will be more preſſed on the ſide which is from that body, than on the fide towards it, and muſt therefore approach to- wards the body, every where with a force equal to the difference of force of the elaſtic particles of æther, on the oppoſite ſides of the thing. But theſe differences are every where (39) reciprocally as the ſquares of the diſtan- ces: therefore every body will ſeem to at- tract another in motion, with a force every where reciprocal to the ſquares of the diſtan- ces from that body; though more properly ſpeaking, this thing is repelled towards the body, by the elaſtic force of the æther before deſcribed ; ( 48 ) deſcribed ; or if the æther be put in motion from any cauſe (as it muſt conſtantly be by the continued tranſmiſſion of light from the ſun, planets and ſtars) the reaction of this motion will be ſtronger on one ſide of a body at reſt, within the ſphere to which the action of the reſiſting body is communicated, than on the other ſide; and thereby this body will be re- pelled towards the other body, within whoſe ſphere of æther the action of the reſiſting bo- dy is communicated. 41. Here again, before I proceed further, I muſt take notice of an objection which pro- bably will ariſe from the commonly received idea of reſiſtance, and which I obſerve is apt to return, notwithſtanding what has been al- ready wrote to prevent it. One is apt to think, that refiſtance is one ſingle act, which only happens when two bodies in motion, and in oppoſite directions, meet each other; or when a ſmall body in motion meets a greater one at reſt, where after the firſt ſhock they both re- main at reſt, and all action is ſuppoſed to ceaſe. Since then (it may be ſaid, reſiſtance is only a fingle act, whatever impreſſion be made by it on the æther, it can only be mo- mentary; and all action between the reſiſting body and the æther muſt afterwards ceaſe. I have already endeavoured to explain this (16, 17, 24, 25,) and I ſhall only now repeat, that the miſtake proceeds from thinking that there is no action, but what conſiſts in motion; but as reſiſtance is a power eſſential to one ſpecies of ( 49 ) of matter (24, 25,) this ſpecies can nevet ceaſe in exerting this power, or muſt be con- tinually in action: and as this action of reſiſt- ance is contrary to, or negative of motion, nothing of motion can enter the proper con- ception of it. Suppoſe that any quantity of reſiſting matter meet a quantity of moving matter, and by its action of reſiſting, ſtop the motion or action of the moving matter; and that immediately after this momentary ſtop, the reſiſting matter ceaſes to act or to reſiſt, muſt not then the moving matter re- cover its action or motion, ſince there is no- thing to reſiſt or hinder it? Power and force, and conſequently action, is eſſential to both theſe ſpecies of matter; and in this caſe, while both remain at reſt, they both exert their force or power: but their actions being con- trary and equal, and negative of each other, the degree of action in each becomes =0. But as there is nothing in the elaſtic power contrary to, or negative of either the reſiſting or moving powers, it equally receives the action of both; and every part of elaſtic mat- ter reflects the actions of both, with the ſame degree of force with which they were impreſ- fed. 42. Now, ſuppoſing any ſpherical quantity of refifting matter to be placed in the æther, the action of the reſiſting matter will be com- municated in the manner deſcribed (38). If then any body without motion, be placed within the ſphere of æther, to which the G action ( 50 ) action of the reſiſting matter is communica- ted; this body can have no motion, either to- wards the reſiſting matter, or from it, or in any direction : for ſince the action of reſiſting matter is negative of motion, and the æther of itſelf has neither the action of reſiſting nor of moving, and motion is not ſuppoſed to be communicated to the æther otherwiſe ; this body thus placed in the æther, can ac- quire no motion, but muſt remain in any place in that ſphere where it ſhall happen to be placed. But if this body move, or have the action of moving, or if motion be com- municated to this ſphere of æther from any other caufe; then the reflection of the acti- on of motion, from the ſeveral particles of æther, will be different : ſo that the reflexion will be always leſs in the particles nearer to the reſiſting matter; becauſe the reflexion of the action of the reſiſting matter, at the ſame time communicated to theſe particles of e- ther, is negative to the action of motion, and greater the nearer theſe particles are to the re- fiſting matter. Then any thing or body in this caſe, placed within this ſphere of æther, will have the action of motion more ſtrongly impreſſed or reflected upon it, by the æther on the fide furtheſt diſtant from the reſiſting matter, than on the ſide neareſt to it: and the difference of the force of reflexion on theſe two oppoſite ſides, being every where within that ſphere reciprocally, as the ſquares of the diſtance from the reſiſting matter ; that body (51) body will be repelled towards the reſiſting matter, by a force or degree of velocity, eve- ry where reciprocal to the ſquares of the dif- tance from the reſiſting matter. 