WILLIAM L.CLEMENTS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN HISTORY UNIVERSITYOF MICHIGAN ООО Wa Iryon SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON Natin aben not in Evans LAH.O. Beren. Wilh.c, sen his tiges fund Chim crtani I 132 Prog 4 Lece me e never to his her me the reason, your home, qe te, dat le Thic MANUAL EXERCISE, EVOLUTIONS, MAN CEUVRES, &C. TO BE OBSERVED AND FOLLOWED BY THE M M I L I TI A OF THE PROVINCE OF N E W-r0 R K: WITH SOME RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THEIR IM- PROVEMENT; &C. AND AN EXPLANATORY PLATE. By COLONEL GUY JOHNSON, ADJUTANT GENERAL for the NORTHERN DISTRICT of that PROVINCE. By ORDER of his ExceLLENCY W I L L I AM T RY ON, ESQ; GOVERNOR and COMMANDER in CHIEF. Α Ι Β Α Ν Υ: PRINTED by ALEXANDER and JAMES ROBERTSON, at their PRINTING OFFICE in PEARL-STREET, M.DCC.LXXII. DEDICATION. TO HIS EXCELLENCY W I L L I AM TRY ON, Ese; CAPTAIN GENERAL and GOVERNOR in CHIEF of the Province of New-York, &c. &c. &c. SIR, a WHEN I undertook the following little Piece, I was ſenſible that its Reception depended much more on the Nature of its Object, than the Merit of the Performance, and that a firſt Attempt towards a Syſtem of Diſcipline for the Militia of this Province might attract your Attention, when it could lay no Claim to your Favor. The Honor your Excellency has ſince confer- red on me, by pointing out ſome neceſſary Alte- rations and Improvements, and by directing its Publication under your Sanction; as it was more than I had Reaſon to expect, fo, I truit, it will influence the Gentlemen for whoſe Uſe it is in- tended, as much from the Conſideration of your Experience and Abilities in Military Affairs, as و from [ 4 ] from your Authority as Commander in Chief of this Province:-----But, Sir, I will not incur your Diſpleaſure by attempting your Panegyric, well knowing that where it is moſt due it is leaſt ac- ceptable. I have the Honor to be, with great Reſpect, Sir, your Excellency's moſt obliged and moſt obedient Servant G. JOHNSON. [ 5 ] sue Asgeimniscēs TANSSCEAS BEEN SeXNNA es & GRYNO Pasva yeesya THE HE following Rules, Diſcipline, &c. are intended as an In- troduction to a more perfect Syſtem, whenever the Circum- ſtances of the Province may admit of it: They contain ſome of the moſt effential Parts in Ufe in his Majeſty's Army that can be attained by a Militia, without overburthening them; and altho' the Times limited for Field Duties may incline many to think that the ſame is impracticable, there can be no Doubt, bur that under the Care of Officers who will themſelves take Pains, the greateſt Part may be ſoon acquired. The Eſtabliſhment of Grenadier Companies to be ſelected out of each Regiment, and more ſtrictly attended to, will probably excite a Spirit of Emulation, that may reflect Credit on our preſent Mi- litia, and contribute much to the Security of the Province here- after, which without ſome ſhare of Diſcipline and Order can never be expected. The Expence neceſſary for their making a more re- ſpectable Appearance is moderate ; a Begining has been made in fome Parts of the Province, the Progreſs of which will doubtleſs merit the Attention of the Gentlemen who command Regiments. RULES, REGULATIONS, &c. FOR THE M M I L I T I A. I LI TI TH HAT every Reginent, conſiſting of ten Companies, ſhall have a Grenadier and Light Infantry Company. The Battalion to conſiſt of eight Companies or Sub-Diviſions, making four Grand Diviſions of two Companies in each, and the Officers to remain with their own Companies as well during the Firings as Exerciſe, &c. The [ 6 ] The Grenadiers to be choſen from Volunteers throughout the whole Regiment, to have uniform Swords and Cloaching, at the Diſcretion of the Colonel, with Bearſkin Caps, having in their Front the Letters G. R. in Cypher, and underneath the Number of the Regiment and name of the County to which they belong. The Light Infantry to carry ſmall Hatchets, with ſuch other Dif- tinctions as the Colonel ſhall find moſt fitting: The Grenadier Officers to wear an Epaulette on each Shoulder; all Oficers to wear Cockades, and both Officers and Serjeants to carry Fufees for the Future. Proper Colours to be provided for each Regiment, the King's, or firſt Colour, to be the Great Union throughout, and in the Center, the King's Cypher within the Garter and Crown over it. The ſecond Colour to be that of the Regiment, with the Union in the upper Canton, and in the Center the Name of the Province, County, and