º - - ** **** ***** *-** *-** N----> -- * > **** --~~~ º º º The WILLIAM L. º CLEMENTS | LIBRARY N of the º º University of Michigan . § 2^*_2~~~~~~~~~ - : º : º The never was is not nor Inever shall be OI* a narative of the travels of an old revolutionary sol- dier who traveled through the war under the com- mand of our mild herº º'ashington º NEVER WAS IS NOT A marative of the travels of an old revolutionary soldier who traveſed through the war under the command of our mild hero Washington after serving my country eight years from nineteen to twenty-seven years of age having received no compensation for my services but three suits of clothes and some paper money of a small value ſ was now left naked and destitute of property to support me but thanks be to king Je- sus who rules kingdoms and nations siting up and silencing them at his his pleasure I was preserved by his kind providen- tial arm through the revolutionary war and left in a perfect state of health I immediately fell into work for some crafty speculators who lived a distance from where I was a carrying on their business as agent which caused me to contract debts to carry on their business and when my creditors called on my employers for payment they refused to satisfy their demand and the law was put in ſorce against me and I was cast into prison the day after my imprisºnment I received a letter from ºny mother who lived a long distance from ºne my tender mother being a well wisher for the salvation of my precious and immortal soul she cautioned me first to seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all things necessary for time and etermity should be added unto me I read her kind and pre- cious letter in floods of teers the keen convicting arrows from the almighty struck ºne like a slap of thunder to the dust my sins was numberles was set in order before me all the kind counsels of my pious tender mother and the cautions of my affectionate father I had only heard as idle tails which did not agree with my youthful day but what was still more dreadful to my view I had grieved Gods holy spirit times without num- ber from fifteen to thirty five years of age my whole time had been a seeking after hapines in this fleeting world where there is none to be found my grieving Gods most holy and ev- er blessed spirit was the most dreadful thing in my view which appeared to me that I simed a way the day and means of grace that god had suffered and died to purchase for me until I was now thirty four years of age to the everlasting destruction of ºny precious and imorial soul I saw nothing but everlasting black despair to be may everlasting lot through an endless eter- pity a lost heaven plain in my view which I might have had if only had excepted Gods calls by his holy sºil but alas pro- Brastinatiºn had left me without any oil in rºy ºn the - NOR NEVER SHALL ºr º bridegreem of my soul had entered in with his weding guest and the door was shut I saw nothing but a gaping hell ready to receive me my just and everlasting lot in this distral and doleſal situation which mortal tongue cannot express I lay from Friday at two o'clock in the aſternoon until Sunday morning just as the day broke having slept none for two nights Ilay down and sudenly ſell into a deep sleep but suddenly was awºke by the stoppage of my breath and the breath of ºur lord Jesus christ by the office of his holy spirit was breathed into me and I became a living soul I immediately arose and in raptures of joy and thanksgiving to God on the bended fºre of my soul I praised that eternal alwise merciful and glorious God who through his long forbearanee mercy and goodness had been pleased to send dewn his hºly and cyer blessed spirit to dwell in my unworthy clay body my joy was now so great that I could only adore and praise my great redeemer for the great deliverance from that gaping hell ready to swallow me up as it did Dothan and Abiram who arose against noses and Aaron my pºison which but a few minutes before was only a Place of misºry and dark despair was now made a heaven to ºne no less than the house of God and the gate of heaven I walked my prison floor day and nigh after convertion in songs ºf praise and thanks to my great and merciful redeemer for his wºulderfuly delivering Me from the horrible pit and the miry elay and giving me a new name and a white stone that nose knows but those that have it and a new song was put in my ºuth even praise to ºur God for this unspeakable siſt of his holy spirit in this joyful and pleasing situation I waſked my happy prison floor from ºunday morning 9th of April 1791 *il Monday about two o'clock the next day as I was walk- ºng towards the prison window where sun shone bright in the Prison flºor before me there came a light with dazzleing splen- dor that struck me on my head which like electorising ſire struck a pleasing warmth through my whole frame and past of ºn the floor before me it dazed use bright light of the brill- aul sunsuinining in its full strength and past away the night