43. It follows then, that no ſpecies of matter has in itſelf a power of attracting any other, or of gravitating towards any other ; but that this apparent attraction or gravitation, is truly and really performed by pulſion, or more properly is the effect of the joint actions of the moving, reſiſting and elaſtic powers : however, as the Copernican aſtronomers ſpeak of the motion of the fun and ſtars, tho' they know that they are ever at reſt; ſo I think it may be allowed me, to treat of attraction and gravitation, and to conſider this apparent action as if it were real; tho' I be perſwaded, that the notion of attraction and gravitation ariſes from a falſe conception of things; and therefore I ſhall next ſhew, how far this the- ory agrees with the general phænomena of attraction and gravitation. 44. Every ſpherical ſolid may be conſidered as compoſed of ſpherical ſurfaces, and the ratio of every outer ſurface to the next conti- guous ſurface within, increaſes as arithmetical proportionals; for the ratio's between any quantities increaſe as the differences of theſe ratio's of quantities, and the differences of the ratio's of theſe ſurfaces are arithmetical proportionals: therefore the ratio's of the de- grees of force, which every ſpherical ſurface of the body from the center Qutwards, ſhall G 2 com- ( 52 ) communicate to the ſurface of æther next with- in it, will increaſe as arithmetical proportio- nals, or as the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,&c. Then the force of reſiſtance communicated to the ſeveral ſurfaces, by reaction of the æther, will become as 5, 5+4=9, 5+4+3=12, &c. or as theſe numbers, 5, 9, 12, 15, 15. There- fore the force of attraction within any body, will be as the differences of theſe numbers, or every where as the diſtance from the center of a ſpherical body. Here it is to be obſerved, that ſince the degree of action communicated to the æther within a ſpherical body, increaſes directly from the center, and is not leſſened reciprocally, as without the body; the degree of action from the reflexion of the æther, is increaſed by a direct addition of the ratio's, not by a reciprocal addition, as without the body. 45. This may be otherwiſe demonſtrated thus: of all the directions or lines paſſing thro* any particle of a ſphere, that is the longeſt within the ſphere which paſſes through the center; therefore that line in a ſpherical quan- tity of reſiſting matter, has more reſiſting mat- ter in it, than any other line of the fame {phere not paſſing through the center: conſe- quently the elaſticity of all the particles of æther in that line muſt be more leſſened than of thoſe in any other line; and therefore the Țeaction of every particle of æther muſt be in the direction or line paſſing thro' the center. Likewiſe the length of every line within the ſphere, ( 53 ) Tphere, paſſing thro' any particle of the ſphere and the center, is longer on that ſide of the particle on which the center is, than on the oppoſite fide towards the ſurface, and conſe- quently the elaſticity or reaction is moſt lef- fened on that fide; the reaction of every par- ticle muſt be towards the center of the ſphere. Again, fince every line of a ſphere paſſing thro' the center, is equally divided at the center, the oppoſite directions of reaction in every line muſt be equal at the center; and therefore the reaction of the æther at the cen- ter muſt be =0. And ſince the differences of the lengths of the lines paſſing thro' every particle and the center, on one ſide, and the oppoſite ſide of that particle, increaſe as the diſtance of the particle from the center, the differences of the ratio of force or degree of reaction in every particle, muſt be as it's diſtance from the center. The ſame kind of reaſoning may eaſily be applied to the ſphere of æther ſurrounding a body of reſiſting mat- ter, and to which the action of the reſiſting body is communicated. 46. Then, if any ſpherical body be placed any where in an unlimited quantity of æther, and the æther be ſuppoſed to be divided, as well within the body as without it, into any number of ſpherical ſurfaces, concentric with the ſpherical body; the elaſtic force of the æ- ther will be at leaſt at the center, and will con- tinually increaſe from the center, but in dif- ferent ratio's within the body and without it, Within (54) Within the body it increaſes as the ſquares of the diſtance from the center, ſo that the diffe- rences between each two ſpherical ſurfaces within the body, are directly as their diſtance from the center : but without the ſphere the elaſtic force increaſes reciprocally, as num- bers whoſe differences are ſquares of the di- ſtance of the ſurface from the ſpherical body; and the difference of force of elaſticity, be- tween each two elaſtic particles is reciprocally, as the ſquares of the diſtance from the ſphe- rical body. 47. Gravitation towards any ſpherical bo- dy, is directed in lines tending to the center of that body, and may be repreſented by two dif- ferent decreaſing