)) XS t Bradstrest, Mrsanne (Dudley), 1613-1672 WILLIAM L GLEMENTS ชั้นวาง ເປັນເ1 THE TENTH MUSE Lately ſprung up in AMERICA. OR Severall Poems, compiled with great variety of VVit and Learning, full of delight. Wherein eſpecially is contained a com- pleat diſcourſe and deſcription of Elements, The Four Conſtitutions, Ages of Man, Seaſons of the Year. Together with an Exact Epitomie of the Four Monarchies, viz. (Allyrian, The Persian, Grecian, Roman, Alſo a Dialogue between Old England and New concerning the late troubles. With Vivers other pleaſant and ſerious Poems. By a Gentlewoman in thoſe parts. Printed at London for Stephen Bowtell at the figne of the le Bibie in Popes Head-Alley. 1650. Esfer ន ning v ligono molto DIVV-symyoli Kind Reader: Ad I opportunity but to borrow Some of the Authors wit, 'tis por fible I might ſo trim this curious Work with ſuch quaint expreſsions, as that the Preface might beſpeake thy further perum Sall; but I feave 'twil be a ſhame for a man that can ſpeak ſo little, to be ſeene in the title page of this Womans Book, left by comparing the one with the oiher, the Reader ſhould paſſe his ſentence, that it is the gift of wo- men, not only to ſpeak moſt zbut to ſpeake beft; I ſhall leave therefore to commend that, which with any ingenious Reader will too much commend the Author, unleße men turne more peeviſh then women, to envie the excellency of the inferiour Sex. I doubt nat but the reader will quickly finde more then I can ſay, and the worſt effect of his rea- ding will be unbeleif, which will make him queſtion whether it be a womans Work, and aske, Is it poſsible ? If any doe , take this as an anſwer from him that dares avom it; 10 is the VVork of a VVoman, honoured, and e- ſteemed A 3 ſteemned where ſhe lives, for her gracious de- meanour, her eminent parts, her pious con- verfation, her courteous diſpoſition, her exa& diligence in her place and diſcreet mannag- ing of her family occaſions; and move then so, thefe Poems are the fruit but of ſome fem houres, curtailed from her ſleep and other re- freſhments. I dare adde little, left I keepe thee too long, if thou wilt not beleeve the worth of theſe things ( in their kind) when a man ſayes it, yet beleeve it from a woman when thou feeſt'it . This only I ſhall annex, I feare the diſpleaſure of no perſon in the pub- lifhing of thefe Poems but the Authors without whoſe knowledge, and contrary to her expe- Fation, I have prefumed to bring to publick view what ſhe reſolved ſhould never in ſuch a manner ſee the Sun; but I found that di- vers had gotten ſome ſcattered papers, affe- čted them wel, were likely to have fent forth broken peices to the Authors prejudice which I thought to prevents as well as to pleaſure thoſe that earneſtly deſired the view of the whole. Mercu. "Ercury ſhew'd Apollo, Bartos Book, Minerva this, and wiſht him well to look, And tell uprightly, which did which excell; He view'd, and view'd, and vow'd he could not tell. They bid him Hemiſphear his mouldy noſe, With's crackt leering-glaſſes, for it would poſe The beft brains he had in's old pudding-pan, Sex weigh’d, which beft,the Woman, or the Man ? He peer’d,and por’d, and glar'd, and ſaid for wore, I'me even as wiſe now, as I was before : They both’gan laugh, and ſaid, it was no mar') The Auth'reffe was a right Du Barias Girle. Good footh quoth the old Don,tel ye me ſo, I muſe whither at length theſe Girls wil go; It half revives my chil froſt-bitten blood, To ſee a woman, once,do ought that's good; And chode buy Chaucers Boots, and Homers Furrs, Let men look to't, leaſt women weare the Spurs. N. Ward. A 4 TO To iny deare Siſter, the Author of cheſe Poems. T Hough moſt that know me, dare (I think) affirm I ne re was borne to doe a Poet harm, Yet when I read your pleaſant witty ſtrains, It wrought ſa ſtrongly on my addle braines ; That though my verſe be not ſo finely ſpun, And fo (like yours ) cannot ſo neatly rung Yet am I willing, with upright intent, To fhew my love without a complement. There needs no painting to that comely face, Thit in its native beauty hath ſuch grace ; WhưI( poore filly ) prefix therefore, Can but doe this, make yours admir'd the more ; And if but only this, I doe atraine Content, that my diſgrace may be your gaine. ifi f women, I with women, may compare, Your Works are folid, others weake as aire; Some bocks of Women I have heard of late, Peruſed fome, ſo witlefie, intricate, So yord of ſence, and truth, as if to crre Were only wiſht (a&t ng above their ſphear ) And And all to get, what ( filly foules ) they lack, Efteeme to be the wifeft of the pack; Though ( for your fake ) to ſome this be permitted, To print, yet wiſh I many better witted; Their vanity make this to be inquired, 07 If women are with wit, and fence inſpired: Yet when your Works ſhall come to pablick view, 'Twill be affirm'd, 'twill be confirm'd by you: And I, when ſeriouſly I had revolved What you had done, I preſently reſolved, Theirs was the Perſons, not the Sexes failing, And therefore did be-ſpeak a modeft vailing. You have acutely in Eliza's ditty Acquitted women, elſe I might with pitty, Have wiſh them all to womens Works to look, And never more to meddle with their book. Wha: you have done, the Sun ſhall witneſſe beare, That for a womans Worke'tis very rare; And if the Nine vouchſafe the Tenth a place, I think they rightly may yeeld you that grace. But leaſt I thould exceed, and too much love; Should too too much endear'd affection move, To ſuper-adde in praiſes I ſhall ceaſe, Leaſt while I pleaſe my felfe I ſhould diſpleaſe The longing Reader, who may chance complaine, And ſo require my love with deep diſdaine ; That I your filly Servant, ſtand i'th' porch, Lighting your Sun-light with my blinking torch; Hindring his minds content, his ſweet repofe, Which your delightfull Poems doe diſcloſe, When once the Gaskets op'ned; yet to you Let this be added, then i'le bid adieu. YE If you ſhall think, it will be to your ſhame To be in print, then I muſt beare the blame : If't be a fault, 'cis mine, 'tis shame that might Deny ſo faire an infant of its right, To looke abroad ; I know your modeft minde, How you will blush, complaine, 'tis too unkinde, To force a womans birth, provoke her paine, Expoſe her Labours to the world's dildajne : I know you'l ſay, you doe defie that mint, That ſtampt you thus, to be a foole in prino. 'Tis true, it dorh not now ſo nearly ſtand, As ift ewere pollitht with your owne fweer hand; Tis not ſo richly deckt, ſo trimly tird, Mer it is ſuch as juſtly is admir'd. 7f it be folly, 'tis of boch, or neither, Both you and I, we'l both be fools together, And he that ſayes, 'tis fooliſh ( if my word May (way) by my conſent fhall make the third I dare out-face the worlds diſdaine for both, If you alone profefſe you are not wroth; Yet if you are, a womans wrarfi is little, When thouſands elle admire you in each tittle. I. W Upon Upon the Author, by a knowne Friend. by N Ow I beleeve Tradition, which doth call The Mules, Vertues, Graces, Femdles all; Only they are not nine, cleaven, nor three, Our Authrelle proves them but one unity. Mankind take up fome bluſhes on the ſcore, Menopolize perfection no more: In your owne Arts, confere your felves out-done, The Moone hath totally ecclipsd the Sun, Not with her ſable mantle mufling him, But her bright filver makes his gold looke din: Fuſt as his beams force our pale Lamps to winkes And earthly Fires within their afbes Shrinke. I cannot wonder at Apollo now, That he with Female I awrell crowon’d his brown, That made hina witty: bad I leave to chuſe, My Verle ſhould be a Page unto your Muſe. C. B. Arme 8888888888:8888888888 asos03000019 os ᎣᎣᎣᎣᎣᎣ A Rme, arme, Soldado's arme, Horſe, Horſe, ſpeed to your Horſes, Gentle-women, make head, they vent their plots in Verſes; They write of Monarchies, a moſt fe- ditious word, It ſignifies Oppreſſion, Tyranny, and Sword : March amain to London, they'l riſe, for there they flock, But ſtay a while, they ſeldome riſe till ten a clock. R. 2: In C hos Endir ooh In praiſe of the Author, Miſtris Anne Bradſtreet, Vertue's true and lively Patterne, Wife of the Worſhiplull Simon Brad- ſtreet Eſquire. At preſent reſiding in the Occi- dentall parts of the World, in America, alias NO V-ANGLIA. buda VV Hat Golden fplendent ST ARIS One thouſand miles thrice told, loth day and night, (From ( From thº Orient firſt ſprung ) now from the Weſt That ſhines; ſwift-winged Phoebus, and the reſt ву Preto of all Joves fiery flames ſurmounting far, As doth each Planet, every falling Star; e divine, and lucid light moft cleare, darke ſecret Myſteries appeare; Heaven's, Earths, admired wonders, nolle afts of Kings, and Princes moſt heroyick facts, And what é're elſe in darknes ſeem'd to dye , Revives all things ſo obrious now to th' eye; That be who theſe, its glittering Rayes viewes о're, vodund Shall ſee what's done, in all the world before. NIJO 0 N. H. Upon Upon the Author. 'T Were extreame folly ſhould I dare attempt, To praiſe this Authors worth with complement; None but her ſelf muſt dare commend her parts, Whoſe ſublime brain's the Synopfis of Arts : Nature and Skil, here both in one agrees To frame this Mafter-peice of Poetry: Falſe Fame, belye their Sex, no more, it can, Surpaſſe, or parallel, the best of man. Pano?. 03 C. RIT Another to Mris. Anne Bradſtreete, Author of this Poem. 'Ve read your Poem (Lady ) and admire, Your Sex, to fuch a pitch fhould e're aſpire ; Goe on to write, continue to relate, New Hiftories, of Monarchy and State : And whar the Romans to their Poets gave, Be ſure ſuch honour, and eſteeme you'll have. H. S. An An Anagram Anna Bradeſtreate. jina е строген T funov Deer Neat An Bartas. 9 So Bartas like thy fine ſpun Poems been, That Bartas name will prove an Epicene. 31 EM O skor Another. im Anne Bradſtreate. Artes bred neat An. To I To her moft Honoured Fa- ther Thomas Dudley Eſq; theſe humlly preſented. DEare Sir, of late delighted with the fight, T D.onthe of your #four fiſters, deckt in black & white four parts Of fairer Dames the ſun near faw the face , world (though made a pedeſtall for Adams Race ) Their worth ſo ſhines, in thoſe rich lines you ſhow. Their paralells to find I ſcarcely know, To climbe their Climes, I have nor ſtrength, nor skill, To mount fo high, requires an Eagles quill: Yet view thereof, did cauſe my thoughts to ſoare, My lowly pen, might wait upon thoſe four, I bring my four; and four, now meanly clad, To do their homage unto yours molt glad, Who for their age, their worth, and quality, Might ſeem of yours to claime precedency : But by my humble hand thus rudely pen'd They are your bounden handmaids to attend. Theſe fame are they of whom we being have, There are of all the life, the nurſe, the grave, Theſe are the hot, the cold, the moiſt, the dry, That Ginke,that ſwim, that fill, that upwards flye, B OF 2 The Epiſtle dedicatory. Of theſe conſiſts, our bodyes, cloathes, and food, The world, the uſefull, hurtfull, and the good: Sweet harmony they keep, yer jar oft times, Their diſcord may appear, by theſe harſh rimes. Yours did conteft,for Wealth, for Arts, for Age, My firſt do ſhew, their good, and then their rage, My other four,do intermixed tell Each others faults, and where themſelves excell: How hot, and dry, contend with moiſt and cold, How Aire and Earth, no correſpondence hold, And yet in equal tempers, how they gree, How divers natures, make one unity. Something of all (though mean) I did intend, But fear'd you'ld judge, one Bart as was my friend, I honour him, but dare nor wear his wealth, My goods are true (though poor) I love no ftealth, But if I did, I durſt not ſend them you; Who muſt reward a theife, but with his due. I ſhall not need my innocence to clear, Theſe ragged lines, will do't,when they appear. On what they are, your mild afpe&t I crave, Accept my beſt,iny worſt vouchſafe a grave. From her, that to your felfe more duty owes, Then waters, in the boundlefle Ocean flowes. ANNE BRADSTREET. Om The 3 THE PROLOGU E. 1. TO ſing of Wars, of Captaines, and of Kings, Ot Cities founded, Common-wealths begun, For my mean Pen, are too fuperiour things, And how they all, or each, their dates haverun: Let Poets, and Hiſtorianis ſet theſe forth, My obſcure Verſe, fhal not ſo dim their worth. 2. But when my wondring eyes, and envious heart, Great Bartas ſugar'd lines doe but read o're; Foole, I doe grudge, the Muſes did not part 'Twixt him and me, that over-fluent tore; A Bartas can, doe what a Bartas wil, But finaple I, according to my skill. 3. From School-boyes tongue, no Rhethorick we expeats Nor yet a fweer Conſort, from broken ſtrings, Nor perfe & beauty, where's a maine defe&t, My fooliſh, broken, blemiſh'd Mufe ſo ſings; And this to mend, alas, no Art is able, 'Cauſe Nature made it ſo irreparable. 4. Nor can I, like that fluent ſweet tongu'd Greck Who lisp'd at first, fpeake afterwards more plaine By Art, he gladly found what he did ſeeke, A full requita!l of his ftriving paine: B 2 4 The Prologue. Art can doe much, but this maxime's moſt ſure, A weake or wounded braine admits no cure. 5. Iam obnoxious to each carping tongue, Who fayes, my hand a needle better fits, A Poets Pen, all ſcorne, 1 ſhould thus wrong; For ſuch deſpight they caſt on female wits: If what I doe prove well, it wo'nt advance, They'l ſay its ſtolne, or elſe, it was by chance. 6. But ſure the antick Greeks were far more milde, Elle of our Sex, why feigned they thoſe nine, And poefy made, Caliope's owne childe, So 'mongſt the reſt, they plac'd the Arts divine : But this weake knot they will full foone unrye, The Greeks did nought, but play the foole and lye. 7 Let Greeks be Greeks, and Women what they are, Men have precedency, and ſtill excell, It is but vaine, unjuſtly to wage war, Men can doe beft, and Wonien know it well; Preheminence in each, and all is yours, Yet grant ſome ſmall acknowledgement of ours. 8. And oh, ye high flown quils, thar foare the skies, And ever with your prey, ftill catch your praiſe, Ifc're you daigne theſe lowly lines, your eyes Give wholſome Parſley wreath, I aske no Bayes: This meane and unrfined ſtuffe of mine, Will make your glitering gold but more to ſhine. A. B. The 5 വ വ ര GO റ റ The Foure Elements. of Ire, Aire, Earth, and Water, did all conteſt which was the ſtrongeſt,nobleft,& the beſt, Who the moft good could fhew,& who moſt rage Fer to declare, themſelves they all ingage 3 And in due order each her turne ſhould ſpeake, Bur enmity, this amity did breake: All would be cheife, and all ſcorn'd to be under, Whence illu'd raines and winds, lightning and thunder 3 The quaking Earth did groan, the skie look't black The Fire, the forced Aire, in funder crack; The ſea did threat the heavens, the heavens the earth, All looked like a Chaos, or new birth; Fire broyled Earth, and ſcorched Earth it choaked, Both by their darings; Water Co provoked, That roaring in it came, and with its fource Soone made the combatants abate their force; The rumbling, hifling, puffing was ſo great, The worlds confufion it did ſeeme to threat; But Aire at length, contention ſo abated, That betwixt hot and cold, ſhe arbitrated The others enmity: being lefſe, did ceaſe All formes now laid, and they in perfe& peace, Thıt Fire ſhould firſt begin, the reſt conſent, Being the moſt impatient Elenient. Fire. B3 6 foure Elements. of the Fire, WH 7Hat is my worth ( both ye) and all things know, Where little is, I can but little ſhow, But what I am, ler learned Grecians ſay ; What I can doe, well skill'd Mechanicks may, The benefit all Beings, by me finde; Come firſt ye Artiſts, and declare your minde. What toole was ever fram'd, but by my might; O Martialiſt! what weapon for your fight? To try your valour by, but it muſt feele My force? your ſword, your Pike, your flint and ſteele, Your Cannon's bootlefſe, and your powder too 'Without mine ayd, alas, what can they doe? The adverſe wall's nor ſhakd, the Mine's not blowne, And in deſpight the City keeps her owne, But I with one Granado, or Petard, Set ope thoſe gates, that 'fore fo ftrong was barrd. Ye Husband-men, your coulter's made by me, Your ſhares, your mattocks, and what e're you ſee, Subdue the earth, and fit it for your graine, That ſo in time it might require your paine; Though ſtrong limb'd Vulcan forgd it by his skill, I made it flexible unto his will. Ye Cooks, your kitchin implements I framd, Your ſpits, por, jacks, what elſe I need not name, Your dainty food, I wholſome make, I warme Your ſhrinking limbs, which winters cold doth harme; Te Paracelſians too, in vaine's your skil In chymefry, unleſfe I help you Stil, And of the foure Elements. 7 And you Philoſophers, if ere you made A tranſmutation, it was through mine aide. Ye Silver-Smiths, your ure I do refine, What mingled lay with earth, I cauſe to ſhine. But let me leave theſe things, my flame aſpires To match on high with the Celeftiall fires. The Sun,an Orbe of Fire was held of old, Our Sages new, another tale have told : But be he what they lift, yet his aſpects A burning fiery heas we find refle&t; And of the ſelfe fame nature is with mins, Good fifter Earth, no witnefle needs but thine ; How doth his warmth refreſh thy frozen backs, And trim thee gay, in green, after thy blacks? Both man and beaſt, rejoyce at his approach, And birds do fing, to ſee his glittering Coach. And though nought but Salmanders live in fire ; The Flye Pyrauſta cald, all elſe expire. Yet men and beaſts, Aftronomers can tell, Fixed in heavenly conſtellations dwell, My Planets, of both Sexes, whoſe degree, Poor Heathen judg'd worthy a Diety : With Orion arm d, attended by his dog, The Theban ſtout Alcides, with his club: The Valiant Perſeus who Medula flew, The Horſe that kill'd Bellerophon, then fiew. My Crabbe, my Scorpion, filhes, you may fee, The maid with ballance, wayn with horſes three ; The Ram,the Bull, the Lyon, and the Beagle ; The Bear, the Goate, the Raven, and the Eagle, The Crown, the Whale,the Archer, Bernice Hare, The Hidra, Dolphin, Boys,that waters bear. Nay B 4 8 of the Foure Elements. Nay more then theſe, Rivers 'mongſt ſtars are found, Eridanus,where Phaeton was drown d, Their magnitude and height ſhould I recount, My ſtory to a Volume would amount: Out of a multitude, theſe few I touch, Your wiſdom out of little gathers much, Ile here let paffe, my Choler cauſe of warres, And influence of divers of thoſe ſtarres, When in conjun&ion with the ſun, yet more, Augment his heat, which was too hot before : The Summer ripening ſeaſon I do claime; And man from thirty unto fifty frame. Ofold, when Sacrifices were divine, I of acceptance was the holy figne. 'Mong all my wonders which I might recount ; There's none more ſtrange then Ætna's ſulphery mount The choaking flames, that from Veſuvius flew The over-curious ſecond Pliny flew: And with the aſhes, that it ſometimes ſhed Apulia's jacent parts were covered ; And though I be a fervant to each man; Yet by my force, maſter my maſter can. | What famous Townes to cinders have I turn'd? What laſting Forts my kindled wrath bath burn'd? The ſtately ſeats of mighty Kings by me: In confus'd heaps of afhes may ye fee. Where's Ninus great wald Town, and Troy of old ? Carthage,and hundred moe, in ftories told, Which when they could not be o’re come by foes The Army through my helpe victorious roſe; Old ſacred Zion, I demoliſh'd thee; So great Diana's Temple was by me. And of the Foure Elements. 9 And more then bruitiſh Sodome for her luft, With neighbouring Townes I did conſume co duft, What ſhal I ſay of Lightning, and of Thunder, Which Kings and mighty ones; amaz’d with wonder, Which made a Cæfar, (Romes) the worlds proud head, Fooliſh Caligula,creep under's bed Of Metors, Ignis Fatuus, and the reſt, But to leave thoſe to'th' wife, I judge is beſt, The rich I oft make poore, the Itrong I maime, Not ſparing life when I can take the fame; And in a word, the World I ſhal conſume, And all therein at that great day of doome ; Nor before then, ſhal ceaſe my raging ire, And then, becauſe no matter more for fire : Now Siſters, pray proceed, each in her courſe, AsI: impart your uſefulneſſe, and force, Earth. THe next in place, Earth judg’d to be her due, Sifter, in worth I come not ſhort of you ; In wealth and uſe I doe ſurpaſſe you all, And Mother Earth, of old, men did me call, Such was my fruitfulneffe ; an Epithite Which none ere gave, nor you could claime of righe, Among my praiſes this I count not leaſt, I am th' originall of man and beaſt, To tell what fundry fruits my far ſoyle yeelds, In vine-yards, orchards, gardens, and corne fields, Their kinds, their taſts, their colours, and their ſmels, Would ſo paffe time, I could ſay nothing elſe ; The 10 foure Elements. of the The rich and poore, wiſe, foole, and every fort, Of theſe ſo common things can make report: To tell you of my Countries, and my regions Soone would they pafle, not hundreds, but legions, My cities famous, rich, and populous, Whoſe numbers now are growne innumerous ; I have not time to thinke of every part, "Yet let me name my Grecia, 'cis my heart For Learning, Armes, and Arts, I love it well: But chiefly, cauſe the Muſes there did dwell I'lc here skip o're my mountaines, reaching skies, Whether Pyrenian, or the Alpes; both lyes On either ſide the country of the Gaules, Strong forts from Spaniſh and Italian braules, And huge great Taurus, longer then the reft, Dividing great Armenia from the leaſt, And Hemus, whoſe ſteep ſides, none foote upon, Bur farewellall, for deare mount Helicon, And wonderous bigb Olimpus, of ſuch fame, That heaven it felfe was oft call’d by that name; Sweet Parnaſſus, I dote too much on thee, Unleſſe thou prove a better friend to me; But ile skip o're theſe Hills, not touch a Dale, Norger expatiate, in Temple vale ; Ile here let goe, my Lions of Numedia, My Panthers, and my Leopards of Libia, ratka The Behemoth, and rare found Unicorne, Poyrons ſure antidote lyes in his horne. And my Hyæna (imitates mans voyce ) Out of huge numbers, I might pick may choyce, Thoufands in woods, and planes, both wild, and tame, But here, or there, I list now none to naine ; No of the Fouve Elements. II No, though the fawning dog did urge me fore In his behalfe to ſpeak a word the more; Whoſe truſt, and valour I might here commend : But time's too ſhort and precious ſo to ſpend, But hark, ye worthy Merchants who fos prize Send forth your well man'd ſhips, where ſun doth rife. After three years, when inen and meat is ſpent, My rich commodities payes double rent. Ye Galeniſts, my Drugs that come from thence Doe cure your patients, fill your purſe with pence; Beſides the uſe you have, of Hearbs and Plants, That with leffe coſt, neare home, ſupplyes your wantså But Marriners, where got you ſhips and ſailes ? And Oares to row,when both my ſiſters fiiles ? Your Tackling, Anchor, Compaffe too, is mine; Which guides, when Sun nor Moon, nor Stars do ſhine, Ye mighty Kings, who for your laſting fames Built Cities, Monuments callid by your names ; Was thoſe compiled heapes of milly ſtones? That your ambition laid, ought but my bones? Ye greedy miſers who do dig for gold; For gemmes, for filver, treaſures which I hold: Will not my goodly face, your rage ſuffice? Bur you will ſee what in any bowels lyes? And ye Artificers, all trades and forts; My bounty calls yeu forth to make reporrs, If ought you have to uſe, to wear, to eate? But what I freely yeeld upon your ſweat ? And cholerick yſter, thou (for all thine ire) Well knoweſt, my fuell muft maintain thy fire. As I ingenuouſly ( with thanks ) confeffe My cold, thy(fruitful) heat,doth crave noleffe: But 12 of the Foure Elements, But how my cold, dry temper, works upon The melancholy conftitution. How the Autiinnal ſeaſon I do ſway; And how I force the grey head to obey. I ſhould here make a ſhort, yet true narration, But that thy method is my imitation. Now might I ſhew my adverſe quality, And how I oft work mans mortality. He ſometimes findes, maugre his toyling paine, Thiſtles and thornes, where he expected graine ; My ſap, to plants and trees, I muſt not grant, The Vine, the Olive, and the Figtree want : The Corne, and Hay, both fall before they'r mowne; And buds from fruitfull trees, before they'r blowne . Then dearth prevailes that Nature to ſuffice, The tender mother on her Infant flyes: The Husband knowes no Wife, nor father ſons ; But to all outrages their hunger runnes. Dreadfull examples, ſoon I might produce, But to fuch auditours 'twere of no uſe. Again, when Delvers dare in hope of gold, To ope thoſe veines of Mine, audacious bold: While they thus in my intralls ſeem to dive; Before they know, they are inter'd alive. Ye affrighted wights, appallid how do you ſhake If once you feele me your foundation,quake, Becauſe in the abyffe of my darke wombe : Your Cities and your felves I oft intombe. O dreadfull Sepulcher! thar this is true, Korah and all his Company well knew. And fince, faire Italy full' ſadly knowes What ſhe hath loit by theſe my dreadfull woes. And of the Four Elements. 