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A 77 The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Am, erica VOLUME TWENTY-ONE-1927 NEW YORK CITY NEWSPAPERS - 1f21601850 -- - -- - - -- - - - - The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America THE BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, which was, founded in 1904 during the Conference of Librarians at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, on the initiative of the Bibliographical Society of Chicago, has for its object the promotion of bibliographical reseatch ind the printing of bibliographical productions. The Society has met semiannually since that date. The annual meeting is ordinarily held in connection with the American Library Association. A winter meeting is frequently held in connection vith the American Historical Association. At these meetings many papers of interest to bibliographers, book collectors, and librarians have been read, and these have been published in the volumes, of the Society's PAPERS. Any person interested in the object of the Society, and approved by the Council may become a member upon payment of $3.oo a year.i Names may be submitted to any officer of the Society. The treasurer is Frederick W. Faxon, Roslindale, Mass. THE PAPERS OF TIE SOCIETY are published at The University of Chicago Press, 5750-58 Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill. The subscription"price, is $4.00 per year. The price of this part is $2.oo. COMMUNICATIONS concerning editorial matters may be addressed to the Chairman of the Publication Committee, James B. Childs, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. CORRESPONDENCE concerning yearly subscriptions and single copies may be addressed to The University of Chicago Press, 575o-58 Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill. Patrons are requested to make all remittances payable to The University of Chicago Press in postal or express money orders or bank drafts. THE FOLLOWING REPRESENTATIVES of The University of Chicago Press are authorized to quote the prices indicated: For the British Empire: The Cambridge University Pressy Fetter Lane, London, E. C. 4, England. Yearly subscription, including postage, I8s. 6d. each. For Japan and Korea: The Maruzen-Kabushiki-Kaisha, 'i to I6 Nihonbashi Tori Sanchome, Tokyo,Japan. Yearly 'sibscriptions,includingpostage, Yen 8.40. For China: The Commercial Press, Limited, Shanghai. Yearly subscriptions, including postage, $4. 5 each. CLAIMS for missing numbers should be made promptly. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers only when they have been lost in transit. PRINTED 11 IN M ER _ 6p5 F79 The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS THE BAKER & TAYLOR COMPANY NEW YORK THE MACMILLAN COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TORONTO THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON THE MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA TOKYO, OSAKA, KYOTO, FUKUOKA, SENDAI THE COMMERCIAL PRESS, LIMITED SHANGHAI The Papers of The Bibliographical Society of America VOLUME TWENTY-ONE PARTS ONE AND TWO 1927 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS CHICAGO - ILLINOIS PUBLICATION COMMITTEE JAMES B. CHILDS - - - Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. CARL B. RODEN - - - - - - Chicago Public Library ANDREW KEOGH - - - - - Yale University Library The Society does not hold itself responsible for opinions expressed by contributors of papers COPYRIGHT 1928 BY THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PUBLISHED DECEMBER 1928 425 COPIES PRINTED COMPOSED AND PRINTED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS) U.S.A. New York City Newspapers, x1820-1850 A Bibliography *^ BY LOUIS H4'FOX Chief of Newspaper Division The New York Public Library q53 * U INTRODUCTION T HIS bibliography of New York City newspapers aims to list all publications issued in New York City, from I820 to I85o, inclusive, which may be considered "newspapers." It therefore includes many papers devoted to some special cause or subject, and largely given over to that, but carrying news items in addition. The source material for the work was the newspaper files themselves, histories of journalism, personal biographies, check lists of newspapers in many libraries, histories of the United States, and histories and directories of New York City. A word of explanation of the entries will probably facilitate the use of this bibliography. The title used as the entry is the earliest title of the paper during this period, and any change in this title is indicated. In the case of radical changes of title, a different entry is made but in the case of a slight change (i.e., additional words which would not change its alphabetical position in the list), these changes are entered in the paragraph with the original entry. No separate entry is made for semi-weekly, tri-weekly, and weekly editions of papers of which there is a daily issue, unless the difference in title warrants. In alphabetizing, only the key words have been considered. The words, New York, daily, morning, evening, weekly, etc., at the beginning of titles have been disregarded; thus, New York Evening Post is entered under "P." Initial articles have been omitted, except when in the opinion of the compiler of this bibliography the dropping of the article would change the meaning of the title. New York has been printed without a hyphen, as the use of the hyphen in New York at this time seems to have been large 2 Bibliographical Society of America ly a matter of personal preference on the part of the printer or owner of a paper. Although the hyphen began to be dropped by some papers toward the end of the I82o's, others continued the use of it through 185o and after. In the typical entry, the title of the paper is given, followed by inclusive years and political complexion. There follows a brief statement as to the history of the paper during the period, including names of editors and publishers. As this period saw the rise of the penny press, the penny papers have been indicated, also the size of papers, when this was unusual. Then comes the location of files of the paper in four different libraries: New York Public Library, New York Historical Society, American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts, and Library of Congress. The initials in the entries will be easily recognized. In some cases, when no copies of a title were located in any of these four libraries, or only a very incomplete file, the name of another library where copies of the paper may be found is given. New York City directories, commencing with the directory for 1832-33, give lists of newspapers published in the city and so are useful in tracing the history of a paper when no files are available, or when files for certain years are lacking. One of these directories is issued for July of the first year through June of the following year. The directory was usually published, it appears, about June of the first year, and is corrected to about that time. For instance, in the directory for 1846-47, the proof is corrected to May 28, 1846. Consequently, the papers listed in this directory would be, presumably, those published in the city during the year previous to that date. A number of entries will be found for titles for which no copies have been located. Except in two or three cases, an entry for a title of which no copies were found has not been made unless mention of the paper was made by two or more authori N.ew York City Newspapers, r82o-.185o ties. These authorities have been, as will be seen from the entries., Mr. Frederic Hudson, Mr. S. N. D. North., and Mr. J. H. French. These worthy gentlemen, however., are not always correct as to dates. Mr. Hudson's 7ournalism in' the United States from r69o to 1872, published in New York City in 1873, was the first history of American journalism and is an immensely valuable work to students of the subject. A newspaper is, however, a piece of printing which appears every day, in most cases., and consequently it is a very difficult performance to trace accurately the history of a newspaper, especially if the paper is no longer in existence and perhaps lasted but a short time. Permit me to quote briefly from Mr. Hudson's book, pages 488 and 489. He is writing of his list of dailies originating in the city since 1833. Some of the dates published may not be stric~tly correct....it is not probable that the list., formidable as it is, embraces the names of all the papers started in the metropolis since 1833. It is doubtless true that of many of these journals not a copy is in existence.....Several of these papers were absorbed in others, and in this way their names passed out of sight. The period embracing ik8o-So is probably the most important in the history of the American press, as it saw the rise of what may be termed "modern journalism." The advent of the steam railroad in the early thirties, and the telegraph in 1844, naturally had their effect on the gathering of news. The rising tide of immigration created a public for the cheaper papers. The beginnings of many of the outstanding features of the American press of today may be seen in this period. The penny press was born in the early 1830's, in a size much smaller than the dignified six-penny sheets. Filled with sensational news, the penny paper was the forerunner of the modern "tabloid," for like the tabloid it was designed to attract a public which had 4 Bibliographical Society of America not hitherto been newspaper readers. "The success of the earliest cheap, popular papers in increasing their circulation by 'playing up' news of crime, created the problem of the treatment of such news in American journalism," says Mr. Willard G. Bleyer, in Main currents in the history of American journalism (p. 183).The New York Herald of May 13, 1845, announced that for reporting the great horse race between Fashion and Peytona over the Long Island Course, Fashion representing the North and Peytona the South, it would publish an extra edition after each heat, and that "eight competent reporters and writers" would chronicle this most important event. The "sports extra," it would seem, is not so very young. The cheap press did not have the aid of pictures except to an extremely limited extent. Pictures in newspapers, in the form of crude woodcuts, were an innovation of the mid-thirties. The newspaper illustration as such did not come into general use in the United States until some years after 18So. The Sunday paper, after a valiant struggle against religious opposition, gained a foothold in the early forties. M'ost of these papers were published on Sunday only. The Herald, at the end of 1841, commenced the publication of a Sunday issue, with James Gordon Bennett, Jr., as editor, in addition to the daily. Two previous attempts on the part of the Herald in publishing a Sunday number had met with disaster. The newsboy arrived with the penny sheet. The owners of the six-penny papers thought it unethical for papers to be sold on the streets. These papers were delivered to subscribers by carriers, and the chance purchaser was compelled to go to the newspaper office to buy a paper. The penny papers were cried on the streets by boys, and the ease with which they could be purchased together with their convenient size undoubtedly contributed to their success. New York City Newspapers, r82o-i85o The power of the advertiser was making itself felt. The New York Transcript, May 25, 1836, pointed out that it depended "cmainly for support upon.... advertising patronage," and that, so far as its circulation was concerned, it made "little or nothing on the paper." As the penny papers enlarged their pages, the readers paid less and less toward the total cost of producing the paper, and the advertisers paid more and more.' Another innovation., due to the huge (for that time) circulation of the penny papers, was the introduction (1835) of the steam printing press. Owners of newspapers in this period almost invariably edited as well as owned -their papers, and many of them felt a personal responsibility to their readers for the character and politics of their papers and especially the accuracy of their news columns. These were men like William Cullen Bryant, of the Evening Post, Gerard Hallock, of the -7ournal of Commerce, Mordecai Noah, the brilliant Jew, editor in succession of several papers, James Watson Webb, of the Morning Courier and New York Enquirer, Horace Greeley, of the New York Tribune. Charles A. Dana and Henry J. Raymond, editorial giants of a later day, were just entering the newspaper field in the 1 840's, in the office of the New York Tribune. The editor-owners of the penny and twocent papers, like Ben Day, of the Sun, and Bennett, of the Herald, conducting their business on quite different lines, endeavored to put "punch" into their columns with an eye to circulation. James Gordon Bennett may very properly be considered as the father of modern journalism, for it was he who first conceived the idea of making a newspaper entertaining as well as informative. His purpose was to interest the merchant and man of learning, as well as the mechanic and man of labor according to his announcement. The Morning Herald was the first news-,'Bleyer, Willard G., Main currents in the history of American journalism, pp. 183) 184. Bibliographical Society of America paper to print reports of Wall Street and the money market. A year after its establishment, it printed such sensational accounts of the Jewett murder case that the circulation of the paper in ten days was more than doubled. Its columns contained gossip, scandal, news of sport, and society. It devoted much space to foreign news. Bennett was thoroughly progressive. He was one of the pioneers in the evening and Sunday field and was the first of his contemporaries in New York City to make use of maps and pictures in a newspaper. There were some distinguishing features of the papers of 1820 to I850, which are no longer with us, notably the huge "blanket" sheets, in which form the six-penny papers appeared. A typical issue of the Morning Courier and New York Enquirer, that of October I, 1847, consists of four pages, size 25 by 30 inches, ten columns to the page. A page of the New York 7ournal of Commerce of October 5, I850, measures 25 by 34 inches, and also has ten columns. Perhaps these issues might be compared to the 6o-page daily and two hundred-page Sunday paper of today. Rag paper was universally used for newspapers of this period. Wood-pulp newsprint had not yet made a triumphant but inglorious entrance on the newspaper scene. So, very briefly, I have mentioned some of what seem to me the outstanding features in this very important period of the development of the American newspaper. For detailed histories of this period, consult Journalism in the United States, from i69o to 1872, by Frederic Hudson (1873); History of American journalism, by James Melvin Lee (revised 1923); History of journalism in the United States, George Henry Payne (1920); Main currents in the history of American journalism, by Willard Grosvenor Bleyer (1927); History and present condition of the newspaper and periodical press of the United States, with a catalogue of the publications of the census year, by Simeon Newton Dexter North (1884). New York City Newspapers, 1820-1850 7 In conclusion, let me thank the various people who have given me their very generous assistance in compiling this bibliography, Mr. Clarence S. Brigham and Mr. Fred Shipman of the American Antiquarian Society, the staff of the New York Historical Society and Periodical Division of the Library of Congress, also, Mr. H. M. Lydenberg of the New York Public Library, and Mr. James B. Childs and Mr. Charles Martel of the Library of Congress, for valuable suggestions. I shall be very glad to receive any corrections or additions. NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY February 23, 1928 LIST OF NEWSPAPERS ADOPTED CITIZEN, 1834.-Independent Republican 1834 Apr. 4 (no. 3), only issue located. Daily. Editor: T. W. Clarke. Publisher: James Ormond. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1835-1836. N.Y.H.S.: 1834 Apr. 4. NEW YORK DAILY ADVERTISER, I82o-I836.-National Republican Established 1817 Apr. 9, with same title as above. Daily, also semiweekly, and weekly. Daily ceased publication under this title, with issue of 1836 Oct. 31. United with NEW YORK EXPRESS on 1836 Nov. I, q.v. NEW YORK ADVERTISER (Semi-weekly) [Tues. and Fri.] 1820 Jan. 4-1830 June II; title changed to, NEW YORK ADVERTISER (FOR THE COUNTRY) [Semi-weekly] 1830 June 15-1836 July 27. (Last located.) NEW YORK ADVERTISER (Weekly) [Sat.] 1834 Feb. I, to be first issued, according to announcement in "specimen copy" of weekly edition, dated 1834 Jan. 3. No issues of weekly located. Editor: Theodore Dwight. Publishers: Theodore Dwight, William B. Townsend, John A. Walker, 1820 Jan. 2-1831 Apr. 12; Dwight Townsend and Co., 1831 Apr. 13-(?); Dwight and Townsend 1834-1836 Nov. I. N.Y.P.L.: New York Daily Advertiser, 1820 Sept. 19. 1830 Nov. 19-Dec. I5, 17-24, 27-31. 1831 Jan 3-Feb. 22, 24-Mar. 5, 8-14, 16-25, 28-30, May 2-June 25, July 16, 19-22, 26-Aug. I, 4-9, 19, 24-29, 31-Sept. 3, 6, 9, 13, 14, 17-19, 26-30, Oct. 3-5, 8-17, 19, 26, Nov. 2-7, 9-16, 19-21, 28, 29, Dec. 1-8, lo, 16, 19-24, 27-31. 1832 Jan. 2-14, 17, 2o-Feb. 7, 9-21, 23-27, 29, Mar. I, 6, 8, Io-I6, 19, 20, 22, 23, 26-31, Apr. 9, 17, 23, 25-May 4, 7-15, 17-29, 31-June 16, 19-July 3, 6-23, 25, 27-Aug. i, 8-Sept 6, 8-Oct. 23, 25-27, 30, 31, Nov. 2-14, 16-21, 23-28, 30-Dec. 13, 15-29. New York Advertiser (Semi-weekly), 1830 June Ii. New York Advertiser (For The Country), 1830 June 15-Dec. 31. New York Advertiser (Weekly), 1834 Jan. 3 (Wednes.) [A specimen copy]. N.Y.H.S.: New York Daily Advertiser, 1820 Jan. 1-1827 Dec. 31 (a few missing issues, and some mutilated.) A.A.S.: New York Daily Advertiser, 1821 Sept. 14. 1822 Sept. 24. 1823 Sept.Dec. 1824 July 26, Dec. 22. 1825 Jan.-Mar. Aug. 8-Dec. 1826 Feb. 18. 1831 June 8, 8 New York City Newspapers, i820o-85o 9 Oct. 3, Dec. 7 (extra). 1832 Jan. 24. New York Advertiser (Semi-weekly), 1824 Dec. 29. 1825 Jan. I, June II, July 23, Nov. 19, Dec. 16, 23. 1826 Mar. 31, Apr. 28, May 5, 12, 19, 23, 26, June-Dec. 1827 Jan.-I828 Sept. 1829 Jan. 13, 29, Dec. I7,22, 25. 1830 Jan. I, 5, 12, 26, 29, Feb. 23, Mar. 20. New York Advertiser (For The Country), 1836 July 27. L.C.: New York Daily Advertiser, 1820 Aug. 24, Nov. 21. 1821 Apr. 25, May 22 -31, July I9, Sept. 29, Nov. 19. 1822 Dec. 11-13. 1823 Jan. 8-13, Apr. 30, Aug. 7. 1824 Feb. 18. 1829 Jan. 1-1836 Oct. 31. New York Advertiser (Semi-weekly), 1820 Jan. 28, Apr. 21, May 5, Sept. 15, Dec. 18. 1821 Jan. 1-1823 Dec. 31. 1824 Jan. 3, 7, Io, 14, 17, 21, 24, 28, 31-Mar. 13. 1825 Aug. 17-Sept. 28, Oct. 5, Ig-Dec. 30. 1826 Jan. 3-17, 24, 27-Apr. 14, 25, 28, May 2, 5, 12. NEW YORK ADVERTISER, 1841.-Commercial 1841 July 3 (Vol. I no. 24), Aug. 6, Aug. Io, are the only issues located. Daily. Publisher: E. G. Burling. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1842-1843. A.A.S.: 1841 July 3, Aug. 6, Aug. Io. ADVERTISER, 1845. Hudson, Frederic, Yournalism in the United States from z69qo-872 p. 488; North, S.N.D.: History and present condition of the newspaper and periodical press of the United States, p. 99. No issues located. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1845-1846, 1846-1847 -NEW YORK ADVERTISER AND EXPRESS. See NEW YORK EXPRESS. ADVOCATE. See WEEKLY ADVOCATE, ADVOCATE AND JOURNAL, AMERICAN ADVOCATE, MERCANTILE ADVERTISER AND NEW YORK ADVOCATE, NATIONAL ADVOCATE WEEKLY ADVOCATE, I837.-For the advancement of people of color 1837 Feb. I8 (Vol. I no. 7), only issue located. Proprietor: Philip A. Bell. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1838-1839. N.Y.H.S.: 1837 Feb. i8. NEW YORK ADVOCATE & JOURNAL, I832-I833.-National Republican Formed by union of NEW YORK AMERICAN ADVOCATE and NEW YORK EVENING JOURNAL. Daily, morning and evening. 1832 June I I (Vol. 10O Bibliographical Society of America I no. I of the combined papers)-I833 Apr. 20 (Sat.). United with NEW YORK MERCANTILE ADVERTISER under title of MERCANTILE ADVERTISER and NEW YORK ADVOCATE, q.v. NEW YORK ADVOCATE & JOURNAL, FOR THE COUNTRY, published semi-weekly (Tues. and Fri.). When the daily edition united with NEW YORK MERCANTILE ADVERTISER, the semi-weekly edition had title, NEW YORK ADVOCATE & JOURNAL; see next title entry. N.Y.H.S.: New York Advocate & Journal, 1832 June II-Aug. 2, 5-Sept. 2, 4 -Dec. 31. 1833 Jan. i-Apr. 20. New York Advocate & Journal, For The Country, 1832 Oct. 12, Nov. 12, 27, Dec. 25, 28. 1833 Jan. 2, 5,, 22, 29, Feb. I, 5, 8, 12, I5, 22. A.A.S.: New York Advocate & Journal, 1832 July 18-1833 Apr. 20. L.C.: New York Advocate & Journal, 1832 Nov. 8. NEW YORK ADVOCATE & JOURNAL, 1833-I836.-Whig When NEW YORK ADVOCATE & JOURNAL (Daily) united with NEW YORK MERCANTILE ADVERTISER (Daily), the semi-weekly edition of the combined papers had the title, NEW YORK ADVOCATE & JOURNAL. 1833 July 9-1836 Feb. 16, extent of file located. Semi-weekly (Tues. and Fri.). See also, MERCANTILE ADVERTISER AND NEW YORK ADVOCATE. A.A.S.: 1833 July 9, Aug. 9, Oct. II. 1835 Mar. 27. 1836 Feb. I6. AGE, 1831.-National Republican 1831 Jan. 8 and 15 (Vol. I nos. 25 and 26), only two issues located. Weekly (Sat.). Publisher: Jacob Acker. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1832-1833. L.C.: 1831 Jan. 8, I5. AGE, 1836.-Independent 1836 June 3 (no. 8), only issue located. Daily. Price one cent. Size, 9 by 12 inches. Publisher: Johnson C. Hill. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1837-1838. N.Y.H.S.: 1836 June 3. AGE OF REASON, 1848-185o.-Agnostic. 1848 May 14 (Vol. I no. 27)-1849 Dec. I (Vol. III no. io), extent of file located. 1848 issue is a weekly, published on Sunday. In 1849, this paper was a semi-monthly. Size of 1848 May 14 issue, IS5 by 20 inches, and of 1849 issues, 61 by 91 inches. Editor: Peter Eckler, 1849 New York City Newspapers, z820-i-85o II Jan. 7-Dec. I.Publishers: Peter Eckler and--Priest of 1848 May 14 issue; Peter Eckler, 1849 Jan. 7-Dec. I; Peter Eckler, listed as publisher in New York City Directory I850-I85I. N.Y.H.S.: 1848 May 14. 1849 Jan. 7-Dec. I. ALBION OR BRITISH, COLONIAL AND FOREIGN WEEKLY GAZETTE, I822-I85o+.-An organ of English opinion in the United States 1822 June 22 (Vol. I no. I)-i85o+. Editors and publishers: John S. Bartlett, 1822 June 22-1848 Apr. 29; William Young, 1848 May 6 -I85o Dec. 28. Printer, Daniel Fanshaw. N.Y.P.L.: I822 June 22-1850o+. N.Y.H.S.: 1823 Apr. 5, June 14. I825 June i8-Nov. 19, Dec. Io-3I. 1826 Jan. 7 -Mar. II, Apr. 1-15, 29-May 27, June Io-Dec. 30. 1827 Jan. 6, 13, 27-Mar. 3, 24 -June 2. 1828 June i4-Dec. 27 (Issue of Nov. 29, mutilated.) 1829 Jan. 3-June 6. 1832 June 16, 30, July -8, Aug. II-Sept. 22, Oct. 6-Nov. 3, Nov. 17-Dec. 29. 1833-1848 (except 1837 Apr. I5, June 3). ALL THE NEWS AND THE ART OF MONEY GETTING, 1834 Price one cent. Established 1834, Feb. or Mar. "Within a few weeks, the following new one cent papers have been commenced in this city. 'The Man'.... 'All the News and the Art of Money Getting'..." Extract from "The Sun," New York, N.Y., 1834 Mar. 27, p. 2, col. 3 -This title not listed in New York City Directory 1835-1836. No issues located. AMERICAN, 1819-I845.-Republican, I819-I822. National Republican, 1823-1833. Whig, 1834-1845. Began as a semi-weekly, 18I9 Mar. 3. On 1820 Mar. 8, title changed to NEW YORK AMERICAN. Paper was published daily and semiweekly-I845 Feb. IS. A tri-weekly edition, I834-I835. NEW YORK AMERICAN. FOR THE COUNTRY. (Semi-weekly.) [Publication days vary.] 1820 Mar. 11-1845 Feb. NEW YORK AMERICAN. (Tri-weekly) [Tues. Thurs. Sat.], 1834-1835. This paper united with MORNING COURIER AND NEW YORK ENQUIRER, New York, N.Y., on 1845 Feb. 16. Editors and publishers: Charles King and Johnston Verplanck, 18i19-825; Charles King 1825-i845, Feb. 16. N.Y.P.L.: American (Semi-weekly), 1819 Mar. 3-1820 Mar. I. New York American (Daily), 1824 Aug. 6. 1827 Nov. 29. 1831 Feb. 19, Nov. 25. 1832 July 13. 1837 Feb. io, Apr. 20o. 1840 Nov. 25, Dec. 3, 7-11, 14, )5, I9, 24, 26,28-31. 1841 Jan. 2-June 12 Bibliographical Society of America 30. 1843 May 24, Oct. 27. New York American. For the Country (Semi-weekly), 1824 Feb. 4. 1828 Dec. 30. 1829 July 14-Dec. 1830-1843 Oct. 26. N.Y.H.S.: American (Semi-weekly), I820 Jan. i-Mar. 7. New York American (Daily), 1820 Mar. 8-1843 Apr. 29 (a few missing numbers). New York American. For the Country (Semi-weekly), 1820 Oct. 4, and extra, for same date, Oct. 7, 14, 21, 25, 28 (half sheet) Nov. I (mut.). A.A.S.: New York American (Daily), 1823 June 9. 1824 Oct. 5, 6. 1826 Jan. 18, Apr. 16, July 16. 1827 May 1-1829 June. 1830 Jan. 14, Feb. 18, Mar. 30, July 13, Aug, 30. 1831 Jan.-Dec. 1832 June-i833 June. New York American. For the Country (Semi-weekly), 1820-1845. L.C.: American (Semi-weekly), 1819 Mar. 3-1820 Mar. i. New York American (Daily), 1820 Mar. 8-1828 Dec. 27. 1829 Apr. 29, 30, June 27, 30, July-Dec. (scattered). 1830 Jan. 1831 Jan. 3-1832 Apr. 30. 1833 Feb.-Dec. (scattered). 1840 Nov. 13. I843 May 24. New York American. For the Country (Semi-weekly), I822 July 24-1825 Dec. 30. 1826 Aug. 4-1827 Apr. 13. 1829 Oct. 9-1845 Feb. 13. New York American (Triweekly), 1834 Jan. 18-1835 Mar. 31. NEW YORK AMERICAN ADVOCATE, 183I-I832.-Devoted to mercantile and agricultural matters I831 Aug. 17 (Vol. I no. I)-1832 June 9 (Sat.). Daily. United with EVENING JOURNAL, New York, N.Y., under title of NEW YORK ADVOCATE & JOURNAL, q.v. Commencing 1832 Mar. 13, an evening (2 P.M.) edition, as well as a morning edition, published. NEWYORK AMERICAN ADVOCATE. FOR THE COUNTRY (Semi-weekly). [Tues. and Fri.]. I831 Aug. 23 (Vol. I no. I)-I832 June 12, probably the last issue with this title. Editor: Redwood Fisher. Publishers: W. W. Tindall, C. B. Marshall and-- Van Vleet, 1831 Aug. 17-1832 Apr. 25; W. W. Tindall and C. B. Marshall, 1832 Apr. 26-June 9. N.Y.H.S.: New York American Advocate (Daily), 1831 Aug. 17-Dec. 31. 1832 Jan. 2-June 9. New York American Advocate. For the Country (Semi-weekly), 1831 Aug. 23, 26, 30, Sept. 2, 6. A.A.S.: New York American Advocate (Daily), 1831 Aug. 17-Dec. 31. 1832 Jan. 2-June 7. New York American Advocate. For,the Country (Semi-weekly), 1831 Dec. 16. 1832 Jan. 30, Mar. 20, June 12. L.C.: New York American Advocate (Daily), 1831 Sept. 23. 1832 Feb. 17, 18, 20. New York American Advocate. For the Country (Semi-weekly), 1832 Apr. 20. AMERICAN ADVOCATE, 1841.-Anti-Catholic. 1841 Sept. I and Sept. 7, only two issues located. Each of these issues is marked Vol. I no. i. Not listed in New York City Directory of New York City Newspapers, z82o-185o I3 1842-1843. Edited (and probably published) by an "Association of gentlemen." Names not found. L.C.: 1841 Sept. I, Sept. 7. AMERICAN ADVOCATE, 1845. Hudson, pp. 488-489: "The Plebeian, for instance, swallowed.... the American Advocate." North, S. N. D.; p. 99. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1845-1846, 1846-1847. DAILY AMERICAN ARTISAN, I847.-Agriculture, mechanics, news. 1847 July 31 (Vol. I no. 30), only issue of daily located. There was a weekly edition, WEEKLY ARTISAN (Sat.), according to'announcement in the daily, but no issues of this title have been located. The title of this weekly in 1848 was AMERICAN ARTISAN (Sat.). 1848 Sept. 30 (Vol. II no. Ii) first issue located. It continued to 1850+. The title AMERICAN ARTISAN appears in New York City directories, of 1847 -1848 to 1851-1852 incl. The daily edition of this paper probably continued for a short time only, but the weekly survived. Publisher: S. Fleet, 1848-1849. A.A.S.: American Artisan (Weekly), 1848 Sept. 30 (Vol. II no. II)-Nov. II (Vol II no. 19). L.C.: Daily American Artisan, 1847 July 31. AMERICAN CITIZEN, 1835.-Democratic and pro-Irish 1835 July I (Vol. I no. 2), only issue located. Daily. Not listed in New York City directory 1836-1837. Price, one cent. Size 8 by II inches. "This paper will advocate the rights and preserve the interests of all claims of naturalized citizens, but particularly of Irishmen." Announcement in this paper. L.C.: 1835 July I. AMERICAN ENSIGN, I844.-American Republican party (antiCatholic) 1844 Oct. 7 (Vol. I no. I)-1844 Nov. 20 (Vol. I no. 39), last issue located. Daily. There was a weekly edition published with title, WEEKLY AMERICAN ENSIGN, according to an announcement in AMERICAN ENSIGN of 1844 Nov. 20. 1844 Nov. 17 (Vol. I no. I) of the weekly. This title not listed in New York City Directory, 1845 -1846. Publishers: an "association of gentlemen," whose names fol 14 Bibliographical Society of America low. Benjamin R. Theall, Joseph Hafty, Edward Prime, James R. Sparrow, John F. Trow, Joel Kelly, Dr. James C. Forrester. N.Y.H.S.: 1844 Oct. 31, Nov. 20. A.A.S.: 1844 Nov. 20. L.C.: 1844 Oct. 14. AMERICAN FAMILY JOURNAL, I847.-Odd news items, religious articles, popular literature 1847 Dec. I (no. 12), only issue located. Monthly. This title listed in New York City directories 1848-1850, but not in directory for I850 -1851. Editors and publishers: Rev. D. Newell, 1847-1848; Mrs. D. Newell, 1848-1850 N.Y.H.S.: 1847 Dec. i. AMERICAN FLAG, 1845. Hudson, p. 488; North, S. N. D., p. 99. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1845-1846, 1846-1847. AMERICAN MAIL, I847.-Literature and general news 1847 June 5 (Vol. I no. I)-Aug. 21 (Vol. I no. 12). Weekly. Merged in NEw WORLD, New York, N.Y., according to announcement in the AMERICAN MAIL of 1847 Aug. 21. Editor: Park Benjamin. Publisher: Ross Wilkinson. N.Y.H.S.: 1847 June 5-Aug. 21. A.A.S.: 1847 July I0. AMERICAN MECHANIC, I842.-News, notices of mechanical inventions, and scientific discoveries 1842 Jan. I, was first issue with this title. (Last issue of Vol. I.) 1842 Jan. 8 (Vol. II no. I.)-1842 Dec. 31, only issues located. Weekly (Sat.). This title, listed in New York City Directory 1842-1843, but not in directory for 1843-1844. This paper was published also in Boston, Mass., 1842 May 7-Dec. 31. Editors: Rufus Porter, editor, 1842 Jan. 8-Oct. I; J. M. Vonosdel, asst. editor, 1842 Jan. 8-Mar. 19; S. J. Deeth, editor, Rufus Porter, assoc. editor, 1842 Oct. 8-15; S. J. Deeth, editor. 1842 Oct. 22-Dec. 31. Publishers: J. M. Vonosdel and Stephen T. Porter, 1842 Jan. 8-Mar. 19; J. Rumrill and Stephen T. Porter, 1842 Mar. 26-Oct. I; S. J. Deeth, Strong and Drake, 1842 New York City Newspapers, 1820-1850 I5 Oct. 8-15; S. J. Deeth, Oct. 22-Dec. 31. See also NEW YORK MECHANIC. A.A.S.: 1842 Jan. 8-Dec. 31. AMERICAN PATRIOT, 1845.-Native American 1845 Oct. 28 (Vol. III no. 9), 1845 Dec. 30 (Vol. III no. 61), only two issues located. Daily. Not listed in New York City Directory 1846 -1847. WEEKLY AMERICAN PATRIOT. NO issues located. Publishers: J. W. Green, J. B. Devoe. A.A.S.: American Patriot, 1845 Oct. 28, Dec. 30. AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL, I832-I850.-News about railroads I832 Jan. 2, established. Continued to 1850o. Weekly, 1832-1837, 1845-1850+, Semi-monthly, 1838-1842, Monthly, 1843-1844. No issues published Jan.-June 1838. Published in Philadelphia, Pa., 1846-1848. Subtitle varies. Issued in both a mammoth and a folio size. Indexed. Editors: D. Kimball Minor, Geo. C. Schaeffer, Egbert Hedge, 1832-1848; H. V. Poor, 1849 Jan. 9-1850+. Publishers: Probably same as editors. N.Y.P.L.: 1832 Jan. 2-1850+. N.Y.H.S.: 1832 Jan. 2-1837 Aug. 6. 