follºwing as I was a walking in meditation and prayer to Ged for humility and wisdom to do his holy will the room being shut up and very dark there was a light that illuminated the ºn resembling the colour of pure gold it was so light that I * * may ſingers & could count them acurately it continued - º 4. Nººrt ºf 45 tº NOT for space of a minute and passed away the day following have ing my mind more calm I set myself down to read the sacred oracles of the inspired writers which became plain to my un- derstanding and to my great satisfaction which but a few days before was a hidden mystery to me a thing of no value O the blindness of the natural mind being now shut ap in prison and mo experienced shristian to direct or counsel me I was brought humbly on the bended knee of my soul to the throne of grace for my kind savior to direct me by the office of his ho- ly spirit the straight and narrow way to his kingdom void ºf my own understanding or the crafty sounsel of the learn- ed of our world I was soon brought by the assistanre of the boy and ever blessed spirit to ask wisdom of God who giveth iberally and upbraideth not after I had read the bible and gºspel through and had become calm and determined to serve the lord with all the powers and faculties that my great re- deemer would in merey please to grant me as I walked the floor in my sappy prison in meditation and prayer for God to teach me what he would have me to do to complete the errand that I was sent into the world to de I was soon answered by a pen swiftly a writing in the corner of the room like that of a ready clerk on paper and leaves spontamously a turning over I saw no visable hand this was done for three days and nights in which time I was brought to supplicate the throae of grace what this singular warning could indicate it soon come sno may mind that I must put on record what H had experienced in prison and what I might hereafter understand I immediately set down and in a short time wrote seven sheets briefly con- taining what the cause was of our forefathers leaving their na- tive land for and crossing ocean and planting themselves on solumbias shore and what had befel them since they setled here I handed the manuscript to the press in New-York in August 1791 the manuscript did ret meet with the approba- tion of law and priest craft therefore there was four of the lear-e clergy and Mr. Hambleton the dewilist on the be- half of our Backstone law party assembled together and I was cated before theim for examination Mr Hambleton asked ºne by what asth sity I had wrote those pointed writings I asked him if I was called before them for examination he said I was I said let that is without sin cast the first stone they asked me if I thought I was without siu I told them what I Nº NEVER SHALL Bº º had written I could nor should not recall but should add more to it they all arose and weat out of the room and leſ: ºne ºn- lone after they had got out of my hearing the majority of them said I ought to be put into bridwell but Mr Copper one of the clergy said that I was illiterate and could do no hurt to law nor gospel for no man of learning would take notice of such writings the night before I was discharged from prisou there was five men committed on suspicion of rebers the gailor told me I had better come out into the other part of the prison I toºd him I thought I might be of ſpore service where I was and I tarried with them it being night they lay down and be- gan to acuse each other of being the means of their imprison- ment in the heigth of their dispute there was a sharp noise passed over them similar to the noise of that of hemlock bºws when you fling an handful on to a hot fire they all were much alarmed and enquired of me what that was I answered that it was the forerunner of death that would be executed on some of them or their misconduct and I further told them that some of then had been guilty of crimes that would have taken their lives b fore now if they had been found out the next moriong I was called out before the judge of the cºurt and examined what I had heard the prisoners say during the night I told the judge of a yellºw fºllow anong them that was guilty of hane- ºus crimes he was in mediately found so guilty that he was put intº the dungeon into irons and he was found guilty of mºder and was hung and two of the others shared the same fate many in our days strive to ºld up that God reveals noth- ing to man ºut the learnt popular part of our wºrld will be doubt be deceived in those last days nº well as they was in al- tient days no doubt Noah was called by the pºpular part of the wºrld in his day a man of grºat folly for building the ark on mount Arrarat and the gospel informs us that eur savejor aud his followers was called a curse been use they knew not the law it our lord and his dºpies was ridiculed by the Jew- sh lawyers tº doubt but the illiterate lines that I write at the present day will be set at naught by the ambicious world: in the present day there was a wo pronounced