SOCIETY FOR THE Relief of the Insane.. THE INSTITUTION LOCATED AT HARTFORD, IN CONNECTICUT. Annual Meeting at Hartford, 2d Wednesday of May. HARTFORD: W. HUDSON AND L. SKINNER, PRINTERS. 1823, ACT OF INCORPORATION, ESTABLISHING A RETREAT FOR THE INSANE. AT a General Assembly of the State of Connecticut, holden at New Haven, in and for said State, on the first Wednesday of May, A. D. 1822. UPON the petition of THOMAS HUBBARD and others, shew- ing that there are now more than one thousand insane persons in this State ; that a subscription has been opened to provide them an Asylum or Retreat, to mitigate their sufferings, and restore them to reason ; praying for an act of incorporation, and a grant from the treasury, in aid of the benevolent object, as by petition on file appears. Resolved by this Assembly, That THOMAS HUBBARD, THOMAS ROBBINS, THOMAS MINER, SAMUEL CARTER, WILLIAM TULLY, EARL SWIFT, SAMUEL B. WOODWARD, JOHN CALDWELL, ISAAC SPENCER, THOMAS DAY, and their associates and successors, be, and hereby are, ordained, con- stituted and declared to be forever hereafter, one body politic and corporate, in fact and in name, by the name and style of 66 The President and Directors of the Retreat for the Insane, and by that name, they, their associates and successors, shall and may have perpetual succession, shall be capable of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, and also to purchase, receive, hold and convey any estate real or personal, to an amount not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars ; and may have a common seal, and the same may change and alter at pleasure ; may establish rules relative to the admission of future members ; may ordain, establish and put in execution such by-laws and regulations, not contrary to the provisions of this Charter, or the laws of this State, as shall be deemed ne- cessary for the government of said corporation. 2. And be it further resolved, That said corporation shall meet at least once in each year for the choice of officers and other business. The first meeting shall be holden at the Court House in Middletown, at such time as shall be appointed by THOMAS MINER, ELI TODD, SAMUEL B. WOODWARD, WILLIAM TULLY, GEORGE SUMNER, ELI Ives, and JONA- THAN KNIGHT, or a majority of them, and by them notified by advertisement in a newspaper printed in each of the towns of Hartford, Middletown and New-Haven, at least three weeks before the time fixed for such meeting; and the annual and other meetings of said corporation shall thereafter be holden at such time and place, and be warned in such manner as said corporation shall from time to time direct. 3. And whereas, large and liberal subscriptions have been obtained in aid of the funds of said Institution, on the princi- ples of a proposed Constitution of the Society for the relief of the Insane, accepted and approved by the Medical Conven- tion, on the 3d of October, A. D. 1821, in the words fol- lowing, viz : This Society shall be composed of those subscribers, whose benefactions shall amount to either of the subsequent sums.- Those who pay twenty dollars shall be members for life, and those who pay twelve dollars shall be members for ten years. Those who pay two dollars shall also be members of the Society, and shall be required to pay the same annually, until their names are withdrawn from the subscriber's list, on appli- cation to the Secretary, Two hundred dollars paid by the Connecticut Medical So- ciety, shall constitute the President and Fellows of the same ex officio members of the Society. The members of the Society shall meet annually for the choice of Directors, and for the transaction of any other busi- ness not delegated to its officers. None but members shall be eligible to any office, except those of attending physicians and domestics. Directors. There shall be two classes of Directors, one annually appointed, the other to hold their office for life. Those subscribers who pay one hundred dollars, or an equivalent annuity, or twenty-five dollars annually, for five years, shall be Directors for life, At least ten Directors shall be annually chosen by the Society, and in all cases as many as shall equal the number by sub- scription. There shall be an annual meeting of the Directors, at which twelve shall constitute a quorum, to choose a Presi- dent, Vice President, Treasurer, Auditor, Secretary, Pruden- tial Committee and Visitors. The President shall preside at the meetings of the Society, and of the Directors ; shall have a vote at all times, and a casting vote when there is a tie, and shall, when requested by the Superintendant or Prudential Committee, summon an extra meeting of the Directors. Vice Presidents. The elected Vice President shall have the privileges of a Director, and perform the duties of the President during the absence of the latter, Those persons who pay two hundred dollars, shall be Vice Presidents for life. The Treasurer having given adequate security for the faith- ful discharge of his duties, shall receive the funds of the So- ciety, and pay the same to the order of the Prudential Com- mittee. He shall transmit a copy of his accounts every quarter to the Auditor, and present a financial report every year to the Society. The Auditor having examined the Treasurer's accounts, shall report accordingly, at the annual meeting of the Di- rectors. The Secretary, upon oath, shall keep an accurate register of the members of the Society for each year, and record the transactions of both Society and Directors. He shall also re- port at each meeting of the Society, the names of those who, for the preceding year, have become members of the Society, and also of those who have withdrawn their patronage. The Prudential Committee shall consist of twelve individu- als, annually elected, and of the Superintendant. At least one fourth of the twelve shall be Physicians. They are to regu- late the economical and financial concerns of the Institution, and determine upon what terms the patients are to be admit- ted. They shall also appoint the steward, house-keeper and domestics, and may dismiss the same if deemed unworthy of their trust. They shall meet monthly, and delegate their powers to three of their number, of which one shall be a phy- sician; and these three shall constitute the attending Com- mittee. The attending Committee shall meet at least once a week, for the transaction of the ordinary business of the Institution, for the admission and discharge of patients, prescribing the terms, and accepting such security as they deem satisfactory. The visitors shall be six in number, and all physicians.- Two at least shall visit the Institution every month, and it shall be their duty to invite an equal number of females to accompany them. They shall inquire into the medical and moral concerns of the Institution, suggest improvements, and designate abuses, in a monthly report to the Prudential Committee. The Superintendant shall be nominated by a Committee of five members appointed by the Medical Convention, and their nomination shall be transmitted to the Directors for their ap- probation. If the person thus nominated is not approved of by the Directors, the Committee shall nominate another person without delay. If the nomination is approved, the election shall be declared valid, and the person thus elected may hold his office till removed by a majority of the whole number of Directors. The medical and moral treatment of the patients shall be confided to him, and he is to determine the propriety of their admission and discharge-shall visit the hospital daily to give instruction to the assistant, and advice when requested, to the attending Committee. He shall also inspect the medical records of the house, and observe that they are correctly made. The Superintendant may nominate an assistant Physician, who is to reside in the house, or in its immediate vicinity, and may be eligible to the office of Apothecary. His appointment be- He shall devote comes valid if approved by the Directors. his whole time to the patients of the Institution, visiting them daily, recording the history of each case, and reporting to the Superintendant the result of observations made during the ab- sence of the latter. He is also to note the prescriptions, and see that the nurses and attendants are faithful in the discharge of their respective duties, Admission of Patients. Any subscriber paying two hundred dollars, may at all times name one indigent patient, who is to be received into the Asylum upon the most favorable terms. Any town, corporate body, or association of individuals, paying two hundred and fifty dollars, may have the same privilege Other patients are to be admitted, by their friends applying first to the Superintendant, who states whether in his opinion they are fit subjects for admission or not, and then to the at- tending Committee, who shall prescribe the terms and accom: modations to which they shall be entitled. No patient of any description can be admitted, until his friends or guardians have deposited with the Treasurer of the Society, adequate security for the payment of the quarterly expenses, and the removal of the patient when discharged.