progreſſions, the greateſt term of both which is common to both, and at the ſurface of the ſpherical body; one of which progreffions decreaſes towards the center re- ciprocally, as the diſtance from the ſurface, and the other decreaſes from the ſurface out- wards reciprocally, as the ſquares of the di- ſtance from the ſurface. Thus, if C be put for the center of any ſphere, S its ſurface, and A the limit of or extremity, to which the action of the C- ſphere is communicated in ebf any line paſſing through the center : then if CS and S A be each equally divided at a and b, the ratio or degree of gravitation will be twice as great from S to a as from a to C, and four times as great from b to S as from A to b, or in the reciprocal ratio a C of a S and S 4 cad ( 55 ) and Ab of S b. Again, if C S and S À be each divided into three parts, Cc, cd, d S and Se, ef, f A; then the force of gravita- tion will be three times greater from S to d than from C to c; and twice greater from d to Cg than from c to C; but the gravitation from e to S, will be nine times greater than from A to f, and four times greater from f to e, than from A to f. Therefore, 48. Into whatever number of parts the di- ſtance to which the action of reſiſting matter extends, or the force of attraction: the ratio or force of gravitation in each of theſe parts may be found: but if the diſtance be divided infinitely, the degree of gravitation will be- come an infinite ſeries, increaſing reciprocally to the ſquares of the diſtances from the re- fiſting body. 49. Then an infinite ſeries of proportionals increaſing reciprocally as the diſtances, or di- rectly as the diſtances, or reciprocally as the ſquares of the diſtances, may be in any finite diſtance; and if the ratio's or differences be- tween any finite parts of ſuch infinite ſeries be finite, the diſtance to which all the ſeries ex- tends muſt be finite. Therefore, if the ratio of the attraction of the ſun, or of the pla- nets, can be determined in any finite diſtances, the diſtance to which the attraction of he fun and planets extends, may be finite and may be determined: therefore it is not uni- verſally true, that all bodies mutually attract each other. 50, If ( 36 ) 17; and the 2, 2 go. If the velocity (or the times being re- ciprocal to the velocities) with which any bom dy paſſes by gravitation, thro' three equal and continued diſtances, be given, the diſtance to the limit of attraction, or to the extent of ac- tion of the reſiſting body (which is ſuppoſed to attract) on the æther, may be found thus: fuppoſe the velocities be 36, 45, 55; then 55-45=10, and 45–36=9, fince 10 and 9 differ only by unity; it ſhews, that the di- ftance where the velocity was 55, was the tenth of ſuch diſtances from the limit of attraction ; but if the three velocities be 64, 81, 100, the differences will be 19 and 19+1= difference of theſe numbers is then 10, and 17+1=9; which ſhews, that theſe velocities were acquired in the gth and 10th of ſuch equal diſtances from the limit of at- traction: the ſame reſult will be if the velo- cities were 15, 32, 51; for the velocities are as the ſquares of the diſtances, and the diffe- rences of theſe ſquares are as the diſtances. 51. Here it may be obſerved, that ſince lines are compoſed of points, and ſurfaces of lines, fo folids of ſurfaces; a triangular ſur- face may be conceived as compoſed of an in- finite number of lines, increaſing in an arith- metical progreffion: fo likewiſe cones may be conceived as compounded of an infinite number of ſurfaces continually increaſing, ſo that the differences between them are increa- ſing arithmetical proportionals; therefore in- ſtead 2 ( 57 ) ſtead of a ſeries produced by the continual addition of arithmetical proportionals, or by the continual addition of the ſquares of arith- metical proportionals, we ſhall hereafter fay, a ſeries of the ſquares of arithmetical propor- tionals, or a ſeries of their cubes. It is true, that theſe infinite numbers are not perfect ſquares and cubes of arithmetical proportio- nals, but as the number of terms increaſe, they come nearer and nearer to the truth, and in infinite ſeries they are perfect ſquares and cubes: for if any triangular ſurface, for ex- ample, be ſuppoſed to be divided into any ſmall number of lines, theſe lines muſt have ſome breadth; then the oppoſite ſides of the triangle, in which the lines terminate, will not be ſtrait lines, but like ſo many ſteps of ſtairs; but the more of theſe ſteps, they muſt be the ſmaller, and the differences of the lines leſs; and therefore if the number of lines be infinite, the ſteps muft vaniſh, and the ſides become ſtrait lines. Now, if the parts of the æther be infinitely ſmall (as we have reaſon to think, and may perhaps after- wards be proved) there muſt be an infinite number of ſurfaces of æther in every finite ſpace; and therefore we may properly ſay, that theſe ſeries compoſed of increaſing ſquares are truly ſolids or cubes: for all fimi- lar folids are as the cubes of their homologous fides ? And if from obſervation it ſhall ap- pear, that the ſeries of elaſticity of the æther (as above deſcribed) at ſeveral diſtances, is H per- ( 58 ) 4 Perfectly as the cubes of theſe diſtances, the particles of æther muſt be infinitely ſmall. See Wallis's Arithmetica Infinitorum. 