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Yet when these sanction the effusions of a mind seeking the attainment of practical advantages, it would be fastidious in the extreme to restrain an enterprize glowing with honest speculations. Availing myself of a liberal admission into the Office of a distinguished Institution, whose deliberations Sare so ably guided by so honorable a character as Sir JOHN SINCLAIR-seeing, among the variety of Rural Subjects and Implements of Husbandry there inviting inspection, nothing so simple, and at the same time so practically useful, I could not resist the temptation of humbly adding the model of a Harrow, the invention of youth, and the support of a Farmer through many years! And, since in this simple, but important instance, the powers of the Lever and the Iedge are so fully exemplified, why may they not subserve the more important purposes 6 viii of reciprocating the superabundant products of Art and Industry? Improving upon the true nature of construction on present principles, so little studied, and still less demonstrated, in " Wheel Carriages?" These considerations, and the magnitude of the subject, as taught by certain " Reports of the House of Commons" since May 1808, it is most respectfully hoped will secure to an obscure Individual, the favour of a generous Nation! And, that these preliminary remarks will protect him from too severe a Sentence, if indeed his Labours shall have been in vain! For, he trusts that the simple proof of error, o' even folly, will cease to be severely censured, on the recollection that it is a feeble attempt of an Individual, by his well meant exertions, to accommodate the many. THE AUTHOR. A TREATISE ON WHEEL CARRIAGES. FLATTERED by success in an inferior enterprize, I have been induced to proceed still farther, and offer some desultory observations upon the subject of " Wheel Carriages"-collaterally, and briefly, noticing the properties of the horse, whose energies are applied for putting them in motion, and the united effects of both upon the road over which such vehicles usually pass. In point of order, I would wish with great diffidence to excite attention first to the horse, as the momentum necessary for the purposes of draught. His standard height I would fix at 14- hands, subject, as all general rules must be, to several exceptions. Fixing his centre, at four feet, it will be useful to enquire into the nature of his properties, so far as they are applicable to the question under examination. Doubtless the horse must be considered a machine equally with the carriage, whet B Aibi we are calculating respecting his powers; and in order to adjust the one, it is evidently necessary to comprehend the other. If to the principle of his levers we apply the practical eye of intelligence, we shall readily deduce that the preference should be given to the blood-horse-viewing him as superior in point of symmetry, formed of finer materials, his levers more accurately poised, and his fulcra more acute; by which means his motion is consequently quickened, and its concomitant re-action proportionably diminished. Nevertheless horses of an intermediate quality between the blood and cart kind may ultimately be preferred, from other considerations. And, hence, an important subject is furnished for the contemplation of the breeder, who, in some degree, may regulate, in the animals intentionally bred for draught, the quantity of necessary motion. All machinery being more perfect, proportionably as it is constructed upon a more accurate scale; its " weight" increased and its quantity diminished consequently affects, in equal ratio, the momentum of all bodies. The doctrine of the " musket bullet," it is believed will not controvert these simple ideas; whilst the mule by his kick manifests his superiour quantity of motion to that of the dray or cart horse. Contemplating the centre of gravity, who can doubt the impropriety of elevating the load of the heavy coach? (see figures No. 1, 2, 3.) Its centre is never at rest, for not only is it continually disFIG. 1. a, a, b, contact or, a plane; c, c, axes of the wheels; d, horse's centre; e, swingle bars to which the traces are attached. FIG. 2. a, b, an inclined plane; c, c, axes of wheels; d, horse's centre; e, swingle-bars, &c.;,J horse's'fore-feet; g, breast chains or pole pieces; h, horse's drawing centre; i, line of gravity or perpendicular, exhibiting the increased pressure upon the 'fore wheels, and consequently requiring draught down hill to pre a 3 FIGURES I, II. vent overturning, to which the body of weight is disposed, if the Carriage is suddenly stopped in its progress, the hind wheels being raised off the ground by the lever formed of the whole mass or body of weight. 0 4 turbed by the necessary propulsion, but by its towering height; its worse than useless number of springs, which occasion cross and contrary agitation; and by having its gravity placed before, instead of behind the centre; or, at best, suspended between two fulcra, and thus the effects neutralised; and, by a continual jolting motion, retarded by action and re-action. These and other considerations, more easily conceived than described, decide against the present preposterous fashion; exhibiting to an admiring world specimens of human invention, in designing FIGURE III.,"al ' FIG. 3, or, rear view of a Coach. a, a, points of contact on the road, or tread of wheels; b, b, the axes, the common fulcrum for the lever, constituted by the action of the body; c, the summit of gravity over its centre, as by the high loaded Coach manifestly appears; d, the summit of gravity over the same centre, as is supposed to constitute the merit of the present project; t, a, a, th true angle of bearing and action exlibiting a constant disposition to upset laterally! Q. E. D. 5 the component parts of a machine, the errors, and imperfecti6ns of which, are better understood by the practical superintendant: like, as in modern times, disciples of the new school are continually increased, without affording improvement, to societies. The momentum of the blood-horse, arising from his possessing more motion than power, coincides with the position, that " half of the power at the acting end of the lever will balance the whole of the difficulty at the resisting termination." Hence, then, a farther proof of the rational preference that should be given to this animal. And we may add, according to the mathematical maxim, that " what we gain in power we lose in time." Or, " substitute motion for power." "The balanced lever," by the smaller, but quicker, motion overcoming the resistance.The " Four-wheel Carriage," being the "double lever," exhibits the effects of the extended springs, as in pleasure Carriages; whereby the object sought, an easy motion, is more than obtained; for, the great length of levers from their fulcra, with the power of gravity applied at their ends, creates a greater degree of reverberating motion; and as necessarily occasions a correspondent pressure at the points of contact with the road, the real base of the ostensible fulcra, and thus retarding by a continued concert of action and re-action between the several bodies concerned, increasps the resistance of the obstacles to be overcome. Scientific men may amuse themselves in their closets with philosophical disquisitions, whilst the inquisitive traveller, or experienced coachman, with his ideas of first principles, and a sound discriminating judgment, perceives, and admires the beautiful order of nature; and, unblessed with too much knowledge, applies her simple laws as his practical skill may from time to time occasionally suggest. Instead of " two," he divides " the resistanqe 6 idto four parts," each subject to the dividing power of action and re-action, according to chance or incidental circumstances; for time and chance may happen even to Wheels. Who that has ever rode upon the top of a heavy Coach, so complex and be-springed as they generally are, that has notfelt the error, in construction, even when so remote from the point of friction; exciting, by its short, but reiterated motion, sensations not more agreeable than when seated in a chair, placed on the floor of a common farm waggon? Or who, that has ever been at sea, has not perceived the necessity of keeping the ship in good trim, even after that machine has been constructed upon the most exact dimensions and geometric principles? And if it be true, as the fact has been ascertained, that the walking of men on deck, much less mounted aloft, retards the progress of the vessel; and that dead ponderosity retards more than animated weight when properly adjusted; the same reasoning will apply to carriages; because there is a strong similitude between the two bodies in motion, though on different elements; for where else, but at the centre of gravity can be conceived the effect of the masts, &c. &c.? At the same time due allowance must be made for the manner of applying the several agents-the one an impellent, and the other a tractive power. If the acting part of the lever be the shortest, might it not be proper to ascertain by anatomical construction the comparative proportions of the two animals employed in particular cases, so intimately connected with the present subject.: more especially, since it has been proved that the one is furnished with his vital organ, the heart, upon a much larger scale, with a proportionate quantity of blood? And, from an experiment, by which these two properties have been discovered, it would seem that his bones, muscles, and minutest fibres, the 7 whole materials of which he is formed, are more subtle and dense. His vis motiva, or that which tends to motion, is manifestly superior; whilst that of the other has a greater vis inertia and tendency to rest. The last may indeed, upon the deceptive principle of dead weight or matter suspended on a " pulley," put the Carriage into motion by his " fall" and " his undulatory power;" but, when once started, the tendency of the former to perpetual motion may be conceived, if not clearly demonstrated. Hence, too, the evident necessity for preserving the trim of the Coach, for promoting a regular and steady propulsion, the chief desideratum. I would also particularly observe, that in descending hills, when the occasion is urgent, the back-chain appears to be the only safety; but the occasion cannot indeed be frequent in a country boasting so honorably of its superior roads. In all cases, so far as I have been able to observe, a carriage, upon the principles I am attempting to support, will require no other power to regulate * its descent, than able horses and a skilful driver: for, in this case it will not as at present be necessary to run down the hills, in order, that, by a continued and doubtful remedy, the draught may prevent the vehicle from overturning; which practice I have witnessed, not without some degree of terror. To determine the truth of the principles adopted in this new system, let us endeavour to demonstrate the errors of those we combat; thus, let us try Mr. Walker's combination of the lift and draft. This figure represents the profile of a high and heavily * This operation, it is hoped, will be provided for shortly by a gentleman sumioning the author to allow his caveat, for an apparatus or machine whereby to stop carriages! And, since these labours are designed for the opposite purpose, an interview was declined. 