- Any person dissatisfied with the decision of the attending Com- mittee, may appeal to the Prudential Committee, at their monthly meeting, for relief. Be it further resolved, That the Articles of said Constitu- tion, be, and the same are hereby declared to be fundamental articles and part of the Constitution of said Corporation. And be it further resolved, That in aid of the benevolent object of said Institution, there shall be paid to the said Cor- poration, upon an order of the Controller of public accounts, (which order the Controller is hereby authorized and directed to draw) the sum of five thousand dollars out of the public treasury, whenever (if within two years) fifteen thousand dol- lars, exclusive of this grant, shall have been subscribed, and ten thousand dollars actually paid to said Corporation, and proper certificates thereof be lodged in the office of said Con- troller. And the Governor of this state is hereby authorized and requested to grant a brief annually for five years, soliciting contributions for the benefit of said Institution, and to issue proclamation accordingly. And be it further resolved, That said Corporation shall have power, with the assent of the Commissioners to be appointed under this act, by their vote in legal meeting, warned with express notice of that object, to fix the location, and to approve or prescribe the style and extent of the buildings, and other accommodations for the use of the Institution, and no expend- iture of the funds of said Corporation, shall be made by the officers thereof, in the purchase of lands, or in the erection of buildings, but in pursuance of such vote or votes of said Corporation. And be it further resolved, That the Governor for the time being, with two other Commissioners to be appointed by the General Assembly, shall superintend the general concerns of said Institution, and make such occasional visits as they may deem expedient. Provided nevertheless, that this act of incorporation, shall be subject to be revoked or altered, at the pleasure of the General Assembly. A true Copy of Record, Examined by THOMAS DAY, Secretary. Blomme OTS biasa personi 8 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY. Hon. Nathaniel Terry, President. Rt. Rev. Thomas C. Brownell, Vice President. David Watkinson, Esq. Treasurer. Samuel Tudor, Esq. Auditor. Jonathan Law, Esq. Secretary. VICE PRESIDENTS FOR LIFE, By the payment of two hundred Dollars and upwards. Oliver Wolcott. George Goodwin. Samuel Tudor. Chauncey Deming. David Watkinson. Wm. Robinson. Wm. H. Imlay. Elias Perkins. Thos. S. Williams. Joseph Battell. Henry L. Ellsworth. Joshua Stow. Charles Sigourney. DIRECTORS FOR LIFE, By the payment of one hundred Dollars. Daniel Wadsworth. Wm. W. Ellsworth. Ward Woodbridge. Henry Seymour. Robert Watkinson. Eliphalet Averill. Elisha Shepard. Edward Watkinson. James H. Wells. George Smith. Daniel Buck. Asahel Hathaway, jr. Henry Hudson. Nehemiah Hubbard. David Porter. Abigail Hubbard. Reuben Langdon. Obadiah Brown. Oliver D. Cook. DIRECTORS CHOSEN FOR THE ENSUING YEAR. Hon. Roger M. Sherman. Hon. Gideon Tomlinson. Hon. Robert Fairchild. Rt. Rev. Bishop Brownell. President Day. Eli Whitney, Esq. Wm. Leffingwell, Esq. Eli Ives, M. D. John W. Holly, Esq. Hon. Zephaniah Swift. Thomas Hubbard, M. D. Hon. Elijah Boardman. Thomas Miner, M. D. Mason F. Cogswell, M. D. Hon. Nathaniel Terry. James Ward, Esq. Rev. Thomas Robbins. Michael Bull, Esq. Eli Todd, M. D. Eliphalet Terry, Esq. Rev. Nathaniel S. Wheaton. Rev. Elisha Cushman. Samuel B. Woodward, M. D. Hon. Samuel W. Johnson. Rev. Chauncey Booth. Hon. John T. Peters. 9 Warren R. Fowler, M. D. Wm. Buel, M. D. Hon. John Russ. Wm. Tully, M. D. Rev. Joel Hawes. John R. Watkinson, Esq. James Dodd, Esq. Thomas Day, Esq. Michael Olcott, Esq. George Sumner, M. D. Hon. Daniel Putnam. Hon. John Davenport. Jonathan Law, Esq. Hon. Enoch Burrows. Hon. John S. Peters. Eli Todd, M. D. Superintendant. Assistant Physician. Steward. Housekeeper. PRUDENTIAL COMMITTEE. Eli Todd, M. D. Michael Bull, Esq. Wm. W. Ellsworth, Esq. Henry L. Ellsworth, Esq. Samuel Tudor, Esq. Henry Hudson, Esq. George Sumner, M. D. David Porter, Esq. Samuel B. Woodward, M. D. James Dodd, Esq. Wm. H. Imlay, Esq. James Ward, Esq. VISITORS. Mason F. Cogswell, M. D. Wm. Buel, M. D. Thomas Hubbard, M. D. Eli Ives, M. D. Thomas Miner, M. D. William Tully, M. D. COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY: His Excellency the Governor. Hon. Samuel A. Foot. Charles Rockwell, Esq. 3 President and Directors of the Retreat for the Insane, in Account Current with DAVID WATKINSON, Treasurer. DR. CR. $2775 1600 1823 May 14 By cash received on account of subscriptions in Hartford By cash received on account of subscriptions in Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Connecticut $5906 66 1823 May 14 To cash paid for Land, and Buildings thereon To “ paid on account of new Buildings Το returned agents in counterfeit bank bills, $3 & $5 To “ paid agent for obtaining subscriptions To paid for contingencies To balance carried to new account 1131251 10 90 5223 40 $9730 55 3824155 $9730 55 $5223 By balance of old account The above account examined by me this day, and! found correct. Hartford, 15th May, 1823. SAMUEL TUDOR Auditor. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE, ON THE PROGRESS OF THE INSTITUTION. The attention of the public, in this State, was first turned to the subject of the Insane, by the Medical Society in their session of October, 1812. A committee was at that time ap- pointed by the Society, to ascertain the number of Lunatics within the limits of the State, and report to some future con- vention. The inquiries made at this time, principally of the clergymen in the different towns in the State, were answered by few returns only, and these very imperfect. Nothing fur- ther was done on the subject, until the spring of 1821; when the number of recent cases of Insanity, especially in Hartford and its vicinity, led the physicians in the neighbourhood, again to attend to the subject. They had frequent opportunities of witnessing the ravages of this deplorable disease, and often la- mented the inefficacy of remedies for the relief of the patients, while at home, and with their friends. At the county meeting of the Medical Society in Hartford, in April of the same season, the subject was brought up, and the Fellows of the Society from the County, were instructed to bring the subject before the Medical Convention, at their session in May following. This was done. The Convention appointed a committee, consisting of three members of that body, to take the subject into consideration, and report as to the propriety of doing any thing at this time, and especially on the expediency of establishing a Retreat for their comfort and restoration. The committee consisted of Doctors Eli Todd, Thomas Miner, and Samuel B. Woodward. This committee examined the subject with great fidelity, and re- ported in favor of attending to it immediately- of taking measures to establish an Asylum for their relief and recovery, and also reported a plan, which in their view, was best calcu- lated to effect the object contemplated. The society heard this report with great attention, It seemed to inspire the mem- bers with a zeal at once laudable and active one general sen- timent of approbation was expressed, and the measures propo- sed by the committee, for the attainment of the object, were adopted with great promptitude and unanimity. They ap. 12 pointed a committee of five members to prosecute inquiry-- to ascertain the number of Insane persons in the State, their condition, age, &c.