1849 Jan.-Mar. 17, Apr. 21, Sept. 8, 22-Oct. 6, 27, Nov. 17. 1850 Feb. 23, Mar. 2, 30, Apr. 6, 13, Sept. 21, Oct. 26, Dec. 21, 28. A.A.S.: 1832 Mar. 3. L.C.: 1832 Jan. 2-1850+. AMERICAN REPUBLICAN, I843-I845.-American Republican party (anti-Catholic) 1843 (exact date uncertain), established. Daily. Title changed to NEW YORK CITIZEN AND AMERICAN REPUBLICAN, 1844 Jan. I-Apr. 23, title changed to NEW YORK AMERICAN REPUBLICAN, 1844 Apr. 24, and paper continued probably till early part of 1845, although last issue located is 1844 Dec. 31. Title is listed in New York City Directory of 1845-1846, but not after. On 1844 Apr. 24, size of this paper was changed from 15 by 21 inches to 17 by 23 inches. WEEKLY AMERICAN REPUBLICAN, 1844 Sept. 7 (Vol. I no. I) according to announcement. No issues of this weekly located. i6 Bibliographical Society of America N.Y.H.S.: New York Citizen and American Republican. 1844 Jan. 1-14, 16, 18 -Apr. 9, II-Apr. 23. New York American Republican, 1844 Apr. 24-Dec. 31. A.A.S.: New York Citizen and American Republican, 1844 Apr. 12-Apr. 23. New York American Republican, 1844 Apr. 24-Oct. 15. AMERICAN STATESMAN, I847.-Democratic 1847 Feb. 3 (Vol. I no. I)-Dec. 4 (Vol. II no. 18), last issue located. (Weekly) [Wed. to May 5, then Sat.]. Size, o1 by 13 inches. Contains many reprints from other newspapers. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1848-1849. Editor: A. Ingraham. Publishers: A. Ingraham and J. Henry. N.Y.H.S.: 1847 Feb. 3-Dec. 4. A.A.S.: 1847 Feb. 3-Dec. 4. AMERICAN SUN. See SUN. AMERICAN WEEKLY TIMES. See GAZETTE AND TIMES. AMERICAN WHIG, 1834.-Whig 1834 May 21 (Vol. I no. 4), only issue located. Daily. Paper apparently continued to about 1834 Sept. 20, according to following announcement. "The publication of the American Whig, as well as that of the Penny Daily Gazette have been merged in the sheet now presented to the public, and will hereafter be known only by the name of The Constitution."-The Constitution, New York, N.Y., 1834 Sept. 20, p. I, col. I. Publishers and printers: Anderson and Smith. A.A.S.: 1834 May 21. L.C.: 1834 May 21. ANGLO AMERICAN, 1843-1847.-Literary, some news items 1843 Apr. 29 (Vol. I no. I)-1847 Nov. 13, last issue published. Absorbed by ALBION, New York, N.Y. Weekly (Saturday). Indexed. Editors: A. D. Paterson, 1843 Apr. 29-1847 Oct. 16; E. L. Garvin and Co., 1847 Oct. 23-Nov. 13. Publishers: A. D. Paterson, E. L. Garvin and Co., 1843 Apr. 29-1847 Oct. 16; E. L. Garvin and Co., 1847 Oct. 23-Nov. 13. N.Y.P.L.: 1843 Apr. 29-1847 Oct. i6. N.Y.H.S.: 1843 June IO-I847 Nov. 13. A.A.S.: 1843 Dec. 9. New York City Newspapers, Z820-185o I7 THE ANGLO SAXON, 1846-I850.-A phonetic newspaper (1846 Dec. 5 [Vol. I no. I]-1847 Apr. 17 [Vol. I no. 8]) published in Boston, Mass. 1847 May 16 (Vol. I no. 9) commences the publication of this paper in New York, continuing to 185o Feb. I, last issue located. Title listed in New York City Directory I850-i85I, but not after. Weekly, 1847 May 16 to 185o. Then published monthly, paper dated first day of month. Printed in phonetic type. Publishers' announcement says: "A Weekly Phonetic Newspaper, devoted to the dissemination of knowledge and news, but chiefly to the Writing and Printing Reformation." Editors and publishers: Andrews and Boyle. N.Y.P.L.: 1846 Dec. 5. 1847 Jan. 14-Apr. 17. 1847 May 15-1848 May IS. A.A.S.: 1847 Jan. 23, July 24, Sept. 18, Oct. 2, 16, Nov. 27, Dec. II. 1848 May 27 (I leaf) June Io, 17, July I, I5, Oct. 28. 1850 Jan. I, Feb. I. L.C.: 1847 June 19, Sept. 18, 25. 1848 June 17. ANNUAL PICTORIAL HERALD. See MORNING HERALD. NEW YORK ARENA, 1842.-Independent 1842 Mar. 14 (Vol. I no. I according to numeration on this paper). 1842 Apr. 8 (Vol. I no. 23) only issue located. Daily. Listed in New York City Directory 1842-1843, but not after that. "The Plebeian.... swallowed the Arena." Hudson, p. 489. A.A.S.: New York Arena, 1842 Apr. 8. NEW YORK ARGUS AND UNITED STATES MILITARY & NAVAL CHRONICLE, I842-I844.-Military and naval news 1842 Jan. I (no. 7 new series), Jan. 8, Jan. 29 (no. II new series); title is, ARGUS AND UNITED STATES MILITARY & NAVAL CHRONICLE, 1844 July 13 (Vol. V no. 2); title is, ARGUS, MASONIC ADVOCATE AND UNITED STATES MILITARY & NAVAL CHRONICLE. 1844 Aug. 3 (Vol. V no. 5). Weekly. These are only issues located. Not listed in New York City Directory 1845-1846. Editors: Col. W. W. Tompkins, Jan. I842; John Crawley,-- Conway, J. P. Pirsson, G. W. Dixon, Aug. 1844. Publishers: John Crawley and Norman Cook of 1842 Jan. I and 8, issues; Norman Cook of 1842 Jan. 29; Crawley, Conway and Co., of 1844 July 13; John Crawley of 1844 Aug. 3. N.Y.H.S.: 1844 Aug. 3. A.A.S.: 1844 July 13. L.C.: 1842 Jan. I, 8, 29. Bibliographical Society of America ATLAS, 1828-1833.-General news, especially foreign, also popular literature 1828 Sept. 20 (Vol. I no. 1)-1833 Nov. 2. Weekly. Indexed. Subtitle varies; ATLAS. OR LITERARY, HISTORICAL AND COMMERCIAL REPORTER, 1828 Sept. 20-1830 Sept. II; ATLAS. A SELECT LITERARY AND HISTORICAL JOURNAL 1830 Sept. 18-1833 Nov. 2. This paper united with the CONSTELLATION, New York, N.Y., 1833 Nov. 9, q.v. Editors: T. D. Porter and Eustis Prescott, 1828 Sept. 20-1833 Sept. 7; T. D. Porter, I833 Sept. 14-1833 Nov. 2. "Proprietors": T. D. Porter and Eustis Prescott, 1828 Sept. 20-1832 Apr. 14. Publishers: Eustis Prescott and Co., 1832 Apr. 21-1833 Mar. 23; Prescott, Swinborne and Co., I833 Mar. 30-Sept. 7; Swinborne, Rogers, and Co., 1833 Sept. 14-Nov. 2. N.Y.P.L.: 1828 Sept. 20-1833 Oct. 26. N.Y.H.S.: 1828 Sept. 20-1831 Sept. 17. 1832 Apr. 14, May 26, July 21, Sept. I5-Dec. 29. 1833 Jan. 5-Sept. 7. A.A.S.: 1829 May 9-1831 Sept. 24. ATLAS. See also SUNDAY MORNING ATLAS. AUCTION BULLETIN AND GENERAL ADVERTISER, I840.-Advts. of auction sales, odd news items 1840 Aug. 25 (Vol. I no. 2), only issue located. Daily. Publisher, J. E. Van Antwerp. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1841-1842. L.C.: 1840 Aug. 25. NEW YORK AURORA, 1842-1844.-Democratic 1842 Feb. I (approximate date of Vol. I no. I). Daily. United with the UNION, New York, N.Y. (about) 1843 Mar. 18, under title of NEW YORK AURORA AND UNION. Title changed to NEW YORK AURORA (about) 1843 Aug. The combined papers were absorbed by the DAILY PLEBEIAN, New York, N.Y., in 1844, some time subsequent to May 3, without change of title. See DAILY PLEBEIAN. Editors and proprietors: Herrick and Ropes. 1842 Feb. 1-1843 Dec.; A. Herrick 1843 Dec.-I844. N.Y.H.S.: New York Aurora and Union, 1843 Mar. 18, 23, July 17. New York Aurora, 1843 Aug. 2, 3, Ii, Sept. 5, 26, Oct. 7. New York City Newspapers, 1820-I85o 19 L.C.: New York Aurora and Union, 1843 Apr. 22. New York Aurora, 1843 Aug. I7-Sept. 15, 25-27, Oct. 14, 18, 20, 27, Dec. 21. 1844 Jan. 17, Feb. 9, 12, 14, 21, Apr. 3, May 3 -BADGER'S WEEKLY MESSENGER, 1831-I832.-Domestic and foreign, also religious news 1831 June 4 (Vol. I no. 1)-1832 Aug. I, last issue located. Weekly. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1833-1834. Editor: Barber Badger. Publishers: Barber Badger 1831 June 4-Sept 14; Barber Badger, William Burnett, 1831 Sept. 21-1832 Feb. 20; William Burnett, 1832 Feb. 27-May 2; William Burnett,-- Smith, 1832 May 9-Aug. I. See also NEW YORK WEEKLY MESSENGER AND YOUNG MEN'S ADVOCATE. N.Y.P.L.: 1831 June 4-Dec. 28. 1832 Jan. 4-July ii. N.Y.H.S.: 1832 Aug. i. A.A.S.: 1831 July 4-1833 July 31. BALLOT Box, 1840.-Abolitionist 1840 Oct. 3 (Vol. I no. I)-Oct. 31 (Vol. I no. 25), last issue located. Daily. Price one cent. This paper probably continued until a few days after presidential election day, Nov. 4, 1840, as the paper was purely a "campaign newspaper." Not listed in New York City Directory, 1841-1842. Editors: Joshua Leavitt, N. Southard. Publication office, 131 Nassau St. N.Y.P.L.: 1840 Oct. 31. L.C.: 1840 Oct. 28. BANNER OF THE CONSTITUTION, I830-I83I.-Free trade [1829 Dec. 5 (Vol. I no. I)-I83o Nov. 17, published in Washington, D.C.]. 1830 Nov. 24-1831 April 27, published in New York, N.Y. Weekly (Wed.). Indexed. [1831 May 4-1832 Dec. 31, published in Philadelphia, Pa.] Editor: Condy Raguet, 1830 Nov. 24-1831 Apr. 27. Printer: T. W. Ustick, 1830 Nov. 24-1831 Apr. 27. A.A.S.: 1830 Dec. 29. 1831 Feb. 2, 9, Apr. 13. L.C.: 1830 Nov. 24-1831 Apr. 27. BARNBURNER, 1848.-Free soil 1848 July I (no. I)-1848 Sept. 2, last issue located. Weekly (Saturday). This paper was to continue till 1848 Nov. 18, according to an 20 Bibliographical Society of America nouncement in first issue. It was to be published during the presidential campaign of 1848. Size of paper was to be increased, according to announcement in issue of 1848 Sept. 2. Editor: William J. Tenney. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1849-1850. L.C.: 1848 July I, 22, 29, Aug. 5, 12, 19, 26, Sept. 2. DAILY BEE, or, NEW YORK DAILY BEE, or, BEE, 1834, 1836. General news "Devoted to literature, drama, police and court proceedings, news, etc." First issue, 1834 Mar. 5. Publisher: John Lemuel Kingsley. Only a few issues published in 1834. It was revived by same publisher in 1836, but succumbed again. Cf. Hudson, p. 424; Lee, James Melvin, History of American journalism, new edition, revised, p. 189, "Within a few weeks, the following new one cent papers have been commenced in this city. 'The Man'.... and 'The Bee,' which is now defunct." The Sun, New York, N.Y., 1834 Mar. 27, p. 2, col. 3. No issues of Bee located. BELL'S LIFE IN NEWYORK AND AMERICAN WEEKLY MESSENGER, 1830.-Sport news 1830 Sept. 14 (Vol. I no. I)-1830 Oct. 5, last issue located. Weekly (Tuesday). Not listed in New York City Directory, 1832-1833. Editor: William Livingston Prall; Publishers: William Livingston Prall, Jared W. Bell. See also NEW YORK MESSENGER. N.Y.H.S.: 1830 Sept. 21, Oct. 5. BOZ TIMES. See EXTRA Boz TIMES, under the title MORNING HERALD. BROADWAY JOURNAL, 1845-1846.-Literature, general news 1845 Jan. 4 (Vol. I no. I)-1845 June 28 (Vol. I no. 26). [No issue published for 1845 July 5.] 1845 July 12 (Vol. II no. I)-1846 Jan. 3 (Vol. II no. 26), last issue published. Weekly (Sat.). Quarto. Indexed. Broadway Journal of 1846 Jan. 3, p. 407, has this announcement. "Unexpected engagements demanding my whole attention, and the objects being fullfilled as far as regards myself personally, for which 'The Broadway Journal' was established, I now, as its editor, bid farewell-as cordially to foes as to friends"-Edgar A. Poe. Not listed New York City Newspapers, 1820-1850 21 in New York City Directory, 1847-1848. Editors: C. F. Briggs, Edgar A. Poe, Henry C. Watson, 1845 Jan. 4-June 28; Edgar A. Poe, Henry C. Watson, 1845 July 12-Oct. 18; Edgar A. Poe, 1845 Oct. 25-1846 Jan. 3. Publishers: John Bisco, 1845 Jan. 4-Oct. 18; Edgar A. Poe, 1845 Oct. 25-1846 Jan. 3. N.Y.P.L.: 1845 Jan. I-June 28. N.Y.H.S.: 1845 Jan 4-Sept 20, Oct. 4-Dec. 13, Dec. 27, 1846 Jan. 3. L.C.: I845 Mar. 22, May 24, July 12-Dec. 27. BROTHER JONATHAN, 1839-1850+o.-Literature and general news 1839 July 13 (Vol. I no. i)-i85o+. Weekly (Saturday). Mammoth pictorial supplements, issued at Xmas, New Year's, and Fourth of July. Publishers: Wilson and Co., 1839-1850; Benjamin H. Day, 1850+. BROTHER JONATHAN absorbed WEEKLY DISPATCH, Feb. 1840. N.Y.P.L.: 1839 Nov. 23. 1841 Dec. 25. 1842 Mar. 26u 1847 Xmas. 1849 Mar. 4. N.Y.H.S.: 1842 Jan. i-Dec. 31. 1843 Jan. 8-Apr. 29. 1845 July 4. 1848-1849 Xmas and New Year's number (mutilated). A.A.S.: 1839 Nov. 2, 23, 30, Dec. 21. 1840 Jan 8, 11, 25, and extra, Feb. 8 and extra. Feb. 22, Mar. 7 and extra, 14, May 2 and extras (nos. 6-8), May I6-Nov. 21, 28, Dec. 12-25. 1841 Jan 2-Feb. 6, 20, 27, Mar. 13-27, Apr. io-July 17, 31, Aug. 7 and extras, 14-Dec. 4, 25. 1842 May 21. 1843 Jan. I, 8. 1845 July 4. 1846 July 4. 1847 Christmas number. 1848 July 4, Amer. Army in Mexico, and Xmas numbers. 1849 Mar. 4, and Xmas number. L.C.: 1841 Dec ii (mammoth size, quadruple sheet), 1846 July (Fourth of July) number. Xmas and New Year's number, 1848-1849. Fourth of July 1848 number. Pictorial Jubilee number. BUCANEER, 1842.-Literature and general news 1842 May 8 (Vol. I no. 9), only issue located. Weekly (Sat.). Not listed in New York City Directory, 1843-1844. Publishers: Dillon and Co. A.A.S.: 1842 May 8. NEW YORK BULLETIN, 1844-1850.-Lottery advts., stories, short articles 1844 Apr. 2 (Vol. IV no. 45), 1850 Mar. 27 (Vol. IX no. 48), 1850 Dec. 25 (Vol. X no. 35), only issues located. Weekly (Wednes.). French, J. H., Gazetteer of the State of New York ( 860), gives date of establishment of this paper as 1840. No editors or publishers given. 22 Bibliographical Society of America N.Y.H.S.: 1850 Mar. 27. A.A.S.: 1844 Apr. 2. 185o Dec. 25. L.C.: 1844 Apr. 2. NEW YORK MONTHLY BULLETIN, 1847.-Literature and general news 1847 June 15 (Vol. II no. 4), only issue located. This title is listed in New York City Directory, 1848-1849, but not in directory for 1849 -1850. Publishers: Charles S. Stearns and Thomas Walsh. A.A.S.: 1847 June 15. THE BUNKER HILL, I844.-Literature and general news 1844 Aug. 24 (Vol. I no. 5), only issue located. Weekly (Sat.). Not listed in New York City Directory, 1845-1846. Editor: "Major Jack Downing" (Seba Smith), "assisted by several literary gentlemen and a few ladies." Announcement in this paper. Publishers: S. B. Dean and Co. A.A.S.: 1844 Aug. 24. BUSINESS REPORTER AND MERCHANTS' AND MECHANICS' ADVERTISER, I835.-Independent 1835 Feb. 12 (Vol. I no. I), only issue located. Daily. In this issue, there is an announcement of a weekly edition, but no issues of this have been located. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1836-1837. A.A.S.: 1835 Feb. I2. CALIFORNIA HERALD, see MORNING HERALD THE CAMPAIGN, 1844.-Democratic 1844 Sept. i-Nov. 2, only issues located. Weekly (Sat.). Not listed in New York City Directory, 1845-1846. Editors: J. L. O'Sullivan and Samuel J. Tilden. Publisher: H. G. Langley. L.C.: 1844 Sept. 7-Nov. 2. CAMPAIGN oF FREEDOM, I848.-Free Soil 1848 Aug. 26 (Vol. I no. I), 1848 Sept. 2, only issues located. Weekly (Sat.). This paper, according to announcement, was to continue till after the presidential election, Nov. 7, 1848. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1849-I850. Publishers: B. F. Butler, Robert H. Maclay, Robert H. Boyd, George H. Purser, James Pattison. New York City Newspapers, 182o-1850 23 A.A.S.: 1848 Aug. 26. L.C.: 1848 Aug. 26, Sept. 2. Note. A weekly German paper, devoted to the advocacy of the Free Territory cause, was announced for publication by publishers mentioned above; first issue was to have been, 1848 Aug. 26, and to continue to Nov. 4. No issues of this paper have been located. CANFIELD'S AMERICAN ARGUS, COMMERCIAL & EXCHANGE TELEGRAPH, 1829-1830.-Commercial 1829 June I (Vol. I no. I), 1830 Mar. 8 (Vol. I no. 6)-1830 May 3 (Vol. I no. 14), only issues located. Weekly (Monday). Not listed in New York City Directory, 1832-1833. Publisher (and probably editor): P. Canfield. A.A.S.: I830 Mar. 8-22, Apr. 12-May 3. (All have one leaf, except March 15.) L.C.: 1829 June 1. CASTIGATOR AND NEW YORK ANTI-ABOLITIONIST, 835.-- Anti-abolition 1835 Aug. is no. I. No day of month given. Semi-weekly (Wednes. and Sat.). Not listed in New York City Directory, 1836-1837. Published at 187 William St. Names of editors and publishers not found. N.Y.H.S.: 1835 Aug. CENSOR, 1838. Hudson, p. 487; North, p. 98. No issues located. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1838-1839, 1839-1840. CHAMPION OF AMERICAN LABOR, I847.-Labor 1847 Apr. 3 (Vol. I no. I)-1847 Aug. 14 (Vol. I no. 19), last issue located. Weekly (Sat.). Not listed in New York City Directory of 1848-1849. Editors' names not found. Publishers: "An association of mechanics," J. D. Young, general agent. N.Y.H.S.: 1847 Apr. 3-Aug. 14. EVENING CHRONICLE, see MORNING HERALD. NEW YORK CHRONICLE, 1838. Hudson, p. 487; North, p. 98. No issues located. Not listed in New York City Directories of 1838-1839, 1839-1840. 24 Bibliographical Society of America MORNING CHRONICLE, 1838. Hudson, p. 487; North, p. 98. No issues located. Not listed in New York City Directories of 1838-1839, 1839-1840. MORNING CHRONICLE, 1840.-Independent 1840 Feb. ii (Vol. I no. I)-Apr. 28, last issue located. Daily. In latter part of year I840 or early in 1841, title changed to MORNING CHRONICLE AND TIPPECANOE ADVERTISER. NO issues under this double title located. WEEKLY CHRONICLE, published on Wednes. till 1840 Mar. 21, thereafter, on Saturday. No issues located. Editor: William H. Hudson. N.Y.P.L.: Morning Chronicle, 1840 Feb. II-Apr. 28. L.C.: Morning Chronicle, 1840 Feb. 13. MORNING CHRONICLE, 1842-1843.-Independent 1842 Sept. 7 (Vol. I no. I)-I843 Jan. 4. Title changed to MORNING CHRONICLE AND NEW YORK PENNY-A-LINE ADVERTISER, I843 Jan. 5, last issue located. Daily. There was also a weekly edition with title, WEEKLY CHRONICLE; no issues of weekly located. Editors: John W. Moore, at the beginning; later (date uncertain), Dillon and Hopper. Not listed in New York City Directory 1844-1845. L.C.: Morning Chronicle, 1842 Sept. 15 (Vol. I no. 8) Morning Chronicle and New York Penny-A-Line Advertiser, 1843 Jan. 5 (Vol. I no. Ioi). CHRONICLE OF THE TIMES, 1828-I829.-Commerce, agriculture, general news, popular literature 1828 Apr. 5 (Vol. I no. I)-I829 May 2, last issue located. Weekly. Publishers: H. R. Piercy and Co., 1828 Apr. 5 and Apr. 12; H. R. Piercy and Burling, 1828 Apr. 19-1829 Apr. 25; Humphrey Martin, 1829 May 2. N.Y.H.S.: 1828 Apr. 12-1829 May 2. A.A.S.: 1828 Apr. 5, 12, 26, May 3, June 7, June 14. LC.: 1828 July 26-1829 May 2. NEW YORK CITIZEN, 1832.-Whig 1832 Dec. 7 (Vol. I no 9), only issue located. Daily. A semi-weekly edition to be issued "for the country," according to announcement in above issue. No issues of "country" edition located. Not listed in New York City Newspapers, 182o-1850 25 New York City Directory, 1833-1834. Editors and publishers: Francis Stebbins, A. Greene. L.C.: 1832 Dec. 7. CITIZEN, 1835. "The Irishman, the Independent Press, the Citizen,.... all penny papers that started after or about the time the Herald came forth, are either. dead or dying." Morning Herald, New York, N.Y., 1835 July 22, p. 2, col. 3. No issues located. NEW YORK CITIZEN, 1839.-News and stories I839 July 21 (Vol. I no. 16), only issue located. Weekly (Sunday). Not listed in New York City Directory, 1840-1841. Published at Ioo Chatham St. Editors and publishers not given. L.C.: 1839 July 21. WEEKLY CITIZEN, 1844.-Anti-Catholic 1844 May 25 (Vol. I no. 12), only issue located. Published on Saturday. Not listed in New York City Directory 1845-1846. Publishers: John F. Trow and Co. N.Y.H.S.: 1844 May 25 (mutilated). NEW YORK CITIZEN AND AMERICAN REPUBLICAN, see AMERICAN REPUBLICAN. CITIZEN AND TRUE SUN, 1845. A daily with this title was started in 1845 but lasted for a short time only. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1845-1846, 1846-1847. Hudson gives title on p. 488, and North, on p. 99. CITIZEN OF THE WORLD, I835.-News and popular literature 1835 Mar. 29 (Vol. II no. 12), only issue located. Weekly (Sunday). Not listed in New York City Directory, 1836-1837. Editor and publisher: G. Vale. A.A.S.: 1835 Mar. 29. EVENING CITY GAZETTE, 1828.-National Republican 1828 July 12-Dec. 6, only issues located. Weekly (Saturday evening). Not listed in New York City Directory, 1832-1833, Editor and publisher: John M. Danforth. 26 Bibliographical Society of America N.Y.H.S.: 1828 Nov. i. A.A.S.: 1828 July 12. L.C.: 1828 Dec. 6. CITY VICINITY AND STATE GUIDE, 185o.-Time-tables, maps, etc. 1850 Nov. 13 (Vol. I no. 4), only issue located. Semi-weekly (Wednes. and Sat.). Issue of I850 Nov. 13, has a map of New York City on page I; it also gives time-tables of railroads, steamships, and omnibuses, also information about buildings and points of interest in New York City. Published at 126 Nassau St. Names of editor and publisher not given in the paper but in New York City Directory, 1851-1852, Solon Horn, 126 Nassau St., is given as person responsible for the paper, which may mean editor, or publisher, or both. French, J. H., in Gazetteer of the state of New York (Syracuse, I86o), p. 443, gives editor of "City Guide," commenced in I85o, as Solon Horn. A.A.S.: 185o Nov. I3.. NEW YORK CLARION, 1849.-General news and popular literature 1849 Sept. 8 (Vol. I no. I)-Dec. 15 (Vol. I no. 15), last issue located. Weekly (Sat.). Editor and publisher: M.J. Smith. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1850-1851. N.Y.H.S.: 1849 Sept. 8-Dec. 15. CLAY TRIBUNE, 1844.-Whig 1844 May 4 (no. I)-1844 Nov. 2 (no. 27), last issue published. Weekly (Sat.). Editor: Horace Greeley. Publishers: Horace Greeley, Thomas McElrath. Publishers' announcement says, "Thoroughly devoted to the advancement of the Whig cause and the election of Henry Clay." N.Y.P.L.: 1844 May 4-Nov. 2. N.Y.H.S.: 1844 June I, Aug. 24, Oct. 5. L.C.: I844 Aug. 17. NEW YORK COLONIZATION JOURNAL, I850.-Negro interests I85o Dec. (Vol. I no. I)-I85I+. Monthly. Editor: J. B. Pinney. A.A.S.: 185o Dec. +. COLORED AMERICAN, 1837-1840.-Abolitionist 1837 Jan. 7 (Vol. I no. I)-1838 May 3 (Vol. II no. 15), 1838 June 2 New York City Newspapers, z820-1850 27 (Vol. II no. 16), continuing probably till into the year 1842, as title is listed in New York City Directory, 1842-1843, but not after. Last issue located is that of 1840 Aug. 15. Weekly (Sat.). Editor: Samuel E. Cornish, 1837 Jan. 7-1838 Dec. 29; Samuel E. Cornish, James M'Cune Smith, 1839 Jan. 12-May 18. None given, thereafter, in issues found. Proprietors: Philip A. Bell, 1837 Jan. 7-Oct. 25; "A committee of gentlemen" 40 in number, Rev. Chas. B. Ray, agent, 1837 Nov. 1-1838 May 3; Chas. B. Ray, Philip A. Bell, Stephen H. Gloucester (Mr. Gloucester was in charge of the Philadelphia office), 1838 June 2-1839 July 6; Chas. B. Ray and Co., 1839 July 13-Dec. 7; Chas. B. Ray, 1840 May 30-Aug. 15. Commencing 1838 June 2, this paper was published also in Philadelphia, Penn. N.Y.P.L.: 1838 Nov. 17. N.Y.H.S.: 1837 Mar. 4-Dec. 30. 1838 Jan. 13-Mar. 3, 24-Apr. 19, May 3-June 9, 23-Dec. 29. A.A.S.: 1837 Mar. II-Dec. 30. 1838 Jan. 13-Apr. 19. L.C.: 1837 Mar. 4, II, 18, 25, Apr. I, 15, 22. 1838 Sept. 29-Dec. 29. 1839 Jan. 12-Mar. 16, May II, 18, June 1-22, July 13-Aug. 3, 17-Sept. 14, 28-Oct. I9-Dec. 7. 1840 May 30, Aug. 15. COLUMBIAN, 1820-1821.-Republican Established 1808, with same title as above, by Charles Holt. 1820 Jan. 3-1821 June 30. Daily. The COLUMBIAN was united with the PATRON OF INDUSTRY, New York, N.Y., the title of the combined papers becoming NEW YORK EVENING JOURNAL AND PATRON OF INDUSTRY, q.v. COLUMBIAN. FOR THE COUNTRY. Semi-weekly (Wednes. and Sat.). Editor and publisher: Alden Spooner. N.Y.H.S.: Columbian, 1820 Jan. 3-1821 June 30. Columbian. For the Country, 1821 Jan. 9. A.A.S.: Columbian, 1821 Jan. 3-June 30. L.C.: Columbian, 1820 Jan. 3-1821 June 30. Columbian. For the Country, 1820 July 28. COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, 1820-185o+.-National Republican, 1820-1834; Whig, I835-I85o+ 1820 Jan. 2-1830 Dec. 31. Title changed to NEW YORK COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER 1831 Jan. 2-1850 Dec. 31+. Daily. NEW YORK SPECTATOR, the semi-weekly edition, is listed under its own title. Editors: 28 Bibliographical Society of America Zacariah Lewis and Francis Hall, 1820 Jan. 2-Apr. Io; William Leete Stone and Frances Hall, 1820 Apr. I 1-1844 Aug. 15; John B. Hall and Francis Hall, 1844 Aug. 16-1850 Dec. 31+- Publishers: Zacariah Lewis and Francis Hall, 1820 Jan. 2-Apr. 10; Francis Hall and Co., 1820 Apr. 11-1844 Aug. 15; John B. Hall and Francis Hall, 1844 Aug. 16-1850 Dec. 31+. N.Y.P.L.: Commercial Advertiser, 1820-21. 1824 Mar. 13. 1825 Jan. 2-May 29. 1826 Mar. 4, Oct. II, 14. 1829 July 7-Dec. 31. 1830 Jan. 2-Dec. 31. New York Commercial Advertiser, 1831 Jan 2-1834 Nov. 29. 1835 Jan. 21-28, May 1-8, Aug. ISept. 30, Nov. 2-Dec. 29. 1836 Feb. I, 2, 4-17, 19-29, May 6, Nov. 3, 4, 14, 16, 18, 23-25, 28, 29, Dec. I, 2, 9-14, I6, 22, 28. 1837 Jan. 5, Feb. 20-24, Mar. 4-Apr. 7, Io, 18-26, 28, May I, 3, 4, June 6, 12, July 6, 0o, 15, 17, 19-21, 25-28, Aug. 2-15, 17-22, 24-Sept. 6, Oct. II-Dec. 31. 1838 Jan. i-Dec. 31. 1839 July i-Dec. 31. 1840 Jan. i1842 June 30. 1843 Jan. i-Dec. 31. 1844 July I-Dec. 31. 1845 Jan. 1-1846 June 30. 1848 July 3-Dec. 30. 1849 July 2-1850 Dec. 31. N.Y.H.S.: 1820 Jan. 3-1850 Jan. 31 (a very few missing numbers). A.A.S.: Commercial Advertiser, 1821 Feb. 8. 1822 July 16. 1824 Sept. 23, 24. 1825 Jan. 25, 31, Mar. 2, May 18, July 30, Nov. 2, 3, 5. 1828 Nov. 18. 1830 Mar. Io, Dec. 4. New York Commercial Advertiser, 1831 Jan 7, Feb. 9, 25, Mar. 17, 18. 1832 Mar. 8, Apr. 18, 25, 27, July 19, 20, 28, Aug. I, 8, 14, 16, 17, 23, 28, 30,31. 1833 May i, Sept. 18, 19. 1834 Aug. 2. 1835 May 12, July 25, 30, 31, Aug. 12, 13, Sept. 15, Nov. 12. 1836 Jan. 21, Mar. 24, June 7. 1839 Jan. 2, Feb. 4, 5, 7-9, 12-22, Mar. 8, 14, 16-29, Apr. 1-30, May 2, 3, 7, 9-10, 13-15, 18-31, June 3-12, 14-29, July 6, 15, Aug. 2, 3. 1840 Aug. 6. 1841 Apr. 5, Apr. 28-Dec. 8. 1842 Aug. 8, lo, 17. 1843 Oct. 17, Dec. 29. 1844 Feb. 5, Mar. 16, Apr. 29, 30, May 18, Dec. 4. 1845 Jan. 8. 1846 July 23. 1847 Aug. 6, 19, 26, Sept. 7- 1850 Dec. 17. L.C.: Commercial Advertiser, 1820 Jan. 5-12, Feb. 29, May 27-1821 Dec. 31. 1823 Apr. 8, 21, 25. 1825 Mar. 9. 1826 Oct. 17. 1827 Mar. 29, Aug. 27. 1828 May 13, May 15, Dec. 29-1829 Mar. 6. 1830 Jan. 9, 15, i6, 26, 28, May 6. New York Commercial Advertiser, 1831 Oct. 28. 1832 Apr. 2, Sept. 24. 1840 Sept. 24. 1841 Feb. 20. 1844 Oct. 16, Nov. 25. 1847 June 26. 1848 Dec. 20. 1850 Jan. 17, Sept. 30, Oct IDec. 31. DAILY CONSERVATIVE, 1838. Hudson, p. 488; North, p. 99. No issues located. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1838-1839, 1839-1840. CONSTELLATION, 1829-1834.-Literature and general news 1829 Nov. 21 (Vol. I no. I)-I834 May o1. Title changed to, CONSTELLATION, WITH WHICH THE MERCHANTS' INTELLIGENCER IS INCORPO New York City Newspapers, I820-I85o 29 RATED, 1834 May 17-July 5. Title changed to, CONSTELLATION, 1834 July 12-Aug. 2, last issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Not mentioned in New York City Directory, 1835-1836. CONSTELLATION absorbed ATLAS, New York, N.Y., on 1833 Nov. 9, without change of title. Names of editors and publishers follow. Some of those listed as publishers doubtless acted as editors and vice versa. Editor: William T. Porter, 1833 Sept. 14-1834 May 10; A. D. Paterson, 1834 May 24-June 29. Publishers: A. Greene and J. Clark, 1829 Nov. 21 -Dec. 6; Greene, Clark, and S. Bartlett, 1830 Jan. 2-Feb. 27; Greene and Bartlett, 1830 Mar. 6-Sept. 4. A. Greene, I830 Sept. II-Nov. 13; S. Bartlett, 1830 Nov. 20-Dec. 18; Lord and Bartlett, 1830 Dec. 25-1831 Sept. 17; S. Bartlett and Co., 1831 Sept. 24-1832 Apr. 28; Eustis Prescott and Co., 1832 May 5-1833 Mar. 30 (approximately); Prescott, Swinborne and Co., 1833 April 6-Sept. 7; William T. Porter, 1833 Sept. 14-1834 May o1 (he is listed in paper as editor but no doubt was publisher also); Swinborne, Rogers and Co., 1834 May 17; Swinborne and Rogers, 1834 May 24-June 29; Swinborne, Rogers and Paterson, 1834 July 5-Aug. 2. N.Y.H.S.: 1829 Nov. 21-1834 Aug. 2 (a few missing numbers). A.A.S.: 1830 Apr. 17, 24, Oct. 2-Oct. 30. L.C.: 1829 Nov. 28. 1830 Jan. 16, 23. 1832 Apr. 14, 28-May 26, June 9, 30, July 14, 21, Aug. 4-Sept. I, 15-Dec. 29. 1833 Jan. 12-June 15, 29-Sept. 7. CONSTITUTION, 1834.-Whig 1834 Sept. 20 (Vol. I no. 18, whole no. 85)-I834 Oct. 31, last issue located. Daily. Publishers: A. R. Crain and Co. "The publication of the American Whig as well as that of the Penny Daily Gazette have been merged in the sheet now presented to the public and will hereafter be known only by the name of The Constitution."Constitution, Sept. 20, 1834, page I, col. I. Hudson, p. 488, North, p. 99, mention a daily newspaper with the title CONSTITUTION published in New York City in 1845. No issues of this located. Not listed in New York City Directories of 1845-I846, 1846-1847. L.C.: 1834 Sept. 20, Oct. 7-11, 13-18, 21-23, 27, 29-31. CONTINENTAL, 1849.-Literature and news 1849 June 2 (Vol. II no. 3), 1849 June 23 (Vol. II no. 6), 1849 July 21 30 Bibliographical Society of America (Vol. II no. 9). Weekly (Saturday). Not listed in New York City Directory, 185o-i851. Editors and publishers: R. King, R. F. Greeley. N.Y.H.S.: 1849 June 2, June 23, July 21. CORAM'S CHAMPION, I826.-Democratic 1826 July 4 (Vol. I no. I)-1826 Oct. II, last issue located. Semiweekly (Wednes. and Sat.). Editor: Coram (nom de plume). Publishers: Coram, 1826 July 4-Sept. 6; Coram and J. A. Fell, 1826 Sept. 20-Oct. II. A.A.S.: 1826 July 4-Sept. 6, Sept. 20-Oct. Ii. L.C.: 1826 July 4, Oct. 7. CORSAIR, I840.-Whig 1840 May 26 (Vol. I no. 24), only issue located. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1841-1842. It was published at 162 Nassau St., but names of editors and publishers not found. L.C.: 1840 May 26. CORSAIR. A GAZETTE OF LITERATURE, ART, DRAMATIC CRITICISM, FASHION, AND NOVELTY, 1839-1840.-Literature and news 1839 Mar. 16 (Vol. I no. I)-1840 Mar. 7 (Vol. I no. 52) last issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Indexed. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1841-1842. Editors and publishers: Nathaniel Parker Willis and T. O. Porter. N.Y.P.L.: I839 Mar. 16-1840 Mar. 7. N.Y.H.S.: 1839 Mar. 16-Dec. 28. 1840 Jan. 4-Mar. 7. NEW YORK COURIER, 1825.-General news 1825 Mar. 20 (Vol. I no. I). Weekly (Sunday). The first Sunday newspaper published in New York City. Lasted for a short time only. Editor: William Hill. Publishers: Joseph C. Melcher, Thomas Snowden. Hudson, p. 337, gives title as SUNDAY COURIER. "The first Sunday newspaper that we have any record of.... was the Sunday Courier." A.A.S.: 1825 Mar. 20 (Photostat copy of original in New York State Library). MORNING COURIER, 1827-1829.-Democratic 1827 May 3 (Vol. I no. I)-1829 May 23. Daily. A semi-weekly edition New York City Newspapers, z820-185o 31 for the country, which in 1829, became a tri-weekly. No issues of country edition located. This paper united with the NEW YORK ENQUIRER, under title of MORNING COURIER AND NEW YORK ENQUIRER. First issue of combined title was Monday, May 25, I829. Editors: John B. Skillman, James Gordon Brooks (known as "Florio"), James Lawson, 1827 May 3-1829 May 23; John M. Mumford joined editorial staff a short time after paper was started, remaining till 1827 Nov. 28; James Watson Webb acted in an editorial capacity besides being proprietor, 1827 Dec. 20-1829 May 23; commencing with issue of 1828 July I, James Lawson's name appears as "commercial editor." James Gordon Bennett was for a time Washington correspondent of this paper. Publishers: John B. Skillman, 1827 May 3-Dec. 19; James Watson Webb, 1827 Dec. 20-1829 May 23. N.Y.P.L.: 1827 Sept. 1-1829 May 23. N.Y.H.S.: 1827 May 3-Aug. I5, I6-Aug. 31. 1828 Nov. 1-25, 27-Dec. 4, 6-30. 1829 Jan. i-May 23. A.A.S.: 1828 Sept. 24, Nov. 13, Dec. 19. L.C.: 1828 Jan. 12. 1829 Feb. 20, Apr. i-May 23. MORNING COURIER AND NEW YORK ENQUIRER, I829-1850+.Democratic, 1829-1832 Aug. 22. National Republican, 1832 Aug. 23-1834. Whig, 1834-1850. Much space given to commercial matters. 1829 May 25-185o+. Daily. MORNING COURIER AND NEW YORK ENQUIRER, FOR THE COUNTRY. Semi-weekly (Tues. and Fri.). 1829 May 26-1842 Feb. 8; title changed to, SEMI-WEEKLY COURIER AND NEW YORK ENQUIRER, 1842 Feb. 12-185o+. WEEKLY COURIER AND NEW YORK ENQUIRER. (Saturday.) 