8 Joaded coach: A, B, is the perch connecting twd axles by a depressed line of incident of three degrees; B, C, the line of reflection, or lift and draft (supposed) now in use; E, D, F, the parallel or true line of draft; D, the centre of the wheel horses, lifting from B, and drawing from A; E, the leading horses' centre, lifting and drawing from the same points as before; the point A, being the true point of common resistance. Now, mark the lift from B to G! the concerted lift from B to H; and, the difference between G and H will exhibit the ratio of draft, compared with B, H, the draft of the leaders; whilst D, I, manifests the superior quantum of lift at D to that at E; the line of traction E, A, adding to, or increasing the lift of D, B, by a discordant effect at K. Let us now examine the gravity; or, how the load is to be considered, as affecting our principles! The figure B, L, M, A, represents the Coach in its common state on a plane; when, according to received opinion the weight is truly thrown as much as possible before! Does not this figure, at the first glance, prove how much more the smaller wheel has to sustain, than the larger? And, consequently, accounts for its " wearing faster" by a more powerful cause, than that of superior velocity? And, moreover, if the mind can conceive the completely lifting and falling of the front wheels from the plane to the line D, G, A, will not the hammering effect appear to contribute still more to its destruction? And, if, in fact, this never were the case, it argues nothing against a tendency to that end; or, of such an effect to an inconceivable perhaps, but undeniable degree and extent. The figure G, N, O, A, surely must prove the distress of the team in their unremitted efforts to make the original figure B, L, M, A, assume this appearance! These observations are predicated upon the lines drawn from the corn Il 7- C-CI Q j * / 9 mon point B,-how much more aptly do they apply, if from the splinter-bar and pole upon the line B, C,!! Again, if the Coach be passing on a plane, the lines M, R, and L, S, being perpendicular to the plane T, U, prove the absurdity of lifting in order to produce a progressive effect; whilst that of E, D, F, clearly demonstrates the true line of traction. And, still further to show the conflicting effect of the lifting power, so much more than requisite, created and constantly exerted in the present fashion, let us view at the same instant the figures B, L, M, A, continued to S, and R,-B, N, O, P, and A, M, Q, P; the first being the state of the carriage gliding smoothly along, whilst the other two enable us to conceive and detect the co/nvicting, and incessantly erroneous effect of the never ceasing tendency to produce a partial collision upon the plane, so incontrovertibly apparent in all the extent of its retarding and repulsive tendency at-P: the carriage at all times being thus made to act and re-act; and, under the most favorable circumstances neutralising instead of propelling the body we are seeking to get forward with the greatest speed, oeconomy, and accommodation! In addition to FIGS. I, II, III, opposing the " high loaded Coach," wherein the error in principle in some measure has been exhibited and exposed by drawings, it may not be amiss to apply these same principles to conceive or draw similar lines from a rear view of those contending tractions; to show an equally false and correspondently lateral effect, created in a greater or less ratio according as there were more or fewer springs: parr ticularly by those so unhappily contrived crosswise, or so as to act in diametrically opposite directions: Thence it would more conclusively appear, that the' carriage was continually vibrating between the toq lines of support, the wheels, at one time throwing 9jK j 10 all the weight on one side, and again, on the other, "worrying and fatiguing eternally the poor draught animal, by the alternate and instantaneous necessity he is thus laid under to increase or diminish his exertions. Consistently with the end in view, I would suppose a block of marble, of this shape, to be placed upon the axle-trees reaching the whole length from centre to centre,-would not less power be required to move it than if the same bulk and weight were in the form of a cube? and most certainly it would require less than an inverted cone. And, I am clearly of opinion, that the same matter placed in either of the following frms requires still less; that which projects behind the centre, forming upon the front axis an angle equal with that of reflection, by which it is 4rawn; presenting a rear view thus, as the one or the other form shall be conceived; the force of incidental attraction aiding motion by the indisputable laws of gravitation. The four wheels supporting gravity, whilst its power is diffused, acting and re-acting according to incidence and reflection; ilevation and depression, in equilateral triangles (the true cone); subject also to the other laws, resisting the pressure of gravity by elasticity upon the road, where it is more manifestly diminished by a ten-.ency to a state of motion. This theory may be well illustrated by substituting Upon the abovefour /he,eels an inverted cone, thus deducing truth from relative and comparative arguments. IHence it appears to result, that the space between the twvo wheels, or length of axle-tree, should be double the perpendicular from the centre of gravity to its base, or bearing on the same; and, by this, the length'of perch should be adjusted, keeping the point of gravity in view, where it must consequently serve as the common point or summit of four several riranglcs, or smaller cones, combined into one general or larger body, resting flatly on the floor or platform of the carriage; subject, moreover, to a correspondent attraction, from the flat and under surface; diffusing, incomprehensibly, gravity and motion, in a similar manner to the reflected and refracted rays of light. Vide FIG. V. To the heavy Wagg-rons it appears these principles equally apply. And, upon the drau-ght of these I 'would remark, that the effect of twoo distinct lines of horses must repeatedly counteract each other: the two pair of shafts conceal, by their firm and steady reitance, the zigzag inotion of the wheels, diversifying their action upon the road: the one retarding, and the other increasingr, velocity; and, this more or less, according to the increased variation in the step of the different horses in the two lines. It seems more consistent that they should' drdiv from the centre: the pottwer of the wheelhorses operating by a tight pole, or breast-chains, to this effect; whilst the fore-horses should draw from the point of' a pole, firmly attached to the axle-tree by/jutchels; the two lines of traction thus'forminga triangle, disposing every effort to union, whethei' regular and equal, or vice versa. These reflections might be- farther elucidated by x'eferring to arguments,; but I leave this task fore orhers, aud proceed to the effedt of twenty, instegdb of ten, horses to a Waggon. Only examine their undulatory and divergent motions, their action and re-action, traces vibrating between double levers, while these are acting upon a common fulcrum; and say is it difficult to prove, whether they accelerate or retard progress? The maxim, that "velocity diminishes gravity"-incidents and reflection, FIGURE Vo. ---- - '-' Fro. 5. a, a, state of gravity; b, c, the level pressure on springs; d, c, the inclined pressure on springs; e,Jf axes. Compare the angle e, g, h, withf, g, h, and in the same decreased ratio of one base, so will the power of attraction, when disturbed by the efforts of the horses, be disposed to propulsion: andstill more disposed to that end by the angle g, i, c, in support of the principle; and according to the Newtonion doctrine, the nearer the earth the greater the power of gravity. * This figure is designed to demonstrate the power of graVity, according to its disturbed state; and, its effect in contributing towards a propulsive motion: proving also the error of the front springs (or long sea springs) being placed on a level *it those behind. 13 combined with the theory of vis inertia, argue in favor of the blood-horse, and his standard height; adjusting the fore-wheels to his centre, and the hind wheels to an elevated angle from the leading fulcrunm, throwing, in all cases, the balance behind the centre of pressure. To Mr. A. Walker's talents and acquirements, so honorably drawn from the schools of science, and to his ingenious philosophical experiments, is yielded the willing and well-merited tribute of profound admiration; nevertheless, consistently with those practical conceptions and ideas, with which I have been furnished, from a life of necessary experience, it would afford high gratification to meet him, upon the high-road, prepared for a comparative experiment, by means of a ter-horse Waggon, which should be under his direction, and equipped in the ordinary mode; this he should cause to be loaded, till ten of the stoutest- horses could no longer draw so heavy a burthen upon a plane. I should propose, then, to have an equal weight of the smallest draught mules, geered also in their accustomed manner; the cost of each team, together with their contingent expences, should be estimated and clearly understood. I would then hitch to the same Waggon a given quantity of weight of mules, which should from time to time be increased, until the Waggon should'be got into motion; the only additional fixture required for the experiment would be a stout rope, to be disposed of in a particular manner, adapted to the accommodation of the mules, on very different principles of lift and draught. Thence might be discovered, most decidedly, the difference, as to power of draught, between the " larger dray-horse, whose centre was four feet two inches," and the smaller and more humble beast, whose centre would be lower perhaps than half. 5 14 that height, actually employed in effecting the purposes of our object and exposing the truth of an important desideratum*.-1 8th March, 1809. From a proper conception of the principle of vis inertia I would substitute the swingle-bar and swingle-trees, for the firmly fixed splinter-bar and upright knobs, over which the traces are usually hitched; the latter confining the action of draught and lift, and consequently increasing dead weight, as may be perceived by the wearing of the traces at the point of contact; whilst the other mode evidently increases that tendency to motion, so much the object of our enquiry and wish: and this, too, in no contemptible degree, by the correspondent action and re-action of the breast-chain, ends of traces, swingle-trees at the end of the pole, and the general construction of the whole set of geers or harness. For upon this apparently inconsiderable point of the subject before us, much depends, for the more we increase action or motion, whatever quantity is produced before the centre of gravity cffecting a descending tendency in the first instance, and by the efforts of the horses, assisting that power of reflection so necessary to progress, we at the same time facilitate the lift and draught by which obstacles are overcome. As to the preference of wheels, I would recommend with much deference those that are perfectly cylindrical; axle-trees not curved, because when upon a tilt, or bearing, on one side only, the curve has a tendency to yield, when a straight line would brace, &c. &c. Instead of the modern improvement in having Carriages without a perch, I should rather adopt three, although the other kind are contrived to preserve an equilibrium. Improvements and de* Impromptu, on seeing a Waggon with coal stopped oir Muswell. Hill. 15 corations may be indulged by others, whilst in the principles here offered it is humbly hoped may be discovered something of general utility and economy. In several component and auxiliary parts various "wzaterials may be substituted. For roofs, a fabric of cotton cloth, japanned, or varnished by apatentpreparation may be used for leather. An inferior kind of leather thus prepared, with a substitute to render traces equally strong, and all kinds of braces too, may be found equal to what is now merely in contemplation*; in both instances producing an important end-the saving of hemp and flax, and leather, of superior qualities also; encouraging the manufacturers of substitutes, and leaving the more costly materials for other and more indispensably requisite purposes. With respect to Wheels, if a balanced pressure be increased ever so much, and the whole shall rest on aplane, it will consequently have a tendency to preserve a perpendicular position. Hence, then, seeing that the elephant is designed for burden, so may Trams or iron rail-way Waggons roll the same surface, for the feet and footsteps of this beast are nearly alike and parallel; and, if inclosed by right lines, will form a square figure. Mr. C---- e would seem to scout the doctrine concerning the diameter of axes; and in the proportions of those for " Wheel Carriages" would be governed by those of the clock, and other machinery, whose Wheels are " stationary, and have no other motion but that on their axis or spindle, and the power applied at the rim." But, let us endeavour to elucidate this point, and see, if that very distin. guished gentleman's perceptions can be properly extended to those "Wheels that roll on their rims, and advance progressively, at the same time, that they * Traces, Oc. maide of wires, &c. &c. 16 turn on their axles?" Is Mr. C-----e