-tó devise ways and means of raising funds for the establishment and maintenance of such an insti- tution, and also to report a plan, or draft a constitution for its regulation and government. The convention adjourned to the 28th day of October, to hear their report. The committee consisted of Doctors Eli Todd, Thomas Miner, William Tully, Samuel B. Woodward, and George Sumner. This committee were assiduous in their attention to the im- portant concerns entrusted to them. They met monthly at the expense of much time took pains to inform themselves on all subjects connected with the Insane, procured all the re- cords of other Hospitals they could find, and adopted, after much deliberation, every principle embodied in their report, as well as every article in their draft of a constitution. To obtain information, they sent circulars into every town in the State, addressed to clergymen, physicians and other res- pectable gentlemen, requesting returns of the number of the Insane, their ages, sex, cause of the disease, &c. The returns in answer to these circulars, although many of them were very imperfect, satisfied the committee that at least 1000 individ- uals within the limits of the State were mentally deranged, and that the condition of most of them was truly wretched. The duties performed by this committee were arduous : they had obstacles to surmount requiring great perseverance. The field was untrodden ; they had to learn the way as they proceeded : they had undertaken to accomplish an object which the indifferent asserted, and the anxious feared, would never be accomplished. The Report made by them to the adjourned session in October, together with the annexed draft of a constitution was the result of their labors. The adjourn- ed convention in October met for the express purpose of hear- ing and acting on the report of their committee. Every arti- cle of the proposed constitution, was read separately, and re- ceived a separate vote of acceptance, and finally, with little va- riation, the whole passed unanimously. This convention appointed a committee of correspondence, consisting of seven gentlemen, and a county committee of three in each county. The committee of correspondence con- sisted of the following individuals : Doctors Eli Todd, Eli Ives, Thomas Miner, William Tully, Jonathan Knight, Sam- uel B. Woodward and George Sumner.-The county commit- tee consisted of the following gentlemen : For Hartford county, Doctor Mason F. Cogswell, Rev. Thos. Robbins, Samuel Tudor, Esq. New Haven County, Rev. Thomas C. Brownell, Hon. Simeon Baldwin and Joseph Foote, M. D. New-Lon- 13 don, Hon. Elias Perkins, Doct. John O. Miner and Richard Adams, Esq. Windham, Hon. Zephaniah Swift, Doctor Thomas Hubbard and Hon. Daniel Putnam. Fairfield, Hon. Roger M. Sherman, Doct. Jonathan Knight and Rev. Mat- thew R. Dutton. Litchfield, Governor Wolcott, Joseph Battell, Esq. and Doct. William Buel. Middlesex, Hon. Joshua Stow, Hon. Stephen T. Hosmer and John R. Watkinson, Esq. Tolland, Hon. John S. Peters, Rev. Doct. Basset and Bening Mann, Esq. The business of these committees, was to devise means of procuring funds for the establishment and maintenance of a Retreat for the Insane. To petition the General Assembly at their session in May, for an Act of Incorporation or Charter, and if thought expedient, to request a grant of money from the treasury of the State, to aid the benevolent object con- templated. The convention, also at this meeting, appropriated 200 dollars of their funds, to aid the committee in prosecuting their plans. This grant, the first pecuniary aid which had been received, was very useful to the committee. But for this, they would have been obliged to make considerable ad- vances of money from their own resources, or to have aban- doned the undertaking in despair. The subject of funds engaged much of the attention of the committees. On this subject the committee of correspond- ence, with such of the county committee as were near at hand, or felt peculiar interest in the institution, held frequent meet- ings. Subscriptions it was well known were our principal re- source, but how they should be obtained was a question of serious importance. And here it may not perhaps be irrele. vant to observe, that the committee misjudged. The appoint- ment of county and town agents, but illy subserved the inter- ests of the institution: this however was not without honour. able exceptions. Too many however, felt totally indifferent to the interests of the establishment, and either expressed doubts as to the propriety of subscriptions, or directly oppo- sed the propriety of the establishment-or which was equally unfortunate, appeared so destitute of zeal and interest in the cause, as to dampen all efforts, or extinguish the enkindled in- terest which had been excited in the feelings of the benevo- lent. These paralyzing influences, had so obvious an effect upon many individuals, that our general agents frequently re- marked, that they were much more successful, where no effort had previously been made. For the benefit of future public charities, who may wish to obtain funds by subscription, we would remark, that the em- ployment of general agents, appointed for the express object of obtaining subscriptions, and liberally compensated for their 14 success. services, has been the best economy with this institution. We are well persuaded that no other method would have been equally successful. The commencement of the subscription in the city of Hart- ford, was peculiarly auspicious, and the very liberal sum ob. tained, was a sure prognostic of future success. Too much praise cannot be bestowed on the laudable and disinterested zeal of those individuals, who were active in ob taining this truly munificent subscription-and the committee are happy to recognize in the offices of this institution, indi- viduals whose exertions were crowned with such unexpected The same liberality throughout the State, would have placed the funds of this establishment, beyond the reach of embarrassment. On the evening of the 7th of May, 1822, , the general meeting of the corresponding and county commit- tees was held by previous appointment at the state-house in New-Haven. Doct. Thomas Hubbard was elected chairman. The meeting ascertained that about $12,000 had already been subscribed to the funds. At this meeting it was resolved to present a petition to the General Assembly, for an Act of In- corporation, and for a grant of money. While the subject was before the Legislature, many distinguished friends of the in- stitution, both members and other gentlemen who were pres- ent, very generously offered their services to promote the in- terests of the cause in the Assembly. The Act of Incorpora- tion and a grant of 5000 dollars were both obtained, together with a brief permitting contributions in churches for five years. At the same time also, the Medical Society then in session, showed their steady devotion to the cause, by appropriating the remainder of their disposable funds, amounting to about 400 dollars, to the interests of this institution. The grant from the General Assembly, and the donation from the Med- ical Society, gave fresh courage to the committee, and revived the drooping hopes of the friends of the institution, who fear. ed that it might fail for want of patronage. During the summer, agents to collect subscriptions were employed, and sent into every town in the State. By the month of October, the nominal sum of 20,000 dollars had been subscribed, exclu- sive of the grant. On the 28th of October, 1822, the subscribers met at the court-house in Middletown, agreeably to notice, for the pur- pose of organizing the Society, and choosing Directors. When it was found that about thirty-five Directors, had been so constituted by subscriptions of 100 dollars or upwards; an equal number were elected agreeably to the provisions of the constitution. Hon. John T. Peters presided at this meeting, and Samuel B. Woodward acted as clerk. The Society then 15 adjourned to Hartford, on the 3d of December. Public notice was also given, that the location of the institution, would at that time be fixed, agreeably to the provisions of the charter. On the 3d day of December, 1822, the Society met at the state-house, Hartford, for the purpose of location. The vote was taken by ballot; when it was found that the vote was unanimous for Hartford. The Society then resolved, that the town of Hartford be fixed upon as the place of location for the Retreat for the Insane. The Society authorised the board of Directors to examine the various sites in the town, and report to a future meeting, which in their opinion was