against Jerusa- lem in our saviors days on earth to being drunkards not with vº e nor strong drisk but with the blood of the poor we will first consider what weapons the drunkards on Gºds footstoel ºakes age ºf to sharia the moral atºcution of sneral world and º ºf ER WAS IS NOT to make them believe that they are a doing justice in murder- inz and destroying his image from the earth the weapons that are made use of by the great ambitious men of the world is pride education and filthy lucre those three canon are made use of in three general branches to charm the industrious part of the world and to make them believe rong is rigt Saul the first king in Israel strove to slay David for doing him a kind- ness so it has been with all ambitious kings ever since see Herred a destroying all the infants so that he and his posteri- ty might keep the throne see the Jewish lawyers condem and crucify the lord of glory see the ambitious great man of the world who style themselves the defenders of the faith a sup- porting a merciless band of robers and murderers of the industrious part of community methinks I see the widows and orphans a standing at the feet of king Jesus in floods of tears a weeping for a kind husband or a tender parent but alas they are nº more they are sank to the botton of the ocean from before the intºzze of some cannon or tumbled into some lºoſe on the lated in many places the waters has been stained and the land manured with intocent blood all to support abitious pride in the second place see what priest craft has done to establish what they call the gospel there has been large quantities of blood shed to establish popular luke warm churches which our world is now filled with see the sºuthern part of the United States who call themselves the crown of liberty a starving and driving their poor black slaves to an access to procure filthy lacre to give their sons liberal education see the northern and eastern states in all kinds of speculation and and craft in order to give their sons liberal education it seems and is plain to be seen that the chief aim of our leading characters in our world at the present day is to get an easy pºpular living and to gath- er a large share of filthy lucre or in grinding the face of the poor instead sf getting their living by the sweat of the facs as the judicious law directs you will see in general these who are coldly bred that follows what they call the gospel for a living if they have a larger sum of filthy lucre offered in a nother place they will leave their flºck and make sure of the flees hear they plainly show to the world that filthy lucre is their main object and a nother mark you may know those wolves in sheeps clothing by they will look down upon all il- literate sex and desebaitiatiºns and call thea igueraut and * - Nor NEVER SHALL BE º - week minded in the same manner the Jewish lawyers son- demned our savior his followers if the above learned charac- ters can get a stand to read their sermons on the Sabbath from some experienced preacher and read them to their hearers once a week and they soon charm their hearers as the serpent did Eve I was in one church in the sºuthern states called the Dutch reformed where the priest read his sermon to the - church in the fore part of the day and in the afternoºn the sºciety met and the deacons read their prayers as a child would their lesson here was priest and deacon craft in one church this teacher teſt his church where he formerly taught for a larger sum of ſilthy lucre one of the same order who said there was inſants in heli who would arise up at the day of judgmen and call their parents acused for not joining the church & procuring sacreºsental ordilance for them he like- wise left his church where he taught a number of years & mov- ediate a city where he doubled his saliery but God saw fit to stop his brean and call him to judgment be left a large prºp- erty that he had accumulated by his craft to three sons who soºn spent it in riotous living and became useless bankrupts we have reason to believe there is many of the college bred ministers concººled under a cloak like the above these are the characters that transform themselves into angels of light - ºnwarly are ravening wolves those are the whited sºpuſ- chºs spoken of which we shall do well to be aware of were there not ten clensed where are the nine none turned to give glory to God but one stranger and that stranger is not to be ſound in no platform on Gods footstool at this day for they are become vain their mouth is become an open sepulchre the poison of asps is under their tongue the way ºf peace they - - - have not known they are general; a set of Breedy barking dogs that never have enough they love the sho!der out of the chaldron like Hoſny and Phineas sons of ſºi they take the calves out of the midst of the stall they ove greetings in the ºnarkets and stand in the corners of the streets and out of pre- tence make long prayer, those are they destiºte ºf the spirit - that devour widows houses they even