aware of the difference that exists between the peculiar properties of each? and has he contemplated the relative ýeffect of the necessary power to put them in motion; in the one case " applied at the rim," and the other at the centre? " Whether Carriage Wheels can be supposed to have any analogy to the lever," has been a question of much discussion; and, although MR. CUMMINGS seems to understand the subject in an eminent degree, let us exert but a very small portion of limited faculties, and we shall be able to see where the principle of the lever, in fact, does apply. I had already bestowed much attention and had concluded upon certain rules for deciding the diameters of axes for " Wheel Carriages;" and whatever then remained doubtful has since acquired certainty, by the light afforded the sublject from the reasonings of Mr. Cummings. True it is that " no advantages arise" from any analogy of the spokes to the lever. But may not some effect be derived from theprinciple of the lever, when the power is applied at the axis or spindle? When this power becomes active, does not its effect commence at that first or pearest point of contact? Is not that the nearest point acted upon, by which, on the exertion of the cattle, the Carriage is got into motion? Can that point be any other than the front part of the axle? And if, whilst the Carriage is at rest, the " power and resistance" (as applied to the body of the axle in close embrace with the box) are equal; " if the power be increased so as to give motion to the Wheel," does not the equilibrium thereby become destroyed? and, the impulse prevailing at the front surface of the axle over that point of the rim previously resting on the plane? Let us endeavour to see and point out the analogy of the lever acting from that point of impulse on the plane; the point of rest, or fulcrum, which is disturbed by advancing 1:7 the-axlei,.;-and, by.a pe.rpend~icular.,line dropt through, the. centre qf the axle?,% V*play ppereive tile continuil. destruction.p-qf te' q ipse," by advancing the front na~imn of, thea axle, which,, *.cording to. preceding prine iplo~, is mrnor~active thoq, tile other': heoce tite, iw~rased dA woters- of a~xke are coufirmwd*. FIGURE VI* A...................... Fitt, 6# A four feet WhM~ of eightich a1.'A,,th line Q,) traction; C, tile point qf rest, and, fularunt; )D.,E,A tht% plan1e..-Scale, one inch to the foot. Tile line B,.C, the qgent, pr power a~ppiedw, A 1 o,ronc motion Here, then, dhe" equipoise is destroye~d.. Anl,4 -hence the evident advantage appears of increasi;ttg daiamete~rd of. axles in all hieavier Carriog'"s. * Since this mnemoir has beem returne'd frorrýt thehIi Sn"d sr6fMt C - e, into whose it had been placeiJ,-.with the'hype.of abix tamuing the favour of that respectable gegi azn's. #t~p.)v Coi~firrnait'iwm Iof ispitilsin vhich expectation 1.~,ht0ebeeg disappiminted; it is'deeeduneessary to ote ahfirtrio~4t, Jog', for suffering h bis':dittir~uished mmattie Wto em4lirY, I it!I 1Wr betin Orioila"A~y, peba~psloq freely, uied... s) 18 St will have been discovered in a former part of these observations, that the author was doubtful, and, at the same time, perseveringly labouring to understand the principles, and to decide upon certain laws, or rules, for the diameter of axle-trees, particularly for Wheel Carriages. The result, it is his pride to offer for the consideration of others, possessed of greater acquirements: and until he shall be farther enlightened by their communications, he confidently recommends such as here described, viz. The diameters of axle-trees to be proportioned according to those of the Wheels. The front or fore Wheels of all Carriages to be ad libiturn as to height, but few occasions require greater or less than three feet. The hind Wheels of such Carriages to be regulated by the required length of the platform, or body, upon which the load is to be adjusted: and, increased in diameter or height, so as to form a depressed line of three degrees to the front axle; and if a little dished, in this particular too, nature furnishes a sure guide, for a horse that is a little cat-hammed is the more active. There will scarcely occur an occasion for Wheels of greater height than four feet, whether for pleasure or profit. Hence results the rule or law laid down in the specifcation; because the doctrine concerning time and power, is applicable to the particular point be. fore us; for the lighter and quicker a Carriage tioves, the better it gains by motion, what it loses in power; and, because velocity diminishes resistance, or pressure, upon the road. In the formation of most Wheels, the number of spokes are equal. But, to the practical observer, an unequal number seems more to accord with the theory of vibration. In the former, when one forms the point of contact on a plane, and consequently a right line of pressure, the opposite one an equal line of resistance, by which the principle of the 19 drch is destroyed; and, that desirable yielding or vibration, on sudden shocks, is in this case prevented; when, by diverging spokes from the common point within the nave (and perpendicular) an arch is placed over the point of contact on the plane aforesaid, and by these meatis the vibration is promoted and divided, relieving the Wheel from an unequal strain, accordingly as two spokes, above described, successively are made to sustain the load. And, vice versa, these considerations decide in favour of the wooden spokes and segmented periphera, in the composition of cast-iron Wheels, as exemplified by the drawing in the specification. With regard to Wheels, if a balanced pressure be increased to any given degree, and the whole shall rest upon a plane, it will consequently have a tendency to preserve a perpendicular position. Whence results a rule for the Wheels of Trams or iron railway Waggons. These may have their Wheels adapted, so as to roll the same surface: and the principle is illustrated by the foot and footsteps of the elephant, a beast peculiarly adapted for sustaining ponderous burthens. Respecting the preceding points, they are of the utmost importance; but others of mintter consideration are not unworthy of particular attention, viz. The Venetian blinds, with inner curtains for summer, and squabs for winter, may be so regulated as to admit a small (or prevent any) portion of air from so many crevices or apertures, as well in the door and windows, as the quarters, to secure the greater comfort of the passengers by exposing all alike to an equal participation of its influence; the doors too, may be furnished with blinds and glass. The seat, the ends of which are at the doors, would seem to obstruct an entry into the Carriage at all, but this is remedied, by converting the end divisions of such seats into part of the steps by which passexgerg P? 20 aiscend;'a plan which, it is hoped, will be Sound to possess some mfrit, upon an inspection of the drawing ip the specification. The seat behind, and qtitside, intended for persons,, or baggage occasiGnally-the4,baggage, box under the hind axle-trees, if required may, be suspended on springs and both providcd with jointed straps, and jacks to wind up and tighten the packages, so as to prevent their action; and the driver's seat also, together with a seat for the guard, or other persons-wvith aprons to the two first to cover passengers to the waist, (like a conimon Curricle) while their heads are protected by the projection of the roof behind. These particulars may he explained by personal attention, better than by written descriptions, or- an imperfect drawing. It seems important in my view, that some attention be given to the geering or harness, by which the powers of the horse may be used to the greatest advantage, as well as to relieve, as far as possible, the distress of that noble animal. Here too it requires little more than to siniplfy the common fashion and adopted modes. Keeping still in view his centre, it follows of course that the present mode of reining him) up is erroneous. The fixed point for this -purpose is behind that centre, thereby creating aý retarding- check, contrary to the progressive and natural motion of the head in advance. And this, for the purpose of supporting the animal, keeping him from falling, or recovering him from.a false step or blunder! What gvod horseman would, upon some similar occasion, keep his hand /Ared down to the pummel of the saddle, with the expectation,- by so doing, of recovering the horse from such an accident, "Would he not rather raise his hind up,-and by a qiický jerk suddenly restore the anim1. td rthe use of his legs,? ~rees colitrarihi on;the present plan the neck 'becopiang sltiff by being bracd to tbefiPed point t he. hind his centre, produces the effect of dead wVei~gh-t, or pressure fi-om this Jired point to his mouth, bperating thereby like the chord of an arch.e Hences then, I would prefer the top of the hatnes,- as the better point for fixing the bearing rein at, or upon the point of his centre; leaving thereby more to the skill of the driver, himself supporting the levers by his exertions and strength of arm, rather than stit-& fering the rein to lie negligently loose and extremely dangerous. This exertion of arm furnishing continual ah'd varying support to his team, as the continually varyiing occasions occur. The principles here supported apply in reference, in some particulars, to all Carriages; and none seem more to require their application than Post Chaises; since, to the least attentive passenger, it is evident, that the powers of the two horses in theni are never in concert, to produce an united effect. The postillion's horse is generally the stoutest of the two; and this is necessary, since by the natural and incessant:inconvenience to the rider's right leg, he makes his horse pull most. Hence the once stouter animal, from abuse, is degraded to the station of a hand horse, where, incessantly touched up, he is able to do little more by his efforts than serve as a counterpoise, by jerks, to his partner ever' on the stretch. The hitching of traces to the shafts in either Waggons or Carts, in the common way, is evidently an error, since no form of a bodj for drawing can be conceived better than that of a wedge or coneif in the former" (viz, the Carriage) the centre of its edge is the proper point; in the latter, no doubt, from its end. And-if we reverse this scheme, and propel, in'stead of draw, at what' point could we strike, so effectually, as precisely at, and upon thai Centre.? If, in )the ' construction of Wheel Carriages, the design is to provide d progressive motion, and that too with the greatest speed and least possible labour; who that possesses ordinary perception, who capable of reflecting upon the unerring laws of nature, and observing her simple operations, can for a moment doubt of the superior claims of the wedge-form Carriage? Can there be a surer guide to the attainment of our object, than a strict observance of first principles, and the application of practical discoveries, rather than forming visionary theories? And, if, as in decency we are bound to respect customs and opinions, however absurd; and whilst too we cannot but admire the inlgnuity of our ancestors, whose duty has been so well performed as pioneers, clearing the field of science by their bolder enterprizes and primitive talents, whereby posterity have gained so much wisdom and experience; we should pay little respect to their memories, and less value their exertions, were we not to improve upon their discoveries. Nor could our own claims to approbation be justified if, contenting ourselves with what has already been accomplished, we prostitute the noblest attributes of God, by an indolent enjoyment of those fruits already provided; when by our activity and exertion we might render them more gratifying to man and acceptable to our Maker! Observe then the horse, the noblest of the brute creation as well as the first in order; and destined to aid man in the attainment of his various purposes; see also the stag, the hare, the fox, the greyhound, and the whole tribe of quadrupeds; observe the fowls of the air, and the fishes of the sea! and among those latter whose necessities alike require swiftness of motion in the pursuit of their prey; and who, that investigates their frmation and attends to their action, cannot but perceive the wedge form? Why then should we not construct our Machines upon principles of convenience, by assuming, as ftr ra might comport with