most eligible. The board of Directors held a meeting after the adjourn- ment of the meeting of the Society, and appointed the officers of the institution: A sub-committee of this board, was ap- pointed to examine the various sites proposed to them in the limits of the town, and report to a future meeting, which in their opinion was best calculated to answer the object of the in- stitution. This committee consisted of Bishop Brownell, Daniel Putnam, Esq. Hon. Joshua Stow, Doctors Win. Buel and Samuel B. Woodward. They unanimously fixed upon the es- tablished site of the Retreat, and reported the same to the board of Directors This report was accepted and approved unan- imously by the Society, at a future meeting. The Reports of the Secretary and Treasurer, render it un- necessary for us to speak of the state of the funds, or the offi- cers and members of the Society. The statement of the build- ing committee, will show the progress of the building, and how soon it may be expected to be completed. The progress of the institution, in every respect, has been more successful than could have been anticipated. The funds are respectable, but fall far short of all the demands contem- plated. The object is well begun; and in the liberality of our citizens, and the munificence of the Legislature, we have a sure pledge of future support. We believe that the Society, which this day assembles on its first anniversary, will take high rank amongst the benevolent institutions of this State : and that the RETREAT, the foundation of which has been laid, will reflect increasing honor upon its founders and its patrons, and ultimately become one of the most distinguished charities of our country 16 OF THE GROUNDS AND BUILDING, The Report of the Building Committee, alluded to in the foregoing Report, not having been made, observation may be acceptable, that the site selected for the buildings of the Re- treat, is distant, south-westwardly, about 1 1-4 miles from the state-house in Hartford. The grounds, (17 acres,) fronting on the Berlin turnpike east; and having west-street on the west, present, from the beautiful elevation of their western limits, an interesting prospect of the country eastward, with a partial view of Hartford and Weathersfield, to the north and south. On this elevation, a building is erecting : its centre, fifty feet square, to be three stories above the basement; with a north and a south wing, each fifty by thirty, to be two stories above the basement. The walls are constructing of stone, to be covered with a white cement, or rough cast. Expence of the building not to exceed 12,000 dollars; and the prospect favourable that its early completion will admit the walls to become dry; so that, should the receipts of the Society, as is to be hoped, prove adequate to indispensible arrangements, the unfortunate, as early as in January, probably, may have share in the mercy of a commiserating public. 17 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS TO THE RETREAT. Subscription by the Connecticut Medical Society, 8600 Fellows of the Medical Society, and, of course, Members of the Society for the Relief of the Insane. Hartford County. New-Haven County. Eli Todd, M D. Eli Ives, M D. Elijah F. Read, M. D. Jonathan Knight, M. D. Wm. S. Pierson. Timothy P Beers. George Sumner, M. D John Titsworth, M. D. Samuel B. Woodward, M. D. Virgil M. Dow. New-London County. Litchfield County: John O. Miner, M. D. Samuel Rockwell, M.D. Avery Downer. William Buell, M. D George Tisdale. Warren R Fowler, M. D. Frederick Morgan, M D. Roswell Abernethy. Dyer T. Brainard. Conant Catlin. Fairfield County. Windham County. Nathan Tisdale, M. D. Thomas Hubbard, M. D. Elijah Middlebrook, M. D. Luther Manning Cyreneus H. Booth. Charles Moul: on. Jabez G. Hardyear, M. D. Earl Swift. Gideon Beardslee. Archibald Welch. Middlesex County. Thomas Miner, M. D. Samuel Carter, M. D. Andrew F. Warner. Tolland County. John S. Peters, M D. Nathan Howard, M. D. Eleazer Hunt. SUBSCRIPTION IN HARTFORD. Dls C Ward Woodbridge Daniel Wadsworth Samuel Tudor David Watkinson Wm. H. Imlay T. S. Williams J. T. Peters H. L. Ellsworth Nathaniel Patten Jonathan Law Nathaniel Terry Charles Sigourney Robert Watkinson George Goodwin Charles Seymour James Dodd Spencer Whiting Elisha Shepard James H. Wells Daniel Buck Dudley Buck Dls.C. 100 Brown and Savage 100 Joseph Morgan 300 Elisha Dodd 300 Henry Hudson 300 Cyprian Nichols 250 John Butler 50 John Olmsted 300 Jeremy Hoadley 50 David Porter 50 Richard Goodman 50 Josephus Granger 200 Reuben Langdon 100 Oliver D. Cook 200 Isaac Spencer 50 John Hempsted 75 Ebenezer Barnard 50 James Thomas 100 Charles Whiting 150 C and S. Dodd 125 Griffin Stedman 501 Eli Todd 50 50 15 100 50 50 50 25 100 50 20 100 100 10 20 50 60 25 15 30 40 3 18 1 Dls. C. 5 5 10 5 5 2 2 George Sumner Nathan Johnson Norton and Stocking Augustus Pease Henry Pease Gaius Lyman Eli Ely Thomas Day Charles Babcock Samuel Gray George Terry Henry Grew Do for a friend Lynde Olmsted Alfred Holt Enoch Perkins James Ward Roswell Bartholomew Wm. W. Ellsworth Wm. Watson John M. Niles Wm. Ely James M. Goodwin Peter Thatcher Augustus Thatcher Daniel Crowell Chauncey Barnard Isaac Bliss Nathaniel Goodwin Aaron Chapin and Son Abel Brewster Thomas H. Gallaudet Henry Kilbourn Charles Munn Daniel P. Hopkins Henry Seymour Jonathan Brace Noah A. Phelps Oliver E Williams B. C. Burdett Mason F. Cogswell Isaac D. Bull J. K. Scarborough Jesse Deane Samuel Whittelsey Nathaniel S, Wheaton Luther Savage Joel Hawes Samuel G. Goodrich Abel Flint Frederic Bange Nathan Morgan Arist. Champion Joseph Trumbull A. Smith J. L. Comstock J. Ripley John G. C. Brainard Thomas Tileston Michael Olcott Bates and Rose John Russ Edward Hopkins Daniel H Arnold D.F. Manice Henry Benton Dls C. 25 Amos B. Roff 35 Daniel Jones 25 Thomas C. Perkins 15 Caleb L. Packard 5 N. J. Elliot 70 Willis King 10 Lee Goodwin 50 William H. Beecher 20 Miles A Tuttle 10 James Bennett 10 John L. Bunce 10 W. Hudson and L. Skinner 5 William H Basset 10 J. M. Danforth 5 S. W. Collins 50 Elisha Peck 50 Isaac Bullard 20 Oliver Treet 100 J. Goodwin jr. 20 Chauncey Robbins 40 James S. Shapter 40 William Miller 10 Horace Hays 15 Michael Bull 15 C.R. Comstock 5 Ebenezer Flower 10 Burrage B Dimock 20 Elisha P. Corning 10 Peter B. Gleason 5 Eleazer Porter 20 Henry L. Porter, 15 Jedediah Olcott, of N. York 25 Nathaniel Eggleston 10 S. H. Huntington 25 Elisha Cushman 100 Hezekiah Huntington 50 Daniel St. John 20 Samuel Whitman 50 Benjamin Bishop 20 Joanna Griswold 25 Eliphalet Averill 40 H. B. Chaffee A. M. Collins 40 Walter Mitchell 251 Edward Watkinson 20 Asa Farwell 30 Solomon Porter 20 Asa Francis 20 Caleb Goodwin 20 Jacob Sargeant 50 Andrew Kingsbury 20 Joseph B Gilbert 25 Ariel Hancock 45 Henry Corning 15 Isaac Perkins 12 Jonathan W. Edwards 20 Eliphalet Terry 10 Aaron Colton 5 James Hosmer 20 James B Hosmer 10 Joseph Rogers 50 Daniel Hinsdale jr. 10 Charles Spencer 5 Charles Nichols 5 Horace Burr 5 Selah Treat 10 100 50 50 50 100 50 30 25 25 40 25 20 10 10 10 20 501 10 25 25 501 50 10 5 25 10 1 19 Dls.c 25 20 10 50 2 90. OM . A CON 2 외 ​2 10 2 1 1 2 Dls C. Spencer and Gilman 25 BRISTOL. Benjamin J. Boardman 5 Thomas Barnes jr. Burr and Robbins 10 George Mitchel Levi Collins Ira Hooker Charles Sheldon 5 James Lee Normand Smith 25 Josiah Read John Goodwin 2d 10 Austin Bishop Leonard Bacon 20 Leicester Carrington Elijah Terry 5 John Birge E. Tisdale 5 Eli Lewis jr. Isaac Tousey 10 Isaac W. Shelton O. Bulkley 5 Tracy Peck Josiah Hempsted 20 Richard Peck Samuel Ledlie 5 Asa Upson Robert Turner 5 Philip Gaylord Frederick Oaks 10 Bryan Hooker Samuel Tuttle 10 Abel Chapin jr 25 BURLINGTON. George Smith 110 Aaron Hitchcock Josiah Beckwith 20 Waite Lowrey John Wing 20 Zebulon Frisbie David Greenleaf 101 Gad Friesbee Joseph Pratt 20 Abraham Pettibone jr. Roderick Terry 12 David Marks Joseph Church 5 Charles Butler 5 EAST-HARTFORD. Alva Gilman 25 William Tully Colt and Williams 15 Levi Goodwin Asahel Saunders 5 Martin Stanley Daniel Goodale jr. 10 John Pitkin Theophilus Howell 5 Shubael Griswold Horace Goodwin 2d. 5 Gideon Olmsted Oliver Woodford 5 Mary Austin Thomas D. Boardman 5 Elizabeth Griswold Sherman Boardman 5 Martha Flagg Moses Goodwin 6 Joseph M. Merrow Leonard Kennedy 5 Ann Olmsted Enoch Powers 5 Giles Olmsted Thomas G. Hart 5 Samuel Pitkin Julius Catlin 5 Joy H. Fairchild Nathan Allyn 5 Aaron F. Olmsted Seth Terry 10 Mary L, Olmsted Sheldon Woodbridge 5 Julia Olmsted John Bolles 25 Charles H. Olmsted Seymour and