1832 Jan. 28-185o+. Editors: When the MORNING COURIER AND NEW YORK ENQUIRER was united with the WORLD, New York, in June 1861, James Watson Webb in his valedictory message stated that "from the time we became proprietor of the Morning Courier in Dec..1827 until now, he who now writes has been the sole and only responsible editor of the Morning Courier, and of the Morning Courier and New York Enquirer." He was assisted by the following men as editors: James Gordon Bennett, May 1829-Sept. 1832; Mordecai Manuel Noah, May 1829-Aug. 1832; James Lawson, Prosper M. Wetmore, James Gordon Brooks ("Florio"), James Kirke Paulding, Charles King, John O. Sargent, 32 Bibliographical Society of America George H. Andrews. Henry Jarvis Raymond (founder of the New York Times) joined the editorial staff of the Morning Courier and New York Enquirer in 1843 and remained till 1851. In 1849 and I85o, while Webb was minister to Austria, Raymond was editor-inchief of the paper. Proprietors: James Watson Webb, Daniel E. Tylee, 1829 May 25-1831 Apr. 2; James Watson Webb, Mordecai Manuel Noah, 1831 Apr. 4-May I1; James Watson Webb and Co., 1831 May 12-1832 Aug. 22; James Watson Webb, 1832 Aug. 23 -1850+. N.Y.P.L.: Morning Courier and New York Enquirer (Daily), 1829 May 25 -1850+. Morning Courier and New York Enquirer, For the Country (Semi-weekly), 1829 June 16-1842 Feb. 8. Semi-weekly Courier and Enquirer, 1842 Feb. I2-185o+. Weekly Courier and New York Enquirer, 1832 Jan. 28-Dec. 29. 1833-34. 1837 Nov. 18-1839 Mar. 30. 1841 Apr. 10-1843 Mar. 25. N.Y.H.S.: Morning Courier and New York Enquirer (Daily), 1829 Dec. 2, 30, 31. 1830 Dec. I. 1835 Aug. 6. 1837 Apr. I-Dec. 30. 1838 Jan. I-Dec. 31. 1839 Jan. iFeb. 27, Mar. I-Sept. 13. 1843 May 5-Dec. 30 (a few missing). 1844 Jan. 3-Dec. 31 (a few missing). 1845 Jan. i4-Dec. 31 (a few missing). 1846 Jan. 13-Mar. 31 (a few missing). Morning Courier and New York Enquirer, For the Country (Semiweekly), 1831 May 3, 13, June 14, July 8, Aug. 5, Sept. 16, Nov. 15, Dec. 13, 23. 1837 Sept. 8. A.A.S.: Morning Courier and New York Enquirer (Daily), 1829 May 26, Sept. 16. 1830 Mar. 3, Sept. 6, Nov. 26. 1831 Jan. 8 (supp.), 17, Feb. 5 (supp.), Mar. 18, 19, July 25, Oct. 12, Nov. 9. 1832 Jan. 28. 1833 Jan. I, July 1-1834 May 29, June 23, July 8. I835 Mar. 12, May 27. 1836 Apr. 10, May 6, 7, 27. 1847 Mar. 30. Morning Courier and New York Enquirer, For the Country (Semi-weekly), 1829 May 30-1830 Dec. 10. 1832 May 18. 1834 Feb. I8. 1837 Nov. 14-1838 Feb. 16, Nov. 2. Semi-weekly Courier and New York Enquirer, 1845-1847. Weekly Courier and New York Enquirer, 1832 Apr. 21, May 19. 1833 June 22, Aug. 6, 18, Sept. I-Oct. 20, Nov. o1, Dec. o1. 1835 Feb. 21. 1837 Oct 28. 1839 May 4. L.C.: Morning Courier and New York Enquirer (Daily), 1829 May 25-1830 Dec. 24. 1831 Mar. 4, 8, 11. 1832 Jan. 6-1833 Dec. 31. 1834 Sept. 22-1836 Dec. 31. 1837 Aug. 17. 1838 July 4-1840 June 18, Dec. 7. 1841 Jan. 1-1845 Dec. 31. 1847 July 7 -1848 June 21. 1849 Mar. 8-1850+. Morning Courier and New York Enquirer, For the Country (Semi-weekly), 1829 June 2. Semi-weekly Courier and Enquirer, 1844 Aug. 14, Aug. 17, Aug. 21, Aug. 24, Aug. 28, Oct. 5, Oct. 12, Oct. 19, Nov. 9. Weekly Courier and New York Enquirer, 1833 Feb. 23. COURRIER DES ETATS-UNIS, 1828-1850o+.-Devoted to interests of French residents in the United States and to French politics and literature New York City Newspapers, 182o-z85o 33 1828 Mar. I (Vol. I no. I)-I85o+. Weekly till 1829 Nov. 18, when it became a semi-weekly; issued tri-weekly, commencing 1839 Feb. 25; daily, commencing 1851 June io. Vols. I and II indexed. Printed in French. For history of this paper see issue of June 17, 1928, section II. Editors: E. William Hoskin, 1828 Mar. 1-1829 (?); Charles Caeaux, I829; M. Lacoste, 1831; M. De Behr, 1835; Fr6d6ric Gaillardet, 1838. Paul Arpin, I848-1853. Publishers: E. William Hoskin, 1828 Mar. 1-1838; Fr6d6ric Gaillardet, 1838-1848; Paul Arpin, 1848 -I853 -N.Y.P.L.: I828 Mar. I-I830 Feb. 24. I831 Mar. 2-1839 Feb. 27, May 29-1850 Aug. 23, Sept. 2+. N.Y.H.S.: 1828 Mar. 1-1829 Feb. 21. 1832 Mar. 3-1833 Feb. 27. 1837 July 12 -1838 Mar. 27. 1841 Dec. 24, 28, 30, 31. 1842 Jan. 4-Dec. 24. 1847 Mar. 2-1850 Dec. 31. A.A.S.: 1828 Mar. I-I85o Dec. L.C.: I828 Mar. I-I833 Feb. 27. I835 Sept. 19-I837 Apr. 19. 1839 June 22, Nov. 9-I85o. CRISIS, I834.-Independent Republican 1834 Mar. 27 (no. 6), only issue located. Tri-weekly (Tues. Thurs. Sat.). Editor and publisher: James Ormond. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1835-1836. L.C.: I834 Mar. 27. CRISIS, 1845. Hudson, p. 488; North, p. 99. No issues located. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1844-I845, 1845-1846. CRONICA, 1848-1850+-.-Spanish and Spanish American interests Established in 1848. First issue located, I849 Jan. 27 (afio I no. 28). Continued to 18So+. Tri-weekly. Editor and publisher: A. X. San Martin. L.C.: I849 Jan. 27-1850 July 20. 1851 Nov. I+. CRYSTAL FOUNT AND RECHABITE RECORDER, 1846-1847-- The organ of the independent order of Rechabites. Devoted to temperance, popular literature, and general news 1846 Sept. 26 (new series no. i, whole no. 157)-1847 Nov. 17 (new series no. 56, whole no. 212). Only issues located. Weekly (Satur 34 Bibliographical Society of America day). Editors: Henry B. Dawson, editor-in-chief, George C. Thompson, James G. Burnett, 1846 Sept. 26-1847 May 8; John Mayhew replaces James G. Burnett, 1847 May IS-Nov. 17. Publisher: Henry B. Dawson. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1848-1849. N.Y.H.S.: 1846 Sept. 26-1847 Nov. 17. CYNOSURE AND CHRONICLE, 1843. Hudson, p. 488; North, p. 99. French, J. H., Gazetteer of the state of New York, gives title as NEW YORK CYNOSURE, 1843. No issues located. Not listed in New York City Directories of 1843-1844, or 1844 -1845, under either the single or the double title. NEW YORK DAY-BOOK, 1848-I849.-Whig 1848 Jan. 3 (Vol. I no. I)-1849 Mar. 7, last issue located. Daily. Editor and publisher: D. Francis Bacon. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1849-1850. N.Y.H.S.: 1848 Dec. 4-20, 22, 26-30. 1849 Jan. 5, 6, 10-13, 16, 17, 22-26, 29, 30, Feb. 2, 9, 13, 27, 28, Mar. I, 3, 5, 7. DAY'S NEW YORK BANK NOTE LIST, COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR AND PRICE CURRENT, 1836.--Financial 1836 April 20 (no volume and issue given), only issue located. Semimonthly. Size 10 by 12' inches. "Publisher Mahlon Day, carefully corrected by John T. Smith, Broker."-Announcement in this paper. In New York City Directories of 1845-1846 and 1846-1847, Crane and Day are listed as being responsible for this paper. In Directories of 1847-1848, 1848-1849 and 1849-1850, the name of Stephen M. Crane appears. The paper is not listed in New York City Directory of 1850 -1851. Title is listed in Directories covering period, 1837-1845. N.Y.H.S.: 1836 April 20. DEMOCRAT, I836.-Democratic 1836 Mar. 9 (Vol. I no. I)-1836 Nov. 26 (Vol. I no. 81), last issue located. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1837-1838. This paper was published as a daily, up to and including 1836 Sept. 5, Monday. Next issue was that of 1836 Sept. 10, Saturday. Thereafter, up to and including issue of 1836 Nov. 26, paper was published semiweekly, on Wednesday and Saturday. Publishers: John Windt and New York City Newspapers, z82o-185o 35 -- Conrad, 1836 Mar. 9-1836 May 4; John Windt 1836 May 5 -1836 Nov. 26. N.Y.P.L.: 1836 Mar. 9-May 21, Sept. 5-Oct. 8, IS-Nov. 26. N.Y.H.S.: 1836 Oct. 19. NEW YORK DEMOCRAT, 1841.-Democratic 1841 Jan. 8 (Vol. I no. 2), only issue located. Daily. "Published every morning by H. Loofborrow for an association of gentlemen." Announcement in this paper. Not listed in New York City Directory of 1841-1842. L.C.: I84I Jan. 8. DEMOCRAT, 1844. Hudson, p. 488; North, p. 99. No issues located. A paper by this title was apparently absorbed by DAILY PLEBEIAN, in 1844; see this title. NEW YORK DEMOCRAT, William Schulter, is listed in New York City Directory, 1847-1848. The title appears as DEMOCRAT in the Directory for 1848-1849, and DEMOCRAT, Winkler and Magnus, in Directory for 1849-1850. This title is not listed in New York City Directory for 1850-i851. DEMOCRATIC CHRONICLE, 1834.-Democratic 1834 Mar. 8 (Vol. I no. I)-1834 Apr. 28, last issue located. Daily (evening). Printers, and probably the publishers: Casper C. Childs and William Devoe. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1835 -1836. N.Y.H.S.: 1834 Apr. 5. A.A.S.: 1834 Apr. 16, 17, 24, 25, 26, 28. L.C.: 1834 Mar. 14. DEMOCRATIC PRESS, 1840.-Democratic 1840 Sept. 7 (Vol. I no. I)-I840 Nov. 14, last issue published. Daily. WEEKLY DEMOCRATIC PRESS. (Saturday.) 1840 Sept. 19 (Vol. I no. i)- 840 Nov. 14 (last issue published). Publisher and probably editor: William H. Hudson. N.Y.P.L.: Democratic Press, Sept. 29, Oct. 7, 12, 14, 16. A.A.S.: Weekly Democratic Press, 1840 Sept. 19-Oct. 31, Nov. 14. (Several of these are facsimile issues.) L.C.: I840 Sept. 9. 36 Bibliographical Society of America NEW YORK DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN, 1830.-Democratic 1830 Aug. 28 (Vol. I no. 3), only issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Publisher and probably editor: William Hagadorn. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1832-1833 (the first directory giving list of newspapers). A.A.S.: 1830 Aug. 28. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN NEW ERA. The title of NEW ERA (new series) is sometimes given as DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN NEW ERA, because the words Democratic Republican appear above the words New Era on first page of the paper. The words Democratic Republican are printed in different type, and are usually considered descriptive only. See NEW ERA. DEMOKRATISCHER VOLKS-FREUND, 184I.-Democratic 1841 May 8 (Vol. I no. i), only issue located. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1842-43. First page is printed in German, other three pages in English. Pages 2 and 4 have caption, New York Express, above column one, on each of these pages. L.C.: 1841 May 8. DEUTSCHE SCHNELLPOST FUR EUROPAISCHE ZUSTANDE, OFFENTLICHES UND SOCIALES LEBEN DEUTSCHLANDS, 1843-1845. 1843 Jan. 4 (Vol. I no. I)-1845 July 26 (Vol. III no. 57), last issue published. Semi-weekly (Wed. and Sat.). Publishers: Eichthal and Bernhard. N.Y.H.S.: 1843 Jan. 4-Dec. 30. 1844 Jan. 3-Dec. 28 (issues of July 31, Dec. 4, mutilated), 1845 Jan. I-July 26, extra, Apr. 12. MORNING DISPATCH, 1839-1840.-Neutral 1839 Apr. 13 (Vol. I no. 1)-1840 Feb. (exact date uncertain), when united with EVENING TATTLER. Daily. WEEKLY DISPATCH, 1839 Apr. 20 (Vol. I no. I)-1840 Feb. (exact date uncertain but it was during latter half of month), when united with BROTHER JONATHAN. See EVENING TATTLER, and BROTHER JONATHAN. Editor: H. Hastings Weld. N.Y.P.L.: Morning Dispatch, 1839 Apr. 13-July 5, 7-14, 16-19, 2I-Aug. 19, 21 -Sept. 20. New York City Newspapers, 1820-1850 37 A.A.S.: Morning Dispatch, 1839 May 27 (one leaf), 1840 Jan. I. L.C.: Weekly Dispatch, 1839 July 13-Aug. 31, Sept. i4-Dec. 28. 1840 Jan. 4 -Feb. 8. DISPATCH AND TATTLER. See this title, under EVENING TATTLER. DOLLAR WEEKLY, 184I-1844(?).-Democratic 1841 Nov. 27 (Vol. I no. I according to numbering of later issues)latter part of year 1843 or early part of year 1844. Weekly (Saturday). Publishers: Anson Herrick and - Ropes. Listed in New York City Directories of 1843-1844 and 1844-1845. Anson Herrick is given as person responsible for paper in 1844-1845 Directory. N.Y.P.L.: 1842 July 23. A.A.S.: 1842 Apr. I6, Dec. 1o. DOLLAR WEEKLY HERALD. See MORNING HERALD. DOLLAR WEEKLY TRUE SUN. Weekly edition of TRUE SUN, daily, of 1847. Published in 1847 according to announcement in TRUE SUN daily, of 1847. No issues of DOLLAR WEEKLY TRUE SUN located. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1847-1848, 1848-1849. EAGLE, 1834.-Whig 1834 Sept. 30 (no. 5), 1834 Oct. 13, only two issues located. Daily. Price, one cent. Size, 9X12 inches. Publisher and probably editor: James Ormond. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1835-1836. N.Y.H.S.: 1834 Sept. 30. L.C.: 1834 Oct. 13. EAGLE, I848.-General news and literature 1848 Jan. 5 (Vol. I no. I according to numbering on later issues), Jan. 19 and Feb. 16, only two issues located. Published every other Wednesday. Editor: A. Honeywell. Publishers: Pillsbury and Co. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1849-185o. A.A.S.: 1848 Jan. I9, Feb. 16. NEW YORK ECHO AND SPIRIT OF THE AGE, 1833.-General news and advertising 1833 Sept. 14 (Vol. I no. I), Sept. 21 (no. 2), only two issues located. 38 Bibliographical Society of America Weekly (Sat.). Publisher: P. Jollyfe. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1834-1835. A.A.S.: 1833 Sept. 14, 21. ELY'S HAWK AND BUZZARD, see HAWK AND BUZZARD. EMANCIPATOR, 1833-1842.-Abolitionist I833 Aug. o10 the first issue located, is Vol. I no. 15. Continued to 1833 Dec. 14 (Vol. I no. 33). Weekly (Saturday). No issues located between 1833 Dec. 14 and I834 June o1. Title changed to, EMANCIPATOR AND JOURNAL OF PUBLIC MORALS, 1834 June io (Vol. II no. 23, whole no. 59)-I835 May 26 (Vol. III no. 21, whole no 109). Weekly (Tuesday). (No record of publication between 1835 May 26 and 1835 Aug. Title changed to, EMANCIPATOR, 1835 Aug. (new series no. I)-I836 April (new series no. io). Monthly. 1836 Apr. 23 (marked Vol. I no. I). Weekly (Saturday). 1836 May 5 (also marked Vol. I no. I)-I841 Dec. 2 (Vol. VI no. 31, whole no. 291). Weekly (Thursday). Title changed to, EMANCIPATOR AND FREE AMERICAN, 1841 Dec. io (Vol. VI no. 32 whole no. 292)-1842 Mar. 18 (Vol. VI no. 46). There were two editions of this paper published, one in Boston, which appeared on Thursday, the other in New York, which appeared on Friday, commencing about 1841 Dec. 16 -1842 Mar. 18. Thereafter, paper was published in Boston only. Commencing with 1836 May, there was announced for publication, in addition to the weekly, a monthly edition, distributed gratuitously. The title of this monthly edition was VOICE OF FREEDOM, q.v. Editors: Chas. W. Denison, 1833 Aug. 10-1833 Dec. 14; William Goodell, 1834 June Io-1835 May 26; none given 1835 Aug.-I836 Apr.; A. A. Phelps, 1836 Apr. 23-1837 May 25; none given, 1837 June I-Aug. 17; Rev. Joshua Leavitt, 1837 Aug. 24-1842 Mar. 18. Publishers: Chas. W. Denison 1833 Aug. 10-1833 Dec. 14; S. W. Benedict and Co., 1834 June Io-Nov. 4; R. G. Williams, 1835 Jan. 20-May 26; R. G. Williams (for Amer. Anti-Slavery Society) 1835 Aug.-1838 Feb. 15. Amer. Anti-Slavery Society, 1838 Feb. 22-Mar. 8; Geo. Russell (for Amer. Anti-Slavery Society) 1838 Mar. 15-1838 June 14; Amer. Anti-Slavery Society, 1838 June 21-1841 May 6; Piercy and Reed, 1841 May 13-1842 Mar. 18. New York City Newspapers, 1820-1850 39 N.Y.P.L.: Title varies. 1833 Aug. o1, June 25 extra. 1835 Aug.-I840 Apr. 23 (a few missing). N.Y.H.S.: Title varies. 1833 Nov. 30, Dec. 14. 1834 June Io, 17, July 15, Aug. 5, 6, Nov. 4. 1835 Jan. 20-1842 Mar. 18 (a few missing). A.A.S.: Title varies. 1833 Mar. 23. 1834 Aug. 6, 20 (extra), Nov. 4. 1835 Jan. 13, Aug. 1-1836 Apr. I, May 12, June 9, 23, July 21, Aug. II-Sept. I, 22, Oct. 13, 20, Nov. o1, I7, Dec. 8-29. 1837 Jan.-Dec. 1841. L.C.: Title varies. 1835 Dec. 1836 Apr. 23, Aug. 11, 18, Sept. 8, 22, Nov. 17, Dec. 15, Dec. 22. 1837 Jan. 5, 19, Feb. 2, Mar. 2, Apr. 20, 27, Aug. 31, Sept. 28, Oct. 5, Dec. 28. 1838 Jan. 25, Feb. 22, Mar. I, 8. 1839 Mar. 14, June 13, Aug. 8-1841 Dec. 2 (a few missing). EMERALD, OR POLITICAL, LITERARY AND COMMERCIAL RECORDER, 1824.-Irish affairs 1824 June 19 (Vol. I no. I I), 1824 July 31 (new series, Vol. I no. 3)1824 Dec. 18. Weekly (Saturday). Publisher: Hugh H. Byrne. This paper united with the GLOBE, Philadelphia, Pa., and was published in New York City, under title of GLOBE AND EMERALD, commencing 1824 Dec. 25. See title, GLOBE AND EMERALD. A.A.S.: 1824 June 19, July 31. EMIGRANT, 1833-1835.-News of the British Isles 1833 Jan. 9 (Vol. I no. I)-1835 Sept. 23. Weekly (Wednesday). Editor and publisher: John S. Bartlett. United with OLD COUNTRYMAN, New York, N.Y., about 1835 Sept. 30. See EMIGRANT AND OLD COUNTRYMAN. A JOURNAL OF THE NEWS OF ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND, AND WALES. L.C.: 1833 Jan. 16, 23, Apr. 3-17, May i-Sept. 4, i8-Oct. 16, Nov. 6-27. 1834 Sept. lo-Dec. 31. 1835 Jan. 7-Feb. 25, Mar. 11-25, Apr. 5-June 10, 24-Sept. 23. EMIGRANT & OLD COUNTRYMAN. A JOURNAL OF THE NEWS OF ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND AND WALES. 1835-1847. 1835 Oct. 28 (first issue located). 1841 Jan. 13 (new series Vol. I no. 2)-1841 Apr. 28 (Vol. I no. 17). Title changed to, OLD COUNTRYMAN. 1843 Jan 18 (new series, Vol. I no. 47), 1843 Sept. 13 (new series Vol. II no. 29), last issue located. Weekly (Wednes.). Listed in New York City Directory, 1847-1848, but not after, so paper probably lasted till some time during first half of year 1847. Editors: John S. Bartlett, 1835 Oct. 28-1841 Apr. 28; J. T. Pinckney, 1842-1843; John S. 40 Bibliographical Society of America Bartlett, 1843-1844. Publishers: John S. Bartlett, 1835 Oct. 28-1841 Apr. 28; Mason and Trehem, 1845-1847. A.A.S.: 1836 Oct. 19. 1841 Jan. 13, 20, 27, Feb. 10, 24, Mar. 24, Apr. 28. 1843 Sept. 13. L.C.: 1835 Oct. 28-1837 Nov. 29. 1838 Jan. 31, Apr. II, 18. 1839 Nov. 6. 1840 Dec. 2. 1843 Jan. 18. EMPIRE STATE, I840.-Whig 1840 Jan. 9 (new series, Vol. I no. I)-1840 July 25 (Vol. I no. 29), last issue located. Weekly (Thursday, then Saturday, beginning I840 July 4). Mammoth size. Contains stories with some news items. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1841-1842. Publishers: J. Gregg Wilson and Co. N.Y.H.S.: 1840 May 7. A.A.S.: 1840 Jan. 9-July 25. L.C.: 1840 Feb. 13, Mar. 12. NEW YORK ENQUIRER, 1826-1829.-Democratic 1826 July 6 (Vol. I no. I)-1829 May 23. Daily. NEW YORK ENQUIRER, FOR THE COUNTRY. Semi-weekly (Tues. and Fri.). Editor and proprietor: Mordecai Manuel Noah. Combined with MORNING COURIER, New York, N.Y., 1829 May 25, under title of MORNING COURIER AND NEW YORK ENQUIRER. q.v. N.Y.P.L.: New York Enquirer (Daily), 1827 Jan. 5-June 22. 1828 Jan. I-July 4. New York Enquirer, For the Country (Semi-weekly), 1827 Jan. 5, 9, Feb. 13, Mar. 9, 16, Apr. 20-27, May 21, June I. 1828 Apr. 8, May 9, 13, Nov. 18. 1829 Jan. 27, Mar. 31-Apr. 7, 28-May 8. N.Y.H.S.: New York Enquirer (Daily), 1826 July 6-Dec. 30. 1827 Jan. I-5. 1828 Jan. 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 29, 31, Feb. 4, 7, Feb. 9, 12, 14, I8, 21, 27, Mar. i. July 7-Dec. 31 (except July 25, Aug. I, 19, Nov. 20, 21, 22, 24, 28, Dec. 4-5). New York Enquirer, For the Country (Semi-weekly), 1828 Sept. 19, 23. 1829 Jan. 29, Mar. 3, Mar. 17. A.A.S.: New York Enquirer (Daily), 1826 July 20, Sept. 15. 1827 Feb. 17, Mar. 14, June II, 14, 16, Nov. I. 1828 July 1-1829 May I. New York Enquirer, For the Country (Semi-weekly), 1826 Aug. 8, Oct. 16, Dec. 12. 1827 May i8-June 12. 1828 May 9, 23, June 3, Dec. 19. 1829 Apr. 28-May 26. L.C.: New York Enquirer (Daily), 1826 July 6-1828 Dec. 31. 1829 Jan. i-Mar. 31, Apr. 20, 21, May 4, 13. New York Enquirer, For the Country (Semi-weekly), 1829 Mar. 13. EUROPEAN, 1836.-Foreign and domestic but especially news of interest to the Irish New York City Newspapers, i820-18o5 41 1836 Mar. 12 (Vol. II no. I according to numbering on a later issue)1836 Sept. 24, last issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Editor: John M. Moore. Printer: F. O'Neil. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1837-1838. A.A.S.: 1836 Apr. 16, 23, Sept. 24. EUROPEAN NEWS, 1847.-Foreign news 1847 Sept. II (Vol. I no. 1o), only issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Printers: J. Finn and Co. Editors and proprietors, not found. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1848-1849. A.A.S.: 1847 Sept. II. EXAMINER, 1837.-Democratic 1837 Aug. 19 (Vol. I no. 3), only issue located. Daily. One cent. Size: 9XII inches. Editor: H. D. Sheppard. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1838-1839. Weekly Examiner to be published according to announcement in issue of 1837 Aug. 19, but no issues of this weekly edition located. L.C.: 1837 Aug. 19. NEW YORK EXAMINER, I843.-Democratic 1843 Oct. 7 (Vol. I no. 2), only issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Editor and publisher: William L. Mackenzie. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1844-I845. N.Y.H.S.: 1843 Oct. 7. EXPOSITOR, 1838-1839.-Domestic and foreign news, literature 1838 Dec. 8 (Vol. I no. I)-1839 July 20, last issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Editor and publisher: Louis Fitzgerald Tasistro. Not. listed in New York City Directory, 1840-1841. N.Y.H.S.: 1838 Dec. 8-1839 July 20. EXPOSITOR AND BANKING CIRCULAR, 1849.-Gives list of banks of U.S., with rates of discount, description of counterfeits, also advertisements of lotteries 1849 Jan. 15 (Vol. I no. 7), only issue located. Weekly (Monday). Publisher: E. Morrison. Not listed in New York City Directories of 1849-1850, 185o--85I. A.A.S.: 1849 Jan. 15. 42 Bibliographical Society of America NEW YORK EXPRESS, I836-1850+.-Whig 1836 June 20 (Vol. I no. I)-I836 Oct. 31. Daily. On 1836 Nov. I, NEW YORK DAILY ADVERTISER united with NEW YORK EXPRESS under title of NEW YORK DAILY EXPRESS. 1836 Nov. I (Vol. I no. I). Title changed to NEW YORK MORNING EXPRESS, 1843 Apr. 17, continued to I85o+. NEW YORK EVENING EXPRESS 1840 (exact date first issue not found)-I85o+. Daily. NEW YORK ADVERTISER AND EXPRESS, 1836 Nov. 2 or 3 (probable date of first issue, although first number located is 1836 Dec. o1). Semi-weekly (Wednes. and Sat.). Continued to 1845, when title became NEW YORK SEMI-WEEKLY EXPRESS (Tues. and Fri.). Continued to 185o+. NEW YORK WEEKLY EXPRESS (Friday) 1843 May 5-1846 Nov. 27, only issues located. Editors and publishers: James and Erastus Brooks. Commencing June 17, 1842, William B. Townsend was associated with the Brooks brothers. N.Y.P.L.: New York Daily Express, 1836 Dec. 1-1843 Apr. 16. New York Morning Express, 1843 Apr. 17-1850+. New York Evening Express, 1849 Aug. 24. New York Semi-weekly Express, 1849 Mar. 9-1850 Dec. 31 (a few missing). N.Y.H.S.: New York Daily Express, 1837 Nov. 10-1843 Apr. 16. New York Morning Express, 1843 Apr. I7-Dec. 30. New York Evening Express, 1845 Nov. 24. 185o Mar. 8. A.A.S.: New York Express (Daily), 1836 July 14. New York Daily Express, 1836 Nov. 2-1843 Apr. 15. New York Morning Express, 1843 Apr. 17-1849 June 27. New York Advertiser and Express (Semi-weekly), 1836 Dec. 10, 1837 Nov. 18, 1838 May 23, June 30, Oct. 24, Dec. 29. L.C.: New York Daily Express, 1836 Nov. i-Dec. 31, 1842. New York Morning Express, 1843 Apr. 18-1844 Nov. 30. 1845 Mar. i-Dec. 30. 1846 Feb. 3-1847 Mar. 29. 1848 Mar. 23. New York Evening Express, 1840 Nov. 4. 1841 Mar. 6-Dec. 31. 1846 Apr. 18, July 9, July 13, July 16, July 23. 1847 Feb. 15, Feb. 16, Feb. 17, Feb. 25, 27, Mar. 3. New York Semi-weekly Express, 1846 Mar. 27-1850 Mar. 15. New York Weekly Express, 1843 May 5, June 9, Nov. 1o, Dec. 8, 15. 1844 Jan. 5, Mar. 29, Apr. 12, 26, May 3, 17. 1846 Nov. 27. New York Weekly Express, 1843 May 5, June 9, Nov. io, Dec. 8, 15. 1844 Jan. 5, Mar. 29, Apr. 12, 26, May 3, 17. 1846 Nov. 27. EXPRESS, OR NEW YORK WEEKLY JOURNAL, I824.-Popular literature, general news 1824 Sept. 22 (Vol. I no. 9), only issue located. Weekly (Wednesday). Editors and publishers not found. L.C.: 1824 Sept. 22 New York City Newspapers, 182o-185o 43 EXTRA Boz TIMES, see this title under MORNING HERALD. EXTRA FANCY HERALD, see this title under MORNING HERALD. FANCY HERALD, see EXTRA FANCY HERALD, under MORNING HERALD. NEW YORK FARMER AND MECHANIC, I846.-General news, agriculture, mechanics, literature 1846 Nov. 26 (Vol. II no. 48), only issue located. Weekly (Thursday). Editors: W. H. Starr, James M. Baker, E. P. Whitmore. Publisher: W. H. Starr. Listed in New York City Directory, 1847-1848, W. H. Starr. A.A.S.: 1846 Nov. 26. FEMALE ADVOCATE, 1832-I833.-Women's interests 1832 Oct. 19 (Vol. I no. 21)-I833 Dec. 14 (Vol. II no. 25), only issues located. Weekly (Friday in 1832, Saturday in 1833). Publishers: Wm. Goodell, 1832 Oct. 19-1833 Aug. 7; A. R. Crain and Co., 1833 Aug. 24-Dec. 14. Not listed in New York City Directory of 1834 -1835. N.Y.H.S.: 1832 Aug. 24. 1833 Feb. 23. A.A.S.: 1832 Oct. 19-1833 Aug. 7, 24-Dec. 14. FIREMAN'S GAZETTE, 1834.-News about fires 1834 Nov. (no day of month given) (Vol. I no. I), only issue located. Publisher: Robert Sears. Announcement in this paper states, "next number of the Gazette will be published on the 29th of this month, after that, it will be published regularly once a week." Not listed in New York City Directory, 1835-I836. A.A.S.: 1834 Nov. FLAG OF THE FREE, I848-1849.-General news and popular literature 1848 Apr. I (Vol. I no. 39)-I849 Jan. 6 (Vol. III no. 6). Title changed to, FLAG OF THE FREE AND PEOPLE'S OWN, 1849 Jan. 13 (Vol. III no. 7), last issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Large folio size. Publishers: Williams Brothers, 1848 Apr. I-Oct. 21; Dennis Hannigan, 1848 Oct. 28-Nov. i; A. Winch, Philadelphia, Nov. 18; Dennis 44 Bibliographical Society of America Hannigan, Nov. 25; none given 1848 Dec. 2-1849 Jan 13. Issues of 1849, Jan. 6 and 13, are wrongly marked, 1848. Listed as Flag of the Free in New York City Directory, 1849-1850, the last directory listing this title. L.C.: 1848 Apr. 1-1849 Jan. 13. FLAG OF OUR UNION, I846-1848.-General news and literature 1846 Oct. 31 (Vol. I no. 41)-1848 Mar. I, last issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Publisher: Samuel F. French. Listed in New York City Directories, 1849-1850, 1850o-i85I, 185I--852. A.A.S.: 1846 Oct. 31. 1848 Mar. Ii. FLASH, 1842. A weekly, published on Saturday, in existence in Nov. 1842, with a circulation of 1,oo00. Hudson, p. 525. No other record of this paper found. No issues located; not listed in New York City Directories extending over the period I840-I846. FRANCO-AMERICAIN, 1846-1847.-Politics, commerce, and literature 1846 June 8 (no. 25)-I847 Oct. 5 (no. 237), last issue published in New York City. Tri-weekly (Mon. Wednes. Fri.). Publication of this paper to be continued in New Orleans, according to the announcement in issue of 1847 Oct. 5. Editor-in-chief: R6n6 Masson. Printed in French. L.C.: 1846 June 8-1847 Oct. 5 (a few missing). FRANKLIN DAILY ADVERTISER, I832.-Commercial 1832 July 21 (Vol. I no. 112), only issue located. Daily. Publisher: William Goodell. Listed in New York City Directory for 1832-1833 but not after. A.A.S.: 1832 July 21. NEW YORK FREE PRESS, 1833-1835.-Domestic and foreign news, articles on miscellaneous subjects 1833 May 4 (Vol. II no. I, first issue located)-I833 Oct. 19 (Vol. II no. 26). Weekly (Saturday). After an interval, a new series was started with the title, FREE PRESS, 1835 June 13 (new series Vol I New York City Newspapers, I82o-1850 45 no. I)-i835 Oct. Io (new series Vol. I no. 18), last issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Editor and publisher: William Hagadorn. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1836-1837. L.C.: 1833 May 4-Oct. 19. N.Y.H.S.: I835 June 13-Oct. Io. FREEDOM'S JOURNAL, I827-I829.-Negro interests 1827 Mar. 16 (Vol. I no. I)-1829 Feb. 14, last issue located with this title. Weekly (Friday usually, but variable). Editors and proprietors: Rev. Samuel E. Cornish and John B. Russwurm, 1827 Mar. I6-Aug. 28; Mr. Cornish then withdrew, Mr. Russwurm assuming sole control. RIGHTS OF ALL is supposed to be a continuation of FREEDOM'S JOURNAL. See RIGHTS OF ALL. N.Y.P.L.: 1827 Mar. 30 (facsimile). N.Y.H.S.: 1827 Mar. 30-Dec. 21. 1828 Jan. i8-Mar. 21, Dec. 12. 1829 Jan. 2, Feb. 14 (mutilated). A.A.S.: 1827 Mar. 30, Apr. 6, June i5. NEW YORK FREEMAN'S JOURNAL AND CATHOLIC REGISTER, 1841-I85o+.-News and articles of interest to Irish immigrants and to Catholics 1841 Jan. 16 (Vol. I no. 29)-1850+. Weekly (Saturday). Editor: J. A. McMaster, 1849 May 12. Publishers: 1844, Eude and Walsh. Note: Some 1860 issues of this paper located. A.A.S.: 1841 Jan. 16, 1849 May 12. L.C.: 1844 Aug. 3, 24. FUTURE, 1841.-"Devoted to the cause of association, and a reorganization of society." 1841 Jan. 30, June 26, only two issues located. Weekly (Saturday). Editor, or publisher, or both: Albert Brisbane. Not mentioned in New York City Directories of this period. A.A.S.: 1841 June 26. Yale University Library: 1841 Jan. 30. G. BENJ. SMITH'S HERALD AND ESCULAPIAN GAZETTE, 1847-- Temperance 1847 June (Vol. I no. 8), only issue located. Monthly. Price 25 cents 46 Bibliographical Society of America a year. Publisher: G. Benjamin Smith, M.D. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1848-1849. N.Y.H.S.: 1847 June. A.A.S.: I847 June. EVENING GAZETTE, 1829.-Popular literature 1829 April 4 (Vol. II no. 4), only issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Names of editors and publishers not found. A.A.S.: 1829 Apr. 4 (six pages only). DAILY GAZETTE, 1843. North, p. 99. "The Gazette, Free-trade organ, was established in the same year. (1843)." Hudson, p. 577. "Daily Gazette, commenced 1843." French, J. H., Gazetteer of the state of New York, p. 443. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1843-1844, 1844-1845. No issues located. EVENING GAZETTE, 1845-1 846.-Independent 1845 Mar. 3 (Vol. I no. I)-I846 Feb. 17. Daily. United with DAILY TIMES, New York, N.Y., and continued as GAZETTE AND TIMES. Editor: William G.King. Publisher: Henry G. Evans. Semi-weekly Gazette and Times announced for publication in July 1845, but no issues of this located, except two issues of 1846. See GAZETTE AND TIMES. N.Y.H.S.: 1845 Mar. 3-June 23, 25-Dec. 31. 1846 Jan. 2-Feb. 17. A.A.S.: I845 June 4, 5. NEW YORK GAZETTE AND GENERAL ADVERTISER, 1820-I840.National Republican I82-1I835, Whig, 1835-1839 I820 Jan. 1-5. Title changed to, LANG, TURNER & Co.'s NEW YORK GAZETTE AND GENERAL ADVERTISER, 1820 Jan. 6-1822 Apr. 30. Title changed to, NEW YORK GAZETTE AND GENERAL ADVERTISER, 1822 May 1-1839 Sept. 12, last issue located. Daily. Absorbed by NEW YORK JOURNAL OF COMMERCE May I, 1840, under title of NEW YORK JOURNAL OF COMMERCE AND GAZETTE. See NEW YORK JOURNAL OF COMMERCE. The NEW YORK GAZETTE AND GENERAL ADVERTISER may have changed its title before May I, 1840, to NEW YORK GAZETTE. Editors and publishers: Lang, Turner and Co., 1820 Jan. I1832 Jan. 8; Lang, West and Co., 1832 Jan. 9-Dec. 31; John Lang New York City Newspapers, z820-z85o 47 and Co., 1833 Jan. 1-1837 Nov. 9; C. F. Daniels, 1837 Nov. 10-1839 July 21; C. F. Daniels and A. McCall, 1839 July 22-Sept. 12. N.Y.P.L.: Lang, Turner & Co.'s New York Gazette and General Advertiser, 1820 Nov. 22. New York Gazette and General Advertiser, 1824 Aug. 18. 1825 Nov. o1. 1829 Jan. 27. 1836 Apr. 14. 1838 Nov. 27. N.Y.H.S.: New York Gazette and General Advertiser, 1820 Jan. 1-5. Lang, Turner & Co's. New York Gazette and General Advertiser, 1820 Jan. 6-1822 Apr. 30. New York Gazette and General Advertiser, 1822 May 1-1835 Dec. 31. 1837 Nov. 1o, 12 -Dec. o1. 1838 Jan. 1-1839 Sept. 12. A.A.S.: Lang, Turner & Co's New York Gazette and General Advertiser, 1820 Aug. 28, Nov. 22, Dec. 29. 1821 Jan. 8, Mar. 9, May I, 7, 24, Nov. 20, 28. 1822 Feb. 20 (I leaf), Mar. 13, Apr. 24, 28, 30. New York Gazette and General Advertiser, 1822 May 22, Oct. 26, Dec. 29. 1823 Mar. II, 12, May 26, Dec. 31. 1826 Sept. 22 (mutilated). New York Gazette and General Advertiser, 1828 May 27. 1829 Mar. II (I leaf). 1830 Mar. 6, Sept. 21, Dec. 8. 1831 Apr. 13. 1834 Dec. 8. 1835 May 8, July 22, Oct. I (I leaf). 1836 Mar. 22. 1837 Jan 16, Aug. 21, Oct. 23. 1839 May 4, Aug. I, Sept. 12. L.C.: New York Gazette and General Advertiser, 1820 Jan. 1-5. Lang, Turner & Co's New York Gazette and General Advertiser, 1820 Jan. 6-Dec. 31. New York Gazette and General Advertiser, 1823 Aug. 8 (I leaf). 1824 Sept. 29, Nov. 17. 1827 Sept. 12. I828 May 13. 1831 Sept. 23. 1832 Oct. 5. 1833 Apr. 26, May II, June 6, I2. GAZETTE AND TIMES, 1846-1847.-Native American party Formed by union of EVENING GAZETTE and DAILY TIMES, both published in New York, N.Y. 1846 Feb. 18 (Vol. I no. 299), first issue published under the combined title. Continued to 1847 Oct. 25, last issue published. Daily. GAZETTE AND TIMES. FOR THE COUNTRY. Apparently the EVENING GAZETTE and DAILY TIMES united for a semiweekly edition on 1846 Jan. 12, as this is Vol. I no. I and 1846 Jan. 19 is Vol. I no. 3. Published on Mon. and Thurs. "Semi-weekly Gazette and Times will be sent to all former subscribers of the Weekly American Patriot, and those who have paid for that paper beyond the time of its existence." Announcement in GAZETTE AND TIMES. FOR THE COUNTRY. Discontinued about 1846 June 30, according to announcement in daily. WEEKLY GAZETTE AND TIMES (Saturday), announced, 1846 July 11-1847 June 12, title changed to AMERICAN WEEKLY TIMES, 1847 June 19-about 1847 Dec. I. It was announced to continue about six weeks after daily ceased. Editor: William G. King. Publisher: Henry G. Evans. 48 Bibliographical Society of America N.Y.H.S.: Gazette and Times (Daily), I846 Feb. I8-1847 Oct. 25. A.A.S.: Gazette and Times (Daily), 1846 Mar. 2-1847 Jan. 29. Gazette and Times. For the Country (Semi-weekly), 1846 Jan. 12, 19. L.C.: Gazette and Times (Daily), 1847 Mar. ii, Aug. 13. GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY, I842.-Democratic 1842 May 7 (Vol. I no. 2)-1842 Dec. 26 (Vol. I no. 28), last issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Apparently published to foster a presidential boom for Tyler in the election of 1844. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1843-1844. Editors: S. S. Southworth and John Smith, Junior, "of Arkansas," 1842 May 7-July 23; John Smith, Junior, and Hector Smith, 1842 Dec. 26. Publishers: Metcalf, Everett and Southworth. N.Y.H.S.: 1842 Dec. 26. A.A.S.: 1842 May 7-21, June 18, July 9-23. GAZETTE OF THE UNION. IRIS AND ODD-FELLOWS' MIRROR, 1847-1848.-Popular literature and general news 1847 Jan. I (approximate date, first issue), 1847 Dec. 11-25, issues have above title, then title changed to, GAZETTE OF THE UNION. A JOURNAL OF LITERATURE, ODD-FELLOWSHIP AND MISCELLANY 1848 Jan. i-July 8, last issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Editors: A. C. L. Arnold, J. T. Harris, G. W. Myers, 1848 Jan. I-July 8. Title listed as GAZETTE OF THE UNION AND GOLDEN RULE, in New York City Directories of 1849-I850, I850-I85i. GAZETTE OF THE UNION, Directory of 1851-1852. N.Y.H.S.: 1848 Jan. I-July 8. A.A.S.: 1847 Dec. II, 18, 25 (I leaf of each). This paper, according to an announcement in it, is "Devoted to literature, science and the arts, odd-fellowship, agriculture, commerce, army and navy intelligence, humor and passing occurrences." GENIUS OF LIBERTY, EXTRA. 1827. 1827 Sept. 18, only issue located. A.A.S.: 1827 Sept. 18 (i leaf only). GENIUS OF TEMPERANCE, PHILANTHROPIST AND PEOPLE'S ADVOCATE, I830-I833.-Temperance and general news Formerly published in Boston, Mass. 1830 July 14 (New York series, New York City Newspapers, 1820-1850 49 Vol. I no. I)-1833 Nov. 6, last issue located. Weekly (Wednesday). Not listed in New York City Directory, 1834-1835. Editors: William Goodell, P. Crandall, 1830 July 14-1831 Dec. 28; William Goodell, 1832 Apr. 25; William Goodell and S. P. Hines, 1833 Mar. 20-Nov. 6. Publishers: William Goodell, P. Crandall, 1830 July 14-1831 Dec. 28; William Goodell, 1832 Apr. 25-1833 Aug. 14; A. R. Crain and Co., 1833 Aug. 21-Nov. 6. N.Y.P.L.: 1833 Mar. 20, Apr. 3-Oct. 9, 30-Nov. 6. N.Y.H.S.: 1830 July i4-July 28. A.A.S.: 1830 July 14-1831 Dec. 28; 1832 Apr. 25. NEW YORK GLOBE, 1832.-Democratic 1832 Oct. 29 (Vol. I no. I)-1832 Nov. 29, with which issue it suspended publication. Daily (evening). Price, two cents. Size 12 by 17 inches. Editor and proprietor: James Gordon Bennett. This was the very first of the "small papers," the pioneer cheap paper. It was, in fact, the first "tabloid." See Memoirs of James Gordon Bennett and his times; By A Journalist, for description of this paper. L.C.: 1832 Nov. 9. DAILY GLOBE, 1845-1846.-Democratic 1845 Aug. 25 (Vol. I no. I, according to numbering on later issues)1846 Dec. 31. NEW YORK WEEKLY GLOBE. 1846 Mar. 7, only issue located. (Saturday.) Editor: Levi D. Slamm. Publisher: Casper C. Childs. This paper was continued in a new series, commencing on 1847 Jan. I, as NEW YORK DAILY GLOBE, q.v. N.Y.H.S.: Daily Globe, 1845 Oct. 27. 1846 Feb. 14, 18. New York Weekly Globe, 1846 Mar. 7. A.A.S.: Daily Globe, 1845 Dec. 25. L.C.: Daily Globe, 1845 Dec. I, I1, 22, 25 (I leaf). 1846 Jan. 5-Dec. 31. NEW YORK DAILY GLOBE, 1847-1851.-Democratic 1847 Jan. I (Vol. I no.I of new series)-I 851 April. NEW YORK WEEKLY GLOBE. (Published on Saturday.) "It (New York Daily Globe) was suspended in April, 1851, and never revived." Hudson, p. 576. Editors: T. Hart Hyatt, 1847 Jan. I-Nov. 4; Casper C. Childs, 1847 Nov. 5-30; Abijah Ingraham, 1847 Dec. 1-1848 (latter part of year); then, Casper C. Childs-i849 Mar. 14, which is last issue located. 50o Bibliographical Society of America Publishers: Casper C. Childs, T. Hart Hyatt, 1847 Jan. I-Nov. 4; Casper C. Childs, 1847 Nov. 5-30, Abijah Ingraham, 1847 Dec. I1848 latter part of year; then, Casper C. Childs-i849 Mar. 14. N.Y.P.L.: New York Daily Globe, 1847 Jan. I-July 31, Sept I-Dec. 28. 1848 Jan. 3, 8, 12, 13, 19-21, 24, 26-28, 31, Feb. 21, 26, 28, Mar. I, 3, 4, 13, 22, 25, Apr. 2, 4, 7, Sept. 12, 13. 1849 Feb. 16, Mar. 26, Apr. 16, 24, Mar. 14. New York Weekly Globe, I847 Jan. 9-May 22, June 5-July 3. A.A.S.: New York Weekly Globe, I848 July 29, Aug. 5, Nov. 4. L.C.: New York Daily Globe, 1847 Jan. 1-1848 Dec. 30. New York Weekly Globe, 1848 Sept. i6-Dec. 30. GLOBE & EMERALD: OR, SATURDAY'S JOURNAL OF LITERATURE, POLITICS AND THE ARTS, I824-I826.-Free Ireland Consolidation of GLOBE, Philadelphia, and EMERALD, New York. 1824 Dec. 25 (Vol. I no. i)-1826 June 3, last issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Editors and publishers: John Mortimer, Thomas William Clerke. Mortimer withdrew after a few months. A.A.S.: 1824 Dec. 25-1826 June 3 (also a prospectus number of 1824 Aug. 28). THE GRAPE SHOT, 1848.-Whig Published during the presidential campaign of 1848, to aid in the election of Zachary Taylor and Millard Fillmore. 1848 July I (Vol. I no. 1)-1848 Nov. II (probably the last issue published). Weekly (Saturday). Editors: James Watson Webb, Henry Jarvis Raymond, Charles King. Publisher: James Watson Webb. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1849-1850. N.Y.P.L.: 1848 Nov. 4. L.C.: 1848 July I-Oct. 28. HARBINGER, DEVOTED TO SOCIAL AND POLITICAL PROGRESS, 1845-I849.-Social and political progress, general news 1845 June 14 (Vol. I no. I)-1849 Feb. 10, last issue published. Weekly (Saturday). Indexed. To be published thereafter as a monthly or a "weekly newspaper of smaller dimensions," according to announcement in this paper. Publishers: Brook Farm Phalanx, 1845 June 14 -1847 June 5; American Union of Associationists, 1847 June 12-1849 Feb. o1. Appeared simultaneously in New York and Boston. Regular contributing writers: Albert Brisbane, George W. Curtis, Charles A. New York City Newspapers, 1820-1850 5I Dana, Parke Godwin, Horace Greeley, T. Wentworth Higginson, James Russell Lowell, William W. Story, John Greenleaf Whittier. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1849-185850, o-185i. N.Y.P.L.: 1845 June 14-1849 Feb. o0. N.Y.H.S.: 1845 June 14-1849 Jan. 13, 27. HAWK AND BUZZARD, 1826-1833.-Gossip, scandal, stories, doggerel 1826 Apr. 29 (Vol. I no. II). Title changed to, ELY'S HAWK AND BUZZARD, OR NEW YORK, AND BROOKLYN COURIER AND ENQUIRER, 1833 Dec. 14 (Vol. II no. 19). Weekly (Saturday). These are only two issues located. This paper has this couplet on front page beneath title: "Our gossip birds shall keep a bright look out "And show the world what folly is about." According to front page of issue of 1826 Feb. 18, this paper is edited by a "nanni-pudgeon." Publisher: John W. Ely. Not listed in New York City Directories. N.Y.P.L.: 1826 Apr. 29. N.Y.H.S.: 1833 Dec. 14. NEW YORK HERALD, different editions, viz., evening, morning, semi-weekly, weekly, see MORNING HERALD, 1835. NEW YORK MORNING HERALD, 1829-1830.-Democratic NATIONAL ADVOCATE, New York, N.Y., and New York STATESMAN, New York, N.Y., united under title of NEW YORK MORNING HERALD. 1829 Feb. 2 (Vol. I no. I)-1830 Sept. 11. Daily. Semi-weekly edition has title NEW YORK STATESMAN, q.v. This paper was united with the STANDARD, New York, N.Y. The daily edition had title, NEW YORK STANDARD, q.v. 1830 Sept. 13 is Vol. I no. I of this title. Semi-weekly became NEW YORK STANDARD AND STATESMAN, q.v. Editors and publishers: Nathaniel H. Carter and Samuel S. Conant, 1829 Feb. 2-July 2; Edward Vernon Sparhawk and Joseph H. Buckingham, 1829 July 3-(about) Dec. 10; Alanson Nash and Co., 1829 Dec. 0-I1830. Sept. 11. See also, MORNING HERALD, founded by James Gordon Bennett, 1835 - 52 Bibliographical Society of America N.Y.H.S.: 1829 Feb. 2-July 31, Nov. 19, 30, Dec. 5, io. 1830 Jan. 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, II, 13, I8, 22, 27, 29, 30, Feb. I, 2, 3, 9, Io, II, 13, 17, 20, 22, Mar. 3, 8, 9, 20, Apr. 22, 24, 26, 29, May 8, 11. A.A.S.: 1829 Apr. 6, Aug. 17. 1830 Jan. 13, July I. L.C.: 1829 Feb. 2, May 24, June 29, July 7, 9, 17, 22, 28, Aug. I, 4, 5, 13, Sept. 2, 4, 19, 28, 30, Oct. I, 2, 6, 28, 30, Nov. 2, 5, I8, 25, 26. 1830 Jan. 4, 12, 13, 16, 28. MORNING HERALD, 1835-1850+.-Independent 1835 May 6 (Vol. I no. I), May II (Vol. I no. 2)-1835 Aug. 12 (Vol. I no. 82), [Office and presses destroyed by fire.], title changed to, THE HERALD, 1835 Aug. 31 (Vol. I no. 83)-1837 May 20 (Saturday), title changed to, MORNING HERALD, 1837 May 22 (Monday) [Vol. III no. I]-1840 Sept. 19 (Saturday), title changed to, THE NEW YORK HERALD, 1840 Sept. 21 (Monday) [Vol. VI no. I),-1850+. Daily. Price, one cent, 1835 May 6-1836 Aug. 16. Price two cents, 1836 Aug. 17 -1850+. Size o10 by 14' inches, 1835 May 6-1836 Mar. 9. Size 12 by 18~ inches, 1836 Mar. 10-1836 Oct. 29. Size 13 by 20 inches, 1836 Oct. 31-1840.Sept. 19. Size 15 by 22 inches, 1840 Sept. 21-1850+. This paper originated daily reports of Wall St. operations and the money market, the first of such reports appearing in the second issue. Editors: James Gordon Bennett, 1835 May 6-1850+; James Gordon Bennett, Jr., 1841 Dec. 12-1850+; Frederic Hudson, managing editor, 1835-185o+. Publishers: James Gordon Bennett, Henry Anderson, Alfred S. Smith, 1835 May 6-Aug. 12; James Gordon Bennett, 1835 Aug. 12-1850+. Various other editions of this paper, besides the regular morning one, were published, many of which lasted for a short time only. These editions are listed below, alphabetically according to title. ANNUAL PICTORIAL HERALD, 1847 Dec. 25. CALIFORNIA HERALD, 1848 Dec. 26 (no. I), 1849 Jan. 8 (no. 2), 1849 Jan. 16 (no. 3). DOLLAR WEEKLY HERALD,published Monday. 1849 Sept. 4 (Vol. I no. I). EVENING CHRONICLE, 1837 May 22 (Vol. I no. I)-1837, JulyI I, title changed to, EVENING HERALD, 1837 July 12-1839 Mar. 30. EVENING HERALD, 1835 June 22 (Vol. I no. i), continued for a few issues only. New York City Newspapers, 1820-1850 53 EXTRA Boz TIMES, gave full account, taken from New York Herald, of the Great Boz Ball. Dated Feb. 14, 1842. One issue only published. EXTRA FANCY HERALD, 1840 Mar. I I. HERALD FOR EUROPE. This was issued "every steam packet day." 1846 May 31, first issue, to 1850+. PRESIDENTIAL HERALD. This was announced for publication during presidential campaign of 1848. SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD. Published Wednes. and Sat. 1838 Jan. o1 (Vol. I no. 1)-1838 Mar. 24. SUNDAY HERALD, 1835 June 14 (Vol. I no. I). Discontinued after a few issues. SUNDAY MORNING HERALD, 1838 Jan. 7-1838 Mar. 25. (Probable date.) The first Sunday issue of paper that continued was The New York Herald of 1841 Dec. 12. James Gordon Bennett, Jr., editor. WEEKLY HERALD, 1836 Dec. 3 (Vol. I no. I)-185o+. WEEKLY HERALD EXTRA, 1837 Oct. II (Vol. I no. I)-1838 Mar. 21. WEEKLY HERALD OF FASHION, 1837 Aug. 16 (Vol. I no. I)1837 Oct. 4. Many of the above editions have not been located. The titles with dates of publication were advertised in the daily edition of the paper. There were many extra editions and supplemental sheets frequently published. Commencing with 1841 Dec. II, the paper was published every day, the Sunday issue having same title as issues for other days of the week. Three editions were published daily commencing with 1848 July 24. These were: Morning edition, "Before breakfast." First evening edition, I P.M. Second evening edition, 3 P.M. These "evening" editions were later called "afternoon" editions. First "double sheet" issue (8 pages), 1850 April I. N.Y.P.L.: Morning Herald (Daily), 1835 May 6-Aug. 12. The Herald (Daily), 1836, Mar. io-Apr. 9, 12-30, May 4-II. Morning Herald (Daily), 1838, May 17. 1839, June 21, 24, 26-29, July 1, 3, 6, 8, 12-25, 27, 30-Aug. 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, 15-9, 21-24, Sept. 7, 9, 12, I6, 24-30, Oct. 1-7, 9-12, 15-21, 23-26, Nov. I, 4, 12, 17-19, 21-23, 26, 28, 30-Dec. 5-9, I1-14, 19, 21, 24. New York Herald (Daily), 1840 Oct. 20, 22, 24, 26 -29, 31, Nov. 2, 4, II, I6, 17, 19, 22, 30, Dec. 2, 7-15, 21-24, 25-31. 1841-1850+. 54 Bibliographical Society of America Dollar Weekly Herald, 1849 Sept. io, 24-Dec. 17, 31. Evening Chronicle, 1837 June 14. Evening Herald, 1838 Jan. o1. Weekly Herald, I836 Dec. 3-1838 Nov. 24, Dec. 8 -29. 1839 Mar. I6-Dec. I840 Jan. 18-1846 Dec. 1847 Apr. 3-Dec. 18. 1849 Jan. 6 -May 26, June 9-Aug. 18, Sept. i-Dec. 15. I85o July 6-Aug. o1, 24-Oct. 5, 19-Dec. N.Y.H.S.: Morning Herald (Daily), 1835 May 6-Aug. 12. The Herald (Daily), I836 Mar. 1o-I837 May 20. Morning Herald (Daily), I837 May 22-1840 Sept. 19. The New York Herald (Daily), 1840 Sept. 22-1843 Dec. 31. 1845 June 17, 23-Dec. 31. 1846 Jan. 3-Dec. 24. 1847 May 26, Sept. 13, Oct. o1, Nov. 2, 18, Dec. 5-31. 1848 Jan. 1-185o Dec. 31+. Evening Chronicle, I837 May 22-July II; title changed to, Evening Herald, 1837 July x2-Dec. 30. Sunday Herald, 1835 June 21. A.A.S.: Morning Herald (Daily), 1835 May 6 (facsimile). The Herald (Daily), 1835 Sept. 8, Dec. 21. 1836 Mar. 19-I837 May 20. Morning Herald (Daily), 1837 May 22-Dec. 30. 1838 June i, Aug. 9. I839 Feb. 2, Sept. 25, Oct. Io, I840 Apr. 18. New York Herald (Daily), I850 Sept. 21-Dec. 26. Weekly Herald, I837 Mar. 25. 1838 June 2. 1850 Nov. 4-Dec. 28. Extra Boz Times, 1842, Feb. 14. Extra Fancy Herald, I840 Mar. I i(one leaf only). L.C.: The Herald (Daily), 1836 Mar. 10-1837 May 20. Morning Herald, 1837 May 22-Dec. 9. 1838 Jan. i-Oct. I8. 1839 Apr. 3-1840 Sept. 19. New York Herald, 1840 Sept. 21-1850+. New York Herald (Evening edition), 1847 May 22, Aug. 4, 5, Nov. I1. Weekly Herald, I837 May 6-1838 Apr. 21. I839 Sept. 21, Nov. 9. 1841 Jan. 2-Dec. 25. I840 Feb. 29, Mar. i4-Apr. 25, May 16, 30-Sept. 17, Oct. 3, 17, Nov. 28. Dec. 12, 19, 26. 1841 Jan. 2-Dec. 25. 1842 Dec. 17. 1843 June Io-185o+. Annual Pictorial Herald, Jan. i, I848. Evening Chronicle (Daily), 1837 May 22-July o0. Evening Herald, 1837 July i -Dec. 30. NEW YORK HERALD AND GENERAL ADVERTISER, 1839.-General news, commercial and banking intelligence 1839 Jan. 23 (Vol. III no. 22). Only issue located. Tri-weekly. Editor (and probably publisher): A. H. Schuyler. Not listed in New York Directory, 1839-1840. This paper contains list of counterfeit and altered notes in circulation in U.S., also many lottery advertisements. L.C.: 1839 Jan. 23. HERALD FOR EUROPE, see MORNING HERALD. WEEKLY HERALD OF FASHION, see MORNING HERALD. HOLIDAY MUSEUM, see MUSEUM. HORN'S RAILROAD GAZETTE, 1849-1850-+.-Railroad matters 1849 Mar. 31 (Vol. I no. 7), title changed in later issue to HORN'S New York City Newspapers, 1820-185o 55 UNITED STATES RAILROAD GAZETTE, 1849 Nov. 17-1850+. Weekly (Saturday). Editor and publisher: Y. Solon Horn. A.A.S.: Horn's Railroad Gazette, 1849 Mar. 31, June 9. Horn's U.S. Railroad Gazette, 1849 Nov. 17. HUDSON'S EXCHANGE SHIPPING LIST, 1835-1836.-Shipping 1835 July 23 (Vol. I no. I)-1836 Mar. 15, last issue located. Triweekly (Tues. Thurs. Sat.). Editor: William H. Hudson. Publisher: Robert E. Hudson. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1837 -1838. A.A.S.: 1835 July 30, Nov. 21, Dec. 5. 1836 Mar. I5. HUDSON'S EXPRESS, 1839 North, p. 99. No issues located. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1839-1840, 1840-1841. HUMAN RIGHTS, 1835-1839.-Anti-Slavery 1835 July (Vol. I no. 1)-1839 May and June (a double number, Vol. IV nos. II and 12, and the last issue published). Monthly. Editor: Professor Wright. Publishers: American Anti-Slavery Society. N.Y.H.S.: 1835 July, Sept.-I839 June. A.A.S.: 1835 Sept., Oct. 1836 Mar., Apr., June, July. 1837 Dec. 1839 Jan. Apr. HUMORIST, 1845. Hudson, p. 488; North, p. 99. No issues located. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1845-1846, 1846-1847. HUMORIST OR REAL LIFE IN NEW YORK, 1834.-"Devoted to sport, wit, humor, news, and the ondits of the day." Announcement on page I. Price one cent. 1834 May 23 (Vol. I no. I)-I834 July II (Vol. I no. 18), last issue located. Daily. Publishers: William F. Cisco and Co. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1835-1836. N.Y.H.S.: 1834 June 27, July 11. INDEPENDENT, 1848-I85o+.-General and religious news 1848 Dec. 7 (Vol. I no. I)-1850 Dec. 26 (Vol. II no. o18). Weekly (Thursday). Editors: Leonard Bacon, Joseph C. Thompson, R. S. Storrs, Jr.; Rev. Joshua Leavitt became an assistant editor, 185o May II, continuing to 185o Dec. 26, as did the others. Henry Ward Bibliographical Society of America Beecher was a "stated contributor... over the signature *." Publisher: S. W. Benedict. N.Y.P.L.: 1848 Dec. 7-1850+. N.Y.H.S.: 1848 Dec. 7-1850 Dec. 26. 1850 Mar. 21 (supplement). I85o May II (extra). A.A.S.: 1848 Dec. 7-1850 Dec. 26. INDEPENDENT PRESS, 1835. "The Irishman, the Independent Press,.... all penny papers that started after or about the time the Herald came forth, are either dead or dying." Morning Herald, New York, N.Y., 1835 July 22, p. 2, col. 3. This title is listed in New York City Directory of 1835-1836, but not in the one for 1836-1837. INDEPENDENT PRESS, 1845. Hudson, p. 488; North, p. 99. No issues located. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1845-1846, 1846-1847. INDICATEUR, 1840.-French interests 1839 Nov. 2 (no. i), see quotation below from Evening Post. 1840 Jan. 9 (no. 30), only issue located. Tri-weekly (Tues. Thurs. Sat.). Editors and publishers: Lesueur and Co. Printed in French. "Journal des interets frangais, politique, litteraire, et commercial." Announcement in this paper. This title is not listed in New York City Directory, 1840-1841. "New French Paper.-A new paper in the French language, has been established in this city, with the title of L'Indicateur, of which the first number appears this day. It is to be purely a French journal in its character, devoted to French politics, commerce, and literature, abstaining from the expression of any opinion on American politics..... The Indicateur will appear three times a week, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Messrs. Le Sueur and Co., Nos. 3 and 5 Barclay street, are the publishers."-Evening Post, New York, N.Y., 1839 Nov. 2, page 2, col. 2. L.C.: 1840 Jan. 9. IRISH-AMERICAN, 1849-1850+. "Neutral" 1849 Aug. 12 (Vol. I no. I)-i85o+. Weekly. Published on Sunday, 1849 Aug. 12-1850 June 16, and on Saturdays, commencing with issue New York City Newspapers, 1820-1850 57 of 1850 June 22. A Tuesday and Wednesday edition for the European mail was published. "Neutral in religion and politics," according to publishers. Editor: P. Lynch ("Phelim O'Leary"). Publishers: P. Lynch, W. L. Cole, M. Jordan, H. C. Reynolds, 1849 Aug. 12-Dec. 16; Lynch, Cole, Jordan, and E. G. Champlin, 1849 Dec. 23-1850 Dec. 28. N.Y.P.L.: 1849 Aug. 12-1850+. IRISHMAN, 1824.-Foreign and domestic news of interest to the Irish immigrant 1824 June 19 (Vol. I no. 2), only issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Publishers: M. Larkin and Co. A.A.S.: 1824 June 19 (mutilated). IRISHMAN AND FOREIGNERS' ADVOCATE, 1835.-Foreign and domestic news of interest to Irish and other immigrants 1835 July 15 (no. 13), July 20 (no. 17), only two issues located. Daily. Price, one cent. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1835-1836. "The Irishman.... all penny papers that started after or about the time the Herald came forth, are either dead or dying." Morning Herald, New York, N.Y., 1835 July 22, p. 2, col. 3. Probably "Irishman" is an abbreviated title. A.A.S.: 1835 July I5, 20. IRISHMAN'S ADVOCATE, 1845. Hudson, p. 488;North, p. 99. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1845-1846.1846-1847. JEFFERSONIAN, 1834-1835. Democratic 1834 July 28 (Vol. I no. I)-1835 May 21 (Vol. II no. 69), last issue located. Daily. Publishers (and probably editors): Casper C. Childs, William Devoe, Addison Hill. Hill's name does not appear after issue of 1835 Jan. 17. This title is listed in New York City Directories of 1835-1836 and 1836-1837, but not after. Size 9 by 12 inches in 1834, ii by 14 inches in 1835. N.Y.H.S.: 1834 Nov. 13, Dec. Ii. 1835 Mar. 3, Apr. 17, May 21. A.A.S.: 1835 Mar. 6-May 6. L.C.: 1834 Nov. 22-29, Dec. 1-31. 1835 Jan. 3-Apr. 6. Bibliographical Society -of America NEW YORK JOURNAL, 1824-1826.-Commercial 1824 Aug. 21 (Vol. I no. I)-I826 Dec. 20, Vol. III no. 31, last issue located. Weekly (Saturday) till 1826 Aug. 22 (Vol. III no. I), then semi-weekly (Tues. and Fri.). According to announcement in this paper, it was to be published after 1826 Dec. 20 as a daily. No issues of this daily located. Editor and proprietor: M. Cadwallader. Printers: John Gray and Co. N.Y.P.L.: 1826 Aug. 22, Sept. I2-Oct. 6, Nov. 1-15, 20, 29, Dec. 9-2o. EVENING JOURNAL, 1829-1832.-Commercial, 1829 Mar.Sept.; Democratic, 1829 Oct.-I832 June 1829 Mar. 25 (Vol. I no. 45)' first issue located-I829 Aug. 27 (Vol. I no. 181). Next issue located is that of 1829 Oct. I and on this issue title is changed to NEW YORK EVENING JOURNAL, 1829 Oct. I (Vol. II no. 1-1832 June 9 (last issue of daily). United with NEW YORK AMERICAN ADVOCATE, under title of NEW YORK ADVOCATE AND JOURNAL, q.v. NEW YORK EVENING JOURNAL. FOR THE COUNTRY. Semi-weekly (Tues. and Fri.). 1832 June 12, is last issue published of semi-weekly. Editors: W. G. Hinman, 1829 Mar. 25-Dec. 18; E. Thomson, 1829 Dec. 19-1830 Feb. I; E. Thomson, N. Cook, 1830 Feb. 2-Mar. 31; S. Haynes Jenks, 1831 May 7-1832 June 12. Publishers: Publisher of issues previous to I829 Oct. I not found. He may have been W. G. Hinman who was editor during part of that period; R. P. Bush, 1829 Oct. 1-1831 Nov.; Jacob Acker joined Mr. Bush as publisher about Nov. 1831, continuing till 1832 June 9. N.Y.H.S.: New York Evening Journal (Daily), 1829 Oct. I, 2, 4-Nov. 2, 4-Dec. 31. 1830 Jan. 2-Feb. 9, II-Mar. 31. 1831 July 7. A.A.S.: Evening Journal (Daily), 1829 Mar. 25, May I I, Aug. 26, 27. New York Evening Journal (Daily), 1830 Sept. 23, Nov. 8, Io. 1831 May 27. 1832 May 23. New York Evening Journal. For the Country, 1832 Jan. 27 (Vol. III no. 8) June 12 (Vol. III no. 47). L.C.: New York Evening Journal (Daily), 1830 Jan. 23, 26, 28. 1831 Nov. 19. WEEKLY JOURNAL, 1850.-Democratic 1850 April 27 (Vol. I no. 33), only issue located. Editors (and probably publishers): N. R. Stimson and G. G. Foster. This title appears in New.York City Directory, 185o0-851, but not 1851-1852. This paper was the weekly edition of MERCHANTS' DAY BOOK, q.v. A.A.S.: 185o Apr. 27. New York City Newspapers, 1820-1850 59 NEW YORK EVENING JOURNAL AND PATRON OF INDUSTRY, 1821. -Democratic Republican. Agricultural and commercial news This was a consolidation of COLUMBIAN, and PATRON Of INDUSTRY, both published in New York, N.Y. 1821 July 2 (Vol. I no. I)-I82I Dec. 31 (Vol. I no. 142), last issue published. Daily. This paper united with NEW YORK STATESMAN, published in Albany, N.Y., under title of NEW YORK STATESMAN AND EVENING ADVERTISER, q.v. NEW YORK JOURNAL AND PATRON OF INDUSTRY. Pyblished semi-weekly (Tues. and Fri.; occasionally Sat. instead of Fri.) 1821 July 3 (Vol. I no. 1-1821 Dec. 29. Publishers: Alden Spooner, 1821 July 2-July 21; Alden Spooner and George W. Prentiss, July 23-Dec. 31. N.Y.H.S.: Daily edition, 1821 July 2-Sept. 20, 22, 23, 25-Oct. 25, 27-Dec. I11, 13 -19, 21-31. A.A.S.: Daily edition, 1821 July 2-Dec. 19. Semi-weekly edition, 1821 July 3, Sept. 11, 28, Oct. 6, 12, 19, 30, Nov. 13, 23, 27, Dec. i. L.C.: Daily edition, 1821 July 2-Dec. 31. NEW YORK JOURNAL OF COMMERCE, 1827-I850+. Commercial, African colonization 1827 Sept. I (Vol. I no. I)-I840 Apr. 30, title changed to, NEW YORK JOURNAL OF COMMERCE AND GAZETTE, 1840 May I-Dec. 31, title changed to, NEW YORK JOURNAL OF COMMERCE, 1841 Jan. I-Dec. 31, 1850+. Daily. A semi-weekly edition, with same title as daily, 1827 Sept. 6 (Vol. I no. i)-i85o+. Published on Monday and Thursday at first, but about 1840, changed to Wednesday and Saturday. A weekly edition with title NEW YORK MERCURY, q.v. JOURNAL OF COMMERCE absorbed NEW YORK GAZETTE AND GENERAL ADVERTISER, 1840 May i. Editors: William Maxwell, 1827 Sept. 1-1828 Aug. I; Horace Bushnell, asst. editor, 1828 Feb. i-July 31; Editor-in-chief, 1828 Aug. i-Dec. 31, Gerard Hallock; editor-in-chief, 1829 Jan. 1-1850+; David Hale, business manager and assistant editor, 1827 Sept. 1-1828 Dec. 31; asst. editor 1829 Jan. 1-1849 Jan. 20. Proprietors: Arthur Tappan, 1827 Sept. 1-1828 July 31; Lewis Tappan, 1828 Aug. i-Dec. 31; Gerard Hallock, 1829 Jan. 1-1850+. David Hale, 1829 Jan. 1-1849 Jan. 20. The Centennial Edition of Journal of Commerce and Commercial (200 pp.), published Sept. 29, 1927, edited by John W. Leonard, gives much information as to the history of this paper. 60 Bibliographical Society of America N.Y.P.L.: Daily, 1827 Sept. I-I85o+. Semi-weekly, 1827 Sept. 6-1832 Dec. 29. 1833. 1834 Apr. 19-June 18, July 2-Dec. 31. 1846 Jan. 3-1850 Dec. 28. N.Y.H.S.: Daily, 1829 Sept. 22. 1832 Nov. 30. 1837 Nov. 4-Dec. 25. 1838 Jan. 1-1839 Sept. 12. 1848 June 27. 1849 May 19. A.A.S.: Daily, 1829 July 17, 27. 1830 Sept. 29, Nov. 8. 1832 May 12, June 9, 16 (mut.), 18, July 20. 1833 Jan. 5-Dec. 21. 1834 Jan. 22, Apr. 19, Nov. 5, Dec. 9. 1835 Jan.-Dec. 1836 Jan. 25, 26, 30, Feb. 5, 6, 20, June 14, Dec. 27, 29. 1843 Jan. 11, 12, 26, 27, 28, Apr. 18, 29. 1844 Apr. 20, 29, July 17, Aug. 31, Sept. 21, 30, Nov. 24, Dec. 9. 1845 Jan. 7, Apr. 23, 24, 26, May 13, 26, 27, Aug. 12, Sept. 30, Oct. 13, Nov. 7, 8, Dec. 3. 1846 Jan. 13. Mar. 13. 1847-1850. Semi-weekly, 1829 Mar. 13-27, Apr. 28. 1831 Feb. 5. 1832 June 16. 1834 Nov. 5. L.C.: Daily, 1828 Aug. 29, Nov. 15. 1829 Mar. 24, Sept. 16, Oct. 17, Dec. 23, 28. 1831 June io, July 5 (one leaf). 1832 Sept. 25, 1833 Sept. 18. 1835 Dec. 18. 1837 Jan. 2-1850+. Semi-weekly. 1829 June 22. 1833 Oct. 12-1840 Dec. 30. 1841 Apr. 3-1843 Dec. 30. LADIES' MORNING STAR, I836.-"A literary, moral newspaper" 1836 May 2 (no. 3), only issue located. Daily. Title changed to MORNING STAR, 1836 Sept. 24 or Oct. I. An issue for 1836 Dec. 22, is mentioned by Bleyer, Willard Grosvenor, in his Main currents in the history of American journalism, p. 170. See Bleyer, pp. 168-171, for interesting description of this paper. It probably did not last long after the end of the year 1836. It is listed in New York City Directory, 1836 -1837, but not after. This paper was established by William Newell as a one cent daily for women, on "April 23, I836." W. G. Bleyer. Size of 1836 May 2 issue, o1 by 14' inches. N.Y.P.L.: 1836 May 2 (no. 3). LADIES' MORNING STAR, 1844. Hudson, p. 488; North, p. 99. No issue located. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1844-1845, 1845-I846. LANG, TURNER & Co's NEW YORK GAZETTE AND GENERAL ADVERTISER, see NEW YORK GAZETTE AND GENERAL ADVERTISER LIFE IN NEW YORK, 1843 or 1844. "George Wilkes, then (about 1843 or 1844) established the Life in New York." (A Sunday paper.) Hudson, p. 488. This title is not listed in New York City Directories of 1842-1843, 1843-1844, 1844 -1845, 1845-1846. New York City Newspapers, 1820-1850 6i LIGHT, 1835. "The Irishman,.... the Light, all penny papers that started after or about the time the Herald came forth, are either dead or dying." Morning Herald, New York, N.Y., 1835 July 22, page 2, col. 3. North, p. 98. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1835-1836,1836-1837. LIGHT SHIP, I846.-General news, articles on a variety of subjects This paper was published in New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. "Devoted to sketches of the sea, temperance, virtue, religion, and general intelligence." Announcement in this paper. 1846 May 20 (Vol. I no. II), first issue located-1846 Oct. 21, last issue located. Semi-monthly. Editors: Myron Finch, 1846 May 2o-July i; Chas. W. Denison, 1846 July 15; none given in other issues. Publishers: Myron Finch, 1846 May 20-July I; Learned Tompson and Co., 1846 July I5-Oct. 21. In New York City Directory, 1846-1847, appears the title Light Ship and Sabbath School Monitor. In New York City Directory, 1847-1848, appears the title Light Ship. A.A.S.: 1846 May 20, June 17, July I, July 15, Sept. 2, Oct. 21. NEW YORK LITERARY GAZETTE AND AMERICAN ATHENEUM, see MINERVA LOG CABIN, 184o-I84I.-Whig Published simultaneously in New York and Albany, 1840 May 2 -Nov. 9. Published thereafter, during life of paper, in New York City only. This paper was founded to further the campaign of William Henry Harrison for the presidency, and of John Tyler for the vicepresidency. 1840 May 2 (Vol. I no. I)-I84o Nov. 9 (Vol. I no. 28). Next issue published was that of 1840 Dec. 5 (new series, Vol. I no. i), paper continuing to 1841 Nov. 20 (new series, Vol. I no. 51). Weekly (Saturday). [New York Weekly Tribune was to be sent to subscribers to complete the volume.] Editor: Horace Greeley. Publishers: New York; Horace Greeley, William H. Seward, Thurlow Weed, 1840 May 2-Nov. 9; Horace Greeley, 1840 Dec. 5-1841 Nov. 20. Publisher: Albany, James Henry, 1840 May 2-Nov. 9. See Lee, James Melvin, History of American journalism, revised edition (1923), p. 208, for interesting description of this paper. 62 Bibliographical Society of America N.Y.P.L.: 1840 May 2-I841 Nov. 20. N.Y.H.S.: 1840 May 2-Nov. 9. Extras, July 4, Aug. 22, 29. A.A.S.: 1840 June 20, July 4, 11, 18, July 29 extra, Aug. i-Nov. 9; 1841 May i. L.C.: 1840 May 2-1841 Nov. 20. MACKENZIE'S GAZETTE, 1838. British, Irish, and Canadian news 1838 Dec. I (Vol. I no. 30), only issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Publisher (and probably the editor): Alexander Mackenzie. Listed in New York City Directory, I838-1839, but not in 1839-1840. A.A.S.: 1838 Dec. I. EVENING MAIL, 1841.-Advertising, money market, general news 1841 Oct. ii (Vol. I no. I), only issue located. Daily. Editor: Richard B. Gooch. Publisher: William Applegate. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1841-1842, I842-1843. A.A.S.: 1841 Oct. I1. MAJOR DOWNING'S ADVOCATE, 1834.-Republican 1834 Mar. 26 (no. 7), first issue located. This paper united with MECHANICS' JOURNAL under title of MAJOR DOWNING'S ADVOCATE AND MECHANICS' JOURNAL, 1834 July 9, continuing to 1834 Nov. I, last issue located. It was tri-weekly until it united with MECHANICS' JOURNAL. It then was published semi-weekly for first few issues, then daily. Editor: "Major Jack Downing" (Seba Smith). Publishers: Craighead and Allen. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1835 -1836. N.Y.P.L.: 1834 July 9-Nov. I. N.Y.H.S.: 1834 Mar. 26, May 26. THE MAN, 1834-1835.-Champion of labor unions and women's rights 1834 Feb. 18 (Vol. I no. I)-1835 July 6, last issue located. Issued as a tri-weekly for first three numbers, then daily. Editor: Fanny Wright (Madame Frances d'Arnsmont). Publisher: George H. Evans. The following is an extract from Morning Herald, New York, N.Y., 1835 July 22, p. 2, col. 3: "The Penny Press.-We see it stated that the 'Man,' a small penny paper that always kept in the wake of the Evening Post, has breathed.its last." Size, 8 by I inches, Feb. New York City Newspapers, 1820-1850 63 1834, gradually increase to Io~ by 14' inches, final issues. See also, WORKING MAN's ADVOCATE. N.Y.P.L.: 1834 Feb. I8-Aug. 29, Dec. 5, 20; I835 Jan. I, 2, 5-Mar. 30, May 5, June 27. N.Y.H.S.: 1834 Feb. I8-1835 July 6. NEW YORK MECHANIC, I834.-Labor interests, and general news 1834 July 21 (no. 4), only issue located. Daily. Price, one cent. Size, 91 by 13 inches. Editor: Robert Stevenson. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1835-1836. N.Y.H.S.: 1834 July 21. MECHANIC, I835.-Labor interests and general news 1835 Aug. 25 (Vol. I no. 2), only issue located. Daily. Price, one cent. Size, Io1 by 14 inches. Publisher: Thomas N. Carr. Not listed in New York City Directory, I836-1837. N.Y.H.S.: 1835 Aug. 25. NEW YORK MECHANIC, 1841. Started by M. T. Smith, of Seneca Falls Democrat, under name of New York Mechanic. Soon fell into hands of Rufus Porter, and was denominated "new series," early in 1841, till Oct. I. He was editor. His son, Stephen T. Porter, was associated with him in the publication of the paper and probably in the editing as well, and the publishers of this paper were known as Rufus Porter and Co. Rufus Porter withdrew and J. M. Vonosdel bought an interest in the firm and aided in editing the paper, the name of publication firm becoming "J. M. Vonsdel and Stephen T. Porter. Rufus Porter, editor." On 1842 Jan. I, at the end of Vol. I, the title AMERICAN MECHANIC was substituted for NEW YORK MECHANIC. Cf. AMERICAN MECHANIC, 1842 Dec. 31. The title NEW YORK MECHANIC is first listed in New York City Directory, 1841-1842. No issues of NEW YORK MECHANIC located. MECHANICS' GAZETTE, 1822-I823.-Labor interests 1822 June 8 (Vol. I no. 20), first issue located-I823 June 4, last issue located. Semi-weekly (Wednes. and Sat.). Publishers: T. R. and W. A. Mercein; William R. Mercein and Co., publishers of 1823 June 4. N.Y.H.S.: 1822 June 8. 1823 Apr. 26, May 3, 7, 14, 17, 21, 24, 28, 31, June 4. 64 Bibliographical Society of America MECHANICS' JOURNAL. This title is not listed in New York City Directories covering 1832 -1836. The paper which started as Major Downing's Advocate, 1834 Mar., united about July 1834 with MECHANICS' JOURNAL. Possibly this paper was published elsewhere than in New York City. MENSAGERO SEMANAL DE NUEvA YORK, 1828-1831.Spanish-American interests 1828 Aug. Ig (Vol. I no. I), title changed to MENSAGERO SEMANAL with Vol. I no. 2, 1828 Aug. 26 and continued with this title to 1831 Jan. 29, last issue published. Weekly (Tuesday). Editors' and publishers' names not found. 1828 Aug. 26-1829 Mar. 28, this paper was published in Philadelphia. N.Y.P.L.: 1828 Aug. 19-Nov. 8, 22-Dec. 13-27. 1829 Jan. 3' 24-June 20, July 11-25, Aug. IS-Oct. 17, Nov. 7-21, Dec. 5, I2, 26. 1830 Jan. 9-Aug. 14, 28-Oct. 23, Nov. 20-Dec. 25, 1831 Jan. 1-29. MERCANTILE ADVERTISER, 18 2o-i 833.--Commercial and shipping news 1820 Jan. i-(?), exact date of change of title not found. Title was NEW YORK MERCANTILE ADVERTISER, 1829 July 27, and this probably continued to 1833 Apr. ig. Daily. This paper united'with the NEW YORK ADVOCATE AND JOURNAL, 1833 Apr. 21 (Monday), under title of MERCANTILE ADVERTISER AND NEW YORK ADVOCATE, q.v. N.Y.P.L.: 1825 Mar. 2, 9, Apr. 5, 6, 16, Nov. ii. N.Y.H.S.: 1820 Jan. i-Dec. 29. 1821 Jan. 3-Dec. 29. 1823 Sept. 17. 1824 Apr. 20, June 19. 1830 Dec. 29..1832 Jan. 30. A.A.S.: 1821 Sept. 12, Dec. 21. 1823, Apr. 8, 9, 25. 1824 Sept. 20, Oct. 12, Nov. 18. 1825 Jan. 19. 1828 July I. 1829 Mar. 13. 1831 Jan. 14. 1832 Feb. 6, June i5. 1833 Jan. i-Apr. 9g. L.C.: 1820 Jan. 1-1826 Dec. 30. 1828 Dec. i. 1829 July 27, Sept. 25, Nov. 2, Nov. 3, Nov. 27. 1830 Jan. 12, Apr. 7. 1831 Feb. 9, June 2. 1832 Oct. IO, Dec. 6. MERCANTILE ADVERTISER, I845.-Commercial 1845 Nov. I I (new series, Vol. I), only issue located. Weekly (Tuesday). Publishers: Mason and Tuttle. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1845-1846. A.A.S.: 1845 Nov. I. New York City Newspapers, 1820-j85o MERCANTILE ADVERTISER AND NEW YORK ADVOCATE, 1833 -1838.-Whig Formed by union of NEW YORK MERCANTILE ADVERTISER and NEW YORK ADVOCATE & JOURNAL. 1833 Apr. 21 (first issue of combined papers). Title changed to MERCANTILE ADVERTISER, with issue of 1838 Feb. 22, last issue located. Daily. Editors: Amos Butler, Redwood Fisher, Elihu Butler. Publishers: Amos Butler and Co. Title appears in New York City Directory, 1837-1838, but not after. For semi-weekly edition, see NEW YORK ADVOCATE & JOURNAL (semiweekly). N.Y.H.S.: Mercantile Advertiser and New York Advocate, 1833 Apr. 22-Oct. 19. 1834 Apr. 22-Dec. 31. 1835 Jan. I-Oct. 22. A.A.S.: Mercantile Advertiser and New York Advocate, 1833 Apr. 22-Nov. 27. L.C.: Mercantile Advertiser and New York Advocate 1835 Dec. 24 (one leaf only), Mercantile Advertiser 1838 Feb. 22. MERCHANTS' DAY BOOK, 1850. A daily, advertised as being published in 1850 Apr., although no issues have been located. Notice of the publication of this paper appears in the WEEKLY JOURNAL Of 1850 Apr. 27, which was the weekly edition of MERCHANTS' DAY BOOK. The title, MERCHANTS' DAY BOOK, is listed in New York City Directory, 1850-1851, but not in 1851-1852. See also, WEEKLY JOURNAL MERCHANTS' INTELLIGENCER AND NEW YORK WEEKLY RECORD OF GENERAL INFORMATION, BUSINESS AND AMUSEMENT, I833 -1834.-Commercial 1833 Feb. 28 (new series, no. 9)-1833 Sept. 12 (n. s. no. 36), last issue located. Weekly (Thursday). This paper was united with the CONSTELLATION (Weekly), New York, N.Y., 1834 May 17, under title of CONSTELLATION WITH WHICH THE MERCHANTS' INTELLIGENCER IS INCORPORATED. See CONSTELLATION. Publishers: Eustis Prescott & Co., 1833, Feb. 28; Swinburne, Rogers and Co., for the proprietors, 1833 Sept. 12. A.A.S.: 1833 Feb. 28, Apr. II, Sept. 12. MERCHANTS' LEDGER, see MERCHANTS' LEDGER AND STATISTICAL MESSENGER 66 Bibliographical Society of America MERCHANTS' LEDGER AND MARKET REPORTER, see MERCHANTS' LEDGER AND STATISTICAL MESSENGER. MERCHANTS' LEDGER AND STATISTICAL MESSENGER, 1847 -1850.-Commercial 1847 Aug. 4 (Vol. I no. 29), 1848 May 24 (Vol. II no. II). Then a change of title occurs, for issue of 1848 Nov. I (Vol. IV no. 33) has title, MERCHANTS' LEDGER. Issue of 1850 Nov. 28 (Vol. VI no. 37) has title, MERCHANTS' LEDGER AND MARKET REPORTER. Weekly. (The 1847 and 1848 issues, Wednes., the 1850 issue, Thurs.). These are the only issues located. Editors: D. Anson Pratt, Abram Requa. Publishers: probably same as editors, except that Pratt alone was publisher of 1850 Nov. 28. N.Y.P.L.: 1848 Nov. i. A.A.S.: 1847 Aug. 4. 1848 May 24. L.C.: 1850 Nov. 28. MERCHANTS' TELEGRAPH, 1828.-Mercantile and agricultural news 1828 Jan. 24 (Vol. I no. I)-1828 Apr. 30, last issue located. Daily. Editor and publisher: John I. Mumford. N.Y.H.S.: 1828 Jan. 24-Apr. 30. (Jan. 24, 25, 28, Mar. 21, Apr. 17, 23, 30, mutilated.) A.A.S.: 1828 Apr. I, 4. MERCURIO DE NUEVA YORK, 1831.-Foreign, especially LatinAmerican, news 1831 June 25 (Vol. IV no. 164), only issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Name of editors and publishers not found. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1832-1833, which is the earliest directory to list newspapers. L.C.: 1831 June 25. NEW YORK MERCURY, I828-1850+. Weekly edition of New York Journal of Commerce. 1828 Sept. 5 (Vol. I no. I)-1831 Dec. 30. During this period, paper was published every Friday. 1832 Jan. 4, new series, Vol. I no. I(about) 1843 June, when title changed to MERCURY AND WEEKLY New York City Newspapers, 1820-1850 67 JOURNAL OF COMMERCE, 1843 June 22-1850+. Publication days vary. The issues of 1828-1832 are indexed and are of quarto size. N.Y.P.L.: New York Mercury, 1832 Jan.-Dec. N.Y.H.S.: New York Mercury, 1828 Sept. 5-1831 Apr. 27. 1832 May 16-July 4, 25, Aug. 8, Sept. 26, Oct. o1, Nov. 14-Dec. 26, extra Feb. 19. Mercury and Weekly Journal of Commerce, 1843 June 22. 1847 Oct. 28 (mutilated). A.A.S.: 1828 July 25, specimen copy with announcement. L.C.: New York Mercury, 1829 Sept. 2-1830 Aug. 25. 1831 June 29-1832 Dec. 26. Mercury and Weekly Journal of Commerce. (Large folio size.) 1849 Mar. 22-185o Dec. 26. NEW YORK MESSENGER, 1820.-General news and advertising 1820 Jan. 21 (Vol. I no. I1), only issue located. Semi-weekly (Tues. and Fri.). Publishers: J. W. Bell, M. Y. Scott. See also, BELL'S LIFE IN NEW YORK AND AMERICAN WEEKLY MESSENGER. L.C.: I820 Jan. 21. NEW YORK WEEKLY MESSENGER AND YOUNG MEN'S ADVOCATE, 1833-1836 (I842?).-General news, popular literature 1833 Nov. 13 (Vol. III no. 17), first issue located-1836 Feb. o1 (Vol. V no. 30), last issue located. Weekly (Wednesday). The title NEW YORK WEEKLY MESSENGER is listed in New York City Directories, 1836-1842. Possibly the paper was continued under the latter title. Editor: B. Badger. Publishers: Burnett and Smith, 1833 Nov. 13 -1834 June ii; William Burnett, I835 Feb. 18; Abbot and Boggs, 1835 Sept. 9-Dec. 2; Abijah Abbot, 1836 Feb. Io-June 29. A.A.S.: 1833 Nov. 13. 1834 June iI. 1835 Sept. 9, 23, 30, Nov. 18, Dec. 2. 1836 Feb. 10, June 29. L.C.: 1835 Feb. 18. MICROSCOPE AND NEW YORK TICKLER, I822.-Popular literature and letters of personal comment 1822 May 4 (Vol. I no. o1), title changed to NEW YORK TICKLER, 1822 May 25 (Vol. I no. 13). These are the only issues located. Weekly (Saturday). Each issue consists of 4 pp., size 9 by II inches. Editor: James D. Hardscrabble (pseudonym undoubtedly for James D. Armstrong). Publisher: James D. Armstrong. A.A.S.: 1822 May 4, 25. 68 Bibliographical Society of America MINERVA, 1822-1825.-Popular literature, scientific articles, general news paragraphs 1822 Apr. 6 (Vol. I no. I), Apr. 20 (Vol. I no. 2), Apr. 27 (Vol. I no. 3)-I825 Apr. 2 (Vol. II no. 52), last issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Indexed. New series published, commencing 1824 Apr. o1, size of paper changed from quarto to octavo. Editors: George Houston, 1823 Feb. 22-Oct. ii; George Houston, James G. Brooks, 1823 Oct. 18-1824 Apr. 3. Publishers: E. Bliss and E. White, 1822 Apr. 6; G. L. Birch, 1822 Apr. 2o-Aug. 3; E. Bliss and E. White, 1822 Aug. Io1824 Apr. 3. This paper was continued as NEW YORK LITERARY GAZETTE AND AMERICAN ATHENEUM, with James Brooks as editor and proprietor, the first issue appearing on Sept. 10, 1825. MINERVA presumably continued till Sept. 3, 1825. N.Y.P.L.: 1822 Apr. 6-Oct. 26, Nov. 9-Dec. 28. 1823 Jan. 4-18, Feb. I, IS-Mar. 15, 29-Apr. 5, 19-May 17, 3I-Oct. 25. N.Y.H.S.: 1822 Apr. 6-Dec. 28. 1823 Jan. 4-Dec. 27. 1824 Jan. 3-Apr. 3. A.A.S.: 1822 Apr. 6-1823 Apr. 5. Library, State Historical Society of Wisconsin: 1822 Apr. 6-1825 Apr. 2. EVENING MIRROR, 1844-1850+. Independent 1844 Oct. 7 (Vol. I no. i)-i85o+. Daily. WEEKLY MIRROR, 1844 Oct. 12 (Vol. I no. I of new series). [It was previously published as a magazine.] Title changed to, NEW YORK MIRROR, about 1845 July 12, title changed to, AMERICAN LITERARY GAZETTE AND NEW YORK WEEKLY MIRROR, 1847 May 22, or 29. Continued to 1850+. Publication days vary. Editors and publishers: George Pope Morris and Nathaniel Parker Willis, 1844 Oct. 7-Nov. 4; Morris, Willis, and Hiram Fuller, 1844 Nov. 5-1845 Dec. 27 (Sat.); Hiram Fuller, 1845 Dec. 29-1850 Dec. 31. Printers: J. A. and Geo. W. Wood. "In 1823 with Samuel Woodworth he (George Pope Morris) established the 'New York Mirror and Ladies Literary Gazette.' He later associated with him, Nathaniel P. Willis, Hiram Fuller, and Theodore S. Fay, who continued the magazine till 1842. The year following, in association with Willis, he established the 'New Mirror' which ran through three volumes, and the year after that, began the publication of a daily paper called the 'Evening Mirror.' " Nat. cyclopaedia of Amer. biography, Vol. V, p. 434. Many well known literary men con New York City Newspapers, 182o-1850 69 tributed to the columns of this paper. Poe's "The Raven" and "Woodman, Spare That Tree" by George Pope Morris were first published in the Evening Mirror. N.Y.P.L.: Evening Mirror, I844 Oct. 7-1847 Dec. 31. N.Y.H.S.: Evening Mirror, 1844 Oct. 7-1850+ (a few missing issues). Weekly Mirror, 1844 Dec. 7. New York Mirror (Weekly), 1845 July 12, Oct. 4 (extra), Oct. 25 -Nov. 22. 1846 Jan. 3-1847 Feb. 6, 27, Mar. 6-27, Apr. 24, May 8, 15. American Literary Gazette and New York Weekly Mirror. 1847 May 29-July 17. A.A.S.: Evening Mirror, 1844 Oct. 16, Nov. 22. 1845 Feb. 0o, Apr. o1, 21-May 24, Sept. 15. 1846 Apr. 3, Oct. 7, Dec. 5. 1847 Oct. 7-1848 Oct. 6. L.C.: Evening Mirror, 1844 Oct. 8-1845 Feb. I, Apr. 25, May 3. 1848 Dec. 26, 27. 1849 Mar. 9-I85o+. NEW YORK MIRROR AND LADIES' LITERARY GAZETTE, see note under title, EVENING MIRROR. MIRROR OF THE TIMES, I849.-Odd-fellowship, popular literature, general news I849 Jan. 13 (Vol. I no. 6), only issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Editor: W. W. Wallace, M.D. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1850-1851. A.A.S.: 1849 Jan. 13. NEW YORK MISCELLANY, I850o.-General news, popular literature I85o Feb. (no. 2), only issue located. Publisher and probably editor: S. Abbott. Not listed in New York City Directory, I85o0-851. A.A.S.: i85o February. MORRIS'S NATIONAL PRESS, 1846.-General news and literature 1846 Mar. 14 (Vol. I no. 5), only issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Editor and publisher: George P. Morris. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1847-1848. Title listed as "MORRIS'S NATIONAL PRESS JOURNAL FOR HoME."-French, J. H., Gazetteer of state of New York, p. 445. A.A.S.: 1846 Mar. 14. 70 Bibliographical Society of America NEW YORK MUNICIPAL GAZETTE, 1841-185o+.-Municipal affairs 1841 Mar. ii (Vol. I no. I)-I85o+. Weekly (publication days vary), 1841 Mar. 11-1844 Dec. 24. Published irregularly, commencing 1845 Jan. Title is MUNICIPAL GAZETTE, 1845 Apr. 23-1847 Dec. 31. Editor: E. Meriam. Publishers: Anti-assessment Committee. N.Y.P.L.: 1841-1850+ (incomplete). N.Y.H.S.: 1841-1847, 1849, 1850+ (a very incomplete file). A.A.S.: 1844 Dec. 11, 18. 1846 Apr. 2, June 24. MUSEUM, I844.-General news HOLIDAY MUSEUM, 1844 Dec., only issue located. Size 21z by 28 inches. Contains wood-cuts and articles of general interest. Publishers: Everett and Co. The title MUSEUM not listed in New York City Directory, 1845-1846. A.A.S.: 1844 Dec. NATIONAL ADVOCATE, I820-I829.-Republican I82o-1824, Democratic 1824-1829 1820 Jan. 1-1829 Jan. 31. Daily. On 1829 Feb. 2, NATIONAL ADVOCATE and NEW YORK STATESMAN, both published in New York City, united under name of NEW YORK MORNING HERALD, q.v. NATIONAL ADVOCATE, FOR THE COUNTRY. Published semi-weekly. (Tues. and Fri.). Editors: Major Mordecai Manuel Noah, 1820-1824; James Gordon Bennett, 1825-1827; Samuel S. Conant, 1827-1829 Jan. 31. Publishers: Major Mordecai Manuel Noah, 1820-1824; Jacob Barker, John Targee, first two months of 1825; Jacob Barker, John Targee, Thomas Snowden, 1825-1827; Samuel S. Conant, Thomas Snowden, 1827-1829. See also, NEW YORK NATIONAL ADVOCATE. N.Y.P.L.: National Advocate (Daily), 1820 June 29. 1821 Apr. 25. 1828 Aug. 7. National Advocate, For the Country, 1820 May 2, Oct. 24, 27, Nov. 14, 17. 1821 Feb. 2, 14, 16, Mar. 16, 30, Apr. 24, Aug. 7, 14, Sept. 7, Dec. 21, 28. 1822 Jan. 8, i8, 22, Feb. 12, 26. N.Y.H.S.: National Advocate (Daily), 1820 Jan. i-Feb. 16, 18-Mar. o1, 12-Apr. 26, 28-Dec. 30. 1821 Jan. 13-Nov. 30, Dec. 2-9, 11-14. 1822 Jan. Iu-Dec. 27, (incomplete). 1823 Jan. 3, 7, 10, Feb. 25, Mar. 7. 1824 Apr. 16, July 13-18, 20-23, 25-Aug. 4, 8-12, 14-16, Sept. 1-9, 11-30, Oct. 3-6, 8-II, 13-15, 17, 23-31. Nov. 20, 21, Dec. New York City Newspapers, i82o-185o 7I 1-7, 9, 12-14, 16-19, 26, 27, 29. 1825 Jan. 3-May 13 (a few missing). National Advocate, For the Country, I820 Nov. 21, 24. 1824 Feb. 13, Mar. 16. i826 Jan. 27, Feb. I0, Mar. 17 -A.A.S.: National Advocate (Daily), 1821 Jan. 4-1825 Dec. 30. 1827 Aug. 17, Sept. 6-1828 Nov. 13. National Advocate, For the Country. 1821 July 31, Aug. 24, Sept. 21, Oct. 12-Dec. 25. 1824 Nov. 19. 1825 Feb. I5, July 15. 1826 Jan. 27, Feb. 7, 10. 1827 Jan. Io, 12, Mar. 9, May 8, June 12, July 20, 27. L.C.: National Advocate (Daily), 1820 Jan. 1-1828 Dec. 31. 1829 Dec. 31. National Advocate, For the Country, 1824 Jan. 30, Feb. 24, Mar. 2, 5, 9, May 21, 28, June 1, 4, 8, II, July 9. NEW YORK NATIONAL ADVOCATE, 1824-1 826.-Democratic 1824 Dec. 16 (Vol. I no. I, according to numbering on later issues)1826 July 17, the last issue located, which was probably the last issue published. Daily. Editors: Mordecai Manuel Noah, 1824 Dec. 16 -1826 July 6; E. J. Roberts, 1826 July 7-17. Publisher: Mordecai Manuel Noah. See also, NATIONAL ADVOCATE. N.Y.P.L.: 1826 May 12, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 26. L.C.: 1825 Jan. 14-1826 July 17. NATIONAL ANTI-SLAVERY STANDARD, I84O-I85o+.-Abolitionist 1840 June ii (Vol. I no. 1)-1850+. Weekly (Thursday). Editors: Nathaniel P. Rogers, 1840 June 11-1841 May 13; Lydia Maria Child, editor, David Lee Child, asst. editor, 1841 May 20-1843 July 27; David Lee Child, editor, 1843 Aug. 3-1844 May 23; Sydney Howard Gay, Maria Weston Chapman, Edmund Quincy, 1844 May 30-1846 June 4; Sydney Howard Gay, 1846 June II-i85o Dec. 26. Corresponding editors: James Russell Lowell, 1848 Apr. 6-1850 Dec. 26; Edmund Quincy, 1849 May 31-I85o Dec. 26. Publishers: American Anti-Slavery Society. Printers: William S. Dorr, 1840 June 11-1841 June 3; Oliver Johnson, 1841 June 10-1842 Apr. 14; H. M. Henry, 1842 Apr. 21-1848 May 25; none given, 1848 June 1-1849 May 24; E. Norris, 1849 May 31-1849 Dec. 20; Norris, 1849 Dec. 27-1850 Apr. 25; Norris Brothers, 185o May 2-May 23; Norris and Brother, 185o May 30-Nov. 28; Norris Brothers, 1850 Dec. 5-Dec.-26. N.Y.P.L.: 1840 June I1-1850+. N.Y.H.S.: 1840 Aug. 13-1850+. L.C.: 1840 June 11-185o+. 72 Bibliographical Society of America NATIONAL BANNER, I838.-Anti-foreign 1838 Sept. 22 (Vol. I no. I), only issue located. Frequency of publication not indicated in this issue. Editor (and probably publisher): Loring D. Chapin. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1838 -1839, 1839-1840. A.A.S.: 1838 Sept. 22. NATIONAL DEMOCRAT, I850 Hudson, p. 488; North, p. 99. No issues located. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1850-1851, 185I-1852. NATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE, I845-185o+.-Criminal news 1845 Sept. 13 (Vol. I no. I)-1847 Sept. 4. Title changed to, NATIONAL GAZETTE AND POLICE, CRIMINAL AND LAw EXPOSITOR, 1847 Sept. II (Vol. III no. I)-1847 Oct. 30. Title changed to, NATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE, 1847 Nov. 6-1850+. Weekly (Saturday). Size, 7~ by ii inches, 1845 Sept. 13-Oct. 4. Quarto size, 1845 Oct. I 1-1847 Sept. 4. Folio size, commencing 1847 Sept. I I. Volume I is indexed. Editors and publishers: Enoch E. Camp and George Wilkes, 1845 Sept. 13 -1848 Oct. 7; George Wilkes, 1848 Oct. 14-1850+. N.Y.P.L.: 1845-185o0+ (a few missing issues). N.Y.H.S.: I845 Oct. II-Dec. 27. 1846 Jan. 3-Dec. 26. 1847 Jan. 2-Sept. 4. A.A.S.: I845 Oct. 16-1849 Sept. I. NATIONAL REFORM, 1844. Hudson, p. 488; North, p. 99. No issues located. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1844-1845, 1845-i846. NATIONAL TRADES' UNION, I834.-Labor 1834 Aug. 9 (Vol. I no. 5) and Aug. 16, only two issues located. Weekly (Saturday). Printer, G. W. Smith, 17 Ann St. Names of editor and publisher not found. Not listed in New York City Directory, I835-I836. N.Y.H.S.: 1834 Aug. 9, I6. NATIONAL UNION, I823-i824.-Democratic 1823 Dec. 20 (Vol. I no. I)-1824 Nov. 6 (Vol. I no. 47), last issue published. Weekly (Saturday). Editor and publisher: W. H. Clayton. New York City Newspapers, 1820-1850 73 This paper was a strong supporter of De Witt Clinton for governor of New York State, in the campaign of 1824. N.Y.H.S.: 1824 Aug. 28, Oct. 9, 23. A.A.S.: 1824 Oct. 30. L.C.: 1824 Jan. 3-Apr. 24, May 8-Nov. 6. NATIVE AMERICAN DEMOCRAT, 1842. Hudson, p. 488; North, p. 99. No issues located. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1842-1843, 1843-1844. NEW ERA, 1836-I 842.-Democratic 1836 Oct. 3 (Vol. I no. I)-I839 Apr. 18 (last issue of old series). 1839 Apr. 19 (Vol. I no. I of new series)-i842, latter part of year, but exact date is uncertain; 1842 Aug I, is last issue located. Daily. Editors and proprietors: Richard Adams Locke and Joseph Price. Printer: Jared W. Bell. Price withdrew as proprietor about 1837 Jan. I, but continued as editor till 1837 Feb. 18. Theron Rudd became co-editor with Locke in Nov. 1837 and Jared W. Bell became proprietor. This arrangement continued till 1840 Feb. 25, when Levi D. Slamm and Robert E. Hudson became editors in place of Rudd and Locke. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1843-1844. NEW ERA AND AMERICAN COURIER. (Weekly edition.) See this title. N.Y.P.L.: 1836 Dec. 9. 1837 Jan. 4-6, 8-Io, 12, 14-22, 24-26, 28-30, Feb. I8, 23, 25-Mar. 3, 5, 6, 8-io, 12-17, i9-Apr. 7, 9-24. 1838 June I-July 24, 28, 29, 31 -Aug. 15, 18, Nov. 2, 3. 1839 Oct. 28. A.A.S.: 1837 July 31, Sept. 6. I838 Nov. 27. I839 July 27. 1840 May 21. I841 June 29. 1842 May 28 (extra). N.Y.H.S.: 1836 Oct. 3. 1840 Jan. I-June 30. L.C.: I839 Oct. 30, Dec. 13. 1840 Mar. 27-Dec. 31. 1841 Jan. 1-1842 Aug. I. NEW ERA AND AMERICAN COURIER, I837-I842.-Democratic Weekly edition of NEW ERA, published on Saturday. 1837 Feb. 18 (Vol. I no. I)-i839 Apr. 13, title changed to, WEEKLY NEW ERA AND AMERICAN COURIER, 1839 Apr. 20-1842, latter part of year but exact date is uncertain. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1843-I844. A.A.S.: New Era and American Courier, 1838 May 26. Weekly New Era and American Courier, 1842 June 18. 74 Bibliographical Society of America NEW MIRROR, see note under title, EVENING MIRROR NEW MONTHLY MESSENGER, GENERAL BANK NOTE LIST AND NEW YORK PRICES CURRENT, I842.-General and commercial news 1842 Aug. 15 (Vol. I no. I), Sept. 20 (no. 2). Monthly. Only two issues located. Publisher: J. Winchester. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1843-1844. A.A.S.: 1842 Aug. I5, Sept. 20. NEW WEEKLY TELESCOPE, 1830.-General news 1830 Sept. 4 (Vol. I no. I), only issue located. Published Saturday. Names of editor and publisher not found. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1832-1833. L.C.: 1830 Sept. 4. NEW WORLD, 1839-1845.-Literature and news This paper was published in two forms, large folio and quarto. It was issued weekly (Saturday). 1839 Oct., first issue of large folio located, and 1840 June 6 was first issue of quarto published. The last issue ocated was issue of 1845 Apr. 5, quarto. This paper was "absorbed by the (Saturday) Emporium" in I845.-Hudson, p. 589. Editors: Park Benjamin, Epes Sargent, John Neal, 1839 Oct.-I844 Mar. 16; Henry C. Deming, James Mackay, 1844 Mar. 23-?; Publisher: James Winchester. This paper was occasionally issued in a very large size designated as a "Leviathan number." The issue of 1841 Jan. I was a "special holiday number" of four pages, each leaf measuring 33 by 5I inches. "Leviathan Number 2," was issued under date of 1841 Mar. 4. It consisted of four pages, size of each leaf 49 by 33 inches. The specialty of this paper was the issuing of complete English novels, in one issue. N.Y.P.L.: (Large folio), 1841 Jan. I, Mar. 4, Apr. 24, May 22, June 12. 1842 Mar. 19, 26, July-Dec. 1842 (extra numbers) June 8, 27, Aug. 10, 17. (Quarto), 1840 June 6. 1844 Mar. 30. Also some of the extra numbers. N.Y.H.S.: (Quarto), 1840 June 6-1843 Dec. 30. 1844 July 6-Dec. 28. 1845 Apr. 5. A.A.S.: (Large folio), 1839 Oct. 26-1841 Dec. 18. 1841 Nov. 20 (extra). 1842 Feb. I2. L.C.: (Large folio), 1840 Apr. 18, Aug. 22. (Quarto), 1842 Sept. 20. New York City Newspapers, 1820o-85o 75 NEW YORK AND RICHMOND COUNTY FREE PRESS, 1833-1834. 1833 Nov.-I834 Apr. (Weekly), only issues located. Publisher, William Hagadorn. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1832 -1836. Indexed. Library of State Historical Society of Wisconsin: 1833 Nov.-I834 Apr. DAILY NEWS, 1837.-Democratic 1837 Sept. 2 (Vol. I no. I)-1837 Dec. 30 (Vol. I no. IoI), last issue located. Daily. WEEKLY NEWS, published Saturday. Editor and publisher: Benjamin Wood. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1838-1839. N.Y.H.S.: 1837 Sept. 2-Dec. 30. NEW YORK MORNING NEWS, 1844-1I846.-Democratic 1844 Aug. 21 (Vol. I no. I)-1846 Sept. 7, last issue located. Daily. WEEKLY NEWS, published on Saturday. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1847-1848. Size changed from I5~ by 23 inches to I8 by 25 inches, commencing with issue of 1845 Aug. 21 (Vol. III no. I). Editors: J. L. O'Sullivan and Samuel J. Tilden, 1844 Aug. 2I-1845 Mar. 31; J. L. O'Sullivan, Thos. P. Kettell, 1845 Apr. I-Aug. 20; J. L. O'Sullivan, Thos. P. Kettell, Richard Sutton, 1845 Aug. 21 -1846 Sept. 7. Absorbed DAILY PLEBEIAN, New York, N.Y., 1845 May 13, without change of title. N.Y.P.L.: New York Morning News (Daily), 1845 Sept. 27. New York Weekly News, 1844 Sept. 7-1845 Dec. 20. 1846 Jan. 3-Feb. 7, 21, 28, Mar. i4-Apr. 25, May 9-Sept. 5. N.Y.H.S.: New York Morning News (Daily), 1844 Aug. 21-1845 Dec. 29, 31. 1846 Jan. 1-28, 30-Sept. 8. A.A.S.: New York Morning News (Daily), 1844 Nov. 2, 5, Dec. 25. 1846 Apr. 24. New York Weekly News, 1837 Sept. 18. L.C.: New York Morning News (Daily), 1844 Aug. 22, 23. 1846 Jan. 3-Sept. 8. WEEKLY NEWS AND FAMILY GAZETTE, 1833. This is the weekly issue of MORNING POST AND FAMILY GAZETTE, as announced in the issue of that paper for 1833 Apr. I. No issues of this weekly located. Not listed in New York City Directories of 1833 -1834, 1834-1835. 76 Bibliographical Society of America NEW-YORKER, 1834-1841.-General news and literature (see note below) 1834 Mar. 22 (Vol. I no. I)-1841 Sept. II (Vol. XI no. 26), last issue published. Weekly (Saturday). This paper was succeeded by NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, 1841 Sept. 18, being Vol. I no. I of this title. Editor: Horace Greeley; asst. editor: Henry J. Raymond. Publishers: Horace Greeley; Jonas Winchester and E. Sibbet were associated with Mr. Greeley as publishers during 1834. Vol. I no. of a new series of the NEW YORKER was 1836 Mar. 26. Commencing with this issue, the paper was published in two forms. The 4-page folio size appeared on Saturday morning and the double quarto size on Saturday evening. The quarto size was indexed. The subscription price of the folio was $2, and of the quarto, $3 per annum; later (Oct. 1837), the price of each was increased by $i. Note. "The folio seems to have been used for local distribution and the quarto for the mail subscribers..... Both were made up usually of the same matter, except that the last page of the quarto was filled by a sheet of music. This made it very popular and was a feature of the paper as long as it existed..... The contents were chiefly literary, but the editor gratified his bent for politics by making his paper an authority on political facts and election figures. Most of the matter was culled. His own contributions were editorials and news items reshaped with crisp comment."-Seitz, Don Carlos, Horace Greeley, founder of The New York Tribune, pp. 45-46. N.Y.P.L.: Folio size, 1834 Mar. 29-Mar. 19, 1836. Quarto size, 1836 Mar. 26 -1841 Sept. II. N.Y.H.S.: Quarto size, 1836 Mar. 26-1841 Mar. 20. A.A.S.: Folio size, 1834 Mar. 22. 1835 July 18, 25, Aug. 22. 1836 Jan. 16, Mar. 12, May 28. 1837 Apr. 29. 1838 Apr. 7, May 19, June 2. 1839 Mar. 30, Apr. 20, Apr. 27, May 4-25, June 8-July 27, Sept. 14. 1840 May 16. Quarto size, 1840 Mar. 28. 1841 Sept. iI. L.C.: Quarto size, 1836 Mar. 26-1837 Sept. 16. 1838 Mar. 24-1841 Mar. 13. NOAH'S NEW YORK NATIONAL ADVOCATE, see NATIONAL ADVOCATE. NOAH'S WEEKLY MESSENGER, 1843. 1843 (exact date not found), established. United after a short time with SUNDAY TIMES (1843 July), q.v. Editor: Mordecai Manuel Noah. New York City Newspapers, 1820-1850 77 Publishers: Noah, Dean, and Howard. No issues located. See SUNDAY TIMES AND NOAH'S WEEKLY MESSENGER. "In 1843 Noah commenced the publication of a paper which he named Noah's Weekly Messenger. In a short time it was united with the Sunday Times."Hudson, p. 287. "He commenced in 1843 Noah's Weekly Messenger which after a short time united with The Sunday Times." Lee, James Melvin, History of American journalism (new edition, revised 1923), p. 154. This title is listed in New York City Directory, 1843-1844, but not after. NEW YORK OBSERVER, 1823-1850+. Religious articles and general news 1823 May 17 (Vol. I no. I)-I850+. Weekly (Saturday). Indexed. Editors and proprietors: Sidney E. Morse and Co. N.Y.P.L.: 1823 May 17. 1834 Aug. 30, Sept. 6, 13. 1837 Mar. 4. 1838 Apr. 7, May 26, Aug. 18. 1840 Aug. 8. N.Y.H.S.: 1823 May 17-1850 Dec. 28+. A.A.S.: 1823 May 17-1850 Dec. 28. OLD COUNTRYMAN, see EMIGRANT & OLD COUNTRYMAN. A JOURNAL OF THE NEWS OF ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND AND WALES. OLD COUNTRYMAN: AND ENGLISH, IRISH, SCOTCH, WELSH AND COLONIAL MIRROR, I83I-I835.-Foreign news 1831 Aug. II (Vol. II, no. 45)-1 835 June 3, last issue located. Weekly (Thursday). United with THE EMIGRANT, New York, N.Y., about Sept.. 30, 1835, under title of EMIGRANT & OLD COUNTRYMAN. A JOURNAL OF THE NEWS OF ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND AND WALES, q.v. A.A.S.: 1831 Aug. 11-1832 Jan. 12. 1834 Jan. i. Yale University Library: 1835 May 6, June 3. OLIO, 1845. Hudson, p. 488; North, p. 99. No issues located. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1845-1846, 1846-1847. OWL, I830.-Gossip and scandal 1830 Aug. 14 (Vol. I no. o1). No clue as to editor or publisher. Size, Io0 by 14 inches. N.Y.H.S.: 1830 Aug. 14. 78 Bibliographical Society of America NEW YORK PACKET, 1845.-General news, popular literature 1845 Aug. 31 (Vol. I no. 6), first issue located-1845 Nov. 15 [probably a misprint for Nov. 16] (Vol. I no. 16), last issue located. Weekly (Sunday). Price, one cent. Size, I I by 17L inches. Circulation, as stated at heading of Nov. 1845 issues, 24,000. This paper is full of extremely lurid sex stories, some continued, which, according to the editor, purport to show the evils of what is commonly known as a "life of sin." Not listed in New York City Directory, 1845-1846. Editor (and probably publisher): G. Washington Dixon. N.Y.H.S.: 1845 Nov. 2, 9, 15. (Nov. 15 is probably a misprint for Nov. 16). A.A.S.: 1845 Aug. 31. PATHFINDER, 1843.-General news and literature 1843 Feb. 25 (no. I)-I843 June 3 (no. 15). Weekly (Saturday). To be issued as a monthly, on 1843 June 15, according to announcement in last weekly issue. Editor and publisher: Parke Godwin. "Only fifteen numbers issued" (presumably of weekly).-Griswold, Ada Tyng, Annotated catalogue of newspaperfiles in the Library of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, p. 188. Not in New York City Directory, I844-1845. N.Y.P.L.: 1843 Feb. 25-June 3. A.A.S.: 1843 Mar. 4-June 3. NEW YORK PATH-FINDER, 1848-1850.-Advertisements of steamers, railroads, etc., general news 1848 Mar. 23 (Vol. I no. 17)-1850 Oct. 28, last issue located. Semiweekly (Monday and Thursday). Publishers: Cobb, Holbrook and Co. "Devoted to steamers, railroads, omnibuses, stages, expresses, hotels, packets, advertisements, news, &c. &c."-Announcement. This title listed in New York City Directory, 1851-1852, A. Franklin Bartlett, publisher. N.Y.H.S.: 1849 June 3 (New York Path-Finder.-Extra). L.C.: 1848 Mar. 23, July 27-1850 Oct. 28. NEW YORK PATRIOT, I823-1824.-Republican 1823 May 29 (Vol. I no. I)-1824 Oct. 16, title changed to NEW YORK PATRIOT AND MORNING ADVERTISER, 1824 Oct. 18-Dec. 31, last New York City Newspapers, 1820-1850 79 issue located. Daily. A semi-weekly edition (Wednes. and Sat.), with same title as daily. On 1824 May 3, this paper appeared in a size o1 by 14 inches. On 1824 Oct. 18, it changed back to its former small folio size. Editor: Charles K. Gardener, assisted during most of 1823 by Selleck Osborn. Publishers: John Guion, Charles K. Gardener, 1823 May 29-1824 Oct. 16; Charles K. Gardener, Thomas Snowden, 1824 Oct. i8-Dec. 31. It was thought that John C. Calhoun and Henry Wheaton were responsible for the organization of this paper. N.Y.H.S.: New York Patriot (Daily), 1823 Aug. 27-29, Oct. 8, 9, 27, Nov. 17. 1824 Apr. 19, 20, May 6. New York Patriot and Morning Advertiser (Daily), 1824 Oct. 18 (mutilated). New York Patriot (Semi-weekly), 1823 Sept. 20, Nov. 8, 29, Dec. 17. 1824 Jan. 10, 24, 31, May I, 3, 6, Sept. II, 25. A.A.S.: New York Patriot (Daily), 1824 July o1. New York Patriot and Morning Advertiser (Daily), 1824 Oct. 26, 30, Nov. 24. L.C.: New York Patriot (Daily), 1824 Jan. I-Oct. 16. New York Patriot and Morning Advertiser (Daily), 1824 Oct. I8-Dec. 31. PATRON oF INDUSTRY, 1820-I82i.-Agricultural and commercial 1820 June 28 (Vol. I no. I)-182i June 30. Semi-weekly (Wednes. and Sat.). United with the COLUMBIAN, New York, N.Y., under title of NEW YORK EVENING JOURNAL AND PATRON OF INDUSTRY, q.v. Issued under the inspection of the Committee of Publication of the National Institution for the Promotion of Industry. This committee was composed of the following: Messrs. Isaac Pierson, John E. Hyde, Halsted E. Haight, William Watkinson, E. Lord. Printer: J. Seymour. A.A.S.: I820 July I, 5, 8. L.C.: I820 June 28-Dec. 1821 Feb. 3-Apr. 14, 25, June 2, 13, 20. NEW YORK PENNY-A-LINE ADVERTISER, see MORNING CHRONICLE, 1842-1843. PENNY DAILY GAZETTE, I834.-Whig 1834 July 28 (Vol. I no. 4), only issue located. Daily. Price, one cent. Size, 88 by I I: inches. Printer: H. R. Piercy. Not mentioned in New York City Directory, 1835-1836. See also, CONSTITUTION. N.Y.H.S.: 1834 July 28. 8o0 Bibliographical Society of America PENNY DAILY GAZETTE, 1844. Hudson, p. 488; North, p. 99. No issues located. Not mentioned in New York City Directories, 1844-1845, 1845-1846. PENNY PosT, I832-i833.-Literary and scientific news 1832 Dec. 18 (Vol. I no. I according to numbering on later issues)1833 Mar. 12, last issue located. Weekly. Editor and publisher: S. H. Jackson. Not mentioned in New York City Directories, 1833 -1834, 1834-1835. N.Y.P.L.: 1833 May 12 (Vol. I no. 13). N.Y.H.S.: 1833 Jan. 23 (Vol. I no. 7). NEW YORK PENNY PosT, AND WEEKLY GAZETTEER, 184I.General news, popular literature, and business directory 1841 Mar. o1 (Vol. I no. 3), only issue located. Weekly (Wednes.). Editors' and publishers' names not found. The paper was published at 2 Exchange Place. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1841 -1842, 1842-1843. A.A.S.: 1841 Mar. io. PENNY PRESS, 1841.-Independent 1841 Sept. 8 (Vol. I no. 1)-1841 Oct. I (Vol. I no. 21), last issue located. Daily. Publisher (and probably editor): J. L. Kinglsey. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1842-1843. N.Y.H.S.: 1841 Sept. 8. L.C.: 1841 Oct. i. PEOPLE'S RIGHTS AND ORGAN OF THE NATIONAL REFORM ASSOCIATION, 184I.-Labor. Advocated free "public land" 1844 May 25 (Vol. I no. I, new series), 1844 July 10, 1844 Aug. 10, are the only issues located. Semi-weekly (Wednes. and Sat.). Editor: George H. Evans. Publishers: John Windt, 1844 July Io; John Windt and George H. Evans, 1844 Aug. o1. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1845-1846. N.Y.P.L.: 1844 July io. N.Y.H.S.: 1844 Aug. 1o. L.C.: 1844 May 25. New York City Newspapers, 182o-1850 NEW YORK PILOT, I830.-Anti-masonic 1830 Oct. 20 (Vol. I no. 30) and Nov. 24, only two issues located. Weekly (Wednesday). "Publisher, S. Skinner, 1831." J. H. French, Gazetteer of the state of New York, p. 446. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1832-1833. N.Y.H.S.: 1830 Oct. 20. A.A.S.: 1830 Nov. 24. NEW YORK PIONEER, I840.-Military, and matters of interest to volunteer firemen 1840 Dec. 9 (Vol. I no. I)-Dec. 30, last issue located. Weekly (Wednesday). Publisher (and probably editor): A. W. Money. Title listed in New York City Directory, 1841-1842, but not after. N.Y.P.L.: 1840 Dec. 16, 23, 30. PLAINDEALER, 1836-I837.-General news and literature 1836 Dec. 3 (Vol. I no. I)-1837 Sept. 30 (Vol. I no. 42), last issue located. Weekly (Saturday). "Established by William Leggett, formerly assistant editor of Evening Post. Suspended within the year."Griswold, Ada Tyng, Annotated catalogue of newspaper files in the Library of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, p. 189. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1838-1839. N.Y.P.L.: 1836 Dec. 3-1837 Sept. 30. A.A.S.: 1836 Dec. Io-1837 Sept. 16. NEW YORK PLANET, I840-1841.-Democratic I840 May 4 (Vol. I no. I)-I841 May o1, last issue located. Daily. Price, one cent. Editor: William Grandin. Publishers: Kellogg, Sherman and Co. Not listed in New York City Directory, I842-1843. L.C.: 1840 May 4, Nov. 18. 1841 May 5, o1 (mutilated). DAILY PLEBEIAN, 1842-1845.-Democratic 1842 June 27 (Vol. I no. I)-I845 May 12. Daily. United with NEW YORK MORNING NEWS, New York, N.Y., q.v. NEW YORK WEEKLY PLEBEIAN. (Saturday.) Editor: Levi D. Slamm. John Bigelow wrote news paragraphs. Publishers: Levi D. Slamm and John Guion, 1842 June 27-1843 Mar. 14; Levi D. Slamm, 1843 Mar. 15-I844 Nov. 23; Casper C. Childs, 1844 Nov. 25-I845 May 12. This newspaper ab 82 Bibliographical Society of America sorbed several other New York City newspapers during its brief existence; e.g., ARENA, NEW YORK AURORA, DEMOCRAT. This was usually accomplished without change of title, but title of 1844 Nov. 4 issue was PLEBEIAN AND DEMOCRAT. N.Y.P.L.: Daily Plebeian, 1844 Aug. 26. New York Weekly Plebeian, 1843 Nov. I -Dec. 30. 1844 Jan. 6-Feb. Io, 24-Dec. 7. N.Y.H.S.: Daily Plebeian, 1843 Apr. 5-. N.Y. Society Library: Daily Plebeian, 1842 June 27-1845 May 12. A.A.S.: Daily Plebeian 1842 June 27 (one leaf), July 7, July 12, Aug. 12. 1843 Dec. 2. Plebeian and Democrat, 1844 Nov. 4. L.C.: Daily Plebeian, 1842 July 2, Sept. 16. PLEBEIAN AND DEMOCRAT, see DAILY PLEBEIAN. NEW YORK EVENING POST, 182o0-850+. Democratic Republican, I820-1823; Democratic, 1824-185o+. 1820 Jan. 3-1832 Oct. 16, title changed to, EVENING POST, 1832 Oct. 17-1850 Dec. 30+. Daily. NEW YORK EVENING POST, FOR THE COUNTRY. (Semi-weekly.) [Publication days vary]. 1820 Jan. 1-1840 Apr. 2, title changed to, EVENING POST FOR THE COUNTRY, 1840 Apr. 6-1850 Mar. 26, title changed to, EVENING POST. SEMI-WEEKLY. 1850 Mar. 29-Dec. 31+. NEW YORK WEEKLY EVENING POST. (Saturday.) 1841 Oct. 9 (Vol. I no. I)-I85o Mar. 21, title changed to, EVENING POST. WEEKLY. 1850 Mar. 28-1850 Dec. 26+. Editors: William Coleman, 1820 Jan. 3-1829 July 14; William Cullen Bryant became associate editor 1826 July I, and on death of William Coleman, 1829 July 14, editor-in-chief. He served in this capacity except for brief sojourns in Europe till 1850+. William Leggett became associate editor on 1829 July 14. He was acting editor-in-chief, 1834 June 24-1835 Oct. 15. (During part of the time Bryant was in Europe.) Theodore Sedgwick, Jr., was acting editor-in-chief, for a few weeks at the close of 1835, and was succeeded by Charles Mason, who served as acting editor-in-chief till Bryant's return from Europe, 1836 Feb. 16. Mason then served as associate editor till 1836 May 31, and was succeeded by Henry J. Anderson, who served till the early part of 1837. Parke Godwin succeeded Anderson, 1837-185o+. John Bigelow was an associate editor, 1848 Nov. 16-1850+. "In ad New York City Newspapers, 1820-I85o 83 dition to Bryant, his assistant Parke Godwin, and a reporter, at the end of 1843, room was made for a commercial editor, who supplied information on the markets, wrote upon business affairs, and supervised the marine intelligence; these four made up the staff."-Nevins, Allan, The Evening Post; a century of journalism, page 179. Publishers: William Coleman, 1820-1829; Michael Burnham, 1820-1834, who was succeeded by his son; William Cullen Bryant, 1827-I85o+; William Leggett, 1831-1836; the share in the business held by Michael Burnham's son was purchased for Bryant and Leggett in 1835; William G. Boggs, 1837-1848; Parke Godwin, I840-1844; T. A. Howe, 1844-1850+; John Bigelow, 1848-1850o+. N.Y.P.L.: New York Evening Post (Daily), 1820 Jan. 3-1832 Oct. 16. Evening Post, 1832 Oct. 17-1850 Dec. 30+. New York Evening Post, For the Country, 1820 Jan. 1-1821 May 29. 1825 July 26. 1834 May 5-I840 Apr. 2. Evening Post For the Country, 1840 Dec. I, 2, 4. 1841 Mar. 10, 20, 24, 31, Apr. 14. 185o Jan. 15-Mar. 26. Evening Post. Semi-weekly. I85o Mar. 29-Dec. 31+.N.Y.H.S.: New York Evening Post (Daily), I82o Jan. 6-1832 Sept. 26. Evening Post, 1833 Jan. 4-Nov. 9. 1834 Feb. 22. 1835 Jan. 2-1836 Dec. 8. 1837 Oct. II-Dec. 30. 1838 Jan. 4-1839 Sept. io. 1841 Mar. 19-Sept. Io. New York Evening Post, For the Country (Semi-weekly), 1820 Jan. 5-1825 July 19. 1832 Oct. I-Dec. 31. 1834 Dec. 29. 1838 Jan. 3-Dec. 31. 1839 Jan. 7-I840 Apr. 2. Evening Post For the Country, (Semi-weekly), 1840 Apr. 6-i85o Mar. 26. Evening Post. Semi-weekly. 185o Mar. 29-Dec. 31+. A.A.S.: New York Evening Post (Daily), 1821 Jan. 4-1822 Dec. 30. 1823 Sept. 3-1824 July 31. 1825 Jan. 31, Mar. 4, Io, II, May 6. 1826 Nov. 2, 3, 5. 1827 June 13, Oct. 30. 1828 Jan. 2-1832 Oct. 16. Evening Post (Daily), 1832 Oct. 17-1850 Dec. 30. New York Evening Post, For the Country (Semi-weekly), I821 April 24, Dec. 25, 28. 1822 Jan. i8-Dec. io. 1823 Mar. 4. 1824 July 16, Aug. 6, Sept. 24, Nov. 5. 1825 Dec. 13. 1826 Jan. 17, Feb. 17, May 9, Sept. I, Dec. 29. 1827 Jan. io, Mar. 6, June 5, 12, July 31, Aug. 10, 14, Sept. 28, Oct. 23, Nov. 2. 1828 Mar. 14, 25, May 13, 23, July 8, 29, Sept. 5, 19, Dec. 16. 1829 Mar. 10, 27, Apr. 3, June 5, Aug. 18. 1830 Jan. 22, 26, May 7. 1831 Sept. 13. 1832 Feb. 17, Sept. 6. 1834 May 19. 1836 Nov. 10, 14. 1838 Mar. 12. 1839 July 18. Evening Post For the Country (Semi-weekly), 1840 May 28. 1847 Nov. 20. Evening Post. Semi-weekly. 185o Mar. 29. L.C.: New York Evening Post (Daily), 1820 Jan. 3, 4, 5, Feb. 28, Dec. 30. 1821 Jan. 2-1826 Dec. 31. 1827 Apr. 7-1831 June 20 (scattered issues). 1832 Jan. 3-Oct. 16. Evening Post, 1832 Oct. 17-Dec. 31. 1834 Jan. 2-1836 Dec. 30. 1838 Sept. 3. 1839 Sept. II. I840 Dec. 5. 1844 Apr. 26. I85o Jan. 4-Dec. 31+. New York Evening Post, For the Country (Semi-weekly), 1829 Mar. 28-1840 Apr. 2. Evening Post For the Country (Semi-weekly), I840 Apr. 6-1846 Oct. 17. 1848 Sept. 19, 21, 26, Oct. 3, 6, 84 Bibliographical Society of America 10, 13, 20, 24, 26. Oct. 31-Dec. 29. New York Weekly Evening Post, 1841 Oct. 9. 1846 Oct. 23-Dec. 31. 1847 Jan. 7-Mar. 21. Evening Post. Weekly. 1847 Mar. 28 -Dec. 26+. MORNING POST, 1833.-National Republican 1833 Jan. 1-21. Daily. This paper ceased twenty-one days after first issue. Editors and publishers: Dr. Horatio David Shepard, Horace Greeley, Francis V. Story. This paper started as a two-cent paper but after one week, the price was reduced to one cent. "First penny paper of any pretensions in the United States." Hudson, p. 417. No issues of this title located. MORNING POST, 1842. Hudson, pp. 488, 525, Hudson mentions Morning Post as being published in New York City in Nov. 1842. North, p. 99. No issues located. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1842-1843, 1843 -1844. MORNING POST AND FAMILY GAZETTE, I833.-General news 1833 April I (Vol. I no. 36) only issue located. Daily. Publishers: Story and Hildreth, according to French, J. H., Gazetteer of the state of New York, p. 445. Not listed in New York City Directory 1834 -I835. Weekly edition has title, WEEKLY NEWS AND FAMILY GAZETTE, q.U. N.Y.H.S., 1833 April i. PRESIDENTIAL HERALD, see MORNING HERALD. PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRAT, 1846.-Democratic 1846 Nov. 21 (Vol. I no. Io)-I846 Dec. 5 (Vol. I no. 12), last issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Editor: Edward Strahan. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1847-1848. L.C.: 1846 Nov. 21, 28, Dec. 5. PROTESTANT VINDICATOR, 1834-1 836.-Anti-Catholic 1834 Oct. 22 (Vol. I no. Io)-I836 Mar. 16 (Vol. II no. 24), last issue located. Weekly. Publishers: Norwood Bowne, Ira G. Wisner, 1834 Oct. 22-1836 Mar. 9; K. H. Stockton, 1836 Mar. 16. Listed in New York City Directories I835-1839, under above title. In directories of New York City Newspapers, 1820-1850 1839-1843 is the title, PROTESTANT VINDICATOR AND DOWNFALL OF BABYLON. In Directory of 1843-1844 is the title, PROTESTANT VINDICATOR. Title does not appear in Directory of I844-1845. N.Y.P.L.: 1834 Aug. 20-1838 June 8. A.A.S.: 1834 Oct. 22; 1835 Jan. 5; 1836 Mar. 16. PUBLIC ADVERTISER, I840.-Whig 1840 Dec. 26 (Vol. I no. I I), only issue located. Frequency of publication not announced in this issue. Editor: J. Dyett. Publisher: E. Barnett. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1841-1842. L.C.: 1840 Dec. 26. RAKE, 1842. A weekly, published on Saturday, in existence in Nov. 1842, with a circulation of 1,000.-Hudson, p. 525. No issues located. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1840-1846. No record of this paper found, except the notice in Hudson's volume. RAMBLER, 1845.-General news and literature 1845 April (?) established,-I850+. Weekly (Wednesday). Editors: Publisher: Dennis Hannigan. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1846-1847. A.A.S.: 1845 April 26. NEW YORK RECORDER, I845-I85o+.-A religious (Baptist) family newspaper 1845 April (?) established,-I850+. Weekly (Wednesday). Editors: Rev. Sewall S. Cutting, 1848 June 14-date uncertain; M. B. Anderson, 1850 Oct. 23-185I Jan. I+. Publishers: Lewis Colby and Joseph Ballard, 1848 June i4-date uncertain. James S. Dickerson and Co., 1850 Oct. 23-1851 Jan. I+. N.Y.P.L.: 1849 Apr. 25-I850+. N.Y.H.S.: 1848 June 14, Sept. 6. 1849 Mar. 28, May 30, June 6. 1850 Oct. 23. A.A.S.: 1847 Feb. 3. 1849 Aug. 22. 1850 Aug. 28. THE RECRUIT, 1848.-Democratic 1848 June, July 8-Oct. 24. Weekly (Thursday). Editors and publishers: George J. Gallagher and - Morrill. Published during the 86 Bibliographical Society of America presidential campaign of 1848, to promote candidacy of Gen. Lewis Cass for president, and Gen. William O. Butler for vice-president. L.C.: 1848 June, July 8, 18, 25-Oct. 24. REDACTOR, 1828-1831.-General and commercial news 1828 Jan. 21 (afio 2 no. I5), 1829 Jan. 10 (anio 3 no. 49), 1831 Jan. 8 (aiio 5 no. I2I)-I831 Dec. 31 (anio 5 no. 172), are the only issues located. Published on the Ioth, 2oth, and 3oth of each month, previous to 1831, but in 1831, every Saturday. Printed in Spanish. Publishers: of 1828 copy, Juan Jose de Lerena, Eugenio Bergonzio; of 1829 -1831 issues, "una Sociedad Espafola." Not listed in New York City Directory, 1832-1833. A.A.S.: 1829 Jan. io. L.C.: 1828 Jan. 21. 1831 Jan. 8-Dec. 31. NEW YORK REFLECTOR AND FIREMAN'S INTELLIGENCER, 1826.-News about fires 1826 Nov. II (Vol. I no. 7), 1827 Mar. 10, only two issues located. Weekly (Saturday). Size, o10 by 13- inches. Publishers: Vanderpool and Cole. N.Y.H.S.: 1826 Nov. ii. 1827 Mar. 1o. REFORMER, 1839.-Democratic 1839 Oct. 9 (Vol. I no. 3) only issue located. Semi-weekly. Editor: Theron Rudd. Agent: James A. Bennett. Not listed in New York City Directory, 184o-1841. L.C.: 1839 Oct. 9. NEW YORK WEEKLY REGISTER AND CATHOLIC DIARY, 1833 -I834.-Domestic and foreign news, articles on religion and morals 1833 Oct. 5 (Vol. I no. 1)-1834 Sept. 27 (Vol. II no. 26), last issue located. Edited and published by an association of members of the Catholic Church of New York. Printer: James Kelly. Not listed in New York City Directories after 1836-1837. N.Y.P.L.: 1833 Oct. 5-1834 Sept. 27. REPRESENTATIVE, 1826.-News about fires 1826 June 10 (Vol. I no. 12), only issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Size, 10 by 13 inches. Publishers: Vanderpool and Cole. N.Y.H.S.: 1826 June 1o. New York City Newspapers, 1820-I85o 87 REPUBLIC, 1844-I845.-Independent at the start, but toward end of year 1844, became Whig 1844 Jan. 21 (Vol. I no. I according to later issues)-I845) Feb. I (approximate date of last issue). Daily. Weekly edition with same title, published Saturday. "It (Republic) was about one year in existence." Hudson, p. 577. Editors: Duff Green, editor, 1844 Jan. 21-(about) Mar. I; John Ryan, editor, T. P. Kettell, financial editor, 1844 Mar. I-June 20. T. P. Kettell, editor, June 21 and continuing for a few months; John 0. and Epes Sargent, during last few months of life of paper. Publishers: Henry Wikoff (Chevalier Wikoff), for about first six months of life of paper. Name of publisher or publishers who followed Wikoff, not found. N.Y.H.S.: Daily, 1844 Apr. 15-July 15. Weekly, 1844 Mar. 9, 16, Apr. 13. L.C.: Daily, 1844 Jan. 30 (Vol. I no. 8). 1844 Mar. I1 (Vol. I no. 43). A.A.S.: Daily, 1844 Feb. 12, Apr. 15, May 2. REPUBLICAN SENTINEL, 1821-1822.-Republican 1821 Oct. 27 (Vol. I no. 39), first issue located,-I822 Dec. 28, last issue located. Semi-weekly (Wednes and Sat.). In 1822 May 25 issue there was a notice of a tri-weekly edition for the city and a semiweekly for the country. Neither of these editions located. N.Y.P.L.: 1821 Dec. 8. A.A.S.: 1822 May 25-Dec. 28. L.C.: 1821 Oct. 27. RIGHTS OF ALL, I829.-Anti-slavery I829 May 29 (Vol. I no. I)-I829 Oct. 9 (Vol. I no. 6), last issue located. Monthly, but does not carry same date of month on each issue. Editor: Samuel E. Cornish. "Rights of All suspended publication in 1830. The exact date of its suspension it seems impossible to ascertain."-Penn, Irvine Garland, The Afro-American press and its editors, p. 31. See also, FREEDOM'S JOURNAL. A.A.S.: 1829.May 29, June 12, Aug. 7, Sept. 18, Oct. 9. ROUGH AND READY, I847.-Native American party. 1847 Oct. 23, only issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Publishers: Wilkinson and Co. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1847 - 88 Bibliographical Society of America 1848, 1848-1849. This paper was published to further presidential campaign of Gen. Zachary Taylor. L.C.: 1847 Oct. 23. ROUGH HEWER, 1836. Hudson, p. 487; North, p. 98. No issues located. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1836-1837, 1837-1838. SACHEM, 1845. Hudson, p. 488; North, p. 99. No issues located. Not mentioned in New York City Directories, 1845-1846, 1846-1847. SATURDAY EMPORIUM, 1844-1845.-Popular literature, general news 1844 Aug. 17 (Vol. I no. 8), first issue located-I845 Sept. 13 (Vol. II no. 12), last issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Editor: Edmund B. Green. Publishers: Ward and Co. This paper absorbed NEW WORLD in 1845. See Hudson, p. 589. Title appears in New York City Directories of 1846-1847 and 1847-1848, but not after. N.Y.H.S.: 1845 Sept. 13. A.A.S.: 1844 Aug. 17. 1845 July 5, Aug. 23. SCOTTISH JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENCE AND LITERATURE, 1841 -I842.-[This paper is a continuation of the SCOTTISH PATRIOT, q.v.]. 1841 Jan. 2 (Vol. II no. I)-1842 July 16, last issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Indexed. Issue for 1842 Jan. 29, marked "new series," Vol. I no. 4, and all other issues in 1842 are marked "new series." Publisher (and probably editor): J. G. Cumming, M.D. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1843-1844. N.Y.H.S.: 1841 Jan. 2.-Dec. 25. 1842 Jan. 29, Feb. 5, Mar. 19, Apr. 23, May 28, July 9, 16. SCOTTISH PATRIOT, I840.-News and literature relating to Scotland 1840 Feb. 22 (Vol. I no. I)-I84o Dec. 26 (Vol. I no. 45). Weekly (Saturday). Indexed. Title changed to, SCOTTISH JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENCE AND LITERATURE, q.v. Publisher (and probably editor): J. G. Cumming, M.D. N.Y.H.S.: 1840 Feb. 22-Dec. 26. New York City Newspapers, 1820-1850 89 NEW YORK DAILY SENTINEL, 1830-1833.-Labor interests 1830 Feb. 15 (Vol. I no. I)-I833 Mar. II, last issue located. Daily. Publication discontinued in I833. Editors and publishers: P. C. Montgomery Andrews, William C. Taylor, William J. Stanley, Willoughby Lynde, Benjamin H. Day, Cornelius W. Burgess. Mr. Andrews and Mr. Day withdrew after a very short period. In June, 1830, the board of editors and publishers was augmented by Richard C. McCormick, Jesse Rice, George Henry Evans. Mr. Evans was sole editor and publisher of the paper in 1833. Semi-weekly edition had title, NEW YORK SENTINEL AND WORKING MAN'S ADVOCATE. See WORKING MAN'S ADVOCATE. A.A.S.: New York Daily Sentinel, 1830 Nov. 9, 12, 13. 1831 Oct. II. 1832 Oct. 3 -Dec. 31. 1833 Mar. 9. L.C.: New York Daily Sentinel, 1830 Dec. 7, 8, o1, I5, 18, 22, 23. 1831 Mar. 8. 1832 Oct. 2. SERPENT, 1835 Hudson, p. 487; North, p. 98. "The Irishman, the Independent Press, the Citizen, the True Sun, the Serpent.... all penny papers that started after or about the time the Herald came forth, are either dead or dying."-Morning Herald, New York, N.Y., 1835 July 22, page 2, col. 3. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1835-1836, I836 -1837. No issues located. NEW YORK SHAMROCK, see SHAMROCK FOR THE COUNTRY SHAMROCK FOR THE COUNTRY, 1823-I824.-News for Irish immigrants 1823 Oct. 6 (Vol. II no. 53) first issue located, title changed in the two other issues located to, NEW YORK SHAMROCK, 1824 July 17, 24. The paper was published on Monday, 1823 issue located, and Saturday, 1824 issues. Publishers: Michael Toohey & Co., 1823; Michael Toohey, 1824. N.Y.H.S.: 1823 Oct. 6. L.C.: 1824 July 17, 24. NEW YORK SHIPPING AND COMMERCIAL LIST, 182o-I85o+.Commercial and shipping news 1820 Jan. 4-Sept. 8, title changed to, TURNER'S NEW YORK SHIPPING & COMMERCIAL LIST, 1820 Sept. I2-1823 Dec. 31, title changed to, 90 Bibliographical Society of America SHIPPING AND COMMERCIAL LIST, 1824 Jan. 3-1825 Dec. 31, title changed to, SHIPPING AND COMMERCIAL LIST AND NEW YORK PRICE CURRENT, 1826 Jan. 4-1850 Dec. 28+. Semi-weekly (Tues. and Fri. 1820-1823, Wednes. and Sat. 1824 Jan. 3-1850 Dec. 28). Indexed. Established 1815 Feb. 21, with the title of General Shipping & Commercial List. Publishers: Charles Turner and Co., I820 Jan. 7-1823 Sept. 23; Charles Turner, 1823 Sept. 26-Nov. 4; E. B. Clayton, 1823 Nov. 7-1824 Feb. 4; Wakeman Burritt and E. B. Clayton, 1824 Feb. 7-1847 Mar. 20; E. B. Clayton 1847 Mar. 24-May 29; Francis Burritt 1847 June 5-June 12. Francis Burritt and the widow and daughters of Wakeman Burritt, 1847 June 16-1850 Oct. 2. Francis Burritt, the widow and daughters of Wakeman Burritt, James W. Auten, John G. Auten, and William O. E. Bourne, 1850 Oct. 5-Dec. 28. N.Y.P.L.: (Tide varies), 1820 Jan. 7-1850 Dec. 28+. N.Y.H.S.: (Tide varies), 1821 Jan. 3-Dec. 28. 1824 Jan. 7-1850 Dec. 28+. L.C.: (Tite varies), 1820 Jan. 4-Sept. 8, 12-1823 Dec. 31. 1824 Jan. 3-1845 Dec. 31. 1847 Jan. 2-1850 Dec. 28+. EVENING SIGNAL, 1839-1841.-Independent 1839 Oct. 12 (Vol. I no. I)-1841, latter part of year or early part of 1842. Daily. Editors: Park Benjamin, Rufus W. Griswold, 1839 Oct. 12-1840 Jan.; Park Benjamin 1840 Jan.-July 30, or a few weeks later; Park Benjamin, Epes Sargent, 1840 Nov. 6. Publisher: Jonas Winchester. This title is listed in New York City Directory of 1841-1842, but not after. N.Y.H.S.: 1839 Oct. i2-Dec. 31. 1840 Jan. 2-Oct. 17. A.A.S.: 1839 Oct. 12-1840 Feb. 20 (one leaf), July 30, Nov. 6. L.C.: 1839 Oct. 12-1840 Apr. 18. SKANDINAVIA, 1847.-Danish interests 1847 Jan. 15 (Vol. I no. 1)-1847 Apr. 15 (no. 6), extent of issues located. Printed in Danish. Semi-monthly. Publisher: A. F. Kindberg. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1847-1848, 1848-1849. A.A.S.: 1847 Jan. 15, Apr. 15. SOBER SECOND THOUGHT, I 844.-Democratic 1844 June 8 (Vol. I no. I)-1844 Nov. 23, or possibly Nov. 30, last issue published. Weekly. Published for the presidential campaign of New York City Newspapers, 1820-1850 91 I844. Editor and publisher: Daniel E. Sickles. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1845-1846. N.Y.P.L.: 1844 July 13-Aug. 24, Sept. 7-Oct. 5, 26. A.A.S.: 1844 May 18 (Prospectus number). L.C.: 1844 Oct. 5. (An extra issue containing speech of Mr. Wright of New York on the tariff, delivered in U.S. Senate, Apr. 19 and 23, I844.) NEW YORK SPECTATOR, 1820-I850o+.-National Republican, 1820-1834, Whig, 1835-1850. 1820 Jan. 4-1850+. Semi-weekly edition of COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. The publication days vary, as follows: Published, Tues. and Fri., I820 Jan. 4-1832 July 17; Mon. and Thurs., 1832 July 19-1836 Dec. 29; Tues. and Fri., 1837 Jan. 3-Apr. I; Mon. and Thurs., 1837 Apr. 13-1840 Aug. 17; Wednes. and Sat., 1840 Aug. 19-1847 Dec. 11. Mon. and Thurs., 1847 Dec. 13-1850 Dec. 30. Editors: Zacariah Lewis and Francis Hall, 1820 Jan. 2-Apr. 10; William Leete Stone and Francis Hall, 1820 Apr. 11-1844 Aug. I5; Francis Hall and John B. Hall, 1844 Aug. 16-1850 Dec. 30+. Publishers: Zacariah Lewis and Francis Hall, 1820 Jan. 2-Apr. 10; Francis Hall and Co., 1820 Apr. 11-1844 Aug. 15; John B. Hall and Francis Hall, 1844 Aug. 16 -1850 Dec. 30+. N.Y.P.L.: 1820-25. 1827-35 (a few gaps). 1836 Apr. 4, 25, Sept. 15, 26. 1837 Jan. 27, July 24, 30. 1838 Mar. 19, Apr. 9, May 1o, 24-28, Oct. I, 15, Nov. 8. 1840 Sept. 9. 1841 June 9, 19. 1848 Oct. 5. N.Y.H.S.: 1820-I85o+. A.A.S.: 1821, Aug. 24 Sept. 7, 25-1823 Dec. 30. 1824 Aug. 3. 1825 May 13. 1826 Jan. 4-Dec. 29. 1827 June 29, July 24, Sept. 7. 1828 Jan. 4, II. 1833 Oct. 3-1835 Dec. 31. 1837 Dec. 4-1850 Dec. 30. L.C.: 1820 Jan. 4-1825 Dec. 31. 1826 Jan. 31-1830 Feb. 12, Oct. 27. 1833 Mar. 14. 1840 Oct. 7. 1843 Mar. II. SPIRIT oF '76, I835.-Native American or Democratic American party 1835 July 29 (Vol. I no. 82)-I835 Oct. 6, last issue located. Daily. Price, one cent. Publisher: U. C. Watson. A weekly edition for the country announced in daily issues, but no copies of this weekly located. This title not listed in New York City Directory, 1836-1837. A.A.S.: 1835 July 29, Aug. 4, 24-27, Sept. I, 3-11, 15, 16, 19-26, Oct. I, 5, 6. (Each issue, a single sheet.) 92 Bibliographical Society of America SPIRIT oF SEVENTY-SIX, 1840.-Democratic American party 1840 Dec. 12 (Vol. I no. 6), only issue located. Frequency of publication not given. This paper is strongly anti-foreigner. Editor: J. Dyett. Publisher: E. Barnett. Not listed in New York City Directory of 1841-1842. L.C.: 1840 Dec. 12. SPLIFINCATOR, 1836.-General (see announcement.) 1836 Aug. 13 (Vol. I no. 5), 1836 Aug. 27 (Vol. I no. 7), 1836 Sept. 3 (Vol. I no. 8), are the only issues located. Weekly (Saturday). Price, one cent. Published at 70 Bowery. "A newspaper embellished with comic engravings and devoted to mirth and sarcasm."-Announcement in this paper. Names of editors and publishers not found. Title not listed in New York City Directories of this period. N.Y.P.L.: 1836 Aug. 13, Sept. 3. N.Y.H.S.: 1836 Aug. 27. SPLINIFICATOR, 1845. Hudson, p. 488; North, p. 99. No issues located. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1845-1846, 1846-1847. NEW-YORKER STAATS-ZEITUNG, 1834-I85o0+.-Democratic 1834 Dec. 24 or 31 (Vol. I no. I according to numbering on later issues)-I850 Dec. 28 (Vol. XVI no. 52)+. Weekly (Wednes., then Sat. commencing 1842 Aug. 13. There was also a tri-weekly edition, size, 12 by 17 inches, published on Mon., Wednes., and Fri. Only issues located of this are 1842 Aug. 12 (Vol. IX no. 4)-1843 Dec. 18 (Vol. X no. 63). Editors: G. A. Neumann's name appears as editor of 1836 Dec. 21 issue, and he may have been editor from the beginning of paper in I834. He continued as editor till 1848 July I5; G. Dietz and G. A. Neumann, 1848 July 22-1850 Jan. 19; names of editors not given in the paper for balance of the year. Publishers: NEW-YORKER STAATS-ZEITUNG was founded by a number of German American business men, who thought the time was ripe for a newspaper published in the interests of Germans in the United States. C. Braker headed these German Americans, as publisher and proprietor. Briiker sold the paper to G. A. Neumann, 1837 Feb. 8, and he continued as publisher to 1843 Dec. 18. Next issue located is for 1846 Jan. 3 and New York City Newspapers, z82o--85o 93 on this the name of Jacob Uhl appears as publisher, continuing to 185o+. Office of New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung, 22 No. William St., New York, N.Y., has following files. Weekly edition: 1836 Dec. 21-1837 Dec. 13. 1839 Dec. 18-1840 Nov. 25, Dec. 16, 23, 30. 1841 Jan. 6-1842 Dec. 31. 1846 Jan. 3-Dec. 26. 1848 Jan. I-I85o Dec. 28+. Tri-weekly edition: 1842 Aug. 12 (Vol. IX no. 4)-1843 Dec. 18 (Vol. X no. 63). A.A.S.: 1836 Apr. 20. STANDARD, 1827-1830.-Democratic 1827 (exact date of establishment not found). Presumably a daily. It was merged with NEW YORK MORNING HERALD under title of NEW YORK STANDARD, 1830 Sept. 13, being Vol. I no. I of the combined papers. Editor and publisher: John I. Mumford. See NEW YORK STANDARD, and also Hudson, p. 323. NEW YORK STANDARD, 1830-1 834.-Democratic NEW YORK MORNING HERALD and the STANDARD, New York, N.Y., united under this title. 1830 Sept. 13 (Vol. I no. I)-1834 May 5 (Vol. IV no. 208), last issue published. Daily. The semi-weekly edition had the title, NEW YORK STANDARD AND STATESMAN, q.v. Editors: John I. Mumford, 1830 Sept. 13-1833 June 28, when Henry Hone became associate editor; Mumford and Hone continued till 1833 Oct. 9; Henry Hone, editor, 1833 Oct. Io-I834 May 5. Publishers: John I. Mumford, 1830 Sept. 13-1833 June 28, when Henry Hone became publisher. Hone continued as publisher to 1834 May 5. N.Y.H.S.: 1830 Sept. 13-1834 Feb. 28. 1842 Nov. 8, 17. L.C.: 1832 Jan. 2-1834 May 5. NEW YORK STANDARD, 1840-1842.-Democratic Apparently a revival of paper of same name, published 1830 Sept. 13-I834 May 5. 1840 Sept. I (Vol. I no. I according to numbering on later issues)-i 842 Nov. 17 (Vol. IV, no. 687), last issue located. Daily. Editor and publisher: John I. Mumford.,Not listed in New York City Directory, 1843-1844. See also, NEW YORK STANDARD, 1844. (Weekly.) N.Y.P.L.: 1840 Sept. 28 (Vol. I no. 24). N.Y.H.S.: 1842 Nov. 8, 17. L.C.: 1840 Dec. I5. 1841 Jan. I5, Feb. I, 2. 94 Bibliographical Society of America NEW YORK STANDARD, 1844.