52. Suppoſe any cubical quantity of reſiſting matter be divided into any number of ſquare ſurfaces, all equal to the fide of the cube; then the action of each of theſe ſurfaces communicated to the ſurface of æther, conti- guous to the fide or ſurface of the cubical bo- dy, will be as foHows: calling each ſquare fürface, into which it is divided, x, that of the outermoſt will be 13 of the next of the next * of the third of the fourth c. &c. and the acti- on communicated to the ſurface of æther contiguous to the cubical body, by the cubi- cal body, will be equal to the ſum of the actions of all the ſquare ſurfaces, which compoſe it. But, by 21 Prop. of dr. Wal- bis's Arithmetica Infinitorum, the ſum of an infinite ſeries of the ſquares of arithmetical decreaſing proportionals is equal to one third of the ſum of as many furfaces, all equal to the greateſt; that is, in this cafe of ſo many all equal to the ſquare ſurface of the cubical body: conſequently the force of attraction of every quantity of reſiſting matter, is equal to one third of the quantity of matter. (3538, 39, 47, 48, 49.) Therefore, we do 53. In ſeveral quantities of matter increa- fing, as the cubes of arithmetical proportio- nals, the differences between the quantity of matter, and force of attraction increaſe con- tipually, as the cubes of arithmetical pro- portionals: ( 59 ) portionals: for ſuppoſing three cones or pyra- mids, A, B, C, of equal height, but the ba- ſes to be of A as I, of B as 2, and of C as 3; then A will repreſent the force of attrac- tion, C the quantity of matter, and B the difference between the force of attraction and quantity of matter. Now at the points in their ſummits, all theſe three cones or pyra- mids are equal, or their differences are = 0; and if the axis's of theſe cones or pyramids be equally divided from the points in their ſummits, and they be likewiſe infinitely con- tinued; each will be from their ſummits cubes of arithmetical proportionals increaſing infinitely: therefore, in ſeveral quantities of matter increaſing, &c. Sir ISAAC NEWTON, and ſeveral after him, have obſerved, that the force of attraction in little bodies, at the point of contact, is prodigiouſly greater, in propor- tion to their bulk, than that of great bodies at their ſurfaces; but I know not that any have aſſigned the reaſon of this, or have yen a rule for diſcovering theſe differences. 54. If then three homogeneous bodies, in- creaſing as the cubes of arithmetical propor- tionals, be taken, and the force of attraction of each of theſe at their furfaces, or at any equal diſtance from their ſurface, be diſcove- red; the force of attraction of all other bo- dies homogeneous to them, may be diſco- vered by a ſimilar method to that in Par. 50. Experiments perhaps may be contrived on. theſe principles, to diſcover whether bodies H 2 O be gle ( 60 ) be homogeneous or not, and whether there be different ſpecies of reſiſting matter, (12) differing in their force of attraction, as the . rays of light in their refrangibility. 55. The diſtance, extent or radius of the ſphere of æther, to which the action of any body or quantity of refifting matter is com- municated, is much longer in little bodies, in proportion to their bulk, than in great bodies: for the extent or number of terms of any fe- ries decreaſing, as the cubes or as the ſquares of decreaſing arithmetical proportionals, is as the cube root or ſquare root of the higheſt or firſt term of each ſeries. And this holds true in infinite ſeries as well as finite; for exam- ple, ſuppoſe two quantities, one as 100, the other as 300; their force of attraction at the ſurface is as 33 and 100, and the extent of their attraction nearly, as 6 and 10. Again, if the quantities of reſiſting matter be as 300 and 3000, their force of attraction will be as 100 and 1000, and the extent of their at- traction as 10 and not quite 32. 56. Suppoſe any body or quantity of re- Gifting matter, or of moving matter, or of both reſiſting and moving matter, mixed in one body, placed within the ſphere of æther, to which the action of reſiſtance of any other body is communicated, and that motion by any means be communicated to the fame ſphere (42); then the firſt body will appear to be attracted, or to gravitate towards the quantity of reſiſting matter: and tho' theſe apparent actions of the attracting and gravi- tating (61) gating bodies, really ariſe from the ſame cauſe yet the force of gravitation in different gravi- tating bodies, may be very different from the force of attraction in the fame bodies. For gravitation is cauſed by the action of the æ- ther on every particle or part of the gravita- ting body, on the parts of the moving matter contained in that body as well as on the re- fiſting; and tho' there be different ſpecies of reſiſting matter, the action of the æther may be equal on all of them, and they may all e- qually gravitate ; but the force of attraction in different bodies, is only as the reſiſting