Number of the Regiment. The Size of the Colours to be fix Feet fix Inches flying, and fix Feet deep on the Pike; and as each Company has now a Colour (which is incommodious) that they be placed in the Reſerve during Reviews. That the Drums (of which the Grenadiers ſhould have two) be painted with the Colour of the Regiment, and the ſame Inſcrip- tion on the Front as is directed for the Center of the ſecond Colour. That four Serjeants and four Corporals be appointed to each Company, giving Preference to ſuch as have ſerved in his Majef- ty's Regular, or Provincial Troops. Each Company to have a call and ſize Roll, in which the men's Names are to be inſerted according to their Ranks, as Front or Rear Rank, and they are to be well inſtructed in the Rank and Diviſion to which they belong, to facilitate the drawing them up: The Men to be drawn up in two Ranks, for all Field Exerciſes ; the talleſt in the Front Rank, and their Names to be regularly called over each Time they Aſſemble, at their Captain's Quarters, by a Serjeant of the Company: Orders that regard the whole Re. giment to be read by the Adjutant, thoſe relating to a ſingle Com- pany by an Officer, and the Militia Law to be read at leait once a Year to each Company. Officers to ſee that the Men appear clean and decent under Arms: That they are ſober, and behave with Decorum on their Way to and from, as well as at the Reviewing Ground, and that their Arnis and Accoutrements are in good Order : That they be taught [ 7 ] taught to carry their Firelocks well, which is a very eaſy Ac- quirement that will add much to their Appearance : And, That ſuch Men as have ſerved in the Regulars, or Provincials, be placed on the Right of the Front Rank in each Company, that the reft may take the Motions from them: That ſome Perſon well qualifi- ed be choſen for a Serjeant Major in each Regiment, and that the Serjeants and Corporals be appointed from thoſe who are beſt ac- quainted with Duty and Diſcipline. That all Officers be particularly careful in expediting any Or. ders they may receive, and in making faithful Returns in the Time and Manner they ſhall be directed: That they endeavour to en- courage the Men in the Attention to Field Duties, as tending to the Credit of the Province and to their own Honor: And, That both Officers and Men avoid Diſobedience, Murmuring, or any Marks of Envy or Diſreſpect, which betray an Ignorance of the Value of Subordination, the Baſis of all Order and Diſcipline ; ever remembering, that thoſe who are unwilling to obey, are unfit to command. Poſition of a SOLDIER under Arms. a 10 Toes a little turned out; Breaſt a little projected; Shoulders ſquare to the Front; the Right Hand down the Side; Palm cloſe to the Thigh; Firelock on the Left Shoulder, as low as may be. without Conſtraint; the three laft Fingers under the Butt; the Fore Finger and Thumb before the Swell; Flat of the Butt againſt the Hip Bone, moderately preſſed, and to ſtand before the Hollow of the Left Shoulder, not leaning, but the Barrel nearly perpendi- cular. To be exact in counting a Second, or One, Twe, between each Motion The [ 8 ] The MANUAL EXERCISE. WORDS of COMMAND. Motions. No. of EXPLANATION. 1. Poiſe your 2. 2. Firelocks! 1f, Seize the Firelock with your Right Hand, and turn the Lock outwards, Firelock perpen- dicular. 2d, Bring it with a quick Motion from the Shoulder, and ſeize it with the left Hand jufta. bove the Lock, ſo that the little Finger may reft on the Spring, and the Thumb lie upon the Stock ; the Firelock not too far from the Body, and the left Hand to be of an equal Height with the Eyes. 2. Cock your Firelecks! If, Turn the Barrel oppoſite to your Face and place your Thumb upon the Cock, raiſing the Elbow ſquare at this Motion. zd, Cock your Firelock, by drawing your El- bow down,placing your Thumb upon the Breech Pin, and the Fingers under the Guard. 3. Preſent ! if, Step back about fix Inches with the right Foot, bringing the left Toe to the Front; at the fame Time the Butt End muſt be brought to an equal Height with your Shoulder, placing the left Hand on the Swell, and the fore Finger of the right Hand before the Tricker, finking the Muzzle a little. Pull the Tricker briſkly, and immediately af. ter bringing up the right Foot, come to the priming Pofition, with the Lock oppofite to the right Breaſt, the Muzzle the Height of the Hat, keeping it firm and ſteady, and at the ſame Time ſeize the Cock with the fore Finger and Thumb of the right Hand, the back of the Hand turned up: Hal-Cock your Firelocks! Half-bend the Cock briſkly with a drawback of the right Elbow, bringing it cloſe to the Butt of the Firelock. 