3957 Ju'dson.Adoniram,l'?88-1850. I J93 Judson'-s Burmese-English dictionary. RIevised 1893 and enlarged by Robert C.Stevenson... Rangoon, Printed by the supe~rintendent,Government print-. ing.Burma, 1893. 1 ]p,4.,vL,6.4 p..1 ~.,U.88p6 p. 244ea 0 33 22,24 lobert C., *d. JUDSON'S BURMESE&ENGLISH DICTIONARY. REVISED AN-D ENLARGED B3Y ROBERT C. STEVENSON, BURMA COMMISSION. RANGOON: PRINTED BY THEf SUPEiRINTENDENT, GOkARNMENT PRINTING, BUIRMA. 1893. PtL 'N : N - C.4 4 A' is 2. PREFACE. THE compiler of the present edition of Dr. Judson's Burmese* English Dictionary first suggested in 1881 to Mr. G. D. Burgess, c.S.I., then Secretary to the Chief Commissioner, the desirability of publishing a new edition of it, with examples exemplifying the use of the words therein contained. It was owing to the warm encouragement received from Mr. G. Burgess and Sir Charles Bernard, K.C.S.I., then Chief Commissioner of British Burma, that the compiler resolved to carry through and publish the present work. The original compilation was finished on the Ist April 1885, and the manuscript of it was in the custody of the Superintendent of the American Baptist Mission Press for more than four years, during nearly the greater part of which period the compiler was on duty in Upper Burma, where, however, he continued to collect new terms, phrases, &c., for embodiment in the dictionary.. The compilation was revised and corrected in England while the compiler was on furlough (in r889) and returned to the Americari Baptist Mission Press, at the end of the same year, on the understanding that new type for it would be procuired from America. The type did not arrive, and owing to this, and other reasons, the compiler did not finally revise it for press till last year. During May, June, July and August last year it was entirely re-copied for the second time. (The whole of the 6riginal manuscript the compiler wrote hirnself.) In August last year the present Chief Commissioner of Burma, Mr. Fryer, C.S.I., most kindly gave permission to the compiler to have the book printed at the Government Press. The Superintendent of the Government Press, Mr. J. Regan, was not able to put the work in hand till the end of January this year. Con-. sidefing the unavoidable los4 of time in sending the proofs to and from 'the compiler, the rintIng has been done with great ii PREFACE. rapidity, whie was to a very ensiderable extent due to the personal interest taken in it by Mr. Regan himself. II. It has been the aimh 6f thh ibmipiler* throughout this new edition of Dr. Julson's Burmese-English Dictionary, in no way to disturb the oriinal arrangement of it, and also to endeavour to harmonize his own additions with the general character of the original work as much as possible. llH. The special features of this present dictibnary are;(1) That it has a considerable number of new wofds not contained in former ones. (2) That most of the words have examples to them showipg their use. (3) That both the written and colloquial styles are exemplified.,(4) That it contains many excerpta. from the best authorities regarding Baddhist religious and meta'physical terms. (5) That the exact pronunciation;of many words is given. (6) That it contains mapy roverbs, aphorisms, old and quaint sayings which have hitherto not been published, and of which the bare recollection, even, of a great many, in a score or so of years, may have become a thing of. the past. " IV. The abbreviations used in the present edition are the sme as in the one of I883. The additional ones of "M.B." and "E.M." stand for Hardy's " Manual of Buddhism" and Hardy'se" Eastern Monachism." Other authors from whose works extacts have been taken have their names given in full, except twq anonymous ones, who have been quoted as to the original men ing of " GmooSooo " and " oxCS&." The compiler has ins rted the extracts because they are interesting. He, howeve-, is inclined to regard the derivations themselves as somewhat faaiciful. In the first place the period when the sea laved the base of the " Akauk Taung" hill m.tist have been many 'K PREFACE. iii hundreds of years ago, and it is extremely improbable that if it belonged to the Talaings, they would have given it anadmittedly Burmese iame? The distiriguishing feature of this hill is its nuinbers of niches, containing images of Gaudama and rahans. It is quite as likely that o*o:oSo is a corruption of the Talaing word 'Kyaik,' signifying "Buddha," "lord," "master," and some other Talaing word. The compiler thinks it also highly probable that if Alaungphara had wanted to leave a lasting stigma on the Min, or Talaing, race, he would have used a Burmese epithet for the purpose. The etymology of mooqSs is given, but it is surely not a compound of any two Burmese words known to most persons, as cQS8 is not a word now extant ir the language? The derivations given of "Akauk Taung", and "Talaing" bring to recollection the derivation given by the late' Dr. Forchhammner of the word qc8$ (Bassein). He alleged most gravely that it was derived from the fact that in some byegone war a certain "-O3S" at Bassein had been the scene of much slaughter and therefore the Burmese called the town "cBS " or " hot thein." Now it is very unusual to prefix a verb or adjective to a noun in this way, in every day talk. It is unlikely, moreover, that the town was ever called Go.ooMSS. It would have been far more likely that they would have called it o88? [Years ago a p6ngyi at Pyap6n, in Lo%,er Burma, informed the compiler that Bassein was originally called." D6m Passim" in the Mun language, "Town of Passim;" that it was called so "~. "because it was inhabited by natives of India," and that the word "Passim " was ndt derived from either the Burmese or Man language.] V. The authorities quoted in the Rev. E. O. Stevens' Judson's Burmese-English Dictionary are all' reproduced in the present work. Through the courtesy of Mr. Eugene Oates, the distinguished ornithologist, the compiler has been able to give a few additional names of birds. VI. -The compiler has not deemed it advisable to adopt the plan of the 1883 edition in attaching the initials of every iv PREFACE.. authority who has added a new word to the edition of 1852. It would have been somewhat difficult to distinguish by means of initials between the names of the Rev. Dr. Stevens, the Rev. E. 0. Stevens, the Rev. Lyman Stilson and the compiler. After all it should be borne in mind that the additions made by those who have followed Dr. Judson do not amount in value, in the aggregate, to that of the original work; so in any case it is not desirable that eyery stray word that may be added should'have its discoverer's initials affixed to it. The compiler of this edition, however, in excising the names of those who have added to former editions of Dr. Judson, has applied the, same treatment to himself. VI. The compiler wishes to express his deep acknowledgments for the many definitions of Buddhist religious and metaphysical terms to the works of the Right Rev. Paul Bigandet (the much-venerated Roman Catholic Bishop of Rangoon) and the Rev. Spence Hardy, formerly of the Ceylon Wesleyan Mission. The compiler has also derived considerable benefit from the dictionary of Mr. Childers, late of the Ceylon Civil Service, and would doubtless have derivpd more had he (the compiler) possessed a knowledge of Sknskrit. Some may urge that the compiler has given an.undue prominence to Buddhism, and thereby magnified its importance. To this the compiler can only, with due deference, say that he believes it to be equally, impossible for the missionary, the Government official, or any one else, ever to gain any real insight into Burmese motives and character without some knowledge of Buddhismn. The Burmese are, according to their lights, a religious people, and there is much in their system of: religion which must command the sympathy and admiration'of mankind. That even a very profound knowledge of Buddhism would result in Salienating a firm believer in Christianity is hardly credible. To most Westen nations the ioctrine of metempsychosis would ever form one insuperable barrier, at all events, to being corverted to Pud4hism. The other would be that to the minds SrI PREFACE. of a vast majority of Western peoples there is something repug. nant in the idea that any human being, however spirituallyinclined or righteous, should be able chiefly by his own merit and unaided efforts to attain everlasting happiness; for this is what. the accumulation of personal merit, according to Buddhist ideas, must be considered to mean. The amount of morbid self-consciousness that such a system is sure to create must make any non-Buddhist wonder that Buddhists should be so tolerant of the religious principles and tenets of others, but as a matter of fact they are, and they are worthy of the highest commendation for it. Many Buddhists may be inclined to demur to the view here taken of their religion, and of the improbability of Western races ever regarding Buddhism with much favour. They may in defence of metempsychosis wish to ask whether the illustrious scientist Charles Darwin, whose works are so highly thoughtof throughout the continents of Europe and America, did not distinctly assert that he believed that human beings and apes were derived from a common stock? It is unde. niable that to an average intellect, at all events, the sum and total of Darwin's great work, the " Descent of Man," conveys that impression. "If, t en, this is allowd why should there be any objection to ur dogma of metempsychosis?" may ask the Buddhist. Of c urse this seems plausible enough, but it may be asserted, withtufear of contradiction, that all Darwin's arguments and theories are in favour of the development and improvement of species, and nowhere has he stated that he ever entertained any solicitude that.it was ever possible that man might relapse into his protoplasmic original. The doctrines of Buddha afford no such assurance. VII. The compiler had hoped, in the course of the compilation of this work, to have been able to throw some light on the etymology of the Burmese language. In this he has been greatly disappointed. So far as the' coripiler's experience goes, the Burmese appear to have no idea of, or take any interest in, vi PREPACEB the eth ology of their own language. It cannot be that the etym ogical instinct is absolutely wanting in the Burmese, for the c mpiler has on several occasions heard Burmans trying I to giv the Pali derivations of the names of Europeans! In f LCt it has often appeared to the compiler that the/Bur-: -mese iffect to despise their own language and *unduly exalt SPai. This seems a great pity, for ih spite of the sta ements of a god many that the Burmese language "has nothing in itit s in many respects as expressive as any language could well b. It has a terse comprehensiveness all its own. In "re-intr ducing the Patama Byan Examination at Mandalay, Sthe L cal Government expressed a hope.that it might be the means of forming in the future " the quarry from which may "be hewn the terms required for the expression of modern " ideas in law, medicine, science and philosophy, for which the ' Burmese language is by itself inadequate." A flicitous blending of both languages will probably be found,dequate for this purpose, asagain and again oneis struck by the neat and pithy phrases of the combined languages. For instance, the.concise apophthegm " oeGoboo6olgcooo "contains i great scientific fact, and illustrates the cause of land and sea- breezes in a nutshell. The[ compiler especially wishes to acknowledge the great assistance received from his several Burmese collaborateurs U Si, U Thiri of Danubyu (now both dead), Maung Pho U and Maung. Sn Ngyeing (now an advocate at M6nywa). To Maung San Ngyeing his special acknowledgments are due, for it was with him that more than half the work was compiled. The compiler also received valuable hints from Maung So Min (of Yandoon) and U Maung ofModa (Upper Burma). The last-named is the most intellectual Burman the compiler has ever met. The compiler wishes also to thank Mr. F. Ripley, the present Registrar of the Court of the Judicial Commissioner, Lower Burma, for many useful suggestions, and also Messs,. Watson and Mackertoom for allowing him to take i PREFACE. vii "extracts from their pamphlet of Public Works Department technicactiaogues, a most useful little work. In conclusion the compiler hopes that this compilation may be found really helpful. He feels that he will be amply repaid if it lightens arnd renders more pleasant the labours of those who, like-himself, are trying to master this most difficult, but very interesting, language. ROBERT C. STEVENSON. YE-u, UPPER BURMA': The 2ast April 1893. x. ADDENDA. Page i-line 2, after culturable addland. Page 2-line 7, for effect read effort. f1 ADDENDA. A --.... Page 24-line T7, add goBsoogs, a term applied to culturable coSagoSo 8tGwooo8s6x.S Page 31-line 1o from-foot, add oSo5w36s& ocooow~8 Oxg Page 48-line 8 from foot, add (Gmoom). Page 5o-last line, add @Sooo 8~o5ooSO Sgo oeii 'p Page 87-last line but one, add "The tap-root of a tree." [a;tSoqi, v. to have the circulation of sap checked as a tree?] Page 9i-after line 2, insert — 61, v. to. coAtain an error or errors as a document; or applied to conduct involving or entailing errors, mistakes, &c.,, -— after line 27, add 6R^cBS:, n. a court Record Keeper, 3s Qo6, S93 cGQo6ci.)8n Page 96-line 2,.add [a capital sum of money placed out at interest-principal.] Page 98-line" from foot, add [aLcpGooSo@, n. State land.] Page 99-line 2, add acPoQp those who have and those who are seeking office. 7 Page,o6-line 9, add (oacogoSoocp)., Page I z-after line 24, insert oo8cq,<~v. to be urgent as a matter of business. Page 146-line 4from foot, add (or of disapproval). "Page 151-line 3 from foof, add GQ@gtSeC i -lineg 9ftom foot, add [ggocooolqpc6c[ oool' rpo5a ] Page 154-line 4, add [@o8mSgau]-. "Page 9go-line 16, add [Kasino or Kasinam is the name for one of the divisions of the Karmasthand (omssg:) and is a process by means of which mystic meditation may be induced. There "are 10 kinds * * * * earth, water, fire, wind, blue, " yellow, red, white, light, and the sky seen through a narrow " aperture. The word ' Kasino' is Sanskrit and this rite is, " I think, so named because in practising it, the mind'is wholly " absorbed or engrossed in one predominant idea."-Childers' Dic.] Page I93-after line 29, add =oq, ooooco, a rule of grammar by which certain letters become interchangeable, e.g., o ( Q fr . -,. 2 - ADDENDA. 00* o. ADDENDA. C Goo r#)forQ o ~. e~., 17 or q:; cofor oe.g., o~ sefor oo&; Page -194-after line 23, z sert -e8 (Pron. mosa&~), it. forme~rly a -crucifixion frame in ]prBurma; a flogging triangpe in British Jails. Pag 20-aterlie 3-from foot, add cd6:,4,aninterjecM nhwitigor Suggesting action or effectegc 8 oj Pag 2- a-afterln 3 add [oq means also to "age," e.g., co&n abbreviation of oo~oSo1(?)J PAge aa7-A-fter line i i insert -.-,v. to become petrified, to-be petri3fied9, ~Page 246-after line 19, a-dd-.; 05 4 @9 Chief Superintendent of Tekegraphs. rc0:4io4, the -Superintendent of the Telegraph. DepartG16.t~ra )5,an' Assistant Superintendent of Tel'egrphs. qco~G~4:o oz5,Su-Ass istant! Superin tende-nt of Te~egraphs.~ Page *S4-after line z'o -from foot, add '[NE: i's also used ini the sel~s...f two'carriages- or carts passing each 'other on the. road., e.g., coo09000ti eco~o] PageJ56~ine3, c9fter castrate, add-~ to perfectly castrate,eg. c8aj)/ Page 35-tatline, add [4o qm~ (p'-on.?) has. a similar meaning to P4~30-lat in bu oeafter Widuya insert (the noble-t man) or-(minister). - * Paqge 309-a t'he fot. of the #tage, add, * wrtte *staeridnt, or defence, presented- to a -court by an accused persoi) GQq $OC P*ge 300-line 3, add-(the hind- leg of a-quadruped in —con. tra~i~tinction to c64, a foreleg); -c-erj, to become bemtiibed -(or asleep), as the foot. Pae37,-betwveen line 7 and. line 8, insert -........... fl. a Pegu, or Kba-asu,- deerhound. PV Pae,j39, 4fore line it from feat, insert 8~,n.ghrana."go~na, nose, conscriousaiess in the,~nose, like tli fbootteps of ADDEDPNDA. 3 a goat in shape, is that which perceives smell; whether it be agreeable or disagreeable. Page 342-line 22, add, i.e., arising from a feeling of inured respect. -between lines 6 and 7 from foot, insert -— 8co co5x:O:, n. a husband and wife of youth, i.e., the first marriage made in a person's lifetime. Page 369-line ro, add sooJ:. is also applied to the statements of ywathugyis (in Upper Burma) made on oath of the extent, boundaries, and population of their jurisdiction at the time of the settlement of 1145 B.E., a of, as some say, a later one made in I164 B.E. Page 375-line 13 fromfoot, after 4: insert pron.Aob. Page 379-line 17 from foot, add after the same; 'and protracted constipation,' (a Bur. medical term). Page 409-line rg, after use insert (=f oocoE~,ts ooao3bq c3~Eoo~co80l0u-Tg). -Page 41o-line 12, after v. insert (pron. 4oozoog).,, -line 20, ad'[has also the meaning of Goo0ws)C. Page 44~-line 19, add (Gardenia campanulata, K.) Page 443 -line II, add (a6oSag3bb=g) Page 446-line 13 from foot, add [very odfen cq is equivalent to the English expression " they say," e.g., 8.o&8cxp c.~,c800 coood~j1]. Page 447-line g, after oop insert (tron. cSm8co'Sa). Page 449-line 3, add for prie ts' robes. Page 484-line 13, add 83SoGop8qc& is preferable, e.g., owe 8$so=SSeca6qiSqo.''g Page 497-after line 8 front foot, insert i, v. to come into a camp or stockade (as an- eneiny) suddenly and unexpectedly; to surprise an enemy by night. Page 498-liife 26, add oso1qn Page 552-line 7, after cooos insert c:;, e.g., — moi, -a.4n Page 557-line.8, add _The same idea runs through the French saying " Quand il pleuvrait des hallebardes demam je partirai quand m6me." Page 574-linze 6, after (:N-0 insert C8M:N Page 590-line 22, after Siddhartta add " Dewadatta made five requests of Gaudama juddha, which were all .' 4 4^ D*A. "refused. After this he rebelled against the authority of Gaudama and as a punishment was swallowed up in the Awichi (98&), or nethermost hell. In a future birth, however, for repeating a stanza in praise of Buddha (by which he received the assistance of the three gems qcjcogols) he will bec6me the Pas6 Buddha (8oCmCa) Sattissara (Bur., omoo). The five requests were -(i) that priests should be forbidden to live in wihara'S (8moosqoqpg);" (ii) that priests should only eat such food as they received in the alms-bowl.(a8o); (iii) that priests should be forbidden to make robes of anything besides what Swas taken from the cemetery (oqc;x); (iv) that priests should be compelled to live.at the root of a tree; never suffering them to enter a house covered with straw or protected by a roof; S () that priests should be forbidden to eat flesh of any kind," Page 593 —l'ne 6, add ooS0, Page 597-line 4, after 'Buddha' insert " Before attaining Sto the state of a Buddha Gaudama passed through 550 different phases of existence, the history of which is contained in the Jatakas, and, as Dr. Forchhammer has pointed out, the relics of Gaudama are not necessarily those of his last human existence, but may be remnants of the many stages of animal life he had previously passed through. Thus the many bovine tooth-relics, ascribed to him, are accounted for'by his having been four times born as an ox or bull. The same applies o many other relics both in India and Burma; later generation, "forgetting. the original nature of the sacred remnants and the tradition connected with them, pronounced them to be relics of the body of Buddha in which he lived out his last existence." [Footnote to page 2 of Mr. Ortel's " Note on a Tour in Burma," 1893.] Page 6o6-after line 20, insert — ooSooSco, a term S applied by Forest fficers to trees that have been blown down or have fallen thr6ugh natural causes (coSc6oSoooSon) Page 618-line \from foot, add [often followed by cooS go S, e.g., o.ooooo ogoooSGo^S]. "Page 63 —after line 6 'insert -- oomoSo&s, n. supplementary-sums of money furnished to the families of ahmudans [those in the service of the Kings of Burma] at the capital, by their relations living at. home, either when the ahmudans did not receve their pay regilarly; or did not find'it sufficient to live on. age 679-line 6, add or assembly of persons., ADDENDA. Page 691r-line Sfrom foot, add (cA8$8$c9S~o8SGo-:).,,-last line, add 8~::)acYS~oToR8u Qcjo:8oqcrqzo8 -0 a cUc'A ~ oOCV 28:. 00jj8',' rGcpo 8clazpcv~ ~ Gf~ Page'69,2-after line i6~fyrm foot, insiert 8Goz84ols, n. the Penang or China bamboo., [Note.-r=8rcoo8 is a corruption of' the Malay, Pubo Penang, Pubo, island o~si and 84', betel-nut Page 694-line 3from foot, add (a crab cast). Page 699-line 22, add! [ob qc8o~o$, a Military Police. Commandant; qc.&~a&qcdSc'$4 an Assistant Military Police Commandant]. Pg74-linle 4, add (oo-o8o~,~oonxo~ea) (Qa':n) Page 8iro-line 6 from foot, add cGOjjqoS(~on 8Gao~5co Page 848-line 7, add [*o8 (proti. QS:9) is any ordinary spring; -4CP I' v. to have a -strong spring.],,,-line 17, add Gooca* G~oC)5Y881I Page 8,56-line 22, add (( Y8ooQ~:vu 8o~ocod, as far as the eye can see). Page 876-line.13, add (G@irg~sroT m a co) Page 6883-line 4, add (the Kerait?) -line rr, add [the c@c~s is also calledG o. by, Upper *Burmans].' -li~ne 22, between?I. qnd thel,cobra insert [Naia tripudiansj. Page 9oi-line i.l,- add [uD~oG@, cogooQGO]. Page '9z4-line 7, a 'dd e.g., full moon of Wahso, equivalent to the English "a- high -day" Hindustdni " burra din." Page 926-line 2,add [* to dissipate or 'disperse enmity. One of the late King' I.steamers was called o~oc$c2]. Page 944-iast line, after". to separate"] insert. GcjQo~or)8fl Page 958-linemi from, foot add [~oS, or 5o[o',o8, is the only Burmese equivalent to the English expression "to be shy" 'I known to the compiler, e.g., 8$~s:ococo(gm~4o~c\~xqjocs 6- AtOEDE'1A.( witerrupt~&lY-4, term 'frequently met with in ocu.inezat. pertaininag to-rights and titles inlaW. Pa'e~ 9.94- line r9,for' "teaspoon". read- "tieatable~." Pae9Ir9&."-Iin 21,for 61'l read oola Fak'e 1ioo:~-afte+' line 25 insert. coB (corruption of Eing'lish - lord ' 'osob n. H.E. the, Viceroy of India. Pae' 1005-line id-from foot, add coc-8o:1 6"i~ji P~age 1009g-line 14 from foot.. add The Japanese have ai -similar superstition to the Burmese.. " They will not awaken a sleeper les~t the spirit' (i.e., the' equivalent of -the Burmese 088o) sbould have gone on leave during his dreams, and- on its return. should be uno#l e to find its mortal tenem'ent." (sat., Rev., p.. i_6~, Aug.- 5, -1.8593). Page rot6 —line'i8,. add [Thic term is also applied4 to, an expert- iburglarj thief, pickpocke.1 Page io6.4-lUine'I4,a~dd[~oOJ to be r~leased. from ~uch' *result,- o441~ Page 109,5-line 3 fro!ft-foot, add [to put a ship on,1.the stocks.] Page zliz-line 24, add [also used in. the sense of 'carryingjo~ too far,' e.g., woo4;S;.1 a rnpla ridw bar. ~130-line Sfrom foot, add n.anioplarr-ndw R age 1139-line iofjadd Page z~i-*after lie8isr -O ~4,n. -one's fimily-at rm. used by women. Page n7r-..line tj,. add cgo5'~, n; Surra (?) a disease of horses. Page 1176.-line 23, add. Q00.2~6 CORRIGENDA. - 9 Page z6-last line, between the word bridge' and O~coooo& insert [wall framing]. Page iS-last line,for rwo) read;ooo Page 55$-line 22,for o3cA8 tceaa ocqis: Page 82 —last line but one, expunge a feminine. Page, 8.5-first word,/or m4 5 read wj$:,5 Page 92-line io, expunge aoG9gz Page 126-line 3,for GS-joqo1q read G8:qo@Cq Page 142-first line,for cFoS read apc3oB Page 145-line s4fromfoot,for Thinbaws read Theinbaws. Page i6M-line 7 from foot, expunge the words o3o8qS and see Moo~woo0 Page 175-lie, 10, omit one. Page r86-inee 8, insert II between Ro and coe~pj Page 192-line S,for creatures read rational beings. -line 20,ffor mopo read oooxo Page 193-line rr from foot, for coZco read =qp Page 194-line i8,for c~ read Gcjg Page 199-line 2, expunge aj~GO=8i9=0 Page 21o —last line but one,for ~ read c~ Page 214-line 4froinfoot, betwegn =pra, and oa5 insert )Fii Page 221i-line zsfromnfoot,for (parnat) read (pun iet).~ Page 229-line sqfromfoot, for 91SacooS w read 51&&6o6oa, Page 243-last line but one,for cco read GQO Page 252-line rrfrom foot, insert pron. q8 between c!S and lit. Page 254-line zfor &:jgs-Obr read @C 4gI-0` Page 259-last line but one,for c2c75 read ca&o Page 26,5-line 12fro m foot, omit the n after r. Page 267-line I8fromfoot,for j~ read p8 Page 278-line 3 and line 35,for oo~ read cos Page a8-r-line 6fromfootfor co&QS read 2' CORI~RGENDA.' Page 283-line igfrom foot,for wf~sromoS read o94s-icko Pq'ee'307-line d6fromfoot',Jor. read Goo?. Pagre 319 —lzne -I8fro,,rfOt,.or-qjar (91) read (.91) Pag 32O-i-line 2)for &o. rmad Q: - PfgW1,?2Yr&"l4 a, inser after- 0# Psge 33-line 8,/or talyredtly li-nes r6 and r7, frtmefoot, exuie [Anglic6, When in Rome'do-as Rome does.j. Page 345 —,kxpangeithe wkole`/ line r exe#cp' l,* and the.whqete of lines 2, 3, 4,. and- 5.Page 349-line 5,/or clsc~s read disdgo8:u Page 3,59-line ao,for c read Page 37o-:~lme 8from foot~f or QQSC read 3oS 0 -Pag 3g,~4ilne 'S, for 06 read 9o~oj o: Page 4vz-l,7ine s6, after r.o insert cor Page.4' g-linf r8,for cjo'a read G~oe) Page 423-expunge line M8. aqg e 424-liwle22 fior er&oooS read QbcJScooc)5 Page 4,19. —.lise r340 ~:QS rea crqo Page 440-liflecrfaf? cheveuxread-chevauix. Page 4g56' —'linez4-fram~,foot, add to, become unfolded or unravelled to the mhind, a5 the plot of a' play. Page 462-lin~19, in~ert AaS between go, and oq~ *Page 463-li —ne 13jfromfoot,for corner read former. g ae 469lin 2,eugetelst/our Burmese words. Page 48#-line 21,/~or cqODE~ (i) read qc~O&X~N Pg 485-line 9,/iOr, to. bi~ alive. read~to have children who are alive, or who have grown to maturitya Page 501-line.5 from foot, expunge 'wh'ich see.' Page i51J-line 8,/or soc.2 read 'Poo,2oil Page 522-, 6ne 4,/ior =5o read Gonu Page 538-exptfl~e lines 4. and 5.. Page" 548; —line 26,/or. o~ read t -ln~29,) for 00.c&cq read -coc;S(ci~ Page 551-lisie 13, euge cn6,:sobooo, n. a deal box. P age 5166-u ~i Sra 0 CORRIGEND.A. S. Page 568-limes 15 and r6,for toq~or~s reatd.'~ Page S77-hine 6, fi~ ooo read ro — Page 579-4inezafromfoot or o~~e read 4'pA 'Page 58ir-. —ine ro,. expunge alone.Page.583-line i9,-folr(eg~cf~o) read (~o) Page 599-gue Ii firom foot, far (jp&&:5). (pron. 18&8) read (written.j'do~) Page 6 6.4-~-rime o from, foot, for superintends read superintended Page 6iro-line 9 from foot, for cooo read rzoo Page 6z8-line 5, fior (,~o$o u 0"* a) of a sail- read (~$ Cg,a sail' rope).. Page 632-li~ne 6 from foot, for see read come. Page 649-finey.,7,for scat~le read cattle. Page 68o-line 9 from foot, for or oc'\?oOS' (ocoSn) read (u6OooDS) Page 691t-line s8,for 8o%~ read GOOG? Page 693-line igfromnfoot, for o~j read cq Page. 701-line $from foot, expunge Page 7o2 —line i8,for m~co: read z m r. c / Page 703-line 4from foot,for foot read foot-rule. Page'7o7-line 14,for rG:So& read GaoozS Page 724-line 4fromfoot,for j)3 read j8 Page 726-line 9, expunge bt-], to be decided. Page 758-line 3from foot,for. coxS read coS Page 770-line 1.5,for 330 read c88 Page 775-line 17 from foot) for to read o Page 792-hne sF4 from foot,for o~read o~ ', line.5 from foot, for o5 read 03$ Page 79,5-line 13 from foot, expunge (according to another acceptation o8t$oo or o~.) Page 797-line 16froqfoot,ftr a kind of birth read the skylark. Page 815-line, r7, add to be "named, 'give a name. Pagel8i8-l1ine 2, for noun'read adjective. Page 841-line 12, insert &* after oe It 4. CORRIGENDlA.. Page 843 -line zo, for,oao rea Page 8.56-liie, p~ot eq8: read E96s page 86p-line 6, for sledge read sedge. -linfe z0o for -South-Eastern r-ead South-W estern. Page 899-line',for.English read In. Page 9;4-first Iinepfor ~9 read @,l' Page p3.5-line 2'7, insert Qoo: before it Page'-942-1zne r7, for.Qt-oco~# read @saosqpu Page 944-'line 4fro*f o~ for " the division of" a stream into two curr.ents" read "fange of highlIand lying between two river basins, and discharging its -waters into them- from opposite directibns." Page 9yz-line r9, for cju read alt Page 994-line rp, for teaspoon read tea-table, Pige zoor-line A8for 00 read @8, Pag e r o.5'-lin e 14 fro m foot, for c~ 8 read& Page -io6o-line 2,/Or 8% read 80 Page. 1069-li-n e r6, for flat %ead fat. Page xii8-*'ine o fromfjoot,foer homogeneous read bet.erogeneoust ABBREVIATIONS., THE following are the abbreviations which most frequently occur, namely:n. for noun. pron. for pronoun; sometimes ' pronounced.' pron. a. for pronominal adjective. v. for verb. adv. for adverb. -- int. for interjectior. verb. for verbal. qual. for qualifying. num. for numeral. "trans. for transitive. cormp. for corpare. Saux. for auxiliay. D., Francis ay F.L.S., F.Z.., &c., Surgeon-Major, Madras Army, and Inspector-General f Fisheries in India and Burma. K., S. Kurz, late Curator of the He barium, Royal Botanical Gardens, Calcutta. M., Rev. F. Mason, D.D., M.R.A.S., late Corresponding Member of the American Oriental Society, of he Boston Society of Natural History, and of the Lyceum o Natural History, New York. 0., Eugene W. Oates, Esquire, Superintendingngineer, D.P.W., British Burma. * ( JUDSON'S DICTIONARY: BURMESE AND ENGLISW ENLARGED EDITION. ni, (Pali), privative affix, as in =~8, impermanence; from 8, permanence combined with 1 before a vowel; = g~,an i undesirable object, from /g, a desirable object. 'ms$,' an exclamatiot( of fright or surprise, lit. meaning 'impermanence' ' Lord!' (Buddha understood), 'cpaq) 8' (iron. oq3cp-8),. oqas6ft ~:GooS meaning 'Lord Buddha.' 'The might of Lord Buddha' (are similar exclamations). 33, 2, substantive preftx, as in occo8, light, from co8-,. to be light-; an adverbial refix.; see Grammar. 30, 3, subscriptive, formerly written under a letter to shorten and lighten the soundt - (from, to sto or hinder- the light accent.) G3S5 @81 Pali q090513 0i 3, 4, v. to be speechless, dumb; oo-,ooo, to be imperfect in utterance; bmo.0x~o, to be imperfect in sound; 3a;Q0 g Qqa=C3 g G018) G0038I:. ax11 3i 0813oa3 (as a cracked rupee); ~3ooaen (moooc is more elegant than on), (to be stunted in growth as aplant, colmgoSl$oo6qaoSoo55 3MG4 0:)e~0~j060oz G@~3008e00430 55c3~) 1ocq =~ 65, this man.remains without speaking when it is \ proper for him to do so: as if he had an impediment in his speech or were dumb. fa, 5, an infinitive prefix, equivalent to csm8& and @8s9, as so @&o cu t-, he came to s; 3zR g8o U (colloquial). 0m)a A,..dumb; n. a dunib person, cjaoiiqc3z (Prov. cimN~,* cgo~ocqu). ==oc5 (from 3scS, to crack ope,n. an opening, gap, fissure, chink. =ao5pf e pd tso uI oooooo& Wo 8d1, 2 this pot has a large crack in it; it cannot be mended so as to be water-tight. w2S (from 68S, to sleep, n. sleep; S8@.:-o more commonly used; v. to sleep mnrch; to sleep sound. oo8aqtusz8 5 ccoSoxlprix applied to the royal family. WW-Q6,S v. to sleep lihtly; i.e., to be easily awakened, 98:oQac 8d008co Soo'e qo g3s oII -—! s, v. to sleep in such a manner as to present An unseemly spectacle to anotter. bosBS (from aSS, a horise), n. a sheath; SS, a case or covering, as the inner coveiing of some seeds. asag8ii (9jo6aS#S) * onS16 mUO -C8aSon00aaSS (pron. coc86). sziq8 (from as5, to cover),. a number or quantity place'd together, as if under on cover, as o0aq8, 8o&53a, &c., which see; president, ruler. CoSaq8, a flock of jungle-fowl;, a herd of buffaloes; gosqS, a herd of bullocks; coaS8, a herd of elephgnts; cooor.Ra-4s)j84J63ooi3eUv no see maR&8, last definition; s3az3&c84z, a guardian, one hat oversees and ta es. care of. 3s3qS3Jc8$n similar mea Tng moas ~sq:nc 4z:jS Ess`Goo c8c 058-8.D@St 3 ~cpa07II@oq D&-.ooe~,soe833oS 33aq8 the General's control and supervision of, the offic rs and men is excellent. a3, See *, a bulge. q xo%3 oo9 uc:m"aCo'iI mccS: asN, see aj, the intestines. 500008 (from GOO, to be cold), n. cold. -68, v. to catch cold (8 not necessary). Q8'm:failZ8GoOO G@DGsp6l1G ooosOo0GC(S0o, you have caught cold and that is why you have got ill. Prov. mmQ&asTe z ooes~, heat comes to where cold is (as when experiencing a glow after bathing); an apophthegm frequently quoted by Burmese medical practitioners. 000=06, see GooS, a fee. mg, see j, an egg. wu* (from ~s, to begin), n. a beginning, commencement; ago, see:, a beginning, fore-end, fore-part, top:.num. aux. applied S tp rational beings;: considered in same way as chief or having sulordinates; see Grammar. -. o, adv. at the very first, ooanopsog one merchant; 9g j _1o, I arrived the very first com, i (from m, to dance), n. dancing, as coqcononO,8, his' dahcing or mannerof dancing is good. 00), 2 (from o,; to harness), n. harnessing, as g8-4300o00o0S, he does not understand harnessing the horse. =CB, v. to crack open, more than oS, less than -3; hence 3aOS )no106szo&S)ooo8, not to accord in sentiment; coume~38Q cho3 aoS5 aoiE F~ (rare) G0oC'0O %a (polite). c(.s1cco @"o69Qno~1Scgu6 3: applied to persons who are in too great a hurry to do anytling equivalent to (a~Q80 8: ---60G3, n. a legislative Act/ -, see the parts. wg3$Soqo, n. the highest of the 16 Brahmal6kas. *r f cooS Qcxycp (Pali), a character, letter of the alphabet, oootiu — Z0040jazCoo, algebra; pcB~coup o sooqo&33azo dd co nceD8i (from m8:, to form as fruit), n. fruit in the first state after the blossom; oSo03-t, (Pron. cor)Sc8so), noxious exhalation or effluviurn, one kind of 3).811 -_7, v. to be of a gross, thick habit of body; azzokolu oo, to be heavy, sluggish iii motion; 6~a8 8s-0oodspatcoe bs =8oco6cqac1 (infreq.). -iop to be of a-thin, spare habit; to be quick, agile, co1ao C0~35 SToll 33oagea43807:=~30aOajB60CISgCggacuoi6o also applied to horses and bullocks. [aoe~8s~oDE8:6s -Q S oo 3 83g( (nmcoOg), see moj&o4, still in use e cos4o8jIi (co only inserted 'hen negative is used), e.g., coe3$:owi (40o8:4no o o8:oo~oe84'iu1 xgn aomj (fr6m com, to mark across), n. a line drawn across other' lines; a transverse line of division; the space between two.cross lines; a compartment; comp. moojN _MoRcB, n. same as last definition (figuratively a hindrance, restriction, prohibition, e.g., ocn4ya3Seos cYgo54~1, do not let there be any interference with this business). -- a3wSaq8 (oe~), to inake compartments; to divide into compartments. 00oEs6 ooS7(Jl a6S 33 CIgoS4)ucx, do as you like in this matter; I will plade no restriction on you. ;O3c8l azo~cxsotc8: (from m4,, to be..blind), adv. blindly, a 's a blind. person; woo-oo4: mc8e~o~o~o%, goes blindly, heedlessly. &c.; bo),OY wooxSoo (from aySs, to hand), n. a rea:h of the arm, of a weapon,' a. missile (the eye); commonly fused as a numeral -auxiliary. co40 c~om c ood zxjooe (ooz 4<SO3GI) QGcoGOY7S-)), a bowshot-; oco o&2,m~, a sling throw. [occy,pScoS is said to be the distnewiha gun or rifle' will reach.; oCP ax~oI, the distance a gun or ri fle 'report is heard.] 3cXzma5, adv. indeed, certainly; moBxo SZOS Woqu GOO~ -o 60S -o~o~o$ ad/v. same; mmS ~ oJ~c1~oxo&u ~ol: 06 cooj adv. same, but involving the' idea of coura~ge. -,adv. same, but generally used in subjunctive or conditional clauses mm"B611. 1a3ooGce: (usually pron. oGccn), ii. a child, infant, ajco5. Der. OCYCOOI wobaox06. (from Mo, to dance.), n. a dancer; oo-~o~~ao-1 az8SGQ0"0r@OC0O8 wmo) (from mo, to cbver on the side), n. the side of "a building, rooin, fence, &c.; -a barrier, screen, partition; the'external, soft, unsubstantial 'part of a thing,. opposed to mO9, 'the -solid substance, as the outer part of a tree, the albu'rnum, as distinguished from the solid wood, weowxaz~o~,oo q.-Z 65; the white of an egg, 005 & ~6; may be7 used-figxuratively, e.g., Ooj&93~80=5460Ii - mroo5, see CQoOS~zmo; applied to certain kinds of charms. _mn. a barrier;, screen, partition;o44I.-&o~ (from u3 and g~oo)) n. the outside merely [very rare]. somoco (Pali az and MoCO,, time), n - an'i'mproper, inconvep~ient, or unseasonable time;.. 6 G00o oo: 3Coonsm o3:Dolo mcqoR, see 0GcIqa woq$ (from aq$, to come to an. end), n. or. a. all,' the whole; adv. wholly, entirely; sz8~Omr 0.-;-cgj '(from cq ~ to be spent), -n. expense;':qo~o cx 3z -.4',- v. to. bear the expense of an undertaking, &c...-..0008, adv. same as sooqx U. adv. aaao sQ4qO58IsoogS, the whole without anything " "' * being left is destroyed. / oos0008 oopA go 3ooScoeS 0o (00 30ca8 ooAQOoS-866, though one be an hundred years of age, one cannot learn and understand all wisdom. / "3aoooo:u. (from oq, to give medicine), n. a physician; (Gaoslooo:) [not used except with cownosacqoox;]. a3oqooco, moodcoS (Pali so and coooco), n. demerit, guilt; ycooM,8 8o1lo(S (861oo), n. the evil consequence of sin, punishment; 9a2co~coog, n. evil action, bad works, demerit, sin.-C. PaliDic.:30qo3 (from cq8, to aid), n. assistance, succour; oqo$.3o= 3o0:,(from 0o:, to string), n. a string of ornaments, a oo,:, 30a (from c0, to remove gridually), n. a stage in prbcess of gradual removal. a —390, n. secret (partial) abstraction of property (always used in a bad sense); coe~,$ CooGwcoc):og:soo*o905Q 91 eor, I (from CD, to exceed), the proportion of alloy in money. -._3_:, n. the average proportion. -0o08-:, v. to have a large proportion of silver in money. " -- @s, v. to be high in price, valuable; same as o~'d4oS and - ooS (from so3, to stamp), n. to decide the quality of alloyed money; to make a mental estimate of another's character; caosoSn ciooSooo8.co3:, are you a judge of character? so5bg0$:g 8 o.03 cosoo3oSo:s:, are you able to decide properly dte proportion of copper and silver? owArgoooS a 6 aopSoo8olo6, what do you think is the proportion of alloy in this silver? 3crD, 2 (fromin s3, to be chief), n. a chief, 33Jcii33 A ( — 3_o t, b. same., 3ZGcoo5, i (fromcrroooS, to be crooked), n. a crook. i 6 QQQcOn ^ Oa3cooocOqj8, n. crookedness, subterfuge, tergiversation. " ---[@, v. to contrive an artful, evil, or treacherous desigr or scheme. e ' 3aooooS, 2 '(from coonOS, to take a part),' n. duties, custom (a thugyi's commission); comp. masn -— o, v. to receive a commission or percentage on revenue or in any pecuniaryr transaction; oR q GCoo)oSoo:, n. a " thtgyi's revenue commission; 98a6$ oSqN ---—,86, n. a timber revenue station. S ---— o85, n. a custom house. -— coo8, n. "This is the name given to the eastern extremity of a spur of the Arakan Yoma abutting on the Irrawaddy in the Henzada district, about the distanceof a mile from the boundary of the Prome district. The spur terminates in a scarped cliff some 300 feet high, artificially honey-combed with caves and niches containing images of Gaudama and his rahans. This spur formed on the western side of the great river the northern limit of the ancient Talaing Kingdom, and, before the formation of the delta, had on the,rising ground near its extremity a revenue station for the collection of customs; 3s;uoooS GoooS signifies ' revenue' or 'customs' hill." -— oS:, n. Chief Collector of Customs, Burma. — o$, Collector of Customs; srcorn:oo cooo5, A. C. Customs. WsooS, i, n. a body, animal body (infrequent); acoS, a brute - animal, coumonly one of an inferior kind and affixed to the name, whether generic or specific, as clscooo8, a fish; ao008, a grasshopper; nupNzaux. applied to inferior brute animals. [In some part of Upper Burma tigers are spoken of, for fear of offendifg the nats, as a33Go68o6C8o; also applied to game in general]. 3zc0oo8 is also ap lied in a contemptuous manner to persons, e.g., oacSqo5o.w=sGcooSa cop~'aco8@s. It is often applied to children, but very often does not convey any disparaging meaning, e.g., coo5Sp coGa GC)3s3n^ GoSoocoS3993cgnoOOS) 46C~ (36o07 o11 --— 3-o~, n. a bodyi; 4, substance; aoomMcaS, o G3mccyooF8 3M00^COE 68-O OCD^SOq Oi asboS, 2,,n. a dead body; wGosoooo8; comp. saooilln C.2co0 coo8iSG ocSsczcom S soGcoo8scooocS (applied to human beings). 7 3=wOo8i (from c0.-o0, to be good), n. a good thing. 3.$..;.o5qB, v. to effect the performance of a good or praiseworthy deed. a3cCjS, A (from qo5, to bite), n. compression between the teeth, or in an instrument, EnQCoSza8; a bite, the quantity taken between the teeth at once, oZGcOdI (used chiefly as a nupneral auxiliary); an ache, Mcqc5a&Qii [Eapsi~ooSj o moCY500 ]. --— 33e, — 33611 [ooSyB~FO[jt9qT 1gt3 oJsC( 1)SoG3o 011 O0 ol, o8 n&&Oo800]. wc0BS, 2, n. a sprout from a seed (obsolete) sGpo5 iSt; comp. ~I k48 (from d18, to hold), n. a handle; a lieutenant officer under a chief, no8 08" 8u4jzei [In modern use Iun8r n Qja chif cp:8. i v -_cqS, n. work, anoCq8035 c -G6o (from col, to belight), v. to handle carelessly. "3008 0(from 8., to bend over or off), n. a large branch [bough] of a tree larger than mo9on soq (from cq, to bear a certain price), n. price, mcou -— a, n. expense, mcq~$moq (remnants of inferior value, 33 o $QoD3~ JiOOO ), omissions in writing, eoqlvt ao xe~.Q 31 3 jU:OD~U -— 7-3c0, n. m~oney forfeited; o-acqS =6o1i (3aqGSoazoRoj ooS). - A, n. remnants, refuse. MRS, n. a pinbolt, bar; not used singly, but found in micoi oq8 k6cx8 Qc q8,ol (hsado hsagyin), o'o8 o5Qh:o8 (Pron. tugga hyin) coSsic~s, cScx c8o'cxqio moq~ (from q8, o do, &6.), n. a deed, 34=1y; a habit acquired by practibce mrcon fPZGQOGCo 4 00ia, n same def.;?aotvcou q a-q oo3M -;080I v. to be of good habits; -as -as a -os, to be of evil habits, vicious; MR80o0$Ws& lc~,QR1' oCO@8 0u - *)\;,v. to perform duties. -ol, vv. to acquire a habit of; xa8G1c'ool aoau --, v. to practise; 5srcoSE38j scql:, appearance; s0: (scarcely used alone). - sadoc~oo$, v. to be homely, ugly;.3Z~o~~~rn~ oea6:co$Ocoz:cacg(B,- iincomely language proceedeth from (the mouth of) an uxicomely person. ODW9s(from cq~O to b~.,narrow), n. brevity, as in azoqeS aowR; afi abridgment, c.ompilation (~8~) = —.=~.Jo be placed in confine~ment. - cov. to place in confinement, particularly -in irons; ~ also used figuratively: to f,41l into qtraits or difficulties)y. 70t)4800)n. Inspector- General'of Prisons, Burma. -) V, v.to be confined, particular in fetters or. chains (61 - o, — coo, n. a prisoner; one confined in 'fetters or hamns; a- convict, G08000:u i3xq$ (from oq$,_ to remain), n. a rema'inder, residue, balance, - sa* see under q~v =sot, adv. lengthi, diffusive&I extensively [omos:3aqo5 o6mo;% (from qco-*) n. superficial extent.3; (from ojand ~), any slimy matter, mucilage. =4 (from JoS, to be hard,) indurated), n. an induration, tuFour, hard concretion in the flesh; a difficulty in the mind; omething. hard to get over.. 02'O~i 3, QQo1=c~5Qb:ooen, same me~aning as ccp olaooC~ J S(from. o~, to swear), v. to. be profanre, daring in.imprecatinig curses on one~s self; 3z 9Oo[ c so 90 "8 (from Gq:)88, to feed,. tend),?z. a keeper of cattle, a h erdsman [Jq~ 5,a Vn. aloes wood, agallochum; not the *aloe plant (51:) aoooStco6o8o), whence aloes (qloS) iGaRS66ioocjQo5u 12%XcA (Pron..P)GOq5Qo~so), n. notoriety, fame, ocq~ro: [ooe~ oalgs ocO~D3 ap% G8oraG)cZ@o 3=Gq~o~SGbO wc$A ~, this Mingyi is much renowneif owing to his being learned in the 4*w]; wr.RS(B2~j, to be fam-ous, notorious. W9 oJoSB, I (from looS, to gulp down), n. a gulp, a swallow; aq co aooS ~ CioiSqoo.iigooag 0Soox0)05:d 3ocjo5, 2 (from oo0S, to gird up), n. a turn in a knot; used as a numeral auxiliary, 3068s (from cag:, to be full, large), n. a branch of a tree, straight, round, plump, suitable for making sundry utensils; comp. oar8 -and mooS. [In some parts of Upper Burma oo&So& is synonymous with oM8f6onanoS)8|.8, o$ 3aojs, n.a. consequence, result, effect, opposed to aGoCl8s, a cause, a good result. — Mo3o (from 0a, to delay), adv. without, in the phrases r9 a 2G.~@ and coo.tGoaoii — oGO@o68, n. the advantages for and against; the pros and cons, 3s3 o68g@ot1oO, let me tell and explain to you the pros and cons (of the case). — o3S, v. to derive benefit from. — 8(gos, n. benefits and profits of any scheme or undertaking; oma4o8soSoqoSi — Gooo:, v. to fiurther and protect the interests of another; 0o — eh v. to get but little profit; to be totally ruined, lost; — 8, v. to obtain the accomplishment of an end, to reslt in benefit to any one o oc~cqgo3q18 ao Suolc8&8og [r @3S>cOG3oOS]. —,, v. to be profitless. — cq —oS, v. to.be disadvantageous or detrimentai to one's in. terest; 3a~rioqo@SSC Gg3 ooCg, he spoke in a manner (which was profitless and detrimental. 4 — c, v. to have another's interests at heart: somewhat similar to 3oo0Go2008, but implying, a less active and selfish interest. 3az8-, pron. a. whatever; (but more nearly the obsolete whatso); used as a counterpart to c, thus o -@8-oTo: 9(dlocoap c~o(qjejogSji [l0a0668co~oos j. -- o, pron. a. whoso. -- c, pron. a. of whatever kind. v@e~GnoS, n. a royal friend; used by kings in speaking to or of one another; 3a&too qSi8m8cgoSoS8 oSeooaocS8qg 10 - 1~~38qG0~59~7 3Q ~6D5r6S O:~Q ~ OSC~ 6PQQ56CGO~ S Q6e60 0S8q 1 8 6:6 s,0 6 C P 0 G. G O o=08 (from s8, to superintend), n. a subordinate officer, a chief of ten, a decurion, a sergeant or corporal..n9 S: (from FSs, to be rough, harsh, violent), -coqaooc8, -o o0Ss(oc8sc go Ao6) gstcoSn(@CSioS), in the way of-using great violence; @s:oSj8SooS ou9 ([taq;SSO o SGO r390GZ B~G9?9OO --,B addv. in rough, abusive, railing, violent language. -— 8, v. to be in the habit of using such language. M' (from (, to think, intend), n. a thought, intention, design. Me-to -MacS* - ems3, v. to be consummated, as a plan or design.. dB,,v. to be in a state of perplexity when carrying out a plan. - 0q, v. to teP inate, as a plan or scheme. c- w vs:i, v. well-planned, to be clever in conceiing a plan; cocSwo3Ooo8cocqg,, very clever man in conceiving plant. oS, v. to be difficult of accomplishment, as a plan; ga5o6 has a stronger meaning than ogoo&o -l coGoS, v. to accomplish one's purpose; Coo o4aosue~ cqoS, v. to project a plan. r9po1, v. to be dilatory or behind hand in forming a plan. Go:, v. to suggest an idea, plari, &c..; QE4qo-oes~aq9 8aGo~oDoS:gajaaoo oxge6giau 1o5, v. to be frustrated, as a pl or scheme; owcqS has a somewhat similar meaning, but implying that the plan may yet succeed. co.So, v.; see =agbcPooSU v-q, v. to conceive an idea, hit upon a plan; oaScCgsajC0 e -cgc (pron. ca; in colloq.), v. to cease conceiving a plan through discouragement or fear of failure. -— coj, v. to excel another in projecting'a plan. =oFoj (from Ej to have a space between), n. a crack, opening, interstice, intermediate space, o8 os Der. wo30 (a and co:coau II M aw5@3" see =@onos; e.g., oo65ooS@oi.3zg (from 08, to meet with), n. a time turn, as oo&8, once; P80s, twice, &c.;ixo$ (30Co) GoC80 8-, adv. again and again, repeatedly; 00o0o4 (asoo$o004). 9 8oacc38o8, adv. same as azF8ESn ma@8iai; 3:o$$, same. s@O (from Ot, to be great), n. a chief. -— 3S0, -=aC, -008, -3*g 6, -=~O -S yso, see the parts. -_Gco-, n. the chief steward of a prince or princess, holding the superintendence of the estate on which his master or mistress lives; o::, clerk to the mM:GooS [V8:cOs8 Oqq 8OUM MS@ GODS $:u.8;al a: ao6o, n. the lower part of a river, country, &c., opposed to meito. Der. (;@aon 3G0I3Z48 (Goo), adv. in a satisfactory manner; to render a satisfactory verbal explanation, or explain satisfactorily. moo-0, i, n. the scales of fish (properlfy clwzcg:, or else it is apt to be confounded with chra-c, the small freshwater cat-fish) or other animals [azG@soolooecIO 80~63cM Q3 ooS~iz38e0000*C to]o:]. - C~1, v. to strip off the scales; oo cI-Q3c@-4-,cYS56u W0,00, 2 (from c(:); see 3G83G ra.0. 3zCgo, n. amuscle, sinew, tendon, rc0Gd:; a vein or artery, 0coE 6; a nerve, 3Bs (this expression is scarcely intelligible to Burmans); a stream of water, rcq:), O _3; the outer integument of a bamboo or rattan, ol: oru05j -Sg- n. same; i 3 CqcSUa @OSoCe3Cgl 6@0j,q~c clcq~6u- ooO~ I - A-81, v. to have a muscle permanently contracted. - 6, v. to be subject to an involuntary retraction or twitching of the muscles, or to a temporary contraction. --, v. to have a muscle displaced across another. — 0oj, v. to be slightly sprained. - M, v. to be prominent or dilated, as a muscle or vein; cGos - o~i, 'v. to be cramped or contracted into a knot, 3; n. a large muscle, sinew or tendon. " — yoS ( ) — S, to be sprained in a greater or less degree. -— 5ooSocpCql, n. a disease among horses (kumri). ' —, V. to have a muscle dislocated. S -- 98, v. to know the position of muscles and tendons; a commendatory term applied to those who practise massage. "33@o08 (from c&o8s, to draw a line), n. a line, anything drawn out into a line of writig-; (oao8s) a long mark or streak, a road, furroW, rivulet; an antecedent, or cause, or reason, opposed to Iaogs, a consequence, effect; a circumstance; what pertains to or is connected with; ga G~o6:o500000908^0^811 a4o^3@6gSqqoeo5^iooooa~oiluagm5^6 S — Sp, n. a circumstance, event; a@Sa-mp, a subject, topic. ----, v. to be dissolved, as a marriage (more polite than O ); implying a cessation of the coalescence of the destinies of the married couple. S ---coo00, v. to be fortunate, happy;. implying that such for2 tune or happiness is derived from the stock of merit acquired in past stages of existence by the person spoken of or addressed. co(o80o owaOG:8o6 co&coo" -',E:, v. to communicate with, either verbally or in writing. S ---- oo, n. same as Ist def. / -— (0s:) cof n. an account, narrative. S --— 8, v. to have one's destiny bound up or connected with that of another. -— ospicco:o.s, n. the four prime causes; cO,, 8o0, goe, 0oooo ---:, v. similar in meaning to oo5: (in ordinary parlance).. —o1, v. to have one's destiny bound up with that of another as the result of associatioh or union in past stages of existence. V - -g, to make an occasion of; to advert to, speak with reference to. -- ooo$, adv. exceedingly:; orosoo0 840a0ooac,u -— _, adv. without cause -or reason; as~p6^so]oo1a. Sometimes followed b'iy 0oaoS3;. e.g., 33@3a~Oi.ooooS ~o5ol oog, he wantonly beat me. S ---cW, n. a trace, mark left by something passing. GOGoo s-93, v. to ascertain the cause or origin of anything; to seek a pretext for doing anything. -=N-, v. to be on term$ of amity with; aoi c.ooSc8a3 c8Os 9Q'ot Sqgcosj8d, they (two) are on very amicable terms; they cannot bear to be separated from one another. Prov. sz o8-oS p8ioi4808~vI WCs,08s, 2, cinj.; see under qu 33a s@3:) (from 3azo3, a space between), n. an intermediate space, a lane or narrow passage between two objects used in composition, as oS&08S osmoooooo:c)8@)osl$i@a4o-u mag6, -foS (from g, to go and meet), n. the day before the worship day, when relig "us observances are commenced by the devout, o8056O8ii _owo (from ON, to be with), n. a being with, together with (used only as.a secondary noun); 3opq, scx1o3oq, =OOo2Un -, n. same (infrequent). a=8o5 (from aoS, tomiake a circle); n. a round spot;, a spot, compartment; a spot, place, OaQR5soo6in Der. og@aoS [a square on a chess-board]. - Jcn, n. a compartment [fig. a re sfition, prohibition, obstruction; cot oq ag ouooP=U jo3 o&oR1 aoTc1S3oa SO maom~coot, 'is it because there is some restriction on you, sir, that this business is not yet finished?] - m3Q48, n. same assoagnl -GC008:s, -caqc, v. to happen, 'opportunely, to be suitable; with rsoii maC]ojoo5v means to speak to the point; e.g., 3z cacacqcm000o8c;@oooclcg8No9 s oocB@oooSoeu l - coo, v. to he explained, disclosed, unravelled; =a2ogocoe - os8,) v. to move a piece at chess; aq].Sq3a a op noooSicoo:, do you understand the moves at chess? so0o28 (from aR8., to make circular), n. a circle, ring [=aCsc is often used with words of seeing *ith great distinctness, e.g., 33agss3330Ss13]] _-W@o, n. an ornamentAl ring fusually used in opposition to sooe~ao8S]. cso:*@od~S5(oaqaqz3 oGa ro=@e~3ooaszc8S mc8 rom S8, to bind, &c.), the binding of a border or edge; a hief (of a town); @<C03&a;N 14 % n. punishment dicpine; execuin[ 8IS: s~r~,prts; se v,5 [only used now bpeleithYaw coantry, particularly in the region of 0ans6 a~k district, Upper Burma, e-g.,,MoCR0So0&=-OODc q&oo C-0] 8008c6, 2 (from %Ac8 tfo 'Conceal), ni. what conceals or intercepts vision. — omo% 'n. same [also means a charm used as a preservative from, evil]; ~ca6p.o5 ao'o~~ ozoooooo8:co8& Rot owing to there being no walls or screens -to this house, it is open- and exposed; oi~a:cpsoc23: ozNBomo'o(4C~ Qmoc,56 qoSoqQ@??@96, people untruly say that this astrologer died- because he had no charms. =Gra (from' rG(N, Wd bend rounid) n. a curve, corner, bend, as in a road or river, a bay; i~coo~ o~ s~o(;% (from G.o~s, to curve), n. a ihipg. that is curved, or' drawn -together at the ends, as a bow, the -bend of the elbow (cA eo~c'08coBGCs) or the knee (c6GmooSGcNi)., az (fromfi w%6o, i), tron. you mas. or fern.; used vocatively onl, y, and rather -disrespectful; 0S c~j~ zoso 0EMA (004). aoc~goS, i -(from cqjo, to be freedf, n. release [to get the start of in a race., e.g., ooe~@& (or m~cac) ozar~3o~c~or, xPGO ]. o, nthe syte of practice and attainment which conducts to 4nnihilation (~4;de-liverance, salvation.(Christian). mcpsq to obtain deliverance t]hrough the. attainment of Suchysstem ON~ 8 ~),1 2, tourmaline [a beautiful mineral used for jewellery;.. o called from Tourmali in Ceylon]. n. sh~orl or black tourmaline. n. white. tourmaline. 'tj~ ron. 1. fern. oqJ$Q (not in common use, but still used in Uppcr Burma in the Lower Chyindwin district4 an eari) "k8 &ron.;- see okj8; preferable in ave and rdspectful dis-.course; aoe~C9C ijSQ-.80 MOIC6zQ0901a LS is, pehaps, prfral?to2J in addressing equals and inferios. " StcJ8 (from cyj8:,, to,be acquainted), n. an acquaintance; azc8 astate of acqxfainta ie. [aso%8:.Go~ to introduce -a person to another]. sots~ oWnstoo8, adv. on terms of acquaintance and famili.; SooiSj47 p 33sCoCo330PoESiJOgSeo, It is not proper when there is extreme familiarity between a supenrior and a subordinate. -, v. to make acquaintance; er9Saio:, to make a, person known to another.; to introduce. — oS, v. to be well acquainted with; Gl)gG gO m(4': (from ~83, to remain), n. a remainder, 3Cqjll - szcq, n. same. -?, adv. without a remainder, wholly, entirely (utterly); o L68:o3S4Bm, to wholly reject. 0s0$ (4$) (from g, v. to feign appearance), n. a feigned ap. pearance, a feint; used only in forming verbal nouns, as "cco~$@ae, e.g., iqoi.oo $coo 8 &io:%)~cBuln, 8 Goo $g ocoSooae, should the coiling centipede happen to copne in contact with the human hand, it is in the habit of feigning death. =Gfg: (from ag-, a debt), adv. on credit, opposed to cooScEc i - sciS (from 6, to wait?), adv. same; cot ~8:o g~W-9 SQ4 6oSodlq, allow me to buy this horse on credit. - Qcp'i v. to sell on credit; oorc6:00olag lpa CPS -ol-~' 01o Ge~GQEEgqD&ficg 4C0BO~CJJ-~ 00$o59J-?-~8J83: -o Sc, v. to buy on credit.?o, n. pay for service; comp. ocaSo and cooo8O-oag$99$c.cdoo:a - PzRSg. (from goqS:), same. -or, n. one who lives on wages; o6IowSj6coo- cou5qoSso Moos, n. a branch of a tree, smaller than mn~80-n --— Jca, n. same. [Sometimes applied figurativel to children; aq3 oco asoi 63. --— ', 'n. a main branch, oc5&: 1), I, -i. thread wound on a.weaver's quill, a skein or hank of thread (i.e., two or more skeins tied together), ~eo8& 3308, 2, n. a valve, the. mouth-piece of a musical instrument, as )o~i qGc8o8 qi08in opooS (p ron. cEo8, shakhin), the Flvula, s 3oo8ul: mP~t (from ~s:, to -sp'read out in order), tz.'anything spread out; used in composition, as r2&poS:uc9,5o8:i -(ooe~3-Sw * ~ pg~9o-oo~ooa:oP) particularly a cultivated spot of ground, as wos,. q~cdo&o, &c.; a portion, divi-. * sion ofaday (i.e., before noon).;, ok&-4'5oveo the evening or night portion; a business, affair. m~eo:o, to obey a call of natl#e.] same as last definition; =mq m is in -more frequent use than =~o'&:OOOTj:I socit n. arrangement, array.; 0 *...-88,n.same; oo~o,9oSOA@CB cqcL &o y -.-~,V. to have business on han'd. - WWW..-ce v. lit. to be handsome in arrangement or array; in a.more extended sense to be well ordered or arranged, as a plan, scheme or business. nwcuS: (Pali oo to divide), n. a section, division, distinct part (of a writing or dis~course), oo3iq82to Mz4 (from 4j to estimate,. &c.), n. an estimate of quantity or exfent made in the mind, without actual measuremnelt; a business, affair, MOS", az2; about so much, coccnooS; used as a secondary noun, dropping the *initial, thus ooj8 oj, about one year. — =00 n. a mental estimate, of extent. -MORoS, n.;,,see mo, st def. _M9?.; see woj, 3rd def. -3 0068, see amcgo5 --— QIXO6S).;'.see szo4, 3rd def.; thus oc-cSoiccozoS, or mocoohow much?. x~~jcoS —rcemco bu so much. eco8 rocic~8 bu coS,-ov. to be opportune, convenient [oco~c qo~,n. -an apartment, room, a division, class of subjects, as ~-n. a wooden partition*. tzA. wall fo rming a span in a bridge. o~c~con:m&oo~00: ~cnoS~&,how many -spans are there in the Sittang bridge? 17 o-~sV. to -move a sick person, whpse death is imminent,. from one room to another-to t/a ji if a member of the f~Lmily; if not, to the =Go5. or the -g~ (c8), v.- to perform a certaW'ceremony on the death of a me'mber of the royal farnil,~ -0, x. the principal room in a Ause, 40.011 GOS:, n.~ a suitable appendage;. mething adapted or suited to a principal; an implement fuse suited to the character of the user; a proper ac bmp~niment, equipage, &C., Ssame; most co Mon; aj33B9OQ'31co)40oL5QO(; w5=, see azi~soal =rIji n. time [following,verb the sni is frequently elided, e.g., )rE@5d2oq&j1,-xii. —M adv. repeate y; MOri01(aZO~+4)i aIQI@OGObc1PS: vto be out of season, unseasonable. -_ j v. to choose a time for dcoing 'anything of unusual im~po tance. -coei -(pron. szolcoo5)., v. too turn a day; month, or year, commonly the latter; be above a year old; pbcotp ~oe2J ~ QWOOOGCO3oslcoe~~o1lI lu1Ol 32~m:il _GCOO.Rv. to delay, be distant in'time, be a long time; 03 _(;o: 65,v. -to be a favourable or excellent time for doing anything. - nDR, -1 n. a unit, an individual thingi used' only a's a numeral auxiliary; cjoqj'i~o~~jaTpu =J 2, see win, the present time.. -~, dv. repeatedly, at the present time; Rog6q (pron. q 8~ e.g., jO~c~~o~q~~~ 001'.3 (from R, to prop up), n. a short prop, fulcrum;.a C'ushion, 3an. same as 1 st def. [resistance]; 0061, being aware of the fact of my. having no means of *resistance, he oppresses me. =jq~o (from qcTan), n. a sgringy, bound; GooBS GSqa M'4; (fromr 4,0, to be convel#), n. a convexity.I 30b (from ~,to become- haridened), n. a 6iard miiass, anything hardered La smothered enmity when used in a figurative sense with m4S.~ ro,),~joS.)Ooco=obo3 ~j~: Mfdisee zomN wo~i (fromn oolo5, to fold), n. a fold, double; the bark of a tfee aS~aloS;- a time, tWrn,-as ooG105, once; )SrolcB, twice; 00S9 i(Colloq. Gpc-Booo) oo.GIrpGd1o5~@J -Gohjadv. repeated]~ c-dshave; when ajplied to human beings, the same meaning as 3m8.C4IIVDM8SOI,., but le~ss polite... sz(;1Svu, (from G1S,-tb ie -the top), n. the top, summit, -highest part; d3SnjaA,6 0 811; the utmost, as in the phrase's-'qrBG618cq [owc~oj~6c~6So#~3 (Sccqcooca) q6SocpuS - S qaj4Bco~qqo&Noju or o &8 qooo~cj9' Eng. acme'., 3000181S,2 (from G618, to~slant, to be ~out of the way, as a locali ty), n. a slant, a turning from a straight line; oCqOIG rd18&Q ~~~ooucpSSdII cannot come to (see) you, sir. because you live in an out.-of-the -way place. 0 48: t, ni n; see a~zo, large tuberotis root. 300018:, 2 (fr'om o - 18s, to be 'hollow),, n. a cavity, hollow place, excavation, the hollow of anything, as of a tree, a vessel, &c ~z18-8 oltGM80i' 0080.18son 8~?~S applied to boats; - ~~-oorqoSG gj:z&lpboBG:cbi y-g:)c oSooe~ or rodv. to be penetrated, as the abdominal cavity; -moecq MraQQ00CxO n. an immense number,(o1:oxpyimxc8e ~aoz" (from qcyS, to hit), n. "lit, L'C8 qO, time being; woI$. n. a moe ashort interval of time; 0cc, o0434 s "MO404o,@1 Mac4 3:1 U oCB3Q O~:OC*COcII M~(s3o4 o~S~~ oor~mq~ m3 m Goo& oo 4J 6o8in p'cozi n5Z3qoo8q61, as the steamer only anchored fo a-sh6rt interval at Yandoon, I was unable to visit your house (sir), lit. (enter your house); Q aomoocnzxf ag8 (from q8, to be firm), n. a stalk or branch (of fruit or flowers); a$89 ss39n qooSCcq3S cogfSqSo 3R$aqO-mq8 coc5ajqogo~oia agq, n. effluvium, exhalation es.8, smoke 8lI9s -8=8.0, see 20Qo0S, 2nd def., a noxious exhalation or effluvium. - =G-.S, n. vapour, furme. -.am, n. sweet or foul smelling fumes. - 3oa n. perfume, scent. - Q@-a, v. to be dissipaikd, as a fume or vapour; to be evaporated or volatilized, as a perfume. q6oS, n. subject, matter, object, thing proposed, aimed at; an article, item; a stroke, blow; chiefly used as a numeral auxiliary; a mark, impression, as ScgOS5, socSqi (ocSpaceS %,5), (MaoR8iocoS, an internal injury), &c., a mark on animals G:8 or in wood aDoS; hence in the Burmese time oiocS t8o, one beat (of a drum), answering to 9 o'clock; gSBc Aes, two beats, 12 o'clock;'o:cSci8, three beats, 3 o'clock cotYS c8So3o, four beats, 6 o'clock; hence also cog.&830:, adv. at once, instantly, og5oo2: (pron. oPoScb), adv. at once, instantly, ql~Sq~ts -nm:3, see aa3 (aqo), n. a central point. -~03c, n. a mark, impression; a subject, matter, object. -~aoca, n. same, 2nd def.; often in iolloq. abbreviated to;~yoSCrcoCSJ5o05 a SDIs ool c lc — aq, v. to fall in place, be in point, hit the mark or object, accomplish the purpose aimed at. oo:soiOS5CX~ cia% 60ozECq CGScXS: (O6I 8s1[oL), the language was so very much to the point, that though one did.not wish to listen to it, one was obliged to do so. apl33 qoS (pron. jyet), cgolousabo --— o:, v. to preconcert a signal. o8oq1o,~q~*Jr — 3z 0 S 3 s=54, it would be as well to arrange some signal, so as to let me know you are there. A.-9 (commonly qoS4), n. a central point; w S5, M4 a g 4~ aqs, i, n. one who belongs:to, or is connected with, another; used adjectively, dropping the initial so, as in as 0oostS8:, "a fellow countryman; and used vocatively, being prefixed to a term of compellation, 33qStS0o8oo:, 0 prince. Der.:cyou; V@8*68Sooo oCoogi ~ c 3a1 q8:ii o 000o. ---- 0:, adv. one. another, mutually (respectively, relatively); Soq86:, 2 (from qs&, to go through), n. the diameter of a circle, "or the line which measures the length or breadth of any figure; Co8BSoWqi8:(~oooSo0 " 0a081s,3, n. the secundines, after-birth. — o:, v. to eat the secundines of young buffaloes and oxen as the Burmese do. The Burmese cattle master will often, to prove-the ownership of an animal, say oobcgjGoo3ao q8:oo:@ool5ojdlo, ~q&6:@oS; to come away, as the afterbirth;- 3q86oocG!oooo8oC4osqoxj8:sn 81uSosoo0o8@S S coS1e~a, (formerly applied to queens or royal concubines). "a8q6, n. love, affection; oqj8@n 31 = @0, if there be great love, there is great resentment. -. —so6, n. same as -aq8n = q830o8.6; ---1 aoes, adv. barely, without anything else. Der. qjsu * ----, adv. nakedly, without clothes; uselessly, without profit; eq gg As>o 0 ojgSqggogge -— o6, v. to be naked; sooSo, " -- a, adv. in vain, uselessly, to no purpose, without profit; aCoooo, 3o0000000, oo,~ — oo$ooc=S, adv. same [usually pron. qc0.:ooSoocS and often means 'wantonly,' without reason; scgp.8ooo5oSAc oloogi]!zg8, I (pfon q8, to be flat and thin), what is flat and thin; chiefly used as a numeral auxiliary; c8Sooq85oo85oo qoo4 018, 2 (from I8, to insert between two flat surfaces), n. a petal of a flower; 8~ 8,53983ic5-8io 'Bo8S8q8~.o9=oo5 mg), v. (to be a point of union), n. a point of union which unites several things, a person or thing to which several others are subordinate; ~aoS,poq o, *. t iow33 S, n. same. coqS (from qoS, to hook), a waving, as the stripes of a Burmese waist-cloth, CO-0, -— 008$ (xoz-), n. a female waist-gloth of such pattern. n-,. a male waist-cloth o0 such pattern; oacco' 40s 4 Co$28:ag 0o$:jmogC6 3qa45C~:40o9,:go~0ol3 [The kind of puhso with the parrot mark on it, known as the ffboS, and made near Amarapura, is the most prized.] ol$, 1, n. a time, period, season; comp. =l-No.ccq&'o005 =q$rcoooSor66cog8Sm mco&c=; often used in conjunction with verbs whem, he o0 is dropped, e.g., cgcSq$is GOSG$.I ---— Q$, v. to terminate as time..-acWDs v. to be suitable, as a time or season (for doing anything). --— c4, v. to be fulfilled, as time. - Ev. to be brief as time'for the performance of any business. -, adv. at an unreasonable hour; oq~s3o: o z3 9:oo0o cqu6ssag~~o~sooo~orI -, v. to be sufficiently early, to be in,time to do anything. s~,. 2 (from q$, to weigh), n. weight, the. quantity of a body ascertained by the balance, 41wocan ----, v. to havea sensibleweight in the balance. - 8S, v. to be bulky when weighed, so as to require a large quantity to make a counterpoise; o aecoMco:oo&A4C. coe~11 %6oS, v. to amount to. in weight; oe~oacSp9qoc5aoq$ O2oSoou~l --- 8, v. to be not well balanced in mind; 8oS ol P0. ono (from 4, to take up), n. a person to attend -porp' a child, a nurse, bearer. n — t8. same. ~-Q1S, n, a nurse, or.bearer for children of the royal family. -. GaocT (jrcT), n. architectural proportion of a boat, ship, &c.; oooos3oaosyo cT\roo8roE or 008~ p; comp, m oroo; applied also to language; oaos: 4wcTo. t*4:0 (from 4:, to promote, ~exaltjy. n.. an exordium; C'o~slu 0' =qLS (from qtS, to control), m. 4 chief, socq8; a' compend,. (infre'quent), e.g., c~Sacmedof history; ooqlS, a b~ond,; 6oq8 a bail-bond. n.) (~); see *a~gn coo@ ~aoT: %Sso~q8o68o~ -OQ3(from q.18, to sew), n. 'a tailor, qftoo::.; e~g., C.At n.- a lock-up in a police station. -o~oi- n.an under-trial prisoner' or convict. tp(cqoo8 (from rg,. to reply to), adv. alternately in. debate; sosoq (we6oco8) [=qa,- a rejoinder at law;:s qco the statemen of an accused or defendant in a criminalo civil'case]; XiS9~Q Sqt.qo 8CcD)oS cow:i =08=008. C@30f n.dirt, filth, rust, excrement, wha~tever Is excreted froni. some substance. Der. G~gio n. same. Der. qejw.12Su n.a bar, long Piece; a QqjZSs, a bar of wood; ko(thungyauang) a bar of i1on; comp. szocA (a straight piece slender~er than woqoqzS~ e.g., ~o5' owso5). & o 006C~ 000z R4o 6q00e~GQTp P1a005oSZ60 @OR 0 c, ow many fingers had this. ma'n severed who was cut with a da.? GSC/300 C0200 4C~OJ(G- 89 '1 G300fGgOSS ~08 0a8 q OScr, co:) 86S A:cy c~oe go9 (coo) Gqpobv Gqjo8s 00 co~e, Nga -Maung Ka16 with a stick went and lay, in' wait for his'ene my* tear the cre~ek, but, hearing Mauing Kale" cough, the enemy avoided him by going away. On reaching h~ome his wife,Mi Min Thu, siaid " Is it not proper you should come home early " and got into a towering passion. B q&n. acids and, sweets collectively, particularly wh en applied to fruit, e.g."L or~g~ oo 3Z: a4coqjg SwcGo1ld.00, in the town of '5againg fruits sweet and-acid are very abundant. 'Prov.- qroc~ mi4 (from ~,to be. de~ficient), pron. a. some, 0040 o4tszoos (from.s an ow), n. proportion in relati ye. parts or' — quantities.. ) wag 23 GOo03301 MOO'C OU~ M1.34XaoS, applied to horses; 8, n. a bamboo rafter. [comp. 9SS, a rafter of wood]; applied also to poles when used as ba boo rafters; 381s 36C1'6804$q,33paqUS ooS43G0356)iog @S),=2 q M- oqS~rc)5-e~H --— _acoS (from @8ogo6, to measure, v.), nit. a quantity mea* sured; cgoool adl 0ao ozsn8gs, =O~ o0aodS (=q~a3goo5) (from 9~oaoS, to estimate), quantity estimated. a3@8:, i, n. an act, deed; chiefly used in forming verbal nouns; a circumstance, what pertains to, an event, so @3ogS ncp, 0 o3o @F.8 oo, an outward circumstance, appearance, cocacno [conduct, behaviour, mode of life, as in the phrase oEo lla g s8o8s. -a3cp, n. same, 2nd and 3rd def. - 68,~ v. to be the subject matter. of, a term almost invariably employed. in litigation, e.g., 3azO8O-58 %#.0sr 3Z)8@8'58CO6I - got, v. to quarrel [ G @Sg3o3y3ou1 a8qsilJ$ a 3M@80 (S&.), 2, n. a kind of song; Gcoo,008 0iBo6i cc838o ca cS4oooEp cooz, can you sing an accompaniment to the flute;, GOs @8030sc0 cP@ea~a=80 n.; see m,.a:0a1 =a0z (from 04, to surround with people), n. attendants, people in waiting [entourage]; 33: 6c 8 3 azo: (from @s:, to separate, be different), pron. a. other; oogo:, 00o1 oooxva -, adv. without an interval, without consequence; =%0oiin cooooc8=@o ~o0eooogcqIjcac~ cipio1ooo c 6equ6s<giscooz z;@,-nz. a foundation, bottom [state, status], root, 3QoS; a foot or leg, r@. Der. r@; ~z6@cYo oo1cEjau g8:o@, on horseback; cgo@, on foot; rnao0 @~~ (@Ob98) Gq.1&oh6ra-o CJG@&~o0y38, if one goes on horseback (lit. by horse's foot), one can get to Katha town in a single day (periodof daylight); on foot (lit. by human foot) one has to sleep a night on the way. --— VJ3 o, m). om~i3mGi@ c n& cof oiu0zoo, this man has no status; he seems to be an obscure person. = g ~g8, n.; see g., ist def.; co;og7s:6:6goa3 o o c3gDo&4coocoo|3( ^ ooog3o9e^8oS@dlH 3ooa @, v. to sow seed broad-cast in.the dry season (just before the rains),.no transplanting being ne essary (both these are Upper Burman words). 36Woo5c, to. break up soil in the dry season (just before the rairs set in) for sowing seed. mag (from branch into two parts), n. crotch; the place of branching off in a tree (&8),; river (@88), road (coSs1oogR), &c.; hence 8oS36&, v. to be of two minds, v. halt between twb opinions; [R (pron. 9) cq, to be betwixt and between, said of a person's conduct; also has an impersonal meaning-(i,) 00cSoo go!e~qaco.eU (ii) ooL a-3t a29qOOa,8s c~oS~, to act in a betwixt and between manner. 'Both these terms are in very frequent use amongst the Burmese, though said to be comparatively modern.] s33og,, I (from 8oS, to be concave), n. a concavity. 33go0, 2 (from goS, a cup, &c.), n. a khwet; a weight equal to a peittha or viss, and superseding the latter in all capital numbers, as oaoSoocS [the 3 is frequently omitted as joSooaooS] instead of SacoooocS --— cq.s, n. the concavity of a boat or vessel, in regard to its size in length and breadth; ogosaoSso8iaco8 GM3&:GOOSG0 Gg80o33 QlOo0~ 8og, n. the place where a thing is'posted [or located] or work performed, the place and parts adjacent; used chiefly in composition, dropping the initial., Der. oocps88 [a Judge's or Magistrate's bench] and qSgSE [o8, the. sphere in which human beings live, i.e., the vorld], e.g:, cxo RSeGqSGooc@ag [E6:.ooG@ 0 oS@eO6ooxoooo (applied to kings).. oag, n. a business, affair; 3o86g, soY, eqq, coimission, permission, privilege, opportunity [right, reasn; oSojos.oo -- 33, — mq4oI, n. same, ist def. -, v. to be fulfilled, as a business, affair, obligatiori [s 8o0G@ GOOG@O.38g GOCo50~6o:Sg90oo 0 geGcq 0o5S]. —,,, v. to crave permission, ask leave of. -— cooS, — ~, v. to have a good occasion (of doing). — Go:cgoS, v. to grant permission. A -I 25 Egi3q, v. to obtain permission. --—, v. to be permissible. — 3 ---, v. to be favourable, as an opportunity, to gain an advantage over another, as a03o"tgo oCx91S0o(6^3oo — L, v. to know one's place, opportunity, or time. 8ag, n.revenue accruing from assessments on real and personalproperty; comp. sGcooS and g0co-oS — ~3 qooS, n. same. -— 3 8, n. a collector of revenue. -- 5, v. to collect revenue. " —O18l, n. a head collector. o --- ~-S, v. to assess revenue; 8g338$o5o:s@5 — e —Coc:, n. a revenue clerk. --— oS, 0o:, v. to pay tribute or revenue. - (-3a ) o^[6io5o@, n. the Financial Commis si o n e r, Burma; 3s8$go$qSoGobooS, Secretary to the Financial Commissioner. —.o_653, n. a household paying revenue; acooS&3$n — o-aop (pron.. 031), n. a collective term for revenue and treasure. -— o, n. an akunwun, the highest subordinate revenue official in a district; a.$GcooSo$o8:n 38g$, v. voice, used chiefly as a numeral auxiliary [=8;$:: JsP cOS (very often abbreviated to?S:@.38cc8); G@30 oo,, a term applied to persons engaged in an angry dis- * pute; equivalent to the English expression' to have words with']; ooecoooI:oo58$G oc9 o>:oo Soeo1I 3, n. bank, rind, peel, skin (of fruit), shell, crust, hull. -— 3O36, n. the scarf or fibrous matter on bark. -- ao8, n.; see the parts. -— 8~,, A, G, o, 00 v. to strip off the skin of fruit, to peel; 3sa2A is the most elegant; goSoq1o:p,3~GAscoS)B 33G (from Gs, to coil), n. a coil; GagnLuoO a coil of rope; 33g:, n.; see cg:, a flat ring, G.j sa (shay gway), Go9L 0oS8 (nouk khway), the after band on a da handle; 000oo00w: SoSg:u* or cqpGoooSoSg, a term of contempt applied to persons who are wanting in energy and self-reliance, the 4 after ring of a da ieing used more or also is a hammer, "and therefore subject to rough usage, therefore treatefas it were with contumely. tis$ (from g$, to make pointed), n. the end of anything that terminates in a point; o 8oo:og3go:opo, your da is too pointed; o5b$, a pointed piece of iron. sga6gcc80s', adv. in a disorderly, irregular, contrary manner. -.oJ (from ~, to be slimy), n. any slimy, mucilaginous matter; oagstcool:oog Scc3O A gA drSoooSogSu _.-c8, v. to delay, linger, procrastinate, particularly in speaking. 3aoGs3q (from cfg4, to wait round), attendants, people in waiting (retinue); Gto5oooo&Go6.3Gr@g9 oo~oo. ---3, n. same. 3oc8 (pron. 10oc8) (Pali as, priv., and oc8, a promise), n. infi-delity, unfaithfulness, particularly in administering jus. - tice. -ccoiols, n. the four infidelities, namely, cooo8, tlat occasioned by selfish desire (Co o3 co8 o), 6lo 38, that occasioned by ill-will; Goo(coc8, that occasioned ignorance; and cooo0oc8, that occasionl by fear. ooooo6co (Pali 8g, excellent, and oaoooo), n. a disciple. — 061,) n. the two chief disciples of Buddh, namely, (918) S oo3qaScp, the right-hand chief disciple (cooGoSo), and (51) oopoj (pron. Goorooco?), the left-hand chief disciple, coo5SGoo4; comp. ouooooco, agasaw, or agra-srawaka, from agra, chief, and srawaka, a disciple; lit. " ': one who hears. The disciples who receive this office Smuit"have practised the pralimitas (o1c8 ooo1:) during one a.ankya-kaplaksha, oG3o(a oS8). They are. fever born of any other caste than the royal or the Brahmin. The. two agrasrawikAwas or principal female disciples of Gaudama were Khdma (GQoo) and Uppalawarnna (goco6). 4dc~oS (Pali ', fire, and o3931, a shaster), n. alchemy. — c,oq:,o -co5S, v. to practise alchemy. OS, i, n. a d of tree, a species of dipterocarpus. - " —@, n. the entacme Siamnensis, Kz. [Pali oooco, Sil tree]. Maha ava, mother of Gaudama, gave birth to him under a I tiee in the Lumbini garden (oq$goog = ao. 66%o3) situate between Kapilawastu (-coAoooS and I61i((coo3c8oo). I. ~o0 '(C 27 so3qg, n. the Aporosa macrophylla. -— p, n. the gum of the =8 and the 3=8fS; used like ~oqp-i:, v. to bud as the =S tree; e9)@~g83Sq~:oo Wa 3Ws8~: agse80.cgs 9C.gS008 CoCSo02~ o38, a, n. an earthen cup or bowl (not used singly). Der. q6S t8o and Gg=S; cg Sm6, a spittoon; oaoxoo:3S8, wash. S —,n. an earthen cup used as a crucible (ogm) ). -o, n. a deep earthen pan or large bowl larger than "o*I o3, 3, n.- strength, force of any kind, whether of body, mind, or wealth, 0081 — Mo, n. same, particularly military force; ao8so: - a - g., n.; see m8n 3Sa8gaeBou -— co$, adv. in a considerable degree; PzolmaE ooc$-oi - 6o0$, adv. exceedingly, too much; sz8oo$q6oeoeuso8ooo~ 9'someu wSoo$ gcou mau8oq8o3Suoz$ n=8oo5GcoS (Eng.), n. an inspector; particularly an Inspector of Police. 38, 4, v. to feign unwillingness, hold off; 33joo:icjoauo2&oorjy 0OC8480j:15 008G4006XE01C81DCOII -0aSc&Os, adv. of the same signification; coe~:o4pooe Sv. to like, be pleased with; an obsolete word. nw8 j COoSM macs, i, n. an allotment, portion of business assigned, a quota, aooo. Der. c$s.; oSoq8c$scQ0S: sGxg S6nII ooScoQS comhso Ga0cQiS oncBq=Ss oj38 y jgq o olc8Soe, finish your allotment of work, otherwise, if it falls short when ineasured, you will not receive wages according to agreement. tSOC$ 2 (a corruption of act), @qp&:, v. to sell on credit. =qoS (from qoS, to remain, &c.), n. the remains of a thing after part is destroyed, as mcjoq, the stump pf a tree; a short peg placed to prevent motion, @oqo6; hence qoS, n. a sharp stump, snag. JDer. =rG.qoS; cqqa.onqpsqo&ou codSqon coSqo8s [also applied to diseases; coeGoCl3QoS Qou Gstpolo la$ oo or 3qoSoo~ uj -_3Q-8Q, n. real estate, inherited from ancestors; c09J-O58Mc =9g0q800 S0:aq$98r.C3G 8 ooq6o*Cq 860 co&WOOrSq80&x I am able to Jive (lit. eat. and drink) without working for n~ liv ~ beause I had property left to' n*ebym pArebts. 64fro 4ift 0c16seup~', the quantity taken into the mouth at once;.a flower-bud; 4iqa f`w'e'r; r-clo a mouthful Of Water. q6,v. to bud;, o$goSo8R5u@ O~q (f6~a ~q, to p'rojecit' con~exly), n~. a promontory, cape, head-a.nd;'y convex projection, wehroa'bank or Cf 'a monntainj Qmo~q, or of a wood, G'003q; oo8~ 9000C 000 3114;GOc0'i u4(from m~s),t. acoat or jacket. -_o~oq8 (qj8), n. a tight body, jacket. nldt. a sh6rt coat, jacket.: -c~, a't.- lit. 'long' cioat, 'short coat,' the Burmese name for two -Chinese, sects, who rsetvely wea r logI n short c~oats. Wi. a jacket-tie, an ornamental strip, of cloth attached to, the lower part of- a woman's ja~ket, the lapel'(the part of w~ coat which laps over, he facing). axqn. a tight-sleeved coat —or jacket.. ---ocyc~oS n.a loose-sleeved coat or. jac'ket. S~&4n. a short-slee'ved'coat or jacket.".;.see FMSL5 n66.S thcollar of 'a'coat or jacket. -ct,,a. approaching puberty (applied to the age of a girl from tep to' thirteen); - spa co008O ~ociQ 3j Q5GGZS c~o~ico Clc6 a~ oe-66~SSlj equivalent in Englisih to ' as I was in love~with him b,efore I left off wearing short clot~es, I can bear patiently with him' though he may now and thiep scold me; (6c6lc5c&: *is1 Antiictly'spe'akingy, 'stronger~ t~aimere 'sc olding, i'mljing the 'rai4sing of 'the iioi ce wit h ite~nt, to, terrify int9, a rih cuse, or ensure' the iho t~h~ixae prso le'ngu~fl~e). In spek4ingg of a yo'ung Man,o6f a -correspondipg 'ag!~he Rurmese ~say. -cbao49 _Q (ro?. cX4l, ~&~c~goA&I -. a but~ton;,,%r&qc4 a button or stud. 33p421og~s, n. a button-hole. n-0,. a buitton-mould. s18CO (pron. -S~o-iCO), n. plaster, a composition of lime, sand, water, used for coating walls. [As in most countlies, the plaster of the olden time was! supenrior to the mqdern. The plaster of the famous Kaungmhudaw pagoda, near Sagaing, was composed of lime and sand, to which were ad'e' one part of the Bengal quince, two parts of molasses, five of the park of the 6nd6n tree, and six of glue; 305ft6ccc6s (P'ron'. G*0( )'"'0c06as, R oNIs r&6(n5901 The modern proportions are c0o9wpqkp(vo 0 oorw~:Cb]. - 0d8, v. to plaster, overlap with plaster. — 36, -oXoS, v. same as aoJc ~aS -— o&g8, n. mortar made of the same composition as plaster. mic80S (sz&88) (Eng.), n. an Englishman, pi c88c; a. nglish, pertaining to English: -cog 5i, n. the offspring of a European father and any Asiatic mother. -— C, -c, n. England. 308i, i (Palij, n. the'planet Mark (zil@6oS); the third day of the week, Tuesday, m81 CgiOalG$U -o001:, n. a male person born on a Tuesday. — to, n. a female born on a Tue day. m3l, 2 (Pali), n. a limb, memberCrt of the body; a bcomponent, m8.5; a requisite iqualification, essential property (12 pages of palm-leaf writing or of printed matter); coe - qo, v.. to be injured, maimed, or wanting in any limb..-McS (sometimes o8), n. the organs of generation, whether male or female; $SoS, ocoo, c8n (coo0CZowi38l1 8Inl&:o } -a, -et!oS, v. to be in good proportion. maSqg (pron. msq L), n. a kind of inflammatory eruption [nettle-rash, urticaria]; 3zuqoabooz89,V ouoo ms i, v. an obsolete verb having the same meaning as -~Sqod, Mso5: (Pali), n. a degree of a circle; wcioc88;oapcJ3;~qq!z cico5 [ECfo, the 6oth part of a degree]. 3a:, I, v. to make the noise indicated by tie sound of the Word, and hence to be uneasy in the stomachI from fulnes, 4ether 30 occasioned by food or wind; qs8% ii oSmagoonI [oC~o5 SAc O, adv. of similar signification; ' oooc ac~33 ooSo. S 33:,, iint. true, yes (colloq.)-S. aSto.oSbn wo:ooSo8IoSjni v c ~6i~6odjo~olojooosB 3 85, 2, n. a pond that receives its supply of water from a neighbouring river or. some other larger reservoir; comp. n a8 (a stagnant pond or lake) ahd oo$ (an artificial pool or tank).. ---.ocaog$, n. a collective term for lakes ~nd islands. -- $g, n. *fishery revenue. -—: i8, in ngapi made from fish caught in inland fisheries. S. —o, n. a large pond. — ' ooo, n. an employ6 of a fishery lessee. -0@qs, n. a fishery lessee. [In Upper Burma qScq is the neares-'equivalent.] eomS, 3, n. a table divided into columns or:squares or other compartments.for the purpose of entering figures, accounts, &c * —coS, v. t6 accord, as two accounts on being compared [to compare two accounts, oo8@5E oo,]; also used figuratively, as 98}sgoa>ooo~~~SccS[o9~ - --— gcd, n. a square or compartment in a table. --— conq, n. an account or register entered in a table.. ---.oa, n. a table in which the. items are entered in columns. S ----o:, n. a table in which the items are entered in horizontal lines. atq: (pron.. *:qs), from s0g, 3, n. a short-legged bedstead formerly used bypriests [a3 sooo cooko>Soaopj cobs]. ao08c56 (from g9os6, to attach to), n. an attachment to anything, ==gs$:u sg (from ~, to be soft, gentle) [asgoomSn SooS:ooii @S~oaGoo5]. -— o, v. to dance to'the sound of spft, gentle music. -— ooo, n. musical instruments of soft, gentle sound..V*-cStgoS, v. to play on such instruments. .o8 31 S.s^, nv. to try the tones of a musical instrument before playing. -—, n. a festival in which the music is of a soft and gentle character. -- ooos, n. a (male) player on instruments of such a char. acter. -ooo; n. a female player on instruments of such a character. saS4 (from @8, to be at ease). - og, v. to live on a pension; n. a pensioner; acooSs9cagoS5 -oosoqoS, n. a pension, 0808 (Eng.). --— oe osjo5GO, v. to grant a pension (o080G0s). - ooq9,v. to get a pension (o80sq). a' o 0soap (from,t and oge~ to be dark and black in colour); occpY Gcp33aog33IoG0qoGloo, [g3zig8, n. fig. hardship, difficulty; dislike, hatred]. 33[t (from Btt,.to feel ill-will). 6, v. to bear the ill-will of another. 00- coos —o, v. to harbour resentment, bear a grudge; 95 qa:s3oTG6T8 toooogoloa, whatever you may do to nie (sir), I will not bear-a grudge against you. 3=G.g (from c.g, to appear slightly), n. a glimpse, shadow, slight touch, 3; 85a..; exhalation, vapour, steam, smoke, Gao; e.,. [Also used figuratively ootcR (a3oco5 understood) 3o G.30o5Ga3oSo oooo said of persons on the point of death; G. o)@aro: i - ooS, n. same; comp. 0oo..o 338, n. a unit, one, o05u 38, 2, n. a cylindrical box of any size; cR6gain c;e:Ro8oai Co M[8, 3, v. to squeeze, compress, clench (the throat), throttle, cobSSogS; (coSoo28) to utter a short, compressed sound, as an elephant (co6), or a dog pursuing a hare, or a person who restrains his voice under punishment; to 'raw out, detect, catch in conrersation; ooM8caopS 3380G3o.SGQO3OO c]fo C00030^8ll 336GO~ooc^3G(~O^ GuT 30o (from o, to begin), n a beginning, commencement; qCs0 co8;o3, GGoo G ogo&oo~:oooSi,g:, a part, bit, piece, *~e~o~Ou (Wo8GO25OO6N 8:woNeu remnant[oo$Q oil ability,.esor,~~jO ~ assi sccgsacs Aooe~t1, cpacity, ao~e~s (hence ooq:ooo)0 * -*~:,n. same, ist def. OM,same. - w —f, n. a small bit, remnant Iw~o or wow~ also mean's a Clue, e.g., cOe~w29o~~.Tooo~:]. V. to, make a- beginning of s~eaking. -o, adv. sundrily. -9w~pD, adv.-sundrily-; moooTooc~&jo(cot der. from ~co8). so4 adv. pertaining to sundry little matters. -, 'adv. at first [nwcq6:o oii q&o~owc, from 4he very frst]. -~,adv. at the very first; GZCoJSI~&4 -o~S ~-(:),v. to begin, be first. - c~l &oS, v. to be finished (co-m~ioooo8bo~8:oo8:oco8:oi lixe), to be all spent, done. Ssv. to -be of superior ability, capacity, &c.; 6o N$0 SQC8O00OuM 4)C060000005 00000G) me iM~ -W8 v. to finish, make an end of (a work)'; 'coo~ooooS iP006 (from oco, to drop); mrG.O~iGSvROOc8oo - 06'oc wq6S, oaocjSadv. droppingly; vp3r.ToT9SwcoSo~ -mo8s (from o~s, to be extended in atraight line), n. a stripe;' num. affix., applied to things long and straight,. or nearly-so; (&so~oSti~c8:xoooi, a. striped. [Also applied to the sun; cn:q~a~o&ccoe1 ao*8 -(froifi oS, to examine, investigate, &c.);, n. examination; a. -genuine, unadulterated, 08061 [=o83z~S, e.g., eqO6586s -GwOS, 'Q1Wo3zS, v. to be skilled in-e'camining. -6;4 v. tQ undergo examination; to bear~ ~nvesfigation, e.gf., 9$-=c9,soew8jc6 the true Id~ -will bear investigation, e.g., 94.=oqiz &So658c -. #-4c~:,v. to be 016~ tK a"iswer well when examined. mooa 33 -OaS6q6S, n. the recorded statement of a witness, or accused, in a civil or criminal case, o68qo [the statement of a witness or an accused]; joo5rco0oo8Bqc" ooc6pioa*coe G3(o80ooSmcTO-l, read out, please, the statement of the witness, so that the accused may understand. - 5 vS,. to-appear, come out (in evidence) on eamination. s(oo (from oe, to be many?), n. a piece of a cord or rope attached to another. - g n — same; the lash of a whip (the string of a necklace; 9 3~oiIIC;Js3,Qaoll)II mroe~ (fr -oS, to tie up), n. a quantity of things tied up length ise, as plants, grass, &c.; (o8oso~ e~II GcaooD on fco~ 00e() 8OO ognokoogsO oo noosoovegou.064 CO oooe~~, ~11 ooocts30~~~I (20 o 0, ( o 0oc, to assemble), n. an assembly of peopie. o3og (from o,, to place in a row), n. a succession, continuity, order, method; adv. continually, always; guS.0coS3 joo, ologmcoq8&oGScnoSR@1, will your Reverences please be seated according to the time you have been 'mahtis' (i.e., monks for a period of io years and upwards) and to the number of lents you have kept? =o-o0, 3QOoD, n. same; 3oon j3X oo - oq0S (pron. sovgoo$o5S)[from qoS, to be straightforward]; =o gooqcLgoq8oo&,*0 46 @ 0000o, adv. in natural continuity. ~o@o6-, v. to be perpetual, everlasting; adv. for ever; aoog 04~osi nmo, (from ogS, to mince), adv. minutely, accurately; only prefixed to 081 - SOole., &4same; most common; 8oo0 G YoSl:A:cm OO:cqoS =38 (from oJo0 join), n. a joint, seam..- 3qac ~g, n. continuous connection, applied to language; 3D 8 =cq911 omo n~oS,3zcct19Gmo~v~cge~1I OaOS.0-3ZaooD, v. to make a trial of; put on probation, =socQu mo0o, i (from oo0, to eat), n. food, aliment, what is for eating or to be eaten; comp. moD3; what is consumed in any operation, as ooSB,:o,, clippings, coosc, chips; sizing made of boiled rice and used to dress thread, & ou 5 QA -[The Burmese. often., when angry or wishing to warn others, use the following reviling epithets:: qo~oa -' food for the tiger/'; meaning that the person reviled will be killed by a tiger; m~ooo00, " food for the da;" c800 " food for the sandal"..(dc8 46o~o -applicable to a female); 8Go&oSo~, "food for the alligator," &c. In warning others to avoid a particular road when travelling, the Burmese say oz6 =045 n. the stomach, maw. - av. to unsize; mooC54QO~o~ "I-in8, %a v. to size, dress thread or cloth by an application of boiled rice. A*.05 vapplied to animals. 01v. to refrain from food, to fast; SOOmOo~ 0...-.On. a return- to healthy and natural e~Vacuations after unhealthy ones during illness (lit. f.Tces' produced from food). "_-.-WO6a0in3 v. to famish; 8goaoiA.@G &indn~O3 QoS&Js3~o~c~oo (ptron. uzzathat) coaso:Sa Burmese mothers frequently frighten their children by saying 49C%: — wkv. to starve-one's self. Doc:) 2, int. fie! expressive of' disgust, W811 fw mo -oo, i, nt. same [woooo au6k8, an interjection used by women]..000.01; i) n. stead, place, room;, frequentl used as a secondary noun, as. cpo~o- instead of self; @ o OG v.to return good for good or evil for evil; cooSoasr. ao~S iqsp. 8cooS&,c~coSc8 aommc jcO'c8 [a Fp 008 (pron. oc~o~owoj) has the gairie meaning a~ a DOG '. ---496:-cA: GcQ8 -o,-8:.tsubstitdite, to pay in.kind (00c:3otoQO). 9D:) 2 (from oos, to-eat), n. eating, the act of eating, that whiich is eaten, food; comp. mo:)-, the fee paid in certain cases, as ro&C~i; (G~~?,that paid to a pleader or lawyer. mon. food [8 5~mzm~o3C~1 d o0=04An. what is eaten and drunken (food); o~ a qS0 C808oo 30.104M ~c WO1Q0ooYS401q OOlmCi:U [It is curi~ous% that these words reversed in order,, namely, too6Swoc:, mean an Qver-indulg e'nce in intoxicating liquors, e.g.,. COc~ 30000cS aQOOi ora~~ O 3..35 3CogcooGq, n. a collective term for food, provisions. - 9 —, v...to eat what is hurtful; o003 Oi93 GO. GO G oo8:S 33oos, 3 (from oot, to divide), n. a division, 3q8, =oqStooo:, e.g., 3@oSowi, m3oooScoS, aoqoSoAs; a division, kind, sort, 3Q3^Sg3301; 9 ^S^1oO^H 33~Sfoe8oOl 3,3CoSeo( 3o0o0SI:I0 o0oQoooooo:{3 Soloooo, there are three kinds of puhsoes, superior, middling, and inferior; which kind, sir, do you like? --— o:, n. various sorts. o8, int. fie! expressive of disgust. -- 8, int. same [a8m38ao0= (eg),ooou ocd^ used by women to children]. %806 (from 80o, to divide), n. a quarter, a division, part [the Ith of 1oo, e.g., cq8ao8, 25 men; gaB8o50oo,, 25 ticals of gold;.,8oo:000:, a quarter of a viss (about one pint) of milk; cg38ooSo5o0$o1.6, it is worth about 25 rupees.] 38G&Oqj (pron. a38Ggoo) (Pali a, priv., and 8&, mind), understanding; a. incomprehensible; n. an incomprehensible subject (.8 IoFi1bSooqgoq). In speaking of Buddha the Burmese say 308G,,oqn OGeCoAt11 o34860oo,1n GCqtGooS IQcBqaBGOOS33Qo1 8~g^8Sa-. ^GO5JGOOgo52OoqCp II — Gco7ol, n. the four incomprehensibles c, GcoOoo, 9pj and oo8, which see. 3o88s (from 8S:, to be green, fresh, &c.). --— ol, v.; see 3o8tooc8:s --— o, v. to eat (raw) without cooking; a. not required to be cooked in order to be eaten, as so88:o:osoooS, butter. -o8S (cos), v. to possess, as an evil spirit. 38S:oS:goSB:oo (ooS0ooS0goo), o8Ssiooe~l — coo, v. to die fresh, i.e.., by violence, not by sickness.. so8ao39 (from 8og, to place in order), n. order, arrangement, method - 3ooooeuo33a1 383 ooe3oo2 @o. oeooacS 9o01, when undergoing examination, please remain in order according to your length of service. so3a8acq (from 8oq1g, which see), n. continuous connection; applied to language; mcooqga [ooo:83cqgo8oocS 8c8q56 (from 8q9 and 5, which see), v. to address by word or writing, as an inferior to a superior, lit. to submit to order. [All petitions addressed to superior Government officials by their Burmese subordinates commence with qcpsc9ccao8 and end with Caw8rG8o(;05 1olMp- oRGP:1] opj~ cxcS~&S~1 Gos Ea E S:OOO)QEJg o (c$GcoS30roT o8o jo-aso w8s (from 8:, to ride on), what is ridden upon; used as a numeral auxiliary to beasts of burden ((Ssoo8s ) and ve icles of conveyance (qob:oo8&). The Burmese sometim apply this numeral auxiliary to tigers, e.g., osco8s0 u nd to butcher's meat w6081us - #843:3S)Com:8szS, n. badges and insignia of rank (o$a: -_=~z, n. arbitrary or violent sway over another; equivalent to MOXo080;Q3 0(Xr1EoaOoa63 i381I, 1 (from fso:, to augment, obsolete), n. increase, profit, advantage,:83:8aoOMU oq (from q, to collect), n. a collective body..- WCroS, n. a subdivisioh of a place. -- OOS, n. a portion, share, appo tionment. -.-.-9QOlS, any quantities taken as whole; a total. -So91&0, n. a collection. -sq$ (from %, to collect, and q$, to appropriate), 17. the, whole that is (for any particular purpose); used in forming verbal nouns, e.g., GooS8aS%~oo &Oq~, the whole demand due from different quarters. --— a08 8, adv. collectively. -:, n. a collection* (concourse, assemblage) [amgqp8, a mass; usually applied to human beings, e.g., coo @aD~az -r moo:,'n. a collection (of people), an assembly. -o-, -008, n. a dividend, share, o00~ Ig o -(from.o, to be torn), n. a rent (in cloth); o8 cq -s q4g ' CagS~0P860p')3337Q86003o 3 (spoojs f 3Dq08090$ j 6fo8 3E01s8rrJ3 wJ4 (from ~, to be even, complete), n. an even number, a pair; complete assortment; a3qI4, a numeral formative (oqcn q, something; co- moc, some one, indefinite); co, a pair. - me, adv. all parties beS g met together. - - 3OrS, n. a pair, applied to horses. cMooo 37 3misocaj, v. to be suitable to form a match; oo6@Ssm3 wooS oc0Sqoo, these two horses are very well matched. - MoodScoS -g -m~, v. to be well matched. -o ~coE8, adv. completely, perfectly (wholly). 3QGO (from co, to send, order), n. service. -, n. service, employment. -- 3ZO7 n. a servant. -, v. to serve; n. a Government messenger or attendant; permanent, hereditary; see moo85n m-p), I, n. a ieed. -~ —3K), n. a capsule, pericarp. -.-oo~, v. to seed. — [(?0, v. to Sow seed]. - [90, v. 0tcB080j:qaroSo%]. QGOp, 2, n. an ancestor of the seventh degree. %o9, 3 (from 6p, to join), [n. close union, nice joining, as 3Q csga33ugco, not nicely joined]. -— 3005, n. same. - 3ZO&.M082, v. to be skilled in match-making; to be a good peacemaker [0o00 g a61 33 30 9 6G3OC8 =c6v.9zo8.0o-)o80ogg pu~S]. -coo3S, v. to join accurately. — ~OS, ~V. '3Moco (from GO', to be adhesive), n. gum. --- n. the filthy exudation on the surface of an animal that is killed and singed; [ooc&[6cq8 qQO-,S.tSo-3~~ cgcoS cno36n0e] Goa0E1 G0a CG I — 008, v. to adhere, as gum; figuratively to be attached or devoted to one another as friends (ouoeS q8tcwoCSoocSm0o* rco6 (from GOO, to be early), adv. early, co:)o-in --— s, adv. very early; Gco0: z0a0:o ) 0 aR:83p Bq7So 6, by going very early only can one arrive (there). aooooS (from 0GCoS, to be steep), n. a steepness, depth, ao3:S; comp. 3zd, depth without reference to a side [o,3qCo8ES (aQ) Co03Cfi -G6co0oi0SCx8o5Qe~001 3 ]. so.608, 1, it. the side or border as distinguished from the edge (EcocaS). Der. coQcoooS, Go:)&, 3aco3o8, 0oh0GD8, 35GD080 38 cooe:S~, adv. on one' side, as in the phrase oo010MOcx:QqoS6 so.oeo& 2, num. aux. applied to writings and book's; 00MG008, a writing; v oa~o8)Go:)S, writings. w@64 (froth 4=8 to watch), n. a watchman, g:ard keeper; chiefly used in-composition, as c~ol acoo~ ron. tugg4 zafing), ~a gate or door keeper.F _w-cs: -a~o -w~q1:poS, n. same, varying with the meaning of the respective verbs from whichth ey are derived. -— cool, to~plac'e as a guard or watch;OE ~ooGc o it wao i,. an edge, sharp side, figuratively the force. of wind (GocooCS:), ~or of water (cGro3Si); 4 S~ooSss, the eye when looking askance; qokcoDS36~%, to eye askance in scorn or anger, hence the proverbs ~ol: joq5Goo~8: wz,8 oco 2oj-,, the askant eye of the naga does not discriminate; o8:sqo&O GOZSIJ~4 ~sQQ:oithe askant eye of rulers does not discriminate; meaning that a wrathful naga or ruler allows nothing to stand in its or his way, hence ooGobac~-g, v. to operate edgewise; ooGo:8%coe~ (c~b) ogoce~ioot- oo8-. CO9~OOEQ9QGCV oDGcO84083go%. eopoS (from ro5, to smell offensivel) n. an unpleasant, offensive.smell; W$'1c1:GO.CSGO54CO0 [sGoS does not always denote an offensive smell,. e.g., coo3GoSG~moo]. aaq6~ (from q8, to cohere). (It is said that this, word should be written aoq) nz. a cohesive mass, a lump, e.g., rG@8'; o5~ q8; COMfP. SOGCR1 n-~pi. same; oPED-O M 80bo =Q) i,) n. ~a class of persons in Government service, ) r designated by Government for some specific service; ca~oo$ ~u ~&~n 8s~u(~8o~8GmxS:) -=~)n. same. 30,2 (from ~, to project), (see ~, to project a little from an aperture); n. an incipient sprout from a seed -or root, Parhicularly applied to -the sprout from a bamboo root; comp..-odcB and m~o-qii [The first incipient sprout from the cocoa-nut, tamarind, bktel-nut and sugar-palm, fruits; so qqooS applied to plantains]. t,3 (also from q., to project), n. a peg or wooden nail, whether left projecting or driven *in completely,;~ -(fromn Q!, to rule over). g 39 33: ooq, adv. authoritatively, arbitrarily; o6qpgo 86ootqoSo8 bag gGoTgoogcglagco q.q88oo&b, how is it, sir, that without being an official, you exercise authority over this town? -— , — %, v. to have authority over; agssqus, the Government. [3t0ooo5G6oo, n. an approver in a criminal case.] - q ---q oSaffc gok, n. Government Prosecutor. --— 0ooGoo@$, n. Government Translator, Burma. — qi d50oSa3j8, n. Superintendent, Government Printing. w3qcq$, n. anxiety, solicitude. -— oo6t, v. to be free from anxiety, sG8loggII — @-s, — ~e, v. to be much concerned; to be little concerned (about). 8cr (usually fron. mcd), n. a man's elder brother; G64-oo 5, an elder brother, royal or divine; comp. 0, a man's younger brother. s8 (usually pron. m3), n. a man or woman's elder sister; comp. eo, a woman's younger sister. [Nvte.-r-Persons of "the Talaing race frequently speak of, and to, their mothers as 33o8 and their grandmothers as asGou] aag (from g9, to be a side, border), n. a side, border. --- oo3, n. same. — oqs, a. being at the very side, border; the furthest, utmost, remotest. og$t, i (from g$:, to come to a point, &c.), n. a point, end, extremity, oqoi; gain, profit, a goa ---- o, n. same, Ist def., capacity, ability. — 3 --- os, n. an end, extremity. 88~g, 2 (from $:, to be stained), n. a stain. a- sogOS, n?. same; comoolobg s:o gcoSBpscgoooSqSolI --— V 000, n. same; see qeS:oo8saI qgSs (from gSs, to be able), n. ability to accomplish; oScqosw.2 S 63cooo3oooo~Qob., you have not even ability, how could you possibly accomplish it, sir? ogSusoon 8~:a33oog og2S, n. an eye-tooth, tusk, fang [a horse's tush, e.g., ooggS: coBc6c5A3olGo3og u gaSaSoSsoooSQc osGcoosoa)] co8, ges, n. an elephant's tusk, ivory; cgrI@oam`oSto8so OaSg, an elephant's tusk which has once protruded does not again enter the flesh; said of fixed, irrevocable resolutions, or decisions. \ 40 *s (eS). (from P:, to cleave, cling, adhere to), n. a clinging to, adherence, as to an opinion, or in object of desire [a kind of morbid itifluence to which a person is subject, the result of magici witchcraft, and such like; maoJoS, to free a person from such influence]. v-va3odo, n. same; gol 3i 1S1on - v,. to make or have reference to, bear, e.g., o$:mcs-so 0o, 0, '. an equal quantity; mzj (infrequent), as much again, fo-; used with numerals, as o! i-o, three-fold; -3oopr:co-S, thirty-fold (c3C5bo ompmoo5oo9ooooSo1 0). o0, 2 (from o, to guess). $ ---d, -— coS, v. to be reasonable, within due bounds; 8$stai cocnojooo ma@oooGe 3;a3e soooool, the man's finding fault with his wife is out of all bounds, i.e., outrageous; ool coDjaoo54orOoso&=oIo Gxooo~GmScoaoe$0, the washer/man shouts and screams beyond all reason when washing the clothes. socooS (from 'cooS, to connect), n. a junction, joint, a degree in lineage: -cocS, adv. connectivyly, successively; c8go8a*3EQo.ooS,. Anglicl, crowned monarchs in succession. @ --- —06, v. to be broken inhcontinuity, as lineal descent. t=x8 (from a8, to put in order), n. disposition arrangement, form, appearance; comp. &iu8ql~soyEmoS0 om&, of what colour do you like the puhso? - ol, v. to have a repulsive appearance. -WWcM-, v. to have a bad appearance, be homely; =acq:oo$. ---sCooS, -08, v. to be opportune, convenient; SZcooS5ooe 3oaoEo3o03 n [u~slo8sGdjogap6oo 8m0 (or mooeoa 0165) ]. Oc4 (from W~, to put one thing on another), one thing placed above another, a step, a degree; loft, story. -6 (pfron. ahsin gun), n. one in attendance on an official to carry out orders (an Upper Burma term). _W,- QD~, adv. repeatedly; smoo8coS; ro8;or c3cSoo8g: Oxapoogiluno3oB 3go, J3 fss R, although -I have cautioned him repeatedly, he has no belief in 30 ~41 what I say; he is a very self-opinionated man [as nBSzoo8 co~Goooo5oo; by successive transmission, as o3a0.co0co Co0o0]. 30o68:, n. appearance, relating rather to colour than to form; comp. aqS, colour; a3q, -.sccpS, -ao0o, -3o01, - oZ5po$, n. appearance, general appearance, considered as good or bad. - q ----, v. to destroy or alter the appearance of. — c3, v. to be beautiful or handsome in appearance; to be pretty. 30008, i (from *o0, to cut in parts), n. a joint; a38oscl&coS5 — 3qq8,, n. a division, a turn, way, custom. - 3, n. a joint; difficulties in course of questioning (0om0 "Co6o6s8q)cooSoo.S) or in a bad, dangerous road; cooeoS: — =.a34, n.; see the parts. -- goS, v. to be loosened in a joint by the severing or stretching of the muscles; <g$Gco.ScoGC02sur.oToomqc~oo6S — @oS (3oo68(jo5), to be sprained. ---, v. to be dislocated. 3s 2o, 2 (from o[6, to cheapen), n. boot, as in the phrase to boot, something thrown into a bargain. - agoS, n. same; oSc 3so83sBg6os@oo0$olGoo 3,ocn, n. the nucleus or kernel of a seed, grain or fruit-stone; hence 4o$, husked rice; the inside or kernel of anything, as the tongue or clapper of a bell, the pebble in a rattle, th ball of a gun, musket, &c. — S,/n. inner shell inclosing tlAe kernel, the outer one being — o S ( frequently pron. sooScoS), v. to be loose in the shell; to be addled, as an egg ('oSa~Gqoo). 30o6a, n. a. ten, the number of ten combined with the nine digits to form numerals, as oocwS, one ten or ten; pcop5, two tens or twenty, &c. 3000, 1, n. something faulty or huftful (not used alone). Der. 42 =moo, 2 (from co;, to be hungry), n. hunger,. less than co~i 80q. same; -xov. t~o be fastidious, hard to please in the c~hoice of -food; hence. the name mo~ (pron. o~o) oqo~u G&oocloSiI o@.....Q (from coo, to' be hungry, and G@ to be appeased), V. to have the hunger appeased, but without being satisfied with food; cm~ocP 200400011~m~,G~p~ DOOR~n. goison, venom; a harmless snake, c@ 800Oo,03) n. same; G@G&Y,-Bz-B80C598SCOII oyn. the Pegu?pas, -Q8&8u erco.:)8soc~; comp. &.otMB&I oo.Scqt@s:s, a poisoned arrow. 322n. fat, unctuous matter, whether animal or vegetable, hence c8, oil; also used figuratively, e.g., co~o5:)q~cC Ew 8$gr45 the yield and revenue of cultivated land, o~s ~~~~,which is the meanir~g of the word 00=0001 3W@OR,~ n. same, the rich quality in savoury, delicious food; (see ej); oo~oo,~ 0 0o -b.I (azc&), n. hard fat, distinct from the f4t of flesh; tallow. n. a tallow candle (hardly, if ever, IOsed). -',n. the mesentery (a membrane i-n ~the cavity of the abdomen which- retains Ithe intestines a~Ld their appendages in a proper position; szc8: (from C~ <fojmpede), n. a hindrance, dbstruction, imped im e nt c~ 'r2 5) -30 n. a barrier, fence of any kind; zoSj9Px08 o$o C 8 ~~~~~ 10GG~J~Oca3Q, -mOZOO: n. same as c80: [figuratively ob~truction, impediment; cqmooS~O~oo& 9o oSI 0 C3Z~tQgOj 8cOZO SQ oQ@(.cqS613, please do-not offer any obstruction, sir, to the business'- I am now undertakipgj.ozp6,n. the lungs, lights. n. a lobe of the lungs [uz~oSo~, lung disease, consum-ption; a term hardly intelligible to Burmans in general]. szccj,:omo (from cqjtco, to calculate definitely), n?. a definite calculation or estimate; comipionly used in negative sentences, as ao9tzoR to be incalculabie; hence oog$s:m `4o~~,. if -something happen (what willyou do?) 43 rotqS (from cq8, to clutch), n. a cluster, bunch of flowers, or any loose, puffy substance; comp. @oBS, a cluster [a handful; used as a numeral auxiliary,.as coo6ac8toocq8, one handful; ooosxoqSu6uajgor mq (from 4, to meet), n. a meeting point of junction; qcoS 4, the junction of several. szts (fr m cy, to come to an end), n. an end, termination; adj. a (dropping the initial), most, denoting the superlative, as 6o4cs, the most excellent. -—.6o (from *'-LoS, to decide), n. a decision; coecp cjg - 5, v. to lose, either by ill-fortune or one's. own laches, or inability to avert loss; coo:@ Cps, coSc&,ee~g05 3MaoS -, v. to sentence to death. - a, a. last, final, wCo0S sG0o0D, in the phrase s=~%0oo0 o-n (AQ0 00oo). I -W 0o0, v. to finish, =oooiooe~1, a=rswo. (from to, to instruct), n. instruction, doctrine (ooe aTlo6S~oaireosb33~SCe60oa80bo,0sqqqlg) nma, num., auxiliary applied to deities, pagodas, parabikes, e.g.,' oqzpio:3iilrca c BoY6\Q qqqc~ooCql1 woqs) n.; see cqa, a thorn; the sting of an insect (the quill of a porcupine). on=5=65=a (from cxooS, to build, and a~, a bulge), n. a building, anything constructed for a dwelling-place; cScof@S co86az8so 'a3Coo=An cocaoSqoS4oaoo [Po..w6o0cS 3 =0coi5=s~, same; utensils, furniture, appendages; mcqo4:s 0000co8, 1, n. a building, particularly one appropriated to the use of man; used in composition, as aqSQcoo8, and as a numeral auxiliary; 3S o coo m8 o-oxloorocooSua cwooS @8 (pron. @S); n36, a house with a double parallel roof (an M roof); acxoosqlqcps, a queen who had an apartment or building allotted for her special use in the palace. 0a0Goo8, 2, n. the part of a blade of a weapon or tool which is inserted in the handle ( ta bxs oo& Gsc DowS gSTooo); 44 7 comp. woSs, the hollow head of a tool, w on, &c., into which the handle is inserted..:IMM, 3 (from sroS, to bear, carry), n. anyt ing borne about the body, as a charm. - ocps8, -og05; n. articles of use or rnament indicative of rank, as insignia, equipage, &c.;sam ia oo, — — e,-ocoS 8, n. an attendant on a great man, bearing his utensils, insignia, &c. anocoS (from GOS, to rouse), n. a public crier, notifier, herald, e.g., =aq58=oS, 0m8@ows, (2$Gcc3c) j3cwS, Gac.COG56 GooLSQV (from cq, to speak), n. a king's minstrel, oocoooGSn os (from Q, to stop up), n. a stopper, spigot, plu [oco8gsn opVq; also used figuratively, e.g., a00o GoTQ Xgoo33odI 3O3~3a~os~C~GT (86dI]. tvocg, n. a relative or friend. iytzls, n. a relative, kinsman. -- 8$, n. a friend, 865oqIi — o $s8, v. to make acquaintance, become friends; SoSoo%4 Rpfco-.S (oaSorj8QooS), see `s 2s# (azttqjEow6)..-..8-ooom, -oc8 (Pali), n. a relation, kinsman, eo3ezal" - Woos4qS, n.; see C930191 8 eoo003cvmoo (aq0o0poooo) (Pali), n. boundless space; 3cS44coo-Du (n0o0oo00o3o) G(C033o083 =aM, adj. inside, inner, 3oSg8oa nc oo58oa3 o ifig. the inward disposition or character, in contradistition to vc8q, outside, exterior. weogooa=~ (Pali mi8qs, the internal), k. one of the six senses; see under 3=coo0 e so3oao, int. expressive of censure; s&008 0oC58(jtoo& cao1 w8 s, int. expressive of pain; cla~Osqo oao8 (from eg, to be dirty), n. dirt, filth, =s.0s1 --— ~, -30o0S, n. same, GsOGO at811 Go~, n. a higher part (of a river, country, *qc.), opposed to a 429. Der. ecojo. - aMj is said to be orthographically cor-rect]; sa3@9, the upper riverine tract of Upper Burma; aooq, the,water which flows from the upper country as. in the phrase wo(ccajaoo3 i 3,oooos, -n, n. a male and female native respectively of an upper province. wooSooosoi oooSo is more polite. =3n (from e, to be eyen), n. evenness, accordance, agreement; chiefly used as a secondary noun; see Grammar, section 75; o3O33g WS ONGOaaoGooo:toSx~3 3=g ~n " ----agoS, n. same; ooSGco33a~3 go5V @oo ----— o, v. to mix in equal proportions, as medicine, drugs, &c. QoQ (fron. 3a6So8oSo) (Pali), adv. mutually; sq8:18 6a qc8 350o8S, n. an ache or feeling of stiffness produced by confinement of the body in one position, particularly in a sedentary one. -- 3W8:, n. same. ---—, v. to keep the body in such position. - q@ — 3Sgo@ (fron. 'oo G33 o: G), P), adv..in the way of relaxing the muscles after being in such position; asc:oS, o@m33a3rG9coS0oBtuE Ba GY6~Sooenr a oscoioogSB3mg:I36 uSG e3g (from gi, to be slender and tapering upward), n. a short, young twig or branch; the finest, nicest part or kind. Der. 3c83=ag(. [C3ag, an indirect allusion, insinuation,. double entente, e.g., o8sooa** ioomo^gSg8oezsoeoto8s " ooo uoeooo.oS g oo)o^Gooeu]; the fairest or choicest part of anything, as GoQlS 2oSoogooS, " the flower of the army," '' the pick of the troops;" 2G0liSGqt, to write the choicest extracts of any work or works; acol8: is sometimes equivalent to the English term " quintessence." In some instances 3oa is equivalent to 39coo0n -— o:, v. to be stunted in growth, as a young shoot; figuratively applied as a noun to persons of apathetic and madventurous disposition, as o3 oj$o33sgcge (pron.:) d16. --— goS, v. to shoot, as a young branch [figuratively to evince an enterprising, progressive disposition, as pq3^ap oS osp5dloog3oggsocsoo$oSolB sap, n. a petiole or leaf-stalk; 008 ob0 o2 33o, a petiole or stem by which the flower or fruit is connected with the stem; 9oSqGy8~38' j8wqSw3oooaoe~ow39 oTooTji; figuratively ao~woT3i8CX.JSsCoToge s33oeoooo, n. regard or consideration for another's feelings; *eop33ooooo3go3 o aq oSoo5 oo q; see 0o3o, to sympathize with. 46, I, n.'. dirt, filth, slime, collected on the surface of any substance; comp. o iv, [(e@i, verdigris; CG, moss]. 2O, 2 (from i~; to make even). S —, n. one who is empowered to strike a level between different and conflicting verdicts; aoawag^^co ~S Ogg co% ogxoxS5, I, n. a germ, sprout from a seed,, acoS; comp.. ---o'?, v. to sprout (from a seed); oosoo6~ kGooo~~@s ~3OGooS, 2, n. an ancestor of the sixth degree. G 3S (from t S, to smell offens'vely, &c.), z. an. offensive smell, especially of anything frying or singeing; oo5o10S GSuclg t[oSG^Sn OS6[ co5GSI oS&[So Sou — q83:a3G5 -—, v. to receive the said smell. " —6Gaos, n. medicine to prevent the bad effects of having. received the said smell. -S, v. to apply the said smell medicinall~y or by way of annoying.. ---[t8, -8], — oo, v. to have the~-said snell take effect on the human system. so (from coaSo4, a forefinger), n. the measure of length spanned by the thumb and forefinger; cooo~jo1cooSoXo -- c8, n.,thegirth spanned by the two thumbs and fore-. fingers,' &8 (pron. $61). n, n. some integument of the intestines. goo=oao, n. a commentary on the original Pali text, composed by Rahandas; comp.,coa, a commentary on the original Pali text, supplementary to the inspired commentary of Rahandas; ~oowocoon ao9o (Pali ag, eight), a. the eighth, tS1cgooS. ogqooe (ooqCooo) (Pali), a. the eighteenth, so w. A~ll,, $go8o, by abbreviation a-oS (Pali nz, eig t, and c8co, a religious duty), n. the eight duties which are to be performed by all persons on days of worship; oce~G8qsooo, io'SXg GoodS coo k@ gaoosi, co0sgoS 4 gthooegho Q goS coso, do these kyaungtagas obscrve the " eight 80008 47 duties" on worship days? If they do, do they avoid eating afternoon and evening food? ogSoqoo (Pali w9o, eight, and 000, ten), the eighteen arts and sciences; =goqoo88*I nCaq&j (Pali mcIR, small, and R, a grain of dust), n. a particle just visible to the eye, equal to 36; oqoquovz3ooPsmooT~3 3o ccRo)J ocJq9G3oooS61,. I do not blame you (even as much as the minutest particle of dust), i.e., in the least. =qpot (Pali amW, an egg), a. produced from an egg [oviparous birth, a35og30G61; see oQoaau a=coS (from ooAS, to ascend), n. a shoot from the stump or root of a tree, a tiller, the spur of a cock; @S cooS0 [m00s50 ooo6Suo~cqoooSco-,% is this fowl's spur a n tural one?J; the branch of a deer's horn, 0o384J3=xoCa =ocox63z, lit. "rise" and " fall," a term applied to fevers, as 3moYY&jq, moo30c5A (from oooS, to be convulsed), n. a hard lump occasioned by the contraction of some muscular part; 30 CocBOSofAqGOG-=088011 woo8rq10, a0zcoz (from o0, to appear well), to be ostentatiously or recklessly bold; o 5a gobqoE soocoj3 8o tu~~Gmccyao3oewa6oofoS ) oo 00S., I, see under ooS: Ij; 0 0o3a uoodoP o008:, 2 (from o3:, to be stiff), adv. obstinately, stubbornly, in contravention of authority, [forcibly, violentlyJ. -— 1an5S, adv. forcibly, violently; s maoEnS clr oar -a3:oS, atdv. same as moll o aoo:maoE BOg O IBZl0q)808 q qla6j~gnoSq sclS3n6oo8ag 1580 the dacoits took away the property by force, set fire to the house, and interrogated the house-owner by burning (lit, singeing) him. -5, v. to resist forcibly or by violence, or to be pertinacious, or stubborn, in opposing another, either in word or deed. szco8,1@D, v. to slander, defame; o1o 93C3S o006, to speak or tell a thing resolutely or obstinately, although forbidden or urged not to do so; E oC3 u1~z d183608 oI GUoBqoCSC 3Co8m113o060go010i anooS (from oo, to cut in pieces), n. a piece, bit; ~0-c:3oo8, a piece of beef, a hunk of beef.[Prov. Cloo8 00c)@Scoe o8QcQQ:(q8, he beholds only the piece of fish, but 48 ec sees t the noose; applied to persons wio enter upon, a hazardous project with blind impetuosity] oao (from coE, to place), n. a collection, company, mi, a kind, sort, =cs mo (used in composition or reduplicated verbially); moLg%4cqlQ.J8#, v. to be settled, fixed, stationary; co;i oioo oaciGa GQozq l83JGasufoon@ IIl [moe~zcql i~ also in frequent use, as QmooOjacp aQo q o16SI]. weoocB (from cooS, to know how), n. science, slill; c8it msooo3 ot"o, arts and sciences. 0co0,iM, 'n. an interval, intervening space, whether of time or place; a o sooS:c8 xoo oo asoE~N j-c, a little while; oco, a small quantity i some connections. [m(oo; coS609 Gqcoooze, in colloquial M'so0w coo 'is in more frequent use, though less elfgant than mnoo coAS, e.g., om oooooMGoo Ce~coO8MO~C061 — $, adv. at intervals, repeatedly; rgqsooS 8Soq0aooq3ooo ~ ~~ e~~~a6anoadcl303p3c~ ~oS6 gocprfzol ooTn --— oomooe S,4 advi same; aco oo$0oooSo 3 oA Oq5cq (: mO;, 2 (from o$, to be just sufficient), n. jus enough. - Oa$ (infrequent), acp, n. same; neither t o much nor too little. amooj (from coi, to stop}, n. a mark drawn acr ss, as if to form a barrier; comp. aoo)I -— ols, adv. one after another, successively. -cooSI3clI, adv. same.. moot: (from ok$, to extend from one point t another), n. a line thus extended, as a line, a pale, a ro of things [IoT Gpo9os, European soldiers' barracks; 8$30p':, prostitutes' quarters; cq4coor (also ojfco~:, which i more elegant), an hospital]. =8024, duration, length, mo:3, as a=oo-$BSoc4 [xooc)S oCoP:)S 0o c0*G4qcoex]. 3moo8 (from coS, to be certain), adv. certainly, 03G3coo (o00838). - =98, adv. same. [3oS 8 Gc3~oo~3szooS= j@$ocglp:oe~]. 300083otn. a way, manner, custom, o0~,;iS [lsoos:,:63]. MOcNFIGce v. to remain without taking sides; indifferent to either party (obsolete); (see 98oq1t). ) =oo5, n. a straight, long piece, generally slenderer than ogo8:; chiefly used in composition, as boc, oso5, c~oIn 3moo3 (from ooo, to measure with a measure of 7 cubits), n. a ta, a measure of length equal to 7 cubits (3mo033), the short ta measuring 4 cubits, and the long ta 12 cubits; meastire,length, distance of time or space; a measure, measuring instrument; an allotment, portion of work, a quota, 33ac~socS9aoo, 3o033oo3; 0ooo; the duty allotted to certain goddesses on the three festival days at the commencement of a new year. S — 330o, n.; see, 33000, 4th def. '[In colloquial both ao are dropped, e.g., oQ00:ofoo o, itis your responsibility, your Slook out.] — 30$, n.; see s333ooo311 [oo0Sc0t 330a O:30osgoooS -- q, v. to fall to one's share of work; see also oo$0oooz3 --— qco, n. one of the three festival days at the commencement of a new year; see under 0oo I -- oo8, v. to have one's birth-day fall on the last of the three days at the commencement of a new year; see under 3no8 (from c8, to pare off even), adv. only, nothing but, 9se [a3308qc 5ooS, compelled to undergo absolute misery; coooScB5qoS aq3goo8 @oScod61, pare off the end of this stick evenly; j 8. 33c8 coso7, give (me) exactly twenty rupees]. 33c8ooo (Pali), n. excelling, applied to a son who excels his father. [aoo00co5 CggoScoood 3 o oS: 3 o oToo, the son who surpasses his father in excellence is called atizata.] =ao805 (Pali 33080o), n. the past; conrp. o8183$ and 3poo60 [m3 c80oSgSd633Gooo338sG@~2OoSU oS@ 8 (the sending of a comet by the ooG:ootoS); qSo@soaug s, the hurling of a thunderbolt]. SoS, i (pron. a3), pron. adj. what, 300oo0 (antiquated). aod,0 2 (from 03, a descendant, &c.?), n. a branch of the sugarpalm (oo$:) producing fruit out of season. 330 (from oc, tp try to make like), n. what is a match for, rivals [Prov. 30oo0c53gooooSqoop]. — 330, adv. in the way of matching or rivalling. — 33o, -33ooCq, v. to copy after, to imitate with servility. 7 5o sooo8 "* 0oqs, v. to become like by secret imitation o.ao;qg*. -— Q — o8, v. to imitate; mimic. — 008, v. to mimic; mock. aqooSdg$, see azogscoSin Mo00s, n. time being; used only as a verbal formative; see Grammar, og $soo q$guGoa$:os$@i $o,so 05, aoc (from q~, fo do in return), n. anything ii return; adv. in return. - -- , n. and adv. same; Goqosszoq8 i oojsaco,ooG 8ii cq8soo33o $~G o olqcog:, because you have given I to me " kyaungama," please let me give you something in return. — GQ (-e@), v. intransitive of next; 8ooq:-ajocGs i tsoGoS:og&oGcSdi ---- j, v. to return good for good, or evil fo" evil; comp. so uesqg (both moaoqj and moeDsse are pe rhps more frequently used in a bad than a good sense). S. — 8, v. to return good for good..- 008,. v. to be under an obligation to return a favour. -- 06, — a, v.; see Gq -oq. aoo0: (from o0^, to be blunt), n. a log, block, lump; Bb, M3q. Der. ocaqs:, &c. — SoS,.'n. something cut up for cooking, s meat, fish, &c. -OZoo)o3g8:, adv. in the intervening time, du ing the interval, meanwhile; ao ssooo8:g)oScq )Ioooooooz sc:o@)01om66, what news did you hear in the meanwhil, sir; od6000005, to fix definitely, to limit, to calcul e. 3mo (from o9, to be with), n. a being wi h, to ether with; sao used only as a secondary noun; se Gra mar, p. 75 ---— mc, -.ooo, n. same, og000o00og ORD oo — oo (from oq, to be like), a. or ad. sim lar, same; oo0 oo0o8, 1, n. a quill, a wing (9o5o=008S 0, the sound made by S a bird on the wing). -— ooS, n. figuratively full age, cap city, qualification (o. oS, v. to flap the wings, as a bird. I aM0oo8, 2 (from coO&8, to measure With a cubit), n. a cubit, a measure of length equal to two spans (aoaoo); ogao3ooS 8 U.:o oQ a m:)64t~I= 6c S, this is said to be the length of a married woman's thamein and a man's puhso respectively. CQooo8 (from QowD~, to be stiff), n. a crystal (in chemistry), a pastil (in medicine, o0o00Moo8), anything rolled up stiff or made stiff in a cylindrical form, as r omooz)co0srco:), a pod, as lbjobbO acsoo3 (from c~ and o), n. a bit, small piece remaining after work (ooSonol oql gooogc~ o-o5aoSR=:ooo-ocloeo) cad8, 1, n. a taing, a measure of distance equal to 1,000ooo tas (mo3Cn), about a miles; in Upper Burma rather more than 2, and in some localities even nearer 3 Englisi miles. [tAccording to some 2'43o6 statute miles.] =4PIS, 2 (from cq8, to use as a wrap), n. a wrap (sJ84&-6IorS) quosm~Q*08 0 08cS, 3 (from og8, a post), n. the right (some say left) hand ox in a team (c883z), opposed to 3zc9cg (oaSoasmci8 8`0 092c3& P80005008~~$3~3) 3o48-0 (from c~s, to measure), extent; as a secondary noun accordance, agreement, pcgxoS; coe~x300 g8.:Ocys S leave it as it is for the present; o )a5oMC 8n Su 8oC49~6~s3OLZ8, to sell by measurement; Nat,= pA rcp8-aaoosollazdSg&f Gq6D8.ocoo0, do you sell rope by weight or by measurement? mcj80oocSocoa 8-Cose, incomparably good. -.-aQo (from Oq48&oo, to measure), n. measurement, dimensions, size; (also used figuratively in the sense of forming a mental estimate, e.g., mo a ogE a u, a man of very little reflection and judgment)..-90ge (from aS, to be long), n. length, distance; (ozc8:.s Q- 3og39ag eZ cous& 348g = GCReooc OO&2ocooooi jo, co C6). -~m3 g (from 99, to lay side by side), n. measurement; ( 800.n3o;U 58qo8 6geojoS~,63336oj o8330:gaq8033:a03ga33 co), acq-o (from co:, to increase), n. interest on money; a3:qS:goz c g 6 ajo-.d. AG36:~07 8oloQD L[In Upper Burma the interest on money is termed a q838 principal and interest, e.g., ' 1F3CIg9"83G6 s-oe8i, n. same..-~SQS00,0 n. increase, increment. -, v. to put at interest; 3 68r go oosT, to live on the interest of money. "~ -(Pali), n, substance, coS~ -— GOO (Pali oo), n. the same; lit., he being or subsistence of substance (corporeal subs nce, oo8"3coo0oc8$: -— co.(Pali), n. one's own profit; comn. ocqooon (s.eg3oooq 8oogo s6 o0. 0.. aoogoS (from ogoS, to reckon), n. accou t, reckoning, s33aqo dS; account, consequence; (oSRoo or ooSrcoeg ooSoRo 01, though you do not give it me, sir it is of no account; gog ol used in the same sense), a count, sake, behalf; dooooSog30oj8$ Xo cooS3cog5o, the woman underwent "the punishment of imprisonment on account of her husband (or for her husband's sake); e.g., o@StpogSaoooo Gg lo8 od6 gsiaSo:ogqos oo3 o o; 3So is frequently followed by 33mo 3o86oocq (from o28, to be performed wit despatch), adv. driving ahead, without care or regar t consequences; aeo o8oo QO o 4ul 3xcqSooolsu ag c q83o1 3308c (from oc8e, a hole), n. the inside, i ner part (of a thing), --— (, lit. to be bruised internally; a t rm applied to persons suffering from internal injuries. --, n. the lining of a petticoat (0o8$). -— oo.sg, v. to exert secret influence always used in a bad sense (colloquial). —.ooo, n. discourse or Lonversation of a private or secret nature. "--..col, n.; see ogo~! -- 8~, n. an internal conspiracy (lit. an internal fire). — 80oo, v. to rise in conspiracy, as tr sted officers and men against a sovereign, as followers ag inst a great man, or prisoner warders against the. officer in charge of a jail, ~~ S&c. -— o, n. a confidante. -- o), n. an Atwin Wun or a minisi in the Burmese time. The title me. and their duty was to transapt busih to the interior of the palace, but spi ness from the cnuncil to the king two at a time, in the palace, as in( er of the second order ns " interior minister," less generally relating cially to take up busiThey slept in turn, eed the officers of the 3Mo00S council also Mid. They went to their office at seven in the morning, and every second day they were relieved at three in the afternoon. At nine the ministers came in from the Lhut, and having discussed whatever business they had with the Atwin Wuns for half an hour or so, went in with them to the king's morning, levee. In the afternoon there was another informal audience termed " Boshu" (qoSi5), because military officers were then admitted with the Atwin Wuns to see the kinig. * * * * * The relative rank of the Atwin Wuns with members of the council was not absolutely defined. In Crawford's time it was said to be a moot point whether they were above or below the Wundauks. Latterly they were certainly above them as a rule, the point being settled in individual cases by the degree of favour in which each man stood with the king. —o, n. the Secretary to the Local Government, Burma; qo8oo3o6~qo$, the Junior Secretary; 3oo28:4oooo, the Under Secretary; qc80ooaogo SoGcooocB, the Assistant Secretary. -— o$@, n. the Chief Secretary to the'Local Government, Burma. 36 (from &', to connect), n.. a couple or more things tied together; (oacaoSGoor4ooo, as two persons who have been drowned together);,sed as a num. aux.; a volume of palmleaf writing (a file Vf papers; o ao, a file of proceedings in a civil, criminal, or revenue case). 300 (from co, to arise), n. the act of rising; 3aoo33@@00oS, -— G0oo5, v. to pervert (another's words); [a3co0 oouSGoo5S OOiolm3aoa33GOoooScaoSc OagC&OCO&8o1].0 ~ S —dQB, v. t6 superadd the bottom and side binding of a basket. - goc8S, v. to accomplish one's purpose; 3Qo9aoGoooog, "ncocS, n. the upper part, space above (a thing); comp. cacoT, prior time; -q8, 0oO8, ago, as c$Gco@sGoocq'*j63 ooS three years ago; a term of comparison; than, as MrSoooS 98goog, it is larger than the house; used adverbially, above, in the upper part. — 3-80co, n. a masonry coping. --— 08, n. the upper part of a Burman petticoat which covers the breast. 54.3oe0 wcooS geo V:o5S, n. ancestry, ancestor (collectively). -oO8Gi qo8:QOpc1p@, n. Head Master f Rangoon College. - @4G.Cq80, n. the cities, towns, d villages of Upper Burma collectively. --— 68 s ', a term applied to rsons born in Upper, but brought up in Lower, Burma. - o)i, n. a male native of Upper Bur a; Gomjoroo::, a male native of Lower Burma. ".o, n. a female native of Upper Bur a; c;3ob6NJ, a female native of Lower Burma. sooxS (from o,8, to think), n. a thou ht, 8o3c8u Prov. gloo aC" 0Sooo!0:, " Quot homines, tot se tentia." co-qoS, n. same. -mtco8s, adv. in an open, conspicuou manner; 3zcoSoqu v-,. to have an. exalted or ex gerated opinion concerning. -4, v. to submit to publicity; to do i an open, public manner, as c8%3*oo865 x8-uoeoS g ----o:, -' —, v. to be mistaken in on 's idea or opinion of anything. =co6 (from 00&, to notch), n. a notch gap in a continuous line; a knob; protuberance in th same; a slop, stair, degree. ft-cogmctqB, adv. roughly, unevenly; applied to language; o8Q&oG:3;&a 4Oag3Z 33ICoDC)03aqq 0 3:)(~-oeo mooe (pron. ==ooS), n. substance, matt r, stuff, 3aol; an utensil, article of use. Der. joam63o en — =61j, n. same; oeogoaacooaol6@ OS3eU~; 2, P-CCo:EO 3360og33 0')33op ScoS$nac a~oig _ —_4-4CS (Pron. 3acofq), n. same, most common; ocpaco8Rosx WO3E~, 2 (pron. mxooxS), n. cloth, a pi ce of cloth (any kind of piece-goods), hence oop, g Id cloth, and Gcoe~, silver (also applied to gold and silv r jewellery, ornaments, A&c.); num. aux. applied to wearin apparel; o 04cot~1 - c88, n. same, ist def.. - Os&, n. wearing apparel and othe property collectively. W~98 55 wcoe~cp8l, v. to sell- piece-goods., silks,, &c.; GqjI900pSoo~cqaS -c=B (pron. cocoS, like the English their), n. a piece-goods sei1rer. =608 (from~jog)Jto place one drn>another), n. a layer; chiefly used iih combinations with numerals; P60n&-3B, a, twostoreyed house; mr-oTooS9DG~'0'-Olc~?, he lives in the upper floor, or storey. 