4224 5786 he 20 ORGANIZED Selections of Plantation AS SUNG BY A. D. 1878. Songs THE WORLD RENOWNED COLORED. VOCALISTS Permanent Address. Delaware, O. ORGANIZED IN 1873. The Famous Company అ Donavin's "Famous" Tennesseeans. 1873. ELEVENTH ANNUAL TOUR. 1883-84. SIX YEARS of Unparalelled Success in the Western States! First Trip East Since 1877.3+er My last visit to the East with the TENNESSEEANS was in the season of 1876-77. The demand on me for Concerts has been so great in the West that I have been unable to visit the East since the date mentioned. I have now determined to take the Famous Tennessee- ans, Colored Concert Company, East for the season of 1883-84. This is in response to a per- sistent demand for them by a large number of those who heard them on their former trip, or more recently in the Western States. Since our last visit a number of Colored Companies have travelled through the Eastern States, claiming and professing to be the Original Tennesseeans. At this writing there is one giving concerts in Western Pennsylvania (en route east), claiming to be the Original Tennesseeans. This company, with all others who have laid claim to "Origi nal Tennesseeans" are frauds, and are unworthy of support. I am no longer annoyed by these impostors in the West; they have fled from the territory where I am prominently known, and I am determined that they must cease to impose their fraudulent companies on the Eastern people. It is my intention now to give my celebrated Company to the East until every hamlet shall be able to distinguish between DONAVIN'S "FAMOUS" TENNESSEE ANS, and the weak imitators of my great organization. The testimonials which precede the visit of my Advance Agent are of such a pronounced character that there is no possibility of mistaking his identity. No other troupe can furnish testimonials of such weight and character. (See 3rd Page of Cover. 1. 34. 8! -77. isit ee. per- or Ive Allegro. RISE! SHINE! AND GIVE GOD THE GLORY, 1. Yes, Do you I think I'll make a think you'll make a soldier, soldier? Do you think I'll make a soldier, sol - dier; Yes, I think you'll make a soldier, soldier ? soldier, sol- dier; ம Fine. : Do Yes, you think I'll make I think you'll make a a sol dier, sol sol - dier, sol dier? The year of dier; The year of Ju - bi Ju - bi lee. lee. -- CHORUS. In staccato style. B ns. ng gi. ese 11 le. be Ors Rise! shine! an' give Gol de glory, glory, Rise! shine! an' give God Rise an' shine, an' de give God ent glory, glory, 6- -- her de glo - ry. glory, -4 Repeat, pp. P The year of Ju - bi lee. 2 Fighting for our Master Jesus, Jesus, etc., In the battle he will lead us, lead us, etc. Cho--Rise! shine! ete 3 We are climbing Jacob's ladder, ladder, etc., Every round we're climbing higher. higher, etc. Cho--Rise shine! etc CHORUS. STEAL AWAY TO JESUS. Steal a- way, steal a - way, Steal a way to Je - sus! Steal a - way, steal DUET. Fine. a - way home, I aint got long to stay here. 1. My Lord calls me He calls me by the 2. Green trees are bending--Poor sin -ners stand a D. C. al Fine. 1. thun - der; The trum - pet sounds with - in trem-bling; The trum - pet sounds with - in my soul, I my soul, aint aint got long got long to stay here. to stay here. 3 My Lord calls me- He calls me by the lighting; The trumpet sounds within my soul, I aint got long to stay here. Chorus. 4 Tombstones are bursting- Poor sinners stand a trembling; The trumpet sounds within my sou, I aint got long to stay here. Chorus. DONAVIN'S "FAMOUS" TENNESSEEANS, The famous Colored Vocalists, whose fame is universally acknowledged, are the Finest Colored Vocalists Living, as the Press, Pulpit and Public affirm. C CHORUS. GOOD NEWS! THE CHARIOT IS A COMING. Moderato. Con anima. Good news, ENTIRE COMPANY. Good news, Al sigore del tempo. Good news, good news, the har-iot is a com-in', Good news, the char-iot is a com-in' - way, good news news, by the stand a good news, the C. al Fine here. here. he 1 good char-iot is a com-in', an' I don't want you to leave a me behind. 011 811 // 1. J Gwine to 2. Dar's a When de get up in de chariot a carry me home, Gwine to get up in de char-iot a car-ry me home, Gwine to big camp-meeting in de heaven, my Lord, Dar's a big camp-meeting in de heav-en, my Lord, Dar's a trum pet blow ju bilo, When de trum-pet blow dat ju bi lo, When de hope dat trum- pet will blow me home, I hope dat trum-pet will blow me home, I dat get up in de chariot я big camp-meeting in de carry me heav-en, my trum- pet blow hope dat dat trum-pet will ju bi blow me home, Lord, lo, home, An' don't want you An' I don't want you An' I don't want you An' I don't want you to leave રી me to leave a me to leave a me to leave a me be- hind. be-hind. be-hind. be- hind. Dar's no