matter in theſe bodies; neither is it as the quantities themſelves: therefore, by obſerving the dif- ferences of attraction and gravitation in the fame bodies, and by contriving proper experi- ments for that purpoſe, or perhaps by obſer- ving the phænomena of the great heavenly bodies; the quantities of reſiſting matter and moving matter in theſe ſeveral bodies, or in the great heavenly bodies, may be diſcovered, , and whether there be different ſpecies of re- fiſting matter. Here, I ſuppoſe, that the æ- ther acts upon every part or particle of bodies, and freely permeates between and round all the parts of every body: it is beſide my pre- ſent purpoſe to prove this , but pethaps it may be afterwards done, when it can be ſhewn by what power, force or action, the parts of bo- dies cohere. 57. I ſhall next proceed to fhew, the joint acțion of two diſtinct bodies or quanti ties (( 62 ) or 2 X. that of 33 ties of refifting matter, on the æther 'round them, or on the æther between them and on their outer fides. But, to make this the more clear to readers, who have not a di- ſtinct notion of reciprocal ratio's, I ſhall firſt obſerve, that if there be any force or action of any A_3_23_B power decreaſing in the line A B reciprocally, as the diſtance from A; then if that line be divided equally in 2, the force in 2 B will be of that in A 2; but if the diſtance be taken from B, and B 2 be I or *, 2 A will be 2 If the line be divided into 3 parts, as A 3, 33, 3B; then if the diſtance be taken from A, and the force in A 3 be 1, will be i, and that of 3 B will be that is, reciprocal to the diſtance from A: but if the diſtance be computed from B, and the force in 3 B be 1, that of 33 will be 2, and of 3 A will be 3, directly as the di- stance from B; and ſo in like manner into whatever number of parts the line A B is divided. Therefore the direct ratio's may be well ſubſtituted in the place of the reci. procal: for it is evident, they are the ſame confidered in a different manner; this is true not only in ratio's directly or reciprocally as the diſtances, but in ratio's likewife as the çubes or ſquares of the diſtances, and in any ſeries of decreaſing or increaſing ratio's; for the ſame are increaſing ratio's, if the ſmalleſt term be the firſt and be made unity, which are ( 63 ) 187) are decreaſing when the greateſt term is put firſt, or made unity, and thereby becomes re. ciprocal to the former. 58. If two equal ſpherical bodies be pla- ced within the diſtance, to which the actions of the reſiſting matter in each ex- tend, or within each other's ſpheres of attraction; the æther will have its elaſtici- ty lefſened by both, in a ratio reciprocal to the cubes of the diſtances from each, as in the margin. Let there be two quanti- ties of reſiſting matter, whoſe force or action on the con- tiguous ſurface of æther in each, is equal to 1240, and that theſe two bodies are placed at the extremity of each other's ſpheres of at- traction; then the æther between theſe two bodies muſt have its elaſticity lef- fened, in a ratio reciprocal to the cubes of the diſtances of each, or in the order and ratio of the numbers 1240, 1015, 819, &c. in the two firſt lines of numbers; and the elaſticity of the æther is lefſened by the action of both theſe bodies, 221, 5, 153, 34, 408, 425, 476, 561, 680, 833, 1020, 91, 140, 204, 285, 385, 506, 650, 819, 1015, 1240, 17, 51, 85, 119, 153, 187, 17, 51, 85, 119, 34. 34, 341 349 1240, 1015, 819, 650, 506, 385, 285, 204, 140, 91, 55, 30, 14, 1241, 1020, 833, 680, 561, 476, 425, 408, 425, 476, 561, 680, 833, 1020, 1241, 17, 30, 55, 1020, 833, 680, 561, 476, 425, 408, 221, 187, 153, 119, 85, 51, 187, 153, 119, 85% 51, 17, 342 343 34, 34; 34; 3.4.3 5, 14, 1, 25 ( 64 ) ås the ſums of the terms of theſe two lines of numbers, or as the numbers 1241, 1020, 833, &c. in the third line of numbers : but the fums of the terms of two equal oppoſite progreſſions, each increaſing the contrary way, as the cubes of the diſtances, are as the ſquares of the diſtances from the middle point; and the differences between theſe terms increaſing as the ſquares of the di- ſtances are directly as the diſtances, or as 221, 187 in the fifth line, or are arithmeti- cal proportionals. 59. The greateſt force of the elaſticity of the æther between two equal bodies, is in the middle point between them: for the ſum of the terms of two oppoſitely decreaſing e- qual progreſſions, continually decreaſe to that point from the greateſt point of each pro- greffion; and the ſum of the terms in this caſe, is the ratio in which the elaſticity of the æther is leffened : therefore a third ſmall body, placed any where between this middle point and either of the bodies, muſt be re- pelled and gravitate towards that body. But it is to be obſerved, that ſuch third bodies can only gravitate towards either of the other two, which have their abfolute force of at- traction leſs than that compound force at the diſtance at which the third body is placed : for if the abſolute force be greater, they wil likewiſe attract the other, and a ſmall body placed exactly in the middle between two equal large bodies, will