6. Handle your Cartridge! 1. Bring your right Hand with a ſhort Round to your Pouch, flapping it hard; feize your Car- tridge and bring it with a quick Motion to your Mouth, bite the Top well off and bring your Hand as low as the Chin, with the Elbow dowo. Shake the Powder into the Pan, placing the three laſt Fingers behind the Hammer, with the 4. Fire! 1. a 7. Prime! 1. Elbow up. If, Shut [ 9 ] WORDS of COMMAND. Motions. No, of EXPLANATION. 8. Slut your Pans! 2. 9. Charge with Cartridge! 2, . 10. Draw your Rammers! I 11. Ramdo un jour Cartridge! 1št, Shut them briſkly, drawing your right Arm at this Motion towards your Body, hold- ing the Cartridge faſt in your Hand, as in the former Poſition. 2d, Turn the Piece nimbly round to the loading Poſition, with the lock to the Front, and the Muzzle the Height of the Chin, bring- ing the right Hand behind the Muzzle ; both Feet kept fait in this Motion. 18, Turn up your Hand and put the Car- tridge into the Muzzle, ſhaking the Powder in- to the Barrel. 2d, Place your Hand, cloſed, with a quick and ſtrong Motion, upon the Rammer. 11. Draw the Rammer with a quick Motion half out, ſeizing it at the Muzzle back-handed. 2d, Draw it quite out, turn it, and enter is into the Muzzle. Ram che Cartridge well down the Barral, in- ftantly recovering and ſeizing the Rammer back- handed at the Center, turning it and entering it as far as the lower Pipe, placing at the ſame Time the Edge of the Hand on the Butt End of the Rammer, with Fingers extended. Return it, bringing up the Piece with the left Hand to the Shoulder, ſeizing it with the right Hand under the Cock, keeping the left Hand faſt at the Swell, turning the Body ſquare to the Front. If, Quit the left Hand and place it ſtrong 2d, Quit the right Hand and throw it down the right Side. if, Seize the Firelock with the right Hand, turn the Look outwards. 24, Raiſe the Firelock from your Shoulder, and place your left Hand with a quick Motion above the Lock, holding the Piece right up and down in both Hands before you, and your left Hand even with your Eyes. 3d, Step briſkly back with your right Foot, placing it a Hand's breadth diftant from your left Heel, at the ſame Time bring down the Fire- lock as quick as poſtible to your Reſt, ſinking it as far down before your left Knee as your right Hand will admit without Conftraint; your B left 12. Return your Rammers! 1. 1 Shoulder your Firelocks ! 2. upon the Butt. 14. Reſ pour Firelocks! 3. [ 10 ] WORDS of COMMAND. Motions, No. of EXPLANATION. 3. 15 Order your Firelocks ! 16 Ground your Firolocks ! 4. left Hand at the Feather-ſpring, and your Right, with Fingers extended, held under the Guard, taking care to draw in the Muzzle well towards your Body, and to dreſs in a Line with the Butt- End. 1ſt, Place your Firelock nimbly with your left Hand againſt your right Shoulder. 2d, Quit the Firelock with the right Hand, and finking it at the ſame Time with your Left, ſeize it at the Muzzle, which muft be of an e- qual Height with your Chin, and hold it cloſe againſt your right Side. 3d, Lift up your right Foot, and place it by your Left; at the fame Time throw back your left Hand by your left Side, and with your Right, bring down the Butt-End ſtrong upon the Ground, placing it even with the Toe of your right Foot; the Thumb of your right Hand ly- ing along the Barrel, and the Muzzle kept at a little Ditance from your Body. iſt, Face to the Right upon your Heels, and at the ſame Time turn the Firelock, ſo that the Lock may point to the Rear, and the Flat of the Butt-End lie againſt the inſide of your Foot, at the ſame Time flipping the right Foot behind the Butt of the Firelock, the right Toe point- ing to the Right, and the Left to the Front. 2d, Step directly forward with your left Foot, about as far as the Swell of the Firelock, and lay it upon the Ground ; your left Hand hang- ing down by your left Foot, and your Right kept faſt with the Butt-End againſt it. 3d, Raiſe yourſelf up again nimbly, bringing back your left Foot to its former Poſition, keep- ing your Body faced to the Right. 4th, Face again to the Left upon your Heels, and come to your proper Front, letting your Hands hang down without Motion. iſt, Face to the Right upon both Heels. 