-Democratic 1844 May 25 (Vol. I no. 24), only issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Editor: John I. Mumford. Printer: J. Layden. Published in support of Gen. Lewis Cass (Democrat) as a candidate for president. According to an announcement in paper, it is to be published Saturday morning of each week and daily if sufficiently encouraged. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1844-1845, 1845-1846. L.C.: 1844 May 25. NEW YORK STANDARD AND STATESMAN, I83o-I834.-Democratic 1830 Sept. 17 (Vol. I no. I)-1834 May 2, last issue published. Semiweekly edition of NEW YORK STANDARD (Tues. and Fri.). N.Y.H.S.: 1830 Sept. 17-1831 Sept. 13. 1832 Sept. 4-1834 Jan. 3-Feb. 25, Apr. 15. A.A.S.: 1830 Oct. 19, Dec. 3, 7. 1831 Jan. 4, Feb. 5, 21, 22, Sept. 7, 9, Nov. 8. 1832 Jan. 18, Feb. 28, Apr. 13, May 15, Sept. 28, Nov. 22. 1833 May 10. 1834 Apr. 21, 25, 29. L.C.: 1831 May 3, June Io, Nov. 15. 1832 Apr. 3, June 5, Aug. 1o. EVENING STAR, 1833-I840.-Whig 1833 Sept. 25 (Vol. I no. I)-1840 Aug. 29. Daily. United with TIMES AND COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCER, New York, N.Y., under title of NEW YORK TIMES AND EVENING STAR, 1840 Aug. 31. See TIMES AND COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCER. EVENING STAR, FOR THE COUNTRY. Published Semi-weekly (Tues. and Fri.). Editor: Mordecai Manuel Noah. Publishers: Mordecai Manuel Noah and Thomas Gill. N.Y.P.L.: Evening Star (Daily). 1833 Sept. 26-1834 Mar. 31. Evening Star, For the Country (Semi-weekly), 1833 Nov. 19-Dec. 31. 1834 Jan. 3-May 13, 20-30, June 6-13, 20-24, July I-II, 18, 25-29, Aug. 5-15, 22-Oct. 17, 24-Dec. 12, 19-30. 1835 Jan. 2, 9-Feb. 20, 27. N.Y.H.S.: Evening Star (Daily), 1833 Sept. 27-1834 Sept. 24. 1836 Sept. 26 -1840 Aug. 29. Evening Star, For the Country (Semi-weekly), 1837 Sept. 26-1839 Sept. 24. A.A.S.: Evening Star (Daily), 1833 Oct. 10. 1834 May 3. 1835 May 17, Nov. 7, Dec. 18-21, 23, 28-30. 1836 Jan. 12, 13, 25, 26, 29, 30-Feb. 2, 5, 6, 8, 19, 24, 26, Mar. 18, 22, 25, May 6, Oct. 1o. 1837 Apr. 26, Oct. 3. 1838 Nov. 17-Dec. 31. 1839 Apr. 2, 6. Evening Star, For the Country (Semi-weekly), 1834 Jan. o1, Feb. 14, 18, 25. 1835 Apr. 3, 71, 1, I2, 21, May 5, June 16, 23, 26, Sept. 25, Dec. I. L.C.: Evening Star (Daily), 1833 Oct. 8. New York City Newspapers, 1820-1850 95 MORNING STAR, I834.-General news and literature 1834 Mar. 21 (no. I) [issue of 1834 Mar. 24 is also marked no. I]1834 May I (no. 33), last issue located. Daily. Publishers: Lincoln and Simmons, 1834 Mar. 2I-Apr. 28; Charles Richmond Lincoln, 1834 Apr. 29-May I. Editor: Mordecai Manuel Noah. "The Morning Star run by Major Noah of the Evening Star."-O'Brien, Frank M., Story of the Sun, p. 84. "Major Noah was editor of the New York Sun and of the Morning Star."-Hudson, p. 287. Title not listed in New York City Directory, 1835-1836. A.A.S.: 1834 Mar. I2-May I. N.Y.H.S.: 1834 Mar. 29, Apr. 22, 23, 24. MORNING STAR, 1842 Hudson, p. 488; North, p. 99. No issues located. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1842-1843, I843-I844. STAR, 1842-1843. 1842 Jan.-I843 July (approximate dates). Weekly (Sunday). Publisher: Thaddeus W. Meighan. "Thaddeus W. Meighan, an industrious writer, started The Star in January, 1842. This was the second penny paper of this class. Its price was afterward raised to two cents. It lived about eighteen months."-Hudson, p. 339. Not listed in New York City Directories of this period. No issues located. EVENING STAR, 1845.-Democratic 1845 Sept. 18 (Vol. I no. I), only issue located. Daily. Publishers: F. A. Bonnard, A. J. Williamson, C. R. Bonnard, J. C. R. Pooler. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1846-1847. A.A.S.: 1845 Sept. 18. MORNING STAR, 1848-1850+. Abolitionist 1848 Feb. 25 (Vol. I no. I according to numbering on later issues)-.185o+. Daily. Editors and publishers: Henry L. and Edward P. Williams. This paper is devoted chiefly to literature and articles on abolition, with some news. N.Y.P.L.: 1848 Oct. 2.-Dec. 26, 28, 29, 31; 1849 Jan. 1-185o Dec. 31 (a very few gaps). 96 Bibliographical- Society of America NEW YORK STATESMAN, 1829-1830. 1829 Feb. 3 (Vol. I no. I)-1830 Sept. 14, last issue under this title. Semi-weekly edition of MORNING HERALD, published Tues. and Fri. The NATIONAL ADVOCATE, FOR THE COUNTRY and NEW YORK STATESMAN (FOR THE COUNTRY), at the time of the merging of NATIONAL ADVOCATE (daily) and NEW YORK STATESMAN (daily) [see NEW YORK STATESMAN AND EVENING ADVERTISER], under the title of NEW YORK MORNING HERALD, took the title NEW YORK STATESMAN. When NEW YORK MORNING HERALD (daily) and STANDARD (daily) New York, N.Y., were united under title of NEW YORK STANDARD (daily), 1830 Sept. 13, NEW YORK STATESMAN (semi-weekly) became NEW YORK STANDARD AND STATESMAN, q.v. N.Y.P.L.: 1830 Jan. 8-Mar. 12, I9-July 6, 13-16, 23. N.Y.H.S.: 1829 July 21. 1830 June I-Sept. 14. STATESMAN AND ADVERTISER FOR THE COUNTRY, 1822-1829. Semi-weekly edition of NEW YORK STATESMAN AND EVENING ADVERTISER. 1822 Jan. 3 (Vol. I no. I), title changed to, STATESMAN, about 1823 Mar. 3, title changed to, NEW YORK STATESMAN (FOR THE COUNTRY), about 1828 Aug. 27-1829 Jan. 31, last issue under this title. Publication days vary: 1822 Jan. 3-latter part 1823 or early part Jan. 1824, Mon. and Thurs.; 1824 Jan. 23-1828 June 13, Tues. and Fri.; 1828 June 18-1829 Jan. 31, Wednes. and Sat. NEW YORK STATESMAN (FOR THE COUNTRY) and NATIONAL ADVOCATE, FOR THE COUNTRY combined under title, NEW YORK STATESMAN, q.v. N.Y.H.S.: Statesman, 1823 Mar. 3, lo, 17, Apr. 3, 7, 10, 17,21, 28, May I, 19, 28, June 2, 5, 9, 12, 15, 19, 26. 1824 Jan. 23, Dec. 17, 21, 24, 28, 31. 1825 Jan. 4-I827 Dec. 28. 1828 June 3-Aug. 20. New York Statesman (For the Country), 1828 Aug. 27-Dec. 31, A.A.S.: Statesman, 1828 July 2. L.C.: Statesman and Advertiser For the Country. 1822 Feb. 7, Apr. 4. Statesman, 1823 June 2, Sept. 10. 1824 Feb. 13, May 3, July 2, Nov. 5. 1827 Jan. 5-Dec. 12 (a few missing). NEW YORK STATESMAN AND EVENING ADVERTISER, 1822 -I829.-Democratic This paper was formed by the merging of NEW YORK STATESMAN, published in Albany, N.Y., with the NEW YORK EVENING JOURNAL New York City Newspapers, 1820-1850 97 AND PATRON OF INDUSTRY, New York, N.Y. The paper thus formed was the leading exponent for protection of American industries. It purported to be independent in politics, but had a leaning toward Democratic Republican party which in 1824 became the Democratic party. 1822 Jan. 2 (Vol. I no. I)-I823 Feb. 28, title changed to, NEW YORK STATESMAN, 1823 Mar. 1-1829 Jan. 31 (Vol. VIII no. 26), Daily. United with NATIONAL ADVOCATE, New York, N.Y., under title of NEW YORK MORNING HERALD, q.v. Editors and publishers: Nathaniel H. Carter and George W. Prentiss. Semi-weekly edition has title, STATESMAN AND ADVERTISER FOR THE COUNTRY, q.v. N.Y.P.L.: New York Statesman. 1825 Mar. II, Oct. 21, Nov. 5, 8. 1826 Apr. Ii, May 19, July 8, Oct. 25, 30. N.Y.H.S.: New York Statesman and Evening Advertiser. 1822 July 1-1823 Feb. 28. New York Statesman. I823 Mar. 1-1829 Jan. 31. L.C.: New York Statesman and Evening Advertiser. 1822. Jan. 2-1823 Feb. 28. New York Statesman. 1823 Mar. 1-1826 Dec. 30. 1827 Mar. 28, Sept. 18. 1828 May 13, July 7 (mutilated), Aug. 16 (mutilated). 1829 Jan. 31. SUBTERRANEAN, 1843-1847.-Labor 1843 May 27 (Vol. I no. I)-I844 Oct. 5. 1844 Oct. 12-Dec. 21, this paper was united with the WORKING MAN'S ADVOCATE, title was, SUBTERRANEAN UNITED WITH THE WORKING MAN'S ADVOCATE, 1844 Oct. 12-Nov. 9, title changed to, SUBTERRANEAN AND THE WORKING MAN'S ADVOCATE, 1844 Nov. I6-Dec. 21, title changed to, SUBTERRANEAN, 1844 Dec. 28-1847 Nov. 27, last issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Editors: Mike Walsh, 1843 May 27-1844 Oct. 5; Mike Walsh and George Henry Evans, 1844 Oct. 12-Dec. 21; Mike Walsh, 1844 Dec. 28-1847 Oct. 9. Publishers: Mike Walsh, 1843 May 27-1844 Oct. 5; Mike Walsh and George Henry Evans, 1844 Oct. 12-Dec. 21; Mike Walsh 1844 Dec. 28-1845 Nov. 8; L. N. Carr, 1845 Nov. 15-1847 Oct. 9; Corbett and McNally, 1847 Oct. i6-Nov. 27. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1848-1849. See also WORKING MAN'S ADVOCATE. N.Y.P.L.: 1845 May 24-1847 May 22. N.Y.H.S.: 1845 May 24-June 28, July 12-Dec. 27. 1846 Jan. 3-Dec. 26. 1847 Jan. 2-May 22, June 5-Nov. 27. L.C.: 1847 Jan. 30. 98 Bibliographical Society of America SUBTERRANEAN AND THE WORKING MAN'S ADVOCATE, see SUBTERRANEAN. SUBTERRANEAN UNITED WITH THE WORKING MAN'S ADVOCATE, see SUBTERRANEAN. SUN, 1833-1850+.-Democratic but anti-slavery 1833 Sept. 3 (Vol. I no. I)-I84o Apr. II (Sat.), title changed to, NEW YORK SUN, 1840 April 13 (Mon.)-I840 Sept. 28, title changed to, SUN, 1840 Sept. 29-I850+. First successful one-cent daily published in New York City. SUN, appearing on Saturdays and intended for circulation in the country districts, was first published in 1836 Feb. and continued to 1850+. The title varies. See files listed below. EVENING SUN was issued 1850 July-Dec. This paper carried no advertising. AMERICAN SUN, first published in 1848, was intended for consumption abroad. Editors and publishers: Benjamin Henry Day, editor and publisher, 1833 Sept. 3-1834 Jan., when George W. Wisner, who had been assistant editor, became his co-partner. In August, 1835, Day became again sole proprietor and so continued till June 28, 1838, when Moses Yale Beach became proprietor and publisher. On Oct. 22, 1845, Moses Sperry Beach and Alfred Ely Beach were taken in as partners by their father (Moses Yale). Moses Yale Beach retired in Dec. 1848, his sons becoming proprietors and publishers. On April 6, 1852, Alfred Ely Beach withdrew, and Moses Sperry Beach became sole proprietor. Richard Adams Locke, author of the famous "moon hoax," the first instalment of which appeared in the SUN of August 21, 1835, was a reporter on this paper from Aug. 1835 to Oct. 1836. The "balloon hoax" written by Edgar Allan Poe appeared in the SUN of Apr. 13, I844, but Poe was not a member of the editorial staff. See O'Brien, Frank M., Story of the Sun (New York, 1928), for complete history of this paper from 1833-1928. No complete file of either the daily or weekly SUN has been located. Issues located very much scattered as to date. N.Y.P.L.: Sun (Daily), 1833 Sept. 3-1836 Jan. I, July 4. 1837 June I. 1838 Jan. 26, Oct. 5. 1839 Mar. 27, 28, Apr. 29, May 9, 18, June 12, 26, Aug. o1, 16, 17, 31, July 12, 20, 23, 28, Dec. ii. 1849 Aug. I1. N.Y.H.S.: Sun (Daily), 1833 Sept. 3 (fac.) Nov. II, I5, Dec. 6, 12, 20, 22-24, 28 - New York City Newspapers, 1820-1850 99 31. 1834 Jan. 8-9, II-Dec. 31. 1835 Jan. I-Aug. 16, 18-31. 1836 Jan. IS-Feb. 22, 24 -Mar. I, 3-30, Apr. i-June 29, July 6 (half sheet), July 15, 26. I837 Mar. 25, Apr. 18, May 6. 1839 Feb. 25. 1840 Dec. 7 (extra). 1845 June 24 (half sheet). Sun. Weekly, 1843 Jan. 14, Mar. 4. 1847 June 5. New York Weekly Sun, 1848 Jan. I-June 3. Sun. Weekly, 1848 June Io-1849 Mar. 17. New York Weekly Sun, 1849 Mar. 24-1849 Dec. 29. A.A.S.: Sun (Daily), 1833 Sept. 3 (fac.). 1834 Apr. 4, May 29, June 20. I835 Dec. 19 (extra). 1836 June 5, Aug. 12, Oct. 11. 1837 Oct. 30, Dec. 6. 1838 May 7, 19, Aug. 22, Dec. 5 (extra). 1839 June io, July 29, Sept. o1 (extra), Dec. 26 (extra). 1840 Jan. 20, Mar. 18, Apr. I, Oct. 24, Dec. 7 (extra). 1841 Jan. 6 (extra), Feb. 16, Apr. II (extra), Apr. 13, May 8 (extra). 1842 May 19 (extra), Dec. 8 (extra). 1843 Feb. 7, 24, June 21. 1844 Apr. II, 12, 13 (extra). 1845 Mar. 24, May 3, 5, June 28, Nov. 4. 1846 June 13 (extra), Nov. 29 (extra). 1847 New Year's issue, June 8. 1848 Sept. 10 (extra). 1850 Oct. 12, Nov. 9, Dec. 14, 21. Sun (Weekly edition, title varies). 1841 May I5 -Sept. 4, Oct. 9, 16. 1843 July I. 1847 Oct. 2-1848 Oct. 28. 1850 Feb. 9, Mar. 2, 9, 30, May 4, July 13-27, Sept. 7. L.C.: Sun (Daily), 1833 Sept. 3-I835 Aug. 31. 1839 Jan. I-Dec. 31. 1843 July 14. 1845 Jan. 14-1847 Dec. 30. 1849 Jan. 1-1850 Dec. 31+. Sun. Country Edition (Weekly), 1838 Dec. 15-1839 Nov. 23. Sun. Weekly, 1840 Feb. 15-1842 Apr. 9 (a few missing), 1846 Oct. 17. New York Weekly Sun, 1849 Jan. 2. SUNDAY AGE, 1844. "The Sunday Age, in which Grattan, the actor, and Thaddeus W. Meighan were interested, came into life, but soon disappeared from the footlights" [date circa 1844.]-Hudson, p. 340. "The Age," 1844, Grattan and Meighan. French, J. H., Gazetteer of the state of New York, p. 442. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1844-1845, 1845-1846. No issues located. SUNDAY COURIER, 1834. "Another Sunday Courier was established in 1834. It was issued by John Tryon.... James Gordon Bennett owned the Courier at one time."-Hudson, p. 338. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1834-1835, 1835-I836. No issues located. The first Sunday paper with "Courier" in title was NEW YORK COURIER. SUNDAY COURIER, 1845. "The third Sunday Courier was born in I845. It was edited by Thomas L. Nichols."-Hudson, p. 340. No issues located. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1845-1846, 1846-1847. I00 Bibliographical Society of America SUNDAY COURIER, 1848-1850+.-Popular literature, general news 1849 July 29 (Vol. II no. 26), 1852 Apr. 25 (Vol. V no. ii), are the only two issues located. "The fourth Sunday Courier made its appearance in 1848. It was published by Smith, Adams, and Smith. Harry Franco Briggs and John E. Durivage were its editors."Hudson, p. 340. Publishers: Smith, Adams, and Smith, 1849; Smith, Bangs and Co., 1852. N.Y.H.S.: 1849 July 29. A.A.S.: 1852 Apr. 25. SUNDAY DISPATCH, 1847-I85o.-General news, popular literature 1847 Sept. 26 (Vol. II no. 43), only issue located. Weekly. Editors and publishers: Amor J. Williamson and William Burns. Listed in New York City Directories, through 185 I-i852. A.A.S.: 1847 Sept. 26. SUNDAY GLOBE, 1843. "Two actors, named Anderson and Conway, bought [brought?] out the Sunday Globe in 1843. It was a star engagement only."-Hudson, p. 339. No issues located. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1843-1844, 1844-1845. SUNDAY HERALD, see MORNING HERALD. SUNDAY KNICKERBOCKER, 1843-1844. "Then (about 1843 or 1844) Mike Walsh and Enoch E. Camp produced the Sunday Knickerbocker."-Hudson, p. 339. No issues located. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1844-1845, 1845 -1846. SUNDAY MERCURY, 1839-1850+. General news, popular literature Former title of this paper, SUNDAY MORNING VISITER, q.v. 1839 Oct. 27 (Vol. I no. 25, first issue with title, SUNDAY MERCURY)-I85o+. Weekly. Publishers: E. G. Paige, J. H. Wilson, John L. Brown, 1839 Oct. 27-Nov. 24; E. G. Paige, J. H. Wilson, I839 Dec. 1-1840 Jan. 26; E. G. Paige, J. H. Wilson, Samuel Nichols, 1840 Feb. 2-Aug. New York City Newspapers, 1820-1850 I0I 16; E. G. Paige, Samuel Nichols, 1840 Aug. 23-1842 Jan. 16; Paige, Nichols, and A. H. Krauth, 1842 Jan. 23-1848 Jan. 2. Editors: E. G Paige, Samuel Nichols. Issues later than 1850 of this paper located, but none for 1849 and 185o. N.Y.H.S.: 1841 July 4. 1842 Jan. 16, 23. 1848 Jan. 2. A.A.S.: 1839 Oct. 27-1841 Oct. 17. 1843 July 20, Nov. 16. 1844 Mar. 31, Apr. 7, 14, 28, May 5. 1847 Dec. 12, 19. L.C.: I841 Jan. 3-Dec. 19. SUNDAY MORNING ATLAS, I838-i85o+.-Literature and general news 1838 Aug. 12 (Vol. I no. I)-1841 (exact date not found), title changed to, ATLAS, 184I-I85o+. Weekly. Editors and publishers: Anson Herrick, Jesse A. Fell, 1838 Aug. 12-19; Herrick, Fell, Frederick West, 1838 Aug. 26-Oct. 21; Herrick, West, John F. Ropes, 1838 Oct. 28; West withdrew about 1850. N.Y.P.L.: 1838 Aug. 12-1839 Aug. 4. N.Y.H.S.: I840 Mar. 8, 22, Apr. 12, 26, May 10, 17, 24, June 7, 21, 28, July 5, 19, 26-Oct. II. 1845 Feb. 23. 1850 Mar. 24. 1853 Dec. 4. A.A.S.: 1838 Aug. 12-1840 Oct. 4, 18-1841 May 30, Sept. 26, Oct. Io. 1842 June 5-Dec. 25. L.C.: 1844 Mar. 31, May 5. 1848 June 25, Sept. 3. Atlas Picture Gallery, 1840. (Containing wood-cuts of New York City types with descriptions in rhyme.) NEW YORK SUNDAY MORNING BULLETIN, 1843.-Literature, general, and commercial news 1843 Mar. 19 (Vol. I no. I), only issue located. Weekly. "A new Sunday Journal of Literature and Commercial and Political News."Announcement in this paper. Editor: Horatio S. Bartlett. Publishers: Thompson and Marrill. Title appears in New York City Directory, 1843-1844, but not after. N.Y.H.S.: 1843 Mar. I9. SUNDAY MORNING HERALD, see MORNING HERALD. SUNDAY MORNING NEWS, 1835-I843.-General news and literature 1835 May 17 (Vol. I no. I)-1836 May I (or May 8), title changed to, NEW YORK SUNDAY MORNING NEWS, 1836 May 8 (or May i5) 102 Bibliographical Society of America 1837 May 7, title changed to, SUNDAY MORNING NEWS, 1837 May 14-1843 Jan. I (approximate date). Weekly. One of the first newspapers to use wood-cuts. "Devoted to literature, political information, commercial intelligence et cetera."-Statement in this paper. Title appears in New York City Directory, 1842-1843, but not after. Editors and publishers: Samuel Jenks Smith, 1835 May 17-1839 Apr. 28; McLachlan, Stephens and Russell of 1842 May 22 issue; not found for other issues of paper. "It [Morning News] finally passed into the hands of Russell Jarvis, of the Philadelphia Public Ledger. Its day of publication was changed from Sunday to Saturday. Then it died."-Hudson, p. 338. N.Y.P.L.: 1835 May 17-1840 Feb. 16. N.Y.H.S.: 1836 July 3, Oct. 9, Nov. 13, 20. 1837 Dec. 1o. A.A.S.: 1835 May 17, July 12, Aug. 2. 1836 Mar. 7, 27, Sept. 18, Oct. 2, 9, Dec. 25, 1838 May 20, June io, Aug. 5-Sept. 2, 23, Nov. 4, 18, 25, Dec. 30. 1839 Jan 20, Feb. 17-Mar. 10, 24, Apr. 7, 14, 28, May 6, June 7-July 5, Sept. 22, Nov. 24, Dec. i. L.C.: 1835 May 17-1836 May 8. 1842 May 22. SUNDAY MORNING NEWS, 1847-1850. This title is listed in New York City Directory (John Doggett, Jr.) for 1847-1848, with Thomas R. Whitney as editor, and publication office, 35 Ann St. In this directory for 1848-1849, the same entry appears, except that publication office is given as 99 Nassau St. This title does not appear in Doggett's 1849-1850 directory, but in all probability was unintentionally omitted. This title appears in the I850-1851 directory with Whitney and West as persons responsible for paper, and publication office, 99 Nassau St. Directory for 1851 -1852, H. L. Williams, 102 Nassau St. No issues located. SUNDAY MORNING VISITER, I839.-General news and popular literature 1839 May 12 (Vol. I no. I)-1839 Oct. 20 (Vol. I no. 24). Weekly. Title changed to SUNDAY MERCURY, q.v. Publishers: E. G. Paige, J. H. Wilson, John L. Brown. A.A.S.: 1839 May 12-Oct. 20. SUNDAY NEWS, 1847. French, J. H., Gazetteer of the state of New York, p. 447 - New York City Newspapers, 1820-185o I03 SUNDAY NEWS OR EXTRA; 1848. (Approximate date.) Hudson, p. 340. Mr. Hudson gives no date for this title. The date might be any time between 1847 and 185o. SUNDAY PACKET, 1839.-General news and popular literature 1839 July 7 (Vol. II no. 7), only issue located. Weekly. Published every Sunday by the proprietors. (Names not given in paper.) Office 21 Ann St. SUNDAY PACKET AND EXAMINER, 21 Ann St., listed in New York City Directory, 1839-1840. Not listed in directory for I840-41. Yale Univ. Library: Sunday Packet. 1839 July 7. SUNDAY PACKET AND EXAMINER, see SUNDAY PACKET. SUNDAY TIMES, 184I-I843.-General news 1841 July (?), established,-I843 July (?). Weekly. In July, 1843, united with NOAH'S WEEKLY MESSENGER under title of SUNDAY TIMES AND NOAH'S WEEKLY MESSENGER, q.v. Editors: William J. Snelling (died about one year after becoming editor), Walter Whitman. Publishers: John Dillon and John M. Moore. A.A.S.: 1841 Sept. 26, Oct. 17, Nov. 21, 28. 1842 Feb. 13. SUNDAY TIMES AND NOAH'S WEEKLY MESSENGER, 1843 -i85o+.-General news, popular literature 1843 July (?)-185o+. Weekly. Editor: Mordecai Manuel Noah. Publishers: Noah, Deans, and Howard. N.Y.P.L.: 1846 July 26. N.Y.H.S.: 1847 Jan. 3-185o+. A.A.S.: 1844 Mar. 31, May 5. I845 May 18, 25, Aug. 3, Sept. 14, 23. 1847 Apr. 4. 1850 July 28-Dec. 29. L.C.: 1846 Feb. 22. SYLVESTER'S REPORTER, BEING A WEEKLY REPORT OF LOTTERIES, BANK NOTES, BROKEN BANKS, STOCKS &C., 1830-1848. 1830 Dec. 2 (no. 34)-1848 No. 27 is extent of the very broken file located. Weekly (Thursday). (Monday, July 1847.) Editor and publisher: S. J. Sylvester. Not listed in New York City Directory, I849-I850. The following changes of title occur in the issues located: 1831 Feb. 3, has title, SYLVESTER'S REPORTER AND COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR; 1833 Oct. 17, has title, SYLVESTER'S REPORTER, COUNTER 104 Bibliographical Society of America FEIT DETECTOR, NEW YORK PRICES CURRENT, AND GENERAL ADVERTISER; 1847 July 26, has title, S. J. SYLVESTER'S REPORTER, etc.; 1848 Nov. 27, has title, S. J. SYLVESTER'S REPORTER, COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR, NEW YORK PRICES CURRENT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. Not listed in New York City Directory 1849-185o. N.Y.P.L.: 1848 Nov. 27. A.A.S.: 1830 Dec. 2. 1831 Feb. 3. 1833 Oct. 17, Dec. 26. 1834 May 29, Sept. 18. I847 July 26, Oct. II (extra). EVENING TATTLER, 1839-1842.-Independent, much space devoted to popular literature 1839 July 8 (Vol. I no. I)-1840 Feb. (?), united with MORNING DISPATCH, New York, N.Y., under title of, DISPATCH AND TATTLER (1840 Feb. 18 issue has this title), title changed to EVENING TATTLER, (about) 1840 May 18-1842 June 25, last issue located. Daily. Price, one cent. Weekly edition, had title BROTHER JONATHAN, q.v. Editor: H. Hastings Weld, 1840 Feb.-i 842 June 25. Publishers: Griswold and Co., I839 July 8-1840 Feb.; Wilson and Co., 1840 Feb.-I842 (?); Dillon and Hooper, 1842 June 9-25. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1843-1844. N.Y.P.L.: Evening Tattler, 1839 July 8-26, 29-Aug. 31, Sept. 3-12, 14-21, Dispatch and Tattler, 1840 Apr. 29. Evening Tattler, 1840 May 18, 23, 3o, June 8, 10, 12, 26-27, July 7-9, IS, 30-Aug. 14, i7-Oct. 28, 30-Nov. 18, 20-Dec. 2, 4-6, 18-24, 26-31. 1841 Jan. 4-Apr. 9, 12-22, May 5-7, June 2, 4, July 28, Aug. 13, 16 -Sept. 4. N.Y.H.S.: Evening Tattler, 1839 July 8-Oct. II. Dispatch and Tattler, 1840 Mar. 7. Evening Tattler, 1841 Apr. 5. 1842 Feb. i5. A.A.S.: Evening Tattler, 1839 Sept. 3. Dispatch and Tattler, 1840 Mar. 3. Evening Tattler, 1841 Mar. 23, 24, June 21. 1842 June 9, 24, 25 (i sheet only). L.C.: Evening Tattler, I839 Aug. 27. Dispatch and Tattler, 1840 Feb. 18. TELEGRAPH, see (I) MERCHANTS' TELEGRAPH, (2) MORNING TELEGRAPH, (3) NEW YORK TELEGRAPH, M'INTYRE'S GAZETTE AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. MORNING TELEGRAPH, I845.-Independent 1845 Dec. 25 (Vol. I no. I)-I846 Dec. 18, title changed to, DAILY TELEGRAPH. 1846 Dec. 19-Dec. 23, last issue located. Editor: New York City Newspapers, 1820-1850 105 Simeon De Witt Bloodgood. Publishers: J. C. Hill and Co. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1847-1848. N.Y.H.S.: 1845 Dec. 25-31. 1846 Jan. I-Dec. 23 (a few missing numbers). NEW YORK TELEGRAPH, M'INTYRE'S GAZETTE AND GENERAL ADVERTISER, 1840.-Commercial and financial news. Many lottery advertisements 1840 May 6 (Vol. I no. o1); title is NEW YORK TELEGRAPH, McINTYRE'S BANK NOTE LIST AND PRICES CURRENT, of 1840 Oct. 15 issue (Vol. II no. 22). These two are only issues located. Weekly. Publication days vary. Publishers: Charles McIntyre and Co. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1841-1842. L.C.: 1840 May 6, Oct. 15. NEW YORK TICKLER, see MICROSCOPE AND NEW YORK TICKLER. TIMES, 1826-1827.-Commercial and marine news; politics, independent 1826 Apr. 27 (Vol. I no. I)-1827 Apr. 26 (Vol. II no. 148), last issue located. Editor and publisher: Gold S. Silliman. N.Y.P.L.: I826 Apr. 27-1827 Apr. 26. NEW YORK TIMES, 1834-1837.-Democratic 1834 May 12 (Vol. I no. I)-1837 Oct. 17 (Vol. III no. 1023), last issue published. Daily. There was also a semi-weekly edition, not located. Editors: William Holland, Edward Sanford, 1834 May 12-1835 Aug. 4; Edgar W. Davies joined editorial staff 1835 Aug. 5, these three continuing as editors, till 1837 July 14, when Sanford withdrew. Holland and Davies continued as editors till 1837 Oct. 17. Publishers: Holland and Sanford, 1834 May 12-July 18; Holland, Sanford and Davies, 1834 July 19-1837 July 14; Holland and Davies, 1837 July IS-Oct. 17. N.Y.H.S.: 1834 Aug. 6-1837 Oct. 20 (a few missing and some mutilated). L.C.: 1834 May 12-1836 Dec. 31. EVENING TIMES, 1840. Hudson, p. 488; North, p. 99. No issues located. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1840-1841, 1841-1842. Io6 Bibliographical Society of America DAILY TIMES, 1846.-American Republican (Anti-Catholic) 1846 Jan. 5 (Vol. I no. I)-1846 Feb. 16 (Vol. I no. 37), last issue published. Daily. Semi-weekly edition announced but no issues of this located. United with EVENING GAZETTE under title of GAZETTE AND TIMES, q.v. Editor: William G. King. Publisher: Henry G. EVANS. N.Y.H.S.: 1846 Jan. 5-Feb. 16. TIMES AND COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCER, I838-I84I.-Democratic but supported Clay for president of U.S. 1838 Mar. 14 (Vol. I no. 1)-I838 Oct. 20 (Sat.), title changed to NEW YORK TIMES AND COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCER, 1838 Oct. 22 (Mon.) -I840 Aug. 29 (Sat.), title changed to NEW YORK TIMES AND EVENING STAR, 1840 Aug. 31-1841 Oct. 21. Daily. A semi-weekly edition was announced but no issues of this have been located. This paper absorbed EVENING STAR, New York, N.Y., 1840 Aug. 31. The issue of NEW YORK TIMES AND EVENING STAR of Oct. 21, 1841, carries this announcement: "The Times and Star will be suspended till the first day of Nov..... when we hope it will appear in a new form. Times and Evening Star to be published weekly, till resumption of the daily publication." The daily was not resumed under this title. No issues of the weekly edition located. Probably none were published. NEW YORK TIMES AND EVENING STAR was purchased by NEW YORK COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, Nov. I, 1841, and united with it. Editor and publisher: N. T. Eldridge. He was assisted in editorship of paper by Donald MacLeod, for a few months, commencing 1839 July 23. A.A.S.: Times and Commercial Intelligencer, 1838 Mar. 14. N.Y.H.S.: Times and Commercial Intelligencer, 1838 May 7-Oct. 20. New York Times and Commercial Intelligencer, 1838 Oct. 22-1840 Aug. 29. New York Times and Evening Star, 1840 Aug. 31-1841 Oct. 21. L.C.: Times and Commercial Intelligencer, 1838 Mar. I4-Oct. 20. New York Times and Commercial Intelligencer, 1838 Oct. 22-1840 Aug. 29. New York Times and Evening Star, 1840 Aug. 31-Dec. 31. NEW YORK TIMES AND EVENING STAR, see TIMES AND COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCER EVENING TRANSCRIPT, 1834-1839.-Democratic 1834 Mar. o1 (Vol. I no. I according to numbering in later issues)1834 Apr. 9 (approximate date), title changed to, NEW YORK TRAN New York City Newspapers, 1820-185o I07 SCRIPT, 1834 Apr. io-(date not found); title was TRANSCRIPT, 1837 Apr. 27-latter part of 1838 or early in 1839; title was NEW YORK TRANSCRIPT, 1839 Feb. 2I-July 24, last issue published. (Continued as TRANSCRIPT AND WASP, q.v.) Daily. Evening till title became NEW YORK TRANSCRIPT, thereafter published in morning. The second penny newspaper published in New York City to maintain an existence. Size, 9 by II~ inches till Feb. (?) 1835, then IO2 by 14 inches. On Mar. 17, 1835, size changed to 10~ by 15~ inches. It gradually increased in size till, in 1839, it was 15 by 22 inches. TRANSCRIPT, published weekly (Saturday). 1838 June 9, only issue located. Editors: Willoughby Lynde, 1834 Mar. 10-1835 July 14 (died); William H. Attree, Dr. Asa Greene. Publishers: Billings Hayward, Willoughby Lynde, William J. Stanley, 1834 Mar. 10-1835 July 14; Hayward, Stanley and Co., 1835 July 15-1837 Aug.; William J. Stanley, publisher for a short intervening period; H. Payson and Co., 1838 Apr. 13-1839 July 24. See Bleyer, Willard G., Main currents in the history of American journalism, pp. 165-167, for interesting description of this paper. It specialized in sporting news. N.Y.P.L.: New York Transcript (Daily), 1834 May 27, Sept. 20, Oct. 8, Io-Nov. 25, 27-Dec. 31. 1835 Jan. 2, Feb. 9-1836 Apr. 30. Transcript (Daily), 1837 Aug. 2, 7-II, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25-31, Sept. 5, 7-12, I5, 16, 20, 21, 23-Oct. 2. 1838 Apr. 13, June 23. New York Transcript (Daily), 1839 Feb. 21, Mar. 26. N.Y.H.S.: Evening Transcript (Daily), 1834 Apr. 7. New York Transcript (Daily), 1834 May 14. 1835 Feb. 2-Aug. 19, 23, 25-Sept. 23, 25-Dec. 2, 6, 7, 12-15, 19-21, 23-31. 1836 Jan. I-Mar. 17, Apr. 2, Apr. 13, June 6, 8, 13, July 21. Transcript (Daily), 1837 April 27. New York Transcript (Daily), 1839 Apr. 18 (half sheet only). Transcript (Weekly), 1838 June 9. A.A.S.: New York Transcript (Daily), 1834 Sept. 25-Oct. 27. 1835 Feb. 4-Aug. 22. 1836 Jan. 15, June 8. Transcript (Daily), 1838 Oct. 4, 5. L.C.: New York Transcript (Daily), 1834 June 2-Oct. 28. 1835 Apr. 9-Dec. II. TRANSCRIPT AND WASP, I839.-Independent 1839 July 25 (Vol. I no. I), only issue located. Daily. One cent. WEEKLY TRANSCRIPT AND WASP, announced for publication on Saturdays, but no issues of this located. Editors and publishers not found. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1840-1841. L.C.: 1839 July 25. EVENING TRIBUNE, see NEW YORK TRIBUNE Io8 Bibliographical Society of America NEW YORK TRIBUNE, I84I-I85o0+.-Whig 1841 Apr. Io (Vol. I no. I)-I842 Apr. 21, title changed to NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, 1842 April 22-1850+. Daily. Price, one cent till 1842 Apr. II (Vol. II no. I) then two cents through 1850 Dec. 31. EVENING TRIBUNE, 1843 Sept. I (Vol. I no. I)-i85o+. Daily. SEMIWEEKLY TRIBUNE, 1845 May 17 (Vol. I no. I)-1847 Dec. 26 or 29, title changed to NEW YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, 1848 Jan. 2 -185o June 5, title changed to SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, 1850 June IS (approximate date)-Dec. 28+ (Wednes. and Sat.). NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, 1841 Sept. 18 (Vol. I no;. -850+ (Saturday). NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE was a continuation of the NEW YORKE'R, and also of the LOG CABIN. California and European editions of New York Tribune also published. Editors: Horace Greeley, editor-in-chief, 1841 Apr. o-I85o0+; Henry J. Raymond, asst. editor, 1841 Apr. Io-I843; Sarah Margaret Fuller, literary editor, 1844 Dec.1846 Aug.; Charles A. Dana, managing editor, 1847 Feb.-I85o+; Albert Brisbane's articles on Fourierism appeared in New York Tribune, 1841-1843. Bayard Taylor joined staff in 1849, writing travel sketches. Publishers: Horace Greeley, 1841 Apr. Io-I850+; Thomas McElrath, business manager, 1841 July 31-1850+. N.Y.P.L.: New York Tribune (Daily), 1841 Apr. Io-May 5, 12, 17, 21-July 13, IS-Sept. 12, 14-Oct. 9, 12-Dec. 2. 1842 Jan. I-Apr. 9, 11-21. New York Daily Tribune, 1842 Apr. 22-Oct. 5. 1843 Apr. Io-May 17, 19-Oct. 7. 1844 Apr. 8-29, June 1-24, 26-Apr. 5, 7-Oct. 17, 19-Dec. 31. 1845 Jan. 1-1850+. Semi-Weekly Tribune, 185o Oct. 5-30, Nov. 6-Dec. 28+. New York Weekly Tribune, 1841 Sept. i8, Oct. 16 -Dec. 1842 Jan.-May 14, 28-Nov. 19, Dec. 3-31. 1843 Jan.-Sept. 9, Nov. 18. 1844 May 4-18, Sept. 7, Nov. 2, 23-Dec. -8. 1845 Jan. 3-18, Feb. i-Mar. 8, Apr. 26-May 17, 31-July 19, Aug. 2-30, Sept. 20-Oct. 25, Nov. IS-Dec. 27. I847-I85o Nov. 30, Dec. 14-28+. N.Y.H.S.: New York Tribune (Daily), 1841 Apr. Io-July 29, 31-Dec. 20-31. 