13 And Rome, her Curtius,can't forget I think; Who bravely rode into my 'yawning chinke. Again, what veines of poyfon in me lye ; As Stibium and unfixt Mercury: With divers moe, nay, into plants it creeps ; In hot, and cold and ſome benums with fleeps, Thus I occaſion death to man and beaſt, When they ſeek food, and harme miftruſt the leaft. Much might I ſay, of the Arabian lands; Which riſe like mighty billowes on the lands: Wherein whole Armies I have overthrown; But windy fifter, 'twas when you have blown. Ile ſay no more, yet this thing adde I muſt, Remember ſonnes,y ur mould is of my duft, And after death, whether inter'd, or burn'd; As carth at firſt, Co into earth return'd. Water. SCarce Earth had done, but th' angry waters mov’d; Sifter (quoth the ) it had full well behov'd Among your boaſtings to have praiſed me; Cauſe of your fruitfulneffe, as you ſhall ſee : This your neglect, thewes your ingratitude ; And how your ſubuilty would men delude. Nor one of us, all knowes, that's like to thee, Ever in craving, from the other three : But thou are bound to me, above the reft; Which am thy drink, thy blood, thy ſap,and beft. If I withhold, what art thou,dead, dry lump Thou Lear't no graſſe, nor plant, nor tree, nor ſtump. Thy 14 of the Four Elements. Thy extream thirft is moiſtened by my love, With ſprings below and ſhowers from above; Or elſe thy lun-burnt face, and gaping chapps; Complaines to th’heaven, when I withhold my drops. Thy Bear, thy Tyger, and thy Lyon ftout, When I am gone, their fierceneffe none need doubt; The Camell hath no ftrength, thy Bull no force Nor mettl's found in the couragious Horſe : Hindes leave their Calves, the Elephant the Fens; The Woolves and ſavage Beaſts, forſake their Dens. The lofty Eagle and the Storke flye low, The Peacock, and the Oſtrich, ſhare in woe: The Pine,the Cedars, yea and Daphºnes tree; Do ceaſe to flouriſh in this miſery. Man wants his bread, and wine and pleaſant fruits; He knowes ſuch ſweets,lyes not in earths dry roots, Then feeks me out, in River and in Well; His deadly mallady, I might expell. If I fupply, his heart and veines rejoyce; If not,foon ends his life,as did his voyce, That this is true, earth thou canſt nor deny ; I call thine Egypt,this to verifie; Which by my fatting Nile, doth yeeld ſuch ſtore ; That the can ſpare, when Nations round are poore. When I run low,and not o'reflow her brinks; To meet with want, each woefull man bethinks. But ſuch I am, in Rivers, ſhowers and ſprings; But what's the wealth that my rich Ocean brings? Fiches ſo numberleffe I there do hold; Should thou but buy, it would exhauſt chy gold. There lives the gyly Whale, whom all men kuow, Such wealch, but not ſuch like, Earth thou mayſt show. The of the Four Elements. 15 The Dolphin (loving muſique) Arions friend. The crafty Barbell, whoſe wit doth her commend; With thouſands moc, which now I lift not name, Thy filence of thy beaſts, doth cauſe the ſame. My pearles that dangle at thy darlings ears ; Not thou, but ſhell-fiſh yeelds, as Pliny clears. Was ever gem ſo rich found in thy trunke ? As Ægypts wanton Cleopatra drunke. Or halt thou any colour can come nigh ; The Roman Purple, double Tirian dye. Which Cæfars, Conſels, Tribunes all adorne : For it, to ſearch my waves, they thought no ſcorne. Thy gallant rich perfuming Amber-greece: I lightly caſt a fhoare as frothy fleece. With rowling graines of pureſt mafly gold : Which Spaines Americans, do gladly hold. Earth thou haft not more Countrys, Vales and Mounds, Then I have Fountaines, Rivers, Lakes and Ponds: My fundry Seas, Black, VVhite, and Adriatique Ionian, Balticke, and the vaſt Atlantique ; The Ponticke, Caſpian, Golden Rivers fine. Aſphaltis Lake, where nought remains alive. But I ſhould go beyond thee in thy boaſts, If I ſhould ſhew, more Seas then thou haſt Coaſts. But note this maxime in Philofophy : Then Seas are deep, Mountains are never high. To ſpeake of kinds of Vaters I'le negle&t, My divers Fountaines and their ſtrange effect ; My wholeſome Bathes, together with their cures. My water Syrens, with their guilefull lures: Th'uncertain cauſe,of certain ebbs and flowes; VVhich wondring Ariſtotles wit,ne'r knowes. NOK 16 of the Four Elements. Nor will I ſpeake of waters made by Art, Which can to life,reſtore a fainring heart: Nor fruitfull dewes, nor drops from weeping eyes 5 VVhich pitty moves and oft deceives the wiſe, Nor yet of Salt, and Sugar, ſweet and ſmart, Both when we lift,to water we convert. Alas; thy ſhips and oares could do no good Did they but want my Ocean,and my Flood. The wary Merchant, on bis weary beaſt Transfers his goods from North and South and Eafts Unleffe I eaſe his toyle, and doe tranſport, The wealthy fraught, unto his wiſhed Port. Theſe be my benefits which may fuffice: I now muſt ſhew what force there in me lyes. The flegmy conſtitution I uphold; All hunours, Tumours, that are bred of cold, O're childehood, and Winter, I bear the ſway; Yet Luna for my Regent I obey. As I with ſhowers off time refreſh the earth, So oft in my exceffe, I cauſe a dearth : And with aboundant wet, ſo coole the ground, By adding cold to cold, no fruit proves ſound; The Farmer, and the Plowman both complain Of rotten (heep, lean kine, and mildew'd grain. And with my waſting floods, and roaring torrent ; Their Cattle, Hay, and Corne, I ſweep down current, Nay many times, my Ocean breaks his bounds: And with a oniſhment, the world confounds. And ſwallowes Countryes up,ne're ſeen againe: And that an Iſland makes, which once was maine. Thus Albion (ris thought) was cut from France, Cicily from Italy, by th'like chance. And of the foure Elements. 17 And but one land was Affriea and Spayne, Untill ftraight Gibralter, did make them twainer Some ſay I ſwallowed up(fure'tis a notion) A mighty Country ith Atlanticke Ocean. I need not ſay much of my Haile and Snow, My Ice and extream cold, which all men know. Výhereof the firſt, fo ominous I rain'd, That Ifraels enenries, therewith was brain'd. And of my chilling colds ſuch plenty bez That Caucaſus high mounts, are ſeldom free. Mine Ice doth glaze Europs big'ft Rivers o're, Till Sun releaſe, their ſhips can ſaile no more. All know, what innundations I have made; VVherein not men, but mountaines ſeern'd to wade As when Achais, alt under water ſtood, That in two hundred year, it ner prov'd good. Ducalions great deluge, with many moe ; But theſe are trifles to the Flood of Noe. Then wholly perifhd, earths ignoble race; And to this day, impaires her beautious face. That after times, ſhall never feel like woe : Her confirm'd lonnes, behold my colour'd bow. Much might I lay of wracks, but that lle ſpare, And now give place unto our ſiſter Aire. Aire. Content (quoth Aire) to ſpeake the laſt of you, Though not through ignorance, firſt was my duc I doeſuppoſe, you'l yeeld without controle; I am the breath of every living ſoul. C Mor. 18 of the Four Elements. Mortalls, what one of you, that loves not me, Aboundantly more then my lifters three? And though you love Fire, Earth and VVater wel; Yet Aire, beyond all theſe ye know t'excell. I aske the man condemn'd, that's near his deach : How gladly thould his gold parchaſe bis breath, And all the wealth, that ever earth did give, How freely ſhould it go, fo he might live. No world, thy witching traih,were all bur vain. If my pure Aire, thy ſonnes did not fuſtain. The familht, thirſty man, that craves ſupply : His moveing reaſon is, give leaſt I dye. So loath he is to go though nature's ſpent, To bid adue, to his dear Element. Nay,what are words, which doe reveale the mind? Speak, who, or what they will, they are but wind. Your Drums, your Trumpets, and your Organs found, VVhat is't? but forced Aire which muſt rebound, And ſuch are Ecchoes, and report o'ch gun Vyhich tells afar, th' exployt which he buh done. Your ſongs and pleaſant tunes, they are the ſame, And ſo's the notes which Nightingales do frame. Ye forging Smiths, if Bellowes once were gone; Your red hot work, more coldly would go on. Ye Mariners, tis I that fill your Sailes, And ſpeed you to your Port,with wiſhed gales. VVhen burning heat, doth cauſe you faint, I coole, And when I ſmile, your Ocean's like a Poole. I ripe the corne, I turne the grinding mill; And with my felfe, I every vacuum fill. The ruddy (weet fanguine, is like to Atre, And youth,and ſpring, fages to ine compare. My of the Four Elements. 19 My moiſt hot nature, is fo purely thinne, No place fo fubtilly made, but I get in. Igrow more pure and pure, as I mount higher, And when I'm throughly rarifi'd,turn fire. So when I am condens'd; I turne to water; VVhich may be done, by holding down my vapour. Thus I another body can affume, And in a trice, my own nature reſume. Some for this cauſe (of lare) have been ſo bold, Me for no Element, longer to hold. Let ſuch ſuſpend their thoughts and filent be; For all Philoſophers make one of me. And what thoſe Sages, did, or ſpake, or writy Is more authentick then their moderne wit. Next, of my Fowles ſuch multitudes there are; Earths Beafts, and VVaters Fiſh, ſcarce can comparë. The Ofrich with her plumes, th’Eagle with her eyne; The Phænix too(if any be) are mine s The Stork, the Crane, the Partrich, and the Pheſant; The Pye, the Jay, the Larke, a prey to th' Peaſant. VVith thouſands moe, which now I may omit; VVithout impeachment, to my tale or wie. As my freſh Aire preſerves, all things in life; So when'ts corrupt, mortality is rife. Then Feavours, Purples, Pox, and Peſtiler ce VVith divers moe, worke deadly conſequence. VVhereof ſuch multitudes have dy'd and fled, The living, ſcarce had power, to bury dead. Yea fo contagious, Countries have me known; That birds have not ſcap'd death, as they have flown, Of murrain,Cattle numberleffe did fall. Men fear'd deftru&ion epidemicall . C% Then 20 foure Elements. of the Then of my tempeſts, felt at Sea and Land, Which neither ſhips nor houſes could withſtand. What woeful wracks I've made, may wel appear, If nought was known, but that before Algire. Where famous Charles the fift, more lofre ſuſtain'd, Then in his long hot wars, which Millain gain'd. How many rich fraught veflells, have I ſplit? Some upon ſands,Come upon rocks have hit. Some have I forc'd, to gaine an unknown fhoares Some overwelm'd with waves, and ſeen no more. Again, what tempeſts, and what hericanoes Knowes VVeſtern Ilics, Chriſtophers, Barbadoes; VVhere neither houſes, trees, nor plants, I ſpare ; But ſome fall down, and ſome flye up with aire. - Earth-quaks ſo hurtful and ſo fear'd of all, Impriſoned I, am the original. Then what prodigious ſights, ſometimes I ſhow: As battells pitcht ich Aire (as Countries know; ) Their joyning, fighting, forcing, and retreat ; That earth appeares in heaven, oh wonder great! Sometimes ſtrange flaming {words, and blazing ſtars, Portentious fignes, of Famines, Plagues and V Vars. VVhich makes the mighty Monarchs fear their Fates, By death or great mutations of their States. I have ſaid leffe, then did my fifters three; But what's their worth, or force, but more's in me. To adde to all I've ſaid, was my intent, poo Bat dare not go, beyond my Element. OF 21 SPESTRIAN 事​、 Of the foure Humours in Mans conftitution. He former foure, now ending their Dil- courſe, Ceaſing to vaunt, their good, or threat their force. Loe! other foure ſtep up, crave leave to ſhew The native qualities, that from each flow, But firſt they wiſely ſhew d their high deſcent, Each eldeſt Daughter to each Element; Choler was own'd by Fire, and Blood by Aire, Earth knew her black ſwarth childe, Water her faire ; All having made obeyſance to each Mother, Had leave to ſpeake, ſucceeding one the other ; Bue’mongſt themſelves they were at variance, Which of the foure ſhould have predominance ; Choler hotly claim'd, right by her mother, Who had precedency of all the other. But Sanguine did dildaine, what ſhe requir'd, Pleading her felfe, was moſt of all delir'd; Proud Melancholy, more envious then the reſt, The ſecond, third, or laſt could not digeſt; She was the filenceſt of all the foure, Her wifedome ſpake not much, but thought the more. Cold с 3 22 of the Four Humours Cold Alegme, did not conteſt for higheſt place, Only the cray'd, to have a vacant ſpace. Wel, thus they parle, and chide, but to be briefe, Or wil they nil they, Choler wil be cheife; They ſeeing her imperioſity, At preſent yeelded, to neceſſity. Choler. 10 ſhew my great deſcent, and pedigree, , . It is acknowledged, from whence I came, It ſhal ſuffice, to tel you what I am: My ſelf, and Mother, one as you ſhal ſee, But ſhe in greater, I in leffe degree ; We both once Maſculines, the world doth know, Now Feminines (a while ) for love we owe Unto your Siſter-hood, which makes us tender Our noble felves in a leffe noble Gender. Though under fire, we comprehend all heat, Yer man for Choler, is the proper ſeat. I in his heart ere& my regal throne, Where Monarch-like I play, and ſway alone. Yer many times, unto my great diſgrace, One of your ſelves are my compeers in place, Where if your rule once grow predominant, The man proves boyiſh, ſoteifh, ignorant, But if ye yeeld ſub-ſervient unto me, I make a man, a man i'th higheſt degree, Be hea Souldier, I more fence his heart Then Iron Corflet, 'gainſt a ſword or dart; Whi in mans Conſtitution, 23 What makes him face his foe, without appal? To ſtorme a Breach, er ſcale a City wal? In dangers to account himſelf more ſure, Then timerous Hares, whom Caſtles doe immure ? Have ye nor heard of Worthies, Demi-gods? "Twixt them and others, what ift makes the odds But valour, whence comes that? from none of you; Nay milk-lops at ſuch brunts you look but blew, Here's Siſter Ruddy, worth the other two, That much wil talk, but little dares ſhe do, Unlefſe to court, and claw, and dice, and drink, And there ſhe wil out-bid us all, I think; She loves a Fiddle, better then a Drum, A Chamber wel, in field the dares not come; She'l ride a Horſe as bravely, as the beſt, And break a ftaffe, provided't be in jeft, But ſhuns to look on wounds, and bloud that's ſpilt, She loves her ſword, only becauſe its gilt ; Then here's our ſad black Sifter, worſe then you, She'l neither ſay, ſhe wil, nor wil ſhe doe: But peeviſh, Male-content, muſing the fits, And by miſprifjons,like to looſe her wits; If great perſwafions, cauſe her meet her foe; In her dul reſolution, ſhe's flow. To march her pace, to ſome is greater pain, Then by a quick encounter, to be faine ; But be the beaten, fhe'l not run away, She'l firſt adviſe, if't be not beſt to ſtay. But let's give, cold white;Siſter Flegme her right, So loving unto all, the ſcornes to fight. If any threaten her, ſhe'l in a rrice, Convert frem water, to conjealed Ice; C4 Hex 24 of the Four Humours Her teeth wil chatter, dead and wan's her face And 'fore ſhe be aflaulted, quits the place, She dare, not challenge if I ſpeake amiffe; Nor hath ſhe wit, or heat, to bluſh at this. Here's threc of you, all ſees now what you are, Then yeeld to me, preheminence in War. Again, who fits, for learning, ſcience, Aris? Who rarifies the intellectuall parts? Whence flow fine ſpirits, and witty notions ? Not from our dul flow Siſters inotions: Nor fifter Sanguine, from thy moderate heat, Poor ſpirits the Liver breeds, which is thy fear, What comes from thence, my heat refines the ſame, And through the arteries fends o're the frame, The vitall ſpirits they're call'd, and wel they may, For when they faile, man turnes unto his clay : The Animal Iclaime, as wel as theſe, The nerves ſhould I not warm, ſoon would they freeze. But Flegme her ſelf is now provok'd at this, She thinks I never ſhot ſo farre amiſſe; The Brà in ſhe challenges, the Head's her ſeat, But know'ts a fooliſh brain, that wantech heat; My abſence proves, it plain, her wit then flyes Our at her noſe, or melteth at her eyes ; Oh, who would mifſe this influence of shine, To be diftilld a drop on every line ! No, nc, thou haſt no ſpirits, thy company Wil feed a Dropfie, or a Timpany, The Palſie, Gout, or Cramp, or tome ſuch dolor, Thou walt not made for Souldier, or for Schollar Of greafie paunch, and palled cheeks, go vaunt, But a good head from theſe are difonanti BC in mans Conftitution, 25 But Melancholy, would have this glory thine ? Thou ſayft, thy wits are ſtai’d, ſubtle and fine: Tis true, when I am midwife to thy birth; Thy feli's as du), as is thy mother Earth. Thou canſt not claime, the Liver, Head nor Heart; Yet haft thy ſeat affignd, a goodly part, The linke of all us three, the hatefull ſpleen; Of that black region, Nature made thee Queen; Where paine and fore obſtructions thon doft work ; Where envy, malice, thy companions lurke. If once thou're great, what followes thereupon ? But bodies waſting, and deftru&tion. So baſe thou art, that baſer cannot be; The excrement, aduftion of me. But I am weary to dilate thy ſhame; Nor is't my pleaſure, thus to blur thy name: Onely to raiſe my honours to the Skyes, As obje&s beſt appear, by contraries. Thus arms, and arts I claim, and higher things; The Princely quality, befitting Kings, Whoſe Serene heads, I line with policies, They're held for Oracles, they are ſo wile. Their wrathfull looks are death, their words are laws; Their courage, friend and foe, and ſubjc& awes, But one of you would make a worthy King : Like our fixt Henry, that ſame worthy thing. That when a Varlet, ftruck him o're the fide, Forſooth you are to blame, he grave reply'd. Take choler from a Prince, what is he more, Then a dead Lyon? by beaſts triumpht ore. Again,ye know how la& every part: By th'influence I ſend ſtill from the heart, Its 26 of the Four Humours Its not your muſcles,nerves, nor this nor that : Without my lively heat, do's ought thats flat. The ſpongy Lungs, I feed with frothy blood. They coole my heat, and ſo repay my good. Nay, th' ftomach, magazeen to all the reſt, Without my boiling hear cannot digeft. And yet to make, my greatneffe far more great: What differences the Sex, but only heat? And one thing more to cloſe with my narration. Of all that lives, I cauſe the propagation. I have been ſparing, what I might have ſaid, I love no boaſting, that's but childrens trade: To what you now fhal ſay, I wil attend, And to your weakneſſe gently condeſcend. Blood. Good filters give meleave ( as is my place) To vent my griefe, and wipe off my diſgrace. Your ſelves may plead, your wrongs are no whit Ieffe, Your patience more then mine, I muſt confeſſe. Did ever ſober tongue, ſuch language ſpeak? Or honeſtic fuch ties, unfriendly break? Do'ſt know thy felfe ſo well, us ſo amiffe ? Is't ignorance, or folly cauſeth this? Ile only ſhew the wrongs, thou'ſt done to me: Then let my fifters, right their injury. To pay with railings, is not mine intent, But to evince the truth, by argument. I will annalife, thy ſo proud relarion; So ful of boaſting, and prevarication. Thy in mans Conftitution. 27 Thy childiſh incongruities, Ile ſhow : So walke thee til thou’rt cold, then let thee go. There is no Souldier, but thy felfe thou ſay 'ft, No valour upon earth, but what thou haſt. Thy fooliſh provocations, I deſpiſe. And leave's to all, to judge where valour lyes. No pattern, nor no Patron will I bring, But David, Fudah's moſt heroyick King: Whoſe glorious deeds in armes the world can tel, A roſie cheek'd mufitian, thou known wel. He knew how, for to handle, Sword and Harpe, And how to ſtrike ful ſweet, as wel as fharpe. Thou laugh'ſt at me for loving merriment: And ſcorn'ft all Knightly ſports, at turnament. Thou ſayft I love my ſword, becauſe tis guilt. But know, I love the blade, more then the hils. Yet do abhorre, ſuch timerarious deeds, As thy unbridled, barb'rous Choler yeelds. Thy rudeneſſe counts, good manners vanity, And real complements, baſe flattery. For drink, which of us twain, like it the beſt, Ile go no further then thy noſe for teſt. Thy other ſcoffes not worthy of reply: Shal vaniſh as of no validity. Of thy black calumnies, this is but part: But now lle ſhew, what Souldier chou art. And though thou'ſt uld me, with opprobrious ſpight, My ingenuity muſt give thee right. Thy Choler is but rage,when tis moſt pure. But uſeful , when a mixture can indure. As with thy mother Fire, ſo 'tis with thee, The beſt of al the four, when they agree. Bug 28 of the Four Humours But let her leave the reſt, and I preſume, Both them and all things elſe, ſhe will conſume. Whil ft us for chine aſſociates thou takeft, A Souldier moſt compleat in al points makeſt. But when thou ſcorn 'ſt to take the helpe we lend, Thou art a fury, or infernal Fiend. Witneſſe the execrable deeds thou'ſt done: Nor {paring Sex,nor age, nor fire,nor ſon. To ſatisfie thy pride, and cruelty Thou oft haft broke bounds of humanity. Nay ſhould I tel, thou would ſt count me no blab, How often for the lye, thou'ſt giv’n the ſtab. To take the wal's a fin of ſuch high rate, That naught but blood, the ſame may expiate. To crofle thy wil, a challenge doth deferve. So ſpils that life, thon'rt bounden to preſerve. Wilt thou this valour,manhood, courage cal: Nay; know 'tis pride, moſt diabolical. If murthers be thy glory, tis no ieffe. Ile not envy thy feats, nor happineffe. But if in fitting tim, and place, on foes; For Countries good, thy life thou darft expoſe: Be dangers neer fo high, and courage great, Ile praiſe that fury, valour, choler, heat. But ſuch thou never art, when al alone; Yer ſuch, when we al four are joynd in one. And when ſuch thou arr, even ſuch are we. The friendly coadjutors, ftil to thee. Nextly, the fpirics thou do'ſt wholly claime, Which natural,vitaljanimal we name. To play Philoſopher, I have no lift; Nor yet Phifitian, nor Anatomift. For in mans Conſtitution. 29 For a&ting theſe, I have nor wil, nor art, litor's Yet fhal with equity give thee thy part, For th' natural, thou doft not much conteft; w dow For there are none, thou ſay'ft, if ſome, not beſt. That there are ſome, and beſt, I dare averre; More uſeful then the reſt, don't reaſon erre ; What is there living, which cannot derive His life now animal, from vegative ? If thou giv'it life, I give thee nouriſhment, Thine without mine, is not, 'tis evident: But I, without thy help can give a growth, As plants, trees, and ſmall Embryon know'th; darah And if vital ſpirits do flow from thee, I am as ſure, the natural from me; Bobko Buc thine the nobler, which I grant, yet mifie les Shal juAly claime priority of thine ; I am the Fountaine which thy Cifterns fils, Through th' warme, blew conduits of my veinal rils 3 What hach the heart, but what's ſent from the liver ? If thou'rt the taker, I muſt be the giver: Then never boaſt of what thou do'it receive, ci w For of ſuch glory I ſhal thee bereave; But why the heart, ſhould be uſurpt by thee, I muſt confeffe, is ſomewhat ſtrange to me, The ſpirits through thy heat, are made perfe& there, But the materials none of thine, that's cleare, Their wondrous mixture, is of blocd, and ayre, The firft my ſelf, ſecond my ſiſter faire, But i'le not force retorts, nor do thee wrong, Thy fiery yellow froth, is mixt among. Challenge not all, 'cauſe part we do allow, Thou knowlt I'ye there to do, as wel as thou; But 30 of the Four Humours But thou wilt ſay, I deale unequally, There lives the iraſcible faculty: Which without all diſpute, is Cholers owne ; Beſides the vehement hear, only there knowny Can be imputed unto none, but Fire ; Which is thy felf, thy Mother, and thy Sire ; That this is true, I eaſily can aſſent, If ſtil thou take along my Aliment, And let me be thy Partner, which is due, So wil I give the dignity to you. Again, ftomachs conco&ion thou doft claime, But by what right, nor do'ft, nor canſt thou name 3 It is her own heat, not thy faculty, Thou do'ft unjuftly claime, her property, The help ſhe needs, the loving Liver lends, Who th' benefit o'th' whole ever intends: To meddle further, I ſhal bc but ſhent, Th'reft to our Siſters, is more pertinent. Your flanders thus refuted, takes no place, Though caſt upon my guillefſe bluſhing face ; Now through your leaves, ſome little time i'le ſpend; My worth in humble manner, to commend. This hot, moiſt, nurtritive humour of mine, When 'tis untaint, pure, and moſt genuine Shal firſtly take her place, as is her due, Without the leaſt indignity to you ; Of all your qualities I do partake, And what you fingly are, the whole I make. Your hot, dry, moyſt, cold, natures are foure, I moderately am all, what need I morc : As thus, if hot, then dry; if moist, then cold; If this can't be diſpror'd, then all I hold: My in mans Conftitution. 