2d, Sink your Body down, and come to the Po. ſition deſcribed in the ſecond Motion of Ground- ing. 3d, Raiſe yourſelf, and Firelock, bringing it cloſe to your right Side. 4th, Come to your proper Front, ſeizing the Firelock at the Muzzle, as in Explanation Fif- teen. 3d, Slip 17 Take up your firelocks! 4. [ 11 1 Words of COMMAND. Motions. No, of EXPLANATION. 18. Ret your Firelocks! 3. 199 Shoulder re your Firelocks! 20. Secure your Firelocks ! 3. 1A, Slip your right Hand down the Barrel as far as the Swell. 2d, Raiſe the Firelock high up, in a perpen- dicular Line from the Ground, with your right Hand, and ſeize it with the Left above thes Spring, the Cock the Height of the Waiſt-belt. 3d, Step back with your right Foot, placing it behind your left Heel, and come to the Reit. iſt, Lift up your right Foot, and place it by your Left; bring the Firelock at the fame Time to your left Shoulder, and ſeize the Butt-End with the left Hand, keeping it in the ſame Po- fition as above deſcribed. 2d, Throw your right Hand briſkly back. iſt, Bring the right Hand briſkly up, and place it under the Cock, keeping the Firelock ſteady in the ſame Poſition. 2d, Quit the Butt with the left Hand, and feize the Firelock with it at the Swell, bringing the Elbow cloſe down upon the Lock: The right Hand kept faſt in this Motion, and the Piece fill upright. 3d, Quit the right Hand, and bring it down your right Side, bringing the Firelock nimbly down to the Secure; the left Hand as high as the Waift. 1/1, Bring the Firelock up to a perpendicular Line, ſeizing it with the right Hand under the Cock. 2d, Quit the left Hand and place it ſtrong up- on the Butt. 3d, Quit the right Hand and bring it down the right Side. As explained in the three Motions of the Fourteenth Word of Command, --- it being the ſame with the Words Reſt your Firelocks! but the Regular Troops have their Bayonets fixed when they Preſent their Arms. iſt, Bring up the Firelock, with a quick Mo- tion high before you, till your left Hand comes even with your Eyes, with the Fingers of that Hand extended along the Stock, juſt above the Feather-fpring: The right Foot to be brought cloſe up to the left Heel in this Motion, 2d, Face to the Right, taking Care in facing to hold the Firelock right up and down, and fteady in your Hands. 3d, Step 2 Shoulder your Firelocks ! 3. 22. Preſent your Arms! 3 4. To the Right Face ! 23 2 [ 12 ] WORDS of COMMAND. Motions. No, of EXPLANATION. 3. 3. 24. To the Right Face! 25. To the Right about Face! 26. To the Left Face ! 3. 3d, Step back with your right Foot and come down to your Preſent. As in the foregoing Explanation. As in the foregoing Explanation, coming to the Right about inſtead of to the Right. 1/1, Bring the right Foot briſkly to the Hol. low of your Left, with the Firelock in the ſame Poſition as in the firſt Motion of facing to the Right. 2d, Face to the Left. 3d, Come down to the Preſent. As before. As before, coming to the Left about, inſtead of to the Left. As in the two Motions of Explanation Nins- 27. To the Left Face ! 28. To the Left Face! ب با 3 3 29. Shoulder your Firelocks ! 2. . teen. The PLATOON EXERCISE. Words of Command Words to be given by Officers command- when Inſtructing ing Diviſi. the Men. No. of Motions. EXPLANATION. ons. Recover your Arms! Prime and Load. if, Come ſmartly to the Recover, by ſpringing the Firelock ſtraight up with the left Hand, turning the Barrel inwards to the proper Height of the Recover; at the ſame Time that the left Hand ſprings the Firelock, the right Hand is raiſed briſkly from the right Side, and ſeizes the Firelock acroſs the Breaſt; as it riſes below the Cock, the left Hand comes with a quick Motion from the Butt, and ſeizes the Fire- lock ſtrong above the Lock, the little Fing- er of the left Hand at the Spring of the Lock, the left Hand at an equal Height with the Eyes, the Butt cloſe to the left Breaſt, but not prefled, the Firelock perpendicular, op- poſite the left side of the Face. 2d, Bring the Firelock down with a briſk Motion to the priming Poſition, the left Hand [13] Words of Command Words to be given by Officers command when Inſtructing EXPLANATION. the Men. No.of Motions. ing Divifi- ons. a Shut your Cafi about ! Hand holding the Firelock, as in Priming, the Thumb of the right Hand placed againſt the Face of the Steel, the Fingers clenched, and the Elbow a little turned out, that the Wriſt may be clear of the Cock. 15 3d, Open the Pan by throwing up the Steel with a ſtrong Motion of the right Arm, turning the Elbow in, and keeping the Fire- lock feady in the left Hand. Handle your Cartidge! 