have established them- º: ords over gods heritage see what a distance the learned º, has varied from the ºxºmple out saviºr lºſt thºut the Jewish natiºn has been left to believe a lie this - - upwards of seventeen hundred years the gºtile nation has - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - º NEVE A WAS IS NOT been a wandering back under types alsh laws to answer their sellish views they have been a teaching for the docterings of of the gospel the inventions of men instead of teaching the plain gospel that our savior left on record our lord left but one church discipline on earth when he ascended on high there is but one lord one faith and and one baptism and that is the holy ghost that god baptised his desciples with before he ascended on high he ſurther told his desciples that it was expedient for him to go for if he went not the comforter would not come which is the genuine baptism that John the baptist speaks of which is the only baptism that ought to be practised since our savior nailed types and shadows to the cross and purchased truth and grace all other inventions of man must be burnt up and the #ons of Levi purified as Malica the last prophet speaks of be- fore the malenium connences atter our lord had riem from the dead he told his desciples to tarry in Jerusalem until they should he empowered from on high god further promises to send his holy spirit down to dwell in all his subjects that will without reserve give up themselves to serve him as Joshua did ihis is the baptisºn that John the baptist spoke of that one should come after that was preferred before him the lachets ºf whose shoes he was not worthy to onloose he shall baptise you with the holy ghost and with fire this is the living water . that our lord told the woman of Samaria that he would have given her of if she only would have asked him for it all other haptisms since our saveiðr gave up the ghost on the cross are - only priesicraft the invention of man the learned clergy has a very easy way to turn circumcision into baptism to answer their popular way and complete their selfish views but all your borrowed sacrements that was tiansacted under the law must be laid aside before or when the melinium commences all sex and our denominations are generally a praying for god to bast- eu the inelinium when at sexs and may see spiritual things a like but each church wants their own platform to be the most agreeable to the gospel and they electioneer for recruits and the ignorant follow the selfish leaders and they generally mer- it the wo that was pronounced against corason Bethsadia and Capernium in our saviors days ºays on earth the men of the world whºm priestcrºft condemns to hell and calls infidels will no doubt be preferred before long fast priestcraft and ma- my of their hypocritical members or the men of the world in NOR NEVER SHALL BE 9 general especialy sailors & soldiers if they chance to fall out or disagree over their cups when they meet in sober blood they will drink friends but long faced rigid priestcraft will not ent nor drink together from generation to generation each church has a platform and each member that joines must confess that the church they jºin is the gate of heaven it is plain that there was but one general temple in Jeausalem in our saviors days an earth which he oversees the tables and poºred out the changers money thal sold doves but before melidium comences it is evident there ºust be a number or all the present plat- forms overset and one established on the same ground that our lord left the church and when he ascended on high how much more pleasing it would be tº our great redeemer to see the leaders of sex; and denominations unite together instead of biting and devouting one another those leaders who makes those discords among the true believes are those that profess and do not profess the spirit of the living God therefore God calls than a generation of vipers hºw can you escape the dam- nation of hell I use to think before I became acquainted with the gospel that all that was preachers was real christians but alas what a wrong idea I found they are just like the rest of - of the ºfficehunters in eur world ºenerally speaking especially º learned clergy who are a continually a seekiºg for stands where they can be called rabies and get the most filthy lucre to ornamate their clay bodies and appear populer in the world and bring up their offspring to get an easy living out of the in- dustrious poor who gets their living as God commands by the sweat of the face you will see the illiterate who preºches the gospel at their leisure hours when they are not called on to preach or visit the sick at some kind of industry but it takes the learned clergy a number of years with large sums of filthy lucrk to learn their trade like other mechanics and when they have got their trade they have nº time scarcely to visit the sick it takes them all the week to study and write their ser. mons to please the world on Sunday this is not only charm- ing the illiterale