back-slidin' in de heaven, I know, An' I do n't want you to leave a me behin', Dar's no back-hitin' in de heaven, I know, An' I don't want you to leave a me behin'. Dar's milk an honey in de heaven, I know, An' I don't want you to leave a me behin', No rebukin' in de churches in heaven, I know, An' I do n't want you to leave a me behin' WE'LL CAMP A LITTLE WHILE IN THE WILDERNESS. Allegro ma non troppo. ENTIRE COMPANY. CHORUS. ff We'll camp a little while in the wilderness, few days, few days, we'll camp a little while in the wilderness, an' then we'll all go home. 04- DUET. Sop. and Tenor. Repeat verses. CH A PA 1. You'd bet-ter 2. You'd bet-ter 3. You'd bet-ter con estusiasms. b'lieve de be be Bible, You'd bet-ter b'lieve de be pray-ing, You'd bet-ter a be marching, You'd bet-ter a Chorus to 3d stanza. a a Bible, You'd bet-ter b'lieve de be bet-ter pray-ing, You'd be marching, You'd bet-ter a a Bi- ble praying marching C HOME We'll shout a little while in the wilder ness, few days, Crescendo e incalcendo poco a poco... f An' den we'll all go home. ff few days, we'll shout a little while in the wilderness an' then all we'll go home. 1 go home verses. ble y-ing rching 2 days, ome. CHORUS Adagio religioso. SWING LOW, SWEET CHARIOT.-Arioso Cantate. QUARTETTE. Sustenuto. 1 p Aflitto. Sustenuto. Swing low, sweet char i ot, Con- ing for to f Afittando.. carry me home. Affitto. Swing low Sustenuto. sweet char - i ot, Coming for f Afflitt.. to car ry me home. Dim. Marcato la melodsa ed accell... 3 Coming for to f Affl... car-ry me home? Mar. la mel. ed accell. 1. A band of an - - gels 2. Tell all my friends I 3 I'll tell you of my brightest day, Coming for to carry me home. When Jesus washed my sins away, Coming for to carry me home. Chorus.- 1 I 2. If looked over Jordan and what did I see you get there before I do, Com-ing for to carry me home? f Accell. Dim. com-ing af ter me, am com-ing to, 4 I'm sometimes up and sometimes down, Coming for to carry me home. But still my my soul feels heavenward bound, Coming for to carry me home. Chorus.- DONAVIN'S FAMOUS TENNESSEEANS -:THE: Talented & Refined Colored Concert Company Are singing to crowded houses nightly. The popularity of this Company becomes greater daily. It is tin in anpa a the Seve be eith cpan rese inuara I not mvell nee C1. Th at acc Over 3000 Concerts Given in the United States & Canada thugh And every mail brings calls from all sections from parties desiring to engage these famous singers. Lecture Associations, Churches, Individuals, and others wishing the services of DONAVIN'S "FAMOUS" TENNESSEEANS, Address, J. W. DONAVIN, Prop. & Manager. Executive S. K. DONAVIN, Business Manager. R. C. HUBBARD, Advance Agent. Staff. J. W. DONAVIN, LOCK BOX 65. DELAWARE, O. porie mics retat Pnise Pam ++BEWARE OF THE MANY IMITATORS. 1884 Donavin, J. W; Do (Sink fund) 27653 It is with pleasure and pride that I look back over the life of this Company. I organized them in 1873, on the very heels of the great panic, and yet their each year has been marked by an unparalelled success, and they have given more than 3000 Concerts in 21 States, 3 Territories and the Canadas. Last season commenced September 5th, 1882, and closed June 26, 1883; they sang every night except Sunday, and every concert gave unbounded satisfaction, and they have been either invited to return or have been Re-engaged in Nearly 200 Places. No colored company except my own gives a varied entertainment that delights ALL classes of people nightly represented in an audience, and the fact of their having an established reputation warrants me in guaranteeing them to be the safest company for local auspices to handle ever in organization. Do not be deceived by the many imitators who have sprung into existence merely because of the marvellous success attained by my WELL-KNOWN Company. The Tenneesseeans were organized by me ten years ago to raise funds for the Central Ten- nessee College. The Company and myself were under the control of the Freedman's Aid So ciety. After completing a thoroughly successful engagement of several seasons with the society, and accomplishing the purpose for which they were organized, I saw that the public was not through with these extraordinary vocalists. They were at once re-organized under my own proprietorship, and in so doing I promised the public that the standard of the company and their music should be the same as that maintained when in former years the Tennesseeans won their reputation of being the most popular colored company ever organized. That I have kept this promise, and am still keeping it, I refer to the voice of the press and pulpit. Believe me, for good music, Your Jonly Pam 1884 Donavin, I Do EVANS GAS PRINT DELAWARE