4 ww 3on.. same.; aoo8a s czoo 4, COTc;n the marigold; 3zc8c~oqzo4 (Pron. pun not bun). 0- 08, adv. repeatedly; w oS,,ooo (from oo** to bear), n. a porter or bearer of buirdens 'oo~o ~~m )ncSoo~:% (at Thayetmyo). M0Yn. the presence, or tI~e state of being in the view (of a person of respectability); comp. 68 Bzxxi -Qolo- has the same meaning, e.g., mq~ao~I- c~~o)oo& e nc (from c4S, to take care of), n. a keeper, guardian, nurse, &C.; C03ZMGnZ3C8$ sMc88, see c88u szs~0Sj (from cSigS to designate), n. a token,- memorial (of something past), a sign, signal; mc~o 3zcB-, (from -c&, to be single, alone), adv. alone;.c~o~c&, (c~cS c8:ouC~(MOGc4ii c~s:-G O (=~c8 0fgooD~u CWOCOO806 v. to live and practise the duties of religion alone.); adv. alone, as a solitary devotee, hermit, &c.; ~oc~QoB-q v. to be left alone; o~ 6oej3 c 3zx?, commonly q, n. thickne'ss; numerousness, multitude (ozo5 qoq~n:8"cas), oae~q oqoo5BGclooSB~ -33S commonly qa8 n. numbers, or strength derived from numbers; OB8OMO qzO 30m"' 3zolgs:oaeu -wco,-, commonly qo3, — n. size, largeness of size., greatness; 4O-53 OO a;Xq%4~~O x%,:o6 the, da made by the blacks-mith is very massive. amcq& (from cqS, to wrap up), n. a bundle, package, bale (parcel)., aoaqx8copS n. a bundle or package of aluables; oaocoA.sCpo&cfuoS cosqcj3 DcqS MCo2 a oq s~ w~ooA aa at whatevey village one may arrive, on usually comes across natives of India carrying bundles o their backs. -, n. a large bundle, n. a largeo bundle made. up for conveyance from one place to another; co&oOPTS6f eqiSm3sg683E0Soosa80711o aodaqg- (oao8998) (Pali), n. circumstanc s, events, adventures; mo3q (from o, to perfume), n. any perfu ing substance. wc~'O, n. a fragrant drug used to perfu e with [joo 4oaoa, aeoqnII, qoroSn, 661# (pron. oole), oqO0 OR3C8X J~f CqgtOD3100j?,S] ---- n. a fragrant liquid used in pe fume. woo~ (from c0s, to tie in a knot), n. a k ot in a string. -,s~t (from o~:4, to make a rule), n. a rule, precept, direction (a knot in hair, &c.; $o3cv cz.a3 4 ). W@ I (from c4@os, same), n. sa e. - r- oS, 2 (from sorcS, an end or fringe), n. the end of air tied in a knot, O5@S061 tca (tron. sczcqqs) (from ok:, to be iverse), a. diverse. MOW m (pron. 8 a. same; woao49cpo8 ooc9:3sz 3quos6sqqiaol bCqylleqbaaa 8~sgo. nocjs 61 (from cagj, to be diverse), an bbreviation of majs 8 6; adv. exceedingly, especially, principally, eminently; Sc 004p cS 0C00sjL cMcr3 GV3Zi$jQ oO:3, because this Chinaman was born (had his being) in angoon, his accent in Burmes is exceedingly correct. W3bl) n. the inside, inner part (of a thin ), =2oS% (mcboS~@ScgS applied to persons who are on fami iar terms of intercourse with one another; meaning that hey go in and out of each other's houses without cere ny). sO3COOOS, I (from 000305, to prop up),. a prop, stay, brace; comp. z qi (sa sCoooS in Uppe Burma also means a person employed on any speci I service by a superior, usually with the view of secreti making inquiries. In this sense it is equivalent to th Lower Burman word a, a term rarely used in Uppe Burma, e.g., mGnoo6S aOqg$ g$~~90 ~~a~o3cn p. $Q$38qjouc8Qo g) 57 o3GCoD3:cAo, -3Q, n. a prop. support, aid; o aaa a~g1o7 0oCS0ac aoc\8ol, do not try and get this person into trouble; if you do, you will make a mistake, as he has a supporter. _ ----3a89, n. stature, height; S" 'ic 0ccoSaOc)o033 $ coe, this man is of a very good height. In speaking of a horse's height the Burmese frequently omit 3zqj altogether and the 3)in x~ccocS; e.g., ooeG@8-,oooa5 (pron. GBo6 ) ocs0803o3&o s=co6oS, 2 (from G0ooo5, to consider), n. consideratjon, regard. — ago, n. same (ao o S 59o o cqsSc). co$, -CooS, -oa8, to be correct in estimate, to be suitable, adapted to the case; used much in forming verbal nouns, as rcp65Gooo6Scojaoo, it is time (for him) to arrive; (oiS $6~3~C ~~ 3:p~~s( 11 G -. 0:) 5 0 0~ 0 00 8 0 Gaao~GOa~eaaO:1 IpogagoooSG oq~cx,6ool c.0:o30zScqp) cGoo:)500xooE~, to be sufficient to be believed, to be credible. 3ZGMOS, n. a thousand; the number of a thousand combined with the nine digits to form numerals, as -cx58, 8c0Go, &c. L 3ccoo~ (from c0-=, to bend), n. a corner, bend, angle; q3y c Awo18o0301, the pocket formed by on; of the corners of a puhso. 3ogS (from aoS, to come out), n. proceeds; [the act of leaving (a place), an exit, as QacgB5 61,]. 3oS n. the act of leaving (or making an exit) and of entering (a place), exit and entrance; co8&q3S<SqoooaogaoCS 3o3qo-0ozn a3agoSo, n. an outlet or exit. 30o8o, n. an entrance or inlet. -st, n. the day after worship day. nrag&, n. a top, summit, pinnacle [2o, cxq'q:0pg,3 5uk @ 53;5Ra~], including the idea of excellence, 3cnfog35iazo 3=2a (from 0og, to span), n. a span, a measure of length equal to 12 finger breadths (cooS o c*S) or half a cubit (oacooS8) cooonoo, - 8a, n. the girth spanned by the two thumbs a-id the two middle fingers [the zD in 3axo is invariably omitted in conversation, e.g., jo 4OaCc3of 8rcoSo5~, pronounced as if written cag8]. 8 mrce., i(from Gccii, to mingl.e),'>z. a mrass, a number faltogether;, =o~)O~goo& soas n"-A mingling together in contusion or entanglement; WX6,2 (from Gcg:, to be the youngest), a. the youngest; R1S Gc Uq5 80: a S~9:C GOOCDO53,GOra-OlI ~ (ali w, priv., and o8, the law, lau ful, right), n. violent injury; adv.'in a forcible, lawless, overbearing, outrageous manner; e oooiScE i x4scc * O~OO3G~ QQ~DOOOG@300 00 v.. to corhmit violence, or act law essly. 3Q8o- (Pali), n. a chief, principal, firs!, a ong many, m@,mis; [so8mO~i S, e.g., as in using rC~oqod o=8 in lieu of coqnS cq8 in describing anything as a sy bol of permanence or strength.] v. to take the lead, be chief; coew~io ~ oe1 =r8 m'q (Pali), a. chief, distinguished, e -traordinary; am8ooq m~ot)n. the locative case in the Pali Grammar. momceS (pron. as if written with a G&-8t, Pali, m8omjco, -@6 ~W)- adv. quarrelingly and fightingly [usually applied to dissensions amongst Buddhist monks (=8a~8~cw~~), but also applicable to laymen]. - =SS:$ (Pali cQ8S4), steadiness, c~onstan.y, perseverance; coe..~,-.-o~8,-~,v. to make a resoluti n in regrard to one's conduct; appropriately used by piriie ts in regard to their wearing apparel and utensils; oq$s@-g mooo~4:q~ o8o~sGoq o8 (;=,8s ooe~ s;~QzS (pron. 3m4ug) (Pali @s3Gor,,o3mj8, n. a person of the highest, rank, excellence, or authorit,whether king or governor; hence GoowoocB and other titles; @soe~38OoCI& cq5GoocJo6Oqd6R ci'LQ.O00o O3cCicBI 5q 3oq:-8uC8@& ODA, of all pagodas, the Shwe' Tigo'n is superior to all in excellence; uo8Oc:)wj=ocSOc~aoo6 po8goo5 (Pali -Q88oGwo), n. meaning, explanation, comment; corn,. oQowo*o an original meaning; 8R)m8w a secondary or extended meaning. 2 t$ 59 az89ocScooS, v. to make clear the meaning of; co2~oosn 88oS co Dcl4cSs 01o 1 - o8 to be implied, comprehended in the meaning of. %88=oW (Pali), i. same. w83o-oS (Pali oz8, arzc and 0o:o, co), n. an intercalated month, seven of which occur in a cycle of nineteen years, m8aooc (;j30 oo~c8$ 0 1c oo M 180005 9CoO3t M80~30SQ, n. distance of place or time, length, duration; so? goo. M$, 1, n. a die, o$E0On [$o3 @ oSc aTMsco0 as in an order prohibiting all kinds of gambling]. -mcyoos, -aoS, to play dice (an ancient game). -— `o3 (from oo0'a), n. a die. P — -~oDo, n. a dice-box. -_03 S', v. to throw dice in playing any game of chance. - Ch:, v. to bill as doves; t0m0 Gooqo=~6oSE8s@2cooo:jt8s RSP,~=~oC'o0c6Mooqs GMo(JBQ8'c6 ~yctWM:ogF~'' ny ~tsd coe, P6nnaka, nephew of Wethuwana, the king of the nats, played at dice with King Kawrappa; Kawrappa losing, had to give P6nnaka his kingdom. 0$, 2, n. strength; commonly used ih combination with 3a0, as =:),.)z - oa0, tn. same (infrequent); moxjaz8xci= a;),;o o>$3z, v. to be stupefied, astounded through surprise or fear. In some remote parts of northern Upper Burma os is used instead of 43-;otoo8, e.g., n3c;~ce~,1~ og 1 8Go coezaolu s$Moooiomi@soooaoeO, when a do, confronts a tiger, it remains paralyzed with fear. v, v o resist discipline or punishment from a superior; ceS 8s o s89q4osoogu v-. to try to cope with a superior. -1 - ~o, adv. in the way of rivalry; 84oj $85000:)6C 11 04E- G3SGco86@o2c39OO6 qD'Cpojoo&0a a30o9u3~so goqSo&8 S ooe, the pinin of 'Thabyu, Maung Myat Htun, coped and fought with the Wun prince of Danubyu, Maung Kyaw, as if he held a similar official position. 60 * 4GaOrS, v. to put on airs, make an i ostentatiops display of power or authority,- combined with @So, 13o, &c., (000 C~O:50$@o6). m$, 3, v. to vomit, throw up, r.oo to retch. - mn. an emetic;Gi omJ@o ooO C9G=OSOOC~Gqs&~ ir o~cm oSce~8co when a person is bitten by a mad dog, some Burmese doctors. administer food of some diluted rank-smelling emetic.-. --- —3~?n. same as die. ~,n. the interpretation of a word, an explicbation, translation, version; comp. m~'o~on (02 m&so4). * ~ v. to-translate, OO0.-OO&iI v. to interpret, the. meaning of. n. same as ao2~o& 3 'N~os) 2, n. a collection, mass, quantity taken ~ltogether, an aggregate, whole. Der. o~o",. oo-# B oq~~O65u sjcw5, 3 (from ~cYS, to be deep), n. depth (withoiit reference to a side); comp. a2oaooS and Gcbo~u [m~o, 4(frm ~ySto be dark, &c.), a. dark, bl~c. *0,o (Pali), a. immeasurable; wc acoo 9 &o c1w8 c? C030~x Ot8oohoa6.co~34o% azs the Paramigan composed and written by Shin'Thifliwuntha is' of inestimable value; =02 cfo 09oo 0 348& (from &,to sink), n. sediment, dregs, so so comp. $ j(lees). W4 Pron. wvc8), n. same. W42, 2, p-on. adj. this or that (infrequent). - Wmep*: (from ~& to be few. In colloq. usual y pronounced =4) [a few, e.g., — 4qm~oC few and m ny, or few with many.],, -0c~,same as at# cB e.g., soono=,,,9PCq94COOC5 -m~oo;P n. a small qfian-tity. C w. A snmall quantity; a. small in quantity; oqaaoD~ as) po~of, e~ S(from;es a kind), adv. of various kinds; in various ways4; f~SQsi, t mo-0100 o 034 m3 483 (Pali 3S, priv., and 3a93, substance), n. unsubstantiality; 3,~^8 xgS~oogca&Gol gii3a~agqcgn 33$ gEQiooDlqi} ocqaoo (Pali a&q, an intermediate space, and oog, a period of time), n. an intermediate period of time during which the life of man gradually advances from the length of ten years to one hundred quadrillions of quadragintillions, a number designated by a unit and one hundred and forty cyphers (3oo;), and returns again to the length of ten years, sixty-four of which make one of the four cardinal peribds (4aoGoGq orS) into which a grand cycle (oo0oo)0) or revolution of nature is divided [" From the time that "(man's age increases from ten years to an asankya (smooG) "-this period is designated oooSoo by the Burmese-and " again decreases (cqooo8) from asankya to ten years, is an "antah-kalpa, a&caoqoS,; eighty antah-kalpas make a maha"kalpa, orooYS."-M.B.] 330&95 (pron. accc6) (Pali 3asqccoo), n. a calamity, evil; e010S, (go'oo33Gsp6 Go:aoBcpo6)iio5oois33cpcaa6i o8ag ----- S, v. to be free from calamity. --- 9@- -cog, to confront or experience calamity, evil, or danger. -—, v. to cause harm. aaoooo (pron. a*$:08), see Gs$,oG o uooegaueooooeCoS i, i.e., extreme old age. 3aoQ, n. dolomite, or magnesian carbonate of lime. "3z or 3a (Pali), a. or adj. close, tight, ogo; applied to the. closing of the mouth of a vessel or aperture; [a,-80oSoo, to seal hermetically], blind, dark, armooI, 3ou5 [33a (usually pron. 34:oo) is applied as a term of reproach]. -— oyg@, n. a dark-minded, and consequently wicked person cqo6, opposed to oocqoaqo)^i a & (pron. 3a 4) (Pali 33, priv., and mas), an end), a. infinite,..boundless, T30 i.:, a ZooG-ooo [an infinity]. -— cosolg, n. the four infinities, namely, SooS:o8633, (M3o 00000334) 00gogas6M4 oo 3Q;ol,3I3 n O~cp;:DcsoooSQ033Z n (cqgqQZoa033 Go)u 3D4 S33,41 ooo30003Qoo5M, through an infinity of existences. 33C00 (Pali 33, priv., 3aft, an. interval, and ogd, a deed), n. a deed which consigns the perpetrator to hell, immediately on dying, without admitting an intermediate; see o dog&qs5sa a#qcELoogoS, v. to merit such punishment. m36^ (o6),.n. a tree which yields a hard and excellent timber. —,-, n. the Gordonia floribunda, "da-proof" medicine is made from the bark. -- 8$, n. a kind of precious stone (old Karin women often wear this stQne; said to be found in Cheduba Island). 6S (from 18, to be done enough), n. cooked food; 0008o.ag ai<oooa, is the. rice properly cooked? a meal; used as a numeral auxiliary, e.g., ooo, one meal (coo8soo48cog: oo); p88S, two meals. =4, i, n. breadth, width; comp. @o6n " ----, v. to be wide. -- cA, -Goo:j to be narrow; o&co:003 oq:3oo lqoSo z aqs 33 (from 4, to smell offensively), an unpleasant scent; s:coSii --— oGoS, n. same. 3z, n. smell, scent, whether pleasant or unpleasant. — mowcS, n. same; 3cSCooSqC0 aO3333O oSoG3 oo3a0lG:S --—, v. to receive scent, to scent game as a hound; sg.saO t ca@6~oog, I hear the hound giving tongue. -—, v. (lit. to be piercing as a scent or smell.) To act powerfully on the olfactory nerves as a strong and pleasant or disagreeable odour. — q-, v. to perceive by the nose. Sao (from po, to be in pain), a pain, disease, cpol; a sore, a flaw, defect. — a-oo, n. a sore, a flaw, defect. ----, n. an intumescent sore. — c —oS ooS (pron. opoo8osoo), v. to become inflamed as a sore. I — @, n. an incurable sore [leprosy, usually pron. unnagyee as' if one word]. S -- 8 ns, n. a boil, ulcer [above the waist; usually pron. unazein as if one word]. — Lc00q, adv. severely, so as to occasion wounds and bruises ---—.g, n. a sore rapid in process and dangerous to life.. -— o, adv. sorely, severely. I ) 3a9^3 63 wooooqS, n. a malignant ulcer on the back. --- [0oloS, v. to break out as a sore.] o — 6o1C5G-o, n. medicine for a sore. -— oo5sco, n. a kind of ulcer on the leg. — Go —, n. the scab of any sore; =oco8oooS, to scab over as a sore.. ---13s3,oo, n. a kind of herpes or erysipelas [pron.Tmnamee unnashan]. --- gs, v. to coddle one's self unnecessarily when ill. -— oo, n. the venereal disease, (polite) cijop — q88s (Q3oQo:o) (from qS, to place for accumulation), v. to break out afresh after appearing to be cured. / -- oS (from SoS, to be old), n. a scar; comp. aogoSn — o, n. the opening of a boil, ulcer, &c. cra3oo8 (Pali ooooc6), the future, futurity; comp. sc86o and o818; 3ao0oo0 has an extended sense in colloquial. In speaking of persons who have anything suspicious against them, the Burmese say coacqa oooSgoo cocgcns. or 33o3 -— o, n. same. -— oCqs, n. a prophetical writing. — oo 3oo3c6S (=3uoo5aogocS), n. prescience. -6, see 33wol8o0oga8I 04o18 (Pali), n. the third state attained by an areeyah (3o? o 3)). — o5S, n. the duties of the said state. -— oSo, n. one who has performed the said duties. -— c8, n. the rewards of the said state. --— ocoQgo, n. one who has attained the said rewards, 3oq0 3Soooq, adv. painfully, as in suffering great bodily pain (also used figuratively). 3a3ooc (Pali w, priv., and 3333, respect), n. disrespect. 33o00 (Pali so, priv., and 3oo0o, passion), n. exemption from passion; cooocy 53ts* 3o:0SpgpC G[ ( Spo i3oo)gq o):s, n. a border, side; the side of a superficies, the space near (a thing), nearness, 3aosos1u,) w4:jgS, v-. to bind the edge (of a mat, vessel, &c.), n. a binding or border on any utensil. - ooS (from ooS, to encircle), n. a border on a garment; WoSo:ocSoo, the environs or circuit of a thing. c-qS (from c1S, to encircle), n. an ornamental border, as a border wove in cloth. -ox4s, w. to hem; n. a hem..P% (Pali wo, priv., and $S, permanence), n. imperma ce, transitorin ss, 934 &; mortality, death, Gon@8st q6aS, v. t die; applied to kings and others respe tfull; qco'oSo0 o o0 80*Q8GjE e -g a0oo980 on ooSoCo) 0 ao3j88 (Pali priv., g, -;desire, and go, body), n. an undesirable body, that is, a diseased state of body. ogo? (Pali mj priv., Rg, desire, and jo, body), n. an un-desirable-objject C (pronm$G n(;18) (from $, to be red, and Gsor8, a wing), n. a die cloured red on certain sides. -e- &, the brass box from which the said die is thrown; coq8 P(t60 Otoa3993 6s3CC(oJPago i09 Sag c006es3 --— oo,:, -8C:, v. to gamble with the said die. =$t (from $k, to be near), n. the space near (a thing), nearness, -z. o l-.01), same; 31s8 90 ~s8 331 "ai. a medicine or charm to excite love; gSqgh sI Wj, 2 (from j, to be tender), delicate. A —5o18, v. to mortgage for a limited period of time with intention of redemption; 0pGoljU8GOn oeCS: (from t and @Ss), adv. " Suaviter in modo,fortiter in re," as a midnight robber who extorts money by quiet threatening. v,. to extort, money in the said manner.,ugoS9 (soetqS), n. a certain preparation of parched rice; 000S: c@OSC4G4ooD8',@**ogqoD~-,qoS 6EOc GPlqcogp ataoo (Pali), a. like, equal; applied to a son, inferior, that neither excels his father nor is inferior to him; 3oo5o0 ooS SGoq oo:u wi~eooo (Pali), adv., permissively; =j (o~sjot-~S) az ipoo4an arbitrator appo 'inted by mutual consent; OO form of question put to a person wishing to become a Buddhist monk. 06CO~OS (from j, to be tender, and coo6x, to come up), v. to have flesh appear in a healing wound[ooccY] Mt:4 (Pali), adv. on an estimate formed from viewing (an,object); mi-ow (Pali zot much, andGQDJ joy). -— rov. to congratulate one on the presentation of a religious offering (coozjcoT); [o~o~coo6cu Gco~og'ou ocli o~oau v. to explaipi the merit of a' religious offering;[~j t4o. see next. =a~coo.(Pali, in direct order), the ascending scale in dialectics, S.H.; com - 0.. ocQ: [the descending scale in the dialectics of B~uddhism]. mo~ow (Pali), n.condition common to all transmigrating beiiigs, of wh h seven'are specified, namely, o:)ocpol joz 0 O-, c~ jaol~' Ojwac~xoo, QDqW0 830jcnoo 8c8&&O~ Cxxn, and cm8w VOCON m~oco~ (Pali), n. gentle instruction, as. advice intended to persuade rather than compel; ~o~no~ozc~:oo~z~,when -1 admonished you, si.r, I -did not d Dso in anger, but in the way of gentle reproof. Sn. gentl admonitory language; azoooo~moovD SCXO & C* 0-0N 30G (from G, to re amn), n. state, condition, circumstances. n. same s mcG@3QGr-I 3;)r43G;rm8-,q2S n. —3O~ fl; see (2)3. -— V0002) n. way, manner, method (of doing) M ni. manne s- carniage; coe~ jc fOO~3 91, n. continuance, uniformity commonly used to f'or'ni verbl nunsaso he constantly goes; [coo, ooSog:Go-4oq-.no:oo~Gc86ol, because I am in the habit of travelling by this road, I do not think it far]. ocv. to be in a position of difficulty or perplexity. v. to be stately, dignified in deportment. 3oGzo;ca~oo8 (from 3oG~wmo:, a part lof the first line of *the first stanza uttered by Gaudama on! attaining Buddhiship, and * 08, to impose);,. to consecrate an idol. * nzc.c4 (from 3z, priv., and ao$, certainly), n. uncertainty; =0~44oMO-, doubtful, uncertain language. *o~x5(from Gp~xi, the space behir~d), n. the west. oo)jn. the south-west; 3oGO)B n ~o~ 0 n. an -inhabitant d'f Arakan or any country west of Burm'a..*.oon. the north-west. -00$: (Gco), n. a strong westerlyi breeze. omro8, n., a..elder brother (obsolesqent), =86~u Der. eGrvS and G~O&OOSI' ocp0(pon. anoot-tup-pa). (Pali opriv., and &9o fear of sinining), n. boldness in sinning, hardness of heart, searedne.ss of conicience; oGw:8 9,2oc~~coQf8*, C" annottappa, "recklessness,. that which does not fear to commit evilde ds, like the moth that fearlessly casts itself into the "flalke of the lamp."-M.B. apG1f8cox. (3Qr8=) (Pali. m, priv., and CcBtxn, reference), being without special reference, universal; (chiefly used with Gog~u) [G~WF(0@6 QcOS 98r 0 cowag GcoIOSOl O "$Y =05C:)n. instruction, direction, orders; chiefly used with 6 as follows. i. to be obedient, follow instruction;cqB 61 o3cQ5ox6 [~C~O:P3C500 fq83QGtS =3OC)q 50)C58C~ M:83C8~Q&o861 moll' wJS~ (from IS,I to overco me), adv. forcibly, contrary to an-M other's will, by constraint contrary to one's own will. ~coy3,-a~&,-=o56063, adv. same; hence ~&ocYo~mc~, advy. same, ist def.;.8. rorc~ oj:3;(Y 8=-q ~8cSeqo5~0:o W) 67 Ooeoao8aoao oc888:; when o88mooS are combined, a48 (fron. =J~). ~Soq~, v. to ha itually ill-treat, oppress, bully; qoSpDooS -- g6, adv. with great difficulty; 38^6coo3s~gqii 3, 681 - cow, v. to de ide in favour of, to give (one) the victory. --, v. to use violence, to force, compel. 3'~, I (from ~), n. a short string attached to a gown or jacket, 3'g; the branch of the male palm, cos.i, o3, 2, a corruption of 33&, contraction of 3oo5 ~; e.g., cau. GQ@3GgoaoS~ (colloq.) 3g o00c^o0x = 3 cOOCM; used more in Upp r than Lower Burma. Sometimes.used as a sort of interrogative, e.g., oog:)ocoa:)sn (often pronounced s0g, 1, v. to be slightly swelled, more than RS:, and less than GO:; often uked with S^, e.g., gr n pozo, c33,oo g --— oscYoS, v. to be subject to a virulent species of suppurating swelling; see oS^3oa 3aa333:oS:cqoS5Geqi6:gS S$s (3s*S), 2, v. to pay change, pay the balance of money delivered beyond the price of the article purchased; 06803: g8gSq@$o$Sc~O5oloI 0o 8 oapcG6 08 Go oGGoog soS QoS - g8, n. change, the balance of money paid back. "aMo5 (from o6S, to creep along), n. a creeper, a creeping plant, 080o8,1 3=8, i, n. solid substance (as of a tree), opposed to 0mo0, which see; a986oo, heart-iyood, duramen, sound meaning, substantial import, applied to words. Prov. 3m.84 co)&oG o aSo6o&6)8go.g, in a forest of shrubs or lit. in which the trees"have no heart-wood, the castor-oil plant is king. -— ooq (Pali), n. same, 2nd def. [the gist or pith of a matter; a3^~ooqolG983cGoa3olG, write briefly so as to include the gist of the matter]. aP8, 2, see ~8, a year (88ajazcoco, e.g., ogqGooSaGoTog sco ^ 63x00000sQ:o8303:^G scGoo6l). n~, n. an ear or spike of grain, containing both the flower and the fruit, or the flower only, as in the case of Indian-corn; p6 POl3o8g33J!Gg36t~S, I 4Og, — joo: (fronim s, to press), one wiY shaimpoos the body and limbs to remove uneasiness or pain (a masseur, masseuse); a48 =o:&:o, =Sco008, to be skilled in massage. S3: (from:, to spread out), n. anything spread out for a child to lie on. D6. ag } (joc:) o~ (co-.:xBoSoo@C80 cs60 cl aggoX:884 ) f8i and co(I4s. -- q&g, see s8qS:*uWC =301 (from 1~:, to compare), t4. the current or market price, Qq ian [rate, SooP oo0 0. -, n. same; '~8Osgq ogc g$og,on83lo5 30rq:)8o, n. that WNhicf binds, that which fastens or confines (a human being), a bond (also used figuratively). -, v. to unfasten a bond, release from bonds. wzy)i, n. the back of a kInife or other cutting instrument, the head of a puncJ or wedge, opposed to ma os. Der. ocspu 00133:109iig8o lqCg$ (c0 ol$& ) G), the back of a da, spade, and axe. =G)8s (from 9j86; to. come after), a coming after, later, last, 02 GOR -OcocS, n. an inferior wife, S8: Q pE1mcoS n [c:oq3SzIostQ 6p8:n, these terms, applied to a son or grandson born after the mother is supposed to have ceased bearing children]. 3oiS (from A3S, to stretch along connectfedly), n. a race, lineage; 6ooocdSEoo5I soqC oSl, oo ogG@co,~ n [nAScsoC]. noS, I n. a needle; hence cqco:o-8, an oblong-eyed needle; 0o %80S, a round-eyed needle; ro6gim8, a dog's hair needle; that is, a very fine, a cambric needle; oo,:8m (pron. 65 =8), a pin (oRoSma8); 3SqJOOg0, to speak in a definite manner. -, n. a needle-case; eq'Onc7Oo5tII -- (sS~q), n. sewing thread; 3a8@eoS~-:3, a reel of cotton or thread. O), n. the narrow edge of cloth inside of a seam; Sq180' - 01, n. the eye of a needle; n8ol -4:, to thread a needle.. -. @$~oo6fq8, v. to sew in a particular manner, to stitch. c-cg, n. the point of a needle, maog0:n1 -CISi3, n. a tailor, 3Z%8Ozx:)-1 m, s the point of a needle, wa8:spi naS, 2, v. commit, deliver, hand over; comp. 0s., ~v and Go:. 0Ogo5 )GOD)G8*Of)D380O1GSII -, v. to deliver on going away; ospcc-so~8u -aos:, v'.; see the parts; ca&C M&80D03 k OW -, v.; see O8o1 —, v. to commit, deliver; o@Goou8egga)-+-sf 5$gG j z8;o)goob616"o, allow me, please, to entrust my property to you during the time I am absent. nS, 3, v. to apply, Out together flatwise, m8oou [1 SpSgE to8OO, cheek by jowl; Ca~aCgRCC x8cW3-q E~~ CSIG0 8, 4, v. to be right, proper; chiefly used as a qualifying verbal affix, coaoo3; sometimes used to denote the passive, as an adversative to cooS in translations from the Pali; sometimes euphonic; see Grammar, p. 117. 1OC3g3as ocooSs,(the road that it is not right to travel by; ooespc wrongfully, improperly, QaSoSqCPQ9@Go 3Cooo]. -oS, v. same as aS, but with the additional meaning of being fitting, as a matter of suitableness generally, or peculiar fitness to specific position or circumstances; 8j A.00&005~-GBU Ge3esa8GO 05 Q3Me~ COr5psn Oqs.-Rgq~f~ W808 We~ 1rn 1o o 5 1 n G 3)E G loS G o zDc05 C o 0a86 o cutlSu 608CaQg3$p3Sqggo de009a$:@g:0s881 8eCSqq6a39r)DOqO I36[ qGo00 0H4-(s 4 I:)o Q33 a~&6, the possession of images of Buddha is not becoming to women..Mo (from u, to be without), n. the outside, outer part (of a thing); sog& (@eOo80@ea) [o8Eaao j9p,0ojoSjwo, as in a proclamation granting pardon to all those who surrender themselves, except (or lit, outside) persons who have committed murder]; oe#oge~-co ~o o~qo a,,w -0 c80o0omg, n. exaggerated, or incredible language. -, v. to possess, as a. spirit or witch. - cx4$ (m0,uwT), n. outside appearance, in opposition to "= X3ooppo4, interior appearance, e.g., aoojajoo3oo'gvf sm:)4-0=W,8300994mG,011 (61):ocoe= o30o8, n. a plant or tree. Der. GoSoS, &PoS, (0ol08) Co088 [0oemq59,So0bo080:o8 (p ron. oo8o8oe8) o 0 fol:olooj]. mo0&8 (from o8%, to wedge in), n. a substance supposed to be forced into the stoniach or some other part of the body 79. 4 tqb~ by magic. [Karins in some parts of urma, especially in Tenasserim, have a firm belief that ersons may meet their death by substances being for d into their bodies by magic;hence the expressions wo5:0m&~roomeuQ~gn: G3oO&WOO), n. same. Mo06eaSOM8, see soo:Sso8E I soooS (from ooS, to go round), n. a round, a circuit. -CQoS, v. to complete a round or circuit; to come to the point in the circuit of discourse. -W-P.@, v. to be nrav Iled, explained; com.o 6SoooS coSGu oo$s (from og:, to fatigqed). -,v. to b eatly fatigued; (o g:o:) Soqe "o0 -t@S:R, adv. very fatiguingly. -— cJf, v. t breathe with difficulty, as at the point of death; less th a) CSCSHGoo] $ oIoac~oSa,o=ne.-coog, dv. with great effort, very fatiguingly; more than 6 -9go; making a great fuss, a great bustle about a s 11 matter [a8o 4ao$soo@o: olp same as W GGISCOO, ]. ~G&, v. to be, relieved from fatigue; &qS CoC8~8~o azo& (from oS, to be a crevice), n. a fold of certain trees, whether constituting the stalk, as in the plantain (CSEoSqo&), or otherwise, as in the bamboo, the cane, &c.; also the calyx of a flower, o0085 S 300ooS, i-, n. madam, used as a term of compellation by a husband in addressing his wife; sometimes in addressing other women in a friendly manner (obsolete). =a3 2, -n. a square measure of ground containing 1,200oo square cubits (1-75 English acres). motor61co=$, n. the great western island, see under 21$: [The shape of this island is described as being like a full-orbed moon, @o $.:o $oW jg')R, and the inhabitants as being moon-faced -and the limit of their lives being 500 years; 8MoGt oo5aclz coemsco@eo:~) Ocqol =a]. w (from 6, to aid, to assist), n. aid, assistance. w-so:, -_6o0o:, v. to pay something to a constable for calling a party summoned (obsolete); to give, as a woman to a Io 11 rejected lover, e.g., G6I8 sO6oc0- Y( 038 o' 34%o, -q, v. to take or get a present, as a constable for calling a person (obsolete).! ~, see 3bou aool, (Pali), the ablative. mol, n. that which is carried by or accompanies one, that which is included, comprehended, or concerned; mFm30o1 4gom&8$goc5 go Q N G03c 6I cg6o)iogoSolqegmn G~ & 0 o3008) n. same; oeoc 0@29D=o0130o08=9~@80 WauI aoolo7 (Sco0l:) (Pali moloo), n. a state of punishment, of which there are four, namely, c ufj3a46os3mp ncqqom, t[oGr 8qO I 89R C0,00:6w 0 c 06GCsooRO9C4Yzu (Pron. ooqq for the sake of euphony) 0po1o13, those who habitually practise evil deeds will arrive at one of the four stages of punishment]. ':bla, I (from olo, in $41s:, to be near), n. the space near (a thing), nearness, $s1, msu - GcoS@=aoR86o3roo:*a, n. Personal Assistant to the Chief Commissioner, Burma. 3o *, 2, num. aux. applied to respectable characters and things immaterial; cq$s*@sjo6on o80moolg' MG&Sg0oo o1:oho1A w188 (from 8~, to be indented), n. a dent, slight concavity, a flat rising of the skin from a cutaneous affection, or a slight blow, or the bite of an insect, e.g., aocSc"608 So&6 za~8Soooae; comp. n3q and mIsi oe3 (Pali 'a and qg), n. demerit, guilt; wc-qcqoSo1x:)S-RII owqS (Pali 010, a foot), n. a line of verse consisting of a certain number of syllables, commonly four or eight; a sentence in prose or a small p agraph; comp. IgQi and qSoQ c8 S aor aph comp. aSqan qoacBS: mq8, n. anything putrid or otten. - %-l q8=ocnooa, n. a rott n carcase. --, n. a kind of acid, trid perspiration which the Burmese say is attendarit on certain forms of disease, especially those accompanie by febrile symptoms. toS, n. same as so&[a o:g j83o8mo80c(oSu cocoanut trees have a liking for a rank oil]. %U (from q, to heap up), n. a heap, a deal, quantity; great deal, great many; usual y reduplicated, e.g., W'q3aogJjQo6# I4: 4 424:,(PFopn. 040 adv...very -much. sP2 (from,to be hot),, n. heat. -a4So, adv.-severely, violently, torturingly, zo~oo~S; Owo3 @80GGW: oon, to demand with force or urgency., 415_v. to be latent, as a fever in the human sy~sjem,., oto be driven into the system by a chill or some 6tfher. cau~e. ~.money extorted by oppression; -S~aoSjoo66rj %1)n. vapour arising from heat., —ccaadv. in some respects has -the same meaning as, w b4: ut also mean s urgently, emergently, immediately; e9.g. 80COG R -QW>O)iCCO8010DO~" v. -to use violent measures in order to force payitfs. a. thermometer; aojdjO-co3; not. intelligible to rpost. Burrnans. oo v. to extract the- heatiof the body by some process (as -in massag). v. to be scalded'j co, ocqYucoC081 _ 6)v. to be absorbed, as heat. into the system...a,nafoot, a measure of lengYth equal to 12, inches (0i W05 0o) 00tqi o ~100 ofir!:C.(G.0oA) OOGOI w? Ofrom.,to be broken), nt. a bit broken off, a fragme~nt (a chip); $@ 1 I Imul. a bu-ndle or -sheaf of thatch,. whether- leaf (9$01) P.r straw (aoco5k.$t).,apw~dS i(froxn r.6165, to perforate),, n. a bole, aperture, opeing a drop, oPOS) 000 n. a small beginning of difficuilty,,groiindftof crinxjinL-a tion; m G O ~ 81 n.. a drop, a spot occasioned, by a, drop;, Wov_0 Q49- 9.4 ca.-=cgs:) n i. a, passage, wraytof entrance or egress; Of 1000300,,Aq 00001)S ni. a thigh, r-616; the -side- of a-door (~lG~) bedstead, -chair' to which the, hings or. legs~ are attached IIA01"9]4 2Der..0dle, 8g~8 o~~ 73 r3Go18, 2 (from Go 8, to pawn or mortgage), n. property pawned or mortgaged. - o n. same; oSq03Gol8aajQdbRiG8g9O~6 ol0 orG-o18 (from co18:, t: unite in one), a. the many, all; so-0; cGoqoSSp 3zolrgo6-101 caqgo Gcsaxac S~BaSegc9coo5 405q ~ ----000 (zo=o85), -cp$oS (3GooS), n. a companion, associate. -— M08:0, n. a company, associate. 3rGo1 (from co6, to-be light), a. stolen, so as to be afforded at a low price; in ppposition to oaB, a term applied to genuine articles, e;g., oq$col, izco Go,0 [1aGol, o'Gel.oo o So:s^Go~.oooign:.8 Gp6ooG8]; n. urine, oqScoS, 4o5, Gj GM00:68G:00 11 1 — 3-GCOS (from Gcos, to be heavy), n. urine and faeces collectively. -- (S), -:00) v. to pass urine; Goo:G615 (vulgar) srcololn applied to children, .g., ooe~aoocco:oSpGooT9osGolooogSi 3acoT (from coT, to appear), n. the upper part, space above (a thing), 00oo 08; the upper part, upper surface (of a thing). - 008, n. superstructure. — 9op (pron. ca oTGpj), a. smooth, specious, plausible. -- 008, n. a. superstructure. — o5 (see o5), -0o0 (from ~gqo), n. the outside, surface, superficiality [oa"q$3 0oaoo$G6coSog: 3DGOTocJ;o 3Dq (from , to excee4), n. excess, odds, surplus, overplus. -— G., n. the day after a worship day, when kept as supererogatory. aQoS (.oaS) (from qo5, to make stops in writing), n. a mark or stop in writing; a portion of writing inclosed in marks or stops; camp. ,~ 3z~8, n. ownership. — Go, v. to give another the ownership of any property; (c3a8o3o-6o:), a teim frequently met with in Birmnese documents of conveyance and transfer, or in orders conferring a royal gift. 3QP86 (from 8:~, to divide), n. a division, part, portion; cocpoo aogo:, n. a dividing line, boundary; 0o;dl3~:so3^ ~:>s. -— 3ZOD, n. a division, kind, sort. iQs:(P)Von. a>Q&sj8:), in divisions or pee GOOOO~~~SjoI pieces) Q Q 0~I)GO 3onGc 4.~~0 (~~ oua term of abuse in Uppe!r Burma). GA:Goa (fromj ~0, to fasten on, and ow", to be settled), v. to be well finished, done with preci'sioni; omq)a, Mpe~ocq (pron. a8Guwo) (Pali 6o, priv., and ro~o, comparison), n. incomparable, beyond comparison; WCQGO) 3aq8:ocx8o* (from q8:. to be lazy, and ~oqo; to extract), V. to correct the disposition to be lazy. mq,* (from cjZO, to 'be tough), n.1'any flabby, pendulous sub-..Stance; particularly applied to the flesh and -skin of the cheeks, breasts, &C., e.g., 61*:9E: (pron. oqgsi), cj~q9:, n. the act- of losing, loss of property. aWWX~ftC,5, n.. loss and damage. Og3? '1n. pleasure; usually used in a bad sense. v. to indulge in sensual gratification. ~MCCS~OSOCC~W 8, n. a volunteer. =( (fromn (, to be young), n. a young- unmarried -woman, nS35 Q~c)GOO )8$GCO:A 4; c Omp. Csqc u 7W9,n.,same. r~~Sv. t~o arrive at puberty, as a woman; mej 0-Y.) 1 ~ ~ an old maid. — {-,j~ Pron. (q~s as 3zcj@Moo, —osu -eod m.Y.ozo), n. a female just arriving at pubescence. 4,n. -the surface, outside of. a thing; a surface, an open vacant surfae,~e used in composition, -as r@,co(8 &C., the oupiide, the. outer part (of a thing), what is be.yond, outsi4e; [0&S, a term applied to th6 Irrawaddy]) apo, what is beside, in addition; much used as a secondary noun (see Grammar, section 74); G@OO@8o~3Qj~ts-ar noa-ei eut[rcneunea evldeed; qq~cb; Pilt, desert of, pu= s toept x&:S; ~figuratively. punjshimnt", ociu no* a fault. 75 og8@~s, v. to be heinous, as a fault or crime; to be very sinful or wrong. -- 6, v. to suffer punishment. -— cq, n. the punishment of hell. -— o), v. to blame, censure. — Go, v. to punish; scoSGuoogn — Q, v. to do wrong, commit sin; to make out to be guilty, to treat as guilty; to harm, injure. ----, v. to be expiated. ---, v. to lay the blame on another in order to clear one's self. — G-, v. to expiate guilt. --- poS, v. to incur a penalty. -, v. to be guilty. --— 2S, v. to forgive. — 008, v. to incur a penalty [to suffer punishment]. 33=@, see under &g, 2. a@o (from go, to be blue), n. a blue colour. -— G0ooS, a being of a dull blue colour. ---, n. a light blue. — 98, n. a deep blue. 33o~, i (from go3-, to be flat), n. what is flat; used as a numeral auxiliary; see Grammar, section 98. — s ----qg, n. a table, any flat, level surface. 3@:3, 2 (from gos, to be divided into several parts), n. a division into parts. a*(: (from @:, to be finished), n. a finish, finishing, completion [adv. completely; S?:, to completion; @0 (33o8, finally]. -— 3a, v. to hand or make over finally. -— a8o, n. completeness, 6co58o; 0goqoo0~o*co8co 8@ — rG&, v. to speak decidedly, give a final answer; 33=o,3oS 33Q (from g, to do), n. a deedaction, 3aOu sO 3mgc6, in the act of going. -— 33, -33, n. same o; o a agogoS0oo-: oSo;q$ 33^Sgco5533o~C1ii 7.6 3o00@S8 (from c@@8, to be smooth), n. evenness, smoothness, finish, as in joiner's work, or in language spoken or written; JcotS-oqaS oasonSc:oo oi cgo:Sc w o3sg o^Si oegta (from G@S, to run), n. running, manner of running, course; hence ooo:oogs adv. in a straight line or in a plane surface, EsO$. ogi, — _go2, n. running and leaping. — G-o-o:, v. to be able to run well; to have an even surface; "[frequently applied to the roofs of buildings]. -— 4 (from G@s and r<@:, which see), v. to move in a straight line, as an arrow; to be in a straight line, as the ridge of a roof, a line of soldiers, a road, &c.;. ogrosooS 33M G@3,G@O600b. -^-0ooS, v. ride, or drive, a horse at a gallop. 0 ----, v. to be swift of pace, fleet. -- 0o, v. to run without being easily fatigued. aonc, I (from cgo, to speak), n. speech, manner of speaking. ----, n. same; 0~Q3o ao soao'oii 33 c: Goooqoo !n 33ma:p33)Q6 8%3C8l|~MGf33 3S)M 003)00e~H 3=G@3, 2 (from G@, to be much?), n. extent of surface; applied to the sea (aoq9g), and to successive existence (osoop); "03Cp3Gga333CgS^OgsoSoogllobo1ep33G~qo5a ~ ^!l 3zcooS (from "aooS?), n. painted, embroidered, or carved work. — 33S, — 9co (oS0 o) (pron. 98(1), n. same. 96@o080000, n. a concubine (coor8@0o), (superior to 08s8ooos:, styled cgSgo8; an apyaung' was not bought with money, an ' athein' was. 38 (from 8, -to be puffy), n. a loosely woven spot in cloth. 3g8. (from 8S, to blossom), n. a blossom. — c —, n. a petal. — ou, n. the calyx (the outer covering or leaf-like envelope of a flower); oqo@ooe 8 8.?oS:.acg~9oso, the pad6ngma lily has many petals and calyxes. a33io, n. shorl, or black tourmaline; 33roroS u 8ocg (from 6g, to be cQnfused), n. confusion; cR8, a man of mischievous practices. — 3_-00s, same. .3300oS 77 -— ooo, adv. in a confused state, as oW 3DG8ooO8 G00e, the business is in a confused state. G..g (from Gj, which see), n. an armful; 3G,,ag-SN [-GYocn ooG.scoooS-Bgbo1ti oo68ooG(GcoG)S, bring me about an armful of fuel]. 3GS*J, h. the outer, scaly parts of the fruit or bark of trees [3m GBs@8ao3c8, by seeing the outer bark one knows the kind of tree. This proverb is always, figuratively, applied to persons]. agoS (from goS, to grow in clusters), n. a cluster, bunch (of fruit); comp. saoq8 Groo2cco5ooo:3S3go836oSi~ — aoS, adv. in clusters; o$soSoo0ooqiSooqos330oS3MRoS 30o (moo), n. a father; a masculine, used to designate the gender of certain birds, e., '@oSoo 0co80o0:on Ps (pron. 2s) 3oCo5 (a=ooo5) (written by some macirS and said to- be more correct than when written with a o) (from ooS, to match, form a pair), n. a match, one of a pair (o8~48ooooS cooSco o6. o6o'oo oos, people other than one's self), a correS spopding part in a union; frequently used as a numeral auxiliary; (from o,-, to unite with), n. an associate, companion; mroGS, Go018.m00S, 3Go168som3oaS -- , v. to be well-matched; oeowo8scuo)W (or tg:oc8O: wcoaoS or co6owo:DSGOo:S) ocSoOaoeiSooei goo.pos 6 ~co8 3o-goog oog98sqGG8, &c.; 3zo05 also means an ingredient used in compounding or mixing drugs, medicines, or paints; osogoSGoo:iaoo05joXl - co, v. same; 3moaSa - cq8, v. to associate with on terms of equality; otc9;o3 ooSocq8&~olB j6cl~3oY5cooso) (said when angry). 3ooS, see moo&i moooS, n. what remains of a thing after the liquor or juice is extracted, opposed to 33e~, the liquid part; what is ejected from the mouth after the juice is extracted by chewing; see coo8.ooS, 8:ooS, &c., hence c~ooS, n. any object of desire; codoSocprosolog* Prov. -o~po@:zpu8sooSo6oo,,pS e —5, n. a substance composed of solid and liquid;:sqz — 006, v. to have what remains; susceptible of many figurative applications. In modern parlance it means, in a figurative sense, the doing or saying anything which may 78. conipromise or commit one's self, e.g., coe3a=cgo~ac3sooS c63~635306m@0 o 9 II aEgos o7gSqgaglG soaob6u o6 06opp33o1 4o~ [also written mooz, which is said by some to be correct] (from o;8A, to plan), n. a time, turn; =4@S, sc811 — oc&&, adv. repeatedly; coe~Sr gs:CM;ocbcbG~s300s, o01~ooIloo zQo3o18oz8o1@11 Prov. mooo8oxo s~c.oo8sGo GmDmowOg8: (C4) 3z0090bao baG=8sGqooCcaoe, in the way of one's first love being superior to any other. - 4s, adv. same; mg8&8S, n3c08c8 wcoo (from oo, to mend), n. a patch, or any material inserted to mend a hole, Emox-zo; also applied figuratively to language; sEoo3osow os?)33GXo:8 srU ODS, I, see c0811 - 0, see nmc80o SO8, 2 (from 8 or 08, to press down), n. a weight, to keep down anything; coA8 (coo~8). ma808Sa=,, lit. a spilling and scattering of a liquid. In a figurative sense applied to mortality of human beings during a period of epidemic disease; =cosooqp5gozs4lqt cNQr 9.00s8OSOjgd c" O&D Sol 11 -ci (wo8osG) (from 80, to invite), n. the day before worship day; mgcat nz8 (-68), n. a pent-house, a small shed attached to a building. 3s, n.-a mark occasioned by a blow from a flat instrument; Wso'1:090C8003 0g31l 0G5oMCOtP-Sc~ ~ a8:s78Mc sq (from q, to be bulbous), n. a protuberance, bun h, knob,. boss, bulb; a pimple, small boil, not so point d as msc [oDq~,eg603s~q fo g8szqco9foociS]oae~. o nqS, n. a tuft or clump (of grass, &c.), smaller than; hence F388qo, qoS, @fSqoS, qoS, qoSq, the mon veneris; hence coqo5v [1coSoocoz, the genitals of female children]. oq, 1, n. a sail, used in composition, as GamooSj, a ower sail, - &c.; num. aux. applied to sails, nets, &c. (qSoeoruaSom).) wai (from ji, to cover), n. a cover of a vessel, cOco6063; also used figuratively, e.g., cooosmqO:-8oo0mo8O La>i5 sa:s (fiom it, to protuberate), n. a bud of a leaf or lower (90S to l)3 a pimple, small boil; comp. mq, a swellir g as from a blow (or sting). GQCO (Mcdox), n. a father; moo, oG' [Women frequeitly, when meeting elderly men, address them as cooc' oot C o~o3os 79 @Q~ob In Mandalay the children of n'on-officials usug~ly address their fathers as c"c; male members of the royal family addressed their fathers as coo.'03 an abbreviation Of CBCYcODSJ. 3;<;- (soGoo:), i, see WGCOIN =Goo, 2 (from ooc., to scab over), n. scab; azG~~Gos~q~oqr 3Q( (from?~, to break off), n. a bit broken off. =GOO75,I ii. a woofs~ 41pS7mGolo&i 3GOOS2 (from G-ocyS, to perforate), n. perforatihg a.s GXMOXYS r, he is good at mortising. 3zc;*5 (o i) (from roS, to associate), n. an associ Iate, cornparnon; woC5, -3zr6180,3Q0(-B, 30G6.&rn GoS -~ v. to find companionable. 30O)2 (from GoS, to mix), n. miyin~g, manner of mixing, as cQq (from q, be barren), n. a wife who has not borne children (a male human being who is impotent, [the male of certain birds and animals; cI:q, animals; C908qll 3408q], serpents, trees, ooz-Cqi a-ro8:GO~a3; those that flower without bearing fruit; a leading word, ooon:q, oppo~sed to 3Q, a synonymous word, or expletive, oooozc, e.g., c~,Io83: 3D (m) (from ~,to throw into or upon), n. a part, portion, share, what is for, QCADcx; [often used with o~q) e.g., 98-,..s8 cnooco C003c& s;? zozboq c:G~f~~ ~c uopa 8 r.. a, the period (of time) before he went to Manipar. A throwing upon, or what is thrown upon, as co6-Cq:r o.3G 3z8- (from (18-, to be unsuhstantial), n. chaff; col~p. -Q5 n. chaff and refuse collectively. -D~~)n. chaff and small grain; ac~ x. a worthless fellow. ojqs —i — 000D001 n. nonsense. v. to indulge in 'chfaff,' persiflage. — Sv. to be scattered' as chaff; capable of figurative applications, e.gr, o8,Cqp)- cl ~%om,4rxoz~baoci3 M2903C Sn. some appendA~ge to the lungs. so soc@ solo) I (from q o:, to be in a fever), n. fever; goSq8j, malarial of jungle fever. --— c, v. to intermit (in fever). -, v. to have strong fever. -- RoA, v. to abate as a fever. -ocAS, v. to have a paroxysm (of fever). -— @oS (pron. @oS), r-c:, n. medidine for fever, qu nihe. o3qps, 2, n. an-end (&o:5csmo63 m 5, which end of the village?), extremity, point, aqg;:8M; a top, summit, c8S; opposed to oq8.-, a bottom, foundation; a. not original, not own, as oo::(:, a son by affinity, opposed to cows8s, an own son; [aoq3%e~:i (Wo) gpGooe or 9Cofp g:moe~ m-oo-j @zoa, to speak (lit.) 'with a little black point,' i.e., to 3peak in an indirectly, suggestiye manner, to insinuate.] sorqB (from QjS, to dilute), n. a sweet liquor. soj@8 (from @&, to be), n. being, a state of being, cbndition. -— M0co8, -sMcqjo, n. the circumstances, events, adventures (of one's life); 3a;)o911 o g6qjpoo@B3gZoS(;o:Ds.1. — = — S, n. same. eow~S, n. state, condition, circumstance, case; @0S411 i cb "S0acq8 %0zS @8qGI8 O@l Dc c O O4,-OgBMo3ig2,S, could our parents behold our condition, how they would pity us, eh? soa~: (from &4$-, to be worn away?), n. grit of any kind, as the worn part of grain 'r the refuse that remains in chiselling marble; ccGo65P g s i, n. whiteness, white colour; a. white;- coeDGTPS3r8-a szoo6 (pron. MaSo), adi. in frame only; comp. (=561B.181006 *cq 08O'GO OnOSo w oo -Rol A.? 0p). -— oS8, v. to have done in the rough or outjine only [e.g., gS8~8~0 PO)OGOW]. 3so@ (from r., to unloose, &c.), n. an answer to a question [a key, e.g., oI080aooSo4*t, a key to the Paramigan]; manner of answering; forgiveness (of sin), as og3imt3 6 QM8, there can be no forgiveness; see other definitions, [-an antidote; e.g., G@rooooyagq$og =~A ~=o5]. Wrer~omb, adv. alternatel (in speech); ccoroq@- *o-.G Goo*oilOsGOQSCo:) W8 3c.Go.S, v. to plead guilty in a court of law, to confess one's "faults, to admit, 3aMQ0(90, a&oS'Goo-jo, n. a stone used in alchemy. oS8., also spelt a00c8 (from 8g, to open), n. an exposition; [the act of opening, as o5o6o3.agSooooSn] — =0804, n. the act of opening and shutting, e.g., ooq8m85:)~ na3, n. a small bit, as of rice; as 33c83o0, as of money levied; 3DGcxO~33IIOo1gc oSs49by0~ggoSG o133^33^0^00^11 a3, n. plumpness, as of a child. — oooqs, n. same.-S. 8go5 (from goS, to be suitable), what is suitable, desirable; used as a verb formative and frequently written cgoS (which is said to be more correct); 3cg$8ogcp33G o&. 2go (from go, to puff), n. a puff from the mouth; o,oqapsaosc88 oazos (8oo:), see oc8gos, a grandmother. oo00, see 3o, frequently pronounced and written 3o0, n. a father; oo,0s, OGo, 00, ooD8II -o00348:, n. paternal relatives. 0068, n. an ancestor of the fifth degree. 0o0005, pron. a. what, interrogative, oS; in negative sentences, combined with the negative particle o, none, as azoocSo o1; in colloquial pron. 30c when preceding G@o&, - o, pron. a. what person? who? 30o1i oooo ~-, pron. a. of what sort?.30z1 ooSc, adv. how? =08), n. an ancestor of the fourth degree, the father of a greatgrandfather, Gooo,,, ooDsil G oo800 - o, n. the mother of the same. mdo~gpoocOs, n. the principle of malevolent envy of another's good fortune, oogTos oo'mo: - O,-O.8SrG @g5; usually used with opuT3 as oo00o0oo8(y^333cgaoaggog, 3sc8g^ (3c08oeao) (Pali =oa8, excelling, and gowa, wisdom), n. extraordinary wisdom, of which there are six kinds, namely, 8ooot, the faculty of seeing like a nat; 8goooon, the faculty of hearing like a nat; gf8o, creative power; GO Goaooqoo or oqG8goo*,), knowledge of other's thoughts; II 84. =08i00 Mooaocgoo, freedom from passion; yg SolcoccocB, knowledge of one's own past existences. - nG:,. primitive blood, that in which the life particularly resides. sco89& (Pali =08, excelling, and oeg, law); one grand division of the Buddhist scriptures, containihig the instructions of Gaudama addressed to the dewas (.08) and bramas (@qao) of the celestial world, comprising seven books (azdogoq0a cq6ts), namely, ogoo8~, 8o8 (pron. 8o8s), o3oqmooo, q8co Oe5S, O:3o008[, (qGc, o08$; see 8qaoSo 3sr8ol$ (Pali), n. a vocabulary, dictionary; szo3omaiim86l$4n soB8=S) (pron. 3m8aScoS) (c8oo9cS is in more general use). (Pali p, excelling, @6mzpoo and =ooo, poUring, cg8scoo8s@8s), n. a pouring (of water), a ceremony of inauiguration equivalent to that of pouring oil; soqua)zSros DcroqD()p43 woco8c:) co o x31 &qC8 o8:@oS~qT:, anointed monarch of monarchs, great and excellent Queen, Victoria. - Q, v. to be subject to the ceremony of pouring..-... s, v. to perform the ceremony of pouring. 30=1,' n. a great-grandfather; QOomm --—., n. a great-grandmother; ooso'I mcqs, I (pron. =q-:), n. price. - %oo*, - oaso:, -0oo04s, n. same; cooteaooswoioaoaouSB, v. to be high-priced, co tly; to be higher priced than common, be dear; w so -.4, v. to be cheap [4t, — sooS, same]. -co$, — aoS, -c~QooS, v. to be of worth, of value. — ~os, v. to fix a price. -cos, v. to pay the value of. ~-@65, v. to apprize (appraise). t a, n. a grandfather; qmc6a, Cqi Mops3, n. a grandmother; 02Qso, 083u0 oo, n. a female; a brood, swarm [LtoS qoososgo3Ro~ole~], collection (coo8xoo used in Upper Burma); used as a numeral auxiliary; the main part of a box, opposed to ag, the cover; a feminine, of the female gender; hence on MsC3O3, see mosco:o) 33 83 soo8ca (pron. m;noc3o) (Pali s, priv., and Q8coo, what is propitious), n. what is unpropitious, productive of unhappiness, an evil; ojQA0o=oc0QG@1o36 3o6o3Sq.8~ oo~c9S soo38colooe~11 M Y8, n. the hollow head of a tool, weapon, &c., into which the handle is inserted; comp. se 8G~@ oA:3g 6:El Gc%3)S33 08211 obpl -— Cos, v. to affix such head. =o&s, 2, see o8Q, you. moe~ [from oe, to have a name (to term)], n. a name. -- 3ze~, n. a respectable name, title; tnzeou --— o8, v. to name, designate; oGopou~c-odoo o oToooSolv -o28, v. to call by name. — 0 —02:, — 9, v. to name. maego (pron. ), n. the flesh of beasts. [In Lower Burma W ogs is often applied to game. In Upper Burma.oGOmmo is the term used.] -_Ca, v. to broil flesh. cS, n. tallow. - 4tE@8cE8o@o,-, it. dried slices of meat. =900, n. same. - 0o*Ql ol, n. beasts and fish collectively (taken in the sense of food, e.g., =e.O 003C.c 16 lZr1 o aS), frequently pronounced (erroneously) 3mk: clsa - oao — o, v. to be tainted, as meat. 60CS) n. a person of rank, a nobleman; 3mooS~s1c *o061 -30coD, see =&rzoo 3o~9, see coo; mok= (from 3o, priv., and eot, man), n. a monster; o8:olj:u 3ZC86, n. a mother; ss, o9Go, S3S, int. mother! expressive of surprise or distress. -— ( s, — oS, -kCO5, - @OocO0, int. same; Q04D G0 3008: 046oq~oooa~a moSoco (~=Gz aSooconvsn --- 0s, int. same, expressive of wonder; =ocB6o.O:ABcySo:, mother! so big! eSocuEa l sowog5 (from oo and aoS), n. a scar, when the skin is thickened. =S, 1, n. a mother; ozcoS, 3nz, SOE, miss, madam, a term of compellation by which a daughter, wife, or any woman, 84 3 g$ younger than the speaker, is addressed in a way of affection or friendship. =8~G~ol s, to become absorbed, as mother's milk in the system, which the Burmese asseverate takes place at 40 years of age. — G-gc8P suoogscS6oq, v. to restore to one's normal state of health, as a physician. The o3 in a38 is usually omitted. --— o0o, n. a motherless child; also used figuratively of persons in a helpless, forlorn state; m8xS c,0 c i -— co-s8, n. maternal relatives. 338, 2 (from 8, to attain to), adv. equivalent to 80:G33, unto attainment, as 8So5osgP, to catch, to succeed in catching; 38c6o5obe, to pursue and catch. 0338 (from 8S, to speak authoritatively), n. an order. -- oo (pron. s8oo), n. a written order. -- coS, n. a royal, or divine, order; 3a8G0o5$oo#s, Government Gazette. -- CoG035O G, n. a hollow bamboo for keeping a royal order or commission in; 98cooSC 5 GooCo8~ol oSgg. --—.oo0oo, v. to utter, issue, promulgate a royal order. — GooS@5$, v. to repeat a royal order. S — GoCSlqG., n. a certificated pleader or advocate; ooo5o Gj.G, a barrister. — o — )oSR, v. to give a royal order. -— coScogq, n. a decretal, collection of laws. - vo, v. to receive an order. [In Upper Burma the word 3 =58oaS was never applied to any order excepting to one emanating from royal authority. In Lower Burma it is indiscriminately, but of course wrongly, applied to orders given by all grades of officials.] 3ydo (from qoS, which see), n. a m6k, a measure of length equal to five finger breadths (m3oo3). IS$ (in colloq. 4J), n. the temporal juice which at certain season exudes from a male elephant's head. -- goS, -og, v. to exude as such juice; cEo8cqaoogal [33o$ (from Y$:, to hate), n. hatred; in colloq. use the w is "frequently omitted.] *0030c8 8 Q 4, see =ay4GoO-5 (Q8c 3 qc6oSae~1q1)c8gT - Go: (from:gs, to hate, and coos, a drug, medicine), n. hatred prompted by another; used also without the 3, 0:r-00s, same. _ X: 5, )v. to incur displeasure on account of another person. -Ga-6FSOW, v. to prompt one to hate another. 'Nq (from 4, to begin to bud), n. an incipient bud. 3DW (from J, to do, to be effected), n. a deed, action; 3az (affectation). — 3 Da, -SDo)3, n. conduct, behaviour; oq3aQgsocoorqEg osgol ssco9r 05000 ~ IGOONU -McP, n. same. - GMc083, v. to be expert in affectation. _ t, v. to be unlike in deed or action (implying deterioration). - 9, v. to be true and correct in deed or action. 3syg (3n3:)i,, n. a person of rank, a nobleman (not used alone). - oDooS (~3ra2eoS), n. same as IsG;ooSCcooSn sOWI, 2 (from j-, to be dizzy), n. dizziness, intoxication. 3-10w, i n. same; ocojo:GNDs = o oI sSc9o8j30 Vs3Q GcQS0aQ%$Q:)@:ooeu (see c~8sj%). - i6, u to become less or wear off, as a fit of dizziness or intoxication. =o0, n. a mother; 3zo$, aS, 808w -, n. a goody. -o co:, see aoo6o 3zGejzcccq, n. forgetfulness, absence of mind; =aGo4cGOW O: 33GO (from Go:, to question), n. a question; ~ao - Maob), n. (amobaoo: more frequent), 3=$:, same. --— 89, v. to cause to inquire, or question. =G6ooSY (from QCooB, to be convex), n. a cock's comb, 5i,o0oo; a dragon's crest, OP1 2,SI 60a; a term applied to words of overflowing, e.g., Gooo1o-ooo~390Goo0530 s36o8:9 (from Goo&8, to drive), n. driving, as Ao833oGoo:ocoa3-, he does not understand driving oxen. 86 oDoS, see coo8, a woman's brother. MaooS (from so5, to project upwards), n. a promontory; see sq coSi aqoS (from qoS, which see), n. a measure of length equal to eight finger breadths (sooo&), one-third of a cubit. 00qoS, 2 (from qo5, to be dark), n. darkness, G985o; an ignorant person, a fool, mqo5@ [aoqSooo:icGcgojcmoeooSol ]; qoS@:9u1 scgsooio9, the our most foolish kinds of persons-(i)ox$goGl 8=13 c3o&goi, a person born at midnight; (2) coogo6Gts2:ooog, a person born on the last day of the lunar month; (3) qt:9oSOjlOOa olg:oogot, a person "born when the sky is dark with rain-clouds; (4) GC-~3J8&9o a8:oogiqc, a person born in a dense forest. q:' (from q:, to cover), n. a roof, a chief; 3omou — _aoOo, n. a sheltering cover. -- 9, n. the eaves and ends of-a roof. aoga (g~cm) (Pali), n. a measure of capacity equal to a tin oS6t, v. to hold off from inability to recognize or fear of advancing, to be impeded in progress, as a boat or ship by a head-wind, e.g., cooSomcoo ocgo9msogo:oooga - ---;oososo, v. same (most common); oQl8oSc% r8GooS wsqoS, i, n. a knot in timber. — 00ooo0, n. same. -- ooo, n. a bad knot, e.g., ogoggossaos ooS~ooog cYgSc9 c"BoSc8Sog; see oAn ----— t, a. without a knot, as some bamboos. ". ---, n. a junction of knots. soqdS, 2 (from qjoS, to be angry), n. anger; obloo,. --- —,?v. to, be very angry, wrathful; oqS@o2q oCBS0: —., v. to feel anger without expressing it, q5, col ooo; [to incur displesaure, gol oo].. —ooS, v. to express anger. S ---@, v. to be appeased. -- ~, v. to feel anger without expressing it'; j611.-o6., v. to become angry. -. —8, v. to curb or restrain anger; s dqoSao8ioo5:lo-ps: \ Mg68 87.ogos (from a3t, to be many), a. many; the many, the main part. - M3Oos, *0:, same; 0r09300 3Q30000000 SOR#oQ&olgIi --, like the many, majority; q8sj@oya8q f9 e8oj =oo, n. a race, lineage; aoao5, a kind (class), sort; 3 2ooe3o(:) Q.Oa, the official class. (2) qqp*-q., the Brahman race. (3) cc:cjioS":, the wealthy class. (4) No08:04, the poor class. --— aa oR, n. a relative, kinsman; wGC0auo1 o-dgcS, n. a race, lineage; ggoSCo a cr - cqz~, n. hereditary stock. - q+6x,-B, n. seven degrees of ancestry, reckoning upwards, namely, Eoco, 3QO GOO3, 333c, WA, r36, '32g0oJ, e; also seven degrees of posterity, namely, 0008, @J, o@8, C8,Co, Co0o, DcoIII - O, a. born of parents of the same race, i.e., born of pure race. -008, a. half-caste (reproachful); co;osu -- )Is, n. one of the same race, a fellow country-man. -oO3sQ8:, n. same. - t?, n. a fellow country-woman. — o-, v. to be of pure race. w@8 (from @8, to see), n. sight, appearance, as so*L@S6, to be disagreeable to the sight; o-ctj clocS 4a08 Oos8o, the sight of this man is very disagreeable to me, i.e., I hate this man. -cg, beautiful to the sight. --— 5, to be pleasant to the sight; -$ -Go:, to be-near or far, &c., observation, as 3a 2 soo6; [Gm3zQ83q 33e0sooI combined with 3=s93, as a;c 'a @6, foresight]; s@8f. aosco:sooE8 z@~ (from @, to be high), n. height, altitude. M, 1, n. a root, bottom, origin; 3z@l, sq'8:, ico, the gizzard of a bird; hence ioGCm2cn&, 1n. tap-root. q, n. a bulbous root. 88 360 WSS, 2, n. the light accent, originally a small = placed under a letter, and called 68, because it interrupts the natural sound; =3050SZ81 aigoS (from 6o5, to exceed, be a gain), n. gain, profit; a. excellent, opposed to x=ooSIn w@65o q xoS3obooi -— c3;s, -3o3o, same. - os, t. to make profit. -c, a. excellent, precious, implying affection. -.-OSG.@I, n. the income-tax. - woqoSi, a. that which is excellent and that which is worthless or yile; o0Com~ wooS oo4o&blzoil Sq(;oncao 28ooe~88 6r.01 szom loiQc0 kaG1o33ooS CoC0goo08tI ao ooe~ oQcCYS 3ooT cooooSop~ og o3o3ooo 4goj oS o6coo3c3 pso3 @ ~e9q0CoCS3 3I 4- b o-SceM GcazqoS ooiGi wo@6, n. the dangling end or border of anything, as the fringe of a garment, the ends of hair, or of thatching (rcwoutS oSool, a four-fringed handkerchief); one kind of szgS5a oS [oR~a oJSqSf 6 @3 8%@05)o~I1 0800oZOO3 68~80S34SgoS QcomStol N OSor ooooS50aoeo ], hence =@oSwnooo -0, n. same. n(,. a tail (also used figuratively, e.g., oSacnoo:Gsmsdoc 091, your language has neither head nor tail to it). -- cg, n. the root of a tail; Q$3:6o08C3fe dQj oQ3goooSolu r.6-65, v. to protrude, as an incipient tail. - n,. same. - 965, n. the extremity of an elephant's tail. ao@oo (pron. r=)G), n. a kind of calculus found in the body of an animal or a plant, and used as a charm (also written 34xoo);:?@sO R 1 3 o013 o r0 oS s05 GOOI G@o= O 11io C8oo9340.8eC;s Cq4,OtrCO38Q5cfO3OS CC 3D&CqoQ @$QD 4osmioRa6 o6, the calculi of doves, partridges, of the jasmine, snakes, turtles, when carried about by men, render them da-proof according to Burmese opinion. 3$a (from a, to chew the cud), n. a cud; coli seCo.oS n. a gun, cannon; hence 0&0G33G(3oS, a fieldpiece...-co, -o$ (ma6~oS&4SoCi), n. a cannon-ball. nii. a battery of artillery. W98 89 oacr3gooSoB, n. a gun-shed. — o0, v. to discharge a cannon. --— , n. an artillery officer.-S. — q —S, n. the breech of a gun. --— es, n. a gun-carriage.-S. 4)5o, n. amreeta, nectar; ooapq: ocoSoCg?, to administer the nectar of the law, i.e., to dispense justice impartially. -----, n. same. so, n. an inheritance, permanent estate. — sqoS, — s338, -ego, — oGooo3go, n. same. --, v. to inherit; n. an heir; 3oGQooS,.Sou alzGb, an inheritance case. -— GO, v. to deliver a child to be heir of another person; Go0o68 G8ga 0G2 OilI - oo:, n. an heir. " ---, v. to receive by inheritance. -c005, to lay claim to an inheritance. s3GG, see G33,11 aG:n, n. the hair of the body (fur); hence oooGlgC,= a fur coat; 9,GSg, wool. [When applied to horses and cattie, 3s=g8 means the colour.] --— 330Go, n. feathers, plumage (the coat of a horse, e.g., 3 GgSaGas-0368COgg@8Ps88:). -- GOD6S:, v. to stand erect, as the hair of an animal; to bristle. -- Ss:, sometimes — 8:, n. fine, short hair of. the body, down. --- s0oo, v. to have the fine hair of the skin erected or stand on end through sudden cold or a strong emotion; oS:8:ooii@SoS8:gG8:goo (goose-skin). --, n. a pin-feather. — 8go, v. to have shaggy hair, as a dog, pig, &c. -— i(, v. to have long hair, as an animal. a@4S (from @,S, to utter), n. anything uttered, a speech; the beginning of speech; a hint, an intimation; cag7ocoO GOOOOOOG3du01CO^ m3 oS 3P^diyOO^ GoTogln o3,)c8 ( oo,. stiff hair, bristles; n5, n. stiff hair, bristles; ooGooociGS:i -1j1 90 o 3w9Grs(G (pron. aoq&Qc-), v. to drop off a tree from ripeness, as fruit; also used figuratively of persons who die of a ripe old age. =aoS (from 90r, to mark), n. a mark, sign; a geometrical point. — w —3, n.;see o0oSn ---- o:C, n. a mark, badge (observation, remembrance, knowledge; z5oSmoooS:o3o86soog, to be observant). — c —S, n. a signal-post (a railway signal-post). — -0, adv. carefully, with good observation of position, as when one buries treasure, so as to be sure to remember the place; ego IaaoSooqaxScog.-S. -- o:, v. to give a sign, token, &c. -—, v. [to appoint for a mark, to observe as a mark; to think, suppose]; =GcoQ, v. used in forming verbal nouns. ---, — o., -0008, adv. inadvertently, unawares, unexpectedly, by surprise. -- q, v. to become reminded of. [a3o$ (from 9~, to be true), n." truth, right, opposed to.n 90o:, falsehood; regularity; adv. truly, certainly, regularly.] -— 3oo, adv. truly, certainly. --- (from 9$ and c0), v. to hit right. [>93"Y, i (from 95s, to aim, guess at), n. guessing, power of guessing]; aim, as in shooting.-S. - [oooS:, — G8,, -49, v. to be good at guessing.] 359:, 2 (from the verbal form 9$:), adv. intensive in the phrase 3954:08, he knows nothing (at all, a:s oa cooooS ooo5). -—.-coS:, or 30go0o~:8., adv. at all; in negative sen"tences, as 3,9soo&co5.oo8, he knows nothing at all. 3. (from 9:, to instruct, order), n. an order. -- cooS, n. an order from a prime-minister; o$som9coo0 S - ooG00SrG, n. a secretary to a wungyi appointed by the king. 3w9:, I (from o98, to err), n. an error (blunder), [falsehood]. — 5, v. to suffer, or tolerate, a blunder. : 9 3 S 91 9sooi~oS, v. to watch another with a view of entrapping him in a blunder. e --- o, v. to try and find fault with another. 3090:, 2, see moD031, m~ (from ~, to lean on), n. anything to lean on, a thing that affords support; comp. moob, --— 006:, n. same. - oo) (ok;&), n. a person that affords support. ---, v. to adhere to, frust in; ~bn -- o00, nt. same. -— co5, v. to follow, so as to overtake. 3~*: (from ~,, to store up), n. a stock; 3?.Oag3c6as =o, 7n. business, work, affair; 3ov8z3GGq, a process in law, a prosecution; o8sgu - 3z, n. same in the first sense. — 5cc, v. to be sound and conclusive, as the evidence in a civil or criminal case. " ---, v. to prosecute either as a complairant in a criminal, or as a plaintiff in a civil, case. -— 5, v. — g8:, v. to adjourn a case in court, as a Judge, or Magis. trate. — Gcoo (pron. 3szGoS), n. one who conducts a business or case for another; ajGooiS8 (pron. as spelt), v. to conduct such business or case (sometimes used in a derogatory sense). — 0, n. the file or record of a civil, cminal, or revenue proceedings. ---— os, n. a person on service, commonly Government service [a police officer, 3cooaoooiio3oSo83 sooo.]. -co3M, v. to make account of, take into consideration; 00oo -— c^T, v. to prosecute in a case, as a Government advocate or police officer;.~otcooo9ogc, to be clever or skilful in prosecuting. -- go or lg, v. to endeavour to get another into trouble; to trump up a case against another; o8t0Io. oi -- oo (pron. 00uS, like Enrg. there), n. one who has business; a party in a suit. .1, g3cg8s, v. to put a case into court. aoqoS (from o~8, to blow), n. a blast; oo03088 cScoo3 aoSmo6 $ g98loosoogn 3a, (from 9$, to be minute), n. fine dust, larger than &u "3tg (a (3), n. pulverised matter, powder. so: (from $4s, to harrow), n. a harrowing. "3ls (from p:, to be chief of), n. a chief, ruler, chieftain. -- amoS, n. the chiefs and nobility collectively; js oS, is soo5ooSoo~i o:sgma3,s (33@:), n. (from cg:, to overspread), any membranous matter, covering or overspreading something, as a spider's web, the thick rising of porridge, the caul, the secundines. -— 330$, n. oqcp3GO)6o^oc6G: oS0o~3509oG9(oo^SI:M dl O03Eo oaSoo S8 8goqSSGo5c0og8oooSogocji oSjdii =9n:S (from G9005, to turn upside down), n. an overturn, subversion (cygS P o 8 c$ Scp8 8s33 ro @o~ a co9 @ soo3 (from gS., to annoy), n. an annoyance, particularly Sthat occasioned by witchcraft or demoniacal possession. --— aCGp, n. same. oogS, n. refuse, particularly the threshed pods of peas and beans; comp. sz(b6S vo~oS, n. refuse, dust. — c9eg, v. to sweep refuse, &c. [aEso~ocgiaoos, a native of India sweeper.].-.-a, n. same. ojg (from 9, to divide and distribute equally), n. an equal quantity, an even share. — %goS, v. to take or strike an average. \ -- co, v. to offer another an equal share of the merit obtained by the performance of a work of merit. ---, v. to accept such share. a3, 2 (from 9, to be s;much as), n. a specified quantity, as much as; commonly used as a secondary noun, or in composition, dropping its initial, as coocooiso, the quantity of one basket of rice; co.S9, how much,; o33g, so much. 33, I33Go-S3, n. about so much, as ooooS~ Gcoxo5, about one basket; 0oo06oooSo, oo~a coooS, as above; [oo~oGcoS (pron. oogoGoonb5), as much as (this).] 33S9 (from 98, to make stringy), n. a string, thread, fibre, nerve; any stringy substance; ooC: [anzCq58 ooe, to be spun out, as language; cog o8986, threads, or small currents of blood; 3zea9481] 6lU0 oo]. org53QGa8, n. foresight. — @, -g-o, v. to have great, or much, foresight. — :, v. to have little foresight. o &goS (353), n. froth, scum; an embryo in the second stage of conception [GG QGooSii Y oS M b o3oo0Sn sg0;comp. CDCOCO, Gqg, and o oxoa -- oo, v. to rise as froth or scum. — ogc, to issue as froth or scum; 3goS88Cgo3oo0g 3as,3cs, n. flattery. -- @S, v. to be fond of flattery. 33o8. (from c@o8, which see), n. the lateral angle of the segment of a spherical or cylindrical body, divided lengthwise (Sac&o, octagonal). -— 8, v. to divide such a body lengthwise. -- Go5, v. to make such 4 body many-sided. -— cq, v. same; [as bricks, posts, table legs, &c.].. 3zS (from gSS, to decorate), n. ornamental points, projections, pinnacles, spires, &c., on a roof; the pinnacle or source of a river; coSco@8@oS6'coo8GoSoco3^d3>08s5&8 g3-0M3Z2S-s:03:80D'30we~ mno (s33m) (from 2o, to slice lengthwise), n. a couplet, or triplet, or more; springing from one stock, as twins or more, as twins or more born at birth (ago8.o), plantains or other fruit adhering and growing; qos-go8 g 'oodooau m20: (from a33, to be diminutive), n. a small thing; a0sncoSd 3zGoa3aGoS (from g93GoS, to stir up), n. agitation, stirring up the minds of others in an annoying manner; aj3ap2o ao2s: (from G2:, to be fragrant), n. any fragrant scent. 94 O.,n. same; 8c::S-m-2~ S~caooSciccoj WOS)n. a guess, a conjecture. C ---aO, M 0OD, n..same; 3QcMS:3,OG@ooae~I W6~5, u,' v..' to be full, distended, puffed up, swollen, as the stomach or bowels; ool O3~C)QOD3~OS~O%(more an U*pper, than a Lower, Burman expression). GtBt,5 2, v. to make the sound in crying which the word imitates; used only in the form mo=65mcS; adv. incessantly crying; ooe~oaco-oozc~ zpqoe~a 0q.0006nmSORO: M3oog (Worn cog to be ta~me), a. tame. S '. civilization, refinement, taste, politeness, gracefulness. — og n. gracefulness of movement,) applied particularly to the prancing of a horse;-~~ GCSOiqjPI MnOOV'rnQ0t ~o -~o~t (-oo~s), v. to pretend to refinement', be finical. =bo n. a cud of betel-leaf, with th e contents made up for chewing, oRStocxoo; hence GCOW0XO3002, a cud of tobacco [qS: o~o~zo~~u$. to ~qs a sh~ort period of time, about io English minutes]. moSo (=nq) (from CA, to, gleet, &c.), n. any slimy discharge. -30 (021), n. same;c jo 6ooo xu mq~,'adv. contrariwise. — t.to act in a contrary man.ner, usually implying bad failth -or anything done in a disinge~nuo-bus -mannie'r; oqmO.a. soop 49 (Pali), lit. that which is " wrong and foolish." In -the modern acc tation it is applied to coa.rse and obscene souj%&s (from o4 and %&S), v. to seek 6~ gain the confidence of Okie for another with some p-rivate' view; Qo~oSjocsqG =a (from oj~to take), n. an opinion, sentiment.. 6,v. to take an opinion, appeal'to t6e decision "of another [to apjeal against a legal decision; =on~o~5*II cvoj5s, an 33qs 95 Appellate Court; 39E8o&88S|6ogGos@ogooo@o8o( eGpoo$8Goo5o82s9:6 aj5oQ or az6^o8.o"]. 3ss, -0o$, — 08, v. to be heterodox, heretical; oo6oq4s0: — l, v. to be of an opinion, to have an opinion; one kind of soq, i (from q, to get), n. meaning, purport (of words); oSop8 OoMpoq"o83 plooo3Tqsu 3 also has the same meaning as a with the additional idea of exertion being implied; 08 -— oSoqoS, adv. attainable with great exertion. — o- oS, -Gooo8, v. to retain in memory, have by heart (w c0008) ^odogo|S " cvo5, v. to pursue, or follow up, so as to overtake and catch. 3=q, 2, see 3n. 3qo5, i, n. see oS; a. natural day (when preceding a numeral, the 33 is not omitted, e.g., 3a6 Jo; otherwise it usually is, e.g., 46ocooSQB5 oo 4oSi 3ooS, 2, n. spirituous liquor [sometimes spelt 3a68, which is no doubt orthographically correct; see G]. -— 6-, n. proof-spirit or alcohol. -—, n. a distillery; 33qoSoogn — , v. to be intoxicated with liquor; lit. to be " giddy with - spirituous liquor"; ys by itself merely means to be "giddy;" 3oqoc/S:@, to become sober. -- GOOO, n. spirituous liquor. — o --- oo, v. to drink spirituous liquor. 338, n. prior time, 300ac, ooS; adv. first. -— z, adv. at the very first; 3aso, 3oa. (3303oa03). 338 (from q~, to be mature), n. maturity, the state of maturity, whether of size, age, or virtue; a. of full size, as fruit ready to ripen (o8r:8q3a.oog); of full time, as of a woman in pregnancy (aoC5o33sq83 o); of full attainment in virtue, as an embryo Buddha about to attain the Buddhaship (ol q81a^ 3o). -a — o, n. and a. same. iE8s, I (from qE8 in:q8s), n. nearness, presence; denoting rather a near part, which is also a forepart, as col.s8:s, GgOq86g 96 3 3368s, 2 (from q8s, o put for accumulation), n. a capital, stock in trade; asi — 3on, n. same; oq814gil9u si83~^? |o1i 30C8s, 3, n. a bottom, foundation, origin, 3G~, tco, opposed to aqlot, a top, summit (an end); original, own; m3368%, an own son, distinguished from ooolqo:, a son by affinity. — o3, n. same; a consanguineous relative; col5GoSB, oog "-m- o, n. same. -— @Sf, n. root, bottom, origin; oGo68soaoc6c&souo8o1, eq8 (from q8, to wind round), an instalment of any kind of revenue, e.g., oSocqS, first instalment; qC800c8, 2nd instalment. W9E1, I, n. a warp consisting of four threads. =eS~, 2, n. liquor; liquid, [in opposition to m.ooS; hence!~e cg~3ec0oSmoogcon 3mc6 o 0 8~(m0oSo~0o~os]. -@ (o), v. to melt, fuse; 5aS3z^~ n^le~@, — ~, v. to become liquid, to melt. -28:;, v. to be juicy (a low term applied to women). -- cos (pron. mccqcooc), v. lit. to be liquefied; in a figurative sense to be solved, explained, unravelled; oo;q93,coecoo AugS)ooc6~oogScqqgeoeoi 30Cq, 3, n. colour, appearance;.oootSGcp8, ability, faculty (the lustre of a precious stone; cogoeioc SoomSsqgSoooS: — ag.s, n. same. — aoGcpoS, adv. according to one's power or ability; 0oS58g0 oooaScQooCojd Q^Qo8gccuo3gSGOoqioSeac$Q^Q 0038Q --— og, v. to contend in rivalry; cqclaiii also applied to animals, e.g., 8 Xo)&Go G[ GOg:.Qe o taoL@GooGo, OOGs, n. a kind of heretical priest. aoqG;, i, n. a pair; applied t'/inanimate things; SGoDmo:oo1$u — cog: (from cog:, to rub), v. to try one's strength with another (seldom, if ever, used). s2a, 2 (from 9 $, to appropriate), n. what is for; used in forming verbal nouns (see Grammar, section 125, 3rd). 97 3o8& (from q, to stand), n. stature, height; a place, situation, country, 33Sq6S3a) o6ol(j, a very common expression amongst Burmans when endeavouring to impress the fact of their respectability on others. --— 60o8, n. same [i st def.]. -— 386, n. the headman of a ward; mao5gSajS, the headman of a block (in a town). — aoSc, n. a place, spot. — 0 — 18o, n. the headman of a district (obsolescent). --- oo3, n. a watchman of a quarter of a town, village, or hamlet (obsolescent). -—, n. business pertaining to a district or locality, c82 - [o, I, n. an inhabitant of a place.] — ooo, 2, n. the part of a fish between the side and back fins, a33stS3o:oo (from qc8 and or0s), n. conjectural distance, distance guessed at. 3se, n. an Armenian; Ro$c~q:u sc (pron. 3=coo) (Pali Gwa), n. flavour, taste, the quality in matter which affects the sense of taste, of which there are six kinds, namely, o.1, -,ag, 3aS, 0o00, 3 o$, aac; rich flavour, @;o oooSoo , ituoo =qco9o (3oog), by contraction saq- (Pali), n. the fourth state'attained by an areeyah (moo) " the fourth of the " paths leading to nirwana [$ol4 ($So$)] is called arya "or aryahat; the ascetic who has entered this path is "called a Rahat (qoo)); he is free from all cleaving to "sensuous objects. Evil desire has become extinct "within him, even as the principle of fructification has "become extinct in the tree that has been cut down by "the root, or the principle of life in the seed that has "been exposed to the influence of fire. The mind of the "Rahat is incapable of error upon any subject connected "with religious truth, though he may make mistakes upon "common subjects, or from allowing the faculty of obser"vation to remain in abeyance."-M.B. — o-, n. the duties of the same (the entrance to the fourth path, aryahat or soqog). -— g-ot, n. one who has performed the duties o the same. --— S, n. the reward of the same. '3 qoa:ua$, n. one who has attained the reward of the saidi; iJ3$GIO, GtCW~d3I,~oqz, see qc6,&oii iq6c5, see -qacnqc3ocouo4u 3at I, 1r. a time; used only in combination with somie other word of time, as A4oOQI, 0001 o4, 401, &c. (Oz4DooAX); =a s3, to be at an opportune or exact point of time. =A, 2, n. a pair; applied to certain inanimate things. aA, 3 (from 4, to enclose), n. a fence forming an enclosure; oqo$sioouo 3 o3zicoo:a3@1ccgo-aSoe!n " —MO), n. same, o3e3*azS,3aZx C89qcCOzoqus -— 8 n. an owner, proprietor, master, lord, sovereign; mta cp9, i, n* a hundred, the number. of a hundred combined with the nine digits to form numerals, as oscp, S'cpu (cpqt: GrSt8, to sell a hundred articles for too rupees); msom 63331d a@7 11 33 ~psuo~soooro~ csgoo ~ j~agq oolSg8jci3,Po6o83=u~ oog r.00C016 MCI Posjtq0O o3)q:.0 g111 00 ~5 % 08 OCO5, omooaqqp~v o coo doc, 2, n. a thing, subject-matter; wo-, 28c, a place, situation, office, rank, (in composition) the object on which an action termininates, or the place where a thing is, or is done, or the site of a building, or a mark, impression; =;~6rS (a polite substitute for cxcoo*; 3oc@. for cqcoo:~:). w-oqtC, n. an office. - PC, v. to lose situation, to fall from an office; pEccgoga - 0g, v. to appoint to an office (i.e., under Government). --— 5, n. one who has an office; TpqAgU3paIa -- q, v. to cashier, remove from office. - cqg, v. to advance in office, to be promoted. [onsacqi, v. to receive grade promotion.] -0-505oSe, n. proeerty of any kind belonging to Government; G O~aO@sooi 3psQonSL.. ----.oi:, n. one who has a civil office. -—.oS, -jooSx, v. to deprive of offiae. as, v. to appoint to office (under Government). - v. to use for, or instead of, as:acsa,& to use as water. secpk (freq. pron. oap&8) n. one that has an office, whether civil or military. -- cooB, -co.$, n. orie with and one without an office. - o8, v. to be in use; a c:q (to intrude). ecp, 3, see 3Qao, what is for. 3sqgoo, n. a fabulous, flying spear; co(:n a35 (from S8, to show a shadow), n. a shadow, shade, shelter, a hint, intimation. — n — (a3eS), n. a mark, symptom, indication; Tcogaou -— 3G., n. same; latent influence; Saq8;ac.oosGcooTooniOs q833G08.goGcoos8 -— aono, n. same as 3a3S3asGi -— 3a59, n. a hint, intimation given by sign.. —3 jmoS, n. a hint, intimation given by sign. — 3p, n. the place, situation, office, privilege, &c., of one's father, teacher, predecessor, &c.; comp..oM:o~.pI oooio -— 3o5, n. an audible sign, token. — so-oloa, n. a shadow, shade, shelter. --, v. to take shelter in a shade; also used figuratively in the sense of taking refuge in the power and influence of another; co80 SooO58e 0e~00ooSo:eSod8Gog8 q&oo~i — maooo (Pali), n. same as oaL6 ---- V,. to indicate, foreshow;-.q'ScoT — o-goS, n. a kind of plant. -, v. to receive a shadow; o38oo833 l -— COa:, see aoSs (pron. om8o0). — o —, v. to pass as a shadow. * 330ooo (q oG(c8qo) (pron. ao0833Go:o), n. Arimataya, the fifth Buddh of the present system, destined to succeed Gaudama 8coowq, called by the Buddhists of Ceylon Maitri. "When the monarch DutthagAmini (qBcBwo) "was near death, the assembled priesthood chaunted a "hymn, and from the six dewal6kas (QooccoooGomoS ) as "many d6was came in six chariots, each intreating him to "repair to his own 16ka, but the king silenced their en"treaty by a signal of his hand, which implied that they "were to wait so long as he was listening to the bana. That ;100 " his meanifg might not be mistaken by those around, he "threw wreaths of flowers into the air, that attached them"selves to the chariots and remained pendent. He then "said to a priest, 'Lord, which is-the most delightful dewa"16ka?' The priest replied, 'It has been held by the wise "that Tusitapura (ooaSoooyq) is a delightful dewa-16ka.' "The all-compassionate Buddhisat Maitri tar r i es i n " Tusita, awaiting his advent to the Buddhaship."-M.B. [Buddhists aver that the mother of Gaudama (ec&ooS oQooo) is also in Tusita (oqs.oo)]. ocoo0 (Pali), n. an areeyah, one who has become independent of the common laws of transmigratory existence, and will attain annihilation at the close of the present life,; opposed to qcgog. They are. distinguished into four orders, each subdivided into two classes, making in all eight kinds (3oD038o1:3); see under G3oooooogxuoc 6lol 8iw3oo018 and q00c. " The path arya (oaooo) or arya" hat is so called because he who enters it has overcome "or destroyed, as an enemy, all Kl6sha (c80coco) (evil " desire)." 3:, n. a paternal aunt, a father's sister o& a maternal uncle's wife. -7 s4c~S, see ca~cQSN asj (from %S, to be coarse), a. coarse, as thread; =asQ3g w38 (Pali go), n. appearance, relating rather to form than to colour, c, 3o3go; comp. aoxEa; a representation, likeness, figure, image of a living creature. -— WMqWq, -3Gq, — 3so, n. same; o&Sa-qS o~opgn oo0o808 fsl83^Sol 6goo$3oooco~coooopgi -- cqs, -co, v. to be homely, ugly; oQqeaqgsoola o8:$oo — ^c, v. to sculpture; coo1oiooq3 os o. ca$qooo-Coo38cooeg6n — qlo5, v. to be changed in form, commonly for the worse. -- o000 (pron. 9861), same as soS, t, i, n. just so much and no more; used only to form verbal nouns as rozjgoog, he just speaks; oS:G@oa.3i o opoc cosol see ou8i 2ao, 2 (from t, to spring upon, a cluster), n. a cluster or clump, bushes connected by the roots, or springing from one stock, as bamboos, olh, &c.; larger than 'qOqo5 I aP 10o1 Qts (from s,, to collect),i n. a collection. — 3, n. same; 3m=3a: far more common. 3oo (Pali 3D, priv., and.&o, appearance), n. invisibility; [a. unsightly, cocgo0ozC s]. sop: (from 1:, to be insane), n. a fool, madman; 3zn,3aoD S Gacq, n. skin; comp. ooaOrG (see 3zoo3 ). --- oS, -6-, v. to shed its skin, like a serpent. 3qaogn oS (from GqooS, to count), n. a counted number, a reckoning, account; 3Gq cO2oS Goo282, to be clever at reckoning, calculating. 3zqjs, n. business, affair; soS:, a8, 31 GqsGoaS 8g for 3Gacq3G@qs68gio — c-~, v. to terminate, as a business, affair; 3.~q~oCQOct — @-, v. to be very busy, as when labouring to accomplish some business before a certain time, to be in a hurry [to be urgent, of pressing importance]. -- oos, adv. making a great business of a little, in a disorderly hurry; ocl oompu -- cooS, n. lit. a " royal affair;" a term applied to wars waged by the king, rebellions, &c.;;aqGoo,5oolQ og og$oSIE8 sGo5SSf: B33aqGsoGooSo~gSpll33G<3[2GoSG6 r8S)1 -- G6ooS0c8ooo00 86GOOSoS:, n. the Chief Commissioner, Burma. -- ~o0, n. a journal of military occurrences. --- 8, n. a Deputy Commissioner. -— co, v. to make a handle of a business, to prepare for operation or action [to make much of, to treat with deference, e.g., oQ8.os0osqc0G:o 3ooSc8 3Mg33gSco90:iooSGOc5a]. -- 0o, v. to gain an advantage over another in a dispute, contest, &c. (frequently implying a dispute referred to arbitration). qs"sagdoS, n. the act of writing, writing; ooc Goo3000aGCt3Q zqt:fs, v. to be over-daring, to have an unreasonable contempt of danger; osoaogscsii 3GcSp8, n. appearance, =o8s; colour, oao8s; brightness, lustre,. dcp%&S; see loSqa ~~p:3ot), n. same; 086p8$o1 o$a|8oo1o< l "1 -- GCODS (pGcoooZoo8), v. to assume an appearance; 3300$ Goms, 3@U Wx~oo0ooo0 8 (Burton) oc8 xp 0oo0G0M 6o8 coon~ ooff qo: 3300$ W&GOoDO 0gg@cg 080gosoopo 0 6C(8 00006000061 odSqooS 8ooSu ' 00-), v. to shine as something polished; coGoSo3oGo3ooSc& 3&Gqp8moo^Gt cogSI -006, v. to polish, to colour, put on a colour, paint; maCpS OcOG=O:, polish, varnish. --, v. to strike, impinge, as rays of light on the eye; cocS — coS, v. to shine; Cg0$, v, v. to grow dull, as colour, brightness, lustre. —. —rw —~0, v. to be lustrous or dull, as colour; cooGopo? saqcp8,rOoS, n, buying and selling, trade, commerce; ocqzcp 30 moSo:SogeSlt3Gsp683O3C0640Ic8Ogl soipooo8, adv. in the way of making bold, taking liberties; - Gapooo8lt3mc8oo5~00^0~0coo0SG0o8 0zoo pss e O Qos008wo& 3a33GCo0, adv. reverently; -@s:, -, -qoo, — i 3onacp (from e~o5?), see m4Sempi,a S (3,o08) (more properly 30,8; from 0c8, to lean?), adv. short and quick; "applied to playing on an instrument, ~ dancing, running; &q., e.g., cooS Qoao"qo'C0o8G@oosIooMG 3?SC.GocoqoS, a. rough, unfinished, just fresh from the jungle. m~:, n. a bone; [o=~scqDooorcooSo:,og, wishing for a bone, he Asks for flesh; a phrase applied to a request made in a roundabout manner; n 3z-Ggo8ooSGQolS:cool800 goITe, I will love with you (lit. cohabit)_until my bones fall to earth, until my head is placed on the (funeral) faggot (s~as@ ra-ooal ol, 56bo0*1 ccooSon 8ocoo89 o^oo$:o0); figurative expressions of constancy used by lovers], a stalk, the handle of an instrument, &c., a mound, ridge of earth, G@ "; a range of hills, cooOCS; the course of a brook or river, Gp&~a::, @6~:, Ge~; a lineage, race, onsao~: [:0oo: ag:9$, a phrase used by Burmans when urging hereditary claims to an office]; custom, oPl:; the manner of doing anything, GoTw6o.ffdiiroJg:o,~00 Wads 103 3 a~33c, n. hereditary place, situation, office; comp. s"onbp " —9:, n. a monument inclosing or surmounting an urn containing the ashes and bones of one deceased; o3:0GooAo (a Karin festival). — _4, v. to be fractured, as a bone. Eg.oS, n. a leaf; comp. ooS, the blade of an instrument, as ooo: goB, cc~gS [a leaf of a book, letter, &c., ogoS]. as8: (from 58s, to be nearly ripe), n. the state of being nearly ripe, as fruit; ooic8i.08:0.-S. 33ima (from ~[o, to be disgusted with), n. aversion, disgust; og6~(<x0n30ocxg 3~5[! Gg330g^OSGOOX$Qo8 6EQG~SfiXOSGB caol 8'0]Soj33890 ago osoo i o3 go, n. age; the age of puberty. — G ----, v. to be in the prime of life; co0q3o ^oScoooG8: — oo8, v. to carry one's age well. ---- poS, v. to arrive at the age of puberty. — cg$, v. to be past the prime of life. 33GJ (from ig, to associate familiarly), n. an intimate associate. — 33GoS (-'ocooS), n. same; cgcoS, -— co5, v. to have periodical returns of concupiscence; primarily applied to beasts (fishes, serpents), and secondarily to young people by way of reproach; [8co5cgo is often used instead of sogacoS in reference to beasts, fishes, serpents, and is more polite]. 3.JjoS, v. to be irrelevant, annoying, mischievous in speaking; 3zqcB.oSGpoooSoogS 33ago, i (from 5o5, to be ashamed), n. shame. — a, v. to be put to shame; 3aoSootm 4 S.-s " ---, v. to put to shame; o3ogCo80ioqcoos:og r@g85&scoo5 ---, v. to be influenced by the desire to avoid shame; oj. 8$~ooqd CCbq = 3-2oo93s0ooScogeo~a933QoS (2g08 o8,33 LooS, 2 (from 5oS, to be joined together, mixed), n. what is mixed together, a compound; used as a numeral auxiliary, as tyooqoS, a cake of bread. ot8, t, n. an owner, proprietor (Ss88giio.i8); master (c3Q8oq ); lord (oo$8); hence, 98; written 3oa38 in addressing a m narch [%8 is more respectful than o00o8] — , -@.3:nGCoS:, n. a term of compellation addressed in worship to a certain order of nats (usually abbreviated to S8s@.). [Proverb oqsroi oSo69,8@s98@:oqotoooa8s, Being afraid of the tiger, they put their trust in the Shingyi (nat), but he was more wicked than the tiger. Le m6decin est souvent plus A craindre que la maladie.] The tutelary nat of fishermen. -— o3, n. God; used as a term of compellation in addressing reverend characters. ---— P, n. doctor, rabbi; used as a term of compellation in addressing reverend characters (and officials of rank). ao — o, n. a lady of rank, especially ore belonging to the royal family; ooo8on,3oRicq8oqcps, a title applied to the QueenEmpress of India. This is also the form addressed to female nats; oq8sl6oo8aoi8 / -— o8s@, -8qp:p, n. a term of compellation addressed to a "king or queen. 3518, 2 (from 98, to be alive), a. alive; (3z38s8038oS qo.), "moveable, not fixed, opposed to mGoo (og~8s088-6co 03Goco10). Q5FL (from 5e, to be long), n. length.. —3- o.o, n. same. -— coS, adv. lengthwise, in a longitudinal direction (cooSAj o1c4ca~eg3oS5oe~). 8 0g, n. a pair, span; agoorgts3:oog S5posCg, n. the act of finding, search. --— vg, v. to " go on the search " (with the object of thieving); a term used by criminals. 3O$-(from R$, to be hot), n. heat, velocity (momentum), imposingness, efficacy, power, agsaoog, ocg46, cooco; authority; moanos sgu BiGcoY$, bb -— coS, n. same, 4th def.; QAo co8@4cbGo8soTooi,, -— 03oG oS, n. brightness, lustre; mcTpSaolit. —so, n. same; imposing appearance, influence resulting from display of power. K. SoCOT 105 =~$6, v. to acquire character or influence frpm connection with a great man; 86ao 9saJl3 scs3 woq ---d, v. to receive momentum. =-5-, v. to cause to cease, as momentum; 8tc6oo-MJ3'Z =~, (from ~., tr be wrinkled), a. wrinkled, shrivelled; n. a wrinkle; oo~Nqo,-,~Dc~.qo~coo~G-oo(BAroTuoen 3020 (from ~s, to lose), n. loss, defeat. - 9a, -4:, v. to suffer severe loss. - 6-, v. to take a loss, defeat, &c.; CQ$8g pSooi1n3:ob -co$, v. to suffer defeat from regard, or other reason, to the other party. 3zc. (from cq, to be before), n. the east. - 0008, n. the south-east; 3q,,o033T o:8n - G- za, n. the north-east. w>s, n. a long mark, occasioned by the stroke of a whip; cgOo 330:*>, ~n. a prostitute. 3Z O c n. an arm or an hand; coaS applied as a numeral auxiliary to things used by the hand; a limb of any tree of the genus of palms; hence mosacooS and acO.coA. Der. coout aZCooM:1, a. or adv. useless, in vain, to no purpose; mjSo.:., 30COOW.I --- (Pron. as one word ullagame), same; int. fudge! I i: a0co8, n. a small remainder reserved to impregnate another quantity, as the dregslof fermented liquor; [also used of food in time of scarcity, as aaco8ogzo; adv. continuously, t.e., without exhausting what has been reserved; aaco8(j, the reserve not holding out]; co3o (or coo) cqvol3oo3cu dtcocaCzco8~~oaocoo-Ja3ei In this sense it is the same as =008000811 rq~-oS Oq(;Ss=GoT5j-Ooocoe~ ooco=oao 9ooo.j oo086l1 oDO0: (from co8s, to be light), n. light; 3zjaco8 -30 a.~r kco iPali oz, priv., and co\, shame), a. or adv. without shame. or circumspection, or regard to principle or character 14 106 u1cg-cooe~; to revile in abusive, foul I I guag-e, eoco~rc@* wscoe~, see awcocS [and- azc#]. 800008 (from cooS, to be middling), a. middlle,. between axcqa& and so C~oS; qcq.=cooSo~s, A pahso of mi~ldling quality; coo: ~o~coo~oo~ocoozo8,the scln next to the eldest is.(called) the midl son 8*oocqoo (sococokoc.coo), see ooSceccoou xo8A:. one skilled in catching and taming snakes. =COocS, I-,tz. a kind of tree. nWcooS, I) n, a middle, midst, centre, centro~ point. -08n. same;- =cocSr.1c~co&n - %oS, -qdSu, n. same~ oo~4i aacxjoaS 65 @~ a bullet striking the centre of a target. wcocS, 2, - mt. oh! expressive of 'pain, 3oc~ comCS, int. same. -___co:, int. same; az c000og1 SoooCO=, a. or adv. useless, in vain, to no purpose; oocomooom Woc6, I, Iw. a flag,, ensign, standard, colour~; mc&8Suo 3cS~ooS r.oo5qc~, to take ref 'uge under the. flag of the British Government a oS~oS.OrD5cCOS~~oe~oo If n. an advocate's tout, c5c.ojo~j. This is a term more used in Lower, than in Upper, Burmna. It also has the same meaning -as epcpo: (aj.~cqccB~ co:),). n. a frontier military stro~god o~.&(o 080301=5:0o:, e.g., Bhamo. ooo8:o n. a standard-bearer. n. a flagstaff. -coB, 7 —a, v. to hoist colours, to raise or plant a standard. 80)2 (from cS, to measure with the arms extended), n. a fathom, a measure of length equal to four cubits (amcoS)); a thin board used by money melters, (sco5c~8~oos).0 soco (from coo), to come, &c.), n. coming, arrival; what i's written, as q8Qo4SQCO:mo.,-S. 3000009 1, intm. sa me as acocooS 80COM ) 2 (fr om coo:), n. progress,* advance (also means a capacity for development or improvement, e.g%, m04qG&OCOOs: BOqW 101 oooZ3Q.OA); sccooe, n. a "heat " in a boat or horse race; goscoo., a final heat; cowo$80, a single heat. 8n=D:o3CoO, n. tenor, drift of words; aojM3.3r:D&WW:)GoD26E — oj (pron: sacon:q), v. to be equal, on a par; cox$:o (pron* 43q) c46a applicable to the highest personages; to resemble, be like; ooci rBoGolcq80m o: ioxq, omlcoeooXoozwc -, v. to have ground for improvement; @oSEo8qc0 oq6S s ~,~~~Scg~Es~3~q l2xo- ~a00&1 aco,,.3, a. not castrated; applied to animals; S:a33: 180(n c88 (from c88, to roll up), n. a roll (a curl). -c85, adv. in rolls, rolled up (in curls). GcSS, n. artifice, trick, fraud. - B3COB, n. same; sz8azU8 9:)ax&%o8y a persoi of many artifices. -..-, -8, v. to be imposed upon by artifice or fraud. mc8~8C8, adv. rollingly (over and over), as the billows of the ocean; Cc8Q8 c8SCCIO3OrY)*l SoSta1oj (from cM8oNj, to smear), n. smearing, style of smearing; 3azC85Osc4xoqoari [CoOb8l -8.C8Y02 cqao&BQ]Co. o61 a3c8roo:8qaco, n. a kind of diligence, or perseverance undaunted by difficulties..a3A (fromn cBoS), n. a time, turn, =@S, zo~$; used also to form a multiplier, as clsq oc8, three times five. -C8, adv. repeatedly. Oscq (from oq, to take by force), n. contention for a thing, whether by deed or word. -- o5r (m=Cx5), n. same i adv. contendingly, in a state of contention, as waqzGjo5~SFaT X3'GqoIo ctx@ Peog'mei [A term also applied to a close finish between two horses or boats in a race; o, @8-488-So aog ca'qoos5zS6l, ' neck and neck " in sporting parlance.] acq8S, n. a sore (on the joints) which sometimes follows the smallpox. GaC~OaOOS.n3? 3Do q, 2 (from oq8, to feed one's self), n. a quantity of food taken up in the fingers; hence oocq8oD, one handful or mouthful; cOq&xs, two handfuls, &c.; cw3dooSYS&:jroo &OOaSbg80 @t3ooeN Jos 300CO n*. same. =00q, 3 (from oqSI to work), n. work, business, employment; the manner of execution. soEn. same, 1st def.; osz8r 8*A _So~j84.-,n. Chief Engineer, P.W'J., Burma. -zqcpo~, Superintendingr Engineer, P.W.D. -os, Executive'Engineer, P.W.D. — o~c~n~3Assistant Engineer. - 66,n. a workshop, a factory; mc54 soc4wGro)CY (from o~ccuo:)6, to' be amply sufficient), n. an ample sufficiency; ~pSo% u$ 3?c~3)co3oo (a@ ao~,i(from o~%, to be round), an. orb, gl be, anything spherical; applied. as a numeral auxiliary to things round or *cubical, or approaching those forms (;Coo-)S ox~su NS-,= m. a round lump, mass; %ke~ 8e-)j-OStD — ~G1OSn.; ee o G18~; hence the expression:Oesa~olc,5 c.9 applied to a fine-looking, handsome man or woman. n.. the circumference of a spheric~al or cylindrical c~body; — IS C, n. a multitude, body of men, an army; sometimes separated and combined with names;. x~SO.-@8s:c8, a multitude of elephants and horses., — =RS (from ohs, and 96), n. size, including bulk and height; ~ this man's girth and stature are in proportion. 90k2, pron. a. all, the whole; moCT u8&9O, 0.0105G0 *8o58o~" ooo~Oj~.In racing parlance 68&smo~1 r~co6aooo~,means (in a horse race) to win by about "a length." __-qcoS, adv. all, completely; so@scu~~-~8~~~ sGoe~aog (from coD, to wahnder),. n. a wanderer, vagrant; MGM,, numeral/ormalive; see Grammnar. 8=Co038: log 3wE"C (from oco, to be used to), n. habit, way, acquired by use; comp. Q-CoIN — G- O5, -=ME1j, -wooC, -0090s, -OZOOD [G@3r..G@ oo (pron. c.33) 4y; cl3G CO3 oob0o 58 coeog]. —, v. to practise, acquire a habit; Gcoq0oSo - 665S, v. to. discontinue a practice, break a habit; u8zoooooo sor.,wrjcolgoooscbco 080ooe~ SQGO3I (from sco:, to be heavy), n. a weight used in weighing; 98Csco>,, tical weight; 8=orco-o (pron. as if written as one word) socoo0@-)Go8-, to give odds in betting, 3Mocosy, -, same as o,]: mb, or c, int. expressive of ridicule or reproach; 8Roo8 2,j 3mc, -di, same. 3oGcoo (from Gcoo, to repeat), n. repetition, doing again. -o$, -co0S, adv. just enough; cosecc96o'1:aoGcoooolo 6 -o q-nocS, adv. very exceedingly (very frequently applied to persons " in extremis." or in a very dangerous state of health; cxYLjj'CO,,cxc858b @c oS(1 50 oSdq C oT o0lo). aocoooS (from co0oyS, to be enough), n. enough (infrequent); about so much; soo, used as a secondary noun, dropping the initi4, as coooSG'coi.'o, about one basket, or in composition as cooScco,-S, how much? eocoi)65, so much. =sGoo8 (from GC0oo, to burn), n. the burning of fire, as 8-so so3o-)8djf joe~; trouble, anxiety of mind, as co3o=o2 3GC0oo3S, I (from Gcoo8s, to bring into an incipient, unfinished state), n. anything in an incipient, unfinished, imperfect state, but progressing towards perfection; used only in composition, as capsjazGcoo8s or pq2Gmco83:, one who is to be a deity. [The Burmese in speaking of Gaudama in his existences preceding his becoming a Buddh usually prefix '5cco8co00 S ' to the particular existence of which they are speaking, e.g., 3Gcoa6:gCooS0.S, oGcoS-rooG S 900:~O, n. same, applied to great character; WsmocoS4: as Coil 0C3Q C 0 a'3ZG.OODo9l. j G 1Go0s006, he hadJyet to become at this time kingl Sekra being still in embryo. aGCOZ:o, 2, n. the dead body of a human being, a corpse; comp. 3Gooos and mcooG o — G —oC, n. same. 068, n. a bier, such as Musalmans use; 0ooQ3oS3~o@oo GcoOS6o63. c G3aGo1OesOcooGSc oo68~ s393S0 qoS 9q05 cGopSj cog, before thebody is buried, it is placed on a bier, and for three or four days visitors are received. [oGcoSoS98 oScoTbS^GyccooSoooccgbd^ooSnoq0o3l ep]. — 8(:oqCps, — oSCoopF s, n. Alaung Phra (phaya), founder of the last Burmese dynasty, born at Shwebo (or M6thsobo) A.D. 1724. Before becoming king his name was Maung Aung Zeya (co>oo, victory), and he was a G6@48,. a subordinate to the ywathugyi, or what nowadays would be a village gaung. Europeans very often erroneously suppose him to have been a 'hunter,' or 'hunter captain.' (The merefact of his being a hunter would have efectually precluded thepossibility of his attaining regal honours, as according to Burmese ideas a hunter is almost in the same category as the four infamous classes —opoco,9.) Shwebo is also called IAs: (also cjoopo88), which in sound is precisely the same as ~c}oS, so that it was probably owing to this that Alaung Phra is supposed to have been a ' hunter captain' by Europeans. aGoooOo, n. absence of covetousness or desire. ac~, I (from cq, to desire), n. desire, will, sake, account, desire of, need, want, end, purpose. 0 —oS, v. to put another's will to the test. — oAx$Qol, v. to be of a similar will or desire as another "(usually in a bad sense). — c, adv. of one's own accord, voluntarily; 3co9cqoo5 (intuitively), e.g., o. 08 gogslca oaocoG3o oSooi, - c~oS, v. to follow another's wishes, to be indulgent towards another; in the latter sense usually applied to parents who yield too frequently to their children's wishes. Scq2,, int. oh! expressive of pain (or surprise); aoco3& -- Gcoo, int. same; mc5ccoiii 13?:9 l, n. a species of reed. roQap2 IL!t acQ, adv. in suspense, doubt, reluctantly, through fear of losing; aM85cSoqc-oc (3osgu os8c^qC 0gG 0000609SL (stoSs63oScon -— 0, v. to suit one's conduct to another's wishes. 3M30, int. expressive of sudden fright. 3OcoCo0, a. or adv. useless, to no purpose; 3 x8os3S000, 30 omgoooogoo (pron. as if written' coooooacooo) (Pali), n..sociable, friendly, affectionate conversation. -—.ooSa, v. to associate on friendly, intimate terms; cooaI$s S00 6o83ii30000^003300^33o 11 -—, v. to converse together affectionately, as intimate friends. acqoS, I (from cgqS, to follow), n. boot, what is given over and above, as in exchanging; sac~Scos, to 'throw in.' iso3o3, 2, n. affix, according to, as G0ooa000o00005, according to Burmese custom:; giGo3cGwoS8oocqcoBoGoGICs o — nco, same. — m3coS, adv. each according to his own custom, as 3acqSa 6coSGcgoo esi( -- oo, adv. yieldingly, giving up one's will for the sake of peace; a00c,4Sco Su1 --—, v. to know how to accommodate one's self to another's wishes. 3a=og (from o-1, to be smooth, pleasant), n. anything smooth and pleasing in appearance, as a stream of water, sGqs oge; the even surface of a mountain, coac8aocpS; or of a forest, coomoaqjg xaoo or aoogo (from oqp, to appropriate), n. what is for (any purpose), a part, portion, share, m33; hence @Sgo, 5$ocgo, co800goii 3aoop (from oos, to be long), n. length. -- a0S, v. to lay one's self flat on the ground, as Sumedha did for Dipankara, the Buddh, to walk over him; c080oS --— qoSoS, — G-sS (oSCqp~s0o"s oo3),-W o, v. to prostrate one's self on the face, to lie down on the face at full length. — cqoo, adv. lengthwise, 412 aooqAo (from acqooS, to accord with), n. accordance, agreement; 48",noc oT gEacoqooSGoln -- ocpooS, adv. in accordance with (each) respectively. -— coqS (from coqS, to forfeit), n. a forfeit, fine; co1586ccq5 — 3 — co, n. same. nscgoSmeo3poS, adv. according to one's bent and pleasure; *independently. azcaoS4, adv. without any consequence; 3s:11 ~cg, — 3 cqi: (from $, to go beyond), adv. beyond what is right (applied to instances in which crim con has taken place, though aoqllac=$ is more common, 3qjl: 3og^8-s-og csll: is also used in the sense of the English equivalent 'at the utmost,' 'at the very outside,' e.g., 3Cs93qI|:aQ33oS Jo 0o0e). S — 33:, adv. in all the senses given a ove; q co3acSoE: 3cR$: (from c3:3, to twist a thread.'i one strand of rope; see @(ocg O oaOgSO, n. regret or sorrow at the absence of another. — o@, v. to be appeased, as such regret or sorrow. 393:, adv. contrariwise, contrarily; 3 om3ao9GqSj5, in a bungling, contrary manner. --— o0, v. to have a mistaken view of anything.. — o, to speak in a contrary, erratic manner. a3cg3 (from cg9, to turn), n. a turn, change, the right-hand ox in a team opposed to 3aoDu [Glq8:oolaGoooocy, an aphorism applied to the vicissitudes of fortune.] — M- cgg, by turns, each in his turn. ---, v. to come to one's turn, 33cg9co (e.g., as in relieving I sentry). — 0o, v. to come to one's turn. mactg: (from cegg, -a cart), n. a cartful, as oou:acgchcToo5S, fifty cartsful of paddy 3aog3$, adv. backwards, used chiefly in regard to speech when it has a similar meaning in most instances to =OG@ oe9og (from c0s, to frighten), n. manner of frightening, as a o:Saoq% -on-:o6og, to be good at frightening. 30 I 113 3c96 (from c98, to uncover), n. anything peeled off, a flake; aooos, the petal of a flower; 3sq8-aooosac93a A8 q ro938s (from c08, to reach), n. a reach of the hand, a step of the foot, the reach of a weapon, distance; 3o38: oaoS:co cdoSooe1ii og, int. of calling, halloo, oocma s33 (from 0c, to make an offering), n. a religious offering. — c ---o3, n. same. --— , n. the house in which a religious offering is made. -—, v. to receive or accept a religious offering. -- oo0o, n. the giver of a religious offering. Prov. noo.aoo ongFsco08s ogp80co8oSoo -said of persons who are ostentatiously benevolent, or generous. — p8 (frequently pron. oaoo8), n. the giver of a religious offering. x3Gc39. (from oc0, to be diminutive), n. a small thing, commonly applied to animate things; an insect, a flea. --— gos, n. same; small vermin. sooo (from ~c, to winnow), n. winnowing, as mo3GoocooS.ooo. aG S 3Go93o3Go8O6 olooe~, because the winnowing was not good, (the paddy) contains refuse particles. saco (from cg8, to be very thin), n. a thin substance, as the flesh on the ribs, 49Soo,; a flash (of light), 8og38; extortion by false pretences, 3acg8o='i acl08: ooo (from Wo3, which see), n. a talented, efficient person. aoj (from cj, to run over), n. the coruscation of flame; Sio'i — o-goS,. to flash. socgoS (pron. magjcoS or aeclS, from cj, to run over), adv. plenteously, abundantly, profusely (a word used by the inhabitants of Pakokku and Pakhangyi). -— oo;, v. to live well; Anglice, to live on the fat of the land. " ---os, v. to spend profusely. "3gop, same as saopn 3c3oSo, adv. without consideration. a33z (from c~, to exceed), adv. very exceedingly; oogq 1cop 8 ooonlsac5 $c8g ooo1 GNC8i5 I-tI, iQ aQ4c, ",. avfr. same; -door-jgagt o@ q9 J, (froim,0, to overspread), n. a covering, as a cloth for the body or a table ( 26 o,S a table-cloth; oogo&s more common). ROC9og (from rogq, to be minute), n. a refuse, particle, chaff; srcog:S: (from GC93q8, to be diffusive, as scent), n. what may be easily blown away, chaff; =9093gO aozc (from cl, to thrust through a hole), adv. in the manner of a thread entering a needle's eye, as a string of people entering the mouth of a cave; ooxaocb& c caqmcjoS@ cowu I 1 3aczooioi, a term applied to a series or suite of apartments, e.g., oo39aoe~s-69)o3Z04W0j 33 ] RW3j. GczS4@.: (from c~&, to bind together), to make great efforts; 3Z0','cqo5=c~8s0,C, -G~o, -oqBIa co; seeM 481n =cEs (frequently pronounced 3ag8s), adv. wholly, as in the phrase a jeaqSt~$@, it is wholly spent; at all, ~@. in negative sentences, as =acjSe4, there is none at all; uacg8: 0 o50=8s, it is utterly worthless. u3~ (from oc, to be thin), n. a thin bit (of palm-leaf paper, &c.); chiefly used in composition; ooggc9Sogp ScRoo~ql6 - G=n05, n. an attendant on a king or governor, whose perquisite it was to take possession of granted petitions and receive a fee for delivering them; Ra:grCoo0o00oq.8 — Got, v. to send a love letter. 3a~gco (from crs, to throw out with a spreading motion), n. superficies, surface; anything peeled off, m-C98 [%%Glo6 Mao, 1, n. the opening (of a door) o5olto-; hole, &cSogc4:0Q G& ca -o, the mouth of a river, creek, the entrance to a road, @So, Gqp8so, &coso, any orifice, oagccSo, 3aoSou m0o, 2, n.,a kind, sort, moo0g:; used in composition or reduplicated adverbially; oi o StooogS ooloq Stg.o: goe cooug0odq@come~ c"~SUo ooS0 (from ooS, to halve), n. a half, o)or5 [rggk o=c&Sc-0:)9 omoSol, He does not understand it half as well as I do], the half of twenty-five ticals, that is, 4 (oizfcoooS Mob. (from oS, to enter), n. a spin uf.tf rd; i jdi, rItS sooSaoDl, n. a person concerned, a partisan, adherent; szoma v,. to include (as in an account); rj:IE3a oly c080E 0D~lI Go8, -6ol (from o~, to make boastful pretensions), n. boasting, as szo3m6I@-oe~, to make great boasting. Soo308s (from oS:, to be brightly yellow); nit. yellow colour, as of a ripe fruit; a. yellow, as co8c&:3cug;o8:, a ripe yellow fruit. moaooo (Pali), a. inferior, applied to a son, who is inferior to his father; 3)oooooSojca ooootu azooS (from ooS, to put on), n. a garment. - qc*, n. garments (collectively). =o$ (from o4, to have an allotment, appointment, it. an allotment of business, an office; sooo (responsibility), e.g., Coe~M, a&QQ0q5Cqj8Oq. 0$30q.C03OFC9SCt 3 00$0, i, n. a chief of executioners. 3O~ -, 2 (from opa, to be round), n. a circumference. - Zoo:002, n. measurement, size. 33o1, 1, n. substance, matter, stuff; macoe seldom used except in combination; -3=o08Z, 3Zcool (O:a0), cDooA1 (cCo3o). 3So ol cOGc93 C 03o =Ol, 2, see 1ol, a season of lent. 3301, 3, n. appearance, as in so%&ol;1 colour, brightness, as 3azGTE3 -ol, a yellow colour. c0lob (from ol1, to chew), n. chewing; intimate acquaintance, as cqNazoGo 61oo, to have a good knowledge of men; q$cq$ 0Co3oIG39IOGVc4000 0; a j0M O05O3 ra ol Q ooei A83ocIeOD (Pali 3a, priv., and 8aomo, life), n. an intimate substance, opposed to cocS83c0umo s3a8eownl c QCx" OO5a so8p3, n. ignorance; one of the four principles by- which the cleaving to existence is produced; o0oo0:ol, cool 0co30l, 8ooocol and 3-8&ooG6lu o388 (c~) (s3388), n. the lowest of the eight hells; see under cqo "Under the great bo-tree (seG80), at the depth of ioo "yojanas (ojch9), is the roof of awichi (3a88), the flames "from -which burst forth beyond the walls and rise to "the height of 100oo yojanas; there are 16 narakas (cas), 320ooS "called osupat (goooaqS), exterior to awichi, fdur on each "side; this naraka (cs) is called awichi from a, negative, "and wichi, refuge, because it affords no way of escape; "(qq ) it allows no intermission to its misery."-M.B. oGcocp (Pali m, priv., and Go-1, enmity), n. freedom from enemies. m3G9 (from S9, to turn round), n. a sudden turn, as the shifting of the wind, as coasgq8c8r 8oo%, in the shifting of the wind the boat sunk. 33ot0, I, int. yes; halloo (provincial). 33Qos, 2 (from co:, to be far off), n. distance; adv. far, as a33so js s$ac$@oog, they live far and near, i.e., some far and some near. --— c oSoos,% n. an officer to whom the arrival of strangers is to be reported. - o$, n. in the Burmese time, a Wun other than one who lived at tj? capital. 33az8 (from ~8:, to encircle), n. a circle, anything round; see 3393a390 (from 9 0,, to burst up), n. splendour, magnificence. 339zj, see m9:o139o3y8e 396: (from 96:, to be level), n. surface, 3a8; applied to seas, rivers, mountains, land, fields, &c.; a levy of money (91: c: 000oo8 9,G:s ooc8&). [3>9S8 is usually applied to level, in opposition to ascoo, which is applied to rising; ground; e.g., -m)qnooe~, to be situate on rising, 3o09w.q ooe, to be situate on level, ground]. 3sooo5, n. breath, goSmoSoroooS, life, age; 3aoSs woodu Sc6g8 oo,, a figure of speech denoting power of life and death over, e.g., 3w5 o go6q36og&.335 8 ---— " S, n. age; 3ooo533qoS^o]ogoo'gS _ —__, n. an aged man, an elder; also used as a verb, to be of great age; mooS:g05, o — orSj: (from oS:, to be consumed), to be very old, worn out; G03a $803Z00Z5Q8gCq $3G00q00039S0300O~: --— c, v. to gasp, as at the point of death; more than 3o~$: laoS33oooac6Geoous133Geo6ooS — ogoS, v. to expire. e —cg:, v. to support life, get a living; 3ao5Gs:oo,86, a bad livelihood case. -3o6 117 O330000, v. to breathe, (intrans.) respire. 300 (from ooS, to pull off), n. peeling off, manner of peeling off, as n=oo8 S n 3oo35aoo8oS (Pali); see o0o0 noDSocoocS0oSu 3a00o01c0o (o3ooS]Io Pali), n. freedom, freedom from the instigation of another, as o good, oSo2 8:so6coo sooSlqo 80o5ScoopooooSt n3ooG^ (Pali 33, priv., coa3, number), n. the number expressed by a unit and one hundred and forty cyphers. " The cycles " of chronology are reckoned by asankyas; (i) (33300), "a word that conveys the idea of innumerable, incalculable, "from 3, negative, and sankya, number; that of which the "sum or quantity can be determined. The number of the "years to which the life of man is extended never remains "at one stay. It is always on the increase or undergoing "a gradual diminution; but it never exceeds an asankya in "length, and never diminishes to less than Io years, and "the progress of the change is so slow as to be impercepti" ble, except after long intervals of time. A decrease in the " age of man is attended by a correspondent deterioration " in his stature, intellect, and morals."-M.B. socoroo, n. same. -— o8, n. one of the four cardinal periods which constitute a grand period (rjmc:no ), which see. 33oo (from 038, to be suitable), a. ready. -- oo:, v. to place in readiness, have ready; g8og8s1: 0g09038C G33=3833D 00300(O ( -- G, -R, v. to be ready; 33m68p300 D gaq6aocEoooSsaa 33oo8 (from o.,S, to associate), n. a society. -- o8o3 (from oS8, to take part with), same, commonly in a bad sense; 6qoo3gE s3 o8solooa cic 1ol1 ---— o.016, n. a society; cogacqSg9oogcoo 33o30 16:G~ 3oo0, I (from 008, to measure with the finger), n. a finger's breadth (coiSooS), a measure of length, 12 of which make a span (oago8). M3oB, 2 (from o3B, to be new), a. new (adv. anew, afresh). — @8:gc, a. brand-new; sqoaoos@BgoS f'I8 3aSerq eoseoozS'o, a. ooo zqty o c$i W8do Ir4an the rats have gnawed this brand-new puhso into ~oles. — row (pron. moo$S), adv. anew, afresh. SOCo, 1, n. a person of thi common sort, who is under no specific engagement to Government, but is liable to.be called to occasional service [ megocooo8 oo&ol 0g Go s@D coSc~, a term used in Upper Burma]. ajoo6, 2, n. an owner, proprietor; combined with nouns, as cq$ co6, a merchant; joe~, a baker. 33g, i, a nail of the gers or toes; coofpc~o6 f dDoo3w, 2, n. tlie liver; i ~~,jCSqfoe~, a term in use when one's motives are doube -- GM030, v. to be capable of enduring fatigue or pain with fortitude. -_c&8, v. to be craven-hearted. w- ~81, n. to have a passionate attachment for (used of persons); mo l8r-: 830 "-bccc, -&i similar in meaning to -;oeO:)Su - p, v. to be deeply hurt in feelings; oc8oo:c~oomclqo~O -, v. to be much distressed in mind. Qmo3saoo4 (from oas, to be very ill), adv. very ill, near dying; --— 8, v. to be in such state; GsGcooo~-UCoS@BweUu WsooS (from 3oaS, to put a stop to), n. the mark when applied to a final consonant thus oS; [RSOm~0mo8, the distance travelld when one pulls up a horse; abbrev. of oS@f S.oo cooa c p.g* oao $o 600ccoo6 Oq'8-coooo3&g- 8c pcfo i. — n-=0oS, n. the act of killing, as j 30 aCqjX, this man has killed many. O-Q6o)S, n. sdme as amoooS in the first sense..wsw, i, n. the number of a million. ooop:GOoo6S, v. to address (a superior) by word or writing; more respectful than aQjs8ooSII SOWCof.-ro5@c86, v. to be in receipt of some royal favour; oq~: co@o,' (p-on moo@o), n. coin (nearly obsolete);:381 H woorq (Pali c8q), n. charactet, reputation; 1 3?6o.u' "j9i 3303Gqco, 1v. to be careful of reputation.. ---0:, -coo05, v. to increase in character or reputation. ---, v. to be of insigniicant character or reputation; 3a3o SeqaoG330:)8@3oo~ -- qo_, v. to be damaged in reputation or character. — oqoS, v. to deteriorate in character or reputation; 3wooG 3sob, n. sound; hence oooooooS, adv. uniformly [report, rumour; 33o5@3, to hear a report or rumour]; 03356CEG(o)Go3SI --— 3, v. to be of a dull, obtuse sound. --— orj, v. to be low, not loud. — q —c or @3, v. to be loud; 3z305j also used figuratively. -— <, v. to be cracked in sound. --—, v. to be sweet, soft in sound. — ]-i, v. to accent. — 0-, v. to be shrill and piercing. ----, v. to modulate. —. -o, v. to be short. -— oo5, v. to be acute, sharp, shrill. -- Coo0, v. to mouth, as a stage actor; 3oo5oooso5oo~, to be difficult (to acquire), as an accent or pronunciation; @o3 0ooUc63Oo5oooosoooS3, the Burmese accent is difficult of acquirement. --- o5, v. to be deep in sound or-voice (bass). — oo, n. a loud noise. ---—, v. to 'warm' as the voice in singing. --— colo, v. to reach or pervade, as sound; Gcow$.6ooGo1o5 — ( —9, v. to be hoarse, to have a husky voice. -—, v. to make a noise, to give notice. ---, ~v. to harmonize, make harmony. -— Go,38, v. to be grum, of heavy sound. " ----S, v. to be long in sound. --— oc, v. to be full, clear. -- os, v. to fail in utterance from exhaustion. — ol, v. same as 3So5Gos>:I 120 3O -0: 3soob, v. to have a-foreign accent, or brogue, e.g., q68cqb, - GOO, v. same as o0o0o8, -- coo:, v. to be small, thin, slender (in sound).-S. -- s8-:, v. same as 3ooo82s 3o54c8 (oT6SGooS), n. an indestructible osseous relic of the body of a Buddh; comp. oooSooB [o3o5c8lo8sooScoo:u Ra5p ooS GCosGp6:~8 00 05~oos58Gop6q80q0oos..qs]. 3oo: (from coo, to be pleasant), adv. gently. --- @, aadv. gently, in a complaisant manner; 33ooo -' —o30, adv. gently, softly; 3o c30,gO. — coGCo:, adv. same; 33oo: m3; 00OGoCOG2o:GqoeS. ----:~:s, same as 33oo3@Ou -onq, adv. same as 3oo @oooo@ 3o08000= (Pali,_, priv., and con800, an owner), n. without an owner, exposed to the use of any one; ooocooogg O:SgpS30o8Gco:500nSllOOo8GOOcoD:gl szoo::, n. flesh; in composition the substance of a thing. ~ ---3oul, n. the substance of anything. i -— ~ Gq, n. the flesh and skin collectively; 3o:23;3qGCGoo8: -- os5, v. to be straight-grained (applied to timber, see qg8). -- sq:, n. proud flesh; 3oo:ogi:ioo oo5oo, --— d, n. the place where two pieces of skip heal by joining (?) --— d:, n. a spreading fungous excrescence. -— goS, n. a. small, fleshy. -— oS, n. a kind of cutaneous affection. — g:, n. the same as 3co:):s40 ' —, v. to be full-fleshed (?) ---, v. to be fair-complexioned. — o0, n. a lOind of cutaneous affection.. — dS, n. a small fleshy excrescence; a polite substitute for. ---co8 (pron. cooS), v. to be of a brown complexion, between white and black... ---oo, v. to be subdued, made to stay, put; to be tamed, so "disciplined as to be perfectly tractable; 8o5~, go. 121 3c83 (from c8, to know), n. one known to another [a witness]; M 8oOCPM&3000R — 'aoasj (Pron. q8S,, to be acquainted), n. an acquaintance. - mooa s (from c8, to know, and 0s., to hear), n. one who knows by hearing, an ear-witness; aocroo3 3a3c3maw, knowledge, information. — m@8 (from o8, to know, and G8, to see), n. one who knows by seeing, an eye-witness; oocr&4o3D,-QG,8, knowledge, observation. I —3ZJ, n. one who knows by being present; a word much used in the attestation of documents; =ac8soi Gopls.oo)) — McOS og, n. a friendly acquaintance. 3aSS (Pron. maoSB), n. chaff and small grain; m3a(~&Omc3 U acS o0 o 0 (from 88S, to crowd together?), adv. in great numbers, as a numerous army crowded together; q$@ oaoScoO 034G00GCOC0 (Pron. Gg) o08JO000z. oeo5 no:o8698MnMC:)O m38so, n. the number of a hundred thousand. =aS30 (from oBSS, to take into possession). ~3agQSo — 3a)>8, n. same. — _QOOI, n. a kind of inferior wife; ac@8QW3oOi CAOSoC)KS1 G@08905C-~Oq~o~ owas:)M4 g-0SCB~c oM8GcoO:)II a3oD38ooo (Pali mOBc8, eighty, and co:om, disciple), see next. -— Sc 8, n. the eighty chief disciples of Buddh under the 3QRCO:)O0f; ComP. G %ODOMDOM aoa8. (from o8s, to bear fruit), n. fruit. --— G383, v. to come to maturity, as fruit. — a, n. an ear or head of grain. --, v. to fall off, as fruit; 3A-,r-~qII 309S, 2 (frOm cSg, to be separate), adv. separately, distinctly. — m-ap, adv. same, (independently, respectively) they have various opinions. — aaa'9, q9Qo, adv. same; co3eT (8:cc9O 0So") o3e11 Sadv. variously;- a. various,, diverse one from anot her, as 3D~Oon 3=80C00@j:o~Y1o~ they are of diverse sentiments. I 3aoqo6 (from coj, to snatch away), n. what is taken away at one swoop; company, party (also applied to time, aMG-eaO ACSo). so qoo (Pali'o priv., and ozoo, pleasant), n. a corpse; $366 (clerical). 3030 n. — j (pron. maonoq), to look at and meditate on a corpse; in modern use to attend a filneral, as a priest or (fakir); oq~oo-S-9ja33Go4 ~G ~rOODGIS Oo oo~xFlGmS~ socq{, (from cqg, to use), ni. use, usefulness (oo~gmxcaot&mo* ~ol Oocb). - -Szn~w:S, n. a utensil, article of use;..-.-3 QIOWO&U n. same. -o,to be of use, useful; o'~co)oqgO4N0.TA -51 n.. one who supplies what is requisite; sA-O~jcjMcf4 nOC'i. expense; 3QoqO9gR8oooq8-, n. a contingent account. -o~,v. to be of proper use, such use -as is properly required and expected, to be commodious; cts~C8$6 01to C08SO OOqr O30 "CE v. to apply to a certain use. gv. to be profuse in the use of money; comp. coax5@5s - 4,.adv. to be of no use; o~oe o5:c48OO.0630 OqO:n v. to be of use, useful. v. to be ~for use, in use, useful. -,cv. to need, be in want of. 0,V. to be of use, usef ul. =oj Pron. a. a contraction of mcyz qn s=goocp, adv. very, exceedingly; applied to.words of depth; sooCooCPoSc9gg Gooooc 05I a33QOqqcS, n. an athoorakai, a kind of being inferior to man and inhabiting one of the four states of suffering; see under 3auloSe waojqp (Pali o, priv., and ocp, a happy nat), n. a fallen nat, banished from the celestial regions and inhabiting the three stone pillars that support the Myinmo Mount. " The asurs reside under Meru [@Q8s; there were for"merly contests carried on between them and the dewas "of TawutisA, but when Manamaniwakaya became Se" kra (o803:), they were finally defeated, and from that "time have been kept in subjection * * * * * " There are many allusions, even in the most sacred of " the Pall writings, to the seizure of the sun and moon " by the asurs Rahu (qcpo) and Ketu (ccoq) * * * * * " The asurs have been compared to the Titans and " Giants of the Greeks, as in stature they are immensely "greater than any other order of beings, and as they are " connected with eclipses and made war with the dewas, " there appears to be some ground for the comparison, " it being generally agreed that the giants were personi" fications of the elements, and that their wars with the "gods refer to the ithroes of the world in its state of "chaos." 3309$, n. the nat regent of cpoy (inhabiting the Karawika rock), see ccoS and cp~on 3a3oo (from Goo, to die), a. dead, fixed, not moveable, opposed to oS9, adv. completely, perfectly [=rGozo~ -R98sroo joa oog, a phrase much used by the Burmese regarding a person in a very precarious state of health]; cOE0oos03@3 GcooqSooc1goSoi8uol u — 3ac, adv. very, exceedingly (colloquial); oiS6oo003 Goo =33s(~:0GCoaoo8 cloogS --— c S8 (pron. oa43 0Go ), n. a dead body; Gmo(n0O 9oo GCS08 (33GC3o8gGOo68).. --, v. to suffer death (colloquial); o 0ooolo i Gooooos (Pali s, priv., and 'ooo5, a remainder), without a remainder, wholly, entirely; s Ss., ncOO5 3@ Gs=u ooO qco9ooo003, same, definitely. gtcow: (from coo:, to be small), n. a little matter, as in the phrase cQ8:coo:o8;_ the smaller concerns of government. - cz~:,isame, as in the phrase wrco6:az(q:xo:coe5 oobo,:, n. the upper straps of a Burmese sandal, C8.o3)R., SOc-003CcYoD, n. what is drunken and eaten (generally used in a bad sense and applied to over-indulgence in drinking); c cog:ccoods ei O Soaesoog6 o, 1 ozco5Co -4.czoos GCoo? (from cooc, to be quick), adv. quickly; aOZQooCOCxjg 3Q cogacgor,6u:occogoq861, go quickly, work quickly. Sc~oo8:, n. the number of ten thousand. S cooSoo, n. same as cvo~o5 -q, n. the Jonesia tree,; — o, the Amberstia tree.-S.; comp. co3Sou - S. Woo*a, n. a nest, whether of a bird or beast. -cRA (from A, to bulge), n. a dwelling-place. - 9y: (from 9$:, to rise). -i-, -o4S, v. to build a nest. 0c2., pron. a. a contraction of oqooc56ci soca o8 c8-, 065 oosq Qc~: (from oq:, to be rancid), n. virility; the testicles; a. uncastrated, as Gago:, opposed to [g:s: Erancid, stale, as coo8:omcA:; sometimes jocularly applied to persons, e.g.,,o5c60 1 8:oSE0s43anq F CC]O -oS, S008, v. to be perfectly, imperfectly, castrated. --— qao, v. to castrate; cG20on 118: ii:. circumvention. - M5z080, v. to be good at circumverition; (used in a figurative sense of language and also applied to schemes). aon (Pali), n. a horse. -~oo (Pali scbgo, supernatural), n. a kind of fabulous horse. C q n. another kind of fabulous horse..-q8 (Pali yo, a mouth), n. a kind of centaur having the body of a man and the head of a horse. slooooo (Pali), n. breath expired, cgSeooS; comp. o=ocO (oS coS).f sp8, n. form, u OagS3@8, n. same appeaance (guise); ag.an - (;M38, v. to assume an appearance; cojS!8&g8s02 @E8o=0 8 wo, he went in the guise of a Chinaman. -og v. to be similar in appearance; magxR83o8go( 36i6 if unlike in appearance, one does not become an inmate of the house (applied to married persons, and implying that they are like one another because their destinies are bound up together). - 0 X "S, v. to create in the form of; oi, v. to take the form of. saoS. (from ca8:, to put ip), n. putting in, introducing. szog$ (from ago, to be inefficient, &c.), a wanting the principle of vitality, as @Os8ag~=og, OosgjMOOB0303 00900G3 o0M 00GCOOGOGOIC)5111 oao3s (from to be foolish), n. a fool; *zSOOR8S sog5: (from NS, to be dissolute), adv. wickedly, scoffingly; cooS g cOOS 6 QOqc8,p81g oooS'ocYoGofO5 comooovc&~ 3zgc84 03ar8 Q '.lo 8Caq-g@co (oco) 02~30025G6OSR.IG~O) ~# 3zaco5 (from oo5, to be tong and slender), what is long and slender; applied as a numeral auxiliary to things long and slender. - wq39 D, adv. same as, =ag3o5ocSOooo 053000 adv. in different ways, variously; 3oagS o30soo azsos i, n. the edge of a cutting instrument; opposed to 3 c~8, the point of some instrument (as goSoo8s cogsag83"03~8381y8$57 5C83IC ability, faculty; ~oC~6~~CcnS cg~) 33~o333n" "XN0os 2 (from ops, to go)j n. going, gait (pace), as of a horse (the speed of any quadruped or vehicle). -sMO), n. going and coming; walk, carriage, deportment (the act of sexual intercourse). --— q (from 3zoo, q), iz. the Burmese trot. szoa i,.1, n. blood; see =3211 — 3=Ps.3, n. offspring, consanguineous relatives; os3:93-az uoosa-cSq49Jd O "1 ii6 409)2, n. colour, appearance; n~ow&, mocpSe..-SOCRS, ~sj~ n. same; aor-:g*vcG: oqaoc&@SsS8te cqatoj DOOV:, 3 (from =9. to rub), n. rubbing, sharpeningt,i asor~ G02ooooBo, he does not understand sharpening t ie knife,,e~ mm (from w~, to gape), n. a gap, hiatus; ocpoos~o.: wcov-oo~ noco4 (frequently pronounced sooc4 in colloquial), n. appearance, semblance; wscp, assumed appearance; ang~ooc8 cjoocqwco4 @co he makes a pretence as if he did not know. v. to assume an appearance; wo~qaDomo, w&$@n [rjc~o~c~c 688oc~eoaoo, he assumes an air of being clever]. @or oqS, v. to make a feint; Sv. to be insignificant in personal appearance; cq~js~ 006o8 (from ooB, to call lo~dly), n. a call, loud call from a distance'. in$: t. hemI oz ~cq8c~c o 60663 (Pali ao, priv., and 6865, a certain priv'ileged- state), a. born out of that state as irrational creatures and those in a state of suffering; 1, c~co.S, 8, q8, wm~ofio8q&4Qj coc8~co (Pali so, priv., and 684~, shame), shamelessness, want of modesty; ogjcB@S' (Ahirika), shamelessness, that which is not " ashamed to -do that which is improper to do, like CCthe hog that openly wallows in the mire.."-M.B. soc8 (from 05, to neigh), neighing, loud and rude laughter; "oS aocqcS, n. truth, right; ozcq-r@oo 13'~io~gj:r@o9e~O=Lio 00010u ooco~ (from cq$, to be quick, &c.), n. velocity, vehemence, a sudden rush (also has the same meaning as szvo and o~: e.g., j9SJZ 8rr,0laOOS Y.), oo~A~Q o~cs oose:xOo,-Bae, hawks and kites, bold birds of prey, descend from the sky with a sudden rush and seize and eat little birds). qOO:wo.:, int. indicative of fatigue, 127 m6ozjoo (Pali), n. a prsfitless deed; 3cQgOsOO sXlq1p gCO&3QRWG003CooC8*I '000~jl.wo wSo aco (Pali), int. expressive of w onder; =c Y_)Soo )$8:)c Sc3ooc=A, I (from coooS, tb roar), n. a roar, as of a lion, snoring; 3QnocY5@j 'Gco3CJ40.PZI 8sooSwegn 3Co363r, 2 (from sGoO:s, to be depressed), n. a hollow, as of a grave in which the earth has settled below the surface, or as a basket of grain in which the grain has settled below the brim; oul 00 0 6a303C351X( C CU socxoS (from c0=8, to be rancid), n. rancidness, a rancid smell;;qSeaon 8 3zrcoao, n. a dog's bark; am=ECjabF83zoigqpoe 6a0oogj 33Gmo&s (from 0coo&, to be old), a. old; oo 386r60, 3Q0@43 t(~QCOOWI t~Oq-,8 *044 3.; ~8~.C~CBUI — 6@8%, a. same. --, v. to be old, decayed, crumbling, rotten (as wood or cloth). 0z, n. time long past (infrequent). 36, 1, n. a drawer; 63i.6 _ —cq-ooo0:,i n. a chest of drawers. - 4 (pron. 3-S)), n. the inner cover of a drawer, a till, a hatch, the cover of a hatch-way; a soSoooo, a box with a secret drawer. 3., 2, n. a double tooth, grinder; aZgosn [aM' to 'grind the teeth' 'gnashingly,' as in anger; coeO%~c35(02i) 0by6 oe1n to have the teeth 'set on edge,' a-6cogo~dS@oSu1] - C*o8, n. the end of a row of double teeth. - 2~- (pron. 3540), n. a wisdom tooth; 35c~:col 5, to cut a wisdom tooth. -gl, n. a supernumerary double tooth. 3~, 3, v. to read aloud, as a scholar; ooa ~oj80S (8a~S5) (pron. 358oS), v. to close hermetically. 5, 1, v. to wonder; ZGoo-o - 3zoak, a. wonderful; 4col58oe~11 --, v. to wonder (infrequent, 6 8oq:@35d0 o). — (Gma or co3 (0), v. same (most common); o8qtosl oo6 3 ac PG O 35 pGO83loo0 0 102U1 128 BcS (-CBLo), -6Go8cS, n. a wonderful thing; a. wonderful. — 806oq ( —cSm=w), n. a wonderful prodigy. 