4th, Prime ! 5th, Pans ! Oth, 7th, Theſe Motions have Load c.! 8th, and 9th, been already explain- Draw Rammers! Ioth, and 11th, ed. Ram down your Cartidge! 12th, Prime and Return your Rammers ! 13th, Load. Shoulder &c! 14th, and 15th.J N. B. The Motion of Recover and coming down to the priming Poſition, and opening Pans, 10 be done in the uſual Time. The Motions of bandling Cartridge, to Mutting the Pans, to be done as quick as pos- ſible; when the Pans are fout, a ſmall Paule is to be made, and caſt about together; then the loading Motions are to be done as quick as poſſible; but before the Rammer is return- ed, another Pauſe is to be made, counting One, Two, between each Motion, till the Firelock is Shouldered. ORDER SON DOVOD 3371 r 14 ] ORDER for Forming a ſingle Company and marching the ſame to the Reviewing Ground of the REGIMENT. VACH Company to be drawn up at the Captain's Quarters, E TALLEST MEN. LOWEST. On the Right. On the Left. Captain's (Right. 11, Lieutenant's Left. The -Poft is on the 2d, Lieutenant's Left of the Captain. (Enſign's J Right of the iſ Lieutenant, Each Officer at four Paces in the Front of the Men. Serjeants on the Right of All, Corporals next, and then the Drummers. When the Arms, &c. are inſpected, the Company is to be form- ed into Ranks. Divifion on the Right } making the [ Front Rank. Left Ranks at fix Paces apart, and the Corporals to fall into them. The Company will then be formed into Diviſions, or march- ed in fuch Order as is moft convenient to the Reviewing Ground, where the eldeſt Company is to draw up on the Right; 2d Com- pany on the Left; 3d on the Left of the Firſt; 4th on the Right of the Second, &c. with an Interval of three Feet between each. As each Company Wheels to come up into its Ground, the Drum marches forward 12 Paces (beating the Troop) then comes to the Right about, and continues beating till the Officers are at their Pofts. Pioneers (if any) advances two Paces beyond the Drum, and Faces alſo. When the Officers come up to the Front, they are to Face to the Right about, and Poſt themſelves at four Paces from the Front Rank, the Captain oppoſite to the Right, the ift Lieutenant the Left, the 2d Lieutenant on the Left of the Captain, and the Enſign on the Right of the ift Lieutenant. The Serjeants then quit the Flanks, and form a Rank in the Rear, four Paces from the Men, ordering their Arms, and when the Officers have ſeen that the Men cover, and Ranks are drefled, the Captain gives } Rear a [ 15 ] Ranks Sat at open Order 26 or I 2 gives the Word to the Subalterns, who come to the Left about to- gether. The Major is then to make them Face to the Right and join (leaving the proper Interval) and to receive the Field Return, which each Captain is then to deliver him, ſpecifying the Names of the Commiſſioned Officers preſent or abſent, the Number of Non- Commiſſioned Officers and Men under Arms, Number of Ab- fentees and why. N. B. a Pace is two Feet PACES. FEET. 12? Afunder Lat cloſe Order The Grenadier Company is to draw up at eight Paces from the Right of the Battalion. The Light Infantry at the like Diſtance from the Left. The Grenadier Drums and Fife on the Right of their Company, thoſe of the Light Infantry on the left of theirs. As the Companies join, the Drums, except thoſe that are Or- derly, Face to the Right and Left outwards, and march till they are clear of the Wings of the Battalion, then Face towards it, and inarch till they come on its Flanks, dreſſing with the Front Rank. ThePioneers (if any) are to march at the fame Time, dreſſing in one Rank at eight Paces from the Right of the Grandiers. N. B. The Colours will be brought into the Field with the Regiment, and the Reſerve, which is to be taken from the Center Companies, to conſiſt of from eight to ten Files. ORDER for ReviewING and FIELD. EXERCISES to be Obſerved by each REGIMENT. T' HE Companies being joined, and the Oficers, &c. Poſted as before directed, the Regiment will be in two Ranks at fix Paces or twelve Feet aſunder. The Files about four Inches apart, and a proper Interval be- tween each Company. Each Company is to form a Sub-Diviſion and two Companies a Grand Diviſion. The Colonel (if reviewed by a General) will Port himſelf ſix Paces in the Front of the Colours. The [ 16 ] The Lieutenant Colonel on the Left of the Colonel, two Paces before the Oficers. The Major on the Right of the whole. The Adjutant on the Left, and the Quarter Maſter (if not a Battalion Officer) between the Battalion and