31 My vertues hid, i've let you dimly fee; My ſweet complexion, proves the verity, This ſcarlet die's a badge of what's within, One touch thereof ſo beautifies the skins Nay, could I be from all your tangs bur pure, Mans life to boundlefle time might ftil endure ; But here's one thruſts her heat, where's not requir'd So ſuddenly, the body all is fired: And of the ſweet, calme temper, quite bereft, Which makes the manhon, by the ſoul foon left; So Melancholly ceaſes on a man ; With her uncheerful viſage, fwarth and wan; The body dryes, the minde ſublime doth ſmothet', And turns him to the wombe of 's earthy mother, And Flegme like wife can ſhew, her cruel art, With cold diftempers, to pain every part 3 The Lungs, ſhe ruts, the body weares away, As if ſhe'd leave no fleſh to turn to clay, Her languiſhing diſeaſes, though not quick, At length demoliſhes the faberick, All to prevent this curious care I rake; Ith'lait conco&ion, fegregation make. Of all the perverſe humours from mine owne, The bitter choler, moſt malignant knowne I turn into his cel, cloſe by my ſide, The Melancholly to the Spleen to 'bide; Likewiſe the Whey, ſome uſe I in the veines, The over plus I ſend unto the reines ; But yet for all my toyl, my eare, my skil, It's doom'd by an irrevocable wil : Thatmy intents [hould meet with interruption, That morral man, might curn to his corruption. 32 of the Foure Humours SAO I might here ſhew, the nobleneffe of minde, Ofluch as to the Sanguine are inclind, They're liberal, pleaſant, kinde, and courteous, And like the Liver, all benignious; For Arts, and Sciences, they are the fitteſt, And maugre (Choler ) Ail they are the witteft, An ingenious working phantafie, A moft volumnious large memory, And nothing wanting but ſolidity. But why, alas, thus tedious ſhould I be? Thouſand examples, you may daily fee If time I have tranfgreft, and been too long, Yet could not be more breif, without much wrong. I've ſcarce wip'd off the ſpots, proud Choler caft, Such venome lyes in words, though but a blaſt, No braggs i've us’d, your ſelves I dare appeale, If modeſty my worth do not conceale. I've usºd no bitterneſſe,nor taxt your name, As I to you, to me, do ye the ſame. Melancholy. H Н Ethat with two affaylents hath to do, Had need be armed wel, and a&ive too, Eſpecially when freindſhip is pretended: That blow's moſt deadly, where it is intended; Though Choler rage, and raile, i'le not do ſo, The tongue's no weapon to affault a foe, Bat fith we fight with words, we might be kind, To ſpare our felves, and bear the whiſtling winde. Faire in mans Conſtitution. 33 Faire rofic Siſter, fo might'ſt thou ſcape free, I'le flatrer for a time, as thou did'ft me, But when the firſt offenders I have laid, Thy ſoothing girds ſhal fully be repaid ; But Choler, be thou cool'd, or chat'd, i'le venter, And in contentions liſts, now juſtly enter. Thy boaſted valour ftoutly's been repelled, If not as yet, by me, thou shalt be quelld: What mov'd thee thus to villific my name? Not paſt all reaſon, but in truth all shame: Thy fiery ſpirit ſhal bear away this prize, To play ſuch furious pranks I am too wiſe ; If in a Souldier raſhneffe be ſo precious, Know,in a General its moſt pernicious. Nature doth teach, to ſheild the head from harm, The blow that's aim'd thereat is latch'd by th'arm, When in Battalia my foes I face, I then command, proud Choler ſtand thy place, To uſe thy ſword, thy courage, and thy Art, For to defend my ſelf, thy better part ; This warineſle count not for cowardiſe, He is not truly valiant that's not wiſe ; It's no leſſe glory to defend a town, Then by affault to gain one, not our own. And if Marcellus bold, be call'd Romes fword, Wiſe Fabius is her buckler: all accord. And if thy hatte, my flowneffe ſhould not temper, "Twere but a mad,irregular diftemper; Enough of that, by our Sifter heretofore, I'le come to that which wounds me ſomewhat more: Of Learning, and of Policie, thou would'ſt bereave me, But's not thy ignorance ſhal thus deceive me. D Whag 34 of the Four Humours What greater Clerke, or polititian lives? Then he whoſe brain a touch my humour gives. What is too hot, my coldnelle doth abate; What's diffluent, I do conſolidate. If I be partial judgd, or thought to erre, The melancholy Snake ſhal it aver. Thoſe cold dry heads, more ſubtilly doth yeild, Then all the huge beaſts of the fertile field. Thirdly, thou doft confine me to the ſpleen, As of that only part I was the Queen: Ler me as wel make thy precin&s, the gal; To priſon thee within that Fladder ſmal. Reduce the man to's principles,then ſee If I have not more part, then al ye three : What is without, within,of theirs or thine. Yet time and age, fhal ſoon declare it mine. When death doth ſeize the man, your ſtock is loſt, When you poor bankrupts prove, then have I moſt. You'l ſay, here none ſbal ere diſturbe my right; You high born (from that lump ) then take your flight Then who's mans friend, when life and all forlakes? His mother (mine) him to her wombe recakes, Thus he is ours, his portion is the grave. But whilft he lives, lle fhew what part I have. And firſt, the firme dry bones, I juſtly claim: The ſtrong foundation of the lately frame. Likewiſe the uſeful ſpleen, though not the beſt, Yet is a bowel cal'd wel as the reſt. The Liver, Stomach, owes it thanks of right : The firſt it draines, o'chºlaft quickes appetite, Laughter(though thou ſayft malice) Aowes from hence, Theſe two in one cannot have reſidence, But in mans Conſtitution. 35 But thou moſt grofly do't miſtake, to thinke The Spleen for al you three, was made a finke, Of al the reſt, thou'ſt nothing there to do; But if thou haſt, that malice comes from you. Again, you often couch my ſwarthy hew, GLU That black is black, and I am black, tis true; But yet more comely far, I dare ayow, w Then is thy torrid noſe, or braſen brow. But that which ſhewes how high thy ſpight is bent In charging me to be thy excrement. Thy loathſome imputation I defie ; So plain a ſlander needeth no reply. When by thy heat, thou'ſt bak'd thy ſelfe to cruſt, Thou do'ſt aflume my name, wel be it juſt; This tranſmutation is, but not excretion, Thou wants Philoſophy, and yet diſcretion. Now by your leave, Ile let your greatneſſe fees What officer thou art to al us three. The Kitchin Drudge, the cleanſer of the links, That caſts out all that man or eates, or drinks. Thy bittering quality, ſtil irretates, Til filth and thee, nature exhonorates. If any doubt this truth, whence this ſhould comez Show them thy paffage to th' Duodenum. If there thou’rt ſtopt, tothº Liver thou turn it in, And ſo with jaundiſe, Safferns al the skin. No further time ile ſpend, in confutations, I truſt I've clear'd your flandrous imputations. I now ſpeake unto al, no more to one; Pray hear, admire, and learn inſtruction, My vertues yours ſurpaſſe, without compare : The firſt, my conſtancy, that jewel rare. D 2 Choler's 36 of the foure Humours Choler's too raſh, this golden gift to hold. And Sanguine is more fickle many fold. Here, there, her reſtleſſe thoughts do ever flye; Conſtant in nothing, but inconſtancy, And what Flegme is, we know, likewiſe her mother, Unſtable is the one, fo is the other. With me is noble patience alſo found, Impacient Choler loveth not the found. VV hat Sanguine is, ſhe doth nor heed, nor care. Now up, now down, tranſported like the Aire. Flegm's patient, becauſe her nature's tame: But I by vertue,do acquire the ſame. My temperance, chaſticy, is eminent, But theſe with you are ſeldome refident. Now could I ſtain my ruddy fifters face, With purple dye, to fhew but her diſgrace. But I rather with filence, vaile her ſhame; Then cauſe her bluſh, while I dilate the fame. Nor are ye free, from this inormity, Although ſhe beare the greateſt obloquic. My prudence, judgement, now I might reveale, But wiſdome 'cis, my wiſdom to conceale. Unco diſeaſes not inclind as ye: Nor cold, nor hot, Ague, nor Plurilie; Nor Cougb,nor Quinfie, nor the burning Feavor. I rarely feel to act his fierce indeavour. My fickneſſe cheifly in conceit doth lye, What I imagine, that's my malady. Strange Chymera's are in my phantafie, And things that never were, nor ſhal I ſee. Talke I love not, reaſon lyes not in length. Nor multitude of words, argues our ſtrength; I've in mans Conſtitution. 37 I've done, pray Siſter Flegme proceed in courſe, We ſhal expe& much ſound, but little force, Flegme. P: Atient I am, patient i'd need to be, To bear the injurious taunts of three ; Though wit I want, and anger I have leffe, Enough of both, my wrongs for to expreffe ; I've not forgot how bitter Choler ſpake, Nor how her Gaul on me the cauſlefſe brake; Nor wonder 'twas, for hatred there's not ſmal, Where oppoſition is diametrical : To what is truth, I freely wil affent, ( Although my name do luffer detriment) What's Nanderous, repel; doubtful,diſpute And when i've nothing left to ſay, be mute ; Valour I want, no Souldier am, 'tis true, I'le leave that manly property to you; I love no tkundering Drums, nor bloody Wars, My polith'd skin was not ordaind for skars, And though the pitched field i've ever fled, At home, the Conquerours, have conquered : Nay, I could tel you ( what's more true then meet ) That Kings have laid their Sceprers at my feet, When lifter Sanguine paints my Ivory face, The Monarchs bend, and fue, but for my grace ; My Lilly white, when joyned with her red, Princes hath flav'd, and Captains captired : Country with Country, Greece with Afia fights, Sixty nine Princes, all ftout Hero Knights, Under D 3 38 of the Four Humours Under Troys wals, ten years wil waft away, Rather then loofe, one beauteous Hellena ; But 'twere as vain, to prove the truth of mine, As at noon day to tel, the Sun doth ſhine. Next difference betwixt us twain doth lyes Who doth poffefſe the Brain, or thou, or I; Shame forc'd thee ſay, the matter that was mine, But the ſpirits, by which it a&ts are chine; Thou ſpeakeſt truth, and I can ſpeak no leſſe, Thy hear doth much, I candidly confeffe, But yet thou art as much, I truly fay, Beholding unto me another way. And though I grant, thou art my helper here, No debtor I, becauſe 'cis paid elſe where ; With all your flooriſhes, now Siſters three, Who is't or dare, or can compare with me ; My excellencies are ſo great, ſo many, I am confounded, 'fore I ſpeak of any: The Brain's the nobleft member all allow, The ſcituation, and form wil it avow, Its ventricles, membrances, and wond'rous net, Galen, Hipocrates drives to a ſer. Thar divine Effence, the immortal Soul, Though it in all, and every part be whole: Within this ſtately place of eminence, Doth doubtlefſe keep its mighty reſidence ; And ſurely the Souls fenfative here lives, Which life and motion to each Creiture gives, The conjugations of the parts toth'brain Doth shew, hence flowes the power which they retain Within this high built Cittadel doth lye, The Rcaſon, Fancy, and the Memory: The in mans Conſtitution 39 The faculty of ſpeech doth bere abide, The ſpirits animal from whence doth ſlide, The five moſt noble Sences, here do dwel, Of three, its hard to ſay, which doth excel; This point for to diſcuffelongs not to me, I'le touch the Sight, great'ſt wonder of the three; The optick nerve, coats, humours, all are mine, Both watry, glaflie, and the chriſtaline, O ! mixture ſtrange, oh colour, colourleſſe, Thy perfe & temperament, who can expreſſe? He was no foole, who thought the Soul lay here, Whence her affe&ions, paſſions, fpeak ſo clear ; o! good, O bad, O true, traiterous eyes ! What wonderments, within your bals there lyes? Of all the Sences, Sight ſhal be the Queen ; Yet ſome may with, oh, had mine eyes ne're ſeene. Mine likewiſe is the marrow of the back, Which runs through all the ſpondles of the rack, It is the ſubſtitute o'ch royal Brain, Allnerves (except ſeven paire ) ro it retains And the ſtrong ligaments, from hence ariſe, With joynt to joynt; the entire body tyes ; Some other parts there iffue from the Brain, Whoſe uſe and worch to tel, I muſt refrain; Some worthy learned Crooke may theſe reveal, But modefty hath charg'd me to conceal; Here's my epitome of excellence, For what's the Brains, is mine, ty conſequence ; A fooliſh Brain (faith Choler ) wanting heat, But a mad one, ſay), where 'tis too great, Phrenfie's worſe,then folly, one would more glad, With a tame foole conyerle, then with a mad, D4 Then 40 of the Four Humours, dc. Then, my head for learning is not the fitreft, Ne're did I heare thit Choler was the witt'eſt; Thy judgement is unſafe, thy fancy little, For memory, the land is not more brittle. Again, none's fit for Kingly place but thou, If Tyrants be the beſt, i'le it allow; But if love be, as requiſite as feare, Then I, and thou, muſt make a mixture here: Wel, to be breif, Choler I hope now's laid, And I paffe by what Gifter Sanguine faid; To Melancholly i'le make no reply, The worſt ſhe ſaid, was, inftability, And too much talk; both which, I do confeſſe, A warning good, hereafter i'le lay leffe. Let's now be freinds, 'tis time our ſpight was ſpens, Lelt we too late this raſhneffe do repent, Such premiſes wil force a ſad concluſion, Unlelle we 'gree, all fals into confuſion. Let Sanguine, Choler, with her hot hand hold, To take her moyft, my moiſtneſſe wil bebold; My cold, cold Melanchollies hand ſhal claſp, Her dry, dry Cholers other hand ſhalgraſp; Two hot, two moiſt, two cold, two dry here be, A golden Ring, the Poſey, Unity : Nor jars, nor ſcoffs, let none hereafter fee, But all admire our perfe&t amity ; Nor be diſcern'd, here's water, earth, aire, fire, But here's a compact body, whole, entire: This loving counſel pleas'd them all ſo wel, That Flegme was judg'l, for kindneffe to excel. The * 41 8888888 9883398888888 ᎣᎣᎣᎣᎣᎣᎣᎣ es The Four Ages of Man. Oe now! four other acts upon the ſtage, Childhood, and Youth, the Manly, and Old-age. The firft : fon unto Flegme,grand-child to water, Unſtable, ſupple, moiſt and cold's his Naure. The ſecond, frolick, claimes his pedigree, From blood and aire, for hot, and moiſt is he. The third, of fire, and choler is compold, Vindicative, and quarelſome difpold. The laft, of earth, and heavy melancholly, Solid hating all lightneffe, and al folly. Childhood was cloath'd in white, and given to ſhow, His ſpring was intermixed with lome ſnow. Upon his head a Garland Nature ſet : Ot Dazy, Primroſe, and the Violet. Such cold mean flowers (as theſe) bloffome berime, Before the Sun hath throughly warm'd the clime. His hobby ftriding, did not ride, but run, And in his hand an hour-glaffe new begun, In dangers every moment of a fall, And when tis broke, then ends his life and all. But if he hold, til it have run its laft, Then may be live, til threeſcore years or paft. Next । The four Ages of Man. 42 Next, youth came up, in gorgeous attire; (As that fond age, doth moſt of al defire.) His Suit of Crimſon, and his Scarfe of Green: In's countenance, his pride quickly was ſeen. Garland of Roſes, Pinks, and Glliflowers, Seemed co grow on's head(bedewd with ſhowers:) His face as frefh, as is Auzora faire, When bluſhing firſt, the 'gins to red the Aire. No wooden horſe, but one of mettal try’d: He ſeems to flye, or ſwim, and not to ride. "Then prauncing on the Stage, abouc he wheels; But as he went, deach waited at his heeles. The next came up, in a more graver fort, As one that cared, for a good report. His Sword by's ſide, and choler in his eyes; But neither us'd (as yet) tor he was wiſe. Of Autumne fruits a basket on his arme. His golden god in's purſe, which was his charma And laſt of al, to act upon this Srage ; Leaning upon his ſtaffe, comes up old age. Under his arme a Sheafe of wheat he bore, A Harveſt of the beſt, what needs he more In's other hand a glaffe, evin almoſt run, This writ about : This out, then I am done. His hoary haires, and grave aſpect made way; And al gave eare, to what he had to ſay. Theſe being inet,each in his equip?ge, Intend to ſpeak, according to their age: But wiſe Old-age, did with all gravity, To childilh childhood, give precedency. And to the reſt, his reaſon mildly told; Thar he vvas ycung, before he grew ſo old. To The four Ages of Man. 43 To do as he, the reſt ful ſoon affents, Their method was, that of the Elements, That each ſhould tel, what of himſelfe he knew; Both good and bad, but yet no more then's true. With heed now ftood, three ages of fraile man; To hear the child, who crying, thus began.mob Childhood, Stolat AH me ! conceiv'd in fin, and born in ſorrows A nothing, here to day, but gone to morrow. Whoſe mean beginning, bluſhing cann's reveale, But night and darkenelle, muft with fhame conceal. My mothers breeding ficknes, I will ſparez loro Her nine months weary burden not declare. To fhew her bearing pangs, I ſhould do wrong, To tel that paine, which cann'c be told by tongue; With tears into this world I did arrive; My mother itil did waſte, as I did thrive: Who yet with love, and all alacrity, Spending was willing to be ſpent for me; With wayward eryes, I did diftarbe her reft; Who ſought ſtil to appeale me, with her breft, With weary armes, fhe danc'd, and By, By, fung, When wretched I (ungrace) had done the wrong. When Infancy was pait, my Childiſhneffe, Did act al folly, that it could expreſſe. My fillineffe did only take delight, In that which riper age did ſcorn, and flight: In Rattles, Bables and ſuch toyiſh ſtuffe. My then ambitious thoughts, were low enough. My 44 of the Four Ages of man. My bigh-borne foule, ſo ſtraitly was confin'd : That its own worth, it did not know, nor mind. This little houſe of fleſh, did ſpacious count: Through ignorance, all troubles did ſurmount, Yer this advantage, bad mine ignorance, Freedome from Envy, and from Arrogance. How to be rich, or great, I did not carke; A Baron or a Duke, ne'r made my mark Nor ftudious was, Kings favours how to buy, With coſtly preſents, or baſe flattery. No office coveted, wherein I might Make ſtrong my felfe, and turne aſide weak right: No malice bare, to this, or that great Peer, Nor unto buzzing whilperors, gave ear. 1 gave no hand, nor vote, for death, or life: I'd nought to do, 'twixt Prince, and peoples ſtrife. No Statift I: nor Marti'lift i'th' field; Where cºre I went,mine innocence was ſhield. My quarrells, not for Diadems did riſes But for an Apple, Plumbe,or ſome fuch prize, My froks did cauſe no death, nor wounds, nor skars.. My little wrath did ceaſe foon as my wars. My duel was no challenge, nor did ſeek. My foe Chould weltering, with his bowels reek. I had no Suits at law, neighbours to vex. Nor evidence for land, did me perplex. I fear'd no ſtormes,nor al the windes that blows, I had no ſhips at Sea, no fraughts to looſe. I fear'd no drought, nor wer, I had no crop, Nor yet on future things did place my hope. This was mine innocence, but oh the feeds, Lay raked up; of all the curſed weeds, Which of the Four Ages of man. 45 Which ſprouted forth, in my inſuing age, As he can tell, that next comes on the ſtage. But yet let me relate, before I go, The fins,and dangers I am ſubje&to. From birth ſtayned, with Adams Infull fa&; From thence I'gan to fin, as ſoon as a&. A perverſe will a love to what's forbid: A ſerpents fting in pleaſing face lay hid. A lying tongue as ſoon as it could ſpeak, And fift Commandement do daily break, Oft ſtubborn, peevith, fullen, pout, and cry: Then nought can pleaſe and yet I know not why. As many was my fins, so dangers roo: For fin brings forrow, ficknefle, death, and woe. And though I miffe, the toſſings of the mind: Yet griefs, in my fraile fleſh, I ſtill do find. What gripes of wind, mine infancy did pain? What tortures I, in breeding teeth ſuſtain What crudities my cold ftomach hath bred ? Whence vomits, wormes, and flux have iflued ? What breaches, knocks, and falls [ daily have? And fome perhaps, I carry to my grave. Some times in fire, ſoinetimes in waters fall: Strangely preſervd, yet mind it not at all. At home, abroad, my danger's manifold. That wonder tis, my glaffe till now doth bold. I've done, unto my elders I give way. For’ris but little, that a childe can ſay. Youch 46 The four Ages of Man. bogo adtad Youth. M Y goodly clothing, and my beauteous skin, Declare Tome greater riches are within ; But what is beſt ile firſt preſent to view, And then the worſt, in a more ugly hue ; For thus to do, we on this Srage aſſemble, Thenlet not hiin, which hath moſt craft diffemble ; Minc education, and my learning's ſuch, As naight my felf, and others, profit much : With nurture trained up in vertues Schools, Of Science, Arts, and Tongues, I know the rules, The manners of the Court, I likewiſe know, Nor ignorant what they in Country do ; The brave attempts of valiant Knights I prize, That dare climbe Battlements, reard to the skies; The ſnorting Horſe, the Trumpet, Deum I like, The gliftring Sword, and wel advanced Pike; I cannot lye in trench, before a Town, Nor wait til good advice our hopes do crown ; I ſcorn the heavy Corflet, Musker proof, I fly to catch the Builet that's aloof; Though thus in field, at home, to all moſt kind, So aftable that I do ſuit each mind; I can inſinuate into the breſt, Ard by my mirth can raiſe the heart depreſt; Sweet Mufick rapteth my harmonious Soul, And elevates my thoughts above the Pole. My wit, my bounty, and my courtefie, Makes all to place their future hopes on me. This The four Ages of Man. 47 This is my beſt, but youth ( is known ) alas, To be as wilde as is the ſnuffing Afle, Ibu As vain as froth, as vanity can be, That who would ſee vain man, may look on me: My gifts abus'd, my education loft, My woful Parents longing hopes all croft, My wit, evaporates in meriment : My valour, in ſome beaſtly quarrel's ſpent ; Martial deeds I love not, 'cauſe they're vertuous; But doing ſo, might ſeem magnanimous. My Luft doth hurry me, to all that's ill, I know no Law, nor reaſon, but my wil ; Sometimes lay wait to take a wealthy purſe, Or ftab the man, in's own defence, that's worſe. Sometimes I cheat (unkind ) a female Heir, Of all at once, who not ſo wiſe, as fair, Truſteth my loving looks, and glozing tongue, Until her freinds, treaſure, and honour's gone, Sometimes I fit caroufing others health, Until mine own be gone, my wit, and wealth; From pipe to pot, from pot to words, and blows, For he that loveth Wine, wanteth no woes; Dayes, nights, with Ruffins, Roarers,Fidders ſpends To all obſcenity, my eares I bend. All counſel hate, which tends to make me wiſe, And deareſt freinds count for mine enemies; If any care I take, 'tis to be fine, For ſure my ſuit more then my vertues ſhine; If any time from company I ſpare, 'Tis ſpent in curling, frifling up my hair ; Some young Adonis I do ſtrive to be, Sardana Pallas, now ſurvives in me: Cards 48 of the Four Ages of man. Cards, Dice, and Oaths, concomitant, I love ; To Maſques, to Playes, to Taverns ſtil I move; And in a word, if what I am you'd heare, Seek out a Brittiſh, bruitiſh Cavalcer; Such wretch, ſuch monſter an l; but yet more, I want a heart all this for to deplore. Thus, thus alas! I have miſpent my time, My youth, my beſt, my ſtrength, my bud, and prime: Remembring not the dreadful day of Doom, Nor yer that heavy reckoning for to come; Though dangers do attend me every houre, And gaftly deach oft threats me with her power, Sometimes by wounds in idle combates taken, Sometimes by Agues all my body ſhaken ; Sometimes by Feavers, all my moiffure drinking, My heart lyes frying, and my eyes are linking ; Sonetimes the Cough, Stitch, painful Plurilie, With fad affrights of death, doth menace me; Sometimes the loathſome Pox, my face be-mars, With ugly marks of his eternal ſcars; Sometimes the Phrenfie, ſtrangely madds my Brain, That oft for it, in Bedlam I remain. Too many's my Diſeaſes to recite, That wonder 'tis I yet behold the light, That yet my bed in darknefíe is not made, And I in black oblivions den leng laid; Of Marrow ful my bones, of Milk my breaſts, Ceas'd by the gripes of Serjeant Death's Arreſts : Thus I have ſaid, and what i've ſaid you ſee, Child-hood and youth is yaine, yea vanity. Middle The four Ages of Man. 49 Middle Age. CHildehood and youth, forgot,ſometimes I've ſeen, "And now am grown more ſtaid, thaphave beengreen, What they have done, the fame was done by me, As was their praiſe, or ſhame, ſo mine muſt