6, 2, verb. afix, shall, will;.O~GGOPSM6GCOOOk4:400c35x80O0 sM3co&o0IIn co-nc08ooe %J, i, n. an abbreviation of mo3oocqcp0oa (Pali), that kind of wisdom which is destructive to the four intoxicating principles (3-oonomlcqsols); comp. ~ and 8. wo, 2, n. the inside of the mouth; woo3qoo3cs-o8:ocoTii — 0ss, v. to be rough, abusive in speech; joS@S:3 oe [to be hard-mouthed as a horse]. - 5, v. to be hard-mouthed as a horse. 9-018, n. the roof of the mouth, the palate. - G — qcS, v. to breathe (upon). - 00S, n. the faculty of speaking with authority; cgooiS. a~cScdooSoo eaooitLpEo Y ~Ocqoo,. n. ability to eak; _oSoogEM -GccXS (moo&), n. the lower part or bottom of the mouth. - coa8 (from mooo8, a side), n. the sides of the mouth, back part of the jaws. -_0o=?, n. skeleton key (?) -— @o1 (from SacolS, a side), n. same. -— cq6, v. to be tender-mouthed, as a horse.,, n. the inside of the cheeks. — c5, same as s:; ooSamocoS8oooG:0C ooQ@006n361 ~ ---- SX, n. sahe. -_9, v.; see 3zo. - g, v. to be tender-mouthed, as a horse; mocz s cou ooin - cj-te, n. same as O oo30S 1 - oqS, 1, n. same as 3zoo 618 2-oq, 2, n, a vocative word;'a word of calling; 3z:CqPo5v - v$,. to be very hard-mouthed, as a horse. - 0-, n. a full bass sound. 303, 3, to crack open, gape, widen; more than 0o8 and.3o5u -~-c~, v. same. Cd adv. gapingly (vulgar). 129 woow, a. cracked open, as ripe fruit, or as the earth. 3, 4, v. to caw or croak, as a raven or crow; 0383 azomo (Pron. aool), a. uncommon, extraordinary; AaurM:oMo w)nmooo (Pali), n. space, the expanse of heaven. -y l (48), n. a god of the air; cn>ns aq dn - 00oS, same as 3tomocou MOO&o L (Pali), n. a sojourner, stranger, pilgrim; coae~1 --— c —>, n. same. -oo8, ni. the reception, entertainment of a stranger, the duties of hospitality. - 03, n. a quicksand (?) =aoq (Pali -3ooo -cpao5@80). -30001, v. to be refractory; 5 g@ls,0G @3;i0 Iji~~3~~11a~oa3c~ ~ ~ e~11i - gsol3, v. to assault outrageously. - r-6pooS or rco8 SnS, v. to have by heart, be able to repeat without book;oclq [ocx o" 0p)0E cgf3 qco: 48oe93oo11moqOi1oS6I aaOqC]. 3aoqco (Pali), i. a religious teacher; 3a; ooqC3Doq cworeoooo, COGP3DCO05jqe~~i~~a~b8-0:l aooq (Pali), n. a deed; 39 mo8% (Pali), n. custom, habit; soromono -OD, n. an action perforrred from habit. 3r (Pali 90o01:r3w),. possessed of supernatural powers; =amao (Pali), n. authority, gdvernmental dominion; 3maesOc8o*Q, to act in obedience to another's authority; in opposition to cOOCnocm, to act independently. 3ocnoo~$8q18, v. to sentence (an accused person) to the limit of one's powers, as a Judge or Magistrate. -, v. to have great authority. — oQ, same. - coi~, v. to be established, as authority; 3? aaf3 --— c8e, ni. same as ao03z 130 o ~ozxopmm, v. to be stringent in enforcing authority, ozcrm358; in opposition to w.) Q G, to be weak in authority, lenient. 00t v. to exercise authority. qv, to possess authority, to have authority over. v. to make a display of authority; mocmo58I'ipi -ooo:3 n.. a public executioner; coc&S*19 sz~c (Pali), n. respect; no~p. a whale; c1:s:ls~o~ouA _C)n. spermaceti oil._ mz)$oo8 (Pali ao:)o5oa), n. profit, advantage;=41 =o4rGmS (Pali apo~oooo,), n. energy, power; c4qviaDn)moo24001 3zrnOOS (Pali sio:)), n. a fault, crime, sin, 3D@~8; applied to the' sins of Buddhist rahans. r')V. to con-fess; a term used by native Roman Catholics. 0v. to incur such guilt; goGRn$ 043 0)-8q8[CO8 "3:JOCSO8)OP2~I; CoO&C83*o5%FQ:OOSxCSO2~ mozol (Pali =~G010005), M. water, Gc~n =)o. (Pali), n. a. ye!;, assenxt, acquiescence, agoreement. -5, v. to assent, %agree to; to eng~age for, take the responsi-bility; oP~, 6o4, c~,85, to be security for another in a civil or a criminal proceedings. -0)n. (pron. as a noun aznoB), a security. -Sr:o~8:, to demand security, as a judicial or-police officer; 54q0o~ is perhaps purer Burmese. -Qeo1, V. to give security. Sv. to take -security. same as 3)Q~ooi -ooo(o~co)5), same as 3,D Q5!i W:) (o~2) (Pali), n. permission, commission;m8:9: =GQOSuo (3QOGuQo) (Pali a3G:'rQo~o), n. a sound uttered twice, thrice, or oftener, through a sudden emotion; 3D35Z~8JI1 @8 SZWO~ (Pali), n. a place, abode, co~p an abode of the mind, 8e~-~~cecp, denoting. the six senses zW~oc 3a30 I 00o), namely, c22ooop, the faculty of seeing; Goo6o30Oooo4, the faculty of hearing; tSz:ooo;, the faculty of smelling; 8g91cox, the faculty of tasting; cnooocoo., the faculty of feeling; 0o0Cpo0, the faculty of thinking; 2, a cause, reason, rso3:SI, an object with which the mind is conversant; 8g~dG3Goq5lp or cqgoSo(Dp, denoting the objects of the six senses (oc8cp'oo0), namely, Vo00oco, appearance seen; co8lwooo^, sound heard; opoooo, odour smelt; qoooooo4, flavour tasted; c,~3o: oooo, tangibility felt; o cuO4, immaterial objects thought on. 3aooyeo (Pali m330, life, and oog, a period), the period of one's life; ;oo( -3oooSogu 3iouioGoo=? (c,- ofvo-s), n. medicine which prolongs life; coSGOEGJOod a333o (3azu) [aqcoS said to be the more correct orthography, Pali (oajcom], n. dawning light, the morning dawn, aurora; oSQ3gcSi qc8Oa3oqcoSn — o-, o. rice offered to Buddhist rahans or monks at the dawn of day; 3oaac2SSi:oonS -— ooo, v. to dawn; a33aoooP(@ og2Dqq o.o(Soooc~ G~o8 GpoS9GcnSrII 333 (Pali 3ojq c), n. an object of actual sense or thought, material or immaterial, eoScpooco; see under soo,oo -- co8, v. to retain an idea of, to have a strong or lasting impression; 3o3351O i3 ooS has a more intense meaning, - cqg, v. to terminate, a~ an idea or impression; has also a similar meaning to Moa@oS —G@ -- 08, — cos:, same, but rather implying liking or desire. --- 8, v. to experience sensation; maxjcSBo -— ooD, v. to conceive in the mind; 33o3o oo6Q8oopS --— o:,-,- -t, v. to dwell upon in the mind, make an object of thought, desire, &c. (to take notice of; o.-.c $ ~~~oBQol~o1(3oooSD), oboScq3 aooE sooc3 i --— &S, v. to have one's attention taken from anything; to cease, as a train of thought. --— g, v. to lose regard for, desire of, &c.; oaG@8soags ooS 3ogQOcJ05q6ooS 0050o311 132 *o:)trGpC73, v. to think of something at a distance; o3S0wJ3oQ rooScoe~ crjoo3S3pocoi o8 (Pron. o3OB in colloquial), Go1 00 811 3o=T,~j (Pali), a. well, free from disease; s4,a (=s8goo3wz) CM3DoqQ0Q8Sa~035 ) I a3COo (Pali), dwelling, house, abode; longing desire, attachment, lust.-C. Pali Dic.; wcdoocv3o, woooz s v. to terminate, as a desire, passion; to lose one's desire for; 3D~003Dco 08@8'33 $M3Do0c 0oo WOGCODOS, 3a:o0CO3oSGCOOOS, n. one of the notes of a crow, which the words imitate. "a_)0og (3Do:) (Pali 3moog o$), n. consideration; zn8@8g8o:GD3oMto, 3o3oo$CQqO~qi 9901co (Pali), n. a resting-place; abode; =Alo'oc~o 3zq83zD olO3i' W3001c65 (Pali so=oot, near, and msr, a deed), n. a deed performed in the near approach of death; r3D1laod~cb0-0o5 W.3000o1 (Pali), n. intoxicating or enslaving principle (wojos)or law, of which there are four, namely,, Oooooo03cd, 000103 G01), 8800G6O, 30808&003Q; comp. 0011 acooaoc0G98o, n. a kind of wisdom attained by the extinction of evil desire; 030030 aocu5ii moooD0 (Pali), n. desire, passion; 3: D4 c 9, M30300, O30033008 300000:)@ 3ZOC33G~I 3033O11 aoo0000? (s3ooo.socB), n. the passion-flower creeper; 330o300$ 4)0S0$sI0S(~ll21Q8:Go0 3 8 03~G03001 QOD~g30G150~7~O no:)oo (Pali), n. a longing for; Gcooo0c8s0it ==R (Pali), n. nourishment, food, "cause, contact, thought, consciousness." Ahara, the food of action or bases; they are -four —matter, touch or contact (whether corporeal or mental), thought, and consciousness; sooou-C/lilders' Paii Dic. wo 1, n. strength, force; ao" means, as 3o o5~, by means of, in regard to (effort). see 308; aqo=O8 ~aM c8c&o3o0oo3 c8c)&$:043o&Qc wos3(3, n. strength, force; =$:3Sai — _- aoD, see m$soo33, -- c^, v. to be exhausted in strength; also used in the sense of putting forth every! effort when carrying out a plan, e.g., ---, -ooo-, v. to depend on (and therefore venture to do something). In Upper Burma 3ooscoo: is more frequently used, and in Lower Burma osgc~n ayo~6Woo5o:0cgs ---, v. to emulate; vie with; oSgs8J)o~Soa oG xcc5zaRg ---:, -0, v. to be strong, %or weak; sometimes used as a verbal auxiliary, a Cs co&s "os8@s; mo:s:, to be strongly or weakly attached (to a thing). [osx:&g often immediately follows a verb or noun, when it gives it an intensive meaning or denotes excess; o$g o, --,33$Gcxo8, adv. resolutely and boastingly. — ( $ooos, adv. with great effort, straining to accomplish; ---, v. same as 3ooqa6n -, see 2$30o:u 3-o4Sg ~ojoooSoSqjogo~n -- co, v. to be in a dejected, feeble state (also used figuratively). — o5s, v. to put another's ability or skill to the test. — q06, v. to put forth strength, make exertion; @:ooi11 — oxoo (pron..b), v. to gather strength. — coos, n. an aphrodisiac, a medicine supposed to give virility. -- 005, v. to take encouragement, get fresh spirits; g8oo8eg MGOO SqG60oGo@G(~33Q C8s0oo0oooo0 o. --- o5oo, adv. in the way of endeavouring to overcome a difficulty or to excel another.. ---oMgsG.-.oS, adv. according to one's capacity or ability. --— oS, v. to put forth strength, make exertion; pog~acqrS " ----, v. to be deterred by feelings of respect (delicacy, constraint), or fear of offending; [the most expressive word in the Burmese language]; coTp,t1e EQoD;w ^otool ii ooc6~gog3(~G0p oo3Sgoo ~g00aG0sgoS a $300~ou 134 33doU4I qooG iaS @S:~c3oo~oasg 90g qsqcco~ seoq601 we~1oo@Goo5c8o GQO1C 3~05, 40 oe6q6o8 G907 qJqcjl z33Q3t*3oW1, - 4gOM&, -4-ooa, — oo, n. a business, or circumstance that occasions such feelings. -- v:,. to be feeble in strength; also used figuratively. -ol, n. same as 3oot in certain combinations. ---— o1ooqC, adv. with interest, with zest, so as to give satisfaction, as =:).,,I-,oqcq6oo3 -— GO, v. to encourage, hearten, cheer, animate; 4or05080: Scos83BaceoGo~Q3XCpX)3C ( --— q, v. to be weak, delicate; chiefly used in a figurative sense, when it has a similar meaning to sooma0jqi -— @', v. to show feats of strength (also used figuratively). -, v. to derive strength from. -, v. to be refreshed, take refreshment, recover strength; ---—, v. to be gratified, take satisfaction; o&Ro —G8Soe~o3:) cg soco Boo(azsoig ooeguA u —5 sq~, v. same [30u:n has also a similar meaning; cQoB rcnSGc07pd0 c9o c$qrS Y ocBo0:3)oooe].;moosT61%qqcS, to laugh heartily. --— s v. to give out [to lose strength, to become discouraged]; see so:)-q9u.- cxN580, adv. according to one's strength or ability, accordingly, suitably. - co$, v. to be strong in purpose, resolute (to feel sanguine); 300D, 2, v. to be vacant, coS; to be free, diseng'aged, at leisure (o)8c:8g9 omoo?;g3o3:o hence ws3oso, in a part (of the body) that cannot be shown; oao0854,:)oz 9gr01 CiB3e. ---cos, v. same; GQpons.QcoS8n =m:, 3, n. af dative, to, for'; sometimes objective;ax o3sc, pron. a. all; 3o0u~0,sU,o-o04:c0544co*n 39 or s, v. to be soft, tender, delicate, yielding; Gq4, QG0s Q(.-) f9sc ~6Scn (cs f m: T) )6 9, the gold is so good,.At is quite soft]. 885 135 03 0,, n. a bag; 5oo&oaSSoSI3Goo-o0o4SoS, 83oS (085), 2, v. to become dry, as paint; coogosXoaSoSGoo a3, i, v. to roll over and over obliquely; comp. c8~, to swell as the waves of sound, ao53a8; to lean this way and that in walking (and dancing); 0ooG@coig6C Go0n 8:GOO Gco48 3:8:cooeg; to put on airs, be affected in carriage, to feign through pride or affectation (oc8soocN6c8cq6acMc4 8 0380Gooe), 33E; hence.003 3, adv. moderately. - 00083, n. a kind of wizard or witch; aomc8~taco'189,8: cosago qoSosoog, the Eyne dalein witch, whose head only goes forth to eat food. a3S, 2, v. to see; &85,3u 588, v. to lie down, to compose one's self to sleep (to lie in a state of torpor as a boa constrictor). --— llg, v. to sleep too much; aS5qS5o0l, — c-, see oo5S --— 0:s, -- o.os, adv. half asleep and half awake, as one unseasonably roused from sleep. — q-o5, v. to be disturbed in sleep, to have one's sleep broken, to sleep badly. -— GyS, v. to sleep soundly; comp. o $3 and ooCSaScq1So, an opiate. ---— 00o20, n. a night watch, one that sleeps by turns. -— o5 (pron. aSSoS), v. to dream; @8oos; 38 SoqScq950$ cmicop3sa6 0ooouSo'SQ So1l oo3oB'8l03oSooSo8:, to have a pleasant dream; 3Sooo&-05 &:, to have a bad dream; aSSo^SipooSGoooS 1a1 - — o5S (pron. 96o5@8), v. to dream. -— coO, v. to be so sound asleep as to be wakened with great difficulty; sGa1 o:~: 4:0 ~e0s85o pcoaI — G-, v. to sleep soundly; commonly applied to sleep induced by some charm or charmed medicine; O3G,96 aos, n. chloroform, protoxide of nitrogen, or any anaesthetic medicine; any soporific medicine. -- Sc, v. to fall into a languid slumber. -— p, n. a bed, place to sleep on; aSScpo8, to go to bed, o85cp 0C06 ~~ 136 aS C68poS:, n. any cloth spread on a bed; bed clothes; o38ap n8s, n. a patchwork coverlet. ---- go, v. to be refreshed with sleep. — spq|5, v. to prepare a bed or sleeping-place for use. —. —, n. the Embellia robusta, a leaf-shedding, large, climbing shrub, of which there are two varieties, the Emb. Roxburghii, and the Emb. villosa, K. The medicine prepared from the bark of this tree is said to be efficacious in lumbago, rheumatism, and sciatica. U8K, n. a house, dwelling; in composition, a case, frame, sheath [also used in opposition to 3~8S and Goo, e.g., a88oC@a OSSogo5] G8 G OG4ooa8GoarSoomn (Prov.). --—, n. the front part or entrance of a house, a porch (formerly the court of a myo-thugyi in Upper Burma). --— , n. a magisterial bench in front of a magistrate's house. -c 8S (from oq8, to be bent down, curved), n. a low house... —.0Goo8, n. a house used as a school (a lay school). -— 0:q8, n. a large respectable house, oEGooo:q8; probably a corruption of aSSsaq8 — 618 (pron. as spelt), n. the ridge of the roof; 38oGo1 8:t — oaEg8 (aJS98:g), n. a purdah nasheen; a woman who does not appear in public: a term usually applied to the wives of Mahomedans and Moguls. — o03, v. to enter into the conjugal state, commence a family; n. a family, a household, including goods;.85 GcooosoSQoas oo tgiaGllsciaSG.8uGco-)o11 — Gcoo8o (pron. a80Gl.8cq), v. to marry, become settled as husband and wife; 86c00oo8q0 Saa:0-cq, -— oo400:, n. a widower or widow. -- coo%00, n. a married couple. — ooosoo00, n. a correlate in marriage, a spouse; o8g:oSg GO 3000336 Op>0h3SGO6o0M^33r 00oSgcep| -- C0oooo0, v. same as co86ooo8c -— 8, n. the state of a king from the time of his birth to the time of his attaining to sovereignty; comp. oBS (a-8s1 -— $sq, n. a neighbour; dsoqsn -— 898 (from 808), n. a small, low house, a hut. 35 i37 S~ol oaSo$, n. the child of a slave, but redeemable; comp. -— @ —oo8-:, n. " the white house with gilded windows;" the house in which a captive monarch was formerly confined;;085oosG- G8:gooogo — oS (from oaqoS, a clump), n. a hut, small house. -—., v. to wreath together. -- 0, n. a chief or principal house among several; the principal room in a Burman house, where the family sleep. --—, v. to roof a house; n. the roof of a house. -- qo@8008, n. a near neighbour. -- c@qp, n. a site for building; aSScp, -— 5-tios$, n. a spare room at the east end of a house, kept for company. ---- oS (oio8), n. the common house lizard. -G_ p838 (G38a8S), n. a mariner's compass; 38859pS 8s, v. to take a compass survey. -- Gq8o8 (G@o8o5), n. a level, in mechanics. ~ ----, n. a house, a settled place of abode, as SSprGooao:, a settled inhabitant, in opposition to a transient person. -- qpGo8, see RSGoo:)6 — 58, n. the owner of a house: householder. -— G, n. the state of an heir apparent associated in the sovereignty [the front of a house], AS.9jo s^m o,0 So80 ---— oo, n. an heir apparent thus associated. -- oo~, v. same as 9SGooSOi8 -- oo, n. a privy, necessary (polite), Gq3S5, rGzoR, — oo0, n. an inmate of a house. — o-8&2, n. a house-warming. sS- (pron. eh) (Pali go5), int. yes, ~3), oc; hence oo988 s8SqG, v. to remain saying yes without acting (not polite). 38 or g, i, v. to be cloyed with rich savoury food; a88@35 0o%1 (o o8 z:O,oU.ipc o95q89o1); applied also to the tide just before ebbing and flowing; cqoS (GS8@8coo5$ooo oQtn) [to be ' slack water.'] 18 138 30 0 OWO' v. to be well, healthy; oj:oo (usually used in a reduplicated form, e.g., QSoRC)oMCDGco'.533 ~G3mOOO4cOO ). 3s, 2, v. to creak, as a cart-wheel (c9pc88:); comp. mbaonca3ies 053dO05, v. to break wind (vulgar), -co4cGoo, (polite), oSoco oo,5; i ostco, oS- coopo-soaeoa*.roGo8,a cgoS, i, n. a brick. - o@sij, n. soorkee. - ~S8, n. a tile (ca 93oSO8), a teak shingle (o6icS&8, a tile). --,v. to roof with shingles. 6, n. a pan-tile (a tile with a curved or hollow surface).. —@ ss, n. a lath [a scantling]. -.eS3oo5CSs, same as GOgsti WW 0, n. concrete, to pave with brick; naoSoa2s, to pave with bricks laid flatwise. - n,. a bit of brick, a brick-bat...q8, n. a brick. -Go>)oSao9o&Sq-, n. a revetment wall. Sn. a brick-kiln; 3GmoSOqGu3cISQ9@3J II1.l0&. —0g3, n. a brick. 3obS, 2, n. an astrological term [a division, class, as ao&83R06, GA3JaoS]. sBoS, 3, v. to be noisy; not used but in some adverbial form. eo.oSlo:0, adv. noisily, clamorously; 3oSasa85u02818:I ~=:)ooq, adv. in the way of becoming spread far and wide as a rumour, or intelligence..3;p qScr q6, adv. same; COS$00oo0o802o34)3Q'qI:)o ~- oio$ao~o g adv. same. — c3soS-ab, adv. same. d-, adv.; see agoSaU aq), n. a species of euphorbia [the streblus, of which four species are enumerated, K.] S, n. a kind of potato plant. 4t, i, n. the cocoa-nut (tree, fruit, &c.). 34 139 34st, n. the outer fibrous bark of a cocoa-nut; cream-coloured or light bay, with a black mane, applied to horses; comp. 6boSo$8n — C-o, n. the cocoa-nut meat [called also 3$:083:o]-S: — o ---o gs.cos, n. the pulpy substance into which the milk is converted. -- a, n. the fibrous bark of a cocoa-nut when pounded; coir. --— 0, u. cocoa-nut oil. - — aoo., n. rice mixed or flavoured with cocoa-nut meat; — RoS, n. the shell of a cocoa-nut scooped out and used for any purpose. -— e-q, n. the cocoa-nut milk. - cooS, n. the limb of a cocoa-nut tree, the slanting corner, ridge-pole of a roof (a hip-rafter; mcooSG3co-oSq). -- cs, n. a cocoa-nut (fruit). 3J:, 2, to be noisy; scarcely used but in some adverbial form. --— amSs8:s, adv. noisily, clamorously (3$:~0,3S>m8:s -8 C0eo00c009ood), a3oS3oSqoSaoeqco6oi$:s: (with or without )) cqoSgoogn sj:cqoaS (gtcgoS), see goooS, n. the brain. 3j:s, n. a kind of plant (used for stuffing Burmese mattresses and saddles).,S, i, v. to cover; a:s, to take care of, to preside over, rule c8$,, ql, q, qt; hence 00330om)3, in a large body, en masse; cooocqooo:,i 30: 30.: 36)358 oso1oo, an imprecation used by the Burmese when endeavouring strenuously to impress on any one the truth of any particular statement. ---— oS, n. what comes within the jurisdiction of an official; — S —S, v. to have charge of, manage, rule. -— i (-g), see 91, Ist dff. — q, n. what comes within the jurisdiction of an official (usually the head of a district; SoOoSCGe). -— s, v.to rule, have authority over. a, adv. completely, without exception. -— c8:, v. to take care of; oosPc; C:8go8838$s03a59o: aq8,, n. a box with a conical cover. — coooE, n. a.conical cover.used without a box for covering anything. [A three-sided hunter's lantern used by hunters in the southern parts of the delta of the Irrawaddy. The light of the lantern is seen from the open side and attracts deer, &c., close to it, which enables the hunters to shoot them, or cut them down with das; sometimes even tigers will come up close to the light of the 3008oo820 ]. --- o (eio@3), see eoo.i, --- o5 (onS), see ~so5Si — moo (:sooxS), see:saoos 9-08 (ycq8), see ~:Oc8i " — 98 (:so9), see 98. -- o. (0soq), see nsBg f -- jS, n. the Bengal quince [.Egle marmelos, K.] -— Gjaj (3cc8), see:Gs3ooSl i, I, n. a bulge, protuberance, o~.; applied to certain things which are bulging, or have a bulging form, as ansi, 4~3s, s3l, q03 A,, goSas ~3~,, GOC)03~; hence s3ooooS=o 3, 3a 385o3o33 -.-, "v. to form a cluster, as bees, ants, &c.; a-aQ ooa 3a, 2, v. to plaster, cover over, 6; to cover with a medicament, oo:~3; to be covered with clouds, as the heavens, 4a; corn?. s&; to be almost smothered, as fire that burns dully, 813scQooooo5oo~; to be dull, heavy-headed from illness; to be 'anxious, distressed, 80c36oei; hence 0o33 oaSmG, adv. [brooding over, as a trouble; unyielding, as a slow fever].-S. 3i, 3, v. to assemble, crowd together and surround, q~:go~ ooe; hence 3Ea3 a collection (of flies co83, q3a, &c.); comp. A3 (cqA3o4,SCooooog). aAon, n. a kind of tree (a kind of laurus), [the tetranthera, of which there are as many as 18 species enumerated], the bark of one species is used by the Bu'mese to prevent sweating in salt (too:oq6 a ). i, 3j 141 v, v. to be overcast, slightly overspread with clouds, q&r5t comp. 3, 2; see qCesco8a qtS0gon SIE qS|N --— ~88, v.; see the parts. s3$q$ (pron. 3$q$t), adv. under a disguise (also used as a noun, in which sense it means a hypocrite, one who dissimulates, a dissembler; ogCS$:oc5sodoc8, -— o0308, n. a person who conceals a bad character under a fair exterior. 3k:, I, v. to roast in embers; comp. c08 and qcS, — A321 3a:, 2, n. a pillow, pack; hence Go183,:Ofsn3 -- 3S<8cjag 8, a term of frequent occurrence in divorce cases. 3:s, n. a pack-saddle. — goSgc,5coc, v. to fqllow (as a horse) having its head touching the tail and saddle of the one in front, i.e., close to the quarters'; a term of frequent use in racing parlance. --— 00o, n. a head-board. — os, n. stocks; the lower timbers on which a ship is built. --—, n. the crick, the stiffness in the neck. 3, I, n. the intestines, the pith of a plant or tree, the inside or pulpy part of some fruit; ooojocao:n — a-, n. the paunch. — G0@88, n. the hollow of the intestines, the hollow which perforates some plants and trees and contains the pith; the tube of a quill (r-@aoS, to be out of line, as centre pegs when constructing a road). — qp (from 3ao, a point of union), n. connecting parts of the intestines. -- o8, v. to be straight-gutted (@&8sgA4O^Sq&893t6O8 oe:xoo~* ), to be upright, oooDGo30c0 (ooG0oto oS,). S(from c, to be short), v. to be easily provoked; 80o8 ---—, n. the core of fruiti the central part of some plants as the plantain; 9goonS oog8Cg80 6dg8 8 o8l " --- —goS, v. to protrude, as the intestines. " —o —~ d8 mo3o3oSaIrI "clean timber," a term made use of in timber contracts. ooASv.. a term applied to a certain dis ase of the~ rice - pant. G Y v. to penetrate the intestines; 3n~d 65~oo~ - 5ke (from jje, 'to be long), v. to be sI w to anger, not easily provoked; 8O~j#u~ Sj, 2, V. to make the noise indicated by the w rd to 00, to howl," as a dog or j ackal [or ourang-outan; cpec~o c~:8oxoow~4 cTboe~], to be much; used as an intensive in the phrase airwGS ~n~it is full of blossoms (as a plant or tree); ooBj-o o,.,o~o~ aj, 3, v. to be stale, tainted, begin to putrefy; less than ~Sii GCO) int, don't, prohibitive, disapprobatory; SOC9O~qjS~ 03=00o int. as ha! aha! contemptuous. ago%) i;. see a, to be cool; has sometimes the ~ame meaning as cce.g., ~S oo: ~~oo cl&soOo or occ 6 8 op~ 09000 2, int. yes; uSa38"oc665u -:,inzt. same. GO=' 3, pron. used vocatively in addressing omnwhen their names are not known, or when he that c~lls does not wish to call the name, as a.3zic&, shortened ~o1 r for the singular o~scSd [according to some, used by women alone when addressing one another]. A~, int. expressive of disgust (as when moth Irs see their children eating somethinig hurtful; d:"~ adv. sickishly, al -at the smell of unple sant fruit; comp. ao3oASj, adv. sickish, dis~posed to vomi ceO:Y3Qq8GOOS *b,, i, n. a kind of verse. 10- (-cA:), n. same. 6*30, ni. same. __ DV. to sing the same; GooSoQsmoQ BaSc33o~i 3b 2, V. to remain in a body without advancing; Q&J-.4jCqC~,3, int. very well- that's right; oqoSc~i, -dFW-WM —j; int. same; "caO330 rojcq0Q63Ilco1 cQ~sO G03:82 - a WOCAC 143 'SbOS*, n. a kind of offiqial spear. 0ss0, int. 0! of various ajplications. - 030:, int. 0! expressive of satisfaction. G3O3CoS, I, n. the under part, space under (a thing). - =@g8, n. the outside of the bottom (of a thing). - 5, n. the bottom (of a box); anything placed for something to rest on. — Ga -G@6, n. bottom (of a well, the sea, &c.). ww~Gcg0coqoS, n. descendants collectively, posterity. — corojo0 5, -q-o:4o5, v. to gird up the loins with a waistcloth (obsolete); 6l -ooGso-&YSnI - 68, n. the light accent; nso8 GoooCS, 2, v. to bring in, as a tame elephant a wild one; to catch, detect [by questioning, omo3S; to draw out by questions, which assuine the thing to be ascertained]. -983, v. same, and [and 3rd] def. - o, n. a female elephant employed to bring in a wild one; Gm33oSQo36 SI 9gSICOS G3DOOS, 3, v. to be musty; to be dark, gruff (in countenance); 40SPOGS93OCS, 45P(O~61S 3MO0064CSOC4 Gq-~oSC938M0C0005 - QSooQ6ooSoo6S, adv. gloomily; more than GoQoSGoom35S — m c8so (compounded of the sounds uttered by a fowl and a crow), a. or advi not clear, not straightforward, of mixed races; mQ:Oo8 (reproachful). - Co3BooOGmYo5, adv. gloomily (in countenance) [somewhat musty, ~oPoX]; GOWO 50XGOOSOOS ~ 3C3005 Q8joE5pQ)g90j3o8 O)~OSG 4006". cnooSq8s, n. the small hor bill, Buceros monoceros; a kind of tree; G3o3SCPS 6 (Y8G)ii GO18 c (pS3a3:YSqoS s3CS ~E98 633 3 1o0o6JI O~oo ssprfigquS 463 $ o ps3g11 = ---on, n. the Diospyros ~hretioides, a tree attaining to the height of 60 or 70o feet, and having a hard heartwood. The berries, which have a smooth, thick, yellow rind, are about the size of a very large cherry, K. — 6P, n. a species of ebony, Diospyros melanoxylon. i44 GGoD8 QSG^S (from oo:, the lower jaw), n. the lower grooved timber of the lath of a loom, which receives the sley (cte ); less commonly called %, which see. 0Gooo06, n. a kind of creeper (the clitoria). -g, -, n. varieties of the same; GaoDoS6-Gasoo5YS qe:c4o~5,8ooo$:gyii caooS cj, v. to stoop respectfully, as in passing before a superior; to be humble. GoS I, v. to beat, conquer, overcome, 8; to gain a point,,astPR,O8; (to pass an examination, ooaoia8);,to be full, complete, not deficient in any natural quality; applied to fruit (oc8~G:so8) and seeds; n. a fee given to a Judge on gaining a cause; mczaoSn -qo (from aqo, a point of union), n. a city which is the centre or seat of victory-; (a3onS ) G.o8sp coo ooSe1ii -— q, n. the reward granted to a conqueror. --— o, zv. to mediate in love affairs; GSca 0011 ~-o-s, n. a leaf worn in token of victory, as the palm (the eugenia). -- n. a triumphal festival; o~68ocicooSoo8cooGooomol Qoooo~ 2s8oo jGScomaoS~ooga - oo, see Gao6s, 3rd def. -— @8,-v. to conquer, to be full, complete, &c. (to be possessed of active virility). — c6, n. a banner, flag of victory; oSg9a)eGoSo.oSoog "- Co~,! n. a go-between in love affairs; a match-maker; ogo3c5 -— g,, n. a conqueror. v 0og, v. to mediate in love affairs; n. see G3aSoo800 a03o0, 2, verb. affx, continuative, that, so that, noting a consequence, that, in order that, noting a final end; GoSa-oc8 GMo-10.qa Mooo o08 -=0080401r01 W.ooep8:pt awto98 8, n. a sinus, deep, narrow 'bay; Gco$cooGoooogG3o8Co8.3o38joS, int. expressive of wonder; =a&ooSc oSj.ooo, oh, how extraordinary 1 va,. to be prevented from moving or flowing in a natural way; applied to retention of the breath, to constriction of the back, breast (a) boocmcGoDo8 01 00031 -3o Le q8G oe), or urine (A=m2~); to stoppage of a current of water, &c., q15; to restrain one's self, suppress one's feelings,;G605aiq8oSo6o -3O (coe se8:5orooe6); hence oaGmco, n. a moment; cor3o n Noco ccoooS~ozooCagevo - 000, v. same in the latter sense; 1OcoS 63l3c1,05s oSGZ[ G TGoTo so z3osz olov) in this sense appears to have a similar meaning to g~:o)); coo Gcoc.Q3X- o )aoM. i 5 ce4 ( 809.8g:RCGooo0); here Gazo om& appears to have a similar meaning tb o8;a in its latter sense. - o), adv. with a momentary constriction (in the breast, back, or bowels). -.0008, v.; see GMcoSG=SII 8-o0tcmoCooo 8, adv. with a restricted, tightened sensation, as of the breast; in an obstinate, refractory manner; 036 ~i0~cq4 3aloog8s48:6mo3sn~ s 9 r —.0=83 v. to be restricted and tightened, refractory, wayward, obstinate, rebellious; cs):Gmzco3 33 aco8ooooo5 wC -— oS, v. same; oC1t0GscsJOM) aG3oCi 93o3E CYC8co5 Q&aoDu6G63G3sO33~GM4oooS, in thd way of suppressing one's feelings when anxious to follow particular line of conduct; ctoincqieSol i =08E1, 1, n. the Thibet bull, Bos grunniens. - c, n. an official spear adorned with the long hair of the same; m3o6og$q8.-8 [the spears are made by a race called the Thinbaws, who live near the Chyindwin. The hair on the handle of the spear is dyed red with the juice of the @8 (cochineal) and o4Sst2o (the sapan). cQM.o0, 2, v. to rest awhile from travel or labour, to remain still, quiet [to lie dormant], [to hide, 0o36a0; to live in privacy,. (oj) a3o8s.; to lurk as a wild beast, qo: G0o0oc3 S:; to lull, as the wind, coczo33 8:]. --— 0oSao=3006 ( ---QaoSQS3o8:o6S), n. one born of the same mother; $a CaMOSVII ---— cj (Go03o8?), I, v. to remember, bear in mind; q4 ocqS 0o0lQ0cco3ZSOG0JjG recollect, call to miod; o:clac cgepb:0~4j3$.ar930 8 4 c, to rem'ember with affection (*Sq g lf co330ya:c), to regret for the loss of; very often used in combination in the sense 19 t * i46 44 -of remembering with (geat) affection, with o2SgcaoS" [=oae —)s8so:G9 g cSqig]; sometimes used with got~i 003GOOc3S), v. to be strongly attached to; ~oSmo1s@gsooeu cwScp6, n. the cormorant. oQW, V. to vomit; 34ii m —3, v. same. - 4005oCI or oSc-q4o (0 cocfLol, polite), n. the cholera. OWS, 1, v. cry out, bawl, howl, scream; coS, to scream as an elephant [C5o:6Ui@oog3 al -, v. to go and inquire after another's welfare and circumstances. — o8, v.; see =53S, Ist sense. - 12o~s, n. a kind of creeper, the roots of which are used medicinally. 5-.c06o o, n. a windfall; a tree or portion of a forest prostrated and killed by the action of the wind or other natural causes. C305- 2, int. ah I eh.. —..6, n. a Hollander, Dutchman, oa o5s3S5C6; a blunderbuss, GWSooc8, n. a rising in the stomach, a disposition to vomit, a qualm. $ or o-S, v. to be subject to the same; less than gSo4l, I, v. to be old, aged, -BcoS&:; to be ugly, aoj5cts (9j 5p ---— o, v. to be ugly; CSA:8o0911 - 0o, v. to be old; s oor 0Sooqa 88lqlo Z: ame, 2nd sense. OL, v. ~to be very old, z98: ogq%, to be old and feeble; eq oSc8,OaR8%8o&,mncSaq@ i 1, 2, int, vocative, or indicative of pain. AoS, v. to feel warm (to feel close, as the atmosphere within a house or building or confined space; oa3sado 3c94cS5 olnmu saa63p1:(scg863j)) 3o 147 oo5r., see the parts (used adverbially only); 3oSo5oraCaCio oOS, n. a deep part of a river or stream, an Upper Burma term. 38, v. to be stagnant, not flowing; n. a pond or lake of any size. --— 0$, v. to form, as a pond or pool of water.,~1, n. the bulge of anything. --— 0 68:, — cS, v. to have a capacious bulge, as a pot, barrel, bottom of a boat i o Go o80s GcI3 ogqojJol1 coe11 38s, n. a collection of humours. — nq, v. to be collected in a tumour or spreading sore. — Q, adv. indicative of the sound of a body lling inertly and heavily. -— , n. an abscess? same as A3s8 3 0,. a. uncommon, extraordinary, zocnc [oo gcooSAji 300ea e080000o.CO8DE o3 csoo a cooSioooMlo oo~jcoos$, from the Boddawin Pya Zat, qgoS@ooS.]. 3, n. a pot, Q-ocim8-;sooe, in the way of making reprisals. — os, n. pots and pans collectively, 00a1000o1o3 8; with one's family and goods and chattels, 133qj ro.sico as& ooA qn oos5; lit. "(a chatty and a mat;" used always in a contemptuous sense; oeA:aqooA4 ,ooo59R, this man has not even a chatty or mat (to his name). ----- (from A, a bulge), n. the bulging part of a pot. — o —o, n. an earthen or iron pot or pan without a broad brim. — M-o80oo, n. a shallow frying-pan; comp. 3oS&so8s0n -- oo8, n. a piece of a broken pot. -— GmooS, -cogoe3oS, n. a pot with a curved neck, a retort. --- oS, n. pots and cups, cooking and eating utensils generally, as 3oigS o r 3S:c4Sc& --— o, n. a kettle-drum. -- oqegs, n. a large earthen pot, an unglazed jar. --— o:co5, n. a pot used for cooking a small quantity of rice in; coomQ83coooScuoog~iI -— oo8g8a (from 33;oo8s, an edge), n. a fragment of a broken pot, a potsherd. 148 4 _A.*0s:o6gc, n. same. — o —o5@, n. a large kind of jar; the bodies of members of the Burmese royal family who were put to death were wrapped up in velvet sacks and floated down the Irrawaddy in these kinds of jars. — c8d5 or csoog%, n. a potter. -— o8, n. a large bulging pot with a small mouth. -- oS (from azcoS, a clump), n. a small cup or pot used as a plaything. ---, n. a pot-kiln. -- oS-(90 o), see 8)oSAii — (@, n. potter's earth, clay. — oog~, n. a dealer in pots. --— i, n. a cook, oo3:oeii [The Burmese usually address the headman of a party of Shan pedlars as r:s@:u [In some parts of Upper Burma aiojs was a title given to the head en of Shan villages, particularly to those who rendered service to the Crown.J --— oscoS, n. the Argyreia Zeylanica, an extensive twiner with rather large pink flowers, the corolla shaped something like a funnel. Three varieties are enumerated, the populifolia, the hirsuta, and the peduncularis, K. The Burmese name appears to have been derived from the shape of the capsule. ogoso~, adv. indicative of the sound of a cry forced out by a blow on the back or side; @^bqc;oo&3^a3oSo~g@~oou (The second vowel of the Burmese alphabet has no form of its own, but when initial, it is represented by its symbol (0) combined with the vowel =. It is therefore to be sought under the compounds of au). (The third vowel of the Burmese alphabet.) g, see aS, vt. to be flabby, soft. gjo0oo, n. the fulfilment of a desire orwish; sc@g@8s 0oc000ococ000(n), v. to be conspicuous, notorious, bear a great reputation; oooqcRg ocoacgooRoog% may also be used without cocgcoou ( -^ 1- 49 g$jg (Pali gg, desire, and =o,4 an object), n. a. desirable. Sgoo.o or s3G8oo (Pali 9g, a female, and oo3o or iooo, the private parts), n. the female private parts and `ooS55#s qfc86 (Pali gg, a female, and c5~, the private parts), n. same; the feminine gender. 8?~4 (Pali a3g3, a book, and sg, a woman), n. rules for courting. ~gGool, n. Sekra; C800o0E6g~ ng, n. litharge (protoxide of lead), Gq5u RgScoo, n. a kind of precious stone; conmp. $otn gRoooozo3coocp, n. the Order of the Star of India; goo g(~oosuooqo3gooooo, n. Order of the Indian Empire. gR@mo5ooo3co, n. the four observances of the senses. Rgog (Pali gR@o5), n. faculties of sensation and feeling, of which there are twenty-two, including the six senses —good sense, freedom from passion, composedness (sobriety of demeanour, dignified, s~g, to be circumspect in deportment). ~ —'-, v. to be very dignified and circumspect in deportment. -- q[8, v. to be reserved. —. —oo, v. to behave w th circumspection, particularly in regard to the senses; v. to be sober; c3$s03 ooo sbo5 -- oo-S, Z.; see gGJt8a -- o000, v. to exhibit composedness of conduct, to be sedate, grave; 8$so S St8g6 oS0o33 ol3Spo3oo1p o33 0?^ll ---— S, v. to be discomposed in demeanour, to have one's composure or equanimity disturbed or destroyed; coogsg qjoSoo0 n --- S (pron. co6), n. one whom it especially behoves to behave with sobriety and composedness, as priests and women; v. to be in composedness and sobriety. ti-$, v. to be in composedness and sobriety. 150 gjcoq8, v. to put on a sober, composed countenance for an occasion. - o —c, n. same as g s n, --— 88scoBs, v. to be sober and circumspect in demeanour from motives of decorum, to be affectedly reserved. gqooq5 (Pali g3awoco), n. a'position, bf which there are four, namely, og3S6s, walking; q8@8., standing; c~8@8,, sitting; o Q:p8:@8, lying; g~ooo~ ----o, g3ooq (Pali), a. having power, authority, a8:8n g0xooc8, n. a kind of creeper (said by the Burmese to generate butterflies. The root is used for preparing ooascoo:). g3=x3 o, n. power, authority, 33asq@8: [O~GooS 5o0.38o=oo1 g qoo8oo68$sQo goo8co qa63oxaoqggG 6o, Ca8@8o1 cog~.] co$~, see under oq$aoo5Go6ls ul 01, a state embracing ten supernatural powers; Rgo16@, to exhibit such powers, as a fc&oin gooo (Pali), n. envy, malice, ill-will. [Envy which cannot bear the prosperity of others; @l|iGOo8o08g8]. npA, n. a holy man, an ascetic; qgoao g!o (Pali), n. a division of the Vedas. (The fourth vowel in the Burmese alphabet.) 1,, ron. a. this; cogn --—, pron. a. such, of this sort; relating to the preceding or subsequent, o~Scoogin, --, pron. a. such, referring to what has been specified; used in repeating a story second-hand, as he proceeded to relate, that in such a place, of such a man, the purchase was made. --— o~, pron. a. same. g, 2, see 08, v. to be healthy. (The fifth vowel in the Burmese alphabet.) V, t. to lay an egg, to form as a tuberous root or bulb; to be collected, as extravasated blood, cog@ge; n. an egg, a tuberous root, a bulb, @S; smaller than Gol1; g3r3q oc~ o%', (1) &8lrP: 8osAOeaoe~, (2) C-AOi3 qO6eG('q0 (3J8 r'@:) 0o2e0o11 (3) Skrcr~CC00)ooo58l~~c j00 (4.) Cq:-3,o~ pron. 3S~c&), n. a species of black cuckoo (or koel); eG@:)ChGT0P OOZ:)3;l o@:)~ Q4O QDS( 8jp:8oS~q o(No t "to each note of the koel a spoonful. of flies," in allusion to the fact of flies becom 'ing numerous when the ko~el makes its appearance (which it usually does in Burma~b in the beginning of F-ebruar ), er.@9 000R'c~sQ9J&Oq(Oe 1103 13.E., e ~l qov. to whistle as a steamer. eon. the arch over a throne of state. e93: (pron. oat-ga), n. a -meteor bolis; p~~ Go~C.0 MOCS~c eqq@4iQOBOG r4 QOOX4 t008GaO)5J06f3'0O Y P on. oat-kut-hta) (Pali), n. a chief; U,000c%~ the mian who acts as chief or leader. JGC ( So18) contraction of ~:Qo'18s (used by the best writers); n. the head. n. the skull; 0 ~a6,n. the suture of the skull (pron. oat-khaung-gn. -zet); go a n. the scalp. geaii (oogyee), n. the pole-cat. see @:, a dove. 88,n. a thing; -,po, oo:, property, goods; ~OlIe~ ~&86'ojtioc8oooD-, the' word 6f a man without property is of no effect. - z (Pron. oat-ta-zaung9), n. the spirit of a deceased person who guards over property. The Burmese believe that the spirits of those who exhibited -an inordinate hankeri ng after riches during life, beco'me custodians of their own property after death; oao A-0068 )S =o~~ (oat-ta-zaung) cqo6Tco~ n. property, goods (collectively). 152 e ggo3ol (Pali), n. faeces; o 0081, ooqd:@,, 30,oo&g co 0 oq86 Cq 8c Co6C3G00000008 C~do5AoS oaqC~G03CO C (U gg8I 0l 0 coo1Gol(GooolIIoSxcs, spittle, saliva); ol o Q=26o5s.8go~ gq: coRqCto4&SSAsaoo, p6ngyis, because they do not wish to say, like ordinary men, the plain words for faeces and urine, use amongst themselves, by way of being polite, the Pali terms eg-go1 and ocoxxoli B3o0, n.,the single hair which grows on a Buddha's forehead and when stretched is two cubits long; G,G^CooSugoSgo ooepsdiogglgScooS gloSQoooolog j9 q03OSZoSooplol o ~ooo:c-)SoogS, it is only when there is some mortal deserving of being delivered that the single live hair of the most excellent Buddh protrudes itself and stands forth in a straight line from between the eye-brows. a3:q (pron. 6nnha), n. the hot season; o j,qigBSg gol u 9 (Pali) (Pron. oodoo), n. season of four months, one of the three seasons into which the year is divided, namely, c0o-3 oo,.o5~oco, =:68tmoco; comp. ecq, the menses, menstrual discharge, female courses, 8sq8, pa9o$ (not so elegant as cpo or so correct). " ---,, . to have a return of the same; pz8Ao$y8.n " —s@. — 9$, v. to be regular as the seasons (or as the menses), to be irregular as the seasons is eoqoq$ or eoc.S*, adj. best, highest, chief, excellent, eminent, supreme, first-rate. egq (Pali), n. the north; Q3og soIsq — M ---, n. the great northern island, see under oj$u. — 0 —?, n. the northern carriage, a pathway of the sun; cooSwo COStcO@&GOSC qG4cqGSooGF o3Snu 0oGs8:gqo' ao oooo, Talaings and Burmans are of opinion that on the second of the waning moon of Tawthalin, Suriya, the sun monarch, enters the southern carriage (or pathway) from the northern one. -—;oo$3, n. the summer solstice. godo, adv. without hindrance or interruption, applied to passing on a thoroughfare; a38c86o8: cocbo5ooooo c 5oo o8ic eodls (Pali 014, joy), n. joyful utterance, speaking with joy, exultation; commonly applied to deity or inspired persons; uoe 153 accounts handed from antiquit, traditional records; edl: oo3u o~soC8mooScYSooosg o~FG( 0' a 0mc$coooug $po3 oG'T CoTQoooexSx: eol$:Tlls or q9119, v. to utter the same; cSbsjgoS o loaco GmsoococBco oycooSkoTgocoN @L-~oarg 0-3q~9D@&=3zcyj ~3E~eao0@0sgo8Eoo8,3ao@X8o agocl~al. @sS1 coS8go3188~ _ —oo@, v. to be imperishable as tradition, to leave an imperishable tradition, good or bad (after death). e6l aoac3 (Pali ecfnmcisc), n. an enlarged explanation or illustration; 3agas 3(ooooSa q a3d eco61, n. a peacock; G3T181 i-rsacf, n. the round spot on a peacock's tail; eo3's@, ()2340 golloll ollooen o~yiuooo3a cepo g gc~9cS~acoo a,-. — so, n. a bunch of feathers from a peacock's tail. @ ---sgo& n. the eye of apeacock's tail (scarcely used). __[@sCE jn. a species of grass resembling a peacock's tail:] a8 (Pali) (pion. 6ditsa), n. dissipation of mind; 8oSqJJgc2%S, "udacha, disquietude, that which keeps the mind in continual agitation, like the wind that moves the flag or pen"nant;" eg84~3oo6oqcQoop~ 63cq5Scv~ S o8o5x o8Qoq8~8 OVII 40g mS- O oA'qSooSao, people who have much dissipation of mind cannot work so as to render their work expeditious and usually have no method of doing it. 4xxm (Pali), n. the act of having reference; qcGeo8@s6& cScoc eou (Pali), n. a kind of evil spirit; ooun cotoo08089:xoc e0eoo c3oSo1o0oe3Tc@o3Oe, they say that the evil spirits in this tree are very numerous.: (The Burmese avow that this kind of evil spirit makes itself visible, some going so far as to state that when a child loses its mother, the latter, as an eow, can be seen rocking a cradle in the jungles). eoooCq (Pali), n. benefactor; -Omc1qj g E k30a Sqocrqzr 000)3 1 (Pali), n. a figure of speech; oo.oosGoooomosvu ES6opp 20 I 4 eoooo0l eooO, 2, n. the precincts of a house, a town, the immediate precincts on every side-( j)&8soo8ja$03ocoR oS8.0 5 - roQS o51g $osprgc (2) e00OD, the precincts of a town, the environs. eo9ocS (Pall 0o09 3IO) n. a superior teacher, guide, monitor; CA9Oq$(8coGO oe~Ii poos or eococa (Pali), k. a rule; comp. + es - 0o4, v. to be established, as a law or statute, to have effect as such. cot or pos, v. to enact, make a rule; -oogeC3 Jqo&Q5ooTo~ Ocsop~s60e8quallqoootCno063033133Eo!11o0 -apoS, v. to promulgate a statute or law. eogeol (Pali), n. a calamity, evil; cpcSpjSi oasq 59mciooi ccp omalq~ coamgm8cogae~ rona-)8o~ 40ol s AoSeqacp -ow:)m q~roo coo-):)So~gGoJoleotr.TaSoogszq~ ococ)~GoT)GoTgoocotpgst eo$., n. a kind of fowl; 003S21, @ Ye$G SO I9O U oo8woe~ cou eooloS (Pali eoolSc&m), a'. produced without apparent cause; comp. o0ooGaII We~oooGo000q0 cQGOo0O ~CO8*qD(4R00oSo0ooa eooes, n. antitype; qcsc~ euoo8 @opo@cac gS oc 68j euo: (Pali), n. a comparison, similitude, figure, type; ~coMoo,:e9l@8:m o8lo @3soq Qgow490u: 3Qa 8n33cPC,gag oSjo1o6o 40:o oga cocYcI)eoTGcoQooZo 8 eoiz 3a Oc8sazcp Gocc~ (Pron. eoowgcq), n. the subject of a comparison, the thing represented, antitype; coc oond cuo8oo:s5cq&46 0o0 eooo2=8l (Pali eoaool14), n. full attainment, accomplishment. eocogm61, taking, obtaining, acquiring priest's orders ( sot-s). "UpasampadA is the fullest possible admission to the "privileges of the Buddhist priesthood; a man cannot "receive the upasampadd ordination without having first "taken deacon's orders, but the interval may be very short, "or very long, according to circumstances. Thus 20 be"ing the lowest age at which a man is qualified for upa" sampadd, a boy who has become a sAmanera (cooooco) "at 8, will have to wait 12 years before he can receive 2 olO Cd 155 "upasampada; on the other hand, if a man join the priest" hood at or after 20, if he be otherwise properly qualifi" ed, he may proceed:at once to priest's orders."-Childers' Pali Dic. eooooq (Pali), n. an inseparable affix; gooroq5u,oo6N5i eUooS (g05) (Pali eoGCl), '. to adhere, cleave to; 5co8s (8ooSoo eolo58o1s =8o6So coa88oq,), a calamity, evil; coao, &TcoS, qSto31s >aoooocSooo=pog go2o@68g ~ coo033GC3 o0coCoS eo61 (Pali eo161), n. being; @8@8,8 eolocgcoo (Pali), n. an abortive commencement of thought; io1ol$ (Pali ol14), n. clinging to existence, attachment. "It "is produced by tanha (o00oc), and is the immediate cause "of continued existence (coo). No part or parcel of the "present existing being passes over into the new state, "but it is a new existence, having upadana, desire of or " cleaving to existence, for the root or actual producing " cause of the renewed existence."- Childers' Pali Dic. g1ol $ooM, "The cleaving to existing objects is upadana. "There are two properties inherent in all sentient beings "except the rahats (qooo)-first, upadana, and second"ly, karma. As it is the grand tenet of Buddhism that all "existence is an evil, it thus becomes consistent with "right reason to seek the destruction of upadana, which "alone can secure the reception of nirwana or the cessa"tion of being."-M.B, golcS (Pali golo), n. a means, expedient, device, shift; stratagem; comp. Goq8UooocoSu --—, v. to use an expedient in order to avoid something; ooe O3:GCxaJOoq8O g 0 368QO cqSG OaGC(,?o4GoXo8~ go loSBGoaeo^ -— o,)cj, n. same as gcolCS --— @, v. to use an expedient. golocoo, i (Pali), n. a layman who performs the duties of religion; comp. alqcoo; hence the abbreviation oooogol, e03DOOMO, 2, a kind of creeper; eomooSooo6JGooGaG~.C9c0o eoloocB, n. a layman who performs the duties of religion; 6)moo o; see above golcocoon 156 e9S qboS (pron. goS)j (Pali gjol co), n. performance of the duties of religion, 8coS. -- co4, v. to kep or observe the duty-day; gqoSooo5oo9 — c., n. a duty-day, of which there are four in a month, namely, the 8th of the waxing moon, the full, the 8th of the waning, and the change; 0800oo:G, ----, -goSuolqaoo@, v. to assemble, as rahans on worship days, for worship and confessions; ologoS0o10 w 61cogl rcq5oq5Gcq1Scd~8cproSog8s iow:9qoscge ooo<aeaD6 ~coaQoc [008, S -- a, n. one who is extraordinarily devoted to the religious observances common on worship days. - o8008., n. same; geoSo8ooStGcoo.oScoeu gOocgo (Pali) (pron. oo-pit-kha), n. a neutral state of mind, whether freedom from partiality in regard to others or indifference in regard to one's own enjoyment or suffering [stoicism], see o8locqtjIo, sometimes pronounced cobcN joeu "Upeksha, googo (pron. u-pit-kha). This power "is so called because it includes freedom from all kinds of "desire, as of uppatti, or birth; also because it has no pak"sha, or preference, for one thing more than another. It "is opposed to individuality, as it regards all things alike, "and its principal attribute is indifference or equanimity. "There are o kinds."-M.B. c9 Joo8SqS8ooooaol~osco G0o0o0GoooS @8oop9e2Gog@6~9:>Gg GooocgGgOOg~olo geolcoco, n. a fabulous elephant dwelling in the Hemawunta forest. gGoo8s, n. a bubble, soap bubble blown in the air; qgcGoo$8e i --, 0o05, or co, v. to rise in bubbles, to bubble; coo8s6gc3 -- oS, v. to blow a bubble. "8. p, n. a heron; 48-: gaGoooq6t (pron. oobadawbyee), n. one kind of hermaphrodite, one who has the parts of man and woman by turns; cooo O Jgso]o:s0oooggsqaopQ (@8gyoScGoS jo goo, see Rgp (pron. oat-ga), a meteor bolis; an artificial ditto.8 (gS) (Dron. 9898 or 306), n. a cave, artificial or im 157 proved from nature; 09cnMf&o 9Qc=ujc:G4GOOO 09SWJQc =:8Go~oSNR8~.68o- v. to excavate a tunnel. erwoo),S (Pali goaooo)4), n.; instigation; coo~@0,dco8e OA ecq (axoe~) or ecxL9 (Pali n. an inclosure of fruit trees or flower plants, an orchard, a garden. -0. sam e (00oSQl- oIp) j~C.05489 COO500y ec~puo~oo3.2)&, n. a native of the continent of Europe, a European. eO03C (eozO~qc-) (pron.. oat-tha-darret), n. small hells or places" of punishment, by which the larger hells are encompassed; comp. c~i eooqT gozo~w) n. a 'kind of precious stone, or topaz, yellow tourmaline (camp. c~~~; e~qcptco~oSR ROMOO (POOOO), i(Pali) (Pro'n. oat-tha-'pa), n. a chief, a bull, the chief of the herd; ~oxgooao~o~, a master of fowl, the chief disciple of Gaudama.' g=0 (e 000), 2, n. an oat-tha-'pa, a measure of distance; as far as the lowing of a bullock can be heard; equal to. 26 B~oo (e=.)w) (Pali), n. effort,. exertion; zooq5@8o~u o~lrq goa~ (pron. 3jo~) I a. all, the whole, without any remainder; z o~.o~oN~gq (obsolete) OMWTOOZXXG(@O (The sixth vowel in the Burmese alphabet.) 000~o (on n. an emperor of China. ~)i(from. ~so an uncle),. n. uncle; prefixed to names of men considerably older than the speaker, as 00 0CO,310 Y QJO)GO 080m wa5a 1), 2, V. to begin, make a beginning, be first; o seldom used as asingle verb; hence mp (the verb ~.s is frequently used) [to forestall, ~osame, e.g., P.a~36)8cG@ooe~; ok~Soqx, 3po5~x~u ~0 -,adv. first, at first;G.2DQQ)Y102 QIc0 0~0 ~-~g~o~pgadv. same, Ngo, adv. same; asc:gI~:wg cxu @:, 3 (from =~, beginning), n. the beginning, fore-end, fore-part, front, top, most prominent part (of a thing), as the top of the head, the prow of a vessel, the porch of a house, the point of a knife; num. aux. applied to rational things. L~:cnAo:o, a term of slight reproach applied to women who have only borne one child.] * — oS:, n. the two protuberances on an elephant's head (o8:sc~sJ~jo:,o~o~o ea croscaoioo). - c~8, n. a chief; coelo c3s8 o 0 0 0 x -ooS (pron. 918oS), n. a head-stall; g68ooYS, a head-stall for a horse. - Orb, v. to bow one's head to the feet of the person addressed; to present an offering, raising it to one's own forehead; oj$o ggqoja- _ g-gq - coao$ol e@oooS~,0oSocoa — qj, v. to bow the head; @q~oCt so33al300 80OC4 ~ -0Q 0q 1gapsq3 oTll - I-18:, commonly written eoci:), n. the head; 08q9o5ooooo ~0(;0180-00CBW80. 6B18E0000%~@000&i~ -- goo;, v. to take an oath of allegiance. - qov, n. the dividing line in the cranium or skull. --- (pron. ~o), n. a horn; g. P, tsog8ue — "oojo@, v. to have exclusive regard to in the way of adherence or worship; ( C00E8, CeGo0E)Si=~ooeou ogmqs 4q3ooeoq~3@3p1 n @AszCo8cll qoo 4 Q oaoogrwoe $ -oo:, v. comply with, follow, be led by. - aoGo:, v. same; ~(&oSCg~Ar.o'-98:7q8C-qG(:)-QG 00 r@3 ~86G9qc)Sozl $-~&Xoegi -8:, n. the one seated at the head (of a boat, an elephant, &c.); q8cq 98@cooSoo8GoocySoo8(0;ag c ooS~.o c0, 3 m90S8x.C~~:)oog o-0o3 o~ oogoS61o8o..98r0og, 0 80 0aglt soo~c~qcb806I mer — codS, adv. with the head down and the feet up; GODaSoc~0 )co0oS0col j- ccToS qooe 1- Q3onScooc4, v. to bow with the head being low.] - C.I)OCYS0, n. a kind of flower. —.g$, n. a tuft of hair or feathers left on the head; a tuft or crest on the head of some creatures, longer and more erect than Gco8oG S; the principal place in a kingdom, a capital; E1&8::lq88Sgll 159 ~9$sjoS, n. same in ist and and def.; Psg$sqg69an -_$Slog$t, v. to be predominant; applied to a race of people; I@jo50x~~r~~3olsn6"3C80~3 oqSqasuoopoad00 C8:EgCB 1 $:0a st ~ 8:cJ0:sE 80 olazoo g 6ooe11 — 28, adv. straightforwards [precipitately]. 2-8ao, adv. impulsively, precipitately, without thought; cpqac~8 igo so~* 098ojp~co~85 oo 61o~ ~l o ~=oor.o@o~ wcpo: 8sPgo gJ00 0ODS9 J IU3(630 3 - noS, -xooS~: (pron. 038=05), n. the atlas of the neck. C-a, n. the hair of the head; S xsuExong8g3( GC0n.0141 -- v. to bow down, to stoop. -o8, v. to place on the head, to assent to, acquiesce in; (respectfully) [to take leave (with a bow)]. ocp-a0osjcooS Q8 ~: n~'010 G0 OC 1 - coe@, v. to aim at (in rowing), to steer for, to make for, jc&po@g; to take the lead, be first in doing; og s0 -_as, n. the solid piece of wood which forms the prow of a boat. -o-oc, v.; see ~gsSu _c-c8 5oo, v. to assent to, as an inferior in addressing one much superior. -c088oo65o8 9 oS (ol), v. to assent; (in addressing a king, followed by (j: o5GaoSoolacoiipl C8S0c&08 8Os LoeslcuoToabiEO,) - c98, n. a cap; Pao~SpS, to take off one's hat; poaqq&Q08-3 to wear a hat. -CGCiS (pron, 630), n. the brain. M- So:, v. to bear on the shoulders of two men, one following the other; 'co,4so:SicsooogyaS -( (@), a. shaven, or bald;;IIo,&on --- 8, n. a turban; GQ18:GolS:, a chaplet, tiara. -q (weo.), n. an intermittent headache. -09~8, n. south-eastern post in the main part of a house; see under c0i-O -_cR, n. a list of individuals or families, a roll; 1s.qoOqEIS - 5iaS, v. to make the Burman obeisance; RS (infrequent). 16 -o. a -*o& (pron. s8c), n. the whole head; combined with b0o8u -GcpS (tron. Eq8ra3o8), n. the knot of hair worn by men, that which covers the head; see c=;c8, the nimbus of a Buddh. The nimbus of Gaudama extended above him 6 cubits,.p ac63c6co051 - o~orSS, n. an ornamental. pin worn to keep the hair in order. s, 4, v. to polish, make bright, to furbish, as gold, &c., by a certain process;;3Sg 68 co964'G3o81; 63 8 @cisootsol:u v $oo o8iB&9 6 8:$ so Goo533m3l Q0 9 cqoSc~ 0oSaoososogt-~uslasqc3 luqg1.1-i o~oSIogus5oi63n63c3316n5Ole t 9 qo~sdjo~3a06P80~0308033STll — COB, v. to be fresh, or newly polished; wco652S ~u&so&8 co (or ~soo8s96Cma). S, 5 (fron. a3s), v. affix more, again; in prohibitory sentences aoCsy~ioapto1 f~QfljX (as in taking leave after a visit); oqol~4n861 0 11COO. (in a minatory manner). s8s, same as srs (pron. oo-gyee), which see. -— 068:, n. --—, n. a maternal uncle, mother's brother younger than the mother; ogcoS, or a paternal aunt's husband, the aunt being younger than her brother (if younger than, o 8:2, t~ocor). - q:, n. a maternal uncle, mother's brother older than the mother; or a paternal aunt's husband, the aunt being older than her brother. - ySs (Pron, soaS6s), n. a powerful nat. -R-8@sa_, v. to offer to such nat. o (3x1) (The seventh vowel in the Burmese alphabet.) a, v. to be cool, cold, less than 8s; to be extinguished, @S:; to extinguish, quench, fo:; to do things in a too deliberate fashion; f, eocg0 5 c 3 633 cj 8 3 gg Sc c 90' 8o0mcoooji, to be slightly less than, e.g., jo8 0 Gcccoe~1u - qOs, v. to be very cool, to be quiet and undisturbed, free from trouble; -:@g 49oaagacsoou a 8ujSacoT9nczS - 9i v. same, to be very cold. Q(OO 16i @aooomo, v. same as sN8:S, 2nd meaning. GOO, I (Eng.), n. an acre. —c o, v. to measure by:the acre; cocg3oSu — o6s@, n. an appellation given to Commissioner Broadfoot, because he first introduced into the Tenasserim provinces the system of measuring land by the acre. co, 2 (Pali), a. one. -- ooo (Pali), n. fixedness of thought on one object; owqoo,: — 8, a. of one thicjrness; applied to a priest's garment; qcjl00ooScooo ~ofo3^o^Toogi ---— oq~.oo, v. to live dlone, s a priest when performing certain austerities. I / — o,1, n. matter produced by the operation of one cause see under scoo8opgGcoDoq1; oo3ls; ogOOgL<^S~oS -, a. of one width; applied to cloth; Gcoo * oopT& coo:2 geGoooqac~oogozo88gool:g04o5@8000 - aoS (qo6) (Pali 4o, a niouth), a. one mouthed, applied to one kind of cocoanut;: oo8 9ooSacyoocoloSooe,ooedc cmsoScoToopSK — 16c8, n. a kind of creeper. — p —f&, I (Pali cpho, a king), n. a sovereign of one of the four grand islands, see OQooep& and o@ooG0; according to modern use, an independent sovereign, a monarch, Go=j& oe:goS.GoolqS~oZqfpi, the Queen-Empress of India. -- P&, 2, n. a kind of tree with numerous roots (Millingtonia horlensis); hence the saying, chiefly used by lovers, coa cp& @c~ opg ulS, as 4 warning not to be fickle; cocp& 0 98033@6cog 36rjososoa5co3|86m3o5omcod8<qgbooe -- qS (Pali oo~, a word), n. the singular number; a. single; one only; certain, determinate, as opposed to ooecqq — q8000oo, n. an axiom, incontrovertible position; g@8:sopQg Gwoom0000Yu11 pSc Rqooqo^^ o*gS coSOO-gooobaoegl — co8 (coooo3-oS), n. an austerity which restricts the observer to one meal a day, eaten (in one place, as a priest); GMooVo^aco:oSo0o, v. to practise the said austerity. - 0808 (Pali coocooo, to remain), a. one remaining, one only; 21 ocy4 (Pali am&), adv. certainly, verily; 36"M65, 3zI'si OkS4Sc5$ 'amsoaXx (Pali am~, one, and ooo, ten), a. the eleventh; coc~otq ca& (GO -) (from a, to 1e cool, pleasant, and verse), n. a kind of songfGqj.,v. to repeat musica y, sing. ae~, by abbrev, di, n. aff. possessive; v. aff assertive, cot-u see v&o~e% atlocU 0 91 o8 Oq~c &C~q 91,-U10061 n. a recepti~n- room for visitors. V. to give audience, receive as a visitor, receive company, B=6O3 (to entertain); oC~o8) o~k oe~ (commonly pr-on. -jjac) n. a traveller, stranger, a guest, sooo5',; a casual visitor, sojourner, company, c '..-oo0, -sooeoS, n. the reception, entertainment of a stranger, the duties of hospitality; a&o6o5Go(, to perform the duties of a host ~atisfactorily; Gv qw Gga~~o DL0 5v. to entertain company, perform the rites of hospitality. a ci (Pali), n'. a kind of 'deer (brow-antlered rusa); cso ~ GopOSo.05m 4.z- $fgoS3pII GcrOOSB (GO038), by corruption acocna, one who has the preference- of many (spelt by some aozosS). v. to attain such preference; "o~oo~dbopo% acmg (acox), n. a cradle song; 113 GG0Scs;o4) c:;pooS,' n. the Irrawaddy, thexpincipal river of Burma; cop OC8@8 MrG0lO8GOlCh SQ. ~O9019ji ROROO; said to be called after the Ayeyapa'ta ndga; aqOOiC 5opa~wq acp,, i (Pali), a. great, large, I szo-O; aD.(opo@zo~, exceedingly great. aop, 2, n. the keel of a vessel. 065 OW~COq~8Ce~ O& @iQ 163 oqoS (cpocoS), n. a fabuloos three-headed elephant (0 o0u30); Btsoo8a> s 0680803S:4dOS8~9 0 840 ~G~onS34CqQrJ g coMo, adv. certainly, truly G HCo$ooS tGe i ua3 33I1 occA, see Gac. cG4 (Pali), n. a place; cGo3, o0j8, the four.points of the compass; ctz 3-:6oo:)tboo si -Soq8 o S (The ninth vowel in the Burmese alphabet.), see G333o 0co.) (Pali), n. asking leave, 08gco08s98:s; C8CO5OR3r00, o 333tQooo,53 980:8 ac oooqcoO83z8co6ouo Eeo (Pali), n. a stream or current which bears away human creatures, of which there are four, namely, 0c00GoM1 0c30100, 8GSoco, and ua8a;@ow; comp. axQoo 0 - (i) the current of libidinous desire, (2) the current of life's vicissitudes, (3) the current of personal contact, (4) the current of ignorance and folly. 50)0, I (Pali), n. relish, 'ichness, maclc:; the quantity of a thing, in which its richness or strength consists, zest; the food of the gods, ambrosia, agloBoS; figuratively, weight, impressiveness, authority; applied to words and persons; co3G@s o3 -8aB oGS633oGs3 GEaP6olaoo: - 6~5, v. to have one's influence felt; &oogJS3000S cc9 ocoScp (Phayre) (Q66ggo) oooEooc~8-@$Qoc~~x 3oug - v,. to have great influence. --, v. to have one's influence felt;.a G gacjco58-G:wacoG jR9Sha: ()GG338o3&u coPe3al cO3 g 16g86 8: 633oC03g I@Chg'3S3a' iaclQjOs:0733:1 @>h3 have similar meanings.] --- v, v. to permeate, as influence. --— ooc5o, v. to be rich as soil. - qfS, v. to be destroyed as influence; jAb uS --, v. to decline as influence (@o csars). ---,.~oA5, v. to be savoury. gjo, 2, n. the custard-apple tree; Oe~:SooISpooo3S95o3 j~O3Qo&g): 33~33~I 164 a (oocqS, n. the unevenness of the rind of the fruit of the same. Cg,) (@gao) (Pali (@o, the lips, and coo), a labial, produced from the lips; applied to consonants of the o class, on oweii 001 Qi @88 (Pali), n. fear of sinning, tenderness of conscience; eoMSs:-9coScog@8s, careful avoidance of sin, cooaSo~,g@:, " ottappa, fear, that which deters from the performance of " what is improper to be done, through the influence of " shame."-M.B. ooooqqo{oiooSgg8. 085xo (@8000) (Pali), a. having special reference, qgo7Sqo5;; chiefly used with Gof3o.q Oo0o (aocpSaocoS,), n. lit. brightness and lustre; in a modem sense prestige, reputation, notoriety (one kind of c8co3Sn), [a self-generated rumour]. C@oooc(., v. to be spread, as reputation, presige; a rumour, (aoozo00u. @o1 a (Pali), n. instruction; 0g xo8@8,, counsel, advice. -- 6, v. to receive instruction, counsel, advice; gJ@olso6 -- o:, v. to give instruction; @oS:ooqpP:oloQd o&oo,: (The tenth vowel in the Burmese alphabet, not initial, unless used for cGaS, which see.) (The first consonant in the Burmese alphabet, and the first in the class of gutturals.) o0, 1, n. a saddle-frame made of wood and iron, used by Burmese cavalry and by men of rank; when used, underneath is spread the cio~:, above it is the O8ls or co8q$:, and on either side are attached by cords the MGcoo8 (pron. kadaung as if ope word), see these words respectively; co6cfoo:ocoSol, place the howdah on the elephant, please., n. the pommel of a saddle. -.'"-:ool;oo, n. the trappings or ornaments of horse furniture; o&So9 8soQ ooo3^ooo5coooSGoob o2Ao55 Mmv. to saddle a horse in the Burmese fashion; G&:MiOc. coe~ 00, 2, V. to dance, moving the hands, arms, and body, as- Well ~as the feet, to the sound of music. Der. wmoxoonqu c Sv.; see the parts; G00%1~j0Q(.38 (3jGC) @4800GOG8 oqon. a dancer; chiefly applied to dancing girls; mmo 91 Z!) M), 3, v. to harness, attach a draught animal to a carriage; o0 m:)'3~~ ~~~G OZ some English gentlemendrive tandem. oX~, 4, n. affix, ablative, from, out of, 9; sometimes nominative, sometimes locative. -o,:, v, affi, contini.lative, though; ~ogacoooo~ ~coe~=,v. affix, continuative, from the beginning, from the first of-(i) oqSoSt aoom ooD z cj8qj: zxcoaM19 Qb~J (2) lloojci - qjc M), 5, adv. has the same meaning as c96, e.g., (i) oq4oW.c05G o @$2ooil c~ O2oOO Oq cOIOC~CYSOIN (2) %0eC~O G@313,ooC~ M), 6 IM3, 6, Peguan, a fish]. -oCO& (Pron. mmaB), n. the large perch. LSometimes persons whose parent~s are~ of different races are jocosely called mo~o~bj. -ocon. the Tavoy~ mountain barbel. jn. the king-fish1, which produces isinglass; cl gCVoS (Tavoy). _ cqn. the large mhullet. CG68. n. the cockup; 8IDYdried cockup fish. ~cqn. the goby.! n.the large cockup. Ma~s, n. a kind of large *iicker basket fitted to the bottom of a cart, as when carting paddy; comp. qo8 c~e:to5e&33S made of wood. MCM305o, see o5c-mx&~ 05055, n. the stipe clasping brake. 166 00s8$8 0Dqqjcn2A, n. benzoin, gum benjamin; cmSq co1o 6 &gls-: Z 4o, co:)Q0@og ocg:9Ooomcom o (pron. ooosso) cq8xip medu - 88, n. enzoic acid or flowers of benzoin. oOrgSo0oo$ (from cqqsoSco-mx4~), adv. disputatiously, refractorily; o00:0)8m000ro GmS04 $c9I@Scoo= nq,. a Kachyin, one of the race of Kachyins; -)Scjj. -8*cj cnoSo 8 S c 8 Dooe GouQjoa8qcqc~sso-@o =Sq*ooS, see next. =o1$ gociS (from cqS and RjoS, which see), in a manner bungling and laughable; G G:q. gjo=cSoo8Qoq8qn co8, v. to broil, roast, toast, cook by the heat of the fire, but without contact; comp. goS and d:.-(I) c1gs'3So:8q scYso hljJ:m G0OO)P _03~3O C9 8 GCpS30O3E (2) q30-co.Qj* c.6oScoQx, a piece of broiled fish and a honeycomb. [Note.-The Talaings are said to have been in the habit of eating broiled fish and honeycomb in days gone by.] (3) cabooo P3oliogj:)O-c~~fcl:qR c8$o0803E.-eS (from S98, to pinch), n. a split bamboo stick to roast or toast with; c5-; 1......S (ooSq8) (from @8, to weave, &c.), a piece of woven work used as a gridiron; hence o5ro8@8, a gridiron. o0cLO, adv. in (one's) presence; goSGC9o0S (obsolete). o08,c8., n. a name applied to at least three species of antidesma, namely, the A. velutinum, the A. menasu, and the A. diandrum. '8g, the soap acacia creeper. - 008 (from oo, to fix in), v. to hold a festival on the birth of a child, during which the body of the child and the hands of the guest are washed in a decoction. oqco5go: G3-300 B 8oo, 0g0iSG ~8 osSo3 o 00oSXIi cosSol1 R8O2 3. 6 (6ovsp o'sGS nJoSO) n G CSIIocq.soa AS$" 3-8 30 50 1 5):GI s8:5 G080i @:o~oo*8@Lzq 8 szoos- W. coosco&G-21w s8c&4 uS4), q8:04S p ocBS00oo 80oSr00 oqxooS cm00 90x':8: 0g94o@ cq$4js On the seventh day after the birth of the child, the midwife boils the fruit of the soap acacia (creeper), and mixes it with the seven kinds of grewia and washes the child's head; after the head is clean (by washing), the midwife takes the child up in a white cloth and presents him 167 (or her) to the mother; after this the midwife and the assembled persons who have been invited invoke a blessing, [coqJS^Taoooefiu ggitcS^Sgi'^0o-S30 003^5~ g] oozoco8 (Eng.), n. cambric (8o5so). oM08, 1, n. a centipede, scorpion, or any similar creature. -- G@~3S, n. a centipede. -- ^q$, n. an ear-wig (?), the, scolopendra. — 0-0ooo;, n. the coilinig centipede; ~o:oo, — cq$, n. the crab scorpion. -- ocou o~Os, n. the large black earth scorpion. --— :r.M5, n. the common brown scorpion. -— $g: (from oo$:, a louse), n. noxious vermin. cO8:, 2, n. a watch-house, sentry post, chokey [an outpost]. -- 35, n. the chief of a chokey station. — rt8, n. one who has charge under a 0om36s -- , v. to pass a chokey station clandestinely; ooS9e -- o, -gooSo, n. the duty paid at a-clokey station. — QoS, n. an attendant at a watch-house, so called from the custom of calling to passers by, like the barking of a dog; reproachful [scarcely intelligible in Lover Burma]. — o:, 0n. one who lives on the revenue of a chokey station. --— oo, v. to stand sentry, keep watch at a chokey station; n. a watchman, sentry. — C03800D2, see ooogll -- 00, n. an outpost or advanced guard; co8soogoiS i -— d (o>0R), n. a watch-house. -- 000, v. to establish a sentry post or chokey. -- 60ooS, v. to reconnoitre, or to support a reconnoitring party. -— 08:, v. to reconnoitre; om8occ2oSi, --—, n. a large chokey house. -- oqco8 (pron. 008s8038), see om8sooos ---, n. the chokey master general. -03ooS:O5cg,, v. to patrol, coSosooSsoS CqoaSGO0s oB$300~~^GOC1(M — 0 —8, n. same as oo8on --— 0, n. an attendant at a chokey station. 168 MOC00qS M8.., 3, v. to be free from, separate from, exempted, liberated. - 1., ) -06, — oqooS, jl&, -moS, —.goS, see the parts(3) 00eSmprQscO~bcDoo~~')DOkS(2;PISa c 80a g: 8-06-01eo@1 (4) 08R0090:co4V'IIo038r.00?Q94W&,q,)ico80o oZ8:, 4, v. to form, as fruit in its earliest state. Der. emc8:,x n. fruit in the first stateafter the blossom; %om8:n a5toi oooRmcYSo89 8:om oo (pron. wo&8 ) ~3o3:oII 008:V, n. plumbago; $, the red kind; &, the white kind. a0S:B: (pron. kin see), n. the letter 8 or 8:, when removed from its natural situation in the line, and placed over the following letter, as in aoro50 for mo&Gcoon crS0n, n. Coccinea Indica? mogS, 7. to jest, joke (obsolete); c::sooe' coreo~cg x:, adv. out of order, helter-skelter; owSo0oooncl~cqo5 coC, v. to play, amuse one's self; aq:-0cmoq8c~ oq98GmaCOOW mO crA:) 0. CO C 0 9 8) n. a croupier. B n. a gambling party; ro~ooS -co:s, n. a gambler. 0o040,Mo01, adv. in a wild, crazy manner; comp. Mo0O~OMWoo1 oogooS (618;ooS), n. a debt for food; GOII]-@a 8mooo:co0o:5Gooo oA8, n. starch; (Pron. co&). 00e) v. to starch c &lQgSgOl&Q0G m8coS4&j9y acoSoozui n. a kind of rice porridge; oocS~4 (congee). cogoq8, aoq, adv. (obsolete), see wooLcocc.; equivalent to cox, as much as; combined with a few words only, as omoch goo, %oo% see ooacpi Rq o:0oo&IGO9o& 0oBCGo &94oc~ c=: ocq alpn 6oe~,1Scqbai sop orgoo5jo, don't prescribe and give miscellaneous prescriptions with medicinal roots picked up anywhere to the sick man; he won't recover if you do. 0:)Os r69 mbmq, see oo 'ogmo:n 0m5:, n. a kind of sweet-potato plant. -— p, n. the bulbous root of the above. o*oS (cx), n. an intoxicating preparation of rice and molasses; c*-, co8,, o0wos, c9S.3, (8iqe) aCzo~ cnqo, n. Kahs6n, the second month in the year, nearly answering to May. SMogo, see m mcqli co6, v. to beg a favour, to ingratiate one's self; in some instances a sort of wheedling, to knuckle down to; cGoosow a8o9pi c oj Gqno c p&G43S 0 x 18010Sg@e1 G3030(5 cv3g60oqE ~as you and I, sir, are equals and schoolfellows, I do not wish to speak and 'ask it of you as a favour. m238, n. the wood-oil tree. -cC, n. wood oil; ooe98oS, to tap for gurjon oil; oyyaSooo& rzo somogsoes2c x -[3&~l05ocj c o X GX87osqooqj -, n. a torch made of touch-wood and wood oil; gRoBol6 -—, -f, n. varieties of the same. -, n. a species of shorea, of which the dried calyx has long, scarious wings. mpB, n. an iron style-(i) GoCQoO) G 2B@ 3.qooi (2) a8Cq8 3o8acc~Sh~ooe u15o oTqooo8~me~B~Gi too 9v - ap8s, n. the point of a style. cme (Pali), n. a virgin, a maiden above thirteen years of age and unmarried; a(tu a ojcuoo5 33iog. 1 u0i lco8u1 cop (n3@~3~33 o9351e05o3Fg osa3g O C)nq~oo gy 00591 oci-:9, n. Asparagus racemosus. mQ~S, see m8e )8u mnqos (Pali ooo(-o, throat, and oo), a guttural produced from the throat; applied to the -consonants of the oo class. mgcI, n. a disease in the ears of buffaloes and cows. [Used also in a deprecatory way by masters or superiors to their servants and inferiors when the latter are inattentive and do not answer when summoned; oSo:os@6cocq-u, *)MMW cooS, I, v. to be hard, difficult; oS0oo5, bo.~is cooSqoS, see cxaoSoooS --— oS, see o0SCao8u -, adv. in a different direction, contrarily, at cross urposes; ( (2) a33 Sfojozx 0; -— cooS, adv. same (infrequent). ooS6, v. to be hard to deal with, unaccommodating, perverse; C::~Qelsr3 1:SC3 Ca>oOiOSWYGOOO4 cooS, 2, v. to press with a lever in order to raise or remove; w~oo5msmBooe~11 % ---- 5, see the parts, aqoSScooS; oo&^ooOVQ084j:),-O3N.C "mgc-1cooS3m8G9 S.cbogo q3o, in the timber forest, elephants have to raise up logs of timber with their tusks and push them down into creeks..coSrco5omooz, adv. refractorily. MooAffx, continuative aiix, from the first of; as og:?coo2o:o, from the first of his going. mnooS or cmooS, n. the three-leaved caper tree. oorwxso -o (from oons and oM8, 2), adv. in a rambling, inconsiderate, headlong, incoherent manner; comp. o8$iacol, 3QogJC eo (000Ocoon6 coO:Z1oooqno oPx' (pron. kuddaree), n. a state of harrying distress. -oS, v. to be in such a state (scarcely ever used). ooooS or moooB5, n. the three-leaved caper tree. roc:3ooul: (from c8S-ol.) (pron. kuddein kubba), adv. reelingly, as a drunken man; totteringly, as a sick man; oS~,:z8o58 (i0 o~ cyo3e cf cooSajoopE8003 co, when this man was sick, he was unable to move about and was in a tottering state. co8, n. a small (glass) cup. cooRS (oooS6-) (from com and 0op), n. a breast-work of earth, cr)oa8; hence sq;coqS, n. a boom across a channel; also used in a figurative sense; co:o9j g:)- SapogS1co8ucyon8_ eq~q$8f so Cajp Co86E13o8 3 o3e3 __-cs~, v. to throw up a breast-work. \mr, n. a small funnel-shaped vessel of any material; hence 0co0o:, n. a wine-glass (not used for a wine-glass). mc" 171 cmo7 (pron. ozq), n. -a covering for the head and back made of leaf and used to protect the head, shoulders and back from the rain; smaller than the 8c)oi made of o~ and ocq leaf; mSmc&:o~-Qj,- cocoR~Gooo3~l GzI-q,5co*so5c 00-.003 v. to cackle, as a hen before and after laying;GOO~oS coe~u C(3")SN0' QJe~@8GO[ e@-c330=D (0082(n~) 0081.~9GOOC cy~oo~o8moo (from Go~ooo and xoe), adv. in the way of angry disputation; NcjGoo3-Y).ooosmoc%@oA~ooeII M(00o5OOo~, ad/v. confusedly,. incoherently; rooaSd8,cOJ:C0)S CDCS, to be in a gloomy 'Unhappy state, as a person suffering from great trouble or temporary mental derangement; mcacooooo!S (Pron. kadoung kadin); mooSacooS, kadoung gayin; m o:8Mcxxono, kadoung gayoung;Q0S; 00oc Sqpg kadoung chyauk chya, adv. at random, as a frightened or deranged person; mcc cxon (pron. kadon gayin) is very often used -in the same sense; cj~9o3pz:)ToSroGr.E4~3 S(2) ~* -C3330xDO 0c0eoD, n. a funnel [a flower holder made of funnel-shaped leaves]. cco,f-(0 i, see m~D(S to make a noise like a hen when separated for any time from the male species; c8~J-S;ooo c*coo, 2, n. a lady, a title of rank; now used also as an affix to denote the wives of men holding office or otherwise distinguished, as oSsxoo=S, the wife of a governor; coqaoo =cS, the wife of a teacher; e.g., (i) g80,ccooS, the wife of any official except very subordinate ones; (2) GC8'UMGoS, the wife of a r-.cg o;; (3) ~mrooSr, the wife of a broker.; (4) mS'CN@,jmrccco3, the wife of a fishery lessee; (5) GOcS& ozcccS, the wife of a Sawke; (6) omcoSoo, the wife of a Wun; (7) oBR~cc;cnS, the wife of a Sitke"; (8) (-6:ts~cc G005) the wife of a Mingyi, i.e., a commissioner; (9) c5 GOcSQ08(cG0c5, the wife of a royal herald, &c. oWv. to provoke, irritate by backbiting representations; less than q-cooox~i ~;~y o;~: Gco;-coSo~uj,cx2o~c 00 ~ o3 J J 172 CYx8C*OI I * oc~&ocp$:, adv. from above. -.-c4 (from. d~cB~o), adv. headlong, hitting here and there without regard; doc~mcqcoo~oS or (mcqwO&Ro) r. oooSo WOsee cxc~. iac~,n. the musk-cat; musk. coocG&: (o~osoS~&), n. scissors;cq:18 o 6o u -Tyqo5 (m65 cq-o8Y~q), m. a preparation of talc. -00 (a~rcq'Oo), n. clippings. o:oB (Pali), n. the nominative case. cxqaqc8 or coO930[aGO, n. tar, oo8jl~S; m8gcp —8ob, n. asphalt. m&3qooG~, see mgo~oru m3,*n. a cockatoo. cgon. a boundary line of division or demarcation; sq,0 4.,v. to make such a line, division, or demarcation; [a differpi~ce of mind, to have nothing in common owing to difference o[ character, views, disposition and incompatibility of temper, &c.J; g$2.CGOGD.CO:,oJ8CS&~ 46,n. velvet; hence ~:~1 ikvelvet; @~cocotton velvet, velveteen, mA(Ao xo-I Anglice, to be -soft as, or like, velvet. o jn. a kind of large boat, somewhat like a Chi nese junk (ma8cno5o8) in appearance, much in use at Mergui and Tavoy. m~~8cGr.oSc (from ~&a:~Sn. -the opening in the floor or seat of a privy. mno~o3 (Pr-on. kadoot), n. a hole to let off water from a tank, paddy-field, bathing tub, &.c.; oo-6oo %Io~o~ mRomcqoS, see mcXOa~.- (not used). mcxnoo, adv. overbearingly; C1 -3008~8cq ( WO-VP xG0M cncBmo6l- (from c8 and om6l-), ad/v. allusively, indirectly, so as to annoy, but without making a direct charge; cmJ.q ohs is different to c 8o55'j5&A, as when a person speaks in a ozcBmyol: manner, he himself is the person who speaks directly to another in —an allusive manner; whereas in,O~:0'5q8~ehe speaks allusively of another person in M* 173 his hearing, and not directly to him; xoo8oo.1.oG@odc8W omc8mo, adv. same generally, but not always, for instance, as in the phrase 3ocoG o c8coaogo:o1o~, don't carry the child in a careless, negligent manner. oAc8oooCo, see o8ooo00Ci coc84 (Pali oCd8), n. a sacred period (namely, month of Tazaungm6n), during which priests' garments are presented with ceremonies. At this time the people purchase one or more pieces of cloth, according to their circumstances, which they present to the priests. The cloth for this purpose is called katina (oc8~ —cmdcK). It cannot be received except by a chapter, which must be constituted of at least five priests; when the cloth is offered, the priests hold a conversation among each other and enquire, "which of us stands in need of a robe." The priest who is most in need of a garment ought now to make known his want; but this rule is not attended to, as the priest who has read the sacred books or expounded them during the performance of wass, whether the most destitute or not, usually receives the robe. The priest respectfully asks the rest of the chapter to partake of the merits produced by the offering. The assembled priests, assisted by the lay devotees, make the cloth into a robe and dye it yellow, the whole of which process must be concluded in sixty hours or a natural day. It is not an ordinance of Buddha.-E.M. -- o8, v. to offer garments to rahans; o-c8$5j -00oo5$, n. a garment made at such period. coMoS, n. a species of yam. oo3oSci:, n. a species of custard-apple, the sweet-scented uvaria; 3croooSc~sii ooooSc$os*c~Q9-~ocg4i 3ajoGcop0j0:) oSeo~ooS oo5 gn o0$, i, an artificial pool, a tank of water; cocomo$, n. an artificial tank; oacoocSoogx, partly so; ooc)oooomx, a natural tank. — o:00ooo, n.'one who makes a tank; in reality for the use of the public for drinking purposes; (oco0030o3, an offering intended for the use of all). -- o8:, — oS:: (cx$zcS:, -co$oo8:s), n. a ridge of earth in rice-fields, any ridge of earth to prevent the egress of water, aEgeog (omnS.6e), ei. to be reckless, unreserved in conduct, wanton; mmoeolaQ -_.sGdSMg (from mo.18 and als:), n. a mound, bank of earth, to form a reservoir of water; ocoeo~O cr_, 2 (Pali ome, a virgin), n. Virgo, the 6th sign of the zodiac. cm4, 3, V. to kick; less than Go6Soa6, to push off (a boat; GqpoSo%6, to do so with more force), to repel, make rebound, to " kick " as a gun when fired; codS4coeo~, to prop laterally, e.g., ao:x$ooex; (i) aomcoa*:18: Scoo ~83GreCJs oe (2) Gcg.Co~$cV5o6l, please push off the boat; (3) ooesoo4cmF 0ocjc.~cgki6oo8q0lo, I do not wish to fire with this gun, because it kicks. o moS, n. the umbrella over the royal bed...-omoo (om439c5), n. same (most common); ofcYm$oom8:& -IS 8, stak eW(4o in number, used to secure the caGofs.: in a oo8:, trap). McCqoS, n. the innocuous estuary serpent; c, g ooSG xo:d omq, 1, n. a disease of the gums; 3ojq a aMo4, 2, n. the soondree, the Heritierafomes of Symms found in tidal creeks; a very tough wood, but not durable; when Rangoon teak broke with a weight of 870 lbs., soondree sustained I,312 lbs.-Mason, mA6:, n. the pierardia fruit, the [eritiera attenuata; fruit subacid in flavour. co4s, see @82 -6-8), n. a porch, or platform, or small building attached to a larger, commonly without a roof; %ilsooszqoo@So-_OIqj Q@603i01lu:i )@8c 6 as o -)alcpoco, I have never once been in trouble (or had a case against me); I have not so much as arrived at the outside or precinct of a court. - i, n. an awning with a fiat roof, booth, large shed; comp. oW&S; with a roof like a house, or with an arched roof C88~-4Oqo*OOe+M48-4III 0 MS43:, n. the beginning, the first (of a thing), the very first; 3WO, 3309W, MOR3, m9qE GOB O 6mz1YaC181 33a0c8 onC~occpogesqusomls 0$S3am aotao coSo] cupgu cioso (pron. kannaz6), n. same as onoos,, moncoo, n. an oyster; coooooo@ gSQo, a mother-o-'pearl button or stud. coo5 (pron. omq) (from Pali cn, anything insignificant), n. the small pieces of whittled bamboo or wood made use of by rahans in the qa93S (ae8S). [There are six kinds of omoii which it is unlawful for rahans to use, namely, (0) ao0ol1 GsOOOOoiI (j) solGOO81 aODil () 333ICoo801] GOOOoMo03 (9) 8o0oc Oros11 (s) rolr6Sgoo03ogo5:, (Q) one @ioGc3co5oiiqLxsjo:o:3c.] When used by the royal family, thele pieces of bamboo, or wood, were termed GooS~j@coSii! coG^, see coz4S, not much used. oo0&oL (pfon. ooGq) (Pali), n. any place extensive and difficult to pass, as a road intersected with ravines or beset with robbers, or a desert of wood or sand; hence cooo&ooq, an extensive wood, wilderness; acQ(o8soom o, an extensive swamp; -oo&oxq, 3 @8 ooocq, an extensive sandy desert; owgqpo&)G1, the expanse of ocean; o6coo mSoq, the expanse of the sea. (2) 33Z3oooj3Sqec~g GoQ eoo8 o oooooeo3 00OGol ogo6M coe o~:s6oaqi35 a:oGpo^68o1, in the great country of Africa, the sandy desert of Sahara is so very extensive (or lit. because it is so very extensive), that though one should travel on a camel for the ppace of two months, one cannot reach the limit of the desert. oCo00oo (etymology uncertain, pron. m0o!), v. to beg pardon; "to shorten the tusks of an elephant by sawing" (foSoS$ "0o00) coa0345 c4:8Y39S cq 0o oGa'So3 5o1l o18ao~, I offer homage and begi pardon, sir, for the wrong I have committed against you in my heart; coo0,o5, o8of5o$oo3 Note.-An apology of this sort is never offered to a person younger than one's self. In the event of an elder offending ayounger person, he would say co 5ol, " please bear with me," " please forbear," " have patience." (2) o3co8o5o$Cn0g)co5GGOO@oSooG033 gq co, begging pardon of the offences of the body and of speech; allow me to show you the sore on my foot. Note.-In respectable Burmese society, a Burman, when describing anything connected with what he considers an q6 cWJ inferior part of the body (the foot being considered as such), will always preface his description with o-coo5 08 o5woGocooldj; he would not, however, as a rule, make an apology of this kind to a younger man (or woman) iunless he were considerably higher than himself in the social scale. oojcopcxooS, n. a festival formerly held three times a year at Mandalay, at which all feudatories, ministers, &c., paid homage to the king. 1), r, n. brimstone, sulphur. —, -9~, n. flowers of sulphur. com, 2, v. to mark across, make a division; n. the thwart of a boat; 4ccoo&oS, o61o0 (pron. puggan). Der. mcmA - Ng"S, v. to hinder, prevent, prohibit; c8=o0=, ow:00e, G6 o0 i1 98=c5028 -080o cnC0og) 25f8g jGObqfi gom882:D oq'S Gooo6QoolqeuJ -;dS, n. an objection, exception (e.g., an exception in the Indian Penal Code, Evidence Act, &c.) - 00coioio, see mia)Ju - Gc;00S, see ao, 2, n. --— c4, adv. right across, athwart; 8coo, next; cmco~., n. a bolt; icoajcS, to draw back a bolt. (i) coeljohoga1 cooa8c 3ooa88 oo&b, why does this man sleep (right) across the doorway? (2) GqoSoO8a 3 GQ:CO%&O33OoJG@3E ooc'E cooe~, Kyaungtaga Maung TayBk Phyu has a habit of talking in a perversely contrary manner. —.cEcx8 (pron. oso0c8), n, a bolt, cross-bar; o351:x8 (pron. tuggachyin), by abbreviation cnoic (pron. ocuj). ci ----p,, see xo=qooii ---— Qo, v. to thwart, act contrary to; coh)mgcBjooeT -— oS (pron. omoS), n. the division or compartment of a Burmese boat in the stern, or the stern, as ~o-oo8 (pron. oo-ka-win), ~moio8 (p~ kawin). - 000o, v. to make a division, fix the boundary of; acoScscooe, to complete; -4So xg~nmo~ S, to fix a boundary; oxcsp o o$GooorBGcoSc:o COCG540-qjro~ OMQOISCocS0IaSO064)%4@c~0 cDGooooj6ol, your petitioner (lit. your servant) is not agreeable to the distribution and boundaries of the paddy-land allotments made by the Assistant Commissioner. ocnt 177 w3a38, n. a species of gingerwort; ooc loaSoptc]4 ooSngo0~ogSt aqcfi o~g\~ o 66P 388303X6 e, the Talaing, Burman, Karin and Shan make (or lit. cook) a curry of gingerwort and eat it in large quantities mixed with vermicelli. oMoj (pron. Mc8.), n. a variety of steatite or soapstone; 98o0S g~:g088sGOO:)Oicaas3 00:o81$c6c~ic 503&QGp5 I -~o$ (moqo4), n. a soapstone pencil..-MMWW0, n. the handle of soapstone pencil. o, v. to be blind, 9joB058m$-a (vulgar; oclxajsD8.oqjAoorq: I gioc9g1o0o 1 octi.i are far more elegant and may be used in speaking to blind persons themselves without hurting their feelings), to fill or nearly fill with earth, so as to hold no water, as a well, a tank or the bed; rqlS:oa$S:@ 0~G.90 Qc2oSj8lIII coECoj= g8soo$:cx00 p. The Burmese say that a blind elephant will cause the destruction of a city and a blind horse of a village. oolmN (from ~q), adv. wheedlingly, coaxingly, 'oo.g~ - (i) 3o3~ico~oCn ooCg,0a8o8: jc this child does nothing but cry in a wheedling way and cannot keep quiet; (2) oeon-coroo:)* mc oocs goooSoA, Ma Me behaves to her husband in a very coaxing, wheedling way. MS, I (Pali omj), n. a period of revolution of time, an era; om -:, n. the beginning of the world; cmS 3-o, its first inha. bitants, m 0ooQ30n0cQoo%':ii -W ----4, see aoco3 ou - &qaSso, n. the rain, by which a future world is formed. — coso:6-, the four periods-oo8"o S 0 o5ojS3go8.A 80ol8a 80q Soo8wS-which compose one grand period or cycle (cmn) ovS); comp. azqo8,: 64 minor periods of revolution. -— Ou:o7*, the three evil periods, namely, qSo@&joo6, GqoP0c 0MS, oolqoo8t, (1) the period of famine, (2) of pestilence, (3) of slaughter(') @o)C uqfg" 9 qoo~dq903So8es6333a~EC@838: L094 3aSo18: c4o-obosooSs8. SIOE 3 ooco-~, fowls (lit. know the fact of) knowing that a famine is going to happen, leave their roosts even before dawn in an irregular manner and contrary to all natural laws, searching for food. 23 178 38ao 0a083@00(ZatC3351 C8:q&8I s4 3oocS oooo r. o8 ooe-, for what reason is it said that dogs foretell in an, unmistakable manner impending pestilence? It is because they howl at night at an unseasonable time. (3) cooMG 8x984 cCGO Ojcud)opoe~,<o $e0qoooscg)8ogo c6Soqjboo4~0o5oocoSe, when a period of slaughter is going to occur, crows fly about in a terrified manner, screeching the while. These three omens are given in the Deit't6n (SgSoS3) or the book consulted by the Burmese to explain omens and dreams. cof, 2, n. a texture made of bamboo split and interwoven; comp. 4S. Der. o8:oO8, see 8:ooS (a hurdle). ogj ceRD8 o."n UgoosgS:0 GM0u 8:0~CYgB$ cOo8c88gm0=3 J CD5832BSO9) co)86coo)xoo in the towns of Danubyu, Yandoon, and Pantanaw there are at the entrance of every house two bamboo fire flappers for striking out fire. Lc S n. a hurdle race. 0:8, 3, v. to join, unite, put together flatwise; ow8, to stick to, adhere to (in any manner). Der. qj:Coo, co:Om8, and ~omS Q6oQo8*CO0oo5aG0~ oe#, he remains attached (with a view of protection and future advancement) to this official. -~c~*., see 0eu - v,. to adhere to, take refuge i; ~, go%, CYo.q8S:r9c8, to take advantage of in orde go gain an end, to be restive as a horse, or unwilling to move as a bullock when attached to a cart; coeh:) 9(eO4o8Goao3a3o QcP"`303i&~0 c4qaomqGooeT u aqc8S*O6:p6 always used in a bad sense. -d S, ee ovS; oco~Moo0c0oDQ83.q8 1-GoOG@DGC66 C SooRCGZS~00e "owing to this up-country man being in indigent circumstances, he hangs on to this Ihay thugyi." - 0, n. one who has not a settled residence, but is merely a temporary guest; oS4.mSool:, a loafer. -=s48, v. to adhere to for the purpose of protection or future benefit. q8 (c&n58), see oo8q, Ist def.; ~o~8mqsH oG:ocooo@coo,.44,:,t 3 of,88f90 er rqespectful to st)O.Q4 00 cOS& 4, v-.to offer respectfully (to a priest). 179. 03c, see the parts; cooooeo o6Cooo5Gg3o_ o:2aqjB(U8go*q: @scg:o&soo86ogqGim my son, go and offer the p6ngyi the packets of tea and sugar. ooooSoo6S (pron. kubbet kazet) (from ooSooS), adv. carelessly, neglectfully, in a squandering manner, without regard (@8o cooSooS used with reference to a person's having no proper place, anything in); moSoo oS,GSgggoo,9sa ~, do not dispose of money and property in a squandering manner. omooScfxoS (from oso5qo5) adv. carelessly, wastefully, scatteringly, without consideration. (1) cDoSo5cqoSGo g8cpQooog8, don't eat without consideration anything th t you may find or see. (2) o005009oq ooS o So0E:o 8 SooSoo, if one eats in a wasteful manner, one is apt to want (lit. to be poor). [" Waste not, want not."] comoo (pron. kabo gayo), adv. with the clothes put on in a slovenly manner, i.e., worn loosely and draggingly. (1) qoA.msco ooSoS, don't wear your puhso in a slovenly fashion. (2) OSSo08I cS 03 0?16s86 ailCD O OcG@8003Q3GS1 -33goP ocg88 (Pali), n. ceremonial spots in the corner of priests' garments; 8ooj:ogqO:O~g 930:a:06co:8 88osxx:ac:0~, in the extreme corner of the priest's garment the p6ngyi makes three holes, thus o0 oo04, n. urena hemp; ooSt:op caoo38: (Mason). 6o60o6, n. small scales used by goldsmiths for weighing gold; $g8rorco:s n. urena hemp. " --- —oS, n. the scrotum (polite G900GsoS). 0ogc8 (from Kaffir), n. a negro; ogoOc8lo5c6Sxoa3 G yoG9q G9?oze (colloquial 3cS), this negro is so black that darkness envelops him. oo~oo$ (Eng.), n. a captain of a ship or steamer; oo33eo0o0oo1$, 8:o3o5o0 o o3$11 (i) the captain of a sailing ship; (2) the captain of a steamer. co~ (Pali), v. to do any service for a priest which it is not lawful to do for himself; sed by priests in speaking to their followers; Gcqoiooqo;g6cj 8 o go[R o6 so5 o1884:o lgoo5o1, do you, on my behalf, cut down the trees and pull up the weeds in the kyaung premises. [Note. —Pngyis are forbidden to cut down trees and pull up weeds, so that they. i I,' i8d may avoid killing insects, &c.]; (2) 6socn &gO,, cook the rice on my behalf. "Mocoo006 (e), n. Kappilawut, the birth-place of Gaudama the Buddh (Singh. Kappilawastu). Some authorities maintain the correct orthography to be m8coodS, from the name of the ascetic Kapila; IcCS6@:83too&,8coqEcmG08-@0:)~ii o806mF8, adv. slatternly, dirtily-(I) 0068M0 8 woojpSqjco c o: 010, (2) mr8'00e8 0 a s 0 0jo ~.018. 11 mo~cooZGo8:, n. an iron rod. ao~lox6im (00 001000xm) (Pali), n. one (a layman) who supplies all the wants of a priest and acts as his major-domo and fidus Achates. ozrj (pron. kabya), n. poetry both of a religious and secular kind; cochou qoloomxo (from qoco) (pron. cwoco)o), adv. in a disorderly hurry; 9cC8qooon m:o)cro ~00g0o3U GoQoG@co84'C oa;c1oc8oq:, he runs in a disorderly hurry; what reason there is for his doing so I do not know; (2) 8X0C 8 3 05 go: G 009 G 38 00G 1oqSc-oqoss09 mq o0O0O) oS5@qoo, owing to their hearing the steamer's whistle they were obliged to buy the provisions for the journey in a disorderly hurry. a4fos (probably from `@os, pron. ka bya as if two distinct words), n. one whose parents are of different races; Is8 oonoo8c;gs~Grcxooosc~3, the children by marriage of parents of different races; a*o80mo xeOOcqo:).. CrI@oS:m@~,r adv. from (;ED, which see; u aco mg-, n. the Tavoy name for oo3cc8,, which is not, however, at all like the oojo6as found in Pegu. It may possibly be a species of Careya arborea. This tree fringes the seashore in parts of Burma. o-esoScoeoS, adv. (from Goso5ecn, which see); ooeSs$oqA3 -gc/Sgm 603crjdj ar6sc~ ~ 9~'~oaooc86e~ooqjS4 08 I opoq3som, n. a species of mollusc, Modiala variosa. =18 or oqc8, n. mangrove, mordant. voocoo@n (from o and co), v. to superintend and encourage personally;@QSU-ogrSo apeu oaq=2c~%8 mcmcooAg~cooG8ioS coe, I superintended and arranged the matter (or case in Court) for him, o~00ooo00 (pron. gamari gadan), see ozoo$*moo m, adv. in a wild, incoherent manner, as a person suddenly waking; oo5 jaGoao oqqos J sco0MoQ41 GOO3808o Goo005o 0oS oo5oooog, persons in epileptic fits feel (with their hands,) south and north, i.e., everything they can lay their hands upon; (2) cq go qgco G 00~oo5 5a3CG oor.@ p o5&CP6`D m0~0oooIOo oog, the sick person started up in an affrighted manner from his bed owing to his hearing the report of a gun at an unseasonable hour of the night. m0o0 (see oac/o), n. an oyster. This word is used in lieu of mcokmo by people of Tavoy and Mergui. ooioc, adv. distractedly, in an absent manner (not much used). cogge (pron. kabyee), n. a permanent inscription, commonly on stone, 8cog~, (q)poSo), any superscription; c688o)ii ogg JOqjoo) 6%QoG ):> 06:g0 5oG[COO 8qo1oSSco O 33G0033 GcGOo:)(cooo01 the King Mind6n caused the three grand 'divisions of the Buddhistic scriptures to be written in permanent stone inscriptions in the city of Mandalay. oogoS (pron. kubbat), n. the narrow board which forms the border of a coffin, a border in any board work; ogoS8g59.95gSo ooSgoo, i (pron. kubbala), n. the Sonneratia apetala of Symms. Mo8coo, 2, n. a kind of Chinese carpeting not woven; a kind of cloth made of hair and wool (coo::GogC8). oocc (pron. kubbalway), n. a wrapper or case for palm-leaf books made of cloths and sticks (bamboo). oo.. (pron. kubba), n. thf grand cycle or period of time during which an entire revolution is performed, 000oo30; in a secondary and figurative sense, the world or sekyah system (c@ogo) considered as subsisting through an entire revolution, as in the phrase cO>O8.SGco8@8:, the conflagration of the worl, -rg&% o oSzo~:oocs800o8:, a phrase used by the B rmese when being told news of an antiquated character Proverb os8:Gco8 coDJSGaDo o: Goo6c~4~6:sooeg, wh n the conflagration of the world takes place, one has to cast down one's son (on the ground) and trample on him. The meaning of this is that in time of great trouble and perplexity, one is compelled to look after No. I. --— oj, n. the primeval iihabitants of the world. 182 MS0co5 con5oooo0 (pron. Wcogooo), n. things co-eval with the earth, such as rivers, mountains, lakes, rocks, the sea, &c. -- 4, n. a disease to which a person is subject but once, as the smallpox. - -oSco, n. the wind which destroys the earth; 00oo8 Gco$8, to be burnt up, as the earth. — q6, n. an imperishable enmity, a deadly enmity (lit. an enmity which can never be appeased during the present cycle); o=ua l S3 c *o es~ poC3q3, this man and I are not on speaking terms; between us there is eternal enmity. ocrgcooq8, the four kinds of trial by ordeal, namely, 8:c8:, burning candles; ao$ols, chewing and swallowing rice; Gq o030, going under water; and G6ooD05, thrusting the finger in melted lead. -con3, v. to undergo one of the four ordeals; oD3o8608G@o3 g co9osr $0o aGcosq8oo.G8qoccoo.6.oloeooos:, if you speak truth, will you venture to undergo one of the four ordeals? cog (Pali), n. a deed, 3ag; the accusative case; cogocog8 oo|c8n oogomS, n. the body as produced by the influence of past deeds; coo0~0 1[, v. to die. oogo,, a. caused by the influence of past deeds; ogo5snooghsco c28, an euphemism for o8:sw, applied to women experiencing the pains of child-birth; cooo2oq18, v. to die. ogo~;:, n. a short sentence, for repetition of which there are forty (comp. m oozo) Gro: 90o — oo3o08S:, Xv. to repeat sentences from the.ogg0s and — g, v. to meditate on such sentences. 0coo30oa (pron. kummathaga), n. one's destiny; Goo:)3cboGspo otgOogo~cgogo~oooso8omopooooo, your going to jail is due to no one; it is your own destiny (i.e., your own fault, your lobk out). c8ol, n. the ordination service of the Buddhist priesthood; co 8$o goo1iioooc8mcgol nqoo0gol u80m8>38c go1 a - o0, n. the writing containing the said service. -— oa0ooS, v. to read the said writings. Mo;o0S, n. the illipie oil tree, Bassia longifolia. cn@6~ 183 0i60ooo, n. a species of sonneratia resembling the weeping willow, "found in the low wet lands near the mouths of rivers."-Mason. o.:, I, n. the bank of a river, lake, or sea; coooS.oos8:oagocqo [in speaking of a person who excels in anything the Burmese frequently make use of this phrase, e.g., ooo a.8:8: oo ocuoouNooS(oGC So ) o I cq o005]. o. -- @, n. the foot or bottom of a bank; coosocS@.o.Oo.c a3 rG c o:o 3$ 3oqSg8 O gG8330 CO>5o coS3coouoootop, at Maungmagan, three taings and a half journey from the town of Tavoy, the sea-beach is very pleasant. -- l, n. a projecting bank. -- GoooS, n. a steep bank, a cliff on shore, a bluff. — 00, n. a natural recess in the side of a bank, a terrace. --— 8, n. the top of a bank. -— s, n. the front of the top of a bank. -.0-o1 n. a steep bank. — cl 0coo (pron. kumba zouk), n. same. - o1:c(oS, n. a breach in a high bank, a chasm, gulf; cGqoS -- olgtogo, n. a sloping bank. o6$i, 2, v. to hand, transmit with the hand; o3gS:~G0so, to give, grant, bestow; u:o:oo. Der. saooao and Go0ooS,, -- cgS, v. same; eQRoQC soo,.ogSg,OSolqoa@068, a phrase used by an inferior to a superior when making an offer of personal service; oq.oS03o8CgSgcos*ooooS Gol oS:, 3, the king crab; o8coco$g0, mo:o5, n. a section of the Burmese race which in the first century of the Christian era occupied the southern part of Arakan, aooto5 so 0ooq8, n. a small species of perna, a bivalve mollusc. 00oos1, n. the Persian lilac, pride of China, pride of India. oco0%, n. a species of crinum bulb, a fragrant drug imported from the Shan country. Mon, n. a species of sea-shell, solenocurtus, M. co!:$ (pron. kamyin nee), n. a small species of tick. oac6 (pron. ka myin), v. to be immodest, shameless; ocooS oog (8S oeoooo0ooo&g) rGoOO [cSl6@8, n. a slyly lascivious person.] 184 - oo@8:c8: (fron. kamyindee), n. a shameless, impudent fellow (a term of reproach used by women to men). --, n. an immodest, wanton woman (a term of reproach used by men to women and by women to each other). oom8 (from co and g8), v. to prohibit, as a parent or teacher; mostly used in combination with atg8i3sgoo~aSooCqnoSoo: ~ oogSQSG:SOog~, notwithstanding that he had been spoken to and prohibited, he still went and committed theft. ooG~o, v. to be light, vain, wanton; less than cS8: and o:ooSo mo@8, n. a species of butea, a leguminous plant. ooAI, i, v. to deliver from some evil, to save; 8G.oosoSo4u GoS gooaoSolG0So. 8ii @o 'oq5 pooo:cgo:sGoo:>8~ on o - go,.-coo5 (pron. ooS when used with oo-S), -o58, -o08, -0, -uo, -8oS, see the parts. — 0-o1q, — 1o, n. a spot appropriated to the residence of beggars, grave-diggers; OS:osGS. G0oo^:[gg:g oo5ol poo& oog, o5, 2, v. to be distended, puffed, swollen, as the stomach or bowels, ~o5oog — () og 0oGCOGO0glGOOOS oOOo5G^, oegz (2) (50 Go~3G@osCOG( coo0, 3, v. to be oblique, sideways in position or action; chiefly used in playing marbles and such like games; Gqe8*a:) IGooGo@oLc(8ocso^o5(^obUG9:)8coGo~^4mo5qqoo-ii -Golo5 (pron. oo56olo5), n. a concealed passage under ground made by' some animals; 0oSC2g:qps: oSoog$s:ou g~0(o^llqc~q~oIj OoGoG3llOzHG Q3eS8 0o6Goo18c^Gooo5^n omoqcoo (from ooo, to take tender care of), adv. with tender care; opgua a ms sq c o ozooo i, oGq, equivalent to co, as much as-(i) Ggoc3aG(:og, lit. he speaks whatever he finds, or freely, he says whatever comes into his head first; (2) @SoqGozoSojoae, he picks up whatever he sees. ooqo (pron. karagat) (Pali cmqGooo, kekkatakaw, a crab), n. Cancer, the 4th sign of the zodiac, co1qcoqao (June). mqomoS, n. a kind of bird said to live in stagnant water, to be ruddy in colour and like a duck in appearance. o 8, n. a Karin, one of the race of Karins. S ggoocb 185 cnqao (pron. karingyed), n. a species of leprosy; ogtooqfrJq 006 i,, n. a Red Karin, one of the race of Red Karins. oqs8$, 2, n. a species of lant most commonly found on trees, the bite of which is painful. cnSodocS, see 3 3ooo3S, adv. trailingly. coGqo- (Pali co, to do, add ao, to be), a. produced by the operation of an agent; cno"QOugOO | ooqLc (Pali), n. the instrumentive case in Pali grammar. mo.oo5, n. the bastard saqdal tree. wCioao, n. a species of laurus very plentiful at Tavoy and much used for making the walls of houses. (Martaban camphor wood). oq8oS (9o5), n. coq8oo (P4li) is Garuda, the carrying bird of Vishnu, which has been brought into Burmese mythology with the other promi ent objects of the Hindu pantheon. It is often seen erected at the summit of flagstaffs in the neighbourhood of religious edifices and this is deemed the king of birds (9o5&.8). The Burmese say it lives in the Himalayas; it is said to have a most melodious note; os 0~g8S0g 0C98oq8oS4o(411 cos, n. a pitcher or pot with a spout; cooSooSqcmpa; a ea pot. --—, n. the spout of a pitcher; oo(o5qc psgoo cO,ao 0ooc, how did the spout of the tea pot get broken off? o00oo0 (Pali), n. a Seed, action; agtoq, in grammar, a verb, appendage, utensils; szaoaoot aoooooS90 00o00oo00 G 80ooS (o0018:) 3,.4 s1ooe, this gentleman has much furniture, &c. moOjoo (Pali), n. pity, compassion; oops@8 --— looQ3 (Pali anger), n. a blending of anger and com. passion (Sq8xoos); aocae2g m5,goo o csJa.acGlooc ^CooUagg^ ia>ooG[3a3sg,.os, although he chastens his children, he only does so in a manner in which anger is tempered with compassion, not severely. cmoSoG18S, adv. from q8^-3, in the way of making a tumult in a disorderly manner; o9aSoo559ooc,.-i, ) cYlsoo(qogoo goog3goSo6c33GoT~gLoSGJ j~ (3,8o50) cB o5o, you had no right to go up into his house and make a disturbance; for doing so, I inflict upon you a fine of Rs. 25. woa:oxo (o,)b), see aooori 24 186 ooca ooFqSooqoS (oowooSoooooS) (pron. youk-gayet) (from GepoS 9qoS [Gcoc0oooS], which see), restlessly, fidgetingly, meddlesomely, disorderly, as children; coOg'os cQGoo G 0( o oSa o oOCP oS $GWll coo&oco, see ooooo)oo8, adv. at random, disorderly in mind, &c. oxqocqxgs (pron. kayaw kayee), adv. in a loose, careless, perfunctory manner; oo qoog0geo^'os:o3Gc g~~ooGtooc: cooG5 or oo9q, o0wS, n. blind aloes, the bark of which is much used by the Burmese as a hair-wash; has very cleansing properties. coqSooe~, c 5qmooaoS, adv. in a contemptuous, ridiculing, flippant manner, tauntingly, insultingly (OOGqSo3o II qoS @cSqoS- SQ9qo:gS), as one introducing irrelevant, nonsensical remarks in grave conversation; ociTooDco0 Go8: moo0o3o34q9So3ono30 GgocongOoo38>3 5oo8c0= 60 (AoS 0So5gooo-o63U~ ooUoocoooSoiq$1oGoosolcb, while phaya tagas and kyaungtagas are assembled and engaged in conversation.regarding the law, a young man (a junior) intrudes and addresses them in a flippant manner (his manner of speech being) "a da-ma (Burmese bill or hatchet) with a curved point, the weight of which is a viss minus go tickals; o tickals' weight is chipped off in hewing; how much, please, might remain?" ooeqS.wca, adv. same. coDuSs, see coqcoC oWoA, see %P. " oo.oS, n. a stand for pots or jars, composed of rattan or rope curved and intertwisted into a ring; ogoSacqGd cogsog. The Burmese sometimes say that the method adopted by the British Government in taxing them is like the action of water on the ratan chatty ring, i.e., they gradually introduce one tax after the other! --— oS:gooSooo:0-@, v. to beat roundabout the bush in speaking. ----, same as oogoS, cooge, n. Martaban camphor wood. "The Karins call it (the tree) gulanga from its fragrance."-Mason. coc8 I87 ocoGo)s8:, adv. contrary, at cross purposes, with a design to puzzle and mislead; out of natural or regular shape, as the limbs of the body after a paralytic stroke; oae oa% 8 0s3: ocooS, see co0:, to behave in a shameless immodest way, as a woman; 0oo8~rojoo,)o8 crOoa5~ru~~os58. La 1 ocoo0S, 2, n. a species of vinewort, Leea stapL ylea. -- o3S, n. a tall shrubby perennial, the Leea crispa. oocoaoS, n. in Burmese nonasteries a piece of wood hollowed out, with a longitudinal slit on one side. This is beaten three times a day toicall the boys to their lessons. -— oloS, v. to beat such an instrument. oco$, n. an official of inferior rank (obsolete); comp. a@0 -- 035, same (obsolete6. oocoDo: (from ooiooo?), n. a selvedge, [the long edge of cloth or silk in distinction from the short edge or width]; co. cocoS, n. a low stand with a concave surface, a salver. co5oiS, n. a Hindoo; odC8(iopxoScqtsnoo5o oococ, n. the embryo in the first stage of conception, Gq@i; comp. 3oS and coo:soofBnoocrqTo @g oo ococo, or mccoi, der. cqcoo coS, n. a narrow waist-cloth (ca: $cc) worn by (Burmese) men who are employed in any laborious occupation, namely, fishermen, carpenters, coolies, cultivators, boatmen, &c., in lieu of a puhso. con, n. a species of palm? 0co003 (Pali ccooGo'o), n. a collection, union of several; 3q --- 8018, the eight collections, o3sccoS, namely, (008,,o3 Col, GooCoO, o160oo, o,,,oo, and @0)0, which see. occooOGooS, n. a species of Indian fig, Opuntia Dillenii, oo0ooS8 mcooacooSol:, n. another species, Opuntia Cochinillifera, coooo& cooSoltI, coc8, 1, v. to irritate or tickle, as the ear, by introducing a feather and twisting it about; comp. cqS, to tease by impertinence or petty annoyance, to vex; one kind of Go~51o5, to irstigate by continually irpportuning, as a woman (her k- )G CO 00 husband); GWO~O GOOGOC)50 3ZOq500~ 5-0'CBB (0c'(:~~ aQcIo84qcot-~, -this man is disinclined (or hardly wishes) to. bring a case -(in court); it is owing to his wife (or the woman's) being exceedingly importunate that he is obliged to do so. oocM-c,, v. to tickle; wircoq.oec 0 co%, in order to make the child laugh (who is crying), he tickles him in the small of the back. cAo$$cxooS, adv. unsteadily, discomposedly, rocking from side to side; &3o~oe~1 c~oe~cxg3 go~ogoon8~cor~ooS j8oat~, this man cannot be composed; he behaves in an unsteady, manner. ozcBS, n. a species of leguminous plant, Guilandina bondtic. occ8~ocoe~ (from M~coe~, which se, adv. in a circumventing, deluding, swindling manner; ooc8 oe6-~ O 38 o ~1 cocBMxo (from ocB and o883), n. a falsehood, deceit, fraud. v. to have a facility for lying, to be much addicted to it; comp. oGcoo3o61 3.~ccxO(): Vc~sC~ oe~c, ~o~~%this man is so exceedingly addicted to lying that one cannot ever believe him when he speaks (or there is rjo believing him at any time when he speaks). omcx, v. to div~rt, amuse (as a child); &m%, see also e~~ ---mi ~aodSoo-nc9 and 4Soo5cnc_)c (pron. nine det kaloo) amooccooG4M Q~o0:o$:00og Qa-)0QDIH " 3DGOS(OG.COS OqSOO~0c5" X - oo~&, adv.; see o1,0-cqgooh&i ccc~&obro:)01 (tron. podoungd6, 5), said by children wheni playing. [N.B.-ox9,0651 as the equivalent of ol -c-\R61 is scarcely if ever used.] -C W, v. to amuse one's self. ooojo~o5, n. a species of water-hen, Gallinula _7avanica. ODyCoooI (Pali a rotten carcase), a. totally useless, good for nothing; amoq:oqrcoooii -o0c Q0x4 GOG rGcoocooo~aYo6Szo58 G ooo2 6lme~v OOGO0.0 (from a3coGcosa), n. a. young, small, little; v. to act childishly, in an infra dig' manner........Moco.:, adv. in an unmanly, childish manner, childishly, (one kind of rco-~S); mzotmcooot~811oopS 0Gc Mo:0,8coe, this village elder behaves in a very childish manner. ooog -IB9 ito~(s). cassia (Cassia occiden'tale). coGCOS, v. to raise out of place, as with a lever; cm~oaf~c,&c -Qcut)SZQ C~C-OM&GQQ038 (ai?) RO~McoS~ 0 cqo~o~e, being afraid that the snake would bite some one when he came near the people, he raised it up with a stick and flung it-away. -2.see GOms-~bI oCoqp, see meop, n. a woman that has been once married and remains single for. ever after? (mow-c -Cco8). oco:an (Pali), n. goodness. -qq~,n. good, virtuous person (opposed to macxqcu) applied to a priest; o~o~vz o5 nB~oi. a trusty, upright friend. Omc%3GOO8, n. a giant shell; qmO~OSM3.mwc~, n. the Cerbera manglias, the leaves and bark of which are said to be similar to senna in their action. )0008 it. mootshee wood; Eryhrina Indica. 0=60,see Aobiln o.wqn. a species of cocsmetic wood, erroneously supposed to be the thorn of the! crzooS tree, Xanfkoxylon- budrunga. mz8 (Pali), n. a wise man; qCzVOOep1uO1gH x~oGr "66c=3N@Bco& m8 is a term in modern par]l'ance to denote anything of superlative excellence in the same way Go)S (Go)SJ) and 8& (8tp) are, e.g., ocpo8kic Gm5oS@Sso8-rc)CCO3 (o~omao) Rp:i-oumo is also used in the same way. cxcO, n. a kind of wizard; C~c after being perfected in the nine magical influences, he arrives at the rank of a "kaway." mw.,n.- a Kath~; moapgoe~c @80 a0 ' 2roe~q~ oa~o~oe, the Kath~s are skilled in horsemanship,' shampooing, and weaving zigzagc puhsoes. mo~otthe Kathe" cavalry (in the Burmese time). omxcS or ooc, n. a species of shrub, the leaves of which are intensely bitter, Samadera lucida. movxo5R (moocSR), n. a kind of powder used to rub on the face; 9165~:)o5 (pron. myethna chyee) %8.4u m8o~mr-z (from 0g08 and r,=6), adv. in a suffering state, from severe. treatment in a rough m-anner, unfeeling-(i) mmoc GO. oGO 0 0,BG 811~ (2) 00~~3~qof:.C 190 c(3algoonsororFo oeaoa8ggqoog this doctor (Civil Surgeon), when prescribing for and curing sick persons, handles them in a rough manner without any regard for their feelings. oocSo; (from 8, to trail), adv. in hurried disorder; OcRS@x go6~ (pron. ojo58go8 5@o) implying fatigue and exertion; qt~cVoo0o0 b)xS OBooo;800$o0S',' Q~GoQC1o0D08c OOOnO11n C1o8o000, adv. same. coocBcnccpoS, adv. rudely, outrageously, in a rowdy and disorderly manner; mcc c 3o os SO cac5) 8 6aji cimolox:c srepoSc.@@)-OoTu0go '@cCcgwe CMr.00x OCx6 0SM, adv. same (obsolescent). ocor.=B S,:, adv. roughly, violently (in deed or word); ~6: coS. a,2 r 0)a-M4 1 -b;qO OCBC88st g 0& cooa8c: (Pali ooc8ac, all), n. one kind of cx4g&$s, in which sundry elements and other objects are considered synthetically. -— c oS, n. a circular spot made to look on while meditating on the coocrcS: sentences. - @, v. (figuratively) to have the mind set exclusively on (an object), to idolize;.aoe~u -s-, v. to meditate on the ocnci sentences; 01 p61 sqoC18: 000839Fcro~gs 30S"U33:aigoio> 3350 cndi6g60CoCO ot*0E& Qoog.ooa8,CS S6X36:oocnooG)oa3 o gcqz8 qgss~~~oocr56c80.ooollq~ oo28-C:nCooj, adv. in a dissolute, wanton manner..w;~m4, see m.xoql (not much used). O6 (Pali ooS), n. a deed, action; &GOO6Oam CqGco:)=cq~, the secret influence of an action on one's future destiny. --— $, v. to die; szoS:(0 o o ozSa$jA, Kyaungtaga U Myat Nyo is (alas!) dead. d 8-021, v. to be subject to the influence of a good action, to be lucky, fortunate; $~A p o&acGSooScao6sEl a5kmoS&?G03fwO605cOco8 T 8j0 col 0504,(colloquial GoGo6 noS1 0), it was owing to my good luck that a cobra did not bite (lit. strike at) me this morning when walking along the road.,O ---:oOcYCCS6a, v. to perform all incumbent duties (as a priest); 0c810 coeSWPci@C69D 05@-: CY5cC GWCSJ' G 01 00, I perform all incumbent duties (as a priest) in the c^oo5 191 presence of the great teacher. [Note.-c:@so5cSGcoo&S, this expression is not confined to priests.] og68gos0, adv. in the way of risking everything in order to attain one's object. -- aOs, v. to be subject to the influence of a bad action; oocS acp *8o*rg@cG ocoess o5io 09 coocgOos 8s: o6480o1, owing to my luck being so exceedingly bad, no profit accrues from anything I scheme. -—.coS (@8), v. to be upright and straightforward in a race (pony or boat race), ie., to race fair; o5.c 5 cqoo6S 5g8co as I am not allowed to race fairly with this man, I do not wish at any time to match my pony with his. — 8s, v. to'die as the royal white elephant. — ~, v. to be subject to the influence of a (past) evil action, to be unlucky. —.-j-0o, v. to feel impelled to do something (in consequence of which some danger or something disagreeable is averted) bv having a sort of presentiment; oo., oS Qcoo cs~ ogi;o Q~GO.( c 0ogos i Coooo 8 GoloS boo, having a presentiment (or lit. my fortune urging me), I went to Mandalay and drew a lottery ticket for ten thousand rupees. — 68, v. to die (not very elegant). - ~ooS, v. to be consuimated, as an act; particularly the act of sexual intercourse. o5oGt, n. one who steadily furnishes food for man and beast in Government employ; sometimes expletive, see under o408 and coo5o (a sutler); oQrcigsoSSuG g ao aesQ:o~o 1 os,GooS090 o0ooSi5G ogScqcoS@cgooD, these villagers are obliged to, or have to, follow the forces, carrying baggage, utensils, &c., and to supply provisions. -— oo5o, n. wages, stated pay; o0Doo5sngii o56, n. the croton oil plant, @90; cJOo'.oq9 oloSaO5Qo0oGoS 3oo3amQz@oo; the Burmese (or lit. the Burmese race) make a medicine of the seed of the croton oil plant, which they use as a purgative. oMGcoS, n. the Mesua Pedunculata, " with ivory white petals and deep yellow stamens. * * * * The Burmese say that their next Buddha, Arimataya (a4 oooxq), will enter divine life while musing beneath its hallowed shade " (Mason); asoo J 962 C.016 c8 0.C. qJOSOOCF: QO:)-O~j88) OOCP3GO;WO~ gmsiB~~ Arimataya, the most excellent Buddha, having been perfected at the foot of the gangaw tree, will preach the law of deliverance to all men', Nats, Byabmas and creatures. coo 1, n. a shield of any kind; comp. q8s and ~Si) COD) 2, v. to m;ike a barrier, to cover on the side, to put up the side of a ~house, room, fence, &c., WGO SOj8~e; to make a barrier against, ward off, debar, ~ocxoo~e; o8qo-MBS 96o~ooooo~n,'8o~oocooo:, have you made the walls and partitions of your house with wood or bamboo mats?..CSsee the parts, (;oE Myg80 OGCOOBZ GGu,8((O) c~8tco(tawe, when Maung Phyu -was about to get into trouble, Maung Kya Nyo interposed and prevented v. to act ungratefully; --- (obsolete), -q —, see the parts. 003 3, verbal formative. ao~iq~ (Pali w%3, the ear, and oqo, pleasure), u. the gratification of the ear (Burmese poo GScSgocp); @Sr$c.) cop2o~S woQ (Pali), nz. sexual desire, passion, Qco~oo co~co; comp. qDo, lust, c~rco ooo; hence o~a o=, the desire of outward things; &.c oooow, libidinous desire; mooD8o,- oS c~u~j: I -~. ---qcoB (Pali qco), n. an object of sexual desire, sexual enjoyment, oooqBoG8; particularly, sexual intercourse; aooqaScl:6lI~ 1buc G~~;cucOi _qm~.or =w-0 v. to commit adultery (Law); gcoo:;;OS~ (pron. oxxqaS), r~ocmO:~m Gccoq~j'cGs o%) ~s -co o n. same as =oui -— 8 (ro~oojs), n. a husband (Law). -.' ---c, see uizder cYU Ssemen; coq( co~cqe~ cqor~ogsG cpoqeu see the parts. co0c6 193 \ c00c80006c, n. sensual cares and anxieties. 0mao (Pali), n. the body; cqcS, a collection; szodl83oo= - 65 (Pali mo, a deed),.n. a deed performed by the body; comp. o865 and orc-p5u - q98a, n. the principal in a crime, or the one who commits a crime, somewhat like co cB-neiIujc8iq8, e.g., cT 0a1000500 cooSoo&o5,7j8, reoicrco8c~Gcoo8sootoD -_ 5o3 n (r0189:oS@8:); 00, —0 S3 oo mS-oDc 503n, — c8 (Pali ~QB, perfection), n. invulnerability; oo GcXTs9* 4053 oao iicobg$@-.ow So qgj 3o *a cXocooAwe~LY~G6T@oa& mo0o0o0ooo., n. the faculty of feeling, see under nzoco-u. Co0o0c (Pali), n. a cause, reason; wr.0801 o3Mq0(i1 mzqcWQjc equivalent to oaqo51iaioaoS1o - o, v. to be without cause or reason; * O~3o@~GOOScoORCD " # lG@8008C~8 T$QO O5Q5bc8~o~, if you censure me, sir, without rhyme or reason, I shall not put up with it. oca$ (Pali coq, a letter, and am, an end), the final letter in a syllable or word. -qoS, v. to be ill-arranged, disconnected in speech or writing. - 03, 'v. to be properly joined, as syllables in Pali, to be well connected, smooth in speech, omooo8 amqg w8aoe; to be well and properly placed, G0co0o3o8n86 0GNC6 c oS; opgme llo666n; a~ e6 Qoo0n00l m$083z0 oo sqacoeT 9004. In writing it is written omoqcBI, but when speaking, one is obliged, for the sake of euphony, to call it cwou cooco (Pali), n. time, nmol; qk8cossoo 0'Ms 09~ISooo0 GqPol )0ol1GocoD0, " if the words 1 speak are not true, let me be carried off by cholera." This fearful imprecation is oftefi made use of by the Burmese amongst themselves when they wish to remove all doubt from a person's mind. -— s~, n. an epidemic disease, or any prevailing disease for which there is no assignable cause. -~conl, a polite term for cholera; 3o3o30po& ~11 -— mo.0, n. a lad, young man, one in youth or the prime of life at the present time (somewhat similar in the first 25 194 sense to the old English terms "gallant," " young blood," "beau;") s86oocooo ocoooooS380 o olSool., don't affect the " young man " nor ape his address and manners (sir). oocqo6S, see under cqoi ooocCoo (Pali), n. the food of a priest; qG oO -ooG: 6o3 ooos5 Go anoc58o 901:0 QooooSIo j3aIooScb.8g0a oooc8, n. the top of the hemp plant. --— c, n. same (most common), o00Sc:s ---, n. same. ooooooo, n. an elephant of the common kind, said to be as strong as 1o men of thd ooG3ooon coAs, i, v. to divaricate, be stretched apart, expanded, to be spread, wide open, as a flower in full bloom, to stretch apart, expand, widen, to exaggerate, ooogrs4oo, ooM: oo:0oo, to trade; seldom used alone; go.33oo00 6oo0X 00ooo:o. Der. coSo6 s and ol oo —() oog ooo6o ac: G &, this year this river's mouth has widened out; (2) o: gooo(:@, this flower is in full bloom. (3) o8:soo08: ooros-Go-8.oSol, please weave the basket so as to make its mouth wide. --—.@S, v.; see the parts; to stretch on a coaSolaosc868, e.g. 4 ----.:, adv. spreadingly, stridingly, sprawlingly, contrarily, waywardly. Der. ooooos:cp, cdSooo8scps ---— 6ag, v. to bestride. oo), 2, n. breadth, width, as oom:@, =:cocoS, cox:cOS, broad, middling, and narrow (applied to cloth, paper, &c.), a surface prepared for painting a picture, the ground of a picture; oooosgSo D ) cooX):no -- 16, n. the frame of a picture. -— 8, n. a picture in a frame (painted after it has been framed?) or separate piece; o oboogoos3boo ooSJd:sooo: oob, which of the zats (Jatakas) is represented in this picture? ot, 3, n. affix. nominative denoting the agent or object, oS; as to, concerning, in regard to, yaos; sometimes adversative. oo:o, 4, adv. emphatic, or designative; see Grammar. o0 195 c8A (Pali), n. business, any work to be done; =, moi8:, oGOqj 3mGoTcOc8Scq|ooe~ C80o o 8-g:i G3OG~:)8 {o3ZoC cOOolog, on what business have you come, sir? I have no important business, sir; I have come to see after my young brother (or cousin), who, I hear, has fallen from a tree. --- 5s, --—, v. to be terminated, as a business or undertaking. cBos, i, n. the 28th lunar asterism of ancient astrologers, see under cgcon 3oS,0 2, n.; see under oog8GOo8n1 o8E (Pali), n. fame; cqSXoogSi, SOO~8l o3ooGy9oGaiO$cgo G.OO86c g9c8 G|G0 sO5o, he has become famous throughout the country owing to his having passed an examination in Shan by the first (i.e., highest) standard. — oo000, n. an adopted son. — o0), n. an adopted daughter. o8|cp, mas.; cqS, fem., n. (Pali Kein-na-ra, mas.; Kein-na-ree, fern.), a fabulous animal having the body of a bird and a human face, a harpy. The Burmese say that the Keinna-ras are to be found in. the Himalayas. c8$g, i, n. arithmetical number; ocoooJ0309003:, cO:0o$:ooGou 08c?, 2, v.; see o:, to sleep as a Buddha; goSoo cgoogc cgoo8 Go00oS oos6 cosdooo5? ooS~, the most excellent Buddh slumbered on a golden bedstead. -- 3038'., v. to be in embryo in the womb of his mother as a Buddh, e.g., oocooo:cc8,o~co5)ooi dc8cooos (Pali), n. heat, passion, 00u@(8; libidinous desire, lust, c8dcoooooo0; an evil quality or vice, of which there are ten kinds, namely, cco'oo, col oo, ooCo, Q03, 8g, 88cg&o, c8, egg, 30o8o00, and aGo838, which see;,GCcooo9o$, C8 GCoocopco3oooSoouH Cq, v. to give medicine, assist in recovery from sickness; Go0ot ooe. Der. 3ooqoo:oi cos,,9i to be curable as a disease; GCoSoqGq, to be incurable as a disease. — oo, -o, -oo, v. same-(I)ojGoo5Gao o oo3ooo, I earn a livelihood by administering medicines (or freely, by profession I am a doctor); (2) c9.c.rg-5.ooSooo:9goSpso sopGqo5o0o, I gave him medicine and his attack of (malarious) fever disappeared. —: ---o, v. same (infrequent). 196 "NOS c9t8 (Pron. k6kkozA) (Pali), n. suspense, doubt, hesitation cqCQ8@$S:; 6-4 j@:@E, a cantankerous, disobliging and morose person; oqg: (kukkucha), moroseness, or the disposition to find fault, querulousness, that which is equally dissatisfied with what has been done and what has not been done, and can never be pleased. He who is under the influence of this principle is like the slave who is subject to the caprice of an imperious master; gcqMot8 o (2) moeooS6J018: c mobcxogo goe 6 I,-cco:)o 33cc) G~~mS3oE Q16 o~~cY5Goq~Sc~~: I~ro~cxaa~o 00u0cqlE sgocl~uo36 oSSo~~fso~~E35809 33?j Cq18tUCX)9333 e c(X (Pali), n. a building, a small building appended to a larger, a pnrivy attached to a monastery; qG$oc:1 LarwIoSu c(q aSS (oC)iSSQ). xci (Pali), n. the number of ten millions; coaSao$~s*0G 8m00CYPJ co9s1c ec &Soe~ qaGoq~? (pron. kuday kuda) oco5 Ig (ron. k6t hti) (Pali), n. leprosy; ogg, aimooo oS, 31963s00 rg 66pp oooSCU6E0003~ o00E oS 036C030~35gQCT oS moincomsocoa c@g~g 66P07 93W ofigto Sr 33098 338~au ro oc800@ C c)00 ~, the king of Kappilawut being attacked with leprosy, retired into the forest, and taking refuge under a " Kalaw " (Western cassia) tree, he ate the fruit and leaves thereof. When the leprosy disappeared he founded the city (lit. country) of Kawliya, deriving its name from the " Kalaw tree." (2) co:)ocS@ gmDt, in the Tavoy jurisdiction, at the villages of MMaungmagan and Pandin-in, the generality of persons are leprous. cxoS, i, n. a lever used to prize with; comp. G3o4:d, c9ccqoS fGcrrSozscoT9ooE a)3, the boat is raised up with a lever and placed on a log (or logs). - DcS; see cmS& - 000o8aoo (from co, to kick), adv.; see mpScoms 2oq, 2 (cx&.), v. to tread, copulate, as a male bird..:0.), 3, v. to subtract; joSmatngjoSaiv apc5, 4, v. to stick the nails in, scratch, cooSeo~.:9 G@0601 qo~cng, to claw and hold fast over the shoulders, as in carrying a burden, hanging at the back, a6ocrq&SoDS:, A la 09k. 197 up-country Burman, or suspended at the end of a stick or porter's yoke; see also r-39xjS, canoqo8, v. to hush up anything disagreeable ---(I) a 0s _qsoS S qog ooe, tigers and cats scratch with their claws; (2) 0a8DoS03O)-43 8,8:osac~5octeoozotoo~owololoqoSqoSooS-Ogooo~wegn ozSo56o, -@8, -— 8o8, -.-, v.; see the parts. "1oS,, 5, to struggle with a difficulty, endeavour to accomplish in the midst of difficulties (scarcely used alone). - oSoo, v. same; chiefly used in some adverbial form, as oaoS ocozmoSnoS, adv. strugglingly to overcome a difficulty; cr0oS-o,3 oS6o65, in a dogged, resolute manner. S8rco5q ~~Sg 60qoro~ ooooo0sscqa o8aEog, this Advocate, owing to the doggedly resolute manner in which he spoke, won the case. 0c4 (said to be derived from oqc ), n. a ferry, cqoqc0osoc08gu - qgs, v. to cross a ferry. - C?), n. the chief or headman of a ferry; as oo m~Ng:)o>cqo —b~5~as~o cooo'ago~~c)~o y - 0, n. ferriage. - j5, n. revenue paid for a ferry. - 8), n. one who is ferried. —.B8S, n. the landing-place of a ferry; cco8C&8~u co8v @8eU OU83:a9Sn333q09@8rcq856 0co39ow, in the jurisdiction of henzada, in the village of Kyonsha, Government has placed a ferry for elephants, horses, buffaloes, and bullocks to cross over. q —, v. to ferry. — LGc9, n. a ferry boat. - X6, -qacw, n. a ferry man. oqoSjoo, n. a difficulty of breathing; oq:aaoa 1g6~E r:ooocgcjcxidj3 com0Ti~IGoagcqoSo8, a consumptive cough. -— o% n. the sound of obstructed breathing, the purring of a cat, Coqo80 0040oe5 oq$, 1, n. merchandise, wares, goods for sale, cargo; cpoSrq$, exports; oRPcq~$, imports; see also qocSaqojoq$ (goods bought and sold by weight) C681$q1 8:ococi — co, -, v.; see oq- cq:11.S Gcos;~ cn8co: gas8pkaQ$5Ncmss - o j:ins-lBcq;&BsPc 8&, I cannot count-they are so many-the number of times I have gone trading between Mandalay and Bengal (Calcutta). !98 Yi c6og3, -ococS, n.; see ocqI --- qoSoooS-, n. a charm used to insure profit on the sale of goods. — o —c o1oos, n. a railway truck. -— og$o, n. remnants of merchandise. — 8-, n. heavy merchandise, or such as remains long on hand. - B-o, (pron. oa$eo5), n. a partner in trade; co3.o9jSc9 $ ooSol, this man and I are partners. -— oq, n. a company of merchants, a firm (ccjcta is more often used in Lower Burma). — G0oo0 S, n. a crane. -- cco8, v. to store goods or merchandise; ocgDc8oS5, a storehouse or store godown. -— oeS, n. a merchant. — c.oos, n. petty articles of merchandise, as small utensils and trinkets. — o —oog*o, n. a dealer in such articles, a pedlar, huckster; G00o3000 sogo-:qosoocog:nooeg, many of the inhabitants of Shwedaung are hucksters. -- og-, v. to traffic, trade, buy and sell. (N.B. —cj$ogoS is said to be a more correct way of spelling a merchant than Q Oog); 0q$c^9I3GoHGc^S ^Ga6soaC5 33 o0 0 oq$, 2, v. to Come, to amend, be done, used up; comp. q:, qual. verb. affix, entirely, wholly. Der. osxq$u oRzU33 q$$q 80 o91cGOGo0, in this business (or case) let be spent what may (I don't care); (2) IBoog303ao 4c0 @$$j0olo,1 the whole of the property has been recovered. — o, v. to be spent. Der. moxcq moqju11 o9$aoya o^oSo~gSSC pclo0o3gspoGo, you and I go shares in expenses and losses, and, if there is any profit, we will divide equally. [N.B.-oqsc33mooq3c is a favourite expression with Burmans when they combine for any serious undertaking; used by merchants, rowdy young men, &c.] -- 0, v.; see o^$niSoclsogi^c^^8ooGo@SggIogs ogj81p5o5oo 8?G4$:,cpo5oo, owing to my having been oppressed by the five kinds of enemies (os8:s6H8aimg3:uco), my property is all lost, or lit. has come to an end. -— O, v. same. Der. $oqS,33icS2C3:o3ooocq5olSomgoco:c$ o8EGo8.g:dc, do not go on in an evasive way; say all you have to say. V99 cq$, 3, verb. affix of number denoting the plural; @, (oq$uit oq~s, v. to rise, bulge upwards; to be rounded, hump-backed (ogS5o5 a2oascpoq$.s,), to stoop, curve the head and body from respect or from old age, o09 and &t A'wGso ooSoautoxjgSolh -- g, see the parts., coc $0:op8 $cmlg ao8og 8: cogoj, this man is very ill-mannered; even in front of the p6ngyi he does not stoop as he goes. c)$:, n. rising ground, a knoll, dry ground, land; 0@2~, the back of an animal; not used alone; copScsop s,, -- c, v. to be remote from a river, as a locality. — 00o6, n. high, level ground. -— oS, n. a kind of petticoat; c0^03o8 (pron. q~seaS), 0e8o (a mixture of silk and cotton). — j: (from i, to spread out for support), n. a saddle; wmo85 c)rsj:, an English saddle; 66c~qs:Jso.8bol, saddle and bring the horse; (the. after co8 stands for on~). -— j^ or oo7q, -'-, n. the pad of a saddle. -— oS, n. the deck of a boat or ship; hence scaj:ooS, the deck of the forecastle; bxosooS, the quarter deck. --— 08), n. a surcingle. — G.olc, v. to be galled by a saddle, as a horse or his rider. --— oIS, n. a plank with steps cut in it to assist in passing between a boat and the shore. -— 6, v. to rip open a seam and sew up the opposite edges of a garment. -— 0, v. to carry pick-a-back (pron. very often qaq); c&x eO6q~ 68:=0 C c ScoiA@gVcGoOG@o~ coeohp*ooSooS5 Q CooS00052 0sq:s Qs3o3~oc6ooD&ii -— g, n. in Upper Burma land on which leguminous plants, sesamum, lu (cjO), sat (coaS), cotton or maize, are grown.' q~:c, n. a Burmese saddle-cloth corresponding to the part of a European saddle,.but in a separate piece and spread under the om or saddle frame; comr. 8s:s and oo&S $: --—. 