Lee 10 Theodore Pitkin Orrin Webster 5 Daniel Pitkin Benjamin Phelps 5 Selah Webster E. Harrington 5 Elihu Olmsted Dwell Morgan 12 Solomon Olmsted Goodwin and Webster 10 Ashbel Cowles A portion of the above subscription, James Stanley and that of a few individuals else- Timothy Hall Austin Hall where, became absolute by the loca- tion of the Institution. Moses Forbes jr. George Wells BERLIN Amos Ransom Benoni Upson 50 Samuel Brewer Shubael Pattison 10 Asahel Porter Elishama Brandegee jr. 10 Benjamin Bidwell Orrin Bulkley 5 Job Porter Henry Upson 20 Elisha Olmsted Jabez Langdon 2 Osmyn Pitkin Daniel Dunbar 2 Lawson Gould Joseph Galpin 2 Persiụs Olmsted Samuel Porter George Cheney Royal Bobbins 3 James Pitkin 5 olararana er er en orden 5 5 10 5 5 2 5 12 2 2 5 4 3 Q 3 2 20 20 William Bigelow Lemue: Butler Ozias Roberts Anson Cowles David Pitkin Theodore Stanley Asa Cowles Joseph Roberts George Pitkin Jonah Williams Roger Burnham Solomon Burnham George Olmsted W. Ransom Edward Warren John Judson Joseph Treat Edward Forbes Richard Hills Vine Hits Allen Steward George Reynold Richard Pitkin Daniel W. Griswold Daniel Marsh Elisha B. Cook Horace Pitkin Simeon Birge Dudley Woodbridge Wells 'Woodbridge Benjamin Lyman Deodat Woodbridge Daniel Abbey John Olds Joseph Pitkin Alexander McLean William Cooley RR Phelps Theodore Pitkin Dls Dls C. 5 Joshua Eaton 3 2 Samuel Bancroft jr. 2 Elijah F. Reed 5 Young Men's Association 30 1 Charles Jenks 50 Ephraim S. Phelps 20 1 Joel Holkins 20 Harvey Holkins Charles S Phelps 20 19 Timothy Ellsworth 12 5 Shub. Bartlett, per ann. for 5 years 2 Josephus Bu kley 20 Levi Palmer jr. 5 55 Stephen Heath 10 1 David Abbee 5 2 John Chabbuck 5 2 Zachariah Allen 6 1 John Bancroft 2 Henry Watson Jesse Charlton Martin Rockwell Eli Morton, (annually) Timothy Stoughton do Thomas Tarbox do 2 2 John Bissell 2d 2 5 Moses Osborn do 2 Asa' Bruce do Elisha Kingsbury do 2 Anson Bissell do 5 Eli Olcott do Horace Newbury do Arodi P. Wolcott do 2 Daniel Porter do 2 Thomas Potwine 5 Noah Sadd 2 5 Oliver Tudor OLOG or a crer er 90 G O Nu er 9.00 - 19- Noor Breg do og er 23 9938 94 23 009 au av 547 V V V V O R AV TOV DVORANA GU QU AT GY 121 20 2 4 4 20 20 12 5 15 1 2 2 2 co 4 10 5 EAST-WINDSOR. Thos, Robbins, per an. for 10 years John Watson Aaron Bissell Roswell Grant Abner Read, per ann. for 6 years Abiel Wolcott Roswell Elmer Josiah Bragg Elizur Wolcott Epaphras Bissell Daniel Hayden Eli B. Haskell Roswell Colson Joseph Hosmer Elisha Morton Job Ellsworth John Collins Increase Clapp Daniel Allen Zenas Beers Horace Wolcott Hezekiah Bissell Samuel Moore Joseph Loomis ENFIELD. Elam 0. Potter William Dixon (annually) Solomon Terry Abiel Pease R. and L Parsons and Co. Ephraim P Prudden Peter R. Field Daniel Abbey Sylvester Luśk J. B. Hyde per ann. for 3 years Isaac Wright Samuel Pease David Gates, per ann. for 4 years Harvey Terry E F. Cook F L. Robbins per ann, for 3 years) Joseph Olmsted Abel King Isaiah Allen jr. Henry Terry Abner Meacham L. T. Pease Reuben Hamilton J. A. Bush Eber Pease Epbraim P. Potter Moses Allen 50 2 1 2 2 12 : e co woooter e cor en 10 50 2B6 449 21 Dls. C. 5 2 1 4 2 Dls.ICI Samuel Clarke 200 Elam Fuller 20 Abijah Rowe 70 Griffin jr. 20 Ansel Hays 40 Abner Case 10 Isaac Phelps 15 John Willey 5 Daniel Benjamin 20 James O. Pond 10 Oliver Eno 12 HARTLAND. 10 Jared Newell 15 Ammi Linsley 5 5 MARLBOROUGH. E. H. Buel FARMINGTON. Chauncey Deming Timothy Cowles Gad Cowles Lemuel Whitman Martin Cowles N. Woodruff Samuel Deming Richard Cowles Edward Hooker Horace Cowles George Cowles Noah Porter Anna Lewis Timothy Pitkin Timothy H. Root Asa Andrews Sidney Wadsworth Erastus Perry Jared Griswold Susannah Deming Solomon Langdon Nathaniel W. Bishop Daniel Tillotson 20 aaaah 2 2 20 20 20 20 20 20 5 10 2 3 5 CO NO CON A GONO O NON 200 2 2 5 3 2 GLASTENBURY, Samuel Wells Joseph Wright David Hubbard Zepheniah H. Smith Hezekiah Hale Benjamin Hale Walter Hale Leonard E. Hale Roger Gibson William Wilson Chester Hills Aaron H. Blish Samuel Gibson Oliver Brainard Elisha Goodrich Ezra Dayton Jerusha Goodrich Amos Deane Jesse Strickland Joseph Kilborn Nathan W. Hale Henry H. Wells Jesse Tryon Thomas Hubbard Justus Blinn Sampson Horton Jonathan Wells Russell Chapman Ransom Tomlinson Jeremiah Post Joseph Wells Ralph Carter Mervin Dayton Horatio Holister David E. Hubbard 2 SIMSBURY. 10 Allen McLean 20 Ursula Stebbins 2 Samuel S. Stebbins Elisha Phelps Calvin Barber John Bestor 12 Lydia G. Humphrey 2 Titus Barber 2 Jeffery O. Phelps 5 James Goodwin 2 12 Asaph Tuller 5 5 SOUTHINGTON. William Robinson Selah Lewis Sally Lewis 2 Chester Whittlesey 3 David L. Ogden John E. Benjamin Levi Hart Josiah Andrews Timothy Hart Jude Hart Lyman Andrews Reuben Hart 2 Sylvester Norton Seth Peck 1 Franklin Hitchcock 1 C. and H. Graniss Arnold Atwater 2 Philemon Woodruff Enos Clarke Amon Mathery Mark Lane 2 50 Phinehas Pardee Theodosius Clarke 5 Urban Barrett 2 Root Gridley John Wightman Leverett Curtis Roswell More Roswell Hart 12 Stephen Walkley 2 2 2 ANNOOOOO 10 2 1 2 1 ܙ܂ GRANBY. Appleton Robbins Walter Thrall 1 22 Dls.IC 5 oor en Goa 5 2 10 2 2 2. 10 5 2 SUFFIELD. Asa Butler William Gay Jonathan Pomeroy Charles Sherman Christopher Jones Peletiah A. Burbank Alanson Pease Harvey Bissell Asaph L. Bissell Oliver Rising Nathaniel Rising jr. Horace Kendall Thadeus Granger Dyer Woodworth Asabel Hatheway jr. Samuel Smith Simon Kendall John Lewis Luther Loomis Joseph Pease Epaphras King Elizabeth Leavitt Samuel Hanchett John W. Hanchett Benajah Owen Andrew Denison Thadeus Taylor Thadeus Lyman Curtis Rose Ezekiel Osborn Israel Harman jr. John A. Sheldon 8 ଦ ତ ଜ ଣ ତ ଏ ?ଦ ଦ ଦ ଦ ଦ ର - ନ । QC C C ara Dls. C. Riley Coleman 12 John Francis jr. 5 Daniel Russell jr. 2 Frederick Buckley Ashbel Dickeman 2 2 Thomas Griswold 2 Ashbel Wells Sarah Buck 2 John Palmer James Griswold 2d 2 Samuel Galpin 2 Martin Kellogg 2 Martin Kellogg jr. 2 Joseph Camp 2 Simeon Stoddard 100 Jeremiah Seymour 2 Josiah W. Griswold 2 Theodore Seyniour 2 Josiah Atwood 25 James Wells 2 Origen Wells 2 Amos Andrus 10 Roger Wells 2 Joab Brace 5 Martin Robbins 5 Levi Lusk 5 William W. Turner Charles Woodward 2 Calvin Chapin 1 2 WINDSOR. 3 James Loomis 2 Martin Ellsworth Henry Newberry John Sargeant 50 Harriss Haskell 50 Herlehigh Haskell 20 Roger Phelps 20 Elihu Roberts 20 Odiah Loomis 20 Guy l'alcott 20 Job Drake 20 Horace Filley 20 F. Bissell 20 Almerin Gillett 15 Seth Dexter 5 Samuel Strong 5 David Gibbs 5 John Sill 5 William S. Pierson 5 James Bennett 5 Luther Spalding 5 Joseph Russell 5 Henry Sill 5 David Grant 5 Carlton Wilcox 5 William Griswold 5 I.evi Hayden Richard Niles 5 John T. Waters 5 ||Cyrus Phelps 5 Origen Griswold 5 Isaac Hayden jr. 5 Nathaniel L. Hayden 5 David Paine 10 Anne Howard 25. 25 25 25 20 10 3 5 5 CO CO CL WETHERSFIELD. John Williams Justus Riley Martin Wells Caleb J. T'enney Winthrop Buck Barzillai D. Buck Samuel B. Woodward Henry Woodward Timothy Stillman Jesse Goodrich Asher Robins Levi Butler Ashbel Robertson Edward Shepherd Selden Miner Frederick Butler George Stillman Thomas Warner James Smith Henry Robbins Elisha Williams Jacob Warner Leonard Wells J. Lincoln Goodrich John Butler Elisha Wolcott Robert Robbins Levi Churchill Jacob Dix Ezekiel P. Belden Stephen B. Goodman 2 3 12 10 12 2 2 oar a ero orar ar Grenade Grotez orar 10 10 10 RONG 60 GGONGO 23 Dls C 51 20 3 51 10 5 5 5 10 2 51 2 20 3 12 21 50 5 2 5 101 Dls CII Daniel Gillett 2 Elnathan Atwates Joshua Latham 2 Titus Street Allen M. Mather 12 Robert Atwater Isaac Owen 12 Marcus Merriman Richard Butler 15 Jebiel Forbes Oliver Filley 3 Russell Hotchkiss John Douglass NEW HAVEN. C. Mac Rae Eli Ives 50 Dyer White Thomas C. Brownell, ann. 2 years 25 B. Bradley Timothy Dwight 20 Joseph N. Clarke Charles Denison 10 W. Hotchkiss Elizur Goodrich 4 John Cooke and Son Eli Whitney 50 William Hillhouse George Hoadley 10 Lisle Lloyd Seth P. Staples 10 John Bradley Normand Dexter S J. Hitchcock, (annually) Nathan Peck 10 A. H. Maltby Henry W. Edwards 10 Charles A. Ingersoll Jonathan Knight, ann. 5 years 5 William Leffingwell Simeon Baldwin 10 John Skinner Charles Atwater 20 Nathan Lyon Stephen Huggins 5 Stephen Mott Chauncey Bunce 10 Friend of the Institution Elijah Thompson 15 John Rowe Cement Gordel 2 Mary Hillhouse David C. Deforest 20 Eli Mix Abraham Bishop 15 Joel Atwater Jeremiah Day 30 Enos A. Prescott Ralph I. Ingersoll 5 S. B. Marshall William Bristol 10 Nathaniel R. Clarke Lucius Atwater, ann. 2 years 5 Benjamin Beecher Abraham Bradley jr. 10 Samuel Forbes William Mix 5 W. Buddington William Mosely 5 S. R. Crane Isaac Gilbert and Sons 10 Philip Saunders Jared Bradley 10 Benjamin Silliman Timothy Bishop 5 Nathan J. Stiles David Austin Parker John Babcock 10. A. S. Bacon and Co. John Babcock 2d. 5 Stephen Twining William H. Jones Joseph P. Hotchkiss John Nicoll and Co. Henry Hotchkiss Nahum Flagg Silas Hotchkiss Nathaniel W Taylor Zina Hotchkiss Nathan Whiting 5 Elihu Sanford 5 BRANFORD. George Williams 10 Jona. Rose 2d. Mary Denison 5 Thadeus Harrison William Austin jr. 2 Butler Harrison Leman Dunning 5 Thomas G. Wolcott Obadiah Hotchkiss and Son 10 Rufus Linsley Henry Oaks Mathew Noyes W. J. Forbes 5 Stephen Smith Charles Chauncey. 