ambitious world as the serpent did Eve but is contrary to Gods command for he told his desciples to take so thought what they should speak when they was called be- fore kiugs or rulers for the spirit shall teach you what you ought to speak but you that are brought up like other mechanics plaity show to the world that your studies and education are A. ſº. **Y* WAS 15 ºr Jº superier to the spirit of God and that there is no revolution in those days you confess to the world that you have been bewing out to yourselves broken sisterns that can hold no wa- ter agd all your services God might in justica cast back as dung into yºur faces this is truth whether it comes from the heart or mouth but it is to be feared that there is more head knowledge among our learned clergy in those days than there is of heart knowiedge when you travel through new settle- ments you will see the inhabitants hamane and hospitable ready to help each other like brethren but as soon as law and Priesteraſt gets foothold the peace of society is destroyed the priest exists by condemning all platforms but the one he gets his living by the lawyer exists by the litigations and suits that he can make among the people the more disputes he cau raise rimong the people the more money he gets and the better it pleases the aliversary of souls by those two classes of the pºo- ple the peace of society is destroyed and the illegal barington runs off with the spoil in the third place when we was invadid by a strong enemy able to subdue us at ance God suffered no more to come to our shore than we could withstand until our army had got desciplined and strength and then he delivered two armies prisoners to our independent statse to wit general Burgoin end Corºwsilis and when the all wise being saw cause: tº stop hostilities between the two nations and eause the Brit- ish nation to leave out shºres at the injury they did to on un- ion through the war was not sº tºuch dateage as blackstone Hawseed that they lºſt in our union which has been and is like to be more damage to our union than all the forces that ever king George sent to Calaighias shore in the first place the de- sºrtful seed was sown in our loan offices which wrosged the patriotic whigs wigs out of their property in the second place the seldiers who had born the burden and heat of the day after the states had given the soldiers soºne obligations and kands to make them some coºapensation for their services run- mers was sent to the camp in swarms knowing the soldiers ne- ce sity and purchased those abliſations for two shillings on the poani as soon as oar great insexile speculators has got those ºbtigations into their hands that they gave the sºldiers but two shillings on the pound for congress passed an act these should be equal to the specis with interest iſ congress had tº dº the mon- *y is leans good as well as the soldiers untes they had got into Nºt Nºzº SHALL BE. f: their own speculating hands we might have sºme charity for them but as it now stands it is plain to be seen that sp cºlla- tion and craft began at the seat of our government instead of liberty and equality that was cried up in sevan y six the black stones officehunting law characters has taken all the liberties that the common poople was promuised in and since the revo in- tion was the abºve characters has carried at our liberties into our seats of government where they make their saleries and law ſees as large as they can and not cause the commonality | | | | tº rise against them this you may see by the debate in the first of the session 1817 they spent a number of days to establish the ſiſteen hundred dºllar salary at length one of the black- stºne members sliped out his sºooth toºgne and moved to let the fifteen hundred dollar sallery stand until the last of the session and see how it would ºffeet the minds of the people at large you may see by this speech that there is a number of tharacters that would take all the money out of the treasury if they could only keep the majority ºf the people still this is enough to show the people in our unism that there is is a great number that occupies our chief seats in government is only after selfish views there endeavoring to establish such an ex- tortionate salary just as we was under a heavy tax caused by the war shows us that we stight to drop thºse winding crºoked afficehunting law sharacters generally and chose enlightened farmers or meenºcks by doing this we may chance to have a salaries and law ſees demished and union and harmony in a great measure restored that those office hunting characters has been a destroying this twenty years past just such charac- ters as has occupied our chief seats of government general- ly (or tweuty years past are just such characters as has ever overset republicks heretofoie and they would have overset our republic before uow if kind providence that gave it to us did not overrule antichrist who is always a nakeing distur- bances in eur world see what antichrist did in our seat of government in