8, i, n. the back part of the neck; co&8,, --— oo (pron. q8ooS), n. the back part or nape of the neck. c8, 2, v. to jot, mark down, note, as in the last of items oocq6 XocGolgJoSoo03 oog; comp. @aUn @:ogo q:Soooo0333 0e3q6: cq8ogaSaoogooH oq8, 3, v. to be curved, bent down at the end, baved down; to stoop in a sitting posture from pain or fear; comp. 6q$s and 0, to conduct in a humble, unpretending, unostentatious manner; [oqSoo@8s, a slyly lascivious person.]-(i) ccaog2oooScogS oo5oq8 oo~, although this man has money, he is very unostentatious; (2) 10o5o23:0GO OO cos00o01;SSscgi ososooB0Eooqs0~S^S03oooSoo^ — cxS, adv. from above, unostentatiously, unpretendingly. --— o86 8a, adv. (sitting) in a neat, respectful, and modest manner; og 8: ozS oQS j86g6 8E~co, this woman sits (or lit. continues sitting) in a neat and modest manner. ---— oqooac P: (scoz), adv. (lying) with the limbs bent and curved as a number of youn littered animals just littered od hatched; ol8c cgsmcg: oSoooWoo:N3: @ Co@3:qsc cqgo (fron. as spelt), n. a curved stick or bamboo used to connect a flag to its staff; ccg.:qo oSr g o6Cmi o1 oooda@o8: $qc oqwooo oc6 oSoosao, vanes are placed on the top of masts in large boats in order to know the direction of the wind. — o5Ag, n. a streamer connected to its staff by a ro6ooin ---- (pron. k6tkalan as if one word), n. the vane used in a boat or ship. aqoSc8, n. the leprosy (1q"US88?) "c L, (aSca), n. a species of acacia yielding hard timber. The leaves of the tree are pickled with parched sesamum, onions, oil and salt and eaten with curry by the Burmese. " According to Burmese geography there is an immense specimen growing on the great eastern island. The wood is used * * * for making cart-wheels. The timber is so highly valued by the Burmese, that under their Government * * * a higher sum was required for permission to fell it than for teak or any other tree " (Mason); one of the kinds of wood of which the royal throne is made. q8ocoo8, n. the Asiatic barbet. cxqg8 (Eng.) (pron. qgct), n. a company, formerly the East India Company. To this day it is used; cqgda6Qoou oagcfaogi, " the Company owns it," "it is the property of oqOOMu 201 the Company;" being often used to designate property belonging to the Government. qcy,6c (pron. qcoS), n. a gongban; ao 5 gcc (qcagqops, "the country of the, Bilu," ancient name for Arakan). A khumbanda, one of the monsters " of immense size and disgusting form who guard the palace (@=So) of the Sekra (Thigya) on the south."-M.B. aoqcocco:co (Pali aolo, Burmese cco-, a bow), n. the measure of four cubits or a fathom, five hundred of which constitute the distance from a village at which a coo:q kyaung may be erected (o crcoscno~S 6cl nqp). o:) (Pali), n. a race; aS:Js, one whose race is distinctly marked, a person of caste, a nation of any country west of Burma, one kind of parrot (the black-billed parrakeet, cqSoqgj-cqcoos), one kind of jackfruit, 8jc8scxcoo —u - sjoS (CxRo03ag8) (Pali G 3 L843) 8go3), n. a camel or dromedary (9 f qooi:)ajo5, a giraffe?). - BJoScGao8008S (oqco oaSS8G 00800808), see soo8:cc8ni - M)0f, zn. the teal goose. -oM:, n. a curtain or screen, sometimes written oicolo-m:n _-, n. a cloth tent, caijn aSS is the word more commonly used. - cQ8, n. a chair. [caox3Sog(co& ) to offer, or give, a chair to a guest, visitor, &c.]. -_4S, n. a black Kula, as a native of India. -, n. a peg driven in a tree or post to facilitate ascent; J o4:, the round handle of a drawer or door; q,the loop of a:qco:as)o or mosquito curtain; ocoxlgo~18 - 9 (Pron. Kula phyu), n. a white Kula, as an Armenian or EuropeanY' This word is scarcely ever used in Lower, and not frequently in Upper, Burma; one kind of jackfruit, 8j 08-CORWO fOj -~- 00.@GOrf n. stilt. - 5, n. tinsel (qco9: @xgo oocoo-QD0oo-Sgj4o'go3oo, tinsel is used for coffins and pyat thats). cXoco (Pali cxdcS), n. merit; mo8gH9o — 8cocoS(oxoaco8ol 6S), n.the reward of merit; 3aoooo coSoS8:@ f I8GoO@80qcp: J 00g) X93a:gooco8oooS@o8188cqjc PSoS~CPac I~i~~ C3a8~G&388c o@c, notwithstanding that there was the influence of the 26 202 crime of parricide against King Azatathat for the murder of his father King Peinmathara, nevertheless, as the result of merit for being well disposed, and for reverencing the most excellent Buddh in past stages of existence, he had not to suffer in o88 (the nethermost and most terrible of the hells). cqA8: (pron. kot-thee), n. rice distributed at a royal funeral (placed beside a corpse); ocSo:usgooQ8-3T, I (Pali oq23, a water-pot), n. Aquarius, the I th sign of the - zodiac; ceopi; o~, 2, v. to have a sufficiency, plenty, abundance; scarcely used alone; @&oog rather less than gcSoi oA4t8:6l:4a to be in indigent circumstances. -c (infreq.), -4$, -o6, v. same; ca oo$nucqo0aq, a person in comfortable circumstances who is in a position to give to others. ccq (Pron. gone-ga-man), n. the stamen of the double oqoo lily? saffon (goc~66). CrM see ci and an.d 0 o I, v. to string, as beads; comp. c8; to compose as writing; 8 co, o8coe~. Der. wnciu - 8, v. same, last def.; 0 38 $0aoO:Cq1 cgooiGmolooGcIo83oorsoo8%~.,8a:, Amaya, wife of Mahawthahta, was able to make wreaths of flowers so as to be worth one thousand ticals of silver each. R (q) (Pali qw), n. the room of a hollow pagoda; c~8, an excavation in a mountain; i98 (pron. 3498) @O8o88j&q 4cwS: pG oo&oSCX0 moi(xjagoosG cogl~cqroorc&a~So:jp: GpoViiOOCOO'i, have you ever been, sir, to the large and extensive cave called the " Hsaddan" to the soith of D6nyin village in the Amherst district? cj, 2, v. to help and assist; eowe, rCOcoo53e, ouu11 -b, -o, v. same; 8:P"~$ocC, & wooln 8 aj:)e~~c-qe~rSoooc;cooo agjo9~oSqS:Q woolCr, w it was owing to your aiding and supporting me, sir, when my creditfors were going to take proceedings against me, that I was relieved from anxiety. v,. same, with a view to gaining merit. - coS, -GoSG cow8oo5 (oagooBoS coo o &oc), n. a helper, pssistant; wo.~9j S) oaGcoSo SOO6jooO, in this 65 203 man I have indeed a helper, i.e., one who makes his interests identical (ooAoj) with mine; aoogoeooo cGoSo" oo053ZC$qb8oo o, 3, v. to coo as a dove, @ojN,; oo@Sooolg,[cwogoGoo33ol CgQoo5c4@o0sc8 CI 8CAG8 G g o poocg;gooS SC SoogSo, when Karins, in visiting other towns and villages, hear a dove cooing, they yearn for their homes. coc8 (Beng.), n. a cooly, porter, soozSogo; a word in universal use in Burma and the Shan States; oNc8r618:, a cooly gaung. cq:, v. to cross over, pass from one place to another, to transfer, exchange, traffic, trade; seldom used alone; oq$cq: oo%, Goo5ooo:og. C8I:ooSoog, to transcribe, copy; seldom used alone; clq:o:, ooN:aoog; hence ooc:ooo(pron. cosooo), by various modes of conveyance, things left or placed one here, one there, by irregular stages in travelling; ocoooSc 9oSoocos9c03oooaoli c~8~oS490o5c coo:8ogo0:0og, in crossing over to the Dala side in a sampan, a wave struck it and it sank; (2) 8Po4o8tg^.q$ ozq$cq ~olg oopoq.cpsoo RoSoooog~, they trade regularly, going and coming between Yandoon and Rangoon. -- o, v.; see the parts. — ooo5, v. -— G- sv, v. to pass to another state of existence; ooogCs oognooe:WgM 0goggj goS0 tsoog, I change my residence from this to that town. -— goS5, v. to cross over and arrive; applied to the attainment of neigbaA. — q, v. aO:cqsoooSo-ff — o$:, v.; see o'i:, ist and 2nd def.; cq-0soo:ooSoon: GoG00003oo, adv. evasively; o:soCGo oo0oog3 OG@o., l 6c, i, v. to remove gradually, bit by bit; cocxoco, adv. by degrees, gradually, bit by bit, to abstract privately, purloin. Der. 3o0-(i) oomso6S oooolfdG0o5oo~8 1gooooQ8*ooGQo5 Qoog 0oolG a QG@ CY0oSGlS@$~aCoJC eO (2) oQSoools when the bad characters steal paddy belonging to the Karins, they are obliged to do so by degrees (i.e., in small quantities) in order that the fact of their stealing it shall not be known. 204 G c09Cq, v.; see last def.-(i) coS&,og:c~ oo8cSc6o:cQt$Qo0 ~o~S9oo:0o3u (2) 88 SooO Og1CO3:6ls a 3C003:0 000~oS: w,08ra*.ooirmooegq6cgosa~iccoe~( d~, 2, see ', verb. affix., v. to dispraise, censure, speak evil of, revile; less than aoSSI W-WS006 u8 (o43oS), v. same; o6c9oS~ (ffiGooo1) ~ScooX3oqq): mo oe:6Goo 8$ smso3qp $cz:ogc8scn', oooz03ob0ooS 6~di, adv. as, like as; cq, oocg& d3: (65), v. to exceed, surpass, excel, cqjj:oo3e, %c3otp, o:=4n; to be chief, superior, @,aooe, q:ooe. Der. msobn coToqT $ gs:04sm o0CocY s-.-ooSoOen -o g$ (&3c%$), v. same, Ist def.-(i):m~:qoeodo osqcqjo )ax4 ~~cooqc24a~c "ogSr8a0o3oco00, notwithstanding the prohibitions made by Government, this person is in the habit of surpassing all others in being wicked and depraved; (2) gdxioS ~ocqcoSoocrS ceo3oSa6:w8 ch;% g4C38oeu this youngster probably excels that one in capacity for learning. cB:ooo: (c&o3og), n. shutter which swings from the top, generally kept up in the daytime with a- bamboo or wooden prop; &3Co:oa 8, ca) r, v. to rise, swell up, as rising ground, a bank or shoal, &c., to bulge up, as a floor; - fosw (to be uneven, bad, vicious), applied to deeds; figuratively, to be shallow, applied to the understanding; S8609: jBOe~@od S900ug0 42ioCOOSCW,0r.f 1 080006 80,)g 4$:OOO~ Gc9(RGjCqjo9 aom), 2 (Pron. 0ol), verb. affix used in closing a sentence (colloquial), @Sol coo cu o-oa~ccmn " I see all right enough," "I have it sure enough"; also used with con, AoloopGc c: rco; 089):g q0G1Cn, "how you do sneeze, sir, to be sure." (Go), 2, n. affix, where? what of? what then?) o8ozps owoT3 q q6ug3"8 qs @s8OcfrQ0iCgj6 "repay me, quickly, sir, the: money I have to get from you." If I do not, what then? q q Qoo3)o5zmCj coca 0og:):@aoen @~f03oo0 jzon j GC QOQOX0coQ)ooeC oo@Q'Co' 901c80S 00G00c3OO MD0, three men went out together; as only two returned, when they came back some one who has not gone G.C)6o5 205 is wont to ask " What of Nga Meit?" " How about Nga Meit?" coooS, i, n. the rice plant, rice; one kind of ooasu — _- s, n. a kind of rice that is long in growth (cG8o00mooh) co3 o5-.oSoiiGosno:oooScooolog1; a term used in the M6nywa and Sagaing districts, Upper Burma. -— 85, v. to transplant rice plants from the nursery to the rice field; usually done by women; in some parts of Upper Burma the women adorn themselves with flowers and sing when doing this, and in former days, it is said, used to play rough practical jokes on any stray members of the male sex who might chance to come near them when this operation was going on. -- q8, n. the quantity of the rice plant grasped by the hand in reaping. -—. 8?, n. a kind of glutinous rice, considered a luxury. ---— 0coo, — oSo-co6s, n. a threshing-floor. --— g, n. the fragrant kind of rice. -- cq8 (from cq8, to be rapid), n. rice that comes to maturity rapidly. J -- oS, v. to reap paddy; ooecoooScooS-qoSgoo g, this man reaps paddy quickly. --- 8, nn. rice stalk, straw; @$ogccoo8o3so5-c8o03o8 croSooSn 3o888@g9iq[~ i:do ) 3,a g@ g, some Burmans only burn the paddy straw; in England they make much use of wheat straw. — c-:, n. a sheaf of rice. -— co.SsG)3o (0oo<), v. to glean; oooq$@ *o 3o~-Co axcoo 3 t G30oooSc85ogeoqoo58G0o3GEcc~ln q9o038~000 ( G0q3o333o1 G0C03 oYS:ooS~0035Qg5 G3 0333go20Sg3~GcOoboO g3U ---- oo08 ooSooo3o~, n. disconnected, desultory, rambling remarks. Qon33, 2, v. to be crooked, not straight, ogo8; when applied to the mind, to be not upright, ocRo68ooS. Der. e330oSo. — c — 8, v. to be crooked and twisted, to be deceitful; c8Sco& oo g, 03 a@ oneooo8S Go33oSa8o6, as for him, his schemes are very insidious and crafty. GmcoS8g adw.- crookedly, deceitfully; 3%4Xo~G9:Q'i: * —c89Go~o8&OIoSI~ adv. crookedly; applied to things. see the parts. amoost) 3, v. to pick up, take up; to pick out, take a part; to take by way of preference (one out of two or more opinions), to decide., to attach (a carriage or cart) to a draught animal; X~otooaso (~cioxmoas), ce-,;:o8Oe-( i) cos JC%:ccvMOoBQ!%u (2) Vs:c~ (J~omoS understood) o~~-9o -6; V. to take duties, to collect revenue, e.gr., q8000(YScoodS;6,n. a judicial decision in the case of a plaintiff and a defendant, 6659(Bo; comp. z~-cS~qo5i - 01: z. to take duties and live upon the perquisites of the situation. oZt)see eG.Co~6VC~ -cs, V.; see the parts. r~:&,v. to be good, 2~oLB; qualifying verb. affx (with the' verb repeated), probably. Der. soc-xxSS-u s=coSoccxo:so "G8Q3,"bad compan*ions, evil consequences." -C.Mck-,ow& o~$-, adz#. in the way of affecting to perform a virtuous or praiseworthy deed; moo~8mo~crx4 -5coS n. the reward of merit; GmSo, 4:qS O:)HI~oO 00-J - & oov. to praise, bless; more than GoII 898cpogs 9c =ocoe~o w o:~oqsgce, 'let the owner of the cow only have the whole.- On this decision nats and men shouted praise and all birds crowed-and sang. — 0-00, v. to be well off, in good circumstances.. CO v70; see the parts. v.; 7 see QcmoS.; o~oqjom:Q)&OV:~qz sor.8c~ rcpclocoyhoo cmo8:o61 acA, I pray that you, sir, may reach a happy and excellent place (this means after this life is over). n. a meritorious deed [aoo38:.9Gcoo, the name of a muchvenerated pagoda about 4 Imiles to the north of Sagaing, Upper Burma.] MOo8sj, 'v. a kind of tree yielding large timber, the doubtfnl shorea, "the largest tree in the country of the wood-oil "tree family; yields no oil."-Mason. c.oc8soos, n. the expanse of heaven, the firmament, the vacant expanse, whether above or below the earth; aooom=an - q, n. the claw of a lock. — li n. heaven, the heavenly world. smoo'* (Pali), n. an era, epoch; ao93d& (cooo93931 & oj ), equivalent to the English expression " in the year." 0Gmoooooco0 (Pali), n. a noisy rumour; one kind of jo6&s3ojGoS CqcScoos)cwc, an extensive proclamation of some future event; q c3co:ooogso-.~oeooswg)8oosgo. According to Childers KolAhalo ((oxoo:,ozo.) is 'uproar, 'tumult,' 'shouting,'' screaming.' A hundred years before the commencement of a SarTvattakappa (aoogo6) a deva (G3o04oS) traverses all the cakkaviilas (o@ojo) that are to be destroyed, proclaiming with a loud voice. This shout of warning is called Kappakoldhalam (0mgGmooonco)). There are four more kinds of KolAhalas-i, CakkavattikolAhalaria (ogor6m:GnoMOcoOCC), a hundred years previous to the birth of a universal monarch; 2, BuddhakolAhalam (qGo6mxocn co), a thousand years previous to the birth of a Buddha; 3, MangalakolAhalam (&oousox ooaco), twelve years before Biddha preaches the Mingalasutta (JcosxzoS); 4, MoneyyakolAhalari (Go0cq;covoco), seven years before Buddha explains the Moneyyapatipatti or ordinances of the rahats (.cnd,)]. 3co3oo (Pali), n. a kantha, a measure of distance equal to o20 otthapas (eooo0m). Gm,Y, v. to turn up at the sides or edges, to warp, to rise in the middle. — ~qGq, adv. turning up at the sides or edges. — v,.; see the parts; ooscalob o 43b933ac:9~@:)3gGMcos Gso~aC6e, if the books are put out too long in the sun, they are apt to get turned up the sides and out of shape. -c8S, z.; see the parts; co Lor] 63,3#E1s@0 080.@I9dI:,-oqcPM9CIQ06 Goc8854cqaGR r& - GoS I, I, n. any viscous substance, as paste, glue, &c.; 8Wjeoo &9] =400r.08 O.WSoo8@:C9%-08 -7A Co~o&I — Oa2J, -Cos, v. to size; comp. aoooo8 and cm8ooxS -* q-, n. a wafer. 0o8 c~o5 coSooS, n. a mixture of some vitreous or testaceous substance with paste or gum, used for.smoothing and polishing metals or wood (India-rubber; ink eraser). Coo0 40o93:gcooo 330l6o0 Gqso3Pogg30aoTo 96oo Soqo%~ mo3l ^ool CjoSq Gcxsoo58cygoSjoogei -— q, n. size. GomS, 2, v. to lift out of place, prize up as with a lever, to luff sail nearer the Wind; also to tack (?) G@ooooSooooooo6Soo SonocoGooso3snloocogG: ooocscoS~o o~oSsoe, when wishing to go from the north to the southern side, ships have to sail close to the wind; (2) oaj8oooS8oSauq8G~ q:Os booo goC GoooczcoqoS0o c.qqcGooxt. [Note.-The Burmese use this expression when upbraiding any one for ingratitude.] -- 0oS, v. same, Ist def. --—, v. to oust. S -- b, v. to reproach, revile in unmeasured terms; more abusive than qbGii c og[o S agfiqoSd8GooG@ccoo ooSsoog~s cSooQCo, n. a carpet; CGoo )coGCoolsolcScscoo68Goiolu GooGqS, v. to respect, reverence (infrequent); cooo~~icoDSSq S CooSc@ (pron. as spelt), see under 8$, the least valuable of the three kinds of diamonds. "cx, I (from >68c, an, elder brother), n. brother; prefixed to proper names of men, indicative of friendship and due consideration; commonly applied to persons older than the speaker, oe.SoSo,80c;g~ga ---- (commonly pronounced rcfoo), brother (elder); a term of compellation addressed to men, indicative of friendship and due consideration; comp. 00?o39, a term applied to maternal uncles by nephews and nieces, opggcq-,d:jciS oJcoT@oog8; nephews call their maternal uncles " cr8 " 0680oSc;3W aocooooS JCoo05@135 3 ooag8q8 og~SCoGoTc joS coo5soog~ cq, 2 (fron. q), noun. affix, objective-(see Grammar, section 62). "c"5, I (Beng.) (pron. poS), n. a yard, a measure of length equal to two cubits (3-oS). cao, 2, n. large shears, used:to cut metal with, 0oS, roo5, 3 (pron. qo),' n. a carpenter's shave. acoS, 4, n. a kind of scraper used by blacksmiths. C405 ao09 5coS, 5, v. to bite with the teeth or an instrument, to bche; rGo18:co-, 0o 5,Cgoc~o5, bxog, to take hold, as colours on cloth or ink on paper, to shear, 'Sexg (to accord or correspond with, to agree; abbreviation of 3msooS, applied to language). Der. morcoSn -(i) ocoS- cogm3jojd~olooeu OCG@^ oSaOCOoS6jc0oSoogmlI (2) "GO0303CpO388108o6G "1 (3) og3oog3:2c3orologoo.:, will this cloth, if dyed with a red dye, remain fast? c~o5c:, v. to 'flute 'the blades of swords, das and razors. ---, v. to ache. — qoS, v. to bite and tear. — t5, v. to shear. c-a, v. to flute the blades of swords, das, razors, ~oo&qc&g GooS-O4c; see Ggo oSOi o]8, v. to hold, lay hold, take hold of, to apply, put on, as with the hand, e.g., ro4838Gor48, Gc,,iioobScfc48. Der. soz68n4iqi(u6Hoq8oP8u - c6, -~, -~, -o2oS, -o, v.; see the parts-(i) oGoocco,o~^C" SC9c60g2so00(1 (2) GooS~8S O0o0o8S.OOGCO^:qSooS e Og oS QoJc 3D 3 G@'386o4oRo0g (3) c$iQcoSgj go0ooS qo dc^~olGqol oe^ cq8s, I, n. a species of rush, elephant grass; cooo8sqgoSoo~ G00)8:9oo3 s8g &yJqg^So:o~goo( ooS ~ The Burmese are of opinion that mosquitoes lay eggs, and that their larvae are nourished in the flower of the " kaing" (elephant) grass. cS2, 2, n. a garden of culinary plants, vegetables, &c., near water and not cultivated in the rainy season, c8:o8i --—., n. same, owing to many of these gardens being situate on islands. ^8:6, 3, v. to hang over in a curve, bend downwards; less than a18. Der. 3 co:eii cqgooS5^c ooi SoosGoor3opo ~ oi, this man is so poor that he has nothing to pick up when he stoops. --- ~oS, v. same, to bow down respectfully; ~:,Sooej, to res ect, reverence;:000ooe, op &lcSsco:s oo cGag,hoScq8 c^r^S~oSo3Go@83)6 GooSjGcoYcGooSSo5aoo86 the natives of China enter and perform the service of the King of the Rising Sun because they reverence him. c5, i, n. an animal body, a corporeal frame; caSoao6, 00aGo0oS 37 2 10 CIoS aemrq8 q n. a tight jacket, a corset; so 8,S otgcr 9OP4IoWOOOS8WCSP8P& Mu5a6BRO.6- 8 Q0Mn-0GCOj:* 010 C3 cogu - It:gos (pron. ko-byo-gwet), n. a spot on an infant's skin indicative of growth; WcoMGcO&a Sco0G6$o~ 1 c4oe SgS.gOccmmooraoo ora4Gcooe~, this little boy will be stouter hereafter, even up till now the growth spots are rising up. -, n. a body guard. - Arxoo, n. the king's body guard. c18Srcoxo58:cq8t@cq, to form a guard of honour for.a great personage. — 0 —0u, one of the body guards; a scos ~09oo3 ocSceo3d dcoSp5cooS ooscp:m lco c&"qawzcoososal -c ooscoSo$RoD#, v. to be enceinte. --— oq8, n. a female attendant, concubine. -cq80ooS, n. a wife or concubine of the king; c=o8:08o5u 4-0o:doTq, n. a cheval glass; "o6a, o oTgoR, to carve a lifesize figure. -.008, n. the upper or principal garment of a Buddhist priest; see under c0$s0: -o$ (from oS, a burden), n. the foetus in the womb; ~oSoI \6g8ogooo8eqos 6~oc86% ~ it is not proper for women who are enceinte to take an oath. - o$sGoo, -o$A, v. to be enceinte; doSq5arooe, oQaoUa, ooe or qooe~ (honorific); og8g:8o-~5Aoe (applied to a queen); see 8&: and compare. --— o$qoS, -o$Gocgo, v. to miscarry. ~o$q&,c, j qo, v. to be near delivery; jc6qrfiBsooe, oaoZ a, 2, pron. one's self, mas. or fem., i.e., myself, yourself, himself or herself; itself, e.g., -o8sq$6qQ c~ 9orG.oocootv Qoao6ol coc8 4:9_Qg(,oeo~, do you live in Rangoon itself? No, I live in the suburbs; comp. &S c Qj coLjc&aso co8taou, they think a great deal of themselves; (2) cadsaocoSmcoooowb, where do you come from? (used by men when addressing women, or women when addressing each other), ojoo#o,,63foo opll i -— 008, v. to carry on the person. —, n. a substitute, agent, ai -o,. a substitute, agent, one who acts for another. 14 211 acaa~osgoS (commonly pronounced c-cecooS), n. same. --— 8c8cc, adv. each, each one; 5o$q d c c8 58o:8 oq:0ooe c6oos, after taking security (or bail) from each. --— 9, — cqc&, n. a substitute who is equally interested with the principal. - cooS, pron. royal self, thou, mas. or fem.; used in addressing a superior; oqoSGooS@63,i --— 8, -o48coS08, see cqcoS; oo oo='c cB gaq 0 ol ooen ool oococV 6~93o6olooe, sometimes he goes himself, sometimes he sends an agent; o oaC~CCuS iaqoSIo-:)C55qCYoSobc5:G coc5 (Proverb), one destroys one's self; iron destroys itself when it rusts (in the way of a man being his own enemy). --— oB (owcoo), a. or adv. by one's self, alone; oxc80asx u qocS - a"i, -cR0Q:0uS, adv. one's self, alone, depending on one's own resources; rscoona ooeo~:#n o rg80o5nocqS6joq8 rqc~ oco:)6accolcoe, ever since the death of my father, I have been obliged to depend on myself and gain my own livelihood, VgxA 058cna — a, — a~g~oS, see doS& I s, I, a. nine, n11 --— @o8s, n. the multiplication table, ascending to nine times nine; orn8sc 60oq~ aJOOG@0804dqj CaqSc.GCOO, (to CSq coe~1 -* @8:iCRoS, v. to use the multiplicationd table. cqll 2, v. to trust in, rely on, receive as teacher, guide, or object of worship; more than coesoo8 and.~o - %CcS, v. to worship; ccoomgoc0REcoegaaE-s 0ocatoospo 2opoi o l o no* o cpg:)coe~.. qT,,A000 C*C5?(Sr-P~ 01 WO -— 03, v. to trust in, rely on; co&~$s@~o~Jscoooo&oaR$ caxgo~to7h,~ oagno ~pcqs, adv. sprawlingly, confusedly, contrarily-c~sc sola cpn@oo~, acts in a contrary manner; (2) 4~Icp~co6g sglooSoo, walks along the road in a sprawling manner. aJcq:-omco4, adv. 'contrarily, perversely; woigoSo ooB@9D81, cgo&1cnmcoarooo6oSooe, is in the habit of talking in a contrary manner. cl, I, v. to fall, to become low, to be thrown down, put down, left, to be expended, spent; aOq!oe, to be wanting; omitted in writing; ooaoeg, to fall in place, be settled, adjusted, to be skilled in reading or repeating sacred or secular writings, to bear a certain price, to reach, to attain. Der. 3ao9 and;-(i) nog GSoo <35g ^oi iooSocooogsae (2) oaooe~GpSoo.:CM ooo*c0000ool ocoS0ac oGo0 (3) oa1 gooad0soo~c5GOooSo0oCN (4) g86oo18opa80~ cqrGo00=3l rqxnc86Sso@osoo2n (5) co003=89(s036o 8N:)coooeg, I shall go when the month of Tazaungm6n arrives; (6) qoGco>oSGceqo56oj, though fallen, not worth picking up; though lost, not worth finding (i.e., worthless); (7) ~ 0 O iIQon $8<iO@0g(coocog); (8) ogap0oopqxooc', why did this official lose his situation? (9) ooegaqo~8~GTrocqjs8oofsgt q#, v. same in the last five senses. -o, n. the setting sun, or when it has passed the meridian. 9, 2, n. a small granary (local), see under on qoh5, i, v. to be cooked, dressed; to be healed as a sore; to be acquainted, accustomed, familiarize, to recognize, to identify; comp. coCqoS; in the last sense, not used assertively. Der. qoS; coo8 cqoS.-~ coot, is the rice cooked? aM-ogoSQcoors -- 8, v. to recognize, identify; cqroo0oooboa3 ooeccG9o8 coc33l o-8@G&oSooiS Gog8osgaoS8ol, though I should meet this man in the dark among a thousand, I should recognize his voice. - oo:, v. to go out to feed, as creatures in a pasture; to leave one's home and transact business in another place; to gain a living away from one's house; c0800o8&0nos:88cq gdg o8o $otggSog~cg8 ooSoo@3o^, Englishmen leave their own country and come to Burma to gain a living; o~ac89soe~o-ooa 0o0083oS (Ic68ZCooS o c oS05 o6oS, 2, v. to continue without cessation or intermission, as an unpleasant noise; not used assertively, but found in cqxo&q#S, oooc,,qoo, 88oqo5oqoS, &c., aq0oSocq:, qaoS:o,(c,-,So)5G, @oog-3), n. a parrot; co — 99S3 (E@o5osqs5s8), n. a parrot's cage; oo$:, n. open work, whether in parallel lines only or in parallel and cross lines (jaffery work, lattice work); Burmese women when they 213 are teaching parrots to talk, often say to them Sh (pron. h); loriogsr lqru9G&, aQscTo9T g ooSOaqS QQoToG3T@as OccGo033 (~c105o)o), n. a species of parrot (a large kind). lolog.oooS, properly oq8coRcoS (see the parts), v. to crinkle, as a twisted cord, to kink; [to arrogate to one's se superior wisdom, knowledge of the world, co:8w-' clooiS azcCso oscoi coccco.->5q~xe~1; Dgo, qqlysjo i 00f454%scg s @6ooe, if the rope crinkles too much, it snaps. Co&GGq ((r6R ), n. character, reputation, credit, -QoOCG; this is also used as the equivalent of the English word "'pride," i.e., glory, e.g., 86cSoinocq, the " pride of the kingdom;" o8cowqoS5oos.1, " the pride of the ocean;" ce ooqu09@s o~poo~op~oacq oog 49eg qcoc-Gi~Gooooi oC~~CC~3s~sg049 O~8GG~G~~z)331 -cqoS (~15c0o0,qdoS) (pron. kyet-tha-yay-dike), n. a store house in a palace or kyaung;ssooo~gco&,,ooS0oqqzoq0o:) oco~olcooS~roooqcqoarosc~loSii crS, n. excrement. - @), n. faeces, ordure; acc:, rqJ, ooS, oS:ii - 0-~R8, v. to evacuate the intestines (polite). -_q5, v. to have a stoppage of urine. -- Cos, n. urine; m3ool, 68:, io, cota$, tqn)8s, CO:11 -co5aSS, n. the bladder. -— ccS3SSo )S, n. calculus. c --- —coSqo, n. the urethra, c8-n _-cq8R, v. to pass urine (polite). ---, v. to be subject to diabetes; o oqqr-oroo:oop r6eqC3 Doo GSazoBoOo.%~)~SQacOco6o., I don't think that this man will live long (lit. will have a long life), as he is suffering from diabetes; (an excessive and morbid discharge of saccharine urine), q8Qoo9coISi oX8, 2, v. to sift for gold (gSoS) or silver (28qa8), -, n. the larger particles that remain after sifting. - 86cS, n. a shallow vessel used in sifting for gold or silver; o8RoSpoSoq8po5, gold is sifted for with a vessel (wooden). — pBs, n. the purer particles obtained by sifting. (14 q 3qISJ (r4c 4), n. the finer particles obtained by sifting; 'r@98 veooSc4o~oai gO3Ocmoep&fi ca, 3, v. to be acquainted with, be familiar with, understand well; not used alone; coeGT cqpcc Dcoqclso6qcoeIg n M --- 180, see oSsc89 -— Mg v.; see cqf above; particularly to be acquainted with, as husband and wife, to be conversant with or experienced in, as with a state of existence or a place of residence; CDC 94m8qj - q8), v. same (scarcely, if ever, used). *%cBCC, n. a carpenter's square. - o", v. to match the part to which it is applied. -Gao0o (daung), n. right angle (rc-9aootcfp$m~q8cg Sooo: ocXe~). Cj~, v. to do, perform, practise; co:xgpoe, gooA, RootS, to be habituated to; cc co, to teach, break in, as an ox or buffalo; to practise for a boat race; (coocgq), to give a horse or pony its gallops before entering it for a race; S qCog8.2)sooL 9 aico laecos p 3coQ o C (ooaq~4G.~ce, at avoy a p6ngyi practises the " open air austerity " in a place where there is no roof; (2) o8axos coR sGal CD6&8..0 - o8coe *c_ mool o. 8, although you do not know how to ride now, sir, you will be able to do so if you practise. ----- v. to practise constantly or habitually, keep, observe; qG6ccocgmgcq~Go3oq~C oct-, ascetics live habitually observing the commandments; COGO816R3 Ot39Oq8 qRcBoj ocQ(Br,-4c -,Bc0or0lorgqjs &ooaoe, uptight and worthy people observe (practise) the commandments and religious duties on days of the eighth (both waxing and waning understood) full moon and change. -— 0o 08, v. same (frequent). -_0, v.; see the parts; commonly in a bad sense, to be addicted to, lead an irregular, vicious life; gGI'SocTpoo Coo o8cSs, oooz)ooTw 3coC05x=Sm9jS0 09885010 oOCPS(~ Cnq(gr, CofflSoocs, n. a system of moral duties... —006, oacSoops, n. a duty, moral requirement. CX1s60*' 215 cq&:, i, n. a hollow place (sometimes a natural hollow) made in the ground, a trench, dock, an excavation, the earth of which hakleen used for making a bund (a borrow pit); o0GOOoZo68o5mq8:o68o,, in the excavation on the south side of the bund. -0 v. to put into d9ck, as a vessel or ship; 8soor-z83q8t 'J'agseqcgoi< uaxoqsal cI aSfeojogqll qOS, 2, v. to spread out;i @io:sooe~, to put in order, set out to advantage, arrange, array; o@sqcooo -, o$GooSqgooo o23 11c3 31 8 3 coSc8 1 @mj8vcq:o aoe oc Goij2 ci 3 8:ol c.8s, 3, v. to wash slightly, rinse a vessel, to gargle the throat; ol8ocScq&8, to stroke, strap, set, as a razor or knife after whetting-(i) j8mso o$R c75 coSsol" a org6 0 la4s0 oq83s3ocoo&I (2) O sDDS c'o 53,cB put an edge on the knife after it is ground. 08), i, v. to twist tight and hard; more than c?$ or oR$-C6 8 aoo, to braid; ooSCjq8o0:e, to scratch the earth out of a hole in the ground or sand (as an animal, rolling it over and over). - on, n. the earth or sand scratched out of a hole by an animal; qRor8oov.log 4s0qo (crab-cast, a little mound of earth thrown up by a fresh-water crab); cScB ooin o08q 21, 2, v. to be diminutive' smaller than the ordinary size; c~ o4, e6oax~, to be reduced to a small compass, made compact; but in this sense scarcely used assertively; M8 o01 OmPc~ qoq8 bcxsc o,01 this man is diminutive and spare; 6c5$oooq 8;0ljboi 1 xo8cq8coe, as in closely packing anything. — coB, v. same, 2nd def.; to be neat, nice, exact, accurate, and decorous in arrangement, dress, manner, arrangement, to exhibit great discretion and secrecy in carrying out one's designs, i.e., to be " close "; comp. GoogD-(I) we 8oO;:)-0gSooCsZo3Sqoo,' qO4Boq8coco8 ooSoou (2) co%-qpc ooSg G80ar 8 oocjlm oB0o'80CDo.Cq Ucobcogo IIS00 qzota8, adv. indicative of the noise which it imitates; c:c)tC4 9cr6ooosoo(qcq8oeooe, in putting down the swing shutter, it creaks with a sharp sound. o08A& (Beng.), n. oakum. - c8s) n. same. 216 gS, i, n. a tube closed at one end. — qi~, — oloS, v. to penetrate as a bullet. -— o, n. a bullet or cannon ball; oqpM 08o0ccoa0 l C40SO0~ oSvoeStii -— ocoo0, n. a small bamboo tube closed at one end; G$o0 afyjt^38x>adoS 1(g~ s-3;33oS~oo^coooSojooogSi --— cooooSog (ooA), v. to ricochet, as a bullet; cqggo@.td( -- 9, v. to be struck by a bullet. -- c, n. the mark made by a bullet. qe2, 2, v. to be shrill and piercing as sound; used in some adverbial forms only. -- ooo8, v. same-(i) ooe~QC cSoeg~coAsCgoqi, (2) -840o8~8 GC0oS Go3o azal aq SS 0bo2S coT s`3S5 e( sOQO o S"C^P coo SccooSlQ0ogoo3^II cg, i,, n. a stick, bar, oorgo8t; not used singly, but found in &q6&, ooScgrs, coo~g(gog8, coro&S~6n -- oo, n. a small stick used by children at play. e~g, 2, the Barringtonia racemosa, an evergreen tred sometimes growing to the height of 50 feet; it produces white or rose-coloured little flowers on long slender racemes; coMrP. 0oCo00 --— ^, n. the Barringtonia acutangula; its flowers are rather small, but conspicuous by their long red filaments. The wood is red-bro n, hard, and fine-grained, while the bark is good for tanni g. qgS zggS or oOq)cpOSs, ado. moderately (?) and protractedly, as pain; 3o00coo 5,c-o ac9 oogeOrS* oao GIo@o cg, n. a large species of ant, of which the Burmese say there are two kinds ---cog, the red, and 0 oS, the black, kind. ooe, 2, v. to have the sensation of pricking numbness occasioned by checking the circulation of blood, or of chilling pain in the teeth occasioned by cold water in the mouth (oS)q); comp. oQ, to have the numbness experienced when one's funny-bone comes in violent contact with anything; to be " asleep " as one's legs after sitting a long time (the difference between og' and o is that ' * implies that there is a certain amount of sensation with qIS 217 numbness to be endured, whereas cx implies that there is numbness without pain); oS>itqs, ~:@:)~6oJ j8 voS;o)ooo 3s 3 al;~61 GkgoooSw q0gr, (pron. gil n. a pestle. qV:, v. to be narrow, close, strait, confined, crowded. Der. so qe~ and qgS; coSejo8cowscaoeG~mr9sco 9~c=oo 3 e~, this bedstead is very narrow, it is only fit for a child;,9 ~ooe~@8owoq 3azPGoorhq sooa,8 a9too 3 45rso8oa, if hereafter the mouth of this river gets narrower than it is now, boats will not be able to go. - o8, v.; see the parts (distressful); coe~92azc~gsqS c0 o@~ oc5w. o1Gcoo08,4q c~soO9cSolooe~1 - COq[, -OrgoIe, V.; see r0qos033~(ob08cb:3)835moo3ooeo6P C18u 'r3gaso sp6fi the prisoners in the solitary cells have to suffer confinement in a close and rigorous way. v, v. to remain, be left, 8. Der. C Il-QzoS q8:Coo3 a o iCqGoSC0 5300o L, the unexpired portion of his leave is cancelled; (2) oj ~81GOO0Oi8e~'0q:Cq 00 1Q3.)cx93Q0S0cG c~oSol, give away the remaining things to some one. I5t, I, v. to be well, healthy; a0oa3e~Pooooel -i-3, — Cno, -co, -Q000X08, v. same; CY5$ Qzo3o1y g coot"l Oil:, 2, v. to be turbulent, rebellious; chiefly used in.oo)8o&o~8J: -— o, v. same (infrequent). [Note.-The difference between q$-oo$s and C83ooSo would seem to be that the former word is applicable to a number or multitude of persons only, while the latter may be used when speaking of only one individual.] o8, I, n. a kyat or tical, a weight equal to four mats (oo5); before capital numerals, acqS as a &Co oo3S, 9 ir8OCoSB, there are ioo ticals in one viss —3oeyo?-co8,-~o8aqjoo0oo cooSaoo —gcIool e~, this man is not poor, sir, he has more than to ticals of gold; (2) qSto&-L, current (rupees) coin of the realm. oS, 2, n. a kind of basket carried by certain mendicants and ascetics, also by pho-thu-daws and nuns. C ---o2q1 n. one of the insignia of royalty (@s4qo~). oMS, 3, n. the scrofula, king's evil;coS loSs8;I colooezu c98, 4, n. a perforated leather used in weaving strips of cloth. 28. *1 cx8@seos, n. a strip of cloth, woven by itself; tape, ribbon, cIS qScs(as90Bl - @t sz, nn. a bobbin, a]8qoSOtAo:; comp. 08g,0 R8S, 5, v. to be tight, not loose; or%,, to be crowded, to be strict and severe as a master with his servants, oalCl S coS; comp. @8, with which it must be closely connected. Coogt pooosCq 800 eGcpo8p~a, this place is very crowded; there is no standing-room, or place for sitting; (2) m&xRqS0ooSc a 38 GQo66r-(m-2CGMO:Si6; (3) 04 K8OcoS ai8, 6, v. to put into and twirl or'twist about as a feather or stick in the ear, or other aperture; comp. cnc8, to calk by driving pitch or any similar substance into seams or cracks with a heated instrument; comp. mcoo, to clean a gun, e.g., qo&: 3=ooSG$ goSoo6Su@cq8 coo Scr@084o5qs aqszC3o8 cqaScosju, in order that the barrel of the gun may not rust, you must wrap a piece of cloth moistened in earthtoil round a stick and twist it about (inside the barrel); @So oo8~g993:cxlS g, he twisted a fowl's feather in, -his ear; (2) sG sCoGs-00o0G 980o~cS soo qcpS, calking a boat is done after the calking-iron has been heated in the fire. gs,,7,'v. to be intermediate; not used assertively, but found in o48,q8 and qoScq8. Der. q8. qoSgca18 is a small country between two large ones as Monaco, Munipoor; cooat-~@. Jcq&:q8ooozcogoqGTooeS, Kath~ is called "a small intermediate kingdom." q8j$ (from orqS8 and aoj$), n. weight by ticatl, weight estimated in ticals; ~5Go$o$E5c5j qSm8ocac ooo5Gcovcv5Go,6q 6666, if I buy by tical weight, what shall I have to pay the viss? jeqoo$:, n. a kind of convulsion to which children are subject. — oS, v. to be subject to such convulsions; ojc(B343G=)3. sool cQxo oS:C-,ooo@o8%J 85ooxS63, when children are ill from convulsions, they are apt to writhe and twist about. q8tS, i, n. a religious writing or book, any writing or book treating of art or science;.qo8monz _ —c~8, -cQ, v. to take an oath by or upon a religious book; (i) csoGoo s8(tooC7oc &j, women that are enceinte should not take the oath; (2) q$:.@:q3oco~:.S 8'oo q8, ogpgooSjgs 219 p6ngyis should not take the oath; cQxooSgGoo5SGSaq8d8 o38t$, n.; see oqj~o:)n — o)Gsq:, n. a scribe or writer of religious books. --, -8, -o08, v. to incur the pains and penalties of perjury; ooxoSooGoooooo:goG ooSl ^oooSoqj:og8 oScsoo1loXo3^3c8so1Gpo5SlGo1soo, if I should state what is untrue, may I assuredly incur the penalties as contained in this book of truth. — ooS, v. to be versed in the Buddhist Scriptures; to be learned (in modern pfrlance); GQo~@ ecogoo4 GcoSqo oooS@gol i -— fo5, v. to administer an oath on a religious book. - GoI S9oSq, n. a compendium of scripture; cc&oSoO:cq$ qg|gGo16agcGu&lsq0SqO. —.o5, v. to incur the pains and penalties of perjury, to take an oath. t — , n. an oath on scripture; cq 5-Og:ooe,.o, 2, v. to level, reduce to an even surface,, 0w3; comp. [58-(l) Goq 0)@'80a83~ oo14C?(oogw ' (2) M& G0m3 oo1 g43q3o Gog8 o5oqoS (now generally pronounced oqoS) @ Sdeog3oq=g,<oopS, ouS, v. to be wide, broad. Der. j; ioo3~o8,833S,-=0ovoso — cox oocS, adv. arrogantly; ooS ,,ooeSoog csooSooosS ooDG@ooooooe, this man is in the habit of speaking arrogantly. — o08, v. to be great, applied to designs or words; aDo@gO g qjo-d^38Sc6G83a)68 aoGco^80'80goo-s00P ~0(~3z0 3c~So:jo5 o 6S0G98GSooZSan --— o$, v. to be spacious, extensive; "oo3gap^6^3oovo Gcoo8oco8 j olo co5o$sGo3J3.)pGMn --— 88:, v. same (infrequent). "o, v. to daub, plaster over. Der. c88&a*, ^oSpso"oolooc"o-q oGO3G030G@J8:Gq3oQ( ~oSojooel (2) OOCo08004g3O5 "qaoogo, adv. loudly and protractedly; qoqoG35aSoao5cosq@a: oqooaoSO:, n. the large leaved leea, " is sometimes cultivated for the astringent properties of its roots; * * the Burmans use it to stop the effusion of blood in wounds."-Mason. 220 o1, I, n. a tiger, a piece in the game of checkers; qgj43cP o Q8tZO3; (7q8$ocgcjO RC&S ~OSe'u, to stick close to, and follow, like a lean tiger (following a bullock); figuratively applied to a person who sponges on another; an importunate creditor, &c. -agodS, n. a compartment on a play-board; Gcc.c*oSqpsoosO: ogau~&o~eo~ooos~on — a,. to play checkers or the like. -o6s (pron. coks), n. a small species of tiger possessing superior strerigth (said to be of a tawny colour). -- olris, n. a bull's-eye lantern. -_c9:)5jo:cv:6-, n. a kind of cactus. -oo T (pron. o ), n. a leopard, a cheetah; frequently called aoz without thel nou".i omo e om:C) ooascoo8lo:scoejopc qud -cqLS, n. same as, and much more frequently called ao81tS8 ~-.g:, n. the black cheetah or leopard.. ---co6Sowgs) n. a giant shell, Tridwna gigas; onj$roo6,, 2o:, 2 (from Gcooo:, a man).. —o-3Sopsos, adv. boldly; qcjg~? o6Cioloo5Goo60~oO iooO o36ago~qoro~3cqoyfo" -. @sao:cS, o@joccS, n. people collectively, that is, as regards qm:.C-o:ccS; oj0c0 goco5 refers to widows, and to girls whether they have reached puberty or not. (WI, 3, v. to be marked with different colours; not uniform in colour; variegated with alternate bars, chequered, striped, &c.; aqoQOG O8GjoSO3E o:o3paI (2), 8ScGcPSGoT9oaom6Ioqol t3 (3) QCO8 Sos8oOSBGg6 q:0) OCI. [Note. -xops is also applied to fowls.] v, v. to be slimy, ropy, mucilaginous, ~'3ce; comp. Go:; fig. to be glutted with riches, to be oily and drawling in speech. _We~7o OMOIGOOGCOO'cool go@oScQCoSQ= GO:>OOSI~~4_~,Q:)~g aoaS.1 (2) OD. ca s3OG00.~ cYSo09W, (CIo%, oC o C30 (3) 00 6100S 80rjgUs 3 (OqSs COSCO90Sell (4) oqqtS6QS: q0, 9$o30 S 'GooS Wo&o3$ 1 0o0oozosjo:!R9 C16i 1SO e:: ( jo8) alnG3o3c& sq?3CSO (4~sOA 221 01S,I r, n. a kind of plant, one species of oolsn - ro, -qo0s, n. the seed of above, much used by Karin women in ornamenting their garments (ooa3eoS 8i). J65, 2, v. to be hard, indurated; bson, as a verb, obsolete in this sense; to be hard, difficult of performance or management; ooio6~.-co, 'to be hard to deal with, churlish, ood& coooS&p. Der. oooSn - b.-, v. same, 2nd def.; ao5ma oo',6o81: ooeo8oa wacolo6 -_ 88, v. to be well done, properly arranged, finally settled; G~,oaoe3 1 aoooooSooE, coesacqYSca~N oSoOS C86c856olq8goo — cSo00, adv; in a settled state, such as to preclude the necessity of alteration to be hushed up, as a crime, precluding a chance of detection; cqooo8 oog 9(3 o:oM0SCGos @g80~C ooscoe~& coojooe cg w mi30C*a4c9ctl~OSaSoS GOOG000~Crag 0~zq:: 03Y G6T;6Taoq o8N e~TI cA84o (pron. @o8#o), n. a kind of cancer on the lower jaw, [a form of anthrax called malignant sore-throat, a disease of cattle]. c4o8*J (oSo4), n. a medicinal plant; &3oS008G&cO$ OoTgo 607oSooo5~1Sq66iq8CnoES33oSl It, v. to swear, take an oath, imprecate evil on one's self or others, either conditionally or absolutely; to curse; comp. 8849j, 6oo:, co&j$4M5 (pron. par nat). Der. s c$n so coc)o:). 8:~qooqcp-oouol~c~o:)8.-ois v.-a, to curse in anger, imprecate evil on another; ro893 -- v,. to take an oath; comp. cSa:86 -_o-B, v. same; qgo3wc~ G0w3 Goo~:C Z&nC~uLo3 oa$ o2cSpc@3 J:, v. to sleep (respectful), commonly applied to Buddhist priests; comp. a8M and oo5, to remain dormant, as wind in the intestines or the f&etus in the womb; -ooc,:o6q3 S oo6o& @c;7 y qS8603o~s 5:g04~ 01 35g51 --- ), v.; see oo&a o eo3ioy!3ccoj-:Yn)SrGooo, Gcooc0wu --— ocS, -— o, v. to sleep (applied to deity); 0qO@q D4OS 0ON;CYOSWOO&'I Og$g, v. to ward off evil, as a king by the observance of certain superstitious ceremonies. -- - ~ 222 q 18, n. a. ten, the number of ten, substituted for cooS in numbering rational beings, as ooJ86, one ten or ten; j (46, two tens or twenty. 4,n. a granary; ooI:4, a granary for paddy. — o, n. same, n-a a 4 oocgc oy83c n~ ~ soouo o q adjoins the c4, but is smaller than it. o ocS (see next). -This word is preferred to aloos; o8: c~ooS Soon (pron. ojsoos), v. to joke, banter, to play tricks with; comp. qAoSGs., &c.; cooosjoo>:~:c (~60 rOCisrs)@oSoqC p oogo - INoO:, v. same; mostl used adverbially; oaqco$x aoco, 0 — $, v. to play with in a rough manner, though not with the intention of causing annoyance or pain. Ios, n. a crow or raven [co ooo0oso, in an affrighted manner like a crow eating; q00=oc, a wolf in sheep's clothing, o& S0Qoo 8 o & q94cOO]; CY390J0Geoo 8: Qf88cq3c 15 og,:s, occasionally 'sed of the time of day about dawn;: oo c~C8cfo3aooo oe 11 -W~, n. a raven. n-$,. a crow (most common), not so elegant as I- by itself; cao 6jjs9S3n - r@ (pron. kyee chyay), n. a staple, commonly of iron. w- r@8G6, n. the Vitis lanceolaria, a large, woody, evergreen climber, bearing small diaecious (having the stamens on one plant and the pistils on another), greenish-white flowers, and round, white or flesh-coloured berries, about the size of a cherry.-K. -- $0a, n. same.-K. c atcS, n. a slanting roof, interposed to cover the opening at the end of a gable roof. 1 t00M, n. a species of gourd, zanonia, " with sagittate (shaped like an arrow-head) leaves."-Mason. cArG618:, n. a species of Mistletoe loranthus, as in temperate climates it grows parasitically on various trees; 4Goo618s coo00o5o61 cqloS, see p8o and %oo&5i cq toScxptS (&S&6o), adv. intensely, combined withtwords of darkness, depth; oScooSsqcoSj~xogog:ttoSxcq qGooIS qR, an abbreviation of crq81 og223 o, v. to be contracted, drawn together, shrunk, to have few friends, as 805M'. Der. 'I. There can be very little reason to doubt that cfi and 4 must have originally been derived from, or, at the least, had close affinity to, 1-(I) oa ~ oo809 qogoS $~ ~C33a 6 o 3.0,4@u (2) o3ecq=3CS 4 o ~~~op ~80 5ojoai (yop is intelligible, but rarely used); (3) Wo Sco c 6So~~ScY3Q1 1 xx ic84O~~co Orq0 o *oo a., figuratively applied to those who have had large pecuniary losses, but are, notwithstanding, far from being ruined. - -os,'v. same, applied to the limbs and body. i,, n. a moat, trench round a fortification, a rampart. -- c8, -q-:, n. the top of the bank on either side of a moat with a palisade-(I) Oj, 8G6@Do:qc8o, a moat with a palisade; (2) C-%gj:9QOToc q cI, G91g0 5@ 00e~ ci, 2, n. an enclosure into which wild elephants are decoyed, wcqoj-, (pron. hsin-gyBn); wo8~834oc riljob cogS.+ooz) -aoS (pron. as one word, uzza-that-hta-thee), cooo:0pSu Cq! 3 (obsolete), see o8:ii ri, v. to gather up from, take up or awa'y-(i) o3t M oS m po&S9o3gnFJc( e cf u (2) oaEc8oo8 (pron. tedin) tnqojo8 CCSi (3) JOl d onog~ o:33 nlt, n. a species of reed. — o, i. a coarse kind of mat made of reeds. — coq, n. same, but more frequently used. c6gS n. a kind of silver brought from China (said to be the best and purest extant), CI, m, v. to go beyond, trespass, overlook by ignoring, to offend, exceed, surpass; cougc ooot, to transgress, oj, ----, v. same. -cg$, v. same-( ) ozop O~laatO$ (2) Cq'8 aSc8oo6 @6cgooo~ocar Of1, 2, v. to produce a melodious sound, to deliver, utter (as a Buddh), express in melodious, persuasive strains; comp. )~1 -c, -_q8 v. same-(I) g~)~8g0~3 915613 clBq6CU333al 80DA05 OS g~oSa'oRxo,50~ (2) G008ouStS gSaofgc~V,=898 orG, v. to be rubbed out, erased, cancelled, to be replied to, refuted. Der. eqi 2.24 G C4: T: oqCo, v. same-(i~ Sp&rooc~o~~R ~'GM590008~n53O o8coq~I12 o84p~ocx~oq~ eqoo6I~roo (pron. Qq? I, n. a province, district, exclusive of -the metropolis; not used alone; comp. ~co5 n. the lieutenant of a );qsoo~t _,n. a subject (of Governarinent). -o:.the person who lives on the revenue of a province. -GM3, n. the rural parts of a district. -GOo~o:, nt. a peasant, rustic, boor, clown, a countrX bumpkin; o-qa2l8Gooto o~;ooR= ccqG;o to:3 ( GoI -QOS, -iz), see next. itYS. the suburbs, circumnjacent parts belonging to a town or village; QQ G~,,CA19 3_Q0qP03)O ~0 GOJ:,) 2, nt. a parrot, goca, of which five varieties are enumerated, namnely#, -cxjcO:%,I -ojo&, -CqoSGOo, -Cr.0, -G(31-81 -S65, it. birds in general. itcq,. an' ornamental post on ea~ch side of a door (whence carrier, parrots in olden times were dispatched). — o,-jo%3, nt. iron pincers for drawing nails, called so because it resembles the beak of a parrot. 003 - noi. -a parrot (most common); c~o o 0 s ocrf-to, it. advantage, profit; w~a favour conferred, obligation; oooq~couSs Sma~a.o& 88cqcjs o-c qoj yo-qqco ~OQ ) -s(Gcmj:T.oo*-), it. one who receives a favour. _ —sv. to be under an obligation, to be grateful, thankful. v. to do a favour, to oblige; Gc -8o 0 0o M_ G? v. to be forgetful of a benefit or favour. Z) -, v. to be unthankful;,rn S4kjo~aoooIl cgkoop:cfo0 e~-oxoo6ol iS * -j 8, nt. one who confers a favour, a benefactor; %3 cGqOCS 225 cogsita, v. to obtain profit, to be under obligation. -_8, v. to be sensible of a favour; tcaeogq —:t S00ooosoo oswo.oa3, n. the red-rumped lorikeet; S:c~q9o5.c cc0o5o~:, n. a species of sun-dew, Drosera Burmanii; qo5:0c8 CODN o1:I: (o j), n. white-flowered Barringtonia, e.g., oj:g:oS emits a slight scent. isB (&1b), n. a species of laurus producing a hard wood. C30o (&oloo), n. the scarlet-flowered Barringtonia. GCq, i, v. to be very hard; used adverbially (though not always), see under oo3o3o os63t C ap GCq3, 2, v. to be shining black; used adverbially, see under ~A5, Occoo8@OGct oGssOc3%II coGoq, i, n. stone, rock, an anchor; caxpoSas. Formerly in Upper Burma the anchor was often made of the heartwood of the tamarind tree; cco6Soo@m$q, one cable's length; coo,@oqoSqo Co3C236:-Gg8 33gS~B9q0oRG3o3 3 GgCoxYS0oo@ (-ron. q) aSoGcojooBGo8u) ri -, n. globular masses containing pyrites in the centre. - c-c, v. to hold as an anchor. - @5a)o, n. a mill-stone, likely to be soon supplanted by o5 @cSqn 9-s, n. a cable. - Q05), n. a kind of stone of which rosaries are made. -— ocq$0g (d1-h89), n. amethyst or violet quartz. -, v. to anchor; Qc:oAS@Bn - 9j&0 618, n. a species of begonia (a plant). -qL, n. alum. --— o6 (obqcqpo), n. laterite. - 2s), n. asbestos [a mineral fibrous substance which is incombustible]. o ----o~8, n. a diminutive fresh-water crab. - q8, v. to disappear, or become scarce, as precious stones. The Burmese have a superstition that if any one's conversation turns upon elephants or horses in the vicinity of the ruby mines, it causes the rubies to disappear;;q:ozo0o38o GO~3CX5CR8*.~OD&WqS4~H 0080WD:N 6880MOS <;@O6C981 Gqo(-BC~ qgo0S 6 c00n 6:u Lsoooo G@ # coo joooSooo 2 26 caqpoSooS, n. a kind of medicinal stone (stalactical carbonate of lime). — oq6, n. a small stone, pebble, gravel. -- o, n. an inscription on stone; (Gooo5ooS3mcGpF --— 8, n. a jasper (jade). --— co6, v. to peck a flint (to hew stone; oqpogoocq)oSai8). _ ---_.g, n. an anchor, whether of stone or any other substance. ---— o, n. a cable. -- CooS, n. an instrument used to peck a flint. — qcoo5, n. the stock of an anchor. -- caooS, n. a large rock or ledge of rocks rising above the surface; CO^oSoCCOOGOoS"CGOqioComOOiG IOOG OOO31 oSoqt68og GcpoSGcoo85 goDO5 Gocoog) 8Gooco3o3 8) c8Logo6o oogl — oog, v. to have the gravel or stone. -— cos, n. a ledge of rocks in water. -— o, n. a slate pencil.. —.clS, n. stone pillars or cairns to mark a boundary, formerly set up north of Thayetmyo cqooSo sa3ogg, showing the boundaries of British and Upper Burma (the small stone pillars marking the limits of the ground belonging to a c8S). -—.o8, n. a stone-pit, mine, or quarry (o08g@a3:3 oSog:, a ruby mine), a defile on the Irrawaddy. -— oaooSocp, n. an inscription on stone. — cooosoq8, n.; see GqooSCRSa, as which it is said to be the same. --— ot, n. a steep rbck, precipice. -— 8$, v. to drag as an anchor. " --- —, n. jet, a black fossil. -—, n. a ruby or carbuncle, spinelle; the true word for ruby is oggfg:i -—, n. a stalactite.. ---,SooS, n. granite. -— o$s, n. a salt-water muscle. -*.. -qc ( —0c), n. chlorite. —.q, n. a flat level stone, a stone table or slab, a circular 4 rcq oo 227 flat stone used by Burmese women for preparing o67'h1:, 0oos801 Scq0oo3qg Gqo-5go$, n. a flat stone. — [j8, n. a rough stone. -- gS, n. seaweed. -- o, n. the long white pumpkin, GaooSpo& j, cGojocS3o*, guSacsoRg8soooeo; this kind of pumpkin is said to deflect lightning and also to prevent putrefaction; cCopoSoc 08:s 33SoGCoGS gG3Zl OoSoOGOO 8GC G3l0o 3co305oStl -—, n. pudding stone. -- go, n. a large flat stone like a mat. -- $3, see under 3%$sii -—, n. white stone. -- Q, n. alabaster stone found on Sagyin mountain Q*cj8 Gooo8 near Mandalay in large quantities. - 8:0o:, n. fossil coal. --- 5, -,,o5, n. a precious stone; Goo5^o5sn -- oS, n. a kind of medicinal stone found in the sea. ----:, n. a fossil; og[s:GCoa58~SGSog:c t, n. a coal-pit. -— go, n. a thin piece of rock split off from the mass., --- 8 (;cqooSox8q~), n. a slate. -- co — oo, n. the sea urchin "a small animal with a solid covering beset with spines, called 'sea-egg,' ' sea chestnut,' and sometimes 'sea urchin,' is common on the coast." -Mason. — ooco6S, n. crystal. — o — , -qc.3, n. chlorite (?) " —ogos, n. a muller. --— g93,,c, n. a polisher of precious stones. goQpoS, 2, n. the small-pox or chicken-pox; hence o3GcqooS, the cow-pox [the rinderpest, a disease of cattle]. --— @i, n. the small-pox, of which there are several varieties, as oo83o8, — 8, — q5:, — o, — oos(c (confluent of small-pox). -— C0, v. to inoculate for the small-pox; GcoroSag ocp, n. a vaccinator. — C,6 oC, v. to break out with the small-pox. GOGoc~~,n. (abbreviation of a pit made by the small-pox. — Go*.:, a small-pox scab; Gr-c0oSGo!,C.2ou - j n. the chlicken-pox; GriqOSII -GO, -ci~, n. varioloid. QCXcq73, 3, n. the back of an animal; seldom used alone; Gqou w8-io (from om8, to adhere to), n. a k 'idney. CO)n. the back (most common) Gcxpx;;, Gc^-y oq sodScx~sjcxS~8: xeu GcXOOS, 4, to kick, o$xe~; to push off (a boat), wce~a; less than ov.,same, 1-u Ce OLq~j~CxqO0 MOB~qo&0061 (great violence is implied in the words oo~~o.q75 o%~). rcczoS:, x, n., a monastery (Pali 8co —), a building inhabited by literary or religious characters (cooo ocqozs, a school); CqS CCO~:G@08QoGC%)S (00 -c obop~) 0~68%0=ono3lw MQ n. a female who builds and consecrates a kyaung. Nowadays it is a term of compellation bestowed upon any respectable elderly woman quite irrespective of her having built a kyaung; on&coo: - $,n.; see ro138,,Gxpiocsp) -cen. a school-master. -ooooo (from itco,. one who builds and consecrates a kyaung. Any respectable elderly man is addressed as C000" -co)n. several monasteries. — c~q~c8,n. the head of a 'monastery; GoSr,48oqcxg:, In asking a- Buddhist priest where he lives, it is customary to say d~(GoocjGocq 8:CS O ooi o~on. a school-fellow. -oot, n. a lay boy educated in a kyaung, -a school -boy. rqao~s, 2, v. to feed, tend (as creatures); comp. cs:'e Der. no c~qp&vts(;qoStooe~, (2) Ao:rq:o8:2xe, proverb soGoaqot Gc~0:oS- f~.9soD3pt~co&., the question from the cwed the answer from the embryo Buddh~. cowerd G93, it.,. to catch in a noose or slip-knot, G(7Z~229 oqcSn. a noose, held and drawn tight by the hand; one kind of o28toc9:l; comp. e~o~v -0.,see the parts; c cc~8G Go~ Proverb (o.'o0~g) GqONoSgcQ4 &ch.68C~ o@co (the crow) does not see the noose, but only the piece of fish (as in the way a thief intent upon stealing does not think of his being found out and sent to jail). GRO, 2, V. to be fine, executed with taste; to be well bred and complaisant in manners, relating less to speech and mind than cogo.iI — Go (r crgGoo), v. same-(i) C~~qqG~G3QG900 Cm&: (2) C~~JaOqGOQ 00~O8~ oz8:413c06V: c-~~~,v. to spend time idly and wantonly. _GqGqq4oes ad/v. from above (most common). This expression is scarcely, if ever, used. co~S, i, v. to be talked about, be a subject of public notice, acquire notoriety, fame-(i) rr5S-q~c8oo ~q CoO-~ (2) qv~sco" Os Soco~o1 i1c)35Ooqsoij cr o~$c@. -GOO) V. to acquire notoriety, fame, be famous, fame, celebrity; 038gl GO~SGO-)O89133; C90301349 C(,3OlQpo): -~ ((3,ov. to spread as news; cooz@:)oot, to be proclaimed publicly;8,o o g _94so6S v.to acquire eminent distinction _b~ faous; Ccx~ 3) 2, V. to step or pass over. — 8,see the parts; 8$io8 ~:IaG ccc6ji -cq?, int. ah! alas! aha!69 9s ozS; co.9cc.Jo8oo (200o53s6oodb,-u NO0v. same with qo~S, to supersede; G~~c8GQ3~O&(a~co~,above) GoIS~oga: `qSj (c95), 3, v. to fry. -9MoCo5 (G&~S9Ct5qO5) (jron. cq q6jo5YS), v. to cook by first frying in oil and then pourino- on water; v809'8, -I-OSGGF890S (G@5qo5GC'PSjoS), v. to cook by frying in oil and water.I 230 8OO Ccq15;09S (G@ScGq5), v.; see the parts. n. Tonquinese, native of Tonquin. cj5g, i, v. to gulp down, swallow at once. Der. wo6 -(1) m~~oo~wo sr g..ooCcqcjmfc o5~8rG6o3Gcc8 f OCl6018CuSo3 Sc~ xig u ( 2) 66Cj33Sl 603~0d 9C~13 aaa&, 2, see J-roooD~oo.g Der. c4ojrB, v. to gird up. c46o165, adv. bubblingly, hissingly; rcjr.SOA,8.qru~qoO3etcoo:) ci8,8:, 1, n. a kind of official umbrella carried before (not over) the owner'; o6o3c8: c48:, 2, v. to be stout, portly, large in bulk and height; Soa oP6. Der. aozj8Oi - go-, v. same; qcBSo~GooU 0 06 0 04 (Q), v. to bow down, stoop, implying the idea of avoiding some evil, to be humble, submissive; ao(a-8NG8a$dE8V.O8 GOD?6r3@o~ 8. CoT~ooQQ, CGa8laoqaC9, Ccq& q0 &coo8 0qj)eT q -F (jP), ~v. same, 2nd def. v. to associate with another on terms'of submissive intimacy; 9-cho0=6 9qqR.GaI8*qjqocoe~co~o~ooE~ 4 t, V, v. to follow directions respectfully, be respectfully obedient, to be well disciplined, to take pains with, to behave with sobriety after receiving a severe lesson in the shape of punishment; not used singly. v. same (common)-( x) ooozoq:8scomcqSc,-X)03z aQlIC4 Cis 4 PSoCaOS~&n (2) ctG GcSy.~qiooaG~ 4.3 Or3COB1 B 00611 c4s, 2, v. to be broken crosswise, to burst as a bund; comp. 6R (to be broken' or severed lengthwise, split). Der. q:(1) aj[~93 O)5( 336C3a, C o&,O.q3 8:oqQ( (2) OOeC~ -_, v.; see the parts. a2,,sExcs4S~o, adv. bobbingly —(I) go: 0 4. cxao,.~&O cgoocoe~ ce:~cYvgascqoBo1; (2) rc&c~s c4_ 4:~-ov-otsa p 0j, verb. affix of number denoting the plural; cx~$i - 4x?$, same. -ji,:, n. a cock (Cmro) or hen (@3oSr). *-i —~8o,$, 2n. a hen-roost. 8o0 231 @o5, n. a fowl's egg; @oSo8 cS p8 o3o0006000306 uo :,c3an, — oG@, n. the striped rat-snake. --:oR$ (pron. @os ), n. the time of earliest cock-crowing (about 2 a.m.). — oc, n. a Bantam fowl. --— co:, n. a plant of the genus umbellifers. — G@, n. a fowl's foot; the mark of a St. Andrew's cross or any mark resembling a fowl's foot; c&o —c@ x ---- gooS, n. same, 2nd def., v. to make such a mark. ngs, n. a pullet. —, a. a tailless variety of the domestic fowl. —, n. the man who holds the cocks during cock-fighting. --— o5, n. a capon. --- -8:, n. a species of ornamental dillenia. -- coo8, v. to be on the point of engaging, as two game-cocks; -— 008, n. a turkey. --— od:, n. a fowl's oil-bag. -— 080o:3, n. a fowl's rump, the croup. -— do, n. a cock's spur (infrequent); aoooS, a disease of the eye in which the eyeball is first protruded and then sunk in (conical cornea). 3ocoai~ qj 8o8oqoG1 @Xo5ac.go5goo - c-qoo0, v. to be subject to said disease. --— oss8, n. a stake to moor a boat at, or to which a decoy fowl is tied. -—. (,), n. the croup, or hooping cough. — oo-5, n. a cock's spur; saoooS, n. a species of coffee-wort, Gardenia obtusifolia. — 00o8 (gco8s), n. a basket or box for a hen to lay eggs in. — cooqS, n. the Gkewia hirsuta, a shrub attaining to the height of about 5 feet; the drupes, which are as large as a pea, are of a reddish brown colour. -GOODS8, n. a fowl's quill or wing, the chain which connects the rings in a pair of fetters, a tool that may be used as an axe and an adz. -— G-ooooS, n. the hair of the head tied stiff like a bunch of quills, as worn by young girls of about 13 years of age. 232 o5 @oBQoooo@$, n. a fowl with its feathers reversed. -— wo, v. to set game-cocks to fight; @oqoroSd, a cock-fight. -— ogS, v. to crow as a cock; o5ocg$g~qeSocos8: '-4238, v. to superadd a bamboo framework on the roof of a house in order to prevent the thatch from being blown up by the wind. -— o18, n. Tenasserim caoutchouc; ~oSoo6lcos, India-rubber. --- ooo, n. a cock's comb; QocooS, a fruit, the wild rambontan (the schleichera). --— 3-q8, n. a species of flowering shrub, ardisia. ---- o5oo8, v. to be subject to disease of the eyes which occasions blindness by night (in case of children); comp. Gq oloos (@AJgoSQCoo). — c-o, n. the part of a post just above the ground; co8@oS ooS6@oSooge -— qo5, n. prince's feather; —, the red kind; -ol, the yellow kind. -- 8s, v. to retreat and return to the combat, as a timid fighting cock. — ^-, n. a species of coffee-wort. -- ~s, n. the Vitex pubescens, an evergreen tree growing sometimes to the height of 40 feet; it bears small darkblue flowers and bluish black globular drupes the size of a pea. —.s"g, v. to divine by the bones of fowls. -- n, n a fowl's tongue, an acute angle; oonzSs, a gore [a wedge-shaped or triangular piece of cloth sewed into a garment to widen it in any part], a forestay-sail, jib or spanker. --- og:-, n. a sharp projection of land; oo$cxo5gIgS -— coog$, n. a paper streamer in shape of a fowl's tongue. — cgqo0, v. to match (board). " — ogoo5coo5, n. a bowsprit, jib-boom, -or spanker-boom. -— 9=, n. a triangular shaped flag. — 8, n. a cock-pit (same meaning as @oSooS"). --— 8oo, n. a capon, lit. the castrated fowl [@6O5o]. -— oog, n. a fowl seller. - oo3~oPQ, adv. without reservation; 3a 8066n. ---ooaoS0, n. a species of spurge-wort (phyllanthus) [fowlcurry]. L t S ~ooS 233 B5oB:c (frequentlypron. c8)i n the roughness of a fowl's skin when the feathers are pulled off; gBOB.oSo:I - CM-3 G0, v. to experience horripilation, have the fine hair of the skin rected or standing on end from sudden cold or a strong emotion. coo oQooa02oo O3,33: Gco:)8co&361~EY7?os c8& c, 8OQoooae~1 -,S:3,GAOGP a. lukewarm. Soo-rs.g2-c ao,, v.; see 0jfco co —r0c, v. to be stgjuck speechless and senseless from sudden fright. -, n. deep red, the colour of fowl's blood, cornelian; coy 0 5, 2, v. to ktretch out, extend as a superficies and make fast, to cover a drum; o0ioSS zSaZc o S q8 c33o3aoleloS 3aYn30 o S1aoS3X6 6 gjac:J.SooII 33 3oSoa, n. the castor-oil plant, Palma christi. 3z3o6oa scno Ooascoesw o%, in a forest of shrubs the castor-oil plant is king (lit. in a forest in wh' h the trees have no heartwood). Anglick, "Amo the blind, the one-eyed man is king." -.8) n. castor-oil. gaSoonn tS1, n. serum, the thin, watery part of any fluid; oQs gScooSqc, the clear water that rises above the sediment when lime is immersed in water; formerly said to have been written qoScSjei~ gCoScq, n. the onion plant or root. - 80), n. an onion bed. -, n. onion skin, a kind of fine calico., n. garlic (Bombay onions). -@6o, n. the tops of onions. OSoo8sl, II. the momordica plant; O0ooocqssmq8 cqj:c~ S1a~cfiua 83sog:cQ co c g~ 0c1)(iS Iq o 8o8:cbcq co& 00o05061 (2) @0SC08:6IOia cGB~3QGQ5~GCO0M OO05 i co-a55. oSg acq8%.q~oo65oeooon &oSols, n. the thorny bamboo, said to be becoming gradually extinct; ooc*IAcA26e4OocY)39990oo0ol50ncgeota3EcBt~& 30 234. 01v. to love; ao~oA~q8aooeu [@cproS, a royal consort; (CqS cpoodor.o, poetical.] Ge0qco~oo V~6l9 zo8a Si.e., never. -ov. same; to feel for, pity; copom.o-o-@8;=64oo es~ ~ LNote.-06So is a word very seldom used except by lovers.] EScn. the lower extremity of the moustache;8$ii8 g cS5 wL~o~c.~co:u0o o~q oqa is sometimes used for the *whole moustache. S(ocj), v. to be tense, tight; not used assertively. 0-8c~ adv. tensely, as the breast or bowels; qgogoqo (2) r.8G 0AGa:)0x0Q03S qdo5CnqrBG q-o-00 G~.IG08tjg 0q$;cq8 (pron. (~~cSn. the north-eastern post in the main part of a house, see under cV$-su ~q(oS), n. the chebula tree; the fruit is said to be good for fevers; ct:$*DitoogcY~88S~crcocGo~-oo [Note.-Incredible as this may seem, it is strictly in accordance with Gaudama's teaching, qc8 (n-cqS) ~8 (88@8s) GO30A (Gco:) o'i:]. v. to be clear, pure, bright, as water or colour; to be sincere, cordial, well-disposed; o@ro3c~caqc@.... ~E,-fl v. same, 2,nd de'f.; to feel complaisance, especially in religious objects; oo1qocorp:oTcoz&qo:' iv. to be kindly disposed, implying tenderness of feeling, affection, to- experience feelings of pleasure or regret on hearing pleasant sounds; 8fz 4co O 0Q&T~ Cc~o M (XI$ cost tS c 8 oo 0c8o 1 g -o4 rj:ce 9os(c oo$:0%8 Goo~co9~8, when King Maraman went up the main river, the hunter Nga Sin, -together with Kyan Yittha (son of King Nawratha Zaw), made a nest on the top of a wood-oil tree; Nga Sin imitated the cry of a crane, on hearing which the King Maraman, experiencing pleasant feelings, looked forth. Nga Sin, on Kyan Yittha's pointing with his fore-,finger, shot MoS 0235 him (Maraman), and Maraman was blinded, and, alas! died. @e15~ v..; see @g" -- @, v. to be kindly disposed; used adverbially. — co8, -o,00 v. to be clear, pure, bright; to be clear in mind, free from darkness and passion; @gcoSg0S6co$4t @., v. to look, look at, behold. --— o-, n. a view 'oojo8o Sdbo2 8,GoooSoGoToo @mocoS — o, v.; see the parts; 3mG to:~Y Go0, oopsm008:oUS 0oo00. " ----, v. to look attentively, to look after the interests of another; &o-ooSou @:, I, dry land, ground; o4qa, -— G0@6, adv. by land; oq-G[6o&,0 -- ooooS, n. a small tree, sometimes growing to the height of 25 feet. The leaves appear in threes on petioles 6 or 7 inches long. The fruit, which is of the size and shape of a duck's egg, is not edible. [ *g*, 2 (pron. &:), v. to be thin, rare, as liquid, oRoSoo, opposed to qb, to be thick; GqiSqo:(jgSooxcqjoSoas @ ', 3, v. to crush, grind' down; WofoogS, to make a grinding sound, as the earth when convulsed (infrequent). ---- S, v. to groan; eSL*oogSN 5@, v. to avoid, shun; GSpo -S —oGooo&ooo.a c~^.Qo^ (2) 840,SWCPs*o Og8o%00q6G'ooo qWso$s:4 2CD qCoIoco:)S -:, -G0908 (@g), v. same; ooroocoooojoo4~ aocosol es, v. to bear, carry; not used singly; to conduct from one place to another; ooc5qsoog, to carry on, perform (infrequent); roooSoSn ---— caoo6, v. same; 1n ----8ocGRg8G aoooozoao68 a3o8g ccj8AiiSmMo5(|o coo8q o6 ogoBooe @S64 or @$ (pron. @, 4 as if two distinct words), n. a kind of tree, the xylocarpus, used for making wooden sandals.Mason. o5, I, n.? 236 OccoSC $:S (qaoSc8:cqs), n. OoS8@8 (RoWo'i), but more elevated. -— cj 1S (CoSco3c,6I8), n. same, but more extensive; oCaso q8 S8onocSGqoqoCo801~M 8:0 0 -o0, n. a barren plain, abounding in blue clay (r@E~S c&:@8), almost devoid of trees, grass, and shade. - G&, n. blue clay. [N.B.-Definition doubtful.] 2, (frequently pron. 58), v. to darken, grow dark, as the heavenly luminaries, be eclipsed; g& is a more modern word than 08 n ---n ai4i 8=j 5 oo-co aQxpca&q cotocp S8 oosoogn - soS, adv. light, pale, lot deep as colour (obsolete). gii0OD (pron. kyat-tee-ga), n. The Pleiades or seven stars; more elegant than rCoS)c86S, the common name; - 3Sd 0$ (Pali Ct), n. a sign, mark; m-zooco3ous -m8cocpoyn3, n. the five good bodily qualities; oo~8$socoS - oeSC o lxacoa~~wcR;@e~o$elcooe~u b), v. to delay, be delayed; not used singly. - ~:) (pron. a), v. same; 604j)ooc QPj@) m3 CZojS =@~$ORSoGj (2) o:a080Q8:c8uo3 84 3 9S (cq8), n. a kind of evil spirit, an elf, a goblin said to have the power of assuming different forms; G$o.)8Uooo8(.cjo g3o1s3o7gSa:oS~ioi@j @qS9:3 O 8(GO4&3g Oa&G 8G3 O& ok~llu [The Burmese believe this evil spirit devours human beings.] 8S, 2, n. (not used singly), see ~8o8i -~: (o0g1:)o n. soot. -O.-.c8 (rq0SoS), n. a bamboo frame over a cooking-place, 0a00,69s0Eo0lc Cl o& S: sq (0) osa8:08' o: 08ocoAAMS 03'o0~cqG 8, (c4g).1 (3) 6e 3663 T80soo, 30osooogs61csos cl son~aqr~3S 6q33C;3 33C$ 333~q0S: 3336; coca~oug - IS ( C8S9O5) (oqSgoS), a. new, brand-new, not yet used; alluding to a new canoe, fresh from the frame, where it has been burnt in order to be stretched open; woocq= - s, n. a wooden frame, used as a gridiron for drying and cooking articles of food. -Lco8, -c"o, v. to dry or broil on said frame. Ocs "!37 B8, 3 (O8), v. to make tight by binding; not used singly; to be tight, hard bound, as ground. Der. oe~@S& jos4 -a3o0@8ose cq5u q@8mG coo u — 8 (oSoq5), adv. tightly, stringently, earnestly, intentl (altogether, thoroughly, exactly)-oGpaogcs qo G3co QI~S08@88 godqsou (2) Go0800MDc cf Dom 00 a 3oo:z# 3Q88D SQ008-f.C oG ~93~~kS Ccy: 8~40 0 o coeol 0 ---- 0, v. to bind tight, make tight, secure. - ooe: (Pronz. 06)) (aqSoei), v. to be strict, stringent, to be peremptory; applied to action. S, 4, v. to superintend, watch over and direct; not used singly. Der. s@8, G0oo8@8, and c8$:. 8 - 0, v. same (most common); Gcoa So3oei dazoioYa8 08oj: Gco B oo oqo~4 3z8covo65oI ho85411 0o0o?, a corruption of @cooo, nature; oooSA @SqS (o85cSo ), n. a bag or ball of sand, chaff, salt (and the leaves of the cooaSq86:o8), &c., for fomentation. -C?, v. to foment with said bag or ball; to apply warmth by means of such balls'; dc: oo~@8G o fj6oo~6oa@8o 90061 (2) 8 I:g"9'0o~coo1o0'l 80059cSq @PcOqo09ol ooe~1 i (Pali M8), n. influence or result of past evil deeds; c5ge) o(moo8 —ccoo35 d 8ooo6-coGp@j: 0ag 89Cosa0 o4o,@83C8j a23cCqOco0pe (2) aoS03zcGO 3ocb5 o6$olo8Ie, or in modern parlance "ip the ordinary course of nature " though of course, from: the Buddhist point of view, as tlhe result of past evil deeds. i,, n. a floor; uv g:3:3@,oidsC-u O q --- (fron. kyabo, C q), n. a bug. -— 8 (pron. kyabyin), n. a floor extended beyond the roof of the house; scE Io$o gS &z s &o68ln - o:, n. a amboo floor; ois@S:a @59, 2, v. to be rough, oC(o, less than &oS&3c8, to be coarse (in texture or grain), 0990, oj, (as thread, %oae,, to be rough, harsh, violent in: word or deed, jjq8:woE; less than qoeocoeou -— &5, -ocS, v. same, last def.; comp. ooSoo$3zqc ojooe~3 0~o33gA 55stjooe (2) ooe ooa8 q3&3Q ac@&S:oosoog u Qcooo890 O5a8co 'g8Qoq 54, n. a star. 238 @ @gc6g$, wn. a comet; @oao5~rg~oSoqSggsoo5 oooSooen o81:Sla ogoooSoogx a ---, n. the morning star; @So5oT-cJofoio, --—, n. a falling or shooting star; also used as a verb; o06 qqd,cooS&s eo Goo6.oIsa8cjg83eolo58GpoSoooSo2~ 2-~, n. a spangle. — c8, n. a (clothes) button, a stud;,agaSo8:n, I, I, n. the sugarcane. -- 8oS, v. to suck sugarcane; co86Go5 ~~c~qoo~g~ (pro. verb), he takes refuge in, or places his reliance on, the royal white elephant and sucks sugarcane (in the way of a sycophant relying on his patron and taking advantage of it). 2, 2, v. to think, consider in order to understand to intend. [Note.-@, in close conjunction with another verb in the future tense, seems to have the force of the Latin " future in rus," e.g., cqSoe~g oooSm6o, when about to perform; q$qSG co.amol, when about to quarrel;,-s ocoga o @Gcx.O.@ oo~, this person is obliged to plan in the best way he can.] @Gooo8s@OT means that a person has been driven into a corner and is obliged to make desperate exertions to get himself out of trouble, but, though he may do so, it is only after all a " forlorn hope "; (2) co,osoS- c @GSo:@cpQ cG a8CS~Q, (3) o6sc8ocBoSq 0031c00o:a --—, v. to design clandestinely (c8oc8obtg). — oS,-o$, v.; see @,-, oc5~:o8o8o,~@ogole~ oSooggn, seoG, oSegoo0oliooo,, 6(,~oo ,ogqoga,, — coo8 (G5oo08), v. to design in view of some contingent event; og^oq:oog sooM=oSoogii — oo, v. to design or concoct after weighing the consequences. — Jc5, v. to design, aim at; o~Qgcsp9o GOoSgoooog:oSC& cG03[06 va~egG303c ooocoScoO QG9QoouqrGfc^QOoS:eQoc.(-4oj), adv. loudly; seldom if ever used. co:, n. the scammony plant; 8sCgoSoS$o8qo &GooSooGo:os o8: s 06Soc uoo (ooXog oooSso) qc8~osooo~a>^f I, i, n. rhinoceros. The Burmese say there are three kinds(1) C8, (2) @cgS, (3) 8sooo(, the elephant rhinoceros, .0 239 the double-horned rhinoceros, and the fire-eating rhinoceros. 2, 2, v. to be firm in structtire or mind, resolute, persevering; 5oo, ~Soep, v. samd. --, -8, v. same; oecoSqaogoo~8S cooooSoogo ao2@ --— q, v. same, but used adverbially only, as .jqs; has very much the same meaning as @(qjs, v. to be a level, agreeable surface, oeoS9c5p 6c, like the surface of a drum. 0o, I, n. the water-lily, of which there are many varieties, as G5018gGCOoS, -oQoS, -(, -- o8s, --, -0400, — qqOqaS (pron. qg3oS), - O, -coS8o$0saiSooEcoo% gqssocSQqae p8g8 311 c$@oouSoe oqp sa9Goqc[goS^8 am3 ooos*cj, any cycle in which no; Buddh is to appear the lotus has no flower, but in a cycle in which a Buddh is to appear the lotus bears flowers, equal in number to the number of the Buddhs (who are to appear).-Richardson's Laws of Menu. [A blaze on a horse's or bullock's forehead; c8839 c4googII c3AS3 q96062~ joo]. -— ooo8, n. a lily-shaped palver, part of a priest's coffin. --, v. to commit adultery as a queen, or female member of the royal family; said to be an abbreviation of @@ 8e~8 000s36011 (Qeo o~oo8$2o). — oS, n. the pericarp. -- @, n. a silk and cotton thread from which gauze curtains are made. — gcS, n. the projecting root of a lily; particularly that of the pad6ngma. — ooS@ (-cooS@1), n. the large-leaved leea. ----:, n. a slight eruptionlof the skin in which the pustules are not so marked (but!are at the same time rougher to the touch) as in prickly-heat. -— xS, n. artificial lilies suspended like a fan in carved work or ornamental hangings,. -— o6( 8, n. same; flounce. ' ---egs:, n. a jug, or pot with a spreading mouth, in which offerings of lilies, &c., are made; comp. Cgo:8ac: C3c~c8:ood;co:, n. the, I.Pomaa vitl'/olitz, a large, extensive twiner; common in shrubbery along river sides all over Burma.-K. 8~ 9smgoogoSA fop CqO )Co..cOcjII 98h:68 oq~so0050o040o ocoii M.c@oa Proverb rqC0 as the water is high, so is the li y elevated, i.e., if a patron is powerful, his dependent shAares his prestige. 00), 2, v. to- be long in doing, to be long in time, whether past or future_; 8o~n:cj~crq @c o(~zSooo5o ~ (2) M=08a~ wRG4qcu~o 00 qacooo (3) -008 -5L-S; og: o@S~cgk oSo~co8tQ~, I shall arrive before long. 03000CoWa, v. the planet Jupiter; the fifth day of the week, Thursday.; its abbreviated form in writing. is OcoonoooooS (93000=111 ODGGj2GO003(4)Yt [o8C-oo3MM8V GO90 3 aG00)8 (so oso), j, n. a transverse stay in the roof of a building, a prop or Istay; applied to the side of a house; a large boat or a ship..o4~ (xpqo4,o), v.; see next [@oc~Goo~ a revetment wall.] o$ooaS ooco i -G00005 (cxqo:Gcooo5), v. to apply a prop or stay to the side, &c.; n. a short cross stay rcp,15c~ to support a roof or floor; @o-g(cxoorcyoe~ is seldom used; @ogsmoo is the word in vogue. — Goo~ (ocgo:G), n. a large rafter on which rest the transverse timbers which support the smaller rafters, 188:JO:GQ,0 (Pron. dinb kyamaw). S2) v. to hear with the ear; ooooto inform, give information, tell, communicate intelligence; &o:p~.ooo applied to obscene language'; C~soq5~o GacOR q80%8,& Gq38-ooooo GQ008Oj (3) 00e~= c~8*doI -. 8j0,oqo: cqc-BQcoot u [ @:),,oj towo, to gain experience from a habit of attention to what one hears.] ~G:,v. same, 2nd def..-go, v. to give information at a distance, transmit intelligence, to address a letter (to an inferior). s 24I O3cp)S, ' v. to send infornation by writing, to address a letter to an equal; a 3.p*S a ro3S6olo2~, &c., is used in the same way as &-ogo to one's equal or superior., ---qV, v. same, to an equal or inferior. ---— sGc1oc, v. to address a letter, as from an official to a rahan. -08, v.; see the parts, tobecome cognizant of a fact, to know something from having been told, to become aware of; (8: o pagc.00s~ S oqs03qc p9D oo 7 it is three months I knew by report of your being wicked and dissolute. 002, 3, v. to have a space between, be apart, separate; not used assertively. Der. oa~:) and ~0*0o oS (oJoS), I (Malay), n. a creese, dirk; OoSoo-, comrsEp8. @o~moooi OS (ooS), 2, n. large shears used to cut metal with; o8rn 0-o (ogoSoO), n. clipping small bits; R oooQecnIO5ooo@$QDGS ro Wa:oS09M:c~ O~P, OSqoue~ OS, 3, v. to crush down with a grinding.motion, to bruise; 0), to squeeze, rub, grindas in a mill or mortar; 8-oat-~, to grind, as with the double teeth, to settle a matter privately (in a bad sense); @;S - coo33iigogoo3o-S6338oS@cjqi 34,,q9G1 Q GSol 3336[0 j eQu3v5J)hC (2) o0o0oo1 3ooGC 0J:Doq 58 conOS: N- 8 we~11 (3) o~~c q0 0.jqGl eoSaj8 o ooorooS( -, n. a mill used to husk grain or to grind flour. — _05, v.; see the parts. - 00) n. calx (the sulystance of a metal or mineral which remains after being subjected to violent heat). [This word (goSo) is used by a~jqoSoa, alchemistsj; ouls@oo5r1: &o5 (0c8@oS), to grind paddy, to press sesamum seed in order to express the oil. O3oS (0e) (aoSoAc0o), adv. creakingly. 0.: (.1$a), v. to smart, as the eyes; set on edge, as the teeth; to be sore, as the hands or feet from friction; ~0c000x 3al 0lo2 8sc@n6m 83c&0E6C89a1of 83oC o &GOSo ir (2) a903g S(3) (5)GO:RDO- *Go9S416: 0918cu65oo001 ENa:oOlaoOSwe~11 (4) r,@c c)5@PII (5) 080-0180.s, to be weary of going to war; (6) 6@ r18&,Ip to be weary as a nation of wars, internecine struggles, &c. 3r @6tn. the ratan -vine. @S, oR:S different spe~cies of th~e ratati. q1 -(cog), n. a boat 'the parts of which are secured by ratan without nails (in use in Arakan). n. the punishnqent of whippirqg [~cthe marks made ky A ratan; o, pa.28T v. to split ra~tan with a knife; usually a osooS n. a ratop 4r~nph or twig, axny rod or pliant stick; 8;.7 to fQg orwhip a horse (especigi4y when racing); 61, when fou ride my horse in racing with ano~tler, pl~e#e flog hi well in order that be may not lose the race. [~Jhe ~3rese in urging bulflocks in a cart by thrusting at their buttocks with the point ofa ratan, term it Z6&Cq3 g:,4 2 v. to meet with, find; Oo~ oe~rNo~ Der. 0.3 (2) a chance boat,") a boat beljong. ng to anothier gQinjz the way one wishes to go; (not so frequently used a's ra3E, which has the same meaning). 4o ~~~) ad/v. repe@Ledly. V. to be terrified, daunted by threats (obsolete), to make adispla fatoiy.hen daynt, depfy, @Jols Der..-.-o~: -kv. samne,;Pd de.f f.-o~:)S -denotes a greater display of force than coo8s by itself.] E~)see omco3,i v. to be great, large, big, see also go:# Der. o wcx@om~o: -v. to- become lean and thin -before fall deve lopqient,, between t~he stage of hobbledehoys an 1fl manbood, or as a- pnppy -before becoming a fujllgon dog. twot4is..AsQ used, but not sic elegant; o63 2oq A 243 gl-m COi8 -BOB,.-Cxqs -~81 0v, v.; see the parts-oo~ GO6 333MON 0000~8[] O C[QJ3~3 =02&O33cGOOei (2) oyj: Gg2cOSsc~v ojgGocj Goo ysz o c8ox~wosco =9ze WCSO*~500e1 (3) C0~0~o q~:c qOSO5Qe~ q.QW33 G&:)811 G008G9~7~ 3~i() o~~ a~o eI (4)68&6~3O;~ -,n. a tract of country controlled by a thugyi, an Upper Burman term. 9)V. to have control, to rule; (in Upper Burma applied to -ooS (Pron. gyee-daw, G~ooS), n. synonymous with 8@~:, but much more frequently used in colloquial; a mother's elder sister. Jv. to be large, grown up from childhood -mc8omccloo GZX~~~333~00 MSc~ G3~Q~g3I ODR0 C63~0000tt (2) -0o, v. to grow up, advance towards mature age and size;- not much used, but intelligible and approved. - 002, v. to come to mature age; cqoo2 @o5Goaooq, an adult, to be large in size, bulk. v. to be large and high, to be high, exalted in rank or situation. 9,v. to be advanced in age; 3=6So5 j~oe~3amoaS= 9j cS @.-A.B. rooo)5, ac/v. to talk in a loud, wrangling manner, preparatory to having a quarrel; 1c c oo o:~~oo 63 8CrcBrc;cooeu 56o5, 1, n. a very small,, barrel-like box, almost cylindric in shape, with a cover made of ivory or wood, used for keeping odds and ends in. -~3tGCo-z8., n. an ear ornament shaped like the above; scarcely ever worn nowadays except by Karins, and even amongst them going out of fashion. OS 2, v. to be rubbed off, peeled off, as the skin, MG~c5cSOOe~; less than 8$:; scarcely if ever used. acOPSfO (pron. 01650[6S) @e, ad/v. as of wind rumbling in the bowels. I,: v. to meet with, find; @So~ o~o~ G.c0oe~- (x) cc9g S(2) We~GC33o05800t Cj googoj:ulojoS or Qogoooot .w$~ -meflO ~*G~ i ---Cq~ in~s t. ab! alas I @,jcjo: 2, v. to be le~an,' thin, to pine away, to be em~aciated, 00, 4000~; COMP. 11-60CO&CB gO~t-Sqoo0 — vipd v. to we~ar away, as the bank of a river. ~-oqe, v. to be lean, thin (not used). -mr4.; peq the parts. *,p, tg JPo~st, mn~k a display of Autbority; cpmt. R43 (not * used singly). *v. to diffuse 4 pleaspnt odour; less than 98qt Orwii-jov or rx9M (4ACjo -of roiPqg) (firon. oN i o;) P dv incessantly, applied to words of cr &n,-,~~ $jacc v. to be excessive in the, indulpgen of appetite F"Ostly used as a qualiyn Nfi, e.gr.) ~S~o~ pi. to be. reduced to prnall particles, hut not so fine a en&; to he digested, as food, to be bruised, As the flesh, to be of due consistence or temperament; applied to the hlood c -4~ooe, or phlegm cASrOlooe~; f4ence mcii, a f.19C 11;) v. to be bruised internally. Q090000Om mp~ (2) Gf~COR:3I6 j sr9 gCS&I m08~gq. 640,31 OS~ni 4'qoc8>3o86-.i~ GOR*~OjOOC8WtaC3) a68 000 OW98 0 00&PS11(4) dO 189CCO~r038Mcq,-.4C 'pi[ (5) C8G@3POOOD c~8OcjA=C~jo)z [to be elided as a letter in a word, sp~R-E- e.g. so~mozop becoming qGo -o, v. same asQ41 45C17 945 v. a, term applied t~ officials who fW/il thieir duties to the Vtmost; G o x $ o p -~~~: - (bi).;se h parts a~n4 Oo$crCcx; (-n 3%e). v, to be settled, as a difficulty, to be satisfiedJ in mind, -r —ak v,; sem the@ parts. S-G@, v.; see G9008; ONSPOOQG~c6 C@0 G3O @ G8 (pron. (OR) v', to bo versed, skilled in, acv. to be crumbled into small particles, ptulverized; Cx -8cqg ) see Gf~;used adverbially, c~oa (or G Ccqo) (from wo. and aoq) v. to be extensively known, be notorious, to proclaim, to issue a proclamationc;@;, i, n. copper; 9~4 lead used for money, cash, specie; -qa money, property, cF,# fo 228 0 3 01 so, 00 0,; 0D~ -r~ Go~~-~),n. a slave. -c, v to have a tolerable, sufficienqwy 5c8ao% not so much as Oo~ov -G~n. cash, specie; ctp &d5poe, -o6 [pron. tDP~e (zee)], n. a flat gong, whether circular or triangular; =olocS,0 -jt060f -ocozD6g n. a pig's snout; 00 6 gG& $G, te ras r ro cover o 'f the top of a pagoda under the umbrella, called so because it resqmbles a pig's snout (?) 031-ON:o (Pron. sOtao), m. -a strumpet, eommon harlot (lit. a woman who eats money); 43r.~j& --— 8(construed with' aq~c) v. to charge a benefactor falsely with opq old debt. A86,v. m44 a revenug~%etlementI'l G2400JO01 a Revenue!S ettlement Officer. 946 ctgaOC,' v. to estimate the sum assessed in order to test the integrity of the assessor; =Sacoojogcqq:D:oo: 8c,@ac qGIcogS Q:O oQ 6cOSGToooc4o @q7 jbc j.@- oR6S @Qoon a - 00-, v. to stake money as in making a wager. - CosS, v. to pay taxes; n. one who pays taxes. - co S,41 n. a principal man in a village or collection of villages associated in Lower Burma with the thugyi in col. lecting taxes. [In Upper Burma, c@ooz@: is a person who is assessed to thathamdda revenue at a.higher rate than other persons.] - -co-:ooo, n.; see coS03 — Bac,.v. to be valuable; wc~-3aSuo [also used figuratively, e.g., cooacgoE0sar CocGroooScq o&,d]. -.8:, n.; see G@:sOG- &Go4)ZdsEU -—:@ n. a telegraph wire [G(C; 4:a3, n. a telegram (more elegant than o503o0); Cs-S:::o30:4, G0$40:: cROS, v. to lay a telegraph wire, to connect by telegraph; c@:~ ro5, v. to send a telegram; rO, 4$: o8 0cE:, tele' graphic news.] -4, n. copper. - 400), n. a small brass gong, several of which are placed in a circular frame and played on by a person standing in the centre; coml. oa6, applicable to a drum. - nS, n. (?) -g, n. platina (?) -, n. a mirror of polished metal, a mirror of any kind. - v,. to be poor, indigent; co&S~oga.-98, n..; see r,:& (obsolete). — qco,-S, v. to be rich; oGqcoSoo Pu - ol, n. brass. ~-ola, n. fine brass. -8, n. a collection of small brass gongs placed in a~ circular frame; comp. ooSQ5Su S(c~), v. to be wide apart; comp. ol:, opposed to 8S. Der. @iog80 coS coop o ~mogeWcooopgi (2) &Cc0.=8~csrcj8loog $o:>~ 6co 9ooooS loll cooSab br.0 Cco A v. s aoe;co&o3 io n oaCSi OGoo o 00A -b (ab), v. same; 3o3con (pron. coo5), oa68o8:c>o~ coa3 c3igS$3@bbpo33a ~3~JJ 47 S(), 2, v. to scatter, throw about;!( iather aplicable to annate thins; to sow, as seed, #s4c 0 Der. -Q ~H ('),a%08gEbCp3608E Bo~S33~sp131 a CI0 cStj lsopbaqp0 0~0el (2) =8-031:0 36.E00-c~9 fc~ CS m3u f[ol: 0 6 J @, 'olie basket of seed scattered,' 'tRo bokets of seed scattered.' In many parts of Upper Burma a cultyivator computes the area of his land by the number of baskets of seed sown (or 'scattered'), five baskets of seed scattered being equivalent to a pe (oS) or "175 acres; @ is also pronounced @e: as eols.9 e~C here pron. @-~]. -.-ooCr, w-M-8), -, v.; see the parts. 1 (qo), adv. intensely, applied to the Jat of the sun L.oa 0090140 9.mPQOAneqgOo e@op~ OG3: (Ocox), n. Government charges, expenses (obsolete). c.: (Gqo), I, n. the back, cq$x, applied to animals only; GopoSr cq$:, the height of a house between the floor (strictly speaking girders) and the tie beams; coe- SO@ ~CFq(;-)el -o$: (Gc0oo$i), n. the back, applied to human beings., ----S (s t), v. to turn the back in contempt; "Q~s1e 93Gr 9~~Ci~E~lyy 6, ~ ~ ~ FLq '3 1 - q864o 8 (pron. G03~q82i$S ), a. contiguous, as places or buildings; oo glogoo!& j:q8 sS @go [Note.-g@o~8S&o5, when speaking of houses being G.' O$Lo6, the Burmese occasionally use the word in the original sense dnd then it means that one house is back to back to another, i.e.,' the back premises of each are opposite to the other.] 6 j, 2 (from =cg:)), n. nerves, sinews, veins, &c.; oxrvcon:) G00093o28SOG1 j3Q88G 3oS qrR6;C. if one pulls out the inner and outer sinews of a little sparrow, there is an end of it. [This saying is used metapiherically when speaking of the powerful oppressing the weak, e.g., the poor man in scripture being obliged to give his solitary ewe lamb to his rich neighbour.] - -sao, n. a gland. -0, n. a large nerve, &c. -.-1 ooa, 0. a small one. 248 6 o:, 3, v. to construct a floor by tying down bamboos; S 0 @o8:010aoco- 805~~ 0889AC8I @Sq286psop8 w& S: C 1G2 0,Q (iooo e is more elegant than 5a C09, 4, v. to take advantage of (another), so as to get something out of him (to get over a person), o3oa:ooe; in Burmese betting parlance it means giving odds on a race, as 2 to i, &c.; [cE@ does not always denote that a person wishes to get the better of some one with a wish to get something out of him. It frequently means nothing more than " to get the better of" another in a fair and honourable manner, see 2nd example]-(I) =0'8 o8:"=opoccsR, c*-oqaocoo211s (2) cjEgco~sj o2oooo 0o%6 (3) rc0930OcSOm c0oZ814 PSo 00OSO G0 0839 %GG@49 Coo-82006u GOO, 5, n. the portion of the warp made ready for weaving. — coS, v. to put on to the cloth beam (c8S) such portion when woven, qj@ ooowo e3c4G1o3ooSooet - oA, n. the two sticks used to separate the threads of the warp, and placed next to the yarn beam (j).;@: ), ' v. to fear, be afraid; comp. j. Der. I@oo5; rgooSoq8 (fron. q9) gSaSo-ocrE -ol asco98GagoSocS<cabc0 -- e8 (G Co5@68), v.; see F,801OcS8GOocS (infrequent). - -g (c8c) (cE.o~cac8), a. fearful, frightful; adv. wonderfully, extraordinarily. -~0oS, see G3ci35; used only in forming verbals, as;gooS QoSscS, what is frightful; oecjo -rgorboo.)twE333aIIu G~o SogaSoogI, it is a fearful matter that this man has petitioned about (?) -, v. same as o ooj i — ooj, v.; see the parts. -cokoo:*:, adv. frightedly; coqoo9uqe.3 Cq oooS3 ojO5G3 c38s G@ oScojo:6o G@9:aOoSoot-, wild animals flee in an affrighted manner if they come suddenly across a human being, coS, I, n. a cat js3x goSI: 8cq::oS )oSo8ni], the cat's-eye, a kind of precious stone; hence owo GhS, n. any wild animal of the genera felis, viverra, &c.; c,@oScooe%2oS, "the cat with the concealed claws," a term applied to a person who affects an hypo .@36 149 \ critical friendship for another; (also applied to persons who conceal from stingy motives the fact of their being well off). c@oaSegq (pron. O Seqj), the polecat: its flesh is eaten by the Burmese, see geoq, -- oomd, n. the spotted civet with odoriferous pouch; ol0scpS -— ooq, n. a species of lynx. - 4000, n.; see @oo08moiui c0go8o33 is the same (but not so elegant) as 3C08:li -- @, n. a small species of weasel. ---— 8, n. the zibeth civet (called " horse-cat by the Burmese because it has a long neck and from the mane on the neck,") —Mason, 154. G@o0@8:0oo0~ a o8a33 qg&oo @.c9811 @o5qooSS0ioosco5ooat, _- garsooS, n.; see cooSdaoss --— ooS, n. a kind ofl plant the leaves of which are said to be eaten by cats when bitten by snakes. — c88, n. anything spiral. -- o8o8, n. hollow timber. - 6qoS, n. a species of civet. t - aq, n.; see G&o Sc~*1n ac 8-8gs, n. a wild animal said to resemble both a dog and a cat; probably of fabulous origin. GoS0401, n. the three-striped paguma. " This animal is very common and occasionally enters houses in towns in pursuit of rats; when young, it is easily domesticated, and valuable as a ratcatcher. It does not appear to have been seen in Arakan." aO6os.aoSI3, n. the white-eared paradoxure, " is not very rare in the Tenasserim prpvince." -Mason. 4P08:oS, n. the chaste tree, Vitex trifolia [the juice (o@oS Qoqg) of this tree, eaen with jaggery, is said to be efficacious in cases of constipation.] q@8o8.0, n. the Indian trumpet-flower, Bignonia Indica, [a revenue receipt. 'This is a local expression used in the Bassein district.] a&, 2, v,. to be of various colours, like a tiger, to be turning grey as the hair; augoo 3Qo 1Gl6s'c39o3o6 s ~Goos6oo 32 ~6o @o0s ooSegs,, v. to be of various colours, brindled; o qcos: o G@o8, 3, v. to cheat, swindle by " pulling a horse in a race, by not rowing or paddling in a race to the best of the crew's ability"; cqQcO, a swindler; Osc@, 8, a cardsharper. [This is a word used with reference to games of skill and chance on which money is staked, horse-races, boat-races, and cards. cqGS88oegS (pron. loogyoung) is to be swindled.] G@6SGc.8 or 0o.oD@o@8, adv. with the eyes open, staringly; co^ 338~ Qq5QOOOG@ O38 OSGP COD3@o68 cO&8 ) 5oscoStq co6oooomooo5, adv. in the way of being unpleasant to the eye and offending the gaze; G oSoq@,o 9doQo g@oGa:s G 6c~8603GCGoo63, adv. with the eyes rolling about in the head, or as the eyes when they have a startled appearance. C00c000, eo8c00o~o8,oo8, adv.; see o8G(6 o8, unfeelingly; used as a verb, as in the way of beholding misfortune and pain, but not doing anything to relieve it though in one's power to do so; a>83soGOq68o, oSGooG@3G 6@ 0036 c@:)SG0 o6o0C:, v. to be subject to amaurosis or gutta serena (loss or decay of sight without any visible decay in the eye).;Bog (from aoa3E Os, a reason), affix, causative, because of, on account of; sometimes instrumentive, by means of, g&~3 (pron. G@3 ), v. to be concerned, anxious, troubled about, to worry and fret about (more so than c85) -oog GG0015G~cas@05^ 3(p sGOl^oo~ggj0S3S 3G3SooG:cD0&O~0 c8S5o~i (2) o. omo 30 4c1o?$ Qco-go p 5qoS Jo ~~98o008 <s-6Q, according to Childers ' Appossukko' (adj.).means having little desire for exertion * * * taking one's ease.] C3o8:, 1 (from aW o64S:, a cause, reason), n. a cause, reason, circumstance, conjunction, that, as ogrO,8soc8; (2) os goosacG S:scQaJS6eoi S251 ~080, 2, v. to draw a line, moo-goo (obsolete), to run the eye along a line of writing (or point) before reading. Der. 33G0cg8i; Q6WoocS Gaock tGcoa moooomsoG^c{ Gjg38 t|5o - co08, v. to enquire in order to draw out something, to sound; omzoS Gr scaSoopSii ooZooc61ooe. [Note.-The difference between xooooScas and.co coS. is that the latter is used when making enquiries in one's immediate neighbourhood; the former at a distance. } coispl (from amoCoS and 3:D%), n. circumstances, affairs; 0mo8:00 ap 3 qoggSco8tS|l -- ooo:, n. an account of ditto, G"$o08oom;. This word is much used by ooo8 and 98Gooo. o when acting, and is consequently frequently met with in the jatakas. [Note. -cGoa8:^J is a word scarcely ever used in colloquial, though in the following sense it is both intelligible and admissible, e.g., o- ojotoo~oo~sG@oo G oj 6000o3 c@ @8s, v. to be rough, rude (boorish)-(i) os@cQ@5Cii QGoGoo 3Si (2) oocoSGo (^~~o3^oog ocn *cg, v. to shout, to call out; not used singly, and cQooSo S. Der. Go20sG@Sico8G@S and ZoSjs@-o ooos 0bg6G>S oG5BS@ (pron. gS) G@ooooSooiI ^ (oc), v. to boil to a pulp or a dissolution of parts; applied also to boiling a liquid to consistence, as ,.|^o, to boil in some other substance in order to impregnate therewith, to melt as ore or metal-(i) zSQ s oj:qgoc OSO58G0 6l OS(^~^C~3Cg oPG3 SJl a(2) cO ~S ~loSoo Soo n', - — _ q, v. same, ist and 3rd def.; to come to a thorough understanding of (an affair); ocooDC0d9oogn oscDoos8da , 2, v. to go to meet, advance towards, one approaching; 3o:gsoo^Sd8~(2o3, to go and meet, as subordinate officials, some otticial superior in rank to themselves; oo)0oSgsoySooo0op gc Soo8UQ8:c9!8 1Goasl0oesooCoDosqn -— 8,, v. to go to meet, in order to stop, prevent, or intercept. v.; see @a -— o0,,. to anticipate, forestall, pre-arrange; Goo~8GcBot -- GcoooS, v.; see the parts. JoS, 1, v. to meet with, find; not used singly, see under @S and gl @oS, 2, v. to like, love as an object of enjoyment, to like, be pleased with, approve, socSooS.; comp. s —(O)mc o c oSdj co n (2) oeaqS989$8dsc1(@ oSouti {S (f (from oQ3F3@o:, an intermediate space), adv. through lanes or other narrow passages; coS 6oo8o,90g:c &S, v. to diffuse a pleasant odour; more than — ( i) qcoo-qS Cd~Oaf uo g~:S ^ g3JaCSC 3z!O8WPSi (2) G'RI6OfJ OO2S~3 0 0 ap () -—, -"d (infrequent), same. - 008%, v.; see the parts. S(pron. as spelt),,n. a hiccough; scoffo is used as a polite term for ccoqgoooSooe, to eructate. — co5, — ~&, v. to hiccough; cooS:oSO,3oool 02o:E 8"o0 GX3ooooS GO33ooOO it oo Googo^ (a oooo8 Q icg oj). i:, i, n. a thread double and twisted, a string, cord, rope; comp. @g, hence oaqS,, c(s olo5, which see; a chain, combined with the material of which it is, as olat an iron chain, a telegraph wire (c.@ts$,*); c@a, a gold chain; G814A:, a gold watch chain; a streak, vein, wave, in painting, in woven silk, or in precious stones of different kinds, as f0cG@3-, @,c38, Eso; comp. c6ei -— o8, n. lit. to pull the strings; said of any one who is the prime mover in any matter good or bad, (but almost always used in a bad sense). -— c 8:, n. a loop. — o-, n. a kind of game of chance, to tow a boat by means of men pulling a rope attached to the boat. -- o$:, n. a ratan used as a rope for hanging clothes. " ----Q, v. to play at a certain game of chance. ---, n. a tube of bamboo into which gunpowder is inserted and then set fire to after being placed on a rope. When fired, it runs along the rope. Only used at p6ngyi byans i f~.r:4ogtio~oaoo25 253 @0B6, v. to cheat in a cettaini game by sleight of hand. --— c aS, n. one strand of rope. - O8 30I GOO3C 3 o, z. a reserved forest. t, 2, n. a kind of song, &G80 (@8GcoT65); Gco-oaGoot@8s, a kind of song with our lines to a verse. i3, 3, v. to endeavour, to put forth strenuous efforts, make exertion; seldom used alone, mxojxoS, 3mot e:o~; comp. oq F and 8qu5i -cioS (see the parts), v. to work with painful efforts, with untiring energy, with all one's might; more than 90oo0 cgg@a c:0 ai933sooucyjaao~n`crllgoScool n Eg=:i,39 6Cgo"e804 0g8:6'53~_0tCqoSg8~oe, as this person is afraid that the work will not be finished, he is working with all his might and main. - Co, -oSz (pron. -o), see (&n a0338:c90S8: coa cq8qoqo5~, if ohe wishes for a good name, it is only by putting forth efforts that one will acquire it. C3 or 00.: ow~:, adv. indicative of loud and un. pleasant sound; scarcely, if ever, used.:@oo (pron. ~4}), n. a crane; S(s(@ 3 sooe3CoG Bo9 - eocog-, n. a sodawater bottle (with a conical bottom.) &s o43 an, adv. at intervals, occasionally; *ojvu m@at:sz 0q8ao9(c.C jaSSMlcqac1go 8 c Ccfos@:Oocq8qoaa j ~s~4o~S~oS, adv. creakingly, as a cart wheel, the floor of a house, see @oS@og u Sadv. eagerly, qxultingly, as when entering into a contest or an affair o any kind 'heart and s6ul,' in eager anticipation; cox%838 G8I0%601$:'oo01~ 3aQOIl a Q.ooe~, the owner of this horse, when the time draws near for racing his adimal, behaves in an exulting and eager manner; (2) m00008:$ cOOgO c( 68' as: ~ooe, as the time draws nigh for the festival (to be celebrated), my mind is in a state of eager anticipation. 6:0~: 2o033o, adv. rollingly, as the eyes, in the wa of being unpleasant to the eve- oo ~coSQY5 ' bfbi0ng GL908G0038~0000ob e~; (2) JOCOQ&3 2S54 @1c1@tob (Pron &sq:sBo'), adv. with cracks or spaces between, in the way of being far between, in opposition to 8886-u u "2 1, v,. to be with, ot-~; not used assertively. Der. =aNt 3ao~og uS, ~to go together; ocq:>q paoooxa, together with these men. N8, 2, v. to be short and bandy-legged; u —u c&oac8jaz:joo$so 9qAGcooo, Nga Phyoo is so short and bandy-legged that he is not of the average stature. %o-B, v. to make a circle or round spot, to have a spot, be spotted; longer than Grod. Der. n08c)o and cxoaS, to be confined within a certain local area; as when it rains at one end of a town and not at the other; (oGlooi q$dcxq$ -on, (combined with ~8*gos), v. to compart, divide into compartments; a Ic5ooinSoiq8ioae -mi)s, v.; see the parts; to be not uniform or consistent;:qY~ rjC~q3OcadSoSg - g08.oTs, adv. has the same meaning as co808co8scoas, e.0g., C OVSr:t 2 o$8o- on OCr)R8S Os 'g0 oTYco&Co05: og8:, 1, n. a level spot of ground, a plain free from large trees, a campaign; j28i n,. same; og8: 8qc s (pron. g) V8s, 2, v. to behd into a ring, make circular, to go round, make a circuit, a detour, partially or wholly round (a thing), be circuitous; also to beat about the bush in conversation, i.e., to be circuitous in conversation (cB8@~ Goo l g?); comp. cg. Der. 3zgS: and ocNos, o&og8Nf& @8,, equivalent to 3com8a8q3:ao.9 () c3Eo)800 ZoC: Crrq e CQe - G, v. same, last definition; scarcely, if ever, used. - rcco (pron. 2Stcao), n. a slip-knot, noose of any description; cae~P-cgo@qo( c o~,qoE3gcnE n,. a cadting-net; comp. QcS, a sweep or drag net, a seine. - nS,,a mesh. - c;~3o5j n. a weight attached to a net to sink it..Go (o~$j), n. network made into bags or covers, V ---&- (0O0o), v. to cast a net, ~55 cg$ q, n.; see qj -- oS, -go5, n. network intended for any purpose. og$d, n. a compass, pair of compasses. -- GcooS, n. caliper compasses (with bent legs for measuring the diameter of bodies). 08, v. to enjoy one's self; 8R03oae, to move spirally, curvingly, as if enjoying itself, but scarcely used in this sense except adverbially; to interrogate by indirect insinuating allusions, i.e., by trying to make the persons interrogated believe that one already knows everything. It means sometimes to have the faculty of anticipating another's wishes intuitively, and also to make mental calculations about everything; 0ogiciSogNa sGoeso38ii 9cgoSocpA oe~11 --— S, v. same (most common), to enjoy flights of fancy, aerial visions, &c., 8o2&Sg:3oog (to build a castle in the air?); 8oSj g00cc@o oo8o ooago gpGqspooog~ — qag, adv. spirally, curvingly. cg$s, n. one of the main or central parts of a house, of which six are enumerated, namely,:g,, G1O, qo, Gio8q$:, @9~: and q~ (these terms are gradually becoming obsolete). -— o, n. a raised floor within the central part of a kyaung, Government building, nat temple, and house. --— oEc, n. the said posts collectively.. —o(oS~8o6, n. the space included within the said posts. -- cE8, 1n.; see c8;n, -- cooooS, n. a place of royal refreshment; W$Gooco5o:3$t, -- ooooq, v. to stop for rest or refreshment; appropriated to royal personages; Sq8@SGOo QoS~8:.o8g-oo: 8GO, ogSc: Go TooeSl; NOso:)s, n. a koonza, a me4sure of capacity equal to a oS, or two tsalais; oQCooooO:,ooOgocpC c93gooSo3 ogoG:oooool Coafgc5GCO~oo5G030o3goc5G03oSo^oo)g$SOOg^ OoSo^5oo0Gg~0 GoT^o$gco: %S, v. to bind or overlay the edge or border of anything in order to secure and strengthen the parts; 03sog8001, to plate, overlay with plate, to clamp; 8Eeoge6o, to make fast, firm, secure, by tying, binding, &c.; to enforce otders,. to bring into a state of subjection to discipline, punish, put to death; to geld, castrate; o*8oo, &0:c0 c 00g1 M:c~S3ao0 Der. '31086k 906:oo rC 003s56 %SQ~S, v. to bind make firm by tying, to discipline, punish severely; 80%8, to execute, put to death; coQSooe~ CSOgacpooSo Q C)8,'?83868MO o &.ooog -—, v. to execute, put to death; moaoe~; cj8o6SCc1 oog wu ag8@8, n. a kind of bedstead or charpoy used at Mandalay. cS3aCsn, fn. the elegant kcempfera, with pink flowers. a3Sco6, n. the dragon tree. naS, n. the betel plant or leaf (&s:o 6Sco 6q(c4r), as anything happening to any one which exactly coincides with his wishes or inclinations. --— W8, n. a betel box. -— o, n. to eat betel. - E98, n. shears to cut betel-nut. — McoO, n. a cud of betel. — cocogoS (ao), a Burmese measure equal to about ten minutes of English time i c Sc: 6S; aoo33oo: eC~ rS on -ol n. betel, including the leaf, the nut, and other articles for chewing (a small shallow basket for putting the above in; cgSao?) -- C2, n. chewed betel. -— aq, -.8GOs, -i, -Goo03, n. varieties of the areca nut. % ----3 n. the fee paid to a Judge by the losing party in a lawsuit; G~o0.oOm4130CcoOcSGooooB0ooo83fbl ~6g j3.$PoPoa - o3 Cas88:O 3~ 9O3OO3t G0zQO9cS n8CGOO30~mOq3~ 33I with the Burmese rulers, if a husband and wife are divorced by mutual consent, each has to pay a fee of Rs. 15, if not, the one who wishes to be divorced is obliged to pay. x-fq,, an at4tndant on a king or royal personage. q ----gc0183 n. a chief of said attendants. -— S, n. betel leaf. -~ ---13g (pros. oo) ojA, n. a kind of tree armed with small thorns, haviig long slender, fine leaves, - and small, yellow 1go is57 flowers and singular-looking pods. The leaves are said to be used in tying up the roll of betel leaf, areca nut, &c., for a priest to chew; hence the name. og8:c8O, n. betel nut, areca catechu or areca palm. -— cgs, n. a betel-spittle. og25, i, pron. you, mas. or fem.; used vocatively only; plural 4g. (frequently pron. oo.). The use of this word denotes a certain amount of good feeling on the part of the speaker, and is used in familiar intercourse. It means more, sometimes, than merely "you," e.g., eoBocootcgoS It conveys the same sort of good-will as is implied in the English expression, if used amongst equals, "don't you know, old fellow?" Cgo5, 2, v.; see under o:goTio acO6, 3, to conceal, screen from view, keep out of sight, to disappear; to be screened from view, to disappear; cqc acoo8o6ogoSCo3G@oSog6.8o, 1, I cannot see that man because he is hidden by the tree; (2) oG0o89a30a3 3oooeGO0 38CQOSGWG&9OZ ~ODGODr03O -— oo, v. to protect by interposing, (to shield); gdogoloS GcoSeogc^:g ~go6cyjo~gcpoooos n 3G036Gcppo~oo -- ooGse (pron. CaSc3oq as if one word), adv. screened from observation, in a secret concealed manner, e.g., 8oo8os: c0ogSoo go SooGO oo goaoSoog ii --— oo (pron. as spelt), v.; see GrcO~-(I) goScooSoao8 60ooe (2) 9GPCG@O)g5GG@)Z6 G I3 0 -----, v. to hide with a view to avoid danger. — ocooS, v. to disappear; coao$ocoSGogRe93oo1oo$rolS1S -- 9o5, v. to conceal, hide; 88Qas otooroo3 oQda3aOS 5 9o5~G@3oOt^Sn Cgo, i, v. to become separate (implying a previous union), to divorce, put aw.y (a wife or a husband), to be apart, distant; less than coS; oag3ojj GoooSeo3DS osooaSgooo, there is a great disparity between the intellects of these two men (or lit., the intellects of these two men are wide apart); (2) oc33as@o@8:6s6ooao oo~, there is a great difference between them, even in their manner of speaking (or conversation). — 8-8, v. to divorce as above; og885socogo9:-Sooo*:oo aoo log3ogoG.ol,1, I have never met my wife once (lit. one single time) since I was divorced from her. 33 ogocoS&, -Gco, v. to be distant; g5oa Gco:ogGosooo0 (or Tcgco8s aooo) opsc ogjooSQ.ooos8o1, your servant is not able to go such a distant journey. GCg (not used alone). --, v. to be parted for a length of time or for ever; szsoo ooSn 03000 c 33<o 6 =o goo8 S oi0 s Gc oooqco 5 oSqcooo G{@.,ooGcgo8gGoooog, father, though I (lit. your female slave or servant) love you exceedingly, we shall be obliged to part for a time, as I have to follow my husband (or lit., because I am obliged to follow my husband).' [Note.-The word ooS denotes tenderness on the part of the speaker, and in certain senses it seems almost equivalent to the English " dear."] (2) o>oooo3o83ooo8 o6ooo 1gooo^1~ G912 cGSgo08: n8~ooooesoos w w Tg8#q@8g"s3Bgoco coog 4% agv, v. to bend round, be curved, circuitous, roundabout. Der. S"G, G&c4gog:oo):c~.Q ogogiqoog, not being able to travel by the straight road, he is obliged to go a roundabout way.. —GO>oS, v. to be serpentine, sinuous (to be artful, disingenuous, to be wily in disposition and conduct); goaoog 350~(BG@X16GG(go5.~P (GM>03CSGco0o6SCogei — coe, -c8S, v. to be circuitous in speech or management, indirect, manceuvring; =so4o.AG(ogQc8ScS8Aoog, this speech is indirect and circuitous. -— oS, v.; see the parts; SgGooooaoSaoog,' SoSgoags rG%^, n. a kind of leprosy? [A kind of skin disease having a primary sore with a scab and scaly appearance of the skin. More common it is believed in Upper, than Lower, *. * Burma.] co09, v. to curve, draw together at ends, as a bow; g2oSo&e. Der. Qogo 38 oap 00 oo0 @oj Gi 0 coo GO g Goco s Sii --— oo), v.; see the parts (same as oN o.oocB). ---— oS, v. same as cogB -. o5, v.; see the parts; d8gga8sooogcGgooGooo' X0cooo c~, v. to be divided in the midst, be broken or severed len gthwise, be split; comp. ca4, to part, be parted; crooS, to be divided, become various, diverse, explode as a barrel of gunpowder, burst as a gun, @soo, @o:-osoo. Der. ~30>g-(l) Ogg8sQ0 oG^G@3~@ ^llog (2) 00J0o3O%4 %__S 259 Cc)'1 ('3) c-00,~cuSoC-cS 2O5o9:c~3sdSOI,-9,', b3:)wi r-COaSI1 (4) TA.0S040.:0:8 c94tOrc008c c ~5B, ' v.; see the parts. o-;3, v.; see ", 2nd def. --— oloS, v.; see the parts. -, v.; see 'a, Ist def.; used in combination with 9:p8s, appended. - M-V, v.; see o2, 3rd def., to be scattered; rather applicable to living things; comp. Os and 6JO:; - coS., v. to differ in-sentiment; 80oo303ooao-u V. v-1, v.; see 3l, 3rd def.; c 0isQgjo6 ), 2 (6'), n. the dammer tree. c-oSrBoS ( gS OS), adv. indicative of the seething noise made by boiling water. ~-%a v. to boil bubblingly, to wallop (boiling with a heaving noise) as boiling water, to make a confused noise as a multitude under the influence of some passion, excitement, anger, joy, and on hearing extraordinary news, &c.; SOESOb9c c1:,qcx c1j.p:J4 8 G05@0,000O5339c ojoSoSf (GOo) - v. to make a confused noise as a multitude, &c., people quarrelling; OSZBqC0 C$@CBcaiSi2GS~s0 01 — S, v. same as last def. of oSonjoSaB and same as oa1oS cooS, v. to be loosed from (its proper) place, to be freed from, cleared, released, emancipated; caoSoo~, to be emancipated; Dg$8cp3S, to be entire, complete, without remainder or exception, to come off as the hair of the head; used adverbially or with a continuative affix, as CRoo36-poSo8i ooe or oo84joSi 3 8 x0= sap%, the whole tree bears fruit. Der. o)jo& and RpS-(i) coODa~S qso5"30 co1rpo@lz8ooein cogo DSG0oD163Dpi5, in regard of the cholera which took place in this locality, the whole village died; (2) gaS ~~ 810 ~jG3ZD:)8Q0~8O~ psS20 x~g o cl804:q. so8cg00oSooe~1 -_CB-B, v. same, 2nd def.; also means to win a horse (pony) race easily. Anglied " hands down," "''got clean away, " 26o "pulling double," " cantered in an easy winner," &c.; (2) to draw away and win by two or three lengths in a boatrace (ooSqooSoSCoS0*50); @ESj8 gG00331oo Ye8sg. o@4S"-i6oSoa5goSE05ogS, when the two ponies raced, one of them got clean away and won. cgjoStoS, n. the Gnetum edule, an evergreen, lofty, scandent shrub.-K. c}l, n. a subject, servant, or slave, one under authority; ocu ~ ---c~ (o8 ^), see G^?JI' -—, v. to be in a state of slavery; goo1:corSca=3oSgc8j -- CooS, n. a king's subject; pron. I, mas., used in addressing a superior. — coSo, pron. I, fern., used in addressing a superior. — o, n. a female servant or slave; pron. I, fer., used in addressing a superior, but less respectful than rrnooS5o, by abbreviation oquil — d —S oo (pron. cS, to be distinct), n. a pagoda slave; oa-ps rfg?, xl3i5f otjk& (commonly written cgS), pron. I, mas. 'or fem.; used in addressing an equal; by abbreviation cqS or oi[i [This expression (or q18) is generally preferable to cl, notwiithstanding that one may be addressing persons lower in the social scale than one's seli.] c):, i, n. an island. --- 6.cocyg$s, n. the four great islands encompassing the Myinmo mount —ge xI~aq s, Uturukuru, in shape like a square seat and 8,oco yoozanas in extent, on the north of mount Meru; G98r0cogis, Pyoppawideha, in shape like a half moon and 7,000 yoozanas in extent, on the east of Maha Meru; Amaragawya, onuq9olpcpo$, in shape like a round mirror and 7,000 yoozanas in extent, on the west of Maha Meru; Zambudipa, cg|1oglogv, three-sided or angular and 1o,ooo yoozanas in extent, on the south of mount Meru; of these 10,000 yoozanas, 4,000 are covered by the ocean, 3,000 by the forest of Himala (the range of the Himalayan mountains), and 3,00o are inhabited by men.-M.B, In Singbalese the islands are, according to the same authority, called respectively (i) Uturukurudiwayina, (2) Purwawiddsa, (3) Aparagodana, and (4) Jambu 261 dwipa. Gcous^Soo-o)S oopCo Dos 10oocSj sojjoolSi g81 i cf3:o5^ O7jt; ron CO, GOD) 33zR q 00M ) (il 33 GO3)5 M4 A cOn co 0i o$i 0o $ cdjn" (W/ade's Dictionary of Buddhism), what is the appearance of the four islands and how are they situated? Zambudipa has the appearance of a cart-wheel (as Burmese cart-wheels before the advent of the English were not particularly round in appearance, the Singhalese description of the island and the Burmese, it may, by an effort of imagination, be made to agree); the easterh island has the appearanceof a half moon; regarding the northern island it has the appearance of a square bedstead; regarding the western island it has the appearance of a full-orbed moon. OcStgjC, n. a peninsula. oj, 2, n. the teak tree; ooooo sooSc.:-7Dossa*.8oo a@8 o01oS, teak is the most durable of all timber. — , n. a tree nearly allied to the teak, producing large, strong tough timber, the Gmelina arborea. jG$1,ncij0,GoDo, n. a kind of tree, the heart of which bein hard and of a light yellow colour, is used in the manufacture of combs. Tlyc_, n. a species of storax, see c;asa:n cgys,, I, v. to be burnt up, consumed by fire. — GCoo, v. same; coDoo3 cd(jcooScrqo, the whole of the village has been entirely burnt and consumed by fire, (Gcpo1.gjS, to be past'cure as a disease). 03s8:, 2, v. to be acquainted, familiar with, to be versed in, skilled. Der. =a;gos:i cFc --- oa; SegooS Sec,u6:ol di, notwithstanding I do not know that man, I dare ask him. — 0 —, v. same, but mostly used in the latter sense;to be aufait at a thing; q..OS2,lo,8co oo5:, co coM3, qS(i ' S odo5c@o) 5ScSol o3~, I am skilled in and understand carpenter's work. -— o, v. same, ist sense;. mogS3o8o00 (scarcely ever used except in the reduplicated form, e.g., cgj;SaoS: 0808 A(r ooe, they are on familiar terms). "oj, v. to sink into or through, as into mud or through a floor, to go too far, to make afaux pas, to commit one's self, as oooX:oo-g, a lapsus 4inguce (vulgar " to put one's foot in 262 to it") or miss the place of destination, oA:ogooe; also to be away from home when wanted or inquired after tmoof: cj)-(!)!:CSo go.8,c0 oMs q4c', aorc qsc~ 0, if one puts one's foot through a floor, one can extricate it, but one cannot extricate one's self if one commits one'.s self in speech; (2) c &Qto,0c *clje~, Nga Phyu is not here, i.e., he has gone too far on his journey to be recalled. crq: (cfs), i, v. to call out, cry, proclaim aloud, halloo, shout, to screech and scream in large numbers as birds, or as a bird when separated from its mate; used in composition only; ao=3Sio, cwbooe. Der. qGr9Ixe and co6r@:,O --- v,. same (most common); cmo Sz Gxoozcrd olo G=cn0s coo3oCmosc4&8Gou aoqm bcg8G6Ore Sjooea~ (2) g&C;~CPC8SCus.ODOC9OS,-Q@OOSO4I C9orc@Go-,JGSGC.Oc7J3 COS), 2, v. to give a meal, furnish a repast, 3moo;a-cooen coob: co(j:oo; to feed, nourish, cherish, 8gtoot-; size, @eO3 sncroi; @ 40349$9$Carg~r8g~, if you do not feed the horse (or pony) regularly, it will get sick. - v. same, 2nd def. oom:q)rx 8 9om:ta466s1 a0o0o 6iluc sgjG 8:89ScQlcC1cxoJ8 c.0 [Note.- orqjtsc is often used with cgazoo8.j ccgj, 3, n. wild yam. -- cc6oooams, n. another kind of yam. t9, n. a buffalo. -cooS, u. glue made from buffalo skin. — v-cq:)O, v. to tend buffaloes. -q, n. a buffalo thief. c — qs-, n. the scarab beetle. - n. a buffalo pen. " ---O.qr4S, n. a buffalo grazing-ground. --— qaS, 1n. the pied starling; aqoSrq~ox: -— c ~S# (oS), n. the dark-purple pongamia tree. - n,. (the cross-timbers in a house to which the sides and partitions are nailed). -;ol1s (oS), n. a kind of creeper. -— 3cQolSt (oS), v. a kind of plant. -, n. an induration, callosity occasioned by pressure or friction of the skin; ra icsof o:ooogxLac~co1.cga"q cesi9c0ioas3~jooe4 goS 263 og:osoo, -oscdoS, v. to Lave such induration, &c. -- Gol0 oGo0, n. a collective term for stolen cattle. ---- o (08cos@.), n. the king crow; 9o5Gco50 --— c65mG@, n. a species of eugenia. -— aos, n. the wild nutmeg tree; Go)03)6o): g)oon, n. the pumelow, shaddock; a species of edible lemon., v. to rise, swell up, coG1l&o6; to arise, coonx; to lift up, 4aog, osoi, cgooScog; to proceed whether going or coming (respectful) (ooc6c5q8oSmOGooVg6ooa ), to ascend in the heavens as the morning sun (cqaoco$oocoS: oso3xl oog), to beat quickly as the pulse; ~0:Go5o(5oo,, onosa06oCooo, GaOocoGic o % goSoo3Solo 3,11 cousOG@i, Prov. [(, to rise as the water of a river or creek, e.g., ot — o~, v. same, 3rd def. — ji, v. to be loose, puffy, 0088, and also friable; to step lightly, be agile of foot as a horse; co3e8Soop S10 Gcoaosol Csoi$& ga (fron. @lg2 ) 0ooD, this pony, when about to race, is in a very excited condition. - coo, v. to come (respectful). --- 20~, v. to go (respectful). goS, n. a rat or mouse, [oQoAgoSi.. Anglice,' when the cat is away,' &c. (8:Go~5o:) has a similar signification). Q5.B og~og 8'Ioog, ' to set fire to the paddy-barn because one bears resentment to the rat.' (Anglice,' to cut off one's nose to spite one's face.') The above three examples are proverbs. -— oc0, n. a musk rat. --— c SGco:), n. a species of mouse. — b-, n. a notch in the timbers of the roof of a house, to mark the proportions [as a verb to 'gnaw' as a rat, see 8. coo.S]. --— RoS, n. a shrew-mouse (a small animal resembling a mouse, living mostly under-ground, and once thought venomous). --- oos, v. to be affected with cramp or spasm, Gc:sISu -— ot, n. the black jungle-rat (G6(o5). ---— 43, see @ooooii, —,- n. a wart., n. the small white mouse of China (sometimes found in Burma). " ----1 ioSo, n. (a piece of timber extending round the inside of a Burman boat, on which the cross timbers rest which support the deck). 264 @o5 &oSScoSCia, n. a kind of rat (larger than the @o5noS). -— os& (oS:9),;. one species of mouse. — coot, n. the flesh of the calf of the leg or of the arm above the elbow (ooo:)scif oSooo), (cooSGooStoSoooe), the biceps. - 28'), n. the small flying squirrel; comp. ^, the large flying squirrel. &S, v. to remain, be left; q1$, to remain as not comprised; odi, to be other, the rest. Der. ao&8: and @86 --— o, v. same, Ist def.; aoooqgo oqooSod&@ojtcg. GG co0gn~6sag3 3 jooS G$ 0OO9 Goo3oooog ooqooooo8ii0 @oS, i [Hirudo Zeylanica], n. a small land-leech of blkck colour, very common in Lower Burma. oS, 2, n. a descendant of the fifth generation from one's self. &8, i (pron. 08), n. bismuth, dirty scurfiness on the skin, as on the elbow and knees of the followers of Burmese officials, caused by the skin of these parts being triturated by contact with the floor (owing to their constantly being in a posture of obeisance). -— o, v. to have the said dirty scurfiness. g8, 2, v. to be crackingly brittle, as a dried leaf, tinsel; comp. cooS, to be easily broken; to be irritable, snappish, crusty in a bad, and to be energetic in action, dauntless, highspirited in a good, sense; wcou3 0oo33a gopqQ:cooSGSGaO:6 oq ooSoSooBe~gAcoooo@58@oooc (as in eating lettuce). ----, adv. passionately, violently, gj5; 8@0S is, perhaps, more commonly used. --— ooS, v.; see the parts, be high-spirited, to possess a fiery temperament; ogaj.oaoSq o Soocoo&oR8oSac0 5 oopweS, this man is not in the habit of putting up with what is unjust, he is very high-spirited. --—, v.; see the parts. --- S, v. to be quick in actior and in temper, irritable; dj3a Co g80c0 oSo 36003 G @8 o bGSGsooWoooQoScooosfl Saog4 (Pron. 8), adv. viscidly, to speak in a drawling manner; oo3:)8G@aoxo ooS~o, he is in the habit of speaking in a drawling manner. oS, v. to have in abundance; applied to property, possessions of any kind, to be opulent, wealthy, to be well off, qcooS oog~; comp. 0oo$, co4, and ooSi — o, v. same; comp. (o, to be copious in speech in a good sense, to be garrulous in a disparaging one, as oooos o0 265 uSoooi, cojo8o0(ogoog ggeo so ogg, SooogS (2) goSj2ool0, n. rice of a reddish colour (of a blackish colour?). —qs, n. cotton of a reddish colour (of a blackish colour?). (o0, v. to be vain, boastful, ostentatious, to swagger, strut, oloe, O5ooooel, - Rp3, v. same; applied to manners (of infrequent use); to be modish, stylish in appearance; oSo:l;c5r,.l90&s 0 ao08~0. (Probably the English word " dashing " is a fair equivalent.) - ol, v. same; of general application; c.@98coeocqoSoo.I, 3,0oSoq5 1o-ol0^90 G3,5@,Oo1so G@ooooSog~ul (2) OqooOa^330o6: 8ooldco~2oGoSoogB c@, 1, n. a species of shell-fish, the shell itself, a cowry; so5 c08o8:ocGpoS~ saooSmoogeo^m ggS:cgS i 0oqg cp -— n$, n. the same when used in play. - coooo, v. to play cowries; Ga3oQooo3ooG — co5, v. to smooth (cloth) with a shell, to calender, to iron; c~p8.SooSii _ —oo^, n. a glazed dish. — Gcp&G@, v. to glitter as glazed cloth. -oxo5, v. to glaze fine earthenware. oG, 2, v. to fall off, as leaves or fruit. Der. 2~1 o5aooScg oCoogO SCB goS 0Co58*SGjO@II 0o _ —, v. same; oo~ooqodBcG o S, n@2, n. a debt, @ (az8soo8) ): oc 8o j,(j t ooD, oi --, v. to lend or let money. - -ot, n. a debtor;,@:ooS(cooojIu(o)s more elegant. — 0Zo, v. to incur a debt; 38S@ oooo$Q0oo, —g, v. to be liquidated as a debt. - 9-8, n. a creditor; @51n [The second consonant in the Burmese alphabet and second in the class of gutturals (4g8).] o, v. to pay respect, wait upon, pay court to; to be obsequious, submissive, endeavour to conciliate; o 8,,oRO:C oo(Sol1 34 266 0oo,, v. same, Ist def.; o8tsaoGosco41 olgqoov ox,1cj3 cot-~ g 0-,q38Gl06Q83 3 - 08 C98 Bow) ag: g 46GcoqII -~co8:, — oS, v. same, ist def. (infrequent); conoo8i:@ o~~aga&clsooego&tosoaa:r-vsco ot g0oo e~1 -A$, v. to praise, congratulate, flatter ironically; coo oo ~amoosw~f 6530003 atq". co34a39CoagQo3CSaFo~QSyg80U3 oo -OqMI~t OOGWO.)OCYS GOO09,1 o1, $t9ooo ~ 8p,oo a080_-S QO O ( cq cosu w -co, v. (used in an adverbial form), oooco and owooo, with coaxing importunity; CS? JowoyS =Z 8: goo&oao szG3 i o cwuooSeoZD)cgoqn j iG1G3a a oco o cx@ogo~ ro=80 qo oeu Q00008OR 21 1 9-qS, v.; see o S 6SsN" o3S, n. a species of ficus; Gqcja3S - qS96a, n. a kind of ficus. 0co, 1, v. to be hard, difficult, arduoils, coo8oxe; bo)F to be hard to deal with; to be harsh, rigorous, severe;;6SzcoS - IoS-, v. same, Ist and 2nd def. - st (oat), v. same, Ist and 2nd def., to he difficult of investigation or attainment; comp. go odrc imSl3a5:aMcRQS, Shan literature is easy; the accent (or pronunciation) is exceedingly difficult of attainment; oo5 b0333 36[38607 Sroa;r8E coooEE( s! a he only is manly who in a position of difficulty is able (contrives) to attain success. CTE03e00b*48U -ccO= 5 ~v. to be rough, stiff, hard, as the skin; B8o-:08: eg1']0P3c0~ ~6(('913 ~=.r,53C3 o8s2c98 aof oor.qSoo9 ODGCOMai [When a good man is struggling with adversity, the fact is made known to Sakka (o8(7As) by the throne on which he is sitting getting warm.-Childers' Pali Dic.] [Note.-When nothing of importance is going on in the country of men, the throne of the Thagya remains in a delicately soft state.]..-cO, v.; see OCS, and and 3rd def., savage, truculent; Ca~oYoc9 Q crj 80C3Zac8 oaoS~05 0e~ o6,, V. to cover a vessel with network of rattan, cord, &c.; 3g:c4E~S opoSAi, he covers the vessel with rattan work; Ga=3: oV04 gS~ciSj C.4o0 c8cjo: co& ooS coe, up. 267 country men are in the habit of putting oil or water into calabashes covered with rattan work. 0050, a main branch, see wo'oSQo o:Sq8: (pron. oq8:), n. a fork of any kind or size; saocO5qS:, a three-tined fork., n. same. QoCoBo (oS), n. a kind of tree. oa (from oz:, to be bitter), a. slightly bitter, bitterish; used with adverbs, OS, rather, e.g., oSoooLB, it is rather bitter. oS,, to be attached to; comp. q61 83H S1C30 sE mc!poI3: 1 ~8joj:, Maung Phyu is very much attached to his wife; he does not like to leave her (side). -oo25, v.; see the parts; gdocoS 3woqts ocr@Eogo5 0oao c4gc8 1 Cool0 0G 3D cSu[a 6O:40, owing to this person being attached to his landed property, he cannot move to another locality. ----, v.; see 08 (inost common); o oaj8:qlj9.oe~QR a:8 GoSoDU0GOaC)SI )Sayw8UOU0 1 t000300 36 01or j 600 cooSowgu v. same; when applied to food, to long for; o;oF3o89 00o6@e~90q00SGC0030 -$, v. (infrequent) (same o@o8 8$o $). oS, 2,,verb. affix of tense, denoting the prior-past or priorfuture; )~ co8 (infrequent), qual. affix (with o prefixed to the verbal root and a continuative affix expressed or understood) be (ore ~. [Note.-One kind of mow, to be at leisure.] 000800038@001a q 0683 CF0 50gq 801, COS:9:D@'c3ur % o8o~og8ocoeo1' 41 oecoco 3;a 8; cGfaiseqp cmcosom03o83Cq o:, Cx48 S 014so? 3 po111@E3O5G 0C 18 rg] ol, I am afraid that I shall not arrive on a day when you are at leisure. Joaq8[8x8qsPY 320aSc4 0E6 8 S o GsoS WqoS 8@: (from oooS and ), n. a priest of Buddh, OQ$S1, o8NS, 9 S ~$: [Note.-In the time of King Bodaw no one was allowed to address or talk of the rahans as oq~:@, as that monarch disputed their right to the title and held that no one was o~~go except his royal self; hence the origin of oS@s]. 268 o8oq86, n. an additional roof projected in front of the main roof or covering of a carnage or boat of state; o8coqS Go18s (pron. o8&8G61S:) oSto1 8ooo3Go s 08oo08Go18:0o o8&8o (pron. o88o5), n. a kind of owl (rare), a wooden frame supported on wheels (comp. q oo:%So8oS and c&:s5c83o5), used for carrying the mortal remains of the aged to the burial-ground. o08q (pron. either S8qS or o86q), n. a kind of owl; comp. &-2o;5 a slanting roof appended to the end of the main roof of a boat. --— o (pron. as spelt), n. a kind of small raised stage with a roof above the main roof of a large Burmese boat at the stern end, in which the lhay-thugyi, or any person (save women) who happens to be steering, sits when t boat is under way. 88bj: (pron. o862:), n. a correlate in marriage, whether husband or wife, a spouse, SSGcoo0o5Goo5o3:)s in composition, a friend,,see ogoF8~s and 8o58g8, o885~yi" o0l:Go,6 c mrOD o8colacoo DO.-: 6h ovoeoOn qoSroqoS g oS4-ftS,,S*,G 003S9cOSDO l 11 648100 0oY o3G9@ G0O8'>CO: co^^onoedii qn oSoGDS gich^c-5^04q (4640) MO@-a)Sco4: 00GO3C054 O=aOoS RSaod~bqdill o8S0bS r0 6cOaGn s;)9, coe~|3I11 ols acooogst- Wade's Dictionary of Buddhism, page io8. 8000.o68$goo:go (or o=59o) co0590 ~aood, where is your wife, sir? moooSsoooSoooSA ogo. o Cb, sister (a term used affectionately to-women older than one's self,, where has your husband gone? cgq$ooo8sqB — g, n. a traitor to friendship, one who sins against a friend; 8q~q" S —t-o, v. to seek a husband or wife. ob8cg0 (from =oo8 and oqcps), n. sir or madam, a term of compellation used by men to persons rather superior, whether men or women, a very polite term if used by a superior to an inferior; 00 og cooSg oooos Ggoooeg This is a phrase much in use among the Burmese when speaking of a polite man,, i.e., one who addresses others as oP os, and speaks of himself as og$ooS. [ By some it is maintained that o8cqp: should be written o086o as no one but a Buddh is, strictly speaking, entitled to the use of the letter oo in the words oqcpio8aqiot or c9op]. odS 269 086~, n. a strip of high ground, lying between two low spots [a spur of a range of mountains or hills, oS08, or os~6 oo$i, 00o or G9o, the main range or watershed]; oS~soo$gn *sg, v. to spread open, expand; @~oe~, to set out in order, to arrange, array; cqsoogS, to interpret, expound. Der. onoSsn [Note.