5 Reuben Harrison William W. Boardman Julius Maltby H. Daggett jr. Josiah Fowler and Sons L. E. Wales 5 Henry Elliot William Brintnal Mr. Gillett David Daggett 20 James Barker Elisha Hull 3 Willoughby L Lay Jedediah Morse 5 Ebenezer Linsley jr. James Hillhouse 10 John Maltby William McCrackan 10 Ralph Linsley A. Burritt jr. 3 Levi Fowler Leonard Bradley 5 có 66 68 9 Qi gì đi ep 8 GV V9 o o o = ai có gi o co co so vi to 63 m 2 3 3 3 3 2 5 2 1 50 5 3 2 2 2 er Coco o cara a caror ez ornar ao car 3 4 5 3 20 3 2 2 4 2 2 2 5 5 2 24 CHESHIRE. Dis.c. 2 2 2 4 Q OQ Q Q G G QC 4 Rufus Hitchcock Burrage Beach Thomas T. Cornwell William L. Foot Tillotson Bronson Asa Cornwall A Friend Andrew Hull William R. Hitchcock Cyrus Baldwin Stephen Jarvis Richard Beach Thaddeus Street Bethuel Flagg Silas Hitchcock Samuel Hull B. D. Doolittle Asa Tuttle Samuel A. Foot Andrew Hull jr. William Law William Law jr. Levi Langdon Ira Barns Pbilo Barns Reuben H. Roys Isaac B. Moss Dls. C11 George Landon) Joel 1 uttle 12 Samuel C. Johnson David Baldwin 12 William Spencer 5 Jedediah Lathrop George Griswold 2 John Caldwell 5 Nathaniel R. Landon Ann Chittenden Joel Griffing Miner Bradley Samuel Robinson jr. (annually) Joanna Hart Abraham Blatchley 2 Curtiss Wilcox 2 Jonathan S. Wilcox 3 Timothy Grave 2 Theophilus Scranton 2 Phinehas Meigs 5 Theophilus Scranton jr. 5 Benjamin Hart Frederick Lee 12 Julius Willard jr. 2 Elizur Dudley 2 Cyrus Benton 2 Ambrose Dudley 2 2 HAMDEN. John A. Cornwell Elam Bradley S. W. Linsley Elijah Hart 5 Samuel Atwater 1 Aaron Chatterton 2 Alfred Bassett 5 Jared Bassett 5 2 MERIDEN. 2 Othniel Ives 2 Samuel Paddock jr. Isaac I. Hough Samuel Yale 2 William Yale NNNNNNGG NO NO CONNNANNOT GOT NO W DOM 2 10 2 2 2 1 31 5 2 DERBY Phebe Stiles Thomas Vose John Humphrey Mary Humphrey Zephaniah Swift Sarah M. Swift Leman Stone Isaac Jennings Levi Hull William Thompson Lyman Smith jr. Edward Crafts Ralph Gates R. Hitchcock Shelden Smith Jeremiah French Bezaleel Gates John Lewis ܟܬ ܟ ܘ ܝܝ ܟܨ ܟ ܗ ܟ ܟ ܟ ܟܬ ܝ ܟ ܟܬ ܟܨ ܝܝ ܚ ܝ 2 MILFORD. Jehu Clarke William Strong Abijab Carrington 2 EAST-HAVEN. Bela Farnham Nicholas Street Elnathan Street Moses A. Street Ebenezer Hemingway Edmond Bradley James Thompson John Hemingway NORTH-HAVEN. William J. Boardman Joel Ray Daniel Pierpont Eliador Sanford Joseph Foot Justus Bishop GQ QQ QUAM QUO QUO NON Q ORANGE. Stephen W. Stebbins William Stebbins 2 GUILFORD. Nathaniel Griffing William Todd, (annually) Joel L. Griffing do Samuel Elliott Samuel Robinson WALLINGFORD. Caleb Cook James Carrington John Andrews 4 2 25 Dis.C. 5 5 2 10 Non E. M. Pomeroy Lyman Cannon Miles M. Carrington Joshua Atwater Henry L. Beebe Amos Dutton Caleb Atwater Jno. D. Reynolds Constant Kirtland Selden Yale Benajah Moss Abel Cook Malache Cook Aaron Cook 2 2 3 Dls.C. Russel Hubbard J. W. Kinney 1 William Rogers 5 Erastus Coit 1 Charles Perkins 1 Hezekiah Perkins 15 William Williams jr. 2 Henry Strong James Lanman Daniel Lathrop Mrs. Lathrop Abel Griswold 1 Jesse and Simeon Breed 10 Ralph Bolles Hezekiah Tracy Joseph Perkins 5 Appleton Meech 2 Charles Rockwell 3 F. A. Perkins 5 Joseph Breed Jedediah Huntington 2 Daniel Havens Erastus Davison A Friend 2 2 20 10 2 2 2 WATERBURY, Amasa Goodyear Jesse Porter John Kingsbury Joseph Porter Edward Field Frederick Leavenworth James M. L. Scovil James Brown Samuel Holmes Bennett Bronson Austin Steele 10 COOL Greco en cଠି LOOT orto a er 10 2 2 COLCHESTER, John Turner Sanuel Randall Samuel Bridges John Isham jr. and Son Nathaniel S. Woodbridge J. C. Bulkley Salmon Cone Solomon Judd David Deming Henry Champion John R. Watrous Guy Bigelow Howell Rogers Esther Cleveland Frederick Morgan Oliver Rogers Il John Ishan 101 50 5 5 200 50 25 12 15 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 WOODBRIDGE. Thomas Darling Elioenia Clarke Isaac Goodsell Richard Baldwin Noyes Darling NEW-LONDON. Elias Perkins Thomas H Cushing Robert Coit Thomas W. Williams Christopher Manwaring John P. Trott Simeon Smith Increase Wilson Charles Huntington 1. Thompson, 30 dollars, payable in medicine Richard Law Ezra Chappell J. C. Dalrimple Joseph Skinner, of New York Samuel H. P. Lee, 1 gross N.L. Billious Pills, market price, 30 dollars H. G. Broom NORWICH. Joseph Huntington Richard Adams Alfred Mitchell Andrew Huntington Joseph Strong Zachariah Huntington Luther Spalding Nathaniel Shipman Calvin Goddard Dwight Ripley 5 12 FRANKLIN. Reuben Burgess Dyer M'Cali Joseph Harvey Jason W. Kingsley Susan Tracy Jobn Gager Othniel Gager Jared Hyde Amasa Hyde 50 12 5 1 1 50 501 20 20 10 10 10 10 101 10 GROTON. John O. Miner Rufus Smith Latham Avery Elisha Avery Noyes Barber Elijah Bailey Rufus Avery Russell Gallup James Gallup Seth Williams 20 5 12 5 10 5 2 10 26 Dls, C. 2 |Dls,C. 2 Joshua Barstow 5 SALEM. 3 Henry Perkins 12 2 2 20 Warren Williams Erastus Williams Timothy Tuttle Joseph S Avery Frederick A. Avery Ebenezer Morgan Adam Larabee Susannah Lester Ralph Hurlburt Asa Prentice Ebenezer Avery jr. Norman B. Brown Cyrus Allyn Lathrop Allyn Sanford Stoddard Isaac Gallup Gurdon Bill David Geer Phineas Holdredge Eneas Morgan 2 20 2 2 2 50 2 1 5 10 5 2 GRISWOLD. John Breed (annually) Daniel Wight Elijah Lester William Tucker Joseph Leonard Elizabeth Leonard Nathan Stanton Horatio Waldo Lucius Tyler STONINGTON. 5 Ira Hart Samuel F. Denison Stephen Babcock 2 A. Stanton jr. Nathan Smith 1 J. W. Stanton 1 Ephraim Williams G. Hubbard James P. Sheffield 2 Enoch Burrows Joseph Scholfield Simon Rhodes Elisha Faxon 2 John Kirby Thomas Palmer Peleg Hancox Stephen Avery Elias Brown Daniel Eldridge John Hyde Simon Carew Dudley Randall D. C. Smith William Lord Thomas Noyes William Randall Amos Gallup 2 Peleg Dennison 2 E. Fanning Giles R. Hallam 1 B F. Phelps Thomes Noyes 2d. 50 C.H. Smith 3 Paul Burdick Jonas Breed 3 Thomas Noyes Amos Ross, of Westerly QQQQQ 3 3 10 2 5 2 1 LISBON. Tyler Brown Roswell Adams John Reed Jedediah Safford Samuel Leavitt jr. Sylvester Johnson Andrew Clark J. Matthewson 1 1 John Gray 3 ΣΥΜΕ. . Nathaniel Matson Thomas Sill 5 5 2 2 3 NORTH STONINGTON. Cyrus Williams Samuel Chapman Levi Crocker Elias Smith John Browning Joseph Ayres jr. Nathan Pendleton Chester Smith 5 1 1 2 2 2 1 ] WATERFORD. James Rogers 2d. Peter Latimer Thomas S. Perkins Gilbert Rogers Isaac Rogers Paul Rogers Christopher Browne William Gorton Richard R. Morgan Benj. Brown George Gibson PRESTON. Stephen Meech J. N Brewster Isaac Avery Amos Avery 2d. Eleazer B. Downing Dennison Palmer Moses Hillard William B. Brown FAIRFIELD. Roger M. Sherman David Hull Eben Dimon Samuel A. Nichols David Barr A. G. Jennings Hez Osborn Walter Thorp 50 20 12 3 10 3 27 Dls ic. Russell B. Botsford Seth Comstock John Rider jr. Fry and Gregory Ezra Gregory Ezra Boughton Friend Starr Elijah Sanford Nathaniel Bishop Russell Benedict Abel B. Blackman Seth Seeley Ebenezer Stevens er Coco en Co Co o 60 o Cobo anan 12 5 Dls C Caleb Brewster 4 Bradiey Perry 3 Charles Perry 5 Joseph Perry 2 Eleazor Bulkley 3 Ebenezer Osborn 5 W. B. Nash 5 J. Sturges and Timothy Atwood ticket, 5 dollars--blank 00 Jeremiah Sturges and Henry Sher- wood-ticket, 5 dollars-Det product 17 Obadiab Bradley 3 Agur Judson Samuel B. Sherwood 25 E. Swift 5 William Richards Eben Jesup 10 Burr Bradley Lewis Nash 2 Stephen Morehouse 3 Seymour Taylor 2 Mary Clift 5 Ann Ripley 2 Mary Kent Walter Thorp jr. Aaron Sherwood 5 Gideon Tomlinson 12 Walter Bradley 5 A. D. Baldwin 5 David Hill 5 Eben Banks S Aaron Burr 2 Joseph Hyde 5 Samuel Jackson 2 Corey Taber 2 Talcott Banks 2 Solomon Disbro 2 Lewis Raymond 3 Levi J. Downs John D. Wilson 5 Daniel Sherwood jr. Eunice Banks Abigail Couch 2 Thomas T. Rowland E W. Hooker 5 Daniel Bradley Samuel Avery 5 5. 2 5 NOG W ON 1960 NOWOCG BRIDGEPORT. Benjamin Brooks Enoch Foote William Peet, ann. 4 years Elijah Waterman Eben Fairchild, ann. 3 years Sylvanus Sterling Henry Burr Wilson Hawley Reuben Tweedy Daniel Sterling William De Forest Charles T. Nichols E. Seeley George Hayt Isaac Burrows Nathan Tisdale David Sterling Ezra Gregory DARIEN. Bell and Waterbury John Weld jr. 2. 5 2 GREENWICH. Isaac Lewis jr. Isaac Lewis Samuel Bush Zopher Mead Isaac Mead Abraham Mead Silas Davis Shadrach Mead Stephen Waring Zenas Mead Amos Mead Justus L. Bush William Knapp Joshua Ferris 1000 or morar con G bor Gr er en DANBURY, Stephen B. Benedict Eliakim Wildman Samuel Tweedy Zalman Wildman Russell White Alanson Hamlin Moss White Russell Hoyt Eli T. Hoyt Horace Bull Fairchild Wildman Mather B. Whittlesey John Rider Daniel Comstock David Foote Reuben Booth 2 2 251 25 20 101 10 101 5 3 2 HUNTINGTON. Joseph Shelton Joseph Hull Ebenezer Beardsley Sturges Bulkley Hezekiah Rudd Samuel P. Mills David B. Newton 2 2 oerer coco GOO 10 10 5 NEWTOWN. Daniel Burhans Mrs. Catherine Burhans 5 9 28 Disc O O Q Q 25 a Timothy Shepherd David V. B. Baldwin Henry Beers Ezra Glover Czar Keeler William Edmond L. P. Hickok Ebenezer Turner Charles Chapman Abner Beers Samuel C. Blackman Caleb Baldwin Harman Warner Joseph Dick John Judson Bennett Glover Abijah Merritt Abiel B. Glover LLL 09.09.09. aa ܝ ܗ ܟ 1 5 Dls 5 Erastus Seeley 5 Husted and Hoyt 5 Samuel Raymond 3 Ebenezer Ayres Caleb Benedict 5 Eliphalet St. John 3 Ebenezer Carter Theophilus Fitch 3 READING 3 Judson W. Seley Lemuel Sanford Abiel K Botsford John D. Merritt John M. Heron Aaron Sanford jr. 2 Jonathan Bartlett 2 Simeon Mernger RIDGEFIELD. 2 Nehemiah Perry 2 Abner Gilbert Samuel Stebbins Richard Randall Jesse S. Bradley William Hawley 2 Elijah Hawley 2 Thaddeus Keeler 5 Isaac Lewis 2 Samuel M. Phelps 5 Elisha Hawley Nathan Smith jr. 10 | Phillip Bradley 5 William Crocker 5 Harvey Smith 2 Thomas Hollingshead 10 Jabez M. Gilbert 5 James Stuart 2 S. C. Lyny 2 David Burr Nathan Burton 12 John Benedict 10 2 STAMFORD, John W. Holly 2 John Davenport 2 S. H. Miner 2 Fitch Rodgers James F. Palmer Samuel Lockwood jr. 5 Charles Hawley Daniel Smith John Sheldon A Friend 2 Do Abraham Davenport J. Wood 1/25 Charles Knapp 2 Ebenezer Ferris NORWALK. Danie! Platt Dan Taylor Aaron Adams Seth Taylor Stephen Hanford Abijah Hanford Taylor Hurlburt George Scribner Charles Gildon Joseph Platt Sylvester Eaton Clarke Bissell Hawley Olmsted Ebenezer D. Hoyt Henry Belden Jonathan Knight Eliphalet Lockwood R. Sherwood John Eversley Robert Cameron Hezekiah Betts W. and B. Lockwood Samuel Cannon Stephen Lockwood W. M. Betts E. B. Bennett S. Mallory and Co. Thadds. Betts Ebenezer Phillips Benjamin Isaacs M. I. Street Jesse Curtis Samuel Gray Buckingham St. John Nathan Odell Chichester and Quintard Elnathan Church Joseph Lockwood Enos Kellogg ar er 1 a N ROLO NONONO VOOQ QOCO 10 10 ANONOOOGONONNO ODRONNGON 30 5 10 3 5 3 3 5 10 5 10 10 2 2 의 ​2 4 2 NEW-CANAAN. Samuel St. John Samuel S. Noyes Joseph Silliman William Bonney Gr No to a TRUMBULL. Stephen Gregory Robert Middlebrook Stephen Middlebrook Stephen Beardsley 29 Dls C David Brewster Joseph Palmer jr. Joseph Palmer Edward Keyes Alva Simons Benjamin Bosworth 5 10 1 2 5 2 5 Dis. 4 20 10 4 2 WESTON. Jesse Wakeman Stephen Wheeler Stephen Jennings David Silliman Abel Gregory Joseph Bennett Gabriel Baldwin Ira Baldwin Walker Sherwood Peter Silliman Eli Adams Ebenezer Seeley 5 2 1 2 WILTON Charles Smith A Friend Asabel Raymond David Willard Mathew Marvin A. R. Betts Jonathan Middlebrook Sylvanus Haight Samuel Comstock Bela St. John Samuel Olmsted Daniel Church jr. Zadock Raymond Summers Middlebrook IT ACT CT QUOI CHOT I QU 3 5 2 2 10 2 5 10 2 2 2 2 CANTERBURY. John Clarke Andrew Harris Thomas Coit Jedediah Johnson Andrew T. Judson R. Adams Daniel Frost jr. Solomon Paine Job Rood Ethan Chaffee Samuel L. Hough Thomas B Pellet Festus Baldwin Elijah Baldwin HAMPTON. . Roger and Solomon Taintor John Tweedy Philip Pearl jr. Thomas Grove jr. Asahel Hammond Ludovicus Weld 2 30 2 2 2 1 2 NO 2 12 BROOKLIN. Daniel Putnam David C. Bolles Eleazer Mather Vine Robinson Jonathan A Welch Godfrey Brown Charles Sabin Uriel Fuller Thomas Backus jr. Paddock Richmond Samuel I. May, ann. 5 years P. Dennison George Martin Pascal P. Tyler Ebenezer Spalding William Putnam Adams White jr. Thomas Huntington Bela P. Spalding en werG610 ON-NCO CO GING 20 2 5 5 50 KILLINGLET, 5 Hezekiah Howe 2 5 PLAINFIELD. 3 Orrin Fowler 1 50 Joseph Eaton 3 Ebenezer Eaton 2 Elkanah C. Eaton 1 John Douglass 2 Lott Morgan 10 Rowland Greene 2 William Kinne 1 Josiah Fuller 3 Sessions Lester James Gordon Joseph Hutchins 3 Isaac Knight 2 POMFRET, Thomas Hubbard Elisha B. Perkins 20 Janies Porter 10 Oliver Grosvenor 20 Job Williams 20 Darius Matthewson 10 Zephaniah Williams 5 Peter Hall 5 Squire Sessions 5 Asa Copeland 2 Ebenezer Thompson 5 Smith Wilkinson 5 Mary Sumner Samuel H. Lyon Samuel Ingalls 201 Walter Lyon 20 5 5 13 Go C G7 67 67 as on az Er Der er 20 CDO NON SONO GO ON A WINDHAM. Zephaniah Swift Peter Webb John Taintor Charles Taintor Thomas Gray Andrew Frink Levi Johnson Dudley Hovey M. and J. Cleveland Timothy Warren Benjamin Dyer 5 1 5 ASHFORD. Minor Grant 30 Darius Hutching Nathan Paine J.P. Hall GINOO THOMPSON. Joseph Watson George Larred Simon Davis Dls C. 2 20 5 10 2 4/25 20 2 2 2! ܘܗ ܟܟ ܟܬ ܟܨ ܘܬ WOODSTOCK. Ebenezer Stoddard Thomas Morse Andrew A. Williams Asa Child Alva Underwood Abram W. Paine Andrew Williams Dan Lyman John M'Clellan Jedediah Kimball George Bowen William Bowen Spalding Barstow William K. Greene James M'Clellan Samuel Backus William Child Benjamin Hubbard 10 2 2 1 10 10 10 1 Dls.IC Truman Smith 2 Benjamin Tallmadge 5 Moriss Woodruff John Welch John M. West (annually) 5 Grove Catlin Julius Deming 2 Alanson Abbey Amos Galpin Ebenezer Bolls 10 5 BETHLEHEM. 3 John Langdon (annually) 2 Conant Catlin do Abel Peck do Joseph H. Bellamy Chauncey Hall (annually) Phinehas Crane Adam C. Kasson 2 Lucy Leavitt 1 Sheldon C. Leavitt 2 2 CANAAN. 1 Joshua Cornwell 5 Joseph Peet Silas Beckley 1 Fitch Ferris 2 Josiah Lawrence Samuel Bennett John J. Catlin 200 Andrews and Stevens 20 Samuel Forbes 30 William Adams 30 Benajah Douglass 20 William M. Burrall 20 20 GOSHEN Erastus Lyman 20 Theodore North Jonathan Thompson 15 Truman Starr 20 Abraham Norton 2 Ebenezer N. Thompson 2 Theron Towner 20 John P. Porter 3 David Wadham 10 Moses Wadham jr. 5 Adino Hale 1 Moses Lyman 2 Giles Griswold 20 Timothy Collins 20 Alexander Norton 2 Helmont Kellogg 5 Alfred Walter 50 |Augustus Mills 3 George Cook 50 John Osborn 2 J. H, Collins 75 Augustus Thompson 3 Ambrose Collins 10 Samuel Chapin 2 HARWINTON. 3 Roswell Abernethy Abijah Catlin 2 Isaac Catlin 3 10 10 1 3 20 20 LITCHFIELD, Oliver Wolcott Moses Seymour James Gould Asa Bacon William Buel Samuel Bull Abel Catlin Oliver Goodwin Moses Seymour jr. Seth P. Beers Phinehas Miner Ozias Seymour John R Landon Judab C. Landon Uriel Holmes John P. Brace Stephen Clarke James C. Wadsworth Andrew Benedict Charles G. Bennett Frederick Deming Solomon Marsh Artemas Trowbridge Leonard Goodwin Stranger S. Galpin Harry Bulkley Roger Cook Daniel Baldwin Charles S. Webb Jabez W. Huntington Tapping Reeve Horace Gregory A. Kilbourn Ambrose Norton Jonathan Carrington NO NON 50 2 2 10 2 1 2 50 4 1 5 10 10 5 1 1 2 0 N Nowa 31 Dls 2 Dls. C. 2 2 William C. Abernethy Guy R. Sanford Anson Hungerford Phineas W. Nobles Cone 2 2 3 Rodney Rossiter Gideon Woodruff Elijah Warner jr. Ransom Blakslee Apollos Warner 2 1 QQ QC KENT. Asa Blair John Raymond Samuel Chittenden Abel Beech Nathaniel P. Perry John H. Swift P. and D Judd Mills and Mansfield Lewis Mills Mills Bordwell Julius Caswell Elias Smith Nathan Slosson 2 2 1 1 10 10 5 3 50 SALISBURY. 2 Abijah C. Peet 3 John Whittlesey 2 David Lyman 2 John Bissell 2 Samuel Church 150 Asahel Humphrey 50 Henry Fitch 2 Moore Chittendon 2 William C. Sterling 1 Frederick A. Sterling Newman Holly John G. Mitchell Elisha Sterling John M. Holly Luther Holly 5 Eliphalet Whittlesey] 5 Isaiah Bartlet 5 SHARON. 3 John Cotton Smith George King 3 Nathaniel Berry 5 Hezekiah Goodwin 2 Samuel R. Gager Oliver Kellogg 2 Samuel Roberts 2 John J Hollister 2 Alpheus Jewett Horatio Smith Amasa Smith 25 Barnabas Toby John Sears 50 George Kingjr. 