reason and experience, similar forms? and not only in their form, but in the adjustment of the burthens they are designed to tranisport? Here then, let usfirst remark a Waggon loaded with a large piece of timber, or trunk of a tree! the butt-end placed in advance, and, perverting the order of things, this end is elevated as far as possible; taking care, at the same time, that it shall not actually slide down behind on its inclined plane! And is there not some degree of ingenuity usually displayed to prevent this eftect? Every waggoner answers in the affirmative! Can it, thei-efore, be necessary for one, combating present errors, to reverse the proposition? and demonstrate the corollary? Has any one marked the track of the horse, the stag, the fox, the hare, or the dog, upon the snow? has he not seen that by drawing three or four right lines to enclose these tracks, that a triangle, or wedge, is the only possible figure to be described, thus? or in this manner? And after duly considering the proposition, who is so ignorant, as not to apply the same reasoning to the fish swim-. ining under the surface of the water, the fowl hovering upon the surface of it, and the bird passing through the air! In all such cases enclose the figures in like manner, and mark how much more agreeable to nature will such lines form an external figure of animated motion! And mark too, where the acute angle or point of the wedge will be found I Nor stop at this point: draw the profile of all these several animals when in motion. Let them be in full speed, and by drawing ilnes, as in the other cases, mark again the wedge form [I For the motion of the tail in the dog, fowl, and fish, vibrating and expanding, exhibits the form of th6 larger end or back of the wedge; as may be proved by viewing its utmost limits, when excited to produce its destined effects; like the spreading out the hind. legs of quadrupeds to insure their propellency and steady progress. Mu. WWALKER, guidcd as he prcsumes by the unerring laws of nature, would claim attention for being correct in his principle of the horse's shoulder, formingL a base from which his perpendicular line of traction descends to the splinter-bar: and if the horse was merely to furnish a IYfting power, there could be no ground of dissent fromt this hypothesis; but, since he is to draw according to different schemes of power and equipollency, viz, one pair of horses are to draw from a certain point, upon a level with his centre; and, since it is evident, that a man~can pull more down, than hie can upwards with a rope, by means of his wveight, and undulatory power too;, why should we not avail ourselves of this advantage, by resorting to the old faishioned harness with breast-plates, for the Wheel- horses? leaving the others drawing from the pole end, to lift by means of the coJlax and hames aforesaid, to which principle Mr. W.'s theory certainly is meant to apply. And SITR. ORn appears equally just in his conclusion,, that the ox pulls downwards. MR. GIPDY seems to, have reconciled this comparison. Here then are two opposite considerations, confirming tthe ideas 5 23 deWtrnstratedM in dC. IV. for combining the I'ftng with''the tractiYe power. And since my observations' arise from observing the course and conduct of nature, and findi~ng that the hoi'se is destined for ornaament as well as usefuilness, aiid that the oxk tWhose form, motion, bulk, &c. &c. oesignate him solely as the beast of burtlten; it seems conlsistenit to apply to the present purpose the manner in whichI hiis properties may be profitably employed. Still mindful of the superior ability of the horse, and the areater variety of purposes to which that ainima' can be applied; for in him are combined the many qualities, anid som-e of them exclusively so, requisite and connected with ow' present investigation. If a prohibition were to take place of faking so much 'lugage on the top of the Carriage, or the maxz uilrn, (never more than six horses to a Coach; nor niore than five to seven in heavy Wagmons; and three for a Cart, at the furthest; if oxen, five.-drawitig tandem) were to be disputed by Coach-proprie-d tors, as probably W\'ould be the case, from its curtailing their profits, it may be fairly replied, that others will bpe benefited by tthe employment of more Carriages, and.suipernumnerary horses; thereby producing a greaterlpublic advantagre by a far quicker cornmunication, aI)d less in~jury to that noble animal the horse; and to the less damage of the roads and " Higrh- ways." Itevertin(T to the hints afforded us by nature, I Would just observe a inan hitched to one of those three-wheeled chairs, used by invalids at' Bath;-let /iiy traces lhe fixed upon a level with its fron t Wis, and his breast-plate left free to find its proper poi t of resistance; his centre, somewhere about the heart, as in the hiorse, will be readily discorvered; and at that point will he find the" lea't difficulty in deaw'ing: y t, possessing mare of the"[f f ing-p6 1in by sucl6 a position, thin that, V;Pfd,ý4 h `f"tfie hi *Ie el a'. I: Ge r of I " hind Wiheets ttrefas'teld a'. th] e'i pot oI iot E wvith the plane, so as to be iinioveable, his continued efforts, if sufficient, will be exerted to lftF completely the 'fore Wheels from tthe ground, until their exis forms a line with the rear axle-tree-Vide FIG. IV. But, if another line of traction be extended from some fixed point, either of the passenger or body tow be drawn on the* machine; or, from an upright stanchion, contrived for the purpose, to the centre of the ac,'ent operating there, let this linefall and form an angle equal wvith that frorn below, in that case w%7ould be seen, the true point.of fixture, combining the powers of ljit and draug-ht. But, as before stated, if the road be always a perfect plane, then, the medium. or the centre ofgravity reasonably occurs to our senses, as the desired point. To those who insist on the ill effect of a true cylinder operating upon roads, even of four inches bearing, with " rounding off the Mde;" and would calculate this as minutely as a niodel to run on a cur1ved plane, it ily behe riopcr to reply, that both considerations vanish before the practical observer. 1For, nature compromises, and accommodates, all such minor considerations. Since theorists have deemed it important to "ccround off the edges of the tires of Wheels," with the view of an essential improvemzent, as set forth in certain relined and visionarty particulars, surely we may, with equal propriety, venture to expose the error, and the barbarous consequences of the illconstructed and misapplied " pruie plant," or, fashionable whip; and recommend a return to the old fashioned practical stqif and thong-; united by means of a loop, allowing a fall, or balance to the sufficiently extended handle-the judicious application of its weight causing the animals, at proper intervals, to feel what will stimulate them to effectual efforts. Instead of which, the unceasin2g: pecking upon the off shfQ Ider, by excoriating, until a callus 07 is formed, enables the animal to resist the' vain repetitions! Is not the end of such handles the place. to hold the whip? Look at the present ridiculous fashion! the end resting on the driver's knee! the long, light and unmanageable thong, tapering from, its union with the staff, doubled up into a bunch in. the hand, from whence it must be flourished indiscriminately, thus affecting all, instead of a particular horse. It is more advisable to adopt the Carriages here recommended, since their principle perfectly coincides with the improvements, lately contemplated by governmenrt for high-ways or public roads. And if such improved roads*, are likely to facilitate the progress of the present Carriages, how very great will be the advantage derived from altering all Carriages for this great and combined purpose, by reducing the front spinngs, adjusting the distance between the'axle-trees, so as to obtain the angle of three degrees, &c. &c. as far as they severally may admit, according to their present form and con". struction! " MR. GRANT" seems to have an idea of a different length of axle-tree. But, if he had reflected sufficiently on the invariable powers of the wedge, * Note well A. Appendix (C) No. 1, " to the Report from the Committee, relating to Broad Wheels and Turnpike Roads," shows a national saving by certain improvements of 5,057,5001. annually! Taking the liberty then of using the same data, and confining the estimate to a saving in horses, belonging solely to Waggons and Carts, it is believed that " the improvements in Wheel Carriages here set forth, will operate to a saving of eight millions per annum I" For, Waggons now take seven ton in winter, and eight in summer, with nine and ten horses, inclusie; whilst, it is not too extrayagant to expect,.that five horses in those Waggons so improved, will drawfive tone! and Carts in an equal ratio. And, all this in the present state of the high-ways of the kingdom: not to mention the immense sum that might thus be saved which is proposed to be voted for their improve; ment. 28 Xhough imperceptible to common sight, he would not hbave recommended that "' fore Wheels should be the full breadth of the rim, either nearer to, or more distant from each another, than the hind Wheels."1 He certainly would have adopted the principle here. contended for, the wedge form. For, does it not'seem coflsistent that the smaller Wheel, and its associate powers, shall sustain diminished weight? If this shall seem to contradict a former remark, let the final result for the shape of the Mlail Carriage, in the wedge form be examined. Hence then. an important difficulty is solved, a desideratum. obtained, and the wvish of Government satisfied-the advantage of Wheels rolling ddferent surfaces. The load too, by the adoption of -the proposed plan, as far as consists with accommodation, may be placed u pon the descendingo- line of pressure. These cbnsideratibons have induced me to conclude upon the eligibility of the wedge frn and the leer, nanifested by the lines of pressure and traction. And does it not coincide with common sense that, higher Wheels, necessarily made proportionably stouter, ought to sustain the greater weights? proc0 eding on the continued principle of the wedge; which it is our aim to introduce into practice, as far as comports with utility and convenience, according to varying and incidental circumstances. That gen - tjemai's plan for altering axle-trees, with singular propriety, and profit, may be realized, and made to correspond with these principles. MR. ERSKINE'S ". observations" that horses abreast draw more than when yoked at length) confirms these principles. And, in Carts the plan of one and three, as before stated, is now manifested. The " proposed regulations relative to Stage Goaches," which have come to the author's notice since writing the preceding remarks, tend to corrow borate these principles.-" Outside passengers," ie,4 5 99 ing limited, and the risque of the 'prsentifxsbhion avoided, the number of insides will 1beinbt'esedtia due proportion. And the figures hereafter-to be referred to, demonstrate the provisio- fofr-lug""' e, by means of what may be evled "' *ub-i Rnlperials," taking " fully as much bulk" aid weight " as' icon sistent with the preservation" of those advantags, so unremittingly aimed at in these memoirs. MaR. J. CG. H-IORNBL1OWE n"S observations; have been also anticipated, and his suggestions brought into view; and, this coincidence of opinions tends to confirm these principles. SMR. XVATERHOUSE will find tiis CJoach, or Carriage, equally high in its platform, and consequerotly equally dry for the preservatiort of goods, Iln order to evince the truth of the propulsive eLffect previously conceived, created, and employed, it may conclusively serve the purpose to observe the repulsive and opposing re-action of the high arched fore spr'ings in gentlemen's pleasure Carriages, and thence decide the merits of others, which will hereafter be shown to possess the greatest utility; and at the same time capable of yielding an equally agreeable sensation to the passenger. It may be necessary however here to anticipate an objection that may be started to the use of th ree perches; for although they admit not of very short locking or turning, yet, the Carriage may be turned from one street into another, whose severtd widths are only twenty feet, and this too, with four horses in hand. True it is, that the operation requires mere time! But what will perhaps more than balance this inconvenience is, the humanity of a regulation that would compel coachmen to -stop! or, to turn all corners slowly, lest by a different conduct some passing foot - passenger be incommoded, i-f not knocked do*n, and - seriously injured; or the Carriage itself upset! For such accidents Crtainly havd 1 30 occurred, they do occur frequently in the metropolis, and should be provided against by every possible means. ADMIRAL BENTINCK'S information, as to the "Nelson Coach," confirms the truth of an original observation on this subject, where on driving down hills it is absolutely necessary to increase the velocity as far as possible, to prevent the overturning of the Carriage! &c. &c. It might be well to consult MR. HASKER, and obtain his ideas as to the merits of the principles, and construction of a Carriage, here set forth; and I would most respectfully solicit his opinion candidly on the subject, whether it can be made lighter with safety to the Coach, and passengers, more especially considering the difficulties of travelling.in the night-time? It is consistent with every consideration belonging to the subject, to remark, that, whether with respect to the smaller Carriage, the altered Post Chaise, or any new ones to be built for such purposes, and the Mail Carriage more particularly, there should at all times be a companion with the driver: and as the motive is, to have aid at hand in case of accidents, this passenger should be of his own choice, or the one approved by consent of parties; all of whom are interested in the selection. And the largest Carriage should never have more than two, including the driver; for, a greater number would be increasing, rather than diminishing, danger. MR. VIDLER'S notions, so far as he has been consulted upon this subject, still leave us to determine upon certain rules for the diameter of axles; and, his objections to the increase in their length and weight, do not discourage us from the hope of: accomplishing this end hereafter. The rud~e original sketches FIGS. I, II, III, it is presumed, will place the errors of the high Coach, 31 now in use, viewed either travelling up, or down hill, or on a plane, in a conspicuous light, and at the same time support the projected plan. Bringing again into view, the three-wheeled, Bath Chairs, in order to support what has been said of the effect, produced by the application of certain powers to, and points of, the wedge and cone; what would be the reply of the most ignorant porter, if he were asked the difference between the quantity of his power or momentum applied in drawing from the front axle-tree, and that of pushing from his accustomed point on the back of the vehicle? I feel too much respect for the patentee, the Rev. MR. MILTON, to offer any comparisons between the advantages of the machine under contemplation, and that, which he has so ingeniously offered to the honorable Committee of the House of Commons, to whom it belongs most properly to decide. Finally, should these principles possess sufficient merit or plausibility as in a reasonable time, and under any circumstances, to insure their being brought to the test of experience, the Author confides in a successful issue. However fallacious the premises, and however erroneous the deductions, it is said that " we tnust not attack MR. WALKER." And, yet, who could forbear to exhibit the absurdity of the highly loaded Coach which meets his unqualified approbation? And who among practical men, will be found still to persist in the error, after viewing the FIGS. J, U, III, exposing so clearly the serious objections to such a practice MR. K. another gentleman of very distinguished merit, insists that "the more the point of theaxle is bent down, the better!" If indeed.th Cose4,is designed to sustain, a vast.weigh 0oqly; tent the principle of the arch may be carried still farther. 3i2 So ioo, a nman who is bow-legged, possibly caln.beaf a greater weight than one, who is as straight as an Indian; but how fallacious will such doctrineS apear in a trial of their comparative swviftness'! This gentleman also is an advocate for elevating the load, as -far as possible, even to the extravagant idea.of its assuming the form of a column, erected upon the floor, or platform, of a four-wheel Carriage I Abdt in aid of this theory instances, a common Waggon b-alling large trees from a bog; on which occasion-the load is necessarily mounted aloft by hiolsters, &c. &c. each end projecting fore and aft! True! But mark where lies the'deception! The elevated load produces an effect, which, if not m-isconceived, is caused by the principle and power of',the Ietker! Here then the ingeninty of those genternen might have been well emlnloyed, in contriving a mode for applying the efforts of the team at the acting end of the lever, instead of the presenta "point of traction, the rEsisting end; and after ef'feeiagtihis purpose, might not the fallacious contriVanoes for comibining the I f and draught have been jpercmived? Still pursuing such reasoning, how gratifying would be the result of an experiment, wherebv ithe real effect of suddenly stopping the hind Wheels and continuing, the draft, until the trute 'line 'of t'raction was formed, fr-om that Point of )n'sista~zuce and contact on a plane, to the pointrot d.taft; the horse's centre thence estimating the muli tlid, i and worse than useless, efforts towards prorai i &eTrnhetion! For it surelyis necessary to cornvrehe-nd the several causes, and effects of such cases, before we can prove the improper point of t 'iri!t -the splintev-bar': -after wvhich may we not 4necv'the hammering of the 'fore Wheels on the' ý a" reasol greater than an increased velocif,~ IbI the9ýe_ rinfas4 than the hind o0ts?;t; -xr OF LOADING. WITHOUT being either a "Waggoner or Carter," every person at all concerned in Carriages, in, fluenced rather by prejudice than reflection, insists that the loads of every Carriage should be placed as near as possible to the cattle. But, why or wherefore, is asked of those best skilled in such affairs? Has any one fully contemplated the combined powers of the lift and draught? Does he not perceive that by reason of a continued tendency to lift, drawing from the axle-tree, the weight is necessarily laid upon that point, that its pressure may counteract such tendency? And, does not the pressure thus Jixed neutralize the repulsive effect produced by the efforts of the team upwards, from the termination of the line of incidence? An effect equally produced by placing the load on the after axle-tree or fulcrum? Hence, is it not apparent that, if the point of traction be from the line oJ gravity, and adjusted to the centre of the cattle employed, still mindful of the principle of the wedge, when once in motion, is not its impetus increased consistently with its well defined and powerful properties? For, does not a wedge penetrate with greater facility in proportion to its weight behind the edge? And, is not its tendency to motion increased by its weight also? And, according to the view I have formed of the theory of falling bodies, that would seem to apply, in a certain degree, even in the very oblique descent of the wedge principle, here adopted. If these remarks have any claim to attention, may not the Mail vehicle, designed, and jI 34 exemplified in the drawing, be found to possess some small portion of merit? And, if applicable to such a Carriage, may not the same principles be realized in the structure of every other, either for pleasure or profit? Ijow cr-uel and absurd then must it be, still to persist in old errors and opinions, and persevere in continuing to distress and worry the noble spirited horse, by'requiring of him worse than useless and continual exertions to jiGt by his action, whilst it must be by his re-action he performs the task of dragging along, however happily disposed, an oppressive burthen! Is it not therefore manifest, that, by a judicious arrangement of the load upon the frundation, or platform, supporting its gravity, that portion which is placed behind the after axle-tree, or fulcrum, peirforms the, operation of the lev'er from time to time as obstacles occur, howi-ever minute, facilitating thereby the purpose of Ifting the front Wheels without. Irnposing d(ead weight on the team, as in the usual way of hitching the traces to the splinter-barP Respectfully mindful of lit. WALKER'S experiments and intwliigencc, I must crave the Reader's induigence and his pardon for further considering his theory on the properties of the horse. And, since perfection in science is not an attribute of humanity, may it not be, that wlhilst advocating the form of the shoulder, doubtless well calculated from which, as a base, to drop a perpendicular, a just/icca*tion is rather sougoht for the indiscriminate use'of the collar, which long habit, or, unaccountable prejudice, seems to have confirmed? Can it not be equally maintained, that thejoints of the shoulders, fprming the breast, by means of the several short Joints, or levers, uniting and combining largeir members of the frame into. a breast-work, where, seeing that this macrinery is inore limited in its aC/tion, a firmer and more irrisistible base is pi'o1 vided for the resistance necessary to be overcome? And, if as before, a man, by adding his wveig-ht to his other physical power, can pull more on a rope, is it not a conclusive apology for reverting to an improved old fashioned breast-plate, at least for the Wheel horses? In order to ascertain the principle of the inclined plane of three degrees, adopted -s the basis, and here elucidated so far as to demonstrate its practicabiliti on the present occasion, a small carriage and block, as per' Fie. VI, were provided; and a pully too. Tfhis block, A, at first sight, would seern to be a quadrant, or, in its profile, the fourth of a circle. But, it lacks three degrees; and, these are supplied by the aforesaid Carriage, or platformz, upon four' Wheels, marked B, whose axles are cut by the aforesaid line of graduated inclination. When this block is placed with either of its plane sides in fr-ont, or upon the 'fore axle, and consequently, the other, upon the platfornz, a true perpendicular will be found, formed from its summit to the plane *on which the Wheels roll, C, C. In this position, a given wleigh t was suspended " over a pully," elevated to a proportionate point of the supposed horse's cent)re; Ifiting from the axle (as in the present Coaches). This wveight being unequal either to li/t or draw, the block was reversed; and the curved or arched side placed be-.tbre; the under side on the platformn as before: this same " given" weight, upon the same pully too, lput the Wheels in motion, pronmptly! Next, to show the effect, and to prove the error of springs acting laterally, or, crosswise, as in the samne Coaches, the block was placed upon its curved face or. side, crosswise. The before-mentioned weight, and pully, the same; the Wheels were put in? motion: but, in proportion as the rockingr, or vibraF (42S 1 36R FIGURE V1. 37 tion increased, so did its velocity diminish! Again, the block was now, as in the former case, placed upon its curved face, equidistant from either axletree; but, longitudinally. The weight, pully, &c. in all things equally the same as in the other preceding cases; the Wheels were set in motion by the weight. But, by minute attention, in that instant of time, when the agent was discovered, so did the disposition of the block, conforming to mathematical law, manifest a tendency to get behind the centre! And, equally proving the advantage obtained by the inclined plane, counteracting that disposition, the velocity of the Wheels was increased to a sensible degree: thus exemplifying a mode by which action may be rendered in these cases less than reaction! From these considerations, may not the wedge form, and the propulsive efect, contended for throughout, receive a reasonable degree of support? This experiment teaches at the same time, that if iron rail-roads for Trams or Waggons were raised, or the track for the beast drawing them, were sunk, so that his centre of draft was precisely level with the front axle, giving him the aid of his weight by undulatory motion, his power would be greatly increased. Wherefore the ox, drawing by the forehead as in Spain, or, by an inverted collar and hames, is most appropriate. And, seeing that the elephant is calculated to bear great weight, and that his four feet being inclosed by right lines form a square figure, so may the Wheels of these Trams or Waggons run parallel. (If a doubt had been entertained of the great advantage sought to be produced, and continued by means of what is here considered the propulsive effect, counteracting and neutralizing at the least, that contrary " endeavour" which gravity is ever known to accomplish in Carriages of the present construction, but more 38 particularly to be perceived by the elegant seasprings; this obstacle vanishes by the perusal of " page 143 of the Appendix to the Third Report of the Committee of the House of Commons, &c. &c. &c," where MR. ORR not only flatters the pride of the Author by condescending, and, as it would seem, to have taken the hint from him; but confirms the principle, by an "addition to what he had already said in the M1emoir on Wheel Carriages;" the consideration of which said original Memoir had been most acceptably committed to the Author by Sir JOHN SINCLAIR; the honor of which had been attempted to be compensated, by an humble submission of his own rude and unfinished, and desultory reflections, upon the same subject.) But alas! how shall we dissipate that cloud which envelopes the mind, or effectually combat an evil so generally owned, and yet so feebly resisted! Can it be hoped, that so feeble an instrument shall prevail, as now dares to use the wedge to perforate, and the lever to rend, that prejudice, which, for ages has been rivetted upon the vulgar, and acquiesced in by the intelligent? by those simple and common lights which nature incessantly offers alike to the attainment of all ranks? It may appear more presumptuous than discreet, unpatronised and isolated, thus to attempt an enterprize, begun in doubt, pursued under discouraging circumstances, and now thrown upon the world, an unzprotected shivering bantling. Yet, thankful for limited lights of science, and depending on the prevalence of truth, we shall trust the issue to fair experiment. But, the Wheels roll difJerent surfaces! And, to innovate upon philosophers, mechanics, and profound academicians! temerity is a term too mild, to characterise such a project. Still preferring to reverence nature's more perfect laws, and juster proportioned machines, to the se5 39 veral purposes for which these are designed, let us in pitying the arrogance of those, whose superior acquirements forbid them the use of what the beggar enjoys, simply contemplate the horse, the o0r, and the dog! Do either tread continually in the same track? The first cannot encounter a bog so effectually with half the bulk, as the ox with his cloven feet; expanding for the purpose of bringing as many points as possible into use, the better to sustain his weight and pressure! Whilst for similar purposes, the claws of the dog are so wisely contrived, as to pass, and gain what shall be inaccessible, and impassible, by both the others! But it may still be urged these same Wheels " will be difficult to get, or drag out of the ruts " It is a sufficient reply to ask, how these ruts have been made? It may close these remarks, by insisting upon a conclusion evidently resulting from Wheels not running in the same track, that common and reciprocal advantages will be derived, both to the roads as well as WVheels. CONCLUSION. SPECIFICATION OF A PLAN FOR TIE CONSTRUCTION OF WHEELCARRIAGES IN GENERAL, UPON A PRINCIPLE INTIRELY NEW. THE height of 'fore, or front Wheels of all Fourwheel Carriages, the length of their axle-trees, and breadth of platform, or base in front, on which the body, or load is intended to rest, or be supported, may be, ad libitiun. The distance between the two axle-trees, to be regulated according to the different purposes and uses for which they are designpd, requiring longer, or shorter platforms, or bases; and consequently an increased elevation of the hinder Wheels, by having respect to the following particutars, thus-measure such requisite distance between the front, and the hinder axle-tree; then elevate the Wheels so as to form an inclination of three degrees from the centre of such hind Wheels, to the centre of the front or 'fore Wheels. And their relative, and proportionate heights, will be thus respectively ascertained. The length of such hinder axle-trees, and correspondent platform, or base, may be known by drawing a straight line from the centre of the front of such platform, or base, to the end, or hinder part of such platform or base; then, extend two other parallel right lines from the extreme points of the front, or 'fore part of such platform, or base, on each side of the aforesaid right line, and expand the same from the commencement, at the two extreme points of the front and width of the platform, or base aforesaid, so as to obtain A -- I-j-i F-- 7I 7 .17 - * / 'y ----- * / TO THE READER. Other Plates and Drawings alluded to in this Pamphlet, could not be prepared in time, from the circumstance of their having been detained too long in the Enrolment Office, where they may be seen, as also in the Repertory of Arts: and, if the present Treatise isfavourably received, another Edition shall exhibit the whole Drawings upon the Subject, together with certain additional Observations, 42 are aflixed; so tlat the Wheel horses attached thereto, may with facility turn from side to side, in concert with the pole and leaders; by this contrivance the one pair solely draw; whilst, by means of the pole (the line of reflection) the others simultaneously lift and draw, and thus effect what is so desirable, a combination of the powers of lift and draft. Pole-pieces, or breast-chains are used to hold back, and to guide such Carriages, in the usual manner. The axle-trees are to be constructed of wood, or metal, according as circumstances may require. If of iron, or other metal, to render them lighter and equally strong, they should be hollow at the arms, or, those portions of them, that rest in the boxes of the Wheels, and on which the latter turn: into the ends of them may be inserted screws with washers, or other contrivances suggested, with or without linch-pins, to confine the Wheels from running off. And, at the other end, or shoulder, washers, or other means may be adopted to confine the inner surface of the shoulder, or inner box, from working inwardly, and out of its proper position, in a manner similar to those at present in use. In the formation and adjustment of the necessary springs to all Carriages, whether for the Mail, Coaches for the conveyance of a large or small number of passengers, or pleasure Carriages of every denomination and quality, having close or open bodies, with four Wheels; the front springs must rest for support on the bolster over the axle-tree, and after-bar, or other pieces of timber, calculated for the purpose of supporting springs in the usual way; but these are to be curved, or arched forward, projecting twenty-five degrees in advance of a perpendicular line, drawn through the centre of the Wheel, on its axle,,that forms the base of a true isosceles triangle, described from the aforesaid project 43 ing point, to the top of the curve, or arch, where it is intersected by the fore-said perpendicular line.. In this state, and position of the spring, it is understood to be at rest, the Carriage not being loaded: leaving the space under the curve, or arch, sufficient for the required flexibility, and propulsive action of the spring. The body or platform of the Carriage is to be supported by arms, or stays, curved according to convenience, taste, or fancy; attached to the platform under it, at that point which is precisely perpendicular to the centre of the Wheel aforesaid; whilst the hind spring may be extended from the front seat, within the body, so as to support, and steadily preserve, the platform, as nearly as possible, parallel with the line of inclination previously described: the projecting and lower pointof such arm, or stay, to be united to the projecting point of the spring, in the usual manner of junction. In constructing the hind springs, for the purpose of keeping a propulsive effect in view, the necessary springs and arms are reversed ip their mode of attachment to the several bodies; the platform, or the frame of the Carriage; and also in their projection. These are to be fastened to the platform beneath; the base of the spring, forward in its point pf contact, must be precisely perpendicular over the centre of the hind Wheel; extending the same to the common line, on which the hinder part of the back seat within, and that of the outside (see the plate) have their bearing and united pressure; thence curving upwards t.o the line of inclination before-mentioned, they are to terminate under the front.part of the back, and outside seats.; where, meeting with the stays, branched from the frame of the hinder part of the Carriage belqsy, and elevated to the aforesaid line of inclination, they are to be united, in the usual way which' springs are, to stays or shackles, 44 Whence it will evidently appear that springs, so constructed, must inevitably produce propul-sive effects. In"'order to check any sudden shtocks, lon(giudinally, or otherwise; but more particularly to counteract any extraordinary jerlks, or overstraining 1) thne TVheel horses, tpon the tractor, a jointed Uhhek-brace is attached to the front bar of the hinder frame of the Carriaue, an-d ~fr,-ot of the jack, 'Pr stay, supp.qrting firmly thc hind spring, and exteniada to thv,platform, precisely at the point uncrlC(I th~fiqre part Qf the Jront seqt, wievre it is united; iII a mode'similar to that adopted in 1grasshoppersprings. "Or,' if, on trial, this cecck-bracc can be iiia&ato aid tthe effect of springs a* the saic timuie; W >jilf io such case answer a double purpose. The profle or external figure of. a Carriage, designid for the:Mail Vehicle, is thus briefly e.xpIaincd. Th,e foot-board wAY W varied accordingrl to fancy in p'.int of form, its width o-Le), the axletree, however, mnust be so regulated, as to allow *uftcient space between the platformn and intcrior end',of the hub, or nave of the Wheel, and elevated ik -bit urn, beyond the tractor-, or point from nwhich tibe Wbheel horses draw, wvhich is in a general view to be at four fect above the plane on which they stand, or travel; but this point of traction must be varied according to circumstances c,, denpending on the ce-ntre of the higher, or lower cattle: and this rather by altering tle height of the fore Wheels, thaon by any other exedieut; a consjderatioi whicti is of the first im portan ce. The C.oachman's seat wust he wvide.enoughc for tWo, el vated eightee inches above the line of, in-# elsnation,an et'ts, already noticed; the saawe may Sacconpo4ated,i any manner,, as f eboc aas a pRpen~r eu1L r linm pa-ahle1 wish tlle, one aircad, enACtioned; lro,1, the centre oftheheel; e and fuormed 42;i at twenty-on!e iniches, more or less, as appearsillost eligible, leaving all that space in advance of he said last perpendicular line, to formi a boot for the stowage of parcels, or other luggage. Tbis last perpendicular line forms the front interior of the body, and back of the.fr2ont seat. The door, suf-1 ficiently wide, is hinged nearly to the above pqrpendicular line, an opens at the end of it: one 11oiety of which eat, forms alternately a Ytel) that foided uip supports the end of such moiety, by restip(u, on the sill of the door. T'he seat is in two di. visions, united and supported in the middle, by a perpendicular fixed framne, receiving and confining an utnion-swri-cel, upon which to slide up and down itn forining the steps, and restoring the sclat, by two bolts under; forced by a spring, out of place, wheti unfolding; and, in again, by folding" utp the step (after having been thrown down and used as such); which beingr then confined by a clamp, keeps the bolts thus fIrced back into the upright frame, and made to support the seat as aforesaid, by being stepped on knobs or points on the sill. The cushions arc divided, or jointed, like the commnion mattresses; the person keeping his seat, holds up the division of the -cushion, belonging to the rising passenger, who opens the door and lets down the step with great convenience and facility. For further particulars see the drawing. The space forming the side, or wall of tie body, furnishes space for a window; and the remainder of such wail, or side, to be stuffed and lined as usual, except as much as will admit of quarter blinds, glasses, &c. (for ageonie bodies than this) as per drawings; or, other forms, if preferred, may easily be adopted. Tie windows in the doors, permitting the hand to be put otit to open the door,, which is locked, and made.perfectly safe from awcidentally flying 9pen, by the uneder part of the wip4ow, from which il 46 a bolt projects into the opposite side. These walls, or sides may be swelled out, and miadle to assume any appearance, keepingcr in view the wedge form base, on which they are erected. The hind seat within the body,. forms a box for the Mail or other purposes, the front part of it being extended to the extremity of the platform behind, where it opens at the termination of the same, an rout part of the outer seat; exposed to the eye M the guard, who sits upon an elevated seat, hinged orjointed to the end of the platform, or otherwise; the floor of which additional fixture, extends one foot, more or less, to a point, wherb a second joint, or hinge connects it with another, but flexible support, united to the stay on which the back-springs of the Carriage rest (or as per plate). And, upon this additional base, which forms a floor common to the passengers on the outside seat, and to the guard, may be constructed his scat, or otherwise; or, if for several persons, equally w'ide, with the one in front of them; which by the eavpa-ndcd /brfilm of the body, and, not being stu1ffed or lincd, inay be capable, of containing three or feur; whilast the'seats within, are calculated only for twoo each. The formi of the body in a profile view behind, is curved, in order that by theprojection of the roof over' the hinder outside seat, the heaIds of the passengeIrs, or the luggage, if substituted, may be de-, fended from the weather. A aurtain dropped from the point of su-.h projection in the roof, forms an additional defence, and at the same time, an apron' for the elevated guard, whose seat enables him to see around him in every direction. Among other serious considerations for seating outside passengers beloPw, is, the principle in this inode of constructing Coaches, allows nothing ever to, be.phced on the top of the Carriage; for who eve'r freights a ship on the deck, instead of stowing 47 her cargo in the hold? In pursuance of the idea of never permitting luggage, or persons to be placed on the top, but wholly confining, as is evidently proper, (except imperials) the load to the line of draft, as far as practicable, the principal framing, both of the Carriage and the body, requires every degree of strength, and consequently, must be relatively heavy; whilst in every thing to be contrived and adjusted above the line of inclination or bearing, every respect possible should be paid to render the body light. The roof therefore may be covered with canvass, cotton, or other light fabric, varnished over, or made water proof with Paqualon's patent or any like composition. It seems superfluous to remark, that the preceding particulars being understood, various larger or smaller Carriages may be constructed upon a similar plan, for whatever numerous uses they may be required. If for the purpose of conveying numbers, as the present long, double-bodied, and extraordinary heavy Coaches, the scale being fixed by the breadth of the front, and fore axle-tree, for three persons to sit, the driver and two others (which is improper); or, three, within, on the first seat; a middle seat may be added holding three, or four, by the sides of the bo'dy being made convex; the door should open at the ends of this middle seat; which divided into three equal parts; each terminating division would form alternately a seat and step, as before described: the back seat, lengthened by the swell of the body, or expansion of the platform, will hold four, and thus accommodate ten inside passengers, Whilst, agreeable to the reasoning in the former case, five may sit with their backs to the Carriage, outside; and as many more, if so absurdly and improperly required, may be placed on a seat similar to the one contrived for the seat of the guard, by increasing 48 its length. And, if the hoot and box previously d1escribed, be insufficient,' then may be appended to, -and. under the hind axle-tree, if necessary, siblo.inlperia1s, ffor the accommodation of 4towilng lugy gage.,,,, The same qbservatiOns equally apply in an inverse ratio, for constructing the more reasonable and proJitable lighter Cat'riage for two horses, or for the draught of a single horse. If the Author does not deceive himself by a too great confidence in his conception of the lever, he is not without a hope, that others will perceive its eI. Jfct, hii a considerable degree thus applied, whenever an obstacle shall shock and impede the fr-ont Wheels. In such cases, the load being adjusted as previously provided, if that axviom; be not controverted, uponWhich this conclusion is founded, wrill notAthat endtleavoisr of (,ri-avity to get be/tind the centre, act mU. upon the after extremity of the llatform, the hind axle-tree answvering as thefitacrumn, correspondentl v lighten the pressure befire; and assist the Ijing power of the cattle at the end of the pole? The foregoing rremarks and directions are more immediately and particularly designed for artizans, in the constructing (Carriages for the counveeyrance oq the JlMails, and all other Four-wheel Vehicles placedI on springs, to assist them ini 6omprelendit](7g thie proportions of the several parts; ye-t,, tbe' /)rinciples will be regaarded in the nmanufacturinog or boilding of every other kind of Carriages, in wN~hatever particular they may apply. The common.road XVaggon of any size, or for artny purpose, may be thus, constructed, as relates to the6' a)'riage-part, by observing the rules here laid down; whilst the base, or pla/Jorm, may be fasteneddowrn to the framning of the front an4d hinder axle-trees, in the usual way; upOn which a body of any form nmay be raised as shall bent answer the intended purpose:- keeping alwayA S 49 in view, the principle of the wedge, the line of inclination, and the due adjustment of tke load, as herein particularly described. The method.by which all such Carriages hereia are to be propelled or drawn, is precisely the samWe as the one previously explained; except, that thi tractor for the tongue, or Wheel horses, is to be formed, at the same elevation from the plane of the road, by an iron triangular-tractor, whose base is to be thefront of such Waggon, and.fastened to the sides of the same by means of strong hooks and eyes, or otherwise, ad libitum, so as to operate by such means; and the point or angle, to which the swingle-bar is attached in like manner, by a hook and eye, is to lie (when acted on) precisely over the centre of the junction, or embrace pf the po1a with the futchels: thus producing simply an union of draught, by means ot triangles, proj~ecting frotp the true, and proper base, the load, or burthen which is the subject of traction. From ftlese remiarks and directions it appears.alW Four-wheel Carriages, so constructed, will rolldifferent surfaces, and have different bearings on- the, road, accordintg. to the elevation of the Wheels; the highier ones, destined to bear the heavier., porfnpn,% will have a. correspondent increase of, prewpe,ý axle, &C. &c. as before stated. Reservingzfor'futunr, consideration, general. rules, and particu l,,di-, rections relative to JYhecl of a certain d~sesjipuil., it may here be proper to observe, thefront Wbqelft of no Carriages need -be dished; but that with. the view of providing an advantage now deemed it?9rtant in cowipwon practice,.the hind Whed1s, where their breadtk..of pressure is ý18ufflcient Or,;4e~pu~ - pose qf protecting.-the ni4ve. from collision 'Wt1!h~, rims oif o0 rs, such W ela may be a (iile 4iMh4j so that the; periphery.of #ýj: Wheel sndei4q O 50 the nave, may project equally, or otherwise, as may be found adviseable. The common road Waggons, already described, fnay be furnished with springs under the platforms if desired, in the usual mode of fixing springs; but, another kind of Waggons, and Carts,' entirely different and novel are to be constructed in the following manner,-the Waggon, in the principles, and form, so far as respects the Carriage-part, will differ little from the former: for it is to have the axletrees connected by a single perch in the middle, as in the usual method of construction. The body however is to rest, and traverse longitudinally upon segments of circles, whose semidiameter is eleven feet; which said segments are to be sustained by the means of springs of various lengths, bolted down to the frames of the several axle-trees in the usual way; or upon blocks, bolsters, or other contrivances, sufficiently elevated for locking the fore Wheel oneeighth round without springs: these segmentts may be of wood, faced with iron, or, of iron or other metal solely; the front portion of these segments to be contracted about one-third, so as to correspond with the front and shorter. axle-tree; the remaining two-thirds must be expanded so as to fall precisely within, or upon the line of the wedge-form platform, recommended in the former instances; both portions of which are to be parallel to each other, opposite and corresponding segments; which segments are to Sbe divided into three equal parts; and, upon each, three friction rollers; or, if found more eligible in practice, instead of rollers, iron circular keels, like skate-irons, may be adopted: in either, or both cases, they will traverse upon the- segments or circular base; checked by means of the two ends of the same before and behind; and two intermediate Mp.; tthus dmitting. the body. to slidel backwards 51 and forwards, as the Waggon is going down, or up hill, and preserving the floor of the same in ali cases level. Respecting the'length of the segneint9, or circular base, it will be peculiarly necetssary tod observe that the front end should be -not p rojected beyond the periphery or rim of the front Wheel when the Waggon is standing on a plane, and, of coursek the body level. The diameter of the said front Wheel is tdbe' nearly the length of the first division, or third part -of the segment, whilst the hind Wheel, or rather its ntave, will be under the centre of the other twothirds of the aforesaid segments, and body. Upon the top of these segments, about six inches deep, will be a circular bar of union, corresponding with the base, and attached to the stops previously alluded to, and each extremity. The body, conformable in shape to these segments, is to be furnished underneath with iron plates fixed longitudinally, so to correspond with the base, and axles foi the friction rollers, or skate-irons, upon which it moves, and varies its position in'ascending and descending hills, always preserving a level, if the ascent or descent does not exceed fifteen degrees. The most adviseable length for the level floor of the body, or the chord of the arch, will be ten or eleven feet, upon which the same may be raised and expailded laterally, and at -the extremnities, in the usual way. The diameter 6f,the front Wheels, the standard of prop-ortion in other.instarwes, Inust be the regulating principle here. -The lowe, however, these are, thd fatthor apaft must consequent1i be the axle-trees, to' roise th. floor sufficiently high for the draft of th Whe4 horses, and to keep the IQad above tatfer. The mode of drawing in these W9AIIgM)ns, ass it respects the Wheel cattle, derers frum the 't9er., that, instead of a singte trlactor, uiited by hodks' aht eyes, fhe form is to be niearly r versed3 b ut, it V verses up and down by oval holes at the end, upon 5egments of circular irons, formed upon the eleveni feet diameter also, the chord of which reaches from the lowest point of the body, in front, to the'Idistance of twelve to eighteen inches above the centre of the cattle, (say four feet) the inner part of which is round or cylindrical: it may, however, be made flat, and the hole of a different form, furnished with a friction roller, stayed by a spring; whilst the outer edge is jagged somewhat like a whip-saw, in order that, by means of the same tractor, which is also VxtendeId at the same time, like a light pair of' 4iafts, it may be backed upon, and the progress of the Carriage, down hills, be retarded. For by this contrivance, the point of traction slips up and finds its proper level, as the cattle ascend, and the load consequently descend upon the base, till stopped at its extremity. Upon a level, the point of tractioti is precisely at the end of thp line ofgravity, or at bottom of the load. These principles and contrivances being understood, the use of the tractor will be apparent, operating upon the front or jagged face of the segment,'which it embraces, in backing, down hills, producingthe desired effect, that of pieserving the load level. In fixing these tractors, the centre of the front part of the body must first be found, and then suflicient space allowed from that,'to the Centre of each horse on either side; thus the proper point "till be ascertained, from whence to draw, and by which to back and traverse. The shafts must be rendered as light as possible, and adjusted to the size of the animals wbich are to draw simnply by collars, hawnes, and tuzvg,'or broad breast-plates'. A fired breeching also ray be contrived, for thcr6 will be no occasionf'6r complicated harness, the sh-afts ever yielding to the action of the cattle, whether undu-. 8aitory,1 zigzOA, )oiorotherwise. I 1 ii6rever will be '53 requisite, by all means, to prevent dizvero'in o'efforts; for this, like many other things too much neglected, is highly advantageous, may be effected-by coupling reins, and attention on the part of the driver. In the form and construction of Trans, or iron rai[-way Waggons, as these, from the circumstance of their parallel tracks, cannot be in the wedgpform, a difference may be admitted. And it ia singularly curious, that analogy in nature is here observable. The elephant and the ox, by nctktre deem signed for slow motion, and heavy burthens, have their leigs and feet placed different from those of the fleeter animals; and in their foot-steps, if inclosed by four )right lines, each touching two footsteps, little, if any, of the- wedgeftrm will be perceived in the figure. These Trains, therefore, may be constructed upon axle-trees of equal length; and, as there can be no' indentation, the periphery of the Wheels, or rims, may be nearly equal. In all other respects, the principles which have beei previously explained will equally apply. The front Wheels of the rail-way Wagon, or Tram, must be six inches diameter, the hind ones elevated according to what may le deemed a proper length for the body, so as to preserve the three deg-rees ofinclination, observing that the front part of the plattfrrm projects beyond the axle-tree no further than even with the rim of the fore Wheel; and, that in like manner, the hinder part be even writh the rima of the hind Wheel. Theflrst beinig built will furnish the ratio for the whole series intended to be constructed, and calculated for any given power, the space between the first and second, and every succeedintr Tram must be fired: --ut this must depend on the turnings in the road; because of the necessary play, or liberty to be allowed: fixed, however, it must be, when every successive 'Waggon is formed by the rule prescribed for the 54 first, elevating the successive Wheels, increasing' the diameter of the axles, " as in all cases of Wheels," and consequently the length of the bodies or platforms, and in the height of the bodies, and other respects, the mechanic may apply his skill to render them sufficiently and proportionately strong, and, at the same time, as light as possible. The length of axle-trees must also depend on the width of the road. The method of drawing is precisely the same as directed for the Common Road Waggon, except that, instead of a swingle-bar, and swingletrees, one only is necessarily attached to the end of the tractor, affixed to an elevated point; and on each side of the body equal to the centre of the horse, or to the more appropriate mule. And if the expence did not preclude the idea of realizing such a scheme, a still greater improvement might be suggested: which would be, to dig out a track in the middle of the road, or to raise the tracks for the Tram Wheels, and so sink the step of the mule or hore, till his centre fell to a line with that of the whole series of. axle-trees, to which the tractor might be affixed: by which plan there cannot be a doubt but great and increased effects would be produced. In the building of Carts, little need. be added to the directions already given for Waggons. The principle is the same as elucidated in the drawing; and it will require little skill to adapt the shafts, both for supporting, as in cases for the Gigs, the Wheels, axle-tree, and frame; and also those inner and smaller ones, by which to draw, and back, alternately, according to circumstances. GIGS AND CURRICLES. THESE are to be hung upon similar springs, as will be clearly understood by the drawings; or, the springs may be under the shafts, or frame, as is at present done with single or double grasshoppersprings; in which case, the springs represented will serve to show the.form of stays; and the stays underneath, of course, will be then replaced by other springs. But, the principle here claimed, is found in the crank, upon which the improvement depends. Whatever latitude may be construed as granted to others in the stile, form, and external appearance of the bodies of pleasure Carriages, a particular one is reserved, as per imperfect drawing, together with all and every improvement that the symbol is susceptible of; this being an acorn, with leaves, branches; and the tree itself, of which it is the fruit; the allusion in all its possible lights, decorations, and representations, being particularly and expressly excepted, and reserved. ,WHEELS AND AXLE-TREES. THE diameter of all lWheels must regulate that of their axles; one-eighth part of the former, gives a proper proportion for the latter: the length of the arm, or bearing of the axle within the box; and the length of nave, in the clear, to be equal to such diameter! The breadth of the rim of the Wheels, or width of pressure on the road, precisely the same with these. In Carriages designed to carry loads exceeding three tons, these proportions may be increased, even, to one-fourth. And, for lighter Carriages intended for pleasure, and others calculated for great velocity, the bearing in the boxes of thejirst class, may be diminished alike at each end of the nave, even to one-half the ratio here given; as also the tread or track thereof: because " velocity diminishes gravity," and consequently the intensity of friction! And if more enlightened minds, to whom these remarks are most respectfully submitted, should require a remedy for the lateral pressure occasioned by declivous roads, which causes the Carriage to lean over on one side, so as to excite alarm; it is at hand: nothing being required, than that such declivity in the road, or hill side shall be reduced as far as possible to less than fifteen degrees of inclination. In all things relative to these important parts of a Carriage, the true cylinder is to be observed. The dishing of Wheels, as before specified, may be supported from a fact, and the consideration, that horses that are little cat-hammed; or, 5 57 whose hocdks f end indi rgd-; or, knock.kneed, ar most acfite, and are firmer on their feet, tban animals haviug straighter liatbs. The thepry and comparative advantages of Wheels according to -their relative height, so satisfactorily demonstrated by -M. Cu 1aIG, in his report laid before Parliament, serves to justify a preference of the smaller; and will doubtless reader the one here specified, worthy of consideration. It consists of eleven wooden spokes, and as many sections of circles of cast iron; and an equal number of wood, or iron only: the joints, or union of these, are broken in like manner as those of brick-work. The section point of the wooden ones meeting.in the, centre of the others; fitted into sockets, in the bottom of which, are thin wedges left in the casting, receiving the foot of the spoke which is iaeerted in the form of a lozenge, between the meetings or nicely jointed wooden segments. Those of cast iron, meet in the middle of the others; in the centre of each end is left alsp in the casting, a nicely formed semi-lozenge-shaped space for the passing of a correspondently formed wedgebolt, accurately made of wrought iron, a very small portion larger than the two semi-lozengeshaped spaces, in order that by means of a nut and screw at the end, passing through the-wood also, and nicely fitted, the nut and the head of the bolt may bejorced home, or very nearly so; leaving it to time to adjust all those inequalities, which are inseparable from any combination of several parts in machinery; and thus render the connexion of the whole, more compact and firm. The structure and proportions of the vave and axle-tree, it is hoped will be comprehended by an inspection of the drawings, and the use of their 2ommon. scale, in addition to the preceding descrip-:ion. The sockets of this, as well as those of the T 58 rim, are furnished with wedges to receive the heads, or upper end of the spokes, which are in like manner accurately fitted: observing, that these sockets laterally embrace the spoke higher up, as will be evident from the section of the nave and axle, thereby additionally contributing to confine and corroborate the whole complicdted machine, simply by the application of the powers termed the lever and the wedge. The diameter of this is appropriated for the fore Wheel of a light Coach; whilst, from an ignorance of the proportionate quantum of the necessary materials; and a still more aukwardness in the art of drawing, these are evidently large enough to be reduced either for a fore Wheel aforesaid, or even for those of a Cart, capable of bearing seven tons; i in which latter case the diameter of the axle will be enlarged to one-sixth or one-fourth, instead of oneeighth. 0 ROAD SCRAPER AND EARTH PORTER. AMONG other designs for a practical application of the powers of the lever and wedge, a rude drawing with the legal specification, will explain a machine with' four Wheels, denominated a " Road Scraper and Earth Porter,". contemplated to be drawn by a yoke of oxen in preference to other cattle; and two persons only: the simplicity of which contrivance, it is to be hoped will induce those whose peculiar purposes it may serve, to give it a fair trial. It is calculated, as from casual observation it was conceived, to scrape or shovel up any accumulations of semifluid or loose matter necessary to be removed, more especially from flat and level roads, such as from Knightsbridge to Turnham-green; or, in the formation of roads, or other like purposes after the plough, or other mode of loosening the earth to be removed. The shovel is commanded by one person holding a lever behind, similarly disposed as the one to the harrow; whilst another lever serving the double purpose of a pole or tongue to which the cattle are attached, conducted by another person, is alternately made to act in concert with those behind, elevating the shovel aforesaid, when by progressing its wedge principle, it becomes loaded. In this situation it is preserved by a bar or handspike rested on the pole aforesaid, with the side chains simply thrown over its ends. And, when drawn aside to a. given deposit, it is discharged with great facility. 60 It remains to be seen, whether this mode will not effect greater advantages, than twenty-five men, as were observed employed early in December 1809, upon the road aforejaid, for the same. purpose. This design, moreover, may be extended to Carriagesfor feld artillery, as may be more perfectly comprehended by an inspection of the specification and drawing aforesaid. COMBINATION TRACTOQL THIs is more particularly requisite for Carriages drawn by a sitngle pair of horses; it is to be formed of iron rods neatly wrought, projecting upwards -from each end of the bolster, where it must be loosely jointed, and elevated so as to meet at two feet distance, more or less, from. the bed-pin, the bar or rod to be Bine inches in length suspended fromn, and in like manner loosely jointed. under the foot-board, upon the lipe.of seats; thus forming a firm and stiff angle, froum which by means of.an eye the,tein are to draw by swingle-trees. The two lower parts of this triangle contrivance may have intermediate joints, so as to play in concert with those before described freely, according to the flexion of the springs, and undulatory motion of the horses, thus combining the lift and draft, answer all the grand desiderata in the long-agitated, and truly important questions respecting levation and traction. FINIS. G. WOODrALL, Printer, Paternoster-row, London. ~ u__ 0 0 Ii-, j& 21 41 114 0( 0 05' INI vj,; CTf 0 0 or 00, ~HI~4N ~HIq CHJ903I D L Nolla ~~ _ 31 _