-In conjunction with 0oo0 it means to anticipate another in speech with a view of avoiding some trouble or difficulty (oo 8ooSg); o0o~aoSocq 8 1o, lay the table according to European fashion); Goo86oqoo m3 coo Goococp o8g[c. omo0000 oz8s gcoo, Maurig Phyu, in the midst of the assembly, related and expounded the story of Waythandaya.] -- ooq8*, v. same, 2nd def.; eoSuSoooSo80a sqs (pron. o8&c8os) @oo~, they make arrangements for a festival. oC8oo5 (08ls8:ooS), n. a debt contracted for food; os.,' OC0 (Pali), n. a kanah, a measure of time equal to four narahs (49), an instant, moment, oojoS, or ooa;coS, adv. for a moment. -- oa, adv. frequently. -- CooS, -ogg, adv. for a moment; aaooGoSg sacooooiol 6 oooao5 ooSoooS|ol rGo6 o.oo.f GSi — o —Sg, adv. instantly. oCSs, see ac n DoS, v, v. to strike by a side or back blow, to row a boat, to beat out flat or thin, as metal; to stamp, impress (o038b zosoe); hence to decide the quality of uncoined money, or, in conjunction with c9cj, to form a mental estimate or "take stock" of a person; sometimes derives a specific meaning from an adverb preceding it, as .E*odS, to make a disturbance; g%SoooS, to make confusion; co$ooS (coo8oS to fan), (q9soqOa oooo, to play Burmese foot-ball); G3oocQ`00oooS oqcp2Gqs38o000c3Sg CgS0a0oSooe, the Burmese (race) beat out gold leaf for overlaying pagodas, kyaungs, and tanks. [Note. ---- in this sense is merely an expletive. ] -— cg8, n. a row-lock usually made of rattan. ---, n. a prop on which an oar rests in rowing. --— J0o8 (0ooS04o0 ), n. a kind of royal barge. ---— oo, n. an oar; comp. cqSoooo5, a paddle. ayo oc^So^ oSc08, n. a thole. — Go3c5o:S6cs, n. 0oS, 2, v. to put into, as an article into a larger mass, to improve or complete it. ocoo5ns,'" n. the Pandeteria dilatata of Symns. "33o, n. a species of land lily. "o$o, an exclamation made use of by grown-up people to children when hiccoughing or choking, or by grown-up people to one another, as saying this is supposed to allay the irritation, see d8oSgosp o: (ok), adv. formative (sometimes o<), indicative of suddeness and commonly shortness of duration; cSas q,8soa, jou g:lII aoz S ) Q, 9 g"scoou5g, to meet all of a suda den, as when one suddenly meets a person in the street, f|: o-qwgS, indicative of falling with a heavy thud; (:o[sc6 0cg, to fall with a heavy crash as a tree; ocd85coooG:@8 cols:r0So$:,_)soog, owing to being startled, he felt his head suddenly, with a flushing sensation, grow large; <tco3s5, to fall down, as some heavy body; 0a-o080 c-SooS, to ache twygeingly as a tooth when an exposed nerve is touched; G@o4, with a sudden pricking sensation or with the sensation experienced when cut with a razor or sharp knife or pricked by a nail or thorn; c..jSoOO c gsoo8@ oogu 8Es,o6aoo3, to fall down suddenly, as a horse when dead beat or a human being from being greatly fagged and faint; suddenly and loudly as the report of a gun, GoosoSqS6o8oSoog; similar in some ways to j-P4 and C[cso) oooSC, see ~ccoooo5 oGoC40S8:, n. antimony (a metal, brittle, of a silver-white colour, used in the arts and in medicine); cocoa85opqoson o aoGpao583r 8 GaoGs@sG:GdCSGGoooxsqrce Soo, professors of invulnerability usually add and mix antimony with the four principal medicines —qcoo-, Gol Tpo)g, 3SoU5, o545S — 4o, n. gelatine of antimony. c.pS, n. a large whirlpool (b@to) (obsolete). OGS5o4, adv. loosely, shakingly, totteringly; in the way of making sport or exciting laughter by odd gestures or language (clumsily, awkwardly). GOSoSgo3Dg.o a3630 a og, the manner in which you walk (or go) is very awkward; coSosoS o$ l333 GSo, 00~Gco o5~ gO 5 oC ju o4:.27 pgoSqo: S gcSGSCooSooogo oo~SoG@,oooSo3g8, buffoons or clowns are in the habit of speaking in a ridiculous way, of making gestures with their hands and feet the while. o( or 4oo (pron. khan-tee-sa), n. patience, forbearance, coe: 6@8:, see olc68i o4qo6soos61coScgcb, a saying made use of by Burmans who wish to live in peace with their neighbours. obp (Pali azolS:s, a collection), n. a living animal body, or the collective parts and organs of such a body; ccoSop o lcgS a ooqOS &o:, obqoS c~, to die; oooB @Cco8o$.' o8oo2oDO~Gscooao~, he (or she) remained in an unhealthy, pining, distressed and unhappy state. -c-sol, n. the five constituent parts of a living animal body, namely, ty~o o, materiality; rootto, the organs of susceptibility or sensation; coecq, the organs of perception; oo5lqgco, the organs of destructibleness and repro. ductiveness; 82~o:Dao, the organs of intellect or thought. — 0o^, n. same. o,%o ((86) Khantika, n. the famous horse which conveyed (Gaudama) Theiddatta to (and bounded over) the Anawma river and then expired. This horse afterwards became a nat (asr -oS00!); conSqj os oD08 0 (pron. 8) )ce0 oCoY oA, I, v. to estimate, compute quamity or extent mentally and express the same verbally; comp. GS, to compute, calculate in the mind, estimate, form a judgment of, comp. oi, and to be about so great or so much; in this sense not used assertively, co5YS. Der. maoi R45$cooz5 oo,s>Soq3Sso5;, guess my age, sir; @8ogooSS.joo5.Go - cgo5, v. to estimate and as above. ol, 2, v. to fear, GoaSen~; to respect, reverence, c8oo, 00a GcoogoSoo; not used singly. — oo, v. same; 96ptc ^l$o^ u8 a^3 o0, 3, v. to appoint to a work or office, to commission. -— oS, v. same; oaootGosoo a cGO oooooo --—:, v. same (infrequent). O$s, I, n, an astrological term (r8$340:); o'oc8qod58o3Sa4Go d8?s o~C&GqpO5Qtii $72 dS 0$0, 2, v. to be dried up (as a liquid); cqo8 3jDos x a$g @o-DsIHcg: -G S, v. same; -cd&mo IL'gquc"~ r00oaoo3oc8mm2s:G: c og 3ocq3 ojuo>ii gz-SB: d, my skin and my blood, i.e., the juices of the body, are all dried up. ois, 3 (from =z3s, a room). n-,. a screen. -- c8sqgo om8, n. an inner partition of boards. — o, see w4Ssou - o8e), n.-the joint property of a newly married couple; o8: al: (6s), n. a scoop with a long handle used to bale large boats, or to water a field, or to gather grass seed; o8 (A) cas ocoSCo~5q oS, 1, v. to dip up, take out of, draw (as water from a spring, well, river or stream); 5gk=qoq a o6o0 u oS, 2, v. to arrive at, scproooe (infrequent). Der. osjoS and dgoS481 6oo a16sC1ii8gnj @ olo ooso3, the musket bullet went right through his thigh. 0S, 3, adv. rather, prefixed to adjectives derived from verbal roots by reduplication, as o8:a~sc, rather wicked; @Sojo4, rather astringent; 08c9c9, rather pretty; oSqoSqoS, rather foolish; @S@, rather high or tall. a&4, n. a kind of bramble running close to the ground. oo, 07.(ooS:, ab), n. the many, nz93s (obsolete); poo8ii oa6 (o8@o), n. pinchbeck; co, a gold-coloured alloy of copper and zinc (or brass and zinc according to the Burmay; pinchbeck ornaments are worn by Karins only. 08rJ8S, adv. silently; o8658cjam~ao:,? --— 00: (cGo); v. to make use of upbraiding langua e. - c,.v. to remain silent (o58-a80.mScoa). 68:, a. all, the whole; SoS~1oS8 la031J36 in every instance; o86n:oxan omzI 63r cJaa, in all affairs; a&8US noo3ggol, all sentient beings. -, a. same. oadlS: (os) or anu o, n. the nux-vomica, Strychnos nux-vomica. c-leaq., the clear water strychnos used for making water clear. "'AN S^ 273 ooS, I, n. a son's wife's father or a daughter's husband's father; used only in combination with 08u ooo5, 2, n. a rope that preserves the beam of a balance in a horizontal position while the article weighed is, or after the weighing of articles is finished, removed to make room for another; yo:oqj 040sooq oS03 ( seol GW6o:aoSo qoegNiGcprol896ooos@g~ (o~moo3oogu ooeS, n. a father (honorific); cO, oo ogsooSoqs, as a prince speaking of his royal father or others speaking of him (the prince's father). -— qo8, n. a young unmarried man, ccj (poetic). og: (pron o^). "-00o, v. to make a present to a sick person, under the idea that it will facilitate his recovery, or to a child who incessantly sobs; oog~Goo~c0csoggc 0 oogosG cgtpaoSoS8 -- q, v. to get such a present. -— c, v. to need such a present. oo$S, verb.formative; according to another acceptation, d38$ or oo.$ and oooo form verbals denoting nearness of accomplishment, oqcasionally taking cq before them, as Gco)0So4: or Gooo~0oo;:, what is near burning; 3o04:, what is nearly being wonderful. 08, n. a son's wife's mother or a daughter's husband's mother; used only in combination with oooSn -— ooS, see the parts. o0QoQ5, n. a large hat made of olsooSi --— g, n. one with a narrow brim, worn by labourers; the 9iSo0soocS (also called cgosooS), made of a kind of woven grass, ranges in price from Rs. 2 to Rs. 15, an ornamental one even more; 6cSoo 60 ooS 90n oe o5ooaoS oGros^, n. the queen lagerstraemia; q(8on oo03 n8:, n. the small lagerstraemia. OGoo8:coo8, n. the Tavoy name for the guava ocooon o08-oss:p-s (from =3o:@a gsO), adv. with suitable furniture equipage, with brilliant and splendid appointments and appurtenances; oG0ooooo) ooEpq81 coocoSo?8G3oo o08 35 274 -ctKi 0050, n. a wife's younger sister (an elder sister, 4s) or a man's younger brother's wife. 3oouo (Pali). [Note.-This word appears now to mean coaxingly, deferentially, cajolingly; oqcgocooco 'oo o&-o oo ocE8: (or(.oq&s), n. a barnacle. oq& (Greek), an anointed one; &cga @8sa8Ac85oQooooq, Christ, a name of the Saviour; j8Gcoogoq@ - GOCS) n. the anointed one, the Messiah. - coo$, n. a Christian; a. pertaining to the religion of Jesus Christ; oc8c$ootoctGz', Anno Domini. oqSoj (f), adv. with a fine creaking sound, as the spindle of a spinning wheel. oq&Ss (61:-s), n. the tomato, brinjal. --- (Ols'q6I )j -68, -oS, n. varieties of the tomato; 00481PO"Rao Q801:q~s, 008261 *acs.. 11 - i-o, n. the epididymis (of animals); 61o:qS —ioS-goG o (o8~) OO3cq:QOO:O~II ocp, i, n. a kind of wind instrument, a bugle, French-horn used in a camp; comp. )i ()) used at festivals and theatrical exhibitions. -o-6, v. to play on the bugle as when sounding a reveill6; ocwpoS, to sound the bugle. -ooooso), n. a blunderbuss. OCP, 2, n. a karah, a measure of time equal to twelve kanas (aci ); ten kanas equal one o@$, tabyan; ten byans equal a &ooS; four tabats equal copoq OG, 3, v. to speak and act (being a child) as a grown person; ooco~orGLo., to speak in a fawning, wheedling manner (to gain affection), as a woman; coe3nmcocc7oaeq,5cocp~ r.@6Co080 lW08l3s8$E01&03oocsooGCO08000000008~iaooooS qGsrooc0 oIui Boga cecooso~oe zcs, n. a species of mimusops, producing a small fragrant flower (Acanthus illiczfolius), strung on a string and worn in the hair by women in the months of Pyatho and Tabodw6, @iiopto so$:. [Note.-oo:r9oR8g o00, accurately, to the point, in speech; oqz3coo28-oGooopSo.?cps8: (from oasp, a kind of tree), n. the bulging part of the capital of a pagoda below the umbrella, 9c(gjoqi, in the "OS 275. centre of the g@c; comp. 8on, n. the bulging part of a graduated steeple (@ooS). [N.B.-There is no 98ooo in a pagoda.] oos, n. the way or distance between two places, different from o08:, the road itself. - -:a, v. to go forth to meet; @Apoe, -- S., v. to compute the distance between two places or points. --— o, v. to be dangerous in passing on account of robbers or wild beasts; oigooj0o0 G 0 ooco08 (s 3ocp@oT@ -— oooo8$ og o, n. things taken with one on a journey. — oS, v. to be expeditious in travelling, to travel fast; ooo5 @agogSii oCoy^cos6goiq;ooas^8ogo~G1$Ccapii oo~^lopii -- CGoo00, n. a stage, stopping-place in a journey. -- ooSqj, v. to stop for rest or refreshment; co5&so4l~o G0000 Q ~C0$bs Gooocaqoo0ocyGr~T@oo11 -- o$:, v. to be travel-worn; 0oao:co0os o@6o1i cou: Aa t6ooSvi olGcy8ooooqosc -- ooe, n. a traveller. — o ---:3, v. to travel; n. a traveller. --— g, v. to be out of the way, or away from home when enquired after or wanted for some purpose; @:cgjn o%, n. a univalvular shell-fish, a mollusc, of which there are numberless varieties; o 1oa3o308:ogo5sooScac, in the way of making a fuss out of all proportion t6 the matter in hand. — 0 —os, n. a species of melania (Burmese). -- oq-, n. a species of cerithium. ---— o, n. the spider shell. --— GCo5Gro5, n. a species of coral, lithodomus; a species of burrowing shell. — ($, n.; see aagoo:) — g- a, n.'a snail, including several varieties. --—, j. the shell of the univalvular shell-fish. -— ooac8S, n. a round-mouthed snail. --- oS (9o5), n. a wading water-bird very common in fisheries, a kind of hammer; NoqocS, S276 I oS oa6,~ n. the Bengal ibis. — & —o, n. a species of melania (Tavoy). — o —l01:Go6, n. the murex, M. ---— o9:ScS8, n. a crooked trumpet-shell. -- 0o, n. the purest kind of current silver, nearly equal to cooS, but both inferior to cqaIcn (ojooSc:, a kind of skin disease). - yaS (o$qS), n. a species of snail, a species of planorbis. — c(oS, n. the Dolium galea, see aQ:qsi,-&oM8Q, n. a species of neck-footed shell. - 0-oS:oo, n. a prominent ligament shell. — q — s, n. a partition lipped shell. --— s (ao:), n. the closure, closing lid of a univalvular shell. — ooo, n. the apple shell, paludina. -— 00-6, n. the species of shell-fish or the shell itself used by Brahmins in certain ceremonies; (a kind of scrofulous disease, a species of leprosy); @$oS oqaS.ipQoo, ~iig C08o~ 8qcp;i,(: c o 6SdooRgn maooos5coo.1 4oS og&4s0S AcoooS o goo8So R8 Cq6oog~ 8oO 8wo0o0o3S:o8 COm>schoo C 630^ Oa 3o0Q03'3030ic;33 @33o6Q3pS@803ooopiSll o8g(3:u.SoS3o*ssoq, the King of Burma being seated on the throne, taking the hand of the chief queen, surrounded by the ministers, the eight Brahmins, putting seven twigs of the eugenia tree and seven blades of the myeza grass (lit. seven each of the eugenia and myeza) into a (Brahminical) shell with water, perform the ceremony of anointing, pronouncing the words " let the blessing of victory be to him who is worthy to vanquish." [Note.] As no oil is used, the ceremony cannot strictly be called one of anointing, but this is nevertheless'the most intelligible equivalent, perhaps, for 3c8a8oSog:g3.] — o —Cu oo, n. a species of columbella. o@f, n. a central point or part, on which are several other parts; oep, the ring which holds the spokes of an umbrella and moves on the handle; c8:s~8, a priest's water-dipper; ccqo8 (commonly called ogoa8), the single jurisdiction of a government extended over several parts, and hence the parts collectively under one subordinate jurisdiction, a country or' state; 8;Go-oGP&o=&i og8s cCSo~68$:q gpG., 908 277 those living in small cities and towns within the jurisdiction of the realm of Weedayhayit. ozqp8% (possibly a corruption of b, to be hard, and ocp8., to be very dry, or of l, a hoof, and iDG~p8, appearance), n. deep hoof-marks made by buffaloes, &c., in the rains, which, when the dry weather arrives, become hard, making the ground very rough to walk upon; small hillocks of upheaved earth and buffalo hoof marks collectively, e.g., uneven, rough ground; osp:cooon ocooS,, n. a kind of cutaneous affection. =co-.8 (Beng.), n. a lascar. "o6o, n. a sharp projection of earth or stone or wood, occurring in a pathway or placed to obstruct a passage, a short peg placed to prevent something from slipping; 3qoS, the finger-board of a violin, &c.; Scq:S-o8 cqo~ii aak4Gsc-GoOD cqd~j~c~658~=c2$#od10ao~u oaop~89=a80~W91 ocd (from o1 and o?4), n. a charm tied round the waist. -cooS~, n. same (most common); c.8: 4A8o&cooS~, muntras and charnis collectively; S=coo8:opsotoCP:,:0@ co~ocooUg 0.400 ~ ~ 0c 00sq0yooggoo:4oo@91 )8 oo 33 O~o.. COCBC c dIo:nS: ococoo @CcooS0, i, n. a bell of wood or metal, such as are hung on the necks of cattle; cl: Noo ~ 8o6SoccooSccc5cl0( 3:M s8mc:) - n,. the tongue or clapper of such a bell; a mischief. making busy-body; oc'cooo&oT i — g (QccoAoS'), n. the porch or lower front part of a Burman house; comp. coo5c8ta$s, a room behind the main one (i.e., upstairs). occo:oS, 2, v. to stir up from the bottom by shaking up and down the containing vessel, or beating the contents'wvith a spoon, &c.; colr 3 moo-5 cmDoS GqP8 GaZJ8 00o08,J Q-CO~O5~ GO TS~e3Q8zG o~ oo Q m acco38, sde G618, to excavate in a slanting direction; ao=g8 OaS8, see Q0aS, to excavate, scoop out; comp. c~05, n. an excavation, artificial; comp. R:GQ18:., a natural hole, cavity in the earth; not used singly; olooe1~9oz c6IC,00-8S8 003R )mo&6r3: z30 E63o8 Q a mOg CXg3E6o aq ooS 4. 78 6 ool, n. the washing of clothes (?) not used singly. — q, see o6188* — ooJ, n. washerman row. — 0o (ool6,), n. a washerman's shed, a laundry. -- Go:, v. to deliver (clothes) for washing. — gS, v. to wash clothes by beating. —., n.; see oddo: (0oolo). -- 00 —, n. a washerman; oog18Sooa~l v, v. to receive, take, accept; 5oapog, to offer to take, to bear, sustain, experience, rather implying pain or toil; to keep, hold as a festival'; 39a2 c$c$ogoooSq3q cooSooolooe, I will bear all the expenses in this case; oao&q.goSc8a (W) oQoco8A1, I do not know on what day the festival will be held; oSoo'mdc93 cgoq886 oqco~6oooo8l, if you should act in this way, that person will not put up with it, I think; OQ&I2GP~tCqoSore~ 001t C20r^ o Ss oR GOD? G060 q~C5m 5g CO:S oog, as you were absent, I accepted (on your behalf) the money you received by the sale of paddy., --— a>o9, n. a breastwork. -— , v. to bear, endure, suffer; o-5o~ii --—:, v. to withstand and contradict in speech. -- 6, v.; see 6 (66oo0). - oo:, v. to bear, &c., rather implying pleasure or enjoyment; to suffer pain, illness, &c. _ — 8, n. a fortification in advance or separate from the main force. -— 6,08 n. a shallow basket used in marketing. - o3, v. to receive or sustain by placing something under. -— q8, v. to be difficult to put up with, to loathe, abominate, as low, dishonourable and tricky conduct; oo~oi-S.oQ8S G3o53oc,>og sCoopo@o oo2cSq^:Ss@o, the whole village abhor this man on account of his many artifices and knavish tricks. --, n.; see o008, but of a layger and more permanent de. scription; a fort, a redoubt; a:oe6a:iG gfGc3$s ngoog -— x,v. to receive and take from. -qS, v. to hold out; Oo:SooSoOhae ^opp3sceoG @6 oG ^ cGo5(5,>cSo3o coo<oo5, you have oppressed me in so a many different ways (or so very often), that it is as much as I can do to put up with it. [Note.-The expression o5 Oq8 is an exact equivalent of the English " not to stand " (i.e., put up with) an insult, injury.] Bo$, n. an inversion of o$, to enter into engagement or be security; oS3=0g, n. a security, bail, 3aoo0, obqS5o$SqS, n. a bail-bond; oo, n. a bailor, a security. 5, 2, n. the Symphorena unguiculatum, a large, leaf-shedding creeper, whose twisted stems are sometimes as large and round as a man's arm. It bears smooth, globular berries. -K. BoRSg (pron. 0ogS), n. the inside of the mouth, not like uo5, the opening between the lips; comp. SoS, the same as oo8, but more elegant; p$,o,ogSog8ocooSocogS,1 q8cocq85o28gs cooSBcosx8 (meaning that one is able to make friends or enemies by one's speech). " ---~ql, v. to have a sour or acid taste in the mouth; GaoGo88 Goor6ooS5oR68%9G40oo~, if one smokes a cheroot, the acidity of the mouth is removed. — o ----, v. to feel dry as the mouth. ---, v. to have bad breath. - qoS, v. to lose one's appetite. 0, v. to be firm, strong, durable [to be dignified in deportment, stately; to be muscular and well-built]; @aoo, 8sooSu co8oE;oeSc~3aooSo8~rcGcoog, the royal Saddan elephant being replete with a white body and the chief bodily characteristics, is very stately in the midst of (the) black elephants; GoScooo6 ogo o a g cose cazoo0,0@ 3acg$ooS, owing to, their height and breadth being in proportion, the nativbs (i.e., men) of Moulmein are very well-built. [Note.-The Burmese use the word Q to denote anything which gives character to a person's appearance, such as a large top-knot, a moustache, handsome wearing apparel, &c.] l1, 1, n. a partridge ( olcESq$sooc5aqco gg). [The Francolin.] 01, 2, v. to shake, shake off, or out; to refuse, deny peremptorily, to shake the head in consequence of something which may have excited surprise and astonishment; n8oS o08E:3Mo0o0FpB98 o8ocS7E Gcl6 1QolcqoSo5, if you get 412 aocaooS (from acqooS, to accord with), nJ accordance, agreement; 0o48"coTogo8acoCoBGoliff — oocqooS, adv. in accordance with (each) respectively. --— oqS (from coqS, to forfeit), n. a forfeit, fine; c cq@85cc5 -- ool, n. same. cao oSaopoS, adv. according to one's bent and pleasure;.independently. acgo.S, adv. without any consequence; a:. g a, — acqs (from %$, to go beyond), adv. beyond what is right (applied to instances in which crim con has taken place, though maogjic2 is more common, 3qI1s ~ 3og48-3- 2o6qi:c is also used in the sense of the English equivalent 'at the utmost,'' at the very outside,' e.g., =a2g 398oqj3Cto Jo 0oog). "M -aS&:, adv. in all the senses given a ove; q9 coaosoo8n aWcg: (from cg~:, to twist a threads,*. one strand of rope; see @sOcgl aORgS~, n. regret or sorrow at the absence of another. — oG, v. to be appeased, as such regret or sorrow. a~9:, adv. contrariwise, contrarily; 3Mo3=GSGS5, in a bungling, contrary manner. -— 008, v. to have a mistaken view of anything. -— @s, to speak in a contrary, erratic manner. socg, (from cg,, to turn), n. a turn, change, the right-hand ox in a team opposed to =aoSu [G[8:o3olQqacGocoo( an aphorism applied to the vicissitudes of fortune.] — 3B3Qc, by turns, each in his turn. -- q, v. to come to one's turn, 3so,.o8 (e.g., as in relieving sentry). -- 00-, v. to come to one's turn. wacxgi: (from 09:?, a cart), n. a carttful, as oouam3cgl:scooS, fifty cartsful of paddy 3c33, adv. backwards, used chiefly in regard to speech when it has a similar meaning in most instances to xG@ 300611 ea3Qc (from cx0, to frighten), n. manner of frightening, as a oTSax"Scoo8:S, to be good at frightening. 280o o into any trouble (or if any trouble befalls you), I shall shake my head and say I do not know you, i.e., I shall ignore you; cgalq ', to shake off the dust of the feet. [c.sol, to shake itself as an animal, particularly a horse, @8aqfxa711] 61gcS (from pacS, to strike backwards), v. same; ~Gaouqgo1: G{:( i6033S C8 C5IaSooS 8Cc60480)8: 3aguns~@ olaog doSr-cocx, Nandaw Pananda, Prince of the Nagas, having wound himself round the Myinmo Mount, rolled his head from side to side and sent forth exhalations and vapours; coG6S:w3ooqa3oeo scoaq8n 0 o62c@8oc&aoge~3, the sailors refused work. 6199, n. a species of large red ant, eatable. -s_, -7cqS, n. the nest constructed by the said ant; @$ooN 4jc ooeaz1 999 1 3193GZ5 coD8i c- 8q: o388G q5~0 racocooA oio6, n. a kind of very thin muslin (83o661c). 01, it. the loins, waist, small of the back. Co@78:ui3ticoQ6 q soos loci oouSco: 3nvolodc611 oI oo2Eq8oS00cQcooo*S coeR] - c9oS, v. to ache as the back when suffering from lumbago, &c. -,n. any cord tied or worn round the waist; SQ g CO 5o0S0~rW= qqJ:g0l1sgoo5q osoo8cqcq oScr4.- I (from 4, to be sweet?), n. the back part of the waist; comP. 4 U -— T:i (Go04o&), n. a breech-loading gun or rifle. —.-qS8oo (pron. qSooS),'v. to wear the Burman petticoat secured around the hips, the breasts being uncovered. f-t (g: n. a girdle, waistband, belt, anything bound round the waist. -oing, n. an apron. —._&, n. the joint of the small of the back. -— cogo8t, n. a sirloin. - c4, -ac, adv. gallopingly. - ~80ongpo., v. to canter. - c4q8s, -IGO61S, v.; see the parts. --- v. to gallop. -~Ge-oos, v. to have a backache. -o-kdal, v. o8Io1:0o=80:, to tuck up the htamein in the waist fold. q, 2, an abbreviation of obg, the present time..- o (from co08, a little while), n. the present moment (adv. just now); 8~o"os 5ogoSooioog, the steamer has only just left; co33ad oSCoaasoSpSc, this sore bleeds every now and again.,[Note. —oonq (pron. qoSq) is very colloquial.] Q, 3, v. to prop up by a short prop or fulcrum; comp. oosoS, to eke out, supply deficiency; applied to rice when eked out by some inferior grain; see also 8o0q. Der. 3a, n. a prop, fulcrum; oole? oasoolaoGcjO.g oo go ---, v. same, Ist def.; to be in a posture of resistance, to resist; oo.s-y 1:.-3' d6u2uoa, the accused would not submit to arrest, they resisted. — coooq, -cqcq, -c8 6oq, adv. uneven, from the resistance of something beneath the surface; q6g=o oo sjl3ooCqooo — os, n. a prop, fulcrum. -— S, v. to deduct, make deductions from; o8acoocboo goj og, I will take it by deducting it from your pay. qoS, v. to strike with the edge of (a knife or any flat thing), to gash, chop, hew; to beat (metal) into the form of a cup or salver (co0:p); ogaSSSqoS, to cut with an upward motion as a Shan; qjo5, to cut with a downward motion as a Burman; oo,zSp, an incised wound, or the marks made by the edge of a da on anything. -- Go8, -48, v.; see the parts; oo860ctdoSEoS. ca6ol, lop off the branch of the tree. -— o,, n. a chip; comp. coSatoloSu S —c00, v. to hack. — c8, -@oS, — oq, -cg:, -..18, v.; see the parts; oo8o0 acaSo9~t(c)oog~, he tells the tree. qoon, n. a couch, cot, bedstead; coo&o.6&atooS, a bench or couch with a back to it; ooq48 A 3^ooo~c, n. a head-board. q$, v. to jump, leap.. — o$$c;S, adv. not in regula course, disorderly, hither and thither, unevenly; j1ooriao5oo oo 33mo QOcJ oo^ 9GI35~qso56s q$Sij$oG a SqcoSj 4, 283 +qo8, n. the frame used in raising water with a 9, see also chl o8u --- cgjq, adv. hoppingly, with both feet. ----- 15, v.; see the parts. — S-joloS, adv. unevenly in step. -— c2, v.; see the parts; GoS:38c$2o3g ag, he jumped across the ditch (or he leaped over the ditch) (took a flying leap); 5Jqsoo0oo^o000s6ooo8o6 0c oSo6^, squirrels are in the habit of passing from tree to tree by bounding (or leaping or jumping). qS$8% (pron. q$~83), n a kind of creeper (Entada pursetha), the seeds of the sa~id creeper used by children in play. (This magnificent creeper is occasionally seen lending its bright verdure to lofty forest trees, and throwing down immense pods, often more than a yard long. These pods are filled with numerous large dark-brown seeds, from one to two inches in diameter-(Mason's Burma); the kneepan; comp. qat:la -- cq, v. to play with the seeds of the said creeper. 86 (9), a. seven, 2: -- o (&t3S ), n. the seven stars, the constellation of the Great Bear. — o —@-cooS, v. (according to the Burmese) to be inverted, as the "tail" of the constellation, which takes place about 2 a.m. and becomes more and more so towards dawn. oooS, n.; see ojqcooS, the half of some original-li) coSsooS, half of a journey, e.g., o trs 39 GS oG corqcooS @q. o08, did not arrive at the end of the journey; was obliged to return half-way; 0CooaS:cooS, half-way up a mountain or hill; co8buscooS, half-way up a tree. qc8:oouS, adv. somewhere between two extremities; 4S0pco0 vS, v. to strike with the paw, as a cat or tiger, to strike forward, as the paddle of a wheel or steamer; o:A,8oii [Aote.-The revolving of the screw of a steamer would be also qSn c s~oSIt 3SozpS. oS o coS 6C~ qy:)o dSoo3 ooS q'goS:oou 8:&o3 0Sooo3SF3oo ) oSqSoosaogc i, 1, n. a block, bench, stool, table, desk, a raised brick or stone foundation of a building or pillar, a basement, pe 84 ~ destal, any base, e.g., cG~, the upper part of the foot; o0i4, a flower-stand; o;sco&S, the part of the pagoda where offerings of flowers are placed. [4 is the proper generic term for tables and desks; though now being rapidly superseded by oozs, which only means a table at which one eats, e.g.; oosqG is the true Burmese equivalent for a writing-desk; many, however, say oocq:o~, which is in reality a most grotesque combination (the writing-eating table!) Goo\o63joqG 3Ca3Coogco50ol, put the bunch of keys into the writing-desk drawer]. ~@, a. spreading at top and bottom, as certain biers, e.g., gcoS^., 698GolS@$, formerly used at the funerals of subordinate officials in Upper Burma. --— 0S, n. a wooden sandal; a clog. 2, 2, n. a Civil Judge in the mofussil; an arbitrator; oooo^. In the Burmese time there were several of this class of officials, who enjoyed a great judicial reputation. There were two kinds-(I) appointed by the king, styled oo5S; (2) O0 ooaow, an arbitrator mutually chosen by parties to a suit. Description of the.Burmese Judicial System given by the Kinwvun Mingyi, c.S.I.-i. If both the parties to a civil suit were residents of the same place, the jurisdiction lay first of all with the local thugyi, whose decision was final if both parties agreed and ate letpet. 2. But cases in which one of the parties being dissatisfied wished to appeal, and cases in which the parties were not both residents of the same place, had to be brought in the Court of the District Myowun, whose decision was final if both parties agreed and ate letpet. 3. If the parties were dissatisfied with the decision of the District Myowun they could appeal to the Courts at the capital called Saing-ya (aC8cp), Wdn Ein (o$08s), Pyin Ein (@83aS), Su Shin (%q8), and Ngan Shin (c$~ As), and the decision of those Courts was final if both parties agreed and ate letpet. 4. If the parties were dissatisfied with the 'decision of the Courts abovenamed, namely, Saing-ya, Wzn Ein, Pyin Ein, Su Shin, and Ngan Shin, they could appeal before the Civil Court to the Civil Judges, whose decision was final if both parties agreed and ate letpet. 5. If the parties were dissatisfied with the decision of the Judges of the Civil Court, they could appeal before S the Lhuttaw to the Mingyis, whose decision was final. (a) There was no custom of eating letpet upon the decision of the Lhuttaw as in the Lower Courts, and the parties were not at liberty to object that they were dissatisfied with the decision, which was conclusive. (b) It was often the practice in the Lhuttaw to have one or two of the senior Princes or*the Einshemin (heir apparent) appointed, by desire of the King, to decide cases in consultation with the Mingyis. 6. Although the decision of the Lhuttaw was ordinarily final, yet it was often the practice in cases of an important nature concerning hereditary, territorial and other claims, for the parties to be brought before the presence of the King and have their cases re-heard (after the royal permission had been duly obtained through the Lhuttaw) or have the Mingyis who had decided them questioned thereon, with the result that the decision of the Mingyis was confirmed, or otherwise, according to the Royal wish, and that in either event the Royal command was final. 7. The procedure shown above in paragraphs I to 6 was the usual and customary practice followed during the reigns of former successive Kings. 8. But during the reign of the late King Mintayagyi, founder of the city of Mandalay, among other special changes the jurisdiction of the Courts called Saing-ya, Wan Ein, Pyin Ein, Su Shin, and Ngan Shin, as shown in paragraph 3, was entirely withdrawn and abolished. 9. Moreover, it was often the practice to suspend the jurisdiction of the District Wuins and Myothugyis, and to appoint a "Kdn " to each District Court to exercise the functions of the Judge and decide cases. The same practice was also followed in the four suburbs of the capital. Io. The decision of such K6ns was final when both the parties agreed and ate letpet. When the parties were dissatisfied and refused to eat letpet, an appeal lay to the Civil Court, and so on, as mentioned in paragraph 4 up to paragraph 6. I i. Among the alterations made during King Thibaw's reign, the practice of appointing Kons to decide cases was abolished, and instead thereof the constitution of the Civil Courts with respect to grades, powers, jurisdiction, value of suits, appeals, and so on, was arranged as shown in the tabular statement appended. The particulars given in paragraphs i to i i relate to the decision of cases by Judges appointed by a6thority, and show what decisions were final and what were not, 386 - Besides the above, there has to be considered the decision of cases by private persons having no authority from Government, namely,(i) the decision of the (sotyoo) arbitrator appointed by the parties themselves by consent expressed by a written agreement to refer the mater to arbitration for final determination and by eating letpet; (ii) in the mofussil, the decision of the., (amicus curie), a person learned in the law, to whom reference was made either by order of the Court or by consent of the parties; (iii) the decision of the lugyis (or elders) of the place of residence of both parties as arbitrators in the matter; (iv) the decision of one party to a suit when entrusted with decision by the other party. With regard to the above four kinds of decisions, the decision of the (o33a -oo4) arbitrator was final, whether the parties ate letpet after it or not, because they had already eaten letpet at the time of execution of the written agreement. As to the re aining three kinds of decisions, namely, that of the & or amicus curice, that of the acyj@ or elders, and that of a party to the suit, they were on the same footing as the decision of an (33=too) arbitrator, provided there had been a written reference to arbitration accompanied by the eating of lepet; and in the absence thereof the decision was final when both parties agreed to it and ate letpet. But if the parties did not agree and eat letpet, they were at liberty to appeal to the Courts of law as shown above. To sum up,-the points to be noted are these:(i) the Royal command; (ii) the decision of Mingyis given in the Lhuttaw; and (iii) the decision of an s3aooo K6n, to whose arbitration reference had been made by written agreement accompanied by the eating of letpet, were final. SOther decisions, whether those of the Judges appointed by authority or those of private persons acting as arbitrators without authority from Government, were not final unless confirmed by the agreement of both parties and the eating of letpet, Table referred to in paragraph II. Name of Court. Title of Judge. Jurisdiction. Value of appealable cases. To what Court appeal lay. Thugyi's Court o3R 0gt.u District WOn's Court Divisional Wfn's Court... Civil Court Judicial Commissioner's Court. Council of Ministers' Court. 3mc iosco 08g0C1oo00 Royal Lhut 'I he Royal Chamber Q8ncosp& r A -Cos 8 Thugyi District W~n Divisional Wbn Civil Jude Judicial Commissioner... cocp,1933q & Ministers in Council... (JOt~ospfi Mingyis o0gbcoosoit s:3 Hii, Majesty the King... qCo1808:6aS All suits not exceeding Rs. 500 in value. All suits not exceeding ts. 1,000 in value. Ditto All suits without limit of value. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto see All suits exceeding Rs. 20 District M'itn's Court. in value. I wGOifQOI.~ Ditto Ditto All suits over Rs. value. 1,000ooo in All suits over Rs. 5,ooo in value. All suits from Rs. 5,oo000 and upwards without limit in value. Ditto Divisional Win's Court. Civil Court. oacp go~sn Judiciil Commissioner's Court. soois;8 Los 86 4II Council of Ministers' Court. -;;oeotsooso8vmoo3 oaJ,,oSn Royal Lhut. The Royal Chamber. 00:c sp&,cGoCo0ci: - ~ __ 4o08,.-.oAoS, n. same. n8, a..a post round which a horse is trained; @8cq8@lln@6ooo 02 0 q8oSaJuui [Note.-This means a reversal of the natiral order of things, as when a man who assaults prefers a complaint instead of the man who is assaulted.] - it,. In Upper Burma the head fisherman of a body of fishermen, who assessed the others to revenue. a-o., adv. in the way of paying a forfeit, equal to the amount of price advanced, on refusing to sell according to agreement; Goc6cgboDq: nosqcpstaogloq 8 Eo 1 4oS, v. to be much pleased with, fond of, eager to obtain or enjoy (implies selfishness, greediness, an excessive regard for anything.; scarcely commendatory); chiefly used in a reduplicated form, as ~~Qe8', hence iooo&, quickly, in. stantly, =a3cSo$ and j8q4ao wouoi036oa~oq"~ooooUw6, he is fond of eating and drinking; moocS A3IC Q0cXSo(c; Ceq cosue~ o 8o3 j ocS i)6-o83s 5aoqS=*d$ _ang ~ccoocS (pron. cGzrS), n. the three stones which support a cooking-pot. [Note. —The Burmese say that three cooking stones which support their cooking-pots resemble the three peaks which support Mount Meru, the @4~co:CC]. vs, v. to be convex. Der.!:1~*- c88~t, adv. arched as a roof or convex as a bridge or road; c884qoqo Mo0I8O: 00caSm ci=ogU 8 6',)UiOS W'A633 v. to *rise gradually to a convexity. i, n, n. the threadlbeam in a loom, round which the warp is turned anid fastened, and of which there are three, oonS 0, Vo.2S., and GspoS, the last over the weaver's seat; qoSofol4: 2, s, n. a trough turning on a pivot, used to raise water with, Q41; 9ooa~pso:40:93 j8qcr *so4Sa.en n --- i,. same. q,3, n. a hairy caterpillar. q, 4, n. a whitlow or felon, qopu sC3iat q@$. The Butrnese say that the:cS: eats into the flesh and causes disfigurement of a finger, n, $ n. the sun-fish or sea-jelly. ta; t. a species of coffee-wort. qs, v. to take up or out, as food from a cooking-pot (and put it into a dish or bowl), to pluck, gather as leaves; come. 0b 289 8goS, to pluck, gather, as flowers or fruits; o8:goaSoo, to pluck edible herbs; ooo6q:ool,1 take and bring the rice out of the cooking-pot (i.e., preparatory to putting it into a bowl or plate);;^Se go: $s g c oS o:2oogoS cdi.ol, go into the plain (oR8:, when a paddy-field is not meant, is nearly equivalent to the English expression "field,") or gather (me) seven or eight leaves of the Nauclea cordifolia. GS, v. to be weak, inefficient; implying contempt on the part of the speaker. ---, v. same; ~~c500^CocSc Soo ago goo3~^o|S0o63G S Go3 or cob (Pali ogj, coS, a field), n. a field of labour, state, world; a collection of sekya systems or worlds, time, o9-oi1 — o-d:ol, n. the three kinds of collections or groups of sekya systems or worlds, namely, aoc8,.oS, consisting of ten thousand systems, which are destroyed and reproduced simultaneously; oOo:8:GooQ G3coemao:oScau oa(o8ooSQa dc, consisting of a trillion of systems, through which the authority of a Buddh or deity extends; (aro qxoSncs ooa o~ooo S05000roS0 3aoocooSOa~d), 803o0000, consisting of the whole infinity of systems which can be reached only by a deity's thought; 3ca8S.3t3~ogoGooso aoEoo05 Note.-The meaning of the word ociS in colloquial in conjunction with oo denotes that a country or a race, or even an individual, is at the zenith of its or his glory, e.g., when the Talaings had the upper hand in Burma, the Burmese would say cocaq:S losjooSooso l; [in conjunction with oq$ it means that a nation's glory is departed; with oA the same as with oq$.] It appears to have a somewhat similar meaning to qsgso (GooSoo). [Childers' definition is landed property, a cultivated field, a wife, the body, place, region, domain, extent.] coa (pron. o8oo) (Pali), n. an instant, moment of time; oao, c0. C01oosGo93OisolcGCOscoSol II q$qCS 3g011 o<00o1, Go)03.G cyoloog, oo00 (Pali), n. freedom from evil; Goo.Soo8cogoSgS g, -— oo, n. the shore of annihilation or neigban; GoooQ3oooQ., i, v. to bring; used only in combination with other verbs, as oTs, c30oSo, *oj, &c. 37 290 b( 2, qual. verb. afix, implying that the action expressed by the verb is followed by going away, as oo.oogS, left it and came away; 9oooag, left instructions and came away, &c. In Upper Burma oo,~ogeu cgoapoog is often pronounced ooboogeii ooog; also ob for oos., 9, 3, verb. affix of time, denoting that the event is just past; frequently euphonic. [Note. — generally denotes that the event is past, but without ocq or qoo8 it appears to have no inherent meaning signifying that "the event is just past." Its use frequently appears to be more than euphonic when denoting a future event or possibility, but its exact force is not easily determined, e.g., cgooSA oSGg.g GaCS, in the event of meeting him hereafter. In this phrase it almost seems to have the force of "should," as "should one meet him hereafter." This verbal affix is very much used in colloquial, and, though it may be frequently euphonic, emphatically improves a person's style of speech.] b: (b), I, n. lead or tin. -.co:t, n. sugar of lead. — o, n. a lead pencil.. —q.:, v. to carry lead weights as a jockey. -— qoS, n. a sounding lead. — 4, n. plumbago, black lead. - q, n. lead. -..., n. ashes of lead,-.chemical term? --—, n. lead or tin. --— oq, n. lead.. —o.., n. tin. b0oQo, 2 (0booU), n. a tungsten or wolfram sandstone.:, 3 (b), v. to be coagulated, indurated, hardened; comp. oo, to be hard, difficult, coo&~, oooog., Der. sb, aScagq booeg...-oS, v.; see the parts. - oz,5, v.; see ~, 2nd def.; g?.oap q So3 -8j:8s: qcc$gs.-'co:, v. to be closed, close-fisted, unwilling to part with, Gotao6O, and therefore hard to deal with, to be pertinacious in carrying out a plan, scheme, or pursuing a course of conduct; adv. bboofoos, tenaciously, with firm adher G 01 291 ence, stubbornly, pertinaciously, studiously, earnestly; g8ooCgbwooo g Oo8 a o3Sl oq.oo )0o 9acoo -: oz 3~r 8 8: c 8ggeoogstoogo3 oSooa, the race of Chetties are, as a rule, close-fisted. bS, 4 (b), v. to bite and hold fast; comp. oo5, to hold on firmly (to a purpose), to be painful, gnaw as pain; r oSoii coo e~G1G0 GOl&1OP II d c93O 00GCSG338 =c2~gaoogS, he adhered with great pertinacity to this plan that he had projected; 8g;coooS5oooSG oos @oo~, in order to increase his wealth, he was fixedly determined in scheming day and night. -- @6o, v.; see the parts. -- gcosgo5 (bogSooaqoS), n. eatables; Gooox ' , 5 (b), obsolete verb, from 63 oogopqo8000:o oGconcoocS[cooS oS00 0o8SooebMGGao — Gco- 8, adv. remarkably, extraordinarily, in a good sense; 8$0oo0GcoGo0o8c90On " —g, adv. same. — "-qi., nt. expressive of admiration. ba ("a), n. a woman's elder sister's husband (a younger sister's ooS) or a husband's elder brother. b3cb (c6) [derived from two Shan words o5 (khow), cooked rice, and c6 (lum), a bamboo tube], n. glutinous rice (o00cooSs) cooked in a hollow bamboo. - oaq oooooS, n. the said hollow bamboo; oa00,gosoooox),o3 c qPoi o0 ooSG0o005qc5 GGco:oS<C ojcso)8~aR332oS6 o-Sw [Note.-The 6oso81 and the QooSols are preferred.] al0, i, n. a small basket in which offerings are presented to an evil spirit; 00c8~Q$Qop9 0ooo co:qo 0 o:sco0oSqpo ogo8f co; oS0 o~3o3 33soozN j5 colaoRcoQSt0s cltmoeSg BS^qqS Gacqoo. [Note.-After the col has been deposited, the children generally sing in chorus as follows: Gol 3 o)Sdao)sM ( 0s 0 pso Q&sc^SqSo c 3-Q8sc~moocoo~o Let knee-joint bones in basket kept, With red puhso turn somersault (somerset), I And lean and sorry slut the while, On left hand step in fencing style. This is a free translation, but may be allowed to convey the meaning, of which, even in the original, there is not much. 292 Cole 001) 2, to stick up or out, in consequence of being uneven; ogo 0.01 to protrude as a tooth; oSo~o8oTmc~('CCGo(C(SO co1Qf n. flax. (;Q105, 1, v. to fold, double, turn back. Der. azrzo~t, -G~,v.; see the parts; c. o c rol6r~r4o~ -8 OIl oSvc, adv. doubled and curved; o#>~ao~-co=oqr$: cscooGGS8GGolosoQys~so~e~I -4s, adv. breaking or doubling in the middle; go5jor.61o5j coo~Sa i Scoo~lo the "Khingyi" silks are more than half as good again as the Yabein silks, t',. 50 per cent. better. -n&n. a bow-knot. c.-olco66, adv. to and fro, backwards and forwards, cys q v. to tie in a bow-knot. -v, n. a fine kind of mat that can be folded without breaking. -c88, v. to be folded and rolled u'p [to fold and roll up]. GQ0105, 2, v. to knock, rap. QQ 5c)- G.6 1o5Qo5QcSo, v. to become dry and hard, so as to sound on being struck; hence (?) cS~ioco~oS~~ (probably a corruption of o ~c36c~o65o), though well acquainted with (the matter), rqoo~oo8c ooCG~q75cGQIoraS ci-,v. to be old,' hardened; used adverbially, as rdCYGJ~o5 9,4cySB, unfeelingly, in a hard-hearted, heartless manner; g~j~co C~~jS ~ ~~1o)5 jo8gjcoopS, this man does not love his children; he forsook them in a heartless manner. cqov. appears to have a similar meaning to roScB1oY, and also to be used adverbially; e.g., rQcGo~oGrra5Gcpo5.b9-Gc, 48 or ~Acjt r~l~tn. a wood-pecker, o o~rooo5; called also c6oo:o5io,-.I& (ge, pron. cej), i, n. an intoxicating liquor made of rice, much used by the Karins (and Karinnis and. Chyins). 4 G0o1r5 293 0oal, 2, v. to be the top, summit [qoS6colSGojsg 408uSol5 CqS] (obsolete). Der. ascol. (from 3ool1), n. the ridge of a roof; comp. oS gccooo8, the under saddle; oe0c G@18 (pron. coS1) Co, this man is the chief, lit. the top. [Note. —The English equivalent is very much the same, e.g., when a boy is talked of as being the " top " of the class.] May be used in a good or bad sense; e.g., sotecxoooSoc88gooe Go01o8, this man is ever foremost in cleverness, or in a bad sense, ooc RS ogSi e 8:3-0coooopg cl180, this man is foremost in wickedness and depravity. — eRS, n. the topmost twig or branch of a tree. --— o$, n. the whole raige of the ridge. — 0d8, n. a post which supports the ridge of a roof. -— c-q (ron. Go018G), n. the day on which the 3rd waxing or 3rd waning of the moon, the highest of the spring-tides, takes place (the highest of the spring-tides). --- cqOoS, n. the ridge beam of a roof, which receives the ends of the rafters. col8, 3, v. to excavate in a slanting direction; occoo8oo~, to slant, be out of the way, go out of the way, to be far from a river or other water. Der. szcl18 and to50GSu Cr$gcooS Qsc09oooSqirGC cog: 0:cooS, owing to my being a native of an out-of-the-way place, distant from any river or creek, I do not understand how to paddle a boat properly, nor can I swim. [Note.-A Burman is apt to be annoyed if called cq.-l-18 G1GO:o000 or 3G~,cU18 GqGO:cooo @ G003P93, as with this race, livin far from water, e.g., a river or stream, implies a tot.l lack of "nous," &c. The English equivalents seem to b," lout," " clodhopper," "(bumpkin," "clown," and other significant epithets; o8Rosopoogo oocSGl Eog, the village you live at, sir, is very out of the "way; 0a]^5ooc^^GpsGoc 1oo (f33(c co1 801^S]. -— ogR, v. to conjecture without being able to come to any conclusion. Gol8Go1S00, v. to be dry and hard, so as to sound on being struck; O8QgS q8 9 sG@08 gosog oq8GOOj9:0a)0s GSol o1So5, n. a kind of pen made of a reed or bamboo, a sucker; o6j)8S94OCtIIG 16@~ a o18C03o Go)89Gl80 gc~(~GOOooS|@Oo,| ol q8s (GaIlS:t) (oS), n. the shoe-flower, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. " This bold flaming flower is extensively cultivated, and is a very good substitute for Day and Martin's blacking." —(Mason). oo1s, i (pron. Gos1), n. the head, ec3goSs; the principal part of a thing, ~s; a large tuberous root, g@s; a head, chief, -— 3s@n, n. same, last def. -— a, n. a pillow; v. to pillow the head. --— ~:5, n. a pillow case. — 34%sa, n. a long pillow, a bolster. -- c~8, n. a god-parent. -— ol, v. to shake the head from side to side in dissent. -—, n. anything placed between the head and a burden; only used by women, e.g., in carrying water-pots, lacquered trays, baskets, &c. -— (Ga18S), n. sub-overseer. -- GoloS~oogS, v. to pick, or point out, to identify, see B$g "-; ---, a chief of gaungs; formerly Myo6ks used to be designated " Gaung-chyBks" in Lower Burma. ) --— o, n. a succession of letters or figures marking the pages or sections of a writing or book. -- 8:o061&o648, n. the head or chief in undertaking; gC8&dCiS, -— ooS, v. to nod or bow the head in assent. -— c.-ogngs, n. Gaung-zay-gyun, a small island between Martaban and Maulmain; lit. the wash-head island, whence water was annually carried in the months of Tagu and Thadingyut to Ava, to wash the king's head (ori the anniversaries of gsooscooSg, in Tagu; G9coo&88g, in Thadingyoot). -— o (Pron. co18lSooS), v. to take the lead, be first in doing; soogog~ Ie~ ogo sot q &Q0ool ~ ooo^ cgS oGooScoe j,1 if you dare not take the lead in this matter, sir, I will. -— o (from oa, to be blunt), v. to be shaven or bald; comp. ~g~s (usually pronounced oQ.). — oj0, v. same. --— o18, n. a turban or anything wrapped round the head, collecting and binding the hair together; ~^5, ol16S~coil6 gcS, a " gaungbaung snatcher" (thief); G&18Gols 8:d98O G3o1: 295 G6oo3o@Ja.aoS6GoT.5, the colour of the gaungbaung is not distinguishable owing to its being dirty. Go18:Go0:Goi08, v. to put on a turban. — G-38, v. lit. to have a clear, bare head owing to absence of hair, i.e., to be bald. - 8:, v, to comb the hair; colS6I8gCoo:8s --- (ron. q), n.; see?o18aj, which is more correct and elegant. -— @: (GSl.s@U:) (sometimes pron. os), a. shaven or bald; asgg(Sol sqgSt, tio shave off all the hair of the head like a pongyi. ---, n. a gray-head, an old man; v. to be gray or white headed. -- o, v. to be headstropg, obstinate. [This expression is used at Maulmain; nit so much in the valley of the Irrawaddy.] --:Q[(GoL18:(S:) (pro..olS&1s or col8s8:, sometimes Go1s8:8), v. to cover up the head with a puhso or saung in order to go " incognito" without any personal trouble, or expenses or responsibility; oo-5o18nu 8g- ol1sg18 s, to be submerged as land during the rains;,gSaS'o aoolsi: fGa CoIO5ol (i --- GSt, n. the place for the head, opposed to G66qSa 218:, 2, v. to be hollow (obsolete). Der. ca)6l&, n. a trough used as a coffin or as a canoe; applicable also to the trough used for any purpose, e.g., ooSDoo3GIS (pron. ooSoGo6lS as if one word), a pig trough. -- 6oloS (from scoloS, bark), n. bark used in dyeing a brown colour, the decoction being frequently placed in a trough. -— s:, v. to dye a brown colour. -- 014, n. a block or short post in a boat (GoSdjSc6) to receive the foot of a temporary mast, the funnel of a steamer; 8soGo:S3Gsl186s6n| 8 -— So (pron. G618 8-8), a. solid, not hollow; applied to articles that are naturally or commonly hollow, p:oo:8oS; comr. oc8, solid, artificially solid. -a —, - -o, a. hollow, noti solid; oo~Qgs col 8:80s8ocloSol oj: co18:8o l, these anklets (or foot bangles) are not solid silver; they are hollow inside. -— qS, n. brown dye. 296;o6I:qesq', v. to superadd the said dye on a blue colour, making a deeper blue or black. - c=-8o:, n. a large bell; comp. coEgcoegn V r-kosru:0,6 n. a belfry. -- cooSav,, n. a hollowness and defect in timber; 83oDoajoj8 c88Go08r3 CG63q gas GCoS 9@ G 3jq v:)-9 aO:00050Dq; 01 0 -:28., v. to place in a shell preparatory to a funeral...610010, v. to be deficient in quantity, few, scarce; ~2.ooe,,Rozo #, 61 ora00I 0oo003 23GWO coI 8 6 o)oota food is scarce; 8Gco o3 e o Sg-8S6slol:zn;s, because he is poor, his property is scanty. G61qgC (pron. as spelt), n. a certain preparation of glutinous rice, sool y~, made of Gox5,950iSN, sesamum and a modicum of salt. GoT, v. to call, summon, invite; to call, distinguish by name, give a name; SooZe3 oZoXO5 0o8oo23nooxI3a3 O 6-G3_T'caoTooo ooScoolo, whenever you summon him, your pupil will come (as in addressing a p6ngyi); QoIg-p~oojS3o6GDT oodo, how do they call you by name, or what is your name? O$tCqScojT8:O)G05, the steamer called the " Panlang." — q, v. to summon authoritatively. -c, v. to call a person and take him along with one; c014 C0:308:J*OPe~ MRC59JZ-S~ OOa O8@~&08J:3O 1G.~)O$A 0 &o;08 c0 Yc698*G6Tc~oEucoa, Ca28, v. to name, give., n. a kind of drum, smaller than oltooo5, see oq. [Note.Up-country lhay thugyis generally have one of these drums on board their boats.] — oT, v.; see GQT in both senses. n,. a pigeon; comp. @0, a dove. -, n. a pigeoi's egg. - on, n. the fan-tailed pigeon. no, n.; see qCSCN -rCn380'5 (~r0-=8 ') (pron. qGol 8&), adv. continually, uninterruptedly, in a gradation, uniformly; sooSoQL iS-"' a.gnotosaiO h 8$ brSokO n inoanglo)sadpojc8tions ~$x.o, a. not straight, broken into angles and projections i I s297 S j, n. a kind of rocket (used at p6ngyi byan). -----, n. a floor where the cooking-place is, a little lower than the main one. -— q&, n. a. pigeon hous. 2, 2, v. to take shelter (in a shade), c8,5oopS; to take refuge in, adhere to, ooo.0, cog5, c~oo. [Note. — means also to shirk, or scamp work.] oco1foSos'oo~soo8oo-): C0oo, OAQoQooGaocopioo& o8-s@c:8 ~oq~owp, this carpenter does not put, in valuable timber, but scamps his work by introducing tiat of no value. —.0o8, v. to take refuge in (a person or thing) in order to avoid some evil (same as ~, last definition); 0o8Omoq0m cq~:s&so 8oo&ocqu68oqs, you are a man who shirks work not a little (i.e., very much). -- c, v. to take refuge; so3c88 GoSGodcco1oolG,) Gcposoloo, I have come (lit. arrived) because I wish to take protection underithe royal flag of England, i.e., seek British protection;,oosOG4cJG:ooUo olo 3qoq o8o pooooSooqgoG oo,n 0o5, i, v.. to hit, come iq contact, strike against, c8ocBoo; y ore than 6B. Der. 3o;06. [Note.-To bring misfortunes on r the possessors of unlucky houses, animals, boats, &c.] ooe ofggoo oGqo"Gooo.G(.oS.oc85Q-. ooojSol~, owing to this horse having an unluc ky circular flexure, it will bring misfortune, do not, plea e, buy it; occ9 oG9oo =osooz a ao GoooGmo.*o5cSoe~i because this boat has a bad knot, it will bring misfortune -- coS, v.; see the parts. — 8ooQR$o8, n. quarrels. - 8, 'v.; see ~oS (most common); c90ooo08 0oo06o0 o58SGooO -- q$, n. a quarrel. — oS, 2, v. to shake, tremble; used only in some adverbial forms, and commonly in connection with cq$, as ~o5So5 o$oo, to shake tremulously; Goo8:ognSa lcggoo7 0cQ0o oSoooSo9i S, v. to be firm, strong, durable, Foe,.oogI g g@oo(c Der. -o %S$oog~goRo8cg$.cocoioIq2, [to be capable of carrying as a boat, cart, horse, &c., e.g., oOGL9crooc)Scoo58ol1 -— ogS, v. to be firm in mind, persevering (of infrequent use) 38 .298 q8,v.; see the parts. -. Pron. S v.; see qS, to be valid, as a legal instrument; also applied to wearing apparel, e.g., q8*&JCG 0q4'1 c~j[9GooMcoe~, as this man is given to sharp-practice, if you draw up an agreement with him, it would be better that you should do so validly on stamp-paper. -Qo, v. to be firm in mind, unmoved, obstinate; zup~c~8o8 ~0 -4~j v.; see the parts; to be_~ substantially wealthy; co&Rm cOC8.P-4o5ij6o-jcOSo&CpCSM crcioqo 8~ (Pron. o*'CO8) Q(Culv~ll ~8i, 1 v. to employ about some business, commission, order; Goq8,co ooioq8* =ozS @Oo~o~3G:8 -,.;see the parts (seldom used). v. to employ at a distance; az@O~~)A~SCob 01 S2, v. to liken; comp. ~qSzoeon v. same; hence oE6toQ&,, adv. disrespectfully; c036 o8:coloozq8-. 6.G~3o~ooopo~eu '3,oor 8 coo, ccS q80 3 to put the helm to starboard; comp. oo5,) to put the helm to port; cooS h8ocpo, put the helm to starboard. q v. to steal. Der. oqqgii.08,v. to carry on a clandestine adulterous intercourse (infrequent); ~~8S ~ ~...GOz,68o&qc, adv., surreptitiously, thievingly, purloiningly (in colloquial ~miOD5-8 is very frequently used); a~e oi-.-B-oqo9c~odoe~(oioooo 3GOGO8d5 @,n. the crime or punishment of theft. - 9, x. theft; Ga; O~ G W~ oo 40Ssn. stolen property; o&B9qO00OG354, c;i~tcxS 1008:.aeqc~O~~ same. -ma:t, ti. a thief. on. a thief; C~oo~I qj(from o~, to. fall), v. to throw down, to put down, to bring down from, a situation, to assign. a Iplace, put in proper pace, G4,Pvo%; to teach, give instruction in writing or books, oojx6; to sift, CDW~oo [Note.-In some " 299 instances q is equival nt to m@ go,c cogaboocsa5 g9oZQ*co*50" c)@~c4q scjc,~Tj0o-1, find quarters for my men (lit. assign a place for my men); 9oooj j5)3Q6 1o@ S coT9r:qeicoe, when there is a mistake committed, he (or they) lay the blame altogether upon me. q, v.;see under ~ i and p 2, to leave out, omit (in writing); --— coT, v. to summon authoritatively; ooTjoox3 0-o0, v.; see the parts. - n,. land bestowed by the king. It became the property of the recipient and heritable only if it was so set forth in the royal order. ioS, i, n. the navel. -, n. the funis, navel string. - c80, n. a prominent navel; wcoGsco pcoSgo oqoSqjoSjc8:i, - Q, n. a concave one, see also nacqSoii - U, n. a birth-place, i.e., the place where the navel string was buried; cho8q6S&S Rsl i, n. same; Gj@56,d g9to o fo1. Danubyu is my native place, lit. where my navel string was buried was Danubyu. qoS, 2, v. to cook, prepare by fire; ooeoors, Goo ~4) coooe~8 GODOGODS~11 0008-(D83(32 C~ 3 R 00 OM e~~q t8G 00 GO;~OSCO: ol01440qo51 macorSo5, to manufacture liquor. - Go aSc, n. paste, in imitation of precious stone. *oaq8- (qj5o8i) (from agoS, a mark), adv. instantly, immediately, at the moment, ogsa3"rSoI) 8 o oS_ I (~n148 ), 3nolca80oc/ Syg so~!oarasqo( 0 a, by your not going when I told you "go immediately," you have been overtaken by the flood-tide. 9o59q, v. to be clever, able to perform with skill and address beyond one's age; applic ble to children. Hence the saying goSo64@:n9 q:ooogO cooaeii com~aQocorcooS qo~jp oae, this child is intellig nt beyond his years, i.e., precocious (q94c4i4P oose~i) q8, v. to wish, desire, to have a tendency to (inclination for); not used as a principal verb, but as a qual. affix. optative; jaBSGgU x0, I wish to sleep; TkBoiozj8oo, I wish to go; e5.& xq8co6, it is inclined to rain (lit. the sky wishes to rain). 300 ~5 c8 @8:, n. desire; Sq8s, a strong desire, oa003? 4E@8:g, to have " longings " for particular kinds of food as women when enceinte; 8:cpso:8~ooqS@8:@3co3 n -- o: (j8ctg), v. to have the edge of the appetite taken off, to be tolerably satisfied; ooSoooxc oollo qrE84s ol o4, I have not had enough to eat, the edge of my appetite is only just taken off. 89qS (o4) (pron. jin jin), adv. clinkingly, chinkingly. GESq:, n. the Abrusprecatorius; gE0s:, the seed of the said tree used as a weight, six of which make a p~ ()) and eight a great p6 (f:); comp. gQ[S:@s:n ooq&8zIon.oSo@ OO SG g[ ~ScOOgs8:8o8 3800SoO C30)oG C00GO3Ssoo00 08coo (c=o), (so written uniformly by the Burmese; comp. @8so), n. a lion; o~P(ooococooqic8cacaooeaSG-o.s3:GO~ qJSGC (@Go) 4:, of noble lions it is said these four races are-the Kala, Pandu, Tena, and Kethara. [Note.-The Burmese say that the Tena lion eats grass and resembles a speckled cow in appearance; (2) that the Kala lion eats o68: (which is evidently an elegant way of saying he is carnivorous) and resembles a black cow; (3) that the Pandu lion is like a sere and yellow leaf in colour, and is also carnivorous; and that (4) the Kethara or Ketharaza, " the king of wild beasts," also eats flesh, its Smouth and tip of its tail are red, from its head proceed three tawny lines down its back, and that its mane and -rinstles, which cover its body "like a Chinese carpet," are worth a lakh of rupees; 8coo06o00 (pron..8c.065oo0), to retreat from combat fearlessly. j8: (pron. q8:), i, n. the ginger plant or root. — g — o5, n. dried ginger. - 88:, n. green ginger. qg8, 2, n. a Chyin, one of the race of Chyins. "The greatest "peculiarity of the Chyin tribe is the practice of tattooing "the faces of their women when young. They can afford "no satisfactory reason for this custom. Among the many "tribes which inhabit Burma and the bordering regions, "it is the Chyins who most resemble the Burmans in lan"guage and physical features; a Chyin dressed in the "fashion of a Burmancannot be distinguished from the " latter. The Burmans call the Arakanese their elder, the " Chyins their younger brother; there are but slight dialec 91:0 301 " tical differences in the languages of the first two; but the "Chyin idiom shows sufficient divergences from the Bur"mese to be classed as a separate and distinct language, "though the roots are in the main in both the same and "their syntactical arrangement identical."-Forchhammer, QJ:o4g ogo0S e 00q:oc oDS0OD- X03@ SRoir q8&, 3 (from ozjg8, a coi panion) (fron. q86), pronoun you, mas. or fer., used in judicial language; 6i:c., same as GooSo08:g, though not so elegant. It is, moreover, more antiquated. qS:, 4, a. single one, but chiefly used as an adj., single, one only, or as a verbal formative; see Grammar (the particle q8: single, one only, limits the time to the continuance of the action expressed, as bsoosgt;8sooo~, he died as soon as he ate it, i.e., instantly, without an interval. —udson's Grammar, p. 41). 0ofj5o0SoT9 ol0#ooSooeSjS;i9 oo& ogo:qol cog, I was obliged to leave the house (lit. descend from the house) with only the ploth I was wearing round my waist; X3(35(8 3sGcoas^~Sg0^lo3^^gqoqt1n GOo603gag oprsUoS^ $ o3!oGooo oo= 10oooo30005 eog~ ooSoloog, this shikkarri is plucky enough, for when he goes into the jungle tigershooting, he goes quite alone; ooGsggcoSooopol8c c0 0o 3c SGoogGcooo S, in one single day (or in the selfsame day) over 30 persons, who were attacked with cholera, died. 0):, 5, to bore, pierce, penetrate, go through, g8:o. (obsolete), the passage of a smaller heavenly body across the disc of a larger. Der. aq8o and ooSq;8: (co.sGooooSo coaS3qjs &:s, the transit of Venus across the moon?) q8:, 6, qualifying verb. a]ffx (combined with c~n8(s8), until; see Grammar. oo o IepoSeqGoooSoooo 1oooSGolio q8s, 7, closing verbal afix, commonly expressive of regret; @89 GGCOq8og, it is so, alas! o9gCOqoJ, alas! that he should have gone; qco;Ss, alas! that I should have encountered it (i.e., when alluding to some disaster or calamity in any shape or form). 8s, 8 (sojsqjS), adv. one another, mutually; o~fCqi8ooo&9c& ooc38068oog, as they do not get on with one another, each one lives in a house of his own; cq68:, between man and man. [Note.-This word is very frequently used in colloquial]; aGs@ o 8S35o ao$o, even their respective ways of speaking are very different. ~:q98s, adv. intensive, used with words of redness, a, g8:8qs, flaring red (?) g8:o28: (@S), the Chyindwin river, which enters the Irrawaddy at the great bend between Pagan and Ava near Myingyan. [Classic name " Thanlawaddi "; coMoo8 GjQ8. c Gn 11 r Goqwg q c p8 co:00 caGooSocq5 r:)o 6oS5qj:)%oeg6S G>oogQooj@8 j] q8, I, v. to love, have affection for, esteem; ~oSa~oe~u g 8co5 ogngo8n:xop; comp. Wo5 and Q8 (q8&i:c4:nO:coO:coO). i86:o&aOaoOSQIaSOW8 -Qcq3c0q46ooe, he loves his wife; 009oo0409:, dear little daughter thit I am never tired of loving; o q8o0o5coe GmanaSoogso o4 gooSc&o(o8 coo54, though one may not love, one shoutd give a suppressed kiss (lit. inhalation), and though one may not kiss, one should draw one's breath. [Note.-This proverb means that one should sacrifice one's own feelings to one's interests, when it is necessary to do so.] - _S8, -COB*, -oops, v.; see the parts. — ac-, ~v. to love, as lovers of different sexes; oqCq8&SO@ caeo~="c,, according. to the love they bear one another, or according as they love one another. -Wo.., v.; see q2, 2, v. to be burnt, as food in cooking; more than oznit [Note. -Applied to particles of food adhering to cooking utensils, not to food that has been prepared for eating; cn&0 4:q8ncaga oz:q0a]. -— q6Goo:D8r0Emo, v. to be scorchingly hot (applied to the heat of the sun), e.g., sb66c &0 s8& 8joop, the sun is scorchingly hot. (The iron floor os5: in hell is described as js6c360aY3 Q, v. to tie, bind, fasten by tying; G o'p8pi& JooES, to confer (a title, 6.~qo% ); 00;10 aW q8rOo 9 ~-60:qso: 01 - oe~ (see o v), v. to tie loosely, or for a little while; czS r-ol 8r.4ow): oeMO@ kq% coo oc. oSO sp ~oogegooe~-~o:): cW ----- n. a mooring post, oQqjoqS8; a post for tying cattle to, 1Cg 6q&u oeMjo8; ocpa rSc8iA 409 g0roiCcoao, he stole the boat from the mooring post at the landing place. — r63 o, see I&; OgS Q'08 gXG39)@ coo5 Go)S+.o5mo ge~~j) 8Cj 00) 0 02~11 ~g 303 : (from a33g), adv. only, nothing but; 308, only thus far; sao,6coo;oeccl G~o9ooqp, I do nothing else but keep telling you this; ooeoSQr grosooe,T he (or she) does nothing else but look in this direction (lit. this side, Gqo(9@cGcGP1oc G (IG da 3g). 9), v. to be sour, acid, to taste unpleasant, as the mouth. -- 88, v. to steep in an acid liquor for any purpose; ooA8 Reoooqoo 0sc&,ogao) o wo8ascQ:o C d coo?^rqoog@-Q9Su 8,3jq8go~o9~:3ogW, Talaings, Burmans and Karins (lit. the Talaing, Burman and Karin races) steep mango and marian fruits in a pot with salt and water in order to make them acid. With refeience to speech it is used in the followininig sense: omog4:qg88g G@}ooSwgS, he is accustomed to speak in an "acid-steeping manner." This means that a person takes as long a time to speak his mind as it takes to make acidulated preserves. Is also applicable to a person dawdling over anything he has to do. -- oo30, n. relishable food, acid and salt (clerical). -- oa3, v. to seek the said food; 8o1alqquooo. g ooo53. Goo091 o3)cpao8c coaGCooo, the Yathay Dipanara came to the city of Ben res in order to seek for comestibles and salt. [N.B.-qzgoo: can scarcely be called a " clerical" expression, since it is only, strictly speaking, applicable to the C1GO class, i.e., ascetics.] -- oog, -co&, v. to pickle, to steep in pickle. -— Golo, v. to turn sour; oSbooQM oo q00:) oag e2;coo.qoj - ooS, n. a pickle, condiment; comp. oo3oS -- oogc, v.; see qigoo&D -— qc, n. pickle, pickled liquor; 1gculS (os) (pron. 9 GoS3), n. the roselle plant. " The red sorrel of the West " Indies is very widely diffused, and its red sour calyx " makes a fine-flavoured jelly and preserve which is a good " substitute for cranberries."-Mason's Burma, p. 456. S,*jg (from q@, to be sour), a. sourish; sooooqoSBsa8Sooaq o~co3C5oin(ig 9 g oo=: C oo3ccS., the wild mango is not so acid as the cultivated kind; it is only sourish. qgs, i, v. to approach, draw near, to be reconciled, as husband and wife after a temporary divorce (@$qwjs); 1:[63 d0~3 304 q6: qg:0ol, draw near to my side; aoo8o; g of oo.0oo0):8:qgtoS, v. same, but nearer than 5g:; used alone. qg:, 2 (friom o g:, to be narrow), v. to make narrow, to bring into narrow compass, contract, draw together; qg:u coo5 Gro5o36 Ng8 6OG@o6 qgsaoScg:coSol;i coo8S:o eosoaotaocg$:soag~oSoScsogso.o1l, the mouth of your bowl is too broad; contract the rim. q$, v. to leave, let remain, set aside; @8:obg S8qGV;6o8o8Y3 Gco:d.oosopl$g~oo:o1l, daughter, dear, keep some food for your little brother. - @8&, v. same; o@8ooCoo&ooSq$.:ooouol1, leave me for one behind, or let me for one remain, or put me, for one, aside. - c98, v. same~ j86, i, n. an oval betel-box used by royal personages; 918oo0 qS, 2, v. to mark, observe, bear in mind, as jbSo: ()oG4) q868, same as #o5:9o8ioocoSS8, to take mental note of, to remember, recall to memory, call to mind; QoooGPoGoooo o cq ooc853M8oxoos, do you call to mind the words I spoke yesterday? q8, 3, to be flat and thin; not used assertively; to insert a flat thin thing between two surfaces, to introduce parenthetically, ooo3:s5?oae. Der. as8 and oooj.Pj, a coat of mail; cogg,&e goGoSsqG3SGoo9DISooo-coSol, in order that the private birth-register may not be lost, insert it in the (mat) wall; ~coo oTscoooSsoo(o qooao:3r.o61 'q8~c@:oo6SooeSii — C08, n. a hair comb (qo58:~, pron. as spelt). 98, 4, v. to subside, dry up as a swelling or sore, or as milk in the breast, to be reduced as a swelling (?) sOpGooSocoS&s.@oow:, has the sore dried up pretty well? --, v. same reduplicated and used adverbially; ojk8&0: qS:, v. to be cool, cold; more than oi' cDsooQc`uaiSaoqnc8co8 igSoooSw:eaolo$ on'S$:ooga, in England it is so cold in the winter time as to be unendurable. -- c, v. same. -— g, v. to be easy, comfortable, happy; 8oo8:sGoog: 0 GoocG@o~gc58qsgco^oqcg^sGgoog, owing to my having 305 heard goodl news, my mind is in a comfortable, happy state. l s&ooo, v. same; n. ease, rest, happiness; oqo, to be in comfortable circumstances, to be well off; oo=^, 1sogc00 Ss ooooe, this rich man (merchant) is in very comfortable circumstances. --— oooo, v. to relievi, to excuse the performance of some duty or engagement; particularly applied to the remission of a penalty, to pardon; is occasionally used interchangeably with oco, to acquit of a criminal charge; gnr %8oo cpqooozSooa]sooo0soo, in this case the accused is for this once acquitted, lit. pardoned. qc6, v. to variegate, diversify by painting or sculpture; to be flowery in style; oorcSccaoopS, to be polished and concise in language; o3CS^oo5Sa o: oGZoGto.6 i ego - coo5, -c965, v. same; oocS3 9SOg oSGoooc( oc003!a 3pCgjoq5So6oLo5c z'300r G00 3oo' g39Eo OPS qo, v. to be a point of union to several; to be exceeding, extraordinary, in the sense used chiefly in the clauses go CoaSmS)l8p (or Gp). Der. -ao and 5pii ooSgcg-5 Soo'ploe, ^~o'n-3~3 Sogoqoo^ oG^GEcp, he has such ability in speaking Shan, as to be quite extraordinary! -- 8 (Go98), v. same, 1st def. %qDo, adv. intensive, used with words of turning round, ap-, pears to have the meaning of round and round. -- ce, v. to turn round and round; caoOo:'8g:3 0S j: g o coxgo), carriage and cart wheels turn round and round. gno, n. a swift, a machine to wind thread from; @goSaojoc;s, the swift for winding thread from (ogo5 literally means to put into a small aperture). v, v. to endure, hold out, be capable of enduring; used only in the negative; hence ooo00, adv. beyond bearing, and oue: 5nllo0 Sa03Ca S:)0030S01 8gooC533S Sqg-caDe CSoGi oS o0:ou, owing to the feeling of love (they had for him), the father and mother vere overwhelmingly distressed when their young son died. ---, v. same, used only in the negative; o?a Sa piou ooao UcqSo o.o2c,&3Sol8oge, it was on account of your behaving in an unbearable manner that I unfortunately abused you, sir. 39 4o5, v. to hook, catch, catch with a hook, clasp, to catch in conversation, ooo0:0]o000; comp. coo8: and 85, n. a hook, catch, clasp, to make a preliminary verbal agreement in matters connected with buying and selling, marriage, &c., to bespeak; o oomssa %3wooaq s sO5ooS. 0o aoqj0?[5ZoG! 3olGOI o8 ooojo5~C s CocnS coSg: 00o0305o9: 6 ooSQc8so ooo gj8 o o 0 3 US IIoo3oeg~oS OGOOO ---— cq$oSq$, n. goods bought and sold by weight (chn6cl8S cosa:uooa oo: 5,c90oo&:csiGoo:co8, &c.). --— oos, v. to join the ends of boards by interlocking, to link subjects together in discourse, same as 4o5, last definition; Gcqp:o0o33 cGoGScqS q~pS Cqp:woco8g;qoooS o0:.oZRaoS scpo&cooSGmo5 ooSCoB cS8 s@o0Souoo 8Qoosgnoo;oSooo5@ -j : (O), v.; see the parts. $, v. to weigh, to plumb, to level, as a gun or cannon (co6oS o38 Sougu=SGS@oo oo.I ), or an instrument to ascertain the relative height of a distant object, to weigh in the mind; 8o0&S oo3g, a balance or pair of scales; a plumb and line. --— cS, n. a plumb line. --—, v. to drop a plumb line. — S-, n. a balance or pair of scales. - 98Aso, n. a scale, one of the cups of a balance. — 88G1d8, n. the yard or beam of a balance. -- g88o18:, n. the handle of a balance. — j89c (in colloquial very often called q$95'8 ), n. the tongue of the beam; q$g8cgo (or,o) GgoSs, a vacillating way of speaking. --— 8ogpeoqG., v. to be, in conjunction with m3ooo5, middle aged, in conjunction with ccpol, to be in a critical condition, as a person's life hanging in the balance. -— oS, v. to make equal in weight, to counterpoise. --— o00 o, n. a level, or instrument used in levelling. — coS, v.; see q$n -— ocq, n. a weight used as a plumb [a plumb bob].: ---o~, n. a load or cargo estimated by weight. --- oo:, n. the weight of a body ascertained by the balance, SOON 4* 907 ~$os, n. a plumb or plummet. v i, v. to be many, numerous, qo:; chiefly used in some adverbial form (qoocrASoo9Ssccpc). v$, v. to appoint, fix, set (a time), to consult and come to some determination, to make an appointment, fix a date; qo5$:gooe, to fix a date; waqcooc~c~ oooo~ n --- oa, v. same (most common); oeoo~x.s3o5rc685c~o5oSo a$:qoS6GooG6 33 so:)0ol, it is not settled which day is to be fixed for consecrating the thein. S, v. affix, a combination of GS and a6,i o-r og.GCogo$o&8 c~o5ho^, he sent him in order that he might go. Sv. to lift, raise, take up, @oopS; o0oo, to march as troops; o8joS~, to begin, make a beginning; applied to language and music; cqoS:coroc Soo5oocos 0oo33S8 GooSoogg dq c@oaw~, Kyaungtaga U Wet Kalay, in the house in which the funeral ceremonies took place (lit. funeral house), commenced by relating the history of (prince) Temi; wa 9q56o}I qo6 y^916, if you should tell me that I should commence to relate (the matter) from the beginning. -- ls, v. to introduce musically; to introduce in a conciliatory, persuasive style (rare). — @ v.; see 1, Ist def.; to be proud, stuck-up (vide coS). -- GcT, v. to project, be elevated; applied also to language. Der. 33q33GcTI 3oqooegSo 33ooSoS @oo3cSGcog0: oOmos G~o oog90SoaogjGcToogu -— B5:, v.; see the parts. -— oS, v.; see I. -., v.; see the parts; S0o o:ooo.:cSisccSec oo^8 oSo os oooSoog, Shan women are in the habit of carrying their young children pick-a-back. v, v. to assist, relieve, raise up (from a low estate), promote, exalt. Der. o,4: (to preface with an exordium); igoSct oCooSo, oo 0oS, being about to relate the history of the Buddhs, he prefaces it with an exordium. --— 8, v. same; c88o00oq:Go:G00oG@3 s:o8,o.S0 -— g-s, v. to praise, applaud. " ---, -. ---3oS, v. to promote, exalt; 89q33too'o:o: o cdr:os:mol[gcoS@oo(, the four princes praised Widuya for the way in which he decided the law; oaoso og08 0 aqqp3oo 3XooSo35og85 8460orao V~gdoSoo, he exalt'ed his 3o8 at son by initiating him in the religion of the most excellent Buddh. (This is a phrase which constantly occurs in petitions requesting permission to hold a 51@). q8, v. to sew, sew up, secure by sewing, to confine, bind, secure, shut up, cut off, terminate; applied variously, to constriction of the bowels (oS:soo, or more elegant o1o588.Sg), imprisonment, binding by a written engagement, shutting in, as evening (vuS5s[), impeding passage or communication, to be delayed on a journey (o:g85), termination of life (8 q|D 8oog), to control, have in subjection, rule, govern, have dominion over; aSoopS, oc:q cogS, gSqpooao Der, sain 18,scQ3: szjc~ q 8~ccp8: odoo cog; gz8oopc!oococc1:laScq:Goo: o^oqo06oo%, he bound himself (in writing) that he would give 5 per cent. a month interest; co 5?ooog. oscooo5~ojg So, owing to the provisions being insufficient on the road, the journey was delayed. -- ao (qSo0), v. same, last definition; o oc8ooo000goo 00S iggUSo3g3ggO, %g~S3G@35ll '~083C~oT~[5go 0o0getl -— o, n. the narrow edges of clcth, inside of a seam; w3a aog8oaSco5og SosolG02G000Solsug33SlaogSco5oog3 -— o: (see cog), v. to restrain, keep in cheek, hold in control; conoc)86Soo:83c, he suppresses or restrains his anger. — O-o, v. to place in confinement, keep in custody; oc0s0 og 86oosusoo 3, a case of illegal confinement. -—, t. a seam. --— So3, n. a tailor; =t8cos:, m335cjgn q8g8, adv. moderately; applied to words of warmth (obsolete); Gq ~^gosaGG ocookGu oo5a<^gom1jql5o ooC^ G03oi 91i (), v. to cover, overspread, as with a cloth or clothes, to be entire, as qtS800, to have the entire control of; 0 M00000008 j GWcoN5f cfQ~.i sog. ao3co&6o1, those two " young men of the period " cover their shoulders with their puhsoes in going to the pw; I do not think that they can be townsfolk; o@oGosoecooso-go 8q (~5og n — oog~ooga-ooS, n. a blanket,itooSascoii --—, v. same (infrequent). gi (from cLi, to be contracted), v. to contract, draw into a narrow compass; qsoog, to close up, as scattered; 98i:G0 oo.s GSo.oGgo., ^O8<an5<C^ o5 e ^ 309 i vt, v. same, ist def.; o8j@:838o zocs ooj$(oq 3@8 4gsiG3o84jqo~ jgoe~, in order that his troops might seem few to the view of the enemy (lit. enemy on the other side), the general marched them in close order. g[S, v. to pine away, become exhausted in flesh and strength; o-/,co-oo, comp. cii Gnmomooo&*=54ooco O [ qi., I, n. a jungle, a small bell. ----, n. a collar of said bell; z0:co oSs^co8l0o:)ooS[ 11[, 2, v. to twist off (fruit, leaves, &c.) with a forked pole (oq011), to extract (urine or faeces) with an instrument, So 91d ogq|| 8.,8 he stretched forth and took it with a diamond (o51\[), that is, " he stole it," a slang expression affected by boat thieves in the locality of Yandoon, Samalauk, Kattiya (Lower Burma); a 85o0qllt is a bamboo with an iron hook at the end by which things are abstracted from boats when the distance is too great to admit of a thief making use of his hands]; oSqt(ooe, to extract faeces; 68:911[|oa, to draw off urine (as with a catheter); cu8oo8:jogg o^oo co(oc88ou, he will clear you out of all your property. qjit (~), n. a sort of mermaid, qtt-[ (one kind of (qoq).. —A, -o0oo, -'o4), -c83, -GOoI, n. sundry ornaments made to represent the fabled decorations of a chyoo (mermaid). --- o1:co:8:, n. a kind of ear ornament. --- 8, n. an image of said mermaid placed at the prow of a vessel as a protection [against belus (0803c)], the figurehead of a vessel or of a royal barge. [Note.-It is said that the difference between a yqio and a rGo is that the latter has the hair down the back and the former has not.] i, I (from cql, to be rubbed out, &c.), v. to rub out, erase, cancel, to reply to, refute, to satisfy (the mind); oc5,gGo: 0^$ cue ~,I 3 O S~GpOO 03GO083sOS9 8~2G00339Z 8go @-:,Sgoo5q Go 1SoS 5 o~Sc )oo., he first rubbed the old writing over with charcoal and then erased it with the leaves of the roselle and the pegyi; joqgSoo:,coooogc53Goo5Scg8:9os q,og, although I think of the loss of my son with sorrow, I am obliged to try and obliterate the fact from my mind; ac'q:TrjqGJoooSoogPS 0. 10;refutie ( a) e.-o 8~cp:, v. same, 2nlddef.; cxq(;qwLQ 2. (ff or~'j2), v. to. sneeze. _.cjv.. same. o~,verb. afix, sometimes alternative, see Qrammar; ooocqS 09) 320**GQioQ9J OR0.Gq-iGpI COSGqO ~Go).A rCUQ:38$~ *~ aC)eOi cgq., x, n. the Tavoy redwood, the tree w1~i~ch produces a marking-nut; (;joz~ii -B)n. the marking-nut; Gq.c+8.- (Tavoy). (;V4, 2 (prom. J:, from sprgss), n. the excrement of animals, fwces, ordure; 9Sf.-, ooS, o5-,v..Ot)z. chyme. -Q~-,n. a kind of~beetle.'.-k, nl.; see Gi-.31sU — dv. to evacuate the intestines;. (vulgar)oaa aS: a~o-,_IO@ OI20 qcsc~oagn [in Upper Burma c6 cC 00O~p] o,3,v. to borrow or lend, to hire or let; the article, in either case, to be returned not the same, but in kin *d; comp. go-; oajGQOCx5c-a 08 GCOSago0180:~0- lend me (about) Rs. 10, please, sir. -S*,v. same. cqsqr;ico:a, n. the Arakanese name for o~~,the longarmed ape. naoS. the leopard cat (local). 41x(from oqoS, to be wide), v. to widen, make wide or broad, spread, open to a greater extent; coooo~N83e~:oor@8.4R~~~ owing to the taun~gya being of small dimensions, he extended it by clearing the jungle; lit. j65 means to hew', but as hewing down trees, &c., is synonymous with clearing a jungle, the word clearing seems admissible.. -o8,v same; oa:8o,,-Go~oc~o&, he is in the habit of expatiating when- speaking. 2,or-on. v. to be weak, infirm, debilitated; qcooolsjoS ~ z~,he remains in an infirm, 'helpless state, owing to, his having chronic rfheumatism. i. eage;p, An0 3;, S(proyn..q), adv. tremblingly in mind, from sudden passion., ---o;, v. to quiver with passion or strong mental excitement, as when grudging to give a thing, as in the phrase fiCgo c O'cqR~400 Io qgo (ec gD) 08~qoCs3 ps o~ JoSc8s me33zSooS oqog, he remains quivering with rage because buffaloes and bullocks have entered his garden and damaged it. cgp, I, n. conveyance by stages. -— coooo, v. to take in charge at a new stage. --, v. to conduct, convey by stages.. —.qoo000 (G6oqoco), n. a Post office peon; 8:cqoo$:c or briefly Mg68S?iGoJo., &c., a horse, carriage, &c., employed in conveying by stages; ooqg:GooonocpoS Go3336oSgC08-0oom3O 3o~gq, in order that the man now sent may arrive quickly, you must convey him )by stages (lit. stage by stage). cjo, 2, v. to be smooth, fine, nice, handsome; oogS8:oszo% -- oS, v. to be smooth and fine in substance; oax: o33002 oamo2$ gooScoao, the texture of this puhso is fine (and delicate); oo:,qSoooooosS ootg oo.5O0G333O000~@S o\ S, the grain of the wood of which this dining table is made is very fine and even. -Go6o, v.; see Go, G@'Soo311 ---, v. to be clear of jungle, weeds, as a garden, i.e., have a well kept appearance (cjoao 0oo00). " ---1, — G, -goS, v. to be very smooth, fine, &c.; oooe8eo 9 9o:cqousoaS oo&oS oScooS, this carriage goes in so smooth and gliding a manner (i.e., without jolting, &c.). --— c86, v. to be sleek. r93, 3, v. to be slippery, to slip along, slide; comp. GqSoo5g ocoTxos aocmo13 3w3gcoo oq63zGe 3 =66O8 %1 --—, v.; see the parts; GcoGoT1ogooeooeqcolCsooBioogog G6+oo, I do not know what it is that has fallen down my back, it has a slimy feeling. c-g, 4, v. to excite a quarrel, instigate, provoke, i:Qpcoj; not used singly (by malicious and mischievous representations). ,9poo3,. —cs, — g, v. same (cooos, pron. ciooho'goo); oS8qeogocS189$5gS aqdno8$9600ox Mooi 33ol3oyoqQa&O68b~ SoousgooScos4l~.6{olo CogloGQ,e^ocoG, because it was not proper to act in concert with him, and it was not easy to conceal the offence when he was really my lord's enemy, are the reasons of my enforced address to your majesty, said he, inciting the king to quarrel by malicious and mischievous representations. coqCS (pron. cqpoS), n. a chasm, gulf, abyss (not artificial). CgooSqos (from?), v. to be shaken, agitated, perturbed; o6@o oooS!oto,ogatscouG6ooSqoc,, to have the nervous sys. tem deranged, oooSGcor5S1s, either from the effects of illness, great grief, or sudden fright. " c8S, i (sometimes called cSo3Sq: and cg8ooqoS), n. a kind of cylindrical basket used by Karins and Palaungs, smaller than G ScgoSgQ:, see also cooSfJosI6:qG, used for drawing water in some parts of Northern Upper Burma. c>p8, 2, n. a pot with a perforated bottom, used to bake by steam. c3o8, 3, v. to be loose, not tight; ooN, to be lean, thin; less than (, to be out of condition, and 8~, to be out of the way; Gozlco3, to be removed from observation of one's superiors; oCaSTqai 5 coosc %-O ogM6 o13.o,300 3^5 (o8s) 3 a.>3^33d^ 3 aQ~8G6 - q (pron. 1qocq3), v. to be out of the way; (oS@8:o3co5o 3s3gosooGoGSoXoS6 3a00:Soo6C0Ya c^ocolqo owing to the frequent visits (lit. going and coming) of steamers, Mergui is not so out of the way as formerly. --— o 8c SqS, adv. a little loose; o c I cspa spSG0co& oiz6s, 1, n. a large brook, rivulet, tributary stream. ---— o, n. a creek ending in a cul-de-sac; ccoScoBoq 38,cp n ---— Gos, n. streams and channels; oso:c3@.ca, g3E go8: r Go@614jco0:, fishery lessees, are your streams and channels in a satisfactory state? "aojps, 2, v. to peep, look slyly, pry into (as an eavesdropper); the action of a tiger watching its prey just before making the fatal spring would be perhaps best defined by cpo8s cqo05 313 [the Burmese use this word in the sense of a man lying in wait for an enemy to; kill him or do him grievous bodily harm]; OSm^o0 scnE:ou ooos:.8So0o i go68s@, v. to look slyly through a crevice, to peep at with close inspection or impertinent curiosity, s3ogaSS6G boroo(q oqgoog(scGsagoq6s~4@^cpog63coatgcoHe ---- Go8, v. same; 8S333;ogsdOc s G0O6208 3oC53G g @) oSs cqO8OCGSqj (s~836 S), or coozGoSi -.o (oGo5o8:G@o08s) adv. ascendingly, as smoke, vapour, &c.; figuratively applied to strong passion; ccobovl GOOD:,I GJ 8Zo $ ~U S:Go: (cgoSc 00e~ &Bcfc&, o q'- 8 oO2&q.) GC9o3 c~oJ8 (.c~8: G:35S) o033 Sx GQj, v. to pacify, coax, wheedle; og:cs osoItol, coax and ask that man; 3mo0o0o: O0o6%53 G?ol1, coax the child in order to make it stop crying. ----, v. same. cqjS, i, n. the dross of metal. Proverb QoooScqlSod5zG~d coo:, could dross exist without knowing the peculiar characteristics of gum-lac? [Note.-This expression is used by the Burmese when they wish to say that any particularly cunning individualis a match for another.] 2j5, 2, v. to slip, slide off, lose footing, to go aside, err, to be barren or jejune, as an ill-concerted plan or design, backslide; ^coagioSo2S-6oe, to deride, treat derisively; in this sense not used assertively; q(c.Soo5S, to glance off as a bullet and strike some object other than that intended. 1coG4\GpGS.oa)3 looSjg ccqSgcbood, when Maung Pyu was walking on the road, his foot slipped and he fell down; SoooScq86c6cpG S~c~cao3, when the musket was fired at the post, it (the bullet understood) glanced off and struck Nga M6. -- ooSocoS, adv. same; oj 99lS oQos,oqps ooQ:s1oi3sc: 0ooc33)c o8zaaqScoSGooS~5 oe, in the year 1244, owing to the price of ngapi being low (lit, not good), the " damin thugyi's " calculations were upset. ScM15oS (from?), v. to rake the bottom of a river in order to remove snags and other obstructions. [Note.-This appears to be used now in the sense of a boat, ship, or steamer striking a snag, &c., though seen, the impetus of the vessel through the water rendering contact unavoidable, 40 giving the idea of sliding on to an obstruction, snag, &c.; co3oIsRS.GSg cgo58cSo, slided on to and struck the snag.] 4, v. to be sweet, as sugar, to be fresh, as water, that is not salt; to be pleasant, as the voice or countenance (3ao5 a6g, oeoos;Joog), to act with apparent forbearance towards a person whom one ultimately intends to punish or get punished, because the present time is not opportune for action, Q]sc5oo~,u [RoS has a similar meaning]; to be cool, as the sun, to abate, as the violence of the wind (after a storm); G coog;co@, to be moderate, as the price of anything; 8ooo oozi ooA3 q3 9;a &cqoocooo. Gsceoocoos, is the water sweet or salt in this place (or locality)? gqoooS ooosG@ooooo-B, this person is sweet of speech, or doq cooS6poS,o, this person is very sweet-mouthed, i.e., sweet of speech; ooo n oooop8s ocp 9 @c: cooi R Oa2o~3j ~, " hay thugyi, the wind has lulled, let us go." — c, -a8, -q, -), -ooo, v.; see the respective roots. — @-o, v. to be excessively sweet (oS8s@8:,nooe); cocSoS Q&oSZX, jaggery is excessively sweet. oS, 1, (oS), see I v goS, 2, (,-5), v. to relish, enjoy; not used as a verb. Der..S so5 (;oSlOS), adv. relishingly; applied to eating with a zest and to sleeping soundly; not used unless preceded by k6 or followed by (]o5 — go5, @gS, adv. same; o x5x885~ o"5oo o6q5oS, last night I had a deliciously sound sleep; como 8opSooe. 3oo33 000 oSdS @oSo5 ( cBS o@o5@(S ) Igoog. it is only now that I enjoy the food 1 eat with relish ( OSgog8:, zest). 48, v. to lop, cut off (limbs from a tree), one kind of ioS; CoSc48:S 186 c0S, lop off the branch of the tree, (the word q seems to be used for the sake of euphony); 0ow8 c14d6 cYo5gGooo, I have "done" for your man; literally " I have 'lopped' your man." The Burmese use this expression with reference to individuals when they wish to show off their power of being able to do injury to another.) co$ goSBS L4 315 v, v. to be concave, as a spot of ground; n. a concave spot of ground, a valley; ooSoo.zcocSGo18j9lS 4G, this dining table is depressed in the centre. -- 95t, v.; see 98:, to be joyful, happy in mind; o8:ooeaC89 G8cq8:9 jcots. [The use of 18:95: with reference to the state of a person's mind is sanctioned by good usage, but very seldom met with in everyday conversation. It has the force of qGSGc., but is not so elegant]. 48:, i, v.; see 61 48c, 2 (pron. (&), n. the armpit; cooSroi,ooSo8A., 033a608C 8: 9 5~,ooo8ozaq8mco 03ol 0~11 -- c8 (pron. jyne kalee), -o8:, n. same.. --- —oo5, n. a crutch. -- G2:, n. the hair under the armpits. 0o~9 () [pron. 4[o: (4i)], n. a kind of confectionery, one of the chief ingredient~ of which is jaggery. v,. to be defective, wanting, incomplete; o0oco,0 to be blemished, marred. - 0, v1. same; )o -o o oD, this man is deficient in learning; o8.: o i ooc-o:0o009 ooo56o6o0 oroaSmcoo ~oOgp qcogo90o c3c~GOGOcoo8^ co~olGO, it is only owing to Ma Phyu having a defect in one of her eyes, or else one could say with propriety that she was a very handsome woman. S (from 4, to be sweet), z. slightly sweet, sweetish. -— , v. to be slightly sweet.:, i (from caj, to be broken, &c.), v. to break crosswise, as a thing that is longer than broad. -— 0, v.; see the parts (cB8o8Sc:;.oe, to chasten one's self). --— So-s3g, v. to overwhelm and crush, as an enemy (9SNcS,, 2, v. to wash, bathe, as the body with water; G9soo,p 0~ GG[o:og, a polite term, meaning to bathe, used by ordinary people to officials of rank; rG:co-G, v. to bathe in medicinal water. @, n. a whiteant or termite. 316 gE: @4, n. a whiteant's nest constructed on the side of a tree or house; comp. G603,, -- q$, n.; see g g@5, v. to scratch with the nails, or tear (the skin) with the claws, to scratch up, rake together; comp. @8. [Note.-It is believed that this word is not good Burmese; it is probably a provincialism.] gg, an intensive (infrequent). ~@, x, n. a mosquito. -- cgoS, n. a mosquito-flap, really a coo:@:co3, to keep off flies and mosquitoes. — G0ooo, n. mosquito curtain (G84 is more polite than 6@ G=O38). a88q$,lgEscoo803 eg8, a jocose but coarse term applied to an over-uxorious husband. — q$s, n. a mosquito which hides in dark corners. ~6, 2, v. to measure with a measure of capacity; comp. g, -— Gc03o, n. a measuring basket (oo61.@8cooo8s). --- ^05, v.; see the parts. --— La, 7v.; see gSi 9a8, n. the marrow of human or other bones. -- 8S, v. to penetrate the marrow, be thrilled with pleasurable sensations, or with cold; see 8~n oo3Gqc8 Gcoo 8j: S 3gos:OOJ88s33oSo c8~u3g S o3 q oS5a( sC oSoof9og&8E 8oeqioo isi ~g:s8c8Go33U S o o8 3pi 68808 (from S~@S, a rafter), n. a board covering the ends of rafters and forming a facing to the eaves of a house. 6@8o9 (so written by the Arakanese); comp. qSol ~. (q~), v. to compute, calculate, weigh in the mind, estimate, form a judgment of, ponder over, repeat, think over; comp. o and @8o g c0 o 0agocSoooo uldg soloe0sa, consider, sir, whether it is right that he should speak (to me) thus. _ — ~$ (Q.$) (fron. chyin jyein). — o00, — Gco>os, - o5, v. same; ~:$oopS. d=93o2 oocpccq ~8:,, n. a light, open basket for carrying poultry, fruit, &c. [this is the generic term for basket]; -oot5S:, a small basket attached to a pole with transverse prongs inside for plucking mangoes. 1 317 8t *:-, n. a foot-ball, a hollow wicker Burmese foot-ball made of rattan; Po.OS P, v. to play at foot-ball. 28, 2 (from aQSs:, an act), v. affix giving the power of a participial noun, as oa, go; o3:@8:, a going; combined with 93 it gives the power of the infinitive mood, as a?2s, go; g33: @8.9o, to go. 8, v. to mark with the nails (uoo~ay@&n)); comp. S, to scrape as with a knife or sherd, to scrape up with the fingers, to rake as with a hoe, to rake with a rake (RGR@8) (U_80~3:,SoaCno@7:3131:Cc03fq eg ecD091Eo~o80pilB01j3 Jga~! ~, ', n. a ray; not used singly. Der. ccp8_@, G6oiippafS @ o g~oc~jaoaadoS6 Blc o a3-,;.0c53 I,o a ray of Buddh extends to and illumines the whole of the selyawala; zoag ~qj$:oaq ocScgs~Qoa,6 "OSC8$llso~jqi $8 po3Fj @a~i~UGGPE% C Olu cluagcu8l@3clgT @ (90), 2, n. thread simply spun. ---— m ol, tn. cotton velvetl - c..bi (ecq8n) (Pron. -e~, jyit), n. thread doubled and twisted; sz5@#,' - 0 (CA2~) (from no8), n. a skein or hank of thread. - SgS (qe c825) (pron. chyeegin-zoot), n. a species of wading bird [the white-necked stork]. ----— oo (qgoo), see o:oa, sizing. -c cagj (~jeoo3-cfJ), oaow8, v. to size thread. -zooo0 (q2o3oo=6), v. to comb the thread after sizing. -G-g — (902), n. a skein or hank of thread knotted. -oS (q.oS), n. a single thread. - 5 (ce 98), n. same. --— o 0:), n. a ball of thread. -— oS (9Jo8) (from 8o6), a spindle of thread. - coa (RcoT3), n. a quill,~ on which thread is wound from the spindle. S:,. to divide in two equal parts, orfooA, coooS3Joo,, ooo5 @~oo 1ol:oo&g~oja~aa to split a bamboo in half; o00 C81CO05~3.Rooe, to cut fruit in half; oo@a:, n. a bit, portion taken off, cut off, &c., n. a fence of any kind, ari enclosure for cultivation or keeping creatures, a cage for wild beasts; CPf @S40 i oo6IP Q q8Soc8@boe~, a figurative term applied to a mutually destructive quarrel. 003, -cQa, -oaq, -~8%, v. to surround with a fence, to inclose in any manner-; ii'Ss c~ 8 L;. 8G09 CO~cB9c A o8GG1O:roo or.@4a3.4G Ol.01u v. same, to surround with people, adherents, dependants, guards, &c. Der. m33gm? GmCooa40-8: ooo8g@eGoco o$O cqo8mo% Q9403G 33o9oo33Q:1 dgooooo3 ooL30no 0oooSoo ROGcOXOSQ0 rS 00G061800G@ (Oc2cG3 oo9CO 6880c02S $ o88sccgoS @: (from g1w, to be apart), v. to be between, divide, make separate, distinct; Vs 4@ooo0:I ogo3WciW s@3JgW O3:(3A co, to be different, diverse, unlike, dissimilar; is, to take every other one, take one and leave one; in this sense frequently written go, and chiefly used in the phrase qRc1a, every other day (q oS@o: is more correct); 186~6~86 ogo-GaEoSc38oo o4o@oljo5o o"e, in the intervening space there is a range of mountains which separates, the two kingdoms; aEs c3 8CoE3Ui although men -are like one another, the persevering exertion between one and another is different. - ai, v. same, 2nd def.; to rebel; yoo$oop, throw off one's allegianceto; to separatefrom, to rebel; 0@o:3 p ol, speak definitely; 6)38=0Sqoo=o)s 80oRo O eNoC3O as003SS qajlCSCJ gqr, ~the younger royal brother, Prince Mind6n, rebelled against and threw off his allegiance to his royal elder brother the Pagan Prince, and left Amarapura and departed to the city of Yadanatheinga (Shwebo). W (6), v. to make level by spreading out the parts; camp. & S (i), n. lac, gum-lac, cochineal, the produce of a small insect deposited on the limbs of trees. -. (S( 8), a. purple; qe~jSSc~8Eln Sco8 93ot8@8 (48V) cxl oqccoe, the sky is so dark that it has become quite purple. os$fE4 (q8o0o~c), v. to dye a dark-red or purple colour. -8 (48S:), n. the coccus or cochineal insect...-QePS (q8acp8), n. dark-red colour, purple., v. to make a loud, resounding noise, but used only in certain adverbial forms, as _0 or A, @ g)D$o g~bihc a038Q3 3835sE1, Qo3 & SSlog4&ojlj s Oj12Qs$XoQ, O 819 =n>8 s9moocrSo3o@S8@~P Mooelu3coas~o 8 col q lo qoraj8:3s1 S:,, v.; see @$:, to thunder; qv5: @St, not so loud as q6S- Riso 8s, 2 (front 8-, to be terrified), v. (obsolete). -QgoS (qSSn3oS), v. to threaten, daunt, terrify by threats; co33PRoSoe@S~oGq~ o S ' o, he terrified him by saying he would cut him down with his da. - 6s ( 8 St), -0o:)s5, v. to threaten; co26- 3E- II t$I (q;I), v. to roar as thunder, be loud, thundering. Der. 94$is Gol o31g0 3oSu go$33;: qoot, one could hear the continual booming of the cannon. R8@8 (qIoqI), v. to have but little, be in a strait for want of be forced to pick here and there as occasion offers; a word more used by women than men; to be economical, fru Igal cm5coo~r0 80~ COaV(;' @8 538 @8 (CA o0;UoJ8 )o o&Iiai, spend my pay economically, my dear, so that the pay of one month may be sufficient to last till the next. gSgoS (SqSo5), v. to be particular, scrupulous, strict, close, niggard, to vex, annoy; by such treatment; (~Mol 900cool GOUX3jCo&3cXu pag O8 38Yloo a 8 O 5J~OOS 8@O (91Sgo5) O Ga3Scil 8:0: (pron. 8mgo) aC OSDq po5i Y $Si & 9 8c 0 000co3 iooe~-35doSqIs cG'96)7 e Gs.)a 30 G8@Dae Ro30aS 80S0o0~o4 ( 15(18oS5us) 0Oaes 9ii (D), n. a cluster or clump of bushes or small trees, a jungle. f —'0q (%c-o:(q8) (from Gc-qb, which see), n. a brake thick jungle, thicket (used more in poetical writings). -3050o18, (;t8I2o6lI&) (from %8- and Go18:, which see), n. same (also chiefly used in poetry). -o0 (qgo6) (from zqo6S, a clump), n. a small cluster or clump of bushes; coegcigScw o8 aai, seeing this hare, he cleared away this bush. LNote.-This means to do any favour to another with a view of ulterior benefit to one's self.] IfWsP (q{@8>), n. a species of heron. ~@ (.19), v. to be full of sores, diseases, &c., -Qoqitvooe~ see also co4 a~~ w also applicable to vapid, weak and undecided language, Om338ioes, (911R300); also applicable to a person's actions, physical or mental, slothful, apathetic, inactive; a a:aciac0 @3 (%1109) 061 Gcz5q 000V (9111i)Coosi 3frn op (qa) M ~, (this word appears to have a -strong affinity to Goo:)) aSo eg gc, I (from ozc), n. a foot or leg; ooga~gotaooooc@o;[ieS'n 4oS ooGo6moo u QSGc-cogqosmoo58oSI g 9.8Gp8 Io@og jG4joSs0o~gii ----, adv. a foot or feet; G@cq80o oog, he goes on foot. --—, n. a retaining fee, or fee paid on engaging a lawyer or doctor; GGs, gggcos:og, he gives a retaining fee to the pleader. --— 8, n. plaited horse-hair cincture worn below the knee by some young Burmese men (and Shan women). --—, n. the upper part of the foot, oq:; a pedestal, co88a -— 98:, n. an anklet or ornamental ankle ring, fetters; c@ 968:Efo8cqjuol, take off the fetters or leg-irons.. —S8:ooa, -— 8:o5, v. to fetter, put on fetters; oo'lPso90 cgg8:0oS0cogs, he (or they) put fetters (or leg-irons) on the accused. -— q8ooS, n. the small of the leg above the ankle; CGq@S% ooSocooooB, ankle-deep (as water). --— ro:8s, n. a toe. -— 8, n. a stocking; hence oo:scGq@88, n. a boot. -— g&, n. the toe next the great toe. -— oo0, n. a foot-stool. — o —5o0S, n. the inside of the bend of the knee. — c — ooS8o, v. to cohabit as a king. -- QooC03s, n.; see c@s — 4-8, n. a shoe. --— E8::, n. a shoe-string. — _ 8ggoS, n.; see NS8goSn — 4 —8:, n. a footstep. ---- 8, v. to be exhausted with fatigue, fagged. [Note.Often coupled with cooSfS, as op@.8cooSG.8oogS, he is exhausted with fatigue; Cr 5o0rSiS 8GoS is also applicable to sick persons, women who are enceinte, &c.] --— ~,, n. the front part of the foot; cosSE, oSscB gog Qeg.t:0? Anglice, I will never set fo6t in your house again. — o —:, n. the upper part of the foot; cGn --— o06, v. to be splay-footed, to have one of the feet turned out more than the other. ~c~: ~oQi) n. -the -sole of the foot. -~ —qJ:GOOv. to be or~ tiptoe, to'he affectedly vain, stuckus4percilious; oa J:0-~o-c~u-mpm~q-0 -0) n. the great toe. q Bn. an ankle; oc -@$C.oo, -ozNSrcoS, n., a royal courier in the Burmese time. n. the place for the feet; opposed to G018-18:11 C,~~ -p., n. a footstep; c@ ~ -'TlG@TC.000C t Qtoc;G8 h Track Law; e@FO6 to carry- on tracks. -COCS, n. the middle toe-; G@Cj:)8gCOO8A C01n. a foot-ball. C9,n. a step; -V. to step, put forth the foot. -oo&, -ao~cxcj, n. a foot soldier. 00 n.. a toe nail. ao,n. the little toe.: CO~)n. the leg from ithe knee to the ankle. -o~oj~o, ~n. the calf of the leg. 8S V. to castrate, (p~olite) r-2.. c ~oo~ xssoce, cqoo~ Gf,2 (G-J) (from GCo, wkich, see), v. to reduce to small parficl~es, to digest (as food), tq bruise (as the flesh) - Goo:qaxac - 6(old), v. to be pleasing to the taste; 3oo-~o,~ to be ple-asing to the ear, a. well'arranged and pertinent dis-.ori (GojlcB), v.; see the parts. 01,v. to pulverize. — cP4(ccaoz i, v.; see 6,2nd def.; omoscG@G -oicoe (Gi GQ,~C~CO~ o ~~o.~ he is able to converse in a pertinent and expressive mpinner. n:oibo. a J~w's harp. 0,v. to blow. on a Jews's harp; GfoS* zoqSgo r@ v. to be gen~lq, nwiqrnu ins wd sd adverbially onl~y. 41 sGi% s (E) (most frequently pronounced g) (from @, to be wide apart), v. to make wide apart; (to be diffuse or enlarge upon in discourse, to magnify, overdraw); ooe~Ds4:oro5 Cql:0'oSg 3 co6b6 (g) 00101, Ocn3S@ (B) B06o1013F 33f l,9 (&=83o) (@ (o ) 02861~~, do not magnify (so as to make it more important than it is) the matter; 4: oloS5 (6 ) o:9 go~oS, I, a. six; Gu G@f)5, 2, v. to be dry; rWo3, to be dried up; 6$:we%, oorS qbB uS:eol~,oa7PcgGPusolg ccaG Cs{ooG d&8 ro1uo,3G oo5 c?~0@, as there is very little rain in this place, the trees (and bamboos) have all dried up. -008, v. to be dry as flesh or fruit, to be devoid of the busy hum of life, to be dull, deserted and desolate as a city or town; 3soo -3Sm -o-Bo8ooE ~clO'$3U3,GOCs$ G 3o & om6ooe, on account of this man not enjoying his food, his flesh and skin are shrivelled up; mcot:v3. G5130MCC ~:iGqj - O863FP 3as6oS038j00 4, this town is very deserted owing to there being no court and bazaar as formerly; is it not? - *,- v. to be dried up. -oon, -— Cos, v. to be dry (infrequent). -&-, v. to be.dry, become dry; Tossn683s ayogcx:oo:Dol, lay this tiger skin in the sun in order that Sit may become dry. G@34, 3 (GC3CS) (from aoo5, to be afraid), v. to make afraid, frighten; comp. @Sa and cg3ij GCO38O3Gu3S8E oES (rGqo6) aooc 3 iOBO:G@3C)S (cwoco).1 in a large banian tree to the south of the town there is said to be (intimidating him) " an evil spirit which is in the habit of frightening (people understood)." - @82 (G4oo@SSs), - (oCSogSc3), v.; see the parts; ao8 -,~oqp:g)3o 0 GO@: oS1g390OgDS83& @I (pron. G@30 COOC *o 6tqrgaoSc9I (rg6ocyjchCo3o8Sc3a), the mother, in order to quiet her violently sobbing child, frightens it and puts it to sleep by saying " the big wild cat will come and eat you " (lit. the big shaggy cat). cGoSAoS (e9o:a)aS) (pron. jyout jyet), adv. rattlingly; c@xS qcS (c4QdSoq) @Ge, to rattle. *@3oS (OQ8:) [from copkoSt (coe~Qo8s), the wind-pipe]. * 323 C@368,0,COo (r.~0C80Cqpo)0 n. the dry cough, pulmona4y consumption. - AG: (Gzqo~oa c), v. to: cough, to have a catarrh. — ooocoFopC (C'qO8-o o coz'o_), - 6cnG (rqo8C-cc3C_,J, ), adv. with a constant cough; 4 (oo3 oqo~ oqo5oio~) OG3 OItc -(G$ p (G Q-*OSo:) "tron. e$*), v. to cough. -o —$g o (Qoq~~~o$i c), @08. (G40S8cn0)I I G00080o05 -— 3ZQ ior -o. (Gqcj o8g0 or Gjo), v. to hem; cqr0c8G.3zro8c@ o5 (C~3so5 Gogo3~u' -n05 (Gc6.)o8o) (~cxo6s is better), v. to hawk. 0-CY3 (~om), v. to @hem; ( 8 (G -c4) o0350GOS a hor G R) Ws G on. &), n. a horn I@ [R) ccO5Go oo5*o5Dx6it ooo0Qo(9os ooo:)-aB6ooS~o8-.(;o or @ooe~Na ~~u aSS~-.qo;~~ ] 0 Oin @A) c4-uv% 865@o~qoI ooe~, it was of no value, he only got a thing with broken horns and split ears. This is a metaphorical expression used allusively in a disparaging sense of a man marrying a common and worthless woman, or a woman marryincrga poverty-stricken and disreputable man.] RR (), n. a cage for birds, a moveable cage for beasts (o5 t is not used in colloquial. @s (i:) (ron. @*,), n. a dove, A; comp. u -a-3 (~3), n. a shelter in a tree, used for shooting doves. -jI~ (~g~), n. the ground pigeon. -806, n. the Emerald dove. -?q q:$y), n. a species of dove. -8$oC9Q (js8ojlj~n. the fox-coloured turtle-dove. - RoS ( j,#o&), v. to whistle by blowing through the thumbs laterally placed together, with the fingers of both hands closed, as when calling any one. -~Co8003 (AtCO8@o), n. the ring-dove. ~-C0'~@DoS (.jo~o o5.CCa) (lit. " the speckled-neck dove "), n. the common kind..-0880 (;jjc88), 0n. a small hawk, the kestrel of Europe (Tinnunculus alandarius). 324 3 ssD4 (j!.oq), n. a cuckoo-clock. f"g (pron. chyo jyan), v. to deny one's self, practise self-denial, perform austerities;:{s@qoo, gg:wcqaoeo3 OqGooCogS q oCoaoo3n35 n8 0QCSpq ooqCpIcpG^634P8la08jgpQ3338^861 QcopG@o ooGo6(,83o^ 9&oGoRs jp qg~cooS$oop~, Thumeda, the lord rishi, owing to his. having- received a divine communication. in the presence of Dipinkara the most excellent Buddh, that he would become hereafter a Buddh, practised austerities in such a wonderful way as if he were about to become a Buddh on the self-same day; C868 o gofeSgroo6l8Gs0G@o83^0o5So:90^g gQ @yOoSoo8iq o0loo, as my parents have few goods and chattels, I am compelled to wear even my clothes in a self-denying manner. g, v. to be forked, branch into two parts (having something between), to ride upon, have authority over, g~85q8og. Der. Eag; groaoSg@i o$~8=OS@n Q ~Qpo8<d GO&801:o1$ coooao5sooSo8~oj0o 880o, the Assistant Commissioner of Yandoon has authority over the towns of Shwe Laung, Pantanaw, and Danubyu; 8:cgg 8:cgsi, voS, z. to be concave, deep as a cup (to be sunken as the face); less extensive than JS; n. a cup, bowl, or anything of similar shape; a measure of capacity equal to two salehs (ocooS) goSooooS, 1o viss; gqoSogo5noogjojqjosoS -— 9gE, n. a pair of metal cups played together; comp. com8oS and o6c5S% --— 38, n. a shop where liquor is sold by the glass; goS@~ ---— coo5O, n.; see the parts. j6, v. to be bent, curved, as a bandy-leg, or the horn of an animal curving towards its fellow; qj8ooo:oosoco:QG@8oe#, my little son is bandy-legged. 28rcoo8o0o (pron. cGol8soc6), n. nine-pins, or any similar plaything.. M —ooo, v. to play at nine-pins. g6a, v. to strike at, aim a blow at (with a bow), to pierce, penetrate, go through; ~^&oop (GcoSg:8oog). ^, n. a kind of long-handled chisel; o50oo3ox:c. o3.os, n. bodily strength; =os#, ' l 325 go'aoooo, n. strength; generally coupled with 8$oa w in'colloquial; $0o330s0cog@aog —aaos3ogI v, v. to engage in combat, fight as fowls and some other birds; @oS58, d1g; @: (;s) 88, co18zS8, to come in contact, conjunction, as clouds or heavenly bodies;;o) &,S (pron. 9aS@~), to sound with a smacking noise, as when a person gets a slap on the face; c8,qS8g6g5 aoo3oScgcp8 cd@cqoogS, when one cloud comes in contact with another, one can see the gleam of the lightning. 8 (q), a.; see q, (2) v, v. put into the mouth, as food (either of human beings or animals), bits, &c.; to give as a bribe (in conjunction with o0.); 3mocos 8c33Q og, he puts the food into the child's mouth; 8:cEg3oS.ooog, he puts the bit into the horse's mouth; o8sEgcooggo.~oogu, I, n. a hoof. a — 0-g8CCS, n. large and small buffales collectively; @ gl ccSo@85sGo1 S~q05 ig6T4l q11 1 -— o5, n. a horse's fetlock. --— $oSo, n. a horse's coronet. -— p, n. the step or marks of a hoof, hoof-marks. - q8s, v. to flow down, as sweat down to a horse's hoofs when ridden hard; @slqg8i833oS8,ogii --— pdo8, v. to measure foot-marks; used metaphorically of a person who, thinking himself strong enoigh to throw off allegiance to his superior, or benefactor, sets about taking steps to do so, e.g., S4cclocpcq86oocoos, are you going to measure hoof-marks with me? -- c8, v. to stumble as a horse. -- Cclqq, n. one of a horse's paces; same as 3o=0sqo1 1), 2, n. (Peguan), a chief of pagoda slaves, himself a slave. --— 3, n. a chief of pagoda slaves appointed by Government. — ooo, n. a pagoda slave'; crgSj8scoS, oqcp:oSu C14:ji 1, 3 (from cgo, to become separate), v. to separate, part, sever, detach, cleave off, put at a distance; to separate, (sitrans.) go from [to peel the skin off from fruit, but not very elegant]; oocglo~ oSol, separate the (piece of) mat-walling (from the rest understood); q$;cnaq logoScooogope ogoo 3agm$coSoloognoosoB goo ^goqooooooxloo"U 3.26 g8, v. to curve, curl, coil, wind into a ring (trans. and intrans,). Der. ~8-gs, n. a coil, mc; comp. g8:; c@p89ooT~GR~c cos, the cat remains curled up on the mat; Ggo;^~[S o GS~Gc~ox, the snake remains curled up inside the basket; — ooS, v.; see the parts; n. a hoop [8g (Pron. ra), Moooo": oog, to trundle a hoop.] - c88), v. to curl as the hair. ag, 2, v. to gather (fuel); coSSGgoog~n oo gGq go010oSoqO:, gather and bring me, please sir, an armful of fuel. jt 3, v. to check (in chess) (oSdepgooag), 8:p~qooS a @8G.8 cqoopg8c68 (pron. RPS), g8ooii ao, v.; see G9, to push with the head, to strike by thrusting the head forward as a bullock or a sheep, to butt; >qg8: c.RQoeg, the bullocks are butting one the other. C8:, i, n. a flat ring, used as a band; comp. cg8s, a ring, e.g., cotg::, a da handle ring for keeping the part of the blade inserted in the handle secure;.~Gs, the same on spear handles; rcoooSGR:, the same on chisel handles; cooowoS 8oSG8: (cqGQGoS8oSG:so0 > used allusively in a depreciatory sense of persons, somewhat like the English colloquial expression " muff"). OGR, 2, n. a dog. G:80S',n38o~3g ( — ao, n. a jackal. -ooooS, n. a porch or vestibule, with or without a roof. -— GoSO&So56(q), v. as in the way of being obliged to put up with contumely or insult. -— G (pron. cR:), n. a wooden horse. --—: (g( ), n.; see oo8016, (, — coo<5a^, n. an animal resembling both a dog and a fox, the Indian badger, Arcionix collaris. — G SqG:a8scooo:S, adv. trottingly. --—, n. a mad dog. -— @^, v. to have hydrophobia. -— x, v. same as cooS0.cooSaG3c:coqS, only used in Upper Burma. -- c9ioo: (ooco:), n. a young hare; ojoqcoS, - c0oo8,f n. an " embryo dog," a term of abuse in some parts of Upper Burma; srGico3,8:w, S..- p, see 8coojq, a carpenter's plummet, G~ 329 of the eatables for the little folks to eat (cccoS includes also servants and pejple not in the same social scale as one's self); oo-gooodsGoG03,3ao0loo006:G8COS 8Gg o oooS cox (by way of reservation). I;* (r"i), n. an iron hool used by elephant drivers (a goad). Proverb $g: (RJ:) cg4oooo8:.-g, he asks for rice by showing the elephant-goad. [Note.-This means to cause another to do a favour by exhibiting some insignia or proof of power or influence.] -- 00oooS (:cGcoo0), n. same, a long hook used to gather fruit from trees; comp. o51jp @54s. (goSo4), adv. with a sudden crack, with a fine cracking noise (as of a person treading on dry leaves, or the snapping of a-piece of bamboo, or the sound of tinsel when rubbed between the hands); (goSo4, to emit such a sound). @8@5 or oog85( (g oSoS or oogoS2oS), adv. rustlingly. oG (GR), I (from og. to fall off), v. to cause to fall as leaves. fruit, &c. (break off with a c511 or the hands); applied also to the weakening of passion, in the sense of curbing libidinous passion; ooSqcSGoO 3SooG:)- qcooGCooooGs G36p G3oo~0~8 (6g) o o44soopg, in order to possess the fruit (which means the attainment of virtue), he hibitually disciplines himself by holding in check the fires, socalled (i.e., the passions), of cupidity, wrath, and ignorance. — q (Ggq), v. same; aoSc;oITooqoSo7oSs:gr (eg) q c)o5ol; break off and throw down the mangoes from the tree. G@ (GA), 2, v. to be sparing, economical, frugal. — o00 (R0oOD), -G- (gGva), v. same; (GgJoo or oooo00~ oo3, to pay a debt by instalments); oo-ucgq',~Gq O68oq3,oGs oo8co02ogc jA qgoog:oo8d0l 1;o, allow me to repay your debt of Rs. 100, sir, in instalments at the rate of Rs. 25 a month. Gr@, v. to surround, attend. Der. aGsI Coq:Ti c' oSgoq cogS ~gqD'oo, his subordinates and their associates attended on him and paid their respects. e: (G1p), n. sweat, perspiration; any vapour collected in a fluid; GSo~ ~~ l~l^ ^CSog^O^^cSGgl^^ OJG0 ~4s~j~~,he refines the Silver by -sep,4ratiag- it from -the other mnetals,; 4fi1Rcor ~~,eK *50~oi ~, he tok f te ig andi gave it to -the girl. 3106ct$' it. -intrans. to be. out of place, not, right.. to he damagsed (deteriorated), injured; less than (~08:; mCP~3*OW9 Q~SO ~ i~o — this man's speech is not ai~~~, it is uch iin "ared;-6.-.-.: (Ao34), v. same, 1 st def..-:~v.. W free fromi (some mala~dy), to exorcise an -evil S0pirt v. to point, make pointed, sharpen; to be sharp, keen, talented, azog$' oo, cooS e~, see also Gcxog, ''to whistle. Der, mg;. qoS *c6i61, sharpen the (end. of the) stick; oo~x, ~t'his man is a very talented indivi4ual. f o- be nat~urly o~ted (lanceolate) as a leaf, niot round orw blunt; ) n. ilie colathinatio n- of th e keel of 'a boat'or vessel, whether ~:g$: or ~j:W o C*aoq:,cr*gq'ao, they c1 ~a~"ga Pho with ihe pointd.i; (So L&;A hoyse'~,Vtars are, paiiuto4. [Ne r-and.?appar to be interchangeable, for instan.ecf, the, Burm~~ ay tht~torn is, priclkl, wh ereas it would be expected-thait they Would say 6j:R'Jfi 0-CMB)5 n. same (inifrequent). Sadv. right into,' right through($eco) ~:()v. to be slimy, ropy, Imucilaginous; comp. io-, -to be sticky, adhesive. Der. w~:, to drawl in speech,;~dqo 6?A- u. iu. am ily tongued persqn. -o:(~~oFt, i.phlegm,; ooc85 ~' ~,v. to.be slimy, &C., to b~e slow, drai in~g in y.p64(ery often denotes affectation in spiech).; used- adveibial~ly " V. -tran3., lit. to 'gapse to, rise, swell up (see ).In modern Raicewith 8oS i re.s to egag or. iiwit,tomkanr to flte;8c~ oo~ ~8:(frni &;,to renwain), 'v -to, leave, let remwi, njset aside; Ol*-4qiP" 'Ew~o* set aSidv, somne 329 of the eatables for the little folks to eat (ccoS includes also servants and pe ple not in the same social scale as one's self); Oo.ooG@oGooG333ls oo03:s086oGcOS8go ~ oo-oS ce~ (by way of reservation). @$ (Pis), n. an iron hool used by elephant drivers (a goad). Proverb $:0 (2;s) Cag~ coo6g. —og, he asks for nce by showing the elephant-goad. Note.-This means to cause another to do a favour by exhibiting some insignia or proof of power or influence.] --— 0oo0 (:coohSs), n. same, a long hook used to gather fruit from trees; comp. O5gl @5s4 (goSo4), adv. with a sudden crack, with a fine cracking noise (as of a person treading on dry leaves, or the snapping of a-piece of bamboo, or the sound of tinsel when rubbed between the hands); (goSo4, to emit such a sound). @85 or oo58g5 (g i'oS or oor oSoS), adv. rustlingly. oG (GR), I (from o~. to fall off), v. to cause to fall as leaves. fruit, &c. (break off with a o5\11 or the hands); applied also to the weakening of passion, in the sense of curbing libidinous passion; oo SoGoc)Go3G:09oo:a GocooooGo1 ooG3p)o3oo8,1co (,g) o8oasoog, in order to possess the fruit (which means the attainment of virtue), he hibitually disciplines himself by holding in check the fires, socalled (i.e., the passions), of cupidity, wrath, and ignorance. — qj (cg), v. same; oo8ScGTooooqoSo-:sg (ie) 9qco5ol; break off and throw down the mangoes from the tree. CQ (Gi), 2, v. to be sparing, economical, frugal. — ooD (Go0 ), — a (gGa), v. same; (Ggj8S or ooaoSq8 ot3, to pay a debt by instalments); oo32-coaog CqG9 G05^30G(39G%0 58 5s3za0G-53)033OOO5 CBoSG003:30qooe; oSqcojso 008oo8cco0og jA q1o0o:o~01~;o, allow me to repay your debt of Rs. 100, sir, in instalments at the rate of Rs. 25 a month. v@~, v. to surround, attend. Der. 3aG I3"pin coI:q' S3oSoS q WcogSgjqbD'ooe, his subordinates and their associates attended on him and paid their respects. Q-: (oGg), n. sweat, perspiration; any vapour collected in a fluid; Go oa@% ~t (isoo,,. 330 oW) cscooo8: (ogsao86), v. to keep in a state of perspiration, -' 1o take a sweat. - 6 (cgsj), n. an inner shirt, a garment worn next the skin; -qoB (ogqo8), v. to have the perspiration checked. -- o80 (Gs8cS03), v. to cease perspiring., -— oS (eg3Q:cS), v. to draw out the perspiration. -- goS (ogsog), v. to sweat, perspire. -- ) (pron. \o) (og:)o2), n. what is earned by hard labour (by the sweat of one's brow). -- c5, n. putrid perspiration which the Burmese (and other Oriental races) believe to accompany fevers. -- (g(q;), v. to perspire freely from heat. -— Gqj (esf ), v. to cease perspiring. — o8 (spoa), v.; see GoqoSo, - ob (g:o5), n.; see Gges -M8S (Go:$88), v. to have the moisture of rice absorbed while cooking, indicating that the rice is well done; coS6: Qg8oS5o1QcoGo~:u C@:o (og:), n. a daughter-in-law, a son's wife. o (oc oS) (The third consonant in the Burmese alphabet and the third in the class of gutturals.) oAl, n. the Ganges river, o8l~S, one of the five great rivers which rise in the Himalayas and flows (according to Buddhist teaching)southward in the great south island, g81188 or b81'Sj|1ngo581oo (pron. o.oloo)o0181g o %qo sa1OOggio oxo^QoooScq$G|, whatever most excellent Buddhas that have appeared and attained Neibban are as numerous as the grains of sand on the banks of the Ganges. ocp$: (Pali ocoo), n. a numeral figure; comp. oc8od, a numerical figure in arithmetical computation. --— oo, n. arithmetic. no or oc9a (Pali), n. rice boiled in milk; 0ocvn -— 8 (pron. oao, zoon or zwan), n. same offered to a priest. 06CO 331 OWOC50r V.to offer such rice to a priest; OPO~jQI:Q dj*~Ooj; Thuzata, (Sujata) made a religious offering of milk-rice of most Idelicious flavour to Lord Gaudama when he was on the point of becoming a Buddh. OC)i(Pali), n. passage, transition; a transition to another state of 'existence; coo-,SuIi~c83OIu -,i~ oooirGooooocsuoqc,~o(,8iI Oo8, 2 (Pali), n. a promise, ~vord pledged. -,'v. to enter into an engagement, to pledge one's self, to promise; a~ocoo-o z~o 0S~ ~ ~ og will you, sir, promise ~o' give me Rs. 50 within ten days? mo)n. a promise (dc~oooS~). 008v. to keep one's!word; 0Co GO680~ oev. to be faithful,,true to one's word, keep to one's word; ooo5oc8cOjOSW&1Oo+ICOII mo v. to promise, ma.ke a promise. qcv. to break a proonise. -V. v; see oc~oeooi-m o3oso 9O~~cwzSII gia~cco~o6ol GoTcB omiromqm (o4-aoqo), adv. (prelfixed to rGGS1O5, v. to mention one thing after another), distinctly, by name, clearly, separately, ieto the point; (;qCr 2 O 10101 9O0:O. G~Jdo not speak confusedly, but in a distinct and lucid manner; qcco~mo onIrIGO8jooqa ro,-3z~c'u G~3&Go1 ~ I (lzit. your servant) had to make it over to him with an account going carefully thr'ough each detail. 0G n. a crab, hence co5-8: (ocn4-), a fresh-water crab; coo5S q)i&~-8z0o~~o (ocuo~o), a salt-water crab. oS, n. a pleasant grove, wood, wilderness; ~@6cjc~S (pron. 9fqS Gila dense forest. o&S (pron. o$240o), n. a species of large crab. oa (pron. o~a), n. smell, scent; -j -oo, n. the chrysantheir~um. oaNx~, n. perfumed chamb4'. Any private chamberl devoted t-o Buddha's use was caled gandhakiiti, but especially the room he always occupie at Savatthi. (aoooE~).-Chzdders' /Pali Dic. o89 (Pali), n. a gandappa, a kind of inferior nat inhabiting the base of the Myinmo mount in concert withrekkaiks (Sc[co5), Gonbans (oqcuS), Gal6ns (o"t$}, and Nagas (ol.s) [so named, it'is said, because of its partiality for scents and perfumes; ob, scent]. "oba (o06) (pron. o$:o, from oa and a.o), n. odour smelt. o08oogcOO (o.Gooo, pron. oAcoosoo) (Pali on, the belly), born of "-he womb; see Qmoojoo, a. produced from a viviparous ani" nal, see under oqooGa 0o$, see under co(4s0 coo8so56coo8@Dzgoo$8s, (Gaszo86 ooa3sqp odooooS (Pali 0800, a guest) (pron. ocScooS), n. the duties of hospitality to a priest; one kind of eioeoooSnoo8moo&@ oog, to perform such duties. o488P (cXqacp) (Pali), n. a kind of fabulous lily, oyggcpjo [said to flourish in the cogl$uS jooSngpcoi and a.oogg3 lakes]. o$s, n. a species of kcempfera, of which there are numberless varieties (about 40 in number). --- oo t, n. one variety distinguished for its fragrance. oioS (ooaoS), n. a small fish-pond commonly connected with a larger one by some water communication; hence otoScooS oo0S, the reaction of the bore (8o58) in a river, the breaking of the surf or waves on the sea-shore, or the swell albng the banks of a river occasioned by the rapid motion of a vessel through the water (the wash of a steamer). -— oo, v. to rise as such swell. --— o, v. same. [N.B.-Used metaphorically of tidings or news which spreads far and wide; 8*E3Gooooo4GcoCSoo300 o I^ co5o&ggOoqSgooos:ne coCoS oqo5 g5 @g8c8e-ogI ogoSooS: ooo00opsoQoco:ooo- 0 3o i5oS~coo1g0, this report has come, having spread even from Mandalay.] o~oS (Latin), n. Greek, Grecian; oqoS<9c4t oqoo, n. inconvenience, hardship, trouble, burden, anguish. -— 6, v. to bear the troubles, &c., of another. ---, v. to be troublesome, harassed with annoyance, hardship. oa (Pali), a. heavy, weighty, important; ascoGio r --— }S, v. to treat with deference, respect, to regard as weighty, to make much of. th --—, -ooo, v. to regard as weighty, important, to treat with:at attention, deference, respect, to make much of, to treat with consideration; oa qo e U F30 as65C cgs a- 1og8ol o oCQ ogqoocl (from cowo), the more weighty and important utensils of a priest, opposed to ouco'io,, n. a tally, tally-stick, anything with which count is kept. - c~8, n. one who keeps count with a tally. - v,. to keep count with a tally. [N.B.-In keeping taly, the man who keeps it cries out "ji " when a certain quantity of paddy or merchandise has been counted. ocox (m$coi), n.; see mcovacq8S, a bolt, bar. nao&Vs, n. laterite; sometimes called cqoaS5o6 G0D, n. solder, metallic cement. - GODS,M. to solder, to join by means of metallic cement [figuratively it means to create harmony and good-will between two rival parties, to act the part of a mediator (oGCo coo% or oGcx)); Gc(SXOcDS o8o6ozco@~ ~Gao8 3egozc OGClQcxc3SQqCSOu] o $ (Pali g%), n. a gal6n! [garunda], a kind of fabulous bird of immense size. "The Garundas (gal6ns) are represented as being great enemies to the nagas."-M.B. o-o0:8, n. a double sail used in Burmese and Chinese vessels (oSgIcooo8cjo). Proverb og.@e~jo8I1o Ie~:) W, in the Galong country, the Galong (is king, or supreme understood), in the Naga country the Naga [Anglic~, When in Rome do as Rome does]; 08[$8Gs.o:01008Ce c6E3: 0 GpoXc&oo, a prophecy said to foretell the advent of the British into Upper Burma. olocp (Beng.), n. a foreign female's gown. -00), 086, v. to wear such a dress; olo~ooSoan loSo (Eng. guard), ob, n. a police-station; 61owST9P, a police officer in charge of a police-station; loSoon:, a police constable. 61o (Pali), n. a village; Ron olooo (Pali), n. a stanza of Pali verse consisting of four lines, each commonly containing eight syllables; ol; m3 ogu, 58o *o-o]ao Gcol0 o0ol o0; ClOcDqD W 3u0IIlcgUolao I 301 *gQEoR 8qm8o sozAoGooScoaO3 6 0o08o a0g Goo oY 61 o8 (Pali, ol qo5), n. a gah-woke, measure of distance equal to four kanthas (9 G0600=1lo9lc8). 334 qoSoo; 8&Mggoq (Pali), n. the warm season; ciaoo3, warm time; tcpcO8, the warm season. Singhalese gimhana.-M.B. qc6S (Pali qao), n. a good or bad quality, attribute; comp. 08 and oocooS (pron. as spelt); (cqooooSr mrostly used in poetry and dramatic compositions; cBmooxo6S)g oog), a good quality, the good results of a good quality;.c;,T:, the reputation of a good quality, character [capacity, virtue, worth, that which gives moral merit and value]; sooo M cOQoSqSGoo7ioo 3 (S ) 9cuslooei copSc(ueooqcoS ocozo -. ---, — poS, -oq5, v. to affect a good quality, assume consequence, put on airs; coooZIa., --— oo., -G_, v. to be proud, 8oSoog~ (grandiose). -- oqqcSB, -qaBoqciqa6, n. in the way of rivalry; if with a benefactor or superior, in the way of presumptuous rivalry; caqq 53,C2gigcoGoo8o8qoogqc -- 8, n.; see qaB, last def., and 68, last def. -— @oj20, v. to be famous, renowned, distinguished, eminent, conspicuous, celebrated, illustrious; oeocyoc0-4.: oooo5g~coS(88oogqcmS6scgoSooli -— @&, v. to vie with as equals, to vie with in a presumptuous way with one's benefactor or superior. --- o$, n. pride, haughtiness. --- ooc, -ouS, v. to be haughty, stuck-up, supercilious, proud, overbearing, characterized by self-assertiveness (is also used occasionally in a good sense); GooScoSo 08 c cooSoSl, 4 (pron. ~) GooooSooe~Gq:o8 (this is said allusively by Burmans when they wish to depreciate a person). -— 9ao'>, v. to be equal in social status to another. --, v. to have character or reputation by the performance * of a virtuous or worthy action, by the possession of riches or high rank, or in a secondary degree from associating with persons of talent, position, &c. (GgqciSc:ooeg, to be purse-proud). qmo$ (Pali o&), n. one possessed of good qualities (vide 60co o~, one who is proficient in religious duties), a righteous man, cqaCoo9qtCS qoc5o,, n. a spurious precious stone, 0. 0100 335 qoS (cq&) (from cqoS, a lever), n. a stick thrust down under the edges of an open vessel, to press down and secure the contents. — c: (O8c0s), -j8, LacoS, -C88, v. to press down and secure with the saidistick, e.g., ngapi, pickled fish, lime pick~6, &c. q$o&s or oq$:Wo8, n. the Amomum corynostackyum, M. q~aBcS, n. a gunny bag. q8 (cq8) (pron. cxS), n. a kind of snare; comp. Gf~aaes and B~oSII q~cqS (pron. g6t pheedine), n. the middle north post in the main part of a house; see under c&.I, a part of a royal funeral bier. qo~21, n. a thin kind of paper; (q8%8MI1"qflIHoa.-(q$:) G9, — gooo6oo, -G39CoS, -@8 (os), v. to excite a uarrel by mischievous representation; 3oos@: GCO:UW Gs (GOO:) 3cooo4:G8:&: 833cn0pSo s~soac o~ Go4p the four ministers addressed Mingyi Wedayhayit with mischievous representations concerning Mahawthahta. -oaoS, n. language spoken to excite quarrel. -—, n. a mischief-maling woman; a suo.o% csocg:cq Gso:q~e~aG ooII -M~oe, n. a mischief-niaker, a fomenter of quarrels. GOCYS (Eng. gazette), n. the Government Gazette. Gloq c (6) @, v. to frequent a place for the purpose of receiving religious offerings; oq$-@&s; osR8:5o q coloqo5 aooe4I1 Qolga1oj1o, n. the wisdom necessary for the reception of the four paths (o8cn6) and their fruition (qoS9cxF) Go1g IV OW805S4G(SJGG)IoQ01 511 938a=;0S 86C".p ja.98Q-&08 GdoloQ (Pali) (58Gdlooj, pron. Gaudama), the fourth Buddh in the present system. "The father of Gaudama Buddha "Sudhodana (Bur. oageQ), reigned at Kapilawastu (Bur. " oobcoo6~&S gon the borders of Nipdl, and in a garden "near the city the future sage was born, B.C. 624 E.M.; " OoC0 8,\ aunt of Ga idama; c8= 461oo8 "; GloS@, n. the throne of a Buddh9. 336 1CSl Qcoo15, n. common quartz. coTq, n. a kind of large boat; formerly these kind of boats used to go to Calcutta. Go1Odl g, n. a kind of concretion said to be formed in the stomach of animals and used medicinally; the Burmese say h^oo&:soboog6oo ooT, n. a stain, cloud (in precious stones), flaw; a- g cqloooT oogoSl, this (precious) stone is not without a flaw or flaws, lit. not free from flaws; oo58$:ooToogoSolB coTloS (Pali Goloq3), n. a variety of the garnet resembling pyrope (a mineral regarded as a variety of garnet, occurring in small masses or grains, never in crystals; its colour is a poppy or blood-red, frequently with a tinge of orange; QoTyoS is included among the eoqoS or nine kinds of precious stones by the Burmese, see ooqoS). coTqc8, n. a native of Coringa; GoTqSEoqoos -— cso, n. tobacco imported from Coringa, from which the famous Burman cheroots are made; con@8:c88i rTVp, n. a British soldier, private; coTcpooS: a British regiment. ---— 03o, n. barracks occupied by British troops. qcs, see under ogQcSsB, qgqcBS, ooqouSoii qcoso~ioSn acS (IBli ocw), n. a, collection, assemblage, sect (diocese?) -— 35, n. a bishop, one who has jurisdiction over other priests. -—.... (g), v. to belong to different dioceses, to different sects, as the Culaganthi and Mahagandi, qgooi and ooo,-Sulgagandi and Mahagandi. - ---, n. an archbishop. --- ooooS, n. a bishop's assistant, an archdeacon or dean. qroSc8, n. the armpit; 48tio8: coCo00o8: oncoSc8,u oSqjoS (CS5), adv. tickingly, as a watch, or make a noise like a childts rattle. ---—, v. to tick. q. (pron.jin), n. a top, play-top. -— q (pron. jinboo), n. a button, ball or knot attached to another body, a ball used in twisting thread. -.-KcSgo9, n. a swindling gambler, very akin to the English expression " Thimble rigger." IS0 337 q18, 2, n. an ark shell; qMSc8 o q8ol:, n. the Tavoy name for coSnoo8:lg, the momordica plant. Tavoyans pronounce it as if spelt qWo l1t q8jo8, n. Malabar nightshade, resembling spinach. qgs (GE:), n.; see waocn --— GCs, n. 3GasS, 33Gzq511 q9 (q8g), n. a round flat piece of wood used for a small wheel or for any purpose. — cs (pron. 38$s), n. same. I (Gq), n. the barking deer, Cervus Muntjac. — o-coc (pron. oocoS), a young barking deer (Mergui jcc093). q(S, n. a kind of carpenter's plane, a levelling wooden scraper; comp. cqS: o* (a kind of black wood said to be used for chisel handles). qj (Beng.), n. wheat; q[o6oli:ucoosoo:ii — q ---, n. ale, beer, porter. (This word is never used, and can only be considered a fanciful creation) (@S). J&g (c48s), (0G= 8), i, n. a locust. 