WILLIAM L.CLEMENTS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN HISTORY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ank E M. Jene With the regards the author of ELEMENTS ор CHEMISTRY; CONTAINING THE PRINCIPLES OF THE SCIENCE, BOTH EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL. INTENDED AS A TEXT-300K FOR ACADEMIES, HIGH SCHOOLS, AND COLLEGIS. ILLUSTRATED WITHI NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS. By ALONZO GRAY, A. M. Tearbor of Chemistry and Nat. Hist, in the Teachers' Sem., Andover, Mass. FOURTH EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY DAYTON & NEWMAN. SCHOOL BOOK PUBLISHERS, CORNER OF FULTON AND NASSAU STREETS. BOSTON: SAXTON AND PEIRCE. 1842. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1940, By ALONZO GRAY, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts. ALLEN, MORRELL, AND WARDWELL, PRINTERS, PREFACE. In compiling the first edition of this work, the author attempted to prepare a text-book which should be well fitted for elementary instruction. Most of the works on chemistry appeared to him to be either too profound, on the one hand, for those who were just commencing the study, or too superficial, on the other, for those who wished to obtain a scientific knowledge of the subject. The design was to avoid these two extremes, and com- bine the scientific with the popular and useful parts of the subject. The rapid sale of the first edition, and its intro- duction into several colleges, has led to the inference that the attempt has not been wholly unsuccessful. The author has therefore been induced to revise and enlarge the work, and put it into a permanent form. A large amount of matter, and numerous engravings, have been added, for the purpose of rendering the work better adapted to academies and other schools. It is believed that greater success would attend the efforts of teachers in this branch of science, if more attention were given to the principles of chemistry, and less to its details. The fundamental principles being thoroughly understood by the student, he is prepared to attend to the details with greater pleasure and success, as he will be able to connect the effects with their appropriate causes. Under the influence of this belief, the author has given a greater prominence to the imponderable agents and the thir- 4 PREFACE. teen non-metallic substances, than to other parts of the work. Most of the illustrations and experiments are introduced in this part, so as to present and illustrate the philosophy of chemical combinations, and the general nature of the com- pounds thus formed ; in other words, the causes of chemical changes and the mode of studying them. By the introduction of numerous experiments and illus- trations, the object has been to give to the work a prac- tical character, so that the teacher, with a very simple apparatus, and with limited means, may be able to give numerous experimental illustrations to his classes. The im- portance of studying chemistry experimentally, is admitted by all; and to aid teachers in constructing the more simple forms of apparatus, many notes and drawings have been added, and experiments described, which may easily be performed by those who are not privileged with more costly and extensive means of illustration. In the arrangement of the imponderable agents, the phe- nomena of common and voltaic electricity, electro-magnet- ism, and magneto-electricity, are classed as effects of one agent — electricity. In the arrangement of the simple substances, the logical order has been adopted; that is, each simple substance is described, and then its combinations with those only which have been previously described; so that only one substance with which the pupil is unacquainted is presented at a time. This classification appears to be the most convenient for presenting the different compounds, and less liable than any other to confuse the mind of the learner. This order, how- ever, has been adopted only with the simple substances and their binary compounds. The salts occupy a separate chapter, in the arrangement of which Turner's Chemistry has been made the basis. Several new salts, and cne entire family, — the silicates, - have been added. PREFACE. 5 Organic chemistry has become so extensive, and so far a distinct branch of the subject, that a short chapter only is inserted. For a complete description of these compounds, the student is referred to Thompson's Chemistry, "Organic Bodies," which is the most extensive and valuable work on the subject which has hitherto appeared. The chapter on Analytical Chemistry has been consider- ably enlarged; but the methods of analysis have become so accurate, the details so minute, and the processes so com- plicated, that those who would obtain a full mastery of the subject, must consult works which treat particularly of chemical analysis. Sufficient only has been inserted to give the pupil some idea of the nature of the processes, and to enable him to test, if not actually to analyze, the sub- stances which are mentioned. The Glossary of chemical terms has been selected from that prepared by Daniell, of London, and adapted to this work. The table of contents has been much enlarged, and a complete analysis of the work presented, in the form of topics, which are intended to be used instead of questions ; the topics being so arranged that, when the teacher sug- gests one, the pupil may give a complete description of it. This plan, it is believed, will prevent the evils incident to direct questions, while it will secure all their advantages. Chemical formula have been extensively adopted. This appears highly important, especially for those who intend to become thorough students in the science. The notation, (the use of symbolical language,) to express, in a condensed form, complicated chemical changes, seems to be as useful in chemistry as in algebra, and, although these symbols may be unintelligible to the common reader, he who will thorough- ly study them will find them the most efficient aid to a clear, definite, and easy comprehension of the whole science. In the description of the ponderable bodies, brevity has 1 * 6 PREFACE. been consulted, as far as was consistent with perspicuity The illustrations and descriptions are much more extended in the first two hundred pages than in other parts of the work. The method of description which is employed in natural history has been adopted, where the subject did not require a more popular style. By this means, and by using different kinds of type, a large amount of matter has been condensed into a small compass, while, at the same time, that which is more important to be studied is rendered conspicuous. Many subjects of minor importance are only alluded to, and reference frequently made to more extensive works. The source from which most of the materials have been drawn, is Turner's Chemistry. The works of Henry, Silli- man, Webster, and Griffin's Chemical Recreations, have been frequently consulted, and also many original papers in the scientific journals of the day; and it is confidently be- lieved that the work contains the most valuable recent discoveries up to the present time, so far, at least, as they have been made known to the scientific public. The acknowledgments of the author are here due to Professor Charles B. Adams, of Middlebury College, for important aid, especially in the department of Organic Chemistry. A. G. TEACHERS' SEMINARY, Andover, September, 1841. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. Page Science defined - Physical and Natural science.. 21 Definition of matter how many properties does it embrace ?..... 21 DIVISION OF NATURAL SCIENCE. I. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY — method and object of. 21 II. CHEMISTRY method and object of.. 22 III. NATURAL HISTORY — method and object of. 22 PLAN OF THE WORK. PART I. IMPONDERABLE AGENTS — why so called. ១១ II. CHEMICAL AFFINITY - definition of.. 23 III. PONDERABLE BODIES chemical and natural substances. 24 Division of substances; simple and compound bodies.... 24 Analysis and synthesis ; arrangement of chem. substances 24 PART FIRST. IMPONDERABLE AGENTS. CHAPTER 1.- CALORIC. The term heat how used — meaning of caloric 1. Sensible caloric defined. --2. Insensible caloric do.. 25 25 SECT. 1. SENSIBLE CALORIC — COMMUNICATION OF. The most important property of sensible caloric..... 26 I. Conduction - meaning and illustration of.. 26 Conducting power; how does it differ in bodies ?. 26 Different degrees of this power illustrated.. 27 1. Conducting power of solids; illustrated by conductometer 27 Best and poorest conductors, metals, stones.. 27 Uses of conductors, benevolence of God illustrated. 28 Ratio of the conducting power of solids... 28 2. Conducting power of liquids; how are liquids heated ? Ills. 28 Heat applied at the top of liquids in a glass jar.. 29 3. Conducting power of gases; how are they heated ?. 29 II. Radiation - defined; radiant caloric, how projected 30 1. Law of the intensity of heat at different distances.. 30 2. Degree of radiation, dependent upon what?.. 30 Difference between bright, and dark or rough surfaces, Ills..... 30 Greater radiating power of rough surfaces, depends on what?.. 30 8 CONTENTS. 3. Rapidity of radiation dependent upon what?..... 31 III. Disposition of Radiant Caloric — reflect., absorb., transmit. 31 1. Reflection of caloric; law of reflection, angles of incidence and reflection. Concave mirrors described. 31 2. Absorption of caloric; depends upon what?. 32 Best absorbers, reflectors, and radiators.. 32 Color of surface; its effect upon the power of absorp., Ills.. 32 3. Transmission of caloric; through air and gases, glass, etc..... 32 Opinions of Leslie, Brewster, De la Roche, and other chemists. 33 Radiant caloric modified by its connection with solar light..... 33 IV. Theories of Radiation - how many are worthy of notice ?.. 33 1. Theory of Pictet, described...... ...... 33 2. Theory of Prevost, do. grounds of preference.. 33 V. Application of the Theory of Prevost to the Expl. of vari's Phen. 1. The phen. of the mirrors explained ; apparent radiation of cold.. 34 2. Formation of dew, process described and explained......... 34 Quantity of dew; dep. upon what? grass, and polished surface.. 34 Why is there no dew in a cloudy night? 35 VI. Cooling of Bodies - different modes by which it is effected. 35 Velocity of cooling, defined; law of cooling, according to Newton. 35 VII. Prac. Application of the Laws of Conduct. and Radiant Caloric. Best materials for windows; double walls, doors, windows...... 35 Object of clothing; kind best for different seasons of the year..... 36 Effects of Free Caloric. I. General Law - Caloric expands all Bodies; Liquids, Solids, Gases, 1. Caloric expands solids ; illustrated by what?.. 36 2. Equal degrees of caloric expand some solids more than others... 36 Illustrated by pyrometer; description of pyrometer... 36 3. Effect of equal add’ns of caloric on the same solid at dif. temp's. 37 Expansion of brass and iron rods in the higher or lower temp's.. 37 4. Uniformity in the expansion of certain solids... 37 II. Caloric expands Liquids more than Solids. 1. Illustrated by heating water in a glass tube, common thermom'r 38 2. Effect upon different liquids of equal degrees of caloric......... 38 3. Effect upon the same liquids of equal degrees at different temp's 38 Apparent exceptions to the general law that heat expands...... 38 III. Caloric expands Gases more than Solids or Liquids. 1. The expansion of air; in glass ball, bladder.. 38 2 Law of the expansion of gases at all temperatures. 39 Difference between gases, and solids or liquids.. 39 Theory of expansion; caloric and cohesion, how related ?.. 39 IV. Apparent Exceptions to the General Laro. Water near the point of congelation; Illustration.... 40 V. Force of Expansion when Water freezes. Florentine Academicians; experiments of Major Williams........ 40 Theory, or the cause of expansion when water freezes. 40 VI. Advantages of this Excep. — wisdom and benevolen. of God 40 Process of freezing water; effect if the contractions continued.... 41 Cast iron and antimony, how affected in cooling ?.... 41 VII. Practical Uses of the General Law of Expansion and Contract. Banding of wheels, steam-engine boilers, gallery at Paris... 41 Winds; depend upon what? land and sea breezes.. 42 Thermometers; by whom invented ?.. 42 1. Air thermometers; plan of Sanctorius, illustrated. 42 CONTENTS. 9 43 Objections to air for the common purposes of a thermometer.... 43 2. Differential thermometer of Leslie ; mode of construction Best substance for thermometers; solids, liquids, or gases ?. 43 3. Mercurial thermometer; construction and graduation. 44 Different scales; Fahrenheit's, Reaumur's, De Lisle's, Celsius's 45 4. Register thermometer; construction, object, and principle of... 45 Pyrometers; derivation and meaning of the term... 46 1. Pyrometer of Wedgwood; founded upon what property. 46 2. do. of Daniell; construction of.. 46 3. Metallic thermometer of Brequet; construction, Illustrated..... 46 Amount of knowledge obtained by therm's and other instruments 47 SECT. 2. INSENSIBLE CALORIC. Specific caloric; meaning of, illustrated.. Methods of determining specific heat of solids and liquids. Laws of Specific Heat, 1, 2, 3, 4,5..... Practical inference from the doctrine of specific heat. 47 48 48 49 ... Effects of Insensible Caloric. 1. Liquefaction states in which bodies exist. 49 1. Point of liquefaction; fusion, congelation.. 49 2. Caloric of fluidity ; Illustr., quantity in different substances. 49 3. Freezing mixtures; how produced ? salt and snow..c.. 50 4. Limit to the degree of cold; greatest cold by these processes. 51 5. Absolute amount of heat; estimated by what means ?. 52 II. Vaporization - defined, difference between gas and vapor. 52 Definition of volatile and fixed bodies ; liquids how vaporized.. 52 Ebullition ; 1. Boiling point defined ; is it fixed ? 52 2. Circumstances which modify the boiling point of liquids. 53 Pressure of the atmosphere; variations of.. 53 Barometer, construction and illustration of. 53 1. Law of the boiling point as the pressure diminishes. 53 Mercury frozen under the exhausted receiver of an air-pump.. 53 2. Law of the boiling point as the pressure increases. 54 Marcet's digester; construction of. 55 Absorption of free caloric in ebullition, Illustration. 55 Table of the latent heat of different vapors. 56 Steam ; its formation and laws of expansive force. Sensible and insensible caloric of steam at all temperatures. 57 Application of Steam to practical Purposes. 1. Warming rooms; water baths, dyeing vats, etc.. 57 2. Steam engine; invention of, principle illustrated. 58 3. Steam generator of Mr. Perkins; steam artillery 58 Distillation; process illustrated and described.. 59 Evaporation - difference between it and ebullition. 59 1. Evaporation of different liquids; depends upon what?. 59 2. Effect of increased and diminished pressure upon evaporation... 59 3. Extent of surface; how does it affect the rapidity of evaporation 60 4. State of the atmosphere; 60 5. Absorption of free Caloric by Evaporation ; cryophorus described 60 6. Cause of evaporation; how have some accounted for it?. 61 7. Uses of evaporation; cooling rooms, warm climates. 61 Effect of perspiration explained; fire kings, oven girls. 61 Injurious effects of evaporation, miasma, fever and ague. 62 56 66 66 CG 10 CONTENTS. Hygrometers; reduced to three principles... 1. Saussure's hygrometer; depends upon what property ? 62 2. Leslie's hygrometer; depends upon what property? 62 3. Hygrometer depending upon the quantity of dew, etc.. 62 Application of the Laws of Insensible Caloric to the Expl. Nat. Phen. 1. Processes of thawing and freezing; effect upon climate. 62 2. Effect of vaporization; to modify the heat of summer. 63 3. Effect of condensing vapors; rain, source of the cold. 63 4. Effect of freezing water; to modify the approach of winter. 63 Why are the shores of a country warmer in winter, etc...... 63 SECT. 3. SOURCES OF CALORIC AND OF COLD. 1. Sun; concentration of its rays, degree of heat.... 64 2. Chemical action; combustion defined..... 3. Condensation; machinery, friction, percussion, 4. Vital action; how is caloric produced in animals ?. ............. 65 Sources of cold, what?.. 65 SECT. 4. NATURE OF CALORIC. Theory of Sir W. Herschel and Prof. Airy; undulatory theory.... 65 Theory of Newton; what supposition did he make?... 65 .... 64 .... 64 ....... CHAPTER II.-LIGHT. ..... 1. Physical Properties of Light — belong to what science ?..... 66 Velocity of light; disposition of it... 66 II. Reflection - the circumstances which govern it... 66 III. Refraction - defined, refrangibility, Illustration.. 66 IV. Decomposition of Light -- how many kinds of rays ?. 67 1. Colorific rays; mode of separating them by prism, Illustration.. 67 Opinion of Wollaston, of Brewster, illuminating power.... 68 2. Calorific rays; their position, and degree of refrangibility.. 68 3. Chemical rays; their position in the spectrum.. 68 1. Photographic drawing, Ills. 2. Daguerreotype described... 68 Magnetic rays; do they exist ?. 69 V. Absorption - defined.. 69 1. Effect of different surfaces to absorb different colors.. 69 Why are objects colored? what produces the variety ?.. 69 2. Effect of chemical constitution upon the power of absorption... 69 3. Effect of absorbing all the rays. 69 VI. Ignition and Incandescence - artificial light, of oil, lime. 70 VII. Phosphorescence - defined.. 70 1. Solar phosphori; substances affected by the solar rays. 70 2. Phosphorescence from moderate heat; lime... 70 3. Animal and vegetable phosphori... 71 VIII. Photometers - object and description of. 71 Photometer of Leslie, of Count Rumford. 71 Sources of light; similar to those of caloric... 71 IX. Nature of Light - Newton's theory, undulatory theory. 71 CHAPTER III. – ELECTRICITY. Electricity; mode of producing it.. Meaning of electrically excited, electrified, cause of it. 72 72 CONTENTS. 11 Secr. 1. COMMON ELECTRICITY. 1. Mode of exciting it; friction upon resinous bodies.. 73 2. Friction upon vitreous substances; effects of.. 73 3. Bodies electrified with each kind; how affected?. 73 Theorics -1. Theory of Franklin; positive and negative states.. 73 2. Theory of Du Fay; vitreous and resinous, correspond to what' 73 Inference from the last theory; law of each fluid.. 74 Existence of the two fluids shown; gold leaf electrometer. 74 Non-conductors; defined, conductors, do., insulators . 74 Electrical machine described; Ills., direction of currents. 75 Induction - defined and illustrated, several conductors.. 75 Theory of Induction - attraction and repulsion accounted for...... 76 Application of the Theory. 1. To the spark. 2. Stroke of lightning. 3. Leyden jar 76 4. Electrophorus; described, illustrated, its use. 77 Electrometers or Electroscopes - object of. 77 Balance electrometer; described, uses of. 78 Laws of the Accumulation of the Electric Fluid. 1. Quantity of electricity on a conductor; depends on what?. 78 2. Mode of distribution; on a sphere, ellipsoid, effect of points.... 78 3. Tendency to escape from points due to what property ? . 78 4. Law of attraction and repulsion between two electrified bodies.. 78 Sect. 2. VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY, OR GALVANISM. History - discovery of Galvani, his theory.. 78 Discovery of Volta; identity of galvanism, magnetism, etc. 79 1. Simple Voltaic Circles — đescription of.. 79 Direction of the positive current; closed and broken circuit. 79 Different modes of forming voltaic circles.. 80 Chemical action necessary to excite currents; form of battery 80 Calorimotor; why so called ?... 80 II. Compound Voltaic Circles — 1. Voltaic pile, described. 80 2. Best form of the galvanic battery described.. 81 Size and number of plates; Hare's deflagrator... 82 Direction of the currents, relation of electricity to chem. affinity 82 Theories of Galvanism. 1. Theory of Volta. 2. Of Wollaston. 3. Of Davy. 82 Laws of the Action of Voltaic Circles. Difference between quantity and intensity... 83 1. Relation between the exciting liquid and the zinc. 83 2. Tension and quantity of electricity in simple circles. 83 3. Mode of measuring the energy of voltaic currents. 83 Decomposing power; power of deflecting magnetic needle.... 84 4. Velocity of electricity through perfect conductors.. 84 Effects of Voltaic Electricity or Galvanism. I. Comparison of Common and Voltaic Electricity. 1. Action of voltaic electricity upon the gold leaf electrometer.... 84 2. Leyden jar charged by the battery; conditions of ...... 84 3. Velocity of common and voltaic electricity ; effects of.. 85 4. Tension of voltaic electricity; striking distance. ... 85 5. Effect of voltaic electricity upon the animal system.. 85 6. Deflection of magnetic needle and chemical decomposition 85 - 12 CONTENTS. II. Power of Voltaic Currents to ignite the Metals - Illustration 85 Theory; heating power of calorimotor, and compound battery.. 85 III. Chemical Effects of Galvanism — history.. 86 1. First substance decomposed; Illustration.. 86 Difference between substances as ascertained by galyanism. 87 2. Transfer of chemical substances; Illustration.. 87 Theory of Faraday, of Davy; electrodes, anode and cathode.. 88 Electrolyzed, electrolyte, ions, anions, and cations. 89 Results of Faraday's Investigations. 1. Decomposition by primary and secondary action. 89 2. Compounds which are electrolytes. 89 3. Simple substances form ions.. 89 4. Single ions indifferent to voltaic currents. 89 5. Conditions for the decomposition of water 89 6. Substances which form electrodes.. 89 7. Conditions necessary to electro-chemical decomposition. 89 8. Conduction of electric currents in cells of battery 90 9. Electro-chemical equivalents; defined... 90 Faraday's theory of electro-chemical decomposition. 90 Magnetic Effects of Electricity or Electro-Magnetism. History; discovery of Oersted.. 91 I. Influence of Voltaic Currents upon the Magnetic Needle. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Position of the needle in reference to voltaic currents. 91 6. Plane in which a needle moves as related to voltaic currents... 92 7. Electro-dynamic action results from what?. 92 Galvanometers or Multipliers; Illustration. 92 Revolving Rectangle ; described....... 94 II. Influence of Voltaic Currents upon soft Iron and Steel. 1. Helix and stand; description of... 94 2. Kind of pole; dependent upon what? Illustration. 95 3. Electro magnet; what weight will it sustain?..... 95 4. Magic circle; description and illustration of.... 96 5. Vibrating magic circle ; description and illustration of.. 96 III. Volta-Electric Induction - Separable Helices, described... 97 IV. Magneto-Electric Induction - defined ; Illustration ... 99 Magneto-Electric Machine described...... 99 ỹ Theory of Electro-Magnetism and Magneto-Electricity. 100 Application of the theory; magnetism of the earth 101 VI. Thermo-Electricity — defined; Illustration. 102 VII. Nature of Electricity. VIII. Use of Electricity - 1. Medicinal Effects.... 102 2. Application to the propelling of Machinery... 103 3. Electro-Magnetic Telegraph; principle and description. 103 4. Electrography; Electrotype, description of, theory. 104 PART SECOND. CHEMICAL AFFINITY. Cause of chemical changes; affinity defined.... 105 Varieties of Chemical Affinity. Simple affinity, defined, elective affinity, double elective affinity... 106 CONTENTS. 13 Circumstances which modify Affinity. I. Cohesion — opposes chemical action, how destroyed ?. ... 107 1. By pulverization; Illustration.... 107 2. By solution; solvents; saturated solution.. 108 Insolubility ; its effect on affinity; Illustration. 108 3. Fusion, defined, effect...... 109 II. Elasticity — its effect on affinity. 109 1. Influence on decomposition... 109 2. Effect of a high temperature upon gaseous mixtures 109 III. Quantity of Matter — its effect upon affinity 109 IV. Gravity - specific gravity, effect.. 110 V. Imponderable Agents - effect of, upon affinity 110 Measure of affinity; how is the force determined ? Illustration.... 111 Effects of Affinity. I. Change of Chemical Properties — Illustration, ... 112 II. Change of Color — Illustration; dropping tube.. 112 III. Change of Form Illustration of . 113 IV. Change of Temperature — Illustration V. Change of Specific Gravity — Illustration 113 Laws of Chemical Affinity. I. Indefinite Proportions — defined; how many cases ? 114 II. Definite Proportions by Weight — described.. 114 1st law; mode of expressing the ratio of combination... 115 Standard of comparison ; equivalent, meaning of. 115 Apparent variations of law; Illustration. 115 2nd law; constitution of each substance fixed 116 Discovery of these laws, by whom, their use. 116 III. Definite Proportions by Volume. Compared with those by weight.... 117 Atomic Theory; existence of atoms. 118 Theory of definite proportions by weight; Illustrated. 118 Atomic weight; absolute weight, magnitude and form of atoms... 118 Isomerism, defined, reconciled with definite proportions.... ........ 119 Cause of chemical affinity ; electricity, second causes... 119 113 ..... PART THIRD. PONDERABLE BODIES. Specific gravity ; defined; standard of comparison.. 121 1. Method of obtaining specific gravity of solids.. 121 2. do of liquids ; aërometer, Illustration. 3. Of gases. 121 Nomenclature- description of, history of, uses. 122 1. Method of naming simple substances; table of.. 122 2. Acid compounds receive what terminations, prefixes? etc. 123 3. Primary compounds not acid; prefixes and suffixes. "... 124 Metals and alloys; hydrates... 125 4. Secondary compounds or salts; terminations, etc. 125 Notation, defined, symbols described, their use 126 Table of the symbols and equivalents of the thirteen non-metallic elements, and the symbols of their compounds with each other 127 2 14 CONTENTS CHAPTER I.- CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES. CLASS I. NON-METALLIC ELEMENTS AND THEIR PRIMARY COMPOUNDS. SECT. 1. OXYGEN. History of discovery; natural history, process 128 Pneumatic cistern, description of, gasometers. 129 Theory of process by manganese; by chlorate of potassa 130 Physical and chemical properties; Illustrated.. 131 Effects of combustion; theory.. 132 Oxigenation and oxidation; relation of oxygen to animals. 133 SECT. 2. CHLORINE. Symb. Equiv. Sp. gr.; history of discovery. 133 Natural history ; 1. Process, theory. 2. Process, theory 134 Physical and chemical properties; Illustrated.. 135 Relations to water, to hydrogen; bleaching effects. 136 Relations to animals; uses; 1. Bleaching process, theory 137 2. Disinfecting agency; dissecting rooms; diseases of skin... 138 Hypochlorous acid; Symb. Equiv. Sp. gr. process, properties.. 138 Chlorous, chloric, and perchloric acids; process, properties..... 139 SECT. 3. IODINE. Symb. Equiv. Sp. gr.; history of discovery; natural history 140 Process; Physical and chemical properties, tests, uses. 142 Iodic acid; process, properties; periodic, and chloriodic acids. 143 SECT. 4. BROMINE. Symb. Equiv. Sp. gr.; history of discovery Natural history ; process, physical and chem. properties illustrated 144 Bromic acid; properties, chloride of bromine; bromide of iodine... 145 SECT. 5. FLUORINE. Symb. Equiv.; natural history, properties as far as known ...... 145 SECT. 6. HYDROGEN. Symb. Equiv. Sp. gr.; history; nat. history, processes. 146 1. By heated iron; Illustration... 146 2. By zinc and acidulated water; theory, impurities.. 147 Physical properties; soap bubbles, method of filling gas bags.. 148 Aërostation ; description of balloons.. 149 Chemical properties; illustrated, theory, relations to animals.. 149 Protoxide of hydrogen, water ; Symb. Equiv. Sp. gr., process.. 150 Physical and chem. properties illustrated, solvent properties.. 151 Composition, eudiometer described; compound blowpipe Heat produced by blow pipe; binoxide of hydrogen, properties 153 Hydrochloric acid ; history, natural history, process, theory Woulfe's Appa., physical and chemical properties, illustrated 155 Constitution; uses and impurities.... 156 Hydriodic acid; Symb. Eq. Sp. gr.; process, properties, tests. 156 Hydrobromic acid; Symb. Equiv. Sp. gr.; properties.. 157 Hydrofluoric acid ; history, process, theory, uses illustrated. 143 152 154 157 CONTENTS. 15 ... SECT. 7. NITROGEN. Symb. Equiv. Sp. gr.; history of discovery.. 158 Natural history; process, 1. By phosphorus.. 159 2. By sulphur and iron. 3. By muscle and nitric acid. 159 Theory of process; physical and chemical properties. 159 Effect on combustion ; respiration, its nature.. 159 Common air; physical properties, elasticity illustrated. 160 Pressure of the air; how discovered ?. 160 Extent and composition of the atmosphere. 161 Theory of the diffusion of gases of different sp. gr.; Illustrated. 162 Impurities of the air; eudiometry, uses of the air. 163 Protoxide of nitrogen; history, process, theory of, properties. 163 Respiration of; effect upon animals. 164 Binoxide of nitrogen ; history of discovery, process. 164 Theory of process, properties, illustrated, affinity for water. 165 Hyponitrous acid; properties, nitrous acid, history 165 Processes, properties, respiration of. Nitric acid, history. 166 Process, illustrated, impurities, properties.. 167 Chemical properties, illustrated, uses... 168 Nitrohydrochloric acid, aqua regia; nitrohydrofluoric acid. 168 Quadrochloride of nitrogen; process, properties. 169 Teriodide of nitrogen; Symb. Equiv. properties. 169 Ammonia ; history, process, theory of, properties, tests, uses. 170 SECT. 8. CARBON. Symb. Equiv. Sp. gr.; nat. hist.; the diamond, where found, uses 172 Plumbago, anthracite, bituminous coal, peat, and lamp-black. 173 Charcoal; 1. Process by slow combination of wood. 173 2. By distillation of wood. 3. By hot sand. 173 'Properties, hardness, theory of its absorbing properties. 174 Clarifying agency, combustion of, durability of, infusibility, uses 175 Carbonic oxide; carbonic acid, history of discovery.. 176 Nat. hist. process, theory of, relation to flame, to water. 177 Fermenting liquors, best test of carbonic acid, solidification of. 178 Relations to animals, choke-damp...... 179 Sources of carbonic acid, respiration explained. 180 Chloride, perchloride of carbon, Chloro-carbonic acid, chloral. 181 Periodide and protiodide of, bromide of carbon, properties... 181 Dicarburet of hydrogen; history, process, properties, Illustration.. 182 Olefiant gas, or 2 carburet of hydrogen, Symb. Equiv. Sp.gr.. 182 History, process, theory of, properties, Ills.; action of chlorine. 183 4 Carburet of H. etherine, & carburet, parriffine, 'eupione, naphtha. . 183 Naphthaline, paranapthaline, idrialine, camphene, and citrene 184 Gas lights; history, process, portable gas, fire-damp.. .... 184 Efforts of Davy; discovery of Wollaston. 186 Effect of gauze wire upon flame; safety lamp, construction, etc... 187 Bicarburet of nitrogen or cyanogen, history, process, properties... 188 Cyanic, fulminic, and cyanuric acids 188 Paracyanuric acid, chloride, bichloride, and bromide of cyanogen... 189 Hydrocyanic acid. Process, properties 189 SECT. 9. SULPHUR. Symb. Equiv. Sp. gr.; nat. hist., process; Illus., sublimation.. 190 Properties, effect of heat, structure, impurities, uses..... 191 Hyposulphurous and sulphurous acids, process, theory, crucibles. 192 16 CONTENTS. 197 Hyposulphuric acid, process, properties; sulphuric acid, process 194 Hydrous sulphuric acid, manufacture of, theory... 195 Properties, affinity for water; Illus, decomposition, tests. 196 Uses; dichloride, iodide, and bromide of sulphur. Hydrosulphuric acid, process, theory of.. 197 Properties, liquid form, tests, uses; Illustration. 198 Production of sulphur; Illustration; hydrosulphurous acid.. 199 Bisulphuret of carbon, or alcohol of sulphur, carbosulphuric acid.. 199 Sulphuret and bisulphuret of cyanogen... 200 Hydrosulphocyanic and cyanohydrosulphuric acids. 200 SECT. 10. PHOSPHORUS. Symb. Equiv. Sp. gr. ; history, source 200 Process, properties, inflammability; Illustrated. 201 Theory of the heat and light, relation to animals. 202 Oxide of phosphorus; hypophosphorous acid.. 202 Phosphorous acid, process ; phosphoric acids. 203 Phosphoric acid, process, properties; pyro and meta phosp. acids.. 204 Sesquichloride of phosphorus, Symb. Equiv., process, properties.. 204 Perchloride, protiodide, sesquiodide, and periodide of phosphorus.. 205 Protobromide, perbromide, phosphuret of hydrogen, properties..... 205 Perphosphuret of hydrogen, process, properties, inflammability of, 206 Jack o' the lantern ; sulphuret of phosphorus.... SECT. 11. BORON. Discovery ; process, property.... 207 Boracic acid; source, process, evaporating dishes.. 208 Terchloride of boron ; fluoboric acid, suphuret of boron. 209 SECT. 12. SELENIUM. Discovery, oxide of, selenious acid, properties..... 210 Selenic acid ; chloride and bromide of, hydroselenic acid. 211 SECT. 13. SILICON. Symb. Eq;, discovery, properties, silicic acid, nat. history, process, 212 Chloride, bromide, and sulphuret of silicon, fluosilicic acid 213 207 ........ CHAPTER II. Class II. METALS, WITH THEIR PRIMARY COMPOUNDS. General properties of metals, metallic lustre. 214 Sp. gr. of; malleability defined 214 1. Ductility, tenacity. 2. Hardness. 3. Structure. 4. Fusibility 215 5. Volatility. 6. Affinity for other simple bodies. 215 Combustibility; number and date of discovery. 217 Classification of the metals.... 217, 218 ..... ORDER I. Metals which, by Oxidation, yield Alkalies Earths. Sect. 1. METALLIC BASES OF THE ALKALIES. Potassium; history of discovery... 218 Process, properties, combustibility ; Illustration. 219 Protoxide of potassium; properties, hydrate of; Ills., tests. 220 Potassa; teroxide, iodide, bromide, fluoride, and chloride of.. 221 Hyduret, nituret, sulphurets, phosphurets and seleniuret of.. ១១១ CONTENTS. 17 Cyanuret, properties; sulphocyanuret of. 223 Sodium ; Symb. Equiv. Sp. gr... 223 Process, properties, affinity for oxygen,. 223 Protoxide of soda, process; sesquioxide, chloride of, origin, uses. 224 Iodide, bromide, fluoride, sulphuret, and cyanuret of. 225 Chloride of soda, alloys of sodium and potassium.. 225 Lithium; protoxide of, or lithia, process, properties, fluoride of... 226 SECT. 2. METALLIC BASES OF THE ALKALINE EARTHS. Barium; protoxide of, or baryta, how distinguished... 227 Binoxide, chloride, iodide, bromide, fluoride, sulphuret. 228 Cyanuret, sulphocyanuret, phosphuret of.... 229 Strontium ; protoxide, strontia, peroxide and chloride of 229 Iodide of, fluoride, protosulphuret 230 Calcium ; protoxide of, or lime, peroxide, chloride, uses; iodide.. 230 Bromide, fluoride, bisulphuret, phosphuret of, chloride of lime.. 231 Magnesium ; discovery, process, properties. 232 Protoxide of, or magnesia, properties, uses. 233 Chloride of, iodide, bromide, fluoride... 233 SECT. 3. METALLIC BASES OF THE EARTHS. Aluminium ; discovery, process, properties, sesquioxide ofe. 234 Sesquichloride, sesquisulphuret, sesquiphosphuret. Glucinium ; Symb. Equiv. Sp. gr.; discovery, properties. 236 Sesquioxide of, glucina, discovery, process, properties. 236 Yttrium ; Symb. Equiv.; process, properties... 236 Thorium ; Symb. Equiv. ; process, properties, protoxide, do. 237 Zirconium; Symb. Equiv. ; discovery, process, properties.. 237 235 ORDER II. Metals the Oxides of which are neither Alkalies nor Earths. SECT. 1. METALS WHICH DECOMPOSE WATER AT A RED HEAT. Manganese; history, process, properțies, protoxide of, properties.. 238 Sesquioxide, peroxide, red oxide, varvicite, manganic acid. 239 Perchloride, perfluoride, protosulphuret, and cyanuret, alloys..... 240 Iron ; Symb. Eq. Sp. gr.; history, nat. history, process, properties 241 Protoxide of; process, properties, uses, 242 Peroxide of; process, properties, etc.; black oxide, source, tests.. 243 Protochloride; perchloride, protiodide, properties... 243 Periodide, protobromide, perfluoride, protosulphuret. 244 Sesquisulphuret, magnetic iron pvrites, tetrasulphuret. . 244 Diphosphuret, perphosphuret, carburets, graphite, cast iron, steel. 245 Protocyanuret, protosulphocyanuret, sesquisulphocyanuret..... 245 Zinc; Symb. Eq. Sp. gr.; history, nat. history, process, properties. 246 Protoxide, hydrated oxide, chloride, iodide, bromide, fluoride, etc 247 Cadmium ; oxide, chloride, iodide, sulphuret, and phosphuret of.. 247 Tin; process, properties, stream tin, tin foil, protoxide of tin...... 249 Sesqui and binoxide, proto and bichloride, proto and biniodide of.. 250 Protosulphuret, sesquisulphuret, bisulphuret, and tersulphuret of. 251 Cobalt; protoxide, zaffre-oxide, and peroxide of, sympathetic ink. 252 Protosulphuret, sesquisulphuret, bisulphuret, and subphosphuret of 253 Nickel ; properties, protoxide, sesquioxide, and chloride of... 253 Protosulphuret, disulphuret, subphosphuret, and cyanuret of.. 254 2 * 18 CONTENTS ... SECT. 2. METALS WHICH DO NOT DECOMPOSE WATER AT ANY TEM- PERATURE, AND THE OXIDES OF WHICH ARE NOT REDUCED TO THE METALLIC STATE BY THE SOLE ACTION OF HEAT. Arsenic; discovery, nat. history, fly powder, detonations, uses.... 254 Arsenious acid; properties, tests, poisonous properties. 256 Arsenic acid ; properties, protochloride, and sesquichloride of.... 257 Periodide, protohyduret, and sesquibromide of.. 258 Arseniureted hydrogen'; proto, sesqui, and persulphuret of.. 258 Chromium, properties, sesquioxide of; chromic acid, properties... 258 Sesqui, ter, and oxychlorides of, sesqui, and terfluorides of.. 260 Sesquisulphuret, protosulphuret... 