be. Now age is more, more good ye do expe& ; But more my age, the more is my deieet. But what's of worth, your eyes ſhal firft behold, And then a world of dr offe among my gold. When my Wilde Oates,were fown, and ripe, & mown, I then receiv'd a barveſt of mine owne. My reaſon, then bad judge, how little hope, Such empry feed ſhould yeeld a better crop. I then with both hands, graſpt the world together, Thus cut of one extreame, inco another. But yet laid hold, on vertue ſeemingly, Who climbes without hold, climbes dangerouſly. Be my condition mean, I then take paines My family to keep, but not for gaines. If rich, I'm urged then to gather more. To bear me out i'th' world, and feed the poor, If a father, then for children muſt provide: Buc if none, then for kindred near aliy'd. If Noble, then mine honour to maintaine. If not, yet wealth, Nobility can gain, For time for place likewiſe for each relation, I wanted not my ready allegation. Yet all my powers, for ſelf-ends are not ſpent, For hundreds bleffe me, for my bounty feat. E Whole 50 of the Four Ages of man. Whoſe loynes I've cloth'd, and bellies I have fed; With mine owne fleece, and with my houſhold bread. Yea juftice I have done, was I in place; To chear the good and wicked to deface. The proud I cruſh'd, th' oppreſſed I ſet free, The lyars curb'd but nouriſht verity. Was I a paftor, I my flock did feed: And gently lead the lambes, as they had need, A Captain I, with skil I train'd my band; And ſhew'd them how, in face of foes to ſtand. If a Souldier, with ſpeed I did obey, As readily as could my Leader ſay: Was I a laborer, I wrought all day, As chearfully as ere I took my pay. Thus hath mine age(in all) ſometimes done wel. Sometimes mine age (in all) been worſe then hell. In meanneſſe, greatneffe, riches, poverty, Did toile, did broile ; oppreffd, did ſteal and lye. Was I as poor,as poverty could be, Then baſenefſe was companion unto me. Such (cum, as Hedges, and High-wayes do yeeld, As neither ſow, nor reape, nor plant, nor build. If to Agricolture, I was crdaind: Great labours, forrows, croſſes I fuſtain'd. The early Cock, did fummon but in vaine, My wakefull thoughts, up to my painefull gaine. For reftlefſe day and night, I'm rob’d of fleep, By can kered care, who centinel doth keep. My weary beaſt, reft from his toile can find; But if I reft, the more diftreft ту mind. If happineife my ſordidneile hath found, Twas in the crop of my manured ground: My of the Four Ages of man, 51 My fatted Oxe, and my exuberous Cow, My fleeced Ewe, and ever farrowing Sow. To greater things, I never did aſpire, My dung hil thoughts, or hopes, could reach no higher. If to be rich, or great, it was my fate; How was I broyl'd with envy, and with bate ? Greater, then was the great'lt, was my defire, And greater ftil,did ſet my heart on fire. If honour was the point, to which I ſteer'd; To run my hull upon diſgrace I fear’d. But by ambitious failes, I was ſo carryed ; That over fars, and ſands, and rocks I hurried, Oppref,and funke,and fa&, all in my way; That did oppoſe me, to my longed bay: My thirſt was higher, then Nobility. And oft long'd fore,to taſte on Royalty. Whence poyfon, Piftols, and dread inſtruments, Hive been curft furtherers of mine intents, Nor Brothers,Nephewes,Sonsnor Sires I've ſpar'd. When to a Monarchy, my way they barr'd. There fet, I rid my felfe ſtraight out of hand- Of ſuch as might my fon, or his with and. Then heapt up gold, and riches as the clay ; Which others ſcatter, like the dew in May. Sometimes vaine-glory is the only bait, Whereby my empty ſcule, is lur'd and caught. Bel of worth, of learning, or of parts; I judge, I ſhould have room, in all mens hearts. And envy gnawes, if any do ſurmount. I hate for to be had, in ſmall account, If Bias like, I'm ftript unto my skin, I glory in my wealth, I have within. Thus E 2 52 The four Ages of Man. Thus good, and bad, and what I am, you feey Now in a word, what my diſeaſes be. The vexing Stone, in bladder and in reines, Torments me with intollerable paines ; The windy Cholick oft my bowels rend, To break the darkſome priſon, where it's pend; The knotty Gout doth ſadly torture me, And the reſtraining lame Sciatica; The Quinſie, and the Feavours, oft diſtaſte me, And the Conſumption, to the bones doth wait me; Subje& to all Diſeaſes, that's the truth, Though ſome more incident to age, or youth: And to conclude, I may not tedious be, Man at his beſt eſtate is vanity. old Age. W Hat you have been, ev’n ſuch have I before, And all you ſay, ſay I, and ſomething more Babes innocence, Youths wildnes I have ſeeni, And in perplexed Middle-age bave bin, Sicknefíe, dangers, and anxieties have paſt, And on this Stage am come to a&t my laſt : I have bin young, and ſtrong, and wife as you, But now, Bis pueri ſenes, is too true; In every Age i've found much vanitie, An end of all perfection now I fee. It's not my vaiour, honour, nor my gold, My ruin'd houſe, now falling can uphold; It's not my Learning, Rhetorick, wit ſo large, Now hatla the power, Deaths Warfare, co diſcharge 3 The four Ages of Man. 53 It's not my goodly houſe, nor bed of down, That can refreſh, or eaſe, if Conſcience frown; Nor from alliance now can I have hope, But what I have done wel, that is my prop; He that in youth is godly, wiſe, and ſage, Provides a ſtaffe for to ſupport his age. Great mutations, ſome joyful, and ſome fad, In this fhort Pilgrimage I oft have had ; Sometimes the Heavens with plenty ſmil'd on me, Sometimes again, rain'd all adverſity; Sometimes in honour, ſometimes in diſgrace, Sometime an abjeet, then again in place, Such private changes oft mine eyes have ſeen, In various times of ſtate i've alſo been, I've ſeen a Kingdom flouriſh like a tree, When it was ruld by that Celeſtial ſhe , And like a Cedar, others ſo furmouni, That but for ſhrubs they did themſelves account ; Then ſaw I France, and Holland ſav'd, Cales won, And Philip, and Albertus, halfundone; I law all peace at home, terror to fues, But ah, I ſaw at lan thoſe eyes to cloſe: And then, me thought, the world at noon grew dark, When it had loft chat radiant Sun-like ſpark, In midſt of greifs, I ſaw ſome hopes revive, (For 'cwas our hopes then kept our hearts alive ) I ſaw hopes dalht, our förwardneſſe was fhent, And filenc'd we, by A & of Parliament. I've ſeen from Rome, an execraole thing, A plot to blow up Nobles, and their King; I've ſeen delignes ar Ree, and Cades Ooft, And poor Palatinate for ever lofti I've E 3 54 of the Four Ages of man. I've ſeen a Prince, to live on others lands, A Royall one, by almes from Subjects hands, I'vefeen baſe men, advanc'd to great degree, And worthy ones, put to extremity: But not their Princes love, nor ſtate ſo high; could once reverſe, their ſhamefull deſtiny. I've ſeen one ftab'd, another looſe his head; And ochers fly their Country through their dread. I've ſeen, and ſo have ye, for 'tis but late, The deſolation, of a goodly State. Plotted and acted, ſo that none can tell, Who gave the counſel, but the Prince of hell. I've ſeen a land unmoulded with great paine. But yet may live, to ſee'c made up again: I've ſeen it ſhaken, rent, and ſoak din blood, But out of tronbles, ye may ſee much good, Theſe are no old wives tales, but this is truth; We old men love to tell,what's done in youth. But I returne, from whence I ſtept awry, My memory is ſhort, and braine is dry. My Almond-tree (gray haires) doth flouriſh now, And back, once ſtraight, begins a pace to bow. My grinders now are few, my fight doch faile My skin is wrinkled, and my cheeks are pale. No more rejoyce,at mufickes pleaſant noyſe, But do awake, at the cocks clanging voyce. I cannot ſcent, favours of pleaſant meat, Nor fapors find, in what I drink cr eat. My hands and armes,once ſtrong, have loſt their mighty I cannot labour, nor I cannot fight: My comely legs, as nimble as the Roe, Now ftiffc and numb, san hardly creep or go. My of the Four Ages of man. 55 My heart fonietimes as fierce, as Lion bold, Now trembling, and fearful, ſad, and cold; My golden Bowl, and Gilver Cord, c're long, Shal both be broke, by wracking death ſo ſtrong; I then ſhal go, whence I ſhal come no more, Sons, Nephews, leave, my death for to deplore ; In plcaſures, and in labours, I have found. That earth can give no conſolation Cound. To great, to rich, to poore, to young, or old, To mean,to noble, fearful, or to bold: From King to hegger, all degrees fhal finde But vanity, vexation of the minde; Yea knowing much, the plealant'ft life of all, Hath yet amongſt that ſweet, ſome bitter gall. Though reading others Works, doth much refreſh, Yer ſtudying much, brings wearinefle to th'fleth; My ſtudies, labours, readings, all are done, And my lait period now e'n almost run; Corruption, my Father, I do call, Mother, and fifters both; the worms, that crawl, In my dark houſe, ſuch kindred I have ſtore, There, I ſhal reft, til heavens ſhal be no more ; And when this fleih fhal rot, and be conſum'd, This body, by this ſoul, fhal be aſſum'd; And I ſhal fee, with theſe fame very eyes, My ſtrong Redeemer, comming in the skies; Triumph I ſhal, o're Sin, o're Death, o're Hel, And in that hope, I bid you all farewel. E 4 The 56 చేయడం ETET The four Seaſons of the Yeare. Spring Nother Four i've yet for to bring on, Of four times four, the laſt quaternian; The Winter, Summer, Autumne, and the A Spring, In ſeaſon all theſe Seaſons I dhal bring; Sweet Spring, like man'in his minority, At preſent claim'd, and had priority, With ſmiling Sun ſhine face, and garments green, She gently thus began, like ſome fair Queen; Three months there are allotted to my thare, March, April, May, of all the reſt moit faire; The tenth o'th' firſt Sol into Arios enters, And bids defiance to all tedious Winters: And now makes glad thoſe blinded Northern wights, Who for ſome months have ſeen but ſtarry lights ; Croffes the Line, and equals night and day, Stil adds to th' laft, til after pleaſant Mays Now goes the Plow-iman to his merry toyl, For to inlooſe his Winter-locked ſoyl ; The Seedſ-man now doth laviſh out his Grain, In hope, the more he cafts, the more to gain ; The Gardner, now ſuperfluous branches lops, And Poles erects, for his green clambering Hops; Now digs, then fows, his hearbs, his flowers and roots And carefully manures his trees of fruits. The The four Seafons of the Year. 57 The Pleiades, their influence now give, And all that ſeem'd as dead, afreſh do live. The croaking Frogs, whom nipping Winter kild, Like Birds, now chirp, and hop about the field; The Nitingale, the Black-bird, and the Thruſh, Now tune their layes, on ſprays of every buth: The wanton frisking Kids, and ſoft fleec'd Lambs, Now jump, and play, before their feeding Dims, The tender tops of budding Grafſe they crop, They joy in what they have, but more in hope, For though the Froft hath loſt his binding power, Yet many a fleece of Snow, and ſtormy ſhowre, Doth darken Sols bright face, makes us remember The pinching Nor-weſt cold, of fierce December. My ſecond month is April, green, and fair, of longer dayes, and a more temperate air 5 The Sun now keeps his poſting relidence In Taurus Signe, yet hafteth traight from thence, For though in's running progreffe he doth take Twelve houſes of the oblique Zodiack, Yet never minute dil was known to land, But only once at John's ſtrange command 5 This is the month whoſe fruitfull thowers produces All Plants, and Flowers, for all delights, and ules ; The Pear, the Plumbe, and Apple-tree now flouriſh, And Graffe growes long, the tender Lambs to nouriſh; The Primropale, and azure Violet, Among the verduous Graffe hath Nature Cer, Thar when the Sun ( cn's love ) che earth doth ſhine, Theſe might as Lace, let out her Garments fine; The fearful Bird, his little houſe now builds, In trees, and wals, in cities, and in fields; The 58 of the four Seaſons of the Year. The outfide ſtrong, the inſide warme and neat. A natural Artificer compleate. The clocking hen, her chipping brood now leads, With wings, and beak, defends them from the gleads. My next, and laft, is pleaſant fruitfull May, Wherein the earth, is clad in rich aray: The fun now enters, loving Geminie, And heats us with the glances of his eye, Our Winter rayment, makes us lay aſide, Leaft by his fervor, we be terrifd, All flowers before the fun-beames now diſcloſes, Except the double Pinks, and matchlefſe Ruſes. Now ſwarmes the bufie buzzing hony Bee. Whoſe praiſe deſerves a page, from more then me. The cleanly hulwives Diry,now's ith' prime, Her ſhelves, and Firkins filld for winter time. The Meads with Cowflip, Hony-fuck!'s dight, One bangs his head, the other ſtands upright : But both rejoyce at thheavens clear ſmiling face, More at her ſhowers, which water them a ſpace. For fruits,my ſeaſon yeelds the early Cherry, The haſty Peaſe, and wholeſome red Strawberry, More ſolid fruits, require a longer time. Each ſeaſon, hath his fruit, ſo hath each clime. Each man his owite peculiar excellence, But none in all that hath preheminence. Some ſubject, ſhallow braines, much matte yeelds, Sometime a theame that's large, proves barren fields. Melodious Spring, with thy ſhort pictance flye, In this harlh ftrain, I find no melody, Yet above all, this priviledge is thine, Thy dayes ſtil lengthen, without leaſt decline. Sumner of the four Seaſons of the Year. 59 Summer. WHen Spring had done, then Summer muſt begin, With melted tauny face, and garments thinne. Reſembling choler, fire and middle-age; As Spring did aire, blood, youth in's equipage. Wiping her ſweat from off her brow, that ran, VVith haire all wer, the puffing thus began. Bright Fune, July, and Auguſt;hot are mine, Ith' firſt, Sol doth in crabed Cancer ſhine. His progreffe to the North; now's fully done, And retrograde, now is my burningSun. Vyho to his Southward tropick ftill is bent, Yet doth his parching heat the more augment, The reaſon why, becauſe his flames ſo taire, Hith formerly much hear, the earth and aire. Like as an oven, that long time hath been hear. Whoſe vehemency, at length doth grow ſo great, That if you do, remove her burning ſtore, She's for a time as fervent as before. Now go thoſe frolick ſwaines, the ſhopheard lad, To waſh their thick cloath'd flocks,with pipes ful glad. In the coole ſtreames they labour with delight, Rubbing their dirty coates, till they look white. Whoſe fleece when purely ſpun, and deeply dy'd, With robes thereof, Kings have been dignifid. Mongít all ye ſhepheards, never but one man, Was like that noble, brave Archadian. Yet hath your life, made Kings the ſame envy, Though you repoſe on graſſe under the skye. Carelefre 60 The four Seaſons of the Year. Careleſfe of worldly wealth, you fic and pipe, Whilft they're imbroyl'd in Wars, and troubles ripe; Which made great Bajazet cry out in's woes, Oh ! happy Shepheard, which had not to loſe. Orrbobulus, nor yet Sebaftia great, But whiſtleth to thy Flock in cold, and heat, Viewing the Sun by day, the Moon by night, Endimions, Diana's dear delight; This Month the Roles are diftilld in Glaſſes, Whoſe fragrantſcent, all made-perfume ſurpaſſes; The Cherry, Goof-berry, is now i'ch prime, And for all ſorts of Peaſe this is the time. Fuly my next, the hot'lt in all the year, The Sun in Leo now hath his carrear, Whoſe flaming breach doth melt us from afar, Increaſed by the Star Canicular; This month from Pulius Cæfar took the name, By Romans celebrated to his fame. Now go the Mowers to their flaſhing toyl, The Medows of their burden to diſpoyl ; With weary ſtroaks, they take all in their way, Bearing the burning heat of the long day; The Forks, and Rakes do follow them amain, Which makes the aged fields look young again, "The groaning Carts to bear away this priſe. To Barns, and Stacks, where it for Fodder lyes. My next, and laft, is Auguft, fiery hot, For yet the South-ward Sun abateth not ; This month he keeps with Virgo for a ſpace, The dryed earth is parched by his fice. Angift, of great Auguftus took its name, Renses fccond Emperour of peaceful fame With The four Seaſons of the Yeao. 61 With Sickles now, the painful Reapers go, The ruffling treffe of terra for to moe, And bundles up in fheaves the weighty Wheat, Which after Manchet's made, før Kings to eat; The Barley, and the Rye, fhould firſt had place, Although their Bread have not ſo white a face. The Carter leads all home, with whiſtling voyce, He plow'd with pain, but reaping doch rejoyce ; His ſweat, his toyl, his careful, wakeful nights, His fruitful crop, abundantly requites. Now's ripe the Pear, Pear-plumbe, and Apricock, The Prince of Plumbs, whoſe ſtone is hard as Rock. The Summer's ſhort, the beauteous Autumne haftes, To ſhake his fruit, of moſt delicious taſtes; Like good Old Age, whoſe younger juycie roots, Hah ſtil aſcended ap in goodly Fruits, Until his head be gray, and ſtreng h be gone, Yet then appears the worthy deeds he 'ath done : To feed his boughes, exhauſted hath his fap, Then drops his Fruits into the Eaters lap. Autumne. O F Autumne months, September is the prime, Now day and night are equal in each clime; The tenth of this, sol riſech in the Line, And doth in poyzing Libra this month fhine. The Vintage now is ripe, the Grapes are preft, Whoſe lively liquor oft is curft, and bleit; For nought's ſo good, but it may be abuſed, But its a precious juyce, when wel it's uſed. The 62 of the four Seaſons of the Year. The Raiſins now in cluſters dryed be, The Orange, Lemon, Dangle on the tree; The Figge is ripe, the Pomgranet alſo, And Apples now their yellow fides do ſhow ; Of Medlar, Quince, of Warden, and of Peach, The ſeaſon's now at hand, of all, and each ; Sure at this time, Time firſt of all began, And in this month was made apoſtate man; For then in Eden was not only ſeen Boughs full of leaves, or fruits, but raw, and green, Or withered ſtocks, all dry, and dead, But trees with goodly fruits repleniſhed; Which ſhewes, nor Summer, Winter, nor the Spring, Great Adam was of Paradice made King, October is my next, we heare in this, The Northern Winter blafts begin to hifle; In Scorpio reſideth now the Sun, And his declining heat is almoſt done. The fruitful trees, all withered now do ſtand, Whoſe yellow (apleffe leaves by winds are fann'd: Which notes, when youth, and ſtrength, have paft their Decrepit age muſt alſo have its time; (prime, The fap doth flily creep towards the earth, There refts, untill the Sun give it a birth : So doth Old Age ſtil tend unto his Grave, Where alſo he, his Winter time muſt have; But when the Son of Righteouſneſſe drawes nigh, His dead old Rock, again ſhall mount on high. November is my laſt, for time doch hafte, We now of Winters ſharpneffe 'gin to taite; This month's the Sun in Sagitarius, So farre remote, his glances warm not us ; Almoſt of the four Seaſons of the Year 63 Almoſt ar fhorteſt is the ſhortned day, The Northern Pole beholdeth not one ray. Now Green-land, Groen-land, Lap-land, Fin-land, ſee No Sun, to lighten their obſcurity; Poor wretches, that in total darkneſſe lye, With minds more dark, then is the darkned sky; This month is timber for all uſes fell’d, When cold, the ſap to th' roots hath low ft repelld; Beef, Brawn, and Pork, are now in great ft requeſt, And ſolid'It meats, our ſtomachs càn digeft; This time warm cloaths, ful dier, and good fires, Our pinched fleſh, and empty panch requires : old cold, dry age, and earth, Autumne reſembles, And melancholy, which moſt of all diffembles. I muſt be ſhort, and ſhort's, the ſhorened day, What Winter hath to tel, now let him ſay. Winter. C С Old, moiſt, young, flegmy Winter now dothlye In Swadling clouts, like new-born infancy, Bound up with Froſts, and furrºd with Hails, and And like an Infant, ſtil he taller growes. (Snows, December is the firſt, and now the Sun To th' Southward tropick his ſwift race hath run ; This month he's hous'd in horned Capricorn, From thence he 'gins to length the ſhortned morn, Through Chriſtendome, with great feftivity Now's held, a Gueft, (but bleft) Nativity. Cold frozen Fanuary next comes in, Chilling the blood, and thrinking up the skin. In 64 The four Seaſons of the Year. In Aquarias, now keeps the loved Sun, And North-ward his unwearied race doth run; The day much longer then it was before, The cold not leffened, but augmented more. Now toes, and eares, and fingers often freeze, And Imvellers ſometimes their noſes leeſe. Moyft ſnowie February is my laft, I care not how the Winter time doth haſte; In Piſces now the golden Sun doth Chine, And North-ward fil approaches to the Line ; The Rivers now do ope, and Snows do melt, And ſome warm glances from the Sun are felt, Which is increaſed by the lengthened day, Until by's heat he drives all cold away. My Subjects bare, my Brains are bad, Or better Lines you ſhould bave bad; The firſt fell in ſo naturally, I could not tell how to paffet by : The last, though bad, I could not mend, Accept therefore of what is penan'd, And all the faults which you ſhall /py, Shall at your feet for pardon cry. Your dutifull Daughter. A. B. The 65 The Foure Monarchies, the Aſſyrian being the firſt begin- ning under Nimrod, 131. yeares after the Floud. Hen Time was young, and World in in- fancy, Man did not ſtrive for Soveraignty, But each one thought his petty rule was high, If of his houſe he held the Monarchy This was the Golden Age, but after canie The boyfterous Sons of Culb, Grand-child to Ham, That mighty Hunter, who in his ſtrong toyls, Both Beaſts and Men ſubjected to his ſpoyls. The ſtrong foundation of proud Babel laid, Erech, Accad, and Calueh alſo made; Theſe were his firſt, all ſtood in Shinar land, From thence he went Allyria to command; And mighty Ninivie, he there begun, Not finihed, til he his race had run zeer Reſen, Caleh, and Rchoboth likewiſe, ilir By him, to Cities eminent did riſe; Of Saturn, he was the original, Whom the ſuceceding times a god did call : When 66 of the four Monarchies When thus with rule he had been dignified, One hundred fourteen years, he after dyed. G Bellus. irtoarnom Reat Nimrod dead, Bellus the next, his Son, Confirmes the rule his Father had begun, Whoſe acts, and power, is not for certainty, Left to the world, by any Hiſtory; But yet this blot for ever on him lyes, He taught the people firſt to Idolize; Tidles divine, he to him felf did take, Alive, and dead, a god they did him make; This is that Belé, the Chaldees worſhipped, Whoſe Preifts, in Stories, oft are mentioned ; This is that Bell, to whom the Iſraelites So oft profanely offered facred rites; This is Belzebb, god of Ekronites, Likewife Bal-peor, of the Moabites: His reign was ſhort, for as I calculate, At twenty five ended his regal dare. OG Ninw. DETECTE Is father dead, Nimus begins his reign, Transfers his Seat, to the Aſſyrian plain, And mighty Ninivie inore mighty made, Whoſe foundation was by his Grand-fire laid; Four hundred forty Furlongs, wall d about, On which ſtood fifteen hundred towers ftout : The H Н of the VVorld. 67 The walls one hundred fixty foot upright,, So broad, three Chariots run abreft there might; Upon the pleaſant banks of Tigris flood, This ſtately feat of warlike Ninus ftood. This Ninus for a god, his father canoniz'd, To whom the ſottiſh people facrific'd ; This Tyrant did his neighbours all oppreffe, Where e're he warr'd he had too good fucceffe, Barzanes, the great Armenian King, By force, his tributary, he did bring. The Median country, he did alſo gain, Pharmus, their King, he cauſed to be ſlain; An army of three Millions he led out, Againſt the Bactrians ( but that I doubt ) Zoroafter, their King, he likewiſe flew, And all the greater Aſia did ſubdue; Semiramis from Menon he did take, Then drown himſelf, did Menon, for her fake; Fifty two years he reign'd ( as we are told) The world then was two thouſand nineteen old: Com Semiramis. T His great oppreſſing Ninus dead, and gone, His wife, Semiramis, ulurp'd the throne, She like a brave Virago, play'd the rex, And was both fhame, and glory of her ſex; Her birth place was Philiftrius Aſcalon, Her Mother Docreta, a Curtezan; Others repart, ſhe was a veſtal Nun, Adjudged to be drown'd, for what ſhe'd done; Trans F2 68 of the Four Monarchies Transform'd into a fiſh, by Venus will, Her beautious face (they feign) retaining fill. Sure from this fi&ion, Dagon firſt began, Changing his womans face, into a man. But all agree, that from no lawfull bed ; This great renowned Empreſſe, iſſued. For which, ſhe was obſcurely nouriſhed. Whence role that fable, the by birds was fed. This gallant dame, unto the Bactriar war; Accompaning her husband Menon far, Taking a towne, ſuch valour ſhe did ſhow, That Ninus of her, amorous ſoon did growz And thought her fit, to make a Monarch's wife, Which was the cauſe, poor Menon loſt his life, She flouriſhing with Ninus, long did reigne; Till her ambition, caus'd him to be ſlaine: That having no compeer, ſhe might rule all, Or elfe ſhe fought, revenge for Menons fall: Some think the Greeks, this ſlander on her caſt, As of her life, licentious, and unchaft. And that her worth, deſerved no ſuch blame, As their aſperſions, caft upon the ſame. But were her vertues, more, or leffe, or none; She for her potency, muſt go alone. Her wealth the ſhew'd, in building Babylon; Admir’d of all, but equaliz’d of none. The walls ſo ſtrong, and curiouſly were wrought; That after ages,skil, by them were taught. With Towers, and Bulwarks made of coſtly None Quadrangle was the forme, it ſtood upon: Eich Square, was fifteen thouſand paces long, An hundred gates, it had, of mettall ſtrong. Three of the World. 