declaring the last war from whence comes wars and ſightings came they not from your evil hearts see Hull a destroying so many innocent lives and after receiving unds r the sentence of death instead of being ºibhite which he just- ly deserved he is now livin in splendor on British gold it is generally said see the thousands of invoccent lives that has been lost with thousands or uillious of dollars and other prop- 1. Nºvgº ºn As is ſtoº erty all to no purpose if this would only show our leading characters that an offensive war is rong defensive war is right if the British government killed our men in our own waters and pressed our seamen we ought to have taken as many of their subjects as we could find out they had of ours and a put them into our states prison and if the British government did not approve of that let thºm a declare a war and the states would have been united in defending our rights in doing this we might have saved a number of innocent lives and much treasure I wish every candid man to trace the generalship of the fast war and see the distance it was carried on from what was pretended it was said the right of search should be given up and tyrany destroyed when our ºfficers from the highest to the lowest was the greatest tyrants that ever I beheld I volunteered my service for one year 1813 I was sent on command from Albany to Sacket's Harbor with clothing and arms for a volunteer regiment commanded by Col Mills late from Albany I was three weeks in company with our regu- lar troops and I saw more abuse executed on the soldiers by a set of worthless Puddingstick ºfficers than I saw in eight years in the revolutionary war there was two of the south- ern ºfficers that ſell to beating a soldier on the highway be. tween Utica and Rome they heat him until be could not sand and left him on the ground be expired in a few minutes and the inhabitants came and buried him where thºse worth- less wretches had murdered him and those officers called to no account for their conduct this is but a small cline to what our general and field officers was guilty of see how ma- my seldiers was shot for crimes that Washington had reprieved I was informed that there was 16 under sentence of death is Plattsburgh when our fleet was attacked and the command- ing ºfficer seat them on board of our fleet and told them ºf they lived through the action they should be free from their sentence after the action was over he had six of them hung I likewise was informed by no less Character than major gen- eral Strong that a boy who had a promise of a pass to go. home but this commander would not allow it he went home and ment to return immediately back he was taken up and shot our leading characters in those days who call themselves christians are far inſerior to the Heathen kings and lords who use to lead their men to battle but our great son Reven sham, ºr 3. generals in the last speculating baby war sent their snbjºe"g to take Canada and when our seat of government was invassd? by an inferiornumber of British to themselves they muss flee to Bladensburgh to save the lives of our precious generals for fear in losing them we might lose our independence no doubt the names of our generals in that action are mortalized in the view of other nations for saving their lives in the ºeue of danger Washington use to execute the traitor and reprieve the soldier who only deserted into our own country but it seems the scale is turned the traitor is reprieved and the soldier that is wronged out of his right that he was promised when he en- listed in this last war and beat and abused by his worthless of i- cers and as it were first to desert is shot instead of being re- prieved such conduct is not only contrary to eur laws but a shame and disgrace to our nation there is a heavy scourge hangs over our heads for the innocent blood that was shed in the last war and I see no way to escape it but to begin a gem- eral reformation and in order to do this we must drºp those ambitious characters in general that is so bloodthirsty and put candid steady men in their seats in our government that ara not seekine for office h; ***::::::::is in general through our union we may preserve our republic from the jaws of the blackstone knavish inseck who are a making all the discord they can in our union and they are a eating up the poor as a ºngary man would eat bread see the beginning of the party spirit in our union it sprung from the southern slave murder- ers together with Barr the murdering duelist and their associ- ses who set the people in arms that Adams was abºut to es- tablish a monarchal government which we had so lately stain- "d the fields with blood to destroy but you may plainly see that it was only officehunting that began the party spirit for our taxes has been much heavier since than they was before finally the whole promises that was made by our leading char- acters through the revolutionary war to the soldiers to en- courage them to stick to the field and gain our independence has been embazled