1842 Jan. I-Apr. 21. New York Daily Tribune, 1842 Apr. 22-1850 Dec. 28+. SemiWeekly Tribune, 1846 May 16-1847 Dec. 26. New York Semi-Weekly Tribune, 1848 Jan. 2-May 24. New York Weekly Tribune, 1843 Nov. 25-1845 July 19, Aug. 2-1846 Apr. 25. I85o July 13, 20. A.A.S.: New York Tribune (Daily), 1841 Apr. io (fac.) 14, May 19, June 2, 30o, July 31, Aug. 4, 23, Sept. 7, 30, Oct. II, 2.1, Nov. 27, Dec. 8, 18. 1842 Jan. 5, 12, Feb. 19, Mar. 2. New York Daily Tribune, 1842 July i, Oct. 8, 19. 1843 Jan. 12, 28, Mar. 3, I5. I844 Jan. 3, Feb. 14, Mar. 16, 18, Apr. 4, 11, 30, May 23, June II, 14, 26, Aug. New York City Newspapers, 1820-185o I09 28, 29, Sept. 26, Nov. 9 (extra), 9, 12, 21, Nov. 30, Dec. 13. 1845 Feb. 7, Apr. 17, May 30, July 7, Oct. I, Nov. 15, 18, Dec. 22. 1846 Jan. 7, io, Feb. 19, May II, 13, 14, June 18, July 16, Aug. 31-1850 Dec. 31. Semi-Weekly Tribune, 1846 Feb. 4. New York Weekly Tribune, 1841 Sept. I8-Dec. 28, 1850. L.C.: New York Tribune (Daily), 1841 Apr. 10-1842 Apr. 21. New York Daily Tribune, 1842 Apr. 22-1850 Dec. 31+. New York Semi-Weekly Tribune, 1848 Jan. 12, 15, 19, Feb. 5, Mar. 11, Apr. 12, May 17, Aug. 2, Sept. 16, 23, Oct. 21. 1849 Feb. 21, Mar. 17, May 9, 19, July 18, 21, Aug. I, 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25, 29, Sept. I, 5, 8, 12, 26, 29, Oct. 3, 6, 0o, 20, 24, 27, Nov. 6, 17, 21, 24, 28, Dec. 5, 9, 15, 19, 22, 26. 1850 Jan. 2, 5, 9, 16, 23, 30, Feb. 2, 9, 13, I6, 23, Mar. 6, 20, 23, Apr. Io, 13, 17, 20, 24, 27, May 4, 8, II, 15, June 5. Semi-Weekly Tribune, 1850 June I5, July 6, 8, Io, 20. New York Weekly Tribune, 1842 Mar. 5-1849 June 2, Nov. 17-1850+. TRIGLOT, 1829.-General news 1829 Dec. 26 (Vol. I no. 2), only issue located. Semi-weekly (Tues. and Fri.). Names of editors and publishers not found. Published at the Foreign Agency, No. 7 Nassau St. Printed for the proprietor by J. S. Smith. Yale University Library: 1829 Dec. 26. TRUE AMERICAN, 1843.-American Republican "One of the opposition elements then coming up in politics established the True American, in December, 1843. It was the organ of the American Republican, or Native American party..... It lived but a short time."-Hudson, p. 577. No issue located. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1844-1845. TRUE SUN, 1835.-Whig 1835 Jan. 22-26. Daily. This is the first newspaper of this title (there were three) published in New York City. Editor: Stephen B. Butler; Publishers: William F. Short, Henry R. Piercy. "The Irishman, the Independent Press, the Citizen, the True Sun.... all penny papers that started after or about the time the Herald came forth are either dead or dying."-Morning Herald, 1835 July 22, p. 2, col. 3. TRUE SUN, 1840-I841 (?).-Democratic 1840-1841. Daily. Exact dates of publication not found and no issues located. This is the second newspaper of this title (there were three) published in New York City. Editor and publisher: Benjamin Henry Day (founder of The Sun). Not listed in New York City Directories, IIO Bibliographical Society of America 1838-1839-1842-1843 incl. See O'Brien, Frank M., Story of the Sun (New York, 1928). TRUE SUN, 1843.-Democratic 1843 Mar. 20 (Vol. I no. 1)-1848 July 31, last issue located. Daily, Also a weekly edition, WEEKLY TRUE SUN, later title, DOLLAR WEEKLY TRUE SUN, q.v. This paper, TRUE SUN, was the third newspaper of this title (there were three in all, I820-I85o) published in New York City. This paper was established by former employees of the SUN, names not found. Editors: S. De Witt Bloodgood, 1843 -1845; William H. Dinsmore and Co., 1847 Jan. 20-Apr. 4; William H. Dinsmore and Paul Morrill, 1847 Apr. 5-1848 Feb. 21; George J. Gallagher, 1848 Feb. 22-1848 July 31; Thos. P. Kettell, associate and commercial editor, 1848 Mar. 27-July 31; some time during spring of 1848, W. D. Wallach became associate and corresponding editor, continuing till 1848 July 31. Publishers: William H. Dinsmore and Co., 1847 Jan. 20-Apr. 4; William H. Dinsmore and Paul Morrill, 1847 April 5-1848 Mar. 22; George J. Gallagher and Paul Morrill, 1848 Mar. 23-July 31. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1849 -1850. N.Y.P.L.: True Sun, 1843 Sept. 20-1844 Mar. 19. 1845 Mar. 21-Sept. 19. 1847 Jan. 20-Feb. 26, 28-May 7, 9 Apr. 29, May 1-4 July 9, 21 (23 one leaf), Aug. 9-Oct. 30, Nov. I-Dec. 24, 26-31. 1848 Jan. 1-26, 30, Feb. 1-20, 22-Apr. 6, 8-18, 2r, June 7, July 31. A.A.S.: True Sun, 1844 Sept. 28. Weekly True Sun, 1848 July I. L.C.: True Sun, 1843 July 14. NEW YORK TRUMPET, 1841.-General news 1841 Apr. 17 (Vol. I no. 36), Apr. 20 (Vol. I no. 38), are the only two issues located. Daily. A weekly announced, NEW YORK WEEKLY TRUMPET; no issues located. Editors and publishers not found. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1842-1843. L.C.: 1841 Apr. 17, Apr. 20. TRUTH, 1834.-Temperance 1834 Aug. 4 (No. 43), 1834 Aug. 27, the only two issues located. Daily. One cent. Size, 10 by 12 inches. Publishers (and probably the editors): New York City Newspapers, 182o-1850 III T. W. Butterfield and D. S. Southmayd. Not in New York City Directory, 1835-I836. N.Y.H.S.: 1834 Aug. 4, 27. TRUTH, 1841.-Independent 1841 May 3 (Vol. I no. I), only issue located. Daily. Publisher (and probably the editor): E. A. Theller. Printer: J. L. Kingsley. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1842-1843. L.C.: 1841 May 3. TRUTH TELLER, 1825-I85o0+.-Democratic 1825 Apr. 2 (Vol. I no. I)-1836 Sept. 17, last located, but paper continued to 185o+. Weekly (Saturday). Proprietor: William Denman. The name of George Pardow is added to that of Denman as proprietor in issue of Apr. 22, 1826. This title appears in New York City Directories, including 1851-1852, with William Denman's name attached. The paper is devoted chiefly to the interests of Catholics. It contains many notices requesting information about missing persons. N.Y.P.L.: 1825 Apr. 2-1833 Dec. 28 (a very few missing). A.A.S.: 1825 Apr. 2, Nov. 5. 1834 Apr. 5. 1836 July 9, Sept. 17. L.C.: 1831 Jan. 1-1832 Dec. 29. TURNER'S NEW YORK SHIPPING AND COMMERCIAL LIST, see NEW YORK SHIPPING AND COMMERCIAL LIST. TWENTY FIVE CENT PAPER, I846.-General news, popular literature 1846 Sept. 15 (Vol. I no. 4), only issue located. Monthly: Publishers. Moses Y. Beach and Sons. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1847-1848. A.A.S.: 1846 Sept. 15. THE UNCLE SAM, 1841.-General news and popular literature 1841 Sept. 18 (Vol. I no. 7), only issue located. Frequency of publication not given, but it was probably a weekly. Publisher: J. L. Kingsley. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1842-1843. A.A.S.: 1841 Sept. 18. II2 Bibliographical Society of America THE UNION, 1836.-Labor and trade unions. 1836 Apr. 21 (Vol. I no. I)-July 6 (Vol. I no. 51), last issue located. Daily. Publishers: Trades' Union of City of New York, Oramel Bingham, William Smith, Levi D. Slamm, Charles A. Davis, John B. Parks, directors. In second issue of this paper, the publishers are given as the General Trades' Union of New York and its vicinity, H. D. Bristol, agent. In nos. 8-51 incl., publishers are designated as the Trades' Unions of Albany, Troy, Newark, and New York, H. D. Bristol, agent. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1837-1838.. N.Y.P.L.: 1836 Apr. 21-July 6. UNION, 1842-1843.-Democratic 1842 July 23 (Vol. I no. I, according to numbering on later issues), 1842 Oct. 28, 29, 31, only issues located. Daily. United with AURORA, New York, N.Y., under title of NEW YORK AURORA AND UNION. See NEW YORK AURORA. Editor: Mordecai Manuel Noah. "In 1842, President Tyler, through Paul R. George, selected Mayor Noah to edit an official organ in New York, called the Union. It was a failure."-Hudson, p. 287. A.A.S.: 1842 Oct. 28, 29, 31. UNIT, I850+.-A little news. Devoted chiefly to phrenology 1850 Oct. (no. I)-Dec. (no. 3). Monthly. This is a newspaper in appearance, folio size. Editors' and publishers' names purposely omitted, according to announcement. N.Y.H.S.: i85o Oct.-Dec.+. A.A.S.: I85o. Oct., Nov. UNITED SERVICE JOURNAL, I85o.-Army, navy, and militia news 1850 Oct. 5 (Vol. I no. 16), only issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Editor: Col. W. W. Tompkins. Publishers: Tompkins and Henry. Not listed in New York City Directory, 185I-I852. A.A.S.: I850 Oct. 5. UNITED STATES JOURNAL, BANK NOTE LIST AND PRICE CURRENT, I85o.-Commercial and financial news I850 Jan. I no. 2, only issue located. Frequency of publication not indicated. Publishers: William Osborn, Albert Palmer. In New York New York City Newspapers, 182o-1850 II3 City Directory, i851-1i85 2, listed as UNITED STATES JOURNAL, Albert Palmer and Co. A.A.S.: 1850 Jan. I. UNIVERSE, 1847-185o+.-General news, popular literature 1847 Nov. 13 (Vol. II no. 49), title change occurs in next issues located, WEEKLY UNIVERSE, 1849 May 19 (Vol. IV no. 24)-I849 Oct. 6 (Vol. IV no. 44). Weekly (Saturday). Publishers: Williamson and Burns. Same title and publishers in New York City Directory, I85I-I852. "Devoted to Literature, Science, Arts, History, Biography, Anecdotes, Amusements, Adventures; and Intelligence, Metropolitan, National and Cosmopolitan."-Announcement in this paper. N.Y.P.L.: Universe. 1847 Nov. 13. A.A.S.: Weekly Universe, 1849 May I9-Oct. 6. VERDAD, 1848-I850.-Freedom for Cuba 1848 Apr. 27 (Vol. I no. 8)-i85o May 18, last issue located. Weekly. (Publication days vary.) Editor and publisher: Cora Montgomery. Each issue consists of four pages, one printed in English, the other three in Spanish. Issue of 1848 Apr. 27 is folio size. The other issues are quarto size. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1851-1852. L.C.: 1848 Apr. 27, Sept. 26, Oct. 28, Nov. 3, Nov. 30, Dec. 15, Dec. 18. i85o May 18. VOICE OF FREEDOM, 1836.-Abolitionist 1836 May (n.s. no. II), 1836 June (n.s. no. 12), only two issues located. Monthly edition of EMANCIPATOR, q.v. Editor: Rev. A. A. Phelps; published by R. G. Williams, for the American Anti-Slavery Society for free distribution. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1837 -1838. N.Y.P.L.: I836 May. N.Y.H.S.: 1836 June. WALL ST. REPORTER, 1844-185o.-Financial news 1844 July 4 (Vol. XII no. 22)-I85o Apr. 27, last issue located. Weekly (Thursday). Publishers: Chas. McIntyre and Co., but in New York City Directory, I845-I846, Edmund Charles is given as publisher of 114 Bibliographical Society of America this paper. Not listed in New York City Directories, i85o-I85i, 1851-1852. A.A.S.: 1844 July 4, Oct. 19. 1845 June 30. I85o Apr. 27. L.C.: 1848 Aug. 25. WASHINGTONIAN DAILY NEWS, 1842.-Temperance 1842 Dec. 22 (Vol. I no. 26), only issue located. Daily. Publishers: L. Starr and Co. L.C.: 1842 Dec. 22. WASHINGTONIAN WEEKLY NEWS, I843.-Temperance This title is listed in New York City Directory, 1843-1844, but not after. No issues located. NEW YORK WASHINGTONIAN REFORMER AND LADIES LITERARY JOURNAL, 1843.-Temperance and popular literature 1843 May 27 (Vol. I no. 16), only issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Editor (and probably publisher): William Wallace. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1844-1845. A.A.S.: 1843 May 27. NEW YORK WATCHMAN, 1842-1844.-Religion and general news 1842 Jan. 8 (Vol. VII no. 314), only issue located. Weekly (Saturday). Listed in New York City Directories, 1843-1844 and 1844-1845, but not after. In directory for 1844-1845, Le Roy Sunderland is given as person responsible for paper. A.A.S.: 1842 Jan. 8. WESTERN WORLD, I848-I85o+.-General news and popular literature 1848 June (Vol. I no. 6)-I85o+. Monthly. Publishers: Geo. E. Leefe and Co., 1848 June, Joshua F. Bridge, 1849. This paper became a weekly in 1851. A.A.S.: 1848 June-1849 July. NEW YORK WHIG, 1831-1834.-Anti-Masonic This paper appeared as a daily, semi-weekly, and weekly, with exactly the same title. 1831 May Io (Vol. I no. I)-I832 May o1 (Vol. I no. 310, with which issue the publication of this title as a daily ended. New York City Newspapers, 182o--85o II5 It continued as a semi-weekly and weekly. 1831 May o1 (Vol. I no. I) -1832 Nov. 13 (Vol. II no. 51), last issue published. Semi-weekly (Tues. and Fri.). 1831 May II (Vol. I no. I)-1834 Feb. I (Vol. III no. 40), last issue located. Weekly (Wednes.). Editors: Orville L. Holley and Henry Dana Ward. Publishers: L. D. Dewey and Co., of daily edition. Henry Dana Ward withdrew as editor and became publisher and proprietor when the daily edition was discontinued. When semi-weekly edition was discontinued, Holley withdrew as editor and Henry Dana Ward became editor as well as proprietor, till May I, 1833, when L. D. Dewey and Co. resumed the publication of the paper, Ward continuing as "part time" editor. The weekly edition is listed in New York City Directory, 1834-1835, but not after. N.Y.P.L.: Semi-weekly, 1831 Dec. 30. 1832 Jan. 13. Weekly, 1831 Aug. 3, 1o, 24, Sept. 7, 28, Oct. 12, Nov. 9-Dec. 28. 1832 Jan. 4-Mar. 7, Apr. 4-June 13, 27-Oct. 1o, 24-Dec. 26. 1833 Jan. 2, 16-30, Feb. 6-27 Mar. 6. N.Y.H.S.: Daily, 1831 Dec. 30, 31. 1832 Jan. 3-Jan. 20, 22-27, 29-Feb. 13, 15 -26, Mar. 1-20, 22-Apr. 19, 22-May 2, 5-May io. Semi-Weekly, 1832 May 22-Nov. 13. Weekly, 1832 Nov. 21-1833 July 3. A.A.S.: Semi-weekly, 1831 July 15, Aug. 2, Sept. 20, 23, 27, Oct. 21-28, Nov. 25, 29, Dec. 2, 9-27. Weekly, 1832 Oct. 3. 1833 Aug. 28, Sept. 11. 1834 Jan. 4, Feb. I. L.C.: Weekly, 1831 May 18, Aug. 3. NEW YORK DAILY WHIG, 1837-i840.-Whig 1837 Dec. 26 (Vol. I no. I)-184o Mar. 18 (Vol. V no. 687), last issue published. Absorbed by the NEW YORK GAZETTE AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. NEW YORK WEEKLY WHIG (Saturday). 1838 Mar. 3 (Vol. I no. I according to numbering on later issues.) Semi-weekly edition (Wednes. and Sat.) announced, 1839 May 22, [to be] (Vol. I no. I); commencing with 1839 June 6 (Mon. and Thurs.). Discontinued according to announcement about 1839 Aug. No issues of this semiweekly edition located. Commencing with issue of 1839 Feb. 25, caption title of paper is printed in old English type. In previous issues, type used was a plain block letter. Editors: Rufus Dawes, S. J. Burr, 1837 Dec. 26-1838 Dec. 31; James Gregg Wilson, 1839 Jan. i-July I; Jacob Bailey Moore, 1839 July 2-1840 Mar. 18. Publishers: James Gregg Wilson, 1838 Jan. 20-June 28; later, James Gregg Wilson and Co., to 1840 Mar. 18. II6 Bibliographical Society of America N.Y.P.L.: New York Daily Whig, 1838 Jan. 20, Feb. 3, 7, 8, o1, 12-21, 23-Mar. 3, 6-Apr. 2, 4-7, 9-16, May 30, June 19, 28. 1839 Mar. 22. 1840 Feb. I1, 28. N.Y.H.S.: 1839 Jan. 3-Sept. 28 (a few missing numbers), I840 Mar. 18. A.A.S.: New York Daily Whig, 1838 Mar. 27, Dec. 10. 1839 May 4. New York Weekly Whig, 1838 May 5, 12. 1839 Jan. 26. L.C.: Daily Whig.... extra, 1838 April 4. NEW YORK WEEKLY WHIG, see NEW YORK DAILY WHIG WHIP, 1842 A weekly published on Saturday, in existence in Nov. 1842 with a circulation of 4,000.-Hudson, p. 525. French, J. H., Gazetteer of the state of New York, p. 447, lists this title with George B. Wooldridge as publisher and gives date of establishment as 1843. This title is listed in New York City Directory, 1842-1843, with place of publication given as 31 Ann St. Not listed in New York City Directories covering years near this date. No issues located. WILSON & Co.'s DISPATCH, 1844-1849.-General news, popular literature 1844 Dec. 7 (no. io)-I847 June I, last issue located (monthly), but paper probably continued till some date in first six months of 1849 as the title appears in New York City Directory, 1849-185o. Title became WILSON & CO.'s WEEKLY DISPATCH, q.v. Size (of 1844 Dec. 7 issue) 22 by 31 inches. "A complete family newspaper. Instruction with amusement."-Announcement on front page of paper. N.Y.P.L.: 1844 Dec. 7. N.Y.H.S.: 1844 Oct. 8. 1845 Apr. i. 1846 Mar. 2. 1847 Feb. I, Mar. I, May i, June i. A.A.S.: 1845 June 11, Feb. I, May i, Oct. 20. WILSON & Co.'s WEEKLY DISPATCH, 1849-I85o+.-General news, popular literature 1850 May 13 (no. 72, new series)-I85o Dec. 30+. Weekly (Monday). Publishers: Wilson & Co. A continuation of WILSON & CO.'s DISPATCH, q.V. A.A.S.: I850 May 13, July 29, Sept. 9-Dec. 30. THE WOMAN, 1834. "In the fall of 1834 the Woman was established, under the editorship of some one who adopted the name of 'Ann Oldbody.' 'There is a New York City Newspapers, 1820-1850 I17 paper Man published,' wrote the editor in his first issue; 'why shall not a paper Woman be seen daily in the city of Gotham?' Apparently the paper was short-lived, for no copies of it seem to have survived."Bleyer, Willard G., Main currents in the history of American journalism, p. 168, who in turn quotes from New York Transcript, 1834 Oct. 4. Not listed in New York City Directory, 1835-i836. No issues located. THE WOMAN, 1845. Hudson, p. 488; North, p. 99. No issues located. Not listed in New York City Directories, 1845-1846, 1846-1847. WORKING MAN'S ADVOCATE, 1829-1845.-Labor interests. Favored democratic presidential candidates, 1844. Put forward "land reform" ideas, similar to those of the late Henry George. 1829 Oct. 31 (Vol. I no. I according to numbering on later issues)1830 June 5. Weekly (Saturday), title changed to, NEW YORK SENTINEL AND WORKING MAN'S ADVOCATE, 1830 June 9-Aug. 14. Semi-weekly (Wednes. and Sat.), title changed to, WORKING MAN'S ADVOCATE, 1830 Aug. 21-1836 Jan. 16 (last issue in 1836 located). Weekly (Saturday). Suspended publication in early part of the year 1836, when the editor, Mr. George Henry Evans, on account of illness, retired to a farm in New Jersey. WORKING MAN'S ADVOCATE, 1844 Mar. 16 (new series, Vol. I no. I)-1844 Oct. 5. Weekly (Saturday). The paper then united with the SUBTERRANEAN for a short period; title was SUBTERRANEAN UNITED WITH THE WORKING MAN's ADVOCATE. 1844 Oct. 12-Nov. 9, title changed to, SUBTERRANEAN AND THE WORKING MAN'S ADVOCATE, 1844 Nov. I6-Dec. 21. Weekly (Saturday), title changed to, WORKING MAN'S ADVOCATE, 1844 Dec. 28-1845 Mar. 22 (Vol. II no. 52 n.s.). Weekly (Saturday), title changed to YOUNG AMERICA, q.v. WORKING MAN'S ADVOCATE was issued as weekly edition of the MAN, New York, N.Y., during life of that paper, 1834 Feb. 18-1835 July 6. Editor and publisher: George Henry Evans, 1829 Oct. 31-1830 June 5. On 1830 June 9, Mr. Evans was joined by Willoughby Lynde and William J. Stanley, as publishers. In 1832, Mr. Evans again assumed sole responsibility of publication (exact date uncertain), and continued till suspension I 8 Bibliographical Society of America of the paper in I836. On 1844 Mar. 16, when new series began, Mr. Evans was editor and John Windt, publisher. Windt withdrew 1844 Oct. 12. At that time, Mike Walsh, editor and publisher of the Subterranean, formed a partnership with Mr. Evans and the two papers were united. This arrangement continued till 1844 Dec. 28, when Mr. Walsh withdrew. Mr. Evans continued as editor and publisher till I845 Mar. 22. See also, NEW YORK DAILY SENTINEL, SUBTERRANEAN. N.Y.P.L.: Working Man's Advocate (Weekly), 1830 Jan. 30-Mar. 20, Apr. 3 -June 5. New York Sentinel and Working Man's Advocate (Semi-weekly), 1830 June 9-July 10, 17, 28, Aug. 4-14. Working Man's Advocate (Weekly), 1830 Aug. 28-Sept. 18, Oct. 2, 30 Nov. 13, Dec. 18 [Issue of Oct. 2, wrongly dated Oct. I]. 1831 Feb. 5. 1832 Nov. 24, Dec. I, 29 [Issue for Dec. i, wrongly dated Nov. 31]. 1833 Jan. 5, 12, 26, Feb. 9-Mar. 9. 1834 Feb. I5, May 17, June 14, 21, Aug. 16, 23, Sept. 13, 20, Oct. 4, II, Nov. 15, 22, Dec. 6. 1835 Jan. 3, 24, Apr. iI, 18, May 2, June 13, July 25, Aug. 29, Sept. 19, 26, Oct. 10-24, Nov. 7-21, Dec. 5, 12 [Issue for Dec. 5, wrongly dated Dec. 28]. 1836 Jan 2, 16. 1844 Mar. I6-Oct. 5 [except July 13 and 27]. Subterranean. United with the Working Man's Advocate (Weekly), 1844 Oct. 12-Dec. 21. Working Man's Advocate (Weekly), 1844 Dec. 28-1845 Mar. 22. A.A.S.: Working Man's Advocate (Weekly), 1832 Jan. 21, May 12. 1844 June i, July 6. WEEKLY YANKEE, I847-I849.-Popular literature and general news 1847 Nov. 20 (Vol. V no. 12)-1849 Dec. 29 (Vol. VII no. 18), only issues located. Weekly (Saturday). Editors: Henry L. Williams, 1847 Nov. 20-1848 July 8; Oliver B. Bunce, 1848 Dec. 9-1849 Aug. II; not found for other dates in file. Publishers: Williams Brothers, 1847 Nov. 2o-1848 July 8; A. Cunningham, 1848 July IS-Sept. 9; A. Skillman, 1848 Sept. 16-1849 Oct. 6. B. Hunt, Jr., and Co., 1849 Oct. 13-Dec. 29. The issue of 1848 July 15, has a valedictory signed by the former publishers, Williams Brothers, which states that the paper has been sold to E. Adlam. The same issue states that the paper is published by A. Cunningham. L.C.: 1847 Nov. 20-1849 Dec. 29. YOUNG AMERICA, I845-1849.-Labor. Favored democratic presidential candidates, 1848. 1845 Mar. 29 (Vol. II no. I n.s.)-I849 May 12 (Vol. VI no. 8), last issue located. Exact date not found when paper suspended publica New York City Newspapers, 1820-1r85o II9 tion. Weekly (Saturday). Editor and publisher: George Henry Evans. Former title, WORKING MAN'S ADVOCATE, q.v. Not listed in New York City Directory, I856-I85I. N.Y.P.L.: I845 Mar. 29-1846 Mar. 21, July II. 1847 Mar. 6. A.A.S.: 1846 Jan. Io. 1849 May 12i L.C.: 1847 Mar. 13. YOUNG MEN'S ADVOCATE, I832-I833.-Literature and general leaning toward the religious 1832 Feb. 23 (Vol. I no. I)-1833 Feb. 7 (Vol. I no. 51), last issue located. Weekly (Thursday). Not listed in New York City Directories, 1833-1834, 1834-1835. "Politics, save as a matter of history, fall without the plan upon which the paper is to be conducted. The Young Men's Advocate, as its name imports, will be devoted to the interests of Young Men."-Announcement in this paper. Names of editors not found. Published for the New York Young Men's Society, by M'Elrath and Bangs, 1832 Feb. 23-Dec. 6; M'Elrath, Bangs and Co., 1832 Dec. 13; M'Elrath, Bangs and Herbert, 1833 Dec. 2o-1833 Feb. 7 -N.Y.H.S.: 183, Feb. 23-Apr. 5, 19, May Io-July I9, Aug. 2-Sept. 20, Oct. 25 -Nov. i5, 29-Dec. 27. 1833 Jan. 3-Feb. 7. NOTE.-The following summary table indicates the period covered by the files of the titles located. o, 0- e40 0 \0 mo - - r-o0 o 00 a-,r0 O TITLES o 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Adopted Citizen........... Advertiser............ Advertiser............ Advocate................ Advocate & Journal........ Age................ Age.............. Age of Reason. Albion....... American........ American Advocate....... American Advocate........ American Artisan......... American Citizeni. t zn... American Ensign......... American Family Journal American Mail American Mechanic......... American Patriot..... American Railroad Journal. American Republican...... American Statesman....... American Whig......... Anglo American Anglo Saxon........... Arena................. On CO ýo -q C+ 14~- Xo r'-oooO t ~'- 0 y ' C4C. It LO tD -o00 0 ci 00 C O\ TITLES C1 CIA "I\~ CA: rq C4 I0 0 C-4M M n M ~n, co n MM M 4- c 114 1 -TITLES 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 Argus and U.S. Mil. Chronicle--- -- Atlas.................. Auction Bull, and Gen. Adv. Aurora. Badgers Weekly Messenger....-- Ballot Box.. Banner oftheConstitution..... Barnburner Bell's Life in New York, etc. Broadway Journal...... Brother Jonathan......... Bucaneer............. Bulletin Bulletin. Bunker Hill...... Business Reporter, etc.._____ Campaign........................ Campaign of Freedom.._._.._... Canfield's Amer. Argus, etc. Castigator, etc......... Champion of American Labor... Chronicle............ Chronicle........... Chronicle of the Times...... Citizen....... Citizen............... tin Q) 1 (J 0, -4 -4 o0 iC ~'~'O r-.o00 ma\ - C-4 n -4~~.- 60 ON -0 r- 00 ON,0 TITLES M M 00 00CO 0000 0 00.00 0 00 w 0 00 0 00CO 0 00 M 0000 O 0000 0 '0 00 0 0 Citizen................. Citizen of the World......A City Gazette.................................................. City Vicinity and State Guide... - - - - - - - - - - - - - Clarion....................................................Clay Tribune.........................................................Colonization journal..- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --. Colored American............. Columbian...... Commercial Advertiser...... Constellation............... Constitution................ Continental.................. Coram,'s Champion.Corsair................. Corsair. A Gazette, etc...... Courier.................... Courier........................ Courier and New. York En~quirer Courrier des Etats Unis......... Crisis........ Cronica................... Crystal Fount, etc............ Day-Book................... Day's New York Bank Note List. Democrat............ 0 C- q --' o t- 0 C 0C\O c -4..00.'. rýtOO - c ) --'o r. no Democrat..... i............. Democratic Chronicle........ Democratic.Press.......... 'Democratic Republican..........Demokratischer Volks-Freund... Deutsche Schnellpost, etc..... Dispatch................. Dollar Weekly............... Eagle.............. Eagle.............. Echo and Spirit of the Age. Emancipator................ Emerald, etc............... Emigrant........ Emigrant & Old Countryman.... Em pire State. Enquirer.................................................... European................. European News............. Examiner.................. Examiner................. Expositor...IlL.... Expositor and Banking Circular.. - - - - - Express.l...l.I..-.-.-.Express, or New York Weekly journal Farmer and Mechanic.....................................I L L.a 00 0 Co 0 C4 ci InID t- 00 o 0 0 C4, M 0 0 0 -1 O r.00 ma TITLESC4 -4 4 C4C- n C) n C)C)C)C cn* -t 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Female Advocate......... Fireman's Gazette........ Flag of the Free......... Flag of Our Union........ Franco-Americain......... Franklin Daily Advertiser Free Press............ Freedom's Journal........ Freeman's Journal, etc...... Future.............. Gazette............. Gazette............... Gazette and General Advertiser Gazette and Times....... Gazette Extraordinary..... Gazette of the Union, etc..... G. Benj. Smith's Herald, etc. Genius of Liberty-Extra Genius of Temperance, etc. Globe. Globe............... Globe........ Globe and Emerald, etc......... Grape Shot...... Harbinger, etc........... Hawk and Buzzard........ 0 CA cn t 1-n 00 (3N 0 O - Cq Cn - tO -o00 o C0 C-) '00' ~ C7% TITLES,q C 4 4 C -,n - M M C - C)*4 -11 -Tiu3 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ( m 3 C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Herald................ Herald........... Herald and General Advertiser. Horn's Railroad Gazette....... Hudson's Exchange Shipping List. Human Rights....... Humorist or Real Life in N.Y.... Independent........... Indicateur............ Irish-American....... Irishman......... Irishman and Foreigners'. Advocate Jeffersonian.............. Journal........ Journal.........Journal.............. Journal and Patron of Industry. Journal of Commerce. Ladies' Morning Star....... Light Ship.. Log Cabin.... Mackenzie's Gazette. Mail....... Major Downing's Advocate.... Man............. Mechanic........ Co p 0 " q C_ 00 01ý0 1-4 C4 n I- %J)0 r-00 0 O 01r ' - 00 (:",O TITLES C1C A C 1 q iC, - M M M M M M M M M1-1-1 tx.00 0 0 00 0 0 0000 0 0000 0 0000 0 0000 0 0 00 0 0 00 00 c 00 00 00 00 00 00 Mechanic................. Mechanics' Gazette........... Mensagero Semanal........... Mercantile Advertiser.......... - - - - Mercantile Advertiser......... Mercantile Advertiser and N.Y. Advo. Merchants' Intelligencer, etc.. Merchants' Ledger, etc........ Merchants' Telegraph.......... Mercurio de Nueva York.... Mercury.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- - - Messenger................. Messenger and N.Y. Advocate.. Microscope and N.Y. Tickler.... ua Minerva................. Mirror................... Mirror of the Times.......... Miscellany-------------------------------------------------------- Morris's National Press........ Municipal Gazette............- - - museum................. National Advocate............. NationalAdvocate.........------- - - - - - - - - - - National Anti-Slavery Standard. -- ---- --- National Banner....... 0t National Police Gazette....... National Trades' Union..... I. National Union.......... New Era.............. New Era and American Courier New Monthly Messenger, etc. -- New Weekly Telescope...... New World........ N.Y. and Richmond Co. Free Press. News............ News.............. New-Yorker........... Observer.............. Old Countryman, etc...... Owl................ Packet.............. Pathfinder............... Path-Finder........ Patriot............... Patron of Industry...... Penny Daily Gazette. Penny Post...... - - Penny Post and Weekly Gazetteer Penny Press Peoples Rights, etc.......... 0 00 0 p N. to 0- Cr- 00 Ne mO c 0.- 0 0Fco m -caFi ~r C7% 0 TITLES C4C4C4C AC n M M e nc nC Pilot.............. Pioneer.................. Plaindealer.......... Planet.............. Plebeian............. Post.................................................. Post................... Post and Family Gazette.... Progressive Demo crat......... Protestant Vindicator......... Public Advertiser............ Rambler....... Recorder................. Recruit.......... Redactor............. Reflector., etc............... Reformer.......... Register and Catholic Diary. Representative..... Republic....... Republican Sentinel. Rights of All. Rough and Ready. Saturday Emporium Scottish Journal of Intelligence, etc.. - - - - - 0z 0- CAC en r-\O OOa(DIN 0-' 0t-- nO\.0XOOr- O MO C, TITLES 6c n ci n0 1 Cn 4 n C-) t -I- -t Scottish Patriot r......... Sentinel.......... Shamrock............ Shipping and Commercial List Singal.......... Skandinavia.......... Sober Second Thought..... Spectator.... Spirit of'76............ Spirit of Seventy-Six........ Splifincator............. Staats-Zeitung.......... Standard.............. Standard.............. Standard............ Standard and Statesman...... Star............... Star............... Star........... Star........ Statesman........... Statesman and Advertiser, etc. Statesman and Evening Advertiser Subterranean............. Co 0. Sun...................I L, ' I L. 0 - 0 ci -.4- x%.0 r00 (\O N C4 c M 4 10 - 00O00 "n c- 00 CNo TITLES 4aa~ o Dmma TITLES00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 0 00 00 00 00 0000000000 Sunday Courier.......... Sunday Dispatch......... Sunday Mercury......... Sunday Morning Atlas.. Sunday Morning Bulletin..... Sunday Morning News...... Sunday Morning Visitor...... Sunday Packet.. Sunday Times............ Sunday Times and Noah's Weekly Sylvester's Reporter....... Tattler.............. Telegraph.. Telegraph, M'Intyre's Gazette.. Times:................. -- Times................ Times................. Times and Commercial Intelligencer. Transcript.. Transcript and Wasp...... Tribune Triglot True Sun....... Trumpet............... Truth................... 03 o0 t~. 0 ~o c ~~i~~o r--o00Ch C u-.O r- 00 0C 0 TITLES0 00 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 00 ~~00 0000 0000 Twenty-Five Cent Paper....... Uncle Sam................. Union................... Union................... Unit................... United Service Journal...... United Service Journal, etc. Universe................... Verdad................... Voice of Freedom............ Wall St. Reporter-....... Washingtonian Daily News....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Washinigtonian Reformer, etc. Watchman................ Western World............. Whig..... Whig......IWilson & Co.'s Dispatch Wilson & Co.'s Weekly Dispatch. Workitig-Man's Advocate. Yankee................. Young America............. 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