Grenadiers. N. B. If the Colonel Reviews his Regiment, or is abſent, then the Lieutenant Colonel takes his Poft, and the oldest Captain takes that of the Lieutenant Colonel, The General, Colonel, or other Reviewing Officer, is then to be received with the Compliment due to his Rank; when he is with. in twenty Yards of the Battalion, the Major gives the Word, PRESENT your ARMS! and when he has faluted, Pofts himſelf in the Front, and gives the Word for the uſual Facings, ſhould the Reviewing Oficer go round; and as the Reviewing Officer is proceeding to Poft himſelf oppoſite the Center, The Major Orders them to SHOULDER! The Regiment will then be ordered to March paſt the Review- ing Officer. If by Sub-Diviſions, the Major will give the follow- ing Words. Rear Rank, The Officers Recover their Arms, and Face, cloſe to the Front ! as in the following Order of March. The Serjeants do the ſame. March! The Rear Rank ſteps off with che left Feet, and marches five Paces, the Officers move to their Poſts and halt, Facing outwards and Ordering their Arms. By Sub-Diviſions, The Sub-Diviſions turn their Heads to the To the Right Wheel! Left. Marcb! The Grenadiers, the eight Sub-Diviſions, and the Light Infantry Wheel. Halt ! The Diviſions turn their Heads to the Right, the Officers order their Arms. March ! The whole ſtep off together. ORDER of MARCH. The MAJOR The Pioneers (if any) in two Ranks with a Non-Commiſſioned Officer in Front. The Grenadier Company, the Captain advanced two Paces be- fore the Lieutenants. The f 17 a 2 he DRUMS and FIFE. The QUARTER MASTER (if not a Battalion Officer.) The MUSIC (if any) in a fingle Rank, The COLONEL, advanced four Paces before the next Rank of Officers. The right Hand Sub-Diviſion, or firſt Battalion Company, led by its CAPTAIN, fix Paces before the Front Rank. The ift LIEUTENANT, at four Paces, on the Right, the 2d LIEUTENANT, on the Left, and the ENSIGN, in the Center. The SEREANTS to be on the Flanks. The DRUM and FIFE. The other ſeven Companies or Sub-Diviſions in the like Order. The ENSIGNS, with the Colours at the Head of the fifth Sub- Diviſion. The LIEUTENANT COLONEL, in the Rear of the 8th Sub- Diviſion. The LIGHT INFANTRY Company. The ADJUT ANT. The Diſtance between each Sub-Diviſion to be nearly equal o its Front. The Ranks march at cloſe Order till they have made the ſecond Wheel, and then to take their Diſtance at 6 Paces. After they have marched paſt the General the Ranks are to cloſe before they Wheel, and to continue in cloſe Order till the Battalion is formed. On which the MAJOR. Orders. Rear Rank The Rear Rank faces to the Right about, the take your Diſtance! Officers recover their Arms and face to their former Poſts March ! The Rear Rank ſteps off with the left Feet, marching five Paces, halting with Heels cloſed, the Officers take Poft as at firſt. To the Front The Rear Rank comes to the Right about ; Face! the Officers face to the Front, and Order their Arms, as do the Serjeants. The Battalion being again formed, the Major is to direct the General Salute as follows. When the Men come to the Reft, the Drummers Arms ! beat a March. The Major then raiſing his 'Sword and dropping the Point, gives the Signal for all the C Officers Preſent your [ 18 ] . Oficers to Salute together, and the Enligns to drop the Colours When the Major raiſes the point of his Sword again, the Officers put on their Hats. He then Orders ; Shoulder your Firelocks ! N. B. As tbe Militia have no Bayonets, they may ix lieu of the Words, Preſent your Arms, receive the fol. lowing, Reſt your Firelocks ! , The Battalion will then be formed for Exerciſe, which may be done by Words of Command till they can take it from Signals o the Drum, as follows. Drun beats Orderly Drum beats a Rafle and Caution. a Flam! Officers and Serjeants recover their Arms at three Motions. Flam! Officers face to the Right about, Serjeants face to the Right and Left from the Center, Drummer face outwards. Flam and Officers march through the Intervals on the Right Troop! of their reſpective Companies, 9 Paces in the Rear. The Serjeants march at the ſame Time by the Flank of the Battalion, directly forward till they paſs the Line where th General ſtands; then face to the Right and Left inwards, and march till they have divided the Length of the Front between them Two Serjeants of the Grenadiers and two of the Light Infantr do the ſame, the reſt remain on the Flanks. The Drummers marc ſtraight till they paſs the Line where the Major ſtands ; they the face inwards and march, taking Poft behind him, and faced to the Center till the next Flam. Flam! The Officers come to the Right about; Serjeants and Drummers, face, and Front the Battalion. Flam! The Officers and Serjeants order their Arms at tw Motions: The Regiment is then to go through the Manual and Platoon Exerciſes, as herein before directed ; after which the Officers, & return to their Poſts by Words of Command or Signals from th Orderly Drum, and the Regiment will prepare for the Firings a next directed. N. B. The Grenadiers, &c. being at their poſts, they will receive n Words of Command nor alter their Poſition, but at cloſing the Rank. the Drummers may beat a point of War, accompanied by the Fifers Take P 19 ] Take Care to perform The Major will give theſe Words as a Caution the Firings ! and then Order them to Prime and Load ! Officers and Serjeants advance their Arms, and the Officers face to the Right about. Rear Rank cloſe to The Rear Rank clofes to the Front, the Offi- the Front! cers at the fame Time march into the Intervals, March! thoſe commanding Companies, &c. coming to the Right about, and dreſſing in the Front Rank, and the Super- numeries paffing through the Intervals of their Companies to the Rear. The Captains on the Right of the Colours to take Poſt on the Right; and thoſe on the Left, to take Poft on the Left of their reſpective Companies, the Poſting of which, &c. will appear from the annexed Scheme. The Serjeants at the ſame Time fall into their Places at the In- tervals; and the Officers of the Grenadiers and Light Infantry go to the Right about, when the ſame is done by the reſt of the Of- ficers. The Major will then acquaint the Colonel that the Battalion is ready, and ride to his Poft, in the Rear of the Right. The Colonel advances his Arms, and having received the Ge- neral's Orders for the Firings, &c. proceeds to fire the Battalion, taking Poft, advanced before the Reſerve. The Lieutenant Colonel in the Front Rank of the Reſerve. The Enſigns, with the Colours in the Rear Rank of the Reſerve, with two Serjeants in their Rear. The Drummers at four Paces in the Rear of the Center of their Companies. The Orderly Drummer to remain with the Commanding Officer. The Major in the Rear of the right Hand Grand Diviſion. The Adjutant in the Rear of the Left. N. B. If the Colonel reviews his Regiment, or is abſent, the Lieuten- ant Colonel takes Post in the Front of the Battalion, the oldeſt Cap- tain in the Front Rank of the Reſerve, and the next, in the Rear of the Reſerve. Firings by S U B-DIVISIONS ſtanding. Caution. By the Commanding Officer? Preparative. The Officers commanding the ift and 8th Sub- Diviſions, ftep forward one Pace. Sub f 20 ) The Officer of the oft Sub-Diviſion gives the Word, Sub-Diviſion Make ready! Preſent ! Fire! When the Officer commanding the 8th Sub-Di viſion ſees the iſt Sub-Diviſion make ready, he immediately gives the Word, Sub-Diviſion ! When the ift Sub-Diviſion Preſents, the 8th makes ready. When the ift Fires, the 8th Preſents and Fires, and ſo on by every Officer commanding a Sub-Diviſion, till the Battalion has fired (if thought neceſſary) two Rounds; always keeping proper Time between each Word of Command, ſo as not to hurry the Men, and to be two Words of Command later than the Officer who immediately Fires before him. The Grenadiers make the gth and the Light Infantry the roth Fire, on the Light Infantry's firing the 2d Round, the firſt Part of the Engliſh General beats and the Firing ceaſes, it being the Signal for all Firing to ceaſe. By SUB-DIVISIONS advancing. Caution. Battalion ! March! The Battalion advances dreſſing by the Center. Halt! The Battalion dreſſes by the Right. Preparative. The Battalion Fires as before directed for Sube Diviſion ſtanding By SUB-DIVISIONS retreating. Caution. Battalion ! To the Right about Face ! March ! The Battalion retreats, dreſſing by the Center. Halt ! The Battal on drefles by the Right. To the Front Face! The Battalion faces to the Right about. Preparative. The Battalion Fires as before directed for ade vancing. Ву P 21 I By GRAND DIVISIONS ſtanding, Caution. The Officers commanding the ift and 4th Grand Preparative. Diviſions ſtep forward one Pace; the Officer of the ift gives the Word, Grend Diviſion Make ready! Preſent ! Fire ! On the Fire of the iſt, the Officer of the 4th gives the Word, ſo on till all have fired. The Officers command- ing the Grenadiers and Light Infantry are to give the Caution when the laſt Grand Diviſion makes ready, and when it has Fired, the Grenadiers and Light Infantry receive the Words of Com- mand from their own Oficers. Make ready! The Commanding Officer then gives the Words, Grenadiers and Light Infantry! Preſent ! Fire! N. B. As ſeveral of thc Militia Regiments Fire tolerably well by Compaa nies or Sub-Diviſions ſtanding, it may reaſonably be hoped, that with a little Pains,they will do ſo advancing and retreating, both by Sub and Grand Diviſions, after which they may proceed to Fire by Wings or half Battalions, &c. and then be inſtruEted in a few Maneuvres. Advancing and Retreating by FILES, from the Right of Com- panies or SUB-DIVISIONS. WORDS of COMMAND. EXPLANATION. The Battalion is ſuppoſed to be marching, and receives the Words of Command. Sub Divifons ! The two Right Files of each By the Rigbt, advance by Files ! Company, march two long Paces forward, the reſt of the Battalion forward, March ! OD turn to the Right. Each Company Wheels by Files to the Left, and follows thoſe which moved forward. The Das ( 22] WORDS of COMMAND. EXPLANATION. Form the Battalion ! March! Sub-Diviſion's ! Retreat by Files by the Right! March! The Battalion is then advancing in eight Columns, each of two Men in Front: The two leading Files of each Company ſtands faſt, the others turn to the Left; and then wheel to the Right, which forms the Bat- talion to its former Front. If ordered to Retreat. The two Right Files of each Company face to the Right about and retreat, the others face to the Right, and the Files of each com- pany follow the two which lead. The Battalion retreats in eight Columns The two leading Files of each Company ſtand faſt, the others turn to the Right, and wheel to the Left; when the Cornpanies have compleated their Wheelings, the whole Battalion comes to its proper Front, by the Words of Command. F079% De Battalion ! March ! To the Right cbout ! Face! IGN N. B. Whenever it is found practicable, the Commanding Officer may Order, that, as each Company forms to its former Front, from Columns advancing, the Men ſhall make ready and come down briſkly, receiving the Words (Preſent! Fire!) from their own Officers. When the Battalion has preformed the forgoing, or ſo much as may be required, they will conclude the Field Exerciſes with a Volley, by the following Words of Command. Battalion ! The Battalion ſteps off with a quick Pace, and March! when it has advanced as far as the Commanding Officer thinks proper, he Orders. Hak 23 Halt! At which the whole ſtand faſt. Battalion 1 Make ready! Preſent! Fire! At which the whole comes to a Recover. Rear Rank ! Take your proper Diſtance ! The Rear Rank moves backwards, without fac- March ! ing to the Right about ; the Officers move out to the Front, Half Cock your Firelocks ! The Officers and Serjeants order their Arms. Shoulder ! Shut your Pons ! After which the Regiment is to be diſmiſsed. N. B. In dreſſing Ranks, the Men hould obſerve to ſtand upright, and without ftooping, to caſt their Eyes to the Right and Left, and ſee the third Men's Breaft. In marching and wheeling, they ſhould obſerve the fame Rule as in dreſſing the Ranks, lift up their Feet with ftiff Knees, and ſet them down firm without ſtamping. That they may Wheel with Celerity, when they receive the Word March! the Flanks are to ſtep off, with a quick but ſtrong Pace. As ſoon as the Wheel is preformed, a Signal is given from the Flank, on which they catch the flow Pace again. In all wheelings to the Right, they are to caſt their Eyes to the Left, except the left Hand Man; and in wheelings to the Left, to caft their Eyes to the Right, except the right Hand Man; obſerv- ing to touch the Hand they wheel to, without crowding, and to take particular Notice of their right and left Hand Men, and alſo of their File Leaders, &c. And the Officers, to teach them to quicken their Pace occaſionally, in proportion to the Proficiency they appear to make in Difcipline. A BATTALION in order of BATTLE, ready to go through the Firings. FRONT of the BATTALION. L. C. نرز Capt. LIFT, L. Colonel. Li. Col. S. L. D. FO OF OF 2d. Compy. ||4th. Compy. 6th.Compy. 8th, Compy. E. E. 7th,Compy. 5th.Compy. 3d. Compy. iſt, Compy. Capt. TöL. RIGHT. Lt. Infantry Grenadiers. enos À wie ܠܲܢ ܫ ܘ ܪ ܣ ܪ ܒ ܤ ܘ 3 3 a 3 Adjutant. Pioneers, Major. Diviſion. 4th Grand Divifion. 3d Grand Diviſion. 2d Grand Diviſion ift Grand Rear of the BATTALION. D. Drummer: S. Serjeant. E. Enfign. L. Lieutenan C. Captain. 4 2 с. 1772 Jo Johnson, Guy G