69 Three hundred fixty foot, the walls in heighth: Almoſt incredible, they were in breadth. Moſt writers ſay, ſix chariots might a front, With great facility, march ſafe upon'. About the wall, a ditch fo deep and wide, That like a river, long it did abide. Three hundred thouſind men, here day, by day; Beſtow'd their labour, and receiv d their pay, But that which did, all coſt, and art excell, The wondrous Temple was, ſhe reard to Bell; Which in the midſt, of this brave Town was plac's, (Continuing, till Xerxes it defac'd) Whoſe ſtately top, beyond the clouds did riſe; From whence, Aftrologers, oft view'd the skies. This to diſcribe, in each particular, A ftru&ure rare, Mhould but rudely marre, Her gardens, bridges, arches, mounts, and ſpires; All eyes that ſaw, or ears that hear's, admires. On Shinar plain, by the Euphratan flood, This wonder of the world, this Babell ftcod. An expedition to the Eaſt the made, Great King Staurobates, for to invade. Her Army of four Millions did confift, (Each man beleive it, as his fancy liſt) Her Camells, Chariots, Gallyes in ſuch number, As puzzells beft hyftorians to remember : Buc this is marvelous, of all thoſe men, (They ſay) but twenty, ere came back agen. The River Indus (wept them half away, The reſt Staurobites in fight did llay. This was laſt progreffe of this mighty Queen, Who in her Country never more was ſeen. The F 3 80 of the four Monarchies The Poces feign her turn'd into a Dove, had Leaving the world, to Venus, ſoar'd above, Which made the Aſſyrians many a day, A Dove within their Enligne to diſplay. Forty two years ſhe reign'd, and then the dy'd, But by what means, we are not certifi’d. Ninias,or Zamies. H Η Is Mother dead, Ninjas obsains his right, A Prince wedded to eaſe, and to delight, Or elſe was his obedience very great, To fit, thus long (obſcure ) wrongd of his feat; Some write, his Mother pu: his habite on, Which made the people think they ſerv'd her Son; But much it is, in more then forty years, This fraud, in war, nor peace, at all appears ; It is more like, being with pleaſures fed, He ſought no rule, til ſhe was gone, Was gone, and dead What then he did, of worth, can no man tel, But is ſupposºd to be that Amrapher, Who warr'd with Sodoms, and Gomorahs King. A 'Gainſt whom his trained Bands Abran did bring, Some may object, his parents ruling all, How he thus ſuddenly ſhould be chus (mall ? This anſwer may ſuffice, whom it wil pleaſe, He thus voluptuous, and given to eaſe; Each wronged P.ince, or childe that did remain, Would now advantage take their own to gain ; So Province, after Provincc, rent away, Until thar porent Empire did decay. Again of the World 81 Again, the Country was left bare (there is no doubt) Of men, and wealth, his mother carried out 5 Which to her neighbours, when it was made known, Did then incite, them to regain their own. What e're he was, they did, or how it fel, We may ſuggeſt our thoughts, but cannot tel; For Ninias, and all his Race are left, In deep oblivion, of aets bereft, And eleav'n hundred of years in filence fit, Save a few names anew, Berous writ. And ſuch as care not, what befals their fames, May feign as many acts, as he did names; It is enough, if all be true that's paſt, T'Sardanapalus next we wil make hafte. Sardanapalus. SWA Ardanapalus, ( Son Ocrazapes) Who wallowed in all voluptuouſneffe; That palliardizing fot, that out of doores Ne're ſhew'd his face, but revelld with his Whores, Did wear their garb, their geſtures imitate, And thcir kind t'excel did emulate. Knowing his baſeneffe, and the peoples hate, Kept ever cloſe, fearing fome diſmal fate; At laſt Arbaces brave, unwarily, His maſter like a Strumpet chanc'd to ſpy His manly heart diſdained, in the leaſt, Longer to ſerve this Metamorphos'd beaſt; Unto Belofus, then he brake his minde, Who fick of his diſeaſe, he ſoone did finde, Thefe F4 77 of the Four Monarchies Theſe tworuld Media and Babylon, Both, for their King, held their dominion, Belofus, promiſed Arbaces aide, Arbaces him, fully to be repaid. The laſt, the Medes and prſians doth invite. Againſt their monſtrous King to bring their mights Belofus the Chaldeans doth require, And the Arabians, to further bis defirc. Theſe all agree, and forty thouſand make, The rule from their unworthy Prince to take. By prophefie, Belofus ſtrength's their hands, Arbaces muſt be maſter of their lands. Thele Forces muſtered, and in array, Sardanapalus leaves his Apiſh play, And though of wars, he did abhor the fight; Fear of his diadem, did force him fight : And either by his valour,or his fate; Arbaces courage he did fore abate: That in diſpaire, he left the field and fled: But with freſh hopes Belofus fuccoured. From Bactaria an Army was at hand, Preft , for this ſervice,by the Kings command; Theſe with celerity, Arbaces meets, And with all termes of amity, he greers, Makes promiſes, their necks for to un-yoak, And their Taxations fore, all to revoake, T'in franchiſe them, to grant what they could crave, To want no priviledge, Sabje&s ſhould have, Only intreats theni, joyn their force with his, And win the Crown, which was the way to blife, Won by his loving looks, more loving ſpeech, T'accept of what they could, they him beſeech. Both of the World. 73 Both ſides their hearts, their hands, their bands unite, And ſet upon their Princes Canap that night Who revelling in Cups, ſung care away, For victory obtain'd the other day; But all ſurpris'd, by this unlook for fright, Bereft of wits, were ſlaughtered down right. The King his Brother leaves, all to ſuſtaine, And ſpeeds himſelf to Ninivic amain; But Salmeneus ſlaine, his Army fals, The King's purſu'd unto the City wals si But he once in, purſuers came too late, The wals, and gates, their courſe did terminate ; There with all ſtore he was ſo wel provided, That what Arbaces did, was but derided; Who there incamp'd two years, for little end, But in the third, the River proy'd his friend, Which through much rain, then ſwelling up fo high, Part of the wal it level caus'd to lye ; Arbaces marshes in the town did take, For few, or none, did there refistance make; And now they ſaw fulfilled a Prophefie; That when the River proy'd their enemy, Their ſtrong walld town Ghould ſuddenly be taken ; By this accomplihment, their hearts were ſhaken: Sardanapalus did not ſeek to fly, This his inevitable deſtiny 3 But all his wealth, and friends, together gets, Then on himſelf, and them, a fire he ſets ; This the laſt Monarch was, of Ninus race Which for twelve hundred years had held that place ; Twenty he reign'd, ſame time, as Stories tel, That Amiz it was King of Iſrael; He's SA of the four Monarchies His Father was then King (as we ſuppoſe) When Fonah for their fins denounc'd ſuch woes ; He did repent, therefore it was not done, But was accompliſhed now, in his Son. Arbaces thus, of all becomming Lord, Ingeniouſly with each did keep his word ; Of Babylon, Beloſus he made King, With over-plus of all treaſures therein, To Bactrians, he gave their liberty, Of Ninivites, he cauſed none to dye, Buc ſoffered, with goods to go elſewhere, Yet would not let them to inhabite there ; For he demoliſhed that City great, And then to Media transfer'd his feat. Thus was the promiſe bound, ſince firſt he cravd, Of Medes, and Perſians, their affiling aide 3 A while he and his race, aſide muſt ſtand, Nor pertinent to what we have in hand; But Belochus in's progeny purſue, Who did this Monarchy begin anew. Belofus, or Belochus. Bot Elofus fetled, in his new, old ſeat, Not lo content, but aiming to be great, Incroached ſtil upon the bord'ring Lands, Til Meſopotamia he got in's hands, And either by compound, or elle by ſtrength, Aſſyria he alſo gain'd at length; Then did rebuild deſtroyed Ninivie, A coftly work, which none could do e bat he, Who of the World. 85 Who own'd the treaſures of proud Babylon, And thoſe which ſeem’d with Sardanapal's gone; But though his Palace, did in a fhes lye, The fire, thoſe Mertals could not damnifie; From rabbiſh theſe, with diligence he rakes, Arbaces ſuffers ail, and all he takes. He thus insicht, by this new tryed gold, Raiſes a Phoenix new, from grave o'th old ; And from this heap did after Ages ſee, As fair a Town, as the firſt Ninivie. When this was built, and all matters in peace, Molefts poor Iſrael, his wealth c'encreale. A thouſand talents of Menahem had, Who to be rid of ſuch a gueſt, was glad ; In lacred Writ, he's known by name of Pul, Which makes the world of differences ſo ful, That he and Belochus, one could not be, But circumſtance, doch prove the veritys And times of both computed, ſo fall out, That thoſe cwo made but one, we need not doubt: What elſe he did, his Enapire to advance, Toreft content we muſt, in ignorance. Forty eight years he reign'd, his race then run, He left his new got Kingdoms ro his Son. Tiglath Palaſſer. В. Eloſus dead, Tiglath his warlike Son Next treads the fteps, by which his Father won. Damafeus, ancient ſeat of famous Kings, Under ſubjection by his ſword he brings 3 Refin 67 of the Four Monarchies Refintheir valiant King, he alſo few, And Syria tobedience did ſubdue ; Iuda's bad King occaſioned this War, When Refins force his borders fore did mar, And divers Cities, by ſtrong hand did ſeize, To Tiglath then doth Abaz fend for eaſe. The temple robes, ſo to fulfill his ends, And to Allyria's King a Preſent ſends. I am thy Servant, and thy Son ( quoth he ) From Repin, and from Pekah ſet me free: Gladly doth Tiglath this advantage take, And ſuccours A huz, yet for Tiglath's ſake, When Rezin's ſlain his Army over-thrown, Syria he makes a Province of his own. Unto Damaſcus then, comes Iu lah's King, His humble thankfulneſſe ( with buſt ) to bring, Acknowledging th' Aſyrians high defert, To whom, he ought all loyalty of heart. Bur Tiglath, having gain'd his wiſhed end, Proves unto Abaz but a feigned friend ; All Ifraels Land, beyond Iordan, he takes. In Galilee, he woful hayock makes ; Througla Syria now he marcht, none ſtopt his way, And Ahar open,at his mercy lay, Who ſtil implor'd his love, but was diſtrefld, (This was that Abaz, which fo much tranſgreſt.) Thus Tiglath reign'd, and warr’d, twenty ſeven years, Then by his death releas’d, was Ifraels fears. Salma- of the World. 77 Sal manaſſer, or Nalonaſſer. Tiglath deceas’d, Salmanoßer is next, He Iſraelites, more then his Father vext; Hofhea, their la ft King, he did invade, And him fix years his tributary made; But weary of his ſervitude, he fought, To Ægypts King, which did avail him nought ; For Salmanaſjer, with a mighty Hoaft, Beſieg’d his regal town, and ſpoyld his Coafts And did the people, nobles, and their King, Into perpetual thraldome that time bring; Thoſe that from Ioſhua's time had been Eſtate, Did Juſtice now, by him, eradicate : [ 10 years. This was that ftrange degenerated brood, On whom, nor threats, nor mercies could do good; Laden with hondur, priſoners and with ſpoyl, Returns triumphant Victor to his ſoyl; Plac'd Iſrael in's Land, where he thought beft, Then ſent his Colonies, theirs to inveſt; 1 Thus lacobs Sons, in exile muſt remain, And pleaſant Canaan ne're fee again : Where now thoſe ten Tribes are, can no man tel; Or how they fare, rich, poor, or ill, or wel; Whether the Indians of the Eaſt, or Weft, Or wild Tartarians, as yet ne're bleft, Or elſe thoſe Chinoes rare, whoſe wealth, and Arts, Hath bred more wonder, then beleefe in hearts; But what, or where they are, yet know we this; They ihal return, and 2 ion fee, with bliffe. Senacherib. 88 of the four Monarchies Senacherib. vloe Swibor Enacherib Salmaneſer ſucceeds, Whoſe baughty heart is thewn in works, and deeds ; His Wars none berter then hinſelf can boaſt, On Henah, Arpad, and on Iuth leaſt; On Hena's, and on Sepharuaim's gods, "Twixt them and Iſraels he knew no odds. [7 years . Until the thundring hand of heaven he felt, Which made his Army into nothing melt; eid With ſhame then turn'd to Ninivie again, And by his Sons in's Idols houſe was flain. El achadon. 960 H Н "Is Son, weak Eſarbadon reign'd in's place, The fifth, and läft, of great Belofus race; "Brave Merodach, the Son of balladan, In Babylon, Leiurenant to this man, Of opportunity advantage takes, And on his Maſters ruins, his houſe makeszi And Belofus, first, his did unthrone, So he's now dild, the King of Babylon; After twelve years did Ejarbadon dye, And Merodach affume the Monarchy. bar Sorld Meredach of the World, 89 Merodach Baladan. ALl yeelds to him, but Ninivie kepe free, Until his Grand-childe made her bow the knee; Embaffadours to Hezekiah ſent, [21 years. His health congratulates with complement. Ben. Merodach. BEn. Merodach, Succeſſor to this King, Of whom is little ſaid in any thing; But by conje&ure this, and none but he, Led King Manasſeh, to captivity. [ 22 years. i Nebulaffar. BRave Nebulaſſar to this King was Sonne, The ancient Ninivel by hiin was won ; For fifty years, or more, it had been free, Now yeelds her neck unto captivity: [ 12 years. A Vice-roy from her foe, ſhe's glad t'accept, By whorn in firm obedience ſhe's kept. Nebuchadnezar, or Nebopolafar: "He famous Wars, of this Heroyick King, Did neither Homei, Heſiode, Virgil fing; Nor 80 of the four Monarchies Nor of his a&ts have we the certainty, From fome Thucidides grave Hiſtory; Nor's Metamorphofis from Ovids Book, Nor his reſtoring from old legends cook ; But by the Prophets, Pen-men moſt Divine, This Prince in's magnitude doch ever ſhine ; This was of Monarchies that head of gold, The richeſt, and the dreadfull'it to behold; This was that tree, whoſe branches fill'd the earth, Under whoſe ſhadow, birds, and beaſts, had birth; This was that King of Kings, did what he pleasid, Kild, fayd, pull down, fet up, or pain'd, or eas'd; And this is he, who when he feard the leaſt, Was turned from a King, un to a Beaſt; This Prince, the lait year of his Fathers reign, Againſt Teboiakim marcht with his train Tu lab's poor King befiegd, who ſuccourleffe, Yeelds to his mercy, and the preſent ftreffe; His Vaffal is, gives pledges for his truth, Children of Royal bloud, unblemiſh'd youth; Wife Daniel, and his fellows 'mongſt the reſt, By the victorious King to Babel's preſt; The temple of rich ornaments defac'd, And is his Idols houſe the Vaflil's plac'd, The next year he, with unrefifted hand, Quite vanquish'd pharaoh Necho, and his Band; By great Euphrates did his Army fall Which was the lofſe of Syria withall; Then into Ægypt, Necho did retire, Which in few years proves the Aſſyrians hire ; A mighty Army next, he doth prepare, And unto wcalthy Tyre with hait repaire. Such of the World 81 great s Such was the ſcituation of this place, As might not him, but all the world out-face; That in her pride, the knew not which to boaſt, Whether her wealth, or yet her ſtrength was moſt; How in all Merchandiſe ſhe did excell, None but the true Ezekiel need to tell : And for her ſtrength, how hard ſhe was to gain, Can Babels tired Souldiers tell with pain Within an Iſland had this City feat, Divided from the maine, by channel Of coſtly Ships, and Gallies, ſhe had ſtore, And Mariners, to handle ſayle, and oare; But the Chaldeans had nor ſhips, nor skill, Their ſhoulders muſt their Maſters minde fulfill Fetch rubbiſh from the oppoſite old town, And in the channell throw each burdên down; Where after many adayes, they make at laft, The Sea firm Land, whereon the Army palt, And took the wealthy town, but all the gain Requited not the coſt, the toyle, and pain. Full thirteen yeares in this ſtrange works he ſpent, Hefore he could acconapliſh his intent; And though a Victor home his Army leads, With peeled ſhoulders, and with balded heads, When in the Tyrian wars, the King was hor, Fehoiakim his Oath had clean forgot; Thinks this the fitteſt time ro break his bands, While Babels King thus deep ingaged ſtands ģ But he ( alas ) whoſe fortunes now i'th ebbe, Had all his hopes like to a Spiders web ; For this great King, with drawes part of his forcej To Judab marches with a ſpeedy courſe, G 82 of the four Monarchies And unexpe Eted findes the feeble Prince, Whom he chaſtiled for his proud offence ; Faſt bound, intends at Babel he ſhal ſtay, But chang’d his minde, and flew him by the ways Thus caſt him out, like to a naked Affe, For this was he, for whom none ſaid, Alas! His Son three months he ſuffered to reign, Then from his throne, he pull'd him down again: Whom with his Mother, he to Babelled, And more then thirty years in priſon fed ; His Unckle, he eſtabliſhed in's place, Who was laſt King of holy Davids race; But he, as perjur'd as Iehoiakim, Iudab loft more then e're they loft ) by him ; Seven years he keeps his faith, and ſafe he dwels, But in the eighth, againſt his Prince rebels ; The ninth, came Nebuchadnezar with power, Befeg'd his City, Temple, Zions Tower; And after eighteen months he took them all, The wals ſo itrong, that ſtood ſo long, now fall : The curſed King, by Alight could no wife free His wel deſerv'd, and fore-rold miſery; But being caught, to Babels wrathful King, With Children, Wives, and Nobles, all they bring, Where to the ſword, all but himſelf was put, And with that woful ſight his eyes cloſe ſhuc. A hapleiſe man, whoſe darkſome contemplation, Was nothing, but ſuch gaftly meditation; In midſt of Babel now, til death he lyes, Vecas was told, nese law it with his eyes ; The Temple's burnt, the Vefuls had away, "The Towers and palaces, brought to decays Where of the World. 83 Where lare, of Harp, and Lute, was heard the noyſes Now Zim, and sim, lift up their ſhriking voyce s All now of worth, are captive led with tears, There fit bewailing Ziox ſeventy years, With all theſe Conqueſts, Babels King reſts not, No, nor when Moab, Edom he had got. Kedar, Hazer, the Arabians too, All Vaffals, at his hands, for grace mtift fue; A torall Conqueſt of rich Ægypt makes, All rule, he from the ancient Pharoes takes ; Who had for fixteen hundred years born (way, To Babylons proud King, now yeelds the day. Then Put, and Lud, doe av his mercy ftand, Where e're he goes, he Conquers every Lands His fumptuous buildings paffes all conceit, Which wealth, and ſtrong ambition made ſo great 3 His Image, ludabs Captive's worſhip not, Although the Furnace be ſeven times more hot ; His Dreams, wife Daniel doth expound ful wels And his unhappy change with grief fore-tel; Strange melancholly humours on him lay, Which for ſeven years his reaſon took aways Whichi from no natural cauſes did proceed, For by the Heavens above it was decreed : The time expir'd, remains a Beaſt no more Reſumes his Government, as heretofore, In ſplender, and in Majeſty, he fits, Contemplating thoſe times he loft his wits; And if by words, we may gueſſe at the heartz This King among the righteous had a part Forty four years he reign d, which being run, He left his Wealth, and Conqueft, to his Son. G3 Esilme 84 of the Four Monarchies Évilmerodach. HO B В Abels great Monarch, now laid in the duſt His ſon pofſefſes wealth, and rule,as juſt; And in the firit year of his royalty, Eaſeth Fehoiakims captivity. Poor forlorn Prince, that had all ſtate forgot, In ſeven and thirty years, had ſeen no jot, Among the Conquered Kings, that there did lye, Is Fudah's King,now lifted up on high. , But yet in Babell , he muſt ſtill remain : And native «Canadi, never ſee again, Unlike his father, Evilmerodach, Prudence and magnanimity, did lack Faire Ægypt is, by his remiffeneffe loft ; Arabia, and all the boardering coaſt. Wars with the Medes, unhappily he wag'd, (Within which broiles rich Creeſus was engag'd;) His Army roured, and himſelfe there ſlain, His Kingdome to Belſhazrar did remain, Belſhazzar. U whole Nworthy Belyhappdy next weares the Crown, Whoſe prophane a&ts, a ſacred pen fets down, His luſt, and cruelty, in books we find, A Royall State, ruld by a biuitiſh mind. His life ſo baſe, and diffolute, invites The Noble Perfizus, to invade his rights. Who of the World. 85 Who with his own, and Uncles power anon; Layes ſiedge to's regall fear, proud Babylon, DIA The coward King, whole ſtrength lay in his walls, To banquetting, and revelling now falls, To fhew his little dread, but greater ſtore, To chear his friends, and ſcorn his focs the more. The holy veſfells, thither brought long ſince, Carous'd they in; and facrilegious Prince, Did praiſe his gods of mettall,wood, and ſtone, Protectors of his Crown, and Babylon, no But he above, his doings did deride, is to And with a hand, foon daihed all his pride: The King, upon the wall cafting his eye, The fingers of his hand-writing did ſpy. Which horrid fight, he fears, muſt needs portend, Deftru&ion to his Crown, to's Perfon end. With quaking knees, and heart appall'd, he crys, For the Soothlayers, and Magicians wife; This language ſtrange, to read, and to unfold; With guifts of Scarlet robe, and Chaines of gold, And higheft dignity, next to the King, To him that could interpret clear this thing : But dumb the gazing Aftrologers ftand, Amazed at the writing, and the hand. None anfwers the affrighted Kings intent. Who ſtill expe&s fome fearfull ſad event, As thus amore he fits, as all undone: In comes the Queen, to chear her heartleffe fon. Of Daniel tells, who in his Grand- fires dayes, Was held in more requeſt, then now he was, Daniel in haſte, is brought before the King, Who doth not flatter, nor once cloake the thing. Re. G: 3 86 of the four Monarchies Re-minds him of his Grand-fires height, and fall, And of his own notorious fins, withall; His drunkenneffe, and his prophainnefſe high, His pride, and ſottiſh groffc Idolatry. The guilty King, with colour pale, and dead, There hears his Mene, and his Tekel read; And did one thing worthy a King ( though late) Performd his word, to him, that told his fate; That night vi&orious Cyrus took the town, Who ſoone did terminate his Life, and Crown: With him did end the race of Baladan, And now the Persian Monarchy began. IN The end of the Affyrian Monarchy. The of the World. 87 S88388888888888888888 ᎣᎣᎣᎣᎣᎣᎣ ᎣᎣᎣᎣᎣᎣ The Second Monarchy, being the Perſian, begun under Cyrus, Darius (being his Vnckle, and his Father in Law ) reign- ing with him about two years. Trus Cambyſes, Son of Perſia's King, Whom Lady Mandana did to him bring : She Daughter unto great Aſtiages, Hein deſcent the ſeventh from Arbaces. Cambyſes was of Achemenes race, Who had in Perfia the Lieutenants place. When Sardanapalus was over-thrown, And from that time, bad held it as his own ; Cyrus, Darius Daughter took to wife, And ſo umitestwo Kingdoms, without ſtrife; Darius was unto Mandana brother, Adopts her Son for his, baying no other : This is of Cyrus the true pedigree, Whoſe Anceſtors, were royal in degree ; His Mothers Dream, and Grand-fires cruelty, His preſervation in his miſery; His ncurit ment afforded by a Bitch, Are fit for ſuch, whoſe eares for fables itch; GA 88 of the Four Monarchies He in his younger dayes an Army led, Againſt great Creffus, then of Lidia head; Who over-curious of wars event, For information to A pollio went And the ambiguous Oracle did truft, So over-thrown of Gyrus, as was juſt ; Who him purſues to Sardis, takes the town, Where all that doe relift,are flaughter'd down; Diſguiſed Creſſus, hop'd to ſcape i'th throng, Who had no might to Tave himſelf from wrong; But as he paſt, his Son, who was born dumbe, With preſſing grief, and ſorrow, over-come, Amidſt the tumulė, bloud-ſhed, and the ftrite, Brake his long filence, cry'J, ſpare Creus life: Creffus thus known, it was great Cyrus doome, (A hard decree ) to alhes he conſume; Then on a Pike being ſet, where alſ might eye, He Solon, Solon, Solon, thrice did cry. Upon demand, his mirde to Cyrus broke, And told, how Solon in his hight had ſpoke. With pitty Cyrus moy'd, knowing Kings ſtand, Now up now down, as fortune curnes her hand, Weighing the age, and greatneffe of the Prince, (His Mothers Vackle, ſtories doe evince :) Gave him at once, his life, and Kingdom too, And with the Lilians,had no more to coe. Next war, the reltleffe Cyrus thought upon, Wis conqueſt of the ſtately Fabylon, Now trebble walld, and moated fo about, That all the world they neither feare, nor doubt 3 Todrain this ditch, ne many fluces cut, Eac till cony, nient time their heads kept ſhut ; Trac of the World. 