by a set of the adversary of souls crafty speculators which enables them to ride it carriages ornamented with silver over the graves of those veteran worthies that bled and died to gain our independence did not congress suffer and sanctiºn a most cruel speculation on the misfortune of the sºldiers final settlements which ought to have been kept sac- red under the guardianship of our nation for the benefit of the widows and orphans of the deceased veterans our deliv- erance from Great Britaia was similar to the Israelites from - B -- - -- 1, ºver, was is Nor the Egyptian bondage but we find that their leading characters eaused them to go a stray aud become servants to other na- tions our leading characters has embazled the liberties of the poor to their own use a poor man could get as much to support his needy family for one days work before the revolutionary war as he can general get for two days works for a number of years Past all our fiberties are covered under a cloak of justice and religion but when you come to see it put into execution it is law aaa priestcraft those two crafts by one extreme of an- other keeps the commºn people in a study while they pick *heir pockets some persons may think that I mean to write a gainst true vital religion but those that understands ºne so will find their mistake shortly Paul the great apostle and the Lords servant in bonds countod all his great education that he had been taught at the seat of Gamaliel but dras; when compared to the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus our lord that was cºnveyed to him by the holy spirit in the like manner. T would net ºxchange the knowledge that I received from my savior when I was shut up in prison in the year 1791 through the means of crafty speculators for all the education pride and filthy lucre that could be accuºmilated on Gods footstool I was . six weeks confined in close confinement I was offered a com- mission to leave my prison and go to our frontiers under the command of general Saintclare but I refused uo worldly honor could entice me to leave my happy prison the night before I was set at liberty from my prison I walked the floor all night and slept none I heard the prisºn door onlock three times and the bars fall plain in the course of the night and I went to the door each time expecting to find it open just as the day broke a voice called me by name and I looked and saw no one visa- ble but came plaim to the that I should shortly be set at liberty and my name that I should sign to any spiritual writings should be there never was is not nor never shall be which namme I sign to all spiritual writings ever since in the morning after I. got my new name the sheriff came and set me at liberty without asking me any thing for the time I had been in prison or any pay for the debt I was put in for I have been confined three times since for condemning the law party for grinding the face of the poor but the prison doers was opened I am at liberty god has promised to give an hundred fold in this pres- ent world to all that are faithful in their calling under him in this world and in the world to come clerºnal life I have received a compensation for more than I deserve and more than 1. Nor NEven strati, ºr is: the wicked and the ungodly appear when the third revolution shall take thought to ask for but since God has been pleased to give me a pea of iron pointed with celestial steel I am determined to use it until I am called from this earth god has told as by his prophet Maliki that he is coming to purify the sons of Levi but who can stand at his second coming he will set as a re- finer aud purifier aud he will burn up all the artificial dºº- trime taught by pries craft who can abide his coming none but those who has their lamps trimed and burning with the holy oil of gods blessed spirit will be able to enter in to the mar- riage supper of the lash a bove all in posters where will the lying hypocrit flee for shelter if he should flee to the utter- most parts of the earth or could ascend to the third heaveus or made his bed in the lowest hell he will ſigd god enthroned on a seat of justice and will judge impartially every one a cording to the deeds done in the body the jewish nation has been a looking a long time for god to send tham Fijah it is the pen of Elijah that writes those line it is high time for the jews to believe the gospel and be united to their childres the gentile nation it is said by the prophet that it should no more be a proverb in Israel that the fathers had eaten sower grapes and the childrens teeth were set in edge but each one should answer for their owu sins it was necessary for our lord to atone for our sons and the Jewish nation are not a countable for what their fathers did in crucifying him god has never sent a revolution into his ºld withºut sººt ºne pºrºzº; tº war: the inhabitants of what he is a bout to bring upon them god in his abunſant mercy called me twenty seven years ago and I have received cousel from none but him since