KU LES THE BOON PHILADELPHIA DISPENSARY FOR THE MEDICAL RELIEF THE P O O R. Inſtituted April 12, 1786. RULES OF THE PHILADELPHIA DISPENSARY FOR THE MEDICAL RELIEF OF THE POOR. Inſtituted April 12, 1786. iſt. ACH lady or gentleman, who pays annually into the hands of the trea- rer one guinea, ſhall be entitled to the privilege of having two patients at one time, under the care of the Diſpenſary; thoſe who pay annu- ally two guineas, ſhall have four, and ſo on in the ſame proportion; and thoſe who fub- ſcribe ten guineas at once, ſhall be entitled, during life, to the privilege of having two patients attended at one time by the phyfi- cians of the Diſpenſary. 2d. A board, conſiſting of twelve mana- gers, ſhall be annually elected on the firſt Monday in January, by a majority of the contributors. Votes may be given at all elec- tions, either in perſon or by proxy. Five managers ſhall conſtitute a quorum. Their buſineſs ſhall be to provide medicines for the fick, and to regulate all affairs relative to the inſtitution. 3d. Six [3] 3d. Six attending, and four conſulting phy. ſicians and ſurgeons, an apothecary, and a treaſurer of the Difpenfary, ſhall be annually elected by the managers of the inſtitution. 4th. The phyſicians and ſurgeons in ordi- nary ſhall regularly attend at the Diſpenſary on Mondays, Wedneſdays, and Fridays, from twelve to one o'clock: and ſuch patients as are unable to go abroad on Diſpenſary days, ſhall be regularly viſited at their reſpective places of abode. 5th. Every caſe shall be duly attended, whe- ther acute, chronic, ſurgical or obſtetrical, if re- commended by a contributor in a t written note addreſſed to the attending phyſician, agreeably to the firſt rule. The mitigation of the evils and danger of the ſmall-pox, by inoculation, Jhall likewiſe be the object of the charity of this inſti- tution. The attending phyſicians and ſurgeons ſhall have a right to apply for advice and aſliſtance * Such was the original deſign-but it having been found impracticable to give a proper attention to the caſes of the patients on this plan, two of the fix phyſi- cians, in rotation, are now in attendance at the ſame time, one taking charge of the northern, the other of the ſouthern diſtrict of the city; and thus attend, alter- nately, at the Diſpenſary, on the ſix days of the week, and viſit, at all times, ſuch patients as are not well enough to go abroad. + For the benefit of the patients (which has always been the leading principle in this inftitution) printed let- ters of recommendation, with the rules reſpecting them fubjoined, are now kept at the Diſpenſary, from whence the contributors may be furniſhed with them. [ 4 ] affiſtance to the conſulting phyſicians and fur- geons, when they think proper, in all diffi- cult and extraordinary cafes. 6th. The apothecary ſhall reſide at the Dif- penſary. His buſineſs ſhall be to compound and deliver medicines ; to keep an exact acu count of the names, places of abode, diſeaſes, times of admiſſion, diſcharge, &c. of the pa- tients, for which he shall receive a ſalary of per annum. OFFICERS, ELECTED January 1792. MANAGERS. Dr. William White, Thomas Clifford, Samuel Powel, Henry Hill, Lawrence Seckel, Samuel Pleaſants, Thomas Franklin, Dr. Robert Blackwell, Dr. Henry Helmuth, George Meade, George Fox, Fames Abercrombie. ATTENDING PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Dr. Samuel Powel Griffitts, Dr. Nicholas B. Waters, Dr. Caſpar Wifar, Dr. Benjamin Smith Barton, Dr. Michael Leib, Dr. John H. Gibbons. CONSULTING PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Dr. William Shippen, jun. Dr. Benjamin Ruh, Dr. Adam Kuhn, Dr. Thomas Parke. TREASURER. John Clifford. APOTHECARY. Robert Johnſon. SUBSCRIBERS' [ 5 ] SUBSCRIBERS' NAMES. A. Joſeph Anthony, James Abercrombie, George Afton, Thomas Armat, William Allibone, Jofeph Anthony, jun. B. Ann Bingham, Suſan Bradford, Sarah Bordley, Charles Biddle, William Bingham, Robert Blackwell, William Bell, James Bringhurſt, Bowyer Brooks, Thomas Bartow, George Bickham, Patrick Byrne, Francis Bailey, Cornelius Barnes, James Bringhurſt, jun. John Bleakley, James Biddle, Hilary Baker, Edward Bartholomew, Edward Burd, Owen and John Biddle, Benjamin Smith Barton, Edward Brooks, jun. Charles Bitters, John D. Blanchard, John Barclay, Samuel Betton, Samuel Bayard. Mary Conyngham, Ann Chaloner, George Clymer, Thomas Clifford, David H. Conyngham, Benjamin Chew, Tench Coxe, Joſeph Crukſhank, John Clifford, William Clarkſon, Thomas Cuthbert, James Campbell, Matthew Clarkſon, William Chancellor, C. Caleb Creſſon, William Clifton, William Colladay, Joſeph Cowperthwait, James Creffon, Ephraim Clark, James Calbraith, James Cramond, Robert Campbell, John Cox, William Coulthard and Co. L. Crouſillat, Benjamin Chew, jun. A 2 E o Ann Decatur, Henry Drinker, Joſeph Donaldſon, jun. Sharpe Delany, Thomas Dobſon, Benedict Dorſey, D. Jofeph Donaldſon, fen. William Delany, Samuel Duffield, Richard Duffield, Leonard Dorſey, Thomas Dixcy. E. Ann Emlen, George Emlen, Samuel Emlen, fen. Samuel Emlen, jun. John Evans, Paul Engle, George Eddy, Andrew Epple. Eſther Fiſher, Mary C. Fox, George Fox, Thomas Fiſher, Myers Fiſher, Benjamin Fuller, Thomas Franklin, F. Thomas Fitzſimons, George Forepaugh, Samuel M. Fox, John Fromberger, Chriſtian Febiger, John Fries, Nathan Field. G. Elizabeth Griffitts, Stephen Girard, Samuel Powel Griffitts, James Gardette, Thomas Gieſe, John H. Gibbons, John Gueſt, John Gueſt, jun. Winkles B. Goldthwaite, Peter W. Gallaudet, Amos Gregg, Thomas Greeves, Ahbel Green, Joſhua Gilpin. H. Mary Hudſon, Joſeph Harriſon, Suſanna Hudſon, James Hutchinſon, Mary Harper, Caſpar W. Haines, Henry Hill, Pattiſon Hartſhorne, Robert Hare, Joſeph Hilbourn, William Hall, Samuel Howell, [7] Godfrey Haga, Joſeph Huddle, Arthur Howell, George Habacker, Daniel Hartung, Matthias Harriſon, Benjamin Hutton, Charles Hurſt, John Hazelwood, Hamilton and Son, Henry Helmuth, Thomas Harriſon, Frederic Heimberger, Iſaac Hazlehurſt, Thomas Hough, Alexander Hamilton, Jacob R. Howell, Jacob Hiltzheimer, Reuben Haines, jun. Raper Hofkins. I. and J. James Iredell, David Jackfon, Thomas Jefferſon, John Inſkeep. K. George Keppele, Chriſtopher Kucher, Henry Knox, Thomas Ketland, jun. Jared Ingerſoll, Dominic Joyce, Leonard Jacoby, Francis Johnſton, Adam Kuhn, John Kaighn, William Kinnear, Stephen Kingſton, L. Lucy Lewis, George Latimer, John Leamy, William Lewis, Moles Levy, Henry Line, John Lardner, Michael Leib, Mordecai Lewis, John Lownes, Benjamin Loxley, George Ludlam, Caleb Lownes, James Logan, Peter Lemaigre, James Lyle. Mary Morris, Sarah Moore, Deborah Morris, Ann Manly, Margaret Meredith, Mary Murray, M. Thomas Millin, Robert Morris, Archibald M.Call, John F. Millin, Chriſtopher Marſhall, ſem. Chriſtopher Marſhall, jun. [ 8 ] Charles Marſhall, Samuel Magaw, John Morton, Samuel Miles, Thomas Mackie, William M-Kenzie, George Meade, Samuel Meredith, Magnus Miller, Thomas Moore, Joſeph J. Miller, John M.Crea, Frederic A. Muhlenberg, Peter Meirken, jun. John Miller, jun. William Miller, jun. James Miller, Samuel Mecblin, Jonathan Meredith, Benjamin R. Morgan, Benjamin Morgan, Anthony Morris. N. Mary Norris, John M. Neíbitt, John Nixon, Jofeph P. Norris, John Nicholſon, Thomas Norton. 0. Michael Morgan O'Brien, Daniel Omey. P. Ann Pemberton, George Pennock, Elizabeth Powel, Jofeph Pilmore, Mrs. Potter, Edward Price, Preſident of the United Richard Parker, States, Iſaac Pearſon, Samuel Powel, Society of Journeymen Prin- Samuel Pleaſants, ters, Samuel Penrofe, Thomas Parke, Thomas Penroſe, Richard Potter, Thomas Pafchall, James Potter, James Pemberton, Thomas Penroſe, jun. Elliſon and John Perot, Stephen Page, Edward Penington, William Poyntell Ignatius Palyart, R. Hannah Rhoads, William Rawle, John Roſs, Benjamin Ruſh, Thomas Ruſton, John Redman, [9] Daniel Rundle, George Roberts, Guſtavus Riſberg, Robert Ralſton, James Read, David Rittenhouſe, Jofeph Richardſon, John Rudolph. Margaret Smyth, Edward Shippen, John Swanwick, William Sitgreaves, William Sheaff, William Shippen, jun. Daniel Smith, John Stille, Joſeph Swift, Robert Smith, Lawrence Seckel, Nathan Sellers, Caſpar Singer, Joſeph Sharpleſs, James Sawer, Townſend Speakman, Robert Stevenſon, Edward Stiles, William Savery, Frederic Smith, Walter Stewart, S. William Smith, Benjamin Say, Andrew Summers, jun. Joſeph Stride, Snowden and North, Richard Sweetman, Robert Smock, Frederic Starmann, Henry Seckel, David Seckel, Frederic Shinkel, Jonathan B. Smith, John Smith, George Simpſon, Jacob Shoemaker, Thomas W. Smith, James Smith, Frederic Smyth, Thomas L. Shippen, Jonathan D. Sergeant, Benjamin Shoemaker. T. Edward Tilghman. Daniel Tyfon, Henry Toland, William Von Phul, John Vaughan, V. F. P. Van Berckel, James Vanuxem. Amos Wickerſham, John Wood, William Willar, W. Caſpar Wiſtar, Bartholomew Wiftar, Ifrael Whelen, [ 10 ] Rachel Wharton, Nicholas Waln, Thomas Willing, Benjamin Wynkoop, William White, Tohn Wilcocks, Robert Waln, Jeſſe Waln, Kearney Wharton, Francis Weit, Philip Wager, John Warner, Nicholas B. Waters, John Warder, William Whiteſide, Jacob C. Wikoff, John Winckhaufe, Samuel Wilcocks, George Weſcott, Oliver Wolcott. Y. William Young. The following account of patients who have been under the care of the Difpenfary ſince its firſt inſtitution will enable the contribu. tors and the public in general to form a judgment of its utility. 562 32 From April 12 to December 12, 1786. Patients admitted 719 Cured Died Relieved 33 Diſcharged diſorderly 7 Removed to the hoſpital and houſe of employment Diſcharged incurable Remaining under care 82 2 I 719 From December 12, 1786, to December 1, 1787. Patients admitted 1647 Cured 1297 Died бо [ 1 ] 131 24 Relieved Diſcharged diſorderly Removed to the hoſpital and houſe of employment Remaining under care 6 I 20 1647 From December 1, 1787, to December, 1788. Patients admitted 1596 Cured 1294 Dead 81 Relieved 84 Diſcharged diſorderly 27 Removed to the hoſpital and houſe of employment 13 Remaining under care 97 I 1596 1561 From December 1, 1788, to December 1, 1789. Patients admitted 1863 Cured Died 85 Relieved 88 Incurable Diſcharged diſorderly 19 Removed to the hoſpital and houſe of employment Remaining under care 2 12 96 1863 From December 1, 1789, to December 1, 1790. Patients remaining from laſt year admitted ſince laſt year 96 1796 Cured Died 1892 1578 63 [ 12 ] III 23 Relieved Diſcharged diſorderly Removed to the hofpital and houfe of employment Remaining under care 23 94 1892 From December 1, 1790, to December 1, 1791. Patients remaining from lalt year admitted fince laſt year 94 1493 1587 Cured I 327 Died 77 Relieved IIO Diſcharged diſorderly 27 Removed to the hoſpital and houſe of employment Remaining under care 35 II 1587 Beſides which 628 patients have been admitted from December 1, 1791, to June 21, 1792 : fo that the whole number of patients who have been under the care of the Diſpenſary, fince its firſt inſtitution in 1786, to the preſent time, is NINE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND FORTY TWO. June 21, 1792. WILLIAM WHITE, THOMAS CLIFFORD, SAMUEL POWEL, HENRY HILL, LAWRENCE SECKEL, SAMUEL PLEASANTS, THOMAS FRANKLIN, ROBERT BLACKWELL, HENRY HELMUTH, GEORGE MEADE, GEORGE FOX, JAMES ABERCROMBIE. Pem 2792 Philadelphia Dispensary Ph 37275 Charper