260 Vanadium, proto, and binoxide of; vanadic acid, properties. 260 Molybdenum, binoxide, bi, and terchloride of; molybdic acid 261 Tungsten, binoxide of; tungstic acid, bichloride of.... 262 Columbium, binoxide of; columbic acid, process, properties.. 263 Antimony, sesquioxide of; antimonous and antimonic acids. 263 Sesqui, and oxysulphurets of; kermes mineral, alloys, pewter.... 265 Uranium ; protoxide, sesquioxide, proto, and sesquichlorides of. 265 Cerium; proto, and sesquioxide of, proto and sesqui chlorides of.. 266 Bismuth ; protoxide, pearl white, sesquioxide, and chloride of.... 266 Titanium, oxide of; titanic acid, anatase and rutile..... 267 Tellurium, oxide of; tellurous acid, chloride, sulphurets. 268 Copper; nat. history, process, properties, uses, red or dioxide of.. 269 Black, or protoxide of, copper black, properties, binoxide of..... 270 Dichloride, chloride, diniodide, sulphuret, copper pyrites, tests.... 270 Alloys; brass, Dutch gold, pinchbeck, bell-metal, bronze 270 Lead; protoxide, red oxide, peroxide, chloride, and iodide of..... 271 Alloys of lead; common pewter, fine solder, pot metal.... 271 Sect. 3. METALS THE OXIDES OF METALLIC STATE BY A RED HEAT. Mercury; cinnabar, properties, protoxide of, properties.... 273 Binoxide, process, properties; protochloride, process, properties.. 274 Bichloride of mercury, or corrosive sublimate, process, properties. 274 Protosulphuret, bisulphuret, properties, cinnabar, ethiops mineral. 275 Bicyanuret of; amalgams, described, protiodide, etc... 275 Silver ; process, properties, cupellation, uses 276 Oxide, fulminating silver, torpedoes, chloride of. 277 Iodide, sulphuret, cyanuret, and alloys of.... 277 Gold ; nat, history, process, quartation, properties 278 Protoxide, binoxide, and teroxide of; fulminating gold.. 279 Proto, and terchlorides of; alloys, water-gilding, gold-powder.. 280 Platinum; properties, spongy platinum, proto, and binoxide of.. 281 Sequioxide, protochloride, bichloride of.. 281 Protiodide, biniodide, protosulphuret, and bisulphuret of, 282 Fulminating platinum, palladium, rhodium. 282 Osmium, osmic acid, iridium, latanium 282 WHICH ARE REDUCED TO THE CHAPTER III. CLASS III. Salts, OR SECONDARY COMPOUNDS. Sect. 1. CRYSTALLIZATION. Crystal and crystalography defined ..... 283 Planes, faces, edges, angles, primary and secondary forms of ..... 284 CONTENTS. 19 284 292 I. Prisms have six-sided or four-sided bases.. 284 (1.) Right Prisms - 1. Hexahedron, or cube.. 284 2, 3. Right square and right rectangular prisms. 4,5. Right rhombic and right rhomboidal prisms. 284 6. Regular hexagonal prism... 285 (2.) Oblique Prisms — 7. Rhombohedron. 8. Obl. rhombic prism 285 9. Oblique rectangular prism. 10. Oblique rhomboidal prism.... 285 II. Octohedrons - 11. Regular octohedron. 12. Square octoh. 285 13. Rectangular octohedrons. 14. Rhombic octohedrons.. 286 III. Dodecahedrons — 15. Rhombic dodecahedron 286 Secondary forms; cleavage defined, faces and direction of.. 286 Isomorphism, crystallogenic attraction, water of crystallization.... 287 SECT. 2. OXY-SALTS. General formula for the composition of the salts.. 288 1. Sulphates - of potassa, soda, Glauber's salts.. 289 Of lithia, ammonia, baryta, strontia, lime, gypsum 289 Of magnesia, alumina, manganese, protoxide of iron. 291 Of protoxide of zinc, (white vitriol) nickel, cobalt, chromium.. Of copper, (blue vitriol,) mercury (turpeth mineral,) silver... 293 Nitro-sulphuric acid, sulphate of soda, lime, potassa, and magnesia 294 Ammonia, soda, iron, chrome, and mangan. alums. 2. Sulphites 294 3. Nitrates — of potassa, (nitre beds,) of soda, ammonia.. 295 Of baryta; pyrotechny, green-fire.. 296 Of strontia, (red-fire,) lime, magnesia, protoxide of copper.. 297 Nitrate and dinitrate of protoxide of lead, of mercury, of silver. 297 Properties, illustration, lunar caustic, indelible ink. 298 4. Nitrites. 5. Chlorates — of potassa, properties... 299 Lucifer matches, chlorate of baryta, process, properties.. 300 6. Perchlorates. 7. Chlorites. 8. Hypochlorites. 9. Iodates 301 Iodate of potassa. 10. Bromates. 11. Phosphates . 302 I. Phosphates -- triphosph., diphosph., and phosph. of potassa 302 Of soda and ammonia, ammonia, lime, magnesia, amm. and mag. 303 Triphosphate of silver. — II. Pyrophosphates. 304 III. Metaphosphates — of soda, baryta, silver, etc. 305 12. Arseniates; of soda, table of compounds. 305 13. Arsenites; general properties, tests. 306 14. Chromates; of potassa, lead. 15. Borates; of soda, borax. 307 16. Carbonates; of potassa, soda, ammonia. 308 Of baryta, strontia, lime, magnesia. 310 Of iron, copper, lead, white lead, mercury. 311 17. Double Carbonates .. 312 18. Silicates; simple, bi, tri, and quadri silicates. 312 SECT. 3. ORDER II. HYDRO-SALTS; acids of. 314 SECT. 4. ORDER III. SULPHUR-SALTs; constitution of. 316 SECT. 5. ORDER IV. HALOID-SALTS; constitution and descrip. of 319 321 CHAPTER IV.- NATURAL SUBSTANCES. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Nature of organic compared with inorganic compounds.. Decomposition of, formation of, relation to inorganic bodies.. VEGETABLE CHEMISTRY. Proximate principles, proximate analysis, ultimate analysis... Results of Wöhler, Liebig, Pelouse, and Dumas. 322 322 323 20 CONTENTS. 323 1. Amides, or Amidets; theory, meaning of oxamide and amide... 323 2. Benzoyl; theory. 3. Ethers; theory, radical of the ethers 4. Pyracids; theory. 5. Theory of substitutions ; dehydrogenizing 323 Sect. 1. VEGETABLE Acids; general properties, description of... 323 Sect. 2. VEGETABLE ALKALIES; constitution and description of 332 Sect. 3. NEUTRAL SUBSTANCES; constitution and description of 334 SECT. 4. Oils ; fixed and volatile oils described... 337 Sect. 5. SPIRITUOUS AND ETHEREAL SUBSTANCES; description of 341 Sect. 6. COLORING MATTERS; lakes, dyes, etc. 343 Secr. 7. FERMENTATION; saccharine, vinous, putrefactive 345 Sect. 8. GERMINATION; growth and food of plants.... 347 CHAPTER V.- ANIMAL CHEMISTRY. SECT. 1. PROXIM. PRINCIPLES NEITHER ACID NOR OLEAGINOUS.... 349 SECT. 2. ANIMAL Acids; general principles and description of.... 349 SECT. 3. ANIMAL OILS AND Fars; description of. 350 SECT. 4. COMPLEX ANIMAL SUBSTANCES; blood, chyle, etc. 351 CHAPTER VI.- ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. SECT. 1. ANALYSIS OF MIXED GASES. 1. Gaseous mixtures containing oxygen. 356 2. Gaseous mixtures containing nitrogen 357 3. Gaseous mixtures containing carbonic acid.. 357 4. Gaseous mixtures containing hydrogen and other infl'le bodies 357 SECT. 2. ANALYSIS OF MINERALS AND METALLIC ORES. I. Analysis of minerals soluble in acids, with effervescence.... 357 II. Analysis of minerals insoluble in acids.. 358 III. Analysis of minerals containing carbonate of lime. 358 Silica, oxide of iron and magnesia. 358 IV. Tests of the metallic ores. 359 1. Ores of antimony. 2. Of lead. 3. Of mercury. 359 4. Ores of zinc. 5. Of tin. 6. Of iron. 7. Of copper. 8. Of silver 359 9. Ores of gold and platinum; earthy sulphates .. 359 Sect. 3. ANALYSIS OF MINERAL WATERS. 1. Rain water. 2. Well and spring water. 3. Acidulous springs. 350 4. Alkaline springs. 5. Chalybeate and saline springs. 360 6. Sulphureted springs; detection of hydrosulphuric acid 361 Test tubes; filtration; filtering process; supports 361 APPENDIX; Wollaston's synoptic scale of chemical equivalents... 364 Cementing; various cements 369 GLOSSARY... 373 GENERAL INDEX. 385 INDEX OF PLATES. 396 .... NOTE. F. and Fahr. for Fahrenheit's thermometer. - T. refers to Turner's Chemistry. - W. to Webster's Chemistry, 3rd Ed. - L. to Liebig. - B. to Berzelius. - Eq. and Equiv. for Equivalent. - Symb. for Symbol or formula. INTRODUCTION. SCIENCE is classified knowledge. Physical or Natural Science is the knowledge of the material world. The defi- nition of matter embraces two properties, without which we cannot even conceive of its existence. These properties are extension, which includes length, breadth, and thickness, and impenetrability, or the impossibility that any two portions of mátter should occupy the same space. There are other prop- erties, which do not necessarily enter into our conception of matter, but which universally belong to it, such as gravitation, inertia, mobility, etc. Natural Science consists of three great branches, which are characterized chiefly by peculiar methods of investigation. I. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY employs the method of general physics; that is, it observes, for example, the gravitation of a stone let fall to the ground, and, neglecting the other proper- ties of the stone, observes the same property in other bodies, and generalizes the phenomena under a law. It is therefore conversant with general laws, but not with all the general laws, for its observation is restricted to the phenomena of perceptible distance. By this we mean that it leaves to the chemist all those phenomena which arise from the action of the invisible atoms of matter upon each other, and attends only to those which belong to bodies of perceptible size. With a few observations and experiments for data, it depends for discovery upon calculation, and its character is therefore eminently mathematical. Its object is a knowledge of the laws of motions and forces, 22 INTRODUCTION. II. CHEMISTRY employs, in part, the method of general physics, and, in part, the method of particular physics. By the latter, we mean that its object is, in part, to describe particular bodies or substances, by giving an account of the various properties of each one, before calling the attention to another. It invites our attention to the phenomena only of imperceptible distance. With some aid from calculation and observation, it depends for discovery chiefly upon experiment, and has therefore been called Experimental Philosophy. Its object is a knowledge of the constitution of substances and of the phenomena attending a change of constitution, III. NATURAL HISTORY employs the method of particular physics, observes the phenomena of perceptible distance, and depends for discovery chiefly upon observation, with some aid from experiment and calculation. Its object is a knowledge of natural objects. It embraces Zoology, or the study of animals; Botany, or the study of plants; Mineralogy, which treats of minerals; and Geology, which describes and accounts for the condition of the crust of the earth. The physiology of plants and animals is sometimes referred to Botany and Zoölogy respectively, and sometimes regarded as a fourth distinct branch of Natural Science. Plan of the Work. I. The constitution and the changes of the constitution of substances are intimately connected with the agency of heat, light, electricity, and galvanism, of which the two last- mentioned agents are now known to be identical. Whether these agents are themselves substances, or mere properties of matter, is not certainly known. They have no appreciable weight, and are therefore called imponderable agents. They will form the subject of the First Part. II. The Second Part will treat of chemical affinity. This is the great agent to which all the phenomena of chemistry are referred. It is distinguished from gravitation by exerting its force between the particles of bodies, and from cohesion by INTRODUCTION. 23 acting only between particles of different kinds or in different states of electricity. For example, a block of marble is made up of very small particles, each one of which is similar to the whole; but each of these particles is composed of two others, carbonic acid and lime, different from each other, and from marble. When these particles of carbonic acid and lime are brought into close proximity to each other, they assume dif. ferent electrical states, and combine by the force of chemical ajinity, and form particles of marble. Cohesion then attaches them to each other as fast as formed, and thus the block is formed. Gravity acts upon it in the mass. The carbonic acid and the lime are called the component particles. When these combine, they form the integrant particles. Hence Chemistry is defined to be that science the object of which is, to examine the relations which affinity establishes between bodies, ascertain with precision the nature and constitution of the compounds it produces, and determine the laws by which its action is regulated. It is the object of Natural Philosophy to examine the sen- sible motions and mutual relations of bodies in masses, con- sequent upon gravity. Chemistry investigates the constitution and qualities of bodies as they stand related to chemical affinity. III. The Third Part will comprise a description of sub- stances, which will be arranged in two general divisions : The first will einbrace the elements and those compound sub- stances which can be formed in the laboratory. These are chemical substances. The second division will embrace natural substances, or animal, vegetable, and mineral com- pounds, which have been formed by natural agencies. Chemists divide substances into simple and compound. A simple substance is one which never has been separated into two kinds of matter, or which has never been decomposed. There are about fifty-four simple substances. A compound body is one which is composed of two or more simple bodies, of which there are many thousands. 24 INTRODUCTION. The composition of bodies is ascertained by two methods : 1. By separating the body into its simple elements, which is called analysis ; and, 2. By causing the elements to combine and form the body, which is called synthesis. Chemical substances are arranged in three general di- visions : I. Non-metallic elements, and their primary compounds with each other. II. Metals, and their primary compounds. III. Salts, or secondary compounds. In the arrangement of the simple substances and their primary compounds, the logical order is pursued ; that is, after describing one substance, the rest are described with the compounds which they form with those previously described. The Salts are divided into four orders: I. Oxy-salts, or those salts the acid or base of which is an oxidized substance. II. Hydro-salts. This order includes no salt, the acid or base of which does not contain hydrogen. III. Sulphur-salts, or those salts, of which the electro- positive or electro-negative ingredient is a sulphuret. IV. Haloid-salts, including none, the electro-positive or electro-negative ingredient of which is not haloidal, i. e., analogous in composition to sea salt. CHEMISTRY. PART 1. IMPONDERABLE AGENTS. CHAPTER 1.- CALORIC. sense. The word heat has two meanings. It is the sensation whici we experience when we touch a hot body; or it is the cause of the sensation. In the first sense, it is an effect producer only upon animals. In the second, it is the cause of a great variety of effects in the mineral, vegetable, and animal king- doms. The word caloric (Lat. calor) is used in the latter Where there can be no ambiguity, the word heat is often retained in the same sense. Caloric exists in a free or sensible, and in a latent or insensible state. 1. Sensible Caloric. In this state, caloric is capable of producing the sensation of heat, and of expanding bodies. It has sometimes been called the caloric of temperature. Temperature expresses the power of exciting the sensation, and is proportioned to the quantity of free caloric. A high temperature is owing to a great quantity, and a low temper- ature to a small quantity. 2. Insensible Caloric. In this condition, caloric produces no sensation, but exists, often in great quantity, in substances, without affecting their temperature, and appears to be com- bined with them. 3 26 Conduction of Caloric. SECT. 1. SENSIBLE CALORIC. Communication of Sensible Caloric. The most important property of free caloric is its tendency to an equilibrium; that is, a tendency to escape from hotter to colder bodies, so as to produce in all the same degree of temperature. This communication takes place in two ways — by conduction, and by radiation. I. Conduction. By this is meant the passage of caloric through a body, from particle to particle. Experiment. Place bits of phosphorus along an iron rod, and apply heat to one end of it; the progress of the caloric will be indicated by its igniting the phosphorus. The property in the body, on which this transmission depends, is called the conducting power. If one end of an iron rod be held in the fire, the sensation of heat will soon be experienced at the other extremity, in consequence of the conduction of caloric from particle to particle along the rod. If the rod be of glass, it will be much longer before any heat is felt. Hence different sub- stances conduct caloric with different degrees of facility, If two bodies are in contact, caloric may be conducted from one to the other. The more perfect the contact, other things being equal, the more rapid the conduction. This is the reason why a heated body, when grasped firmly by the hand, will burn it more severely than when held loosely. The contact of two solids with each other, or of a solid with a gas, is not so perfect as that of a solid with a liquid; and hence the communication is more rapid in the latter When liquids are mixed with liquids, or gases with gases, the contact is still more perfect, and the caloric is more rapidly diffused through the whole. From the two facts which have been mentioned, it follows that the rapidity of conduction from a heated to a cold body depends upon the conducting power of each substance, and the closeness of contact. case. Conducting Power of Solids. 27 Exp. Plunge a heated iron into cold water, and again, equally heated, into mercury. In the latter case, it will cool more rapidly; for, while the heat is conducted with equal facility in both cases from the interior to the surface, it is taken from the surface more rapidly by the mercury than by the water. Exp. Plunge into mercury two equal balls, one of iron and the other of marble, heated to the same temperature. The iron ball will cool the more rapidly, because the caloric is more freely conducted from its in terior to its surface. Exp. Plunge the iron ball into mercury, and the marble into water. The iron will cool more rapidly, for two reasons; the heat will come to its surface more freely, and be taken off by the mercury more rapidly, iron and mercury being each better conductors than marble or water. Of the different forms of matter, solids are better conduct- ors of caloric than liquids, and liquids than gases. 1. Conducting Power of Solids. This power varies greatly in different solids. This fact may be shown by Fig. 1. the conductometer, (Fig. 1) which consists of a tin or iron case, in which there may be inserted small solid cylinders of the same dimensions, but of different materials. A Exp. Place upon one end of each, bits of phosphorus, and apply to the other ends the same degree of heat by placing the case over boiling water. The caloric will be conducted along from one extremity of each to the other, and the substance which conducts most rapidly will first ignite the phosphorus. According to the experiments of M. Despretz, if the con- ducting power of Gold be represented by 1000 Tin 303.9 Silver will be 973 Lead 179.6 Copper 898.2 Marble .. 23.6 Platinum 331 Porcelain 12.2 Iron 374.3 Fine clay . 11.4 Zinc 368 Metals generally are the best conductors of caloric, while furs and porous substances are the poorest conductors. The conducting power of stones is next to that of the metals, and crystalline stones are better conductors than the uncrystallized. 28 Caloric - Conducting Power of Liquids. The earths generally are bad conductors. Bricks, glass, dry wood, charcoal, conduct less; and feathers, silk hair, and down, least of all. Among the latter, the finer the fibre, the less its conducting power. Hence the utility of fine wool and furs in the winter, to prevent the escape of caloric from the body; while, in the summer, we select those substances for our clothing which have a coarser fibre. In this we see the benevolence of God in furnishing those animals which inhabit the colder regions of the earth, with finer clothing than those which inhabit warm climates. The fur of animals is also finer in winter than in summer. Snow and ice are poor conductors; and hence, by a wise constitution, the earth in winter is rarely frozen to any con- siderable depth. The ice and snow keep it warm by pre- venting its vital heat from escaping. The conducting powers of solids are generally in the ratio of their densities; especially of the same substance. In- crease of density will increase the conducting power, and vice versa. 2. Conducting Power of Liquids. In liquids the conduct- ing power is much less than in solids. So feeble is it, that some, among whom is Count Rumford, have denied its ex- istence. But, notwithstanding the slight conducting power of liquids, heat can be diffused through them much more rapidly than through solids. This is effected by a motion among the particles, which brings them successively into contact with the heated surface. If, for example, heat is applied to the Fig. 2. bottom of a vessel of water, (Fig. 2,) those particles of water which are in contact with the bottom, are soon heated, and con- sequently expanded and made lighter, so that they are forced to rise, in order to give place to the heavier cold particles, which fall to the bottom. The latter, in turn, are heated, and give place to others; and thus the process continues until two currents are established, the one of heated particles rising to the surface, and the other of colder particles falling to the bottom. In this way all the water is soon heated by Conducting Power of Gases. 29 direct contact with the bottom.* A little powdered amber or gum copal, put into the water, will indicate the direction of the currents. But if heat be applied to the top of the ves- Fig. 3. sel, the water at the bottom will remain cold, while that at the top is boiling. Exp. Suspend in a tin cup a hot cannon ball on the top of a jar of water, (Fig. 3,) at the bottom of which is a piece of ice. The water will boil rapidly at the top, while the ice remains unmelted. But if the ice is placed upon the top, and heat applied to the bottom, Fig. 4. the ice will all be melted before the water can be made to boil. Exp. Or, burn ether (Fig. 4) on the top of a glass funnel filled with water, into which an air thermome- ter is cemented. The thermometer will not be sensibly affected. A ring of tin should be placed on the top of the water, within half an inch of the sides of the fun- nel; and the ether, poured within this ring, will burn, without the risk of breaking the glass. It has, however, been shown that liquids do conduct heat, independently of any intestine motion. But the power is very slight. 3. Conducting Power of Gases. Gases and vapors conduct heat very slightly, if at all. Their particles move with so much facility when heated, that it is difficult to arrive at any satisfactory results on this subject. Heat may be diffused through them in the same manner as through liquids, but with much greater rapidity. II. Radiation. If a heated body be suspended in the air, its caloric will be diffused both by the currents of air, which circulate to and from its surface, and, in a slight degree, by the conducting power of the air. But if the hand be placed beneath the heated body, a sensation of heat will be perceived, which is not due to either of these causes, but to the direct passage of the rays through the air. For if a heated body be suspended in a vacuum, entirely removed from conducting substances, it will rapidly cool * A Florence flask, or a glass tube, may be used for this experiment, and the water heated by a common tin lamp filled with alcohol. 3* 30 Radiation of Caloric down to the same temperature with surro rrounding bodies. Caloric, which is thus thrown off from heated bodies in all directions, like rays of light from the sun, is called radiant caloric. 1. If a thermometer be placed at the distance of two inches from a heated body, it will be affected but one fourth as much as at the distance of one inch; if it be placed at the distance of three inches, one ninth as much; if at four inches, one sixteenth as much; at five inches, one twenty-fifth, etc. Hence, in consequence of a radiation in all directions, the intensity of the heat is in the inverse ratio of the square of the distance. The intensity of light and the force of gravi- tation follow the same law. 2. The degree of radiation, and consequently the intensity of radiant heat, are greatly modified by the kind of surface. Bright, polished surfaces do not radiate so rapidly as those which are dark and rough. Fig. 5. Exp. Take a square tin cup, a, (Fig. 5,) one side of which is bright, another rough, a third painted black, and the fourth painted white. Fill it with hot water, a and bring an air ther- mometer, c, near each side. The rough and black surfaces will radiate more rapidly than those which are white and polished. If the rays of caloric are brought to a focus by the mirror b, the dif- ferent degrees of caloric from the several surfaces will be much more evident.* The greater radiating power of rough surfaces is supposed to be due to the great number of radiating points; or perhaps * The late experiments of Melloni do not seem to confirm this view. By using a cup of marble, whose external surfaces were differently prepared, the first polished, the second sinooth but tarnished, the third streaked in one direction, and the fourth in two, crossing each other at right angles, and filling the vessel with hot water, each of the sides projected the same quantity of radiant caloric. — Edin. Philos. Jour XXVI. 299. Reflection of Caloric. 31 it may be owing to the greater amount of surface exposed within a given space. 3. The rapidity of radiation also depends upon the differ- ence between the temperature of the radiating body and that of the surrounding bodies. Hence, with a given temperature of the latter, the higher the temperature of the radiating body, the more rapid the radiation. III. Disposition of radiant Caloric. Radiant caloric passes in right lines through a vacuum, through air and gases, with- out any apparent obstruction ; but when it falls upon solid or liquid substancês, it is disposed of in three ways: 1. It re- bounds from the surface, or is reflected. 2. It enters into the substance, or is absorbed. 3. It passes through the body, or is transmitted. 1. Reflection of Caloric. When radiant caloric falls upon bright, polished surfaces, it is mostly reflected in lines, which form angles with a perpendicular to the reflecting surface, equal to the angles formed by the same perpendicular, and the lines in which the rays went to the surface. Thus, let BAC (Fig. 6) be a smooth sur- Fig. 6. face, S the incident ray, P the perpendicular o R to the surface, and R the reflected ray. The angle RAP is equal to the angle PAS. The angle PAS is called the angle of incidence, A -P and PAR the angle of reflection. Light fol- lows the same law. If a concave surface be used, the rays of caloric will be reflected and BI S brought to a focus. This may be shown by two metallic mirrors, as in Fig. 7. a and Fig. 7. 32 Absorption of Caloric. are two reflectors of polished metal, (brass or tin,) 12 inches in diameter, and segments of a sphere of 9 inches radius. Place them at any convenient distance apart, from 6 to 12 feet. If a heated ball of iron be placed in the focus of a, and an air thermometer in that of 6, the caloric will first radiate to the surface of a, and then be reflected in parallel lines to the surface of b, whence the rays will be reflected to the focus in which the bulb of the thermometer is placed, and will cause the liquid to descend, showing an increase of tempera- ture. If phosphorus be placed in the focus, it will be ignited, If snow be substituted for the heated ball, the thermometer will show, by the rise of the liquid, a diminution of tempera- ture. As bright, polished surfaces reflect most of the calorific rays which fall upon them, we can see the reason why they are not easily heated. 2. Absorption of Caloric. When radiant caloric falls upon rough, opaque substances, it is mostly absorbed; that is, it passes directly into the substance, and renders it hot: some of the rays are also reflected. The power of absorption, as well as of radiation and re- flection, depends mostly upon the surface. Those surfaces which reflect most, radiate and absorb least, and those which radiate and absorb most, reflect least. The power of absorp- tion and that of radiation are equal; and as each increases, the power of reflection diminishes. The color of the surface also affects the power of absorp- tion. Dr. Stark has shown that black surfaces, other things being equal, absorb the most; dark green next to black; scarlet next; and white the least of all colors. Exp. This fact may be shown by placing strips of cloth of different colors upon snow, exposed to the sun's rays; the black will be found to sink into the snow to the greatest, and the white to the least, depth, because the black absorbs the rays which melt the snow, and the white reflects them. Hence the advantage of painting rooms white, or of whitewashing them: the rays of caloric are thus kept passing from side to side, without being absorbed and conducted away. 3. Transmission of Caloric. When radiant caloric falls upon the surface of transparent solid or liquid bodies, it passes through them in a slight degree. It passes easily through air and other gaseous substances, without sensibly affecting them; but glass and crystalline Theories of Radiation. 33 substances intercept most of the rays. Prof. Leslie contends that glass does not permit the rays to pass directly through it, but absorbs them at one surface, and transmits them to the other by conduction, from which they are again radiated. This opinion is supported by Dr. Brewster by an argument drawn from his optical researches. But the experiments of De la Roche lead to a different conclusion — that the calorific rays do pass through glass, although slowly. This opinion is supported by other chemists. The radiant caloric which is associated with solar light passes readily through glass and other transparent bodies. The caloric, in this case, seems to be modified by its con- nection with light, and may be collected into a focus with the light, as in the case of a burning-glass. Caloric, thus asso- ciated, suffers refraction in passing from one medium to another, and in general is subject to the same laws with light. IV. Theories of Radiation. Of the various theories to account for radiation, only two seem worthy of notice. 1. The theory of Pictet supposes that a hot body will radiate caloric to surrounding colder bodies, until the equi- librium is restored, and then cease. 2. The theory of Prevost supposes that all bodies, what- ever be their temperature, are constantly giving out and receiving radiant caloric. When a body is giving out more rays than it is receiving, it is cooling. When it gives and receives an equal number, its temperature remains stationary, and is in equilibrium with surrounding bodies. When it receives more rays than it gives off, its temperature is in- creasing. On this theory, all bodies — the polar ice, as well as the burning sands of the tropics -- are constantly radiating and absorbing caloric. Although most of the phenomena of radiation may be explained on both theories, preference is generally given to that of Prevost. The ground of this preference is found in the close analogy between the laws of light and heat. It is well known that luminous bodies continually exchange rays. A feeble light sends rays to one of greater intensity, and the quantity of rays emitted by each does not seem to be affected 34 Application of the Theory of Prevost. by the vicinity of other luminous bodies. In like manner all bodies are supposed continually to exchange rays of caloric, V. Application of the Theory of Prevost to the Explana- tion of various Phenomena. 1. In the experiments with the mirrors, if the ball in the focus of one mirror is of the same temperature with the thermometer in that of the other, and with surrounding objects, the thermometer will remain stationary, because it receives from the ball the same quantity of rays which it sends to it; but if the temperature of the ball be raised above that of the surrounding objects, the thermometer will receive more rays than it imparts, and will consequently show an increase of temperature. If ice be substituted for the ball, the thermometer will show a diminution of temperature, be- cause it gives out more rays than it receives. ter When ice is placed in the focus of a mirror, there is an apparent radiation of cold. But on this theory it is easily explained, and is what might be expected previous to experi- ment. Cold is a negative term, merely expressing the absence, in a greater or less degree, of caloric. 2. The formation of dew depends upon radiation, and is satisfactorily accounted for on this theory. The earth, during the day, becomes heated by absorbing the sun's rays, and the moisture is driven off into the air. During the night, it radi- ates more caloric than it receives, and becomes colder than the surrounding atmosphere. Successive strata of air charged with moisture, come in contact with the earth, and the moisture is condensed in the form of dew. The quantity of dew will therefore depend upon the radi- ating power of the surface, and the quantity of moisture in the air; the more rapid the radiation, the more dew will be formed. There is more dew upon grass and leaves than upon stones; and the thermometer will sink 15° or 20° lower, when placed upon grass, than when suspended in the air, or laid on polished surfaces. In India, ice is formed by ex- posing water in pans in a clear night, when the temperature * See Turner, 6th edition, p. 13, note Cooling of Bodies. 35 of the air is never down to the freezing point. But why is there no dew in a cloudy night? Because the clouds reflect back the radiant caloric to the earth, which therefore cannot become cooler than the air. In a clear night, there is no such interchange of rays, and the caloric passes off into the regions of space.* VI. Cooling of Bodies. The cooling of a hot body is effected in two ways, already noticed. When surrounded by solid bodies in contact with it, the heat is carried off by conduction, and the velocity of cooling will depend upon the conducting power. When the heated body is immersed in liquids, the same is true to some extent, although much de- pends upon the mobility of the particles. But when sur- rounded by gases, the cooling takes place by means of con- duction and radiation, and in a vacuum, by radiation alone. Velocity of cooling means the number of degrees lost in a given time. Law of cooling refers to the relation which the velocities of equal successive periods bear to one another. The higher the temperature, other things being equal, the greater the velocity. If a body heated to 1000° lose 100° during the first second, Newton inferred that it would lose th of the remainder, or 90°, during the next second, 81° the next, 72.9º the next, and 65.6º the next. These numbers form a geometrical series, whose ratio is 1.111; and, though the law is not universal, it holds true, when the temperature is but a little elevated above the air. VII. Practical Application of the Laws of Conducted and Radiant Caloric. The material for windows should be a bad conductor of heat, as well as transparent; hence glass is best adapted to the purpose. Glass also admits solar heat, while it prevents the escape of artificial heat. Double walls, doors, and windows, add to the warmth of buildings, because they confine between them a stratum of air, which, when not in motion, is a good non-conductor. Snow, furs, woollens, etc., are better non-conductors, because they enclose air. Stoves which are rough radiate more heat than those which are * The quantity of dew seems to depend also upon the difference be- tween the temperature of the atmosphere and that of the earth. 36 Effects of Free Caloric. polished. As the temperature of the human body usually exceeds that of the atmosphere, the object of clothing in cold weather is to retain the natural warmth; and hence it is made of good non-conductors. In hot weather, clothing should conduct off the heat more freely. Also, under a hot sun, a black dress is more uncomfortable than one of light color. Many articles employed in the common uses of life are selected with reference to their conducting and radiating properties, as materials for furnaces, culinary apparatus, etc. Effects of Free Caloric. The phenomena which may be ascribed to caloric as an agent, and which may therefore be classified as its effects, are numerous : some of these effects will now be enumerated. The most remarkable property of caloric, as we have seen, is the repulsion, which exists among its particles, by which it tends to an equilibrium, or to bring all substances to the same degree of temperature. This property enables it to penetrate all bodies, and, by its accumulation, to separate the integrant molecules from each other. It thus acts in oppo- sition to cohesive attraction; hence it may be stated as a general law, that I. Caloric expands all bodies; liquids more than solids, and gases more than either. 1. Caloric expands solids. This may be shown by fitting an iron cylinder to an aperture, so that it will just slide through; heat it, and it will be too large to pass through. 2. Equal degrees of caloric expand some solids more than others. This may be shown by an instrument called a pyrometer, or fire measurer. Fig. 8 represents this instrument. It is furnished with several rods, as iron, brass, copper, lead, and glass, BB, posts standing in A, and secured from spreading apart by the two bars CC. G, a thumbscrew, passing through the post B, and entering one end of the rod D, holds it against a lever at the other end; as the rod is heated, it expands and presses against the lever, which raises E, at the end of which is a cord passing up, over the hub of the index, and down Expansion of Solids. 37 again to the balance rod F; E is raised by the expansion of the rod D; F falls, drawing the cord, and giving motion to the hand. Fig. 8. 300 415 3115 016 122.217) E OT SEL F G D B ) B В 60 1 581 << 66 The following substances, when heated from 32° to 212° Fahr., are elongated as follows: Flint glass, 124g of its length. Iron, 812 Copper, Brass, 352 Lead, 351 3. Equal increments, or additions of caloric, at different temperatures, do not expand the same solid equally. That is, the expansion of a brass or iron rod will be much greater between 500° and 600°, than between 100° and 200°, or than between 2009 and 300°. The higher the tempera- ture, the greater the expansion, with equal additions of caloric. This results from the fact that the power of cohe- sion is constantly diminished, the farther the integrant parti- cles are removed from each other by heat. 4. The expansion of some solids is more uniform than others, with equal additions of caloric. The expansions of the more infusible solids are uniform within certain limits From 32° to 122°, their expansion is equal to that between 4 38 Expansion of Liquids. as the 122° and 212º. But above 212°, the higher the temperature, the greater the expansion, for equal additions of caloric. II. Caloric expands liquids more than solids. 1. This fact may be illustrated by heating a Fig. 9. column of water in a glass tube, and an iron rod of the same dimensions, by a spirit lamp; the water will rise in the tube, while the iron will scarcely be affected. The reason is, that the cohesive at- traction in liquids is nearly destroyed. Exp. Plunge a common thermometer into a jar of hot water, (Fig. 9.) The bulb of the thermometer will be ex- pånded, and its capacity increased, but the mercury will be more expanded, and will rise in the tube. Fig. 10. 2. Equal increments of caloric ex- pand some liquids more than others. This may be illustrated by partially filling several glass tubes furnished with bulbs with different liquids, and placing them in hot water ; liquids expand, they will rise to dif- ferent heights in the tubes, as shown in Fig. 10. 3. Equal additions of caloric, at different temperatures, do not expand the same liquids equally. The same law holds here as in the case of solids — the higher the temperature, the greater the expansion for equal amounts of heat, and those liquids also which expand the least are more uniform within certain limits. Apparent exceptions to the general law are found in the case of some liquids, near the point of con- gelation. Water expands by a diminution of temperature, and contracts by an addition of caloric, between the freezing point and 40° Fahr. III. Caloric expands gases more than Fig. 11. solids or liquids. 1. The expansion of air may be shown by simply inverting a glass tube terminated by a bulb, and partly filled with water, (Fig. 11,) in a vessel of the same liquid: on heating the bulb, the air will expand, and expel the liquid from the tube; or by holding a bladder partly Expansion of Gases. 39 filled with air near the fire, the air will soon expand, fill the bladder, and even burst it.* 2. All gases, at any temperature, are expanded equally by equal additions of caloric. In this respect, gases differ from solids and liquids. If, therefore, we can ascertain the expansion of one gas for a given number of degrees, we may know that of all others. The law of the expansion of air has been determined by Gay Lussac, who found that a given quantity of dry air dilates to ato of the volume it occupied at 32°, for the addition of each degree of Fahr. Theory of Expansion. This has been already noticed. In the case of solids, the integrant particles are held together by cohesive attraction, but the caloric, being self-repellent, has the effect to overcome this force, and to separate the particles from each other. In case of liquids, cohesive at- traction is much more feeble; it will therefore require less power to separate the particles, and hence they are more expansible than solids. Gases are still less under the influ- ence of cohesion, and hence are more expansible. In fact, the form which matter assumes seems to depend upon the relative force of caloric and cohesion. In solids, cohesion preponderates; in gases, caloric; but in perfect liquids, these forces are in equilibrium, (the caloric being in a combined, and not a sensible state.) IV. Apparent Exceptions. Allusion was made to water and some other substances as apparent exceptions to the general law that heat expands and cold contracts all bodies. Water continues to contract, until it arrives at 39°, and then begins to expand until congelation takes place, * So great is the tendency of air and other gases to expand, that, if a given portion be confined in a bladder, or in a very thin glass of a square form, and put under the exhausted receiver of an air pump, the same effect will be produced as when heat is applied; the particles of gases seem to be wholly free from the influence of cohesive attraction, and expand by their own caloric when the pressure is removed. † On the supposition that caloric is material, the effect is easily ac- counted for; but though its particles repel each other, they must have a strong attraction for matter, or they could not be introduced into it Caloric, therefore, is the antagonist force to cohesive attraction, but possesses a powerful attraction for matter, peculiar to itself. 40 The Force of Expansion. Exp. Take a glass tube, with a bulb at one end, fill it with warm water, and place it in a mixture of salt and snow. The water in the tube will sink until it arrives at 390, and then begin to rise until it arrives at 32º. The water, in becoming ice, will increase in bulk , and ice, in melting, will diminish in bulk 1v; hence, if the specific gravity of water is 10, ice will be 9. The maximum density of water is at 390 Fahr. V. The force of expansion, when water freezes, is very great. The Florentine aca emicians burst a hollow brass globe, whose cavity was only one inch in diameter, by freez- ing the water contained in it. This must have required a force equal to 27,720 pounds. Major Williams, in 1784–5, performed similar experiments at Quebec, by bursting bombs, which also illustrated the amazing force of water in the act of congelation. In consequence of this expansive force, glass and earthen vessels are broken, by suffering water to freeze within them; water pipes are burst; pavements are thrown up, and de- stroyed, and walls, especially in moist grounds, thrown down. Theory. The cause of this expansion is supposed to be due to crystallization. The particles, at 39°, seem to be endowed with a kind of polarity, and attract the edges of each other; and, at 32°, they are arranged in ranks and files, which cross at angles of 60° and 120°, as may be seen when water is freezing in a saucer. This new arrangement of the particles is supposed to increase the bulk; but, whether this hypothesis be correct or not, it seems best to explain the effect." VI. Advantage of this Exception. The wisdom and be- nevolence of God are strikingly exhibited in this arrange- ment. Otherwise, all our rivers, and lakes, and the ocean itself, in cold climates, would become solid masses of ice! When a body of water is freezing, there are two currents * This hypothesis relieves us from the necessity of supposing a real exception to the laws of nature. The effect is due to the operation of another law, (crystallization,) to which the law of expansion gives place. For, after the crystallization is completed, the usual law pre- vails, and ice contracts, with the further reduction of temperature. Fis- sures are thus produced, in extreme cold weather, by the contraction of ice on ponds. Uses of the Law of Expansion. 41 established, as in the case of boiling water. The surface gives off its caloric to the air, and the particles become heavy, and sink down. This forces the warm particles below to rise. But at 39° these currents are arrested, because the colder particles begin to expand, and remain at the top. As soon as they are frozen, a covering of ice prevents, in a great measure, the escape of caloric from beneath, and the process of freezing is greatly retarded. But, if the contraction ex- tended to the freezing point, the colder particles would con- tinue to fall to the bottom, until the whole should be brought to that point, and then suddenly freeze; or, if they should freeze upon the surface, the ice would continue to sink down until the whole should become a solid mass. Hence, in'cold climates, the rivers and lakes would be converted into solid ice, and all their inhabitants would be destroyed! But, by this simple and beautiful arrangement, the ice is retained upon the surface, and confines sufficient stores of caloric to preserve the inhabitants of the waters, and render the coldest climates habitable by man. Water is not the only liquid which expands under the reduction of temperature; as the same effect has been ob- served in a few others, which assume a highly crystalline structure, on becoming solid. Hence the exactness with which cast iron fills the mould, and the use of antimony in casting types. Mercury is a remarkable instance of the re- verse; for, when it freezes, it suffers a very great contrac- tion, VII. Practical Uses of the general Law of Expansion and Contraction. All kinds of machinery are, of course, affected by this law. It must be strictly regarded in the construction of delicate time-pieces. Great use is made of it in the band- ing of wheels; the iron is heated, and fitted to the dimen- sions, and then suddenly cooled, so that, by its contraction, it presses with great force, and becomes immovably fixed. In riveting together iron plates for steam engine boilers, it is necessary to produce as close a joint as possible. This is effected by using the rivets red-hot; the contraction, which the rivet undergoes in cooling, draws the plates together with a force which is only limited by the tenacity of the metal of which the rivet itself is made. M. Melard, a few years since, at Paris, availed himself of this 42 Thermometers. principle, to restore to their perpendicular direction two opposite walls of a gallery, which had been pressed outward by incumbent weight Through holes in the walls, several strong iron bars were introduced, so as to cross the apartment, with the ends projecting; upon which strong iron plates were screwed. The bars were then heated, and, while hot, the plates were screwed up. On cooling, the bars con- tracted, and drew the walls together. By repeating this process several times, they were restored to their original position. Balloons were first sent up filled with air which had been expanded by heat. Winds. The phenomena of winds depend upon the expan- sion of the air by the heat of the sun. In this way the trade winds are produced. Land and sea breezes depend upon radi- ation and expansion. During the day, the earth is more heated than the water, and the air is more expanded, and rises up. This will produce currents of cold air from the water to the land, called sea breezes. During the night, the earth radiates caloric more rapidly than the water, the air be- comes cooler, and currents pass from the land to the water, which are called land breezes. Winds are also produced in those deserts which become greatly heated during the day. Thermometers. But one of the most ingenious and useful applications of this law is to be found in the thermome- ter. Its invention is generally ascribed to Sanctorius, who flourished in the seventeenth century. Some ascribe it to Cornelius Drebel, and others to Galileo. 1. Air Thermometers. The substance employed by Sanctorius was atmospheric air, by the expan- Fig. 12. sion and contraction of which he was enabled to measure variations of temperature. His plan was very simple. The instrument consists of a glass tube, (Fig. 12,) open at one end, with a ball blown at the other; enough of some colored liquid is poured in to fill half the tube, which is then in- verted in a vessel of the same liquid. The air in the bulb, by its expansion, causes the water in the tube to sink, and, by its contraction, the pressure of the atmosphere causes it to rise. By adapting a scale to the tube, the instrument is fitted for use. On one account, air is the best substance for a thermometer, * This instrument is easily constructed by heating a glass tube in the fire, and blowing a bulb upon the end; then insert the open end in some colored liquid. Differential Thermometer. 43 because its expansions and contractions are equal, with equal additions of caloric. But there are two objections to the use of this instrument; - it can be depended upon only when the barometer stands at a fixed point; variations of atmospheric pressure materially affect the rise or fall of the liquid. The expansion of gases, also, with slight degrees of caloric, is so great, that the length of the tube for measuring high or low temperatures would render the instrument inconvenient in practice. 2. Differential Thermometer. Sir J. Leslie, in 1804, con- structed a thermometer, in which air is used, which is not affected by atmospheric pressure. It consists of two glass balls, (Fig. 13,) Fig. 13 joined together by a glass tube, bent twice at right angles. The balls contain air, but the tube is nearly filled with sulphuric acid, colored with carmine. To one leg of this tube is applied a scale. It is evident that no effect will be produced upon the liquid, if both balls are heated alike, because the air in both will suffer equal expansion; but the slightest difference between the temperature of the two balls, will instantly be indicated by the rise or fall of the liquid in the tube. Hence its only use is to detect slight variations of tempera- ture between two substances, or of two contiguous spots in the same atmosphere, in very delicate experiments, where caloric is reflected, or refracted to a focus. It is hence called the Differential Thermometer. A much more delicate instrument of this kind has been constructed by Dr. Howard, of Baltimore, in which the vapor of ether, or alcohol, in vacuo, is used instead of air. But if air expands too much, and is affected by pressure, so as to be unfitted for the common purposes of measuring the degrees of temperature, solid substances, on the other hand, expand too little. The substance most convenient is a liquid, and the object is, to find some liquid whose dilations are nearly equal with equal additions of caloric, and whose boiling and freezing 44 Mercurial Thermometer. It is points are removed at the greatest distance from each other. Alcohol and ether would answer this purpose very well in one respect, — they resist congelation to a very low tempera- ture, but boil much sooner than water. Mercury seems to be the only substance which will answer the necessary condi. tions. 3. Mercurial Thermometer. This instrument Fig. 14. (Fig. 14) is constructed in the following manner : A tube is selected with a small bore, of uniform diameter, and a small ball is blown at one end. The air is then mostly expelled from the bulb, by holding it in a spirit lamp, and the end of the tube quickly inverted in a cup of clear, dry mercury. As the bulb cools, the atmosphere forces the mer- cury into the bulb, which fills it two thirds full; the bulb is again heated, and the mercury rises up, nearly filling the tube, and expelling the air. again inverted over mercury, when the bulb and one third of the tube are filled; it is then heated until it boils, and fills the tube to the top. A fine flame is then darted from a blowpipe * upon the open extremity of the tube, so as to fuse the glass, and close the aperture before the mercury recedes. It is then said to be hermeti- cally sealed, and the space abandoned at the upper extremity of the tube, as it cools, is a vacuum. Graduation. This is effected by ascertaining two fixed points; and, as water always freezes at the same temperature, and also boils at the same temperature, when the barometer stands at the same height, we have only to immerse the bulb and a part of the stem in melting snow, or water containing ice, and mark the point to which the mercury sinks. This is the freezing point. To fix the boiling point, distilled water should be used, and the barometer should stand at 30 inches. A small quantity of the water, not more than one inch in depth, and contained in a deep metallic vessel, is made to boil briskly, and the point to which the mercury rises, is marked; this is the boiling point. These two points being fixed, the interval is variously divided into equal parts. Fig. 15. Fig. 15 represents the most common forms of the blowpipe. It consists of a brass or copper tube, tapering nearly to a point, through the small end of which the air is forced, either by placing the large end in the mouth, or by adapting to it a pair of bellows. Register Thermometer. 45 Fig. 16. Fahrenheit. Reaumur. De Lisle, 15040 210- Newton first suggested a scale, in which the zero was placed at the freezing point, and the interval divided into 40 parts, or degrees. In Fahrenheit's thermometer, which is generally used in this country and in England, the zero is placed at 32° below the freezing point, and the interval between the freezing and the boiling points is divided into 180 parts, so that the boiling point of water is 212º. Fahrenheit fixed his zero by immersing the thermometer in a mixture of snow and salt. Reaumur's scale places the freezing point at zero, and the boiling at 80º. De Lisle placed the boiling point at zero, and the freezing at 150° below; this 1111' $Centigrade. 200 Ho 190 1190 10 20- (180- T -80 3D- 170 60- 140 160- 170 50- 150- 140- 50 -60- SC 130- 120 70 6040 80 1110- 1240 90 1200- 100- 90- -30 80- HO 20- 70- scale is that of Celsius, in which the freez- ing point is at zero, and the boiling at 100°, called the Centigrade thermometer; this is used in France. The different scales are seen in Fig. 16. The scale is either marked on the tube by a diamond, or on ivory or paper, and at- tached to the tube. The degrees above the boiling and below the freezing points occupy equal spaces with those between these points. The temperature expressed by one scale can be reduced to that of another, by knowing the relation which exists between their de- grees. The lower part of the scale, in labo- ratory thermometers, (Fig. 14,) turns up by a hinge, so that the bulb can be immersed in corrosive liquids. 20 - 120- 60- 130 10 50 He 140 40 30- -0 20- HSE 10 10- 170 noLDERE LATER ONTMOEDD 4. Register Thermometer. Fig. 17. This instrument consists of two thermometer tubes, (Fig. 17,) bent at right angles, and retaining a horizontal position. One tube contains alcohol, and the other mercury. A small piece of black enamel is placed in the tubes on the surface of each liquid. As the alcohol contracts by exposure to cold, the enamel follows it towards 46 Pyrometers of Wedgwood and Daniell. the bulb; but when it expands, the enamel remains stationary, and suffers the liquid to pass by it. When the mercury con- tracts, the enamel does not follow it; but when the mercury expands, it is forced along. Consequently, it remains at the highest temperature. The enamel, in the tube of alcohol , will indicate the lowest, and that in the tube of mercury the highest, temperature during any given time. For measuring temperatures below 39° F., the freezing point of mercury, alcohol, or ether, must be employed ; for temperatures above 662°, no liquid can be used, as they are all either decomposed, or dissipated in vapors. For very high temperatures, therefore, some of the more infusible solids are used. The instruments for this purpose are called Pyrometers. This term is derived from two Greek words, signifying measurer of fire. 1. Pyrometer of Wedgwood. This is founded on the property which clay possesses of contracting when strongly heated, without expanding when cooled; but the indications of this instrument cannot be relied on, and it is seldom used, 2. Pyrometer of Daniell. This instrument, the best now in use, consists of a bar of platinum enclosed in a case 71 inches in depth, made of black lead: one end of the bar is fixed; the other is made to move an index, as it is heated. This, however, is not perfectly accurate, owing to the greater expansion of the platinum, in high temperatures, with equal degrees of heat. Generally, these instruments depend upon the elongation of a metallic bar by heat; and one of the best for illustration is described on page 37. 3. On the same principle is the Fig. 18. Metallic Thermometer of Brequet, (Fig. 18,) for temperatures between the freezing and boiling points of water. It consists of a slip of silver and one of platinum, united face to face with solder, and coiled into a spiral, d, one end of which, c, is 15 fixed, while the other is connected with an index, e, which moves over a circular, graduated plate, f, f. This index is found to move over equal spaces with equal additions of caloric; and so sensible is it to slight Insensible Caloric. variations, that when enclosed in a large receiver, which was rapidly exhausted by an air pump, it indicated a reduc- tion of temperature from 66° to 25º = 41°, while a sensible mercurial thermometer fell only 36º. It will be readily seen that thermometers do not give us the absolute, but only the relative quantity of caloric con- tained in bodies. The true zero, or that point where abso- lutely no caloric exists, is unknown. Some have conjectured that it is 1200° or 1400° below the freezing point of water. But it is mere conjecture; nor is it known, on the other hand, how high a temperature might result from an accumulation of heat. Neither limit is known. The thermometers and other instruments measure only a few degrees, in the middle of a scale, whose extremities are indefinitely extended. SECT. 2. INSENSIBLE CALORIC. Every one sees that a quart of water contains double the quantity of caloric which is contained in a pint of the same liquid, when the temperature of both is the same. This is called insensible caloric, because it does not affect the ther- mometer. Specific Caloric. But different quantities of caloric are required to raise equal weights of different substances to the same temperature; and, conversely, different quantities are given out by them in cooling equally. Suppose, for example, that, on adding a given quantity of heat to a pound of water at 50°, the temperature will become 60°, — the addition of the same quantity to a pound of sperm oil at 50°, will raise the temperature to 70°, while a pound of powdered glass will be raised from 50° to 100° by the same quantity of caloric. The temperature is increased 10°, 20°, and 50°, in these dif- ferent substances; i. e., if the required temperature to which they shall be raised be given, the oil will require but half as much heat as the water, and the glass only one fifth as much. Specific heat is the relative quantity of caloric requisite to raise the temperature of substances equally; i. e., taking water for a standard at i, the specific heat of sperm oil will be Por, and of powdered glass 2* * The phrase capacity for caloric was formerly used, and was in- 48 Methods of determining Specific Heat. In these experiments, a portion of caloric disappears . This portion has been called latent or combined caloric, in reference to the theory mentioned in the note below The phrase insensible heat is preferred, as not involving any theory. Methods of determining Specific Heat. Various methods have been employed to ascertain the specific heat of sub- stances. The most convenient method is to mix with the substances, all being at the same temperature, a given quantity of some liquid, as water, at some other given temperature, and observe the relative effects. Thus, as in the example given, a pound of water at 80° may be added to a pound of the same at 50°, and the resulting temperature will be the mean, 65°; another pound of water at 80° to a pound of oil at 50°, and the resulting temperature will be 70°; i. e., the oil will gain 20° while the water loses but 10°; and again, a pound of water at 80° to a pound of glass at 50°, and the temperature of the mixture will be 75°, the glass gaining 25° by 5° loss of the water. Other and more difficult experi- ments are necessary to ascertain the specific heat of gases and of solid bodies. Laws of Specific Heat. The principal laws of specific heat are the following: - 1. At the same temperature, and, in the case of gases, with the same pressure, the specific heat of each body is constant. 2. The higher the temperature, and, in the case of gases, the less the pressure, the greater the specific heat of the same body. This is supposed to be owing to expansion. In gases, the specific heat varies with the density and elasticity; the greater the density, the less the specific caloric; and the greater the elasticity, the greater the specific caloric. 3. A change of form is accompanied by a change of spe- cific caloric. The specific heat of a body, as it passes from a solid to a liquid state, is increased. It is also supposed to tended to convey the idea, that a portion of the heat enters into and is combined with substances in a latent state ; but this is hypothetical, and the phrase specific heat is preferred, as involving merely a fact. Effects of Insensible Caloric. 49 be increased by a change of the body from a liquid state to that of a gas or vapor. 4. As each substance has a specific heat peculiar to itself, it follows that a change of constitution is accompanied by a change of specific heat. 5. A change of specific heat is generally accompanied by a change of temperature. Thus the expansion of a gas, which increases its specific heat, diminishes its temperature. As a practical inference from the doctrine of specific heat, it may be remarked, that much less fuel will be necessary to heat some substances than others. Effects of Insensible Caloric. These are liquefaction and vaporization.* I. LIQUEFACTION. All bodies exist in one of three states, solid, liquid, or gaseous, and their forms seem to depend, as we have seen, (page 39,) upon the relative forces of cohe- sion and caloric. Hence, by the increase and diminution of either of these forces, we can cause the body to assume either of these states. If a solid be sufficiently heated, it will become liquid, and then gaseous. So general is this fact, that it may be stated as a law. 1. Point of Liquefaction. The temperature at which liquefaction takes place, is called the melting point, or point of fusion, as that at which liquids solidify is termed the point of congelation. These points are identical; but there is a very great difference in substances as to the degree of heat which is required to fuse them. Each substance has a fixed point of fusion and of congelation. 2. Caloric o Fluidity. If a pound of ice, which is at 32°, be melted in a pound of water at 172°, the temperature of the whole will not be at the mean of 102°, but at 32°, showing that 140° have been taken into a latent state, by the liquefaction of the ice. Generally, liquefaction is accom- * Classed as effects of insensible caloric, because the free caloric passes into an insensible state, which is essential to the process. 5 50 Caloric. -- Freezing Mixtures. 66 66 66 panied by the conversion of free into insensible heat. The heat which thus disappears seems essential to the process of liquefaction, and is called the caloric of fluidity. Its quantity varies in different substances, as in the following table:- Ice. 140° Fahr. Beeswax . 175° Fahr. Sulphur 143.68° Zinc 490° Spermaceti 145° Tin . 500° Lead 162° Bismuth 550° Irvine. When the process is reversed, in congelation, this insensi- ble caloric is thrown out in a free state. Thus the freezing of water produces heat. 3. Freezing Mixtures. Liquefaction may be produced without the addition of heat, and hence the caloric of fluidity will be obtained, in part, from the temperature of the sub- stances melted, but chiefly from the surrounding bodies; a great degree of cold is thus often produced. On this princi- ple various freezing mixtures are contrived. The most com- mon method of producing cold is, to mix together equal quantities of fine salt and fresh fallen snow, or pounded ice , The salt melts the snow by its affinity for water, and the water dissolves the salt, so that both are liquefied. The degree of cold produced is 32° below the freezing point of water , or at zero. This led Fahrenheit to commence his scale at that point. Any other substance, which has a strong affinity for water, may be substituted for salt. The crystallized chloride of calcium is the best, because it produces the most rapid liquefaction. The following table, constructed by Mr. Walker, contains the proportions of several substances to produce different degrees of cold. Parts MIXTURES. Thermometer sinks by Weight. produced, Sea-salt 1 l Snow 2 to — 5° Sea-salt 2 Muriate of ammonia 1 to -12° Snow 5 Sea-salt 5 Nitrate of ammonia. 5 to — 25° Snow 12 Diluted sulphuric acid 2 Snow 55 deg. 3 from +32° to - 23° Deg. of Cold . Freezing Mixtures. 51 Parts Concentrated muriatic acid 5?from +32° to — 27° 59 deg. Snow ) Concentrated nitrous acid 4) from +32° to -30° 62 Snow 7 Chloride of calcium 5 from +32° to -40° 72 Snow 4 Fused potassa 4 from +32° to -51° 83 Snow 3 Freezing may also be effected by the rapid solution of salts. The following table exhibits the proportions, taken from Walker's essay in the Phil. Trans. 1795. The salts must be finely powdered and dry. MIXTURES. Thermometer falls Deg. of Cold by Weight. produced. Muriate of ammonia. Nitrate of potassa 5 from +50° to +10° 40 deg. Water: 16 Nitrate of ammonia 1 from +50° to + 4° 46 Water Nitrate of ammonia 1 Carbonate of soda 1 from + 50° to 7° 57 Water 1 Sulphate of soda 3 Diluted nitrous acid 2 from +50° to - 3° 53 Sulphate of soda 6 Nitrate of ammonia 5 from +50° to - 14° 64 Diluted nitrous acid 4 Phosphate of soda 4} from + 50° to — 12° 62 Diluted nitrous acid Phosphate of soda 9 Nitrate of ammonia 6 from +50° to - 21° 71 Diluted nitrous acid 4 Sulphate of soda 81 Muriatic acid 0° 50 from +50° to 53 Sulphate of soda 5 Diluted sulphuric acid In order to the greatest effect, the substances should be cooled in a freezing mixture before they are united. 4. The degree of cold produced by these artificial pro- cesses, is limited. The greater the difference between the temperature of the air and that of the mixture, the more rapidly will the air communicate caloric to it; and this soon . *}from +50° to + 3° 47 52 Vaporization - Ebullition. puts a limit to the degree of cold. According to Mr. Walker, the greatest cold did not exceed 100° below the zero of Fahrenheit. But a more intense cold is produced by evapo- ration. 5. No process, however, will deprive a body of all its caloric. Dr. Irvine has attempted to infer the absolute amount from the specific caloric of bodies; thus ice contains in less specific caloric than water; and, as this tu is equal to 140°, it is inferred, that water contains ten times the amount , or 1400° of caloric; but the estimates made by different chemists vary from 900° to 8000°, which shows that but little confidence can be put in their calculations. II. VAPORIZATION. By vaporization is meant the conver- sion of liquid and solid substances into vapor. It is generally supposed that, if sufficient caloric be applied, all substances are susceptible of this change. A gas differs from a vapor in the circumstance that it is not so easily condensed into a liquid; it retains its state at ordinary temperatures and pressures. “The only difference between gases and vapors is the relative forces with which they resist condensation.” — T. Some substances yield vapor readily, and are called vola- tile. Others sustain the strongest heat of furnaces, without volatilizing, and are hence said to be fixed in the fire. This difference seems to depend on the relative forces of cohesion and caloric. Liquids are more easily vaporized than solids ; and solids, with a few exceptions, like camphor, assume the liquid state before they are converted into vapor. Liquids may be vaporized in two ways: 1. by ebullition; 2. by evaporation. In the first case, there is a rapid produc- tion of vapor, causing commotion in the liquid; and in the second, the process is conducted silently, the vapor impercep- tibly passing off from the surface of the liquid. Ebullition. 1. Boiling Point. The temperature at which a liquid is converted by ebullition into a vapor, is called its boiling point. This point varies greatly in different liquids under the same circumstances, and in the same liquid under different Ebullition. 53 degrees of pressure. But each liquid has a fixed boiling point, when all the circumstances are the same. 2. The chief circumstance which modifies the boiling point of the same liquid, is the pressure of the atmosphere. A column of air, extending to the top of the atmosphere, presses upon every square inch of surface with a force equal to 15 lbs. This is sufficient to sustain a column of mercury 39 inches, or a column of water 34 feet. But the pressure varies at different times on the surface of the earth; and as we ascend high mountains, the pressure diminishes rapidly. The instrument by which this variation is measured is called the Barometer, the principle of which may be illustrated by filling a glass tube, open at one end, and about 33 inches long, with mercury, and inverting the open end in a cup of the same liquid. (See Fig. 19.) The pressure of the atmos- phere on the surface will sustain the mercury in the tube to the height of from 27 to 31 inches. When the barometer stands at 30 inches, ether boils at 96°, alcohol at 176°, water at 212°, and mercury at 662°, F. If the barometer stand at 28 inches, all these substances will boil at a lower temperature, and if it rise to 31 inches, the boiling points will be raised. Hence the two following laws: 1. As the pressure on the surface of liquids diminishes, their boiling temperatures diminish. Thus water heated to 72°, and placed under the receiver of an air pump, will boil, on exhausting the air, if the temperature be preserved. Ether will boil violently, under an exhausted re- Fig. 19. ceiver, at the common temperature of the atmos- phere. Exp. 1. Fill the barometer tube a with mercury, (Fig. 19, and invert it in a cup c of the same liquid ; then introduce a small quantity of ether. As soon as it reaches the vacuum 7, it boils rapidly, and the vapor forces the mercury down the tube. Fig. 20. Exp. 2. The pulse glass (Fig. 20) acts on the same principle. It is con- a structed by blowing a bulb b on the end of a glass tube, in which a small open- ing is made, and through this a similar L a 6 C 5* 54 Influence of Pressure upon the Boiling Point. bulb a is blown on the other end. Some spirits of wine are now in. troduced, and heated in the closed bulb a until the vapor escapes from the aperture in b, when it is hermetically sealed. The heat of the hand upon either bulb is sufficient to cause violent ebullition. Ether boils in vacuo at — 44°, alcohol at 36°, and water at 72°, and liquids generally boil at temperatures 140° less in vacuo than at the common pressure. It is owing to this fact, that intense cold can be produced by boiling ether in vacuo. Water, and even mercury, under favorable circumstances, may be frozen. To render the experiment successful, there should be sulphuric acid in the receiver to absorb the vapor of ether, which, by its . pressure, would otherwise soon prevent the ether from boiling. 2. As the pressure on the surface of liquids increases, their boiling temperatures increase. When water is heated to the temperature of 212°, its force upon each square inch is equal to 15 lbs. As this is equal to the pressure of the atmosphere, it will, at this temperature, escape in vapor; hence it cannot be heated in the open air above this point. But if the prez- sure be increased sufficiently, it may be heated to any extent, without exhibiting the phenomena of ebullition. Fig. 21. Exp. Boil water in a Florence flask, (Fig. 21,) and cork it tight; the ebullition will instantly cease, because they steam formed will press upon its surface; but by pouring on cold water, and condensing the steam, it will boil violently; pour on warm water, and it will stop boiling. This is a convenient mode of illustrating both of the above laws: as the pressure is increased by the formation of steam, the boiling point is raised, while it is lowered by condensing the vapor and diminishing the pressure. This is called the culinary paradox. But,in order to exhibit the influence of pressure upon the boiling point, we must employ a strong metallic boiler, called a digester, which consists simply of a strong boiler furnished with stop-cocks and valves, and an apparatus to ascertain the temperature and pressure. Water confined in this boiler may be heated to a very high temperature without boiling; but the steam which will be formed will endanger the boiler, before we can ascertain its greatest expansive force or pres- sure upon the liquid. Marcet's Digester. 55 * o For experiments on the pressure of Fig. 22. steam, Marcet's digester (Fig. 22) is well adapted : a is a strong brass globe, into which a portion of mercury is poured, and then half filled with water; b a ba- rometer tube passing through a steam- tight collar to the bottom of the globe; c is a thermometer graduated to 400° or 500°; d a stop-cock; e a spirit lamp ; b and f a brass stand, upon which the whole is supported. Upon the stop-cock d a steam gun may be screwed. When heat is applied, the pressure is measured by the height to which the mercury rises in the tube 6, and the temperature is ascer- tained at the same time by the thermome- ter c. On the application of heat, as soon as the water boils, the thermometer will stand at 212°, and the pressure, of course, will be equal to one atmosphere, or 15 lbs. to the square inch. As the temperature increases to 217°, the pres- sure will elevate the mercury 5 inches, and at 242° about 30 inches, each degree of temperature raising the mercury about one inch. Absorption of Free Caloric in Ebullition. When water is converted into steam, a great quantity of sensible heat is taken up into a latent state; which, on condensation, again appears in a free state. If, for example, steam at 212° sufficient to form one pint DU a e Fig. 23. * The spirit lamp is very useful for pro- ducing heat in the laboratory. It consists of a small glass lamp a, (Fig. 23,) the wick of which passes through a metallic collar c; b is an extinguisher, to prevent the wicka from absorbing water when not in use. It is 5 Б filled with alcohol, which burns in the same manner as oil, but does not yield any smoke. A common glass or tin lamp will answer a a very good. purpose, using alcohol instead of oil. 56 Steam Latent Heat. of water, be condensed in ten pints of water at 117°, the temperature of the whole will be 212°; the ten pints will be elevated 95°: this is equivalent to raising the temperature of one pint 950º. The latent heat of steam is, therefore, 950º; other substances are subject to the same law. Hence it may be stated generally, that, in ebullition, heat is taken into a latent state, and given out on condensation. The latent heat of different vapors is various, as may be seen in the following table :- Vapor of water at its boiling point 967° Alcohol 442 Ether 302.379 Petroleum 177.87 Oil of turpentine 177.87 Nitric acid 531.99 Liquid ammonia . 837.23 Vinegar .875 Steam is formed, ordinarily, by ebullition. At the moment when water takes the state of vapor, in the open air, it has an expansive force equal to one atmosphere, or 15 lbs. on the sq. inch. If, then, it be disconnected from water, its laws of expansion and contraction, at all temperatures above 212°, are the same as all gaseous bodies. Equal increments of caloric expand it equally, and its expansion is in the ratio of the heating power; for every degree of Fahrenheit's ther- mometer, it expands to of what its volume would be at 32°, if it did not condense. It may be heated, like any gas, until it is red hot, if the vessel is sufficiently strong. But steam is usually formed in the boiler where water is present, and, as the temperature increases, fresh portions of steam are con- stantly added to that which is already formed, so that its expansive force increases in a much more rapid ratio. According to the experiments of Dulong and Arago, if we take atmospheric pressure for unity, we shall find the pres- sure of steam at 233.96º, equal to 11 atmospheres. 250.52 equal to 2 atmospheres, or 30lbs. to the sq. inch. 275.18 3 45 320.36 6 90 66 66 60 60 66 Uses of Steam. 57 66 66 66 60 66 66 374 equal to 12 atmospheres, or 180lbs. to the sq. inch. 435.56 24 360 486.59 40 600 510.60 50 750 When steam, at a high temperature, is condensed in cold water, a loud, crackling noise is heard, which is due to the collapse of the water, a vacuum being formed by the sudden condensation of the steam. Exp. Let a jet of steam rush from the digester through a pipe into cold water. When liquids are converted into vapor, under high pres- sure, the vapor is very dense. If, then, it is allowed to escape from the orifice of the boiler, the hand may be held at a short distance without being burned, though the temperature of the steam, before it escapes, is several hundred degrees. This is due to its expansion, and the consequent absorption of its sensible caloric. When water is converted into steam at 212°, it absorbs 950° of caloric. If now it be condensed to 32°, it will give out 950° of latent, and 180° of sensible caloric=1130°. Now, if we take the same weight of steam, at a higher temperature, 250°, and condense it to 32°, it will give out 912° of insensible, and 218° of sensible caloric= 1130°; hence the sum of the sensible and insensible caloric contained in equal weights of steam, is exactly the same at all temperatures = 1130°. The absorption of caloric seems to perform a similar office in vaporization and liquefaction, being essential both to the formation of vapors and of liquids. Application of Steam to practical Purposes. 1. It is used for warming rooms. For this purpose it is conveyed in pipes, and continues to beat the room until its caloric is nearly exhausted. It is then condensed to water, and gives out its latent caloric. Every cubic foot of steam in the boiler will heat 200 feet of space to 70° or 80°; and each square foot of steam pipe will warm 200 cubic feet of space. It is used for heating water-baths and dyeing-vats; for 58 Caloric. - Steam Engine. bleaching cloth; for producing a vacuum by its condensa- tion; for various culinary purposes; also, for drying various substances, such as muslins, calicoes, gun-powder, etc. 2. But its most important application is to the propelling of machinery: the instrument employed for this purpose is the steam engine; the invention of which is due to Capt. Savery. The principle of his invention may be illus- Fig. 24. trated by a tube, with a ball blown at one end, (Fig. 24); fill this with water, and invert it in the same liquid; apply heat to the bulb, and, as soon as the water is at 212°, steam will be formed, and force the water out; but, as soon as the steam comes in contact with the cold water in the vessel, it is suddenly condensed; a vacuum is formed, and the atmosphere forces the water with great violence up the tube, so as to fill the bulb. If a piston be fitted to the tube, it will constitute the instrument devised by Dr. Wollaston, except that the steam in his apparatus is con- densed by putting the bulb into cold water. The atmos. phere presses the piston down, while it is raised by causing the water in the bulb to boil.. The moving power of the steam engine is the same as in this apparatus, but the steam is condensed in a separate ves- sel called the condenser : this constitutes the improvement of Watt, by which means, the temperature of the cylinder is never below 212° Fahr. 3. The steam generator or Mr. Perkins sustains a pres- sure of 800, 1000, and even 1500lbs. on the square inch. The steam is then so hot as to set fire to tow, and even ignite the generator at its orifice. At this very high temperature, it is about half as heavy as water. It is a remarkable fact, that, at such pressures, the steam will not rush through a small aperture, through which it will rush with great violence, and a roaring noise, when the temperature and pressure are diminished. Mr. Perkins thinks that 400 atmospheres, or 6000 lbs. to the square inch, is the maximum of pressure; i. e., that under this pressure, water will remain liquid at any temperature, even at a white heat. The boiler of the gener- ator is small, and not more than a gallon of water is used at a time. Evaporation. 59 a Steam Artillery. Mr. Perkins has succeeded in applying this amaz- ing force to the propelling of cannon balls. He states that sixty 41b. balls can be discharged in a minute, with the accuracy of a rifle musket, and to a proportional distance. A musket may also be made to throw from one hundred to a thousand balls per minute. It is great- ly to be hoped that his experiments will prove successful; for, if such engines of death could be brought into the field of battle, few nations would be willing to settle their disputes in that way. Few would fight in the prospect of certain death. Fig. 25. Distillation. This process is d conducted by converting liquids into vapor, which passes into a long, metallic tube, or worm, sur- rounded by cold water. The va- por is condensed, and the liquor runs off at the opposite extremity of the tube. Fig. 25 represents this apparatus; a a copper boiler, 10+ bits head, connected with the worm, which is coiled in the refrigerator d. The vessel d is filled with cold water to condense the vapor in the worm as it passes through it. Evaporation. The only difference between evaporation and ebullition is, that the one takes place quietly, and the other with the ap- pearance of boiling. Evaporation takes place at all temper- atures, but ebullition at fixed temperatures. The former takes place, not only in all liquids, but in many solids, as camphor; the latter is confined to liquids. 1. Evaporation is much more rapid in some liquids than in others, and it is always found that those liquids whose boiling points are lowest evaporate with the greatest rapidity. Thus alcohol, which boils at a lower temperature than water, evaporates also more freely, and ether, whose point of ebullition is yet lower than that of alcohol, evaporates with still greater rapidity. Also, if the temperature of the liquid be raised or lowered, the evaporation will be more or less rapid. 2. Increase of pressure checks evaporation, and diminution of pressure promotes it ; thus water will evaporate much more rapidly in a vacuum, 60 Caloric. — Uses of Evaporation. This is precisely what we should expect from the fact just mentioned, that evaporation is most rapid in liquids whose boiling point is lowest; for the diminution of pressure lowers the boiling point. From the three facts which have been mentioned, it may be inferred that evaporation is more rapid as the distance between the boiling point and the tem- perature of the substance diminishes. The other circumstances that influence the process of evaporation are, 3. Extent of Surface. As evaporation goes on from the surface, it is evident that, the greater the extent of surface, the more rapid the evaporation. 4. State of the Atmosphere. If the atmosphere be already saturated with moisture, evaporation will be checked; or, if the air remain still, it will soon become saturated, and the evaporation is promoted by the motion of the air. 5. Absorption of Free Caloric by Evaporation. If a dish of water be placed in the exhausted receiver of an air pump, and another, of sulphuric acid, to absorb the vapor of the water, the water will evaporate so rapidly, as to be frozen by the absorption of its sensible caloric. * Hence the effect of evaporation is to produce cold; because the sensible caloric passes into an insensible state. Exp. This may be further illustrated by filling a small glass tube with water, and surrounding it with cotton wool. If the cotton wool be soaked with ether, and a current of air, from a common bellows, be directed upon it, the water, in the course of a few moments, will congeal. Exp. A very satisfactory experiment is performed with the cryophorus, an in- Fig. 26. strument invented by Dr. Wollaston. It consists of two glass balls, (Fig. 26,) connected by a glass tube. Both balls are free from air ; but one of them con- tains a portion of distilled water. When the other ball is placed in a freezing mixture, so as to condense the watery vapor as fast as it formed, the evaporation is so rapid from the * The most intense cold which has been produced is the effect of evaporation. If a large quantity of carbonic acid gas be condensed into a liquid by pressure, and suifered to escape through a small aper- ture, it will congeal by its own expansion; the solid acid thus formed will evaporate so rapidly in a vacuum, as to produce the cold of -- 136° Fahr. At this temperature, the strongest alcohol becomes viscid, and common alcohol becomes frozen. Uses of Evaporation. 61 surface of the water in the other ball, as to freeze it in two or three minutes. 6. Cause of Evaporation. The cause of evaporation is, doubtless, the same as that of ebullition — caloric ; although some have attempted to account for it on the supposition of an affinity between the air and the evaporated liquid; but evaporation in a vacuum is fatal to this hypothesis. 7. Uses of Evaporation. It is well fitted for cooling apartments. All that is necessary for this purpose, is to sprinkle the floor with water. It moderates the heat of warm climates; hence places near large bodies of water are cooler in the summer than those more remote, and the greater the heat from the sun's rays, the more rapid the evaporation, and of course the greater quantity of sensible caloric goes into an insensible state. Evaporation not only takes place from the surface of water, but from the surface of the earth, and from plants and ani- mals; hence it tends to defend the animal, as well as the vegetable system, from external heat. When an animal is exposed to external heat, perspiration commences over the whole surface, and the liquid, in passing to a vapor, absorbs the sensible caloric. On this principle fire-kings subject themselves to a high temperature, with but littie inconve- nience. The oven girls of Germany, also, often expose them- selves to a temperature of from 250° to 280°, and one girl breathed five minutes in an atmosphere of 325°. In these cases, water boils rapidly, and beef-steak is cooked in a few minutes. If, however, the air be moist, or the body be varnished, so as to prevent perspiration, the heat cannot be sustained for a moment. The heat produced by violent exercise is carried off in the same manner. But the vital principle, doubtless, has much to do in forti- fying the system against the extremes of heat and cold; for, although men may be subjected to a range of temperature of more than 400°, - from 350° above to 75° or 80° below zero, the temperature of their bodies does not vary five 6 62 Caloric. - Hygrometers. degrees, but remains stationary at 98° and 100°, during all the varieties of external temperature, Evaporation often fills the air with deadly miasma. The fever and ague is supposed to be produced in this way. Con siderable effect is also produced upon the bulk of gases, and it becomes a point of great interest to ascertain the amount , especially when delicate experiments are to be performed, The atmosphere, of course, always contains a portion of watery vapor. At the freezing point it contains ato of its volume, and the higher the temperature, the more vapor is it capable of sustaining. The instruments for measuring the amount of vapor in the air, and other gases, are called Hygrometers. These vary in form, but may all be reduced to three principles. 1. The first is founded on the property of some substances to elongate when placed in a moist atmosphere, and to con- tract when dry. The human hair possesses this property in an eminent degree, and is the substance employed by Saus- 2. The second kind of hygrometer depends on the rapidity of evaporation, the temperature and pressure being the same ; the more vapor there is in the air, the slower will the process Leslie's hygrometer is constructed on this prin- ciple. 3. The third kind depends on the fact that, if a cold body be introduced into moist air, the moisture will condense on it; as is sometimes seen on the surface of glass and earthen vessels filled with cold water, and is an indication of rain. The temperature at which the moisture is condensed is called the dew point. sure. go forward. Application of the Laws of Insensible Caloric to the Explana- tion of Natural Phenomena. 1. We have seen that, when solids are converted into li- quids, they absorb large quantities of caloric. Hence the process of thawing, contrary to the common belief, is a freezing process. Ice, in becoming water, absorbs 140° of sensible caloric; hence countries surrounded by water are Explanation of Natural Phenomena. 63 cooler in the spring than those where less ice is formed dur- ing the winter. 2. Liquids, in passing to vapors, absorb sensible caloric. In the vaporization of water, nearly 1000° of caloric are ab- sorbed. It is therefore a much more powerful cooling pro- cess than the liquefaction of ice; hence the heat of warm countries is greatly reduced by the constant formation of vapor. This is the reason why the transition from the cold of winter to the heat of summer is not sudden, but gradual ; the ice and the water cannot obtain caloric in sufficient quantities to convert them into vapor. 3. When vapors and gases become liquids, they give out large quantities of caloric; hence it is usually warmer after a rain, a large quantity of caloric being evolved by the con- densation of the vapor in the atmosphere. If, however, the earth is dry and hot, the heat converts the water into vapor, and renders the air cooler. 4. Liquids, in becoming solids, give out caloric; hence the process of freezing is a heating process. To prevent some substances from freezing, we have only to place them near those which congeal at a higher temperature; thus water placed in a cellar will prevent vegetables from freezing, because they require a lower temperature than water to freeze them; before they reach the point of congelation, the freezing of the water renders its insensible caloric sensible, and prevents them from attaining it. By the process of converting water into ice, a process constantly going forward when the thermometer stands at 32° Fahr., - large quantities of caloric are thrown off into the atmosphere; hence the shores of a country are warmer in the winter than the interior; hence, too, the approach of the cold season is gradual, — the greatest degree of cold rarely occurs till after the winter solstice, twentieth of December. Were these laws suspended, September and March would be of equal temperatures. June would be the warmest, and December the coldest month in the year. 64 Caloric. — Sources of Caloric. Sect. 3. SOURCES OF CALORIC. The principal sources of caloric are, 1. The sun. 2. Chemical action, including electricity, galvanism, and combustion, 3. Condensation by mechanical action, including percus- sion and friction. 4. Vital action. 1. Sun. The heat produced by the sun varies with the kind and color of the surface, according to principles already noticed. The temperature produced by their direct action is seldom more than 120°; but, when the rays are concentrated by means of convex lenses, or concave mirrors, a very intense heat is produced. Lenses have been constructed concen- trating sufficient heat to melt some of the most refractory metals; but the most intense heat, at any considerable dis- tance, is produced by several concave mirrors, which reflect the rays to one focus. Metals and minerals have thus been melted at the distance of 40 feet, and wood ignited at the distance of 120 feet from the mirrors. 2. Chemical Action. Caloric is often produced by chem- ical and electrical action. A very great heat occurs in the phenomena of combustion, which may be defined to be the disengagement of light and heat in substances by chemical action. But the most intense heat is produced by voltaic or electrical action. 3. Condensation. It has been already stated that sub- stances develop caloric by diminution of their bulk, as when gases pass to liquids and to solids. A fire is often kindled by rubbing pieces of dry wood against each other; heavy machinery, if not properly oiled, often ignites wood, and axletrees of carriages are burned off'; the sides of vessels are set on fire by the descent of the cable. The friction in these cases condenses the parts, and the caloric is developed. So, Nature of Caloric. 65 when iron is struck with a hammer several times, it becomes hot. Fire is also struck from steel with any hard substance, like flint. This is denominated percussion. 4. Vital Action. The caloric developed by vital action is supposed to be owing, in part, to the chemical action of the air upon the blood; but it is more probable that the vital principle operates to produce most of it, in a way not well understood. Sources of Cold. The sources of cold are, liquefaction, vaporization, and rarefaction. SECT. 4. NATURE OF CALORIC. On this subject there are two theories. Sir H. Davy and some others considered caloric as a property of matter; and Sir William Herschel and Prof. Airy have attempted to ex- plain its nature by supposing that there exists a subtile ether, which pervades all space and all matter, and that caloric is the effect of vibrations made in this fluid, somewhat similar to the vibrations of the air which produce the sensation of sound. This theory is called the undulatory theory, and is most favorably received by chemists. Sir Isaac Newton supposed that caloric was a subtile, ma- terial fluid. If caloric is material, it is matter under very peculiar circumstances. So far as we can determine, it pos- sesses few, if any, of the common properties of matter; its particles are self-repellent, opposed to cohesive attraction. If it is material, its particles must be exceedingly small, as they penetrate all other substances, however dense. They must also be influenced by gravity; but no quantity of them, however great, possess the least appreciable weight. It pos- sesses neither extension nor impenetrability; but if it is mat- ter, it must have these properties. 6* 66 Physical Properties of Light - Refraction. CHAPTER II. LIGHT. bo The physical properties of light belong to the science of Optics, a branch of Natural Philosophy. But light has also chemical properties, which come within the province of Chemistrybutos do I. Physical Properties of Light. Light is emitted from every visible point of a luminous object, and is equally dis- tributed on all sides, if not interrupted, diverging like radii drawn from the centre to the circumference of a sphere. It travels at the rate of 192,000 miles in a second, requiring about eight minutes to pass from the sun to our earth. Its velocity is so great, that the light emitted in the firing of a cannon, or a sky-rocket, will be seen by different spectators at the same instant, whatever may be their respective dis- tances from it; the time required for light to travel one hundred or one thousand miles being inappreciable by our When light falls upon any body, it is either reflected, refracted, or absorbed.ee more II. Reflection. The reflection of light is influenced by the same circumstances as that of caloric, and follows the same laws; the angles of incidence and reflection are equal . (Fig. 6, page 31.) It is owing to the reflection of light that we are able to see the various objects in nature, an image of the object being formed by the reflected rays upon the retina of the eye. III. Refraction. When a ray passes from a rarer to a denser medium, as from air into water, it is refracted towards a perpendicular to the refracting surface: this property is called refrangibility. Thus (Fig. 27), 1 is the ray before it reaches the refract- ing surface 3. Instead of passing directly through to a, it is bent towards the perpendicular, to the surface p, and pro- senses. Decomposition of Light. 67 r ceeds to r. But in passing from a denser Fig. 27. to a rarer medium, it is refracted from id k a perpendicular to the refracting sur- face. Thus, in passing from r, it is re- 3 fracted at the surface towards l, instead of proceeding to d. Hence a stick partly in water appears bent. Objects viewed through some substances, as Ice- land spar, appear double in consequence of a double re- fraction. IV. Decomposition of Light. Solar and stellar light con- tain three kinds of rays :- 2 1. Colorific, or rays of color. 2. Calorific, or rays of heat. 3. Chemical rays, or those which produce chemical effects. 1. Colorific Rays. These may be separated into seven primary colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Fig. 28. с P Violet, 2- Indigo, 6 Blue, 5- Green, - Yellow, 3- Orange, 2- Red, 1 - 80.- The instrument by which this separation is effected is a triangular prism (Fig. 28) of glass, ice, or any transparent substance. A beam of light r is admitted into a dark room, and, passing obliquely through two sides of the prism p, is refracted by both. The different colors are separated, be- cause some are refracted more than others; and, instead of a white spot after the beam passes through the prism, as at 8, there appears a long, colored surface c, called the solar spec trum. Dr. Wollaston supposes that there are but four colors, viz. : red, green, blue, and violet, occupying spaces in the propor- tion of 16, 23, 36, 28. 68 Calorific Rays - Daguerrcotype. separate the According to Sir D. Brewster, there are but three colors, red, yellow, and blue, a mixture of which produces the others The prismatic colors differ in their illuminating power. This is greatest in the yellow and green, and diminishes each way to the violet and red. 2. Calorific Rays. The calorific rays exist in the greatest intensity in, and near the red rays, and diminish rapidly towards the violet; the greatest heat is sometimes entirely without the red rays; this, however, depends upon the kind of substances used to separ rays; in some cases, it is quite on the verge of the orange. The refrangibility, then, of the calorific rays is much less than that of the colorific. This is shown also by the fact that, when the solar rays are concentrated by a convex lens, the focus of heat is farther from the lens than that of light. 3. Chemical Rays. On the side of the spectrum, a little beyond the violet, are invisible rays, which have a peculiar effect upon chemical changes. They are most powerful on the verge of the violet, and diminish towards the red. 1. Photographic drawing depends upon the influence of these rays. Exp. Cover one side of a plate of glass with beeswax, colored with lamp-black, and draw a picture on it by removing the wax with a sharp point. If then a solution of salt in water be spread on a piece of white paper, and the nitrate of silver in solution poured upon it, the chloride of silver will be formed. Place the paper then over the glass, and the sun's rays passing through, where the wax is removed, will form a picture upon the paper, by changing the chloride black wherever they strike it. Exp. Soak a piece of white paper in a saturated solution of bichromate of potassa, dry it rapidly, and put it in a dark room. Place over it prints, dried plants, etc., and expose it to the sun; the objects will be represented yellow on an orange ground. To fix the drawing, wash it carefully, to dissolve the salt which has not been acted upon by the light. The object will then appear white on an orange ground. If sulphate of indigo be used with the bichromate of potassa, it will give to the object and to the paper different shades of green. 2. Daguerreotype. A method of fixing the images of ob- jects on metal has lately been devised by Daguerre. Magnetic Rays. 69 Exp. Expose a plate of silvered copper, well cleaned with dilute nitric acid, to the vapor of iodine; an extremely thin coat of iodide of silver will be formed. Place the plate in the Camera Obscura for eight or ten minutes, in such a position that the light may come from the object, and an inage of it be formed on the plate; then expose it, at an angle of 48°, to the vapor of mercury; heat it to 167° Fahr., and the images will appear. The plate should then be exposed to the action of hyposulphite of soda, and washed in a large quantity of distilled water.* Magnetic Rays. Dr. Morrichini, of Rome, discovered that the more refrangible rays possessed the property of rendering iron magnetic; Mrs. Somerville. confirmed this statement by magnetizing a sewing needle with less than two hours' exposure to the violet rays; but others have not been so successful, and it is questionable whether these rays possess this property. V. Absorption. The rays of light are separated by ab- sorption. When light falls upon a substance, more or less of it disappears like sensible caloric. 1. The different colors are absorbed variously by different surfaces. This is the cause of the great variety of colors; for, when all the rays are absorbed except the red, and these only reflected, the body is red. Thus, in colored bodies, only a part of the rays can be reflected ; and to the admixture of the different colors in the reflected portion, is owing all the beautiful variety of color. 2. The absorption of light varies with the chemical consti- tution; hence, by the action of chemical agents upon each other, every variety of color can be produced at pleasure. Exp. Into a little chloride of calcium, in solution, pour a few drops of sulphuric acid; a white solid will be formed. Exp. Into a dilute solution of persulphate of iron pour the tincture of gall; fine black ink will be formed. Exp. Into an infusion of purple cabbage put a drop or two of sul- phuric acid; a beautiful red will be produced. Exp. Nitrate of mercury and infusion of gall will form an orange color. Exp. Nitrate of lead and hydriodic acid, yellow. Exp. Vegetable infusion and an alkali, green. Exp. Aquæ ammonia and sulphate of copper, blue. Exp. Ferro-cyanuret of potassa and sulphate of iron, indigo. Exp. Red and indigo, mixed, form violet. 3. When all the rays are absorbed, so that none can be reflected, the body is black; for the same reason, everything * See Jour. Franklin Inst. XXIV. 207. 70 Light. - Ignition - Phosphorescence. is black in total darkness. If none of the rays are absorbed, and all are reflected, the body is white.* VI. Ignition and Incandescence. The phenomena of ignition and incandescence include all kinds of artificial light, which is obtained by the combinations of inflammable matter, or the heating of non-combustible bodies. Solids begin to emit light in the dark at 700°, and in the light at 1000° F. Gases require a higher temperature; flame is in- candescent gas. The color of the rays depends upon the kind of substances and the degree of heat: the white light of oil, candles, etc., when transmitted through a prism, has but three primary colors— red, yellow and green. The dazzling light emitted by lime intensely heated, gives the prismatic colors almost as bright as the solar spectrum. Different substances assume different colors when intensely heated. Chemical rays exist very feebly in most artificial light, but in the intense light of lime, under the compound blowpipe, they are more easily detected. VII. Phosphorescence. There are many substances in nature which possess the property of shining in the dark, without the emission of caloric. These are said to be phos- phorescent, and are known by the term phosphori, (although there is no phosphorus connected with the phenomena.) 1. Solar Phosphori. Many bodies acquire this property on exposure to the solar rays for a few hours. Such, for example, is Canton's phos- phorus, a composition made by mixing three parts of calcined oyster shells with one of the flowers of sulphur, and exposing the mixture for an hour to a strong heat in a covered crucible. Chloride of cal- cium (Homberg's phosphorus) possesses the same property; also, nitrate of lime, (Baldwin's phosphorus,) and a variety of other sub- stances, such as carbonate of baryta, strontia and lime, the diamond, fluor-spar or chlorophane, apatite, boracic acid, etc. Scarcely any phosphori act unless they have been exposed to light. When phosphorescence ceases, it can be restored by a second exposure to the light, or by passing electric dis- charges through the substance. 2. Phosphorescence from Moderate Heat. Chlorophane and several mineral substances require to be heated before * Colors have an important influence on the absorption and disen- gagement of odorous matters. White bodies are the least absorbent, and dark the most so. Photometers. 71 they phosphoresce. Lime is a remarkable instance; when heated, it gives out a dazzling white light, too intense to look upon without injury to the eyes. Light is also emitted during the crystallization of many salts, as the sulphate of potassa and fluoride of sodium. Exp. Put three drachms of the vitreous arsenous acid into a matrass, with an ounce and a half of hydrochloric acid, and half an ounce of water; boil the mixture for ten minutes, and then suffer it to cool slowly. When crystallization commences, each little crystal will be attended by a spark; on sudden agitation, great numbers of crystals shoot up, accompanied with an equal number of sparks; if larger quantities are taken, and the vessel shaken at the right moment, the emission of light is so powerful as to illuminate a dark room. 3. Animal and Vegetable Phosphori. Some animal and vegetable substances emit light at common temperatures, without exposure to the sun's rays. This property is re- markable in some fish, as the mackerel ; the light makes its appearance just before putrefaction commences, and ceases when it is completely established. Some species of decayed wood possess this property in a remarkable degree. VIII. Photometers. It is sometimes desirable to measure the intensity of light, emitted from different objects, and an instrument has been invented for this purpose, called the Photometer, or light measurer. The principal one employed for this purpose is that of Leslie. It consists of a very delicate and small differential ther- mometer, one bulb of which is made of black glass, and the whole is enclosed in a small glass tube. The white ball transmits all the light and heat, and is of course unaffected; the black ball absorbs all the rays, and heats the air within, so as to cause the liquid to rise. Its action of course depends upon the heat produced by the absorption of light. Some objections to this instrument have been stated by Turner. Count Rumford's Photometer determines the comparative strength of lights, by a comparison of the shadows of bodies. Sources of Light. These are similar to those of caloric- the sun, stars, chemical action, mechanical action, and caloric. IX. Nature of Light Light and caloric have been re- garded by some as identical. Newton supposed that light 72 Electricity. was a material, subtile fluid, which emanated from luminous bodies in all directions in right lines, and produced the sen- sation of vision, by falling upon the retina of the eye; this is termed the Newtonian theory. But Descartes, Huygens, and Euler, proposed a different theory, which has been lately revived by Sir John Herschel and Prof. Airy. This theory supposes that light is produced by vibrations in an elastic medium, which pervades all space, and that vision is the effect of these vibrations, meeting the retina, in the same manner as pulsations of air impress the nerve of hearing, and produce the sensation of sound. At present, the strongest evidence is in favor of this theory, which has received the name of the undulatory theory. (See Sir J. Herschel's article on Light in the Encyclopedia Metropol- itana.) Either of the above theories answers the purpose of classifying the facts, and it is not material which is adopted. CHAPTER III. ELECTRICITY. The word electricity is derived from the Greek name for amber,* a substance which possessed the property of at- tracting light bodies when rubbed. 1. If a piece of sealing-wax, or a glass rod, be rubbed with a dry woollen or silk cloth, each becomes capable of attracting and repelling light substances. In this state each is said to be electrified, or electrically excited. When friction is applied to many other substances, they exhibit similar phe- nomena. The cause of this attraction and repulsion is as- cribed to an agent called electricity, and when it is excited by friction, it is designated by the title of common elec- tricity. 2. If a plate of copper and a plate of zinc, having copper wires soldered to each, be immersed in acidulated water, and the ends of the wires brought into contact, they will * Ηλεκτρον. . Common Electricity. 173 exhibit similar phenomena of attraction and repulsion. When electricity is excited in this way, there is always a chemical action between the metal and the liquid, and it is called Galvanism, in honor of Galvani, who made the discovery; also Voltaic electricity, from Volta, who first demonstrated its existence as independent of the animal system. SECT. 1. COMMON ELECTRICITY. Common electricity is generally excited by the friction of one substance upon another. 1. If a piece of sealing wax, or any resinous substance, be rubbed with a silk cloth, and a pith ball, suspended by a thread, be brought near it, the ball will be at first attracted, and then repelled. 2. If a rod of glass, or other vitreous substance, be rubbed in a similar manner, and brought near the ball, it will attract it, while the sealing-wax will repel it. 3. If two balls be each electrified by the sealing-wax, or by the glass, they will repel each other, but if one is electri- fied by the wax, and the other by the glass, they will attract each other; hence, when friction is applied to resinous and vitreous bodies, opposite effects are produced. The state induced by friction upon the glass, was called by Dr. Frank- lin positive, and that induced upon the wax negative, and the substances were said to be positively or negatively electrified. Theories. 1. Franklin supposed that electricity pervaded matter generally, and that friction tended to bring it upon the surface of bodies, or drive it from them; that it was in its nature self-repellent, but possessed a powerful attraction for common matter; when a body was electrified positively, it had more than its share of electricity; when it was electri- fied negatively, it had less than its natural portion. 2. Du Fay supposed that there were two Auids: the one de- veloped by the friction of the glass he called vitreous, which answers to the positive electricity of Franklin, and the other, developed by the friction of the wax, he called resinous, which corresponds with the negative electricity of Franklin. Each 7 74 Electricity. - Gold Leaf Electrometer, ca Oy fluid repels itself, and attracts the other. It follows from this theory, that substances electrified by the same fluid repel, and those electrified by the opposite fluids attract, each other, and friction only tends to separate them. The existence of the two fluids may be shown Fig. 29. by the Gold Leaf Electrometer, * (Fig. 29,) which consists of two strips of gold leaf suspended by a brass cap and wire, in a glass cylinder. When electrified with either kind of electricity, the leave diverge. But if, when the leaves diverge with negative electricity, a substance excited positively be brought near, the leaves will collapse. Exp. Bring excited sealing-wax in contact with the brass knob the leaves will diverge with negative electricity. Place now, excited glass upon the knob, and the leaves will come together, because the positive fluid restores the equilibrium. If pith balls be suspended by a wire or thread, similar effects may be produced. Some substances, such as glass and resin, retain the elec- tricity upon their surfaces when excited, and are hence called non-conductors of electricity. Other substances, as the metals, do not retain electricity upon their surfaces, unless they are surrounded by non-con- ductors, but convey it away, or oppose no barriers to the union of the two fluids; such bodies are called conductors of electricity. The metals are all conductors; dry air, glass, sulphur, and resins, are non-conductors; water, damp wood, moist air, alcohol, and some oils, are imperfect conductors. The non-conductors are called insulators. Some substances exhibit signs of electricity when heated, such as tourmalin, topaz, diamond, beryl. Electrical Machine. The instrument by which the phe- nomena of common electricity may be best exhibited, is the electrical machine † (Fig. 30,) which consists of a cylinder, or plate of glass G, revolving on an axis, and subjected to the friction of a rubber R of leather or silk, upon which is spread a thin coat of amalgam, composed of tin, mercury, * Ηλεκτρον and pletpov, a measurer of electricity. + In the absence of an electrical machine, many experiments may be performed with a rod of glass, or sealing-wax, two inches in diameter, and rubbed with a silk handkerchief. Electrical Machine. 75 Fig. 30. R fu า) insulated by a glass pillar, and communicates with the ground by a brass chain, C. Attached to the machine is a cylindrical metallic conductor, P, which is also insulated by a glass pillar. When the machine is in operation, vitreous electricity flows from the rubber and glass, by means of fine points, to the prime conductor, P, and resinous electricity passes in an opposite direction. If the hand be placed upon the con- ductor, currents of electricity will pass in opposite directions, the vitreous passing into the body from P, and the resinous down the chain C to the ground. But if the hand be held at a little distance from the conductor, a spark will dart through the air, and cause a prickling sensation, accompanied by a slight report, with light and heat. The sound is pro- duced by the collapse of the air, as the fluid forces a passage through it; and the light and heat are supposed to result from the sudden condensation of the air, as in the fire syringe. Induction. If an insulated body be brought near the prime conductor, it will manifest signs of electricity opposite to that of the conductor, on the side nearest the conductor, and similar to the conductor on the other side, while the centre of the body will be neutral. The electricity, in this case, is induced by the presence of the electrified conductor; and 76 Electricity.- Induction - Theory. 3 the process is called induction. Several insulated conductors placed contiguous, will exhibit the same phenomena if a communication be made between the last and the ground. Thus, (Fig. 31,) Fig. 31. let A represent the positive conductor of an electric ma- B chine, b and c in- sulated conductors, with a chain pass- ing to the ground. The conductor b will be electrified by induction, as will be indicated by the attached balls. Thus 1, being positive, will attract the balls 2, which are rendered negative by induction. The balls 3 are also rendered positive, 4 negative, and 5 positive, while the centres b c will remain neutral. Theory. The phenomena of induction led Faraday to propose a theory of attraction and repulsion. The reason why an excited body attracts another is, that it induces in it an opposite electrical state. He considers induction an essential function, both in the development and continuance of electrical currents; that it consists in a polarized state of the particles, or positive and negative points, induced by the presence of an electrified body. Application of the Theory. According to this theory, an excited body attracts light substances, because it induces in them an opposite state of electricity. 1. On moving the hand towards the prime conductor, it is electrified negatively by induction; when a spark is received, the equilibrium is restored. 2. When a cloud, positively or negatively electrified, passes over a tower, or a tree, it induces an opposite state in them, and a stroke of lightning follows in consequence of the attraction between the two accumulated fluids; hence the utility of lightning-rods to form a communication between the clouds and the ground. 3. The action of the Leyden Jar is due to induction. It consists of a glass jar, lined on the inner and outer surfaces, save a few inches near the mouth, with tin foil. Through the stopper, made of dry wood or sealing-wax, a brass rod com- Electrometers. 77 municates with the inner surface. When positive electricity is applied to the inside, it drives off the same fluid on the outer surface, and induces the negative fluid. These fluids exert a strong mutual attraction upon each other, through the glass, and enable both to accumulate in larger quantities than they would do on separate conductors. When a com- munication is made between the inner and outer surfaces, the equilibrium is suddeniy restored, accompanied by a sharp report. When several jars are connected by their outer surfaces, and also by their inner surfaces, they consti- tute an electrical battery. 4. The action of the Electrophorus Fig. 32. (bearer of electricity) (Fig. 32) de- C pends upon the same principle. It may som be constructed by pouring melted resin into the cover of a firkin, taking care, when it cools, to render the surface even. Adapt to this a circular piece of board covered with tin foil, and fix a glass rod in the centre for a handle. This instru- ment may be used instead of the machine for charging Ley- den Jars. obom Electrometers, or Electroscopes. These are instruments for detecting the presence of electricity, as in the Gold Leaf Electrometer, (page 74,) or for determining the degree of its tension, or attracting and repelling power. For this last purpose, the Balance Electrometer is used. Totoong a Fig. 33. D Caz a © а B Sie sur contre B E G Thus A (Fig. 33) is a Leyden jar, which may be con- y* 78 Laws of the Accumulation of the Electric Fluid. nected with the prime conductor of an electric machine; B, a brass ball connected with D, E; C, another ball, with a chain, G, connecting it with the table or the outside of the jar; D, a brass rod balanced at the centre, and insulated by the glass post H; E is a ring which may be placed at any distance from F, bringing the ball in contact with B. If, now, the jar be positively electrified, the ball on the end of E will be re- pelled, C will be electrified negatively by induction, and there will be a powerful attraction between C and the ball on the end of D, which will bring them together, and the equilibrium will be restored. The force of attraction will be measured by the distance between the balls and the weight applied at E. With a powerful electrical battery, successive vibrations may be produced in the beam, and a bright spark and loud report produced at each contact of the balls. Laws of the Accumulation of the Electric Fluid. 1. Free electricity is always accumulated upon the surface of an insulated conductor, and does not penetrate its sub- stance; hence the quantity does not depend upon the quantity of matter in the conductor, but upon the extent of surface. 2. The mode in which electricity is distributed over the surface of conductors, depends upon their form. On a sphere, it forms a uniform stratum. On an ellipsoid, the stratum is thickest on the extremities of the longer axis, and, as these extremities approach to the form of points, the accumulation increases till the tension becomes so great, that it flows off into the atmosphere; hence electricity cannot be retained on a conductor which has points attached to it. 3. This tendency to escape is due to the repulsion of its particles. 4. Coulomb proved by his Torsion Electrometer, that the repulsion of two bodies similarly electrified, and the attraction of two oppositely electrified, varies inversely, as the square of the distance between them. SECT. 2. VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY, OR GALVANISM. History. In the year 1791, Galvani, an Italian Professor of Anatomy at Bologna, discovered that if a silver probe were made to touch the crural nerve of a recently killed frog, and a strip of zinc the muscle, violent contractions would be duced at each contact of the two metals - the same effect as pro- 2 Simple Voltaic Circles. 79 is produced by an electric spark. Hence he concluded that the phenomena were due to electricity, generated by the animal system. Some years after, Prof. Volta, of Pavia, dis- covered that the animal system was not necessary to the de- velopment of this kind of electricity, which he proved by the construction of a pile of insulated plates, of different metals, called the Voltaic pile. This discovery has given to this form of exciting electricity the epithet voltaic. 1. But the identity of the agent concerned in galvanism, and of that in the common electrical machine, is now a matter of demonstration. Magnetism is doubtless due to the same agent, and probably chemical affinity, which reduces the four subjects to one, and renders it much more simple, and easy to classify effects which were once supposed to originate from as many distinct agents. See I. Simple Voltaic Circles. Exp. Place a piece of zinc upon the tongue, and a piece of silver under it: whenever the projecting edges of these metals are brought into contact, a peculiar sensation will be perceived, and, if the plates are large enough, a flash of light. This effect is not due to elec- tricity generated by the animal system, but to that developed in the metals; for if the same plates, or larger plates, be placed in water, Fig. 34. (Fig. 34,) and the connection made, с Z electricity will be excited; feeble in- deed, but in sufficient quantities to be detected by a proper apparatus. If, however, a few drops of sulphuric or nitric acid be added to the water, and the ends of the plates C and Z brought into contact directly, or by means of wires soldered to the plates, bubbles of hydrogen gas will rise from the surface of the copper plate C, and electricity will be developed in larger quantities. The currents will continue to circulate from one plate to the other, as long as the wires are kept in contact, but will cease when they are separated. This is a case of a simple voltaic circle. The direction of the positive current is indicated by the position of the arrows. When the wires are in contact, the circuit is said to be closed, and a current of positive electricity flows through the water from the zinc plate Z to the copper C, and from the copper along the con- 80 Electricity. - Compound Voltaic Circles. ducting wires to the zinc. A current of negative electricity, on the theory of two fluids, passes in an opposite direction. When the wires are separated, the circuit is said to be broken. The contact may be made above the water, or in it, or the plates may touch each other throughout, or be soldered to- gether; in either case electricity will be excited; but if one plate is out of the liquid, no currents can be produced. A simple voltaic circle may be formed of one metal and two liquids, provided a stronger chemical action is induced on one side of the plate, than on the other. Simple voltaic cir- cles may also be formed of various materials; but, generally, they consist of one perfect and two imperfect conductors of electricity, or of two perfect and one imperfect conductors. Metals and prepared charcoal are perfect, water and aqueous solutions imperfect conductors. But, whatever be the construction, chemical action seems absolutely necessary to the development of voltaic currents. The most common and convenient form Fig. 35. of the simple battery, is that of two cyl- inders of copper, C. (Fig. 35,) the one within the other, separated about one inch, with a bottom soldered on, so as to contain the exciting liquid, a, between them, and a cylinder of zinc, Z, placed between the two cylinders of copper, and insulated by ivory handles. The two plates are furnished with wires, terminated by the cups b b, which contain a globule of mercury. The connection is made by means of wires dipped into the mercury in the cups. Or, the copper and zinc may be coiled around each other, so that each surface of zinc may be opposed to one of copper, but separated from it by a small interval. By thus exposing a large surface of zinc to a similar sur- face of copper, Dr. Hare was enabled to melt the most refractory metals, and from this circumstance gave it the name of Calorimotor. II. Compound Voltaic Circles. Compound circles consist of a series of simple circles, for the purpose of increasing the intensity of voltaic currents. The first combination of this kind was made by Volta, and is called the voltaic pile. TU Compound Voltaic Circles. 81 in use. 1. This pile consists of zinc and copper plates, Fig. 36. (Fig. 36,) placed alternately one above another, with strips of woollen cloth moistened with salt water between each pair. By connecting the top and bottom plates, currents of electricity will be set in motion. 2. But other forms of voltaic circles are now The most convenient is that invented by Wollaston. It consists of any convenient number of zinc and copper plates, so arranged, that each zinc plate is surrounded by two of copper. A (Fig. 37) is a trough to contain the exciting liquid ; B a case passing around the plates, and connected by chains to the windlass C, by means of which the plates can be lowered into the liquid, or raised to any position required.* EE are small hand-vices attached to the poles. The zinc plates are confined in copper cases, insulated by wood at each end. The copper cases are separated of an inch, by pasteboard, which, with the wood, is saturated by oil and wax. The connection between the zinc and copper plates is made by strips of copper soldered to the zinc of one pair, and to the copper of the adjacent pair; by this construction, the power of the battery is increased nearly one half. Fig. 37. с E As each zinc plate is connected to the adjacent copper plate, the currents are urged along from one to the other, in opposite directions, till they meet at the poles. The size and number of plates may be varied at pleasure. The largest battery ever constructed is that of Mr. Children, * In some batteries, the plates are stationary, and the trough is raised and lowered. This is the most convenient construction, especially in large batteries. 82 Electricity. — Theories of Galvanism the plates of which were 6 ft. long and 2 ft. 8 inches broad. The most convenient size is 4 inches by 6. A battery con- taining 200 or 300 plates, and thrown into vigorous action, is nearly as powerful as one much larger.* one much larger.* The battery of Dr. Hare is called a Deflagrator, from its surprising power of burning the metals. The direction of the currents in this apparatus is the same as in the simple circles : positive electricity passes from the zinc through the liquid to the copper plates, and is given off at the copper pole of the battery, while negative electricity takes the opposite direction, and appears at the zinc or negative pole. During the action of the battery, all the hydrogen evolved in the process is given off at the surface of the copper, and the weight of the hydrogen during any given time, and that of the zinc dissolved, will be as 1 to 32,3, which is the ratio of their chemical equivalents. This shows the close con- nection between electricity, thus excited, and chemical affinity Theories of Galvanism. On this subject there are three theories: 1. The first originated with Volta, who conceived that electric currents are set in motion, and kept up, solely by contact of the dif- ferent metals. He regarded the interposed solution merely as a conductor to convey the electricity from one point to another. 2. The second theory was proposed by Dr. Wollaston, who supposed that chemical action was the sole cause of exciting and continuing the voltaic currents; and the fact that no sensible effects are produced by a combination of conductors, which do not act chemically upon each other, is the strongest proof of its truth: even in the voltaic pile, the energy of the action depends upon the oxidation of the zinc. * In experimenting with the battery, the plates should not be im- mersed in the liquid but a few minutes at a time; by raising and low- ering them for each experiment, their vigorous action will be kept up much longer; or the troughs may be so constructed, that, by a partial revolution, the exciting liquid may be withdrawn from the plates, or thrown upon them at pleasure. Laws of the Action of Voltaic Circles. 83 3. The third theory was suggested by Sir H. Davy, and is intermediate between the two preceding. He supposed that the electric equilibrium was disturbed by contact of the metals, and the electric currents kept up by chemical action. The theory of Wollaston is now generally embraced. Laws of the Action of Voltaic Circles. Electricians distinguish between quantity and intensity in Galvanism, as in ordinary electricity. Quantity refers to the amount of the electric fluid set in motion; tension, or intensity, to the cnergy or effort with which a current is impelled. Common electricity has great tension ; voltaic, great quantity, --- and this is the principal difference between them. 1. In the broken circuit, there is a strain to establish an electric current, because without this, oxidation cannot take place. There exists between the exciting fluid and the zinc, a desire, as it were, for chemical action, which cannot be gratified until, by closing the circuit, a door is opened for the escape and circulation of electricity. This strain or tension is great, according as the affinity between the exciting fluid and the zinc is great . Currents of higli tension are urged forward with greater impetuosity than feeble ones, and hence they more readily overcome obstacles to their passage. 2. Currents from a single pair of plates have not a high tension; but if the plates are large, a great quantity of elec- tricity is set in motion. The condition which causes a high tension is an extended liquid conductor, along the whole line of which successive pairs of plates are arranged; each acted upon chemically by the exciting liquid, and urging on the current in the same direction. But the quantity in this case may not be great ; for, although its tension is increased by the force which each plate gives to the current as it passes, the quantity which passes along the wire, according to Faraday, is exactly equal to that which passes through one of the cells in which the plates are immersed. 3. The energy of voltaic currents is measured either by their power of deflecting a magnetic needle, or by that of chemical decomposition. The deflection of the needle depends 84 Electricity. --- "Effects of Galvanism, upon quantity; hence a single pair of plates will deflect the needle more than a number of small ones combined; but de composition depends upon quantity and intensity together , The decomposing power of the battery, however, does not increase in the ratio of the number of plates, but as the square root of the number, so that, when the number varies as 1 to 4, the decomposing power is as 1 to 2. The deflecting power of a single pair of plates varies in- versely as the square root of the distance between them. Thus, if a plate of zinc be placed at one, four, and nine inches from a plate of copper, the deflecting powers will be in the ratio of 3, 2, 1. 4. The velocity of common electricity through perfect con- ductors, is surpassed only by that of light, being, according to Wheatstone's Experiments, about 118,000 miles per second, From some experiments, it is infered that the velocity of voltaic electricity is somewhat less. Hence this agent has been employed to communicate intelligence from one place to another. The Electro-Magnetic Telegraph, by which this is effected, depends upon the velocity of electricity and its power to deflect the magnetic needle. Effects of Galvanism. I. The effects of common and voltaic electricity have many points of resemblance. 1. If a zinc and copper plate be immersed in dilute nitric acid, and the wire attached to the zinc plate be made to touch a gold leaf electrometer, the leaves will diverge with negative electricity, and if the wire of the copper plate be applied, it will indicate positive electricity. This effect is much greater when a battery of several pairs of plates is employed. It appears to be due to the disturbed equilibrium in the zinc plate; the chemical relation of which to the acid renders the metal positive, at the expense of the attached wire, while the copper plate, induced by the contiguous zinc, be- comes negative, at the expense of its wire, which becomes positive. 12. A Leyden jar may be charged from either wire of an unbroken circuit, provided a large quantity of electricity be developed, connected with high tension. This effect depends upon the number of plates and the energy of the action. 3. Voltaic, like common electricity, passes through the Effects of Galvanism.ro 85 air, and other non-conductors, in the form of sparks, accom- panied with a report, and the development of light and heat. Hence it will inflame gunpowder, phosphorus, hydrogen and oxygen, and other inflammable substances. 4. Its tension, however, is so feeble, compared with com- mon electricity, that it has, according to Mr. Children, a very small striking distance; i. e., the space of air through which the spark will pass is comparatively small. With a battery of 1250 pairs of four-inch plates, he found the striking dis- tance to be go of an inch. If the air be rarefied, the distance will be increased, and diminished by condensation. 5. The effect of voltaic electricity upon the animal sys- tem is similar to that of common electricity. 6. Both kinds also deflect the magnetic -needle, and pro- duce chemical decomposition. II. One of the most surprising effects of voltaic currents is their power of igniting the metals. Excp. Attach to each pole of the battery strips of metallic leaves, and bring them in contact; the metals will burn with the most vivid scintillations. (See Fig. 37.) The color of the light varies in different metals. Gold leaf burns with a white light, tinged with blue, and yields a dark brown oxide. Silver emits an emerald-green light, of great brilliancy; copper, a bluish-white light, with red sparks; lead, a beautiful purple ; and zinc, a brilliant white light, tinged with blue and red. If the communication be made with charcoal points, (that from the box-wood is the best,) the light is equal, if not superior, in intensity, to that emitted during the combustion of phosphorus in oxygen gas, and the heat is sufficient, it is said, to partially fuse the car- bon, a substance which is fusible by no other means of pro- ducing heat.* Theory. The heating power seems to be due, for the most part, to the quantity of electricity developed; hence, for melting wires, a calorimotor is preferable to a compound bat- tery. The heat is supposed to arise from the difficulty with which the electric currents pass along the conductors; but * On examining the points after they have been subjected to the action of a powerful battery, one will present a conical appearance, like the head of a pin, the other a corresponding cavity. The matter thus transposed has been supposed to be partially melted; but probably it is nothing but earthy matter in the carbon. 3 86 Electricity. - Chemical Effects of Galvanism. as the substances are good conductors, the effect will take place only when the quantity of electricity transmitted, is out of proportion to the extent of surface over which it has to pass. As heat and light are produced in vacuo, under water, or in gases which do not contain combustible matter, these phe- nomena cannot be attributed to combustion, but to the pro- duction of light and heat by the electric fluid itself. The effects of common electricity from the electric machine, and in the case of lightning, are so similar to those above described, that there can be no doubt of the identity of the agents concerned in their production. III. Chemical Effects of Galvanism. The phenomena which accompany chemical combinations are similar to those produced by voltaic electricity. But the agency of voltaic currents to effect the decomposition of chemical compounds is a most important and useful discovery, which was first made by Carlisle and Nicholson. 1. The first substance decomposed by the gal- Fig. 38. vanic battery was water. The water for decom- position is put into a small vessel, a, (Fig. 38.) 5 The tubes h o, after being filled with water, are inverted in the vessel, passing through holes in the stopper; n and p are platinum wires passing through the sides of the vessel into the open ends of the tubes. When the poles of the battery are connected with the wires, the positive with P, and the negative with n, hydrogen gas is disengaged at the negative, and oxygen at the positive wire. The two gases will rise up in the tubes in small bubbles, and displace the water. By measuring the gases, it will be found that there will be exactly two measures of hydrogen in the tube h to one of oxygen in the tube o. If the gases are col- lected in the same tube and exploded in the eudiometer, they will entirely disappear, and water will again be formed. By this means, the composition of water, both by analysis and synthesis, is accurately ascertained. This important discovery led to similar trials upon substances. Other compounds, such as acids, salts, and alka- other couver Chemical Effects of Galvanism.ba 87 lies, were subjected to the agency of galvanism, and all were decomposed — one of their elements appearing at the positive, the other at the negative pole. In these decompositions, it was found that the same kind of body always went to the same pole. The metals, inflammable substances in general, alkalies, earths, and the oxides of the common metals, were uniformly found at the negative wire, while oxygen, chlorine, and the acids, were found at the positive pole. This led to a division of substances into Electro-positive, and Electro- negative - a distinction, however, which is not found, by later experiments, to accord with facts. 2. The transfer of chemical substances from one vessel to another was noticed by Sir H. Davy. This transfer may be shown by two wine-glasses, (Fig. 39.) Put a solution of sulphate of soda into one, Fig. 39. n, and distilled water into the other, P; then connect them with moistened amianthus or n ve cotton thread. If, now, the negative pole of the battery is connected with n, and the pos- itive with p, the acid will pass over into the cup p containing the distilled water — if the poles are reversed, the alkali will pass over into this cup. If, instead of distilled water, infusion of purple cabbage be used, the presence of the acid will be detected by the red color which it will give to the infusion, and that of the alkali by its changing the infusion to green.* But the effect in this experiment, and in those where three vessels are used, (the middle one of which, although contain- ing a very delicate test of the presence of an acid or of an alkali, will suffer them to pass through it without detection,) can be accounted for on the principle that a part of the salt passes over into the cup by capillary attraction; as it has Fig. 40. * A very simple apparatus for showing the changes of color when salts in solution are subjected to galvanic action, is shown in Fig. 40, which consists of a glass tube, bent in the form of the letter U. Fill both legs with a neutral salt colored with the infusion of purple cabbage ; on immersing the poles p and n, the color may be trans- ferred from one leg to the other as often as the poles are changed. U 88 Electricity. - Chemical Effects of Galvanism. been proved by Faraday that decomposition never takes place unless the electric fluid actually passes through the sub- stance. Please It was in pursuing these researches that Davy made his great discovery of the decomposition of the alkalies and earths, which, until that time, had been considered simple bodies. Theory. The theory of decomposition, proposed by Davy, was this: He conceived that the poles of the battery were centres of attraction to one element of the compound, and of repulsion to the other; hence, when the two poles were im- mersed in water, the oxygen of the water was attracted by the positive, and repelled by the negative pole, while the hy- drogen was repelled by the positive and attracted by the neg- ative pole. The elements, thus acted upon by four forces, were separated, and made to appear at their respective poles. But this theory does not account for all the phenomena. If it were true, we should expect decomposition to be effected by one pole alone, as it exerts the attractive and repellent influence; but this is never the case. Mr. Faraday has lately revised this part of the subject, and not only added much that is new, but shown that many prin- ciples, especially the above theory, are erroneous. He contends that the poles have no attractive or repulsive tendency, but simply afford a path for the voltaic currents to enter the liquid. Instead of poles, he calls them elec- trodes,* which means the way or door for electric currents, and may be air, water, metal, or any other substance capable of conducting the currents to and from the substance to be decomposed. The point where the positive current enters the liquid, he calls the anode,t and that where it quits it, the cathode. I When a compound is decomposed by galvanism, it is said to be electrolyzed, 9 and substances capable of decomposition are called electrolytes; the elements of an electrolyte are * From ηλεκτρον and oδoς, α 10ay. + From éva, upwards, and odos, the way in which the sun rises. # From xata, downwards, the way in which the sun sets. $ From nextpov and avw, to unloose or set free. Results of Faraday's Investigations. 89 called ions. * Anions are the ions which appear at the anode ; cations, those that appear at the cathode. The anions are the electro-negative substances, such as oxygen, chlorine, acids, etc.; the cations, the electro-positive, such as hydro- gen, alkalies, metals, etc. The following are the principal results of Faraday's inves- tigations : - 1. All compounds, contrary to what has been hitherto supposed, are not electrolytes; that is, are not directly de- composable by the voltaic currents. But many bodies may be decomposed by secondary action. Thus water is directly decomposed by an electric current; but nitric acid is decom- posed by secondary action — the decomposition of the water contained in it, aids the decomposition of the acid. Very numerous secondary actions are produced in this way, because the disunited elements, separated by direct action, are pre- sented in their nascent form, which is peculiarly favorable to chemical action. 2. Most of the salts or secondary compounds are resolva- ble into acid and oxide; but in the binary compounds, such as acids and oxides, the ratio of combination has an influence. which has been hitherto overlooked. No two elements ap- pear capable of forming more than one electrolyte. The proto-chloride of tin is readily decomposed, but the by-chlo- ride is not. Hence substances which consist of a single equivalent of one element, and two or more of another, are not electrolytes, that is, are not decomposed directly by electricity. 3. Most of the simple substances are ions, that is, capable of forming compounds decomposable by galvanism. 4. A single ion, by itself, has no tendency to pass to either of the electrodes, that is, it is indifferent to the voltaic cur- rents. 5. There is no such thing as a transfer of the ions, in the sense supposed by Davy. In order that the elements of water should appear at the two electrodes, there must be a row of particles between them. 6. The air, or the surface of water, may constitute an elec- trode, as well as metals. 7. Electro-chemical decomposition cannot occur unless a current of electricity actually passes through the compound; * From 10v, going, neuter participle of the verb to go. 8* 90 Theory of Electro-Chemical Decomposition. сор- that is, the compound must be a conductor of electricity , On this principle many substances, by change of state, resist decomposition. Water is easily decomposed, but ice is not: many solid substances, also, are not electrolytes, because they are not conductors. Chemical compounds differ in the elec- trical force required for their decomposition; some require but a feeble current, others a powerful one. 8. The conduction of the electric currents in the cells of a battery depends upon decomposition. If the zinc or the per be attacked chemically by a substance which is simple, or a non-conductor, no currents can be set in motion. 9. Electro-chemical decomposition is perfectly definite; that is, in the voltaic circle 32.3 parts of zinc are dissolved during the evolution of one part of hydrogen. This is in the ratio of their chemical equivalents. The same is true of all electrolytes. Hence Mr. Faraday has given to the quantities of electricity, requisite to effect the decomposition of various substances, the name of electro-chemical equivalents. This is a new and important discovery; it seems to prove that the cause of chemical combination or affinity is electricity . Hence, in order to estimate the quantity of electricity circu- lating in a voltaic apparatus, it is only necessary to collect the gas evolved from the acidulated water during any given time. CA Theory of Electro-Chemical Decomposition. We have al- ready noticed the theory of Davy, which supposes that all substances are in one of two states of electricity, and that the poles have an attractive and repulsive force; but Mr. Faraday has shown that this theory cannot be true. All substances are indifferent when by themselves, but assume one of the two states when brought in contact. Only one substance is absolutely negative — oxygen; and but one absolutely posi- tive - potassium : between these extremes, they may be made to assume either positive or negative states. To account for the decomposition of water, we must conceive of a line of particles between the two electrodes, along which the current passes. When a particle of oxygen is evolved at the positive electrode, its hydrogen is not transferred at once to the op- posite electrode, but unites with the oxygen of the contiguous particle of water, on the side towards which the positive current is moving; then it passes to the next, and so on, until Magnetic Effects of Electricity. 91 it arrives at the pole. A similar row of particles of oxygen start from the negative electrode at the same moment, and combine successively with the particles of hydrogen as they pass them on their way to the positive pole or electrode. * It is supposed that other compounds are decomposed by a similar process. Magnetic Effects of Electricity, or Electro-Magnetism. History. It had been noticed for a long time that, when a ship, for example, was struck with lightning, the magnetic needle often had its poles destroyed or reversed, and that the iron often became magnetic. This led to the supposition, that electricity might be employed to communicate the mag- netic properties to iron or steel ; but no results of importance were obtained until the winter of 1819, when Prof. Oersted, of Copenhagen, made his famous discovery, which forms the basis of a new and very important branch of science. I. Influence of Voltaic Currents upon the Magnetic Nee- dle. The discovery made by Oersted was, that the me- tallic wire, or any part of a closed voltaic circle, causes a magnetic needle, when brought near it, to deviate from its natural position, and assume positions depending upon the relative position of the needle and the wire. Thus, suppose a magnetic needle freely suspended with its poles pointing north and south. (See fig. 41.) 1. İf, now, a positive current pass from north to south in the same plane with the needle, but a little above it, the north pole will turn to the east, and the south pole to the west. 2. If the current pass under the needle, the north pole moves west, and the south east. 3. If the current pass on the west side of the needle, and in the same horizontal plane, the magnet will have a tendency to move in a vertical direction, the north pole being elevated, and the south depressed. 4. If the current pass on the east side, the north pole is depressed, and the south elevated.bg 5. If the current flow from south to north, the needle will move in opposite directions. * The quantity of electricity sufficient to decompose a single grain of water would be equal to a powerful flash of lightning. 92 Magnetic Effects of Electricity, or The deflection is rarely 45°, in consequence of the mag- netism of the earth; but if that force is counteracted, as it inay be, by suspending two magnets near each other, of equal power, with their poles reversed, the declination will be 90°; hence the tendency of a magnetic needle is to stand at right angles to an electric current. 6. If the wire be placed in a plane, perpendicular to the one in which the magnet moves, and the positive current ascends or descends to the centre of the needle, no action will take place; but if it be moved towards the north or south poles, they will be attracted or repelled. Hence the plane in which a needle moves is always perpendicular to that in which the voltaic currents circulate. 7. The phenomena of Electro-Dynamic action result wholly from electricity in motion, and depend upon quan- tity alone; hence a simple circle of large plates is best fitted for exhibiting it.* From the above facts it will be seen, that the magnetic needle may be employed, not only to ascertain the existence and direction of voltaic currents, but also to measure their force. The instruments used for these purposes are called Galvanometers or Multipliers. As it is proved by experi- ment that every part of a wire in a closed circuit exerts an equal force upon the poles of a needle, if we can increase the number of points, the combined force will be greatly increased. This can be done by coiling the wire into the form of a circle or rectangle; each coil will exert its own force, independent of its neighbor, and the united force will depend upon the num- ber of coils. Thus (Fig. Fig. 41. 41) NP are the two ends PN of a copper wire bent in W the form of a rectangle, in the centre of which, в | 4 and in a plane perpendic- ular to the plane of the wire, is placed a mag- netic needle. A graduate ated circular plate meas- 1 a SA W * The simple battery, Fig. 35, p. 80, is best fitted for experiments on this subject. The exciting liquid should be a solution of sulphate of copper. bat Electro-Magnetism. 93 ures the degree of declination, which indicates the quantity of electricity circulating along the wires. It will be seen, that if the positive current pass above the needle from north to south, that is, from P to a, and then pass around the south pole from A to B, there will be double the effect produced. By increasing the number of coils, the deflection of the needle will be much greater. This constitutes the Electro- Magnetic Multiplier of Schweigger. If the directive power of the needle be destroyed, or if the currents are sufficiently powerful, the needle will stand at right angles to the direction of the currents. Then, if, at the moment it has attained this point, the currents be sent in an opposite direction, it will perform a revolution. Thus, by changing the direction of the currents, a needle may be made to revolve rapidly. Te Her If the magnet is fixed, and the rectangle suspended free to move, it will exhibit the same phenomena while the voltaic currents are passing around it. ballora alat BV Fig. acento arba 11. Bolog orko ontslae te 42. ei y 3210 zĮ [" S N M M ali Samoa 94 Magnetic Effects of Electricity, or nes around The Revolving Rectangle is constructed on this principle . MM (Fig. 42) is a permanent horse-shoe magnet; C, a ree- tangular coil of copper wire, connected at each end to an axis, by which means it may be made to revolve; ZP are two cups, to form a connection with the poles of a battery; the wires bb are connected with the cups, and press on opposite sides of the cylindrical metallic pole-changer, which revolves between them. The pole-changer consists of two pieces of silver, with a small space between them; one of these pieces is connected with one end of the wire of the rectangle, and the other piece with the other end; a is an arch of brass to support the rectangle and the wires. If the two cups be connected with the battery, P with the positive, and Z with the negative pole, the positive current will pass along the wire b next to N, and from the wire to one side of the pole- changer, and thence several times around the rectangle to the wire b next to S. When the positive current is passing from P around this rectangle, one side is impelled towards one pole of the magnet, and the other towards the other pole. When the sides arrive in the plane of the poles, the force still continues to act, and they are forced by, and complete half a revolution, standing again at right angles to the poles of the magnet, the point at which they commenced their revolution : at this point the pole-changer sends the currents in opposite directions, and the revolution is continued. Reverse the current, by chang- ing the battery wires, and the rectangle will revolve in an opposite direction. II. The influence of voltaic currents on soft iron and steel was noticed by Davy and Arago about the same time. If an iron or steel needle be suspended in the galvanometer instead of the common needle, at right angles to the conducting wires, permanent magnetism will be communicated to the steel, and the iron will become powerfully magnetic, as long as the currents circulate, but will lose this property when the circuit is broken. Davy succeeded in producing a similar effect by a discharge from a common electric battery. 1. This effect can be exhibited in the most satisfactory manner by coiling an insulated copper wire in the form of a helix, d, (Fig. 43,) and connecting the two ends of the wire bb with the cups CZ, into which the poles of a battery may Electro-Magnetism. 95 71 S KUID CE be inserted. Bars of soft iron or Fig. 43. steel, placed in the coil, will become magnetized the instant the voltaic cur- rents circulate around the coil. If the positive current flows from Z 7 6 around the helix, n will be the north pole, and s the south pole. If it flow from C, the poles will be reversed. 2. If a bar of soft iron (Fig. 44) be wound with copper wire from c to a in one direction, and from a to d in an opposite direction, and currents of electricity passed around the bar, by od connecting the wires we Fig. 44. with a voltaic battery, the d bar will have three poles ; C and d will be similar poles, and a an opposite pole com- 6 mon to the other two, as may be shown by bringing a magnetic needle near each. By changing the direction base ‘of the battery currents, the poles are reversed; hence the kind of pole depends upon the Fig. 45. direction of the voltaic currents. 3. Although soft iron does not re- tain its magnetism, yet its magnetic properties, while the voltaic currents D are passing around it, are truly sur- prising B If a soft iron cylinder, two inches in diameter, and bent in the form of a horse-shoe magnet D, (Fig. 45,) be wound with copper wire, and the ends BC connected with the battery, it will be converted into a powerful magnet. On applying the armature A, it will sustain several hundred pounds. Mag- nets of this description may be made to sustain from 200 to 2000 lbs. It will be seen that the principle is the same as in the helix; and, as in the mul- 96 Magic Circle. T т 56 tiplier, by increasing the number of coils, the magnet becomes more powerful, but the force does not increase directly as the number of coils; for each additional coil is farther from the axis of the iron bar, and the power it exerts is inversely as the square of the distance from the axis. 4. The Magic Circle, with two iron ar- Fig. 46. matures, acts also on the same principle. r (Fig. 46) is a coil of insulated copper 3 wire; ab the two ends which may be con- nected with the battery. When the wires b a are connected with the battery, and the two armatures are brought into contact, one of them passing through the ring, they adhere to each other very strongly, and, although they weigh less than 3 lb., they will sustain a weight of 56 lbs. without separation. The voltaic currents not only communi- cate magnetism to the iron and steel placed in the ring, but the helix itself becomes magnetic while transmitting the cur- rents, as is proved by its attracting iron filings. These and other facts, developed by voltaic currents, seem to prove the identity of the magnetic and electric fluids. 5. Vibrating Magic Circle. MM (Fig. 47) is an electro- magnet, which may be used instead of a permanent magnet; C, a coil of coarse wire suspended from the post S; one end of the wire a dips into the cup e, which is connected with the post S, and which also communicates with p; the other end of the wire d is connected with the other cup, which is insulated from the post S, and into which Fig. 47. also one of the poles of the e battery may be immersed; con- nect the other pole of the bat- tery with p, and current of electricity will pass along the post S to the cup e; as the wire a dips into it, the current old M a Volta-Electric Induction. 97 will pass down the wire b around the coil C, and then up the wire d to the other cup; as the currents circulate, the coil will be attracted to the pole of the magnet M; this will lift a, and break the circuit, and the coil will fall back beside the pošt S; a will again be immersed in e, and the coil be again attracted upon M. Thus vibrations are produced as long as the currents of electricity circulate. III. Volta-Electric Induction. The fact that an electri- cally-excited body induced electricity in other bodies brought near it, (page 75,) led Faraday to inquire whether electricity in motion would not have the same effect. This fact he soon established. If a copper wire be wound in the form of a helix, and the ends connected with a battery, and then another wire be wound around this, but insulated from it, and the ends con- nected with a galvanometer, currents of electricity will be induced in the insulated wire, as often as the battery current is broken. All the effects of galvanism may be produced by the insulated wire. The phenomena of Volta-Electric Induction may be ex- hibited in the most satisfactory manner by the Fig. 43. MI 3 ET 5 begro 9 98 Volta-Electric Induction. Separable Helices, (Fig. 48,) an apparatus very well fitted for illustration, for producing sparks, and imparting shocks of almost any degree of intensity. b (Fig. 48) is a hollow coil of coarse wire fixed upon a stand, Z; one end of the wire is connected with the cup, and the other with the steel break-piece, * which is fixed to the stand, by the side of the coil; a is a coil of fine wire, which may be placed over the coil b; d is a bundle of wires, which may be slipped into the copper case c, and placed in the centre of the coil b. Fig. 49. Com a les ou of 7 en Fig. 49 represents this apparatus entire. The following are the principal facts which it is fitted to exhibit :- Exp. Connect one pole of the battery with the cup on the left of c, (Fig. 48,) and move the other pole along the break-piece; vivid sparks will be produced at each interruption. Exp. Remove from the wires d the copper case c, and insert them gradually in the coil b while the currents are circulating, and the sparks on the break-piece will increase in brilliancy until the wires reach the bottom, when the greatest effect will be produced. * A break may consist of air, or any non-conductor, so connected with a conductor, that, when the wire conveying the voltaio current passes from the conductor to the non-conductor, the circuit may be broken; and it is only at the moment of interrupting the battery current in the inner, that electricity is induced in the outer coil, Magneto-Electric Induction. 99 Exp. Place the coil a upon b, and let the currents circulate as before. If the handles e f, (Fig. 49,) which communicate with the extremities of the wire forming the coil a, be held in the hands, powerful shocks will be felt as the wire conveying the battery current passes across the break-piece. As the outer is insulated from the inner coil, the shocks do not proceed from the battery current, but from currents induced in the wire of the outer helix. Currents thus induced produce all the phenomena of the battery currents. Exp. A single wire* will increase the power of the shocks, and by increasing the number of wires, the sparks will increase in brilliancy, and the shocks will become more and more powerful. 2 Exp. If the copper case be placed upon the wires, the effect will be the same as when no wires are used. IV. Magneto-Electric Induction. The power of the magnet to induce electricity greatly exceeds that of vol- taic currents. Tig, 50. n -lo labore MAS e The apparatus best fitted to exhibit this effect is the Mag- neto-Electric Machine, (Fig. 50,) which consists of a perma- nent horse-shoe magnet, SN, supported by pillars upon the stand Z, and an armature, g, wound with copper wire, and made to revolve upon an axis, c, near the poles of the magnet, by means of the wheel h; one end of the wire is soldered to the axis, by which means it is connected with a break-piece, against which the wire e presses; the other end of the wire Fine wires answer a better purpose than a solid bar; if, however, the bar be slit lengthwise down to the axis, the effect will be nearly equal to the wires, and if the copper case be sawed open lengthwise, it will not destroy the effect of the wires. 100 Theory of Electro-Magnetism, etc. is soldered to a silver ferule, a, insulated from the axis, against which the wire b presses; the wires eb communicate with the cup into which the wire p is inserted; the wire n is con- nected with the axis by means of the post on the right of b; P and n therefore represent the two ends of the wire which surrounds the armature. When the armature is set in motion by the multiplying-wheel h, its magnetic state is continually changing. When the two extremities of the armature are midway between the poles of the magnet, the armature is neutral. As they advance towards the poles, they acquire a gradually-increasing polarity, until they are opposite the poles, and gradually diminish, as they pass the poles, until they are midway again between the poles, when the armature becomes neutral, as before. By this revolution, a current of elec- tricity will be induced in the wire which surrounds the arma- ture, and will pass from the break-piece to the ferule, by means of the wire e b, which connects them; excepting, when the end of the wire e is passing across the break-piece, then there will be induced in the wire which surrounds the armature a secondary current, which passes by sparks at each point of interruption, or at the wires p n, if they are brought + nearly into contact. By pressing the hands, previously moist- ened, upon the handles connected with p n, powerful shocks will be felt at each interruption. Deflagrations may also be produced, and decompositions effected, and generally the electricity thus induced produces effects precisely similar to those from the voltaic battery. The phenomena of elec- tricity, thus produced, are sometimes called Magneto-Elec- tricity.* V. Theory of Electro-Magnetism and Magneto-Electricity. In order to understand the theory of M. Ampere, by which the phenomena of electro-magnetism and magneto-electricity may be best explained, it is only necessary to keep in view the following principle, which lies at the basis of the theory: When two positive or two negative currents are passing in the same direction, and parallel, they attract, and when pass- ing in opposite directions, they repel each other. * The best apparatus for experiments upon electro-magnetism and magneto-electricity, is manufactured by Daniel Davis, Jr. No. 11, Cornhill, Boston. Theory of Electro-Magnetism, etc. 101 If, now, we suppose that all magnetic bodies, and the earth itself among the number, derive their magnetic properties from currents of electricity circulating, in reference to their axis, in one uniform direction of revolution, we can account for all the phenomena of Magnetism, Electro-Magnetism, and Magneto-Electricity. Yordamotores de Vos Fig. 51. To make this view clear. Suppose that around the cylinder of steel, (Fig. 51,) at right angles to the axis, currents of positive electricity are constantly circulating in a direction opposite to that in which the sun moves. The cylinder will be a magnet, n the north pole, and s the south pole, and, if it be poised upon a pivot, it will differ in nothing but in form from a mag- netic needle. fleto Application of the Theory. 1. The reason that the needle turns to the east when the positive current passes above it from north to south is, that the currents in the magnet, and those in the wire, move in different directions. The needle is repelled, and turns so that the currents may coincide. 2. When the positive current passes under the needle, it moves to the west, because then also the two positive currents coincide. 3. When it passes on either side in the same horizontal plane, it tends to a vertical motion, for the same reason as above; but if the positive current passes from south to north, the phenomena are all reversed. 4. When it passes around the poles in a vertical plane, in the same direction in which the sun appears to move, the needle will perform one half a revolution, because the cur- rents move in opposite directions, and the needle revolves so that the currents in it may coincide with those in the con- ducting wire. 5. Bars of steel and soft iron become magnetic when placed in the helix around which currents of electricity circulate, because similar currents are induced in them. 9* 102 Thermo-Electricity. 6. If we suppose positive currents of electricity to be passing around the earth in the same direction in which the sun appears to move, they would convert it into a magnet, the north pole of the earth corresponding to the south pole of the magnetic needle; hence, if soft iron or steel bars are placed in a north and south direction, they will become magnets by induction, the positive currents passing from west to east, because then they would coincide with the same currents in the earth which pass from east to west; hence the reason that a magnetic needle stands north and south, is, that the currents of electricity circulating around the earth, and those circulating in the needle, will coincide only when the needle takes that direction. VI. Thermo-Electricity. Thermo-electric phenomena re- sult from currents of electricity excited in metals by heat. The existence of these currents was first demonstrated in 1821 by Seebeck. If a magnet be suspended in a rectangle formed of a bar of antimony or bismuth, having its extremities connected with copper wires, and heat applied to one end of the bar, the needle will be deflected in one direction, and in an opposite direction when heat is applied to the other end. Similar effects are produced when either end is cooled below the natural temperature. Other metals, treated in the same manner, exhibit similar phenomena, but bismuth and an- timony are the best. Prof. Cumming has shown that a rotary motion may be produced by placing platinum and silver wires, soldered together in a circular form, upon a magnet, and applying heat. VII. Nature of Electricity. Some suppose that there is no transfer of any thing in what are called electric currents, but a process of induction passing progressively along among the molecules of a conductor. Others ascribe them to waves of vibrating matter, just as the phenomena of light and caloric are explained, by the undulatory theory. VIII. Uses of Electricity. 1. Both voltaic and common electricity have been employed in medicine ; in some cases, with highly beneficial effects. It acts powerfully upon the Electro-Magnetic Telegraph. 103 as nervous system, and has been the means of restoring sen- sation to parts of the body which had become paralytic; so powerfully does it act upon the vital energies, that persons who have been deprived of life, either by some accident, or by design, have been resuscitated by its agency. Its influ- ence is constant and universal in the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms. loog 2. Attempts have been made to employ voltaic electricity a motive power in the arts, to supersede the use of steam; but all attempts hitherto have been unsuccessful. Suf- ficient power has been generated to turn a small lathe; and it is to be hoped that an apparatus will yet be constructed to render available the great force which this agent is capable of exerting. This force depends upon the property of the voltaic currents to communicate magnetism to soft iron, thus producing a powerful attraction, and the property of the iron to change its poles, and consequently its attracting and repelling power as currents circulate in different directions. (See Fig. 42.) 3. Electro-Magnetic Telegraph. A most beautiful and useful application of voltaic electricity, to communicate in- telligence from one place to another, has lately been made, in the Electro-Magnetic Telegraph. Two stations are taken at some distance apart; at one of the stations is the battery, with wires extending to the other station, and connected with a magnetic needle in such a way that, when the wires are attached to the battery, a motion is produced in the needle, to which is attached a pencil, to mark certain characters which are agreed upon as symbols of ideas. The wires at the second station may be connected with an electro-magnet, upon the poles of which an armature, having a letter or word, may be attracted the moment the currents circu- late. In this case, there must be as many electro-magnets as there are letters employed. The experimenter at the first sta- tion inserts the wires a, for example, in the battery, and the observer at the second station sees the armature move upon the poles of the electro-magnet, raising the letter a; the wires con- nected with the letter 6 (or any other letter) are then inserted, and b rises. In this way any word may be spelled. A pencil may be attached to the armatures, to mark in a line all the a's, and in another line all the b's, and so of all the other letters; hence the words may be written down so as to be easily read. Intelligence may thus be communicated to any distance that is desired with the rapidity of lightning. 104 Electricity. - Electrography, 4. Electrography. A still more recent application of voltaic electricity has been made to the “production of perfect metallic casts or copies of medals, copperplates, and other works of art." The discovery appears to have been made about the same time, by Prof. Jacobi, of St. Petersburg , and Mr. Spencer, of Liverpool. The instrument by which this effect is produced is the Electrotype; and the effect depends upon the decomposition of some metallic salt, by which the metal is precipitated upon the object to be copied, either forming a mould for the cast , or raising lines which may be used for making impressions on paper or other materials. * Fig. 52. Fig. 52 represents one form of the ads electrotype, and the mode of taking impressions. A is a glass vessel, in which a division is made by casting across it plaster of Paris, (earthen ware, a bladder, or any porous mem- А. brane, as thick pasteboard, will answer the same purpose.) Into one of the partitions is put a saturated solution of sulphate of copper, and into the other acidulated water. The object C to be copied is soldered to one end of a wire, d, and piece of zinc, Z, to the other end; the object is then immersed in the cupreous solution, and the zinc into the acidulated water. The deposit of metallic copper then commences upon the object c, copying, with the most scrupulous exact- ness, every line, and even the shades of polish. In about two or three days, a complete mould may be obtained. The copper mould is separated from the matrix by gentle heat. ON ఆం a Theory. The metallic salt and the water are both decomposed. The sulphate of copper is resolved into sulphuric acid and oxide of copper, the water into oxygen and hydrogen. The acid and oxygen go to the zinc, and the hydrogen and the oxide of copper to the copper pole, the hydrogen unites with the oxygen of the oxide of copper, and the me- tallic copper is deposited upon the metal or object to be copied. * For a description of this process, see Journal of Science, Vol. xl. No. 1; also, Part IV. of Griffin's Scientific Miscellany. TESTY PART II. iwifrog CHEMICAL AFFINITY. AUTO entre In all those phenomena, which appropriately come under the observation of the chemist, chemical affinity is the great cause to which they are referred. Other agents, as light, heat, electricity, cohesion, etc., modify its action, and some knowledge of them is therefore an essential preparation for the study of this, — the great subject of chemistry. The de- tails, to which we shall attend in the examination of particu- lar substances, are, almost exclusively, but the effects of this principle. The student, therefore, should be familiar with the circumstances which modify its action, its varieties or different modes of operation, its effects, and especially the laws in accordance with which these effects are produced. Chemical Afinity is an attraction, which acts only at in- sensible distances, between particles of different kinds.* Co- hesion is distinguished from it, by acting only between par- ticles of the same kind, as well as by being governed by dif- ferent laws. Varieties of Chemical Affinity. Although this power is the same in all cases, it will facili- tate the progress of the student to distinguish some of the * A late writer (Griffin, Chemical Recreations) maintains that there is no such thing as chemical affinity, because we know merely that bodies combine. We might as well deny that any force or power ex- ists because we see only, its effects. From the fact that bodies do com- bine, we infer that some power causes them to combine, although, indeed, we know nothing of it, except in its effects. 106 Varieties of Chemical Affinity. different cases in which it operates. Between many sub- stances it does not exist at all, as is seen in mixing oil and water. The most simple case is the direct union of two sub- stances, as when oxygen gas and iron unite, and form iron rust. This is called Simple Affinity. The combination of alcohol with camphor is another example. Exp. But if water be added to this solution of camphor, the alcohol will combine with the water, and desert the camphor, which again ap- pears free, or is technically said to be precipitated. As the alcohol appears to choose the water in preference to camphor, such cases are called examples of single elective affinity.* The following are examples of the same kind :- Exp. Into a solution of sulphate of copper (blue vitriol) immerse a clean iron wire; the sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol) will elect the iron, and the copper will be precipitated, forming a metallic coating upon the wire. Exp. Into a solution of protonitrate of mercury put a sheet of cop- per, or cents, well cleaned with dilute sulphuric acid; the nitric acid will elect the copper, and the metallic mercury will be precipitated, and form a covering over the cents, which will give them the appear- ance of silver. But, in other cases, two compounds mutually decompose each other, and form two new compounds. Exp. Thus, if carbonate of ammonia and hydrochlorate of lime be mingled, each will be decomposed. The former consisting of carbonic acid and ammonia, and the latter of hydrochloric acid and lime, the carbonic acid will unite with the lime, and the hydrochloric acid with the ammonia, forming carbonate of lime, and hydrochlorate of ammo- nia. This change may be very easily understood from the annexed formula, in which the symbols are used.t © + Am. Ö abandons Am. and goes to Ca; at the same time HCl abandons Ca, and goes to Am.; and the results are ☺ + Ca and HCl + Am. HCl + Ca. * Elective affinity is the basis of chemical science; for if each sub- stance attracted every other with the same force, when combination had once been effected, the decomposition of many, if not of most substances, would be impossible; hence there would be but few changes in matter which would come under the investigation of the chemist. + i=Carbonic acid, and Am.=Ammonia; HCI=Hydrochloric acid, and Cå.=Lime. Operation of Chemical Affinity. 107 Exp. To a solution of alum (sulphate of alumina and potassa) add a solution of acetate of lead. Sulphate of lead and acetate of alumina are formed by a double decomposition. The sulphate of lead will be precipitated, and the acetate of alumina will remain in solution. Exp. Nitrate of ammonia and sulphate of soda will mutually decom- pose each other. In all cases of double decomposition, the alkali in one of the compounds will just neutralize the acid in the other, so that, if any delicate test of an acid or an alkali (as vegetable infusion) be placed in the mixture, no effect will be produced upon it; hence, as the quantities of acid and of alkali, in all neutral salts, are just suffi- cient to saturate each other when double decomposition takes place, these quantities are called equivalents. Such cases are examples of double elective affinity * Cases are more numerous, however, in which the changes are much more complicated; but they may all be referred to the three modes stated above. Circumstances which modify the Operation of Chemical Affinity. That one substance has a stronger affinity for some than for others, cannot be doubted. But combination and decom- position do not always depend upon the relative force of af- finity alone. Severay circumstances modify the operation of this power. These are, cohesion, elasticity, quantity of matter, gravity, and the imponderable agents. I. Cohesion. In order that substances should combine with each other, it is necessary that their particles should be in contact. But cohesion holds together the particles of each substance, so that they cannot be freely intermingled. Co- hesion must, therefore, be destroyed to facilitate chemical action. This may be effected in three ways:- 1. By reducing the substance to powder. Exp. Take two pieces of crystallized nitrate of copper; roll one of them up in tin foil; grind the other to powder, and wrap it in a piece of the same metal; drop a little water upon both as they are rolled · In a few minutes, that which is pulverized will combine with the metal, and burst into a flame, while the other will not be affected. Exp. Take two equal portions of chalk, and pulverize one; pour up. * Single and double elective affinity are the same in principle. The only difference is, that, in the one case, a compound is decomposed by a third substance, and but two affinities are in operation, while, in the other, two compounds mutually decompose each other, and four affin- įties are brought into action. 108 Operation of Chemical Affinity. In this ex- *: dilute sulphuric acid on each, and the action will be rapid in the case of the pulverized chalk, but moderate in the other case. periment, one of the substances is in solution; and usually it will be found insufficient to pulverize both substances, and resort must be had to the second method. 2. By dissolving the body in some liquid. Exp. Mix together tartaric acid and carbonate of soda; no action will follow; pour on water, and they will be dissolved, and a violent action ensue. Solution is effected when a solid is put into a liquid, and entirely disappears, leaving the liquor clear. The body which thus disappears is said to be soluble ; the liquid is called a solvent, and the compound liquor a solution. Water is the principal solvent; alcohol, ether, oils, alkalies, and acids, are also employed. When water, or any solvent, has dissolved as much of any substance as it can, it is said to be saturated, and the solution is called a saturated solution. Solution should not be confounded with diffusion, which is merely a mechanical mixture. Exp. This distinction may be seen by mixing magnesia in water. The particles of magnesia are suspended at first in the water, rendering it turbid, and they would soon subside to the bottom; but if nitric acid bề added, the magnesia will be dissolved, and the water will become clear. Most substances are more soluble in hot than in cold water; as a hot saturated solution cools, the water will not therefore be able to hold in solution all of the substance which had been dissolved, and it appears again in a solid state. The power of cohesion has the ascendency over the affinity of the liquid for the solid, and forms the latter into crystals. Hence the phenomena of crystallization are owing to the ascendency of cohesion over affinity. By evaporation, also, the solid may be recovered from so- lution. În either case, the crystallization is often confused, especially when the process is rapid. Insolubility has been found to exert a remarkable influence on affinity, in the case of an alkali with two acids, or an acid with two alkalies, one of which will form with the alkali a soluble, and the other an insoluble compound. The one which is insoluble is always formed in preference to the solu- ble compound. Exp. Thus, if nitric and sulphuric acids and baryta be thrown to- gether in water, sulphate of baryta, which is insoluble, will be formed in preference to nitrate of baryta, which is soluble. It is obvious that, while the solution of one of the substances Operation of Chemical Affinity. 109 is usually necessary, the solution of both will further facilitate the action. It Handle or aby 3. By heat. Fusion is there duction of a solid to a liquid state by caloric, and facilitates chemical action by enabling the particles to intermingle, and come within the sphere of each other's affinity. In liquids a slight degree of cohesion remains, and hence heat is applied to them with advantage. A hot liquid will act more powerfully upon most solids than the same liquid when cold. bongo mo II. Elasticity. Cohesion, as we have seen, opposes chemical action by keeping the particles out of the sphere of each other's influence. Elasticity, or the gaseous state, is still more unfavorable to the operation of affinity, because the particles are removed too far from each other to be at- tracted; hence most gases, though possessing a strong attrac- tion for each other, will not combine unless they are in the nascent state, that is, when in the act of assuming the gase- ous form. In this way elasticity not only prevents chemical union, but it favors decomposition. to cart Bluz 1. When two highly-elastic gases combine, forming a liquid or solid, the compound will be decomposed by a very slight cause: the chloride of nitrogen is a familiar example. It is an oily liquid, composed of two gases. A slight eleva- tion of temperature will cause instant decomposition, even with explosive violence. Generally all compounds which contain a volatile principle are easily decomposed by a high temperature. Hence caloric sometimes favors chemical action by destroying cohesion, while at others it prevents it, and favors decomposition by promoting elasticity. 2. There are some gases, however, which readily combine at a high temperature, as in the case of gaseous explosive mixtures. Oxygen and hydrogen gases require the heat of flame to effect their union. The caloric, in such cases, ac- cording to Berthollet, expands the gases in immediate con- tact with the flame, which acts as a violent condensing force to contiguous portions, and brings them within the sphere of each other's attraction. The same explanation is applied to the combination of gases effected by passing electric shocks through them. III. Quantity of Matter. Oxygen combines with lead in 10 110 Operation of Chemical Affinity. three proportions, forming three distinct compounds. The peroxide, or that which has the greatest quantity of oxygen, is easily decomposed by heat; the second compound, in which there is less oxygen, requires a higher temperature to effect decomposition; and the third, which has the least oxy- gen, will sustain the heat of our furnaces without yielding up its oxygen. Hence, generally, when one substance combinés with another in several proportions, the affinity is stronger in the case of the less than of the greater portions.* On this principie, also, when a salt is dissolved in water, the first portions are dissolved more rapidly than the last, and the force of affinity diminishes up to the point of saturation, when it is overcome by the cohesion of the solid. This principle led Berthollet to account for all chemical changes without the aid of affinity, the existence of which he was disposed to deny; but M. Dulong has found that the principle of Berthollet is not in accordance with the results of experiment. IV. Gravity. The influence of gravity on chemical action is seen when substances of different specific gravities com- bine; as, when two liquids are put together, the heavier liquid will sink to the bottom; or, when salt is dissolved in water, the salt will remain at the bottom, and prevent the particles of water from coming into contact with those of the salt, V. Imponderable Agents. The influence of caloric over chemical phenomena has already been alluded to. It favors chemical action in the case of solids, by destroying cohesion, and opposes chemical action in the case of gases, by increas- ing their elasticity. The influence of light has already been noticed. Common electricity is often employed for the com- bination of gases, and galvanism for decompositions; but the same effects may be produced by either. * In consequence of the influence of quantity of matter over chem. ical changes, the chemist generally employs more of one substance than is necessary to effect the decomposition of another. Measure and Effects of Chemical Affinity. 111 Measure of Affinity. Since some substances have a stronger affinity than others, attempts have been made to measure its different degrees of force. It was once supposed that its relative strength could be ascertained by the order of decomposition, as may be ex- plained from the following table:- Sulphuric Acid Baryta, Lime, Strontia, Ammonia, Potassa, Magnesia. Soda, If to the sulphuric acid, united with the magnesia, forming the sulphate of magnesia, ammonia be added, the acid will leave the magnesia, and elect the ammonia, forming the sul- phate of ammonia. If to this, lime be added, the acid will desert the ammonia, and unite with the lime; this again will be decomposed by the soda, and so on to baryta. Hence sulphuric acid has the strongest affinity for the baryta, and the force is in the order in which the several substances are arranged. Exp. This order may be shown experimentally thus: To a filtered solu- tion of nitrate of silver add metallic mercury; the silver will be precip- itated, and the nitric acid will combine with mercury, forming the nitrate of mercury. Immerse in this a piece of clean sheet lead; the mercury Suspend in the pastrim arel emne cloppet the read will be thrown down, and the nitrate of copper will remain in solution. In this place a sheet of bright iron, and in a short time the iron will displace the copper, forming a solution of nitrate of iron. this present a piece of zinc; the iron will be separated, and the zinc will combine with the acid. Add liquid ammonia; the zinc will be separated, and nitrate of ammo nia remain in solution. To this pour lime water; the ammonia will be liberated in the forni of a gas, and nitrate of lime remain in solution. Add to this oxalic acid, and the oxalate of lime will be thrown down, while a mixture of water and nitric acid remains. Hence the practical chemist, when he wishes to decom- pose any compound, is enabled to decide upon the substance which will produce that effect. But the circumstances which modify the action of chemical affinity are so numerous, that the order of decomposition is not, in every case, the measure of affinity. To determine the To 112 Effects of Chemical Affinity. 2 relative force of affinity in doubtful cases, observe the ten- dency of several substances to unite with the same, under the same circumstances; and then notice the apparent facility of decomposition, when these compounds are exposed to the same decomposing agent. Dk - od side ber Effects of Afinity. ORD The changes which accompany the action of affinity are changes of chemical properties — of color, form, temperature, and specific gravity. I. Change of Chemical Properties. It is one of the most remarkable facts in chemistry, that, when two bodies combine chemically, the compound is generally possessed of properties entirely different from those of the components. Exp. 1. Pour sulphuric acid upon magnesia, and the compound will be Epsom salts, entirely unlike either. Exp. 2. Burn oxygen and hydrogen gases, and water will be formed, which is wholly different from either of its constituents. There are some cases in which affinity produces com- pounds without much change of properties, as in the case of solution ; but the force of affinity in such cases is very feeble. Exp. Salt dissolved in water, and camphor in alcohol, are instances. II. Change of color is often the effect of affinity. Exp. 1. To the chloride of calcium add nitrate of silver, both in solution ; a white precipitate will be formed, which is the chloride of silver. (See page 69.) Exp. 2. To a solution of nitrate of lead add a few drops of hydriodic acid, and a beautiful yellow pigment will be formed. Exp. 3. Into an infusion of purple cabbage pour a few drops of any alkali, and the color will become green ; add an acid gradually, drop by drop,* and the purple color will be restored; add a few drops more * Fig. 53. ilar purposes, the drop- ping tube a (Fig. 53) may be used. It is a glass tube, with a bulb, as a, with a small ap- erture at the smaller end, through which,any liquid may be drawn up into the bulb by pla- cing the mouth upon the larger end. Having partially filled the bulb, place the thumb over this end, and, by admitting the air slowly, the liquid will drop out at the smaller end. * For this and sim- Effects of Chemical Afinity. 113 ܒܪܵܐ of acid, and it will become red. By the gradual addition of the alkali, the effects may now be reversed. III. Change of form frequently accompanies chemical combination. Croce Exp. 1. Take oxygen and hydrogen gases, and explode them; they will form a liquid water. Hence chemical affinity converts gases into liquids. Seto Exp. 2. If the two gases, Fig. 54. ammonia and the hydrochlo. ric acid, be brought together You in their nascent state, i. e., at the moment of their for- mation, they will produce the solid hydrochlorate of ammonia. Hence chemical affinity converts gases into solids. The two gases may be formed by putting hy. drochlorate of ammonia and om lime in one retort, (Fig. 54,) and liquid hydrochloric acid in the other, and applying heat; as the gases meet in the glass receiver b, they will combine and form a white solid. Exp. 3. Take chloride of calcium in solution, and pour in sulphuric acid ; a solid precipitate — the sulphate of lime = will be thrown down Hence affinity converts liquids into solids. Exp. 4. Into a solution of pearlash or saleratus pour sulphuric acid, and a portion of the liquid is converted into the form of a gas, which escapes with effervescence. Exp. Add one part of fuming nitric acid to two of alcohol; both liquids will be converted into ammonia, and pass off in gas. Hence affinity converts liquids into gases. Exp. 5. Mix two solids, the nitrate of ammonia and sulphate of soda; on rubbing them in a mortar, they will become liquid. Hence chemical affinity converts solids into liquids. Exp. 6. Explode gunpowder; it will be wholly converted into gas. Hence chemical affinity converts solids into gases. IV. Change of Temperature. The heat arising from the combustion of fuel, is owing to chemical action. Exp. Wet a piece of paper with spirits of turpentine and sulphuric acid, and then throw on a few grains of chlorate of potassa; the paper will instantly be in flames. V. Change of Specific Gravity. In changes of gases into liquids or solids, or of the latter into the former, there is, of course, a great change of density. But where there is no change of form, there is usually more or less of this change. Exp. Mix 100 measures of strong sulphuric acid with 100 of water, and the mixture will be less than 200 measures. sho HOME 10 * 114 Laws of Chemical Affinity. to brother borte borila Laws of Chemical Affinity. The laws which regulate the action of affinity, constitute the most important part of the whole subject; for they are the foundation of modern chemistry. As they are expressed mathematically, they have consequently imparted to it a high degree of accuracy, and greatly elevated its rank as a science. Most substances have been found to combine in definite pro- portions, and with such the laws of affinity are chiefly con- cerned; but there are numerous cases of apparently indefinite proportions, which first demand a separate consideration. I. Indefinite Proportions. Of these there are two cases, in the first of which, any quantity of one substance may be combined with any quantity of another. Thus a drop of alcohol will combine with a quart of water, or a drop of water with a quart of alcohol. Tuomo Exp. Take a large glass vessel, and fill it nearly full of water; color it purple with the infusion of red cabbage; a drop of sulphuric acid will change it red, or a drop of alkali will give it a green color, which shows that both the acid and the alkali must combine with the whole of the water. In the second case, the proportions are indefinite within certain limits. Thus with 24 lbs. of water, a pound or any less quantity of common salt will combine, but if a larger quantity of salt be employed, all the excess above a pound will remain undissolved. The limit to the process is the point of saturation. (See page 108.) Ons The most common instances of indefinite proportions are solutions where the proportions are indefinite below the point of saturation. Instances of unlimited indefinite proportions are less numerous. It is important to observe, in these cases, that the force of affinity is usually feeble, and the change of properties slight. Thus, in the common liquors, the properties of the alcohol are slightly modified by its combination with water ; and in solutions there is also little change. II. Definite Proportions by Weight. In the most numerous and interesting cases of chemical combination, a certain portion of one substance unites with one, two, three, or Laws of Chemical Affinity. 115 - Water 66 64 16 66 66 60 66 + 66 66 CG 14 56 14 6 16 66 24 64 06 32 66 46 more times a given weight of another. These cases are usually characterized by a greater energy of combination, and a much greater change of properties than those which have been described. The great law of definite proportions by weight may be thus stated : DO Gistedenfor 1. The proportions in which substances combine may be expressed by fixed numbers, or by the multiples of these num- bers. The following table is an illustration :- is composed of Hydrogen 1 part + Oxygen 8 parts. Binoxide of Hydrogen “ 16 + 2. Protoxide of Nitrogen Nitrogen 14 « Binoxide 16 Hyponitrous acid Nitrous acid 14 Nitric acid 14 66 40" A comparison of all the cases shows that hydrogen enters into combination in less quantity relatively than any other substance. It is therefore taken for a standard of comparison, and in the above table appears as unity. The lowest ratio in which oxygen combines with other substances is eight times that of hydrogen. The lowest combining ratio of nitro- gen is fourteen. If any simple substance does not combine with hydrogen, its lowest combining ratio may be ascertained from its combination with any other substance, whose ratio has been determined. Thus from the above table the com- bining ratio of nitrogen is seen in its compounds with oxy- gen, whose ratio was ascertained in its compounds with hydrogen. The lowest combining ratio is also called an equivalent, or proportional. (See page 107.) Inspection of the above table will show, that while eight is the lowest combining ratio of oxygen, it combines also in the ratio of 16, 24, 32, and 40 parts; that is, two, three, four, and five times the lowest ratio, agreeable to the above-men- tioned law. HE There are some cases in which substances do not unite with one equivalent of one to one, two, or more equivalents of another, but apparently of one to one and a half. Such an irregularity conforms to the general law, on the supposi- losted as beide 116 Laws of Chemical Affinity. tion that two of the former unite with three of the latter. In TO some cases, also, two equivalents of one substance unite with five of another. The law of definite proportions by weight may be thus illustrated algebraically :- If x and y be the equivalents of any two substances, their compounds must be +y, 2+2 y, x+3 y, x+4 y, etc.; sometimes we shall have 2 x+3 y, and rarely 2 x+5 y. It is evident from the above that the equivalent of any compound is the sum of the equivalents of its constituents , each being multiplied by the number of times it enters into the combination. Thus, in the above table, the equivalent of water is 1+8=9, of nitric acid, 14+40=54, etc. 2. The second law of definite proportions is the follow- ing: - po to Every substance has its constitution invariable. Thus nitric acid is always composed of one equivalent of nitrogen and five of oxygen. No other substances, and no cther number of equivalents of these, by combination can form nitric acid.molinster Stadt The same is true of every substance whose elements com- bine in definite proportions. The least change of these de terminate quantities will either form an entirely different sub- stance, or a portion of that substance which is n excess will remain uncombined; hence whatever be the circumstances under which chemical substances are formed, whether formed ages ago by the hand of nature, or quite recently by the agency of the chemist, their composition is always inva- riable. Het dolore The merit of establishing this law is due to Wenzel, a Saxon chemist, who published his views in 1777. But Dr. Dalton, an eminent English chemist, discovered the first law, and deduced from the scattered facts a theory of chemical union, embracing the whole science, and first published in 1803. Drs. Wollaston, Thompson, and other chemists, fol- lowed out It these views. But to no one, in this department, is science so much indebted as to Berzelius. Laws of Chemical Affinity. 117 66 66 66 66 50 66 66 66 66 66 56. 64 66 The application of these laws, in the arts, is of immense importance. In the manufacture of compounds, they teach precisely what proportions of the ingredients should be used. If these are expensive, an excess of one would be a seri- Dit TO ous loss. III. Definite Proportions by Volume. The principal law of definite proportions by volume is precisely similar to that of definite proportions by weight, the parts being determined by measure, as in the former case by weight. This law holds true only in the case of gases and vapors. It is supposed that substances which have not yet been made to assume the form of a gas or vapor, would conform to this law, if they should assume such form. The law may be illustrated by the following table:- 100 vols, carbonic acid gas combine with 100 of ammoniacal gas. 200 fluoboric 100 200 But there are two laws of definite proportions by volume, which do not hold true to the same extent in definite propor- tions by weight. The first is, that a simple ratio of one to two, one to three, &c., exists between the volumes of differ- ent constituents in the same compound. This may be seen in the above table. The second law is, that, in combination, gases and vapors are condensed by a portion, which is in a simple ratio to the volume of one of the constituents. The laws of definite proportion by weight and by volume are not inconsistent with each other, for the specific gravity always bears such a relation to the combining ratio by volume as to establish their harmony. Thus hydrogen and oxygen combine in the ratio of two of the former to one of the latter by volume, and of one to eight by weight. But oxygen is sixteen times heavier than hydrogen, one volume of it is eight times as heavy as two of the latter. In other words, the compound ratio of the specific gravity and of the equiva- lents by volume, is equal to the ratio of the equivalents by weight. solo ao logo as 119 The Atomic Theory. or Atomic Theory Existence of Atoms. The atomic theory supposes matter to be composed of minute, indivisible atoms. Hypotheti- cally, matter is infinitely divisible, that is, to Almighty power; but in fact it is not infinitely divided. Sir Isaac Newton re- garded it as probable, “that the primitive particles, being solids, are incomparably harder than any porous bodies com- pounded of them, even so very hard as never to wear, break in pieces; no ordinary power being able to divide what God himself made one in the first creation." Theory of definite Proportions by Weight. When sub- stances combine in their lowest equivalents, they unite atom to atom, (Fig. 55;) Fig. 55. in higher proportions, one atom of one to two, three, or more atoms of the other. This theory exactly accounts for the facts of definite propor- tions; for if in one compound we have one atom of A joined to one of B, and in another one of A joined to two of B, through the whole mass, the sum total of B in the latter case will be exactly twice as much as in the former bisa អំបង Atomic Weight. If in a compound of one grain of hydro- gen with eight of oxygen there be an equal number of atoms of each, an atom of the latter will be eight times as heavy as an atom of the former. In this way we know the relative weights of the atoms of all substances, whose equivalents are known. As the numbers are the same, the terms are often interchanged. The absolute weight and magnitude of atoms cannot be determined. Dr. Thompson calculates that a cubic inch of lead contains more than 883,492,000,000 atoms. The shape of atoms is matter of hypothesis. They are generally supposed to be spheroidal. case. Isomerism. — Cause of Chemical Affinity 119 Isomerism. It was formerly supposed that when two elements combine in the same ratio, they must always give rise to the same compound; but it has of late been discovered that this is not always the case. Thus there are 3 compounds of oxygen and-phosphorus, whose composition is identical, each being composed of 31.4 parts by weight of phosphorus, and 40 parts by weight of oxygen; and yet these substances differ in their properties. The same is true of the two cyanic acids. Berzelius has applied to such compounds, as a class, the general term iscmeric, from two Greek words,* which ex- presses an equality in the ingredients; and to distinguish the isomeric bodies from each other the terms para † and meta are prefixed. To reconcile the phenomena of isomerism with the theories of chemical combination, we have only to suppose that the same elements may combine in different ways, so as to give rise to compounds essentially distinct; for example, we may suppose that the 2 atoms of phosphorus and the 5 atoms of oxygen, which form 3 isomeric bodies, may be grouped dif- ferently; thus, 2 atoms of oxygen may first unite with the 2 of phosphorus, and this compound unite with the other 3 atoms of oxygen, or 4 of oxygen may unite with 1 of phosphorus, and 1 of oxygen with 1 of phosphorus: these two compounds may then combine, and form a different sub- stance from the first, although both contain the same number of atoms of each element. It is evident that these groups may be varied still further; hence the kind of substance may depend upon the order in which the atoms are united. In a few cases, the equivalents of isomeric bodies differ : olefiant gas and etherine are an example. The equivalent of olefiant gas is 14.24, and that of etherine 28.48, or exactly double. Cause of Chemical Affinity. The cause of affinity is probably electricity. In those cases where the electrical state of substances can be ascer- tained, they are always found to be oppositely electrified, 骨 ​Igos, equal, and repos, part. # Tlopa, near to. Cause of Chemical cm. 120 Affinity. when combination takes place. Voltaic electricity is the most powerful decomposing agent, and the whole phenomena of electro-chemical decomposition seem to prove the identity of affinity and electricity. This view accords best with the simplicity every where observed in the laws of nature. By ascribing the phenomena of electricity, galvanism, mag- netism, and chemical affinity, to the same agent, we seem to we progressing in the chain of causation nearer to the great and ultimate cause, the agency of God. Some suppose that what we call the agents and laws of nature, have no real existence as distinct powers. They deny the agency of second causes, and ascribe every operation of nature to the immediate that there are real agents or causes dependent upon God, but possessed of power in themselves, to act as second causes, or subordinate agents, in the various phenomena of matter. Whichever view we take, we must, in the end, refer the ultimate cause to the impulse of the divine will; although, for the mere purposes of scientific classification, something, perhaps, is gained by the introduction of second causes. power of God. Others suppose persoon Boldog biks to PART III. PONDERABLE BODIES Specific Gravity means the relative weight of different substances, compared with some standard. In the case of solids and liquids, the weight of the body is compared with water as unity ; i. e., if a given quantity of water by measure be weighed,* and that weight represented by 1, the weight of an equal quantity by measure of any other substance is compared with it. In the case of gases, air is taken for the standard of comparison, or for unity, and an equal quantity of any other gas is weighed, and compared with it. There are several methods of ascertaining the specific gravities of bodies. 1. One of the best, if the body is a Fig. 56. solid, is to weigh it in the air, and then in water, in a manner represented in Fig. 56. If the body weighs 100 grains in the air, and 60 grains in water, then, to ascertain its specific gravity, institute the following proportion: As 100 — 60, Y or 40 : 100.: :1: 2.5; hence the sp. gr. of the body is 2.5, or two and a half times as heavy as water. If the solid is lighter than water, suspend to it a body heavier than water, whose specific gravity is known, and then weigh it as in the first instance, 2. To ascertain the specific gravity of liquids, the Areon- eter is a convenient instrument. It consists of a tube, A cubic foot of distilled water weighs 62.5 lbs. 11 122 Nomenclature. a, (Fig. 57,) graduated with numbers, upon the end Fig. 57. of which are two balls, the lower filled with mer- cury. If the instrument sink in distilled water to 1, it will sink below that mark in liquids which are lighter than water, and will remain above it in those which are heavier. The specific gravity of each liquid is thus ascertained by the numbers on the scale. be The specific gravity of liquids is also ascertained by the use of a small bottle containing just 1000 grains of water; by filling it with any other liquid, its weight will express directly its specific gravity. 3. The specific gravity of gases is more difficult : a given portion of air is carefully weighed in a thin glass flask; the air is then exhausted, and the flask weighed; the difference gives the weight of the air; this is taken for unity, and the weight of an equal quantity of any other gas is compared with it'; thus, 100 cubic inches of dry air, at 60° F. and 30 in. barometer, weigh 31.0117 grains; 100 cubic inches of oxygen weigh 34.109 grains. Now, to ascertain the sp. gr. of oxygen, institute the following proportion: As 31.0117 : 34.109 : :1, the sp. gr. of air, to 1.1025, of sp. gr. of any other gas may be found in the same way. o bogata Nomenclature. The study of particular substances has been greatly facili- tated by the introduction of the nomenclature. By the use of systematic names, expressive of the constitution of substances, the recollection of the name will call to mind the constitu- tion ; while, on the other hand, if there be any difficulty in remembering names, the constitution will at once show what the name must be. Hence, although compounds are very numerous, the student can have no difficulty in remembering their names and constitution, for the one neces cessarily suggests the other. The present nomenclature was introduced in 1787 by the French chemists. It resulted from the labors of Lavoisier, Berthollet, Guyton-Morveau, and Fourcroy. Since that time, it has undergone but a few slight changes. The former no- the sp. gr. oxygen. The Nomenclature. 123 ... menclature, if such the entire want of system could be called, was barbarous in the extreme; fanciful names were introduced, and often many such were attached to the same substance. 1. Simple Substances. The names of such elementary sub- stances as had long been known, remain unaltered, as of gold, iron, etc. Those which have been discovered within the period of modern chemistry, have received names ex- pressive of some obvious property; thus the name oxygen signifies a generator of acids ; iodine, violet-colored, from the beautiful color of its vapor ; chlorine, green, from the color of the gas. The following are the names of the simple substances, with their symbols annexed : ='bloin abia 00 folto at 10 bobaudos Oxygen, 0. Cadmium, Cd. Chlorine, .Cl. Tin, (Stannum,) Sn. Iodine, ...1. Cobalt, ...Co. Bromine, Br. Nickel, Ni. Fluorine, .F. Arsenic, As. Hydrogen, .H. Chromium, .Cr. Nitrogen, .N. Vanadium, V. Carbon, ..C. Molybdenum, .Mo. Sulphur, ....S. Tungsten, (Wolfram,) .W. Phosphorus, .P. Columbium, (Tantalum,) ..Ta. Boron, .B. Antimony, (Stibium,) Silicon, ...Si. Uranium, ....U. Selenium, .Se. Cerium, Ce. Potassium, (Kalium,) .K. Bismuth, Bi. Sodium, (Natrium ) .Na. Titanium, Ti. Lithium, L. Tellurium, Te. . Barium, Ba. Copper, (Cuprum,). Cu. Strontium, ... Sr. Lead, (Plumbum,) .Pb. Calcium, Ca. Mercury, (Hydrargyrum,)....Hg. Magnesium, . Mg. Silver, (Argentum,) .Ag. Aluminium, ...Al. Gold, (Àurum,) . Au. Glucinum, .G. Platinum, Pl. Yttrium, Y. Palladium, Pd. Thorium, Th. Rhodium, .R. Zirconium, Zr. Osmium, Os. Manganese, Mn. Iridium, Ir. Iron, (Ferrum,) .Fe. Latanium. La Zinc, Zn. 2. Acid Compounds. The names of acid compounds have a peculiar construction. All the acids formed by combination of oxygen with other substances, including a great majority of the whole number, take the name of the other substance, (which is called the base,) changing its termination. If there .... .Sb. 124 Non clature. be two oxygen acids formed with the same substance, the stronger, which contains more oxygen, takes the termination ic, and the weaker, ous. In the case of more numerous acid compounds, the prefix hypo signifies inferiority, as in the following of oxygen with sulphur, beginning with the stronger, and proceeding to the weaker :- Sulphuric acid, Sulphurous acid, Hyposulphuric acid, Hyposulphurous acid. Sometimes the prefix per is used to indicate an additional, but indefinite quantity of oxygen. Thus perchloric acid contains more oxygen than chloric acid. Acids which do not contain oxygen receive names which are compounded of the names of their constituents, the first enunciated terminating in o, and the last in ic; as, chloro- carbonic acid. Often the first is shortened ; as, fluo-boric, in- stead of furo-boric: this is the case with the hydrogen acids; as, hydrochloric acid, hydrosulphuric acid. 3. Primary Compounds which are not Acids. In such com- pounds, the names are composed of the names of their con- stituents. In the compounds of oxygen, chlorine, iodine, bromine, and fluorine, with other substances, they are first enunciated, and receive the termination ide; as, oxide of iron, chloride of iron, iodide of mercury, bromide of carbon, fluoride of zinc. In their compounds with each other, the order of enunciation is not essential, although it is com- monly that in which they are above mentioned; thus we may say, chloride of bromine, or bromide of chlorine; but the former is more common. Compounds of the other non-metallic substances with each other and with the metals, receive names of similar construc- tion, except that the termination uret takes the place of ide ; as, carburet of iron, biçarburet of hydrogen, sulphuret of arsenic. In many cases, one substance unites with another in several proportions, and the compounds are designated by numeral prefixes-proto the first, bi (formerly deuto was used). the second, ter the third, quadro the fourth, etc., and per the Nomenclature. 125 CG CG corper. copper. copper. manganese. 66 =l66 2 " oxygen and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 - 3 60 66 jodine chlorine 6 66 66 um, etc. highest degree, but indefinite; sesqui signifies one and a half. If, however, the last enunciated substance, or base, be in two or more proportions, the dividing prefixes di, tri, etc., are used; subsequi indicates one and a half of the base.com The following table exhibits all the cases of the use of numeral prefixes: Triphosphuret of copper =1 equiv. phosphorus and 3 equiv. copper. Dinoxide of copper conner Oxygen and 2 Subsesquiphosphuret of copper phosphorus and 11 Protoxide of copper G=i, oxygen and 1 Sesquioxide of manganese Binoxide of manganese oxygen manganese. Teriodide of nitrogen nitrogen. Quadrochloride of nitrogen nitrogen. Peroxide of iron=iron oxidated in the highest degree. Many metals, whose names terminate in um, merely change ium or um into a to indicate the state of protoxide. Thus potassa = protoxide of potassium, lithia = protoxide of lithi- The protoxide of calcium has long been known by 1 the name of lime. Alloys, or compounds of metals with each other, not being 09 yet reduced to the laws of definite proportions, have no sys- tematic names. Some primary compounds, whose combinations are analo- gous to those of simple substances, receive simple names, which in composition receive the termination uret, and follow the rules above given. These are ammonia and cyanogen. Another primary compound, water, forms compounds which are called hydrates ; as, hydrate of lime. 4. Secondary Compounds, or Salts. These are formed by the combination of acids with other primary compounds, which are called, in reference to them, bases. The name of a salt is composed of the names of the acid and base. If the name of the acid have a termination ic, it is changed into ate; ous is changed into ite. Numeral prefixes are used according to the rules which have been given, as in the following ex- amples: Dinitrate of the protoxide of lead = 1 eq. nitric acid and 2 eq. protoxide of lead. Sesquisulphate of potassa :15" sulphuric acid & 1 6 potassa. Bisulphate of peroxide of mercury = 24 perox. of mercury. Tersulphate of alumina -- Protonitrate of mercury 16 and 1 16 C6 of mercury. 66 = 3 and i a and 1 6 alumina. CG 126 Notation. As the acids never unite with the metals directly, but gen- erally with their oxides, and sometimes other compounds, in the case of the oxides, the name is abbreviated : thus, by protonitrate of mercury is always understood protonitrate of the protoxide of_mercury. Also, the prefix proto is often understood, and we say, nitrate of mercury. totul There are many secondary compounds, little known, how- ever, except to the chemist, called sulphur salts, and haloid salts, whose nomenclature follows the rules of primary com- pounds which are not acid. Notation. Notwithstanding the great advantages of the chemical no- menclature, a much greater help is given to the student in the notation. By this, as in algebra, long and intricate pro- cesses are exhibited to the eye at a glance, and the relations of the constituents in complicated compounds easily compre- hended. Each element is represented by a symbol consisting of its initial, or, in the case of two or more which have the same initial, of the initial and one of the following letters, as on page 123, where the symbols of all the elementary substances are given. In the case of potassium, sodium, tin, iron, and several others, the symbols are derived from the Latin names. The symbols of compounds are composed of the symbols of their constituents, algebraically connected; as, Fe+CI, chloride of iron. In primary compounds, the sign + is often omitted. Coefficients are used to show the number of equiv- alents; as, N +4Cl, quadrochloride of nitrogen; or, if several symbols are written together without the sign +, an index is substituted for the coefficient, because the coefficient multi- plies all which come between it and the next sign. Thus the symbol of the substance last mentioned may be written NC14. Cyanogen, ammonia, and water, although compounds, have simple symbols, like the elements; thus we have Cy, Am, and Aq, Aqua,) instead of NC, H’N, and HO. Notation. 127 The symbols of oxygen and sulphur are abbreviated. The symbols for the compounds of oxygen are written thus :- N for N +50, N for N +40, N for N+30, etc., each dot indicating an equivalent of oxygen. A comma is used in the same manner for the compounds of sulphur; thus, V for PS. In place of the coefficient 2, a dash is often drawn through or beneath the symbol. This is very convenient in the case of half equivalents; as, Mn, signifying 2Mn+30, that is, Mn+ 130, sesquioxide of manganese. In compounds of compli- cated constitution, it is often necessary to multiply several · terms by one number, or to connect them as a whole to another term. This is done, as in algebra, by the use of vincula or parentheses ; thus (K+25) + Aq, shows that Aq is combined with K+25, as with one substance; but if the parentheses were omitted, thus, K+28+ Aq, the symbol would indicate a combination of three distinct substances, each one with the other. Also in 2(K+2S), the first coeffi- cient belongs to what is within the parentheses as to one substance. If the student will, for practice, explain the constitution and give the names of the compounds in the annexed table, he will become familiar with the rules of nomenclature and notation. The following table contains the names, equivalents, and symbols of the thirteen non-metallic elements, and the sym- bols of their compounds with each other, in the order in which they are described in work : Oxygen, equiv. 8; symbol, O. Chlorine, CI, CI+O, CI+ 40, CI+ 50, CI +70. Iodine, 66 126.3 I, 1+50, 1+ 70, 3C1 + I. code Bromine, Br, Br + 50 or Bros. Fluorine, 18.68 Hydrogen, “ E SH, H+0 or H, H+20 or H, H+CI, (H+I, H+ Br, H+F or HF. N, NO or N, NO2 or N, NO3 or P, NO4 Nitrogen, 66 14.15 or N, NO3 or N, NC14, N1, NH3. this 66 35.42 66 78 66 66 F. 1 66 128 Chemical Substances. Oxygen. od [C, C, C, C+C1, C4C15, C²CI, CC13, C+ Carbon, equiv. 6.12; sym. CHH, C10H8, HCy, Cyo, Cy3O®H, Cyci, Cl, CH2, CºH2, CH4, C6H3, CH, CH, CyCl, HCys?, Cys?, H’Cys2. Sulphur, 166 16.1 u SS, SO?, SO3, SOP, SOS, S’CI, SCI, HS, HS?, CS2 SP, P20, P30, P203, P205, PPC13, P2C15, PI, Phosphorus,' 15.7 PP, PBr, PŻBr", H3P2. Boron, 66 10.9 B, B+30, B+3C1, B + 3F. s Se, Se +0 or Se, Se +20 or Së, Se +30 Selenium,“ 66 39.66 or Se. Silicon, 66 22.5 Si, Si +0, Sici, SiBr, Sis, SiF. 10 doing on to Photod CHAPTER I. ent CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES. These substances will be arranged in three classes: 1st, non-metallic elements, and their primary compounds, with each other; 2d, metals, with their primary compounds; and 3d, secondary compounds, or salts. Class I. Non-metallic Elements and their Primary Com- pounds with each other. I161 บส นอร์ 3 2511 kontor SE El Oro Sect. 1. OXYGEN. Symb. O. Equiv. ? wgt. 8. Sp. gr. { 16.021 Hyd. = 1 History. Oxygen was discovered by Dr. Priestley, of Eng- land, August, 1774, by exposing the red oxide of mercury to the solar focus. It was also discovered by Scheele, a Swe- dish chemist, in 1795, and the same year by Lavoisier, of Paris, neither being acquainted with the discovery by the others, The honor of the discovery, as is usual in such cases, is as- cribed to Priestley, who called it dephlogisticated air; Scheele gave it the name of empyreal air; Condorcet, vital air; and Lavoisier, oxygen. This latter name was suggested from the belief that it was the only acidifying principle in nature. It 1.1024 Air -1. Pneumatic Cistern. 129 is derived from two Greek words,* signifying a generator of acids. It has since been found, however, that, although present in most acids, it is not the only substance capable of forming acid compounds. But, as a great majority of acids are oxygen acids, the name is not inappropriate. Natural History. Oxygen is the most abundant substance known. It forms of the atmosphere, & part of water. By far the greater part of the solid crust of the earth is composed of oxydized d substances, and it will not be far from the truth, if we estimate oxygen to constitute of all the matter with which we are acquainted. Processes. Oxygen can easily be obtained from the oxides of metals, and from some of the salts. The oxides of man- ganese and of lead, and the chlorate of potassa, are most commonly used. The separation is effected by exposing these substances to a red heat, in an iron retort, connected by a pipe with the pneumatic cistern. For the collection of gases which are not absorbed by water, the Pneumatic Cistern is duo deb Fig. 58. hoding on generally employed. It consists of an oblong box, C, (Fig. 58,) made w water-tight; bb, two shelves to support ceivers, as r; w, a well 1 filled with water, across which a board is placed, also to support receiv- ers, with small holes to Hea let the gas through as it comes from the retort, which is placed over the side of the box. The shelves b b may be made for gasometers, or gas- holders ; and in that case they are boxes open at the bottom of the cistern, with stop-cocks passing through one corner in the top of each. These are made air-tight by a lining of sheet lead. When they are filled with water, the gas is in- troduced, by means of a lead pipe, through an aperture in the 79 C . * Οξυς and γεννάω. † If we suppose the sun and planets, with the stellary systems, to be composed of matter similar to our earth, the quantity of oxygen which actually exists must be immeasurably great. 130 Oxygen. side of each, near the bottom; as it rises up, it displaces the water; l is a lamp-stand and retort,* as it is connected with the cistern. Theory. To understand the theory of the process by man- ganese, it is necessary to notice the composition of its three oxides. Manganese. Oxygen. Protoxide, 27.7 or 1 equiv. + 8 or 1 equiv. : 35.7 Sesquioxide, 27.7 + 12 or 1} : 39.7 Peroxide, 27.7 + 16 or 2 : 43.7 The oxygen may be separated from the binoxide in two 16 66 ways : - 1. By simply exposing it to a red heat. In this case, the binoxide parts with equiv. of oxygen, and is converted into sesquioxide. 1 oz. of manganese will yield 128 cubic inches of oxygen. 2. By putting it, in fine powder, into a glass flask, with an equal weight of concentrated sulphuric acid, and heating the mixture by a spirit lamp, the manganese parts with one equiv. of oxygen, and the sulphate of the protoxide of manganese remains. About twice the quantity of gas is obtained by this process, 1 oz. yielding 256 cubic inches of gas. But the former method is most convenient in practice. For these processes, the manganese should be previously ascertained to be free from carbonate of lime, which yields carbonic acid gas on being heated.| Oxygen obtained in this way is not quite pure, but is sufficiently good for all pur- poses of experiment. The gas obtained from chlorate of potassa is much purer, but more expensive. It may be easily obtained by subjecting the salt to a dull red heat in a green or white glass flask, made without lead, * Retorts are either plain, as in Fig. Fig. 59. 58, or tubulated, as Fig. 59. A Florence flask will answer a good purpose, if a lead tube is fitted to it. See Fig. 60. + The cistern may be made of wood, or, what is better, of copper, of any con- venient dimensions. One five feet long, twenty inches wide, and twenty inches in height, is sufficiently large for com- mon purposes. # It may be freed from carbonate of lime by washing it in dilute hydrochloric acid. a Physical and Chemical Properties. 131 or in an iron retort.* It first becomes liquid, and is then resolved into oxygen and chloride of potassium. Theory. The chlorate of potassa is composed of chloric acid and potassa, and the theory of the process may be thus explained : KO+ CLO3 are resolved into K + CL, which remains in the flask, and 6 equiv. of oxygen, which are collected over the cistern. One ounce of chlorate of potassa will give about 640 cubic inches of oxygen. Physical Properties. Oxygen is transparent, colorless, tasteless, and inodorous. In the simple state, it always exists in the form of a gas. It cannot be condensed to a liquid or a solid, by pressure or cold. It refracts light the least of all substances; is a non-conductor of electricity; is the only substance whose electric state is absolutely negative; and of course it always goes to the positive pole in the galvanic circuit. Its specific gravity is 1.1026; conse- quently, 100 cubic inches, when the thermometer is at 60° Fahr. and the barometer at 30 inches, will weigh 34.1872 grains. It is a little heavier than atmospheric air. Chemical Properties. Oxygen possesses more extensive powers of combination than any other substance, It may be made to combine with all the simple substances. For acids and alkalies it has little affinity, because these substances have already received their proportion of it. Some of its combinations with the metals, and with combustibles, are very energetic. Exp. 1. Let down a pendent candle into a jar of the gas, (Fig. 61,) and it will burn with great brilliancy. * The iron retort is an iron bottle with Fig. 60. a long neck. After the salt or the man- ganese is put into it, it may be placed de in a furnace, and a lead pipe, as b or a, maata (Fig. 60,) adapted to the mouth, by means of a cork, a, a. The cork is first perforated by a hot, sharp iron, and en- larged, so as exactly to fit the tube, by a round file; it is then pressed into the mouth of the bottle. The other end OL may then be conveyed to any part of Б the pneumatic cistern, or to the gas- ometers. This is the simplest mode of ko connecting apparatus together; and it may be done either with glass or lead tubes. of the 132 Oxygen. --- Theory MIG Exp. 2. Blow out a candle, leaving a red wick, Fig. 61. and let it down into a jar of the gas, when it will be relighted with a slight explosion. This process may be repeated several times in rapid succession with the same jar of gas. Exp. 3. "If a bit of lighted phosphorus, in a capsule, be immersed in this gas, (Fig. 62,) it will burn with great energy and intense brilliancy. Substitute for the phosphorus a small ball formed of turnings of zinc, in which a small bit of phosphorus is enclosed, and set fire to the phosphorus, as before. The zinc Fig. 62. will be inflamed, and burn with a beautiful white light. Metallic arsenic, moistened with spirits of turpentine, and various other metals, in fine powder, may be burned in a similar manner. Homberg's pyrophorus flashes spontaneously, like inflamed gun- powder. Exp. 4. If iron wire, with a small lighted match attached to one end, be let down into a tubulated bell glass of oxygen, it will burn rapidly; and if a watch-spring be used, (Fig. 63,) the bell glass will Fig. 63. be filled with beautiful star-shaped scintillations. Exp. 5. Or, let a stream of oxygen upon ignited charcoal, upon which is placed the end of a watch- spring; it will burn with great brilliancy, and throw out immense numbers of the star-shaped scintillations. Exp. 6. Put a small bit of phosphorus into a test- glass tube, and fill the tube with warm water, so as to melt the phosphorus. Direct, now, a stream of oxygen gas from the gas bag, or a bladder, to which a tube is attached, upon the phosphorus. A brilliant combus- tion will be produced under water. All substances, by combustion in oxygen, increase in weight, in the proportion of about of a grain for every cubic foot of gas. Exp. 7. Fill the bowl of a tobacco-pipe with iron wire, coiled in a spiral form, and carefully weighed; heat the bowl of the pipe red hot, and then attach the pipe to a bladder filled with oxygen gas. By forcing a stream of the gas through the pipe, the iron will burn, and will be found, when weighed, to be heavier than before. When com- pletely oxidized, 100 parts of iron will gain an addition of about 30. Theory. In these experiments, the oxygen combines with the combustible substance, and forms a compound, which, being now oxidized, is incapable of further combustion. In case of the iron, an oxide is formed, the weight of which is exactly equal to that of the iron and the oxygen together. In case of the phosphorus, an acid is formed, which is absorbed by water, if present, or appears as a fine powder. The heat and light appear to arise from the condensation of the gas. * In the case of combustion, the common opinion that the matter is destroyed, is erroneous. If the products are collected, they will be found equal in weight to the substances burned. It is a universal law that no particle of matter is annihilated. Chlorine.de 133 The combination of oxygen with other substances is called oxygenation, and if the compound be an oxide, oxidation.* Oxygen is slightly absorbed by several substances; 100 cubic inches of water absorb three or four cubic inches of the gas. The relation of oxygen to animal life is very intimate and important. It is the only substance which will, for any length of time, support respiration. No animal can live without it. If confined in gases destitute of oxygen, death is the certain consequence. A few years since, 148 persons were confined in a prison called " Black Hole,' in Calcutta, for a night, and, although there were two windows open in the west end of the building, only twenty-three were found alive in the morning. Pure oxygen gas is generally destructive to animal life. The animal confined in it lives too fast; breathing becomes difficult, and if it remain for any time, death will ensue. If the quantity be small, it will support life longer than the same quantity of common air. A bird will live five or six times as long in a few gallons of oxygen as in the same quantity of confined air. In order to its most salutary effects, it should be diluted with nitrogen, as we find it in the atmosphere. The Creator has, in this respect, adapted it to the support of life, as any thing which destroys the relation thus established, renders it deleterious to the animal constitution. Uses. Oxygen has been used with good results in certain diseases, such as paralysis of the thorax, and general debility. Its effect upon the blood is to change it from dark red to a bright vermilion. Taldea Sect. 2. CHLORINE. bet DOO Symb, Cl. Equiv. by woot.35.42. 2.47 Air . History. Chlorine was discovered by Scheele in 1774, and described under the name of dephlogisticated marine -1. Sp. Gr. 33.42 Hyd. =1 * It has been customary with many to call oxygen, and some other kindred substances, “supporters of combustion," while the substances with which they combine are called combustibles. But the supporters of combustion and the combustibles are alike essential to the combustion, and both are consumed in the process. Indeed, if the latter be in ex- 12 134 Chlorine. — History. acid. The French chemists called it oxygenized muriatic acid, afterwards contracted to oxy-muriatic acid. This name implied a theory of its composition, suggested by Berthollet, that it was a compound of muriatic acid and oxygen. Gay Lussac and Thenard, in 1809, first suggested that it might be a simple substance. Sir H. Davy, after subjecting it to the most powerful decomposing agents, without in the least affecting its character, denied its compound nature, and maintained that, according to the true logic of chemistry, it should be regarded as a simple body. The views of Davy were for a long time combated. Drs. Murray and Thomp- son in England, and Berthollet, Gay Lussac, and Thenard in France, engaged with great warmth in the controversy. But the name chlorine, suggested by Davy from a Greek word * signifying green, not implying any theory as to its nature, came gradually into use, and the contest subsided. It is now universally regarded as a simple substance. The introduction of chlorine into the class of simple bodies changed entirely the views of chemists relative to the theory of combustion. Previous to the discovery of oxygen, the Stahlian theory of combustion was generally adopted. According to this theory, combustion was the escape from combustibles of a certain principle called phlogiston, which pervaded most bodies. Soon after the discovery of oxygen, Lavoisier made an attack upon the phlogistic or Stahlian theory, and proved that combustion was produced by the union of oxygen with some combustible body. But when the properties of chlorine were investigated, and it was viewed as a simple substance, it was found to produce all the phenomena of combustion. Hence the theory of Lavoisier, that combus- tion was owing to the union of oxygen with a combustible, was extended; and the phenomena of combustion are not referred to any more specific cause than intensity of chemical action. Natural History. Chlorine is one of the constituents of common salt, and therefore exists in the ocean in large quan- tity. Other compounds in the mineral kingdom are numerous. cess, a portion of it will remain, while the former will be entirely con- sumed. Generally, the supporter of combustion, as it is called, is a gas which envelops the combustible; but there is no scientific distinction. Χλωρος. . Physical and Chemical Properties. 135 nese. Processes. 1. It may be obtained in the form of a gas, by the action of hydrochloric acid upon the binoxide of manga- Take the latter, finely powdered, in a retort, and pour on twice its weight of concentrated hydrochloric acid. Collect the gas over the cistern in inverted bottles containing warm water, or, more conveniently, over a small cistern of warm water. The water should be raised to 70° or 80° Fahr., as cold water rapidly absorbs the gas. Apply a moderate heat ; and, when the bottles are filled, they should be stopped with ground glass stoppers smeared with tallow. Theory. In this process, the binoxide of manganese is decomposed into protoxide and oxygen. A part of the acid combines with the protoxide, and another is decomposed, its hydrogen uniting with the oxygen, and forming water, and the chlorine is set free. In other words, the MnO2 and HCI are converted into MnO + HCl, and HO, which remain in the retort, and Cl, which comes over. 2. The cheapest mode of obtaining chlorine is the follow- ing :- Put eight ounces of common salt, with three ounces of pulverized peroxide of manganese, and five ounces of sulphuric acid, diluted with equal weights of water, into a Florence flask or retort, and apply heat as before. The MnO2, Na+Cl, and 2503 are converted into Mno+ SO3, NaO + SO3, and Cl. Physical Properties. Chlorine gas is of a greenish-yellow color; has an astringent taste, and a disagreeable odor; is a non-conductor of electricity, and goes to the positive pole in the galvanic circuit. By the pressure of four atmospheres, or 60 lbs. to the square inch, it is condensed into a yellow liquid, and into a solid by the reduction of the temperature below 32°. * 100 cubic inches of this gas at 60° Fahr., and 30 barometer, weigh 76.5988 grains. Chemical Properties. Chlorine unites with many sub- stances with great energy, producing combustion; but its range of affinity is more limited than that of oxygen. * Mr. Faraday succeeded in condensing it in a bent tube, sealed hermetically. The pressure is produced by the accumulation of the gas evolved by the affinities between the materials in the short end of the tube. The experiment is attended with the hazard of breaking the tube, and should not be attempted, unless the hands and face are protected. 136 Chlorine. Exp. 1. If a small lighted taper be immersed in a jar of the gas, the taper will burn for a short time with a small red flame, evolving large quantities of smoke, and then go out. The reason is, that the flame is mostly composed of carbon and hydrogen; the chlorine unites with the hydrogen, but not with the carbon; the latter is therefore precipitated in the form of smoke, and soon puts the light out. Exp. 2. Into a tall glass vessel, filled with chlorine, throw finely- pulverized antimony; the metal will burn as it falls through the gas. Exp. 3. A rag wet with oil of turpentine will instantly be inflamed, when immersed in the gas. Exp. 4. Introduce phosphorus into a jar of chlorine; the phosphorus will soon ignite, and burn with a pale-green flame. Exp. 5. Instead of the phosphorus, drop in a few drops of liquid ammonia; the ammonia will be decomposed; a flash and a white smoke will be instantly produced. Several other metals and combustibles combine with chlo- rine with such energy as to exhibit the phenomena of com- bustion. Chlorine is readily absorbed by water. Recently-boiled water, when cold, absorbs twice its bulk, but gives it off when heated. Exp. Into a jar furnished with a well-fitted glass stopper, and filled with cold water, let up chlorine gas enough to displace half the water; stop it tight, and shake it, and most of the gas will be absorbed by the water. Open the jar under more cold water, which will rush into it to fill the vacuum occasioned by the absorption of the chlorine; then re- peat the process once or twice, and the water will be saturated with chlorine, and possess most of its properties. If the water in this ex- periment be at the temperature of 320 Fahr., the chlorine will form a definite solid compound with it, in yellow crystals, which will be seen on the sides of the jar. The crystals are composed of 35.42 or 1 atom of chlorine, and 90 or 10 atoms of water. Chlorine forms with hydrogen, if the vapor of water be present, a mixture which explodes violently when exposed to the direct rays of the sun, or even in a bright day with- out such exposure. Exp. Mix, in a dark place, equal measures of hydrogen and chlorine. Expose the mixture to the light of day, and a slow action will take place. Cover the glass with a black cloth, to which a string is attached, and place the vessel in the direct rays of the sun. Rersove the cloth by means of the string, taking care to have some object, as a door, be- tween you and the receiver; as soon as the rays of light strike the mixture, a violent explosion will occur, and an acid compound will be formed. Chlorine possesses remarkable bleaching properties. Exp. 1. Immerse in the gas strips of calico, flowers, etc., and they will be bleached in a short time; or the saturated water may be used. Uses of Chlorine. 137 Exp. 2. Pour some of the saturated water into a small quantity of ink, and the color will be discharged; or put into it some writing, which will become invisible, but will be restored if immersed in a solu- tion of prussiate of potassa. Printers' ink will not be affected; and hence chlorine water may be used for removing blots from books. Chlorine is not an acid; for it does not redden vegetable purples, and it combines directly in definite proportions with the metals, which is not true of any acid. It is not alkaline. Chlorine is very destructive to animal life. A few bubbles of gas, in the atmosphere of a room, will bring on coughing. Half a gill undiluted in the lungs would cause death. If diluted largely with air, it irritates the throat and lungs, and if pure, destroys their texture. Pelletier is said to have fallen a victim to its effects. The antidote is ammonia. Uses. 1. The bleaching properties of chlorine are turned to great account in the art of bleaching. Both the gas and the water saturated with it were employed as early as 1784–5 for bleaching cloths; but it proved injurious to the workmen. In 1789, the gas was condensed in a solution of pearlashes, and went by the name of “ Liquid javelle.” But this sub- stance soon gave place to Mr. Tennant's preparation of the chloride of lime, in 1798. Since that period, most of the bleaching of cotton and linen goods has been effected by this substance. The articles to be bleached are first steeped in hot water, boiled in a weak alkali, and then immersed in a solu- tion of the chloride of lime. They are next taken out, and washed in water ; sometimes diluted sulphuric acid is applied to increase their whiteness; and, finally, they are boiled in pearlashes and soap, to render them free from the odor of chlorine. Chloride of soda, magnesia, and potassa, are some- times used, but they are more expensive. * Theory. The theory of this process, perhaps, would be better un- derstood after learning the composition of water; but it can be given * The advantages of this mode of bleaching, over the one formerly employed, are very great. By the old method, large fields in the vicinity of every manufactory were devoted to the purpose of spread- ing the cloths. These fields are now devoted to agriculture. It re- quired also several weeks, and even months, to complete a process which may now be performed in as many days. In the former case, they were dependent upon the light of the sun and fair weather; in the latter, they are independent of the weather, and of the seasons of the year. 12* 138 Chlorine and Oxygen. here with a little explanation. Water is necessary to the bleaching effects of chlorine. It is composed of oxygen and hydrogen. The chlorine, having a strong affinity for the hydrogen, decomposes the water, and leaves the oxygen to combine with the coloring matter. The coloring matter may also contain hydrogen, and thus be directly decomposed by the chlorine. The coloring matter is rendered soluble by combination with oxygen, and is removed by the alkali. The pro- cess of bleaching by chlorine is but one out of many useful con- tributions of science to art. 1.2. Another use of chlorine arises from its disinfecting agency. It seizes hold of every species of animal and vege- table effluvia, and decomposes them. Hence its utility in contagious diseases. The chloride of lime is used for this purpose. Moisten the dry chloride with water, and place it in the infected apartment, which will soon be purified. It is thus very useful for dissecting-rooms, for cleaning drains, sewers, vessels, and even the atmosphere, when charged with miasma. Its use in medicine is mostly confined to the puri- fication of apartments of the sick. The chloride of soda is, however, used in certain cases of inflammation, such as ulcers, mortification, and cutaneous diseases. It is also used as a wash for the teeth.* The compounds of chlorine with the metals are called chlorides. Chlorine and Oxygen. The compounds of chlorine and oxygen are held together by very feeble affinities, and are never met with in nature. They cannot be made to combine directly, unless they are in the nascent state, that is, at the instant of their formation. Hypochlorous Acid. Symb. Cl+O or CIO. Equiv. 35.42+ 8=43.42. Sp. gr. 3.0212. It was discovered by H. Davy, in 1811, and called euchlorine from its being of a brighter color than chlorine. Preparation. Put two parts of the chlorate of potassa and one of hydrochloric acid into a retort, and apply the heat of water under 200° Fahr. Collect over mercury; or it may be more conveniently prepared for experiment by placing the materials in a flask, * So many and great are the advantages of cleanliness and pure air, that chloride of lime should be kept in every family, especially in cities and large towns; but an apartment in which it has been used should be thoroughly ventilated before it is again occupied, or weak lungs may be seriously injured. Chlorine and Oxygen. 139 Fig. 64. a, (Fig. 64,) connected by a glass tube, bent twice at right angles, with a tall receiver, b. Apply heat as before; the gas, being heavier than the air, will displace it, and fill the receiver. Theory. The hydrochloric acid and the chlo- ric acid in the chlorate of potassa mutually decom- pose each other, and the results are water and the hypochlorous acid. 2 equiv. HCl, and one of KO+C10s, are converted into KO, 2 Aq, and 3CIO. 17 If the gas be collected over mercury, the chlorine unites with the mercury, and the acid remains in a pure state. Properties. Greenish yellow color, more brilliant than chlorine; odor like burned sugar; absorbed rapidly by water, and gives to it an orange color ; bleaches vegetable sub- stances; gives vegetable blues a red tint before destroying them; does not unite with alkalies, and hence has been con- sidered as a protoxide of chlorine; highly explosive, the heat of the hand being sufficient often to explode it. Many sub- stances take fire in it spontaneously. Exp. A rag dipped in spirits of turpentine will kindle in it with a slight explosion. Exp. Phosphorus explodes in it spontaneously. Fifty measures of this gas, and eighty of hydrogen, form an explosive mixture. Chlorous Acid. Symb. Cl +40, or C104 Equiv. 35.42 + 32= 67.42. Sp. gr. 2.3374. Discovered by Davy, in 1815, and soon after by Count Stadion, of Vienna, and has been heretofore described as peroxide of chlorine. Preparation. Make a paste of strong sulphuric acid and chlorate of potassa; put it into a retort, and apply the heat of warm water under 212° Fahr. Collect over mercury, or as in Fig. 64. For the purposes of experiment, take a wine or champagne glass, and put into it a few grains of chlorate of potassa ; then pour on sulphuric acid; the soon fill the glass. As the gas often explodes spontaneously, this is the safest mode of collecting it. The preceding compound may be formed in the same way. Properties. Color, bright orange-green, richer than the preceding compound; aromatic odor; is absorbed rapidly by water, and gives it its peculiar color; bleaches powerfully, and is more explosive than hypochlorous acid. Exp. Put a bit of phosphorus into a wine glass filled with the gas. It will instantly ignite, with a slight explosion. Chloric Acid. Symb. Cl +50, or C105. Equiv. 35.42+ 40 = 75.42. It was first noticed by Mr. Chenevix, and ob- tained in a separate state by Gay Lussac. gas will 140 Iodine. Preparation. To a dilute solution of chlorate baryta add dilute sulphuric acid sufficient to combine with the baryta. Pure chloric acid will remain after the baryta subsides. Theory. The sulphuric acid has a stronger affinity for baryta than the chloric acid with which it has combined, decomposes it, and leaves the chloric acid. Properties. Sour to the taste; reddens vegetable blue colors, but possesses no bleaching properties, by which it is distinguished from the preceding compounds. It may be concentrated by gentle heat into an oily liquid of a yellow tint, emitting the odor of nitric acid. In this state, it sets fire to paper and dry organic matter, and converts alcohol into acetic acid. Perchloric Acid. Symb. Cl+70 or C107. Equiv. 35.42 +56=91.42. Sp. gr. 1.65, water=1. It was first described by Count Stadion, of Vienna. Process. It may be obtained by heating a mixture of 1 part of water, 3 of sulphuric acid, and 5 of perchlorate of potassa. At a temperature of 284°, white vapors arise in the receiver, which are soon condensed into a colorless liquid. By admixture with sulphuric acid, and distillation, it crystallizes in elongated prisms. It is a very stable compound; absorbs moisture from the air powerfully, and boils at 392° Fahr. When thrown into water, it hisses like red-hot iron. SECT. 3. IODINE. Sp. Gr. $ 4.948 Water=1. =1. Symb. I. Equiv. by vol. 100. ?" wgt. 126.3. 8.702 Air History Iodine was discovered in 1812, by a manu- facturer of saltpetre — M. Courtois, of Paris. The substance in which it was first noticed, was the residual liquor after the preparation of soda from the ashes of sea-weeds. This dark- colored liquor possessed the peculiar property of powerfully corroding metallic vessels; on the application of sulphuric acid, he noticed that it threw down a dark-colored substance, which was converted into a violet-colored vapor on the ap- plication of heat. This attracted his attention, and he gave some of it to M. Clement, who, in 1813, described it as a new body. Gay Lussac and Davy soon after proved it to be a simple non-metallic substance, analogous to chlorine. The Physical Properties. 141 name iodine is derived from a Greek word, * significant of the beautiful violet color of its vapor. Natural History. Iodine exists in nature but in small quantities. It is found mostly in sea-weeds, in sponges, in the oyster and some other mollusca, in many salt and mineral springs, both in Europe and America. Vauquelin found it in combination with silver; marine animals and plants derive it from sea-water. Most of the iodine of commerce is obtained from the impure carbonate of soda, called kelp. This is nothing but the ashes of sea-weed, great quantities of which are prepared on the shores of Scotland. Iodine exists, in combination with sodium and potassium, in the liquor which is left after the carbonate of soda crystallizes. Process. Iodine may be obtained by lixiviating the pow- dered kelp in cold water. Evaporate the lye till the car- bonate of soda crystallizes; take the residual liquor, and evaporate it to dryness; pour on to this 1 its weight of sul- phuric acid; it may then be put into a common retort, to which is attached a globe receiver, and the retort heated; violet-colored fumes will soon arise, and be condensed in the receiver, in the form of opaque crystals, of a metallic lustre. These are to be washed in water, and dried on a filter of unglazed paper. Physical Properties. Iodine, at the common temperature, is a soft, pliable, opaque solid, of a bluish-black color, and of a metallic lustre. It is generally found in small crystalline scales, resembling micaceous iron ore, or the scales from a smith's forge. But it may be made to crystallize in large rhomboidal plates, whose primary form is a rhombic octohe- dron, by saturating hot alcohol, or hydriodic acid, with it, and evaporating in the open air. It is very acrid to the taste, and has the odor of chlorine. Like O and Cl, it is a non-conductor of electricity, and goes to the positive pole in the galvanic circuit. It acts as a powerful poison to the animal system; fuses at 225°, and boils at 347° Fahr. If moisture be present, it volatilizes at the common temperature, * Ιώδης. . 00 Olidata 142 lodine. and sublimes rapidly under 212°. The rich violet vapor of iodine is remarkably dense, more than eight times as heavy as air. One hundred cubic inches would weigh 269.8638 grs. Exp. This vapor may be shown by putting a few grains of the iodine into a glass flask, and applying a gentle heat. Chemical Properties. Iodine has an extensive range of 'affinity. Like chlorine, it destroys vegetable colors, though in a less degree, and, like oxygen and chlorine, it unites directly with the metals and with non-metallic combustibles with great energy. Exp. Drop a bit of phosphorus upon a few grains of iodine, con- tained in a wine-glass, and it will be instantly inflamed. The compounds thus formed resemble those of oxygen and chlorine. It has little affinity for metallic oxides. It is not inflammable, but a supporter of combustion. The im- ponderables have no effect to change its character, and hence it is regarded as a simple body. It is largely soluble in alcohol, and but sparingly soluble in water, requiring seven thousand times its weight of water for solution. Tests. Starch is a very delicate test of iodine. It gives to the solu- tion a deep blue color. A liquid containing 1500oy part of its weight of iodine, receives a blue tinge from a solution of starch. Iodine is sometimes adulterated with black lead. This may be de- tached by dissolving it in alcohol, when the lead will not be held in solution. Uses. Used in medicine in the form of a hydriodate of potassa, for certain glandular diseases. The goitre is a kind of wen growing from the neck, which is very common in Switzerland, in the treatment of which iodine has been of great service. Its vapor is irritating to the lungs, and produces copious secretions in the eyes and nostrils. The compounds of iodine with non-metallic combustibles are termed iodurets; its compounds with the metals, iodides. Iodine forms with oxygen three, perhaps four compounds: 1. Oxide of iodine, {composition unknown. 2. 3. Iodic acid, 1 eq. 1, 126.3+5 eq. O, 40=166.3 eq. Symb. I+50 or 105. 4. Periodic acid, 1 eq. I, 126.3+7 eq. O, 56 = 182.3. Symb. I +70 or 107. Bromine. 143 The first two compounds, oxide of iodine and iodous acid, are yet doubtful. The first is described by M. Sementini, of Naples, and the second by Mitscherlich. The oxide is a yellow solid, and the acid a similar liquid, but their properties have not been examined. Iodic Acid was discovered by Davy and Gay Lussac about the same time. Davy, who first obtained it in a pure state, called it oxiodine. Preparation. When iodine is brought in contact with the hypochlo- rous acid, two compounds are formed. The one is a volatile orange- colored substance, chloride of iodine, and the other a white solid, which is iodic acid. Apply heat to expel the chloride, and the iodic acid re- mains in a pure state. (See Turner, for other processes.) In this state, it is anhydrous iodic acid, that is, destitute of water. Properties. It exists as a white, semi-transparent, crystal- line solid, of a strong, astringent, sour taste, and no odor; fuses at 500° Fahr., and is resolved into oxygen and iodine. It is soluble in water, with which it combines, and forms hydrous iodic acid; deliquesces in moist air ; reddens vege- table blues, and finally destroys them. With charcoal, sul- phur, sugar, and similar combustibles, it forms detonating mixtures. Periodic Acid was discovered by Ammermuller and Mag- nus, and is obtained from the periodate of silver, by adding cold water. It has decided acid properties, and is analogous in composition to perchloric acid. Chloriodic Acid was discovered by Davy and Gay Lussac. It may be formed by the direct union of chlorine and iodine. If the iodine is fully saturated with chlorine, it forms a yellow solid ; but if the iodine is in excess, the color is a reddish orange. It is easily fused, and converted into vapor; deli- quesces in the air; forms a colorless solution in water; very sour to the taste; reddens vegetable blues, and finally de- stroys them; does not unite with alkalies, and hence has been considered a chloride of iodine. Souberaine has lately distinguished a compound of 3 eq. of chlorine and 1 of iodine. harun med ei SECT. 4. BROMINE. C Symb. Br. Equiv. {! S by. vol. 100. Water =1. wgt. 78.4. History. Bromine was discovered in 1826; by M. Balard, a young French chemist, of Montpellier, who named it muride, th $ 3. 67 Sp. gr. 25.4017 Air = 1. 144 Bromine. because obtained from the sea; but, in order to correspond with chlorine and iodine, it was called bromine, from a Greek word,* signifying rank odor. Natural History. It exists in nature in very small quan- tities. It is found in sea-water and marine plants, combined with sodium and magnesium. It is found in every sea whose waters have been tested for it, and in many mineral and salt springs. Process. It is obtained by passing a current of chlorine gas through the bittern of sea-water, and agitating the liquor with a portion of sulphuric ether. The ether dissolves the bromine, from which it receives a beautiful hyacinth-red tint, and, on standing, rises to the surface. Agitate this solution with caustic potassa, and the bromide of potassium and bro- mate of potassa will be formed. Evaporate the liquor, and the bromide of potassium will be left, from which the bromine may be distilled. Physical Properties. Bromine, at common temperatures , is a deep reddish-brown colored liquor, of a disagreeable odor and caustic taste; and, like oxygen, chlorine, and iodine, is a non-conductor of electricity, and a negative electric; boils at 116.5° Fahr., and congeals at -4° Fahr. into a brittle solid . It volatilizes at the common temperature and pressure. Exp. This may be shown by pouring a few drops of the liquid into a glass flask; it will soon be converted into a beautiful vapor, some- what resembling the vapor of iodine, having a density of 5.54. 100 cubic inches at 60° Fahr. should weigh 167.5158 grains. Chemical Properties. Its chemical properties are very analogous to those of chlorine and iodine. It readily bleaches litmus paper, and discharges the blue color of indigo. A lighted taper burns for a few moments in the vapor of bro- mine, with a flame green at its base and red at the top, and is then extinguished: Bromine unites with great energy with many combustibles. Exp. Pour a few drops of bromine into a strong wine-glass, and then pour upon it tin or antimony, in fine powder, from a glass fastened to - farlota Βρωμος. . Fluorine. 145 :: the end of a long rod; the metals will be instantly inflamed. If potas- sium be used, it will cause a violent explosion. Bromine is soluble in water, alcohol, and ether; the latter is the best solvent. With water at 32° F., it forms a hydrate, in crystals of a fine red color. It gives to a solution of starch an orange color. Chlorine will displace it from all its com- binations with hydrogen. It acts powerfully upon the animal system, and is very poisonous; a single drop upon the beak of a bird, destroys it instantly. Bromic Acid (Symb. Br + 50 or BrO5. Equiv. 78.4+ 40=118.4,) may be obtained by pouring sulphuric acid upon a dilute solution of bromate of baryta, and evaporating the solution. Properties. It has scarcely any odor, acrid to the taste, though not corrosive. It first reddens litmus paper, and then destroys the color. Chloride of Bromine may be formed by transmitting a current of chlorine through bromine, and condensing the disengaged vapors by a freezing mixture. It is a volatile liquid, of a reddish-yellow color, less brilliant than bromine. Its vapor is a deep yellow, taste very dis- agreçable, and odor penetrating, causing a discharge of tears from the eyes. Soluble in water which possesses bleaching properties. Bromides of Iodine. Bromine and iodine unite and form two com- pounds. The proto-bromide is a solid easily converted by heat into a reddish- brown vapor, which, on cooling, is condensed into crystals of the same color, and of a form resembling fern leaves. By the addition of bro- mine to these crystals, they are converted into a liquid resembling a strong solution of iodine and hydriodic acid; but the nature of it is not satisfactorily established. SECT. 5. FLUORINE. Symb. F. Equiv. 18.68, eq. vol. 100. Fluorine is a name applied to a substance which has not as yet been obtained in a simple state. It is inferred from the nature of its compounds to be similar to oxygen, chlorine, bromine, and iodine. It has a strong affinity for hydrogen and the metals. Natural History. It exists abundantly in nature, in fluor- spar combined with calcium, (fluoride of calcium.) Baudri- 13 146 Hydrogen. mont is said to have obtained it, mixed with hydrofluoric and fluosilicic acid gases, by treating a mixture of fluoride of cal- cium and peroxide of manganese with strong sulphuric acid. It appears to be a gaseous body, similar to chlorine. SECT. 6. HYDROGEN. Sp. gr.{1. vol. 100. Equiv.