remain at reft. 60. This ز ( 65 ) 60. This middle point between equal boa dies, is called the Limit of their ſeveral at- tractions: and to find the limit of attraction between unequal bodies, which by any force are kept at the ſame diſtance, firſt find the diſtance from the greater body, at which the force of its attraction is equal to the abſolute force of the leſs body; then if the fmaller bo- dy be placed nearer to the greater, or at that diſtance, there is no attraction to the ſmaller bo- dy; but if it be placed further from the greater body than this diſtance, then the middle di- ſtance between the ſmaller body and this di- ſtance, is the limit of attraction between the two unequal bodies : for from that place where the force of attraction of the greater body, is equal to the abſolute force of attraction of the tmaller body, the elaſticity of the æther in the ſpace between this place and the ſmaller body, is lefſened in the ſame manner as between equal bodies. 61. If two bodies, a greater and a ſnaal- ler, be ſo placed, that the attraction of the greater body, at the diſtance at which the ſmaller is placed, be greater than the abſo- lute force of the ſmaller, then this fmaller body cannot attract a third body, placed any where between them ; but if the ſmaller bo- dy be removed to a greater diſtance, then a third little body may be ſo placed between them, as to be attracted by the ſmaller body, and the diſtance at which the ſmaller body can attract a third, will always increaſe as its I di- ( 66 ) diſtance from the greater body increaſes. This may be of uſe to explain many phænomena among ſmall or little bodies, where the di- ſtance between them is continually changing, or is by ſome force or other changed. 62. If two ſpherical bodies be retained by any force within the ſpheres of each other's attraction, at the ſame diſtance, ſuch as that a third body at ſome diſtance or other may be attracted to either one of them; and that a ſurface be ſo extended from the limit of their ſpherical attractions, in the line connecting their centers, that the ratio of the diſtances of every point in that ſurface to the two bo- dies be the fame, as the ratio of the diſtance of the limit of attraction in the line connect- ing their centers to the fame bodies; then a third little body placed any where from the point of limit in this furface, will be attract- ed towards this point of limit : and if the little body be placed any where out of this ſurface on either ſide of the line connecting the centers of the greater bodies, the little bo- dy will be attracted towards that of the two greater bodies, between which and that fur- face it is placed: but this little body will not move in a ftrait line to the center of that bo- dy, but in a curve line, whoſe curvature con- tinually decreaſes as it approaches to that bo- dy. This paragraph is to be underſtood with this limitation, that the third little body be bodo b placed ( 67 ) placed in the ſurface extended from the point of limit, ſo as to be in ſome ſenſe really be- tween the two great bodies; that is, ſo as that a line from the center of the third little body drawn to the center of the greateſt, do not interfect that ſurface. 63. Therefore if two unequal bodies be kept at the fame diſtance, a little body no where gravitates to the center of gravity of theſe two bodies. 64. If two ſpherical bodies be ſo far pla- ced within the ſphere of each other's attrac- tion, that it extends beyond the other body; then the force of gravitation of a third little body to either one of them, while in the line paffing through the centers of the two bodies, is reciprocally as the diſtance from that body to which it gravitates, or directly as the diſtance from the limit, while it is between the two bodies, but reciprocally as the ſquares of the diſtances, when on the O- ther ſide of either of them : the force of at- traction of each of theſe two bodies on the oppoſite ſide to each other, is increaſed in the ſame manner, as if their quantity were increaſed by a quantity of reſiſting matter, equal to the force of the other at the di- ſtance at which the other is placed. Thus, ſuppoſing the abſolute force of each of theſe two bodies to be 1240, and that the bodies were placed within the ſphere of each o- ther's attraction, as theſe numbers are in the I 2 example ( 68 ) ز 4. 42 43 69, 115, 161, 274, 232, 194, 160, 130, 104, OT, 1012, 1035, 1104, 1219, 1380, 1106, 874, 680, 520, 390, 42, 232, 38, 4, 46, 42, 42 69, 05, 46, 23. 46, 239 9045, 1240, 1015, 819, 650, 506, 385, 285, 204, 140, 1106, 1380, 1219, 1104, 1035, 1012, 1033, 1104, 1219, 138 40, 115, 46, 9', 140, 274, example in the margin; where the firſt and fecond lines of numbers are as the ſeparate forces of theſe two bodies, at the ſeveral diſtances ; the third line is as their united force at the fame diſtances; and the lines under it fhew the dif- ferences between the terms of this united force, and the force wherewith a third body gravitates to either of them. 65. But in a circle drawn from one body, as a center through the center of the other, the force of the æther in- creaſes reciprocally, as the cubes of the di- ſtances from the body through which the cir- cle paſſes, but is at all theſe diſtances further leſſened equally, by the force of the central bo- dy at that diſtance. Thus in the example in the margin, the force of the central body on the body through ( 69 ) 140, and thro' which the circle paſſes, is therefore their united force there is 1240 + 140= 1380, and at ſeveral diſtances from this body equidiſtant from the other, it is, 1015+ 140 = 1155, 819 + 140=959, 650 + 140 =790, &c. then the force of gravitation in this circle to the body through which it paſſes, is the ſame every where, that it would be to that body were it placed fingly by itſelf; be- cauſe the differences between the terms, are in both caſes the fàine. 66. It is likewiſe evident from the numbers in 58 and 64, that the differences of the elaf- ticity of the æther in the line paffing through the centers of two bodies, placed within the fphere of each others attraction, are different from what they are when either of the bodies are placed fingle; and if they remove from each other, decreaſe in the ſpace between theſe bodies reciprocally, as the cubes of the di- ſtances of the other from that body: for theſe differences are made by a continual addition of the cubes of an arithmetical progreſſion; and therefore, that the differences of the force of attraction in the ſame caſes decreaſe reci- procally, as the ſquares of the fame diſtances: for the differences of differences increaſing as the cubes are as the ſquares. But ſince the differences of the elaſticity of the æther in the ſame line, but on the other ſides of theſe bodies, increaſe reciprocally, as the cubes of the diſtances in the ſame caſe; the difference of the force of attraction will be reciprocally, as ( 70 ) as the ſquares of the diſtances from either bo- dy: therefore, as two bodies approach to each other, the force of their attraction in the line paffing through their centers, decreaſes in the ſpace between them reciprocally, as the ſquares of their diſtances; but on the other ſide of them increaſes reciprocally as the ſquares of their diſtances. 67. Hence the gravitation of the moon in one half of her orbit, from the quadratures to the oppoſition, and from the oppoſition to the oppoſite quadrature is increaſed every where reciprocally, as the ſquares of the earth's diſtance from the fun; but in the other half of her orbit, her gravitation is decreaſed every where reciprocally, as the ſquares of the earth’s diſtance from the fun: and the moon gravi- tates in her conjunctions, towards either the fun or the earth, not reciprocally to the ſquares of the diſtances, but reciprocally to the di- ftances themſelves, 68. I ſhall, in the laſt place, apply this theory of the æther and of gravitation to a moſt remarkable phænomenon, which puzzled all the philoſophers till fir ISAAC NEWTON explained it; I mean, the tides of the fea. Any fluid on the ſurface of the earth will be lefs preſſed in the places and near them) where the ſurface is cut by a line paffing thro' the centers of the moon and earth, than where the furface is cut by a plain perpendicular to, that line, and paſſing thro' the center of the carth; for the elaſticity of the æther being every ( ) every where equally leſſened, on the ſurface of any ſpherical body, by the reſiſting matter of that body, there can be no difference occa- fioned by it, in any part of the ſurface: but the elaſticity of the æther at the ſurface of the earth next the moon, is more lefſened by the refiſting matter in the moon, than at the di- ftance of the earth's center from the moon, and more at the center than at the ſurface fartheſt from the moon : but of any three terms of a progreſſion, increaſing as the cubes of arithmetical proportionals, twice the mid- dle term is leſs than the ſum of the firſt and third term ; therefore, the two oppoſite fur- faces of the earth, cut by a line paſſing thro' the centers of the earth and moon, will be leſs preffed than any two oppoſite ſurfaces of the earth, cut by a plain perpendicular to that line, and paſſing thro' the center of the earth; and if by any means the preſſure of the æther on the oppofite ſides of a ſpherical body be unequal, (47) it muſt become on each ſide e- qual to half the ſum of the preſſure of both the oppoſite fides, by the point of equal pref- ſure, in the body when fingle, being moved in the line connecting the centers of the two bodies towards the fide which is leaſt preffed. This perhaps may appear more plainly, by obſerving the ratio's of elaſticity of the æther in Par. 64, 65, thus: 1035 ( 72 ) 1039 T104 1219 680 1380 1106 874 161 274 232 194 69 115 in 799 959 1155 1380 1155 959 790 169 196 225 225 196 169 where the firſt line of numbers fhews the ra- tio of elaſticity of the æther on both ſides of one of the bodies, and which at the diſtance of its center from the other body is = 1380, and at every two equal diſtances from the center, are 1219 +1106=2325, 1104 + 874 =1978, 1035 + 680=1715. The ſecond line Thews the differences of the elaſticity of the æther on each ſide of the ſame body, equal diſtances in that