48F (8:0), 2, n.; see 18s, the armpit. (S8: (68), n. the Gyaing river flows into the Salween near the Pharaphyu pagoda, (cps&Q) a few miles above Maulmain. 4: (1:) (pron. 9s, to break), n. the broken burnt rice adhering to the bottom of a rice-pot. ---— o, v. to adhere as such rice; hence the malediction oS8 cl49oo 01 (0[) o~os.o,, 8, n. a species of water-serpent whose bite brings on a gradual coma, which ends, in nine cases out of ten, fatally; the Burmese recognize three kinds, 5oy, @8qCoSGoloSncggs G6sco (O@G03S), n.; see 8@11 &S (Pali oon), n. a planet; foSoou -- 8s, v. to exercise a baleful influence as a planet (a term used by astrologers). " ---G0@ E Go, v. to be separated, as husband and wife, temporarily from motives of expediency owing to the maleficent influences of the planets; sometimes, however, these influences are made a pretext for final separation; 0B388, 0,. 8 0 S43 43 338 s @oa6g4, n. the eight planetary or erratic celestial orbs, namely, ootic or cG, the sun; os:scoo or co, the moon; ajl, Mars; qtgao, Mercury; @ o0000000, Jupiter; cooooS @o, Venus; oec, Saturn; and cpcq, Rahu, the dark planet, which is only visible when passing over the discs of the sun and the moon and causing eclipses; the eight compartments of an astrological house (ocoo86) corresponding to the said eight planets. --—....ooo9g, v. to name a child according to the letters of the alphabet allotted to the day of the week on which he Swas born; 0coSa38 or 8=8S if on Sunday, c60w6 or 84>6 if on Tuesday, souoq8 or 8Cogo if on Wednesday, and so on. The letters for each day are:3a for Sunday. oo, 0, 0, C, c, for Monday. o, Co, o, 9, y, for Tuesday. o0, Gq, co, o, for Wednesday. o, 0o, o, 0o,, for Thursday. 00, oo, for Friday. c0, co, 0, o, for Saturday. Very often Burmese children are not named in this way; but the names of novitiates for the priesthood are invari. ably given according to the letters assigned to the days on which they are born. 2&, n. dressed cotton; comp. o1, undressed cotton (ol, the cotton plant). - 5, a. padded or stuffed with cotton, as g25-sai, a padded jacket; 98so03sF4, a better kind.. —o6S, n. a cotton mill. cG (commonly o.g), n. a kind of red eaith found in some stones, see Gc?, sandstone. G9.o (G9o), n.; see Ggsoo, the testicles (h4man or animal). , adv. all together, good and bad without distinction, ooa0os s(o; chiefly applied to grain and betel nuts; ~sCoOS, G8I:oc5oog, he buys the lot, good an bad;.gioooP8so 65 (ojo0c086o), adv. with a cracking nois —. g, v. to make such noise as in eating risp eatables, e.g., jsococ8 or lettuce leaves; or it can be aPplied to the noise made by a dog in crunching fowl bones C 339 (g& (gjS), n. the beam of the harness or heddles of a loom, q0hm g~s (8 ). ---— C3, v. to throw one's self about as when in great trouble; used metaphorically as a rule; ~8g (gjs) GoooGxo',; he remains distracted, e.g., when a person loses a near relation. -— (oS ) c, v. to perform a somersault, pitch heels over head; s: (or@ ) cosgs alo, go (,n c~s aog.oriog, to be pitched head foremost as from a horse; Oq3ooS5.g pc88 — (-ojt) cgo63, n. the red-rumped lorikeet, M. S —(C g) c8o, -c-08o, n. a tumbler, rope-dancer, a class of petty Government servants at Mandalay; 0: (cfS) 39S 006110 oo~gii e)3 (The fourth consonant in the Burmese alphabet and the fourth in the class of gutturals, So>,).) wccpoloo (Pali mog, a house, and aoolo, to dwell). --—, v. to enter into the conjugal state, 3OSoo;SooSLopS; but commonly applied to sexual intercourse, o5olooQa>, e.g., a( -8?Go5o3~ o g3c3oomSo6~lc8AGoooomOOpoloO Qoq8xzoa ocf3go qoloo I (From this example it will be observed that it is a term which may be used in rape cases, but it is said to be in more frequent use in Upper than in Lower Burma.) eW0> (Pali), n. the nose; pGoltii Wo300voo4o (Pali eo and 3cc000o) (the six senses; oaoooo ols1), n. the sense of smelling; O3ob36oo$iSsi C (The fifth consonant in the Burmese alphabet and the fifth in the class of gutturals, oog~.) c, i, pron. possessive and objective of cl; in certain constructions my, me (see Grammar); a title prefixed to proper names of men indicative of superiority in the speaker, c&, c0, c$, col, but not polite. Though there is little objection to its being used from employer to employed, by a superior to a subordinate, or from a senior to one very junior, c is occasionally used with 8 prefixed to names 340,$4S of women, e.g., c8o4, indicative of displeasure or annoyance on the part of the speaker, e.g., acoScooxoS~oapc8'g 0, 2, v. to be enough for all on an equal distribution. Der. 9, v. to.distribute equally to all; gs0ooooSruo ocSccia loe o89o:xqPCjeoSc8j& 8P owaesocaoo(-(co:-Sc qcCa lqlooo., have you, sir, rice enough and sufficient for all in the worship zayat? coS, see under ccl oS c@8 (~8), n. a black kind of rice; one kind of coZo8m8o:cpS (pS) CgoSrc.3a0noG Si8:oo06G9:oco c s$4co; goQ o8c a3SooSooc CS, v. to pull, draw, Qgw&; to draw a line, ooS6 o8ao8sU; to draw out, spin, ~8-c8co 0e;nooo; in connection with mioacf, to gasp for breath as a dying person, exoSc8co; in connection with (cB, it means to be drawn along by the irresistible influence of one's past evil deeds; lcC~oqo5Se gaS f3107dscogoongmnlssoq go call and bring him with you (cS denotes that there is no choice for the person called but to come); Fc xoqSopo "S ~8Q 44:@aS~oogosa~c80 GL909~ogto 99 c~, v.; see cSii cS:, v. to be instant, without delay (obsolete). Der. cooSc8tj cM, a term of reproach; bconSElo 5 p SoggoSoed 4 coS, v. to thirst, be thirsty; GqcooSoe, to be hungry or thirsty, be in want of food, either coocoS or c6oSoS; to be not sufficiently plump, full, as the stern or bow of a vessel; OcoS^,xaiucoS (i.e., not be in proportion to the rest of the vessel). OP-gois, v. to be destitute of food, be in a famishing state; more than ~8oc&B S3q 0 c098oo ooxS'vsoS~cc8 A oSo: oolso8 cO3: (ob), n. a species of bamboo. c4, v. to be salt; oo-gcqpcjooe, the water of the ocean is salt; mc cx3 cf39C$ cz"j 3 oC 'cu Su603 t oS GO M8Io:CD% aorg~o83ozos (01). o$8, I, n. a goose; hence %cF-, a swan. When H. M. S. Wild Swvan was stationed at Rangoon, the vernacular newspapers designated the.vessel as coooci:n QoS 341 C$, 2, n. a kind of serpent including several varieties, as c$se coS, the white-banded bungarus; c$:Goo6:, the brown green rat-snake [the Burmese say that the bite of the c~g Goo8o is deadly only under certain circumstances (see Mason's Burma, edition of 1860, p. 316); coo038lu cqroo&S1 Qo&.):8o 38100 coGO385i GQG0c8:1 0Cco101qg C8QEoooj o30S ]; csGO$CoSO:, the yellow-banded bungarus; [the Burmese call the c$:tsioGi5 ~s63u8o4,c)), G o8su and assert that it is harmless]; c ooa28o?8, the belted hamadryad; qR,qS, the dusky hamadryad; chsol, the red-headed bungarus, also a certain venomous influence supposed to occasion certain diseases, probably a form of malarious or typhoid fever. -cg), 91n. the spotted fever. -os: (3zSi), v. to affect with the said venomous influence. -o0 $, n.; see cq, 2nd def. -qcso3q (6c~6), n. a cold sweat occasioned by said influence (c0g8cs8:). -jo,0 (oo8:), v. to affect with violent fever attended with delirium. -ol, n. the yellow fever. -— 6- coo, n. soinewhat similar to cs0oveS:, but in which one loses one's power of speech. cqR10, -n. a spade or shovel, oaq g-.81o (pron. og~6:3io); comp. ooco01 [I c$tt (from 3acos, a portion), v. to parcel out a work, or do it by parcels (job work); cSjqoSaooalc sg~oSme~. cqS, n. the nat that is supposedto-occasion (lunar) eclipses; -.-o.S (008ns), v. to seize: upon (the moon) and occasion an eclipse. I The sun and moon are at regular intervals seized by the asurs (oqacq~) Rahu (qpcq) and Ketu (comoc), and these periods are called grahanas or seizures (eclipses).M.B.] The Burmese do not appear to use the term cqo5 uoS with reference to~ solar eclipses. They say that the monster "vomits." (6$) the orb when the period of obscuration is over. c&S, n. a kird of cucumler, coilc@oS, said to thrive only in the rainy season. -P42 I C) t i o cScSs- or coc8s, adv. with longing desire, longing for, with regard to young people used allusively in a bad sense. In saying that a famished dog regarded food with "wolfish eyes," this would probably be the right word to use; can also be used of a dog eating food (or offal) in a voracious manner. c8SGcloa, see GccloScS (never used). coC, v. to be small, little (inferior) [cSqgScog-o-s4qii@oagc6cog: - oeSco, v. to reproach another by exposing the faults of his or her youth; x5c= ooeSd u5duSGcpohc~8 co&J:s i. ----c5, n. a. companion from childhood; coSogS8Gocg, a friend and companion from childhood. -— ogoo8.oc:, from earliest childhood. -— d8, n. the triangular opening or the soft spot in the cranium of an infant (fontanel). -— 8, n. one who has had the mastery over one since youth; too czSo ~8 Qo6o8~o:,8a83o?~ oo186l, as he formerly had the mastery over me from childhood, I dare not engage in rivalry with Maung Yan Way. (This means either in an intellectual or physical struggle.) — Go18, n.; see coc5-O. -..- Go18-3@0o5, n. a friend from childhood to the present time. S-__, n. a celibate or vestal from childhood (a term applied to p6ngyis and nuns in contradistinction to Qoooc8oS). --— o8cog, n. one brought up as a servant from childhood..-. ---8Go'lo5, n. an animal bred from the pen (from its infancy); 8:0oo4o001oS0o180oo0o8 oS5 --—, n. a natural fool or idiot.. — goS, v. to be young; oCOc(S,oo11 -- o5o1, v. to cry with an acute tone as a person in a state of violent fear; coSoO15zOSopogS --— o3M, n. a servant or subject (ccaS>ogoco:i) cqlooq, n. the nodding clerodendron, an elegant flowering shrub very often found in rice-fields; it is eaten (cooked) by the, Burmese with ngapi. 343 c2@s6, n. the officinal pothos, a kind of creeper (used medicinally). cqo6, n. a red-pepper plant, chilli (Pzier nigrum), of which there are many varieties, cj85c.8n cqjoSon cojvS5Q-o9Si co85N3Q8i CtC8Mn)C8Pi co8c3aaS 40o000A 01-188 o.gqS: qoas8o5aox~, the k4lee and shw6 at (species of) chillies are so pungent as t~ cause the back part of the jaws to tingle with their pungency [ccq,*s;, a pestle for pounding chillies; eom c9g ccoSGG9 o8awu Gcq6oS59jos Uojzo31 " Jg. (pron. ix.6)], i.e., in the way of " adding insult to injury "! I cq (cq), n. a state of punishment, hell, the infernal regions, c4@e the principal narakas (cq), places of suffering, are eight in number (co68) * * * * "It was declared by " Buddha that if any one were to attempt to describe all " the misery of all the narakas, more than a hundred, or even "a hundred thousand, years would be required for the reci"tal."-M.B. — 8~-, n. a superintend nt or inflicter of punishment in hell (a tormentor). n8, a. hell-fire [a percussion cap; Gc0:cq cS. -8tqg, n. sulphuric or nitric acid. - jacoS, n. the eight stages or stories of hell, namely, c8 o3 zcoaqoeSb, 0008e00ba cp9ot GclsGopgon =cop (pron. cooc4), ncxnoog u ma8$i, each of which is encompassed with sixteen inferior hells called eoM3q9c0Sqo'.'516C @qooemoooe~ cDnSollc8e[ ~c -c mnoo3,ioouooAogi c3aoot ocooqo cq-i, r os3 =oaS0acqnarc oaCoSCqagoc~ n c~Gszo o3o * n0qN 3c qn 033 ugcall o861 oo31oooo~o 3~dgcall 400,,, O 0:)03o8aqoo2g; regarding the situation of the eight-storied hells, the Theinzo (Sanjiwa) is the upper one, below that Kalath6t (KRlasmitra), below that Thingata (Sunghata), below that Rawroowa (Rowrawa), below that Maharawroowa (Maha Rowrawa), below that Tapana (Tipa), below that (Mahatapana (Pratipa); concerning the lowest, it is the Awizi [Awichi]. [Note.-The names within brackets are the Singhalese equivalents given by Spence Hardy. On the same page he states, " They are (i.e., the hells) "each io,00ooo yojanas ih length, breadth and height. The "walls are nine yojanas in thickness and of so dazzling " a brightness that they burst the eyes of those who look at "them, even from the distance of moo yojanas. Each hell "is so enclosed that there is no possibility of escape from 344 el: " it. There are in all 136 narakas, and the whole are situat" ed in the interior of the earth;" vide ocoocqdoScc cooScqg (xq8rcS5), n. sassafras; 9oon, coq8 (ron. coaS), n. a fabulous monster, four of which are said to sustain the earth on their shoulders, and, whenever they change their position, the earth quakes. These monsters are said to be &gp, but this was not taught by Gaudama. — c-, v. to be an earthquake; G@8sc0Sa0g0u c, v. to be enough, sufficient, GcoooSoo; chiefly used in the derivations Gos5 and looScn, v. to wait for,.co:coogii — o0o (Gsoooos), a8, -co~, — gS, same; amoocogog c;q8 GsqGC oo, I had to wait for the tide at Sukala village; oe8: q6.SCqc8og,, you will (likely enough) have to wait for the tide; g6cqcSgoooologGeo ol o5,i86:~ uol ~u I will follow and come, wait and remain (till I come) under the shade of the banyan; coooc;og48o8owasc goooor@o8 80o0o-@g" a.oQ0Cg2CXo)o0do, coo8~oGc., owing to the man speaking to her with a semblance of love, the woman had faith in him and remained in earnest expectancy, without evincing affection towards any one else. cl, pron. I, mas. or fer., used in speaking to one's self and in addressing inferiors; also used towards equals when irritated and affronted, e.g., cl 4~ cccoS qx, I do not consider you any one (i.e., of importance). cl:,,- a. five; d0o oyjo9guSol061gGs)o5oc8og8, if you act like this, you will be overthrown, [as if you had committed (all) the five unpardonable sins? oifuoo]; cl:oChs8co or ogo8clsoIo, the five duties binding on all creatures. --— ppas (from oocli po8:, within 500 tas), n. half a taing (oqd), see 33Ea81 cli, 2, n. fish. -— 86, n. the black caboose. --— aSoo: (ct&,m:cos), n. the long dorsal-finned cat-fish. --— 3, n. the carp. — a — 5, n. the fresh-water cat-fish. -— coooooi, n. the large perch. Ole.3~ I o4n. the Tavoy mountain bar. n. the, cock-up. _oocoq,-,n. the goby. -MOMc, n. the large mullet. MN n. the king-fish, which produces isinglass, co o 'D (Tavoy). -r. s. (610'q-) (pro-n.-c'411j) n. a small fresh-water cat-fish,(produces a stinging sensation if touched), n. a kind off film on the eye. [Note.-The Burmans say that when ~he sky is overspread with cloudlets after the rainy seascon is over, that it is cI@8:r,-:moS _088GOO~fn. the black!-banded systomus. n.. the scales of fish. — co-&~:(ci ooq~zo~*, n. the, fishing frog. -o&&tS (Pr-on. c1*jGf@D~t), n. the long-headed cat-fish.......ca3,n. the Indian' mackerel. -(RW8 (CI 0 nRM8) (Tav~y.),. see oooq4 u -.1"S (Pron. cls with a, slight pause and theli q~o`), a. a frame to catch fish in,! their passage over a dam. jzn. the latter varilety; cI-q~smoGmcQ3,)oo%5 oo,:q q61,D,&jcu (cler~togN:, n.! the rose-finned systomus. [Prov. ci**:ooo0oI2S.f:)8,CO co:8,i the. way of -a body 6f persons, being put to discredit or bearing a bad reputation owing to the bad behaviour of one of their number.]; -j$*xQojcoo3z: (C1:oO~q8cxo:), n. the black-backed'systomus. n. the torpedo. n..the large gudgeon..~-V OSWKn. the red-eyed gudgeon (lit, the gudgeon with the red pupil)...-agqo~j, n. the Tenas~erim sole, the. brachirus t urbQt, M. n. the small pei'c-h, 61 seqjtoaoc (Tavoy) o~coc~c1to n. the small s~rubium, M. W& os n. the larg-e-evies miullet.; -0-oqrj n'. the narrow-mouthed carp; the white-fish. Upcountry Btirnano, call the..cl'cjp~oSo the pje-8% (9 &qj). 44 c10o0, n. the fish bait. -- oVRo5, n. a fish resembling mackerel, a species of leiurus. — 84, n. wet fish or fresh fish in opposition to cl:,clo5; cI: 86^002, a seller of wet fish; cl88:8&o$:, the part of the bazaar set apart for the sale of wet fish. ON-MG, n. the sword-fish; cloiuooo:mcwSo - Q0-3 840ob n. the elephant ear. -oqsC 5 (pron. with a slight pause after cl:), the back fin. — cai, n. the ribbon fish. *b-o-o5 (ccco5ab), n. a species of cat-fish, adipose-finned cat-fish. -c o$ (Pron. o$), n. the adipose cat-fish. — GoYonS (Q), i. a species of fresh-water cat-fish. - wcSso & (pron. clsoozgoa), n. the bristle-finned sprat; cQ: -c0Q,, n. any fish that is harmless for food.. —C. v. to make a 'take' of fish..C-B) n. the jelly-fish. — coW2cg iS, n. a species of cat-fish. ~4-05i, n. the calabasu carp, 6 3 —~sa~mo riS, n. the bola, a species of Indian whiting. - I$m0cf, it.; see 61c:@ oooot, n-t,. the cocked-tail cat-fish, silvery cat-fish. ~ ---S o n, t. the topsy-turvy fish. _-o0cB, n. an estuary species of cat-fish. W-o~ poo, nt. the loach. 0-oc, nt. the large silure.. —o-o0S (ron. 03-S), tn. the amphibious snake-head. — cOr34, see cl1q-o45n ---, tn. the Malay shad; cow:ooS6cln — on it:,. the pomfret; cli:ji n-it,. silago (peon. exactly as written)...-ou 5 (pron. clcob), nt. the gills of a fish. -8, it. a preparation of fish salted and pressed, fish-paste; 6clbtS, oQ8:cl:S, gcsch8, c:843 y SJPf GO;ogS g8 qjq yCr cit cli. 347T aoTo0CY5O0~ [Proverb c8Y oS co og c S OT C coe. Anglic), " Put a beggar on horseback" &c.] c1s8$ p: (kc1b389), n. the sardine (found at Tavoy and Mergui). --- s, n. the mango-fish. - qd-y S, in. the Indian whiting; clqoSa - 7co&E, n. the four-toothed porcupine. - 7coSzoo:, n. the smooth sea-porcupine. -—.61oEco_, n. the perilainp. pS, n. cl OSaynII - 00So or:3Sc; n. a species of turbot resembling the common English tirbot, psetta, M. - CQ (Pron. 6), n. the point-tailed goby. --— $$, n. the amblyopus sucker. --- 0o: (pron. as spelt), ni. the flat-bellied herring; the brittle. finned sprat, also called (at Rangoon) c1:@o-ox6S5n c-;o, n. the amber, sometimes called the sea-perch. -- ooc, tn.; see c1-o^o'Si -o, n. the band fish. o$-Ico in. the Tenasserihn bream, M. -o(?, n. the fresh-water herring. [ci: ) 3 4,: 3~6rcdbq3c co: o(S, the Burmese say that the fresh-water herring, on account of its having'so many bones, is so difficult to eat, and that a Tavoyan i so difficult to get on with on account of his many tricky ways.] -o($ (61.o c), n. a ver~ large eel. - cci:6, n. the Tavoy wiite fish. c q8 -OOCOaS, n. o-36F1, tn. the Tavoy white fish, M. -csoo~, n. the gar-fish, like a miniature sword-fish in appearance. oon, n. a species of eel; c1l8'gI'? -o,. the shark. - 0-:-4ay (c14o$g)~, n. the hammer-headed shark? S-:g S, n. the blade of a screw of a steamer (c61o so, the screw of a steamer or $team-launch?) L-o*:.oo:ct5, n. the swqrd-fish, 3X;!~! g n. Lb oinrt iozu o oc4,see ci:00:jo&4$; rwhen ]uIJ grown, called c1:9S48:n - 8,the short-headed cat-fish.. -@8:~~~~8oo:$ (c:6:3pz:, ee 1:&t III -@8:982,n. the bairbuleless cat-fish.n. the laheo,' belonging to the carp tribe. -~:: (:),n-.'the black-tailed systomus., c~qn. the ophidian; ci:q8oq (Tavoy). _cM.,:)5Goo~,n. Mastacembeluts zabrinus, M. - 90:; -i:O315, n. a fish-hook. SV. to fish., - 00)n. bait. -5oV-o5,.?. a fishing rod.' _~wsn. the barb of a fish-hook. -— g~sc6~,n. a fishing rod. v. to twitc 'h up the hook. -qI8, n. the large snout. ~q8GO~oo,. the whfite-bellied apsarion. it* the chela. - q54-n. the Morton barbel. qo6,n. the long —beatded barbel. S(Ci:11, n. the banded snake-head. -ci:qJG6)Thc~ (61 V:';G,.i8:,c), ax. the amphibious snake-head; cl1:o~u 5 _cjq- (c9Iq8:), ns. the spotted snake-head. -' —9 oG.8 (ci:1ooeS), as. the small snake-head. ns. a fish of the mackerel tribe, Sib iutiz lineoblatum, M. n.op8a. the mailed c'at-fish; the shark-snouted cat-fish. ca:,. the large cat-fish.ns. an eel; 61. -ag-G '8 [russet brown or 'sang de *bceuf in colour.].Q=CO8o4:, ns. the common eel. -. ---c8co6o, as. the 'skate.. as. a collective term for fish and marine or aquatic Apinials generally. cIa c the small mullet. — o5qo, w4- the small cat-fish. =.V.=0C03.Al n. the Rangoon shad. WGO~:)6olds, n. the cotger eel. 0o n. the rohita carp. cm, n. a heron. -Go00O, n. the muraena eel. q, n. the Cassia lignum. - oo, -a, n. varieties of the said tree. [Note.-The fruit of this tree is said to be used as a purgative.] qoS, v. to remain after a' part or principal part is destroyed (obsolete). Der. 3aqog, oqcpoSo%, the ruins of a pagoda; -qoS, — croS, -o:8, adv. in a sitting posture, the allusion being to co&qoS, the stump of a tree; ooaqoSo8, adv. sitting idly, in one continued sitting posture, not necessarily idly; 88ooEoq)o~ofq~GooeogOOqo0 o08oqo QQ 10: 0WWP3SC0Io I cI~8"Soq8 ESG oT90 q 5CqC& RoqCB000gy80cajgo 5 AcG 01C 3 063s &II, L13sq6:C9Cj 00sC309 80aj$16 ooqoS86508roloe~. [Note.-Without being able to move hand or foot may be considered a free translation of co CQOa 6L.cEjw, but it is believed to convey the true meafiing.] q8, v. to dive, to go beneath, to be swallowed up, be lost, disappear, to be latent as a disease (or to be in the "latent period " as a disease); IcT sgcoTlu3ag G8 ooe8~l~oo:o; would you dare to dive in the water on this declaration (used by the Burmese to test another's veracity or accuracy in argument, or when an unusual kind of statement is made, &c.); qoSG.So9c(garq 6oTgo8ca&38 0o6O-IqoQ, you must take medicine in order that the fever which is latent may come out; G.qa8o.ooeool -opSop-oo8 (Aso G3S. pcfQ GOOD8: QV, there is no concern in which it is good to be behind-hand besides that of diving. [Note.This maxim is said to have emanated from the former Bamaw Sayardaw, U Pandi]. 4, v. to inclose, 'cover, shut up, as in the mouth or a flower bud, to include, comprise. Der. mq (see jo84); co-~oc G0.1oC80: 090.qj8 10W0, cannot you write this line of writing from memory? 03 0 8?0630C 00S C$ ~6~~Cql &80O~~psli 3SO P t, v. to hold the head down for the purpose of looking, to stoop, to hang the head in silence or respect; comp. oS and aroSn M5J q&0GooooGBs OSScBnoaSoago2ogsoogSO&ol oagousg3old:j ~oo358^oS.3o^, as the floor of the house is low (ie., near to the ground) when you go under, it will be only by stooping that you will escape striking your head; Ndbq.goSaooa(~o ~ oajtoSoEo3oog, when entering the cave, he or they went in a stooping manner. -— ~S6 or ct-.8, adv. idly, implying disregard of authority, to show cool disregard for when one should be at tending to something (sangfroid, insoufiance), to be shy(?) o: SO8 8ao<^ $~GqS<dc olcqjO38,loqj(^$ om Sscc&^ cySoSn go@8sc^GoocpSII oo33 (X8)65olo8ioodiqoS^S o53qo:pooS S -- o, v. to stoop and enter (as in entering a cave, &c.) Q:, n. a quail; o8tco ilogo1o5~5 o)8s8o0oso, you are like the quail. I do not think you will ever grow a tail. [Note.This is said in a disparaging way, and means that in the opinion of the speaker the person addressed will never come to much good. Anglice, " Never set the Thames (temse) on fire."] q, i, n. the Imperial pigeon. 2, 2, v. to project convexly, as a promontory, to jut out as a small headland. Der. oaqt $Sow8acacoo cqp<so l2qoogTS @co33a C<o30QGfc3oa, oopSoooboog, the Burmese and Talaing races, when about to erect a pagoda, generally seek (a spot of) land which juts out. cc:, v. to have the mind diverted from the proper object of attention and intently fixed on another [thoughtful, absentmindedness, to be in a serious reverie, or " brown study," to allow the mind to wander, to be star-gazing]; os8p: 00oorc:S6zo c, what " brown study " are you in? Gc:gos 01 olk&gcgooo~coCo-oooSoul, do not let your mind be wandering from the subject; please pay attention to what I am saying. v, v. to lean, be inclined to one side, as a post or vessel; less than cS:, and cco.:, to be inclined in mind, be partial, have partial regard to, to be tipped up as a vessel, to draw off liquor. Der. gl o8:qSlotgoo= clV o tcig t oog, it is only because I have a regard for you that I remain without being divorced from you; c6q:ogv0oSos: oSJ.qo#s oo2 a:g xogu 0oooSsoo^ 8o oSoogpc^qcx ~jh v. same, 2nd def. GdI v. to project (i.e., stick up or out); a ~ ~ tS OGqGGOOD &&&6UO05GQ 3OI4'o CS89 3:D~3 GCI CRI 0 00 G6165, v. to project, stick up or out more prominently or ele. vatedly than GcI (obsolete), to use loud, violent language in order t~o daunt or terrify;Sco ral p~z do not use loud, violent langruage in speaking to me, sir (c5T;@] Would be the same meaning). C0)V. same, 1st def.) used adverbially, hence Gc,165'.1clo& CAS adv. sticking up or out; qvosacT (cv) 9.I:3 -c6,, -aGcT, v.;, see G6165, 2nd def.; tdaG~o~cIGclc~cStcS: 002~3, the sound was loud and terrifying. 0 0,v.; see the parts. &'-omo:5) -GCOCu B, adv. sticking; oSrCoo m)sc6~oc 066)n. a bird, said to have one leg and have its habitat on the confines of Manipur and Upper Burma (in the ocno8. szoz adv'. stretched out-, straight (as when sleeping in the way of other'9s passing); to be gawky and lanky in appearance; c~:t:co5 JS30-30S)-BOg:OcS GCIo'8soS i.-~Oe, my little son, who is sleeping stretched out by himself alone; 0 w~8~oS r.ooG)8Sr.oO3Kt, adv. singly, alone (as a person travelling by himself); o8: q&,3o:e~o 000 =:copS3 6183 cl: cooo 81 tlv. to project, as the middle of the body when bending back. wards; to take advantage of some affection or favour and be contumacious, refractory;om oocoxiooc NWWNWAV.; m3$tf c o)_oos3 cc~6cj 08Rw00 M@o)5OOSC~2c1a3.-h~ ur o~8:~& ~G~j0C~ o~9 C~1O& 8Iq5_F3OeC OO~50~.206 C::O'G ~i ~ sick~ ~li,Eayqmjoi t~han ro.o.aveu unplea$ant taste,, "o ccT66%, -or b~e sirong abset;t.srn as a voic6 A4 en sipgngi~et~aeo'lue~a n one else. n ~. ohv n odrTa n 9-005,00o35 ad/v. to be disagreeable to the smell, as the scent of a petfume in a ~sefise of its being overpowering, to. he, harsh and grating to the -ear -as the human voice-; r.980-c) g3cOGTooSoSmc owing to there beiing too, much salt and ngaii the cArries' prepargcl by, the. T49n the flavour is,overpoweringly istrong.- -(coC&G60,~g)~.0,b,003,0 -cvo, ac/v. sticking up -obliquely; 04. TQcotoTooLi v. i: to cry to be'moist 'fromi-a' slight porous exhajatigpn; less thai 4 to emit moisture.(sweat.), as salt (po..Q), jaggery (o:SqsugRar (co&jo: alum '(r.oo ), a]Pmo-niac (wx~oo oo), gunpowder,. (coS gq); jzMC.OOO cog, the child -cries very 'much-because*it is' hun'gry for its milk; 4oc2$c~oioi~oe~..~co;(G-&), v. to cry, aloud, oB 5,-.oe~*S1 8000DOS..C~O (r.0%) Ros up~:ccnS cooa&cp 08.090oi~jicoo @Nd then the rin and princesse wintith their very -tender and deli. Cate hands, slipped off the thongs made of creepers, and crying loud the while, ran to the -presence of Mingyi Waythanday-a. W." —~ 0~8) a funeral song (iqj~qae). — ~&:ap~(Pron. Q@8aoS~o), n. a professional mourner, a mutte., Formerly women were engaged as professional nmourners, but now men alo6ne. L rofessional' mourners are only employed in Upper Bu'rma.}j v. same as C2Jgu,. v. same as.QBv., to nod through drowsiness, to hang down the head as a ear of grain- or as the top-kn'ot, Gop8qo;.Oaas73cizor: SqoSa:io. this child is nodding because it * wishes to'go to' 'bed. Sacv hanging down the' head;o o5 -r-09,a.*; se'e qoYS, i st def; -Ggo I 353 Us, v. to contradict, deny, to refuse to do (one kind of oaoS);. co)zSoCP0-0V53) cnl.c3ozS ocoSSOx [to miss fire as a gun or rifle, 8sg8o]. --— v,. same, Ist def.; c8J#:i 0 8 pos oO3e2Pojo odPCB~Sgo8 @S@ozg,0 the disciples of Theinzi and Lord Gaudama contended with each other as to who was the Buddh. q-b, n. an issue at law; gqSoaoSczg, to frame an issue. -xo$, v. to refuse to obey; 81ox oo8c0oxii azEooooirP3Q O -co5, v. to reject (a proposal), to disown, disavow; oSgcqos C@:) cO&O MO$u8o68 aooSolait, I will not reject what you / say, sir; = Q810cm o o 8-oq~~ c8ouc0ooJIo0cqoo8 j c2oo2Mo. MI 3s=O2 oQ~Xaosq Qoedcqc11 qGooO)5 Cqa-C88 ooc0Sc ooe~. [Note.-olo appears to be an equivalent to the Biblical expression " son of Belial."] @i, n. a scaffold, gallows. - Mo, v. to make a scaffold or scaffolding made of bamntboos for the purpose of building or repairing pagodas (@S:moS CoM38t5o&I 68:9qo511) ) Oqq39D48f-:oS3cqOCIp coEst89008ogs, if any one wishes to place an umbrella on a pagoda, it is only by making a scaffolding that one can place it (lit. that one will be able to place it); maq~BS 5 ~#r@t o S ccaC. Proverb; dSaS: g o if the fire is extensive, one takes great refuge on the scaffolding. (This proverb took its origin from the fact that in Upper Burma, when a Bai is held, the scaffolding round an incomplete pagoda is the only place of refuge when a fire takes place). @os, 1, v. to meet with, find, i3o3'10I (obsolete in this sense), to be married, to have sexual intercourse; ooG4 co a8 S (pron. oArs) co1:ca Sa 33 OnSO >0 [Note. —@a is not an elegant term]; s?ca, g:, 2, v. afix, euphonic (mostly u;ed before the continuative affix co;Scp:, and the assertive future affix 0,, when used for cqS, e.g., 3c3to-go c:a3);: 6lrD: CGa5OOS:es co2, although he went, he did not find him (or it)., v. to catch, as by a nail or thorn; or by passion; m8onS mo@ @$:3g 341 ('3l ~t fo33c $agy oopoyogn S0gnr r oa3qSCja;8~07:oCO,f og0acq~o~ o, when children (lit. sons and daughters) start on a journey and they " beg pardon " of their parents, 45 '.the parents give their blessing, saying " may you not come in contact with stumbling blocks or be caught by thorns" [i.e., 'a'figurative way of saying " may you not meet with trouble." g:,v. same in the latter sense [to be criminated or implicated in a crime or offence, to get into a trouble, some entanglement]; ocB&0a4cj6&oS c Gx3SmooS&8 G.o8o8g3:3eoT — ogc, v. to catch, entangle, hold fast, with particular reference to the affections. Der. agogcalooo49jo9cR-coS: 89uz.g66o0:oo- 6 jC3q6991C),p:8E3g81,v. to be still, unmoved, composed, quiet; ocijS9o-, to be undisturbed by outward trouble; comp. 511 oocgaooiowoi aOcbQoowc e; aoeoaq8 cco~ S oSc $ol II — 8S (in conjunction with @S, pron. MI), v. same, 1st def.; rug@(3S"(yq &1@ oj9 8:8ag$c 58&,, this pony is unlike other people's ponies, it is very quiet to ride. -oS, — ooS, v.; see o8; o0 s0oo r8so1 w oQ1og cgx3nc$grofoio-, owing to thieves, dacoits, bad characters and opium-smokers being scarce, towns and villages are in a peaceful state; CcScx&11Qqi08oo ~~61 GODSd~O~8 P, oS( ow-oo&68 C53o:J8 so aQoor 65033@J 1 gu6; o a03 a 6CSq3o0~135t 8@sU0$ 9: gl i000a, v. to be soft, gentle, pleasant; co:ox>)wa, to have sweet, pleasurable sensations, as aozt. sQ@8@Soae. Der. w4&n oqqoO3805o40 goo.: Goo3szo1 ~ooaRo~68x6, when one hears the sound of musical instruments, it affords one's ears much pleasurable gratification. [Note.-The Burmese term the sensation experienced in being swung in a swing, in riding on an elephant, in being in a boat when rocked by the waves, t]. - C86, — oe-38-:, v. same, but used adverbially only. — c0a1, V.; see s Si, v. to extinguish, quench, to be extinguished, quenched, @ooe; to be- quiet, appeased, settled, c@ooe; to be quiet, comfortable, happy, free from outward troubles, gjno3 co; comp. @S:; 8:d@szc~.S6l, extinguish the light (more elegant than 8;cooo8ScoS0l); ~&ooo-. oS.o8w,'S EqCB1 QS -J86 r corj ugXoo cuguo 3gnepno3~1 Og @ogn Ir. Oo31 ~~u1 oo:o %~=~! 15~L~~s9~0~Al 06.a,-98ov. same; P,8g o00c3$Q3043"9OlII GOG4~(X0(cfN ii 01%v. to be envious, malevolent, act an envious', malevolent part; comp. Qo.oc~n 0 G@0S3QC2j~OD OCSO0~ He QS OSqGCOS 04C~c~Jq 8oo o c8 0D0 i jo ( SO08oXP& Oc*~8o (~A) OR80Loos 1 r.0,n. any sharp thing stuck up' or out, a sharp stump or thorn, [a caltrop made of three small pointed bamboo stakes, generally scattered on or fixed in the ground by dacoits to prevent pursuit; oo)6~)Ro(oq&01CD ~6o6 ~~ D~,dacoits, in order that their adversaries may not com e after them, throw down and fix caltrops on the road. cjbojj, -qo5, -roooS]. S(&), a. to be dark in colour, between blue and black (i.e., livid), to be of deep blue or green; to darken as the countenance from hearing something unpleasant, to get dark as the sky; oo~4occaz33Dw (0) ooe~( 0) GcoOD 13OhOIIJ3Q3G A.C040G S C 4-1 O~r@GP Co5~0t( 0 ooeo~ (or $s P 66G0D-~) GCSGF886.QOOOGfo 0 OC~oBa= (Mt-) qz &@,v. to be distressed, miserable [to dislike, implying that such dislike is owin to ill-treatment or harshness]; corn @LGo~38 (&Goo&~), v. to be of a dark purple colour; rcTp6e~ewS Q (I1Ooa8 &Goo&6 (e~oo8:) Gtaoa8eoo ~~O5u~o&Xoe, a~mong the, six rays of Buddh is included one of a dark purple colour. ~ ~,v. to be slightly dark, as clouds indicating rain; qcsI (o) co, to be dark, gloomy in countenance, from ill-feeling; jo5~c ( ~ to be sullen, cross, not disposed to seak; B8OL (& 0) oi' OR-O~..OG.MC~ ( 00 v. to feel ill towards, harbour resentment, wish to injure; tIO ca f1-:cooo1ooO," 49-~1 &3o4II; s356 do not bear resentment towards me for nothing at all. g, v. to be large, great, high, to project prominently above and beyond others; used adverbially; 0vilgc.1 3l: b1~..go coz oo3S @, A 8acoo, do you see that mountain towering in its height (lit. toweringly high) in front of you? fgS1:lsoo iieooo^S0pis o Sogogiico3oo8 I Si ^ga(coqnacoo9m Scoo900 r0:1$S ocogo0 $ ag, n. silver; S coo5coo3=. a goo8, aj8-^cqt::Goo joo08 [In the Burmese time, when offering a present to the King, a douceur of half the value was given by the donor to the S minister who had urged, or was about to urge, his cause.] - c-:, v. to borrow money. "-q-o, cog, v. to contribute money for some purpose (usually religious). -—, n. silver moderately alloyed, 25 per cent. — cooS, n. money raised by direct taxation (revenue, Government treasure). — ooSs5 (cgoo5), v. to levy a direct tax. --- Boq, n. a Government treasury. -— oa o03, v. to live on the interest of one's money; G2cqI oo5, to increase as a sum of money by interest. -— 85$, n. a treasurer, cash-keeper; rgcqoSi~n --— 8, n. a flower that appears on the surface of good silver, thence called flowered silver. -grs, -cg:%sgoooS, n. the hairy or feathery appearance on the surface of silver moderately alloyed. — qSt, n. stock, capital. - qSVaS (aq188), v. to wash with silver (to nickel)..-S-, v. to be plentiful as money. (Anglic~, to be " flush " of cash; cocoaSgaSoaogi). — coScsi, n. ready-money; c oooSc)5osgooSaeg, to buy, paying cash. — cooSogoS.a3,, v. to borrow or lend money for a short time.without charging interest. 6, v. to appear in a small quantity, be as a fore-runner or symptom indicative of something more, to be gentle, moderate, to be flickering as the light of a lamp, to be on the point of death (asooSo.Q.cGoocosoooo) r8:3..6 9C) 357 coeqro z6.6.G ccos q61o2~,, this perfume has only a slight scent (or lit. one gets only a slight scent from this perfume). 9 (from c, to be distributed throughout), v. to distribute equally to all; conmp. Go. o2 a3:33;" = 6 8:S u8. nGOOh?Ga.) la'*Q COMO&cScj c&j gfOcoz% Wx.016. C13Z0 cooSOCS ORS t,; o:GaOg CcO3 ct rCGOQO0qC 3il ~a3T ~16a 0?3 goma~1363 33co;X)oEao qag 030% 33:n CQOg s~aS) 9-, i, it. a bird. -coMs=, the term used by the people of the Irrawaddy delta for a Chinese sampan. -cga3o aoS (9S5cq-3:3),,3), i. an ostrich. - a (4oS), n. the adjutant bird. 33S, v. to catch birds; 9S5Gco:).Soo (9.-oSz:go, goSoS -6l, n. the blue or green jay; 8-816xc0p qo! @1 cQ - GAii, I. a temporary roof or awning over the coffin of a p6ngyi or a member of the royal family during the performance of funeral rites. -G @)O5S, n. a scare-crow. -cgIs;, n. the Imperial pigeon. - 88:, n. the Chloropsis aurifrons. - rcoAS, i. the broad bill. i-:n. the screech owl. [The barn owl] 8$3 -0 cq8:g, n. the spur-winged plover. -coS)S, n. the long-tailed edolius [the general name for the drongos]. OCoZ)EY n. the wing of a bird, a quill-pen. [9oScooo8Gq9, in Lower Burma a figurative way of styling a lenient Magistrate or administrator, and qoSo6ooEo, a severe one.] -o$oS8 (goSuC~8),i n. the red-cheeked barbet. q-3:88, tn. the Fairy Blue-bird. - @8s, n. the caprimulgus or goat-sucker. - o-p-:, n. the triangular vane of a steeple or spire (so called because a bird cannot perch on it), any vane (weathercockf o.S:ooos (g9o&St:), n. general name for scarlet minivets. " ---8g:, n. a feather or feathers. — ol, n. the mango-bird, a species of oriole. — 0-qooS, n. the wagtail. -— o85ogoS, n. the magpie-robin. -— aoS, n. a bird's nest. o$;; n. the pestilential influence of miasma, malaria. ^SooOooG, n. a place or tract of country which is very malarious. -— qjs, n. an enlargement of the abdomen (spleen?) occasioned by such influence; o=o rgSqogM.oSg9mSgoo a --— os, n. a jungle fever, GcBqosqosoago; v. to have jungle fever, fCBSql:.Soe; to catch jungle fever, goSqJoj3onn -— o, v. same as 5oSqo:S8 Soc5Gp, n. the plantain, banana.. —'go5 i, n. a kind having the extreme part of the top end large. -— S8 (pron. q8), n. a stalk or bunch of plantain fruit containing several combs (90oSqo8s). -— c: (95c~), n. a large kind. / — 8-c30, n. a large long kind... —o.6o5, n. a long kind, smaller than aoa5o — o — rcol, n. a large kind of a dark colour. — 8o5.,d n. a small species of 4=ooz, --— 40oq (prot. >o<), n. the small plump, yellow, sweet kind. — .-$ (or 95oql3a$), n. large, red and yellow. — 8-, n. a single comb of plantains; comp. goScpqg — 8s-@OS8, n the most coinmon kind, sub-acid flavour. — 8-q8, n. two combs of plantains placed together concavely. -— t, n. the large bud whence the fruit is developed, the bulging part of a pagoda below the umbrella; oaspais (pron. Cooo8.). — 0-<g, n. a large, plump, sweet kind (lit. the king of plantains). --— ocSaooSooSoods, n. a long, slender, sweet kind. 0 gc6',qlqg S, - n. a common kind bf plarintain, thin-skifined, very sweet (sometimes called 9-Ghroqc8 c305). - o8.s-G2-, n. long, green, sweet, fragrant. - ocFcC~oI, n. a kind of plantain very harmless (i.e., so harmless that children may eat it with impunity), 91, n. affix, for, in order to; chiefly used with verbal nouns and verbs used substantively, e.g., 3ocom91, for food or for the sake of food; br with verbals in @8:, as o' Gt or oI@scat~91, in ordpr to eating; or with verbs used substantively, as ocn~oo00i9 0o:)ZCG3OOO, in order to eat; see Grammar, p. 1 91:, v. to borrow or lenl, to hire or let, the same article, 1n either case, to be returned; comp. c%:2 a.8qoInc900ooo * jo cxSycn508;c@ a choiIa -_ qs, v. same; 6igsqo$qccqj osa~ 080i)06 oo5~p6I )u g (from, to be inclined) v. to incline, set on one side, as a vessel, in order to dec4nt or drain off the contents; less than coo8a (to " tilt" a barrel as when discharging liquor from it, would be c); 0 8g:o olqloooo 6, it is only just now that I have drained off the rice water, the rice is not yet cooked; Gq8locm:):bc)s o~2 goob.) (The sixth consonant i~ the Burmese alphabet and the first in the cliss of palatals, coq~o~. o, i, v. to begin, make beginning or commencement, be first, gsoD, opposed to oF~, frequently euphonic. Der. soo. [Note.-eoox is sometimes contracted to oo after ow or 9 in the first of; two clauses when corresponding with 4II o~8G33Z8, &c.,!in the latter clause, as sGooae~3M8 eOQ8, for Qeo393000, &c., from the wood to the city; ozp oe0tooo~ Q8qo:4 cS(180oSMoqGo, allow me, sir, to make friends with you, beginning from today; dogoc xbMQGooo~Gq: 93ZJ~~~08~CQt-Sl 7g8:353o Gffx-3a 0 50ZOSO08 0cs @ *@8 00"T xa)3O0o3C:Cn oScnco U CgiOsS, there is such agitation at the very beginning of the hot season; when the season is somewhat advanced, there will be much cause foi anxiety. — Nso, adv. ditto; coo~:. * c0oo 0sp3sc38c ooGeoq1SocQ8@c o' o$oooS0 o O:3)8rcoSooe, Alaung Mintara 36o co5 gyi Maung Aung Zayya first founded the city of K6n. baung. o008, v. to be the first to begin (as an aggressor in a quarrel); So=q-8;S oo -~~Cspoo6, this man first began by beat"ing me; go5 is equivalent to hammer. o, 2 (pron. o when preceded by a verb), verb affx. interrogative, coaosolo, is it well? @solo, do you hear or did you hear it? coco, did you find it? &olo, do you see it or did you see it? 61,o, is it there? ioj (from ooe), n. the anus; oSi oA5, I (Pali og, from Sanscrit o@), n. a wheel, anything that is circular and turns on an axis; the wheel of a carriage, 083n c9p:08s; the wheel of a mill or any machine, qoooS; hence o09sooS, a winch, windlass, and 4o)oooSooS, a capstan; a wheel rocket, oo58; the zodiac, cpo; a thunder-bolt, supposed to'whiz round, q:oSt;ooS; (~,: soSe means also a galvanic battery); any celestial or supernatural weapon, particularly the fabulous sekya weapon, *o~oo5, co.gSoo(), ooSqoo3; power, energy, force, a wSoo$S3 'RSam ; authority, controlling power, 3.3=cooS; a circle which, though not actually circumvolving, has a centre or axis from which it was originally turned, coSo:s, coS3:; a circular mark or sign, indicative of some excellence, or privilege, or authority, oeScocgco; particularly the characteristic marks of a Buddh's foot, c0cooSp (io8 in number); SoScooS, ooo or5ooScoco o; the foot of a king, goo6IhocS; a kind of charm, made circular and buried in the flesh (in the neck and upper arm as a rule), ooo:3~RScooo; a circular mark set up as the object of a marksman, a target, -- ooS~t; to shoot at a target, j-5o6oo30; a sekya system or world, o@cg:n [also has the same signification as (ooS, oSilnoscomsonooS -1 co:sp eb, e.g., ogS oorgoS,: c8 otoo&f oo pc0oo0oc]. -- ps, n. a hollow tube filled with gunpowder. -— o0:, n. an engine-room. -- oCco3oS, n. some kind of block or pulley; -- O$, n. the wheel of a block or pulley. — oogit, n. a large reel, like one used as a windlass. --— oo8oSo, v. to follow as a natural consequence, as the spray of water caused by the revolution of a paddle-wheel of a steamer (coSooSqSo'coaooo). eQS 36 1 oc po8 j, v. step, walki; appropriate to the deity and royalty; s~ocBGo5Raeu 1,n. a gallows. c8ov. to executek by hanging on a gallow. ~av. to ram down the powder in a hollow tube (oc-S GO8 n. a paddle box of a steamer. 0)n. applied to a screw steamer, Ibecause the screw is hidden; ro~o oS (,Pron. ce:vo6), a paddle-wheel steamer (lit. a side-wheel). Sayn. a wheel rocket,~ cjo:,n. the fabulou~ sekya weapon. r-~cn. any machin~ that contains a wheel or that moves circularly. -CgslGO',, V. to " slowl down " the engines of a steamer; or slow down a locomotive or any engine. -o,-qSI, n. a circle, a target; Oo~Soe~p, to fire at a' target.I 65.n. a block, pu~ll~; ~OOs-o0-& cg-,n. the cog of ~'wheel, the edge of a thunder-bolt; qtL,&-OhO5 1 or orb, 2, V. to drop, fall ind~rops; scarcely used as a verb. Der. MOoBII -OoB, adv. droppingl~,; qo5qeoo~occo~oex% down; ce -COos, adv. droppinglr (from the body); co8*oq~Sc qeo65 -0-o 5Od53O05, ad/v. s'ame; 3jooc5pc4-oaeqox~oo qFS&Cj Oo5osoc~ocy ~ooe~1 eo,3, V. to transmit impetus, as from one billiard ball to another; to propagiate or b~, propagated, as sound from Cliff to Cliff, or fire' from hoL se to house, or Contagion from one person to~another; coM:6~r.G;Vo59Go 35 00, the epidemic originated and spread from the western, and disappeared after reaching the eastern, division; 3z~o oD ocqjoc~SoocNs 46 oc~oi oS, 4, v. to scratch off by a sudden jerk of the finger nail made by compression against the thumb; co'sooSoooz:oo, a game played by children to test each other's courage. It is painful, frequently causes blood to ooze from the skin, and produces a small sore. ooS, 5, v. to make equal in weight, to counterpoise; ~$ooSoy go8,oqGscCg8 ~ ggoScl~ S $:S:SoSg co0 (c6&) 9 g|Scoug (&^) olosiigooSo osGOoo8 gZoIS CcYaoos5o(oS.)oio 0oPuo3 sco go;SO~tOq|o'iOoq^~cooA$|ooSasolo5uo1o oo5, 6, v. to sleep, take repose; appropriate to royalty and divinity; comp. aS86o I -- - $:, see o$gso6no$loo-u — Q(ooY oT, equivalent to ocoSG.oSq;o GooS oqpeg o5ooo o5,o3oSooo5Gofroog~, His Majesty (lit. the lord of great glory) sleeps only one of the three night-watches. -- og(S —, v.; see ocrfoocSq.p, the mattrass used by royal personages; $.sGo3S5 qGoa6SGqi5oSS:Go4, His Majesty remains in a sound slumber. cowos, n. a word, words, languages, a saying, speech; oooTgap s331 i osc x o, on C o CO Bgo80oo o1 oll — _ 6, -C-aoS, —, -^9, -coo, - 8, — 008, -@8, v. to draw out, detect, catch in questioning (in colloquial English to "pump " a person); ooqj0 $0CooS ma6; o5 ~Go:COooScogo<oql, although you may try and draw me out by questioning me, you will not succeed, sir. — a — 6, v. to be circuitous in speech in order to gain some end; cSgooBoSome — :, -coo8, v. to speak together in company, many speaking at once. --— co, v. to use exaggerated language; ooosoon gs oopS (to draw the lon bow); oaScga Sooooso3 GgoooooS, this person has a habit of speaking in a very exaggerated way. -- (r@goog), n. an anticipatory statement made whether a person has sufficient grounds for making it or not. — &@So, v. to be talkative, garrulous. -— coT, -GOO035, -@8, v. to be indirect in speech in order to make some discovery, or gain some end. " —q8N, v. to make a parenthesis, parenthetical remark (from qS, to insert a flat thin thing between two surfaces, to in troduce relevant matter into a conversation) 0fo03:.o'? 900oog, "this sentence, or passage, is a parenthesis." This expression is to be met with very frequently in Burmese writings; qsps8ooor -PSopoo cgCanboCsoEScj 4ogcjsqs g^S ~oo3^r 8ogouo6olp(., (colloquial). oo0 c, v. to commence speaking; wooom~u -— 10, v. to make a preface or exordium, supposed to be recommendatory of what is to follow, n. a preface or exordium. -r ---7$, n. an indirect allusion, a double entente, same meaning as oos:gi8oos:o coso c rGscQ^:o cot S:8 G@n u30o 003ogg sco:g G SgoOUH -— ooS, n. familiar conversation, talk, chat; o8Rqj0jooo08og3a cOx4:u Og:Suo5G0C38OOOOO3S8 ooOOg: 8 C3o2u3o1 00 11ii -— o, v. to connect or introduce, as language, topic of conversation, &c., eooseoOo:o1 oou ---, v. to be imperfect in utterance (not so much as oor: co00). -— oooo (pron. oooo:ooos), n. language of a specious or plausible kind. — co, v. to reply; n. an answer, reply; =s@,11 -— 00t8, v. to stammer, stutter. -- oo, n. enigma, riddle. -— oooS, to make an enigma or riddle; nojSocs:ooox32oiS o caGool, answer, please, the riddle I made. -— oS, n. an extract from writing; as a verb (to retract something said). --—, n. a comparison, similitude, proverb, folk-lore, ai old saw. -- (from Q, to superadd), n. an additional word, euphonic expletive. — c-T, n. light airy talk. --—, v. to tattle, tell tales, retail scandal. - qoS, n. burlesque. ---- (pron. oocl), n. prose, plain language, free from Pali and poetry. --, v. to translate, interpret; iotoS oo~, n. a translator, interpreter; to return an answer regarding anything; a z0 9o m"[oo 3aoS, a Government translator. [ooso;@$~^qooo, -/ 364 OGOOOco caseq, terms applied to language addressed to persons in a dying or unconscious state.] oootsG, n.; see 0maoqOS, peace-making words. -- Goo, v. to talk, converse, discourse, chat. -- y, v. to be garrulous, loquacious; implying the kind of loquacity which results in the divulging of secrets. -— go, v. to be garrulous j[00oo:c08 has a similar meaning, but is not used as oo3:go and ooon:4: in a disparaging sense.] --- 01, v. to try and rectify a slip of the tongue; lit. to " patch up" (one's) speech. ---, n. a leading word. — a, n. a synonymous word or expletive, e.g., in o8oSEjS0Go: ogSo8 would be the oo0x), iGjpo the oo00so (lit. the male and female words). --— S, n. a hint (oco)sq8go). " ---48o.8, v. to try to catch a hint (oooSoo). -— lS, n. indefinite language, e.g., oogac~ maoooSoGmoj8r6ot o1 would be termed by the Burmese as ooo.-jqS3 ooOI -— ooS0o08), n. language containing something of agreeable import to the person addressed. -— o5, v. to speak unguardedly, e.g., jo0ooSo0oGoSQ.S --— 085, n. a rebus made by transposition of letters. -— g8, n. light airy talk, persiflage. — og08, v. (see oooos:coo), to make use of rhodomontade, gasconade, braggadocio. --—:sooootCgg; n. well-contrived (lit. roundabout and circumventing) and indirect speech, made use of to gain some point or advantage. S ---9, n. rebus. —.0o, n. definite, positive language. "-I- voS, v. same as ooog1n omooo (pron. oGo1o,. and very frequently ooTo-o), a. or adv. not fit for either this or that, incomplete, wanting; comp. oQG00oco, adv. not sufficient, not enough; said to be a combination of ooo and Go.co (=0cSoonsmoS og aggomoCS 9zqS, i.e., middling); ocs:91s:olsaoo1gso:3 oon0ooB cooo, the labourers havereaped the paddy in such a way that it remains in an incomplete, unfinished state. CI 365 o8ooS, n. fie ruddy goose. "og[j n. paper; fljg 2 III'll ogqhj0Cooeacq, a person of very acute perception. a-3 ogeS= ojS0, n. a paper-bound book. 08-.:, n. rough or brown paper; see 48.0~81M' c9)2Goo4S (Pali ocxi and sooacoo), n. the faculty of seeing. oCq (Pali), n. the eye; gjcS8iocloosn -— Cg, v. to be blind (polite); q moS8:o~$Gm 1oo1,~S3 2,.8 3a gao6nn~-oq]ocg507Cfi 20360018009 > 008[03a~3o7o11 Q)na — o (pron. OcGLO)D'), n. the power of the visual organ. oo0oo5, see under mzoioconi' oSEqS, v. to be disgusted with; jS3l - v. same; o a (eYs~ Z? -Om oo Sco8qx SegoS &:)~86,,ozq$(c, the Athinnyathat (Asanyasat) Byahmas (i.e., the Byahmas who live in abodes in which there is no perception-derived from o3j, meaning perception, and 3, the privative affix) repeat verses to the effect that the elements of sentient existence are loathsome; o8Sooms:G3 og (Sanscrit), n.; see ooS, last def., the famous sekya weapon. "-ogo (Pali op, a division, bounded part), n. a sekya world or system, comprising a central Myinmo Mount, the surrounding seas and islands, the celestial regions containing the circumvolving luminaries, and the infernal regions, the universe being composed of an infinity of sekya worlds, see under ecQo6l c ogooo 8 (pron. ogogoioj8z), n. the boundary wall of a sekya world. oocoo3: (pron. o@ooos), n. Sekyawaday, a universal monarch, a Chakrawarrti, one who has obtained possession of the Sekya weapon. "The Chakrawarrtti is an universal emperor; " there are never two persons invested with this office at one "time. He is born only in an asunya kalpa (mzcqoz&p) "(that is in a kalpa in which no Buddh appears); he never "appears in any Sakwala but this, nor in any continent but " Jambudwipa (Oai&80), nor in any country but Magadha. " He must have possessed great merit in a former state " of existence."-M.B. vgoor~ooSn. the encircling mount which bounds a-seky4 system,.-o6ocqo5, see ozooo.o vo63r (from o~q), n. any celestial -or supernatural weapon, par-.ticularly the fabulous sekya weapon; ~oo~cr4% 3 -S one who has obtained possession of the sekya wea'pon.I -—.cooB*oS, see oFT: and oq$4. [N.B.-The difference of a e~cocbo and -a oq&8qaao65o is that the former is able to travel by itsf to ayprt of the o~qoa by the mere wish or command of the o oo'8s, while the latter has actu-' -ally to be hurled by the -c ~o~o but it nevertheless travels with un'ring aim.] ecojj (said to be derived froifn o8G~a), n. a four-sided roof with no ornamental work of any kind (soG@8)Szx4oo) 0)n. a fra'me o r stage raised for any purpose. Der. @&8~ 08, 2, v. to be cleared from dirt, alloy, &c., be clear, pure, to be castrated; used adjecti'vely as poope8W, &c., mcjo8, a pure virgin; cqto8, n. a chaste young man; we~qooq Sa~~olo~~4~[to be free from disease). -5-~c&, same; @oqj.q~coXe~ M8&aI:n cnuS:8q.- qoo~u RO&'I G-s3 (pron. o(8~qp), adl. plain, without ornamentation, as silver-bowls. - coamew6, coco8:c~:, adv. clean, nothing left; w2~4o28s ~5ca~rB~o~c o~ooco&:c~ (or 5o~o~cos4 oIG3z,)c~Co&)l), sweep clean all the rubbish in this house; co6@Sroo:)c~ see 08, 3, adv., even, slightly emphatic; uoe, OSJ (Pron. c8),n. the ornamental dillenia tree; CnSo8@ts, another variety. 90 '(pton. csS -0 Pali oo5Q), n. a walk, place for walking to and fro; 6o0g2c'jCPS Gosooo Qp-S:COOSj OO&00,oM.IO-PS GCb3SVQJ OBNGOW)1000A IP4O3 mqlanQtoq OCQ8 c#~OG~qp bOO&Q. 5 00 %1Ge 6CC0 0- e _-2-0.053t G.O SQ6. [N.B.-XdsQ or opl* does not only apply to walking up And down' -a house or building, but 'also to walking up and down a path, a garden.] 8 367 onoo3, -G-j3qc), v. to walk to and fro; ogaoSoP2s is only Applicable to very short distances, gcool, 4oos2ssoT9gbo Ds* co3gc, a term applied to persons who try and over-reach others. os80S (from oS and 0o8), a. true, real; adv. verily, truly, certainl', really; con&i oasz8" mj$u g o5ii co&Sgocoe ceqoo8oe8 00, this property is really mine; o@ro~oocw9S5j@3 oc9 o ag ~ag$03Pacs 3C08ogs OE408653m~saqc6qj @08s6)og, Cg( coG@Jooio5~c 8ou95(.;log ojqjsn o0, verb. affix, interrogative (infrequent), e.g., os8c1 6 319JseogBancpn Es8 v. to be extended in a straight line, o4; comp. o$:. Der. WO8S.1 o0Gso O.~Go3oOOc008:0: &8eoo2odm300 c5o40 0:18 o08 80:, n. one long, straight thing by itself. -Gpqp66(, adv. stretched out long; es0gon( 63 QG3EoOJO:EnloOOEaoXSc~, your boat is not nice to look at with its great length and narrow beam; it is like up-country handiwork. coS:, - CoSoz88,s, adv. stretched out straight (reproachful). C- I~owSJ8, v. in boat-racing parlance to win by an entire length (of a boat). o8 (o8), n. the acacia tree, yielding a hard timber. os8, 2, n. war, a battle. S-Z81Gco2o 1g, n. an army composed of four parts, namely, C088icjq, elephanteers; E:3g, horsemen or cavalry; qcoo:$8:ojq, charioteers; G@ooe1a, footmen or infantry. rC381, v. to conquer in battle, gain a victory (obGioS8 — c7, v. to afford aid in war, to be an ally. - 03, n. a lieutenant-general (ococ50oc35ioo&boSh66); a sitk6 is now a judicial officer of the subordinate judicial service. In the Burmese times a c~co in Upper Burma ranked next to a Wun. There were two Sitkes at a Wun's headquarters. -- 08, v. to set in battle array, prepare for engagement. - 5, v. to receive battle. ~ --- —6 $I, v. to be wearied of fighting. 368 06 o$Gaflco3, v. to be bold and courageous in battle. - v. to march to battle. ----— oo,.; see oSoo.1 - ooo8s (may be used with 4G or not), n. an esplanade, a parade-ground or maidan. --— co n,. military dress, accoutrements, weapons, instruments of war. - o6CB, -acQ, v. to fight, engage in battle. — 48, v.; see ogSa=8, which is more elegant than (8u — q —y S, v. to lose a battle; oqSgr * oo - 98f, Iv. to engage in battle; Sa59c~sco8Scox3 s Gogm8 e0Gco:1 o0ooosCooeI C P q cooSO ER4CSO; I qOZo8 (ascn5#ago60. s 3~a~f assgag!$so3c8 XC2J0.03 OsO0c,~7 6mae Agoosgq~sol 1 azcooo8()seccYr-c~oe - q0S, n. a military officer; 'oSol, n. forces, troops.,-oj3q8, n. a generalissimo, chief commander of the forces in the field; comp. o6aq@:. The Burmese would call a famous military commander like Bandula a obxcs8. [In the last Burmese war the British General commanding the expeditionary force was styled ici a 3lgs43gsqxs. - 9oS, n.; see 46; -coSooqcoo, warlike implements, munitions of war; o8uocron n-soq,. a sudden skirmish, a short campaign; qoS:Gcooo3 j:OC)-;S68 rij~QOQSS C c/O ~ 9~~af ~6as ~ 6~o $sog8 Apo ~sg c@g oo54 acSmG3 woD808 O0 oqf9Gmn5c8&oQn - eQIS, n. field of battle. =W;-6qX @, v. to practise on parade. r ----Cqta6, v. to drill. --,n. a sally, rush out and attack; q:agoSoSoaxv -_qt8$, v. to be worsted in battle. - o, z. to lose a battle, be defeated. -ooS8o', n. military accoutrements. -_00CT83, n. a man-of-war. - Co%, -0qo05, -09q-, n. a soldier; kooSiq4sn c — Og, n. a general, whether in peace or war; comp. 0o q l8n 11 08, 3, v. to filter, strain, separate one part from another, to examire, investigate, scrutinize, 8o6looi soC&wS ug oOP$s oCS 369 oe~; to search, look through, for the purpose of ascertaining something, 9oS:ooS; to be unadulterated, gen- uine, true, pure, ooo,95$oo:i oS o~, v. to examine judicially; o0o.5cooo-,ii cocGpqc-, c&g8b1 ---— S, n. the substance taken down in writing; oo-5.q.oS:i -— qoS, v. to examine by diving into the pettiest details; o&S ooos@5,c:ooeNciiobqoqc ooT|6o}.ii — Go, v. to examine, investigate (any business); comp. 8o8& — oo$, n.; see obqoS (o8ooo8o5) (a record). — GcoS, v. to pick and search carefully here and there; o5 oSGol oSrOlo 5:oos Go:,O — co,, v.; see o08o( -- ooS, n. the fee to be paid after undergoing an examination. 08o, -o0808, i, adv.; see s,6c6, by slight pricks or twinges; in a keen, darting or shooting, sharp, sudden manner, as pain; g5g0S3j: 8lcrcQ oSsotoCc~oSoloo2; oomoocoo8 080& (@S), 2, adv. chirpingly, twitteringly; o;2-aocioO)PS^ obo2, v. to be saving, close, parsimonious, sparing; less than GOogS'l33 o G003^0^~@330:g$oSoSC^ 83oOoSa0 o~O8ciGy5 oeoc8, n. a kind of brown teal (the whistling teal); o8oSooy OG& (oo~&), n. an apparition, spectre, ghost, spirit; oG&, -- oow (pron. exactly as spelt), n. one of large size; said to be as large, on some occasions, as a co$:0:1 oB o~8, n. chess (very frequently called oBoj8); v^ooo-iii 001 o8 oSo Sc 8z o8sGn oS cq0c,8,3a5-ODoooSol, I do not know the moves at chess. — 4 (pron. kh6n), n. a chess-board. --— c, v. to play chess. o080, n. a species of arum', Colocdsia Indica. 0%, n. a small wooden porch in front of a pagoda, commonly containing an image (obsolete); 4oS:sqoa oS, i, n. drum, a cask. --— @S@, n. the braces of a drum. 47 ogsq, n. a kind of drum (q8). -— ooS, n. the hoop of a cask. — q-5, n. a kind of drum [beaten in the Burmese time when the royal tumblers performed]. -— qs, n. a tub. — ja5rr oo8oS, n. the head or end of a cask. — codsoS, n. a drumstick. -— co, v. to act the part of a bell-man or crier (ooioog9 c<> 3tc 8qi5). -- -o~s, n. a drummer; oo3:c3os ---— qo0, n. the three kinds of drums, namely, those closed at right end, 3sso:0oo30 (pron. 3amo oo); those closed at left end, 8ooco (pron. 8oo00); and those closed at both ends, 3oooo 80000; 50o8ooo 0g3$ oSoogl og, 2, to abound, have in abundance, to have a bustling appearence, as a city, town, or village; be thronged with people, as the streets of a city; to be crowded as a pw6,; comp. c(So, applied to property, possession of any kind. — o —, -ci$s, v. same; to have much foliage as a tree, to be in good condition as a horse, buffalo, or a human being; or to be crowded as an assembly of people. - o8, v. same (most common); 0000c 0 o ao.oooaoS33o]oo~ mo aoCpoioo:ooenSoosa~cn c 86ocpcooo8Qal1, was the pw6 crbwded when you went to it last night-? moS, so crowded that there was not even room to sit; So $o:oS 0008: aooS8iqG(sGo0G@oSo;ooSoo)PaS, owing to this tamarind tree having an abundance of small and large branches, it has much thick foliage; frequently fised with oe~ooa:, n. the air-bladder of a fish; c01so3os8:, the urinary bladder of a hog; ooSoossGnooJ8Sc soScooooS9 8vog oE{sgcl1eQosoo2ao Qae ooooo6@og~, the Chinese are in the habit of going to sea-side " damin " stations and buying the air-bladder of fishes. oe, i, n. the trigger of a cross-bow (coo6cj8). o~ (fron. 8), 2, n. a small granary for rice, ngapi, or other provisions. oog, (pron. 88, from Go), adv. minutely, particularly. ot: 371 ogS, I, n. a boundary line marked by a hedge or slight fence; co,a6, a fence of any kind; a rule of action (o:go3oS:); og:So:, to be systematic, to be methodical and shipshape in arrangement, to be well-disciplined; [in Upper Burma a hedge round a house or village; iS8oose, a double hedge]. — com, n. a boundary line, mark; (o:o:sco has the same meaning as o2g~IoooS, but is more frequently used). - oo8ooSo, v. to limit, set bounds; to lay down rules (to systemize); ovsco8: oooo.ooS o.o. oooS:qcj no Soo5Go, ogo g:oeoSpoSo, the Limitation Act. 0 —5 — oS, n. a mark not to be passed. — cooS, v. to be circumspect; applied to women; oooSog: — o-$3$St, n.; see otg (og:sooscpgS). — G-olS, v. to deviate, or fall away, from principle or line of conduct, a method, &c. -- -- S, v. to be broken through, as anything that is usually done in a methodical, regular manner, or as discipline, or to depart from, as principles or line of conduct. — q — g, n. a line or course of conduct, method, the same as o0SS~o~, or with Goo the same as 0o8oo or o:Co Smsooo; 13iicSoo5 3 OGOO4DS CS, OopSMoo~ Gc~83o'8G00q0 cooDSoo :cxgoiooS0 (og0grjs) 3a0$GoGoo03, as a consequence of the admonition received from her parents, this girl is very circumspect; oGooSobcugCoo oR:obo 1e4Cg8oge,, should not be feared, he lives in an orderly and regular way. og:, 2, n. a bar, sand-bank; oegcSSiiooo80c88n -oa1 8:, n. thektop or upper surface of a sand-bank. --— $:, -8, n. a spit of sand; csosoooogoogeg~ols: egso0, there are nothing but sand-banks where the ripple breaks. 0e, 3, v. to bind, tie together; o6o o30oooq09833 1 oo8oq8ogy ol]sogS oog, what are you doing? I am tying together bamboos because I intend to make a raft. -— @8, v. to keep tight, snug; to arrange in order for action, to assess revenue; 3ag$ooo&,E:@, a09@: GaZGoISGog: S,,$oiSiipqCog,8@ ^ gcgcsqsoXoS o, Thugyi, after 3572 ot you have assessed the revenue, I will give you leave in order that you may go and worship at the pagoda at Rangoon. o*gGb8, v.; see ogn -—, v.; see the parts. — cog, v. to assemble, as people for consultation, worship, &c.; comp. qG0o: eog:cq (ogsoqs), n. the leather ring which secures the shaft of a cart to the yoke;.eg~scQg$:, c9e~Sg$: (frequently pron. csW: g) 09g:og:e ggoS geosacgoogoslSsoosoli o0s8$, n. the possession of wealth; the enjoyment of any good; royal estate, regal splendout, good fortune, as when one suddenly comes into unexpected wealth; o~:880, v. to take one's " olium cum dignitate" -said often in a somewhat deprecatory sense. og, i, v. to place in a continuous row according to some order; comp. &Sog. Der. s30g, oeg:c8s f@n --— qd (in conjunction with og, pron. gQSo), adv. directly, without intervention, doo5~o5 (sometimes has the same meaning as oqoSeqooS);;$[c o qsoq a ogooS~GpoS og, 2, v. to fly off scatteringly as sparks or fine particles, to fly off as the spray of an oar, to glance off an object of aim and strike another object; o08:cgooSo6u o)occsq ogoog, GoSnG8oC!oSo1, you make the water fly off (from your oar) the way you row; please row properly; ocoS:c,8*cog. G:sGOOSi cocgdcooogs, the bottle, after glancing off the post, struck the child. gogo4cooS, n. a species of yam. ogo:~8, n. another species. og, n. the substance used in glazing ware, prepared from the dross of silver. -— o, n. a large glazed pot, a jar of various sizes; some of these jars contain as much as 150 viss, [a ' Pegu' jar]. Iog, I, n. a steel yard. It usually consists of a lever with unequal arms, having a weight which may be moved on the longer, while the thing to be weighed is suspended from a shorter, arm; mostly used by the Chinese, as the Burmese do not appear to believe in its accuracy. -— S, n. same. 6C80S 373 Ogg, 2, n. the iron point of an arrow, commonly barbed; not used singly. -~5), n. an arrow with an iron point or barb. - Too2, n. the said point or barbh. o0g, 3, v. to chop, mince. - sjS, v. to consider and mark down. -G03O, v. to mince, hash, in order to eating. -cog (pron. oQglcoS), adv. a little; aZ4,ecCS, o8s9J3oeooooo -0c:, v. to consider, deliberate; So Q0cxno 6j: 3 oo1 xo o3og:GCY Go5 30Coco0ioo 0G oo o nQX6@, n. the private room of a Comm sioner or other official in a Courthouse (lit. the "delibe tion " room). - n,. a chopping bloc; cjoCng co9o OogSoT * o*.5ogol, put the flesh on the chopping block and mince it. - 60a, v. to use artifice (in a bad sense), use tricks in order to cheat, be unfair in dealing; cBSoetiiocSoo2E otoe~, roooi8zoesc~u q$oo:6i soco-oe~cZ oqS Sooato 0a oo~cjo a00080 -Dc Go0o5q80:czooa5ooe~i 0-ol, v.; see oA:,1soomo eooco (Beng.), n. a Chandala. - lco6:, n. the four infamous classes, namely, cioocpoo, grave-diggers; opSooD-oos, beggars; @&Aon o, prostitutes; and r(gw.S)g, lepers. ocS (pron. oS), i, n. any ceremony regarded as a charm to remove or avert some evil. - oqS, v. to perform such a ceremony, as when a person is bitten by a dog, or cut with a knife, or when a sore breaks out; or when the hoofs of a horse, or pony, are abnormally long. A circle is said to be made round the wound, sore, or hoof with a piece of charred teakwood; c;1@ oSRS: Ro.Re G40,c~ocBq8Qo:6k08rnJ4iI oc8 (pron. 08), 2, a. solid, artificially solid, that is, made without hollow; solid throughout as bangles; oo38@;snioo38cooS G0000811 oCo8S, n. a numeral figure in arithmetical computation, a multi. plication table called sco:8s:ocM, because it is said to have been first introduced into a former king's palace in 374 toooS Upper Burma by his inferior queens. It is said to ascend to nine times nine, see dc4-oS**, co.08oSo5, v. to cipher. ooyq(4, n. matter produced by the operation of the four causes, soGc8.oqa:OpGcosob, o5, 8oS, eojq 3oC4oGi' ocqoS (see o5cqoS, which word it is rapidly supplanting in colloquial), n. a strickle, a levelling stick used to level grain in a measure. = " —cq, v. to level with a strickle;.j^*SA h oSt oSoSc84g oo N8gSomea8<glok osG|o ocqeg (Pali oo:, four), a. the fourth; rcoGo@ocSGcoh,) coq0oo0, a. the fourteenth (pron. qgooo); CoaScoSq.gooSo00ci, ooq80oo, n. the four points of the compass, s jqScoo:soSo, applied to pongyi kyaungs and zayats. In the former instance, when used with woo~8o, it implies that a kyaung is the common property of the priesthood. In the latter it means that any one can live in the zayat; cpoSrBcoqcpoSL goc9oo ooq8o szGv3 1sSol8:wsoo c~~ qgpooosa8:oog~:, the I kyaung intended to be offered to all the priesthood who may, or may not, arrive from the four points of the compass. ooquj (fron. ooqog) (Pali), n. four articles which a priest may eat after noon, namely, c8, oil; qj osqo, honey; oS866, molasses; and cooooSo, butter. ooqoc)cpo&, n. the first stage of the world of nats, situated around the waist of the Myinmo Mount, see under oS@~ (oqooocp&; called so because it is ruled over by four ~o5 os8@:). " The d6wa-16ka, called Chitumaharajika, extends " from the summit of the Yugandhara rocks to the Sakwa" lagala at an elevation of 42,000 yojanas (joqo) above " the surface of the earth. * * * Chatumaharajika, in which " one day is equal to 50 years of the year of men."-M.B. oqq$: (from qt, to make a barrier on the side), a. square; ocqG$: GcooGoooocoeCuII OO~qq 00I 8 c4 8AoloG0@ oiI coooSoos (This is the form in which permission to build a BS6 in Upper Burma is given.) 6oox. (pron. oQo:), v. to perform the ceremony of killing and burying men at the four corners of a newly founded city (ooo6oo~to). Four large jars of oil are also buried at each comer; Goo~ S~405883:6,8 GCo0oo:GogogC8 Co8:O~ 6qGcoo(h GOGS.os Soo33 OsocooSGon, in order that they may.become the four living guardian nats of the city, let pits be dug at the four corners of it, and let en to the number of four be seized and buried alive. 600ooo8, see PoI (infrequent, ucog-co:oSn ogobG)oSs0). ocoS, n. a fuse or train of gunpowder. -- goS, v. to place a fuse or train; in modern parlance to act as a go~'etween in love affairs; also used in a bad sense when applied to a person fomenting quarrels or making mischief. -- ooSGos, v. to introduce one person to another with a view to some future course of action; to be connected in such manner; oo5 aqo oo aoS o5Bc. o cuooo oe.:8 og 8$:o so GCj:op 0o10300c11 cg sooq o ccu8~gVo oqx5c6 oosol qcaSj 3ooC(BO 0~ooSCgo6Ics sog6jqoDCa1U agsoRl o 096aqO 05cOgOOQ, 0c3opao.5x;&gY3a;1 05bGS3Q0O5 05-'Sg O 2oSagaCS oo):oooSj o, the Burmese, on the arrival of ambassadors Sfrom another country, bury pots of gunpowder underneath the ambassadors' residence and lay on a train of gunpowder! 0eS, n. an estimate of the plan or proportions of a building, machine, &c.; v. to make such an estimate. --, n. the plan drawn but. -— oS, v. to draw out such a plan (oOGco6q g may also be used); coosc~ cooaSoo f mocSo oBQ6&coao @Cm GoooEsaN, who could have been the.architect of the design in building this bouse? it is not nice to look at. cogs, n. an ominous saying. --— o, v. to gauge public opinion in troublous times, or when some important step is about to be taken, as a monarch or minister, by causing private inquiries to be made, or by having regard to some ominous, or weighty, saying which may be dropped; 38so[co3oo0 D8opSg0su8o 8o o8c ----, n. the receiver or explainer of such saying. o ~,, 2, see under.c~pct;:oa oj (rGooS8ooS), n. an apartment in the palace appropriated to certain prayers. o(s ('iG), n. the planet Saturn, the seventh day of the week, Saturday; I ''uo~G5. (In Lower Burma, a cattle market gaung). 376 1 08 oeafoe8S (pron. Gsaoq)4S, from rw8.8), adv.. backwards and forwards, to and fro (obsolete), confusedly (as the mind), disorderly, distractedly, in a perplexed stale as the mind; uC~q~~o1op 3os ag ~qa 80CSOpO48:gRC~::803 OS s bloe~ COODI 4g, see 1:. [Note.-This word does not always appear to have the meaning given in the Grammar, for instance, a passage occurs in the Thudamasari as follows: oqoSEcoe~ g oSrj. 35ooXle380eS o gqc~ocooqlC69Ccodi; this passage is to be found in the narrative of the rich man and the barber, cr G( FoiQS9o1coGoo3E t co8sTooc&c goqIl ogaoj (pron. ogbp), n. the sanders or sandalwood tree; a"oS:u o6b9Gs, n. a kind of brass. ogpoi (Pali ego, the moon), n. a glass supposed to produce water from the rays of the moon; comp. xoAOMiin og (Pali), n. the moon. 0go8, 1, n. a certain instrument carried in procession at the funerals of the great; cgtgo:oci o.r gosi 2, n. a large frame for catching fish; comp. ooSan 4j, v. to be stretched out straight; oS:, to be drawn out, lengthened as a bar of metal by beating; to be stiff and cold as the limbs of a person about to die; e ~Sacgc4.~ ca:8 (oq8S) or 0 jO~,8o0 Q$6S33 6o 3 ODg 0oznsoQ@3~Sol lI 080o1 8jooiacj@Ycm Cnnr 3oaOCo0Poo s cR003oQOD~8a 0 591co~x s M 1 g0o0cq01gnosoos$ gobc,:, n. an astrological term; comp. cos q4lo, e.g., coe3 i cooe: o,&s, n.; see $AS:, the turmeric plant or root; oa&, is a corruption of ja8s, in the same way as some say cou8s for coo8: or waoS for coECoq,s8, 1, v. to be hot, pungent, whether to have that quality which excites a hot or pungent sensation iry the throat, mouth, eyes, &c., or to fee a hot or pungent sensation, to smart; one kind of jcaa' jacws oO~gOm9 -:)q: 6o1j8 (pron. * *cqSnocE&), jG3 8E8~p2Co ( -, v.; see the parts; c iefly applied to the eyes; also used with reference to the ffect of medicine when it comes in contact with a sore (az). o5 371. o8, v.; see oS, oSoo0mno, oC4co&., -— qgg:, adv. not vidlently, but disagreeably warm, as the - sun, &c. (i.e., to be scorchingly hot); oSgq:@i:So, the sun is scorchingly hot. oe, 2, v. to join, unite, connect; more close than.s, to make distantly or indirectly related (to blend colours in painting). Der. woS, the wash-board or gunwale of a boat, an outer segment of a Burman cart-wheel, c93:0o (o00 ooqS, irrelevantly). --— , n. an intervening space; G003o8 joogoa: S S6S0 oSo --- Q, v. to mediate, act the part of a go-between; oQoao O — Po068oo-9, v. same. — 0 —G3o, n. a seam; q1so80cot, -- oo, v. to bring together, as parties to make a bargain, to intervene in love affairs. -— op, n. a joiner, a coffin-maker. -- E, v. to compose (writing), 8:3ooes; commonly applied to poetry; coCoMoSaoj ---— 8, v. to concern, be connected with, appertain to; so-q 5o8qSE6 n3 9oqo0g860GG3G0c ~Ospi3OS ~8:O 5dc8~ o)e11 " — o0, a. with raised sides; applied to boats; oSoo8G69, a boat with raised sides. -- AS, v. to be distantly related, as by marriage. -- oo5, v.; see o0SoS, which is the more elegant form (oo05). — t —6:@: (pron. S@), adv. with a look or smile of disregard or contempt, or in a silly, affected, simpering manner (I9lqe:). -- 915, v. to be closely and mutually connected; frequently appropriated to the sexual or conjugal connection; gjoSoo mo (oooSqo05, v. to cohabit). — 5g, v. same. — oS ) -, v. same as o(S. (In conversation o8oo6s is more frequently used than oSogg:. It is possibly a corruption of it); v. to be connected continuously in a smooth, orderly manner. Der. moS3ojQSiI cg o oS3Go8scq, p 0 p8o3o0 48 378 oq8. 08ooo00, n. a cabinet-maker, joiner.. —ogo,. to bring together, bring into communication, acquaintance, relationship, &c. — oot8, v. to be closely joined; Gcoo08w&, to come together, come into connection, to make inquiries in order to gain some information or end; one kind of GcoQ@$sooi3no(op8 ooo6GccoGsqcoo:BORo s0oeo5G0ol1Gq, allow me to ask something irrelevant (i.e., to the subject of conversation). oo1:, I, n. a plant of the grass genus, of which there are said to be one hundred and two species oolsjsoocpaSols, a plant which bears e ulent grain, of which there are said to be seven kinds, namly, oaGco:ool:, cooxSohz, Gcoooo o1, c:, co8, Cgo@ and ooS; the rice plant or grain, paddy, -— o3, n. a granary. ----, -o~, v. to convey paddy from one place to another (usually applied to conveyance by boat). -—, n. a husk or hull. --— }, n. an ear or spike. --- (oolss), n. the leaves which cover the ear. -— qUs, n. empty, unsubstantial grain. @ — s, n. the beard of grain. -- c08, n. lemon-grass. --— co, v. to winnow paddy. — _Gcpo8, v. to store paddy. ---— GCooa3, n. rice regarded as an article of food (?) ool, 2, n. a boa serpent (not used singly). — 3 —, n. a small kind. -- @ n. the boa constrictor, python. oloS or olcoS (oogoS), n. a species of momordica with small muricated fruit. oq6, n. the grape. — 00o, n. tartar (made from the ash of the grape vine). S —, nn. the vine, a grape vine. — q-, n. wine (very rarely, if ever, used). -- oS., n. a grape.. —.-8:gGA, n. a raisin. \ { o8 379 oqt (from oi), verb. afix, in negative sentences, (not) ever, as Qogomq:o, he never went; oEso<to oQoo=GooWp, a thing neverseen or heard of. ois, n. a species of ginger-wort. S —Gol1, — oSoy, n. other varieties. o n$, n. a kind of plant of which there are many varieties. — ool], n. the anise plant. 0 —oo1d8, n. the oil of anise seed. — ooS, n. Nigella sativa. ---—, n. cress. oq$6, n. land granted formerly by the Kings of Burma. oGos00o~, n. the Court of Small Causes, Rangoon. o0, n. sauce, condiment of any kind (o4 is usually coupled with mO8sIq:IIocoS:Coqo). o8qg, see boo50 ogo5, n. the common jasmine (oSS8cS, the garden jasmine; "Goooogo5, the wild jasmine; o cSSuog85, different kinds of jasmine); o8o549~oS, uoooSpOc ooIu o811 (Pali), n. a eugenia tree. o@8 (o$), n. the part of a roof which projects beyond the main part of a house. o@8s, n. indurated.faeces. — c —d o, 7n. same; (o06 ScalooQ0oo03o0o0SoooS35) og86o:sa (as in peritonitis). oeStcq8, n. the upright supporters of a Burmese bier (@8z eoD8); not used in Lower Burma; made of 0owo6s wood. o@oS, n. a species of anethum. oo@o6, n. the followers of an ambassador or envoy [an officer of the Lhuttaw whose duty it was to preserve silence]. o90c, a corruption of o:90S, n. one who picks up an accurate, though somewhat superficial, knowledge of literature, as distinguished from one who goes through a regular and deep course of study, as a ooooS (pron. oooS); hence the expression ooooS o0oSq0Soo n ooS0, n. the caraway plant, dill. — G, n. caraway seed. --— 9o, n. oil of caraway (o2oS@B). os0, I, n. a spring of water (not used alone). — o —, n. spring-water. /xs o8:ecqg s, n, a fountain filled from a spring. - O-9a s oS, n. a spring. --— cqu, n. a stream or current of spring-water. oSt, 2, v. to f.el, feel of, as with the hand, to use means to know or discover, to try, make trial; 0 6oio oS c]C ---— o>lo1ls (ogomoeg), adv. gropingly. -- c8oStoos (pron. oSs9ooSS:), adv. gropingly to find the way. -— 0o, v. to feel of, strike (oooS) )oo8ooShegogoooooo:oogauo6 3oQScoGs$ 46lG@QOD q oos 06 aoeo 338g ~SosoooSoo^Hncooo Cog,8s0oCQs~,3sg80oPgoxooSoS3 @ 1o, try my pulse to see whether the pulsation is due to an evil spirit or normal causes. [oS: is often used in conjunction with another verb to express, on the part of the speaker, a wish to have an opportunity or chance of doing, seeing, &c., anything; e.g., cooo5SCo5oS vgQo:s9j8o ei og3Ccqcgaj s soS~g~ COgu & g~ gSojo30r0~ 00~lg]. oo (from oos and tg), n. the anus (vulgar); ocnioSuogu6n c.68, v. to examine thoroughly, sift to the bottom (rarely used); o oq$3=ooo8Goo8oeguni oqcw5, v. to mix together, assimilate by commixing [to effect a collusion, to collude]; ~o^xo69 qJgS(8opQ Q 83 oo3 5 "cooascqoooe, he mixes medicine with honey in order to assi"milate them;.oqSGcoqj ooquSoom ' o.gi.ogos ciocl o^, they have effected a collusion, and as their statements are not diverse, nothing can be gained by interrogating them. ope) acp, n. a thing, subject, matter, what is for; used as a verbal formative; ouwop, something which has to be asked for; gO35coocsp, something to be hoped for. oC40 (Pron. o5joS), i, n. expense, money required for the experises of a journey. -- coo (fron. oroSmoo), n. same; these two words are generally used together; e.g., oqoSoo c ojoogo:stooa oil, ngt having enough money for the journey, I cannot go yet. oqoS, 2, n. shot; hence sGoo5ooqoS, grape-shot. -_9, n. same. Oco (Pali), n. a deed (either good or bad); acr. oqco8tcoS5 q3t, one of the Buddhist scriptures. 0woows: 381 okaSS (from ooit{ and a66), n. a low room attached to the principal building. In modern parlance it is only applicable to monasteries. opoS (Pali oqoo), n. a deed; soXqu (eo~5 9 i.l:). (cqmcqoSogoSo GogqoooSsou) -wm00oo, n. customary way, habit; cgeSooC5 aoSPO8qA: we, this man's actions are very bad; 88qMoo5Soouo3coS cSfQs@ooP, they enjoy themselves in the way which is customary with them. ogoS, n. a tsaroot, a measure of capacity equal to two pyees @ OG.S, n. a tenon. -— oolr, n. a mortise. ocoS, n. the periwinkle tred. -—, -^, -caPt, n. varieties of the same. ocoa, n. a salk, a measure of capacity equal to one-fourth part of a pyee (@g~); oo;. oc4s, a substitute for 3acqsi ---- (pron. soi~Oq) (for 3os and sq), n. small, round things, rough or hard particles, occasioning unevenness in sitting or sleeping, or inconvenience in eating, e.g., as when one finds uncooked grains in eating rice; aSocpoe eggo~ooq~oego^5|69848ohoolsovaooWFoo008 Coooo^(ogoog. occoo6s, n. the cover of a cooking-pot; one kind of sq:, often called orcooSosis --— @oopS, n. the handle of said cover; o^<odoo8sq1~^8oS qoe~ (Proverb), to act on the " diamond cut diamond" principle. --- ogMMo,( n. a thread of distinction worn over the left shoulder and under the right arm, as the Brahminical thread (&~o3goc) or the insignia of nobility used in Burma (9o5iicsoogc5, one of twelve strings, was considered the highest and could only be worn by one of royal blood); hence cocScS, a long purse worn round the waist by Burmans and Shans; it is sometimes used for carrying uncooked rice. -— MoS, n. aocSgo8o, different kinds worn at court (qoS ocg0). - ~ —do*s, v. to wear oogoS la mode salwe, i.e., over the left shoulder and under the right arm. 38s 6000o oooeood (pron. oi ooodls), n. a species of rice (Q8ooooliigoSo, grown at Sinbyugyun, Upper Burma). 0081, see oeq (infrequent). 6, I, n. a test, standard, a model, a sample, anything presented as a test of the quality of another, particularly gold of a certain quality used as a test of another gold (68), or a precious stone used to test others by (60o9oo) g&68 oogsn (6Gq3ooS a8c69Gooog, this expression is met with in composition). — c-, n. a judge or apprizer of gold, &c. [Formerly in Upper Burma generally, to apprize merchandise from China and the Shan States.] " ----, -dc, v. to test the quality of an article by comparing it with some standard; oogoqcosa3ooScooooqco, you must make and show me a model to resemble this pagoda [also used figuratively, e.g., 6oatGcoocBoogaqOi3'oo 40ScOS:cooSoo 2Q8$2oo5]. — f ooS, n. a royal standard, gSoogeouI6coS~ (Gao8 under"stood), ogaq8sooSqooga o8scooSgS~ coo528 cocSooSmGoo6og coge69i a~'~, let us test and see which is the better ring, yours or mine. --- o80000:, n. a sharper who defrauds by counterfeiting. This word is of rare use in Lower Burma. 6, 2, v. to enjoy, take delight in, indicating a higher degree of enjoyment than 6oot (which often means, in connection with coo03, to suffer and endure pain). — CGqo8s, n. a temporary kyaung or monastery erected for some special occasion. -— c0, v. same. — 4_$1coo, n. a temporary palace, such as was built for the king when royal regattas were held, or for temporary residence. — oS or ogoS, v.; see 6b0s, to bathe; et6o5oo5oo0, in both senses, appropriated to royalty and divinity; comp. co8ooS (bGqSGoo5S, v. to live, or abide as royalty). — ocSo86 (co6ooooS60ooS), v. to wear a garment under one arm and over the other shoulder; coBoScoocqoooii — @ — $, v.; see boot (is said to be equivalent to QgoSCooVSoo-S oSooaSoog~). 6oos (Iron. odh), n. the champac, bearing a yellow flower; coI8 6ooos, China champac; 6oo:dloi, 6=2Mo8.", n. one variety of the champac. 60cor (pron. OGol), n. a shallow, fflat-bottomed basket, used to separate: grain of diffetent qualities by shaking and tossing; comp. ~.s @3. and mS:,, [The compiler is inclined to be of the opinion that 6&-oo should be spelt o$6ol,] oa, I, n. writing; a letter, a paper, a document, literature, as 0ooo00, Burmese literature; A8cQSoo, English literature. — aB, v. to read aloud, as a scholar. — 0 —, n. a book with a cover, an English book; ^oS38, " —9, v. to write, compose; 0os8eoe1 - @gi, v. to peruse, read to one's'self; in an extended sense it means to study. -— @8, n. an examiner. -- iqS: (from @S2, a floor), n. a thin narrow board used as a covering to a palm-leaf book. -—, v. to teach to read. Proverb 860so8:oSlo8:g@Hg oTg, exhibiting the art of swimming to the king of the crocodiles and teaching a p6ngyi to read. Anglice, Teach your grandmother, &c; (oq:@3smooooo j o:3oo). ---- (pron. o), n. a secretary, not used singly. Der. oGo:, -- 8 (pron. sa jy6t), an obligatory writing, a contract, a bond, or agreement in writing; sometimes it means a treaty, as oooqoooLS, the Treaty of Yandabo, 1826. — 1-, v. to magnify or extol in song, as at a " pwe," when one of the actors extols the bounty and goodness, &c., of the ~soocn,, or person of distinction present; oG.oop. og68 o0ooo6 o$coocc So8~ ~smGs o S o':4q4^meaoS 33cO eoo)38uoo-s, last night at the pwe the way that Maung Tha Zan extolled Wundauk U Shwe Kyi in song was indeed excellent. — j-$, n. a Government order written on a palm leaf pointed at both ends; a48Qo 350 0ioc1 03i30, n. a royal order with only one line of writing; p&80Osoooj$, n. an order from the Lhirttawrwith two lines of writing. ---— 0668, n. an examination (oc4:). -- o, — oo6, v.; see next. — 8, -860, v. to write, compose writing; oo0I1 oooq:8q, a compositor in a printing office; 8M0 oo':^o oaooq G 0oo c0gSocooSotsioo8G6 eoo8 (pron. o08), oaso (pron. ooqs), mi.oc b. 'olt0 q, Maung P6nnya is very proficient in composition, sir. ,384 o0 o:o86, "n. a treatise or book (ooooo18o; &ooc:). --, v. to lodge a complaint in writing; oocoowsco (formerly equivalent in Upper Burma to oboSGoo:30, to get out a summons against any one in Lower Burma). — 3d, n. a bard; c86@8o8Gc03ooi -- daoo3, n. a king's bard, poet laureate. ----, v. to affix a notice, usually of a menacing character, to a tree, post, building, &c., as when a band of dacoits threaten to dacoit or burn a village on a certain date, 3o: c~ oocon$< o0og6GqS ojqo5c5e3& 8 00 c t o^cgsOG3 |( ooO(CGsa>S c9:osc l6cgoo SG2oqglso o6: 33 Ec8s193oo os3 0oS q coo6|o~:>@Coo3oscoo:? have you not yet heard the news, messieurs, that the dacoits Nga Naung and Nga Pho Kaung have attached a paper to a branch of the large tamarind tree in front of the court that they will burn Pegu so as to reduce the whole town to ashes on the night of the 12th of waning moon of TazaungmBn? ----: (pron. o68:), n. fine writing, small running (Italian) hand. --— 0o, n. a study table, escritoire. — coS (fron. o0codo), v. to be versed in literature; n. one versed in literature, a scholar (pron. ooo5= or oc8o). - coo:, n. an official or formal record, a line of writing or printing. -— ooa sgoS, n. same (infrequent). — co$: c.oog, v. to enter or record (9oSqooSo). — co5 (pron. o~coS), n. a book-case, a post office; oocaG coS, a dead-letter office; eocooSo03, a letter box. In many parts a Post Master is styled oogoBqcS, but it can scarcely be considered a good equivalent for the English word. — o —Do (pron. o:b), n. one who collates writings. -- o0oog5"Swoog, v. to issue invitations to a pwe. -- oo:, v. to lodge a complaint; ooaaBo,(an Upper Burma expression). " —do, v. to inscribe, as letters on the forehead or breast of a criminal; ooom:c~sooiS, more frequent QcpooSooo8oo.ocdq cooomc$o3og, equivalent to the English expression " to brand." ---- o (pron. ooo), writing books; ooGoqS:oso$n ooGoo8qooS, QOGO 8~ o~ol' o 385 ooGoTooog8 (pron. oroSoog), n. superficial writing, as light poetry, novels (infrequent). ----, — n, v. to teach literature; applied more extensively than ogil [to convey letters, despatches; OoocoS3o, a mail steamer]. ----, v. to send an anonymous petition (in Lower Burma), lit. to " throw" a written communication, because it is usually " thrown" in some place where the person for whom it is intended will probably find it. --— @$, v. to repeat from memory (as before a teacher); oo0$mog means also to undergo an examination as a Government servant. to0$cooS, the Government translator or a Government translator, oo@$; the Burmese also use this word in the sense of replying to a letter (j$~S 0o@$odl). — co5, v. to spell (as a scholar). --, v. to write, compose (orGooS) writing, coo8ox; in some instances oo0 has the same meaning as oo0; it also means to extol one another's good qualities in complimentary letters as lovers. --—, n. a combination of the letters o, o, co, and o, used as a charm. — cooo,; n.; see o:GoToC1c8Sii --— 8 (pron. 0oq4s), n. a register, account, bill. -- qs:gios, n. one hired on a written engagement; but in common use any hired servant; asooe:8oiq6:, in bygone days called 3a5cqS — q —6:c, n. one who has hired servants, an employer of labour, as a cultivator yho hires labourers during harvest time. -- R88, v. to take an account; CGolsGoogtSCaoooS --— Sg1o8, v. to be entered in a register;.cqoSoo18:o6, to have one's name entered in the domesday book of the Burman empire, compiled in the year 1145 B.E. or A.D. 1783 by qrder of King ciscoSqTp:, see under g1, " ----3S:, n. a writer, scribe, secretary; o tcqCq, a writing-desk. " ----oioe (pron. ooCG:o$), n. same. -— 9sq:oq, — coqso5, v. to cast lots; 3Cor 49 m8, n. a 'tlibf 'writirg, a sordll. ~- 0, n. a letter of the alphabet; ocing -— l, n. eitensive learning; o0l @:6m0, o0o1m3oolMcooa, — 9rs (Gcjsooe), v. to give a word to be spelt (as a teacher); ogoS9"qojo (to write in cipher). q-sao8.,t n. a Government (secular) school. --— OW2S qoS3o-ag n.. a teacher in such a school. 00o, 2, n. a sparrow. [Note.-In driving away sparrows the Burmese say 0o-0o:j]. "M_"~S0 6, a. speckled, e.g., @8&oo8ag6S, a flea-bitten or roan horse; ouegocgo,, a variety of thrush (minute ulcers covered with a c~ird-like exudation found in the mouth, fatices, and 'oesophagus); 86sooeogNS5, a speckled biillock; pogaSoeocggoyogspoog5soaoo~I10g - r,6oS, v. to frighten away sparrows. - i, a~ miatch-lock, in Which the match is applied by a spring; c:-dl f oSioSa (infrequent). -- 8, v. to drive or frighten away sparrows, e.g., in a paddyfield, to prevent them eating the crops, see ecG@3cY, which is iin inbe fre queit use. 7Oq:GCO,_O, n. the sparrow that constructs a hanging nest. o0, 3 (from moo), tn. food (used in composition). — Gomoai, n. the space between the lower lip and the chin. - O6S from qS, to reap), n. a grass-cutter; 6@8t0ooSuUGSoo 0a,4,i n. a thing, c*o (used with the ion. a. coos). 00, 5, v. to 'have tender regard, to feel for another as for one's self; more th~n qooo (and more disinterested than coos, whichid6es not ntcessarily imiply that one fe&1s for another as for one's self); oo or oopo implies that a certain ptbcess of compassionate mental calchlation takes'place in bne's mind; hence in mddern parlance o6 (not o+b6) frequently means to. compare one thing with another; oL oonCmp0 O0ool c 00a8ito coo,c80vgP, in everything it would be advisable to have the same feeling towards an6'tht As for one's self;05aqj'03 E, ob woo, this man does not act' atidhiive the saiM delieate feeling towards other'people's mothers and sisters as he oDRq8 387 has towards his own; co0old^03.oocogo8 3qe~op ~ooi, if one compared this man with that, this one would probably be of greater stature. opo, v. same (most common). o0, 6, v. to be shrill; as a verb obsolete. — o: or 0ooo:, adv. shrilly, continuously; Sooeggg oSo 0ox:,0, Mi The Nyun, with her shrill voice; co aoodSoo 0o0oo)GoT|6G$aGMOol 0oao, n. a species of ginger-wort. 0oo (pron. o,:o) (Pali), n. conduct, deeds; =c0.8, charity, alms-giving; i @0" ocoo o~0 O coe G4ooro00 oooa0 S 00 05301 3;o): Sl oZo 3oq 3;O:O Z.I 3 (o _ 00 Q 009 0 0c 0003! 4 @ -086[cl o1 oe^^ aoo^qS~;(Guis), concerning the five great deeds of renunciation: what are they? c^gosoon o osgc gf8;un o0o8[ooii gg~ gc g'i 8,8o0oo 883dcg5co(qs, surrendering one's children, surrendering one's property, surrendering one's life, surrendering one's wife, surrendering one's own self. oogoo8gooo}ooooootS c$o ojo8G@io8s 9j, truth, principle, industry and giving of alms, these four things are the causes of victory over one's enemies; coom coloo cooo and o0 )i - o-o, v. to behave badly; o3q}o5oo^, ooGo (pron. oooq), n. a kind of fabulous beast celebrated for a regard to its tail; o~ Ssqj, a kind of horse (or oog8) [some say oouo is a bird; ooz4905 c[6 o0o 08O ogjoS o50o1, the " Zamayi' bird will not suft.r the loss of a single feather of its tail]. The Burmese when they wish to express their admiration for a high-spirited, valorous personage, say eo^oqqS^a20o0^ o0o0 a c~o0, this man is a man of strength and courage, even like the race of Zamayi. ooqoS (Pali ooqg3), n. custom, habit, way, os-coojoS; ozfqoS is a word very rarely used. The original word (o0803, pron. o~3^) is preferred; hence 0oooaa0^308oM8co3a Sooe or Goomo8& as the case may be. o:oq8 (pron. acqS) (from oa and oq8) (0o3coS), i. the crop or. craw of a bird, a cavity or basin made by a fall of water, a small vessel or junk; gSSoocq8in o5ns6~oaooc. o0o2aoSb c4o90ooS008 3 o8ooA P, uSoo00, the big bird, the pelican, being satisfied with food, puts its craw on its back and flies to the place where its nest is. o8oqScdoS, ame, Ist def. oos, v. to eat, to corrode, consume; to wear, wear out or off, to divide (in arithmetic). Der. maoo and oo-:, n. one who lives on (something); used in composition, as ~o0:, one who lives on the revenues of a city; coobr8s 0ooUe [oo@: 8gSTVooS, applied figuratively to ungrateful persons.] --— soos, n. the attendant on the king who tasted all dishes before his majesty, to obviate the possibility of poisoning. — oC B, n. a wonted feeding-place [a grazing-ground; oo0 ooSda$, to wander from its grazing-ground as a bullock]. --— aS, see or:j5:, also a cup for eating. -- oS,, n. expense of food. ---- ooScY), n. a king's steward. — G —oo-S., n. a tuft of hair between the underlip and the chin, an imperial. -- ooSGoT, v. (pron. o-oTGoT), equivalent to oo:Go3oSi — GCo0So9060oG:, n. a small beat waiting upon a larger one; generally in tow of ocoo6Fo5(ou Go;85$:oo3 class of boats [generally called oxrooSoo5coo:]. — o — oS-o, n. a king's purveyor. -—.S, n. provisions for a journey; icnow:)-4ScgSi -— 05), n. the territory from which one derives his support. -— 6Soo:GoloS, -so:, n. fragments, bits of food. — ^ ---, v. to be cloyed, surfeited; see q and s.; applied to men, animals and birds. — @8 (oo:qjB), n. a piece of matting used as a plate. --- (o:), food prepared and placed for eating, a meal, a dining-table, eating-board of any kind. -- 08o:, v. to lay a table in European fashion. -— c (oiOoo^), -oO (0o0Yo-6), n. same, 2nd def. --— c8: (o:dc8$:), n. a butler, steward, khansaman. --— cq (o:o0 ), v. to sit at table, a la European. —. — 8: (ooa8:), n. a table cloth. — Goor3o5: (o:Go3ooS), n. a feast. -f —coSGsomSooS, n. one who ordinarily eats with one, a messmate, a boon companion.it is equally correct to say o0: n. a cooking-place com. and 8 ~- 8, n. a cooking-place; comp. J and 11a 386 00C.q3S, n. a cook-house. - e~3, n. a cook; 3q, oqjg - voS (o:0.o50), n. eatables; bogo311 S- So n. a bundle of food taken on a journey. - @c;@, v. to have the appetite satisfied (rare). — o 4ooS, -Q'4, v. to chew the cud, to ruminate. -4$, n. a pledge, earnest-money (o:'q$4g), money or anything given (as clothes given by a lover to his intended) to ratify a bargain or to ensure possession; o:qjugi — c4GOr, -9'4=0S, -q'4o8, v. to pay a part in advance. -cO5W0qpzC Q, adv. to be without food. - oS (pron. ooS), ni. the gullet; cGjJe~Gjo8-a c03occq, more frequently o,::oogcoQ, v. to want but very little (of being). Anrlice, " to run a close shave;" cajsc cm0480o8*Sx3oo go o)co:3: o:Xco-*uooopoo~ )AjSc~ cG c ol0o cqcS~kn _~c85~c- cooocsol)o58anooe ~ooDcgoco qcoo coe. [Note.-In Upper Burma co80^0 oWco: is used, bul is said not to be so elegant as oOo:somGco, or O8ojoG0CO:]. 80o, v. to examine with nice particularity, to scrutinize; comp. o&c0o:; 036p gi1:3Cocxp 33 o8rcas3jaoqal6i@808q4l Sorpgcja3 m 8ao$30 ccJ5gi ocp: fuga;@8@c1cq cu: $'"3: 3 P! @ 94judges, after thorough investigation, should ever have a regard to the misfortune of the accused, and it is right that they should properly decide great and small offences by inquiring into and scrutinizing them in a just manner. 88, adv. strictly, tightly, firmly; g5gS, gushingly, with some noise; hence oo88, same. -oJoo05, adv. disgustingly, implying moisture or liquidness; fo3S3aeo1o28co 8: sp opoo:8ao~og 80$, 1 (Pali 8&3), n. mind, ~oc~; soul, 8e3'; spirit, $; an emotion or affection of the mind, resentment, ill-temper; oqa"ii ~0c03oo85S, " two bodies one mind." A term applied to persons who have formed a fast friendship;80oM c59j has a similar meaning. e M ---3ao 0, -Ma ' 04, v. to have strong feelings, to have a strong wish or determi ation to do. 390 8oS 8So683s3g, v. to have weak feelings, be wanting in passion, ardour, zeal; coq cosc=qoo:goe ^og-g ogS 3a3oe $ 8o5303aoogn ---, v. to be distressed in mind from anxiety or conscious inability to avoid a difficulty; GcoooooEC9oSogecqi Goo5 ogoi9GooSe8o~|8b3od39^Coog5,i --— S, v. to be distressed from conscious inability to accomplish an object; more than 8Soan — goloS, v. to conceive an idea (?) — o)oo:, v. to-ramble in mind from one thing to another, to indulge in fanciful speculations or imaginative vagaries. -- q$, v. to lose regard for; 8oScog o S1,8oS oo'gu c@goo3i cqco oog8ocx868o.$xolf 1 — C:, v. to devise, contrive (Sod3occpoS), the power or faculty of forming an idea in the mind; oS: 80oopGeoSo:MN: G83oXOEooG@is|3ia5Goe[Sco2Bo5GOOC)S I\ -— cooooS, v. to be put out of temper. [It also means to have a wayward, crochety, uncertain temper]; 8oo0oooS cqSoogS — cGo00, v. tobe of a good disposition, have a good temper, to be sane. -— o, v. to give up one's purpose; to evince a change in one's temper and habit consequent on old age. -- GoG, v. to be appeased, 8oScoog; "there appears to be a strong affinity between co and rc." -— cQ.s8, v. to be humbled in spirit. "The Burmese rarely, if ever, use this expression," but use 80o6coo8coSc, v. to be broken-down in health through mental affliction. -— 3-o gV0/, v. to be humbled in spirit, broken-hearted. ~ —.-(, v. to be of a rough, savage disposition. --— @, v. to be precociously manly, to be violently angry, hard to be appeased; 8oS@~o8, v. to be conceited.. —c(C (8oS G'),.; see '8-O ( 0o2:) G(,i -- oSg -cgoSocp:, v. to be subject to a temporary change of mind for the worse, implying some suspicion, dissatisfaction, anger. -— Qg, v.; see 80o5o03:, 2nd def., and e3coa0S.2Qn 8oSc,(f: is probably the nearest Burmese equivalent for the English expression "to build castles in the air;" ecoS4NQa2Gp Oqp~~o3SCP~66sc3~003~oo *l O^Sslf 8M0 391 80Mo, v. to be roused to action by emulative considerations; comp. so:,cq, to return to a state of mind temporarily intermitted. --, — q5, v. to cherish ill-feeling in silence, to harbour resentment. ---, — 18, v. to be firm in mind, whether for good or for evil (stoical, imperturbable); o CgoqpSooao ooSgg..s.c 050.oopS 6g01s.0 0050 g-Soo3S,06sqos) ooo:ogsn oo685^6S8 uooo^ ot u8o81Ii -— 0oo, v. to be hardened in mind, stiff, obstinate. --, v. to settle the mind, be settled in purpose, intention, to feel comfortable and easy in mind. --— q, v. to be ruffled in mind, vexed, to feel a little angry; 8oSq goloSoogeio8sc@gG8qoC3i8oo00S8oSGQoulcsoog(11 -- So00e, v. to control or bridle one's anger. -- gcoSo:, v.; see cooBC8o&8, to be forgetful, as an old man "in his dotage or a person of broken intellect from sickness or hard usage. -coS, v. to be dispirited, cast down, dejected; s=o8oogq 6oGa,318oSjj~c5c5u — 48, v. to comprehend (intelligible, but not of frequent use); --- c2?, v. to be biased in mind, be partial to. -— @ (8o), v. to be sullen, cross, not disposed to speak. -— 0o, n. mind; in composition frequently used synonymously with 8oSa --- (8o6S), v. to attract the mind, to have the mind set on any object. —;0oo, v. to have a violent temper, over which one has little or no control...-az, v. to be angry; oaoSojopSjo --—:, -Gog:2G., v. to be enervated, weakened in mind by brooding over bereavements or losses. — eS, -8-6e9,, v. to be uneasy in mind, uncomfortable, unhappy; pjo6 (Po) 8o0)AESI --— ooso, v. to be firm, unyielding, 80SooSQSo5o3fi - oo$- (8o5oS:), -oo$:925 (80o0o08:5:), v. to have the mind directed towards an object, be intent on; 8ooo$:8n, 8AB ocf, v. to be irritable, be eas-ily offende-d; iOv. to be fi~rm and unyielding, to exhibit fortitude and calmness in adversity (MQooa8ow~ogs~ro:D6l). - jv. to draw back from a purpose; &W eq~a obe v. to like, be pleased with; 86~Gpe~j~~a -— 0, v. to be angry, Mzo8Qo3; to have a sudden outburst of anger; 8$-ooGS-QoIIae — ccSomo~, v. to be -high-spirited and resolute. _cocgoSv. to be high-spirited. ~pv. to. be violent tempered. - W.c:,S n. the position or attitude of the mind. z-~c,. to be' angry, 8dc~ oe~; azo~ogo~ooe~ is more elegant than MOSOoSfl v. to have the feelings wounded, to be deeply offended; QS~GOZ~~fo98-@~o 0qosccoojc0411 M+8oT~ u=cO.-k (iGdqos or G.cB), v. to have, in advanced life, a disposition to -ape the dressing and manners of youth; 8c,S~qc61oSn 863t ~c~L~ootu oooSwesz60 a Mo5.g B o~haoe, this old woman apes the manners of youth very much. 0.0Sv. to be disturbed in mind; Mo~o.->Soi.-~~(8oS5o6j:), n. mind;. in composition fre~quently used synonymously with 865, a's 8o4a%:, or 80ptc~ 86(321 or 8o~otyi, Bjca '~ (rare); BoS~a.,Go~ii v.; see.)5~Oqcgrfo2II -1,v. to excite the mind or feelings of another; 618o&lcoo 01861ORO051 6,v. to become willing, to consent in mind; q~qc~o4 -olc~ cpcBv. to enter fully into a business, soul and body. S-jog, v. to be distressed in mind; MBo~-o~joe~i - zc:,v. same from continued grief -(to expe riience corroding grief).* -0- r. to be angry; 2o~tooE~, me BoScou.6,v. to be slightly deranged; aRo8oe~d:oe~ less than j - 8oSi 393 8q5 c~oc5s (goq5), v. to act entirely on one's own resources, to be resolutely self-confident. — q-oS, v. to give out, be discouraged from further effort. — @oS, v.; see 8o3cq, --—, v. to be appeased6 -- (IdIcSi, v. to be of an immature mind and youthful apSpearance, to have boyish or girlish ways though grown up. Usually used in a deprecating sense. --— 8, v. to be confused in mind. -- 8, v. to be of a procrastinating, dilatory disposition; 8o5o. -- ooS, -oqc oScoSoeqoS, adv. in the way of obliterating painful impressions. -- @, — @coFo5(, adv. same. — 0$, n.; see oo$, 8oSoo0o,aouI8oSo3 oloo3s1C oSll --, v. to be affectedly angry, to affect to hold off when selling anything, as a trader, in order to get a better price for one's articles (c$coga o3 G8oSsoPg), to affect to hold off, as a girl to her lover, in order not to allow herself to be depreciated in his eyes. --- qoS, v. to be sullen, privately angry; more than 8o5, --, v. to be high-minde roud; o:sootg~gooui 8oSM c ---- Ao (pron. 8o5@), — oo5 (pron. 8oS@$o05), v. to be quick in thought and feelinc ~-, v. to have an inclination for; sometimes in the same sense as ooS 2. — 5, v. to be slightly irritated. ----, v. to be not easily provoked, slow to anger, long suffernng, forbearing. -- 86, v. to be confused, troubled, perplexed in mind. — jco~:, v. to be in a happy, joyous state of mind. - coo5, n. mind; in composition, frequently used synonym. ously with 8o3; comp. 805o05, 8o5coosG& 8 QGc000oo8sGOO — oqo, v. to pretend to be reluctant, unwilling. --—, — oqsl (pron. 8oc&qj[), v. to feel safe, secure, be free from anxiety. — cq, v. to be unsteady in mind; applied to the adolescent of either sex; (8oMcj has[quite as much the meaning of 8oS 50 "394 b3 @8 as the definition above); 8o5sooocqooe is applied to a young person who give~ himself, or herself, airs, and affects to look down on persons in the same station of life as him, or her, self. 8o5 co,, —,coc., v. to be scattered, dissipated in thought. -— GO-, v.; see 8oSoi - o-So0: (pron. 8cSo8oa), v. to enter warmly into a business. — Go, v. to be confused in mind, puzzled, not knowing what to do; 8oSG3ooei - ooS, v. to be resolute, firm in resolution; 8oScqoo$ooeSu -— ooGooooS, v. to be settled and intent (on something), to give one's attention to a matter. — 0o -0ooo00o, v. to be pleased, feel pleasantly. — Gcooo, -Goo0000, v. to be quietly settled in mind, steady in purpose and conduct. 8oS, 2, v. to split into four parts, to divide into several parts, pieces. [Der. sz8oS, n. a seit, a 'measure of capacity equal to the quarter of a tin (o0oo0S) or two tsaroots (o oS)] diIoGocq&c.qe o cOp 'g$gN8oScoooo1, roooSzaooe ocoolrc G@o8 G9OG05OS nJ^58 gGoCfl6 e)5:Os&~ 98oS ~o1 o0oo3:, if I should happen to speak untrue words, may my head be riven by lightning into eight pieces. (This is an imprecation occasionally used by Burmese by way of clinching some assertion made.) -- o, v. same, 2nd def.; GcoSoc8Soaoo8coGogoGoaooomsa@ moogg =8 oo03pio*S 865681o|~ GoooIcoGSic,.Maukkali P6ttateittha, the mahti, divided and subdivided the laws of permanence and impermanence in preaching (the law understood) to Mingyi (King) Dammathauka. 8o6586 or oo83oS8o, adv. gently, moderately, as rain (infrequent); 8gccoo (Pali 880, mind, and oao, a moment), n. a state of mind or thought, either the commencement, the continuance, or the termination; see eol oogaoii go8ca and oo&cgc, oS ocqm 6^gbqo0 o~coGocog 8&300m coqogo^ o &83moloio2, I had no desire to transgress against you, sir, even in one single tlought. 8ffo (Pali 8g^, mind, and b, S6), a. caused by the mind; 8po S co, sickness, occasioned by mental worry or sorrow, O8~ il 0 ~ 395 899105o (8Bl15) (Pali 83, mind, and e8@68En, the state of being), n. (pron. 8oSqoScooS), the exercise of the mind; comp. coo0oSou8 8I, i, n. a diamond, of which there are three kinds, ranged according to their excellence, thus ~;o,, jo8 and cooS cG@S, (8$o pron. 8~q an imitation diamond.) --, n.'red tourmaline or rubellite. 8$, 2, n. arsenic; 8$8gog,8g8 :g^oS, 8$, 3, n. swivel, jingal (8$~@oSs most common). -— qS, n. a Gardener, or Nordenfeldt gun. 8$G008, 85$, n. certain decorations in architecture. 8$ocq8, n. crystallized quartz. 8~c,:, n. the flower fence or peacock's pride. 8,~q, adv. any spherical ornament surmounting the vane (9oSop) of a steeple or spire of a coooS or coc8; in small ordinary pagodas the 8$^ is very often an inverted sodawater bottle. In pagodas much venerated the 8q:s is often made of gold; often, however, a [oqs or a globe of mica is the 8$v. [Note.-Mica, a mineral capable of being cleaved into elastic plates of extreme thinness; it is either colourless or presents some shade of light brown, gray, smoky brown, black, occasionally green or violet.] 8~$oop, n. a species of gourd; k1il 8$Goa:oopo, n. corundum, emery; c.&Gog:o6a oSo& 8$s:85, adv. intently, steadily, perseveringly; applied to words of looking. --— ~, v. to look at intently, steadily; 6oco6SoS08oAroo$ 88, I, v. to be set or placed close together; comp. %c, opposed. to @ii 88, 2, v. to count beads while performing religious duties; qco 885o, to tell one's beads. — o:, n. a rosary rade of (bone or horn), q:38 (the gum of the s), $:_d8 (cocoanut shell), qoS&GooS (imitation precious stone). [Before the British occupation the village of Tabayin, Yeu, was famous for its bead-making.] 8S, v. to steep, soak in liquor. -----, n. a medicinal infusion. -— eq, n. fermented liquor. 396 8$. 858G(@, adv. slowly, moderately, in the way of taking one's ease, as when resting from labour or when the mind is free from care and responsibility; BSsQgos3coooSog), in a bad sense, in the way of lolling about and wasting one's time. 8Sr@4G@, adv. same. $Soo, v. to have a curse take effect, to become subject to evil in consequence of a curse; osp$886qsoo, v. to have a curse take effect in consequence of having committed perjury; 8oo85Gsoqo, v. to have a curse take effect in consequence of having transgressed against one's parents in a flagitious and unworthy manner; @o85Gqoo8, to have a curse take effect in consequence of having shown great disrespect or base ingratitude to one's teachers; cqO38S csq., to have it take effect in consequence of gross disrespect to one's elders. 8, I, v. to transude, ooze through, whether out of or into; less than o, to be thrilled with pleasurable sensations or with cold; @888,g, n. a swamp, swampy ground, oo88~ c@ooSoug, equivalent to co:,g orSoogi ql:corSoo.3y:6 Cog;88coc68.oocc, it is so cold that it permeates one's very marrow; Go8c"Goom09 co:ol o 1:01o 9GG8.5co5GoG. 3-,0;: GooSooQ, in sinking the well, digging becomes very difficult owing to the water oozing through half-way down (the Buimese call the water which oozes through the ground ii sinking a well at any of the excavations 1:Gcq); o og 00o00oos3g13J (038) Co00o: o9& 8S] 33g00c8rO. o8508 C, concerning that flavour, it was such that by merely placing it (ambrosia) on the tip of one's tongue, it caused a thrill through a thousand nerves 'muscles or tendons); [also used adverbially, e.g., oc885G(^3oo}ooii5G osC~do'o ---, n. spring-water; oS:cqii 8$, 2, verb a/lix, compo inded of co and 33, whici see, e.g., co 88o003,, in order that he might meet (some one); os"8S G Coooc, i-. order that he might eat. BSB, 8585coWooW, ado. slowly, moderately, 8883 c6@~ (infrequent). 8:, v. to be green, to be of a green colour, to be green, unripe, immature; 9eg, e'~, to be raw, not cookec; ooS, $48, to be overwrought, as silver fresh from smelting; to be unacquainted, not familiar, not versed; ocqoS, oooS:, co 8. 397 ocoo, to be destitute of natural affection, unfeeling in one's treatment of kith and kin or of friends, savage, inhuman. 85s:o:, v. same, last def.; ow coox%;:oc:,~l:8gjS osOc68S3 oo):oo often followed by qoSoo5u8Soco3:qGo5ooSn --—, v. to be of a dark green colour;..ou:coGoocoTcoof cqojc8i5;i o0Se:sGcxHu e$$S ooSgo^SsjsC^ $S:S Qq ooS,, if one looks from the summit of Mandalay hill, one sees the hills of Sagaing and Yanking, dark green in colour. — 0no, -g, -co5,-co$:, v.; see the parts; used adverbially in a reduplicated form;:b0b3 00G0yo8ooo:8 85;:sS ooSo Roo~, the little flower trees in the flower-garden are green and fresh in appearance. -— qo5ooS, v. to be unfeeling and cruel. ---— g'o, v. to emit a stale, fetid, rank smell, not so strong as i q8SAPr:o5GGos0 o o:0oc5, without making any difference between strangers, familiar acquaintances, or those that live near or far away. (This phrase occurred in the proclamation which was issued in Rangoon in January 1877 when Her Majesty Queen Victoria was proclaimed Queea-Empress of India.) ---— s (8S:c), v. to be of a light green colour. 8, i, v. to place one after another in a row; comp. oe, to place in a continuous row; adv. each, apiece, o-ooooS8, each one; cQo58, each person; 08, each thing, one apiece; G0oS0co58?c6S ogo2 G,o5 o o~o3S, they went away with a gun a piece; oc..pqy s4opjoSoc'oe@8~ @og, as for them, they have each a puhso apiece. ---— o, v. to compose (writing). ---- S, v. to variegate, diversify, by setting glass, stone, &c. O —eg, -. to place in order. Der. a;8on o.s-coSR$oqcps 0coSoO o5.ic8! fapO>353pl 3Qfc GQO~(o 3oS(3S c 330eth0 0o a e ~ 1 -— 8, — 8coco8, adv. well arranged; applied to language. -.-, v. to arrange in some order; (sometimes conveys the meaning of directing or superintending arrangements). --— 8, v. same, to order, direct, to decide (a@aoS), to pass sentence. Der. 38qn. - q869, n. what comes within any jurisdiction. 8. 8sc, adv. one after another, in due order, harmoniously, numerously; oCoo8qa&G8600o3GtS S8:0oG o.N3 oCsOfS qcGoogo.S, owing to the haze overhanging in layers, one can only just see the dark outline of the little town (free translation). -— ocq4, v. to place in a regular, even manner; to be pro. perly expressed, well connected, smooth. Der. 3a83a,q1 8, 2, v. to be noisy (obsolete). -- qo,, — aS, -, -oo5,-S -ccooS, v. same; used adverbially in a reduplicated form, indicative of sounds, not so loud as 3aoco5, but disagreeable, as the crying of children, the noise of persons quarrelling, &c.; Go:88-qS. 0-. —Gco: co:, adv. same, but louder; 3aoSaoSqoS6coScGoo P c o soC5o?$ ooG@ 88Gcoo8Gcoo3~00n11 88, I, v. to be mounted on (any vehicle, animate or inanimate), to ride on; to travel by steamer, ship, boat or railway; to be shod, wear as shoes, to possess as a spirit, a85:0 8:oo (c8cqo.8"Co, to have a nightmare); co8ooog, (G@48o1:3 8:) 80)t2: o6ascG:oGoooS83oooSbco:, can you ride well, sir? — q8s, adv. in single combat; 8s:qlgS c3g, mounted; secondarily, mounted or on foot; to travel alone as a single vehicle or horse; 8:q,sSogaoi, -— , v. same as 8; hence 8:8 0g8:, adv. drivingly (in business); o$:ooG 5GQTo oT 8 oc 8 96Scoago3' 1o, he has gone travelling by the steamer called the " Pantanaw.".-:, n. the housing of a saddle, a Burmese saddle-cloth thrown over the on or saddle frame for the rider to sit on; same as ooSq$:, except that the latter was used only by men of rank..- -8, v. in a figurative sense has much the same meaning as the English expression to " ride rough shod " over another, e.g., coe85:oco.=3oT<aoo68s0q (pron. 8*~:) q8Soogi -- ooo3q, v. to try a horse's speed, to give a horse gallops with a view of trying his speed. 8:, 2, to flow, run in a stream, to be strong and rapid as a current; coo6Gq8:oi~, 8:o0GAo3ooo89ooSo5 goooo,5ol, the curreift is 4ery rapid, even the steamer cannot steam against it, lit. her paddles cannot strike forward. — o, v. to put forth effort; used adverbially; 8~8:toIo]) q 399 8s, 3, to advance, increase, be enlarged, augmented; not used singly; o*g8go03gf8sao98~ — p-s, n. increase; profit, advantage; mGoS, aWoCn -- pa8oCoo5, -py~:os, v. to thrive, make profit. 0 --- o9,6, v. to be prosperous, successful in trade, fortunate in speculation; oi0 8 cago8:ooo96oo Scgs oo50 q08 oo3: sooG(o~oosf8~o:s oogo, owing to the price of timber being good this year, Kyaungtaga Maung Khwd Nyo is very prosperous. — o —8cq1o,. to, be unsuccessful in trading, unfortunate in speculation; less than qj583, as it does not imply that a person is ruined, but that he has declined in prosperity. 8:6@$, v. to repeat certain sentences or prayers, cog$osBis OOS; comp. o35o,5 3oPogoooSoq30 895o*o0oX33 CQ 3a > gs:8@Soooo?.goo ol00sc~8 @8qoog, owing to their blundering in repeating the Kammahtans, the Athinnyathat Brahmas remain only in a corporeal state, in which no mental faculties are present. 4, v. to collect, gather together (trans. or intrans.). Der. 3o 03230 33G 05 B33Cg G0O -— og, v. to do jointly, by joint effort; o (pron. omcS) c4 S ooSioo:Cooooqog c:qS6a,og,11ogs is very similar in meaning to qs:, but perhaps implies more strenuous exertion. It is not, however, in such frequent use. -- o, v. to collect and put together, as two or three persons accumulating capital When entering into partnership, &c. -— C030-:, v. to collect together; chiefly applied to things. "- q, -dlS:, v.; see the parts; a Gq4rco:)SoqloG1oolx 8coq~ C0302fIBog0&G635GO o6 3O MoOmc5 GQOi GSo,oo~, Thum6da, the embryo Buddh, not holding in estimation the.property collected and amassed by his parent, made an offering of incomparable value. ----, v. same as q (trans. or intrans.). — gq, v. to rent land (formerly in Upper Burma) on terms by which thp amount payable to the owner depended upon the outturn realized. - cos, v. to collect, assemble (intrans.) for an-occasional purpose; comp. ogcoI co~ojorSsooCgQC O 0so Coo o801, I cannot say why it is that people remain collected on the road. — 3s, v. see the parts; Gco3aSo6u 85pe rao teoSooG >wc@oh -— cooq, v. to rent land (Upper Burma) on terms by which 400 q5 the tenant agreed to give the landlord a certain portion of the crop gathered or make good it value in 'm ' n 6y. qoS i, n. a hair pencil, a painting brush, a Chinese pen, a sharp tattooing iron; S9g3S9 ~qoSdC qoqS ojoodcSG q|8:sc58| o8, if a person is tattooed with an eight-pronged tattooing iron, the whole body can be finished in a single day.:' — 05, n. same. - O-.:-ooaS:, v. to be skilful in tattooing. -—., v. same, to be expert with the paint brush (lit. to have power over the paint brush, i.e., to be able to wield it deftly). - cq~, v. to paint; 0o8:Q~2SoogI oo~ s G aoSOSC80o0(~oii SOSGoo c8:msoo$aoo6~Vou QO oSQ08C ogOGSCooSii gR40 6~cgsa3og i|, ahd this princess, who was as if she had b&en painted and illuminated by the brush of a painter, was named "Uritsada " because she was born with ornaments on her bosom which were pleasing to the eye (.8cq gc- means " pleasureful," if this rare word be permitted, or that which affords gratification to the senses. Like-able, if it were a word san'ctioned by usage, expresses the exact meaning; it is believed). -— g8, n. the hair of a straight brush or the point of a tattooing-iron. a08, 2, v. to be torn, rent, to be disordered, confused, tangled, frizzled, shaggy. Der. oq~o5 and sdoS; 3:.8g.G@a cooSoogii —, — g5, v.; see the parts; [to be rude, vulgar, coarse as language; om^(33o &(~^S6sog, this man's manner of speaking is coarse and unpolished].. —s: (from a~, to be loose, not compact), a. or adv. shaggy, in a shaggy state, like the shaggy hair of a dog, dishevelled, as the hair of a human being; s o@Oooarls ooRS8 o1 Qo8~Go&S88QoSgs^68y o8~6)ng3Gg~i 9oSco:sy(o -— goco, v. to be shaggy. o5, 3, V. tb suck with the mouth; comp. *, to suck in, suck as Sbees do honey, imbibe, to kiss (in the European style), to draw as a pump, to charm, infuse virtue into by repeating a muntra. — oT,,.-to6 cheer by cheruping; the Burmese cherup to their ponies in riding in order to make them stop, also they <g 4or. cherup in admiration, anger; 03,o qoISoTqsrool oom 8C 6oS cas, v, to cherup with the lips, emitting a sound as in loud kissing or as the sound made by the house lizard; a8 -- ooS, n. the refuse of an article that has been sucked. -— ooS, v. to make a noise with the tip of the tongue applied to the roots of the upper teeth, by way of coaxing or indicative of sorrow, regret, pity or admiration; coxooqpcoS cooSoj.ooSoocpsoco)c.cogSno-e ooeoAo8-.~ o8@80A 165 ODO(50qGW038no83,)O~ 3 11 c qoS, 4, an astrological term used with co0Su 9 cG6o8qoSGcoo3 q9$ooiiGcj oqpcS o5SoGo isqq$cj3ogi 9oSodi qcoo (pron.. aco) (Pali qc8), v. to remove (to another state), to 'die; GOOi'1 xcoxoeou I03 G 8sqt8o @g~coGo>~ gS~% og68c GcooxO, King Nemi was removed from the world of men and then had existence in the abode of the nats. Qo})s (q3oSo) AoS8s, qoSqgs, adv. suddenly, instantly, gco8}, @oSRSi [Note. —qoS~& or qoSqg is rarely used; qoSo) is used to words of sinking, as sinking in water or sinking "down into the c,, Gc 3oS SoaBoSa a sG)coooogcDg~3 oSs qoSq3S, adv. same; also, an intensive to words of sourness or. acidity; OScog ( S- o c soo3S1sooS oosqjoSx qYcoG.coSo6oO 3m $3 nS, one's teeth are very much set on edge when one eats the fruit of the Tenasserim caoutchouc, owing to its being intensely acid. ~qco~c8G6, adv. protrusively, as the lips. [Note.-This word is said to be applied to things which are out of proportion, as a large pagoda with a small c8s, e.g., oOesoc8GsoSog: PdjgoS^(^G^G.gcnscG0 8s8 Cojj G 00E3S 30000, see oooa)oe, adj. the fourteenth; both words are found in Burmese writings. v, v. to go down (a river), opposed to co$, to follow lineal descent, e.g., 9$~qj8oo, to love as a parent does a child, the Burmese being of opinion that more love is borne by. a parent to a child than vice versd (cqo o$roo gjooqo~ co), let the names of human beings 'ascend,' those of villages 'descend,' a rule observed in naming children and in giving names to towns and villages. 51 402 RS, v. to rise up conically, swell up or out; Qoo8, to heap up the earth on excavating, as a mole; c:cqcSoqa q<iq o 3GCosrGo3 Qqn3gO8coSoog&n 0eqsoi^ aoo008, comacoso5g, (q5@ so-_688:kg3G0Go3Fog:oe, ooo&qcooR a sfco ooso }8:C q$l, n. a wizard, conjuror; q1o5jc9coT is far more generally used than q<: to designate a conjuror. -- -, see oo63s1 ---, i. a witch. q$s:$: (i;s), adv. intensive, applied to words of sinking and some other words of motion, such as drifting; GQqS5q$~ ~853 or g83so3opS, the boat sank right down, i.e., like a stone, or q$:9:58G coo%, sunk while drifting. qSqS, adv. intensive, also applied to words of sinking and some other words of motion; also applied to persons with blindness or deafness, when it conveys the English meaning of being "stone-blind" or " stone-deaf." qSo6, n. the Tavoy name for the orange; cS(Su 0co6, n. small ornamental spires, summits, elevations, &c. on the roof or steeple of royal or sacred buildings, including cRS, 95q$8s, &c., 8$8s$, g8$Gol8, e.g., qoowg&g3$.S oo qoqos, n6 a kind of ornamental garment worn over the shoulders; comp. ooooSiqccosooSG, cooScoo8GoSl03, to marry, a-term applied to royalty; o0-6e^8360g 1 * i, i, n. a pleasant grove, wood, wilderness (infrequent); o~8, (~8, tcs8, qq, e.g., Qo^iJ8t qSooSge{Sog, 9, 2, v. to be double, form a pair, be even; to be full, complete, co~gS, @gooS. Der. aawiiogjof jdSSii;i^Sgg ) gsc: ~YcodSoq6o, as for me, I work my paddy-field with a pair (lit. complete pair) of bullocks. — c-, -c, v. same; used only in some adverbial forms; cgkS oooscostj 3 8a? 0oSoocgulmooe9 ^CCGcq-tIC~)o1 Gcqo8:O33, <65S, my young men are very hungry, please feed them, Kyaung Ama, that each may have enough. ---, v. to be met together; all parties. -- (pron. ~4), n. a newly married couple, a term used in revenue assessment. - oy5 (j,0oS), v. to unite in marriage (infrequent), O5$s:c8 OEsoo 2 60ooo6So Go60 s60o055500Jo8^ 35Q ooB, the seven princes of Leithsawi (Lichawi) were united in marriage to their own sisters, and reigned as kings. V 403? cp, n. a place of arbitration where the parties are confronted; cage OII do@oojt p33@ 9 oo 0033os g,@ol1ooCoos, come, now, will you dare to say this before the assembled elders? — c-oooScoo, n. a witness before a court of law or arbitration; 9pomoSGc qs^, before assembled witnesses, or ~cp c:ocr.G.9G, before assembled elders (as in referring a case to arbitration). -- cp-ooo, n. an arbitrator. -- co8, v. to be complete, entire, perfect (oSr:QoSoog, to wink with both eyes; j8~Sa$co, v. to take a standing jump with both feet together); oo~, a pair (or that which would not be in many instances complete without the other, e.g., oncp:co8o~oo~, as co x8~806cbooo5oaooo8, I do not think these slippers are a pair); cogxao28 ioooSjoo6o -- co ---- sgo, a legal term applied to both husband and wife dying without heirs odt either side. Jo5: (pron. ~o>8), v. to try, make trial of. -— co:@S, v. to scrutinize, probe, and inquire into; 0o03 Gopr@ap Q(ogogss$8o.lt8G$gc, scrutinize and inquire into the matter, dear friend. ~ooS or qo5, v. to like; OoSoag, to love; igooe, to be pleased with, esteem; )8oSooi, to value, be unwilling to part with; 986 G@o0I (o00ooCS~Q005 ) o 6c.8oworu C CSococ(oo53W3 3ccgSqao5.~o), they love.each other very much because they are young husband and young wife (i.e., married in their youth); ?a6^o:$3 y on5G3Ss ogs3G,oo 3a6 19o5 S C ol'~3s, $3C;3036g0o1, though one may love money (lit. price) much, yet at the time one dies, one cannot take it away to make a pillow of it; oo5g:n q, v. protuberate in a point, to protrude as the breasts of a (human) male or female when reaching puberty, to pout or protrude (active) the lips, ~joSS:coog (805ag&qoSooc ^oSoSicsU^qt, as when a person is sullen; to set up on end, G0M8ooe5; applied to nine-pins and such like; provincial and very rare). -— o, v. same, ist def. m>3, n. the passion-flower creeper; ac330oooc8inaoo oS oS 0$ 91no$ ioiiX p3, v. to eke or piece out from various sources (infrequent); oo is not often used w th qu 404 GO ^ qcoooo, n. a species of mintwort. q60o, n. a sect of Buddhists, Culanganthi, opposed in their tenets to Mahaganthi; oaootli 9:, v. to prick, pierce, to be pricked, pierced (e.g., cqOqog, to rui 'a. thorn into one's hand or foot); n. a piercer, awl, punch, bodkin with a sharp point. Der. cooq-q, an instrument with two points, one larger than the other, used in perforating beads; cooS8oSqs, n. borer or drill, used for a gimlet. --- o (from q,, a piercer, and oSg, to feel), v. to try, make trial of; ~oSsoot, to make careful investigation; ~oo8:08 ~6o GChCooS0an o305 oo5Q.uo% Qoq0o.oGgeMQ Os5cc oooS "eg@o8o4sgi, " Zeta hunter, why do you design to kill me without making careful investigation "? — 0-), n. the graduated bore of a tube filled with gunpowder. --— agq, v. to make holes in the ground with a sharp instrument in order to plant or search for something hidden; cag98@SoooGce~ 0oss, adv. straightforward, direct; oogco, oogcoio, ac, ca, int. away! used in setting on dogs; ooooSqgScgqs:Qogs oS, the ship went due north. y6:oS, v. to set on (a dog); used metaphorically in speaking of a person who has fomented a quarrel, or been at the bottom of any mischief-making. It is a terii which is, however, apt to give great offence, since At compares the fomentor to a dog-(i) qlcpoS!oaoSo; (2) oocjj-.0coS Soocj, this was the man who instigated the matter (see &.6q ). co, i, to send; coSoog, to send on business, to employ, qs; but scarcely used singly in this sense. Der. soco (coo000}$ --— s, v. to send with authority. -— s, v. to send on business, to employ, to commission, to make use of as a draught bullock. -— o, v. same as Gcoq8s —. cS, — ooS, v. to send to another place; o83get@:o8 o Go:fsoSdojGna o 88G.o39:u ccGo ogoScdoSqj, King Theinzi sent me in order to bring his (royal) son W6thandaya. v, v. same as o8gn, 0$o osa o cooSo) o ^gIQooeggoooGo o oGqo gqii .GoC8 405 Co3 2 (from Go, to send, order), verb, affix, casual; see Grammar, Csee next (infrequent); 6008GO Ia ~ C no sdi colloquial). - cxoe~., verb, affix, precative; @Uooaot),3a orcocoe~:o - 0001, verb, affix, precative; =080GcOOD 00~0G000ii@SGO GOCO~0 (Pali), n. a union or accordance of mind with an object, inclination; G~~o=@8i, good will, cordiality, benevolence; 0 oiSoop~~ooo uqGooZp o GoQop G91800 Q~OJSg00e G.000DII ~8r.0 (00) 40 G o3D8 O,0g9)~qC S)v. to have a fixed intention to carry out a benevolent intention, or to make a religious offering; cqe~oo1 Goa3oD q O5@SsjJ8cg8 mJ89:gaO~o QCoosiGa33, when one* makes a religious offering and has a- fixed intention of offering with the three kinds of good will, one derives much benefit. V. to be kindly affectiioned. Gcoc8o (ccooc&cB) (Pali Goop, mind, and gjco, to be connected), n. active, motive principle of mind; coin. [9U c~oc8 (Pali), n. a sacred depository, of which there are four kinds, namely, Oq~oYooGoc8, a depository for the eight sacred utensils; oaG-oB,~ a depository for the sacred scriptures; ODComec, a depository of things made after the resemblance of sacred things, as idols., &c.; a pagoda of brick, stone, &C.) inclosing and surrounding a sacred depository; comp. qdc,-I qzn. pagodas collectively; some. of the most famous Burmese pagodas are: (J) 9.q8XjGCOQOoSUI (0) c4o:ocz&, (Prom, UGS180) @IIQO008GODS~,iG~oSH (9) SSIODO@~4SGCOOoS 8 (O) cO6%IC~cw0G003OC11 (o)1OZ D~~~CooSGCooS 406 (oo) u5g~g oocoo~u (oo) o5oqS (pron. 0o0S) gjJiioSg oSolo5Goo8u (0 j) J) 6g:i o $:oo3 o (0a) oSS u opasg oo cm08, (oJ) q: U 9 z;00:8i. 48 (n9) qsi~n58Qoo> rSco@ not deficient otop utto close (a door), GoO 2 D. ( fo) q0 s~itoo6iDoeGocr. (jj) to.oo,to compress the lips; o ooiO@ -G(iq) CtOoS IS4O8GC SGOoB3 c9, v. to join by a union of parts, to cement, to be complete, not deficient, to put, to close (a door), Goooso | Der. ao"08Sseooo, to compress the lips; oosco1^ol..