89 That night Bel hazrar feafted all his rout, He cuts thoſe banks, and let the river out ; And to the walls ſecurely marches on, Not finding a defendant thereupon; Enters the town, the ſottiſh King he flayes, Upon earths richeſt ſpoyles his Souldiers preys; Here twenty yeares provifion he found, Forty five nile this City ſcarce could round ; This head of Kingdoms, Caldes excellence, For Owles, and Sátyres makes a reſidence; Yer wondrous Monuments this ſtately Queen, Had after thouſand yeares faire to be ſeen. Cyrus doch now the Fewiſh captives free, An Edict makes the Temple builded be, He with his Vnckle Daniel ſets on high, And caus'd his foes in Lions den to dye. Long after this, he 'gainſt the Sythians goes, And Tomris Son, an Army over-throwes ; Which to revenge, the hires a mighty power, And ſets on Cyrus, in a fatall houre; There routs his Hoaſt, himſelf the priſoner cakes, And at one blow, worlds head, ſhe headlefſe makes; The which the bak'd within a But of bloud, Ufing ſuch taunting words as ſhe thought good. But Zenophon reports, he dy'd in's bed, In honour, peace, and wealth, with a grey head, And in his Town of Pafargada lyes, Where Alexinder foughr, in hope of prize, Bur in this Tombe was only to be found Two Sythian bowes, a ſword, and target round; Where that proud Conquerour could doe no leffe, Then at his Herfe great honours to exprefle; Three 90 of the four Monarchies Three Daughters, and two Sons, he left behind, Innobled more by birth, then by their mind; Some thirty years this potent Prince did reign, Unto Cambyſes then all did remain. Cambyſes. CA Ambyſes,no wayes like, bis noble Sire, But to enlarge his ſtate, had ſome deſire ; His reign with Bloud, and Inceſt, firſt begins, Then ſends to finde a Law for theſe his fins ; That Kings with Sifters match, no Law they finde, But that the Perſian King, may act his minde; Which Law includes all Lawes, though lawleſſe ſtil, And makes it lawful Law, if he but wil ; He wages warre, the fifth year of his reign, 'Gaint Ægypts King, who there by him was flain, And all of Royal bloud that came to hand, He ſeized firſt of life, and then of Land; (But little Marus, ſcap'd thac cruel fate, Who grown a man, reſum'd again his ſtate ) He next to Cypres ſends his bloudy Hoaft, Who landed ſoon upon that fruitful coaſt, Made Evelthon their King, with bended knee, To hold his own, of his free courtefies The Temples he deſtroyes not, for his zeal, But he would be profeſt god of their Weal Yea, in his pride, he ventured ſo farre, To fpoyl the Temple of great Frpiter ; But as they marched o're thoſe delart ſands, The formed duft o'r-wbelm'd his daring bands 3 But of the World. 91 But ſcorning thus by fove to be out-bray'd, A ſecond Army there had almoſt grav d; But vain he found, to fight with Elements, So left his facrilegious bold intents : The Ægyptian Apis then he likewiſe flew, Laughing to ſcorn that calviſh, ſottiſh crew, If all his heat, had been for a good end, Cambyfes to the clouds, we might commend; But he that 'fore the gods, himſelf preferrs, Is more prophane, then groſſe Idolaters ; And though no gods, if he eſteem them ſome, And contemn them, woful is his doome. He after this, ſaw in a Viſion, His brother Smerdès hit upon his throne ; He ſtrait to rid himſelf of cauſleffe fears, Complots the Princes death, in his green years, Who for no wrong, poore innocent muft dye, Praraſpes now mufta& this tragedy ; Who into Perſia with Commiſſion ſent, Accompliſhed this wicked Kings intenta His ſiſter, whom inceſtuouſly he wed, Hearing her harmleffe brother thus was dead, His woful fate with tears did ſo bemoane, That by her Husbands charge, ſhe caught her owne ; She with her fruit was both at once undone, Who would have born a Nephew, and a Son. O helliſh Husband, Brother, Vnckle, Sire, WA Thy cruelty will Ages ſtill admire. This ſtrange ſeverity, one time he usºd, Upon a Judge, for breach of Law açcus do Flayd him alive, hung up his fuffed skin Over his Seat, then plac'd his Son cherein ; Τα 92 of the Four Monarchies To whom he gave this in rememberance, Like fault maſt look, for the like recompençeş Prarapes, to Cambyſes favourite, Having one ſon, in whom he did de light, His cruell Maſter, for all ſervice done, Shot through the heart of his beloved ſon: And only for his fathers faithfullneffe, Who ſaid but what, the King bad him expreſſe. 'T would be no pleaſant, but a tedious thing, To tell the fa&s, of this moſt bloody King. Fear'd of all, but lov'd of few, or none, All thought his ſhort reign long, till it was done. At laſt, two of his Officers he hears, Had ſet a Smerdis up, of the ſame years ; And like in feature, to the Smerdis dead, Ruling as they thought good, under bis head. Toucht with this newes, to Perſia he makes, But in the way, his ſword juſt vengeance takes. Unfheathes, as he his horſe mounted on high, And with a Martall thruſt, wounds him ith' thigh, Which ends before begun, the Perſian Warre, Yeelding to death that dreadfull Conquerer. Griefe for his brothers death, he did expreſſe, And more, becauſe he dyed iſſuleffe. The Male line, of great Cyrus now did end. The Female many ages did extend, A Babylon in Egypt did he make. And built fair Meroe, for his ſiſters fake. Eight years he reign'd, a ſhort, yet too long time, Cut off in's wickedneffe, in's ſtrength, and prime. Phe of the World. 93 The inter. Regnum between Cambyſes and Darius Hyſlalpes. C Hildleffe Cambyſes; on the ſudden dead, The Princes meet to chuſe one in his ſtead, Of which the cheife were ſeven, calld Satrapes, (Who like to Kings, ruld Kingdomes as they pleaſe) Deſcended all, of Achemenes blood, And kinsten in account, to th’ King they ſtood; And firſt theſe noble Magi 'gree upon, To thruſt ch' Impoſter Smerdis out of throne, Their Forces inſtantly they raiſe; and rout; This King, with conſpirators ſo ftout, Who little pleaſure had, in his ſhort reigne, And now with his accomplyces lye flaine. But yer, 'fore this was done, much blood was fhed; And two of theſe great Peers, in place lay dead: Some write that forely hurt, they 'ſcap'd away, But ſo or no, ſure tis, they won the day. All things in peace, and Rebells throughly queld, A Conſultation by the States was held. What forme of Government now to erect, The old, or new, which beft, in what reſpect, The greater part, declin'd a Monarchy. So late cruſht by their Princes Tyranny; And thought the people, would more happy bez If governed by an Ariſtocracy. But others thought (none of the dúlleſt braine) But better one, then many Tyrants rcigne. What arguments they usd, I know nor well, Too politicke (tis like) for me to tell, Bat 94 of the four Monarchies But in conclufion they all agree, That of the ſeven a Monarch chofen be ; All cnyie to avoyd, this was thought on, Upon a Green to meet, by riſing Sun; And he whole Horſe before the reſt ſhould neigh Of all the Peers ſhould have precedency. They all attend on the appointed houre, Praying to Fortune, for a Kingly power ; Then mounting on their ſnorting courſers proad, Darius luſty tallion neighed full loud ; The Nobtes all alight, their King to greets And after Perſian manner, kiffe his feet. His happy wiſhes now doth no man ſpare, Butacclamations ecchoes in the aire ; A thouſand times, God fave the King, they cry, Let tyranny now with Cambyſes dye. They then attend him, to his royall roone, Thanks for all this to's crafty Stable-groome. Darius Hyſlafpes. D Arius by election made a King, His title to make ſtrong omics no thing; He two of Cyrus Daughters now doth wed, Two of his Neeces takes to nuptiall bed; By which he cars their hopes for furore times) That by ſuch ſteps to Kingdoms often climbs, And now a King, by marriage, choyce, and bloud, Three ftrings to's bow, the leatt of which is good ; Yet more the peoples hearts firmly to binde, Made wholſome gentle Laws,which pleas'd each mind. His of the World, 95 His affability, and milde afpc&t; Did win him loyalty, and all reſpe&; Yer notwithſtanding he did all ſo well, The Babylonians 'gainſt their Prince rebells An Hoaft he rais'd, the City to reduce, But ſtrength againſt thoſe walls was of no uſe ; For twice ten months before the town helay, And fear'd, he now with ſcorn muſt march away : Then brave Zopirus, for his Maſters good, His manly face diſ-figures, ſpares no bloud, With his own hands cuts off his eares, and noſe, And with a faithfull fraud ro'th' town he goes, Tels them, how harſhly the proud King had dealt; That for their fakes, his cruelty he felt; Deliring of the Prince to raiſe the fiege, This violence was done him by his Leige; This told, for enterance he ſtood not long, For they beleev'd his noſe, more then bis tongue ; With all the Cities ſtrength they him betruft, If he command, obey the greateſt malt: Wheri opportunity he law was fit, Delivers up the town, and all in it. To looſe a noſe, to win a Town's no ſhame, But who dare venture ſuch a fake for th' game ; Then thy diſgrace, thine honour's manifold, Who doth deſerve a Statue made of gold; Nor can Darjus in his Monarchy, Scarſe finde enough to thank thy loyalty ; But yet thou haft fufficient recompence, In that thy fame ſhall ſound whilft men have ſeace; Yet o're thy glory we muſt caft this vaile, Thy falfhood, not thy valour did prevaile; Thy 96 of the four Monarchies Thy wit was more then was thine honeſty; Thou lovºd ft thy Mäſter more then verity. Darius in the ſecond of his reign, An Edia for the fewos publiſh'd again, The temple to re-build, for that did rett Since Cyrus time, Cambyſes did moleft; He like a King, now grants a Charter large, Out of his owne revenues beares the charge Gives facrifices, wheat, wine, oyle, and ſalt, Threats puniſhment to him, that through defaule Shall let the work, or keep back any thing, Of what is freely granted by the King; And on all Kings he poures out execrations, That ſhall, but dare raze thoſe firme foundations; They thus backt of the King, in ſpight of foes, Built on, and proſper'd, till their walls did clofe ; And in the fixth yeare of his friendly reign107 Set up a Temple (though, a leffe )againya Darius on the Sythians made a war, Entring that large and barren country far; am Abridge he made, which ſerv'd for boat, and barge, Over fair Ifter, at a mighty charge ; Bur in that Defart, 'mongſt his barbarous foes, Sharp wants, not ſwords, his vallour did oppoſe ; His Army fought with Hunger, and with Cold, Which two then to affaile, his Camp was bold: By thefe alone his Hoaft was pinch'd ro fore, He warr'd defenſive, not offenſive, more 3 The Salviges did laugh at his diſtreſſe, Their minds by Hieroglyphicks they expreſſe; A Frog, a Mouſe, a Bird, an Arrow fent, The King will needs interpret their intent; Poffef- of the World 97 Poffeffion of water, earth, and aire, But wiſe Gobrias reads not half ſo farre : Quoth he, like Frogs, in water we muſt dive; Or like to Mice, under the earth mult live ; Or fly like birds, in unknown wayes full quick, Or Sythian arrows in our fides muſt ſtick. The King, feeing his men, and viđuall ſpent, His fruitleſſe war, began lace to repent ; Return'd with little honour, and leffe gaine, H's enemies ſcarce ſeen, then much leſſe, flaine; He afrer this, intends Greece to invade, But troubles in lefle Aſia bim ſtay'd ; Which huſht, he ſtraight ſo orders his affaires, For Attica an Army he prepares ; But as before, ſo now with ill fucceffe, Return'd with wondrous loffe, and honourleffe: Athens perceiving now their deſperate frate, Arm'd all they could, which elev'n chouſand make 3 By brave Miltiades ( their chief ) being led, Darius multitude before them fled; At Marathon this bloudy field was fought, Where Grecians prov'd themſelves right Souldiers, The Perſians to their Gallies poft with ſpeed, (ſtout; Where an Albeni an fhew'd a valiant deed, Purſues his flying-foes, and on the ſtrand, He ſtayes a landing Gally with his hand; Which foon cut off, he with the left Renews his hold; but when of that bereft, His whetted teeth he ſticks in the firm wood, Off flyes his head, down fhowres his frolick bloud. Go Perſians, carry home that angry peece, As the beſt trophe chat ye won in Greece. H Darius 98 of the four Monarchies Darius light, he heavie, home returnes, And for revenge his heart ſtill reſtleſſe burnes • His Queen Attoſſa, cauſed all this ftir, For Grecian Maids ('tis ſaid ) to wait on her ; She loft her aime; her Husband, he loft more, His men, his coyn, his honour, and his ſtore ; And the enſuing yeare ended his life, ('Tis thought ) through grief of his fuccefleffe ftrife, Thirty fix years this royall Prince did reign, Unto his eldeſt Son, all did remain. Xerxes. X Erxes, Darius and Attoſſa's Son, Grand-childe to Cyrus, now fits on the throne; The Father nor ſo full of lenity, As is the Son, of pride, and cruelty, He with his Crown, receives a double warre, Th' Ægyptians to reduce, and Greece to marre ; The firſt begun, and finiſh'd in ſuch haft, None write by whom, nor how, 'twas over paſt; But for the laſt he made ſuch preparation, As if to duſt he meant to grinde that Nations Yet all bis men, and inſtruments of ſlaughter, Produced but derifion, and laughter; Sage Artabanus counſell, had he taken, And's couſen, young Mardonius forſaken, His Sculdiers, credit, wealth, at home had ſtay'd, And Grcece ſuch wondrous triumphs ne're had made. The firſt deports, and layes before his eyes, His Fathers ill fucceffe in's enterpriſe, Againift of the World. 99 Againſt the Sythians, and Grecians too, What infamy to's honour did accrue. Flattering Mardonius on th' other ſide, With certainty of Earope feeds his prides Vaine Xerxes thinks his counſell hath moſt wit, That his ambitious humour beſt can fit; And by this choyce, unwarily poſts on, To preſent loffe, future fubverſion 5 Although he hafted, yet foure yeares was ſpent, In great proviſions, for this great incent ; His Army of all Nations, was compounded, That the large Perſian government ſurrounded; His Foot was ſeventeen hundred thouſand ſtrong> Eight hundred thouſand Horſe to them belong 5 His Camels, beaſts, for carriage numberleffe, For truth's atham'd how many to expreffe ; The charge of all he ſeverally commended, To Princes of the Perſian bloud deſcended, But the command of theſe Commanders all, To Mardonius, Captain Generall; He was the Son of the fore-nam'd Gotrias, Who married the fifter of Darius : Theſe his Land Forces were, then next, a Fleet Oftwo and twenty thouſand Gallies meer, Mann'd by Phenifians, and Paraphilians, Cipriots, Dorians, and Cilicians, Lycians, Carians, and Ionians, Eolians, and the Heliſpontines; Beſides, the Veltels for his tranſportation, Three thouſand (or more ) by beſt relation, Atterseid, Halicarna's Queene, In perion there, now for his help was ſeen; Whoſe H 2 100 of the Four Monarchies Whofe Gallies all the reſt in neatnefle paſſe, Save she Zidonians, where Xerxes was. Hers ſhe kept ſtil, ſeperate from the reſt, For to command alone, ſhe thought was beſt. Onoble Queen, thy valour I commend, But pitty 'twas, thine ayde that here did it lend, At Sardis, in Lidia, theſe all doe meet, Whither rich Pithyus comes, Xerxes to greet; Feaſts all this multitude, of his own charge, Then gives the King, a King-like gift, moſt large; Three thouſand Tallents of the purelt gold; Which mighty fem, all wondred to behold. He humbly to the King then makes requeſt, One of his five Sons there might be releait; To be to's age a comfort, and a ſtay, The other four he freely gave away: The King cals for the Youth, who being brought, Cuts him in twain, for whom his Sire befought. Omoſt inhumain incivility! Nay, more then monſtrous barb'rous cruelty ! For his great love, is this thy recompence? Is this to doe like Xerxes, or a Prince ? Thou ſhame of Kings, of men the deteftation, IRhethorick want, to poure out execration: Firſt thing, Xerxes did worthy recount, A Sea paffage cuts, behind Orthos Mount, Next, o're the Hellifpont a bridge he made, Of Boats, together coupled, and there laid; But winds, and waves, theſe coupies ſuon diffeved, Yet Xerxes in his enterpriſe perſever'd ; Seven thouſand Gallies chain'd, by Tyrians skil, Firmly at length, accompliſhed his wil; Scyen of the World. IOI 23 Seven dayes and nights, his Hoaſt without leaft ſtay, Was marching o're this interrupting Bay, And in Abidus Plaines, muſtring his Forces, He glories in his Squadrons, and his Horſes Long viewing them, thought it great happineſle, One King, ſo many Subjects ſhould poffeffe ; But yet this goodly fight produced teares, That none of theſe ſhould live a hundred yeares : What after did enſue, had he fore-ſeen al HV Of ſo long time, his thoughts had never been, och Of Artabanus he again demands, Org How of this enterpriſe his thoughts now lands; His anſwer was, both Land and Sea he feared, Which was not vaine, as it ſoon appeared : Bur Xerxes reſolute, to Tbrace goes firſt, His Hoaſt, who Liſſus drinks to quench their thirſt, And for his Cartell, all Pillirus Lake Was ſcarce enough, for each a draught to take. Then marching to the ſtreight Thermopyle, The Spartan meets him, brave Leonade, This'twixe the Mountains lyes ( half Acre wide ) That pleaſant Theſſaly, from Greece divide; Two dayes and nights a fight they there maintain, Till twenty thouſand Perſians falls down flain And all that Army, then diſmay'd, had fled, But that a Fugative diſcovered, How part, might o're the Mountains goe about, And wound the backs of thoſe bold Warriours ſtout. They thus behemm'd with multitude of foes, Laid on more fiercely, their deep mortall blowes ; for quarter, nor yet ſeeks to run, Bur on their ground they dye, each Mothers Son. None cryes H 3 o 102 of the four Monarchies O noble Greeks, how now, degenerate ? Where is the valour, of your antient Stare ? When as one thouſand, could ſome Millions daunt; Alas, it is Leonades you want ! This Chamefull Victory coſt Xerxes deare, Amongſt the reſt, two brothers he loſt there; And as at Land, ſo he at Sea was croft, Four hundred ſtately Ships by ſtormes was loft, OF Vefſels ſmall almoſt innumerable, Them to receive the Harbour was not able; Yet thinking to out-match his foes at Sea, Inclos'd their Fleet i'th' ftreights of Eubeas But they as valiant by Sea, as Land, In this Streight, as the other, firmly fand. And Xerxes mighty Gallies batter'd lo, That their ſplit fides, witneſſd his overthrow; Yet in the Streights of Salamis he try'd, If that ſmal number his great force could bides But he, in daring of his forward foe, Received there, a ſhameful over-throw. Twice beaten thus by Sea, he warr'd no more: But Phocians Land, he then wafted fore: They no way able to withſtand his force, That brave Thymiſtocles takes this wile courſe, In ſecret manner word to Xerxes ſends, That Greeks to break his bridge ſhortly intends; And as a friend, warns him, whar e're he doe, For his retreat, to have an eye thereto : He hearing this,his thcughts, and courſe home bended, Much, that which never was intended ! Yet 'fore he went, to help out his expence, Part of his Hoaſt to Delphos fent from thence, To of the World. 103 To rob the wealthy Temple of Apollo, But miſchief, Sacriledge doth ever follow; Two mighty Rocks, brake from Parnaſſus Hil, And many thouſands of theſe men did kil; Which accident, the reſt affrighted ſo, With empry hands they to their Mafter go i He ſeeing all thus tend unto decay, Thought it his belt, no longer for to ſtay; Three hundred thouſand yet he left behind, With his Mardon'ist, judex of his minde; Who for his fake, he knew, would venture fır, (Chief inſtigater of this hopeleffe War ;) He inſtantly to Athens ſends for peace, That all Hoftility might thence-forth ceaſes And that with Xerxes they would be at one, So fhould all favour to their State be fhown. The Spartans, fearing Athens would agree, As had Macedon, Thebes, and Theffalie, And leave them out, the ſhock for to ſuſtaine, By their Ambaffador they thus complain ; That Xerxes quarrel was 'gainſt Athens State, And they had help them, as confederate; If now in need, they ſhould thus fail their friends, Their infamy would laſt till all things ends : But the Athenians, this peace deteſt, And thus reply'd unto Mardon's requeſt; That whilſt the Sun did run his endieffe courſe, Againſt the Perſians they would uſe their force. Nor could the brave Ainbaſſador be ſent, With Rhetorick, t'gain better complement: Though of this Nuriun borne a great Commander, Noleife cken Grand-fire to great Alexander. Mardonius H4 104 of the Four Monarchies Mardonius proud, hearing this anſwer ftout, To adde unto his numbers, layes about, And of thoſe Greeks, which by his skil he'd won, He fifty thouſand joynes unto his own ; The other Greeks, which were confederate, One hundred thouſand, and ten thouſand make. The Beotian Fields,of war, the ſeats, Where both ſides exercis'd their manly fears ; But all their controverſies to decide, For one maine Battell ſhortly, both provide ; The Athenians could but forty thouſand arme, For other Weapons, they had none would harme; But that which helpt defects, and made them bold, Was Victory, by Oracle fore-told: Ten dayes theſe Armies did each other face, in Mardonius finding viđuals waft apace, No longer dard, but fiercely on-ſet gave, The other not a hand, nor ſword will wave, Till in the entrails of their Sacrifice, The fignall of their victory doth riſe 5 Which found, like Greeks they fight, the Perſians fly, And troubleſome Mardonius now muſt dye : von All's loft, and of three hundred thouſand men, wordt Three thouſand ſcapes, for to run hone agentsel For pitty, let thoſe few to Xerxes go, To certifie chis finall over-throw. Same day, the ſmall remainder of his Fleet The Grecians at Myrale in Afia meets 51 And there ſo utterly they wrack'd the fame, Scarce one was left, to carry home the fame; Thus did the Greeks deftroy, conlume, diſperce, That Army, which did fight the Univerſe 3 Scorn'd of the World. 105 Scorn'd Xerxes hated for his cruelty. Yer ceaſes not to a & his villany: His brothers wife, ſollicites to his will; The chaſte, and beautious Dame,refuſes ſtill. Some years by him in this vain fuit was ſpent, 15 Yet words, nor guifts, could win him leaſt content: Nor matching of her daughter, to his ſon: ne But ſhe was ſtil, as when it firſt begun. tas When jealous Queen Ameftris, of this knew, She Harpy-like upon the Lady flew: Cut off her lilly breaſts, her noſe, and ears 3 And leaves her thus, beſmear'd with blood, and tears: Straight comes her Lord, and finds his wife thus lie, The forrow of his heart, did cloſe his eye : 0) He dying to behold, that wounding fight; Where he had ſometime gaz'd with great delight. To ſee that face, where Roſe and Lilly ſtood, O'r-flown with torrent of her ruby blood. To ſee thoſe breaſts, where chaſtity did dwel, Thus cut, and mangled by a hag of hell. With loaden heart unto the King he goes, Tels as he could, his unexpreffed woes, amor But for his deep complaints, and ſhowres of tears, His brothers recompence was naught but jears: The grieved Prince finding nor right, nor love, To Bactria his houfhold did remove. His wicked brother, after ſent a crew, bon Which him, and his,moft barbarouſly there flewy Unto ſuch height did grow his cruelty, ob Of life, no man had leaſt ſecurity. Moran At laſt his uncle, did his death conſpire, And for that end, his Eunuch he did bire.se Which 106 of the four Monarchies Which wretch, him privately ſmotherd in's bed, But yet by ſearch, he was found murthered, The Artacanus hirer of this deed, That from ſuſpition he might be freed, Accus d Darius, Xerxes eldeft fon, To be the Authour of the deed was done, And by his craft, ordered the matter ſo, That the poor innocent, to death muſt go, But in ſhort time, this wickedneſſe was knowne, For which he dyed, and not he alone. But all his family was likewiſe flain, Such Juſtice then, in Perſia did remain, The eldeſt ſon, thus immaturely dead, The ſecond was inthron’d, in's fathers ſtead. Artaxerxes Longimanus. A Mongſt the Monarchs next this Prince had place The best that ever ſprang of Cyrus race. He firſt, war with revolting Ægypt made. To whom the perjur'd Grecians lent their aide, Although to Xerxes, they not long before, A league of amity, had ſworn before. Which had they kept, Greece had more nobly done, Then when the world, they after over-run; Greeks and Egyptians both, he overthrows, And payes them now, according as he owes, Which done, a ſumptuous feaft; makes like a King Where ninelcore days, are ſpent in banquetting, Hs Princes, Nobles, and his Captaines calls, To be partakers in theſe feſtivalls. H'S of the World. 