line, or the ratio of gravitation, viz. 161 + 274 = 435, 115+ 232 = 347, 69 + 194 = 263. The third line ſhews the ratio of elaſticity at the ſame diſtances in the ſpherical ſurface, every where equally diſtant from the center of the other body, where 1155 + 1155 = 2310, 959 + 959 = 1918, 790 +790=1580. And the laſt line ſhews the ratio of gravitation in the ſame ſpherical ſurface, and at the ſame diſtances 225 + 225 = 450, 196 + 196 = 392, 169 + 169 = 338. greater than 2310, 1978-is greater than 1918, and 1715 is greater than 1580: therefore the elaſticity of the æther is more leſſened in the line connecting the centers of two bodies, than in the ſpherical ſurface in parts æquidiſtant from the other body. Again, 435 is leſs than 450, 347 is leſs than 397, and 263 than 338, or the ratio or force of gravitation is al- this Now 2325 is (73) Ways greater at the ſame diſtances in the ſphe- tical ſurface, every where æquidiſtant from the other body, than in the line connecting the centers of the two bodies; and in diſtan- ces near the center of the body thro' which this ſpherical ſurface paſſes, it coincides with a plain normal to the line paſſing thro' the centers of the two bodies: So far as I have now gone, I think fufficient to ſhew the agreement of this theory with fe- veral general phænomena, and may ſerve to fhew the method of applying it to others, and to the peculiarities of particular caſes, when any fhall think proper to take the trouble of doing it. I am perſwaded, it might have been put into a ſtrictly mathematical demon- ftrative method, by feparating the definitions, axioms, and lemmata from other ſciences into their proper order, and by deducing the the- orems from thence; but I was of opinion, that the method which I have taken, is more proper for conveying new conceptions, and ſuch as have not been before received: nei- ther could that method have been purſued within the compafs I had ſet to myſelf. Be- fides, I believe, that the evidence of the truth of it is much ſtronger, by fhewing its agree- ment with nature in every inſtance, than by the moft pompous demonſtration : for how often have the greateſt men erred in their de- ductions in this method. For this reaſon, I had a ſtrong inclination to have thewed the K con- ( 74 ) conformity of this theory with the motion of the planets, by Thewing in the phænomena of their motion, the force and ratio of the mo- ving power; and likewiſe in many phænome- na obſerved by fir ISAAC Newton; in his Optics, by which, I think, I might have il- luſtrated many things not touched in fir Is A- Ac's theory; and more particularly to have given (if I be not much deceived) a new theory of the moon : but I have too good reaſon to conclude, that in my preſent cir- cumſtances I ſhall never be able to accompliſh it. I thought, however, it may be of ſome uſe to give theſe hints to the learned, which I have been able in ſome meaſure to digeſt, that thereby others, more capable than my ſelf, may improve them to the benefit of the publick. Sir Isaac has taken wonderful pains, and many of his followers fince have been indefatigable in applying his theory of the moon to practice ; but after all, I do not find that they have been able to form tables fo uſeful in practice as was expected, and which in all caſes agree with obſervation : I may therefore be allowed to ſuſpect, that his the- ory. is in ſome meaſure defective. Since theſe ſheets were ſent to the preſs, I obtain’d mr. Flamſteęd's Hiſtoria cæleſtis'; and as one gạeat advantage of the doctrine above deliver'd, is, that it gives an eaſy and certain method of forming equations for the planets motions and orbits; which by all other me- thods, which I have ſeen, ſeems to be very difficult ( 75 ) difficult and perplexing: I form'd equations for the earth, fo far as to aſſure my ſelf, by ſeveral calculations in different parts of her or- bit, that this theory agrees with the phæno- mena to as great an exactneſs as I expected. If I be not much miſtaken, this theory and mr. Flamſteed's, obſervations, will mutually prove the accuracy of each other, I have fallen (I think) on a method in proving this, independent of refractions and of the latitude, different from that which mr. Flamſteed takes in his prolegomena, and which has one ad- vantage above his, that it is leſs complicated, requires fewer data or things to be known, and conſequently is leſs ſubject to error. Some thoughts may have occurred to my imagination in thinking ſo long as I have al- ready on this ſubject, which may not readily to men of more ſkill and knowledge. Si De- us nobis hæc otia fecerit, that I could be enabled to digeft into order, and demonſtrate theſe thoughts without prejudice, or rather with ſome advantage to thoſe cares which every man ought to have near his heart, and which fpeculative ſtudies are apt to make him neg- lect; I ſhould think it the greateſt happineſs that can befal me in the laſt ſtage of my life, to be thus uſeful with the greateſt pleaſure to . my ſelf Namque erit ille mibi ſemper Deus: illius arama Sæpe tener noſtris cb ovilibus imbuet agnus. F Ι Ν Ι S. c Colden, Caldkwallader 1746 co