-, -q, -J, v. to be diffused, distributed throughout (co qet, you must hand over, in order that they may be whole and complete, the boat, oars, and other things. " ----o5, v. to join by a union of parts, to be reconciled, brought together, united in mind; to be finished well, accurately, nicely; qoooooS (colloq.). to be oo2g~socQSm8 800Gs3 G~ 9sco.oGoSooqpoog,, this man is very precise and exact in his manner of work and speech. ---,. to be complete, nothing wanting or remaining. --— os, zv. to solder, join by metallic cement; ocoSoo%, to reconcile, bring together, unite in mind.,m —cQ, v. same, last def.~ ---o (goS), v. to be careful that nothing be lost. -— g, v. to be nice, accurate; used adverbially; particularly expressive of research or investigation conducted with gentleness and exactness; o3 C.o] a lo = o.GooocCqac. —GC (from cq, to count), a. all; ~ soB coo 407 oo:, v. to be sticky, adhesive. Der. 00GO8; 2oo00S0cq8c08~M co:00 ce~, the clothes are sticky from being wet with dew. - 8, v. to stick, adhere; Cgo CC;30C3jUn @oo6cooe, avarice is apt to adhere to one as the sticky gum of the banyan. 7-ccicoR, -c8 S-c~8, a. sticky as clothes not quite dry; 3so C386:p63p9o3 G Q)8CO:O-aoS3 Gthe jacket is very sticky owing to its having been wet with perspiration. - ~, v. to be close, stingy, close-fisted, parsimonious; more than 06oo; o; &6o],0oC0cxjaaS60oooR~ocG x6or.j Co~M c oe~, this Kyaungtaga's friendships are very limited owing to his being close-fisted. [Note. —Go:3:) may be used in the same way if it is wished to make use of a stronger expression.] oo41 (GOIRi), n.; see R-oqB; neither of these words are used in colloquial; &80eoolI8socgaccd-xe~ b: (b), v. to cease, stop, intermit, leave off, ~oS; (qvS-boo~, to leave off raining; p8zbce, disperse as a fcg; uq0aIb ow-, to disperse as an assembly; 8:Gcoo8bw2~, to subside as fire; used with GoS, but after it, OSb, to denote irrevocable separation between a man and his wife); to be finally disposed of as a case in court; also used as when a person makes his appearance while being made the subject of conversation (i.e., before the conversation breaks off); ocos 986l~GOc.236 to8R oEcp6o:oocx~, to travel without let or hindrance, as people,by any road, or thoroughfare, e.g., r~usoqc;~ogeobsa3$cqgoogabacssagom eS bto: (bio), n. a species of dogbane. GO$ I, v. to be early (premature). Der. =o36a oo8R:Saz0 oop88 GOCoqq'3oSzoe, owing to your scheme being premature, he suspected it. - rc0, -:8:g, adv. earlyj Gsccoo8s8cocoooS. —oqgoqSjo@~ cz8,-co oc6&ooe, the man who is in the habit of rising early has generally a plalid and happy countenance; 0o1I8 *6o:rcoJ:ol, wake me early. --- oG)s, adv. very early. -- o:, — ~to0oro, adv. very early (obsolete). Go:, 2, to have the mind intent on, eager in pursuit of an object. Der. MoSeoo, CrGOOC0, 0 GGO ~o, qo$oQo ~q0WIIoG8CPYOlGOOJOGFO 408 C030S Gspo1S~q8g~8oSoooSG og, as I have never been to Rangoon, my mind is very intent on wishing to arrive there. Q0coS, I, n. the female private parts (vulgar); 8jo311onggc8S, -- 3, n. an enlargement of the nymphe clitoris; cooSaog5coS octu - oogSio, -o:soooous, n. terms of abuse, the first applied to women and the second to men, but both used by women (cod5oo6s8-co), an obscene term, used allusively and <denoting a paroxysm of libidinous desire. -— coGI:, n. the female urethra. q —.q, n. the mucus of the vagina, a term of foul abuse. — G, n. the nymphce clitoris. -— ooS, n. the labia pudenda; G00o58o0 applied to animals. — qCo, n. the mons veneris [of female children aqoSococos]. --— g, n. the hair covering the female private parts. GcopS9&:, adv. a very coarse intensive used in a good or bad sense; GooBo@4cq~, a very coarse equivalent for sa:4 cqI@o QOooS9^ eSA9GO:)d5&:cSoorcqu GOXYSCoS, n. a term of foul abuse; oSrlccooco cooSo0go3 *, an obscene term of contempt; oco5S, another term. o00oS, 2, v. to be steep, precipitous, whether deep or high. Der. oocoon....-&, G-ooSoq: (pron. ocoSo80Gooc5:), also, contrary to the proper order, applicable to doing (coo4o8s: GonS0ocqS o3~) or speaking; G~)corda:G03ox-,G@oo gn -— c, adv. with one end lower than the other (as when the tongue of a balance is uneven), as a vessel tilted; with the head down, upside down; c83cqaoo co~oo6coSo iiu -— oq:, v. to fall headlong. --— ac~suSc (rGOoSo c:8), osooC06@$, adv. with the head down and feet up. -— coOoS, adv. with the feet higher than the head; applied to a mode of putting in the stocks, e.g., c8SGooocSQcocoS Co03S, 3, qual. verb. afix (with o prefixed to the root), not proper or advisable; see Grammar, obsolete. Geoo 409 coc@C (pron. Go0cro), v. to appeal to the opinion of another on some doubtful point; comp. Go000 and o0w33, c03q8 0003om:)oSooS co o3o 8gso5 Gco03G3303$, let us appeal to and inquire of Kyaungtaga U Myat Tin the meaning of the word. QoS, 2, n. a coverlet, mantle, any loose covering wove in a separate piece; oogcooSG03, a flannel blanket;.).coS0 c, a kird of coverlet woven in Upper Burma; GO:S'oog, to cover one's self with a mantle or coverlet either in a recumbent posture or when walking; Go4SGolSscig(, to put a mantle, coverlet, or blanket round one's head in a hood-like fashion, as when feeling cold or exposed to the heat of the sun, or when wishing to avoid recognition. In the case of a person feeling his olfactory nerves disagreeably affected by the smell of food being fried in oil it is also used, but then it signifies that the person is lying down, and that he entirely covers his face with a blanket; GO)SG6l6~c8:8 355G940061 Go68, 3, v. to lay by for future use; comp. q$, to wait, be ready to enter into some business or contest, to be on the point of engaging as two cocks, or as two persons watching their opportunity for picking a quarrel; oogcjjG3:cSco)86 c G~o@gn oooSqoSr-C o2 o8g8~, these two men are watching each other; they will quarrel (or fight) about something or other; @oSjGJo3o:8 gGoe.go: G ooeg, these two game-cocks are watching each other with the intention of engaging. --, v. to protect in the absence of rightful guardians, to take care, to further the interest of another; very like Go0So in meaning; og0j 3asllogo,t5oo 3 @:qc &geo0oSo 86o1, while I am absent, look after and protect my children; oI qSzOce3ocq8q6Go86 Goo86olo890 sq help my son, sir, in order that he may get employment. Co6dZ$ (pron. q6j$, to make a barrier), n. a temporary fence, og:, marking off the property of one person from that of another. This word is not used in Lower Burma; also called g ~,O,,nonoecq o,6 -oqco8 (pron. q8s), n. excrement, faces; a term used by medical men. coo8qOcq (pron. Go)8Sp:), n. the cringe tree. Goo., v. to watch, wait for; comp. and c~8s, to watch, keep watch as a sentry, to watch over, take care of, protect; 41o "c85:oog, to keep, observe; GooS6Ba8oo ~,GoGooGooSognII cq~0o3ogo0,SB 0 80H d}G c 0o68ogO9 Goo83o1, wait for me near the banyan tree; cyatsooocqo:.a gs ooSc85 ooeo00G685scGoo696 8qogS, Thugyi Maung Lu Bein, for fear bad characters would come and take his money bags by force, had to keep watch over them all night. Gcoo~8,. v. to superintend, to watch over and keep safe, secure, &c.; 3zstq ao~0 uc8 0o8 G3a0oo q 80 cooS co8 giS co6 S Go 0 coE8 GS Gg, being apprehensive that Government work would not be done in an expeditious manner, I myself have to remain superintending it. ---:, v. to behave with circumspection, to guard against sin,.@q^t-,o, evil (as parents their daughter), to restrain one's self; qSo1ascog, to keep (a law); co:.c8~5 OgeGo5 6 Gpo 8 o 0o 10 80 r0 0 00 G008 o3Caqqj3. 003oo Ga: o)88caooQJs^3 ~ot ooeg, the parents keep strict watch over their daughter, having misgivings that she will speak with bad people. -— o, v. to wait for something (desirable) with expectance. -— '8, v. to tarry for another. --— 8s, v. to watch over, protect, to keep guard over, as a sentry; to practise, observe, keep (as a promise, ooapcoo" c8$tCoo)~u Goo~G~oodBSc8gSSii — o, v. to take care of, aid, assist. — A — GS,.; see Go0.c6gl5,3,a ~ 6 c'GooG^.,Sll3oo5GoSo8$. o8: iO coag GocGo@oSo Go5G oSoo5oo, he always observes his religious duties. -- o,, v. same as Gooc8G3ao0 S coo00, i, n. a lute or harp. " —GooaoS, n. same. -— ocp, n. a professional, ute or harp-player. — c8-, v to play on the lut or harp; 080e6Go0 3go:o c8G0o 3aalBGsa>SGoloS o oOgco qg^jSGCY0cx3o5 $d(Jn 0^ ^Oo55~ ~ ~~8la^?loepd ooooooo$osd,.o8.S., when the Thigya (Sekra) ruler was playing the lute, three female fairies came forth from the aperture in it and danced; when they danced, the passion-flower (?) sprang up in the place where the moisture from their bodies fell. — c7oo 1, n. the handle of a lute or harp. cGo0S4 411 coD8s, 2, v. to be not level, that'is, to be placed so that one side is higher than the other; more than Z; comp. c838:, to set on one side, incline, place obliquely (with qoSoo, to be squint-eyed); cooS: is a stronger expression than ~, to lie on one side Go)8:Za3SOO; to lay or place on one side, to use artful or indirect language or management in order to injure another; to speak allusively in the presence of another; comp. qS and qoS; hence momor8s and ooosoo, oeDS: Oq~o, v. to endeavour to prejudice one against another by unfair, under-hand representations; comp. qj cdjc25 a3uSco ~soooogsao oo 38(ocqx6@l,the boat is heeling over; sit properly; ou 6 ooicx3pc this man is squint-eyed; so 23s SuicJj6 F0Sa men as a rule generally sleep inclining on the right side. - oS, v. same, last def. -oS:, v.; see the parts; to take the part of any one unfairly in a quarrel, disagreement, &c. — c8oo008::, adv. unevenly, leaning to one side, wobblingly, waddlingly; aoo308 c8oo~ht,, in a reeling, staggering man. ner; 0o0 c3qcGfo P c4o6gE coo60S1: 4 mS:C$9 9s cmoS 0=713CB00050as.11 &Go= o~l ~c~rq9 - '5oS- g (GooSo:-q0oS@), adv. allusively in a bad sense;.,,e8 j0bjoS c n ~s9oe ~oe~, v. to look at with a rapid glance of the eye. ~ ---6=vU,. to decoy, depreciate, detract in an indirect, allusive ma tne; V ooo0Se @o8:(:, rancour, malignity; gOmD0jD mno:@iG ooopgi GGOD SS 0,oooS oo, a person of malicious principles is apt to have much rancour. cooSO, 3, n. a species of tannin tree, the Carallia lucida. -ooco:, n. a species of guttifer, the Ancistrolobus carnea. 0860,osoa:, n. the Lagerstramia parvflora. cco:Soo:S (pron. cootS:n:), n. brick or stone steps to a pagoda; one kind of cc9gmo:s go8ii ooS:-:oo:m)coYoSGOIaa -o&qS incq6, even as being struck with a broken fragment of a bowl by a leper in ascending the steps of the Shw6 Tig6n (pagoda). Anglic~, " Adding insult to injury." GooD:uoo, n.; see oo06r&a CooS:cqo: (pron. co8aoSoo:), n. the cringe tree. 0c0ogo, v. to inquire, question, on subjects of science and religion; comp. coG aou [xpooom:oSoI omit (Law), to apply for a revision of a Civil case, coomoooioSqoS, the grounds for a revision.] 412 ~ rso,)Vxx8, v. to refer to the opinion of another, regarding any dispute or difference; or for one's own. information (Go:oCm onoSooo, to refer to another to ascertain the existence of any fact). co6o, nw. a kind of tree attaining to the height of 60 feet. The leaves, which are heart-shaped, are 6 or 8 inches long. "The fruit is said to resemble that of the Sterculiafcetida. co5, v. to smell offensively; not used singly; 4soSw6. Der. movS. When preceded by another noun, it is itself used as a noun, e.g., G 3aySoUi9o SooU r053o:3, v. to be haughty, insolent; q6S:Goz3o ' o --- —-605, v. same; cq8riwcQ c q1:osotncRGSmozcuf~680g co8:qooe, I heard he quarreled because Nga Pyu insulted and Wtas insolent to his wife. co5s3, n. a Karin chief; goG Sci 0 QS ao iII GoS0go:, n. an hereditary prince; appropriated to the Shan princes; c -*:$oS,05qotll q4r5Oa0o.Oo:G:oSc. The Burmese enumerate ninety-nine Sawbwas as having been tributary to the kings of Burma;;8uqoocSzi,5j1 Sv. to be wet; comp. goS. [It has the same meaning sometimes, as ie, which see; e.g., Roo&xu %1s oif 00008~00e, in opposition to GorC- 8miC ii r 11 UU5636;4O caWe, the clothes are sticky owing to their being wet with rain. - 88M, adv. irriguously. -— goS, v.; see the parts. -- f, psed in a reduplicated form, e.g., fe%5 6, v. to be fresh -complexioned and full in the face (?) -— csoS (q), v.; see the parts; used adverbially; applicable to trees, vegetation, and persons. It seems to be equivalent to the English expression to have a fresh or healthy complexion as a person in good health; 3oocSrW::0-qm p oloo8to8Copoor.9oa P o q qooSoo5Aaoe~1 q5, v. to erect, set upright as a post; njQmeoooo8ae, to establish, to set, plant, whether a seed or a plant; to advance to another for the accomplishment of some joint purpose (QasGo:ooe); bj-,@g8gaor-j8* fi3T9 Coo:01, it is not long since a Deputy Commissioner's Court was established at Pegu; o3l o016180014o&0R8a1oSo Scq8@5c3o~~c coooooCq o5'I, r Eiq1eo3oig o coroosao 413 qg88q6o5Go,3solog, if you wish me to advance Rs. 3 on your behalf, sir, I will do so. Vo5oS, adv. direct, straight forward (but downwards); applicable to looking or moving; rco coSs:oGoaSoe az oS oS ~ogo,:cooSoo%, Maung Phyu is in the habit of looking straight in front of him with his head bent when he walks. --—:, v. to set, plant (qoS3so8, a nursery for teak trees). -- c~oSoooS, adv. in an upright and steady manner (free from artifices or machinations of any kind); adj. simple, unaffected, artless, undeviating; ooS8-o ~:0ioosoo)s: ~oS c~oSooSoooSaooe, this woman is honest and artless (equivalent to the English expression 'pursues the even tenour of her way'). )5, 1, n. a species of wild taurus (Bos Sondaicus). — 618, -Go188,oo;8:, n. the lock or hammer of a gun-lock (so called from its supposed resemblance to the hind quarter of a q8). q8, 2, v. to cohere (infrequent). Der. 038, — G@8, -oocda ~8Gc9p, a. of a bay colour; applied to horses, qSoqpor:tAoo) ^6, 3, v. to drive or ride fast; 98 8:oogmoso,, -- 8, v. to drive fast; @G~0GCpoScGoo8 q6-80o1, " drive quickly so as to reach there soon " (as to a driver of a vehicle). ' 8s@S:. (pron. Q8~i:), v. to deliberate, consult what to do in view of an expected event (rare). o3, -oj@s, n. petty officials in the Burmese time, who controlled the working of the ruby mines at Mog6k, Kyatpyin and Kath6. 1, i, n. a broken rainbow, part of a rainbow; comp. oooSo5u — qoS, n. same. - o050180, n. a double one. 2, 2, n. a punch or short chisel used in cutting money; 8g@oS oo~., a term used by goldsmiths. ~, 3, v. to appear, come out a little, as the projecting end of a thing, Cog4, or as perspiration, blood, or water beginning to ooze on the surface; e.g., c.gs.ooi - Go gscgo50 ~qGgj 5, almost as much as rcjtSooe, less than cgoS or 8Ke G(o~coS oognoi.@ would probably be the proper term to use for to evacuate the insensible perspiration, cg.cgoSoog for to evacuate the sensible discharge called sweat; to draw out 4 a14 (milk from the breast), to suck as an infant, ~ooe~. Der. 8, n. a peg or wooden nail, whether left projecting, or driven in completely., 4, verb. a x, imperative, Ist pers. plur.; o2o: -,, 0~23 g:, CSZO 9, equivalent to:@q. used in dramatic representations; $: has the same meaning. Neither of these words are used in ordinary conversation, except in a jocular manner. 1:, 1 v. to be chief, superior; 3c noouIa:mS, to preside over, rule, have dominion; pj8w3nq18o40. Der. azqa — cR8, -ca, — oRS, v. same, 2nd def. - b, v. to reign, enjoy sovereignty (go8:sga8:@Ss: s). - C.oS, -ooS, v. same, with the additional idea of inheriting from ancestors (rare). c-CcooS, -@~*, v. same with q:6, but infrequent., v. to have dominion and jurisdiction over. qI, 2, v. to be concerned, xious, troubled, to have misgivings;.-oI, v -w, -) ( ost common), same; qo1co8w06eooz coo:qcaus ~%o 80yota8(q80S= oCoScaoocqffl c(~as30au 3596009 so$djgcOqly~8~Coodj h)n0gg6333CUo qtgs (proan. wigh:o), a. or adv. a little; sze~*cSSIoIg:co5sIo8S8, hence ooqmo*8, same, e.g., q-o.f:oo6oooS q$olroomcj, there is still a little left outstanding; qolqogos6so oo~o6Q*qQI oo7 C, I still suffer a little from the disease. 81:8 or:qs88, adv. chirpingly as young birds; 96Scnscoo:9J:D:q. eege~06 8:q:eSo&, adv. by slight pricks or twinges; 080on 66SAI o0coGcPoI~soGSgq4 3 owing to my having chronic rheumatism, my back pains me with slight twinges. i, verb. affix, slightly intensive or emphatic; e.g., qRy, very difficult to obtain; 8bgcooo::, it is indeed very difficult to accomplish. vS,. to add to, superadd, in order to supply a deficiency in quantity or quality; c0c9oc, one kind of cco:8s, to intrude, be meddlesome, officious; VSQOgqgQ\eM.. 6&=080C c~aoSol, as the jar is not full of water, put some more in to make it full; oPqonjSkO O1o: E~ oEC*ob ocoo9, don't intrude yourself in the conversation of other people. S4 415 0o5, -o, adv. dashingly, indicative of the sound of falling into water; ce.obxoSpooocR.5s33o osogo, I heard a slight splashing sound as of a stone being thrown into the water. — ooS, v. to contribute what is wanting, to be officious, meddlesome; Sop8oo3aqQ0soo56 gxScpsQ, let us sell together by my adding my merchandise to yours. R?, v. to be erected, elevated, stuck up; to be perched on high, xpi, (G89giin ~oTogoog., in allusion to the GE 80o); pg~SGciGo003S ~, to prick up the ears, as when listening to catch a sound, or in listening attentively to what another is saying; oj58:goSoo@i3g gS oo~g Goo-Soo, if my horse hears the rustling of a leaf, he remains with his ears pricked up (or xo:,oSog..cojcooS 03o8). ----, adv. sitting on high, implying several. Rarely used in conversation, but found in poetical compositions. RcS, v. to be wetted, moistened; comp. q, to be wet. Der. ogoS, R3)Ggo3oog, &c.; goScgooSoaoSoo", tea which has become dry after being moistened with water. --, v. to be wet; adv. eating or drinking a little at a time and frequently, go5o:)xp. [Note.-Usually used when food is taken at short intervals, but it may be used when a person takes four or five meals to another's two.] g$, r, n. the house-kite, a kite (of paper); ccooo$i, -— c, n. the small projections on the upper edge of the bezel of a ring, securing the inserted stone; cooSg8g$cqS --— S:, n. the Brahmani kite. — o —coo (pron. v$$Go1), v. to let fall one side or end of a garment lower than the other. -— GOOC S (pron. B$0S1g), v. to pull up one side or end of a garment higher than the other. - coSooSD (pron. $~olSaoSc), v. to drag one side or end of a garment on the groundi — G —Co (pron. $$GO18@$), v. to spread out both sides of a garment. -— <, n. the black hawk (Pali coao). -— c-3.B, n. the spotted kite (Pali oc8). -— q, n. the common kite (provincial). ----, n. a kind of circular chisel used by shoemakers; Goo5oS 416' o0:$:@:oj:jS: (pron. BnE 8:), used by cultivators for cleanng away weeds and rank cultivation. gOooocoo6:, n. the Cosalpinia digyna, a large, scandent shrub common all over Burma. It bears pods one or two inches long, each containing from one to three oblong black seeds. - cagoSvo.o-, v. to fly a (paper) kite. 8, 2, v. to be a side, border (obsolete), to be on the side, border. Der. 3Qa~, e.g., oo3io:SeoRcr6Soco~, this house is standing out by itself. 8, 3, v. to have a pimple, sore, or sty on the eyelid; qj 058g~ coT a QCR 9J cA[j oO58*09o011oi 9 C9c03ol C cCqr Xo:J coc6@~oe~, the Burmese are in the habit of saying that if one gets a sty in the eye, it is owing to having deceived some one. too~, ~mc~ or ~oc) (oS), n. the date tree, the great palm. --— 08:, n. the fruit of the said tree. gjococS, n. a variety of the jack, very rare in Upper Burma. SJ, v. to give up, abandon;?8coe, to part with, give away; Ri gooe~ v. to give away in charity, to give alms; to venture, hazard, risk; goo:oeii q8O:Si, to evacuate the inteslines (polite); 8lcud5s, to pass urine; ~S0~8:oS'Q cf8GoS cS4: G oabc8~.cco: -2o$i oSgoGO=o =acgSco ScoG3a r-qoal bJa (pron. jyoung) ~o3 md~1Q0ul8c -,v. to give away in charity, to. give alms; Gc&~o0800om) coScgJOoo:oSjot?~c, the Jkyaungtaga is indeed in the habit of giving away much in charity. - R!, v. to sever, exclude, cast off, as anything useless or injurious; co~.,oo qo S oR15'oqS8@S 1OO oc oox0, on account of my being unhappy.at Tantabin village, I left it and came away. -io:, v. to risk, be adventurous, ready to give up (all), e.g., as in English to risk everything on one throw of the dice; particularly applied to risking life; go mooo36jcoS rno-oqo=6SW "cq a~8s c mj co~ GcozC$ 3aGo3cS&o o, though every one may not like an adventurous man, yet there is reason to respect him. - Jo (o), v. to forsake, throwaway; cop83zop: co:)N0off qG&cg Sol, this meat is tainted, throw it away. — cag~oo, adav. too adventurously or more adventurously 417 than others, in an intrepid, venturesome manner; ~~N2$-.o (.Dagoe~11 ajo~Ac80,4ogoosa:)~*ooeooY~os Sv. to leave, forsake, abandon; ~oc:c8~ 3c.2coJs i,. i, v. to be on the end or extremity, come to a point; to exceed, make profit, @o6op~ (obsolete in both senses); G2 oo8 9:o03oqSgcoe~, there is an excess of one rupee in the hundred (i.e., Rs. ioi); o8R1GIsCrGoT1j0T 3m)060a~3G coo)SQ0:o wlraoooP-, the money you have to get from me only exceeds Rs. o100 by I, i.e., 1or. 2~:, 2, v. to be stained, discoloured, tarnished; 3aocz GO:r0?0: cooOsGQacCn 8:cx, owing to the jacket (or coat) being stained with betel-juicq it is not fit to be worn. - ooS, v. same; coRsP8 3d0Ga 0 3T or g$1Gs3aog Gj zo330, this expression is used in rape cases. ----, v. to be actuated by strong passion or anger, e.g., coGlo R~@cot, e.g., Q Ta3o18$oC301 gS, 1, v. to put into, as a finger into a ring or a foot into a shoe or stocking; contjp. o8 and oRS, to thread or thrid (a narrow passage); o88p conasE a8s: SR:,, to go straight through passage without deviation, to follow a path or road; oe~c8c:c-8o( o.~o e c6, hence 988gqros1ru - 4, adv. intensive; applied to words of entering (in a quiet, stealthy, unexpected manner) and such like; Q.0oTcg3o49 aooScoo ooe, I - gRSS&S, adv. with rapidity and violence. [Note.-The Burmese would say of a person who was dim-sighted, feeling his way with a stick, j oS9crcjunqoG oo)oS6 So01 oSG5%SS R8g8o8co oe~m; the original definition does not convey the full meaning of the word, and it is doubtful whether g8g8jg86 always implies "with rapidity and violence."] 2S, 2, v. to accuse falsely, or to accuse on suspicion, but unjustly;' comp. Asgll -, v. same (inost common). [gS2 does not invariably mean to " accuse unjustly, or to accuse on suspicion, but unjustly;" it often has merely the same meaning as oasn oo 53 418 * gS, 3, v. to drag along the ground (by buffaloes, bullocks or elephants), requiring greater force than 3al'S, n. the runner of a sled or such like vehicle. ---— @aS:, n. the track of anything drawn along the ground. --—, v. to drag a sled. -- 0:, n. same as 28, n.; particularly applied to the runner on which the corpse of a priest is moved. -- o3 —:S, n. a sled, sleigh, or other vehicle placed on runners; oSoOap (agg)p) @Mo5O(3aSqno g 3a oSG0 3cc35@ l ogo:c^ gS:, v. to have ability, be able to accomplish; not used singly. Der. o8: i, c3S:oSaoog, when man is helpless, the nats succour him. — Mos, -coco, n. ability and strength, gSoq:ooii --— oo&.8, -JS (most common), v.; see 6, o338g:GSmQcooS |So1C o.Sc:, shall you be able to accomplish this business? --— o, — o0, v. to be strong; co$xgSooeg gcS (from 3goS, a tusk). ---, n. a double-tusked elephant, a person skilled in science pertaining to this world and the future; cooA8ocooggcp;i XooXp3SosI:giI g6o:=oSc:oo (also to writings treating of religious and secular matters, SBq;ocSooacqs:); a term also applied to calves born of different mothers being alike in colour, height, sex, &c., and age, 8qs3oo6:, -— g1, nI. one of the shores forming an inclined plane, up which logs of timber are drawn, until they rest upon the stout frame-work which in Burma serves for a saw-pit. -— s'- (from c$, which see), n. the projecting arms of a seat or carriage, cart; c9 _-3gq$:u ~. —s-;pS, v. to show off some good quality, as in placing picked troops in the van of an army with a view of striking terror into the enemy, to carry out a preconcerted signal with a view of gaining some end; gSr;S p;Toom, goS;ol8cS (pron. goS;oSoA), n.. a torch made of touchwood and wood-oil, omgSoS, i, i, v. to get rid of expeditiously in selling; ePS:; oogioogoT 2, 2, v. to bear an uncommonly high price; a oors.a 3 o o co-,aSo, or sometimes. mjA oSo; very rare. -- $Op, 'v. same. 419 So, v. to exceed, go beyond, oooo%,, c2g4og (infrequent), hence to be meddlesome, to be obtrusive by interfering, more than RoSB [qual. verb. afx, very; adv. formative, see Grammar, e.g., OSco0GO2OOc, much-loved daughter; ~o5cqp GcoooR, an exceedingly foolish person; amo0ooo, from the very commencement; ^~Sbgooo gc. qo5t]. g?, 1, n. to rain incessantly; ScRgoo:,I 2G, 2, v. to shut one eye while looking with the other, GgJ. cog; to have one partially closed, qjo5:;go-2, either from natural causes or from having received some blow or injury; o x.x4-0,o- oi cooso Soo,oo l JSGo GogrcSoooS oog, some persons, when they shoot with a gun, are in the habit of shutting one eye when doing so. c.g, i, n. a kind of squirrel, qg5gomco', called so because it has a pointed snout.. 2, v. to taper at the end; comp. ogo5, e.g., as a man with a large body and small head, czicmco., or a large * pagoda with a small hti; ocqq.(s8goSgRq o& o oRS11 gG.,, adv. taperingly; in an erect posture, as a number of small animals. cgsG, adv. same, last def. , v. to stick in fast, as an arrow or nail; (p oogo oog, to cleave, cling, adhere to (to hit as a mark in practising, whether with a spear or with a gun, as ooSgSig fooi, to use habitually, coo65. Der. 33, colcoM o 8s|Wcogs 3o6Sgc~oSc c1c ooS iiuscooocSooc4oSoo oogaggtc 18s~Gco.oSco5o4, and said King Pawlazanekka, Ministers, there is no foregone determination in my mind as to who is the most worthy person for my daughter." -- o0s, v. same, 2nd def. -- cS, _2-oS, v. to use habitually, to carry as a musket, da or spear (i.e., to be armed with); coooSooo:,>0~oA d^5 3oS TGofco oooo c.i --— o~oS, v. to frame a charge as a Magistrate. --—, v. to accuse in law as a plaintiff; ooTp:goog, to bringa charge against a person in a criminal offence. ". —, v. to he persevering, to be fixed or decided in opinion; o09e aoio3 aNo R-ov5 6 -3Q 42Q CooS tooS:, v. to cleave, cling, adhere; chiefly applicable to the sentiments and affections of the mind. -- c:, v.; see ao c oogi 2o (The seventh consonant in the Burmese alphabet and the second in the class of palatals.) co (from aoo, as much again). -- oar, — cq, v. to increase in geometrical progression. ---—, v. (pron. oq), to be on a par with, to be of equal weight. In connection with CGoo8:, to bet even on a race; coooGcooS.(pron. qsooosoog) (G8o.oiaoo%, to give odds in betting, op@ocooo8). --— g:*, v. to increase.-S. o, 2, v. to guess on a slight trial, or examination, or consideration; comp. 9?~. and cooS, to guess the weight of anything by holding it in the hand. Der. saoo, GooS~0,GOao, 8:"so, o08s00, (coa:1) cojoS, to perform a dexterous feat of swordsmanship or cut skilfully with an ordinary da, e.g., so as to sever a single plantain of a comb or bunch without cutting any ofthe others, or a stick of sugarcane without cutting any of the others in a bundle. co8aol-s, adv. in an obscure, unintelligible bungling manner. coaS, i, n. a species of large sheep (not known to the majority of Burmans). coo5, 2, n. a descendant of the seventh generation. co0S, 3, v. to connect, join, unite by the ends or in continuation, not laterally, as %, hence scooS, a joint; to offer respectfully, present as to a king or governor; comp o00. Der. a33 SSOon0 o^oo00S9G^oo6 og6o6s3G0 ~3g 00oops osoCJ3uG^oOCgOO(3flGrg 3$l 33CP083=>g0~OOG3Do5G(~) lo2U --— 0c, v. same, 2nd def.; oooog ooq3 sqacpogaooSo~ gooai oou - — oc8 (ron. ocaScc8), n. the armpit; 8*ogR8s (pron. (8S og38:j, oooSoocBa, cooSMoo8s(o:@0 --, v. to receive (a place of trust or authority) from another sa.o6asaocp jooSosg3 ooS; applied to hereditary thu. gyis. — c-o, v. to be or have in common; less than eqpg8stg3o8 aw'>i 3o8?<88l sSo3 @o i> 8o8ooSoo5 Roos o930 OScSg ii 000 421 uSo3oooo5ow@)oooaoc6oe~d5s 8 0 coo$otcq8 33oooQ1t86G 5 5soecoS (Pron. ooSoqeS), adv. immediately, without intermission. -— aS, v. to be connected, as a race or lineage (cgcJaooSoS 0o%~). — ooS, v. to do in continuance. -- oo, v. aoo5ocipoc oSG1Co5So .@3aSooi$oB [N.B.-It is said to be wrong by competent judges to write, or say, o6oSoDcoSG~, as by doing so the giver of a present or wnter of a letter exalts himself.] CoocooS, adv. certainly, truly; oomoS, 3o008, so cGo, o8o8, 003, oga5,<cqg io5 cg^~6 acoSoooooo30o0i co651oS8,2:, n. a Sessions Judge [in Burma the Commissioners of divisions are Sessions Judges, hence their being styled " Mingyis "]; xoo5S:, a Court of Sessions; oo5Io3a8031, one of the city gates at Mandalay; cooS5c8q:, one of the Mandalay bazaars. 0)8, i, n. an elephant, cc8oo@:sooo. " It is the first start-off with an elephant or horse," meaning that these animals have to be mastered when first taken in hand, or not at all. -- s8 (pron. 0o0:8,o), n. an elephant-driver, mahout. --— oo, n. the Solanumferox. — 0-o, n. the balustrade of an uncovered verandah, so called because used in mounting and dismounting an elephant. -— ono0o0 8, n. a plant of the genus geodorum. --—, n. a chief of elephanteers. ----:, n. an inclosure for catching.and taming wild elephants; -— "o50oooS, ni. the schleichera tree, M. -— o0L~s, n. a large variety of the egg-plant. -— qco~68o, n. a malignant ulcer on the neck. — G@, n. the pleading argument, or representation of evidence, generally of a rebutting nature, whether by a plaintiff or a defendant (so called from an old story in the Institutes of Menu); EoS c ooo:oS ) GoCsoco8 gcEsi — cg4 cooS, n. same. [in ordinary parlance an excuse, plea, used in a deprecatory sense as moc.8 ao8cooS ooCL4J3:oo c^] 422 c00 ooS~cg4, n. the soldiers that accompany and surround a fighting elephant; the suburbs, immediate environs of a town. --— osoqp, n. a side-hill, declivity, slope (c(Gao8goScogcop — q —@, n. eleusine grass; so86 @o&sqoS -- 8cxl, n. an elephanteer or soldier who fights on an elephant; see under o8s68coolsh --— a, n. the tusks of an elephant (ivory); co88goSoo:eo8, an ivory handled dagger. [CG5coom @o3c5 o6ogso~, "the protruded tusks of,the elephant do not re-enter" said of an irrevocable resolution.] -— ooop, n. a constellation. -- otwo, n. the Tinospora nudiflora, a large scandent shrub, the stems sparingly beset with pustules or warts. It bears a smooth fruit, as large as a cherry, of a bright orange colour.-K. -— 8, n. an elephant keeper. -— t (pron. oqt not n.), n. elephant fetters.. ----64SoqMO, n. a kind of mango; see cogoSn --— oooe, n. the burrowing shell or razor shell. -—. q, n. the migratory locust. — 8ieg8s, n. the halcyon (king-fisher). -— col, n. a young male elephant. --— go8, n. a full-grown male elephant. --- oo-, n. the royal albino elephant formerly belonging to the King of Burma; oo8&qqsgoi, to carry a person by taking him up by his arms and legs (in a supine position). -- 808, n. a disease in which the sole of the human foot becomes perforated with small holes; so88&-qog -- $, see ot3q (cooSq4x ). — G —?, n. the sea-slug, o8coSi — 402:m, v. to amble, pace. -- o6, n. the garuga, a tree of the genus burseraceae: [comp. @86.-S.] —.j (coc3,V), n. a frame used in mounting an elephant. -- o (ots), n. the elephant master general. "-Q ---qFjoa (oorst ooo ), to speak in a careful guarded a 423 manner so as to avert any unpleasant consequences to one's self. o8ocs, n. a kind of plant, Ochna syuarrosa. _-::~ovat, n. the Ficus Roxburghiz. 08c80oS (Eng.), n. the Educational Syndicate of Burma; co8 BSo~oosrG, an Educational Syndicate examination. c8S, 2, v. to make, construct (implying some arrangement of parts), e.g., an:0oS, to construct a swing; cosoS, a machine; f6S*o&8, to erect a scaffolding or a scaffold for execution, to put in order qcSo4, put in handsome order, adorn, co$ cooaEoe. Der. oc6o8; azco8 usually used in a bad sense, to fabricate a case. -— q, -iq8, v. same (- @S, -cn8), (qSwo8 differs from woS q8 inasmuch as the latter applies more to personal adorn. ment; CoSq is, however, also applied to inanimate objects, as for instance getting a boat ready for starting on a journey; spSmo oSaS — O- 5co36, n. the schleichera tree. a n. a mother of seven sons or seven daughters, without mixture, supposed to be possessed of certain supernatural powers (this is a word seldom, if ever, used in colloquial), ~Q$4 -- BY, v. to consider, reflect on, o:oo:0a4; (in some instances co808 has a similar meaning to r-o80oqcoe, as in seriously retiecting on one's past misdeeds). @Sqs608, v. to consider and inquire into; df.olooggw~n ~GO; c18(J4R9 mV Q 0 QO33Q G:GOCOS9N 2 30g5 C 0 pGl u3 n m3o8 33Wof OCo633 5LI $)E ag toaS@oo6 gltoo Uq6Puu360g ~O)CBC 6) 0Ego ooz0cocou ~$j$jo 0spo@qagoanG@>)&@olc1qo5I oco8@S Oq:ll GOQ:@} 0 G66Cf 0 Q 8 I03 Cgjoon31o5 C18) i@~GOOcS -Qj8, n.; see q81-gv - Mc9, n. a kind of fish-trap used in inland fisheries. 0o., 1, n. a joist, transverse supporter of a floor resting in the girders (qo5o). Co, 2, v. to place one upon another; co8ao, to repeat or enforce an order; c q aao2o, sa8zo8Juci Der. moxan -Cb, v. to exceed the original (ooooo co!33,,gx65 @SQCozos OQGoo). zcqqZCoo9CO5 C08C~)8C daCooo~ ooBJCT)ogCO3DJQeu O-c03 n. an order. 44 cot cocooS:, t. to repeat, do again, add to; not much used in colloquial; (co~c=~s ooof Cq8qqo~E93 an expression used in aoqQoo). co), i, v. to descend, worS=oa, opposed to coo5, to ascend, to succeed, as a generation. - COCB, v. same (also means to be transmitted from generation to generation); 8ooooco~sooG6ccoGq8gC 8oqoGoroSo co8S, 2, v. to stretch out (the leg); c@coIso0'11 Q@o00SS0, to sleep with the legs stretched out; o@o8S8c800%, to sit (on the ground or on the floor) with the legs stretched out. cowS, 3, v. to shake slantingly as flour, rice, paddy in a shallow flat-bottomed basket (6cm3) (cof4 rS oGwo coS*:oo), to separate the fine from the coarse part; to smooth by gentle strokes as a blacksmith when finishing the blade of a knife;.ao~S&oSaaox u -. --- (from Eacos and cooq) (tron. co8sq), n. an image, idol (of a Buddh); ~a&orcoSvffaoSsaj (=oS), a golden image; fso:8P soq (0oDS), a brass image; cqaoSco8Ocq (cooS), n. one made of white stone, generally of stone obtained from the Sagyin mountain (ecqSoooS) north of Mandalay. eoD:q, v. to be poor, to be unhappy, afflicted, miserable; &@8, n. unhappiness, distress, misery; qcgiaoo8sq, hardship, discomfort; ooao8s6, to undergo hardship, discomfort; co8sqscsc11so', the five kinds of misery; 8s3oSG@8&u of400~Ssn couasf~48u aOGSocccof8@$S: cc8 800Sco cafSiS@8IU wo8:\CggYJlbCbso6 atEgao35168: a turn of misery and a turn of happiness; coslaCq ccooSaEoogo, together for better or for worse [wJpCc ozccz8g2]; Qosgqc8axS0338 o (pron. CdISO) 8, to be in poor,wretched circumstances; this is a colloquial expression. -&6s, v.; see coSq, 2nd def. ----— oCooob8s, v. same as cox8:q -nWoI, n. one of the common people, not a nobleman or member of Government; co8IqOO:t O,c9s~r* II coSX68s1 COX@@cocCcq8v,*sG3wgi co8, 1, v. to cut in parts; particularly applied to cutting up sugarcane; t~o&68o, to be difficult, dangerous as a road, as if impeded by joints and knots; coSxco6oog Der. wc co8u 425 cbSq, v. same, last def.; to be troublesome, annoying, as in cross-questiohing or in putting crabbed, difficult questions; qcC0X08 i, qkli co8joqcoool~, do not ask me troublesome questions. [Note.-wobq is also used in a good sense, as when a person, anxious to improve his knowledge, asks difficult, puzzling questions of those who are better informed than himself. This term, applied to a barrister or advocate, would be commendatory.] Co8, 2, v. to cheapen, offer a lower price, chaffer; to beat down in price, haggle. Der. so@A8azcu:x& GqxoSi oc 853~oco (ocos q.UsqoRoICo o Cio golc00 qc8403g COB g~oocso~soes ~ LNote.- Is ooo8imcooune3ooo(60-3 means that the vendor gives the buyer a little over to what he is, strictly speaking, entitled, e.g., zaomooulii 3Go s 0zSoa 01 Q, comP. 2O5go3Z..] Cos, 3, v. to hew (stone), carve in stone; Gqc oSo00a9I Gojoo5 o8sooCo08i, the stone-carvers in the king's service at Mandalay, who hewed stone from the Sagyin mountain. co (p ron. coS), v. to dam up (water), to make a bank, dam; (an irrigation dam]; n. a dam; larger and more prominent than oog ii oooS@cn omn$um c oSao2o~mn.-c, -@), -o0o3, -808 (coe~Qoe), v. to make a bank, dam. 10oS, V. to make a bank, dam (erect). -4:, -GolE:n, n. a bank, dam; comp. 4cG6I&~SoOoo 6Tc h oTC 5qS Go3e, to ignore one's immediate superior in any matter in order to curry favour with, or give information to, one who is superior to both; lit. acts like a fish leaping or crossing over a dam. -Gqmoo65 (lit. ' drinking the dam water'), v. to be irrigated by means of an irrigation dam; xoGeGmcYoSomcocS(o5: or coecqo8 3ococ56ooS11 cogo, v. to collect, accumulate, amass, treasure up, to acquire as knowledge; not used singly; qoog, Gso 01 u."I63sOMA v. to nerve one's self for any undertaking or enterprise, gather strength. -, v. same (infrequent). pI, -spn v. same, most common; co 8c3s o Q3~ci~~j' C'iclo~go,~ 16~3$ ~ C~ 9GO55e3mPU~G3meW~ IGCtX~6 iIc~j3 6~35UC~. 6C3~~ 1 *4 *OR~8:'GcA@ 04,11 q %3 D GamgGc Ic coZoovGooQoaoeou G aCo5ScoII oa80uqoo r008o5sco4 54 426 cDC8 ao>6ooS, v. to adhere to, be under the care and guidance of; (933g1 3Q6P.D Y0800 ao rospuowo~s~og:0 8c 9oogco 062@5, v. to be soothing, quiet, pleasant, as a wilderness; comp. c8c&e u - wo (pron. oioeo), n. dusk, twilight, whether of morning or evening; Go0a: oe i ~, 8:ng:coi 088coe.-oi03 8o60 welucoe~Ooo is very little used in colloquial, and its use in consequence is scanty; Goo08ScoD)5C n mI -moorp 6QSn coef,;cr.oScq,jje, to be short or long, as a period of twilight. xe tg, v. to be still, solitary; see -8065g Mo scotSo (commonly pron. 6~'), n. a small bell with a tongue shaped like a ceoio[s; comp. G@18Gcm38g, a large bell without a tongue-(I) S ooece~.- ccoeScoei~u q: a 6coLsc8i (2) QOSe~-coe~Io11S3Co3,1 18, 0 a3 coe:coeu So!coeaoo3 j the tongue or clapper of such bell. Mgo (Pali), n. the sixth; c@3oSR G3GS11 cooS,,n. a large species of deer, the sambur [Cervus aristote(is, MooS~ (Pran. =5c&S), horns of the sambur, cooSjj, hartshorn (?) used medicinallyl. - @q8, n. a kind of climbing fern. 00oS, 2, n. a descendant of the sixth generation; scarcely, if ever, used either in colloquial or writing. cocS, 3, v. to be brittle, easily broken; comp. C5, to be quick, sudden in movement, to be irritable, snappish, S coiooox 1looe: (Pron. o3b) 8o8A-g ocY oS,,oS2D c6,5 to freshen as the wind, e.g., sQcoo [oSoScoo@@8-cooec& [cocSoo8S coo~ol, come quickly. The English colloquial expression "look lively " and come is the best equivalent for this. 003co re 593833ooq8cq8oo-g0oj ooxS oo-L3i 1 [Note.As used by the Burmese, the word cooSooz, when applied to individuals, does not always mean " snappish," " irritable." It usually means that a person is quick-tempered, and also implies that he is high-spirited as well; when applied to horses it means high-mettled, fiery-(i) 03co&Uo:a 03cCo CiotSOOel (2) %cp7 oSgaooa 5 ooooSC osoSA S t (3) 3o08:co1S360 og8tE 3D3olp01 (4) 880 50c0oBo W (oo.adeln] wao (pron. ohoS4), qe, adv. suddenly; oaszGjooosoope~,CooSa~coSsougi Co$ 427 tooSoooS, adv. jerkingly in gait, as a lame person; ocg.G@oo 0 05L 00 oj~o3^B002 Go08G.002 G05r0008 )~goROOCSff - cooS, v. to be quick, sudden in movement. coos, 4, v.; see ao8, 3; to peck (a flint), to pound lightly and gently in a mortar, 3gzgRooSoeo. The Burmese say on 8o -0oGooOOscoooSoooson cpg(8qs [also written (c: and oq$-)] doSogooco Ogeoogq gOoot cooScq, v. to sneeze; see GooSii co0SoooS, adv. distinctly; applied to words of hearing and seeing;;oU8= ocooSgoj oii.-gjk8ooo.oSo@Sooeu This word occasionally has the same signification as omOn ooSdooSin QgoS, jo, e.g., q@C c~DoooScoooloSll oqTpGcoGOSoSlxo1gu cooSoo3oo18ol5, probably a corruption of cooSoaoo co^ooe (pron. ogoooooS), i. a barber. QooSogog, n. the sail-leaf screw-pine (much smaller than the moo~ojs). -— @, n. one variety of the same. — q: (pron. o&3:), one species of the said tree, the fragrant screw-pine, the bulging part of a steeple or spire, just above (?) the umbrella. — 9q%, n. a kind of crape. --- 8, n. the skin of- the fruit of the said tree used in smoothing sized thread; @giongoo:oScgo 83o ooGoRg (pron. ooro), n. spittle; c6cg3: used in composition. -— o, v. to spit. cogloo (ooglooS), n. a kind of fabulous elephant, the strongest, most excellent kind, equal in strength to ten thousand million men. [N.B.-A Buddh is a match for ten such elephants.] -- -o8:, n. Gaudama Baudithat (Bodhisat), when he appeared in a former stage of existence as an elephant. -o8~ogo31, n. a poetical narrative of Gaudama Bodhisat as the oogioo8oSgii - -— o:oo86, n. formerly a title of the king of Burma, implying that the albino elephant cherished by his majesty was a real saddan; aoglxo843~:8iiooo56g8 oocpg 00J, 1, v. (from so, a kernel), n. husked rice. 428 $ Co o., see under ocS, to put rice into a cooking-pot at the time when the water begins to boil. -— o (pron. and frequently written cool), n. a sieve; ooFol, a village on the Irrawaddy above Danubyu. — ~ (pron. Xc), n. small broken rice. — ooS, n. a rice-mill. — o-, n. a grain of rice, co$u -— _o0WS, n. a very small kind of shot ('No. 6'?) ---—.s, n. a porter who carries rice. ----, n.; see o5g, ogoox (pron. co&oaS, o4ooo8o), small broken cooked rice; co~woos, curry cooked with broken rice. -— o;, n. rice cooked and held between the hands, instead of flowers, while worshipping before an image. -— q8S (-qSq), n.; see under,o5P930, 8$oo zco<asoo$q5 --— qr, n. the poorest sort of rice, separated by tossing in a — $: (Pron. ao$x[@$), see lo$:, the worn part of grain. --- S, v. to clean rice by pounding. — q6s8:, n. the best kind of rice, separated by tossing in a oGQo; soG[6So3goqog, one must pound thoroughly the best (lit. original or stalk) rice. This is an expression used in a figurative way. It means that one should be more severe towards one's own personal friends, servants, &c., when they do wrong, than to other people. -— o5, n. the middling sort of rice between comi 6 and o$ -— o.o:8: (ron. 4o$ot8s), n. rice partially husked, as it comes from the mill (before the co~ 5 operation takes place, cc~8so m; o)oo%3c883fS coo, to speak in a puzzling, ambiguous manner). --— cgS, n. parched grain. — o9 (pron. oo$=o6), n. a dealer in rice. co$, 2, v. to go up (a river), to go against the tide, wind, e.g., "~6oaoSoo G, Cooo$o43s3 o, to ascend to the 4oSggs ~o6^ ic^"S oo@86oogq3, to contravene (authority); acoo ^o8oo (oacioc384$ozo is better). -— og, v. same, last def., not frequent, 41.9;69 (woqcBc), n. the ninety-six diseases that flesh is her; @QU6SGOO3GGFpd1, when written in the present way, pron. sanawodd; dol GOI.OGCOGPo1 cOU~l dz904R 0oOCN8&:ozio1 rzoaom~oo, this is an, expression found in friendly letters, epistles. ocglutothfls;ocSt cx~ (Pali), m. desire; mcq, o~ols ftefeh jo~~ _8n. the following:of one's own desire, or the following of another's to an impro per and servile limait; CqOQ8AQ ODLOS, coi(from ox), v. to str~h ut straight from a bent or curved position; comp. o~, to draw out, lengthen) as a bar of metal by beating (ififrequent);co c.-b)Qccveii Q o~~DQD~ c@COS 9 Sj3CLG@Cxbu1o,: in giving an invit ation to a pAny or an ofcaf rank, the Burmese sometimes make use of the following expression: ao~*ocjqOGoj~ Got 2, v. to be contrary, ~opposite, adverse, uncongenial, disin agreeing, quarrelsome; not used singly. qv. same; coq -=Sc~o-S — o8OOo5 (pronI. ceoif),fl x. an opposite; adv. against, opposed to; wj~o ooogwo~, to contravene some authority or act in a contr~ary manner to some person or rule; ooqaqrjq~ooYS. contrary to moral law or ustice; r.008 q.~rrooc. v. to oppose, be contrary. c48, 1, n. a certain grammatical work; Gaoo~oq&Or-8ug 33O 8-:c~o4go cx~8coo~go cqpoam)oQ~mcno~Ii Q400, 2, v. to advance, wax~ as the new moon, 4:omipwe, opposed to co~qoS [o:v.11o commence as a new year];.o5oj.-o3 g-*o $ cjcB, the first w~xing of Tagu; o iomog~o&Q, since the moon of TAgu has begun to wax. Col, 3, v. to exceed othe6., be more than common, ext~raordinary, marvellous; cqo~$ co:o%~ (to be uniq2u@).;q~ JS0~cl~q38-cB*,1J(o? Ico: oDG~3z8o8~8 00e, [As applied to individ,4als;)o;,. oftener than not conveys the meaning of versatilityr combified with sharp ratcogerl trickiness of disposition, e.gl., 1 0:o~~cohc v. same; 000OMO'G@C~.OBQ$*OC~e~I CPA&900~.XDS~CSOO) G082 CcOSi-ZS331 'IQ40. ~ O~3 436 bD cobstos, v. same but ina bad sense; to use artifice, be deceitful, false; oo8,noo$soog by itself is frequently used in the same sense as oo$:@ot coi:, 4, qual. verb. affix (with the verb repeated), just that and no more; see Grammar, p. 33; scarcely, if ever, used. 06, I, v. to be connected with, to have similarity to, belong to, to be descended from as by race or lineage, to partake of the character or nature of. Der. coooSau ooegca@gme ogooooDoogu coo~3$so aoc3moooo,81 ri itsooo'mi o00 ooS1@: =oo5'6cb3o o0oZ8-5oo gobs~ooe~1 ooe~@m8*EsX 06, 2, n. the haig of the head; ~so, the foretop; opo6, the hinder or bick hair, a Chinaman's pig-tail; ~f SsoS=oo? o7dj3.5 609ooSoouoo, expressions of great respect made use of by Burmans towards persons either their superiors in rank, to their parents, elders, to p6ngyis, or to persons whose good will they wish to retain, when about to mention anything which, under ordinary circumstances, would not be in good taste. [Amongst the Burmese, in speaking of the length of a person's hair it is usual to describe it as being so many 'fingers' breadth, or so many ' spans,' or 'cubits,' in length, as o5ocooc59oo, ocg4S or og zJoo.] --— q5, n. an ornamental pin to keep the hair in order;;'Ga:S cq8 (pron. aoSGac8q8). - 8, n. braided hair. -- t, n. a sort of coronet. — 6, — qc8:,, n. a hair-comb; qg8c8u -- @,f n. the hair (of the head), also a single hair of the head. gsg ooig, v. to be slightly cracked as crockery or glass; less than =odSoogs0(Xooco.ooSoognoog oSo:goos.. --- (pron. coo6), n. the line which divides the hair of the head from the forehead, face and neck. —. (pron. coc), n. a collection of hair, a false tail, o5So2n, — oi (pron. co-s), n. the knot of hair worn on a woman's head; very often a eq forms part of this, but sometimes the c6ots is made up of a person's own hair....o.090 (pron. aoG3lo5), n. a certain mode of dressing the hair (of men), i.e., like a European and some Karin tribes; co asDooaoS ooo =oSn * —c (pron. 4o):, see 06q81 -.o (pron. coeo), n. the hair of the head; 0oo68spEr8oooi [It is more elegant to say o6 than aooSn] moo 431 ooo6SgooS, n. a periwig, 'peruke; also applied to one's natural "hair when it is nearly long enough to form a ok:, e.g., co58:so8ooqiaoo8Geooo8s, to have thick, long hair. -— o-dS, v. to fall or come out as the hair of the head; Qao8 o5oo g:, n. a whole head of hair; oS o8cg i or so/ggoqs cooo wgeii c6 A?, n. short hair on the forehead (of young women). — <q~, n. the hair cut in a certain circular form. - cM8, n. a curl; G uoh~dooSc4 Saq oqSooo 3n @890s8000Go)3qp — oo53q86, n. a cue, ouc as Chinamen wear. — _q8cooop, n. a certain constellation, see under ooo-pn 0), v. to be capable of receiving, containing, &c. (see under ); oo ocoooSc6ooac coo8o6, in an overbearing, outrageous manner, e.g., oioo85qoog, same meaning as o0o06e cos, v. to pay; ooooSoc,( oSc~65.@, I have paid half the debt; occasionally used in combination with cooS, e.g., co-qj:c oSL go, n. salt-earth, used in washing, col o5oS@o; soap of any kind; ooGoStac0on (o2ti qoGP~ toS@&ooooSnc ooooqb Cos gJ3Gioo68tc^Go~GO P 9ogi [meaning that a person prospers by extraneous help, not by his own merit]. — > ---, n. scented soap. — @gooqt, n. lye. aoxs, v. to scatter or sprirkle a liquid (upon an article of food), as curry upon rice [oo8Gsoo5TGoSooa oo58oog]. COA, v. to take up or out! of water; to extricate, deliver, save from drowning; ooSpog (coS8ow5, v. to salve timber; 008: ooSoogS, to salve fire-wood as at agooo,6 and c~:q villages near Mingun, Upper Burma); GO3c1o00Sao, to salve a boat; oo5 can be used to denote the salving of anything; nop8:scCOO g^Go~ scoSinGi co:gOO G:)6^|6gs 0G G 8 cg6oc o35Gc8.ooo6. n [ 9onco3oo5jSoogn as after being the subject of a scandal]. -- 008, -o, v.; see the parts; [o000q is sometimes used in the sense of a person recovering his good name as shown T below], mooG3Q3Goo ScosoqooilI cocp, n. a teacher of any art or science. This appellation is I oie which is fteely.bestowed by the Burmese evehr upon p risofs who have the merest smattering of special knowledge of any kind. "dbGc d tS, n. the wife of a teacher. [Note.-Nuns are often addressed as ooqp and less frequently QoocpcooS; Brahrhins are addreAsed as o8icoop (pron. oE:sop).] — cooS, n. an abbot. -— o, n. Civil Surgeon; -o$Goo:dS, Assistant Surgeon; aocp oG0oYoo5CoB5, an Hospital Assistant. A8ttg$s, n. the island of Junkseylon (south of Mergui). oo4t, n. a Sal6n, one of the race of Sal6ns, nomadic fishing tribes living in the islands of the Mergui archipelago, suipposed by some to be of Malay descent. " They have " no god, no temple, no priest, no liturgy, no holy day, and "no prayers; in their domestic habits they are free from "all conventional rules. They are very poor, too, having "no house, no gardens, no cultivated fields, nor any do".," mestic animals but dogs." oGo, v, to be hungry for rice, SoooStaooos, or have a craving for food; uao:coooo,4ioSWc88xg, to feel uneasiness for want of food or any similar uneasiness, to feel a slight uneasiness or lameness in a limb, particularly in the thigh; G018o oa6tiiGtuo omlScooooxoo4o6ioooob, when applied to a limb, does not necessarily imply that pain or uneasiness is actually experienced, but means that there is a want of muscular vigour in it, as a person who limps after having received a kick from a horse; not so much as ccoo.Gcoo -. —co5, -goS, v. same, Ist def.; 0~oqo:cooo6a1aooo: p coo?. 666 8, v. same, and def. -— l, n. a bandanna, handkerchief, nowadays any cotton or silk (Manchester) gaungbaung or kerchief; moo0lc30 1 co61tn oooolQo$s:6 co4ol o, &c. -— co (Pali), n. a shadow; 3=OqOooo:oU ooSo8qo5C8o0ooo0o.8: GOOGo6 o^Og ga^:S0p g d~ 4 g6oogSll Ga3 ooggo $ 800368 3306000a C ooCoogoooo g ao googae~ coo:, n. salt, hence oo8o8oom: (acgwoo:), potash [the name is very often applied, in popular language, to the substance C86 433 in impure state as ob~ained from wood-ashes by leaching]; ~oac~xmcs, imported ~salt; joo,;coq5~" Jl8~c:)sS~I8 czoossqS. (pron. xo:qj&)0, 'a large tract of land, like the compart-. menit of a paddy-field, used for manufacturing salt. -8,a. salted, impregnated with salt; CO9UnQO3.8S, V. to impregnate with salt'q;)aoe~soo3oooC8Swe~n -00DO, n. a place where salt is manufactured. -r-61 (pron. ~cooo), adj,. slightly impregnated, in contradistinction to co:,.Gco: (Pron.comO:o-), strongly impregnated with salt.?zn. salt (in certain connections) moC,,:uGIoe~ oooOQ (qo-o is merely an expletive). n. a salt kiln. q9.,n. a salt manufacturer. -ce)n. brine. [Notd..-In the preparation of ngapi the Burmese mix the powder of the bark of the A4OR tree with salt in order to prevent it liquefying.] C806) I,- n. 'a goat. -yc:.,n. a large spe~ies of goat imported from abroad. -~(pron. c8o%4), u. the horn of a goat; (-;i), the claw or curved end of a hammer for drawing nails. n. a castrated goat; 8IzCR@,M Lqon. the common~ Burmese goat. -;,n. a he-goat, not -castrated. C85 2, v. to be still, silent, quiet; c~oSoa6, qua?. verb. affix, quiet, unmoved though the occasion calls for exertion; cOoS;g5-c8dixr~g:8i10)51 c OC3;jm00~3'ooCC~%*G10 _-o2cS, V. to be retired, apart from public view, out of the way, private; oor~`&j~o8 uq Gm 6 8v. to be quiet, reltired, away from noise; c:8cm V. to be still, solitary. CMoS 3, to pinch, nip with:the -nails, to peck, as a fowl; hence c03; OC~zSO6G3oOQCO*rI j~78 O0)~ ~ B5o GcIIO 1008O~O(;1I,-8 n. a' pinch, a small quantity. 55 4-34 c8i s v to pek au 'cratch up as a fowl or crow; ooa3Sro'M C88, n. a shore, landing-place, a ghaut; mcGorpBS, n. a quay; cAnAS88) n. a timber dep6t; o88M, a small landingplace in front of or behind a house. c.S, n. same (cqS8oS:or:), n. a port.; coi~Sq$98:88 cos~og6 ~6occSoo(13@70u cgg80ygyml 8 6aCnm -L —crs:~ ag, n. a Port Commissioner. c8oS3o (corruption of 891, life), int. may you live long, amooc 6JolGo! said to children when they sneeze; amongst a party of grown-up people, if any one sneezes when at a meal, one of those present says to him ac&~o2s0oeg, to which the sneezer replies coo8:)o:Qec~I C6Sqr4, n. a species of soap-berry tree, red sapindus. -S&&,uJ. the poison tree. c88&8lc:, w.-the tree of morning, or night-blooming flower. -8S, v. to be pleasant to the taste, savory, delicious, luscious, rich in flavour, 3oloooG8:r g; dio u lseo Go~~C'S~S 8O1O 8, v. same; o:cy ta - (,Gm soowcoo5SBSwe~63; sometimes used figuratively, e.g., aqtC o ojlj:8 do d@o: qogaE~o303eo,:malfMaU6oj9378:cw338eq~qg -4, v.; see the parts, to be sweet and rich in flavour. c8, i, n. presence, nearness, with 9go, in the direction or vicinity of, in the possession of; comp. =c5i. This word is mostly used in colloquial, though found in songs (superseding.0 or ob, which is-nly-chiefly used in composition or grave or elegant discourse); oq o Cc4 asC0~Co3S o zUgn llo31~3Q1"S 338.0m3sig 046318iI tU3bglc~og E>iq8goa 4, 2 (from W~8), n. oil; hence caqc (pron. cq&), lymph, and uocioca (pron. oQDAd), lymph taken and used for some medical purpose. -, ln. grease, sometimes called by ghee manufacturers,045 C), a. fried; e.g., 48(;cxIS, fried cakes., n. oil, limpid oil; when p6ngyis go on a journey, thiley sometimes take limpid oil with them. a~8: 435 C8 , n. tallow. --—, n. an oil-dipper. — 80, n. a lamp-fire or light. — 8-:, n. a close lamp. --— 8:go, n. an open lamp. " ---8sc (pron. co8osow or co8:oooS), n. a kind of poisonous worm, the bite of which is alleged to be fatal. Found in parts of Upper Burma. --— c8:c, n. a kind of torch saturated with oil, a kind of lantern placed on a pole; sometimes applied to candles of foreign manufacture. — 98 (-oS), n. lamp black. — i —, n. a gravy. -- c8-8, v. to apply oil to the hair of the head; or to a sore, [to oil anything]; -8oo& is applied to feeding machinery with oil, i.e., pouring oil into oil-holes of engines, &c. -- 8ooooo5 (pron. also oo8)mblo3), n. the Gloriosa superba plant. C8, 3, v. to accord, agree, suit, be relevant; seldom used alone; ----, -GCq (most common), v. same (BAS also means to meet, come upon or against, fall in with, converge); 8: oGo&o58o8g Goeoygog8 68Q~88ocpgon oaoqjsg^Oa& I8, I, n. frost, hoar-frost; comp. j86, dew, mist, fog. — b, n. same. -- ~:, n.; see 8:s eoGoSRa oo30Sooil8@eSoo28-0Sogocgg rooo0.Oo; c038.8, n. snow, as G6ooo8:~so oso cosgo800q6 86oqq, from oo8oogsq3odC:J 08s, 2, n. urine, used medically with reference to disease; o8 coS, 3-o] (sometimes called 3aGo'a3sco:), coo:,iG[Gcoogn --— 6a3., v. to have strangury. — @-, v. to have a protuberant abdomen; somewhat reproachfully applied to young unmarried women. -- IS, v. to have a stoppage of urine, ischury. c — G8s, n. the urethra; oq8coc5GqoSs " —o, n. the pelvis. —, v. to scald as urine. --— GooB, v. to pass urine after a suppression. 4~63~ Qqas c8: gS, -g-:, v. to have a free discharge of orine. - oa:, v. to pass urine. cB:, 3, v. to put up a barrier; coooo, to impede, obstruct, prevent, stop, intercept; cosoo, to interpose clothes, to cover, clothe, don clothes; ocSwa qosac8:a ($o:s 8ro% used of novitiates when donning the mac&s); c8s is not so elegant as ooS [to interqfpt, confront]; ck8c oS4ao8B9 oo:oa~,:c8:zgxp3gu M-O, v. to bar, ward off, defend, to screen one's self or another; rQ08, 9 3 a, 1 oP3Ga(ioiu 0&0ooo0s & qcsqo3:r IoogI - v,. to go forth to meet; oc6o5t%:qproS @ coj= oloo -—, v.; see the parts. - 0o6:, v. to impede, oppose; o0o0 ~ M0086n$oG o818 3oo8 8:, or It, n. the jujube tree (Rhamnus sizykphus)..Z.& or 4u, the Otaheite gooseberry; cooc3:jIn cq, n. a reward, a favour conferred by a superior, e.g., a school prize; vqq, to obtain such a prize; oopis9quoIoiosii q, — co:, v. to confer a favour by way of reward, to distribute as prizes at school, boat races, boxing pwes. - q-, n. a reward in money; generally applied to Government rewards. -cS, v. to pray; 9S0'1oq8C60)B6 — cac, ~v. to be answered or fulfilled, as a prayer; cq cozj.,50ii opa0g00ge - Vo. to intreat or beg a blessing. - Wc5;qo (0o-8:), v. invoke a blessing of unusual excellence; e.g., that one may become a Buddh or semiBuddh, see under oqqp:qO$II -ok, v. to accept, take a favour or blessing; to lay hold of a favour with earnest desire and assurance of gaining it. - coS, n. applied to blessings of the present and future existence. 10 —ooo o> or ooomI, n. same as cg EodS, I (from qoS), v. to tear, rend, sever. ^ 437 qo1, -.-, — S, — o, v.; see the parts; ooeowoao8so5olS coioSg (9cooS,~ ( oo3o5S used figuratively of a person who has injured another), an expression not infrequently used. QoS, 2, v. to draw back, retreat, recede; o8co~SGoo^o9 co8 sQoSoo0S -— o5, n. that part of a cycle or kalpa in which the age of man decreases from an asankya (mo.G ), an incalculable age, to ten years, see ooSoo8n ---, v. to retreat, but to offer resistance while doing so (a Parthian flight). -— 1, v. to retreat, same as aQoS, but implying a greater degree of severance, e.g., o<>ctSecooa a 1ooglogo: o'l.oog, - q8:g, v. to retreat, draw back; to delay in doing anything. - 0005, -c8gacoo65, adv. advancing and retreating; GooS --—, v. same as sqoS, o8:oos s=Gooo6SG@3 cg:,o6u~qo SS48 Gaor-c gBoyoqgd coPcoS 80sGoooo8ooe~1qoou:qo~g — 0oS, v. to decrease, become less, inferior, degenerate; Gcqo 6lsooigjo2 o SoggooggS9 agoSaoSGOoioG g oS'Z mS: o1]g 04008 inc,8s30 auoTxo.S. [Note.-OoSrc rqoSS8 o0o, to reverse the paddles of a steamer; 9oooSoqoSaosoo, to " back water " or " back " the oars of a boat.] 4q0, v. to divide (cloth) in order to make clothes, to cut out clothes as a tailor; 'ao8q$:ooegu 3ooSacq: QinGol6"J3a$: oo~, a cutter. -- o, v. to calculate definitely, to get the mind settled, come to a definite conclusion. Der. acqs$:so 0aoc8c~,8co @8:, deliberation; q98,6sa q$ooq$($socooo5oai coicspc AS, v. to clinch (the hand), to clinch in the hand. — _cS, v. to squeeze in the hand. ca, v.; see cx-so, u, n. a mortar. Der. @oSs4, a mill for grinding paddy; oooS, n. a mortar in which paddy is pounded with the hands with a large pestle; aoo8a~, a mortar in which the implement for pounding is worked, by the feet [the lock of a gun; @ccp, v. to be broken or out of order as the lock of a gun]. 438. zc~N, n. the concavity. -— oieq (pron. olcg), n. a mortar and pestle; oS8s:coo8: cooo8o,16JdQO$sc9cox (a saying used in a bantering tone by a person who has taken trouble or undergone hardship, fatigue, &c., for another). c4, 2, n. the gullet (obsolete). -- gqo, n. a kind of disease in the throat (quinsy), " an in" flammation of the throat or parts adjacent, especially of " the fauces or tonsils, attended by painful and impeded "deglutition, accompanied by inflammatory fever. It "sometimes creates danger of suffocation." 2q, 3, v. to meet, come together; @So = lgnu 30 txor~qodjscxo 8coo iqoog oq8o8~ ooe - P-, v. same, 2nd def.; sozqs Q9,iiu n 8 Bgsi 901 0ioi,?4 6 dl rS q8.q@eq8938q Q8O8joeu. ooc&Gsop:ggpalo10 m8q~o5, as a young man making an assignation with his sweetheart. 8, v. same, ist def. [Note.-z8 means to meet or come together without any preconcerted arrangement; exasc~ 90fj,6ea~3 o9 481r r.003 OSQC.l.2000 80o2 Asi 8~Lo~]. 4s (cq$s), 1, n. minium, red lead, or rather red oxide of lead; ccl, 2, v. to come to an end, to die, be finished, terminated; opposed to o; comp, cqc. Der. socc:l.iscoS:G,38ogaoc 33o "$~oosoela3 2 1o3x~:u3. [rC.,-: o czc.:or Ofco oiog 0000 gc~poSucgcoqSoj This is an expression often used by persons who are determined to carry out their plans in spite of any discouragements]. -4$: (Pron. c-:o4s), v. same, generally applied to matters of business, cases in court; with reference to speech and in combination with G@: has the same meaning as az cQo OG 890cOP83*Q BQ;6oS~uol9 4:o c$uoQoe~e Sc18o n ooy ): 00 lSQ( G3Zol [:jSg has also a similar meaning, but is usually applied to the tracks of cattle that have strayed, or been stolen, e.g., 8o: 8pxi lpoo~jg @$ooduc o@o88]. 01:, v. same, applicable to goods, property; to be ruined; -- =6-mooSonsooa to lose one's life; mo53S34,GscD8x --— 0 (pron. cq:ajO6), v. to bring to a conclusion, decide, settle, as a doubtful question or a case in law; - qoqcB coe is often used in Lower Burma in lieu of ~j%@cS a:ojon. a judicial decision made'by an ojfcial; 46$paczp V. to be lost, ruined (lost as ~a battle); applicable to persons anid things;t:u GQCOBo~.1oz0405 o0, v. to instruct, discipline, 6gooe~,; camp. QR~QOS, to correct, whether by reproof or punishment., to reprove, admronish, to geld, castrate (polite); c'Sooe~, oo8taxeii cO~?Go C,ot~ GaR-q?8, GNo qm00_a sz3qic9oS, o8cooS 11coxONO:~J3 COS Q S0D~~Q9SOOCj G-COO02Q1 OE~)j3~0181"o~o no~osoe c~@irc osqoaoz c~oaOoo8 ol GO 9 -- ooe~ 0 0 a v. to be incorrigible. Qomol, -QoSeZS (infrequent), -Qo~oo6, v.; see the -parts. cq j, v. to boil (intrans.), to bubble, 806 (effervesce, e.g., as a sedlitz powder, oc.x:), to be. distressed in the bowels; C~~G~809P xaJC8oQ4r.,a@ qOC85uvoi8 Qq@OO.UC0LGOO..Q~? CI-~ EQ2q0D ~ q~SOO-db9: 0008SC00 -(;O-08, v. same, last def.; to be in a state of commotion as a crowd, or a large number of persons (to be 'unpleasant to the ear as the noise of children to a sick person); -cjB, adv. by turns, alterbiately (infrequent). [N.B. ---In rare instances said to have the same meaning as oqJ& e.g., a passage in the ocxqo ooocI is as follows: ~3c~U85C -cov. to be distressed in body or mind; rather intensive, more than jo$ (c~6Scooe~, to bubble up as hot -water or in effervescing drink); oqoo ctooe~o GooRog~c~ Qqa, 2, -v. to be fat, as flesh, obese, corpulent as nersons; onp o, to be corpulent, plump; oco-5acxccq-o S(J-. ) v. same; to be plentiful as food; %:o~. 11 i n. a thorn, thprn-plant, innumerable varieties; the sting of an insect, m~q- e.g., ~ 6'~o:~ cq-9,w goc~,as in the way of being confronted with great difc~ulties or on the horns of a dilemma. -— mon. the.C-esa/pinia panicutata. 9qn. the Mysore thorn. 440 G9O "ciog~st (c8) oo8, n. a kind of stockade with cheveux de frise, frst said to have been made by Maingthas, a ShanChinese tribe. --— cooocS, n. a pitch-fork for thorns. -— oooo, n. the back fin of a fish; c1opqscoo8S -— os, n. the safflower.. —q-o, n. the Acacia concinna. — q6, n. the Acacia pennata. — Go, n. a kind of bramble found in Upper Burma (Pali cx4o0oo). 2c, 2, v. to smart, as the eyes, with a sharp darting pain (qo58 Ct1soog; more than o2$:, but of shorter duration; q.oS8cobm go- &oSn aS Boot, e.g., as the eyes of, a person with scanty eye-lashes. 0cop, i, n. drug (of any kind), medicine, tobacco, paint, pig. ment; aocpoo~x co oooco:ooavo:Gxsoo& ctS egoS 0 ooo @G oGOO ScogS 9i~oocoq u -— 3-, v. to plaster over with a medicament.. ----s:, n. a pot containing medicine, the.bowl of a pipe. " ----cWooo;, v. to pay a doctor's fee; aoscqsx:oxSn -— c, v. to administer medicine, to attend or treat as a physician. -- ooo:a:, n. a physician, doctor; c3ooaoi,ooooiiaop.: -— oa 6 (pron. cstcgSo), n. a medical book; o8socqS, ----, v. to repeat a charm. -— ooS, v. to poison as fish in water, introduce poison into human food; caoo:3 G:nGoo6.- csoouI " —sn@:s, n. chiretta.. — q — o88, n. a cheroot made of tobacco and chopped pieces of tobacco stalk or wood, such as that of the 0i8) (streblus). --— cS, v. to paint, &c.; see coom:q:, --- 5, v. to fix, make permanent, as paint or dye-stuff. -4s:, v. to bathe in medicinal water. --— @0S, n. a polite term for ganja (the dried hemp-plant, Cannabis sativa, from which the resinous juice has not been removed, smoked for its narcotic effects). GoC: 441 CGO:O0, v. to blend colours in painting; coo=o SroS:ooS, to be well blended as different shades of colour in a silk garment; osob*oS o.sco:-S, to be well and proportionately mixed, as the ingreaients of a Burmese cheroot; caoo G61 c88I — o-, n. a pipe for smoking; Goosoa3 -oo5ooS, to smoke a pipe. --— ooo, n. medicine made up in a cylindrical form, a pastil. -- 08, -8, v. to be affected by, or to be under, the influence of a charm. — 0 — ooo, v. to set up as a manufacturer of cheroots. -— o:, n. sulphuret of arsenic, orpiment'(the true arsenicum of the ancients); cGsactcgol, yellow orpiment. --— o~$, n. red orpiment, realgar, red sulphuret of arsenic; 98308003II --- oS, n. a polite term for opium; o8$su --— c^, n. gentian, used as an ingredient in stomachic bitters. --— co]c8, n. a Burmese cheroot made up of chopped tobacco leaves and pieces of the stem of the tobacco plant and chopped pieces of wood. These are sprinkled with jaggery or tamarind syrup. The cover is made of the leaves of the oocog: (at Prcmel; 006, sometimes called SsQoo5 (at Mandalav). cgo8:c (in Lower Burma), crS:8: (at Mandalay), Vjoj (north of Mandalay). -— 6c8A8, n. a cheroot made entirely of tobacco leaf, see czo: — go-:, n. a troche, lozenge. -- co (-cooS), v. to make or prepare medicine; GosGoSols 0cS, GXoSX0.5, a prescription. --— o, n. a hooka. r -— 8:~, v. to light a cheroot. — @:c, n. a medicine which cures quickly. — j (-.)), n. medicinal powder. --— cog, v. to lose its effect as medicine. — G-", v. to paint with a diversity of colours, or to form a figure or likeness in colours; Goo:qcooae~ -— ~, n. the stem of tobacco leaf, stemmed tobacco. " —, v. to smoke opium (an euphemism for o8ssj). 56 44 ot Go:c88,,n. a.cigar; eooog8'S, the stump of a cheroot; =co:c08 Ca4g044soMSc8 o0o1 a -- c88c, n. the stump end of a, cheroot; G0oc880:.p@o@ (fron. f(eq4n) uosed bytho e coB:uc8 coseGoloGo, an imprecation frequently used by the Burmese when trying to convince another of the truth of an assertion. "-, —8., n. a spark from a cheroot; Gasco88o88oscgq, a term constantly met with in police reports of fires. "-c858oo, n. a maker and vendor of cigars... —oqs, n. a pill. — oil, n. medicine or tobacco.. —olsoGpo, Qoool:Qo&cp, n. medicines and charms collectively. -— oo~, v..to suit, take effect as medicine; (Gcoc-oSooa is "applied to doctors when their prescriptions are successful, e.g., coaSQocpS Soogmop) (Gono:c o.gc~oSooe applied to cheroots that draw well). - coo, n. a physician, doctor; acoooo:.o -- o5qqp., n. a tree of the genus melia. — cqo5, v. to paint, smear with colouring matter. [Note.The Burmese have the following expressions-(i) ogosxooo goSa-osoa (or 0oo.-) %gSO, the time it takes to bring to consistence a quid of betel or for a pipe of tobacco to be consumed by smoking, i.e., from about io minutes to a quarter of an hour; and (2) GmioSoo, a word used in the same sense as coog, 4c, ogoS probably derived its meaning in the first instance from Burmese alchemists; o&soa9cGoO sooole.oo:, will your plan assuredly succeed?] CGo:, 2, v. to clean, cleanse by water, to clear up (a matter), to temper a blade; Co,0*oo:oo0o:Cq$coo, to lose the edge as a da or razor; qoo o:dcqgosx-o,5Sol1, o Oscoo$o~ogao: ooe; [cos0 does not, strictly speaking, mean to cleanse by water unless preceded by Gc]. — G@o, v. same, ist and 2nd def.; aSSod G608o08ao8 coo: c@ooei; (cgo8 conveys the sense of being free of rubbish, 0o of being clean, free of dusty particles, stains, ingrained dirt, &c., as decks after being swabbed).._^ —6Gooo$s, n. the periwinkle; go8.:, 0a0o0500o o$,n — G~o, n. a.pepper plant; ocAc& Go:, 3, V. to be slow, dilatory, deliberately; not used alone. GX:)S 443 c~oQ:, co: v.sam, bt mostly used in -an adve rbial form; 4)o~~ 1g.~ 8GmOcO GCO.' GCO.@ ~,I) n. in grammar, present time, as in the tenses@~: (F&xc-; very often has the saitie force'as qcqj, see exam. pie 2. In common usage denotes the immediate fulture; used only as a verbal formative, often used with cq, as ocpxcqGcpoS ---, on the point of arriving, =1c!,' co ~oooo G-@*61 ocj5 I *s o~o5-ROD ro~4ol oo 2, 1.V. to revile, abuse in words; more than c~8:o~oi — ~, ~c~:,v. same. GJ8:gv. to revile, abuse, by making another the object of offensive comparison. G~o V. -to be quick, Gjo~ qxSooe~, Ga~o:oo6; used in an adverbial form combined with o.lS, as a=aoo~ooo8, c9C9 G000o51 i, n. a species of coffee-wort.' GCODOS, 2, nt. a chisel. nt. a gouge. ito,. a mallet, short -club. 0it. a flat chisel. i08,t. the hollow head of a chisel, made to receive the handle. -Qo&, nt.; see -~-8, —., it. a circular-edged chisel. Q.-005, 3, v. to build, erect, as a wooden kyaung, zayat, a puppet stage, or house;, comp. co%,c~zzl Der. mo~coc5803 and mGno~m~O-gii 5uS8 xi~orh~8 oG o65qQ2~m86o1 o oev. to be staid, steady; to perform habitually, maintain, observe; mostly applied to religious duties; Bc (one of the 13 ~cOO). ~ asee the parts; this expression is obsolete. c~o&,IV. o ea, carry; @e% u~o~oj5qaoe, to carry on, conduct or manage business- (any businiess or matter, 444 c generally used in conjunction with joS); CoaoSqoM, to take with one, in one's hands, to cause to accompany. Der. 3c3E03S ogo 0'1 a=~O gtj. v. same, Ist def.; o ScooSoqSS g eco5So~3agCa43638C:cota6o~oqjg:0:llp~ - v, v. to bring with one, in one's hands, or to take with one (more elegant and denoting that the act is of longer duration than oib); aq SAc: MgMo08olu -)SO, v. to deliver in marriage (royal); sometimes used by ordinary people; A8S@u8c ooscaQnco,-oo8oo6 n — oa, v.; see acco8n - IS, V.; see ranoA, and def., to manage; aoa8JGQOO8c 5 cMos, a (from wox)S0, a building). -, n. a kind of swinging cradle; the seat in the forepart of a cart; oggQoaxSostI -, n. the frame of a roof. "-I ---a S, — qcgoS, — +qSc, v. to construct the said frame (an expression made use of with reference to houses built in the Burmese fashion); 0s SS 08 5s ou. — ol, n. the Tavoy name for the carambola or cringe tree; Co4, 'v. to thrust, push, butt, bump, stamp, &c., by a sudden violent jerk, thump (usually implying anoer), as a table or floor; to jolt as a cart or carriage; copSaC esg@'s( S: -:QMoD~M8, -— e~cocg3 8, - 9e9ao6z 8, adv. by jerks, up and down; joltingly as a cart or a horse not properly broken in, or as a person walking over rough, uneven ground; ojSoSr98 (8: nconS ooS00083: g3S GOOOaS0 8sq cso ~G=~,) v. to show signs of stubbornness, resistance, as a child or servant in a contumacious manner; 8- P6"6 o:)8I C.0'.WOl 0oPrFC& q RoSC~~~-Woy ca=8 -Coca 0iO: C3t-O~CqaO]k5'M oloqor~oorzooos~cm~~~cgscsouga - q, v.; see the parts. This is probably the best equivalent for " driving," as in the sense of " driving piles;" c~cEdoS p ncogognDoj808dccc3cS, expression used by Burmans in heaving up an anchor. Qoo9 445 aoogo@, adv. in a squatting posture. Burmese men adore a pagoda or a sacred image in this posture, it being considered the most orthodox (8@cSg,-o82g: clo:). -— oo8.S, v. to sit in such a posture, or to sit in the usual squatting posture of a Burman when eating rice, &c. GOso: 1, n. the cold season, see under egon GaooS:O5c (O6C&3 --— 3mSl, n. the cold season. --— colSd, n. the beginning of the cold season. ----- o, n. same. — cgpS, n. the end of the cold season; 60SooS:9oS9 oo0005co -- o5t, n. during the time of the cold season. -- cocpoS, n. the months of the cold season, the cold season. -- co5, n. the midst of the cold season. --— si, v. to be ushered in as the cold season. Gx33:, 2, v. to cover with an umbrella (c<ooCSq xo048 O:8:* 2o:ol, a hat, i.e., wear a hat (can also be used of covering the head with clothes); 3i08.oolr-jcSOSoZS, a hi rhly raised cover, &c., to pay somethinr in consideration of the poor quality of money; 8:EGooS8og,Ii GC5 ioDOp:O Gxo33aoo: o0 e, n. a high conical open-work cover (of amboo), with an aperture at top, used to catch fish, and for various other purposes; c3oo8 is also used as a verb in the sense of catching fish; s83:o3 cjd g oo.8: csq jc &1 [Note.-Though based on no authority, the use of cy in this sense, to the compiler, appears to be the equivalent of the English conjunction " then," though often Gq is euphonic in Burmese.] -- oo, n. the smaller division of the stomach; generally used in reference to animals. The cxoo8ooS of pig, deer, and bullocks are eaten by the Burmese as a curry, e.g., as oCS nsqo5sgooS, oSg8o c 8 3c0co)o8s 0 OC20S0j ooScoojgCqcgS oo:S (~ooeo -- o1, — ol( ooul, — co3ooo, n. a letter or epistle, a love letter. cooo08osI:coYoSGoDS, n. a present sent to a distance. coo., v. to be restless, meddling, troublesome, (fidgety as a child); 33mco: ooCS3oo, wantonly-inclined as a woman; coc&oroooe3$io with coS, to have a natural disposition to pilfer; G@cooSoooosoooo2og with toS., to be (1) early as the 446 T_ rains, 'sCcojq'; (2) to rain with frequent showers; with QCO it- means to be- gusty, Qocoo; with cl6 it means that fish are numerous and are easily caught, rise readily to the bait, cltoQou Cco05,, v. to rouse, excite to action, urge on, stimulate, quicken, 1j:ne; to commence operation, as the rain, qu:&ooS' oo~; the wind, Gcoo0cSoe; a spike, ooaSooos, &c.; to crow frequently as cocks, as if to expedite daylight, towards dawn, co8 c5 coSioeimiooS.qo cmS, early dawn; to be nearly ripe as cocoa-nuts, mangoes, maize, tan trees, the rice plant, 9CoS0Goo3oP, e.g., aRx$s 8: wig 965oomoSo (mooouacsoonsou S$gooSouoS, to notify and call to worship, to " strike up " as to a Burmese orchestra, A48:csm. -c ZO, -i:, v. same; c00 C89008C'GQ Go,9SG oz3rC086o0eI8 JCaeoS 8G"0 0Pog03'0o5 o8c sio8cSioiga5l. -uO, — c9S, v. scarcely if ever used in colloquial. In the Sadudammatha a - there is a sentence: G ooo38 o-a)S; cooS, 2, n. a wooden implement used by fishermen engaged in -(sea) stake- fisheries. for driving the oo4oScq8 into - the ground. (ao;,O, v. to solder, join by metallic cement; co90a0coS, 01 (;a n vBgoo8 co~ 9 *we 3o C)2COGo 5 c2iql c2 coS o C o o co w o c v8, 'L. to say, speak, tell; Gj9Z0, to speak with some degree of displeasure or disapprobation; equivalent to the English colloquial expression "to give a talkingr to," " to talk to" by way, of reproof; 0gvj 3oolaiosp@-oomoo6 -090o5, n. something said which makes an impression or is worthy of being recorded; used in a good or bad sense; rgoog Sc3ogcSOqC3 o8o3o00cSoe~u — oQ~:, v. to reprove. - @~, v. to find fault with, scold; @cg$2cooo0:8g;sa — a, v. to mean, signify, import; na.kooac$qa ooe~=89oL Qg~oSo7iii A6o, v. to arrive (at a proper place); more definite than sTpoS; particularly, to bring up to, come alongside, as a boat or cart; to be moored alongside a wharf, to hit, be in point as a remark;;8uoc- Jc M$lcc6, 3s 0j8 0olS:0)C~olcq63so8 a>S $o~~o$cQ4:ct6S09cio 8:3C05x3.o9 A6 447. coos!i 8:300o0oooQ oo5oaOSG,. to stop as a carriage or cart at any particular place, e.g., in front of a house; aogoS SoVSao, v.; see cocySaZo — odoS, v. to agree with on comparison. -- GpS, v. same as goi81 s8, I, n. shop, stall [58M8, a European.shop]. -- o0s, v. to set up a shop, to expose goods for sale in a shop. — oog, v. to set up shop. — 805, v. to shut up shop, either temporarily, or for a considerable period of time, or altogether. -- 8~, v. to open shop. --—, n. the proprietor or owner of a shop or stall. cq8, 2, to have a right to, have concern in or with; less than 8; intrans. (with p~) to concern, belong to, have some bearing upon, appertain to; oSa-o6, to be within one's province, to have jurisdiction as a court; 3s:q.g8a6oog& o8e~al a,8spcoQo3CaiooSGOII ogiGGOOSQ,5oa, 111 sP.,1,, 930o cJ8, 3, to meet face to face; Sooco~, to meet in rivalry or contest;;SoO^,$300Go5o330 C3 oS^O <30p ll --— 8, v. same, 2nd def.; 33s o6ioaEogqjog^.5 ooSoo0psS o.8:, i, n. a circular frame in which several drums are fixed, ooSoz802oog, and played on by a'person sitting in the centre (in funeral processions this person stands); A3~8, called by Yule in his account of the embassy to Upper Burma a " drum harmonicon." — G-oS, v. to strike up as a Burmese orchestra by way of a hint to the actors to make their appearance, and to the audience that the performance is about to begin. — 8o, v. to strike the small drums inside such circular frame (As8:G03oc8O), to strike such drums quickly, as when an actor is dancing with energy or when a marionette is made to dance in such a manner, also when a disturbance is created at pwes, in order to drown the noise of quarrelling. cq8:, 2, v. to delay; (intrans.) tarry, wait; co.goi,l C-OooSccpoS 0 O^SG 30S ~Q ^O1II 448 A" sQ8:8, v. to wait for; o OS1coo5Seaooosoog9s o&9 c Qgoqcoo0ooG? — coo:, v. to delay; (trans.) make to wait (not often used). -- go-S, v. same; to impede, make slow. -- oo:, v. to keep back, cause to wait, though often not necessarily with the idea of obstructing as is the signification of 05go8oloQogasGO g8o600solu $8:, 3, v. to connect by a cord or rope in order to support in a suspended or upright position; a sling suspended at the end of a porter's yoke; a package of foil, either gold or other metal; used in connection with the metal designated, as joq68:, cAgoS, &c., Go158:Id&68:, n. braces; co8:os: -- g, v. same as Af8~a G os 6808:og, to have the muscles contracted when fatigued, see cg. ds8:, 4, v. to be fresh, luxuriant, full of (leaves, or figuratively of other good things); @8ag~n — c58:58:&8:, adv. same. - q-8:, adv. from above, chiefly used in poetry. — c8:oo>o, adv. same; oouSo@:azc~8s oS cqSIq6oooo0 s, v. to stop up, obstruct (an aperture or hole, by thrusting in something); comp. 805, block, see 3c3. oco85cdo1 (pron. GooO) ^C~^01locdb930^o~sg|| - 8o5, v. same; 838S6co g6oqoqqsoa Soo5o5.sq, I, v. to be bad, not good; ocoos: (to be vicious as a horse), to be hurtful, injurious, to be vile, evil, wicked; — Lo6, v. same, last def.; coCSo8o8:Q:g8A oqii — _q 44oC~ (pron.:I:*soo), v. to put up with the waywardness, ill-treatment, ill-nature of another;;aoooomaEp --— oqo, v. to be vile, base, abject. -- dl:, v. to be bad, unpleasant, disagreeable to some of the senses, as noxious smells; oQQOo8saIo1:, e.g., oe~coS& " —oo:,. to be morally bad, vile, wicked. - *-S:, v. to be morally bad, vile, wicked. cgs: 449 CQ, 2, v. to dye; C3:U: ) S8)3f G:00CBd 8 GS 08$ cClc3 " Coe ao:Qoo3. INote.-These comprise nearly the whole of the orthodox dyes.] "cq i, v. to scratch up, stir up, agitate, irritate; cpk&~cooooq) "cg, 2, to be white; used adverbially in conjunction with R as a slight intensive. This is not a colloquial expression, but is met with in poetry; q.g06P~0H'S3 s Ot3 - ogj, v.; see cgc.G; $, to stop short and quick, as a horse; 0cocSga9r G: &zj:c c 9 Goi cOS, i, v. to pluck, gather, as flowers or fruit; comp. 0o030o: cao3zGooxp, to speak by means of an apocopative coalescence (if it is allowable to coin such an expression), a style much affected by Upper Burmans, e.g., co~8~ for moco.Q8-, onoioS for GccooAS, co~aco2 for cooSaow, booolS for booo:3cqS, &c.; o$~o-ggo~ C20, 2 (from Ro6, to be wet), v. to wet, moisten; oRag5SI p: )Q&0c GACsolSa &O I 9I5@ I8olOO cooo1 (Gc Ig2: 3SagoSc4oSol" OgoS, 3, v. to be very white; chiefly used in an adverbial form as an intensive; aaoSooScaoScg6S& is also used, not so much as cBG8Si0 -c-agoScoo2oS, adv. intensive to words of sorrowful or pleasant emotions; o2sfoo5o0:n: aaoSqoSgoS0 2 cgt, v. to be unusually scarce; e=oRp~ooeg n 5qcaaso3 i Gcooa8 coeo11 eg~squac go3oo3 - o1l:, v. same; coop6,qo:C)8CJ13C$a0 n~Ss, n. cooked rice, food for a priest, coo86: [o8: (SccooG:8), v. to make extraordinary offerings of rice to priests, generally about the months of October or November; rot Q8R:Gcoo8'.00~Aj6c2'Gdcoo6d,; owoll] eaten about 9 a.m. capg: eaten after 4 cBS,-, but before noon. - qacgB, v. to leave a monastery to receive offerings of rice as a p6ngyi. - 5P (pron. aG:6P$), v. to return to a monastery after having received offerings of rice, &c., as a priest (about 8-30 a.m.); o8q 3D3aasx ocou aca z~oQtul oa C0&3u 8 51 cg6oS (pron. cS:,6oS), v. to entei'r a village or town for the purpose of receiving offerings of rice, &c. (about 7-30 or 8 a.m.). - V, v. to have rice (or any other offering) in order before p6ngyis; commonly used continuatively or adverbially, as cRSoaooo:S, to invite to receive rice; 80ag'*g~ 0 G --- OSn, n. a lacquered basket from which rice is offered to p6ngyis. 0-o:, n. same as aogS: j8:of:8: the remnants of the rice of a priest; a3loS Eo0 5l - W lOq:oWA v. to eat rice as a p6ngyi, equivalent to the coo8zoos of a layman. cgcB, v. to attach to, connect with, to tow as a ship, boat, &c., make lean on, particularly applied to buildings; comp. com and a20S, G3)oSooSqpoca, a subsidiary rule; m06o5c4: o500xc&i e@ OSooe~go~ n caSc90 x0 lo1 g9ssc1i0c6aS' OS9c oSag:oi (to match in boxing; uF j 6s aso oSdol). -.oo, -..9OS (-loSE), v. same (to hang or sponge on another); oODJol C13Eo3:=U g -— g, n. coarse silver adroitly merged in good silver while in a state of fusion,., v. to be weak and tremulous, as the hand or foot; coc&S aOIG@qRoa, to stammer, stutter; owo.oq, o0onsoomogo --— 18, v. same, last def. cog (from aoG02), a relative; -q8Gg, a dear friend; g$Saoemq& G@30asg8G02, speak according to that which is true, dear friend; an expression much used in zat pws; c05&6c; x Ot-s aosso, n. the strength and power of relations. 44-to43, n. lineage. -—:g3oodS (-Jti qbwooS), n. the seven degrees of affinity, being the three above, namely, smoo, ozQ0a, 8=m:, and the below, namely, moa:, G@-, @8, including the person's self (8806), see under maig-:zSio — cj&D:ooo, n. relatives; (3gcjM:OO0o)oD8u:)oqc~, an expression frequently made use of in letters..I.C.t1 6~gx n.; see next. )Os5 451 ecg I8sOJ:q, n. an own relation, a blood relation; Gag(:oGx8 SpGOcoSoOgl3Gg3og3o$I — 1ol, n. an own relation; coIs gMoo:XSo05o0030ooZ@ ~coq$, v. to stamp short and quick, as an angry, petulant child; ga fC3coS8g8s8GgG og, (o5oGmoS 94'GOo5B -GgGo&;2q$GJ^co GO003:0). Gog-, v. to be decayed (as a carious tooth, agoGGsoo), crumbling, rotten, as wood or cloth; hence 3cRSOcag:Ggoo (pron. csoog8:sG~Gos), v. to be broken-hearted with suppressed grief; o*q8:oozc,ooqgiioqSooooS oooSogi ---, v.- same. -- 98 (), v.; see the parts (also applied to the mind, 8oSco2:,8 cE); c8?oooS3^f ~o5(~^o^oo @o8 agg ooo#l --— G: (commonly fron. c-g:Gos), v. to enquire into, investigate (a subject of discussion) in company with another, to commune, to confer; co:@soogIooscf4C p otog@$:O00 --- OJ to,.; see the parts. C, v. to hold with a pulling effort; to pull, draw, haul; cSoo,, (qo5oi, to protract, spin out the time), to hang up, suspend; 3ODooGSO -63S0gooo oo 06 (c~soooSsn gc~o5@~i cooSd^ 3~coossGoosgo5(ge O go3 WSoG3Qo8acg^ cY@ooeSll — 35, n. a drawer, more commonly called.3~ (pron, Y4). -— c8, v. same, ist def. - q-, v. to hang, a term used in cases of suicide by hanging; ---- 8, n. large scales; comp. qpag, which are smaller. — 8:3oS, n. a hanging lamp. — 6o or gcS, n.; see moocoD:, (The eighth consonant in the Burmese alphabet and the third in the class of palatals.) oS, 1, n.; see Ccx8oaco ooS5, 2, n. the bit of a bridle; @8ooSioSxo:oso0,g:ON: ---, n. the reins of a bridle. -— 8, v. to draw in the reins. - k,, v. to put the bit into a horse's mouth, to bridle. 452 o^ ovoooS, v. to draw in the reins so as to stop a horse. --— s, n. the small cords which connect the reins with the bit. 08, n. the piece of wood which supports the body of a cart over the axle-tree; c9go:oSo, 6SocooS, n. a small, unimportant thing; o8ocoo;oo*oo ~, it is only as large as a oc8coa;o said to be derived from 6@ ocoog (pron. ~SoocooS), n. a kind of spinning top, @8oo ooeScooS5, meaning that a thing is as insignificant as the small space taken up by the aforesaid top when spinning; oSOBSooCcoisSocooScoooSCo S oogocq8c@ooio, you give yourself airs in speaking, you, with your little wee house about the size of a @8 spin. S~cqS, n. the curlew. o&sGgoc88, n. a species of tortoise; sooooc8 o8:QSo, n. Zinme (called by the Shans Chengmie), the chief town of the principality north-east of the Tenasserim Division. Ats inhabitants are of the race of Shans known as gigoS. The principality is included in the Kingdom of Siam. (og (Eng.), n. gin (aesqoS). --—, n. same. og (Eng.), 2, n. jean, drill; (ka3 u o4q (Pali 04oo), n. a small village, a hamlet; comp. qst, which is larger than o4qS; osqg4ccSoo:oo m a=6oaSi:ooo, his speech is unpolished because he is the inhabitant of a petty village. $,: (Pali ocm, a mother). --— S6, n. the mistress of a house, husband and wife; co8 oC03Scooo8 0ooo: — s-o.SY: (pron. o4o8$ ), G0368, n. husband and wife; c~.oS y$~n cgs6u,8S6 G06sE3 oSoig~coQo6coonsa $g3qoo3 oc9^ GoT0GGooo, let nats and man declare "well done", to the merit, the reward of Neibban, of Maunk Po and Ma Pein; o8cqotcQ o)-Gooo6 oQ 030jc0ooo1:o8qo, are you, husband and wife, well? [Note. —The honorific affix cooS is often used by ordinary people to one another in grave and respectful discourse, and not only to officials (see cooS, 2).] ^~ 453 h811801 (og~nol) (Singhalese Jambudwipa) or )11|So5 (pron. Zambudipa or Zambudeit) [Pali 'gR, the eugenia tree (oo c@), and 80, an island], n. the great south island, see under o oSII11C 88q95o-.l80CSog:SQll, oloooGooooo03G $ 0008 a. g oo0Go8 j.~-The island called Zambudipa is 1o,ooo miles in circumference. [Note.-" The shape of Zambudipa is said to be like a cart-wheel; (g1ologsnocgjaoocSSsos@o. 0oc~4mMljO OOu M<O33300OG~ 300003gl OG *oQ3II G3g683 @gsqo @og63, there is no perpetual limit to the lives of the inhabitants of the Zambudipa island; sometimes they live ten years, sometimes an athinchay, on that account there is no limit or computation."] oi8[1pT& (o)~(lop&), n. the most precious kind of gold ([gljpS(&, pron. zambuyit shway), being that produced from the gold eugenia tree. " In the same (Himalaya forest) there is a "damba tree, ioo yojanas high, which has four branches, "and the whole space that tree covers is 300 yojanas in "circumference. From the trunk and the four branches S "large rivers continually flow. During the whole of kalpa "in which the world is renovated, it bears an immortal "fruit resembling gold. * * * This fruit falls into the "rivers, and from its seeds are produced grains of gold that "are carried to the sea. * * * The gold is of immense "value as there is no other equal to it in the world; from "this damba or jambu tree, Dambadiwa or Jambudwipa "derives its name."-M.B. o81133o@, n. the gold eugenia tree situated on the northern extremity of Zambudeit. o>c), n. any plaything to be hit by a ball (q:) or against one another, hence ~SccooS,8S, which see; cowries and seeds of the tamarind and of the o00880o8l are used as o5,u -— oo, v. to play with the said things; oSocg o)cSqii ocS -- $ (Peguan), v. same. -- ooSoocJ, pron. a. as in the way of a OcS being struck and causing all the others to be struck in succession; used to denote continuity, sequence. 60M0, n. the heading of a column in a table of columns (3a4 oooS). -— coS, v. to compare accounts, calculations. oQao, n. the small mina bird named by some the Indian night. ingale; comp. oc00000, the large mina bird. The Bur 434. C hqOSeeBSO mese append the nickname of qooS to the names of talkative people; cqoc YF;cohScq-qqaS NQ OqCa9 cqRGR (cg) 0og33t 6ogo~a3 Y cx0 cooS6-io 0 S cqOO, in your house, the people, in talking, made such a noise' like minas settling on a cotton tree.' oqS (often written ooS), n. a building erected for public accommodation, a rest-house. [Note.-This word is said to have been originally derived from two words, o:6q8, i.e., the place of stopping to eat; eqa&S8]. ocp (Pali)/n. old age; o4~8in --, n. infirm old age; moo e~gocooooWo 0bPrMEto8co6S3 a Esq l~s:jp~s c1GomSOa5 Q) q31 ao0 @0ioQbs 0oqSolu 3 9:c1001i 09901000-41:ucSofi:cjjS0oo$ -Q mcoD)s (Pali ocooq, a womb)., a viviparous birth, see under oo:o qooQooc in colloquial fequently pron. Qcbo0oo (zullapooza). oppo, n. a four-cornered vessel, of different sizes, used as a measure (chiefly by 'paddy brokers); ool$ssa@8oa&=oo a sort of oblong wooden tray used for the rapid counting of money; oscoaili [the trays used in Government treasitries and mercantile firms are capable of containing Rs. I,ooo exactly]. oY, n. the narrow board which forms the border of a bamboo w ove-work partition; comp. cgoSn ~-COII Yv. to nail on the said border. 1o1,n. a large bowl, basin; comp. =ojuir %oioh i %Gomu OQEonI of,&Aj; also the name of a village above Prome, which, according to Burmese computation, is half-way between Mandalay and Rangoon; @~cq$q$osoooo6SooSn *peaej, n. a small hard particle occasioning unevenness or some inconvenience; also applied to persons whose language lacks concinnity of style (ccn:oAsoisgo:)e); PSxqoo)A:oi q y >ocg8a808::3coSoooS(8t owing to there being many rough, uneven things in the road, one cannot walk without shoes (sandals or boots); w~o5oo8oco..64sM.qr aj=oe~3, as some of this rice is not properly cooked, there are rough, hard particles in it. oo&aSmooS, adv. accommodatingly, in the way of yielding to the tastes and wishes of another in a considerate and compliant manner ( C oBpq).3aox mcqaloS sj 3c co?]so~o3o?6m3q o a, it is because I am regardful of his wishes and fraternize with him in a considerate manner that we are free from ill-feeling. oe!Q5- 455 oo4coo, adv. laying aside with the intention of using when wanted; g@8.g*cqccoo8 @I ~*coGijsCoiQ ogog34 o4=3O1 o)CqcbcoocdoY~qog8$q9o@ii aodoooS, n. muriate of ammonia, sal-ammoniac. " ----6$, n. volatile spirit of sal-ammoniac, spirits of ammonia (sometimes called hydrochlorate or muriate of ammonia). o0o. (eocoS), n. quickness (of intellect); Rc%8~$o 83ooi:8= ga6c||0)0so 60^0 3plle$1l 8G^3lt03G008CcoSo 3 (:YS 0 8000), I send you a letter written and composed on the inspiration of the moment. [Note.-This is not a literal translation, but conveys, it is believed, the correct meaning.] o6o1, n. painting, picture-work in colours of gold or other bright material, inlaid work, marquetry;,olcjooga ~ii olcog1 -— a0, v.; see GeColboo8ogi GaoGooSoiiGoQO]o)uolCo1: (from so, to be dark, confused), adv. doubtingly, hesitatingly; gQoleo oScioOq oTogSo;)j2O8 o,ooSoo1x, I have my doubts about you, sir; GoGgoogs02 ~ uoci1oca8og@8,c0 oSco~g1 86S boosqc0 ol o AcGooG og~ oSooqaoSoooTISol, though I saw you, my not having met you for a long time, I was not able to call you at once by name owing to my having a feeling of hesitation in my mind. ao (Pali oc8, to be or to produce), a. caused or produced; used as a formative increment with words of Pali origin, as oo0o, caused by the influence of past deeds, and becoming o in composition with a following word as moglS8, a body caused, &c. Qomcsoo, n. small pincers or pliers, particularly such as are made by goldsmiths, nowadays applied to a small bunch of silver instruments, such as a silver tooth-pick, an ear-pick, a small pair of pincers for extracting hairs from the interior of the nose, a nail-pick (ohoo)ooo) made of gold, silver, or alloy. mooS (Pali 0cc8), n. race, caste, kind; 3zro, an account of one's existence or life, given by one's self; commonly applied to the accounts of different existences of Buddh, and particularly of Gaudama, the last Buddh, five hundred and fifty of which are contained in the Buddhist scriptures extant, oOooCSchpISPc8od (Vol6S), ten of which are distinguished from the rest, in regard of interest and celebrity, namely, 456- ooo coo8, marked (coo), ogq (oQ), cqoggo (oq), c8 (ci), oQOS or ooop (o),. ojooS (o), o~apO (o),;op (o), 8q (8), Co oa&cp (co), one of the said histories exhibited in a play, any dramatic exhibition. sooso8aoS, n. a kind of lacquered betel-box manufactured at Pagan, Nyaungu, Salay, Upper Burma, with figures of belus, birds, &c., on it. --— oS, v. to show by means of pictorial representation; OooS - 8: v. to manage or superintend the arrangements of a dramatic company, and in a more extended sense to superintend religious offerings, funerals; o6raoq8c6gcoa.g ooM 8:0otooo0 0ooSoao c CoSS:soc6i -— o, adv. without doors or windows, but inclosed by sides (o!5:o) which swing from the top, so called because sometimes adorned with pictorial representations of zats. -— o-oo:, n. members of the same caste, family, country; (oboSo6ooo:oo:s38 coooSo F ooo5:qo5oL), an expression "somewhat equivalent to the English one " it is a foul bird, &c." — co5, v. to rehearse a play before the performance. -— qoS, v. to lose'caste, as a native of India. -—, v. to act on the stage. — &oS, v. to disappear as a race. -—, n. a theatrical exhibition; oboo85ooeg -— 'coes,; v. --, n. a play-house, theatre.. —.o. -, v. to be revealed as the plot of a play. -- oo, n. an actress. — ooo:, n. an actor, stage-player. -— oa8, v. to initiate in a caste; applied to Brahmins and natives of India; oooo30ogRoo2., o000o (ron. oo0, Pali), n. the time and circumstances of one's birth; ooooS:0coGOs0oomuoolog, born to be a thief; o8: o xoo3ol o3g, born to be a ruler; comp. cG~ — @-, v. to study one's own or another's horoscope. --— o5, v. to be unfavourable as one's horoscope. — 88, -—, n. a horoscope constructed for astrological purposes. 457 o3003oqoS, v. to cast a horoscope. -—., v. the opposite of moooo88 (aooo&o). -- Gooo (pron. cool), n. QooooO — 8-, n. to be favourable as one's horoscope, i. e., to be in ordinary parlance in luck's way, ooom3conaas, opposed to 0)3000O00011 L --, v. to construct a horoscope. --— o, v. to make inquiries regarding one's own or another's horoscope. ooc3 (Pali), n. being, existence; ooao, constitution of being, original nature, essence; S6q8:oco84Ii, genuineness, freedom from anything false or counterfeit; opposed to oogn, oSqooGoSco @8@o, o 3 s:coogooEcooa:; also applied to inanimate things; 8~~ooacos cooSGococSaoo8ooooogCooos, are this girl's bangles real or imitation gold? -— ooS, see GoSo&rol 4 — o0, v. to be pure, unadulterated. -- coggqcS, n. (from OooSoIoogion8@oSuqcSp, attribute), pride of good birth; oo,boc,8oooggicolGoooeii — oaG (Pali), n. the knowledge of one's own existence in a past state; 88g.os oooooocqo86oo^ oci,, -— oos, n. a native of a place, in opposition to oo8gooo, a domiciled resident; ooI-3, o Qc83oom(oooooSol, I do not think that this man is of pure English race. oCo8o[oS, n. the nutmeg tree, nutmeg. — 8~, n. the mace. [Note.-Amongst the Burmese there is a saying when a man of thievish propensities.Ais himself robbed, okoS~[ccgSqc:Soo8, in allusion to he common belief that owing to the strong odour of the nutmeg, it is never worm-eaten; similar in meaning to Gg8saOc8aog]. oaoo (Pali qoS~:o83 S@8s), n. cremation, the burning of the dead. --— c8g, n. funeral rites, matter connected with the burial of the dead; koo0c89goqoooen o0o8, n. a nut of a screw or bolt (o8QoSo8oooaSoL, to construct by means of bolts and nuts), not a Burmese word; ao8 ~q (p0a3ao38:o0 in the Burmese time) coc 9oacoooaossazqcS3 c8cqoSYc88coos, in allusion to the NayiAtwin Wun in the Burmese time, who was notoriously unfit for his duties. 458 W 40 QKFb &:.gVoS (pron. as if written gpg&oS), n. an owl; Sqyo659nS (general name for the small owls). nMo),?. the Cape jasmine. at (Pali), n. a Zina or Buddh (8o40000oo); Gocvl i0 a 6Q8000' Ao (Pali), n. life, mo:oS, written also 8 (0o) oqc4o8'8)ooo1 00013 0a44g~X ooo-S.g@8- (j) 9qojno&8 ii O3Q'oOOSG2I' (8 ) @9:a30cDUN 8H8i qao C mcoS6ra86@8, the three ways of earning a livelihood, (i) by relying on the favour of another, (2) by relying on fortune, (3) by relying on one's own industry. U8W, n. Ziwaka (Singhalese Jiwika), a famous physician in the time of Gaudama; figuratively any skilful physician, e.g., @o~)8go6paqucj8(06;9333, my meeting you, great teacher, was as if I had met Ziwaka, (8coqop)it &9 (Pali), n. the tongue (caI), written also Uo1 -c0b (Pali naooe4), n. the faculty of tasting; cogsJ -, v. to be on friendly terms; socqScooaoe~1 &oW: (oS), n. cummin, "a dwarf umbelliferous plant, somewhat resembling fern (cuminum, cyminum), cultivated for its seeds, which have a bitterish, warm taste, with an aromatic flavour," used by the Burmese in curries, the leaves (?) of which are pounded and sprinkled by them in form of a powder on freshly-killed fish, game, meat, &c., to diminish rankness of odour. Ro8o, n. the Hirundo esculens, the edible-nest maker; 0o60EC o2DII Sn. the foetus (of animals); os:-Qaijun 0.' v. to be with young, ca wo%; applied to horses and cattie. "co,qq (Pali co, victor, and sqq, a city), n. Sagaing, the city of victory, see o&8011s coa (Pali Gcoc3), n. a sudden active emotion or exercise of mind; Qo(3000oGOSo' CGOO? G G8Q 8 009CODO0508~g0153, v. to have the mind intent on; M'2,g 0, n. the clammy sweat preceding death; rQe3CoU G-oo, v. to be intent on doing (something); 8UGoc03ccoeo"O Ho~IIQO1?OPIOII - 6Q6 ~459 G6 o"S, -DI, v. to be in the state of torpor preceding death. -— 00A, v. to be intensely eager to carry out some determination, to be enthusiastic (e: ooSgo8nc3s O0,GP c48oO QG8GOTh~ 63xO@EC]38). — _$, v. to be intently resolute or determined in carrying out one's plans. This word is used interchangeably with MOco(B11 C6o0S (Pron. 3s3o&oA), n. steepness, depth. -, v. to be of great depth, aocSc)n:S)oos c(SqSoo:oSoae, equivalent to SQ qSG~S mg(~8pc)SqSoooSoo~iT co(Go0oj oq8coS c~e~IIlz'I2@c~iooosooe~11 — cE8, v. to be of shallow depth. ~-BS, v. to be very deep, of great depth. co48-Goo (pron. szoo8:, an edge), n. a fragment of a potsherd; QCoDoJoII GO:8@8I11;J8, n. a stable; @8.@OGc8&)11 6 OSOoS8qSllaooDo8 *SIIB)0S09tI0 -GO38g0GOI, n. the glanders, a contagious and very destructive disease of the mucous membrane in horses, characterized by a constant discharge of sticky matter from the nose, and an enlargement and induration of the glands beneath, and within, the lower jaw (oQoo oA o8Gol, 'kumri'). -co, v. to be attacked with glanders. ocpol, n. the disease of glanders. o33&8-0g, n. the feathers on a cock's head just behind the comb; also applied to horses and pigs; 6:66 61r ooS -cooo0, v. to bristle the same said feathers; (0-coeaSoc Ocu is said to be more correct).. CoPoooirsooooR6S, n. a kind of precious stone; c8soonecr aBa o o01cSI sGPOGq. The Burmese say that a person who incloses one of these stones in his mouth has the power of flying through the air or of diving below water. ooo3, n,. schismatic; rare; Gao80ac(7, an heretical opinion (obsolete). 460 QCTt coo&c8goS, adv. disorderly, confusedly; (officiously) in conversation or dispute; cooa3os8 oo6 oSc8?Soooc3ocoo6, do not come and speak officiously in the midst of our conversation. co,51 (Beng.), n. a jogi or fakir. [Note.-The Burmese often use an abbreviated form of Go>51, namely, GO S, to denote that a person excels or is pre-eminent in anything; 00c09 oS50sug8$o oGscosGo,5.] May also be applied to animals or inanimate things, oog S:cSoIooGo8g Sc; the origin of this term of commendation is said to be derived from the fact that in bygone days a fakir was considered to be without an equal in wisdom among men. — 'rc,? n. a kind of mushroom or fungus. — c —e, n. a kind of reddish yellow colour. ToS, adv. obstinately, unyieldingly, stubbornly, contrarily; oS5..-_- — ooq3o0, -oooSS, --, adv. to argue in a perversely contrary manner; to contradict in a perversely factious manner; o5~soS@8ooiiToS~oSQ6,,oi -— o-g, v. to persist in doing what' is forbidden; ToSlgoo0, to act in a contumacious manner; o 0oo&08oogogoljo0ooso GooScoe~seq o~dsc googsIt —.8, v. to pursue an object under trying obstacles, to endeavour to carry a matter through to the end, to carry a matter through in a bad sense, to endeavour to carry out one's wishes in spite of their impropriety, i.e., to act in a stupidly obstinate manner; @8 2, oSYS68ooc, should he happen to project anything, he is one who endeavours to carry his plan through to the end. — Cb8:, adv.; see tife parts; gc65oS 86ooic, a pig-headed fellow; acoS oSgoos $6, n. a small white flower of very delicate scent;,$@oqL@ >$s, n. a spoon. >s:, see under 8$; i 3doSxcLcoggc g8 onc 8S g osq, a species of bird. 9P 4 46I (The ninth consonant in the Burmese alphabet and the fourth in the class of palatals.) qo, n. open work in cloth or paper or boards (or silver repousse work), of which there are many varieties, embroidery work; qoo0aon oqoScooo3S, mosquito curtains made of mosquito netting; qoac2a5, a jacket with embroidered sleeves. q o (Pali 9qp), a certain attainment or state of mind which enables the possessors to traverse different worlds, to fly through the air or go through the earth. It is divided into five constituent parts, namely, 8o g, thought, design; 8ooq, consideration, reflection; c8, pleasure, joy; oao, bliss, happiness; aogooo. [Meditation, contemplation, religi. ous meditation or abstraction of the mind, mystic or abstract meditation, ecstasy, trance; qcp isa religious exercise productive of the highest spiritual advantage, leading after death to rebirth in one of the Brahma heavens and forming the principal means of entrance into the four paths; o8ocoo~, the four Jhanas are four stages of mystic meditation, whereby the believer's mind is purged from. all earthly emotions and detached as it were from the body, which remains in a profound trance. The priest desirous of practising Jhana retires to some secluded spot, seats himself cross-legged, and shutting out the world, concentrates his mind upon a single thought. Gradually his soul becomes filled with a supernatural ecstasy and serenity, while his mind still reasons upon and investigates the subject chosen for contemplation. This is the first Jhana (ogopo$); still fixing his thoughts upon the same subject, he then frees his mind from reasoning and investigation, while the ecstasy and serenity remain, and this is the second Jhana (qcSojos$); next, his thoughts still fixed as before, he divests himself of ecstasy, and attains the third Jhana, which is a state of tranquil serenity. Lastly, hepasses to the fourth JhAna, in which the mind, exalted and purified, is indifferent to all emotions, alike of pleasure and of pain. Each of the first three Jhinas (qp$) is subdivided into three, the inferior, the medial, and the perfect contemplation. Those who have exercised Jhina are reborn after death in one of the first eleven Rupabrahma heavens (go@o), the particular heaven being determined by the degree of JhAna attained; those 46a cq who have only reached the initial contemplation of the first Jhina are reborn in the Brahmaparisajja heaven (@gcoo-0ooo), while the medial contemplation of the same Jhina secures adihission to the Brahmapurohita heaven (oooeop8oo ), while the perfect contemplation is an introduction to the Mahabrahma heaven; thus the lowest Rupabrahma lokas (jgogoccooom) are peopled by those who have attained the first Jhbna, the next three are peopled by those who have attained the first Jhina, the next three are peopled by those who have attained the second Jhna, the next three are peopled by those who have attained the third Jhina, and the tenth and eleventh by those who have attained the fourth Jhana; the remaining five Rupabrahmalokas are peopled by those who have entered the third path, Anigimimagga (aQoo.SoS1).-Childers' Pali Dic. vd:qs, v. to possess such attainment. q8, n. a species of wild plum, of which there are various kinds; -— f-j$, n. a garnet, so called from the village where it is found. eq:, n. a market; mart, G3o1oaocoS1ol~q:,oSlocgoCo~doooSGc op* 3R3cS (or Qodox), what price are you selling your paddy at, sir? -— or0008, v. to fetch a good market price. -— @ —oSo1cS, n. the market price, price current. --, n. a fair or resting-place where country people stop and dispose of their goods to the market-place. ---— o, v. to watch the market, either with the intention of purchasing or selling a particular kind of goods. — 8 ---, n. a shop, a bazaar, stall. — cgcS, v. to go to market to sell; comp. Gsjo3:, to go to market to buy. — c —s, -ogo5, v. to be dull or brisk as the market value of anything. --— q, n. small silver change of different qualities collected in the market; cqr4G8qg8oogS, v. to sell in small retail quantities. ---- -s, - Go1o5, — Gd5, n. the market price, price current; GqJG o6Soot us11 Gooo h mSOkCt b3 g33 u8daoo do8g3OherGco, if you do not understand the market, be guided by the rate ' ^o5 463 obtaining in the village; and if you do not understand making a back knot (of hair), follow the village custom. Anglicd, " In Rome do as Rome does." GqtoGdI6&(, n. means buying goods when purchasers are scarce, and a purchaser takes advantage of circumstances to make his purchases; cq:Qo16I:oc5n --- P8s, v. to sell bazaar; ceQpSt3oog, to gain a living by selling bazaar.. —0-G, n. a bazaar boat.. —oeg, n. a market man or woman (a bazaar-seller). -— oas, v. to go to market to buy; comp. Gq:ogoS6 (The tenth consonant in the Burmese alphabet and the fifth in the class of palatals.) i, a contraction of ea, night. -— s, n. the evening; o5u. n sooS coqooli qoaSocoo cj3 enaSooo ooaSs 8 -- o5s, n. the latter part of the afternoon (later than pp-o83,:) from about 5 to about 7 p.m.; Go^G90o53qJ, let us work (or let us do it) in the latter part of the afternoon. - oo, n. supper. -— co~aco, n. the dusk of evening. -— ,8, in the dead of night; go61a8gOjqcogoi,, -— , G@a8:, n.; see e8s1ugGD8,-cS~8n -- rsqs, —.S, n. the cool of the evening, the corner, mostly used in poetry; 6G$omoos3al olI — G — oo8s, n. the latter part of the afternoon, about 3 or 4 p.m. -—.9co6, v. lit. to be "clever at the night business," i.e., to be a clever thief or house-breaker. --— ol, n. a lesson to be learned or recited by night; originally applied to the recitation (by night) of the co~ogogso n eoS, v. to be fine, made fine, reduced to powder; to be fine, smooth to the touch; 2oS, to be smooth and delicate, as the skin of the face; to be smooth, of easy motion, glib; cog ---- o,. Soo ooom3Cogo a 3G 0ooo3o65oScob — aGfo, v. same; S^SQWscogovg^Gqoo^^oSqoooi 8uol, v. to have a settled dread of, e.g., o0o0&oooogeo8Agc oooSoo; this phrase is very difficult to give an English equivalent for; g6o1 means in this instance that the boy in a past existence was in the habit of crying from fright, and on that account is also subject to the same habit in the present existence; [e6olG3Moo68 @oo5Cg] usually said of very young children. q8ooD, v. to be pleasant, soft, quiet, gentle, tranquil, peaceful (sometimes resembles ao5 in meaning) —xcp@o oog9 ao8$6oooS., the great teacher's manner of dying was very peaceful; (2) 8q osoo~faoog33aogaro1 o oo68oo6ooSG axoog, in travelling in a railway carriage, it does not go on one side or shake, it is very pleasant; (3) oSo-0c oo oo a33ogg8 03000 S 3O gaollS Cg$OoSoo.qcaOg0yog0o 00e~ m3oGco:Soo 3 olm33oocS3 3ooS o 4O I e8, v. to be dirty, filthy; ooS, to be vile, wicked; oaoo6. Der. 3g6, to be soiled as clothes, linen; omcox0s, 9co.o u8m6,8oo(6 oaoo, the master is vile and the servant is vile; it is not easy to fix the guilt on either; (2) oQGoMoS0bql 33oqoCcuc cQSooo3logo1 (ocoCowcqoACoS), hereafter we shall not dare to commit evil and vile acts of demerit another time. — o, -"qi0o, -—,, see iSooSn — q-o, v.; see the parts. -— b, v. to be vile, wicked; AebSoogn -- Pgsq, v. to be impure, unclean; applied to the passions; see also 8iO6g:oou --— O, v. to be dirty, filthy; see Got — c-o8, — coo, v. to be dirty, filthy as clothes or the body. 88: — s, v. (see the parts), to be dirty and faded as clothes, to be shabby in dress; sometimes applied to the human countenance, 96git 46, see scoSu -— ooS, v. to be dirty in one's habits or modes of living (8G9 ocqlooGooSoooSoog); a-sgCosoaoii 68oooo, to be foulmouthed; oo31o6c333sooo%9Soo8roo, this person is very foul-mouthed; oa.E8oaooSt^y qoooc gSso oo0000, COqG OIqgoacG coooyS cPOgpa8?S0 0 @, the Karins are not so dirty in their manner of living asformerly. gsl, i (sometimes pron. i; this pronunciation is obsolescent); pron. you, fem.; used in addressing a wife or female friend on familiar terms; used also by one female to ai 803oS8M 465 other, an equal or inferior; this expression is beginning to be considered inelegant in Lower Burma, j8 being used from one female to another; e.g., .coooSccomo8o^,c for -egqc8sooc6GcoooSo:sc6b {g:, 2, v. to sigh, moan, groan, to grumble or murmur at, or express discontent at any work assigned; 8ooSoooooc8ii8oS --- ga o, adv. from next, 2nd def.; qe~giwE^t ooS, v. to intone when reading coo65 and jnii -- El, -o, -0208, v. same as 3e, to make a grumbling noise expressive of dissatisfaction with work assigned; oq 0ojeos*S:Gooo33zo5oc, like the sound of sick men's groaning; (2) o s6c8(ocq8coo9Sooo8S (NoS) csoooooSgg otS, Maung Chyeit To grumbles very much at having to do this work; (3) o8 ~geteaaq5oa; you work in a grumbling manner. 89V, see under eoci> g^, n. night, po. [Note.-In saying " the other night," the Burmese say ' one day at night time;' oocGoeco6l, oopom "* is also used, but not considered so elegant; oo lego, ooGg3lS)oogcaccooo81^, I think I saw him the other night. — 02s8qS0, n. within the period of night;;oeo^eo28,,:oPGcpo50G=8.co5od1, send this letter so that it may reach within the period of night. ~ —^, v. to be very late (at night); (og would be late in the morning, whereas the Burmese would apply qoS:i8 to its being very late in the afternoon.) -— 4B0o5oo0$G18 (pron. 3 oSo3GolS), v. to be very late at night, about the time of midnight. e0s, n. the preamble to the ordination service of the Buddhist priesthood (oogoloo) oSoogol ooooS (00oo) f oSoe e; applied to rahans and theins (o88). goeoSo~g, indicative of the noise of a chicken whenfrightened; _G8g0ooog, @6eoS oQ 5 oo applied to the noise made by a chicken when separated from its mother, or when being carried off by a bird of prey; also applied to the noise made by a large concourse of human beings, e.g., ocg~"% n ccocqgo5ooS, 1 oSooSgoS 59 466 FO, n. a leguminous plant, a species of desmodium; eowoo, the t$q is made into a kind of pickle by the Burmese and the eqgoS is boiled and eaten with cl8co8c& eS, v. to be pinched, squeezed between two, jammed, to be squeezed tightly together or wedged in, as in a crowd; 00&0000b9:oi3SMG000-Raq@soof 8scoo~gd %go6Soqrfocorl1, because the little book was wedged in amongst big ones in the box, I could not find it at once; (2) 9qocqoAzep8r..~, people are squeezed tightly together in the pw6.,v. to be much and long continued, as a disagreeable noise; not used assertively; hence coozgoc;oo" adv. of similar import. Der. 8P, and e:g, qoagyOSgGsGq3, gwotco 00066, Asyo3aSoo cXc8b0, ooZ, mc gogat, )0G3C8 (jmos5,p;o8386, because there is a continuous noise of men and dogs, I am unable to distinguish Maung Pyu's voice. i, r, v. to be fine, soft, delicate; ~ooe~1o8Sg-vweu SoSomae~z ec, so soft as to be delicate. - 8 (usually used adverbially &88), some, with the additional meaning perhaps of its being yielding to the touch; e88 0 &8080440m $:uc06 CjI I have accidentally trodden on - something soft, I do not know if it is a snake or what it is. -cgD:, v. same, generally found in poetry, but also used in colloquial, see cgoo, adv. oe8$80& AOso oC r 9oua ~-ooo, v. same; &aolcOSsOc8qcca36&e3ooofi~~oo 6, soft and delicate as in touching (cleaned) cotton. S, 2, v. to be poor, mean, inferior, ignoble; oqoSto expresses more than e; a2ojGq o92~ (in colloq. pron. oq~) cqoooS &ooe, this person's conversational ability is very poor; co5Uagx mooo Sg, the texture of this puhso is very inferior; rgqsrSq:o, 8qox, @3@ooS (co5) oo $&jS, PagpBooeooql8i (86coC@aoS), I, your handmaid Mi Yetkhi (lit. a female bilu), am not an unclean prita, nor am I of ignoble lineage; wtj~oqge ( qs) $ q6 (eq-) couSe0oe, this person's ability in making plans is very feeble. ez (o8), 1, n. a leguminous plant, AEschynomene. e3o, 2, n. the right side, not so elegant as cooSoo, opposed to cocS, cooo (oooD) rco3Sa3S:e~, he sleeps lying on his right; (2) ao~ 9i:e9:)Oc8cuco oSojq, he is not a man who knows his right from his left (hand understood); (3) i6got 467 oocSco2S~s3GcoooSn Goo0o8:a4GecooSu o308 eC8 3coo: xoS ooo5y, the left (horn) bent down, the right one upright, brings good luck; the left upright, the right bent down, utter poverty. [Note.-This is a saying the Burmese have about bullocks.] (4) PBoooSoog (ogoS6).oooS30ooS, (j Gp6F 83 oDOSB,' oSc-2GOO( G pO^S0o00l 2., 3, v. to scream in concert. Der. oqS (GOS) go, to flatter or instigate with a view of gaining some personal advantage; aoog3e@r, (cooo, ocqo5oog, to follow a person (generally to a court of justice) under the pretence of giving him good advice, but really to derive some personal benefit. eocoS (Pali e90), n. intellect, understanding, reason; sometimes is the equivalent of 33, ooeo and cooc~-8s, but when so used, is used in a bad sense, and may therefore be considered as the equivalent of 'artifice,' 'machination,' ' stratagem,' 'wile,' ' dodge.' — A-, n. a mind which is old and feeble or behind the times;,0,ro3 110c E 0606,SgIrIcG oo ros i,, --, v. to devise, contrive; goocsoStoo, to form a mental estimate, to revolve plans in the mind. — r —o8og, v. to have a good intellect. - oq11, v. to have a comprehensive intellect. -- 0s, v. to have a powerful intellect. -- %W7, v. to form imaginative or fanciful ideas, to indulge in a play of imagination or fancy, to build castles in the air, 8oSoagso; also applied to a Buddha; @oSeooDcp gOaGOloSooaxoo SperooogOg S@t S BIq8@cll: -— g:, n. intellectual ability. — 8-oS, v. to be shallow in intellect. — o-g 3, v. to be dull in intellect implies that the intellect cannot be further developed. — coo5, n. the height of cross-legged or standing image of Buddh or pagoda; cqcp:gaoooCisooeooSqoSoSoSgotBooS oocoooSoolooob, what is the height of this erect figure of Buddh? 5go30oc8GoQ ocSooi~oSocGcooSo7o1oc, what is the height of the Shw6 Tig6n Pagoda? G 18cd0oc8C00o they say it is not possible to measure the respective heights of the Shwe Tig6n and Shwe Mhaw Daw Pagodas. 469 &gcSoq, v. to be obtuse in intellect. — o, v. to develop as the intellect. - ooB, — cooSoS, v. to be keen in intellect. -- oqB, v. to put forth the strength of one's intellect, exert one's intellectual faculties. 4-o, - 0a:, -Go, v. to be stupid, dull of intellect. — oS, v. to be profound in intellect, oXo0 & a x; applied in a primary sense to!o&o1S; n910. It is also applicable to persons, but only to those of great intellectual profundity, or high scholarly attainments, o.o~4oMS ~o; eo&4oe: is also used in the same sense. - 46s (pron. ):), v. to be deficient in intellect. — ol:, v. to be aoute in intellect. — Wos, v. to suggest an idea, plan, put up to, &c.; szgGo0.ooeIooeooo-:- n [used both in a good and bad sense]. -UGOs, n. an intellect of unusual power and brilliancy; a genius (Pali oooo); smoxo5goS (cgcS) ~a gya oogaoqcS,coDloerssc p oceSro:@Oi lc; this man is a man of great intellect, erudition he is, in fact, a genius. — qroeaS, lit. to render homage to the intellect, see ~vk& -- 8~, v. to expand as the intellect; ivS ooGsolqm4@&C89 pocB8~odoM. ooaC0 j 93cqjoqR~amJ,' that if one studies in the early morning, one's mind expands, is the opinion of all mankind. - 8v, v. same as -epBcen - je~6oqCoRSa3, n. intellectual capacity; LoaScS-:u — RO, v. to devise, 8oScq:aosoae; usually used in a bad sense with the same meaning as wrpy, to try and get another into trouble by unfair means.. —c0oo, v.; see Lcuo0cS 'vsucov — oappoo:, v.; see epcrwo v - 0005, v. to direct the intellect to some particular study. - 000, v. to excel another in intellectual capacity (occasionally used in a bad sense; 0Scqljo:oD cuaroodeuoa&). Ewoom0, eocS (Pali), n. relatives; mzs usa aocqseooomoi e.g., Po ocm:008wqc omn qcoGaa:o&3Gor coucxj$soooom83 9Q03a, a phrase constantly made use of in letters. 469. ino6 w:%, n. one kind of hermaphrodite, see tg ge socoov 8os, v. to respect (obsolete). Der. oQ:s and Gcouor u, v. to be caught as by fire, 8.-6oe~. Der. 0o &S, v. to nod the head; ro. 6:8oSoo6, to lean a little from its course; EoS is probably the proper equivalent for the nautical expression of a ship having a " list," e.g., ooao800oa5bo,- (corA) c~8:gtobogoait-oS, is very often written ioSunoaj j G ooGSsdl84c6=1 cc oSmoo1oaooooIooo s3 G@OG3G00Q-00;qoc 8i G cqs a~ @8~ oS4c o6l, turn the boat's head a little out; Q8Ro3 c0 DSroooo0 (=0oS) d84&4&:60 rzpoSooS (aonn) d~oSr.4we, the post on the south side of your house is leaning a little to the west; S5 is also used in speaking of an umbrella leaning a little to one side when being placed on a pagoda. &8&8, EdEoSGeid o8O;eo& —, adv. indicative of protracted, pleasant sound; ooSo*D, 5-oSceo8op:)ESooep, an expression found in nJjccqp; very rarely, if ever, used in colloquial. i, i, t. a man's younger brother; comp. z&'8J, a man's elder brother. - robcG8oo8ov0, n. the brothers and sisters of a family; cg:;SSol(OSGOS (GOOS) Go8-,oGQ0G (GODS) C8 IoSGC S (=055). - Gq08 (from a=G4o8), n. an elder and younger brother; a term applied to the royal family, rahans, nats, SIq8*Or4io8 near ccoo8g:o (pron. G0co8ft-:@), a village near Mandalay; also to images of Buddh (when one is larger than the other) at Taungnu, GcS&G3e~cGo8 -, n. a woman's younger sister; comp. 3Sbo, a woman's elder sister. 4, 2, v to be even, to be equal, consistent (as language or conduct), as much as g, to be level, as ground; G@, to accord, to act in concert, contribute, join in affording aid, assistance; 683oe~, to be united, clannish; coqxqcas 880M=bOOGno0c3SGcoooqW2O8CgWRe@0CSe 3o, the Chinese are very united if one of their number gets into trouble; rooooQEcxJ o:SQ ooz6S:3(QH,OCo8f)bco. I qg8i8 o6eoE 96lo8%oo03n~aOog, this woman's hair is equal to her height. - e-p, v. to be level, to accord, to join in offering aid; ee e3e3g@ o318:zi2~sQ( ooo& ap sagoj~o, if we act in a 47P t5~c^~.united manner, there is a chance of this project being successful. Slqn~, fadv. altogether and quickly; QooaoGaq2( V ---pgS, y. to be level, to accord; aGQosg SgCg9cS C[S.5So$ooooIgS, if circumstances allow, I will come tomorrow. This is an expression mostly made use of by p6ngyis, it being unlawful for them to make a definite promise that they will do anything; by violation of this rule they incur guilt; oiooooqgi3 soooSa&in ---—, to be even, equal. -—?, v. to be equal.. —00.-, v. to give audience, hold a levee (as a king); e ooz5 (pron. Eco6b) especially refers to the morning and evening levees formerly held by the king, at which the principal ministers were obliged to attend; OcooSo8 refers to the ministers entering the palace to attend the levees; goo3s0o3a5g ~ to the king leaving the apartment which he might be temporarily occupying to attend the levee. ---— GS, v. to suit, fit, accord with; ooego~.g8AGcqSc8%oP oosooIs, do you think it will answer if I act in this way? v, v. to be uneasy, discontented, feel ennui; to be glittering, dazzling, so as to surfeit the eye. --- g-ooioS,^. to dazzle; 9338r8 tcuoc ^g83o s:!oo0aSo cqqoc, this lamp shines so that it quite dazzles; o8og go8 o8:o&i 0o6so8: go68n *$csp6g8 @oaC GcpoGSq@I (80o00 -—., same, ist def.; oo6aSSQooocczcogsoeziuo.agoaoS.srogOpc0 ooiot, it is very dull having to live in a house by one's self. [Note.-qSI is generally used in colloquial, go in.books, to express the feeling of being dull from abesence ap congenial company,, dulness of one's surroundings, &c.] a (@J3), v. to speak or make use of in direct, sometimes somewhat ironical, language, with a view of ulterior advantage to one's self; Lg similar to ~ and i. ogaeqopocl:ols (Pali oaS, c8@8, and egoxps), n. the five principles or laws, the intuitive knowledge of which is peculiar to a Buddh; 8836c uag~cEcs Q8 8oos dy cooSDoao op:, namely, 00oo (qoS8468s), 80o0q (eoog$g 6), coDc GeoS 471 aoq (90Sr@:ooscgao ), c g9 $ (o0 ao9~8:9 ~c80o)'cLs ), and oeoS (coTgoToodSwrCoo:a3epo). E:., see ee,, pron. you. c.A.,ccS, n. a doll; eoSs (obsolete). co, n. the Morinda exserta. 0 the Morinda citrifolia, in some parts of Burma So1: coo: --, n. a species of the same. ceo8, i, a word indicative of the purring of a cat; S@o8 e C* 8(; & 8g, in order to quiet their children, Burmese mothers ay ~86 s gG8G6? c13 )c s I c08 Q 2, n. the banyan tree, Ficus Indica (of the same enus with the common fig), (-Amojqcn ie3 903G03oG08 cYSdoo:)8oejcpv q58g 8ao>:: -q8Yo0oSococpi) ee8%9o3S aoSlolo, if the banyan should blossom, I will love you, i.e., never. Proverb G 8 o68 ocoooS N cooScoe; ce38Go — ajS, n. the Ficus retusa. - B6o, n. the common kind. -q, n. the Ficus infectoria. - cG- om00o, n. the banyan, which multiplies itself by pensile branches or stems, which take root in the earth. — o0, n. a stick smeared with gum from the banyan (ceo) Go., used to catch birds, especially the gcial:), G6)of i-8F)., n. the Ficus nervosa. - n,. Ficus Rumphii. -— 0cs1, n. a species of ficus resembling both the banyan and the sycamore. -ooG, n. a kind of banyan with leaves somewhat similar in appearance to those of the eugenia. - qaco, -coo8, n. the sacred banyan or bo tree, Ficus religiosa. 0$-os, -ooglo: (from,gbU) n. a species of the pensile stem banyan low and extensively spreading. -0q, n. water consecrated and poured round a banyan tree; any holy water. 47P aipS ~ 9p g5, n. a thin plate it metal saspended from the tongue "of a small bell,. cgtoos, or from canopies over figures of Buddh, or canopies under which the king or priest sits. cegoo38qA), n. a glazed,or unglazed (sometimes glass) pot or jar in which water and flowers are placed as a religious offering, oogoSaA:; in Burmese houses these are usually met with symbolical of qcpa:, oocps, oooso. When Gaudama returned from TawutisA (ozQoc8oS:) from visiting Sekra (oP8g:), the people of ooow made him offerings of aooS Ot; hence their origin; GpoSGcooSmG igoon Gc8Soo.:, n. an ornamented bedstead used by the king, royal family, and priests; G38OSiaoa:gq i oe oS 0006511 ~g'S:q0^, n. the north-western post in the main part of a house; see uder cg$:n e_>, v. to ache, be tired, stiff, as the body when long con"fined to one position, or the limbs when putting forth a continued effort; comp. coo, to be tired, fatigued, and o0 o4:, to be tired, fatigued, harassed in body or mind; more than ce> (o08o$). --:, v. same; ooGosGo 0 oZQ go QoB!