107 His hangings, white, and green, and purple dye; With gold and filver beds, moſt gorgiouſly. The royall wine, in golden cups doth paſſe, To drink more then he lift, none bidden was; Queen Vaſhty alſo feaſts,but 'fore tis ended, Alas,fhe from her Royalty's ſuſpended. And a more worthy, placed in her roome, By Memucan's advice, this was the doome. What Hefter was, and did, her ſtory reed, And how her Country-men from ſpoile the freed. Of Hamans fall, and Mordica's great riſe; The might o'th' Prince, the tribute on the Iſles. Unto this King Thymiſtocles did flye. When under of raciſme he did lye. For ſuch ingratitude, did Athens fhow This valiane Knight, whom they ſo much did owe; Such entertainment with this Prince he found, That in all Loyalty his heart was bound; The King not little joyfull of this chance, Thinking his Grecian wars now to advance. And for that end, great preparation made, at Fair Attica, a third time to invade. His Grand-fires old diſgrace, did vex him fore, His father Xerxe's lofſe, and ſhame, much more, For puniſhment, their breach of oath did call, The noble Greek, now fit for generall. Who for his wrong, he could not chuſe but deem, His Country, nor his Kindred would eſteem, Proviſions, and ſeaſon now being fit, T'Thymiſtocles he doth his war commit, But he all injury, had foon forgate, And to his Country-men could bear no hate. Nor 108 of the Four Monarchies Nor yet diſloyall to his Prince would prove, To whom oblig'd, by favour, and by love; Either to wrong, did wound his heart fo fore, To wrong himſelfe by death, he choſe before: In this ſad conflid, marching on his ways, Strong poyſon took, and put an end to's dayes. The King this noble Captaine having loft, Again diſperſed, his new levyed hoaft. Reft of his time in peace he did remain; And dy'd the two and fortieth of his reign. Daryus Nothus. Hree fons great Artaxerxes left behind; . Bue he, with his next brother fell at ſtrife, That nought appea s'd him, but his brothers life. Then the ſurviver is by Nothus ſlaine ; Who now ſole Monarch,d oth of all remaine, Theſe two lewd ſons, are by hyſtorians thought, To be by Beſter, to her busband brought. If they were hers, the greater was her moan ; That for ſuch graceleffe wretches ſhe did groan, Diſquiet Egypt, 'gainit this King rebells, Drives out his gariſon that therein dwels. Joynes with the Greeks, and ſo maintains their right, For fixty years maugre che Perſians might. A ſecond trouble, after this ſucceeds. Which from remiffenefle, in Aſia proceeds Amerges, whom their Vice-roy he ordain'd Revolts, having treaſure, and peop!e gainºd: In- of the World. 109 Invades the Country and much trouble wrought, Before to quierneffe things could be brought, The King was glad, with Sparta to make peace, So that he might, thefe tumults ſoon appeaſe. But they in Afia, muſt firſt reſtore All Townes, held by his Anceſtors before. The King much profit reapeth, by theſe leagues, Re-gaines his own and then the Rebell breaks: Whole forces by their helpe were overthrown, And ſo each man again pofſeft his owne. The King his fifter, like Cambyſes, wed; More by his pride, then luſt, thereunto led. (For Perſian Kings, did deem themſelves ſo good, No match was high enough, but their own blood,) Two fons ſhe bore, the youngeſt Cyrus namd, A hopefull Prince, whoſe worth is ever fam'd. His father would no notice of that take; Prefers his brother, for his birth-rights fake. But Cyrus ſcornes, his brothers feeble wit; And takes more on him,then was judged fit. The King provokºd, ſends for him to the Court, Meaning to chaſtiſe him, in ſharpeſt fort, But in his ſlow approach, ele he came there; His fathers death, did put an end to's tear. Nothus reign'd nineteen years, which run, His large Dominions left, to's eldeſt ſon. Artaxerxes Mnemon. MNemon now fits upon his fathers Throne, Yet doubis, all he injoyes, is not his own, Stil ΙΙΟ of the four Monarchies Still on his brother, caſts a jealous eye, Judging all's a&ions, tends to's injury. Cyrus o'th other ſide, weighs in his mind, What helps, in's enterprize he's like to find, His intereſt, in the Kingdome, now next heir, More deare to's mother, then his brother far. His brothers litle love, like to be gone, Held by his mothers interceffion. Theſe and like motives, hurry him amain, To win by force, what right could not obtain, And thought'it beft, now in his mothers time, By lefſer ſteps, towards the top to climbe If in his enterprize he ſhould fall ſhort, She to the King, would make a fair report: He hop'd, if fraud, nor force the Crown could gaines Her prevailence, a pardon might obtain From the Lieutenant firſt, he takes away, Some Townes commodious in leffe Afia, Pretending ſtill, the profit of the King, Whoſe rents and cuſtomes, duly he ſent in. The King finding, revenues now amended; For what was done, ſeemed no whit offended. Then next, the Lacedemons he takes to pay; (One Greske could make ten Perfians run away) Great care was his pretence, thoſe Souldiers ſtout, The Rovers in Piſidia, ſhould drive out. But leaſt ſome worfer newes ſhould fly to Court, He meant himſelfe to carry the report. And for that end, five hundred Hörſe he choſe, With pofting ſpeed towards the King he goes; But fame more quick, arrives ere he came chere, And fills the Court with tumult, and with fear. The of the World, III The young Queen, and old, at bitter jars : The one accus'd the other, for theſe wars : The wife, againſt the mother, ſtill doth cry To be the Author of conſpiracy. The King diſmay'd, a mighty Hoaft doth raiſe ; Which Cyrus heares, and ſo tore-flowes his pace : But as he goes,his Forces fill augments, Seven hundred Greeks now further his intents: And others to te warmd by this new ſun, In numbers from his brother daily run. The fearfull King, at laſt, muſters bis Forces; And counts nine hundred thouſand foot and horſes: And yet with theſe, had neither heart, nor grace; To lock his manly brother in the face. Three bundred thouſand, yet to Syria ſent; To keep thoſe ſtreights, to hinder his intent. Their Captain hearing, but of Cyrus name. Ran back, and quite abandoned the ſame, Abrocomes, was this baſe cowords nanie, Not worthy to be known, but for his ſhame: This place was made, by nature, and by art ; ! Few might have kept it, had they but a heart. Cyrus diſpair'd, a paſſage there to gain, So hir’da flect, to watt him ore the Maine, The mazed King, was now about to fly; To th'umoft parts of Badra,and there lye. Had not a Captain; fore againſt his will; By reaſon, and by force, detain'd him ftill. Up then with ſpeed, a mighty trench he throwes, For his ſecurity, againit his foes. Six yards the depth, and forty miles the length, Some fifty, or elſe fixiy foote in breadth. YCE 112 of the four Monarchies Yet for his brothers comming, durft not ſtay, He ſureſt was, when furtheſt out o'th' way. Cyrus finding his campe, and no man there; Rejoyced not a little at his feare. On this, he and his Souldiers cureleffe grow, And here and there, in carts their Armes they throw, When ſuddenly their Scours come in and cry, Arme,arme, the King is now approaching nigh; In this confufion, each man as he mights Gets on his armes; arayes himſelfe for fight; And ranged ftood,by great Euphrates fide, The brunt of that huge multitude to bide. Of whoſe great numbers, their intelligence, Was gather'd by the duft that roſe from thence : Which like a mighty cloud darkned the skye; And black and blacker grew, as they drew nigh But when their order, and filence they ſaw; That,more then multitudes, their hearts did awe: For tumult and confuſion they expected, And all good diſcipline to be neglected. But long under their fears, they did not ſtay, For at firſt charge the Perſians ran away. Which did ſuch courage to the Grecians bring, They ſtraight adored Cyrus for their King, So had he been, and got the victory, Had not his too much valour put him by. He with fix hundred, on a ſquadron ſet, Offix chouland, wherein the King was yet; And brought his Souldiers on ſo gallantly, They were about to leave their King and fly; Whom Cyrus fprd, cries out, I ſee the man, And with a full career, at him he ran. But of the World. 113 But in his ſpeed a Dart hit him i'th' eye, Down Cyrus fals, and yeelds to deſtiny ; His Holt in chaſe, knowes not of his diſaſter, But creads down all, for to advance their Maſter; At laft his head they ſpy upon a Launce, Who knowes the ſudden change made by this chances Senceleffe and mute they ſtand, yet breath out greans, Nor Gorgons like to this, transform’d to ſtones. After this trance, revenge, new ſpirits blow, And now more eagerly their foes purſue, And heaps on heaps, ſuch multitudes they laid, Their armes grew weake, through Slaughters that they The King unto a country Village flyes, (made. And for a while unkingly there helyes; At laft, diſplayes his Enſigne on a Hil, Hoping with that to make the Greeks and ſtil, But was deceivºd; to it they make amain, The King upon the ſpur, runs back again; But they too faint, fill to purſue their game, Being Vietors oft, now to their Camp they came ; Nor lackt they any of their number ſmall, Nor wound receiv d, but one among them all.: The King with his diſpers'd alſo incampt With infamy upon each fore-head ſtampts After a while his thoughts he re-colleets, Of this dayes cowardize, he feares the effe&s; If Grecks upto their Country-men declare, What daftardsin the field the Perſians are ; They ſoone may come, and place one in his Throne, And rob him both of Scrprer, and of Crowns That their return be flopr, he judg'd was beſt, That fo Europians might no more moleft; I Forth 114 of the Four Monarchies Forth-with he ſends to's Tent, they ſtraight addreſſe, And there all wait his mercy, weaponleffe ; The Greeks with ſcorn reje& his proud commands; Asking no favour, where they fear'd no bands, The troubled King, his Herauld ſends again, And ſues for peace, that they his friends remains The ſmiling Greeks reply, they firſt muſt bait, They were too hungry to capitulate; The King great ſtore of all proviſion fends, And courteſic to th' utmoſt he pretends ; Such cerrour on the Perfans then did fall, They quak'd, to heare them, to each other call. The King's perplext,shere dares not let them ſtay, And feares as much to let them march away ; But Kings ne're want ſuch as can ſerve their will, Fit inftruments to accompliſh what is ill; As Tyſſaphern, knowing his Mifters minde, Invites their chief Commander, as moſt kindez And with all Oathes, and deepeſt flattery, Gets them to treat with him in privacy, But violates his honour, and his word, And Villaine-like, there puts them to the ſword. The Greeks, having their valiant Captaines ſlaine, Chole Xenophon, to lead them home again But Ty ſaphern did what he could deviſe; To ſtop the way in this their enterpriſe ; But when through difficulties ſtill they brake, He fought all ſuſtinance from them to take; Before them burnt the country as they went, So to deprive then of all nouriſhment; But on they march, through hunger, and through coll, O're mountains, rocks, and hils, as Lions bold; Nor of the World. 115 Nor rivers courſe, nor Perfians force could ſtay, But on to Trabezond they kept their way ; There was of Greeks, letled a Colony, Theſe after all, receiy'd them joyfully There for ſome time they were, but whilſt they ſaid, Into Birbynia often in-rodes made; The King afraid whar further they might doe, Unto the Spartan Admirall did fue, Straight to tranſport them to the other ſide, For theſe incurſions he durft not abide 3 So after all their cravell danger, pain, In peace they ſaw their Native ſoyl again The Greeks now ( as the Perfian King ſuſpe&s) The Aſiatiques, cowardize detects; The many victories themſelves did gain, The many thouſand Perfians they had ſlain ; And now their Nation with facility, Might win the univerfall Monarchy; They then Dercilladas, ſend with an Hoafty Who with his Spartans on the Aſian coaſt; Town after town, with ſmall reſiſtance take, Which rumor makes great Artaxerxes quakes The Greeks by this fuccefle, incourag'd fo, Ageſilaus himſelf doth over-goe; By th’ Kings Lieutenant is encountered; But T'yſaphernes with his Army fled ; Which over-throw incens’d the King ſo fore, That Tyllapherne muſt be Vice-roy no more ; Tythrauſtes now is placed in his ſtead, And hath command, to take the others head, Of that falſe perjur'd wretch, this was the laſty Who of his cruelty made many taft, I a Tythruites 116 of the four Monarchies Tythrauſtes trufts more to his wit then Arms, And hopes by craft to quit his Maſters harmes ; He knows that many towns in Greece envies The Spartans height, which now apace doth riſe ; To theſe he thirty thouſand Tallents fent, With luir, their force, againſt his foes be bent; They to their diſcontent, receiving hire, With broyls, and quarrels, fets all Greece on fire. Ageſtilaus is called home with ſpeed, To defend, more then offend, he had need. They now loſt all, and were a peace to make, The Kings conditions they are forc't to take; Diffention in Greece continued long, Til many a Captain fel, both wife, and ſtrong, Whoſe courage nought but death could ever tame, 'Mongſt thefe Epimanondas wants no fame Who had ( as noble Raleigh doth evince) All the peculiar vertues of a Prince : But let us leave theſe Greeks, to diſcord bent, And turne to Perſia, as is pertinent ; The King from forraign foes, and all at eaſe, His home-bred troubles ſeeketh to appeaſe The two Queens, by his means,'gin to abate Their former envie, and inveterate hare ; Then in voluptuouſnelle he leads his life, And weds his Daughter for a ſecond wife ; His Mothers wicked counſell was the cauſe, Who ſooths him up, his owne defires are Lawes: But yet for all his greatneffe, and leng reign, He muſt leave all, and in the pit remain ; Forry three years he rules, then turns to duſt, As all the mighty ones, have done, and muft: But of the World. 117 But this of him is worth the memory, He was the Maſter of good Nehemie. Darius Ochus. Beat Arbacorxes dead, chus ſucceeds, Of whom no Record s extant of his deeds ; Was it becauſe the Grecians now at war, Made Writers work at home, they fought not far? Or dealing with the Perſian, now no more Their Aets recorded not, as heretofore? Or elle, perhaps the deeds of Perſian Kings In after wars were burnt, 'mongſt other things ? That three and twenty years he reign'd, I finde, The reſt is but conje&ure of my minde. Arfames, or Arſes. W Hy Arfames his brother ſhould ſucceed, I can no reaſon give, cauſe none I read ; It may be thought, ſurely he had no Son, So fell to him, which elſe it had not done What A&ts he did, time hath not now left pend, But as 'tis thought, in him had Cyrus, end : Whoſe race long time had worn the Diadem, But now's divolved, to another Stem. Three years he reign'd, as Chronicles expreffe, Then Natures debc he paid, quite Iffue-leffe. I 3 Darius 118 of the Four Monarchies Darius Codomanus. HI : Ow this Darius did attain the Crown, By favour, force, or fraud, is not ſet down: If not(as is before) of Cyrus race, By one of theſe he muſt obtain the place. Some writers ſay, that he was Arſes fon, And that great Cyrus line, yet was not run, That Ochus unto Arſames was father, Which by ſome probabilities(ſeems rather;) Thatſon, and father, both were murthered By one Bagoas, an Eunuch (as is ſed.) Thus learned Pemble, whom we may not ſlight, But as before doth (well read) Raleigh write, And he that ſtory reads, fhall often find; That ſeverall men, will have their ſeverall mind; Yet in theſe differences, we may behold; With our judicious learned Knight to hold. And this 'mongſt all's no controverted thing, That this Darius was laſt Penian King, Whoſe warres and loffes we may better tells in Alexanders reign who did him quell, How from the top of worlds felicity He fell yo depth of greateſt miſery, Whole honours , treaſures, pleaſures, had fhort fray; One deluge came, and ſwept them all away; And in the fixt year of his hapleffe reigne, Of all, did ſcarce his winding ſheet retaine. And laft; a ſad cataffrophe to end, Him, to the grave, did Traytor Beffus ſend. The end of the Perſian Monarchy. The 119 ᎣᎣᎣᎣ ເຮັດຄr່ເfຜູ້ເຮັດ; dado Fürüb ສັນ : The third Monarchy was the Grecian, beginning un- der Alexander the Great, in the 112 olimpiad. MINE Reat Alexander, was wiſe Fhillips ſon, Heto Amintas, Kings of Macedon ; The cruell, proud, Olimpias, was his mo- ther, Shee to the rich Molofians King, was daughter. This Prince (his father by Pauſanias flain) The twenty firſt of's age, began to reign. Great were the guifs cf nature, which he bad; His Education, much to theſe did adde. By Art, and Nature both, he was made fit, T'accompliſh that, which long before was writ. The very day of his nativity, Toth ground was burnt, Diana's Temple high, An Omen, to their near approaching woe; Whoſe glory to the Earth, this Prince did throw, His rule to Greece, he ſcorn'd ſhould be confind: The univerſe, ſcarce bounds his large vaſt minde; I 4 This 120 of the four Monarchies This is the hee-goat, which from Grecia came, Who ran in fury, on the Perſian Ram, That broke his hornes, that threw him on the ground, To ſave him from his might, no man was found. Phillip, on this great conqueft had an eye ; But death did terminate, thoſe thoughts ſo high. The Greeks had choſe him Captain Generall, Which honour to his fon, now did befall. (For as worlds Monarch, now we ſpeak not on, But as the King of little Macedon ) Reſtleſſe both day and night, his heart now was, His high reſolves which way to bring to paſſe : Yet for a while, in Greece is forc'd to ſtay, Which makes each moment ſeem, more then a day: Thebes, and old Athens, both 'gainſt him rebell, But he their mutinies, full foon doth quell. This done, againſt all right, and natures laws, His kinſmen pats to death without leaft cauſe ; That no combuſtion in his abſence be, In ſeeking after Soveraignity: And many more, whom he ſuſpects will climbe, Now tafte of death, (leaft shey deferv's in time) Nor wonder is't,if he in blood begin, For cruelty, was his parentall fin. Thus eaſed now, of troubles, and of fears; His courſe to Affi,next Spring he ſteers. Leaves ſage Antipater at home to ſway, And through the Hellifpont, his ſhips wake way. Comming to land, his dart on fhoar he throwes, Then with alacrity he after goes: Thirty two thouſand made up his foor force, To theſe were joynd, five thouſand goodly horſe. Then of the World. 121 Then on he march’d, in's way he veiwºd old Troys And on Achillis Tombe, with wondrous joy, He offer'd, and for good ſucceffe did pray To him, his mothers Anceſtor(men fay. When newes of Alexander, came to th' Court To ſcorn at him, Darius had good ſport: Sends him a frothy, and contemptuous letter, Stiles him diſloyall fervant, and no better 3 Reproves him, for his proud aadacity; To lift his hand,'gainſt ſuch a Monarchy. Then to his Lieutenant, in Aſia ſends, That he be tane alive, (for he intends) To whip him well with rods, and then to bring, That boy ſo mallepart, before the King. Ah! fond vaine man, whoſe pen was taught erę while; In lower termes to write a higher ftile, To th'river Granicke, Alexander hyes, Which twixt Pbrigia, and Propontis lyes. The Ferſians for encounter ready land, And think to keep his men from off the land, Thoſe banks ſo ſteep, the Greeks, now ſcramble up And beat the coward Perſians from the cop, And twenty thouſand, of their lives bereave, Who in their backs did all their wounds receive This Victory did Alexander eain; With lofſe of thirty four, of his there ſlaine: Saidi, then be, and Epheſus, did gaine, Where ftood of late Diana's wondrous Phane And by Parmenio (of renowned fame) Miletus, and Pamphilit overcame, Hellicumafius and Piſidia He for his matter takes, with Lyciao, Next 122 of the Four Monarchies Next Alexander marcht, t'wards the black ſea; And eaſily takes old Gordium in his way ; (Of Affe-eard ) Midas, once the regall feat, Whoſe touch turn'd all to gold,yea even his meat: Therethe Propherick knot, se cuts in twain; Which who ſo did, muft Lord of all remain, Now newes, of Memons death (the Kings Viceroy) To Alexanders beart's no little joy. For in that Peer, more valour did abide; Then in Darius multitudes beſide : There Arfemes was plac'd ,yet durft not ſtay; But ſets one in his roome, and ran away. His ſubſtitute, as fearfull as his maſter, Goes after too and leaves all to diſaſter. Now Alexander all Cilicia takes: No ſtroake for it he ſtruck, their hearts ſo quakes To Greece he thirty thouſand talents ſends ; To raiſe more force, for what he yet intends. And on he goes Darius for to meet; Who came with thouſand thouſands at his feet, Though ſome there be, and that more likely, write; He but four hundred thouſand had to fight, The reſt attendants, which made up no leffe; (Both ſexes there ) was almoſt numberleffe. For this wiſe King, had brought co ſee the ſport; Along with him, the Ladyes of the Court. His mother old, beautious wife,and daughters, It ſeemes to ſee the Macedonians ſlaughtersa Sure its beyond my time, and little Art ; To ſhew, how great Darius plaid his part: The ſplendor, and the pompe, he marched in, For ſince the world;was no ſuchPageant ſeen. Oh of the World. 123 Oh'twas a goodly fight, there to behold; The Perfians clad in ſilk, and glitt'ring gold; The ſtately Horſes trapt, the launces guilts As if they were, now all to run at tilt. The Holy fire, was borne before the Hoft: (For Sun and Fire the Perſians worſhip moft) The Prieſts in their ſtrange habit follow after; An obje&t not ſo much of fear, as laughter. The King far in a chariot made of gold, With Robes and Crowne, moſt glorious to beholde And o're his head, his golden gods on high Support a party coloured canopy. A number of ſpare horſes next were led, Leaft he ſhould need them, in his chariots ſtead. But they that ſaw him in this ſtate to lyez Would think he neither thought to fight nor fly, He fifteen hundred had like women dreft, For ſo to fright the Greekes he judg’d was beſt, Their golden Ornaments fo to ſet forth, Would aske more time, then were their bodys worth Great Siligumbis, ſhe brought up the Reare ; Then ſuch a world of W. Vagons did appear, Like ſeverall houſes moving upon wheeles: As if ſhe'd drawne, whole Suſhan at her heeles. This brave Virago, to the King was mother; And as much good ſhe did, as any other. Now leaſt this Gold, and all this goodly ſtuffe, Hid not been ſpoile, and boery rich enough, A thouſand Mules and Camells ready wait. Loaden with gold, with Jewels and with Plate, For ſure Darius thought, at the firſt fight, The Greekes would all adore, and would none figbe. Buc 124 of the four Monarchies But when both Armies met, he might behold, That valour was more worth then Pearls, or gold, And how his wealth ſerv'd but för baits l'allure, Which made his over throw more fierce, and ſure. The Greeks come on, and with a gallant grace, Let fly their Arrowes, in the Perſians face; The cowards feeling this ſharp ſtinging charges Moſt bafely run, and left their King at large, Who from his golden Coach is glad t'alight, And caſt away his Crown, for ſwifter flight; Of late,like ſome immovable he lay, Now finds both leggs, and Horſe, to run away; Two hundred thouſand men that day were flaine, And forty thouſand Priſoners alſo tane; Befides, the Queens, and Ladies of the Court, If Curtius be true, in his report. The Regill ornaments now loft, the treaſure Divided at the Macedonians pleaſure. Yet all this grief, this loffe, this over-throw, Was but beginning of his future woe ; The Royall Caprives, brought to Alexander, T'ward them, demean'd himſelf like a Commander ; For though their beauties were unparalled Conquerd himſelf (now he had conquered) Preſery'd their honour, us'd chem courteouſly, Commands, no man ſhould doe them injury, And this to Alexander is more a fame, Then that the Perſian King he over-cime ; Two hundred eighty Greeks he loft in fight, By too much heat,not wounds (as Authors write.) No ſooner had this Captaine won the field, But all Phenicia to his pleafures yeeld; OF of the World. 