2 Charles Elliott 2 Abram Beecher 50 David Gould jr. 25| Ansel Sterling NEW-HARTFORD. William G. Williams Roger Mills Theodore Cowles Isaac and George C. Kellogg Joseph Wells Mark Hamblin Abram Spencer Whiting and Wadsworth Jonathan Marsh Elias Kellogg Chauncey Seymour Andrew Abernethy John Brown 1 20 5 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 9 2 2 5 NEW-MILFORD. Elijah Boardman Lyman Keeler E. Bache Anan Hine Bebee Hine J. Lockwood John Stitson Samuel Canfield Eli Mygatt William Taylor Orange Merwin Samuel Comstock David S. Boardman Stanley Lockwood Andrew Elliot Abel Hine John Taylor aaa TORRINGTON. John Gillett S. Woodward William Battell Thaddeus Griswold Isaiah Tuttle Samuel J. Mills Uriel Tuttle Newton Rossiter Russell Burr Horace Gillett Elijah Gaylord Thomas Watson Uri Curtiss Giles Gaylord Daniel G. Humphrey Daniel G. Humphrey jr. C. Hayden Griswold Woodward P. M. Bissell Anson Colt aaaa aa a aa O7.C NORFOLX. Joseph Battell Augustus Pettibone Benjamin Velch James Shepard Nathaniel Stevens PLYMOUTH. Joel Langdon Eli Terry Lather Hart 10 3 4 150 2 1 3 200 10 5 5 2 20 20 2 32 Dls IC. 1 ] John Barber Reuben Burr Roderick Bissell Epaphras Goodman Oliver Bissell Return Bissell Erastus Hodges Giles Whiting Mathew Grant Alexander Gillett Aaron Smith Miles Beach Lyman Wetmore Levi Munsell George P. Jarvis V&V 03 VOI 1 5 1 1 1 10 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 101 WASHINGTON. Constantine M'Mahon Warren R. Fowler Daniel B. Brinsmade Joseph Clarke Philo Clarke Elijah Hazen Norman Hazen Samuel Leavitt M. E. Mitchell John N. Gunn Youngs Elliott Herman Hine Jonathan Hine Simeon Mitchell Daniel T. Mitchell Curtis Hickox Everts Moody Edward Frisbey Enos Mitchell Abijah Tomlinson Ensign Bushnell Eliphalet Tomlinson William Cogswell Joel Camp Chauncey Camp David Whittlesey Stephen Cogswell David Whittlesey 2d. P. and S. Averill Dls C 1 Josiah Smith jr. 1 Elisha Smith 2 Reuben Hall 5 WOODBURY. 2 Philo De Forest 20 0. Bacon 2 C. B. Foot 51 N. C Sanford 3 Gideon B. Botsford 3 John Strong jr. 1 50 Nathan Burton jr. 2 Matthew Miner jr. Truman Orton 2 Elijah Sherman jr. Horatio Gridley Chauncey Crafs 20 Daniel Bacon 20 Leman Sherman 20 William C. Cogswell 2 Elijah Sherman 2 Steele and Colton 2 William French 2 Marcus De Forest Lewis Beers Aaron Hitchcock 2 Noah B. Benedict 2 MIDDLETOWN. 2 Nehemiah Hubbard 2 Abigail Hubbard John R. Watkinson 4 Simeon North Stephen T. Hosmer 1 homas Miner jr. 2 Edward S. Cone 2 Jacob Sebor 2 John Pratt John R. Crane, 5 and 2 per ann. 3 Mary Alsop jr. Fanny Alsop John Alsop Henry Chauncey 2 George W. Stanley John Fisk 2 James Tibbals Augustus Cooke Stephen Crittenton 3 Allyn Southmayd Minor Hotchkiss A Friend R. D. Rand and Co. J. Barnes jr. 5- and 2 per ann. William Lyman William Johnson Matthew T. Russell 2 Cyrus Hurd 2 H. S, Ward Lucy A. Shaler William R. Swathel E B. Tompkins 2 G. M. Boardman E. G. Southmayd Horace Southmayd Josiah Savage Joshua Stow NOV CV CV CV * QVI O Q R CV mov av 2 100 1001 50 20 20 20 20 5 101 5 10 8 5 5 10 5 WATERTOWN. Holbrook Curtiss Jonas Platt C. and W. H. Merriman David Woodward Samuel Elton Benjamin De Forest 4 WINCHESTER. Luman Wakefield (annually) Jonathan Coe jr Joseph Miller (annually) James Boyd Horace Higley Hosea Hinsdale Bissell Hinsdale Zebina Smith Gideon Hall Reuben Cooke CAT2QVQVL OPOP 20 20 200 33 Hezekiah Rice Joseph Coe Linus Coe William Lyman DURHAM John Swathel Jared P. Kirtland William S. Camp John Hall Joseph P. Camp Guernsey Bates Daniel Bates Charles Coe Thomas Lyman Wedworth Wadsworth Lemuel Camp Dennis Camp G. Chauncey Asahel Strong Timothy Elliott Gilbert C. Willett CONN NOT NOG 7 W Garn GTCO or 8 ONA NON en NOCO O O O OGG EAST-HADDAM. William Hungerford HADDAM. John Marsh James K. Child Selden Huntington Luther Boardman George W. Smith Andrew F. Warner Smith Clarke Dls C Dls.ic. 20 Maria Scovill 5 5 David Williams 2d 5 10 William C. Bull 2 5 Amelia P. Champlin E. S. Mather 1 Joseph Platts 2 Joel Pratt 5 5 Charles W. Hayden 3 Amasa Hayden Henry Hill 2 Ebenezer Hayden 2 5 Samuel Ingham 2 5 Obadiah Spencer 3 George Read George Spencer Alfred Worthington 2 Alpheus Starkey 2 BOLTON Philander Parinerlee 12 Eunice White 7 Elijah White 15 Manton and Nathaniel Hammondl 4 Judah Strong 2 5 Joseph Carver jr. 2 John Howard 4 Ichabod M. Warner 2 10 Isaac Birge 2 20 Martin Alvord 1 20 Nathaniel Hubbard 2 5 Edwin Hubbard 5 Noah Strong 1 20 Amos Cone 1 5 Elijah Strong 2 Abigail Cone 1 Saul Alvord jr. 2 Samuel Williams Elijah Talcott 2 Joseph Carver 2 1 COVENTRY. 2 Eleazer Pomeroy Royal Wales Elisha Edgerton 50 Augustus B. Collins 50 Isaiah Daggett Daniel Burnap 5 Joseph Kingsbury 2! Benjamin House 5 Leonard Hendee 25 Harlem Page 5 50 H. Avery 50 G. Page 12 50 Nathaniel Root 2 L Sweetland jr. 50 Shubael Brewster 50 I. Turner 5 50 Roswell Wright 5 Eleazer Hunt 2 의 ​ELLINGTON. 5 John Hall 12 10 Joseph Abbott 12 Azel Johnson 2 10 Samuel Chapman 12 Solomon Pitkin 5 Isaac M'Cray 2 1 KILLINGWORTH. Dane Lane David Griswold Wilcox and Platts Abraham Pierson Moses and A. Wilcox Bani Dennison CV - CIOCCOQ 3 2 SAYBROOK. Richard W. Hart William Lynde George Pratt William Willard Daniel Ingraham William J. Newell George Dickinson Frederick W. Hotchkiss Daniel Kirkland jr. Samuel Carter Nathaniel Clarke James Ingraham Ezra Clarke Humphrey Pratt Samuel Colt Joshua L'Hommedieu Elisha Hart Amos Sheffield Jonathan Lay Sylvester Selden William W. Lord Joseph Hill Amos Scovill 2 2 GOGORO GIANNNO Cerera 1 QQQ Co QQ 5 34 Dis.C. 2 1 1 1 2 2 100 40 20 Nathaniel Warner Justus McKinney Nathan Johnson L Foster M B. Bull Ebenezer Smith Joseph Smith Josiah A. Kingsbury Levi Wells W. Burdick William Morgan Benjamin Pinney Stedman Nash Allyn Hyde Roswell Charter Asa Willey Eleazer Pinney Elijah Hammond jr. John M'Kinstry M. L. North Robert Hyde Daniel Hyde Willys Russell Dls IC. 2 Jasper Hyde 2 Ephraim Hyde 2 Giddings Hyde 50 Elijah Johnson 50' Benning Mann 2 Miner Grant jr. 50 2 PROVIDENCE, R.I. Obadiah Brown (deceased) 5 Moses Brown 50 2 Brown and Ives 2 SPRINGFIELD, MS. 50 John Hooker 3 Roswell Lee 1 Bezaleel Howard 12 David Ames 4 John Chaffee 2 George Biiss 2 Oliver B. Morriss 2 Daniel Bonticu Solomon Warriner George Bliss jr. WEST-SPRINGFIELD. Justin Ely 25 Miner Stebbins 1 2 SOUTH-HADLEY. 1 Josiah Bordwell 1 2 GRANVILLE. 1 John Phelps 1 BELLOWS FALLS, VT. William Hall jr. 30 WINDSOR, VT. 12 A. Forbes 5 Edward R. Campbell HARTFORD, VT. Elias Lyman James Udall 09 Nova CV QU OVAT 12 12 10 12 101 5 5 5 5 12 HEBRON. John S. Peters Josiah Mack Samuel Sawyer Ellis Joseph Hutchinson John H Wells Lewis Brown Thomas Brown Ralph Gilbert 2 20 20 5 20 1 SOMERS. Solomon L. Fuller H A. Hamilton Walter R. Kibbee Noah Pease Giles Pease Isaac Fuller Ebenezer Clarke Emery Pease jr. Asahel Hubbard Chauncey Davis Isaac H Eaton William Collins Daniel Sexton jr. Nathan Cooley Oliver Collins Oliver Chapin 2d. Samuel D. Chapin Austin Pitkin NNNNNNCN Nagar NORWICH, VT. N. Partridge Thomas Emorson 10 12 SPRINGFIELD, VT. L. K. Morris 5 20 BRATTLEBORO', VT. J. Holbrook CHARLESTON, N. H. William Briggs William Gordon Roswell Hunt STAFFORD. William Rice 51 3 5! 2 $18,871 67 Total amount of the subscription for the Retreat, at present due or collected Total amount due hereafter, not including the two subscrip- tions in goods, nor the subscriptions which are annual for an indefinite period 183 00 $19,054 67 35 BY-LAWS OF THE SOCIETY. VOTED, That all subscribers, who shall add to their pres- ent subscriptions, sums sufficient to make Directors for life, Members for life, or for one year, shall be admitted to the same privileges as the original subscribers. Voted, That every subscription under twelve dollars, shall render the subscriber, a member of the Society, half the num- ber of years that the subscription amounts to dollars. Resolved, That the Annual Meeting of the Society, for the choice of Directors and other business, be holden at the State-House in Hartford, on the 2d Wednesday of May, at 2 o'clock P. M. of which meeting the adoption of this reso- lution, shall, to all concerned, be legal warning. Resolved, That the Annual Meeting of the Directors, shall be holden at the place of the Annual Meeting of the Society, immediately on the adjournment of the same. Resolved, That other than Annual Meetings of the Society, may be warned at the request of the Directors, by the Secre- tary, who is to give notice of the same, in one or more news- paprs published in the State. I order to a more distinct view of the periods of member- ship, and to facilitate the duties of an Annual Report of mem- bers belonging to the Society, Voted, That in all future ad- missions to membership of this Society by subscription, the rights of membership founded on such subscription, shall commence with, and be continued from the Annual Meeting next succeeding the return of such subscription to the Secre- tary of the Society . n Society for the clips of for the clips of the insure. 2584