neither dare I to do it on the account of signs and wonders that he has shown me he gave me a same but I never knew the measing of it un- ºil of late there never was such a one before me and there is not such a one on earth and there shall never be such a nother as John the baptist was a foreruner of our saviors coming is the flesh to fulfill the law so the lord in mercy has called me to ware the world that the lord is shortly a come- ing to meet his saints in the air I am now between three and ſome score years of age and God in his abundant mercy has lately given me faith to believe that I shall be one of that happy anmber that shall be shanged in an instant the last wheel in the great dramma of creation is on its axis swiftly a rolling to the last fulfilm ºut that the prophets and our savior and his apostles have foretold what few signs there is to come to pass may be completed in a short time if the righteous are scarcely saved where will place as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the day of the son of mans coming with power and great glory a takeing vengence on them that ohey not his gospel my friends on gods footstool ist us each one put away the folly and selfishness that is is our minds and attend to the ontº thin needfulsven the salvation of our immortal and never dying goals iſ th bridegroom ºf our souls should come and we should have no oil in on lamps 9 take one serious thought what the consequence will be thos that are ready will enter is to the marriage upper of the lamb and th is NEVER WAS IS NOf Hoor will be shut them to all sternity tºose that are not ready too intº may with divers cry out a lost heaven and a justly merited heli god has told you in his gosple that he will make a sort wºrk on the earth at last for the elect sake and let priest craft say what they will all that has come to the years of understanding may be elected if they will herein is their condemaation they love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil they will not attend to the monitºr that god has put into them they will grieve gods holy spirit and destroy themselves in my travels just be- fore the last war I lodged at a house near where ºurgoin was taken in the revolation war after I had blown the candle that it me to the room was illuminated as I observed before and a black pººl the size of a sheet was let down over my head in plain view this came to me that blood and gar- nage would shortly covar our land as it did in the action of Burgoºn and I should be employed in the army as I was at that siege which came to passlikewise deaths has been made known to ºne before they came to pass three singular signs has happened of late 1 one evening as I had been cau- tioning some persons who called themselves gentlemen they fell on me and abused me very much I lay in the morning following being much hurt usd though 1 would forbear to caution any more but there was one in dazzleing splendor like unto the son of man stood by me and I was strengthensi and and took up my pen with full resolution to never look back any more the last time I was imprisoned I was a distance from my family and mach east down the morning after my imprisonment one stood by may bedside like unto the son of man and my mourning was turned into joy my prison now became the house of god and a heaven on earth as it was twenty years before after I wrote a sheet of paper and handes is to the sheriff I was taken from the other prisoners and had a room by my- self a table paper and ink found me and when I had finished a manuscript ºn the printer charged ºne forty dº ſº; gºing I was set at liº. erty the law party has threatened and tryed tº indict me but all to nº purpose all the expences they have made by imprisoning me the public has had to pay and now they let me live in peace and that is the best way they can do for whilst god grants methe use of my hand I shall use my pen a- gainstall imposturs who grind the face of the poor I wish the great ambi- tions men of the world would once take a serious view of their heaven- dareing and hell deserving conduct they ennumerate the adversary of soul: for more than the do honest men they great men who goverus nations in those days make a great cry that they will take up arms and force those opposers that imposes on the poors property and enslaves their persons to foibare and give up their mal conduct but as god says by his prophet. looked for justice but behold a cry so it is with the rulors of nations in the world at the present day will stay at home and sit on their seats and collect their extortionate salaries and send their subjects against other nº- tions and desturb and murder thousands of innocent people and fill the land with widows and orphans under pretence of doing justice in layºr of their nation and delivering their poor out of the tyrants hand but this is has been proved a cry in our nation and such decaivers will soon get their shauge from the deceiver of souls | - - - º - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -