HL0 1IVUIS NVD1 IHIl AR LIBRARY THE PR1NCIPUA ELSANILV AN INDEX of the GEOLOGY OF MICHIGAN 1823-1955 BOX 550 State of Michigan DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION Gerald E. Eddy, Director GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION William L. Daoust, State Geologist Publication 50 AN INDEX of the GEOLOGY OF MICHIGAN 1823-1955 LIBRARY THE PRINCIPIA ELSAH, ILL. iii Copyrighted by Michigan Department of Conservation 1956 SPEAKER-HINES & THOMAS, INC., STATE PRINTERS, LANSING, MICH., 1956 iv FOREWORD To the Director, and Commissioners of the Department of Conservation: Gentlemen: I have the honor and pleasure to transmit herewith An Index to The Geology of Michigan, prepared and compiled by Helen M. Martin and Muriel Tara Straight. Publication of such an index or survey has become of paramount importance. It will be of value not only to students and teachers of geology as a pure science, but of greater importance to those interested in the economic development of the mineral resources of Michigan. It will be of value to industries, now developing, that not only require a knowledge of the rocks and their resources that industhy needs but also require a knowledge of rock formations that will aid in disposal of waste. It will answer numerous requests for reference material on Michigan's basic resources received from industrial, educational, agricultural and even social groups. The maps, the chart, and list of publications and laws are a brief of the history of the Geological Survey since 1837. The Index to Nomenclature and the Author-Subject References to Michigan Geology review the geological work that has been done in the State and by their numbers show the geologic value of our area. Respectfully submitted, State Geologist April 1956 V PREFACE Compilation of various parts of this book was started by both authors before becoming staff members of the Geological Survey Division, to meet our needs as geologists in public and private enterprise and later was put to continuous use as reference material for consultation on the Survey. Compilation of the chart showing the development of the geological nomenclature of Michigan formations was an outgrowth of a request to the senior author by Professor E. C. Case, late of the University of Michigan, to compile such a chart for the Devonian formations. Much of the other material in the book is from notes accumulated for a history of the Survey, for discussions of stratigraphy, for use as lecture material, and in response to requests for information made by students, teachers, and geologists in industry newly come to the State, and geologists employed by the State. The References to Michigan Geology with a subject index was an indispensable tool of readily obtainable references prepared by the junior author when an undergraduate and later 'a geologist on the staff of the United States Geological Survey. We have felt that compilation of all this material was needed by other members of the Survey staff, by students of geology and especially by professional geologists in industry. We are happy to share our accumulated data hoping our sins of omission are not too many. Such a sharing would not be possible without the encouragement of four State Geologists: R. A. Smith, Gerald E. Eddy, Franklin G. Pardee, and William L. Daoust. Nor would it be possible if we had not had the devoted assistance of Mrs. Norma Guyer in preparation of the junior author's manuscript, and of Mrs. Joyce D'Valentine who not only typed but edited the manuscript of the senior author, discovered and corrected elisions, errors in dates, spelling, locations, and made numerous suggestions which will make this book of value to others than geologists. James Campbell has painstakingly drafted the maps and Robert Kelley compiled the section of laws relating to the Survey. To all of these we express our appreciation and thanks. /2n.. n t vi AN INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY by HELEN M. MARTIN and MURIEL TARA STRAIGHT CONTENTS Foreword........................................................v Preface........................................................ Vi Publications of. the Michigan Geological Survey, Annotated list of..........1I Index, publications of Michigan Geological Survey, Helen M. Martin...... 19 Index to Geologic.Maps in Michigan Geological. Survey Publications.._....107 Index to Nomenclature of Michigan stratigraphy, Helen M. Martin...... 113 Chart showing the.Development of Stratigraphic Nomenclature of Michigan rock formations, Helen M. Martin........................... 113 Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Rocks in Michigan.................... 197 Northern Peninsula............................................ 199 Southern Peninsula........................................... 220 Progress of Topographic Mapping in. Michigan........................ 244 Miscellaneous contributions to Michigan Geology in Department of Conservation Reports................................................ 252 Land Economic Survey........................................ 252 Section of Engineering and Architecture........ I................. 254 Michigan Conservation (Public Education Min Geology)............... 255 References to Michigan Geology and Mineral Resources, Muriel Tara Straight..................................................... 259 Author Index................................................. 267 Subject Index................................................. 403 Acts of the Michigan Legislature relating to work of the Geological Survey 445 Vill FIGURES 1. Geologic map of Michigan, Houghton-Hall, 1843............ Frontispiece 2. Geologic map of Michigan, Foste~r and Whitney, 1858............... 2-3 3. Geologic map of Michigan, Alexander Winchell, 1873.ý............. 2-3 4. Geologic map of Michigan, Romi~nger, Pumpelly, Brooks, 1876....... 4-5 5. Geologic map of Michigan, A. C. Lane., 1893...................... 4-5 6. Geologic map of Michigan, A. C. Lane, 1898............... I...... 6-7 7. Geologic map of Michigan, A. C. Lane, 1901-1903................. 6-7 8. Geologic map of Michigan, A. C. Lane, 1907.... I................. 8-9 9. Geologic map of Michigan, R. C. Allen, P. A. Smith, L. P. Barrett, 1916....................................................... 8-9 10. Geologic map of Michigan, H. M. Martin, 1937......I.............. 10-11 11. Geologic map of Michigan, H. M. Martin, 1955................... 10-11 12. Map showing progress of topographic mapping, 15-minute quadrangles................................................ 246 13. Map showing progress of topographic mapping, 7~2-minute quadrangles................................................ 248 Chart showing development of Stratigraphic Nomenclature of Michiga-n rock formations, H. M. Martin............................ 113 ix . A AMT" K Y"E".. - 18EE~OKKuDjDO ICamO ^ ~w ^ ^ ' ( x" 11A " O.1 jANIStICUMjdnfr {,aAwj^ ^^^I ' ~ -', -- -..... ----,.. o........'..- K r- I-" I RO 0 EW gl OANMI LA01(a D w:c COSTT~ AI~, ISEIL A....~itw. r.... -............................', ',40.O T.........,.T.I. I.,. l~wYa! i[ 0 AOr w.!, /,'x",'r /. <A I.AM. Z O O /,_ /~.....? j y H TKo!,~(,,,A I, N t i\, : #,,. ^ ^^t ^^. *,( i.&o T^!...,xc_./,B^.............. rT ' xxto '...L...! I i,' It., %>'"w x.. ir_.,-a T -n \f |.".Jt.af -o - r ';..........S^ to NWST)Ato l V AST B I C LYN I N I I -f:il ' T IV%- ---- " ^,,;,,'1 tO~ I I.. LAPORT. -1-- -..ocs.........A... or.EL. r.... ' -.............- IC S............... L 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 T 41 lgot B A d. "w.... r--y..... A--L....... E 4............ ---- -..... ---- --". ^^"ig^^t^^^ T am wKa.., - "" ~.. PI TA..R, DINI. _o u.._-....).:....,.. I L,..:.-: o.:. B I 'i, ", Map. 1. After the Geologic Map of the Middle and Western States published in Natural History of New York, Part IV, Geology by James Hall (Survey of the 4th Geological District) 1843. Albany" New York. On page 681 Hal" stated: "Dr. Houghton, State Geologist of Michigan has obligingly furnished me with a geologic map of that state of which I possessed a very imperfect knowledge." The Houghton manuscript is lost. i,.........:,.... -1..........-! i~,, ".1q ',...... --t:-----i........... l:: f.....:=;... )I... '.,,,,..,. -+'+,,,,id,.< LLF. G" IAN OaA;!la........"",T~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~GS )K it'.,,,:-,,, 7 - ""Y,.-.4" i.....: Rje/m BR 1,W. rH,,N: li+~ l... .u: "~ii.HATO' t " ": t............+4,,...w, VA RI Wr.AYN.,. K,,+~ ",i~ ~ ~~ " 0 U....'-:,-'+:":..' i.--m: - X:>. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~A 0, ".... ',_'+ %'" ~ r:k)ALS'T IJ.......,9 l'!0 N.......I!I..~tIH,... ,",..,._.... f'-" r..+S~,"p. l,.t "i:"' IP- 1' -:In J~l~u lci..',,.... ]i[.A ]B ii......, ~IL GeL oRlogy by LU A Jams Hall Sre o h thGooic DsritQ83.Abn, eIok On~~~~~ pae.1...tae."..oghoSaeGolgs fMcignhsolgngyfrihdmewt elgi a fta ---------- ofw ih;pssse ey Imprec 1nwld e" h0 ou hon m n scitisls. The map is hand colored and outlines the Coal Measures (gray), Carboniferous limestone (blue), Portage and Chemung groups (light gray), Hamilton group (pinkish), Helderberg limestones (pale blue), in descending order. -PUBLICATIONS of th e MICHIGAN GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 1838-1921 and. of the GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION 1921-1955 DOUGLASS HOUGHTON, State Geologist 1838-1846. The first. reports of the Michigan Geological Survey under the direction of Douglass Houghton were made directly to the legislature and were issued as twenty-six legislative documents in the. House and Senate Journals of the Michigan Legislature of 1-838 through 1846. Note: S. D. means Senate Document; H. D., House Document; J. D., Joint Document. State Geologist is abbreviated S. G., and State Geological Survey, S. G. S..1838. 1. Report of a select committee of the Board of Regents of the University on the collection of the S. G.: H. D. Vol. I, p. 1-2; S. D. No. 1, p. 1. H. D.. No. 55 is duplicatte of S. D. No. 1. 2. Statement of the expenditures on account of the S. G. S. for the year 1837: H. D. No. 8, pp. 115-118; S. D. No. 21. (First annual account of the S. G.), pp. 315-318. 3. Report of the S. G. (first annual): H. D. No. 24, pp. 276-317, separately, No. 14, pp. 1-39. 4. Communication from the S. G.: H. D. No. 46, pp. 457-460. 1839. 1. Report of the S. G.,.in relation to the improvement of State salt springs: H. D. No. 2, pp. 39-45; S. D. No. 1, pp. 1-7. 2. Report of the committee on the S. G.'s report in relation to the improvement. of the State salt springs: H. D. No. 4, p. 123. 3. Report of the S. G. in relation to the iron ore, etc., on the school section in town five south, range seven west, in Branch County: H. DA No. 21, pp. 342-344. 4. Second annual report of the S. G.: H. D. No. 23, pp. 380-507; S. D. No. 12,, pp. 264-391. 5. Report of the Committee of the Senate on Manufacturers, to whom was referred the communication of the S. G. relative to salt springs and the salines of the State: S. D. No..3, pp. 8.5-86 (Parallel to H. D. No. 4). 6. Communication from the S. G. relative to the S. G. S.: S. D. No. 25, pp. 463-466. 2 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 1840. 1. Report of S. G. relative to the improvement of the salt springs: H. D. No. 2, Vol. I, pp. 18-23; S. D. No. 8, Vol. II, pp. 153-158. 2. Annual report of the S. G. (third, map of Wayne County): H. D. No. 27, Vol. II, pp. 206-293; S. D. No. 7, Vol. II, pp. 66-153, separately, No. 8, pp. 1-120. 3. Report of the select committee to whom was referred the several reports of the S. G.: H. D. No. 46, Vol. II, pp. 455-461. 4. Report of the majority of the Committee on Finance on the communication and accounts of the S. G. for 1839; Report of the minority of the Committee on Finance on the same subject; Report of the select committee on S. G.'s report and account relative to improvement of salt springs, etc.; S. G.'s account for the year 1839, the same being the subject matter of the three preceding reports: S. D. Nos. 15, 16, 17, 18, pp. 209-224. 1841. 1. Special message concerning State salt springs: H., S. and J. D. No. 5, pp. 235-254. 2. Annual report of the S. G. (fourth): H., S. and J. D. No. 11, pp. 472-607, separately, H. D. No. 27, pp. 1-184. 3. Report of the S. G. relative to county state maps: H. D. No. 35, pp. 94-98. 1842. 1. Report of the S. G. relative to the State salt springs: H. D. No. 2, pp. 15-21; S. D. No. 1, pp. 1-9. 2. Report of the select committee in relation to the report of the S. G.: H. D. No. 19, pp. 77-79. 3. Annual report of the S. G. (fifth): J. D. No. 9, pp. 436-441. 1843. 1. Annual report of the S. G. (sixth): J. D. No. 8, pp. 398-402. 2. Report of the S. G. relative to the State salt springs: S. D. No. 9, pp. 402-408. 1844. 1. Annual report of the S. G. (seventh): S. D. No. 11 (three pages). D. Houghton undertook an arrangement with the Linear Survey of the U. S. Land Office by which a certain amount of geological work was done, which was never published by the State, the results of which appear largely in the township plats of the Land Office, and in the report of C. T. Jackson, 1849, U. S. Ex. D. No. 1, pp. 371-935, H. Ex. D. No. 5, Vol. 3, Part 3, including sub-reports of W. A. Burt and Bela Hubbard on the geology of the subdivisions of the Linear Survey, First Session 31st Congress, and of Foster and Whitney, U. S. Geologists, Part I, H. Ex. D. No. 69, pp. 1-224 and 12 Plates, First Session 31st Congress; S. Ex. D. No. 2, Vol. 2, p. 147, Second Session 31st Congress; Part II, S. Ex. D. No. 4, Vol. 3, p. 3, Special Session 32d Congress. The work of the Geological Survey was interrupted by the death of D. Houghton while actively engaged in exploration. 1846. 1. Report from Geological Department by S. W. Higgins, principal assistant: J. D. No. 12, 22 pp. 2. Report of the joint committee relative to the Geological Survey: J. D. No. 15, 8 pp. The annual reports for 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, and 1846 were collected and reprinted in a single volume by the Michigan Historical Commission in 1928. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION c A N A A-- GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION MINNESOTA A -p * Ao I 0G DOMON or CANADA...... v............ WH " I TE S................. Si O \I [ t., I--.- O 1 ~ O Associated.Granite- I I......i f ' with the, T.,, j N', ORO, o to0 1,,j 600C Formations i L~~~Trappean with the FIE1Trappean..... 1... L Silurian Ie o I, I _-' - ~. \ } "".-L-et--t T'," ystem ---- -..- --,Formations Syste 0.... 0.C.onglo*dm r -t 0.N|,ODA.. C 0 6 [ Fgneourma s River Aquou StldiiSilurian Sytm rneon Fo mai ns S st m oG l mroup OL 6 4 t 0 COWA VG0! Niagara. j L *.L CL~iR Limestone.w._._ ~ *----''-'" Onondaga w T Salt Y A, CANADAO0 1 Group / ~ A N Devonian Upper h..---I.----h --<.-- r- L------ -.-.- - System - Helderberg /.... I I..,. \ Group A I.. ""' C * N i t N oat 'L 'A0Pc *_ D' I~ A J A- ''--- Map 2. After: "Geological Map of the Lake Superior Land District. Prepared pursuant to an Act of Congress approved March Ist 1847 entitled "An Act to Establish a New Land District and to provide for the sale of Mineral Lands in the State of Michigan". by J. W. Foster, J. D. Whitney U. S. Geologists" This map is a part of the Foster and Whitney report on the geology of the Lake Superior Land District, Michigan, published as Ex. Doc. 69 House of Representatives 31st Congress, Ist Session. k a4. I...... a A.... W * * 'I ".. - %.t,-- -,a** - '%--. *,-L-:. ---- - -- --.- -,.._, t"M IC HIA N - F MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION C A NADA -. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION MINNESOTA % C. A ~. / 0 r DOMI ON OF CANADA S9HITE7FLS Map 4 -7 1.5 1 1I2 U A C A 0./ ^^ of the State of Michigan K colored to show the Geological Formations C~ 71 DE' by E Alexander Winchell, LL.D. _ _ 1869.. a tr OHTQ AL__ _ Explanation. 5 4-1. Coal Measures. A.L C--, o K ALKO KA C F ro o.A 04 0 2. Parma Sandstone. 4 ' S3. Carboniferous Limestone. 3 u a 4. Michigan Salt Group. 5. Marshall Group. - u 6. Huron Group. S o 7. Little Traverse Group. A S8. Corniferous Group.. NA 5 A "L O1.. = _^j^ i I - i M & A C &o T y < 1 2a9. Lower Helderberg Group. " 4A. 10. Salina Group. 11. Niagara Group. ~... 1"-+- --- OR.C. G110T,o CLA S12. Cincinnati Groupl s 13. Trenton Group..'..L... f 14. Calciferous and Chazy. * L. 1 r 0 i xA H A nI 15. Lake Superior Sandstone,. LAE 2S2 i 16. Lower Silurian Conglomerate. -- --' u 17. Huronian System.. C A*..I. N A A a l 18. Laurentian System. ------ "--- +....T i IJ r Of Silurian Age, 19. Eruptive Rocks. 8 ".JOC ' ' Ao c I NDI AN.A " J 0.10 Hf 'I. *V. A. av* Map 3. After "Map of the State of Michigan colored to show the geologic formations. By Alexander Winchell LLD." 1869. Published in Atlas of the State of Michigan by H. F. Walling 1873. Known also as Tackabury Atlas. Colors are numbered in the legend as map indicates. PUBLICATIONS OF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 3 The early reports on Michigan geology by Jackson, and by Foster and Whitney, were published as Federal documents in the United States Senate and House of Representatives Journals. ALEXANDER WINCHELL, State Geologist 1859-1863, 1869-1871 Formal reports under the imprimatur of the Michigan Geological Survey and direction of the State Geologist began with the small volume issued in 1861, First biennial report of the progress of the Geological Survey, Alexander Winchell. 1860. First biennial report of the progress of the Geological Survey of Michigan embracing observations on the geology, zoology and botany of the Lower Peninsula. Part I-Geology, pp. 1-210. Contains: Physical structure of the northwest and general sketch of the geology of Michigan. Part II-Zoology, pp. 211-242. Contains: Catalogue of the mammals, birds, reptiles, and mollusks of Michigan. Part III-Botany, pp. 243-330. Contains: Catalogue of phaenogamous and acrogenous plants... of Michigan and the islands at the head of Lake Huron. 1869-1955 Since 1873 printed reports have been issued in three types of format and binding known as: Volumes, Annual Reports, Publications. Summary, Progress, and Technical reports are mimeographed and bound. Reports of the State Geologist were made to the Board of the Geological Survey until 1921. Since 1921 summary reports of the State Geologist and Geological Survey Division are a part of the Biennial Reports of the Department of Conservation. VOLUMES Vol. I Upper Peninsula of Michigan, 1869-1873. Atlas-The Atlas of 23 plates contains geologic maps and cross-sections by T. B. Brooks, R. Pumpelly and C. Rominger. Part I-Iron-bearing rocks (economic), T. B. Brooks (320 pp., 24 pls., 29 figs.). Part II-Copper district, Raphael Pumpelly (144 pp.). Part III-Paleozoic rocks, Carl Rominger (106 pp.). Part I was also issued as a separate publication. Vol. II Upper Peninsula, 1869-1873. Appendices to Pt. I, Vol. I, Iron-bearing rocks (economic), T. B. Brooks (298 pp.). CARL ROMINGER, State Geologist 1872-1885 Vol. III Lower Peninsula, 1873-1876. Part I-Geology of Lower Peninsula, Carl Rominger (226 pp., 4 pls., map). Part II-Palaeontology; fossil corals, Carl Rominger (162 pp., 55 pls.). Vol. IV Upper Peninsula, 1878-1880 (248 pp., map). Part I-Marquette iron region, Carl Rominger. Part II-Menominee iron region, Carl Rominger. 4 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY C. E. WRIGHT and M. E. WADSWORTH, State Geologists 1885-1893 Report of the State Board of Geological Survey for 1891 and 1892. Includes reports of State Geologist Dr. Carl Rominger for 1881 and 1882; of State Geologist C. E. Wright for 1885 to 1888; and of State Geologist M. E. Wadsworth for 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892 and a provisional report by Dr. Wadsworth on the Geology of the Iron, Gold and Copper Districts of Michigan (192 pp.). L. L. HUBBARD, State Geologist 1893-1899 Vol. V Upper Peninsula, 1881-1884; Lower Peninsula, 1885-1893. Part I-Geological report on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, iron and copper regions, Carl Rominger (180 pp., 2 pls., map). Part II-The geology of Lower Michigan with reference to deep borings, edited by A. C. Lane from notes of C. E. Wright (101 pp. 73 pls., map). Vol. VI Upper Peninsula, 1893-1897. Part I-Geological report on Isle Royale, A. C. Lane (282 pp., 16 pls., 29 figs.). Part II-Keweenaw Point, with particular reference to the felsites and their associated rocks, L. L. Hubbard (pp. 1-156, 10 pls., 11 figs.). Part II-Appendix. The crystallization of the calcite from the copper mines of Lake Superior, Charles Palache (pp. 157-184, 6 pis.). A. C. LANE, State Geologist 1899-1909 During Dr. Lane's administration, the activities of the Survey were formally enlarged to include a biological survey. Parts of Volumes VII, VIII, IX were issued also as separate publications. Vol. VII Lower Peninsula, 1896-1900. Part I-Geological report on Monroe County, Michigan, W. H. Sherzer (240 pp., 17 pls., 8 figs., incl. 3 maps). Part II-Geological report on Huron County, Michigan, A. C. Lane (330 pp., 11 pls., 12 figs., incl. 2 maps). Part III-Geological report on Sanilac County, Michigan, C. H. Gordon (34 pp., 5 pls., 2 figs., incl. map). Vol. VIII Lower Peninsula, 1900-1903. Part I-Clays and shales of Michigan, Heinrich Ries (68 pp., 4 pls., 6 figs.). Part II-Coal of Michigan, A. C. Lane (234 pp., 9 pls., 9 figs., incl. map). Part III-Marl (bog lime) and its application to the manufacture of Portland cement, D. J. Hale, et al (400 pp., 23 pls., 44 figs.). Vol. IX 1903-1904. Part I-The delta of the St. Clair River, L. J. Cole (28 pp., 4 p1s., 2 figs., incl. map). Part II-The gypsum of Michigan and the plaster industry, G. P. Grimsley (248 pp., 29 pls., 49 figs., incl. 6 maps). -04 w Of. at rr MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATON C A A A.-------...GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION MINNESOTA / 40, A' A 0 0114 C ov0e DOMION OF CANAD 3 C WH33' j 8YSN -I G.CROCC FLeCW NOT6 M apC of43 __ PeoleozoicaRocSurby C.fRMinger.06 U Brooks.f LaurentoionRocks by CBrooks and Pumpelly.a 0 Exlaatonofcoor. 11. Helderberg 10. Onondogo I1 OCMO 9. Niogora 8. Hudson River ET 7. Trenton - 6. Calciferous t,- R 5. Potsdam or St. Mary's M.ACCCw L ACRIK fO5C c JCLa(C0L A j0W L." 4. Sandstone, Potsdam or pre.. Silurian 4 1 3. Capper-Beatring 2. Huronion 0C CCANAMfC A wID1 N CA MA1WRS _j r U CAR by H "-0..j 1 1bzlA C. Romihnger A CANADA AL 4 1876...... 3 C ALE SU 0LJ-...... - ' 0& 0 Map 4. This map 'i's a combination of the Rominger, Pumpelly, Brooks map of the Northern Peninsula published in the Atlas accompanying Vol. 1, and of Rominger's map of the Southern Peninsula published in Vol. Ill. *The map of the Northern Peninsula is in numbered colors and the legend bears the title "Explanation of colors." Map of the Southern Peninsula is also published in colors, named in the legend as on this map. 1873. 1876. A 0 * -- r'-.St MICHIGAN AADEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION C A A0A. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION MINNESOTA /,K.,do A sW 0 WHITE 00MION OF CANADA MAR Qugy TI ~L U CHIT-Z CWAW A I cUS P V V1cA Rl~lso IS C K SI K A 01CRIN00" ILOWER MICHIGAN / t~..rA J 4j --S Geological notes compiled by A. C. Lane after the maps and writings.. of A. Winchell and C. Rominger + KORI and the records of borings mode at 5 -9 14 0-M I N 9 9 D/~E F jN O.JIN ~ AN D the towns underlied in red --- t r t,_.enL r n L a co* up Bottom of Jacksonj URD1I Coal Group TRAY USC E 1 5 L GeoogialBottomp of Grandb N.C-. Rapids Group ~4 jRCMOO]y Bottomff MarshallA Bottom of Richmondea A 0 ville Sandstone rlinedinredj Bottom ofJ St. Clair Black Shale ~CCAU ~ U *A~ILK Co (l U Gr u DRa A1 iAs I'AlL Bottom of Traverse WA Group ASi TUK4vCOL/I6AkazfC Bottom of DundeeMa Course of Sylvania t Sandstone toA Bo Top of Niagarai:hmond- C LIAItt KD LimestoneL & Cga Geological Survey Bottom of ASt.L ClaiVACUA;'Y GsolagICQ1 Black Shale b C MichiganGeological Survey A L S 0 >%j U < U I0 D t1RAMLIM I LDL10 1893 fte > rrL4^f tL vorujr(IicZW 104-1 I Mr" K4I,,, RAW / Vr y cw KALAMAZop cA4 O~.. -j~Jt.CND 6 0 pr ol It 16 w ~ n~; o i l 9 Vol. I A1 rH A 'o I-o Ru ILL R I 1/V// 1 }oR RIU I4U( K A R l K, S MYOSP.-.. ' C~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RU OUNl* ------r-O1 - ---. Map 5. After a black and white map published in Vol. V. during the administration of L. L. Hubbard, State Geologist, 1893. PUBLICATIONS OF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 5 ANNUAL REPORTS Annual Reports by the State Geologist were bound 'in black cloth. Parts of several of the Annual Reports were also. bound and issued as separates. Annual Report for 1901 (304 pp.). (a)-No tes on the progress of work in Tuscola, Saginaw, Bay, Alpena, Kent, Washtenaw, and Muskegon counties. (b)-Prelimiunary report on Arenac County, W. M. Gregory; limestone, gypsum, coal, water supplies, water power. and flowing wells, clays and shales. (c)-Report on Alcona County: Surface geology, Frank Leverett; subsurface geology, A. C. Lane. Climate, glacial deposits, lake history, economic resources, soils, marl, clay, water power, wells and borings, oil and gas possibilities, salt, water and mineral water, peat, etc., maps of surface and bedrock geology. (d)-The distribution of the plant societies of Kent County, Michigan, B. E. Livingston. (e)-Surface geology of Lapeer County, Michigan. Map of surface deposits, F. B. Taylor. (f)-Economic geology. (g)-Li'mestones: Distribution, character, and analyses of various limestone formations in the state; development of deposits. (h)-Stratigraphy of the Traverse group of Michigan, A. W. Grabau. (i)-Deep wells and borings for oil and gas in Michigan. (j)-Salt. (k)-Meteorites. (1)-Geothermal gradient. (m-The Port Huron oil field; Wave cutting on west. shore of Lake Huron, Sanilac County, Michigan, C. H. Gordon. Annual Report for 1902 (26 pp., map), published in Michigan Miner, Saginaw, 1903. (a)-Preliminary report on the gypsum deposits of Michigan, G. P. Grimsley. (b)-Field and laboratory tests of Bay County waters. (c)-Notes on economic products: Molding sand, peat, limestone, road metal, iron bearing rocks, water power, wells and deep borings, etc. Annual Report for 1903 (342 pp., 6 pls., 10 figs., soil, vegetation, geologic maps). (a)-Progress reports on county geological surveys. (b)-Relation of soils to natural vegetation in Roscommon and Crawford counties, B. E. Livingston. (c)-Report on pro.gress made in Porcupine Mountains. (d)-Water supply of the Lowbr Peninsula of Michigan, W. F. Cooper. (e)-Waters of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, A. C. Lane. (f).-Limestone. (g)-Building and road materials. (h)-Analyses. (i)-Transmission of heat into the earth, A. C. Lane. (j)-The theory of copper deposition, A. C. Lane. (k)-The Tamarack mine cross-section and the Keweenawan lodes. (1)-Deep borings for oil and gas (2 well records). (m)-Peat. (n) -Topographical survey. (o)-Recent shore forms. Annual Report for 1904 (182 pp., 3 mnaps). (a)-Failure of wells along the lower Huron River, Michigan, in 1904, M. L. Fuller. 6 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY (b)-A geological reconnaissance along the north shores of lakes Huron and Michigan, I. C. Russell. (c)-Executive report on some non-metallics. (d)-Report of special committee on nomenclature and correlation for the Lake Superior region. (e)-Lake Superior gold mining. (f)-Black River work. (g)-Wells and borings. Annual Report for 1905 (638 pp.). Parts a, b, c, were bound and issued as separates. (a)-An ecological survey in northern Michigan (Porcupine Mountains and Isle Royale), C. C. Adams and others. (b)-Geological report on Bay County, W. F. Cooper. (c)-An illustrated catalogue of the Mollusca of Michigan, Bryant Walker. (d)-Annual report of the State Geologist. Contains notes on the origin of strontium, on wells, artesian and mineral waters, building material, marl, shale, sand lime brick, road metal, gypsum, paint, iron, coal. Annual Report for 1906 (602 pp., illus., incl. maps). Parts a, b, c, d, were bound and issued as separates. (a)-The surface geology of portions of Menominee, Dickinson, and Iron counties, Michigan, I. C. Russell. (b) Peat, essays on its origin, uses and distribution in Michigan, C. A. Davis. (c)-A geological section from Bessemer down Black River, W. C. Gordon. (d)-Crataegus in southern Michigan, C. S. Sargent. (e)-Annual report of the State Geologist, containing notes on gold (placer) in Michigan, limestone, earthquakes, molding sand, clay, water and water supplies, coal, oil and gas, sand lime brick, biological and topographic surveys, etc. Annual Report for 1907 (288 pp., illus., incl. maps). Parts b, c, d, were issued as separates. (a)-State Geologist's report containing notes on the topographic survey, on reforestation, leasing of state lands for oil and gas etc. exploration, peat, coal and coal analyses, limestone, cement and lime, tests, and analyses. (b)-Foundry sands, Heinrich Ries and J. A. Rosen. (c)-Summary of the surface geology of Michigan, A. C. Lane. Map. (d)-A biological survey of Walnut Lake (Oakland County), Michigan, T. L. Hankinson, C. A. Davis and J. G. Needham. Annual Report for 1908 (402 pp., illus., incl. maps). Parts b, c, d were issued as separates. (a)-Annual report of the State Geologist, containing notes on water, sand lime brick, peat, and salt licks. (b)-Notes on the geological section of Michigan, A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman. (c)-Report on the geology of Tuscola County, C. A. Davis. (d)-The intrusive rocks of Mount Bohemia, Michigan, F. E. Wright. An Ecological Survey of Isle Royale, Lake Superior prepared under the direction of C. C. Adams; published as part of the report of the Board of the Geological Survey for 1908 (468 pp., 63 figs., incl. 5 maps). Contains annotated lists of fauna and flora and contributions from twelve biologists. * 1 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION C A N A D A...................... GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION MINNESOTA K A #. 0.44 00_700 AG DO0MIO N 0F C A NASA WHITE ri sit \oooo~~l ~2 A A.K M ALA ~ L.TT I L oGEcJ41rI&r 0 N iF 3CW00L4 C K Geological Formations GA of theFtE3Q1) IL Lower Peninsula of Michigan14ARLIV01x Revised from map in Vol. V of State Reporta By Alf red C. Lane0LPf 1898 I 0 Legend Coal Measures Jackson series Kaskaskia Keokuk Porma sandstone and Michigan seriesAAY Kinderhook Marshall series 0 C.1A S j A 1 3A8EI J AM10LACKO MEIESD1. EEA A L R A. ACSNSRIS Uppri He Cldregdundee shlestoneA_-. 5. Y VA A ALESMON CE RCADTN SCALE O..BEMOISKUSI 0 0 D 0I00AONILA 3-i Mop 6. After a map published in colors in U. S..Geological Survey W.S.P. 31. 1898. V MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION C A AA A---'........ GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION LINNESOTA N 0 / A L A..... A "- -.P * / ýtRA 0 4p Michigan , /},. -, Compiled and Revised by F CAA Scale: 1-in. equals 56 m ilesa p 1 0 9 3 0U 9T V oofKA Explanation GAND RAPDS Nearly equivalent names in bold face type. (" w Formation C -- Archean-Pre-Cambrian. Laurentian. Basement Complex. r on a 0 sO C 0 C p Huronian. Lower Algonkian. \ * Lower Keweenawan.. R.--- Line between Cambrian and Archean uncertain.. Upper Keweenawan and Lake Superior sandstone. " i A Potsdam. ) A Y \ Silurian. AAC---Jlme... 0 W.0 L0. AMM C- IAf t-"L, c Calciferous. Lower Magnesian and St. Peters. Trenton. Including Birdseye and Chazy. Lorraine and Utica. Hudson and Cincinnati. AT I I Niagara. Guelph, probably Clinton. I. -" Monroe. Waterline, Salina, Onondaga. j..--.C-- * c C LAlsc T..c A N Devonian. r..... I"" S "A / I.- C AAA Dundee. Corniferous, Upper Helderberg. | Traverse. Hamilton and Marcellus. '-s. \-S' -' _ / JAAH Antrim. Ohio, New Albany, Genesee, Portage,.. Chemung. I 1 " Carboniferous. ~.. c M^. o "/....a // Berea Grit. Cuoy. TC L L ' E Coldwater. Waverly and Berea, Cuyahoga.*- - - Marshall. Kinderhook (?) Logan. I.. Grand Rapids. Maxville, St. Louis above. YA a HU CLZOCi Aa o 0 H A O CANAoA Augusta and Keokuk? below. I < Saginaw formation Millstone grit. COAL BASIN. -L. l A A A A ^ 10 I 0 "ILLS AMap 7. After the small geologic map (printed in colors and patterns) Lane included in the Annual Reports for 1901 and 1903. The same map is included (Edition 1905) in "Notes on the Rocks and Minerals of Michigan," but the legend differs: Keewatin is added to Laurentian as the Basement Complex. Cambrian is recognized and includes Upper Keweenawan and Lake Superior Sandstone. "The Cambrian includes the Lake Superior Sandstones, probably also the Lower Magnesian above and the Keweenawan below." Silurian is divided: Lower Silurian or Ordovician, including Calciferous, Trenton, Lorraine and Utica. (Upper) Silurian including Niagara and Monroe. In Monroe County the course of the Sylvania sandstone is indicated by a full line, and a bed of oolite by a dotted line. PUBLICATIONS OF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 7 R. C. ALLEN, State Geologist 1909-1919 A. G. RUTHVEN, Chief Naturalist 1908-1921 PUBLICATIONS Publication of the Annual Report was discontinued after 1908 and reports were issued as Publications in two series-Geological and Biological. Publications have consecutive numbers followed by series numbers. They are bound in paper and in gray vellum. Parts of the Biological Series were published also as separates. In 1911 the office of Commissioner of Mineral Statistics was abolished and his duties were transferred to the Survey. Statistical data in Publications 21, 24, 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, and 37 were collected in co-operation with the United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines. Publication 1, Biological Series 1, 1910 (96 pp., 17 pls., incl. map). (a)-The crawfishes of Michigan, A. S. Pearse. (b)-The insect galls of Michigan, M. T. Cook. (c)-The birds of School Girl's Glen region, Ann Arbor, Michigan: A study in local ornithology, A. D. Tinker. (d)-Preliminary list of the sites of aboriginal remains in Michigan, H. I. Smith. Publication 2, Geological Series 1, 1910 (248 pp., 32 pls., 9 figs.). The Monroe formation of southern Michigan and adjoining regions, A. W. Grabau and W. H. Sherzer. Publication 3, Geological Series 2, 1910 (152 pp., 18 figs., 17 pls., incl. 2 maps). The Iron River iron-bearing district of Michigan, R. C. Allen. Publication 4, Biological Series 2, 1911 (348 pp., 19 pls., map). A biological survey of the sand dune region on the southern shore of Saginaw Bay, A. G. Ruthven et al. Publication 5, Geological Series 3, 1911 (96 pp.). (a)-The late glacial and post-glacial uplift of the Michigan basin (48 figs., 2 pls.). (b)-Earthquakes in Michigan, W. H. Hobbs (5 figs., 2 pls.). Publication 6, Geological Series 4, 1911. The Keweenaw series of Michigan, A. C. Lane. Vol. I-(pp. 1-499, 15 pls., 47 figs., incl. maps). Vol. II-(pp. 500-984, 22 figs., incl. maps). Publication 7, Geological Series 5, 1911 (92 pp., 9 pls., 7 figs., incl. map). Surface geology of the Northern Peninsula of Michigan, Frank Leverett. Publication 8, Geological Series 6, 1912 (466 pp., 19 figs., 21 pls., incl. 14 maps). Mineral resources of Michigan... for 1910 and prior years. (a)-The copper industry, R. E. Hore. (b)-The iron mining industry, R. C. Allen. (c)-The pig iron industry, A. E. White. (d)-The Jones step process, A. E. White. (e)-Michigan coal, R. A. Smith. (f)-Gypsum and gypsum products, R. A. Smith. (g)-The salt industry, C. W. Cook. (h)-Michigan cement, C. W. Cook. (i)-Gold in Michigan, R. C. Allen. (j)-Oil and gas in Michigan, R. A. Smith. 8 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Publication 9, Geological Series 7, 1912 (144 pp., 15 pls., 16 figs., incl. 3 maps). Surface geology and agricultural conditions of the Southern Peninsula of Michigan, Frank Leverett. Climate of Michigan, C. F. Schneider. Publication 10, Biological Series 3, 1912 (190 pp., 55 figs., 20 pls.). The herpetology of Michigan, A. G. Ruthven, Crystal Thompson and Helen Thompson. Memoranda towards a bibliography of the archaeology of Michigan, H. I. Smith. Publication 11, Geological Series 8, 1912 (146 pp., 6 pls., 18 figs.). Geological report on Arenac County, W. M. Gregory. Publication 12, Geological Series 9, 1913 (388 pp., 32 pls., 22 figs., incl. maps). Geological report on Wayne County, W. H. Sherzer. Publication 13, Geological Series 10, 1913 (256 pp., 8 pls., 1 fig.). Mineral resources of Michigan... for 1912 and prior years. (a)-The copper industry of Michigan, R. E. Hore. (b)-Potash. (c)-Sand and gravel. (d)-Preliminary statement on limestone. (e)-Statistical tables. (f)-Directory of mineral producers of Michigan. Publication 14, Geological Series 11, 1914 (282 pp., 3 pls., 19 figs., incl. map). The occurrence of oil and gas in Michigan, R. A. Smith. Publication 15, Geological Series 12, 1914 (188 pp., 15 pls., 47 figs., incl. maps). The brine and salt deposits of Michigan, C. W. Cook. Publication 16, Geological Series 13, 1914 (150 pp.). Mineral resources of Michigan... for 1913 and prior years. Part I-Copper industry, R. E. Hore. Iron ore reserves, R. C. Allen. Part II-Non-metallic minerals, R. A. Smith. Publication 17, Geological Series 14, 1914 (104 pp., map). Biennial report of the Director, Michigan Geological and Biological Survey, 1912-1914, R. C. Allen. Publication 18, Geological Series 15, 1915 (190 pp.). Part I-Contributions to the pre-Cambrian geology of northern Michigan and Wisconsin, R. C. Allen and L. P. Barrett (12 pls., 11 figs.). Part II-The geology of Limestone Mountain and Sherman Hill in Houghton County, Michigan, E. C. Case and W. I. Robinson (5 figs.). Publication 19, Geological Series 16, 1915 (360 pp., 18 pls., 24 figs.). Mineral resources of Michigan... for 1914 and prior years. Part I-Metallic minerals, R. E. Hore. Part II-Non-metallic minerals, R. A. Smith. Publication 20, Biological Series 4, 1916 (180 pp., 28 pls., 3 figs., incl. maps). Miscellaneous papers on the zoology of Michigan. (a)-Observations on the fishes of Houghton County, T. L. Hankinson. (b)-An ecological study of the fish fauna of the Douglas Lake region, R. J. Colbert. (c)-Dragonflies of the Douglas Lake region, A. T. Evans. (d)-The reptiles and amphibians of Monroe County, Crystal Thompson. (e)-Results of the Mershon expedition to the Charity Islands, Lake Huron: Coleoptera, A. W. Andrews. (f)-Results of the Shiras expeditions to Whitefish Point: Fishes, T. L. Hankinson. Fc _I~_ ~ _ _ _ ~~ ~ _ _ I Iv- _ MICHIGAN C A -)k A'DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVAION C HA >..00-... GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION MINI ESOTA 0,.. 1 J R A0 f SouternPennsul ofMiciga 'CC L V1L DSOE 4 CoalABasin1L14 % M *-A ]r a CL AL A Sylvaia sndstoetJo -400--Contours of rock surface aboveWAA sea level. Y N 9UAt At. to CA H0U - RM pE SV t A A SolS- I ND IANA 7 rod1 D bS9N fA Map 8. After map by A. C. Lane published as Plate VI in the Michigan Annual Report for 1907 and as Plate 11 in U. S. Geological Survey W.-S.P. 183. It'I's published in colors and patterns with 100-foot bedrock and surface contours by Frank Leverelt. This is the first map of Michigan to show surface and bedrock topography by contours. S I IV I I -1 II "Nom 0. v> Su womm 0 "s. o oam -A 0 o v 0 C2 0~ Su r3 An E ===s - 5, o u z 0 o,.,; / << 0 LU.^ LL m / /~ /" - / ^\ ^, k,0 o ~ j I, ;". o 0t " I " "...f 0 "' -.4.__L... ==J. )Of / -,<--( -.....! ~ ~ :.0..;- -- - '- " I2 UV,),: - r, -.-- i.. 00.. b...... 3 -<) ".; .......,.-., ~. 4C (:) 7'"F Co. -.-...n- ~'x\ t-- u< 1 <,<,,. i,.,, << 10 03 0-.0 e o o *U~ 0,.0 0 > 0u:: ^E 4 -4D r CD ~.ini' S5E ~j0STj - n u -0S ^E u --- gL v^i^ 4- 0;~ qj-s C) CL S 0gS" 05- " System >, o Pleistocene Wisconsin Drift Illiinoian and pre-Illinoian (?) Drift c 5 *C 0 ^ ^ c s. Woodville sandstone Saginaw formation Legend Series Formation, Member Recent Deposits u 0 N 0 LU < System uF or 0 Mi 00 oo C o 5 Up E or u pper Cinc iddle Ordovician wer Ordovician Series Formation, Member *" Richmond shale Ordovician innatian. Lorraine shale 0 Utica shale Trenton limestone St. Peter sandstone Beekmantown (Calciferous) sandstone including Hermansville limestone Coal Measures Parma sandstone or conglomerate o 0 L. &. 0 u U. Mississippian Grand Rapids series Bayport (Maxville) or Upper Grand Rapids limestone Michigan or Lower Grand Rapids series ~per Cambrian Potsdam Lake Superior sandstone Munising sandstone Jacobsville sandstone c o.5 '5_.9_ M. Mississippian L. Mississippian Napoleon or Upper Marshall Marshall sandstone Lower Marshall Coldwater shale Sunbury shale Berea sandstone Upper Keweenawan (Cambrian?) Freda sandstone (May be equivalent to Jacobsville) Nonesuch shale Outer Conglomerate e o Lower Keweenawan Legend Lake Shore traps Great conglomerate Eagle River and Ashbed groups Mesnard epidote Central Mine group Conglomerate 8 Bohemia Range group Bedford shale? U. Devonian Antrim shale Upper Traverse or Thunder c Bay series o Traverse (Hamilton- Alpena limestone > M. Devonian Marcellus),Petoskey limestone U -- Long Lake series 0 N Bell (Marcellus) shale 0 L. Devonian Dundee (Onondaga) limestone Lucas dolomite a. Upper Monroe or Detroit River Amherstburg dolomite series Anderdon limestone Flat Rock dolomite Upper Silurian %. or Monroan o Middle Monroe or Sylvania sandstone Raisin River dolomite Lower Monroe Put-in-Bay dolomite or Bass Island series Tyrnochtee shale Greenfield dolomite z Middle Silurian._ or Salmnn Saana ur Guelph Engadine dolomite Guelph? Manistique series Fiborn limestone Lockport? Hendricks series Lower Silurian Lockport (Niagara) or Niagaran Rochester shale Clinton Medina (Cataract?) Cabots Head shale Cataract (Medina) Manitoulin limestone Z < m 0 < Clarksburg formation Upper Huronian Mich1gamme-Copps formation Goodrich formation Presque Isle granite Quinnesec schist IS a Middle Huronian (Animikle) Tyler and Hanbury formations Negaunee, Vulcan, and Ironwood formations Ajibik, Siamo, and Palms formations Hemlock formation owe un Kona, Randville, and Bad River formations Low er H uronian ^ - ___ _ - _ _, ^ ~ - - - - - -. _ __. Mesnard, Sturgeon, and Sunday formations z < Laurentian LU u SKeewatin r ^ -* I I PUBLICATIONS OF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 9 Publication 21, Geological Series 17, 1916 (402 pp., 8 pls., 15 figs.). Mineral resources of Michigan... for 1915 and prior years. Part I-Metallic minerals, W. E. Hopper and R. C. Allen. Part II-Non-metallic minerals, R. A. Smith. Limestones of Michigan, R. A. Smith Publication 22, Geological Series 18, 1916 (118 pp., 9 maps). Biennial report of the Director and report on retracement and permanent monumenting of the Michigan-Ohio boundary line. Publication 23, Geological Series 19, 1917. Geological map of Michigan (Scale: 1:750,000), R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith and L. P. Barrett. Publication 24, Geological Series 20, 1917 (292 pp., 7 figs., inel. maps). Mineral resources of Michigan... for 1916 and prior years. Part I-Metallic minerals, W. E. Hopper. Part II-Non-metallic minerals, R. A. Smith. The Portland cement industry, R. A. Smith. Part III-Deep borings in Michigan. Publication 25, Geological Series 21, 1917 (224 pp., 15 pls., 25 figs., incl. maps). (A revision of publications 7 and 9). Surface geology and agricultural conditions of Michigan, Frank Leverett. Chapter on climate, C. F. Schneider. Publication 26, Biological Series 5, 1918. The Agaricaceae of Michigan, C. H. Kauffman. Vol. I-Text (924 pp., 4 figs.). Vol. H-Plates (172 pls.). Publication 27, Geological Series 22, 1918 (226 pp., 2 figs.). Mineral resources of Michigan... for 1917 and prior years. Part I-Metallic minerals, W. E. Hopper. Part II-Non-metallic minerals, R. A. Smith. Publication 28, Geological Series 23, 1919 (134 pp., 13 pls., 5 figs., incl. maps). Drainage in Michigan, D. G. Miller and P. T. Simons. Publication 29, Geological Series 24, 1920 (214 pp., 4 figs.). Mineral resources of Michigan... for 1918 and prior years. Part I-Metallic minerals, L. P. Barrett and O. R. Hamilton. Part II-Non-metallic minerals, H. M. Martin. R. A. SMITH, State Geologist 1919-1946 Reports were issued as formal Publications and mimeographed progress reports. Publication 30, Geological Series 25, 1921 (384 pp., 20 pls., 93 figs., incl. maps). Inland lakes of Michigan, I. D. Scott. Publication 31, Biological Series 6, 1921 (234 pp., map). Miscellaneous papers on the botany of Michigan, C. K. Dodge. In 1921, the Geological Survey became a Division of the Department of Conservation and publications of the biological series were discontinued by the Survey; thus, Publication 31, Biological Series 6 is the final report of the series. Annual and biennial reports of the Geological Survey Division are published in the Biennial Reports of the Department of Conservation. Publication 32, Geological Series 26, 1922 (146 pp.). Mineral resources of Michigan... for 1920 and prior years. 10 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Part I-Metallic minerals, L. P. Barrett. Part II-Non-metallic minerals, H. M. Martin. Oil and gas in Michigan, W. I. Robinson. Publication 33, Geological Series 27, 1923 (138 pp.). Mineral resources of Michigan... for 1921 and prior years. Part I-Metallic minerals. Part II-Non-metallic minerals, H. M. Martin. Publication 34, Geological Series 28, 1924 (146 pp.). Mineral resources of Michigan... for 1921 and prior years. Part I-Metallic minerals, L. P. Barrett. Part II-Non-metallic minerals. Publication 35, Geological Series 29, 1925 (116 pp., 2 figs.). Mineral resources of Michigan... for 1923 and prior years. Part I-Metallic minerals, L. P. Barrett. Part II-Non-metallic minerals. Publication 36, Geological Series 30, 1926 (444 pp., 41 pls., 69 figs., incl. maps). Clays and shales of Michigan and their uses, G. G. Brown. Publication 37, Geological Series 31, 1928 (322 pp., 10 figs., incl. maps). Mineral resources of Michigan... for 1924, 1925, 1926 and prior years. Part I-Metallic minerals, F. G. Pardee. Part II-Non-metallic minerals, 0. F. Poindexter and R. B. Newcombe. Part III-Oil and gas developments in Michigan, R. B. Newcombe. Publication 38, Geological Series 32, 1933 (294 pp., 10 pls., 41 figs., 23 tables, incl. maps). Oil and gas fields of Michigan, R. B. Newcombe. Part I-General geology. Part II-Economic geology. Publication 39, Geological Series 33, 1937. The centennial geological map of Michigan (Scale: 1:500,000), H. M. Martin. Part I-Northern Peninsula. Part II-Southern Peninsula. Publication 40, Geological Series 34, 1936 (260 pp., 16 figs., 27 pls., incl. maps). Occasional papers on the geology of Michigan. Part I-The Pleistocene history of the Tahquamenon and Manistique drainage region of the Northern Peninsula, S. G. Bergquist. Part II-The Pennsylvanian system in Michigan, W. A. Kelly. Part III-The Trenton and Black River rocks of Michigan, R. C. Hussey. Publication 41, Geological Series 35, 1936 (262 pp., 34 figs., 42 tables, 2 maps). Molding sands of Michigan and their uses, G. G. Brown. Part I-Chemical and physical properties of, and cause of bond in sands. Part II-Tests of Michigan sands. Publication 42, 1939. Rocks and minerals of Michigan, 0. F. Poindexter, H. M. Martin and S. G. Bergquist (81 pp., 10 figs., incl. fossils, mineral crystals and map). Third edition, revised 1951, Helen M. Martin. Second printing 1953 (124 pp., 21 pls., 5 figs.). Publication 43, Geological Series 36, 1945 (74 pp., 31 figs., map). Pre-historic Mackinac Island, G. M. Stanley. Publication 44, Geological Series 37, 1945 (204 pp., 14 pls., incl. maps). Geology of the Mackinac Straits region, K. K. Landes, G. M. Ehlers and G. M. Stanley. k~ r~ YI -:~ MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION C A N A oA 0---...... GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION -.._.. 'Department of Conservation MI'NEOTA K P. J. Hoffmaster, Director MESO A.. Geological Survey Division R. A. Smith, State Geologist / u 1 * l The Centennial Geological' Map of A AKU Michigan t 4I o 0 Compiled by Helen M. Martin.......1936 Publication 39, Geological Series 33 0CALL.A0 DOM1ON OF CANADA a "A AK ARL OR AY 0OC OT Legend H 0 P.... - LS Bayport limestone Mbp -/_ * f. ' -.L "~ iD. Michigan series Mm C / Napoleon sandstone Mn -,, (/-. ' -DB Lower Marshall sandstone Mim. v D" D Coldwater shale Me.:. Mc.'T, Berea sandstone Mb a Bedford limestone Mbd L 'MA AntrMm shale Ma DT Traverse.formation DT.o / 7 o'.o o Detroit River series Ddr...... Sylvania sandstone Ds MbN 'E N Mackinac limestone Dm ' I ~ IT Devonian-Siluran - M'k Monroe Dm Silurian ' P t Salina Ss MM Engadine dolomite Se. f.,|..... A L Manistique dolomite Sm Burnt Bluff limestone Sbb P s MBP Mayville dolomite Smine PGR A Ordovician C tMC T....A10I LP L A Richmond shale OR Lorraine, Utica, Eden (?), Collingwood shale OC MB Trenton limestone OT t.... M Black River limestone OBR -- Ozarkian Hermansville H ".,.,Cambrian P " Lake Superior sandstone -is.... Pre-Cambrian unclassified M.Mc Upper Keweenawan sandstone, -'-- shale AKU Keweenawan lava flows, > conglomerate Ak n Killarney granite Aky Mc MiCL A.. BP. r Huronian iron formations, salctos, D "T tt" ' limestones AlH lrMLM-,. en^"....'" Huronian iron formation 0~1.y0 " j. 1.. M Do c ANDA Archean M Mc - t.Mu.., ~s Laurentian granitic intrusives /RL -4 ------ c DDo Keewatin basic extrusives highly BEI I MLM metamorphosed /RK ' ~ A aP I " 1. A 4 / -MA ML c4 - - Map 10. After the "Centennial Map", Publication 39 of the Michigan Geological Survey, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Michigan Geological Survey. The map published in colors is in two parts: The Northern Peninsula and The Southern Peninsula. Both maps have appropriate cross sections and comprehensive legends dividing the rock formations into System-Series, Group, Formation-Stage-Member-Bed, with dating of nomenclature, and descriptions of the rocks and their economic resources. The Centennial Map was compiled from surveys of the Michigan Geological Survey, from unpublished data supplied by geologists of the University of Michigan and Michigan State College and by the geological departments of several oil companies. The legend of Map 10 is abbreviated from the legend of the Centennial Map to explain the symbols used. tr - - -. - 61* op. oil 31- 4. dko MICHJGAN C A N DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION C ANADA ^ GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION MINNESOTA T A~0 _ ASc, P^ DOUION OF CANADA Geological Map of Michigan jy [/ 0/ ^ ^^T f CHelen M. Martin A / K I w SH A A Y../P L..-...l A revision of the Centennial Geological Map { 4 CCAjaWC ___..Vrc -s7 A N C N 0 0 L C R A Legend Pennsylvahian Silurian..... Red Beds, Grand River St. Ignace fm Group Pgr Pointe aux Chenes fm Sp Saginaw Parma Group Ps Engadine dol Se Manistique series Sm A. Mississippian Burnt Bluff Is Sbb 4. T Bayport Is Mb Mayville fm Sme.J Michigan series Mm Ordovician Napoleon-Marshall Richmond OR I. - / o ss Mnm Trenton OT I Coldwater sh Mc Black River OBR Berea-Bedford Mbb Ozarkian Ellsworth sh Me Hermansville - Mississippi-Devonian Cambrian N p I r Antrim sh DMa Lake Superior ss CLS k I Algonkian Devonian Killarney granite Aky ^ C T A C C A Traverse fmn DT Keweenawan Ak Rogers City Is Drc Freda ss, Nonesuch Dundee Is Dd shales Aku "* BAR T Detroit River group Ddr Huronian Ah '- f Bois Blanc fm Dbb Hauronian iron fms ew IL% PAVA IN 1 IL Sylvania ss Ds Archean ist 1 s S U A.0 LA a0 Garden Island fm Dgi Laurentian /RL - - Mackinac breccia D-Sm Keewatin./RK a Ve / ~ It A t,""C-^ ^i A UAX D A L / /vieE \ ~ ~ 1 MC ^^\A 6 6 3! $^H IDN1A Hc H r4"^ '-1. ^ti to 3CAC LS CC 4MILUEJ& Map. 11. After 1955 manuscript-revision of the Centennial Map, compiled from data obtained from oil and water well logs, from core testing generously supplied by several oil companies and from the map of the Mackinac Straits area in Publication 44. Only in the St. Ignace area is the Centennial Map of the Northern Peninsula revised. PUBLICATIONS OF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 11 G. E. EDDY, State Geologist 1946-1951 Reports were issued as Publications, Progress Reports, Technical Reports and Research Publications. Many of these reports were in co-operation with various federal, state and educational agencies. Publication 45, Geological Series 38, 1948. Occasional papers on the geology of Michigan for 1946. Part I-The post-glacial geology of the Grand Marais embayment in Berrien County, Michigan, G. C. Tague (82 pp., 27 pls., 6 figs., incl. maps). Part II-The glacial and post-glacial history of the Platte and Crystal lake depressions, Benzie County, Michigan, J. L. Calver (70 pp., 16 pls., 9 figs., map). F. G. PARDEE, State Geologist 1951-1952 Publication 46, Geological Series 39, 1952 (90 pp., 10 pls., 11 figs.). The Middle and Upper Ordovician rocks of Michigan, R. C. Hussey. W. L. DAOUST, Acting State Geologist 1952-1954 State Geologist 1954-- In 1953, use of the term "Geological Series" was discontinued and only publication numbers retained. Publication 47, 1954. Oil and gas conservation in Michigan, L. S. Miller. Publication 48, 1955. Occasional papers on the geology of Michigan for 1954. Part I-The glacial geology and groundwater resources of Van Buren County, Michigan, F. W. Terwilliger. Part II-A survey of the groundwater resources in Oakland County, Michigan, A. J. Mozola. Publication 49, 1955. Map of the surface formations of the Southern Peninsula of Michigan (Scale: 1:500,000), H. M. Martin. Publication 50, 1956. A survey of Michigan geology, 1821 to 1955, H. M. Martin and M. T. Straight. PROGRESS REPORTS Progress reports have been issued during the administration of State Geologists Smith, Eddy, Pardee, and Daoust. They are mimeographed and bound. Editions have been small as it is the intent of the Geological Survey to combine them eventually in several monographic reports. Progress Report No. 1, 1936. Geology of the Crystal oil field, Montcalm County, G. E. Eddy. Progress Report No. 2, 1937. Geology of Ogemaw County and the West Branch oil field, E. A. Newman. Progress Report No. 3, 1937. Geology of Arenac County, G. II. Pringle. Progress Report No. 4, 1938. Geology of Allegan County, C. H. Riggs. 12 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Progress Report No. 5, 1939. Geology of the Menominee Range, Dickinson County, C. E. Dutton and C. A. Lamey. Progress Report No. 6, 1941. Geology of the Menominee Range, vicinity of Iron Mountain, C. A. Lamey and C. E. Dutton. Progress Report No. 7, 1941. Dip-needle survey of the Wyandotte-Winona area, Houghton County, and Cherokee area, Ontonagon County, Kiril Spiroff. Progress Report No. 8, 1942. Geology of the Menominee Range, Norway to Waucedah, C. A. Lamey and C. E. Dutton. Progress Report No. 9, 1942. Economic geology of a part of the Menominee Range, C. E. Dutton. Progress Report No. 10, 1944. Strategic mineral investigations in Marquette and Baraga counties, 1943, A. K. Snelgrove, W. A. Seaman and V. L. Ayres. (In co-operation with the Michigan College of Mining and Technology) Progress Report No. 11, 1945. Geology of the Spruce River and Peshekee River areas, Marquette and Baraga counties, W. A. Seaman. (In co-operation with the Michigan College of Mining and Technology) Progress Report No. 12, 1945. Ground water resources of the Benton Harbor area, W. T. Stuart and R. W. Stallman. (In co-operation with the U. S. Dept. of Interior, Geological Survey) Progress Report No. 13, 1945. Ground water resources of the Lansing area, Michigan, W. T. Stuart. (In co-operation with the U. S. Dept. of Interior, Geological Survey) Progress Report No. 14, 1951. Ground-water resources of the glacial deposits in the Bessemer area, Michigan, E. A. Brown and W. T. Stuart. (In co-operation with the U. S. Dept. of Interior, Geological Survey) Progress Report No. 15, 1952. The Richfield challenge, G. H. Hautau. Progress Report No. 16, 1954. Ground-water resources of southeastern Oakland County, J. G. Ferris, E. M. Burt, G. J. Stramel and E. G. Crosthwaite. (In co-operation with the U. S. Dept. of Interior, Geological Survey) TECHNICAL REPORTS The first technical report was published in March 1948 in co-operation with the United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey. These reports are mimeographed and bound. Editions are limited. Technical Report No. 1, 1948. Ground water hydraulics as a geophysical aid, J. G. Ferris. Technical Report No. 2, 1948. Ground-water problems of the Iron River district, W. T. Stuart, C. V. Theis and G. M. Stanley. Technical Report No. 3, 1954. Ground water investigations of the Marquette iron-mining district, W. T. Stuart, E. A. Brown and E. C. Rhodehamel. PUBLICATIONS OF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 13 RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS Research publications are published by the University of Michigan, Engineering Research Institute, Lake Hydraulics Laboratory as part of a co-operative project with the Michigan Department of Conservation, Geological Survey Division. Research Publication No. 1, 1950. Bibliography on beach erosion and related subjects. Research Publication No. 2, 1950. Beach erosion in Michigan, E. F. Brater. Research Publication No. 3, 1952. Low cost shore protection for the Great Lakes. (In co-operation with Michigan Water Resources Commission) MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS Mines and mineral statistics. Annual reports of the Commissioners of mineral statistics, 1877 and previous years to 1909. You never miss the water, 1952, J. L. Slaughter and J. M. Campbell. Statistics covering costs and production of Michigan iron mines. Published annually since 1927. Summary of operations, oil and gas fields. Published annually since 1946. Logs of water wells, oil and gas wells, other borings, drillers, company and sample logs. Filed and issued as requested. General regulations governing oil and gas operations in the state of Michigan, June 9, 1949. General regulations governing the spacing, drilling, deepening and plugging of wells for natural dry gas, June 9, 1949. ACT NO. 61, PUBLIC ACTS 1939 as amended. This Act provides for a Supervisor of wells. ACT NO. 194, PUBLIC ACTS 1939 as amended by Acts 121 and 194, Public Acts 1954. (Inland lake levels). ACT NO. 326, PUBLIC ACTS 1937 as amended. This Act provides for a Supervisor of natural dry gas wells. Price list of oil and gas and geologic maps available from Geological Survey Division. Index maps to topographic quadrangles in Michigan. A guide to uranium prospectors in Michigan, 1949, B. E. Kennedy. Lake gazetteer, Gogebic County, Michigan, compiled by Michigan Committee on Geographic Names, June 1952, revised July 1954. A quantitative method for determining ground water characteristics for drainage design, J. G. Ferris. List of publications Geological Survey Division, with prices. _ _.. CO-OPERATIVE REPORTS. - - In co-operation with United States Department of Interior Bureau of Mines Publications 21, 24, 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, and 37. Statistical data on mineral resources. Summary Report No. 1, 1933. Production and value of minerals and mineral products in Michigan, 1927 to 1931 and prior years, Wayland Osgood and 0. F. Poindexter. Summary Report No. 2, 1936. Production and value of minerals and mineral products in Michigan, 1930 to 1934 and prior years, Wayland Osgood and 0. F. Poindexter. 14 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Mineral industries of Michigan, 1934 to 1938 and prior years, 0. F. Poindexter. Michigan's mineral industries 1946, 1948 (includes summary statistics for 1947), 1949, 1951, and 1952. Michigan's mineral industries 1953, H. 0. Sorensen and E. T. Carlson. U. S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 3313, 1936. Extent and availability of natural gas reserves in Michigan "Stray" sandstone horizon of central Michigan, E. L. Rawlins and M. A. Schellhardt. In co-operation with United States Department of Interior Geological Survey U. S. Geological Survey Circular 26, 1948. Magnetic survey and geology of the eastern and southeastern parts of the Iron River district, Iron County, Michigan, H. L. James and K. L. Wier. U. S. Geological Survey Circular 43, 1949. Geology of the central part of the Iron River district, Iron County, Michigan, C. E. Dutton. U. S. Geological Survey Circular 55, 1949. Magnetic survey and geology of the Stager area, Iron County, Michigan, S. E. Good and F. J. Pettijohn. U. S. Geological Survey Circular 77, 1950. Coal resources of Michigan, G. V. Cohee et al. (In co-operation with the University of Michigan). U. S. Geological Survey Circular 84, 1950. Progress of geologic work in Iron and Dickinson counties, Michigan, C. E. Dutton. U. S. Geological Survey Circular 120, 1951. Geology of the northern part of the Iron River district, Iron County, Michigan, H. L. James and C. E. Dutton. U. S. Geological Survey Circular 133, 1951. Detroit River group in the Michigan basin, K. K. Landes. U. S. Geological Survey Circular 153, 1952. Geology of the northern Crystal Falls area, Iron County, Michigan, F. J. Pettijohn. U. S. Geological Survey Circular 183, 1952. Water resources of the Detroit area, Michigan, C. 0. Wisler, G. J. Stramel and L. B. Laird. U. S. Geological Survey Circular 323, 1954. Water resources of the Grand Rapids area, Michigan, G. J. Stramel, C. O. Wisler and L. B. Laird. U. S. Geological Survey Preliminary Report, 1945. General character and succession of tentative divisions in the stratigraphy of Mineral Hills district, Iron River, Iron County, Michigan, C. E. Dutton, C. F. Park, Jr., and J. R. Balsley, Jr. U. S. Geological Survey Strategic Minerals Investigations Preliminary Map 3-181, 1946. Geology of the Crystal Falls-Alpha iron-bearing district, Iron County, Michigan, F. J. Pettijohn. U. S. Geological Survey Strategic Minerals Investigations Preliminary Map 3-213, 1947. Magnetic survey and geology of the Ice Lake-Chicagon Creek area, Iron County, Michigan, H. L. James, L. D. Clark and L. E. Smith. U. S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations, 1949. Aeromagnetic survey of parts of Baraga, Iron and Houghton counties, Michigan, with preliminary geologic interpretation, J. R. Balsley, H. L. James and K. L. Wier. PUBLICATIONS OF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 15 An airborne radioactivity survey of parts of Marquette, Dickinson and Baraga counties, Michigan, 1950, J. R. Balsley, F. W. Stead, F. J. Davis, R. A. Nelson and P. W. Reinhardt. (In co-operation with U. S. Atomic Energy Commission). U. S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations 115, 1953. Aeromagnetic survey of part of Dickinson County, Michigan, with preliminary geologic interpretation, K. L. Wier, J. R. Balsley and W. P. Pratt. In co-operation with United States Department of Interior, Geological Survey and Department of Geology, University of Michigan Map No. 11, 1944. Geology and oil and gas possibilities of south-central Michigan, G. V. Cohee. Map No. 17, 1944. Map and sections of the Berea sandstone of eastern Michigan, G. V. Cohee and L. B. Underwood. Map No. 28, 1945. Geology and oil and gas possibilities of Sylvania and Bois Blanc formations of Michigan, K. K. Landes. Map No. 38, 1945. Lithology and thickness of the Dundee formation and the Rogers City limestone in the Michigan basin, G. V. Cohee and L. B. Underwood. Map No. 40, 1945. The Salina and Bass Island rocks in the Michigan basin, K. K. Landes. Chart No. 4, 1944. Thickness and character of the Traverse group and Dundee formation in southwestern Michigan, G. V. Cohee. Chart No. 9, 1945. Sections and maps of Lower Ordovician and Cambrian rocks in the Michigan basin, Michigan and adjoining areas, G. V. Cohee. Chart No. 11, 1945. Geology and oil and gas possibilities of Trenton and Black River limestones of the Michigan basin, Michigan and adjacent areas, G. V. Cohee. Chart No. 28, 1947. Lithology and thickness of the Traverse group in the Michigan basin, G. V. Cohee. Chart No. 33, 1948. Thickness and lithology of Upper Ordovician, and Lower and Middle Silurian rocks in the Michigan basin, G. V. Cohee (2 sheets). Chart No. 41, 1951. Thickness and lithology of Upper Devonian and Carboniferous rocks in Michigan, G. V. Cohee, Carol Mocha, and Marjorie Holk (5 sheets). FIELD EXCURSION GUIDEBOOKS In co-operation with the Geology Section Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters and the Michigan Geological Society 1931. First Annual Excursion, Michigan Academy of Science. Field Excursion to Saginaw Bay Region. 1932. Section Geology and Geography, Michigan Academy of Science. Pleistocene of southwestern Southern Peninsula. 1933. Michigan Academy of Science Field Excursion. Pennsylvanian in Grand Ledge area. 16 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 1934. Michigan Academy of Science Geological Field Trip. Pleistocene of the Thumb area of Michigan. 1935. Guide to Fifth Annual Field Trip, Section Geology and Mineralogy, Michigan Academy of Science. A study of the Lucas County, Ohio-Monroe County, Michigan Monocline and stratigraphy of northwestern Ohio and southeastern Michigan. 1936. Guide to Sixth Annual Field Trip, Section Geology and Mineralogy, Michigan Academy of Science. A study of the Fort Wayne Outlet of the Early Glacial Lakes and Niagaran Strata of Northern Indiana. 1937. Seventh Annual Field Excursion of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, Section Geology and Geography. Devonian of Alpena and Presque Isle counties (celebrating the Centennial of the Michigan Geological Survey). 1938. Eighth Annual Field Excursion of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, Section Geology and Geography. Devonian of Antrim, Charlevoix and Emmet counties. 1939. Ninth Annual Field Excursion of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, Section Geology and Geography. Marquette and Menominee Districts. 1940. Tenth Annual Geological Excursion, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. To Afton-Onaway District, Devonian. 1941. Eleventh Annual Geological Excursion, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. St. Ignace and Mackinac Island. 1944. Mackinac Straits Field Conference, Michigan Geological Society. 1945. Field Trip Northwestern Ohio. No Guidebook prepared. 1946. Michigan Geological Society, Ontario Field Trip. 1947. Annual Field Trip, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters and Michigan Geological Society. Michigan Copper Country. 1948. Annual Geological Excursion, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters and the Michigan Geological Society. Pleistocene and Early Paleozoic of the eastern part of the Northern Peninsula of Michigan. 1949. Annual Geological Excursion, Michigan Geological Society. The Traverse Group of the northern part of the Southern Peninsula. 1950. Annual Geological Excursion, Michigan Geological Society. The Ordovician Rocks of the Escanaba-Stonington area. 1951. Annual Geological Excursion, Michigan Geological Society. Devonian and Silurian rocks of Ontario, Canada and Western New York. 1952. Annual Geological Excursion, Michigan Geological Society. Stratigraphy and Structure of the Devonian Rocks in southeastern Michigan and northwestern Ohio. (This was also the guidebook for the stratigraphic field trip of the Geological Society of America, November 1951). 1953. Annual Geological Excursion, Michigan Geological Society. The Ordovician Stratigraphy of the Cincinnati, Ohio and Richmond, Indiana areas. 1954. Annual Geological Excursion, Michigan Geological Society. Stratigraphy of Manitoulin Island, Ontario. 1955. Michigan Geological Society, Annual Field Trip. Niagara Escarpment of Peninsular Ontario. PUBLICATIONS OF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 17 OPEN FILE REPORTS Open file reports are available for study at the office of the Michigan Geological Survey, Lansing 26, Michigan; United States Geological Survey, Iron Mountain, Michigan; United States Geological Survey, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. Graphite deposits of the Taylor mine area, 1942, Justin Zinn (12 pp., map). The Adventure mining property, 1942, Justin Zinn. Geology of an area southwest of Randville, Dickinson County, Michigan, 1946, C. A. Lamey (8 pp., 2 pis.). (U. S. Geological Survey in co-operation with Michigan Geological Survey). Geology of an area near Randville, Michigan, 1947, C. A. Lamey (17 pp., 2 pIs., 1 fig.). (U. S. Geological Survey in co-operation with Michigan Geological Survey). Geology of the Lake Michigamme area, Baraga and Marquette counties, 1947, W. A. Seaman (119 pp., 7 pls., 5 tables). (Michigan Geological Survey in co-operation with Michigan College of Mining and Technology). Geology of the Ishpeming gold range, 1948, R. M. Denning (17 pp., 3 pls.).;(Michigan Geological Survey in co-operation with Michigan College of Mining and Technology). Geology of a part of the Felch Mountain iron range, Michigan, 1949, C. A. Lamey (19 pp., 2 pis.). (United States Geological Survey). Detailed geologic maps of recently active copper mines, Houghton and Keweenaw counties, Michigan, 1949, H. R. Cornwall, J. J. Runner, A. A. Stromquist, R. W. Swanson and W. A. White (43 pp., 24 pls.). (United States Geological Survey). Salt deposits of the United States: Incomplete compilation from published sources, 1950, Resources Group, U. S. Geological Survey (2 pp., map). Geologic and magnetic data of the Sholdeis-Doane and Red Rock explorations, Iron County, Michigan, 1951, K. L. Wier and B. E. Kennedy (19 pp., 5 p1s., 1 fig.). (U. S. Geological Survey in co-operation with Michigan Geological Survey). Geology and magnetic anomalies of T 42 N, R 30 W, Dickinson County, Michigan, 1951, F. J. Pettijohn (30 pp., 3 pls., 1 fig.). (U. S. Geological Survey in co-operation with Michigan Geological Survey). Stratigraphic sections in the vicinity of the White Pine copper mine, Ontonagon County, Michigan, 1953, W. S. White and J. C. Wright (1 p., 1 fig., 2 explanation sheets, 15 sees.). (United States Geological Survey). Pre-Cambrian geology of the Norway Lake area, Dickinson County, Michigan, 1953, L. D. Clark (63 pp., 14 pls., 2 figs., 4 tables). (U. S. Geological Survey in co-operation with Michigan Geological Survey). Progress report on ground-water conditions at the Cayia mine near Crystal Falls, Mich., 1953, W. T. Stuart (26 pp., 10 figs.). (United States Geological Survey). Ground-water resources of the Holland area, Ottawa County, Michigan, 1953, J. G. Ferris (29 pp., 3 figs.). (U. S. Geological Survey in co-operation with Michigan Department of Conservation, Michigan Water Resources Commission, and the Holland Department of Public Works). The following open file report is available for study at the office of the United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, Lansing 13, Michigan: Interpretation of the pre-Pleistocene geomorphology of a portion of the Saginaw Lowland, 1954, E. C. Rhodehamel (163 pp., 11 p1s., 8 figs.). Many informal reports are available for study, i.e., statistical material, map and list of glacial striae and others. INDEX. OF THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE MICHIGAN GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 1838M1955 By HELEN M. MARTIN INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 21 INDEX OF THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE MICHIGAN GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 1838.1955. Two reports not published by the Survey are briefly indexed: (1) Report of the C. T. Jackson Survey, Lake Superior Mineral Lands; (2) Report of the Geology and Topography of the Lake Superior Land District, Part I, Copper Lands and Geology of the Lake Superior Land District; Part II, Iron Lands, by J. W. Foster and J. D. Whitney. These reports were published as United States Congressional Documents. The Jackson report is Part III of the message of the President of the United States to the 31st Congress, Senate Document No. 1, 1849, House of Representatives Executive Document No. 5. The Foster and Whitney reports were a part of the President's message to the Special Session of the United States 31st Congress and were published for the House of Representatives as Executive Document No. 69, 1850. These documents are included in this index inasmuch as the surveys they report were continuations of the plans and surveys of Douglass Houghton. Work of the surveys was done by men associated with Houghton and trained by him; and the reports embody maps and reports of work started under Houghton and continued after his death by such men as Bela Hubbard, C. C. Douglass, S. W. Hill, Jacob Houghton, Judge Burt, James Hall, S. W. Higgins, William Ives, and other members of the original Survey staff. The Jackson Report is abbreviated C.T.J. The Foster and Whitney reports are abbreviated F. and W. pt. 1, and F. and W. pt. 2. Survey reports have been published as: 1. Michigan Legislative documents. Abbreviated S.D., Senate Document; H.D., House Document; J.D., Joint Document; Houghton. 2. First Biennial Report. Abbreviated Winchell. 3. Volumes I through IX. Abbreviated Vol. I-IX. 4. Annual Reports 1901 through 1908. Abbreviated Ann. Rept. 1901-1908. 5. Publications 1 through 50. Abbreviated Pub. 1-50. 6. Progress Reports 1 through 16. Abbreviated P.R. 1-16. 7. Technical Reports 1 through 3. Abbreviated T.R. 1-3. 8. Open file and miscellaneous. Abbreviated Misc., includes Land Economic Survey open file, abbreviated L.E.S. See list of publications. 9. Research Publications. Abbreviated R.P. 1-3. 10. Summary Reports 1 and 2. Abbreviated S.R. 1-2. 22 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY The field notes of Douglass Houghton, Bela Hubbard, A. Winchell, N. H. Winchell, Carl Rominger and Frank Leverett have been transcribed, indexed, and are in open file in the Survey library. For reference to stratigraphy see Index to Nomenclature of Michigan Geologic Formations. Aboriginal remains, sites of: F. and W. pts. 1, 2; Pub. 1. Abrasives: Pub. 12. Act No. 29, 1869 amended Act 86, 1875 to regulate the manufacture of and provide for the inspection of salt: Vol. III. 65, 1869 provides for a further Geological Survey of the State: Pub. 17. 29, 1889 to authorize incorporation of pipe line companies: Pub. 47. 107, 1905 to regulate use of and waste of water from artesian wells: Ann. Rept. 1905. 250, 1905 provides for a Biological Survey: Ann. Rept. 1905; Pub. 17. 251, 1905 provides for topographic mapping: Ann. Rept. 1905. 7, 1911 provides for collection of mineral statistics: Pub. 17. 84, 1915 appropriates fund for remarking Ohio-Michigan boundary line: Pub. 22. 65, 1927 creates office of Supervisor of Wells, designates director of Conservation as Supervisor: Pub. 47. 9, 1929 "the pipe line law": Pub. 38, 47. 15, 1929 designating Supervisor of Wells and certain duties: Pub. 47. 16, 1929 crude oil carriers controlled by Public Utilities Commission: Pub. 47. 185, 1931 requires a performance bond: Pub. 47. 326, 1937 relates to prevention of waste of gas. 61, 1939 provides for supervisor of wells and advisory board. 190, 1951 relates to plugging of oil wells: Pub. 47. 216, 1951 relates to plugging of gas wells: Pub. 47. See chronology of laws of Michigan relating to the Survey for other Acts not to be found in Survey publications. Adair Moraine: Pub. 49. See Index to Nomenclature. Adams, Chas. C.: An ecological survey of Northern Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1905. Ecological succession of birds: Ann. Rept. 1905. Notes on the mammals of the Porcupine Mountains and Isle Royale: Ann. Rept. 1905. Adams Trail, Northern Peninsula: Pub. 40. Adventure mining property, The, Justin Zinn: Open File report. Advisory Board, Oil and Gas Conservation Board membership: Pub. 47. Afton beds: Guidebook, 10th Ann. Geol. Excur. 1940. Agaricaceae of Michigan, The, C. H. Kauffman: Pub. 26 (2 vols.). Agate: Winchell; Pub. 42. Agricultural resources: 1838, 1840 Houghton, Hubbard; Winchell; Vol. VII pt. 1, VIII pts. 1, 2, 3; Ann. Rept. 1901, 1904, 1906 Pub. 7, 9, 25, 40 pt. 1, 48. of Manistique and Tahquamenon basins: Pub. 40 pt. 1. of Northern Peninsula: Pub. 7, 25. of Oakland County: Pub. 48 pt. 2. of Southern Peninsula: Pub. 9, 25. soil survey needed for conservation of: Pub. 17. Agriculture, Oakland County: Pub. 48 pt. 2. Alabaster gypsum area: Vol. IX pt. 2. Alcona County, bog lime: Vol. VIII pt. 3. clays and shales: Pub. 36. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 23 geologic section at Harrisville: Ann. Rept. 1904. geology of: Ann. Rept. 1901. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil in: Pub. 14, 37, 38; Misc. road materials, gravel: Open file. Alcona Moraine: Vol. VII pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1901; Pub. 11. See Index to Nomenclature. Alden, WY. G., on Michigan and Wisconsin correlation of St. Peter's sandstone: Ann. Rept. 1903. Alexandrian: See Index to Nomenclature. Algae, fossil: Winchell. in marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. Alger County, Black River formation in: Pub. 40 pt. 3. clays and shales of: Pub. 36. dunes of: Pub. 40 pt. 1. molding sands: Pub. 41. Ordovician in: Pub. 46. road materials: Open file. salt lick, Whitefish Lake: Ann. Rept. 1908. Surface fms.: Pub. 40. See Land Economic Survey, maps-bedrock, surface formations. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Algoma, post glacial Great Lake: Pub. 40 pt. 1, 45 pts. 1 and 2. Algonkian system: Ann. Rept. 1906 (Huronian); Pub. 18. See Index to Nomenclature. Algonquin beach: Vol. VII pt. 2, IX; Ann. Rept. 1901, 1906; Pub. 40 pt. 1, 43, 44, 45 pts. 1 and 2, 49. See Index to Nomenclature. of inland lakes: Pub. 30. on Mackinac Island, 4th Ann. Rept. St. Geol. H. D. 27, 1841; Ann. Rep. 1906; Pub. 43. Algonquin, Glacial Lake: Vol. VII pt. 1, IX pt. 1; Pub. 7, 9, 25, 40, 43, 45. Allegan County, clays and shales: Pub. 36. deep wells, structure: Pub. 38. geology of: P.R. 4. lakes: Pub. 30. marl, clay, cement: Vol. VIII pt. 3; Open file. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil in: Ann. Rept. 1904; Pub. 14, 38; Misc. road materials: Open file. Allen, Rolland Craten, State Geologist 1909-1919. The Iron River iron bearing district of Michigan: Pub. 3. Gold in Michigan: Pub. 8. The iron mining industry: Pub. 8. Iron ore reserves: Pub. 16. Iron ores of Michigan: Pub. 16. Biennial Report of the Director: Pub. 17. A revision of the Huronian group in Michigan and the Lake Superior Region: Pub. 18. Correlation and structure of pre-Cambrian formations of the Gwinn ironbearing district of Michigan: Pub. 18. Relative to extension of the Menominee iron range eastward to Waucedah to Escanaba, Michigan: Pub. 18. Retracement of the Ohio-Michigan boundary line: Pub. 22., and Barrett, L. P. Contributions to pre-Cambrian geology: Pub. 18. Evidence of the Middle-Upper Huronian unconformity in the quartzite hills of Little Lake, Michigan: Pub. 18. 24 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Formations of the eastern Gogebic iron range: Pub. 18. Geology of the Marenisco range: Pub. 18. Turtle range: Pub. 18. Manitowash range: Pub. 18. Vieux Desert range: Pub. 18. Conover District: Pub. 18. Revision of the sequence and structure of the pre-Keweenawan: Pub. 18. The Paint slate and Wolf Lake granite, gneiss and schist: Pub. 18., Smith, R. A., and Barrett, L. P., Geological map of Michigan: Pub. 23. Alpena County, borings, geology, fossils, salt: Vol. III; Ann. Rept. 1901. clays and shales: Pub. 36. Geological report on, 0. F. Poindexter: Ms., Open file. lakes of: Pub. 30. limestone: Vol. III; Pub. 21. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. Open file. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil in: Pub. 14, 37, 38; Misc. Portland cement: Vol. VIII. rock formations of: Guidebooks 1937, 1949. shales: Vol. VIII pt. 2. See Land Economic Survey, map, geological report. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Alpena limestone, A. W. Grabau: Ann. Rept. 1901, defined; Pub. 21. See Index to Nomenclature. Altitude map: Pub. 25. Altitudes in Michigan: Winchell; Vol. VII, IX; Pub. 25, 30. of Alcona County: Ann. Rept. 1901. of Arenac County: Pub. 11. of Bay County: Ann. Rept. 1905. of Benzie County: Pub. 45 pt. 2. of Berrien County: Pub. 45 pt. 1. of Lake Superior Land District: F. and W. pt. 1. of Mackinac Island: Pub. 43. of Oakland County: Pub. 48 pt. 2. of Van Buren County: Pub. 48 pt. 1. of Washtenaw County: Ann. Rept. 1903. See list of topographic maps. Amherstberg fm., dolomite: Ann. Rept. 1908; Pub. 2, 23, 39, 48 pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Amphibians and reptiles of Michigan, Crystal Thompson and Helen Thompson: Pub. 10. the sand dune region, Saginaw Bay, A. G. Ruthven: Pub. 4. list of: 2d Ann. Rept. St. Geol. Doc. 1, H.D. 23, 1839. Analyses and tests, alabaster: Vol. IX pt. 2. bog iron ore: Vol. VII pt. 2. brine: Winchell; Vol. III; Pub. 38. cement: Vol. VII pt. 1; VIII pt. 3. clay: Vol. VIII pts. 1 and 3; Ann. Rept. 1903; Pub. 12, 36. coal: Winchell; Vol. VIII pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1903, 1905; Pub. 8. copper bearing rocks: C. T. J.; Vol. I pt. 2. gas, natural: Pub. 14, 38. gypsum: Winchell; Vol. IX pt. 2. iron ores: Vol. I, II, VII pt. 2. See Mineral Resources reports. limestone: Vol. I pt. 3, VII pt. 1, VIII pt. 3; Ann. Rept. 1901, 1903; Pub. 21. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3; Ann. Rept. 1901. Open file report of Marl Survey 1927-1928. minerals: Vol. VII pt. 1. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 25 Mount Bohemia rocks: Ann. Rept. 1904. natural gas: Pub. 14, 38. oil: Pub. 38. oil shale: Pub. 14. peat: Vol. VIII pt. 2. Potsdam sandstone: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. pre-Paleozoic rocks: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. pyrite: Pub. 29. salt: Vol. III; Pub. 15. sand: Pub. 41. sandstone: Vol. VII pt. 1. shales: Vol. VIII pts. 1 and 3; Ann. Rept. 1903; Pub. 12, 36. springs: Ann. Rept. 1903. water: Winchell; Vol. VII pt. 3, VIII pt. 3; Ann. Rept. 1903. Ancient copper mines: F. and W. pt. 1; Vol. VI. Ancient lake ridge: H.D. 23, 1839; C.T.J.; Vol. VII. Anderdon limestone: Ann. Rept. 1908; Pub. 2, 48 pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Animikie fm.: Ann. Rept. 1906; Pub. 18. See Index to Nomenclature. Ann Arbor Folio: Ann Rept. 1903. Anticlines in Michigan: Winchell; Ann. Rept. 1905; Pub. 14, 38. theory of oil accumulation in: Pub. 14, 38. Antimony: P.R. 10. Antrim County, clays and shales of: Vol. VIII pts. 1 and 2. lakes of: Pub. 30. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3; Open file. molding sands: Pub. 41. road materials: Open file. See Field Excursion Guidebook 1938, 1949 See Land Economic Survey, map, geological report. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Antrim shales: Vol. IX pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1901 defined, 1905, 1908; Pub. 12, 14, 23, 32, 38, 39, 48 pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Ants of Isle Royale, The, W. M. Miller: Ann. Rept. 1908. Appalachian revolution: Pub. 48 pt. 2. Archean system: Ann. Rept. 1906. See Index to Nomenclature. See Cascade, Republic. Archeology: Pub. 12. aboriginal sites, list of: Pub. 1. bibliography of in Michigan: Pub. 10. Archeozoic: Pub. 39, Map. Architectural stones: Winchell. Arenac County, clays and shales of: Vol. VIII pt. 1; Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. geological report on, W. M. Gregory: Ann. Rept. 1901. G. H. Pringle: P.R. 3. geology of, W. M. Gregory: Pub. 11. Jack pine flora of: Pub. 11. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil: Pub. 14, 37, 38; Misc. Saginaw fm. of: Pub. 40 pt. 2. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Arenaceous slate group of Marquette region, Carl Rominger: Vol. IV, V.Arkona beach: Vol. VII pt. 1; Pub. 49. See Index to Nomenclature. Arsenic: P.R. 10. Artesian water conditions: Pub. 48 pt. 2. from glacial drift: Pub. 38, 48. 26 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Artesian wells: Houghton, H.D. 23, Doc. 5, 1839; Winchell; Vol. III, VII pt. 1, VIII pts. 2 and 3; Ann. Rept. 1903. act to regulate: Ann. Rept. 1905. desirability of laws to regulate: Ann. Rept. 1904, 1906; Pub. 17. Northern Peninsula: Pub. 14, 40 pt. 1. Oakland County: Pub. 48 pt. 2. Tuscola County: Ann. Rept. 1908. Asbestos: P.R. 10. Atlas to accompany Vol. I: Ten maps, magnetic-geologic chart and 2 statistical tables. Au Gres gypsum: Vol. IX pt. 2. limestone (or Point Au Gres limestone): Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. See Index to Nomenclature. River, water power: Pub. 1. Autogeosynclinal structure, defined: Pub. 48 pt. 2. Ayres, V. L., Republic area: P.R. 10. Azoic system F. and W. pt. 2; Winchell; Wadsworth (use of name) Rept. St Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. See Index to Nomenclature. chemical deposits of: F. and W. pt. 2; Winchell. Bad River gabbro: Ann. Rept. 1906. Bad River limestone: Pub. 18, 21. See Index to Nomenclature. Baker, H. Barrington, Mollusca of Saginaw Bay dunes: Pub. 4. Baraga County, clays and shales of: Pub. 36. geology of Peshekee area of: P.R. 11. lakes of: Pub. 30. mineral investigations in: P.R. 10. molding sands: Pub. 41. See maps section. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Barium in Michigan: P.R. 10. Barrett, Leslie Park. See also Allen, Rolland Craten. Copper industry in Michigan: Pub. 29, 32, 34, 35. Iron industry in Michigan: Pub. 34, 35. Barry County, clays and shales of: Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. lakes of: Pub. 30. marl, clay, cement: Vol. VIII pt. 3; Open file. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil in: Pub. 14, 38; Misc. road materials: Open file. Basement Complex: Ann. Rept. 1904, 1906. See Index to Nomenclature. Bass Island Series: Pub. 14, 21, 38. See Index to Nomenclature. See Field Excursion Guidebook for 1935. Battlefield Beach, F. B. Taylor: Ann. Rept. 1906; Pub. 43. See Index to Nomenclature. Bay County, clays and shales: Vol. VIII pt. 1; Pub. 36 coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1904, 1905. geological report on: Winchell; Ann. Rept. 1905. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil in: Pub. 14, 38; Misc. Saginaw fm., fossils of: Pub. 40 pt. 2. salt: Pub. 15. topographic map of: Ann. Rept. 1903. Bay de Noc, Ordovician: See Index to Nomenclature. Bayfield, Lt. H. W., Map of St. Clair delta: Vol. IX pt. 1. Bayport limestone: Vol. VII pt. 2, VIII pt. 2, IX pt. 2; Pub. 11, 14, 21, 38, 40. See Index to Nomenclature. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 27 defined, A. C. Lane: Ann. Rept. 1906. echinochoncus zone of: P.R. 3. quarry: Ann. Rept. 1901. Beach erosion in Michigan, E. F. Brater: R.P. 2. Beaches, boulder: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 3. Beaches and shore lines, glacial: Vol. VII; Ann. Rept. 1904; Pub. 5, 7, 9, 11, 25, 49. Algonquin: Vol. VII pt. 2, IX pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1901, 1904, 1905, 1907; Pub. 7, 9, 11, 25, 30, 40, 43, 45, 49. Arkona: Vol. VII pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 9, 11, 12, 25, 30, 49. Belmore: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 3; Ann. Rept. 1907. Calumet: Ann. Rept. 1907. Du Plain: Vol. VII pt. 3. Elkton: Vol. VII pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 9, 11, 25, 49. Forest: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 2; Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 11. Grassmere: Vol. VII pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 9, 11, 25. in Bay County: Ann. Rept. 1905. in Huron County: Vol. VII pt. 2. in Porcupine Mountains: Ann. Rept. 1905. Leipsic: Vol. VII pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1907. Maumee: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 2; Pub. 9, 11, 12, 49. Nipissing: Vol. IX pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1904, 1905; Pub. 7, 9, 49. Saginaw: Pub. 9. Toleston: Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 45, 49. Van Wert: Vol. VII pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1907. Warren: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 2; Pub. 9, 11, 49. Wayne: Pub. 9, 12. Whittlesey: Vol. VII pt. 2; Pub. 9, 11, 12, 49. See Ancient Lake Ridge, H.D. 23, 1839. See Guidebooks for 1931, 1934, 1936, 1948. Beaver Island: Vol. III. Beaver meadows: Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11, Higgins Report; Vol. I. Bedford formation: Pub. 48 pt. 2. shale: Vol. VII pt. 2; Pub. 38. See Index to Nomenclature. Beetles of Isle Royale, a list of, A. B. Wolcott: Ann. Rept. 1908. Beekmantown (Calciferous, Lower Magnesian): Pub. 21, 38. See Index to Nomenclature. Bell shale, A. W. Grabau: Ann. Rept. 1901, 1908; Pub. 38. See Index to Nomenclature. Bellevue quarry, limestone: Vol. VIII pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1901; Pub. 21. Belmore Beach, glacial: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 3. See Index to Nomenclature. Beneficiation of iron ore, F. J. Tolonen: P. R. 10. Benton Harbor area, ground water of: P.R. 12. Bentonite in Black River formation: Pub. 40. Benzie County, geologic (glacial) history of: Pub. 45 pt. 2. lakes of: Pub. 30, 45. marl in: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. Platte and Crystal lakes, glacial history of: Pub. 45 pt. 2. road materials: Open file. Berea grit, sandstone: Vol. V pt. 2, VII pts. 2 and 3, VIII pt. 2; Pub. 12, 14, 15, 37, 38. Berea sandstone: Ann. Rept. 1904; Pub. 37, 38, 48 pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. brine of: Pub. 15. 28 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Bergquist, Stanard G., The Pleistocene of the Tahquamenon and Manistique drainage system: Pub. 40 pt. 1. Geological Resources of Alpena County with W. A. Ver Wiebe: L.E.S. Open file. Geological Resources of Crawford County with W. A. Ver Wiebe: L.E.S. Open file. Geological Resources of Kalkaska County with W. A. Ver Wiebe: L.E.S. Open file. Berrien County, clays and shales: Pub. 36. glacial geology of: Pub. 45 pt. 1. ground water of: P.R. 12. lakes: Pub. 30, 45. marl in: Vol. VIII pt. 3; Ann. Rept. 1901. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14, 38; Misc. road materials: Open file. Beryllium in Michigan: P.R. 10. Bessemer, From, down Black River, A Geological section by W. C. Gordon: Ann. Rept. 1906. Bessemer steel, iron ore for: Vol. I. Bibliography of archeology in Michigan: Pub. 10. beach erosion and related subjects: R.P. 1. Ohio-Michigan boundary dispute: Pub. 22. Biennial Report of the Director, Michigan Geological Survey: Pub. 17, 22. Big Buffalo: See Index to Nomenclature. Big Hill member of Richmond: Pub. 38, 46. See Index to Nomenclature. Guidebook, 1950. "Big Sink", Monroe County: Vol. VII pt. 1. Bigsby, B. B., Report on gypsum by: Vol. IX pt. 2. Bijiki formation: Ann. Rept. 1906: See Index to Nomenclature. Billington, Cecil, Biographical sketch of Chas. Keene Dodge: Pub. 3. Bill's Creek member of Richmond formation: Pub. 34, 40 pt. 3, 46. See Index to Nomenclature. Guidebook, 1950. Biological Survey, act establishing: Ann. Rept. 1903, 1905, 1906; Pub. 17. progress of, Report of Chief Naturalist A. G. Ruthven: Pub. 17. recommendations for to Legislature: Pub. 17. reports and publications of: Ann. Rept. 1906: Peat, 3 Papers. Ann. Rept. 1907: Biological survey of Walnut Lake, Oakland County. Ann. Rept. 1908: Ecological survey of Isle Royale. Pub. 1, Biol. Ser. 1: Crawfishes of Michigan. Insect galls of Michigan. Birds of School Girl's Glen region, Ann Arbor. List of sites of aboriginal remains. Pub. 4, Biol. Ser. 2: Biological survey of sand dune region of Saginaw Bay. Pub. 10, Biol. Ser. 3: Herpetology of Michigan. Bibliography of archeology of Michigan. Pub. 20, Biol. Ser. 4: Fishes of Houghton County. Ecology of fish fauna of Douglas Lake region. Dragonflies of Douglas Lake region. Reptiles and amphibians of Monroe County. Mershon expedition to Charity Islands, results of. Shiras expedition to Whitefish point, results of. Pub. 26, Biol. Ser. 5: The Agaricaceae of Michigan (2 vols.). Pub. 31, Biol. Ser. 6: Papers on the botany of Michigan. Flora of area Bay City to Cheboygan; Mackinac and Bois Blanc Island; in Schoolcraft County; in Chippewa County; in Tuscola County. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 29 Biological Survey of the sand dune region of Saginaw Bay: Pub. 4. Walnut Lake, Oakland County, T. L. Hankinson: Ann. Rept. 1907. Biology of Michigan, reports on: Agaricaceae of Michigan, The, C. H. Kauffman: Pub. 26 (2 vols.). Amphibians of Michigan, Crystal Thompson and Helen Thompson: Pub. 10. catalog of, A. Sager, State Zoologist: 2d Ann. Rept. St. Geol. H.D. No. 23, 1839. Amphibians and reptiles of the sand dune region, Saginaw Bay, A. G. -Ruthven: Pub. 4. Ants of Isle Royale, The, W. M. Miller: Ann. Rept. 1908. Beetles of Isle Royale, a list of, A. B. Wolcott: Ann. Rept. 1908. Biological Survey of Walnut Lake, Oakland County, T. L. Hankinson: Ann. Rept. 1907. Biota, relations of, sand dune region, Saginaw Bay, A. G. Ruthven: Pub. 1. Birds of Isle Royale, annotated list of, Max Peet: Ann. Rept. 1908. Michigan, catalog of, A. Sager, State Zoologist: 2d Ann. Rept. St. Geol. H.D. No. 23, 1839. Michigan, catalog of: First Bien. Rept. 1861. Porcupine Mountains and Isle Royale, N. A. Wood, Max Peet and Otto McCreary: Ann. Rept. 1905. Sand dune region, Saginaw Bay, N. A. Wood and Frederick Gaige: Pub. 4. School Girl's Glen region, Ann Arbor, A. D. Tinker: Pub. 1. Washington Harbor, Isle Royale, Fall migration of, Max Peet: Ann. Rept. 1908. Botanical notes on Huron County, annotated lists, C. A. Davis: Vol. VII pt. 2. report on the Lake Superior Land District, William Burt: C.T.J. Cold-blooded vertebrates of Isle Royale, A. G. Ruthven: Ann. Rept. 1908. the Porcupine Mountains and Isle Royale, A. G. Ruthven: Ann. Rept. 1905. Coleoptera of Charity Islands (Mershon Expedition), A. W. Andrews: Pub. 20. Isle Royale, C. C. Adams: Ann. Rept. 1908. Crataegus of southern Michigan, C. S. Sargent: Ann. Rept. 1906. Crawfishes of Michigan, A. S. Pearse: Pub. 1. Diptera of Isle Royale, J. S. Hine: Ann. Rept. 1908. Dragonflies of the Douglas Lake region, A. T. Evans: Pub. 20. Ecological distribution of birds on Isle Royale, Otto McCreary: Ann. Rept. 1908. in Porcupine Mountains and Isle Royale, Otto McCreary: Ann. Rept. 1905. relations of the flora of the sand dune region, Saginaw Bay, C. H. Coons: Pub. 4. relations of the invertebrate fauna of Isle Royale, H. A. Gleason: Ann. Rept. 1908. study of the fish fauna of Douglas Lake region, R. J. Colbert: Pub. 20. succession of birds, C. C. Adams: Ann. Rept. 1908...survey of orthoptera in Porcupine Mountains, A. P. Morse: Ann. Rept. 1905. Ecological survey of Isle Royale, C. C. Adams: Ann. Rept. 1908. survey in the Porcupine Mountains and Isle Royale, A. G. Ruthven: Ann. Rept. 1905. Ecology of northern Michigan, C. C. Adams: Ann. Rept. 1905. Fauna of Michigan, catalog of, A. Sager, State Zoologist: 2d Ann. Rept. St. Geol. H.D. No. 23, 1839. M. Miles: First Bien. Rept. 1861. Fishes of Houghton County, T. L. Hankinson: Pub. 20. sand dune region, Saginaw Bay, A. L. Leathers: Pub. 4. Whitefish Point, T. L. Hankinson (Shiras Expedition): Pub. 20. 30 3INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Flowering plants, ferns and fern allies, Shoe Lake, Huron County, C. K. Dodge: Pub. 31. Flowering plants, Shore of Lake Huron, C. K. Dodge: Pub. 31. Schoolcraft County, C. K. Dodge: Pub. 31. Tuscola County, C. K. Dodge: Pub. 31. Forests: J. D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; F. and W.; Ann. Rept. 1903. Herpetology of Michigan, A. G. Ruthven, Crystal Thompson and Helen Thompson: Pub. 10. Three Papers indexed herewith. Hymenoptera of Isle Royale, annotated list, E. S. Titus: Ann. Rept. 1908. Insect galls of Michigan, M. T. Cook: Pub. 1. Invertebrates of Isle Royale, annotated lists of, C. C. Adams: Ann. Rept. 1908. Isle Royale as a biotic environment, C. C. Adams: Ann. Rept. 1908. Isle Royale mammals and their ecological relations, C. C. Adams: Ann. Rept. 1908. Jack pine flora of Arenae County: Pub. 11. Miscellaneous Papers on the botany of Michigan, by Chas. Keene Dodge: Pub. 31, with bibliography of, and memorial to C. K. Dodge. Four papers indexed herewith. Mallophaga of Isle Royale and their ecological relations, C. C. Adams: Ann. Rept. 1908. sand dune region, Saginaw Bay, C. A. Shull and M. A. Carriker: Pub. 4. Mammalia, list of, A. Sager, State Zoologist: 2d Ann. Rept. St. Geol. H.D. No. 23, 1839. Mammals of the Porcupine Mountains and Isle Royale, C. C. Adams: Ann. Rept. 1905. sand dune region, Saginaw Bay, N. A. Wood: Pub. 4. Mollusca of Michigan, illustrated catalog, Bryant Walker: Ann. Rept. 1905. Isle Royale, annotated list, Bryant Walker: Ann. Rept. 1908. sand dune region, Saginaw Bay, H. B. Baker: Pub. 4. catalog of, A. Sager, State Zoologist: 2d Ann. Rept. St. Geol. H.D. No. 23, 1839. Natural woods of Michigan: Houghton, S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7. Neuropteroid insects of Isle Royale, J. G. Needham: Ann. Rept. 1908. Orthoptera of Isle Royale, A. P. Morse: Ann. Rept. 1908. Peat, C. A. Davis: Ann. Rept. 1907. Plant societies of Kent County, distribution of, B. E. Livingston: Ann. Rept. 1901. Plants, catalog of, Michigan: Winchell. sand dune region, Saginaw Bay, C. K. Dodge: Pub. 4. phenogamous (sic) and filicoid collected, John Wright: 2d Ann. Rept. St. Geol. H.D. No. 23, 1839. native, of Tuscola County, C. A. Davis: Ann. Rept. 1908. of the Porcupine Mountains and Isle Royale, A. G. Ruthven: Ann. Rept. 1905. wild, of Whitefish Point and parts of Chippewa County, C. K. Dodge: Pub. 31. Report of State Zoologist, Dr. A. Sager: 2d Ann. Rept. St. Geol. H.D. No. 23, 1839. Reptiles and amphibians of Monroe County, Crystal Thompson: Pub. 20. Reptiles of Michigan, A. G. Ruthven: Pub. 10. catalog of, A. Sager, State Zoologist: 2d Ann. Rept. St. Geol. H.D. No. 23, 1839. Spiders and insects of the Porcupine Mountains and Isle Royale, A. G. Ruthven: Ann. Rept. 1905. Thysanoptera and Orthoptera, sand dune region, Saginaw Bay, A. F. Shull: Pub. 4. Vegetation, native, of Tuscola County, annotated lists, C. A. Davis: Ann. Rept. 1908. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 31 Vegetation of Crawford and Roscommon counties Forestry Reserve, relations of soil to: Ann. Rept. 1903. Vegetation of Isle Royale, notes on, W. P. Holt: Ann. Rept. 1908. Biota, relations of, sand dune region, Saginaw Bay, A. G. Ruthven: Pub. 4. Birds of Isle Royale: Ann. Rept. 1905, 1908. Michigan, catalogs of: H.D. 23, 1839, Doc. 1; Winchell. northern Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1905. sand dune region, Saginaw Bay: Pub. 4. Porcupine Mountains and Isle Royale: Ann. Rept. 1905. School Girl's Glen region, Ann Arbor: Pub. 1. Washington Harbor, Isle Royale, Fall migration of: Ann. Rept. 1908. Birdseye, Ordovician: See Index to Nomenclature. Bismuth in Michigan: P.R. 10. Bitumen: Winchell. Black River drainage area geological section, down river; stratigraphy of; runoff; falls; rapids: Ann. Rept. 1904, 1906. Black River formation: F. and W. pts. 1 and 2; Pub. 7, 40, 46. See Index to Nomenclature. Black shale, Monroe County: Vol. VII pts. 1, 2 and 3. Black shale formation: Vol. III, VII pts. 1, 2 and 3, VIII pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. concretions: Vol. III, VII. fossils of: Vol. III, VIII. Blake, John H., discovery of chlorastrolite: C.T.J. Blaney Moraine: See Index to Nomenclature. Bog iron ore: Houghton, H.D. 21, 1839, Doc. 4, 5; S.D. Vol. 2 No. 7, 1840; Vol. I pt. 3, III, VIII pt. 3; Ann. Rept. 1906; Pub. 42; P.R. 10. Bog iron ores of the Upper Peninsula, C. Rominger: Vol. I pt. 3. Bog lime (marl), report on, D. J. Hale: Vol. VIII pt. 3; Ann. Rept. 1907. origin of, A. C. Lane: Vol. VIII pt. 3. Bogs: Ann. Rept. 1906. Bohemia Range: Winchell; Vol. V. See Index to Nomenclature. Bois Blanc, Devonian: Pub. 40 defined. See Index to Nomenclature. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Bony Falls member of Black River formation: Pub. 46. See Index to Nomenclature; Guidebook, 1950. Borings, deep: Houghton, J.D. Vol. 1, No. 11, 1841; Winchell; Vol. III, V pt. 2, VII pts. 1 and 3, VIII pt. 2, IX; Ann. Rept. 1901, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1908; Pub. 24. See also artesian wells, brine, coal, logs, natural gas, petroleum, salt. Borings, deep well, R. A. Smith: Pub. 24 pt. 3. Boron in Michigan: P.R. 10. Botanical notes on Huron County, C. A. Davis: Vol. VII pt. 2. report on Lake Superior Land District, Wm. Burt: C.T.J. Botany of Michigan, catalog of flora: F. and W. pt. 2; Houghton, H.D. 23, Doc. 2, 1839; C.T.J.; Winchell; Pub. 31. See Biology of Michigan. Boulder beaches: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 3. belts: Vol. VII pt. 1; Pub. 12. drift: Winchell; Vol. I pt. 1. wall (Sanilac County): Vol. VII pt. 3. See (Erratic rock) Hubbard: Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. Boulders: Houghton, H.D. 23, Doc. 4 and 5, 1839; S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7; Vol. VII pt. 1. See also Glaciation. Boundary, Michigan-Ohio, retracement of: Pub. 22. Michigan-Wisconsin: Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. Branch County: Houghton, H.D. 21, 1838; Winchell; Ann. Rept. 1903. bog iron ore: Houghton, S.D. Vol. 2, No. 7, 1840. 32 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY clays and shales of: Vol. VIII pt. 1; Pub. 36. lakes: Pub. 30. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 2. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 38; Misc. road materials: open file. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Brater, E. F., Beach erosion in Michigan: R.P. 2. Breccia, Mackinac: Houghton, J.D. Vol. 1, No. 11, 1841; Winchell; Vol. I pt. 3, III; Pub. 43, 44. Guidebooks 1941, 1944. hypotheses of formation of: Pub. 44. Brick and tile: Vol. VII pt. 1, VIII pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1904; Pub. 16, 19, 21, 24, 27, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37; S.R. 1, 2; Misc. Brine: Houghton, H.D. 24, 1838; H.D. 24, Doe. 5, 1838; Winchell; Vol. III, V pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1905; Pub. 14, 15, 38. of Berea: Pub. 15. of Detroit River: Pub. 15. of Dundee: Pub. 15. of Marshall sandstone: Ann. Rept. 1905; Pub. 15. of Parma sandstone: Pub. 15, 40 pt. 2. of Salina formation: Pub. 8, 15. See also Houghton reports on salt and salines. Brine and salt deposits of Michigan, Chas. W. Cook: Pub. 15, 17. Bromine: Vol. III, V pt. 2, VIII pt. 2; Pub. 16, 19, 21, 24, 27, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37; S.R. 1, 2; Misc. Brooks, Maj. T. B., Iron bearing rocks (economic): Vol. I pt. 1, II. _ and Julien, A. A., Catalog of Huronian rocks: Vol. II Appen. B. Brown, E. A., and Stuart, W. T., Ground water resources of the glacial deposits of the Bessemer area: P.R. 14. Brown, Geo. Granger, Clays and shales of Michigan and their uses: Pub. 36., Molding sands of Michigan and their uses: Pub. 41. Brule volcanics of the Iron River district: Pub. 3. See Index to Nomenclature. Bryozoan Beds, Devonian: See Index to Nomenclature. Buena Vista, Mississippian: See Index to Nomenclature. Building materials, stone: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 3; Ann. Rept. 1903. See also Mineral Statistics. Buried forests in Michigan: Pub. 40 pt. 1. peat: Ann. Rept. 1906. valleys in Coal Measures: Vol. VIII pt. 1. Hillsdale County: Vol. VII pt. 2. Huron County: Vol. VII pt. 2. wood, fossil: Ann. Rept. 1905. in glacial drift: Pub. 48 pt. 2. Burnt Bluff fm.: Pub. 37, 38, 39. See Index to Nomenclature. Burt, E. M. See Ferris, J. G. Burt, Wm., Discovery of iron ore: Vol. I pt. 1., Botanical report on Lake Superior region: C.T.J., Geological Report on surveys of township lines: C.T.J. Byron, Silurian: See Index to Nomenclature. Cabot Head, Silurian: See Index to Nomenclature. Cadmium in Michigan: P.R. 10. Calciferous limestone: Winchell; F. and W. pts. 1 and 2; Vol. I pt. 3; Ann. Rept. 1904, 1906, 1908; Pub. 14, 38. See Index to Nomenclature. defined, A. C. Lane: Ann. Rept. 1906. Calcites, The Lake Superior, Charles Palache: Vol. VI pt. 2, Appen. Calcium chloride: Vol. III; Ann. Rept. 1901. See also reports on mineral resources. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 33 Calhoun County: Houghton, H.D. 23, Doe. 4, 1839; Winchell; Vol. III, VIII pt. 2. clays and shales: Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. lakes: Pub. 30. marl: Houghton, S.D. Vol. 2, No. 7, 1840. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14, 38; Misc. Parma sandstone: Winchell; Pub. 40 pt. 2. road materials: Open file. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Calumet beach, Glacial Lake Chicago: Pub. 45 pts. 1 and 2, 48 pt. 1. See Index to Nomenclature. Calumet Conglomerate: Vol. I pt. 2, V pt. 1, Guidebook 1947. See Index to Nomenclature. Calumet trough, correlatives of: Pub. 6. Calver, James L., Glacial and post-glacial history of the Platte and Crystal lake depressions, Benzie County: Pub. 45 pt. 2. Cambrian, of Michigan. See Index to Nomenclature. Guidebooks 1947, 1948. See Calciferous, Dresbach sandstone, Eastern sandstone, Eau Claire, Franconia, Jacobsville sandstone, Jordan sandstone, Knox, Lake Superior sandstone, Lodi, Lower Munising, Lower Silurian, Madison, Marquette brownstone, Mazomanie, Mendota, Mt. Simon sandstone, Munising sandstone, Potsdam sandstone, St. Croix, St. Lawrence, St. Marie sandstone, St. Marys sandstone, Saratogan, Trempealeau and Upper Cambrian. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Cambrian deposition in Southern Peninsula: Pub. 48 pt. 2. fossils: Vol. V. Lake Superior sandstone: Houghton, S.D. Vol. 2, No. 7, 1840; Pub. 37, 38. of Keweenaw Peninsula: Vol. V. Guidebook 1947. Ozarkian (?): Pub. 40 pt. 1. sandstone: Vol. I pt. 3; Pub. 14, 37, 38, 40. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. See also Houghton, S.D. Vol. 2, No. 7, 1840. Campbell, James M. See Slaughter, Jean M. Canadian oil field: Winchell; Ann. Rept. 1901. Canadian Shield: Pub. 38, 48. Guidebook 1946. Canadian System: See Index to Nomenclature. Carboniferous limestone: Houghton, H.D. 23, 1839; Winchell; Vol. III. See Index to Nomenclature. fossil list of: Winchell. geological section: Winchell. system: Winchell. Carlson, E. T. See Sorensen, Harry 0. Carp River: - Pub. 7. Valley, birds of: Ann. Rept. 1905. Cascade formation, M. E. Wadsworth: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. See Index to Nomenclature. Case, E. C., and Robinson, W. I., The geology of Limestone Mountain and Sherman Hill in Houghton County, Michigan: Pub. 18 pt. 2. Cass County, clays and shales: Pub. 36. lakes: Pub. 30. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3; Ann. Rept. 1903. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14, 38; Misc. road materials: Open file. Cass River: Vol. VII pt. 3, VIII pts. 1 and 2. 34 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Catalog of the Michigan State collection of the Huronian rocks: Vol. II Appen. B. Cataract formation; time: Pub. 38. See Index to Nomenclature. Caves and sink holes, Mackinac County: Ann. Rept. 1901. of Mackinac Island: Pub. 43. Cayugan series: Pub. 44, 48 pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Cazenovia group: Pub. 44, 48 pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Celestite in Michigan: Pub. 12, 48 pt. 2. Cement: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 2, VIII pt. 3; Ann. Rept. 1903, 1904; Pub. 8, 41. industry: Pub. 8. See also reports on mineral resources, statistics. Portland: Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 8, 13, 19, 24, 29, 32, 36. See also reports on mineral statistics. Census statistics for 1870 (in Northern Peninsula): Vol. II. Centennial geological map of Michigan: Pub. 39. Central Michigan, structural geology of: Pub. 38, 48 pt. 2. Central Mine, Keweenawan: See Index to Nomenclature. Cerium in Michigan: P.R. 10. Cesium in Michigan: P.R. 10. Chamberlin, Thomas C.: Vol. VII pt. 3. Champlain, Ordovician, Pleistocene: See Index to Nomenclature. Chandler Falls member, Trenton: Pub. 46. See Index to Nomenclature. Chapel Rock. See Pictured Rocks: C.T.J. Chara, and marl formation: Vol. VIII pt. 3. Charity Islands: Houghton, H.D. 23, 1839; Winchell; Vol. III, VII pt. 2. Coleoptera of: Pub. 20. Mershon Expedition to: Pub. 20. Charlevoix, Devonian: See Index to Nomenclature. Charlevoix County, clays and shales of: Vol..VIII pt. 1; Pub. 36. lakes: Pub. 30. marl: Open file. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14, 38; Misc. road materials: Open file. Traverse fmi. in: Ann. Rept. 1901. See Land Economic Survey, map, geological report. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Guidebooks 1938, 1940, 1949. Chazy limestone Group: Winchell; Vol. I pt. 3. See Index to Nomenclature. Cheboygan County: Winchell. clays and shales: Pub. 36. Devonian Formations in: Pub. 44. Guidebooks 1940, 1941, 1944, 1949. dragonflies of Douglas Lake: Pub. 20. fishes of Douglas Lake: Pub. 20. lakes: Pub. 30. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3; Ann. Rept. 1901. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14, 38; Misc. plants near shore of: Pub. 31. road materials: Open file. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Cheboygan Moraine: Pub. 24 pt. 2, 30, 49. See Index to Nomenclature. Cheboygan River basin, lakes of: Pub. 30. Chemical plants and industries: Vol. VII pt. 1. See also mineral industries reports. Chemistry of gypsum: Vol. VIII pt. 3. Chemung group: Winchell. See Index to Nomenclature. Cherokee area, Ontonagon County, dip needle survey of: P.R. 7. Chicago, Glacial Lake, Outlet: See Index to Nomenclature. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 35 Chicago Turnpike or Trail, S. W. Higgins: Houghton, S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7. Chippewa County, clays and shales: Pub. 36. fishes of Whitefish Point: Pub. 20. flora of: Pub. 31. glacial features: Pub. 7, 40 pt. 1. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14; Misc. Ordovician rocks of: Pub. 46. plants of: Pub. 31. road materials: Open file water supply of: Ann. Rept. 1903. See Land Economic Survey, map, geological report. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. See Guidebook 1948. Chippewa felsite, W. C. Gordon: Ann. Rept. 1906. See Index to Nomenclature. Moraine, I. C. Russell: Ann. Rept. 1906. Chlorastrolite, discovery, naming of: C.T.J.; Pub. 37, 42 ("greenstone"). Chromium in Michigan: Vol. 1 pt. 1; P.R. 10. Cincinnati Arch: Winchell; Vol. VII pt. 1; Pub. 38. Cincinnatian, Ordovician: See Index to Nomenclature. Clare County, clays and shales of: Vol. VIII pt. 1; Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. marl: Vol. VIII pts. 2 and 3; Open file. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 38; Misc. road materials: Open file. Clarksburg, Huronian: See Index to Nomenclature. Classification of rocks of Mackinac Island: Pub. 44. Clay, analyses of: Vol. VIII pt. 1; Pub. 12, 36. deposits: Houghton, H.D. 24, 1838; Vol. III, VII pts. 2 and 3, VIII pts. 1, 2 and 3; Ann. Rept. 1901; Pub. 12, 36. glacial: Vol. VIII pt. 1; Pub. 7, 9, 25, 36, 48. lake: Ann. Rept. 1904; Pub. 7, 9, 25, 36. slip: Vol. VIII; Pub. 7, 36. Tertiary: Houghton, H.D. 23, 1838. Clay and kidney ironstone formation: Houghton, J.D. Vol. 1, No. 11, 1841. Clays and shales of Michigan, H. Ries: Vol. VIII pt. 1. W. M. Gregory: Ann. Rept. 1901. Geo. Granger Brown: Pub. 36. Cleveland shale: Vol. VII pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Cliff limestone: Winchell; Vol. VII pt. 1. See Index to Nomenclature. Cliff mine: F. and W. pt. 1. (Early history, see Copper). Climate of Arenac County: Pub. 11. Lake Superior Land District: F. and W. pt. 1. Michigan, C. F. Schneider: Pub. 7, 9, 25. Northern Peninsula: Pub. 7, 25. Oakland County: Pub. 48 pt. 2. Southern Peninsula: Pub. 9, 25. Wayne County: Pub. 12. Clinton County: Winchell; Vol. I; Pub. 14, 38. clays and shales: Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. Eaton sandstone: Pub. 40 pt. 2. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3; Open file. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 38; Misc. petroleum: Pub. 14, 38. 36 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY road materials: Open file. Saginaw formation: Pub. 40 pt. 2. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Clinton formation: J. Hall, F. and W. pt. 2; Vol. I pt. 3; Ann. Rept. 1908; Pub. 14, 23, 39. See Index to Nomenclature. fossils of: Winchell. Coal: Houghton, H.D. 24, 1838; H.D. 24, Doc. 4, 1838; J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; Winchell; Vol. III, V, VII pts. 2 and 3; VIII pts. 2 and 3; Ann. Rept. 1901, 1904, 1907. See also mineral resources reports for statistics. analyses: Ann. Rept. 1903. boring records: Ann. Rept. 1904. fossils: Winchell; Vol. VIII pt. 2; Pub. 40 pt. 2. in Bay County, W. F. Cooper: Ann. Rept. 1905. in Michigan, A. C. Lane: Vol. VIII pt. 2. in Michigan: R. A. Smith: Pub. 8, 19. in Pennsylvanian system: Pub. 40 pt. 2. in Tuscola County; C. A. Davis: Ann. Rept. 1908. localities: Vol. VIII pt. 2; Pub. 40 pt. 2. mines: Winchell; Vol. III, VIII pt. 2; Pub. 8, 19, 40 pt. 2, 42. oil content of: Pub. 14. spore: Pub. 40 pt. 2. Coal Measures: Bela Hubbard, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; Winchell; Vol. III, V pt. 2, VII pt. 2, VIII pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1908; Pub. 38, 40 pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Cobalt in Michigan: P.R. 10. Coke, Michigan coal for: Winchell. Colbert, Ray J., Study of the fish fauna of the Douglas Lake region: Pub. 20. Cold-blooded vertebrates of Isle Royale, A. G. Ruthven: Ann. Rept. 1908. the Porcupine Mountains and Isle Royale, A. G. Ruthven: Ann. Rept. 1905. Coldwater formation: Pub. 48 pt. 2. limestone: Pub. 38, 48 pt. 1. )shales: Vol. V, VII pts. 2 and 3, VIII pts. 1, 2 and 3; Ann. Rept. 1905, 1908; Pub. 12, 14, 36, 38. See Index to Nomenclature. Coldwater-Sunbury, thickness map of: Pub. 38. Cole, Leon J., The St. Clair delta: Vol. IX pt. 1. Coleoptera of Charity Islands: Pub. 20. Isle Royale: Ann. Rept. 1908 Ecological Survey, C. C. Adams. Collecting localities: Pub. 42. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Collingwood formation: Pub. 32, 40 pt. 3, 46. See Index to Nomenclature. Columbium in Michigan: P.R. 10. Columnar sections: Houghton, S.D. Vol. 2, No. 7, 1840; J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; Vol. V, VII pts. 1, 2 and 3; Pub. 23, 37, 38, 39; Open file. Co-op. with U. S. Geol. Surv. See list of publications. Commercial minerals and ores of Michigan: 'Pub. 42. See also mineral resources.. Concrete aggregates, gravel for: Pub. 19. Concretions in Antrim shale: Vol. III; Pub. 36, 42. Coal Measures: Vol. VII. limestone (cone-in-cone): Vol. VII. Cone-in-cone in Saginaw formation: Pub. 40 pt. 2. Conemaugh, Grand River group: Pub. 40 pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Conglomerates of Coal Measures: Vol. VIII pt. 2. copper formations: Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. See Copper. glacial drift: Vol. III. Helderberg: Winchell. Lake Superior: Winchell. Marshall sandstone: Winchell. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 37 Monroe County: Vol. VII pt. 1. Waverly Group: Winchell. Conover district, petrographic dist., slates of: Pub. 18. Conservation policies re oil and gas: Pub. 37, 47. and biological survey: Pub. 17. Continental uplift (warping): Pub. 40 pt. 1, 43, 48. Contortions of laminae: Vol. II Appen. K. Contributions to the pre-Cambrian geology of northern Michigan and Wisconsin, R. C. Allen and L. P. Barrett: Pub. 18 pt. 1. Cook, Chas. W., Michigan cement: Pub. 8., Salt industry in Michigan: Pub. 8., The brine and salt deposits of Michigan: Pub. 15. Cook, Mel T., The Insect galls of Michigan: Pub. 1. Cooks Moraine: Pub. 40 pt. 1. See Index to Nomenclature. Coons, G. H., Ecological relations of flora, sand dune region, Saginaw Bay: Pub. 4. Cooper, W. F., Water supply of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1903. Geological report on Bay County: Ann. Rept. 1905., Paleozoic geology of Tuscola County: Ann. Rept. 1908 (in Davis's Geology of Tuscola County). Copper and copper bearing rocks: Houghton, S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7; J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; J.D. No. 9, 1842; C.T.J.; F. and W.; Winchell; Vol. I, VI, VII. classification of: Pub. 19. deposits, occurrence, origin of: Wadsworth, Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891 -1892; Pub. 6, 8, 9. drill hole records of: Vol. VI. of Isle Royale: Vol. VI; Pub. 6. of Michigan, R. E. Hore: Pub. 8, 13, 19. of Northern Peninsula: Houghton, S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7; Vol. I, V, VI; Pub. 6. source of: Pub. 6; P.R. 10. theory of deposition of: Ann. Rept. 1903. See Keweenawan. See Index to Nomenclature. Guidebook for 1947. Copper bearing rocks of Michigan, The, Raphael Pumpelly: Vol. I pt. 2. Copper, early history, Jesuit accounts: C.T.J.; F. and W. Copper formations: See Index to Nomenclature. Copper formations in area of Black River, W. C. Gordon: Ann. Rept. 1906. Copper industry of Michigan, R. E. Hore: Pub. 8, 13, 16, 19; Misc. in 1915, W. E. Hopper: Pub. 21 pt. 1. 1916, W. E. Hopper: Pub. 24 pt. 1. 1917, W. E. Hopper: Pub. 27 pt. 1. 1918, L. P. Barrett: Pub. 29 pt. 1. 1919-1920, L. P. Barrett: Pub. 32 pt. 1. 1921, L. P. Barrett: Pub. 33 pt. 1. 1922, L. P. Barrett: Pub. 34 pt. 1. 1923, L. P. Barrett: Pub. 35 pt. 1. production in Michigan, F. G. Pardee: Pub. 37 pt. 1. See Mineral Industries. Copper lands, geology: F. and W. pt. 1. location of first mine, 1843: F. and W. pt. 1. Copper lodes, minerals, veins: Houghton, S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7; J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; Vol. I pt. 2; Pub. 19, 42; P.R. 7, 10. amygdaloid, conglomerate and sandstone lodes, epidote beds, felsites, fissure, sulphide veins and arsenides: Vol. I; Pub. 6. history of, A. A. Meuche: Pub. 6. mines and mining companies: Vol. I; Pub. 6, 18, 19; Misc. ,38 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Copper, paragenesis of, Raphael Pumpelly: Vol. I pt. 2. Copps formation: Pub. 18. See Index to Nomenclature. Corals, Fossil, of LIichigan, C. Rominger: Vol. III pt. 1. Cordell member: Pub. 38, 39. See Index to Nomenclature. Corniferous limestone: Douglass, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; Winchell; Vol. I, pt. 3, V pt. 2, VII pt. 1. See Index to Nomenclature. Correlations of Devonian formations. See Guidebooks, Devonian. Grand River group: Pub. 40 pt. 2. iron bearing formations: Pub. 18. limestones across the Detroit River: Ann. Rept. 1903. Marshall and Coldwater with Ohio, W. F. Cooper: Vol. VII pt. 2. Monroe formations with Upper Silurian elsewhere, A. W. Grabau: Pub. 2. Parma formation: Pub. 40 pt. 2. Pennsylvanian rocks: Pub. 40 pt. 2. Guidebook 1933. pre-Cambrian formations: Pub. 18. Saginaw formation: Pub. 40 pt. 2. See Guidebooks for correlations and cross-sections. County drain systems, development of: Pub. 28. Courtis, Wm. M., Gold in Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1906. Covert Ridge: Pub. 45, 48. See Index to Nomenclature. Crag: Houghton, H.D. 1839, No. 23; S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7. Crataegus in southern Michigan, C. S. Sargent: Ann. Rept. 1906. Crawfishes of Michigan: Pub. 1. Crawford County, lakes of: Pub. 30. marl, cement: Vol. VIII pt. 3; Open file. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14, 37; Misc. soils and vegetation of, and surface geology: Ann. Rept. 1901, 1903. soils, relation to natural vegetation, in: Ann. Rept. 1903. See Land Economic Survey, geological report. Crisp Point Moraine: Pub. 40 pt. 1. See Index to Nomenclature. Crosthwaite, E. G. See Ferris, J.G., and others. Crystal Falls district, iron industry of: Pub. 8, 18, 29. formation: See Index to Nomenclature. Crystal Lake, Benzie County, glacial history of: Pub. 45 pt. 2. Crystal oil field, Montcalm County, Geology of the, G. E. Eddy: P.R. 1; Misc. Crystallization of the Calcite from the Copper Mines of Lake Superior, Charles Palache: Vol. VI pt. 2 Appen. Curry Iron fm.: See Index to Nomenclature. Cuyahoga shales: Vol. VIII pt. 1. See Index to Nomenclature. Cycles of erosion, post Paleozoic: Pub. 48 pt. 2. Cyclical formations, discussion of: Pub. 40 pt. 2. Dana Glacial Lake: See Elkton, Lundy, Index to Nomenclature. Davis, Chas. A., Botanical notes by, (Huron County): Vol. VII pt. 2., Wells and well waters, Huron County: Vol. VII pt. 2., Report on peat of Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1906, 1908., Geology and Flora of Walnut Lake: Ann. Rept. 1907., Physiography and geology of Walnut Lake region, Oakland County: Ann. Rept. 1907., Geology of Tuscola County: Ann. Rept. 1908., Report on the geology of Tuscola County: Ann. Rept. 1908. reference to, quote: Vol. VIII pts. 1 and 2; Ann. Rept. 1903. Decorah, Ordovician: See Index to Nomenclature. Deep borings for oil and gas (logs, wells, sections): Vol. V; Ann. Rept. 1901, 1903, 1907, 1908; Pub. 8, 14, 33, 35, 37, 38, 48. See also Houghton reports. water: Winchell. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 39 Deep River coal: Vol. III. Deer Park Group: See Index to Nomenclature. Defiance Moraine: Vol. VII pt. 1; Pub. 48, 49. See Index to Nomenclature. Delta County, clays and shales: Pub. 36. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 37, 38; Misc. Ordovician rocks of: Pub. 40 pt. 3, 46. Guidebook 1950. road materials: Open file. surface geology: I. C. Russell, Ann. Rept. 1904; Pub. 9, 25, 40 pt. 1. water, well records: Ann. Rept. 1903. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Delta deposits: Vol. VII pt. 3. See also glacial geology, lakes. Delta of the St. Clair River, The, Leon J. Cole: Vol. IX pt. 1. Desor, E., Superficial deposits, Lake Superior Land District: C.T.J.; F. and W. pts. 1 and 2. Detroit Interlobate Moraine: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 3; Pub. 49. See Index to Nomenclature. Detroit River brine: Pub. 15. formation, Richfield zone, oil production: P.R. 15. group: Pub. 44. series: Pub. 2, 14, 15, 21, 48 pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Detroit River region, water supplies of: Ann. Rept. 1904. Devonian (Corniferous): Pub. 14. in Oakland County: Pub. 48 pt. 2. of Monroe County: Vol. VII pt. 1. period, system: Winchell; Vol. VII pts. 1 and 2, VIII pts. 1 and 2; Pub. 12, 14, 37, 38. series in Northern Peninsula: J. Hall, F. and W. pt. 2. studies of, A. W. Grabau: Pub. 22. See Acervularia Beds, Afton Beds, Alpena limestone, Amherstberg dolomite, Anderdon limestone, Antrim shale, Beebe School, Bell shale, Black shales, Bois Blanc, Bryozoan beds, Buff magnesian beds, Catskill, Cazenovian, Champlain, Charlevoix, Chattanoogan, Chautauquan, Chemung, Cleveland, Corniferous, Detroit River, Dock Street clay, Dundee, El Cajon, Erian Series, Erie shale, Ferron Point, Flat Rock dolomite, Four Mile Dam, Garden Island, Genesee shale, Genshaw, Gorbut, Grand Lake, Gravel Point, Hamilton, Helderberg, Huron group, Huron shale, Killians, Koehler limestone, Little Traverse Bay limestone, Long Lake, Lucas, Mackinac breccia, Mackinac limestone, Marcellus, Marvin beds, Middle Lake shale, Monroe, Naples goniatite beds, New Albany, Newton Creek, Norway Point, Ohio shale, Onondaga, Oriskany, Partridge Point, Petoskey limestone, Portage Group, Potter Farm, Presque Isle series, Rockport, Rockport Quarry, Rogers City, St. Clair shale, Senecan, Seven Mile Dam, Silica shale, Squaw Bay, Stony Point, Stromatopora beds, Sumnerville, Sunnyside, Sylvania, Thunder Bay limestone, Toll pit beds; Traverse formation, Tropidoleptus beds, Ulsterian, Upper Monroe, Upper Traverse. See Index to Nomenclature. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Guidebooks 1935, 1937, 1938, 1940, 1941, 1944, 1946, 1949, 1951. Diabases, intrusive, in the Huronian: Vol. VI. Dickinson County, clays and shales: Pub. 36. geology and magnetic anomalies: Open File report.1 geology of Menominee Range in: P.R. 5, 6, 8. geology south of Randville: Open File report.1 molding sands: Pub. 41. 'In co-operation with United States Department of Interior, Geological Survey. 40 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY pre-Cambrian geology of Norway Lake area: Open File report.1 road materials: Open file. surface geology, I. C. Russell: Ann. Rept. 1906. water, wells, logs: Ann. Rept. 1903, 1906. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Diorite Group of Huronian of Marquette iron region, C. Rominger: Vol. IV, V pt. 1. Dip needle survey of Wyandotte-Winona area, Houghton County and Cherokee area, Ontonagon County, K. Spiroff: P.R. 7. Diptera of Isle Royale, J. S. Hine: Ann. Rept. 1908. Discovery of iron ore in the Northern Peninsula: Vol. I pt. 1, II Appen. D. Distribution of limestone by counties: Pub. 21. Dock Street Clay, Devonian. See Index to Nomenclature. Dodge, C. K., Catalog of plants of sand dune region, Saginaw Bay: Pub. 4. Biographical sketch of: Pub. 31. Dolomite, origin, quarries, localities: Vol. III, VII pt. 1; Pub. 44. See Mineral Resources. Dore oil field, Allegan County: P.R. 4. Douglas Lake region, papers on zoology of: Pub. 20. Douglass, C. C. Report on geology of Eaton and Ingham counties: Houghton, H. D. 23, Doc. 4, 1838. Remarks on marl and other resources and features of Jackson, Calhoun, Eaton, lonia, and Kalamazoo counties: 3d Ann. Rept. St. Geol. Mich. Leg. H.D. 8, 1840. Jackson, Kalamazoo, Calhoun, Eaton, lonia and Kent, Ottawa, Van Buren, Allegan counties: Houghton, S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7. on rocks of Straits area: Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. Pointe AuGres limestone, named by: Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. on the northern part of the Lower Peninsula: Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. Report to State Geologist on geology of the Southern Peninsula: Houghton, J.D. 1841. Work of, in Copper District: C.T.J. Dowagiac drainageway: Pub. 48 pt. 1. glacial lake: Pub. 30, 48 pt. 1. See Index to Nomenclature. Dragonflies of the Douglas Lake region, A. T. Evans: Pub. 20. Drainage, glacial: Pub. 7, 9, 25, 30, 40, 48. Guidebooks 1931, 1932, 1934, 1936. Huron County: Vol. VII pt. 2. Manistique-Tahquamenon area: Pub. 40 pt. 1. Monroe County: Vol. VII pt. 1. of gypsum areas: Vol. IX pt. 2. Sanilac County: Vol. VII pt. 3. Wayne County: Pub. 12. Drainage in Michigan, D. G. Miller and P. T. Simons (U. S. Dept. Agriculture): Pub. 28. Drainage laws of Michigan and other states: Pub. 28. recommendations for, to legislature: Pub. 17. systems of the Northern Peninsula: Pub. 7, 25. Southern Peninsula: Pub. 9, 25. Drains and drainage of Bay County, W. F. Cooper: Ann. Rept. 1905. designs for construction of: Pub. 28. Dresbach formation: Pub. 38, 39. See Index to Nomenclature. Drift, glacial: Winchell; E. Desor, F. and W. pts. 1 and 2; Vol. I pt. 3, III; Pub. 7, 9, 12, 25, 30, 48. See also Glaciation. Index to Nomenclature. Economic products of: Ann. Rept. 1907: Pub. 42. in gypsum area: Vol. IX pt. 2. Lake Superior area: C.T.J.; F. and W.; Pub. 9, 25, 40. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 41 Marquette area: Vol. IV. Monroe County: Vol. IV. Northern Peninsula: Pub. 7, 25, 40. Oakland County: Pub. 48 pt. 2. red: Vol. III Southern Peninsula: Pub. 9, 25, 48. Guidebooks 1931, 1932, 1934, 1936, 1948. Drilling and care of deep wells, legislation recommended: Pub. 17. Drowned valleys, lagoon lakes: Pub. 30. Drumlins: Ann. Rept. 1904, 1906 (I. C. Russell); Pub. 3, 7, 25, 30. origin of, I. C. Russell: Ann. Rept. 1906. Drummond Island limestone (Houghton): Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; Ann. Rept. 1901; Pub. 44. See Index to Nomenclature. Duluth Glacial Lake. See Index to Nomenclature. Dundee limestone: Vol. V pt. 2, VII pt. 1; Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892; Ann. Rept. (Grabau) 1904, 1905, 1908. (Lane and Seaman): Pub. 12, 15, 21, 38, 39, 48 pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Guidebooks 1937, 1952. brine of: Pub. 15. of Northern Peninsula: E. Desor, F. and W. pt. 2. quarries: Vol. VII. Dunes: Vol. VII pts. 2 and 3; Ann. Rept. 1904; Pub. 7, 9, 25, 30, 40, 41, 45 pts. 1 and 2, 48. Du Plain glacial beach: Vol. VII pt. 3. See Index to Nomenclature. Dutton, Carl E. See also Lamey, C. A. Economic geology of a part of the Menominee Range: P.R. 9., and Lamey, C. A., Geology of the Menominee Range, Dickinson County: P.R. 5. Earthquakes in Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1906; Pub. 5 (W. H. Hobbs). Eastern Sandstone: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892 (Wadsworth); Vol. VI pts. 1, 2; Pub. 14. See Index to Nomenclature. Eaton County: Houghton, H.D. 23, Doc. 4, 1839. clays and shales: Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2; Pub. 40 pt. 2. Eaton sandstone: Pub. 40 pt. 2. marl: Open file. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14, 37, 38; Misc. Pennsylvanian rocks of: Pub. 40 pt. 2. Guidebook 1933. road materials: Open file. Saginaw formation: Pub. 40 pt. 2. sandstone: Vol. VIII pt. 1. shale, marl, cement: Vol. VIII pt. 2; Pub. 36. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Eaton Sandstone defined: Pub. 40 pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Eau Claire, Cambrian: See Index to Nomenclature. Ecological distribution of birds in Isle Royale: Ann. Rept. 1908. Porcupine Mountains and Isle Royale, Otto McCreary: Ann. Rept. 1905. orthoptera in Porcupine Mountains, A. P. Morse: Ann. Rept. 1905. relations of flora of the sand dune region, Saginaw Bay, G. H. Coons: Pub. 4. study of fish fauna of Douglas Lake region, R. J. Colbert: Pub. 20. survey of Isle Royale, A. G. Ruthven: Ann. Rept. 1905, 1908. Ecology of northern Michigan, C. C. Adams: Ann. Rept. 1905. Porcupine Mountains and Isle Royale, A. G. Ruthven: Ann. Rept. 1905. Economic development of Oakland County: Pub. 48 pt. 2. Economic geology: F. and W.; Winchell; Vol. III, V pt. 2. See also Houghton reports. of Huron County: Vol. VII pt. 2. Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1901; Pub. 38 (relating to oil). 42 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Monroe County: Vol. VII pt. 1. Sanilac County: Vol. VII pt. 3. resources of Alcona County: Ann. Rept. 1901. Arenac County: Pub. 11; P.R. 2. Wayne County: Pub. 12. See also Mineral Resources. See Houghton, Hubbard, Douglass reports. Eddy, Gerald E., State Geologist 1946-1951. Geology of the Crystal oil field, Montcalm County: P.R. 1. Eden Group: See Index to Nomenclature. Ehlers, G. M. See Landes, K. K. El Cajon, Devonian: See Genshaw. See Index to Nomenclature. Elephant, fossil of: Winchell. Elevation and depression of water in Great Lakes, S. W. Higgins: Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. Elevations in Michigan. See Altitudes. Elk, fossil of: Winchell. Elkton beach: Vol. VII pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Guidebook 1934. Ellsworth-Bedford-Berea time: Pub. 38. Ellsworth formation defined: Pub. 38. See Index to Nomenclature. Emerson, G. D., Report on the Minesota Lode: Pub. 19. Emmet County: Winchell. clays and shales of: Vol. VIII pt. 1; Pub. 36. Devonian formations of: Pub. 44. Guidebooks 1938, 1941, 1944, 1949. lakes: Pub. 30. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14, 38; Misc. road materials: Open file. Traverse fm. in: Ann. Rept. 1901. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Empire Moraine: Pub. 45 pt. 2. Engadine dolomite: Pub. 21 (defined), 38, 44. See Index to Nomenclature. Guidebook 1948. Eo-Carboniferous limestone: Vol. VIII pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1901. See Index to Nomenclature. Eo-Huronian: See Index to Nomenclature. Eozoic: See Index to Nomenclature. Eozbon: Vol. V pt. 2. Erian Series: Pub. 48 pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Erie Lake basin: Vol. VIII pt. 1. Erosion of lake shores: Vol. IX pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1901 (C. H. Gordon). Erratic Block Group (Hubbard): Houghton, J. D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11 (Ancient alluvium). Escanaba district, iron: Vol. I pt. 1. Escanaba limestone: See Index to Nomenclature. Escanaba River: Pub. 7. Eskers: Vol. VII pts. 2 and 3; Ann. Rept. 1904, 1906, 1907, 1908; Pub. 7, 9, 25, 30. Evans, A. T., Dragonflies of the Douglas Lake region: Pub. 20. Exploration methods in iron region: Vol. I pt. 2. Factors controlling occurrence of oil and gas: Pub. 14. Failure of wells along the lower Huron River, M. L. Fuller: Ann. Rept. 1904. Fall, Delos, Marls and clays in Michigan: Vol. VIII pt. 3. Falls and Rapids: F. and W.; Vol. IV; Pub. 7. Fault, Keweenawan: (W. C. Gordon) Ann. Rept. 1906; (A. C. Lane) Pub. 6. Guidebook 1947. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 43 Fauna of Isle Royale: Ann. Rept. 1905, 1908 Ecological Survey (C. C. Adams). Michigan, catalog of: Houghton, 2d Ann. Rept., Doc. 1, H.D. 23, 1839; Winchell. Porcupine Mountains: Ann. Rept. 1905. Sanilac County: Vol. VII pt. 3. Walnut Lake, Oakland County: Ann. Rept. 1907. Felch Mountain district: Pub. 8, 18. iron range: Vol. IV, V pt. 1. Ferris, J. G., Ground water hydraulics as a geophysical aid: T.R. 1. and others, Ground-water resources of southeastern Oakland County: P.R. 16. Ferron Point, Devonian: See Index to Nomenclature. Fiborn limestone: Pub. 21 (defined), 38. See Index to Nomenclature. quarry: Pub. 21. Guidebook 1948. Fish, fossils: Winchell. Fisheries of lakes Michigan and Superior: F. and W. pt. 2. Fishes of Douglas Lake, ecology of: Pub. 20. Houghton County: Pub. 20. sand dune region, Saginaw Bay, A. L. Leathers: Pub. 4. Whitefish Point, T. L. Hankinson (Shiras Expedition): Pub. 20. Flagstones of Lake Huron: Winchell. Flatrock dolomite: Ann. Rept. 1908; Pub. 2, 21. See Index to Nomenclature. Flora catalog: Houghton, 2d Ann. Rept., Doc. 2, H.D. 23, 1839; Winchell. of Huron County: Vol. VII pt. 2. Isle Royale: Ann. Rept. 1905, 1908 Ecological Survey (C. C. Adams). Porcupine Mountains: Ann. Rept. 1905. shore Lake Huron, Bay City to Cheboygan, Mackinac and Bois Blanc Island: Pub. 31. Walnut Lake: Ann. Rept. 1907. Flowering plants, ferns and fern allies, Schoolcraft County: Pub. 31. shore Lake Huron, C. K. Dodge: Pub. 31. Tuscola County: Pub. 31. Flowing wells: Vol. VII pt. 2; Pub. 48. See Artesian and Water Resources. Ford River: Pub. 7. Forest beach, glacial: Vol. VII pt. 1. See Index to Nomenclature. Forest lands, distribution of: Houghton, S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7; Vol. III, VII pt. 1. Forest Reserve, Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1903. Forrestville shales: Vol. VII pt. 3. See Index to Nomenclature. Fort Brady Beach: See Index to Nomenclature. Fort Wayne Moraine: See Index to Nomenclature. Fossil collecting localities: Pub. 42. illustrations, plates: F. and W. pt. 1; Vol. III (C. Rominger, corals), VII pts. 2 and 3; Pub. 2, 42, 44, 46. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Fossiliferous strata: Winchell. Fossils. Lists, descriptions, illustrations, records: J. Hall, F. and W. pt. 2; Winchell; Vol. I pt. 3, III, V, VII, VIII; Pub. 48 pt. 2. Bayport: Vol. III Illus., VII pt. 2; Pub. 11, 42; P.R. 3. Black River formation: Pub. 40 pt. 3. Bois Blanc: Pub. 44 Illus. Calciferous: J. Hall, F. and W. pt. 2. Carboniferous limestone: Winchell; Vol. III Illus.; Pub. 40 pt. 2. Cataract formation: Pub. 38. Clinton: J. Hall, F. and W. pt. 2; Winchell. coal in Bay County (W. F. Cooper): Ann. Rept. 1905. 44 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Coldwater shales: Vol. VII pt. 2. Corals, C. Rominger: Vol. III. Corniferous: Vol. III Illus. Detroit River: Pub. 44 Illus. Dundee limestone: Vol. VII pt. 2; Pub. 12. Engadine: Pub. 44 Illus. Garden Island: Pub. 44 Illus. Grindstone quarries: Winchell. Gypsiferous strata: Winchell. Hamilton formation: Winchell; Vol. III Illus. Helderberg formation: J. Hall, F. and W. pt. 2; Winchell; Vol. I, III Illus. Hudson River: J. Hall, F. and W. pt. 2; Vol. III Illus. Iron River district: Pub. 3. Lake Superior sandstone: J. Hall, F. and W. pt. 2; (Lane and Seaman) Ann. Rept. 1908. Limestone Mountain: Pub. 18. Lower Silurian: J. Hall, F. and W. pt. 2 (Ordovician). Manistique series: Pub. 21. Marshall sandstone: Winchell; Vol. VII pt. 2. Monroe formation: Vol. VII pt. 1; Pub. 2 Illus. Niagara: J. Hall, F. and W. pt. 2; Winchell; Vol. III; G. M. Ehlers unpub. nms.; Pub. 42. of Huron County: Vol. VII pt. 2. of Monroe County: Vol. VII pt. 1. Ordovician: Pub. 40 pt. 3, 46 Illus. Point au Gres: Pub. 11. Pointe aux Chenes: Pub. 44 Illus. Potsdam (Cambrian): F. and W.; Vol. V. Saginaw Group: Pub. 40 pt. 2. St. Clair shales: Vol. VII pt. 2. St. Ignace: Pub. 44 Illus. Traverse Group (A. W. Grabau): Ann. Rept. 1901. Trenton-Black River: F. and W. pt. 2; Winchell; Vol. III Illus.; Pub. 40 pt. 2, 46 Illus. Fossils of Cambrian: Lake Superior sandstones: Ann. Rept. 1908. Potsdam: J. Hall, F. and W. pt. 2 Illus.; Vol. V. Fossils of Devonian: Bois Blanc: Pub. 44 Illus. Detroit River: Pub. 44 Illus. See also Monroe formation. Guidebooks 1935, 1952. Dundee limestone: Vol. VII pt. 2; Pub. 12. Guidebook 1952. Garden Island: Pub. 44 Illus. Hamilton formation: Winchell; Vol. III Illus. Helderberg formation: J. Hall, F. and W. pt. 2 Illus.; Winchell; Vol. I, III Illus. Monroe formation: Vol. VII pt. 1; Pub. 2 Illus. Rogers City: Pub. 42 Illus. Guidebook 1937. St. Clair shales: Vol. VII pt. 2. Traverse Group: Ann. Rept. 1901; Pub. 42 Illus. Guidebooks 1937, 1938, 1940, 1949. Fossils of Mississippian:.Bayport: Vol. III, Illus., VII Pt. 2; Pub. 11, 42 Illus.; P.R. 3. Carboniferous limestone: Winchell; Vol. III Illus. Coldwater shales: Vol. VII pt. 2. Grindstone quarries: Winchell. Gypsiferous strata: Winchell. Lower Grand Rapids: Pub. 11. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 45 Marshall sandstone: Winchell; Vol. VII pt. 2 Illus.; Pub. 42 Illus. Michigan limestone: Vol. III Illus.; Pub. 42 Illus. Fossils of Ordovician: Black River: Pub. 40 pt. 3, 42 Illus., 46 Illus. "Lower Silurian": J. Hall, F. and W. pt. 2; Winchell. Trenton limestone: J. Hall, F. and W. pt. 2 Illus.; Vol. III Illus. Trenton-Black River: Pub. 42 Illus., 46 Illus. Guidebook 1950. Fossils of Pennsylvanian: Pub. 40 pt. 2, 42 Illus. Coal in Bay County: Ann. Rept. 1905. Saginaw Group: Pub. 40 pt. 2. Fossils of Silurian: Cataract formation: Pub. 38. Clinton: J. Hall, F. and W. pt. 2; Winchell. Engadine: Pub. 44 Illus. Guelph: Pub. 44 Illus. Hudson River: J. Hall, F. and W. pt. 2 Illus.; Vol. III Illus. Iron River district: Pub. 3. Limestone Mountain: Pub. 18. Manistique series: Pub. 21. Monroe formation: Vol. VII pt. 1; Pub. 2 Illus. Niagara: J. Hall, F. and W. pt. 2 Illus.; Winchell; Vol. III; G. M. Ehlers unpub. ms.; Pub. 42 Illus. Pointe aux Chenes: Pub. 44 Illus. St. Ignace: Pub. 44 Illus. See Guidebooks 1951, 1954, 1955. Foster, J. W. and Whitney, J. D., Report on Copper Lands: C.T.J. The copper lands of Lake Superior: Report on the geology of the Lake Superior Land District, pt. 1. The iron region of Lake Superior: Report on the geology of the Lake Superior Land District, pt. 2. Foundry sands, G. G. Brown: Pub. 41. H. Ries and J. A. Rosen: Ann. Rept. 1907. Four Mile Dam, Devonian: See Index to Nomenclature. Franconia, Cambrian: See Index to Nomenclature. Freda sandstone, defined (A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman): Ann. Rept. 1908. See Index to Nomenclature. Fucoids (Lake Superior sandstones): F. and W. pts. 1 and 2. Fuller, M. L., Failure of wells along lower Huron River: Ann. Rept. 1904. Fullers earth: Vol. VIII pt. 1; Pub. 36. Fungi, gilled (Agaricaceae of Michigan, C. H. Kauffman): Pub. 26. Furs, fish and harbors of Lake Superior: Houghton, J. D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. Galena: Vol. VII pt. 2; Pub. 18. Galena, Ordovician: See Index to Nomenclature. Gallium in Michigan: P.R. 10. Garden Island formation, defined: Pub. 44. See Index to Nomenclature. Garrigues, S. S., Salt in Michigan: Vol. III Appen. B. Gas in Michigan, natural: Winchell; Vol. III, V pt. 2, VII pt. 1, VIII pt. 2,.IX pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1901; Pub. 14, 37, 38. See Misc. Pub. Summary of operations, oil and gas fields. and salt wells, 1888: C. E. Wright, Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. prospects for in Northern Peninsula: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Gem minerals: Pub. 42. Stones, Michigan's, H. J. Hardenberg: Mimeograph, Misc. Genesee County: Winchell. agriculture data, detailed: Pub. 25. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. 46 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY lakes: Pub. 30. marl, cement: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sand: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14, 37, 38; Misc. road materials: Open file. Saginaw formation: Pub. 40 pt. 2. shale: Vol. VIII pt. 1; Pub. 36. Genesee shales: See Antrim. See Index to Nomenclature. Genshaw, Devonian: See Index to Nomenclature. Guidebooks 1937, 1940, 1949. Geographic notes on Huron County: Vol. VII pt. 2. Geologic and magnetic data on the Sholdeis-Doane and Red Rock explorations, Iron County, by K. L. Wier and B. E. Kennedy: Open file report. Geologic column: Vol. V, VII pt. 1; Pub. 23, 39. column of Arenac County: Pub. 11. Wayne County: Pub. 12. factors controlling accumulation of oil and gas: Pub. 14. formations: Winchell. formations of Lower Peninsula, M. E. Wadsworth: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. formations of Upper Peninsula, M. E. Wadsworth: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. maps. See Map Section. nomenclature, discussion: Vol. V pt. 1. See Index to. relation of intrusives of Mt. Bohemia (Fred Wright): Ann. Rept. 1908. sections: Winchell; Vol. V, VII, VIII; Ann. Rept. 1901, 1906, 1908; Pub. 14, 38, 39, 40 pt. 2, 42. Guidebooks..Geologic map of Michigan, 1916, R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett: Pub. 23. Geologic map of Michigan, Centennial, 1937, H. M. Martin and others: Pub. 39. Geological and Biological Survey, R. C. Allen: Pub. 22. relation of to conservation of animals: Pub. 17. Geological Section From Bessemer Down Black River, W. C. Gordon: Ann. Rept. 1906. Geological Section of Michigan, A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman: Ann. Rept. 1908. Geological Story of Michigan, H. M. Martin: Mimeograph. Geological Survey of Michigan, organization, functions, progress: Pub. 17, 22. co-operative work of: Pub. 22. recommendations to legislature for: Pub. 17. (See also Houghton reports) See Laws. Geology and magnetic anomalies of T 42 N, R 30 W, Dickinson County, F. J. Pettijohn: Open file report. Geology of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, C. Rominger: Vol. III pt. 1. Geology of Allegan County, C. H. Riggs: P.R. 4. Arenac County, W. M. Gregory: Pub. 11. Arenac County, G. H. Pringle: P.R. 3. Cheboygan County, H. M. Martin: Mimeograph. Open file. Copper region: F. and W. pt. 1. Crystal oil field, Montcalm County, G. E. Eddy: P.R. 1. Delta County: Ann. Rept. 1904. Dickinson County: Ann. Rept. 1906. Felch Mountain area, C. A. Lamey: Open file report. Gogebic County, Black River: Ann. Rept. 1906. Hillsdale County, H. M. Martin: Open file. Iron County: Ann. Rept. 1906. Iron regions: F. and W. pt. 2. Ishpeming gold range, R. M. Denning: Open file report. Lake Michigamme area, Baraga and Marquette counties, W. A. Seaman: Open file report. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 47 Lapeer County: Ann. Rept. 1901, 1905. limestone formation: Pub. 21. Limestone Mountain and Sherman Hill, E. C. Case and W. I. Robinson: Pub. 18. Lower Peninsula: Houghton, J. D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; Vol. III pt. 1. Mackinac County: Ann. Rept. 1905. Mackinac Straits region, K. K. Landes, G. M. Ehlers, and G. M. Stanley: Pub. 44. Guidebooks 1941, 1944. Marquette iron region: Vol. I pt. 1, IV pt. 1. Guidebook 1939. Menominee County: Ann. Rept. 1904, 1906. Menominee iron region: Vol. IV pt. 2. Guidebook 1939. Menominee Range, Dickinson County, C. E. Dutton and C. A. Lamey: P.R. 5. Menominee Range, Norway to Waucedah, C. A. Lamey and C. E. Dutton: P.R. 8. Menominee Range, vicinity of Iron Mountain, C. A. Lamey and C. E. Dutton: P.R. 6. Michigan: Houghton, H.D. 24, 1838; Winchell; Pub. 38. Northern Peninsula: Houghton, S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7; J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; Vol. I pt. 3. Ogemaw County, E. A. Newman: P.R. 2. Schooleraft County: Ann. Rept. 1904. Southern Peninsula: J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. Southwest of Randville, Dickinson County, C. A. Lamey: Open file report. Spruce River and Peshekee River areas, Marquette and Baraga counties, W. A. Seaman: P.R. 11. See Guidebooks. Geothermal gradient in copper mines, A. C. Lane: Ann. Rept. 1901. Girty, Dr.. G. H. (U.S.G.S.), Studies of the Mississippian by: Pub. 22. Glacial clays: E. Desor, F. and W. pt. 1; Vol. VIII. deposits: Vol. VII pt. 1, VIII pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1904 (Russell), 1906, 1907; Pub. 7, 9, 25, 49. Glacial deposits of Alcona County: Ann. Rept. 1901. Bessemer area, groundwater resources of: P.R. 14. Iron River district: Pub. 3. Mackinac area: Pub. 44. Southern Peninsula, Map of: Pub. 49. "diluvium" of Hubbard: Houghton, H.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. drainage: Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 7, 9, 25, 40 pt. 1, 48 pt. 1. drift: Winchell; Vol. III, V, VI pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1904, 1907; Pub. 7, 9, 25, 30, 40. drift, commercial materials of: Pub. 42. drift, resources of: Pub. 42, 48. drift, water conditions in: Pub. 48; P.R. 12, 13, 14, 16; T.R. 2, 3. features, moraines, till plains, outwash, eskers, drumlins, boulder belts, deltas: Ann. Rept. 1904, 1907; Pub. 7, 9, 25, 30, 38, 40, 48, 49. geology of Alcona County: Ann. Rept. 1901. Arenac County: Pub. 11; P.R. 3. Berrien County: P.R. 12. Dickinson County: Ann. Rept. 1906. Huron County: Vol. VII pt. 2. Ingham County: P.R. 13. Iron County: Ann. Rept. 1906. Isle Royale: Vol. VI. Lapeer County: Ann. Rept. 1901. Mackinac region: Pub. 44. Menominee County: Ann. Rept. 1906. Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 7, 9, 25. Northern Peninsula, eastern: Guidebook 1948. 48 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY north shores of lakes Michigan and Huron: Ann. Rept. 1904. Saginaw Valley: Guidebook 1931. Southwestern Michigan: Guidebook 1932. "Thumb" area: Guidebook 1934. Walnut Lake region: Ann Rept. 1907. Wayne County: Pub. 12. lake ridge (Hubbard): Houghton, S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7. (Glacial Lake Whittlesey beach). map of features Southern Peninsula: Pub. 49. Striae and grooves: See Striae. Glacial Great Lakes, geology and history of: Houghton, S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7; Vol. VII pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1904, 1907; Pub. 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 25, 30, 40, 43, 45. Guidebooks 1931, 1936, 1948. Lake Algoma: Pub. 43. Algonquin: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 2, IX pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1904, 1907; Pub. 5, 7, 9, 12, 25, 30, 40, 43, 45. Arkona: Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 9, 12. Chicago: Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 9, 25, 45, 48 pt. 1. Dana: Ann. Rept. 1907. Dowagiac: Pub. 48 pt. 1 (Drainageway). Duluth: Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 7, 25. Elkton: Vol. VII pt. 2; Pub. 9, 25. Glenwood: Pub. 45, 48. Grassmere: Pub. 9, 12. Iroquois: Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 30. Jean Nicollet: Ann. Rept. 1907. Lundy: Pub. 12, 25. Maumee: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 2; Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 9, 12, 25. Guidebook 1936. Nipissing: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 2, IX pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1904, 1907, 1908; Pub. 5, 7, 9, 11, 25. Ontonagon: Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 7, 25, 30. Rouge: Pub. 12. Saginaw: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 2; Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 9, 25, 38. St. Clair: Vol. IX pt. 1. Warren: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 2, IX pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 9, 11, 12, 25. Wayne: Pub. 9, 12.,Whittlesey: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 2, IX pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 9, 12. See also Index to Nomenclature. Glacial history of Bessemer area: P.R. 14. Northern Peninsula: Pub. 40 pt. 1. Guidebook 1948. lake history: Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 7, 9, 12, 25, 30, 40, 43, 44, 45, 48 pts. 1 and 2. sand, deposits of: Pub. 41. Glacial Lake beaches. Pub. 7, 9, 25, 49. Algonquin: Vol. VII pt. 2, IX pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1904, 1907; Pub. 5, 7, 9, 12, 25, 30, 40, 43, 44, 45, 49. Arkona: Vol. VII pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 9, 12, 49. Belmore: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 3; Ann. Rept. 1907. Calumet: Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 45. Du Plain: Vol. VII pt. 3. Elkton: Vol. VII pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 9, 25. Forest: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 3; Ann. Rept. 1907. Glenwood: Pub. 45, 48. Grassmere: Vol. VII pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 9. Leipsic: Vol. VII pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1907. Maumee: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 2; Pub. 9, 12, 25, 49. Nipissing: Vol. IX pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1904, 1907; Pub. 5, 7, 9, 25, 43, 44, 49. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 49 Rouge: Pub. 12. Saginaw: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 2; Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 9, 25, 38. St. Clair: Vol. IX pt. 1. Toleston: Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 45, 49. Van Wert: Vol. VII pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1907. Warren: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 2; Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 9, 11, 25. Whittlesey: Vol. VII pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 9, 12, 49. (See Lake Ridge of Bela Hubbard). Glacial lakes. See Lakes, glacial. Glacial striae, location, direction: Winchell. Open file. Glaciation of Alabaster area, W. M. Gregory: Vol. IX pt. 2. Arenac County: Pub. 11. Bay County: Ann. Rept. 1903. Grand Rapids area: Vol. IX pt. 1. Huron County: Vol. VII pt. 2. Isle Royale: Vol. VI. Lapeer County: Ann. Rept. 1901. Monroe County: Vol. VII pt. 1. Northern Peninsula: E. Desor, F. and W. pts. 1 and 2; Ann. Rept. 1904, 1907; Pub. 7, 25, 30, 40, 43. Oakland County: Pub. 48 pt. 2. Porcupine Mountains: Ann. Rept. 1905. Sanilac County: Vol. VII pt. 3. Southern Peninsula: Pub. 9, 25, 30, 45, 48. Guidebooks 1931, 1932, 1934, 1936. Tuscola County, C. A. Davis: Ann. Rept. 1908. Van Buren County: Pub. 48 pt. 1. Wayne County: Pub. 12. Gladwin County, agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14; Misc. road materials: Open file. soils of, detailed data: Pub. 25. Glass sand: Houghton, S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7; Vol. III, VII pt. 1 (history of use); Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 12. See Mineral Resources. Gleason, Dr. H. A., Ecological relations of invertebrate fauna, Isle Royale: Ann. Rept. 1905, 1908. Glenwood shore, Glacial Lake Chicago: Pub. 45, 48. See Index to Nomenclature. Glossary of geologic terms: Houghton, H.D. 23, Doc. 5, 1839; Pub. 43. mining and metallurgical terms: F. and W. pt. 1. Gobel Ridge: Pub. 48. Gogebic County, agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. Bessemer down Black River: Geological section; Ann. Rept. 1906. clays and shales: Pub. 36. groundwater resources near Bessemer: P.R. 14. lakes: Pub. 30. molding sands: Pub. 41. road materials: Open file. soil of, detailed data: Pub. 25. wells, logs: Ann. Rept. 1903. See also Iron. Keweenaw. Huronian. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Gogebic iron range: Ann. Rept. 1904; Pub. 8, 17. correlations of: Pub. 18. 50 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Gold in Michigan: (M. E. Wadsworth) Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892; Ann. Rept. 1906; Pub. 8; P.R. 10; Open file report. See Mineral Resources. Gold mining in Lake Superior region: Ann. Rept. 1904. Gorbut, Devonian: See Index to Nomenclature. Gordon, C. H., Geological report on Sanilac County: Vol. VII pt. 3. The Port Huron oil field; Wave cutting on west shore of Lake Huron, Sanilac County, Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1901. Gordon, W. C., A geological section from Bessemer down Black River: Ann. Rept. 1906. Grabau, A. W., Stratigraphy of the Traverse group of Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1901. and Sherzer, W. H., correlation of "Monroe beds": Pub. 2. fossils of Monroe formation: Pub. 2. stratigraphic structure of Monroe formation: Pub. 2. Grain of rocks, The, A. C. Lane: Vol VI. Grand Island sandstone: Vol. I pt. 3. Grand Lake, Devonian: See Index to Nomenclature. Grand Ledge Coal Measures: Vol. III; Pub. 40 pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Grand Rapids group: Vol. V, VII pt. 2, VIII pt. 2, IX pt. 2; Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892; Ann. Rept. 1908; Pub. 11, 38. See Index to Nomenclature. gypsum district: Vol. IX pt. 2. salt wells of: Houghton; Winchell. Grand River group, defined: Pub. 40 pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Grand Traverse County, agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Vol. VIII pt. 1; Pub. 36. marl, cement: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. road materials: Open file. Grand Traverse Lake region: Pub. 30. Granite, age of, C. E. Wright: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Granite Point, Marquette County, sandstone of: Vol. I pt. 3. Granitic group, Huronian: F. and W. pt. 2; Vol. IV, V. of Marquette iron region, C. Rominger: Vol. IV. Granites: See Killarney, Presque Isle, Republic, Superior. Graphite deposits: Vol. I pt. 1, II, IV; P.R. 10. See Mineral Resources. Graphite deposits, Taylor mine area, Justin Zinn: Open file. Grassmere beach: Vol. VII pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 9. See Index to Nomenclature. Gratiot County, agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14, 37, 38; Misc. road materials: Open file. salt: Pub. 15. Gravel: Vol. VII pt. 1. See Mineral Resources. Sand and Gravel. See Road Materials Survey: Open file. Gravel Point, Devonian: See Index to Nomenclature. Graywacke group: Houghton, H.D. 24, 1838. See Index to Nomenclature. Great Lakes, changes in level of: Houghton, H.D. 23, 1839 and Doc. 3, H.D. 23, 1839; J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; Chas. Whittlesey, F. and W. pt. 2; Bela Hubbard in 3d Ann. Rept. St. Geol. S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7. erosion of shores of: Ann. Rept. 1901. history of: Ann. Rept. 1905, 1907; Pub. 7, 9, 12, 25, 30, 40, 43, 44, 45. See Glacial Great Lakes. origin of basins: F. and W. pt. 2. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 51 Greenfield dolomite: Ann. Rept. 1908 (A. W. Grabau); Pub. 2, 48 pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. "Greenstone"--chlorastrolite: C.T.J.; Pub. 37, 42. Gregory, W. M., Report on Alabaster gypsum area: Vol. IX pt. 2. Preliminary report on Arenae County: Ann. Rept. 1901. Preliminary report on the gypsum deposits of Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1902. Recent shore forms: Ann. Rept. 1903. Geological report on Arenac County: Pub. 11. Grey limestone of Monroe County: Houghton, H.D. 24, 1838. Grimsley, G. P., Geological map of Alabaster area: Vol. IX pt. 2. The gypsum of Michigan and the plaster industry: Vol. IX pt. 2. Grindstones: Winchell; Vol. VII pts. 2 and 3. See Mineral Resources. Groos Quarry member of Trenton formation: Pub. 46. Guidebook 1950. See Index to Nomenclature. Grosse Isle, water (M. L. Fuller): Ann. Rept. 1904. well (or James Swan): Ann. Rept. 1904. Ground moraine, defined: Pub. 40 pt. 1. Ground water: Vol. VII pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1901, 1904; Pub. 30, 42, 48. Ground water hydraulics as a geophysical aid, J. G. Ferris: T.R. 1. hydrology: Pub. 48. Ground water investigations, resources (Progress and Technical Reports co-op. U. S. Dept. Interior, Geol. Surv.). Benton Harbor area: P.R. 12. Bessemer area, glacial deposits: P.R. 14. Iron River district: T.R. 2. Lansing area: P.R. 13. Marquette iron-mining district: T.R. 3. Oakland County: Pub. 48 pt. 2. Southeastern Oakland County: P.R. 16. Van Buren County: Pub. 48 pt. 1. See Water Resources. Guelph formation: Vol. VII pt. 1; Pub. 21. See Index to Nomenclature. fossils: Pub. 44. Guide to uranium prospectors in Michigan, A, B. E. Kennedy: Misc. Gwinn iron bearing district: Pub. 8, 17, 18, 29. See Index to Nomenclature. correlation and structure of pre-Cambrian, R. C. Allen: Pub. 18. Gypsum: Houghton, H.D. 24, 1838; Houghton, H.D. 23, 1839; S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7; J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; F. and W. pt. 2; Vol. IX pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1904; Pub. 8, 11, 40 pt. 2, 42, 44, 48 pt. 2. See also Mineral Resources. Gypsum of Michigan and the plaster industry, The, G. P. Grimsley: Vol. IX pt. 2. Hale, D. J., and others, Marl (bog lime) and its application to the manufacture of Portland cement: Vol. VIII pt. 3. Hall, Prof. James, Lower Silurian System: F. and W. pt. 2. New and rare fossils from Paleozoic Series: F. and W. pt. 2. Upper Silurian and Devonian Series: F. and W. pt. 2. on Straits limestone: F. and W. pt. 2; Pub. 44. work of in Michigan: Winchell; Ann. Rept. 1904 (quoted). Hamilton Group: Winchell; Vol. III, VII pt. 1. See Traverse. See Index to Nomenclature. shales (fossils): Winchell; Vol. III, VIII pt. 1. Hamilton, 0. R., Michigan slate industry: Pub. 16, 19. Iron ore industry in 1918: Pub. 29. Hanbury slate: Pub. 8. See Index to Nomenclature. problem: P.R. 5. Hankinson, T. L., Observations on the fishes of Houghton County: Pub. 20. Results of the Shiras expeditions to Whitefish Point: Fishes: Pub. 20. 52 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY, Davis, C. A., and Needham, J. G., A biological survey of Walnut Lake, Oakland County, Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1907. Hardenberg, H. J., Michigan's mineral industries 1946, 1948, 1949: Misc. Statistics covering costs and production of Michigan iron mines 1952, 1953, 1954: Misc. Hardwood Point Zone: Vol. VII pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Harrietta clay, Wexford County: Vol. VIII pt. 1. Harrietta shales: Vol. VIII pt. 1. Hat Point sandstone: Vol. VII pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Hautau, G. H., The Richfield challenge: P.R. 15. Haymeadow Creek member of Trenton formation: Pub. 46. Guidebook 1950. See Index to Nomenclature. Helderberg group: J. Hall, F. and W. pt. 2; Winchell; Vol. I pt. 3, III, IV pts. 1 and 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Hendricks series: Pub. 21. See Index to Nomenclature. Henry, Alexander, on Copper Country history: Winchell. Hermansville limestone: Pub. 40 pt. 1. See Index to Nomenclature. Herpetology of Michigan, A. G. Ruthven: Pub. 10. Hiawatha Moraine: See Index to Nomenclature. Higgins, Sylvester W., State Topographer, reports by: Houghton, H.D. 23, 1839; S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7; J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; J.D. 1846, No. 12. Report of, on topography Ontonagon-Porcupine district: C.T.J. Subdivisions in Lake Superior District by: C.T.J. Topographic maps of Calhoun, Washtenaw, Lenawee, Jackson. These four maps are the survivors of the 16 county maps completed by Higgins. Higgins Lake State Forest: Ann. Rept. 1901, 1903. Hill, S. W., See Maps. C. T. Jackson, Foster and Whitney. Hillsdale County: Houghton, H.D. 23, 1839; Winchell; Vol. VIII pt. 2. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. lakes: Pub. 30. marl, cement: Vol. VIII pt. 3; Open file. molding sands: Pub. 41. Oil: Pub. 14; Misc. road materials: Open file. water: Ann. Rept. 1903. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Hinge Line, tilting, uplift, warping: Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 5, 30, 38, 40 pt. 1, 45. Historical geology of Michigan, R. B. Newcombe: Pub. 38. History, exploration, Copper Country: F. and W. pt. 1; Vol. I. Iron region: F. and W. pt. 2; Vol. I. Michigan gypsum industry: Vol. IX pt. 2. oil and gas: Winchell; Pub. 38. geology (survey) in Michigan: Winchell. Hobbs, W. H., The late glacial and post-glacial uplift of the Michigan basin: Pub. 5. Earthquakes in Michigan: Pub. 5. Hopper, W. E., Michigan copper industry: Pub. 21, 24, 27. Hore, R. E., Michigan copper industry: Pub. 8, 13, 16, 19. deposits: Pub. 19. Houghton County. See also Copper. Keweenaw rocks. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. copper: Vol. I pt. 2. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 53 dip needle survey of: P.R. 7. fishes of: Pub. 20. geology of: Vol. VI pt. 2. Guidebook 1947. lakes: Pub. 30. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. road materials: Open file. water: Ann. Rept. 1903. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Houghton, Douglass, State Geologist 1838-1846, Geological reports of, published in Legislative Documents. 1837, Relative to progress and advantages of the Geological Survey, ms. col. University of Michigan. 1838, H.D. No. 8: Account of Geological Survey with D. Houghton. 1838, H.D. No. 24: Relative to the rock formations and mineral resources of Michigan. 1838, H.D. No. 46: Relative to benefits to agriculture of a geological survey. 1839, S.D. No. 1: Improvement of state salt springs. 1839, H.D. No. 4: Improvement of state salt springs. 1839, H.D. No. 21: Relative to the iron ore, etc. on the school section in T 5 S, R 7 W, in Branch County. 1839, H.D. No. 23: Progress of the Geological Survey with reports (Documents) of the Assistant Geologists, State Botanist, State Zoologist, State Topographer. 1839, S.D. No. 3: Report of the Senate Committee on manufacturers relative to Houghton's report on salt springs and the salines of the state. 1839, S.D. No. 25: Relative to progress of the State Geological Survey. 1840, H.D. No. 2: Relative to improvement of salt springs. 1840, S.D. No. 18: Account of expenditures for 1839. 1840, S.D. Vol. 2, No. 7: Annual Report. Geology of the Northern or Upper Peninsula. Geology of the bog iron ore of the Southern or Lower Peninsula. General geology and mineral resources. Section. 1840, Informal report to Governor Woodbridge of progress, ms. col. University of Michigan, on the Northern or Upper Peninsula. 1841, J.D. Vol. 1, No. 11: Annual Report of the State Geologist. 1841, H.D. No. 35: Relative to county and state maps. 1842, H.D. No. 2: State salt springs. 1842, J.D. No. 9: Annual Report. 1843, J.D. No. 8: Annual Report. 1843, J.D. No. 9: State salt springs. 1844, J.D. No. 11: Annual Report. Houghton, Douglass, Remarks on rocks between Chocolate River and Granite Point: Ms. published in Vol. II Appen. E. Houghton, Douglass, memorial: Pub. 19. reports of, referred to: Winchell; Vol. II, III, IV, VII pt. 2, VIII pt. 2, IX pt. 2; Pub. 38, 40 pt. 2, 44. arrangement of rocks by, reported by Winchell. Houghton, Jacob: Winchell; Vol. II Appen. D (Iron ore docks at L'Anse). Howell structure: Pub. 38. Hubbard, Bela, geology of organized counties: Houghton, H.D. 23, Doc. 5, 1839; Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. reports on geology of Ontonagon-Porcupine district: C.T.J. report on subdivisional surveys by D. Houghton, S. W. Higgins, Wm. Ives: C.T.J. referred to: Winchell; Vol. VII pt. 1, VIII pt. 2. Hubbard, Frederick, determination of latitude in Northern Peninsula: Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. 54 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Hubbard, Lucius L., State Geologist 1893-1899. Macroscopic minerals of Michigan: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Keweenaw Point felsites, report on: Vol. VI pt. 2. Classification of copper rocks: Pub. 19. Hudson River shales: Vol. V pt. 2, VIII pt. 1. See Index to Nomenclature. Humphrey, Richard L., Methods of and comments on testing cement: Vol. VIII pt. 3. Hunt, T. S., on the origin of gypsum: Vol. IX pt. 2. Huron City series: Vol. VII pt. 2. Huron County: Vol. III, VII pt. 2, VIII pts. 1 and 2, IX pt. 2. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. Biological survey of the sand dune region on the southern shore of Saginaw Bay: Pub. 4. botanical notes on, C. A. Davis: Vol. VII pt. 2. Charity Islands, Coleoptera of: Pub. 20. clays and shales: Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. dunes of: Pub. 20, 40 pt. 1. geology, stratigraphy, soils, fossils, wells and borings, economic geology, minerals, plants, list of: Vol. VII pt. 2. Guidebook 1934. marl, cement: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14, 38; Misc. report on, A. C. Lane: Vol. VII pt. 2. road materials: Open file. salt in: Vol. VII pt. 2; Pub. 15. See Map Section. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Huron Group: See Index to Nomenclature. Huron Mountains: Ann. Rept. 1906; Pub. 7, 30. geology of: Wm. Ives, C.T.J. 'Blueprint map. Huron River Region, water supplies of: Ann. Rept. 1904. Huronian: Vol. I pt. 2, IV; Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892; Vol. V, VI pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1906, 1908. diabases intruded in: Vol. VI. extrusives: Pub. 18. group, revision of: Pub. 18. in Iron River district: Pub. 3. in Lake Superior area: Ann. Rept. 1904. See Agogebic, Ajibik formation, Ajibik quartzite, Animikie, Antoine dolomite, Anvil chert, Arenaceous slate group, Bad River limestone, Bessemer sandstone, Bijiki, Brule volcanics, Clarksburg, Copps, Corning A zone, Crystal Falls formation, Crystal Falls series, Curry iron formation, EoHuronian, Felch schist, Footwall series, Goodrich quartzite, Greenwood iron formation, Groveland formation, Gwinn series, Hanbury slate, Hemlock greenstone, Holyoke iron formation, Huron Bay slates, Iron River iron formation, Ironwood iron formation, Ishpeming, Jasper Knob zone, Kona dolomite, Lake Hanbury slate, L'Anse series, Loretto slate, Mareniscan series, Menominee series, Mesnard quartzite, Michigamme jasper, Michigamme slate, Michigan period, Mount Mesnard quartzite, Negaunee iron formation, Norrie iron formation, Norway limestone, Pabst, Paint slate, Palms quartzite, Penokee, Princeton series, Quinnesec schists, Randville dolomite, Saunders formation, Siamo slate, Sturgeon quartzite, Sunday quartzite, Timiskaming, Trader formation, Tyler slate, Vulcan formation, Wewe slate, Yale. See Index to Nomenclature. Hussey, Russell C., Trenton and Black River rocks of Michigan: Pub. 40 pt. 3. Middle and Upper Ordovician rocks of Michigan: Pub. 46. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 55 Hydraulic cement, Alpena: Vol. III pt. 1. Hydraulics, ground water, as a geophysical aid, J. G. Ferris: T.R. 1. Hydrologic cycle: Pub. 48; P.R. 16. Hydrology, Arenae County: Pub. 11. Bessemer area: P.R. 14. Hymenoptera of Isle Royale, annotated lists of, E. S. Titus: Ann. Rept. 1908. Ice Age. See Glaciation. Ice beaches: Vol. VII pt. 3. Igneous rocks, defined: Pub. 42. Illinois glaciation: Vol. VII pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1904; Pub. 12, 25, 40 pt. 1, 48 pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Imlay Outlet. See Index to Nomenclature. Indians and galena: Vol. VII pt. 2. vocabulary of: F. and W. pt. 2. Industries. See Counties. Ingham County: Houghton, H.D. 23, Doc. 4, 1839; Winchell. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Vol. VIII pt. 1; Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2; Pub. 40 pt. 2. Surface Geology of, H. M. Martin: Mimeograph. ground water of Lansing area: P.R. 13. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14, 38; Misc. Pennsylvanian rocks of: Pub. 40 pt. 2. road materials: Open file. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Inland lakes of Michigan, I. D. Scott: Pub. 30. Insect galls of Michigan, M. T. Cook: Pub. 1. Insects of Walnut Lake, Oakland County, J. G. Needham: Ann. Rept. 1907 (Biological survey of Walnut Lake). Interstate Oil Compact Commission, by Lee S. Miller: Pub. 47. Intrusive rocks, Keweenawan diabases: Vol. VI pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1906. Intrusive rocks of Mount Bohemia, The, F. E. Wright: Ann. Rept. 1908. Invertebrates of Isle Royale, annotated lists of, C. C. Adams: Ann. Rept. 1908. Ionia County: Winchell. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Vol. VIII pt. 1; Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. Eaton sandstone: Pub. 40 pt. 2. Ionia sandstone: Pub. 40 pt. 2. marl: Houghton, S.D. 1840 Vol. 2, No. 7; Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil aid gas: Pub. 14; Misc. Pennsylvanian rocks of: Pub. 40 pt. 2. road materials: Open file. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Ionia sandstones, Pennsylvanian: See Index to Nomenclature. Iosco County, Agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. Alabaster area of: Pub. 11. clays and shales: Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. gypsum: Vol. IX pt. 2. lakes: Pub. 30. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. 56 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY oil and gas: Pub. 14, 37, 38; Misc. recent shore forms, Tawas Point: Ann. Rept. 1903. report on, W. M. Gregory: Ann. Rept. 1901. salt in: Pub. 15. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Iowan glaciation: Ann. Rept. 1904. See Index to Nomenclature. Iowan series: Pub. 48. See Index to Nomenclature. Ipperwash beds: Winchell. Iridium in Michigan: P.R. 10. Iron, discovery of, 1844, Iron Hills: Vol. I. Menominee River: C.T.J. Iron bearing rocks, T. B. Brooks: Vol. I pt. 1. formations, nomenclature: Ann. Rept. 1904; P.R. 5, 6, 8, 9, 10. in Bessemer-Black River area: Ann. Rept. 1906. lithology of: Vol. I pt. 1. stratigraphy of, A. C. Lane: Ann. Rept. 1904. See Huronian. See Index to Nomenclature. Iron County, agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. Geologic and magnetic data of the Sholdeis-Doane and Red Rock explorations: Open File report. Ground water problems of the Iron River district: T.R. 2. iron, gold, and copper districts, geology of: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891 -1892. Iron Mountain, Geology of the Menominee Range, vicinity of: P.R. 6. Iron River District, Geology of: Pub. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. surface geology: Ann. Rept. 1906. See Iron. Mines. Map Section. Land Economic Survey, map. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Iron Group, Marquette iron region, C. Rominger: Vol. IV. See Index to Nomenclature. Iron Group of Huronian: (C. Rominger) Vol. IV, V pt. 1. See Index to Nomenclature. Iron Hills, discovery, 1844: Vol. I. Iron industry. See Metallic Minerals. Iron mines: Vol. I, IV; Pub. 3. Guidebook 1939. production costs of: Misc. See Mineral Resources. minerals: Vol. IV; Pub. 42. mining industry-ores, reserves, statistics: Pub. 8, 16, 19, 24, 29, 33, 35, 37. mining methods and cost: Vol. I. Iron ore, bog, analyses: Vol. VII pt. 2. discovery of in Michigan: Vol. I pt. 1, II Appen. D. Iron ore dock at L'Anse: Vol. II Appen. F. furnaces consuming Lake Superior ore, statistical tables, atlas: Vol. I. trade, statistical tables, atlas: Vol. I. Iron ores: Winchell; Vol. II, IV pt. 1. discovery of: Vol. II Appen. D. magnetic, analyses: Vol. II. ranges: Ann. Rept. 1904. Iron Region, Geology and Topography of: F. and W. pt. 2. history of: Vol. I pt. 1. Iron River district, ores of: Vol. IV; Pub. 3, 8, 29. See Mining Industry. ground water problems of: T.R. 2. Iron River iron bearing district of Michigan, The, R. C. Allen: Pub. 3. Ironwood formation: Pub. 18. See Index to Nomenclature. Irving, R. D., on amygdaloids, copper veins, origin of copper: Pub. 19. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 57 Isabella County: Winchell. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. lakes: Pub. 30. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14, 38; Misc. road materials: Open file. salt: Pub. 15. Ishpeming gold range, A. K. Snelgrove: P.R. 10. Islands of St. Clair delta: Vol. IX pt. 1. Isle Royale: C.T.J.; Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; F. and W. pts. 1 and 2; Winchell; Vol. V pt. 2, VI. ancient mining: C.T.J.; F. and W. pt. 1. An ecological survey of, C. C. Adams and others: Ann. Rept. 1908. as a biotic environment, C. C. Adams: Ann. Rept. 1908. ecological survey of: Ann. Rept. 1905. fauna and flora of: Ann. Rept. 1905. geological succession: Ann. Rept. 1908. geology of: F. and W. pt. 1; A. C. Lane Vol. VI. mammals and their ecological relations, C. C. Adams: Ann. Rept. 1908. (Includes annotated lists of: Beetles, plants, invertebrates, molluscs, orthoptera, insects, fishes, amphibians, birds, mammals.) vulcanism: F. and W. pt. 2. See Keweenawan. See Index to Nomenclature. Ives, Wm., Geological report on Huron Mountains: C.T.J. Subdivisions in Lake Superior district by: C.T.J. Jack pine flora, Arenac County: Pub. 11. Jackson, Charles T., U. S. Geologist. Report by, on Lake Superior Land District, U.S. S.D. 1, H.D. 5. Part 3 of President Polk's message to 31st Congress. Jackson coal group: Vol. V pt. 2; Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Jackson coal mines: Winchell; Vol. III. See Index to Nomenclature. Jackson County: Houghton, H.D. 23, 1839; topographic map 1839; Winchell; Vol. III, VII pt. 1. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Vol. VIII pt. 1; Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. lakes: Pub. 30. marl: Houghton, S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7; Vol. VIII pt. 3. quarries: Vol. III. road materials: Open file. sandstone: Vol. III; Pub. 38, 40 pt. 2. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Jackson Iron Company, Historical sketch: Vol. I. Jackson iron mine: Vol. I pt. 1, IV, V. Jacobsville sandstone, defined: Ann. Rept. 1908; Pub. 14, 18, 38. See Index to Nomenclature. Jasper conglomerate: Vol. VII pt. 1; Pub. 42, 48. Jaspillite, and iron ore beds: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. metamorphism: Vol. II. Jenny, F. B., Magnetic analysis by: Vol. II Appen. H. Jesuit R6lacions, references to, quotes: C.T.J.; F. and W. pts. 1 and 2; Vol. I. Jones process metallization of iron ores: Pub. 8. Jordan Sandstone, Cambrian: See Index to Nomenclature. 58 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Julien, Alexis, Lithology of iron ores: Vol. II Appen. A. and Brooks, T. B., Catalog of Huronian rocks: Vol. II Appen. B. Kalamazoo County: Winchell. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Vol. VIII pt. 1; Pub. 36. lakes: Pub. 30. marl: Houghton, S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7; Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14, 37, 38; Misc. Kalamazoo Moraine: Pub. 9, 25, 30, 48 pt. 1, 49. See Index to Nomenclature. Kalkaska County, agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 38; Misc. See Land Economic Survey Section, map, geological report. Kames: Vol. VII pt. 3; Ann. Rept. 1904, 1905, 1906; Pub. 7, 9, 25, 30, 48. Kansan glaciation: Ann. Rept. 1904. See Index to Nomenclature. Kaolin: Vol. VIII pt. 1. Kauffman, C. H., The Agaricaceae of Michigan: Pub. 26 (2 vols.). Kedzie, F. S., analyses by: Vol. VIII pt. 1. Keewatin in Lake Superior region: Keewatin = Laurentian. Ann. Rept. 1904, 1908; Pub. 3. See Index to Nomenclature. See Kitchi schist, Mona schist. Kelly, W. A., The Pennsylvanian system in Michigan: Pub. 40 pt. 2. Kendall Ridge (Moraine): Pub. 48 pt. 1. See Index to Nomenclature. Kennedy, B. E. See also Wier, K. L. A guide to uranium prospectors in Michigan: Misc. Copper and iron mines in Michigan: Misc. Kent County, agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Vol. VIII pt. 1; Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. distribution of plant societies in: Ann. Rept. 1901. geology of: Ann. Rept. 1901. lakes: Pub. 30. marl: Houghton, S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7; Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14, 38; Misc. road materials: Open file. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Keweenaw County, agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. See Keweenaw Region. Guidebook 1947. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Keweenaw Fault: Vol. I pt. 2, VI pt. 2; Pub. 6, 38. Peninsula: Vol. V, VI pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1906. Keweenaw Region, Point, County: Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; F. and W. pt. 1. copper: Vol. I pt. 2; Pub. 6. geology of: Vol. VI pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1906, 1908; Pub. 8, 19. Guidebook 1947. history of early mining: C.T.J. water: Ann. Rept. 1903. See Copper. Map Section. Keweenaw Series of Michigan, A. C. Lane: Pub. 6 (2 vols., maps). See Index to Nomenclature. Keweenawan. See Adventure Lode, Albany Conglomerate, Algomah amygdaloid, Allouez, Arcadia amygdaloid, Arnold amygdaloid, Ashbed amygda INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 59 loid, Ashbed group, Atlantic amygdaloid, Bad River gabbro, Baltic amygdaloid, Baltic Conglomerate, Baltic sandstone, Baltic West amygdaloid, Big Trap, Bohemia Conglomerate, Bohemia Range, Butler amygdaloid, Calico amygdaloid, Calumet amygdaloid, Calumet Conglomerate, Calumet and Hecla Conglomerate, Central Mine, Chippewa felsite, Chippewa porphyry, Conglomerate No. 8, Copper City flow, Copper Falls Conglomerate, Copper Harbor formation, Copper Range, Cupriferous Series, Douglass amygdaloid, Duluth gabbro, Eagle River, Evergreen amygdaloid, Forest amygdaloid, Forest Conglomerate, Freda sandstone, Great Conglomerate, Great Copper Harbor Conglomerate, Green amygdaloid, Greenstone flows, Hancock amygdaloid, Hancock Conglomerate, Hancock West Conglomerate, Houghton Conglomerate, Indiana Lode, Island Mine Conglomerate, Isle Royale amygdaloid, Isle Royale trap, Johnson Creek Conglomerate, Kearsarge amygdaloid, Kearsarge Conglomerate, Kearsarge West amygdaloid, Kearsarge West flow, Kingston Conglomerate, Knowlton amygdaloid, Lac la Belle Conglomerate, Lake amygdaloid, Lake Lode, Lake Shore Trap, Mabb aplite, Mandon amygdaloid, Manitou amygdaloid, Mass amygdaloid, Mayflower amygdaloid, Medora amygdaloid, Merchants amygdaloid, Mesnard epidote, Michigan Conglomerate, Middle Conglomerate, Minesota Conglomerate, Minong breccia, Minong Conglomerate, Montreal amygdaloid, Mount Bohemia Conglomerate, Mount Bohemia felsite, Mount Bohemia gabbro, Mount Houghton felsite, National sandstone, Nipigon, New Mass amygdaloid, New Mayflower amygdaloid, No. 8 Conglomerate, Nonesuch Lode, Nonesuch shale, Nonesuch sandstone, North amygdaloid, North Butler amygdaloid, North Star Conglomerate, Ogima amygdaloid, Ohio Trap, Old Colony amygdaloid, Old Colony sandstone, Old Pewabic flow, Oneida Conglomerate, Osceola amygdaloid, Outer Conglomerate, Outer Copper Harbor Conglomerate, Pewabic amygdaloid, Phoenix Mine group, Portage Entry redstone, Quincy amygdaloid, Quincy-Pewabic, Rockland sandstone, St. Louis amygdaloid, St. Marys epidote, Shawmut amygdaloid, Shawmut Conglomerate, South Butler amygdaloid, South Pewabic flow, Superior amygdaloid, Superior West amygdaloid, Torch Lake amygdaloid, Trappean series, Upper Keweenawan, Upper Lime Rocks, West Minesota Conglomerate, White Pine, Winona Conglomerate, Wolverine amygdaloid, Wolverine sandstone, Wyandotte amygdaloid, Wyandotte North amygdaloid. See Index to Nomenclature. Keweenawan diabases: F. and W. pt. 1; Vol. VI pt. 1. felsites: Vol. VI pt. 2. group: Vol. V, VI pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1903. See Index to Nomenclature. in Gogebic County down Black River: Ann. Rept. 1906. lava flows, age of, M. E. Wadsworth: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. of Isle Royale: Vol. VI pt. 1. question (Cambrian or pre-Cambrian?): Ann. Rept. 1904. sandstone: Vol. III; Ann. Rept. 1906. series: Pub. 18, 19, 38. - system, W. C. Gordon: Ann. Rept. 1906. - - Keweenawan-Cambrian, age of: Ann. Rept. 1904, 1908. Key to rock and mineral identification: Pub. 42. Kidney iron formation (B. Hubbard): Houghton, S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7. Killarney Granite. See Index to Nomenclature. Killians, Devonian. See Index to Nomenclature. Kinderhook: Pub. 48 pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Kinross Moraine. See Index to Nomenclature. Kitchi schist, Keewatin. See Index to Nomenclature. Kona dolomite: Pub. 21. See Index to Nomenclature. Lake Algonquin. See Glacial Great Lakes. Lake Arkona. See Glacial Great Lakes. 60 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Lake basins, origin, classification of: Pub. 30. Lake Border morainic system: Pub. 9, 25, 45 pt. 1, 48 pt. 1. See Index to Nomenclature. Lake County: Winchell. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. lakes: Pub. 30. marl, cement: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 38; Misc. road materials: Open file. surface geology: Pub. 9, 25. Lake Erie: Vol. VII pt. 1; Pub. 9. Gogebic: Pub. 40 pt. 1. Huron: Winchell; Vol. VII pt. 2. A geological reconnaissance along the north shore of, I. C. Russell: Ann. Rept. 1904. Michigan: Vol. VII pt. 3; Pub. 7, 9, 25, 30, 45. A geological reconnaissance along the north shore of, I. C. Russell: Ann. Rept. 1904. St. Clair: Vol. VII pt. 2, IX pt. 1; Pub. 9. Superior: Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 7, 25, 40 pt. 1. Lake Hanbury series (Huronian): Vol. IV. See Index to Nomenclature. Lake lagoons (border lakes) of drowned river valleys, shore Lake Michigan: Pub. 30. Lake levels, changes, fluctuations of, in Great Lakes: Houghton, H.D. 23, 1839; Houghton, H.D. 23, Doc. 5, 1839; J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; F. and W. pt. 1; Refer Jesuit Relacions; Vol. VII pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1901, 1904. Lake Michigamme area, geology, minerals of, W. A. Seaman: P.R. 10. Lake ridges and terraces: Houghton, S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7; J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; Winchell; Ann. Rept. 1907. Lakeshore trap, W. C. Gordon: Ann. Rept. 1906. See Index to Nomenclature. Lake Superior Land District reports, geography, geology, climate: C.T.J.; F. and W. Region, stratigraphy of: Ann. Rept. 1904. Lake Superior Region, Report Special Committee on Nomenclature of: Ann. Rept. 1904. Lake Superior sandstone: Houghton, S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7; J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; Winchell; Vol. I pt. 3; Ann. Rept. 1904, 1908; Pub. 14, 30, 38, 39. See Index to Nomenclature. Lakes and bogs of Michigan, C. A. Davis: Ann. Rept. 1906. swamps: Houghton, H.D. 23 Doc., 1839. Lakes of Alpena County: Vol. III; Pub. 30. Cheboygan River basin: Pub. 30. Grand Traverse region: Pub. 30. Kalamazoo morainic and outwash system: Pub. 30. Northern Peninsula: Pub. 30, 40 pt. 1. Port Huron morainic system: Pub. 30. Southern Peninsula: Pub. 30. Valparaiso-Charlotte morainic and outwash system: Pub. 30. Western interlobate area: Pub. 30. Lakes of Northern-Peninsula, discussion of: Pub. 30. Bass, Baraga County. Canyon, Marquette County. Big Spring (Kitchitikipi), School- Chicagon, Iron County. craft County. Conway, Marquette County. Brevort, Mackinac County. Gogebic, Gogebic and Ontonagon counties. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 61 Indian, Schoolcraft County. Ives, Marquette County. Manistique, Luce and Mackinac counties. Michigamme, Marquette County. Mountain, Marquette County. Lakes of Southern Peninsula, discussion Austin, Kalamazoo County. Bass, Mason County. Bass, Washtenaw County. Bawbeese, Hillsdale County. Bear, Manistee County. Beebe, Oakland County. Betsie, Benzie County. Big Blue, Muskegon County. Big Clam (Mitchell), Wexford County. Big Star, Lake County. Black, Cheboygan County. Burt, Cheboygan County. Cadillac, (Little Clam), Wexford County. Carp, Emmet and Cheboygan counties. Cass, Oakland County. Cavanaugh, Washtenaw County. Chippewa, Mecosta County. Clark, Jackson County. Clear, St. Joseph County. Coldwater, Branch County. Coldwater, Isabella County. Cora, Van Buren County. Corey, St. Joseph County. Crooked, Barry County. Crooked, Emmet County. Crooked, Washtenaw County. Crystal, Benzie County. Crystal, Montcalm County. Devils, Lenawee County. Dewey, Cass County. Diamond, Cass County. Douglas, Cheboygan County. Duck, Calhoun County. Duck, Grand Traverse County. East, Muskegon County. Elk, Antrim and Grand Traverse counties. Fremont, Newaygo County. Glen, Leelanau County. Goguac, Calhoun County. Gourd Neck, Kalamazoo County. Grand, Presque Isle County. Green, Grand Traverse County. Gull, Kalamazoo County. Gun, Barry County. Hay, Emmet County. Hess, Newaygo County. Pine, Marquette County. Portage, Houghton County. Portage, Marquette County. Rush, Marquette County. Whitefish (now South Manistique), Mackinac County. of: Pub. 30. Higgins, Roscommon County. Houghton, Roscommon County. Hubbard, Alcona County. Indian, Cass County. Kaiser, St. Joseph County. Kalamazoo, Allegan County. Klinger, St. Joseph County. Little Clam (Cadillac), Wexford County. Long, Alpena County. Long, Genesee County. Long, Grand Traverse County. Long, Iosco County. Long, Kalamazoo County. Long, St. Joseph County. Magician, Cass County. Manistee, Kalkaska County. Marble, Branch County. Middle, Muskegon County. Miner, Allegan County. Missaukee, Missaukee County. Mitchell (Big Clam), Wexford County. Mullet, Cheboygan County. Muskegon, Muskegon County. North, Muskegon County. Orchard, Oakland County. Otsego, Otsego County. Ottawa, Monroe County. Otter, Oakland County. Paw Paw, Berrien County. Pentwater, Oceana County. Pere Marquette, Mason County Pike (West), Kalamazoo County. Pine (Charlevoix), Charlevoix County. Pine, Oakland County. Platte, Benzie County: also Pub. 45 pt. 2. Portage, Crawford County. Portage, Manistee County. Reed, Kent County. Round, Benzie County. Round, Kalkaska County. Round, Lenawee County. Sage, Ogemaw County. Silver, Grand Traverse County. Spring, Ottawa County. Sugar Loaf, Washtenaw County. Sunken Lake, Presque Isle County. 62 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Sylvan, Oakland County. Wamplers, Jackson and Lenawee Torchlight, Antrim County. counties. Twin, Muskegon County. West (Pike), Kalamazoo County. Van Etten, losco County. West, Muskegon County. Vineyard, Jackson County. White, Muskegon County. Wall, Barry County. Whitmore, Washtenaw County. Walled, Oakland County. Wolf, Muskegon County. Walloon, Charlevoix County. Zukey, Livingston County. Lakes, geology, physiography of: Ann. Rept. 1904; Pub. 30. Lakes, glacial. See Glacial Great Lakes. Lakes, Glacial, Algonquin: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 2; Ann. Rept. 1904, 1907; Pub. 7, 9, 12, 25, 30, 40, 43, 45. Arkona: Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 9, 11, 12, 25, 30. Chicago: Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 9, 25. Dana: Ann. Rept. 1907. Dowagiac: Pub. 30, 48 pt. 1. Duluth: Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 25. Elkton: Pub. 25. Glenwood: Pub. 45, 48 pt. 1. Iroquois: Ann. Rept. 1907. Jean Nicollet: Ann. Rept. 1907. Lundy: Pub. 25. Maumee: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 2; Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 9, 11, 12, 25. Nipissing: Vol. VII pt. 2, IX pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1904, 1907; Pub. 7, 9, 25. Ontonagon: Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 7, 25. Pullman: Pub. 48 pt. 1. Rouge: Pub. 7, 12, 25. Saginaw: Vol. VII pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 9, 25. St. Clair: Vol. IX pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 9, 25. Superior: Ann. Rept. 1907. Warren: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 2; Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 9, 11, 25. Wayne: Pub. 9, 12, 25. Whittlesey: Vol. VII pts. 2 and 3, IX pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 9, 25. See also Index to Nomenclature. Guidebooks 1931, 1934, 1936, 1948. Lakes, Great, shores, erosion of: Ann. Rept. 1901, 1904. Lamey, Carl A. (See also Dutton, C. E.) Geology of an area near Randville: Open File report. Geology of an area southwest of Randville, Dickinson County: Open File report. Geology of a part of the Felch Mountain iron range: Open File report. and Dutton, C. E. Geology of the Menominee Range, vicinity of Iron Mountain: P.R. 6. Geology of the Menominee Range, Norway to Waucedah: P.R. 8. Landes, K. K., Ehlers, G. M., and Stanley, G. M., Geology of the Mackinac Straits region: Pub. 44. Lane, Alfred Church, State Geologist 1899-1909. Microscopic characters of rocks and minerals: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Geologic section of Michigan: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. The geology of lower Michigan with reference to deep borings: Vol. V pt. 2. (Includes notes of C. E. Wright, edited by Lane). Geological report on Isle Royale: Vol. VI pt. 1. references to: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 3, VIII pts. 1, 2 and 3, IX pts. 1 and 2. Geological report on Huron County: Vol. VII pt. 2. Coal of Michigan: Vol. VIII pt. 2. (also in Michigan Miner). Origin of bog limes: Vol. VIII pt. 3. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 63 Annual Reports of 1900-1909. First and second annual reports, 1900, 1901, published in Michigan Miner; 3d to 10th annual reports published in Annual Reports for 1903 to 1908. Mineral resources of Michigan: See Annual Reports. Surface geology of Arenac County: Ann. Rept. 1901. Deep borings for oil and gas: Ann. Rept. 1903. The theory of copper deposition: Ann. Rept. 1903. Transmission of heat into the earth: Ann. Rept. 1903. Waters of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1903. Stratigraphy of iron-bearing rocks: Ann. Rept. 1904. Discussion of the Keweenaw Series of Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1906. Summary of the surface geology of Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1907. Marshall sandstone: Ann. Rept. 1908. The Keweenaw Series of Michigan: Pub. 6. (2 vols., maps). Classification of copper rocks: Pub. 19. Decomposition of Keweenawan rocks: Pub. 19. on amygdaloids, sulphides, arsenides of copper: Pub. 19. Origin of copper deposits: Pub. 19. Classification of Mackinac rocks by: Pub. 44. _and Seaman, A. E. Notes on the geological section of Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1908. Lapeer County: Vol. VII pt. 3; Ann. Rept. 1901, 1907. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. geology of: Ann. Rept. 1901, 1907. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. road materials: Open file. Laramide revolution, effect of on Michigan rocks: Pub. 48 pt. 2. Late Glacial and Post-glacial Uplift in Michigan, W. H. Hobbs: Pub. 5. Laughing Whitefish River sandstone: Vol. I pt. 3. Laurentian problem, The, A. C. Lane: Ann. Rept. 1904. Laurentian series (Logan): Winchell; Vol. V pt. 1. See Index to Nomenclature. in Lake Superior region: Ann. Rept. 1904, 1906, 1907. See Palmer gneiss. Lauthium in Michigan: P.R. 10. Lava flows. See Keweenaw. Isle Royale. Laws, mining, 1870: Vol. II, III. salt industry: Vol. III. See Acts relating to Michigan geology and mineral industry. Lawton, C. D., Mining laws of Michigan: Vol. II Appen. I. Lawton, C. L., Description of Central Mine vein, Minesota Lode: Pub. 19. Lead in Michigan: P.R. 10. Leathers, A. L., on fish of sand dune region, Saginaw Bay: Pub. 4. Leelanau County: Winchell. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. lakes: Pub. 30. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 38; Misc. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Legislation affecting oil and gas operations: Pub. 47. recommended by State Geologists on water, deep drilling, biological survey, topographic survey, soil survey. See Annual Reports of A. C. Lane and Pub. 17 of R. C. Allen. Leipsic beach, glacial: Vol. VII pt. 1. Leith, C. K., On origin of copper deposits: Pub. 19. Lenawee County, agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. 64 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY clays and shales: Pub. 36. lakes: Pub. 30. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil exploration in: Pub. 14, 38; Misc. road materials: Open file. topographic map of: Houghton, S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7; Winchell. water: Ann. Rept. 1903. Levels of Lake Huron: Vol. VII pt. 2. See Lake Levels, changes in. Leverett, Frank, Glacial geology of the Grand Rapids area: Vol. IX pt. 2. Surface geology of Alcona County: Ann. Rept. 1901, 1907. Surface geology of the Northern Peninsula: Pub. 7, 25. Surface geology of the Southern Peninsula: Pub. 9, 25, 48. Surface geology and agricultural conditions of Michigan: Pub. 25. Lighthouse Point series: Vol. VII pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Lignite in Michigan: Winchell. See Coal. Lime: Vol. VII pt. 1, VIII pt. 3. See Mineral Resources reports. Limestone, analyses of: Ann. Rept. 1901, 1903. and dolomite: Pub. 12. Corniferous: Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; Winchell; Ann. Rept. 1907. Dundee: Vol. VII pt. 1; Pub. 14, 38. economics of: Pub. 44. See Mineral Resources. Exposures of: See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. gray: Houghton, H.D. 24, 1838. in Michigan: Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; F. and W. pt. 2; Winchell; Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 21. industrial uses of: Ann. Rept. 1901. See Mineral Resources. Little Thunder Bay: Vol. III. Little Traverse Bay: Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; Winchell; Vol. VIII pt. 1. Little Traverse Group: Vol. VII pt. 1. Mackinac: Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; F. and W. pt. 2; Pub. 44 (Breccia). Mackinac Straits region: Pub. 43, 44. Manistee (Douglass): J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. Monroe, of: Houghton, H.D. 23, 1839; H.D. 23, Doc. 5, 1839. Mountain: Houghton, H.D. 23, Doc. 5, 1839; Pub. 12. near Rogers City: Ann. Rept. 1904; Pub. 44. Norway belt: Vol. IV. of Felch district: Vol. IV. Marquette district: Vol. IV. Menominee district: Vol. IV. Pennsylvanian: Pub. 40 pt. 2. Silurian: F. and W.; Vol. IV. Wayne County: Pub. 12. Point au Gres: Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. quarries: Winchell; Vol. VII pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1901; Pub. 12, 14, 38, 42, 44. Report on, by R. A. Smith: Pub. 21. Rogers City, near: Ann. Rept. 1901, 1904. solution activity in: Pub. 43. Thunder Bay (Douglass): J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. Ann. Rept. 1901. uses: Vol. VII pt. 1. See Mineral Resources. See Guidebooks. Limestone Mountain, Geology of: C.T.J.; F. and W.; Vol. I pt. 3; Pub. 17, 18. Limestones of Michigan, The, R. A. Smith: Pub. 17, 21. of the Mackinac Straits Region: Pub. 44. Linear surveys, Northern Peninsula, 1845-1846, by Wm. Burt: C.T.J. Lingula shales, Pennsylvanian: See Index to Nomenclature. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 65 Lithium in Michigan: P.R. 10. Lithological descriptions of Huronian and Laurentian rocks: Vol. II Appen. A. Lithology of copper bearing rocks: Vol. I pt. 1. iron bearing rocks from microscopic sections of 78 Huronian rocks, C. E. Wright: Vol. I pt. 1. Little Lake Hills formation: Pub. 18. Little Thunder Bay limestones: Vol. III; Ann. Rept. 1901 (Grabau). Little Traverse Bay limestones (Douglass): Houghton, J. D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; Winchell; Vol. VIII pt. 1. See Index to Nomenclature. Little Traverse limestone: Winchell; Vol. V (Traverse Group, A. C. Lane). Little Two Hearted River: Pub. 40. Livingston, Burton E., Distribution of plant societies in Kent County: Ann. Rept. 1901. Relation of soils to natural vegetation in Roscommon and Crawford counties: Ann. Rept. 1903. Livingston County: Winchell. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. lakes: Pub. 30. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3; Open file. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14, 38; Misc. Localities, collecting: Pub. 42, 46. Lockport and Guelph dolomite: Ann. Rept. 1908. See Index to Nomenclature. Lodes, copper: Pub. 19. Logan fm. Mississippian: See Index to Nomenclature. Logan sills and "Red Rocks": Ann. Rept. 1904. Logs of Northern Peninsula wells: Ann. Rept. 1903. See Borings. Open file. Logs of Southern Peninsula wells and borings. 25000 to 30000 well logs, includes "Sample Logs". Open file. Long Lake Series: Pub. 21, 38. See Index to Nomenclature. shales, A. W. Grabau: Ann. Rept. 1901. Lorraine and Maysville: Ann. Rept. 1908. See Index to Nomenclature. Utica formations, I. C. Russell: Ann. Rept. 1904. Lorraine formation: Pub. 38. See Index to Nomenclature. Lorraine or Maysville: Pub. 14. Lost interval, Great Lakes history: Pub. 43. Lotus beds, Monroe County: Vol. VII pt. 1. Lower Grand Rapids Group, Series: Ann. Rept. 1905; Pub. 11. See Index to Nomenclature. Helderberg limestone: Vol. V pt. 2. Limerock: Houghton, H.D. 24, 1838; Winchell. Magnesian Group: F. and W. pt. 1; Pub. 38. See Prairie du Chien. Marshall: Winchell; Vol. VII pt. 1. See Index to Nomenclature. Monroe beds: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892; Ann. Rept. 1901, 1904, 1908; Pub. 14, 21. See Index to Nomenclature. Pentamerus: Vol. VII pt. 1. See Index to Nomenclature. "Lower Sandstone": Houghton, H.D. 24, 1838. Lower Silurian System: Winchell. See Index to Nomenclature. Lowville, Ordovician: See Index to Nomenclature. Lucas dolomite: Ann. Rept. 1908 (Grabau); Pub. 2, 48. See Index to Nomenclature. Luce County, agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. dunes: Pub. 40 pt. 1. lakes: Pub. 30. molding sands: Pub. 41. 66 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY road materials: Open file. surface geology: Pub. 40 pt. 1. Guidebook 1948. water supply: Ann. Rept. 1903. See Land Economic Survey, geology, surface formations. Ludgen, W., Origin of copper deposits: Pub. 19. Lundy Glacial Lake: Pub. 12. See Index to Nomenclature. Macfarlane, T., Description of Isle Royale, Pewabic Lode: Pub. 19. Mackinac breccia: Vol. I, III; Pub. 44. See Index to Nomenclature Guidebooks 1941, 1944. Mackinac County: Ann. Rept. 1901. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. geology: Ann. Rept. 1904. Guidebook 1948. lakes: Pub. 30. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14; Misc. road materials: Open file. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Mackinac Island: Houghton, H.D. 23, 1839; F. and W.; Winchell; Vol. I pt. 3, III; Ann. Rept. 1904 (Russell); Pub. 5, 9, 17, 38, 43. Guidebooks 1941, 1944. plants on shore of: Pub. 31. Pre-Historic: Pub. 43. Mackinac State Park: Pub. 22. Mackinac Straits area, geology of: Pub. 44. Guidebooks 1941, 1944. Mackinac limestone: Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; J. Hall, F. and W. pt. 2; Grabau, Ann. Rept. 1901; Pub. 23, 44. See Index to Nomenclature. Macomb County: Winchell; Pub. 9, 25. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil exploration in: Pub. 14, 37, 38; Misc. salt: Pub. 15. Macroscopic minerals of Michigan, (Hubbard): Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891L 1892. Magnetic variations, Lake Superior region, tables of, Chas. Whittlesey: F. and W. pt. 2, report on by S. W. Higgins: Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. Magnetism of rocks (of Northern Peninsula): Vol. I pt. 1. Mallophaga of sand dune region, Saginaw Bay, C. A. Shull and M. A. Carriker: Pub. 4. Mammals of Isle Royale and their ecological relations, C. C. Adams: Ann. Rept. 1908. Michigan, catalog: Houghton, H.D. No. 3, Doe. 1, 1839; Winchell; Vol. IX pt. 2. Porcupine Mountains and Isle Royale, C. C. Adams: Ann. Rept. 1905. sand dune region, Saginaw Bay: Pub. 4. Mammoth and mastodon: Ann. Rept. 1901, 1905. Manganese in Michigan: P.R. 10. See also Iron. Manistee County: Winchell; Ann. Rept. 1901. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. lakes: Pub. 30. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14, 38; Misc. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 67 road materials: Open file. salt: Pub. 15. Manistee Moraine: Pub. 45 pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Manistique formation, Series, Silurian: Pub. 38. See Index to Nomenclature. Manistique lakes: Vol. I pt. 3. River: Vol. I pt. 3; Pub. 40 pt. 1. Series: Pub. 21. Manitou Island: Vol. III. Manitoulin, Silurian: See Index to Nomenclature. Manitowash Range, geology of: Pub. 18. Manlius, Silurian: See Index to Nomenclature. Maps. See Map Section. Marble: Winchell; Vol. III. Mineral resources. Marcellus shale: Vol. VIII pt. 1. See Chart. See Index to Nomenclature. Marenisco Range, geology of: Pub. 18. See Index to Nomenclature. Marl: Houghton, H.D. 23 and Doc. 4, 5, 1839; Houghton, S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7; Vol. VIII pts. 1, 2 and 3; Pub. 21, 30. See Mineral Resources. Analyses: Ann. Rept. 1901, 1903. Origin of bog limes, A. C. Lane: Vol. VIII pt. 2. Report on by D. J. Hale, VIII pt. 3. Survey of deposits, by counties. Open file. Walnut Lake: Ann. Rept. 1907. Marquette County, agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. geology of Spruce and Peshekee River area of: P.R. 11. lakes: Pub. 30. mineral investigations in: P.R. 10. molding sands: Pub. 41. Ordovician rocks: Pub. 40 pt. 3, 46. water supply: Ann. Rept. 1903; T.R. 3. See Iron. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Marquette District: Ann. Rept. 1904; Pub. 8,18, 29; T.R. 3. Iron Range, geology of: Vol. IV; P.R. 10. Guidebook 1939. Range: Ann. Rept. 1904; P.R. 10. Stratigraphy of, M. E. Wadsworth: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. See Map Section. Marquette Iron Region, C. Rominger: Vol. IV. Ground water investigations in: T.R. 3. Marquette Region, geology of: Vol. I pt. 1, II, III pt. 3, IV, V. Marshall Group, defined, Winchell: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. See Index to Nomenclature. fossils, Winchell: Vol. VII. quarries: Vol. VII. sandstone, Winchell: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892; Vol. III, V, VII, VIII, IX; Ann. Rept. 1905, 1908; Pub. 14, 15, 38, 42, 48 pt. 2. brine of: Pub. 15. Marshes: Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11, Higgins report. Martin, Helen M., Nonmetallic minerals, review of: Pub. 29, 32, 33. Centennial geological map of Michigan: Pub. 39. Rocks and minerals of Michigan (with 0. F. Poindexter and S. G. Bergquist): Pub. 42, 1939. revision of 1953. Map surface (glacial) geology, Southern Peninsula: Pub. 49. See Contributions to Public Education in Geology, and Misc. Mimeographed reports. Marvine, A. R., Eagle River section, copper: Vol. I pt. 2. 68 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Mason County: Winchell; Vol. VIII pt. 2; Pub. 9, 25. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. lakes: Pub. 30. marl, cement: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14, 37, 38; Misc. road materials: Open file. salt: Pub. 15. Mason esker: Houghton, H.D. 13, Doc. 4, 1839. Mastodon fossil: Winchell. Maumee, Lake, glacial: ol. VII pt. 1; Pub. 9, 12, 25. Guidebook 1936. See Index to Nomenclature. Maxville, Mississippian: See Index to Nomenclature. Mayville, Silurian: See Index to Nomenclature. Maysville, Ordovician: See Index to Nomenclature. Mazomanie formation: Pub. 38. See Index to Nomenclature. McCreary, Otto, Ecological distribution of birds of Isle Royale: Ann. Rept. 1908., and others, Annotated list of birds: Ann. Rept. 1905., and others, Birds of the Porcupine Mountains: Ann. Rept. 1905. McLouth, C. D., on Muskegon County oil and gas: Ann Rept. 1901. Mecosta County: Winchell. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. lakes: Pub. 30. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. road materials: Open file. Medina, Ordovician, Silurian. See Index to Nomenclature. Megabreccia, defined: Pub. 44. Menominee County: Ann. Rept. 1903, (Russell) 1904, 1906; Pub. 46. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. marl: Open file. oil and gas: Pub. 14; Misc. Ordovician rocks: Pub. 40 pt. 3, 46. Guidebook 1950. road materials: Open file. surface geology, (Russell): Ann. Rept. 1906. See Map Section. Land Economic Survey, map, geological report. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Menominee district or region, iron: Vol. I pt. 1, III, IV pt. 2, V pt. 2; Pub. 8, 29. quartzites of, M. E. Wadsworth: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Menominee iron region, C. Rominger: Vol. IV; P.R. 5, 6, 8. Guidebook 1939. Menominee Range: Pub. 17, 18; P.R. 5, 6, 8, 9. extension of eastward, R. C. Allen: Pub. 18. Meramecian, Mississippian: See Index to Nomenclature. Mershon expedition to the Charity Islands, coleoptera of, A. W. Andrews: Pub. 20. Mesozoic era in Michigan: Pub. 38. Mesozoic history of Michigan: Pub. 48. Metabentonite in Ordovician: Pub. 46. Metallic minerals of Michigan, geology, statistical reviews: Pub. 8, 13, 16, 19, 21, 24, 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37; P.R. 10; S.R. 1, 2; MIisc, ores of Michigan: Winchell. See Copper. Iron. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 69 Metallization of low grade ores, Jones Process: Pub. 8. Metallurgical qualities: Vol. II Appen. J. Metamorphic rocks: Houghton; Vol. II; Pub. 42. See also Huronian. Meteorites: Ann. Rept. 1901; Pub. 42. "Metropolitan area", "district", defined: Pub. 48 pt. 2. Metropolitan Trough (iron): Pub. 8. Meuche, A. H., Development of copper mines of Lake Superior and their geological relations: Pub. 6. Mica schist group, Huronian: Vol. IV, V. of Marquette iron district, C. Rominger: Vol. IV. Michigamme iron formation: Ann. Rept. 1906; (Hanbury) Pub. 3. See Index to Nomenclature. Michigan basin, history of: Vol. IX pt. 2; Pub. 14, 38, 48 pt. 2. theory of origin and growth of: Pub. 38. Michigan Forestry Reserve, The: Ann. Rept. 1903. Michigan Geological Survey, history: Winchell; Vol. I. Michigan gold mines: P.R. 10. Michigan inland lakes, studies of, I. D. Scott: Pub. 22, 30. Michigan Period, Huronian, proposed: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Michigan Salt Group: Winchell; Vol. IX. See Index to Nomenclature. Michigan Series: Vol. VII, IX; Pub. 14. See Index to Nomenclature. Michigan slate industry: Pub. 19. See Mineral Resources. Microscopic characteristics of Michigan minerals, A. C. Lane: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Middle-Upper Huronian unconformity in quartzites of Little Lake, R. C. Allen and L. P. Barrett: Pub. 18. Midland County: Winchell. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 38. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14, 37, 38; Misc. road materials: Open file. salt: Pub. 15. Miles, Dr. M., State Zoologist, Catalog of birds, mammals, mollusks, reptiles, plants: Winchell. Miller, Lee S., Oil and gas conservation in Michigan: Pub. 47. Mineral collecting localities: Pub. 42 and County Reports. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Mineral identification: Pub. 42, key. Mineral lands of Lake Superior districts from Portage Lake to Montreal River, lists of: C.T.J. Mineral springs: Winchell; Houghton, H.D. 24, 1838; Houghton, H.D. 23, 1839; Vol. III, V pt. 2, VII pts. 1 and 2, VIII pts. 1 and 2; Pub. 12. Mineral statistics, Commissioner of: Ann. Rept. 1901. See Mineral Resources. Mineral waters: Ann. Rept. 1901. See Mineral Resources. Mineralogical notes, A. A. Julien: Vol. II Appen. A. Minerals, mineral resources, industries, production and value, of Michigan: Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892; Vol. VI, VII pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1901-1908; Pub. 8, 13, 16, 19, 21, 24, 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 48; P.R. 10; S.R. 1, 2; Misc. Pubs. 1934 through 1955 with statistical tables of production and value and lists of mineral producers. copper: Vol. VI pt. 1. Huron County: Vol. VII pt. 2. iron: Vol. II, IV. 70 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Monroe County: Vol. II pt. 1. of the glacial drift: Pub. 42, 48. of groundwater: Pub. 48 pt. 2. of Lake Superior district: F. and W. pt. 2. Minerals of Michigan, list of: See also Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; F. and W.; Vol. I, II, IV, VII; Pub. 42; P.R. 10 and Mineral Resources reports. abrasive magnesium agate magnetite amphibole marble andalusite marl anthophyllite martite asbestos mica brick and tile mineral paints bromine mineral waters calcite muscovite calcium chloride natural gas celestite novaculite cement oil chalco-pyrite orthoclase chlorite peat clay petroleum coal potash copper pottery dolomite pyrite epidote pyrolusite feldspar pyroxine foundry sand quartz galena quartzite garnet salt gems and precious stones: sand and gravel agate sand lime brick carnelian sandstone chlorastrolite scheelite diamond serpentine Petoskey agates shale thompsonite ' siderite glass sand silver gold slate gothite sphalerite granite staurolite graphite strontianite grindstones talc gypsum tourmaline hematite trap rock iron turgite kaolin verde antique lime water limestone and dolomite wolframite limonite Mines, coal: Winchell; Vol. III, VIII pt. 2; Pub. 19. copper: F. and W. pt. 1; Vol. V pt. 1, VI pt. 1; Pub. 19, 24, 42. location of first, 1843: F. and W. pt. 1. gold: Pub. 8. gypsum: Vol. I Xpt. 2. See Nonmetallic Minerals. iron: Vol. I pt. 1, IV; Pub. 3, 8, 37, 42. prehistoric: F. and W. pt. 1; Vol. VI pt. 1. See also Mineral Resources. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 71 Minesota Mine: F. and W. pt. 1. Mining companies, early: F. and W. pts. 1 and 2; Vol. I pt. 1. See Minerals. Mines. Statistical Reports. List of publications. Mining, copper, prehistoric: F. and W. pt. 1; Vol. VI pt. 1. Mining laws: Vol. II Appen. I. See Laws relating to Survey. Miscellaneous reports, mimeographed for distribution: Activities in geology. For schools. Activities in water. For schools. Copper and iron mines in Michigan. Formation of soil. Geology of counties. (Cheboygan, Hillsdale, Ingham, Monroe). How Monroe County got flat. Significant dates in oil history. Michigan's Gem Stones. Outline of the geologic history of Michigan. Michigan Oil and Gas Industry, General Information. See also Miscellaneous in list of publications. Missaukee County: Winchell. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. lakes: Pub. 30. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3; Open file. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 38; Misc. road materials: Open file. Mississinewa Moraine: Pub. 49. See Index to Nomenclature. Mississinewa shale, Silurian. See Index to Nomenclature. Mississippian: Vol. VII pt. 2, IX pt. 2. formations in Michigan: Pub. 12, 14, 22, 37, 38, 48. See AuGres limestone, Augusta, Bayport limestone, Bedford shale, Berea grit, Berea sandstone, Berea shale, Buena Vista, Chattanoogan, Chesterian, Cleveland, Coal Measures, Coldwater limestone, Coldwater shale, Cuyahoga formation, Echinochoncus zone, Ellsworth, Eo-Carboniferous, Flat Rock Point sandstone, Forestville shale, Grand Rapids group, Grand Rapids limestone, Grand Rapids series, Hardwood Point sandstone, Hat Point sandstone, Iowan, Kaskaskia, Keokuk, Kinderhook, Lighthouse Point, Logan, Lower Grand Rapids, Lower Marshall, Lower St. Louis, Marshall, Maxville limestone, Meramec, Michigan salt group, Michigan series, Millstone grit, Napoleon sandstone, Osage, Peanut Conglomerates, Point aux Barques, Point aux Barques Lighthouse, Point Au Gres, Port Austin sandstone, Richmondville, Rock Falls, St. Louis, Solen series, Soule beds, Upper Marshall, Warsaw, Waverly, "Wier sand". See Index to Nomenclature. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Mohawkian series, Ordovician. See Index to Nomenclature. Molding sands of Michigan and their uses, H. Ries and J. A. Rosen: Ann. Rept. 1907. G. G. Brown: Pub. 41. Mollusca of Isle Royale, annotated list, Bryant Walker: Ann. Rept. 1908. Michigan, illustrated catalog of, Bryant Walker: Ann. Rept. 1905. sand dune region, Saginaw Bay: Pub. 4. Molybdenum in Michigan: P.R. 10. "Monroe beds": Vol. V pt. 2, VII pt. 1. See Monroe formation, Index to Nomenclature. Monroe County, report on by Bela Hubbard: Houghton, H.D. 23, Doc. 5, 1839; 72 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Winchell; Vol. III, VII pt. 1, VIII pt. 3. Geological report on, W. H. Sherzer: Vol. VII pt. 1. Geology, fossils, glacial history, quarries, soils and subsoils, economic products, minerals: Pub. 2. Guidebooks 1935, 1952. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. How Monroe County Got Flat, H. M. Martin: Mimeograph. Open file. lakes: Pub. 30. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14, 37, 38; Misc. quarries: Vol. VII. reptiles and amphibians of: Pub. 20. water supplies, M. L. Fuller: Ann. Rept. 1904. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Monroe formation: Ann. Rept. 1904; Pub. 2, 12, 14, 21. See Index to Nomen. clature. fossil list of (A. W. Grabau): Pub. 2. Monroe quarries: Vol. VII. Montcalm County: Winchell. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. Crystal oil field of: P.R. 1. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 38; P.R. 1; Misc. road materials: Open file. Monterey oil field: P.R. 4. Montmorency County, agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. marl: Open file. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 38; Misc. road materials: Open file. See Land Economic Survey, map. Montreal River iron range: Vol. I pt. 1; Pub. 7. Moraines: See map, Pub. 49. See Index to Nomenclature. Adair: Pub. 49. Alcona: Vol. VII pt. 1. Bay City: Ann. Rept. 1908; Pub. 49. Birmingham: Pub. 12, 40 pt. 1, 49. Blaney segment of Newberry: Pub. 40 pt. 1. Bucks: Pub. 49. Charlotte: Pub. 9, 25, 40 pt. 1, 49. Cheboygan: Pub. 25, 40 pt. 1, 49. Cooks: Pub. 40 pt. 1. Coy: Pub. 49. Crisp Point: Pub. 40 pt. 1. Defiance: Vol. VII pt. 1; Pub. 9, 12, 25, 40 pt. 1, 48, 49. Detroit (Interlobate): Vol. VII pts. 1 and 3; Pub. 12, 48, 49. Eldorado: Pub. 49. Emmet: Pub. 40 pt. 1, 49. Fayette: Pub. 49. Flint-Mayville: Pub. 40 pt. 1. Fort Wayne: Pub. 12, 40 pt. 1, 49. Fowler: Pub. 40, pt. 1, 49. Gladwin: Pub. 40 pt. 1, 49. Grand Ledge: Pub. 40 pt. 1, 49. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 73 Harrison: Pub. 49. Hiawatha segment of Newberry: Pub. 40 pt. 1. Higgins: Pub. 49. Imlay City: Ann. Rept. 1901; Pub. 49. Ionia: Pub. 40 pt. 1, 49. Kalamazoo: Pub. 40 pt. 1, 49. Kalamazoo-Jackson: Pub. 9, 25. Kalamazoo-Mississinewa: Pub. 25, 40 pt. 1. Lake Border: Pub. 40 pt. 1, 49. Lansing: Pub. 40 pt. 1, 49. Lyons: Pub. 40 pt. 1, 49. Manistee: Pub. 49. Maple Forest: Pub. 49. Marlette: Ann. Rept. 1908; Pub. 49. Mayville: Ann. Rept. 1908; Pub. 49. Millington: Ann. Rept. 1908. Mississinewa: Pub. 40 pt. 1, 49. Mount Clemens: Pub. 12, 40 pt. 1, 49. Munising: Pub. 7, 40 pt. 1. Newberry: Pub. 40 pt. 1. of Michigan, A. C. Lane: Ann. Rept. 1907. of Northern Peninsula: Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 7, 25, 40 pt. 1. Peat in (Davis): Ann. Rept. 1906. of Oakland County: Pub. 48 pt. 2. of Van Buren County: Pub. 48 pt. 1. Oscoda: Pub. 49. Otisville: Pub. 49. Owosso: Pub. 40 pt. 1. Port Huron: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 3; Pub. 9, 25, 40 pt. 1, 49. Portland: Pub. 40 pt. 1, 49. Saginaw-Port Huron: Ann. Rept. 1908. St. Johns: Pub. 40 pt. 1, 49. Slender (deployed): Pub. 9, 25. Steuben segment of Newberry: Pub. 40 pt. 1. Sturgeon River: Pub. 40 pt. 1. Sturgis: Pub. 40 pt. 1, 49. Tawas: Pub. 49. Tekonsha: Pub. 40 pt. 1, 49. Valparaiso-Charlotte: Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 9, 25, 40 pt. 1, 48 pt. 1, 49. West Branch: Pub. 40 pt. 1, 49. Morse, Albert Pitts, Ecological relations of orthoptera of Porcupines: Ann. Rept. 1905. Mound builders, Copper Country: F. and W. Wayne County: Pub. 12. Mount Bohemia, intrusives of, F. E. Wright: Ann. Rept. 1908. See Index to Nomenclature. Mount Simon Sandstone, Cambrian: See Index to Nomenclature. Mozola, A. J., Survey of the Groundwater Resources in Oakland County, Michigan: Pub. 48 pt. 2. Muck. See Soils. Munising Moraine, Pleistocene: Pub. 40 pt. 1. Munising sandstone, defined, A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman: Ann. Rept. 1908. See Index to Nomenclature. Muskegon County, agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. artesian wells: Vol. III. clays and shales: Vol. VIII pt. 1; Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. 74 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY lakes: Pub. 30. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. petroleum (oil and gas): Vol. V pt. 2; Pub. 14, 37, 38; Misc. road materials: Open file. Muskegon structure: Pub. 39. Naples goniatite beds, Devonian: See Index to Nomenclature. Napoleon Group, fossils, section: Winchell. See Index to Nomenclature. sandstone: Winchell; Vol. III, V pt. 2, VIII pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1902; Pub. 11, 14, 15, 38, 40 pt. 2. Nattress, Thomas, on correlations across Detroit River: Ann Rept. 1903. Natural gas: Winchell; Vol. III, V pt. 2, VII pt. 1, VIII pt. 2, IX pt. 1; Pub. 14, 37, 38, 47, 48; Summary oil and gas operations, Misc. Pub. See Mineral Resources. Needham, James, Insects fish food, Walnut Lake, Oakland County: Ann. Rept. 1907. Negaunee district, geology of: Vol. I pt. 2. See Iron. Neuropteroid insects from Isle Royale, J. G. Needham: Ann. Rept. 1908. New Albany, Devonian: See Index to Nomenclature. Newaygo County, agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. lakes: Pub. 30. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 37, 38; Misc. road materials: Open file. Newberry Moraine: Pub. 40 pt. 1. See Index to Nomenclature. Newcombe, R. B.: Nonmetallic minerals review: Pub. 37. Oil and gas in Michigan: Pub. 37, 38. Newman, E. A., Geology of Ogemaw County and the West Branch oil field: P.R. 2. Niagara Falls: Vol. IX pt. 1. Niagara formation, group: J. Hall in F. and W. pt. 2; Vol. II pt. 2, VIII pt. 1; Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892; Ann. Rept. 1901, 1904, 1908; Pub. 12, 14, 15, 21, 38. Guidebooks 1946, 1948, 1951, 1954, 1955. See Index to Nomenclature. Nickel in Michigan: P.R. 10. Nipissing, Lake, glacial: Vol. VI pt. 1, VII pt. 1, IX pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1901, 1904; Pub. 7, 9, 25, 30, 43, 44, 45, 49. Guidebook 1948. See Index to Nomenclature. Nomenclature of iron formations: Ann. Rept. 1904. See Index to Nomenclature. Keweenaw Series: Pub. 6. Pennsylvanian: Pub. 40 pt. 2. rocks of Lake Superior district: F. and W. pt. 2. Nomenclature of Michigan rock formations. See Index to. Report of Special Committee on Lake Superior Region: Ann. Rept. 1904. Nonesuch formation: Ann. Rept. 1906 (W. C. Gordon); Pub. 19, 24. See Index to Nomenclature. Nonmetallic minerals, reviews of production, statistics, producers lists: Ann. Rept. 1901, 1903, 1905, 1908; Pub. 8, 13, 16, 19, 21, 24, 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37; S.R. 1, 2; Misc. Northern Peninsula, agricultural conditions: Pub. 7, 25. climatic conditions of: Pub. 7, 25. collecting localities: Pub. 42. fossils of: Vol. III; Pub. 42. geology of, C. Rominger: Vol. I pt. 1, IV. Guidebook 1948. glacial lake history: Pub. 7, 25, 40 pt. 1. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 75 75 lakes of: Pub. 30. surface geology and physiography of, F. Leverett: Pub. 7, 25. Map, edition 1911. water power: Pub. 7. supply: Pub. 7, 25.;See. Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Northern or Upper Peninsula, geology, topography, rivers, of: iloughton, S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7; J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; Ann. Rept. 1906 (Russell). peat in, C. A. Davis: Ann. R~ept. 1906. Norway limestone belt, C. Rominger: Vol. IV. Oakland County: Winchell. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. Biological survey of Walnut Lake in: Ann. Rept. 1907. clays and shales: Pub. 36. economic development of: Pub. 48 pt. 2. glacial geology (stratigraphy): Pub. 48 pt. 2. groundwater resources of, A. J. Mozola: Pub. 48 pt. 2; P.R. 16. lakes: Pub. 30. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. o*Il exploration in: Pub. 14, 38; Misc. Oakwood salt shaft, section.: Pub. 12. Occasional papers on the geology of Michigan, 1986: Pub..40. I The Pleistocene history of the Tahquanienon and Manistique drainage region of the Northern Peninsula, S. G. Bergquist. II The Pennsylvanian system in Michigan, W. A. Kelly. III The T renton and Black River rocks -of Michigan, R. C. Hlussey. Occasional Papers on the geology of Michigan for 1946: Pub. 45. I The post-glacial geology of the Grand Marais embayment in Berrien County, Michigan, G. C. Taguei. II The glacial and post-glacial history of the. Platte and Crystal lake dep ressions, Benzie County, Michigan, J. L. Calver. Occasional papers on the geology of Michigan for 1954: Pub. 48. 1 The. glacial geology and ground water resources of Van Buren County, Michigan, F. W. Terwilliger. II A survey of tho groundwater resources in Oakland County, Michigan,.A. J. Mozola. Occurrence of oil and gas in Michigan, R. A. Smith: Pub. 14. Oceana County: Winchell. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales.: Pub. 36. lakes: Pub. 300 marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. -oil and- gas: P -ub.- 37, 38; Misc - - -c road materials: Open file. Ochre beds: Winchell. Ogemaw County: Winchell; Vol. VIII pt. 3; Ann. Rept. 1901; Pub. 40; P.R. 2. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. and the West Branch oil field, geology of; E. A. Newman:. P.R. 2. clays and shales: Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. marl, cement: Vol. VIII pt. 3. oil and gas: Pub. 38; Misc. road materials: Open file. See Land Economic Survey, map, geological report.!See Reported Exposures. of Paleozoic Formations. Ogontz member, Stonington, Ordovician: See Index to Nomenclature. 76 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Ohio-Michigan boundary dispute, A. M. Schlesinger: Pub. 22. line, retracement of: Pub. 22. Ohio shales, formations, correlation: Vol. VII pt. 2, VIII pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Oil and gas, borings for, explorations, geology of, prospects: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892; Ann. Rept. 1901, 1903, 1904; Pub. 8, 14, 25, 27, 32, 37, 38, 44; P.R. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. logs of oil wells. Misc.; Open file. regulation of drilling for: Pub. 14, 17. a bill proposing legislation for: Pub. 17. Oil and gas, Occurrence of, in Michigan: Pub. 14. near Allegan: Ann. Rept. 1904. Oil and gas conservation in Michigan, Lee S. Miller: Pub. 47. Oil and gas fields of Michigan, R. B. Newcombe: Pub. 38. Oil and gas fields, Summary of operations: 1946-49, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, Misc. See Mineral Resources. Oil and gas Industry, General Information, K. G. Walsworth: Mimeograph. Misc. Oil and gas investigations. 11 reports by G. V. Cohee and others, co-operation with U.S.G.S. and Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol. Publication by U.S.G.S. See list of Publications. Oil and gas well logs. 25,000 to 30,000 logs, includes detailed sample logs: Open file. Oil in Michigan: Significant dates. Mimeograph. Misc. Oil shales, discussion: Pub. 14. Oneota dolomite: See Index to Nomenclature. Onondaga, Devonian: See Index to Nomenclature. Onondaga Salt Group: J. Hall, F. and W. pt. 2; Winchell. See Index to Nomenclature. Ontarian formation: Vol. VII pt. 3; Ann. Rept. 1908. See Index to Nomenclature. Ontario, oil exploration: Winchell; Pub. 14. Ontonagon boulder: C.T.J.; F. and W. Ontonagon County, agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. biological papers on Porcupine Mountains: Ann. Rept. 1905, 1908. Dip needle survey in: P.R. 7. molding sands: Pub. 41. silver mining district of: Vol. III Appen. A. silver ores: Vol. III. slip clay: Vol. VIII pt. 1; Pub. 7, 25, 36. water: Ann. Rept. 1903, 1906. See Biology, Copper, Porcupine Mountains. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Ontonagon District, report on by J. D. Whitney: C.T.J. Ontonagon district of Keweenaw Group: Vol. V. Ontonagon, glacial Lake: Pub. 7, 25. See Index to Nomenclature. Oilitic limestone: Winchell; Vol. III, VII pts. 1 and 2. Open File reports. See List of Publications. Orchards: Vol. VII pt. 1. See Agriculture. Ordovician: Pub. 3, 14, 37, 38, 46. Guidebook 1950. See Arnheim, Bay de Noc limestone, Beekmantown, Big Buffalo, Big Hill, Bills Creek, Birdseye, Black River, Chandler Falls, Chazy, Cincinnatian, Collingwood, Decorah, Eden, Escanaba limestone, Galena, Glenwood, Groos Quarry, Haymeadow Creek, Hermansville, Lorraine, Lower Magnesian, Lower Silurian, Lowville, Maysville, Medina, Middle or Champlainian, Mohawkian, New Richmond, Ogontz, Oneota, Platteville, Prairie du Chien, Prasopora zone, Prosser, Queenston, Richfield zone, Richmond group, St. Peter sandstone, Shakopee, Sheridan formation, Stewartville, Stones INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 77 River group, Stonington, Trenton, Upper Ordovician, Utica. See Index to Nomenclature. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Ordovician rocks of Michigan, The Middle and Upper, R. C. Hussey: Pub. 46. See Pub. 40 pt. 3. Guidebook 1950. Ore deposits of Michigan: Vol. II. Origin of copper, iron, silver: C.T.J.; Vol. I; Pub. 6, 19. Oriskany sandstone: Winchell; Vol. III; Pub. 38. See Index to Nomenclature. Orthoptera of Isle Royale, A. P. Morse: Ann. Rept. 1908. Osage Group, Mississippian. See Index to Nomenclature. Osceola County, agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pts. 2 and 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 38; Misc. road materials: Open file. Oscoda County, road materials: Open file. Osgood, Wayland, Summary report on mineral production: S.R. 1, 2. Otsego County, agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. Ottawa County: Winchell. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. oil and gas: Pub. 38; Misc. Outer Conglomerate: Ann. Rept. 1906. See Index to Nomenclature. Outwash plains (overwash): Vol. VII pt. 3; Pub. 7, 9, 25, 30. molding sands of: Pub. 41, 48 pts. 1 and 2. Wetmore, Boot Lake, Kingston plains: Pub. 40 pt. 1. Overisel oil field, Allegan County: P.R. 4. Ozarkian System: Pub. 38. See Index to Nomenclature. See Hermansville. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Paint slate formation: Pub. 18. See Index to Nomenclature. Palache, Charles, The crystallization of calcite: Vol. VI pt. 2 Appen. Palaeontology. Fossil corals, C. Rominger: Vol. III pt. 2. Paleogeography of Monroe formation: Pub. 2. Paleozoic rocks of Michigan, C. Rominger: Vol. I pt. 3, III pt. 1. System, studies: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892; Pub. 22, 23, 38, 48, 49; P.R. 1, 2, 3, 4. See Index to Nomenclature. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Palmer Gneiss, Laurentian. See Index to Nomenclature. Palms formation: Pub. 18. See Index to Nomenclature. Paragenesis of copper, Raphael Pumpelly: Vol. I pt. 2. -copper and calcite: Pub. 19. Pardee, Franklin G., State Geologist 1951-1952. Discussion of iron and copper production: Pub. 37. Method of mine appraisal in Michigan: Misc. Pub. issued by Michigan State Tax Commission. Statistical tables on cost and production of iron mines: Misc. Parma, carboniferous limestone: Vol. III. Parma sandstone: Winchell; Vol. III, V pt. 2, VII pt. 2, VIII pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1905, 1908; Pub. 14, 15, 38, 40 pt. 2; P.R. 13. See Index to Nomenclature. brine of: Pub. 15. Partridge Point limestone: Winchell; Vol. III. See Index to Nomenclature. Patton, H. B., Microscopic study of some Michigan rocks: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. 78 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Paw Paw Drainageway, glacial: Pub. 48 pt. 1. "Peanut Conglomerate": Ann. Rept. 1908; Pub. 38. See Index to Nomenclature. Pearse, A. S., The crawfishes of Michigan: Pub. 1. Peat: Houghton, H.D. 23 and Doc. 5, 1839; S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7; Winchell; Vol. I pt. 3, VII pt. 1, VIII pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1901, 1903, 1906, 1907, 1908; Pub. 12, 30, 40 pt. 1. See Mineral Resources. in Roscommon County: Ann. Rept. 1903. its ecology, origin and distribution and economics of, in Michigan, C. A. Davis: Ann. Rept. 1906, 1907, 1908. Peet, Max, Migration of birds. Birds of Isle Royale and the Porcupine Mountains: Ann. Rept. 1905, 1908. Fall migration of birds at Washington Harbor, Isle Royale: Ann. Rept. 1908. Pennsylvanian of Michigan, W. A. Kelly: Pub. 40 pt. 2. rocks, system, nomenclature: Pub. 14, 37, 38, 40 pt. 2. Guidebook 1933. See Conemaugh, Eaton sandstone, Grand Ledge, Grand River group, Ionia sandstone, Jackson formation, Jackson coal group, Jackson Coal Measures, Lansing sandstone, Lingula shale, Lower Saginaw, Parma sandstone, Pottsville, Saginaw formation, Upper Saginaw, Verne limestone, Woodville. See Index to Nomenclature. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Penokee-Gogebic iron district: Vol. V. Peorian Interglacial Stage, Pleistocene. See Index to Nomenclature. "Permo-Carboniferous": Ann. Rept. 1908; Pub. 14, 38. See Index to Nomenclature. Petoskey agates: Pub. 37, 42. limestone: Vol. III; Ann. Rept. 1901, 1908; Pub. 23, 37, 38. See Index to Nomenclature. Petrographic descriptions of Keweenawan rocks: Vol. VI; Pub. 6 Vol. 1. Michigan rocks, F. E. Wright: Ann. Rept. 1908. Petroleum: Winchell; Vol. III; Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892; Vol. V, VII pt. 1, VIII pt. 3; Ann. Rept. 1901, 1903; Pub. 8, 14, 17, 25, 27, 32, 37, 38, 44, 47; P.R. 1, 2, 3, 4, 15. See Oil and Gas. Pettijohn, F. J., Geology and magnetic anomalies of T 42 N, R 30 W, Dickinson County, Michigan: Open file report. Pewamo Strait, Pleistocene. See Index to Nomenclature. Phosphorus in Michigan: P.R. 10. Physiography of Michigan: Pub. 7, 9, 25, 30, 38, 48. Pictured Rocks: C.T.J.; F. and W. pts. 1 and 2; Vol. I, III. Piezometric surface, defined: Pub. 48 pt. 2. Pig iron industry in Michigan, A. E. White: Pub. 8. Pipe line law, pipe lines: Pub. 38, 47. See Section on Laws. Pittsburg and Boston, first copper mine location, 1843: F. and W. pt. 1. Plant societies of Kent County, distribution of, B. E. Livingston: Ann. Rept. 1901. Plants of Michigan, fossil: Winchell; Vol. III; Pub. 40 pt. 2. lists of: Houghton, 2d Ann. Rept. Doc. 2, H. 9, 23, 1839; Winchell; Vol. VIII pt. 2, IX pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1905; Pub. 4, 31. Tuscola County: Ann. Rept. 1908. See also papers on biology of Michigan. Platinum in Michigan: P.R. 10. Platte Lake, Benzie County, glacial history of: Pub. 30, 45 pt. 2. Pleistocene geology: Ann. Rept. 1901, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907; Pub. 7, 9, 11, 14, 25, 37, 38, 40 pt. 1, 44, 45, 48. Guidebooks 1931, 1932, 1934, 1936, 1948. of the Mackinac Straits region, G. M. Stanley: Pub. 44. history of Arenac County: Pub. 11. Benzie County: Pub. 45 pt. 2. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 79 Berrien County: Pub. 45 pt. 1. Huron County, the Ice Age: Vol. VII. Monroe County, glacial epoch: Vol. VII. Sanilac County: Vol. VII. the Tahquamenon and Manistique drainage region: Pub. 40 pt. 1. Wayne County: Pub. 12. See Adair Moraine, Aftonian stage, Alcona Moraine, Algomah glacial lake, Algonquin glacial lake, Ancient Lake Ridge, Arkona glacial lake, Battle Creek Moraine, Battlefield Beach, Bay City Moraine, Belmore Beach, Berville Moraine, Birmingham Moraine, Blaney Moraine, Calumet Beach, Cedar Point Beach, Champlain, Charlotte Moraine, Cheboygan Moraine, Chicago, Cooks Moraine, Covert Ridge, Crisp Point Moraine, Cumber Spillway, Dana glacial lake, Deanville Moraine, Defiance Moraine, Detroit Interlobate Moraine, Dowagiac glacial lake, Drift, Duluth glacial lake, Du Plain beach, Elkton glacial lake, Emmet Moraine, Erratic Block group, Fenelon Falls Outlet, Flint Moraine, Forest beach, Fort Brady beach, Fort Wayne Moraine, Fort Wayne Outlet, Fowler Moraine, Gladwin Moraine, Glenwood beach, Goodland Moraine, Grassmere Beach, Grosse Isle Moraine, Henderson Moraine, Hiawatha Moraine, Houghton Lake Ridges, Illinoian Drift, Imlay Moraine, Imlay Outlet, lonia Moraine, lowan, Jean Nicollet glacial lake, Kalamazoo Moraine, Kalkaska Moraine, Kansas stage, Keewatin Center, Kendall Moraine, Kinross Moraine, Kirkfield Outlet, La Grange Moraine, Lake Border Moraine, Lansing Moraine, Laurentian Center, Lundy glacial lake, Lyons Moraine, Manistee Moraine, Manistique Complex, Mankato substage, Marlette Moraine, Mattawa-Ottawa Outlet, Maumee glacial lake, Mayville Moraine, Mississinewa Moraine, Mt. Clemens Moraine, Munising Moraine, Newberry Moraine, Nipissing glacial lake, North Bay Outlet, North Higgins Moraine, Northville Moraine, Ontonagon glacial lake, Oscoda Moraine, Otisville Moraine, Otter Lake Moraine, Outer Morainic System, Owosso Moraine, Payette stage, Penetang Beach, Peorian Interglacial, Pewamo Strait, Platte Moraine, Point Betsie Moraine, Port Huron Morainic System, Portland Moraine, Pullman glacial lake, Rouge glacial lake, Saganing beach, Saginaw glacial lake, Saginaw Moraine, Sangamon, Seney Complex, Slender Moraines, South Higgins Moraine, Steuben Moraine, Sturgeon River Moraine, Sturgis Moraine, Tawas Moraine, Tazewell Stage, Tekonsha Moraine, Toleston beach, Trenary Plain, Trent outlet, Tyre-Ubly outlet, Ubly outlet, Valparaiso Moraine, Van Wert stage, Warren glacial lake, Wayne glacial lake, West Branch Moraine, West Haven Moraine, Wetmore outwash, Whitehall Moraine, Whittlesey glacial lake, Wisconsin, Wyebridge glacial lake, Yale Moraine, Yarmouth stage, Zeeland Ridge. See Index to Nomenclature. Plutonic group of rocks: F. and W.; Winchell. See Index to Nomenclature. Poindexter, 0. F., Production and value of mineral products in Michigan: S.R. - 1,- 2. Mineral industries of Michigan 1934-1939: Misc. Pointe aux Gres limestone, (Douglass) defined: Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; P.R. 3. See Index to Nomenclature. Pointe aux Barques: Winchell; Vol. III, VII pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Chenes: Winchell; Vol. I pt. 3, IX pt. 1; Pub. 44. See Index to Nomenclature. Gres: Pub. 3, 11. Paux: Pub. 3. Pointe aux Chenes formation (G. M. Ehlers), defined: Pub. 44. See Index to Nomenclature. Porcupine Mountains: C.T.J.; F. and W. pt. 1; Winchell; Vol. V, VI pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1903, 1905; Pub. 5, 30. Ecology of: Ann. Rept. 1905. 80 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Report of State Geologist on: Houghton, H.D. 1841, No. 35. See Biology of Michigan for list of biological papers on Porcupine Mountains. Port Austin sandstone: Vol. VII pt. 2. Port Huron Morainic system: Pub. 9, 11, 25, 30, 49. See Index to Nomenclature. Port Huron oil and gas district, field: Ann. Rept. 1901, 1906; Pub. 14, 37. Portage Group: Winchell. See Index to Nomenclature. Portland cement industry: Vol. VII pt. 3, VIII pt. 3; Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 24, 36. plants, lists of, 1903: Vol. VIII. See Mineral Resources. Portland cement industry in Michigan, The, R. A. Smith: Pub. 24. Poseby, F., on the origin of copper deposits: Pub. 19. Post-glacial geology of the Grand Marais embayment, G. C. Tague: Pub. 45 pt. 1. Post-glacial uplift, warping: Vol. VII pt. 1, IX pt. 1; Pub. 5, 7, 9, 25. Post-glacial uplift of the Michigan Basin, The late glacial and, W. H. Hobbs: Pub. 5. Post-Nipissing shores of Great Lakes: Pub. 5, 40 pt. 1, 44, 45 pts. 1 and 2. Potash in Michigan: Pub. 13. Potsdam, Cambrian: See Index to Nomenclature. Potter Farm, Devonian: See Index to Nomenclature. Pottsville, Pennsylvanian: See Index to Nomenclature. Prairie du Chien, Ordovician: See Index to Nomenclature. Pre-Cambrian geology: Pub. 17, 18, 21, 22, 38. See Huronian. Keweenawan. Iron. Copper. Index to Nomenclature. Pre-Cambrian geology, Contributions to, R. C. Allen and L. P. Barrett: Pub. 18. Pre-Cambrian geology of Norway Lake area, Dickinson County, L. D. Clark: Open File report. Pre-historic Mackinac Island, G. M. Stanley: Pub. 43. Pre-historic mining, Isle Royale, Keweenaw: C.T.J.; F. and W.; Vol. VI. Pre-Keweenawan formations, revision of sequence of: Pub. 18. Pre-Trenton rocks, oil and gas possibilities: Pub. 44. Presque Isle County, agricultural conditions, detailed data: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. geology: Guidebooks 1937, 1940, 1944. lakes: Pub. 30. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 38; Misc. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Presque Isle granite: Pub. 18. See Index to Nomenclature. River: Pub. 7. sandstone: Vol. I pt. 3, III. Pringle, G. H., Geology of Arenac County: P.R. 3. Prosser, Ordovician: See Index to Nomenclature. Proterozoic: See Index to Nomenclature. Public Domain Commission, co-operation with: Pub. 22. Public lands, school lands: J.D. 72, 1846. Publications of Michigan Geological Survey. See List of. Pullman, Glacial Lake, defined: Pub. 48 pt. 1. Pumpelly, Raphael, Geology of the copper district: Vol. I pt. 2, V pt. 1, VIII pt. 2. Classification of copper rocks: Pub. 19. Conglomerate of Portage Lake: Pub. 19. on origin of copper deposits: Pub. 19. Put-in-Bay limestone (Grabau), dolomite: Ann. Rept. 1908; Pub. 2, 38, 48 pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 81 Pyrite in Bedford shale: Pub. 36. See Mineral Resources. Quarries: Ann. Rept. 1901, 1903, 1907; Pub. 42. See Mineral Resources. Alabaster: Vol. VIII pt. 2. Bayport: Vol. VII pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1906. Black River-Trenton: Pub. 40, 46. Fiborn limestone: Pub. 21. Grindstone: Vol. III, VII. gypsum: Winchell; Vol. III, IX pt. 2; Pub. 8, 11, 42. Huron Bay (Baraga County): Vol. III Appen. A. limestone, dolomite: Houghton, H.D. 23, 1839; Winchell; Vol. III, VII pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1901, 1907; Pub. 2, 11, 42, 44. Marshall formation: Vol. VII. Monroe County: Houghton, H.D. 23, Doc. 5, 1839; Vol. VII pt. 1; Pub. 2. Rogers City: Pub. 44. sandstone: Houghton, H.D. 23, 1839; Winchell; Vol. I pt. 3, III. slate: Vol. III; Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Sylvania sandstone: Pub. 48. Wayne County: Vol. VII pt. 1. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Quartzite group of Huronian of Marquette iron region, C. Rominger: Vol. IV. Quaternary system: Winchell; Vol. V, VII pt. 1. See Index to Nomenclature. Queenston, Ordovician: See Index to Nomenclature. Quinnesec ore, C. Rominger: Vol. IV. See Iron. schists: See Index to Nomenclature. Radioactivity of water in Livingston County: Pub. 38. Railway system, first in Northern Peninsula for ore transportation: Vol. I pt. 1. Rainy River Falls, limestone: Vol. III. Raisin River dolomite (Grabau): Ann. Rept. 1901; Pub. 2, 38, 48 pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Guidebooks 1935, 1952. Randville dolomite: Pub. 21. See Index to Nomenclature. Recent shore forms, W. M. Gregory: Ann. Rept. 1903. Recreation, resort sites: Pub. 40 pt. 1. "Red Beds": Pub. 38. See Index to Nomenclature. Red Drift: F. and W. pt. 1 (Desor); Vol. III; Ann. Rept. 1906. Reed, R. C. (See Hardenberg, Harry J.) "Reed City pay zone": Pub. 48. Regulations of drilling and care of deep borings: Pub. 14. Report of the Committee on Nomenclature of iron formations: Ann. Rept. 1904. Reptiles and amphibians of Monroe County, Crystal Thompson: Pub. 20. Reptiles of Michigan: Houghton, 2d Ann. Rept. Doc. 1, H.D. 1839, No. 23; Pub. 10. Republic formation, M. E. Wadsworth: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. See Index to Nomenclature. Research Publications (published by University of Michigan, co-operative project with Department of Conservation, Geological Survey Division). 1. Bibliography on beach erosion and related subjects. 2. Beach erosion in Michigan, E. F. Brater. 3. Low cost shore protection for the Great Lakes (co-operative project with Water Resources Commission). Retracement and permanent monumenting of the Michigan-Ohio boundary line: Pub. 22. Revision of correlation of Huronian, R. C. Allen: Pub. 18. Revision of pre-Keweenawan in eastern Iron Range, R. C. Allen and L. P. Barrett: Pub. 18. Rhemium in Michigan: P.R. 10. 82 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Rhodehamel, E. C. (See Stuart, W. T.) Richfield challenge, The, G. H. Hautau: P.R. 15. Richfield member of Detroit River Group, defined: Pub. 48; P.R. 15. See Index to Nomenclature. Richmond and Medina: Ann. Rept. 1908; Pub. 14. See Index to Nomenclature. Trenton: Pub. 40 pt. 3, 46. in Limestone Mountain area: Pub. 18. Richmondville, Mississippian: See Index to Nomenclature. Rider coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. Ries, Heinrich, Clays and shales of Michigan: Vol. VIII pt. 1. and Rosen, J. A., Foundry sands of Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1907. Rifle River, history of: Pub. 11. outcrops: Vol. III; P.R. 2. waterpower: Pub. 11. Riggs, C. H., Geology of Allegan County: P.R. 4. Rivers of Michigan: H.D. 1839, No. 23; Houghton, S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7; F. and W. pts. 1 and 2; Vol. III; Ann. Rept. 1904, 1906; Pub. 7, 9, 11, 12, 25, 38, 40 pt. 1. water power of in Northern Peninsula: Pub. 7. Road materials survey: Open file 1924-1930. Road metal: Winchell; Vol. VII pts. 1 and 3, VIII pt. 1. See Mineral Resources. Sand and gravel. Robinson, W. I. (See also Case, E. C.) Oil and gas in Michigan: Pub. 32. Rochester, Silurian: See Index to Nomenclature. Rock Falls series: Vol. VII pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Rock salt: Vol. VII pt. 1; Pub. 8, 12, 42. See Mineral Resources. Rocks and minerals of Michigan, 0. F. Poindexter, Helen M. Martin, and S. G. Bergquist: Pub. 42. (3d ed. revised, enlarged by Helen M. Martin). Rocks of Michigan, classification of, Houghton: H.D. 23, 1839. Winchell: First bien. rept. 1861. the iron formation, lithology: Vol. II. Rockport, Devonian: See Index to Nomenclature. Rogers City, Devonian: See Index to Nomenclature. Rominger, Carl, State Geologist 1872-1885. Report of the State Geologist 1881-1883: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Paleozoic rocks of Michigan: Vol. I, III. Geology of the Lower Peninsula: Vol. III. Palaeontology; fossil corals: Vol. III. Observations on the Ontonagon silver-mining district and the slate quarries of Huron Bay: Vol. III Appen. B. Marquette iron region: Vol. IV pt. 1. Menominee iron region: Vol. IV pt. 2. Geological report on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, iron and copper regions: Vol. V pt. 1. Referred to, quoted: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 2, IX pt. 2; Pub. 44. Description of Atlantic, Calumet, Kearsarge and Osceola lodes: Pub. 19. Ropes gold mine: Pub. 8; P.R. 10. See Mineral Resources. Roscommon County: Winchell; Vol. VIII pts. 2 and 3; Ann. Rept. 1903. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. lakes: Pub. 30. marl: Open file. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14, 38; Misc. peat in: Ann. Rept. 1903. road materials: Open file. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 83 soils and vegetation: Ann. Rept. 1903. See Land Economic Survey, geological report. Rosen, J. A. (See Ries, Heinrich). Rosenau, J. C., Mineral industries in 1948 and 1949: Misc. Rouge, Glacial Lake: Pub. 12. See Index to Nomenclature. Rubidium in Michigan: P.R. 10. Russell, I. C.: Vol. VIII pt. 3, IX pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1901. A geological reconnaissance along the north shores of lakes Huron and Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1904. The surface geology of portions of Menominee, Dickinson and Iron counties, Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1906. Ruthven, A. G., Chief Naturalist 1908-1921. Forests of the Porcupine Mountains: Ann. Rept. 1903. Ecological survey of the Porcupine Mountains and Isle Royale: Ann. Rept. 1905. Notes on plants of the Porcupine Mountains and Isle Royale: Ann. Rept. 1905. Spiders and insects of the Porcupine Mountains: Ann. Rept. 1905. A biological survey of the sand dune region on the southern shore of Saginaw Bay: Pub. 4. Notes on conservation of animals: Pub. 17.,Thompson, Crystal, and Thompson, Helen, The Herpetology of Michigan: Pub. 10. Sager, Dr. A., State Zoologist, Report of, with catalog of animals of Michigan: Houghton, H.D. 23, Doe. 2, 1839. Saginaw Bay, A biological survey of the sand dune region on the southern shore of: Pub. 4. Saginaw Coal Measures: Ann. Rept. 1905; Pub. 11. Saginaw County: Winchell; Vol. VIII pt. 2. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Vol. VII pt. 1; Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. glacial geology: Guidebook 1931. marl, cement: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14, 37, 38; Misc. salt: Winchell; Vol. III; Ann. Rept. 1901, 1908; Pub. 15. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Saginaw formation, Pennsylvanian: See Index to Nomenclature. water resources of: P.R. 13. Saginaw oil field: Pub. 14, 37. "Saginaw sand": Pub. 14. See Index to Nomenclature. St. Clair County: Winchell; Vol. V pt. 2. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14, 37, 38; Misc. road materials: Open file. salt: Pub. 15. St. Clair delta, report on by L. J. Cole: Vol. IX pt. 1. St. Clair shales: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892; Vol. VII pt. 1. See Antrim. See Index to Nomenclature. St. Croix, Cambrian: See Index to Nomenclature. St. Ignace formation, defined: Pub. 44. See Index to Nomenclature. St. Ignace, plants of, annotated list: Pub. 31. St. Joseph County: Winchell; Ann. Rept. 1903. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. 84 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY lakes: Pub. 30. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14, 38; Misc. road materials: Open file. St. Lawrence "black earth", dolomite: Pub. 38. St. Louis, Mississippian: See Index to Nomenclature. St. Marys River, sandstones: Vol. I pt. 3. See Index to Nomenclature. ship canal: Winchell; Vol. V pt. 1. St. Peters sandstone, correlation of: Ann. Rept. 1903; Pub. 14, 38. See Index to Nomenclature. Salem oil field: P.R. 4. Salina group, formation, time: Vol. V; Ann. Rept. 1908; Pub. 12, 14, 15, 21, 44, 48. brine of: Pub. 15. See Index to Nomenclature. Salines of Michigan. See Houghton reports. Salt: Houghton, S.D. 1, 1839; J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; H.D. 1842, No. 2; Winchell; Vol. V pt. 2, VIII pt. 3; Ann. Rept. 1901, 1905; Pub. 8, 12, 15, 38, 42, 44. bounty: Winchell. brine: Vol. III; Pub. 15. See Mineral Resources. Brine and salt deposits of Michigan: Pub. 15. crystals, pseudomorphs of in Mackinac breccia: Vol. III. industry: Winchell; Vol. III; Pub. 8, 15. See Mineral Resources. inspection law: Pub. 15. mine: Pub. 12, 15, 44. Salt deposits of Michigan, The brine and, C. W. Cook: Pub. 15. Salt industry, The, C. W. Cook: Pub. 8. Salt inspection law, repealed, Act 1, P.A. 1913: Pub. 15. Salt licks: Ann. Rept. 1908. springs: Houghton, H.D. 24, 1838; H.D. 4, 23, 1839; S.D. 1, 1839; S.D. 3, 1839; H.D. 2, 1840; H.J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; H.D. 1842, No. 2; J.D. 1843, No. 9; Winchell; Vol. VII pt. 1, VIII pt. 3. springs, state: Houghton, H.D. 4, 1839; S.D. 3, 1839; S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7; H.D. 2, 1840; H.D. 2, 1842; J.D. 1843, No. 9. wells (borings), logs, records: J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; Winchell; Vol. III, VIII pt. 3; Pub. 14, 15. in glacial drift: Pub. 48 pt. 2. Sand and gravel: Vol. VIII pt. 3; Ann. Rept. 1902, 1906; Pub. 12, 13, 42. See Mineral Resources. Sand dune region on the southern shore of Saginaw Bay, A biological survey of the: Pub. 4. Sand lime brick industry: Ann. Rept. 1903, 1908; Pub. 12, 21. See Mineral Resources. Sands, foundry, H. Ries and J. A. Rosen: Ann. Rept. 1907. molding, and their uses, G. G. Brown: Pub. 41. Sandstone: See Index to Nomenclature. Houghton, H.D. 23, Doe. 4, 1839; Winchell; Vol. I pt. 3, VII pts. 1, 2 and 3, VIII pt. 3. calciferous: F. and W.; Winchell. Cambrian: Houghton, S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7 (Lake Superior); J. Hall, F. and W. pt. 2 (Lower Silurian); Vol. I pt. 3; Pub. 37, 38. Coal Measures: Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. Freda: Ann. Rept. 1908. Huron County: Winchell; Vol. VII pt. 2. Keweenawan: C.T.J.; F. and W. pt. 1; Vol. I pt. 3. Guidebook 1947. Lake Superior: Houghton, S.D. 1840, No. 18; F. and W.; Winchell; Vol. 1 pt. 3; Ann. Rept. 1908; Pub. 23, 39 (map). Guidebooks 1947, 1948. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 85 Marshall-Napoleon: Winchell; Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892; Vol. III, V, VII pts. 1, 2 and 3, VIII pt. 2, IX pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1905; Pub. 11, 14, 15, 38, 42. of Encampment D'Ours: Vol. III pt. 3. Grand Island: Vol. III pt. 3. Granite Point: Vol. III pt. 3. Laughing Whitefish River: Vol. III pt. 3. Marquette: Vol. III pt. 3. Presque Isle: Vol. III pt. 3. St. Mary: Vol. III pt. 3. Sugar Island: Vol. III pt. 3. Tahquamenon River: Vol. III pt. 3. Pointe aux Barques: Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; Vol. III, VII pt. 2. Potsdam: J. Hall, F. and W. pts. 1 and 2; Winchell; Vol. I pt. 3. quarries: Winchell; Vol. III. red, of ionia County: Houghton, S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7; Pub. 40 pt. 2. Silurian (Cambrian): J. Hall, F. and W. pt. 2; Vol. IV. sub-Carboniferous: Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. Sylvania: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 2; Ann. Rept. 1904; Pub. 12. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Sangamon Stage, Pleistocene: See Index to Nomenclature. Sanilac County: Winchell; Vol. VII pt. 3; Ann. Rept. 1901. agriculture data, detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Vol. VIII pt. 1; Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. Geological report on, W. M. Gregory: Vol. VII pt. 3. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14, 37, 38; Misc. road materials: Open file. "Stone wall": Vol. VIII pt. 3. stratigraphy of: See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Sault Ste. Marie ship canal: C.T.J.; F. and W.; Vol. I pt. 1. Saunders formation in iron district: Pub. 3, 21. See Index to Nomenclature. Scandium in Michigan: P.R. 10. Schlesinger, A. M., Basis of Ohio-Michigan boundary dispute: Pub. 22. Schneider, C. F., Climate of Michigan: Pub. 9, 25. School lands, Reports on mapping and cataloging of: Higgins, J.D. 1846, No. 12. Schoolcraft County, agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. Geological report on, 0. F. Poindexter: Ms., Open file. plants of, annotated list: Pub. 31. road materials: Open file. surface geology, I. C. Russell: Ann. Rept. 1904; Pub. 40 pt. 1. Guidebook 1948. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Schoolcraft, Henry R., Notes of, on Huron County: Vol. VII pt. 2. Schoolcraft member: Pub. 38, 40 pt. 3, 46. See Index to Nomenclature. Scott, I. D., Inland lakes of Michigan: Pub. 30. Seaman, A. E. (See Lane, A. C.) Seaman, W. A., Lake Michigamme area: P.R. 10. Summary of the geology of the Marquette iron range: P.R. 10. Geology of the Spruce River and Peshekee River areas, Marquette and Baraga counties: P.R. 11. Geologic column, Lake Superior Region: P.R. 10. Marquette iron range: P.R. 10. Geology of the Lake Michigamme area, Baraga and Marquette counties: Open File report. 86 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Securities Commission of Michigan, co-operation with: Pub. 22. Sedimentary rocks, defined: Pub. 42. Seiches of Great Lakes: F. and W. pt. 1. Includes reports in Jesuit Relacions. Senecan, Devonian: See Index to Nomenclature. Seney Complex, Pleistocene: Pub. 40, pt. 1. See Index to Nomenclature. Serpentine group, Huronian: Vol. IV. Shales: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 3; Pub. 36, 38, 42. See Index to Nomenclature. Hamilton: Vol. III. quarries: Vol. VIII pt. 1; Pub. 42. Saginaw: Pub. 40 pt. 2. St. Clair: Vol. VIII pt. 1, IX pt. 1. Waverly: Vol. III. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Shales, "Bituminous": Houghton, H.D. 23, 1839. bituminous or oil: Pub. 38. Shales of Michigan, Clays and, H. Ries: Vol. VIII pt. 1. and their uses, G. G. Brown: Pub. 36. geology of, uses, analyses: Vol. VIII pt. 1; Pub. 36. Sheelite, discovery of, C. Rominger: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Shelldrake River basin: Pub. 40 pt. 1. Sheridan formation in Iron River district: Pub. 3. See Index to Nomenclature. Sherman Hill, Houghton County, geology of: Pub. 18. Sherzer, W. H. (See also Grabau, A. W.) Geological report on Monroe County, Michigan: Vol. VII pt. 1. The Monroe formation (with A. W. Grabau): Pub. 2. Geological report on Wayne County: Pub. 12. Shiawassee County: Winchell. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. Pennsylvanian of: Pub. 40 pt. 2. road materials: Open File. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Shiras expeditions to Whitefish Point, Results of, T. L. Hankinson: Pub. 20. Shore lines, abandoned: Pub. 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 25, 30, 40, 45. See Glacial Great Lakes. Mackinac Island. Shores, wave work on, W. M. Gregory: Ann. Rept. 1903. of Great Lakes, changes: Ann. Rept. 1904. Shull, A. F., Thysanoptera and orthoptera, sand dune region, Saginaw Bay: Pub. 4. Shull, C. A., and Carriker, M. A., Mallophaga of sand dune region, Saginaw Bay: Pub. 4. Siamo, Huronian: See Index to Nomenclature. Sibley quarry: Ann. Rept. 1901. Silica, Devonian: See Index to Nomenclature. Silurian system: F. and W. pt. 2; Vol. VII pt. 1, IX pt. 2; Pub. 12, 14, 18, 19, 37, 38, 42, 46, 48 pt. 2. See Bass Island dolomite, Bass Islands dolomite, Burnt Bluff, Byron, Cabot Head, Cataract, Cayugan, Cliff limestone, Clinton, Cordell, Deerpark group, Drummond, Dyer Bay, Encrinal limestone, Engadine, Fiborn limestone, Greenfield dolomite, Guelph dolomite, Hendricks, Hudson River, Lockport, Lower Monroe, Lower Ontarian, Lower Pentamerus, Mackinac breccia, Maclurites zone, Manistique series, Manitoulin, Manlius, Mayville, Medina, Middle or Niagaran, Mississinewa shale, Niagaran, Onesquethaw group, Onondaga Salt Group, Ontarian, Pointe aux Chenes, Put-in-Bay, Racine, Raisin River, Rochester, St. Ignace, Salina, Schooleraft, Tymochtee, Upper Grand Rapids, Upper Pentamerus, Upper Silurian. See Index to Nomenclature. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 87 See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Silurian system (Cambrian and Ordovician): Winchell; Vol. IV. Silver: F. and W.; P.R. 10. See Mineral Resources. in Ontonagon County: Vol. III. Silver mining district of Ontonagon County, Report on: Vol. III Appen. A. Sinkholes: Houghton, H.D. 23, Doe. 5, 1839; Winchell; Vol. III, VII pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1901; Pub. 30. Slate: Vol. I pt. 1, III, IV, VII pt. 3, VIII pt. 2; Pub. 19. industry, 0. R. Hamilton: Pub. 16. quarries: Vol. III, IV; Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Slate quarries of Huron Bay, C. Rominger: Vol. III Appen. A. Slaughter, Jean L., and Campbell, J. M., You never miss the water: Misc. Sleeping Bear sand dune: Vol. III. Slender moraines: Pub. 25. Slip clay, Ontonagon County: Vol. VIII pt. 1; Pub. 36. Smith, H. I., Preliminary list of the sites of aboriginal remains in Michigan: Pub. 1. Memoranda towards a bibliography of the archaeology of Michigan: Pub. 10. Smith, Richard A., State Geologist 1919-1946. (See also Allen, R. C.) Gypsum and gypsum products: Pub. 8. Occurrence of oil and gas in Michigan: Pub. 8, 14. Non-metallic mineral resources of Michigan: Pub. 8, 16, 19, 21, 24, 27. Coal in Michigan: Pub. 8, 19. Limestones of Michigan: Pub. 21. The Portland cement industry: Pub. 24. Smyth, H. L., on the origin of copper deposits: Pub. 19. Snelgrove, A. K., Ishpeming gold range: P.R. 10. Distribution, occurrence of rare elements, Marquette and Baraga counties: P.R. 10., Seaman, W. A., and Ayres, V. L., Strategic mineral investigations in Marquette and Baraga counties: P.R. 10. Snyder, A. J., Notes on the butterflies of Isle Royale: Ann. Rept. 1905. Soil survey, need for, organization of: Pub. 17. Soils and subsoils: Houghton, H.D. 23, Doc. 4, 5, 1839; J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; C.T.J.; F. and W.; Vol. III, VII pts. 1, 2 and 3; Ann. Rept. 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908; Pub. 3, 7, 9, 11, 12, 25, 30, 38, 40 pt. 1, 48 pt. 1. See Counties. classification of, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture: Ann. Rept. 1907. formation of: Mimeographed report. Misc. types: Pub. 12. Soils and timber of the Upper Peninsula: Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. Solen series: Vol. VII pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Sorensen, H. 0., and Carlson, E. T., Michigan's mineral industries (annual): Misc. Soule beds: Vol. VII pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Southern Peninsula, agricultural conditions: Pub. 25. climatic conditions of: Pub. 25. collecting localities: Pub. 42. fossils of: Pub. 42. See County and Formations. geology of: Vol. III. See Lane. glacial lake history: Pub. 25. lakes of: Pub. 30. surface geology and agriculture conditions: Pub. 9, 25. map, edition 1924: Pub. 49. water power: Ann. Rept. 1903; Pub. 25. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Sphalerite: Vol. VII. 88 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Spiders and insects of the Porcupine Mountains and Isle Royale, A. G. Ruthven: Ann. Rept. 1905. Spiroff, Kiril, Dip-needle survey of the Wyandotte-Winona area, Houghton County, and Cherokee area, Ontonagon County: P.R. 7. Springs and wells: Houghton, H.D. 23, 1839; H.D. 23, Doc. 4, 5, 1839; Vol. VII pts. 1 and 2; Ann. Rept. 1903. See Water. Squaw Bay, Devonian: See Index to Nomenclature. Stacks, sea caves, Mackinac Island: Pub. 5, 43, 44. Stallman, R. W. (See Stuart, W. T.) Stanley, G. M., Pre-historic Mackinac Island: Pub. 43. Glacial geology in Mackinac Straits area: Pub. 44. Ground water problems in the Iron River district: T.R. 2. State Botanist Dr. John Wright, Report of, Catalog phenogamous and filicoid plants: (sic) Houghton, 2d Ann. Rept. H.D. 23, 1839. State Department Water resources and drainage, need for: Pub. 28. Securities Commission, co-operation with: Pub. 22. Tax Commission, co-operation with: Pub. 22. State Geologists, Papers of, on Michigan geology in Survey publications. See References for other papers. See also publications of the Geological Survey Division, Michigan Department of Conservation. Allen, Rolland Craten, 1909-1919. The Iron River iron-bearing district of Michigan: Pub. 3. The Iron mining industry: Pub. 8. Gold in Michigan: Pub. 8. Iron ore reserves: Pub. 16. Report on retracement and permanent monumenting of the MichiganOhio boundary line: Pub. 22. and Barrett, L. P., Contributions to the pre-Cambrian geology of northern Michigan and Wisconsin: Pub. 18., Smith, R. A., and Barrett, L. P., Geological map of Michigan: Pub. 23. Eddy, Gerald E., 1946-1951. Geology of the Crystal oil field, Montcalm County: P.R. 1. Houghton, Douglass, 1837-1846. Reports of Douglass Houghton first published as Michigan Legislative Documents were collected and published by the Michigan Historical Commission in 1928 as Geological Reports of Douglass Houghton. Report to Governor Mason: H.D. 1838, No. 2. A rapid and general reconnaissance of parts of the state; describes the Upper Sandstone, Grey limestone, Lower Sandstone or Graywacke Group, Coal, Gypsum, brine springs, clay, sand, marl, bog iron ore, mineral springs. Report to House of Representatives on benefits to be derived from a Geological Survey: H.D. 1838, No. 46. Report in relation to the improvement of State salt springs: S.D. 1839, No. 1. Report in relation to the iron ore, etc., of the school section of Town 5 South, Range 7 West, in Branch County: H.D. 1839, No. 21. Second Annual Report: H.D. 1839, No. 23. Describes the topography and general character-of the Southern Peninsula; rocks; tertiary clays; shell marl; gypsum; coal; change in elevation of waters of the Great Lakes; salt springs and salt lands; and work of the zoological and botanical departments; collections for the State University; topographical department; and appended reports of the geological assistants: Dr. A. Sager, Zoologist, Doc. 2; S. W. Higgins, Topographer, Doc. 3; C. C. Douglass, Assistant Geologist, Doec. 4; Bela Hubbard, Assistant Geologist, Doc. 5; and a INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 89 glossary of geologic terms. Report relative to the improvement of State salt springs: H.D. 1840, No. 2. Third Annual Report: S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7. Describes geology of Northern or Upper Peninsula. Describes: sedimentary rocks; Lake Superior sandstone; Limerock and shales; Lower Limerock and shales; Upper Limerocks; Southern or Lower Peninsula resources. Appended are reports of S. W. Higgins, Topographer; C. C. Douglass, Assistant Geologist (county reports); Bela Hubbard, Assistant Geologist. Annual Report of the State Geologist: J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. Geology of the Upper or Northern Peninsula ("The Copper Report"). Appefided reports of C. C. Douglass and Bela Hubbard, Assistant Geologists, and S. W. Higgins, Topographer. Report relative to state and county maps: H.D. 1841, No. 35. Report relative to State salt springs: H.D. 1842, No. 2. Annual Report: J.D. 1842, No. 9. Annual Report: J.D. 1843, No. 8. Report relative to State salt springs: J.D. 1843, No. 9. Annual Report: J.D. 1844, No. 11. On rocks between Chocolate River and Granite Point: Vol. II, Appen. E. For other reports see Houghton. Hubbard, Lucius L., 1893-1899. Macroscopic minerals of Michigan: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Keweenaw Point with particular reference to felsites and their associated rocks: Vol. VI pt. 2. Classification of copper rocks: Pub. 19. Lane, Alfred Church, 1899-1909. Reports of the State Geologist, Annual Reports 1901 through 1908. Coal of Michigan: Vol. VIII pt. 2. Deep borings for oil and gas: Ann. Rept. 1903. Geological Report on Huron County: Vol. VII pt. 2. Geological report on Isle Royale: Vol. VI pt. 1. Geology of lower Michigan with reference to deep borings. Edited from notes of C. E. Wright: Vol. V pt. 2. Marshall sandstone: Ann. Rept. 1908. Microscopic characters of rocks and minerals of Michigan: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Origin of bog limes: Vol. VIII pt. 3. Report on Alcona County: Ann. Rept. 1901. Summary of the surface geology of Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1907. The Keweenaw Series of Michigan: Pub. 6 (2 vols.). The theory of copper deposition: Ann. Rept. 1903. Transmission of heat into the earth: Ann. Rept. 1903. Waters of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1903. - ---- and Seaman, A. E., Notes on the geologicalsection of Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1908. Pardee, Franklin G., 1951-1952. Metallic minerals review: Pub. 37. Statistical reviews, iron mines: Misc. Rominger, Carl, 1872-1885. Paleozoic rocks of the Upper Peninsula: Vol. I pt. 3. Geology of Lower Peninsula: Vol. III pt. 1. Palaeontology; fossil corals: Vol. III pt. 2. Marquette iron region: Vol. IV pt. 1. Menominee iron region: Vol. IV pt. 2. Geological report on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, iron and copper regions: Vol. V pt. 1. 90 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Smith, Richard A, 1919-1946. Michigan coal: Pub. 8. Gypsum and gypsum products: Pub. 8. Oil and gas in Michigan: Pub. 8. The occurrence of oil and gas in Michigan: Pub. 14. Non-metallic minerals of Michigan: Pub. 16, 19, 21, 24, 27. Limestones of Michigan: Pub. 21. Geological map of Michigan, Paleozoic area: Pub. 23. The Portland cement industry: Pub. 24. Wadsworth, Marshman E., 1888-1893. A sketch of the geology of iron, gold and copper districts of Michigan. Reports of the State Geologist 1888-1889, 1889-1890, 1890-1891, 1891-1892: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Winchell, Alexander, 1859-1863, 1869-1871. First biennial report of the progress of the Geological Survey, 1861. Wright, Charles E., 1885-1888. Rept. to State Board of Geological Survey, Jan. 1888: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Discusses age of granite, Huronian formation, gas and salt wells. Microscopic determination of 78 Huronian rocks and ores: Vol. II. Report of State Geologist 1885-1887: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. State salt lands: Houghton, H.D. 23, 1839. springs: Houghton, H.D. 4, 1839; H.D. 2, 1840; H.D. 2, 1842; J.D. 9, 1843. wells: Winchell. State salt wells, springs. See Houghton. State Zoologist 1837, Dr. Abraham Sager, Report of: See Houghton, 2d Ann. Rept. 1839, H.D. 23. State Zoologist 1860, Dr. Manley Miles, Report of: Winchell, First Bien. Rept. 1861. Statistical tables on metallic and non-metallic minerals, production, value, producers: Vol. IX pt. 2; Pub. 8, 13, 16, 18, 19, 21, 24, 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37; S.R. 1, 2; Misc. See Mineral Resources. Steuben Moraine: Pub. 40 pt. 1. See Index to Nomenclature. Stewartville, Ordovician: See Index to Nomenclature. "Stone wall", Sanilac County: Vol. VIII pt. 3. Stones in Michigan, Helen M. Martin: Pub. 42. Stones River formation: Pub. 38. See Index to Nomenclature. Guidebook 1950. Stonington Member of Richmond, defined: Pub. 46. See Index to Nomenclature. Straits of Mackinac: Ann. Rept. 1904; Pub. 40 pt. 1, 43, 44. submerged valley in: Pub. 43. Stramel, G. J. (See Ferris, J. G.) Strategic mineral investigations in Marquette and Baraga counties, A. K. Snelgrove, W. A. Seaman and V. L. Ayres: P.R. 10. Stratigraphy of Crystal oil field: P.R. 1. Huronian. See Iron. Huronian. Keweenawan: Vol. VI pt. 1; Pub. 6. Keweenawan, Bessemer down Black River, Gogebic County: Ann. Rept. 1906. Lake Superior Region, Special Committee report: Ann. Rept. 1904. Mackinac Straits area: Pub. 44. Monroe formation: Pub. 2. oil and gas bearing formations: Pub. 37, 38. Pennsylvanian formations: Pub. 40 pt. 2. subsurface, Allegan County: P.R. 4. Arenae County: P.R. 3. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 91 Ogemaw County: P.R. 2. the Traverse formation, A. W. Grabau: Ann. Rept. 1901. See Guidebooks. "Stray" sand (Michigan): Pub. 38. Striae, glacial, locations and directions: Winchell; Ann. Rept. 1906; Pub. 7, 9, 12, 25 (maps). List of locations. Map. Open file. Strontium, Occurrence of, in Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1905; P.R. 10. Structural features of Keweenaw Point, R. E. Hore: Pub. 19. Structure, regional, Mackinac Straits area: Pub. 44. Stuart, W. T. (See also Brown, E. A.) Ground water resources of the Lansing area, Michigan: P.R. 13. Progress report on ground-water conditions at the Cayia mine near Crystal Falls, Mich.: Open File report. and Stallman, R. W. Ground water resources of the Benton Harbor area, Michigan: P.R. 12., Theis, C. V., and Stanley, G. M. Ground-water problems of the Iron River district: T.R. 2., Brown, E. A., and Rhodehamel, E. C. Ground water investigations of the Marquette iron-mining district: T.R. 3. Sturgeon River Moraine: Pub. 40 pt. 1. Submerged valley, Mackinac Straits: Pub. 43, 44. Subsurface geology of Michigan: Vol. V; Ann. Rept. 1903; Pub. 14, 38, 44, 48. Sucker Basin, Tahquamenon-Manistique drainage: Pub. 40 pt. 1. Sugar beet manufacture, limestone for: Ann. Rept. 1901. Sulphur, sulphur springs: Winchell; Vol. V, VIII pts. 1 and 2. Sulphur springs: Houghton, H.D. 23, 1839; Vol. VII pts. 1 and 2. Summary Reports: See Mineral Resources. Sunbury formation: Pub. 38, 48 pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Sunday quartzite: Pub. 18. See Index to Nomenclature. Sunken Lake, Alpena County: Vol. III. Supervisor of wells, appointment of: Pub. 47. Superior, Granite: P.R. 10. Surface geology and agricultural conditions of Michigan, Frank Leverett: Pub. 25. of Michigan, summary of, A. C. Lane: Ann. Rept. 1907. of portions of Menominee, Dickinson, and Iron counties, I. C. Russell: Ann. Rept. 1906. of the north shores of lakes Huron and Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1904. of the Northern Peninsula of Michigan, Frank Leverett: Pub. 7, 25. of the Southern Peninsula of Michigan, Frank Leverett: Pub. 9, 25. Revision of Co-op. Map Mich. Dept. Agriculture, 1924: Pub. 49. Swan well (James) Grosse Isle: Ann. Rept. 1904; Pub. 12. Sylvania sandstone: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892; Vol. VII pts. 1 and 2; Ann. Rept. 1904, 1906; Pub. 2, 12, 38, 41, 42, 48 pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Tague, Glen C., The post-glacial geology of the Grand Marais embayment in Berrien County, Michigan: Pub. 45 pt. 1. Tahquamenon-Manistique drainage region of the Northern Peninsula, The Pleistocene history of the, S. G. Bergquist: Pub. 40 pt. 1. Tonquoimenon and Monistique drainage: Houghton, S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7. Tahquamenon River sandstones: Vol. I pt. 3; Pub. 7. Tantalum: P.R. 10. Tawas Point formation, W. M. Gregory: Ann. Rept. 1903. Tax Commission, Michigan, co-operation with: Pub. 17. See Pardee, F. G. Taylor, F. B.: Vol. VIII pts. 1 and 3, IX pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1903. Surface geology of Lapeer County, Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1901. Technical Reports: See Groundwater. 92 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Temperature of copper mines, A. C. Lane: Pub. 6. Transmission of Heat into Earth: Ann. Rept. 1903. Tennesseean system: See Index to Nomenclature. Terbium in Michigan: P.R. 10. Tertiary time in Michigan Basin: Pub. 48 pt. 2. Terwilliger, F. W., The glacial geology and groundwater resources of Van Buren County, Michigan: Pub. 48 pt. 1. Test borings for coal: Ann. Rept. 1905. Thallium in Michigan: P.R. 10. Theis, C. V. (See Stuart, W. T.) Theory of accumulation of oil and gas: Pub. 37. deposition of copper: Ann. Rept. 1903. Thompson, Crystal. (See also Ruthven, A. G.) The reptiles and amphibians of Monroe County: Pub. 20. The herpetology of Michigan, with A. G. Ruthven and Helen Thompson: Pub. 10. Thompson, Helen, The herpetology of Michigan, with A. G. Ruthven and Crystal Thompson: Pub. 10. Thorium in Michigan: P.R. 10. Thunder Bay limestone (Douglass, C.C.): Houghton, J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11; Vol. III, VII pt. 2. Series (Grabau): Ann. Rept. 1901; Pub. 21, 36. See Index to Nomenclature. shale, area: Houghton, H.D. 23, 1839; Pub. 5. Thysanoptera and orthoptera of the sand dune region, Saginaw Bay, A. F. Shull: Pub. 4. Tilting Great Lakes basin: Ann. Rept. 1907. Tin in Michigan: P.R. 10. Tinker, A. D., The birds of School Girl's Glen region, Ann Arbor, Michigan; A study in local ornithology: Pub. 1. Toleston beach of glacial Lake Chicago: Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 45 pt. 1. See Index to Nomenclature. Toll pit beds, Devonian: Pub. 2. Tolonen, F. J., Beneficiation of iron ore: P.R. 10. Topographic survey of Michigan, Act establishing: Ann. Rept. 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907. Under this act 77 quadrangles were completed in Michigan. initiation of: Ann. Rept. 1901, 1903, 1904. progress of: Pub. 17, 22. recommendations for: Pub. 17. uses of: Pub. 17. See Index Map of Quadrangles. Topography of Michigan: Houghton, H.D. 23, 1839; H.D. 23, Doc. 4, 1839; Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 7, 9, 25. preglacial: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 2. Transmission of heat into the earth, A. C. Lane: Ann. Rept. 1903. Trap, Trappean rocks: C.T.J.; F. and W. pts. 1 and 2. See also D. Houghton reports. Traverse formation, defined, Grabau: Ann. Rept. 1901. See Index to Nomenclature. Traverse group, limestone, series, time: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892; Vol. V pt. 2, VII pt. 1, VIII pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1901, 1905, 1908; Pub. 14, 21, 38, 48 pt. 2; P.R. 1, 2, 3, 4. Trempealeau formation: Pub. 38. See Index to Nomenclature. Trenary till plain: Pub. 40 pt. 1. Trent Outlet, Pleistocene: See Index to Nomenclature. Trenton and Black River rocks of Michigan, R. C. Hussey: Pub. 40 pt. 3. Trenton formation, group, limestone: J. Hall, F. and W.; Winchell; Vol. I pt. 3, V pt. 2, VII pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1904, 1906, 1908; Pub. 18, 21, 38, 40 pts. 1 and 3, 44, 46. See Index to Nomenclature. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 93 Tungsten in Michigan: P.R. 10. Tunnel, Detroit River, borings for: Pub. 12. Turtle Range, Geology of: Pub. 18. Tuscola County: Vol. VII pts. 2 and 3. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. artesian and underground water supply: Ann. Rept. 1908. clays and shales: Pub. 36. coal: Vol. VIII pt. 2. economic products of: Ann. Rept. 1908. marl: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. native vegetation of: Ann. Rept. 1908. oil and gas: Pub. 37; Misc. Pennsylvanian rocks of: Pub. 40 pt. 2. shales of: Pub. 40 pt. 2. soils: Ann. Rept. 1908. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Tuscola County, Report on the geology of, C. A. Davis: Ann. Rept. 1908. Tuttle, H. B., Metallurgical qualities of Lake Superior ores and cost of lake freights: Vol. II Appen. J. Two-Hearted River system: Pub. 40 pt. 1. Tymochtee shale, Grabau: Ann. Rept. 1908; Pub. 2, 38, 48 pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Type localities: See Index to Nomenclature and Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Tyre-Ubly outlet, glacial lakes: Vol. VII pt. 3. Ubly outlet, glacial lake: Vol. VII pt. 3; Pub. 25. See Index to Nomenclature. Ulsterian series: Pub. 48 pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Unconformity in Huronian: Pub. 18. Union Spring, Porcupine Mountain area: F. and W.; Ann. Rept. 1903. United States Department of Agriculture, co-operation with: Pub. 28. Geological Survey, co-operation with: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892; Ann. Rept. 1903, 1906, 1907; P.R. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16; T.R. 1, 2. See Oil and Gas Investigations and Topographic maps. Uplift, Continental, post-glacial warping: Vol. VII pt. 1, IX pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 5, 9, 12, 25, 30, 38, 43, 44, 45 pts. 1 and 2. Upper Grand Rapids: Ann. Rept. 1905. See Index to Nomenclature. Helderberg group: Winchell; Vol. V pt. 2, VII pt. 1. See Index to Nomenclature. "Limerocks": Houghton, S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7. Marshall: Vol. VII pt. 2, VIII pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Monroe: Vol. VII pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1904. See Index to Nomenclature. Ordovician or Cincinnatian: Pub. 23, 37, 38. sandstone: Houghton, H.D. 24, 1838. Silurian: J. Hall, F. and W. pt. 1; Winchell. See Index to Nomenclature. Upper Peninsula, Geology of copper district: Vol. I pt. 2, V pt. 1. iron regions: Vol. I, IV, V pt. 1. Paleozoic rocks: Vol. I pt. 3. See Guidebooks 1939, 1941, 1947, 1948, 1950. Upper Pentamerus: Vol. VII pt. 1. See Index to Nomenclature. Urbanization, effect of on water resources: Pub. 48 pt. 2. Utica shale: Vol. V pt. 2; Pub. 14, 38. See Index to Nomenclature. Valparaiso morainic system: Pub. 25, 30, 45, 48 pt. 1. See Index to Nomenclature. Vanadium in Michigan: P.R. 10. Van Buren, M. E., Letter of, re school land maps: J. D. 1846, No. 12. Van Buren County, The glacial geology and groundwater resources of. F. W. Terwilliger: Pub. 48 pt. 1. 94 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Van Buren County, agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Pub. 36. geology of: Pub. 48 pt. 1. lakes: Pub. 30. marl, cement: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 37, 38; Misc. Van Hise, C. R., on iron formation nomenclature: Ann. Rept. 1904. on origin of copper deposits: Pub. 19. Van Wert beach, Pleistocene: Vol. VII; Ann. Rept. 1907. Varved clays of Lake Michigan: Pub. 48 pt. 1. Vaughn, Victor, Analyses of water supplies by: Ann. Rept. 1903. Vegetation, buried: Vol. VII pt. 2, IX pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1908. native, of Tuscola County, annotated lists, C. A. Davis: Ann. Rept. 1908. of Crawford and Roscommon counties, Forestry Reserve, relations of soils to: Ann. Rept. 1903. of Isle Royale, notes on, W. P. Holt: Ann. Rept. 1908. original, of Northern Peninsula: Ann. Rept. 1906. Peat Report. swamp, of Southern Peninsula: Ann. Rept. 1906. Vermillion iron range, Minnesota: Vol. V pt. 1. Verne coal: Vol. VIII pts. 1 and 2. limestone: Pub. 40 pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Vieux Desert district, Geology of: Pub. 18. Voght, J. H., On origin of copper deposits: Pub. 19. Volcanic activity, Lake Superior district: F. and W. pts. 1 and 2. Volcanic group of Michigan rocks: Winchell. Vulcan formation: Pub. 3, 18. See Index to Nomenclature. Wabash arch: Pub. 38. Wadsworth, Marshman E., State Geologist 1888-1893. Report to Board: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Sketch of the geology of the iron and copper districts of Michigan: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. On the origin of fissure veins and copper deposits: Pub. 19. Walker, Bryant, Illustrated catalog of the Mollusca of Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1905. Mollusca of Isle Royale and the Porcupine Mountains: Ann. Rept. 1905. Walled Lake: Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 30. Walnut Lake, Biological survey of: Ann. Rept. 1907. Walsworth, K. G.: Michigan Oil and Gas Industry, General Information: Mimeograph. Warping, post-glacial, continental uplift: Vol. VII pt. 1, IX pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 5, 9, 12, 25, 30, 38, 43, 44, 45 pts. 1 and 2. Warren, glacial Lake: Vol. VII pt. 1, IX pt. 1; Pub. 9, 11, 25. See Index to Nomenclature. Warsaw limestone: Winchell. See Index to Nomenclature. Washtenaw County: Houghton, H.D. 24, 1838; Vol. VIII pt. 3; Ann. Rept. 1901, 1903, 1904. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. Birds of School Girl's Glen: Pub. 1. clays and shales: Pub. 36. lakes: Pub. 30. marl, cement: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14; Misc. Water, a mineral, analyses of: Ann. Rept. 1903; Pub. 42. See Groundwater. decline of, in wells of lower Huron River: Ann. Rept. 1904; Pub. 12. flooding in oil and gas fields: Pub. 14. INDEX OF PUBLICATIONS 95 glacial deposits: Pub. 48 pts. 1 and 2. in oil fields: Pub. 38. power: Ann. Rept. 1908. of Arenac County: Pub. 11. of Northern Peninsula: Pub. 7. of Southern Peninsula: Ann. Rept. 1903; Pub. 25. resources and supplies: Ann. Rept. 1901, 1904, 1906. Alcona County: Ann. Rept. 1903. Municipal: Pub. 48 pt. 2. of Arenac County: Ann. Rept. 1901; Pub. 11. of Bay County: Ann. Rept. 1902, 1905. Detroit River Region: Ann. Rep. 1904. Lower Huron River Region: Ann. Rept. 1904. of Oakland County: Pub. 48 pt. 2. Rockwood Region: Ann. Rept. 1904. Swan Creek Region: Ann. Rept. 1904. of Tuscola County: Ann. Rept. 1908. of Van Buren County: Pub. 48 pt. 1. of Wayne County: Ann. Rept. 1904; Pub. 12. Willow Exeter Region: Ann. Rept. 1904. Water resources, effect of urbanization on: Pub. 48 pt. 2. Ground, of Benton Harbor area: P.R. 12. glacial deposits in the Bessemer area: P.R. 14. Lansing area: P.R. 13. southeastern Oakland County: P.R. 16. legislation recommended: Pub. 17. of Lower Peninsula, W. F. Cooper: Ann. Rept. 1903. of Upper Peninsula, A. C. Lane: Ann. Rept. 1903. Wells and borings: See Borings deep, artesian wells, brine, coal, natural gas, oil, petroleum, logs of. Open file. Water, You Never Miss the, Jean L. Slaughter and J. M. Campbell: Misc. Waterfalls, list of. Misc. open file. Waterfalls and rapids of Black River, Gogebic County: Ann. Rept. 1906. Northern Peninsula: Vol. IV; Pub. 7. Waterlime group: Vol. VII pt. 1; Ann. Rept. 1906. Waters of copper mines: Pub. 6 vol. 2. Watertable, defined: Pub. 48 pt. 2. Wave cutting on west shore of Lake Huron: Ann. Rept. 1901. Waverly group, sandstone: Winchell; Vol. III, VII pt. 2; Pub. 12, 14, 15. See Index to Nomenclature. Wayne County: Winchell; Vol. VIII pt. 2; Pub. 12, 14, 15. agriculture, data detailed: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Vol. VIII pt. 1; Pub. 12, 36. glaciation of: Pub. 48 pt. 1. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14, 37, 38; Misc. quarries: Pub. 48 pt. 2. Report on, Bela Hubbard: Houghton, H.D. 23, Doe. 5, 1839. Report on geology of, W. H. Sherzer: Pub; 12. stratigraphy of: Pub. 12. See Reported Exposures of Paleozoic Formations. Wayne, Glacial Lake: Pub. 12. See Index to Nomenclature. Wells, borings for oil and gas: Vol. V; Ann. Rept. 1901, 1903, 1904, 1908; Pub. 14, 33, 35, 37, 38. failure of along Huron River: Ann. Rept. 1904. results of deep boring, R. A. Smith: Pub. 24. springs, logs, records of: Winchell; Vol. VII pts. 1, 2 and 3, VIII pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1901, 1903, 1904, 1908; Pub. 14, 24, 33, 35, 37, 38, 48; P.R. 1, 2, 3, 96 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 4, 12, 13. West Branch oil field, Ogemaw County, Geology of: P.R. 2. Wet lands of Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1905; Pub. 28. Wetmore outwash plain: Pub. 40 pt. 1. Wexford County, agriculture conditions, detailed data: Pub. 25. clays and shales: Vol. VIII pt. 1; Pub. 36. lakes: Pub. 30. marl, cement: Vol. VIII pt. 3. molding sands: Pub. 41. oil and gas: Pub. 14, 38; Misc. road materials: Open file. Whales, reported fossils of: Winchell; Pub. 40 pt. 1. White, A. E., J. T. Jones step process for metallization of low grade ores: Pub. 8. Pig iron industry in Michigan: Pub. 8. Whitefish Point, fishes of: Pub. 20. White Pine Copper: Pub. 19, 24. Whitney, J. D., Botany of Lake Superior District: F. and W. Geology of Lake Superior Land District: U.S. 31st Cong. 1st Sess., H.R. Ex. Doc. 69, 1850; U.S. 31st Cong. Spec. Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 4, 1851. Geology of Limestone Mountain: C.T.J. Geology of the Ontonagon Porcupine District: C.T.J. Whittlesey, Charles, Magnetic variations in Lake Superior District: F. and W. pt. 2. Observed fluctuations of the Great Lakes: F. and W. pt. 2. reference to: Vol. VII pt. 2. Whittlesey, glacial Lake: Vol. VII pt. 1, IX pt. 1; Pub. 9, 25. See Index to Nomenclature. Wier, K. L., and Kennedy, B. E., Geologic and magnetic data of the SholdeisDoane and Red Rock explorations, Iron County, Michigan: Open File report. Winchell, Alexander, State Geologist 1859-1863, 1869-1871. First biennial report of progress of the Geological Survey of Michigan, embracing observations on the geology, zoology and botany of the Lower Peninsula. References to and quoted: Vol. I pt. 1, VII pt. 2, VIII pt. 2; Pub. 40 pt. 2, 44. Winchell, N. H., List of Michigan plants: First Bien. Rept. 1861 (Winchell). Wind direction and dune formation: Pub. 45 pt. 2. Wisconsin, geologic section of eastern: Ann. Rept. 1903. Wisconsin glaciation: Ann. Rept. 1904, 1906; Pub. 7, 9, 12, 25, 45, 48. See Index to Nomenclature. Wolf Lake granite: Pub. 18. Wood, N. A., and others, Annotated list of birds of Isle Royale and the Porcupine Mountains: Ann. Rept. 1905. Birds, mammals of the sand dune region, Saginaw Bay: Pub. 4. Woodville sandstone: Winchell; Vol. III pt. 2, VIII pt. 2; Ann. Rept. 1908; Pub. 14, 40 pt. 2. See Index to Nomenclature. Wooster, John, reference to: Vol. VII pt. 2. Wright, Charles E., State Geologist 1885-1888. Deep borings, notes of, edited by A. C. Lane: Vol. V, VII pt. 2. Microscopic analyses of 78 Huronian rocks and ores: Vol. II Appen. C. on Keweenaw County copper (quoted): Pub. 19. Report of, 1885-1888: Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Wright, Fred E., Intrusive rocks of Mount Bohemia: Ann. Rept. 1908. Report on Porcupine Mountains: Ann. Rept. 1903. Wright, J. W., State Botanist 1837-1839. INDEX OF MAPS 97 Report of: Houghton, H.D. 23, Doc. 2, 1839. Includes catalog of plants found in Michigan. Wyandotte-Winona area, Houghton County, Dip needle survey of: P.R. 7. You Never Miss the Water, Jean L. Slaughter and J. M. Campbell: Misc. Yttrium in Michigan: P.R. 10. Zinc in Michigan: Vol. VII (sphalerite); P.R. 10. Zinn, Justin, Graphite deposits of the Taylor mine area: Open File report. The Adventure mining property: Open File report. Zirconium in Michigan: P.R. 10. Zoological collections: Winchell. Zoologist, State, Dr. A. Sager, Report of: Hounghton, H.D. 23, Doc. 1, 1839; Winchell. Dr. Manley Miles, Report of, Catalog of fauna: Winchell. Zoology of Michigan, Miscellaneous papers on: Pub. 20. See Faunal lists. Index of MAPS IN MICHIGAN GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PUBLICATIONS Undated open file maps of Northern Peninsula areas are mainly of historic interest, dating from 1873 forward. See also Land Economic Survey, Topographic Map Index, and the Guidebooks. Adventure Mine area, Ontonagon County: Open file, 1942. Aerial photograph showing gold prospects, Marquette County: Open file. Alabaster area: Vol. IX pt. 2, 1904. Alcona County, physiography: Ann. Rept. 1901. soil: Ann. Rept. 1901. Alger County, surface formations: Land Economic Survey, 1923. Open file; Pub. 40 pt. 1, 1936. Allegan County: 8 maps-areal geology, surface geology, structure contours on Traverse limestone, pre-glacial topography, thickness of Traverse and Dundee, 3 oil fields, 4 cross sections: P.R. 4, 1938. Marl deposits: Open file. Allouez Gap area: Vol. VI pt. 2, 1893; Open file. Alpena County: Geology, Land Economic Survey 1924; Open file. limestone land north of Alpena: Open file. Rockport quarry, limestone and test hole locations: Open file. Alpha District, Iron County: Open file. Altitude map of Northern Peninsula: Pub. 25, 1917, Symbols; Open file. Southern Peninsula: Pub. 25, Symbols, 1917. topographic, Southern Peninsula: Open file, 1937; Contour, 1955. Amasa area, Iron County: Open file. Anticlines of Michigan Basin: Pub. 8, 1912; 14, 1914; 37, 1928; 38, 1933. Antrim County: Lake Survey, Soils, Land Economic Survey 1923; Open file. Surface geology. Ms. 1944; Open file. Antrim formation, thickness: Pub. 38, 1933. Arenac County; areal geology of: P.R. 3, 1937. artesian well areas, former shore lines, and soils: Pub. 11, 1912. Paleozoic formations: Pub. 11, 1912. structural map on Berea sandstone and Dundee formation: P.R. 3, 1937. surface geology: P.R. 3, 1937. Artesian well areas, Bay County: Ann. Rept. 1905. Atlas of maps to accompany Vol. I, 1873. 1. Geological map Upper Peninsula, T. B. Brooks, R. Pumpelly, and C. Rominger. 98 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 2. Geographic map of the central portion of the Upper Peninsula for explorers and landowners, T. B. Brooks. 3. Marquette Iron Region, T. B. Brooks. 4. Menominee Iron Region, T. B. Brooks. 5. Iron mines at Negaunee, T. B. Brooks and C. D. Lawton. 6. Republic Mountain and vicinity, T. B. Brooks. 7. Champion Mine, T. B. Brooks. 8. Washington and Edwards Mines, T. B. Brooks. 9. Lake Superior Mine, T. B. Brooks. 10. New York Mine, T. B. Brooks. 11. Magneto-Geologic Chart, Republic Mountain, T. B. Brooks. 12. Statistics Iron Ore Trade, 1854-1873, T. B. Brooks. 13. Furnaces consuming Lake Superior ores; Production of Pig Iron; Metallurgical and Chemical character of ores, T. B. Brooks. 14a, b. Cross sections Portage Lake District, R. Pumpelly. 15-18. Cross sections of south shore of Portage Lake, R. Pumpelly. 19. Cross section between Houghton and Keweenaw counties, R. Pumpelly, A. R. Marvine, and S. B. Ladd. 20-22. Cross section, Eagle River District. 23. Geological section, Central Mine. Baraga County, culture, geology, topography: Open file. Geology, Lake Michigamme area (and Marquette County area): 1947. Huron Bay vicinity: Open file. 12 township maps, geologic maps: Open file. 29 township maps showing geology and magnetics: Open file. Barnum and Lake Superior mines: Vol. I Atlas, 1873. Bay County, artesian well areas, surface geology, topographic: Ann. Rept. 1903, 1905. Bayfield chart, Lake St. Clair, copy of: Vol. IX pt. 1, 1903. Beacon Hill area: P.R. 10, 1944; 11, 1945. Bedrock contours: (Coal Basin Southern Peninsula) Vol. VIII pt. 2, 1900; Progress map No. 3585. Open file. Benton Harbor area, water resources: P.R. 12, 3 maps, 1945. Benzie County: Aerial photographic map; Pub. 45 pt. 2, 1948. surface formations. Ms. 1945. Open file. Berea-Bedford formation thickness map: Pub. 3, 1910. Berrien County, Grand Marais Embayment, dunes: Pub. 45 pt. 1, 1948. Bessemer area, Gogebic County, geological, glacial: Ann. Rept. 1906; P.R. 14, 1951. Bessemer-Black River Road, Gogebic County, contoured: Ann. Rept. 1906. Bohemia Conglomerate, Keweenaw County, union of 3 conglomerates: Open file. Boundary retracement, Ohio-Michigan, 9 maps, historical: Pub. 22, 1916. Calhoun County, marl deposits: Open file. Jackson Coal Company lands: Open file. Calumet Conglomerate Lode: Pub. 8, 1912. near Calumet: Open file. Cement plants, location: Pub. 8, 1912. Centennial geological map of Michigan: Pub. 39, 1937. Central portion of Upper Peninsula: Vol. I Atlas, 1873. Champion Mine: Vol. I Atlas, 1873. Charlevoix County, Ellsworth shale area: Open file. glacial geology: Land Economic Survey, 1923. Open file. limestone area: Open file. limestone industry: Open file. surface formations. Ms. 1944. Open file. topography of county adjacent to limestone area: Open file. Cheboygan County, Afton, Marvin, quarry areas: Open file. INDEX OF MAPS 99 glacial geology: Ms. 1942. Open file. limestone lands: Open file. shale areas: Open file. Chenal about Rond St. Clair Flats: Vol. IX pt. 1, 1903. Cherokee area, Ontonagon County: P.R. 7, 1941. Chippewa County: Geology, areal, glacial. Land Economic Survey 1925. Open file. Clay and shale areas: Pub. 36, 1926. Clayton structure, Arenac County: P.R. 3, 1937. Climatological: Pub. 7, 1911; 25, 1917. Coal, Bay County: Ann. Rept. 1905. Coal Basin: Vol. VIII pt. 2, 1900; Pub. 8, 1912. Tuscola County: Ann. Rept. 1908. Colby-Palms area, topographic map of: Open file. Copper. See Houghton, Keweenaw, Ontonagon counties, C. T. Jackson, and Foster and Whitney. Copper Mines, Detailed map of recently active: Open file, 1949. Copper Range in Houghton County: Pub. 6, 1911; Open file. Keweenaw County, copper lodes, faults: Pub. 6, 1911; Open file. regions, geology: Vol. V pt. 1, 1895; Pub. 8, 1912; 19, 1915. Calumet Conglomerate: Pub. 8, 1912; Open file. Kearsarge amygdaloid lode: Pub. 8, 1912. Osceola amygdaloid lode: Pub. 8, 1912. Porcupine Mountain area: Ann. Rept. 1909; Pub. 24, 1917. White Pine mine to Lake Superior: Pub. 24, 1917. Stratigraphic section in vicinity of: Open file, 1953. Crawford County, soils, vegetation, surface geology: Ann. Rept. 1903; Land Economic Survey; Open file, 1927. Crystal Falls district, Iron County, magnetics: Open file. Crystal oil field, structure: P.R. 1, 1936. Delta County, geology and magnetics: Open file. geology on base map: Pub. 5, 1911; Open file. magnetics, township, six maps: Open file. Delta, St. Clair River, Lake St. Clair: Vol. IX pt. 1, 1903. Detroit River and Salina salt basins: Pub. 38, 1933. series and isopach: Pub. 38, 1933; 44, 1945. See U.S.G.S. Co-op. Oil and Gas Investigations. Dickinson County, geology and magnetics, 92 township maps: Open file. and underground workings in Menominee District. Open file. Felch Mountain district: Open file, 1949. Felch Mountain Range: Open file, 1949. Geology and magnetic anomalies of T 42 N, R 30 W: Open file, 1951. Green-Cyclops area: P.R. 9, 1942. Loretto, southwest of area: P.R. 9, 1942. Magnetics, 30 section maps: Open file. Menominee district, with L. P. Barrett final interpretation: Open file. Menominee Range, 8 maps: Open file. Norway Lake area, pre-Cambrian geology of: Open file, 1953. Pre-Cambrian formations: P.R. 5, 1939; 6, 1941; 8, 1942. Quinnesec area: Open file. Randville district: Open file, 1946. Sturgeon quartzite area: Open file. Surface geology: Ann. Rept. 1906. Dip needle surveys in Houghton and Ontonagon Counties: P.R. 7, 1941. Dore oil field, Allegan County: P.R. 4, 1938. Drift, glacial, isopach: Open file progress map, No. 3528. Dundee formation thickness map: Pub. 38, 1933. Eagle River district, Keweenaw County: Vol. I, 1873. 100 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY valley, Keweenaw County: Open file. Emmet County, surface formations, glacial: Ms. 1941; Open file. Farm land, average value 1910: Pub. 25, 1917. per cent area in 1910: Pub. 25, 1917. Felch Mountain district: Open file. Range: Open file, 1949. Flowing well district, Northern Peninsula: Pub. 25, 1917. Foster and Whitney maps, 1850: U.S. 31st Cong. 1st Sess., H.R. Ex. Doc. 69. 1. Facsimile of Jesuit missionary map, Lac Tracey or Sup6rieur, 1670-1671. 2. Geologic map of Isle Royale. 3. Geologic map of Keweenaw Point. 4. Geologic map of District between Portage Lake and the Montreal River. 5. Geologic map of Lake Superior Land District. 6. Geologic map of District between Keweenaw Bay and Chocolate River. 7. Section and diagram illustrating the geology between the north shores of lakes Superior and Michigan. Geologic of state of Michigan, Allen, R. C., Smith, R. A, and Barrett, L. P.: Pub. 23, 1917. Lane, A. C.: Vol. VIII, 1900; Ann. Rept. 1901, 1903, 1904. Leverett, F., Glacial geology: Pub. 7, 1911; 9, 1912; 25, 1917. Revision 1924. Southern Peninsula: Co-op. Michigan Department of Agriculture. Martin, H. M. (compiled): Pub. 39, 1937. Surface formations (glacial) of the Southern Peninsula: Pub. 49, 1955. Rominger, C.: Vol. III, 1876. Winchell, A.: Published in Walling's Atlas of Michigan, 1873. Glacial drift, isopach: Open file. Glacial geology, surface. Ms. maps of F. Leverett and others on county base. Open file. Gogebic County, Bessemer area: Ann. Rept. 1906; P.R. 14, 1951. Bessemer-Black River Road: Ann. Rept. 1906; Open file. East end of Gogebic Range: Open file. geologic and magnetic surveys, 55 maps: Open file. geology: P.R. 14, 1951; Open file. Gogebic County and magnetics south of Gogebic Range in Wisconsin: Open file. magnetic contours: Open file. magnetic surveys, 23 maps: Open file. mineral regions of Gogebic and Ontonagon counties: Open file. Sunday Lake area, topographic map: Open file. Surface geology, Bessemer area: P.R. 14, 1951. Topographic map, Colby-Palms area: Open file. southwest of Lake Gogebic: Open file. Wakefield to Lake Gogebic: Open file. Gogebic iron range: Pub. 18, 1915; Open file. Grand Ledge and vicinity, areal geology: Pub. 40 pt. 2, 1936. Grand Marais embayment, Berrien County: Pub. 45 pt. 1, 1948. Grand Rapids area, surface: Vol. IX pt. 2, 1904. Grand River formations, outcrop area: Pub. 40 pt. 2, 1936. Grand Traverse County, surface formations, glacial: Ms. 1946; Open file. Green-Cyclops area, Dickinson County: P.R. 9, 1942. Groundwater conditions at the Cayia Mine near Crystal Falls, Iron County: Open file, 1953. Groundwater Resources, Arenac County: Pub. 11, 1912. Bay County: Ann. Rept. 1903, 1905. Benton Harbor area: P.R. 12, 1945. Bessemer area: P.R. 14, 1951. Flowing wells, Northern Peninsula: Pub. 25, 1917. Lansing-East Lansing area: P.R. 13, 1945. INDEX OF MAPS 101 Monroe County: Vol. VII pt. 1, 1900. Oakland County: Pub. 48 pt. 2, 1955. Southeastern: P.R. 16, 1954. of Holland area, Ottawa County: Open file, 1953. Gwinn District, Marquette County: Pub. 8, 1912; 18, 1915; Open file. Gypsum area: Vol. IX pt. 2, 1903. localities: Pub. 8, 1912. Houghton County, Allouez Gap: Open file. Calumet Conglomerate lode near Calumet: Open file. Copper mines, detailed maps of recently active: Open file, 1949. Copper Range south of Houghton, magnetics: Open file. 11 Mile Lake to Portage Lake: Open file. T.54N., R.34W.: Vol. VII pt. 2, 1900. Geology of, 3 maps: Open file. Geologic and magnetic surveys, 9 townships, 78 sections: Open file. Kearsarge lode and shafts: Open file. Location of flows, faults, conglomerates; Field work, 1927-1930. Open file. Magnetics, one township, parts of county, and Copper Country south of Houghton: Open file. Osceola amygdaloid near Calumet, shafts: Open file. Portage Lake area, conglomerate beds: Vol. VI pt. 2, 1899. Quincy Fault Zone and Vicinity, magnetics: Open file. Soil type in part of county: Open file. Toivola-Challenge area, dip needle: Open file. Wyandotte-Winona area, dip needle survey of: P.R. 7, 1941. See C. T. Jackson, Foster and Whitney. Howell structure, Livingston County: Pub. 38, 1933; Open file, oil and gas. Huron County, bedrock geology, surface geology: Vol. VII pt. 2, 1900. Industries, locations of: Pub. 24, 1917; 27, 1918; 29, 1920; 37, 1928; Misc.; Mineral Industries. Inland lakes, many maps of: Pub. 30, 1921. Iron-bearing rocks: Vol. I and Atlas of 10 maps, 1873. Iron County, Alpha district: Open file. Amasa area: Open file. Areal and surface geology: Land Economic Survey; Open file, 1930. Crystal Falls, Cayia Mine near, groundwater conditions: Open file, 1953. Crystal Falls District, magnetics: Open file. Geology and magnetics, 126 maps of townships, fractional: Open file. Geology, 39 maps of townships: Open file. east Iron and western Dickinson County: Open file. of Iron County: Open file. Iron River district, geology and contours: Pub. 3, 1910; Open file. geology, mines, drill holes: Open file. Michigamme Mountain: Open file. surface geology: Ann. Rept. 1906. Sholdeis-Doane and Red Rock explorations, magnetics: Open file, 1951. Iron Regions, bedrock, water levels, glacial deposits: T.R. 2, 1948. Gogebic Range: Pub. 18, 1915. east end of: Open file. Gwinn District, Marquette County: Pub. 8, 1912; 18, 1915; Open file. Iron belt, Norway to Waucedah: P.R. 8, 1942. "Iron Hills", 1844 discovery map, Win. Ives: Vol. I, 1873. Iron River District, geology: Pub. 3, 1910. See Iron County. glacial deposits: T.R. 2, 1948. surface rock contours: T.R. 2, 1948; Open file. water level contours: T.R. 2, 1948. Jackson Mine: Vol. I, 1873. 102 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Magneto-geologic chart of Republic Mountain, Marquette County: Vol. I pt. 1, 1873. Marquette iron area: Vol. I pt. 1, 1873; IV, 1881; T.R. 3, 1954. Menominee Range: Vol. I pt. 1, 1873; Pub. 8, 1912; 18, 1915. Michigamme Lake area: P.R. 10, 1944; Open file. Mines at Negaunee (includes Jackson Mine): Vol. I, 1873. Norway Lake area, The Cambrian geology of: Open File, 1953. See Dickinson, Gogebic, Iron, Marquette, Menominee counties. Iron River district, Iron County, geology and contours: Pub. 3, 1910; Open file. geology, mines, drill holes: Open file. Groundwater problems, glacial map: T.R. 2, 1948. Ishpeming-Negaunee area, Marquette County: Open file. Isle Royale: C.T.J.; F. and W.; Vol. VI; Ann. Rept. 1908; Pub. 6. Jackson, C. T., Report, Maps: Ex. Doc. No. 5, U.S. 31st Cong., 1st Sess., 1849. East Sectional view, Copper Falls Mine. Geological map of Keweenaw Point, Lake Superior. Geological map of Isle Royale, Lake Superior. Plan of the underground work of the Lac la Belle mines, S. W. Hill. Underground work of the Northwest mines, S. W. Hill. Topographical and underground plan of the Cliff Mine, S. W. Hill. *Geologic map Isle Royale, Lake Superior, F. and W. *Geologic map Keweenaw Point, Lake Superior, F. and W. *Geologic map District between Keweenaw Bay and Chocolate River, F. and W. *Geologic map District between Portage Lake and Montreal River, F. and W. Geologic map Township in Northern Peninsula subdivided by D. Houghton, 1845. Geologic map District of township lines in Northern Peninsula surveyed by Wm. Burt, 1846. Geologic map Township lines of Northern Peninsula surveyed by Wm. Burt, 1845 for D. Houghton. Geologic map of a district East and West of the Ontonagon, subdivided by Messrs. Higgins and Hubbard. Geologic map of a district subdivided by Messrs. Hubbard and Ives, 1846. Jackson Mine: Vol. I, 1873. Kalkaska County, geology, surface geology: Land Economic Survey 1927; Open file. glacial (surface) geology: Ms. 1946; Open file. Kearsarge lode, Keweenaw County, mine shafts: Open file. Kent County, drains: Pub. 28, 1919. topographic map: Ann. Rept. 1901. Keweenaw Bay and Chocolate River: F. and W. Keweenaw copper range: Pub. 6, 1911. Keweenaw County, Allouez Gap, Bare Hill, End of Pointe, Fish Cove Knob: Vol. VI pt. 2..Bohemia Conglomerate, union of 3 conglomerates: Open file. Copper Mines, detailed map of recently active: Open file, 1949. Copper Range, lodes, faults: Pub. 6, 1911; Open file. producing ores, copper: Pub. 19, 1915. Eagle River district: Vol. I, 1873. Eagle River Valley: Open file. Geologic map of: Vol. I pt. 2, 1873. See C. T. Jackson and Foster and Whitney maps. Lake Huron, currents in: Vol. IX, 1903. Geologic reconnaissance along north shore of: Ann. Rept. 1904. Lake Michigan, currents in: Pub. 45, 1948. *Also published in the Foster and Whitney 1850 U.S. 31st Cong., 1st Sess., Ex. Doc. 69. INDEX OF MAPS 103 Geological reconnaissance along north shore of: Ann. Rept. 1904. Lake St. Clair, Bayfield chart of: Vol. IX pt. 1, 1903. shore lines 1873, 1900: Vol. IX pt. 1, 1903. Lake Superior and Barnum mines: Vol. I Atlas, 1873. Lakes, glacial Great Lakes, stages: Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 40 pt. 1, 1936. Lansing and East Lansing area, water analysis, distribution of pumpage: P.R. 13, 1945. location of wells: P.R. 13, 1945. piezometric surface in Pennsylvanian sandstones: P.R. 13, 1945. Lansing, Greater, water analysis: P.R. 13, 1945. piezometric surface: P.R. 13, 1945. Lapeer County, surface geology: Ann. Rept. 1901, 1907. Lenawee, Branch, Cass, St. Joseph, Hillsdale: Ann. Rept. 1903. Leelanau County, glacial (surface) geology: Ms. 1946. Open file. Les Cheneaux Islands: Ann. Rept. 1904. Limestone, areas of outcrop: Pub. 21, 1916. Loretto, Dickinson County, geology: P.R. 9, 1942. Lower Peninsula, bog lime: Vol. VIII pt. 3, 1900. coal basin contours: Vol. VIII pt. 2, 1900. geology: C. Rominger Vol. III, 1876; A. C. Lane Vol. V pt. 2, 1895. gypsum: Vol. IX pt. 2, 1903. Luce County, surface formations: Land Economic Survey 1929. Open file; Pub. 40 pt. 1, 1936. Mackinac Island: Pub. 43, 1945. Mackinac Straits area: Pub. 44, 1945. Magnetics. See Baraga, Delta, Dickinson, Gogebic, Houghton, Iron, Marquette, Menominee, and Ontonagon counties: Open file. Marl deposits: Pub. 24, 1917; Open file for Allegan, Calhoun, Clinton, Eaton, Hillsdale, Isabella (Coldwater Lake), Livingston, Newaygo, Oceana counties. Marquette County, area bedrock, surface geology, water level contour: T.R. 3, 1954; Open file. aerial photos, gold prospects: Open file. Beacon Hill area: P.R. 11, 1945. geology, mines: Vol. I pt. 1, 1873; IV, 1881; P.R. 10, 1944; Open file. geology and magnetics, 63 township plat maps: Open file. Gwinn district: Pub. 8, 1912; 18, 1915; Open file. Ishpeming Gold Range: Open file, 1948. Ishpeming-Negaunee area: Open file. Lake Michigamme: P.R. 11, 1945. Lake Michigamme area (Baraga County): Open file, 1947. Magnetics, 2 township plat maps: Open file. Marquette, Negaunee, Ishpeming, environs of: Vol. I Atlas, 1873; IV, 1881. Marquette Range, geology and 9 other maps: Open file. Michigamme Lake Area: P.R. 10 (6 maps), 1944. New York Mine: Vol. I pt. 1, 1873. North Lake area: Open file. Pegmatite Knob: P.R. 10, 1944. Peshekee River area: P.R. 11, 1945. Presque Isle, geology contour: Open file. Republic area: P.R. 10, 1944. Ropes Gold Mine, areal geology: Open file. Spruce River area: P.R. 11, 1945. Marquette iron region: Vol. I and Atlas, 1873; IV, 1881; VI, 1899. Menominee County, drumlin area, contours: Open file. geology: Land Economic Survey 1925. Open file. geology and magnetics, 50 maps on township base: Open file. 104 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY magnetics, 11 maps on township base. Open file. surface geology: Ann. Rept. 1906; Land Economic Survey 1925. Open file. Menominee iron region: Vol. I pt. 1, 1873; Pub. 5, 1911; 8, 1912; 18, 1915; P.R. 5, 1939; 6, 1941; 8, 1942; 9, 1942. Menominee Range: P.R. 5, 1939; 6, 1941; 8, 1942; 9, 1942. Michigamme Lake area, geology: P.R. 10 (6 maps), 1944; 11, 1945. Michigamme Mountain, Iron County: Open file. Michigan series, area of (A. C. Lane): Vol. IX pt. 2, 1903. Michigan, State of, geologic map, R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith and L. P. Barrett: Pub. 23, 1916. D. Houghton. See Map 1. A. C. Lane: Vol. VIII pt. 2 bedrock contours; Ann. Rept. 1901, 1903, 1904, 1906. H. M. Martin, Centennial geologic map: Pub. 39, 1937. C. Rominger: Vol. III, 1876. A. Winchell: Walling's Atlas of Michigan, 1873. Also ms. map on cloth in vault of Michigan State Library. surface geology, A. C. Lane: Ann. Rept. 1907. F. Leverett: Pub. 7, 1911; 9, 1912; 25, 1917. H. M. Martin: Pub. 49, 1955. Mineral resources and industries, locations of producing areas and plants: Pub. 8, 1912; 24, 1917; 27, 1918; 29, 1920; 37, 1928. Mines, iron, copper: See Vol. I, 1873; IV, 1881. Mining regions of Gogebic and Ontonagon counties: Open file. Monroe County, bedrock geology, surface geology, thickness of drift, oil, gas, and artesian areas: Vol. VII pt. 1 (2 maps), 1900. Monroe-Salina group, thickness:: Pub. 38, 1933. Montmorency County, surface and hardrock formations: Land Economic Survey 1930. Open file. Mount Bohemia, intrusive rocks of: Ann. Rept. 1908. Negaunee, Ishpeming, Marquette County, environs of: Vol. IV, 1881. New York Mine: Vol. I Atlas, 1873. North Lake district, Marquette County: Open file. Northern (Upper) Peninsula, altitude: Pub. 25, 1917; Open file. central area of: Vol. I pt. 1, 1873. clay and shale areas: Pub. 36, 1926. Geological reconnaissance along north shore of lakes Huron and Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1904. Original vegetation: Ann. Rept. 1906. physiographic provinces: Pub. 30, 1921. sand areas: Pub. 41, 1936. surface geology: Ann. Rept. 1904, 1907; Pub. 7, 1911; 25, 1917. surface geology, large scale edition, 1911: See Michigan, State of. Pub. 7, 1911. Norway Lake area, Dickinson County, Pre-Cambrian geology of: Open file, 1953. Oakland County, drainage, gaging stations: P.R. 11, 1945. geologic and bedrock contours: Pub. 48, 1955. surficial geology and drift thickness: Pub. 48, 1955. water table and artesian pressure contours: Pub. 48, 1955. Ogemaw County, 3 maps, geology, structure, surface: Land Economic Survey 1936-1937. Open file. P.R. 2, 1937. Oil and gas fields and structures, central Michigan: Pub. 38, 1933. Clayton structure: P.R. 3, 1937. Crystal oil field: P.R. 1,{ 1936. Deerfield anticline: Pub. 37, 1928. Dore oil field: P.R. 4, 1938. Dundee structure: Pub. 37, 1928. Howell structure: Pub. 38, 1933. INDEX OF MAPS 105 Monterey field: P.R. 3, 1937. Mount Pleasant field: Pub. 38, 1933. Muskegon field: Pub. 37, 1928; 38, 1933. Ogemaw County: P.R. 2, 1937. oil and gas, blue line maps: Open file. Port Huron field: Pub. 19, 1915. Saginaw field: Pub. 14, 1914; 37, 1928. West Branch oil field: P.R. 2, 1937. wildcat wells: Pub. 37, 1928; Open file; blue line prints. Oil and gas maps, Open file, from 1933 forward. See appended list. Ontonagon County: Open file. Adventure mine area: Open file, 1942. Algoma, North Lake, Indiana and Bohemia mine property: Open file. Copper range, contours, 4 maps: Open file. Firesteel area, dip needle survey: Open file. geology and magnetics, 43 maps on township base: Open file. Porcupine Mountain area contours: Open file. base maps of, from courthouse plats at Ontonagon: Open file. Union Bay and vicinity, includes Porcupines, topography: Open file. "White Pine Mine, Stratigraphic section in vicinity of: Open file, 1953. Osceola amygdaloid, near Calumet, Houghton County, shafts: Open file. Paleozoic formations of Michigan, map of, with location of limestone quarries: Pub. 14, 1914; 21, 1916. formations: Vol. III, 1876; Ann. Rept. 1905; Pub. 9, 1912; 21, 1916. See Michigan, State of. Peat. See Vegetation. Pegmatite Knob, Republic: P.R. 10, 1944. Pennsylvanian formation: Pub. 38, 1933; 40 pt. 2, 1936. Peshekee River area: P.R. 11, 1945. Pleistocene maps: Ann. Rept. 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907; Pub. 7, 1911; 9, 1912; 25, 1917; 36, 1926; 38, 1933; 40 pt. 1, 1936; 48, 1955; 49, 1955. Ms. map of counties: F. Leverett and others. Open file. Ms. of on U.S.G.S. Topographic maps. F. Leverett and others. Open file. Porcupine Mountains and vicinity: F. and W.; Ann. Rept. 1905, 1908; Pub. 24, 1917; Open file. Portage Lake area, Houghton County, conglomerate beds: Vol. VI pt. 2, 1899. Portage Lake district, Houghton County: Open file. Pre-Cambrian formations of Dickinson County: P.R. 6, 1941. Menominee range: P.R. 5, 1939; 8, 1942. Pre-Pleistocene geomorphology, Saginaw Lowland: Open file, 1954. Presque Isle County, limestone areas: Open file. Sunken Lake: Open file. surface geology: Ms. 1941. Open file. Presque Isle, Marquette County, geology contour: Open file. Producing lodes, copper, from Atlanta to Challenge: Open file. La Salle to Atlanta: Open file. Quincy Fault zone and vicinity, magnetics, Houghton County: Open file. Quinnesec area, Dickinson County: Open file; P.R. 9, 1942. Randville district, geological map: Open file, 1946. Republic Mountain and vicinity: Vol. I Atlas, 1873. Rockport quarry, Alpena County, limestone and test hole locations: Open file. Ropes gold mine area: Open file. Roscommon County, soils, vegetation, surface geology: Ann. Rept. 1903; Land Economic Survey 1924. Open file. Saginaw formations, outcrop areas: Pub. 40 pt. 2, 1936. Saginaw Lowland, pre-Pleistocene geomorphology of: Open file, 1954. St. Clair County drains: Pub. 28, 1919. St. Clair fiats: Vol. IX pt. 1, 1903. 106 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Salina salt beds, thickness: Pub. 44, 1945. Salt basins, Detroit River, Salina: Pub. 38, 1933. Salt deposits: Pub. 8, 1912. Sand area of Michigan: Pub. 41, 1936. Sanilac County, geology: Vol. VII pt. 3, 1900. Schoolcraft County, surface formations, geology: Land Economic Survey 1932. Open file. Pub. 40 pt. 1, 1936. Sholdeis-Doane and Red Rock explorations: Open file, 1951. Soils and forest types of the Michigan Forestry Reserve: Ann. Rept. 1903. Southeastern Oakland County, altitudes and trends of lakes: P.R. 16, 1954. areal geology: P.R. 16, 1954. Pontiac, location of wells, of borings: P.R. 16, 1954. surface geology: P.R. 16, 1954. well locations: P.R. 16, 1954. Southern (Lower) Peninsula, altitude: Pub. 25, 1917. clay and shale areas: Pub. 36, 1926. contours of rock surface: Vol. VII pts. 1 and 2, 1900; Ann. Rept. 1907; Ms. progress map. Open file. geology: Vol. III, 1876; Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 15, 1914; 37, 1928; 88, 1933; 39, 1937; 49, 1955. original swamp areas: Ann. Rept. 1906. Pennsylvanian rocks: Pub. 40 pt. 2, 1936. physiographic provinces: Pub. 30, 1921. salt deposits: Pub. 8, 1912. surface geology: Ann. Rept. 1907; Pub. 7, 1911; 9, 1912; 25, 1917; 49, 1955. surface geology, revised edition: Co-op. Michigan Department of Agriculture, 1924. topographic. Ms. 1955. Open file. Also overprint Pub. 49, 1955. Spruce River and Peshekee River areas: P.R. 11, 1945. Sturgeon quartzite area, Dickinson County: Open file. Sunday Lake area, Gogebic County, topographic map: Open file. Surface geology. See Pleistocene. Swamp areas, Original of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1906. Tahquamenon-Manistique drainage region, surface geology: Pub. 40 pt. 1, 1936. Thickness map of Michigan formations: Pub. 38, 1933. Toivola-Challenge area, Houghton County, dip needle: 1937. Open file. Topographic maps. See Map Index of Quadrangles. Manuscript topographic map 100-foot contour interval of Southern Peninsula. Open file. Note: Topographic maps of Berrien, Branch, Calhoun, Cass, Eaton, Genesee, Hillsdale, Ingham, Jackson, Lenawee, Livingston, Monroe, Oakland, St. Joseph, Washtenaw, and Wayne counties were made by State Topographer Sylvester Higgins, Douglass Houghton, State Geologist 1838-1840. The maps of Calhoun, Jackson, Lenawee, and Washtenaw counties are reproduced in Geological Reports of Douglass Houghton, Michigan Historical Commission, 1928. Traverse formation, subsurface structure of: Pub. 38, 1933. Tuscola County, geology, topography, soils: Ann. Rept. 1903, 1908. Upper Peninsula. See Northern Peninsula. Van Buren County, drainage areas: Pub. 48, 1955. glacial history, map sequence of glacial retreat: Pub. 48, 1955. Vegetation, Original, of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan: Ann. Rept. 1906. Walnut Lake (Oakland County), surface geology: Ann. Rept. 1907. Washington and Edwards mines: Vol. I Atlas, 1873. Wayne County, bedrock geology, surface geology, wells: Pub. 12, 1913. White Pine mine to Lake Superior, geology: Pub. 24, 1917. Stratigraphic section in vicinity of: Open file, 1953. INDEX OF MAPS 107 Wyandotte-Winona area, Houghton County, Dip needle survey of: P.R. 7, 1941. References: For geologic maps of Michigan not published by Michigan Geological Survey or Department of Conservation, consult: Bibliography of the Printed Maps of Michigan, 1804-1880, Louis C. Karpinski. Michigan Historical Collections. Index to Geologic Mapping in the United States, State of Michigan. Compiled by Leona Boardman, 1953. OIL AND GAS MAPS Allegan County: 3502 Allegan County. 3604 Casco Township, T.1N., R.16W. 3525 Dorr Township, T.4N., R.12W. 3596 Fillmore Township, T.4N., R.15W. 3556 Heath Township, T.3N., R.14W. 3573 Hopkins Township, T.3N., R.12W. 3639 Lee Township, T.1N., R.15W. 3526 Monterey Township, T.3N., R.13W. 3531 Overisel Township, T.4N., R.14W. 3501 Salem Township, T.4N., R.13W. 3562 Trowbridge Township, T.1N., R.13W. 3650 Wayland Township, T.3N., R.11W. Arenac County: 3495 Arenac County. 3558 Adams Township, T.19N., R.3E. 3500 Clayton Township, T.20N., R.4E. 3580 Deep River Township, T.19N., R.4E. Barry County: 3551 Barry County. 3634 Freeport Field, T.4-5N., R.8-9W. 3633 Hope Township, T.2N., R.9W. Bay County: 3560 Bay County. 3626 Bangor-Bay City Field, T.14N., R.5E. 3637 Gibson Township, T.18N., R.3E. 3597 Hampton Township, T.14N., R.6E. 3567 Kawkawlin-Monitor Field, T.14N., R.4E. 3620 Mt. Forest Township, T.17N., R.3E. 3622 Pinconning Field, T.17N., R.4E. Berrien County: 3621 Berrien County. Clare County: 3496 Clare County. 3645 Cranberry Lake Gas Field, T.20-21N., R.5-6W. 3655 Cranberry Lake Oil Field, T.20-21N., R.5-6W. 3532 Freeman Township, T.18N., R.6W. 3559 Hamilton Township, T.19N., R.3W. 3681 Lake George Field, T.18-19N., R.5-6W. 3646 Marion Gas Field, T.19-20N., R.6-7W. 3539 Redding Township, T.19N., R.6W. 3666 Skeels Lake Oil Field, T.20N., R.2-3W. 3569 Winterfield Township, T.20N., R.6W. 108 1INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Crawford County: 8623 Crawford County. 8624 Beaver Creek Township, T.-25N., 11.4-5W. Gladwin County: 3440 Gladwin County. 8444A Beaverton Township, T.17N., 11.2W. 3518 Bentley Township, T.17N., R..2E. 36.31 Billings- Township, T.17N., 11.1E. 3498 Buckeye Township, T.18N., 11.1W. 8672 Burman Oil Field, T.20N., 11.1W. 3444 Tobacco Township, T.17N., 11.1W. Gratiot County: 3447 Gratiot County. 3438 New Haven Township, T.ION., 11.4W. Ionia County: 3.600 Ionia County. Isabella County.: 3477 Isabella County. 3314 Broonmfield Township, T.14N., 11.6W. 3095A Chippewa Township, T.14 N., 11.3W. 3599 Coldwater Township, T.16N., 11.6W. 3314A Deerfield Township, T.14N., 11.5W. 3098A Denver Township, T.15N.., 11.3W. 3272A Gilmore Township, T.16N., 11.5W. 3630 Isabella Township, T.15N., 11.4W..3272 Vernon Township, T.16N., 11.4W. 3542 Wise Township, T.16N., 11.3W. Jackson County: 368.5 Concord Oil Field, T.3-4S., 11.3W. Kalamazoo County: 35.54 Kalamazoo County. Kalkaska County: 3654 Kalkaska County. Kent County:. 3546 Kent County. 3609 Algoma. Township, T.9N., 11.11W. 35.44 Walker Township, T.7N., 11.12W. 3545 Wyoming Township, T.6N., 11.12W. Lake County: 3570 Lake County. Lapeer County: 3476 Lapeer County. Livingston County: 3282 Livingston County. 3638 Howell Gas Field, T.3N., 11.4E. Mason County: 3627 Mason County. 3671 Eden Oil Field, T.17N., 11.16W. 3628 Eden Township, T.17N., 11.16W. Mecosta, County: 3453 Mecosta County. 3449A Austin Township, T.14N., 1.9W. 3601 Chippewa Township, T.16N., 11.8W. 3587 Fork Township, T.16N., 11.7W. 3653 Green Township, T.16N., 11.10W. INDEX OF MAPS 109 3465 Hinton Township, T.13N., R.8W. 3461 Millbrook Township, T.13N., R.7W. 3449 Morton Township, T.14N., R.8W. 3673 Wheatland Oil Field, T.14N., R.7W. Midland County: 3494 Midland County. 3519 Edenville Township, T.16N., R.1W. 3098 Geneva Township, T.15N., R.2W. 3095 Greendale Township, T.14N., R.2W. 3309 Jasper Township, T.13N., R.2W. 3629 Jerome Township, T.15N., R.1W. 3309A Porter Township, T.13N., R.1W. 3669 Sanford Oil Field, T.15N., R.1E.-1W. Missaukee County: 3564 Missaukee County. 3588 Aetna Township, T.22N., R.6W. 3649 Cannon Creek Field, T.24-25N., R.6-7W. 3590 Enterprise Township, T.23N., R.5W. 3584 Norwich Township, T.24N., R.5W. 3571 Riverside Township, T.21N., R.7W. Monroe County: 3505 Monroe County. 3552 Dundee Township, T.6S., R.6E. Montcalm County: 3454 Montcalm County. 3462 Belvidere Township, T.12N., R.7W. 3598 Bloomer Field, T.8-9N., R.5W. 3505 Cato Township, T.12N., R.8W. 3438A Crystal Township, T.10N., R.5W. 3446A Day Township, T.11N., R.6W. 3667 Douglass Oil Field, T.11-12N., R.7W. 3603 Douglass Township, T.11N., R.7W. 3446 Ferris Township, T.11N., R.5W. 3467 Home Township, T.12N., R.6W. 3678 Reynolds Oil Field, T.12-13N., R.9-10W. 3670 Stanton Oil and Gas Field, T.11N., R.7W. Muskegon County: 3557 Muskegon County. 3229B Laketon Township, T.10N., R.17W. 3229A Muskegon Township, T.10N., R.16W. 3659 Ravenna Field, T.8-9N., R.14-15W. Newaygo County: 3581 Newaygo County. 3668 Croton Oil Field, T.12N., R.11W. 3679 Ensley Oil Field, T.11N., R.11-12W. 3606 Garfield Township, T.12N., R.13W. 3684 Goodwell Gas Field, T.14N., R.11W. 3674 Goodwell Oil Field, T.14N., R.11W. 3593 Goodwell Township, T.14N., R.11W. 3675 Huber Gas Field, T.14-15N., R.14W. 3592 Norwich Township, T.13N., R.11W. 3677 Woodville Gas Field, T.15N., R.11W. 3676 Woodville Oil Field, T.15N., R.11W. Oakland County: 3664 Oakland County. lio INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Oceana County: 345.5 Oceana County. 3607 Claybanks Township, T.13N., 11.18W. 8311 Elbridge Township, T.1SN., 11.16W. 3311A Hart Township, T.15N., 11.17W. 8632 Mears Township, T.14-15N., 11.18-19W. 3625 Pentwater Township, T.16-17N., 11.17-18W. Ogemaw County: 3452 Ogemnaw County. 3652 Edwards Township, T.21N., R.IE. 3471 Mills Township, T.21N., 11.3E. 8472 Ogemaw Township, T.22N., R.1E. 3651 Rose City Field, T.23-24N., 11.2-SE. 3687 West Branch Field, T.21-22N., R.1-2-3E. 3687A West Branch Field-Detroit River, T.21-22N., 11.1-2-3E. 3469 West Branch Township, T.22N., R.2E. Osceola County: 3561 Osceola County. 3688 Ashton Field, T.18-19N., 11.1W. 3589 Cedar Township, T.18N., 11.9W. 3568 Lincoln Township, T.18N., 11.1W. 3579 Osceola. Township, T.18N., 11.8W. 36.44 Reed City Gas Field, T.17-18N.., R.1OW. 3594 Rose Lake Township, T.19N., 11.9W. 36.56 Sherman Township, T.20N., 11.9W. 3635 Sylvan Township, T.18N., 11.7W. Ottawa County: 3548 Ottawa. County. 35.91 Holland Township, T.SN., 11.15W. 3549 Tallinadge Township, T.7N., 11.13W. 3682 Wright Oil Field, T.8N., 11.13W. 8583 Zeeland Township, T.5N., 11.14W. Roscommon County: 3555 Rosconmmon County. 3680 Headquarters Detroit River Field, T.20-21N., 11.3W. 3572 Headquarters Field, T.20-21N., 11.3W. 3657 St. Helen Oil Field, T.23-24N., R.1E., 1-2W. Saginaw County: 3578 Saginaw County. 3468 Birch Run Township, T.1ON., R.6E. Tuscola County: 3576 Tuscola County. 3641 Akron Township, T.14N., R.8E. 3608 Arbela Township, T.1ON., 11.7E. 3686 Elmwood Oil1 Field, T.14N., 11.OE. Van Buren County: 3538 Van Buren County. 3582 Bangor Township, T.2S., 11.16W. 3534 Bloomilngdale Township, T.1S., 11.14W. 3541. Columbia Township, T.1S., 11.15W. 3586 Geneva Township, T.1S., 11.16W. 3661 Porter Township, T.45., 11.13W. Washtenaw County: 3662 Washtenaw County. 3663A Northville Field, T.1S.-1N., 11.7-8E. INDEX OF MAPS 111 Wayne County: 3664 Wayne County. 3663 Northville Field, T.1S.-IN., R.7-8E. GENERAL MAPS 3640 Small Wildcat Oil Well Map of Southern Peninsula. 3643 Oil and Gas Field Map. 3524 Large Wildcat Oil Well Map of Southern Peninsula. 3527 Trend Map of Southern Peninsula. 3434 Geological Cross Section of Southern Peninsula. INDEX OF THE NOMENCLATURE- OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS compiled by HELEN M. MARTIN Index of NOMENCLATURE OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS Derivation of name, introduction in Michigan, and significant usage in Michigan Geological Survey publications. For usage elsewhere, consult U.S.G.S. Bull. 769, 896 and later bibliographies, and the list of References in Part II of this volume. ABBREVIATIONS A.A.A.S. Proc.-American Association for the Advancement of Science Proceedings. A.A.P.G. Bull-American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia Proc.-Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia Proceedings. Am. Comm. Rept. Internat. Geol. Cong.-American Committee Report International Geologic Congress. Am. Geol.-American Geologist. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. Trans.-American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers Transactions. Am. Jour. Sci. 3d ser.-American Journal of Science, 3d series. Am. Jour. Sci. ser. 4.-American Journal of Science, series 4. Am. Jour. Sci. ns.-American Journal of Science, new series. Am. Philos. Soc. Proc.-American Philosophical Society Proceedings. Annales sci. nat.-Annales des sciences naturelles. Ann. Rept.-Annual Report. Canada Geol. Surv. Prog. Rept.-Canada Geological Survey Progress Report. Canada Geol. Surv. M.--Canada Geological Survey Memoir. Canada Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv. ns.-Canada Geological and Natural History Survey, new series. Chi. Acad. Sci. and Nat. Hist. Surv.-Chicago Academy of Science and Natural History Survey. Chi. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv.-Chicago Geological and Natural History Survey. Co.-County. Edinburgh New Philos. Jour.-Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal. Eng. and Min. Jour.-Engineering and Mining Journal. Geol. Mag. London ns.-Geological Magazine of London, new series. G.S.A. Bull.-Geological Society of America Bulletin. Geol. Sec.-Geology Section. Indiana Acad. Sci. Proc.-Indiana Academy of Science Proceedings. Jour. Geol.-Journal of Geology. Lake Superior Min, Inst. Proc.-Lake Superior Mining Institute Proceedings. London and Edinburgh Philos. Mag. and Jour.-London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal. Man. Geol.--Manual of Geology. Mich. Acad. Sci.-Michigan Academy of Science. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett.-Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. Mich. Geol. Soc.-Michigan Geological Society. M.G.S.-Michigan Geological Survey. M.G.S. Ann. Rept.-Michigan Geological Survey Annual Report. M.G.S. P.R.-Michigan Geological Survey Progress Report. M.G.S. Pub.-Michigan Geological Survey Publication. M.G.S. Vol.---Michigan Geological Survey Volume. 116 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Mich. Leg. H.D.-Michigan Legislature House Document. Mich. Leg. J.D.-Michigan Legislature Joint Document. Mich. Leg. S.D.-Michigan Legislature Senate Document. Minnesota Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv.-Minnesota Geological and Natural History Survey. Missouri Bur. Geol. and Mines-Missouri Bureau of Geology and Mines. Mon.-Monograph. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rept. Prog.-Ohio Geological Survey Report of Progress. Ottawa Nat.-Ottawa Naturalist. Pal. New York-Paleontology of New York. pt.-Part. Pennsylvania Geol. Surv. Rept. Appen.-Pennsylvania Geological Survey Report, Appendix. Phil. Acad. Sci. Jour.-Philadelphia Academy of Science Journal. Philos. Mag. 3 ser.-Philosophical Magazine, 3d series. P.P.-Professional Paper. P.R.-Progress Report. Prel. Rept. Prog. Geol. Surv.-Preliminary Report of Progress of the Geological Survey. Pub.-Publication. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv.-Report of the State Board of Geological Survey. Sci. ns.-Science, new series. Smithsonian Misc. Coll.-Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Twp.-Township. Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.-University of Michigan, Department of Geology. U.S.G.S. Ann. Rept.-United States Geological Survey Annual Report. U.S.G.S. Mon.-United States Geological Survey Monograph. U.S.G.S. P.P.-United States Geological Survey Professional Paper. U.S.G.S. W.-S.P.-United States Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper U.S. Cong. Spec. Sess. Sen. Ex. Doc.-United States Congress Special Session, Senate Executive Document. U.S. Nat. Mus. Proc.-United States National Museum Proceedings. Vol.-Volume. Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour.-Washington Academy of Science Journal. Wisconsin Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett. Trans.-Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters Transactions. Wisconsin Geol. Surv. Ann. Rept.-Wisconsin Geological Survey Annual Report. W.-S.P.-Water-Supply Paper. NOMENCLATURE Acadian. J. W. Dawson, 1868. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. Vol. 16. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Acervularia beds. Devonian. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. Thunder Bay Island Carter Quarry, Alpena Co. A. W. Grabau, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901. Shore Little Traverse Bay, Charlevoix Co. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37. Thunder Bay, Alpena Co., Michigan. Adair Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett and F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fms. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Adair, St. Clair Co., Michigan. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 117 Adventure Lode. Keweenawan. R. E. Hors, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 19.. Adventure Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. Afton beds. Devonian. W. A. Kelly, 1940. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett. and M.G.S. 10th Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebook. Afton, Cheboygan Co., Michigan. Aft~onian. Pleistocene. T. C. Chamberlin, 1895. Jour. Geol. Vol. 3. 1. C. Russell, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. Agogeblic. Huronian. H. C. Allen, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 8. Former name of eastern end of Penokee iron range. Ajibik fin. Huronian. Rept. Spec. Comm. L. Superior region reported by A. C. Lane, 1905. A. C. Lane, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904; M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. A.C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Ajbik Hills, Marquette Co., Michigan. Ajibik quartzite. Huronian. C. R. Van Hiss and W. S. Bayley, 18.95. U.S.G.S. 15th Ann. Rept. R.. C. Allen., 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 3; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 18. H. C. Allen, H. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci. Geol. Sec. and M.G.S., 1939. 9th Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebook. W. A. Seaman, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10; 1945, M.G.S. P.R. 11. V. L. Ayres, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10. Ajibik Hills north of Palmer, Marquette Co., Michigan. Albany conglomerates, Albany and Boston amygdalolid. Keweenawan. A. H. Marvine, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 2. L. L. Hubbard, 1898. M.G.S. Vol. VI, pt. 2. Albany and Boston Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. Alcona. Moraine. Pleistocene. F. B. Taylor, 1897. Jour. Geol. Vol. 25. W..H. She rser, 1900. M.G.S.. Vol. VII, pt. 1. F. Leverett, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 190.1. Alcona Co., Michigan. Alexandrian. TV E. Savage, 1908. Am. Jour. Sci. ser. 4 new, Vol. 25. H. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub..38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. 'Algomna granite:Mich. Acad. Sci. Geol. Sec. and M.G.S., 1939. 9th Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebook. Algoma District, Ontario. Algoniah amygdaloid. Keweenawan. Long local usage. H. E. Hors, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 19. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. Algomia Mine, Ontonagon Co., Michigan. Algomah, glac~ial lake beach. Pleistocene. W. H. Hobbs, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 5. From F. B. Taylor ins. for U.S.G.S. Mon. 5 3. F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53, (named in 1893). 118 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY S. G. Bergquist, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 1. Algomah Mills, Ontario. Algonkian. C. D. Walcott, 1899. Am. Jour. Sci. 3d ser., Vol. 37. J. W. Powell, 1899. U.S.G.S. 10th Ann. Rept. I. C. Russell, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. A. C. Lane: Equivalent to Huronian. R. C. Allen, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 3; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 18. R. E. Hore, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 8. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Algonquin beach; glacial lake. Pleistocene. J. W. Spencer, 1891. Am. Jour. Sci. 3d ser. Vol. XLI. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. F. Leverett, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901; 1911, M.G.S. Pub. 7; 1912, M.G.S. Pub. 9; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 25. L. J. Cole, 1903. M.G.S. Vol. IX, pt. 1. I. C. Russell, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907; 1909, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. W. M. Gregory, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 11. W. H. Sherzer, 1913. M.G.S. Pub. 12. I. D. Scott, 1921. M.G.S. Pub. 30. S. G. Bergquist, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 1. K. Spiroff, 1941. M.G.S. P.R. 7. G. C. Tague, 1948. M.G.S. Pub. 45, pt. 1. J. L. Calver, 1948. M.G.S. Pub. 45, pt. 2. G. M. Stanley, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 43, 44. Allouez Conglomerate. Keweenawan. A. R. Marvine, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I pt. 2. L. L. Hubbard, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. A. C. Lane, 1898. M.G.S. Vol. VI; 1911, M.G.S. Pub. 6. Albany and Boston. R. E. Hore, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 19. K. Spiroff, 1941. M.G.S. P.R. 7. Allouez Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. Alpena limestone. Devonian. A. W. Grabau, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901, defined, 1916 unpublished ms. R. A. Smith, 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. W. A. Ver Wiebe, 1927. Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers Vol. 7. Redefined. E. R. Pohl, 1930. U.S. Nat. Mus. Proc. Vol. 76, art. 14, from Grabau 1915 unpublished ms. series (stage). R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. A. S. Warthin, Jr., and G. A. Cooper, 1935. Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour. Vol. 25, No. 12, restricted. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts and Lett. Geol. Sec. and M.G.S., 1937, 1938, and 1940. 7th, 8th, and 10th Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1949, 1951, and 1952. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. G. V. Cohee, 1947. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations Chart 28. Alpena, Alpena Co., Michigan. Amherstberg dolomite. Devonian. W. H. Sherzer and A. W. Grabau, 1909. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 19. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 119 W. H. Sherser and A. W. Grabau, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 2. Described p. 2. It. A. Smith, 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21. Rt. C. Allen, Rt. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. It. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951 and 1952. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. A. J. Mozola, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 2. Amherstberg, Ontario. Ancient Lake Ridge (Belmore, Whittlesey Beach). Pleistocene. B. Hubbard, 1840. 3d Ann. Rept. State Geologist. Mich. Leg. S.D. 1840 Vol. 2, No. 7. Anderdon limestone. Devonian. W. H. Sherser and.A. W. Grabau, 1908. Sci. ns Vol. 27. A. C. Lane, 1-909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. W. H. Sherzer and A. W. Grabau, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 2. Described p. 2..R. A. Smith, 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21. Rt. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. It. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S..Pub. 38. H. M.8 Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951 and 1952. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. 'A. 3. Mozola, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 2. Anderdon Quarry, Anderdon Twp., Essex Co., Ontario. Animikie Group. Huronian. (Animikian). TI. S. Hunt,1.873. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. Trans. Vol. 1. Rept. Spec. Comm. L. Superior Region Jour. Geol. in M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908, neo-Huronian. It. C. Allen, 1915. M.G.S.. Pub. 18. It. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. A nimikie, Indian name for Thunder Bay on north shore L. Superior. Antoine dolomite. Lower Huronian. C. It. Van Hise, 1899. U.S.G.-S. 19th Ann. Rept. and Mon. 36. Lake Antoine, Dickinson Co., Michigan. Antrim shale. Upper Devonian, Mississippian (see St. Clair, Huron, Genesee). A. C. Lane., 1901. Michigan Miner Vol. 3, No. 1; 1902, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901. "It is this outcrop (half mile south of the pier of Norwood) which has led me when informed by the U.S. Survey that the. name of St. Clair... has been used... to apply the term Antrimn to the shale lying above the Traverse up to the Berea Grit, since they are well exposed here in Antrim County." A. W. Grabau, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901. L. J. C001% 1903. M.G.S. Vol. IX, pt. 1. A. -C Lane., 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rep. 1903, Ant-rim and Berea in Devonian. A. C. Lane, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904. W. F. Cooper, 1906. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1905; 1907, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. W. H. Sherzer, 1913. M.G.S. Pub. 12. Genesee. It. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S.a Pub. 14. It. C. Allen, It. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. It. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37. Senecan. It. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. L. Antrim, Devonian. U. Antrim, Mississippian. G. E. Eddy, 1936. M.G.S. P.R. 1. E. A. Newman, 1936. M.G.S. P.R. 2. 120 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY G. H. Pringle, 1937. M.G.S. P.R. 3. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1951. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations Chart 41. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1952. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebook. A. J. Mozola, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 2. Antrim Co., Michigan. Anvil chert. Upper Huronian. W. 0. Hotchkiss, 1919. Eng. and Min. Jour. Vol. 108. Member Ironwood fm., Gogebic District. Anvil Mine, east of Bessemer, Gogebic Co., Michigan. Arcadian amygdaloid. Keweenawan. L. L. Hubbard, 1898. M.G.S. Vol. VI, pt. 2. Arcadian Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. Archean system; series. J. D. Dana, 1872. Am. Jour. Sci. 3d ser. Vol. 3. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Azoic. A. C. Lane, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901. "I use Archean to include all preCambrian." A. C. Lane, 1902. Legend geol. map in M.G.S. Ann. Repts. 1901, 1903, 1904 and 1906. R. C. Allen, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 3. Basement complex. R. C. Allen, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 8; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 18. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Archeozoic. J. D. Dana, 1872. Corals and Coral Islands, appendix. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Arenaceous slate group. Huronian. C. Rominger, 1881. M.G.S. Vol. IV. Arkona, glacial lake. Pleistocene. J. W. Spencer, 1891. Am. Jour. Sci. 3d ser. Vol. 41. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1; 1913, M.G.S. Pub. 12. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. F. Leverett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 25. Arkona, Ontario. Arnheim. Upper Ordovician. A. F. Foerste, 1905. Sci. ns. Vol. 22. E. C. Case and W. I. Robinson, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 18. Arnheim, Brown Co., Ohio. Arnold amygdaloid. Keweenawan. Long local usage. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. Arnold Mine, Keweenaw Co., Michigan. Ashbed amygdaloid. Keweenawan. A. R. Marvine, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 2. A. C. Lane, 1898. M.G.S. Vol. VI, pt. 1. L. L. Hubbard, 1898. M.G.S. Vol. VI, pt. 2. Spec. Comm. on L. Superior region, 1905. (Jour. Geol.) M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904. R. E. Hore, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 19. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 121 R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Ashbed Mine, Keweenaw Co., Michigan. Ashbed group. Keweenawan. R. D. Irving, 1883. U.S.G.S. Mon. 5. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. E. Hore, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 8. Ashbed Mine, Keweenaw Co., Michigan. Atlantic amygdaloid. Keweenawan. Long local usage. R. E. Hore, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 19. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. Atlantic Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. AuGres limestone. Mississippian. See Point Au Gres. E. A. Newman, 1936. M.G.S. P.R. 2. G. H. Pringle, 1937. M.G.S. P.R. 3. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Point Au Gres, Arenac Co., Michigan. Augusta. Mississippian. C. R. Keyes, 1893. Iowa Geol. Surv. Vol. 1. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VIII, pt. 2. Michigan series. A. C. Lane, 1902. Legend geol. map in M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901, 1906, 1907 and 1908. Augusta, Des Moines Co., Iowa. Azoic system. R. I. Murchison, E. de Verneuil and A. von Keyserling, 1845. Geol. of Russia in Europe and the Ural Mountains. J. W. Foster and J. D. Whitney, 1851. U.S. 31st Cong. Spec. Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 4. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. T. B. Brooks, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 1. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. W. A. Seaman, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10. Babbitt sandstone Mississippian. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. Babbitt Quarry, T.18N., R.11E., Huron Co., Michigan. Bad River gabbro. Keweenawan. W. C. Gordon, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. Bad River, Iron Co., Wisconsin. Bad River limestone. Lower Huronian. C. R. Van Hise, 1901. U.S.G.S. 21st Ann. Rept. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1907. Jour. Geol. Vol. 15; 1909, M.G.S. Ann. - Rept. 1908. - R. C. Allen and L. P. Barrett, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 18. R. A. Smith, 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. C. K. Leith, R. J. Lund, and A. Leith, 1935. U.S.G.S. P.P. 184. Bad River dolomite. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Bad River, in Penokee Gap section, Iron Co., Wisconsin. Baltic amygdaloid. Keweenawan. L. L. Hubbard, 1898. M.G.S. Vol. VI, pt. 2. R. E. Hore, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 19. Baltic Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. 122 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Baltic conglomerate. Keweenawan. A. C. Lane, 1906. Mines and minerals, Vol. 27. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. R. E. lore, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 8. 1K. Spiroff, 1941. M.G.S. P.R. 7. Baltic Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. Baltic sandstone. Keweenawan. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. Baltic Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. Baltic West amygdaloid. Keweenawan. Long local usage. B. S. Butler, 1929.. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. First amygdaloid west of Baltic lode. Basement complex. Keewatin and Laurentian. A. C. Lane, 1905. M.G.S. Ann.. Rept. 1904. I. C. Russell1, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. R. C. Allen, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 3. Bass Island dolomite. Silurian, Cayugan. R. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 14; 1916, M.G.S. Pub. 21. Renamed Bass Island. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 193.3. M.G.S. Pub. 38. HI. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 3.9, legend geol. map. C. H. Riggs, 1938. M.G.S. P.R. 4. G. M. Ehlers and K. K. Landes, 1944. Mackinac Straits Field Conference Guidebook. G.0 M. Ehlers., 194.5. M.G.S. Pub. 44. K.* K. Landes, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 44. K. K. Landes, 1945. U.S.G.S.. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations maps No. 28 and 40.. Subsurface. Mich. Ge~ol. Soc., 1951. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebook. Bass Islands, Lake Erie. Bass Islands dolomite. Silurian, Cayugan. See Bass Island. A. C. Lane, C. S. Prosser, W. H. Sherzer, and A. W. Grabau, 1909. G.S.A. Bull. 19. W. H. Sherser and A.. W. Gra~bau, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 2. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1952. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebook. Bass Islands, -Lake Erie. Battle Creek Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1918. Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rept. 1918. F. Leverett, 1918. U.S.G.S. Camp Custer topographic map. Battle Creek, Calhoun Co., Michigan. Battlefield Beach. Pleistocene. F. B. Taylor, 1892. Am. Jour. S~ci. 3d ser. I. C. Russell, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. G. M. Stanley, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 43. Battlefield, Mackinac Island. Bay City Moraine. Pleistocen -e. F. Leverett, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fins. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Bay City, Bay Co., Michigan. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 123 Bay de NotC member. Upper Ordovician, Richmond. Stonington. Re C. Hussey, 1926. Univ. Mich. Mus. Geol. Gontr. Vol. 2, No. 8, defined. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Geol. Soc. 1950, 1954. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. East shore Little Bay de Not, Delta Co., Michigan. Bayport limestone. Mississippian. A. C. Lane, 1899. U.S.G.S. W.-S.P. 30. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2; 1900, M.G.S. Vol. VIII, pt. 2; M.G.S.Ann. Repts. 1901, 1906, 1908. Defined, Ann.. Rept. 1906. "The term Bayport may be used for that upper part of the Grand Rapids characterized by the predominance of light colored high grade limestone -(90%CaCO3) and white sandstone and freedom from gypsum and much shale." 0. P. Grimisley, 1903. M.G.S. Vol. IX, pt. 2. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906, defined. Re A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 14; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 19, or Maxville or Upper Grand Rapids. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G. S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. G. E. Eddy., 1936. M.G.S. P.R. 1. B. A. Newman, 193.6. M.G.S. P.R. 2. G. He Pringle., 1937. M.G.S. P.R. 3. H. Me Martin, -1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1944. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.*G.S., Univ. Mich. D ept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations map 11. G. V. Cohee, 1951. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M..G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 41. Bayport, Huron Co., Michigan. Bedford s~hale. Mississippian., J. S. Newberry, 1870. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rept. Prog. 1869. A. C.. Lane., 1895. M.G.-S. Vol.. V, pt. 2. Edited notes of C. B. Wright.. A.. C. Lane., 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2; 1902, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901; 1909, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. B. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohe~e, 1944. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil ýand gas investigations map 11. Subsurface. G. V. Cohee, 1951. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 41. S ubsu-rf ace. A.- J. Mozola, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 2. Bedford, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. Beebe School shale. Devonian. W. A. Kelly, 1949. Mich. Acad. Se. and Mich. Geol. Soc. and M.G.S. Guidebook; A.A.P.G.. Vol. 31. Beebe School, Xoehler Twp., T.34N., R.2W., Cheboygan Co., Michigan. Beekcmantown. Lower Ordovician. J. M. Clarke and C. Schuchert, 1899. Sci. ns. Vol. 10. R. A. Smith., 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 24. Calciferous Lower Magnesian which apparently includes the Hermansville Is. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37. Lower Magnesian, Calciferous, or Prairie du Chien. Beekmantown, New York. 124 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Bell shale. Middle Devonian. A. W. Grabau, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. W. H. Sherzer, 1913. M.G.S. Pub. 12. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37. Marcellus. G. E. Eddy, 1936. M.G.S. P.R. 1. E. A. Newman, 1936. M.G.S. P.R. 2. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. Mich. Acad. Sci., Mich. Geol. Soc., and M.G.S., 1937. 7th Ann. Field Excur. Guidebook. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1947. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 28. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1949, 1951, and 1952. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. Bell, Presque Isle Co., Michigan. Belmore beach. Pleistocene. Ancient Lake Ridge of Bela Hubbard. Mich. Leg. S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7. N. H. Winchell, 1872. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. Vol. 21. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. Belmore, Putnam Co., Ohio. Berea grit; shale. Mississippian. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. Edited notes of C. E. Wright. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2; 1900, M.G.S. Vol. VIII, pt. 2; M.G.S. Ann. Repts. 1901, 1904, 1905, and 1906. W. F. Cooper, 1906. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1905. Equivalent to Sunbury. C. W. Cook, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 15. Berea, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. Berea sandstone. Mississippian. J. S. Newberry, 1870. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rept. Frog. 1869. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. "Richmondville sandstone which may as well be called Berea as it is much better developed in Ohio." A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. W. H. Sherzer, 1913. M.G.S. Pub. 12. R. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 14. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. G. H. Pringle, 1937. M.G.S. P.R. 3. H.. M Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1944. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations map 11; 1944, map 17; 1951, chart 41. Subsurface. A. J. Mozola, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 2 Berea, Cuyahoga Co, Ohio. Berville Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. Berville, Macomb Co., Michigan. Bessemer sandstone. Huronian. W. A. Seaman, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10. Bessemer, Gogebic Co., Michigan. Big Buffalo. Lower Ordovician. E. O. Ulrich, 1911. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 22. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 125 Buffalo River, Newton Co., Arkansas. Big Hill. Upper Ordovician. Richmond. R. C. Hussey, 1926. Univ. Mich. Mus. Geol. Contr. Vol. 2, No. 8. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1948. U.S.G.S. (Co-op M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 33. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1950 and 1954. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. R. C. Hussey, 1952. M.G.S. Pub. 46. Big or Hinkers Hill, Sec. 11, T.39N., R.21W., Delta Co., Michigan. Big Trap. Keweenawan. Long local usage. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. Bijiki iron fm. Upper Huronian. C. R. Van Hise and W. S. Bayley, 1895. U.S.G.S. 15th Ann. Rept. Member Michigamme slate. W. C. Gordon and A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. Ironwood. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Goodrich. R. C. Allen, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 3; 1912, M.G.S. Pub. 8; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 18. W. A. Seaman, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10; 1945, M.G.S. P.R. 11. V. L. Ayres, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 11. Bijiki River, Marquette Co., Michigan. Bills Creek. Upper Ordovician, Richmond. R. C. Hussey, 1926. Univ. Mich. Mus. Geol. Contr. Vol. 2, No. 8. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1948. U.S.G.S. (Co-op M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 33. R. C. Hussey, 1952. M.G.S. Pub. 46. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1950 and 1954. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. Bills Creek, T. 41 N., R. 20 W., Delta Co., Michigan. Birdseye. Ordovician. See Lowville. L. Vanuxem, 1838. N.Y. Geol. Surv. 2d Rept. (After Amos Eaton, 1824?). W. Burt, 1847. U.S. 31st Cong., 1st Sess., House Ex. Doc. 5; Sen. Ex. Doc. 1. J. W. Foster and J. D. Whitney, 1851. U.S. 31st Cong. Spec. Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 4. C. Rominger, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 3. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906, legend geol. map. Replaced 1899 by Lowville. Birmingham Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. W. H. Sherzer, 1917. U.S.G.S. Geol. Atlas Detroit Folio No. 205. Birmingham, Oakland Co., Michigan. Black River. Middle Ordovician. L. Vanuxem, 1842. Geol. of N.Y., Pt. 3. J. W. Foster and J. D. Whitney, 1851. U.S. 31st Cong. Spec. Sess. Sen. Ex. Doe. 4. C. Rominger, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 3. E. C. Case and W. I. Robinson, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 18. Upper Buff. R. A. Smith, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 24, log of Henry Ford Well. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. R. C. Hussey, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 3; 1952, M.G.S. Pub. 46. G. V. Cohee, 1945. U.S.G.S. (Co-op M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 11. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts and Lett., and M.G.S., 1948. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. 126 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Mich. Geol. Soc., 1950 and 1954. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. Cliffs on Black River, New York. Black shales of Ohio. See St. Clair, Huron, Antrim shales. C. Rominger, 1876. M.G.S. Vol. III. C. E. Wright, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. Notes edited by A. C. Lane. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VIII, pt. 2. Blaney Segment of Newberry Moraine. Pleistocene. S. G. Bergquist, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 1. Blaney, Schoolcraft Co., Michigan. Bohemia Conglomerate. Keweenawan. L. L. Hubbard, 1898. M.G.S. Vol. VI, pt. 2. Report Spec. Comm. L. Superior region, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904. Mt. Bohemia, Keweenaw Co., Michigan. Bohemia Range Group. Keweenawan. R. D. Irving, 1883. U.S.G.S. Mon. 5. L. L. Hubbard, 1898. M.G.S. Vol. VI, pt. 2. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. C. Allen, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 8. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Keweenaw Co., Michigan. Bois Blanc. Devonian. G. M. Ehlers and K. K. Landes, 1944. Mackinac Straits Field Conference Guidebook. G. M. Ehlers, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 44. Defined. K. K. Landes, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 44. Subsurface. K. K. Landes, 1945. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations map 28. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951 and 1952. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. A. J. Mozola, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 2. Bois Blanc Island, Mackinac Straits area, Michigan. Bony Falls. Ordovician. R. C. Hussey, 1952. M.G.S. Pub. 46. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1954. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebook. Escanaba River, T. 41 N., R. 24 W., Delta Co., Michigan. Brier slate fm. Huronian. C. R. Van Hise and W. S. Bayley, 1900. U.S.G.S. Menominee Folio No. 62. C. E. Dutton, 1942. M.G.S. P.R. 9. Brier Hill, Menominee Co., Michigan. Brule volcanics, schists. Upper Huronian. R. C. Allen, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 3. Brule River, Iron Co., Michigan. Bryozoan beds. Devonian. Traverse. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. Equivalent to Acervularia and Stropheodonta beds of Grabau. Bucks Moraine. Pleistocene. W. A. Ver Wiebe, 1925. Michigan Land Ec. Surv. ms. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fms. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Bucks Siding, Crawford Co., Michigan. Buena Vista. Mississipian. E. Orton, 1874. Ohio Geol. Surv. Vol. 2, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 127 127 Buena Vista, Scioto Co., Ohio. Buff magnesian beds. Devonian.. Traverse. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. With Stromatopora beds (Winchell) = Petoskey limestone of Grabau. Burnt Bluff. Silurian. G.* M. Ehiers, 1921. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 32. Defined. G. M. Ehiers, 1924. M.G.S. Pub. 34.. Well log communication to M.G.S. G. M. Ehlers, 1926. Unpublished ins. on the. Niagaran of Michigan. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. Clinton. II. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts and Lett. and M.G.S., 1948. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. G. V. Cohee, 1948. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 33. Mich. Geol. So~c., 1951. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebook. Burnt Bluff, Garden Peninsula, Delta Co., Michigan. Butler axaygdaloid. Keweenawan. Long local usage. R. E. fore, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 19. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. ý144. Capt. B. S. Butler discoverer. Ontonagon Co., Michigan. Byron. Silurian. T. C. Chamberlin, 1877. Geol. Wisconsin, Vol..2. G. M. Ehlers, 1926. Unpublished ins. on the Niagaran of Michigan. R.. B. Newcombe., 193.3. M.G.S. Pub. 38.. H. M. Martin., 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Geol.. Soc., 1951 and 1.954. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. Byron Twp.., Fond du Lac Co., Wisconsin. Cabot Head shale. Silurian. A. W. Grabau, 1913. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 24. H. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. Cab 'ots Head shale.. R. A. Smith., 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 24.. Well log. G. M. Ehiers, 1924.. M.G.S. Pub. 34. Well log interpretation for M.G.S. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S.. Pub.. 39, legend. geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1948. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 33. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951 and 1954. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. Cabots Head, Manitoulin Island, Ontario. Cacierous sandstone; sand. rock. Compact or Lower Magnesian ss. (Cambrian). J. Hall, 1843. Descriptive term for interval between Lowville and Potsdam. See Lane below. 37-W: Fdster and J. DA-Whitney, 1851. U.S.. 31st Cong., -Spec. Se-ss-.- House of Rep. Ex. Doc. 69, Sen. Ex. Doc. 4. J. Hall. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept.. Lower Silurian. T. B. Brooks, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. 1, pt. 1. Silurian = (Cambrian). C. Rominger, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. 1, pt. 3,= Lake Superior sandstone, Munsing. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Sunv. 1891-1892. Exhibit K. A. C. Lane, 1901. Michigan Miner, Vol. 9, No. 2. A. C. Lane, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901; 1905, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1903; 1905, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. Defined formation', type localities. A. C. Lane and A.. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Ozarkian, Lower Ordovician. 128 1INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY R. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 14. Calciferous or Lower. Magnesian (Prairie du Chien). Lower Ordovician. R. C. Allen, R.' A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23., legend geol. map = Beekmantown, including Hermansville. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. "Caleiferous" in description of Hermansville. Calciferous Creek, Alger Co., Michigan. Calico amygdaloid. Keweenawan. Central Mine Group. Long local usage. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. Houghton Co., Michigan. Calumet amygdaloid. Keweenawan. A. C. Lane,. 1907. Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc. Vol. 12. Calumet Mine, Houghton Co.,. Michigan. Calumet beach stage. Pleistocene. F. Leverett., 1899. U.S.G.S. Mon. 38. A. C. Lane, 1908.. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. F. Lever'ett, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 9; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 25. G." C. Tague, 1948. M.G.S. Pub. 45, pt. 1. J. L. Calver, 1948. M.G.S. Pub. 45, pt. 2. F. W. Terwilliger, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 1. Calumaet, Illinois. Caluxuet conglomerate. Keweenawan. L. L. Hubbard, 1895.. M.G.S.. Vol. V, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. R. E. Hore, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 8; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 19. Calumet Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. Calumet and Heela conglomerate. Keweenawan.. L. L. Hubbard, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S.. Pub. 6..R. E. Hore, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 19. Calumet and Hecla Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. Cambrian. Rev. A. Sedgwick, 1835. Edinburg New.PFlubs. Jour. Vol. 19. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G-.S. R~ept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Exhibit K. States "Cambrian divided by Survey into Potsdam and Calciferous"; also "divided by most geologists into Keweenawan and Potsdam". A. C. Lane,. 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. A. C. Lane, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904. Report Spec. Comm. Lake Superior Region. Legend geol. map = Upper Keweenawan and Lake Superior ss. A. C. Lane, 19.07. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Primordial. R. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 14; 1924, M.G.S. Pub. 34. R. C. Allen and L. P. Barrett, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 18. Potsdam. ED. C. Case and W. I. Robinson, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 18. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 19.17. M.G.S Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. S. G. Bergquist, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 1. Cambrian- Ozarkian. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sdl., Geol. Sec. and M.G.S., -1939. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. C. E. Dutt~on, 1942. M.G.S. P.R. 9 W A. Seaman, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10. Includes Upper Keweenawan. Canadian. J. D. Dana, 1874. Am. Jour. Sci. 3d, Vol. 8. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 129 R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37. Ozarkian. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Carboniferous. R. Kirvan, 1779. Geological essays, London. B. Hubbard, 1840. M.G.S. 3d Ann. Rept. State Geologist Mich. Leg., S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. C. Rominger, 1876. M.G.S. Vol. III. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Exhibit K. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2; 1900, M.G.S. Vol. VIII, pt. 2; M.G.S. Ann. Repts. 1904, 1906. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Sub-Carboniferous. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37. Carboniferous limestone. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. (Mountain Is. of England). C. Rominger, 1876. M.G.S. Vol. III. Cary Substage. Pleistocene. Mid. Wisconsin. M. M. Leighton, 1933. Sci. ns. Vol. 77. Cary, McHenry Co., Illinois. Cascade, Archean (Huronian?). M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Exhibit K. Cascade Range, Marquette Co., Michigan. Cataract. Silurian. C. Schuchert, 1913. G.S.A. Bull., Vol. 24. R. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 14; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 24, well log. G. M. Ehlers, 1924. M.G.S. Pub. 34, well log. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1948. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S, Univ Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 33. Cataract, Ontario. Catskill series. Upper and Middle Devonian and Carboniferous. W. W. Mather, 1840. New York Geol. Surv. 4th Rept. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. Catskill first in New York. Napoleon later in Michigan as sea advanced. Catskill Mts. Green Co., New York. Cayugan. Silurian. J. M. Clarke and C. Schuchert, 1899. Sci. ns Vol 10. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. M. Ehlers and K. K. Landes, 1944. Mackinac Straits Field Conference Guidebook. G. M. Ehlers, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 44. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebook. A. J. Mozola, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 2. Cayuga Lake, New York. Cazenovian. Middle Devonian. T. A. Conrad, 1841. New York Geol. Surv. 5th Ann. Rept. G. M. Ehlers and K. K. Landes, 1944. Mackinac Straits Field Conference Guidebook. G. M. Ehlers, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 44. A. J. Mozola, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 2. Ulsterian. Cazenovia, Madison Co., New York. 130 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Ceda~r Point beach. Pleistocene. Algonquin. G. M. Stanley, 19.37. G.S.A. Bull., Vol. 48. G. M. Stanl ey, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 43. Central Mine. Kewveenawan. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1907. Jour. Geol. Vol. 15. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. R. E. Ilore, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 19. ft. C. Allen, ft. A. Smith, and 'L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Cenfral Mine, Keweenaw Co., Michigan. Champion Revolution. W. A. Seaman, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10. Defined. Champlain epoch. Pleistocene. Terrace. J. D. Dana, 1873. Am. Jour. Sci. 3, Vol. 5. W. H. Sherser, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. Champlain. Middle Ordovician.. E. Emmons, 1842. Geol. New York, 2, div. 4. Champlainic system. ft. A. Smith., 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 24. R. B. N ewcomb~e, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37. Lake Champlain, New York. Chandler Falls. Ordovician. ft. C. Hussey, 1952. M.G.S. Pub. 46.. Defined. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1954. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebook. Escanaba River, T. 39 N., R. 22 W., Delta Co., Michigan. Charlevoix stage. Devonian. E. ft. Polil, 1930. U.S. Nat. Mus. Proc. Vol. 76.ft. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38, Alpena Is. H-. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts and Lett. and M.G.S., 1937, 1938, and 1940. 7th, 8th, and 10th Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. Mich. Geol. So~c.,, 1949 and 1951. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. Charlevoix Co., Michigan. Charlotte mo~rainic system. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fins. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Charlotte, Eaton Co., Michigan. Chattanoogan. Devonian. Mississipian. C. W. Hayes, 1891. G.S.A. Bull., Vol. 2. ft. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. Mississippian, U. Antrim. Chattanooga, Tennessee. Chautauquan. Devonian. J.. M. Clarke and C. Schuchert, 1899. Sci. us Vol. 10. ft. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. Chautauqua Co., New York. Chazy Group. Lower Ordovician. E. Emmons, 1842. Geol. New York pt. 2, div. 4 geol. 2d dist. J. W. Foster and J. D. Whitney, 1851. U.S. 31st Cong. Spec. Sess., Sen. Ex. Doe. 4. J. Hall. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. ft. Pumpelly, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 2. C. Rominger, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 3. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 131 A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906, legend geol. map. Chazy, Clinton Co., New York. Chazyan. Lower Ordovician. A. W. Grabau, 1909. Jour. Geol. Vol. 17. Chazy Is. and Black River. E. 0. Ulrich, 1911. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 22. Base of Lowville and top of Beekmantown. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Chazy, Clinton Co., New York. Cheboygan Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 9; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 25. F. Leverett, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fms. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Cheboygan Co., Michigan. Chemung. Upper Devonian. J. Hall, 1839. New York Geol. Surv. 3d Ann. Rept. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. C. Rominger, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 3. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. A. C. Lane 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906, legend geol. map. Chemung River, Chemung Co., New York. Chesterian. Mississippian. A. H. Worthen, 1860. Am. Assn. Adv. Sci. Proc. Vol. 13. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. Applied generalized usage of term. Chester, Randolph Co., Illinois. Chicago, glacial lake. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1897. Chicago Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. 2. F. Leverett, 1899. U.S.G.S. Mon. 38. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. F. Leverett, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 7; 1912, M.G.S. Pub. 9; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 25. G. C. Tague, 1948. M.G.S. Pub. 45, pt. 1. J. L. Calver, 1948. M.G.S. Pub. 45, pt. 2. F. W. Terwilliger, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 1. Chicago, Illinois. Chicago Outlet (glacial lakes). Pleistocene. H. M. Bannister, 1868. Geol. Illinois, Vol. 3. F. Leverett, 1899. U.S.G.S. Mon. 38. W. C. Alden, 1902. U.S.G.S. Geol. Atlas Chicago Folio No. 81. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. F. Leverett, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 7; 1912, M.G.S. Pub. 9; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 25. F. Leverett and F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. Chicago, Illinois. Chippewa felsite. Keweenawan. W. C. Gordon, 1905. Mich. Acad. Sci. 7th Ann. Rept. W. C. Gordon and A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. Chippewa Bluff, Black River, Gogebic Co., Michigan. Chipewa porphyry. Keweenawan. F. E. Wright and A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Chippewa Bluff, Black River, Gogebic Co., Michigan. Cincinnatian. Upper Ordovician. F. B. Meek and A. H. Worthen, 1865. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. Vol. 17. C. Rominger, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 3. 132 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY N. H. Winchell and E. 0. Ulrich, 1897. Minnesota Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv. Final Rept. Vol. 3. Richmond, Lorraine, Utica. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. A. Smith, 1924. M.G.S. Pub. 34, well log. R. B. Neweombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts and Lett. and M.G.S., 1939. 9th Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Cincinnati, Ohio. Clarksburg. Upper Huronian. R. C. Allen, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 3; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 18. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. W. A. Seaman, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10; 1945, M.G.S. P.R. 11. Clarksburg, Marquette Co., Michigan. Clay and kidney ironstone fm. B. Hubbard, 1841. Ann. Rept. State Geologist Mich. Leg. J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. (Zone of concretions in Coldwater shale). Cleveland shales. Upper Devonian or Mississippian. J. S. Newberry, 1869. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rept. Prog. 1869. C. Rominger, 1876. M.G.S. Vol. III. "Black shales of Ohio". A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2; 1902, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. Cleveland, Ohio. Cliff limestone. Silurian and Devonian. J. Locke, 1838. Ohio Geol. Surv. 2d Ann. Rept. B. Hubbard, 1840. M.G.S. 3d Ann. Rept. State Geologist Mich. Leg. S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. W. H. Sherzer and A. W. Grabau, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 2. Cliffs in banks of Ohio River and tributaries. Clinton fm. Silurian. T. A. Conrad, 1839. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci. Jour. Vol. 8. J. W. Foster and J. D. Whitney, 1851. U.S. 31st Cong. Spec. Sess. Sen. Ex. Doc. 4. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. C. Rominger, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 3. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. Edited notes of C. E. Wright. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906, legend geol. map. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 14. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. G. M. Ehlers, 1926. Unpublished ms. on the Niagaran of Michigan. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1948. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 33. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebook. Clinton, Onedia Co., New York. Coal Measures. Carboniferous. Rev. W. D. Conybeare and W. Phelps, 1822. Outlines of the Geol. of England and Wales. C. C. Douglass and B. Hubbard, 1841. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. State Geologist Mich. Leg. J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 1833 A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. C. Rominger, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 3; 1876, M.G.S. Vol. III. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. Edited notes of C. E. Wright. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. C. H. Gordon, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 3. W. F. Cooper, 1906. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1905; 1907, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. R. A. Smith, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 19. Coldwater limestone. Mississippian. C. H. Riggs, 1938. M.G.S. P.R. 4. F. W. Terwilliger, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 1. Subsurface limestone in Coldwater fm. Coldwater shale. Mississippian. A. C. Lane, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. A. C. Lane, 1899. U. S. G. S. W.-S.P. 30. H. Ries, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. C. H. Gordon, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 3. A. C. Lane, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904; 1907, 1908, and 1909, M.G.S. Ann. Repts. 1906, 1907, and 1908. W. F. Cooper, 1906. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1905; 1909, Michigan Miner Vol. 11, No. 6. W. M. Gregory, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 11. W. H. Sherzer, 1913. M.G.S. Pub. 12. R. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 14; 1924, M.G.S. Pub. 34. C. W. Cook, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 15. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. G. E. Eddy, 1936. M.G.S. P.R. 1. E. A. Newman, 1936. M.G.S. P.R. 2. G. H. Pringle, 1937. M.G.S. P.R. 3. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1951. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) oil and gas investigations chart 41. A. J. Mozola, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 2. Coldwater River, Branch Co., Michigan. Collingwood fin. Middle Ordovician. P. E. Raymond, 1912. Canada, Geol. Surv. Summ. Rept. 1911. W. I. Robinson, 1922. M.G.S. Pub. 32. G. M. Ehlers, 1924. M.G.S. Pub. 34, well log interpretation. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1948. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 33. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1950 and 1954. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. R. C. Hussey, 1952. M.G.S. Pub. 46. Collingwood, Ontario. Conemaugh. Pennsylvanian. F. Platt, 1875. Pennsylvania Geol. Surv. 2d Rept. H. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Conemaugh River, Pennslyvania. Conglomerate No. 8 Keweenawan. A. R. Marvine, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 2. 134 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. Eagle River Dist., Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan. Cooks Moraine. Pleistocene. S. G. Bergquist, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 1.;Cooks, Schoolcraft Co., Michigan. Copper bearing rocks, sandstones. T. B. Brooks, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 1. Silurian (Cambrian) in appearance. Copper City flow. Keweenawan. W. S. White, 1951. U.S.G.S. Geologic Quadrangle map. Bedrock geology of the Ahmeek Quadrangle, Michigan. (H. R. Cornwall and R. W. Swanson). Copper City, Houghton Co., Michigan. Copper Falls conglomerate. Keweenawan. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. Copper Falls, Keweenaw Co., Michigan. Copper Harbor fm. Keweenawan. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Conglomerate. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. Defined. Copper Harbor, Keweenaw Co., Michigan. Copper Range. Keweenawan. R. E. Hore, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 8. Copps gr. Upper Huronian. R. C. Allen and L. P. Barrett, 1915. Jour. Geol. Vol. 23. R. C. Allen and L. P. Barrett, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 18. Copps Mine, Gogebic Co., Michigan. Cordell Member. Silurian. Niagaran. G. M. Ehlers, 1926. Unpublished ms. on the Niagaran of Michigan. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci. and M.G.S., 1948. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951 and 1954. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. Cordell, Chippewa Co., Michigan. Corniferous. Devonian. Applied by early geologists to limestone of Devonian Age, C. C. Douglass, 1841. M.G.S. 4th Ann. Rept. St. Geologist, Mich. Leg. J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. Edited notes of C. E. Wright. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2; 1902, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901. See Helderberg. A. C. Lane, 1903. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1902. W. F. Cooper, 1906. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1905. Corning A. zone. Middle Huronian. J. L. Adler, 1935. Jour. Geol. Vol. 43. Corning Creek, Marquette Co., Michigan. Covert Ridge; Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1899. U.S.G.S. Mon. 38; 1915, U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. G. C. Tague, 1948. M.G.S. Pub. 45, pt. 1. F. W. Terwilliger, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 1. Covert, Van Buren Co., Michigan. Coy Moraine. Pleistocene. W. A. Ver Wiebe, 1925. Michigan Land Ec. Surv. ms. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fms. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Coy, Roscommon Co., Michigan. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 135 Crisp Point Moraine. Pleistocene. S. G. Bergquist, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 1. Crisp Point, Chippewa Co., Michigan. Crystal Falls fm. Upper Huronian. R. C. Allen, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 8. J. Zinn, 1933. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett. Vol. 18. Crystal Falls, Iron Co., Michigan. Crystal Falls series. Used in early reports on Huronian rocks of Crystal Falls District. Cumber spillway; outlet. Pleistocene. F. B. Taylor. Ms. prepared for U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. C. H. Gordon, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 3. Cumber P.O., Austin Twp., Sanilac Co., Michigan. Cupriferous series (also trap and Trappean series). Keweenawan. D. Houghton, 1840 and 1841. Repts. St. Geologist, Mich. Leg. Doc. See Keweenawan. Curry iron fm. Middle Huronian. C. R. Van Hise and W. S. Bayley, 1900. U.S.G.S. Menominee Folio No. 62. R. C. Allen, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 8. C. E. Dutton and C. A. Lamey, 1939. M.G.S. P.R. 5. C. A. Lamey and C. E. Dutton, 1941. M.G.S. P.R. 6. C. E. Dutton, 1942. M.G.S. P.R. 9. Curry Mine, Menominee District, Michigan. Cuyahoga fm.; gr. Mississippian. J. S. Newberry, 1870. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rept. Prog. 1869. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. Edited notes of C. E. Wright. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. H. Ries, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VIII, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906, legend geol. map. Cuyahoga River, Ohio. Dana, glacial lake. Pleistocene. See Lundy and Elkton. H. L. Fairchild, 1899. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 10; 1907, New York St. Mus. Bull. No. 106. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. Named for J. D. Dana. Deanville Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. Deanville, Lapeer Co., Michigan. Decorah. Middle Ordovician. S. Calvin, 1906. Iowa Geol. Surv. Vol. 16. E. C. Case and W. I. Robinson, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 18.- Upper Blue (Wis.). R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. Decorah, Winneshiek Co., Iowa. Deerpark group. Silurian. G. A. Cooper, 1942. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 53. Stage. G. M. Ehlers and K. K. Landes, 1944. Mackinac Straits Field Conference Guidebook. G. M. Ehlers, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 44. Group. Deerpark Twp., Sullivan Co., New York. Defiance Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1902. U.S.G.S. Mon. 41. Replaces Blanchard Moraine of N. H. Winchell. 136 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. F. Leverett, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. W. H. Sherser, 1917. U.S.G.S. Geol. Atlas Detroit Folio No. 205.1 W. H. Sherzer, 1913. M.G.S. Pub. 12. F. Leverett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 25. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fins. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Defiance, Ohio. Detroit Interlobate Moraine. Pleistocene. W. H. Sherser, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. C. H. Gordon,,1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 3..F. Leverett, 1915. U.S.G..S. Mon. 53. W. HI. Sherzer, 1917. U.S.G.S. Geol. Atlas Detroit Folio No. 205. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G..S. Pub. 49, map surface fins. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Detroit, Michigan. Detroit.River dolomite; series. Lower Devonian. A. C. Lane, C. S. Prosser, W. H. Sherser, and A. W. Graban, 1909. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 19. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Upper Monroe. W. H. Sherzer and A. W. Grabau, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 2. R. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub.. 14; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 19; 1924, M.G.S. Pub. 84. 0.. W. Cook, 19.14. M.G.S. Pub. 15. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. G. E. Eddy, 1936. M.G.S.. P.R. 1. (Upper Monroe). H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. C. HI. Riggs,.1938. M.G.S. P.R.. 4. G. M. Ehiers and K. K. Landes, 1944. Mackinac Straits Field Conference Guidebook. G. M. Ehlers, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 44. Ulsteri'an. K.. K. Landes, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 44; 1945, U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations map 28. G.S.A., 1951'. Geol. Field Trip Guidebook. Sylvania included *in Detroit River. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1952. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guideboo k. G. H. Hautan, 1952. M.G.S. P.R. 15. A. J. Mozola, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 2. Ulsterian. Detroit River channel. Devonian. Upper, Middle, Lower. Rev. A. Sedgwick and B. I. Murchison, 1839. Geol. Soc. London Proc. Vol. 3, No. 63. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S., First Bien. Rept. M. E.- Wadsworth, 1893. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892., W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1; 1913, M.G.S. Pub. 12. All succeeding geological reports. Dock St. Clay. Middle Devonian. A. W. Grabau, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901. A. S. Warthin, Jr. and G. A. Cooper, 1935. Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour. Vol. 25, No. 12. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts and Lett. Geol. Sec. and M.G.S., 1937, 1938, and 1940. 7th, 8th, and 10th Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1949. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Dock St., Alpena, Alpena Co., Michigan. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 137 Douglass amygdaloid. Keweenawan. R. D. Irving, 1883. U.S.G.S. Mon. 5. Douglass Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. Dowagiac Glacial Lake. F. Leverett, 1908. U.S.G.S. Geologic Atlas, Ann. Arbor Folio No. 155. I. D. Scott, 1921. M.G.S. Pub. 30. F. W. Terwilliger, 1955; M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 1. Dowagiac, Cass Co., Michigan. Dresbach sandstone. Upper Cambrian. N. H. Winchell, 1886. Minnesota Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv., 14th Ann. Rept. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1945, U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 9. Dresbach, Winona Co., Minnesota. Drift, glacial. Pleistocene. "Ancient alluvium" of early Houghton-Hubbard reports. Recognized as of continental glacial origin after 1840. B. Hubbard, 1841. Erratic Block group. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. C. Rominger, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 3. All geological reports since 1873. Drummond Is. limestone. Silurian. D. Houghton, 1841. Ann. Rept. St. Geologist Mich. Leg. J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. Drummond Island, Michigan. Duluth Gabbro. Keweenawan. R. D. Irving, 1883. U.S.G.S. 3d Ann. Rept. Duluth, Minnesota. Duluth, glacial lake. Pleistocene. W. Upham, 1894. Minn. Geol. Surv. 22 Ann. Rept. "Western Superior Glacial Lake". F. B. Taylor, 1897. Studies in Indiana geography, 1st ser. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. F. Leverett, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 7; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 25. F. Leverett, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53; 1929, U.S.G.S. P.P. 154a. K. Spiroff, 1941. M.G.S. P.R. 7. Duluth, Minnesota. Dundee. Middle Devonian. A. C. Lane, 1893. Reported by M. E. Wadsworth, M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2, legend geol. map. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901; 1905, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904. W. F. Cooper, 1906. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1905. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. Corniferous. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Ulsterian. W. H. Sherzer and A. W. Grabau, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 2. W. H. Sherzer, 1913. M.G.S. Pub. 12. R. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 14. Corniferous. C. W. Cook, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 15. R. A. Smith, 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 24. R. A. Smith, R. C. Allen, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. Onondaga. 138 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY R. A. Smith, 1924. M.G.S. Pub. 34. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. G. E. Eddy, 1936. M.G.S. P.R. 1. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. C. H. Riggs, 1938. M.G.S. P.R. 4. G. M. Ehlers and K. K. Landes, 1944. Mackinac Straits Field Conference Guidebook. G. V. Cohee, 1944. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 4. G. V. Cohee and L. B. Underwood, 1945. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations map 38. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett., Mich. Geol. Soc., and M.G.S., 1948. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951 and 1952. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. A. J. Mozola, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 2. Dundee, Monroe Co., Michigan. DuPlain beach. Pleistocene. F. B. Taylor, 1897. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 8. C. H. Gordon, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 3. DuPlain, Illinois. Dyer Bay dolomite. Silurian. M. Y. Williams, 1919. Canada, Geol. Sur. Mem. 111, No. 91. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1954. Ann. Field Trip Guidebook. Dyer Bay, Ontario. Eagle River Group. Keweenawan. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1907. Jour. Geol. Vol. 15. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Eagle River, Keweenaw Co., Michigan. Eastern sandstone. Upper Cambrian (Jacobsville). A. R. Marvine, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 2. M. E. Wadsworth, 1880. A.A.A.S. Proc. Vol. 29. R. D. Irving and T. C. Chamberlin, 1885. U.S.G.S. Bull. 23. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. A. C. Lane, 1898. M.G.S. Vol. VI, pt. 1. (Potsdam). Eaton sandstone. Pennsylvanian. W. A. Kelly, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 2. Defined. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1951. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 41. Eaton Co., Michigan. Bluffs along Grand River, vicinity Grand Ledge. Eau Claire. Upper Cambrian. C. D. Walcott, 1914. Smithsonian Misc. Col. Vol. 57. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1945. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 9. Eau Claire River, Eau Claire Co., Wisconsin. Echinochoncus zone. Mississippian. Bayport. iG. H. Pringle, 1937. M.G.S. P.R. 3. Bayport limestone of Arenac Co., Michigan. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 139 Eden Group. Upper Ordovician. 5. 5. Newberry, 1873. Ohio Geol. Surv. Vol. 1. H. A. Smith, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 24. H. B. Neweombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Eden Park, Cincinnati, Ohio. El Cajon sh. Devonian. See Genshaw. A. W. Graban, 1916?. Unpublished ins. M.G.S. Open File. Shale bed of Genshaw fin. El Cajon Beach, Alpena Co., Michigan. Eldorado Moraine. Pleistocene. W. A. Ver Wiebe, 1925. Michigan Land Ec. Surv. inS..H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fins. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Eldorado P.O., Crawford Co., Michigan. Elkton, glacial lake; beach. Pleistocene. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. -1907. F. Leverett,.1912. M.G.S. Pub. 9; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 25.. Grassinere and Elkton beaches.. W. H. Sherzer, 1913. M.G.S. Pub. 12. Elkton, Huron Co., Michigan. Ellsworth shale. Mississippian. Described but unnamed by C. C. Douglass 1855, and A. Winchell 1861. R. B. Newcoinbe, 1932. A.A.P.G. Bull. Vol. 16,. No. 9. Re B. Newcoinbe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 193.7. M.G.S'. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. C.. H. Riggs, 1938. M.G.S. P.R. 4. G. V. Cohee, 1951. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mlich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 41. *Ellsworth,. Antrim Co., Michigan. Emmet Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett and F. B. Taylor,.1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fins. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Eminet, St. Clair Co., Michigan. Encrin~al liniestone-crinoidal limestones of early reports. Engadi ne. dolomite. Silurian. Niagaran.. R. A. Smith, 19.16. M.G.S. Pub. 21; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 24. Defined. H. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. HMzM.Martin-l937.-M.-G.S. Pub.- 39, legend-geol; map. G.. M. Elilers -and K. K. Landes, 1.944. Mackinac Straits Field Conference Guidebook. G. M. Ehlers, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 44. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts and Lett. Geol. Sec., Mich. Geo~l. Soc., and M.G.S., 1948. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. G. V. Cohee, 1948. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 33. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Engadine, Mackinac Co., Michigan. Eo-Carboniferous limestone (Bayport). Mississippian. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VIII, pt. 2; 1902, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901; 1909, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. 140 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Eo-Huronian. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. Eozoic. W. A. Seaman, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10. Erian group; series. Middle and Upper Devonian. E. Emmons, 1842. Geol. New York, pt. 2. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. M. Ehlers and K. K. Landes, 1944. Mackinac Straits Field Conference Guidebook. G. M. Ehlers, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 44. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. A. J. Mozola, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 2. Lake Erie valley. Erie shale. Upper Devonian. J. S. Newberry, 1870. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rept. Prog. 1869. Replaced by Chagrin sh. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2; 1902, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901. Exposures shore Lake Erie, New York. Erratic block group. (Glacial drift). B. Hubbard, 1841. Ann. Rept. St. Geologist, Mich. Leg. J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. Escanaba limestone. Middle Ordovician. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Suggested by A. W. Grabau. Escanaba, Delta Co., Michigan. Evergreen amygdaloid. Keweenawan. Long local usage. R. E. Hore, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 19. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. Evergreen Mine, Ontonagon Co., Michigan. Fayette Moraine. Pleistocene. W. A. Ver Wiebe, 1925. Michigan Land Ec. Surv. ms. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fms. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Fayette Station, Crawford Co., Michigan. Felch schist. Upper Huronian. C. R. Van Hise and C. K. Leith, 1911. U.S.G.S. Mon. 52. R. C. Allen, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 18. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Felch Mountain, Dickinson Co., Michigan. Fenelon Falls Outlet. Pleistocene. (Kirkfield) G. M. Stanley, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 43. Fenelon Falls, Ontario. Ferron Point. Middle Devonian. A. S. Warthin, Jr., and G. A. Cooper, 1935. Washington Acad. Sci. Jour. Vol. 25, No. 12. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts and Lett. Geol. Soc. and M.G.S., 1937, 1938, and 1940. 7th, 8th, and 10th Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. W. A. Kelly, 1940. M.G.S., Mich. Acad. Sci., and Mich. Geol. Soc. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. G. V. Cohee, 1947. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 28. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1949, 1951, and 1952. Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. Ferron Point, Alpena Co., Michigan. (Rockport Quarry) INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 141 Fiborn limestone. Silurian. Niagaran. R. A. Smith, 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts and Lett. Geol. Sec., Mich. Geol. Soc., and M.G.S., 1948. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Fiborn Quarry, Mackinac Co., Michigan. Flat Rock dolomite, member Detroit River series. Lower Devonian. W. H. Sherzer and A. W. Grabau, 1909. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 19. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. W. H. Sherzer and A. W. Grabau, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 2. R. A. Smith, 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Flat Rock, Wayne Co., Michigan. Flat Rock Point sandstone. Mississippian. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. Huron Co., Michigan. Flint Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fms. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Flint, Genesee Co., Michigan. Footwall series. Huronian. C. E. Dutton and C. A. Lamey, 1939. M.G.S. P.R. 5. C. A. Lamey and C. E. Dutton, 1941. M.G.S. P.R. 6; 1942, M.G.S. P.R. 8. C. E. Dutton, 1942. M.G.S. P.R. 9. Ford River granite. V. L. Ayres, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10, (after R.M. Dickey, Jour. Geol. Vol. 46.) Forest amygdaloid. Keweenawan. Long local usage. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. Forest Mine, Ontonagon Co., Michigan. Forest beach, glacial. Pleistocene. F. B. Taylor, 1897. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 8. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. C. H. Gordon, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 3. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. W. H. Sherzer, 1913. M.G.S. Pub. 12. Forest Conglomerate. Keweenawan. S. H. Broughton, 1863. Remarks on the mining interest and details of the geology of Ontonagon Co. Phila., 1863. R. E. Hore, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 19. Forest Mine, Ontonagon Co., Michigan. Forestville shales. Mississippian. C. H. Gordon, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. Forestville, Sanilac Co., Michigan. 142 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Fort Brady beach. Pleistocene. Algonquin. F. B. Taylor, 1897. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 8. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. G. M. Stanley, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 43. Fort Brady, Mackinac Island, Michigan. Fort Wayne Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1902. U.S.G.S. Mon. 41. Replaced "St. Mary's moraine" of Gilbert, 1873. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rept. Vol. 1. F. Leverett and F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. W. H. Sherzer, 1913. M.G.S. Pub. 12. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fms. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Fort Wayne, Indiana. Fort Wayne Outlet. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. F. Leverett, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 9. Fort Wayne, Indiana. Fossiliferous strata. Paleozoic. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. Four Mile Dam. Devonian. A. S. Warthin, Jr., and G. A. Cooper, 1941. Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour. Vol. 31. W. A. Kelly, 1940. Mich. Acad. Sci. and M.G.S. Guidebook. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts and Lett. Geol. Sec. and M.G.S., 1938 and 1940. 8th and 10th Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. G. V. Cohee, 1947. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 28. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1949, 1951, and 1952. Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. Four Mile Dam., Thunder Bay River, Sec. 7, T.31N., R.8E., Alpena Co., Michigan. Fowler Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett and F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fms. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Fowler, Clinton Co., Michigan. Franconia. Upper Cambrian. C. P. Berkey, 1897. Am. Geol. Vol. 20. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1945. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 9. Franconia, Chisago Co., Minnesota. Freda sandstone. Keweenawan. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1907. Jour. Geol. Vol. 15. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Freda, Houghton Co., Michigan. Galena. Middle Ordovician. J. Hall, 1851. In Foster and Whitney U.S. 31st Cong. Spec. Sess. Sen. Ex. Doc. 4. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906, legend geol. map. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 143 E. C. Case and W. I. Robinson, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 18. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. Galena, Joe Daviess Co., Illinois. Garden Island. Devonian. G. M. Ehlers and K. K. Landes, 1944. Mackinac Straits Field Conference Guidebook. G. M. Ehlers, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 44. Defined. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1949, 1951, and 1952. Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. Garden Island, Beaver Island Group, Leelanau Co., Michigan. Genesee shale group. Upper Devonian. L. Vanuxem, 1842. Geol. New York, pt. 3. C. Rominger, 1876. M.G.S. Vol. III. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. H. Ries, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VIII, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906, legend geol. map. Genesee River valley, New York. Genshaw. Middle Devonian. A. S. Warthin, Jr., and G. A. Cooper, 1935. Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour. Vol. 25, No. 12. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts and Lett. Geol. Sec. and M.G.S., 1937, 1938, and 1940. 7th, 8th and 10th Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. W. A. Kelly, 1940. Mich. Acad. Sci. and Mich. Geol. Soc. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebook. G. V. Cohee, 1947. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 28. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1949, 1951, and 1952. Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. Genshaw Schoolhouse, Sec. 13, T.32N., R.8E., Alpena Co., Michigan. Gladwin Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett and F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fis. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Gladwin Co., Michigan. Glenwood, glacial lake; beach. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1899. U.S.G.S. Mon. 38. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. F. Leverett, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 9; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 25. F. Leverett, and F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. G. C. Tague, 1948. M.G.S. Pub. 45, pt. 1. J. L. Calver, 1948. M.G.S. Pub. 45, pt. 2. F. W. Terwilliger, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 1. Glenwood, Illinois. Glenwood. Middle Ordovician. S. Calvin, 1906. Iowa Geol. Survey Vol. 16. G. V. Cohee, 1945. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 9. Glenwood Twp., Winneshiek Co., Iowa. Goodland Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. Goodland Twp., Lapeer Co., Michigan. Goodrich quartzite. Upper Huronian. C. R. Van Hise and W. S. Bayley, 1895. U.S.G.S. 15th Ann. Rept. W. C. Gordon and A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. Palms. 144 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. 0. Allen, 19 10. M.G.S. Pub. 3; 1912, M.G.S. Pub. 8; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 18. R. 0. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. nmap. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sdl. Arts and Lett.. Geol. Sec. and M.G.S., 1939. 19th Ann. Excur. Guidebook. W. A. Seaman, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10; 1945, M.G.S. P.R. 11. V. L. Ayres, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10. Goodrich Mine, Marquette Co., Michigan. Gorbut. Devonian. Traverse. W. A. Kelly, 1947. A.A.P.G. Bull. Vol. 31. Defined. W. A. Kelly, 1949. Mich. Acad. Sci. and Mich. Geol. Soc. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Mich. Geol. Soc. 1949, 1951, 1952. Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. Gorbut School, Koehier Twp., T.35N., RA1W., Cheboygan Co., Michigan. Grand Lake member. Devonian. Traverse. A. W. Grabau, 1915. Unpublished ins. Reported by E. R. Pohl, 1930. E. R. Pohi, 1930. U.S. Nat. Mus. Proc'. Vol. 76, art. 14, 1930. A. S. Warthin, Jr., and G. A. Cooper, 1941. Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour. Vol. 81..See Rockport Quarry. Grand Lake, Presque Isle Co., Michigan. Grand Ledge fauna. Pennsylvanian. Saginaw. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. Mercer of Ohio. Grand Ledge, Eaton Co., Michigan. Grand Ledge. Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett and F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fins. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Grand Ledge, Eaton Co., Michigan. Grand Rapids group; series. Mississippian. A. C. Lane, 1893. Reported by M. B. Wadsworth, M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Suny. 1891-1892. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2; 1900, M.G.S. Vol. VIII, pt. 2; 1905, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904; 1907, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906; 1909, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Upper. Lower. W. F. Cooper and A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. -map. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Grand.Rapids limestone. Mississippian (Bayport). A. C. Lane, 1899. U.S.G.'S. W.-S.P. 30.; 1907, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Grand River group. Pennsylvanian. W. A. Kelly, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 2. Defined. E. A. Newman, 1936. M.G.S. P.R. 2. H. M Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1944. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations map 11. Exposures in Grand River Valley, Michigan. Grassmere beach; stage. Pleistocene. A. C Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 3. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 145 F. Leverett, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 9; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 25. W. H. Sherzer, 1913. M.G.S. Pub. 12. Grassmere, Huron Co., Michigan. Gravel Point. Devonian. E. R. Pohl, 1929. U.S. Nat. Mus. Proc. Vol. 76, art. 33. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts and Lett. Geol. Sec. and M.G.S., 1937, 1938, and 1940. 7th, 8th, and 10th Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1949 and 1951. Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. Gravel Point, Charlevoix Co., Michigan. Graywacke group or Lower sandstone. D. Houghton, 1838. First Ann. Rept. St. Geologist, Mich. Leg. H.D. 24, 1838. Great Conglomerate. Keweenawan. R. D. Irving, 1883. U.S.G.S. Mon. 5. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. K. Spiroff, 1941. M.G.S. P.R. 7. Great Copper Harbor conglomerate. Keweenawan. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. Copper Harbor, Keweenaw Co., Michigan. Green amygdaloid. Keweenawan. R. Pumpelly, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 2. Greenfield dolomite. Silurian, Cayugan. E. Orton, 1871. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rept. Prog. 1870. A. W. Grabau, 1898. Sci. ns. Vol. 8. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. A. W. Grabau, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 2. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. M. Ehlers, E. C. Stumm, and R. V. Kessling, 1951. G.S.A. Field Excur. Guidebook. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951 and 1952. Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. A. J. Mozola, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 2. Greenfield, Highland Co., Ohio. Greenstone flows. Keweenawan. R. D. Irving, 1883. U.S.G.S. Mon. 5. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. Greenstone Ridge, Keweenaw Co., Michigan. Greenwood iron fm. Upper Huronian. J. Zinn, 1933. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett. Vol. 18. C. K. Leith, R. J. Lund, and A. Leith, 1935. U.S.G.S. P.P. 184. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett., Geol. See. and M.G.S., 1939. 9th Ann. Excur. Guidebook. V. L. Ayres, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10. Marquette Co., Michigan. Groos Quarry. Ordovician. R. C. Hussey, 1952. M.G.S. Pub. 46. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1954. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Groos Quarry, Sec. 1, T.39N., R.23W., Delta Co., Michigan. 1466 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Grosse Isle Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. Grosse Isle, Wayne Co., Michigan. Groveland fin. Upper Huronian. H. L. Smyth, 1899. U.S.G.S. 19th Ann Rept., pt. 3. R. C. Allen, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 18.* Groveland Mine, Feich Dist., Dickinson Co., Michigan. Guelph dolomite. Silurian. J. Hall, 1852. Pal. New York, Vo~l. 2. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1907., M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. R. C. Allen, H. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. A. Smith, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 24. H. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37. (Racine or Engadine). H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, l egend geol. -Map. Mich. Geol.. Soc., 1951 and.1954. Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. Guelph, Ontario. Gwinn series. Middle Huronian. R. C. Allen., 1914. Jour. Geol. Vol.:22. H..C. Allen, 1915.. M.G..S. Pub. 1.8. Gwinn, Marquette Co., Michigan. Hamilton group; formation. Middle Devonian. L. Vanuxem, 1840., New York Geol. Surv. 4th fist. A. Wi nchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. Little Traverse. C. Rominger, 1876. M.G.S. Vol. III. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Sunv. 1891-1892. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2; 1907, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M..G.S.. Vol. VII, pt. 1. H. Rlies, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VIII., Pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S.-Ann. Rept. 1908. R. A. Smith, 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21. Hamilton, New York. Hanbury slate. Upper Huronhian. C. H. Van His~e and W. S. Bayley, 1900. U.S.G.S. Menominee Folio No. 62. R. C. Allen, 19.10. M.G.S. Pub. 3; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 18. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub..23, legend geol. map. C. E. Dutton and C. A. Lamey, 1939. M.G.S. P.R. 5. C. A. Lamey and C.. E. Dutton, 1941. M.G.S. P.R. 6. Object to use of Hanbury. Hanbury Hill., Menominee Co., Michigan. Hancock amygdaloid; conglomerate. Keweenawan. Long local usage. R. E. Hore, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 19. Hancock Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. Hancock West conglomerate. Keweenawan. A. H. Marvine, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 2. West of old Hancock Mine, Hough1ton Co., Michigan. Hardwood Point sandstone. Mississippian. L. Marshall. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. Huron Co., Michigan. Harrison Moraine. Pleistocene.. F. Leverett, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. Lake City-Harrison. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 147 H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fms. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Harrison, Clare Co., Michigan. Hat Point sandstone. Mississippian. Napoleon. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. Huron Co., Michigan. Haymeadow Creek. Ordovician. R. C. Hussey, 1952. M.G.S. Pub. 46. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1954. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. -Haymeadow Creek, T.39N., R.23W., Delta Co., Michigan. Helderberg group. Lower Devonian. T. A. Conrad, 1839. Am. Jour. Sci. Vol. 35.(?) J. W. Foster and J. D. Whitney, 1851. U.S. 31st Cong. Spec. Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 4. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. C. Rominger, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 3; 1876, M.G.S. Vol. III. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. A C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. Helderbergian. Helderberg Mts., Albany Co., New York. Hemlock greenstone. Middle Huronian. J. M. Clements, 1899. U.S.G.S. 19th Ann. Rept., pt. 3. R. C. Allen, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 3. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. W. A. Seaman, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10. Hemlock River, Crystal Falls Dist., Iron Co., Michigan. Henderson Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. Henderson, Shiawassee Co., Michigan. Hendricks member. Silurian. Niagaran. R. A. Smith, 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21. Defined. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett., Geol. Sec., Mich. Geol. Soc., and M.G.S., 1948. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951 and 1954. Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. Hendricks Quarry, Mackinac Co., Michigan. Hermansville limestone. Lower Ordovician. C. R. Van Hise and W. S. Bayley, 1900. U.S.G.S. Menominee Folio No. 62. W. S. Bayley, 1904. U.S.G.S. Mon. 46. I.. CRussell, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. R. A. Smith, 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21. Beekmantown. Calciferous. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. S. G. Bergquist, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 1. E. 0. Ulrich, 1936. Personal communication to G. M. Ehlers = Oneota. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1945. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 9. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett., Geol. Sec., Mich. Geol. Soc., and M.G.S., 1948. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Hermansville, Menominee Co., Michigan. 148 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Hiawatha segment of Newberry Moraine. Pleistocene. S. G. Bergquist, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 1. Hiawatha National Forest, Northern Peninsula, Michigan. Higgins Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. Higgins Lake system. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fins. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Higgins Lake, Roscommon Co., Michigan. Holyoke iron fm. Upper Huronian. M. E. Wadsworth, 1890. Lake Superior along the south shore. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Holyoke, Marquette Co., Michigan. Houghton Conglomerate. Keweenawan. A. R. Marvine, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 2. A. C. Lane, 1898. M.G.S. Vol. VI, pt. 1. Houghton Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. Houghton Lake ridges; Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. Ridges. W. A. Ver Wiebe, 1927. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett. Vol. 7. Houghton Moraine. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fms. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Houghton Lake, Roscommon Co., Michigan. Hudson River Group. Ordovician. W. W. Mather, 1840. New York Geol. Surv. 4th Rept. J. W. Foster and J. D. Whitney, 1851. U.S. 31st Cong. Spec. Sess., Sen. Ex. Doe. 4. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. C. Rominger, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 3. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. Edited notes of C. E. Wright. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. H. Ries, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VIII, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Hudson River, New York. Huron gritstones. Mississippian. A. Winchell, 1871. Am. Philos. Soc. Proc. Vol. 11. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. Quarries near Grindstone. Huron Co., Michigan. Huron group. Upper Devonian. Mississippian. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. A. Winchell, 1865. Am. Jour. Sci. 2d, Vol. 39; 1871, Am. Philos. Soc. Proc. Vol. 11. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. Shore of Lake Huron, Huron Co., Michigan. Huron shale. Upper Devonian. See Antrim. J. S. Newberry, 1870. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rept. Prog. 1869. Huron River, Ohio. C. Rominger, 1876. M.G.S. Vol. III. Lake Huron, Michigan. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. Changed to St. Clair black shale (see Antrim). W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Huron Co., Michigan. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 149 Huron Bay slates. Upper Huronian. T. B. Brooks, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 1. Huron Bay, Baraga Co., Michigan. Huronian. W. E. Logan and T. S. Hunt, 1855. Esquisse geologique du Canada. T. B. Brooks, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 1. Huronian or iron bearing rocks. C. Rominger, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. A. C. Lane and others (Special committee for the Lake Superior region, 1905. Jour. Geol. Vol. 13); 1905, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904; 1907, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. C. Allen, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 3; 1912, M.G.S. Pub. 8; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 18. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. North shore of Lake Huron, Ontario, Canada. Illinoian glacial drift. Pleistocene. T. C. Chamberlin, 1896. Jour. Geol. Vol. 4. (Proposed by F. Leverett). F. Leverett, 1897. Chi. Acad. Sci., Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. 2. Defined. Illinoian stage. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. I. C. Russell, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. W. H. Sherzer, 1913. M.G.S. Pub. 12. F. Leverett, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 25. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Queried pre-Wisconsin (Illinoian?). Imlay Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fms. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Imlay, Lapeer Co., Michigan. Imlay Outlet; Channel. Pleistocene. F. B. Taylor, 1897. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 8. F. Leverett, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. F. Leverett and F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. Imlay, Lapeer Co., Michigan. Indiana Lode. Keweenawan. R. E. Hore, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 19. Indiana Mine location, Ontonagon Co., Michigan. Ionia sandstone. Pennsylvanian. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. W. A. Kelly, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 2. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1951. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 41. Ionia, lonia Co., Michigan. 150 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Ionia Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fis. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Ionia Co., Michigan. Iowan. Mississippian. S. Weller, 1920. Jour. Geol. Vol. 28, No. 4. H. M Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. A. J. Mozola, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 2. Iowa. Iowan. Pleistocene. T. C. Chamberlin, 1895. Jour. Geol. Vol. 3. I. C. Russell, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. W. H. Sherzer, 1913. M.G.S. Pub. 12. Iowa. Iron River iron formation, Michigamme slate. Huronian. R. C. Allen, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 8. C. K. Leith, R. J. Lund, and A. Leith, 1935. U.S.G.S. P.P. 184. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Iron River, Iron Co., Michigan. Ironwood iron formation. Middle Huronian. C. R. Van Hise, 1901. U.S.G.S. 21st Ann. Rept., pt. 3. R. C. Allen, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 3. R. C. Allen, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 8; 1914, M.G.S. Pub. 16 (Animikie). R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Ironwood, Gogebic Co., Michigan. Ishpeming. Huronian. W. A. Seaman, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10. Ishpeming, Marquette Co., Michigan. Island Mine Conglomerate. Keweenawan. A. C. Lane, 1898. M.G.S. Vol. VI, pt. 1. Island Mine, Isle Royale, Michigan. Isle Royale amygdaloid. Keweenawan. R. D. Irving, 1883. U.S.G.S. Mon. 5. R. E. Hore, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 8; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 19. Isle Royale, Michigan. Isle Royale trap. Keweenawan. Long local usage. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. Isle Royale Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. Jackson fm. Pennsylvanian. A. C. Lane, 1893. Reported by M. E. Wadsworth, M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Jackson Co., Michigan. Jackson coal group. Pennsylvanian. A. C. Lane, 1893. Reported by M. E. Wadsworth, M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. Jackson Co., Michigan. Jackson Coal Measures. A. C. Lane, 1899. U.S.G.S. W.-S.P. 30. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VIII, pt. 2. (Jackson coal group). Jackson Co., Michigan. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 151 Jacobsville sandstone. Upper Cambrian. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1907. Jour. Geol. Vol. 15. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1945. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 9. Jacobsville, Houghton Co., Michigan. Jasper Knob zone, Negaunee fm. Huronian. J. L. Adler, 1935. Jour. Geol. Vol. 43, No. 2. N. slope Jasper Knob, Ishpeming, Marquette Co., Michigan. Jean Nicollet, glacial lake. Pleistocene. W. Upham, 1903. Am. Geol. Vol. 32. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. Named for J. N. Nicollet. Johnson Creek conglomerate. Keweenawan. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. Johnson Creek, Houghton Co., Michigan. Jordan sandstone. Upper Cambrian. A. Winchell, 1872. Rept. Geol. vic. Belle Plain, Scott Co., Minnesota. E. 0. Ulrich, 1936. Personal communication to G. M. Ehlers. G. V. Cohee, 1945. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 9. Jordan, Scott Co., Minnesota. Juniata Moraine. Pleistocene. F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fms. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Juniata, Tuscola Co., Michigan. Kalamazoo Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 9. Kalamazoo-Jackson. F. Leverett, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. F. Leverett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 25. Kalamazoo-Mississinewa. F. W. Terwilliger, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 1. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fms. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Kalamazoo Co., Michigan. Kalkaska Moraine. Pleistocene. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fms. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Kalkaska Co., Michigan. Kansas stage. Pleistocene. T. C. Chamberlin, 1894. Geike's Great Ice Age. Jour. Geol. Vol. 3. I. C. Russell, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. Kansas. Kaskaskia. Mississippian. J. Hall, 1857. A.A.A.S. Proc. Vol. 10. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Kaskaskia, Illinois. Kawkawlin beach. Pleistocene. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. Kawkawlin Twp., Bay Co., Michigan. 152 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Kearsarge amygdaloid; flow; trap. Keweenawan. L. L. Hubbard, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 1. Kearsarge Mine, Keweenaw Co., Michigan. Kearsarge conglomerate. Keweenawan. A. R. Marvine, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 2. A. C. Lane, 1898. M.G.S. Vol. VI, pt. 1. Kingston. Minong (?) R. E. Hore, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 8; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 19. Kearsarge Mine, Keweenaw Co., Michigan. Kearsarge West amygdaloid; flow. Keweenawan. Local usage. Keewatin Center. Pleistocene. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. Keewatin, Ontario. Keewatin. Oldest pre-Cambrian of Lake Superior region. A. C. Lawson, 1885. Canada, Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv. Ann. Rept. ns. Vol. 1, 1886. A. C. Lane and others, 1895. Spec. Comm. on Lake Superior region. Jour. Geol. Vol. 13; 1905, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904. A. C. Lane, 1905, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904, -and Laurentian Basement Complex. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. C. Allen, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 3; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 18. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett., Geol. Sec. and M.G.S., 1939. 9th Ann. Excur. Guidebook. W. A. Seaman, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10. Keewatin, Ontario. Kendall Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1899. U.S.G.S. Mon. 38; 1915, U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. F. W. Terwilliger, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt 1. Kendall, Van Buren Co., Michigan. Keokuk. Mississippian. D. D. Owens, 1852. Rept. Geol. Surv. Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906, legend geol. map. Keokuk Landing, Iowa. Keweenawan. T. S. Hunt, 1873. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. Trans. Used term. T. B. Brooks, 1876. Am. Jour. Sci. Vol. 2. Defined term. R. D. Irving, 1883. U.S.G.S. Mon. 5. C. Rominger and L. L. Hubbard, 1885. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 1. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Cambrian. A. C. Lane and others, 1895. Rept. Spec. Comm. on Lake Superior region, Jour. Geol. Vol. 13; 1905, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904. Pre-Cambrian. Lane said Cambrian. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904, 1906. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. C. Allen, 1910, M.G.S. Pub. 3; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 18. Pre-Cambrian. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. R. E. Hore, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 8. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. Upper Keweenawan-Cambrian? R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. Pre-Cambrian. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 153 Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett., Geol. Sec. and M.G.S., 1939 and 1947. 9th and 12th Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan. Kidney iron-formation. Mississippian. Coldwater. B. Hubbard, 1840. M.G.S. 3d Ann. Rept. St. Geologist, Mich. Leg. S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7. Quarries in Branch Co., Michigan. Killarney granite. Post-Keweenawan. Pre-Cambrian. See Presque Isle granite. W. G. Miller and C. W. Knight, 1914. Ontario Bud. Mines Rept. Vol. 22, pt. 2. C. K. Leith, R. J. Lund, and A. Leith, 1935. U.S.G.S. P.P. 184. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett., Geol. Sec. and M.G.S., 1939. 9th Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Killarney, north shore of L. Huron, Ontario. Killarney revolution. W. G. Miller and C. W. Knight, 1914. Ontario Bur. Mines Rept. Vol. 22, pt. 2. Killians limestone; fm. Middle Devonian. A. S. Warthin, Jr. and G. A. Cooper, 1935. Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour. Vol. 25, No. 12. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci. Geol. Sec. and M.G.S., 1937, 1938 and 1940. 7th, 8th, and 10th Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. W. A. Kelly, 1940. Mich. Acad. Sci. and M.G.S. 10th Ann. Field Trip Guidebook. G. V. Cohee, 1947. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations map 28. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1949 and 1951. Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. Killians, Long Lake, Alpena Co., Michigan. Kinderhook. Mississippian. F. B. Meek and A. H. Worthen, 1861. Am. Jour. Sci. 2d, vol. 32. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VIII, pt. 2. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906, legend geol. map. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. A. J. Mozola, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 2. Kinderhook, Pike Co., Illinois. Kingston conglomerate. Keweenawan. A. R. Marvine, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 2. Kingston Farm, Keweenaw Co., Michigan. Kinross Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 154a. S. G. Bergquist, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 1. Kinross, Chippewa Co., Michigan. Kirkfield Outlet. Pleistocene. F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. Kirkfield, Ontario. Kitchi schist. Keewatin. C. R. Van Hise and W. S. Bayley, 1895. U.S.G.S. 15th Ann. Rept. R. C. Allen, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 3; 1912, M.G.S. Pub. 8. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. W. A. Seaman, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10; 1945, M.G.S. P.R. 11. Kitchi Hills, Marquette, Michigan. Knowlton amygdaloid. Keweenawan. Long local usage. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. Knowlton Mine, Ontonagon Co., Michigan. 154 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Knox. Cambrian. J. M. Safford, 1869. Geol. Tennessee. Knox Co., Tennessee. Koehler limestone. Devonian. W. A. Kelly, 1949. A.A.P.G. Vol. 31; Mich. Geol. Soc. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebook. Koehler Twp., Cheboygan Co., Michigan. Kona dolomite. Lower Huronian. C. R. Van Hise and W. S. Bayley, 1895. U.S.G.S. 15th Ann. Rept. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. C. Allen, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 3; 1912, M.G.S. Pub. 8. R. A. Smith, 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett., Geol. Sec. and M.G.S., 1939. 9th Ann. Excur. Guidebook. W. A. Seaman, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10. Kona Hill, Marquette Co., Michigan. Lac la Belle conglomerate. Keweenawan. L. L. Hubbard, 1898. M.G.S. Vol. VI, pt. 2. Lac La Belle, Keweenaw Co., Michigan. La Grange Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett and F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. H M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fms. Southern Peninsula Michigan. La Grange, Indiana. Lake Algonquin, glacial. Pleistocene. See Algonquin. Lake amygdaloid. Keweenawan. Long local usage. R. E. Hore, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 19. Lake Lode. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. Lake Mine, Ontonagon Co., Michigan. Lake Border morainic system. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1899. U.S.G.S. Mon. 38. F. Leverett, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. G. C. Tague, 1948. M.G.S. Pub. 45, pt. 1. F. W. Terwilliger, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 1. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fms. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Lake Chicago, glacial. Pleistocene. See Chicago. Lake Hanbury slate; group. Huronian. C. Rominger, 1881. M.G.S. Vol. IV, pt. 2. Lake Hanbury, Menominee Co., Michigan. Lake Shore trap. Keweenawan. R. D. Irving, 1883. U.S.G.S. Mon. 5. A. C. Lane, 1898. M.G.S. Vol. VI, pt. 1; 1911, M.G.S. Pub. 6. W. C. Gordon and A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Shore Lake Superior, Keweenaw Co., Michigan. Lake Superior sandstone. Upper Cambrian. D. Houghton, 1840. M.G.S. 3d. Ann. Rept. St. Geologist, Mich. Leg. H.D. No. 8, 1839. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 155 In his Annual Report for 1841, Mich. Leg. J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11, Houghton divided the Lake Superior sandstone as Lower red, and Upper gray sandstone. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. Lake Superior group. C. Rominger, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 3, Potsdam. A. C. Lane and W. C. Gordon, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Included Munising, Jacobsville, and Freda. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. R. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 14. Eastern or Jacobsville. R. C. Allen and L. P. Barrett, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 15. Doubtful. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. I. D. Scott, 1921. M.G.S. Pub. 30. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Excludes Freda. G. V. Cohee, 1945. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 9. Mich. Acad Sci., Arts and Lett., Geol. Sec., Mich. Geol. Soc., and M.G.S., 1948. Ann. Field Excur. Guidebook. South shore Lake Superior. Lake Whittlesey, glacial. Pleistocene. See Whittlesey. L'Anse series. Huronian. T. B. Brooks, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 1. L'Anse, Baraga Co., Michigan. Lansing Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fms. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Lansing, Ingham Co., Michigan. Lansing ss. Pennsylvanian (?) Name proposed by 0. F. Poindexter for a white ss. in Delhi Twp., Ingham Co., Michigan. Reported by Bela Hubbard. Examined but not described by M.G.S. Laramide (?) J. D. Dana 1895. Textbook geol. 4th Ed. Revolution. W. A. Seaman, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10. Faulting and mineralization in Marquette Co., Mich. Laramide Mountain Range. Laurentian Center. Pleistocene. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. Laurentian Highlands, Quebec. Laurentian epoch; series.. W. E. Logan, 1854. Canada, Geol. Surv. Prog. Rept. 1852-1853. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. T. B. Brooks, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2; 1907, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. A. C. Lane and others. Rept. Spec. Comm. on Lake Superior region; 1905, M.G.S. (from Jour. Geol. Vol. 13) Ann. Rept. 1904. W. C. Gordon and A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. C. Allen, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 3; 1912, M.G.S. Pub. 8; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 19. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. 156 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett., and M.G.S. 1939. 9th Ann. Field Excur. Guidebook. W. A. Seaman, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10. Lighthouse Point series. Mississippian. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Huron Co., Michigan. Lingula shales. Pennsylvanian. Saginaw. W. A. Kelly, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 2. Marine shales above and below Verne ls., Saginaw fm. Little Traverse Bay limestone. Middle Devonian. C. C. Douglass, 1841. Ann. Rept. St. Geologist, Mich. Leg. J.D. 1841. A. Winchell, 1873. Walling's Atlas of Michigan. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. Dropped "Little". A. C. Lane, 1893. Reported by M. E. Wadsworth, M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. Little Traverse Bay, Michigan. Lockport dolomite. Silurian. Niagaran. J. Hall, 1839. New York Geol. Surv. 3d Rept. E. C. Case and W. I. Robinson, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 18. R. A. Smith, 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21. Included in "Niagara". R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. M. Ehlers and K. K. Landes, 1944. Mackinac Straits Field Conference Guidebook. G. M. Ehlers, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 44. G. V. Cohee, 1948. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 33. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Lockport, New York. Lodi fm. Upper Cambrian. F. T. Thwaites, 1923. Jour. Geol. Vol. 31. G. V. Cohee, 1945. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 9. Lodi, Columbia Co., Wisconsin. Logan fm. Mississippian. E. B. Andrews, 1870. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rept. Prog. 1869. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. Edited notes of C. E. Wright. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2; 1900, M.G.S. Vol. VIII, pt. 2; 1907, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906, legend geol. map. Logan, Hocking Co., Ohio. Long Lake series. Middle Devonian. A. W. Grabau, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901. R. A. Smith, 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Long Lake, Alpena Co., Michigan. Loretto slate. Huronian. C. E. Dutton, 1942. M.G.S. P.R. 9. Loretto, Dickinson Co., Michigan. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 157 Lorraine group. Upper Ordovician. E. Emmons, 1842. Geol. New York, pt. 2, div. 4, geol. 2d dist. A. C. Lane, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1903. Lorraine and Utica. Lorraine (Hudson River). I. C. Russell, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906, legend geol. map. R. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 14. Maysville. 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 24. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Eden. G. V. Cohee, 1948. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 33. New York (?) Lower Grand Rapids. Mississippian. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. W. M. Gregory, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901. W. F. Cooper, 1906. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1905. R. A. Smith, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 8. W. M. Gregory, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 11. The Michigan series. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37. Grand Rapids, Kent Co., Michigan. Lower Helderberg. See Helderberg. Lower Keweenawan. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Eo-Cambrian. R. E. Hore, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 8. Lower Limerock fm. D. Houghton, 1840. 2d Ann. Rept. Mich. Leg. H.D. No. 27, Vol. 1; S.D. No. 8, Vol. 2. Northern Peninsula Ordovician of modern nomenclature. Lower Magnesian. See Prairie du Chien. A. C. Lane, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1903. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Lower Marshall. Mississippian. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. W. M. Gregory, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 11. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. A. Smith, 1924. M.G.S. Pub. 34. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Marshall, Calhoun Co., Michigan. Lower Monroe. Silurian. R. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 14. Bass Island. 1916, M.G.S. Pub. 21; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 24. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. Monroe Co., Michigan. Lower Munising. Cambrian. Dresbach (?) E. O. Ulrich, 1936. Personal communication to G. M. Ehlers. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Munising, Alger Co., Michigan. 158 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Lower Ontarian (Niagaran). Silurian. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37. South shore Lake Ontario. Lower Pentamerus. Silurian. T. A. Conrad, 1839. New York Geol. Surv. 2d Ann. Rept. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. Mich. Acad. Sci. Geol. See., Mich. Geol. Soc., and M.G.S., 1948. Ann. Field Excur. Guidebook. Lower Saginaw. Pennsylvanian. W. A. Kelly, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40. (Pre-Verne cyclical fm.) H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Coal mines, Saginaw Co., Michigan. Lower St. Louis. Mississippian. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37. St. Louis, Missouri. Lower Silurian. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. Cambrian. C. Rominger, 1876. M.G.S. Vol. III. Includes Potsdam, Calciferous, Chazy, Trenton, Hudson River group. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Trenton, Silurian shales. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. Edited notes of C. E. Wright. Hudson River, Utica, Trenton. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. Niagaran. R. A. Smith, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 24. Oswegan. Lower Silurian or Ordovician. A. C. Lane, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904; 1907, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Lower Verne. See Verne. Pennsylvanian. Lowville. Middle Ordovician. Black River group. See Birdseye. J. M. Clarke and C. Schuchert, 1899. Sci. ns. Vol. 10. Replaced Birdseye. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. Lowville, Lewis Co., New York. Lucas dolomite. Lower Devonian. C. S. Prosser, 1903. Jour. Geol. Vol. 11. A. C. Lane, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1903; 1909, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. A. C. Lane, C. S. Prosser, W. H. Sherzer, and A. W. Grabau, 1909. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 19. Detroit River series. W. H. Sherzer, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 2. R. A. Smith, 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951 and 1952. Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. A. J. Mozola, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 2. Lucas Co., Ohio. Lundy, glacial lake. Pleistocene. See Elkton. J. W. W. Spencer, 1894. Am. Jour. Sci. 3d ser., Vol. 48. F. Leverett, 1902. U.S.G.S. Mon. 41; 1910, Mich. Acad. Sci. 12th Ann. Rept. W. H. Sherzer, 1913. M.G.S. Pub. 12. F. Leverett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 25. (Grassmere, Elkton). INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 159 Lyons Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1915.. U.S..G.S. Mon. 53. lH. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fins. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Lyons, lonia Co., Michigan. Mabb aplite. Keweenawan. A. R. Marvine, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 2. "Mabbs' vein". A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. Isle Royale Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. Mackinac breccia. Devonian-Silurian. G. M. Ehiers and K. K. Landes, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 44. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951. Ann. Excur. ýGuidebook. Mackinac. Straits area, Michigan. Mackinac limestone. Middle Devonian.. D. iloughton, 1840. M.G.S.. 3d Ann. Rept. St. Geologist, Mich. Leg. S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7. C. C. Douglass, 1 841. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. St. Geologist, Mich. Leg. J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11, R.D. No. 27: S.D. No. 16. A. W. Grabau.1902, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901. W. HI. Sherser, 1913. M.G.S. Pub. 12. R. B. Newcoinbe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. HI. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mackinac Island, Michigan. Maclurites zone. Ordovician. Chandler Falls..R. C.. Hussey, 1952. M.G.S. Pub. 46..Mich. Geol. Soc., 1954. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Madison. Cambrian. R. D. Irving, 1875. Am. Jour. Sci. 3d, Vol. 9. H. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. Suggests use of term. Southern Wisconsin. Mandon aniygdaloid. Keweenawan. A. C.- Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. Mandon Mine, Keweenaw Co., Michigan. Manistee limestone. C. C. Douglass, 1841. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. St. Geologist, Mich. Leg. J.D. 1841, Vol. 1-1 No. 11. May have been a glacial boulder ledge along lower Manistee River.. Manistee Moraine. Pleistocene. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. F. Leverett, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fins. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Manistee Co., Michigan. Mamn htitji~ olex. Pleistocene-. S.. G. Bergquist, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 1. Manistique River area, Schoolcraft Co., Michigan. Manistique series. Silurian. Niagaran. H. A. Smith, 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21. Defined. H. C. Allen, H. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. G. M. Eblers, 1921. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 32. Formation. H. A. Smith, 1924. M.G.S. Pub. 34. Well log. H. B. Newcoinbe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts and Lett., Mich. Geot, Soc., and M.G.5-, 1948. Ann. Excar. Guidebook. 160 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY G. V. Cohee, 1948. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 33. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951 and 1954. Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. Manistique, Schoolcraft Co., Michigan. Manitou amygdaloid. Keweenawan. Long local usage. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. Manitou Mine, Keweenaw Co., Michigan. Manitoulin dolomite; limestone. Silurian. J. J. Bigsby, 1824. Notes on the geog. and geol. of L. Huron. Manitouline. D. Houghton, 1840. M.G.S. 3d Ann. Rept. St. Geol., Mich. Leg. S.D. Vol. 2, No. 7. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. A. C. Lane, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1903; 1909, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. M. Y. Williams, 1913. Ottawa Nat. Vol. 27. Cataract. R. A. Smith, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 24. G. M. Ehlers, 1924. M.G.S. Pub. 34. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1948. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 33. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951 and 1954. Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. Manitoulin Island, Ontario. Mankato substage. Pleistocene. M. M. Leighton, 1931. Jour. Geol. Vol. 39; 1933, Sci. Vol. 77. Mankato Co., Minnesota. Manlius limestone. Silurian. Cayugan. L. Vanuxem, 1840. New York Geol. Surv. 4th Rept. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. (See footnote by A. C. Lane). A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. Manlius, New York Maple Forest Moraine. Pleistocene. W. A. Ver Wiebe, 1925. Michigan Land Ec. Surv. ms. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fms. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Maple Forest Twp., Crawford Co., Michigan. Marcellus shale. Middle Devonian. J. Hall, 1839. New York Geol. Surv. 3d Rept. H. Ries, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VIII, pt. 1. W. F. Cooper, 1906. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1905. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906; 1909, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. W. H. Sherzer, 1913. M.G.S. Pub. 12 R A. Smith, 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21. Marcellus, Onondaga Co., New York. Mareniscan series. Huronian. C. R. Van Hise, 1892. U.S.G.S. Bull. 86. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Abandoned 1909 for Keewatin, a synonym.? Marenisco Twp., Gogebic Co., Michigan. Marlette Moraine. Pleistocene. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Marlette, Sanilac Co., Michigan. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 161 Marquette brownstone. Cambrian. F. F. Sharpless, 1891. Reported by M. E. Wadsworth, 1893, M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Marquette Co., Michigan. Marquette series. Used in some early reports for Huronian of Marquette District, Michigan. Marshall group; sandstone. Mississippian. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. A. C. Lane, 1893. Reported by M. E. Wadsworth, M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2; 1900, M.G.S. Vol. VIII, pt. 2; 1907, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. C. H. Gordon, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 3. W. F. Cooper, 1906. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1905. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Upper (Napoleon) Lower. R. A. Smith, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 8; 1914, M.G.S. Pub. 14. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. G. E. Eddy, 1936. M.G.S. P.R. 1. E. A. Newman, 1936. M.G.S. P.R. 2. G. H. Pringle, 1937. M.G.S. P.R. 3. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. C. H. Riggs, 1938. M.G.S. P.R. 4. G. V. Cohee, 1944. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations map 11. G. V. Cohee, 1951. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 41. A. J. Mozola, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 2. Marshall, Calhoun Co., Michigan. Marvin beds. Devonian. W. A. Kelly, 1940. Mich. Acad. Sci. and M.G.S. 10th Ann. Field Trip Guidebook. Marvin Quarry, Sec 7, T.34N., R.1W., Cheboygan Co., Michigan. Mass amygdaloid. Keweenawan. Local usage. R. E. Hore, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 19. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. Mass Mine, Ontonagon Co., Michigan. Mattawa-Ottawa outlet. Pleistocene. G. M. Stanley, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 43. Mattawa and Ottawa rivers, Ontario. Maumee, glacial lake; beach. Pleistocene. C. R. Dryer, 1888. Indiana Dept. Geol. and Nat. Hist. 16th Ann. Rept. F. Leverett, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901; 1912, M.G.S. Pub. 9; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 25. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. W. H. Sherzer, 1913. M.G.S. Pub. 12. Maumee River valley, Ohio. Maxville limestone. Mississippian. Bayport. E. B. Andrews, 1870. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rept. Prog. 1869. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2; 1900, M.G.S. Vol. VIII, pt. 2; 1907, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. G. P. Grimsley, 1903. M.G.S. Vol. IX, pt. 2. 162 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY W. F. Cooper, 1906. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1905. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. R. A. Smith, 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21. Maxville, Perry Co., Ohio. Mayflower amygdaloid; flows. Keweenawan. Long local usage. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. Mayflower Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. Mayville. Silurian. T. C. Chamberlin, 1877. Geol. Wisconsin Vol. 2. Mayville beds. G. M. Ehiers, 1921. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 32, Formation. G.*M.a Ehlers, 1924.. M.G.S. Pub. 34. Well lo~g. Dolomite. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951 and 1954. Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. Mayville, Dodge Co., Wisconsin. Mayville Moraine. Pleistocene. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. F. Leverett and F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fins. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Mayville, Tuscola Co., Michigan. Maysville.. Upper Ordovician. A. F. Foerstel, 1905. Sci. ns. Vol. 22. H. M_. M artin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett., Mich. Geol. Soc., and M.G.S., 1948. Ann. Field Excur. Guidebook. Maysville, Kentucky. Mazomanie. Upper Cambrian. B. 0. Ulrich, 1920. Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour. Vol. 10. H. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. Suggests use of term. B. 0. Ulrich, 1936. Personal communication to G. M. Ehlers. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mazomanie on Wisconsin River, Dane Co., Wisconsin.. Medina. Silurian and Upper Ordovician. L. Vanuxeml, 1840. New York. Geol. Sunv. 4th Rept. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893.. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Or Clinton. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt.:2. Also edited notes of C. E. Wrig-ht. W. H. Sherser, 19.00. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept.. 1908.* H. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett., 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. H. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37. Medina-Clinton. H. B. Newcombe, 1983. M.G.S. Pub. 38. Medinan Lower or Alexandrian. Medina, Oswego Co., New York. Medora amygdaloid. Keweenawan. Long local usage. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. Medora, Mine, Keweenaw Co., Michigan. Mendota. Upper Cambrian. R. D. Irving, 1875. Am. Jour. Sci. 3d, Vol. 9. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. Discusses use of term in Michigan. Lake Mendota, Wisconsin. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 163 Menominee series. Used in early reports for Huronian of Menominee District, Michigan. Meramee group. Mississippian. E. 0. Ulrich, 1904. Missouri Bur. Geol. and Mines Vol. 2, 2d ser. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. Meramecian. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Meramec Highlands and River west of St. Louis, Missouri. Merchants amygdaloid. Keweenawan. Long local usage. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. Merchants Mine, Ontonagon Co., Michigan. Mesnard epidote. Keweenawan. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1907. Jour. Geol. Vol. 15; 1909, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mesnard Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. Mesnard fm. Huronian. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. A C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. Eo-Huronian series. Mt. Mesnard, Marquette Co., Michigan. Mesnard quartzite. Huronian. C. R. Van Hise and W. S. Bayley, 1895. U.S.G.S. 15th Ann. Rept. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. R. C. Allen, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 3; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 18. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. W. A. Seaman, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10; 1945, M.G.S. P.R. 11. Mt. Mesnard, Marquette Co., Michigan. Meso-Devonian. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Michigamme jasper. Upper Huronian. H. L. Smyth, 1894. Am. Jour. Sci. Vol. 3, No. 47. Michigamme Mt., Iron Co., Michigan. Michigamme slate. Upper Huronian. C. R. Van Hise and W. S. Bayley, 1895. U.S.G.S. 15th Ann. Rept. W. C. Gordon and A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. Tyler. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. C. Allen, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 8; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 18. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett., and M.G.S., 1939. 9th Ann. Excur. Guidebook. W. A. Seaman, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10; 1945, M.G.S. P.R. 11. V. L. Ayres, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10. Lake Michigamme, Marquette Co., Michigan. Michigan conglomerate. Keweenawan. Local usage. R. E. Hore, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 19. Michigan Mine, Ontonagon Co., Michigan. Michigan period. Huronian. Proposed by M. E. Wadsworth to include Holyoke and Negaunee iron formations. 1893, M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. 164 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Michigan salt group. Mississippian. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. Suggested dropping "salt". Michigan series. Mississippian. A. C. Lane, 1900. Defined. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2; 1900, M.G.S. Vol. VIII, pt. 2; 1902, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901; 1907, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906; 1909, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. H. Ries, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VIII, pt. 1. G. P. Grimsley, 1903. M.G.S. Vol. IX, pt. 2. R. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 14. Lower Grand Rapids. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. A. Smith, 1924. M.G.S. Pub. 34; 1925, M.G.S. Pub. 35. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. G. E. Eddy, 1936. M.G.S. P.R. 1. E. A. Newman, 1936. M.G.S. P.R. 2. G. H. Pringle, 1937. M.G.S. P.R. 3. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. C. H. Riggs, 1938. M.G.S. P.R. 4.,G. V. Cohee, 1944. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations map 11; 1951, chart 41. "Michigan stray". Mississippian. Oil well drillers' usage. G. E. Eddy, 1936. M.G.S. P.R. 1. Middle Conglomerate. Keweenawan. L. L. Hubbard, 1898. M.G.S. Vol. VI, pt. 2. Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan. Middle Lake shale. Devonian. See Ferron Point. A. W. Grabau, 1916?. Unpublished ms. M.G.S. Open file. Ferron Point of Warthin and Cooper. Alpena Co., Michigan. Middle Ordovician or Champlainian. R. A. Smith, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 24. Middle Silurian or Niagaran. R. A. Smith, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 24. Millington Moraine. Pleistocene. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Millington Twp., Tuscola Co., Michigan. Millstone grit. Mississippian. A. Eaton. Early New York reports. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906, legend geol. map. Minesota conglomerate; trap. Keweenawan. S. H. Broughton, 1863. Remarks on the mining interest and details of the geology of Ontonagon Co. Phila., 1863. R. E. Hore, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 19. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. Kearsarge congl. Minesota Mine, Ontonagon Co., Michigan. Minong breccia; porphyrite; trap; conglomerate. Keweenawan. A. C. Lane, 1898. M.G.S. Vol. VI, pt. 1. Minong Mine, Isle Royale, Michigan. Mio-Cambrian. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Mio-Huronian. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 165 Mississinewa morainic system. Pleistocene. F. Leverett and F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fms. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Mississinewa River, Wabash Co., Indiana. Mississinewa shale. Silurian. Niagaran. E. R. Cumings and R. R. Schrock, 1927. Indiana Acad. Sci. Proc. Vol. 36. E. R. Cumings, 1930. Indiana Acad. Sci. Proc. Vol. 39. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mississinewa River, Wabash Co., Indiana. Mississippian system. A. Winchell, 1869. Am. Philos. Soc. Proc. Vol. 2. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII. Sub-Carboniferous (Mississippian). A. C. Lane, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904. (Sub-Carboniferous). A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. All subsequent reports. Upper Mississippi Valley. Mohawkian series. Middle Ordovician. J. Hall, 1842. Am. Jour. Sci. 3d ser. Vol. 8. J. M. Clarke and C. Schuchert, 1899. Sci. ns. Vol. 10. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mohawk River valley, New York. Mona schist. Keewatin. C. R. Van Hise and W. S. Bayley, 1895. U.S.G.S. 15th Ann. Rept. R. C. Allen, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 3; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 18. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mona Hills, Marquette Co., Michigan. Monroan. Upper Silurian. A. W. Grabau, 1909. Sci. ns. Vol. 29. Sylvania and Bass Islands. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. Upper Silurian or Monroan, Detroit River, Sylvania and Bass Island. Monroe Co., Michigan. Monroe beds; formation; group. Lower Devonian and Silurian, Lower, Middle, Upper. (See Bass Island, Detroit River, Sylvania.) D. Houghton, grey limestone, Mountain limestone, 1838. M.G.S. Rept. St. Geologist, Mich. Leg. S.D. 16, H.D. 24, 1838. A. C. Lane, 1893. Reported by M. E. Wadsworth, M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. Defined Monroe beds. A. C. Lane, 1899. U.S.G.S. W.-S.P. 30. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901. Salina and Helderberg. I. C. Russell, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. A. W. Grabau, 1908. Sci. ns. Vol. 27. Proposed Upper, Middle, Lower Monroe. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Lower Monroe, Bass Islands series. Middle Monroe = Sylvania sandstone. Upper Monroe = Detroit River series. R. A. Smith, 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. Monroe-Salina group. Monroe Co., Michigan. 166 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Montreal amygdaloid. Keweenawan. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. Montreal Mine, Keweenaw Co., Michigan. Mountain limestone. Nongeographic name used by D. Houghton and B. Hubbard in 1840 for limestones of southeastern Michigan to correlate with "Mountain limestone" of Indiana. Mount Bohemia conglomerate; gabbro; felsite. Keweenawan. A. C. Lane, 1906. Mines and minerals Vol. 27. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. Same as Bohemia or No. 8 Conglomerate. Mt. Bohemia, Keweenaw Co., Michigan. Mt. Clemens Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett and F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fms. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Mt. Clemens, Macomb Co., Michigan. Mount Houghton felsite; quartz porphyry. Keweenawan. A. C. Lane, 1898. M.G.S. Vol. VI, pt. 1; 1911, M.G.S. Pub. 6. Mt. Houghton, Keweenaw Co., Michigan. Mount Mesnard quartzite. Huronian. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Mt. Mesnard, Marquette Co., Michigan. Mount Simon sandstone. Upper Cambrian. C. D. Walcott, 1914. Smithsonian Misc. Coll. Vol. 57. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. G. V. Cohee, 1945. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 9. Mount Simon, near Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Munising Moraine. Pleistocene. S. G. Bergquist, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 1. Munising, Alger Co., Michigan. Munising sandstone. Upper Cambrian. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1907. Jour. Geol. Vol. 15. Defined. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Munising, Alger Co., Michigan. Naples goniatite beds. Devonian. J. M. Clarke, 1885. U.S.G.S. Bull. 16. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37. Naples, Ontario Co., New York. Napoleon sandstone. Mississippian. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2; 1900, M.G.S. Vol. VIII, pt. 2; 1907, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. A. C. Lane, 1904. Mich. Acad. Sci. 5th Ann. Rept. W. F. Cooper, 1906. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1905. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Upper Marshall. R. A. Smith, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 8; 1914, M.G.S. Pub. 14; 1924, M.G.S. Pub. 34. C. W. Cook, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 15. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 167 E. A. Newman, 1936. M.G.S. P.R. 2. G. H. Pringle, 1937. M.G.S. P.R. 3. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. C. H. Riggs, 1938. M.G.S. P.R. 4. G. V. Cohee, 1951. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 41. Napoleon, Jackson Co., Michigan. National sandstone. Keweenawan. S. H. Broughton, 1863. Remarks on the mining interest and details of the geology of Ontonagon Co. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. National Mine, Ontonagon Co., Michigan. Negaunee iron fm. Middle Huronian. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. W. C. Gordon and A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. C. Allen, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 3. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. R. C. Allen, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 18. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci. and M.G.S., 1939. 9th Ann. Excur. Guidebook. W. A. Seaman, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10; 1945, M.G.S. P.R. 11. Negaunee, Marquette Co., Michigan. Neo-Cambrian. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Neo-Devonian. Black shale. Antrim. A. W. Grabau, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. New Albany shale. Upper Devonian. W. W. Borden, 1874. Indiana Geol. Surv. 5th Ann. Rept. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. Edited notes of C. E. Wright. New Albany, Floyd Co., Indiana. Newberry Moraine. Pleistocene. S. G. Bergquist, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 1. Newberry, Luce Co., Michigan. New Mass amygdaloid. Keweenawan. W. H. Weed, 1925. The Mines Handbook. Mass Consolidated Mining Co. property, Ontonagon Co., Michigan. New Mayflower amygdaloid. Keweenawan. Local usage. Mayflower Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. New Richmond. Lower Ordovician. - L. C. Wooster, 1878. Wisconsin Geol. Surv. Ann. Rept. 1877. G. V. Cohee, 1945. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 9. New Richmond, St. Croix Co., Wisconsin. Newton Creek. Devonian. A. S. Warthin, Jr. and G. A. Cooper, 1941. Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour. Vol. 31. G. V. Cohee, 1947. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 28. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951 and 1952. Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. Newton Creek, Alpena Co., Michigan. Niagaran fm.; limestone; dolomite. Silurian. J. Hall, 1842. Am. Jour. Sci. 1st, Vol. 42. J. W. Foster and J. D. Whitney, 1851. U.S. 31st Cong. Spec. Sess. Ex. Doc. 4. 168 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. C. Roininger, 1878. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 8. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S.. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv.. 1891-1892. W. H. Sherser, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. H. Ries, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VIII, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901. "Niagaran (Manitoulin) dolomite". I. C. Russell, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904. A. C. Lane, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904, (Upper) Silurian; 1907, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Or Manitoulin. W. H. Sherser and A. W.' Graban, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 2; 1913, M.G.S. Pub. 12. R. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 14. Guelph and Lockport. E. C. Case and W. I. Robinson, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 18. Lockport. R. A. Smith, 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21. (Gueiph and Lockport). G. M. Ehlers, 1926. Unpublished ins. on the Niagaran of Michigan. R. B. Neweombe, 98.MG.S. Pub. 37; 1933., M.G.S. Pub. 88. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 89, legend geol. map. G. M. Ehlers and K. K. Landes, 1944. Mackinac Straits Field Conference Guidebook. G. M. Ehlers, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 44. G. V. Cohee, 1948. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 33. Michigan Geol. Soc., 1951, 1954, and 1955. Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. Niagara Co., New York. Nipigon. Keweenawan. Replaced by Keweenawan series. R. Bell, 1875. Can. Nat. and Geol. 2d ser., Vol. 7..A. C. Lane, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904. Lake Nipigon, Ontario. Nipissing, glacial lake; beach. Pleistocene. F. B. Taylor, 1894. Am. Geol. Vol. 13. W. H. Sherser, 190 0. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt.. 1; 1913, M.G.S. Pub. 12. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2; 1908, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907; 1911, M.G.S. Pub. 6. F. Leverett, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901; 1911, M.G.S. Pub. 7; 1912, M.G.S. Pub. 9; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 25. L. J. Cole, 1903. M.G.S. Vol. IX, pt. 1. I. C. Russell, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904. W. F. Cooper, 1906. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1905. 1. D. Scott, 1921. M.G.S. Pub. 30. S. G. Bergquist, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 1. G. M. Stanley, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 43; 1945, M.G.S. Pub. 44. G. C. Tague, 1948. M.G.S. Pub. 45, pt. 1. J. L. Calver, 1948. M.G.S. Pub. 45, pt. 2. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fins. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Lake Nipissing, Ontario. No. 8 Conglomerate. Keweenawan. A. R. Marvine, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 2. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. R. C. Alien, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. K. Spiroff, 1941. M.G.S. P.R. 7. Eagle River District, Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 169 Nonesuch Lode. Keweenawan. R. E. Hore, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 19. Nonesuch Mine, Gogebic Co., Michigan. Nonesuch shale; sandstone. Keweenawan. R. D. Irving, 1883. U.S.G.S. Mon. 5. C. R. Van Hise and C. K. Leith, 1909. U.S.G.S. Bull. 360. W. C. Gordon and A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Nonesuch Mine, Gogebic Co., Michigan. Norrie member iron fm. Upper Huronian. W. 0. Hotchkiss, 1919. Eng. and Min. Jour. Vol. 108. Norrie Mine, Ironwood, Gogebic Co., Michigan. North amygdaloid. Keweenawan. Local usage. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. North Bay outlet. Pleistocene. G. M. Stanley, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 44. North Bay, Ontario. North Butler amygdaloid; flow. Keweenawan. Local usage. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. North of Butler amygdaloid, Keweenaw Co., Michigan. North Higgins Moraine. Pleistocene. W. A. Ver Wiebe, 1927. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett. Vol. 7. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fms. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Higgins Lake, Roscommon Co., Michigan. North Star conglomerate. Keweenawan. A. R. Marvine, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 2. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. Probably Allouez congl. North Star Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. Northville Moraine. Pleistocene. *W. H. Sherzer, 1913. M.G.S. Pub. 12. Replaced by Defiance. Northville, Wayne Co., Michigan. Norway limestone. Huronian. C. Rominger, 1881. M.G.S. Vol. IV, pt. 2. Norway, Dickinson Co., Michigan. Norway Point fm. Middle Devonian. A. S. Warthin, Jr. and G. A. Cooper, 1935. Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour. Vol. 25, No. 12. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci. and M.G.S., 1937, 1938, and 1940. 7th, 8th, and 10th Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. G. V. Cohee, 1947. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 28. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1949, 1951, and 1952. Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. Norway Point (Seven Mile) Dam, Thunder Bay River, Alpena Co., Michigan. Norwich conglomerate; trap. Keweenawan. S. H. Broughton, 1863. Remarks on the mining interest and details of the geology of Ontonagon Co. Norwich Mine, Ontonagon Co., Michigan. 170 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Norwood shale. Devonian. G. M. Ehlers, 1938. Mich. Acad. Sci. and M.G.S. 8th Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Norwood, Charlevoix Co., Michigan. Ogima amygdaloid; trap; flow. Keweenawan. Central Mine Group. Local usage. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. Ogima Mine, Ontonagon Co., Michigan. Ogontz member Stonington beds. Upper Ordovician. R. C. Hussey, 1926. Univ. Mich. Mus. Geol. Contr. Vol. 2. R. C. Hussey, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 3; 1952; M.G.S. Pub. 46. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1950 and 1954. Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. Ogontz Creek, Delta Co., Michigan. Ohio shale. Upper Devonian. (See Huron shale, St. Clair shale, Antrim shales). E. B. Andrews, 1870. Ohio Geol. Surv. Rept. Prog. 1869. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. Edited notes of C. E. Wright. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906, legend geol. map. Ohio River hills. Ohio Trap Rock traps. Keweenawan. S. H. Broughton, 1863. Remarks on the mining interest and details of the geology of Ontonagon County. Ohio Trap Rock or Colling locations, Ontonagon Co., Michigan. Old Colony amygdaloid; flow. Keweenawan. Local usage. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. Old Colony Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. Old Colony sandstone. Keweenawan. Central Mine Group. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. Old Colony Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. Old Pewabic amygdaloid; flow. Keweenawan. Ashbed group. A. R. Marvine, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 2. Pewabic property, Keweenaw Co., Michigan. Oneida conglomerate. Keweenawan. S. H. Broughton, 1863. Remarks on the mining interest and details of the geology of Ontonagon Co. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. Probably Allouez congl. Oneida Location, Ontonagon Co., Michigan. Oneota dolomite in Prairie du Chien group. Lower Devonian. Beekmantown. W. J. McGee, 1891. U.S.G.S. 11th Ann. Rept., pt. 1. E. 0. Ulrich, 1936. Personal communication to G. M. Ehlers. G. V. Cohee, 1945. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 9. Oneota River, Allamakee Co., Iowa. Onesquethaw group. Silurian. G. A. Cooper, 1942. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 53. Stage. G. M. Ehlers and K. K. Landes, 1944. Mackinac Straits Field Conference Guidebook. G. M. Ehlers, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 44, Group. Onesquethaw Creek, Albany Co., New York. Onondaga. Middle Devonian. J. Hall, 1839. New York Geol. Surv. 3d Rept. A. Winchell, 1873. Walling's Atlas of Michigan. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 171 H. Ries, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VIII, pt. 1. I. C. Russell, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904. W. H. Sherzer, 1913. M.G.S. Pub. 12. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. M. Ehlers, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 44. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Onondaga Co., New York. Onondaga salt group. Silurian-Cayugan. L. Vanuxem, 1840. New York Geol. Surv. 4th Rept. J. Hall, Foster and Whitney, 1851. U.S. 31st Gong. Spec. Sess. Sen. Ex. Doc. 4. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. C. Rominger, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 3. A. C. Lane, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901. G. M. Ehlers, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 44. Salines of Onondaga Co., New York. Ontarian. J. D. Dana, 1890. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 1. Proposes Ontarian for Silurian. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. South shore Lake Ontario. Ontario. Silurian. E. Emmons, 1842. Geol. New York pt. 2, div. 4, Geol. 2d Dist. Group. A. C. Lane, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901. South shore Lake Ontario. Ontonagon, glacial lake. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 7; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 25. I. D. Scott, 1921. M.G.S. Pub. 30. Ontonagon Co., Michigan. Ordovician system. C. Lapworth, 1879. Geol. Mag. London, ns. Vol. 6. A. C. Lane, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904, legend geol. map. Lower Silurian or Ordovician. I. C. Russell, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904. Ordovician or Lower Silurian. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. Ordovician. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Upper, Middle, Lower. R. C. Allen, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 3. R. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 14; 1916, M.G.S. Pub. 21; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 24. R. C. Allen and L. P. Barrett, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 18. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. All subsequent reports. Oriskany. Lower Devonian. L. Vanuxem, 1839. New York Geol. Surv. 3d Rept. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. Oriskany, New York. Osage group. Mississippian. H. S. Williams, 1891. U.S.G.S. Bull. 80. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Or Augusta. 172 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 87. Osage River, near Osceola, St. Clair Co., Missouri. Osagian-. Used by some geologists to cover time of deposition of Osage group. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. Osceola amygdaloild; flow. Keweenawan. Central Mine Group. L. L. Hubbard, 1894. Lake Superior Min Inst. Proc. 2d Ann. Meeting. 1R. B. Hore, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 8; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 19. Osceola Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. Oscoda Moraine. Pleistocene. H.M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fins. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Oscoda Co., Michigan. Otisrille Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett and F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fins. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Otisville, Genesee Co., Michigan. Otter Lake Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett and F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. Otter Lake, Lapeer Co., Michigan. Outer Conglomerate. Kewe~enawan. Copper Harbor Group. R. D. Irving, 1883. U.S.G.S. Mon. 5. W. C. Gordon, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. C. R. Van Hise and C. K'. Leith, 1909. U.S.G.S. Bull. 360. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept.. 1908. A. C.- Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. R. C. Allen,' R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 19.17. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. K. Spiroff, 1941. M..G.S. P.R. 7. On Kewee~naw Point the Outer Conglomerate is nearest the lake shore. The thicker, Great Conglomerate is the inner conglomerate of the Point. Outer Copper Harbor Conglomerate. Keweenawan. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6.. Outer Conglomerate of Copper Harbor Group. Copper Harbor, Keweenaw Co., Michigan. Outer morainic system. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 154a. Owosso Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett and F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fins. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Owosso, Shiawassee Co., Michigan. Ozarkian. B. 0. TUlrich, 1909. Sci. ns. Vol. 29. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Ozarkian? B. 0. Ulrich, 1911. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 22. R. B. Newcombe, 1923. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Or Canadian. Ozark region, Missouri. Pabst member of Tyler sla-te-. Upper Huroni~an. W. 0. Hotchkiss, 1919. Eng. and Min. Jour. Vol. 108. Pabst. Mine, Gogebic, Co., Michigan. Paint slate. Upper Huronian. R. C. Allen, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 3; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 18. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 173 R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. Paint River, Iron Co., Michigan. Palaeozoic, Paleozoic. Rev. A. Sedgwick, 1838. Geol. Soc. London Proc. Vol. 2, No. 58. T. B. Brooks, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 1. C. Rominger, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 3; 1876, M.G.S. Vol. III. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. I. C. Russell, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. All subsequent reports. Palmer gneiss. Laurentian. C. R. Van Hise and W. S. Bayley, 1895. U.S.G.S. 15th Ann. Rept. C. R. Van Hise and C. K. Leith, 1909. U.S.G.S. Bull. 360; 1911, U.S.G.S. Mon. 52. Archean, partly Middle Huronian. R. C. Allen, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 3; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 18. C. A. Lamey, 1935. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 46, No 7. Middle and Lower Huronian. C. K. Leith, R. J. Lund, and A. Leith, 1935. U.S.G.S. P.P. 184. Laurentian. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Palmer Lake, Marquette Co., Michigan. Palms quartzite. Middle Huronian. C. R. Van Hise, 1901. U.S.G.S. 21st Ann. Rept., pt. 3. Palms fm. R. C. Allen, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 18. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. S. of Palms Mine, Bessemer, Gogebic Co., Michigan. Parma conglomerate; sandstone. Pennsylvanian. Pottsville. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. A. Winchell, 1873. Walling's Atlas of Michigan. Conglomerate. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2; 1907, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906; 1908 M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. A. Smith, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 8; 1914, M.G.S. Pub. 14. C. W. Cook, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 15. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. A. Smith, 1924. M.G.S. Pub. 34. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. W. A. Kelly, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 2. G. E. Eddy, 1936. M.G.S. P.R. 1. E. A. Newman, 1936. M.G.S. P.R. 2. G. H. Pringle, 1937. M.G.S. P.R. 3. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1951. U.S.G.S. (Co-op M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 41. Parma, Jackson Co., Michigan. Sec. 34 Sandstone Twp. East of Parma said to be type loc. Partridge Point fm. Middle Devonian. A. S. Warthin, Jr. and G. A. Cooper, 1935. Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour. Vol. 25, No. 12. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts and Lett. and M.G.S., 1937, 1938, and 1940. 7th, 8th, and 10th Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. Partridge Point, Alpena Co., Michigan. 174 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Payette stage; beach. Pleistocene. G. M. Stanley, 1937. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett. Vol. 23; 1937, G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 48; 1945, M.G.S. Pub. 43. Payette, Ontario. Peanut Conglomerates. Mississippian. Marshall-Coldwater. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Descriptive term. Penetang stage; beach. Pleistocene. G. M. Stanley, 1937. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett. Vol. 23; 1937, G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 48; 1945, M.G.S. Pub. 43. Penetang, Georgian Bay, Ontario. Pennsylvanian system. H. S. Williams, 1891. Arkansas Geol. Surv. Ann. Rept. Vol. 4. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 14. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. W. A. Kelly, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 2. Upper Pottsville or Early Allegheny. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Penokee Range. Huronian. R. C. Allen, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 8. Penokee District, Wisconsin. Peorian interglacial stage. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1898. Jour. Geol. Vol. 6. I. C. Russell, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. Peoria, Tazewell Co., Illinois. Permian system. R. I. Murchison, 1841. Philos. Mag. 3d ser. Vol. 19. Epoch. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. G. V. Cohee, 1951. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 41. Permian? "Red Beds". Permo-Carboniferous? "Red Beds". A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. B. Newcombe, 1931. M.G.S. Prelim. map. Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebook. "Red Beds". R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. "Permo-Carboniferous". H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Petoskey limestone. Middle Devonian. A. W. Grabau, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. E. R. Pohl, 1930. U.S. Nat. Mus. Proc. Vol. 76, art. 14. Formation. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts and Lett. and M.G.S., 1937, 1938, and 1940. 7th, 8th, and 10th Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1949 and 1951. Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. Petoskey, Emmet Co., Michigan. Pewabic amygdaloid; flow. Keweenawan. R. Pumpelly, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 2. Pewabic copper bearing bed. A. R. Marvine, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 2. Pewabic lode. Pewabic cupriferous bed. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 175 R. E. Hore, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 8; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 19. Ashbed group. Pewabic Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. Pewamo Strait, Grand River outlet. Pleistocene. J. W. W. Spencer, 1891. Am. Jour. Sci. 3d ser. Vol. 41. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. F. Leverett, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. Ionia Co., Michigan. Phoenix Mine gr. Keweenawan. R. D. Irving, 1883. U.S.G.S. Mon. 5. Phoenix Mine, Keweenaw Co., Michigan. Platte Moraine. Pleistocene. J. L. Calver, 1948. M.G.S. Pub. 45, pt. 2. Platte River, Benzie Co., Michigan. Platteville limestone. Middle Ordovician. Black River. H. F. Bain, 1905. U.S.G.S. Bull. 246. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. Platteville, Grant Co., Wisconsin. Pleistocene "Glacial epoch", Great Ice Age. C. Lyell, 1839. Elements of geology. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. C. H. Gordon, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 3. W. F. Cooper, 1906. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1905; 1907, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. R. A. Smith, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 24 Subsequent reports. Plutonic group. J. W. Foster and J. D. Whitney, 1851. U.S. 31st Cong. Spec. Sess. Sen. Ex. Doe. 4. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. Point aux Barques sandstone. Mississippian. Marshall. A. Winchell, 1871. Am. Philos. Soc. Proc. Vol. 11. A. C. Lane, 1899. U.S.G.S. W.-S.P. 30. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2; 1900, M.G.S. Vol. VIII, pt. 2. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Pointe aux Barques. Pointe aux Barques, Huron Co., Michigan. Point aux Barques Lighthouse sandstone; conglomerate. Mississippian. Coldwater. B. Hubbard, 1841. Rept. St. Geologist, Mich. Leg. J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. A. C. Lane, 1899. U.S.G.S. W.-S.P. 30. A._C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. Pointe aux Barques Lighthouse, Huron Co., Michigan. Pointe aux Chenes fm. Silurian. G. M. Ehlers and K. K. Landes, 1944. Mackinac Straits Field Conference Guidebook. G. M. Ehlers, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 44. Defined. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts and Lett., Mich. Geol. Soc., and M.G.S., 1948. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Pointe aux Chenes, Mackinac Co., Michigan. Point Au Gres. Mississippian. C. C. Douglass, 1841. 4th Ann. Rept. St. Geologist (Douglass Houghton), Mich. Leg. J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. 176 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S.. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. AuGres. Point Au Gres, Arenac, Co., Michigan. Point Betsie Moraine. Pleistocene. J. L. Calver, 1948. M.G.S. Pub. 45, pt. 2. Point Betsie, Benzie Co., Michigan. Portage group. Upper Devonian. J. Hall, 1840. New York Geol. Surv. 4th Rept.. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. W. H. Sherser, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906, legend geol. map. Portage, New York. Portage Entry redstone. Keweenawan. F. F. Sharpless, 1893. Reported by M. E. Wadsworth, M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Portage Entry, Houghton Co., Michigan. Portage Lake lava series. Keweenawan. (Proposed). W. S. White, 1951. U.S.G.S. Geol. quadrangle map. Bedrock geology of the Abmeek quadrangle, Michigan. (Includes Eagle River, Ashbed, Central Mine and Bohemian Range groups). Portage Lake, Houghton Co., Michigan. Port Austin ss. Mississippian. Marshall. A. C. Lane, 1899. U.S.G.S. W.-S.P. 30. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. A. C. Lane, 191-0. Jour. Geol. Vol. 1.8. H. M.. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Port Austin, Huron Co., Michigan. Port Huron morainic system.. Pleistocene. Wisconsin. F. B. Taylor, 1897. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 8. W. H. Sherser, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. F. Leverett, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 9; 1917; M.G.S. Pub. 25. F. Leverett and F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. H.. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map -surface fins. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Port Huron, St. Clair Co., Michigan. Portland Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1915. U.S.G.S.. Mon. 53. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fins. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Portland, Ionia Co., Michigan. Potsdamn sandstone. Upper Cambrian. E. Eminons, 1838. New York Geol. Surv. 2d Rept. J. Halt, Foster and Whitney, 1851.. U.S. 31st Cong. Spec. Sess. Sen. Ex. Doc. 4. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. C. Rominger, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 3; 1895, M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 1. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. Or Eastern ss. L. L. Hubbard, 1898. M.G.S. Vol. VI, pt. 2. I. C. Russell, 1905. M.G.S.. Ann. Rept. 1904; 11907, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. E. C. Case and W. 1. Robinson, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 18. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. Potsdam, St. Lawrence Co., New York. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE1 177 Potter Farm. Devonian. A. S. Warthin, Jr., and G. A. Cooper, 1935. Wash. Acad. Scii. Jour. Vol. 25, No. 12. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts and Lett. and M.G.S., 1937, 1938, and 1940. 7th, 8th, and 10th Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. G. V. Cohee, 1947. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 28. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1949, 1951, and 1952. Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. Fred Potter Farm, T.S1N., R.8E., Alpena Co., Michigan. Pottsville. Pennsylvanian. J. P. Lesley, 1876. Pennsylvania Geol. Surv. 2d Rept. L. Appendix E. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2; 1907, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906, legend geol. map. W. A. Kelly, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 2. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Probably Pottsville, Pennsylvania. Prairie dui Chien. Lower Ordovician. H. F. Bain, 1906. U.S.G.S. Bull. 294. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. "CGalciferous". H. M. Martin, 1-937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Lower Magnesian. Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. Prasopora zone. Ordovician., Chandler Falls. R. C. Hussey, 1952. M.G.S. Pub. 46. Mich.. Geol. Soc., 1954. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Pre-Cambrian. R. D. Irving, 1888. U.S.G.S. 7th Ann. Rept. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Presque Isle granite. Post-Keweenawan. R. C. Allen and L. P.. Barrett, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 18. Defined. R. C. Allen and L. P. Barrett, 1915.. Jour. Geol. Vol. 23. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett' 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. C. K. Leith, R. J. Lund, and A. Leith, 1935. U.S.G.S. P.P. 184. Assigned Presque Isle granite to Killarney Revolution. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Killarney (Presque Isle) granite. Presque Isle River, Ontonagon Co., Michigan. Presque Isle series. Middle Devonian. E. R. Pohl, 1930. U.S. Nat. Mus. Proc. Vol. 76, art. 14. Proposed by A. W. Gnabau, 1915, unpublished ins. Presque Isle Co., Michigan. Primary rocks. D. Houghton, 1840. 3d Ann. Rept. St. Geol., Mich. Leg. S.D. 1840, Vol. 2, No. 7. Princeton series. Upper Huronian. R. C. Allen, 1914. Jour. Geol. Vol. 22.. B. C. Allen, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 18. Princeton Mine, Gwinn District, Marquette Co., Michigan. Prosser. Middle Ordovician. E. 0. Ujlrich, 1911. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 22. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. Prosser Ravine, Fillmore Co., Minnesota. 178 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Proterozoic era. S. F. Emmons, 1888. Am. Comm. Rept. Internat. Geol. Cong. C. R. Van Hise and C. K. Leith, 1909. U.S.G.S. Bull. 360. Algonkian. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. W. A. Seaman, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10. Pullman, glacial lake. Pleistocene. F. W. Terwilliger, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 1. Defined. Pullman, Allegan Co., Michigan. Put-in-Bay dolomite. Silurian. Cayugan. Bass Island. W. H. Sherzer and A. W. Grabau, 1909. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 19. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. W. H. Sherzer and A. W. Grabau, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 2. R. A. Smith, 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 24. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol map. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951 and 1952. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. A. J. Mozola, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 2. Put-in-Bay, Lake Erie. Quaternary. J. Desnoyers, 1829. Annales sci. nat. Vol. 16. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. A. Smith, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 24. Subsequent reports. Queenston shale. Upper Ordovician. Richmond. A. W. Grabau, 1908. Sci. ns. Vol. 27. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. G. M. Ehlers, 1924. M.G.S. Pub. 34. Well log. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1948. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 33. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebook. Queenston, on Niagara River, opposite Lewiston, New York. Quincy amygdaloid. Keweenawan. Local usage. Quincy Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. Quincy Pewabic amygdaloid. Keweenawan. R. D. Irving, 1883. U.S.G.S. Mon. 5. Quincy and Pewabic mines, Houghton Co., Michigan. Quinnesec schists. Huronian. R. C. Allen, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 3. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Quinnesec, Dickinson Co., Michigan. Racine. Silurian. Niagaran. J. Hall, 1861. Wisconsin Geol. Surv. Rept. 1860. G. M. Ehlers, 1920. Mich. Acad. Sci. 21st Rept. Stated Smith's Engadine probably Racine. Later reversed opinion. Racine, Wisconsin. INDEX OP NOMENCLATURE 179 Raisin River dolomite. Silurian. Oayugan. Bass Island. W. H. Sherser and A. W. Graban, 1909. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 19. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. W. H. Sherzer and A. W. Grabau, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 2. R. A. Smith, 1918. M.G.S. Pub. 12; 1916, M.G.S. Pub. 21; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 24. R. 0. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917.. M.G.S. Pub. 28, legend.geol. map. R. B.. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 87; 1938, M.G.S. Pub. 88. H. M. Martin, 1987. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Geol. S~oc.; 1951 and 1952. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. A. 5. Mozol-a, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 2. Raisin River, Monroe Co., Michigan. Randyille dolomite. Lower Huronian. C. R. Van Hise, 1899. U.S.G.S. 19th Ann. Rept. H. L. Smyth, 1899. U.S.G.*S. 19th Ann. Rept. R.0 C. Allen, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 8; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 18. R. A. Smith, 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21. R. C.- Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 28, legend.geol. map. H. M. Martin, 1987. M.G.S. Pub. 89, legend geol..map. C. E. Dutton and C. A. Lamey, 1989. M.G.S. P.R. 5. C. A. Lamey and C. E. Dutton, 1941. M.G.S. P.R. 6. C. A. Lamey and C. E. Dutton, 1942. M.G.S. P.R. 8. C. A. Dutton, 1942. M'.G.S. P.R. 9. Randville, Dickinson Co., Michigan. Recent. 0. Lyell, 1833. Principles of geology. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Pleistocene. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map..(See Quaternary). Red Beds. Permian.? Permo-Carboniferous? See Permo- Carboniferous. R. B. Newcombe, 1988. M.G.S. Pub. 88. W. A. Kelly, 1936.0 M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 2. G. E. Eddy, 1936. M.G.S. P.R. 1. H. M. Martin, 1987. M.G.S. Pub. 89, legend geol. map. Republic fin. Archean. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol.. Surv. 1891-1892. Republic, Marquette Co., Michigan. Republic granite. Post-Upper Huronian. 0. A. Lamey, 1933. Jour. Geol. Vol. 41, No. 5. H. M. Martin, 1987. M.G.S. Pub. 89, legend geol. map. V. L. Ayres, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10. -Republic, Marquette--Co.-, Michigan. Richf ield zone. Devonian. Subsurface Detroit River. G. H. Hautau, 1952. M.G.'S.* P.R. 15. Richfield (now- AuSable) Twp., Roscommon Co., Michigan. Richmond group. Upper Ordovician. N. H. Winchell and E. 0. Ulrich, 1897. Minnesota Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv. Final Rept. Vol. 8. C. Ro-minger, 1876. M.G.S. Vol. III. A. C. Lane., 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R2. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 14. And Medina. B. C. Case and W. IL Robinson, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 18. 12. C. Alien, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett., 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 28, legend geol. map. 180 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. R. C. Hussey, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 3; 1952, M.G.S. Pub. 46. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts and Lett., Mich. Geol. Soc., and M.G.S., 1948. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. G. V. Cohee, 1948. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 33. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1950, 1951, and 1954. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. Richmond, Indiana. Richmondville. Mississippian. C. E. Wright, 1885. Notes edited by A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. A. C. Lane, 1893. Reported by M. E. Wadsworth, M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. C. H. Gordon, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 3. W. H. Sherzer, 1913. M.G.S. Pub. 12. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Richmondville, Sanilac Co., Michigan. Rochester shale. Silurian. T. A. Conrad, 1839. New York Geol. Surv. 3d Rept. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. Upper shale of Lorraine and Utica, possibly Rochester. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 14. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mississinewa (Rochester?). Rochester, New York. Rock Falls series. Mississippian. Cuyahoga. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. Huron Co., Michigan. Rockland (or National) sandstone. Keweenawan. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. After G. D. Emerson's 1859 report. Rockland, Ontonagon Co., Michigan. Rockport limestone. Middle Devonian. R. A. Smith, 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21. W. A. Ver Wiebe, 1927. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett. Vol. 7. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. A. S. Warthin, Jr., and G. A. Cooper, 1935. Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour. Vol. 25, No. 12. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts and Lett. and M.G.S., 1937, 1938, and 1940. 7th, 8th, and 10th Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. W. A. Kelly, 1940. Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebook. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebook. A. S. Warthin, Jr. and G. A. Cooper, 1941. Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour. Vol. 31. Renamed Rockport "Rockport Quarry". Rockport, Alpena Co., Michigan. Rockport Quarry limestone. Middle Devonian. A. S. Warthin, Jr. and G. A. Cooper, 1941. Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour. Vol. 31. Rockport of Smith, 1916, "three times preoccupied". "Grand Lake" of Pohl never adequately described. G. V. Cohee, 1947. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 28. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1949 and 1952. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. Rockport Quarry, Alpena Co., Michigan. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 181 Rogers City limestone. Devonian. G. M. Ehlers and R. E. Radabaugh, 1938. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett. Vol. 23. Mich. Acad. Sci. and M.G.S. 1938 and 1940. 8th and 10th Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. G. M. Ehlers, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 44. G. V. Cohee, 1945. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations map 38. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts and Lett., Mich. Geol. Soc., and M.G.S., 1948. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951 and 1952. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. Rogers City, Presque Isle Co., Michigan. Rouge, glacial lake. Pleistocene. W. H. Sherzer, 1913. M.G.S. Pub. 12. From Taylor ms. F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. F. Leverett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 25. River Rouge, Wayne Co., Michigan. Saganing beach. Pleistocene. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. After W. F. Cooper, 1906. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1905. Saganing Creek, Bay Co., Michigan. Saginaw fin. Pennsylvanian. Pottsville. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VIII, pt. 2; also M.G.S. Ann. Repts. 1904, 1905, and 1906. A. C. Lane, 1901. Michigan Miner Vol. 3, No. 1. W. F. Cooper, 1906. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1905. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Upper Pottsville. W. M. Gregory, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 11. R. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 14. Upper Pottsville. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. W. A. Kelly, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 2. G. E. Eddy, 1936. M.G.S. P.R. 1. E. A. Newman, 1936. M.G.S. P.R. 2. G. H. Pringle, 1937. M.G.S. P.R. 3. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1951. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 41. Saginaw Co., Michigan. Coal Mines. "Saginaw sand". Drillers' term. Middle Devonian. Subsurface. R. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 14. C. G. Carlson, 1927. A.A.P.G. Bull. Vol. 11, No. 9. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1947. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 28. Saginaw oil field, Saginaw Co., Michigan. Saginaw, glacial lake. Pleistocene. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2; 1908, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. F. Leverett, 1902. M.G.S. Ann Rept. 1901; 1912, M.G.S. Pub. 9; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 25. Saginaw River drainage basin, Michigan. Saginaw Moraine. Pleistocene. Used by F. B. Taylor in early reports for the Saginaw Valley section of the moraine now known as the Port Huron morainic system. 182 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY W.. F. Cooper, 1906. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1905. Saginaw Co., Michigan. St. Clair shale. Upper Devonian. See Antrim. A. C. Lane, 1893. Reported by M. E. Wadsworth, M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. Genesee shale. H. Ries, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VIII, pt. 1. C. H. Gordon, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VIII, pt. 3. A. C. Lane, 1901. Michigan Miner Vol. 3, No. 1. A. C. Lane, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901. Replaced preoccupied St. Clair by Ant-rimn. St. Clair Co., Michigan. St. Croix. Upper Cambrian. N. H. Winchell, 1873. Minnesota Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv. 1st Ann. Rept. for 1872. St. Croix. C. D. Walcott, 1912. Smithsonian Misc. Coil. Vol. 57, No. 10. St. Croixan. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Marti n, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. St. Croix, Minnesota. St. Ignace fmn. Silurian. G. M., Ehiers and K. K. Landes, 1944. Mackinac Straits Field Conference Guidebook. G. M. Ehiers,.1945. M.G.S. Pub. 44. Defined. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett., Mich. Geol. Soc., and M.G.S., 1948. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. St. Ignace, Mackinac Co., Michigan. St. Johns Moraine. Pleistocene. Wisconsin. F. Leverett and F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. H...M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fins. Southern Peninsula Michigan.. St. Johns, Clinton Co., Michigan. St. Lawrence. Upper Cambrian. Subsurface. N. H. Winchell, 1874. Minnesota Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv. 2d Ann. Rept. for 1873. E. 0. Ulrich, 1924. Wisconsin Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett. Trans. Vol. 21. W. H. Twenhofel, G. 0. Raasch, and F. T. Thwaites, 1935. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 46, No. 11. G. V. Cohee, 1945. U..S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. D ept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 9. St. Lawrence, Scott Co., Minnesota. St. Louis amygdaloid. Keweenawan. Long local usage. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. St.. Louis lode, Central Mine Group, Houghton Co., Michigan. St. Louis fin. Mississippian. G. Engelmann, 1847. Am. Jour. Sdi. 2d ser. Vol. 3. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. St. Louis, Missouri. Ste. Marie sandstone. Upper Cambrian. WM E. Logan, 1863.- Canada Geol. Surv. Rept. Prog. to 1863. St. Marys River area, Michigan. St. Marys sandstone. Upper Cambrian. C. Rominger, R. Pumpelly, and T. B. Brooks.. 1873. M.G.S. atlas. Map to accompany M.G.S. Vol.I. Or Potsdam. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 183 T. B. Brooks, 1880. Geol. Wisconsin Vol. 3. (Also Potsdam). St. Marys Peninsula of Rominger, eastern half of Northern Peninsula, Michigan. St. Marys epidote. Keweenawan. A. R. Marvine, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 2. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. Same as Mesnard epidote. St. Mary's Location, Keweenaw Co., Michigan. St. Peter sandstone. Lower Ordovician. D. D. Owen, 1847. Prel. Rept. Prog. Geol. Surv. Wisconsin and Iowa, U.S. Gen. Land Office Rept. 1847. A. G. Lane, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1903; 1907, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906, legend geol. map. = Silurian-Calciferous and St. Peters. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Lane states A. W. Grabau suggested part of Lake Superior ss. is St. Peter and accepted suggestion. Lane used St. Peter and St. Peters. R. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 14; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 24; 1924, M.G.S. Pub. 34. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1945. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 9. St. Peter, now Minnesota, River, Minnesota. Salina fm. Silurian. Cayugan. J. D. Dana, 1863. Man. of Geol. 1st ed. A. Winchell, 1873. Walling's Atlas of Michigan. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906, legend geol. map. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. W. H. Sherzer and A. W. Grabau, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 2. W. H. Sherzer, 1913. M.G.S. Pub. 12. R. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 14; 1916, M.G.S. Pub. 21; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 24; 1924, M.G.S. Pub. 34. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. M. Ehlers and K. K. Landes, 1944. Mackinac Straits Field Conference Guidebook. G. M. Ehlers, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 44. K. K. Landes, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 44. K. K.-Landes, 1945. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations map 40. A. J. Mozola, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 2. Salt wells at Salina, New York. Sangamon stage. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1898. Jour. Geol. Vol. 6. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. Sangamon Co., Illinois. Saratogan. Upper Cambrian or St. Croixan. C. D. Walcott, 1903. Jour. Geol. Vol. 11. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Saratoga Springs, New York. 184 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Sault Ste. Marie sandstone. See St. Marys sandstone. Saunders fm. Huronian. R. C. Allen, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 3; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 18. Defined. R. A. Smith, 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21. Pre-Cambrian H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Saunders, Iron Co., Michigan. Schoolcraft. Silurian. Niagaran. G. M. Ehlers, 1926. Unpublished ms. on the Niagaran of Michigan. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett., Mich. Geol. Soc., and M.G.S., 1948. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951 and 1954. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. Schoolcraft Co., Michigan. Senecan. Devonian. J. M. Clarke and C. Schuchert, 1899. Sci. ns. Vol. 10. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908, R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Seneca Lake, Seneca Co., New York. Seney complex. Pleistocene. S. G. Bergquist, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 1. Seney, Schoolcraft Co., Michigan. Seven Mile Dam. See Norway Point. Shakopee dolomite. Lower Ordovician. Prairie du Chien. N. H. Winchell, 1874. Minnesota Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv. 2d Ann. Rept. G. V. Cohee, 1945. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 9. Shakopee, Scott Co., Minnesota. Shawmut amygdaloid; flow. Keweenawan. Long local usage. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. Shawmut mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. Shawmut conglomerate. Keweenawan. A. C. Lane, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 6. B. S. Butler, "this cgl. is probably No. 11 or 12 of Central Mine group..." See U.S.G.S. Bull. 896. Shawmut Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. Sheridan fm. Middle Ordovician. Iron River Dist. R. C. Allen, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 3. Sheridan Hill, Iron River Dist., Iron Co., Michigan. Siamo slate. Middle Huronian. C. R. Van Hise and W. S. Bayley, 1895. U.S.G.S. 15th Ann. Rept. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. C. Allen, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 3; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 18. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci. and M.G.S., 1939. 9th Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Siamo Hill, Marquette Co., Michigan. Sibley fm. Huronian. W. A. Seaman, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10. Sibley Peninsula, Keweenaw Co., Michigan. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 185 Silica shale. Middle Devonian. G. A. Stewart, 1927. Ohio Geol. Surv. 4th ser. Bull. 32. E. R. Pohl, 1930. Tennessee Acad. Sci. Jour. Vol. 5. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts and Lett. and M.G.S., 1937. 7th Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Siica, Lucas Co., Ohio. Silurian period; system. R. I. Murchison, 1835. London and Edinburgh Philos. Mag. and Jour. Sci. 3d ser. Vol. 7. J. W. Foster and J. D. Whitney, 1850. U.S. 31st Cong. House Rep. Ex. Doe. 69, legend geol. map. J. W. Foster and J. D. Whitney, 1851. U.S. 31st Cong. Spec. Sess. Sen. Ex. Doe. 4, pt. 2. Lower Silurian system = Potsdam and Calciferous sandstone. By James Hall. Upper Silurian = Clinton gr., Niagara gr. and Onondaga Salt Group. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. Lower Silurian = Lake Superior sandstone, Calciferous sandstone, Trenton gr., Hudson River gr. Upper Silurian = Clinton, Niagara, Onondaga Salt Group. C. Rominger, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 3. Same usage. A. C. Lane, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901; 1905, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1903. Excluded Potsdam from Silurian; included Monroe. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Upper Silurian or Ontarian. Medina to Raisin River inclusive. Lower Silurian or Ordovician. Trenton to Richmond inclusive. W. H. Sherzer, 1913. M.G.S. Pub. 12. Silurian, Ordovician. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. Niagaran, Middle Silurian or Salinan, Upper Silurian or Monroan. G. M. Ehlers, 1924. M.G.S. Pub. 34. Well log. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. M. Ehlers, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 44. A. J. Mozola, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 2. Slender (Deployed) moraines. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. F. Leverett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 25. Solen series. Mississippian. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. Huron Co., Michigan. Soule beds. Mississippian. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. Huron Co., Michigan. South Butler amygdaloid. Keweenawan. Long local usage. SB. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. South of Butler amygdaloid, Ontonagon Co., Michigan. South Higgins Moraine. Pleistocene. W. A. Ver Wiebe, 1927. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett. Vol. 7. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fms. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Higgins Lake, Roscommon Co., Michigan. South Pewabic amygdaloid; flow. Keweenawan. Ashbed group. A. R. Marvine, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 2. Old South Pewabic Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. Squaw Bay limestone. Devonian. A. S. Warthin, Jr. and G. A. Cooper, 1935. Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour. Vol. 25, No. 12. 186 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci. and M.G.S., 1937, 1938, and 1940. 7th, 8th, and 10th Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. G. V. Cohee, 1947. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 28. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1949, 1951, and 1952. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. Squaw Bay, Alpena Co., Michigan. Steuben segment of Newberry Moraine. Pleistocene. S. G. Bergquist, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 1. Steuben, Schoolcraft Co., Michigan. Stewartville. Middle Ordovician. E. 0. Ulrich, 1911. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 22. E. C. Case and W. I. Robinson, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 18. Upper (?) Galena. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1954 and 1955. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. Stewartville, Olmsted Co., Minnesota. Stones River group. Lower Ordovician. Chazy. J. M. Safford, 1851. Am. Jour. Sci. 2d ser. Vol. 12. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. A. Smith, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 24. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Stone River, Nashville, Tennessee. Stonington beds. Upper Ordovician. Richmond. R. C. Hussey, 1926. Univ. Mich. Mus. Geol. Contr. Vol. 2, No. 8; 1952, M.G.S. Pub. 46. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1948. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 33. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1950 and 1954. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. Stonington Peninsula, Delta Co., Michigan. Stony Point. Devonian. (Name used by H. H. Hindshaw). A. W. Grabau, 1916? Unpublished ms. M.G.S. Open File. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Stony Point, Alpena, Alpena Co., Michigan, Stromatopora beds. Devonian, Traverse. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. A. W. Grabau, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901. Suggested these beds be named Petoskey. Stropheodonta nacrea beds. Devonian. Traverse. A. W. Grabau, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901. With Acervularia beds the equivalent of Winchell's Bryozoa beds. Sturgeon quartzite. Lower Huronian. H. L. Smyth, 1899. U.S.G.S. 19th Ann. Rept., pt. 3. R. C. Allen, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 3; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 18. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. C. A. Lamey and C. E. Dutton, 1942. M.G.S. P.R. 8. Sturgeon River, Dickinson Co., Michigan. Sturgeon River Moraine. Pleistocene. S. G. Bergquist, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 1. Sturgeon River, Delta Co., Michigan. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE1 187 Sturgis Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fins. Southern Peninsula, Michigan. Sturgis, St. Joseph Co., Michigan. Sub-Carboniferous. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rep't. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1392. Summnerville limestone. Devonian. See Genshaw. A. W. Grabau, 1916 (?). Unpublished ins. M.G.S. Open File. Upper Is. of Genshaw above El Cajon sh. Sumnimerville, south shore Long Lake, Alpena Co., Michigan. Sunbury shale. Mississippian. L. E. Hicks, 1878. Am. Jour. Sci. 3d ser. Vol. 16. W. F. Cooper, 1906. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1905.; 1907, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1903. Or Berea. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. A. Smith, 192.4. M.G.S.. Pub. 34. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. E. A. Newman, 1936. M.G.S. P.R. 2. G. H. Pringle, 1937. M.G.S. P.R. 3. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1951. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 41. A. J. Mozola, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 2. Sunbury, Delaware Co., Ohio. Sunday quartzite. Lower Hu ronian. C. R. Van Hise and C. K. Leith, 1911. U.S.G.S. Mon. 52. R. C. Allen, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 18. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub.. 23, legend geol. map. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Sunday Lake, Gogebic Co., Michigan. Sunnyside limestone. Devonian. See Genshaw. A. W. Gvabau, 1916 (?). Unpublished ms.. M.G.S. Open File. Lower Is. of Genshaw below El Cajon sh. Sunnyside, east shore Long Lake, Alpena Co., Michigan. Superior ainygdaloid. Keweenaw",an. Bohemia Range. Long local usage. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144, = Baltic. Superior Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. Superior granite. W. A. Seaman, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10. Killarney or Republic granite. W. A. Seamnan, 1945. M.G.S. P.R. 11. Killarney. Lake Superior Region. Superio~r West ainygdaloid. Kew~eenawan. Long local usage. R. E. Hore, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 19. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. Superior Mine,' Houghton Co., Michigan. Sylvania sandstone. Lower Devonian. E. Orton, 1888. Ohio Geol. Surv. Vol. 6. A. C. Lane., 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. W. H. Sherser, 1900.. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. 188 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY A. W. Grabau, 1908. Sci. ns. Vol. 28. Assigned Sylvania to Middle Monroe. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. W. H. Sherzer and A. W. Grabau, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 2. W. H. Sherzer, 1913. M.G.S. Pub. 12. R. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 14; 1916, M.G.S. Pub. 21; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 24. Middle Monroe. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Neweombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. J. E. Carman, 1936. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 47, No. 2. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. K. K. Landes, 1945. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations map 28; 1945, M.G.S. Pub. 44. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951 and 1952. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. G. M. Ehlers, E. C. Stumm, and R. V. Kesling, 1951. G.S.A. Guidebook; 1952, Mich. Geol. Soc. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebook. Included in Detroit River group. A. J. Mozola, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 2. Sylvania, Lucas Co., Ohio. Tawas Moraine. Pleistocene. Port Huron system. F. Leverett and F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fms. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Tawas, losco Co., Michigan. Tazewell stage. Pleistocene. Early Wisconsin. M. M. Leighton, 1933. Sci. ns. Vol. 77. Tazewell Co., Illinois. Tekonsha Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett and F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fms. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Tekonsha, Calhoun Co., Michigan. Tennesseean system. E. O. Ulrich, 1905. U.S.G.S. P.P. 36; 1911, G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 22. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. Thunder Bay limestone. Middle Devonian. C. C. Douglass, 1841. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. St. Geol., Mich. Leg. J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. A. W. Grabau, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901. Series. Redefined. R. A. Smith, 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. A. S. Warthin, Jr. and G. A. Cooper, 1935. Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour. Vol. 25, No. 12. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett., and M.G.S., 1938 and 1940. 8th and 10th Ann. Excur. Guidebooks. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1949, 1951, and 1952. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. Thunder Bay, Alpena Co., Michigan. Timiskaming (also Timiskamian). Lower Huronian. W. G. Miller, 1911. Eng. and Min. Jour. Vol. 92. Temiskaming. J. Zinn, 1939. Mich. Acad. Sci. and M.G.S. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Temiskaming. Lake Temiskaming, Ontario. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 189 Toleston beach. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1899. U.S.G.S. Mon. 38; 1915, U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. Toleston. F. Leverett, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 9; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 25. W. H. Sherzer, 1913. M.G.S. Pub. 12. Tolleston, Lake Co., Indiana (absorbed by Gary, Indiana). Toll pit beds. Devonian. W. H. Sherzer and A. W. Grabau, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 2. Toll pit quarry, near Scofield, Monroe Co., Michigan. Torch Lake amygdaloid. Keweenawan. Local usage. Torch Lake Mining Co. property, Houghton Co., Michigan. Traders iron fm. Middle Huronian. Member Vulcan fm. C. R. Van Hise and W. S. Bayley, 1900. U.S.G.S. Menominee Folio No. 62. C. K. Leith, R. J. Lund, and A. Leith, 1935. U.S.G.S. P.P. 184. C. E. Dutton and C. A. Lamey, 1939. M.G.S. P.R. 5. C. A. Lamey and C. E. Dutton, 1941. M.G.S. P.R. 6; 1942, M.G.S. P.R. 8. C. E. Dutton, 1942. M.G.S. P.R. 9. Traders Mine, Menominee District, Michigan. Trappean series. Trap rock. Keweenawan. D. Houghton, 1841. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. St. Geol., Mich. Leg. J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. C. Rominger, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 3. Traverse fm. Middle Devonian. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. Little Traverse Group. A. C. Lane, 1893. Reported by M. E. Wadsworth, M.G.S., Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. Dropped "Little" of Winchell. (Traverse includes Hamilton and Marcellus = Erian of Clarke and Schuchert.) W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1; 1913, M.G.S. Pub. 12. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2; 1907, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906; 1909, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. C. H. Gordon, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 3. A. W. Grabau, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901. W. F. Cooper, 1906. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1905. R. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 14, Hamilton-Marcellus; 1916, M.G.S. Pub. 21; 1924, M.G.S. Pub. 34; 1925, M.G.S. Pub. 35. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. Hamilton. Marcellus. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. E. R. Pohl, 1930. U.S. Nat. Mus. Proc. Vol. 76, art. 14. A. S. Warthin, Jr. and G. A. Cooper, 1935. Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour. Vol. 25, No. 12. G. E. Eddy, 1936. M.G.S. P.R. 1: E. A. Newman, 1936. M.G.S. P.R. 2. G. H. Pringle, 1937. M.G.S. P.R. 3. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. C. H. Riggs, 1938. M.G.S. P.R. 4. G. V. Cohee, 1947. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 28; 1951, U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 41. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett., Mich. Geol. Soc., and M.G.S., 1948. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1949 and 1952. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. A. J. Mozola, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 2. Little Traverse Bay of Lake Michigan, Charlevoix Co., Michigan. 190 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Trempealean fin. Upper Cambrian. P. T. Thwaites, 1923. Jour. Geol. Vol. 31, No. 7. Proposed by E. 0. Ulrich. E. 0. Ulrich, 1924.. Wisconsin Acad.. Sci., Arts. and Lett. Trans. Vol. 21. Ri. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pu~b. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 1945. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 9. Trempealean Bluff, Treinpealeau Co., Wisconsin. Trenary till plain. Pleistocene.. So G. Bergquist,.1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 1. Trenary, Alger Co., Michigan. Trent Outlet. Pleistocene. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. liept-. 1907. F. Leverett, 1911. M.G.S. Pub. 7. 'F. Leverett and F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. Trent River, Ontario. Trenton limestone; group. Middle Ordovician.,L. Vanuxem, 1838. New York Geol. Surv. 2d Rept. Silurian. 3-. Hall, 1851. Foster and Whitney Rept. U.S. 31st Cong. Spec. Sess. Sen. Ex. Doc. No. 4. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. Firs~t Bien. Rept. Lower Silurian.. C. Ronfinger, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 3. Silurian. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Ge~ol. Surv. 1891-1892. Lower Silurian. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. Edited notes of C. E. Wright. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol.:VII, pt. 2;. 1902, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901; 1905, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1903, Silurian;.1905, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904, Lower Silurian or Ordovician; 1907, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. '1906, Ordovician. 1. C. Russell, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904. Ordovician or Lower Silurian. W. H. Sherzer, 1913. M.G.S. Pub. 12.R. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 14; 1916, M.G.S. Pub. 21, Galena and Plattevi'lle; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 24; 1924, M.G.S. Pub. 34. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geo~l. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 88. R. C. Hussey', 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 3. H. M. Martin, 19371. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. V. Cohee, 194.5. U. S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 11. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett., Mich. Geol. Soc., and Md.G.S., 1948. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1950 and 1954. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. Trenton Falls, New York. Trepidoleptus beds. Middle Devonian. Traverse. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. Re-named Bryozoa beds. Tyler slate. Upper Huronian. C. Rt. Van Hise, 1901. U.S.G.S. 21st Ann. Reph., pt. 3. R. C. Allen, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 3; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 18. It. C. Allen, It. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. Middle Huronian. H.. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Upper Huronian (COPPS). Tylers Fork, Wisconsin. Tymochtee shale. Silurian. Cayugan. N. H. Winchell, 1873. Ohio Geol. Surv. Vol. 1..A. C. Lane, C. S. Prosser, W. H. Sherzer, and A. W. Grabau, 1909. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 19. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 1~91, A. C.. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. W. H. Sherser and A. W. Grabau, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 2. H. A. Smith, 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 24. R. C. Milen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. J. E. Carman, 1927. Jour. Geol. Vol. 35. R. B. Neweombe, 1928; M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map..G. M. Ehiers, E. C. Stumm, and R. V. Kesling, 1951. G.S.A. Guidebook. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951 and 1952. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebooks. A. J. Mozola, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 2. Tymochtee Creek at Crawford, Wyandot Co., Ohio. Tyre.-Ubly Channel. See Ubly. Ubly Outlet (Tyre-Ubly Channel). Pleistocene. F. B. Taylor, 1897. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 8. C. H. Gordon, 1900. M.G.S.. Vol. VII, pt. 3. F. Leverett, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Kept. 1901. Ubly, Huron Co., Michigan. Ulsterian. Middle Devonian. J. M. Clarke and C. Schuchert, 1899. Sci. ns. Vol. 10. G. M. Ehlers and K. K. Landes, 1944. Mackinac Straits Field Conference Guidebook. G. M. Ehlers, 1945.* M.G.S. Pub. 44. Mich. Geol. Soc., 1951. Ann. Geol. Excur. Guidebook. Ulster Co., New York. Upper Algonquin beaches. (See Algonquin). G. M. Stanley, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 43. Upper Cambrian. St. Croixan. C. D. Walcott, 1888. Nature, Vol.. 38. C. D. Walcott, 1.912. Smithsonian Misc. Coll. Vol. 57, No. 10. St. Croixan. R. C. Allen, H. A. Smith, and L. P. -Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. Or Potsdam. Upper Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian). Early reports. R. A. Smith, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 8. Upper Grand Rapids or Maxvilie. Mississippian. W. M.- Gregory,.1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901; 1913, M.G.S. Pub. 12. Maxyulle or Bayport. W. F. Cooper, 19.06. MI.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1905. Maxville or Bayport. R. C. Allen, K. A. Smith, and. L. P. Barrett, 1917.. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map.,.Grand Rapids, Michigan. Upper, Helderberg. -S-ee Helderberg.. - A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Kept.. 1906. Dundee. Upper Keweenawvan. See Keweenawan. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. K. C. Allen,.R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. (Cambrian?). W. A. Seaman, 1944. M.G.S. P.R. 10. Cambrian. Upper Limerock formation. D. Houghton, 1840. 2d Ann. Rept. St. Geol. Mich. Leg. H.D. No. 27, Vol. 2, S.D. No. 8, Vol. 2, 1840. Divided into "the lower or Pentamerus portion, the middle or Polypferous portion and the upper or Mackinac and Manitouline portion." Northern Peninsula Silurian of modern nomenclature. 192 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Upper Limerock group. D. Houghton, 1841. Mich. Leg. J.D. 1841, Vol. 1, No. 11. "... embracing as members the Drummond Island and Mackinac limestone." Upper Marshall or Napoleon. Mississippian. W. F. Cooper, 1906. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1905. W. M. Gregory, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 11. Upper Monroe. Devonian. Detroit River. W. H. Sherzer and A. W. Grabau, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 2. R. A. Smith, 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21. Or Detroit River series. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. Upper Ordovician. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. Or Cincinnatian. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37. Cincinnatian. G. V. Cohee, 1948. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 33. Upper Pentamerus. Becraft of New York reports. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett., Mich. Geol. Soc., and M.G.S., 1948. Ann. Excur. Guidebook. Upper Saginaw. Pennsylvanian. W. A. Kelly, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 2. (Post-Verne cyclical fms.). H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Upper Silurian. J. Hall, 1851. Foster and Whitney Rept. U.S. 31st Cong. Spec. Sess. Sen. Ex. Doc. No. 4. Clinton, Niagara and Onondaga Salt Group. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. M. E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Rept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. Or Ontarian. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. Or Monroan. Upper Traverse shales and limestone. Middle Devonian. A. W. Grabau, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901. 1R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. Utica shales. Upper Ordovician. E. Emmons, 1842. Geol. New York, pt. 2, div. 4, geol., 2d dist. C. Rominger, 1873. M.G.S. Vol. I, pt. 3. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. Edited notes of C. E. Wright. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901; 1905, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1903; 1907, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906, legend geol. map. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 14, Eden; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 24; 1924, M.G.S. Pub. 34. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. (Eden). G. V. Cohee, 1948. U.S.G.S. (Co-op. M.G.S., Univ. Mich. Dept. Geol.) Oil and gas investigations chart 33. Utica, New York. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 193 Valparaiso morainic system. Pleistocene. Wisconsin. L. C. Wooster ms. F. Leverett, 1897. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv. Chicago Acad. Sci. No. 2; 1899, U.S.G.S. Mon. 38. Proposed by L. C. Wooster. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. F. Leverett, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 9; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 25. Valparaiso-Charlotte. F. Leverett and F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. I. D. Scott, 1921. M.G.S. Pub. 30. G. C. Tague, 1948. M.G.S. Pub. 45, pt. 1. F. W. Terwilliger, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 48, pt. 1. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fms. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Valparaiso, Indiana. Van Wert stage; beach. Pleistocene. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. Van Wert, Ohio. Verne limestone. Pennsylvanian. W. A. Kelly, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 2. Defined. Name revived from Verne coal of A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VIII, pt. 2. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Verne Mine, Saginaw Co., Michigan. Volcanic group. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. Vulcan fm. Middle Huronian. C. R. Van Hise, 1899. U.S.G.S. 19th Ann. Rept. and Mon. 36. C. R. Van Hise and W. S. Bayley, 1900. U.S.G.S. Menominee Folio No. 62. R. C. Allen, 1910. M.G.S. Pub. 3; 1912, M.G.S. Pub. 8; 1915, M.G.S. Pub. 18. C. R. Van Hise and C. K. Leith, 1911. U.S.G.S. Mon. 52. R. C. Allen, 1915. Jour. Geol. Vol. 23; 1920, Am. Inst. Min. and Met. Eng. Trans. Vol. 63 (Bull. 153, September, 1919). R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Vulcan, Menominee Co., Michigan. Warren, glacial lake; beach. Pleistocene. Wisconsin. J. W. W. Spencer, 1888. Sci. Vol. 11. F. B. Taylor, 1897. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 8. Applied Spencer's name to a restricted lake. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1; 1913, M.G.S. Pub. 12. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2; 1908, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907; 1909, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. F. Leverett, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901; 1912, M.G.S. Pub. 9; 1917, M.G.S. - Pub. 25. L. J. Cole, 1903. M.G.S. Vol. IX, pt. 1. F. Leverett and F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. Named for General G. K. Warren. Waterlime groups. Early New York reports. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1. A. C. Lane, 1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. Warsaw limestone. Mississippian. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. J. Hall, 1857. AA.A.S. Proc. Vol. 10, pt. 2. Warsaw, Hancock Co., Illinois. 194: INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Waverlian, early. R. B. Newcoinbe, 1933. M.G.S. Pub. 38. Waverly group. Mississippian. C. Briggs, Jr., 1838. Ohio Geol. Surv. 1st Ann.. Rept. W. W. Mather, 1838. Am. Jour. Sci. 1st ser.- Vol. 34. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. C. Rominger, 1876. M.G.S. Vol. HII. M. 1E. Wadsworth, 1893. M.G.S. Itept. St. Bd. Geol. Surv. 1891-1892. A. C. Lane, 19-00. M.G.S. Vol. VII,.pt. 2.; 1907, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 19.06, legend g~eol. map. Waverly, Pike Co., Ohio. Wayne, glacial lake. Pleistocene. F. B. Taylor, 1911. Ms. for U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. F. Leverett, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 9; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 25. W. H.. Sherser, 1913. M.G.S. Pub. 12. F.OB. Taylor, 1915. U.S.-G.S. Mon. 53. W ayne Co., Michigan. West Branch Moraine. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1915. U.S.G.S.. Mon. 53; 1912, M.G.S. Pub. 9; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 25. H. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S.. Pub. 4.9, map surface fins. Southern Peninsula Michigan. W~est Branch, Ogemaw Co., Michigan. West Haven Moraine. Pleistocene. Wisconsin. F. Leverett and. F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. West Haven, Shiaw-assee Co., Michigan. West, Minesota conglomer-ate; trap. Keweenawanz. S.3H. Broughton, 18.63. Remarks on the mini ng interest and details of the geology of Ontonagon Co. West Minesota Mining Co. property, Ontonagon Co., Michigan. Wetmore outwash plain..Pleistocene. S.6 G. Bergquist, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 1. Wetmore,. Alger Co... Mic~higan. Wewe slate. Lower Huronian. C. R.. Van Hise and W. S. Bayley, 1895. U.S.G'.S. 15th Ann. Rept.. A. C. Lane,.1907. M.G.S. Ann. Rept.' 1906. A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1.917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geo~l. map. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Mich.. Acad. Sci. and M.G.S., 1939. 9th Ann. Field. Excur. Guidebook. Wewe Hills, Marquette Co., Michigan. Whitehall Moraine. Pleistocene. Wisconsin. F. Leverett and F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. H. M. Martin, 1955'. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fnis. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Whitehall, Muskegon Co., Michigan. Whitefish Bay. Devonian. Replaced by Newton Creek. A. S. Warthin,. Jr. and G.. A. Cooper, 1940. Mich.. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett., and M.G.S. 10th Ann. Geol.. Excur. Guidebook. Whitefish Bay, Alpena Co., Michigan. White Pine Lode. Keweenawan. B. E. Hore, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 19. White Pine Mine, Ontonagon Co., Michigan. INDEX OF NOMENCLATURE 195 Whittlesey, glacial lake; beach. Pleistocene. F. B. Taylor, 1897. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 8. W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1; 1913, M.G.S. Pub. 12. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2; 1908, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. C. H. Gordon, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 3. F. Leverett, 1902. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1901; 1912, M.G.S. Pub. 9; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 25. F. Leverett and F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 53. Named for Colonel Charles Whittlesey, Ohio geologist. "Wier sand". Mississippian. Subsurface. Berea? E. A. Newman, 1936. M.G.S. P.R. 2. Oil well drillers' usage. West Branch oil field, Ogemaw Co., Michigan. Winona conglomerate. Keweenawan. Long local usage. R. E. Hore, 1915. M.G.S. Pub. 19. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. Winona Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. Wisconsin glaciation; drift. T. C. Chamberlin, 1894. (Great Ice Age, by James Geikie, 3d ed.). Proposed and used East Wisconsin stage and East Wisconsin fm. T. C. Chamberlin, 1895. Jour. Geol. Vol. 3. Dropped "East". W. H. Sherzer, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 1; 1913, M.G.S. Pub. 12. I. C. Russell, 1905. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1904; 1907, M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1906. A. C. Lane, 1908. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1907. F. Leverett, 1912. M.G.S. Pub. 9; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 25. R. A. Smith, 1916. M.G.S. Pub. 21; 1917, M.G.S. Pub. 24. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. F. Leverett, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 154a. Recognized Early, Middle, Late Wisconsin but objected to introduction of Tazewell, Cary, Mankato, M. Leighton, Sci. Vol. 77. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. G. M. Stanley, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 44. Wolverine sandstone; amygdaloid. Keweenawan. Central Mine Group. L. L. Hubbard, 1898. M.G.S. Vol. VI, pt. 2. Wolverine Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan. Woodville sandstone. Pennsylvanian. A. Winchell, 1861. M.G.S. First Bien. Rept. A. C. Lane, 1895. M.G.S. Vol. V, pt. 2. A. C. Lane, 1899. U.S.G.S. W.-S.P. 30. A. C. Lane, 1900. M.G.S. Vol. VII, pt. 2. A. C. Lane, 1909. M.G.S. Ann. Rept. 1908. R. A. Smith, 1914. M.G.S. Pub. 14, Conemaugh; 1925, M.G.S. Pub. 35. R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, 1917. M.G.S. Pub. 23, legend geol. map. R. B. Newcombe, 1928. M.G.S. Pub. 37; 1933, M.G.S. Pub. 38. W. A. Kelly and E. L. Beutner, 1930. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett. Vol. 14. W. A. Kelly, 1936. M.G.S. Pub. 40, pt. 2. H. M. Martin, 1937. M.G.S. Pub. 39, legend geol. map. Woodville Mine, NW'/ See. 31, T.2S., R.1W., Jackson Co., Michigan. Wyandotte amygdaloid; flow; trap. Keweenawan. Long local usage. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144. (Winona amygdaloid?) Wyan1omtte Mine, Houghton Co., Michigan, 196 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Wyandotte No. 8 amygdaloid; flow. Keweenawan. Long local usage. B. S. Butler, 1929. U.S.G.S. P.P. 144.; Wyandotte Mine, Houghton Go., Michigan.. Wyebridge stage; glacial. lake. Pleistocene. G. M. Stanley, 1937. G.S.A. Bull. Vol. 48, No. 11. E. F. Greenman and G. M. Stanley, 1942. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett. Vol. 28. G. M. Stanley, 1945. M.G.S. Pub. 43. Wyebridge, Ontario. Yale member Ironwood fin. Upper Huronian. W. 0.. Hotchkiss, 1919. Eng. and Min. Jour. Vol. 108. Yale Mine, Gogebi CGo., Michigan. Yale Moraine. Pleistocene. Wisconsin. F. Leverett and F. B. Taylor, 1915. U.S.G.S. Mon. 58. II. M. Martin, 1955. M.G.S. Pub. 49, map surface fins. Southern Peninsula Michigan. Yale, St. Clair Go., Michigan. Yarmouth glaciation. Pleistocene. F. Leverett, 1898. Jour. Geol. Vol. 6. Yarmouth, Des Moines Go., Iowa. Zeeland Ridge. Pleistocene. P. Leverett, 1899. U.S.G.S. Mon. 38. Zeeland, Ottawa Go., Michigan. REPORTED EXPOSURES OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS IN MICHIGAN AND TYPE LOCALITIES REPORTED EXPOSURES OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS AND TYPE LOCALITIES This list of reported Paleozoic exposures was compiled from Michigan Geological Survey publications, from card files, open file reports, manuscripts and field notes in the Survey offices. As neither time nor budget permitted a field check of the exposures, without doubt some localities are omitted. However, this compilation should prove useful and errors will be corrected as exposures are checked in the field and as readers of this volume notify the Survey of omissions. See Index to Nomenclature. Cambrian: Alger, Baraga, Chippewa, Dickinson, Gogebic, Houghton, Iron, Keweenaw, Luce, Marquette, Ontonagon counties. Ozarkian: Alger, Dickinson, Marquette, Menominee counties. Ordovician: Alger, Chippewa, Delta, Iron, Menominee counties. Silurian: Chippewa, Delta, Houghton, Luce, Mackinac, Monroe, Schoolcraft counties. Devonian: Alpena, Antrim, Charlevoix, Cheboygan, Emmet, Leelanau, Monroe, Presque Isle, Wayne counties. Mississippian: Antrim, Arenac, Branch, Calhoun, Charlevoix, Eaton, Hillsdale, Huron, Iosco, Jackson, Kent, Ogemaw, Sanilac, Tuscola counties. Pennsylvanian: Arenac, Calhoun, Clinton, Huron, Ingham, lonia, Jackson, Saginaw, Shiawassee counties. NORTHERN PENINSULA ALGER COUNTY Mathias Twp., W% sec. 6, T44N, R20W. Exposure extends N into sec. 31, T45N, R20W. Black River. Mathias Twp., SW NW sec. 4, T44N, R21W. Black River. Mathias Twp., NW NW sec. 7, T44N, R21W. Black River. Mathias Twp., S~ sec. 7 and N12 sec. 18, T44N, R21W. Black River. Mathias Twp., sec. 12, E% sec. 13, and sec. 24, T44N, R21W. Trenton. Mathias Twp., near W-line NW sec. 14, T44N, R21W. Trenton. Mathias Twp., SW SW sec. 15, T44N, R21W. On E side of road. Black River. Mathias Twp., E% sec. 19, T44N, R21W. Near Trenary; also SW sec. 19, along Whitefish River. Trenton. Mathias Twp., SW sec. 20, T44N, R21W. Trenton. Mathias Twp., SW sec. 21, T44N, R21W. Trenton. Mathias Twp., SW sec. 22, T44N, R21W. Trenton. Mathias Twp., sec. 25 and E~L sec. 36, T44N, R21W. Trenton. Mathias Twp., sec. 30, T44N, R21W. Aband. quarry ~ mi. S of Trenary; in bed of Whitefish River and along banks 100 yds. above bridge, US-41; in old RR cut just S of Trenary; also extends S through sec. 31. Trenton, Black River. Limestone Twp., NW sec. 9, T44N, R22W. Along Whitefish River. Black River. 200 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Limestone Twp., SW sec. 10, T44N, R22W. Whitefish Falls on W Branch Whitefish River. Black River. Hermansville. Limestone Twp., sec. 14 and N~ sec. 15, T44N, R22W. Black River. Limestone Twp., N~ sec. 24, T44N, R22W. Whitefish River. Black River. Limestone Twp., NE sec. 26, T44N, R22W. Black River. Limestone Twp., SE sec. 29, T44N, R22W. Black River. Limestone Twp., NE NE see. 1, T45N, R21W. On both sides of road. Hermansville? Rock River Twp., W-line sec. 3, T45N, R21W. On both sides of road, approx. 1 8/10 mi. S. of Chatham. Hermansville? Limestone Twp., E~ sec. 13, T45N, R21W. Hermansville. Limestone Twp., S~ sec. 19, T45N, R21W, and S~ sec. 24, T45N, R22W. Hermansville. Limestone Twp., sec. 29 and 30, T45N, R21W. Many exposures. Black River. Hermansville. Limestone Twp., 31 and 32, T45N, R21W. Scattered exposures. Black River. Limestone Twp., sec. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 35, and 36, T45N, R22W. Hermansville. Limestone Twp., sec. 26, 27, 35 and 36, T45N, R22W. Large area of outcrops. Hermansville, Black River. Munising Twp., SE SW sec. 26, T46N, R17W. N of road in area where soil has been stripped. Hermansville. Munising Twp., SW SE sec. 26, T46N, R17W. In ditches along both sides of road for approx. 25 ft. Hermansville. Munising Twp., C sec. 35, T46N, R18W. Hermansville. Munising Twp., SE NW sec. 1, T46N, R19W. Tannery Falls. Hermansville at brink of falls. Munising Twp., SW SE sec. 11, T46N, R19W. Alger Falls. Hermansville at brink of falls. Munising Twp., NW NE sec. 14, T46N, R19W. Wagner Falls. Hermansville. Lake Superior Sandstone: Munising. Au Train Twp., NW SE sec. 31, T46 N, R20W. Au Train Falls. Hermansville. Cambrian. Onota Twp., sec. 5 and 6, T46N, R21W. Extends NW into T47N, R22W. Cambbrian. Onota Twp., S~ sec. 9, T46N, R21W. Lake Superior Sandstone. Rock River Twp., sec. 14, 15 and 16, T46N, R21W. Hermansville. Lake Superior Sandstone. Rock River Twp., sec. 17 and 18, T46N, R21W. Approx. 2% mi. N of Eben Junction in top of bluff on N side of creek. Hermansville. Rock River Twp., see. 17, 19, 20, 21, 26, 28, 29, 30, 8833, 34, 35, and 36, T46N, R21W. Area of shallow drift. Hermansville. Rock River Twp., C E-line see. 18, T46N, R21W. In cut on both sides of road, N of Eben Junction. Hermansville. Rock River Twp., C see. 28, T46N, R21W. On both sides of road. Hermansville? Rock River Twp., sec. 29 and 30, T46N, R21W. Numerous exposures, vicinity of Eben Junction. Hermansville. Rock River Twp., SE sec. 30, T46N, R21W. Quarry S of Eben. Hermansville. Rock River Twp., C W-line sec. 34, T46N, R21W. On both sides of road. Hermansville? Onota Twp., W% sec. 1, T46N, R22W. Extends W into sec. 2 and N into see. 36, T47N, R22W. Cambrian. Onota Twp., SW SW NE sec. 3, T46N, R22W. W side Laughing Whitefish Lake; also, NE SW see. 3, SW side Laughing Whitefish Lake; NE SW SW sec. 3, W side Laughing Whitefish River. Lake Superior Sandstone. Jacobsville-Munising contact. Onota Twp., sec. 3 and 9, T46N, R22W. Whitefish River. Cambrian: Lake Superior Sandstone. EXPOSURES OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS 201 Onota Twp., N% sec. 6, T46N, R22W. Cambrian: Onota. Onota Twp., N~ sec. 6, T46N, R22W. Cambrian. Rock River Twp., sec. 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, and 25, T46N, R22W. Area of shallow drift and rock exposures. Rock River Twp., sec. 16, T46N, R22W. Lake Superior Sandstone. Rock River Twp., NE NW SW sec. 16, T46N, R22W. Laughing Whitefish Falls. Cambrian. Approx. % mi. upstream from falls. Hermansville in river bed. Rock River Twp., C sec. 17, T46N, R22W. Cambrian. Rock River Twp., sec. 19, 20, and 29, T46N, R22W. River and creek. Area of shallow drift and rock exposures. Hermansville. Munising Twp., sec. 6, T47N, R18W. Grand Island, along W side Trout Point. Cambrian: Dresbach. Munising Twp., SE NE NE sec. 15, T47N, R18W. Miner's Falls. Hermansville. Cambrian. Munising Twp., SE sec. 17, T47N, R18W to SE sec. 12, T48N, R17W. Pictured Rocks. Nearly continuous exposure of Lake Superior Sandstone along shore. Cambrian: Jordan, Trempealeau, Mazomanie, Dresbach. Jacobsville. Grand Island, sec. 1, 2, NW sec. 4, sec. 9, 12, SE sec. 15, sec. 16, NE sec. 22, and NE sec. 24, T47N, R19W. Grand Island, along shore. Cambrian: Lake Superior Sandstone. Au Train Twp., sec. 6, T47N, R19W. Wood Island, along shore E side. Cambrian: Lake Superior Sandstone. Au Train Twp., sec. 18, 19, and 27, T47N, R19W. Shore Lake Superior and W into sec. 24, T47N, R20W. Lake Superior Sandstone. Cambrian: Mazomanie, Dresbach. Munising Twp., NE SW SE sec. 36, T47N, R19W. Munising Falls. Hermansville. Lake Superior Sandstone. Au Train Twp., E-line sec. 13, T47N, R20W to C sec. 28, T47N, R20W. Along shore. Lake Superior Sandstone. Cambrian: Mazomanie, Dresbach. Au Train Twp., sec. 13, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, and 28, T47N, R20W. Shore Lake Superior. Lake Superior Sandstone. Cambrian: Mazomanie, Dresbach. Au Train Twp., sec. 13, 14, NE sec. 23, sec. 24, T47N, R20W. Lake Superior Sandstone. Au Train Twp., SE sec. 24 and NE sec. 25, T47N, R20W. Sandstone ridges. Lake Superior Sandstone. Onota Twp., sec. 5, T47N, R21W. Shore Lake Superior. Lake Superior Sandstone: Jacobsville. Onota Twp., SW sec. 6, NE sec. 7, and SE sec. 8, T47N, R21W. N side of road. Jacobsville. Onota Twp., sec. 7, 8, 16, 17, 18, 20, and 21, T47N, R21W. Lake Superior Sandstone. Onota Twp., NE sec. 12, SW sec. 14, SW sec. 20, T47N, R21W. S side of road. Jacobsville. Onota Twp., S-line sec. 9, T47N, R21W to W-line sec. 30, T48N, R21W. Along shrore. Lake Superior Sandstone. Onota Twp., sec. 11, T47N, R21W. Au Train Island, along E shore. Lake Superior Sandstone. Onota Twp., SW sec. 14, T47N, R21W. S side of road. Jacobsville. Onota Twp., NE NE sec. 17, T47N, R21W. Road cut. Jacobsville. Onota Twp., SE SE SE sec. 19, T47N, R21W. Silver Falls. Lake Superior Sandstone. Onota Twp., SW sec. 20, T47N, R21W. Jacobsville. Onota Twp., sec. 25, 26, 27, 35, and 36, T47N, R21W. Quarry in sec. 26. Lake Superior Sandstone. Jacobsville. Onota Twp., NE NW sec. 26, T47N, R21W. In shallow ditches on both sides of road. Lake Superior Sandstone: Jacobsville. 202 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Onota Twp., SE NE sec. 26, T47N, R21W. Brownstone quarry. Lake Superior Sandstone: Jacobsville. Onota Twp., see. 26, T47N, R21W. Quarry. Jacobsville. Onota Twp., sec. 36, T47N, R21W. Roadside. Jacobsville. Onota Twp., NE sec. 36, T47N, R21W. S side road. Jacobsville. Onota Twp., NE and SW sec. 5, SE sec. 6, SW sec. 12, NE and SW see. 14, E~ sec. 20, W/2 sec. 21, NE sec. 28, and SW SW SE sec. 34, T47N, R22W. On W side of Laughing Whitefish Lake. Area of shallow drift, numerous rock exposures. Jacobsville. Onota Twp., NE NE NW sec. 34, T47N, R22W. Sandstone in rapids. Lake Superior Sandstone. Probably Jacobsville. Munising Twp., sec. 28, T48N, R17W. Chapel PFalls, S end of Chapel Lake. Lake Superior Sandstone. Hermansville upstream from falls. Lake Superior below and to Lake Superior. Munising Twp., SW sec. 16 and NE sec. 20, T48N, R19W. Grand Island, along shore. Lake Superior Sandstone. Jacobsville and Munising. Au Train Twp., sec. 36, T48N, R20W. Wood Island, along shore. Lake Superior Sandstone. Onota Twp., sec. 30, 31, and 32, T48N, R21W. Shore Lake Superior. Lake Superior Sandstone. Onota Twp., sec. 25, 26, 27, 32, and 34, T48N, R22W. Shore Lake Superior. Lake Superior Sandstone. Onota Twp., sec. 35 and 36, T48N, R22W. Scattered exposures. Lake Superior Sandstone. Burt Twp., NW SW sec. 5, T49N, R13W. Chipmunk Creek, exposure a few hundred rods S of W Bay Shore. Lake Superior Sandstone. Burt Twp., SE corner sec. 6, T49N, R13W. In S part of Grand Marais. Lake Superior Sandstone. Burt Twp., C sec. 8, T49N, R13W. Along road. Hermansville. Burt Twp., SW sec. 8, T49N, R13W. Hermansville. Burt Twp., N~ sec. 14, T49N, R13W. Possible contact of Hermansville with Lake Superior Sandstone. Burt Twp., SW SW sec. 1, T49N, R14W. In road cut. Hermansville. Burt Twp., SE sec. 2, T49N, R14W. Sable Falls. Lake Superior Sandstone. Hermansville upstream from falls. Burt Twp., see. 1, 2, 3, and 12, T49N, R15W. Along shore of Au Sable Point. Lake Superior Sandstone. Burt Twp., sec. 2, T49N, R15W. Along shore for approx. /2 mi. near lighthouse. Lake Superior Sandstone. Munising Twp., sec. 34, T49N, R16W. Along shore. Lake Superior Sandstone. BARAGA COUNTY Baraga Twp., sec. 1, T50N, R34W. Along highway. Jacobsville. L'Anse Twp., sec. 18, T51N, R31W. At mouth of Silver River. Jacobsville. L'Anse Twp., SW sec. 25, T51N, R33W. Aband. quarry; also exposures along shore. Jacobsville. Type locality. Jacobsville. L'Anse Twp., sec. 35 and 36, T51N, R33W. Along shore, Jacobsville. Baraga Twp., SW sec. 8, T51N, R34W. Banks of Sturgeon River and in bed of small stream. Jacobsville. Baraga Twp., sec. 8, T51N, R34W. Sherman Hill. Black River. Arvon Twp., T52N, R30W. Along shore between E-line sec. 11 and C sec. 17. Jacobsville. Arvon Twp., S-line sec. 4, T52N, R31W to NW sec. 29, T53N, R30W. Along E shore Keweenaw Bay. Jacobsville. Arvon Twp., see. 12, T52N, R31W to sec. 29, T53N, R30W. Along W side Huron Bay. Jacobsville. EXPOSURES OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS 203 Arvon Twp., sec. 18, T52N, R31W. Along E shore Keweenaw Bay. Jacobsville. Arvon Twp., sec. 31 and 32, T52N, R31W. In intermittent stream valley. Jacobsville. L'Anse Twp., NE NE sec. 2, T52N, R33W. Five small quarries along shore cliff. Jacobsville. L'Anse Twp., sec. 2, 11, 14, and 27, T52N, R33W. Along shore. Jacobsville. L'Anse Twp., sec. 10, T52N, R33W. Aband. quarry vicinity of Arnheim. Jacobsville. CHIPPEWA COUNTY Detour Twp., sec. 10, T41N, R3E. Shore at tip of Point Detour. Engadine. Detour Twp., sec. 13, T41N, R3E. Along E shore of peninsula approx. % mi. N of St. Vital Point, and on very small islands just offshore, approx 1 mi. N of point. Manistique. Cordell. Raber Twp., sec. 6, 7, 8, and NW sec. 9, T42N, R2E. Engadine. Raber Twp., SW sec. 13 and sec. 24, T42N, R2E. Engadine. Raber Twp., SY2 sec. 14, sec. 23 and 26, T42N, R2E. Engadine. Detour Twp., sec. 4, T42N, R3E. Along north side east and west road and at short distances north and south of road. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Detour Twp., sec. 5 and 8, T42N, R3E. High ridge approx. 1/ mi. E of Goetzville. Engadine. Detour Twp., NE NE sec. 6, T42N, R3E. Small outlier just W of sec. corner. Engadine. Detour Twp., SE sec. 23 and SW sec. 24, T42N, R3E. Ridge. Engadine. Detour Twp., SW SW sec. 24, T42N, R3E. Engadine. Detour Twp., C S1/ see. 26, T42N, R3E. Engadine. Detour Twp., C E%3 see. 20, T42N, R4E. Also sec. 21. Engadine. Detour Twp., sec. 20, S~ sec. 27, sec. 28 and 29, T42N, R4E. Engadine. Detour Twp., sec. 34, T42N, R4E. Along N sec. line. Engadine. Detour Twp., NW sec. 35, T42N, R4E. Contact, Engadine and Manistique: Cordell in N part of Detour. Also Engadine in small aband. quarry in NW corner sec. 35. Pickford Twp., sec. 19, 20, 27, 28, 29, 30, and 34, T43N, R1E. Escarpments. Manistique-Engadine. Pickford Twp., sec. 20, T43N, R1E. At Taylor's Mill, approx. 4 mi. SE of Pickford. Manistique: Cordell, Lower and Upper Pentamerus dolomite. Pickford Twp., SE sec. 24, T43N, R1E. Engadine. Pickford Twp., SE SW sec. 30 and NW NW sec. 31, T43N, R1E. Quarries, escarpment and highway cut at Rockview. Numerous exposures in area adjacent to escarpment, extending SE from Rockview for approx. 8 mi. Engadine, Manistique. Pickford Twp., S/2 sec. 33, T43N, R1E. Engadine. Raber Twp;, sec. 8. T43N, R2E: Engadine. Raber Twp., NW sec. 30, T43N, R2E. Burnt Bluff. Raber Twp., sec. 33, T43N, R3E. Raber escarpment extending SE across S part sec. 33, T43N, R3E, NE part sec. 4, T42N, R3E, and W side of sec. 3, T42N, R3E. Manistique: Cordell, Lower Pentamerus, Upper Pentamerus. Burnt Bluff. In upper part of escarpment 75 ft. of Manistique in NE sec. 4, T42N, R3E. Trout Lake Twp., SW sec. 29, T44N, R4W. Inland Lime & Stone Co. quarry (Scott's quarry) just S of Cordell. Manistique: Cordell, Upper Pentamerus in path leading to old crusher area. Type locality Cordell. Trout Lake Twp., NW SE sec. 29, T44N, R4W, and point 1/ mi. to NE, in glacial-lake terrace. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Probably not far below Hendricks-Manistique contact. 204 2INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Trout Lake Twp., SE sec. 19, T44N, R5W. Approx. 100 ft. N of S see. line. Manistique. Trout Lake Twp., sec. 20, T44N, R5W. Escarpment 3% mi. E of Trout Lake. Engadine, Manistique: Cordell. Sharp contact Engadine-Cordell in places. Trout Lake Twp., sec. 18, T44N, R6W. Test pit at lumber camp, approx. 4 mi. W of Trout Lake. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks, Fiborn. Top of small knoll approx. 100 ft. S of pit, and near edge of swamp approx. 500 ft. N of pit. Burnt Bluff. Trout Lake Twp., sec. 19, T44N, R6W. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks, Fiborn. Bruce Twp., T45N, R2E. West Neebish channel. Rock blasted from channel to make improved passage for boats. Piled along channel. Black River? Blocks of Trenton nearby indicate this is not far from the stratigraphic boundary. Superior Twp., NW sec. 29, T46N, R2W. In Waiska River. Black River: Bony Falls. Bay Mills Twp., SW NW sec. 18, T47N, R4W. Salt Point, Cambrian-Hermansville. Bay Mills Twp., NE corner sec. 30, T47N, R4W. Exposure from this point along shore almost to N-line sec. 19. Lake Superior Sandstone? Hermansville. Ophileta. Bay Mills Twp., sec. corner sec. 8, 9, 16, and 17 (?), T47N, R5W. Sandstone ledges in stream. Hermansville? Whitefish Twp., NE NW sec. 32, T49N, R7W. Lower Tahquamenon Falls. Lake Superior Sandstone. Soo Twp., sec. 6, T47N, R1E. Rapids of the St. Marys River (called St. Marys Falls) at Sault Ste. Marie. Lake Superior Sandstone. Drummond Island: NW sec. 1, and sec. 12, T41N, R4E. Along shore. Engadine. SW sec. 2, T41N, R5E. Engadine. C sec. 6, T41N, R5E. Engadine. SW sec. 11, T41N, R5E. Two exposures. Engadine. NE sec. 12, and sec. 13, T41N, R5E. Shore. Engadine. E-W through C sec. 1 and 2, T41N, R6E and sec. 6, T41N, R7E. Escarpment. Engadine. C sec. 6, T41N, R6E. Engadine. C N~ sec. 7, T41N, R6E. Engadine. sec. 9, T41N, R6E. Extends NE and S into adjacent sections. Engadine. sec. 13, T41N, R6E. Vicinity of Johnswood. Engadine. S~ sec. 15, and sec. 21, T41N, R6E. Shore. Engadine. NW see. 3, T41N, R7E. Manistique: Lower and upper Pentamerus beds. SW and NE sec. 4, T41N, R7E. Manistique. C W-line sec. 6, T41N, R7E. Manistique. W~ sec. 6, T41N, R8E. Two escarpments that extend N into sec. 1, T42N, R8E. Manistique. Sec. 36, T42N, R4E. Quarry, Drummond Dolomite, Inc. Engadine. SW sec. 36, T42N, R4E. Cliff short distance from shore. Engadine. Along shore in E-central part of sec. Manistique. Near top of Cordell. NE SE sec. 23, T42N, R5E. Sommes quarry, aband. Burnt Bluff, Hendricks. Also, in woods at top of hill E of quarry. Manistique, Schoolcraft. SE NW sec. 24, T42N, R5E. L. Seaman quarry, aband., and bluffs above quarry. Manistique: Schoolcraft. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Sec. 25, 26, 34 and 36, T42N, R5E. Escarpments. Burnt Bluff, Manistique. SW sec. 26, T42N, R5E. In cliff. Manistique. NW sec. 30, T42N, R5E. Along shore. Manistique. Lower and upper Pentamerus. Higher Schoolcraft and Lower Cordell for 1 mile along shore. Sec. 3, T42N, R6E. Along S side of marsh in N part of sec., and at lake level in SW sec. 3. Manitoulin? Mayville? EXPOSURES OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS 205 C sec. 9, T42N, R6E. Mayville. Sec. 17 and 18, T42N, R6E. Along shore. Manistique. Burnt Bluff, Hendricks. NE SW sec. 18, T42N, R6E. Aband. lime kiln quarry and bluffs above quarry, the highest beds exposed being about / mi. SE of quarry. Manistique, Schooleraft, Burnt Bluff, Hendricks. SE see. 19, T42N, R6E. Bluff approx. 1 mi. SE of Drummond. Manistique Cordell. NE sec. 19, T42N, R6E. Manistique Schooleraft. Upper Pentamerus capping. See. 21, 22, 23, 25, and 26, T42N, R6E. Escarpment. Burnt Bluff. NW sec. 26, T42N, R6E. Victor Hilden ranch. Manistique: Upper Pentamerus. Burnt Bluff. C S% sec. 31, T42N, R6E. Manistique. C S% sec. 32, T42N, R6E. Extends S into sec. 5, T41N, R6E. Engadine. SW sec. 34, T42N, R6E. Engadine? Sec. 26 and 36, T42N, R7E. Along shore from Pilot Harbor NW to Glen Point. Burnt Bluff: Byron.? Blocks of Mayville along shore. Sec. 30, T42N, R7E. Escarpment runs NW SE through W%; also E and S into see. 29, 31, and 32. Manistique? Sec. 31, T42N, R8E. At Marblehead in bluff, in small aband. quarry at base of bluff, and along shore from quarry to approx. 1% mi. NW of quarry. Manistique: Schooleraft. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. SE SE sec. 19, T43N, R6E. Chippewa Point, along shore N side of point. Richmond. Sec. 24, T43N, R6E. Poe Point, along shore. Richmond. Sec. 29 and 30, T43N, R7E. Along shore at Raynolds Point, immediately E of Raynolds Bay, and % mi. W of Raynolds Bay. Richmond. NE SE sec. 32, T43N, R7E. Along shore and in bluff just E of C sec. 32. Richmond. Several exposures along S shore. Engadine, Manistique Cordell. Lime Island: Sec. 26, T43N, R3E. Approx. % mi. NE of old quarry. Burnt Bluff. Approx. % mi. N of coaling wharf, Pittsburgh Coal Co., adjacent to quarry. Burnt Bluff, Mayville. Neebish Island: Sec. 36, T45N, R2E and sec. 31, T45N, R3E. Floor of small stream channel which separates Neebish Island from Sailors' Encampment Island during highwater. Trenton. Sugar Island: T46N, R2E. Cambrian. DELTA COUNTY Fairbanks Twp., sec. 4 and 5, T37N, R19W. In glacial lake terraces, vicinity of Fairport. Manistique: Schooleraft. Fairbanks Twp., see. 10, T37N, R19W. Along shore, approx. 1% mi. NW of Point Detour. Manistique: Cordell. Fairbanks Twp., near Fayette T38N, R19W. Shore Middle Bluff, Manistique: Schooleraft, Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Fairbanks Twp., see. 13 and 24, T38N, R20W. Burnt Bluffs, along Big Bay de Noc., approx. 248 ft. high. Burnt Bluff, Manistique. Type locality Burnt Bluff. Manistique: Schoolcraft (Lower Pentamerus). Burnt Bluff: Hendricks, Byron. Bay de Noc Twp., sec. 7, T38N, R21W. In road bed and in ditch along N side of road, approx. % mi. W of West Wilsey Bay. Richmond: Stonington. Bay de Noc Twp., sec. 8, T38N, R21W. Along NE shore of West Wilsey Bay. Richmond, Big Hill. 206 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Ford River Twp., sec. 24, T38N, R22W. Series of outcrops, extending N from Peninsula Point Lighthouse for 8 mi. along E shore of Little Bay de Noc. Richmond, Stonington. Ford River Twp., sec. 5, T38N, R23W. Along banks of Ford River. Trenton: Groos Quarry. Ford River Twp., SE NE sec. 6, T38N, R23W. Along Ford River, approx. 2 mi. SE of Hyde. Trenton. Ford River Twp., SW SE sec. 9, T38N, R23W. Approx. 1% mi. NW of Ford River. Trenton. Bark River Twp., SW sec. 5, T38N, R24W. Just E of Bark River on S side of highway. Trenton: Chandler Falls. Garden Twp., C sec. 5, T39N, R18W. Shore Garden Bay. SE of Ansel Point, Mayville. Garden Twp., sec. 7, T39N, R18W. In cliff just NW of Vans Harbor, contact between Manistique: Schoolcraft and Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Garden Twp., sec. 17, T39N, R18W. Vicinity of Garden, many exposures along roads. Manistique: Schooleraft. Some Cordell along roads leading E from Garden. Garden Twp., W~ sec. 18, T39N, R18W. Many exposures along roads. Manistique: Schoolcraft. Fairbanks Twp., sec. 10, 11, and 15, T39N, R19W. Along shore, Garden Bluff. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Fairbanks Twp., sec. 14, T39N, R19W. Aband. quarry near shore of Goully's Harbor, approx. % mi. E of Garden Bluff. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Lower Pentamerus of Schooleraft. Member caps flat land back of bluff near quarry. Fairbanks Twp., sec. 23, T39N, R19W. Thickly wooded N-S cliff along E side of South River Bay. Burnt Bluff Hendricks. Fairbanks Twp., SW sec. 33, T39N, R19W. At Middle Bluff, along Big Bay de Noc, approx., 135 ft. high. Manistique: Burnt Bluff. Bay de Noc Twp., NE SW sec. 11, T39N, R21W to SE SW see. 23, T40N, R21W. From Hinkin's Hill N for approx. 4 mi., nearly continuous exposures in shallow ditches along road. Richmond: Big Hill, Stonington? Also, outcrop on S slope of Hinkin's or Big Hill. Type locality Big Hill. Bay de Noc Twp., NW NE sec. 28, T39N, R21W. On S side of road. Richmond. Big Hill. Wells Twp., see. 7, T39N, R22W. Approx. 3 mi. N of Escanaba; along W side Escanaba River below power plant. Trenton: Chandler Falls member. Type locality. Bay de Noc Twp., SE NE sec. 11 and SW NW sec. 12, T39N, R22W. Loose slabs shale in bed of Squaw Creek. Richmond: Bill's Creek. Bay de Noe Twp., NW SW sec. 12, T39N, R22W. In shallow ditch on E side of road. Richmond: Stonington. Bay de Noc Twp., See. 14-23, T39N, R22W. Road between sections. Richmond::Stonington, Bay de Noc, Bill's Creek. Bay de Noc Twp., sec. 23, T39N, R22W to sec. 35, T39N, R22W. Many exposures along shore. Richmond: Stonington, Bill's Creek. Bay de Noc Twp., SW NW see. 24, T39N, R22W. Along E side of road. Richmond: Stonington, Bay de Noc. In SW sec. 24 along N side of road large amounts of Stonington blasted from ditch. Bay de Noc Twp., SW NW sec. 25, T39N, R22W. In field just E of Swedish church. Richmond: Stonington. Bay de Noc Twp., SE sec. 26, T39N, R22W. Along shore. Richmond: Stonington, Ogontz, Bay de Noc. Wells Twp., SW NE sec. 1, T39N, R23W. Island in Escanaba River /. mile NE of Groos quarry. Trenton: Groos Quarry. "Wells Twp., C SW sec. 1, T39N, R23W. Groos quarry (Bichler quarry). Trenton. Groos Quarry member. Type locality. EXPOSURES OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS 207 Wells Twp., SW SW sec. 19, T39N, R23W. In Ford River, 1i mi. N of Hyde. Trenton: Groos Quarry. Wells Twp., sec. 31, T39N, R23W. Below bridge across Ford River. Trenton: Groos Quarry. Bark River Twp., SE NE sec. 19, T39N, R24W. Along road 1 mi. W of Schaffer. Trenton. Bark River Twp., sec. 19 and 20, T39N, R24W. Along road % mi. NW of Schaffer. Trenton. Wells Twp., NE corner sec. 29, T39N, R24W. Road and RR cut. Trenton? Bark River Twp., sec. 31 and 32, T39N, R24W. Along both sides of road, 2 mi. N of Bark River. Trenton. Bark River Twp., NE NE sec. 33, T39N, R24W. Along road, approx. 2 mi. SE of Schaffer. Trenton. Garden Twp., NW sec. 32, T40N, R18W. In Bluff, Kates Bay. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Nahma Twp., SW NE sec. 2, T40N, R19W. Approx. % mi. S of Isabella, aband. quarry, test pit, and old lime kiln. Mayville. Nahma Twp., NE NW sec. 3, T40N, R19W. In escarpment, approx. % mi. N of RR; in SE NW sec. 3, in RR cut; SE NW sec. 3, near SE corner Moss Lake, in escarpment. Mayville. Nahma Twp., NW sec. 11, T40N, R19W. Along Nahma-Isabella road, approx. 1~ mi. S of Isabella. Mayville. Nahma Twp., sec. 15, T40N, R19W. In fields both sides of Isabella-Nahma road. Mayville. Ensign Twp., SW NW sec. 4, T40N, R20W. From bridge over Ogontz River for I/ mi. E. Richmond. Ensign Twp., NE NW sec. 3, T40N, R21W. On S side of road 1 mi. N and 1/mi. W of Alton. Richmond: Bill's Creek. Ensign Twp., SW sec. 4, T40N, R21W. On George Demitt farm, along E side of road. Richmond: Stonington, Bill's Creek. Along small stream 1% mi. W of Alton in sec. 4. Richmond. Ensign Twp., NW sec. 10, T40N, R21W. Bluff along small creek. Richmond: Stonington, Bill's Creek. Ensign Twp., NW SE sec. 15, T40N, R21W. Small hillside exposure N of road. Richmond: Big Hill. Brampton Twp., NW NW sec. 2, T40N, R22W. In bed of Days River just W of bridge on US-2. Also aband. quarry on E river bank about 300 paces from RR. Trenton. Cornell Twp., near C N~ sec. 6, T40N, R23W. Roadside exposure. Trenton. Escanaba Twp., NE NW sec. 6, T40N, R23W. Along Escanaba River, 1% mi. E of Cornell. Trenton. Escanaba Twp., SW SE sec. 16, T40N, R23W. Aband. quarry 7.6 mi. SE of Cornell. Trenton. Escanaba TWp., N-line SE see. 25, T40N, R23W. Chandler Falls. Trenton. Black River. Escanaba Twp., NE NW sec. 25, T40N, R23W. River bank. Trenton. Escanaba Twp., sec. 35 and 36, T40N, R23W. Dam No. 2 on Escanaba River. Trenton. Nahma Twp., SW sec. 12, T41N, R19W. Delta Co. Road Commission dolomite quarry. Gypsum also exposed. Mayville? Nahma Twp., sec. 13, 24, and 25, T41N, R19W. Scattered exposures and in bottom of springs. Mayville. Nahma Twp., C E~ sec. 17, T41N, R19W. at "10 Mile Rapids" ledges and loose blocks in bed of Sturgeon River. Richmond: Big Hill. Nahma Twp., SE SE sec. 35, T41N, R19W. About % mi. N of RR, very small road quarry on top of escarpment beside a little used N-S road. Mayville. 208 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Masonville Twp., NW sec. 7, T41N, R20W. Along Bill's Creek. Richmond: Bill's Creek. Type locality Bill's Creek beds. Masonville Twp., E~ sec. 12, T41N, R21W. Along Bill's Creek. Richmond. Bill's Creek. Masonville Twp., SE SW sec. 20, T41N, R21W. In bed of Rapid River, N of Rapid River, and for 250 yds. below river bridge. Trenton. Masonville Twp., SW SE SW sec. 20, T41N, R21W. Along road at intersection. Trenton. Masonville Twp., NE SW sec. 30, T41N, R21W. Along both sides of US-41, just N of Masonville. Trenton. Ensign Twp., NW SE sec. 35, T41N, R21W. In RR cut 1~ mi. W of Ensign. Richmond: Bill's Creek. Ensign Twp., NE SE see. 36, T41N, R21W. Approx. ~ mi. N of Ensign. Richmond: Stonington. Baldwin Twp., SE NE sec. 5, T41N, R22W. Aband. quarry just N of M-35 and % mi. W of Perkins. Trenton: Groos Quarry member. Brampton Twp., C SW sec. 21, T41N, R22W. Along M-35, at Brampton. Trenton. Baldwin Twp., SW NW sec. 8, T41N, R23W. Poor exposure along Escanaba River. Black River. Baldwin Twp., near C of W %4-line sec. 17, T41N, R23W. At mouth of Hunters Brook, Hunters Brook Falls. Black River. Baldwin Twp., NW NE sec. 29, and W-line sec. 32, T41N, R23W. Extends for 1 mi. along E bank Escanaba River, N from concrete bridge. Trenton. Black River. Baldwin Twp., SE SE sec. 31, T41N, R23W. Near RR crossing. Trenton. Black River. Baldwin Twp., see. 32 and S-line SW see. 33, T41N, R23W. Escanaba River. Trenton: Chandler Falls, Maclurits zone. Baldwin Twp., C S-line SE SW see. 1, T41N, R24W. Exposure at Bony Falls. Black River: Bony Falls. Cornell Twp., C E% sec. 2, T41N, R24W. Bony Falls Dam on Escanaba River; below dam, rocks exposed in vertical banks for 200 yds. Trenton, Black River. Cornell Twp., NW sec. 25, T41N, R24W. On E side of road. Trenton. Garden Twp., C sec. 19, T42N, R18W. Mayville? Nahma Twp., SE sec. 29, T42N, R19W. River runs over ledges and loose blocks of Richmond: Big Hill. Masonville Twp., sec. 19, T42N, R20W. Along Haymeadow Creek; also Haymeadow Creek Falls. Richmond: Bill's Creek. Trenton: Haymeadow. Type locality Haymeadow. Masonville Twp., SE NW sec. 19, T42N, R20W. Along road. Trenton. Masonville Twp., NE see. 19, T42N, R21W. Rapid River Falls County Park. Richmond. Masonville Twp., C S-line SW sec. 20, T42N, R21W. Along road. Trenton. Masonville Twp., C W~ sec. 24, T42N, R21W. Along banks of Whitefish River, 7 mi. NE of Rapid River. Trenton. Nahma Twp., sec. 2, T43N, R20W, Whitefish River and in channel southward. Trenton. Maple Ridge Twp., SW NE sec. 6, T43N, R23W. Quarry at Lathrop, E side of M-35. Black River. Gull Island, see. 13, T36N, R20W. Along E shore. Manistique: Cordell. Little Gull Island, sec. 24, T36N, R20W. Manistique: Cordell. Little Summer Island, SE see. 18, T37N, R19W. Contact on S shore between Manistique: Schoolcraft and Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Most of island composed of Burnt Bluff. Poverty Island, entire island underlain by Engadine. Nearly continuous exposures on E, S, and W shores. EXPOSURES OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS 209 St. Martin Island, NW sec. 15, to SW sec. 21, T36N, R20W. Nearly continuous exposures along N and W shores. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. St. Martin Island, NE see. 22, T36N, R20W. Contact between Manistique, Schoolcraft (Lower and Upper Pentamerus) and Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. S of St. Martin Island Lighthouse. Summer Island, SW sec. 33, T37N, R19W. Along shore. Engadine and Manistique. Engadine exposed in many places along N, E, and S shores of island. DICKINSON COUNTY Waucedah Twp., SE NE see. 11, T39N, R28W. Dolomite on both sides of road. Hermansville. Waucedah Twp., NW SW sec. 14, T39N, R28W. Sandstone on W side of road; also, SW SW sec. 14, along N side of road. Cambrian: Dresbach? Waucedah Twp., SW SE SE sec. 14, T39N, R28W. Hermansville. Also, along W-line SE NW sec. 14, both sides of road. Hermansville. Near contact with Cambrian? Waucedah Twp., SE NW SW sec. 15, T39N, R28W. Roadside. Cambrian? Waucedah Twp., SW SE sec. 15, T39N, R28W. On N side of US-2. Hermansville? Waucedah Twp., NW NE sec. 20, T39N, R28W. Sandstone along N side of road. Cambrian. Waucedah Twp., NE NE sec. 22, T39N, R28W. Breen mine, sandstone in pit, and road cut. Cambrian: Dresbach? Waucedah Twp., NW NE sec. 23, T39N, R28W. For 50 ft. on both sides of E-W road. Hermansville Oneota. Norway Twp., sec. 9 and 10, T39N, R29W. Sandstone capping upturned truncated iron formations. Cambrian. Waucedah Twp., SW NW sec. 2, T40N, R28W. Hermansville. Breitung Twp., sec. 23, 29, 30, and 36, T40N, R30W. Sandstone capping upturned truncated iron formations. Cambrian. Breitung Twp., sec. 32, T40N, R30W. Limestone exposures in large, deep pit. Hermansville: Oneota, overlying Cambrian sandstone. Breen Twp., SW sec. 7, T41N, R27W. In bluff S of Foster City. Cambrian: Jordan underlying Hermansville. Breen Twp., SW NW sec. 8, T41N, R27W. On N side of road, approx. 1 mi. E of Foster City. Cambrian: Jordan below Hermansville. Breen Twp., C N~ NW sec. 15, T41N, R27W. Along N side of road. Hermansville: Oneota. Breen Twp., N-line SW SE sec. 18, T41N, R27W. Along trail. Hermansville: Oneota. Breen Twp., NW SW sec. 18, T41N, R27W. On E side of road approx. 1.7 mi. S of Foster City. Hermansville: Oneota. Breen Twp., NE sec. 18, T41N, R27W. Along N bank of creek, for /2 mi. Hermansville: Oneota. Breen Twp., NE NW sec. 24, T41N, R27W. In ditch along N side of road for % mi. and along RR. Hermansville: Oneota. Breen Twp., C E-line SE see. 1, T41N, R28W. Sandstone on both sides of road. Cambrian: Jordan. Breen Twp., NE NW sec. 4, T41N, R28W. In road for 100 yds. Hermansville. Breen Twp., C NE sec. 8, T41N, R28W. Along winding road approx. 2.9 mi. S of Felch. Hermansville? Overlying Cambrian: Jordan. Breen Twp., C E-line NE sec. 24, T41N, R28W. At top of ridge on W side of road, approx. 2 mi. S of Foster City. Hermansville? Cambrian: Jordan. Felch Twp., NW NW sec. 31, T42N, R28W. In road cut on N-S road leading to fire tower. Cambrian: Jordan. 210 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Felch Twp., C W~ sec. 31, T42N, R28W. On steep slope S of ridge. Hermansville: Oneota, Cambrian: Jordan. Felch Twp., NW NW see. 32, T42N, R28W. Along W side of hill, along NESW road, just N of RR crossing. Cambrian: Jordan. Felch Twp., NW NW sec. 33, T42N, R28W. Sandstone on both sides of road, about 1/ mi. SE of Felch. Cambrian: Jordan. Felch Twp., SE SW sec. 25, T42N, R29W. At intersection with N-S road; also in low E-W ridge along N-line NE see. 25. Cambrian: Jordan. Felch Twp., N~ sec. 31, T42N, R29W. Sandstone exposures. Also in places in sec. 34, 35, and 36 of the same township. Cambrian: Jordan. Felch Twp., NE NW sec. 36, T42N, R29W. Along N-line. "Lake Superior sandstone" or Hermansville? Felch Twp., NW sec. 4, T42N, R30W. Highway cut. Cambrian: Jordan. Felch Twp., sec. 29, T43N, R28W. Sandstone exposures. Cambrian: Jordan. GOGEBIC COUNTY Wakefield Twp., C sec. 13, T46N, R41W. Bed of Ontonagon River and downstream (Huronian in NW SW sec 13, T46N, R41W and Keweenawan SE, sec 11, T46N, R41W). Cambrian. HOUGHTON COUNTY Laird Twp., NW NE see. 17, T49N, R35W. Sturgeon Falls. Cambrian. Lake Superior Sandstone: Jacobsville. Laird Twp., sec. 13, 14, 23 and 24, T51N, R35W. Limestone Mountain. Niagaran: Mayville. Richmond. Trenton. Black River. Jacobsville. Chassell Twp., NE SW sec. 8, T53N, R32W. Aband. quarry. Jacobsville. Type locality of Jacobsville. Chassell Twp., see. 8 and 17, T53N, R32W. Along shore. Jacobsville. Chassell Twp., SW sec. 18, T53N, R32W. Aband. quarry. Jacobsville. Chassell Twp., NE SW sec. 26, T53N, R33W. Small aband. sandstone quarry. Jacobsville. Chassell Twp., sec. 35, T53N, R33W. Along shore. Jacobsville. Torch Lake Twp., sec. 10 and 11, T54N, R33W. Along shore of Portage Lake. Jacobsville. Torch Lake Twp., sec. 21 and 26, T55N, R31W. Along shore at Traverse Point. Jacobsville. Osceola Twp., see. 1, T55N, R33W. Torch Lake quarry. Jacobsville. Osceola Twp., SE SE SE sec. 11, T55N, R33W. Hungarian Falls on Hungarian River (called Dover Creek on latest U.S.G.S. map). Jacobsville. Osceola Twp., NE sec. 27, T55N, R33W. Along road. Jacobsville. Osceola Twp., SW SW NW sec. 16, T56N, R32W. Small exposures in stream. Jacobsville. Schoolcraft Twp., sec. 20, T56N, R32W. Walled Ravine. Jacobsville. Schoolcraft Twp., sec. 19, 20, 29, T56N, R32W. St. Louis Ravine. Jacobsville. Calumet Twp., sec. 31, T56N, R32W and SE SE NE see. 36, T56N, R33W. Douglass Houghton Ravine and Douglass Houghton Falls. Jacobsville. IRON COUNTY Stambaugh Twp., NE sec. 20, T42N, R35W. Conglomerate on Sheridan Hill. Sandstone and conglomerate in aband. pit. Ordovician. Stambaugh Twp., SW sec. 27, T42N, R35W. Limestone exposures in river bed. Black River. The Stambaugh Twp. exposures were named the Sheridan fmn. by R. C. Allen. Iron River Twp., SE sec. 24, T44N, R35W. Sandstone exposure. Ordovician. EXPOSURES OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS 211 Iron River Twp., N~ sec. 24, T44N, R35W. Red sandstone. Iron River Twp., SE sec. 24, T44N, R35W. Coal. Upper Huronian Michigamme. KEWEENAW COUNTY Sherman Twp., sec. 20, T56N, R30W. At mouth of Tobacco River. Jacobsville. Sherman Twp., NE sec. 6, T56N, R31W. Aband. sandstone quarry. Jacobsville. Sherman Twp., NE NW NW sec. 6, T56N, R31W. Aband. Hebard quarry near Hebards. Jacobsville. Grant Twp., sec. 14, T57N, R29W. Along shore at Point Isabelle. Jacobsville. Eagle Harbor Twp., C W% SE SW sec. 5, T57N, R30W. Along road. Jacobsville. Eagle Harbor Twp., NW SE NE sec. 7, T57N, R30W. Along intermittent stream valley. Jacobsville. Eagle Harbor Twp., NW NW NW and C NW sec. 18, T57N, R30W. Along intermittent stream valley. Jacobsville. Houghton Twp., C NE NE, NE SE NW, and NW SE NW sec. 13, T57N, R31W. Jacobsville. Houghton Twp., SE NE NW sec. 13, T57N, R31W. Contact, Jacobsville and Keweenawan. Houghton Twp., NW sec. 14, T57N, R31W. Altered sandstone in stream bed. Jacobsville. Houghton Twp., NW SE SE sec. 20, T57N, R31W. Two separate outcrops. Jacobsville. Houghton Twp., NW SE sec. 21, T57N, R31W. In intermittent stream valley. Jacobsville. Houghton Twp., NW NW NE, SE NE NW, SE SE NW and SW SE NW sec. 22, T57N, R31W. Scattered exposures along trails and in stream valley. Jacobsville. Grant Twp., C E1 sec. 29, T58N, R28W. Along shore. Jacobsville. Grant Twp., C S/ sec. 30, T58N, R28W. Along shore. Jacobsville. Grant Twp., SW SW sec. 25, T58N, R29W. Along shore. Jacobsville. Grand Twp., SE SE SE sec. 26, T58N, R29W. Along shore. Jacobsville. LUCE COUNTY Pentland Twp., sec. 35, 36, T45N, R9W, McCloud Lumber Co. quarry. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Fiborn. Lakefield Twp., SE SE sec. 19, T45N, R12W. Dolomite on E side of small brook. Mayville? Lakefield Twp., SW sec. 29, NE NE sec. 30, T45N, R12W. Shore Manistique Lake. Mayville. McMillan Twp., NE SE NE sec. 11, T48N, R8W. Upper Falls of the Tahquamenon._Lake Superior Sandstone. McMillan Twp., NW sec. 9, T48N, R10W. Red sandstone in pit under shallow drift cover. Lake Superior Sandstone. McMillan Twp., W~ SW sec. 18, T49N, R11W. N-S ledge. "Lake Superior Sandstone"? MACKINAC COUNTY St. Ignace Twp., sec. 18, T40N, R3W. Strata in contact with indurated breccia of small hill approx. 200 ft. W of Mich. State Police substation at St. Ignace. St. Ignace. St. Ignace Twp., NE sec. 19, T40N, R3W. In ditches along Church St., W boundary of St. Ignace State Park. St. Ignace. 212 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY St. Ignace Twp., sec. 20, T40N, R3W. Hombach quarry, aband., 500 ft. S-SE of intersection Hombach and Pero St., St. Ignace. St. Ignace. In type area St. Ignace fm. Moran Twp., T40N, R4W. In E wall of approach to proposed ferry terminal, 1 mi. W of St. Ignace. St. Ignace. Moran Twp., SW NW sec. 5, T40N, R4W. Old gypsum quarry opened in 1850's. Pointe aux Chenes. Moran Twp., SE sec. 8, T40N, R4W. Along wagon road from a point % mi. NE of Catholic church in Gros Cap to US-2. St. Ignace, Pointe aux Chenes. Moran Twp., E part NW see. 9, T40N, R4W. Along private road. St. Ignace. Pointe aux Chenes. Also, in knoll about % mi. SW. Moran Twp., SE SW sec. 9, T40N, R4W. In road cut along US-2. Pointe aux Chenes. In type area Pointe aux Chenes. Moran Twp., Near C NW sec. 15, T40N, R4W. In road cut along US-2. Pointe aux Chenes. Marquette Twp., T41N, R2E. Many exposures of Engadine along Lake Huron shore. St. Ignace Twp., SE SW sec. 4, T41N, R3W. SE shore of Grosse Point. Gypsum exposure. Pointe aux Chenes. St. Ignace Twp., sec. 30, T41N, R3W. Above aband. lime kiln on S side of narrow ridge, approx. % mi. SE of highest point on Rabbit's Back. St. Ignace. Also in sec. 30, along S shore Rabbit's Back Point, gypsum near water's edge and under water. Pointe aux Chenes. Moran Twp., SW and NW SE sec. 31, T41N, R4W. Aband. gypsum pits. Also, shale exposures in SW SE sec. 31. Pointe aux Chenes. Moran Twp., NW NE sec. 36, T41N, R4W. At and in the vicinity of Castle Rock. St. Ignace. Pointe aux Chenes. Moran Twp., SW sec. 23, T41N, R5W. Along US-2, a few hundred yds. W of crossroad to N. Pointe aux Chenes. SE sec. 23, and in SE SW slightly less than % mi. W of C sec. 23, (shale pit, Round Lake CCC Camp). Pointe aux Chenes. SW NW sec. 23. St. Ignace? Pointe aux Chenes. Moran Twp., sec. 36, T41N, R5W. Along lake shore. Pointe aux Chenes. Clark Twp., T42N, R1E. Many exposures along Lake Huron shore. Engadine. Clark Twp., sec. 10, T42N, R1E. Port Dolomite quarry, Michigan Limestone Div. Engadine. Clark Twp., Many exposures in sec. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 20, 21, 28, and 29, T42N, R1E. Engadine. Clark Twp., see. 21 and 22, T42N, R1W. Approx. % mi. N of Hessel, prominent E-W trending ridge. Engadine. Marquette Twp., S-line sec. 3, T42N, R2W. Along highway. Engadine. Marquette Twp., S-line sec. 6, T42N, R2W. Along highway. Engadine. Marquette Twp., sec. 15, T42N, R2W. Low S-facing bluff nearly % mi. long. Engadine. Marquette Twp., NE sec. 34, T42N, R2W. Along shore of St. Martin Bay. Pointe aux Chenes. St. Ignace Twp., T42N, R3W. Low bluff along shore of Lake Huron, extend-. ing from S-central part sec. 11 to NW sec. 13; a second higher bluff farther inland in sec. 11, and also in E part sec. 11 and W part sec. 12. Engadine. St. Ignace Twp., NW NE sec. 20, T42N, R3W. On S bank of Carp River, approx. % mi. from its mouth. Pointe aux Chenes. St. Ignace Twp., S-line sec. 30, T42N, R3W. Approx. Y2 mi. W of US-2, in roadside ditches. Pointe aux Chenes. St. Ignace Twp., see. 29, 30 and 31, T42N, R3W. Along US-2 in ditches where highway crosses ridge between 1 and 2 mi. S of Carp River. Pointe aux Chenes. St. Ignace Twp., see. 12, T42N, R4W. S of C of sec., in Forest Service road at the crossings of two minor tributaries to Carp River. Pointe aux Chenes. EXPOSURES OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS 213 Brevoort Twp., S-line sec. 32, T42N, R4W. Roadside ditches between Allenville and a point % mi. to W. Pointe aux Chenes. Brevoort Twp., SE SW sec. 35, T42N, R5W. In path leading to small wharf, S shore Brevoort Lake, about 100 yds. E of Massey's Hotel. Pointe aux Chenes. Moran Twp., sec. 3, T42N, R6W. South side of a marsh. Manitoulin? Moran Twp., NE SE sec. 9, T42N, R6W. Mayville. Hendricks Twp., sec. 9, T42N, R7W. Along E shore of Epoufette Point. Engadine. Hendricks Twp., sec. 10 and 11, T42N, R7W. Along lake shore, approx. 1 mi. SE of Epoufette. Engadine. Newton Twp., sec. 5, 8, and 17, T42N, R11W. Along road on E side of sec. Manistique: Cordell. Contact, Manistique and Engadine crosses road near SE corner sec. 17. Newton Twp., sec. 12, 14, and 22, T42N, R11W. Many exposures over large area, approx. % mi. wide extending from NE sec. 22 to W part of sec. 12. Engadine. Newton Twp., W% sec. 20, T42N, R11W. Engadine at or near surface. Also, SE sec. 20, several sinks formed in dolomite. Newton Twp., E% sec. 21, T42N, R11W. Engadine dolomite at or near surface. Newton Twp., NW sec. 28, T42N, R11W. Engadine dolomite at or near surface. Newton Twp., NE sec. 29, T42N, R11W. Engadine dolomite at or near surface. Newton Twp., sec. 5 and 6, T42N, R12W. Many exposures in most of sec. 6 and SE see. 5. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Also, in sec. 6, Inland Lime & Stone Co. quarry. Newton Twp., sec. 7, T42N, R12W. In fields near W-line sec. 7 at points % and /2 mi. N of Hunt Spur. Manistique: Cordell. Marquette Twp., sec. 3, T43N, R2W. High N-facing escarpment in W part of sec. Engadine, Manistique. Marquette Twp., NE NE sec. 11, T43N, R2W. In and along road, in aband. quarry W of road, and in low ridge crossing road. Manistique, Burnt Bluff. St. Ignace Twp., sec. 8 and 9, T43N, R3W. Along both sides of N-S road. Manistique. Brevoort Twp., NE SW sec. 27, T43N, R4W. In ditches of Moran-East Lake road. Engadine. Contact with Pointe aux Chenes probably just south of these exposures. Brevoort Twp., sec. 28 and 29, T43N, R4W. N-line sec. 28 and 29, extensive pavement-like exposures on both sides of road. Engadine. (Guelph fossils in top.) Moran Twp., NE NW sec. 8, T43N, R5W. Ozark quarry. Engadine. Moran Twp., SW NE sec. 17, T43N, R5W. In RR cut; at surface on both sides of cut; in Marstone quarry E of RR. Engadine. Moran Twp., sec. 19 and 30, T43N, R5W. In E part sec. 19 and 30. Engadine. Moran Twp., NE sec. 28, T43N, R5W. In RR cut just S of Kenneth, and in small aband. quarry E of cut. Engadine. Moran Twp., sec. 29, T43N, R5W. Many exposures over large part of see. Engadine. Moran Twp., SE SW sec. 30, T43N, R5W. Along banks of Carp River in -vicinity of small dam. Engadine. Garfield Twp., southern % of T43N, R10W. Engadine. Type locality. Garfield Twp., sec. 4 and 9, T43N, R10W. Along roads on sides of and through sections. Manistique. Newton Twp., NE sec. 5, T43N, R11W. Along roadside approx. 4 mi. N of Gould City. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Newton Twp., SW sec. 13 and NW sec. 24, T43N, R11W. In low bluff approx. 1 mi. NE of Hazelmere. Engadine, Manistique. Also, in fields W of bluff. 214 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Newton Twp., sec. 19, 20, 29, and 30, T43N, R11W. S parts of sec. 19 and 20, and N parts of sec. 29 and 30. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Newton Twp., SE sec. 29, T43N, R11W. In ridge % mi. N of S see. line. Manistique. Cordell. Ridge continues S through E part of sec. 32 and crosses road into sec. 33 approx. 1~ mi. S of Gould City. Newton Twp., SW NW sec. 35, T43N, R11W. McEachern quarry. Manistique. Newton Twp., E part sec. 25, 36, S part see. 30, 31 and SW sec. 32, T43N, R12W. Many exposures. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Hendricks Twp., SE sec. 16, T44N, R7W. Fiborn quarry. Exposures in Sec. 15, 16, 20, 21, 24. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Mayville. Type locality of Fiborn beds. Hudson Twp., NW sec. 6, T44N, R8W. Hendricks quarry. Quarry extends into NE sec. 1, T44N, R9W. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Mayville. Type locality Hendricks. Garfield Twp., sec. 29, T44N, R10W. Under thin drift, in shallow wells. Fiborn. Bois Blanc Island: Type area Bois Blanc fm. Sec. 1. Poor exposures along shore at LaFayette Point. Bois Blanc. Sec. 7. Along shore in NW part of sec. Bois Blanc, St. Ignace. Sec. 8. Between point on N shore near aband. house and dock and point on little-used road approx. 600 ft. inland. Bois Blanc, St. Ignace. NE sec. 9. In cliffs along shore. Bois Blanc, St. Ignace. Sec. 14. In cliff along shore, approx. 500 ft. S of W point of island. St. Ignace. Sec. 17. Zela Point, approx. 3 mi. NW of Point aux Pins. Bois Blanc. Sec. 27. Along shore between Rosie and Packard points. Bois Blanc. Sec. 33. Along shore approx. 1% mi. NW of Point aux Pins. Bois Blanc. Goose Island: T41N, R1W. Gypsum at depths of 8 to 10 ft. in bottom of Lake Huron, adjacent to Goose Island. Pointe aux Chenes. Mackinac Island: In ravine just E of reservoir, approx. 200 ft. N of Fort Holmes. Bois Blanc, St. Ignace. In old quarry, 750 ft. E of old lime kiln on E side of Fort Mackinac-Sugarloaf road. St. Ignace. In cliff S of Dwightwood Spring. St. Ignace, Pointe aux Chenes. Along road approx. ~ mi. S of British Landing. Pointe aux Chenes. Approx. 800 ft. N of Dwightwood Spring and 200 ft. N of base of Arch Rock. Pointe aux Chenes. Round Island: Cliff on NE side of island, approx. % mi. NW of NE point of island. St. Ignace. St. Martin Island: Sec. 12, T41N, R3W. In low lands adjacent to S shore. Pointe aux Chenes. MARQUETTE COUNTY Wells Twp., sec. 23, T42N, R25W. Shallow roadside ditch. Maclurites zone. Trenton. Wells Twp., SW SW sec. 29, T42N, 25W. On both sides of road. Hermansville. Wells Twp., NW sec. 5, T42N, R26W. Just N of road on E edge of Northland. Hermansville. Wells Twp., SE NE sec. 6, T42N, R26W. Hermansville. Wells Twp., E ~ sec. 24, T43N, R26W. Escanaba River. Hermansville. Turin Twp., SW NE sec. 3, T44N, R24W. Cambrian. Turin Twp., SW SW sec. 13, T44N, R24W. Along E side of road. Hermansville. Turin Twp., C E1/2 sec. 25, T44N, R24W. On E side of M-35. Black River. U. Decorah. Abandoned quarry near McFarland. Trenton: Chandler Falls. EXPOSURES OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS 215 Forsyth Twp., NE SE sec. 7 and SW SW sec. 8, T4SN, 224W. Lake Superior Sandstone? Forsyth Twp., SE SW SE sec. 10, T45N, R24W. Along frail. Lake Superior Sandstone. Forsyth Twp., NW SE NW and C N'!2 N~1/2sec. 15, T45N, R24W. NW of frail. Lake Superior Sandstone. Forsyth Twp., C N3/2 NE sec. 19, T45N, R24W. 250 yds. N of road. Hennansyulle? Lake. Superior Sandstone. Jordan. Forsyth Twp., NW SW sec. 21, T4SN, 224W. Along road. 1 mi. SE of Little Lake. Lake Superior Sandstone? Forsyth Twp., SE SE NE sec. 19, T4SN, 225W. Hermansville. Forsyth Twp., C S1~ NW sec. 20, T45N, R25W. On both sides of road just W of 22 and for %, mi. S of road. Hermansville. Skandia Twp., SW SW SW sec. 29, T46N, 223W. On W side of road Skandia to Chatham in ditch. Lake Superior Sandstone? Skandia Twp., NW NE sec. 34, T46N, 223W. In -shallow ditches along road for.200 yds. Hermansville? West. Branch Twp., NW sec. 36, T46N, 224W. Upper Falls Chocolay River. Lake Superior Sandstone. West Branch Twp., NW SE NE sec. 36, T4ON, 224W. Road exposure? Chocolay Twp., SW SE sec. 25, T47N, 224W. Rapids in Chocolay River. Jacobsyulle. Marquette Twp., NW sec. 1, T48N, 225W. Along W side Presque Isle Point. Ja~cob~sville contact with pre-Cambrian. Marquette Twp., NW sec. 26, T48N, 225W. Quarry. Jacobsville? Marquette Twp., NE sec. 36, T48N, 225W. Along road, and along lake shore. Contact with Iluronian. Jacobsville? Marquette Twp., sec. 17, T49N, 225W. On SE side of Little Presque Isle. Jacobsville. Marquette Twp., SE sec. 19, and sec. 20, and NW sec. 29, T49N, 225W. Along shore. Jacobsville. Marquette Twp., sec. 20, T49N, 225W. Along shore at Granite Point. Jacobsville. Marquette Twp., SE and NW sec. 2, NE sec. 11, and NE sec. 13, T49N, 226W. Cliffs along shore. Jacobsville. Marquette Twp., sec. 19, T49N, 226W. Along County Highway 550. Jacobsyulle. Powell Twp., W-1/2 sec. 8, E'1/2 sec. 21, NW sec. 27, and W1/ sec. 35, T5ON, 226W. Cliffs along shore. Jacobsville. Powell Twp., sec. 17, 20, 21, SW sec. 27, and E part sec. 34, T51N, 226W. Along shore and inland. Ja~cobsville. Powell Twp., sec. 1 and 12, TS1N, 227W. Along shore on both sides of Big Bay Point. Jacobsville. Powell Twp., SE sec. 4 and NE sec. 9, T51N, 227W. Along shore. Jacobsville. Powell Twp., C E~2 sec. 30, TS2N, 227W. Quarry. Jacobsville..Powell Twp., N- and E parts -sec. 30 and 33, NY,, sec. 32, T52N, 227W. -Along shore, Salmon Trout Point. Jacobsville. Powell Twp., sec. 21, shore Pine Lake and sec. 19, 5. shore Rush Lake, T52N, 228W. Cambrian. Powell Twp., NW sec. 21, T52N, 228W to NE sec. 15, T52N, 229W. Along shore. Jacobsville. Powell Twp., NE sec. 22, N'!2 sec. 23, and S11, sec. 24, T52N, 228W. Along shore N side of Pine River Point. Jacobsville. Powell Twp., NW sec. 17, T52N, 229W. Along shore. Jacobsville. Garlic Island: NW sec. 27, T5ON, 226W. Cliffs along shore. Jacobsville. Partridge Island:. SE sec. 34, T49N, 225W. Along SE shore. Jacobsville. 216 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY MENOMINEE COUNTY Menominee City, sec. 5, T31N, R27W. Menominee River. Trenton. Menominee City, NW sec. 14, T32N, R27W. Quarry. Trenton. Menominee City, C NW sec. 24, T32N, R28W. Chappee Falls, Menominee River. Black River. Mellon Twp., NE NW sec. 2, T34N, R27W. Little Cedar River. Trenton. Mellon Twp., sec. 5 and NW sec. 9, T34N, R27W. Menominee River. Trenton. Grand Rapids of Menominee. 3 mi. long. Type locality of Hermansville, below Black River (Rominger). Mellon Twp., E% SW sec. 21, T34N, R27W. Roadway. Trenton. Cedarville Twp., WA W% SW sec. 2, T35N, R25W. Cedar River. Trenton. Stephenson Twp., NW sec. 20, T35N, R26W. East of roadway. Trenton. Lake Twp., NE sec. 18, T35N, R27W. Four exposures crossing N-line of sec. Hermansville. Stephenson Twp., NE sec. 24, T35N, R27W. Near roads. Trenton. Stephenson Twp., NW sec. 25, T35N, R27W. Across W-line. Trenton. Lake Twp., C SE sec. 32, T35N, R27W. Crosses road. Trenton. Lake Twp., near C S '4-line sec. 1, T35N, R28W. Roadway. Hermansville. Lake Twp., NE sec. 13, T35N, R28W. Three exposures crossing road on N-line. Hermansville. Lake Twp., near C sec. 14, T35N, R28W. Crossing road. Hermansville. Lake Twp., S~ sec. 23, T35N, R28W. Hermansville. Lake Twp., SE corner sec. 23, T35N, R28W. Cross road. Hermansville. Cedarville Twp., NW sec 18, T36N, R24W. Trenton. Cedarville Twp., SA see. 21, T36N, R25W. Cedar River. Trenton. Cedarville Twp., NE corner sec. 28, T36N, R25W. Cedar River. Trenton. Nadeau Twp., SW sec. 5, T36N, R26W. Trenton. Nadeau Twp., NW sec. 1, T36N, R27W. Along Little Cedar River. Hermansville. Nadeau Twp., SW sec. 12, T36N, R27W. Trenton. Holmes Twp., NW sec. 19, T36N, R27W. Hermansville. Daggett Twp., S% see. 26, T36N, R27W. Cross RR. Trenton. Holmes Twp., SW sec. 32, T36N, R27W. Hay Creek and also along roadside. Also, C NE see. 32. Hermansville. Holmes Twp., NA sec. 35, T36N, R27W. Cross RR. Trenton. Holmes Twp., NE NW sec. 12, T36N, R28W. Along both sides of road, approx. 3.6 mi. S of Nathan. Hermansville. Holmes Twp., SE sec. 23, T36N, R28W. Escarpment E into sec. 24 and S into sec. 26. Hermansville. Holmes Twp., SW see. 24, T36N, R28W. Hermansville. Holmes Twp., NE NE sec. 24, T36N, R28W. Along road for approx. % mi. Hermansville. Also, SE SE see. 24. Holmes Twp., sec. 25, T36N, R28W. Goes N-S in WA of sec. Hermansville. Holmes Twp., SE and NE see. 26, T36N, R28W. Hermansville. Holmes Twp., C SE and C S ~-line sec. 36, T36N, R28W. Two exposures in roadway. Hermansville. Holmes Twp., NW sec. 36, T36N, R28W. Circular depression-outcrop? Hermansville. Gouley Twp., SE sec. 3, T37N, R25W. Cedar River. Trenton. Nadeau Twp., WA sec. 6, T37N, R26W. Along stream. Hermansville. Nadeau Twp., N2 sec. 20, T37N, R26W. Approx. A mi. E of Carney. Trenton. Faithorn Twp., SA sec. 8, T37N, R27W. Hermansville. Nadeau Twp., near N-line sec. 13, T37N, R27W. Hermansville. Nadeau Twp., near N-line see. 15, T37N, R27W. Little Cedar River. Hermansville. Holmes Twp., NW sec. 17, T37N, R27W. Hermansville. EXPOSURES OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS 217 Holmes Twp., W-line sec. 18, T37N, R27W. Hermansville. Holmes Twp., S-line SE sec. 19, T37N, R27W. Along road. Hermansville. Nadeau Twp., SE SW and SE SE sec. 23, T37N, R27W. Along N side of road. Hermansville. Nadeau Twp., NW SE sec. 24, T37N, R27W. Along S side of road for approx. 40 yds. Hermansville. Nadeau Twp., NW SE sec. 25, T37N, R27W. Along road, approx. 7.5 mi. S. of Nathan. Hermansville. Holmes Twp., NE NE sec. 30, T37N, R27W. Along S side of road. Hermansville. Nadeau Twp., SW sec. 36, T37N, R27W. Little Cedar River. Also, NW sec. 36, stream. Hermansville. Holmes Twp., SE SW sec. 24, T37N, R28W. Along road. Hermansville. Also, SE corner sec. 24. Holmes Twp., NW SE sec. 36, T37N, R28W. Along road, approx. 1.6 mi. S of Nathan. Hermansville. Harris Twp., NW and C sec. 2, T38N, R25W. Trenton. Harris Twp., W1i sec. 7, T38N, R25W. Trenton. Harris Twp., sec. 9, T38N, R25W. Along road, 2 mi. E and 1 mi. S of Wilson. Trenton: Chandler Falls, Maclurites zone. Harris Twp., SW NE and SW NW sec. 11, T38N, R25W. Trenton. Harris Twp., SE NW sec. 12, T38N, R25W. Along highway. Trenton: Groos Quarry. Harris Twp., NW sec. 15, T38N, R25W. Trenton. Harris Twp., C N2 sec. 16, T38N, R25W. Roadside. Trenton: Chandler Falls. Harris Twp., S% sec. 21, T38N, R25W. Stream bed. Trenton. Harris Twp., SE sec. 29, T38N, R25W. Trenton. Spalding Twp., S1 sec. 3, T38N, R26W. Trenton. Spalding Twp., N-S '-line sec. 5, T38N, R26W. On both sides of road. Hermansville. Spalding Twp., NW sec. 7, T38N, R26W. Hermansville. Spalding Twp., NW NW sec. 9, T38N, R26W. E of road. SE NW sec. 9, and NW SW sec. 9 in shallow ditch along road. Black River. Spalding Twp., S1/ sec. 10, T38N, R26W. In ditch along US-2 approx. 3/ mi. E of Spalding. Black River. Spalding Twp., C sec. 11, T38N, R26W. Along RR. Black River. Spalding Twp., S/2 sec. 24, T38N, R26W. Trenton. SSpalding Twp., NW sec. 27, T38N, R26W. Also, sec. 22 and 28. Trenton. Meyer Twp., NW NW sec. 2, T38N, R27W. On both sides of road for approx. 100 yds. Hermansville: Oneota. Meyer Twp., N-line sec. 4, T38N, R27W. Hermansville: Oneota. Meyer Twp., E-line sec. 5, T38N, R27W. Hermansville: Oneota. Meyer Twp., sec. 8, T38N, R27W. Four exposures-2 in C part of sec. and 2 on W-line. Hermansville: Oneota. Meyer Twp., SE sec. 14, T38N, R27W. Hermansville: Oneota. Meyer Twp., NW sec. 16, T38N, R27W. Also, 2 exposures on S-line and 1 on E-line. Hermansville. Meyer Twp., SW sec. 17, T38N, R27W. Also, N-line of sec. Hermansville. Meyer Twp., S~ SE sec. 23, T38N, R27W. Hermansville. Meyer Twp., SW sec. 25, T38N, R27W. Hermansville. Meyer Twp., NE sec. 28, T38N, R27W. Hermansville. Meyer Twp., NE sec. 33, T38N, R27W. Hermansville. Meyer Twp., NE sec. 35, T38N, R27W. Hermansville. T38N, R27W and T39N, R28W are type areas of Hermansville (Van Hise and Bayley). Faithom Twp., SE SW sec. 1, T38N, R28W. Along road. Hermansville. Harris Twp., E% sec. 3, T39N, R25W. Along Ten Mile Creek. Trenton. 218 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Harris Twp., S~2 sec. 15, T39N, R25W. Along stream. Also, NW sec. 15. Trenton. Harris Twp., C sec. 25, T39N, R2S5W. Trenton. Spalding Twp., C line sec. 4 and 9, T39N, R26W. Hermanaville. Spalding Twp., NE sec. 12, T39N, R26W. Hermansville. Spalding Twp., N~/ sec. 32, T39N, R26W. Hermnansville. Meyer Twp., sec. 8, T39N, R27W. Hermansville. Meyer Twp., N-line sec. 10, T39N, R27W. Hermiansville. Meyer Twp., sec. 18, T39N, R27W. Hermansville. Meyer Twp., SW NW and SW SE sec. 29, T39.N, R27W. On N side of road. Hermansville: Oneota. Meyer Twp., S~1/ sec. 35, T39N, R27W. Hermansville. Harris Twp., SE sec. 23 and SW sec. 24, T4ON, R25W. Trenton. Harris Twp., sec. 34, T40N, R25W. In ro~adside ditch 1 mi. E o~f Whitney. Black River: Bony Falls. Spalding Twp., NE NW sec. 4, T4ON, R26W. Along W side of. road for. 25 yds.,Probably basal Black River at top of Hermanaville: Oneota. Spalding Twp., see. 4, T4ON, R26W. Klong N-line of see. 4. Also in sec.. 35, T4IN, R26W. Hermansyille. Harris Twp., see. 2, T41N, R25W. Ford River. Hermansville. Harris Twp., sec, 4, T41N, R25W. Ford River. Hermansville. Harris Twp., sec. 11, T41N, R25W. Along river. Hermansville. Harris Twrp., sec. 14, T41N, R.25W. Ford River. Hermansville. Spalding Twp., SW sec. 30, T41N, R26W. H ermansville. Along Highway 69',.8 mi. -northwest of Faunus. Spling w.2S sec. 35, T4XN, R26W. Also, sec. 5, T4ON, R26W, near river. Black River. ONTONAGON COUNTY Haight.Twp., NW SW sec. 1, T4ON, R39W. Bond Falls. Cambrian Sandstone. Interior Twp., C SW sec. 8, T47N, R38W. Agate Falls. Cambrian. Rockland Twp., C S-line SW sec. 11, T49N, R39W., Okundekin Falls (?) on Baltimore River. Cambrian. Matchwood Twrp., see. 2, T49N, R-4OW. Along Ontonagon River, Cambrian sandsto~ne. Matchwood Twp., SW SW SW sec. 9, T49N,. R41W. Cascade Falls. Cambrian. Keweenawan? Rockland. Twp., see. 23 and 24, T5ON, R39W. Along small stream. Cambrian. Rockland. Twp., see. 31, T5ON, R39W. Falls of the Ontonagon. Victoria Dam. Cambrian. SCHOOLCRAFT COUNTY Mueller Twp., T41N, R13W. Along side of Seul Choix Point Peninsula, and along lake shore NE of Seul Choix Point. Engadine. Mueller Twp., sec. 2, T41N, R13W. Inland Lime and Stone Co. quarry. Engadine. Mueller Twp., see. 6, T41N, RI3W. Along S and SW shore of McDonald Lake. Manistique: Cordell. Doy.le Twp., N.W sec. 1, T41N, R14W. In NW-SE trending ridge approx. 1 mi. SE of. Whitedale. Manistique: Cordell. Manistique. Twp., SW SW sec' 1, T41N, R15W. Baker quLarry. Manistique. Hiawatha Twp., SW NE sec. 2, T41N, R16W. In area of 3 to 4 acres immediately N of Indian River and E of road. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks.Hiawatha Twp., NE SW sec. 2, T41N, RiOW. Along Shingleton-Manistique highway, less than 1/4 mi. S of Indian River. Manistique. EXPOSURES OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS 219 Hiawatha Twp., sec. 2, T41N, R16W, and sec. 34 and 35, T42N, RI6W. In bottom of Indian River between Indian Lake and Shingleton-Manistique highway. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Hiawatha Twp., sec. 12, T41N, R16W. Aband. Inland Lime and Stone Co. quarry at Manistique. Manistique. Hiawatha Twp., sec. 13, T4IN, RiOW. Along Manistique River between mouth and plant of Charcoal Iron Co., and along Lake Michigan shore S and SE of Manistique. Manistique. City of Manistique, T41N, RIOW. Aband. White Marble Lime Co. quarry north edge of town. Manistique. Type locallity wvith other exposures iin area. Thompson Twp., SW SW sec. 8, T41N, R17W. In road approx. 100 ft. E of SW corner sec. 8. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Thompson Twp., SW sec. 8 and NW sec. 17, T41N, R17W. In low ridge which crosses E-W road. Burnt Bluff. Thompson Twp., SW SW sec. 9, T41N, R17W. Along road just E of sec. corner and in nearby fields on both sides of road N of SW sec. corner. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Thompson Twp., SE SW sec. 9, T41N, RI7W. In small quarry approx. 100 yds. N of road. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Thompson Twp., SW SW sec. 17, T41N, R17W. Holbin quarry. Manistique. Thompson Twp., SW sec. 17, SE sec. 18, NE sec. 19, and NW sec. 20, T41N, R17W. At or near surface over much of this area. Manistique. Thompson Twp., NW SW sec. 18, T41N, R17W. In low NE-SW bluff which crosses road approx. 1/3 mi. N or SW see. corner. Manistique. Thompson Twp., S-central sec. 20 and N-central sec. 29, T41N, R17W. Manistique. Mueller Twp., T42N, R13W. Many exposures in N part sec. 1, N sec. 2, all of sec. 3, B and S sec. 4, SE sec. 5, SE sec. 6, N sec. 8, and N part sec. 9. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks, Fiborn. Mueller Twp., sec. 3, T42N, R13W. Nicholsonville quarry (also known as Calspar quarry, Blaney quarry, Inland Lime and Stone Co. quarry). Burnt Bluff: Hendricks, Fiborn. Mueller Twp., SE sec. 6, T42N, R13W. In small quarry in ridge. Burnt Bluff. Mueller Txvp., sec. 30 and 31, T42N, R13W. Along N shore of McDonald Lake. Manistique: Cordell. Doyle Trw., sec. 4, 9, and 17, T42N, RI4W. In escarpment extending from the NE sec. 17 to SW sec. 4. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Doyle Twp., SW sec. 8, T42N, R14W. In upper part of "Ninety-foot Bluff" escarpment. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Doyle Twp., S~o sec. 8, T42N, R14W. Natural rock pavement over much of the area. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Doyle Twp., W'1/_ sec. 9, T42N, R14W. "Sixty-foot Bluff" escarpment. Burnt Bluff. Doyl-e Twp., NE sec. 11, T42N, R14W. In road, approx. 40 rods MT of NE sec. - dhiif.Bi--tnBluiff: H-eii-dtick~sFbon.Maistique in fields -at higher -level and in shallow quarry 60 rods SE. Doyle Twp., SE SE sec. 12, T42N, R14W. Along road approx. V mi. N of SE sec. corner. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Doyle Twp., P-line. sec. 28, T42N, RI4W. On both sides of low ridge crossing road near NE corner of sec. Manistique. Doyle Txvp., 5~1/ sec. 31, T42N, R14W. Along road. Manistique: Cordell, Schooleraft. Doyle Twp., NW, SE sec. 33, T42N, R14W. Stewart quarry. Manistique. Doyle Tw-p., E1,4/ sec. 33 and W%,ý sec. 34, T42N, R14W. Exposures over much of the area. Manistique. Doyle Twp., sec. 351, T42N, R14W. At Gulliver (Whitedale). Manistique: Cordell. At or near surface of land adjacent to two outliers of Engadine. 220 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Manistique Twp., sec. 22, T42N, R15W, to sec. 34, T43N, R14W. N and NW facing escarpment 1: to % mi. S and SE of Manistique River. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Manistique Twp., NE SE sec. 27, T42N, R15W. Along road in small low ridge which crosses road, and in aband. quarry on E side of ridge and S of road. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Manistique Twp., SE sec. 35, T42N, R15W. Aband. Marblehead Quarry and fields north and east. Manistique. Manistique Twp., sec. 36, T42N, R15W. Inland Lime and Stone Co. quarry at Marblehead. Manistique: Cordell, Schoolcraft (Lower and Upper Pentamerus) Type locality Schoolcraft. Manistique Twp., SE see. 36, T42N, R15W. On S side of road. Manistique (contact Cordell and Schoolcraft). Hiawatha Twp., SE SW sec. 14, T42N, R16W. Sawheidle quarry. In road cut approx. % mi. S of C sec. 14. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Hiawatha Twp., T42N, R16W. "Big Hill Bluff". Burnt Bluff. Hiawatha Twp., SW SW sec. 26, T42N, R16W. Quarry? Burnt Bluff. Hiawatha Twp., sec. 27 and 34, T42N, R16W. Along NE shore of Indian Lake, and in low cliff E of shore between outlet to Indian River and point 1 mi. NE. Burnt Bluff. Thompson Twp., SW sec. 28, T42N, R17W. Small road metal quarry in side of low E-W ridge. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Mueller Twp., SW NE sec. 29, T43N, R13W. Blaney quarry. Burnt Bluff. Mueller Twp., SE sec. 34, T43N, R13W. At base of very low bluff. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. Mueller Twp., sec. 34, 35, and 36, T43N, R13W. Many exposures in S parts of these sections. Burnt Bluff: Hendricks. SOUTHERN PENINSULA ALPENA COUNTY Green Twp., E-line NE sec. 20, T30N, R6E. Roadside. Antrim. Alpena Twp., SE sec. 11, T30N, R8E. Traverse: Thunder Bay. Type locality Thunder Bay. Alpena Twp., sec. 10, 11, and 14, T30N, RSE. Along shore of Partridge Point. Traverse: Squaw Bay, Thunder Bay. Type locality Squaw Bay, ledges on beach, Sec. 10. Type locality Thunder Bay, cliff Sec. 11, 14. Alpena Twp., NE sec. 22, T30N, R8E. Ledges along road and lake shore. Antrim. Long Rapids Twp., NE sec. 4, T31N, R6E. South Branch Thunder Bay River. Also along river into sec. 12. Traverse: Thunder Bay. Long Rapids Twp., sec. 15, T31N, R6E. Antrim. Green Twp., NW NW sec. 21, T31N, R6E. In ditch along road approx. / mi. S of Lachine. Antrim. Green Twp., SE sec. 36, T31N, R6E. Dump by old "gold mine" shaft. Traverse: Squaw Bay. Antrim. Maple Ridge Twp., C S-line sec. 1, T31N, R7E. In low cuts and ditches along road, approx. /2mi. NW of Seven Mile or Norway Point Dam. Traverse: Norway Point. Four Mile Dam. Maple Ridge Twp., C S-line sec. 9, T31N, R7E. Extends south into sec. 16, along lower South Branch Thunder Bay River. Traverse: Thunder Bay. Maple Ridge Twp., NE sec. 12, T31N, R7E. In banks and bed of Thunder Bay River below Norway Point or Seven Mile Dam. Traverse: Norway Point. EXPOSURES OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS 221 Maple Ridge Twp., C N~ NE sec. 16, T31N, R7E. In bed of river. Traverse: Thunder Bay. Maple Ridge Twp., C sec. 17, T31N, R7E. Traverse: Squaw Bay; SE NW sec. 17, Thunder Bay; and NE SE sec. 17 Squaw Bay drift. Thunder Bay. Good collecting in stone piles % mi. S of center sec. 17, Antrim. Contact Antrim and Squaw Bay in vicinity. Wilson Twp., SE NE sec. 19, T31N, R7E. Antrim. Wilson Twp., E~ SW sec. 21, T31N, R7E. In bed of Thunder Bay River. Traverse: Alpena. Wilson Twp., NE sec. 30, T31N, R7E. Paxton quarry (Huron Portland Cement Co. quarry), and roadside north of quarry. Antrim. Wilson Twp., SW NE see. 31, T31N, RTE. Antrim. Alpena Twp., SE sec. 1, T31N, R8E. Aband. Collins quarry. Traverse: Alpena? Alpena Twp., E sec. corner sec. 1 and 12, T31N, R8E. Traverse: Alpena. Alpena Twp., E-line sec. 3, T31N, R8E. N from 4 corner. Traverse: Alpena. Bioherm. Alpena Twp., NW sec. 3, T31N, R8E. Bioherm on W side of highway. Traverse: Alpena. Alpena Twp., S% SE sec. 4, T31N, R8E. Road cut 2~ mi. N of Chisholm St. Bridge on US-23. Traverse: Alpena. Bioherm and flank beds. Alpena Twp., NW sec. 4, T31N, R8E. Traverse: Alpena. Alpena Twp., SE NW sec. 5, T31N, R8E. Traverse: Alpena. Alpena Twp., NE NE sec. 6, T31N, R8E. Traverse: Alpena. Alpena Twp., sec. 7, T31N, R8E. 1/4 mi. S of C sec. 7 in river bed and along banks. Traverse: Norway Point. Four Mile Dam. Type locality Four Mile Dam fm. foot of at Four Mile Dam, and Potter Farm fm. lower beds. Alpena Twp., sec. 7, 17, 18, T31N, R8E. Terrace along Thunder Bay River. Traverse: Thunder Bay. Alpena Twp., SE sec. 8, T31N, R8E. Traverse: Thunder Bay. Alpena Twp., sec. 9 and 16, T31N, R8E. In ditches along US-23 and French Road extending NW from SE sec. 16. Traverse: Norway Point. Alpena Twp., sec. 13, T31N, R8E. Huron Portland Cement Co. quarry (Mich. Alkali Co. quarry). Traverse: Four Mile Dam. Alpena, Newton Creek. Genshaw. Type locality Newton Creek, of Genshaw beds 15-16, and of Alpena. Alpena Twp., NW sec. 13, T31N, R8E. Quarry Michigan Alkali Co. Traverse: Genshaw, Newton Creek, Alpena. Type locality Newton Creek. Alpena Twp., NE sec. 14, T31N, R8E. Aband. quarries. Traverse. Also SE sec. 14, Thunder Bay quarry. Traverse: Four Mile Dam. Alpena incl. Dock Street Clay member. Type locality Dock Street Clay. Alpena Twp., SE NW sec. 15, T31N, R8E. S of RR. Traverse: Alpena incl. Dock Street Clay member. Alpena Twp., N2 SE sec. 16, T31N, R8E. Cut along aband. RR, and field outcrops to N and W side of US-23. Traverse: Norway Point. Alpena Twp., NW sec. 17, T31N, R8E. NW sec. 17, E% sec. 18, E~ sec. 19, all but NE sec. 20. Exposure on hills. Traverse: Potter Farm, Norway Point. Type locality Potter Farm. Alpena Twp., N-S line through C sec. 18, T31N, R8E. Shale bank S side Thunder Bay River 1 mi. below Four Mile Dam. Road cuts and ledges on and near N-S road. Traverse: Potter Farm Norway Point. Also E~ sec. 18, especially C E-line. Traverse: Potter Farm. Norway Point. Type locality lower Potter Farm. Alpena Twp., SE SW sec. 19, T31N, R8E. Aband. quarry approx. 2 mi. W Alpena Cemetery. Traverse: Potter Farm. Also C N% N~ sec. 19, roadside exposure Potter Farm and E~ sec. 19. Potter Farm. Norway Point. Alpena Twp., SE SW sec. 19, T31N, R8E. Aband. quarry on Alpena-Hillman highway. Traverse: Potter Farm. 222 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Alpena Twp., NW sec. 20, T31N, R8E. Cut along aband. RR and nearby field exposures; SE sec. 20, on E slope of hill just W of Alpena Cemetery "Silo Terrace" of Ver Wiebe; S-line sec. 20, road cuts on Alpena-Hillman road % to 1 mi. W of Alpena Cemetery. Traverse: Potter Farm. Alpena Twp., SW sec. 21, T31N, R8E. Small shale pit at NW corner of cemetery. Traverse: Potter Farm. Type locality upper beds of Potter Farm. Alpena Twp., SW SW sec. 27, T31N, R8E. Traverse: Potter Farm. Alpena Twp., SE NE sec. 28, T31N, R8E. Aband. Warner's Brick Yard. Traverse: Potter Farm. Alpena Twp., NW sec. 29, T31N, R8E, and C S~ NE sec. 29. Aband. Nicholson quarry. Traverse: Potter Farm. Alpena Twp., SE sec. 33, T31N, R8E. Shore terraces. Traverse: Thunder Bay. Alpena Twp., NW sec. 34, T31N, R8E. Excavations at Alpena City Waterworks and ledges along beach at Stony Point. Traverse: Potter Farm. Alpena Twp., C sec. 4, T31N, R9E, and along N-S sec. line, sec. 4 and 5. Traverse. Genshaw. Alpena Twp., C W1 NE sec. 10, T31N, R9E. Aband. quarry, El Cajon Cement Co. Traverse: Genshaw lower beds. Alpena Twp., NW SW sec. 15, T31N, R9E. Sinkhole, El Cajon Bay a small inlet at head of Misery Bay, and above Killians in SE SW sec. 15. Traverse: Genshaw. Wellington Twp., C NW sec. 25, T32N, R5E. Along W side of road; also W~i NE sec. 25. Traverse: Genshaw, Killians. Wellington Twp., C N2 NE sec. 35, T32N, R5E. Traverse. Wellington Twp., S%/2 NW sec. 36, T32N, R5E. Along N-S road just N of schoolhouse. Traverse. Long Rapids Twp., C E% sec. 5, T32N, R6E; also C W% sec. 5, and SV% corner of sec. line, sec. 4 and 5. Traverse: Alpena. Long Rapids Twp., S1 NW sec. 9, T32N, R6E. Traverse: Alpena. Long Rapids Twp., NW sec. 16, T32N, R6E. Sinkholes. Traverse: Alpena. Long Rapids Twp., NW sec. 21, T32N, R6E. On S side of road. Traverse: Alpena? Potter Farm? Long Rapids Twp., NW SE sec. 25, T32N, R6E. Traverse: Potter Farm. Long Rapids Twp., NE NW sec. 27 and NE sec. 28, T32N, R6E. Along sec. line N of school. Traverse. Long Rapids Twp., E'1 sec. 34, T32N, R6E. Sinkhole on Marston farm. Traverse. Long Rapids Twp., SW SW SW sec. 34, T32N, R6E. Thunder Bay River near road. Traverse. Maple Ridge Twp., S1/ sec. 1, T32N, R7E. Traverse. Genshaw? Maple Ridge Twp., SE sec. 2, T32N, R7E. Traverse. Maple Ridge Twp., N-line see. 3, T32N, R7E. Traverse. Maple Ridge Twp., NE NE sec. 4 and SE SW sec. 4, T32N, R7E. Traverse. Maple Ridge Twp., SE SW sec. 5, T32N, R7E. Aband. Griffin or Balton quarry, and adjacent field outcrops, SW side of RR, 114 mi. NW of Bolton. Traverse: Alpena. Maple Ridge Twp., S1% corner sec. 9 and 10, and E% corner sec. 9 and 16, T32N, R7E. Traverse. Maple Ridge Twp., NW sec. 11, T32N, R7E. Sinkhole SE of Polish School. Traverse: Genshaw incl. Killians member. Maple Ridge Twp., see. 14, T32N, R7E. In sinkhole. Traverse. Maple Ridge Twp., sec. 17, T32N, R7E. Traverse: Alpena. Maple Ridge Twp., S-line SE see. 16, T32N, R7E, and SW NW sec. 16. Traverse. Maple Ridge Twp., SW NE sec. 20, T32N, R7E. Traverse. Maple Ridge Twp., NE SW sec. 23, T32N, R7E. Traverse. Maple Ridge Twp., near C sec. 29, T32N, R7E. On bank of river. Traverse: Norway Point, Four Mile Dam. Maple Ridge Twp., E-line SE SW sec. 30, T32N, R7E. Along N-S road extend EXPOSURES OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS 223 ing N for M mi. from corner. Traverse: Potter Farm. Norway Point. Maple Ridge Twp., near C S~ NW sec. 31, T32N, R7E. On hillside on N side of Alpena-Long Rapids Road, and S~ NE sec. 31. Traverse: Potter Farm. Gastropod beds, N line sec. 31 compound Cystiphyllum beds. Maple Ridge Twp., NY sec. line, sec. 33 and 34, T32N, R7E, and SE SW sec. 34. Traverse. Maple Ridge Twp., SE SE sec. 35, T32N, R7E. Traverse. Alpena Twp., NE%, T32N, R8E. Traverse: Genshaw. Type locality Genshaw. Alpena Twp., NE NE sec. 2, T32N, R8E. Test pit 11/ mi. NE of Lakewood. Traverse: Genshaw. Alpena Twp., SE sec. 3, T32N, R8E. Traverse. Alpena Twp., SW SW see. 5, T32N, R8E. Road cut on county road. Traverse: Genshaw. Alpena Twp., N2 sec. line, see. 5 and 6, C S% sec. 7, T32N, R8E. Traverse. Four Mile Dam? Alpena Twp., C E-line sec. 8 (French Road), T32N, R8E. Road cut % to -. mi. S of Killians Resort on Long Lake. Traverse: Alpena ls., Genshaw, incl. Killians member. Also E sec. corner, see. 8 and 17. Traverse. Type locality of Genshaw beds 9-14. Type locality Killians. Alpena Twp., E-W ',-line, sec. 12, T32N, R8E. Along road. Traverse. Alpena Twp., SW NE sec. 14, T32N, R8E. Traverse. Alpena Twp., Long Lake Road, sec. 15 and 22, T32N, R8E. Genshaw, beds 5-9. Alpena Twp., NE see. 16, T32N, R8E, and E% corner sec. 16 and 21. Traverse: Genshaw. Alpena Twp., E sec. 17, T32N, R8E. Drift on sides of French Road. Newton Creek. Alpena Twp., NW NW sec. 19, T32N, R8E, and at sec. corner sec. 17, 18, 19 and 20. Traverse. Alpena? Alpena Twp., SW corner sec. 20 and 21, T32N, RSE, and E of W sec. corner, sec. 20 and 29. Traverse. Alpena? NE sec. 21 Genshaw. Alpena Twp., NE sec. 22, T32N, R8E. In ditches along Long Lake Road. Traverse: Genshaw. Type locality Genshaw beds 6-11. Alpena Twp., SW SE sec. 23, T32N, R8E. Sinkhole and outcrops along shore, S end of Devils Lake, approx. % mi. S of "The Narrows". Traverse: Genshaw. Alpena Twp., NE sec. 24, T32N, R8E. Bank on S side Long Lake Creek (Hell Creek) at private bridge. Traverse: Genshaw. Alpena Twp., NW SW see. 25, T32N, R8E. Along Wessel road, approx. 1% mi. S of bridge at "The Narrows". Traverse: Genshaw incl. Killians member. Also SW SE sec. 25, aband. quarry. Traverse. Alpena Twp., along sec. line, sec. 26 and 27, T32N, R8E. Traverse. Locality of Long Lake shales and limestones of Grabau. Alpena Twp., Along sec. line, sec. 28 and 29, T32N, R8E. Traverse: Alpena? Alpena Twp., E% corner sec. 29 and 32, T32N, R8E. Reef limestone. Traverse: Alpena? Alpena Twp., SESW sec7 31, T32N, R8E. Traverse: Alpena. Alpena Twp., SW sec. 34, T32N, R8E. Road cut and field exposures, approx. 33/ mi. N of Chisholm St. Bridge, Alpena. Traverse: Alpena. Bioherm. Alpena Twp., SW SW see. 35, NE sec. 35, and NW see. 35, T32N, R8E. Traverse: Alpena. Alpena Twp., NE SE sec. 36, T32N, R8E. Traverse. Alpena? Alpena Twp., sec. 6, T32N, R9E. Aband. Rockport Stone Quarry. Traverse: Ferron Point, Rcckport Quarry, Bell shale. Type locality of Rockport Quarry and Ferron Point. Alpena Twp., SE SE sec. 18, T32N, R9E. Alpena Portland Cement Co. quarry. Traverse: Genshaw, Ferron Point. Also El of S-line, sec. 18, roadside exposures; and SW NW sec. 18. Traverse. Type locality Genshaw beds 1-7. Alpena Twp., SW sec. 19, T32N, R9E. Traverse. Genshaw. 224 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Alpena Twp., NW SE sec. 27, T32N, R9E. Shore south of Nine Mile Point. Traverse. Alpena Twp., C N% sec. 31, T32N, R9E. Traverse: contact Genshaw-Alpena. Alpena Twp., N31 sec. 32, T32N, R9E. Two exposures. Traverse: Genshaw. Alpena Twp., sec. 3, 4, 9 and 10, T32N, R9E. Along N, E, and S shores of Middle Island. Rogers City. Sulphur Island, SW sec. 13, T30N, R8E. Antrim. Thunder Bay Island. Approx. 4 mi. 1 of North Point. Killians or Rockport. ANTRIM COUNTY Kearney Twp., NW, NE, and N1/ SE sec. 6, T30N, R7W. Ellsworth. Kearney Twp., NE SE sec. 21, T30N, R7W. Shale, RR cut. Ellsworth. Kearney Twp., NE SW sec. 22, T30N, R7W. Shale, stream cut? Ellsworth. Kearney Twp., W~/ sec. 32, T30N, R7W. Shale, road cut N-S. Ellsworth. Forest Home Twp., NE NE sec. 3, T30N, R8W. Shale, road cut. Ellsworth. Forest Home Twp., NW NW SW and NE SW sec. 13, T30N, R8W. Shale. Ellsworth. Jordan Twp., SW sec. 9, T31N, R6W. Shale overlaps into sec. 16. Ellsworth. Jordan Twp., W% sec. 18, T31N, R6W. Shale overlaps into sec. 19. Ellsworth. Jordan Twp., C N12 sec. 30, T31N, R6W. Ellsworth. Echo Twp., on N-line NW sec. 2, T31N, R7W. Shale in drumlin. Ellsworth. Echo Twp., C NE sec. 10, T31N, R7W. Shale in drumlin. Ellsworth. Echo Twp., C SW sec. 17, T31N, R7W. West of road. Ellsworth. Echo Twp., NE NE sec. 27, T31N, R7W. Shale NE side of road. Ellsworth. Central Lake Twp., sec. 7, T31N, R8W. Along shore of Torch Lake. Ellsworth. Central Lake Twp., C N-line sec. 22, T31N, R8W. Shale in bottom of gravel pit in village of Central Lake; extends into sec. 16. Ellsworth. Torch Lake Twp., sec. 12, T31N, R9W. Along shore, approx. 1 mi. SW of Eastport. Ellsworth. Torch Lake Twp., SE sec. 3, T32N, R9W. Shore and bluffs along bay. Antrim. Banks Twp., SW NE sec. 13 and SW NE sec. 14, T32N, R8W. Antrim. Banks Twp., SE sec. 23, T32N, R8W. Along Ellsworth Lake, approx. 1 mi. S of Ellsworth, Petoskey Portland Cement Co. quarry. Ellsworth. Banks Twp., NE NE sec. 26, T32N, R8W. Quarry Petoskey Portland Cement Co. Type locality Ellsworth. Banks Twp., W% WzA sec. 25; E'/2 E%/ sec. 35; sec. 26 and sec. 36, T32N, R8W. Several exposures. Antrim. ARENAC COUNTY Standish Twp., T18N, R5E. Along Lake Huron shore; sinkholes apparently produced by dissolving out of gypsum. Also exposures of gypsum in lake bed. Au Gres Twp., NE sec. 1, T18N, R6E. Bayport. Au Gres Twp., sec. 6, T18N, R7E. Along E side of Point au Gres extending approx. /2mi.; also NW NW NW sec. 6. Bayport. Type locality Point aux Gres limestone. Deep River Twp., SE NE NE sec. 2, T19N, R4E. Small exposure E-line of sec., N bank of Rifle River; also NW sec. 2, scattered outcrops near bridge and /4 mi. E of bridge on S bank of river. Saginaw. Deep River Twp., sec. 3, T19N, R4E. In bed and banks of Rifle River; SW NE sec. 3, on N bank of river; and old mine shaft on S side of river. Saginaw. Deep River Twp., sec. 3 and 4, T19N, R4E. Along S bank of Rifle River, near sec. line. Saginaw. Deep River Twp., sec. 33, T19N, R4E. In bed of creek for more than s/ mi. Saginaw. EXPOSURES OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS 225 Deep River Twp., NE sec. 34 and N~ N% sec. 35, T19N, R4E. Along North Branch Pine River. Saginaw. Arenae Twp., NE sec. 1, T19N, R5E. Approx. % mi. S of Big Creek along W side of M-65. Michigan. Arenae Twp., NW sec. 1, T19N, R5E. Griffin quarry; and SE sec. 1, Burt quarry. Bayport. Arenac Twp., NE sec. 3, T19N, R5E. Bayport. Arenae Twp., NE sec. 8, T19N, R5E. Aband. shale pit along S bank of Rifle River. Saginaw. Arenac Twp., NE sec. 8 and NW sec. 9, T19N, R5E. Shale and sandstone beds in banks and bed of Rifle River. Saginaw. Arenae Twp., NW SE sec. 15, T 19N, R5E. Bed Rifle River. Bayport, Michigan. Saginaw 100 yds. downstream. Arenae Twp., S% sec. 15, T19N, R5E. Along Rifle River at Omer. Saginaw. Arenae Twp., see. 22, T19N, R5E. Sandstone in drainage ditch S of Rifle River. Exposures in Saverine Creek to SW sec. 22. Saginaw. Arenae Twp., NW sec. 25, T19N, R5E. In bed of Rifle River. Saginaw. Au Gres Twp., NE NE sec. 16, T19N, R6E. Dug from roadside ditch N side of road. Bayport. Au Gres Twp., near E: corner sec. 17, T19N, R6E. Vaughn's quarry. Bayport. Au Gres Twp., approx. C sec. 26, T19N, R6E. Bayport. Au Gres Twp., C E-line sec. 27, T19N, R6E. Bayport. Au Gres Twp., NY NW sec. 27, T19N, R6E. Short distance W of school; also S1 E-line sec. 27. Bayport. Au Gres Twp., S% sec. 30, T19N, R6E. Along creek at low water. Bayport. Au Gres Twp., SE SE SE sec. 36, T19N, R6E; C N1/ sec. 36; and N~ W-line sec. 36. Bayport. Sims Twp., NW NE sec. 5, T19N, R7E; and C NW sec. 5. Arenac County quarry. Bayport. Sims Twp., SW SW SW sec. 31, T19N, R7E. Bayport. Clayton Twp., SW sec. 7, T20N, R4E. In bed of Rifle River. Marshall. Also exposure in NE SE sec. 12, T20N, R3E. Mason Twp., SW SE sec. 23, T20N, R5E. Several small test pits dug for gypsum. Michigan. Mason Twp., sec. 30, T20N, R5E. Bayport. Mason Twp., SE sec. 34, T20N, R5E. Kaven's quarry, near E sec. line just N of fire tower. Bayport. Mason Twp., S% sec. 35, T20N, R5E. Bayport. Turner Twp., SE SE SE sec. 8, T20N, R6E. Exploratory pit for gypsum. Michigan. Turner Twp., SW NW sec. 14, T20N, R6E, and SE NE sec. 15. Michigan. Turner Twp., SE SW sec. 20, T20N, R6E. Michigan. Turner Twp., SE SE sec. 21, T20N, R6E. Michigan. Turner Twp., SW SW sec. 22, T20N, R6E. Michigan. Turner Twp., N1 NY sec.27, T20N, R6E. Michigan. Turner Twp., NW SW sec. 29, T20N, R6E. Michigan? Whitney Twp., SW SW sec. 11, T20N, R7E. In dredged roadside ditch. Michigan. Whitney Twp., sec. 13, T20N, R7E. Several exposures along shore. Bayport, Michigan. Whitney Twp., NE SE sec. 13, T20N, R7E (near EW post). Aband. Chas. Whittemore gypsum quarry opened in 1870. Bayport, Michigan. Whitney Twp., SE SE sec. 14, T20N, R7E. Aband. Harmon City quarry; and along small creek near E-line sec. 14. Bayport. Whitney Twp., see. 24, T20N, R7E. Along lake shore. Bayport. Whitney Twp., SW see. 23 and SE sec. 24, T20N, R7E. Several exposures along ridge. Bayport. 226 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Whitney Twp., sec. 25, T20N, R7E. Along shore from N sec. line S % mi. to Whitestone Point. Bayport. Whitney Twp., NW SW sec. 27, T20N, R7E. Iosco County limestone quarry. Bayport. Whitney Twp., N~ SW sec. 28, T20N, R7E. Bayport. Whitney Twp., SW SE sec. 29, T20N, R7E; and NE SE sec. 29. Bayport. Whitney Twp., C W-line sec. 33, T20N, R7E. Bayport. BRANCH COUNTY Union Twp., SW SW sec. 10, T5S, R7W. Aband. quarry of Peerless Portland Cement Co., W bank of Coldwater River. Coldwater. Type locality Coldwater in banks of Coldwater River sec. 10 and 15. Union Twp., NE sec. 16, T5S, R7W. Peerless Portland Cement Co. shale quarry, approx. 2 mi. S of Union City. Coldwater. Coldwater Twp., NE sec. 24, T6S, R6W. Aband. quarry on N side of small stream. Coldwater. Coldwater Twp., SW sec. 29, T6S, R6W. Aband. brickyard pit, badly weathered and slumped. Coldwater. Coldwater Twp., NW see. 30, T6S, R6W. Aband. brickyard and shale quarry on W side of road; also aband. cement company quarry immediately N of brickyard quarry. Coldwater. Coldwater Twp., NW sec. 32, T6S, R6W. Wolverine Portland Cement Co. shale quarry. Coldwater. Batavia Twp., SE NE sec. 33, T6S, R7W. In NE angle made by intersection of road and RR, aband. shaft of Bronson Portland Cement Co. Coldwater. Algansee Twp., NE NE sec. 16 and SE SE sec. 9, T7S, R5W. Along drainage ditch, Fisher Creek. Coldwater. Algansee Twp., approx. C sec. 10, T7S, R5W. Along Pencil Creek between C sec. 10 and point: mi. W. Coldwater. Algansee Twp., NW see. 14, T7S, R5W. Along brook, near N sec. line. Coldwater. Algansee Twp., SE SW sec. 23, T7S, R5W. In banks of small creek near S see. line. Coldwater. Algansee Twp., NW SW sec. 24, T7S, R5W. Along brook, just S of E-W 'i-line and in vicinity of W sec. line. Coldwater. Algansee Twp., N~ sec. 25, T7S, R5W. Along brook which was dug deeper for drainage purposes. Coldwater. CALHOUN COUNTY Sheridan Twp., cor. sec. 1, 2, 11, 12, T2S, R4W. Parma. Sheridan Twp., SE SE sec. 2, T2S, R4W. Parma. Sheridan Twp., near C sec. 30, T2S, R4W. On S bank of Kalamazoo River. Marshall. Sheridan Twp., NA sec. 32, T2S, R4W. In road cut (1 mi. SE of exposure in see. 30). Marshall. Marengo Twp., sec. 13, T2S, R5W. Along Rice Creek, Marshall. Sandstone blasted from creekbed. Marengo Twp., SW SE see. 26, SE SW sec. 25, T2S, R5W. "Indian Mills". Marshall. Marshall Twp., NE SW sec. 25, T2S, R6W. Quarry at Marshall. Marshall. Type locality. Emmett Twp., sec. 5, T2S, R7W. Approx. 100 ft. upstream from Emmett St. Bridge in Battle Creek. Marshall. This is the locality Winchell originally named the type locality and from which many of his type fossils were obtained. EXPOSURES OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS 227 Emmett Twp., SW SE sec. 15, T2S, R7W. Aband. Clark quarry, N side of Kalamazoo River. Marshall. Emmett Twp., NW NW sec. 18, T2S, R7W. Marshall. Emmett Twp., NE NW sec. 22, T2S, R7W. Craft Stone quarry (Beard quarry), N bank of Kalamazoo River. Marshall. Emmett Twp., SE SW sec. 23, T2S, R7W. Quarry Park quarry, S side of Kalamazoo River. Marshall. Also NW SW (?) sec. 23, Ground Stone Co. quarry (Acme), N side of river. Marshall. Emmett Twp., SW SW sec. 24, T2S, R7W. Quarry on N side of Kalamazoo River, 1 mi. W of Ceresco. Marshall. Emmett Twp., SE NE sec. 25, T2S, R7W. In small test pit dug into S river bank, about % mi. downstream from bridge. Marshall. Albion Twp., NE sec. 20, T3S, R4W. Aband. quarry on W bank of river. Marshall. Athens Twp., NE corner of SW SW sec. 24, T4S, R8W. On N side of Nottawassepee Creek. Coldwater. Athens Twp., NE NE sec. 26, (?) T4S, R8W. Along N side of Nottawassepee Creek. Coldwater. CHARLEVOIX COUNTY Boyne Valley Twp., SW SE sec. 21, T32N, R5W. Shale exposures. Ellsworth. Boyne Valley Twp., SE SE sec. 22, T32N, R5W. Shale exposures. Also, SE NW sec. 22, aband. brickyard. Ellsworth. Boyne Valley Twp., NE NE sec. 24, T32N, R5W. Shale exposures. Also, NE NW sec. 24, aband. shale pit. Ellsworth. Wilson Twp., NW NW sec. 14, T32N, R6W. Antrim. South Arm Twp., C W~ sec. 18, T32N, R7W. Antrim. South Arm Twp., NW sec. 24, T32N, R7W. Ellsworth. South Arm Twp., SE NE sec. 27, T32N, R7W. Shale exposures. Antrim. Melrose Twp., SE sec. 4, T33N, R5W. In RR cut. Antrim. Melrose Twp., NE SE sec. 9, T33N, R5W. Shale exposures. Antrim. Melrose Twp., SW SW sec. 10, T33N, R5W. In road cut. Antrim. Melrose Twp., SW SW sec. 15 and NW NW sec. 22, T33N, R5W. In ditch beside N-S road parallel to RR. Antrim. Melrose Twp., NE SE sec. 16, T33N, R5W. Shale exposure. Antrim. Melrose Twp., SE SE sec. 21, T33N, R5W. Antrim. Evangeline Twp., SW sec. 6, T33N, R6W. Along lake shore. Traverse: Petoskey, upper part. Evangeline Twp., SW sec. 25, T33N, R6W. Aband. shale pit, Boyne City Brick Co. Ellsworth. Evangeline Twp., NE SE sec. 30, T33N, R6W. On both sides of road, along Lake Charlevoix. Antrim. Evangeline Twp., SW NW sec. 3, T33N, R7W. Aband. quarry at Kamp Kairphree on shore of Lake Charlevoix; also SE -NW (?) sec. 3, in ravine. Antrim. (Norwood). Norwood Twp., SE sec. 22 to NE sec. 28, T33N, R9W. Road cut and ledges and bluffs along Lake Michigan. Traverse: Gravel Point. Petoskey beds at south with anthracolite concretions weathered from succeeding Antrim shale. Norwood Twp., N~ sec. 26, T33N, R9W. Small pits near C N-line. TraverseAntrim contact. Norwood Twp., near center N-line sec. 26, T33N, R9W. Traverse: Petoskey, upper part. Norwood Twp., NE sec. 27, T33N, R9W. Scenic road near Lake Michigan. Norwood. Type locality. Hayes Twp., SE sec. 1, T34N, R7W. Aband. Northern Lime Company Quarry. Shore bluffs near village of Bayshore. Traverse: Charlevoix, Petoskey. 228 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Hayes Twp., SE sec. 2, T34N, R7W. Aband. Superior quarry of Northern Lime Co. at 9 Mile Point. Traverse: Charlevoix, Petoskey. Hayes Twp., sec. 3, 4, and 9, T34N, R7W. Along shore, from Nine Mile Point for 2~ mi. W. Traverse: Charlevoix, Petoskey, Gravel Point. Hayes Twp., sec. 7, T34N, R7W. Along shore, Big Rock Point. Traverse: Charlevoix. Hayes Twp., SW SW sec. 10, T34N, R7W. Traverse: Charlevoix. Charlevoix Twp., SE SE sec. 28, T34N, R8W. Aband. No. 1 quarry Charlevoix Rock Products Co. quarries. Traverse: Gravel Point and Charlevoix. Charlevoix Twp., N of S center line, sec. 28, T34N, R8W. Aband. No. 2 quarry Charlevoix Rock Products Co. Traverse: Petoskey. Charlevoix Twp., sec. 28 and 29, T34N, R8W. Ledges and bluffs along shore from South Point SW for approx. 1 mi. Traverse: Gravel Point. "Emmetensis Zone," "Large Atrypa" Zone. Type locality Gravel Point. Charlevoix Twp., S% SE sec. 29, T34N, R8W. Aband. Wolverine Lime Co. quarry. Traverse: Gravel Point. Charlevoix Twp., NW NW NE see. 33, T34N, R8W. Aband. Charlevoix City quarry. City Dump. Traverse: Petoskey, possibly upper part Charlevoix fm. Beaver Island, sec. 23, T39N, R10W. Along shore approx. 2/3 mi. NE of Beaver Island Coast Guard Station. Bois Blanc. Garden Island, sec. 7, T39N, R9W. Along E shore, approx. % mi. NW of SE point of island. Bois Blanc. Garden Island, SW see. 3, T39N, R10W. Along N cape of Indian Bay. Garden Island. Type locality Garden Island. Garden Island, NW sec. 13 and NE sec. 14, T39N, R10W. Just above lake level, and on lake bottom. Bois Blanc. Garden Island, sec. 27, T40N, R10W. Along shore, northernmost point. St. Ignace. Gull Island, T38N, R10W. Along W shore about % mi. S of N end. Bois Blanc. Squaw Island, T40N, R10W. Several pavement-like exposures. St. Ignace. Trout Island, T39N, R11W. Along S shore. Bois Blanc. Whiskey Island, T40N, R11W. Along S and W shores. St. Ignace. CHEBOYGAN COUNTY Forest Twp., E% see. line, sec. 1 and 12, T34N, R1E. Discontinuous exposures along M-33, on both sides of road. Traverse: Alpena. Genshaw, Killians. Forest Twp., sec. 3, T34N, R1E. Along Black River below Tower Dam. SE NE sec. 3, along road. Traverse: Genshaw. Forest Twp., SW NW NW sec. 5, T34N, R1E. In upper part of bluff. Traverse: Afton. Koehler. Forest Twp., SW sec. 6, T34N, R1E. Below water level of Milligan Creek where M-33 crosses, and along roadside to E. Traverse: Genshaw, Killians member. Also, SE sec. 6. Koehler. Forest Twp., NW NE sec. 8, T34N, RIE. In ditch S side of M-33, opposite dead end road. Traverse: Genshaw, Afton. Forest Twp., NW corner sec. 9, T34N, R1E. In roadside ditch. Traverse: Genshaw. Killians member. Forest Twp., SE sec. 13, T34N, R1E. Below water level of Black River. Traverse: Genshaw, Killians member. Walker Twp., NW NE sec. 3, T34N, R1W. In road bed of M-33, approx. 2 mi. E of SE corner see. 33, T35N, R1W. Traverse: Gravel Point, Koehler. Walker Twp., SE sec. 6, T34N, R1W. Along NE trending scarp. Traverse: Gravel Point. Walker Twp., NE sec. 7, T34N, R1W. Marvin quarry; also along N sec. line, sec. 7 as far E as the school. Traverse: Gravel Point, Koehler, EXPOSURES OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS 229 Walker Twp., '/,s mi. S of '4.-line sec. 17 and 18, T34N, RiW. In bottom of ravine which crosses sec.. line. Traverse: Gravel Point. Walker Twp., SE see. 18, T34N, RiW. Along roadside and in fields '/4 mi. to N. Traverse: Gravel Point, Gorbut member. Walker Twp., SW NW SW sec. 29, T34N, RiW. Near crossing of aband. RR with sec. line between sec. 29 and 30. Traverse: Gravel Point. Ellis Twp., SW SW sec. 1, T34N, R2W. Discontinuous exposures for 1,500 ft. below old Elmer Dam. Traverse:, Genshaw. Ellis Twp., NE see. 2, T34N, R2W. Along N bank Pigeon River. Traverse:Genshaw. Also SE sec. 2, Sorenson's- quarry on W side of road. Traverse: Koehler. Ellis Twp., 5~/ (?) sec. 6, T34N, R2W. On hillside by twin pines, Hatch farm. Antrim. Ellis Twp., T34N, R2W. Sorenson quarrie.s. and along highway '/4 to %. mile of NW corner, see. 12. Traverse: Genshaw. Ellis Twp., see. line, sec. 13 and 14, T3.4N,. R2W. Along road, especially on W side. Traverse: Beebe School, Gravel Point. Ellis Twp., SE NE and E-Wyj, see. line, see. 14, T34N,. R2W. Exposure Beebe school yard and 550 ft. along road W of school. Traverse: Beebe School. Includes Norway Point fin. Along road 1,050 ft. W of school. Antrim. Type area Beebe School fmn. Mentor Twp., SW sec. 1, T34NY R3W. In bed. of small stream in ravine, White farm. Antrim. Waverly Twp., NE SE SE sec. 21, T35N, RiE. On E-W bluff locally known as Limestone Hill. Best exposure along sec. line between sec. 21 and 22. Traverse: Genshaw. Waverly Twp., C sec. 22, T35N, RIE. In bed of intermittent creek in glacial lake plain N of bluff. Traverse: Rockport Quarry. Waverly Twp., SW SW sec. 2.3, T35N, RiE. Traverse: Ferron Point. Waverly Twp., SE sec. 25, T35N, RiE. In E-W trending escarpment. Traverse: Genshaw. Waverly Twp., SE NE NE sec. 26, TS5N, RiE. In excavation. Traverse: Forron Point? Waverly Twp., sec. 28 and 33, T35N, RIE. In bed and along banks of Black River for approx. 1 mi., Shanty Rapids. Traverse: Genshaw. Rockport Quarry. Waverly Twp., sec. 29, 31, and 32, T35N, RiB. Along bed and banks, and in places along valley walls of Milligan Creek. Traverse: Genshaw. Ferron Point. Also, exposure where RR crosses bridge, sec. 29. Rockport Quarry. Waverly Twp., SW SW sec. 30, T35N, RiB. Small exposure in miniature sinkhole on N side of road, 900 ft. E of school. Traverse: Genshaw. Ferron. Point. Waverly Twp., 0 and NE SW see. 34, T35N, RiB. Road cut. Traverse: Gravel Point. Waverly Twp., E~/ SE sec. 36, T35N, RIB. Along roadside 11d mi. S of NE corner sec.- 34. Traverse: - Genshaw, -Killians. Koehler Twp., S-line see. 19, T35N, RiW. In road cuts. Traverse: Lower Genshaw-Killians. contact. Koeh ler Twp., NW SE sec. 28, T35N, RiW. Legrand quarry. Traverse: Gravel Point, Koeliler. Koehler Twp., sec. 28, 29, and 33,9 T35N, RiW. Along escarpment S of Legrand extending from just S of Legrand. to nearly:Y_ mi. S of Gorbut school. Traverse: Gravel Point, Koehler. Koehler Twp., NW NW sec. 30, T35N, RiW. Approx. 100 ft. S of NW corner in low ridge. Traverse: Genshaw, Killians member. Also 14/, mi. E of NW corner sec. 30. Genshaw. Koehier Twin, SE and NW see. 33, T35N, RiW. Along banks and in bed of small. stream. Traverse: Gravel Point, Koehler. 230 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Koehler Twp., C N~ N% sec. 33, T35N, R1W. In aband. RR cut. Traverse: Gravel Point. Koehler Twp., W-line sec. 24, T35N, R2W. Where S branch of Little Pigeon River crosses sec. line. Traverse: Genshaw. Also, S-line sec. 24, in road cuts. Traverse: Genshaw-Killians contact. Koehler Twp., N-line, NE sec. 25, T35N, R2W. Road cut. Traverse: Genshaw, Killians member. Koehler Twp., sec. 25 and 36, T35N, R2W. Afton limestone quarry. Traverse: Gravel Point. Koehler Twp., SE SE sec. 35, T35N, R2W. Approx. 1,000 ft. N and 50 ft. W of SE sec. corner. Traverse: Genshaw, Killians member. Koehler Twp., E% sec. 36, T35N, R2W. On slope of valley which cuts diagonally across E~ of sec. Traverse: Koehler. Koehler Twp., NE sec. 36, T35N, R2W. Campbell Stone Quarry. Traverse. Mackinaw Twp., SW SW sec. 19, T39N, R3W. In road cut on E side of highway. Bois Blanc. Mackinaw Twp., sec. 27 and 28, T39N, R3W. (In Private Claim No. 334). In Mill Creek between mouth and top of quarry Wo mi. upstream. Bois Blanc. Also, along creek into SE sec. 28. Mackinaw Twp., C E~ sec. 29, T39N, R3W. In shallow trench. Bois Blanc. Test pit at top of upland approx. %/ mi. S of trench in C El sec. 29. Detroit River? Mackinaw Twp., NE NE sec. 30, T39N, R3W. In ditch on W side of road, approx. 'y mi. S of NE corner sec. 30. In low ridges and mounds NW of roadside exposure. Detroit River. CLINTON COUNTY Eagle Twp., SW SE sec. 14, T5N, R4W. Small exposure in bed of creek discharging into Looking Glass River. Eaton. Eagle Twp., SE NE sec. 32, T5N, R4W. On SW bank of Grand River, 12 ft. above level, close to where river crosses sec. line. Saginaw: ss, sh, and Verne ls. Eagle Twp., SE sec. 33, T5N, R4W. Along S bank Grand River. Saginaw. Eagle Twp., approx. C sec. 34 and SW sec. 34, T5N, R4W. Shale quarries. Exposures along S bank of Grand River. Saginaw. EATON COUNTY Bellevue Twp., NE sec. 22, TIN, R6W. Holden quarry. Bayport. Bellevue Twp., SE sec. 28, and S~ sec. 28, TiN, R6W. Bayport limestone quarries. Exposure at dam on Battle Creek, in the NE SE NE sec. 28 and the SE SW NW sec. 28. Bayport. Bellevue Twp., NW SE sec. 29, TIN, R6W. Cheney Limestone Co. quarry. Bayport. Bellevue Twp., SW SE NE sec. 32, TIN, R6W. Aband. road-stone quarry. NW SE sec. 32. NE SW NE sec. 32, in aband. quarry on S side of RR. Bayport. Bellevue Twp., NE SW sec. 33, TIN, R6W. Aband. quarry on White farm. Bayport. Eaton Rapids Twp., NW NW sec. 2, T2N, R3W. Saginaw. Benton Twp., sec. 22, T3N, R4W. Near mouth of Grindstone Creek, coal? Saginaw. Chester Twp., SE SW sec. 14, T3N, R5W. Coal stripping pit. Saginaw. EXPOSURES OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS 231 Chester Twp., W% corner sec. 14 and 23, T3N, R5W. Coal, along road. Saginaw. Chester Twp., NE SE sec. 28, T3N, R5W. Coal stripping pit. Saginaw. Oneida Twp., sec. 2 and 3, T4N, R4W. Many exposures along both sides of Grand River. Saginaw. Grand River. Type locality Eaton. Oneida Twp., sec. 2, 11, T4N, R4W. Valley of creek tributary to Grand River. Eaton. Saginaw. Oneida Twp., NE sec. 3, T4N, R4W. Grand Ledge Face Brick Co. quarry on N side of Grand River. Eaton. Saginaw. Oneida Twp., sec. 3, T4N, R4W. Grand Ledge Clay Products Co. quarry, American Vitrified Products Co. quarry, and several aband. quarries on S side of Grand River. Eaton. Saginaw. EMMET COUNTY Resort Twp., sec. 1 and 2, T33N, R6W. On N side of Walloon Lake. Antrim. Bear Creek Twp., sec. 6, T34N, R5W. Antrim Lime Co. quarry. Traverse. Resort Twp., SE sec. 1, T34N, R6W. Aband. Antrim Lime Co. quarry. Traverse: Charlevoix, Gravel Point in pit. Charlevoix. Resort Twp., sec. 1 and 2, T34N, R6W. Along shore. Traverse: Gravel Point. Resort Twp., SE SE sec. 2, T34N, R6W. Roadside Walloon Lake Road. Traverse: basal Charlevoix. Resort Twp., SE SW sec. 2, T34N, R6W. Petoskey Crushed Stone Co. quarry. Also exposures along road. Traverse: Basal beds Charlevoix. Resort Twp., SW sec. 2 and SE sec. 3, T34N, R6W. Petoskey Portland Cement Co. quarry. Traverse: Petoskey, Charlevoix. "Emmetensis Zone" "Large Atrypa zone". Resort Twp., SW sec. 6, T34N, R6W. "Bay Shore Quarries," shore bluffs. Traverse: Petoskey, Charlevoix. "Fenestella zone" "Cyrtina-Gypidula zone"; Charlevoix: "Brown Bed," "Pelecypod-Gastropod Bed," "Dumose Favosites Bed", "Blue Shale." Type locality Petoskey. Resort Twp., NE see. 8 and NW sec. 9, T34N, R6W. Aband. Bell quarry and ledges about 2 mi. E of Bayshore. Traverse: Charlevoix. "Dumose Favosites bed", "Laminated Bed"; Gravel Point, "Blue Shale". Resort Twp., NW NE sec. 9, T34N, R6W. Aband. quarry. Traverse: Gravel Point "Lower Blue Shale". Resort Twp., NW NE sec. 10, T34N, R6W. Aband. quarry, Petoskey Stone and Lime Co. Traverse. Resort Twp., S line sec. 36, T34N, R6W. Pit along road west from Lake Garden. Antrim (Norwood). Bear Creek Twp., SE SW see. 27, T35N, R5W. Kegomic quarry on S shore of Mud Lake, just E of Harbor Springs road (M-131). Traverse: Petoskey. G. petoskeyensis zone and Potter Farm fauna. Bear Creek Twp., sec. 32, T35N, R5W. Northern Lime Co. quarries, along shore in Petoskey. Traverse: Petoskey, Charlevoix. Type locality. Bear Creek Twp., near C E-line sec. 32, T35N, R5W. Section exposed in 1933 in ditch on E side Encampment Ave., Bay View, but paved over in 1938. Section extended from end of Encampment Ave. on US-31 to point approx. 50 yds. to S. Traverse: Petoskey 35-45' above Gravel Point. Near center E line sec. 32. Petoskey. G. petoskeyensis zone and Potter Farm fauna. Bear Creek Twp., NW sec. 32, 33, T35N, R5W. Ledges along shore of Little Traverse Bay at Penn. RR station. Exposures SW NE sec. 33. "PelecypodGastropod Bed", "Dumose Favosites Bed", "Laminated Bed"; Traverse: Charlevoix. Gravel Point, Blue Shale, "Conocardium Bed". Bear Creek Twp., sec. 34, T35N, R5W. Highway shoulder and creek bed on S side of US-31, 200 ft. E of junction with M-131. Traverse: Petoskey. "Gypidula Bed". G. petoskeyensis zone. 232 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Carp Lake Twp., NE NW sec. 2, T38N, R4W. Poor exposures in small low mounds and a few test pits approx. 1 mi. S of N sec. line. Detroit River. Wa-watam Twp., sec. 10, 11, 14, and 15, T39N, R4W. McGulpin Point. Small disconnected exposures at lake level between NE SW sec. 11 and NW NW sec. 15. Bois Blanc. Wa-watam Twp., SW SE sec. 11, T39N, R4W. Just N of house on Pierce and Son dairy farm. Bois Blanc. Wa-watam Twp., SW SW sec. 14, T39N, R4W. Along N-S road close to sec. corner. Bois Blanc. Wa-watam Twp., NW NW sec. 15, T39N, R4W. Bois Blanc. Wa-watam Twp., NE SE sec. 24, T39N, R4W. Bioherm in road cut W side of US-31,.75 mile south of Mackinaw City. Exposure approx. 150 ft. S in ditch on W side of highway. Bois Blanc. Bliss Twp., sec. 21, T39N, R5W. Along shore % mi. NW of Laway's pier, and in E half of sec. Bois Blanc. Bliss Twp., sec. 31, T39N, R5W. Limestone rubble probably from lake bed ledges. Bois Blanc. Waugoshance Island, T39N, R6W. Along S shore. Bois Blanc. Ile aux Galets, T38N, R7W. Limestone of storm beaches and lake bed ledges along north side of Island. Detroit River. GENESEE COUNTY Mount Morris Twp., NE corner sec. 4, T8N, R5E. Along river. Saginaw. Mount Morris Twp., sec. 15, T8N, R5E. Along Flint River near S sec. line. Saginaw. Mount Morris Twp., near C sec. 22, T8N, R5E. Aband. pit of Saginaw Clay Manufacturing Co. on right bank of Flint River. Saginaw. Mount Morris Twp., SW sec. 24, T8N, R5E. Saginaw. Mount Morris Twp., NW sec. 36, T8N, R5E. Along banks of small creek joining Flint River. Saginaw. HILLSDALE COUNTY Somerset Twp., NW NW SE sec. 7, T5S, R1W. In new pipeline ditch. Marshall. Scipio Twp., sec. 2, T5S, R3W. In road cuts near Mosherville Station. Marshall. Scipio Twp., N-line NE sec. 10, T5S, R3W. Road cuts near top of hill. Marshall. Scipio Twp., SW sec. 18, T5S, R3W. In road cut 3 mi. E of Litchfield. Marshall. Fayette Twp., sec. 4, T6S, R3W. Aband. quarry at S edge of Jonesville city limits on E bank of old mill race, approx. 200 ft. N of mill pond. Marshall. Fayette Twp., SW sec. 22, T6S, R3W. Aband. quarry within Hillsdale city limits. Marshall. Jefferson Twp., NW corner sec. 4, T7S, R2W. Marshall. Reading Twp., SE NE sec. 8, T7S, R4W. Along brook between E sec. line and point 50 paces W. Coldwater. Reading Twp., NW SW sec. 9, T7S, R4W. Along road, in road cut, just S of where brook crosses road. Coldwater. Reading Twp., SW NW sec. 9, T7S, R4W. Along brook between W sec. line and point % mi. E. Coldwater. Reading Twp., N% sec. 15, T7S, R4W. Along brook, between points 800 and 1,200 paces W of where brook crosses E-line sec. 15. Coldwater. Reading Twp., SE SE sec. 15, T7S, R4W. Along road immediately south of brook crossing. SE SW see. 15, along brook; N bank of brook, about / mi. E of W sec. line and 1/ mi. N of S sec. line; approx. 10 paces upstream from 36 ft. bank, exposure on S side of valley in meander. Coldwater. Reading Twp., NE SE sec. 16, T7S, R4W. S bank of brook about %/ mi. W of E sec. line; NW sec. 16 along brook between W sec. line and 1% mi. upstream (E); S-line sec. 16, along E-W road on S sec. line. Coldwater. EXPOSURES OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS 233 Reading Twp., sec. 21, T7S, R4W. Along brook which flows through NW and SE of see. Coldwater. Reading Twp., NE and NW sec. 31, T7S, R4W. Along brook immediately S of N sec. line. Coldwater. Reading Twp., NE SW sec. 32, T7S, R4W. Along road approx. % mi. N of S see. line, and along brook which crosses road approx. % mi. N of S sec. line. Coldwater. HURON COUNTY Brigham Twp., SE SW sec. 34, T15N, R13E. Marshall. Sherman Twp., sec. 32, T15N, R16E. In bed of stream, E of highway; also shore Lake Huron. Coldwater. Fairhaven Twp., W% sec. 14, T16N, R9E. Slabby pavement in valley of Shebeon Creek. Bayport. Fairhaven, McKinley, and Caseville Twps., T 16, 17 and 18 N, R9E. Along S shore Wildfowl Bay and along shores of Stony and North islands, and Charity Islands. Bayport. Fairhaven Twp., sec. 23 and 24, T16N, R9E. Sandstone reported in bed of Shebeon Creek. Michigan. Winsor Twp., SW NE sec. 5, T16N, R10E. Wallace Stone Co. quarry. Bayport. Type locality of Bayport. Winsor Twp., C SE sec. 9, T16N, R10E. Bayport. Winsor Twp., NE NW sec. 15, T16N, R10E. Aband. quarry. Bayport. Sand Beach Twp., sec. 18 and 19, T16N, R16E; also C E-line sec. 30. Along shore. Coldwater. Fairhaven Twp., NE SE NE and NE SE sec. 35, T17N, R9E. Shore. Bayport. Fairhaven Twp., NW SW NW sec. 36, T17N, R9E. Along shore. C N~, SW SE NE, and SE NE SE sec. 36. Bayport. Chandler Twp., C N1/2 NW and C S1/ NE sec. 24, T17N, R11E. Along creek. Michigan. Meade Twp., near C sec. 5, T17N, R12E. In bed of small creek. Marshall. Meade Twp., C NW sec. 15, T17N, R12E. Marshall. Meade Twp., N-line NW sec. 16, T17N, R12E. Marshall. Meade Twp., SW SE and NE SE SW sec. 18, T17N, R12E. Michigan. Meade Twp., NE SW sec. 19, T17N, R12E. Along creek. Michigan. Sand Beach Twp., sec. 35, T17N, R15E. North of Harbor Beach, W of Highway 23 in fields. Marshall. Caseville Twp., sec. 24, T18N, R10E. Along shore at Oak Point. Michigan. Lake Twp., sec. 16, T18N, R11E. Aband. Babbitt quarry between old E-W road and present highway. Marshall. Lake Twp., sec. 22, 23 and 27, T18N, R11E. Along N and S shores of Rush Lake. Marshall. Hume Twp., sec. 2, T18N, R12E. Aband. grindstone quarry on both sides of -present highway. Marshall. Hume Twp., sec. 7, T18N, R12E. Along shore at Hat Point. Marshall. Hume Twp., NE sec. 20, T18N, R12E. Along Taft Drain. Marshall. Dwight Twp., NW NW sec. 1, T18N, R13E. Marshall. Dwight Twp., C N~ SE sec. 24, T18N, R13E. Marshall. Dwight Twp., N-line NE sec. 35, T18N, R13E. Marshall. Huron Twp., sec. 2, T18N, R14E. At old lighthouse near shore. Coldwater. Huron Twp., SW see. 2, T18N, R14E. Contact Marshall and Coldwater? Huron Twp., C E~ sec. 3, T18N, R14E. Marshall. Huron Twp., sec. 4, 8 and 9, T18N, R14E. Along Willow Creek, upstream from Huron City. Marshall. Coldwater. Huron Twp., NW SW SW sec. 19, T18N, R14E. Marshall. Huron Twp., NW sec. 27, T18N, R14E. Willow Creek. Coldwater. 234 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Huron Twp., SE sec. 32, T18N, R14E. Willow Creek. Coldwater. Port Austin Twp., sec. 25, T19N, R12E. Along shore from Flat Rock Point to Port Austin. Marshall. Port Austin Twp., sec. 35, T19N, R12E. At Hardwood Point. Marshall. Port Austin Twp., NE SE sec. 35, T19N, R12E. One mile south of Flat Rock Point. Marshall. Port Austin Twp., NE NW sec. 36, T19N, R12E. Marshall. Port Austin Twp., sec. 21, T19N, R13E. Sandstone cliffs at Pointe aux Barques. Marshall. Port Austin Twp., SE SE sec. 22, T19N, R13E. Several exposures. Marshall. Port Austin Twp., C SE sec. 23, T19N, R13E. Abandoned quarry. Marshall. Port Austin Twp., sec. 23 and 24, T19N, R13E, and sec. 30, T19N, R14E. Along shore. Marshall. Coldwater. Port Austin Twp., NW NW sec. 25, T19N, R13E. Abandoned quarry. Marshall. Port Austin Twp., SW NE see. 26, T19N, R13E. On N side of road 200 ft. E of intersection with N-S road. Marshall. Port Austin Twp., C sec. 31, T19N, R13E. Several small exposures. Marshall. Port Austin Twp., sec. 30 and 32, T19N, R14E. Aband. Johnson, Pier and Wallace quarry along shore. Coldwater. INGHAM COUNTY Onondaga Twp., NE SE SE sec. 29, T1N, R2W. Bed of creek tributary to the Grand River. Saginaw. Alaiedon Twp., SE NE see. 33, T3N, R1W. Coal strip pit. Drainage ditch. Saginaw. Delhi Twp., NE SW sec. 2, T3N, R2W. On W side of Sycamore Creek. Along creek in SE SW sec. 2. Grand River. Wheatfield Twp., NW NE sec. 1, T3N, R1E. Michigan Clay Products Co. shale pit. Saginaw. Williamston Twp., SW SE sec. 36, T4N, R1E. Stripping pit of Cedar River strip coal mine. Saginaw. IONIA COUNTY Keene Twp., W1/2 sec. 22 and SE SE see. 23, T7N, R6W. Exposures in a number of quarries. Grand River: Ionia. Type locality Ionia. IOSCO COUNTY Burleigh Twp., sec. 1, T21N, R5E. Gypsum along Au Gres River. Also SW sec. 1, in road cut down to Au Gres River 1~ mi. E of Whittemore. Michigan. Burleigh Twp., SW NE sec. 1, T21N, R5E. Limestone quarry. Also NE NW sec. 1, limestone quarry; SE NW see. 1, limestone quarry. Bayport. Michigan. Burleigh Twp., SE SW sec. 20, T21N, R5E. In bed of Cranner Creek, just W of junction with Johnson Creek; also exposure at aband. lumber dam, just below junction of creeks. Michigan. Burleigh Twp., SE NW (?) sec. 30, T21N, R5E. At Keystone Dam on Johnson Creek. Bayport. Burleigh Twp., SW SE sec. 36, T21N, R5E. Approx. Y4 mi. NE of county line, along D & M RR. Gypsum in NW NW sec. 36. Michigan. Sherman Twp., SW see. 16, NE see. 20 and NW sec. 21, T21N, R6E. National Gypsum Co. quarry. Michigan. Sherman Twp., W~ sec. 31, T21N, R6E. Michigan. Alabaster Twp., SW sec. 22, 26, and NW sec. 27, T21N, R7E. U. S. Gypsum Co. quarry. Michigan. EXPOSURES OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS 235 Reno Twp., SE part T22N, R5E. Along Au Gres River. Michigan. Reno Twp., sec. 12, T22N, R5E. Michigan. Reno Twp., sec. 24, T22N, R5E. Michigan. Reno Twp., SE SE sec. 27, T22N, R5E. In bank of Au Gres River, % mi. from SE sec. corner. Michigan. Grant Twp., NE SW sec. 28, T22N, R6E. Approx. ~ mi. N of Glendon Dam on E bank of Au Gres River. Michigan. JACKSON COUNTY Henrietta Twp., C NW SW sec. 6, T2S, R1E. Aband. quarry. Bayport. Blackman Twp., C SW SE sec. 1, T2S, R1W. Aband. quarries. Bayport. Blackman Twp., NE SE SE sec. 2, T2S, R1W. Peck quarry. Bayport. Blackman Twp., C S~ SA sec. 10, T2S, R1W. Along US-127 N of small creek in road cut. Parma. Blackman Twp., SE SE and NW SE NE sec. 11, T2S, R1W. Aband. shale pits. Saginaw. NE NE sec. 11, NW SE sec. 13. Limestone at surface. Bayport. Blackman Twp., NW NE SE sec. 21, T2S, R1W. Shale and sandstone in bed of stream. Saginaw. Blackman Twp., NE NE SW sec. 22, T2S, R1W. Stream bed. Rapids in Grand River north of Sewage Disposal Plant. Bayport. Blackman Twp., SE SW SE sec. 27, T2S, R1W. Sandstone bluff on Grand River north of West North St., Jackson, E side of RR near aband. coal mine. Saginaw. Blackman Twp., SE SE SW sec. 31, T2S, R1W. Intersection Eaton Rapids and Eve Roads. Saginaw. Blackman Twp., SW NE SW sec. 34, T2S, RIW. Jackson and W. Trail St. and Ganson St. bridge, shale. Saginaw. Sandstone Twp., SE NE SW sec. 8, T2S, R2W. Road cut. Saginaw. Sandstone Twp., NE SW NW sec. 9, T2S, R2W. Sandstone exposure on Wilcox farm. Saginaw. Sandstone Twp., NE SW and SE SW NW sec. 14, T2S, R2W. Sandstone along bank of Well's Creek. NE SW NW valley for Wolverine pipeline. Saginaw. Sandstone Twp., NE sec. 22, T2S, R2W. Bed of Grand River. Bayport. Sandstone Twp., NE sec. 25, T2S, R2W. Old mine and dump. Woodville. Sandstone Twp., SW sec. 27, T2S, R2W. Along N-S road intermittently for approx. ~ mi. NW SE SW see. 27. Old quarry near Sandstone Cr. Parma. Sandstone Twp., NE NW sec. 29, T2S, R2W. Aband. Titus quarry NE of Parma. Parma. Sandstone Twp., NE NE see. 30, T2S, R2W. Jeffery quarry. Bayport. Sandstone Twp., NW NE sec. 30, T2S, R2W. Limestone in road cut. Bayport. Sandstone Twp., NW NW sec. 31, T2S, R2W. Old mine. Woodville. Type locality of Winchell for Woodville s.s. Sandstone Twp., NA NE NW NW sec. 33, T2S, R2W. Quarries and exposures. Parma. Sandstone Twp., SW NE NW sec. 34, T2S, R2W. In small stream. SW NE NW sec. 34, in Sandstone Creek. Bayport. C SE NW sec. 34, sandstone in RR cut; N~ NE NW sec. 34, sandstone along Sandstone Creek; NW NW see. 34, west side of road; SW SE NW sec. 34, near barn; SE NW SW see. 34, road cut. Also, SE NE NE sec. 34. Aband. sandstone quarries N of Sandstone Creek. Parma. Type locality Parma. Saginaw? Sandstone Twp., W% SE SW NW sec. 35, T2S, R2W. Bayport limestone and Saginaw sandstone S of river NW of aband. coal mine. S~ NW SW sec. 35. Strip coal mine. Saginaw. Bayport. Parma Twp., sec. 6, T2S, R3W. S of Devereaux. Parma? Parma Twp., SW SW sec. 17, T2S, R3W. Along roadside. Parma. 236 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Parma Twp., C sec. 18, T2S, R3W. Along roadside 150 ft. SW of bridge across Rice Creek. Parma. NE sec. 18. Road cut. Saginaw? Parma Twp., SW NW NE sec. 19, T2S, R3W. Fisk quarry; also, C N1/3 sec. 19, in road cut on both sides of road. Saginaw. Parma Twp., NW SE NE sec. 19, T2S, R3W. In ditch. Saginaw. Parma Twp., NW NW sec. 20, T2S, R3W. Roadside. Saginaw. Parma Twp., NE SE NE and SE SE NE sec. 20, T2S, R3W. Aband. sandstone quarries. Saginaw. Parma Twp., NW NE sec. 21, T2S, R3W. Road cut. Saginaw. Parma Twp., SE SW NW sec. 22, T2S, R3W. Roadside exposure. Saginaw. Summit Twp., SW NW sec. 2, T3S, R1W. NW corner Milwaukee and Franklin Sts., Jackson; shale and sandstone. Saginaw. Summit Twp., NW SE see. 13, T3S, R1W. RR cut, (aband. quarry filled). Bayport. Summit Twp., NE NW SE sec. 24, T3S, R1W. US-127 road cut. Napoleon. Grass Lake Twp., sec. 31, T3S, R2E. Quarries at Napoleon. Aband. quarry east edge of town. Type locality Napoleon. Grass Lake Twp., C NW SW SE sec. 31, T3S, R2E. Stave quarry. Napoleon. Spring Arbor Twp., C SW SE sec. 1, T3S, R2W. First coal mine. Original description of "Coal Measures". Saginaw. Spring Arbor Twp., NW SE NW sec. 17, T3S, R2W. Roberts quarry. Bayport. Concord Twp., SW NE NE sec. 11, T3S, R3W. Bayport. Columbia Twp., NW NE SW sec. 7, T4S, RIE. Road cut. Marshall. Columbia Twp., SE SE NW sec. 24, T4S, RiE. North gully of Goose Creek. Napoleon. Columbia Twp., C W-line sec. 29, T4S, RIE. Road cut. Marshall. Napoleon Twp., NE NW sec. 6, T4S, R2E. Wood and Rays quarries. Napoleon. Marshall. Hanover Twp., sec 27 and SE NE sec. 19, T4S, R2W. Marshall. Hanover Twp., SE NW sec. 31, T4S, R2W. Aband. Stony Point quarry and nearby old road cuts. Marshall. C NW SW SE sec. 31, T3S, R2E. Stave quarry. Marshall. Hanover Twp., C NW sec. 33, T4S, R2W. Sandstone road cut. Marshall. Pulaski Twp., NW NW NW see. 2, and NE NE NE sec. 3, T4S, R3W. Aband. Sanusker quarries. Napoleon. KENT COUNTY Wyoming Twp., T6N, R12W. Gypsum quarry, at Plaster Creek, S side Grand River. Michigan. Wyoming Twp., NW NE NW sec. 2, T6N, R12W. Alabastine Co. gypsum quarry; also SW NE SE sec. 2, aband. gypsum quarry on Plaster Creek. Michigan. Wyoming Twp., sec. 3, T6N, R12W. Extensive gypsum quarries on N side of river. Michigan. Wyoming Twp., SE sec. 7, T6N, R12W. Sandstone exposure on right bank of Grand River, 1 mi. N of Grandville. Marshall. Wyoming Twp., SW SW sec. 17, T6N, R12W. Durr quarry. Michigan. Wyoming Twp., SE SE sec. 18, T6N, R12W. Durr quarry; also NW SE sec. 18, Durr mine shaft. Michigan. Wyoming Twp., NE NE NE sec. 19, T6N, R12W. Aband. Redmill gypsum quarry. Michigan. Wyoming Twp., NW NW NW sec. 20, T6N, R12W. White Mill gypsum quarry. Michigan. Grand Rapids Twp., SW NE sec. 25, T7N, R12W. On W bank of Grand River, approx. midway between Pearl and Fulton St.; near W end of G.R. & I. RR bridge. Michigan, EXPOSURES OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS 237 Grand Rapids Twp., NE NE SE sec. 32, T7N, R12W. Godfrey gypsum quarry. Michigan. Grand Rapids Twp., NE sec. 34, T7N, R12W. Grand Rapids Plaster Co. mineshaft No. 1 SE NE NE; shaft No. 2 SW SE NE. Michigan. Grand Rapids Twp., NE NW SE sec. 34, T7N, R12W. Shaft of English gypsum mine (U.S. Gypsum Co.). Michigan. Grand Rapids Twp., NW NE SE sec. 34, T7N, R12W. Aband. quarry, Midland Plaster Co. Michigan. LEELANAU COUNTY North Fox Island, sec. 11, T35N, R13W. Northeast shore of island. Bois Blanc. MONROE COUNTY Exeter Twp., NE SE sec. 29, T5S, R8E. Woolmith quarry. Detroit River. Ash Twp., SE SE sec. 34, T5S, R9E. L. Smith quarry. Bass Island. Dundee Twp., sec. 13, T6S, R6E. Dundee quarry on N bank of Raisin River. Dundee. Dundee Twp., SW SW sec. 5, T6S, R7E. Macon quarry. Dundee. Type locality, Dundee. Dundee Twp., NE sec. 8, T6S, R7E. Aband. Christiancy Quarry. Dundee. Raisinville Twp., SW NE sec. 13, T6S, R7E. Claim 516, excavations on both sides of highway; SW NE sec. 13, Claim 428 just W of claim 516 on S side of highway; and claim 685, Fritz Rath quarry S of Raisin River. Detroit River. Raisinville Twp., SE SW sec. 13 and NE NW sec. 24, T6S, R7E. Natural exposure with three small excavations. Detroit River. Raisinville Twp., SW NW sec. 24, T6S, R7E. Small quarry on lower portion of claim 685 and also in claim 683. Detroit River. Raisinville Twp., SW see. 2, T6S, R8E. Sylvania exposed, or very lightly covered-over area of 8-10 acres to N and W of "Blue Bush Cemetery". Detroit River: Sylvania. Raisinville Twp., SE SE SW sec. 21, T6S, R8E. Detroit River: Sylvania. Raisinville Twp., SW SW sec. 22, T6S, R8E. Detroit River: Sylvania. Frenchtown Twp., SW SE NE sec. 27, T6S, R8E. At mouth of Willow Run. Detroit River. Frenchtown Twp., NW NW sec. 36, T6S, R8E. Opposite claim 88 in Raisin River. Detroit River. Berlin Twp., NE sec. 1, T6S, R9E. In bed and banks of Swan Creek in village of Newport; also, NE SE sec. 1, quarry just S of Newport, W side of M.C. RR. Bass Island: Raisin River. Frenchtown Twp., sec. 24 and 25, T6S, R9E. Along Stony Creek at Brest, claim 532. Bass Island: Raisin River. Frenchtown Twp., NE sec. 25, T6S, R9E. In bed and along banks of Stony Creek at Brest, small quarry. Bass Island: Raisin River. Frenchtown Twp., NE SW sec. 33, T6S, R9E. Monroe Stone Co. quarry; and SW NE sec. 33, approx. 1 mi. N of Monroe near Shoreline RR, Shoreline Stone Co. Bass Island: Raisin River. Type locality Raisin River, (also quarry NE sec. 7, T7S, R9E). Frenchtown Twp., NW SE sec. 19, T6S, R10E. SW of Sissung quarry, claim 529. Bass Island. Frenchtown Twp., NW NW sec. 20, T6S, R10E. Sissung quarry, S of Swan Creek, claim 529. Bass Island: Raisin River. Ida Twp., SW NE sec. 4, T7S, R7E. North Davis quarry, S of RR and E of N-S %-line; NE NW sec. 4, Voight quarry; and SE NW sec. 4, Wilcox quarry. Detroit River. Ida Twp., NW NW sec. 16, T7S, R7E. Lulu quarry. Detroit River. 238 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY La Salle Twp., SE SE see. 15, T7S, R8E. In bed of Otter Creek, just W of P.M. RR bridge; NE SW sec. 15, in Otter Creek; and NW SE sec. 15 (16?), claim 436, small amount of stone removed from S bank of creek. Bass Island. La Salle Twp., sec. 20, T7S, R8E. In S branch of Otter Creek; and NW NE see. 20, J. Clock quarry along S branch Otter Creek. Bass Island. La Salle Twp., S~ sec. 29, and N~ N% see. 32, T7S, R8E. Along Muddy.Creek, rock blasted in deepening stream. Bass Island. La Salle Twp., NW SE sec. 32, T7S, R8E. West Green quarry; SW SE see. 32, East Green quarry; and NW SW sec. 32, South Cousino quarry. Bass Island. La Salle Twp., SW SW sec. 33, T7S, R8E. East Cousino quarry. Bass Island. Monroe Twp., sec. 5 and 6, T7S, R9E. Rock quarried in bed of Raisin River at Monroe and for 3-4 mi. above at intervals. Bass Island. Monroe Twp., NE NE sec. 6, T7S, R9E. In Raisin River, opposite claim 65. Bass Island. Monroe Twp., NE sec. 7, TTS, R9E. France Stone Co. quarry, S side of Plum Creek; A. T. Navarre quarry, 200 paces S of Plum Creek quarries, on claim 498; D. Navarre quarry 100 paces SW of A. T. Navarre quarry; along Tamarack Creek; SW NE sec. 7, on banks of Tamarack Creek, claim 498; NE NE sec. 7, A. & M. Navarre quarry, N side of Plum Creek; and SE NW sec. 7, claim 230. Bass Island. Type locality Raisin River (also quarry NE SW sec. 33, T6S, R9E. Monroe Twp., SW NW sec. 8, T7S, R9E. Mich. Stone & Supply Co. quarry, S side of Plum Creek between 2 RR tracks. Bass Island. Whiteford Twp., SE SE sec. 2, T8S, R6E. Little Sink quarry. Detroit River: Amherstberg. Whiteford Twp., SE SE see. 7, T8S, R6E. Exposure at high water level, small quarry; and Daniels and Kane quarries. Detroit River. Whiteford Twp., C W~ sec. 8, T8S, R6E. Quarries. Detroit River. Whiteford Twp., SW NE sec. 10, T8S, R6E. Rabideau quarry; also small sink. Detroit River. Whiteford Twp., SE SE sec. 19, T8S, R6E. Inlet quarry. Detroit River. Whiteford Twp., SW SE sec. 25, T8S, R6E. Michigan Stone Co. quarry. Bass Island: Raisin River. Whiteford Twp., sec. 25, T8S, R6E. Rock blasted from Halfway Creek E of Bush quarry. Bass Island. Bedford Twp., SE SE see. 1, T8S, R7E. C. L. Osgood quarry. Bass Island. Bedford Twp., SW SW sec. 10, T8S, R7E. W. Dunbar quarry. Bass Island. Bedford Twp., NE NE sec. 12, T8SS, R7E. T. Blouch quarry, and in Bay Creek ditch. Bass Island. Bedford Twp., SW NE see. 12, T8S, R7E. M. Butler quarry. Bass Island. Bedford Twp., C NW sec. 15, T8S, R7E. Ferguson quarry; Willis quarry; and White quarry. Bass Island. Bedford Twp., NE NE see. 16, T8S, R7E. Elisha Sorter quarry, on ridge. Bass Island. Bedford Twp., NE sec. 21, T8S, R7E. George Carr quarry. Bass Island. Whiteford Twp., NE NE sec. 4, T9S, R6E. S. Young quarry. Bass Island. OGEMAW COUNTY Mills Twp., SE SE sec. 9, T21N, R3E. In Rifle River at bridge on S sec. line. Sandstone exposed for approx. % mi. Marshall. Mills Twp., NE see. 16, T21N, R3E. In bed of Rifle River. Marshall. Mills Twp., SW SE sec. 28 and 33, T21N, R3E. In bed of Rifle River at "Limestone Rapids" along S sec. line. Bayport? Mills Twp., C SE sec. 28, T21N, R3E. Along banks of Rifle River at West Branch bridge. Marshall? Mills Twp., NE sec. 33, T21N, R3E. In Rifle River. Bayport. EXPOSURES OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS 239 OTTAWA COUNTY Holland Twp., NW NE sec. 21, T5N, R15W. Aband. water-filled quarry approx. 700 paces W from E-line sec. 21. Marshall. Holland Twp., SW SE and NE SE see. 21, T5N, R15W. Sandstone in bed of small stream. Marshall. Holland Twp., see. 22, T5N, R15W. Aband. quarry. Marshall. Holland Twp., C W~ SW sec. 22, T5N, R15W. Aband. sandstone quarry. Marshall. Tallmadge Twp., sec. 15 (?), T7N, R13W. Sandstone fragments along wagon road Grand Haven to Grand Rapids where it crosses Sand Creek 4 mi. E of Lamont. Marshall. Allendale Twp., sec. 12 (?), T7N, R14W. In cut in wagon road, Grand Haven to Grand Rapids where it crosses Deer Creek valley. Marshall. PRESQUE ISLE COUNTY Metz Twp., SE SE sec. 12, T33N, R5E. Traverse. Posen Twp., E/ NW sec. 3, T33N, R6E. Traverse. Posen Twp., E1/ SE sec. 7, T33N, R6E. Traverse. Posen Twp., N~ NW sec. 14, T33N, R6E. Traverse. Posen Twp., NE SE sec. 31, T33N, R6E. Traverse. Posen Twp., NW SW sec. 32, T33N, R6E. Sinkhole at W end of Sunken Lake. Fletcher State Park. Traverse: Alpena. Presque Isle Twp., sec. 1 and 2, T33N, R8E. Along Lake Huron shore. Rogers City. Krakow Twp., SE SE see. 4, T33N, R7E. Limestone bluff. Traverse. Krakow Twp., SA SE sec. 30, T33N, R7E. Traverse. Presque Isle Twp., E/ sec. 2, T33N, R8E. Presque Isle Corp. quarry (Lake of the Woods quarry). Rogers City. Presque Isle Twp., SW NW sec. 8, T33N, R8E. In bluff W side Grand Lake. Genshaw. Presque Isle Twp., S line sec. 8, T33N, R8E. Road cut. Rockport Quarry. Presque Isle Twp., SW sec. 11, T33N, R8E. Shallow aband. pits on E side of,Co. Road 405, 11 mi. SE Fireside Inn; and SE sec. 11. Bell shale. Type locality. Presque Isle Twp., C line sec. 10 and 11. Hill capped by Rockport Quarry. Bell sh. on logging road down hill. Presque Isle Twp., NE SE see. 13, T33N, R8E. Along shore. Rogers City. Presque Isle Twp., C E line sec. 19, T33N, R8E. Rockport Quarry over green shale, Bell? Presque Isle Twp., N~ S~ sec. 20, T33N, R8E. Genshaw? Presque Isle Twp., SW SW sec. 24, T33N, R8E. Cut along RR approx. 1 mi. S of Bell. Bell shale. Presque Isle Twp., NW sec. 25, T33N, R8E. Cut along RR. Bell shale (middle of fm.) Presque Isle Twp., NW sec. 28, T33N, R8E. Road cut and ditches. Genshaw. Presque Isle Twp., S'A NE see. 31, T33N, R8E. Small exposure on SW side of Co. Road 634, approx. /4 mi. W of LeRoy resort. Traverse: Genshaw. Presque Isle Twp., W'4 sec. 32, T33N, R8E. Traverse: Genshaw. Presque Isle Twp., E-line SE sec. 34, T33N, R8E. Cut along Co. Road 405, approx. 9o mi. N of S line of Presque Isle Co. Traverse: Genshaw. Exposures of Ferron Point reported along road. Presque Isle Twp., sec. 36, T33N, R8E. Along lake shore approx. % to 2 mi. N of county line to Ferron Point; and near see. line sec. 36, and sec. 31, T33N, R9E. Rogers City. Presque Isle Twp., NW sec. 36, T33N, R8E. Test pit in clearing. Traverse: Genshaw. 240 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Presque Isle Twp., W% E% sec. 7, T33N, R9E. Along lake shore. Rogers City, Dundee. Presque Isle Twp., N~ SW sec. 18, T33N, R9E. Along lake shore. Rogers City. Presque Isle Twp., sec. 31, T33N, R9E. Along lake shore and near W sec. line north of Rockport Quarry. Rogers City. Allis Twp., sec. 6, T34N, R2E. In RR cut, 300 ft. E of C W-line sec. 6. Traverse: Gravel Point. Allis Twp., SW NE sec. 14, T34N, R2E. RR bridge over stream on limestone. Genshaw? Belknap Twp., NE SE sec. 8, T34N, R5E. Road cut County Road 451. Genshaw. Belknap Twp., W-line SW NW sec. 9, T34N, R5E. Road cut. Traverse. Genshaw. Belknap Twp., NE sec. 21, T34N, R5E. Traverse. Belknap Twp., SW SW sec. 22, T34N, R5E. Traverse. Pulawski Twp., sec. 1, T34N, R6E. Along lake shore. SE NW sec. 1, rock turned up by fallen tree. Dundee. Pulawski Twp., N'1 sec. 3, T34N, R6E. Rock near surface exposed by fallen trees. Dundee. Pulawski Twp., NW NE sec. 4, T34N, R6E. In bluff at W end of swale. Rogers City. Pulawski Twp., SW sec. 5 and SE sec. 6, T34N, R6E. A 20-30 ft. bluff. Traverse. Pulawski Twp., S-line SE sec. 14, T34N, R6E. Road cut on US-23, 1 mi. E of Trout River and 4 mi. E of Liske. Traverse: Rockport Quarry. Pulawski Twp., E' SE sec. 15, T34N, R6E. Road cut / mi. W of Trout Creek and 10 mi. SE of Rogers City. Traverse: Rockport Quarry, black coral beds. Pulawski Twp., 1/ mi. E of C sec. 16, T34N, R6E. Road cut and ditch on US-23, 1 mi. W of Trout Creek. Traverse: Ferron Point. Pulawski Twp., NE NW sec. 17. Ledges on bank of Swan Creek and near Wline NE sec. 17, T34N, R6E. Road cut and ditch on US-23. Traverse: Genshaw. Pulawski Twp., NE NE sec. 23 and NW NW sec. 24, T34N, R6E. Traverse: Rockport Quarry. Black shaly bryozoan beds. Pulawski Twp., see. 34, 35 and 36, T34N, R6E. Limestone bluff trending NWSE. Rockport Quarry. Krakow Twp., sec. 6, 7 and 8, T34N, R7E. Along lake shore from Observatory Point for 2 mi. to the NW. Rogers City, Dundee. Also, in small syncline NW sec. 8. Rogers City. Krakow Twp., sec. 8 and 9, T34N, R7E. Along shore on W side of Thompson's Harbor. Rogers City. Krakow Twp., NE SW sec. 9, T34N, R7E. Along shore on point of land extending into Thompson's Harbor. Dundee. Krakow Twp., sec. 10, 11, 14 and 15, T34N, R7E. Rock bluff and ledge along shore. Dundee. Krakow Twp., E'/2 SW sec. 11, T34N, R7E. Submerged ledges approx. 2 ft. below lake level and 15 ft. from shore. Dundee. Krakow Twp., sec. 11 and 12, T34N, R7E. Along shore at Black Point. Dundee. Krakow Twp., C sec. line, sec. 19 and 20, T34N, R7E. Limestone bluff 80 ft. high. Traverse: Rockport Quarry. Krakow Twp., SW sec. 34, T34N, R7E. Traverse: Rockport Quarry? Presque Isle Twp., sec. 8 and 17, T34N, R8E. Along shore of Lake Huron. Polock Bay, Presque Isle Pt. Rogers City, Dundee. Presque Isle Twp., NW sec. 18, T34N, R8E. Along shore. Rogers City. Presque Isle Twp., sec. 27 and 35, T34N, R8E. Along shore for approx. 4 mi. in vicinity of Wreck Point. Rogers City. Presque Isle Twp., SW SW sec. 31, T34N, R8E. Bluffs and ledges W shore Grand Lake. Traverse: Rockport Quarry. EXPOSURES OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS 241 North Allis Twp., NW sec. 7, T35N, R2E. Aband. quarry of Onaway Limestone Co., shore of Black Lake. Traverse: Genshaw, Ferron Point, Rockport Quarry. Poor exposures of Traverse, Ferron Point, along E-W road through C sec. 7. Genshaw in slope above quarry. North Allis Twp., N of V post sec. 13 and 14, T35N, R2E. Traverse: Genshaw. North Allis Twp., SW sec. 16, T35N, R2E. Traverse: Genshaw. North Allis Twp., NW sec. 16 and NE sec. 17, T35N, R2E. Traverse: Genshaw. North Allis Twp., sec. 17 and 20, T35N, R2E. In valley near 1/ corner. Traverse: Genshaw. North Allis Twp., sec. 21, T35N, R2E. Road cut. Traverse: Genshaw. North Allis Twp., sec. 22 and 27, T35N, R2E. Near % corner. Traverse: Genshaw. North Allis Twp., sec. 23 and 24, T35N, R2E. In valley near / corner. Traverse: Genshaw. North Allis Twp., sec. 26 and 35, T35N, R2E. Along Rainy River. Traverse: Genshaw, Ferron Point, Rockport Quarry. North Allis Twp., at sec. corner, sec. 26 and 36, T35N, R2E. Traverse: Genshaw. North Allis Twp., sec. 28 and 33, T35N, R2E. Near E %/s corner. Traverse: Genshaw, Killians. North Allis Twp., sec. 29, T35N, R2E. Along banks of small stream and in road ditches at culvert. Traverse: Genshaw, Killians. North Allis Twp., sec. 29, T35N, R2E. W side of Stoney Creek valley, N of Rowe School. Traverse: Genshaw. North Allis Twp., sec. 30, T35N, R2E. Intermittent exposures along E-W escarpment extending from SE sec. 25, T35N, R1E to E '%-corner sec. 30, T35N, R2E. Traverse: Genshaw. North Allis Twp., NE NE NE sec. 31, T35N, R2E. Traverse: Genshaw, Killians member. North Allis Twp., NW SW sec. 32, T35N, R2E. Along M-211. Traverse: Genshaw, Killians. North Allis Twp., NW NE sec. 34, T35N, R2E. In ditch. Traverse: Genshaw. North Allis Twp., NE NW NW sec. 35, T35N, R2E. Rainy River Falls. Traverse: Genshaw. Ocqueoc Twp., SE sec. 20, T35N, R3E. Traverse: Genshaw. Ocqueoc Twp., SW SW sec. 21, T35N, R3E. Traverse: Rockport Quarry. Ocqueoc Twp., SW sec. 22, T35N, R3E. Traverse. Also C S-line sec. 22, along Ocqueoc River-Ocqueoc Falls. Traverse: Rockport Quarry. Ocqueoc Twp., C S1 sec. 24, T35N, R3E and NW sec. 24, along, and highway east of, Little Ocqueoc River. Traverse: Genshaw. Ocqueoc Twp., SW sec. 27, T35N, R3E. Along Ocqueoc River. Traverse. Ocqueoc Twp., SE SE sec. 29, T35N, R3E. Traverse. Ocqueoc Twp., NW NW sec. 33, T35N, R3E. Road cut. Traverse: Genshaw. Rogers Twp., SE SW sec. 16, T35N, R5E. Aband. logging road 0.4 mi. W of US-23. Dundee. Rubble of Dundee bedrock near surface. Rogers Twp., SE SE sec. 21, T35N, R5E. In ditches and fields along M-68. Dundee. Rogers City. Rogers Twp., sec. 23, 25 and 26, T35N, R5E. Michigan Limestone and Chemical Co. Quarry. Bell shale, Rogers City, Dundee, Detroit River. Type locality Rogers City. Rogers Twp., NW NW, SW NW sec. 29, T35N, R5E. Road cut on M-68 approx. 2~ mi. W of Rogers City. Bell shale. Rogers Twp., SE NE sec. 31, T35N, R5E. In bank of creek. Bell shale. Rogers Twp., C W'A see. 32, T35N, R5E. Traverse. Bell shale? Rogers Twp., SW sec. 35, T35N, R5E. Along M-65. Traverse: Rockport Quarry. Rogers Twp., sec. 36, T35N, R5E, and sec. 31, T35N, R6E. Michigan Limestone and Chemical Co. quarry. Rogers City. Dundee. 242 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Pulawski Twp., SW SE see. 19, T35N, R6E. Bluff along Swan Bay. Dundee. Pulawski Twp., sec. 20 and 21, T35N, R6E. Along shore of Adams Point. Rogers City. Dundee. Pulawski Twp., see. 27, 34 and 35, T35N, R6E. Along shore between outlet of Little Trout Lake and point 11 mi. NW. Dundee. Pulawski Twp., NW sec. 32, T35N, R6E. On W side of RR. Dundee. Pulawski Twp., SE NW and SW NE sec. 34, T35N, R6E. In rock ledge near top of bluff. Also in SE SW sec. 34? Dundee. Pulawski Twp., NE SE sec. 35, T35N, R6E. Ledges in bed of Trout Creek. Dundee. SAGINAW COUNTY Chesaning and St. Charles Twps., T 9 and 10 N, R3E (?). Exposures at several points along river. Saginaw. Type locality for Saginaw fm., originally named Jackson, in aband. coal mines of Jackson County. Albee Twp., sec. 23, T10N, R4E. Aband. Verne mine. Type locality Verne limestone. ST. JOSEPH COUNTY Leonidas Twp., SW NW see. 12, T5S, R9W. Hillside on W side N-S road, shale near surface-indicated by clay which seems to be weathered product of grayish-green shale. Coldwater? SANILAC COUNTY Evergreen Twp., sec. 7, T13N, R12E. In bluffs along side of Cass River, Indian Rapids. Marshall. Evergreen Twp., SE see. 7, T13N, R12E. Marshall. Argyle Twp., NE corner sec. 19, T13N, R13E. Marshall. Argyle Twp., NE corner sec. 28, T13N, R13E. Rocks dredged out and dumped along the banks of a small stream at this locality consist of blue-gray shale and fine-grained, greenish-brown sandstone. Marshall. Greenleaf Twp., C sec. 11, T14N, R12E. On bank of stream. Marshall. Greenleaf Twp., NW corner sec. 13, T14N, R12E. Along N bank of small stream. Marshall. Austin Twp., sec. 1, T14N, R13E. Village of Tyre. Marshall. Austin Twp., NW sec. 17, T14N, R13E. Aband. sandstone quarry. Marshall. SHIAWASSEE COUNTY Caledonia Twp., NE SE sec. 22, T7N, R3E. Shale pit, Michigan Vitrified Tile Co.; SE NW see. 22, aband. York pit; and W2 NE sec. 22, aband. Barry pit. Saginaw. Caledonia Twp., SE sec. 22, T7N, R3E. Sandstone along river at crossing of RR bridge. Saginaw. Caledonia Twp., NW NW sec. 23, T7N, R3E. Aband. pit. Saginaw. Caledonia Twp., approx. C E~ E% sec. 26, T7N, R3E. Sandstone along Shiawassee River. Saginaw. Caledonia Twp., sec. 36, T7N, R3E. Along banks of Shiawassee River. Saginaw. New Haven Twp., sec. 18, T8N, R3E. Along Six Mile Creek. Saginaw. TUSCOLA COUNTY Tuscola Twp., SW sec. 29, T11N, R7E. On left bank of Cass River approx. 1 mi. below bridge at Tuscola. Saginaw. Novesta Twp., SW sec. 1, T13N, R11E. Along banks of Cass River. Marshall. Novesta Twp., sec. 6, T13N, R11E. Along Cass River. Marshall. Novesta Twp., sec. 12, T13N, R11E. On county line on E side of sec. 12 where road crosses the river. Marshall. EXPOSURES OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS 243 WAYNE COUNTY Huron Twp., SE sec. 36, T4S, R9E. Huron River Quarry Corp. quarry. Detroit River and Sylvania sandstone. Monguagon Twp., sec. 31, T4S, R10E. Along Huron River just W of Flat Rock. Detroit River? Monguagon Twp., SW SE sec. 35, T4S, R10E. Gibraltar quarry, approx. 1 mi. NW of Gibraltar. Detroit River. Grosse Isle Twp., T4S, RilE. Aband. quarry S end of Grosse Isle. Detroit River. Grosse Isle Twp., T4S, R11E. On Stony Island. Detroit River. Grosse Isle Twp., W1 sec. 7, T4S, R11E. Aband. Sibley quarry, Solvay Process Co. Dundee, Detroit River. Brownstown Twp., SE NE sec. 15, T5S, R10E. Michigan Silica Co. quarry. Sylvania. PROGRESS OF TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING IN MICHIGAN 15-MINUTE QUADRANGLES 246 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Index Map of 15-Minute Quadrangles Enumeration plan for convenience only. TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS 247 PROGRESS OF TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING IN MICHIGAN 15-MINUTE QUADRANGLES ISLE ROYALE: 1. Isle Royale, sheet 1: 19301. 2. Isle Royale, sheet 2: 19301. 3. Passage Island: 1895. NORTHERN PENINSULA: 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Calumet: 1909. Houghton: 1912. Greenland: 1950. Rockland: 1949. Marquette: 1905. Thayer: 1952. Watersmeet: 1952. Perch Lake: 1895. Ned Lake: 1895. Witbeck: 1896. Ishpeming: 1952. Gwinn: 1952. Star Lake: 19381. Phelps: 19381. Beechwood: 19381. Sagola: 1895. Long Lake: 19391. Florence: 19391. Menominee Iron Range: 1898. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. Twin Lake: 1929. Alma: 1935. Merrill: 1934. St. Charles: 1914. Saginaw: 1916. Lake Harbor: 1930. Muskegon: 1930. Ravenna: 1945. Cedar Springs: 1916. Perrinton: 1916. Elsie: 1916. Chesaning: 1915. Burt: 1919. Flint: 1920. Holland: 1929. Grand Rapids: 1912. Lowell: 1916. Ionia: 1916. Portland: 1945. Dewitt: 1925. Laingsburg: 1925. Corunna: 1926. Durand: 1920. Holly: 1920. Fennville: 1928. Hastings: 1951. Nashville: 1950. Charlotte: 1946. Lansing: 1910. Mason: 1909. Fowlerville: 1908. Howell: 1907. Milford: 1908, 1954. Pontiac: 19162. Rochester: 1916. Mt. Clemens: 1929. Algonac2. Marine City. South Haven: 1928. Bangor: 1927. Gobles: 1946. Kalamazoo: 1916. Galesburg: 1917, 1947. Battle Creek: 1917, 1947. Marshall: 1921. Springport: 1919. Rives Junction: 1919. Stockbridge: 1912, 1919. SOUTHERN PENINSULA: 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. -3-1.32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Otsego Lake: 1950. Lewiston: 1950. Fletcher: 1950. Grayling: 1950. Freesoil NW and NE: 19311. Luther NW: 19371. Freesoil SW: 19311. Freesoil SE: 19311. Luther SW: 19331. Luther SE: 19331. Baldwin NW: 19311. Baldwin NE: 19311. Baldwin SE and SW: 19311. Mt. Pleasant: 1916. Shepherd: 1930. Sanford: 1934. Bay City: 1916. Montague: 1929. 'Planemetric. 2Out of print. *Ann Arbor Folio. "*Detroit Folio. .248 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY MIC"IGAK4 D A DEPARTURVE 0T OrýNStRwbno. 7-12i 20 171-1 see/ v4 4,-+--A 43 55-59 W4 7 1 i4S1. Ensumeation0pan o oveineolys TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS 249 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. Dexter: 1902*. South Lyon: 1902*. Plymouth: 1905**. Detroit: 19052**. Grossepoint: 1905**. Benton Harbor: 1927. Hartford: 1927. Marcellus: 1944. Schoolcraft: 1920. Leonidas: 1918, 1947. Union City: 1918, 1947. Homer: 1948. Spring Arbor: 1948. Jackson: 1935. Manchester: 1948. Saline: 1902*. Ypsilanti: 1902*. Romulus: 1906**. 107. 108., 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. Wyandotte: 19052**. Three Oaks: 1927. Niles: 1927. Cassopolis: 1945. Vandalia: 1945. Three Rivers: 1914. Blissfield: 1939. Dundee: 1939. Wyandotte. OHIO-MICHIGAN: 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. Pioneer: 1911. Alvordton: 1911. Wauseon: 1911. Swanton: 1911. Toledo: 1952. Maumee: 1951. PROGRESS OF TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING IN MICHIGAN 71/2-MINUTE QUADRANGLES NORTHERN PENINSULA: 1. Phoenix: 1946. 2. Eagle Harbor: 1946. 3. Delaware: 1948. 4. Lake Medora: 1948. 5. Fort Wilkins: 1948. 6. Manitou Island: 1948. 7. Muggins Creek: 1946. 8. Ahmeek: 1946. 9. Mohawk: 1946. 10. Bruneau Creek: 1946. 11. Deer Lake: 1948. 12. Point Isabelle: 1948. 13. Oskar: 1954. 14. Hancock: 1946. 15. Laurium: 1946. 16. Rice Lake: 1954. 17. Graveraet River: 1954. 18. South Range: 1948. 19. Chassell: 1948. 20. White Pine: 1948. 21. Bergland: 1948. 22. Matchwood: 1948. 23. Gibbs City: 1945. 24. Sunset Lake: 1945. 25. Amasa: 1945. 26. Kelso Junction: 1945. 27. Kiernan: 1945. 28. Iron River: 1944. 29. Gaastra: 1944. 30. Fortune Lakes: 1944. 31. Crystal Falls: 1944. 32. Lake Mary: 1945. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. Naults: 1945. Stager: 1945. Commonwealth: 1945. Marquette NW: 1953. Negaunee SW: 1954. Negaunee: 1953. Marquette: 1954. Ishpeming: 1952. Palmer: 1952. Sands: 1952. Gwinn: 1952. Vermilion: 1951. Whitefish Point: 1951. Sheephead Lake: 1951. Shelldrake: 1951. Timberlost: 1951. Emerson: 1951. Big Beaver Creek: 1951. Piatt Lake: 1951. McNearney Lake: 1951. Pendills Lake: 1951. Dollar Settlement: 1951. Hulbert: 1951. Eckerman: 1951. Strongs: 1951. Sullivan Creek: 1951. Raco: 1951. Fibre, 1953. Rudyard: 1953. Pickford NW: 1953. Pickford: 1953. Munuscong: 1953. Munuscong NE: 1953. 250 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY SOUTHERN PENINSULA: 66. Otsego Lake: 1950. 67. Turtle Lake: 1950. 68. Johannesburg: 1950. 69. Lewiston: 1950. 70. Big Bradford Lake: 1950. 71. K.P. Lake: 1950. 72. Lovells: 1950. 73. Comstock Hills: 1950. 74. Black Creek: 1950. 75. Lake Margrethe: 1950. 76. Grayling: 1950. 77. Wakeley Lake: 1950. 78. Fletcher: 1950. 79. Cote Dame Marie: 1950. 80. Pere Cheney: 1950. 81. Roscommon N: 1950. 82. Delton: 1947. 83. Banfield: 1947. 84. Bedford: 1947. 85. Bellevue: 1947. 86. Galesburg: 1947. 87. Augusta: 1947. 88. Battle Creek: 1947. 89. Ceresco: 1947. 90. Hadley: 1943. 91. Metamora: 1943. 92. Thornville: 1943. 93. Almont: 1943. 94. Allenton: 1943, 1952. 95. Memphis: 1943, 1952. 96. Goodells: 1937, 1952. 97. Smith Creek: 1937, 1952. 98. Port Huron: 1937, 1952. 99. Davisburg: 1942. 100. Ortonville: 1943. 101. Oxford: 1943. 102. Lake Orion: 1943. 103. Romeo: 1943..104. Armada: 1942, 1952. 105. Richmond: 1942, 1952. 106. Adair: 1937, 1952. 107. Rattle Run: 1939, 1952. 108. St. Clair: 1937, 1952. 109. Highland: 1942. 110. Clarkston: 1941, 1952. 111. Pontiac N: 1941, 1952. 112. Rochester: 1943, 1952. 113. Utica: 1944, 19.52. 114. Waldenburg: 1952. 115. New Haven: 1952. 116. New Baltimore: 1937, 1952. 117. Marine City: 1937, 1952. 118. Wixom: 1945. 119. Walled. Lake: 1942, 1952. 120. Pontiac S: 1941, 1952. 121. Birmingham: 1948, 1952. 122. Warren: 1944, 1952. 123. Mt. Clemens W: 1952. 124. Mt. Clemens E: 1952. 125. St. Clair Flats: 1937, 1952. 126. Algonac: 1937, 1952. 127. Salem: 1942, 1953. 128. Northville: 1942, 1952. 129. Redford: 1939, 1952. 130. Royal Oak: 1939, 1952. 131. Highland Park: 1933, 1952. 132. Grosse Pointe: 1939, 1952. 133. Denton: 1940, 1953. 134. Wayne: 1941, 1952. 135. Inkster: 1940, 1952. 136. Dearborn: 1939, 1952. 137. Detroit: 1938, 1952. 138. Belle Isle: 1938, 1952. 139. Ypsilanti E: 1940, 1953. 140. Belleville: 1940, 1952. 141. Wayne County Airport: 1952. 142. Wyandotte: 1940, 1952. 143. Maybee: 1940. 144. Carleton: 1940, 1952. 145. Flat Rock: 1940, 1952. 146. Rockwood: 1941, 1952. 147. Ida: 1939. 148. Monroe: 1940, 1952. 149. Stony Point: 1940, 1952. 150. Estral Beach: 1940, 1959. 151. Samaria: 1939. 152. Erie: 1940, 1952. 1940, OHIO-MICHIGAN: 153. 154: 155. 156: 157. Berkey: 1951. Sylvania: 1934, 1951. Toledo: 1934, 1952. Point Place: 1934, 1952. Maumee: 1934, 1951. MISCELLANEOUS CONTRIBUTIONS TO MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 252 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY MISCELLANEOUS CONTRIBUTIONS TO MICHIGAN GEOLOGY in Department of Conservation Reports LAND ECONOMIC SURVEY Reports and maps of the Land Economic Survey have not been issued as formal publications. Blue line prints and mimeographed copies of the reports may be obtained from the Lands Division of the Department of Conservation or may be consulted in the Open File of the Geological Survey and Lands Divisions. Alger County, Field Work 1923. Soils, cover. Map. Surface geology. Map. S. G. Bergquist. Surface and hardrock formations. Map. Alpena County, Field Work 1924. Geological resources of Alpena County, W. A. Ver Wiebe, S. G. Bergquist. Geology of Alpena County, Frank Leverett, L. R. Schoenman. Soils, cover. Map. Surface and hardrock formations. Map. Surface formations. Map. Water resources of the Thunder Bay region, C. 0. Wisler. Antrim County, Field Work 1923. Geology of Antrim County, Frank Leverett. Lake Survey. Map. Soils, cover. Map. Water resources of Antrim County, C. 0. Wisler. Charlevoix County, Field Work 1922. Geology of Charlevoix County, Frank Leverett. Surface geology. Map. Water power of Charlevoix County, C. 0. Wisler. Chippewa County, Field Work 1925. Geology, W. A. Ver Wiebe. Lakes of. Map. Surface and hardrock formations. Map. Surface formations. Map. Water resources of the Carp River, C. 0. Wisler. Water resources of the Munuscong and Waiska Rivers, C. 0. Wisler. Water resources of the Pine River, C. 0. Wisler. Water resources of the Tahquamenon River, C. 0. Wisler. Crawford County, Field Work 1927. Geological resources of, W. A. Ver Wiebe and S. G. Bergquist. Geology of, W. A. Ver Wiebe. Lakes. Map. Soils, cover. Maps. Water power of, C. 0. Wisler. Iron County, Field Work 1930. Soils, cover. Map. Surface and hardrock formations. Map. Surface formations. Map. MISCELLANEOUS CONTRIBUTIONS 253 Kalkaska County, Field Work 1927. Geological resources of Kalkaska County, W. A. Ver Wiebe and S. G. Bergquist. Geology of Kalkaska County, W. A. Ver Wiebe. Soils, cover. Map. Surface formations. Map. Water power, C. 0. Wisler. Luce County, Field Work 1929. Soils, cover. Map. Surface formations. Map. Menominee County, Field Work 1925. Geology of, W. A. Ver Wiebe. Surface and hardrock formations. Map. Surface formations. Map. Water power, C. 0. Wisler. Montmorency County, Field Work 1930. Lakes. Map. Soils, cover. Map. Surface and hardrock formations. Map. (The L.E.S. geological report on Montmorency County by S. G. Bergquist was published in Papers, Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett. (1939), Vol. 25.) Ogemaw County, Field Work 1936-37. Geology of, Frank Leverett. Lakes. Map. Surface formations. Map. Water resources of Ogemaw County, C. 0. Wisler. Water resources of the Manistee River above Sherman, C. 0. Wisler. Roscommon County, Field Work 1924. Geology of, W. A. Ver Wiebe. Lakes. Map. Soils, cover. Map. Surface formations. Map. Schoolcraft County, Field Work 1932. Geology of, 0. F. Poindexter. "Surface formations. Map. Wexford County Water resources of the Manistee River above Sherman, C. 0. Wisler. The Land Economic Survey, its history, purpose, scope: Open File Report. 254 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY SECTION ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING INVESTIGATIONS Geologic and hydrologic data pertinent to the study are included in the reports of the following lakes. Au Gres Trout Pond, losco and Arenac counties. Barroh, Cass County. Big, Osceola County. Black, Cheboygan County. Brevort, Mackinac County. Brooks, Newaygo County. Brown and West Twin, Alcona County. Cadillac and Mitchell, Wexford County. Cedar, Alcona County. Clam River Improvement, Wexford County. Clare Reservoir, Clare County. Clear, St. Joseph County. Corey, St. Joseph County. Crystal, Benzie County. Emma, Presque Isle County. Four Mile, Washtenaw County. Fremont, Newaygo County. Garver, Cass County. Glen, Leelanau County. Grand, Presque Isle County. Grass, Montmorency County. Gravel, Van Buren County. Gun, Barry County. Higgins, Roscommon County. Hiland (with Portage), Livingston County. Homer Mill Pond, Calhoun County. Horseshoe, Washtenaw County. Houghton, Roscommon County. Indian Lake, Chain, losco County. Indian, Kalamazoo County. Indian, Schooleraft County. Jordan, Ionia and Barry counties. Kaiser, St. Joseph County. Lake of the Woods, Van Buren County. Little, Branch County. Long, Clare County. Margarete, Crawford County. McCormac, Montmorency County. Mitchell, Wexford County. Mud, Branch County. Mud, St. Joseph County. Mullet, Cheboygan County. Narrow, Eaton County. North Manistique, Luce County. Park, Clinton County. Paw Paw, Berrien County. Pipestone, Berrien County. Ponemah, Genesee County. Pontiac-Oxbow, Oakland County. Portage (with Hiland), Washtenaw County. Posey, Lenawee County. Potter, Genesee County. Pugsley, Van Buren County. Rock, Montcalm County. Rose, Branch County. Rush, Montmorency County. Sage's, Ogemaw County. St. Helens, Roscommon County. Silver, Van Buren County. Upper Herring, Benzie County. Tawas, losco County. Van Auken, Van Buren County. Van Etten, losco County. Wall, Barry County. West, Kalamazoo County. Whitmore, Washtenaw County. MISCELLANEOUS CONTRIBUTIONS 255 MICHIGAN CONSERVATION MAGAZINE Contributions to Public Education in Geology. Billings, Norman F. 1. Exercise caution when selecting location on a lake: Vol. 14, No. 4, 1945. 2. Ways sought to control wave action: Vol. 15, No. 7, 1946. 3. Is it true what they say about water?: Vol. 18, No. 4, 5, 1949; Vol. 19, No. 1, 2, 1950. 4. Who's who in water: Vol. 19, No. 3, 1950. 5. Ground water: Vol. 24, No. 5, 1955. Boehler, Charles* 6. Tahquamenon Falls: Vol. 6, No. 5, 1936. Daoust, William L. 7. Salts of the earth: Vol. 22, No. 1, 1953. Deason, H. J.* 8. Upper Peninsula once bed of Inland Sea: Vol. 6, No. 4, 1936. Eddy, Gerald E. 9. Metals for tomorrow: Vol. 24, No. 4, 1955. Fontanna, Stanley G.* 10. Michigan's water problems are studied: Vol. 15, No. 6, 1946. Grant, Rex P. 11. Michigan petroleum producing industry: Vol. 17, No. 4, 1948. 12. Liquid gas is stored in "tailormade" caves: Vol. 22, No. 3, 1953. 13. Michigan oil-its past, present, future: Vol. 24, No. 4, 1955. Hoffmaster, P. J.* 14. Time to do something about water: Vol. 13, No. 2, 1944. 15. Michigan's oil and gas: Vol. 15, No. 9, 1946. Houghton, Douglass 16. Tahquamenon-Taquiomenon. From field notebook: Vol. 7, No. 11, 1938. 17. Sketch of State Geologist Houghton: Vol. 14, No. 10, 1945. Hubbard, Bela. 18. Pictures in the rocks (Pictured Rocks). From field notebook: Vol. 7, No. 11, 1935. 19. Journal of Mus-co-ma-in-gun. From field notebook of Hubbard: Vol. 5, No. 6, 1935; No. 12, 1936; Vol. 6, No. 1, 4, 1936. Humphreys, C. R.* 20. Treasure by the ton: Vol. 22, No. 3, 1953. Jamison, Knox*. 21. Base and Principal Meridian lines in Michigan: Vol. 14, No. 3, 1945. 22. Mines of the Porcupine Mountains: Vol. 16, No. 3, 1947. Kennedy, Bruce E. 23. "Forty-Niner" fever: Vol. 18, No. 6, 1949. Martin, Helen M. 24. 100 years of Michigan geology: Vol. 7, Nos. 1, 2, 4, 1937. 25. The Ice Age in Michigan: Vol. 7, Nos. 7, 9, 1938. 26. War Jobs for Michigan minerals: Vol. 11, No. 7, 1942. 27. Have we enough oil?: Vol. 11, No. 8, 1942. *Not on the staff of the Geological Survey Division. 256 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 28. Sleeping Bear dune: Vol. 11, No. 11, 1942. 29. Magnesium ore: Vol. 12, No. 1, 1943. 30. Those useless scientific facts: Vol. 12, No. 6, 1943. 31. Yankee Springs: Vol. 12, No. 7, 1943. 32. From Michigan's coral seas: Vol. 12, No. 8, 1943. 33. Our untouched wilderness (Porcupines): Vol. 12, No. 8, 1943. 34. The romance of copper: Vol. 13, Nos. 1, 2, 1944. 35. More about our most important resource-water: Vol. 13, No. 4, 1944. 36. Michigan's iron: Vol. 13, Nos. 5, 6, 1944. 37. When Paleontologist and Photographer meet: Vol. 13, No. 8, 1944. 38. Salt for a million years: Vol. 13, No. 11, 1944. 39. Geology to Archeology: Vol. 14, No. 3, 1945. 40. Maps: Vol. 14, Nos. 8, 9, 1945. 41. Douglass Houghton (1809-1845): Vol. 14, No. 10, 1945. 42. Minerals find new use in nylon: Vol. 15, No. 4, 1946. 43. R. A. Smith is retiring on August 1: Vol. 15, No. 6, 1946. 44. Michigan story: Vol. 19, No. 2, 1950. 45. Those busy bacteria: Vol. 19, No. 6, 1950. 46. How old is Michigan?: Vol. 20, No. 1, 1951. 47. From arbutus to ethyl: Vol. 20, No. 2, 1951. 48. No empty lands!: Vol. 21, No. 3, 1952. 49. Romance of the pipelines: Vol. 22, No. 5, 1953. 50. Common stuff: Vol. 22, No. 6, 1953. 51. Fuels-power: Vol. 23, No. 2, 1954. 52. Those marble halls (with H. 0. Sorensen): Vol. 23, No. 3, 1954. 53. Rambling rocks: Vol. 23, No. 4, 1954. 54. How it all began: Vol. 23, No. 5, 1954. 55. The Pictured Rocks-then and now: Vol. 23, No. 6, 1954. 56. Mastodons, Mammoths, Elephants: Vol. 24, No. 2, 1955. 57. Water then-and now: Vol. 24, No. 5, 1955. Miller, Lee S. 58. Why oil proration?: Vol. 12, No. 9, 1943. 59. A shot in the arm for oil fields: Vol. 22, No. 2, 1953. 60. Why oil proration?: Vol. 23, No. 3, 1954. Osgood, Wayland* 61. Lowered lake levels result in sub-normal rainfall: Vol. 5, No. 3, 1935. Pardee, Franklin G. 62. Michigan's mythical gold mines: Vol. 14, No. 11, 1945. 63. Iron ore reserves in Michigan: Vol. 17, No. 9, 1948. Poindexter, 0. F. 64. Fire plugs in State forests: Vol. 5, No. 1, 1935. 65. Michigan highlands: Vol. 9, No. 4, 1940. 66. Ground water table at 5-year low: Vol. 9, No. 8, 1940. 67. Something can be done about lake levels: Vol. 11, No. 2, 1942. 68. Water is a vital resource: Vol. 12, No. 2, 1943. Riggs, H. 69. The oil man's nightmare (salt water): Vol. 12, No. 1, 1943. Smith, Richard A. 70. Michigan minor minerals: Vol. 10, No. 8, 1941. 71. Saginaw Valley brines pose problems: Vol. 14, No. 12, 1945. Sketch of in R. A. Smith is retiring: Vol. 15, No. 6, 1946. Warren, Ebb* 72. Deep drilling in Michigan: Vol. 16, No. 6, 1947. MISCELLANEOUS CONTRIBUTIONS 257 Wender, Carl* 73. Speeding the search for oil: Vol. 12, No. 1, 1943. 74. Those 'Lake Bottom' leases: Vol. 15, No. 3, 1946. The titles of P.E.G. (Public Education in Geology) articles do not always indicate content, therefore the following index to subject matter is appended. The numbers refer to the article number. Age of Michigan: 46. Altitudes: 65. Cambrian: 18, 55. Copper: 20, 22, 34. Conservation and geology: 41, 44, 48. Dunes: 28. Geological Survey: 17, 19, 24, 30, 43. Glaciation: 25, 31, 50, 53. Gold: 62. Gravel: 39, 50, 53. Iron: 36, 63. Lakes and shores, lake levels: 1, 2, 61, 67, 74. Limestone: 32. Magnesium: 29. Maps: 21, 40. Marble: 52. Mastodon, mammoth: 56. Minerals and mineral industry: 9, 26, 29, 30, 34, 36, 38, 39, 42, 45, 47, 62, 70. Mines: 22, 34, 62. Paleozoic of Northern Peninsula: 8. Paleontology: 37. Petroleum and natural gas: 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 27, 47, 49, 51, 58, 59, 60, 69, 71, 72, 73. Pictured Rocks: 18, 55. Porcupine Mountains: 22, 33, 34. Rivers: 6, 16. Salt: 7, 38. Salt water, brine: 7, 71. Scenic features, recreation areas: 3, 6, 16, 28, 31. Tahquamenon: 6, 16. Uranium: 23. Water: 3, 4, 5, 10, 14, 35, 57, 64, 66, 68. Yankee Springs: 31. REFERENCES TO MICHIGAN GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES By MURIEL TARA STRAIGHT REFERENCES TO MICHIGAN GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES As geologic studies continue and more papers are published it becomes increasingly difficult to keep abreast of the geologic information available for any one area. For several years some kind of author-subject index of papers pertaining to Michigan geology has been needed-hence this compilation. Several published bibliographies were examined and it seemed that the style used by the U. S. Geological Survey in the Bibliography of North American geology is the most useful. Therefore, this compilation is patterned after the U. S. Geological Survey bibliography. Many references were obtained from the Bibliography of North American geology. Other sources of information were: Dr. Duncan Stewart's progress bibliography of Michigan geology issued by Michigan State College', Dept. of Geology and Geography; the files of the Michigan Geological Survey, Lansing; Michigan State College' Library, East Lansing; Department of Geology and Geography, Michigan State College1, East Lansing; Michigan State Library, Lansing; other published bibliographies; and lists of published and unpublished doctoral and masters theses furnished by the geology and physics departments of several colleges and universities. The cooperation of these departments of the several colleges aided greatly in obtaining references not found in any published bibliography and for this gracious cooperation the writer expresses thanks. Many papers with only brief mention of Michigan are not included, as Stewart's bibliography gives a more comprehensive coverage. The references listed herein were checked for accuracy with the actual papers whenever possible. Not all the papers could be found, however, with the facilities available. This compilation is in two parts: An alphabetical list of authors with titles and complete bibliographic references and, a subject index. Annotations for a few papers are given in the author index. If followed by "U.S.G.S.", "U.S.B.M.", or "M.L.F." the annotations are from the Bibliography of North American geology, 1950 (U.S. Geological Survey), the List of publications of the Bureau of Mines, July 1, 1910 to January 1, 1949 (U.S. Bureau of Mines) or from bibliographic indices on ground water, Water-Supply Paper 120 by M. L. Fuller, and 163 by M. L. Fuller et al (U.S. Geological Survey). 'Now Michigan State University 262 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY The subject index, exclusive of county headings, is divided into the following major categories: Bibliography Mineral resources and mineral Biography industries Deep borings Mineralogy Economic geology Mining Explorations and surveys Northern Peninsula General Paleontology Geological survey Petrography and petrology Historical geology Physical geology Isle Royale Sedimentation Lake Superior region Soils Maps Southern Peninsula Meteorites Stratigraphy Mineral lands Water resources A few examples may aid in making best use of the subject index. Suppose information regarding the geology of the Marquette iron range is desired. Iron, a mineral resource, is in the category MINERAL RESOURCES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES. Further subdivisions: MINERAL RESOURCES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES Iron Geology of Marquette range: Derby, E. L., Jr., 1; Hotchkiss, W. 0., 7; Kimball, J. P., 1; Mich. Acad. Sci., 5; etc. Gwinn district: Allen, R. C., 11. References to the Devonian Traverse group of Michigan are subdivisions of STRATIGRAPHY and listed as follows: STRATIGRAPHY Paleozoic Devonian Traverse: Davies, W. E., 1(th); Grabau, A. W., 2(a), 9(a), 12(a); etc. Afton-Onaway area: Kelly, W. A., 10, 12. Alpena area: Mich. Acad. Sci., 3. Items of a somewhat general nature are under the appropriate major heading. For example: ECONOMIC GEOLOGY Deposition of ores, principles of: Van Hise, C. R., 17(*). Enrichment of ore deposits: Emmons, W. H., 1 (*). The number (or numbers) after the author's name corresponds to a number in the author index. An (a) following the number indicates that the paper is an abstract, an (*) has only brief mention of Michigan, an (f) is written in a foreign language, and a (th) is a thesis. The complete bibliographic reference is found by turning to the corresponding author and number in the author index. REFERENCES 263 ABBREVIATIONS A.A.P.G.-American Association of Petroleum Geologists abs.-abstract, abstracts Agr.i-agriculture Am.-America, American Ann.--annual approx.-approxiinately Apr.-April art.-article Assoc.-association Aug.-August Bot.-botanical, botany Bull.-bulletin Bur.-bureau Califi.-California chap.--chapter circ.-circular Co.-company Comm.-commission, commissioner Conf.-conference Cong.-congress Conserv.-conservation Coun.-council Dec.-December Dept.-department Div.--division Doc.-document ed.-edition Educ. -ducation Eng.-engineering Ex.-executive Explor.-exploration extr.-extract, extracts Feb.-February fig., figs.-figure, figures Geog.,-geography Geol.-geology, geologic, geological Geophys.-geophysical III.-Iinois illus.-illustrated -incl.-including Ind.-Indiana Inst.-institute Internat.-international Inv.-investigation, investigations Jan.-January Jour.a-journal Kans.-Kansas Leg.-Legislature Mar.-March Mass.-Massachusetts mem.-memoir Mich.-Michigan mimeo.--mimeographed Min.-mining mineralog.-mineralogy, mineralogical min. res.ý-mineral resources Minn.-Minnesota M.L.F.-Myron L. Fuller mtg.-meeting N. 0.-North Carolina Nat.-natural, naturalist Natl.-national no., nos.,-number, numbers Nov.-November Oct.--October Okla.-Oklahoma p., pp.-page, pages Pa.--Pennsylvania Paleont.-paleontological petrol.-petroleum pl., pls.-plate, plates P. N.-printed notice prelim.:-preliminary Proc.-proceedings prosp.-prospecting pt.-part, parts pub.-publication rec.-record, records rev.-review rpt.-report sec.-section, sections S. E. G.--Society of Economic Geologists S. E. P. M.-Society of Economic Paleontologists Meeting Sept.-September ser.-series Sess.-session Soc.-society, societies Spec.;--special strat.-.stratigraphic, stratigraphical summ.-summar-y suppl.-supplement Tech.-technology topog.-topographic, topographical Lniv.-university UI. 5.-United States TU. S. B. M.-United States Bureau of Mines U. S. G. S.-United States Geological Survey v.-volume, volumes Wash.-Washington Wis.-Wisconsin 264 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY PUBLICATION ABBREVIATIONS Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Proc.ý-Acadamy of Natural Sciences: of Philadelphia Proceedings. Agr. Eng.-Agricultural Engineering. AJI.M.E. El-monthly Bull., Bull., Contr., Geophys. Prosp., Tech. Pub., Trans., Yearb.-American Institute of Mining Engineers, or American Institute of Mining and Metallurg ical Engineers Bi-monthly Bulletin, Bulletin, Contributions, Geophysical Prospecting, Technical Publication, Transactions, Yearbook. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. Proc.-American Academy of Arts and Sciences Proceedings. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc.-American Association for the Advancement of Science Proceedings. Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull.-American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin. Am. Geol.-American Geologist. Am. Geophys. Union Trans.-Ameriean Geophysical Union Transactions. Am. Jour. Bot.-American Journal of Botany. Am. Jour. Sci.-American Jour nalI of Science. Am. Meteorol. Soc. Bull.-American Meteorological Society Bulletin. Am. Midland Nat.-American Midland Naturalist. Am. Miaeralog.:-American Mineralogist. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Novitates-American Museum of Natural. History Novitates. Am. Mus. Novitates-American Museum Novitates. Am. Nat.-American' Naturalist. Am. Philos.. Soc. Trans.-American Philosophical Society Transactions. Am. Water Works Assoc. Jour.-American Water Works Association Journal. Assoc. Am. Geol.. and. Nat. Rpt.-Association of American Geologists and Naturalists Report. Assoc. Am. State Geol. Jour.--Association of American State Geologists Journal. Boston Jour. Nat. History-Boston. Journal of Natural History. Boston Soc. Nat. Rust. Proc.-Boston Society of Natural History Proceedings. Bot. Gaz.-Botanical Gazette. British Assoc. Adv. Sdi. Rpt.,-British Association for the Advancement of Science Report. Butler. Univ. Bot. Studies-Butler University Botanical Studies. Calif. Univ., Dept. Geol. Bull.-California University,. Department of Geology Bulletin. Canada Dept. M ines, Geol. Survey Mem.ý-Canada Department of Mines, Geological Survey Memoir. Canadian Geol. Survey Mem., Rept. Prog., Summ. Rpt.ý-Canadian Geological Survey Memoir, Report of Progress, Summary Report. Canadian Inst. Proc., T~rans.-Canadian Institute Proceedings, Transactions. Canadian Inst. Min. Met. Trans.; Bull.-Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Transactions; Canadian Mining and Metallurgical Bulletin. Canadian Min. Inst. Jour., Quart. Bull.-Canadian Mining Institute Journal, Quarterly Bulletin. Canadian Min Jour.;-Canadian Mining Journal. Canadian Nat. and Geol. and Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Montreal-Canadian Naturalist and Geologist and Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Montreal. Carnegie Mus. Annals-Carnegie Museum Annals. Chicago Acad. Sci. Bull.:-Chicago Academy of Science. Bulletin. Compass-The Compass. Cranbrook Inst. Sci. Bull.-Cranbrook Institute of Science Bulletin. REFERENCES 265 Davenport Acad. Sci. Proc.-Davenport Academy of Science Proceedings. Denison Univ. Bull., Sci. Lab. Jour.-Denison University Bulletin, Scientific Laboratories Journal. Earth Sci. Digest-The Earth Science Digest. Ecol. Mon.-Ecological Monograph. Econ. Geog.-Economic Geography. Econ. Geol.-Economic Geology. Edinburgh, New Philos. Jour.-Edinburgh, New Philosophical Journal. Eng. Mag.-Engineering Magazine. Eng. Min. Jour.-Engineering Mining Journal. Eng. News-Engineering News. Eng. Rec.-Engineering Record. Fed. Inst. Min. Eng. Trans.-Federated Institute of Mining Engineers Transactions. Field Columbia Mus. Pub.-Field Columbia Museum Publication. Franklin Inst. Jour.-Franklin Institute Journal. Geog. Rev.-Geographical Review. Geol. Mag.-Geological Magazine. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., Proc.-The Geological Society of American Bulletin, Proceedings. Geol. Soc. London Quart. Jour., Trans.-Geological Society of London Quarterly Journal, Transactions. Geophys.-Geophysics. Harpers Mag.-Harpers Magazine. Harvard College Mus. Comp. Zool. Bull.-Harvard College Museum of Comparative Zoology Bulletin. Ill. Acad. Sci. Trans.-Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions. Ind. Acad. Sci. Proc.-Indiana Academy of Science Proceedings. Ind. Dept. Conserv., Div. Geol., Pub.-Indiana Department of Conservation, Division of Geology, Publication. Inst. Min. and Met. Trans.-Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Transactions. Jour. Geol.-Journal of Geology. Jour. Geomorphology-Journal of Geomorphology. Jour. Mammalogy-Journal of Mammalogy. Jour. Paleont.-Journal of Paleontology. Jour. Sed. Petr.-Journal of Sedimentary Petrography. Kans. Acad. Sci. Trans.-Kansas Academy of Science Transactions. Kans. Geol. Soc., Field Conf. Guidebook-Kansas Geological Society, Field Conference Guidebook. Kent Scientific Inst. Misc. Papers-Kent Scientific Institute Miscellaneous Papers. Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc.-Lake Superior Mining Institute Proceedings. Lyceum Nat. Hist. N. Y. Annals-Lyceum of Natural History of New York Annals. Merchants Mag -Merchants Magazine. Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rept., Field Excur., Papers, Rpt.-Michigan Academy of Science Arts and Letters Annual Report, Field Excursion, Papers, Report. Mich. College Min. Tech. Bull.-Michigan College of Mining and Technology Bulletin. Mich. Conserv.-Michigan Conservation. Mich. Eng.-Michigan Engineer. Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey Pub.-Michigan Geological and Biological Survey Publication. Mich. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt., Prog. Rpt., Pub., Summ. Rpt., Tech. Rpt.Michigan Geological Survey Annual Report, Progress Report, Publication, Summary Report, Technical Report. Mich. Hist. Mag.-Michigan History Magazine. 266 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Mich. Manufacturer and Financial Rec.-Michigan Manufacturer and Financial Record. Mich. Miner-Michigan Miner. Mich. Mineralog. Soc. Pub., Yearb.-Michigan Mineralogical Society Publication, Yearbook. Mich. Pioneer Coll.-Michigan Pioneer Collection. Mich. Polit. Sci. Assoc. Pub.-Michigan Political Science Association Publication. Mich. State Agr. Soc. Trans.-Michigan State Agricultural Society Transactions. Mich. State Board Agr., Ann. Rept.-Michigan State Board of Agriculture, Annual Report. Mich. State Geol. Ann. Rpt.-Michigan State Geologists Annual Report. Mich. Univ., Alum. Quart. Rev.; Eng. Research Bull.; Eng. Research Inst., Lake Hydraulics Lab., Research Pub.; Mus. Geol. Contr.; Mus. Paleont. Contr.; Mus. Zool. Occ. Papers-Michigan University, Alumnus Quarterly Review; Engineer Research Bulletin; Engineer Research Institute, Lake Hydraulics Laboratory; Research Publication; Museum of Geology Contributions; Museum of Paleontology Contributions; Museum of Zoology Occasional Papers. Midwest Geol.-The Midwest Geologist. Milwaukee Public Mus. Yearb.-Milwaukee Public Museum Yearbook. Mineralog.-The Mineralogist. Mineralog. Soc. Am.-Mineralogical Society of America. Min. Cong. Jour.-Mining Congress Journal. Min. Eng.-Mining Engineering. Min. Mag.-Mining Magazine. Min. and Met.-Mining and Metallurgy. Min. and Sci. Press-Mining and Scientific Press. Min. Sci.-Mining Science. Min. World-Mining World. Minn. Geol. Survey Ann. Rept.-Minnesota Geological Survey Annual Report. Mysore Geol. Dept. Rec.-Mysore Geological Department Records. Nat. Hist.-Natural History. Nat. Hist. Soc. Montreal-Natural History Society of Montreal. Natl. Oil Scouts Assoc. Yearb.-National Oil Scouts Association Yearbook. Natl. Oil Scouts and Landmens Assoc. Yearb.-National Oil Scouts and Landmens Association Yearbook. Nautilus-The Nautilus. Northwestern Univ. Summ. Doc., Dissert.-Northwestern University Summary Document, Dissertation. N. Y. Acad. Sci. Annals-New York Academy of Science Annals. Ohio Geol. Survey Bull.-Ohio Geological Survey Bulletin. Oil and Gas Jour.-Oil and Gas Journal. Okla. Acad. Sci. Proc.-Oklahoma Academy of Science Proceedings. Ontario Bur. Mines Ann. Rpt., Rpt.-Ontario Bureau of Mines Annual Report, Report. Ottawa Nat.-Ottawa Naturalist. Pan Am. Geol.-Pan American Geologist. Petrol. Eng.-The Petroleum Engineer. Philos. Soc. Wash. Bull.-Philosophical Society of Washington Bulletin. Pop. Astronomy-Popular Astronomy. Pop. Sci. Monthly-Popular Science Monthly. Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Montreal-Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Montreal. Quart. Colo. School of Mines-Quarterly Colorado School of Mines. Quart. Jour. Sci.-Quarterly Journal of Science. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 267 Rochester Acad. Sci. Proc.-Rochester Academy of Science Proceedings. Royal Geol. Soc. Cornwall Trans.-Royal Geological Society of Cornwall Transactions. Royal Inst. Great Britain Proc.-Royal Institute of Great Britain Proceedings. Royal Soc. Canada Proc. and Trans.-Royal Society of Canada Proceedings and Transactions. School of Mines Quart., Columbia Univ.-School of Mines Quarterly, Columbia University. Sci.-Science. Sci. Am. Suppl.-Scientific American Supplement. Sci. Monthly-The Scientific Monthly. Sci. Rev.-Metropolitan Detroit Science Review. Seismol. Soc. Am. Bull.-Seismological Society of America Bulletin. Smithsonian Inst. Ann. Rpt., Contr. to Knowledge, Explor. and Field Work, Misc. Coll.-Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, Contributions to Knowledge, Exploration and Field Work, Miscellaneous Collections. Soil Sci.-Soil Science. Tenn. Acad. Sci. Jour.-Tennessee Academy of Science Journal. U. S. Bur. Mines Bull., Inf. Circ., Rpt. Inv., Tech. Paper-United States Bureau of Mines Bulletin, Information Circular, Report of Investigations, Technical Paper. U. S. General Land Office Rpt.-United States General Land Office Report. U. S. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt., Atlas, Bull., Circ., Geol. Quad. maps, Geophys. Inv., Min. Res., Mon., Oil and Gas Inv., Prelim. Rpt., Prof. Paper, Strategic Min. Inv., Water-Supply Paper-United States Geological Survey Annual Report, Atlas, Bulletin, Circular, Geological Quadrangle maps, Geophysical Investigations, Mineral Resources, Monograph, Oil and Gas Investigations, Preliminary Report, Professional Paper, Strategic Minerals Investigation, Water-Supply Paper. U. S. Natl. Mus. Ann. Rpt., Bull., Proc.-United States National Museum Annual Report, Bulletin, Proceedings. Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour.-Washington [D.C.] Academy of Science Journal. Wis. Acad. Sci. Trans.-Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters Transactions. Wis. State Hist. Soc. Coll.-Wisconsin State Historical Society Collections. World Petrol.-World Petroleum. AUTHOR INDEX Ackermann, Hermann W. 1. Die Kupferffihrenden Schichten am Lake Superior [The copper-bearing veins near- Lake Superior]: Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Isis in Dresden, Sitzungsberichte 1875, pp. 101-105, 1876. Adams, C. L. 1. Copper concentrating practice at the Mohawk mill: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 27, pp. 98-104, 1929. Adams, Frank Dawson 1. On the geology of the St. Clair tunnel: Royal Soc. Canada Proc. and Trans., v. 9, pt. IV, pp. 67-73, 1892. Adams, George I. 1. (and others) Gypsum deposits in the United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 223, 1904. 129 pp. Contains: Gypsum deposits in Michigan, by G. P. Grimsley, pp. 45-47. 268 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Adams, R. N. 1. Amygdaloid tailings: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 28, pp. 192-198, 1930. Addison, Carl C. 1. Buckeye oil field, Gladwin County, Michigan: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 24, no. 10, pp. 1950-1982, 9 figs., incl. index and isopach maps, Nov. 1940; abs., Oil and Gas Jour., v. 38, no. 48, p. 50, Apr. 11, 1940. Adler, Joseph Leopold 1. Stratigraphic zones in the Negaunee iron formation of Marquette County, Michigan: Jour. Geol., v. 43, no. 2, pp. 113-132, 7 p1s., Feb.-Mar. 1935. Agassiz, Alexander 1. On the position of the sandstone of the southern slope of a portion of Keweenaw Point, Lake Superior: Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. (1866 -68), v. 11, pp. 244-246, 1868. 2. On underground temperatures at great depths: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 50 (v.150), no. 300, pp. 503-504, 1895. Agassiz, Louis 1. The terraces and the ancient river bars, drift, boulders, and polished surfaces of Lake Superior [abs.]: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. (1848), v. 1, pp. 68-70, 1849. 2. The erratic phenomena about Lake Superior in Lake Superior..., chap. X, pp. 395-416; also Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 10 (v.60), pp. 83-101, 1850; Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles, v. 16, pp. 5-34, 1851. Albright, J. C. 1. Separation and disposal of salt walter in Michigan fields: Petrol. Eng., v. 8, no. 6, pp. 47-49, Mar. 1937. Aldrich, Henry Ray-See also Hotchkiss, W. 0., 7. *1. A demonstration of the reflection of geologic conditions in observed magnetic intensity: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 81, Geophys. Prosp., pp. 385-400, 4 figs., 1929. A discussion of observations made over the Lake Superior syncline in northern Wisconsin. Alessi, A. Joseph 1. Serpentine at Ishpeming, Michigan: Rocks and Minerals, v. 11, no. 1, p. 11, Jan. 1936. 2. Hunting agates around Lake Superior: Rocks and Minerals, v. 11, no. 9, p. 139, Sept.-Oct. 1936. 3. Some minerals of Ishpeming, Michigan: Rocks and Minerals, v. 12, no. 7, p. 209, July 1937. 4. Chloride garnets of Michigan: Mineralog., v. 6, no. 6, pp. 9-10, June 1938. Allen, Charles W. 1. Subsidence resulting from the Athens system of mining at Negaunee, Michigan [with discussion]: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 109, pp. 195-202, 1934. 2. Blasting practice at a Michigan iron ore pit: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 29, pp. 108-117, illus., 1936. Discusses mining operations at the Tilden mine, Marquette range, which began in 1929 with a production of 440,000 tons. 3. Combating sulphur dioxide gas at the Spies-Virgil mine: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v, 0, pp. 33-36, 1939. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 269 Allen, Rolland Craten 1. The Iron River iron-bearing district of Michigan: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 3, geol. ser. 2, 18 figs., 17 p1s., incl. map, 1910. 151 pp. 2. Progress of the Geological and Biological Survey of Michigan; geology and topography: Mich. Acad. Sci. Rpt., v. 13, pp. 69-78, 1911; v. 14, pp. 33-36, 1912. 3. (director) Mineral resources of Michigan with statistical tables of production and value of mineral products for 1910 and prior years: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 8, geol. ser. 6, 19 figs., 21 pls., 1912. 465 pp. Contains: The copper industry of Michigan, by R. E. Hore, pp. 15-115; The iron mining industry of Michigan, pp. 117-219; The pig iron industry of Michigan, by A. E. White, pp. 221-244; The Jones step process, by A. E. White, pp. 245-256; Michigan coal, by R. A. Smith, pp. 257-303; Michigan gypsum, by R. A. Smith, pp. 305-314; The salt industry of Michigan, by C. W. Cook, pp. 315-336; Michigan cement, by C. W. Cook, pp. 337-354; Michigan gold, pp. 355-366; Oil and gas in Michigan, by R. A. Smith, pp. 367-397; Directory of mineral producers of Michigan, pp. 399-429; Statistical tables of various non-metallic products, pp. 431-456. 4. (director) Mineral resources of Michigan with statistical tables of production and value of mineral products for 1912 and prior years: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 13, geol. ser. 10, 1 fig., 8 pls., 1913. 255 pp. Contains: The copper industry of Michigan, by R. E. Hore, pp. 11-92; Notes on potash, sand and gravel, limestone, pp. 93-98; Statistical tables, pp. 99-193; Directory of mineral producers of Michigan for 1912, pp. 194-248. 5. (director) Mineral resources of Michigan with statistical tables of production and value of mineral products for 1913 and prior years: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 16, geol. ser. 13, 1914. 150 pp. Contains: The Michigan copper industry in 1913, by R. E. Hore, pp. 11-37; The iron ore reserves of Michigan, pp. 39-77; Non-metallic minerals, by R. A. Smith, pp. 81-128; Directory of mineral producers of Michigan for 1913, pp. 129-141. 6. Biennial report of the director, 1912-1914: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 17, geol. ser. 14, map, 1914. 104 pp. 7. Michigan iron-ore reserves; methods of appraisal for taxation: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 19, pp. 229-244, 1914. 8. (director) Mineral resources of Michigan with statistical tables of production and value of mineral products for 1914 and prior years: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 19, geol. ser. 16, 24 figs., 18 pls., 1915. 359 pp. Contains: Michigan copper deposits, by R. E. Hore, pp. 21-161; The copper industry in 1914, by W. E. Hopper, pp. 165-220; Statistical tables, iron ore, pp. 222-243; Non-metallic minerals, including coal in Michigan, by R. A7Smith, pp. 247-329; Directory of mineral producers of Michigan for 1914, pp. 334-351. 9. (and Barrett, L. P.) Evidence of the Middle-Upper Huronian unconformity in the quartzite hills at Little Lake, Michigan: Jour. Geol., v. 22, no. 6, pp. 574-581, 1914; Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 18, geol. ser. 15, pp. 153-159, 1915. 10. Relative to an extension of the Menominee iron range eastward from Waucedah to Escanaba, Michigan: Econ. Geol., v. 9, no. 3, pp. 236-238, 1914; Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 18, geol. ser. 15, pp. 161-164, 1915. 11. Correlation and structure of the pre-Cambrian formations of the Gwinn iron-bearing district of Michigan: Jour. Geol., v. 22, no. 6, pp. 560-573, 270 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY map, 1914; Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 18, geol. ser. 15, pp. 141 -152, 1915. 12. (and Barrett, L. P.) Contributions to the pre-Cambrian geology of northern Michigan and Wisconsin: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 18, geol. ser. 15, pp. 13-164, 11 figs., 12 pls., incl. maps, 1915. 13. (and Barrett, L. P.) A revision of the sequence and structure of the preKeweenawan formations of the eastern Gogebic iron range of Michigan: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 18, geol. ser. 15, pp. 33-61, map, 1915; in part, with discussion by C. K. Leith and R. C. Allen, Jour. Geol., v. 23, no. 8, pp. 689-729, map, 1915. 14. (and Smith, R. A.; Barrett, L. P.) Geological map of Michigan: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 23, geol. ser. 19, scale 1:750,000, 1916. 15. (director) Mineral resources of Michigan with statistical tables of production and value of mineral products for 1915 and prior years: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 21, geol. ser. 17, illus., 1916. 402 pp. Contains: Michigan copper industry in 1915, by W. E. Hopper, pp. 11-56; Iron industry, pp. 57-100; Limestones of Michigan, by R. A. Smith, pp. 101-311; Miscellaneous non-metallic minerals, by R. A. Smith, pp. 315-361; Directory of mineral producers in Michigan for 1915, pp. 365 -383. 16. (and others) Biennial report of the Director, 1914-1916, and report on retracement and permanent monumenting of the Michigan-Ohio boundary: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 22, geol. ser. 18, illus., 1917. 118 pp. 17. (director) Mineral resources of Michigan with statistical tables of production and value of mineral products for 1916 and prior years: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 24, geol. ser. 20, 7 figs., 1917. 291 pp. Contains: Michigan copper industry in 1916, by W. E. Hopper, pp. 15-65; Iron ore industry, pp. 67-112; Portland cement industry, by R. A. Smith, pp. 117-151; Miscellaneous non-metallic minerals, by R. A. Smith, pp. 155-205; Results of deep borings, by R. A. Smith, pp. 211-256; Directory of mineral producers in Michigan for 1916, pp. 257-276. 18. (director) Mineral resources of Michigan with statistical tables of production and value of mineral products for 1917 and prior years: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 27, geol. ser. 22, 2 figs., 1918. 225 pp. Contains: Michigan copper industry in 1917, by W. E. Hopper, pp. 13-76; Iron ore industry, pp. 77-131; Non-metallic minerals of Michigan, by R. A. Smith, pp. 135-192; Directory of mineral producers in Michigan for 1917, pp. 195-212. 19. (executive officer) Board of Geological Survey Report to Budget Commission 1918. 20. (and Arnold, Ralph) Principles of mining taxation: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 61, pp. 649-661, 1920. 21. (director) Mineral resources of Michigan with statistical tables of production and value of mineral products for 1918 and prior years: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 29, geol. ser. 24, 4 figs., 1920. 214 pp, Contains: Michigan copper industry in 1918, by L. P. Barrett, pp. 15-57; Michigan iron ore industry in 1918, by 0. R. Hamilton, pp. 61-114; Non-metallic minerals industry of Michigan 1918, by H. M. Martin, pp. 117-181; Directory of mineral producers in Michigan for 1918, pp. 183-200. 22. Correlation of formations of Huronian group in Michigan [with discussion]: A.I.M.E. Bull., no. 135, pp. 2579-2594, 1 fig., Sept. 1919; Bull. no. 156, pp. 3113-3115, Dec. 1919; Trans., v. 63, pp. 188-212, 1920; Min. and Met., v. 1, no. 157, sec. 12, pp. 1-6, Jan. 1920. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 271 23. (and Martin, H. M.) A brief history of the Geological and Biological Survey of Michigan; 1837 to 1872 by R. C. Allen, 1872 to 1920 by H. M. Martin: Mich. Hist. Mag., v. 6, no. 4, pp. 675-750, portraits, 1922; in part, by H. M. Martin, Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1921), v. 1, pp. 224-247, 2 pls., 1923. Alty, Stella West 1. Secondary crystallization of tourmaline in Lower Devonian sediments in Michigan, U.S.A. [abs.]: British Assoc. Adv. Sci. Rpt., Ann. Mtg., 1932 (102d year), p. 330, 1932; Pan Am. Geol., v. 58, no. 3, pp. 235-236, Oct. 1932. 2. Report of an investigation of Sylvania rocks in oil wells of the Michigan Basin: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1932), v. 18, pp. 289-300, 2 figs., 1933. Report discusses an attempt at correlation by mineral counts and insoluble residues. 3. Some properties of authigenic tourmaline from Lower Devonian sediments: Am. Mineralog., v. 18, no. 8, pp. 351-355, 1 fig., Aug. 1933. Anderson, Alfred L. *1. Memorial of Heinrich Ries: Am. Mineralog., v. 37, nos. 3-4, pp. 264-275, portrait, Mar.-Apr, 1952. Andress, John Edward 1. Michigan's copper country, Keweenaw Peninsula, Lake Superior region: Rocks and Minerals, v. 19, no. 1, pp. 3-6, Jan. 1944. Andrews, Roger M. 1. Department of mineral statistics, annual report 1909, Menominee, 1910. 154 pp. Anonymous 1. Atlas of Tuscola County, Michigan: Published by H. S. Hadsell, Vassar, and E. R. Cookingham, Caro, Tuscola County, Mich., no date. 2. A memoir of Dr. Douglass Houghton; late State Geologist, and Professor of Geology and Chemistry in the University of Michigan: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 5 (v.55), no. 14, pp. 217-227, 1848. 3. The silver of the Lake Superior mineral region: Min. Mag., v. 1, pp. 447 -454, 1853. 4. The copper mines of Lake Superior: Hyde Park, Printed at Norfolk County Gazette Office, 1873. 5. Gogebic iron ore mines: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 43, p. 182, 1887. 6. Atlas of Genesee County, Michigan: Published by E. R. Cookingham, Caro, Mich., 1889. 7. Alexander Winchell, an editorial tribute: Am. Geol., v. 9, no. 2, pp. 71 -148, 1892. 8. Geological writings of Alexander Winchell: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 5, pp. 557-564, 1894. A bibliography of some of Alexander Winchell's articles. Supplementary lists of the writings of Alexander Winchell: Am. Geol., v. 9, pp. 273-276, 1892. 9. The county of Bay, Michigan; maps, history, illustrations and statistics: Bay City, D. A. Bullock & Co., 1896. 10. The Lake Huron region; an early geographical sketch of Lake Huron with accompanying map of interest: Mich. Miner, v. 3, no. 12, pp. 9-14, Nov. 1901. 11. Shaft sinking for salt [Detroit]: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 80, pp. 972-973, 1 fig., Nov. 25, 1905. Describes the encountering of large quantities of strong sulphur water. M. L. F. 272 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 12. Waterworks of Saugatuck, Mich.: Eng. Rec., v. 52, pt. II, no. 24, pp. 665-666, Dec. 9, 1905. Detailed description of the water supply of this village, which is obtained from four wells driven along the bank of the Kalamazoo River. M. L. F. 13. Experimental work with wells at Battle Creek, Michigan: Eng. Rec., v. 51, pt. II, no. 17, p. 502, Apr. 29, 1905. Describes the sinking of wells, the materials passed through, the flow, analyses of the water, and the effect of pumping on the level of the water table at Battle Creek, Mich. The Marshall sandstone is mentioned as containing water-bearing strata. M. L. F. 14. Raphael Pumpelly: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 70, p. 1228, 1924. 15. Obituary of "Jake" Poindexter: Mich. Conserv., v. 14, no. 1, Jan. 1945. Archibald, Ralph S. 1. Exploration for iron ore in the Lake Superior district: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 24, pp. 280-288, 1925. 2. (and Chabot, L. S., Jr.) Development, equipment and operation of the Blueberry mine, Marquette iron district: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 126, pp. 9-26, 9 figs., 1937. Armstrong, F. H.-See Kelly, William, 4; Orbison, T. W., 1. Arnold, Chester Arthur 1. A petrified lepidophyte cone from the Pennsylvanian of Michigan: Am. Jour. Bot., v. 17, no. 10, pp. 1028-1032, 3 figs., Dec. 1930. 2. Cordaitean wood from the Pennsylvanian of Michigan and Ohio: Bot. Gaz., v. 91, no. 1, pp. 77-87, 10 figs., Mar. 1931. 3. On Callixylon newberryi (Dawson) Elkins et Wieland: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 3, no. 12, pp. 207-232, 7 pls., 9 figs., Dec. 18, 1931. 4. A sphenopterid fructification from the Pennsylvanian of Michigan: Bot. Gaz., v. 94, no. 4, pp. 821-825, 3 figs., 1933. 5. A preliminary study of the fossil flora of the Michigan coal basin: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 4, no. 11, pp. 177-204, 7 pls., map, Jan. 15, 1934. 6. Paleobotanical studies in Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1937), v. 23, pp. 95-99, 1938. 7. A heterosporous species of Bowmanites from the Michigan coal basin: Am. Jour. Bot., v. 31, no. 8, pp. 466-469, 9 figs., Oct. 1944; abs., suppl., p. 7, 1944. 8. (and Stanley, G. M.) Pennsylvanian plants from the glacial drift near Jackson, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1945), v. 31, pp. 247-250, index map, 1947. 9. Fossil flora of the Michigan coal basin: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 7, no. 9, pp. 131-269, 34 pls., 2 figs., maps, Dec. 29, 1949. 10. Megaspores from the Michigan coal basin: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 8, no. 5, pp. 59-111, 18 pls., June 2, 1950. Contains systematic descriptions of 15 species of spores, six of which are new, from the coals and shales of the Saginaw and Grand River groups of Pennsylvanian age. Sections on the classification and terminology of spores and on the technique of examination are included. U.S.G.S. Arnold, Ralph-See Allen, R. C., 20. Ash, Arlington D.-See U. S. Geological Survey, 12. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 273 Ashley, George H. *1. (and Fisher, C. A.) The valuation of public coal lands: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 424, 1910. 75 pp. *2. Cannel coal in the United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 659, 1918. 127 pp. Mentions the occurrence of cannel coal in Michigan (p. 69). Atwater, Gordon Ingham 1. A summary of the stratigraphy and structure of the Gogebic iron range. Michigan and Wisconsin, in Kan. Geol. Soc. [Guidebook], Upper Mississippi Valley, 9th Ann. Field Conf., pp. 417-420, 4 figs., 1935. 2. Correlation of the Tyler and the Copps formations of the Gogebic iron district: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 49, no. 2, pp. 151-194, 2 pls., 5 figs., incl. geol. map, Feb. 1, 1938; abs., Proc. (1935), p. 63, June 1936. Averitt, Paul 1. (and Berryhill, L. R.) Coal resources of the United States; a progress report, Nov. 1, 1950: U. S. Geol. Survey Circ. 94, illus., Dec. 1950. 33 pp. Continued work has resulted in a re-appraisal of coal reserves, with more detailed estimates of the reserves of Michigan... U.S.G.S. Avery, William M. 1. Sand and gravel plant reflects owner's mechanical ingenuity: Pit and Quarry, v. 46, no. 2, pp. 97-100, Aug. 1953. Discusses operation of a gravel pit near Traverse City, Michigan. 2. Aetna Portland Cement adds fourth kiln at Bay City: Pit and Quarry, v. 47, no. 1, pp. 71-74, July 1954. Ayer, F. A. 1. White Pine mine, potential major copper producer: Min. Cong. Jour., v. 36, pp. 26-30, 55, 1950. Ayres, Vincent L.-See also Snelgrove, A. K., 2. 1. (and Higgins, W. D.) Differentiation in xenolithic lamprophyre dikes at Marquette, Michigan: Jour. Geol., v. 47, no. 6, pp. 561-582, 10 figs., Aug.Sept. 1939. 2. Stilpnomelane, nontronite, and halloysite from northern Michigan [abs.]: Am. Mineralog., v. 24, no. 12, pt. II, p. 2, Dec. 1939; v. 25, no. 3, p. 203, Mar. 1940. 3. Mineral notes from the Michigan iron country: Am. Mineralog., v. 25, no. 6, pp. 432-434, June 1940. Bacon, L. 0. 1. (and Wyble, D. 0.) Gravity investigations in the Iron River-Crystal Falls mining district of Michigan: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 193 (mining branch), pp. 973-979, 7 figs., 1952; Min. Eng., Oct. 1952. Bacon, Leslie R. 1. Minerals in the dolomite at Monroe, Michigan: Mich. Mineralog. Soc. Yearb. 1946, pp. 10-11, 1 fig., 1946. Badenoch, Byrne M.-See Case, E. C, 5. Bagg, Rufus Mather *1. Well, well, well! The story of three extraordinary holes that were dug in the ground: Nat. Hist., v. 53, no. 10, pp. 455, 483, 1 fig., Dec. 1944. This article, written in popular style, briefly discusses the George Fuhriman well, Rapid River, Michigan. 274 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Baker, Frank Collins 1. Notes on postglacial Mollusca; I Emmet Co., Michigan; II Waukesha Co., Wisconsin: Nautilus, v. 27, pp. 7-8, 68, 1913. Baldwin, Donald Carl 1. Late Pleistocene clays of the Sault Ste. Marie area and vicinity: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Ill., Urbana, 1951. 60 pp. Unpublished. Ball, Max Waite 1. (and others) Shoestring gas fields of Michigan, in Stratigraphic type oil fields, Levorsen ed., pp. 237-266, 14 figs., incl. index and isopach maps: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., 1941; abs., Oil and Gas Jour., v. 39, no. 47, p. 66, Apr. 3, 1941; Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 25, no. 5, pp. 942 -943, May 1941. Ballard, Norval 1. Stratigraphy and structural history of east-central United States: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 22, no. 11, pp. 1519-1559, 3 figs., correlation tables, Nov. 1938. Balsley, James Robinson, Jr.-See also Dutton, C. E., 5; U. S. Geological Survey, 13; Wier, K. L., 3. 1. (and James, H. L.; Wier, K. L.) Aeromagnetic survey of parts of Baraga, Iron and Houghton counties, Michigan, with preliminary geologic interpretation: U. S. Geol. Survey, Geophys. Inv., profiles and text, 1949. Barnes, George Orville 1. Field notes... on the Ontonagon district [Lake Superior region]: U. S. 31st Cong., 1st Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 1, pt. III; House Ex. Doc. 5, pt. III, pp. 627-636, 1849. 2. Report [on field work in Keweenaw Point region, Lake Superior]: U. S. 31st Cong., 1st Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 1, pt. III; House Ex. Doc. 5, pt. III, pp. 509-514, 1849. Barrett, Leslie Park-See also Allen, R. C., 9, 12, 13, 14, 21; Smith, R. A., 4, 7, 8; U. S. Geological Survey, 13. 1. Michigan iron mining industry: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 24, pp. 182-199, 1925. 2. Huronian slate areas of northeastern Baraga County [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 38, no. 1, p. 117, Mar. 30, 1927; Pan Am. Geol., v. 47, no. 1, pp. 68-69, Feb. 1927. 3. (and Pardee, F. G.; Osgood, Wayland) Geological map of Iron County, scale 1 inch=2 miles: Mich. Geol. Survey, 1929. Barris, Willis Hervey 1. Description of some new blastoids from the Hamilton group: Ill. Geol. Survey, v. 7, pp. 357-364, illus., 1883; Davenport Acad. Sci. Proc., v. 4, pp. 88-94, illus., 1884. 2. Description of some new crinoids from the Hamilton group [of Michigan]: Davenport Acad. Sci. Proc., v. 4, pp. 98-101, illus., 1884. Bartlett, Harley Harris 1. Fossils of the Carboniferous coal pebbles of the glacial drift at Ann Arbor: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1928), v. 9, pp. 11-28, 23 pls., Mar. 1929. Bartley, Melville William-See Roberts, H. M., 1. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 275 Bassett, Charles Fernando 1. Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Dundee limestone of southeastern Michigan: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 46, no. 3, pp. 425-462, 1 fig., 7 pls., Mar. 31, 1935; abs., Proc. (1933), p. 379, June 1934. Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, 1933. Bassler, Ray S. "*1. Bibliographic index of American Ordovician and Silurian fossils: U. S. Natl. Mus. Bull. 92, 2 v., 1915. 1521 pp. Bath, Gordon D. 1. Magnetic base stations in Lake Superior iron districts: U. S. Bur. Mines Rpt. Inv. 4804, Sept. 1951. 16 pp. Bauerman, Hilary 1. Remarks on the copper mines of the state of Michigan: Geol. Soc. London Quart. Jour., v. 22, pp. 448-463, 1866; abs., Geol. Mag., v. 3, pp. 225-226, 1866. Baxter, Charles H. 1. Diversion of the Sturgeon River at the Loretto mine: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 16, pp. 168-170, 1911. 2. (and others) Mining methods on the Menominee iron range: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 21, pp. 8-60, 258-259, illus., 1917. Contains: Methods of mining at the Chapin mine, by W. C. Gordon, pp. 9-24; The block-caving system used at the Pewabic mine, by A. J. Myers, pp. 25-28; The method of mining at the Loretto mine, by C. H. Baxter, pp. 29-32; Mining methods in the Iron River district of Michigan, by Rudolph Ericson, pp. 33-39; The method of opening and mining the Davidson No. 2 mine, by Rudolph Ericson, pp. 40-45; The sub-stoping method of mining as used at the Chatham mine, by F. J. Smith, pp. 46-49; Mining methods in the Crystal Falls, Amasa and Florence districts, by M. E. Richards, pp. 50-51; Sub-stoping at the Amasa-Porter mine, by M. E. Richards, pp. 52-55; Mining methods in the Florence district, by J. M. Riddell, pp. 56-60; Mining methods used at the Bristol mine, Crystal Falls, Michigan, by Arvid Bjork, pp. 258-259. Bay, James William 1. Abandoned channels of the lower Huron River, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1934), v. 20, pp. 435-438, map, 1935. 2. Glacial-lake levels indicated by terraces of the Huron, Rouge, and Clinton rivers, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1936), v. 22, pp. 411-419, 4 pls., 2 figs., incl. geol. and index maps, 1937. 3. Glacial history of the streams of southeastern Michigan: Cranbrook Inst. Sci. Bull. 12, 4 pls., 11 figs., incl. geol. maps, May 1938. 68 pp.- - - 4. Minerals in the sandstone at Rockwood, Michigan: Mich. Mineralog. Soc. Yearb. 1946, pp. 8-9, 1 fig., 1946. Bayley, William Shirley-See also Clements, J. M., 5; Van Hise, C. R., 15, 16. "*1. The basic massive rocks of the Lake Superior region: Jour. Geol., v. 1, no. 5, pp. 433-456, no. 6, pp. 587-596, no. 7, pp. 688-716, 1893; v. 2, no. 8, pp. 814-825, 1894; v. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-20, 1895. 2. The geological features of the Menominee iron district of Michigan [abs.]: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc., v. 49, pp. 189-190, 1900; Sci., new ser., v. 12, no. 313, pp. 992-993, 1900. 3. The Menominee iron-bearing district of Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey Mon. 46, maps, 1904. 513 pp. 276 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Beauclair, W. A. 1. Paleontology and stratigraphy of two well cores in the Middle Devonian rocks of Clare County, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, June 1951. Unpublished. Becker, Hans 1. Die prlikambrische Geschichte des Lake Superior-Gebietes, Nordamerika [The pre-Cambrian history of the Lake Superior area, North America]: Geologische Rundschau, Band 22, Heft 6, pp. 385-411, 4 figs., 1 pl., incl. map, Dec. 12, 1931. Beeker, Ralph E. 1. Chemical variations in Dundee brine and their relation to structure: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Sept. 1940. Unpublished. Beers, C. M.-See Steele, G. E., 1. Beers, Roland F. 1. Radioactivity and organic content of some Paleozoic shales: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 29, no. 1, pp. 1-22, Jan. 1945. Contains analyses of Coldwater, Sunbury, Antrim and adjacent formations. Bell, Robert 1. Notes on a visit to Michigan, U.S.A. regarding geological nomenclature. Geol. Sur. of Canada. Pub. 353, 1894. 2. The geological history of Lake Superior: Can. Inst. Trans., v. 6, pp. 45-60, 1899. Bell, William H. 1. Mineral lands of the upper Mississippi: U. S. 28th Cong., 1st Sess., House Ex. Doc. 43, 1844. 52 pp. Benedict, A. C. 1. The Bayport, Michigan quarries: Stone, v. 17, pp. 153-164, 1898. Benedict, C. H. 1. (and Kenny, H. C.) Ammonia leaching of Calumet and Hecla tailings: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 70, pp. 595-610, 1924. 2. Calumet & Hecla reclamation plant: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 24, pp. 68-88, 1925. 3. Milling method and cost at the Conglomerate mill of the Calumet and Hecla Consolidated Copper Co.: U. S. Bur. Mines Inf. Circ. 6364, 11 figs., 1930. 22 pp. Gives detailed account of various steps in milling practice at establishment with capacity of 33,000 tons of ore daily. U.S.B.M. 4. Methods and costs of treatment at the Calumet and Hecla reclamation plant: U. S. Bur. Mines Inf. Circ. 6357, 3 figs., 1930. 11 pp. Describes milling methods evolved during 15 years of operation. Plant discussed is one of the largest devoted to treatment of concentrator wastes. U.S.B.M. Bennett, W. R.-See Lane, A. C., 68. Bergquist, Stanard Gustaf-See also Poindexter, O. F., 12. 1. Some aspects of marl deposits in Oceana County: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1927), v. 8, pp. 279-284, 1928; Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, entitled Report on marl deposits of Oceana County, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, June 1927. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 277 2. The occurrence of glauconite in the Hermansville formation of Alger County, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1929), v. 12, pp. 231-237, 1930. 3. Surface geology of Luce County, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1930), v. 14, pp. 437-452, 1 fig., 6 pls., incl. map, 1931. 4. Glacial geology of Iron County, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1931), v. 16, pp. 363-372, 7 pls., incl. maps, 1932. 5. Unconformities in the valley-train deposition cycle in northern Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Proc. (1933), p. 65, 1934. 6. Valley-train deposits in the Northern Peninsula of Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1934), v. 20, pp. 439-447, 4 pls., incl. geol. map, 1935. 7. The Pleistocene history of the Tahquamenon and Manistique drainage region of the Northern Peninsula of Michigan, in Occasional papers on the geology of Michigan: Mich. Geol. Survey, pub. 40, geol. ser. 34, pt. I, pp. 7-148, 7 p1s., 59 figs., incl. geol. and index maps, 1936; rev., Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 21, no. 12, pp. 1597-1600, Dec. 1937. Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, 1933. 8. The Grand Sable dunes on Lake Superior, Alger County, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1935), v. 21, pp. 429-438, 5 pls., 4 figs., incl. geol. map, 1936. 9. Mineral resources, in Michigan Today, pp. 65-109: Mich. Dept. Public Instruction, Bull. no. 307, 1937. 10. The Cambrian-Ozarkian contact in Alger County, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1936), v. 22, pp. 421-435, 8 pls., 1 fig., incl. geol. and index maps, 1937. 11. Relic flora in relation to glaciation in the Keweenaw Peninsula of Michigan: Sci., new ser., v. 86, no. 2220, pp. 53-55, July 16, 1937. 12. Presidential Address, "Natural gas developments in Michigan": Mich. Acad. Sci. 40th Ann. Rpt., pp. 47-68, Mar. 1938. 13. The occurrence of spore coal in the Williamston basin, Michigan: Jour. Sed. Petr., v. 9, no. 1, pp. 14-19, 7 figs., incl. index map, Apr. 1939. 14. Surface geology of Montmorency County, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1939), v. 25, pp. 453-463, 8 figs., incl. maps, 1940. 15. Glacial evolution of Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 52, no. 12, pt. II, p. 2022, Dec. 1, 1941. 16. The distribution of drumlins in Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1941), v. 27, pp. 451-464, 2 figs., 1942. Contains a bibliography on drumlins. 17. New drumlin areas in Cheboygan and Presque Isle counties, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1942), v. 28, pp. 481-485, index map, 1943. 18. Memorial to Frank Leverett: SciL, v. 99, no.-2573, pp. 312-313, Apr. 21, 1944. 19. High-level clays in the Port Huron morainic system in Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 57, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1263, Dec. 1946; Proc. (1947), p. 264, 1946. 20. Glacial evolution of the Grand River in Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 59, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1311, Dec. 1948; Proc. (1948), p. 7, 1949. 21. Pleistocene complex in the northern rim of the Southern Peninsula of Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 63, no. 12, pt. II, pp. 1234-1235, Dec. 1952. 22. An unusual occurrence of varved deposits in southwestern Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1950), v. 36, pp. 197-202, 1 fig., 2 pls., 1952. 278 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 23. Red drift of the Manistee moraine in Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 64, no. 12, pt. II, pp. 1394-1395, Dec. 1953. Berkey, Charles P. *1. Paleogeography of Saint Peter time: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 17, 6 figs., 1 pl., pp. 229-250, June 8, 1906. Berner, Paul C. 1. The petrography and structure of "Bald Knob", Huron Mountains, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Wayne Univ., Detroit, Jan. 1952. Unpublished. Berner, Ruth E. 1. New species of Favosites from the Niagaran series of Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, 1930. Unpublished. Berryhill, Louise Russell-See Averitt, Paul, 1. Berteling, John F. 1. Notes on mining the North Palms ore body: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 25, pp. 52-62, illus., 1926. Best, Byron G. 1. The Gogebic range mines of the Oliver Iron Mining Company: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 25, pp. 75-111, 22 figs., 1926. Beutner, Edward Louis-See also Kelly, W. A., 4. 1. Intrusive rocks of the Marenisco range, Michigan and Wisconsin: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Northwestern Univ., Evanston, Ill., 1932. 51 pp. Unpublished. Bhatt, Kireet J. 1. Geology of Mount Bohemia, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. Eng., Mich. College Min. Tech., Houghton, 1952. 53 pp. Unpublished. Biddle, H. C. 1. The deposition of copper by solutions of ferrous salts: Jour. Geol., v. 9, no. 5, pp. 430-436, 1901. An explanation of the genesis of the large deposits of native copper. Bignell, L. G. E. 1. Michigan limestone formations suited for salt water disposal: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 36, no. 30, pp. 55, 57, Dec. 9, 1937. Bigsby, John Jeremiah 1. Geological and mineralogical observations along northwest portion of Lake Huron: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 3, pp. 254-272, 1821. 2. Notes on the geography and geology of Lake Huron [region]: Geol. Soc. London Trans., ser. 2, v. 1, pp. 175-209, 1824. 3. Notes on the geography and geology of Lake Superior [region]: Quart. Jour. Sci., v. 18, pp. 1-34, 228-269, 1824-1825; abs., Bull. des sciences naturelles et de geologie, v. 7, pp. 8-13, 1826. 4. On the physical geography, geology, and commercial resources of Lake Superior [region]: Royal Inst. Great Britain Proc., v. 1, pp. 154-162, 1852; Edinburgh, New Philos. Jour., v. 53, pp. 55-62, 1852. 5. Region of Lake Superior: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 14 (v.64), no. 40, p. 138, 1852. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 279 Billings, Norman F.-See also U. S. Geological Survey, 12. 1. Ways sought to control wave action: Mich. Conserv., v. 15, no. 7, pp. 5, 11, Aug. 1946. Article written in popular style. 2. Relation of geology to ground water in Michigan: Am. Water Works Assoc. Jour., v. 38, no. 12, pp. 1373-1379, geol. map., Dec. 1946. 3. Is it true what they say about water? Mich. Conserv., v. 18, nos. 4-5, July-Aug., Sept.-Oct. 1949; v. 19, nos. 1-2, Jan.-Feb., Mar.-Apr. 1950. Article written in popular style. Bingham, Marjorie T. 1. Surface formations of Oakland County, in The flora of Oakland County, Michigan: Cranbrook Inst. Sci. Bull. 22, map, scale approx. 1 inch = 2 miles, May 1945. Birch, Francis 1. Thermal conductivity, climatic variations, and heat flow near Calumet, Michigan: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 252, no. 1, pp. 1-25, 5 figs., Jan. 1954. Birdseye, C. H. 1. (and others) Triangulation and primary traverse, 1916-1918: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 709, 1923. 914 pp. Contains: Primary traverse in Michigan, pp. 187-209 (Bull. 709 F). Birkinbine, John 1. The resources of the Lake Superior region: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 16, pp. 168-203, 1887. 2. The iron ore supply: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 27, pp. 519-528, 1897. *3. The United States iron industry from 1871-1910: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 42, pp. 222-235, 1911. *4. The reserves of iron ore for the United States: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 50, pp. 197-203, 1914. Bishop, Margaret Stearns-See also Stearns, M. D., 1, 2. 1. Isopachous studies of Ellsworth to Traverse limestone section of southwestern Michigan: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 24, no. 12, pp. 2150 -2162, 8 figs., incl. index and isopach maps, Dec. 1940; abs., Oil and Gas Jour., v. 38, no. 48, p. 50, Apr. 11, 1940. Bjork, Arvid-See Baxter, C. H., 2. Blackwell, Frank-See also Olsen, 0. E., 1. 1. The sinking of a vertical shaft at the Palms mine of the Newport Mining Co., at Bessemer, Michigan [with discussion]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 19, pp. 116-130, illus., 1914. Blake, W.-P. 1. The mass copper of the Lake Superior mines, and the method of mining it: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 4, pp. 110-112, 1876. Blandy, John F.-See also Williams, C. P., 1. 1. Topography with especial reference to the Lake Superior copper district: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 1, pp. 75-82, 1873. 2. Stamp mills of Lake Superior: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 2, pp. 208-215, 1874. 3. The origin of the native copper in the Michigan deposits: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 70, pp. 278-279, 1900. Bond, William, Capt. 1. Sinking "C" shaft, West Vulcan: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 2, pp. 105-110, 1894. 280 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Booth, John C. 1. (and Hulbert, E. J.) Geological and topographical map of the mineral district of Lake Superior, Michigan, New York, 1855. Borie, Jules 1. Notice sur le lac Sup6rieur et ses mines de cuivre de la rive am6ricaine [Notice of Lake Superior and the copper mines of the American shore]: Societd de I'industrie minerale Bull. 6, pp. 233-284, 1860; Bull. 7, pp. 185-251, 1861; Bull. 8, pp. 270-271, 1862; Allegemeine berg-und hiittenmiinnische Zeitung 4, pp. 448-450, 457-460, 469-471, 1862. Boss, C. M. 1. Some dike features of the Gogebic iron range [with discussion]: A.I.M.E, Trans. (1897), v. 27, pp. 556-563, 978, 1898. Bowers, R. W. 1. Method of sampling ores on the Marquette range: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 72, pp. 657-658, 1925. Bowman, Isaiah 1. A typical case of stream capture in Michigan: Jour. Geol., v. 12, no. 4, pp. 326-334, map, 1904. Bownocker, J. A.--See Campbell, M. R., 1. Brabb, Earl E. 1. Description of Whittlesey beach sediments, Ann Arbor area, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, June 1952. Unpublished. Bradish, Alva 1. Memoir of Douglass Houghton, first State Geologist of Michigan; with an appendix containing reports or abstracts of the first geological survey, a chronological statement of the progress of geological exploration in Michigan, portrait, Detroit, 1889. 302 pp. Brady, Michael B. 1. A petrographic and structural study of an area in the Huron Mountains, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Wayne Univ., Detroit, June 1952. Unpublished. Branson, E. B. *1. Origin of thick gypsum and salt deposits: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 26, pp. 231-242, 5 figs., June 28, 1915. Brater, Ernest Frederick 1. Beach erosion in Michigan: Mich. Univ., Eng. Research Inst., Lake Hydraulics Lab., Research Pub. 2, illus., Nov. 1, 1950. 39 pp. General comments and notes on beach erosion processes, waves, currents, protective and remedial measures, and research at the Lake Hydraulics Laboratory, with particular attention to the problems of Michigan shore lines. U.S.G.S. Bretz, J. Harlen 1. Glacial features of Genesee County: The Schoolmaster, pp. 482-487, 530-539, Feb.-Mar., no date. 2. Geology of the beach phenomena of Lake Michigan [with discussion]: Shore and Beach, v. 12, no. 2, pp. 31-40, Oct. 1944. 3. The stages of Lake Chicago; their causes and correlations: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 249, no. 6, pp. 401-429, 2 figs., June 1951. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 281 4. Causes of the glacial lake stages in Saginaw basin, Michigan: Jour. Geol., v. 59, no. 3, pp. 244-258, 3 figs., 1951. 5. Glacial Grand River, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1952), v. 38, pp. 359-382, 4 figs., 1953. Brewer, Carl 1. List of iron mining properties of Michigan and Wisconsin: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 19, pp. 252-268, 1914. Briggs, Louis I., Jr.--See also Deliwig, L. F., 1. 1. (and Lucas, P. T.) Mechanism of Salina salt deposition in the Michigan Basin labs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 65, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1233, Dec. 1954. Brigham, Edward Morris 1. Concerning a granite pebble included in a varved pre-Cambrian sediment:,Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1931), v. 16, pp. 373-378, 1 fig., 1 pl., 1932. Brinsmade, Robert Bruce 1. The great iron fields of the Lake Superior district: Min. Sci., v. 58, pp. 425-427, 444-446, 465-467, 484-485, 505-507, 528-530, 1908; v. 59, pp. 127-129, 149-151, 304-306, 325-327, map, 1909. 2. The Michigan copper mines and methods: Min. World, v. 32, pp. 549 -552, 1910. Bristol, T. W.-See Houghton, Jacob, Jr., 2. Broan, J. M. 1. Sinking of the Woodbury shaft at the Newport mine, Ironwood, Michigan [with discussion]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 20, pp. 37-53, illus., 1915. Broderick, Thomas Monteith-See also Hotchkiss, W. 0., 7. 1. (and Hohl, C. D.) Geophysical methods applied to exploration and geologic mapping in the Michigan copper district: Econ. Geol., v. 23, no. 5, pp. 489-514, 1928; Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 26, pp. 65-84, 1926; a communication, Magnetic surveys in Michigan copper country, Econ. Geol., v. 34, no. 5, p. 581, 1939. 2. Zoning in Michigan copper deposits and its significance: Econ. Geol., v. 24, no. 2, pp. 149-162, 3 figs., Mar.-Apr. 1929; no. 3, pp. 311-326, 5 figs., May 1929; discussion, v. 25, no. 3, pp. 285-286, May 1930. A study of the changes of the ratio of arsenic to copper with depth and its use in placing the lode deposits of native copper in zonal relationship to each other. Includes genetic classification of Michigan copper deposits. 3. (and Hohl, C. D.) Geology and exploration in the Michigan copper district: Min.- Cong.-Jour., v. 17, no. 10,- pp. 478-481,-486, 2 figs., Oct. 1931. 4. Fissure vein and lode relations in Michigan copper deposits: Econ. Geol., v. 26, no. 8, pp. 840-856, 7 figs., Dec. 1931. 5. Differentiation in lavas of the Michigan Keweenawan: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 46, no. 4, pp. 503-558, 22 figs., Apr. 30, 1935; Mich. College Min. Tech. Bull., new ser., v. 8, no. 4, pp. 503-558, 22 figs., July 1935; abs., with discussion, Geol. Soc. Am. Proc. (1933), pp. 69-70, June 1934. 6. (and Hohl, C. D.) Differentiation in traps and ore deposition: Econ. Geol., v. 30, no. 3, pp. 301-312, 2 figs., May 1935; Mich. College Min. Tech. Bull., new ser., v. 8, no. 4; pp. 301-312, 2 figs., July 1935; discussion, Econ. Geol., v. 30, no. 8, pp. 924-927, 1935. Discusses differentiation in the Keweenawan lava flows and its bearing on copper deposition. 282 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 7. (and Hohl, C. D.) The Michigan copper district, in Copper resources of the world, pp. 271-284, 2 figs., incl. geol. map, 16th Internat. Geol. Cong., Washington, D. C., 1935. 8. Application of geology to problems of iron ore concentration [with discussion]: Mich. College Min. Tech. Bull., v. 6, no. 4, July 1933; A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 115, pp. 273-289, 7 figs., 1935; Contr., no. 20, 7 figs., 1933. 17 pp. 9. Geology of the Ropes gold mine, Marquette County, Michigan: Econ. Geol., v. 40, no. 2, pp. 115-128, 1945; abs., v. 34, no. 8, pp. 939-940, Dec. 1939. 10. (and Hohl, C. D.; Eidemiller, H. N.) Recent contributions to the geology of the Michigan copper district: Econ. Geol., v. 41, no. 7, pp. 675-725, 11 figs., incl. index maps, Nov. 1946. 11. The origin of Michigan copper deposits [with discussion]: Econ. Geol., v. 47, no. 2, pp. 215-219, Mar.-Apr. 1952. Broman, William H. 1. Geophysical investigation of the Bear Lake area, Houghton County, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Phys., Mich. College Min. Tech., Houghton, 1953. 68 pp. Unpublished. Brooke, Gerald L. 1. Sub-Huronian (Timiskaming) sediments of the Lake Enchantment area, Marquette County, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1951. 44 pp. Unpublished. Brooks, Thomas Benton 1. On the use of the magnetic needle in mineral explorations on Lake Superior: Paper read before Am. Philos. Soc., Apr. 1872. 2. An analysis of the cost and description of the methods of mining employed in the Marquette iron region, Lake Superior, Michigan: Paper read before Am. Soc. Civil Eng., Mar. 6, 1872. 3. (and Pumpelly, Raphael) On the age of the copper-bearing rocks of Lake Superior: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 3 (v.103), no. 18, pp. 428-432, 1872. 4. The method and cost of mining the red specular and magnetic ores of the Marquette iron region of Lake Superior [with discussion]: A.I.M.E., v. 1, pp. 193-202, 1873. 5. (and Julien, A. A.; and others) Upper Peninsula; pt. I, Iron-bearing rocks (economic): Mich. Geol. Survey, v. 1, 1873. 319 pp. Correction, entitled Geology of the Marquette iron range, Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 41 (v.141), no. 242, p. 160, 1891. Pt. II, v. 2, appendices to pt. I, v. 1, is largely lithologic descriptions of hand specimens. 1873. 298 pp. 6. On the youngest Huronian rocks south of Lake Superior and the age of the copper-bearing series: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 11 (v.111), no. 63, pp. 206-211, 1876; note, no. 66, p. 493, 1876. 7. Classified list of the rocks observed in the Huronian series, south of Lake Superior, with remarks on their abundance, transitions, and geographical distribution; also a tabular presentation of the sequence of the beds, with an hypothesis of equivalency: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 12 (v. 112), no. 69, pp. 194-204, 1876. 8. Huronian rocks of the Lake Superior region described by Major Brooks: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 13 (v.113), no. 75, p. 245, 1877. Title, and reference to 30 thin sections. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 283 9. Sketch of the Laurentian rocks of Michigan, in The geology of the Menominee iron region, Oconto County, Wisconsin; pt. VII, Geology of Wisconsin: Wis. Geol. Survey, v. 3, pp. 661-663, 1880. Broughton, Samuel H. 1. Remarks on the mining interest and details of the geology of Ontonagon County, map, Philadelphia, 1863. 24 pp. Brown, E. A.-See also Stuart, W. T., 6. 1. (and Stuart, W. T.) Ground-water resources of the glacial deposits, Bessemer area, Michigan: Mich. Geol. Survey Prog. Rpt. 14, prepared in cooperation with U. S. Geol. Survey, 8 figs., incl. index map, 6 tables, June 1951. 68 pp. Brown, E. F. 1. Distribution of phosphorus and system of sampling at the Pewabic mine, Iron Mountain, Michigan: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 3, pp. 49-55, 1895. 2. A system of mining ore bodies of uniform grade: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 5, pp. 40-45, 1898. Brown, George Granger 1. Clays and shales of Michigan and their uses: Mich. Geol. Survey, pub. 36, geol. ser. 30, 69 figs., 41 pls., incl. map, 1926. 444 pp. 2. Molding sands of Michigan and their uses: Mich. Geol. Survey, pub. 41, geol. ser. 35, 31 figs., tables, 1936. 262 pp. Brown, Julia Wilson-See Ehlers, G. M., 12. Browne, David H. 1. The distribution of phosphorus in the Ludington mine, Iron Mountain, Michigan; a study in isochemic lines: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 17, pp. 616 -632, 1889; Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 37 (v.137), pp. 299-310, 1889; abs., entitled Isochemic lines in ore deposits, Eng. Min. Jour., v. 49, pp. 446 -448, 1890. Bruce, E. L. "*1. Pre-Cambrian iron formations: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 56, no. 6, pp. 589-602, June 1945. Buell, John L. 1. Menominee range: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 11, pp. 38-49, 1906. Burbank, Wilbur Swett-See Butler, B. S., 1. Burchard, E. F.-See McCasky, H. D., 1. Burgess, Curtis W. 1. Devonian stratigraphy and faunas of two cores from Antrim and Crawford counties, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Dec. 1950. Unpublished. Burr, Floyd L. 1. Square set mining at the Vulcan mines: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 16, pp. 144-155, 5 figs., 1911. Burt, E. M.-See Ferris, J. G., 4. Burt, William A.-See also Houghton, Jacob, Jr., 2. 1. Topography and geology of the survey of a district of township lines, south of Lake Superior, 1845: U. S. 29th Cong., 1st Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 357, pp. 2-19, 1846. 284 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 2. Geological report of survey [in Lake Superior region]: U. S. 31st Cong., 1st Sess., Senate Ex. Doe. 1, pt. III; House Ex. Doc. 5, pt. III, pp. 811-832, 842-875, 933-935, maps, 1849. Butler, Bert Sylvenus-See also Gardner, E. D., 1. 1. (and Burbank, W. S.; and others) The copper deposits of Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 144, 18 figs., 75 pls., incl. maps, 1929. 238 pp. Rev., Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 37, pp. 76-83, 1929. Cahn, Alvin Robert 1. Records and distribution of the fossil beaver Castoroides ohioensis: Jour. Mammalogy, v. 13, no. 3, pp. 229-241, 1932. 2. Further notes on the giant beaver [Castoroides ohioensis]: Jour. Mammalogy, v. 17, no. 1, pp. 66-67, Feb. 1936. Cain, Louise G.--See Cain, S. A., 2. Cain, Stanley Adair 1. Pollen grains write history: Earth Sci. Digest, v. 2, no. 5, pp. 9-11, illus., Jan.-Feb. 1948. 2. (and Cain, L. G.; Slater, J. V.) Palynological studies at Sodon Lake, Michigan; pt. I, Size-frequency study of fossil spruce pollen: Sci., v. 108, no. 2796, pp. 115-117, illus., incl. index map, July 30, 1948. Pt. II, Sizefrequency studies of pine pollen, fossil and modern: Am. Jour. Bot., v. 35, no. 9, pp. 583-590, illus., Nov. 1948. Pt. III, The sequence of pollen spectra, profile 1: Ecology, v. 29, no. 4, pp. 492-500, illus., Oct. 1948. Callender, John A. 1. The Lake Superior copper mines: Min. Mag., v. 2, pp. 249-253, 1854. Calver, James Lewis 1. Roundness of grains in western Michigan dune sands: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1939), v. 25, pp. 465-471, 3 figs., 1940. 2. The glacial and post-glacial history of the Platte and Crystal lake depressions, Benzie County, Michigan, in Occasional papers for 1946 on the geology of Michigan: Mich. Geol. Survey, pub. 45, geol. ser. 38, pt. II, illus., incl. geol. map, 1947. 70 pp. Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Feb. 1942. Calvert, Floyd A. 1. Legal history of conservation of oil and gas in Michigan, in Legal history of conservation of oil and gas, a symposium, pp. 75-90, Section of Mineral Law, American Bar Association, Dec. 1938. Campau, Donald Edmund 1. The stratigraphic distribution of Ostracoda within the Traverse formation of the Michigan Basin: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1950. 50 pp. Unpublished. Campbell, Colin A. 1. (and Van Evera, R. W.) Recent drilling trends at Calumet & Hecla: Min. Cong. Jour., v. 40, no. 5, pp. 26-28, 79, May 1954. Campbell, James M.-See Slaughter, J. L., 1. Campbell, Marius R. *1. (and Bownocker, J. A.) The coal fields of the United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 100, 1929. 101 pp. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 285 Campbell, Robert E. 1. Geophysical investigation of the Silver Mountain area, Houghton County, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Phys., Mich. College Min. Tech., Houghton, 1952. 64 pp. Unpublished. Carlson, Charles Gordon 1. Geology of the Saginaw oil field, Michigan, and discussion of Michigan's oil prospects, in Structure of typical American oil fields, v. 1, pp. 105-111, 3 figs.: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., 1929; Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 11, no. 9, pp. 959-965, 3 figs., Sept. 1927. 2. Bitumen in Nonesuch formation of Keweenawan series of northern Michigan: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 16, no. 8, pp. 737-740, 2 figs., Aug. 1932. 3. Important Michigan production: World Petrol., pp. 211-214, July 1933. Carlson, Emery T.-See Sorensen, H. 0., 1. Carman, J. Ernest 1. Sylvania sandstone of northwestern Ohio: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 47, no. 2, pp. 253-266, 1 pl., 5 figs., Feb. 29, 1936. Contains also some discussion of the Sylvania in Michigan. Case, Ermine Cowles 1. On a nearly complete skull of Symbos cavifrons Leidy from Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Zool. Occ. Papers, no. 13, illus., 1915. 3 pp. 2. (and Robinson, W. I.) The geology of Limestone Mountain and Sherman Hill in Houghton County, Michigan: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 18, geol. ser. 15, pp. 165-181, 1915; in part, Jour. Geol., v. 23, no. 3, pp. 256 -260, 1915. A discussion of three Paleozoic outliers of residual dolomite; faunal lists. 3. The coral seas of Michigan: Nat. Hist., v. 27, no. 5, pp. 420-429, 7 figs., Sept.-Oct. 1927. 4. Arthrodiran remains from the Devonian of Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 3, no. 9, pp. 163-182, 13 figs., 5 pls., Dec. 18, 1931. 5. (and Scott, I. D.; Badenoch, B. M.; White, T. E.) Discovery of Elephas primigenius americanus in the bed of glacial Lake Mogodore, in Cass County, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1934), v. 20, pp. 449-454, 2 figs., maps, 1935. 6. (and Stanley, G. M.) The Bloomfield Hills mastodon: Cranbrook Inst. Sci. Bull. 4, 5 pls., 1 fig., Oct. 1935. 8 pp. Case, Leslie Cline 1. Exceptional Silurian brine near Bay City, Michigan: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 29, no. 5, pp. 567-570, May 1945. Catlin, J. Mortimer 1. Large mass of native copper: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 27, no. 2, p. 381, 1835. Cayeux, L. 1. Existence de restes organiques dans les roches ferrugineuses associees aux minerais de fer huroniens des Stats-Unis [Existence of organic remains in the ferruginous rocks associated with the Huronian iron minerals of the United States]: Acad6mie des sciences, Comptes rendus, v. 153, pp. 910-912, Paris, 1911. Chabot, L. S., Jr.-See also Archibald, R. S., 2. 1. Field blasting at the Volunteer mine: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 27, pp. 259-270, 1929. 286 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 2. The development, mining and caving of the east orebody Blueberry mine: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 29, pp. 124-130, 1936. Chamberlain, Leonard C., Jr. 1. (and Fitzgerald, P. E.) Acidizing in Michigan, 1932-37: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1937), v. 23, pp. 409-417, 7 figs., 3 pls., 1938. Chamberlin, Rollin Thomas 1. The gases in rocks: Jour. Geol., v. 17, no. 6, pp. 534-568, 1909. Contains analyses of some Michigan rocks; abs., Sci., new ser., v. 27, pp. 731-732, 1908. 2. Shifting orogenic belts of the southern Canadian Shield: Jour. Geol., v. 45, no. 6, pp. 663-681, 1937. Chamberlin, Thomas Chrowder-See also Irving, R. D., 10, 11. 1. Preliminary paper on the terminal moraine of the second glacial epoch: U. S. Geol. Survey, 3d Ann. Rpt., pp. 291-402, 1881-1882. 2. The copper-bearing series of Lake Superior: Sci., v. 1, pp. 453-455, 1883. 3. Roland Duer Irving: Am. Geol., v. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-6, 1889; Wis. Acad. Sci. Trans., v. 8, pp. 433-437, portrait, 1892. Channing, J. Parke 1. Address by the President [mine accidents]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 3, pp. 34-48, 1895. 2. The caving system of mining in Lake Superior iron mines [with discussion]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 19, pp. 245-251, 1914. Channing, William F. 1. [St. Marys River, Michigan]: U. S. General Land Office Rpt. 1847 (U. S. 30th Cong., 1st Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 2), pp. 199-209, 1847. Chapman, Donald H. "*1. Late-glacial and postglacial history of the Champlain valley: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 5, v. 34 (v.234), no. 200, pp. 89-124, 1937. Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, June 1931. Chapman, Rodger H. 1. Seismic depth to ledge studies as related to water problems at Morris mine, Ishpeming, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Phys., Mich. College Min. Tech., Houghton, 1952. 51 pp. Unpublished. Chapman, William B. 1. (and Fitzpatrick, R. C.) Terrestrial tides as determined from deviations of gravity at Ann Arbor, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, June 1950. Unpublished. Note: both M. S. candidates. Chenneour, R. J.-See Elliott, S. R., 3. Chester, Albert H. 1. On the percentage of iron in certain ores: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 4, pp. 219 -220, 1876. Chynoweth, Clyde E. 1. The petrography of some Huronian rocks in Baraga County, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Wayne Univ., Detroit, Oct. 1951. Unpublished. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 287 Clancey, Thomas 1. Charcoal humor: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 25, pp. 252-258, 1926. Article relates some tales of the days when charcoal furnaces flourished in Marquette County. Clapp, Frederick G.-See Fuller, M. L., 1. Clark, Inez Margaret 1. Two new paleobotanical records for the Antrim shale of Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1933), v. 19, pp. 59-64, 2 pls., 1934. Clark, Lorin Delbert-See James, H. L., 1, 7. Clarke, Frank Wigglesworth *1. A report of the work done in the division of chemistry and physics, mainly during the fiscal year 1888-89: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 64, 1890 (contains metamorphic rock from Pigeon Point and diabase from Penokee-Gogebic range); mainly during the fiscal year 1887-88, Bull. 60, 1890 (contains novaculite from Marquette); mainly during the fiscal year 1885-86, Bull. 42, 1887 (contains Grand Rapids meteorite); mainly during the fiscal year 1884-85, Bull. 27, 1886 (contains sandstone from Michigan). *2. (and Hillebrand, W. F.) Analyses of rocks, with a chapter on analytical methods, laboratory of the United States Geological Survey, 1880 to 1896: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 148, 1897. 306 pp. Contains analyses of rocks from Lake Superior region, and of carbonate rocks from Michigan. *3. (chief chemist) Contributions to chemistry and mineralogy from the laboratory of the United States Geological Survey: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 167, 1900. *4. (chief chemist) Mineral analyses from the laboratories of the United States Geological Survey, 1880 to 1903: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 220, 1903. 119 pp. Contains analysis of gypsum from Alabaster, Michigan, p. 104. *5. (chief chemist) Analyses of rocks from the laboratory of the United States Geological Survey, 1880 to 1903: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 228, 1904; 1880 to 1899, Bull. 168, 1900. Contains analyses of rocks from the Lake Superior region; a stony meteorite from Allegan; carbonate rocks, slates and shales. *6. (chief chemist) Water analyses from the laboratory of the United States Geological Survey: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 364, 1914. 40 pp. *7. (chief chemist) Analyses of rocks and minerals from the laboratory of the United States Geological Survey, 1880 to 1914; U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 591, 1915; 1880 to 1908, Bull. 419, 1910. Contains analyses of crystalline and igneous rocks from the Lake Superior region; of sandstones, cherts and sinters, carbonate rocks, slates and shales; and of a stony meteorite from Allegan. Clarke, Robert E. 1. Notes from the copper region [Lake Superior]: Harpers Mag., v. 6, pp. 433-448, 577-588, 1853. Classen, Edo 1. Mineralogical notes: (1) Analysis of orthoclase from Ishpeming, Marquette County, Michigan; (2) On regular polyhedral cavities in hematite: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 23 (v.123), no. 133, p. 67, 1882. 288 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Claypole, E. W. *1. Evidence from the drift of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, in support of the preglacial origin of the basins of lakes Erie and Ontario: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. (1881), v. 30, pp. 147-159, 1882. Clements, Donald 1. Later S phases of the Michigan earthquake of August 9, 1947: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, June 1952. Unpublished. Clements, J. Morgan 1. The volcanics of the Michigamme district of Michigan: Jour. Geol., v. 3, no. 7, pp. 801-822, map 1:250,000, 1895. 2. Some stages in the development of rivers as illustrated by the Deer River, Michigan [abs.]: Am. Geol., v. 17, no. 2, pp. 126-127, 1896. 3. A study of some examples of rock variation: Jour. Geol., v. 6, no. 4, pp. 372-392, 1898. Rocks discussed occur in Michigan, in the vicinity of Crystal Falls. 4. A contribution to the study of contact metamorphism: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, v. 7 (v.157), no. 38, pp. 81-91, 1899. The results of the intrusion of basic dikes into some Lower Huronian iron-bearing formations of the Crystal Falls district. 5. (and Smyth, H. L.) The Crystal Falls iron-bearing district of Michigan; with a chapter on the Sturgeon River tongue, by W. S. Bayley, and an introduction, by C. R. Van Hise: U. S. Geol. Survey Mon. 36, maps, 1899. 512 pp. In part, U. S. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt., v. 19, pt. III, pp. 19-151, maps, 1899; abs., Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, v. 9 (v.159), no. 54, pp. 451-455, 1900. 6. Ellipsoidal structure in pre-Cambrian rocks of Lake Superior region [abs.]: Sci., new ser., v. 16, pp. 260-261, 1902; Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 14, p. 8, 1903. Cochran, Robert 1. New plant successfully floats Michigan jasper: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 155, no. 8, pp. 100-104, 114, Aug. 1954. Cohee, George Vincent-See also U. S. Geological Survey, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17. 1. Cambrian and Ordovician rocks in recent wells in southeastern Michigan: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 31, no. 2, pp. 293-307, 5 figs., incl. maps, Feb. 1947; abs., v. 30, no. 5, p. 752, May 1946. 2. Lower and Middle Silurian rocks in Michigan Basin [abs.]: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 32, no. 2, p. 305, Feb. 1948. 3. Cambrian and Ordovician rocks in Michigan Basin and adjoining areas: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 32, no. 8, pp. 1417-1448, illus., incl. index and isopach maps, Aug. 1948. 4. (and others) Coal resources of Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey Circ. 77, prepared in cooperation with Mich. Geol. Survey and Univ. of Mich., 1 pl., 37 figs., 6 tables, June 1950. 56 pp. With the exception of a few introductory pages, the circular consists of 36 maps of various townships and ranges showing reserves by depth and thickness, and several tables of mines, production, and reserve data. A map of the Michigan coal basin shows the area of reserves and thickness of glacial drift. Total reserves as of January 1950 are placed at 220 million tons. U.S.G.S. Cole, Leon J. 1. The delta of the St. Clair River: Mich. Geol. Survey, v. 9, pt. I, 2 figs., 4 pls., 1903. 28 pp. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 289 Coleman, A. P. *1. The Huronian question: Am. Geol., v. 29, no. 6, pp. 325-334, 1902. Coley, Tyrol B. *1. A study of the stratigraphic distribution and correlation of some Middle Devonian Ostracoda: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Wayne Univ., Detroit, 1949. Published in part; see below. *2. Stratigraphic distribution and correlation of some Middle Devonian Ostracoda: Jour. Paleont., v. 28, no. 4, pp. 452-464, 2 figs., 1 pl., July 1954. Collins, W. D. *1. The industrial utility of public water supplies in the United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 496, 1923. 59 pp. *2. Temperature of water available for industrial use in the United States, in Contributions to the hydrology of the United States, 1923-1924: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 520, pp. 97-104 (Paper 520 F), 1925. *3. (and Howard, C. S.) Index of analyses of natural waters in the United States, in Contributions to the hydrology of the United States, 1925: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 560, pp. 53-85, 1925. *4. Relations between quality of water and industrial development in the United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 559, 1926. 43 pp. *5. (and Howard, C. S.) Index of analyses of natural waters in the United States, 1926-31, in Contributions to the hydrology of the United States, 1932: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 659, pp. 191-209, 1932. *6. (and Lamar, W. L.; Lohr, E. W.) The industrial utility of public water supplies in the United States, 1932: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 658, 1934. 135 pp. Colwell, Alfred B. 1. Notes on the geology of the Michigamme River: Thesis for Degree in Mining Engineering, Mich. College Min. Tech., Houghton, 1895. 35 pp. Conibear, William 1. All accidents, Lake Superior mining industry, 1911-1923, inclusive [with discussion]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 24, pp. 314-322, 1925. 2. Development of safety in the iron mines of Michigan: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 29, pp. 180-184, 1936. Conlin, Thomas 1. (and O'Brien, P.) Historical sketch of Menominee range: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 16, pp. 7-16, 1911. Conrad,-Malcolm A. 1. Contact metamorphic effects of three pegmatitic dikes in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. Eng., Mich. College Min. Tech., Houghton, 1952. 31 pp. Unpublished. Cook, Charles Wilford-See also Allen, R. C., 3; Stearns, M. D., 1. 1. Preliminary report on the salt industry of Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Rpt., v. 13, pp. 81-86, 1911. 2. The brine and salt deposits of Michigan: their origin, distribution and exploitation: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 15, geol. ser. 12, 47 figs., 15 pls., 1914. 188 pp. 3. The influence of joints in the formation of the islands at the western end of Lake Erie: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1925), v. 5, pp. 243-251, 5 figs., 1926. 290 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Cooke, Harold Caswell 1. "Between the Archean and Keweenawan is the Huronian": Royal Soc. Canada Proc. and Trans., ser. 3, v. 20, sec. 4, pp. 17-37, 1 fig., 1926. Cookingham, E. R. 1. Atlas of Sanilac County, Michigan: Philadelphia, J. L. Smith, 1894. Cooley, Gerald A. 1. Insoluble residues of Detroit River and Dundee formations: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, June 1947. Unpublished. Cooley, Mary E.-See Ehlers, G. M., 10. Cooper, Chalmer L. "*1. Occurrence and stratigraphic distribution of Paleozoic ostracodes: Jour. Paleont., v. 16, no. 6, pp. 764-776, 9 figs., 1942. Cooper, Gustav Arthur-See also Warthin, A. S., Jr., 3, 4, 6. 1. (and Warthin, A. S., Jr.) New correlations of Hamilton rocks [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Proc. (1935), pp. 376-377, 1936. 2. (and Warthin, A. S., Jr.) New Middle Devonian stratigraphic names: Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour., v. 31, no. 6, pp. 259-260, June 15, 1941. 3. (and Warthin, A. S., Jr.) New Devonian (Hamilton) correlations: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 53, no. 6, pp. 873-888, 3 figs., June 1, 1942. Cooper, James B. 1. Historical sketch of smelting and refining lake copper: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 7, pp. 44-49, 1901. Cooper, William Funk-See also Fuller, M. L., 2; Lane, A. C., 17, 35, 37, 50. 1. The coal formation of Bay County: Mich. Miner, v. 7, nos. 9-12, 1905. 2. Geology and physical geography of Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Rpt., v. 9, pp. 136-144, 1907. An attempt to show the close relationships between geology and physical geography. 3. Pleistocene beaches of Saginaw County: Mich. Acad. Sci. Rpt., v. 10, pp. 90-98, 1908. Cordier, Louis 1. Note sur une masse de cuivre natif provenant des rives du lac Sup6rieur aux Stats-Unis d'Amerique [Notice of a mass of native copper originating on the shores of Lake Superior in the United States of America]: Academie des sciences, Comptes rendus, v. 28, pp. 161-162, Paris, 1849. Corey, G. W. 1. The Nonesuch sandstone: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 82, p. 778, Oct. 26, 1906. Cornwall, Henry R.-See also White, W. S., 2; Wright, J. C., 2. 1. (and Runner, J. J.; Stromquist, A. A.; Swanson, R. W.; White, W. S.) Detailed geologic maps of recently active copper mines, Houghton and Keweenaw counties, Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey, Strategic Min. Inv., 24 p1s., 1949. 43 pp. Open file report, Mich. Geol. Survey, Lansing. 2. Differentiation in lavas of the Keweenawan series and the origin of the copper deposits of Michigan: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 62, pp. 159-202, 9 figs., 4 pls., Feb. 1951; rev., Econ. Geol., v. 46, no. 6, pp. 658-659, Sept.Oct. 1951. 3. Differentiation in magmas of the Keweenawan series: Jour. Geol., v. 59, pp. 151-172, Mar. 1951; rev., Econ. Geol., v. 46, no. 6, pp. 658-659, Sept.Oct. 1951. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 291 4. Ilmenite, magnetite, hematite, and copper in lavas of the Keweenawan series: Econ. Geol., v. 46, no. 1, pp. 51-67, 1951. 5. Bedrock geology of the Lake Medora quadrangle, Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey, Geol. Quad. maps, GQ 52, with text, 1954. 6. Bedrock geology of the Delaware quadrangle, Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey, Geol. Quad. maps, GQ 51, with text, 1954. *7 (and White, W. S.) Native copper deposits [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 65, no. 12, pt. II, pp. 1242-1243, Dec. 1954. 8. (and Wright, J. C.) Bedrock geology of the Eagle Harbor quadrangle, Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey, Geol. Quad. maps, GQ 36, with text, 1954. 9. Bedrock geology of the Phoenix quadrangle, Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey, Geol. Quad. maps, GQ 34, with text, 1954. Coupal, Frank E. 1. Stratigraphy and paleontology of a well core from Sharon Township, Washtenaw County, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, June 1954. Courtis, William Munroe-See Lane, A. C., 45. Cowpland, C. C. 1. A resume of the early history of the explosives industry in Marquette County: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 29, pp. 21-28, 1936. Crane, W. R. 1. Mining methods and practice in the Michigan copper mines: U. S. Bur. Mines Bull. 306, 1929. 192 pp. Crawford, F. S. 1. Safety education in and around iron mines in the Lake Superior region: U. S. Bur. Mines Inf. Circ. 6520, 1931. 15 pp. Reviews safety-education methods of some Lake Superior companies and outlines a course in safety as taught at the Bessemer Township schools on the Gogebic iron range of Michigan. U.S.B.M. 2. Safety in iron mines of Menominee range, Michigan: U. S. Bur. Mines Inf. Circ. 6521, 1931. 28 pp. A study of safety methods used by various companies. U.S.B.M. Crawford, Lawrence C.-See Williams, G. R., 2. Credner, Hermann 1. Beschreibung einiger charakteristischer Vorkommen des gediegenen Kupfers auf Keweenaw Point am Oberen See Nord-Amerika's [Description of some characteristic occurrences of pure copper on the Keweenaw Point near Lake Superior in North America]: Neues Jahrbuch fuir Mineralogie, Geologie, und Paliontologie, pp. 1-14, 1869. 2. Die vorsilurischen Gebilde der "Oberen Halbinsel von Michigan" en Nord-Amerika [The pre-Silurian structures of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan in North America]: Deutsche geologische Gesellschaft, Zeitschrift 21, pp. 516-554, 1869. 3. Ueber nordamerikanische Schieferporphyroide [The North American schist porphyroids]: Neues Jahrbuch fUr Mineralogie, Geologie, und Paliaontologie, pp. 970-984, 1870. 4. Gewaltige Kupfermassen an Lake Superior [Immense copper masses near Lake Superior]: Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palilontologie, p. 86, 1870. 292 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Creveling, J. G. 1. The peridotite of Presque Isle, Michigan; a study in serpentinization: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 5, v. 12 (v.212), pp. 515-521, Dec. 1926. Cromwell, Benedict 1. Methods of sampling at Lake Superior iron mines: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 17, pp. 76-93, 1912. Crooks, Harold Fordyce-See also Savage, T. E., 1. 1. On the Lower Paleozoic stratigraphy of the Northern Peninsula of Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Ill., Urbana, 1918. Unpublished. Crosthwaite, E. G.-See Ferris, J. G., 4. Crowell & Murray 1. The iron ores of Lake Superior; containing facts of interest relating to mining, beneficiation and shipping of the ore and location of principal mines (7th ed.): Cleveland, Prenton Press Co., 1930. 332 pp. Crump, Robert Myres 1. Origin of hard iron ores of the Marquette district: Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Wis., Madison, 1948. 87 pp. Unpublished. Cumings, Edgar Roscoe *1. (and Shrock, R. R.) The geology of the Silurian rocks of northern Indiana: Ind. Dept. Conserv., Div. Geol., Pub. 75, 1928. 226 pp. *2. (and Shrock, R. R.) Niagaran coral reefs of Indiana and adjacent states and their stratigraphic relations: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 39, 12 figs., pp. 579-619, 1928. 3. Two Fort Wayne wells in the Silurian, and their bearing on the Niagaran of the Michigan Basin: Ind. Acad. Sci. Proc. (1929), v. 39, pp. 183-199, 4 figs., 1930. 4. Silurian of the Michigan Basin [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Proc. (1937), pp. 319-320, June 1938. Curren, Robert F. 1. An investigation of some methods of chemical precipitation in the artificial growth of calcite: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1953. 27 pp. Unpublished. Dana, Edward S. 1. On the crystallization of native copper: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 32 (v.132), no. 192, pp. 413-429, 1886. Dana, James D. 1. Apophyllite from the Cliff mine, Lake Superior region, Michigan: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 18 (v.68), no. 54, p. 419, 1854. Daoust, William L. 1. Salts of the earth: Mich. Conserv., v. 22, no. 1, pp. 23-24, Jan.-Feb. 1953. Article, written in popular style, is a discussion of the oilmen's headache-brine disposal. Darton, N. IH. 1. Preliminary list of deep borings in the United States; pt. I, AlabamaMontana: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 57, 1902. 60 pp. Pages 53-54 concern Michigan. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 293 2. Preliminary list of the deep borings in the United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 149, 1905. 175 pp. Pages 65-69 concern Michigan. 3. Geothermal data of the United States, including many original determinations of underground temperature: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 701, 1920. 97 pp. Pages 50-54 concern Michigan. Daugherty, Carroll Roop *1. (and Horton, A. H.; Davenport, R. W.) Power capacity and production in the United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 579, 1928. 210 pp. Contains information regarding the development of water power. Davenport, R. W.-See Daugherty, C. R., 1. Davies, William E. 1. Stratigraphic significance of crinoidal columns of the Traverse of Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1941. 45 pp. Unpublished. Davis, Charles Albert-See also Lane, A. C., 45, 46, 50. 1. A remarkable marl lake [Littlefield Lake, Isabella County]: Jour. Geol., v. 8, no. 6, pp. 498-503, 1900. 2. A contribution to the natural history of marl: Mich. Geol. Survey, v. 8, pt. III, pp. 65-96, 1903; Jour. Geol., v. 8, no. 6, pp. 485-497, 1900; Jour. Geol., v. 9, no. 6, pp. 491-506, 1901. 3. Some interesting glacial phenomena in the Marquette region: Mich. Acad. Sci. Rpt., v. 9, pp. 132-135, 1907. *4. Peat deposits as geological records: Mich. Acad. Sci. Rpt., v. 10, pp. 107-112, 1908. Davis, Darrell H. 1. A study of river meanders on the Middle Rouge: Jour. Geol., v. 16, no. 8, pp. 755-764, 1908. Davis, Dorothy W. 1. Oil production from Traverse group of southwestern Michigan: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 36, no. 8, pp. 1642-1644, Aug. 1952. Decker, Charles Elijah 1. Ordovician graptolites from well-core, Calhoun County, Michigan: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 34, no. 9, pp. 1903-1909, illus., Sept. 1950. Graptolites and associated forms from the Utica shale of Ordovician age, in Calhoun County, Michigan, are listed and illustrated. The significance of each form is indicated briefly. U.S.G.S. *2. Stratigraphic significance of graptolites of Athens shale: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 36, no. 1, pp. 1-145, Jan. 1952. Contains reference to collection in Calhoun County, Michigan (p.105). Deiss, Charles Frederick 1. A description and stratigraphic correlation of the Fenestellidae from the Devonian of Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 3, no. 13, pp. 233-275, 14 pls., Apr. 9, 1932. Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, June 1928. Dellwig, Louis F. 1. (and Briggs, L. I., Jr.) Textural relationships in the Salina salt of Michigan labs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 63, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1242, Dec. 1952. 2. Origin of the Salina salt of Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, 1953. 94 pp. Unpublished. 294 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Denning, Reynolds M. 1. The petrology of the Jacobsville sandstone, Lake Superior: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. Eng., Mich. College Min. Tech., Houghton, 1949. 71 pp. Unpublished. 2. Geology of the Ishpeming gold range [Marquette County]: Mich. Geol. Survey, prepared in cooperation with Mich. College Min. Tech., maps., 1948. 17 pp. Open file report, Mich. Geol. Survey, Lansing. Denton, F. W. 1. Development and extraction methods for Lake Superior copper deposits [with discussion]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 22, pp. 46-62, 1922. Derby, E. L., Jr.-See also Elliott, S. R., 3. 1. Geology of ores on the Marquette range: Min. Cong. Jour., v. 15, no. 10, pp. 731-733, Oct. 1929. Deroux, H. 1. Die Kupfergruben des Oberen See's (Lake Superior) [The copper mines of Lake Superior]: Berg-und hiittenmiinnische Zeitung, v. 20, pp. 305-307, 329-331, 1861; From Journal des Mines, v. 7, no date. Desollar, T. C. 1. Rockhouse practice of the Quincy Mining Company: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 17, pp. 217-226, 1912. 2. Handling underground waste rock through underground skip dump, Quincy Mining Company: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 22, pp. 42-45, illus., 1922. Desor, tdouard 1. [On clay and drift deposits in the vicinity of Lake Superior]: Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. (1848-51), v. 3, pp. 235-236, 1851. 2. [On the sand dunes of Lake Superior]: Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. (1848-51), v. 3, p. 207, 1851. 3. On the superficial deposits of this district, in Report on the geology of the Lake Superior land district, J. W. Foster and J. D. Whitney, pt. II (U. S. 32nd Cong., Spec. Sess., Senate Ex. Doe. 4), pp. 232-270, 1851; in part, entitled On the drift of Lake Superior, Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 13 (v.63), no. 37, pp. 93-109, 1852. 4. [On the origin of some of the elements of the so-called Tertiary or drift of Lake Superior]: Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. (1851-54), v. 4, pp. 28-29, 1854. 5. [On the existence of dunes on the shores of the upper American lakes]: Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. (1851-54), v. 4, pp. 41-42, 1854. Dibble, Oliver A. 1. Clay-mining methods and costs at the Corunna (Mich.) pit of the Aetna Portland Cement Co.: U. S. Bur. Mines Inf. Circ. 6657, 2 figs., 1932. 7 pp. Describes open-pit recovery of clay and cites costs. U.S.B.M. Dickenson, George J. 1. [Report on Isle Royale]: U. S. 31st Cong., 1st Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 1, pt. III; House Ex. Doc. 5, pt. III, pp. 503-506, 1849. Dickey, Robert McCullough 1. The granitic sequence in the southern complex of Upper Michigan: Jour. Geol., v. 44, no. 3, pp. 317-340, 4 figs., incl. geol. map, Apr.-May 1936. 2. Present trends in studies of Michigan Huronian: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1937), v. 23, pp. 419-426, 1938. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 295 3. The Ford River granite of the southern complex of Upper Michigan: Jour. Geol., v. 46, no. 3, pp. 321-335, 2 figs., index and geol. maps, Apr.-May 1938. 4. (and Young, D. S.) Relations between granite and slate in the Eureka mine, Ramsey, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1938), v. 24, pp. 43-49, 1939. Contact between granite and Palms quartz slate dominantly one of erosion, modified by hydrothermal waters rising along the contact. Diehl, 0. C. 1. Gypsum [in Michigan and Utah]: Mich. Miner, v. 6, no. 6, pp. 21-24, 1904. Din, Min 1. Microfossils of the Middle and Upper Ordovician formations in deep wells of Alpena, Ogemaw, Bay and Ingham counties of Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1950. 58 pp. Dole, R. B. 1. The quality of surface waters in the United States; pt. I, Analyses of water east of the 100th meridian: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 236, 1909. 123 pp. Contains analyses of waters of the Great Lakes. Douglas, Edward M. 1. Boundaries, areas, geographic centers and altitudes of the United States and the several states, with a brief record of important changes in their territory: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 689, 1923. Pages 172-175 concern Michigan. Second edition, U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 817, 1930. Pages 195-197 concern Michigan. Douglas, James 1. The native copper mines of Lake Superior: Quart. Jour. Sci., v. 11, pp. 162-180, 1874; Canadian Nat. and Geol. and Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Montreal, new ser., v. 7, pp. 318-336, 1874. 2. The copper resources of the United States: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 19, pp. 678-704, 1891. Douglass, Columbus C.-See also Houghton, Douglass, 3. 1. Report [on Ingham County, and parts of Eaton and Jackson counties]: Mich. State Geol. Ann. Rpt., v. 2, pp. 66-77, 1839; Mich. State Agr. Soc. Trans. 1854, v. 6, pp. 261-271, 1855. 2. Report [on Jackson, Calhoun, Kalamazoo, Eaton, lonia, Kent, Ottawa, VanBuren, and Allegan counties]: Mich. State Geol. Ann. Rept., v. 3, pp. 53-75, 1840; Mich. State Agr. Soc. Trans. 1854, v. 6, pp. 271-290, 1855. 3. Report [on the northern portion of the Southern Peninsula]: Mich. State Geol. Ann. Rept., v. 4, pp. 97-111, 1841. 4. Rocks of Michigan: Mich. State Agr. Soc. Trans. 1854, v. 6, pp. 290 -303, 1855. Dow, Kenneth W.-See also Scott, I. D., 7. 1. The origin of perched dunes on the Manistee moraine, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1937), v. 23, pp. 427-440, 3 pls., 3 figs., incl. sketch maps, 1938. 2. Some examples of ventifacts from Sleeping Bear Point, Leelanau County, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1939), v. 25, pp. 473-476, 2 pls., 1940. 296 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Duncan, Helen Margaret 1. Taxonomy of Devonian Trepostomata [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Proc. (1937), pp. 276-277, June 1938. 2. Trepostomatous Bryozoa from the Traverse group of Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 5, no. 10, pp. 171-270, 16 pls., map, July 1, 1939; abs., Geol. Soc. Am. Proc. (1937), p. 277, June 1938. Duparc, Louis 1. Note sur la r6gion cuprifrre de l'extr6mite nord-est de la peninsule de Keweenaw (Lac Sup6rieur) [Notice of the copper region of the north-east extremity of the Keweenaw Peninsula, Lake Superior]: Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles, ser. 4, v. 10, pp. 518-538, 1900. Dupee, J. A. 1. [On copper deposits of Keweenaw Point, Lake Superior]: Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. (1855-56), v. 5, pp. 279-280, 1856. Dustin, Fred 1. The gems of Isle Royale, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1931), v. 16, pp. 383-398, 1932. 2. The gems of Isle Royale, Michigan; the chlorastrolite: Mineralog., v. 3, no. 2, pp. 5-6, 31, Feb. 1935. 3. A study of the Bayport chert: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1934), v. 20, pp. 465-475, 1935. 4. Agates of the Lake Superior region: Rocks and Minerals, v. 11, no. 9, pp. 152-155, Sept.-Oct. 1936. 5. Mineral collecting in unpromising localities: Rocks and Minerals, v. 17, no. 3, pp. 86-89, 1942. Dutton, Carl Evans-See also James, H. L., 6; Lamey, C. A., 13, 14. 1. (and Lamey, C. A.) Geology of the Menominee range, Dickinson County: Mich. Geol. Survey Prog. Rpt. 5, geol. map, Dec. 1939. 10 pp. 2. Structural revisions in the Norway district, Menominee range, Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 49, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1879, Dec. 1, 1938. 3. Recent geological work in Dickinson County: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 30, pp. 119-126, 1939. 4. Economic geology of a part of the Menominee range, Dickinson County: Mich. Geol. Survey Prog. Rpt. 9, 2 pls., geol. maps, Nov. 1942. 27 pp. 5. (and Park, C. F., Jr.; Balsley, J. R., Jr.) General character and succession of tentative divisions in the stratigraphy of Mineral Hills district, Iron County, Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey Prelim. Rpt., 1945. 4 pp. 6. Geology of the central part of the Iron River district, Iron County, Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey Circ. 43, illus., incl. index and geol. maps, Nov. 1949. 9 pp. 7. Progress of geologic work in Iron and Dickinson counties, Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey Circ. 84, illus., incl. geol. maps, Sept. 1950. 7 pp. In northern Michigan, recent work has considerably advanced knowledge of the stratigraphy and structure of the highly deformed Huronian ironbearing sedimentary rocks. The strata, structures, and results of aeromagnetic surveys are described briefly and preliminary maps are included. U.S.G.S. Eastman, John Robie 1. A new meteorite (Grand Rapids, Michigan): Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 28 (v. 128), pp. 299-300, 1884; abs., Philos. Soc. Wash. Bull., v. 7, p. 32, 1884 (Smithsonian Misc. Coll., v. 33, Art. II, 1888). REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 297 Eaton, Lucien-See also Hayden, J. E., 2. 1. Methods of stocking ore on the Marquette range: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 19, pp. 72-99, illus., 1914. 2. Equipping and sinking the No. 1 shaft at the Holmes mine: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 21, pp. 106-124, illus., 1917. 3. Mechanical ventilation at Lake mine: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 22, pp. 106-112, illus., 1922. 4. Present scraping practice at the Cliffs Shaft mine: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 24, pp. 121-125, 1925. 5. Mining soft hematite at Mine No. 2 of the Marquette range, Mich.: U. S. Bur. Mines Inf. Circ. 6179, 7 figs., 1929. 15 pp. Outlines history, geology, methods of prospecting, and estimation of tonnages and values, methods of development and mining, contract system, ventilation system, fireprevention methods, and safety work. U.S.B.M. 6. Mining soft hematite by open stopes at Mine No. 1, Menominee range, Mich.: U. S. Bur. Mines Inf. Circ. 6180, 6 figs., 1929. 10 pp. Outlines history, geology, and physical characteristics of ore, methods of prospecting, sampling, and estimation of tonnage. Describes methods of development, underground transportation, and ventilation. U.S.B.M. 7. Method and cost of mining hard specular hematite on the Marquette range, Michigan: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 27, pp. 190-209, 10 figs., 1929; U. S. Bur. Mines Inf. Circ. 6138, 7 figs., 1929. 14 pp. Discusses methods of prospecting and exploration, sampling and estimating tonnage and values and development methods. Gives data regarding percentage of ore extraction and costs in units of labor, fuel, and supplies. U.S.B.M. Eckel, Edwin Clarence-See also Emmons, S. F., 3. 1. Cement materials and industry of the United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 243, 1905. 395 pp. Pages 189-206 concern Michigan. 2. (and others) Portland cement materials and industry in the United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 522, maps, 1913. 401 pp. Pages 208-224 concern Michigan. Eddy, Gerald Ernest-See also U. S. Geological Survey, 12. 1. A study of the insoluble residues of the Lower Traverse, Bell, and Upper Dundee formations of Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1932), v. 18, pp. 345-361, 2 figs., 8 pls., 1933. Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Apr. 1932. 2. Magnetic surveying of the copper country of northern Michigan: Compass, v. 13, no. 3, pp. 117-119, Mar. 1933. 3. Geology of the Crystal oil field, Montcalm County, Michigan: Mich. Geol. Survey Prog. Rpt. 1, 2 pls., incl. structural contour map, July 1936. 8 pp. Oil and Gas Jour., v. 35, no. 16, pp. 32, 35, 38, 3 figs., Sept. 3, 1936. Edwards, James P. 1. Mines and mineral statistics [Ann. Rpt., Comm. Mineral Statistics, 1891]: Lansing, 1892. 138 pp. Eggleston, G. C.-See Keck, W. E., 3. Egleston, Thomas 1. Copper mining on Lake Superior: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 6, pp. 275-312, 1879. 2. Copper refining in the United States: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 9, pp. 678-730, 1881. 298 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Ehlers, George Marion-See also Landes, K. K., 3; Ruedemann, Rudolf, 1. 1. An interesting illustration of a process of destruction of a glaciated surface: Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rpt., v. 20, pp. 59-63, 2 pls., 2 figs., 1918. Area discussed is near Seul Choix Pointe, approximately fifteen miles east of Manistique. 2. Heterolasmar foerstei, a new genus and species of Tetracoralla from the Niagaran of Michigan: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, v. 48 (v.198), pp. 461-467, 3 figs., Dec. 1919. 3. Notes on the stratigraphy of the Racine formation of the Northern Peninsula of Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rpt., v. 21, pp. 87-90, 1920. 4. Niagaran rocks of the Northern Peninsula of Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 32, no. 1, pp. 129-130, Mar. 31, 1921. 5. (and Hussey, R. C.) A new gastropod and a new cephalopod from the Devonian of Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1921), v. 1, pp. 248-252, 2 pls., 1923. 6. (and Leighly, J. B.) Lipsanocystis traversensis, a new cystid from the Devonian of Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1922), v. 2, pp. 155-160, 3 figs., 1 pl., 1923. 7. The presence of Cataract strata in Michigan supported by fossil evidence: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1923), v. 3, pp. 281-283, 1924. 8. An Ordovician reef on Sulphur Island, Lake Huron: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1924), v. 4, pp. 425-429, 1 fig., 3 p1s., 1925. 9. Two new crinoids from the Devonian of Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Geol. Contr., v. 2, no. 6, pp. 99-104, 1 pl., June 3, 1925; abs., Pan Am. Geol., v. 44, no. 2, p. 60, Sept. 1925. 10. (and Cooley, M. E.) Discovery of a Hamilton fauna in southeastern Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Geol. Contr., v. 2, no. 13, pp. 231-236, Aug. 3, 1927. 11. Stratigraphy of the Niagaran series of the Northern Peninsula of Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, June 1930. Unpublished. 12. (and Brown, J. W.) Graptolites of the Niagaran strata of Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 42, no. 1, p. 351, Mar. 31, 1931; Pan Am. Geol., v. 55, no. 2, pp. 151-152, Mar. 1931. 13. (and White, T. E.) Cylindrophyllum panicum (Winchell) and Cylindrophyllum hindshawi sp. nov., Tetracoralla from the Traverse group of Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 4, no. 4, pp. 93-100, 5 pls., Dec. 1, 1932. 14. (and Kline, V. H.) Revision of Alexander Winchell's types of brachiopods from the Middle Devonian Traverse group of rocks of Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 4, no. 10, pp. 143-176, 2 figs., 4 pls., Jan. 15, 1934; abs., Geol. Soc. Am. Proc. (1933), p. 347, June 1934. Also, thesis by V. H. Kline for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, 1933. 15. (and Radabaugh, R. E.) The Rogers City limestone, a new Middle Devonian formation in Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1937), v. 23, pp. 441-446, 2 pls., 1938. 16. (and Humphrey, W. E.) Revision of E. A. Strong's species from the Mississippian Point au Gres limestone of Grand Rapids, Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 6, no. 6, pp. 113-130, 3 p1s., Feb. 10, 1944. Also, thesis by W. E. Humphrey for Degree of Master of Science, entitled Revision of A. E. Strong's types from the Mississippian Point au Gres limestone at Grand Rapids, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, June 1940. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 299 17. Classification of the Upper Silurian and Middle Devonian strata of the Mackinac region [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 55, no. 12, pt. II, pp. 1475-1476, Dec. 1944. 18. (and Stumm, E. C.) Corals of the Devonian Traverse group of Michigan; pt. I, Spongophyllum: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 7, no. 8, pp. 123-130, 3 pls., May 13, 1949. Pt. II, Cylindrophyllum, Depasophyllum, Disphyllum, Eridophyllum, and Synaptophyllum, v. 8, no. 3, pp. 21-41, 8 pls., Nov. 22, 1949. Pt. III, Antholites, Pleurodictyun, and Procteria, v. 8, no. 8, pp. 205-220, 5 pls., Aug. 11, 1950. Pt. IV, Billingsastraec, v. 9, no. 3, pp. 83-92, 3 pls., July 11, 1951. Abs., pt. I., Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 59, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1319, Dec. 1948; Proc. (1948), p. 6, 1949. Eidemiller, H. N.-See Broderick, T. M., 10. Eights, James 1. Outlines of the geological structure of Lake Superior mineral region belonging to the New York and Lake Superior Mining Company, Albany, 1846. 21 pp. Appendix to New York and Lake Superior Mining Company, 1st Ann. Rpt., Albany, 1846. Eisenlohr, William S.-See Williams, G. R., 2. Elias, Maxim Konrad 1. Fenestella deissi (new name) from the Middle Devonian of Michigan, and related forms: Jour. Paleont., v. 24, no. 3, pp. 390-392, May 1950. Because Fenestella foraminosa Deiss is preoccupied, it is renamed F. deissi Elias. Its relation to other forms is indicated. U.S.G.S. tlie de Beaumont, Leonce 1. [On the age of the Lake Superior sandstone]: Societ6 geologie de France Bull., ser. 2, v. 7, p. 209, 1850. El-Khalidi, Hatem Hussein 1. A field and petrographic study of the sandstones and conglomerates of the Porcupine Mountains, Ontonagon County, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1950. 110 pp. Unpublished. Elkington, Robert B. 1. Structure of the Michigamme slate along the Huron River, Baraga County, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Wayne Univ., Detroit, June 1952. Unpublished. Ellard, H. F. 1. Sinking and equipping No. 9 shaft, Ashland mine [with discussion]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 9, pp. 24-38, 1903. Eller, Eugene Rudolph 1. Scolecodonts from the Potter Farm formation of the Devonian of Michigan: Carnegie Mus. Annals, v. 27, art. 17, pp. 275-286, 2 pls., Oct. 22, 1938. 2. Scolecodonts from well cuttings [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 56, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1157, Dec. 1945. Description of cuttings from the 2859 -2938 foot depth from a well at Kawkawlin, Michigan. Elliott, S. R. 1. Method of raising, sinking and concreting No. 3 shaft, Negaunee mine: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 17, pp. 260-282, 1912. 300 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 2. Spies open-stope system of mining: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 22, pp. 113-118, illus., 1922: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 68, pp. 282-286, 5 figs., 1923. 3. (and Jopling, J. E.; Chenneour, R. J.; Derby, E. L., Jr.) Mining methods of Marquette district, Michigan: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 72, pp. 122-138, 8 figs., 1925. Ely, Northcutt 1. The oil and gas conservation statutes: Federal Oil Conservation Board, Washington, D. C., 1933. Pages 195-217 concern Michigan. Emmons, S. F.-See also Leith, C. K., 9. *1. (and Hayes, C. W.; and others) Contributions to economic geology, 1902: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 213, 1903. Contains: Coal fields of the United States, pp. 257-269; Geologic work in the Lake Superior iron district during 1902, by C. K. Leith, pp. 247-250. 2. (and Hayes, C. W.; and others) Contributions to economic geology, 1903: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 225, 1904. Contains: The Lake Superior region during 1903, by C. K. Leith, pp. 215-220. *3. (and Hayes, C. W.; and others) Contributions to economic geology, 1904: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 260, 1905. 620 pp. Contains: The production of gold in the United States in 1904, by Waldemar Lindgren, pp. 32-38; The copper production of the United States, by W. H. Weed, pp. 211-216; Iron and manganese ores of the United States, by E. C. Eckel, pp. 317 -320; The American cement industry, by E. C. Eckel, pp. 496-505. Emmons, William Harvey *1. The enrichment of ore deposits: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 625, 1917. 530 pp. Engel, Theodore, Jr. 1. The stratigraphy and petrography of the Holyoke meta-sediments of the Dead River basin, Marquette County, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1954. 74 pp. Unpublished. Engels, William Louis 1. Two new records of the Pleistocene beaver Castoroides ohioensis: Am. Midland Nat., v. 12, no. 12, pp. 529-532, 3 figs., Nov. 1931. Engineering and Mining Journal 1. A new mine for Michigan's Gogebie range-The Peterson: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 154, no. 9, pp. 76-79, 1 fig., Sept. 1953. Enyert, Richard L. 1. Middle Devonian sandstones of the Michigan Basin: Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Feb. 1950. Unpublished. Microfilmed. Erickson, Ralph LeRoy-See also Sandefur, B. T., 1. 1. A petrographical investigation of the longitudinal deposition within the Mason esker relative to its origin: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1948. 27 pp. Unpublished. Ericson, Rudolph-See Baxter, C. H., 2. Espenshade, Edward B., Jr. 1. An intensive study of the sphericity and roundness of beach and dune sands of the south of Lake Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 301 Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Ill., June 1932. Unpublished. Microfilmed. Evans, Oren Frank 1. Bathymetric studies of the Lake Michigan basin: Geog. Rev., v. 25, no. 4, pp. 667-670, 2 figs., incl. index map, Oct. 1935; abs., entitled Bathymetric map of Lake Michigan, Okla. Acad. Sci. Proc. (1934), v. 15, pp. 80-81, 1935. 2. Origin of the harbor lakes of western Michigan [abs.]: Okla. Acad. Sci. Proc. (1935), v. 16, p. 74, 1936. 3. Origin of the coastal lakes of western Michigan: Geog. Rev., v. 27, no. 1, pp. 136-137, Jan. 1937. 4. Transportation of sediments on fresh-water surfaces by flotation: Jour. Sed. Petr., v. 8, no. 1, pp. 33-35, 1938. 5. The undertow: Sci., v. 88, no. 2282, pp. 279-281, Sept. 23, 1938. Contains studies of subsurface currents in lakes of western Michigan. 6. Mass transportation of sediments on subaqueous terraces: Jour. Geol., v. 47, no. 3, pp. 325-334, 3 figs., Apr.-May 1939. 7. The low and ball of the eastern shore of Lake Michigan: Jour. Geol., v. 48, no. 5, pp. 476-511, 6 figs., incl. aerial photograph, July-Aug. 1940; abs., Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 51, no. 12, pt. II, pp. 2039-2040, Dec. 1, 1940; Jour. Geomorphology, v. 4, no. 4, p. 339, Dec. 1941. Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mar. 1940. 8. The classification of wave-formed ripple marks: Jour. Sed. Petr., v. 11, no. 1, pp. 37-41, 2 figs., Apr. 1941. 9. The relation between the size of wave-formed ripple marks, depth of water, and size of generating waves: Jour. Sed. Petr., v. 12, no. 1, pp. 31-35, Apr. 1942. 10. The origin of spits, bars, and related structures: Jour. Geol., v. 50, no. 7, pp. 846-865, 10 figs., Oct.-Nov. 1942; abs., Okla. Acad. Sci. Proc., v. 22, p. 144, 1942; Pan Am. Geol., v. 77, no. 3, p. 235, Apr. 1942; Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 52, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1999, Dec. 1, 1941. 11. Effect of change of wave size on the size and shape of ripple marks: Jour. Sed. Petr., v. 13, no. 1, pp. 35-39, Apr. 1943. 12. Some structural differences between wind-laid and water-laid deposits on the west shore of Lake Michigan: Jour. Sed. Petr., v. 14, no. 2, pp. 94-96, 2 figs., Aug. 1944. 13. The classification and origin of beach cusps: Jour. Geol., v. 46, no. 4, pp. 615-627, 2 figs., May-June 1938; further observations, Jour. Geol., v. 53, no. 6, pp. 403-404, 1945. 14. On the action of waves breaking against the edge of a submerged shelf: Jour. Geol., v. 58, no. 3, pp. 281-282, May 1950. Observations on a submerged shelf in Crystal Lake, Michigan, show that over a 60-year period no ridge has been formed at the outer edge of the shelf by waves moving sediment shoreward. U.S.G.S. Eveland, Harmon Edwin, Jr. 1. Topographic expression of geology in the Lake Huron basin: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Ill., Urbana, 1948. 18 pp. Unpublished. Everhart, H. A. 1. A trip to Michigan's Upper Peninsula: Rocks and Minerals, v. 21, no. 9, p. 570, 1946. 302 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Everts & Stewart 1. New historical atlas of Washtenaw County, Michigan: Chicago, Everts & Stewart, 1874. Exworthy, Alice 1. Enormous salt deposits in Michigan: Mineralog., v. 3, no. 4, p. 22, Apr. 1935. Fairbairn, Harold Williams 1. Deformation lamellae in quartz from the Ajibik formation, Michigan: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 52, no. 8, pp. 1265-1277, 2 pls., 7 figs., Aug. 1, 1941; abs., v. 51, no. 12, pt. II, pp. 1925-1926, Dec. 1, 1940. Faul, Henry 1. Prismatophyllum in the Traverse group of north central Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1942. 46 pp. Unpublished. 2. Growth-rate of a Devonian reef-coral (Prismatophyllum): Am. Jour. Sci., v. 241, no. 9, pp. 579-582, 1 pl., 1943. 3. Fossil burrows from the pre-Cambrian Ajibik quartzite of Michigan: Jour. Paleont., v. 24, no. 1, pp. 102-106, illus., Jan. 1950; abs., entitled, Pre-Cambrian fossil trails from the Ajibik quartzite in Michigan, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 59, no. 12, pt. II, pp. 1320-1321, Dec. 1948; a brief summary, Nature, v. 164, no. 4157, p. 32, illus., July 2, 1949. Markings found on the surfaces of the Ajibik mid-Huronian quartzite north of Ishpeming, Michigan, are interpreted as burrows made by a small, unknown organism. U.S.G.S. Fauser, W. B., Jr. 1. Paleontology and stratigraphy of well cores from Garfield Twp., Newaygo County, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, 1951 [?]. Unpublished. Fay, Albert Hill 1. Shaft of the Detroit Salt Company: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 91, pp. 565-569, 8 figs., Mar. 18, 1911. 2. Mine accidents classified by mining methods, for Lake Superior district, 1915: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 21, pp. 65-70, 1917. Fenton, Carroll Lane-See also Fenton, M. A., 4. 1. (and Fenton, M. A.) Studies on the genus Atrypa: Am. Midland Nat., v. 12, no. 1, pp. 1-18, 2 figs., 2 pls., Jan. 1930. *2. Niagaran stromatoporoid reefs of the Chicago region: Am. Midland Nat., v. 12, no. 7, pp. 203-212, Jan. 1931. 3. (and Fenton, M. A.) Some snail borings of Paleozoic age: Am. Midland Nat., v. 12, no. 12, pp. 522-528, 1 fig., 1 pl., Nov. 1931. Fenton, Mildred Adams-See also Fenton, C. L., 1, 3. 1. True reef formed by stromatoporoids [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 40, no. 1, p. 244, Mar. 30, 1929; Pan Am. Geol., v. 51, no. 3, p. 237, Apr. 1929. 2. A Devonian stromatoporoid reef [Petoskey, Michigan]: Am. Midland Nat., v. 12, no. 7, pp. 195-202, 2 figs., 2 pls., Jan. 1931. 3. Species of Aulopora from the Traverse and Hamilton groups: Am. Midland Nat., v. 18, no. 1, pp. 115-119, 4 figs., Jan. 1937. 4. (and Fenton, C. L.) Aulopora, a form-genus of tabulate corals and bryozoans: Am. Midland Nat., v. 18, no. 1, pp. 109-115, 1 fig., Jan. 1937. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 303 Fernekes, Gustave-See also Lane, A. C., 41. 1. Precipitation of copper from chloride solutions by means of ferrous chloride: Econ. Geol., v. 2, no. 6, pp. 580-584, 1907. Ferris, John G.-See also U. S. Geological Survey, 12. 1. Ground-water hydraulics as a geophysical aid: Mich. Geol. Survey Tech. Rpt. 1, prepared in cooperation with U. S. Geol. Survey, 11 figs., Mar. 1948. 12 pp. 2. A quantitative method for determining ground-water characteristics for drainage design: Agr. Eng., v. 31, no. 6, pp. 285-289, 291, June 1950. 3. Ground-water resources of the Holland area, Ottawa County, Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey, Ground Water Branch, Lansing, Michigan; prepared in cooperation with Mich. Dept. Conserv., Mich. Water Resources Comm., and Holland Dept. Public Works, 29 figs., May 1953. 29 pp. Open file report, Mich. Geol. Survey, Lansing. 4. (and Burt, E. M.; Stramel, G. J.; Crosthwaite, E. G.) Ground-water resources of southeastern Oakland County, Michigan: Mich. Geol. Survey Prog. Rpt. 16, prepared in cooperation with U. S. Geol. Survey, 6 pls., 44 figs., 9 tables, 1954. 158 pp. Fieldner, A. C. 1. (and others) Analyses of Michigan, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Texas coals: U. S. Bur. Mines Tech. Paper 700, 2 figs., 3 pls., 1948. 106 pp. Finlay, James R. *1. Valuation of iron-mines [with discussion]: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 45, pp. 282-326, 1913; Trans., v. 50, pp. 184-196, 1914. Fisher, Cassius A.-See Ashley, G. H., 1. Fisher, James-See also Hotchkiss, W. 0., 6. 1. Historical sketch of the Lake Superior copper district: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 27, pp. 54-67, 1929. 2. (and others) Recent geothermal measurements in the Michigan copper district [with discussion]: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 110, Geophys. Prosp., pp. 528-545, 6 figs., 1934; A.I.M.E. Tech. Pub. 481, 4 figs., July 1932. 11 pp. 3. Geophysical prospecting and some of its applications in the Lake Superior district: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 30, pp. 47-60, 1939. Fitzgerald, Paul Eugene-See also Chamberlain, L. C., Jr., 1; Love, W. W., 1. 1. (and Thomas, W. A.) The occurrence of fluorite in the Monroe formation of the Mount Pleasant oil pool: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1931), v. 16, pp. 415-420, 2 pls., incl. map, 1932; abs., Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 16, no. 1, pp. 91-92, 1932. 2. Memorial-Alfred Church Lane: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 32, no. 11, pp. 2168-2170, 1948. Fitzpatrick, R. C.-See Chapman, W. B., 1. Flanagan, J. M.-See Foss, A. L., 1. Fleener, Frank *1. Silver Islet-Bonanza: Earth Sci. Digest, v. 6, no. 5, pp. 20-25, Mar. 1953. Flint, Richard Foster *1. (and others) Pleistocene research; a review by the members of the committee on inter-relations of Pleistocene research, National Research Council: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 60, no. 9, pp. 1305-1525, illus., Sept. 1949. 304 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 2. Probable Wisconsin sub-stages and late-Wisconsin events in northeastern United States and southeastern Canada: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 64, pp. 897-920, 3 pls., Aug. 1953. Foerste, August Frederick 1. The Richmond faunas of Little Bay de Noquette in northern Michigan: Ottawa Nat., v. 31, no. 91, pp. 97-103, illus., Dec. 1917; v. 31, no. 10, pp. 121-127, Jan. 1918. 2. Silurian cephalopods of northern Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Geol. Contr., v. 2, no. 3, pp. 19-120, 2 figs., 17 pls., July 10, 1924; abs., Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 5, v. 8 (v.208), no. 46, pp. 348-349, 1924. 3. Notes on American Paleozoic cephalopods: Denison Univ. Sci. Lab. Jour., v. 20, pp. 193-267, 22 pls., Dec. 1924. 4. Devonian cephalopods from Alpena in Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Geol. Contr., v. 2, no. 9, pp. 189-208, 5 pis., Aug. 3, 1927. *5. The color patterns of fossil cephalopods and brachiopods, with notes on gastropods and pelecypods: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 3, no. 6, pp. 109-150, 5 pls., Feb. 20, 1930. 6. Additional notes on Nephriticerina: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 3, no. 7, pp. 151-154, 1 fig., 1 pl., Feb. 20, 1930. 7. Black River and other cephalopods from Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ontario, pt. I: Reprinted from Denison Univ. Bull. (v.32) Sci. Lab. Jour., v. 27, pp. 47-136, 37 pls., Dec. 1932; pt. II, Denison Univ. Bull. (v.33) Sci. Lab. Jour., v. 28, pp. 1-146, Apr. 1933. Folger, Anthony 1. (and others) Geologic descriptions of states included in central United States cross section: Reprint, Guidebook, 5th Ann. Field Conf., Kan. Geol. Soc., Sept. 1931. 93 pp. Fontanna, Stanley G. 1. Michigan's water problems are studied: Mich. Conserv., v. 15, no. 6, July 1946. Foote, C. M. 1. (and Hood, E. C.) Plat book of Isabella County, Michigan: Minneapolis, C. M. Foote Publishing Co., 1899. Foote, E. B. 1. (and others) Plat book of Tuscola County, Michigan: Philadelphia, Monarch Publishing Co., 1902. Forsyth, A. C.-See Schwartz, G. M., 1. Forsythe, James T. 1. Pre-glacial drainage of central southern Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, June 1952. Unpublished. Foshag, William Frederick 1. (and Larsen, E. S., Jr.) Eakleite from Isle Royale, Michigan: Am. Mineralog., v. 7, no. 2, pp. 23-24, Feb. 1922. Foss, A. L.-See also Nilsen, N. E., 1. "1. (and Flanagan, J. M.) Shaft sinking at the Eureka mine: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 25, pp. 39-51, illus., 1926. Foster, John Wells-See also Desor, Sdouard, 3; Hall, James, 1, 2; Whitney, J. D., 9, 11, 12, 19. 1. (and Whitney, J. D.) Synopsis of the explorations... in the Lake Superior land district in the Northern Peninsula of Michigan: U. S. 31st REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 305 Cong., 1st Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 1, pt. III; House Ex. Doc. 5, pt. III, pp. 605-626, maps, 1849. 2. (and Hill, S. W.) Statistics of the mines of Keweenaw Point, Michigan: U. S. 31st Cong., 1st Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 1, pt. III; House Ex. Doc. 5, pt. III, pp. 759-765, 1849. 3. [Field notes of work in Lake Superior region]: U. S. 31st Cong., 1st Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 1, pt. III; House Ex. Doc. 5, pt. III, pp. 766-801, 1849. 4. [Report of field work in the Lake Superior land district]: U. S. 30th Cong., 2d Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 2, pp. 159-163, 1849. 5. (and Whitney, J. D.) On the different systems of elevation which have given configuration to North America with an attempt to identify them with those of Europe: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc., v. 5, pp. 136-138, 1851. Three grand systems of elevation in North America; Lake Superior, Appalachian, and Rocky Mountain systems; and two lesser systems -Kaministiquia, and Isle Royale and Keweenaw Point. 6. (and Whitney, J. D.) On the Azoic system, as developed in the Lake Superior land district [abs.]: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc., v. 5, pp. 4-7, 1851. 7. (and Whitney, J. D.) On the age of the sandstone of Lake Superior, with a description of the phenomena of the association of igneous rocks: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc., v. 5, pp. 22-38, 1851. 8. (and Whitney, J. D.; and others) Report on the geology and topography of a portion of the Lake Superior land district in the state of Michigan; pt. I, Copper lands: U. S. 31st Cong., 1st Sess., House Ex. Doc. 69, maps, 1850. 224 pp. Pt. II, The iron region, together with the general geology: U. S..32d Cong., Spec. Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 4, v. 16, illus., maps, 1851. 406 pp. Extr., Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 17 (v.67), pp. 11-13, 1854; notice, v. 15 (v.65), no. 44, pp. 295-296, 1853; v. 12 (v.62), no. 35, pp. 222-239, 1851. 9. (and Whitney, J. D.) [Mineralogical notes]: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 15 (v.65), no. 45, p. 434 (Limestones, marble of Lake Superior region), p. 439 (Honeslate or novaculite), p. 440 (Feldspar of the granite of the Lake Superior region), p. 440 (Leonhardite of Copper Falls, Lake Superior region), p. 444 (On the iron ores of the Lake Superior region), p. 446 (Native copper of the Lake Superior region), 1853. See also J. W. Foster, 8. 10. (and Whitney, J. D.) Pitchstone from the trap of Isle Royale: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 17 (v.67), no. 49, p. 128, 1854. 11. (and Kimball, J. P.) Geology and metallurgy of the iron ores of Lake Superior, Iron Cliffs Company, New York, 1865. 89 pp. Report, by J. W. Foster, addressed to the Board of Directors of the Iron Cliffs Company, New York, 1865. 16 pp. Fowle, J. C. 1. Magnetic concentration at the Michigamme iron-mine, Lake Superior: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 19, pp. 62-70, 1890. Frantti, Gordon E. 1. Geophysical investigations in Upper Peninsula of Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Phys., Mich. College Min. Tech., Houghton, 1954. 75 pp. Unpublished. Franz, Harvey--See also Hill, Jeff, 3. 1. Fulgurites in Michigan: Rocks and Minerals, v. 21, no. 6, pp. 354-355, June 1946. 306 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Fraser, Lee 1. Coal mining in Michigan: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 48, pp. 594-595, 1024-1027, 1907. Fritts, Crawford E. 1. A petrologic study of the Mount Houghton felsite, Keweenaw Peninsula: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. Eng., Mich. College Min. Tech., Houghton, 1952. 42 pp. Unpublished. Fritz, Madeleine Alberta *1. Devonian fossil zones in wells from southwestern Ontario: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 50, no. 1, 3 figs., pp. 79-88, Jan. 1, 1939. Fry, William H. 1. Sections of two Michigan salt wells: Jour. Geol., v. 21, no. 4, pp. 320 -322, 1913. 2. Log of well of Pennsylvania Salt Company, Detroit, Michigan: Jour. Geol., v. 21, no. 7, p. 671, 1913. Frye, F. R.-See Smith, R. A., 11. Fugate, Ross J. 1. Developments in Michigan in 1952: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 37, no. 6, pp. 1315-1328, June 1953. 2. (and Sleight, G. C.) Developments in Michigan in 1953: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 38, no. 6, pp. 1091-1106, 3 figs., 7 tables, June 1954. Fuller, George Damon 1. Postglacial vegetation of the Lake Michigan region: Ecology, v. 16, no. 3, pp. 473-487, 8 figs., incl. geol. map, July 1, 1935; abs., Am. Meteorol. Soc. Bull., v. 19, no. 5, pp. 187-188, May 1938. Fuller, Myron Leslie-See also Lane, A. C., 36. 1. (and Clapp F. G.; Johnson, B. L.) Bibliographic review and index of underground-water literature published in the United States in 1905: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 163, 1906. 130 pp. 2. (and others) Contributions to hydrology of eastern United States, 1903: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 102, 1904. 522 pp. Contains: Lower Michigan, by W. F. Cooper, pp. 489-512. 3. Artesian flows from unconfined sandy strata: Eng. News., v. 53, no. 13, pp. 329-330, 3 figs., Mar. 30, 1905. Describes examples on Long Island, New York, and in Michigan and offers an explanation of the cause. 4. Bibliographic review and index of papers relating to underground waters published by the United States Geological Survey 1879-1904: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 120, 1905. 128 pp. 5. Underground waters of eastern United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 114, 1905. 285 pp. Contains: Lower Michigan, compiled from report by A. C. Lane, pp. 242-247. *6. (and Lines, E. F.; Veatch, A. C.) Record of deep-well drilling for 1904: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 264, 1905. 106 pp. 7. Contributions to the hydrology of eastern United States 1905: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 145, 1905. Contains: A groundwater problem in southeastern Michigan, pp. 129-147. *8. (and Sanford, Samuel) Record of deep-well drilling for 1905: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 298, 1906. 299 pp. Fulton, John 1. Mode of deposition of the iron ores of the Menominee range, Michigan: A.I.M.E. Trans. (1887-88), v. 16, pp. 525-536, 9 figs., incl. map, 1887. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 307 2. Methods of mining in the Menominee range, Michigan: A.I.M.E. Trans. (1887-88), v. 16, pp. 891-905, 8 figs., 1888. Gacek, Walter F. 1. Mechanical analyses of sediments from southwest Lake Erie: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, June 1951. Unpublished. Gannett, Henry 1. Results of primary triangulation: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 122, 1894. 412 pp. Pages 117-119 concern Michigan. 2. Summary of the primary triangulation executed by the United States Geological Survey between the years 1882 and 1894: U. S. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt., v. 16, pt. I, pp. 875-885, 1894-1895. 3. (compiler) A dictionary of geographic positions in the United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 123, 1895. 183 pp. Pages 107-112 concern Michigan. 4. Magnetic declination in the United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt., v. 17, pt. I, pp. 203-440, 1896. 5. Boundaries of the United States and of the several States and Territories with an outline of the history of all important changes of territory (1st ed.): U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 13, 1885. 135 pp. 2d ed., Bull. 171, 1900. 142 pp. 3d ed., Bull. 226, 1901. 145 pp. 6. The origin of certain place names in the United States (2d ed.): U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 258, 1905. 334 pp. 1st ed., Bull. 197, 1902. 280 pp. 7. (compiler) A dictionary of altitudes in the United States (4th ed.): U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 274, 1906. 1072 pp. Pages 445-471 concern Michigan. 3d ed., Bull. 160, 1899. 775 pp. Pages 297-319 concern Michigan. 8. The areas of the United States, the States, and the Territories: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 302, 1906. 9 pp. Gannett, Samuel S. 1. Results of primary triangulation and primary traverse, fiscal year 1902 -03: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 216, 1903; for 1903-04, Bull. 245, 1904; for 1905-06, Bull. 310, 1907. Gardner, E. D. *1. (and Johnson, C. H.; Butler, B. S.) Copper mining in North America: U. S. Bur. Mines Bull. 405, 1938. 300 pp. Garner, H. F.-See Miller, A. K., 1, 2. 1. Lower Mississippian orthoconic nautiloid cephalopods of Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., State Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, 3 pls., 1951. 72-pp. Published in part; see Miller, A. K., 1, 2. 2. Lower Mississippian cephalopods of Michigan, coiled nautiloids and ammonoids: Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., State Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, 11 pls., 1953. 201 pp. Published in part; see Miller, A. K., 1, 2. Garrigues, S. S.-See Rominger, C. L., 3. Garton, E. L. 1. Analyses of crude oils from some fields of Michigan: U. S. Bur. Mines Rpt. Inv. 3346, May 1937. 28 pp. Discusses briefly oil fields of Michigan and characteristics of crude oils produced from them. Gives analyses of 15 samples of crude. U.S.B.M. 308 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Gates, David M. 1. A deposit of mammal bones under Sleeping Bear dune: Kan. Acad. Sci. Trans., v. 42, pp. 337-338, 1 fig., 1939. Gates, Frank C. 1. The disappearing Sleeping Bear dune: Ecology, v. 31, no. 3, pp. 386-392, 13 figs., July 1950. Sleeping Bear dune, about 25 miles west of Traverse City, Michigan, is perched on a glacial moraine overlooking Lake Michigan to the west. Formerly covered by vegetation, the dune is now being eroded away by the wind as a result of activity within the past 20 years which has destroyed the protective vegetative covering. Variations in the measurements from 1928 to the present time are given. U.S.G.S. Gates, William B. 1. Michigan copper and Boston dollars: Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Univ. Press. 1951. Rev., Econ. Geol., v. 47, no. 2, pp. 227-229, Mar.-Apr. 1952. Geijer, Per 1. Lake Superior omradets prekambriska Jiirnformationer [Pre-Cambrian iron formation, Lake Superior district]: Geologiska Freningens i Stockholm, Fdrhandlingar 35, pp. 439-483, 1914. Genth, F. A. 1. Contributions to mineralogy; Whitneyite, a new species: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 27 (v.77), no. 81, p. 400, 1859; Whitneyite, v. 28 (v.78), no. 83, p. 247, 1859; Arsenides of copper, v. 33 (v.83), no. 98, pp. 191-194, 1862. Gibbs, Clifford J. 1. The influence of sub-surface geology upon the propagation of electromagnetic waves: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1939. 55 pp. Unpublished. Gibson, Thomas G. *1. Principles of mining taxation [with discussion]: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 61, pp. 639-648, 709-711, 1919. Gidley, James Williams 1. Descriptions of two new species of Pleistocene ruminants of the genera Ovibos and Bo6therium, with notes on the latter genus: U. S. Natl. Mus. Proc., v. 34, pp. 681-684, illus., 1908. Specimen of Bodtherium obtained from post-glacial swamp near Grand Rapids. Gilbert, Grove Karl 1. Recent earth movement in the Great Lakes region: U. S. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt., v. 18, pt. II, pp. 595-647, 1897; in part, Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, v. 7 (v.157), no. 39, pp. 239-241, 1899. Glock, Waldo S. *1. Algae as limestone makers and climatic indicators: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 5, v. 6 (v.206), no. 35, pp. 377-408, Nov. 1923. This paper might be of value in determining the origin of some Michigan marls. Goetz, G. W. 1. Analyses of Lake Superior iron-ores: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 19, pp. 59-61, 1890. Goldthwait, James Walter *1. Correlation of the raised beaches on the west side of Lake Michigan: Jour. Geol., v. 14, no. 5, pp. 411-424, 1906. 2. A reconstruction of water planes of the extinct glacial lakes in the Lake Michigan basin: Jour. Geol., v. 16, no. 5, pp. 459-476, 1908; abs., Sci., new ser., v. 27, pp. 724-725, 1908. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 309 3. Isobases of the Algonquin and Iroquois beaches, and their significance: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 21, pp. 227-248, 1910. 4. The altitude of the Algonquin beach and its significance [abs.]: Sci., new ser., v. 28, pp. 382-383, 1908. 5. Isobases of post-Algonquin elevation across lakes Michigan and Huron [abs.]: Sci., new ser., v. 29, p. 754, 1909. Good, Stanley Edgar 1. (and Pettijohn, F. J.) Magnetic survey and geology of the Stager area, Iron County, Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey Cire. 55, prepared in cooperation with Mich. Geol. Survey, illus., incl. index and geol. maps, Aug. 1949. 4 pp. Goodell, Edwin B. "*1. A review of the laws forbidding pollution of inland waters in the United States (2d ed.): U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 152, 1905. 149 pp. Pages 36-38 concern Michigan. Goodman, Robert J. 1. The future of iron mining on the Marquette range, Marquette County, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1949), v. 35, pp. 189-195, 5 figs., 1951. 2. The discovery and early exploitation of iron ore on the Marquette range, Marquette County, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1951), v. 37, pp. 161-165, 1 fig., 1952. Gordon, Charles Henry-See also Lane, A. C., 27. 1. Geological report on Sanilac County, Michigan: Mich. Geol. Survey, v. 7, pt. II, 5 pls., 2 figs., incl. map, 1900. 34 pp. 2. Notes on the Kalamazoo and other old glacial outlets in southern Michigan: Jour. Geol., v. 6, no. 5, pp. 477-482, map, 1898. Gordon, W. C.-See also Baxter, C. H., 2; Lane, A. C., 45. 1. The Black River section near Bessemer: Mich. Acad. Sci. Rpt., v. 7, pp. 188-195, 1905. Grabau, Amadeus William-See also Lane, A. C., 27; Sherzer, W. H., 6, 8. 1. A preliminary geologic section in Alpena and Presque Isle counties, Michigan: Am. Geol., v. 28, no. 3, pp. 177-189, 1901. 2. Traverse group of Michigan [abs.]: Sci., new ser., v. 15, p. 83, 1902; Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 13, p. 519, 1903. 3. Limestone regions of Michigan [abs.]: N. Y. Acad. Sci. Annals, v. 15, no. 1, p. 81, 1903. 4. Paleozoic coral reefs: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 14, pp. 337-352, 2 pls., 1903. *5. Types of sedimentary overlap: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 17, pp. 567-636, 17 figs., Dec. 31, 1906. 6. Subaerial erosion cliffs and talus in the lower Devonic of Michigan [abs.]: Sci., new ser., v. 25, pp. 295-296, 1907. 7. The Sylvania sandstone; a study in paleogeography [abs.]: Sci., new ser., v. 26, p. 832, 1907; note, N. Y. Acad. Sci. Annals, v. 18, p. 344, 1908. 8. Devonic elements in the late Siluric fauna of southern Michigan [abs.]: Sci., new ser., v. 27, p. 726, 1908. 9. Notes on the Traverse group of Michigan [abs.]: Sci., new ser., v. 27, p. 726, 1908. 10. Discovery of the Schoharie fauna in Michigan [abs.]: Sci., new ser., v. 23, p. 467, 1906; Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 17, pp. 718-719, 1906; N. Y. Acad. Sci. Annals, v. 18, p. 267, 1908. 310 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 11. (and Sherzer, W. H.) The Monroe formation of southern Michigan and adjoining regions: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 2, geol. ser. 1, illus., 1910. 248 pp. 12. Subdivisions of the Traverse group of Michigan and its relation to the other mid-Devonic formations [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 27, p. 159, 1916. Grabau, Warren Edward 1. The significance of oriented coral sections: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1950. 53 pp. Unpublished. Graff, W. W. 1. Mining practices, methods, and costs at Mine No. 5 of the Marquette range, Mich.: U. S. Bur. Mines Inf. Circ. 6380, 5 figs., 1930. 10 pp. Describes working of mine by top-slicing system. Discusses methods of prospecting, developing, mining, and haulage. U.S.B.M. 2. Mining practices, methods, and costs, Mine No. 4 of the Marquette range, Mich.: U. S. Bur. Mines Inf. Circ. 6390, 3 figs., 1930. 8 pp. Describes mining methods used for semihard hematite ore. U.S.B.M. Grant, Rex Potter 1. Oil and gas developments in Michigan during 1941: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 26, no. 6, pp. 1097-1109, 1 fig., index map, June 1942; abs., no. 5, p. 914, May 1942; in 1940, v. 25, no. 6, pp. 1125-1134, June 1941; abs., v. 25, no. 5, p. 944, May 1941. 2. Recent developments in western Michigan [abs.]: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 32, no. 2, p. 305, Feb. 1948. 3. The petroleum producing industry in Michigan: Compass, v. 25, no. 3, pp. 113-120, Mar. 1948. 4. Michigan's petroleum-producing industry: Mich. Conserv., v. 17, no. 4, pp. 8-9, 14-15, Apr. 1948. 5. Liquid gas is stored in "Tailor-Made" caves: Mich. Conserv., v. 22, no. 3, pp. 24-27, May-June 1953. Liquefied petroleum gas is being stored in Michigan in caves dissolved out of natural salt beds. Article is written in popular style. Grant, Ulysses Sherman 1. The name of the copper-bearing rocks of Lake Superior: Am. Geol., v. 15, no. 3, pp. 192-194, 1895. 2. Investigations on the Lake Superior iron-ore deposits: Min. Mag., v. 10, pp. 175-183, 1904. Graton, Louis Caryl 1. Memorial to Henry Lloyd Smyth: Geol. Soc. Am. Proc. (1947), pp. 177 -190, portrait, May 1948. Gray, A. B. 1. [Mineral lands of Lake Superior region]: U. S. 28th Cong., Spec. Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 175, pp. 14-22, 1845. 2. Report on mineral lands on Lake Superior: U. S. 29th Cong., 1st Sess., House Ex. Doc. 211, map, 1846. 23 pp. Greenman, Norman N. 1. The origin of the Randville dolomite of Dickinson and Iron counties, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Ill., no date. Unpublished. Microfilmed. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 311 Gregory, W. M.-See also Grimsley, G. P., 1; Lane, A. C., 27, 35. 1. Geological report on Arenac County: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 11, geol. ser. 8, 6 pls., 18 figs., incl. map, 1912. 146 pp. Gresley, W. S. 1. Organic markings in Lake Superior iron ores: Sci., new ser., v. 3, pp. 622-623, 1896. 2. Traces of organic remains from the Huronian (?) series, at Iron Mountain, Michigan, etc.: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 26, pp. 527-534, illus., 1896. Griffin, A. M.-See Hearn, W. E., 1. Grimsley, G. P.-See also Adams, G. I., 1. 1. The gypsum of Michigan and the plaster industry: Mich. Geol. Survey, v. 9, pt. II, 49 figs., 29 pls., incl. maps, 1904. 246 pp. Contains: The Alabaster area, by W. M. Gregory, pp. 60-77. 2. A theory of origin for the Michigan gypsum deposits: Am. Geol., v. 34, no. 6, pp. 378-387, 1904. 3. Origin of gypsum, with special reference to the origin of the Michigan deposits: Kan. Acad. Sci. Trans. (1904), v. 19, pp. 110-117, 1905. Gritzner, G. F. 1. Vacation prospecting in Michigan: Rocks and Minerals, v. 24, nos. 1-2, pp. 38-39, 1949. Grout, Frank Fitch-See also Hotchkiss, W. 0., 7; Tyler, S. A., 3. *1. Contribution to the petrography of the Keweenawan: Jour. Geol., v. 18, no. 7, pp. 633-657, 1910. *2. Keweenawan copper deposits: Econ. Geol., v. 5, no. 5, pp. 471-476, 1910. Gruner, John Walter-See also Hotchkiss, W. 0., 7. 1. Hydrothermal oxidation and leaching experiments; their bearing on the origin of Lake Superior hematite-limonite ores: Econ. Geol., v. 25, nos. 7-8, pp. 697-719, 837-867, 12 figs., Nov.-Dec. 1930. 2. Magnesiosussexite, a new mineral from a Michigan iron mine, isomorphous with sussexite and camsellite: Am. Mineralog., v. 17, no. 11, pp. 509-513, Nov. 1932. 3. Additional notes on secondary concentration of Lake Superior iron ores: Econ. Geol., v. 27, no. 2, pp. 189-205, 1932; discussion, v. 27, no. 5, pp. 487-491, 1932; v. 28, no. 3, p. 293, 1933. 4. Hydrothermal leaching of iron ores of the Lake Superior type; a modified theory: Econ. Geol., v. 32, no. 2, pp. 121-130, 3 figs., Mar.-Apr. 1937; discussion, v. 32, no. 3, pp. 389-392; no. 6, pp. 855-857, 1937. 5. Dickite and chromium silicate in the iron ores of the Marquette and Gogebic ranges, Michigan [abs.]: Am. Mineralog., v. 31, nos. 3-4, p. 195, Mar.-Apr. 1946; Mineralog. Soc. Am., Program 26th Ann. Mtg., pp. 12-13, Dec. 1945. Guck, Homer 1. Geology of the Michigan copper district: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 108, no. 23, pp. 948-949, Dec. 27, 1919. Gulley, M. G. 1. Petroleum development in Michigan and the "Trenton Rock" fields of northwestern Ohio and northern Indiana, 1931 [with discussion]: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 98, pp. 208-215, 1 fig., 1932. Gutenberg, B. 1. Tilting due to glacial melting: Jour. Geol., v. 41, no. 5, pp. 449-467, JulyAug. 1933. Contains a discussion of the Great Lakes region. 312 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Hager, Dorsey 1. Tectonics of North Central States: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 33, no. 7, pp. 1198-1205, 1949; abs., v. 32, no. 2, pp. 296-297, 1948. Hagni, Richard D. 1. Petrology and origin of the Kitchi conglomerite, Marquette County, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1954. 45 pp. Unpublished. Hake, Benjamin Franklin 1. (and Maebius, J. B.) Lithology of the Traverse group of central Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1937), v. 23, pp. 447-461, 4 pls., incl. index map, 1938. 2. Geologic occurrence of oil and gas in Michigan: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 22, no. 4, pp. 393-415, 5 figs., incl. index map, Apr. 1938; abs., World Petrol., v. 9, no. 6, p. 50, June 1938. Hale, David J. 1. (and others) Marl (bog lime) and its application to the manufacture of Portland cement: Mich. Geol. Survey, v. 8, pt. III, 23 pls., 44 figs., incl. maps, 1903. 399 pp. Abs., Mich. Miner, v. 3, no. 11, pp. 11-14, 1901. Contains: Uses of marl; The use of marl for cement manufacture; Theories of origin; A contribution to the natural history of marl; Shells of marl; Manufacture of Portland cement; Notes on the origin of Michigan bog limes; List of localities and mills; and Marls and clays in Michigan. Hale, Lucille 1. Study of sedimentation and stratigraphy of Lower Mississippian in western Michigan: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 25, no. 4, pp. 713 -723, 5 figs., incl. index and geol. maps, Apr. 1941; abs., Oil and Gas Jour., v. 38, no. 48, p. 52, Apr. 11, 1940. Hall, James 1. Description of new or rare species of fossils from the Paleozoic series, in Report on the geology and topography of the Lake Superior land district, J. W. Foster and J. D. Whitney, pt. II, (U. S. 32d Cong., Spec. Sess., Senate Ex. Doe. 4), pp. 203-231, illus., 1851. 2. Lower Silurian system; Upper Silurian and Devonian series, in Report on the geology and topography of the Lake Superior land district, J. W. Foster and J. D. Whitney, pt. II, (U. S. 32d Cong., Spec. Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 4), pp. 140-166, 1851; in part, entitled On the Silurian system of the Lake Superior region, Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 17 (v.67), no. 50, pp. 181-194, 1854. Haller, F. J. 1. Wire netting in top slicing operations in The Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Company's Negaunee district: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 30, pp. 160 -167, 1939. Hamberg, Lawrence R. 1. Paleontology and stratigraphy of two well cores in the Devonian rocks of Bay and Arenac counties in Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, 1953. 22 pp. Unpublished. Hamilton, 0. R.-See Allen, R. C., 21. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 313 Handley, Charles 0., Jr. 1. Marine mammals in Michigan Pleistocene beaches: Jour. Mammalogy, v. 34, no. 2, pp. 252-253, May 1953. Hanna, Tom A. 1. Mines and mineral statistics: Ann. Rpt., Comm. Mineral Statistics, 1901, Marquette, 1902. 148 pp. 1. Mines and mineral statistics: Ann. Rpt., Comm. Mineral Statistics, 1902-03, 1903. 162 pp. Hansen, Ethel B. 1. A postglacial plant succession at Ann Arbor, Michigan, dating from the highest Lake Maumee level: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1946), v. 32, pp. 47-75, 7 figs., 9 pls., tables, 1948. Hard, Edward Wilhelm 1. Mississippian gas sands of central Michigan area: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 22, no. 2, pp. 129-174, 17 figs., incl. index and isopach maps, Feb. 1938. Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, June 1937. Hardenberg, Harry J. 1. Developments [oil and gas] in Michigan in 1942: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 27, no. 6, pp. 822-834, June 1943; in 1943, v. 28, no. 6, pp. 760-766, 1 fig., index map, June 1944; in 1944, v. 29, no. 6, pp. 693-700, 1 fig., index map, June 1945; abs., Dallas Digest, p. 71, Dallas, Texas, 1944. 2. Michigan's oil and gas industry: Mich. Manufacturer and Financial Rec., 23rd Annual Book of Michigan Industry, May 1946. 3. Developments [oil and gas] in Michigan in 1945: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 30, no. 6, pp. 886-894, 1 fig., index map, June 1946; in 1946, v. 31, no. 6, pp. 988-998, 1 fig., index map, 6 tables, June 1947; abs., AAPG-SEPM-SEG., Joint Ann. Mtg., Los Angeles, pp. 36-37, Mar. 24-27, 1947. 4. Michigan's mineral industries, [1946]: Mich. Geol. Survey, Lansing, 1948. 10 pp. 5. (and Rosenau, J. C.) Michigan's mineral industries, 1948: Mich. Geol. Survey, Lansing, Jan. 1950; for 1949, Mich. Geol. Survey, Dec. 1950. The 1948 report includes summary statistics for 1947. Hardenburgh, L. M. 1. The Pewabic concentrating works: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 6, pp. 23-26, 1900. Harder, Edmund Cecil-See also Leith, C. K., 6. *1. Manganese deposits of the United States, with sections on foreign deposits, chemistry, and uses: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 427, 1910. 298 pp. Contains production figures and some analyses of Lake Superior manganiferous iron ores, pp. 127-129, 275. Harger, Charles 1. Electrical power in mining on the Menominee range: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 21, pp. 103-113, 1917. Hart, W. C. 1. The opening of the Wakefield mine [with discussion]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 20, pp. 103-113, 1915. Hatt, Robert Torrens 1. History of the Cranbrook mineral collection: Midwest Geol., v. 1, no. 2, p. 5, July 1947. 314 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Hautau, Gordon Henry 1. The Richfield challenge; a review of the Richfield developments in Michigan: Mich. Geol. Survey Prog. Rpt. 15, June 1952. 15 pp. 2. Richfield is a major oil zone for Michigan: World Oil, v. 139, no. 7, pp. 100, 102-104, 3 figs., Dec. 1954. Hawes, Charles C. 1. Vitiated air in the Spies-Virgil mine-Iron River district: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 30, pp. 109-113, 1939. Hawes, E. L. *1. The development of the rock drill and its relation to the Lake Superior mining district: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 28, pp. 171-191, 1930. Hawes, George W. 1. On zonochlorite and chlorastrolite; contributions from the Sheffield Laboratory of Yale: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 10, (v.110), no. 55, pp. 24-26, 1875. Hayden, J. E. 1. Rock drifting in the Morris-Lloyd mine, The Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co.: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 20, pp. 142-147, 1915. 2. (and Eaton, Lucien) Building reinforced-concrete shaft houses: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 22, pp. 124-134, illus., 1922. Hayes, Augustus Allen 1. On the occurrence of massive datolite in the mines of Lake Superior: Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. (1861-62), v. 8, pp. 62-64, 1862. Hayes, Charles Willard-See also Emmons, S. F., 1, 2, 3. 1. (compiler) The state geological surveys of the United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 465, 1911. 177 pp. Pages 76-79 concern Michigan. Hayes, E. L. 1. Atlas of Gratiot County, Michigan: Philadelphia, Lake & Hayes, 1889. Hearding, John H..1. Reminiscences of the early days on the Gogebic range: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 16, pp. 251-257, 1911. 2. Early methods of transporting iron ore in the Lake Superior region: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 29, pp. 174-179, 1936. Hearn, W. Edward 1. (and Griffin, A. M.) Soil survey of the Alma area, Michigan: Field Operations, U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Soils, pp. 639-664, 1 map, 1 fig., 1905. Mentions occurrence of artesian and ordinary wells, and depths to water. M. L. F. Heath, George L. *1. The testing and control of the product in a modern copper refinery [with discussion]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 7, pp. 68-82, 1901. Helland, Randolph O.-See Jones, B. E., 1. Henderson, Janet 1. Ostracod fauna of the Bell shale formation of Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, June 1951. Unpublished. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 315 Henrich, Carl 1. Faulting and accompanying features observed in glacial gravel and sand in southern Michigan: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 26, pp. 460-464, 1896. Henry, William Waldo 1. An investigation of sub-surface reef conditions in the Traverse group of Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1949. 22 pp. Unpublished. Henwood, William Jory 1. On the native copper of Lake Superior: Royal Geol. Soc. Cornwall Trans., v. 8, pp. 385-489, 1871. Herndon, Thomas 1. Niagaran reefs: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, 1951 [?]. Unpublished. Herringshaw, D. E. 1. (and McGowan, D.) Burying gas in Michigan: Public Utilities Fortnightly, v. 40, pp. 471-475, Oct. 9, 1947. Heyman, Louis 1. A loess-like silt in Ann Arbor, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, June 1949. Unpublished. Hibbard, Claude W. 1. Animal Life in Michigan During the Ice Age: Mich. Alum. Quar. Rev. (1951), v. 57, no. 18, pp. 200-208, illus. 2. Remains of the barren ground caribou in Pleistocene deposits of Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1951), v. 37, pp. 235-237, 1 fig., 1952. Higgins, Edwin 1. Ventilation in the iron mines of the Lake Superior district [with discussion]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 19, pp. 154-176, 1914. 2. The safety movement in the Lake Superior iron region: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 50, pp. 755-770, 1914. Higgins, James W. 1. Structural petrology of the Pine Creek area, Dickinson County, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Ill., Aug. 1947. Microfilmed. In part, Jour. Geol., v. 55, no. 6, pp. 476-489, 1 pl., 15 figs., incl. index and geol. sketch maps, Nov. 1947. Higgins, Samuel Gaty 1. The salt industry in Michigan: Mich. Polit. Sci. Assoc. Pub., v. 4, Ann Arbor, -1900 [?]. Higgins, William D.-See Ayres, V. L., 1. Hildebrand, F. A.-See Pettijohn, F. J., 2. Hill, Jeff 1. Something new in fulgurites [lightning bolt on concrete sidewalk, Detroit]: Rocks and Minerals, v. 22, no. 10, p. 923, Oct. 1947. 2. A report on unusual limonite forms from Van Buren County, Michigan: Rocks and Minerals, v. 23, nos. 9-10, pp. 802-806, illus., Sept.-Oct. 1948. 3. (and Franz, Harvey) A second report on unusual limonite forms from Van Buren County, Michigan: Rocks and Minerals, v. 24, nos. 9-10, pp. 458-461, illus., Sept.-Oct. 1949. 316 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Hill, S. W.--See. Foster, J. W., 2; Williams,. C. P., 2. Hillebrand, W. F.;-See Clarke, F. W., 2. Hobbs, Robert Adelbert 1. The. application of roundness and spliericity measurements to subsurface samples of the Marshall formation of western Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1949. 36 pp. Unpublished.. Hobbs, William Herbert 1. Mineralogical notes: Am. Jour. Sdi., ser. 3, v. 50 (v.150), no. 29.6, pp. 121-128,. 1895. Contains: Barite and manganite from. the Lucy mine, Negaunee, Michigan, pp. 123-125; Chloritoid from blocks -on the south shore of Michigamme Lake,. Michigamme, Michigan, pp. 125-127 (with correction, ser. 4, v. 2 (v.152), p. 87., 1896).. 2. The. diamond field of the Great Lakes: Jour. Geol., v. 7, no. 4, pp. 37 5-388, 1899. 3. The late glacial and postglacial uplift of the Michigan Basin: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 5, geol. ser. 3, pp. 11-68, 1911. 4. Earthquakes in Michigan: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 5, geol. ser. 3, pp. 69-87,.2. pls., 5 figs., ind. maps, 1911. 5. The southwestern Michigan me-teor of November 26,.1919ý: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1921), v. 1, pp.. 253-268,.3 figs., 1923. 6. Memorial of Charles Wilford Cook: Geol. Soc. Am. Proc. (.1933), pp. 1.81-18.4, portrait, 1934. Hodge, James Thacher 1. On the mineral region of Lake Superior: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sdl. Proc. (1.849),. v..2, pp. 301-308, 1850. Hoffman, George Albert 1. The correlation by petrographic -methods of. dikes designated as numbers five and six in the Newport mine, Ironwood, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1950. 44 pp. Unpublished. Hoffmaster, P. J. 1. Michigan's oil and gas: Mich. Con-serv., v. 15, no., 9, pp. 6, 14, Oct. 1946. Hofstra, Warren Fiwin.1. The effects of. washing oil well cuttings from rotary and cable tool wells as related. to sample losses: Thesis for Degree of Master of. Science, Dept. of Geol.. and. Geog., Mich. State- College, East Lansing, 1949. 84 pp. Unpubl ished. Hohl, C. D.-See Broderick, T. M., 1, 3, 6, 7, 10. Hohlt, Richard B. *1.. The nature. and origin of limestone porosity: Quart. Colo. School of Mines, V. 43, no. 4, Oct. 1948. 51 pp. Holder, Clayton. E. 1. Salt at Detroit: Mich. Mineralog. Soc. Pub. 2, 1947 Annual, pp. 14-16, illus., [1948?] Holland, William T. 1. (and Jarvis, C. S.) Inventory of unpublished hydrologic data: U. S. Geol. Survey Wat er-Supply Paper 837, 1938. 77 pp. Holmberg, Clyde Laurence-See Zinner, Paul, 1. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 317 Holmes, Charles 1. Coal and coal mining in Michigan: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 68, pp. 335-336, 1899. Holmquest, Harold John, Jr. 1. A statistical morphologic classification of the Paleozoic Ostracoda: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1952. 32 pp. Unpublished. Holway, William 1. The origin and occurrence of specular hematite (specularite) in the Lower Huronian of the Marquette district, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1952. 46 pp. Unpublished. Hood, E. C.-See Foote, C. M., 1. Hopper, Walter E.-See Allen, R. C., 8, 15, 17, 18. Hore, Reginald E.-See also Allen, R. C., 3, 4, 5, 8. 1. In the Michigan copper country: Canadian Min. Jour., v. 30, pp. 421-422, 1909. 2. The copper-mining industry of Michigan: Min. World, v. 36, pp. 601-603, 656-658, 707-710, 763-767, 1912. Hornstein, Owen Merle 1. A field and petrographic study of some extrusive and sedimentary rocks along the Carp and Little Carp rivers in Ontonagon and Gogebic counties, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1950. 55 pp. Unpublished. Horton, A. H.-See Daugherty, C. R., 1. Hotchkiss, William Otis 1. (and Ingersoll, L. R.) Post-glacial time calculations from recent geothermal measurements in the Calumet copper mines: Jour. Geol., v. 42, no. 2, pp. 113-122, 3 figs., 1934. 2. Exploration methods on the Gogebic range: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 68, pp. 287-293, 1923; preprint no. 995, 1920. 7 pp. Abs., Min. and Met., no. 163, pp. 29-30, July 1910 [?]. 3. Geology of the Gogebic range and its relation to recent mining developments: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 108, no. 11, pp. 443-452, no. 12, pp. 501-507, no. 13, pp. 537-541, no. 14, pp. 577-582, 35 figs., Sept.-Oct. 1919. 4. Recent developments in the geology of the Gogebic range [with discussion]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 23, pp. 47-55, 1923. 5. The Lake Superior geosyncline: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 34, no. 4, pp. 669-678, Dec. 30, 1923; Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 24, pp. 140 -148, 1925. 6. (and Fisher, James; Rooney, W. J.) Earth-resistivity measurements in the Lake Superior copper country: A.I.M.E., Geophys. Prosp., pp. 51-67, 5 figs., 1929. 7. (and others) Lake Superior Region: 16th Internat. Geol. Cong., United States, 1933; Guidebook 27, Excursion C-4, 22 figs., 8 pls., incl. geol. maps, 1933. 101 pp. Contains: Introduction, by C. K. Leith, pp. 1-10; Geology of the Marquette range, by C. 0. Swanson, pp. 10-21; Mining on the Marquette range, by F. G. Pardee, pp. 21-29; Geology, exploration and mining in the Michigan copper district, by T. M. Broderick, pp. 29-49; The Gogebic range, by W. O. Hotchkiss, pp. 49-59; Mining on 318 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY the Gogebic range, by F. G. Pardee, pp. 60-65; Gogebic range to Duluth, by H. R. Aldrich, pp. 66-67; Duluth rocks and structure, by F. F. Grout, pp. 67-72; The Cuyuna iron-ore district, by Carl Zapffe, pp. 72-88; The Mesabi range, by J. W. Gruner, pp. 88-101. 8. Memorial to Rolland Craten Allen: Geol. Soc. Am. Proc. (1948), pp. 111-116, portrait, May 1949. Houdek, Paul King 1. Pollen statistics for two bogs in southwestern Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1934), v. 20, pp. 49-56, 2 figs., 1935. Hough, Jack Luin 1. The mechanical composition of the deposits of southern Lake Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Ill., no date. Unpublished. Microfilmed. 2. The bottom deposits of southern Lake Michigan: Jour. Sed. Petr., v. 5, no. 2, pp. 57-80, 4 figs., incl. sketch maps, Aug. 1935; abs., Ill. Acad. Sci. Trans., v. 28, no. 2, p. 197, Dec. 1935. 3. Fathogram indications of bottom materials in Lake Michigan: Jour. Sed. Petr., v. 22, no. 3, pp. 162-172, 8 figs., Sept. 1952. 4. Post-glacial low-water stage of Lake Michigan indicated by bottom sediments [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 63, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1265, Dec. 1952. 5. Post-Cary glacial substages and lake levels of the Lake Michigan basin [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 63, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1382, Dec. 1952. 6. Pleistocene chronology of the Great Lakes region: Office of Naval Research, Contract No. N6ori-07133, Project NR-018-122, Final Rpt., Univ. of Ill., Urbana, Jan. 31, 1953. 108 pp. Houghton, Douglass-See also Hubbard, Bela, 7; Williams, H. S., 1. 1. [Remarks on the metalliferous veins of the Northern Peninsula of Michigan], presented before the Assoc. Am. Geol., 1841: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 41, pp. 183-186, 1841; Assoc. Am. Geol. and Nat. Rpt., pp. 35-38, 1843. 2. Report on the copper of Lake Superior, in Narrative of an expedition through the Upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake, H. R. Schooleraft, pp. 287-292: New York, 1834. Also in Summary narrative, H. R. Schoolcraft, pp. 526-531: Philadelphia, 1855. 3. (and others) Geological reports of Douglass Houghton, first State Geologist of Michigan, 1837-1845; edited by George N. Fuller, 8 pls., incl. portrait and maps, Mich. Hist. Comm., Lansing, 1928. 700 pp. For the original publications see the State Legislative documents. Detailed reference to these is contained in the Catalog and table of contents of the publications of the Geological and Biological Survey Division of the Michigan Department of Conservation... 1838-1922, and in the Index of Geological Survey publications. Houghton, Jacob, Jr. 1. The mineral region of Lake Superior: Buffalo, Oliver G. Steele, 1846. 191 pp. 2. (and Bristol, T. W.) Reports of Wm. A. Burt, and Bela Hubbard on the geography, topography, and geology... of the south shore of Lake Superior..., map: Detroit, 1846. 109 pp. 3. The ancient copper mines of Lake Superior: Wis. State Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 8, pp. 140-151, 1879. Hovey, Edmund Otis 1. An analcite copper boulder from the Keweenaw range, Michigan: Sci., v. 22, p. 93, 1893. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 319 2. Aerolite from Rose City, Michigan: Am. Mus. Novitates, no. 52, 3 figs., Nov. 23, 1922. 7 pp. Abs., Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 34, no. 1, p. 97, Mar. 30, 1923. 3. A new meteorite from Michigan: Nat. Hist., v. 23, no. 1, pp. 87-88, Jan.-Feb. 1923. Howard, C. S.-See Collins, W. D., 3, 5. Howard, W. V. *1. A classification of limestone reservoirs: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 12, no. 12, pp. 1153-1161, 1928. 2. Two recent discoveries may signal Michigan's comeback: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 39, p. 31, Aug. 15, 1940. The discoveries were Rayburn's No. 1 Yenior, Arenae County and Sun's No. 1, J. F. McKenna, Gladwin County. Hoyt, John C. 1. Drought of 1936, with discussion on the significance of drought in relation to climate: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 820, 1938. 62 pp. Contains numerous tables which give data on rainfall for Michigan as well as other states. Hubbard, Bela-See also Houghton, Douglass, 3; Houghton, Jacob, Jr., 2. 1. General observations upon the geology and topography of the district south of Lake Superior: U. S. 29th Cong., 1st Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 357, pp. 20-29, 1846. 2. Geological report [of field work in Lake Superior land district]: U. S. 31st Cong., 1st Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 1, pt. III, and House Ex. Doc. 5, pt. III, pp. 833-842, 882-932, 1849. 3. Report [on the geology of the organized counties of Michigan]: Mich. State Geol. Ann. Rpt., v. 4, pp. 113-146, 1841; Mich. State Agr. Soc. Trans. (1853), v. 5, pp. 312-339, 1854. 4. Report [on Lenawee, Hillsdale, Branch, St. Joseph, Cass, Berrien, Washtenaw, Oakland, and Livingston counties]: Mich. State Geol. Ann. Rpt., v. 3, pp. 77-111, 1840; Mich. State Agr. Soc. Trans. (1853), v. 5, pp. 279-312, 1854. 5. Report [on Wayne and Monroe counties]: Mich. State Geol. Ann. Rpt., v. 2, pp. 79-114, 1839; Mich. State Agr. Soc. Trans. (1855), v. 7, pp. 355 -386, 1856. 6. A Michigan geological expedition in 1837 [in Saginaw Valley, Michigan]: Mich. Pioneer Coll., v. 3, pp. 189-201, 1881. 7. The journal of Mus-co-me-in-gun: Mich. Conserv., v. 5, nos. 6, 12, Nov. 1935, May 1936; v. 6, no. 1, June 1936. Excerpts from Hubbard's notebooks describing the expedition made in 1840 by the State Geologist, Douglass Houghton, to the Lake Superior region. Hubbard, Lucius Lee-See also Koenig, G. A., 1; Lane, A. C., 3; Wadsworth, M. E., 14. 1. Two new geological cross-sections of Keweenaw Point: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 2, pp. 79-96, 1894. 2. The relation of the vein at the Central mine, Keweenaw Point to the Kearsarge conglomerate: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 3, pp. 74-83, 4 pls., 1895. 3. Keweenaw Point, with particular reference to the felsites and their associated rocks: Mich. Geol. Survey, v. 6, pt. II, 10 pls., 11 figs., incl. maps, 1898. 155 pp. 4. Sixth annual report of the State Geologist [extr.]: Ann. Rpt. of the State Geologist of Michigan, Lansing, 1899. 9 pp. 320 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 5. Work of the Geological Survey in the Upper Peninsula: Mich. Miner, v. 3, no. 3, p. 9, 1901. 6. Foot wall shafts in Lake Superior mines [with discussion]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 17, pp. 144-161, 1912. 7. In the Lake Superior area what influence, if any, did the thickness and contour of foot wall beds have upon the subsequent deposition and distribution of copper in overlying beds? [with discussion]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 17, pp. 227-237, 1912. Hubbard, Oliver P. 1. Notice of Geological Surveys; I, of the State of Ohio; II, of Indiana; II, of Michigan: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 40, pp. 126-137, 1841. Hubbert, M. King *1. Strength of the earth: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 29, no. 11, pp. 1630-1653, 3 figs., Nov. 1945. Brief mention is made of the uplift of the land surface in the Great Lakes region following retreat of the Pleistocene ice sheet. Hubbs, Carl Leavitt 1. The cranium of a fresh-water sheepshead from post-glacial marl in Cheboygan County, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1939), v. 25, pp. 293-296, 1 pl., 1940. Hulst, Harry T. 1. (and Jackson, G. R.; Siebenthal, W. A.) Mining methods on the Marquette range [with discussion]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 19, pp. 131-141, 1914. 2. Brief history of some of the abandoned mines of the Marquette iron range: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 29, pp. 168-173, 1936. Hulst, Nelson P. 1. President's address [historical review, mining industry]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 2, pp. 11-22, 1894. 2. The geology of that portion of the Menominee range east of Menominee River: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 1, pp. 19-29, map, 1893; abs., Eng. Min. Jour., v. 55, p. 366, 1893. 3. Moisture in Lake Superior iron ores [with discussion]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 8, pp. 21-32, 1902. Hulbert, E. J.-See Booth, J. C., 1. Humphrey, W. E.-See Ehlers, G. M., 16. Humphrys, C. R. 1. Treasure by the ton: Mich. Conserv., v. 22, no. 3, pp. 3-7, May-June 1953. Operations are again started on the White Pine copper deposit. This article, written in popular style, gives a brief review of the development of copper mining in Michigan. Hunt, Hubert B. 1. A regional magnetometer survey of the Pinckney area, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, June 1952. Unpublished. Hunt, T. Sterry *1. Contributions to the chemistry of natural waters; pt. II, analyses of various natural waters: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 40 (v.90), no. 118, pp. 43-60, 1865. *2. Notes on the geology of southwestern Ontario: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 46 (v.96), no. 138, pp. 355-362, 1868. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 321 Hunt, W. F.-See Kraus, E. H., 3. Hurd, Paul 1. Fulgurites: Rocks and Minerals, v. 25, nos. 3-4, p. 135, Mar.-Apr. 1950. Fulgurites occur in the sands of dunes near Stevensville and Riverside on Lake Michigan. U.S.G.S. Hussey, Russell Claudius-See also Ehlers, G. M., 5; Kesling, R. V., 10. 1. The Richmond formation of Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Geol. Contr., v. 2, no. 8, pp. 113-187, 1 fig., 11 pls., July 15, 1926. Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, June 1925. 2. Cystoids from the Trenton rocks of Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 3, no. 4, pp. 77-79, 1 pl., Nov. 10, 1928. 3. The Trenton and Black River rocks of Michigan, in Occasional papers on the geology of Michigan: Mich. Geol. Survey, pub. 40, geol. ser. 34, pt. III, pp. 227-260, 8 figs., 1936; rev., Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 21, no. 12, pp. 1597-1600, Dec. 1937. 4. New species of fossils from the Middle Ordovician of Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1940), v. 26, pp. 445-448, 1 pl., 1941. 5. The Middle and Upper Ordovician rocks of Michigan: Mich. Geol. Survey, pub. 46, geol. ser. 39, 10 pls., 11 figs., 1952. 89 pp. Hussey, W. J. 1. List of earthquake shocks recorded at the observatory of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, during 1910: Seismol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 1, pp. 83-84, 1911. Imbrie, John 1. Population studies in Strophodonta from the Michigan Devonian [abs.]. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 64, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1439, Dec. 1953. Imlay, Ralph Willard 1. Gypidula petoskeyensis, sp. nov., a new brachiopod from the Traverse group of Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 4, no. 5, pp. 101-104, 1 pl., Dec. 1, 1932. Imperial Publishing Co. 1. The county of Saginaw, Michigan; topography, history, art folio: Saginaw, Imperial Publishing Co., 1896. Ingersoll, Leonard Rose-See Hotchkiss, W. 0., 1. Irvin, W. C.-See also Williams, G. H., 2. 1. The topographic expression of the sub-lacustrine geology of the Lake Superior basin: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Ill., Urbana, 1948. 18 pp. Unpublished. Irving, Roland Duer 1. On the age of the copper-bearing rocks of Lake Superior; and on the "westward continuation of the Lake Superior synclinal: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 8 (v.108), no. 43, pp. 46-56, map, 1874. 2. Note on the stratigraphy of the Huronian series of northern Wisconsin; and on the equivalency of the Huronian of the Marquette and Penokee districts: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 17 (v.117), no. 101, pp. 393-398, 1879. 3. On the paramorphic origin of the hornblende of the crystalline rocks of the Northwestern States: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 26 (v.126), nos. 151, 154, pp. 27-32, 321-322, 1883; suppl., v. 27 (v.127), no. 158, pp. 130-134, 1884; notes, ser. 3, v. 26 (v. 126), no. 152, p. 155, 1883. 322 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 4. (and Van Hise, C. R.) On secondary enlargement of mineral fragments in certain rocks: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 8, 1884. 56 pp. Contains discussion of some rocks from the Lake Superior region. 5. Preliminary paper on an investigation of Archean formations of the Northwestern States: U. S. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt., v. 5, pp. 175-242, 1883-1884. 6. Divisibility of the Archean in the northwest: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 29 (v.129), no. 171, pp. 237-249, 1885. Discussion of Penokee-Gogebic iron region. 7. The copper-bearing rocks of Lake Superior: U. S. Geol. Survey Mon. 5, maps, 1883. 464 pp. In part, U. S. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt., v. 3, (1881-82), pp. 89-188, map, 1883; abs., Sci., v. 1, pp. 140-141, 359-360, 422, 1883; Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 28 (v.128), no. 168, pp. 462-464, 1884; v. 29 (v.129), no. 169, pp. 67-68, no. 171, pp. 258-259, 1885. 8. Origin of the ferruginous schists and iron ores of the Lake Superior region: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 32 (v.132), no. 190, pp. 255-272, 1886; Eng. Min. Jour., v. 42, pp. 347-349, 1886. 9. Is there a Huronian group?: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 34 (v.134), no. 201, pp. 204-216, no. 202, pp. 249-263, no. 203, pp. 365-374, 1887. 10. (and Chamberlin, T. C.) Observations on the junction between the eastern sandstone and the Keweenaw series on Keweenaw Point, Lake Superior: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 23, 1885. 124 pp. Rev., Am. Geol., v. 1, no. 1, pp. 44-57, 1888. 11. (and Chamberlin, T. C.; and others) The crystalline schists of the Lake Superior district: 4th Internat. Geol. Cong., London, 1888, Comptes rendus, pp. 156-170, 1891. 12. (and Van Hise, C. R.) The Penokee iron-bearing series of Michigan and Wisconsin: U. S. Geol. Survey Mon. 19, maps, 1892. 534 pp. In part, U. S. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt., v. 10, pt. I, pp. 341-507, map, 1890. Ives, L. E. 1. Finding the Judson ore body [iron deposits near Crystal Falls]: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 99, pp. 443-445, 1915. Jackson, Charles F.-See Mendelsohn, Albert, 2. Jackson, Charles Thomas 1. [On minerals from Keweenaw Point, Lake Superior]: Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. 1841-44, v. 1, p. 203, 1844. 2. Sur le gisement de cuivre et d'argent natifs des bords du lac Sup6rieur [On the deposit of native copper and silver on the borders of Lake Superior]: Acad6mie des sciences, Comptes rendus, v. 20, pp. 593-595, Paris, 1845; Soci6t6 g6ologique de France Bull., ser. 2, v. 2, pp. 317-319, 1845; abs., Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geologie und Palliontologie, pp. 479-480, 1845. 3. On the copper and silver of Keweenaw Point, Lake Superior: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 49, no. 1, pp. 81-93, 1845; Assoc. Am. Geol. and Nat. Proc., v. 6, pp. 53-61, 1845. 4. Ores and minerals of Lake Superior: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 2 (v.52), no. 4, pp. 118-119, 1846. 5. Chemical analyses of the [copper] ores [of the Lake Superior region]: U. S. 29th Cong., 1st Sess., House Rpt. no. 591, pp. 38-44, 1846. 6. [Report on the survey of the mineral lands in Michigan]: U. S. General Land Office Rpt. 1847 (U. S. 30th Cong., 1st Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 2), pp. 175-183, 1847. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 323 7. [On the copper and silver ores of the Lake Superior region]: Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. (1845-48), v. 2, pp. 57-58, 110-114, 1848. 8. Report on the geological and mineralogical survey of the mineral lands of the United States in the state of Michigan...: U. S. 31st Cong., 1st Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 1, pt. III, House Ex. Doc. 5, pt. III, pp. 371-502, maps, 1849. 9. Copper of the Lake Superior region [correspondence]: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 7 (v.57), no. 20, pp. 286-287, 1849. 10. On the geological structure of Keweenaw Point: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. (1849), v. 2, pp. 288-301, 1850; Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 10 (v.60), no. 28, pp. 65-77, 1850; Annales des mines, Paris, ser. 4, v. 17, pp. 103-115, 1850. 11. Remarks on the geology, mineralogy, and mines of Lake Superior: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. (1849), v. 2, pp. 283-287, 1850; Soci6t4 gdologique de France Bull., ser. 2, v. 7, pp. 667-673, 1850. 12. [Notes on the Lake Superior region]: Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. (1848-51), v. 3, pp. 76-77, 228, 1851. 13. Analyses of pitchstone porphyry from Isle Royale, and a crystal of phosphate of lime from Hurdstown, New Jersey: Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. (1851-54), v. 4, pp. 39-41, 1854; Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 11 (v.61), no. 33, pp. 401-403, 1851. 14. Ueber den Metall-fiihrenden Distrikt am Oberen See in Staate Michigan [The ore bearing area near Lake Superior in the state of Michigan]: Archiv fir Mineralogie, Geognosie, Bergbau und Htittenkunde, v. 25, pp. 656-667, 1853. 15. Geology, mineralogy, and topography of the lands around Lake Superior: U. S. 32d Cong., 1st Sess., Senate Ex. Doe. 112, pp. 232-244, 1853. 16. Observations sur quelques mines des 3tats-Unis et sur le gres rouge du lac Sup6rieur [Observations on several mines of the United States and on the red sandstones of Lake Superior]: Acad6mie des sciences, Comptes rendus, v. 39, pp. 803-807, Paris, 1854. 17. Catalogue of rocks, minerals, and ores collected during the years 1847 and 1848, on the Geological Survey of the United States mineral lands in Michigan; Smithsonian Inst. Ann. Rpt. (1854), v. 9, pp. 338-367, 1855. 18. [On copper deposits, Lake Superior region]: Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. (1855-56), v. 5, pp. 280-281, 1856. 19. [On the genesis of the native copper and silver of Lake Superior]: Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. (1859-61), v. 7, p. 31, 1861. 20. [A discussion, On the age of the red sandstones of Perry, Maine, Nova Scotia, and Keweenaw Point]: Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. (1859-61), v. 7, pp. 396-398, 1861. 21. [A comminication, On domeykite from the-vicinity of-Portage Lake, Lake Superior region]: Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. (1861-62), v. 8, p. 258, 1862. 22. Sur les mines de cuivre du lac Sup6rieur et sur un nouveau gisement d'6tain dans 1'6tat du Maine [On the copper mines of Lake Superior and on a new deposit of tin in the state of Maine]: Acad6mie des sciences, Comptes rendus, v. 69, pp. 1082-1083, Paris, 1869. Jackson, G. R.--See Hulst, H. T., 1. Jackson, J. F. 1. Copper mining in Upper Michigan; a description of the region, mines and some methods and machinery used: Mines and Minerals, v. 23, pp. 535-540, 1903. 324 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 2. Five years of progress in the Lake Superior copper country [with discussion]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc. (1906), v. 12, pp. 143-153, 1907. Jackson, Kern C. 1. A heavy mineral study of the Ajibik and Mesnard quartzites of Marquette County, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. Eng., Mich. College Min. Tech., Houghton, 7 maps, 1950. 11 pp. Unpublished. Jacobson, R. C. 1. Stratigraphy and fauna of two cores penetrating Middle Devonian formations of Missaukee County, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, 1951 [?]. Unpublished. James, Harold Lloyd-See also Balsley, J. R., Jr., 1. 1. (and Clark, L. D.; Smith, L. E.) Magnetic survey and geology of the Ice Lake-Chicagon Creek area, Iron County, Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey, Strategic Min. Inv., Prelim. Rpt. 3-213, 6 pls., incl. geol. maps, 1947. 11 pp. Prepared in cooperation with the Mich. Geol. Survey. Accompanied by P. N. 29712, dated Dec. 11, 1947. 2. (and Wier, K. L.) Magnetic survey and geology of the eastern and southeastern parts of the Iron River district, Iron County, Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey Circ. 26, illus., inel. index and geol. maps, July 1948. 18 pp. 3. Current U. S. Geological Survey investigations in the iron ranges of northern Michigan [abs.]: Econ. Geol., v. 45, no. 4, pp. 385-386, JuneJuly 1950. 4. Iron formation and associated rocks in the Iron River district, Michigan: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 62, no. 3, pp. 251-266, 1 fig., 4 pls., Mar. 1951; abs., v. 60, no. 12, pt. II, pp. 1899-1900, Dec. 1949. 5. Sedimentary facies of the Lake Superior iron-bearing formations, and their relation to volcanism and geosynclinal development, [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 62, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1452, 1951. 6. (and Dutton, C. E.) Geology of the northern part of the Iron River district, Iron County, Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey Circ. 120, prepared in cooperation with the Mich. Geol. Survey, 3 figs., maps, Sept. 1951. 12 pp. 7. (and Clark, L. D.; Lamey, C. A.) Pre-Huronian ("Archean") sedimentary and volcanic sequence in northern Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 63, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1267, Dec. 1952. 8. Zones of regional metamorphism in the pre-Cambrian of northern Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 64, no. 12, pt. II, pp. 1440-1441, Dec. 1953. 9. Sedimentary facies of iron-formation: Econ. Geol., v. 49, no. 3, pp. 235-293, 33 figs., May 1954. Jamison, Knox 1. Mines of the Porcupine Mountains: Mich. Conserv., v. 16, no. 3, pp. 6, 13, Mar.-Apr. 1947. Jarvis, Clarence S.-See Holland, W. T., 1. Jasberg, Paul-See Keck, W. E., 1, 2. Jefferson, Mark Sylvester William 1. Some phenomena on Lake Huron [rev.]: Jour. Geol., v. 11, pp. 123-124, 1903; abs., entitled Some shore features of Lake Huron, Sci., new ser., v. 17, p. 221, 1903; Sci. Am. Suppl., v. 55, p. 22647, 1903. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 325 2. The scaurs on the River Rouge: Sci., new ser., v. 19, pp. 150-151, 1904. 3. Lateral erosion on some Michigan rivers: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 18, pp. 333-350, 5 figs., 1907. Jenny, William Paul 1. Magnetic vector study of Kentucky and southern Michigan: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 18, no. 1, pp. 97-105, 4 figs., incl. maps, Jan. 1934. Jodry, Richard Louis 1. A rapid method for determining the magnesium/calcium ratios of well samples and its use as an aid in predicting structure and secondary porosity in calcareous formations: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1954. 49 pp. Unpublished. Johnson, B. L.-See Fuller, M. L., 1. Johnson, C. H.-See Gardner, E. D., 1. Johnson, Douglas Wilson "*1. Relation of the law to underground waters: U. S. Geol. Survey WaterSupply Paper 122, 1905. 55 pp. Jones, Benjamin E. 1. (and Helland, R. O.) Preliminary index to river surveys made by the U. S. Geological Survey and other agencies: U. S. Geol. Survey WaterSupply Paper 558, 1926. 108 pp. Revised to July 1, 1947, Water-Supply Paper 995, 1948. 145 pp. Jones, John T. 1. Unwatering the Hamilton mine: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 80, pp. 867-868, Nov. 11, 1905. Describes the encountering of a water cavern while drilling in one of the shafts, the immense head on the water, the drainage of water from higher level of a near-by mine, the subsequent filling of both mines by the water, and the steps taken to exhaust the contents of the cavity, after which the flow of water was normal. M.L.F. 2. The unwatering of the Hamilton and Ludington mines: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc. (1905), v. 11, pp. 139-145, 1906. Jopling, J. E.-See also Elliott, S. R., 3. 1. The Marquette range; its discovery, development, and resources: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 27, pp. 541-555, 1897. 2. Personal experiences as mining engineer in the Marquette district: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 24, pp. 335-342, 1925. 3. Charcoal furnaces of Michigan: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 25, pp. 249-251, 1926. Joy, Charles A. 1. Examination of a few American minerals: Lyceum Nat. Hist. N. Y. Annals, v. 8, pp. 120-125, 1867. Contains chrysocolla and black oxide of copper from Copper Harbor. Joyce, J. Wallace-See Stratton, E. F., 1. Julien, Alexis Anastay-See also Brooks, T. B., 5. 1. Note on a feldspar from the Calumet copper mine, Keweenaw Point, Michigan [abs.]: Sci., new ser., v. 9, p. 719, 1899; N. Y. Acad. Sci. Annals, v. 12, no. 15, pp. 650-654, June 2, 1900. 326 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Kaufmann, Dale W. 1. (and Slawson, C. B.) Ripple mark in rock salt of the Salina formation: Jour. Geol., v. 58, no. 1, pp. 24-29, illus., Jan. 1950. Extensive series of ripple mark at various horizons have been observed in Silurian rock salt of the Salina formation, Michigan, and anhydrite lamellae which show similar ripple mark have been noted in the clear salt mass. These are the first such observations on a large scale. U.S.G.S. Kay, George Marshall 1. Distribution of Escharopora hogbeni Fritz: Jour. Paleont., v. 18, no. 6, pp. 560-561, Nov. 1944. Keck, W. E. 1. (and Jasberg, Paul) A study of the flotative properties of gypsum: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 129, pp. 218-234, 12 figs., 1938. A description of part of a general investigation on the flotation of Michigan's potential iron ores. 2. (and Jasberg, Paul) A study of the flotative properties of magnetite [with discussion]: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 134, pp. 129-145, 1939. A description of part of a general investigation on the flotation of Michigan's potential iron ores. 3. (and Eggleston, G. C.; Lowry, W. W.) A study of the flotative properties of hematite [with discussion]: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 134, pp. 102-128, 1939. A description of part of a general investigation on the flotation of Michigan's potential iron ores. Keck, William G. 1. Geophysical measurements in Livingston County, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1937), v. 23, pp. 463-471, 4 figs., 1938. Keller, Harry F.-See Lane, A. C., 1, 2. Kelley, Robert W. "*1. Silurian stratigraphy of Cockburn Island, Ontario: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Wayne Univ., Detroit, June 1949. 97 pp., 12 tables, 10 p1s. Unpublished. Kelly, William 1. Sinking through wet gravel and quicksand near Norway, Michigan: A.I.M.E. Trans. (1891), v. 20, pp. 188-195, 1892. 2. A mine-dam: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 27, pp. 400-404, 1897. A method of closing off the water encountered in the Curry mine. 3. Address of President William Kelly [a discussion of the mining industry]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 6, pp. 13-22, 1900. 4. (and Armstrong, F. H.) Use of electricity at the Penn and Republic iron mines, Michigan: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 48, pp. 262-294, 23 figs., 1914. Kelly, William Aultin 1. The Carboniferous fauna of Grand Ledge: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1927), v. 8, pp. 293-295, 1928. 2. Lower Pennsylvanian faunas from Michigan: Jour. Paleont., v. 4, no. 2, pp. 129-151, 2 pls., June 1930; abs., Pan Am. Geol., v. 53, no. 2, p. 160, Mar. 1930; Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 41, no. 1, pp. 205-206, Mar. 31, 1930. 3. A review of the stratigraphy of the Saginaw formation: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1930), v. 14, pp. 453-469, 1 fig., 1931. 4. (and Beutner, E. L.) Heavy minerals from some Pennsylvanian sandstones of Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1930), v. 14, pp. 471-474, 1 fig., 1931. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 327 5. Erosional record during the Pennsylvanian period at Grand Ledge, Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 43, no. 1, p. 276, Mar. 1932; Pan Am. Geol., v. 57, no. 2, pp. 155-156, Mar. 1932. 6. Pennsylvanian stratigraphy near Grand Ledge, Michigan: Jour. Geol., v. 41, no. 1, pp. 77-88, 4 figs., Jan.-Feb. 1933. 7. Pennsylvanian Mollusca from Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 44, pt. I, p. 204, Feb. 28, 1933. 8. The Pennsylvanian system of Michigan, in Occasional papers on the geology of Michigan: Mich. Geol. Survey, pub. 40, geol. ser. 34, pt. II, pp. 149-226, 6 pls., incl. geol. and index maps, 9 figs., 3 tables, 1936; rev., Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 21, no. 12, pp. 1597-1600, Dec. 1937. 9. Tar as a trap for unwary humans: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 238, no. 6, pp. 451 -452, 1940. 10. Afton-Onaway district: Guidebook, 10th Ann. Geol. Excursion, Mich. Acad. Sci., 12 pls., incl. index and geol. maps, May 1940. 11. Cirques in northwestern Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 56, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1173, Dec. 1945; Proc. (1945), p. 12, 1946. 12. (and Smith, G. W.) Stratigraphy and structure of Traverse group in Afton-Onaway area, Michigan: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 31, no. 3, pp. 447-469, 6 figs., incl. geol. and isopach maps, Mar. 1947. 13. The Traverse group of the northern part of the Southern Peninsula of Michigan: [Guidebook], Ann. Geol. Excur., Mich. Geol. Soc., well logs, maps, June 1949. Kemp, C. Ernest 1. Geiger counter reconnaissance in upper Michigan, 1948: Mich. College Min. Tech., Conf. on Radioactive Ores, May 6, 1949, pp. 25-26, 1949. Kennedy, Bruce E.-See also Wier, K. L., 1. 1. A guide to uranium prospectors in Michigan [revised]: Mich. Dept. Conserv., Geol. Survey Div., in cooperation with Lands and Educ. Div., July 1949. 20 pp. 2. "Forty-Niner" fever: Mich. Conserv., v. 18, no. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1949. An article, written in popular style, concerning the search for uranium. Kenny, H. C.-See Benedict, C. H., 1. Kersting, Cecil C. 1. Stratigraphy of the Delray core, Wayne County, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Feb. 1953. Unpublished. Kesling, Robert V. 1. A new genus and species of primitiopsid ostracod from the Devonian Traverse group of Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 8, no. 9, pp. 221-230, 3 pls., 1 fig., Jan. 19, 1951. 2. (and McMillan, G. W.) Ostracods of the family Hollinidae from the Bell shale of Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 9, no. 2, pp. 45-81, 7 pls., 2 figs., map, July 11, 1951. 3. (and Tabor, N. R.) Two new species of ostracods from the Genshaw formation (Middle Devonian) of Michigan: Jour. Paleont., v. 26, no. 5, pp. 761-763, 1 pl., Sept. 1952. 4. (and Kilgore, J. E.) Ostracods of the families Leperditellidae, Drepanellidae, Glyptopleuridae, Kloedenellidae, Bairdiidae, Barychilinidae, and Thlipsuridae from the Genshaw formation of Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 10, no. 1, pp. 1-19, 4 pls., Oct. 31, 1952. 328 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 5. Ostracods of the families Leperditellidae, Primitiidae, Drepanellidae, Aechminidae, and Kirkbyidae from the Middle. Devonian Bell shale of Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 10, no. 2, pp. 21-44, 5 pis., Oct. 31, 1952. 6. Ostracods of the family Hollinidae from the Ferron Point formation of Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 10, no. 3, pp. 45-57, 2 pis., Oct. 31, 1952. 7. (and Tabor, N. R.) Ostracods of the family Hollinidae from the Genshaw formation of Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 10, no. 5, pp. 83-100, 3 pls., Feb. 15, 1953. 8. A new beyrichiid ostracod from the Middle Devonian Rockport Quarry limestone of Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 10, no. 10, pp. 221-229, 2 pls., 1 fig., Apr. 30, 1953. 9. (and Weiss, Martin) Ostracods from the Norway Point formation of Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 11, no. 3, pp. 33-76, 5 p1s., July 31, 1953. 10. (and Hussey, R. C.) A new family and genus of ostracod from the Ordovician Bill's Creek shale of Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v, 11, no. 4, pp. 77-95, 2 pls., 1 fig., Nov. 16, 1953. 11. A new species of Phlyctiscapha from the Middle Devonian Ferron Point formation of Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 11, no. 9, pp. 187-192, 1 pl., 1954. Keyes, Charles Rollin 1. American copper mining in the Stone Age: Pan Am. Geol., v. 40, no. 2, pp. 158-160, 1923. 2. Raphael Pumpelly; premier explorer: Pan Am. Geol., v. 40, no. 4, pp. 241-250, portrait, Nov. 1923. 3. Horace Vaughan Winchell; mining geologist: Pan Am. Geol., v. 40, no. 3, pp. 161-180, portrait, Oct. 1923. Kilbourne, Deane Earle 1. Origin of the Howell anticline: Compass, v. 25, no. 3, pp. 132-138, illus., geol. map, Mar. 1948. Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, entitled The origin and development of the Howell anticline in Michigan, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1948. 120 pp. Kilgore, John E.-See also Kesling, R. V., 4. 1. Ostracods of the families Leperditellidae, Drepanellidae, Glyptopleuridae, Kloedenellidae, Bairdiidae, Barychilinidae and Thlipsuridae from the Genshaw formation of Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Aug. 1951. Published in part; see Kesling, R. V., 4. Kimball, James Putnam-See also Foster, J. W., 11. 1. On the iron ores of Marquette, Michigan: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 39 (v.89), no. 117, pp. 290-303, 1865. Kindle, Edward Martin 1. The physical and biological characteristics of certain types of marlite balls from Manitoba and Michigan: Royal Soc. Canada Proc. and Trans., ser. 3, v. 17, sec. 4, pp. 105-114, 3 pls., May 1923. Kirk, Edwin 1. Four new genera of Camerate crinoids from the Devonian: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 243, no. 6, pp. 341-355, 1945. 2. A new species of Dolatocrinus from the Traverse (Middle Devonian) of Michigan: Jour. Paleont., v. 20, no. 3, pp. 267-268, May 1946. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 329 3. Two new inadunate crinoid genera from the Middle Devonian: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 246, no. 11, pp. 701-710, 1948. Kirkham, Virgil Raymond Drexel 1. Unconformity at the top of the Traverse formation in Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 43, no. 1, pp. 136-137, Mar. 1932; Pan Am. Geol., v. 57, no. 1, p. 66, Feb. 1932. 2. Unconformity at the top of the Marshall formation in Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 43, no. 1, pp. 137-138, Mar. 1932; Pan Am. Geol., v. 57, no. 1, p. 66, Feb. 1932. 3. Possibility of future oil production in Michigan: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 35, no. 52, pp. 45-46, May 13, 1937; abs., Drilling and Production Practice 1937, p. 443, 1938. Klein, Ira 1. Microcline in the native copper deposits of Michigan: Am. Mineralog., v. 24, no. 10, pp. 643-650, 5 figs., Oct. 1939. Kline, Virginia Harriet-See also Ehlers, G. M., 14. 1. Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Silica formation of southeastern Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, June 1935. Unpublished. Knight, James Brooks "*1. Bellerophont muscle scars: Jour. Paleont., v. 21, no. 3, pp. 264-267, 1 pl., May 1947. Knoll, W. A. 1. Shaft sinking on the Gogebic iron range [with discussion]: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 141, pp. 128-145, 1940. Knowlton, Fred G. 1. Drift or float copper [north-central U. S.]: Rocks and Minerals, v. 21, no. 8, pp. 491-492, 1946. Koch, Friedrich Karl Ludwig 1. [Copper and iron ores near Lake Superior]: Deutsche geologische Gesellschaft Zeitschrift, v. 3, pp. 355-358, 1851. 2. Die Mineralgegenden der Vereinigten Staaten Nord-Amerikas am Lake Superior [The mineral area of the United States of North America near Lake Superior], Gittingen, 1851. 72 pp. 3. Die Mineral-Regionen der obern Halbinsel Michigan's (N. A.) am Lake Superior und die Isle Royale [The mineral areas of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (N. A.) near Lake Superior and Isle Royale], map, Gottingen, 1852. 248 pp. G6ttingischer Verein bergminnischer Freunde (J.F.L. Hausmann), Studien, v. 6, pp.-1-248, map, 1854; abs., Min. Mag., v. 1, pp. 261-268, 1853. Koenig, George Augustus 1. (and Hubbard, L. L.) On powellite from a new locality [Houghton County]: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 46 (v.146), no. 275, pp. 356-358, 1893; Zeitschrift fir Krystallographie und Mineralogie, v. 22, pp. 463-466, 1894. 2. On mohawkite, stibio-domeykite, domeykite, algodonite and some artificial copper-arsenides: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, v. 10 (v.160), no. 60, pp. 439-448, 1900; Zeitschrift fiir Krystallographie und Mineralogie, v. 34, pp. 67-77, 1901. 3. The crystallization of mohawkite, domeykite and other similar arsenides: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 7, pp. 62-64, 1901. 330 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 4. On the new species melanochalcite and keweenawite; with notes on some other known species: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, v. 14 (v.164), no. 84, pp. 404-416, 1902. Koepel, Edward 1. Copper concentrating practice on amygdaloid rock at the Champion Copper Company's stamp mill: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 27, pp. 112-130, illus., 1929. *2. The annual production of copper and the yearly average price of copper: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 27, pp. 147-149, 1929; v. 28, pp. 220 -222, 1930. Kornfeld, Joseph A. 1. Gas-storage center: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 51, no. 51, p. 123, 1953. Gas storage in central Michigan basin aids companies in supplying the Great Lakes industrial centers. Kramer, James R. 1. The spectrochemical analysis of limestone and dolomite: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, June 1954. Unpublished. Kraskovsky, S. A. 1. Geotermicheskie ezmereniya v mednykh rudnikakh u verkhnego Ozera [Geothermal temperatures in copper mines at Lake Superior]: Priroda Akad. Nauk., U.S.S.R., no. 5, pp. 18-21, 1935. Kraus, Edward Henry 1. On the origin of the sulphur deposits at the Woolmith quarry, Monroe Co., Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Rpt., v. 7, pp. 26-29, 1905. 2. Occurrence and distribution of celestite-bearing rocks: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, v. 19 (v.169), no. 112, pp. 286-293, 1905; abs., Am. Geol., v. 35, no. 2, p. 130, 1905; Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 16, p. 574, 1905; Sci. Am. Suppl., v. 59, p. 24326, 1905; Mich. Acad. Sci. Rpt., v. 7, p. 29, 1905. 3. (and Hunt, W. F.) The occurrence of sulphur and celestite at Maybee, Michigan: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, v. 21 (v.171), no. 123, pp. 237-244, 1906; Zeitschrift fiUr Krystallographie und Mineralogie, v. 42, pp. 1-12, 1906. 4. Some unusual specimens of "float" copper: Am. Mineralog., v. 9, no. 2, pp. 23-26, 6 figs., Feb. 1924. 5. (and Seaman, W. A.; Slawson, C. B.) Seamanite, a new manganese phosphoborate from Iron County, Michigan: Am. Mineralog., v. 15, no. 6, pp. 220-225, 1 fig., June 1930. Krimmel, Carl Peter 1. The serpentinite of Presque Isle, Marquette County, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Northwestern Univ., Evanston, Ill., 1941. 62 pp. Unpublished. Kropschot, Robert E. 1. A quantitative sedimentary analysis of the Mississippian deposits in the Michigan basin: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1953. 57 pp. Unpublished. Krumbein, William Christian 1. Textural and lithological variations in glacial till: Jour. Geol., v. 41, no. 4, pp. 382-408, 10 figs., May-June 1933. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 331 Lachlan, Major 1. On the periodical rise and fall of the Lakes: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 19 (v.69), nos. 55-56, pp. 60-71, 164-175, 1855; v. 20 (v.70), no. 58, pp. 45-53, 1855. Lahee, Frederic Henry "*1. Further data on wildcat drilling in 1937: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 22, no. 9, pp. 1231-1235, 1 fig., Sept. 1938. "*2. Wildcat drilling in 1940: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 25, no. 6, pp. 997-1003, 1941; in 1939, v. 24, no. 6, pp. 953-958, 1940; in 1938, v. 23, no. 6, pp. 789-794, 1939. "*3. Wildcat drilling in 1941 with comments on discovery rate: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 26, no. 6, pp. 969-982, June 1942; abs., entitled, Discovery rate and relation of wildcatting to the discovery of new reserves, v. 26, no. 5, p. 904, May 1942. "*4. Wildcat drilling in 1942: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 27, no. 6, pp. 715-729, 1943. "*5. Review of exploratory drilling statistics, 1938-1944: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 29, no. 11, pp. 1581-1592, 1 fig., Nov. 1945. "*6. Exploratory drilling in 1953: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 38, no. 6, pp. 971-987, 3 figs., 13 tables, June 1954; in 1952, v. 37, no. 6, pp. 1193 -1210, June 1953; in 1951, v. 36, no. 6, pp. 977-995, June 1952; in 1950, v. 35, no. 6, pp. 1123-1141, June 1951; in 1949, v. 34, no. 6, pp. 995-1013, June 1950; in 1948, v. 33, no. 6, pp. 783-804, June 1949; in 1947, v. 32, no. 6, pp. 851-868, June 1948; in 1946, v. 31, no. 6, pp. 917-930, June 1947; in 1945, v. 30, no. 6, pp. 813-828, June 1946; in 1944, v. 29, no. 6, pp. 629-645, June 1945; in 1943, v. 28, no. 6, pp. 701-721, June 1944. Laird, L. B.-See Wisler, C. 0., 1. Lake, M. C. 1. The future of the Lake Superior district: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 24, pp. 48-67, 1925. Lake Superior Iron Ore Association 1. Lake Superior iron ores, illus., incl. maps: Cleveland, Lake Superior Iron Ore Assoc., 1938. 364 pp. 2d ed., Lake Superior iron ores; mining directory and statistical record of the Lake Superior iron ore district of the United States and Canada, illus., 1952. 334 pp. Lake Superior Mining Institute 1. Institute trip to the different mines, mills and smelters: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 12, pp. 25-49, 1907. 2. The Gogebic range; brief description of its discovery and development: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 10, pp. 158-162, 1904; v. 15, pp. 10-26, 1910. 3. Description of mines on the Menominee range: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 16, pp. 17-41, 1911. 4. Geological notes of the Lake Superior copper formation: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 17, pp. 9-49, 1912. Contains descriptions of the equipment and a list of the active mining companies of the Lake Superior copper district of Michigan. 5. The founding of the Calumet and Hecla mine, 1866-1916: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 21, pp. 71-78, 1917. 6. Extracts from the Proceedings of the Lake Superior Mining Section National Safety Council, Duluth, Minnesota, Aug. 28-29, 1923: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 23, pp. 117-146, 1923. 332 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 7. The Menominee range: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 26, pp. 7-12, 1928. Lamar, W. L.-See Collins, W. D., 6. Lamey, Carl Arthur-See also Dutton, C. E., 1; James, H. L., 7. 1. Granite intrusions in the Huronian formations of northern Michigan: Jour. Geol., v. 39, no. 3, pp. 288-295, 4 figs., Apr.-May 1931. 2. The intrusive relations of the Republic granite: Jour. Geol., v. 41, no. 5, pp. 487-500, 7 figs., July-Aug. 1933. 3. The intrusive relations and metamorphic effects of the Republic granite: Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Northwestern Univ., Evanston, Ill., 1933. 238 pp. In part, Northwestern Univ., Summ. Doc. Dissert., v. 1, pp. 207-215, 1933. Also represented in part by a number of papers published in scientific journals. 4. What is the Palmer gneiss? [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Proc. (1933), p. 92, June 1934. 5. Some metamorphic effects of the Republic granite: Jour. Geol., v. 42, no. 3, pp. 248-263, 10 figs., Apr.-May 1934. 6. Mineral resources of Michigan: Federal Emergency Relief Administration Project, Houghton, Michigan, Feb. 1935. Unpublished. 7. Lead-silver veins of Michigan; Federal Emergency Relief Administration Project, Houghton, Michigan, Feb. 1935. Unpublished. 8. The Palmer gneiss: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 46, no. 7, pp. 1137-1162, 1 pl., 8 figs., incl. geol. map, July 31, 1935. 9. Republic granite or basement complex?: Jour. Geol., v. 45, no. 5, pp. 487 -510, 3 figs., incl. geol. sketch maps, July-Aug. 1937. 10. A dip-needle survey of the Toivola-Challenge mine area, Michigan: Econ. Geol., v. 33, no. 6, pp. 635-646, 2 figs., index and geol. maps, Sept.-Oct. 1938. 11. Recent geological surveying in the Michigan copper district: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 30, pp. 90-94, 1939. 12. Metamorphic contrasts in Minnesota and Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 50, no. 12, pt. II, p. 2000, Dec. 1, 1939. 13. (and Dutton, C. E.) Geology of the Menominee range, vicinity of Iron Mountain: Mich. Geol. Survey Prog. Rpt. 6, geol. map, Mar. 1941. 14 pp. 14. (and Dutton, C. E.) Geology of the Menominee range, Norway to Waucedah: Mich. Geol. Survey Prog. Rpt. 8, geol. map, Apr. 1942. 20 pp. 15. Geology of an area southwest of Randville, Dickinson County, Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey, in cooperation with Mich. Geol. Survey, 2 pls., [Apr. 19, 1946]. 8 pp. Open file report, Mich. Geol. Survey, Lansing. 16. Geology of a part of the Felch Mountain iron range, Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey, 2 pls., maps, 1949. 19 pp. Open file report, Mich. Geol. Survey, Lansing. Land Economic Survey 1. Land Economic Survey Reports: Mich. Dept. Conserv., Lands Div., Lansing. Contain water-power reports for the following counties: Alger (fieldwork in 1923), Alpena (1924), Antrim (1923), Charlevoix (1922), Chippewa (1925), Crawford (1927), Kalkaska (no date), Menominee (1925), Ogemaw (1936-37). 2. Land Economic Survey Reports: Mich. Dept. Conserv., Lands Div., Lansing. Contain geological reports for the following counties: Alger (fieldwork in 1923), Alpena (1924), Antrim (1923), Charlevoix (1922), Chippewa (1925), Crawford (1927), Iron (1930), Kalkaska (no date), Luce REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 333 (1929), Menominee (1925), Montmorency (1930), Ogemaw (1936-37), Roscommon (1924), Schooleraft (1932). Landes, Kenneth Knight-See also U. S. Geological Survey, 7, 9. 1. Porter oil field, Midland County, Michigan: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 28, no. 2, pp. 173-196, 6 figs., incl. index and structure maps, Feb. 1944. 2. (and Wilson, J. T.) Ground-water exploration by earth-resistivity methods: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1943), v. 29, pp. 345-354, 7 figs., incl. index map, 1944. Plymouth district chosen as test area. Discusses a method of finding low-resistivity areas in buried sediments. 3. (and Ehlers, G. M.; Stanley, G. M.) Geology of the Mackinac Straits region and subsurface geology of the northern part of the Southern Peninsula: Mich. Geol. Survey, pub. 44, geol. ser. 37, 20 pls., 14 figs., 1945. 204 pp. 4. Origin of Mackinac breccia [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 55, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1479, 1944. 5. Porosity through dolomitization: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 30, no. 3, pp. 305-318, 1 fig., Mar. 1946. 6. Salt basin rim collapse [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 59, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1334, Dec. 1948. Reference to the Salina salt basin. 7. Deep River oil field, Arenac County, Michigan, in Structure of typical American oil fields, v. 3, pp. 299-304, illus.: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., 1948. 8. Detroit River group in the Michigan basin: U. S. Geol. Survey Circ. 133, 12 figs., Sept. 1951. 23 pp. Lane, Alfred Church-See also Fuller, M. L., 5; Powers, Sidney, 1; Wadsworth, M. E., 14. 1. (and Keller, H. F.; Sharpless, F. F.) Notes on Michigan minerals: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 42 (v.142), no. 252, pp. 499-508, 1891. Contains chloritoid, griinerite and riebeckite. 2. (and Keller, H. F.) Chloritoid von Champion, Michigan, U.S.A.: Zeitschrift fiir Krystallographie und Mineralogie, v. 19, pp. 383-385, 1891. 3. The geology of lower Michigan with reference to deep borings (edited from notes of C. E. Wright): Mich. Geol. Survey, v. 5, pt. II, 74 pls., incl. well logs, cross sections, maps, 1895. 100 pp. Contains: Introduction, on the origin of salt, gypsum and petroleum, by L. L. Hubbard. Rev., Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 50 (v.150), no. 295, pp. 71-72, 1895. 4. Crystallized slags from copper smelting [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 6, pp. 469-470, 1895. 5. The drainage of the Saginaw Valley [note]: Sci., new ser., v. 5, p. 553, 1897. 6. Geological report on Isle Royale, Michigan: Mich. Geol. Survey, v. 6, pt. I, 16 pls., 29 figs., incl. map, 1898. 281 pp. 7. Magmatic differentiation in rocks of the copper-bearing series [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 10, pp. 15-18, 1899. 8. Note on a method of stream capture: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 10, pp. 12-15, 1899. 9. Water resources of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 30, maps, 1899. 97 pp. 10. Lower Michigan mineral waters, a study into the connection between their chemical composition and mode of occurrence: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 31, maps, 1899. 97 pp. 334 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 11. Coal in lower Michigan: Mich. Miner, v. 1, no. 3, pp. 9-13; no. 4, pp. 9-16; no. 5, pp. 9-12; no. 6, pp. 9-12; no. 7, pp. 9-12; no. 8, pp. 9-12; no. 9, pp. 9-12; no. 10, pp. 9-12, 1899. Reprint, [Saginaw 1899] 36 pp. 12. Isle Royale; what has been accomplished in unearthing its mineral wealth: Mich. Miner, v. 1, no. 11, pp. 18-21; no. 12, pp. 14-18, 1899. 13. Dr. L. L. Hubbard: Mich. Miner, v. 3, no. 1, pp. 14-15, portrait, 1900. 14. The geological survey; annual report of the State Geologist for the year ending December 31, 1899: Mich. Miner, v. 2, no. 3, pp. 9-13, 1900. 15. The coal basin of Michigan: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 69, pp. 767-768; v. 70, p. 12, 1900. 16. The geothermal gradient in Michigan: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, v. 9 (v.159), no. 54, pp. 434-438, 1900. 17. Geological report on Huron County, Michigan: Mich. Geol. Survey, v. 7, pt. II, 11 pls., 12 figs., incl. maps, tables, 1900. 329 pp. Contains: Geological column; Physical geography; Formation of soils and subsoils; Stratigraphy; Distribution and structure of the rocks; Wells and borings; Economic geology; Recent shells, by Bryant Walker and A. C. Lane; Fossils of the Marshall and Coldwater, by W. F. Cooper and A. C. Lane. 18. Michigan limestones and their uses: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 71, pp. 662-663, 693-694, 725, 1901. 19. The pre-glacial surface deposits of lower Michigan [abs.]: Sci., new ser., v. 14, pp. 798-799, 1901. 20. Annual report of the State Geologist [for 1900]: Mich. Miner, v. 3, no. 2, pp. 13-21, 1901. 21. [Suggested changes in nomenclature of Michigan formations]: Mich. Miner, v. 3, no. 10, p. 9, 1901. 22. The economic geology of Michigan in its relation to the business world: Mich. Miner, v. 4, no. 1, pp. 9-15, Dec. 1901. 23. The northern interior coal field: U. S. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt., v. 22, pt. III, pp. 307-331, map, 1901. 24. Asphalt in Delta County, Michigan: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 73, p. 50, 1902. 25. Recent work of the geological survey: Mich. Acad. Sci. Rpt., v. 3, pp. 38 -39, 1902. 26. Coal of Michigan; its mode of occurrence and quality: Mich. Geol. Survey, v. 8, pt. II, 9 pls., 9 figs., incl. map, 1902. 233 pp. Abs., Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, v. 13 (v.163), no. 78, p. 475, 1902. 27. (and others) Third annual report of the State Geologist for the year 1901: Mich. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt. 1901, maps, 1902. 304 pp. Abs., Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, v. 14 (v.164), no. 83, p. 393, 1902. Contains: Preliminary report on Arenac County and parts of Ogemaw, Iosco, and Alcona counties, by W. M. Gregory, pp. 9-29 (extr., Mich. Miner, v. 4, no. 3, pp. 11-15, Feb. 1902); Report on Alcona County, surface geology by Frank Leverett, sub-surface geology by A. C. Lane, pp. 35-76; Reports on Alpena, Kent, Muskegon and Washtenaw counties, by B. E. Livingston, C. D. McLouth, and others, pp. 77-108; Surface geology of Lapeer County, Michigan, by F. B. Taylor, pp. 111-117; Economic geology, pp. 121-137; Limestones, pp. 139-159;. Stratigraphy of the Traverse group of Michigan, by A. W. Grabau, pp. 163-210; Deep wells and prospects for oil and gas, pp. 211-237; Salt, pp. 241-242; Meteorites, p. 243; Geothermal gradient, pp. 244-251 (also, Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, v. 9 (v.159), no. 54, pp. 434-438, 1900); The Port Huron oil field, by C. H. Gordon, pp. 269-281; Wave cutting on west shore of Lake Huron, by C. H. Gordon, pp. 283-290 (also, Mich. Miner, v. 4, no. 12, pp. 10-14, 1902). REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 335 28. Variation of geothermal gradient in Michigan [abs.]: Sci., new ser., v. 15, p. 88, 1902; Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 13, pp. 528-529, 1903. 29. Studies of the grain of igneous intrusives: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 14, pp. 369-384, 1903; abs., Sci., new ser., v. 17, p. 296, 1903. Contains studies of the diabase dike at Lighthouse Point, Marquette. 30. Annual report geological survey of Michigan [for 1902]: Mich. Miner, v. 5, no. 2, pp. 16-26, (reprinted, map, 26 pp.), 1903. 31. The economic geology of Michigan [abs.]: Sci., new ser., v. 17, p. 218, 1903; Eng. Min. Jour., v. 75, p. 152, 1903; Sci. Am. Suppl., v. 55, p. 22666, 1903. 32. Historical review of the geology of Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Rpt., v. 5, pp. 184-195, 1904. 33. Magnetic phenomena around deep borings: Mich. Acad. Sci. Rpt., v. 4, pp. 166-167, 1904. 34. The coarseness of igneous rocks and its meaning: Am. Geol., v. 35, no. 2, pp. 65-72, 1905. 35. (and others) Fifth annual report of the State Geologist for the year 1903: Mich. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt. 1903, maps, 1905. 342 pp. Contains: Relation of soils to natural vegetation in Roscommon and Crawford counties, Michigan, by B. E. Livingston, pp. 9-31; Report of progress in the Porcupines, by F. E. Wright, pp. 33-44; Water supply of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, by W. F. Cooper, pp. 47-109; Waters of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, pp. 113-167; Limestone, pp. 169-174; Building and road materials, pp. 182-193 (also Mich. Miner, v. 6, no. 5, pp. 9-12; no. 6, pp. 9-11, 1904); Theory of copper deposition, pp. 239 -249 (also, Mich. Miner, v. 6, no. 2, pp. 9-11; no. 3, pp. 9-11, 1904; Am. Geol., v. 34, no. 5, pp. 297-309, 1904); The Tamarack mine cross section and the Keweenawan lodes, pp. 251-270; Deep borings for oil and gas, pp. 271-294; Peat, pp. 294-301; and Recent shore forms, by W. M. Gregory, pp. 301-305. 36. (and others) Sixth annual report of the State Geologist for the year 1904: Mich. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt. 1904, maps, 1905. 182 pp. Contains: Failure of wells along the lower Huron River, Michigan, in 1904, by M. L. Fuller, pp. 1-32; A geological reconnaissance along the north shore of lakes Huron and Michigan, by I. C. Russell, pp. 33-112; Notes on clays and shales, sand brick, cement, peat, coal, surface geology of the Upper Peninsula, stratigraphy of the iron-bearing rocks, Lake Superior gold mining, Black River work, drill-core preservation, wells and borings, pp. 113-168. 37. (and others) Seventh annual report of the State Geologist for the year 1905; Mich. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt. 1905, illus., maps, 1906. 638 pp. Contains: Geological report on Bay County, by W. F. Cooper, pp. 135-426 (abs., Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 23 (v.123), no. 135, p. 227, 1907); An illustrated catalogue of the Mollusca of Michigan, by Bryant Walker, pp. 427-534; Notes on the origin of strontium, on wells, artesian and mineral waters, building material, marl, shale, sand-lime brick, road metal, gypsum, paint, iron, and coal, pp. 535-571. 38. The geology of Keweenaw Point; a brief description: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc. (1906), v. 12, pp. 81-104, 1907; abs., Mines and Minerals, v. 27, pp. 204-206, 1906. 39. Die Korngrisse der Auvergnosen [The grain size of the auvergnoses], Stuttgart, 1906. 19 pp. 40. Salt water in the Lake mines: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc. (1906), v. 12, pp. 154-163, 1907. 336 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 41. The formation of Lake Superior copper: Sci., new ser., v. 25, p. 589, 1907. Contains in part a letter of G. Fernekes regarding copper deposition. 42. Chemical evolution of the ocean [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 17, p. 691, 1907. Tests taken of deepest known waters from formations of the Michigan basin to determine if any progressive chemical change in the ocean could be detected. 43. Genetic relations of some granitic dikes: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 18, pp. 644-648, 1908; abs., Sci., new ser., v. 25, p. 774, 1907. Dikes discussed are in Huron Mountains. Hornblende gneisses and schists are cut by a series of red granitic dikes. 44. Mine waters: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 13, pp. 63-152, 1908. 45. (and others) Eighth annual report of the State Geologist for the year 1906: Mich. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt. 1906, maps, 1907. 602 pp. Abs., Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, v. 25 (v.175), no. 148, p. 354, 1908. Contains: The surface geology of portions of Menominee, Dickinson, and Iron counties, Michigan, by I. C. Russell, pp. 7-92; Peat, essays on its origin, uses and distribution in Michigan, by C. A. Davis, pp. 93-396 (rev., Econ. Geol., v. 3, no. 3, pp. 248-251; no. 5, pp. 431-432, 1908); A geological section from Bessemer down Black River, by W. C. Gordon, pp. 397-508; Notes on gold in Michigan (by W. M. Courtis), limestone, earthquakes, molding sand, clay, water and water supplies, coal, oil and gas, sand-lime brick, and biological and topographical surveys, pp. 573-594. 46. (and others) Ninth annual report of the State Geologist for the year 1907: Mich. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt. 1907, maps, 1908. 288 pp. Contains: Notes on topographic survey, leasing of state lands for oil and gas, exploration, peat, coal and coal analyses, limestone, cement and lime, tests, and analyses, pp. 3-32; Foundry sands, by Heinrich Ries and J. A. Rosen, pp. 33-88; Summary of the surface geology of Michigan, pp. 89-152; Physiography and geology [of Walnut Lake], by C. A. Davis, pp. 164-173. 47. (and others) Nomenclature and subdivision of the upper Siluric strata of Michigan, Ohio, and western New York [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 19, pp. 553-556, 1909; Sci., new ser., v. 27, p. 409, 1908. 48. The decomposition of a boulder in the Calumet and Hecla conglomerate, and its bearing on the distribution of copper in the Lake Superior copper lodes as indicating the trend and characters of the waters forming the chute: Econ. Geol., v. 4, no. 2, pp. 158-173, 1909. 49. Geology of the Porcupine Mountains, Michigan: Min. World, v. 30, pp. 1115-1117, 1909. 50. (and others) Tenth annual report of the State Geologist for the year 1908: Mich. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt. 1908, maps, 1909. 402 pp. Contains: Notes on water, sand-lime brick, peat and salt licks, pp. 1-20; Notes on the geological section of Michigan for geologists, teachers, and drillers, Pt. I, The pre-Ordovician, pp. 21-42 (also, Jour. Geol., v. 15, no. 7, pp. 680-695, 1907), Pt. II, From the St. Peters up, pp. 43-120 (also, Jour. Geol., v. 18, no. 5, pp. 393-429, 1910), by A. C. Lane and A. E. Seaman; Report on the geology of Tuscola County, Michigan, by C. A. Davis, W. F. Cooper, and A. C. Lane, pp. 121-354; The intrusive rocks of Mount Bohemia, Michigan, by F. E. Wright, pp. 355-402; Preliminary geological map of the Porcupine Mountains and vicinity, by F. E. Wright and A. C. Lane, pl. 1. 51. Michigan iron mines and their mine waters: Canadian Min. Inst. Jour., v. 12, pp. 114-129, 1910; Min. World, v. 31, pp. 413-416, 1909. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 337 52. Native copper deposits: Canadian Min. Inst. Quart. Bull., v. 13, pp. 81-87, 1911; Jour., v. 14, pp. 316-322, 1912; reprinted, in Types of ore deposits (edited by H. F. Bain), pp. 133-139, 1911. 53. The Keweenaw series of Michigan: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 6, geol. ser. 4, 2 v., 69 figs., 15 pls., incl. maps, 1911. 983 pp. Contains: The development of the copper mines of Lake Superior and their geological relations, by A. H. Meuche, pp. 887-931. 54. Unexplored parts of the copper range of Keweenaw Point [with discussion]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 17, pp. 127-143, 1912. 55. The age of the Keweenawan series [abs.]: Mich. Acad. Sci. Rpt., v. 14, pp. 107-108, 1912. 56. New light on the Keweenawan fault [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 24, p. 718, 1913. 57. Mine water composition an index to the course of ore-bearing currents: Econ. Geol., v. 9, no. 3, pp. 239-263, 1914. 58. Keweenaw fault: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 27, pp. 93-100, 1916. 59. The origin of the mirabilite from the Isle Royale mine: Am. Mineralog., v. 2, no. 5, pp. 63-64, May 1917. 60. Memorial of Charles A. Davis: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 28, pp. 14-40, 1917. 61. Lawson's correlation of the pre-Cambrian era: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4,.v. 43 (v.193), no. 253, pp. 42-48, 1 pl., 1917. 62. Keweenaw geothermal gradients and the ice age [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 34, no. 1, p. 86, Mar. 30, 1923. 63. Solvents and precipitants in the Michigan copper lodes [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 34, no. 1, p. 100, Mar. 30, 1923. 64. Geotherms of Lake Superior copper country: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 34, no. 4, pp. 703-720, 1 pl., Dec. 30, 1923. 65. Memorial of Marshman E. Wadsworth: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 35, pp. 15-24, 1924. *66. Calcium chloride waters, connate and diagenetic: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 11, no. 12, pp. 1283-1305, 1927; abs., Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 38, p. 123, 1927. 67. (and Newcombe, R. J. B.; Thomas, W. A.) Geological significance of water analyses [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 41, no. 1, pp. 54-55, Mar. 31, 1930; Pan Am. Geol., v. 53, no. 1, p. 78, Feb. 1930. 68. (and Bennett, W. R.) Location of fault by radioactivity [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Proc. (1933), pp. 92-93, 1934. Reference is to Howell anticline. 69. (and Urry, W. D.) Ages by the Helium method; pt. I Keweenawan: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 46, no. 7, pp. 1101-1120, July 31, 1935; abs., with discussion, Proc. (1934), pp. 88-90, 1935; abs., Proc. (1935), p. 114, 1936. 70. Geologic significance of a geothermal gradient curve [discussion]: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 21, no. 11, p. 1494, 1937. 71. Memorial to Arthur Edward Seaman: Geol. Soc. Am. Proc. (1937), pp. 191-194, 1938. Lang, S. S. 1. Porphyry intrusions of the Michigan copper district: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 107, p. 452, Mar. 8, 1919. 2. Copper deposits of Lake Superior: Min. Sci. Press, v. 121, pp. 407-408, Sept. 18, 1920. La Rocque, J. Aurele 1. New genera and species of Mollusca from the Middle Devonian of Michigan and Manitoba: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, 1946. Unpublished. 338 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 2. New uncoiled gastropods from the Middle Devonian of Michigan and Manitoba: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 7, no. 7, pp. 113-122, 3 pls., May 13, 1949. 3. Pre-Traverse Devonian pelecypods of Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 7, no. 10, pp. 271-366, 19 pls., Mar. 29, 1950. Contains systematic descriptions of 23 genera, including three new genera, Diodontopteria, Liromytilus, and Phenacocyclas. Several new species are described. A section on the stratigraphic distribution of the pelecypod faunas and an extensive bibliography are included. U.S.G.S. Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, June 1948. Larsen, Esper S., Jr.-See also Foshag, W. F., 1. 1. Memorial of Alfred Church Lane: Am. Mineralog., v. 34, nos. 3-4, pp. 249-252, portrait, Mar.-Apr. 1949. Larsson, Per 1. The Chapin iron mine, Lake Superior: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 16, pp. 119 -128, map, 1887; Eng. Min. Jour., v. 44, pp. 346-347, 394-395, 1887. 2. Soft ore mining on Lake Superior [with discussion]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 1, pp. 13-18, 1893. Lasky, Bernard H. 1. Surface minerals reveal Michigan structures: World Oil, v. 137, no. 7, pp. 100-106, 3 figs., Dec. 1953. Lawrence, Charles E. 1. Drag-line stripping and mining, Balkan mine, Alpha, Michigan, Menominee range, Mastodon district: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 20, pp. 174-180, 1915. *2. Progress of mining in Lake Superior district; 1894 to 1917: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 21, pp. 276-279, 1917. Lawson, Andrew Cowper-See also Lane, A. C., 61; Winchell, Alexander, 30. 1. The correlation of the pre-Cambrian rocks of the region of the Great Lakes: Calif. Univ., Dept. of Geol., Bull. no. 10, pp. 1-19, 1916. Lawton, Charles D. 1. Mineral resources [Ann. Rpt., Comm. Mineral Statistics, 1885]: Lansing, 1886. 288 pp. 2. Sketch of the life and character of Charles E. Wright, late State Geologist of Michigan: Am. Geol., v. 2, no. 5, pp. 307-311, 1888. 3. Mines and mineral statistics: Ann. Rpt., Comm. Mineral Statistics, 1890, Lansing, 1891; also reports for 1889, 1888, 1887, and 1886. 4. "Broken Chords" [memorial to Douglass Houghton and Charles Eugene Wright]: Mich. Miner, v. 4, no. 3, pp. 22-24, Feb. 1902. Leedy, Forrest 1. The Clarksburg intrusives and their significance: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. Eng., Mich. College Min. Tech., Houghton, 1930. 20 pp. Unpublished. Lehner, Robert 1. A study of part of the gneissic complex north of the Felch Mountain district, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Ohio State Univ., Columbus, 1951. 74 pp. Unpublished. Leighly, John B.-See Ehlers, G. M., 6. Leighton, M. O.-See Leverett, Frank, 7. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 339 Leith, Andrew-See Leith, C. K., 16. Leith, Charles Kenneth-See also Allen, R. C., 13; Emmons, S. F., 1, 2; Hotchkiss, W. 0., 7; Van Hise, C. R., 22, 23. 1. Summaries of current North American pre-Cambrian literature: Jour. Geol., v. 6, no. 7, pp. 739-753, 1898. 2. A comparison of the origin and development of the iron ores of the Mesabi and Gogebic iron ranges: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 8, pp. 75-81, 1902. 3. Genesis of Lake Superior iron ores: Econ. Geol., v. 1, pp. 47-66, 1905. 4. An Algonkian basin in Hudson Bay; a comparison with the Lake Superior basin: Econ. Geol., v. 5, no. 3. pp. 227-246, map, 1910. 5. Lake Superior type of iron-ore deposits, in Types of ore deposits (edited by H. F. Bain), pp. 53-76, 1911. 6. (and Harder, E. C.) Hematite ores of Brazil and a comparison with hematite ores of Lake Superior: Econ. Geol., v. 6, no. 7, pp. 670-686, 1911. 7. The use of geology in iron ore exploration: Econ. Geol., v. 7, no. 7, pp. 662-675, 1912. 8. Iron-ore reserves of Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey Min. Res. 1911, pt. I, pp. 175-190, 1912. 9. A summary of Lake Superior geology with special reference to recent studies of the iron-bearing series: A.I.M.E. Bi-monthly Bull. 3, pp. 453 -507, map, 1905; Trans., v. 36, pp. 101-153, map, 1906; Reprinted, in part. in Ore deposits, S. F. Emmons, pp. 633-656, map, 1913. 10. Pre-Cambrian correlation from a Lake Superior standpoint: 12th Internat. Geol. Cong., 1913; Comptes rendus, pp. 409-421, 1914. 11. Notes on conservation of Lake Superior iron ores: A.I.M.E. Bull. 86, pp. 247-250, 1914; Trans. (1914), v. 50, pp. 231-235, 1915. 12. Memorial of Charles Richard Van Hise: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 31, pp. 100-110, 1920. 13. Lake Superior pre-Cambrian [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 38, pp. 110-111, 749-752, 1927; Pan Am. Geol., v. 47, no. 1, pp. 66, Feb. 1927. 14. Secondary concentration of Lake Superior iron ores: Econ. Geol., v. 26, no. 3, pp. 274-288, May 1931. 15. The pre-Cambrian: Geol. Soc. Am. Proc. (1933), pp. 151-180, 1 fig., 1934. 16. (and Lund, R. J.; Leith, Andrew) Pre-Cambrian rocks of the Lake Superior region; a review of newly discovered geologic features with a revised geologic map: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 184, 2 pls., incl. geol. map, 1935. 34 pp. Leverett, Frank-See also Lane, A. C., 27; Russell, I. C., 8. 1. On the correlation of moraines with raised beaches of Lake Erie: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 43 (v.143), no. 256, pp. 281-301, 1892. "*2. The Pleistocene features and deposits of the Chicago area: Chicago Acad. Sci., Bull. no. 11, 4 pls., 8 figs., May 1897. 86 pp. 3. Glacial formations and drainage features of the Erie and Ohio basins: U. S. Geol. Survey Mon. 41, maps, 1902. 802 pp. 4. Glacial features of lower Michigan [abs.]: Sci., new ser., v. 17, p. 224, 1903; rev., Jour. Geol., v. 11, no. 1, pp. 117-118, 1903. 5. Review of the glacial geology of the Southern Peninsula of Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rpt., v. 6, pp. 100-110, 1904. 340 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 6. Drumlins in the Grand Traverse region of Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 16, p. 577, 1905; Sci., new ser., v. 21, p. 220, 1905; Sci. Am. Suppl., v. 59, p. 24326, 1905. 7. (and others) Symposium on water supplies in Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rpt., v. 8, pp. 99-136, 1906. Contains: Geological conditions of municipal and institutional water supplies in Michigan; Shall pollution of Michigan streams be permitted?, by M. 0. Leighton; Purification of municipal water supplies, by G. S. Williams; and Ideals concerning municipal water supplies, by I. C. Russell. 8. Flowing-well districts in the eastern part of the Northern Peninsula of Michigan, in Underground water papers: U. S. Geol. Survey WaterSupply Paper 160, pp. 29-53, 1906. 9. (and others) Flowing wells and municipal water supplies in the southern portion of the Southern Peninsula of Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 182, map, 1906. 292 pp. 10. (and others) Flowing wells and municipal water supplies in the middle and northern portions of the Southern Peninsula of Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 183, 1907. 393 pp. 11. Outline of the history of the Great Lakes: Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rpt., v. 12, pp. 19-42, 1910. 12. Glacial investigations in the Lake Superior region in 1909 [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 21, p. 762, 1910. 13. Map of the surface formations of the Northern Peninsula of Michigan, scale 1:380, 160: Lansing, Mich. Geol. Survey, 1911. 14. Surface geology of the Northern Peninsula of Michigan with notes on agricultural conditions and water power: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 7, geol. ser. 5, map, 1911. 91 pp. 15. Surface geology and agricultural conditions of the Southern Peninsula of Michigan, with a chapter on climate by C. F. Schneider: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 9, geol. ser. 7, maps, 1912. 144 pp. 16. Correlation of Lake Agassiz with glacial lakes in Great Lakes basins [abs.]: Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rpt., v. 14, p. 115, 1912. 17. Remarkable deformation of the Algonquin beach labs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 24, p. 697, 1913. 18. Time relations of glacial lakes in the Great Lakes region [abs.]: Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour., v. 3, pp. 237-238, 1913. 19. (and Taylor, F. B.) The Pleistocene of Indiana and Michigan and the history of the Great Lakes: U. S. Geol. Survey Mon. 53, maps, 1915. 529 pp. Abs., Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour., v. 6, pp. 18-20, 1916. 20. Surface geology and agricultural conditions of Michigan with a chapter on climate by C. F. Schneider: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 25, geol. ser. 21, map, 1917. 223 pp. 21. Glacial lakes and their correlative ice-borders in the Superior basin [abs.]: Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rpt., v. 19, pp. 101-102, 1917. 22. The country around Camp Custer [text on back of topographic map]: Camp Custer quadrangle, U. S. Geol. Survey, 1918; abs., entitled Features of the country around Camp Custer, Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rpt., v. 20, pp. 53-54, 1918. 23. Glacial lakes of Saginaw basin in relation to uplift [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 29, p. 75, 1918. 24. Drainage features and uplift of shore lines in Elsie and Perrinton quadrangles [abs.]: Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rpt., v. 20, p. 55, 1918. 25. Glacial and glacial lake features in the vicinity of Kalamazoo [abs.]: Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rpt., v. 21, pp. 91-92, 1919. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 341 26. Studies on the shore lines of the Saginaw basin [abs.]: Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rpt., v. 22, p. 89, 1921. 27. Results of glacial studies in the Northern Peninsula of Michigan in 1919 [abs.]: Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rpt., v. 22, pp. 89-90, 1921. 28. Map of the surface formations of the Southern Peninsula of Michigan, scale 1:750,000: Lansing, Mich. Geol. Survey, 1924. 29. Moraines and shore lines of the Lake Superior basin, in Shorter contributions to general geology, 1928: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 154, pp. 1-72, 10 figs., 8 pls., incl. map, Feb. 9, 1929. 30. (and MacLachlan, D. C.) Pleistocene shore lines and correlative moraines in the Huron and the Saginaw basins [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Proc. (1933), p. 94, June 1934. 31. (and MacLachlan, D. C.) Variations in tilt lines in the Huron-Erie district [abs.]: Sci., new ser., v. 80, no. 2085, p. 550, Dec. 14, 1934. 32. Correlation of beaches with moraines in the Huron and Erie basins: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 237, no. 7, pp. 456-475, 1 pl., geol. map, July 1939. Lewis, J. Volney *1. Origin of pillow lavas: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 25, pp. 591-654, 11 pls., 1914. Contains reference to Lake Superior region. Lindberg, George David-See also Newcombe, R. J. B., 10. 1. Deerfield oil field, Monroe County, Michigan, in Structure of typical American oil fields, v. 3, pp. 305-318, 7 figs., incl. maps: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., 1948. Lindgren, Waldemar-See also Emmons, S. F., 3. *1. (and others) Contributions to economic geology, 1911; pt. I, Metals and non-metals except fuels: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 530, 1913. 400 pp. Contains the occurrence of potash salts in the bitterns of the eastern United States, by W. C. Phalen, pp. 313-329. Reference to the Salina. Lines, E. F.-See Fuller, M. L., 6. Linsley, Robert M. 1. New gastropods from the Middle Devonian Anderdon limestone of Michigan, Ohio and Ontario: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, 1953. 37 pp. Unpublished. Livingston, Burton Edward-See Lane, A. C., 27, 35. Locke, John 1. Observations made... to determine the magnetical dip and the intensity of magnetical force, in several parts of the United States [includes notes on geology of stations]: Am. Philos. Soc. Trans., new ser., v. 9, pp. 283 -328, 1846. 2. [Geological observvations in the Upper Peninsula of M-ichigan]: U. S. General Land Office Rpt. 1847 (U. S. 30th Cong., 1st Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 2, pp. 183-199, 1847). 3. Catalogue of specimens [and report of field work in Lake Superior region]: U. S. 31st Cong., 1st Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 1, pt. III; House Ex. Doc. 5, pt. III, pp. 563-605, 1849. 4. Catalogue of rocks, minerals, ores and fossils collected by Dr. John Locke [Lake Superior region]: Smithsonian Inst. Ann. Rpt. (1854), v. 9, pp. 367-383, 1855. Lockett, J. IL *1. Development of structures in basin areas of northeastern United States: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 31, no. 3, pp. 429-446, 4 figs., 1947. 342 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Lohr, E. W.-See Collins, W. D., 6. Long, Joseph Bacon 1. The paleogeology of central Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1952. 17 pp. Unpublished. Longyear, John M. 1. Reminiscences of the development of the Lake Superior iron districts: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 21, pp. 92-105, 1917. Love, W. W. *1. (and Fitzgerald, P. E.) Importance of geological data in acidizing of wells: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 21, no. 5, pp. 616-626, 4 figs., May 1937. Lowenstam, Heinz A. 1. Niagaran reefs of the Great Lakes area: Jour. Geol., v. 58, no. 4, pp. 430-487, 11 figs., 5 p1s., July 1950. Lowry, W. W.-See Keck, W. E., 3. Lucas, Peter T.-See also Briggs, L. I., Jr., 1. 1. Environment of Salina salt deposition: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, June 1954. Lund, Richard Jacob-See Leith, C. K., 16. Luoma, Henry L. 1. Did nature wield a soldering iron? [Copper-silver nuggets, Keweenaw Peninsula, Mich.]: Mineralog., v. 13, no. 10, pp. 377-378, 1 fig., Oct. 1945. 2. Description and occurrence of Keweenaw agate: Mineralog., v. 13, no. 7, pp. 269-271, July 1945. 3. New chlorastrolite find [Mich.]: Mineralog., v. 14, no. 8, pp. 399-400, Aug. 1946. 4. Chrysocolla in conglomerate, Michigan: Mineralog., v. 15, no. 6, pp. 286 -288, June 1947. Luoma, William E. 1. Mineral collecting in northern Michigan: Rocks and Minerals, v. 21, no. 10, pp. 664-665, Oct. 1946. Lutz, Harold John 1. The nature and origin of layers of fine-textured material in sand dunes: Jour. Sed. Petr., v. 11, no. 3, pp. 105-123, 12 figs., Dec. 1941. Lyon, Norman X. 1. Michigan outlook promising due to late 1936 developments: Oil Weekly, v. 84, no. 7, p. 82, Jan. 25, 1937. 2. Michigan revived; Buckeye is most important of several discoveries: Oil Weekly, v. 84, p. 84, May 24, 1937. 3. Southwest Michigan offers attractive pay out rates: Oil Weekly, v. 94, no. 6, pp. 16-22, July 17, 1939. 4. Michigan gets its first natural flowing Trenton lime well: Oil Weekly, v. 96, no. 1, pp. 36-40, Dec. 11, 1939. 5. Michigan's petroleum industry: Mich. Hist. Mag., v. 24, no. 3, pp. 345-359, 1940. 6. Michigan alarmed over lag in discoveries: Oil Weekly, v. 98, no. 2, pp. 30-42, June 17, 1940. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 343 7. Recover over mile of drill pipe against difficult odds: Oil Weekly, v. 101, no. 5, pp. 28-34, Apr. 7, 1941. 8. Michigan oil exploration more important in wartime: Oil Weekly, v. 107, no. 8, Oct. 26, 1942. MacAlpin, Archie Justus 1. A census of mastodon remains in Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1939), v. 25, pp. 481-490, index map, 1940. Gives locations of finds of mastodon remains. McCallum, Marjorie Louise 1. A petrographic investigation of vertical deposition within the Mason esker relative to its origin: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1949. 39 pp. Unpublished. McCaskey, H. D. "*1. (and Burchard, E. F.; and others) Our mineral supplies: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 666, 1919. 278 pp. A discussion of the mineral resources of the United States. McConnell, Duncan 1. (and Pondrom, W. L., Jr.) X-ray crystallography of seamanite: Am. Mineralog., v. 26, no. 7, pp. 446-447, 1 fig., July 1941. Crystals used were from the Chicagon mine, near Iron River, Michigan. McCracken, Stephen B. 1. The State of Michigan, embracing sketches of its history, position, resources, and industries [incl. mineral resources, pp. 48-73], Lansing, Michigan, 1876. 136 pp. MacCurdy, H. M. 1. Mastodon remains found in Gratiot County, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rpt., v. 21, pp. 109-110, 1919. McDermott, Walter "*1. The Silver Islet vein, Lake Superior: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 23, pp. 54-55, 70-71, 1877; Inst. Min. Met. Trans., v. 18, pp. 220-231, 1909; Canadian Min. Jour., v. 30, pp. 135-138, 1909. MacDonald, G. C. 1. Deep rotary drilling in Michigan: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 40, no. 49, pp. 39-41, Apr. 16, 1942. McDonald, P. B. 1. History of the Cascade iron range of Michigan: Min. World, v. 37, pp. 902-905, 1912. 2. Applied geology, Michigan iron ranges: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 96, pp. 208 -210, 1913. McEachern, William A. 1. Top slicing at the Caspian mine: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 16, pp. 239-243, 1911. Macfarlane, Thomas 1. On the rocks and cupriferous beds of Portage Lake, Michigan: Canadian Geol. Survey Rpt. Prog., 1863-1866, pp. 149-164, 1866; Canadian Nat. and Geol. and Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Montreal, new ser., v. 3, pp. 1-18, 1866. 2. On the geological formations of Lake Superior: Canadian Nat. and Geol. and Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Montreal, new ser., v. 3, pp. 177-201, 241-256, 1867-1868. 344 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY McGregor, Duncan J. 1. Stratigraphic analysis of Upper Devonian and Mississippian rocks in Michigan basin: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 38, no. 11, pp. 2324 -2356, 17 figs., Nov. 1954. Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, May 25, 1953. 86 pp. McGowan, D.-See Herringshaw, D. E., 1. McGuinness, Charles Lee 1. Brief review of ground-water conditions in Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 50, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1985, Dec. 1, 1939. 2. Hydrologic problems in the Ohio and Michigan basins; a brief review of ground-water conditions in Michigan: Am. Geophys. Union Trans., 21st Ann. Mtg., pt. II, pp. 1122-1126, Natl. Research Coun., Sept. 1940. 3. (and Poindexter, 0. F.; Otton, E. G.) Ground-water supplies of the Ypsilanti area, Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1087, illus., incl. geol. map, 1949. 105 pp. *4. The water situation in the United States with special reference to ground water; with a summary of the current water situation by states based on data supplied by field offices of the Water Resources Division: U. S. Geol. Survey Cire. 114, June 1951. 127 pp. MacIntosh, Albert N. 1. Stratigraphy of the Negaunee iron formation: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. Eng., Mich. College Min. Tech., Houghton, 1929. Unpublished. MacLachlan, Donald B. 1. Warren shore line in Ontario and in the thumb of Michigan, and its deformation: Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Feb. 1939. Abstract published; see MacLachlan, D. B., 2. 2. Structure in southeastern Ontario and the thumb of Michigan as revealed by late Quaternary warping [abs.]: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 38, no. 48, p. 50, Apr. 11, 1940. Paper presented at the 25th Ann. Mtg., Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., Chicago, Ill., 1940. MacLachlan, Donald C.-See Leverett, Frank, 30, 31. McLeod, B. H. 1. Microscopic examination of pilot-plant products from White Pine ore, 1952. Private report to White Pine Copper Co. McLouth, C. D.-See Lane, A. C., 27. McMillan, Gordon W.-See also Kesling, R. V., 2. 1. Ostracods of the family Hollinidae from the Bell shale of Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Bachelor of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, 1949. Published in part; see Kesling, R. V., 2. McNair, Andrew Hamilton 1. Cryptostomatous Bryozoa from the Middle Devonian Traverse group of Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 5, no. 9, pp. 103-170, 14 pls., 1 fig., Oct. 30, 1937. Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, June 1935. McNamee, Robert L. 1. The surface waters of Michigan; hydrology and qualitative characteristics and purification for public use: Mich. Univ., Eng. Research Bull. no. 16, June 1930. 323 pp. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 345 Macco, Albrecht 1. Die Eisenerzlagerstatten am Lake Superior [The iron ore deposits near Lake Superior]: Zeitschrift fiir praktische Geologie, v. 12, pp. 48-53, 377-399, map, 1904. Maebius, Jed Barnes-See also Hake, B. F., 1. 1. Temple field, Freeman-Redding pools, Clare County, Michigan [abs.]: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 38, no. 48, p. 50, Apr. 11, 1940. Paper presented at the 25th Ann. Mtg., Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., Chicago, Ill., 1940. 2. The results of the drilling of a deep test near Bay City, Michigan [abs.]: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 26, no. 5, p. 915, May 1942. Mandarino, Joseph A. 1. The minerals of the Champion, Michigan, area: Rocks and Minerals, v. 25, nos. 11-12, pp. 563-565, illus., Nov.-Dec. 1950. Brief notations on the minerals collected from the Beacon mine dumps and the Phoenix pits near Champion, on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Pyrite, hematite, siderite, magnetite, goethite, chlorite, tourmaline and quartz are among those listed. U.S.G.S. Mann, Virgil I. 1. The relation of oxidation to the origin of soft iron ores of Michigan: Econ. Geol., v. 48, no. 4, pp. 251-281, 8 figs., June-July 1953; discussion, v. 48, no. 8, pp. 726-728, Dec. 1953; v. 49, no. 4, pp. 439-440, June-July 1954. Manulik, A. J. 1. Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Sun Oil Company, Bradley #4, Newaygo County, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Sept. 1950. Unpublished. Marcou, Jules 1. Reponse a la lettre de MM. Foster et Whitney sur le lac Superieur [Response to a letter of Messrs. Foster and Whitney on Lake Superior]: Sociit6 Gdologique de France Bull., ser. 2, v. 8, pp. 101-105, 1851. Marschner, Arthur W. 1. A method for the size analysis of sand on a number frequency basis: Jour. Sed. Petr., v. 23, no. 1, pp. 49-59, Mar. 1953. Thesis for Degree of Master of Science entitled, A method for the size analysis of sand on a frequency basis, Dept. of Geol., Wayne Univ., Detroit, June 1952. Marsden, Ralph Walter-See also Tyler, S. A., 1, 2, 3. 1. Correlation of the Precambrian rocks of the south shore of the Lake Superior region [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 64, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1451, Dec. 1953 Marshall, R. B. 1.--Results-of-triangulation-and primary-traverse:-for the-years--1909-and 1910: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 496, 1912. 392 pp. For the years 1906, 1907, and 1908; Bull. 440, 1910. 688 pp. 2. Results of spirit leveling in Michigan and Wisconsin 1897 to 1909 inclusive: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 461, 1911. 64 pp. Work in Michigan from 1901 to 1909, inclusive, done in cooperation with the state. 3. Results of spirit leveling in Michigan, 1911 and 1913: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 559, 1914. 79 pp. 4. Results of triangulation and primary traverse, 1911 and 1912: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 551, 1914. 396 pp. Pages 185-211 concern Michigan. 5. Triangulation and primary traverse, 1913-1915: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 644, 1916. 655 pp. Pages 303-345 (Bull. 644 F) concern Michigan. 346 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Martin, Helen M.-See also Allen, R. C., 21, 23; Poindexter, 0. F., 12; Rawlins, E. L., 1; Smith, R. A., 4, 6. 1. The centennial geological map of Michigan (2 sheets, Southern and Northern Peninsula): Mich. Geol. Survey, pub. 39, geol. ser. 33, 1936; rev., Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 21, no. 12, pp. 1600-1601, Dec. 1937. 2. The geological and physical features of Michigan, in Michigan Today, pp. 11-41: Mich. Dept. Public Instruction, Bull. no. 307, 1937. 3. A hundred years of geological survey in Michigan: Mich. Conserv., v. 7, nos. 1, 2, 4, 1937. Discusses the history of the Michigan Geological Survey. 4. The Michigan Geological Survey: Assoc. Am. State Geol. Jour., v. 8, no. 3, pp. 3-15, July 1, 1937. 5. The ice age and Michigan: Mich. Conserv., v. 7, nos. 7-9, Mar.-May 1938. 6. Ne-Saw-Je-Won; a tale of the waters that run down from Lake Superior to the sea: Cleveland, William Feather Company, 1939. 82 pp. 7. (editor) They need not vanish; a discussion of the natural resources of Michigan: Lansing, Mich. Dept. Conserv., illus., 1942. 294 pp. 8. Have we enough oil?: Mich. Conserv., v. 11, no. 8, Sept. 1942. A brief discussion of Michigan's oil industry. 9. War jobs for Michigan minerals: Mich. Conserv., v. 11, no. 7, July-Aug. 1942. A brief discussion on the role of Michigan's mineral resources during World War II. 10. From Michigan's coral seas: Mich. Consery., v. 12, no. 8, Oct. 1943. A discussion of Michigan's limestones. 11. Magnesium ore: Mich. Conserv., v. 12, no. 1, Jan. 1943. An article, in popular style, concerning the dolomite deposits of Michigan. 12. Salt for a million years: Mich. Conserv., v. 13, no. 11, pp. 4-5, 11, geol. map, Dec. 1944. A discussion of Michigan's salt deposits. 13. Michigan's iron: Mich. Conserv., v. 13, no. 5, pp. 4-5, 8, 3 figs., incl. index map, June 1944; no. 6, pp. 6-7, 10, 5 figs., incl. index map, July 1944. 14. More about our most important resource-water: Mich. Conserv., v. 13, no. 4, pp. 6-7, May 1944. Article written in popular style. 15. The romance of copper: Mich. Conserv., v. 13, no. 1, pp. 4-5, 11, Jan. 1944; v. 13, no. 2, pp. 7, 10-11, Feb. 1944. 16. Douglass Houghton (1809-1845): Mich. Conserv., v. 14, no. 10, p. 11, Oct. 1945. 17. Oscar Floyd Poindexter: Sci., new ser., v. 101, no. 2620, pp. 264-265, Mar. 16, 1945. 18. Geology to archeology: Mich. Conserv., v. 14, no. 3, pp. 3, 10, Mar. 1945. A discussion of some of the relationships of settlement of Michigan to its surface geology. 19. The biology of the past; prehistoric life in Michigan: Sci. Rev., pp. 14-17, 46-47, May 1946; pp. 32-35, 43, Sept.-Oct. 1946. 20. R. A. Smith is retiring on August 1st: Mich. Conserv., v. 15, no. 6, pp. 5, 14, July 1946. 21. Those busy bacteria: Mich. Conserv., v. 19, no. 6, pp. 11-12, Nov.-Dec. 1950: An article, in popular style, on the importance of bacteria in the formation of iron, petroleum, soil, coal, etc. 22. Michigan story: Mich. Conserv., v. 19, no. 2, pp. 5-8, Mar.-Apr. 1950. A brief history of the development of some of Michigan's mineral resources. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 347 23. Geology of Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 61, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1570, Dec. 1950. 24. How old is Michigan?: Mich. Conserv., v. 20, no. 1, pp. 9-10, 20, Jan.Feb. 1951. 25. Romance of the pipelines: Mich. Conserv., v. 22, no. 5, pp. 15-20, Sept.Oct. 1953. Article, written in popular style, tells a little about the Lake Head Pipeline from Superior, Wisconsin to Sarnia, Ontario. 26. How it all began: Mich. Conserv., v. 23, no. 5, pp. 7-10, Sept.-Oct. 1954. A brief geologic history, written in popular style. Marvine, Archibald Robertson-See Pumpelly, Raphael, 2. Matelski, Roy P. 1. (and Turk, L. M.) Heavy minerals in some podzol soil profiles in Michigan: Soil Sci., v. 64, no. 6, pp. 469-487, 4 figs., 10 tables, Dec. 1947. Mather, W. G. 1. Charcoal iron industry of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 9, pp. 63-93, 1903. Mather, William W. 1. Notes and remarks connected with meteorology on Lake Superior, and on the variations in its level by barometric causes, and variations in the season: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 6 (v.56), no. 16, pp. 1-20, 1848. Mathews, Albert A. 1. The gypsum industry of Grand Rapids, Michigan: Min. and Met., v. 17, no. 357, pp. 427-430, 6 figs., incl. geol. map, Sept. 1936. Matson, Robert C. 1. Scraping practice in the Michigan iron mines of the Lake Superior district: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 26, pp. 198-270, illus., 1928. Mattice, Asa Edson 1. How Michigan was made: Mich. Miner, v. 2, no. 1, pp. 15-17; no. 2, pp. 9-14; no. 3, pp. 13-17; no. 4, pp. 20-22; no. 5, p. 9; 1899-1900. Meads, Alfred 1. The copper district on Lake Superior: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 70, p. 694, 1900. 2. (and others) Reminiscences; historical sketch of copper mining on Lake Superior: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 14, pp. 202-215, 1909. Melhorn, Wilton N. 1. A quantitative analysis of Silurian sediments in the Michigan basin: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1951. 58 pp. Unpublished. Meinzer, Oscar Edward ---- 1. Bibliography and index of the publications of the United States Geological Survey relating to ground water: U. S. Geol. Survey WaterSupply Paper 427, 1918. 169 pp. Contains references to several papers pertaining to Michigan. *2. The occurrence of ground water in the United States, with a discussion of principles: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 489, 1923. 321 pp. Mendelsohn, Albert 1. Mining methods and costs at the Champion copper mine, Painesdale, Mich.: U. S. Bur. Mines Inf. Circ. 6515, 17 figs., Sept. 1931. 16 pp. Describes practice and equipment at a property mining copper ore by inclined cut and fill, partly from sublevels, on retreat. U.S.B.M. 348 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 2. (and Jackson, C. F.) The sublevel inclined cut-and-fill stoping system: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 102, pp. 43-58, 1932. Mercer, H. T. 1. Rockhouse practice of the Copper Range Consolidated Company: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 17, pp. 283-289, 1912. Merrill, George Perkins 1. Preliminary note on new meteorites from Allegan, Michigan and Mart, Texas: Sci., new ser., v. 10, no. 256, pp. 770-771, 1899. 2. (and Stokes, H. N.) A new stony meteorite from Allegan, Michigan, and a new iron meteorite from Mart, Texas: Wash. Acad. Sci. Proc., v. 2, pp. 41-68, July 25, 1900. 3. Carl Ludwig Rominger: Smithsonian Misc. Coll. (1908-09), v. 52, pp. 79 -82, portrait, 1910. 4. Contributions to a history of American state geological and natural history surveys: U. S. Natl. Mus. Bull. 109, 1920; Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, v. 50 (v.200), no. 299, pp. 395-596, 1920. 5. Heretofore undescribed meteoric irons from (1) Bolivia, South America, (2) western Arkansas, and (3) Seneca Township, Michigan: U. S. Natl. Mus. Proc., v. 72, art. 4, 2 pis., 1927. 4 pp. Meuche, A. H.-See Lane, A. C., 53. Michigan Academy of Science-See also Kelly, W. A., 10. 1. A study of the Lucas County, Ohio-Monroe County, Michigan monocline and stratigraphy of northwestern Ohio and southeastern Michigan, May 1935. 7 pp. 2. A study of the Fort Wayne outlet of the early glacial lakes and the Niagaran strata of Northern Indiana: [Guidebook], 6th Ann. Field Trip, Mich. Acad. Sci., Sec. Geol. and Mineralog., May 1936. 3 pp. 3. [Traverse formation, Alpena area]: [Guidebook], 7th Ann. Field Excur., Mich. Acad. Sci., Sec. Geol. and Mineralog., illus., map, May 1937. 4. [Pleistocene and Paleozoic geology of the northern part of the Southern Peninsula]: [Guidebook], 8th Ann. Field Excur., Mich. Acad. Sci., Sec. Geol. and Mineralog., illus., maps, May 1938. 15 pp. 5. Marquette and Menominee districts: [Guidebook], 9th Ann. Field Excur., Mich. Acad. Sci., See. Geol. and Mineralog., illus., May 1939. 20 pp. 6. St. Ignace and Mackinac Island: [Guidebook], 11th Ann. Geol. Excur., Mich. Acad. Sci., illus., May-June 1941. 22 pp. 7. (and Mich. Geol. Soc.) Copper country field trip: [Guidebook], Ann. Field Trip, Mich. Acad. Sci., Mich. Geol. Soc., 1 diagram, maps, June 1947. 27 pp. 8. (and Mich. Geol. Soc.) Pleistocene and early Paleozoic of the eastern.part of the Northern Peninsula of Michigan: [Guidebook], Ann. Geol. Excur., Mich. Acad. Sci., Mich. Geol. Soc., illus., June 1948. 28 pp. Michigan Biological Survey-See Michigan Geological Survey, 3. Michigan College of Mining and Technology 1. Notes on the rocks and minerals of Michigan; to accompany the loan collection issued by the college of mines: Prepared by Dept. of Geol., Mich. College Min. Tech., Houghton, 1905. Michigan Council of Defense 1. Michigan copper survey: Mich. Coun. Defense, Aug. 1941. 37 pp. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 349 Michigan Department of Conservation-See also Michigan State Planning Commission, 1. 1. Act no. 194, Public Acts 1939, Inland lake levels: Lansing, Mich. Dept. Conserv., no date. Mimeo. 2. Act no. 61, Public Acts 1939, as amended [this act provides for a supervisor of wells]: Lansing, Mich. Dept. Conserv., no date. Mimeo. 3. Act. no. 326, Public Acts 1937, as amended [this act provides for a supervisor of natural dry gas wells]: Lansing, Mich. Dept. Conserv., no date. Mimeo. 4. General regulations governing oil and gas operations in the state of Michigan: Lansing, Mich. Dept. Conservy., June 9, 1949. Mimeo. 5. General regulations governing the spacing, drilling, deepening and plugging of wells for natural dry gas: Lansing, Mich. Dept. Conserv., June 9, 1949. Mimeo. Michigan Geological Society-See also Michigan Academy of Science, 7, 8. 1. The Traverse group of the northern part of the Southern Peninsula of Michigan: [Guidebook], Ann. Geol. Excur., Mich. Geol. Soc., well logs, maps, June 1949. 2. The Ordovician rocks of the Escanaba-Stonington area: [Guidebook], Ann. Geol. Excur., Mich. Geol. Soc., 3 p1s., map, June 1950. 24 pp. *3. The Devonian and Silurian rocks of parts of Ontario, Canada and western New York: [Guidebook], Ann. Geol. Excur., Mich. Geol. Soc., illus., June 1951. 26 pp. 4. Stratigraphy and structure of the Devonian rocks in southeastern Michigan and northwestern Ohio: [Guidebook], Ann. Geol. Excur., Mich. Geol. Soc., illus., June 1952. 40 pp. Michigan Geological Survey 1. Sample library, field and wildcat: Lansing, Mich. Geol. Survey. Cuttings are available for approximately 5,000 wells. 2. Well logs, oil and gas: Lansing, Mich. Geol. Survey. Logs are available for approximately 22,000 wells. 3. (and Biological Survey) Catalog and table of contents of the publications of the Geological and Biological Survey division of the Michigan Department of Conservation with a list of publications of the U. S. Geological Survey relating to Michigan: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, 1838-1922, 1 pl., [ca. 1923]. 36 pp. 4. Michigan copper production, costs and general facts pertaining to copper mining industry for 1929: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 28, pp. 238-240, 1930. 5. Summary of facts of Michigan iron ore production, costs, valuations and reserves: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 28, pp. 231-237, 1930. 6. Geological cross section of lower Michigan, from South Bend, Indiana to Manitoulin Island, Ontario, vertical scale 1 inch = 500 feet: Lansing, Mich. Geol. Survey, Feb. 25, 1936. 7. Trend map of anticlinal folding, Southern Peninsula, scale 1 inch = 8 miles: Lansing, Mich. Geol. Survey, Dec. 15, 1937. 8. Drift thickness map [of Southern Peninsula], scale 1 inch = 8 miles: Lansing, Mich. Geol. Survey, Sept. 1938. 9. Topographic map of the bedrock surface of the Southern Peninsula of Michigan, scale 1 inch = 8 miles: Lansing, Mich. Geol. Survey, Jan. 1943. 10. Oil production declines slightly in 1946 as gas output sets new record: Mich. Manufacturer and Financial Rec., 24th Annual Book of Michigan Industry, May 1947. 350 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 11. Wildcat well map [of Southern Peninsula], scale 1 inch = 6 miles: Lansing, Mich. Geol. Survey, Jan. 1955. 12. Oil and gas field map, scale 1 inch = 8 miles: Lansing, Mich. Geol. Survey, Apr. 1954. 13. Statistics covering costs and production of Michigan iron mines: Lansing, Mich. Geol. Survey, 1954. These statistics have been published each year since 1926. 14. Topographic progress, 2 sheets, Oct. 1954. These index maps show the extent of topographic coverage of Michigan by the U. S. Geological Survey topographic quadrangles. 15. Summary of operations, oil and gas fields, for 1954: Lansing, Mich. Geol. Survey. Summaries of operations were also published for 1946 -1953, inclusive. Statistical tables were issued as mimeographed sheets for 1934-1945, inclusive. 16. Oil and gas maps; scale, county maps 1 inch = 1 mile, township maps 4 inches = 1 mile: Lansing, Mich. Geol. Survey, Apr. 1954. County and township maps have been published for the following: Allegan, Arenac, Barry, Bay, Clare, Crawford, Gladwin, Gratiot, Isabella, Kent, Livingston, Mason, Mecosta, Midland, Missaukee, Monroe, Montcalm, Muskegon, Newaygo, Oakland, Oceana, Ogemaw, Osceola, Ottawa, Roscommon, Saginaw, Tuscola, and Van Buren. County maps only have been published for the following: Berrien, Ionia, Kalamazoo, Kalkaska, Lake, Lapeer and Washtenaw. Some maps give only partial coverage of the county or township. 17. List of publications, revised: Lansing, Mich. Geol. Survey, July 1954. 18. Large wildcat map of Southern Peninsula, scale 1/ inch = 1 mile: Lansing, Mich. Geol. Survey. Posted to date. Michigan Legislature 1. Report of the committee on salines, relative to the saline resources of the State of Michigan: Mich. Legislature 1865, House Doe. no. 37, 1865. 20 pp. Michigan Pioneer and Historical Collections 1. [Subject and author index to Michigan Pioneer and Historical Collections, v. 1-39]: Mich. Pioneer and Hist. Coll., v. 39, 1915. Michigan State College-See Michigan State Planning Commission, 1. Michigan State Planning Commission 1. (and Mich. Dept. Conserv.; Mich. State College; Univ. of Mich.) Michigan's water problems: Water Conservation Conference, Lansing, Michigan, Jan. 28, 1944. 118 pp. Michigan Stream Control Commission 1. Saginaw Valley report: Lansing, Mich. Stream Control Comm., May 1937. 104 pp., incl. 75 figs. Micks [Milks?], Roy 1. Brine deposits of Michigan: Compass, v. 25, no. 3, pp. 121-132, illus., Mar. 1948. Mikami, Harry M. *1. World iron-ore map: Econ. Geol., v. 39, no. 1, pp. 1-24, 1944. Miller, A. K. 1. (and Garner, H. F.) Lower Mississippian nautiloid cephalopods of Michigan; pt. I, Orthoconic nautiloids: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 351 v. 10, no. 7, 3 pls., 1 fig., pp. 159-192, Apr. 10, 1953; abs., Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 62, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1464, Dec. 1951. 2. (and Garner, H. F.) Lower Mississippian cephalopods of Michigan; pt. II, Coiled nautiloids: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 11, no. 6, pp. 111-151, 4 pls., 1954. Miller, Dalton G. 1. (and Simons, P. T.) Drainage in Michigan: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 28, geol. ser. 23, 13 pls., 5 figs., 1918. 133 pp. This paper is a discussion of artificial drainage. Miller, Lee S. 1. Why oil proration?: Mich. Conserv., v. 12, no. 9, pp. 4-5, 11, Nov. 1943. 2. A shot in the arm for oil fields: Mich. Conserv., v. 22, no. 2, pp. 22-25, Mar.-Apr. 1953. A brief discussion of pressure maintenance in oil production. Article is written in popular style. 3. Michigan basin holds development promise: Petrol. Eng., v. 26, no. 1, pp. a-35-a-45, Jan. 1954. 4. Why oil proration?: Mich. Conserv., v. 23, no. 3, pp. 27-30, May-June 1954. 5. Michigan hopes rise with three 1954 discoveries: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 53, no. 22, pp. 204-205, 207, 3 figs., Oct. 4, 1954. Trenton production in Washtenaw County has rejuvenated drilling in the state, and may become an important oil-producing zone. 6. Oil and gas conservation in Michigan: Mich. Geol. Survey, pub. 47, 1954. 29 pp. Mining World 1. White Pine uses new methods and equipment for mine development: Min. World, v. 16, no. 4, pp. 34-38, Apr. 1954. 2. C & H pumps gas-laden corrosive water from deep Osceola lode: Min. World, v. 16, no. 12, pp. 38-45, Nov. 1954. 3. Sinking thru quicksand at Cannon: Min. World, v. 16, no. 13, pp. 34-38, Dec. 1954. Mixer, C. T. 1. Methods of sampling iron ore: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 4, pp. 27-33, 1896. Monnett, Victor Brown 1. Mississippian Marshall formation of Michigan: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 32, no. 4, pp. 629-688, 15 figs., incl. maps, Apr. 1948. Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, June 1947. Moore, Charles 1. The Ontonagon copper bowlder in the U. S. National Museum: U. S. Natl. Mus. Ann. Rpt., pp. 1023-1030, 1895. Moore, Elwood S. 1. Deep oxidation in the Canadian Shield: Canadian Inst. Min. Met. Trans. 1938, v. 41, pp. 172-183, 5 figs., incl. geol. sketch map, Bull. 313, May 1938. Moore, Sherman 1. Crustal movement in the Great Lakes area: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 59, no. 7, pp. 697-710, 2 figs., 1 pl., 1948; discussion, Jour. Geol., v. 57, no. 3, pp. 312-314, 1 fig., May 1949. 352 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Morrison, Paul Cross 1. The Michigan limestone industry: Econ. Geog., v. 18, no. 3, pp. 259-274, July 1942. 2. Michigan limestone in the Great Lakes stone trade: Econ. Geog., v. 18, no. 4, pp. 413-427, Oct. 1942. 3. Cement production and trade on the Great Lakes: Econ. Geog., v. 20, no. 1, pp. 37-53, Jan. 1944. 4. Cement plant migration in Michigan: Econ. Geog., v. 21, no. 1, pp. 1-16, Jan. 1945. Morse, M. Louise 1. Conodonts from the Norwood and Antrim shales of Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, 1938. Unpublished. Mosler, Chr. 1. Der Kupferbergbau am Obern See in Nord-Amerika [Copper mining near Lake Superior, North America]: Zeitschrift fir das Berg-, Hittenund Salinen-Wesin, v. 25, pp. 203-221, map, 1877; v. 27, pp. 77-97, 1879; v. 28, pp. 210-236, 1880. Mozola, Andrew J. 1. The hydrologic units in Oakland County, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1953), v. 39, pp. 367-386, 5 figs., 1954. 2. A survey of groundwater resources in Oakland County, Michigan, in Occasional papers on the geology of Michigan for 1954: Mich. Geol. Survey, pub. 48, pt. II, pp. 97-348, 31 figs., 12 tables, 1954. Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, N. Y., 1953. Mudge, E. H. 1. Observations along the valley of Grand River, Michigan: Am. Geol., v. 12, no. 5, pp. 284-288, 1893. 2. Drainage systems of the Carboniferous area of Michigan: Am. Geol., v. 14, no. 5, pp. 301-308, 1894. 3. Central Michigan and the post-glacial submergence: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 50 (v.150), no. 300, pp. 442-445, 1895. 4. Some features of pre-glacial drainage in Michigan: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, v. 4 (v.154), no. 23, pp. 383-386, 1897. 5. The mouth of Grand River: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, v. 8 (v.158), no. 43, pp. 31-34, 1899. 6. Further notes on pre-glacial drainage in Michigan: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, v. 10 (v.160), no. 56, pp. 158-160, 1900. Miiller, Albrecht 1. Ueber die Kupferminen am Obern See im Staate Michigan, Nordamerika [The copper mines near Lake Superior in the State of Michigan]: Naturforschende Gesellschaft zu Leipzig [?], Verh 1, pp. 411-438, 1857; abs., Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologie, und Paliontologie, pp. 79-81, 589-590, 1857. Munroe, H. S. 1. The losses in copper dressing at Lake Superior: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 8, pp. 409-451, 1879. Murphy, Edward Charles 1. (and others) Destructive floods in the United States in 1905, with a discussion of flood discharge and frequency, and an index to flood REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 353 literature: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 162, 1905. 101 pp. Contains: Flood on Grand River, Michigan (pp. 20-21). Murray, A. N. *1. Limestone oil reservoirs of the northeastern United States and of Ontario, Canada: Econ. Geol., v. 25, no. 5, pp. 452-469, 3 figs., 1930. Murray, Raymond C. *1. The petrology of the Cary and Valders tills of northeastern Wisconsin: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 251, no. 2, pp. 140-155, 4 figs., Feb. 1953. Musselman, George H. 1. Ground water resources of the Ann Arbor area: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, May 4, 1953. 21 pp. Unpublished. Myers, A. J.-See Baxter, C. H., 2. Nankervis, James L. 1. Mines and mineral statistics: Ann. Rpt., Comm. Mineral Statistics, 1908, Houghton, 1909; also reports for 1907, 1906, and 1905. National Conservation Commission 1. Papers on the conservation of mineral resources (reprint from Rpt. Natl. Conserv. Comm., Feb. 1907): U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 394, 1909. 214 pp. Contains notes on Michigan's coal, copper, iron and natural gas. National Oil Scouts Association of America 1. Oil and gas developments [in 1938]: Natl. Oil Scouts Assoc. Yearb., v. 9, 1939; [in 1937], Yearb., v. 8, 1938. Each publication contains a chapter on Michigan. National Oil Scouts and Landmen's Association 1. Oil and gas field development in United States, 1949: Natl. Oil Scouts and Landmen's Assoc. Yearb., v. 20, 1950; in 1948, Yearb., v. 19, 1949; in 1947, Yearb., v. 18, 1948; in 1946, Yearb., v. 17, 1947; in 1945, Yearb., v. 16, 1946; in 1944, Yearb., v. 15, 1945; in 1943, Yearb., v. 14, 1944; in 1942, Yearb., v. 13, 1943; in 1941, Yearb., v. 12, 1942; in 1940, Yearb., v. 11, 1941; in 1939, Yearb., v. 10, 1940. These publications all contain a chapter on Michigan. 2. Oil and gas field development in United States and Canada, 1952: Natl. Oil Scouts and Landmen's Assoc. Yearb., v. 23, 1953; in 1951, v. 22, 1952; in 1950, v. 21, 1951. Each contains a chapter on Michigan. Nattress, Thomas 1. The geological continuity of Essex and Kent counties, Ontario, and Monroe and Wayne counties, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rpt., v. 9, pp. 177-184; map, 1907. 2. The contour of the Sylvania sandrock and related strata in the Detroit River area: Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rpt., v. 12, pp. 47-50, 1910. 3. Geology of the Detroit River area: Ontario Bur. Mines Ann. Rpt., v. 21, pt. I, pp. 281-287, map, 1912; additional notes on the geology of the Detroit River area; Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rpt., v. 14, pp. 109-113, 1912. 4. On the prospect of oil being found under the Ontario-Ohio-Michigan section of Lake Erie: Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rpt., v. 19, pp. 87-94, 1917. Newberry, John Strong 1. On the origin and drainage of the basins of the Great Lakes: Am. Philos. Soc. Proc., v. 20, no. 111, pp. 91-95, 1882. 354 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 2. The Paleozoic fishes of North America: U. S. Geol. Survey Mon. 16, 1889. 340 pp. Newcombe, Robert John Burgoyne-See also Lane, A. C., 67; Smith, R. A., 9. 1. Structural influences on recent Michigan oil development: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1928), v. 10, pp. 209-215, Apr. 1929. 2. Correlating geological markers in Michigan section: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1928), v. 10, pp. 205-208, Apr. 1929. 3. Interpretation of recent discoveries in the salt-bearing rocks of Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1929), v. 12, pp. 239-250, 6 figs., 1930. 4. Middle Devonian unconformity in Michigan: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 41, no. 4, pp. 725-737, 2 pls., 4 figs., Dec. 31, 1930. 5. Petroleum production in middle western states, 1930: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 92, pp. 386-392, 1931. 6. Geology of Muskegon oil field, Muskegon, Michigan: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 16, no. 2, pp. 153-168, 4 figs., Feb. 1932. 7. Oil and gas fields of Michigan; a discussion of depositional and structural features of the Michigan basin: Mich. Geol. Survey, pub. 38, geol. ser. 32, 10 p1s., 41 figs., incl. cross sections and maps, 23 tables, 1933. 293 pp. Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, entitled, Deposition and structural features of the Michigan synclinal basin, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, June 1931. 8. Structure and accumulation in the Michigan "basin" and its relation to the Cincinnati Arch, in Problems of petroleum geology (Sidney Powers memorial volume), pp. 531-556, 3 maps: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., 1934. 9. Natural gas fields of Michigan, in Geology of natural gas, pp. 787-812, 3 pls., 3 figs., incl. maps: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., 1935; abs., Pan Am. Geol., v. 57, no. 4, p. 312, May 1932. 10. (and Lindberg, G. D.) Glacial expression of structural features in Michigan; preliminary study: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 19, no. 18, pp. 1173-1191, 4 figs., incl. maps, Aug. 1935. 11. General features of Michigan structural geology: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 37, no. 18, pp. 24-26, 2 figs., incl. geol. map, Sept. 15, 1938. 12. Geology of the Clare County field in Michigan: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 37, no. 21, pp. 25-27, 34, 2 figs., incl. index and isopach maps, Oct. 6, 1938. 13. Geology of Allegan County and the surrounding district in southwestern Michigan: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 37, no. 29, pp. 32-34, 1 fig., index map, Dec. 1, 1938. 14. Developments in Michigan during 1939: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 24, no. 6, pp. 974-993, 2 figs., index maps, June 1940; abs., Oil and Gas Jour., v. 38, no. 48, p. 50, Apr. 11, 1940. Newell, Frederick Haynes 1. Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar year 1898: U. S. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt. (1899), v. 20, pt. IV, pp. 1-562, 1900. Contains Great Lakes drainage. 2. Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar year 1900: U. S. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt. (1900-1901), v. 22, pt. IV, pp. 9-506, 1902. Contains the Grand, Muskegon, Huron, Thunder Bay, St. Joseph and Kalamazoo rivers. Newett, George A. 1. The Marquette iron range of Michigan: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 4, pp. 87-108, 1896. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 355 2. Mines and mineral statistics: Ann. Rpt., Comm. Mineral Statistics, 1898, Ishpeming, 1899; also reports for 1896, 1895. 3. The Marquette iron range: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 14, pp. 19-26, 1909. 4. The early history of the Marquette iron ore range: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 19, pp. 297-304, 1914. 5. The Marquette iron ore range: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 24, pp. 209-233, 1925. Newland, D. H. "*1. Geology of gypsum and anhydrite: Econ. Geol., v. 16, no. 6, pp. 393-404, 1921. Newman, Einer Adolph 1. Geology of Ogemaw County and West Branch oil field: Mich. Geol. Survey Prog. Rpt. 2, 3 pls., incl. geol. and isopach maps, Aug. 1936. 17 pp. 2. Recent developments [oil and gas] in Michigan basin: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 22, no. 6, pp. 659-665, 2 figs., incl. geol. sketch map, June 1938; abs., Oil and Gas Jour., v. 36, no. 44, p. 55, Mar. 17, 1938. Nichols, Henry Windsor 1. New forms of concretions: Field Columbian Mus. Pub., geol. ser. 3, pp. 25-54, 1906. Nichols, J. B. 1. Michigan copper arsenides and historical mineralogy: Mineralog., v. 10, no. 4, pp. 113-114, 128-129, Apr. 1942. Nickell, Walter P. 1. Gypsum at Grand Rapids and Alabaster: Mich. Mineralog. Soc. Pub. 2, 1947 Annual, pp. 8-9, illus., 1948. Nicolson, C. W. 1. Guniting in the Athens mine shaft, at Negaunee, Michigan: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 23, pp. 103-110, 1923. 2. Mine ventilation-Marquette range [Extr., Proc. Lake Superior Min. Sec., Natl. Safety Council, Hibbing, Minn., Aug. 25-26, 1925]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 24, pp. 293-301, 1925. Nilsen, N. E. 1. (and Foss, A. L.) Rapid crosscutting at the Eureka mine: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 27, pp. 284-292, 1929. Nishio, Keijiro 1. Native copper and silver in the Nonesuch formation, Michigan: Econ. Geol., v. 14, no. 4, pp. 324-334, 1 pl., 1 fig., June-1919. Noble, James A. "*1. Evidence for a steepening of geothermal gradients in some deep mines and drill holes: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 246, no. 7, pp. 426-440, 3 figs., 1948. Noecker, M.-See U. S. Geological Survey, 12. Noggerath, Johann Jacob 1. Gediegen Kupfer und Silber von Lake Superior [Pure copper and silver near Lake Superior]: Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologie und Paliontologie, p. 555. 1848. Notman, Arthur *1. The outlook for copper: Econ. Geol., v. 27, no. 3, pp. 219-230, 1932. 356 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY O'Brien, P.-See Conlin, Thomas, 1. Oden, Arlo Leigh 1. The occurrence of Mississippian brachiopods in Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1952. 52 pp. Unpublished. Odendall, Leonhard 1. Die Kupfererzlagerstaitten in Nord-amerika [The copper ore deposits in North America]: Inaugural Dissertation, Univ. Bonn, KSln, 1909. 63 pp. Oehler, E. T. 1. Geology of the Black Creek area, Dickinson County, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Ill., no date. Unpublished. Microfilmed. Oetking, Philip F. 1. The relation of the lower Paleozoic to the older rocks in the Northern Peninsula of Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Wis., Madison, 1952. Unpublished. O'Hara, Norbert W. 1. A statistical and mechanical analysis of the Marshall sandstone in western Michigan to determine the environmental pattern of the deposit: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1954. 142 pp. Unpublished. Oil and Gas Journal 1. Southern Michigan shallow oil production attracting attention of operators: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 37, pp. 14-16, Apr. 6, 1939. 2. Walker-Wyoming limit not yet reached: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 38, pp. 28 -29, Aug. 24, 1939. 3. Service on active fields; Walker field, Kent and Ottawa counties, Michigan: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 39, pp. 25-27, Aug. 1, 1940. 4. Well logs and field data of active oil areas; southwestern Michigan: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 39, no. 24, pp. 36B-36C, geol. map, column and correlation chart, Oct. 24, 1940. 5. Service on active fields; Reed City field, Osceola County, Michigan: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 40, no. 14, pp. 39-40, Aug. 14, 1941. 6. U. S. pool maps, principal oil and gas areas; map no. 16, Michigan: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 51, no. 47, Mar. 30, 1953. Olsen, O. E. 1. (and Schaus, O. M.; Blackwell, Frank) Mining methods on the Gogebic range [with discussion]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 20, pp. 54-64, 1915. O'Neil, F. W. 1. The Champion mill intake tunnel: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 9, pp. 127-139, 1903. Orajaka, Stephen 0. 1. A geological, geochemical and radiometric investigation of the Huron River and part of the Huron Mountain area, Baraga and Marquette counties, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. Eng., Mich. College Min. Tech., Houghton, 1951. 82 pp. Unpublished. Orbison, Thomas W. 1. (and Armstrong, F. H.) The hydro-electric plant of Penn Iron Mining Co., at Vulcan, Michigan: Lake Superior Min. Inst, Proc., v, 13, pp. 153 -181, 1908. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 357 Orton, Edward *1. (and Van Hise, C. R.; White, C. A.) Eulogium of Alexander Winchell: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 3, pp. 56-58, 1892. Osbon, C. C.-See Soper, E. K., 1. Osgood, Manley, Jr. 1. Developments in Michigan in 1948: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 33, no. 6, pp. 877-882, 1 fig., 4 tables, June 1949. Osgood, Wayland-See also Barrett, L. P., 3; U. S. Geological Survey, 13. 1. Michigan oil and gas development and possibilities: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 27, pp. 160-165, 1 fig., 1929. 2. (and Poindexter, 0. F.) Production and value of minerals and mineral products in Michigan, 1927 to 1931 and prior years: Mich. Geol. Survey Summ. Rpt. no. 1, prepared in cooperation with U. S. Bur. Mines, May 1, 1933. 46 pp. For 1930 to 1934 and prior years, Summ. Rpt. no. 2, 1936. Osvald, Hugo 1. A bog at Hartford, Michigan: Ecology, v. 16, no. 3, pp. 520-528, 4 figs., July 1, 1935. Otton, Edmond George-See McGuinness, C. L., 3. Page, Lincoln R. *1. The deposition of native copper under hydrothermal conditions: Econ. Geol., v. 33, no. 5, pp. 522-541, 1938. Paige, David Stanley 1. A rapid method for the correlation of fine-grained sediments with the aid of the spectrograph as applied to the Mississippian-Devonian sequence in Clare County, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1952. 34 pp. Unpublished. Palache, Charles 1. The crystallization of the calcite from the copper mines of Lake Superior [appendix]: Mich. Geol. Survey, v. 6, pt. II, pp. 161-184, 6 pls., 1898. 2. Powellite crystals from Michigan: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, v. 7 (v.157), no. 41, pp. 367-369, 1899; Zeitschrift fir Krystallographie und Mineralogie, v. 31, pp. 529-531, 1899. 3. (and Vassar, H. E.) Some minerals of the Keweenawan copper deposits; pumpellyite, a new mineral; sericite; saponite: Am. Mineralog., v. 10, no. 11, pp. 412-418, Nov. 1925. 4. Crystallography of calcite from Lake Superior copper mines: Am. Mineralog., v. 29, nos. 1-2, pp. 35-48, 12 figs., Jan.-Feb. 1944. Pardee, Franklin G.-See also Barrett, L. P., 3; Hotchkiss, W. 0., 7; Smith, R. A., 9; U. S. Geological Survey, 13. 1. Michigan iron mining industry: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 26, pp. 182-195, 1928. 2. Recent work of the state geological surveys in Huronian and Keweenawan areas; (A) Michigan Geological Survey: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 27, pp. 166-172, 1929. 3. Michigan's mythical gold mines: Mich. Conserv., v. 14, no. 11, pp. 5, 9-10, Nov. 1945. 4. Iron ore reserves in Michigan: Min. and Met., v. 29, no. 503, pp. 613-614, illus., Nov. 1948; Mich. Conserv., v. 17, no. 9, pp. 10-11, illus., Sept. 1948. 358 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Park, C. F., Jr.-See Dutton, C. E., 5. Parker, E. W. 1. Salt: U. S. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt. (1896-97), v. 18, pt. V, pp. 1273-1313, 1897. Contains history of the salt industry in Michigan, pp. 1303-1305. Parker, Richard A. 1. The new Michigan gold fields [Ishpeming district]: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 46, pp. 238-239, 1888. 2. The iron ore region of Lake Superior: Eng. Mag., v. 6, pp. 152-175, 285-303, 1893. Parkins, Almon Ernest 1. A waste filled valley [abs.]: Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rpt., v. 12, p. 53, 1910. Concerns intermittent streams along Huron River. 2. Valley filling by intermittent streams: Jour. Geol., v. 19, no. 3, pp. 217 -222, 1911. Jewell's Creek, tributary to the Huron River, is discussed in this article. 3. The sand dunes of Lake Michigan: Tenn. Acad. Sci. Jour., v. 1, no. 3, pp. 12, 15, July 1936. Parks, Roland D. 1. Recent developments in methods of mining in the Michigan iron mines: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 26, pp. 115-152, 1928. Parnall, W. E., Jr. 1. No. 5 shaft at the Tamarack mine [with discussion]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 7, pp. 50-61, illus., 1901. Parsons, Willard Hall 1. Michigan mineral localities: Midwest Geol., v. 1, no. 2, pp. 8-9, 1 pl. index map, July 1947. 2. Geology of the Michigan gypsum deposits: Mich. Mineralog. Soc. Pub. 2, 1947 Annual, pp. 4-7, illus., 1948. Patton, Horace Bushnell-See Wadsworth, M. E., 14. Peale, Albert C. 1. Lists and analyses of the mineral springs of the United States (a preliminary study): U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 32, 1886. 235 pp. Pages 145 -150 concern Michigan. 2. Natural mineral waters of the United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt., v. 14, pt. II, pp. 49-88, 1894. Discusses the history, origin, flow, source of mineralization, relation to geology and geologic structure, classification, temperature, composition, distribution, uses of springs, and their development as resorts. M. L. F. Has reference to several mineral springs in Michigan. Pearl, Holman I. "*1. A new aid to exploration in the Lake Superior district [with discussion]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 28, pp. 85-98, 223-224, 1930. Article is a discussion of the Hotchkiss Superdip. Peck, Albert B. 1. Mirabilite from the Isle Royale copper mine, Houghton, Michigan: Am. Mineralog., v. 2, no. 5, pp. 62-63, May 1917. Penfield, Samuel L. 1. Crystals of analcite from the Phoenix mine, Lake Superior copper region: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 30 (v.130), no. 176, pp. 112-113, 1885. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 359 2. (and Sperry, F. L.) Pseudomorphs of garnet from Lake Superior and Salida, California: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 32 (v.132), no. 190, pp. 307 -311, 1886. Pepper, James F. 1. Some features in the occurrence of marl noted during the field season of 1925: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, 1925. Unpublished. Perry, Stuart Hoffman 1. The Seneca Township [Michigan] meteorite: Pop. Astronomy, v. 47, no. 4, pp. 183-193, 17 figs., Apr. 1939. Persons, Hubert C. 1. Besser celebrates Golden Anniversary [Concrete block, producers, cement officials, N.C.M.A. officers and Alpena Chamber of Commerce help celebrate 50 years of service to industry; break ground for block manufacturers' school.]: Rock Products, v. 57, no. 7, pp. 119-122, 131, July 1954. Article gives history of industry. Pettijohn, Francis John-See also Good, S. E., 1. 1. Petrography of the beach sands of southern Lake Michigan: Jour. Geol., v. 39, no. 5, pp. 432-455, 10 figs., July-Aug. 1931. 2. (and Hildebrand, F. A.) Archean-Huronian unconformity on the Menominee iron range, Michigan [abs.: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 52, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1927, Dec. 1, 1941. 3. Basal Huronian conglomerates of Menominee and Calumet districts, Michigan: Jour. Geol., v. 51, no. 6, pp. 387-397; 4 figs., geol. maps, Aug.Sept. 1943; abs., Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 53, no. 12, pt. II, pp. 1806-1807, Dec. 1, 1942. 4. Geology of the Crystal Falls-Alpha iron-bearing district, Iron County, Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey, Strategic Min. Inv., Prelim. Map 3-181, Geol. map with text (revised ed.), index map and strat. column, scale 1 inch to 12,000 feet, 1946. Accompanied by P.N. 2917, dated Aug. 14, 1946. 5. Magnetic and geologic data of parts of the Crystal Falls-Alpha iron district, Iron County, Michigan: Mich. Geol. Survey, prepared in cooperation with U. S. Geol. Survey, 3 sheets, 9 pls., index and geol. maps, magnetic anomalies, [1948?]. 6. Geology and magnetic anomalies of T. 42 N., R. 30 W., Dickinson County, Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey, in cooperation with Mich. Geol. Survey, 3 pls., 1 fig., Oct. 4, 1951. 30 pp. Open file report, Mich. Geol. Survey, Lansing. 7. Pre-Cambrian tillite, Menominee district, Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 63, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1289, Dec. 1952. 8. Geology of the northern Crystal Falls area, Iron County, Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey Circ. 153, 8 pls., 1 fig., tables, 1952. 17 pp. Pettit, William 1. Remarks respecting the copper district of Lake Superior: Franklin Inst. Jour., ser. 3, v. 13, pp. 338-345, map,. 1847. Phalen, William Clifton-See also Lindgren, Waldemar, 1. 1. Salt resources of the United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 669, 17 pls., incl. maps, 16 figs., 1919. 284 pp. Pages 44-68 concern Michigan. Records of several Michigan wells are given. Abs., Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour., v. 9, no. 19, p. 600, Nov. 19, 1919. 360 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Phelps, Frank B. 1. The copper region of Michigan: Eng. Mag., v. 4, pp. 47-63, 1892. Phinney, Harry K. 1. A peculiar lake sediment of algal origin [Douglas Lake, Cheboygan County]: Am. Midland Nat., v. 35, no. 2, pp. 453-459, Mar. 1946. Pierce, James 1. Notice of the peninsula of Michigan, in relation to its topography, scenery, agriculture, population, resources, etc.: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 10, pp. 304-319, 1826. Piggot, Aaron Snowden 1. History of the copper region of Lake Superior: Min. Mag., v. 10, pp. 124 -142, 1858; from The chemistry and metallurgy of copper, A. S. Piggot, pp. 216-254, Philadelphia, 1858. Pirtle, George W. 1. Michigan structural basin and its relationship to surrounding areas: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 16, no. 2, pp. 145-152, 1 fig., Feb. 1932. Pit and Quarry 1. Michigan Limestone Div. to open Port Dolomite as major shipping point: Pit and Quarry, v. 47, no. 2, p. 93, Aug. 1954. Discussion of a new limestone quarry and port in the Northern Peninsula, 34 miles south of Sault Ste. Marie. Pogue, Joseph E. 1. Economic effects of oil discoveries in Illinois and Michigan: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 38, p. 59, Sept. 21, 1939. Pohl, Erwin Robert 1. Geological explorations in Michigan: Smithsonian Inst., Explor. and Field Work in 1927, (Pub. 2957), pp. 27-32, 6 figs., 1928. 2. The Middle Devonian Traverse group of rocks in Michigan; a summary of existing knowledge: U. S. Natl. Mus. Proc., v. 76, art. 14, no. 2811, 2 pls., 1930. 34 pp. Poindexter, Oscar Floyd--See also McGuinness, C. L., 3; Osgood, Wayland, 2; Smith, R. A., 9. 1. Geology of Schooleraft County, manuscript files, Mich. Geol. Survey, Lansing, no date. 70 pp. 2. Geologic resources of Alpena County, manuscript files, Mich. Geol. Survey, Lansing, 1931. 3. The non-metallic mineral resources of Michigan: Pit and Quarry, v. 22, no. 11, pp. 27-32, 34, 1 fig., Aug. 26, 1931. 4. Geology of Michigan, manuscript files, Mich. Geol. Survey, Lansing, [ca 1932]. 91 pp. 5. A study of underground waters bearing on the source of "Big Spring", Schoolcraft County, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1934), v. 20, pp. 477-483, 1 pl., 1935. 6. Sinkholes in the Indian Lake region, Schooleraft County and other Michigan sinks: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1935), v. 21, pp. 439-444, 3 pls., 2 figs., incl. index maps, 1936. 7. (and Smith, R. A.) Salt resources of Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 50, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1987, Dec. 1, 1939. 8. Mineral industries of Michigan, 1934 to 1938 and prior years: Mich. Geol. Survey, prepared in cooperation with U. S. Bur. Mines, illus., 1940. 53 pp. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 361 9. Michigan's highlands-a geologist looks at a relief map: Mich. Conserv., v. 9, no. 4, Jan. 1940. A brief article of some of the elevations in Michigan. 10. Ground water table at 5-year low: Mich. Conserv., v. 9, no. 8, May-June 1940. 11. Water is a vital resource: Mich. Conserv., v. 12, no. 2, Feb.-Mar. 1943. 12. (and Martin, H. M.; Bergquist, S. G.) Rocks and minerals of Michigan: Mich. Geol. Survey, pub. 42, 3d ed., revised, 2d printing, 21 pls., 5 figs., 1953. 124 pp. Pondrom, Walter L., Jr.-See McConnell, Duncan, 1. Pope, Graham 1. Some early mining days at Portage Lake [with discussion]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 7, pp. 17-31, 1901. Porturas, Plaza Antonio 1. Granitization in the Lake Pelesier area, formerly known as Lake Mary, Marquette County, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. Eng., Mich. College Min. Tech., Houghton, 1945. 65 pp. Unpublished. Posselt, C. 1. Die Kiipfer-Distrikte des Obersee's, Lake Superior [The copper areas near Lake Superior]: Neues Jahrbuch fUr Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaontologie, pp. 1-10, 1856. Potzger, John Ernest-See also Wilson, I. T., 1. 1. Succession of forests as indicated by fossil pollen from a northern Michigan bog: Sci., new ser., v. 75, no. 1944, p. 366, 1 fig., Apr. 1, 1932. 2. (and Wilson, I. T.) Post-Pleistocene forest migration as indicated by sediments from three deep inland lakes [Ind.-Mich.]: Am. Midland Nat., v. 25, no. 2, pp. 270-289, 5 tables, 3 figs., Mar. 1941. 3. Pollen spectra from four bogs on the Gillen Nature Reserve, along the Michigan-Wisconsin state line: Am. Midland Nat., v. 28, no. 2, pp. 501 -511, Sept. 1942. 4. Phytosociology of the primeval forest in central-northern Wisconsin and upper Michigan, and a brief post-glacial history of the lake forest formation: Ecol. Mon., v. 16, no. 3, pp. 211-250, 31 figs., incl. index map, July 1946. 5. A pollen study in the tension zone of lower Michigan: Butler Univ. Bot. Studies, v. 8, no. 14, pp. 161-177, illus., May 1948. Powell, Louise M. 1. Calcium carbonate-magnesium ratios in the Rogers City and Dundee formations of the Pinconning field: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, June 1950. Unpublished. Powers, Sidney *1. (and Lane, A. C.) Magnetic differentiation in effusive rocks [with discussion]: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 54, pp. 442-455, 1917; A.I.M.E. Bull. 110, pp. 535-548, 1916. *2. Occurrence of petroleum in North America [with discussion]: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 96, pp. 489-533, 1931. Pratt, William P.-See Wier, K. L., 3. Preble, H. Douglas 1. Paleontology and stratigraphy of a well core from Garfield Township, 362 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Newaygo County, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geology, Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Feb. 1951. Unpublished. Pressprich, Otto C. 1. Michigan crude production rose to an all time high in 1939: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 38, pp. 184-185, Jan. 25, 1940. Preston, H. L. 1. Reed City meteorite: Jour. Geol.; v. 11, no. 2, pp. 230-233, 1903; Rochester Acad. Sci. Proc., v. 4, pp. 89-91, 1903. Price, Lyle W. 1. Developments [oil and gas] in Michigan in 1947: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 32, no. 6, pp. 931-939, index map, tables, June 1948. Pringle, Gordon H. 1. Geology of Arenac County: Mich. Geol. Survey Prog. Rpt. 3, 6 pls., incl. structural contour and geol. maps, May 1937. 31 pp. Prinz, William 1. The geology of a portion of the Quinnesec igneous complex south of Iron Mountain, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Ohio State Univ., Columbus, 1952. 90 pp. Unpublished. Pumpelly, Raphael-See also Brooks, T. B., 3. 1. The paragenesis and derivation of copper and its associates on Lake Superior: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 2 (v.102), no. 9, pp. 188-198; no. 10, pp. 243-258; no. 11, pp. 347-355, 1871. 2. Upper Peninsula, pt. II; Copper district: Mich. Geol. Survey, v. 1, 1873. 143 pp. Contains: Correlation of rocks of Houghton and Keweenaw counties, the general structure and lithology of the Eagle River section, and descriptive cross section, Eagle River, by A. R. Marvine. 3. On pseudomorphs of chlorite after garnet at the Spurr Mountain iron mine, Lake Superior: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 10 (v.110), no. 55, pp. 17-21, 1875. 4. The iron district of Michigan, Centennial Committee, A.I.M.E., Philadelphia, 1876. 5 pp. 5. Metasomatic development of the copper-bearing rocks of Lake Superior: Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. Proc., v. 13, pp. 253-309, 1878; discussion, entitled Eruptive copper-bearing rocks of Lake Superior, Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 16 (v.116), no. 92, pp. 143-144, 1878. Putnam, Bayard T. 1. Notes on the samples of iron ore collected in Connecticut and Massachusetts;... New York;... New Jersey;...Michigan and northern Wisconsin;... west of the one-hundredth meridian: U. S. 10th Census, v. 15, pp. 83-87, 89-177, 179-221, 421-455, 469-505, maps, 1886. Quayle, S. E. 1. Some gases encountered in the iron mines of the Lake Superior District: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 28, pp. 199-204, 1930. Quine, John T. 1. Mine accidents: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 14, pp. 71-81, 1909. Quirke, Terence T., Jr. 1. A preliminary investigation of the geology of the north Michigamme area of the Marquette range, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Mineralog., Univ. of Minn., Minneapolis, 1953. 76 pp. Unpublished. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 363 Raasch, Gilbert 0. 1. Fossil collecting in Michigan and Ontario: Milwaukee Public Mus. Yearb. 1927, v. 7, pp. 81-90, 6 figs., June 1, 1928. 2. Current evaluation of the Cambrian-Keweenawan boundary: Ill. Acad. Sci. Trans., v. 43, pp. 137-150, 8 figs., 1950. Radabaugh, Robert Eugene-See also Ehlers, G. M., 15. 1. Dundee and Rogers City limestones of the northern part of the Southern Peninsula of Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, 1937. Unpublished. 2. Middle Devonian Rogers City limestone and its gastropod fauna: Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, May 1942. Unpublished. Rama Rao, B.-See also Hotchkiss, W. 0., 7. 1. The 16th International Geological Congress and two of its organized excursions: Mysore Geol. Dept. Rec., v. 33, 1934, pp. 44-79, 1935. Ramsdell, L. S. 1. An x-ray study of the domeykite group: Am. Mineralog., v. 14, no. 5, pp. 188-196, May 1929. Ramsey, R. H. 1. White Pine copper; mine, mill, and smelter construction stepped up as new Michigan project nears production stage: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 154, no. 1, pp. 72-87, illus., Jan. 1953. Randall, Clarence B. 1. New limestone quarry development of the Inland Steel Company at Manistique: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 27, pp. 150-154, 1929. Rath, Gerhard von 1. Ein ausgezeichneter Kalkspathkrystall vom Oberen See in Nordamerika [An excellent calcite from Lake Superior, North America]: Annalen der Physik und Chemie, v. 152, pp. 17-21, 1874. 2. Einige krystallographische Beobachtungeri am Kupfer vom Obern See [Some crystallographic observations on the copper of Lake Superior]: Zeitschrift fiir Krystallographie und Mineralogie, v. 2, pp. 169-173, 1878. Rawlins, Edwin Lee 1. (and Schellhardt, M. A.) Extent and availability of natural-gas reserves in Michigan "Stray" sandstone horizon of central Michigan: U. S. Bur. Mines Rpt. Inv. 3313, 16 pls., incl. geol. map by Helen M. Martin, July 1936. 139 pp. Rev., Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 21, no. 1, pp. 123 -124, 1937. Read, Thomas Thornton 1. Copper mining in Michigan: Min. Mag., v. 12, pp. 220-224, 1915. Rhodehamel, Edward Charles-See also Stuart, W. T., 6. 1. An interpretation of the pre-Pleistocene geomorphology of a portion of the Saginaw lowland: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1951. 163 pp. Unpublished. Rice, Claude T. 1. Copper mining at Lake Superior: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 94, pp. 119-124, 1912. Rice, George S. 1. Ground movement from mining in Brier Hill mine, Norway, Michigan [with discussion]: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 109, pp. 118-152, 1934. 364 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Richards, F. B. *1. Some aspects of the iron ore situation: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 28, pp. 35-38, 1930. Richards, Joseph W. 1. "Mohawkite": Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, v. 11 (v.161), no. 66, pp. 457-458, 1901. Richards, M. E.-See Baxter, C. H., 2. Richardson, Eugene Stanley, Jr. 1. Some Lower Huronian stromatolites of northern Michigan: Fieldiana; Geology v. 10, no. 8, pp. 47-62, illus., Aug. 26, 1949. Richardson, W. D. 1. The singing sands of Lake Michigan: Sci., new ser., v. 50, no. 28, pp. 493-495, 1919. Richarz, Stephen 1. The amphibole grfinerite of the Lake Superior region: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 5, v. 14 (v.214), pp. 150-154, 1927. Discusses chemical and mineralogical properties of the griinerite. 2. Grfinerite rocks of the Lake Superior region and their origin: Jour. Geol., v. 35, no. 8, pp. 690-707, Nov.-Dec. 1927. 3. Metamorphism of the Lake Superior iron formations [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 39, pp. 165-166, 1928. 4. Note on griinerite from the Lake Superior region: Am. Mineralog., v. 17, no. 9, pp. 437-442, 1 fig., Sept. 1932. Rickard, Thomas Arthur 1. The copper mines of Lake Superior, New York, 1905. 164 pp. Appeared serially in Eng. Min. Jour., v. 78, 1904. Riddell, J. M.-See Baxter, C. H., 2. Ries, Heinrich--See also Lane, A. C., 46. 1. The clays of the United States east of the Mississippi River: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 11, 1903. 298 pp. 2. The origin, properties, and use of shale: Mich. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt., 1899 [reprinted from Mich. Miner, v. 1, no. 12, pp. 11-13; v. 2, no. 1, pp. 31-32, no. 3, pp. 21-23, 1899-1900]. 3. Clays and shales of Michigan; their properties and uses: Mich. Geol. Survey, v. 8, pt. I, 4 pls., 6 figs., 1900. 67 pp. 4. The shales of Michigan: Stone, v. 21, pp. 20-24, 1900. Riggs, Calvin Harold 1. Geology of the Hart oil field: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1934), v. 20, pp. 485-496, 7 figs., 1935. 2. Geology of Allegan County: Mich. Geol. Survey Prog. Rpt. 4, 13 pls., incl. geol. and isopach maps, Dec. 1938. 29 pp. 3. Geology of the Walker oil field [abs.]: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 38, no. 48, p. 50: Apr. 11, 1940. Paper presented before the 25th Ann. Mtg., Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., Chicago, Ill., 1940. 4. Oil man's nightmare: Mich. Conserv., v. 12, no. 1, Jan. 1943. A brief discussion of the problem of salt water in oil wells. Riggs, R. B. 1. The Grand Rapids meteorite: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 30 (v.130), no. 178, p. 312, 1885. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 365 Rivot, L. E. 1. Sur le gisement du cuivre natif au lac Superieur, Stats-Unis d'Amerique [On the deposit of native copper at Lake Superior, United States of America]: Academie des sciences Paris, Comptes rendus, v. 40, pp. 1306-1309, 1855. 2. Ueber die Kupfererz-Lagerstaitten am Obern See in den Nordamerikanischen Greistaaten [The copper ore deposits near Lake Superior in North American strip mining states]: Berg-und Hiittenmtinnische, Zeitung 15, pp. 261-263, 269-271, 277-279, 293-295, 314-315, 317-318, 325-328, 333-334, 341-343, 349-351, 357-359, 365-367, 381-382, 1856. 3. Notice sur le lac Superieur [Notice on Lake Superior]: Annales des Mines, ser. 5, v. 10, pp. 365-474, 1856. 4. Voyage au lac Superieur [Voyage on Lake Superior]: Annales des Mines, ser. 5, v. 7, pp. 173-328, 1855; Min. Mag., v. 6, pp. 28-37, 99-106, 207-213, 414-418; v. 7, pp. 249-255, 359-367; v. 9, pp. 60-65, 1856-1857. Roberts, Ellis 1. Geology of the Alston district, Houghton and Baraga counties, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Calif. Inst. Tech., Pasadena, 1940. 42 pp. Unpublished. 2. New data on some problems of Keweenaw Point, Lake Superior [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 51, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1962, Dec. 1, 1940. Roberts, Fred C. 1. Block caving and sub-stope system at the Tobin mine, Crystal Falls, Michigan: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 16, pp. 218-226, 1911. Roberts, Hugh Marine 1. (and Bartley, M. W.) Hydrothermal replacement in deep seated iron ore deposits of the Lake Superior region: Econ. Geol., v. 38, no. 1, pp. 1-24, 6 figs., incl. index and geol. maps, Jan.-Feb. 1943. Robinson, W. I.-See also Case, E. C., 2; Smith, R. A., 4. 1. Folds resulting from vertically acting forces: Jour. Geol., v. 31, no. 4, pp. 336-343, 2 figs., 1923. 2. Geological report on oil and gas possibilities in Delta, Schoolcraft, Mackinac and Chippewa counties: Detroit, Hiawatha Development Company, 1930. 31 pp., 10 maps. Supplemental report by R. A. Smith. Rock Products 1. One man per shift operates 265 T.P.H. sand and gravel plant: Rock Products, v. 57, no. 6, pp. 86-87, 162, 164, June 1954. Pit is near Ransom, Michigan. Operating procedures at the plant are described in the article. Rockwood, D. N. 1. Oil and gas occurrence in Gratiot County, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of -Arts, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of -Mich., Ann -Arbor, June 1938. Unpublished. Rogers, Henry Darwin 1. [On the geology and mineralogy of the southern shore of Lake Superior]: Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. (1845-1848), v. 2, pp. 124-125, 1848. Rolker, Charles M. 1. The Allouez mine and ore dressing, as practiced in the Lake Superior copper district: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 5, pp. 585-611, 1877. Rominger, Carl Ludwig-See also State Board of Geological Survey, 1. 1. Description of Calamoporae found in the gravel deposits near Ann Arbor, Michigan, with some introductory remarks: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 34 (v.84), no. 102, pp. 389-400, 1862. 366 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 2. Upper Peninsula; pt. III, Paleozoic rocks: Mich. Geol. Survey, v. 1, 1873. 105 pp. 3. Lower Peninsula: Mich. Geol. Survey, v. 3, pt. I, Geology, map, 1876. 225 pp. Pt. II, Palaeontology, fossil corals, illus., 1876. 161 pp. Pt. I contains: Observations on the Ontonagon silver mining district, and the slate quarries of Huron Bay, pp. 151-166 (appendix A); Report on the salt manufacture of Michigan, by S. S. Garrigues, pp. 167-225 (appendix B). "4. Upper Peninsula: Mich. Geol. Survey, v. 4, pt. I, Marquette iron region, pp. 1-154, map, 1881; pt. II, Menominee iron region, pp. 155-241, 1881. 5. Geological report on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan; iron and copper regions: Mich. Geol. Survey, v. 5, pt. I, map, cross sections, 1895. 179 pp. Rev., Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 50 (v.150), no. 295, pp. 71-72, 1895. Rooney, William Joseph-See Hotchkiss, W. 0., 6. Rose, Hugh 1. Tidal gravity measurements at Ann Arbor, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, May 1952. Unpublished. Rose, Robert Seldon 1. The geology of some of the lands in the Upper Peninsula: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 10, pp. 88-102, 1904; Min. World, v. 21, pp. 205-207, 1904; abs., Eng. Min. Jour., v. 78, pp. 343-344, 1904. Contains the following districts: Humboldt-Champion, Michigamme, L'Anse, Republic, Crystal Falls, Amasa. Roseboom, Eugene 1 Geology of part of the granitic complex south of the Felch Mountain range, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Ohio State Univ., Columbus, 1951. 74 pp. Unpublished. Rosen, J. A.-See Lane, A. C., 46. Rosenau, J. C.-See Hardenberg, H. J., 5. Ross, A. R. 1. Pleistocene and Recent sediments in western Lake Erie: Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, 1950. Unpublished. Microfilmed. Rothwell, Richard P. 1. Systems of mining in large bodies of soft ore: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 16, pp. 862-870, 1888. Rowe, Dean E. 1. An isopachous and structural map study of the Allegan area of southwestern Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Wayne Univ., Detroit, May 1951. Unpublished. Royce, Stephen 1. General description of the Gogebic range: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 20, pp. 22-30, 1915. 2. Certain advances in geological information relative to the Lake Superior iron deposits: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 24, pp. 149-181, 1925. 3. Geology of the Lake Superior iron deposits: Lake Superior. Min. Inst. Proc., v. 29, pp. 68-107, 1936; Min. Cong. Jour., v. 22, no. 3, pp. 16-30, 41, 14 figs., Mar. 1936. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 367 4. Geology of the iron ranges; the influence of geological conditions on mining practice, in Lake Superior iron ores, pp. 27-61, 11 figs.: Cleveland, Lake Superior Iron Ore Assoc., 1938. 5. Iron ranges of the Lake Superior district, in Ore deposits as related to structural features, W. H. Newhouse editor, pp. 54-63, 10 figs.: Princeton, Princeton Univ. Press, 1942. 6. Memorial to Professor Henry Lloyd Smyth: Econ. Geol., v. 39, no. 8, pp. 600-601, 1944. Ruedemann, Rudolf 1. (and Ehlers, G. M.) Occurrence of the Collingwood formation in Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Geol. Contr., v. 2, no. 2, pp. 13-18, July 10, 1924; abs., Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 35, no. 1, p. 186, Mar. 30, 1924. Ruggles, Daniel 1. Considerations respecting the copper mines of Lake Superior: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 49, no. 1, pp. 64-72, 1845. Runner, J. J.-See Cornwall, H. R., 1. Russell, Israel Cook-See also Lane, A. C., 36, 45; Leverett, Frank, 7. 1. Deposits of calcareous marl in Michigan [abs.]: Sci., new ser., v. 11, p. 102, 1900. 2. The Portland cement industry in Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt., v. 22, pt. III, pp. 629-685, 1901. 3. Douglass Houghton: Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rpt., v. 4, pp. 160-162, portrait, 1904. 4. Bela Hubbard: Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rpt., v. 4, pp. 163-165, portrait, 1904. 5. The influence of caverns on topography: Sci., new ser., v. 21, pp. 30-32, 1905. Describes hills left in relief owing to subterranean drainage and gives examples at Luray, Virginia, Mackinac Island, Michigan and at Gibraltar. M.L.F. 6. Drumlin areas in northern Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rpt., v. 7, pp. 36-37, 1905; abs., Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 16, pp. 577-578, 1905; Am. Geol., v. 35, no. 3, pp. 177-179, 1905; Sci., new ser., v. 21, pp. 220-221, 1905; Sci. Am. Suppl., v. 59, p. 24326, 1905. 7. Drumlins of Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 17, p. 707, 1906. 8. (and Leverett, Frank) Description of the Ann Arbor quadrangle, [Includes portions of Livingston, Lenawee, Monroe, Wayne and Oakland counties]: U. S. Geol. Survey Atlas, Folio no. 155, Ann Arbor, text, maps, 1908. 15 pp. Russell, James 1. Mines and mineral statistics: Ann. Rpt., Comm. Mineral Statistics, 1900, Marquette, Mining Jour. Press, 1901. 136 pp. Also report for 1899. 490 pp. Sampson, John 1. Transportation of Lake Superior iron ores from mines to furnaces: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 25, pp. 160-169, 1926. Sandefur, Bennett T. 1. (and Erickson, R. L.; Schmitt, G. T.) Petrographical and statistical investigation of deposition within a group of eskers in southern Michigan labs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 63, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1294, Dec. 1952. 368 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Sanders, George N. 1. [Mineral region of Lake Superior]: U. S. 28th Cong., 2d Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 117, pp. 3-9, 1845; 28th Cong., Spec. Sess., Senate Ex. Doc, 175, pp. 8-14, 1845. Sanders, T. P. 1. Salt-water disposal is serious problem in Michigan fields: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 35, no. 34, pp. 47, 49, Jan. 7, 1937. Sanford, Samuel-See also Fuller, M. L., 8; Schrader, F. C., 1. *1. (and Stone, R. W.) Useful minerals of the United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 585, 1914. 250 pp. Pages 97-100 concern Michigan. Sanger, Willard A. 1. Developments in Michigan in 1951: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 36, no. 6, pp. 1091-1097, 1 fig., June 1952; in 1950, v. 35, no. 6, pp. 1219 -1226, June 1951. Santmyers, R. M. 1. Development of the gypsum industry by states: U. S. Bur. Mines Inf. Cire. 6173, Oct. 1929. 44 pp. Pages 16-19 concern Michigan. Saunders, Jack M. 1. Lithology and insoluble residues of a core from the Detroit River group: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Aug. 1948. Unpublished. Sauvage, E. 1. Notice sur les minerais de fer du Lac Sup6rieur [Notice of the iron minerals of Lake Superior]: Annales des Mines, ser. 7, v. 8, pp. 1-35, 1875. Savage, Thomas Edmund 1. (and Crooks, H. F.) Early Silurian rocks of the Northern Peninsula of Michigan: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, v. 45 (v.195), no. 265, pp. 59-64, 1918. Savicki, William V. 1. Geological survey of Michigan; report of field work for 1900: Mich. Miner, v. 3, no. 3, pp. 9-11, 1901. Schacht, W. H. 1. The mining methods of the Copper Range Company, Houghton County, Michigan: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 22, pp. 76-99, illus., 1922. 2. Mining methods of the Copper Range Co.: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 72, pp. 346-370, 1925. Schaller, Waldemar Theodore 1. The supposed vanadic acid from Lake Superior is copper oxide: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, v. 39 (v.189), no. 232, pp. 404-406, 1915. Schapiro, Norman 1. The geology of a part of the Quinnesec greenstone complex, Dickinson County, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Ohio State Univ., Columbus, 1952. 78 pp. Unpublished. Schaus, 0. M.-See also Olsen, O. E., 1. 1. Method and cost of mining hematite at the Eureka-Asteroid mine on the Gogebic range, Gogebic County, Mich.: U. S. Bur. Mines Inf. Circ. 6348, 6 figs., 1930. 13 pp. Describes geology and prospecting methods, and discusses mining methods and costs at a property that has been operated 40 years. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 369 Schellhardt, M. A.-See Rawlins, E. L., 1. Schermerhorn, L. Y. 1. Physical characteristics of the northern and northwestern lakes: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 33 (v.133), no. 196, pp. 278-284, 1887. Schmitt, George Theodore-See also Sandefur, B. T., 1. 1. A petrographic investigation of the relationship of deposition of sediments in a group of eskers related to the Charlotte till plain: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1949. 52 pp. Unpublished. Schneider, C. F.-See Leverett, Frank, 15, 20. Schoeneck, W. E. 1. Injection of water into underground reservoirs in the state of Michigan: Preprint, Paper presented before Am. Petrol. Inst., 25th Ann. Mtg., Chicago, Nov. 14, 1945; Oil and Gas Jour., v. 44, no. 28, pp. 193-203. Nov. 17, 1945. Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe-See also Houghton, Douglass, 2. 1. Account of the native copper on the southern shore of Lake Superior with historical citations and miscellaneous remarks in a report to the Department of War: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 3, pp. 201-216, 1821; Translation in Beitrage zur Mineralogie und Geologie des nordlichen Amerikas, H. von Struve, pp. 23-49, Hamburg, 1822. 2. On the number, value, and position of the copper mines on the southern shore of Lake Superior: U. S. 17th Cong., 2d Sess., Senate Doc. 5, 1822. 33 pp. 3. Bericht uber das gediegene Kupfer das sich an der Siidkfiste des OberSees in Nord-Amerika in grossen Massen findet [Report about the pure copper such as it is found in large quantities on the southern shore of Lake Superior, North America]: Annalen der Physik und Chemie (Gilbert), v. 70, pp. 337-348, 1822. 4. Notice of a recently discovered copper mine on Lake Superior, with several other localities of minerals: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 7, pp. 43-49, 1824. 5. Remarks on native silver from Michigan: Lyceum of Nat. Hist. N. Y. Annals, v. 1, pp. 247-248, 1824. Schrader, Frank C. *1. (and Stone, R. W.; Sanford, Samuel) Useful minerals of the United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 624, 1917. 412 pp. (A revision of Bull. 585; see Sanford, Samuel). Pages 163-168 concern Michigan. Schroeder, M. J. - 1. Development of the pumping at the West Vulcan mine: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 26, pp. 85-87, 1928. Schubert, George P. 1. Development of copper smelting practice at Michigan smelter: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 27, pp. 231-247, 1929. Schuchert, Charles 1. A synopsis of American fossil Brachiopoda, including bibliography and synonymy: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 87, 1897. 464 pp. 2. On the faunal provinces of the middle Devonic of America and the Devonic coral sub-provinces of Russia, with two paleographie maps: Am. Geol., v. 32, no. 3, pp. 137-162, 1903. 370 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Schwartz, George M. 1. (and Forsyth, A. C.) Natural versus artificial textures of copper arsenides: Econ. Geol., v. 32, no. 7, pp. 896-905, 5 figs., Nov. 1937. Scott, Irving Day-See also Case, E. C., 5. 1. Inland lakes of Michigan: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 30, geol. ser. 25, 93 figs., 20 pls., 1921. 383 pp. 2. Ice action on inland lakes labs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 34, p. 92, 1923. 3. Ice-push on lake shores: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1926), v. 7, pp. 107 -123, 3 pls., 1927. Ice action on inland lakes is quite prevalent as borne out by several years' study of a large number of inland lakes in Michigan. 4. Physiography of some Michigan dunes [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 38, pp. 140-141, 1927; Pan Am. Geol., v. 47, no. 2, pp. 149-150, Mar. 1927. 5. Dunes of Lake Michigan [abs.]: Pan Am. Geol., v. 53, no. 2, p. 128, Mar. 1930; Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 41, p. 83, Mar. 31, 1930. 6. History of the strand dunes of the Michigan basin [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Proc. (1933), p. 107, June 1934. 7. (and Dow, K. W.) Dunes of the Herring Lake embayment, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1936), v. 22, pp. 437-450, 1 pl., 6 figs., maps, 1937. 8. Significance of form and arrangement of strand dunes [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 49, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1899, Dec. 1938. 9. Methods of correlation of strand dunes of the Lake Michigan basin [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 50, no. 12, pt. II, pp. 2008-2009, Dec. 1, 1939. Seaman, A. E.-See also Lane, A. C., 50; Stevens, H. J., 1. 1. A new locality for Silurian limestone in northern Michigan: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 48 (v.148), no. 284, p. 173, 1894. Seaman, Wyllys Arthur-See also Kraus, E. H., 5; Snelgrove, A. K., 2. 1. Geological and magnetic field work in the Keweenawan of the Michigan copper country: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 27, pp. 155-159, map, 1929. 2. Geology of the Spruce River and Peshekee River areas, Baraga and Marquette counties, 1944: Mich. Geol. Survey Prog. Rpt. 11, prepared in cooperation with Mich. College Min. Tech., 2 pls., geol. sketch maps, Sept. 1945. 12 pp. 3. Geology of the Lake Michigamme area, Marquette and Baraga counties: Mich. Geol. Survey, in cooperation with Mich. College Min. Tech., 1947. 119 pp. Open file report, Mich. Geol. Survey, Lansing. Seeber, R. R. 1. Winona stamp-mill: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 18, pp. 43-62, 1913. Separk, Edward A. 1. Some aspects of the analyzing and grading of iron ores of the Gogebic range [with discussion]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 10, pp. 103-126, 1904. Shaler, N. S. 1. The geological history of harbors: U. S. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt., v. 13, pt. II, pp. 93-209, 1891-1892. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 371: Sharpless, F. F.-See also Lane, A. C., 11. 1. Ore dressing on Lake Superior: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 2, pp. 97-104, 1894. Discusses Lake- Superior copper deposits. Shepherd, Forrest 1. Remarks on a boulder mass of native copper from the southern shore of Lake Superior: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 4 (v.54), no. 10, pp. 115 -116, 1847. 2. Observations on the drift furrows, grooves, scratches, and polished surfaces of the rocks of Lake Superior: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 4 (v.54), no. 11, pp. 282-283, 1847. Sherzer, William Hittell-See also Grabau, A. W., 11. 1. New characters of Diphyphyllum simcoense (Bill.) Rom.! Am. Geol., v. 4, no. 2, pp. 93-95, 1889. 2. Native sulphur in Michigan: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 50 (v.150), no. 297, pp. 246-248, 1895. 3. Limestones of southeastern Michigan, with their associated sandstone, salt and gypsum [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 9, pp. 10-11, 1897; Am. Geol., v. 20, p. 195, 1897; abs., entitled Exposures near Detroit of Helderberg limestones and associated gypsum, salt and sandstones, Sci., new ser., v. 6, p. 692, 1897. 4. Geological report on Monroe County, Michigan: Mich. Geol. Survey, v. 7, pt. I, illus., map, 1900. 240 pp. Abs., Mich. Miner, v. 2, no. 10, pp. 9-13, 1900. 5. Ice work in southeastern Michigan: Jour. Geol., v. 10, no. 2, pp. 194 -216, map, 1902. 6. (and Grabau, A. W.) New Upper Siluric fauna from southern Michigan: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 19, pp. 540-553, 1909; abs., entitled A new Siluric fauna from Michigan, Sci., new ser., v. 27, p. 408, 1908. 7. Criteria for the recognition of the various types of sand grains [and application to the Sylvania sandstone]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 21, pp. 625-662, 5 p1s., Nov. 1910; discussion, pp. 775-776; abs., Sci., new ser., v. 32, p. 190, 1910. 8. Geological report on Wayne County: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 12, geol. ser. 9, 32 p1s., 22 figs., incl. maps, 1913. 388 pp. Contains: Preliminary report on the fauna of the Duiidee limestone, by A. W. Grabau. 9. Detroit folio; Wayne, Detroit, Grosse Point, Romulus and Wyandotte quadrangles, Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey Atlas, Folio no. 205, text, maps 1:62,500, 1917. 22 pp. 10. A new find of the woolly elephant in Michigan: Sci., new ser., v. 65, p. 616, June 24, 1927. Shields, R. H. 1. Organization, reorganization and consolidation of the Arcadian mine: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 22, pp. 100-105, 1922. Shrock, Robert R.-See Cumings, E. R., 1, 2. Shufeldt, George A. 1. On the subterranean sources of the waters of the Great Lakes: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 43 (v.93), no. 128, pp. 193-197, 1867. An attempt to account for the source of water in the Great Lakes. Shumway, W. A. 1. (and others) The Marquette iron region: School of Mines Quart., Columbia Univ., v. 3, pp. 35-48, 103-117, 197-207, 243-253, 1881-1882. 372 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Siebenthal, W. A.-See also Hulst, H. T., 1. 1. Methods of iron ore analysis used in the laboratories of the iron mining companies of the Lake Superior mining region: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 11, pp. 71-138, 1906. Simons, Harry F. 1. Combination drilling method used at Van Horn, Michigan: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 37, pp. 34-35, Apr. 13, 1939. 2. Revived interest in Michigan as new prospects open: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 38, pp. 18-19, illus., June 29, 1939. 3. Low cost drilling for Michigan operators: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 38, pp. 12-13, map, July 6, 1939. 4. Deep Michigan test uses new mud system and treatment: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 40, pp. 34-35, 38, May 29, 1941. Simons, Merton E. 1. Insoluble residues of the Traverse group in the Charlevoix-Petoskey area, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Wayne Univ., Detroit, Jan. 1949. Unpublished. 2. Insoluble residues of the Devonian Traverse group, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of N. C., Chapel Hill, 1952. Unpublished. Simons, Perry T.-See Miller, D. G., 1. Singewald, Joseph T., Jr. 1. A genetic comparison of the Michigan and Bolivian copper deposits: Econ. Geol., v. 23, no. 1, pp. 55-61, 1928. Slater, J. V.--See Cain, S. A., 2. Slaughter, Arthur Edwin 1. The stratigraphic value of certain cryptostomatous Bryozoa of the Traverse formation, Middle Devonian age of Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1950. 37 pp. Unpublished. Slaughter, Jean L. 1. (and Campbell, J. M.) You never miss the water; a few pointers on ground water supplies: Lansing, Mich. Geol. Survey, illus., 1952. A booklet written for laymen. Slawson, Chester Baker-See also Kaufmann, D. W., 1; Kraus, E. H., 5. 1. The jasper conglomerate, an index of drift dispersion: Jour. Geol., v. 41, no. 5, pp. 546-552, 1933. 2. Sussexite from Iron County, Michigan: Am. Mineralog., v. 19, no. 12, pp. 575-578, Dec. 1934; abs., Geol. Soc. Am. Proc. (1933), pp. 440 -441, June 1934. 3. High iron tourmaline from the Marquette iron range [abs.]: Am. Mineralog., v. 21, no. 3, p. 195, Mar. 1936. 4. The occurrence of large halite crystals [abs.]: Am. Mineralog., v. 22, no. 12, pt. II, p. 14, Dec. 1937; v. 23, no. 3, p. 179, Mar. 1938. Sleight, Glenn C.-See Fugate, R. J., 2. Sloss, Laurence L. 1. Devonian rugose corals from the Traverse beds of Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Ill., June 1937. Microfilmed. In part, Jour. Paleont., v. 13, no. 1, pp. 52-73, 4 pls., 8 figs., Jan. 1939. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 373 Smith, F. J.--See Baxter, C. H., 2. Smith, George Wendell-See also Kelly, W. A., 12. 1. The Ferron Point and Genshaw formations in Cheboygan and western Presque Isle counties, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1942. 76 pp. Unpublished. Smith, Harold Theodore Uhr 1. Dune form and wind direction along southern shore of Lake Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 51, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1947, Dec. 1940. Smith, Henry Carl, Jr. *1. Sedimentary fabrics in unconsolidated sands: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1952. 28 pp. Unpublished. Smith, J. P. 1. The Carboniferous ammonoids of America: U. S. Geol. Survey Mon. 42, 1903. 211 pp. Smith, Lawrence Elias-See James, H. L., 1. Smith, Richard A.-See also Allen, R. C., 3, 5, 8, 14, 15, 17, 18; Poindexter, 0. F., 7; Stone, R. W., 1. 1. The Saginaw oil field: Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rpt., v. 15, pp. 33-38, 1913. 2. The occurrence of oil and gas in Michigan: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 14, geol. ser. 11, 19 figs., 3 pls., incl. maps, 1914. 281 pp. 3. Limestones of Michigan: Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey, pub. 21, geol. ser. 17, pp. 103-311, map, 1916. 4. (director) Mineral resources of Michigan with statistical tables of production and value of mineral products for 1920 and prior years: Mich. Geol. Survey, pub. 32, geol. ser. 26, 1922. 145 pp. Contains: Michigan copper industry 1919-1920, by L. P. Barrett, pp. 9-22; Michigan iron ore industry 1919-1920, statistical tables, by L. P. Barrett, pp. 23-34; Non-metallic minerals, by H. M. Martin, pp. 35-100; Possibilities of oil and gas in Michigan, by W. I. Robinson, pp. 101-121; Directory of non-metallic mineral producers in Michigan, 1920, pp. 123-135. 5. Oil developments in Michigan and the anticline at Seul Choix Point: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1921), v. 1, pp. 269-272, 1923. 6. (director) Mineral resources of Michigan with statistical tables of production and value of mineral products for 1921 and prior years: Mich. Geol. Survey, pub. 33, geol. ser. 27, 1923. 138 pp. Contains: The Michigan copper industry in 1921, pp. 11-35; Iron industry, pp. 39-47; Nonmetallic minerals, by H. M. Martin, pp. 51-113; Directory of non-metallic mineral producers in Michigan, 1921, pp. 107-129. 7. (director) Mineral resources of Michigan with statistical tables of production and value of mineral products for 1922 and prior years: Mich. Geol. Survey, pub. 34, geol. ser. 28, 1924. 146 pp. Contains: The copper industry, by L. P. Barrett, pp. 11-29; The iron industry, by L. P. Barrett, pp. 33-45; Non-metallic minerals, pp. 49-121; Directory of non-metallic mineral producers in Michigan, 1922, pp. 125-134. 8. (director) Mineral resources of Michigan with statistical tables of production and value of mineral products for 1923 and prior years: Mich. Geol. Survey, pub. 35, geol. ser. 29, 1925. 115 pp. Contains: The 374 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY copper industry, by L. P. Barrett, pp. 11-22; The iron industry, by L. P. Barrett, pp. 23-29; Non-metallic minerals, pp. 33-91; Directory of nonmetallic mineral producers in Michigan 1923, pp. 95-107. 9. (director) Mineral resources of Michigan with statistical tables of production and' value of mineral products for 1924, 1925, 1926, and prior years: Mich. Geol. Survey, pub. 37, geol. ser. 31, 1928. 321 pp. Contains: Discussion of Michigan iron ore production for the years 1924, 1925 and 1926, by F. G. Pardee, pp. 9-25; Copper production in Michigan, by F. G. Pardee, pp. 28-58; Non-metallic minerals, by O. F. Poindexter and R. B. Newcombe, pp. 61-139; Oil and gas developments in Michigan, by R. B. Newcombe, pp. 142-299; Directory of non-metallic mineral producers in Michigan, 1926, pp. 305-314. 10. Certain newer aspects of the Michigan basin: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 36, no. 46, pp. 65-66, 3 figs., Mar. 31, 1938; abs., Geol. Soc. Am. Proc. (1937), p. 326, June 1938. 11. (and Frye, F. R.) Saginaw Valley brines pose problems: Mich. Conserv., v. 14, no. 12, p. 12, Dec. 1945. A problem in pollution of fresh water due to brines. Smyth, Bernard B. 1. The closing of Michigan glacial lakes: Kan. Acad. Sci. Trans. (1895-96), v. 15, pp. 23-27, 1898. Smyth, Henry Lloyd-See also Clements, J. M., 5; Van Hise, C. R., 15. 1. A contact between the Lower Huronian and the underlying granite in the Republic trough, near Republic, Michigan: Jour. Geol., v. 1, no. 3, pp. 268-274, 2 figs., 1893. 2. The quartzite tongue at Republic, Michigan: Jour. Geol., v. 2, no. 7, pp. 680-691, 1894. 3. Relations of the lower Menominee and lower Marquette series in Michigan: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 47 (v.147), pp. 216-223, 1894. 4. On the origin of the copper deposits of Keweenaw Point [abs.]: Sci., new ser., v. 3, pp. 251-252, 1896. 5. Magnetic observations in geological mapping: A.I.M.E. Trans. (1896), v. 26, pp. 640-709, 1897. Snelgrove, Alfred Kitchener 1. (editor) Upper Peninsula of Michigan Mineral Industries Conference: Mich. College Min. Tech., Houghton, 1942. 21 pp. 2. (and Seaman, W. A.; Ayres, V. L.; and others) Strategic minerals investigations in Marquette and Baraga counties, 1943: Mich. Geol. Survey Prog. Rpt. 10, prepared in cooperation with Mich. College Min. Tech., 1944. 69 pp. Contains: Summary of the geology of the Marquette iron range, pp. 11-17; Lake Michigamme area, pp. 18-30; Republic area, pp. 31-46; Ishpeming gold range, pp. 47-55; Beneficiation tests on some low-grade iron ores of the Marquette iron range, by F. J. Tolonen, pp. 56-59; Distribution and quantitative occurrence of minor or rare elements of possible economic significance in Marquette and Baraga counties, pp. 60-67. Snodgrass, Donald Blaine 1. A study of Lake Michigan bottom sediments: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept..of Geol., Univ. of Ill., Urbana, 1952. 35 pp. Unpublished. Soper, E. K. 1. (and Osbon,.C. C.) The occurrence and uses of peat in the United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 728. 1922. 207 pp. Pages 96-102 concern Michigan.. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 375 Sorensen, Harry 0. 1. (and Carlson, E. T.) Michigan's mineral industries, 1952: Lansing, Mich. Geol. Survey, June 1954; for 1951, Lansing, Mich. Geol. Survey, June 1953. Soyster, H. B. 1. (and others) Review of the petroleum industry in the United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Circ. 11, Apr. 1934. 50 pp. Mimeo. Spencer, Joseph William Winthrop 1. On the Nipigon or copper-bearing rocks of Lake Superior: Canadian Nat. and Geol. and Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. of Montreal, new ser., v. 8, pp. 55-81, 1876. *2. A short study of the features of the region of the lower Great Lakes during the great river age; or notes on the origin of the Great Lakes of North America: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. (1881), v. 30, pp. 131 -146, 1882. 3. Notes on the origin and history of the Great Lakes of North America [abs.]: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. (1888), v. 37, pp. 197-199, 1889. 4. High level shores in the region of the Great Lakes, and their deformation: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 41 (v.141), no. 243, pp. 201-211, 1891. 5. Origin of the basins of the Great Lakes of America: Am. Geol., v. 7, no. 2, pp. 86-97, 1891. 6. Deformation of the Algonquin beach, and birth of Lake Huron: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 41 (v.141), no. 241, pp. 12-21, 1891. 7. A review of the history of the Great Lakes: Am. Geol., v. 14, no. 5, pp. 289-301, 1894; abs., entitled Duration of Niagara Falls, Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. (1894), v. 43, pp. 244-246, 1895. 8. The geological survey of the Great Lakes: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. (1894), v. 43, pp. 237-243, 1895. 9. An account of the researches relating to the Great Lakes: Am. Geol., v. 21, no. 2, pp. 110-123, 1898. Sperr, F. W. 1. Failures of the rule of following the hanging, in the development of Lake Superior copper mines [with discussion]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 17, pp. 238-246, 1912. Sperry, F. L.-See Penfield, S. L., 2. Spindle, J. E. 1. Michigan natural gas storage project: Am. Gas Assoc. Proc., 26th Ann. Mtg., May 11-13, p. 121, 1944. Spiroff, Kiril 1. An unusual occurrence of halite [at 85th level of the Quincy mine]: Rocks and Minerals, v. 12, no. 6, p. 176, June 1937; Am. Mineralog., v. 22, no. 8, pp. 931-933, 1 fig., Aug. 1937. 2. A mineralogical trip through the Michigan copper country: Rocks and Minerals, v. 13, no. 5, pp. 133-143, 7 figs., incl. index maps, May 1938. 3. A mineralogical trip through the Michigan iron range: Rocks and Minerals, v. 15, no. 9, pp. 291-297, Sept. 1940. 4. Dip-needle survey of Wyandotte-Winona area, Houghton County, and Cherokee area, Ontonagon County: Mich. Geol. Survey Prog. Rpt. 7, 3 pls., incl. geol. sketch maps, July 1941. 17 pp. 376 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 5. Seneca calcite: Rocks and Minerals, v. 25, nos. 9-10, p. 466, Sept.-Oct. 1950. Reports on the recent deposition of calcite coatings on the lava walls in deep levels of the Seneca copper mine, on the Kearsarge lode, Keweenaw County, Michigan. U.S.G.S. 6. Geology of the copper country and its history: Midwest Geol., v. 5, no. 1, June 1951. 6 pp. Spurr, Josiah Edward 1. The original source of the Lake Superior iron ores: Am. Geol., v. 29, no. 6, pp. 335-349, 1902. 2. The copper ores of Lake Superior: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 110, no. 8, pp. 355-357, 1 fig., Aug. 21, 1920. Staack, J. G. 1. Spirit leveling in Michigan, 1896-1938: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 919, 1941. 523 pp. Stallman, R. W.-See Stuart, W. T., 2. Stanley, George Mahon-See also Arnold, C. A., 8; Case, E. C., 6; Landes, K. K., 3; Stuart, W. T., 4. 1. Abandoned strands of Isle Royale and northeastern Lake Superior: Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, 1932. Unpublished. 2. Abrupt decline of the Whittlesey beach at Birmingham, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1935), v. 21, pp. 445-452, 1 pl., 4 figs., incl. geol. maps, 1936. 3. The geology of the Cranbrook area: Cranbrook Inst. Sci. Bull. 6, 12 pls., incl. geol. map, 12 figs., Mar. 1936. 56 pp. 4. Lower Algonquin beaches of the upper Great Lakes [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Proc. (1935), p. 107, 1936. 5. The submerged valley through Mackinac Straits: Jour. Geol., v. 46, no. 7, pp. 966-974, 1938. 6. Amazing hiatus (Algonquin-Nipissing) in later history of the Great Lakes [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 50, no. 12, pt. II, p. 2011, Dec. 1939. 7. Pre-historic Mackinac Island: Mich. Geol. Survey, pub. 43, geol. ser. 36, 1 pl., 31 figs., incl. index, geol. maps, 1945. 74 pp. State Board of Geological Survey 1. Report of the State Board of Geological Survey for the years 1891 and 1892, Lansing, 1893. 192 pp. Contains: Report of the State Geologist, for 1881-2, 1882-3, C. L. Rominger; for 1885-8, C. E. Wright; for 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, M. E. Wadsworth; and A sketch of the geology of the iron, gold and copper districts of Michigan, by M. E. Wadsworth. Abs., Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 45 (v.145), no. 268, p. 354, 1893. 2. Report State Board of Geological Survey, R. C. Allen, executive officer to the Budget Commission, 1918. Stauffer, Clinton Raymond "*1. The Hamilton in Ohio: Jour. Geol., v. 15, no. 6, pp. 590-596, 1907. Discusses briefly some of the relationships to Michigan. *2. The Middle Devonian of Ohio: Ohio Geol. Survey Bull., ser. 4, no. 10, 17 pls., 1909. 204 pp. Abs., Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, v. 30 (v.180), no. 179, p. 354, 1910. Paper includes a discussion of the relationships of the Middle Devonian of Ohio to contiguous areas. *3. The Devonian of southwestern Ontario: Canadian Geol. Survey, Mem. 34, 20 pls., 1 map, 1915. 341 pp. Abs., Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, v. 41 (v.191), no. 242, pp. 221-222, 1916. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 377 4. Relative age of the Detroit River series [with discussion]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 27, pp. 72-78, 1916. 5. Descriptions of some new species of Devonian fossils: Jour. Geol., v. 26, no. 6, pp. 555-560, illus., 1918. A study of materials collected from the Detroit River of Michigan and the Onondaga of Ontario. Stead, Frank Walter 1. (and others) Airborne radioactivity survey of parts of Marquette, Dickinson, and Baraga counties, Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey, in cooperation with U. S. Atomic Energy Comm., map with text, scale 1 inch = 2 miles, 1950. A map showing the location of radioactivity anomalies in the central part of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Brief explanatory notes are given. U.S.G.S. Stearns, Margaret Dorothy-See also Bishop, M. S., 1. 1. (and Cook, C. W.) A petrographic study of the Marshall formation and its relation to the sand of the Michigan series formation: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1931), v. 16, pp. 429-437, 1 fig., 1932. Also, Thesis, by M. D. Stearns, for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, 1933; and, by C. W. Cook, for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, 1933. 2. The petrology of the Marshall formation of Michigan: Jour. Sed. Petr., v. 3, no. 3, pp. 99-112, 3 figs., inel. geol. map, Dec. 1933. Steele, George E. 1. (and Beers, C. M.) New atlas directory of Grand Traverse County, Michigan: Traverse City, Seymour E. Pond & Co., 1895. Steidtmann, Edward 1. Summaries of pre-Cambrian literature of North America for 1909, 1910, 1911, and part of 1912; pt. III, Lake Superior region and isolated pre-Cambrian areas of the Mississippi: Jour. Geol., v. 23, no. 3, pp. 261-271, 1915. *2. Summaries of pre-Cambrian literature of North America: Jour. Geol., v. 28, no. 6, pp. 558-568, no. 7, pp. 643-658, no. 8, pp. 743-751, 1920; v. 29, no. 1, pp. 81-86, no. 2, pp. 173-187, 1921. Steiner, Waldon W. 1. An interpretation of size analyses of a beach sand, Sterling State Park, Monroe County, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Wayne Univ., Detroit, June 1952. Unpublished. Stevens, Horace Jared 1. (and Seaman, A. E.) First annual review of the copper mining industry of Lake Superior: Marquette, Min. Jour. Co., Ltd., 1899. 189 pp. 2. Eighth annual review of the Lake Superior copper industry: Mich. Miner, v.4, no. 3, pp. 16-18, Feb. 1902. 3. General information of the geology and mines of the Lake Superior copper district: A.I.M.E. Bi-monthly Bull. 1, pp. 208-222, map, 1905. 4. Mines of the Lake Superior copper district: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 12, pp. 8-24, 1907. 5. (editor) The copper handbook; a manual of the copper industry of the world, v. 10, Houghton, Michigan, 1910-1911. 1902 pp. Volumes also published from 1900 to 1910. For continuation see Weed, W. H., 2, 3. Stevens, Richard P. 1. Description of new Carboniferous fossils from the Appalachian, Illinois, and Michigan coal fields: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 25 (v.75), no. 74, pp. 258-265, 1858. 378 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Stevens, William H.-See also Williams, C. P., 2. 1. The prospects of the Lake Superior mining region: Min. Mag., v. 2, pp. 149-153, 1854. Stevenson, Ellen B. 1. The dunes of the Manistique area: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1930), v. 14, pp. 475-485, 5 figs., 1931. Stewart, David Perry 1. The surface geology of Wexford County, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1947), v. 33, pp. 233-242, 4 pls., geol. map, 1949. Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1948. 32 pp. Unpublished. Stewart, Duncan, Jr. 1. An occurrence of detrital authigenic feldspar: Am. Mineralog., v. 22, no. 9, pp. 1000-1003, 1 fig., Sept. 1937. 2. Michigan geology; Progress bibliography, pt. I: Mich. State College, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., East Lansing, Michigan, Mar. 1937, 23 pp. pt. II, May 1938, 20 pp.; pt. III, May 1939, 30 pp.; pt. IV, Jan. 1942, 22 pp.; pt. V, Mar. 1943, 22 pp.; pt. VI, Mar. 1950, 12 pp. This bibliography is most definitive in that it includes many papers with only brief mention of Michigan. Stewart, Grace A. *1. Ostracodes of the Silica shale, Middle Devonian, of Ohio: Jour. Paleont., v. 10, no. 8, pp. 739-763, 3 pls., Dec. 1936. Contains the zonal distribution of ostracdde species in the Traverse group. Stockton, John 1. [Mineral lands of Lake Superior region]: U. S. 28th Cong., Spec. Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 175, pp. 2-4, 1845. Stoek, Harry Harkness 1. Marquette range caving method: Mines and Minerals, v. 30, pp. 193-200, 1909. Stokes, Charles 1. On some species of Orthocerata, Lake Huron Region: Geol. Soc. London Trans., 2d ser., v. 15, pp. 705-714, 1840. Stokes, H. N.-See Merrill, G. P., 2. Stokstad, O. L. 1. Geologic problems in the design and construction of highways in Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 62, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1483, Dec. 1951. Stone, Ralph Walter-See also Sanford, Samuel, 1; Schrader, F. C., 1. 1. (and others) Gypsum deposits of the United States: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 697, 37 pls., 57 figs., 1920. 326 pp. Contains: Gypsum deposits in Michigan, by R. A. Smith, pp. 122-129. Stose, G. W.-See Willis, Bailey, 2. Stramel, G. J. -See Ferris, J. G., 4; Wisler, C. 0., 1. Stratton, E. F. 1. (and Joyce, J. W.) A magnetic study of some iron deposits: U. S. Bur. Mines Tech. Paper 528, 20 figs., 1932. 32 pp. Contains description of some magnetic work on the Menominee range. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 379 Stratton, Hazel J. 1. (and Winslow, M. E.) List of publications of the Bureau of Mines July 1, 1910-January 1, 1949: U. S. Dept. of Interior, Bur. Mines. Streeter, Floyd Benjamin 1. Michigan bibliography, 2 v.: Lansing, Mich. Hist. Comm., 1921. Stromquist, A. A.-See Cornwall, H. R., 1. Strong, E. A. 1. Notes upon the fossil remains of the Lower Carboniferous limestone exposed at Grand Rapids, Michigan: Kent Scientific Inst., Misc. Papers no. 3, Grand Rapids, 1872. 6 pp. Stuart, Wilbur Tennant-See also Brown, E. A., 1; U. S. Geological Survey, 12. 1. Ground-water resources of the Lansing area, Michigan: Mich. Geol. Survey Prog. Rpt. 13, prepared in cooperation with U. S. Geol. Survey, 11 figs., incl. index maps, June 1945. 33 pp. 2. (and Stallman, R. W.) Ground-water resources of the Benton Harbor area, Michigan: Mich. Geol. Survey Prog. Rpt. 12, prepared in cooperation with U. S. Geol. Survey, 4 figs., incl. index map, June 1945. 29 pp. 3. (and Theis, C. V.) Ground-water investigations in the Iron River mining district, Michigan [abs.]: Econ. Geol., v. 42, no. 4, p. 410, JuneJuly 1947. 4. (and Theis, C. V.; Stanley, G. M.) Ground-water problems of the Iron River district: Mich. Geol. Survey Tech. Rpt. 2, prepared in cooperation with U. S. Geol. Survey, 15 tables, 16 figs., incl. index map, June 1948. 59 pp. Contains: Glacial geology study in the Iron River district, Michigan, by G. M. Stanley, pp. 6-18. 5. Progress report on ground-water conditions at the Cayia mine near Crystal Falls, Mich.: U. S. Geol. Survey, 10 figs., July 1953. 27 pp. Open file report, Mich. Geol. Survey, Lansing. 6. (and Brown, E. A.; Rhodehamel, E. C.) Ground water investigations of the Marquette iron-mining district: Mich. Geol. Survey Tech. Rpt. 3, prepared in cooperation with U. S. Geol. Survey, 8 figs., 20 tables, 1954. 92 pp. Stumm, Erwin Charles-See also Ehlers, G. M., 18. 1. The priority of Dana, 1846-48, versus Hall, 1847, and of Rominger, 1876, versus Hall, 1876 (? 1877): Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 7, no. 1, pp. 1-6, June 10, 1948. 2. Lower Middle Devonian species of the Tetracoral genus Hexagonaria of east-central North America: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 7, no. 2, pp. 7-49, 14 pls., July 20, 1948. 3. Three new Devonian species of Microcyclus from Michigan and Ontario: Jour. Paleont., v. 23, no. 5, pp.-507-509, --pl., Sept. 1949. 4. Check list of fossil invertebrates described from the Middle Devonian Traverse group of Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 9, no. 1, pp. 1-44, July 6, 1951. "*5. Species of the Siluarian rugose coral Triplasma from North America: Jour. Paleont., v. 26, no. 5, pp. 841-843, 1 pl., Sept. 1952. 6. Trilobites of the Devonian Traverse group of Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 10, no. 6, pp. 101-157, 12 pls., 1 map, Mar. 25, 1953. 7. Lower Middle Devonian proetid trilobites from Michigan, southwestern Ontario, and northern Ohio: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 11, no. 2, pp. 11-31, 4 pls., June 15, 1953. 380 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 8. Four new species of Rugose corals of the Middle Devonian genus Eridophyllum, from New York, Michigan, and Ohio: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 12, no. 1, pp. 1-11, 2 pls., July 23, 1954. 9. Lower Middle Devonian phacopid trilobites from Michigan, southwestern Ontario, and the Ohio valley: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 11, no. 11, pp. 201-221, 4 pls., Oct. 15, 1954. 10. Three new cystids from the Devonian Traverse group of Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 65, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1311, Dec. 1954. Sullivan, J. C. 1. Sinking a mine shaft half a mile deep: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 30, pp. 181-198, 1939. Sundius, N. 1. The optical properties of manganese-poor grfinerites and cummingtonites compared with those of manganiferous members: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 5, v. 21 (v.221), no. 124, pp. 330-344, Apr. 1931. An analysis of some griinerites, including gruinerites from the Lake Superior region. 2. The grilnerite from Mount Humboldt, Michigan: Geol. Fdrening Stockholm Fbrhandlingar, Band 56, Heft 1, no. 396, pp. 98-100, Jan.-Feb. 1934. Sutton, William John 1. Geology of the Penokee-Gogebic iron-bearing district: Thesis for Degree in Mining Engineering, Mich. College Min. Tech., Houghton, 1898. 26 pp. Swann, David Henry 1. The Favosites alpenensis lineage in the Middle Devonian Traverse group of Michigan: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 6, no. 9, pp. 235-318, 17 pls., I fig., Apr. 15, 1947. Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, 1940. Swanson, Clarence Otto-See also Hotchkiss, W. 0., 7. 1. Report on the portion of the Marquette range covered by the Michigan Geol. Survey in 1929: Mich. Geol. Survey, 2 maps, blue prints, no date, 1930 [?]. 15 pp. Mimeo. 2. Use of magnetic data in Michigan iron ranges [with discussion]: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 110, pp. 290, 311, 1934; Geophys. Prosp., pp. 290-312, 10 figs., 1934; abs., [A.I.M.E. Yearb., p. 91, 1935]. Swanson, Roger W.-See Cornwall, H. R., 1; White, W. S., 2. Swartz, Charles K. *1. (and others) Correlation of the Silurian formations of North America: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 53, no. 4, pp. 533-538, 1 pl., Apr. 1, 1942. Swartz, Daniel H. 1. The "Red Beds" of Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, June 1951. Unpublished. Sweet, A. T. 1. The year's research on iron ore beneficiation at the Michigan College of Mining and Technology: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 28, pp. 62-66, 1930. Sweetser, Ralph H. 1. Beneficiation of iron ores from the blast furnace viewpoint: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 28, pp. 74-84, 1930. Swineford, Alfred P. 1. Swineford's history of the Lake Superior iron district; its mines and furnaces: 2d ed., containing report for 1870, Marquette, Min. Jour. Office, 1871. 98 pp. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 381 2. Appendix to Swineford's history of the Lake Superior iron district, being a review of its mines and furnaces for 1871: Marquette, Min. Jour. Office, 1872, 33 pp... for 1872, Marquette, Min. Jour. Office, 1872. 71 pp. 3. Appendix to Swineford's history of the Lake Superior iron district, being a review of its mines and furnaces for 1873: Marquette, Min. Jour. Office, 1873. 80 pp. Contains: Silver mines in Ontonagon County; Huron Bay slate quarries; and Building stone. 4. History of the discovery and workings of the silver mines in the Iron River district, Ontonagon County: Ontonagon, Ontonagon Miner Office, 1875. 13 pp. 5. History and review of the copper, iron, silver, slate, and other material interests of the south shore of Lake Superior, Marquette, Michigan, 1876. 280 pp. Contains: Geology of the Lake Superior iron region, by C. E. Wright, pp. 132-150. 6. The Menominee iron range; history of its mines, when and by whom discovered, their present condition and future prospects: Marquette, Min. Jour., June 1880. 44 pp. 7. Annual review of the iron mining and other industries of the Upper Peninsula for the year ending Dec. 31, 1881: Min. Jour., 1882. 193 pp. For the year ending Dec. 31, 1880, Min. Jour., 1881. 177 pp. 8. Annual report of the commissioner of mineral statistics of the State of Michigan for 1884: Marquette, 1884. 117 pp. Tabor, Norman R.-See also Kesling, R. V., 3, 7. 1. Ostracods of the family Hollinidae from the Genshaw formation of Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Sept. 1951. Published in part; see Kesling, R. V., 7. Tague, Glenn Charles 1. An occurrence of nonwetting sand at Muskallonge Lake, Luce County, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1937), v. 23, pp. 497-502, 1 pl., 1 fig., index map, 1938. 2. The post-glacial geology of the Grand Marais embayment in Berrien County, Michigan, in Occasional papers for 1946 on the geology of Michigan: Mich. Geol. Survey, pub. 45, geol. ser. 38, pt. I, illus., incl. index and geol. maps, 1947. 82 pp. Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Oct. 1942. Tara, Muriel Elizabeth 1. The geology and petrography of Little Presque Isle, Marquette County, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1950. 31 pp. Unpublished. Tarbell, Eleanor 1. Antrim-Ellsworth-Coldwater shale formations in Michigan: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 25, no. 4, pp. 724-733, 3 figs., incl. index map, Apr. 1941. Thesis for Degree of Master of Arts in Library Science, Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, 1945. Tassin, Wirt 1. On the occurrence of calcium sulphide (oldhamite) in the Allegan meteorite: U. S. Natl. Mus. Proc., v. 34, no. 1622, pp. 433-434, 1908. Taylor, Carrol C. 1. The Gogebic iron ore range: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 25, pp. 30-38, 1926. 382 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Taylor, F. C. 1. Pontiac, Michigan, report on water supply; pt. III, Ground-water sources: Pontiac, Dept. of Water Supply, Oct. 1930. 133 pp. Taylor, Frank Bursley-See also Lane, A. C., 27; Leverett, Frank, 19. 1. The highest old shore line on Mackinac Island: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 43 (v.143), no. 255, pp. 210-218, 1892; abs., Am. Geol., v. 8, pp. 235-236, 1891; Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc., v. 40, pp. 260-261, 1892. 2. A reconnaissance of the abandoned shore lines of the south coast of Lake Superior: Am. Geol., v. 13, no. 6, pp. 365-383, map, 1894. 3. A reconnaissance of the abandoned shore lines of Green Bay [Wisconsin and Michigan]: Am. Geol., v. 13, no. 5, pp. 316-327, map, 1894. 4. Niagara and the Great Lakes: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 49 (v.149), no. 292, pp. 249-270, 1895; a correction, Am. Geol., v. 15, no. 6, pp. 394-395, 1895. *5. The Nipissing beach on the north Superior shore: Am. Geol., v. 15, no. 5, pp. 304-314, 1895. *6. The Munuscong Islands: Am. Geol., v. 15, no. 1, pp. 24-33, 1895. 7. Changes of level in the region of the Great Lakes in recent geological time: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 49 (v.149), no. 289, pp. 69-71, 1895. 8. The second Lake Algonquin: Am. Geol., v. 15, no. 2, pp. 100-120, no. 3, pp. 162-179, map, no. 6, pp. 394-395, 1895. 9. Preliminary notes on studies of the Great Lakes made in 1895 [correspondence]: Am. Geol., v. 17, no. 4, pp. 253-257, 1896; note, Sci., new ser., v. 3, no. 68, p. 602, 1897. 10. The Algonquin and Nipissing beaches [correspondence]: Am. Geol., v. 17, no. 6, pp. 397-400, 1896. 11. Moraines of recession and their significance in glacial theory: Jour. Geol., v. 5, no. 5, pp. 421-465, July-Aug. 1897; abs., Am. Geol., v. 19, no. 4, p. 290, 1897; Sci., new ser., v. 5, no. 107, pp. 90-91, 1897. *12. Notes on the abandoned beaches of the north coast of Lake Superior: Am. Geol., v. 20, no. 2, pp. 111-128, 1897. 13. Notes on the glacial succession in eastern Michigan [abs.]: Am. Geol., v. 18, pp. 234-236, 1896; Sci., new ser., v. 4, p. 284, 1896. 14. Correlation of Warren beaches with moraines and outlets in southeastern Michigan [abs.]: Am. Geol., v. 18, no. 4, pp. 233-234, 1896. 15. Correlation of Erie-Huron beaches with outlets and moraines in southeastern Michigan: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 8, pp. 31-58, map, 1897. 16. Some features of the recent geology around Detroit [abs.]: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. (1897), v. 46, pp. 201-202, 1898; Sci., new ser., v. 6, pp. 688-689, 1897; Am. Geol., v. 20, p. 196, 1897. 17. The lower abandoned beaches of southeastern Michigan [abs.]: Sci., new ser., v. 6, p. 689, 1897. 18. The great ice-dams of lakes Maumee, Whittlesey and Warren: Am. Geol., v. 24, no. 1, pp. 6-38, 1899. 19. Relation of Lake Whittlesey to the Arkona beaches: Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rpt., v. 7, pp. 29-36, 1905; abs., Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 16, pp. 587-589, 1905. 20. Distribution of drumlins and its bearing on their origin [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 17, p. 726, 1907. 21. A review of the Great Lakes history, with special reference to the deformation of the ancient water planes [abs.]: Sci., new ser., v. 27, pp. 725-726, 1908. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 383 22. Study of ice-sheet erosion and deposition in the region of the Great Lakes [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 22, pp. 727-729, 1911. 23. Map of the old distributaries of the St. Clair and Detroit rivers [abs.]: Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rpt., v. 14, p. 142, 1912. 24. Time measures in the Niagara Gorge and their application to Great Lake history labs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 25, pp. 35-36, 1914. 25. The present and recent rate of land-tilting in the region of the Great Lakes: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1926), v. 7, pp. 145-157, 3 figs., 1927. 26. Evidence of recurrent depression and resilience in the region of the Great Lakes: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1926), v. 7, pp. 135-143, 1 fig., 1927. Depression and resilience occurred in connection with the last three Pleistocene ice sheets and probably the first one also. Thus, we have the gorge of the Wisconsin Niagara now in the making, the gorge of the Illinoian Niagara (buried St. Davids Gorge), and the gorge of the Kansan Niagara (Spencer's Erigan Canyon). 27. The status of Lake Erie in present and recent land tilting: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1928), v. 10, pp. 251-260, 1 fig., Apr. 1929; abs., Pan Am. Geol., v. 47, no. 1, p. 74, 1927; Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 38, p. 128, 1927. 28. Correlations of the Port Huron morainic system of Michigan in Ontario and western New York: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 237, no. 6, pp. 375-388, 1 pl., geol. map, June 1939. 29. Geological story of the Great Lakes: Sci. Monthly, v. 49, no. 1, pp. 49-56, 2 figs., index and geol. sketch maps, July 1939. Terry, Owen W.-See Zinner, Paul, 1. Terwilliger, F. Wells 1. Oil-gas drilling operations decline in 1951: Mich. Manufacturer and Financial Rec., v. 89, no. 5, May 1952. 2. Eight new oil fields opened during 1952: Mich. Manufacturer and Financial Rec., v. 91, no. 5, pp. 26, 32, May 1953. 3. Nine new state oil fields opened in 1953: Mich. Manufacturer and Financial Rec., v. 93, no. 5, pp. 34, 63, May 1954. 4. The glacial geology and groundwater resources of Van Buren County, Michigan; in Occasional papers on the geology of Michigan for 1954: Mich. Geol. Survey, pub. 48, pt. I, pp. 1-96, 1 pl., 24 figs., 1954. Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1952. Teschemacher, James Englebert 1. On the vanadium minerals from Lake Superior: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 11 (v.61), no. 32, pp. 233-234, 1851. Thaden, Robert Emerson 1.. The Porcupine Mountain "Red Rock": Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1950. 104 pp. Unpublished. Tharp, Marie 1. Subsurface studies of the Detroit River series: Thesis for Degree of Master of Arts, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Feb. 1945. Unpublished. Theis, Charles Vernon-See Stuart, W. T., 3, 4. Theodosis, Steven Daniel 1. Metamorphism of the Randville dolomite in the Felch Mountain range, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Northwestern Univ., Evanston, Ill., 1948. 68 pp. Unpublished. 384 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Thiel, George Alfred-See Tyler, S. A., 3. Thomas, William A.-See also Fitzgerald, P. E., 1; Lane, A. C., 67. 1. A study of the Marshall formation in Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1938), v. 14, pp. 487-498, 3 figs., 1931. Thompson, J. R. 1. The hoisting problem: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 10, pp. 72-87, 1904. Thwaites, Fredrik Turville *1. The origin and significance of pitted outwash: Jour. Geol., v. 34, no. 4, pp. 308-319, 1926. 2. Well logs in the Northern Peninsula of Michigan, showing the Cambrian.section: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1933), v. 19, pp. 413-426, 1 fig., 1934. 3. Stratigraphic work in northern Michigan 1933-1941: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1942), v. 28, pp. 487-502, 2 figs., 1943. 4. Geomorphology of the basin of Lake Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1947), v. 33, pp. 243-251, illus., 1949. Tolonen, F. J.-See also Snelgrove, A. K., 2. 1. Gravity concentration of Ironwood formation: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 30, pp. 199-244, 1939. Townsend, J. B. 1. Large mass of native copper: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 37 (v.87), no. 111, p. 431, 1864. Trauffer, W. E. *1. Unusual methods used to supply limestone for Michigan cement plant: Pit and Quarry, v. 46, no. 2, pp. 78-90, Aug. 1953. Limestone from a quarry site at Paulding, Ohio is used to supply the needs of the Consolidated Cement Corporation's plant at Cement City. Trow, James William 1. Geologic map of the falls of the Sturgeon area, Menominee district, Michigan, scale 1:1200, [Part of Thesis for PhD., Univ. of Chicago], 1945. Open file report, Mich. Geol. Survey, Lansing. 2. Geologic map of the Sturgeon quartzite of the Menominee district, Michigan, scale approx. 3 inches to the mile, [Part of Thesis for PhD., Univ. of Chicago], 1946. Open file report, Mich. Geol. Survey, Lansing. 3. The Sturgeon quartzite of the Menominee district, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Ill., 1948. 60 pp. Unpublished. Microfilmed. 4. Pre-Huronian glaciation and early Huronian weathering and sedimentation in the Menominee district, Michigan [abs.): Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 62, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1486, Dec. 1951. Turk, L. M.-See Matelski, R. P., 1. Twenhofel, William Henry-See also Tyler, S. A., 5. 1. Pre-Cambrian and Carboniferous algal deposits: Am. Jour,. Sci., ser. 4, v. 48 (v.198), no. 287, pp. 339-352, 5 figs., Nov. 1919. Tyler, Stanley Allen 1. (and Marsden, R. W.) The nature of leucoxene: Jour. Sed. Petr., v. 8, no. 2, pp. 55-58, 1938. 2. (and Marsden, R. W.) Heavy mineral methods applied to the pre-Cambrian rocks of the south shore of Lake Superior [abs.]: Am. Mineralog., REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 385 v. 22, no. 12, pt. II, p. 15, Dec. 1937; v. 23, no. 3, p. 180, Mar. 1938; Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 49, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1943, Dec. 1, 1938. 3. (and Marsden, R. W.; Grout. F. F.; Thiel, G. A.) Studies of the Lake Superior pre-Cambrian by accessory mineral methods: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 51, no, 10, pp. 1429-1537, 4 pls., 20 figs., inel. index maps, Oct. 1, 1940. 4. Development of Lake Superior soft iron ores from metamorphosed iron formation: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 60, no. 7, pp. 1101-1124, 2 figs., July 1949. 5. (and Twenhofel, W. H.) Sedimentation and stratigraphy of the Huronian of upper Michigan: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 250, no. 1, pp. 1-27, Jan. 1952; v. 250, no. 2, pp. 118-151, Feb. 1952. Uhri, Duane C. 1. The correlation of Cincinnatian environments by spectrographic analyses of associated fossils: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1954. 54 pp. Unpublished. Ulrich, Edward Oscar 1. Black shale problem in Michigan: Paper read before the 18th Mtg., Paleont. Soc. Am., Madison, 1926. (Not published, but conclusion affirmed later in letter to C. A. Arnold, dated Dec. 26, 1930). Underwood, Lloyd Bradish-See U. S. Geological Survey, 5, 8. United States Geological Survey 1. Bibliography of North American geology: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull., nos. 746-747 (1785-1918), 823 (1919-1928), 937 (1929-1939), 938 (1940-1941), 949 (1942-1943), 952 (1944-1945), 958 (1946-1947), 968 (1948), 977 (1949), 985 (1950), 1025 (1951). 2. Water levels and artesian pressures in observation wells in the United States in 1950; pt. I, Northeastern States: U. S. Geol. Survey WaterSupply Paper 1165; in 1949, no. 1156; in 1948, no. 1126; in 1947, no. 1096; in 1946, no. 1071; in 1945, no. 1023; in 1944, no. 1016; in 1943, no. 986; in 1942, no. 944; in 1940, no. 906; in 1939, no. 886; in 1938, no. 845; in 1937, no. 840; in 1936, no. 817; in 1935, no. 777. 3. Surface-water supply of the United States; pt. IV, St. Lawrence River basin, 1952: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1237; for 1951, no. 1207; for 1950, no. 1174; for 1949, no. 1144; for 1948, no. 1114; for 1947, no. 1084; for 1946, no. 1054; for 1945, no. 1034; for 1944, no. 1004; for 1943, no. 974; for 1942, no. 954; for 1941, no. 924; for 1940, no. 894; for 1939, no. 874; for 1938, no. 854; for 1937, no. 824; for 1936, no. 804; for 1935, no. 784; for 1934, no. 759; for 1933, no. 744; for 1932, no. 729; for 1931, no. 714; for 1930, no. 699; for 1929, no. 684; for 1928, no. 664; for 1927, no. 644; for 1926, no. 624; for 1925, no. 604; for 1924, no. 584; for 1923, no. 564; for 1922, no. 544; for 1921, no. 524; for 1919-20, no. 504; for 1918, no. 474; for 1917, no. 454; for 1916, no. 434; for 1915, no. 404; for 1914, no. 384; for 1913, no. 354; for 1912, no. 324; for 1911, no. 304; for 1910, no. 284; for 1909, no. 264; for 1907-08, no. 244; for 1906, no. 206; for 1905, no. 170; for 1904, no. 129; for 1903, no. 97; for 1902, no. 83; for 1901, no. 65; for 1900, no. 49. Some of the earlier Water-Supply Papers have a different title from that given above but are essentially the same thing and can easily be found by the number of the paper. 386 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 4. Thickness and character of the Traverse group and Dundee formation in southwestern Michigan, by G. V. Cohee: U. S. Geol. Survey, Oil and Gas Inv., Prelim. Chart no. 4, index, geol. and topog. maps, correlation charts, 1944. Text on map. Accompanied by P.N. 102239, dated Nov. 21, 1944. 5. Map and sections of the Berea sandstone of eastern Michigan, by G. V. Cohee and L. B. Underwood: U. S. Geol. Survey, Oil and Gas Inv., Prelim. Map no. 17, index, geol. and topog. maps, columnar sections, 1944. Text on map. Accompanied by P.N. 101836, dated Nov. 13, 1944. 6. Geology and oil and gas possibilities of south-central Michigan, by G. V. Cohee: U. S. Geol. Survey, Oil and Gas Inv., Prelim. Map no. 11, scale 1 inch to 10 miles, index, isopach and geol. maps, geol. column, 1944. Text on map. Accompanied by P.N. 49495, dated Sept. 30, 1944. 7. Geology and oil and gas possibilities of Sylvania and Bois Blanc formations of Michigan, by K. K. Landes: U. S. Geol. Survey, Oil and Gas Inv., Prelim. Map no. 28, scale approx. 1 inch to 16 miles, 1945. Text on map. Accompanied by P.N. 111997, dated May 19, 1945. 8. Lithology and thickness of the Dundee formation and the Rogers City limestone in the Michigan basin, by G. V. Cohee and L. B. Underwood: U. S. Geol. Survey, Oil and Gas Inv., Prelim. Map no. 38, isopach maps, scales vary, index maps, 1945. Text on map. Accompanied by P.N. 118180, dated Sept. 19, 1945. 9. The Salina and Bass Island rocks in the Michigan basin, by K. K. Landes: U. S. Geol. Survey, Oil and Gas Inv., Prelim. Map no. 40, scales vary, 1945. Text on map. Accompanied by P.N. 117549, dated September 5, 1945. 10. Sections and maps of Lower Ordovician and Cambrian rocks in the Michigan basin, Michigan and adjoining areas, by G. V. Cohee: U. S. Geol. Survey, Oil and Gas Inv., Prelim. Chart no. 9, index and isopach maps, scales vary, 1945. Text on chart. Accompanied by P.N. 108846, dated Mar. 15, 1945. 11. Geology and oil and gas possibilities of Trenton and Black River limestones of the Michigan basin, Michigan and adjacent areas, by G. V. Cohee: U. S. Geol. Survey, Oil and Gas Inv., Prelim. Chart no. 11, index and isopach maps, 1945. Text on chart. Accompanied by P.N. 111659, dated May 14, 1945. 12. Proceedings East Central Branch Conference of the Water Resources Branch, U. S. Geological Survey, Department of Interior, Nov. 7-9, 1946, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1946. Contains: Water resources investigation program-Michigan, by G. E. Eddy, pp. 35-38; Ground-water investigations-Michigan, by J. G. Ferris, pp. 38-41; Lake stabilization programMichigan, by A. D. Ash, pp. 41-45; Development of water resources in the Northern Peninsula of Michigan, by M. Noecker, pp. 45-48; The mine drainage investigation-Iron River, Michigan, by W. T. Stuart, pp. 48-51; Proposed water-resources legislation-Michigan, by N. F. Billings, pp. 52-54. 13. Sample aeromagnetic surveys of Iron County, Michigan, Mangum, Oklahoma area, and Naval Petroleum Reserve no. 4, Alaska: U. S. Geol. Survey, Geophys. Inv., Prelim. Map no. 3, 3 sheets, 1946. Accompanies Prelim. Rpt. no. 3. Maps and data compiled by J. R. Balsley, Jr., L. P. Barrett, F. G. Pardee, Wayland Osgood, and others. Accompanied by P.N. 200, dated July 3, 1946. 14. Lithology and thickness of the Traverse group in the Michigan basin, by G. V. Cohee: U. S. Geol. Survey, Oil and Gas Inv., Prelim. Chart no. 28, index, geol., isopach and thickness maps, charts, sections, scales vary, 1947. Text on chart. Accompanied by P.N. 20303, dated May 14, 1947. Abs., Oil and Gas Jour., v. 46, no. 9, pp. 90-92, topog. map, July 1947. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 387 15. Thickness and lithology of Upper Ordovician, and Lower and Middle Silurian rocks in the Michigan basin, by G. V. Cohee: U. S. Geol. Survey, Oil and Gas Inv., Prelim. Chart no. 33, 2 sheets, correlation chart, tables, index and isopach maps, sections, scales vary, 1948. Text on chart. Abs., Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 32, no. 2, p. 305, Feb. 1948. 16. Geologic and water-supply reports on Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey, May 1949. An index to reports published by the U. S. Geological Survey, relating to the topography, geology, and mineral resources of Michigan. 17. Thickness and lithology of Upper Devonian and Carboniferous rocks in Michigan, by G. V. Cohee and others: U. S. Geol. Survey, Oil and Gas Inv., Chart Oc 41, 5 sheets, 26 figs., incl. sections, index, isopach and thickness maps, 1 table, 1951. Text on chart. University of Michigan-See also Michigan State Planning Commission, 1. 1. Bibliography on beach erosion and related subjects: Eng. Research Inst., Research Pub. no. 1, Lake Hydraulics Lab., Dept. of Civil Eng., Mar. 1950. 86 pp. Upham, Warren 1. Altitudes between Lake Superior and the Rocky Mountains: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 72, 1891. 229 pp. Contains Michigan in part. 2. Departure of the ice-sheet from the Laurentian lakes [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 6, pp. 21-27, 1894. 3. Beaches of lakes Warren and Algonquin [correspondence]: Am. Geol., v. 17, no. 6, pp. 400-402, 1896. *4. The work of N. H. Winchell in glacial geology and archaeology: Econ. Geol., v. 11, no. 1, pp. 63-72, portrait, 1916. Article contains a brief quote concerning the ancient miners of Lake Superior copper. Urry, William Donald-See also Lane, A. C., 69. 1. The radium content of the Keweenawan basalts and some accessory minerals: Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. Proc., v. 68, no. 4, pp. 125-136, 2 figs., Mar. 1933. Utterback, Donald Desmond 1. A study of outcropping bituminous limestones and sandstones with reference to porosity and to the origin and migration of petroleum [abs.]: Thesis for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Ill., Urbana, 1936. 5 pp. Unpublished. Vallat, B. W. 1. The Newport iron mine: A.I.M.E. Bull., v. 59, pp. 903-921, 1911; Trans. (1911), v. 42, pp. 676-694, 1912. Van Altena, Peter J. 1. Some Keweenawan sediments of Ontonagon County, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. Eng., Mich. College Min. Tech., Houghton, 1951. 47 pp. Unpublished. Vanderwilt, John W. 1. A drill core section of the Salina below the salt bed of the Detroit Rock Salt Company mine: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1923), v. 3, pp. 285-287, 1 fig., 1924. Van Evera, Robert W.-See Campbell, C. A., 1. 388 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Van Hise, Charles Richard-See also Clements, J. M., 5; Irving, R. D., 4, 12; Orton, Edward, 1. 1. On secondary enlargements of feldspar fragments in certain Keweenawan sandstones: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 27 (v.127), pp. 399-403, 1884. 2. Upon the origin of the mica schists and black mica slates of the PenokeeGogebic iron-bearing series: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 31 (v.131), no. 186, pp. 453-459, map, 1886. 3. Note on the enlargement of hornblendes and augites in fragmental and eruptive rocks: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 33 (v.133), no. 197, pp. 385-388, 1887. 4. The iron ores of the Penokee-Gogebic series of Michigan and Wisconsin: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 37 (v.137), no. 127, pp. 32-48, 1889; rev., Am. Geol., v. 3, no. 3, pp. 197-198, 1889. 5. An attempt to harmonize some apparently conflicting views of Lake Superior stratigraphy: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 41 (v.141), no. 242, pp. 117-137, 1891; discussion, entitled Lake Superior stratigraphy, Am. Geol., v. 7, no. 5, pp. 320-327; no. 6, pp. 383-386, 1891. 6. Correlation papers-Archean and Algonkian: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 86, 1892. 549 pp. Abs., Am.. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. (1891), v. 40, p. 260, 1892. 7. The iron ores of the Marquette district of Michigan: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 43 (v.143), no. 254, pp. 116-132, 1892; abs., Eng. Min. Jour., v. 54, p. 29, 1892. 8. The iron ores of the Lake Superior region: Wis. Acad. Sci. Trans. (1888-91), v. 8, pp. 219-227, 1892. 9. Sketch of the pre-Cambrian geology south of Lake Superior, with references to illustrative localities: 5th Internat. Geol. Cong., Washington, 1891, Comptes rendus, pp. 489-512, maps, 1893. 10. An historical sketch of the Lake Superior region to Cambrian time: Jour. Geol., v. 1, no. 2, pp. 113-128, map, 1893. 11. The succession in the Marquette iron district of Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 5, pp. 5-6, 1893. 12. The Huronian volcanics south of Lake Superior [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 4, pp. 435-436, 1895. 13. Character of folds in the Marquette iron district labs.]: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. (1893), v. 42, p. 171, 1894. 14. A northern Michigan base-level: Sci., new ser., v. 4, pp. 217-220, 1896. 15. (and Bayley, W. S.) The Marquette iron-bearing district of Michigan, including a chapter on the Republic trough, by H. L. Smyth: U. S. Geol. Survey Mon. 28, atlas, 1897. 608 pp. In part, U. S. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt., v. 15, pp. 477-650, maps, 1895. 16. (and Bayley, W. S.) Description of the Menominee quadrangle: U. S. Geol. Survey, Geol. Atlas, Folio no. 62, Menominee, text, 1900. 13 pp. *17. Some principles controlling the deposition of ores: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 30, pp. 27-177, 1900; v. 31, pp. 284-302, 1901. 18. (and others) The iron ore deposits of the Lake Superior region: U. S. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt., v. 21, pt. III, pp. 305-434, maps, 1901. Rev., Am. Geol., v. 29, no. 1, pp. 47-51, 1902; extr., Am. Geol., v. 28, no. 6, pp. 385 -388, 1901. 19. Geological work in the Lake Superior region: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 8, pp. 62-69, 1902; abs., Min. World, v. 21, pp. 197-198, map, 1904. 20. (and others) Report of the special committee for the Lake Superior region pre-Cambrian nomenclature: Jour. Geol., v. 13, no. 2, pp. 89-104, 1905; Ontario Bur. Mines Rpt., 1905, v. 14, pt. I, pp. 269-277, 1905; Mich. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 389 Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt. 1904, pp. 133-143, 1905; Canadian Geol. Survey, Summ. Rpt. 1904 (Ann. Rpt., v. 16, 1904), pp. XX A-XXVII A, 1905: Comments, Jour. Geol., v. 13, no. 5, pp. 457-461, 1905; v. 14, no. 1, pp. 60-64, 1906. "*21. The problem of the pre-Cambrian: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 19, pp. 1-28, Mar. 30, 1908. 22. (and Leith, C. K.) Pre-Cambrian geology of North America: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 360, 1909. 939 pp. 23. (and Leith, C. K.) The geology of the Lake Superior region: U. S. Geol. Survey Mon. 52, maps, 1911. 641 pp. Abs., Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour., v. 1, pp. 157-160, 1911. Van Pelt, Herberta Lillian 1. Some ostracodes from the Bell shale, Middle Devonian of Michigan: Jour. Paleont., v. 7, no. 3, pp. 325-342, 1 pl., Sept. 1933. Vassar, Helen E.-See Palache, Charles, 3. Veatch, A. C.-See Fuller, M. L., 6. Veatch, Jethro Otto 1. Geology as a factor in soil classification: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1925), v. 5, pp. 287-296, 1926. 2. Geology in relation to pedology: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1937), v. 23, pp. 503-505, 1 pl., geol. map, 1938. 3. Pedologic evidence of changes of climate in Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1937), v. 23, pp. 385-390, 1 pl., 3 figs., 1938. 4. Soil profiles in relation to the recession and extinction of Michigan lakes: Soil Sci., v. 50, no. 2, pp. 103-110, 2 pls., 4 figs., Aug. 1940. Verhoeven, Cornelius Simon 1. Possibility of determining restricted reef conditions from the areal distribution of the widely distributed contemporaneous detrital and lagunal facies: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1948. 32 pp. Unpublished. Ver Wiebe, Walter A. 1. The stratigraphy of Alpena County, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1926), v. 7, pp. 181-192, 1 fig., map, 1927. 2. Surface geology of Menominee County, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1926), v. 7, pp. 167-179, 1 pl., 1927. 3. Geology of Roscommon County, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1926), v. 7, pp. 159-166, 1 fig., map, 1927. Paper discusses only surface geology. 4. Stratigraphy of Chippewa County, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1927), v. 8, pp. 309-331, 3 figs., incl. map, 1928. Vietzke, Werner J. 1. Uranium in upper Michigan: Mineralog., v. 18, no. 6, pp. 298, 300, 302, illus., June 1950. A popular account of the geologic history of northern Michigan as background for discoveries of radioactive minerals. U.S.G.S. Vivian, Harry 1. The Calumet and Hecla 81st level project: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 27, pp. 92-97, 1929. 2. Deep mining methods, Conglomerate mine of the Calumet and Hecla Consolidated Copper Co.: U. S. Bur. Mines Inf. Circ. 6526, 18 figs., 1931. 390 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 20 pp. Deals with an application of re-treating method of mining at great depth. U.S.B.M. Wachsmuth, Charles 1. On a new genus and species of blastoids [Heteroschisma gracile]: Davenport Acad. Sci. Proc., v. 4, pp. 76-87, illus., 1884. 2. Description of a new crinoid from the Hamilton group of Michigan [Megistocrinus concavus]: Davenport Acad. Sci. Proc., v. 4, pp. 95-97, illus., 1884. Wadsworth, Marshman Edward-See also State Board of Geological Survey, 1. 1. Notes on the geology of the iron and copper districts of Lake Superior: Harvard College Mus. Comp. Zool. v. 7, geol. ser. 1, pp. 1-157, July 1880; in part, entitled On the jasper and iron ore of the Marquette region, Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 22 (v.122), no. 131, pp. 403-408, 1881. 2. On the origin of the iron ores of the Marquette district, Lake Superior: Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. (1878-1880), v. 20, pp. 470-479, 1881; discussion, Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 22 (v.122), nos. 130-131, pp. 320-321, 402-403, 1881. 3. On the filling of amygdaloidal cavities and veins in the Keweenaw Point district of Lake Superior; a reply to Prof. James D. Dana: Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. (1880-1882), v. 21, pp. 91-103, 1883. 4. On the age of the copper-bearing rocks of Lake Superior [abs.]: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. (1880), v. 29, pp. 429-430, 1881; Eng. Min. Jour., v. 32, p. 270, 1881. 5. Keweenaw-Point geology [correspondence]: Sci., v. 1, pp. 248-249, 1883. 6. United States geologists, sandstones, and the Keweenawan series: Sci., v. 1, p. 307, 1883. 7. On the relation of the "Keweenawan series" to the eastern sandstone in the vicinity of Torch Lake, Michigan: Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. (1884 -1888), v. 23, pp. 172-180, 1885; abs., Sci., v. 3, p. 553, 1888. 8. On a supposed fossil from the copper-bearing rocks of Lake Superior: Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. (1884-1888), v. 23, pp. 208-212, 1888. 9. The Keweenawan system: Sci., v. 10, p. 166, 1887. 10. A sketch of the geology of the Marquette and Keweenawan districts, in Along the bowstring or south shore of Lake Superior, by Julian Ralph, pp. 63-82; copyrighted by C. B. Hibbard of the Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic Railway, 1890; 2d ed., pp. 75-99, 1891. 11. The relation of the eastern sandstone of Keweenaw Point to the Lower Silurian limestones: Sci., v. 18, p. 25, 1891; Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 42 (v.142), no. 248, pp. 170-171, 1891. 12. The south trap range of the Keweenawan series: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 42 (v.142), no. 251, pp. 417-419, 1891. 13. Subdivisions of the Azoic or Archean in northern Michigan: Sci., v. 20, p. 355, 1892; Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 45 (v.145), no. 265, pp. 72-73, 1893. 14. A sketch of the geology of the iron, gold, and copper districts of Michigan: State Board of Geol. Survey Rpt. 1891-1892, pp. 75-186, 1893; abs., Geol. Mag., ser. 3, v. 9, pp. 571-572, 1892. Contains: Macroscopic minerals of Michigan, by L. L. Hubbard, pp. 174-176; Microscopic characters of rocks and minerals of Michigan, by A. C. Lane, pp. 176-183; Microscopic study of some Michigan rocks, by H. B. Patton, pp. 184-186. 15. The copper deposits of Michigan: Geol. Mag., ser. 4, v. 3, pp. 20-23, 1896. 16. The origin and mode of occurrence of the Lake Superior copper deposits: A.I.M.E. Trans. (1897), v. 27, pp. 669-696, 1898. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 391 Wagner, George 1. Observations on Platygonus compressus Leconte: Jour. Geol., v. 11, no. 8, pp. 777-782, illus., 1903. Walcott, Charles D. *1. The North American continent during Cambrian time: U. S. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt., v. 12, pt. I, pp. 523-568, 1890-1891. *2. Pre-Cambrian fossiliferous formations: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 10, pp. 199-244, 7 pis., Apr. 6, 1899; notice, Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, v. 8 (v.158), no. 43, pp. 78-79, 1899. *3. Cambrian Brachiopoda: U. S. Geol. Survey Mon. 51, in 2 parts, 1912. 1235 pp. Walker, Bryant-See also Lane, A. C., 17, 37. 1. The Unione fauna of the Great Lakes [preglacial distribution]: Nautilus, v. 27, pp. 18-23, 29-34, 40-47, 56-59, illus., 1913. Walsworth, Kenneth G. 1. General information pertaining to Michigan's oil and gas industry: Lansing, Mich. Geol. Survey, Apr. 1950. 14 pp. Mimeo. Ward, Frederic L. 1. Methods and costs of mining and preparing sand and gravel at the plant of the Ward Sand & Gravel Co., Oxford, Mich.: U. S. Bur. Mines Inf. Cire. 6580, 12 figs., 1932. 16 pp. Describes a dredging operation with many unique features. U.S.B.M. Ward, Henry L. 1. Notice of an aerolite that recently fell at Allegan, Michigan: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, v. 8 (v.158), no. 48, pp. 412-414, 1899. Ward, L. F. 1. The geographical distribution of fossil plants: U. S. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt., v. 8, pp. 663-960, 1886-1887. Warren, Ebb 1. Deep drilling in Michigan: Mich. Conserv., v. 16, no. 6, July 1947. A pictorial article on rotary drilling. Warren, John Collins 1. Supernumerary tooth in Mastodon giganteus: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 19 (v.69), pp. 349-353, 1855. Jaw containing tooth was found at Terre Coupie, Michigan in 1854. Warthin, Aldred Scott, Jr.-See also Cooper, G. A., 1, 2, 3. 1. Traverse-Hamilton ostracode correlations [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 44, p. 197, Feb. 28, 1933. 2. Common Ostracoda of the Traverse group: Mich. Univ. Mus. Paleont. Contr., v. 4, no. 12, pp. 205-226, 1 p.,-Jan. 15, 1934. 3. (and Cooper, G. A.) Devonian studies in southwestern Ontario and Michigan: Smithsonian Inst. Explor. and Field Work 1934, Pub. 3300, pp. 13-16, 2 pls., 1935; abs., entitled Hamilton correlations in Ontario and Michigan, Geol. Soc. Am. Proc. (1934), pp. 362-363, June 1935. 4. (and Cooper, G. A.) New formation names in the Michigan Devonian: Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour., v. 25, no. 12, pp. 524-526, Dec. 15, 1935. 5. The bearing of the Detroit River series on Devonian correlations: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1938), v. 24, pp. 75-78, 1939. 6. (and Cooper, G. A.) Traverse rocks of Thunder Bay region, Michigan: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 27, no. 5, pp. 571-595, 8 figs., inel. index maps, May 1943. 392 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Washington, Henry Stephens *1. Chemical analyses of igneous rocks published from 1884 to 1900, with a critical discussion of the character and use of analyses: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 14, 1903. 495 pp. From 1884 to 1913, inclusive, Prof. Paper 99, 1917. 1201 pp. Wasson, Theron 1. Oil and gas development in Michigan during 1944: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 160, pp. 398-406, 1945; during 1943, v. 155, pp. 386-396, 1944; during 1942, v. 151, pp. 393-399, 1943; during 1941, v. 146, pp. 348-354, 1942; during 1940, v. 142, pp. 347-351, 1941; during 1939, v. 136, pp. 332-336, 1940; during 1938, v. 132, pp. 352-357, 1939; during 1937, v. 127, pp. 438-443, 1938; during 1936, v. 123, pp. 397-403, 1937; during 1935, v. 118, pp. 298-304, 1936; during 1934, v. 114, pp. 332-336, 1935; during 1933, v. 107, pp. 253-258, 1934; during 1932, v. 103, pp. 285-290, 1933. Water Resources Commission 1. Report on the water resources of the Clinton River basin: Lansing, Water Resources Comm., 1953. 47 pp. Watson, Thomas L. 1. Native copper deposits of the South Atlantic States compared with those of Michigan: Econ. Geol., v. 18, no. 8, pp. 732-752, 1 fig., 1923. Weed, Walter Harvey-See also Emmons, S. F., 3. 1. The copper mines of the United States in 1905: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 285, pp. 93-124, 1906. 2. The copper handbook; a manual of the copper mining industry of the world, v. 11, 1912-1913, Houghton, Michigan, 1914. 1413 pp. 3. The mines handbook, an enlargement of the copper handbook; a manual of the mining industry of North America, v. 13, New York, 1918. 1896 pp. V. 12, New York, 1916. 1699 pp. Weinberg, Edgar Leon 1. Deep water sediments of western Lake Huron: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Ill., Urbana, 1948. 20 pp. Unpublished. Weiss, Martin-See also Kesling, R. V., 9. 1. Ostracod fauna of the Norway Point formation of Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Jan. 1951. Published in part; see Kesling, R. V., 9. Wellman, Dean C. 1. Insoluble residues of Dundee and Detroit River (Upper Monroe) formations of central Michigan: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 21, no. 3, pp. 317-332, 2 pis., 3 figs., incl. index map, Mar. 1937; abs., World Petrol., v. 8, no. 5, p. 60, May 1937. Wells, Roger C. 1. Chemical suggestions concerning the origin of the Lake Superior copper ores [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 34, p. 100, 1923. 2. Chemistry of deposition of native copper from ascending solutions: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 778, 1925. 71 pp. Wender, Carl 1. Speeding the search for oil: Mich. Conserv., v. 12, no. 1, Jan. 1943. 2. Those "Lake Bottom" leases: Mich. Conserv., v. 15, no. 3, Mar.-Apr. 1946. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 393 Wesley, Richard H. 1. Geophysical exploration in Michigan: Econ. Geol., v. 47, no. 1, pp. 57-63, 3 figs., Jan.-Feb. 1952. West, G. A. 1. Copper, its mining and use by the aborigines of the Lake Superior region; report of the McDonald-Massee Isle Expedition, 1928: Milwaukee Public Mus. Bull., v. 10, no. 1, May 29, 1929. 182 pp. West, Gladys F. 1. A postglacial fossil florula near Forester, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1946), v. 32, pp. 151-186, 1 fig., 16 pls., 1948. Wheeler, H. A. 1. Temperature observations at the Lake Superior copper mines: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 32 (v.132), no. 188, pp. 125-129, 1886. White, A. E.-See Allen, R. C., 3. White, C. A.-See Orton, Edward, 1. White, E. E. 1. Analysis of slate and dike [Marquette range, Michigan]: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 101, pp. 433-434, 1916. White, Peter 1. The iron region of Lake Superior: Mich. Pioneer Coll., v. 8, pp. 145-161, 1886. 2. A brief attempt at the history of the mining industry of northern Michigan: Mich. Polit. Sci. Assoc. Pub., v. 3, Ann Arbor, 1900 [?]. White, Theodore Elmer-See Case, E. C., 5; Ehlers, G. M., 13. White, Walter S.-See also Cornwall, H. R., 1, 7. 1. Imbrication and initial dip in a Keweenawan conglomerate bed: Jour. Sed. Petr., v. 22, no. 4, pp. 189-199, 6 figs., Dec. 1952. 2. (and Cornwall, H. R.; Swanson, R. W.) Bedrock geology of the Ahmeek quadrangle, Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey, Geol. Quad. maps, GQ 27, with text, 1953. 3. (and Wright, J. C.) Stratigraphic sections in the vicinity of the White Pine copper mine, Ontonagon County, Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey, Prelim. Rpt., 19 maps and sections, June 1, 1953. Open file report, Mich. Geol. Survey, Lansing. 4. Copper shales of Germany and Michigan [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 64, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1491, Dec. 1953. 5. (and Wright, J. C.) The White Pine copper deposit, Ontonagon County, Michigan: Econ. Geol., v. 49, no. 7, pp. 675-716, 11 figs., Nov. 1954. Whiting, Henry 1. Remarks on the supposed tides, and periodical rise and fall of the North American lakes: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 20, no. 2, pp. 205-219, 1831. Whitney, Josiah Dwight-See also Desor, Edward, 3; Foster, J. W., 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 1. Description and analysis of three minerals from Lake Superior: Boston Jour. Nat. Hist., v. 5, pp. 486-489, 1847; Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 6 (v.56), no. 17, pp. 269-270, 1848. 394 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 2. [Report of work in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan]: U. S. General Land Office Rpt., 1847 (U. S. 30th Cong., 1st Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 2), pp. 221-230, 1847. 3. [On jacksonite, a new mineral from the Lake Superior region]: Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. (1848-1851), v. 3, pp. 5-6, 1851. 4. Black oxyd of copper of Lake Superior: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 8 (v.58), no. 23, pp. 273-274, 1849. 5. [Report of field work in the Lake Superior land district]: U. S. 30th Cong., 2d Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 2, pp. 154-159, 1849. 6. Notes on the topography, soil, geology, etc. of the district between Portage Lake and the Ontonagon [Lake Superior region]: U. S. 31st Cong., 1st Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 1, pt. III, and House Ex. Doc. 5, pt. III, pp. 649-701, 1849. 7. Field notes for 1847 [in the Lake Superior region]: U. S. 31st Cong., 1st Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 1, pt. III, and House Ex. Doc. 5, pt. III, pp. 713-758, 1849. 8. [On a black oxide of copper from Copper Harbor, Lake Superior]: Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. (1848-1851), v. 3, pp. 100-103, 1851. 9. (and Foster, J. W.) Mineral reports [Lake Superior land district]: U. S. 31st Cong., 2d Sess., House Ex. Doc. 9, (Land Office Rpt., 1850), pp. 147-152, 1850. 10. [On the mineral lands of the Lake Superior region]: Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. (1848-1851), v. 3, pp. 210-212, 1851. 11. (and Foster, J. W.) Sur les terrains siluriens du district m6tallifhre du lac Sup6rieur [On the Silurian rocks of the metalliferous district of Lake Superior]: Socidt6 geologique de France Bull., ser. 2, v. 8, pp. 89-100, 1851. 12. (and Foster, J. W.) Geological map of the district between Keweenaw Bay and Chocolate River, Lake Superior, Michigan, scale 3 miles to the inch, New York, [1851]. 13. Catalogue of the rocks, minerals, etc., collected on the district between Portage and Montreal River, during the years 1847 and 1848: Smithsonian Inst. Ann. Rpt. (1854), v. 9, pp. 387-392, 1855. 14. Remarks on some points connected with the geology of the north shore of Lake Superior [abs.]: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. (1855), v. 9, pp. 204-209, 1856. 15. On the occurrence of the ores of iron in the Azoic system: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. (1855), v. 9, pp. 209-216, 1856. 16. Remarks on the Huronian and Laurentian systems of the Canada Geological Survey: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 23 (v.73), no. 69, pp. 305 -314, 1857. 17. Notice of new localities and interesting varieties of minerals in the Lake Superior region: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 28 (v.78), no. 82, pp. 8-20, 1859; Min. Mag., ser. 2, v. 1, pp. 32-47, 1859. This is supplementary to the chapter on the same subject in part II of the Foster and Whitney report. See Foster, J. W., 8. 18. Note on the geological position of the Lake Superior sandstone: Min. Mag., ser. 2, v. 1, pp. 435-446, 1860. 19. (and Foster, J. W.) On the origin and stratigraphical relations of the trappean rocks of Lake Superior [abs.]: Annual of Scientific Discovery for 1861, p. 285, 1861. Whittemore, Charles A. 1. The sub-carboniferous limestone exposure at Grand Rapids, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rpt., v. 1, pp. 62-65, 1900. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 395 Whittlesey, Charles 1. Copper regions of Lake Superior, 1846. 64 pp. 2. On the "superficial deposits" of the northwestern part of the United States: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc., v. 5, pp. 54-57, 1851. 3. Drift etchings, Lake Superior: Annals of Science, v. 2, pp. 57-59, Cleveland, 1854. 4. Fluctuations of level in the North American lakes: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. (1857), v. 11, pp. 154-160, 1858. 5. On the ancient mining operations of Lake Superior [abs.]: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. (1857), v. 11, pt. II, pp. 42-44, 1858. 6. On the origin of the Azoic rocks of Michigan and Wisconsin: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. (1859), v. 13, pp. 301-308, 1860. 7. Ancient mining on the shores of Lake Superior: Smithsonian Contr. to Knowledge, v. 13, art. 4 (155), map, 1863. 29 pp. 8. On the cause of the transient fluctuations of level in Lake Superior: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. (1873), v. 22, sec. B, pp. 42-46, 1874. 9. Physical geology of Lake Superior: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. (1875), v. 24, sec. B, pp. 60-72, 1876. 10. Iron River silver district, south shore of Lake Superior: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 23, pp. 254, 278-279, 1877. 11. Preglacial channel of Eagle River, Keweenaw Point, Lake Superior: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 29 (v.129), no. 173, pp. 392-397, 1885; abs., entitled Preglacial channel of Eagle River, Michigan, Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. (1882), v. 31, p. 352, 1883. Wichman, Arthur 1. A microscopical study of some Huronian clay slates: Geol. Soc. London, Quart. Jour., v. 35, pp. 156-164, 1879. 2. Microscopical observations of the iron-bearing (Huronian) rocks from the region south of Lake Superior, in Geology of Wisconsin: Wis. Geol. Survey, v. 3, pp. 600-656, 1880. Wienert, F. 1. Formation of martite and other iron oxides in sideritic ore of the Marquette district, Michigan: Econ. Geol., v. 28, no. 1, pp. 68-74, 4 figs., Jan.-Feb. 1933. Wier, Kenneth L.-See also Balsley, J. R., Jr., 1; James, H. L., 2. 1. (and Kennedy, B. E.) Geologic and magnetic data of the Sholdeis-Doane and Red Rock explorations, Iron County, Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey, in cooperation with Mich. Geol. Survey, 5 pls., maps, no date. 19 pp. Open file report, Mich. Geol. Survey, Lansing. 2. Comparisons on some aeromagnetic profiles with ground magnetic profiles: Am. Geophys. Union Trans., v. 31, no. 2, pp. 191-195, illus., Apr. 1950. Discusses magnetic surveys and geologic conditions in the Iron River district, Michigan. U.S.G.S. 3. (and Balsley, J. R., Jr.; Pratt, W. P.) Aeromagnetic survey of part of Dickinson County, Michigan, with preliminary geologic interpretation: U. S. Geol. Survey, Geophys. Prosp., Map GP 115, 1953. Prepared in cooperation with Mich. Geol. Survey. Text on map. Wight, Harry R. 1. Michigan's retiring state geologist [A. C. Lane]: Mich. Miner, v. 11, no. 9, pp. 9-10, Aug. 1909. 396 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Williams, Charles P. 1. (and Blandy, J. F.) Some contributions to a knowledge of the constitution of the copper range of Lake Superior: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 34 (v.84), no. 100, pp. 112-120, 1862. 2. (and Stevens, W. H.; Hill, S. W.) Geological map of the trap range of Keweenaw Point, Lake Superior, Philadelphia, 1863. Williams, G. S.-See Leverett, Frank, 7. Williams, George Huntington 1. Some examples of the dynamic metamorphism of the ancient eruptive rocks on the south shore of Lake Superior [abs.]: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. (1887), v. 36, pp. 225-226, 1888. 2. The greenstone schist areas of the Menominee and Marquette regions of Michigan; a contribution to the subject of dynamic metamorphism in eruptive rocks with an introduction by R. D. Irving: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 62, maps, 1890. 241 pp. Abs., Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 42 (v.142), no. 249, pp. 259-260, 1891. Williams, Gordon R. 1. (and others) Natural water loss in selected drainage basins: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 846, 1940. 62 pp. 2. (and Crawford, L. C.) Maximum discharges at stream-measurement stations through Dec. 31, 1937, with a supplement including additions and changes through Sept. 30, 1938 by W. S. Eisenlohr: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 847, 1942. 226 pp. Williams, Henry Shaler 1. Correlation papers-Devonian and Carboniferous: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 80, 1891. 279 pp. Contains reference to Michigan coal formations (p. 41), Houghton's succession of strata (p. 175) and Alexander Winchell on rocks of Michigan (pp. 177-178). 2. The correlation of geological faunas, a contribution to Devonian paleontology: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 210, 1903. 147 pp. Williams, M. Y. 1. The Silurian geology and faunas of Ontario Peninsula, and Manitoulin and adjacent islands: Canada Dept. Mines, Geol. Survey Mem. 111, geol. ser. no. 91, 1919; abs., Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, v. 49 (v.199), no. 289, p. 83, 1920. Williams, P. S. 1. Underground methods of mining used on the Gogebic range [with discussion]: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 15, pp. 179-194, 1910. Willis, Bailey 1. Memoir of Israel C. Russell: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 18, pp. 582-592, portrait, 1908. 2. Index to the stratigraphy of North America; accompanied by a geologic map of North America, compiled by the U. S. Geol. Survey in cooperation with the Geol. Survey of Canada and the Institute Geologico de Mexico, under the supervision of Bailey Willis and G. W. Stose: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 71, 1912. 894 pp. 3. Memorial of Raphael Pumpelly: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 36, pp. 45-84, portrait, 1925. Willmott, A. B. 1. The nomenclature of the Lake Superior formations: Jour. Geol., v. 10, no. 1, pp. 67-76, 1902. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 397 Wilson, H. M. 1. (and others) Triangulation and spirit leveling: U. S. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt., v. 20, pt. I, pp. 211-530, 1898-99. 2. (and others) Triangulation, primary traverse, and spirit leveling: U. S. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt., v. 21, pt. I, pp. 205-582, 1899-1900. 3. (and others) Results of primary triangulation and primary traverse, fiscal year 1901-02: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 201, 1902. 164 pp. Wilson, Ira Templin-See also Potzger, J. E., 2. 1. (and Potzger, J. E.) Pollen study of sediments from Douglas Lake, Cheboygan County and Middle Fish Lake, Montmorency County, Michigan: Ind. Acad. Sci. Proc., v. 52, pp. 87-92, 1 fig., 1943. 2. Some post-glacial time determinations from laminations in sediment [abs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 55, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1486, 1944. 3. A study of the sediment in Douglas Lake, Cheboygan County, Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1944), v. 30, pp. 391-419, 5 figs., incl. index maps, 1945. Wilson, James Gracie 1. Geophysical investigations of Perkins area, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Phys., Mich. College Min. Tech., Houghton, 1952. 20 pp. Unpublished. Wilson, James Tinley-See Landes, K. K., 2; Zumberge, J. H., 1, 2. Winchell, Alexander-See also Anonymous, 8; Williams, H. S., 1. 1. First biennial report of the progress of the geological survey of Michigan embracing observations on the geology, zoology, and botany of the Lower Peninsula (1860), Lansing, 1861. 344 pp. 2. Salt manufacture of the Saginaw Valley, Michigan: Merchants Mag., Sept. 1862. 3. Notice of the rocks lying between the Carboniferous limestone of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan and the limestones of the Hamilton group; with descriptions of some cephalopods supposed to be new to science: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 33 (v.83), no. 99, pp. 352-366, 1862. 4. On the saliferous rocks and salt springs of Michigan: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 34 (v.84), no. 102, pp. 307-311, 1862. 5. Descriptions of fossils from the Marshall and Huron groups of Michigan: Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Proc., pp. 405-430, 1862. 6. Notice of a small collection of fossils from the Potsdam sandstone of Wisconsin and the Lake Superior sandstone of Michigan: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 37 (v.87), no. 110, pp. 226-232, 1864. 7. Notice of the remains of a mastodon recently discovered in Michigan: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 38 (v.88), no. 113, pp. 223-224, 1864. 8. On the oil formation in Michigan and elsewhere: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 39 (v.89), no. 117, pp. 350-353, 1865. 9. Some indications of a northward transportation of drift materials in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, v. 40 (v.90), no. 120, pp. 331-338, 1865. 10. Descriptions of new species of fossils from the Marshall group, and its supposed equivalent, in other states...: Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Proc., pp. 109-133, 1865. 11. The soils and subsoils of Michigan..., Lansing, 1865. 30 pp. 12. The Grand Traverse region; a report on the geological and industrial resources of the counties of Antrim, Grand Traverse, Benzie, and Leelanau in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, map, Ann Arbor, 1866. 97 pp. 398 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 13. Map of the State of Michigan colored to show the geological formations: 15 by 18 inches, not printed, no date, [1864?]: Notice, Neues Jahrbuch fiur Mineralogie, Geologie, und Paliiontologie, pp. 99-101, 1868.* 14. Outline of a proposed final report of a survey of the State of Michigan..., Ann Arbor, 1869. 8 pp. 15. On the geological age and equivalents of the Marshall group: Am. Philos. Soc. Proc., v. 11, no. 81, pp. 57-82, 1869; pp. 385-418, 1870; abs., Am. Nat., v. 2, p. 445, 1868. 16. Notes on some post-Tertiary phenomena in Michigan [abs.]: Am. Nat., v. 4, pp. 504-505, 1870. 17. Notices and descriptions of fossils from the Marshall group of the western states: Am. Philos. Soc. Proc., v. 11, pp. 245-260, 1871. 18. Report on the progress of the state geological survey of Michigan.., Lansing, 1871. 64 pp. 19. Geology of Berrien Co., in Berrien County directory and history, E. B. Cowles, pp. 21-26, Buchanan, Michigan, 1871. 20. Atlas of the State of Michigan; including statistics and descriptions of its topography, hydrogeography, climate, natural and civil history, railways, educational institutions, material resources, etc.: Detroit, R. M. and S. T. Tackabury, Publishers, 1873. 21. The diagonal system in the physical features of Michigan: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 6 (v.106), no. 31, pp. 36-40, 1873. 22. Michigan; being condensed popular sketches of the topography, climate, and geology of the state (extr., Walling's Atlas of Michigan), maps, Claremont, New Hampshire 1873. 121 pp. Abs., Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 10 (v.110), no. 55, p. 60, 1875. 23. Syllabus of a course of lectures on geology to be delivered in the Syracuse University during the winter term of 1874-1875, Syracuse, N. Y., 1875. 32 pp. 24. Supposed agency of ice floes in the Champlain period: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 11 (v.111), no. 63, pp. 225-228, 1876; Sci. Monthly, v. 1, pp. 14 -17, 1875. 25. Rectification of the geological map of Michigan: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. (1875), v. 24, pp. 27-43, 1876. 26. Geology of Washtenaw County, Michigan, in History of Washtenaw County, pp. 141-172, Chicago, 1881. 27. On the geology of Ann Arbor, Michigan [abs.]: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 30 (v.130), no. 178, p. 315, 1885. 28. Charles Whittlesey: Am. Geol., v. 4, no. 5, pp. 257-268, portrait, 1889. 29. Douglass Houghton: Am. Geol., v. 4, no. 3, pp. 129-139, portrait, 1889. 30. [Foliation and sedimentation in the Lake Superior region]: Am. Geol., v. 3, pp. 193-195, 1889. A reply to an article, Foliation and Sedimentation, by A. C. Lawson, Am. Geol., v. 3, no. 31, pp. 169-178, 1889. 31. Field studies in the Archean rocks of Minnesota, with accessory observations in Ontario, Michigan, and Wisconsin: Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1889. 504 pp. (reprint of reports in Minn. Geol. Survey, 1886 and 1887). 32. A last word with the Huronian: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 2, pp. 85-124, 1891. Winchell, Alexander Newton 1. Review of nomenclature of Keweenawan igneous rocks: Jour. Geol., v. 16, no. 8, pp. 765-774, 1908. Changes in nomenclature necessary as petro*This map was published in Walling's (Tackabury's) Atlas in 1873. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 399 graphic methods of study develop. Article contains chemical analyses ' of rocks. U.S.G.S. Mon. 52, pp. 395-407, 1911. 2. (and others) Handbook of mining in the Lake Superior region prepared for the Lake Superior Mtg., A.I.M.E., Aug. 1920, illus., incl. maps., Minneapolis, 1920. 260 pp. 3. Isotropic quartz: Am. Mineralog., v. 9, no. 12, pp. 235-237, 2 figs., Dec. 1924. Rock sample from Bates iron mine, Iron River, Michigan. Winchell, Horace Vaughan 1. A bit of iron range history: Am. Geol., v. 13, no. 3, pp. 164-170, 1894. 2. Partial bibliography of the history of mining on Lake Superior: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 2, pp. 71-78, 1894. 3. Historical sketch of the discovery of mineral deposits in the Lake Superior region: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 2, pp. 33-70, 1894; Minn. Geol. Survey Ann. Rpt., v. 23, pp. 116-155, 1895. 4. The Lake Superior iron-ore region, U.S.A.: Fed. Inst. Min. Eng. Trans., v. 13, pp. 493-562, map, 1898. Winchell, Newton Horace 1. The glacial features of Green Bay of Lake Michigan, with some observations on a probable former outlet of Lake Superior: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 2 (v.102), no. 7, pp. 15-19, 1871. 2. The economical geology of the region of Cheboygan and Old Mackinac in the counties of Presque Isle, Cheboygan, and Emmet, State of Michigan: Mich. State Board Agr. Ann. Rpt., 1873, pp. 103-107, 1875. 3. On the parallelism of Devonian outcrops in Michigan and Ohio: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. (1875), v. 24, sec. B, pp. 57-59, 1876. 4. The crystalline rocks of the Northwest: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. (1884), v. 33, pp. 363-379, 1885. 5. The granite and quartzite contact at the Aurora mine, Gogebic iron range, at Ironwood, Michigan [abs.]: Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. (1887), v. 36, p. 211, 1888. 6. Methods of stratigraphy in studying the Huronian: Am. Geol., v. 4, no. 6, pp. 342-357, 1889. 7. Memorial sketch of Alexander Winchell: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 3, pp. 3-13, 1892. 8. Frondescent hematite: Am. Geol., v. 11, no. 1, pp. 20-21, 2 pls., 1893. Specimen discussed came from Vulcan mine, Michigan. "*9. The synchronism of the Lake Superior region with other portions of the North American Continent: Am. Geol., v. 16, no. 4, pp. 205-213, 1895. "*10. The Keweenawan according to the Wisconsin geologists: Am. Geol., v. 16, no. 2, pp. 75-86, 1895. "*11. A rational view of the Keweenawan: Am. Geol., v. 16, no. 3, pp. 150-162, 1895. 12. Steps of progressive research in the geology of the Lake Superior region prior to the late Wisconsin survey: Am. Geol., v. 16, no. 1, pp. 12-20, 1895. 13. The latest eruptives of the Lake Superior region: Am. Geol., v. 16, no. 5, pp. 269-274, 1895. 14. Comparative taxonomy of the rocks of the Lake Superior region: Am. Geol., v. 16, no. 6, pp. 331-337, 1895. 15. Thomsonite and lintonite from the north shore of Lake Superior: Am. Geol., v. 22, no. 6, pp. 347-349, 1898. 400 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY 16. Chlorastrolite and zonochlorite from Isle Royale: Am. Geol., v. 23, no. 2, pp. 116-118, 1899. 17. The optical characters of jacksonite: Am. Geol., v. 23, no. 4, pp. 250 -251, 1899. 18. Adularia and other secondary minerals of the copper-bearing rocks: Am. Geol., v. 23, no. 5, pp. 317-318, 1899. 19. Progress of opinion as to the origin of the Lake Superior iron ores: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 23, pp. 317-328, 1912. Winslow, Donald C. 1. Laboratory study of lake ice: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Sept. 29, 1952. 36 pp. Unpublished. Winslow, Mabel E.-See Stratton, H. J., 1. Wisler, C. 0. 1. (and Stramel, G. J.; Laird, L. B.) Water resources of the Detroit area, Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey Circ. 183, 4 pls., 30 figs., 9 tables, 1952. 36 pp. Wolcott, Richard Hastings 1. Coldwater field, Isabella County, Michigan [abs.]: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 32, no. 2, p. 306, Feb. 1948. 2. Developments in Michigan in 1949: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 34, no. 6, pp. 1090-1096, 1 fig., June 1950. Wolff, J. F. 1. Estimating on the Gogebic range: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 72, pp. 653-656, 1925. 2. Ore estimation on the Menominee range, including Iron River, Crystal Falls, and Florence districts: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 72, pp. 659-660, 1925. Wood, Alvinus Brown 1. The ancient copper-mines of Lake Superior: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 37, pp. 288-296, 1907. Wood, B. D. 1. Gaging stations maintained by the United States Geological Survey, 1888-1910, and Survey publications relating to water resources: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 280, 1912. 102 pp. Contains records on Great Lakes' drainage basins. 2. Stream gaging stations and publications relating to water resources: U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 340, 1916. 195 pp. Pt. IV concerns the St. Lawrence River basin, pp. 43-52 (Water-Supply Paper 340-D.). Wood, Elvira 1. On new and old Middle Devonic crinoids: Smithsonian Misc. Coll. (1904), v. 47, no. 1471, pp. 56-84, 2 pls., 1905. Woods, Thomas S. 1. The porphyry intrusions of the Michigan copper district: Eng. Min. Jour., v. 107, pp. 299-302, 3 figs., Feb. 15, 1919. Woodworth, J. B. *1. Charles Thomas Jackson: Am. Geol., v. 20, no. 2, pp. 69-110, portrait, 1897. REFERENCES, AUTHOR INDEX 401 Wooldridge, C. W. 1. Recent geological changes in western Michigan: Pop. Sci. Monthly, v. 24, pp. 826-830, 1884. 2. The post-glacial geology of Ann Arbor, Michigan: Am. Geol., v. 2, no. 1, pp. 35-39, 1888; correspondence, p. 62, 1888. 3. The river-lake system of western Michigan: Am. Geol., v. 1, no. 3, pp. 143-146, 1888. Wooster, L. C. 1. Kames near Lansing, Michigan: Sci., v. 3, p. 4, 1884. 2. An esker at Mason, Michigan: Kan. Acad. Sci. Trans. (1909-10), v. 23-24, pp. 91-94, 2 pls., 1911. Wooten, Maria Jane 1. The Coldwater formation in the area of the type locality: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol., Wayne Univ., Detroit, Apr. 1951. Unpublished. Wortley, R. B. 1. Method of sub-level stoping at the Carpenter mine, Crystal Falls, Michigan: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 26, pp. 48-53, 1928. "Wright, Charles E.-See also Lane, A. C., 3; State Board of Geological Survey, 1; Swineford, A. P., 5. 1. First annual report of the commissioner of mineral statistics of the State of Michigan for 1877-78 and previous years, Marquette, 1879. 229 pp. 2. Annual report of the commissioner of mineral statistics of the State of Michigan for 1882, Lansing, 1883. Also reports for 1880 and 1881. Wright, Fred Eugene-See Lane, A. C., 35, 50. Wright, G. Frederick 1. Explanation of the abandoned beaches about the south end of Lake Michigan: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 29, pp. 235-244, 3 figs., June 1918. Wright, James C.-See also Cornwall, H. R., 8; White, W. S., 3, 5. 1. A magnetic anomaly near Bear Lake, Houghton County, Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey, 2 figs., [ca 1951]. 7 pp. Mimeo. Open file report, Mich. Geol. Survey, Lansing. 2. (and Cornwall, H. R.) Bedrock geology of the Bruneau Creek quadrangle, Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey, Geol. Quad. maps, GQ 35, with text, 1954. Wright, James North 1. The development of the copper industry of northern Michigan: Mich. Polit. Sci. Assoc. Pub., v. 3, no. 5, Ann Arbor, 1899. Wuckert, Arthur Emil 1. Bioseries of the ostracode Ponderodictya, in the Traverse group of Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. and Geog., Mich. State College, East Lansing, 1950. 38 pp. Unpublished. Wulfman, Carl E. 1. Anthraconite near Norwood, Michigan: Rocks and Minerals, v. 20, no. 10, p. 483, Oct. 1945. Wyble, D. O.-See also Bacon, L. 0., 1. 1. A study of the regional gravity of southwestern end of the Iron River district, Iron River, Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, 402 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Dept. of Phys., Mich. College Min. Tech., Houghton, 1950. 30 pp. Unpublished. Young, Dan S.-See Dickey, R. M., 4. Young, Olin H. 1. The tariff on iron ore: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 14, pp. 179 -193, 1909. Zapffe, Carl-See also Hotchkiss, W. 0., 7. 1. Reserves of Lake Superior manganiferous iron ores [with discussion]: A.I.M.E. Trans., v. 75, pp. 346-371, 1927; Min. and Met., May 1927. 2. Discovery and early development of the iron ranges, in Lake Superior iron ores, pp. 13-26: Cleveland, Lake Superior Iron Ore Assoc., 1938. Zavoico, Basil B. 1. Geology and economic significance of central Michigan fields: World Petrol., v. 6, no. 5, pp. 309-324, 16 figs., incl. geol. map, May 1935. Zinn, Justin 1. Petrography of the Keweenawan lava flows of Michigan: Thesis for Degree of Master of Science, Dept. of Geol. Eng., Mich. College Min. Tech., Houghton, 1930. 26 pp. Unpublished. 2. Report on the portion of the Marquette range between Humboldt and Lake Michigamme covered by the Michigan Geological Survey in 1930: [Mich. Geol. Survey], blueprint map, 1931. 18 pp. Mimeo. 3. Correlation of the Upper Huronian of the Marquette and Crystal Falls districts: Mich. Acad. Sci. Papers (1932), v. 18, pp. 437-456, 1 fig., correlation chart, 1933. 4. The Adventure mining property, 1942. Open file report, Mich. Geol. Survey, Lansing. 5. Graphite deposits of the Taylor mine area, [Baraga County], 1942 [?]. Open file report, Mich. Geol. Survey, Lansing. Zinn, R. P. 1. Sub-level mining practice at the Newport mine: Lake Superior Min. Inst. Proc., v. 25, pp. 149-153, illus., 1926. Zinner, Paul 1. (and Holmberg, C. L.; Terry, O. W.) Investigation of the iron-bearing formation of Iron County, Michigan, utilizing geophysical and other methods: U. S. Bur. Mines Rpt. Inv. 4583, illus., Nov. 1949. 40 pp. Zirbel, N. N. 1. Michigan weathering: Geophys., v. 5, no. 4, pp. 382-384, 2 figs., Oct. 1940; abs., Oil and Gas Jour., v. 38, no. 48, p. 72, Apr. 11, 1940. Zodac, Peter 1. Trip to Detroit: Rocks and Minerals, v. 22, no. 11, pp. 1011-1017, 1947. Zuidema, Henry P. 1. Michigan minerals: Earth Sci. Digest, v. 1, no. 7, pp. 3-6, 12-14, 2 figs., Feb. 1947. Zumberge, James H. 1. (and Wilson, J. T.) Ice-push studies on Wamplers Lake, Michigan tabs.]: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 63, no. 12, pt. II, p. 1318, Dec. 1952. 2. (and Wilson, J. T.) Quantitative studies on thermal expansion and contraction of lake ice: Jour. Geol., v. 61, no. 4, pp. 374-383, 4 figs., 2 pls., July 1953. 3. Pollen Profiles, Radio-carbon dating and Geologic Chronology of Lake Michigan Basin: Sci., v. 121, no. 3139, pp. 374-383, Feb. 25, 1955. SUBJECT INDEX Acidihing-: Chamberlain, L. C., Jr., 1; Love, W. W., 1(N). Aerolites: See Meteorites Aeromagnetic Surveys: See Explorations and Surveys Alcona County: Lane, A. C., 27. Alger County Geology of: Land Econ. Survey, 2. Cambrian- Oz arki an contact: Bergquist, S. G., 10. Grand Sable dunes: Bergquist, S. G., 8. Hermansville, glauconite in: Bergquist, S. G., 2. Water power of: Land Econ. Survey, 1. Allegan County: Douglass, C. C., 2. Geology of: Newcombe, R. J. B., 13; Riggs, C. H., 2. Isopachous and structural study, Allegan area: Rowe, UA E., 1(th). Meteorites from: Merrill, G. P., 1, 2; Tassin, W., 1; Ward, H. L., 1. Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Alpena County: Lane, A. C., 27. Geology of:. Grabau, A. W., 1; Land Econ. Survey, 2; Poindexter, 0. F., 2. Microfossils in deep well: Din, M., 1(th). Stratigraphy: Ver Wiebe, W. A., 1. Water power of:. Land Econ. Survey, 1. Antrim County Geology of:- Land Econ. Survey, 2. Devonian stratigraphy and faunas, well cores: Burgess, C. W., I (th). Resources of: Winchell, A., 12. Water power of: Land Econ. Survey, 1. Arenac. County: Lane, A. C., 27. Deep River oil field: Landes, K. K., 7. Geology of: Gregory, W. M., 1.; Pringle, G. H., 1. Devonian paleontology and stratigraphy, well cores: Hamberg, L. R., 1 (th). Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Baraga County Aeromagnetic survey: Balsley, J. R., Jr., 1. Geology of Alston district: Roberts, E., 1(th). Huronian: Barrett, L. P., 2(a); Chynoweth, C. E., 1(th); Elkington, R. B.,1 (th). Huron River and Huron Mountain area: Orajaka, S. 0., 1(th). -Lake- Michiganne- area: Seaman, W. A., 3.. Spruce and Peshekee river areas.: Seaman, W. A., 2. Radioactivity survey in: Stead, F. W., 1. Strategic minerals:, Snelgrove, A. K., 2. Barry County Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Bay County Atlas of: Anonymous, 9. Coal of: Cooper, W. F., 1. Geology of: Lane, A. C., 87. Devonian paleontology and stratigraphy, well cores: Hamberg, L. R., 1(th). Microfossils in deep well:- Din, M., 1(th). Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. 404 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Benzie County Dunes, Herring Lake: Scott, I. D., 7. Platte and Crystal lake depressions: Calver, J. L., 2. Resources of: Winchell, A., 12. Berrien County: Hubbard, B., 4. Geology of: Winchell, A., 19. Post-glacial, Grand Marais embayment: Tague, G. C., 2. Ground water resources, Benton Harbor area: Stuart, W. T., 2. Oil and gas map: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Bibliography Beach erosion: Univ. of Mich., 1. Ground water: Fuller, M. L., 1, 4; Meinzer, 0. E., 1. History of mining: Winchell, H. V., 2. Michigan: Stewart, D., Jr., 2; Streeter, F. B., 1; U. S. Geol. Su Michigan Pioneer and Hist. Coll., 1. North American geology: U. S. Geol. Survey, 1. Ordovician and Silurian fossils: Bassler, R. S., 1(*). Publications, Mich. Geol. Survey: Mich. Geol. Survey, 3, 17. Publications, U. S. Bur. Mines: Stratton, H. J., 1. Writings, Alexander Winchell: Anonymous, 8. Biography Allen, Rolland Craten: Hotchkiss, W. 0., 8. Cook, Charles Wilford: Hobbs, W. H., 6. Davis, Charles A.: Lane, A. C., 60. Houghton, Douglass: Anonymous, 2; Bradish, A., 1; Lawton, Martin, H. M., 16; Russell, I. C., 3; Winchell, A., 29. Hubbard, Bela: Russell, I. C., 4. Hubbard, Lucius Lee: Lane, A. C., 13. Irving, Roland Duer: Chamberlin, T. C., 3. Jackson, Charles Thomas: Woodworth, J. B., 1(*). Lane, Alfred Church: Fitzgerald, P. E., 2; Larsen, E. S., Jr., I H. R., 1. Leverett, Frank: Bergquist, S. G., 18. Poindexter, 0. F.: Anonymous, 15; Martin, H. M., 17. Pumpelly, Raphael: Anonymous, 14; Keyes, C. R., 2; Willis, B., 3. Ries, Heinrich: Anderson, A. L., 1(*). Rominger, Carl Ludwig: Merrill, G. P., 3. Russell, Israel C.: Willis, B., 1. Seaman, Arthur Edward: Lane, A. C., 71. Smith, R. A.: Martin, H. M., 20. Smyth, Henry Lloyd: Graton, L. C., 1; Royce, S., 6. Van Hise, Charles Richard: Leith, C. K., 12. Wadsworth, Marshman E.: Lane, A. C., 65. Whittlesey, Charles: Winchell, A., 28. Winchell, Alexander: Anonymous, 7; Orton, E., 1(*); Winchell, N. Winchell, Horace Vaughan: Keyes, C. R., 3. Wright, Charles E.: Lawton, C. D., 2, 4. Branch County: Hubbard, B., 4. Brine: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries Calhoun County: Douglass, C. C., 2. Graptolites from: Decker, C. E., 1, 2(*). Cass County: Hubbard, B., 4. Elephas primigenius americanus, discovery of: Case, E. C., 5. Cement: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries Charlevoix County Geology of: Land Econ. Survey, 2. Water power of: Land Econ. Survey, 1. trvey, 16; C. D., 4; L; Wight, H., 7. REFERENCES, SUBJECT INDEX 405 Cheboygan County Drumlins in: Bergquist, S. G., 17. Economic geology, notes on: Winchell, N. H., 2. Fresh-water sheepshead, discovery of: Hubbs, C. L., 1. Sediments, Douglas Lake: Phinney, H. K., 1; Wilson, I. T., 1, 3. Traverse-Ferron Point and Genshaw: Smith, G. W., 1(th). Chippewa County Geology of: Land Econ. Survey, 2. Stratigraphy: Ver Wiebe, W. A., 4. Oil and gas possibilities: Robinson, W. I., 2. Water power of: Land Econ. Survey, 1. Clare County Clare County oil field, geology of: Newcombe, R. J. B., 12. Correlation, Mississippian-Devonian sediments: Paige, D. S., 1(th). Devonian paleontology and stratigraphy, well cores: Beauclair, W. A., 1(th). Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Temple oil field: Maebius, J. B., 1(a). Clay: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries Coal: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries Copper: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries Crawford County Geology of: Land Econ. Survey, 2. Devonian stratigraphy and faunas, well cores: Burgess, C. W., 1(th). Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Soils, relation to vegetation: Lane, A. C., 35. Water power of: Land Econ. Survey, 1. Deep Borings: Allen R. C., 17; Darton, N. H., 1, 2; Fuller, M. L., 6(*), 8(*); Lane, A. C., 3, 17, 27, 33, 35, 36, 37. Delta County Asphalt in: Lane, A. C., 24. Geophysical investigations, Perkins area: Wilson, J. G., 1(th). Oil and gas possibilities: Robinson, W. I., 2. Dickinson County Aeromagnetic survey: Wier, K. L., 3. Geology of: Dutton, C. E., 3, 7; Lamey, C. A., 15; Pettijohn, F. J., 6. Black Creek area: Oehler, E. T., 1(th). Glacial: Lane, A. C., 45. Pine Creek area, structural petrology of: Higgins, J. W., 1. Quinnesec area: Prinz, W., 1(th); Schapiro, N., 1(th). Randville dolomite, origin of: Greenman, N. N., 1(th). Magnetic anomalies in: Pettijohn, F. J., 6. Menominee range: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries, iron. Radioactivity survey: Stead, F. W., 1. Dip-Needle Surveys: See Explorations and Surveys Earthquakes: See Physical Geology Eaton County: Douglass, C. C., 1, 2. Economic Geology: See also Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries Bituminous limestones and sandstones: Utterback, D. D., 1(a,th). Classification of limestone reservoirs: Howard, W. V., 1(*). Deep oxidation in Canadian Shield: Moore, E. S., 1. Deposition of ores, principles of: Van Hise, C. R., 17(*). Enrichment of ore deposits: Emmons, W. H., 1(*). General: Lane, A. C., 17, 22, 27, 31(a); Winchell, N. H., 2. 406 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Mine water composition, index to ore-bearing currents: Lane, A. C., 57. Nature and origin of limestone porosity: Hohlt, R. B., 1(*). Porosity through dolomitization: Landes, K. K., 5. Emmet County Economic geology of: Winchell, N. H., 2. Mollusca, post-glacial: Baker, F. C., 1. Explorations and Surveys Aeromagnetic surveys Baraga, Iron, and Houghton counties: Balsley, J. R., Jr., 1. Dickinson County: Dutton, C. E., 7; Wier, K. L., 3. Iron County: Balsley, J. R., Jr., 1.; Dutton, C. E., 7; U. S. Geol. Survey, 13. Altitudes in United States: Douglas, E. M., 1; Gannett, H., 7; Upham, W., 1. Areas of United States, States, Territories: Douglas, E. M., 1; Gannett, H., 8. Boundaries, United States, States, Territories: Douglas, E. M., 1; Gannett, H., 5. Dip-needle surveys Cherokee area: Spiroff, K., 4. Toivola-Challenge mine area: Lamey, C. A., 10. Wyandotte-Winona area: Spiroff, K., 4. Earth-resistivity measurements, copper country: Hotchkiss, W. 0., 6. Elevations: Poindexter, O. F., 9. Geiger counter reconnaissance, northern Michigan: Kemp, C. E., 1. General: Pohl, E. R., 1. Geographic positions in United States: Gannett, H., 3. Geophysical investigations: Wesley, R. H., 1. Bear Lake area, Houghton County: Broman, W. H., l(th). Lake Superior district: Fisher, J., 3. Livingston County: Keck, W. G., 1. Methods, copper district: Broderick, T. M., 1. Northern Peninsula: Frantti, G. E., 1(th). Perkins area: Wilson, J. G., l(th). Silver Mountain area, Houghton County: Campbell, R. E., l(th). Gravity concentration, Ironwood formation: Tolonen, F. J., 1. Gravity investigations, Iron River-Crystal Falls district: Bacon, L. 0., 1. Hotchkiss superdip, Lake Superior region: Pearl, H. I., 1(*). Lake Superior region: See Lake Superior Region Location of fault by radioactivity: Lane, A. C., 68(a). Magnetic declination, United States: Gannett, H., 4. Magnetic surveys: Brooks, T. B., 1. Base stations, iron districts: Bath, G. D., 1. Bear Lake area, Houghton County: Wright, J. C., 1. Copper country: Eddy, G. E., 2; Seaman, W. A., 1. Crystal Falls-Alpha area: Pettijohn, F. J., 5. Dickinson County: Pettijohn, F. J., 6. Ice Lake-Chicagon Creek area: James, H. L., 1. Iron County: Good, S. E., 1; Wier, K. L., 1. Iron River district: James, H. L., 2; Wier, K. L., 2. Stager area: Good, S. E., 1. Iron ranges: Swanson, C. 0., 2. Lake Superior syncline: Aldrich, H. R., 1(*). Magnetical observations: Locke, J., 1; Smyth, H. L., 5. Menominee range: Stratton, E. F., 1. Pinckney area: Hunt, H. B., l(th). Vector study, southern Michigan: Jenny, W. P., 1. Michigan-Ohio boundary, monumenting of: Allen, R. C., 16. Primary traverse: Birdseye, C. H., 1; Gannett, S. S., 1; Marshall, R. B., 1, 4, 5; Wilson, H. M., 2, 3. REFERENCES, SUBJECT INDEX 407 Propagation of electromagnetic waves, influence of geology on: Gibbs, C. J., 1(th). Radioactivity survey, Marquette, Baraga and Dickinson counties: Stead, F. W., 1. Radiometric investigations, Huron River and Huron Mountain area: Orajaka, S. 0., 1(th). Regional gravity, Iron River district: Wyble, D. O., l(th). Saginaw Valley: Hubbard, B., 6. Spirit leveling: Marshall, R. B., 2, 3; Staack, J. G., 1; Wilson, H. M., 1, 2. Tidal gravity measurements, Ann Arbor: Rose, H., l(th). Topographic surveys: Burt, W. A., 1; Foster, J. W., 8; Houghton, J., Jr., 2; Hubbard, B., 1; Lane, A. C., 45, 46. Triangulation: Birdseye, C. H., 1; Gannett, H., 1, 2; Gannett, S. S., 1; Marshall, R. B., 1, 4, 5; Wilson, H. M., 1, 2, 3. General: Cooper, W. F., 2; Folger, A., 1; Gannett, H., 6; McCracken, S. B., 1; Martin, H. M., 18, 24; Mather, W. W., 1; Mattice, A. E., 1; Pierce, J., 1; Stokstad, O. L., 1; Winchell, A., 14, 22, 23. Genesee County Atlas of: Anonymous, 6. Glacial geology of: Bretz, J. H., 1. Geologic Maps: See Maps Geological Survey: Hayes, C. W., 1; Hubbard, 0. P., 1; Martin, H. M., 4. History of: Allen, R. C., 19, 23; Martin, H. M., 3; Merrill, G. P., 4. Progress of: Allen, R. C., 2, 18; Lane, A. C., 35; Winchell, A., 18. Reports of: State Board of Geol. Survey, 1. Annual: Houghton, D., 3; Hubbard, L. L., 4; Lane, A. C., 14, 20, 27, 30, 35, 36, 37, 45, 46, 50. Biennial: Allen, R. C., 6, 16; Winchell, A., 1. Counties, notes on: Douglass, C. C., 1, 2; Hubbard, B., 3, 4, 5. Work of: Hubbard, B., 6; Hubbard, L. L., 5; Lane, A. C., 25; Pardee, F. G., 2; Savicki, W. V., 1. Lake Superior region: See Lake Superior Region Geophysical Explorations: iSee Explorations and Surveys Geothermal Data: See Physical Geology Glacial Geology: See Physical Geology Gladwin County Buckeye oil field: Addison, C. C., 1. Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Gogebic County Extrusive and sedimentary rocks, petrographic study of: Hornstein, 0. M., 1(th). Ground-water resources and glacial deposits, Bessemer area: Brown, E. A., 1. Iron of: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries, iron. Gold: See Mineral-Resources and- Mineral Industries Grand Traverse County Atlas of: Steele, G. E., 1. Resources of: Winchell, A., 12. Gratiot County Atlas of: Hayes, E. L., 1. Mastodon remains: MacCurdy, H. M., 1. Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Oil and gas occurrence: Rockwood, D. N., 1(th). Gravel: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries Great Lakes: See Physical Geology Gypsum: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries 408 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Hillsdale County: Hubbard, B., 4. Historical Geology: See also Physical Geology; Stratigraphy Alston district, Houghton and Baraga counties: Roberts, E., 1 (th). Ann Arbor quadrangle: Russell, I. C., 8. Black Creek area, Dickinson County: Oehler, E. T., 1(th). Black River area: Gordon, W. C., 1; Lane, A. C., 36, 45. Cincinnatian environments: Uhri, D. C., 1(th). Coldwater formation: Wooten, M. J., 1(th). Copper country: See Lake Superior Region; Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries, copper. County reports: See the county, e.g., Alpena, Bay, etc. Cranbrook area: Stanley, G. M., 3. Detroit folio: Sherzer, W. H., 9. Detroit River area: Nattress, T., 1, 2, 3. Devonian, Ohio: Stauffer, C. R., 1(*), 2(*). Devonian sandstones: Enyert, R. L., 1(th). Dundee: Radabaugh, R. E., 1(th). East-central United States: Ballard, N., 1. Elevation systems, North America: Foster, J. W., 5. Genetic relations, granitic dikes: Lane, A. C., 43. Glacial: See Physical Geology Gogebic range: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries, iron. Grand Marais embayment: Tague, G. C., 2. Great Lakes: See Physical Geology Huron Mountains: Berner, P. C., 1(th); Brady, M. B., 1(th); Lane, A. C., 43. Isle Royale: Lane, A. C., 6. Keweenaw Peninsula: See Lake Superior Region. Kitchi conglomerite, origin of: Hagni, R. D., 1(th). Lake Enchantment area: Brooke, G. L., 1(th). Lake Superior geosyncline: Hotchkiss, W. 0., 5. Lake Superior region: See Lake Superior Region. Limestone Mountain and Sherman Hill: Case, E. C., 2. Little Presque Isle: Tara, M. E., 1(th). Mackinac breccia, origin of: Landes, K. K., 4 (a). Mackinac Island: Mich. Acad. Sci., 6; Stanley, G. M., 7. Mackinac Straits region: Landes, K. K., 3; Mich. Acad. Sci., 6. Marquette and Keweenawan districts: Wadsworth, M. E., 10. Marquette range: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries, iron. Marshall formation: Monnett, V. B., 1; O'Hara, N. W., 1(th); Thomas, W. A., 1. Menominee-Marquette series: Smyth, H. L., 3. Menominee quadrangle: Van Hise, C. R., 16. Menominee range: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries, iron. Michigamme area: Colwell, A. B., 1(th); Quirke, T. T., Jr., 1(th); Seaman, W. A., 3; Snelgrove, A. K., 2. Michigan: Lane, A. C., 32, 50; Long, J. B., 1(th); Martin, H. M., 1, 2, 7, 19, 23(a), 26; Poindexter, 0. F., 4. Basin, structures of: MacLachlan, D. B., 2; Newcombe, R. J. B., 1, 11; Pirtle, G. W., 1; Smith, R. A., 10. Monroe formation: Grabau, A. W., 11. Mount Bohemia: Bhatt, K. J., 1(th); Lane, A. C., 50. Munuscong Islands: Taylor, F. B., 6(*). North American Continent, Cambrian time: Walcott, C. D., 1(*). Northeastern United States, basin areas: Lockett, J. R., 1 (*). Northern Peninsula: See Northern Peninsula. Ocean, chemical evolution of: Lane, A. C., 42(a). Ontario: Hunt, T. S., 2(*); MacLachlan, D. B., 1(th), 2; Stauffer, C. R., 3(*). Ordovician: Hussey, R. C., 1, 3, 5. REFERENCES, SUBJECT INDEX 409 Paleogeography Saint Peter time: Berkey, C. P., 1(*). Sylvania sandstone: Grabau, A. W., 7. Peat deposits as geological records: Davis, C. A., 4(*). Pine Creek area: Higgins, J. W., 1. Platte and Crystal lake depressions: Calver, J. L., 2. Porcupine Mountains: El-Khalidi, H. H., 1(th); Hornstein, 0. M., 1(th); Lane, A. C., 49; Thaden, R. E., 1(th). Pre-Cambrian: Allen, R. C., 12; Becker, H., 1(f); Brooks, T. B., 9; James, H. L., 7(a), 8(a); Leith, C. K., 1, 9, 10, 13(a), 15, 16; Steidtmann, E., 1, 2(*); Van Hise, C. R., 9, 21(*), 22; Whittlesey, C., 6; Winchell, A., 31. Clarksburg intrusives, significance of: Leady, F., 1(th). Gneissic complex, north of Felch Mountain area: Lehner, R., 1(th). Granitic complex, south of Felch Mountain: Roseboom, E., i(th). Granitic sequence, southern complex: Dickey, R. M., 1. Huronian: Brooks, T. B., 6; Coleman, A. P., 1(*); Irving, R. D., 9; Winchell, A., 32. Conglomerates, Menominee-Calumet districts: Pettijohn, F. J., 3. Granite contact with: Smyth, H. L., 1. Granite intrusions into: Lamey, C. A., 1. Michigamme slate: Elkington, R. B., 1(th). Unconformity, quartzite hills, Little Lake: Allen, R. C., 9. Volcanics: Van RHise, C. R., 12(a). Weathering and sedimentation, Menominee district: Trow, J. W., 4 (a). Keweenawan: Lane, A. C., 53, 55(a), 69; Wadsworth, M. E., 6, 9, 12; Winchell, N. H., 10(*), 11(*). Marenisco range, intrusives of: Beutner, E. L., 1(th). Palmer gneiss: Lamey, C. A., 4(a), 8. Quinnesec greenstone complex: Schapiro, N., 1(th). Quinnesec igneous complex: Prinz, W., 1(th). Randville dolomite, origin of: Greenman, N. N., 1(th). Republic granite: Lamey, C. A., 2, 3, 9. Republic quartzite: Smyth, H. L., 2. Sturgeon quartzite, Menominee district: Trow, J. W., 1, 2, 3(th). Sturgeon River tongue: Clements, J. M., 5. Trappean rocks, Lake Superior, origin of: Whitney, J. D., 19. Pre-glacial surface deposits: Lane, A. C., 19(a). Pre-Silurian structures: Credner, H., 2(f). "Red Beds": Swartz, D. H., 1(th). Republic area: Snelgrove, A. K., 2. Rogers City limestone: Radabaugh, R. E., 1(th), 2(th). Salina salt: Briggs, L. I., Jr., 1(a); Dellwig, L. F., 2(th); Lucas, P. T., 1(th). Shifting orogenic belts, Canadian Shield: Chamberlin, R. T., 2. Silurian, Ontario Peninsula, Manitoulin: Williams, M. Y., 1. Southern Peninsula: See Southern Peninsula. Spruce-Peshekee river area: Seaman, W. A., 2. St. Clair tunnel: Adams, F. D., 1. St. Marys River: Channing, W. F., 1. Tectonics, North Central States: Hager, D., 1. Houghton County Aeromagnetic survey of: Balsley, J. R., Jr., 1. Copper of: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries, copper. Dip-needle survey, Wyandotte-Winona area: Spiroff, K., 4. Geology of: Pumpelly, R., 2. Ahmeek quadrangle: White, W. S., 2. Alston district: Roberts, E., 1(th). Limestone Mountain and Sherman Hill: Case, E. C., 2. 410 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Geophysical investigations Bear Lake area: Broman, W. H., 1(th). Magnetic anomaly, Bear Lake: Wright, J. C., 1. Silver Mountain area: Campbell, R. E., 1(th). Huron County: Lane, A. C., 17. Hydrogeology: See Water Resources Ingham County: Douglass, C. C., 1. Ground water resources, Lansing area: Stuart, W. T., 1. Microfossils in deep well: Din, M., 1(th). Insoluble Residues: See Petrography and Petrology lonia County: Douglass, C. C., 2. Oil and gas map: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. losco County: Lane, A. C., 27. Iron: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries Iron County Aeromagnetic survey of: Balsley, J. R., Jr., 1; U. S. Geol. Survey, 13. Geology of: Barrett, L. P., 3; Dutton, C. E., 7; Land Econ. Survey, 2; Zinner, P., 1. Crystal Falls-Alpha district: Pettijohn, F. J., 4, 5. Crystal Falls area: Pettijohn, F. J., 8. Glacial: Bergquist, S. G., 4; Lane, A. C., 45; Stuart, W. T., 4. Ice Lake-Chicagon Creek area: James, H. L., 1. Iron River district: Allen, R. C., 1; Dutton, C. E., 6; James, H. L., 2, 4, 6; Stuart, W. T., 4; Wier, K. L., 1, 2. Mineral Hills district, stratigraphy of: Dutton, C. E., 5. Randville dolomite, origin of: Greenman, N. N., l(th). Stager area: Good, S. E., 1. Gravity investigations, Iron River-Crystal Falls district: Bacon, L. 0., 1. Ground water in: Stuart, W. T., 3(a), 4, 5; U. S. Geol. Survey, 12. Iron River district Geology of: Allen, R. C., 1; Dutton, C. E., 6; James, H. L., 2, 4, 6; Stuart, W. T., 4; Wier, K. L., 1, 2. Ground water in: Stuart, W. T., 3(a), 4. Magnetic data: James, H. L., 2; Wier, K. L., 1, 2. Mine drainage: U. S. Geol. Survey, 12. Regional gravity of: Wyble, D. O., 1(th). Magnetic surveys in Crystal Falls-Alpha district: Pettijohn, F. J., 5. Ice Lake-Chicagon Creek area: James, H. L., 1. Iron River district: James, H. L., 2; Wier, K. L., 1, 2. Stager area: Good, S. E., 1. Menominee range: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries, iron. Iron River District: See Iron County Isabella County Coldwater field: Wolcott, R. H., 1(a). Marl lake in: Davis, C. A., 1. Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Plat book of: Foote, C. M., 1. Isle Royale: Dickenson, G. J., 1. Abandoned strands of: Stanley, G. M., 1(th). Geology of: Lane, A. C., 6. Minerals of: Foshag, W. F., 1; Koch, F. K. L., 3(f); Lane, A. C., 12. Gems of: Dustin, F., 1, 2. Pitchstone from: Foster, J. W., 10; Jackson, C. T., 13. Jackson County: Douglass, C. C., 1, 2. REFERENCES, SUBJECT INDEX 411 Kalamazoo County: Douglass, C. C., 2. Oil and gas map: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Kalkaska County Geology of: Land Econ. Survey, 2. Oil and gas map: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Water power of: Land Econ. Survey, 1. Kent County: Douglass, C. C., 2; Lane, A. C., 27. Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Walker field: Oil and Gas Jour., 3; Riggs, C. H., 3(a). Walker-Wyoming limit: Oil and Gas Jour., 2. Keweenaw County Ahmeek quadrangle: White, W. S., 2. Bruneau Creek quadrangle: Wright, J. C., 2. Copper of: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries, copper. Correlation of rocks of: Pumpelly, R., 2. Delaware quadrangle: Cornwall, H. R., 6. Eagle Harbor quadrangle: Cornwall, H. R., 8. Lake Medora quadrangle: Cornwall, H. R., 5. Mount Bohemia, geology of: Bhatt, K. J., 1(th); Lane, A. C., 50. Phoenix quadrangle: Cornwall, H. R., 9. Keweenaw Peninsula: See Lake Superior Region Lake County Oil and gas map: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Lake Superior Region: See also Historical Geology, Pre-Cambrian. Copper deposits of: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries, copper; Petrography and Petrology. General: Bigsby, J. J., 3, 4, 5; Houghton, J., Jr., 2; Jackson, C. T., 12; Lake, M. C., 1; Rivot, L. E., 3(f), 4(f). Geological explorations and surveys in: Barnes, G. 0., 1, 2; Brooks, T. B., 1; Burt, W. A., 1, 2; Fisher, J., 3; Foster, J. W., 1, 3, 4, 8; Houghton, J., Jr., 2; Hubbard, B., 2, 7; Locke, J., 3; Whitney, J. D., 5, 7. Geology of: Allen, R. C., 12; Bayley, W. S., 1 (*); Becker, H., 1(f); Bigsby, J. J., 3, 4; Burt, W. A., 1, 2; Eights, J., 1; Emmons, S. F., 2; Foster, J. W., 6(a), 8; Hall, J., 1, 2; Houghton, J., Jr., 2; Hubbard, B., 1; Jackson, C. T., 11, 15; Leith, C. K., 9, 10, 13(a), 15, 16; Lewis, J. V., 1(*); Macfarlane, T., 2; Rama Rao, B., 1; Rogers, H. D., 1; Steidtmann, E., 1; Swineford, A. P., 5; Tyler, S. A., 2, 3; Van Hise, C. R., 9, 10, 19, 22, 23; Whitney, J. D., 6, 11, 12, 14(a); Winchell, A., 30; Winchell, N. H., 4, 9(*), 12. Crystalline schists of: Irving, R. D., 11. Eruptives: Winchell, N. H., 13. Glacial: Leverett, F., 12(a). Lake Superior syncline: Hotchkiss, W. 0., 5. Sandstone of: Agassiz, A., 1; Foster, J. W., 7; Irving, R. D., 10; Jackson, C. T., 16, 20; Wadsworth, M. E., 7, 11; Whitney, J. D., 18. Stratigraphy: Van Hise, C. R., 5, 6, 20. Iron deposits: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries, iron. Keweenaw Peninsula Copper deposits: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries, copper. Field work in: Barnes, G. 0., 2. Geology of: Hubbard, L. L., 1; Jackson, C. T., 10; Lane, A. C., 38; Pumpelly, R., 2; Roberts, E., 2(a); Wadsworth, M. E., 5; Whittlesey, C., 11; Williams, C. P., 2. Felsites and associated rocks: Hubbard, L. L., 3. Mount Houghton felsite: Fritts, C. E., 1(th). Sandstone of: Agassiz, A., 1; Irving, R. D., 10; Jackson, C. T., 20; Wadsworth, M. E., 7, 11. 412 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Mineralogy: See Mineralogy Mines of: Foster, J. W., 2. Mineral lands of: Bigsby, J. J., 4; Birkinbine, J., 1; Booth, J. C., 1; Eights, J., 1; Gray, A. B., 1, 2; Hodge, J. T., 1; Houghton, J., Jr., 1; Jackson, C. T., 4, 14, 15; Koch, F. K. L., 2 (f), 3 (f); Sanders, G. N., 1; Stockton, J., 1; Whitney, J. D., 9, 10; Winchell, H. V., 3. Mineralogy of: See Mineralogy Mining on: Jackson, C. T., 11; Lawrence, C. E., 2(*); Stevens, W. H., 1; White, P., 2; Winchell, A. N., 2; Winchell, H. V., 2. Petrography, rock analyses: Clarke, F. W., 2(*), 5(*), 7(*). Topography of: Blandy, J. F., 1; Burt, W. A., 1; Foster, J. W., 8; Houghton, J., Jr., 2; Hubbard, B., 1; Jackson, C. T., 15; Whitney, J. D., 6. Lapeer County Glacial geology of: Lane, A. C., 27. Oil and gas map: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Leelanau County Resources of: Winchell, A., 12. Ventifacts, Sleeping Bear Point: Dow, K. W., 2. Lenawee County: Hubbard, B., 4. Limestone: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries Livingston County: Hubbard, B., 4. Geophysical measurements in: Keck, W. G., 1. Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Pinckney area, magnetometer survey: Hunt, H. B., 1 (th). Luce County Geology of: Land Econ. Survey, 2. Glacial: Bergquist, S. G., 3. Nonwetting sand, Muskallonge Lake: Tague, G. C., 1. Mackinac County Oil and gas possibilities: Robinson, W. I., 2. Magnetic Surveys: See Explorations and Surveys Maps Aeromagnetic surveys: Balsey, J. R., Jr., 1; U. S. Geol. Survey, 13; Wier, K. L., 3. Anomalies, radioactivity survey: Stead, F. W., 1. Anticlinal folding, trend of: Mich. Geol. Survey, 7. Bay County, atlas of: Anonymous, 9. Drift thickness: Mich. Geol. Survey, 8. Genesee County, atlas of: Anonymous, 6. Geologic Ahmeek quadrangle: White, W. S., 2. Ann Arbor quadrangle: Russell, I. C., 8. Bruneau Creek quadrangle: Wright, J. C., 2. Copper mines: Cornwall, H. R., 1. Cross-section, Southern Peninsula: Mich. Geol. Survey, 6. Crystal Falls-Alpha iron-bearing district: Pettijohn, F. J., 4, 5. Delaware quadrangle: Cornwall, H. R., 6. Detroit folio: Sherzer, W. H., 9. District between Keweenaw Bay and Chocolate River: Whitney, J. D., 12. Eagle Harbor quadrangle: Cornwall, H. R., 8. Falls of the Sturgeon area: Trow, J. W., 1, 2. Iron County: Barrett, L. P., 3. Lake Medora quadrangle: Cornwall, H. R., 5. Lake Superior mineral district: Booth, J. C., 1. Menominee quadrangle: Van Hise, C. R., 16. Michigan: Allen, R. C., 14; Martin, H. M., 1; Winchell, A., 13, 25. REFERENCES, SUBJECT INDEX 413 North America: Willis, B., 2. Oakland County, surface geology of: Bingham, M. T., 1. Phoenix quadrangle: Cornwall, H. R., 9. Porcupine Mountains: Lane, A. C., 50. Surface formations: Leverett, F,, 13, 28. Trap range, Keweenaw Point: Williams, C. P., 2. Grand Traverse County, atlas of: Steele, G. E., 1. Gratiot County, atlas of: Hayes, E. L., 1. Index maps, topographic progress: Mich. Geol. Survey, 14. Magnetic, Crystal Falls-Alpha area: Pettijohn, F. J., 5. Michigan, atlas: Winchell, A., 20. Oil and gas: Oil and Gas Jour., 6. County and township: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Wildcat: Mich. Geol. Survey, 11, 18. Oil and gas fields: Mich. Geol. Survey, 12. Oil and gas investigations of Bass Island rocks: U. S. Geol. Survey, 9. Berea sandstone: U. S. Geol. Survey, 5. Black River formation: U. S. Geol. Survey, 11. Bois Blanc formation: U. S. Geol. Survey, 7. Cambrian rocks: U. S. Geol. Survey, 10. Carboniferous rocks: U. S. Geol. Survey, 17. Devonian, Upper: U. S. Geol. Survey, 17. Dundee formation: U. S. Geol. Survey, 4, 8. Ordovician rocks: U. S. Geol. Survey, 10, 15. Rogers City limestone: U. S. Geol. Survey, 8. Salina rocks: U. S. Geol. Survey, 9. Silurian, Lower and Middle: U. S. Geol. Survey, 15. South-central Michigan: U. S. Geol. Survey, 6. Sylvania formation: U. S. Geol. Survey, 7. Traverse group: U. S. Geol. Survey, 4, 14. Trenton limestone: U. S. Geol. Survey, 11. Plat book, Isabella County: Foote, C. M., 1. Plat book, Tuscola County: Foote, E. B., 1. Saginaw County, atlas of: Imperial Publishing Co., 1. Sanilac County, atlas of: Cookingham, E. R., 1. Topographic Bedrock surface: Mich. Geol. Survey, 9. Index of coverage: Mich. Geol. Survey, 14. Lake Superior mineral district: Booth, J. C., 1. Tuscola County, atlas of: Anonymous, 1. Washtenaw County, atlas of: Everts & Stewart, 1. World, iron-ore: Mikami, H. M., 1(*). Marl: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries Marquette-County Explosives industry, early history: Cowpland, C. C., 1. Geology of Bald Knob, Huron Mountains: Berner, P. C., 1(th). Glacial phenomena, Marquette region: Davis, C. A., 3. Granitization, Lake Pelesier area: Porturas, P. A., 1(th). Ground water investigations: Stuart, W. T., 6. Heavy mineral study, Ajibik and Mesnard quartzite: Jackson, K. C., l(th). Holyoke meta-sediments, Dead River basin: Engel, T., Jr., l(th). Huron River and Huron Mountain area: Orajaka, S. 0., 1(th). Kitchi conglomerite, origin of: Hagni, R. D., l(th). Lake Enchantment area: Brooke, G. L., 1(th). Lake Michigamme area: Seaman, W. A., 3. 414 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Little Lake, Middle-Huronian unconformity: Allen, R. C., 9. Little Presque Isle: Tara, M. E., 1(th). Negaunee iron formation: Adler, J. L., 1. Presque Isle, serpentinite of: Krimmel, C. P., 1(th). Ropes gold mine: Broderick, T. M., 9. Spruce River and Peshekee River areas: Seaman, W. A., 2. Strategic minerals investigation: Snelgrove, A. K., 2. Xenolithic lamprophyre dikes, differentiation in: Ayres, V. L., 1. Gold of: Broderick, T. M., 9; Denning, R. M., 2; Snelgrove, A. K., 2. Iron of: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries, iron. Minerals of Ishpeming: Alessie, A. J., 1, 3. Strategic: Snelgrove, A. K., 2. Radioactivity survey, airborne: Stead, F. W., 1. Mason County Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Mecosta County Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Menominee County Geology of: Land Econ. Survey, 2. Glacial: Lane, A. C., 45; Ver Wiebe, W. A., 2. Menominee quadrangle: Van Hise, C. R., 16. Water power of: Land Econ. Survey, 1. Meteorites Aerolite: Hovey, E. 0., 2; Ward, H. L., 1. Allegan: Merrill, G. P., 1, 2; Tassin, W., 1; Ward, H. L., 1. Grand Rapids: Clarke, F. W., 1(*); Eastman, J. R., 1; Riggs, R. B., 1. Michigan: Hobbs, W. H., 5; Hovey, E. 0., 3; Lane, A. C., 27. Reed City: Preston, H. L., 1. Seneca Township: Merrill, G. P., 5; Perry, S. H., 1. Midland County Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Porter oil field: Landes, K. K., 1. Mineral Lands: See also Lake Superior Region Michigan: Jackson, C. T., 6, 8, 17. Upper Mississippi: Bell, W. H., 1. Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries Asphalt, Delta County: Lane, A. C., 24. Brick: Lane, A. C., 36, 37, 45, 50. Brine: Cook, C. W., 2; Micks, R., 1. Dundee, chemical variations in: Beeker, R. E., 1(th). Silurian, near Bay City: Case, L. C., 1. Building stone: Lane, A. C., 35, 37; Swineford, A. P., 3. Cement: Allen, R. C., 3; Lane, A. C., 36, 46. Industry: Eckel, E. C., 1; Emmons, S. F., 3(*); Morrison, P. C., 3, 4; Trauffer, W. E., 1(*). Concrete block, producers, history of industry: Persons, H. C., 1. Portland cement: Allen, R. C., 17; Avery, W. M., 2; Eckel, E. C., 2; Hale, D. J., 1; Russell, I. C., 2. Clay: Brown, G. G., 1; Hale, D. J., 1; Lane, A. C., 36, 45; Ries, H., 1, 3. Mining methods and costs, Corunna pit: Dibble, 0. A., 1. Coal: Allen, R. C., 3, 8; Averitt, P., 1; Cohee, G. V., 4; Holmes, C., 1; Lane, A. C., 11, 15, 23, 26, 36, 37, 45, 46; Natl. Conserv. Comm., 1. Analyses of: Fieldner, A. C., 1; Lane, A. C., 46. Bay County: Cooper, W. F., 1. Cannel: Ashley, G. H., 2(*). REFERENCES, SUBJECT INDEX 415 Mining: Fraser, L., 1; Holmes, C., 1. Spore coal, Williamston basin: Bergquist, S. G., 13. United States: Averitt, P., 1; Campbell, M. R., 1(*); Emmons, S. F., 1(*). Valuation of coal lands: Ashley, G. H., 1(*). Copper: Ackermann, H. W., 1(f); Blandy, J. F., 1; Clarke, R. E., 1; Cornwall, H. R., 4; Douglas, J., 2; Duparc, L., 1(f); Dupee, J. A., 1; Hore, R. E., 1; Houghton, D., 2; Jackson, C. T., 2(f), 3, 7, 9, 18; Koch, F. K. L., 1; Lane, A. C., 54; Lang, S. S., 2; Macfarlane, T., 1; Meads, A., 1; Natl. Conserv. Comm., 1; NOggerath, J. J., 1(f); Odendall, L., l(f); Pettit, W., 1; Phelps, F. B., 1; Piggot, A. S., 1; Posselt, C., 1(f); Rivot, L. E., 2(f); Spurr, J. E., 2; Wadsworth, M. E., 15; Whittlesey, C., 1. Analyses of: Jackson, C. T., 5., Arsenides: Nichols, J. B., 1. Exploration for: Broderick, T. M., 1, 3; Hotchkiss, W. 0., 7; Lamey, C. A., 10, 11. Earth resistivity measurements: Hotchkiss, W. 0., 6. Magnetic work: Eddy, G. E., 2; Seaman, W. A., 1. Geology of: Allen, R. C., 8; Broderick, T. M., 3, 4, 7, 10; Butler, B. S., 1; Chamberlin, T. C., 2; Cornwall, H. R., 1; Foster, J. W., 8; Grout, F. F., 2(*); Guck, H., 1; Hotchkiss, W. 0., 7; Hubbard, L. L., 2, 7; Irving, R. D., 7; Lake Superior Min. Inst., 4; Lane, A. C., 7, 41, 53; Mich. Acad. Sci., 7; Pumpelly, R., 2; Rominger, C. L., 5; Seaman, W. A., 1; Spencer, J. W. W., 1; Sperr, F. W., 1; Spiroff, K., 6; State Board Geol. Survey, 1; Stevens, H. J., 3; Wadsworth, M. E., 1, 14; Williams, C. P., 1, 2. Age of: Brooks, T. B., 3, 6; Irving, R. D., 1; Wadsworth, M. E., 4(a). Ahmeek quadrangle: White, W. S., 2. Bruneau Creek quadrangle: Wright, J. C., 2. Comparison with other deposits: Singewald, J. T., Jr., 1; Watson, T. L., 1; White, W. S., 4(a). Delaware quadrangle: Cornwall, H. R., 6. Eagle Harbor quadrangle: Cornwall, H. R., 8. Fissure vein and lode relations: Broderick, T. M., 4. Geothermal measurements: Fisher, J., 2. Lake Medora quadrangle: Cornwall, H. R., 5. Native: Blake, W. P., 1; Catlin, J. M., 1; Cordier, L., l(f); Cornwall, H. R., 7(*,a); Credner, H., 1(f), 4(f); Henwood, W. J., 1; Lane, A. C., 52; Nishio, K., 1; Rivot, L. E., 1(f); Schoolcraft, H. R., 1, 3(f); Shepherd, F., 1; Townsend, J. B., 1. Origin of: Biddle, H. C., 1; Blandy, J. F., 3; Broderick, T. M., 5, 6, 11; Cornwall, H. R., 2, 7(*,a); Dana, E. S., 1; Fernekes, G., 1; Jackson, C. T., 19; Lane, A. C., 35, 41, 48; Page, L. R., 1(*); Pumpelly, R., 1, 5; Smyth, H. L., 4(a); Wadsworth, M. E., 16; Wells, R. C., 1, 2. Phoenix quadrangle: Cornwall, H. R., 9. Porphyry intrusions:-Lang,-S S.,-1; Woods, T- S., 1. Solvents and precipitates in: Lane, A. C., 63(a). White Pine deposit: White, W. S., 3, 5. Zoning in: Broderick, T. M., 2. Industry: Allen, R. C., 3, 4, 5, 8, 15, 17, 18, 21; Emmons, S. F., 3(*); Hore, R. E., 2; Koepel, E., 2(*); Mich. Council Defense, 1; Mich. Geol. Survey, 4; Notman, A., 1(*); Smith, R. A., 4, 6, 7, 8, 9; Stevens, H. J., 1, 2, 5; Weed, W. H., 2, 3; Wright, J. N., 1. History of: Cooper, J. B., 1; Fisher, J., 1; Gates, W. B., 1; Houghton, J., Jr., 3; Hulst, N. P., 1; Jackson, J. F., 2; Keyes, C. R., 1; Lake Superior Min. Inst., 1; Martin, H. M., 15; Meads, A., 2; Pope, G., 1; Spiroff, K., 6; Swineford, A. P., 5; Upham, W., 4(*); West, G. A., 1; Whittlesey, C., 5(a), 7; Winchell, H. V., 2; Wood, A. B., 1. 416 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Milling and smelting Concentrating practices: Adams, C. L., 1; Koepel, E., 1. Ore dressing: Munroe, H. S., 1; Rolker, C. M., 1; Sharpless, F. F., 1. Reclamation plant: Benedict, C. H., 2, 4. Refining: Cooper, J. B., 1; Egleston, T., 2; Heath, G. L., 1(*). Smelting: Cooper, J. B., 1; Lane, A. C., 4(a); Schubert, G. P., 1. Stamp mills: Benedict, C. H., 3; Blandy, J. F., 2; O'Neil, F. W., 1; Seeber, R. R., 1. Tailings: Adams, R. N., 1; Benedict, C. H., 1. Mining: Anonymous, 4; Bauerman, H., 1; Borie, J., 1(f); Brinsmade, R. B., 2; Callender, J. A., 1; Deroux, H., 1(f); Douglas, J., 1; Egleston, T., 1; Foster, J. W., 2; Gardner,'E. D., 1(*); Hotchkiss, W. 0., 7; Jackson, C. T., 22(f); Jackson, J. F., 1; Kelly, W., 3; Lake Superior Min. Inst., 4; Mosler, C., 1(f); Miiller, A., 1(f); Pope, G., 1; Read, T. T., 1; Rice, C. T., 1; Rickard, T. A., 1; Ruggles, D., 1; Schooleraft, H. R., 2, 4; Sperr, F. W., 1; Stevens, H. J., 3, 4, 5; Weed, W. H., 1, 2, 3. Adventure mining property: Zinn, J., 4. Allouez mine: Rolker, C. M., 1. Ancient: Houghton, J., Jr., 3; Keyes, C. R., 1; Upham, W., 4(*); West, G. A., 1; Whittlesey, C., 5(a), 7; Wood, A. B., 1. Arcadian mine: Shields, R. H., 1. Calumet & Hecla: Campbell, C. A., 1; Lake Superior Min. Inst., 5; Mining World, 2; Vivian, H., 1, 2. Champion mine: Mendelsohn, A., 1, 2. Development and geologic relations of: Lane, A. C., 53. Geologic maps, recently active mines: Cornwall, H. R., 1. Methods: Blake, W. P., 1; Brinsmade, R. B., 2; Crane, W. R., 1; Denton, F. W., 1; Desollar, T. C., 1, 2; Hubbard, L. L., 6; Mercer, H. T., 1; Schacht, W. H., 1, 2; Vivian, H., 2. Mine temperatures: Kraskovsky, S. A., 1(f); Wheeler, H. A., 1. Porcupine Mountains: Jamison, K., 1. Salt water in: Lane, A. C., 40. Tamarack mine: Lane, A. C., 35; Parnall, W. E., Jr., 1. White Pine: Ayer, F. A., 1; Humphrys, C. R., 1; McLeod, B. H., 1; Mining World, 1; Ramsey, R. H., 1; White, W. S., 3, 5. Ontonagon boulder: Moore, C., 1. Dolomite: Martin, H. M., 11. Explosives industry: Cowpland, C. C., 1. Gas: See oil and gas. General: Allen, R. C., 3, 4, 5, 8, 15, 17, 18, 21; Bergquist, S. G., 9; Lamey, C. A., 6; McCaskey, H. D., 1(*); McCracken, S. B., 1; Martin, H. M., 7, 9, 21, 22; Poindexter, 0. F., 3; Sanford, S., 1(*); Schrader, F. C., 1(*); Smith, R. A., 4, 6, 7, 8, 9; Snelgrove, A. K., 2; Zuidema, H. P., 1. Gold: Allen, R. C., 3; Emmons, S. F., 3(*); Lane, A. C., 36, 45; State Board Geol. Survey, 1; Wadsworth, M. E., 14. Ishpeming district: Denning, R. M., 2; Parker, R. A., 1; Snelgrove, A. K., 2. Ropes mine, geology of: Broderick, T. M., 9. Mythical mines: Pardee, F. G., 3. Graphite deposits, Taylor mine area: Zinn, J., 5. Gravel: See sand and gravel. Gypsum: Adams, G. I., 1; Allen, R. C., 3; Diehl, 0. C., 1; Grimsley, G. P., 1; Lane, A. C., 37; Nickell, W. P., 1; Sherzer, W. H., 3(a); Stone, R. W., 1. Analysis of: Clarke, F. W., 4(*). Geology of: Newland, D. H., 1(*); Parsons, W. H., 2. Industry: Grimsley, G. P., 1; Mathews, A. A., 1; Santmyers, R. M., 1. Origin of: Branson, E. B., 1(*); Grimsley, G. P., 2, 3; Lane, A. C., 3. REFERENCES, SUBJECT INDEX 417 Industries: Hardenberg, H. J., 4, 5; Osgood, W., 2; Poindexter, 0. F., 8; Sorensen, H. 0., 1; Swineford, A. P., 5, 7. Annual report, Commissioner Mineral Statistics: Andrews, R. M., 1; Edwards, J. P., 1; Hanna, T. A., 1, 2; Lawton, C. D., 1, 3; Nankervis, J. L., 1; Newett, G. A., 2; Russell, J., 1; Swineford, A. P., 8; Wright, C. E., 1, 2. Mineral producers: Allen, R. C., 3, 4, 5, 8, 15, 17, 18, 21; Hardenberg, H. J., 5; Smith, R. A., 4, 6, 7, 8, 9; Sorensen, H. 0., 1. Non-metallic: Allen, R. C., 3, 4, 5, 8, 15, 17, 18, 21; Poindexter, O. F., 3; Smith, R. A., 4, 6, 7, 8, 9. Northern Peninsula: Snelgrove, A. K., 1. Iron: Brinsmade, R. B., 2; Crowell & Murray, 1; Emmons, S. F., 3(*); Grant, U. S., 2; Koch, F. K. L., 1(f); Lake Superior Iron Ore Assoc., 1; Lane, A. C., 37; McDonald, P. B., 2; Macco, A., l(f); Mikami, H. M., 1(*); Pumpelly, R., 4; Rama Rao, B., 1; Richards, F. B., 1(*); Sauvage, E., 1(f); White, P., 1; Winchell, H. V., 4. Conservation of: Leith, C. K., 11; Natl. Conserv. Comm., 1. Exploration for: Archibald, R. S., 1; James, H. L., 3(a); Leith, C. K., 7. Gogebic range, methods of: Hotchkiss, W. 0., 2. Magnetic data: Bath, G. D., 1; Good, S. E., 1; James, H. L., 1, 2; Pettijohn, F. J., 5; Stratton, E. F., 1; Swanson, C. 0., 2; U. S. Geol. Survey, 13; Weir, K. L., 1, 2, 3. Menominee range: Stratton, E. F., 1; Zinner, P., 1. Geology of: Brooks, T. B., 5; Bruce, E. L., 1(*); Emmons, S. F., 1(*); Foster, J. W., 8, 11; Geijer, P., l(f); James, H. L., 5(a), 9; Lane, A. C., 36; Leith, C. K., 5, 9; Parker, R. A., 2; Richarz, S., 3(a); Rominger, C. L., 5; Rose, R. S., 1; Royce, S., 2, 3, 4, 5; State Board Geol. Survey, 1; Swineford, A. P., 5; Van Hise, C. R., 8, 18; Wadsworth, M. E., 1, 14. Comparison with other deposits: Leith, C. K., 6. Concentration of: Broderick, T. M., 8; Gruner, J. W., 3; Leith, C. K., 14. Gogebic range: Allen, R. C., 13; Atwater, G. I., 1, 2; Boss, C. M., 1; Dickey, R. M., 4; Hoffman, G. A., 1(th); Hotchkiss, W. 0., 3, 4, 7; Royce, S., 1; Taylor, C. C., 1; Winchell, N. H., 5(a). Penokee-Gogebic iron-bearing series: Irving, R. D., 6, 12; Sutton, W. J., 1(th); Van Hise, C. R., 2, 4. Hydrothermal leaching: Gruner, J. W., 1, 4. Hydrothermal replacement of: Roberts, H. M., 1. Marquette range: Derby, E. L., Jr., 1; Hotchkiss, W. 0., 7; Kimball, J. P., 1; Mich. Acad. Sci., 5; Newett, G. A., 1, 3, 5; Quirke, T. T., Jr., 1(th); Rominger, C. L., 4; Shumway, W. A., 1; Snelgrove, A. K., 2; Swanson, C. 0., 1; Van Hise, C. R., 7, 11(a), 13(a), 15; Wadsworth, M. E., 1, 10; Williams, G. H., 2; Zinn, J., 2, 3. Gwinn district: Allen, R. C., 11. Martite and iron oxides in sideritic ore: Wienert, F., 1. Negaunee iron formation: Adler, J. L., 1; MacIntosh, A. N., l(th). Republic area: Snelgrove, A. K., 2. Menominee range: Allen, R. C., 10; Bayley, W. S., 2(a), 3; Buell, J. L., 1; Dutton, C. E., 1, 2(a), 4, 7; Hulst, N. P., 2; Lake Superior Min. Inst., 7; Lamey, C. A., 13, 14, 15; Mich. Acad. Sci., 5; Pettijohn, F. J., 2(a), 3, 6; Rominger, C. L., 4; Trow, J. W., 1, 2, 3(th), 4(a); Williams, G. H., 2; Zinner, P., 1. Crystal Falls-Alpha area: Pettijohn, F. J., 4, 5. Crystal Falls area: Clements, J. M., 5; Pettijohn, F. J., 8; Zinn, J., 3. Felch Mountain area: Lamey, C. A., 16. Gravity investigations: Bacon, L. 0., 1. Ice Lake-Chicagon Creek area: James, H. L., 1. 418 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Iron River district: Allen, R. C., 1; Dutton, C. E., 6; James, H. L., 2, 4, 6; Wier, K. L., 1, 2. Judson ore body: Ives, L. E., 1. Magnetic data: Good, S. E., 1; James, H. L., 1, 2; Pettijohn, F. J., 5; Stratton, E. F., 1; U. S. Geol. Survey, 13; Wier, K. L., 1, 2, 3. Mineral Hills district: Dutton, C. E., 5. Stager area: Good, S. E., 1. Origin of: Gruner, J. W., 1, 3, 4; Irving, R. D., 8; James, H. L., 5(a), 9; Leith, C. K., 3; Mann, V. I., 1; Spurr, J. E., 1; Tyler, S. A., 4; Whitney, J. D., 15; Winchell, N. H., 19. Gogebic range: Leith, C. K., 2. Marquette range: Crump, R. M., 1(th); Holway, W., 1(th); Wadsworth, M. E., 2. Menominee range: Fulton, J., 1. History of development: Clancey, T., 1; Hearding, J. H., 2; Hulst, N. P., 1; Jopling, J. E., 3; Longyear, J. M., 1; Martin, H. M., 13; Mather, W. G., 1; Swineford, A. P., 1, 2, 3, 5; Winchell, H. V., 1, 2; Zapffe, C., 2. Gogebic range: Hearding, J. H., 1; Lake Superior Min. Inst., 2; Leith, C. K., 2. Marquette range: Goodman, R. J., 2; Hulst, H. T., 2; Jopling, J. E., 1, 2; Newett, G. A., 4. Cascade range: McDonald, P. B., 1. Menominee range: Conlin, T., 1; Swineford, A. P., 6. Industry: Allen, R. C., 3, 4, 8, 15, 17, 18, 21; Barrett, L. P., 1; Birkinbine, J., 3(*); Crowell & Murray, 1; Kelly, W., 3; Mich. Geol. Survey, 5, 13; Pardee, F. G., 1; Smith, R. A., 4, 6, 7, 8, 9; Swineford, A. P., 1, 2, 3, 5, 7. Beneficiation, low grade ores: Cochran, R., 1; Crowell & Murray, 1; Snelgrove, A. K., 2; Sweet, A. T., 1; Sweetser, R. H., 1. Furnaces: Clancey, T., 1; Jopling, J. E., 3; Mather, W. G., 1; Swineford, A. P., 1, 2, 3, 5. Mines: Crowell & Murray, 1; Lane, A. C., 51. Gases in: Quayle, S. E., 1. Gogebic range: Anonymous, 5; Best, B. G., 1. Ashland, sinking and equipping: Ellard, H. F., 1. Aurora: Winchell, N. H., 5(a). Eureka: Dickey, R. M., 4; Foss, A. L., 1; Nilsen, N. E., 1. Eureka-Asteroid: Schaus, 0. M., 1. Newport: Broan, J. M., 1; Hoffman, G. A., 1(th); Vallat, B. W., 1; Zinn, R. P., 1. Palms: Blackwell, F., 1. Peterson: Eng. Min. Jour., 1. Wakefield: Hart, W. C., 1. Marquette range Abandoned, history of: Hulst, H. T., 2. Athens: Allen, C. W., 1; Nicolson, C. W., 1. Blueberry: Archibald, R. S., 2; Chabot, L. S., Jr., 2. Cliff: Eaton, L., 4; Hayden, J. E., 2. Curry, water in: Kelly, W., 2. Holmes: Eaton, L., 2. Lake, mechanical ventilation at: Eaton, L., 3. Michigamme, magnetic concentration at: Fowle, J. C., 1. Morris: Chapman, R. H., 1(th); Hayden, J. E., 1. Negaunee, No. 3 shaft: Elliott, S. R., 1. Republic, electricity at: Kelly, W., 4. Tilden: Allen, C. W., 2. Ventilation in: Nicolson, C. W., 2. Volunteer, blasting at: Chabot, L. S., Jr., 1. REFERENCES, SUBJECT INDEX 419 Menominee range: Lake Superior Mining Inst., 3. Amasa-Porter, sub-stoping: Baxter, C. H., 2. Balkan, drag-line stripping and mining: Lawrence, C. E., 1. Brier Hill, ground movement from mining: Rice, G. S., 1. Bristol: Baxter, C. H., 2. Cannon shaft: Mining World, 3. Carpenter, sub-level stoping: Wortley, R. B., 1. Caspian, top slicing at: McEachern, W. A., 1. Cayia, water in: Stuart, W. T., 5. Chapin: Baxter, C. H., 2; Larsson, P., 1. Chatham, sub-stoping: Baxter, C. H., 2. Davidson No. 2: Baxter, C. H., 2. Hamilton, unwatering of: Jones, J. T., 1, 2. Loretto: Baxter, C. H., 1, 2. Ludington: Browne, D. H., 1; Jones, J. T., 2. Penn, electricity at: Kelly, W., 4. Pewabic: Baxter, C. H., 2; Brown, E. F., 1. Safety in: Crawford, F. S., 2. Spies-Virgil: Allen, C. W., 3; Elliott, S. R., 2; Hawes, C. C., 1. Tobin, block caving and sub-stope system: Roberts, F. C., 1. Vulcan, square-set mining: Burr, F. L., 1. West Vulcan: Bond, W., Capt., 1; Schroeder, M. J., 1. Safety in: Conibear, W., 2; Crawford, F. S., 1, 2; Higgins, E., 2; Lake Superior Min. Inst., 6. Valuation of: Allen, R. C., 7, 20; Finlay, J. R., 1(*). Ventilation in: Eaton, L., 3; Higgins, E., 1; Nicolson, C. W., 2. Waters in: Chapman, R. H., 1(th); Jones, J. T., 1, 2; Kelly, W., 2; Lane, A. C., 40, 51; Stuart, W. T., 5. Mining: Crowell & Murray, 1. Costs and production: Brooks, T. B., 2; Mich. Geol. Survey, 5, 13. Gogebic range: Hotchkiss, W. 0., 3, 7. Methods: Knoll, W. A., 1; Nilsen, N. E., 1; Olsen, O. E., 1; Schaus, O. M., 1; Sullivan, J. C., 1; Williams, P. S., 1; Zinn, R. P., 1. North Palms orebody: Berteling, J. F., 1. Influence of geology on: Royce, S., 4. Jones step process: Allen, R. C., 3. Marquette range: Hotchkiss, W. 0., 7. Future of: Goodman, R. J., 1. Methods: Allen, C. W., 2; Brooks, T. B., 2, 4; Eaton, L., 5, 7; Elliott, S. R., 3; Graff, W. W., 1, 2; Haller, F. J., 1; Hulst, H. T., 1; Stock, H. H., 1. Soft hematite: Eaton, L., 5. Specular, and magnetic ores: Brooks, T. B., 4; Eaton, L., 7. Menominee range Electrical power in: Harger, C., 1; Orbison, T. W., 1. Methods: Baxter, C. H., 1, 2; Fulton, J., 2. Mine drainage investigation: U. S. Geol. Survey, 12. Pewabic concentrating works: Hardenburgh, L. M., 1. Sinking shaft through wet gravel and quicksand: Kelly, W., 1. Soft hematite: Eaton, L., 6. Methods: Allen, C. W., 2; Baxter, C. H., 1, 2; Brooks, T. B., 2, 4; Channing, J. P., 2; Eaton, L., 5, 7; Elliott, S. R., 3; Fulton, J., 2; Graff, W. W., 1, 2; Haller, F. J., 1; Hulst, H. T., 1; Kelly, W., 1, 2; Knoll, W. A., 1; Matson, R. C., 1; Nilsen, N. E., 1; Olsen, 0. E., 1; Parks, R. D., 1; Schaus, 0. M., 1; Stoek, H. H., 1; Sullivan, J. C., 1; Williams, P. S., 1; Zinn, R. P., 1. Ore bodies of uniform grade: Brown, E. F., 2. 420 4INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Properties: Brewer, C., 1. Soft ores: Eaton, L., 5, 6; Larsson, P., 2; Rotliwell, R. P., 1. Ores Analysis of:- Chester, A. H., 1; Goetz, G. W., 1; Harder, E. C., 1(*); Separk, E. A., 1; Siebenthal, W. A., 1. Beneficiation of: Cochran, R., 1; Crowell & Murray, 1; Snelgrove, A. K., 2; Sweet, A. T., 1; Sweetser, Re H., 1. Estimation of: Wolff, J. F., 1, 2. Grading of: Separk, E. A., 1. Manganiferous: Harder, E. C., 1(*);- Zapife, C., 1. Moisture 'in: H-ulst, N. P., 8. Phosphorus in: Brown, E. F., 1; Browne, D. H., 1. Potential ores, flotation of: Keck, We E., 1, 2, 3. Sampling of: Bowers, R. We$ 1; Brown, E. F., 1; Cromwell, B., 1; Mixer, c. T., 1; Putnam, B. T., 1. Stocking of: Eaton, L., 1. Taxation of: Allen, R. C., 7; Young, 0. H.6, 1. Transportation of: Crowell & Murray, 1L; Hearding, J. H., 2; Sampson, J., 1. Reserves: Allen, R. C., 5, 7; Birkinbine, J., 2, 4(*); Leith, C. K., 8; Mich. Geol. Survey, 5; Pardee, F. G., 4; Richards, F. B., 1 (*); Zapffe, C., 1. Lake Superior region: See Lake Superior Region Lead-silver veins: Lamey, C. A., '7. Limestone: Allen, R.0.,C~ 4, 15; Grabau, A. We, 3(a); Lane, A. C., 18, 27, 35, 45, 46; Martin, H. M., 10; Sherser, W. H., 3 (a); Smith, H. A., 3; Trauffer, W.* E., j(*); Whittemore, C. A., 1. Industry: Morrison, P. C., 1, 2. Quarries: Benedict, A. C., 1; Pit and Quarry, 1; Randall, C. B., 1. Marl: Bergquist, S. G., 1; Davis, C. A., 1, 2; Glock, We S., 1(*).; Hale, D. J., 1; Lane, A. C., 37; Pepper, J. F., 1 (th); Russell, I. C., 1 (a). Molding sand: See sand and gravel. Non-metallic: Allen, H. C., 3, 4,V 5, 8, 15, 17, 18, 21; Hardenberg, H. J., 4, 5; Poindexter, 00 F., 3; Smith, R. A., 4, 6, 7, 8, 9; Sorensen, H. 0., 1. Oil and Gas Acidizing: Chamberlain, L. C., Jr., 1; Love, We We, 1(t). Bitumen, Nonesuch formation: Carlson, C. G., 2. Conservation of, legal history: Calvert, F. A., 1; Ely, N., 1; Miller, L. S., 6. Crude oils, analyses of: Garton, E. L.., 1. Developments of:e Fugate, R. J., 1, 2; Grant, R. P., 1, 2 (a);- Gulley, M. G., 1; Rardenberg, H. J., 1, 3; Mich. Geol. Survey, 10, 15; Miller, L. 5., 3; Natl. Oil Scouts Assoc., 1; Natl. Oil Scouts and Landmen's Assoc., 1, 2; Newcombe, He J. B., 14; Newman, E. A., 2; Osgood, M., Jr., 1; Osgood, W. 1; Price, L. W., 1; Sanger, W. A., 1; Smith, R. A., 5, 9; Ter'williger, F. W., 1, 2, 3; Wasson, T., 1; Wolcott, R. H., 2. Discoveries: Howard, W. V., 2; Lyon, N. X., 2. Economic effects of:- Pogue, J. E., 1. In salt-bearing rocks: Newcombe., R. J. B., 3. Lag in: Lyon, N. X., 6. Drilling Deep tests: Lane, A. C., 27, 35; MacDonald, G. C., 1; Maebius, J. B., 2; Warren, E., 1. Drill pipe, recovery of:- Lyon, N. X., 7. Exploratory: Lahee, F. H., 1 (*), 2 (*), 3 (*), 4 (*), 5(t,6() Low costs: Simons, H. F., 3. Methods: Simons, H. F., 19 4. Well cuttings: Hofstra, W. E., 1(th). Exploration for: Lyon, N. X., 8; Wender, C., 1. By surface minerals: Lasky, B. H., 1. REFERENCES, SUBJECT INDEX 421 Industry: Grant, R. P., 3, 4; Hardenberg, H. J., 2; Hoffmaster, P. J., 1; Lyon, N. X., 5, 8; Walsworth, K. G., 1. Future of: Kirkham, V. R. D., 3; Lane, A. C., 27; Lyon, N. X., 1; Martin, H. M., 8; Simons, H. F., 2; Smith, R. A., 4. United States: Soyster, H. B., 1. Influence of structure: Newcombe, R. J. B., 1. Leasing for: Lane, A. C., 46; Wender, C., 2. Production: Carlson, C. G., 3; Pressprich, 0. C., 1. Middle western states: Newcombe, R. J. B., 5. Pay out rates, southwestern Michigan: Lyon, N. X., 3. Pressure maintenance in: Miller, L. S., 2. Proration: Miller, L. S., 1, 4. Regulations: Mich. Dept. Conserv., 2, 3, 4, 5. Richfield: Hautau, G. H., 1, 2. Salt water disposal: Albright, J. C., 1; Bignell, L. G. E., 1; Daoust, W. L., 1; Riggs, C. H., 4; Sanders, T. P., 1. Shallow: Oil and Gas Jour., 1. Statistics: Mich. Geol. Survey, 15. Traverse: Davis, D. W., 1. Water injection, underground reservoirs: Schoeneck, W. E., 1. Fields: Newcombe, R. J. B., 7; Oil and Gas Jour., 6; Terwilliger, F. W., 2, 3. Buckeye: Addison, C. C., 1; Lyon, N. X., 2. Central Michigan fields: Zavoico, B. B., 1. Clare County: Newcombe, R. J. B., 12. Coldwater: Wolcott, R. H., 1(a). Crystal: Eddy, G. E., 3. Deep River: Landes, K. K., 7. Deerfield: Lindberg, G. D., 1. Hart: Riggs, C. H., 1. Muskegon: Newcombe, R. J. B., 6. Northville: Miller, L. S., 5. Pinconning, CaCO0-Mg ratios, Rogers City and Dundee: Powell, L. M., 1(th). Porter: Landes, K. K., 1. Port Huron: Lane, A. C., 27. Reed City: Oil and Gas Jour., 5. Saginaw: Carlson, C. G., 1; Smith, R. A., 1. Southern Michigan: Oil and Gas Jour., 1. Southwestern Michigan: Oil and Gas Jour., 4. Temple: Maebius, J. B., 1(a). Walker: Oil and Gas Jour., 3; Riggs, C. H., 3(a). Walker-Wyoming limit: Oil and Gas Jour., 2. West Branch: Newman, E. A., 1. Gas: Bergquist, S. G., 12. Conservation of: Calvert, F. A., 1; Natl. Conserv. Comm., 1. Fields: Newcombe, R. J. B., 9. Gas sands, Mississippian: Hard, E. W., 1. Liquid gas, underground storage of: Grant, R. P., 5. Reserves: Rawlins, E. L., 1. Shoestring fields: Ball, M. W., 1. Storage of: Grant, R. P., 5; Herringshaw, D. E., 1; Kornfeld, J. A., 1; Spindle, J. E., 1. Limestone porosity: Hohlt, R. B., 1(*). Limestone reservoirs: Howard, W. V., 1(*); Murray, A. N., 1(*). Maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 12, 16. Oil and gas investigations: U. S. Geol. Survey, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17. 422 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Wildcat: Mich. Geol. Survey, 11, 18. Occurrence: Allen, R. C., 3; Hake, B. F., 2; Hoffmaster, P. J., 1; Lane, A. C., 45; Smith, R. A., 2; Winchell, A., 8. Accumulation and structure: Newcombe, R. 3 B., 8. Gratiot County: Rockwood, D. N., l(th). Investigations for: U. S. Geol. Survey, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17. North America: Powers, S., 2(*). Possibilities of: Lane, A. C., 27; Nattress, T., 4; Robinson, W. I., 2; Smith, R. A., 4. Origin of: Lane, A. C., 3; Utterback, D. D., 1 (a, th). Pipelines: Martin, H. M., 25. Porosity through dolomitization: Landes, K. K., 5. Wells Bradley No. 4, Newaygo: Manulik, A. J., 1(th). Natural flowing, Trenton lime: Lyon, N. X., 4. Well logs: Mich. Geol. Survey, 2. Well samples: Mich. Geol. Survey, 1. Magnesium/calcium ratios, method of determination: Jodry, R. L., 1(th). Peat: Lane, A. C., 35, 36, 45, 46, 50; Soper, E. K., 1. Deposits as geological records: Davis, C. A., 4(*). Petroleum: See oil and gas Potash, notes on: Allen, R. C., 4; Lindgren, W., 1(*). Road metal: Lane, A. C., 35, 37. Salt: Exworthy, A., 1; Holder, C. E., 1; Lane, A. C., 27, 50; Martin, H. M., 12; Mich. Leg., 1; Phalen, W. C., 1; Poindexter, 0. F., 7(a); Sherzer, W. H., 3 (a); Winchell, A., 4. Industry: Allen, R. C., 3; Cook, C. W., 1, 2; Higgins, S. G., 1; Parker, E. W., 1; Rominger, C. L., 3; Winchell, A., 2. Mine: Anonymous, 11; Fay, A. H., 1. Origin of: Branson, E. B., 1(*); Cook, C. W., 2; Dellwig, L. F., 2(th); Lane, A. C., 3. Wells: Fry, W. H., 1, 2. Sand and gravel: Allen, R. C., 4. Foundry sand: Lane, A. C., 46. Molding sand: Brown, G. G., 2; Lane, A. C., 45. Production of: Avery, W. M., 1; Rock Products, 1; Ward, F. L., 1. Shale: Brown, G. G., 1; Lane, A. C., 36, 37; Ries, H., 2, 3, 4. Silver: Anonymous, 3; Jackson, C. T., 2, 3, 7; Nishio, K., 1; Niggerath, J. J., 1(f); Schoolcraft, H. R., 5; Swineford, A. P., 5; Winchell, H. V., 2. Iron River district: Swineford, A. P., 3, 4; Whittlesey, C., 10. Ontonagon district: Rominger, C. L., 3. Origin of: Jackson, C. T., 19. Silver Islet: Fleener, F., 1(*); McDermott, W., 1(*). Slate: Rominger, C. L., 3; Swineford, A. P., 3, 5. Stone, Bayport: Benedict, A. C., 1. Uranium: Kennedy, B. E., 1, 2; Vietzke, W. J., 1. Water: See Water Resources Mineralogy Adularia: Winchell, N. H., 18. Agate: Alessi, A. J., 2; Dustin, F., 4; Luoma, H. L., 2. Algodonite: Koenig, G. A., 2. Analcite: Hovey, E. 0., 1; Penfield, S. L., 1. Anthraconite, near Norwood: Wulfman, C. E., 1. Apophyllite, Cliff mine: Dana, J. D., 1. Barite: Hobbs, W. H., 1. Calcite: Palache, C., 1, 4; Rath, G. von, 1(f); Spiroff, K., 5. REFERENCES, SUBJECT INDEX 423 Celestite: Kraus, E. H., 2, 3. Champion area: Mandarino, J. A., 1. Chlorastrolite: Dustin, F., 2; Hawes, G. W., 1; Luoma, H. L., 3; Winchell, N. H., 16. Chlorite, pseudomorphs of: Pumpelly, R., 3. Chloritoid: Hobbs, W. H., 1; Lane, A. C., 1, 2. Chrysocolla: Joy, C. A., 1; Luoma, H. L., 4. Copper: Cornwall, H. R., 4; Rath, G. von, 2(f). Copper arsenides: Genth, F. A., 1; Koenig, G. A., 2, 3; Nichols, J. B., 1; Schwartz, G. M., 1. Copper oxides: Joy, C. A., 1; Schaller, W. T., 1; Whitney, J. D., 4, 8. Copper-silver nugget: Luoma, H. L., 1. Cranbrook collection: Hatt, R. T., 1. Datolite: Hayes, A. A., 1. Diamond field, Great Lakes region: Hobbs, W. H., 2. Dickite and chromium silicate, in iron ores: Gruner, J. W., 5(a). Domeykite: Jackson, C. T., 21; Koenig, G. A., 2, 3. Eakleite, Isle Royale: Foshag, W. F., 1. Feldspar: Classen, E., 1; Julien, A. A., 1; Stewart, D., Jr., 1. Float copper: Knowlton, F. G., 1; Kraus, E. H., 4. Fluorite, Monroe formation: Fitzgerald, P. E., 1. Fulgurites: Franz, H., 1; Hill, J., 1; Hurd, P., 1. Garnet: Alessi, A. J., 4; Penfield, S. L., 2. Gems, Isle Royale: Dustin, F., 1, 2. Glauconite, in Hermansville: Bergquist, S. G., 2. Grilnerite: Lane, A. C., 1; Richarz, S., 1, 2, 4. Halite: Slawson, C. B., 4(a); Spiroff, K., 1. Halloysite: Ayres, V. L., 2(a). Heavy minerals, podzol soils: Matelski, R. P., 1. Hematite: Classen, E., 1; Cornwall, H. R., 4; Winchell, N. H., 8. Ilmenite: Cornwall, H. R., 4. Jacksonite: Whitney, J. D., 3; Winchell, N. H., 17. Keweenawite: Koenig, G. A., 4. Limonite, Van Buren County: Hill, J., 2, 3. Lintonite: Winchell, N. H., 15. Magnesiosussexite: Gruner, J. W., 2. Magnetite: Cornwall, H. R., 4. Manganite: Hobbs, W. H., 1. Martite, in sideritic ore: Wienert, F., 1. Melanochalcite: Koenig, G, A., 4. Michigan: Bigsby, J. J., 1; Dustin, F., 5; Gritzner, G. F., 1; Jackson, C. T., 17; Mich. College Min. Tech., 1; Parsons, W. H., 1; Poindexter, O. F., 12; Wadsworth, M. E., 14; Wright, F. E., 1; Zuidema, H. P., 1. Microcline, native copper: Klein, I., 1. Mineral collecting: Dustin, F., 5; Gritzner, G. F., 1;_Luoma, W.E., 1. Minerals in dolomite, Monroe, Michigan: Bacon, L. R., 1. Minerals in sandstone, Rockford, Michigan: Bay, J. W., 4. Mirabilite, Isle Royale mine: Lane, A. C., 59; Peck, A. B., 1. Mohawkite: Koenig, G. A., 2, 3; Richards, J. W., 1. Nontronite: Ayres, V. L., 2(a). Northern Peninsula: Ayres, V. L., 2(a); Brooks, T. B., 5; Cornwall, H. R., 4; Everhart, H. A., 1; Jackson, C. T., 17; Koch, F. K. L., 3; Luoma, W. E., 1. Iron country: Alessi, A. J., 1, 3; Ayres, V. L., 3; Classen, E., 1; Spiroff, K., 3. Isle Royale: Dustin, F., 1, 2; Foshag, W. F., 1; Foster, J. W., 10; Koch, F. K. L., 3; Winchell, N. H., 16. 424 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Keweenaw Peninsula: Andress, J. E., 1; Cornwall, H. R., 4; Jackson, C. T., 1; Lane, A. C., 59; Mandarino, J. A., 1; Palache, C., 1, 3, 4; Peck, A. B., 1; Spiroff, K., 2, 5. Lake Superior region: Andress, J. E., 1; Ayres, V. L., 3; Foster, J. W., 9; Jackson, C. T., 1, 4, 11, 15; Koch, F. K. L., 2, 3; Locke, J., 3, 4; Richarz, S., 1, 2, 4; Rogers, H. D., 1; Spiroff, K., 2, 3; Teschemacher, J. E., 1; Whitney, J. D., 1, 13, 17; Winchell, N. H., 15. Oldhamite, in Allegan meteorite: Tassin, W., 1. Powellite: Koenig, G. A., 1; Palache, C., 2. Quartz, isotropic: Winchell, A. N., 3. Radium, Keweenawan basalts: Urry, W. D., 1. Riebeckite: Lane, A. C., 1. Seamanite: Kraus, E. H., 5; McConnell, D., 1. Serpentine, Ishpeming: Alessi, A. J., 1. Stibio-domeykite: Koenig, G. A., 2. Stilpnomelane: Ayres, V. L., 2(a). Sulphur: Kraus, E. H., 1, 3; Sherzer, W. H., 2. Sussexite, Iron County: Slawson, C. B., 2. Thomsonite: Winchell, N. H., 15. Tourmaline: Alty, S. W., 1(a), 3; Slawson, C. B., 3(a). Vanadium minerals: Teschemacher, J. E., 1. Whitneyite: Genth, F. A., 1. Zonochlorite: Hawes, G. W., 1; Winchell, N. H., 16. Mining Accidents: Channing, J. P., 1; Conibear, W., 1; Fay, A. H., 2; Quine, J. T., 1. Concrete shaft houses: Hayden, J. E., 2. Cut-and-fill stoping system: Mendelsohn, A., 2. Hoisting problem: Thompson, J. R., 1. Lake Superior region: Jackson, C. T., 11; Lawrence, C. E., 2(*); Stevens, W. H., 1; White, P., 2; Winchell, A. N., 2; Winchell, H. V., 2. Mine taxation: Allen, R. C., 7, 20; Gibson, T. G., 1(*); Young, 0. H., 1. Mine waters: Chapman, R. H., 1(th); Jones, J. T., 1, 2; Kelly, W., 2; Lane, A. C., 40, 44, 51, 57; Stuart, W. T., 5. Ontonagon County: Broughton, S. H., 1. Rock drill, development of: Hawes, E. L., 1(*). Missaukee County Devonian stratigraphy and fauna, from cores: Jacobson, R. C., 1(th). Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Monroe County: Hubbard, B., 5. Deerfield oil field: Lindberg, G. D., 1. Geology of: Nattress, T., 1; Sherzer, W. H., 4. Mineralogy: Bacon, L. R., 1; Kraus, E. H., 1, 3. Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Size analysis, beach sand, Sterling State Park: Steiner, W. W., 1(th). Montcalm County Crystal oil field, geology of: Eddy, G. E., 3. Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Montmorency County Geology of: Land Econ. Survey, 2. Glacial: Bergquist, S. G., 14. Pollen studies, Middle Fish Lake: Wilson, I. T., 1. Muskegon County: Lane, A. C., 27. Muskegon oil field: Newcombe, R. J. B., 6. Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. REFERENCES, SUBJECT INDEX 425 Newaygo County Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Well cores, Garfield Township, stratigraphy and paleontology: Fauser, W. B., Jr., 1(th); Manulik, A. J., 1(th); Preble, H. D., 1(th). Northern Peninsula: See also Lake Superior Region; Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries, copper, iron; Petrography and Petrology. Geology of: Hubbard, L. L., 5; Locke, J., 2; Whitney, J. D., 2. Glacial: Lane, A. C., 36; Leverett, F., 13, 14, 27(a); Mich. Acad. Sci., 8. Metalliferous veins of: Houghton, D., 1. Paleozoic: Crooks, H. F., 1(th); Ehlers, G. M., 3, 4(a), 11(th); Mich. Acad. Sci., 8; Rominger, C. L., 2; Savage, T. E., 1. Pre-Silurian structures: Credner, H., 2(f). Geophysical investigations and magnetic surveys: See Explorations and Surveys. Mineral industries: Snelgrove, A. K., 1. Mineralogy: See Mineralogy Water resources: Brown, E. A., 1; Lane, A. C., 35; Poindexter, 0. F., 5; Stuart, W. T., 3(a), 4, 6; U. S. Geol. Survey, 12. Oakland County: Hubbard, B., 4. Ground-water resources: Ferris, J. G., 4; Mozola, A. J., 1, 2. Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Surface geology of: Bingham, M. T., 1. Oceana County Hart oil field: Riggs, C. H., 1. Marl deposits: Bergquist, S. G., 1. Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Ogemaw County: Lane, A. C., 27. Geology of: Land Econ. Survey, 2; Newman, E. A., 1. Microfossils in deep well: Din, M., 1(th). Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Water power of: Land Econ. Survey, 1. West Branch oil field: Newman, E. A., 1. Oil and Gas: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries Ontonagon County Dip-needle survey, Cherokee area: Spiroff, K., 4. Extrusive and sedimentary rocks, petrographic study of: Hornstein, 0. M., 1(th). Keweenawan sediments of: Van Altena, P. J., 1 (th). Mining interests and geology of: Broughton, S. H., 1. Mines of: Jamison, K., 1. Notes on: Barnes, G. 0., 1; White, W. S., 4(a). Porcupine Mountains, geology of: El-Khalidi, H. H., 1(th); Lane, A. C., 49; Thaden, R. E.- 1(th). Silver in: Swineford, A. P., 3, 4, 5. White Pine: Ayer, F. A., 1; Humphrys, C. R., 1; McLeod, B. H., 1; Mining World, 1; Ramsey, R. H., 1; White, W. S., 3, 5. Osceola County Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Reed City field: Oil and Gas Jour., 5. Ottawa County: Douglass, C. C., 2. Ground-water resources, Holland area: Ferris, J. G., 3. Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Walker field: Oil and Gas Jour., 3; Riggs, C. H., 3 (a). Walker-Wyoming limit: Oil and Gas Jour., 2. 426 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Paleontology Algae As limestone markers: Glock, W. S., 1(*). Lake sediment, algal origin: Phinney, H. K., 1. Pre-Cambrian and Carboniferous: Twenhofel, W. H., 1. Stromatolites: Richardson, E. S., Jr., 1. Blastoids Hamilton group: Barris, W. H., 1. Heteroschisma. gracile: Wachsmuth, C., 1. Brachiopoda American, synopsis of: Schuchert, C., 1. Atrypa: Fenton, C. L., 1. Cambrian: Walcott, C. D., 3(*). Color patterns of: Foerste, A. F., 5(*). Mississippian: Oden, A. L., l(th). Strophodontac: Imbrie, J., 1 (a). Traverse group, Gypidula petoskeyensis: Imlay, R. W., 1. Winchell's types, revision of: Ehlers, G. M., 14. Bryozoan Devonian Cryptostomata, from Traverse group: McNair, A. H., 1; Slaughter, A. E., 1(th). Fenestella deissi: Elias, M. K., 1. Fenestellidae, stratigraphic correlation: Deiss, C. F., 1. Trepostomata: Duncan, H. M., 1(a), 2. Escharopora hogbeni, distribution of: Kay, G. M., 1. Carboniferous: Stevens, R. P., 1. Ammonoids, America: Smith, J. P., 1. Coal pebbles in glacial drift, Ann Arbor: Bartlett, H. H., 1. Fauna, Grand Ledge: Kelly, W. A., 1. Conodonts, Norwood and Antrim shales: Morse, M. L., 1(th). Corals: Rominger, C. L., 3. Aulopora: Fenton, M. A., 3, 4. Calamoporae, in gravel deposits: Rominger, C. L., 1. Devonian Eridophyllum: Stumm, E. C., 8. Hexagonaria: Stumm, E. C., 2. Microcyclus: Stumm, E. C., 3. Traverse group: Ehlers, G. M., 13, 18; Sloss, L. L., 1. Favosites alpenensis: Swann, D. H., 1. Prismatophyllum: Faul, H., 1(th), 2. Diphyphyllum simcoense: Sherzer, W. H., 1. Niagaran Favosites, new species: Berner, R. E., 1(th). Heterolasma foerstei: Ehlers, G. M., 2. Oriented sections, significance of: Grabau, W. E., l(th). Reefs of: Grabau, A. W., 4. Devonian: Faul, H., 2. Niagaran: Cumings, E. R., 2(*). Seas: Case, E. C., 3. Triplasma, Silurian rugose coral: Stumm, E. C., 5(*). Crinoids Devonian: Ehlers, G. M., 9; Kirk, E., 1, 3; Wood, E., 1. Hamilton group: Barris, W. H., 2. Megistocrinus concavus: Wachsmuth, C., 2. Traverse Dolatocrinus: Kirk, E., 2. Stratigraphic significance of: Davies, W. E., 1(th). REFERENCES, SUBJECT INDEX 427 Cystoids Devonian: Stumm, E. C., 10(a). Lipsanocystis traversensis: Ehlers, G. M., 6. Trenton: Hussey, R. C., 2. Devonian Arthrodiran remains: Case, E. C., 4. Blastoids: Barris, W. H., 1. Brachiopoda: Ehlers, G. M., 14; Imbrie, J., 1(a); Imlay, R. W., 1. Bryozoa: Deiss, C. F., 1; Duncan, H. M., 1(a), 2; Elias, M. K., 1; McNair, A. H., 1; Slaughter, A. E., 1(th). Corals: Ehlers, G. M., 13, 18; Faul, H., 1(th), 2; Fenton, M. A., 3; Sloss, L. L., 1; Stumm, E. C., 2, 3, 8; Swann, D. H., 1. Crinoids: Barris, W. H., 2; Davies, W. E., 1(th); Ehlers, G. M., 9; Kirk, E., 1, 2, 3; Wachsmuth, C., 2; Wood, E., 1. Cystoids: Ehlers, G. M., 6; Stumm, E. C., 10(a). Detroit River: Stauffer, C. R., 5. Dundee limestone: Bassett, C. F., 1; Sherzer, W. H., 8. Fauna: Burgess, C. W., 1(th); Ehlers, G. M., 10; Grabau, A. W., 10(a); Schuchert, C., 2; Sherzer, W. H., 8; Stumm, E. C., 4; Williams, H. S., 2. Fossils, spectrographic analysis of: Uhri, D. C., 1(th). Fossil zones in wells, southwestern Ontario: Fritz, M. A., 1(*). Mollusca: La Rocque, J. A., 1(th). Cephalopoda: Ehlers, G. M., 5; Foerste, A. F., 4. Gastropoda: Ehlers, G. M., 5; La Rocque, J. A., 2; Linsley, R. M., 1(th); Radabaugh, R. E., 2(th). Pelecypoda: La Rocque, J. A., 3. Ostracodes: Campau, D. E., l(th); Coley, T. B., 1(*,th), 2(*); Henderson, J., 1 (th); Kesling, R. V., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11; Kilgore, J. E., 1(th); McMillan, G. W., 1(th); Stewart, G. A., 1(*); Tabor, N. R., 1(th); Van Pelt, H. L., 1; Warthin, A. S., Jr., 1(a), 2; Weiss, M., 1(th); Wuckert, A. E., 1 (th). Reefs: Faul, H., 2; Henry, W. W., 1(th). Silica formation: Kline, V. H., 1(th). Stromatoporoid reef: Fenton, M. A., 2. Traverse-Ferron Point and Genshaw: Smith, G. W., 1(th). Trilobites: Stumm, E. C., 6, 7, 9. Well cores: Beauclair, W. A., 1(th); Burgess, C. W., 1(th); Hamberg, L. R., 1(th); Jacobson, R. C., 1(th). Fauna Carboniferous, Grand Ledge: Kelly, W. A., 1. Devonian: Burgess, C. W., 1(th); Jacobson, R. C., 1(th); Stumm, E. C., 4; Williams, H. S., 2. Dundee limestone: Bassett, C. F., 1; Sherzer, W. H., 8. Faunal provinces, America: Schuchert, C., 2. Hamilton, southeastern Michigan: Ehlers, G. M., 10. Schoharie: Grabau, A. W., 10(a). Traverse: Stumm, E. C., 4. Faunal lists, Limestone Mountain and Sherman Hill: Case, E. C., 2. Microfossils, deep wells: Din, M., 1(th). Pennsylvanian: Kelly, W. A., 1, 2. Richmond: Foerste, A. F., 1. Silurian, Ontario Peninsula, Manitoulin: Williams, M. Y., 1. Siluric: Grabau, A. W., 8(a); Sherzer, W. H., 6. Unione, Great Lakes, preglacial distribution of: Walker, B., 1. Flora Bowmanites: Arnold, C. A., 7. Callixylon newberryi: Arnold, C. A., 3. 428 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Cordaitean wood: Arnold, C. A., 2. Geographical distribution of: Ward, L. F., 1. Lepidophyte cone: Arnold, C. A., 1. Megaspores: Arnold, C. A., 10. Paleobotanical studies: Arnold, C. A., 6. Antrim shale: Clark, I. M., 1. Pennsylvanian: Arnold, C. A., 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10. Pollen: Cain, S. A., 1. Bogs: Houdek, P. K., 1; Potzger, J. E., 1, 3. Forest succession indicated by pollen: Potzger, J. E., 1, 2. Lake sediments: Cain, S. A., 2; Potzger, J. E., 2; Wilson, I. T., 1, 3. Tension zone, lower Michigan: Potzger, J. E., 5. Postglacial: Fuller, G. D., 1; Hansen, E. B., 1; Potzger, J. E., 4; West, G. F., 1. Relic, Keweenaw Peninsula: Bergquist, S. G., 11. Sphenopterid fructification: Arnold, C. A., 4. Spore coal: Bergquist, S. G., 13. Fossil burrows, Ajibik quartzite: Faul, H., 3. Fossil collecting: Raasch, G. 0., 1. Graptolites Niagaran: Ehlers, G. M., 12(a). Ordovician, Calhoun County, stratigraphic significance: Decker, C. E., 1, 2(*). Huron group: Winchell, A., 5. Lake Superior region: Hall, J., 1; Locke, J., 3, 4. Lake Superior sandstone: Winchell, A., 6. Michigan: Martin, H. M., 19. Mississippian Brachiopoda: Oden, A. L., 1 (th). Cephalopoda: Garner, H. F., 1(th), 2(th); Miller, A. K., 1, 2. Coldwater: Lane, A. C., 17. Limestone exposures at Grand Rapids, fossils in: Strong, E. A., 1. Marshall: Lane, A. C., 17; Winchell, A., 5, 10, 17. Point au Gres, revision of E. A. Strong's species: Ehlers, G. M., 16. Mollusca: Lane, A. C., 37. Cephalopoda: Winchell, A., 3. Black River: Foerste, A. F., 7. Carboniferous ammonoids, America: Smith, J. P., 1. Color patterns: Foerste, A. F., 5(*). Devonian: Ehlers, G. M., 5; Foerste, A. F., 4. Mississippian: Garner, H. F., 1(th), 2(th); Miller, A. K., 1, 2. Nephriticerina: Foerste, A. F., 6. Paleozoic, America: Foerste, A. F., 3. Silurian: Foerste, A. F., 2. Devonian: La Roeque, J. A., 1(th). Gastropoda: Foerste, A. F., 5(*). Bellerophont muscle scars: Knight, J. B., 1(*). Devonian: Ehlers, G. M., 5; La Rocque, J. A., 2; Linsley, R. M., 1(th). Rogers City limestone: Radabaugh, R. E., 2(th). Snail borings: Fenton, C. L., 3. Pelecypoda: Foerste, A. F., 5(*). Devonian: La Rocque, J. A., 3. Pennsylvanian: Kelly, W. A., 7 (a). Postglacial: Baker, F. C., 1. Monroe formation: Grabau, A. W., 11. Nomenclature, priority: Stumm, E. C., 1. REFERENCES, SUBJECT INDEX 429 Ordovician: Hussey, R. C., 4. Bibliographic index: Bassler, R. S., 1(*). Cephalopoda: Foerste, A. F., 7. Cystoids, Trenton: Hussey, R. C., 2. Graptolites: Decker, C. E., 1, 2(*). Microfossils of, in deep wells: Din, M., 1(th). Ostracodes: Kesling, R. V., 10. Reef, Sulphur Island: Ehlers, G. M., 8. Richmond fauna: Foerste, A. F., 1. Organic markings, iron ores: Gresley, W. S., 1. Organic remains, Huronian: Cayeux, L., 1(f); Gresley, W. S., 2. Ostracodes Devonian: Bell shale: Henderson, J., 1(th); Kesling, R. V., 5; Van Pelt, H. L., 1. Hollinidae: Kesling, R. V., 2; McMillan, G. W., 1(th). Stratigraphic distribution of: Campau, D. E., 1(th); Coley, T. B., 1(*, th), 2(*). Traverse group: Kesling, R. V., 1; Warthin, A. S., Jr., 2. Ferron Point: Kesling, R. V., 6, 11. Genshaw: Kesling, R. V., 3, 4, 7; Kilgore, J. E., 1(th); Tabor, N. R., 1(th). Norway Point: Kesling, R. V., 9; Weiss, M., 1(th). Ponderodictya, bioseries of: Wuckert, A. E., 1 (th). Rockport Quarry limestone: Kesling, R. V., 8. Stratigraphic distribution of: Campau, D. E., 1(th). Zonal distribution of: Stewart, G. A., 1(*). Traverse-Hamilton correlations: Warthin, A. S., Jr., 1(a). Ordovician: Kesling, R. V., 10. Paleozoic Occurrence and distribution of: Cooper, C. L., 1(*). Statistical morphological classification of: Holmquest, H. J., Jr., 1(th). Paleozoic: Case, E. C., 2; Hall, J., 1. Pennsylvanian: See also Carboniferous. Faunas: Kelly, W. A., 1, 2. Flora: Arnold, C. A., 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10; Bergquist, S. G., 13. Mollusca: Kelly, W. A., 7 (a). Pollen: See Flora Pre-Cambrian: Walcott, C. D., 2(*). Reefs Devonian: Faul, H., 2; Henry, W. W., 1(th). Niagaran: Cumings, E. R., 2(*); Herndon, T., 1(th); Lowenstam, H. A., 1. Ordovician, Sulphur Island: Ehlers, G. M., 8. Paleozoic: Grabau, A. W., 4. Restricted conditions: Verhoeven, C. S., 1 (th). Stromatoporoid: Fenton, C.L., 2(*); Fenton, M. A., 1(a), 2. Scolecodonts: Eller, E. R., 1, 2. Silurian Bibliographic index: Bassler, R. S., 1(*). Cataract strata: Ehlers, G. M., 7. Cephalopoda: Foerste, A. F., 2. Corals: Berner, R. E., 1(th); Ehlers, G. M., 2; Stumm, E. C., 5(*). Fauna: Grabau, A. W., 8(a); Sherzer, W. H., 6; Williams, M. Y., 1. Graptolites: Ehlers, G. M., 12(a). Reefs: Cumings, E. R., 2(*); Herndon, T., 1(th); Lowenstam, H. A., 1. Stromatoporoid, Niagaran: Fenton, C. L., 2(*). Stromatolites, Lower Huronian: Richardson, E. S., Jr., 1; See also algae. Stromatoporoid reef: Fenton, C. L., 2(*); Fenton, M. A., 1(a), 2. 430 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Supposed fossil from copper-bearing rocks: Wadsworth, M. E., 8. Trilobites, Devonian: Stumm, E. C., 6, 7, 9. Vertebrates Arthrodiran remains: Case, E. C., 4. Beaver: Cahn, A. R., 1, 2; Engels, W. L., 1. Bo6therium: Gidley, J. W., 1. Caribou, barren ground: Hibbard, C. W., 1. Elephas primigenius americanus: Case, E. C., 5. Fishes, Paleozoic: Newberry, J. S., 2. Fresh-water sheepshead, Cheboygan County: Hubbs, C. L., 1. Mammal bones, Sleeping Bear dune: Gates, D. M., 1. Marine mammals in Pleistocene beaches: Handley, C. 0., Jr., 1. Mastodon: Case, E. C., 6; MacAlpin, A. J., 1; MacCurdy, H. M., 1; Warren, J. C., 1; Winchell, A., 7. Ovibos: Gidley, J. W., 1. Platygonus compressus: Wagner, G., 1. Symbos cavifrons: Case, E. C., 1. Woolly elephant: Sherzer, W. H., 10. Well cores Antrim and Crawford counties: Burgess, C. W., 1(th). Bay and Arenac counties: Hamberg, L. R., 1(th). Clare County: Beauclair, W. A., 1(th). Microfossils, deep wells: Din, M., 1(th). Missaukee County: Jacobson, R. C., l(th). Newaygo County: Fauser, W. B., Jr., 1(th); Manulik, A. J., 1(th); Preble, H. D., 1(th). Washtenaw County: Coupal, F. E., 1(th). Petrography and Petrology Accessory minerals, pre-Cambrian: Tyler, S. A., 3; Urry, W. D., 1. Amygdules, Keweenaw district: Wadsworth, M. E., 3. Analyses, rocks and minerals: Chamberlin, R. T., 1; Clarke, F. W., 1(*), 2(*), 3(*), 4(*), 5(*), 7(*); Sundius, N., 1; Washington, H. S., 1(*); Winchell, A. N., 1. Calcium carbonate-magnesium ratios, Dundee-Rogers City: Powell, L. M., 1(th). Pitchstone porphyry, Isle Royale: Jackson, C. T., 13. Slate and dike, Marquette range: White, E. E., 1. Auvergnose rocks: Lane, A. C., 39. Baraga County, Huronian rocks: Chynoweth, C. E., 1 (th). Basic massive rocks, Lake Superior region: Bayley, W. S., 1(*). Bayport chert: Dustin, F., 3. Calcite: Curren, R. F., 1 (th); Palache, C., 1, 4. Clay slates, Huronian: Wichman, A., 1. Crystal Falls district: Clements, J. M., 3, 4, 5. Deformation lamellae in quartz, Ajibik formation: Fairbairn, H. W., 1. Detroit River series: Tharp, M., 1(th). Dikes: Intrusion of into Lower Huronian: Clements, J. M., 4. Lighthouse Point: Lane, A. C., 29. Newport mine: Hoffman, G. A., 1(th). Pegmatite dikes, contact metamorphic effects of: Conrad, M. A., l(th). Domeykite group, x-ray study of: Ramsdell, L. S., 1. Eagle River district: Pumpelly, R., 2. Extrusive and sedimentary rocks, Ontonagon and Gogebic counties: Hornstein, 0. M., 1(th). Ellipsoidal structure, pre-Cambrian: Clements, J. M., 6. Felch Mountain district, gneissic complex: Lehner, R., 1(th). REFERENCES, SUBJECT INDEX 431 Feldspar, secondary enlargement of: Van Hise, C. R., 1. Ford River granite: Dickey, R. M., 3. General: Wadsworth, M. E., 14. Geochemical and radiometric investigations: Orajaka, S. 0., l(th). Grain size, igneous rocks: Lane, A. C., 29, 34. Granite-slate contact, Eureka mine: Dickey, R. M., 4. Granitization, Lake Pelesier area: Porturas, P. A., 1(th). Griinerite: Richarz, S., 1, 2, 4; Sundius, N., 1, 2. Heavy mineral studies Ajibik and Mesnard quartzites: Jackson, K. C., 1(th). Pennsylvanian sandstones: Kelly, W. A., 4. Podzol soil profiles: Matelski, R. P., 1. Pre-Cambrian: Tyler, S. A., 2. Holyoke meta-sediments, Dead River basin: Engel, T., Jr., 1(th). Hornblende, paramorphic origin of: Irving, R. D., 3. Hornblendes and augites, enlargement of: Van Hise, C. R., 3. Huron Mountains: Berner, P. C., 1(th); Brady, M. B., 1(th); Orajaka, S. 0., 1(th). Huronian: Brooks, T. B., 7, 8; Chynoweth, C. E., 1(th); Clements, J. M., 4; Elkington, R. B., 1 (th); Pettijohn, F. J., 3; Wichman, A., 1, 2. Insoluble residues Bell: Eddy, G. E., 1. Detroit River: Cooley, G. A., 1(th); Saunders, J. M., 1(th); Wellman, D. C., 1. Dundee: Cooley, G. A., 1(th); Eddy, G. E., 1; Wellman, D. C., 1. Sylvania: Alty, S. W., 2. Traverse: Eddy, G. E., 1; Simons, M. E., 1(th), 2(th). Intrusives Clarksburg: Leedy, F., 1(th). Grain studies of: Lane, A. C., 29. Marenisco range: Beutner, E. L., 1(th). Mount Bohemia: Lane, A. C., 50. Isle Royale: Lane, A. C., 6. Jacksonite, optical characters of: Winchell, N. H., 17. Jacobsville sandstone: Denning, R. M., 1(th). Keweenawan: Broderick, T. M., 5, 6; Cornwall, H. R., 2, 3; Grout, F. F., 1(*); Lane, A. C., 53, 69; Urry, W. D., 1; Van Altena, P. J., 1(th); Winchell, A. N., 1; Zinn, J., 1(th). Keweenaw Point: Hubbard, L. L., 3. Kitchi conglomerite: Hagni, R. D., 1(th). Lake Enchantment area, sub-Huronian sediments: Brooke, G. L., 1(th). Lake Superior region: Bayley, W. S., 1(*); Brooks, T. B., 7, 8; Credner, H., 3(f); Wadsworth, M. E., 14; Whitney, J. D., 19; Winchell, N. H., 14. Laurentian: Brooks, T. B., 9. Leucoxene, nature-of: Tyler, S. A., 1. Little Preque Isle: Tara, M. E., l(th). Magmatic differentiation Copper-bearing series: Lane, A. C., 7. Effusive rocks: Powers, S., 1(*). Keweenawan lavas: Broderick, T. M., 5, 6; Cornwall, H. R., 2, 3. Xenolithic lamprophyre dikes: Ayres, V. L., 1. Magnesium/calcium ratios, well samples: Jodry, R. L., 1(th). Marenisco range, intrusives of: Beutner, E. L., 1(th). Marquette district: Van Hise, C. R., 15; Williams, G. H., 2. Marshall: Hobbs, R. A., 1(th); O'Hara, N. W., l(th); Stearns, M. D., 1, 2. Menominee district: Williams, G. H., 2. Michigamme district, volcanics of: Clements, J. M., 1. 432 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Mineral fragments, secondary enlargement: Irving, R. D., 4. Mount Bohemia, intrusives: Lane, A. C., 50. Mount Houghton felsite: Fritts, C. E., 1(th). Northern Peninsula: Allen, R. C., 12; Brooks, T. B., 5. Peridotite, Presque Isle: Creveling, J. G., 1. Pine Creek area: Higgins, J. W., 1. Pitchstone: Foster, J. W., 10; Jackson, C. T., 13. Porcupine Mountain area: El-Khalidi, H. H., 1(th); Hornstein, 0. M., i(th); Thaden, R. E., 1(th). Quinnesec complex: Prinz, W., 1(th). Radium, Keweenawan basalts: Urry, W. D., 1. Randville dolomite: Theodosis, S. D., 1(th). "Red Rock", Porcupine Mountains: Thaden, R. E., l(th). Salina salt, textural relationships: Dellwig, L. F., 1(a). Sedimentary Beach sands: Espenshade, E. B., Jr., 1(th); Pettijohn, F. J., 1; Steiner, W. W., 1(th). Cary and Valders till, northeastern Wisconsin: Murray, R. C., I(*). Dune sands: Calver, J. L., 1; Espenshade, E. B., Jr., 1(th); Lutz, H. J., 1. Eskers, analyses of: Erickson, R. L., l(th); McCallum, M. L., 1(th); Sandefur, B. T., 1(a); Schmitt, G. T., l(th). Fine-grained, correlation of: Paige, D. S., 1(th). Keweenawan, Ontonagon County: Van Altena, P. J., 1(th). Lake Erie, mechanical analyses of: Gacek, W. F., l(th). Marshall: Hobbs, R. A., 1 (th); O'Hara, N. W., 1 (th); Stearns, M. D., 1, 2. Mississippian, analysis of: Kropschot, R. E., l(th). Sand grains, types of: Sherzer, W. H., 7. Sand, nonwetting, Muskallonge Lake: Tague, G. C., 1. Sand, size analyses of: Marschner, A. W., 1; Steiner, W. W., 1(th). Silurian, analysis of: Melhorn, W. N., 1(th). Sphericity and roundness of: Calver, J. L., 1; Espenshade, E. B., Jr., 1(th); Hobbs, R. A., l(th). Unconsolidated sands, petrofabrics of: Smith, H. C., Jr., 1(*,th). Whittlesey beach sediments: Brabb, E. E., 1(th). Serpentinite, Presque Isle: Krimmel, C. P., 1(th). Shales, radioactivity and organic content of: Beers, R. F., 1. Spectrochemical analysis, limestone and dolomite: Kramer, J. R., 1(th). Sylvania: Alty, S. W., 2; Carman, J. E., 1. Petroleum: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries Physical Geology: See also Sedimentation Base level, northern Michigan: Van Hise, C. R., 14. Bog, Hartford: Osvald, H., 1. Camp Custer area: Leverett, F., 22. Caverns, influence on topography: Russell, I. C., 5. Chemical evolution, ocean: Lane, A. C., 42. Cirques, northwestern Michigan: Kelly, W. A., 11(a). Climatic changes, pedologic evidence of: Veatch, J. 0., 3. Coastal lakes, origin of: Evans, 0. F., 3. Drainage features Artificial: Miller, D. G., 1. Carboniferous area: Mudge, E. H., 2. Delta, St. Clair River: Cole, L. J., 1. Distributaries St. Clair and Detroit rivers: Taylor, F. B., 23(a). Elsie and Perrinton quadrangles: Leverett, F., 24(a). Glacial Abandoned channels, lower Huron: Bay, J. W., 1. Erie-Ohio basins: Leverett, F., 3. REFERENCES, SUBJECT INDEX 433 Fort Wayne outlet: Mich. Acad. Sci., 2. Grand River, evolution of: Bergquist, S. G., 20(a); Bretz, J. H., 5. Great Lakes basins: Newberry, J. S., 1. Kalamazoo and other old outlets: Gordon, C. H., 2. Probable outlet, Lake Superior: Winchell, N. H., 1. Southeastern Michigan: Bay, J. W., 3. Submerged valley, Mackinac Straits: Stanley, G. M., 5. Tahquamenon and Manistique: Bergquist, S. G., 7. Grand River: Bergquist, S. G., 20(a); Mudge, E. H., 1, 5. Great Lakes basins: Newberry, J. S., 1. Lateral erosion: Jefferson, M. S. W., 3. Meanders, Middle Rouge: Davis, D. H., 1. Pre-glacial: Forsythe, J. T., 1(th); Mudge, E. II., 4, 6; Whittlesey, C., 11. River development, Deer River: Clements, J. M., 2(a). Saginaw Valley: Lane, A. C., 5. Scaurs, River Rouge: Jefferson, M. S. W., 2. St. Marys River: Channing, W. F., 1. Stream capture: Bowman, I., 1; Lane, A. C., 8. Valley filling: Parkins, A. E., 1(a), 2. Western Michigan: Wooldridge, C. W., 3. Drift deposits: Winchell, A., 16(a), 24. Cary and Valders, northeastern Wisconsin: Murray, R. C., 1(*). Faulting and accompanying features in: Henrich, C., 1. Jasper conglomerate, index of drift dispersion: Slawson, C. B., 1. Lake Superior region: Agassiz, L., 1, 2; Desor, E., 1, 3, 4; Shepherd, F., 2; Whittlesey, C., 3. Lithological and textural variations in: Krumbein, W. C., 1. Northward transportation of: Winchell, A., 9. Northwest United States: Whittlesey, C., 2. Red, Manistee area: Bergquist, S. G., 23(a). Drumlins: Russell, I. C., 7 (a). Cheboygan and Presque Isle counties: Bergquist, S. G., 17. Distribution of: Bergquist, S. G., 16; Taylor, F. B., 20(a). Grand Traverse region: Leverett, F., 6 (a). Northern Michigan: Russell, I. C., 6. Dunes Along shores, upper American lakes: Desor, E., 5. Fine-textured material in: Lutz, H. J., 1. Form and wind direction of: Smith, H. T. U., 1. Grain roundness of, western Michigan: Calver, J. L., 1. Grand Sable: Bergquist, S. G., 8. Herring Lake embayment: Scott, I. D., 7. Lake Michigan: Parkins, A. E., 3; Scott, I. D., 5(a). Lake Superior: Bergquist, S. G., 8; Desor, E., 2. Manistique area: Stevenson, E. B., 1. Perched, Manistee moraine: Dow, K. W., 1. Physiography of: Scott, I. D., 4(a). Sleeping Bear: Gates, F. C., 1. Strand: Scott, I. D., 6(a), 8(a), 9(a). Ventifacts, Sleeping Bear Point: Dow, K. W., 2. Earthquakes: Hobbs, W. H., 4; Hussey, W. J., 1; Lane, A. C., 45. Later S phases of: Clements, D., l(th). Elevation systems, North America: Foster, J. W., 5. Erosion cliffs and talus, lower Devonic: Grabau, A. W., 6. Eskers: Sandefur, B. T., 1(a); Schmitt, G. T., l(th). Mason: Erickson, R. L., 1(th); McCallum, M. L., 1(th); Wooster, L. C., 2. Faulting, glacial sand and gravel: Henrich, C., 1. 434 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Foliation and sedimentation, Lake Superior region: Winchell, A., 30. Folds resulting from vertically acting forces: Robinson, W. I., 1. General Diagonal system in physical features: Winchell, A., 21. Geology, factor in soil classification: Veatch, J. 0., 1. Geology, relation to pedology: Veatch, J. 0., 2. Geothermal data: Agassiz, A., 2; Darton, N. H., 3. Copper district: Birch, F., 1; Fisher, J., 2; Hotchkiss, W. 0., 1; Kraskovsky, S. A., 1(f); Lane, A. C., 62(a), 64; Wheeler, H. A., 1.,Gradients: Lane, A. C., 16, 27, 28(a), 62(a), 70; Noble, J. A., 1(*). Post-glacial time calculations from: Hotchkiss, W. 0., 1. Glacial: Bergquist, S. G., 15(a); Lane, A. C., 46; Leverett, F., 19, 20; Martin, H. M., 2, 5, 6, 7. Alcona County: Lane, A. C., 27. Bessemer area: Brown, E. A., 1. Champlain valley: Chapman, D. H., 1(*). Chicago area: Leverett, F., 2(*). Dickinson County: Lane, A. C., 45. Douglas Lake, Cheboygan County: Wilson, I. T., 3. Erie-Ohio basins: Leverett, F., 3. Expression of structural features: Newcombe, R. J. B., 10. Genesee County: Bretz, J. H., 1. Great Lakes region: Hough, J. L., 6; Spencer, J. W. W., 2(*); Taylor, F. B., 4, 21(*), 22(*), 24(a), 26, 29. Iron County: Bergquist, S. G., 4; Lane, A. C., 45. Iron River district: Stuart, W. T., 4. Kalamazoo, vicinity of: Leverett, F., 25 (a). Lake Superior region: Agassiz, L., 1, 2; Leverett, F., 12; Shepherd, F., 2. Lapeer County: Lane, A. C., 27. Luce County: Bergquist, S. G., 3. Marquette region: Davis, C. A., 3. Menominee County: Lane, A. C., 45; Trow, J. W., 4(a); Ver Wiebe, W. A., 2. Montmorency County: Bergquist, S. G., 14. Northern Peninsula: Lane, A. C., 36; Leverett, F., 13, 14, 27(a); Mich. Acad. Sci., 8. Northwestern United States: Whittlesey, C., 2. Oakland County: Bingham, M. T., 1. Pitted outwash: Thwaites, F. T., 1(*). Platte and Crystal lake depressions: Calver, J. L., 2. Pleistocene research: Flint, R. F., 1(*). Pleistocene sediments, Lake Erie: Ross, A. R., 1(th). Post-Cary glacial substages: Hough, J. L., 5. Pre-Cambrian tillite: Pettijohn, F. J., 7(a). Pre-Huronian, Menominee district: Trow, J. W., 4(a). Relationship to settlement: Martin, H. M., 18. Roscommon County: Ver Wiebe, W. A., 3. Sault Ste. Marie area, Pleistocene clays of: Baldwin, D. C., 1(th). Southern Peninsula: Bergquist, S. G., 21(a); Leverett, F., 4(a), 5, 15, 28; Mich. Acad. Sci., 4. Succession, eastern Michigan: Taylor, F. B., 13(a). Van Buren County: Terwilliger, F. W., 4. Wexford County: Stewart, D. P., 1. Wisconsin substages and late Wisconsin events: Flint, R. F., 2. Grand Marais embayment: Tague, G. C., 2. Great Lakes Drainage basins of: Newberry, J. S., 1. REFERENCES, SUBJECT INDEX435 435 Erie Islands in, formation of: Cook, C. W., 3. Origin of, preglacial: Claypole, E. W., 1(*)..Pleistocene and recent sediments of: Ross, A. R., 1 (th). Status of in land tilting: Taylor, F. B., 27. Glacial Algonquin: Stanley, G. M., 6(a); Taylor, F. B., 8. Beaches of Abandoned-: Goldthwait, J. W., 2; Stanley, G. M., 1 (th); Taylor, F. B., 2, 3, 12(t),2 17 (a); Wright, G. F., 1. Algonquin: Goldthwait, J. W., 3, 4(a); Leverett, F., 17(a); Spencer, J. W. W., 6; Stanley, G. M., 4 (a); Taylor, F. B., 10; Upham, W., 3. Arkona: T aylor, F. B., 19. Correlation of: Goldthwait, J. W., 1(*); Leverett, F., 1, 30(a), 82; Taylor, F. B., 14(a), 15. Erie basin: Leverett, F.,.1, 32; Taylor, F. B., 15. High level: Spencer, J. W. W., 4. Huron basin: Leverett, F., 30 (a), 32; Taylor,. F. B., 15. Iroquois: Goldthwait, J. W., 3. Isle Royale: Stanley, G. M., 1(th). Lake Superior basin: Leverett, F., 29; Stanley, G. M., 1 (th); Taylor, F. B., 2,1 5(t,12() Mackinac Island: Taylor, F. B.., 1. Marine mammals in: Handley, C. 0., Jr., 1. Nipissing: Taylor, F. B.., 5 (t), 10. Saginaw basin: Leverett, F., 26 (a), 30 (a). Saginaw County: Cooper, W. F., 3. Warren: MacLachlan, D. B., 1 (th); Taylor, F. B., 14 (a); Upham, W., 3. XWhittiesey: Brabb, B. E., 1(th); Stanley, Gl. M., 2. Chicago, stages of: Bretz, J. H., 3.. Closing of: Smyth, B. B., 1. Correlation with Lake Agassis: Leverett, F., 16(a). Correlative ice borders, Superior basin: Leverett, F., 21(a). Departure of ice sheet from: Upham, W., 2(a). Isobases of: Algonquin and Iroquois:, Goldthwait, J. W., 3. Huron-Erie district:- Leverett, F., 31(a). Post-Algonquin: Gol~dthwait, J. W., 5 (a). Levels, indicated by river terraces: Bay, J. W., 2. Maumee: Taylor, F. B., 18. Michigan lake basin, levels of: Goldthwait, J. W., 2; Hough, S. L., 5. Nipissing: Stanley, Gl. M., 6(a). Saginaw basin: Bretz, S. H., 4; Leverett, F., 23 (a). Time relations of: Leverelt, F., 18(a). _ _ Warren:- Taylor, F. B., 18. Whittlesey: Taylor, F. Bt, 18, 19. Harbors, history of: Shaler, N. S., 1. History of: Leverett, F., 11; Martin, H. M., 6; Spencer, J. W. W., 3(a), 7, 8; Taylor, F. B., 21(a), 24(a), 29. Huron: Anonymous, 10; Jefferson, M. S. W.,1.. Along shore of: Bigsby, J. J., 1; Lane, A. C., 36. Deep water sediments: Weinberg, E. L., 1(th). Topographic expression of geology in: Eveland, H. E., Jr., 1 (th). Wave cutting: Lane, A. C., 27. Levels of: Hough, J. L., 4; Lachlan, Major, 1; Mather, W. W., 1; Taylor, F. B., 7; Whiting, H., 1; Whittlesey, C., 4, 8. 436 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Michigan Bathymetric studies: Evans, O. F., 1. Bottom deposits: Hough, J. L., 1(th), 2, 3; Snodgrass, D. B., 1(th). Geomorphology of basin: Thwaites, F. T., 4. Low water stage, postglacial: Hough, J. L., 4. Shore features of: Bretz, J. H., 2; Evans, O. F., 7, 12. North shore, lakes Huron and Michigan: Lane, A. C., 36. Ontario, preglacial origin of: Claypole, E. W., 1. Origin of: Newberry, J. S., 1; Spencer, J. W. W., 2(*), 3(a), 5. Sources of water, subterranean: Shufeldt, G. A., 1. Studies of: Spencer, J. W. W., 8, 9; Taylor, F. B., 9. Superior: Marcou, J., l(f); Rivot, L. E., 3(f), 4(f); Whittlesey, C., 9. Basin of: Leith, C. K., 4. Geologic history of: Bell, R., 1. Levels of: Mather, W. W., 1; Whittlesey, C., 8. Sublacustrine geology of: Irvin, W. C., 1(th). Harbor lakes, origin of: Evans, O. F., 2(a). Howell anticline Location by radioactivity: Lane, A. C., 68(a). Origin of: Kilbourne, D. E., 1(th). Huronian weathering and sedimentation: Trow, J. W., 4(a). Ice work: Scott, I. D., 2(a), 3; Sherzer, W. H., 5; Winslow, D. C., 1(th); Zumberge, J. H., 1(a), 2. Imbrication and initial dip, Keweenawan: White, W. S., 1. Influence of subsurface geology on electromagnetic waves: Gibbs, C. J., 1(th). Inland lakes: Scott, I. D., 1. Kames, near Lansing: Wooster, L. C., 1. Keweenaw fault: Lane, A. C., 56(a), 58. Lake Huron region, geology and geography of: Bigsby, J. J., 1, 2. Lake Superior geosyncline: Hotchkiss, W. 0., 5. Limonite-sand concretions, Spring Lake: Nichols, H. W., 1. Loess-like silt, Ann Arbor: Heyman, L., l(th). Mackinac Straits, submerged valley: Stanley, G. M., 5. Marlite balls: Kindle, E. M., 1. Metamorphism: Clements, J. M., 4; Lamey, C. A., 12(a); Williams, G. H., 1, 2. Randville dolomite: Theodosis, S. D., 1(th). Regional, pre-Cambrian: James, H. L., 8(a). Republic granite: Lamey, C. A., 2, 3, 5. Moraines Correlative beaches of: Leverett, F., 1, 30(a), 32; Taylor, F. B., 14(a), 15. Lake Superior basin: Leverett, F., 29. Port Huron system: Bergquist, S. G., 19(a); Taylor, F. B., 28. Recessional, significance of: Taylor, F. B., 11. Terminal, second glacial epoch: Chamberlin, T. C., 1. Nonwetting sand, Muskallonge Lake: Tague, G. C., 1. Northern and northwestern lakes: Schermerhorn, L. Y., 1. Postglacial Ann Arbor: Wooldridge, C. W., 2. Central Michigan, submergence: Mudge, E. H., 3. Champlain valley, history of: Chapman, D. H., 1(*). Detroit: Taylor, F. B., 16(a). Lake Michigan, low-water stage: Hough, J. L., 4. Platte and Crystal lake depressions: Calver, J. L., 2. Time determinations from sediments: Wilson, I. T., 2(a). Western Michigan: Wooldridge, C. W., 1. Pre-Pleistocene geomorphology, Saginaw lowland: Rhodehamel, E. C., l(th). Recession of lakes, relation to soil profiles: Veatch, J. 0., 4. REFERENCES, SUBJECT INDEX 437 Ripple marks Salina formation: Kaufmann, D. W., 1. Wave formed: Evans, 0. F., 8, 9, 11. Salina salt basin, rim collapse: Landes, K. K., 6(a). Salina salt deposition: Briggs, L. I., Jr., 1(a); Lucas, P. T., 1(th). Sedimentary overlap: Grabau, A. W., 5(*). Sediments, transportation of: Evans, 0. F., 4, 6. Shore features Beach cusps, origin and classification: Evans, 0. F., 13. Beach erosion: Billings, N. F., 1; Brater, E. F., 1; Univ. of Mich., 1. Lake Huron: Jefferson, M. S. W., 1. Wave cutting: Lane, A. C., 27. Lake Michigan: Bretz, J. H., 2; Evans, 0. F., 12. Low and ball, eastern shore: Evans, 0. F., 7. Recent: Lane, A. C., 35. Spits, bars, etc., origin of: Evans, 0. F., 10. Singing sands: Richardson, W. D., 1. Sinkholes: Poindexter, 0. F., 5, 6. Subsurface currents in lakes: Evans, 0. F., 5. Surface deposits, pre-glacial: Lane, A. C., 19(a). Tar as trap for humans: Kelly, W. A., 9. Terrestrial tides determined from gravity deviations: Chapman, W. B., l(th). Tidal gravity measurements: Rose, H., 1(th). Uplift Due to glacial melting: Gutenberg, B., 1. Elsie and Perrinton quadrangles: Leverett, F., 24 (a). Glacial and postglacial: Hobbs, W. H., 3. Great Lakes region: Gilbert, G. K., 1; Hubbert, M. K., 1(*); Moore, S., 1; Taylor, F. B., 25, 26. Relation to glacial lakes, Saginaw basin: Leverett, F., 23(a). Status of Lake Erie in: Taylor, F. B., 27. Valley train deposits: Bergquist, S. G., 5 (a), 6. Varved deposits: Bergquist, S. G., 22. Pre-Cambrian, granite pebble in: Brigham, E. M., 1. Walnut Lake, Oakland County: Lane, A. C., 46. Wave action, on submerged shelf: Evans, 0. F., 14. Weathering: Ehlers, G. M., 1; Zirbel, N. N., 1. Weathering and sedimentation, Menominee district: Trow, J. W., 4(a). Presque Isle County Drumlins in: Bergquist, S. G., 17. Geology of: Grabau, A. W., 1; Winchell, N. H., 2. Ferron Point and Genshaw formations in: Smith, G. W., 1(th). Reefs: See Paleontology Roscommon County Geology of: Land Econ. Survey, 2; Ver Wiebe, W. A., 3. Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Soils, relation of vegetation to: Lane, A. C., 35. Saginaw County Atlas of: Imperial Publishing Co., 1. Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Pleistocene beaches of: Cooper, W. F., 3. Saginaw oil field: Carlson, C. G., 1; Smith, R. A., 1. St. Joseph County: Hubbard, B., 4. Salt: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries Sand: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries 438 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Sanilac County Atlas of: Cookingham, E. R., 1. Geology of: Gordon, C. H., 1. Schoolcraft County Big Spring: Poindexter, O. F., 5. Geology of: Land Econ. Survey, 2; Poindexter, 0. F., 1. Oil and gas possibilities: Robinson, W. I., 2. Sinkholes, Indian Lake region: Poindexter, 0. F., 5, 6. Sedimentary Geology: See Petrography and Petrology; Physical Geology Shale: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries Silver: See Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries Soils: Lane, A. C., 17, 35; Winchell, A., 11. Alma area: Hearn, W. E., 1. Classification, geology factor in: Veatch, J. 0., 1. Heavy minerals in podzol soils: Matelski, R. P., 1. Loess-like silt, Ann Arbor: Heyman, L., 1(th). Pedologic evidence of climatic changes: Veatch, J. 0., 3. Pedology, relation to geology: Veatch, J. 0., 2. Soil profiles, relation to lakes: Veatch, J. 0., 4. Southern Peninsula: See also Mineral Resources and Mineral Industries; Stratigraphy, Paleozoic Geology of: Lane, A. C., 3; Mich. Acad. Sci., 4; Rominger, C. L., 3. Surface: Bergquist, S. G., 21(a); Leverett, F., 4(a), 5, 15, 28; Mich. Acad. Sci., 4. Notes on: Douglass, C. C., 3. Water resources of: Fuller, M. L., 2, 5; Lane, A. C., 9, 10, 35. Stratigraphy: See also Historical Geology Afton-Onaway area: Kelly, W. A., 10, 12. Alpena County: Grabau, A. W., 12; Mich. Acad. Sci., 3; Ver Wiebe, W. A., 1. Cambrian-Keweenawan boundary: Raasch, G. 0., 2. Chippewa County: Ver Wiebe, W. A., 4. East-central United States: Ballard, N., 1. Escanaba-Stonington area: Mich. Geol. Soc., 2. Facies deposition, reef conditions determined from: Verhoeven, C. S., 1(th). General: Lane, A. C., 45, 50; U. S. Geol. Survey, 6. Huron County: Lane, A. C., 17. Keweenaw Point, sandstone of: Agassiz, A., 1; Jackson, C. T., 20; Wadsworth, M. E., 11. Newaygo County, well records: Fauser, W. B., Jr., l(th); Manulik, A. J., 1(th); Preble, H. D., 1(th). Nomenclature Devonian: Cooper, G. A., 2; Warthin, A. S., Jr., 4. Pre-Cambrian: Grant, U. S., 1; Van Hise, C. R., 20; Willmott, A. B., 1; Winchell, A. N., 1. Suggested changes: Lane, A. C., 21. Upper Siluric: Lane, A. C., 47(a). North America: Willis, B., 2. Northern Peninsula: Thwaites, F. T., 2, 3. Ontonagon County, White Pine area: White, W. S., 3. Paleozoic: Mich. Acad. Sci., 1, 4, 6, 8; Oetking, P. F., l(th); Rominger, C. L., 2; Winchell, A., 3. Antrim: Tarbell, E., 1. Black shale problem: Ulrich, E. 0., 1. Cambrian: Cohee, G. V., 3; U. S. Geol. Survey, 10. In well logs, Northern Peninsula: Thwaites, F. T., 2. Southeastern Michigan: Cohee, G. V., 1. REFERENCES, SUBJECT INDEX 439 Cambrian-Ozarkian contact: Bergquist, S. G., 10. Carboniferous, thickness and lithology of: U. S. Geol. Survey, 17. Correlations: Neweombe, H. J. B., 2; Williams, H. S., 1. Devonian: McGregor, D. J., 1; U. S. Geol. Survey, 17; Warthin, A. S., Jr., 3; Winchell, N. H., 3. Bois Blanc: U. S. Geol. Survey, 7. Correlations, bearing of Detroit River series on: Warthin, A. S., Jr., 5. Detroit River: Landes, K. K., 8; Saunders, 5. M., I (th). Age of: Stauffer, C. R., 4. Subsurface studies of: Tharp, M., 1(th). Dundee: Bassett, C. F., 1; Radabaugh, R. E., 1(th); U. S. Geol. Survey, 4, 8. Hamilton correlations: Cooper, G. A., 1(a), 3. Mackinac region: Ehiers, G. M., 17(a). New York: Mich. Gaol. So~c., 3(*). Nomenclature: Cooper, G. A., 2; Warthin, A. S., Jr., 4. Ohio: Carman, J. E., 1; Mich. Gaol. Soc., 4; Stauffer, C. R.,1*, 2(*). Ontario: Mich. Geol. Soc., 3 (*); Staufifer, C. R., 3() Warthin, A. S., Jr., 3. Rogers City: Ehlers, G. M.., 15; Radabaugh, R. E., 1(th), 2(th); U. S. Geol. Survey, 8. Sandstones of: Enyert, R. L. 1 (th). Silica. formation: Kline, V. H., 1(th). Southeastern Michigan: Mich. Gaol.. Soc., 4..Sylvania: Carman, J. E., 1; Nattress, T., 2; U. S. Geol. Survey, 7. Traverse: Davies, W. E., 1(th); Grabau, A. W., 2(a), 9(a), 12(a); Hake,,B. F., 1; Kelly, W. A., 12., 13;- Lane, A. C., 27; Mich. Geol. Soc., 1; Pohl, E. H., 2; U. S. Gaol. Survey,- 4, 14. Mfton-Onaway area: Kelly, W. A., 10, 12. Alpena area: Mich. Acad. Sci., 3. Ferron Point and Genshaw formations: Smith, G. W.0 I (th). Isopachous studies: Bishop, M. S., 1. Sub-surface. reef conditions in: Henry, W. W., 1 (th). Thunder Bay region: Warthin, A. S., Jr., 6. Unconformity at top of: Kirkham, V. R.. D-, 1(a). Unconformity: Newcombe, R. J. B., 4. Well cores Antrim and Crawford counties: Burgess, C. W., 1 (th). Bay and Arenac counties: Hamberg, L. R., 1(th). Clare County: Beauclair, W. A., 1(th). Missaukee County: Jacobson, IR. C., 1(th). Mississippian: McGregor, D. joy 1. Berea: U. S. Geol. Survey, 5. Coldwater: Tarbell, B., 1; Wooten,. M. J., 1 (th). -Ellsworthi: Bishop,_M. S., 1; Tarbell,_E., 1. Gas sands of: Hard, E. W., 1. Limestone, Grand Rapids: Whittemore, C. A., 1. Mackinac breccia: Landes, K. K., 4(a). Marshall: Monnaett, V. B., 1; Winchell, A., 15. Unconformity at top of: Kirkham, V. H. D., 2 (a). Western Michigan: Hale, L., 1. Newaygo County, well cores: Fauser, W. B., Jr., 1 (th); Manulik, A. J., 1 (th); Preble, H. D., 1 (th). Northern Peninsula: Crooks, H. F., 1(th); Mich. Acad. Sci., 8; Rominger, C. L., 2. Ordovician: Cohee, G. V., 3; Hussey, R. C., 5; U. S. Gaol. Survey, 10, 15. Black River: Hussey, R. C., 3; Lane, A. C., 36; U. S.. Geol. Survey, 11. Cincinnatian environments, correlation of: Uhri, D. C., 1 (th). 440 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Collingwood formation, occurrence of: Ruedemann, R., 1. Escanaba-Stonington area: Mich. Geol. Soc., 2. Reef, Sulphur Island: Ehlers, G. M., 8. Richmond: Hussey, R. C., 1. Saint Peter, paleogeography of: Berkey, C. P., 1(*). Southeastern Michigan: Cohee, G. V., 1. Trenton: Hussey, R. C., 3; U. S. Geol. Survey, 11. Pennsylvanian: Kelly, W. A., 5(a), 6, 8. Saginaw formation: Kelly, W. A., 3. "Red Beds": Swartz, D. H., 1(th). Relation to older rocks, Northern Peninsula: Oetking, P. F., 1(th). Silurian: Cohee, G. V., 2(a); Cumings, E. R., 3, 4(a); Lane, A. C., 47(a); U. S. Geol. Survey, 15. Bass Island: U. S. Geol. Survey, 9. Cataract strata, supported by fossil evidence: Ehlers, G. M., 7. Lake Superior region: Hall, J., 2. Mackinac region: Ehlers, G. M., 17 (a). New York: Mich. Geol. Soc., 3(*). Niagaran: Ehlers, G. M., 4 (a), 11(th). Indiana: Mich. Acad. Sci., 2. Reefs: Cumings, E.R., 2(*). North America, correlation of: Swartz, C. K., 1(*). Northern Indiana: Cumings, E. R., 1(*). Northern Peninsula: Ehlers, G. M., 3, 4(a), 11(th); Savage, T. E., 1; Seaman, A. E., 1. Ontario: Kelley, R. W., l(*,th); Mich. Geol. Soc., 3(*); Williams, M. Y., 1. Racine formation: Ehlers, G. M., 3. Salina: U. S. Geol. Survey, 9; Vandervilt, J. W., 1. Southeastern Michigan: Mich. Acad. Sci., 1. St. Ignace-Mackinac Island: Mich. Acad. Sci., 6. Pre-Cambrian: Whitney, J. D., 16. Archean: Irving, R. D., 5, 6. Field studies in: Winchell, A., 31. Laurentian rocks, sketch of: Brooks, T. B., 9. Sedimentary and volcanic sequence: James, H. L., 7(a). Archean-Algonkian, correlation of: Van Hise, C. R., 6. Azoic: Foster, J. W., 6(a); Whittlesey, C., 6. Azoic or Archean: Wadsworth, M. E., 13. Contact, Lower Huronian and underlying granite: Smyth, H. L., 1. Correlation of: Allen, R. C., 11; Lane, A. C., 61; Lawson, A. C., 1; Leith, C. K., 10; Marsden, R. W., l(a). Gogebic range: Atwater, G. I., 1, 2. Granitic sequence, southern complex: Dickey, R. M., 1. Huronian: Allen, R. C., 9, 11, 12, 13, 22; Brooks, T. B., 6, 7; Coleman, A. P., 1(*); Cooke, H. C., 1; Dickey, R. M., 2; Irving, R. D., 2, 9; Tyler, S. A., 5; Winchell, N. H., 6. Correlation of: Allen, R. C., 22; Zinn, J., 3. Holyoke meta-sediments: Engel, T., Jr., 1(th). Iron-bearing rocks: James, H. L., 5(a), 9; Lane, A. C., 36. Menominee and Marquette series: Smyth, H. L., 3. Negaunee formation: Adler, J. L., 1; Macintosh, A. N., l(th). Slate areas, Baraga County: Barrett, L. P., 2(a). Tyler and Copps formations: Atwater, G. I., 2. Keweenawan: Lane, A. C., 53. Nomenclature: Grant, U. S., 1; Winchell, A. N., 1. Nonesuch formation: Corey, G. W., 1. Relation to eastern sandstone: Irving, R. D., 10; Wadsworth, M. E., 7, 11. South trap range: Wadsworth, M. E., 12. REFERENCES, SUBJECT INDEX 441 Lake Enchantment area: Brooke, G. L., 1(th). Lake Superior region: Leith, C. K., 10, 13(a), 16; Van Hise, C. R., 5, 6, 20; Whitney, J. D., 19. Literature: Leith, C. K., 1; Steidtmann, E., 1, 2(*). Mineral Hills district: Dutton, C. E., 5. Nomenclature: Grant, U. S., 1; Van Hise, C. R., 20; Willmott, A. B., 1; Winchell, A. N., 1. Pre-Keweenawan, eastern Gogebic range: Allen, R. C., 13. Quartzite tongue at Republic: Smyth, H. L., 2. Republic granite: Lamey, C. A., 2, 3, 9. Trappean rocks, Lake Superior region: Whitney, J. D., 19. Presque Isle County: Grabau, A. W., 1. Sandstones, Lake Superior region: Agassiz, A., 1; Dlie de Beaumont, L., 1; Foster, J. W., 7; Irving, R. D., 10; Jackson, C. T., 16(f), 20; Wadsworth, M. E., 7, 11; Whitney, J. D., 18. Washtenaw County, well core:,Coupal, F. E., 1(th). Wayne County, Delray core: Kersting, C. C., 1(th). Tuscola County Atlas of: Anonymous, 1. Geology of: Lane, A. C., 50. Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Plat book of: Foote, E. B., 1. Van Buren County: Douglass, C. C., 2. Geology of, surface: Terwilliger, F. W., 4. Ground water resources of: Terwilliger, F. W., 4. Limonite from: Hill, J., 2, 3. Oil and gas maps: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Washtenaw County: Hubbard, B., 4; Lane, A. C., 27. Atlas of: Everts & Stewart, 1. Fossils in coal pebbles of drift, Ann Arbor: Bartlett, H. H., 1. Geology of: Winchell, A., 26, 27(a). Post-glacial, Ann Arbor; Wooldridge, C. W., 2. Oil and gas map: Mich. Geol. Survey, 16. Water resources, Ann Arbor area: Musselman, G. H., 1(th). Well core, Sharon Township: Coupal, F. E., 1(th). Water Resources: Billings, N. F., 3; Fontanna, S. G., 1; Lane, A. C., 45, 50; Leverett, F., 7; Martin, H. M., 14; Mich. State Planning Comm., 1; Poindexter, 0. F., 11; Slaughter, J. L., 1; U. S. Geol. Survey, 12, 16. Analyses of: Clarke, F. W., 6(*); Collins, W. D., 3(*), 5(*); Dole, R. B., 1; Hunt, T. S., 1(*); Lane, A. C., 67(a); Peale, A. C., 1. Detroit area: Wisler, C. 0., 1. Ground water A few pointers on supplies: Slaughter, J. L., 1. Alma area: Hearn, W. E., 1. Ann Arbor area: Musselman, G. H., 1(th). Artesian flows: Fuller, M. L., 3; Hearn, W. E., 1; Lane, A. C., 37. Artesian pressures: U. S. Geol. Survey, 2. Battle Creek, experimental work with wells: Anonymous, 13. Benton Harbor area: Stuart, W. T., 2. Bessemer area: Brown, E. A., 1. Bibliography and index of papers relating to: Fuller, M. L., 1, 4; Meinzer, 0. E., 1. Big Spring, study of: Poindexter, 0. F., 5. Characteristics, for drainage design: Ferris, J. G., 2. Exploration, earth resistivity methods: Landes, K. K., 2. Holland area: Ferris, J. G., 3. Hydraulics, as geophysical aid: Ferris, J. G., 1. 442 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Iron River district: Stuart, W. T., 3 (a), 4; U. S. Geol. Survey, 12. Lansing area: Stuart, We. T., 1. Law: Johnson, D. W., 1(*). Lower Michigan: Fuller, M. L., 2, 5. Marquette iron-mining district: Stuart, W. T., 6. Michigan: McGuinness, C. L.y 1(a), 2; U. S. Geol. Survey, 12. Mineral waters: Lane, A. C., 37. Calcium chloride waters:, Lane, A. C., 66(*). Lower Michigan: Lane., A. C., 10. United States: Peale, A. C., 1, 2. Mine waters: Anonymous, 11; Chapman, R. He, 1(th); Jones, J. -T., 1, 2;P Lane, A. C., 40, 57; Stuart, W. T., 5; U. So Geol. Survey, 12. Oakland County: Ferris, J. G., 4; Mozola, A. 3., 1, 2. Pontiac, sources of:- Taylor, F. C., 1. Relation of. geology to: Billings, N. F., 2. Saugatuck, -waterworks of: Anonymous, 12. Southeastern Michigan: Fuller, M. L., 7. Table at 5-year low: Poindexter, 0. F., 10. United States, occurrence of: Meinser, 0. E., 2(*). Van Buren County: Terwilliger, F. W., 4. Water levels: U. So Geol. Survey, 2. Well drilling, deep: Fuller, M. L., 6(*), s(*). Wells Alma area:- Hearn, We E., 1. Experimental, Battle Creek: Anonymous, 18. Failure of, along Huron River: Lane, A. C., 86. Flowing: Leverett, F., 8, 9, 10. George Fuhriman well, Rapid River: Bagg, R. M., 1. Ypsilanti area: M cGuinness, C. L., 3. Hydrologic data, unpublished: Holland, We T. 1. Industrial use of:- Collins, W. D., I1(*),y 2 (*),1 6() Relation to quality of -water: Collins, We D., 4(*). Temperature of water available: Collins, W. P., 2 (*). Legislation: Johnson, D. W., I1(*); U. So Geol. Survey, 12. Mineral water: See ground water. Municipal supplies: Leverett, F., 7, 9, 10. Northern Peninsula: Lane, A. C., 35; U. So Geol. Survey, 12. Pollution, inland waters: Goodell, E.. Bo, 1(*); Leverett, F., 7. Pollution caused by brine: Smith, R. A., 11. Power capacity and production: Daugherty, C. R., 1(*. Saginaw Valley report: Mich. Stream Control Comm., 1. Southern Peninsula: Fuller, M. L., 2, 5; Lane, A. C., 9, 35. Surface water: McNamee, R. L., 1. Clinton River basin: Water Resources Comm., 1. Drought of 1936: Hoyt, J. 0., 1. Flood, Grand River: Murphy, E. C., 1. Lake. levels: Mich. Dept. Conserve, 1; U. So Geol. Survey, 12. Quality of: Dole, R. B., 1. River surveys, index to: Jones, B. E., 1. Stream measurements: Newell, F. H., 1, 2; Williams, G. R., 2; Wood, B. D., 1, 2. Supplies, United States: U. So Geol. Survey, 3. Water loss, selected drainage basins: Williams, G. R., 1. United States: McGuinness, C. L., 4(*); Meinzer, 0. E., 1, 2(*). Water power: Land Econ. Survey, 1. REFERENCES, SUBJECT INDEX 443 Wayne County: Hubbard, B., 5. Delray core, stratigraphy of: Kersting, C. C., 1(th). Geology of: Nattress, T., 1; Sherzer, W. H., 8, 9; Taylor, F. B., 16 (a). Water resources: Wisler, C. 0., 1. Wexford County Surface geology of: Stewart, D. P., 1. Acts of the Michigan Legislature 1837 to 1921 relating to the Michigan Geological Survey and Mines and Minerals and Acts of the Michigan Legislature 1921 to 1954 relating to the functions of the Department of Conservation delegated to the Geological Survey Division Geological Survey Authorized Act 20, P.A. 1837 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR A GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE STATE Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That the governor is hereby authorized and directed to nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the senate, to appoint a competent person, whose duty it shall be to make an accurate and complete geological survey of this state, which shall be accompanied with proper maps and diagrams, and furnish a full and scientific description of its rocks, soils and minerals, and of its botanical and geological productions, together with specimens of the same; which maps, diagrams and specimens shall be deposited in the state library, and similar specimens shall be deposited in such literary and scientific institutions as the governor shall direct; and the governor is further authorized to appoint from time to time, as the exigencies of the case may require, competent persons to act as assistants under the direction of the geologist. Sec. 2. A sum not exceeding three thousand dollars for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, a sum not exceeding six thousand dollars for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, a sum not exceeding eight thousand for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirtynine, and a sum not exceeding twelve thousand for the year one thousand eight hundred and forty, is hereby appropriated to defray the expenses that may be incurred under this act, which sums shall be paid out of the treasury from any money not otherwise appropriated, at such times, and in such sums as the governor may direct; and an account of all the expenditures of each year shall be annually reported to the legislature. Sec. 3. The geologist, appointed under the provisions of this act, shall make a report annually to the legislature, on the first Monday of January, in each year, setting forth generally the progress made in the survey hereby authorized. Approved February 23, 1837. Repealed by Act 49, P.A. 1888, which was actually a repetition of Act 20, 1837, amending it to include other departments than geological. Act 49, P.A. 1838, approved March 22, 1838. Provided that- "the -state geological survey... shall hereafter consist of four departments, geological and mineralogical, zoological, botanical, and topographical." That the geological corps shall consist of a state geologist, and three chief assistants; a zoologist, botanist and topographer, appointed by the governor, on the nomination of the geologist, four minor assistants, one geologist, two zoologists and one botanist. That the state geologist... supervise the whole survey. The act described the duties of each officer, provided for the distribution of "specimens collected" and appropriated $12,000 (of which $4,000 was to be refunded from University funds) to pay salaries and defray expenses of the survey. Section 2 amended by Act 75, P.A. 1840 which abolished offices and duties of State Zoologist and State Botanist. 448 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Act 55, P.A. 1838, approved March 24, 1838. An act to provide for the improvement of state salt springs under the direction of the State Geologist and appropriated $3,000 therefor. Act 1, P.A. 1839, approved January 28, 1839. Directs the state geologist to continue improvements at the state salt springs with an appropriation of $15,000 and report to the legislature at the next session. Act 18, P.A. 1839, approved March 4, 1839. This is the first statute related to land use planning and mineral valuation. It directs the state geologist to examine the iron ore on Section 16, T 5 S, R 7 W, Branch County-the school section. Expenses to be defrayed by $250 paid by the superintendent of public instruction provided interested citizens match the appropriation. Act 75, P.A. 1840, approved March 28, 1840. Abolished the offices of State Zoologist and State Botanist. Act 79, P.A. 1840, approved March 28, 1840. Provided for publication of a topographical map and "the geological data laid down thereon". Appropriated $2,000. State geologist, auditor general and state treasurer to have charge of sale. Act 92, P.A. 1840, approved March 31, 1840. For the improvement of the state salt springs on the Tittabawassee River, Midland County, and at Grand River, Kent County, under direction of the State Geologist. Appropriated $5,000 for each project. Act 10, P.A. 1842, approved February 1, 1842. An appropriation of $15,000 for the improvement of the state salt springs on Grand River, Kent County, and Tittabawassee River, Midland County. Act 73, P.A. 1842, approved February 17, 1842. An act making appropriations for the current expenses of the government, for the year 1842. Salary of the State Geologist $1,000, State Topographer $800, and $400 for contingent expenses for completion of the survey. Act 42, P.A. 1843, approved March 6, 1843. An act to organize a land office and to regulate the sale of the public lands. State geologist required to furnish maps. Act 68, P.A. 1844, approved March 11, 1844. An act to establish a land office, to prescribe and regulate the disposition of the public lands, and for other purposes. State Land office established in Marshall, Calhoun County. State geologist required to subdivide state lands on map obtained from the U. S. Surveyor General. Act 92, P.A. 1844, approved March 12, 1844. An act to provide for the current expenses of the state for the year 1844; $3,700 appropriated for the survey. Act 17, P.A. 1845, approved March 1, 1845. An act authorizing the state geologist to ascertain quantity of state lands to be selected by state in lieu Section 16. Appropriation of $1,000 from primary school fund. Act 90, P.A. 1845, approved March 24, 1845. An act to provide for the sale of the salt spring lands belonging to the state. LAWS RELATING TO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 449 Act 78, P.A. 1846, approved April 25, 1846. An act declaratory of the interests of the state of Michigan in mines and minerals. Sec. 1. "... property in the following mines is fully vested in the people of the State of Michigan, in their right of sovereignty: 1. All mines of gold and silver now discovered, or hereafter to be discovered within the territorial limits of this State: 2. All mines of other metals or minerals... which are connected with, or shall be known to contain gold or silver in any proportion." Applies to state lands however acquired but does not deprive fee owners of ownership. "Sec. 4. A specific tax of four per cent to be in lieu of all other state taxes, shall be levied and collected upon all ores and the product of all mines within the limits of this state, whether the lands containing them have been sold to bona fide purchasers by the general government or not, which said tax shall in all cases be assessed thereon upon the average yield and value of such ores, after the same is smelted, if smelted within this state, but if not smelted within this state then said taxes shall be paid before such ores are removed from the premises where they are raised: Provided, That the specific tax upon the product of iron mines shall not exceed two per cent." Section 4 suspended by Act 131, P.A. 1885. Act 122, P.A. 1846, approved May 11, 1846. An act relative to the Department of Natural History in the University of Michigan. Specimens of geology, mineralogy, zoology and botany transferred to Board of Regents of the University. J.R. 26, 1846, approved May 15, 1846. Joint Resolution relative to a final geological report. Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That the Governor be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to select and appoint some competent and suitable person to collect, collate and arrange all the geological notes, memoranda, specimens, maps, topographical delineations, engravings, barometrical and other observations, including geological surveys kept, taken, made, collected and preserved for and in behalf of the state of Michigan by the late Dr. Douglass Houghton, State Geologist, and designed and intended by him to be used in making a final geological report, for the benefit of the people of said state; and from the materials thus collected and to be collected, and the requisite additional information derived from other sources, the person thus to be appointed may be required by the Governor to prepare a final report upon the geology of Michigan. Act 200, P.A. 1859, approved February 15, 1859. An act to encourage the manufacture of salt in the state of Michigan. Provides for a bounty of 10 cents a bushel if company manufactures 5,000 bushels. -Amended -by Act 186, P.A. 1861. Act 206, P.A. 1859, approved February 15, 1859. An act to finish the geological survey of the state. Sec. 1. "... the Governor is hereby authorized and directed to appoint a competent person, whose duty it shall be to finish the geological survey of this state, which shall be accompanied with proper maps and diagrams, and shall furnish a full and scientific description of its rocks, soils and minerals, and of its botanical and natural productions, together with specimens of the same; which maps, diagrams and specimens, shall be deposited in the library of the State University, and the library of the Agricultural College, and similar specimens shall be deposited in such other library (literary) and scientific institutions in the State as the Governor shall direct. And the Governor is further authorized to appoint, from time to time, as the exigencies of the case 450 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY may require, competent persons to act as assistants, under the direction of the geologist. Sec. 2. A sum not exceeding two thousand dollars for the year A. D. eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, and a sum not exceeding three thousand dollars for the year eighteen hundred and sixty, is hereby appropriated.... Sec. 3. The geologist appointed by the Governor shall make a report to the Legislature whenever the same is in session, setting forth generally the progress made in the survey hereby authorized.. Amended by Act 186, P.A. 1861. Act 64, P.A. 1861, approved February 25, 1861. An act to provide for the continuance of the state geological survey. Appropriations of $4,000 for 1861, 1862. "The State Geologist is directed to restrict his labors to the geological department exclusively, except so far as the collection of specimens in botany and natural science may not materially interfere with the same." Act 186, P.A. 1861, approved March 15, 1861. Amends act of 1859, that encouraged the manufacture of salt in Michigan. Provides that property used in salt manufacture be exempted from taxation. Bounty of ten cents a bushel to be paid if company manufactured 3,000 bushels salt from brine. Repealed by Act 50, P.A. 1869. J.R. 7, 1861, approved February 14, 1861. Joint resolution to provide for the printing and distribution of the report of the state geologist. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That the State printer be authorized and directed to print and bind in a suitable manner, under the direction of Professor Winchell and Professor Miles, five thousand copies of the State geological report, and deliver the same in manner and number as follows: to the State Geologist, for distribution by him among the public libraries of the United States and of foreign countries, and such persons as he may elect, five hundred copies; to the Assistant State Geologist, for distribution by him, two hundred copies; to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, for distribution among the township and district libraries of the State, a sufficient number to supply one copy to each of the same; to the publishers of each paper in the State, and to members and officers of the present legislature a copy each, and the remainder shall be delivered to the State library for the use of the State; and that two thousand additional copies be printed, in stitched form, for distribution by the members and officers, of the legislature. Act 212, P.A. 1863, approved March 20, 1863. An act to provide for a special geological survey of portions of the state, and the collection, arrangement and preservation of geological specimens. "Sec. 1.... the Governor is authorized and directed to appoint a competent person, whose duty it shall be to visit the salt localities of the State and make a special survey thereof, with direct reference to the feasibility of salt boring therein; also, to collect and arrange suitable specimens of the different strata obtained from the borings of the salt wells of the State, and arrange the same in a cabinet, suitable for the same, in some room of the capitol." Three thousand dollars appropriated for 1863, 1864. Act 50, P.A. 1869, approved March 22, 1869. Repealed the "Salt Laws" of 1859, 1861 and removed the bounty on salt, LAWS RELATING TO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 451 J.R. 27, 1869, approved March 30, 1869. Joint Resolution asking an appropriation to aid the geological survey of this state. Requests Federal co-operation to survey Federal lands in Michigan. A Board of Geological Survey Established Act 65, P.A. 1869, approved March 26, 1869. An act to provide for the further geological survey of the state. Established a board of Geological Survey: the Governor, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and the President of the State Board of Education, to control and supervise the geological survey and to appoint a director of the survey. The director empowered to select his assistants with approval of the Board, and further: "Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the director to make or cause to be made, a thorough geological and mineralogical survey of the State, embracing a determination of the succession, arrangement, thickness, and position of all strata and rocks; their mineral character and contents, and their economical uses; an investigation and determination of the organic remains of the State; a general examination of the topography, hydrography, and physical geography of the State, an investigation of the soils and subsoils, and the determination of their character and agricultural adaptation; the investigation of all deposits of brines, coal, marl, clay, gypsum, lime, petroleum, metals and metallic ores, building stone, marble, grit-stone, materials for mortar and cement, mineral paint, and all other productions of the geological world within the limits of this State capable of being converted to the uses of man. Sec. 5. "... to collect ample materials for the illustration of every department of the geology and mineralogy of the State, and to determine, catalogue, and label the same, and prepare them for exhibition to the citizens of the State, in suitable cases, in the museums of the State University and State Agricultural College, at the State Normal School, and such other colleges of the State as may make, application to the board prior to the taking of the geological survey, and obligate such college to pay the extra expense necessarily incurred in furnishing such specimens. Sec. 6. "... to furnish annually, to the board, a report of the progress of the survey, and as often as possible, a condensed statement of important and interesting facts for general circulation, and as soon as the progress of the work wvill permit, to begin, and on the completion of the survey, to finish a complete memoir upon the geology of the State, under the direction of the board, embracing such an account of all its mineral and agricultural resources as is usual in works of that character, and a delineation of its geology upon the map of the State, and such other diagrams and illustrations as may be needed-to set forth in a -creditable, intelligible, and as far as possible, popular manner, the nature, location, and extent of the geol-gical and agricultural resources of the State. Sec. 7. The one-half part of all appropriations made, shall be expended in the Upper Peninsula; and such one-half shall be devoted, among other things, to the collection of statistics, and history of the mineral, manufacturing, and transportation interests; to the compilation and preparation of full and accurate maps, showing the topography, geology, and timber, as also the position of mines, furnaces, roads, and improvements; to the determination of the position and structure of the minerals and-mineral rocks; to compiling and collecting all useful knowledge that would be of practical value in finding and extracting ores, and in mining, and smelting in those districts of the Upper Peninsula known as the iron and copper regions. 452 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Sec. 8. All notes, memoranda, compilations, collections, specimens, diagrams, and illustrations that may be made in the progress of such survey by the persons engaged therein, shall be the property of the State; shall be under the control of the board, and in case of the death, or termination of connection with such survey, of any such person, shall be deposited in the State University, subject to the order of the board. Sec. 9. To carry into effect the provisions of this act, the sum of eight thousand dollars for each year is hereby appropriated, to be drawn from the treasury as needed, on the warrants of the Governor, which appropriation shall be in full for all expenditures under this act, exclusive of the printing of the reports hereby provided for. Sec. 10. This act shall take immediate effect. Sections 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, amended and Sections 2 and 7 repealed by Act 179, P.A. 1871. Section 9 amended by Act 133, P.A. 1895. Act 17, P.A. 1921 creating the Conservation Department, abolished the Board of Geological Survey and transferred powers and duties to the Conservation Department. Act 179, P.A. 1871, approved April 17, 1871. An act to amend and/or repeal parts of Act 65, P.A. 1871 and to transfer the duties of the Director to the Board of Geological Survey and in addition: "Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of said board to furnish an annual report of the progress of the survey, and, as often as possible, a condensed statement of important and interesting facts for general circulation, and, as soon as the progress of the work will permit, to begin, and on the completion of the survey, to finish a complete memoir upon the geology of the State, embracing such an account of all its mineral and agricultural resources as is usual in works of that character, and a delineation of its geology upon the map of the State, and such other diagrams and illustrations as may be needed to set forth in a creditable, intelligible, and, as far as possible, popular manner, the nature, location, and extent of the geological and agricultural resources of the State Section 6 amended by Act 48, P.A. 1881. J.R. 11, 1871, approved February 27, 1871. Joint Resolution instructing "The State Geological Board" to furnish information as to the suitableness of stone within our state for the construction of a state house. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That the "State Geological Board" be instructed to call the attention of its "Director" to the subject of building material within our State suitable for the construction of a State House, and that he be required to furnish the requisite information upon the subject, showing the capabilities of the different stones to resist pressure, abrasion, and disintegration, under the action of frost and other meteorological agents: Provided, That no additional expense be made to the State. Office of Commissioner of Mineral Statistics Established Act 9, P.A. 1877, approved February 8, 1877. An act to authorize the appointment of a commissioner of mineral statistics, and defining the duties and compensation of the same. Required the commissioner to make an annual report to the Governor, setting forth in detail the mineral statistics for the year; with the progress and development of its mining and smelting industries; to make such geological and other surveys needed; to observe, and to record by maps and plans, especial facts developed in the progress of mining and exploration; to collect each year, typical suites of specimens of the copper, iron, and other ores, and rocks from LAWS RELATING TO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 463 the Archean formations, not less than ten in number, of the State; examine them microscopically; name and classify them; show by geological sections their stratigraphical positions. Such collections at the disposal of the State Board of Education, to be distributed among the educational institutions of the State. Fifteen hundred dollars appropriated to cover the compensation and expenses of Commissioner for all necessary surveys and explorations and for publication of one thousand copies of his report. Section 4 amended by Act 74, P.A. 1883. Section 1 amended by Act 29, P.A. 1895. Repealed by Act 7, P.A. 1911. Duties of Commissioner continued by Board of Geological Survey. Act 180, P. A. 1879, approved April 29, 1879. An act amending section 4 of Act 9, P.A. 1877 by providing that the annual reports of the Commissioner of Mineral Statistics be distributed by the Board of Geological Survey. It also authorized the commissioner to demand of all corporations or individuals engaged in mining to make reports under oath of their operation and production. The act required the commissioner to report annually to the auditor general the amount of copper, iron, coal, or other mineral produced by each and every corporation or individual engaged in mining in Michigan, the reports to be used for taxation purposes. In case any corporation or individual neglected or refused to make the reports the duty of commissioner of mineral statistics was to report the amount of specific tax chargeable against such delinquent corporations or individuals. Section 1 amended by Act 29, P.A. 1895. Act 48, P.A. 1881, approved March 26, 1881. An act to amend section 6, being compiler's section 825 of chapter 17 of the compiled laws of 1871, entitled "Geological Survey of the State." Removes the provision of Act 179, P.A. 1871 that the completed report of the geology of Michigan be published in three octavo volumes. Act 74, P.A. 1883, approved May 3, 1883. An act to amend section 4 of act number 9 of the session laws of 1877, appointing a commissioner of mineral statistics. Increased the appropriation to $2,500 and permitted the Commissioner to publish, without cost to the State, and sell as many copies as he chose. Act 29, P.A. 1895, approved March 21, 1895. Defined the term of Commissioner of Mineral Statistics. Act 133, P.A. 1895, approved May 10, 1895. Appropriations. Act 132, P.A. 1897, approved May 13, 1897. An act to regulate the mode of plugging abandoned salt wells, and providing a penalty for the violation-thereof. Act 78, P.A. 1899, approved May 17, 1899. An act making an appropriation for the printing of certain reports and maps under the direction of the State Board of Geological Survey. Act 231, P.A. 1901, approved June 6, 1901. An act providing for the extension of the work of the State Board of Geological Survey, making an appropriation to meet the expenses thereof, and providing for a tax to meet the same. Act 178, P.A. 1903, approved June 4, 1903. An act making appropriations for the State Board of Geological Survey for 1904 and 1905, for printing reports $1,250, for initiating a topographic survey $1,000, for purchase of a lot and office building in Houghton $500. 454 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY Act 107, P.A. 1905, approved May 10, 1905. An act to regulate the use of artesian and other wells: to prevent the waste of waters therefrom, and provide a remedy therefor. Biological Survey Established Act 250, P.A. 1905, approved June 16, 1905. An act to provide for a biological survey of the State, making appropriations therefor, and to provide a tax to meet the same. The People of the State of Michigan enact: Sec. 1. That the Board of Geological Survey as constituted by act number sixty-five of the laws of eighteen hundred sixty-nine, as amended, is hereby authorized and required to make under the general direction of the State Geologist, appointed by them, a thorough biological survey of the State, embracing a determination of the range and distribution of the various plants and animals inhabiting the State and the relation to their environment and the welfare of man. Sec. 2. The powers and duties of said board relative to the expenses incident to such biological surveys, and the publication thereof shall be the same as they now are relative to the geological and mineralogical survey of the State. Sec. 3. The annual report of progress now required of the Board of Geological Survey shall include an account of the progress of said biological survey and there shall be printed of the same, the same number as, and under the same conditions as, the report of the Board of Fish Commissioners as provided in act number two hundred twenty-five of the public acts of nineteen hundred three. Sections 4 and 5 declared obsolete and repealed by Act 267, P.A. 1945. Topographic Survey Established Act 251, P.A. 1905, approved June 16, 1905. Board of Geological Survey authorized to confer with the director or representative of the United States Geological Survey and to accept co-operation in a topographic survey of the State. Appropriated two thousand dollars for 1906 and three thousand dollars for 1907. Act 297, P.A. 1905, approved June 17, 1905. Part of act provided for printing 1,200 copies of the Annual Report of the State Board of Geological Survey. Act 245, P.A. 1907, approved June 27, 1907. Appropriated $2,000 for biological survey, $4,000 for the topographic survey. Act 217, P.A. 1909, approved June 2, 1909. Appropriations for the State Board of Geological Survey for special purposes for 1910 and 1911. Act 7, P.A. 1911, approved March 13, 1911. Transferred the duties of the Commissioner of Mineral Statistics to State Board of Geological Survey. Sections 1 and 4 declared obsolete and repealed by Act 267, P.A. 1945. Act 42, P.A. 1911, approved April 5, 1911. Provided for numbers of printed reports. Act 51, P.A. 1911, approved April 7, 1911. An act to provide for the assessment, valuation and taxation of mineral, coal, gas, salt, gypsum, oil, mining or other rights reserved in or to any lands LAWS RELATING TO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 455 in this State or to the ores, minerals, coal, gas, salt, gypsum and oil contained therein against the owner thereof as an interest in real property in any and all cases where any mineral right in or to the ores, oils, mine, valuable deposits, minerals contained therein, shall be or shall heretofore have been reserved to the grantor or any other person in any conveyance thereof. Repealed by Act 119, P.A. 1915. Act 98, P.A. 1911, approved April 18, 1911. An act to provide appropriations for the State Board of Geological Survey for special purposes (biological survey $1,000, topographic survey $2,000) for 1912 and 1913. Act 114, P.A. 1911, approved April 25, 1911. An act to authorize and direct the Board of State Tax Commissioners to investigate, examine into, inventory and appraise all mining properties and mineral rights in the State of Michigan and to define their powers and duties in relation thereto, and to report the result of their investigation, examination, inventory and appraisal to the State Board of Equalization on or before the third Monday of August in the year 1911, and to make an appropriation therefor ($30,000), and to provide a penalty for the violation of this act. The Board was authorized to employ experts. The State Geologist was employed. Act 341, P.A. 1913, approved May 13, 1913. An act to provide appropriations for the State Board of Geological Survey for 1914 and 1915, for the geological and biological surveys, collection of mineral statistics, assistance to the Board of Tax Commissioners, topographic survey. Act 84, P.A. 1915, approved April 27, 1915. Provided appropriations for the State Board of Geological Survey for 1916 and 1917, for geological, biological and topographic surveys and assistance to Tax Commission and for a relocation and monumenting of the Ohio-Michigan boundary line. Act 119, P.A. 1915, approved April 29, 1915. An act to repeal act number 51 of the public acts of 1911, entitled "An act to provide for the assessment, valuation and taxation of mineral, coal, gas, salt, gypsum, oil, mining or other rights reserved in or to any lands in this State, or to the ores, minerals, coal, gas, salt, gypsum and oil contained therein against the owner thereof as an interest in real property in any and all cases where any mineral right in or to the ores, oils, mine, valuable deposits, minerals contained therein, shall be or shall heretofore have been reserved to the grantor or any other person in any conveyance thereof," and to authorize and direct the auditor general to cancel all taxes heretofore or hereafter assessed and all sales heretofore or hereafter made under the provisions of said act. Act 361, P.A. 1917, approved May11,71917. To provide appropriations for the State Board of Geological Survey for 1918 and 1919. Act 373, P.A. 1917, approved May 11, 1917. An act to provide for a soil and economic survey of certain lands in this State, to require the making of reports thereon, and to provide an appropriation therefor. Sections 8 and 9 declared obsolete and repealed by Act 267, P.A. 1945. Act 128, P.A. 1919, approved April 25, 1919. An act providing appropriations for State Geological and Biological Survey for 1921. 456 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY See. 1. There are hereby appropriated from the general fund for the State Geological and Biological Survey for the fiscal year ending June thirty, nineteen hundred twenty, the sum of forty-five thousand three hundred forty-four dollars and ninety-four cents, and for the fiscal year ending June thirty, nineteen hundred twenty-one, the sum of forty-seven thousand eight hundred fortyfour dollars and ninety-four cents, for the purposes and in the following amounts: For the Fiscal For the Fiscal Personal service (salaries and wages): Year 1919-20 Year 1920-21 State Geologist............................................................ $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 Other personal services, salaries and wages............ 22,235.00 22,335.00 Totals for personal service..........................................$27,235.00 $27,335.00 Supplies............................................................................. 300.00 250.00 Equipment and furniture................................................. 675.00 375.00 Stationery, books and paper............................................ 497.50 497.50 Printing and advertising................................--------....... 3,110.00 5,610.00 Transportation, telephone and telegraph...................... 8,445.00 8,695.00 Fixed charges..................................................-.............. 2,182.44 2,182.44 M aterials.......................................................................... 400.00 400.00 Aiding Michigan Securities Commission, as authorized by act two hundred fifty of Public Acts of nineteen hundred five............................................... 2,500.00 2,500.00 Totals....--...............................................................-- -- $45,344.94 $47,844.94 Each of said amounts shall be used solely for the specific purposes herein stated. Sec. 2. The amounts hereby appropriated shall be paid out of the State treasury, and the disbursing officer of the State Geological and Biological Survey shall render his accounts therefor, at such times and in such manner as is or may be provided by law. Establishment of Department of Conservation Act 17, P.A. 1921, approved March 30, 1921. An act to provide for the protection and conservation of the natural resources of the State; to create a conservation department; to define the powers and duties thereof; to provide for the transfer to said department of the powers and duties now vested by law in certain boards, commissions and officers of the State; and for the abolishing of the boards, commissions and offices the powers and duties of which are hereby transferred. Section 5 declared obsolete and repealed by Act 267, P.A. 1945. Act 392, P.A. 1925. Topographic mapping. Approved May 27, 1925. An act to authorize the State Department of Conservation to cooperate with the director or representative of the United States Geological Survey or other authorized federal agency in the preparation and completion of a contour topographical survey map of this state, making an appropriation to meet the expenses thereof and providing a tax to meet the same. Section 2 declared obsolete and repealed by Act 129, P.A. 1947. Act 65, P.A. 1927. Supervisor of Wells. Approved January 2, 1927. Designates the Director of Conservation as Supervisor of Wells, with the duty of preventing waste in sinking, drilling and abandoning oil, gas, or test wells. Requires operators to secure drilling permits from the Supervisor, to secure approval before plugging and abandoning wells, and to file logs of all wells drilled if called for by the Supervisor. Failure to comply with the law or order of the Supervisor of Wells was declared a misdemeanor. Repealed by Act 15, P.A. 1929. LAWS RELATING TO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 457 Act 15, P.A. 1929, approved March 27, 1929. Redesignated the Director of Conservation Supervisor of Wells. Declared his duties are to prevent waste in locating, drilling, casing, deepening, sealing and operating of oil and gas wells. Requires permits for drilling wells, approval of abandonment operations. Requires that well logs be filed with the Supervisor. Amended by Act 185, P.A. 1931. Repealed as amended by Act 61, P.A. 1939. Act 247, P.A. 1929. Aerial Mapping. An act to provide for and authorize aerial photographing and preparing of base maps of certain portions of the state; to authorize cooperation with the federal government and joint contract therewith for certain purposes; and to provide regulations for paying necessary expenses incident to such work. Act 185, P. A. 1931. Performance Bond. Requires a performance bond to assure compliance with law, regulations or orders to prevent waste in drilling, casing, sealing, operating, or plugging oil and gas wells. Repealed, with Act 15, P.A. 1929 by Act 61, P.A. 1939. Act 248, P.A. 1937. Aerial Mapping. Approved July 22, 1937. An Act to provide for and authorize aerial photographing and preparing of base maps of certain portions of the state; to authorize cooperation with the federal government and joint contract therewith for certain purposes; to provide for making an appropriation to meet the expenses of the same; and to provide regulations for paying necessary expenses incident to such work. Section 3 declared obsolete and repealed by Act 129, P.A. 1947. Act 326, P.A. 1937. Supervisor of Wells. Approved July 24, 1937. An act to provide for a supervisor of natural dry gas wells; to prescribe his powers and duties; to provide regulations for the locating, sinking, drilling, casing, deepening, operating, abandonment and plugging of natural dry gas wells and test holes; to provide for and regulate the payment of fees, issuance of permits and payment of money received under the provisions of this act; to provide for an appeal board; to prohibit waste in the development, production and handling of natural dry gas and to define waste and other terms used herein; to provide for public hearings and notice thereof, and procedure upon appeals; to prescribe penalties for the violation of this act, and to repeal act number fifteen of the public acts of nineteen hundred twenty-nine, as amended, being sections five thousand six hundred ninety-six to five thousand seven hundred twelve, inclusive, of the compiled laws of nineteen hundred twenty-nine. Amended by Act 216, P.A. 1951. Act 61, P.A. 1939. Advisory Board. Approved May 3, 1939. An Act to provide for a supervisor of wells; to prescribe his powers and duties; to provide for an advisory board and an appeal board; to prescribe their powers and duties; to provide for the prevention of waste and for the control over certain matters, persons and things relating to the conservation of oil and gas, and for the making and promulgation of rules, regulations and orders relative thereto; to provide for the enforcement of such rules, regulations and orders and of the provisions of this act, and to provide penalties for the violations thereof; to provide for the assessment and collection of certain fees; and to repeal Act No. 15 of the Public Acts of 1929, as amended. Amended by Act 190, P.A. 1951. Act 194, P.A. 1939. Inland Lake Levels. Approved June 8, 1939. An Act to provide for the determination and maintenance of the normal height and level of the waters in inland lakes of this state, for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare and the conservation of the natural resources of this state; to authorize the building and maintenance of dams 458 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY and embankments to accomplish such purposes; to authorize the acquisition of lands and other property by gift, grant, purchase or condemnation proceedings; to authorize the acceptance of gifts and grants of funds for the construction and maintenance of such dams and embankments; to authorize the raising of money by taxation and by special assessments for the purposes of this act; to prescribe the duties and powers of boards of supervisors, the conservation commission of Michigan and county drain commissioners with reference hereto; and to repeal certain acts and parts of acts. Section 14 amended by Act 69, P.A. 1941; Section 22 declared obsolete and repealed by Act 267, P.A. 1945; Section 4 amended by Act 198, P.A. 1947; Title and Section 14, amended by Act 116, P.A. 1952; Title and sections 1 and 20 amended by Act 128, P.A. 1952; Sections 1: and 3 amended by Act 121, P.A. 1954; Section 14 amended by Act 1941, P.A. 1954. Act 69, P.A. 1941. Inland Lake Levels. Approved May 12, 1941. An Act to amend section 14 of Act No. 194 of the Public Acts of 1939. Act 319, P.A. 1941. Lake Levels. Approved June 17, 1941. An act to provide for the establishment and maintenance of the waters in certain inland lakes in this State at a certain height above sea level for the protection of the public health and safety and the conservation of the natural resources of this state; To provide for the establishment of a level for each such lake that is for the best interest of land owners abutting on the lake; to authorize the raising of money by taxation and by special assessment for the purposes of this act; to prescribe the powers and duties of county drain commissioners with respect thereto; and to declare the effect of this act. Act 159, P.A. 1945, approved May 16, 1945. An Act to amend sections 24, 25 and 53 of Act No. 206 of the Public Acts of 1893. Provides for the valuation and assessment of metallic mining and mineral lands. Amended by Act 93, P.A. 1947. Act 276, P.A. 1945, approved May 25, 1945. An Act to define private inland lakes and public inland lakes; to empower hoards of supervisors to authorize the county drain commissioner or county road commission, in counties having no drain commissioner, to establish the Jlevels thereof; to prescribe the procedure and forms and method of appeal from the establishment of any such levels; to specify the court having jurisdiction thereof, and the duties of public officers in connection therewith; to specify the method by which the findings become final; to provide for the penalty for changing the level; to limit the provisions of this act to counties having a population of not less than 250,000 nor more than 500,000; to authorize the exercise of eminent domain and to repeal acts or parts of acts inconsistent therewith. Section 28 declared obsolete and repealed by Act 129, P.A. 1947. Title and sections 21 and 26a amended by Act 25S, P.A. 1955. Act 93, P.A. 1947, approved May 13, 1947. An act to amend parts of act No. 206, P.A. 1893, providing for valuations and taxation of mineral properties. Act 138, P.A. 1947. Interstate Oil Compact. Approved May 28, 1947. An act enabling this State to cooperate with other states in producing oil and gas; ratifying and approving the interstate compact to conserve oil and gas as herein set out; authorizing and empowering the governor of this state to execute any agreement to enable this state to continue to be a member thereof; authorizing the governor of this state to execute agreements for the further extension of the expiration date thereof; authorizing and enabling the governor of this state to determine if and when it shall be to the best interest of this state to withdraw from the compact; designating the governor LAWS RELATING TO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 459 of this state as the authorized representative upon the interstate oil compact commission and authorizing and enabling the governor of this state to appoint assistant representatives. Act 198, P.A. 1947, approved June 12, 1947. An act to amend section 4 of Act 194, P.A. 1939, relating to dams and sites; acquirement and construction by boards of supervisors to maintain normal height and level of lakes; maintenance. Act 267, P.A. 1947. State Boundaries. Approved October 11, 1947. An act defining the boundaries between Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin, adopting an interstate compact in relation thereto and directing the governor to execute and witness the compact in the name of the state, and to appropriate moneys therefor. Act 77, P.A. 1951, approved May 28, 1951. An act providing for the determination of the value, for purposes of taxation, of low grade iron ore mining property, of copper or other metal mining property, and of rights to minerals in lands containing low grade iron ores, copper or other metallic ores; to provide for the assessment of mining property after production on a commercial basis; and to prescribe the powers and duties of the state tax commission, the state geologist and assessing officers with respect thereto. Act 190, P.A. 1951, approved June 8, 1951. An Act to amend the title of Act No. 61 of P.A. 1951. The title was amended to read: An act to provide for a supervisor of wells; to prescribe his powers and duties; to provide for an advisory board and an appeal board; to prescribe their powers and duties; to provide for the prevention of waste and for the control over certain matters, persons and things relating to the conservation of oil and gas, and for the making and promulgation of rules, regulations and orders relative thereto; to provide for the plugging of wells and for the entry on private property for that purpose; to provide for the enforcement of such rules, regulations and orders and of the provisions of this act, and to provide penalties for the violations thereof; and to provide for the assessment and collection of certain fees. Act 216, P.A. 1951, approved June 14, 1951. Permits entry to property and authorizes Supervisor of Wells to case, plug, or repair any abandoned test holes or wells drilled for gas if the owner or operator has failed to do so, and to assess costs against the well owner or operator. Provides penalty against owners or operators who fail to properly plug and abandon any gas well or test hole after production is abandoned as full test data is received. Act 116, P.A. 1952. Inland Lakes. Approved April 17, 1952. The title of Act 194, P.A. 1939 was amended to read: An act to provide for the determination and maintenance of the normal height and level of the waters in inland lakes of this state, for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare and the conservation of the natural resources of this state; to authorize the building and maintenance of dams and embankments and the installation, maintenance and operation of pumps, weirs, locks, gates, tubes, ditches, or any other devices or construction to accomplish such purposes; to authorize the acquisition of lands and other property by gift, grant, purchase or condemnation proceedings; to authorize the acceptance of gifts and grants of funds for the construction and maintenance of such dams and embankments and the installation, maintenance and operation of pumps, weirs, locks, gates, tubes, ditches, or any other devices or construction; to authorize the raising of money by taxation and by special assessments 460 INDEX OF MICHIGAN GEOLOGY for the purposes of this act; to authorize the issuance of special assessment bonds; to prescribe the duties and powers of boards of supervisors, the conservation commission of Michigan and county drain commissioners with reference hereto; and to repeal certain acts and parts of acts. Act 128, P.A. 1952, approved April 17, 1952. Amends Act 194, P.A. 1939 to read: An act to provide for the determination and maintenance of the normal height and level of the waters in inland lakes of this state, for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare and the conservation of the natural resources of this state; to authorize the building and maintenance of dams and embankments and the installation, maintenance and operation of pumps, weirs, locks, gates, tubes, ditches, or any other devices or construction to accomplish such purposes; to authorize the acquisition of lands and other property by gift, grant, purchase or condemnation proceedings; to authorize the acceptance of gifts and grants of funds for the construction and maintenance of such dams and embankments and the installation, maintenance and operation of pumps, weirs, locks, gates, tubes, ditches, or any other devices or construction; to authorize the raising of money by taxation and by special assessments for the purposes of this act; to authorize the issuance of special assessment bonds; to prescribe the duties and powers of boards of supervisors, the conservation commission of Michigan and county drain commissioners with reference hereto; and to repeal certain acts and parts of acts. Act 121, P.A. 1954, approved April 19, 1954. Amends Act 194, P.A. 1939. Defines the normal level of an inland lake. Act 194, P.A. 1954, approved May 5, 1954. The act amends Act 194, P.A. 1939, by providing for assessments for improvements of certain inland lakes. Act 253, P.A. 1955, approved June 29, 1955. The act amends the title of Act 276, P.A. 1945, to read: An act to define private inland lakes and public inland lakes; to empower boards of supervisors to authorize the county drain commissioner or county road commission, in counties having no drain commissioner, to establish the levels thereof; to prescribe the procedure and forms and method of appeal from the establishment of any such levels; to specify the court having jurisdiction thereof, and the duties of public officers in connection therewith; to specify the method by which the findings become final; to authorize the issuance of special assessment bonds; to provide for the penalty for changing the level; to limit the provisions of this act to counties having a population of not less than 100,000 nor more than 1,000,000; to authorize the exercise of eminent domain and to repeal acts or parts of acts inconsistent therewith. INDEX TO LAWS46 461 INDEX TO LAWS Advisory Board: Act 61, P.A. 1939. Aerial mapping: Act 247, P.A. 1929; Act 248, P.A. 1937. Appropriations: Acts 20, 1837; 49, 1838; 1, 1839; 92, 1840; 10, 1842; 73, 1842; 92, 1844; 17, 1845; 206, 1859; 133, 1895; 78, 1899; 231, 1901; 178, 1903; 245, 1907; 217, 1909; 98, 1911; 341, 1913; 84, 1915; 361, 1917; 128, 1919. Joint Resolutions 21, 1841; 27, 1869; 3, 1872. Artesian wells, conservation of:. Act 107, 1905. Biological Survey authorized: Act 250, 1905. Board of Geological Survey established:, Acts 65, 1869; 179, 1871; 48, 1881. Joint Resolution 11, 1871. Botanist, State, authorized: Act 49, 1838; 75, 1840 (office abolished). Boundary Compact: Act 267, 1947. Bounty for salt manufacture: Acts 200, 1859; 186, 1861; 50, 1869. Commissioner of Mineral Statistics: Acts 9, 1877; 18.0, 18.79; 74, 1883; 29, 1895; 133, 1895. Geological Survey of the State: Acts 20, 1837; 206, 1859; 64, 1861; 212, 1863; 65, 1869. Geologist, State: Acts 20, 1837; 49, 1838. Interstate Oil Compact: Act 138, 1947. Lakes and lake levels: Acts 194, 1939;.69, 1941; 319, 1941; 276, 1945; 198, 1947; 116, 1952; 128, 1952; 121, 19543 194, 1954; 253, 1955. Land Office: Acts 42, 1843; 68, 1844. Lands, Public (see salt springs and valuations): Acts 18, 1839; 68, 1844; 17, (1845; 90, 1845; 309, 1929. Mapping._ See Aerial, Topographic. Maps, publications, printing, reports, state do-cuments: Acts 79, 1840; 12.2, 1846; 48, 1881; 78, 1899; 231, 1901; 297, 1905; 42, 1911. Joint Resolutions 14, 1839; 5, 1841; 18, 1843; 34, 1844; 26, 1846; 26, 1859;P 7, 1861; 10, 1863; 3, 1872. Concurrent Resolution 5,.1872. Mineral statistics, collection: Act 7, 1911. Mines and minerals: Acts 18, 1839; 78, 1846; 131, 1885; 51, 1911; 114, 19111; 159,2 1945. "Oil Acts".: 65, 192.7; 15, 1929; 185, 1931; 326, 1937; 61, 1939; 138, 1947; 190, 1951; 216, 1951. Pipe line: Act 29, 18.89. See M.G.S. Pub. 47 for other pipe line laws. Plugging abandoned salt wells: Act 132, 1897. Oil wells: Act 190, 1951. See "Oil Acts". Salt lands, springs, wells: Acts 55, 1838; 1, 1839; 92, 1840; 10, 1842; 90, 1845; Chap. 60 Revised laws 1846; Joint Resolutions 7, 1841; 3, 1845. Salt manufacture, -bounty--for: Acts 200Y_ 1859;- 186, -1861; 50, 1869.. Soil and economic survey: Act 373, 1917..Supervisor of Wells: Acts 65, 1927; 15, 1929; 326, 1937. See "Oil Acts". Tax and Tax Commission: Acts 51, 1911; 114, 1911; 341, 1913; 119, 1915.; 77, 1951. See Mines and Minerals and Valuations. Topographer, State: Act 49, 1838. Topographic Survey: Acts 49, 1838; 178, 1903; 251, 1905; 392, 1925; 247, 1929. Valuation of mineral lands: Acts 18, 1839; 159, 1945; 93, 1947; 77, 1951. See Public Lands. Water conservation: Act 107, 1905. Zoologist, State: Acts 49, 1838; 75, 1840. 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