125 Of which, the Government he doth commit Unto Parmenio, of all, moft fit; Darius now, more humble then before, Writes unto Alexander, to reſtore Thoſe mournfull Ladies, from captivity, For whom he offers him a ranſome high, But down his haughty ſtomach could not bring, To give this Conquerour, the file of King : His Letter Alexander doth diſdaine, And in ſhort termes, ſends this reply againe ; A King he was, and that not only lo, But of Darius King, as he ſhould know. Now Alexander unto Tyre doth goe, (His valour, and his vi&ories they know) To gain his love, the Tyriams do intend, Therefore a Crown, and great proviſions ſend; Their preſent he receives with thankfulneffe, Defires to offer unto Hercules, Protector of their Town; by whom defended, And from whom alſo, lineally deſcended: But they accept nor this, in any wiſe, Leaft he intend more fraud, then ſacrifice ; Sent word, that Hercules his Temple ſtood, In the old town (which now lay like a wood) With this reply, he was ſo fore enragd, To win their town, his honour he engag’dz And now, as Babels King did once before, He leaves not, till he makes the ſea firme ihoar; But far leffe coſt, and time, he doth expend, The former ruines, help to him now lend ; Beſides, he had a Navie at command, The other by his men fetcht all by Land; 126 of the four Monarchies In ſeven months ſpace he takes this lofty town, Whoſe glory, now a ſecond time's brought down ; Two thouſand of the cheif he crucifi'd, Eight thouſand by the ſword now alſo dy'd, And thirteen thouſand Gally flaves te made, And thus the Tyriins for miſtruſt were paid, The rule of this he to Philot as gave, Who was the Son of that Parmenio brave 5 Cilicia he to Socrates doth give, For now's the time, Captains like Kings may live : For that which eaſily comes, as freely goes ; Zidon he on Epheſtion beſtowes : He ſcorns to have one worſe then had the other, And therefore gives this Lord-ſhip to another. Epheſtion now, hath the command o' th Fleety And muſt at Gaza, Alexander meer ; Darius finding troubles ſtill increaſe, By his Embaffadours-now ſues for peace: And layes before great Alexanders eyes, The dangers, difficulties, like to riſe ; Firſt, at Euphrates, what he's like to abide, And then at Tigris, and Araxis fide: Theſe he may ſcape, and if he lo defire, A league of friendſhip m:ke, firm, and entire ; His eldeſt Daughter, (him ) in marriage offers, And a moſt Princely Dowry with her proffers; All thoſe rich Kingdoms large, which doe abide Betwixt the Hellefpont, and Hallis fide; But he with fcorn, his courtcfie rejects, And the diſtreſſed King no way reſpects ; Tels him, theſe proffers great ( in truth were none) For all he offered now,was but his owne: But of the World. 127 But, quoth Parmenio, (that brave Commander) Was I as great, as is great Alexander, Darius offers I would not rejea, But th’ Kingdoms, and the Ladies, ſoone accept To which, brave Alexander did reply, And ſo if I Parmenio were, would I. He now to Gaza goes, and there doth meet His favourite Epheftion, with his fleet; Where valiant Betis, doth defend the town, A loyall Subject to Darius Crown) For more repulſe, the Grecians here abide, Then in the Perſian Monarchy beſide; And by theſe walls, ſo many men were Naine, That Greece muſt yeeld a freſh ſupply againe ; But yet, this well defended town is taken, (For 'twas decreed, that Empire ſhould be ſhaken ) The Capraine tane, had holes bor'd through his feet, And by command was drawn through every ſtreet, To imitare Achilles ( in his ſhame ) Who did the like to Hector ( of more fame) What, haft thou loſt thy late magnanimity? Can Alexander deale thus cruelly? Sith valour, with Heroyicks is renown'd, Though in an enemy it ſhould be found; Ifof thy future fame thon hadît regard, Why did not heap up honour, and reward? From Gaza, to Jeruſalem he goes, But in no hoftile way ( as I ſuppoſe ) Him in his Priefly Robes, high faddus meets, Whom with great reverence Alex inder greers ; The Priett fhews him good Daniels Prophefie, How he ſhould over-throw this Monarchy; Ву 128 of the four Monarchies By which he was fo much incouraged, No future dangers he did ever dread. From thence, to fruitfall Ægypt marcht with ſpeed, Where happily in's wars he did ſucceed; To ſee how faſt he gain'd, is no ſmall wonder, For in few dayes he brought that Kingdom under. Then to the hane of fupiter, he went, For to be call'd a god, was his intent; The Pagan Prieſt through hire, or elſe miſtake, The Son of Fupiter did ſtraight him make : He Diabolicall muſt needs remaine, That his humanity will not retaine ; Now back to Ægypt goes, and in few dayes, Faire Alexandria from the ground doth raiſe; Then ſetling all things in leſſe Aſia, In Syria, Ægypt, and Phænicia; Unto Eupbrates marcht, and over goes, For no man to refift his valour fhowes ; Had Betis now been there, but with his Band, Great Alexander had been kept from Land; But as the King is, fo's the multitude, And now of valour both were deftitute ; Yet he poore Prince another Hooft doth mufter, Of Perfans, Scithians, Indians, is a cluſter 3 Men but in ſhape, and name, of valour none, Fit for to blunt the fwords of Macedon ; Two hundred fifty thouſand by account, Of Horſe, and Foot, this Army did amount; For in his multitudes his truft ſtill lay, But on their fortitude he had ſmall ſtay; Yet had ſome hope, that on that ceven plain, His numbers might the victory obtaine. About of the World. 129 for 2 About this time, Darius beauteous Queen, Who had long travaile, and much forrow ſeen, Now bids the world adieu, her time being ſpenr, And leaves her wofull Lord for to lament. Great Alcxander mourns, as well as he, For this loft Queen ( though in captivity) When this ſad newes ( at fir tt ) Darius heares, Some injury was offered, he feares; But when inform’d, how royally the King i slur Had uſed her, and hers, in every thing, He prayes the immortall gods, for to reward Great Alexander, for this good regard ; some And if they down, his Monarchy wil throw, Let them on him that dignity beſtow : And now for peace he fues, as once before, And offers all be did, and Kingdoms more His eldeſt Drughter, for his Princely Bride, (Nor was ſuch match, in all the world befide) And all thoſe Countries, which (betwixt ) did lye, Pheniſian Sea, and great Euphratés high, VO With fertile Ægypt, and rich Syria, Πασά. And all thoſe Kingdoms in lefe Afia blog With thirty thouſand Tallents, to be paid For his Queen-Mother, and the royall Maid; And till all this be wel perform’d, and ſure, Ochus his Son a hoſtage ſhall chdure. To this, ftout Alexander, gives no eare, No, though Parmenio plead, he will not heare Which had he done ( perhaps ) his fame had kept, Nor infamy had wak'd, when he had ſlept ; For his unlimited proſperity, Him boundlelle made, in vice, and cruelty : K Thus 130 of the four Monarchies Thus to Darius he writes back again, The Firmament two Suns cannot contain; Two Monarchies on Earth cannot abide, Nor yet two Monarchs in one World refide; The affli&ted King, finding him ſec to jar, Prepares againſt to morrow for the war ; Parmenio, Alexander wifht, that night, To force his Camp, ſo put them all to flights For tumult in the dark doth cauſe moft dread, And weakneſſe of a foe is covered ; But he diſdain'd to ſtealé a vi&orie, The Sun ſhould witnefſe of his valour be: Both Armies meet,Greeks fight, the Perfians run, So make an end, before they well begun ; Forty five thouſand Alexinder had, But 'tis not known what flaughters here they made. Some write, thº other had a million, ſome more, But Quintus Curtius, as was ſaid before. At Arbeli, this vi&tory was gain'd, And now with it, the town alſo obtain'd. Darius ſtripc of all, to Media came, Accompani'd with ſorrow, fear, and ſhame; Ac Arbela left, his ornaments, and treaſure, Which Alexander deals, as ſuits his pleaſure. This Conquerour now goes to Babylon, Is entertain'd with joy, and pompous train, With ſhowres of Flowers, the ſtreets along are ftrown, And Inſence burnt, the filver Alcars on ; The glory of the Caſtle he admires, The firme foundations, and the lofty (pires ; In this a maffe of gold, and treaſure iay, Which in few hours was carried all away; With of the World. I31 With greedy eyes, he views this City round, Whoſe fame throughout the world, was ſo renown'd And to pofſeffe, he counts no little b[ifle, The Towers, and Bowers, of proud Semiramis : Though worn by time, and raz'd by foes full fore, Yer old foundations thew'd, and ſomewhat more ; With all the pleaſures that on earth was found, This City did abundantly abound; Where four and thirty dayes he now doth ſtay, And gives himſelf to banqueting, and play: He, and his Souldiers, wax effeminate, And former Diſcipline begins to hate; Whilſt revelling at Babylon, he lyes, Antipater, from Greece, ſends great fupplyes; He then to Suſhan zoes, with his freſh bands, Bur needs no force, 'tis rendred to his hands; He likewiſe here a world of treaſure found, For 'twas the ſeat of Perſian Kings renown'd; Here ftood the Royall houſes of delight, Where Kings have ſhown their glory,wealthand might; The ſumptuous Palace of Queen Hefter here, And of good Mordecai, her Kinſman dear; Thoſe purple hangings, mixt with green, and white, Thoſe beds of gold, and couches of delight, And furniture, the richeſt of all Lands, Now falls into the Macedonians hands. From Suſhan, to Perſa polis he goes, Which newes doth ſtill augment Darius woes ; In his approach, the Governour ſends word, For his receit with joy, they all accord; With open Gates, the wealthy town did ſtand, And all in it was at his high command; K 2 OF 132. of the Four Monarchies Ofall the Cities, that on Earth was found; None like to this in riches did abound. Though Babylon was rich, and Suſban too; Yet to compare with this, they might not do. Here lay the bulk, of all thoſe precious things, Which did pertain unto the Perſian Kings. For when the Sculdiers, had rifled their pleaſure, And ta ken mony, place, and golden treaſure ; Statues of gold, and ſilver numberleffe, Yet after all, as ſtories do exprefſe. The ſhare of Alexander did amount, bio To a hundred thouſand Tallents by account, Here of his own, he ſets a Garriſon, (As firſt at Sulhan, and at Babylon) On their old Governours, titles he laid; But on their faithfullneffe, he never faid: Their charge, gave to his Captains ( as moſt juft) For ſuch revolters falſe, what Prince will truſt: The pleafures and the riches of this town, Now makes this King, his vertues all ro drown. He walloweth now, in all licenciouſneffe, In pride, and cruelty, to th' higheſt exceffe. Being inflam'd with wine upon a ſeaſon, (Filled with madneffe, and quite void of reaſon) Heat a bold, baſe Strumpets, lewd deſire; an Commands to ſet this goodly town on fire. Parmenio wiſe, intreats him to delift, And layes before his eyes, if be perfiſt His names diſhonour, lofte unto his State. And juſt procuring of the Parfans hare, But deafe to reaſon, (bent to have his will;) Thoſe stately streets wich raging flames doth fil. Now of the World. 3 133 Now to Darius, he directs his way, Who was retird, and gone to Media. (And there with forrows, fears, and cares ſurrounded) Had now h's fourth and laſt Army compounded, Which forty thouſand made; but his intent, Was ſtraight in Baffria theſe to augment, But hearing, Alexander was ſo near; Thought now this once, to cry his fortunes here, Chuling rather an honorable deach : Then ſtill with infamy, to draw his breath. But Befus falſe, who was his cheife Cominander; Perſwades him not to fight, with Alexander. With ſage advice, he layes before his e eyes, The little hope, of profit like to riſe. If when he'd multitudes, the day he loft; Then with ſo few, how likely to be croft. This counſell, for his ſafety, he pretended, But to deliver him to's foes, intended. Next day this treaſon, to Darius known, Tranſported ſcre, with griefe and paffion; Grinding his teeth, and plucking off his baire, Sate down o'rewhelm'd with forrow,and deſpair, Bidding his ſervant Artabaffus true; Look to himſelfe, and leave himn to thar crew; Who was of hopes, and comfort quite bereft ; And of his Guard, and Servitors now left. Straight Beffus comes, and with his traiterous hands, Lays hold on's Lord, and binding him with bands, Into a cart him throwes, covered with hides ; Who wanting means t' refin, there wrongsabides. Then draws the Cart along, with chaines of gold; la more diſpight, the thrawled Prince to hold. And K 3 134 of the four Monarchies And thus to Alexander, on he goes, Great recompence, in's thoughts, he did propoſe ; But ſome deteſting, this his wicked fact, To Alexander fly, and told this act; Who doubling of his march, poſts on amain, Darius from thoſe Traitors hands to gain, Beffus gets knowledge, his diſloyalty, Had Alexardeys wrath incenſed high; Whoſe Army now,was almoſt within Gght, His hopes being datht, prepares himſelf for flight: Unto Derius, firſt he brings a Horſe, And bids him, fave bimſelf, by ſpeedy courſe : This wofull King, his courtefie refuſes, Whom thus the execrable wretch abuſes: By throwing Darts, gives him his mortal/ wound, Then flew his ſervants, that were faithfull found; Yea, wounds the beaſts that drew him ) unto death, And leaves him thus, to gaſpe out his laſt breath. (Bellus, his Partner in this Tragedy, Was the falſe Governour of Media) This done, they with their Hoaft, ſoon ſpced away, To hide themſelves, remote, in Bactria ; Darius bath'd in bloud, ſends out his groanes, Invokes the heavens, and earth, to heare his moanes ; His loft felicity did greive him ſore, But this unheard of injury much more ; Yea, above all, that neither eare, nor eye, Should heare, nor ſee, his groans, and miſery : As thus he lay, Pol ftratus a Grecke, Wearied with his long march, did water ſeek, So chanc'd theſe bloudy Horſes to elpy, Whoſe wounds had made their skins of purple dye s Іо of the World 135 To them he goes, and looking in the Cart, Findes poore Darius, peirced to the heart sur la Who not a little chear'd, to have ſome eye, The witneſſe of his dying miſery : Prayes hina, to Alexander to commend, The juſt revenge of this his wofull end; And not to pardon ſuch diſloyalty, Of treaſon, murther, and baſe cruelty. If not, becauſe Darius thus did pray, Yet that ſucceeding Kings in ſafety may Their lives enjoy, their crowns, and dignity, And not by Traitors bands untimely dye. He alſo fends his humble thankfulneffe, For all that Kingly Grace he did exprelle, To's Mother, Children deare, and Wife now gone, Which made their long reſtraint, ſeeme to be none; Praying the immortall gods, that Sea, and Land, Might be ſubjected to his royall hand; And that his rule as farre extended be, As men, the riſing, ſetring Sun ſhall ſee. This ſaid the Greek for water doth intrear, To quench his thirſt, and to allay his heat , Of all good things ( qnoch he ) once in my power, I've nothing left, at this my dying houre; Thy pitty, and compaſſion to reward, Wherefore the gods requite thy kinde regard. This ſaid, his fainting breath did fleet away, And though a Monarch once, now Iyes like clay, Yea, thus muſt every Son of Adam lye, Though gods on earth, like Sons of men ſhall dye. Now to the Eaſt great Alexander goes, To ſee if any dare his might oppoſe , K4 (For 136 of the Four Monarchies (For ſcarce the world, or any bounds thereon, Could bound his boundleffe, fond ambition ) Such as ſubmits, he doth againe reſtore, And makes their riches, and their honours more ; On Artabalus more then all beſtow'd, For his fidelity to 's Maſter ſhow'd ; Thaleſtris, Queen of th' Amazons, now brought Her traine to Alexander ( as 'tis thought) Though ſome of reading belt, and foundet minde, Such country there, nor yet ſuch people finde. Then tell her errand, we had better ſpare To th' ignorant, her title may declare. As Alexander in his greatneffe growes, So daily of his vertues doth he loſe; He baſeneffe counts his former clemency, And nor beſeeming ſuch a dignity; His paſt fobriety doth alſo hate, As moſt incompatible to his ſtate; His temperance, is but a ſordid thing, No wayes becomming ſuch a mighty King; His greatneffe now he takes, to repreſent, His fancied gods, above the firmament, And ſuch as ſhew'd but reverence before, Are ſtrictly now commanded to adore ; With Perſian Robes, bimſc'fe doth dignifie, Charging the fame on his Nobility; His manners, habit, geſtures, now doth faſhion, After that conquer'd, and luxurious Nation ; His Caprains, that were vertuouſly enclind, Grier'd at this change of manners, and of minde e: The ruder Cort, did openly deride His fained Deity, and fooliſh pride: The of the World. 137 The certainty of both comes to his eares, But yet no notice takes, of what he hears; With thoſe of worth, he ftill deſires eſteem, So heaps up gifts, his credit to redeem ; And for the reſt new wars, and travels findes, That other matters may take up their minds. Then hearing, Bejus makes himſelfe a King, Intends with ſpeed, thar Traitor down to bring , Now that his Hoaſt from luggage might be free, And no man with his burden, burdened be, Commands forth-with, each man his fardle bring, Into the Market-place, before the King; Which done, fets fire upon thoſe coſtly ſpoyls The recompence of travels, wars, and toyls; And thus unwiſely, in one raging fume, The wealth of many Cities doth conſume: But marvell’tis, that without muteny, The Souldiers ſhould let paſſe this injury; Nor wonder leffe, to Readers may it bring, For to obſerve the rafhneffe of the King, Now with his Arny, doth he haft away, Falſe Befus to finde out, in Badtria; But ſore diftreſt for water, in their march, The drought, and heat, their bodies much doth parch; At length, they came to th'River Oxus brink, Where moſt immoderatly theſe thirſty drink; This more mortality to them did bring, Then did their wars, againſt the Ferhan King, Here Alexander's almoſt at a ſtand, How to paffe over, and gaine the other Land; For Boats here's none, nor nea re it any wood, To make them rafs, to waft them o're the floud; But 138 of the four Monarchies But he that was reſolved in his minde, Would by ſome means a tranſportation finde; So from his carriages the Hides he takes, And ſtuffing them with ſtraw, he bundles makes ; On theſe, together tyd, in fix dayes ſpace, They all paſſe over, to the other place; Had Beſſus had but valour to his wil, He eaſily might have made them ſtay there ftil; But coward, durft not fight, nor could he fly, Hated of all, for's former treachery, Is by his owne, now bound in Iron chaines, (A coller of the ſame his neck containes ) And in this ſort, they rather drag, then bring, This Malefa&or vild, before the King, Who to Darius Brother gives the wretch, With wracks, and tortures, every limbe to ſtretch, Here was of Greeks, a town in Badria, Whom Xerxes from their country led away ; Theſe not a little joy'd, this day to fee, Wherein their own had ſoveraignity. And now reviv'd with hopes, held up their head, From bondage, long to be in franchiled; But Alexander puts them to the ſword, Withoat cauſe, given by them, in deed, or word: Nor ſex, nor age, nor one, nor other ſpar'd, But in his cruelry alike they ſhar'd; Nor could he reaſon give, for this great wrong, But that they had forgor their Mother-tongue. Whilft thus he ſpent ſome time in Baltria, And in his Camp ftrong, and ſecurely lay, Down from the inountains twenty thouſand cams, And there moft fiercely ſet upon che fames R-pelling of the World 139 Repelling theſe two marks of honour gor, Imprinted deep in's legg, by Arrowes ſhot; And now the Baarians 'gainſt him rebel, But he their ſtubbornneffe full ſoone doth quel; From hence he to faxirtis river goes, Where Scithians rude, his valour doth oppoſe, And with their our cries, in a hideous fort, Beſets his Camp, or Military Court ; Of Darts, and Arrowes, inade ſo little ſpare, They flew ſo thick they ſeem'd to dark the aire : But ſoone the Grecians forc'd them to a flight, Whoſe nakedneffe could not endure their mights Upon this Rivers banck in feventeen dayes, A goodly City doth compleatly raiſe ; hi Which Alexandria he doch allo name, And furlongs fixty could not round the fame. His third ſupply, Antipeer now fent, Which did his former Army much avgment, And being an hundred twenry thouſand ſtrong, He enters now the Indian Kings among : Thoſe that ſubmit, he doth reftore again. Thoſe that doe not, both they, and theirs, are ſlain To age, nor ſex, no pitty doch exprelle, But all fall by his ſword, moſt mercileffe. He t'Nijagoes, by Bacchus built long fince, Whoſe feaſts are celebrated by this Prince ; Nor had that drunken god, one that wculd take His liquors more devoutly in, for's Sake, When thus, ten dıyes, his brain with wine he'd ſoak'd, And with delicious meats, his Pallat choak’d, To th' river Indns next, his courſe he bends, Boats to prepare, Epheſtion firſt he fends, Who 140 of the Four Monarchies Who comming thither, long before his Lord; Had co his mind, inade all things now accord The Veffe!ls ready were, at his commind; And Omphis, King of that part of the land: Through his perſwafion Alexander meets; And as his Sovereign Lord, him humbly greets. Fifty fix Elephants he brings to's hands: And tenders him the ſtrength of all his lands, Preſents himſelfe, there with a golden Crowne, And eighty Tallents to his Captaines down, Buc Alexander, caus’d him to behold; He glory fought, no ſilver, nor yer gold ; His Preſents all, with thanks he doth reitore; And of his own, a thouſand Tallents more. Thus all the Indian Kings, to him fubmit ; Bat Porus ftout, who will not yeeld as yet ; To him doth Alexinder thus declare, His pleaſure is, that forthwith he repaire Unto his Kingdoms borders, and as due, His Hoinage unto him as Soveraigne doe. But Kingly Porus this brave anſwer fent, That to attend him there, was his intent; And come as well provided as he could, But for the reſt, his ſword adviſe him ſhould. Great Alexander vext at this reply, Did more his valour then his Crown envie ; Is now relolv'd to pafle Hilaſpes floud, And there his Soveraignry for to make good; But on the binks doth Porus ready ftand, For to receive him, when he comes to land; A potent Army with him, like a King, And ninety Elephants for war did brings Had of the World. I41 Had Alexander ſuch reſiſtance ſeen, On Tygris fide, here now he had not been; Within this ſpacious river, deep, and wide, Did here, and there, Iſles full of trees abide; His Arny Alexander doth divide, With Ptolomy, ſends part o'th'rother ſide. Porus encounters them, thinking all's there, Then covertly, the reſt gets o’re elle-wherez But whilſt the firſt he valiantly afſayld, The laſt ſet on his back, and lo prevail'd: Yet work enough, here Alexander found, For to the laft, ſtout Porus kept his ground. Nor was't diſhonour, at the length to yeeld, When Alexander ſtrives to win the field, His fortitude bis Kingly foe commends ; Reſtores him, and his bounds further extends ; Eaſt-ward, now Alexander would goe ftill, But ſo to doe, his Souldiers had no will;ndo omni Long with exceſſive travailes wearied, Could by no means be further drawn, or led : Yet that his fame might to pofterity, Be had in everlaſting memory, Doth for his Camp a greater circuit take, da do And for his Soaldiers larger Cabins make ; His Maungers he erected up ſo high, do two As never Horle his Prover der could eye 7 Huge Bridles made, which here, and there, he left, Which might be found, and ſo for wonders kept : Twelve Altars, he for Monuments then rears, Whereon his a&ts, and travels, long appears ; But doubting, wearing Time would theſe decay, And ſo his memory might fade away, He 142 of the four Monarchies He on the faire Hidaſpis pleaſant fide, Two Cities built, his fame might there abide ; "The first Nicea, the next Bucephalot, Where he entomb d his ſtately ſtallion, His fourth, and laſt fupply, was hither ſent, Then down t Hidaſpis with his Fleet he went's Some time he after ſpent upon that ſhore, Where one hundred Embaffadours, or more, Came with ſubmiſſion, from the Indian Kings Bringing their Preſents, rare, and precicus things : Theſe, all he feaſts in ſtare, on beds of gold, His furniture moſt fumptuous to behold; The meat, and drink, attendants, every thing, Toth utmoſt fhew'd, the glory of a King; With rich rewards, he fent them home again, Acknowledg'd for their Maſters Soveraigne; Then ſayling South, and comming to the ſhore, Thefe obfcure Nations yeelded as before A City here he built, cald by his name, Which could not found too oft, with too much fame : Hence ſayling down by th' mouth of Indus floud, His Gillies ſtuck upon the ſand, and mud ; Which che ſtout Macedonians mazed Core D