@oB.,ancg 00o8:C09 ooe~ (or GSe:3.oo~), owing to my having gone in a beat the whole day, I eel very stiff. c3.:. (copol), n. a polite term for gonorrhcea or gleet; 08B &oCqij o?5eg: (pron. coqg:), n. the shin, @6Go*oIs; comp. &:tt, v. to be noisy, implying a concert of sounds, o5og~, scarcely used but in some.adverbial form (though it is quite correct to say or write e~s~G0ooozo5); & g16P,5 o5.gos, V. to be bent down at the end, to stoop, bow down the head, ~g,:cSo~gx; comp. aqC:, cq8 and &, to be inclined in mind, assent to; cocoooggoS oou cog~oofl5o mcgQ o80 GOOD0 Q@oS"i 3sor80 eSqooe, the branches of this mango tree droop owing to its bearing much fruit; cog, 00 c. q aooooo ~goSoagbcg~: (^) co.goSol, this woman is favourably disposed towards Nga Pyu only, not to Nga MW. NO: o, v. to stoop respectfully; less than o5ooni 3oSo2o: "" C 5: 473 yoG@oG.gqGooo5o:ososdo5(oooogogooSpco6, "I pray, my " son, that the benefit due to your prostrating yourself, re" spectfully revering and adoring (me), you may be free "from all danger, and that you may find tranquillity in " whatever place you may reach;" oao8.Coc8G035o@:C:a.goS~: ~ocgooGco3oooo1 oog, I have resolved that I will first respectfully, having religious complacency towards, worship at the great Shwe Tigon Pagoda. geoSI, v. to be cordial, well disposed towards, be pleased, gratified with; &@gMo3g~,,gc~Sozao5ooi, — @8, v.; see goSo:3B X?, n. alluvium, mud deposited on the banks of a river or the sea; comp. mw8, szg, BtO and ~; oagSioogqcjGgo 600odiu0 cgoqG@@8cmoaoR GGr9oogsseo GooomSGoscog G8GoU0o3 CX0j0 0330nocoGo0368: 33 G0 Gcc)6SOOjm 8o5@S --- 1468I, n. same. t, v. to be slender and tapering upwards; comp. r o5, to be slender and tapering, to be uncommonly fine and nice (applied to silks, &c.). Der. i3g, n. sprout, a young twig, a branch; o oo oooSogooog or 0oo3o-gcoooooge, to prolong a discussion in a perverse manner on any subject when asked to desist. WoS, v. to be diminutive, smaller than common, undersized; 9 gqio0oogii CgeoSocos, a man of small stature and slight build; 3o5otSooGaojog.ooo~, to speak in a squeaky tone. 9*t, I, n. a kind of trumpet, French-horn; coo8~Z sog8oooo:, oM@81o8t8-.UGo6~r ooSoooii8~^oSoo:>j ((~08). Ss, 2, n. a cutaneous disease appearing as a white spot on the skin (said to be contagious); oou1s4, it is alleged, makes its appearance when the rice-plant flowers (?) and disappears after a short time; the Burmese consider this kind adds to a person's beauty (o8i8s is considered to be very disfiguring); QoowoSa: soc/SJooiooii3 -— cooS, v. to appear as such disease. -—.gooS, n. the same disease appearing in speckles of any colour, usually applied to bullocks and elephants. It is considered a mark of beauty in the latter animal; comp. ol G9c@oSi6&ad3, v. to have a dirty, unhealthy appearance, as a person who has been long sick; Zlcials, to have a grubby appearance, oo=0u0a o.soagoogs '60 474 i6 4:, 3, v. to cut into long slices, as flesh for drying; comP. 2:n anga iioo8aeg4:uaSag6Soo&080cySu 8s, 4, v4,. to be soft, quiet, pleasant, Uoiznpooo~; only used adjectively or 'adverbially, @eo soooSoopnro& very often follows another verb or adverb; o8soU 8QQs3E co~ # @" 88:c8, sir, there is a sick person in the house, go softly, please; c3agoxoooo o3aos3cp qns Kyaungtaga U pan B6n, when correcting his children, does not vociferate, but has a habit of doing so in a gentle manner. ----— o, v. same; ==4&goso u 9geoo:@8* ocooo:@Aog c&i o0300o8 0: a@~cqoGCooPe, when lovers converse with one another, they do so in a quiet, pleasant manner. Gg g v. to persuade gently; rqo8-Oqio4If@o3g:C8pn, v. to squeeze (as if to extract something), to squeeze and express; figuratively to worm a secret out of any one; ecmosgnc8So oSoe3, with ~, to milk, e.g., gos, to milk a cow; with p, to blow the nose (p3pSaoe~); cq8@:,3n cA8coS?8 (98cqoS is often used), to strain when evacuating the intestines, as when suffering from dysentery or in passing urine, e.g., =4lood3ooooop3, the straining is relieved (lit. the having to strain is relieved)..-. 8, -c98, v.; see the parts., v. (absolute), hence a3aQ to snivel (e.g., aoi~oMooz, 3S4cosD 0,9 & qco ), and comS p&ooe, to speak with a suppression o nasal sound, to snuffle; co a =coo: cgocse9Dcc&,-&-%oS8 05:)ooseoo:40ood551, v. to hurt, injure, oppress, distress, treat unjustly and severely in a cruel manner, to bully, eSoot-8,; not used singly; 6bomc (pron. wNS, not,oc), adv. from same; -8oo6 oc, min a cruel manner. -..., -oi:, v. same, to tame as a wild ferocious animal; c@~Sc4Q s45roSco6: co szog-ca osIosoooOqcc8~oqcno861 C06, though you may oppress me, what extraordinary benefit, sir, do you think you will enjoy therefrom? oa8 Poo.s:0 4% rcoo(;0o8 mo:wororob gAosaue coo:W3G f gfcaIIb oo&5ooa 9ic a oS&3jf6 o% because evil persons and dacoits oppress the people of the country in a cruel manner, they are unable to endure it. s 475 S5 (from e ), v. to pinch, squeeze, compress between two, to express, press out certain kinds of oil, such as @o5L98; ic8in oox0 j11j8, also called oQ6ao5d8, n. a blacksmith's tongs, oql8n o5 5 o:ool1:9oS. Der. 8:8too5(o GiG: and ol:t- coeScq&8, the posts which support and maintain erect a o59$on8 F n, n. the clavicle, collar bone. E3, v. to be considerate, have regard to another's feelings or interest; comp. Gcoo:5 and oonii roSq8:omooeu 0o0~333 mooSojaoSjp.3^ofsoeol, in this case (or matter) there is no occasion to regard any one's feelings (lit. there is no occasion to show regard to any one's countenance). [to is also used in the sense of puting down or placing anything gently (perhaps "tenderly" is the best English adverb to express it), e.g., Gcgc[og:sol, put the boat into the water gently; tt:6-0c o ~agcco3ooSoo5, the horse puts its foot down tenderly on the ground.] — o3, -oaCG, v. same. — G —6 oo, v. same; oeSg.goS_.go cOooS0 coCoo q c~8o8ooS aoc&3apooS -;"@g~Q^@gS3coo Otsc oooo0ja ii ~65cqoS oCcoGJ, the people of the country banished from the kingdom without showing any consideration King Theinzi's son, Wethandaya, on account of his making an offering of the royal white elephant. I, (pron. v), v. to ignite, kindle, catch fire; 8-goog, 2 (pron. g), v. to make even; to persuade, accompany; oQsoS (cooS) o03p, to tune a Burmese harp or lute; Go008 SIeoSG:coS (GoiS) coSoo-o18, do not, please, come and persuade me to steal and be your companion in death. [Note.-Alluding to the former practice in Upper Burma of putting thieves to death.] [3aG@o, v. to reduce the muscles to a uniform tension, preparatory to massage, by treading.] 22oS, v. to endeavour to bring (others) to a union of sentiment or action. -- S:, v. to con'sult with a view to union of sentiment or action. — ~o65, v.; see &oS [to cause to nod, to wag up and down as the head]., v. to smell rank, as fish, flesh, blood, or water when a crocodile is in the vicinity, or a human being when smelling of 476 0 stale perspiration (co&ooScoSo4); oo30s goooc4oGso5,4Soi 8G6o8:poog~ojeogn, there is a rank smell in this place as if there was a crocodile. (GcP, — GoooS,, in books wo0o8 (which is the correct way of writing this word), v. same. a vO, v. to smell offensively, as any oily substance when fried or otherwise subjected to the action of fire. Der. G3tc (also applied to the sulphureous fumes of lucifer matches). -— co5, v. same. -— 8, -o8, same as a3o3So~ --— c0, v.; see 33GSo8, to have such a smell take effect on the human system, e.g., as on a person who is ill with fever or suffering from any other serious ailment, or one who has a boil or any bad cut or wound. Sick persons amongst the Burmese are in great terror of such smells and many deaths are attributed to deceased persons having been subjected to them before death (G2533oo$so~, the smell of wood-ashes after a fire has taken place in a jungle and on which rain has fallen). Burmese mothers are always apxious to prevent young children, whether in a sound state of health or not, being subjected to such smells. The Burmese are of opinion that they have a deleterious effect on parrots (c5ooSoo~)); o.aoSGooGoo, q80sao>8cqooo4oSo1, there is something offensive being fried in oil; put down the mosquito curtains; (2) 58 o03ooo3x, he died because he was subjected to the smell of something being fried in oil. i, 1, a bow-string; coo:&, the string of a musical instrument (infrequent); co:>8eS ooo8:Goo8-48o X0 c,gi, 2, v. to charm, lure, decoy, fascinate as a serpent. The Burmese have an idea that the python fascinates by means of his navel string; ool: 0 S C oqi S@g oooocoqSooS cooSoo4qa4 Gsccoool:3oci5cig 9 og g- sooooS^Sol1ii v, v to be dull, faded, wilted, to begin to wither; gSsoiA, to be of a sad, dejected countenance; qoSpooo3oou0c5 cocgg:qoS9 p:ooge i 8 cq 4:g9oSgoog, this elder's countenance is very dejected, I think it is because he has lost his wife. -— q~[co2 (), v. to be utterly broken down by grief or trouble. -— eg, v. to sit or lie down in a dejected manner with the limbs drawn up (sgE:6Cgc oo). 4 477 &: cAS, v. to be sad in countenance or mind (crest-fallen);,-S;, v. same as &o and &ocoS; also to be languid, exhausted, worn out, withered as flowers (gg: S) - @$:, v.; see &ccS (infrequent) (1 5p o&spf So8o1tG ooo3oR8 oCZOI3S00~80(cS). - rqS-, v. to be dry and withered, as the leaves of a tree (or as the skin of a human being, 3Dooo-1aqe.qSoe~); sometimes used figuratively; clcVQSocoe~-o&Gg qSjo 960g11 0zeu:~9 ec9@ (com3o8-0omi) c~ o54:C x 04:o8 l goSojos&g ccq4 ~, the leaves of the flower tree I have planted are withered. i2S, i, n. a snare, noose fixed cn the ground; one kind of %&r60 p (a slip-knot or noose ct any description); comp. Gsc~?8s, a noose held and drawn tight by the hand. - 2a80, n. same;.g 9IeGaj lo a916 cooS aol ca 8so6a8Po3ooCo, in decoying (jungle) fowls, one does so with a noose, o2, 2 (pron. toS), v. to bend down, commonly to sink in the middle, as a piece of timber or a flaw. (It sometimes, though rarely, means to incline the mind, acquiesce, to persuade. There is a sentence in 0:-@ as follows: Go cO+808uHqOI8O511GO80S CBC,080n5M80,E8noo$rcoo, 98oiIn G(Gooooe=iiU 3 S:0 6ar c S, this floor, owing to people sitting on it, is (giving) or sinking in the middle; 3caogo 4a30q 1oSp, when it comes to (discussing as to who has) knowledge of the abhidhamma, every one has to pay him obeisance (lit. bow the head), i.e., as being their superior. Q$l n. to show, point out; ~oo3 @, v. same; ca8coao please show me the road; coo6BpaSqa (or p4@,qa) cdo9osa2o1, follow and go, please, in the direction that I point with my forefinger. Sv. to show, make known, disclose, reveal, indicate; GoS (C5oS) @ 'ooenqe:iQR -0Duq a g oa3 aoo8o6o16, he did not disclose the place where he is going to;;eqt& QR oOG* cor), a letter written without reference to or indicating for whom (intended); o00Px=08sa 0qC~oS&Q' 14-O,03GORg@ ~a26oooGU II (oGo6). -—, v. same as t2lu q (Qo~cc1&:co5) (The eleventh consonant in the Burmese alphabet and the first in the class of cerebrals.) tooo (pron. ~dl) (Pali), n. a commentary on the original Pali text, supplementary to the inspired commentary of the Rahandas, Z6anoo0n - wcp, n. a commentator on ditto. S (:OS:c) (The twelfth consonant in the Burmese alphabet and the second in the class of cerebrals.).64 (Pali), n. a place, s=8n [88 3@q116i$toh'l, he went back to his original place of residence (i.e., house); q q*cooSCGuooo&O].6 The following are the Burmese e uivalents for the different departments of Governmen service in Burma: 86cqsgqo4, Home Department. copusp oroo8cqj:go, Judicial Department. oQ$ooroq:So4, Revenue Department. O8G6q.go, Military Department. j68ogocq8ocoo8;qsg&o~, Public Works Deiartment. p,-q,,.- General Department. o csgF, Revenue Settlement Department. SEaie840 9 Foreign Department. coSWr3q:034., Cadastral Survey Department. e8g3&43#, Legislative Department. coqoo3;q,3O, Eorest Department. 0cocp o:8N, Civil Department. ma co ocr (, Customs Department. Xo6oco qs S:it, Postal Department. GOZO.~:sQqc-o, Telegraph Department. ocoS0i s)s~, Accounts Department. mc~:rqsg83s, Jail Department. qopoo&Gq:8), Police Department. oeoeqSq, Education Department. — S*G4Qo=om (plon. 9 osG6aOO5eaco), n. the faculty of appointing the right man in the right place (ss:Gqo*3acoq3 ~~c61Si) Co 479 o$8ooscq (pron. as spelt, the q being pron. as ' r '), v. to accord in pronunciation with a correct standard of orthography; [also applied to composition]; ooScq:ci96Scgo"1 d G03jS O$0~S:gaqG3 63o8oGG|S3oSolH 6~33G@03a833^ 0^^qCo GgaooooSo3 an cp C05 Go )qo o@S(g.-aCjojoc6 (CooS) 03~gGODSo5m @o1^ G031 Soup (Pali), v. to enshrine, to inclose in a pie (gooOobs ), Qo& 0~o96qq6 002oGo0059Q0a CoGoaScSOo8gS o81, ma-qacos4x: C~GOC2g0o 02Goog2 3MaCgCpGooSj gOo8 GooS o.350, King Mind6n inscribed in letters the Pali commentary on thin gold and silver leaves and enshrined them in the great pagoda of "Great merit " which he erected. -— oS (pron. goo0oSgj), n. a shrine. — 0-68,' v. to inclose in a shrine. --— gS, n. a pie; qSoaon S(Pali Mo), n. continuance; oogo@8E:IglSn S~c8gco (Pali), n. same, the continuance of thought; 80oSOg ~@8, see under 8ggcgcon.gs, v. to have in abundance; coSoooS. Der. aGgo*sGooSo5 @M oo00o10 @$ooo3918 G6gGoo1Gcob26, if we come back after a trip to Bankok, we shall of course have in abundance. R (sc180noO)S) (The thirteenth consonant in the Burmese alphabet and the third in the class of cerebrals; not initial.) v (sqljcxS) (The fourteenth consonant in the Burmese alphabet and the fourth in the class of cerebrals; not initial.) CO (C0s:) (The fifteenth consonant in the Burmese alphabet and the fifth in the class of cerebrals; not initial.) oM (o0oS:9) (The sixteenth consonant in the Burmese alphabet and the first in the class of dentals.) oo, I, an abbreviation of oz8, one; an abbreviation of ooos, other. 480 oooS oo, 2, v. to complain, utter expression of regret for the absence or loss of a person or thing beloved or valued (to long for); 868foS ocY@8rogG8oSeooo8 o4o0ooooclo 6 cGoloog - o0, -oo, v. same; ocogii 0o, 3, an adverbial prefix, see Grammar. oS6oszo, adv.; see under 3u3oo 30so o@OSo@0oglooa38 cooC, I, n. an oar, ooSoooS; a paddle, GccgSoci, — ooS, v. to row; coo5@$;ooS, v. to row with a quick stroke. -— qc, n. the stroke of the oar; oo59cSS2 49uooSg -- oSo-, n. a boat race; meeting held to test the capabilities of boats' crews; ooo&S* -—, n. one of the crews of a racing (row) boat, not being either the.06~ or g8sn — o, n. the helm or rudder. ---— od, n. the steersman of a common boat; comp. 8~.i. ---,o9S, n. the tiller (oocSroe:) — 6@$~, v. pull fast (oSooSqoScoS). — Gq-oo:, v. to cease pulling the oars. -- Iq:, v. to practise rowing. --—:, n. the handle of an oar. --- tc, n. the blade of an oar or paddle. — mooSs, -cooSd:, v. to pull or paddle moderately fast. -- coo:q, -ecos:a, v. to pull heavy and slow. — boooSqi, v. to use the paddle in a circular swing through the water and the air (generally done while the boatmen sing). -— 00$, v. to pull with a strong stroke. - o-oSq, — qo~oS, v. to pull quick and violently; cooSooS5 ^oSooSc ooMC, 2, v. to go up, ascend; opposed to coS: [to climb], to advance, to increase (cooS, to outbid another at an auction, e.g., cogeoqo doS)cooooSqooooB@oi.soo0), to gain on in a boat or horse race, to cover as a male beast, to be convulsed (supposed to be occasioned by the rising of wind in the stomach), to feel ill from the supposed rising of the heat or vapour of the body. [" There is a com"plaint found in this country only, to which all people ooo5 481 " are subject at a certain age; it is called o000Soo, "a word signifying to ' mount,' and takes its name from its "commencing in the feet (oloqScp)ol), and ascending up "through all the members of the body. It presents the "appearance of a stupor or numbness, by which the pa"tient is at last deprived of all feeling and even of speech. "The Burmese attribute it to the wind, but its true cause "seems to be congealing and torpor of the humours, parti"cularly of the nervous fluid, from the want of exercise, as " also from the intemperate use of viscous and acid meats. " Its only cure seems to be a violent friction of all parts of " the body with the hands to excite circulation."-Forbes' British Burma, p. 236]; [g8oo0o58:, to mount a horse (o0cS ooG08c4, " like the newly-risen sun," this expression is found in the Paramigan)]. o005008, n. the period in a cycle ((o8) in which man's age increases from ten years to an asankya (oG~l). -— gco, v.; see last def. and c-oS&oc. The Burmese oftener say 0coaoSgi, cdoSooe than o'cgo c5: — o18: (pron. 00o508:), adv. without any personal trouble or expense or responsibility; this word with c180sf is commonly made use of in buying a horse, cart, boat, &c., e.g., Oo9oqioY oSsl8< Go16S4~s o o~Goc5^ ccpS|Solopc6. Anglice, how much will you be able to sell'your cart for as it stands? i.e., with everything complete. --, n. pecuniary proceeds; applied to the interest on money; c3zoo)Q —. —4, n. a convulsive fit. — ooS, v.; see the parts; moo5 and 5oS sometimes coupled together for the sake of euphony. CooS, 3, v. to make the sound which the word indicates; used adverbially only. Der. oncoono3oo-oSGoooc)c8GcSooo5O5c, -O —solcs, v. to make a clucking sound with the tongue against the roof of the mouth, indicative of anger or regret (or when driving bullocks or buffaloes in carts. It does not necessarily imply that the person driving bullocks or buffaloes is angry); coo8 aog8S0OCo. Gcoooggc0 3 C ooS01G05 col oSSGu s ogS G3Qo003003 3j1 033^ a8C0 oagcqoSooSc moocoo GoloSlGoS G.oJa; in these instances the meaning may, of course, be figurative [00ooSo0oo 1o5GXslo5Gg6 in the way of speaking in an unfeeling, heartless manner.] 482 c cocoS: (o&), n. a species of palm. cocx=, adv. on unfriendly terms; w rxcq8loGf5SccS (e.g.) cji8i mco cBc o$6n6o$:)83'GocooScoeEiios$ is an obsolescent word. coocS (pron. oooc$), v.; see mmczS, e.g., 480om0oSco0n, are you in earnest? do you mean it? This expression is used in anger; oomccaR is an expression used in a good and bad sense indicative of admiration or scorn. In a good sense the English (colloquial) expression perhaps would be " An Ax man;" in a bad sense it perhaps would be equivalent to the English expression ' a thorough-bred scoundrel," oom,~oaoSsol3ocd ooae~, one was obliged to think that such was actually true (or real). 60co00c~ see under ao0o'Sc (rare). coo (P ron. o000o), n.; see under aTl mo, a layman; o~ c sooom, a layman who has built (or supposed to have built) a pagoda; rqo8:-onmo, a layman who has built a kyaung or monastery;j oc oaco:0o03o311om0Colgioooojq8oomrS foCo hOOCooo:)110 0Dco mo0 (pron. goSocomo) (applicable to a $84om'o or to one who has built a 3ooxE"n 9o0$ OOMO, one who supplies all the requisites to a priest when ordained). -e2'1 [pron. co ol~ci (eolaooo)], n. same. - l (pron. cooo), n. a lay woman. cox: (Pron. 000l), 2, a. all; moio1j, aOnx485:, e.g., oajooocm.? every one; mcoO8scooio8* 9qisxE838 6l, of all fruits the dorian is the most luscious; ofoao*oS;oJxx8xOS O3Wzr3 6:o1, of all flowers, the jasmine is the most fragrant; -a o Coojmoom)cqomxq, every one; a GOO)O5O3'j6>Gg33I, the water-pot that every one drinks from. com0o0, verb. affix closing a sentence, indicative of some emotion, see Grammar. [In colloquial coxo_: is used, which no doubt is a corruption of oocom]; in some northern parts of Upper Burma, notably in the Wuntho territory, on>o is still used in colloquial, e.rg., ~Roo-w0, there is ihdeed; comaS co85Goloooamooo3u*, divided it, alas! without its being proper to do so. In colloquial 380qojarS6oSoJoocojs, "you, sir, are indeed foolish;" o8:ootSpol1coco-xo "you are, indeed, useless;" 84.oF coi co~c9lo6xcoD%, "the girl is indeed pretty." coolooD~ 483 OGor>sS@, n. a city in Burma between Mandalay and Bhamo, sacred name cooooqg cs o oSoa8, famous as the reputed birth-place of qgooo and 00oo0ooo, m0oooog&6@ ~ ooGo089, n. a long-necked jug, usually earthei (a goglet), but of any material, GCqoOGMCs0S; comp. goSt -o-o 08.ooS8GC ooSq, lt. " when the goglet is held and the water is poured upon," a term used in reference to the dedication of religious offerings. ogooa$t (Pali co09oo), n. a Tirttaka, a sect existing in India in the time of Gaudama; a heretic, 8~ (pbsolete). ooagoS ( e), n. a well-known town in the Punjab, called by the Greeks Taxila and found in the Buddhist legend as the great university of ancient India, as Nalanda (og&do8g) was in later times.-(Buddhist Birth Stories by V. Fausboll, translated by Rhys Davids, p. xxii); oogaoSoocp, n. a professor of the aforesaid university. [Even nowadays the Burmese style a person of unusual mental attainments as ooga9ooSooqp.] oo5ocooS, adv. clean (gond) as in coSooogi$i oxfSo05ooo8 rg ooog8:, a horse that runs so fast that it gets " clean away " from any other; oSoooSooS oooSo3 8;AS3 q, a fire balloon that ascends and goes clean away; -oo-oeoSoo5o cEooos@g, Anglice (colloquial) this man is an out-and-out good fellow, or coo5cB5~-80s, an out-and-out honest fellow. cooSoo, n. a species of lizard or chameleon. oocqoS (o0), n. a species of screw-pine; OOsGOO, GcoOCoooC, Gq oocqoS, varieties of same. The oo3qg is sometimes known as Gooo333:08 oooqe~ (pron. ooqjl), n. the rectus abdominalis muscles, including various tendons which unite in forming the linea alba. [The Burmese say that if the operation known as oooCq:so is performed, it causes a woman to be childless.] co@o@ $, n. reed fern. o000o06 (from oo8, one, 3zo0, with, and soS, a collection), adv. together with; c800o000 oog,o8coo@ Co, comp. oo0go5S [Note.-Though not often used, cozoRoS is an elegant expression.] cooo31 (pron. oo)no) (from =o61, a time), adv. all at once; @ Ga308, in colloquial, often used with oQ6, probably a corruption of 9g, e.g., ocOGooGajc~oScoo90go1 Olooga3, the flowers fall off so quickly all at once; sometimes ooolooz, or '484.4 cIcoe:ojo3b is used often alone by way of iiterjdetion (usually by women) to express strong disapproval or vexatiotin. coPS, adv. titteringly, oSSq Socop, e.g., QaCQA3oZo:uxoSn cooooS (from ooR, one, and sccooS, middle), n. a woman who has been divorced from (or lost her husband by death, "coS cocoogc); the half of some original, as ccSo oqoS, the half of a journey; Raoqco'Scs, 50 per cent. interest; nS3 Q~o cPO5",IICO8, co3Q0~0 co~~rq~~co oopo~ caQGcpO~p Iom8:oo @coaqxp, I did not arrive at Pegu, but was obliged to come bac5 half-way on the journey [the expression oicoS, when applied to a woman, is' not considered polite]. oob"c (from oob, one, b, to be hard, and nwo8, a collection), adv. in a commingled, blended manner, all in one mass, frequently applied to sounds and colours, o03x056xr3oo 5, e.g., osoOCocoo:)cOoCob9o5~,tC 0080c)"$40 cwqoSoeo4 (often pron. ojc&-Sb), see under =1oS, adv. at once; c6povfrA., oorazSo8 Whfic~65 nu covOS oo: crcso8 5i Caoe~ (1) cooeo Jicir-nOcus;aooo oi oe ool, iron. a. same.; oazu - 0o0S, same as oo&iu ogoggy:dSI oo colcoozoe,~ I have only received as yet some of my proPerty which I demanded. coos, pron. a. other; =@oss — 6l:, adv. to or from somewhere; o@o-8 [same meaning as oogood1 Ioo~osa or oo@3:mD1: o. ]. co8, 1, n. a hamper, pannier, hence noco8, a pair of panniers; oEoooaa, a single pannier; coo%,5ooa8U "- "1, ii. the cross piece or yoke on acreature's back, from the ends of which the panniers are suspended. ~ n. same as coS (most common); o$ooS@8iu c0, 2, n. the breech, posteriors; not used singly; ojl2ii -c&ooBS6S, v. to place one knee over the other; commonly used adverbially with c~8, -88 and Ga4 -ol:, n. the side of the posteriors. -. —o1oS, n. the acetabulum. 6-ol: (pron. oo8o4), n. the upper parts of the posteriors, ----, n. the lower parts of the posteriors. co 48 co81"t, n. the hip. q — GS, v. to sit in a cross-legged posture, as Burmese when not in the presence of a superior; commonly'used adverbially with ~86; comp. oooSoS~; cross-legged images of Buddh are designated ooSy Q ScdSooon zoSq sgoo:o or ooScqG gGooSooaqI --- 0801o:. (pron. o0088c80ol1), see 6osl ogi aooSol:c olo5s,5 ooe, a term used by persons who deal in cattle, and metaphorically applied to human beings taking stock of one another (cFo35oS), but in the latter sense is not elegant. - olcoge8:, v. to ride; ride as a lady in European fashion. --— oloc680oeS, v. to sit sidewise on a bench, table, boat, &c. — o —, n. the flesh of the posteriors; oo801:olos (pron. ooSo 3oa,) oool: gC80ooSoD:SCoCgoooG,oo8o1 o q5ogooog — c8, n. the lower prominences of the posteriors; ooSo0-so:,.oo8, 3, v. to put or place upon, to put aground or to be aground, as a boat or ship, to stretch as a bow, that is, place the bow-string on the catch, to remain; uooaooS, to be alive (Coo:gcoooSl); i,oo, to go up a river obliquely, crossing (so as to allow for the force of the current) above the place one wishes to reach on the opposite bank; GqjOOS aogStioos:3oT93oo8cxos, place it on the table; as c4saT S8: oqSG0@6(o3i~oo,88ooG8,o,, the steamer called "Yunan " is aground dn a sandbank below Magwb; o8$j ooogc:goo06on; — T-c., v. to do beforehand, to anticipate (to forestall, see Gc0-,3200j8); GQaoQ? oo-0AoS~-., let us go up the river and cross so as to reach (allowing for the force of the current) a place below; ooaTo9oo oSoocsG 9 0ooSq6 co~, it is only by anticipating and acting betimes in the matter that it can be satisfactorily done. --— o, v. to use a figure of speech in which words are"deflected from their common meaning, to take advantage of another in order to gain something, to circumvent; goo: o8o3:oo(3, e.g., ooo&EoS for 4ooSoS, or co33:oug51 0 %00 0CooCo303ooS for QcpuoO8C &cpS0Go8o MO OGCO039j00oc3So6 -— 8, v. to get the advantage of, to be dictatorial and dogmatical, patronizing in speech, or in familiar English "to lay down the law;" o)ogSo oqolquo33QTob88@asc33oooo, 486 oA8: this person is in the habit of speaking in a dictatorial tone to other people. oo8ooo=8, v. to place on and carry (as on a vehicle). — 8, v. to be beforehand to the advantage of. --— q, v. to do beforehand, to anticipate; oSoca: -— q(, n. a saddle-cloth; see also cooSooSq$q$c:6 c ---oaloSS, v. to address a monarch (or a mingyi, but strictly speaking applicable to monarchs alone), e.g., 4oS@6o8: oocp@sowSooaS G6cooSogoSo8ogoSocosn 336qgC[G@l soixp a0coOOScgs: oo Gc09gA0SooSo3oGS@o5~I5o0 qGoo 1 oo84t (fron.- oS:), n. a cormorant. oocob, n. a syrup, molasses, boiled juice of the palm, cane, &c.; 0oo80bb o~, v. to appear well, be comely, goodly, becoming, proper, as conduct; oo~8o(oooG: Eoa:joooooo c330s ooo0, this girl's personal appearance is very comely; 33o85ooIS ~@s cg$ooa:oo~, as the master's position is exalted, so is the servant's decorous. -----, -ooS (most common), v. same; o3L~Oaga6oaqSo$ o0oSo0aOOgGoGol 1oJ3000030G. 8 381 g Oa0~o3BGROo60 00cooo&g qGSG33S8Go13oo, because there are many scholars in this town, it is indeed a very agreeable locality; ocMagg8 oooSooSol, it is not becoming if one acts in this way. -— ooo3oooo&o5, v. same. co1s, i, n. a tin, a measure of capacity equal to 16 pyees (@) or two khwe ('s), about one bushel; before capital numerals 33@~, as a33g ai coa5, a33e~cq:ao, &c., equals 4,493j cubic inches, i60 lbs. avoirdupois, or a bushels, or 80 ibs. pure water avoirdupois. ---— c0: (from oqS:, to be made level), adv. fully, completely, t. be as full as possible without absolutely overflowing, completely full, chock full, to be crammed, as grain measures, water vessels, human habitations, e.g., improvised Burmese theatres, store houses for grain, &c.; most commonly used with @g oo8:-aqs@ (pron. a386q8 g), chock full; aooSr%4qoooooocsqS:sO@ ooo, in the theatre the people are crammed (or the theatre is crammed full of people). --— q68 c, n. the paddy market at par, i.e., one rupee for qch baskeet o08gcBs co&8 QjS-Gcp8:, v. to sell at par as paddy (c ~~c~,to hie, above par); qc~O~QVS0~io 0 -c88 (from c88, to be shallow), v. to be satisfi-ed ~Vith food; ~8@n~io~~,to have sufficient sleep; 438bOSIrBS, to be contented; c.~o~~ satisfied; boac8& is also used. with reference to one's wish to evacuate the intestines when suffering from dysentery, or to pass urine when suffering. from strangury, not being satisfied; It.0~049j (All q8cc mjC080*QC8W0I o~qoacob~BfcoO, have you had sufficient sleep, sir?-cbo jo8 ~o,-8;. 61O'O QJ8 00000GQ33c)5o1,) I am satisfied with Rs. 200 a mont~h; R s.; ~20 a month is~not sufficient to live upon. [Note.-In the ne,. gative co:S:oc8SjS, not Qo28ScB~6]. 000 2, v. to tighten, become tense or taut as a rope; ~ooqo, become stiff, hard, (cco) to be pertinacious or har~sh in speech;5z oo: GjYooSoae or with oz, oo oS~ ooo:#, to be inflexible in one's opinions; m cqjo~os o~icn, rigid, as the surface of a thing, to superadd a weight 'in order to preserve the ~balance; mo~oqo6SaoS,, mcq81-cx8s, i.e., one rupee minus four annas and one rupee minus two annas; to make firm,. uniling as the mind; 8oSc-o380 3IooeleSC4(GOO~)(i8oc67m8ie-G~%il. Der. -Qo>8:D...;v. to be or make hard in the two senses above. Rev. to be firm as flesh or muscle. f.....-oosi, adv. tightly, in an unfinished manner, that is, s9dti1 stretched, coo ouxuoS nj~; com. co:o0~cosi s~ when describing that a thief was caught with property in his possession before he was able to get away, or was able to secrete it, i.e., without accomplishing his design in its entirety; 3zq~ae~Sc8 co8-~a-iQ4oS20o~s.0 coE~, pull the rope taut; w~oqcmsoo c$co5-:o~o~, this' man is very resolute of speech; cg~jq-1GO)5zO), 3!DGqoo8 —oo8:q8-q8-Oo~ol, my flesh is not so firm. as it'-was when I was young. ooC6D * (from ozq8, to be benit down, curved), n. a shed, low house, shelter for cattle; a byre; 8-306cOqS~o1& @8-0,088o00 coSooSicq& SrooSooo —c8n ~ioooo-#I (oo$:cq8 is pronounced o0%0R qoS). to8ocS (Pron. ooS0i8&), n. a cutaneous disease appearing-in a-dark spot on the skin; co",-88- oo3 03. 00 CoSSgc08SoC oo~ [The Burmese have an idea that this disease may be cured by ~rubbing the part affected with horse's sweat.] 488 cooSb0orn o:oSS: (pron. coSBS), n. one kind of coverlet, or large loose covering of cotton or silk woven in a separate piece; co00Ss8 cB8gooed. ) —~oo —, n. the upper border of the same. ooS:qoS (pron. ooS:qo$), n. a large wooden mallet, a beetle, o$: boons:GS, made of iron. cn8sol:, n. a species of bamboo used in making oo, co$oonic0ojul 3:,0o.o00s3 olsoS1 cgsn-s8, Gc.oS, &c. 'cocoS, n. a species of bivalve shells, donax, M. cc8,I, a. qne; 0, coSI N~oTocoySd, v. to be distinguished, pre-eminent; applied to persons of great talent, beauty, &c.; ooSj4goo oobooT G,~co:DoSooEgJbnoogoT0soo6oSoo&gS~ou 0oic08:c0xooS is also used. 0o8, 2, v. to cut in pieces. Der. moob, e.g., e~OsonSooco-' Sc1:oo0ogoD cW8, 3, v. to stick fast in.a passage, be too large to pass, to utter a short compressed sound, as a tiger, ogp'so8, and some other animals (csy-co-kce); CBSco0 c@:o n g:o900 c88COn9&GPO4G 000 G C0o5oC. oooS Iol 063) oo1o3SO;Ci ~ qoltIo1o8cqo8cq; applied to feelings of obstruction in the nose, ears, and throat, due to mucus, cerumen and phlegm; Qoe~( @o8:e10bg 3 obc~qoobqolloo 1.ie0) n. quinsy. coBCooS, adv. weightily, heavily. GscaMGcQ, adv. with most liberal feelings, free from all hesitation about giving, q65oqarcSpc c, e.g., o qo3q6;Gf ooS5 og sQoi 8Q0,oogcos~Qcoe~So, rarely used. coo&, n. the sweet-scented bulbophyllum; oogo4oo: q8cc8uo$.8 (pron. con), n. or adv. a little; sze:coSO o09c0sv $:ogti 08088, oo:so8, e.g., szg&TcS ooswoo6ooe:, entire immunity from danger; @o 8ogoo5wG, to have a slight discharge of pus; 0 Bso 8o O Eg'ooS, to have a slight flow of saliva (o00); 8z&5co8cgScoome%, to issue in small quantities, as froth from the mouth. WScSOn3ooO, a. or adv. singular, different from others, sui generis, [unique, quaint; may be used with aonrco to denote idiosyncracy of disposition or character; cgocoooS ScG)0800MGOG00O) 00000~u- ooGosGGJ 9003 6M owing to 006 489 the thuttabat being a peculiar kind of tree, it only flourishes in Tunte soil; ooe90003GOO 8ocr8SoG3C00NOC Oo6Gooo 3Qoojol, this person's disposition is singular and unlike other people's]. oz888ogo5, v. to trickle as water; o88 cooao3 8,ogi 0o8885 "sooo3g,.to be gradually overcome with fear; GcMO;os coco (pron. ooa), adv. only, merely, nothing but, qmcgQ$o@goc cSgooobaggs3oo oo&, he does nothing but abuse me every day; QGssoqEoo~sco~aooS osoocSo, oqcoqj$, v. to be partially castrated; applied to horses (a rig) and elephants; oc~.ocq$n [when applied to an elephant it is called a cop (ooS) ]. o~&QAl (pron. oos8oQ), n. a small particle equal to 36 saQCiu ooA or 0o0o3 (said to be derived from oo oglof oSg5ssg), n. a ghost. --— cgo, v. to be haunted with ghosts as a locality; to terrify as a ghost. -— oo8, v. to make a propitiatory offering to a ghost, see ---, v. to possess as a spirit. ooropt (pron. ooSoq), n. (the Burmese lapwing), a bird that never alights, but on the ground; oo83o0oa8,oTo oo 4: 0~:^3s0c31a CNQo:?9o8GooooSoogaeq oocq: $0 oocqo^^a^@^ coeu [The Burmese allege that this bird sleeps on the ground, with its feet upwards, for fear the sky will fall on it!] OGa3.0, n. yeast or any fermentative substance; oo oSoog oog~, I (c8), n. " this is the fruit which in English is called "' Chinese date,' but is neither a fig nor a date, but the "fruit of a species of ebony, and a more appropriate name "would be the Chinese persimon, the persimon tree being "also a species of ebony and there is a considerable resem"blance in the fruit."-Mason. The Burmese make a dye for fish nets from the cogo8 by pounding the fruit and soaking it in water. co, 2 (pron. cooS), n. an elephant with one tusk only (congenital). oW, 3 (pron. coo5), n. a basket measuring a tin (oaom ), made of wood; oicooit 62 490 AD0 oe~, 4, n. a toll-booth or office for receiving certain duties on merchandise, a word not known in Lower Burma. cog, 5 (often pron. coc5), v. to place in a position; comp. ono:, to be placed, remain permanently; @coe, to build a pagoda; cqq6tooe3oe~, brick house; oqSooe~aH= o ooS oe~OO, to lay a ship on the stocks; to found a city; @ooeooe or jot6, to establish a court-house; ~:oenwe~, to build a palace 0-ooeoe~; to set up a shop or a stall; crq:j8 or AS oogoe, to erect, set up, establish, constitute, construct; to place before a guest, as a betel-box; o8assm ooe~u, cheroots; scoscS8ooPzo~, drinking water; cco:)SGqSo% ae, pickled tea; ~co doSooeoe0n co so6q5jooeIn c&od3ao oA, or coo5Gwape~@, to adduce as evidence. -c8Bs (from cr$:, an arithmetical number), n. a number set down as a subject for arithmetical operation as goq s3ooe PJ$, a minuend, e.g., 50-12, 5o would be the oS q$ooc81d: rgo654 oopaCS, a multiplicand, e.g., 50 X 3, 50 would be G~3rh I ooo o&$ 4:1 c8$$iooe64s, a dividend, as 60 + 6, 60 would be oxsclOoSe1II @,-A (pron. co ), v. to be steady in mind [stable in character, 0o 4ooom g, unwavering, always in a good sense, e.g., owoi: -owi, to be a man of one's word; gScgm, to be sedate and grave in demeanour; cNoSc5Go5I CO:Gwoot~%oegu.], see o~op (infrequent).:)3I005OW (pron. zooe@foooSUoo), n. a witness whose testimony is worthy of being admitted in court. vYO-J, V. to set a feast before one; rarely, if ever, used. 00ozS, v.; see the parts; cowoJo6ool o(qq0soo Io3o8q%=3o33v ". (ron. 0m ), v. to be firm, constant, enduring (in a good cause); to be a man of one's word; ozn&oo2~ ocz a...-o: (often pron. oboSco:), v. to place, to establish, settle, make firmi, to adduce as evidence, bring forward as a witness; coo.05oQm603o2D6, often used with cog in the sense of placing a betel-box, cheroots, &c., see last definition of ooEn -...... 8 (pron. oo26t18), v. to build up, edify, establish, [to found, as a city, village, to clear jungle and make the necessary preparations for working a paddy-field, conQoeX ewo3oae~, or garden, eoo9go2n~GcDOO; to set up one's self as an owner of a small or large boat; Gcagoo5wo5co:G ) o~~]. cog 491,ooc og, v. same. [oo- ooooqogeg8$oo8, in order to perpetuate (anything).] -— o (pron. oo~o), v. to be clear, well arranged, to reside permanently in a locality; oeooeooqooaogoo ooeoo, same as oooog.oe@eiiocoo~oogonoS oeoooooooGoo — oq8, v.; see the parts. oo68, see 08$,8 co38s, n. a spool, the reel of a long line; not used singly. — q- (see qS), n. the end of a spool or reel; oe8s,98, -- o, in.; see ooe. (most common). oo3e: or o-Oo8s, n. the inga tree. oog, I (pron. in colloquial 0), v. to be straightforward, direct from one point to another; cgoooeaoc-, to be straight up, not inclined (oocoogoos); goooii oci, ooSoowni oc88: oeo5, to be even, set level; 0Goo6g, to be in the centre; 33o0oooe~oo, to be apposite as language, or as a remark; oocSooasoogcoo, to be on good terms as persons; cqqSg ooe oo (qocSp ooooae); in combination with coo5, to be an accurate marksman with spear, bow, or gun; cooSoom o icooo5o so8oog, to try a rifle or gun to test its accuracy of fire; or to have a preliminary row, or paddle, over a course in a boat race to test a boat's carrying power and speed through the water; when reduplicated pronounced cn, [to agree as medicine, c3ooso[8c~ocos -- 0o5, v. to be erect, upright; to be just, equitable, impartial; W$mooooS, to be vertical as the sun at noon; ooGo co0eoSooeog~ -- co:, v. to be plain, open, straightforward in language; ooros oo, 2, qualifying afix, directly, at once, as agoaoaoo, to go directly, at once; in colloquial pronounced ob or b, o83s5 ocOSn cl9 cq@u3qcooog.sago:ooGqoo5, and you, without my even saying anything, off you went; a o oaoo j9:Q g %oSoo oo4, 3 (pron..), denoting that the words to which it is affixed are repeated from the mouth of another person; it is a colloquial affix; (oao8Soqcogoo3:) o3o~o0, it is, or there is or are, he says, or negatively, quogSoooco:s, does he (or do they) say that the tide does not turn (i.e., that there is no reflex tide); c~ is the affix, also purely colloquial, used 492 toq when repeating to any one any remarks or conversation which one's selfmay have made, or had, with a third party; ooeg, I (fron. 6o in colloquial), v. to remain for a little while, to lodge in the house of a person (oCjcooSaSoS6oogSC go oogSolG0ooo&ops), to detain for a little while, to tuck or tie together slightly, to' collate, compare; ooSoogs cogs (pron. c3), n. a hut. — 36, n. a pin; ogoSaaS1 S ---- (when written together q pron. f), v. to sojourn, to dwell for a short time (ooqo56coooSoosq@oSog8 ooaoSco -- o5, n. a pointed stick used by tailors to tuck work together; a clip; oololgj119[3 co o8o3s5ooo:-cgo5on1 — 4 —%60, n. a temporary palace. oogS, 2, a. only, no more; used with numerals (in colloquial pronounced oc or b), ocwooonoos, only one; ooGCXooooS oog~,:a single one. oo0s, 3, adverbial formative, adverbs formed from nouns beginning with syllabic az by dropping the 3o, prefixing oo one, and affixing oog3, only, as ooooe~, even all to. gether, from cog, evenness, uniformity.-judson's Grammar, 126, 6. og:s, 4, adv. emphatic distinctive, used to designate an object with some particularity as 88=o00 c~coeo ~ oouooop, he gives to his youngest son, particularly, or in distinction rom the other, &c., see Grammar, 126, 8. oog, 5, verb. affix closing a sentence, used at the close of a simple sentence equivalent to the substantive verb fooa, to be, &c.-fudson's Grammar, 119. ooc9 (Pali), n. appetite, passion; comp. ccooo0 and cp0ooco Goo3aOSS (0oa cq6Cc;), inordinate appetency [uxoriousness, oc903 J. The three tanhas are kama tanhA (o3oo omcc), rupat (aoooc0o), arupat (oaoooc), desire for rebirth in the three forms of existence; another set of three is r6pat (joocaq,), arupat (0xcooc9)), nirodhat (oopQoc09D), desire for rebirth in the rupa world, desire for rebirth in the ar6pa, and desire for annihilation (nirvana); ooglq] cc8ca9S6Soowin ocs igo oocoOoSoocopen~ — cg, n. semen (coooqg is in more general use), co4 493 o ), n. violent, lustful longing (in men); comp. oSoo8o; applied reproachfully to men or women.; co)=ooo:sooaSooo5 Goo:0>gn oog0og$0 c9COT0@8oo61 oocsoogcgq86oowo@ogo~s c0oA, 1, v. to know how, be skilled in; ooo8cc~65ceSoorG18c~, to be so skilled as to be the acm6 of skill, understood; sometimes, when used as a qualifying affix, to be the way, custom, usual course, see Grammar, sec. 117; to be able to manage, ooc38gdo6op8q: ooooS8coos:oos or carry a matter out to completion. — aeS, n. ability; sometimes used as a verb, e.g., oodS3oosoo ---— gS, v. to have the ability to undertake or accomplish. — c80, adv. according to one's skill, according to one's will; o0oSP600GqIIoO(oSCq8: oq %ogOeoa ---— po5, v. to have acquired perfect skill, be master of, be au/ait, to be accomplished. -- GpSooo: (pron. wooc8cp8ol:), n. one who boastfully pretends to knowledge not possessed, an ignorant and pretentious practitioner in any branch of knowledge, a charlatan, a mountebank, a wiseacre; ooScap8o ooge1o u 0o — o$8, v. to be well skilled in, to be accomplished; ozoSo3: c8^~ oooS8sc8gogoog (oGooSoojgoooSo so8g^Gc^So0o Go:o1). oooS, 2, verb. affix closing a sentence, see Grammar, para. 119, e.g., @8q$oozoooSi cqoooooS3 cooxo0cooo; used only in composition. coc8wo (Pali c8 or @, three), a. the third; acggooS, ooGo8goo%: (pron. coral ), adv.; see (cs, same meaning as o3 s:'oog, but conveying the idea of muscular solidity. oooJ: (from o0q, to be diverse), pron. a. other; 840~o, 00C0:, oowl), chiefly used in combination with oq; oaooolqp:s, others, other people. coo8 (Pali), n. a little while; oo00000 -— 000o (pron. oos&3cnw) (Pali o000o, putting aside), adv. in the way of putting aside for a little while; azcqo~oSdoQaoo ocsooo5oi cool (Pali coolq89o), n. reflection; coGa0(~3 g6gi8us o4 (Pali oo), filth (obsolete). — c@8 (pron. frequently ooo8), n. a place of performing funeral rites or of disposing of the dead "by burning or burying; ocSmSsi:,,aoo$,oooooooooS ^,sog, [It is said to be more correct to omit the @8 in ooo@8 in composition.] 494 00o~: oo$8sots (pron. oo8g:8:), n. a reservoir or receptacle; oo$8: crgS:cYbgStkjoogn oo$,, V. to accord, be suitable; G.Gos sToScgSGoTogiiQGTooG cogSQoTcl, if it should be proper to employ counsel, I shall do so, and if not, I shall not do so; fit, sufficient, just sufficient, to be worth, worthy of; odo5o&p, to make suitable, sufficient, just; hence oo$Goo (imperative), make just sufficient, and no more, that is, stop. Der. 3soz$no6oo6S0 oo0$ Go033 Gsoa3 G018 sGp6 Co018: cl06q9 GG33 a08OC3g g86o801 eso^qGog dio5(."ooGooG ooGaGo@; molocgG3gog6Gosg, "if in moderation, physic, if in excess, danger;" co^Saoq o8cqjo0:6oo4oq-n1 oUGqp5ooppGqj3oSosohoogii oad: o^ 0&$ ogus, property of the value of Rs. 17. -— o, n. value, worth in price. 4$, 3, v. to be bad, vile, aggSoog (obsolescent); ooo60S oo (in colloquial this word is always pronounced owc), to incur some conventional or ceremonial deterioration or uncleanness; n. filth, uncleanness, vileness, wickedness, 3zSoma ctesx^8), [or to suffer deterioration of power or character through some inappropriate act, voluntarily or involuntarily committed, as an official, or as a person possessng drugs or charms of special virtue, going under a bridge; or as a person visiting a house where a confinement is taking place, or as one wearing the garments of any of the infamous classes or as when covering one's self with a ooB$ by one of the male sex]. ----, v. to remove such deterioration or uncleanness. o(i, t, n. the elements of literature in the phrases oituoo18os coa*ocp and oonIaoc80GOO( (0a91<ql: oonS$,noSnms). o3OSb (pron. ooGs488o), Pali, abbreviated to 0cG in writing; oGg, n. the sun, in the character of a planet, see under @o5, the first day of the week; o0Ggo5G j ioo:SA C~gs o.wl$ (pron. o48:co3), Pali, abbreviated to jSc& in writing; n. the moon in the character of a planet, see under 5oS, the second day of the week. o4$: (pron. oos), n. power; astooS, oo s,ooos iioEcn:qs oo$ gQiJToS1 (applied to Buddhs and rahandas). ---- ~, v. to be powerful, possessed of great influence. — c-0o (pron. coqs oo43), same. [Note.-o5qg:s is a term applied to greatly venerated Buddhist shrines and images of Buddh; gfoc8poqrp aoSooo^~@,ooFi;9oscous@soqs oSjoz6j08. CoSocoM 495 ooS@, v. to make a display of power. c$oooS (pron. oo)So), n. a field on the margin of a river, cultivated in the dry season and overflowed in the rains (local). co~o3 (pron. ooo), n. an ornament or article of embellishment, a tool, implement, utensils, an appendage of any kind; 3zooScoooon, o8a8goSooo, regalia; o0oo80o$xno, military uniform, accoutrements; [also applied (though vulgar) to the male or female organs of generation; coo=:o:4 oCo00 I08$O f 33 nO 8$QsO aoilo]. --— S, n. a case. - o00o (pron. oom cooo), n.; see ooC4oo oo03oo&8 (ron. osoSo-*), see next. - - -c8, n. a moveable pyramidal chandelier, presented and lighted at a pagoda; 8to0oo03U ---, v. to make an offering of such chandelier. o$cooo8$s (pron. coGostq$), n. Tazaungm6n, the eighth month in the year, nearly answering to November; co;oo8 $eoS5:o8As;,oosog~, the Tazaungm6n rain is worth one hundred thousand ticals of pure gold; cooooNocoqzpoS 8ojoa$GooEqSi qS:,osco@go~, it begins to be cold in Tazaungm6n, and the cold still continues being so in the month of Pyatho. o*Gco)8: (pron. oo03cb6 ), n. a four-cornered edifice with a graduated roof (comp. @oO), erected at a corner or over a gate of a royal city; or as an appendage to a pagoda. -- goooS (@3o) ), n. same in the latter sense. oo,, see under c~IS0 Co&[O0oo0 (pron. o3o[ooxo), v. to make comparison, to compare with (ooocg). --—, v. same. oo$ox3 (M0coo:) (pron. coalt), n. a bridge; hence 9o5oos:, n. a causeway. -._S, n. a wharf. — 3ooS@B, n. an abutment.. —o8, -oa, v. to bridge, make a bridge over. — -ooo, v. to build or construct a bridge. -:.-S, n. a draw-bridge; sozQgS:a co$ocq8s (pron. coj8:), n. a brick or stone wall (often pron. oD:n in colloquial); oq6p1mc84 n c woqoSoo S8cin coc8zcn ASn. RcDsaboo$cq0II o09:oo$$4:0, a term applied to great ministers of State, [similar in meaning to the English expression 'Pillars of the State' and the Hindi'stdni one Arkin-i-daulat]. The Burmese also. designate great ministers as giPso~tu PO@%So-s, lit. 'the shoulders and forearms o the Statel oD0SQ4B, n. black cotton soil. oto$( (Wron. oz4cB), n. a broom. -a7 oS0, see cogaScdjg:u -— oq:, n. sweeping; also called oo@o5.on3 - 6,3: (commonly pron. coadSogs), n. a broom (most common). -0 —o~4: n. the handle of a broom. — 931 (pron. c), v. to sweep with a broom; o6o*5sq(.ep c00 _9 Sp:qcoo: (89x0qcoo-), n. a sweeper' oooo -t(pron. co00a), n. a carpenter's rule. - W8o, v. to notch timber previous to hewing it; fig. ocownoo4 coeoo:oooGsoocCoooSooe~ (infrequent). co, v. to stop, remain for a little while; c8lfo%. Der. 03coj, to be checked as snake poison; ma88oo4G3 aolI - o8,) v. to make a stand (in view of an enemy); qc85o, to dilly-dally on a journey; oqo-ooou --- v, v.; see ooge o TGco38-me co)IsdqGoo~,q8-J0, and the embryo Buddh caused the chariot to stop; r-@8:o3As28 Goo o0:co8093 Coco>:oo0? ogn eo3oRn3S, B avictOO, owing to his dilly-dallying on the way, he had to sleep many nights in travelling a journey which he could have gone in one day. o4s:, 1, n. a place of detention, moderate confinement for debt or a slight offence (a lock-up)? U8$co4:oore~ qu Goo:8 xclqaU339Le3Q od 1,o I have not been (lit. not fallen into) in the lock-up or the jail; I have not even suffered confinement. [A very common expression of justification.] co$4:G0l 8:unoo8,o3 co$s, 2, n. the main-yard of a large boat. ooJS, 3, v. to extend in a line from one point to another; comp. oS&, to be extended in a straight line, and coi, to stretch out straight from a bent or curved position; to have the mind extended to or fixed on; 80i oo m coe or 4oS 8 co (c4OG ooSm 48 CO); to take a general or indefinite aim; more than;CP. Der. 008os 497 m33o$sVooco$O0G4, v. [to be on terms of strained intimacy; ogge~9GoV PcooSooG:ooPG D oog]. co-.Sfoo:cp, adv. in a disorderly, mentally deranged manner (o:8 8 oocp). ----:(oo(::), see oo$, 2nd and 3rd def. -— oo3 (o*oSootS), v. same. — co$4, a. or adv. stretched out, one end being secured and the other not; unfinished, cooSoo6oooSogS, (or as a wild animal which has been wounded with a spear carrying it off when escaping, e.g., ooS2.c(gio BSCooGo~ C~00oo$s coS0o1o3O00g~). --— o, n. a long building or range of buildings with a uniform roof extending through the whole range; oo~sotl — c-oSGcoo8, n. a long wing attached to the palace and occupied by the females of the harem (or the apartment in a monastery where the images are placed or which a pongyi occupies). -— og9 (pron. shaw), v. to be reduced from a higher to a lower grade as an official, or from a higher to a lower appointment. oos1, 4 (from o'o4s:, a line, row, class), a. beginning to be capable of bearing young; applied to animals, as Staooo$ (pron. 0os~os$), a heifer. — c —(pron. o3s), v.. to be equal, on a par, neither superior nor inferior; q$ogoo, a. or adv. alike, equal; coSc oogqap 986aoo3s3cq 6ooG og?ooSngoqSqj5oo ^@o3, their respective intellects are on a par. oo8,, n. a barrier raised for military defence, whether a stockade or the wall of a fortification, 00800811 a8oo8, Gapoo.o0I o01oo8; a regiment or company of soldiers, o60op0; a camp, encampment, o08c 6; a squadron of armed vessels, 036 ao3&.m00 0co1S'r8cn186o 61 -- n, n. the advance troops, the van of an army. — 9, v. to encamp, go into quarters. ---, v. to mrarch as an army. f ---G~, n. the footing, standing, posture of troops, in regard to steadiness of posture. -— o —oq1, n. a military clerk. (In some districts in Lower Burma the writer in a Police thanna is sometimes still styled SoooGa~.) 63 oo8B co8ooo$:q, v. to encamp on a march. -— 8:, v. to hold a stockade; co68ooqiioocx, oooooo8 meaning that ioo holding a stockade are able to defend it against 1,000 attacking it. — g —, n. the wing of an army. -- 058, n. a camp crier, who calls the attention of the troops to their various duties. ---— 0000S, v. to be drawn up as troops under arms. --— Goo60 Soo (pron. oo0=831), n. troops arranged in camp or under arms; o 8oo60;o8oo8soo8eo -- '0, — oo$s, n. military lines. --— D:o3, n.; see oogc5, a wing of an army. — q$:o8, v. to lie in ambush; oo6qQ:o8ooae~o [ooSq$oowog]. --— qoS, v. to be put to utter rout, utterly discomfited and disorganized as a body of troops. --— 6@ao8ogo8, n. a deserter. --— qo:, n.; see oa n - o, n. the main body of an army. -- - go, n.; see comgSn -— g, v. to be completely destroyed, as a body of troops (to be hemmed in on all sides as an army). -—:, n. the commander of a company, a captain. -- @S, v. to lay in ambush; oo88ooooooian ".. 86, nn. a camp, encampment.. ---ooo:, n. a private; coooScSc8. (The Burmese name for English soldiers is coTcp and for sepoys e6QS). 0806, v,. to put in, fix in, more permanently than'&c?l4Roj xoscaoo8ooSol, put the buttons on the coat; Gooo0ci2 oo5 cdoSol, fix the handle on to the chisel. oS, 3, v. to have an appetite for, particularly to lust after; epo <5ooSB( o oulgroooogoo&ooo8og6<, @^sp). -— i (from 8~, to stain), v. to feel strong passion for, to be ardently covetous, grasping.. — oS, -CooSoo, v. to have an appetite or desire for (any object of enjoyment); oooSGooSG:, n. craving appetency; co iooS coieonS@, concupiscence; GcooogooSQoa3coozG, acquisitiveness, cupidity; oo0S6ooSv 13jOi 0cQoocog o3 cools1 499 WcYS C~ mso 00B C& V603 oi0: 49A 90wooo (o OOooo:)~c~ oa):oosS-( OG dp o~oocoeG g3ofOfi coen-oo:3O:ioSS"CCoq cf~so~G3 oo~i 008, 4, v. to be certain (not used). Der. m0o8li oe3we-po448 -m8, -008, adv. certainly, positively, actually; 9$9co4c& )oc~CjqICBP ~05WL-L(0C)508@800clog~ - C8, adv. with certain (more frequently used with anoS) knowledge. couoB (pron. occA), n. a garment worn by women over the shoulders, a shawl (Gjqool); c uooSofloocal:Ioeu coo80o5 (pron. oe8qS), a. unmarried, applied to the king's daughter that is not given in marriage; ooo80A88scas, generally given in marriage to the succeeding king.: —a, n. the palace occupied by the said daughter. - Gc9mo3, n. a ladder for climbing toddy trees in Upper Burma made of a single bamboo. The rounds (o=o5or8) consist either of the natural shoots (ols:o=) of the bamboo itself, which are added to if too short, or other pieces of bamboo, which are secured by strips of rc63S from the stalk of the tan leaf. The ladder superadded to the coo& oq98Gcqm is called q8pt -ol, )it. the Bambusa villosula, an almost simple stemmed, rarely tufted, bamboo, arising usually from a stalk of the thickness of a man's arm. 0o0o (pron. oatj or coo), i. a scholar, disciple, an apprentice. - coo0$S, -cooS3cw, -0c o:), n. same as aoool - Cco-S, 2i. the disciple of an eminent teacher; pron. I, mas., used in addressing a p6ngyi, a religious teacher (should be properly preceded by c:s:, e.g., oqusoou&co5). -c0oSo (n. a female disciple), pron. I, fem., used in a similar manner, p:qqDooo~~cc5n50 -coCySo:,I, n. same. aoo0cS0 (pron. coeoSq8), a. second-hand, half-worn, applied to clothes; ooo50-:, adv. in one turn; (applied also to timber recently felled and da-dressed from which the sap has not been entirely expressed; cPoa:s*oooo~r-8c,@o5@). — is, v. to tie up the hair in Burmese fashion (cooScoq?). o3ob (pron. 0ol:o), num. a. one, see Grammar, p. 284; pron. adj. other; =@o:aoolot (coc36Oicol:Orwo3a, another person; 5100 WQ8=oOo ooP&3'1, At thbe time of going to some othr place). ccx0:00% adv.; see a4ooolso Io~a (trim. ooG6l&),.n. Tabaung, the twelfth month in the year, nearly answering to March; ovqA.CdqA8Q2O1S I-ot in the..4y4~me,.coldaat night-, The month Tabaung, wanton and light. o~qo~o1l- (tron._ Oo6li), adv. to some other place (for a little while, as when speaking of relieving a natural necessity, oooOav, o. [cCi8of8agogS has the same meaning, but is an- Upper Bur m-a term.] 4( (pron. co&~,o), n.'Tabodw6, the eleventh month in the year, early answering to February; c qcl.c~ c@S6)n. a corruption of o4L(o~os, a broom. CQIn. cog& as the symbol. of q~ C, is inherent in the e~ of coo& it is said to be incorrect to write the word with a C cq~tos, verb, affix; see imo (co8:c~ooz4:mo*o, if such indeed should. be the case, or if indeed it should be so); Gm cpco*co.cxqcqdj, " hay! you man, will you sell me the dog~? In the event, of your purchasing, give me ioo -pieces of.silv er for it, said he-." co4,SoS (pron. m!@WSo) (from coB, one, P8, to be or do together, arnd oza4%o5, a collection), adv. at once, simultaneously, all together; coR~8.~6coe~t, e.g., o8S 0 cogcS, n. a species of custard apple, uvaria, M. co~cyxo (pron. co5a~c) (from ooS, one, so~oS, a bubble, and 0q, to boil), adv. at beginning to boil; oocc 65orSj o~oad (ooooo5) (from co, other, and -Q'o65, one of a pair). a. blind of' one eye; q~cB~o~oc634s (not polite); OZIOOSC9U OWW-Omoz l n. a partial or ex-parte statement. -GO:)8~co8,n. a bench with a back to it. -GOO~dWv. to make a partial or ex-parte statement (i~e., to the detriment or damage of another). GPop&,v. to carry on one's shoulder (as a. child, a chatty, basket, &c.). 000$ 5o0 ocso5oogdo, adv. on one side. In colloquial, in speaking of opposite banks of a river, the Burmese frequently say crooo3 00oooC, though how they reconcile the use of oorXo,-5 with things inanimate is certainly curious, e.g., ~8oo-ooo~oooEi@^~^6o0o 36oooiC-j611 -— P-, n. lit. with one ear only," an expression used when an ex-parte statement is believed. - q.d2o, n. a shed with a roof sloping on one side only; usually on the west side of a house (a pent-roof) -- 9, a. blind of one eye, ooo5,o$s; also applied to silk fabrics as coooSc3q8~9ooooo9ool1i --- 9.,. v. to make one-sided representations with a view of gaining some advantage over another. - ooSaSGog*, v. to give an ex-parte decree. -- oo —08, v. to give an ex-parte decision. -— 3, n. one of another party, another, not one's self; co9CooSCoo:, other people. oo0, n. a kind of song; see o0003@80sgos0::00 Gooao jJooCu GOO.1804jd oog80oool (from 3o@8, outside), adv. elsewhere, pertaining elsewhere, or to some other work or way (than was expected or ordered); oo@8oool:gooogin oo ol.coo7qI@ooS,,o 00o coooooooouii oogo5g, adv. immediately, at once, in a trice, twinkling, suddenly; joS8oSns6383^gooOOoS^ SGcpSGg5 qo^ 0oo5, n. way, manner, custom; see aooS: and o0i cn08 (from cooefco:, which see), this word is as often'used in colloquial as ooo8coo; adv. in colloquial often corrupted into oo38o6ooo, wittingly, on purpose (Qo oog~))r purposely, wilfully, intentionally, expressly, deliberately, without cause, unjustifiably, wantonly, to make a point of doing; oGscooo~,ooegocoSolwGooS),loanbGooo38.o5 01ooa, I did not strike him wantonly, I struck him because he abused me; oaS3goo,8co:ooSoRoogoo, I entered his house on purpose. ooloox (Pali), adv. in utter ignorance. This is also a word used in the Burmese ooitnoocoox:Cco, lit. in a short period of time, a short syllable, in contradistinction to B0oooco, a long syllable. o00$, n. a messenger sent from some high authority; comp. oS, S hence o~oo4, an ambassador, an envoy; sonoosooo4, a 50s c041~0 heavenly messenger or angel; oooo5oo, an apostle; o~o ce~S:opuacooug= Soo, to send as an envoy or ambassador (see vamo8ooo$); Go uxoSY4nooo$ r0oo n aqxoowSnuU (Q0co ooS). aos, a the soil of a rice-field broken up and softened for sowing seed; coao:o$ 803 qc3oOa5oo8@tQcOS lcloouoos q(jo: e~rcoo~ll covco~s (oS), n. a kind of tree in Upper Burma producing a valuable timber said to resemble mahogany. ooof, n. the future; in the phrase oooog$ooo, the future state; - ooc2c8XoosooE o8,3t)ao o0A, n. a dam, small and less substantial than ao~~ torcoi1. W. —,) -0oo, -OW, -cqS, v. to make such a dam. 003, 1, n. one kind of parrot, said to be difficult to teach to speak; ogoco also applied to a certain sect of Brah. mins; s;aqsoo~Eg3o3-V o0000, 2, n. the tragacanth tree [the 'neem' tree of India]. - Olt, n. the Persian lilac, pride of China, pride of India, M. --— oa, n. tragacanth. -_cpa5, n. the Rondeletia tinctoria, M. — gJol, n. a leaf of the said tree, the projecting points in the form of the said leaf set round a cap of state (se8:Qoo:S 926OE=Us2o3). 0oca0s0M,) n. a corruption of oo&uo~o cpo0o03s, adv. in a laborious or menial manner unsuitable to a person's character or circumstances, implying that a person has not even time to sit down and rest, but is compelled to work standing up. This word is not often used. coo8gs, n. ornamental cords, trappings. co~$, n. the commander of a vessel; co o5:)oO9, (very rare in colloquial). ooCn (oo.) ooW, verb. affix, closing a sentence, see Grammar, sec. 119; -c:,otSo 4 nJuAooooooj (obsolete). ooR, see goom1o oog, used adjectively, poor, inferior; applied to elephants (oW2 ogosoog, same in meaning as 1.Gat30o:.oc), and to gold. ooqot, n. the day before yesterday. In colloquial usually combined with o, as coq8copuoocn, the other day. @oqgoS 503 coq15t, n. the year before last. In colloquial usually combined with ovooq:pigcoN oo@oS, n. a species of anethum, see o@oSo coSG.oc, adv. in an absent, dejected manner. ogoS,( n. a kind of royal umbrella, see aozcg, which it very cl sely resembles in meaning. In the cgxRl$s (p. 22) there is the following definition of cogoS8noogo.90o ooo. Go8J@6iOgS|| @OloeNcogayc omgoSdo3uoo a3G1awgoSg& ooco8esG0Co86S(SGoo0Q 0ooogll 0o5-, v. to think of with regret; not used singly. Der. qoo$n. 0005, i, v. to be very (good, bad, &c.); used as an intensive prefix merely; e.g., ooo$csoo6so% for GooSB0ooa3~, it is very good. -.-8aq, adv. exceedingly; :,,o a,ooigS&, a very vicious horse; oSOqiJoo5000Soq @op~, do not speak too much (i.e., do not go too far in your speech, sir); co003 q89o q)ooloo. 3 oa ooal=~Swq oog:S,, in this place there are many tigers, do not go about too much at night; oo5:soGoo5ooj, it is not very suitable. [Note. —ooS8 OG implies to over do anything.] o00S, 2, v. to decoy (a wild bird) by means of a tame one; comp. d1o%.o5,g:ooSn @o5oo6S. os 18oo6 cnooBoS, a decoy fowl; oo:, a decoy dove. — c8$e8 (pron. oogS), n. a decoy jungle-fowl, see c68e,8 OoGW00, i, n. a violin, fiddle; oocooo, coxoosu -— q:, v. to play on the violin or fiddle. — d~}soS, n. a fiddle-stick. -— cgt, n. a fiddler. cooSwo, 2, n. blind aloes; ow-ooo, M. coqo5, n. a Tartar, native of Tartary; obolScqoSio ooqooS, i (pron.. oqoo&), adv. in a slovenly slatternly manner, as a p6ngyi wearing his robes, o3.c5 coosqooS; also applied to ordinary wearing apparel, e.g., in a slovenly manner, e.g., qA-*ooqotoS@s., as in wearing a puhso too long. coqooS, 2, n. a kind of fan used by priests. coqi, n. the Malay tapir, M. coqW@S (os), n. the changeable lantana, M., sometimes corrupted into coi$n 564: 0o010, f. law, the laws of the moral world collectively, or any particular principle or law, that which accords with the aws of the moral world, or the established system of jiist retribution, right, equity, justice; a law-suit (Pali og), v. to accord with mdral law, to be right, equitable, just, e.g., OOOcp:oo~8&:, a very just official; oqOscscSoo&cq&t6,' a lai1tsi or irreligious country. - C- r. to be contrite; a term applied to persons who have forsaken their evil ways. -6, n. a defendknt in a court or an accused ini a criminal' case; comp. coqpcq; cops33CoaSco3 or ox5@o:SCo5G'OO' a witness for defendant in a civil or for an accused in a crihnindal case. -.2, n. a place of judicature, particularly the inside of the bar of a court [a Jiidge's or Magistrate's bench]. k-o r, fn. the cost 6f a law-Suit. -., v. to admiinister the law, to decide or pass judgment in' a case (as an inferior 6ffici8l, properly speaking; cba-:cqIO9S, as a superior dne). G-o~, v. to be conscientious, scrupulous (osq:soGo~, to be. unscrupulous). v~ t. to institute a suit, proseute ini laW, to sue,arraign; 8cp m-oQqu coe, in Upper Burma ooouoote o~ aocspi 74-r:56, v. to decide a case; in a restricted sense to decide or pass judgment in a particular case (usually nomadays in a civil case).. —6o&oj-q (pron. oSOqS), n. an inferior tribunal (a placewhere the sacred law is preached). -C ocro.8, n. a law-suit. - qg2, v. to engage, or be a party, in a law-suit. -.o2oo6S, n. a party~ in a law-suit; copaoobo - 4.%R#, n. a law-suit. - dcaooS~, n. a chi*ch clerk. - 3,, v. to hear preaching., v. to gain a cause in law; conpi16 oScoo, the witnesseis of the party which gains a civil case..offiS, n. a Magistrate or Judge's bench. o3%8 505 oOpsa8o85,s, n. in Lower Burma the Judicial Commissioner; also styled ocpsooS.:@ and cgo5GcooSoS:cn --— oq, Z.; see ooqa:Pa0, - oo5 (ooS), v.; see oscps ogooS -— o, n. a civil case. -- o4s, n. a civil court; comp. cpQoooSjs --— >oq, n. a Civil Judge. -—, adv. lawlessly; oosSooo8:@g9cp:goq8aooo) ---, n. a law-suit, business pertaining to religion. -— 5i8&~ao8, v. to " discharge," as an accused, implying that the case may, on further evidence being procured, be reopened. --—:, v. to lose a civil suit. - coS: (from oopz, a moral principle, and coS:, a road), n. the path of duty, a moral course, morality; ooqp&coSGroS.8:,( — q, n. a plaintiff in a civil or a complainant (or prosecutor) in a criminal case; ooq:03pooSco3, n. a witness for the plaintiff in a civil or for the prosecution in a criminal case. — _ocoo*, v. to be litigious-; to be possessed with a strong desire, to observe the moral precepts. - 0oS, v. to be of age in law. — o00o0, n. an assembly convened for religious or judicial purposes; oopg:30Sogo~Go:osa>n -— oq9, n. an administrator of justice, a Judge; see cpoooSo — C —0, v. to preach; oo:qDsootaoS, n. a preacher and expounder of the law. -— 00woo, n. a sermon or homily. 00o, n. a Chinese, native of China (usually pron. oocqoS). -— _, n. a jacket made by a Chinese tailor. --— o, n. a venetian. — G — qa, n. a (Chinese) joss house; wro.2ac8, n. a joss stick. — o-O, n. Chinese paper. — 0coo (pron. oob), n. the Chinese champak; ooc3o35ooo6o — oo, n. the Japanese sparrow.-S. 64 So6 oodr~s coxs.: (cota&&:), a kind of (dried) plum (with an acid flavour) introduced from China. - cof:, n. China street, the Chinese quarter in any city. ---— s8x, n. a Chinese nat festival. S-96bn, n. a Chinese New Year's festival. - olBS, n. the building in which Chinese secret societies hold their meetings. --— Qe~: (pron. egog), n. an arboreous shrub with a fine leaf; the flower resembles that of the vachellia tree, except that it is white instead of being yellow; the pod, which is curiously contorted, is edible; comp. wr-oo~N$egs.-S. - 9, n. Indian ink. onqlo, adv. for a little while; applied to words of sleeping; oocsR in0oooa, to awaken and get up after a nap; oP8oSc%68 q ~%, I must again take. a nap; aS84oo(2q9 %OqWoae (or oor.G-f)GoS)rosoo:(q5 ), I was sound asleep for a short time only. co-0Sp., adv. same; oocqoGSjQa8n -oe (amoG@) ooc:c,*1, adv. steadily, applied chiefly to words of seeing; usually applied to mental vision, when it signifies firmly, reall, indeed, truly, according to the context; szcj8cqc o oisCq066s69 ia00 0a3 o6cs6ocn8tgoooa g40sco00oSI sao,8 Q8&CO-ac ~0Q3mo6LcC6 GCO,8.~ co(;sqsr9,o~oae1 ~om 8c.m4 oo-oscoco oopq,, n. a species of linden-bloom grewia, M. oo5.j, n. the Tavoy name for da coGooySc~., adv. all along, through entire length, all the way, the whole way, e.g., @8000GoOSo 0 coSo g:oSog0&O~a3o mcGpo8ojo8, adv. moderately, appearing and disappearing as a chronic disease; rp-AS(gQoTsg oGoGoCSm wsajsl:oo~II coco8&, n. a clear, level spot of ground (oC08o20s09MOO,80-106 cocoS8), o61cn S:IsiGcSooco uilSmcoo:%s, a threshing-floor. - c-, v. to smear over a threshing-floor with a mortar made of dung and other ingredients in order to close the cracks in the ground so as to prevent the paddy falling into them. - cg&o6:qaS,-, v. to sell paddy while it is still on the threshingfloor..-@S, n. same. cooq&S 507 coo08v;6~8, v. the same, made quite clear of grass, refuse, &c. r.0030811 ocool (Pron. =o601), n. a large shovel; comp. c$s4gos and og:%8: go:. The use of this word is said to be peculiar to the city of 88coo in Upper Burma. Woc0cy5, accented on the second syllable, n. a kind of mango considered by the inhabitants of Lower Burma to be very luscious (see ~o5a), another kind which grows in Upper Burma); this word is said by some to be written oocxohi coco60qjl0, n. the Tavoy name for camphor; oac8S, oo0000CO, adv. in a vain, rambling manner; sG8ogQcoSuoqZio-In -- G c3 g?(@?, adv. same, e.g., ma868 ooo03a~co400 (or mocuu cnG@GFT ) c GcyO6GeX, without having any employment, he remains walking about the streets in a vain, rambling manner. oonfiS, n. the Hamilton teak. coci00, n. a coffin, or any receptacle in which a corpse is placed to receive funeral rites; cooo:-9:0o0, coSO -oo88cSoS (pron. o88&), n. a hearse; cooooS ao:9'sn — coSR, n. a bier. o?coogsoS (frequently pron. ooooz:qo8), n. a cook-house belonging to a monastery; 8-oo8o80qsotauS coc8c8 (os), n. the rourea plant, M. cooqS, n. the Tavoy name for w8r.018?, M. oooprmBs, adv. (rare), see coooor-s8, concernedly as in the way of thinking over one's faults with regret; G A8.Gai Gm:)8:09002~11 cA6OZa, adv. repeatedly; co&'0, -u-ooaScon&'OicO8o'U cocq8s, n. a Peguan Talaing; V~ LAlompra stigmatized them with an appellation suggestive at once of their submission and disgrace. Talaing means " one who is trodden under foot, a slave." The word is made up of the Min root (c8S:) "lain," to tread under foot, and the nominal particle oo " ta," cocq8: implying persons trodden upon, " slaves."]. - wq8-, n. Pwo Karin. -@$oo, n. Talaings and Burmans collectively; a term frequently used in colloquial, e.g., coJ8: feoo o(&4:58:, coCoG80oG8coOC6S cl:09sg~8 clc8:@&8I cI gCE~,jOc3oRGO _50, -0561; S9bm 8~joz~S:0 (8o~~,P. 7). Proverb, cocqs G~8GOGa' "0the scissors have dominion over the head of the Talaing." offl (Pali) (Pron. cx4), n. filth, uncleanness, vileness, wickedness; aoe~SG~vese~8g.81 o ring-worm produced by uncleanliness. co5o8:1 (pr-on. o~oo~), n. the outrigger of a boat, see o~@01rc /o5a (pt-on. ooq), n. a knee of a boat or ship, a crook for: a knee; o5Nmoeu cx5cqo (o050 (co) (pt-on. oos) n. Tagu. The first month in the.year, nearly answering to April; ooVolE —oj-. Q5gOoo&-ao5~o csoe~&o~j co:co~r$ (co& u~~o~oG.~ srs:oDgsn cp:)-a5jq: the part of the month of Tagu which is before the Burmese New Year (?) c665 (pt-on. co6), n. a support for the back, anything to lean against; comp. ao~, with which it is often coupled; frequently used figuratively, when it sigrnifies help, support, assistance (generally derived from some one superior to one's self): o m~*j~ocL~-vocjq m U8Goo5~8opS, even a Buddh can only appear with a support, meaning no Bo tree, no Buddh; c9roS~oc~R OOGCO00S08o~:Cm, I am in such distressed circumstances because I have no support or stay. 05-4)n. ornamental carved work in the throne of a Buddh, or a monarch. y5Qowo-d (Pt-on. cooolo6S), n. the bend under the knee, the ham, x. the hamstring; o5Gooo6c,@)DC9OOS3%8O5eII n. same; C% C O0 6(QJ GOZY~i v. to hamstring. 6~c4 (Pt-on. co) n. the roof of a boat, made with a ridge-pole, like the roof of a house, 005c~rol8t (pt-on. c~o~ro ). o&8 (Pt-on. cu)V), n. an impaling stake; comp. o64s: 0*o~8&~ pr~(~ton. sho), n. in orinary intercourse o~~jo~o~ c.-d( c n.oin o ordS c~cq8oe~* (pt-on. csoq~e~), n. a kind of braided broom. cx5ls (Pt-on. cool -), n. a door, a postern or gate (e.g., as the gate of the city~, (rG@roo1t),,O8 hDG 43GO1O ) ~s3,2 509 oQoqicq& (usually pron. oopl;S),.. a bolt or bar; ocoCicq&n oWol Sog8c:ii os01 gcOso8, v. to make secure with a bolt, to bolt, see QS:o~8, which is applied to gates of large size. -- es~:, n. same. - n,. sill or threshold of a door. — cok (pron. ooolohoo), n. a door-keeper. nqS, n. a lintel. -, n. the red postern in the palace at Mandalay. — Go16, n. the back part of the leaf of a door which terminates in a point, above and below, on which the door turns (the " cheek " of a door). See under oGol68I — ~Os, n. an arch or frame over a door or gate, a triumphal arch. - o, n. a chief who has charge of a gate. - gcB, n. the leaf or fold of a door. - 0o, n. a doorway, a gateway; o16ol oloSii o5q11 (pron. oC09l) (from q1j, to twist off), n. a forked pole to twist off fruit and leaves with; 3&o8sqo5 SogoSogm, to gather fruit by twisting it off by means of a forked pole; 8~osqg, n. a jocular term for an instrument used by boat thieves for introducing into boats for the purpose of abstracting property, 8$o 5q so^xog5ox (local). oo5@Soegs, n. a stiff broom or straight rake used on the ground. o3~ (pron. coa), n. a streamer offered in worship, the tail of a comet or other heavenly luminary, a pennant; o5R~@xcs -aq0o6o: (fron. as spelt), n. a streamer connected to its staff by a curved stick or bamboo; said to be but little used nowadays, see CoSooMg — (S0o, n. a paper streamer in the shape of a fowl's tongue, see under @Scqpo5o$ii — c~8 (pron. ooq8), n. a sacred flagstaff. -- 08000o, n. one who makes an offering of a sacred flagstaff. — o8qkc5, -ok, v. to erect a sacred flagstaff. -— &9q-, v. to be deficient in ear as the rice-plant, or any cereal. -- q, v. to make an offering of a sacred flagstaff ([c05, to make an offering of a sacred streamer]. Sio oo-o-' ooVoost, n. the mark e, e.g., ooon when applied to a final consonant aoooS, or to the vowel 0ogo080o. Formerly teachers frequently instructed their pupils to say o5$ggo: instead of .gq, e.g., -ooI oo2$cgSaoso (oo.ooaoog co00o og$ Og3z~cGOO) olh, gg^O~OOSOOcOgcsu co50 (oocl), n. a fisherman, acQo cl,1 -- co0 (pron. ocog.oS), the Southern Cross. " —q, n. a locality inhabited by fishermen; ocl~q5oocl gouool oo$gn --— b, n. a fisherman's hut. aoBoS (pron. ooaoS), the eaves of a roof; a g$:soocSn --— @o68, n. the lines of the eaves; 0ooooCS: Go,-qG3o8 - qcS: poo~, it rains so that the water falls from the line of the eaves. The expression is frequently used by the Burmese when describing a heavy shower of rain; coooS Goos38o4ooooSqv3:S gooo meaning that it, rains sufficiently to fill a aSsSo, an expression more in use in Upper, than Lower, Burma. — 4 —o, n. the line of the eaves. — @.o (pron. ooooSSoS), n. the extreme ends of the eaves. " — co-S@oo q, n. water thrown back on the roof of a house and caught again for medicinal purposes. This water is mixed with medicine and administered to those supposed to be possessed by an evil spirit or witch. It is also thrown upon mad dogs by their owners under the belief that such animals will not revisit the house. ooo6s (pron. ooo)8:), n. a file; ^SgGSo e asooowojstcgs:go " — @Sg, n. a rasp. " —oo, n. filings. - 8-oS, v. to cut a file. — (3.) co.S, v. to file. --- (~) cos, v. to sharpen with a file, as a saw. cooge (pron. ch:), ), n. an adz. ooog (pron. ooo), n. a sickle. -— o9, n. the droppings left in reaping..-(~) 6oS, v. to reap with a sickle. ODGO)C 511 o5q$s (pron. ooq$:), n. a branch of a sunken tree, a snag; acq$: co qoS0ooeq$~08d3oC8 8:C353 s, the steamer sank owing to its striking on a snag. oq5sol: (Promn. oo1cI), n. a pole, used as a poker at the burning of a dead body; 8srco3=Scom8c& 054019i0cpsoe, a kind of cup is made from the joints of these pokers for the purpose of holding charmed medicine. The medicine is tattooed into a person's flesh as a preventive against witches and evil spirits. oco38 (pron. ooao8), n. a long circular or angular chisel. o5q (pron. oo~), n. a spit or anything of the kind; comp. 03o0lS - moco2oq8 (pron. mio nq8), n. skewer. - C~-, v. to spit, thrust a spit through, put on a spit and broil. 6aO (pron. o3z), n. a present made in order to pervert justice, a bribe; o3~: p 610-u 0ot-?p o 3u o: 0o6ro8on ~cS~e~oSno ao&~aqn ac omgcgSoij~cooa — ow, v. to take a bribe. -- oxBa3 o8, n. a bribe; coqeogScsooI-"0,,:: 13DaG@:'oo0g 5,c4o:-P Sc usoeuo8E, an official who takes bribes very largely. - 6~'-, v. to bribe. oQ8S (pron. o38aS), n. a mark or impression made by stamping; a stamp or seal; Gnc86o03-,l11o, Government stamped paper. - Qo&, — ~5, v. to stamp. -,, n. a stamp, seal. 05i8, n. split bamboo stick to roast or toast with; see aZE68 said to be derived from co*Oe8, a split bamboo used for expressing the juice of the tan; ea~-;c, 25:( o0i dooa6y8:o 984goo8&xg cjooocg sicQ gcr5oS46~ ojSoo, n. a kind of basket or box (obsolete). oocn68 (xcco-)8) (pron. 0=6c18), n. the elbow, the arm from the elbow to the middle finger's end. c-r~-, n. the inner bend of the elbow. - oo (pron. csx00z8ob), n. the elbow (the funny bone). -~coa:, n.; see o5jooscvrgu 512 CaUA ScoooS6@s, n. the radius [the exterior bone of the forearm, de"scending along with the ulna from the elbow to the wrist]. -— ~tcS, n. the ulna [the larger of the two bones of the forearm which reaches from the posteriorpoint of the elbow to the side of the wrist on which the little finger is placed]. 5oo.g (cbco:) (fron. oo(os), by corruption ocog: (ocg), n. saliva, spittle; oGcogtoaoo8Sgoo, v. to have a copious salivary discharge; ooc:gs-oo5SodS, to be careless, regardless of all conventionality as to where one spits (o6oggag05dbqo5 Gq1ooasoo~, an expression said of a person who has committed a shameless, or exceedingly foolish act). — C, V. to spit. oaqoS (o56doS), see os5ooSu og1 (ron. cow), n. a tooth-pick, a stick used to clear the teeth with; J)oSoou - oot, v. to use a tooth-stick. P6ngyis incur guilt if they do not use a tooth-stick regularly on rising every day shortly before dawn (before they perform their ablutions). — 0-, n. the Harrisonia Bennettii a tree leafless in the hot season, armed with short, straight prickles and bearing rather large reddish white flowers, which give place to depressed drupes.-K. It is so called by the Burmese because they make tooth-sticks from its wood. Tooth-sticks are also made of the wood of the i:i o8iaSo o8:, I (pron. oo~:), n. a horn to blow with. o5q:, 2. (pron. ooz), n. a wave, billow; c~S i oqo (oo) (froi. oosa), n. a rod, stick to whip oxen, buffaloes, or horses with, also called @6S:-S or cobog@So C6o5s (pron. oooS), n. a paint-brush, tooth-brusb, map swab. - 0-o, n. the same with a long handle. o05oooS (pron. os0oo8), n. a common saying or song (o6oac8 cooos@6) said to originate among children, but to be fraught with some mystic, prophetic meaning; C~ioSoooo>8 (oos,0Os). -- qgS, -&oT, v. to originate as such saying or song. o6gi: (pron. oo;Is), n. a ruling line; j,:o5, a rule, precept, S-o06, — q, v. to apply a ruling line. -— 4:, -,o, v. to cast lots by the broken stick. 000 513 o6o, n. a short wind instrument used in the palace at Mandalay when the king went abroad, a kind of drum, oe~n o B00ongoSgN: sgi.08:Ioep o59~, n. a long wind instrument used on the same occasion in the palace at Mandalay as the oia, a kind of drum. o5698 or c0538, n. mirage, the dazzle of the sun's beams reflected from a sandy plain, occasioning an appearance like water; G6O98n 60oo809:rn pse ago3aso3G3 a(yoooqcqao 0~8~~ ^~S (~8b 6 0 (^OajoSg Qo 3G03>Cp0u63 U oco (pron. ocl and oo), n. a spy;,o c0^110 c co.o,5 o ooii In Upper Burma %sGooaooSoojGcoo: is in far more frequent use. --— O5, v. to send out, or employ spies. o5oo8s (pron. oo000), n. a sharp peg or stick driven into the ground, particularly to impede the approach of enemy; G@4o5oa8:, Sometimes these pegs or sticks are poisoned. They are said to be made of the bamboo called cooS o5oooS (pron. oorjo5 and ooqoS and oqo6), n. a strickle, a levelling stick used to level grain in a measure. --— cf:S, v. to level with a strickle. In describing very level or flat ground, the Burmese use oodcqj~: figuratively, e.g., RS8oozqg3booooSqo'j6:o c^gcm6, in the city of Shinsawboo the ground is as level as if it had been levelled with a strickle. oD,- 1, n. a box; ooSooo (obsolete). o03, 2, v. to measure with a ta, a measure of length equal to seven cubits (some tas are eight cubits). In measuring distances along a road or highway, the seven cubit ta was the standard; in measuring ditches or drains, the eight cubit ta. Der. oo3, n. measure, length, distance, an allotment, portion of work; 33ooonei, (oo) qcqcaoOoou@8csoooho3 — A-:, n. a pot used in the festival of the new year, see under oor, -— c, v. to fall to one's share of work; eawcooogau — @ ---:, v. to take a preliminary canter over the course in a horse race, to take a preliminary paddle or row over 'the course in a boat race, or take a preliminary run over a course as human beings in a foot race. -—, — GO, v. to allot, assign a portion of work. 65 onogo, v. to " trim " an embankment. - o-a,, v. to dig or construct an embankment or bund (oo0 --— 5, n. a post set up to mark the distance on a road at intervals of 1,000 tas each (or mile-posts on an embankment, or bund). -- vdE,, v. to measure with a ta. --—, v. to calculate the portions of labour previous to distribution. — g0364 (oo0-o3A,,), see oo3A.- (obsolete). -— c8:, n. a starting-post. -- W:, n. an embankment or bund. --,oSg, n. an embankment or bund. -- oqS, v.; see oo:ou -oi, n. an allotment, portion of work, quota, see mooho3o0 — o@8, -~, v. to incur responsibility; oo:oSq-~g.oxo8 ^q<5 ego3cc s o$.5c8.Bo5, if this man should decamp without paying his debts, you will be held responsible, sir; to be accountable for. S —y:, v. to possess great efficacy as medicine; co0Soo: Poo, 3, v. to cling to (obsolete). Der. c~oou ?o93 ogSoo-,i --— o-S, v. to cling to from a feeling of attachment, see 0oo5 coo, 4, v. to be very red, flaring red, see qapoo1 tqqo,$$o ooo: oos8oomoo, this person comes wearing a very red puhso; o6q, 2~90:oo0c., so red as to be flaring. cozooooo4q (c8oo00ooo), n. a flattering, deceiving fellow; oc8A-: The Burmese use this term in a tone of raillery, somewhat as the English say, " you rascal," " you humbug," with good-humoured pleasantry, or in a slightly satirical manner; oc84,ioc8c o5DDooooooqo3S-'cooos, "so deceitful, you little rascal." oooot, see under c~,, coop (Pali), n. a constellation. --—:4c:, n. the nine principal conste'lations arranged to correspond with the twenty-seven asterisms (*ogoS), namely, cODOM:, C4OOOCPU 05000, 08500000OZP O2900, (2c0Y0:pD a C808 515 oqco-J, q~~~l 783, 06%18003GPU C.O&, 05CImCcWF CODg, CD800a coozop~ (pron. ooooq%) (Pali ooc)q, the palate, and ona palatal produced from the palate, applied to consonants of the' o class. ccx~oc$3& (Pali), n. the second stagre of the world of nats situated on the summit of the Myinmo mountain, see under ~o4dSp' In the centre of the earth is the mountain called Maha Medru (@8-:q), which from its bae to its,Mummit is 168,ooo yojanas in height; on its top is the de'valoka called Tawutisa, of which Sekra (c8 -~j) is the regent or ehief.-M.B. cODA, v. to prevent in any way, Whether oo:, 6, 8or noti cxoe -8v to impede, see -c8t:csrx - gv. to prohibit, see @6000-.1 -o1 G a (Law), n. a warrant to stay execution in a civil suit. mCOPi,10 adv. by a very little; chiefly prefixed to c~ooeu..-JG-oCm, adv. same (most common);ojS c8, v. to pare off (the end) in order to make even. Der. socB, to cut off a little bit evenly, to be exactlyr even as a sum of money; oo Gta ccck1 as the end of the walking stick is pointed, pare it off to makie it even; G;8c860.~00& 6gz8c&869~o%, there are an even Rs. 70.. —~ladv. quite smooth on the end (as a piece of: nicelyrounded carpentry work); o~cooo q1: loasco GmoZ&1.2c8o~:o~-., ad-v perfectly circular; co~'OoGoo~occ ~G)o.as the moon is not yet full, it is not yet perfectly circular. POPQS, ad/v. same as c8c8o~Oo~su -q,~, ac/v. evenly, as several ends cut at the same length. o~i1,n. matter produced by the operation of the three causes, see under =(Cro8aG,Oastco,,,d1:i 08c6, is n. an omen; -COMP. $806S 08S oBco&ooGoS (pron. ooacoo:), n. a common saying supposed to be fraught with some mystic, prophetic meaning, see o5coomoS8ooo0 18GooT, to originate as such saying. So5?, n. same. - 80SoGoT, v.; see 08003XooGSG0oTo o05,, 2, v. to be still, silent, quiet; c80oSoo, to die away as a sound; 3ooSc8o5ogo@u -— 6co6!~, v. to devise secretly; c8o5085c@go309 38G3S33S I8c8q33u — c8oS, adv. silently, quietly [c8o5ooa80S, adv. secretly; nearly, if not always, used in a bad sense; c&GcXS 00800S0c8080CQ: gcoeg (4) c~oSolooo~tn c8o0a8oS is used always in a good sense; oogSGopooS6SoSa8oSoo 3g ^Q^ 8 a ~ og nEooo3soo]. --— 8o653CspS, v. to sell contraband goods or merchandise, such as illicit liquor or opium. It also means to secretly misappropriate and sell goods belonging to one's employer. — 8oMqS: (8sQo), n. a woman who secretly practises prostitution; c8oSoB3oSGo1, keep quiet. o83F8 (sometimespron. od3*8), a small species of hen (Qo5cSo 03) much used in decoying wild ones; any tame creature used to decoy wild ones, see ooSi alo8o8Qo. 0838ua0on: 6$28coSooozn~g, a husband and wife acting in collusion: the former encouraging the latter to countenance a paramour with the intention of ruining him or deriving some advantage from the illicit relationship. c8$:go5, n. the sapan tree; the root of this tree is chopped up and boiled to make a kind of red dye. It is used for dyeing cotton cloths, but is said to fade rapidly in colour. BS, I, n. a cloud, a light cloud not fraught with rain: comp. 8q53 0ooo, a film on the eye; So6coco, a cataract in the eye; d38ocoo~ (or OQ), v. to be afflicted with a film on the eye or with cataract. -— @~oS, v. to be clear, unclouded. --— t @~cr: O:08, v. the same by night. This term is also applied to an unclouded sky in the daytime. —,, n. a thin fleecy cloud (a cirrus, a cat's tail). S —d'~@68sG(, n. clouds which lie in scales (a mackerel sky). -— ooa$, n. a cloud in the form of a flag. -— 0GO8, n. a cloud in the form of a mountain (a cumulus). -.-oqS5, n. a thick massive cloud. c85: 517 cSSooS, n. clouds which lie in heaps (stratus). --— q, n. a dark gloomy cloud. — G —@, n. a flying cloud, a scud; storm-scud. -— c8, n. clouds which lie in rolls. -----, n. a thin cloud. c88, 2, v. to be shallow, of little depth; ocoS, to be in the decline, tending to destruction by being merged in something foreign (as a race); cqco3soSuMs:c8, a oe GoAdSoooan8: o3GoSJ3ocoSol, here the water is shallow, the steamer cannot go. — G000 (pron. c8GSol), v. same; 3Gsoooop c SIxqoOO o8 oSGooxo38Sco^ScooiooS00 o, some think that when there has been an interval of one hundred years, the true Burmese race will disappear; c8SsGoqgooSoun --— S, v. to disappear; be lost, obliterated, buried in oblivion; oooGcxoS:cg8c ao881o63,oooooQolowos8.Eg@; the word is so antiquated that even the meaning is not evident, it has become obliterated. 84O, v. to lean, be inclined; comp. Goo8, to deflect, be deflected, to go aside, out of the way; comp. Gap6Slg~wo886og53 scuq:ocoooo&o3ol oos8:soooqlJo d35:rqoog, in the kingom of Burma, when an official comes, the common people are obliged to remain on one side. ----, v. to lean, be inclined (see Cgo5); o3ga8ooog&P:o-sg 3ooooSoc88sc 8q8O~sSoop~, this official is not just, he is in the habit of leaning to the side which has money in deciding cases. -- o:58:, v. (the same); see the parts. -— ol, v. to be on the decline, passing away (to wander from the right line, err, blunder, o8Sol So35c0:). ---—, v. to reel (rare). -— c-c86oI~ (frequently pron. c8S0s8c8S:) ), adv. leaning to one side and the other as a drunken man, in a staggering manner, staggeringly; (co~ @goSoloqjo Oc8Ss 088:S o coScqaSoo5o, do look at that fellow going staggeringly along. OSS, v. to lean, be inclined to go to one side and the other. - 098, v. to go and keep out of the way; ow3cqooS:o5 c8GOp69 Goo~, this man won't suffer arrest, but remains keeping out of the way. 5,.8. C g c8~&$4 (Pali 63q8 o4, pron. 0ooq0), n. a brute animal, any animal below man in the scale of being; e3ooSdo5<NOo5g doSC8mo ooq: cSoo5aoc.@odc8G o, this is one explanation of the meaning; another is that animals have only three kinds of instinct (oo9o, Pali) (@), namely, cocomoo, the instinct of sexual intercourse; %poogou, the instinct of sleep; cqeoev,, the instinct of eating. — 0038), n. a cattle-pound; coq&ocGoo.Sgs, n. a cattlepound keeper..c8oo (Pali) (pron. 6c8:oz), a. thirty; Aw8o6 Rouo,8.ooe (Pali), a. the thirtieth; -:coSwgB OB, i, n. a descendant of the fourth generation; ca"So=oS:oooS gacosooScooSGooo. Der. aocBo6oSu CS, 2, n. an earth-worm (usually accompanied by cooo8); c8ooS8 caoSojoSoodo,~sAcSoe~, the worms are coming out of the ground in great numbers, it will rain; coo8c8Soo8p~ c1:9-10 oOA, Maung Pyu is fishing with an earth-worm. OS, 3 (oog), v. to clear up (wild ground) and prepare it for cultivation (infrequent). — oqoS, v. to ascertain and mark down dates, as in a register; c8Cogo9oOsooo8g, to jot down petty items of expenditure. ---- 8, v. same as a8 (most common); coc3odog6goigoe$c8cg.oo~,oj6oSaoqfc~og 68 cdB8, int. used in calling fowls (pron. c808, not o8~); qN, int. used in calling dogs; cooola, int. used in calling puppies; 88 or 8585, int. used in calling cats; cooofd, int. used in calling ponies; GCooooo?, int. used in calling bullocks; Go? oo, int. used in calling goats. c0803ooooo, see d8dooSogo8 c8c8w (c8M8ogoS said to be the correct spelling), n. a species of plover [the Burmese lapwing]. Odc&ogoSogoS, adv. with a continual chattering and to little purpose; generally applied to precocious young children; 8OO~ooO:@8s66oqCoBoo Ci@s~o.Io-c.c9c~3Aogoc gnoooSoogS, notwithstanding being a child, he talks in a loquacious manner like a grown-up person (when applied to children, MdogSoogoS has somewhat the same meaning as scp). dc8goS, v. to warble, chirp like the cc83ogoS; to make much noise to little purpose (obsolete). OB4, to strike in order to produce sound, as on a drum or a musical instrument, to strike as a clock, to beat the breast; qci83:, to strike jerkingly upwards as in cleaning rice with a flat basket; oosocSn,, o oTh S0oSoocosoooS. OcqS6aCG1aI coS:sooie, when the mouse heard the sound of the clock striking, it got startled and ran away from the p!a e where it had been gnawing the candle; coooSs S oo5 c8 jC83S' oo^Soo 0 ~5 0ccbaE Ml, 8.cS, v. to produce any musical sound by beating or blowing; ~:,o63,oooo6oo3oo oIc( ^g5S~pdBi oS:co-ooS, at times when there are festivals, the Burmese race have a habit of playing on and blowing musical instruments. o:c:o0,o:, see next; cB:o*: o:oGxo. oo, whisperingly. c8c:d:cq,,:, adv. softly in speech as when speaking in a whisper; odc8c3i = caO,,i:a ooo:os@o(o>, they are speaking in a low tone. o83:oao (pron. B:qpS), n. the large horned owl. oq, v. to try to make alike, to try to be like, to imitate, mimic, to rival, vie with, affect an equality; q-(BSq@8ogocoSoo. Der. 3oa1oqoo joqooo55oqooq:o oo5So ooSoC0, this person can mimic men's voices and the notes of birds very well; o 2c94-oggooScoozSox09Oagci^_5l Ogc, the Japanese can imitate any kind of handicraft. --, v. same, 3rd def.; oq&Scoojpo8oqp, (or cqooSocp), i ol, there is no rivalling him. — ooS, v. same in language; cgSSoqoSoc@ol.sii cqoaGoo (Pali) (pron. oGO), adv. silently (generally in a bad sense); c8oSa oS58's5,o:q?-soo3-;oo may be employed in a good sense to persons who are habitually silent or indifferent to the doings of others; cqe3moo6;OCC~-ooool said to have been originally derived from the reading of the cogolooo010 oo07- O oloo38ni ooojocpoycooo8, remains mute. oqoS, i, n. ascarides; bots [small worms found in the intestines of horses; they are the larve of the bot-fly, breese-fly, or gad-fly, of the family astridae, which deposits its eggs upon the4hair, generally of the fore-legs and mane, whence they are taken into the mouth and swallowed (oqoSdo)]. opoS, 2, v. to break slightly, without severing the parts; oqoSgoSa oqoS,.3, v. to swill in a large quantity and with a gurgling noise; a3s9 oSio4oS 00^6~110 o3S^Soq0o Ga>co.;U3o$30QH o20 oq5 oqOS, 4, v. to be.chubbed, stout, short and thick, large of compass in comparison with the height or length; oosoSdcM oqoS cdoSc885cdSol, roll or make the cheroots short and thick; oaGoogSoo8cos38GqjOGSG38:C0 oooge - o, v. same, commonly used in a reduplicated form, as oqoS oooSoo0ii cooeg@ScoSoooSoooGcos8oqDsoGooo;6:oogI cqgo0oSo (pron. qoSqoS), adv. indicative of the noise which it imitates; o5ooSo5q0oooasco:, did not hear the slightest sound; oqoSigo ocSloV:, "there was not the slightest stir" (properly did not stir in the slightest), or in speaking of a person's demeanour, "was not moved in the slightest." o vc, v. to tremble, shake, shiver, quake, to be disturbed, agitated as human beings; less than og8 and commonly applied to animate things; to have a chill, as in the fever and ague; O00199j^So G$0^$@Gor^OT&Caaa DCX> oooS joSC~oo0q33 0go5 ~3C goog.o:0q goe0$Aoge, in the year 1882, owing to there being many dacoities committed in the town of Rangoon, the inhabitants were very much agitated (lit. trembled or quaked with fear);:GqOo3og$oqisoooG@3& otScn 8 GooG8 ed o~6o'cG. oo3, owing to the bathing-water being very cold, I can scarcely speak, I am shivering; oqoSol 8s1"c2o:,SSo$Q ooc oco1oi8m@68oos, just so, I can see quite well that your teeth are chattering (with cold). S-goS,-qc, v. same, Ist def.; chiefly used in some adverbial form. "-q-ps, n. fever and ague. — NB^, v. to tremble and shake, see the parts. R$Ro08, n. a cargo-boat; also a term of jocular reproach ap-. plied to obese old maids, e.g., cogocoo*s@ oo06s^o:n ooq$,, a. or adv. too thin, containing too much liquid; Gcqcq$oq$ o6:qoSoog omS:rjo q980 9 OCAo 1 o3SOo:, the curry you have cooked is watery and not nice to eat. oaq$:cq (pron. q$sqS:), adv. indicative of the noise which it imitates. --— oo0o0 (pron. q$sq$: o8s:s) adv. same. 0o8, i, n. a plank placed at the siue of a tank or ditch to prevent the earth from caving in; comp. 88qS0;I --— o0,. to place such a plank. oq6, 2, v. to sting, to jerk, make a short, quick motion, in thrusting, twitching or-throwing;to utter a short sound on a wind instrument; dSc3o0oloSoo SoqSg&8naoS noooSo e, if the baukphat (caterpillar) stings a goat, it is apt to feel great pain; cepo7Soos@Odcoo:, do you hear the bugle being sounded? x0QSo, adv. at once, with a sudden motion; @S:c 85oSogo0 — csoqooo5, adv. unevenly, jerkingly, as a child beginning to walk; oqSoo:oqSoooSi 3o:oogno,, qoq8c:oq'SoSoRcoso, oqS, 3, v. to kneel, bend (the knees); qcoSoqSoogntqooo6ro11I -- a, v. to bend the knees without kneeling, to stoop respectfully. -— o, v. to kneel with the head down. cqS, 4, v, to tie together, as the hands and feet (i.e., one hand with another or hands and feet together); oscooGoogcqOoS o8G339S.3S&3SG 6J G63s(26 oSOOeIIOO^~C( 10O654:):i c^O~?S.o3:)O33Soo olG03 oo CoySo g oI1~U4Moo8sOIl3e~11COgOc 03QS. Gcoo:)byoqSjoo3S)* cqoSjooe~Sit - cGgg:l, n. the dengue fever, an acute febrile epidemic prevailing in hot climates, characterized by pains in the joints and sometimes by an eruption (also called " break bone " or "dandy" fever); the last appearance of this epidemic in Lower Burma was in the year 1871. -— G , v. same as oqSo Ocq~8o (pron. oo~g48), n. a certaii\post planted near Jhe door or gate -of a palace or royal city, or at the entrance of enclosures round the houses of eminent personages. cq, i, n. a sect of Buddhist priests distinguished by some mode of dress; comp. ,ocn3q cSs:. The o sect, in wearing the cooo$:, are said to expose the upper right arm and shoulder. The j sect, on the other hahd, cover them. These sects, it is believed, still exist in Arakan; o igiqa: qCi5:I oe, 2, verb. affix euphonic; Go3Sooo:) 8 ooScG@S oS@$,Z8 coo5, alternately snoring and talking in your sleep, you will slumber, changing your position to the left and then to the right side; @ oSG5co0n!tR0GoScoe8,,31ogoq3co:SooS: cj, i, v. to stoop through fear or respect; @8oo3noSoog sel. dom used singly (to step backwards in a stooping posture through fear and respect; oq$rscq SocolG-S,6 ( cgs g: oo)g, on seeing the p6ngyi, he stepped backwards in a stooping posture and made obeisance).. 66 Ops v. same Imost-c~q~rhQn5-; 8oRU 4, v. to turn bacik; one kind of ~,to repeat, do again or in return*; comp. 6$. Der. au~oqto 5c oS Goa.)~jzBo %,) the dog, in chasMn 'the hare, went beyod i owns to the, hare turning back suddenly; o8c~ 8: 9~~ if you contemplate evil. ag4inst me, "I' shall ip, t'irndo so agapinst you. -o6?,a~dv. back again and away.' -.-R —.-'ocS, Adv. backwards and forwards; iGo~co) oSI~$ 'I's more frequently used. ols, i, v. to be blunt at the point, oRI, or dull at the, edg,'e; o~cooS,, to be past the season of blossoming or bearing* fru~it (or children' o~ oo). Der. ~azA.t oo[:Sc8,~zcoe~ wQI ~~ when'the mango ceae baig fruit,' the rainy season l~close athand. ~-0,-:-ro, v. to be dull, stupid, mostly used as an- adjective; -...-c8 (pron. c.8S), a. blunt, smooth at the end. This expres-m sion is also applied to a. building, such as a pagoao house, devoid of ornament or finish, ini which case itis pronounced A.88, e.g., 68c ogB~oj;* it 'can also. be -used in describing a horse's tail as being shiort and stumpy-; 08:W c~$2 (from awo~:, a l og), n. oaosooA -Iu.. ----.oq~ -:,adv. lying scattered about. 'Jtt adv. scattered and large. -,-,~,adv. in -a stupidly indifferent or obstinate manner; -ocqe, adv. lying at length; vDGmO 8oj~ozk@8cooioot- (c85G,~ Saloe~o), an expression frequently applied to human beings whio are sick or wounded and have been deserted by 'their friends. nqoki. a windlass. v. to bathe stark naked (Gq doo1~.4.jgooe~i 0 td 1. to lie at length; c~%o*;nBop& ojws C ooib co6-o.ac~o-cL:,3, Verb. a xia, interrogyative.; -)2.d colloquial and slightly vulgar; oooc4, what- 'i's it'? couS L-oS*, how is it? sqme* CqC03 523 times has the same meaning as the English colloquial expression hullo! what's up? o0, i, n. the son of a man's sister (oqooos, nephew) or of a woman's brother. - o, n. the daughter of a man's sister or of a woman's brother or niece; oooooGs8ooSo (c.&) 59oooGco:ScGmoS&ol, act so that it may be worthy of being recorded by our nephews, sons and grandsons. This is a very common form of exhortation amongst the Burmese. oc, a, n. a hammer; oSo5j -— o0, n. a sledge, sledge-hammer. oq, 3 (Pali ocoo, a balance), n. Libra, the seventh sign of the zodiac; oqqpcSuo8o8,joScon oj, 4, v. to be like, similar: comp. g and 9, to be the same, identical; aoooql@Sooo, to be with, together with; scarcely used in the sense as a verb. Der. 3mon ooipoco3azo86 don make it so as to be like this pattern. -— cg, v. same in the last sense (rare in colloquial). --— c (pron. coq~o), adv. two together, applied to persons; a word used in colloquial, though found in poetry. -—, v. to be even, to be similar, act in concert, to accord; qooo0-88: o 8agosqSacgjgoo,, the relative speed of these carriages is the same. -- J, v. to be even, equal, as'much as, to accord in sentiments and mind; cqloolOo ooooo. Sc8sq601c88ooo, without its being even similar, why should he wish to contradict? e3ocB qe~,86o^, to be equal as one person to another in intellectual capacity. o, 5, n. a Chinese chopstick. ooqoo ooo8s, v. to play bo-peep; ogjoSoqqoooIs o000 (oqqcoo2scl:1ols) (Pali), n. a musical instrument of any kind; c8:oo53coooo~o=, strictly only five kinds —cs@,,l:i oGosoqiiGcoicooSj8 (very often pron. auom) oqc o3Do5o0 c~@o~awi3q o 33o1 0S 5o, one listens with delight when hearing the sounds of the five kinds of musical instruments. oq, adv. right opposite; straight before or behind, see ooaco~ G.onq ~nGoo;gcq, due east, due west: see qpIosqoS:s o9o&oo0&M0Q^0 00C Goo8 v00 oqcoo (pron. qcoo), n. a class of diseases (of men) supposed to have their seat in the waist or centre of the body; 524 * o rheumatic complaints [lumbago?]; comp. 8:G8Io, see 66 so ~focBjooqoicoC7oii 311 G3ORICVooH GW2)6OjSCOOCD08$Q8SCj8i OC0co is usually followed by olaoiaSu ogicoo6O, n. one who is a chronic sufferer from such diseases. -00G.T, n. the same (as o030c) in an aggravated state. oj:, i, v. to dig, delve. - Sco5, v. to dig up. - c, v. to dig about. G-colB, v. to dig down, as with a pick-axe. - G-s8., n. a canal. — gS: (pron. oog&8), n. a spade or shovel. — SIG8cooS (pron. cog&6ooS), n. a narrow spade. J- %8:g@o: (pron. om8) o:), n. a broad one, cog4o:; comp. occoolii oaj, 2, v. to be very dark in the phrases oN-.GM8qC53%o and qog -Baion 9qooj45w~g9olq- (colloquial gq6oS5xo:oq-.c), so foolish as to be dark (ignorant). NOj, 3, v. to be burnt as food in cooking; less than q8u ooo8 cojoocqisreo noeooo8:aa3ox~oe~ oowao-otgo0, this rice is slightly burnt, it is notnice to eat; coP&ii4 oqxcqoe~9go (colloquial oa:cqraSaoo) o0tGnG, the rice-pot is so burnt as to be yellow. Figuratively the Burmese make use of an expression when speaking of a clever, smart man, coe c948cTYn0oa-o (c$cScoo) osc~A, this man is cooked so well as to be burnt in the cooking, very much like the English expression to be " so sharp as to cut one's self." [N.B.o9q by itself is generally applied to rice being over cooked, 9S by itself to fish or flesh being over-boiled, overroasted, &c.] -qs, v. to be burnt, as food in cooking; more than oiq's G0501, v. to have a slight smell of being burnt as food in cooking. cqS0GCm (Pron. q:noq), n. a cross-how; comp. co8:ocoG (a common bow), (often pron. iq(co-). In Upper Burma the oaj Gco% is used for shooting partridges, doves, &c. It is also said to be used in the Pegu district. GOO, i, v. to beat, pound, otherwise than in a mortar (comp. GcoSk-), in order to pulverize or reduce to a certain consistence, implying less effect and longer continuance than GqIIGo:C~qIAO' oonQeo~~( i0c~I SoIo4S j clSq433 G s&0g@&of oell 525 GCo, 2, v. to be dirty, vile, wicked, abandoned, foul, scarcely used but as an adjective affixed to the noun c9, e.g., osoO N.8D, a vile, depraved person, a blackguard; oog&co eoSaoogSo (cAoSooo) GoocAutoocSoooocq, he is a very abandoned man. -- G0000COO, adv. most filthily, chiefly prefixed to a~: or e6n GOO, 3, v. to do repeatedly and constantly; chiefly used in the adverbial form; coGoo;GoG@3GnooGooroogooti Goyoao (6oS) (tejo-dhatu, Pali), n. fire, 8:; efficacy, power, as$ 00$c 2 (oOqooCKo)oo s33tGoo5cooaSs~z@S (0 ulgGOGcpolqg^ os8:goSoloooxoo:); there are four different kinds of fire in the body, namely, the fire that prevents it from putrefying, as salt prevents the corruption of the flesh (ooS); the fire arising from sorrow, that causes the body to waste as if it were burnt (oo0qcoGo, ooloS); the fire that produces decay and infirmity (aoGo-oGc:oloS); and the fire in the stomach that consumes the food (01ooGooG0)oloS).-M.B. Gooqooo (Pali), a. the thirteenth; c SoooSo,:DqGooSU GoGcoaqoS, n. sulphuret of antimony. Gc?, v. to place end to end, or edge to edge, so as just to touch, to be very near; 8: o0co05:GsooGoo, the steamers had their bows touching one another; q8ocdooaoo:G. @g900J03gGOC6&03aIllQ6I0SG8OoS:Ccqi6GO^O~o1ll — c0ooo8So (pron..coc ooSo8), adv. face to face, openly; co0~ c 8co 2q8aoecos G G orDa0S Go00oc0 oS oo coa0, i, n. adulterated metal. -- oSq (o8@), n. pinch-beck, see o8qp, I; Gjg3oSc.ocSoloag Gcoo, 2, n. a song; 08@8gN -- @8: (86), n. same (most common); coa6q8:8,., Go:o ^q8ucoos@8ga, to sing. - 6, -5@:, -ooo5 (pron. cosoS), ao (pron. Goosoocoo), -c, ---- o, n. different kinds of songs; (oqoSZGooiiooGsoo:i q&, colo5a05oog, modern styles of songs). 03, v.; see oo.., v. to remain for a little while; n. a temporary abode, place of rest, tent, booth. -— 3J-3C 0i, -cq), -oS, same. 526.0oO c6SI, n. moveable tent; cqooo:n — co, n. a watch-tower for the protection of gardens or vineyards. --— oq:, n. a long shed. Zd0, adv.; see cooaoooun Gooo, I, n. a wood, forest, jungle, wilderness, that is, a collection, multitude of trees, reeds (cqlcoo), elephant grass (c6Stooo:) and other grasses (e.g., ocoo8co5oo), a collection, multitude of other things, as moSo3oo. mococSoonu cGoon 9ga G00o; the Burmese often say ooqmcoo instead of coq86oa when speaking of a number of Karin villages. [C0oo3 goi~Se co8 cit cq oPojscaO perhaps the nearest Burmese equivalent for the English term a 'primeval forest.'] -— 08, I (from a3>, to overspread), n. a thick forest. -— , 2, n. a forester, one who has charge of forests; comp. rGOOoGOl3 --- (from 333), n. a thicket. --— o#o**, n. a jungle, a jungly tract. — 0-3o, v. to go into the woods for pleasure; coojonoooagoS GooSo0g3nll -— o30805, n. the wild sweet-scented uvaria. — rMo30S, n. the coral tree, erythrina, M. --— g, n. a wild buffalo. — @-aS, n. a jungle fowl. -- @CqSco~08z, n. a species of sedge, M. — @oaog$, n. the leek, M. — 4c, n. high timber forest. --— C@oS, n. a wild cat. -- @cooo:@os, n. in jungle nooks and crannies. -— gS, n. the wild betel leaf. — c01 s, n. one who has charge of a forest (a forest guard). — q, v. to take refuge in the jungle; GcoooamG has a similar meaning; both terms are usually applied to dacoits and bad characters who take to the jungle; c:00oo0:o@o0o — W-, n. a jungle musquito. -— Goo (Gsc)S), v. to beat the jungle for game.. —G:oS, n. a deciduous or dry forest. -— gs, n. the wild dog, said to be a distinct species. [It resembles the ordinary Burmese dog, but has a bushy tail. Very common in Upper Burma. These dogs generally travel in couples, and do not appear to be afraid of man.] Gooi, -^-, n. the end of a wood. -- G.go — o86, n. the smell, scent, or odour of the jungle; (fig. used as follows, coo0. cGooS.oc3$ oooGo. Coo Go. o,), applied to persons of boorish manners, country bumpkins, &c. -— oS, n. a tract between two forests or a tract contiguous to a forest. " —og8o5 (oo5a), n. the wild jasmine. -- ocoS (pron. Gcooco8), n. the recurved tabernaemontana, M. -- o, n. the end of a bamboo, or of the limb of a tree, made tapering by the operation of cutting it down; also applied to cutting off the useless ends of timber; coooooloSo - -osot3i, n. a variety of the mango, Mangifera attenuata, M. --— c8 (pron. as spelt), n. an antelope. --— c, v. to ask permission to take food, timber, &c., on some public ground (or for private use); also applied to craving permission of sylvan deities to work in a forest before commencing to do so (jggcoSq). -— tsool, n. the Melia Birmanica.. ---og68 o, n. an inhabitant of the interior, a countryman, rustic. -— oo (o8), n. the wild palmyra. --, v. to meet wild beasts. The Burmese use this as a polite term when alluding to any one who has been killed by wild beasts, e.g., nGo)oSJsooc08 QOooge, see ~dc8u ~,-cqc, a. fresh from the jungle, rough, unfinished, ooa8f:o W38msGoooqoSo@1., v. to expel evil spirits from a town on the visitation of any epidemic such as cholera. " Suddenly, about sunset, on a preconcerted signal, the ears of a stranger would be greeted with a most bewildering and deafening din, caused by every one, man, woman and child, in every house beating the house walls, the floors, tin pans, anything to make a horrible noise, which certainly it would take a deaf spirit to withstand."-Forbes' Britisk Burma. cooo0oS is also applied to driving away evil spirits from persons who have been bitten by snakes or wounded by tigers, das or spears, or who have fallen, from trees,. —c 8, v. to evacuate the intestines (vulgar); cq@sgjq.ii onogooS, v. to retire into the woods as a hermit or recluse, or as anyone who becomes a p6ngyi, often having spent some period after his noviciateship as a layman, in contradistinction to coS, one who has been entirely devoted to religion from his noviciateship without any interruption. The origin of this term is said to be oc:oqa3oo oqGoooxo 9cgagooe, one who forsakes the multitude of sensual desires. - 405, n. a deep or extensive forest. — p6:, v. to scour a jungle, usually for criminals (cooo~85p). -- SoN~, n. the Mygale bear spider, M., (said to be much dreaded by snakes). --— q n:oo@, n. a dacoit who hides in the jungle and attacks travellers, a bushranger, a brigand, comioo t &;oo:aSqlo]o — o (pron. as spelt), n. the wild dolichos. -. —qao (oqoS), n. a bird. -— $-ocqt, n. a species of elaeocarpus, M. — 8 — oos3, v. to burn as a jungle fire. — q c8, n. a species of cassia. -- 6t8s, n. the Indigofera galegoides, used by alchemists. --— S6, n. a kind of horse (the goat-antelope). —. —, v. to possess a sylvan spirit such as ~@ngoiqoS; see ao~ a. —o8:3 (68:3), (oS), Chickrassia tabularis. --— qcqxSs, n. a monastery built 500 bows (oqocoosco0 30oo) from the nearest house. " The priest who keeps this ordi"nance (otdloS) cannot reside near a village, but must "remain in the forest. * * * If there be no boundary, he "must reckon from the place where the women of the "last house are accustomed to throw the water when they "have washed their vessels. If there be only a single wag"gon or a solitary house (during the three months of lent), "it must be regarded as a village; whether there be a " boundary (=i) or not, if there be people, or if people are "intending to come (i.e., who have marked out the site of "a house or a village), it is the same as a village."-M.B., 133 ---— 48, n. the shade or gloom of a forest or jungle (0oooo00S). 1.-6 coBaooSg, v. to observe lent in a monastery 500 bows from a village as a p6ngyi or as a q;op, a rishi or ascetic, 1' G0OO ~ 529 oGCGo3oS, n. a tree of the genus aurantiaceae, the Limonia carnosa. -c 86, n. the great Burmese land tortoise; coo8ci8 o-0c 4ol, adv. in the manner of living in the woods; G oocoS aGO1GCGi3 i 0A0101GOOD1 o G0sqoaco:)qcsago41so3 c-ooo-)srioe~,G(:ozc~,-S4oloo 9 -c84, v. to be absent from home in the jungle (to be afield). -,c- a, v. to lay open one's field or ground to the public after harvesting; c~ oSOi 2ouo69oago G coc~0 qoaSouooxxovS has a similar meaning. - o, n. the entrance to a forest; d oo orooooo-~0 8 3 4 cq05" -o YS, n. a wild pig. Oss-oxj, n. a wild duck, M. --— ooo (oo@oS) (ouS), see oocoS or ooNon - ogoS (oogoS), n. the Sideroxylon grandifolium, K. -no, n. a loud call or cry, particularly such as made by an elephant. It is also applicable to the loud call made by birds in confinement, oCoScqG&:Gooo: QOgO%; also applied to the reverberation of echoes in the jungle when human beings cry out (" the woods shall answer and the echo ring"). -n oGO:, n. to make such a cry, to reverberate as an echo in the forest. - Wco:, n. a rustic, boor, a polite term by which grave-diggers (qoocpo0o) are addressed. -- COXG 6ol),.n. wild animals in general, e.g., o@qo3o a. os3ogoBo))oooC gcoolo5co 1 o'oe, see aeto3 ssc1 Oc - C&08. (oS), n. the Rottlera tinctoria, MA. - 0a9C)9, see Gooooxr o coO), 2a, v. to resent an insinuation, demand satisfaction, to interfere in an officious and partial manner in a dispute or quarrel; has a stronger meaning than 8So, o8o o:roon6cb G080000o3oCb, in what way does it concern you that you should officiously interfere? GOOO, 3 (from GOsaGooo). -oS&, see oSan Esa cooS:oioO OSGoSGcJ 35ogoO2 Fcf 67 530 Gooo00005 oooooS:ogQ (frequently pron. Coo)3oo0soc5), adv. guessingly, conjecturally, as in attempting to describe what one knows not. 6oo03O, I, v. to blaze, flame, to shine, be luminous, be brilliant [to glitter as a precious stone, 8$0cooS; c85og, to be glossy as silk or satin, Q:p8GDSooooY51i 8G6uoooo5; also applied in a figurative sense to the intelligence of a Buddh being effulgent, oGp6 o S GooSGzoooSooe;iioSoooS@Sqol]: coooSoo6,1is,&,oo0oSo6i] (og$ is often used with Gooo0 S in this sense), the stars are shining very brightly tonight, I do not think it will rain. --- oo, v. to coruscate, as a witch in her nightly excursions; S ac oo38~GCo.~Goo09q$2oooo6osgoo c8:d oo, last night I saw a witch coruscating at the back of the house. -- $):, -0, see GcooooSn oSsccpsdc~001solooso^So800:oulcb, " of what race is this person with exceeding great lustre of body " (said to be a term used in marionette and zat pwes). GooooS, 2, v. to be poisoned, inebriated, sickened, disposed to vomit; oGOoo05, to be poisoned with eating mushrooms; 8: q. ooo:G ooSi 09e3 GOGooaiiGoc9OCoSnii 8.ooo0SoooooS, to be made sick by the motion of a railway carriage, cart, boat, or ship; coooS means that the sickness may be owing either to the actual swaying to and fro of the vehicle, or to its speed. — a-3 — cooDo, — 35., adv. sickish, disposed to vomit; o$:o ^8~203oSc<8 s GSco 6gc~ agoScp6~S8c~ Gcr3oCSacsGCnO5 jGoog, in travelling by the steamer " Unfading Flower" to Moulmein, the steamer encountered a sea (lit. caught by the waves), consequently I felt disposed to vomit. " Unfading Flower," a name given to the steamer " Rangoon " because it made the journey between Rangoon and Moulmein so quickly that a flower even had not time to fade. cooooS, 3, v. to make a short, sharp sound, as by a stroke or blow (obsolete), to fillip or strike away with the thumb and finger, or with a stick in a certain play (cqesoaao: 0oooo5), to cut by a light single blow; cooo:goooS, to gnaw (cloth or paper) slightly, less than cOaS, as a mouse or insect, @o 5co30DSo60Ioo U lI35t( 3ooGoo5, see also under oooa— _o5o5):,, adv. expressive of the sound it imitates, as a stick snapping in two, or as a sound of a person receiving.a blow in the face with the fist; cooSo8:.o3c'oSooLSg coooSoG6cgoogS,,lloooo5CooB.c ^o, an expression applied to the sound made by the 0008 and oec6S, 0ooo5s0Gcoo0 2c0ooS 6 53' GeoooSoog, he is in the habit of asking questions in a sudden, abrupt manner; oagooSogc59ogxS0Goo8 oScaSCa.r~q cqso cocSsal, -coos, v. to be short, snappish; very similar to 88s coo- in meaning, though perhaps GooooSolSoe is more used with reference to be unfeeling in speech, whereas 83tcoo: refers more to actions; used chiefly in some adverbial form; oogeGcqoa 330c3300oo$ cSGpooScog 3G@a333^ Goo Sol sw3!oog oa58M4egsoo~11 -— cGooS, v. to make a clucking sound with the tongue, indicative of regret. Said to be more elegant than oo6oS0loSi 8oGoooSoAGoooBoSGo'Tocx, at whom are you making a clucking sound? — 0005, — ooSooS (sometimes pron. Gc3o5oSoooS), 0oaoscoSx ooo5 (sometimes pron. coloSooS5ol oSooS), adv. backwards and forwards, to and fro, from one side to the other, unevenly, oscillatingly. Der. oooroooo0Sc0 S; $oQjlqoS88S coooo0 ooSosoSG8c 8a3ooS;3@0osr86u1oToqjosi -cC —o 0Goo8oo5, adv. incoherently, disconnectedly, ramblingly (in discourse); o00oo00os00o, oo3ocaSc oooo5c8J GcoooSooG, oos$@0000 S, this old woman is in the habit of talking in a rambling, incoherent manner. — o —:, v. to find fault with, scold (infrequent); @o$Gco03o5c8sOi -— ocQSSog$, v. same (most common), though not so common as #SR$og6cooSoc85 I -. —0ooo, adv. expressive of the sound which it imitates, as the sound made by one chopping meat or by a carpenter in making a mortise, or a goldsmith beating out metal, or by a wood-pecker at work, or as to sound as a bell of wood attached to the neck of a bullock when in motion; G0O5AGOO)3o55 P3 0CO-Oo&50 oCo g 0060 — g.oSBcrnoSoS, adv. hither and thither. G03oCO:o, n. Mergui sago; ooquioaooaSu Goo3oS5c, n. the large crowing lizard, the tuktoo. [The Burmese are of opinion that the bite of the black ocooo5s is fatal; only cured by putting earth-oil on the tongue or by smearing it with a powder made of the corypha palm, Go038 Burmese children, when hearing the tuktoo crow, often jocularly interrogate it by saying" are you a maiden?" =sacooo, or "are you married?" 3aEJaooa The last interrogation followed by the last crow settles this important fact!] ---- c, n. a small species of the same (rare) believed by some of the Burmese to be poisonous. 532 c0008 cooooScooySols, n. a tuktoo's foot, a tree so called from the peculiar appearance of the fibres of the limbs at the point of attachment of the trunk. GOXoooSoS8 (o8) (pron. GoloSqoSoS), n. a kind of tree, the leaves of which are used to give a greenish dye to p6ngyis' garments. The bark is used in dyeing cotton. It is unlawful for a p6ngyi to wear a garment dyed with the bark of a GooooS5coS (but it is lawful for them to wear one dyed with the leaf of this tree, or the leaf of any tree or plant except the leaves of the Z and the o$s plants. Note.Priests may use any bark for dyeing their garments except that of the cooooSqoS and g~8 trees). coo:oSp, n. a wood-pecker, see GcooSy6, which is said to be more correct than GooodS00 i G0oogoloSnp9oSioc83$.~o g~o^ ogog ocoS oo coo8, n. a hill, mountain; cooo061oos@sn oooS: o8:@.o (Go understood) ooSsai o:l01 (Go understood). 'May great mountains and cliffs intervene.' This is a curious expression made use of by the Byrmese when wishing any person immunity from danger-meaning that may great obstacles, like great mountains and cliffs, intervene to prevent some dreadful misfortune from happening. " —3~$s:, n. the Arenga sacckarifera; the black fibre of this tree is used for its cordage, renowned for its power of resisting wet; [in fact the Burmese say that the more it comes in contact with water, the tougher it becomes (rGG c8ocoooGco)]. -— g- GooS, n. red sandstone, M. — oo8o, n. a mountain with an overhanging top. - o1, n. the hill partridge. - ol:4o$, n. the waist or middle of a mountain. — GaO1, n. a natural cave in a mountain; 60ooG618%o9ooSq$: — O —G~Q, n. the foot or base of a mountain. — c, n. the projecting, protuberant declivity of a mountain. S- q-o, n. a species of leprosy. - q-oo, n. a hummock. -- %oo, v. to rise as mist on a mountain. -- ooos, n. the wild nutmeg, ogeog8, M. —.oooS, n. a cliff, precipice. ---— oo$, n. a range, or ridge of hills or mountains; Gooa8:II G 00ob 533 Gooodc88, n. the summit of a hill or mountain. -- s-0s (8k:), n. the mountain jack. -- qo- (fron. Gcon86o)oii) (most common) qoq, n. a small hill. --., n. a hillock raised over whiteants' nests. -- GqpoS, n. a kind of land leech. 0 —oSo^, n. the pterospermum, producing an extremely valuable timber, M., also the Macaranga denticulata. — Zoc8, n. the Cassia Timoriensis. ---- 5s, n. the Indigofera Brunoniana. -— co, n. a cultivated spot of ground (GoooSwoooS&:); when a Gono8oo is worked in the hills [it is the same as what is known as "jhoom" cultivation in India]; Goooooo,8,~ --:, n. a range of mountains or hills. -—. ss8,' n. Tristania Burmanica. --— coooS, n. the Eurya Japonica. — coGooS, n. the sloping declivity of a mountain; GcxuSuoo5 — c8, n.; see GooA8S, M. — 9:C (generally fron. whan not whoon), n. a valley lying between mountains.. — co$@ (o8), n. the Mergui cosmetic wood, M. -— 00o, n. a species of cordia of which two varieties are described, the Cordia myxa proper and the Cordia brunnea. -- ac (o8), n. one name for the Eugenia grandis, K. - o"b (oS8), n. the yellow varnish tree. -- 4@8, v. to throw out hints either by way of threat, oer to gain some end in view; GooSo0oo:iiGoo&35c8:n --— z, I, n. a Taungthu, one of the race of Taungthus (~s coosoq). — NJ, 2, n. a husbandman, farmer, cultivator, cooo08oooq,.coDo; this word also includes those who work paddyfields; rooo8o0coSoqSi " ----GooSos:, n. the Hiptage candicans. Goo, 2, n. the south. --, n. the south palace; not used singly; GooaSp)coS, v. to assign the south palace, to make chief queen (comoSeoS). ' ---6, v. to enjoy the south palace; not used singly; Gc0c82o O6GO8QC8OdS &fS(I 534 6cM:>o0 Gmcz9o4as, — e9o4:o, n. the south palace. o --- —4g0 5,oS, see 4swrooSo.-c(4 G S, adv. hither and thither, to and fro; Qooo8r.r3goS io, running hither and thither in a wild, distracted manner, Gooo68C oSocv 8 ol:-s8o1ooe~n [also applied to speech, ooD8(;@oiigrar5Sro]. I 0omo, 3, v. to measure with a cubit. Der. DGo0z81ic9~GOOS~C S - Ro, v. same. oo0,0 4, v. to burn with lust (vulgar); oSoocoox8ozeii =:&0b), n. a kind of caterpillar (green in colour), QoooSc5O (pron. ~-0=85), generally feeds on the juice of the flowers of the cGlosb, the Acacia concinna. co086, n. the bone and flesh of a bird's wing, the limb without feathers; (0oo38) gCS6Qoooo"u o1 oo qcii ojoSoqGjo 00r08011 qocBG&c s 09-:Go:.03 0&00 X1; 003086C0co~, when bathing the parrot, it spreads out its wings and allows water to be poured over it. IGOOOSA, n. a term formerly applied in some parts of Upper Burma to petty dacoits, also applied to small pieces of base coin current in the reign of King Thebaw; 00s33 26Qsr0308o,38l]]. cooock8g (pron. ool8c8qr), n. the hoopoe bird (Upupa epops); 6oooo)r2, n. a corruption of next; cooS o*oo:4o~en 3coo8001S, n. a staff, walking stick. - G-oDoOS (pron. GooC oo8r0X a1Co), n. a tripodal staff; p6ngyis sometimes make use of these staves. Formerly ascetics are said to have made use of them also. 3 1) I, n. a quiver; @o:cq3e3coo0Sn sc.'~, 2, v. to be stiff, firm, not pliant; comp. oo$, to make stiff, firm, to make into stiff rolls; %4jco5Goo o8:qoaog9 50Qo03ro 08 o:CocS ooo~8Oeo~SQo3, my back is very stiff owing to some time having elapsed without riding; 806ScroGo81c~S0ol8cRo-0, take heart, sir. -t cob (pron. ocoD8o3), v. to be stiff, hard, brawny, muscular, to be resolute, unyielding, stubborn of speech; coe @ 8:CO~C~ro 038I3%U COMOG@00 3 0314&0nI O ~GtagoSso e~ go Gcoo0 03&8.cooe1 Gov.?o:Q~c=890oo3, he is resolute in what he says, do not imagine he will yield. Goo30oo, v. to hanker after, long for, to express a longing; og o8: c=oqclog~S85 vAS0coo0Gooco (o$00oaG3po Iq8scq:86. V GOD? 535 cq- 0i 3=FM&a= aesco 0i =oc3.oCoongcf SoD9og9o 0c309, I have been longing to see my mother for some time; see example under o0; Zoo30oo may be used in the same sense. 0c008., 1, n. a basket (of various sizes); ooIsc8*ooo8i:i -og, -oo8sc:, v. to be dear, bear a higher price than comminon. -, -4A, n. different varieties of baskets. - 1oS, v. to weave a basket. cooo&8, 2, v. to ask, ask for; to require, demand (see under 00oo); g0J~iSalIqfESEo63, go, please, to U Pyu, ask him for my pony, and bring it here. — 5, v to collect as dues, tax, to beg and receive as a opcooks — oo-, v. to beg, as a mendicant or as a wayfarer. -- cqaoS, v. to distrain (?) scarcely intelligible to most Burmans. - o$, v. to crave, beg, entreat, to beg pardon, to apologize, to expostulate; less than oo0cohoIicomo8-oumceu0Gasoasir aqg cji1oe11o 0 ao s(1scnO68olo~Gcoo(;@o~40 0@8~3'~GGCOoS;)oC a1 cxqS#3ooe~u35 oeoogaea8 to6Moo 8oo oo G9 o8 co&-, 11o<9040or03E8 g88g @coSGcfooq5p6c0 Sooe~, he left one of his sacred footmarks on the banks of the river Namanta because the naga Pananda entreated him; and because Thitsabanda (oo"g) the hunter entreated him, he left another sac ed foot-mark on the summit of the Makula mountain. - cjS:, v. to ask for, to ask in marriage, to make proposals of marriage; often co=8- alone is used; Goo8o$sqg8 Oooo-81 qs's-,@oCD0o*e, I hear that Maung Pan Yi has made proposals of marriage. C6o08g, 3, v. to be short (in breadth or length), as a garment; used adverbially with oan33moi:Gtooo:o8 o11800:@-8s3mo:sa3 Go008:G008* cqoe cm:OOoo8800eo UOU Ag=3c(Sgo38:0c oaq C~.OCPQAJ 11 o0c:S:, 4, v. affix, closing a sentence; intensive, see Grammar, sec. I g19, oo0 ooe-corooco-6 6, p. 66, Zanekka; ro3:& is very seldom employed in colloquial, but now and again it is heard; c~G@ fpDoo oooG0scn0o86 -OGc0):&c cOO, I, v. to toss and catch with an etch, oqaie~.co03 (moe, see also under omn~ii "ocogj4, adv. counting one, two, &c., in the play of toss and catch; coj' Gcauoi:u QccO4: U6co:,0s1: cooP, 2, to tie a particular knot, co?~qjeoe~, frequently termed oocooX (pron. MGi.3oq&~aA10,%CSGC~?qeCU); this word is much used by boatmen (mcuoo? qe aol1coojo). Qa3o, 3, v. affix denoting a slight necessity (see Grammar); coo0 has now superseded in colloquial the proper imperative affix =co0; e.g., O3RacOio, go, coorooo, come; rcoo and rqz often precede the future affix shall or will o6, when they would seem to be the equivalent of the English word "about to be," " the point " or " verge " of, as q$cq$@c cdpor&Gooog or OpaSoaqjQoi 8sco~oo5 eG.cooa5I ooz, he is on the verge of starvation; in composition 0coo wuld also seem to have a similar meaning, as the following extract from the zat of Zanekka, will show, oocspEo:og6 9 cqgpassp65Co:)oea3cA., as if by swimming he was about to arrive at the place he wished in a single day. In certain instances cc? has the force of "'only" and is equivalent to coo, v., e.g., 9oyca( co(8dioo:oS xoolewLcooe~ GopmcaSmoom, adv. with imperfect pronunciation; mcscomscooc 08tcoopeaj~~, sgooefgn soog3age3638sa>o8o0jg ooo~~ 9050338~ rooS, i, n. sir or madam, a term of compellation used by females in Upper Burma, rather impolite; 98, a contraction, perhaps, ob 69co5G0-oS O00S, 2, n. a thing belon ng to a Buddh or sovereign, e.g., Goos 3830C0l000300 r G SCSQoSqcooSc&8.11 co.05Woo~B41S0440 ~c8&sco5o5oqow&R&3ooSc:n in the language of compliment belonging to any high personage; coOS@-gxof3oGo (or lco), to perform funeral rites with royal honours. - _oCa, v. to offer to royalty. - Q4, n.; see under 6ucpt --—, v. to become the property of the sovereign as intestate or unclaimed property. --— q, v. to be of the same rank (infrequent). -aS, v. to belong to royalty, Government, be a perquisite of royalty or Government; coo=Soiqsc, the royal matches; GcooqSoYS:mp, "the royal weavers" or "weavers to his majesty," rooS is often used as a polite affix in conjunction with i amongst even ordinary people, e.g., coo&a cfsoo5Jo7hS@ 1xoto u 0oS60,O~SaQ:s8CooS901ll1 008oooSOT ol8cqj900 .coCs 531 3, n. 3, a loud, rumbling, thundering noise, like that accompanying an earthquake. - coe:, v. to rumble, roar, &c., as above; GooScoeSnc ccq8ou GQ3S, 4, v. to be meet, suitable, fit, sufficient, worthy; o$ooall cosooxpi Gcq aoSookoopr3qSooep!,ooIuoo; for 0coo50co, see 0co~Gc under o0vn o8c:soocScgs Soa30Soo8suoguoDC60ol ~gAs, v. to hit right, happen opportunely; when reduplicated and used adverbially, the same as rcoSi &-c,, v. to be upright, honest, rggooS; the negative of this is in frequent use, but by no means implies dishonesty of conduct, but simply to things being done in an inappropriate, bungling manner, or to exhibit want of tact, judgment, or consideration in one's speech; ocSujoo31 oqS3o65 ooe~11o:;~oa ooo&G6:)ooiooe~11 - 0J 11Rq51100S, v.; see co03S (ooSo~cojSu~1Oqj!). --— ooS, a. pretty good, tolerable. passable, pretty well (in health, GcScc=SR@, as after an illness); adv. tolerably, passably. -GOoSo8 (commonly pron. 0coo500S 5), adv. hardly, scarcely, as (o-Broo60So:soaj8coe, he hardly wants to go, i.e., he is disinclined to go; GcoScoSo8&O5pUS t --— oS, v. to be upright, honest; oocooooomnSuGo53c5xe5 - cO$, v. to be liberated from slavery, obtain freedom, become a free man; GmScoJ &oBd1Squ6lcoo, a question put to a candidate for the priesthood. — cq, v. to treat (a superior) with disrespect or insolence, to be rebellious; -Dajcn:*o eo53 CooS co3 g+ a83 u8(cdooS c-3 ~~ _,-Qb8;Qc569c8 ot-~ t 0.00, 5, v. to be related by birth or marriage; Go:SS5gQ:)84 co:(ooS~ ooK, in what way are Maung An and Maung Po related? V ----cS,. to be related collaterally; aroj ol 84olo S 9~0o8 mo8mconooe, he is not my own relation; I am nearly connected with him collaterally by my wife being related to him. (Anglice, related to him through my wife.) GocS, 6, v. to guess, presume; rarely used singly; msco3aaso8 68 *oo05o, v. same; co.Moooog. (o8owoh:), hence oooSooco, adv. in "a manner not to be expected or calculated; o-oSoo-oS co0C~008 01SoooSao Co: ooSdb —. ---q 4, adv. in the way of shifting responsibility or avoiding trouble; chiefly refersito speech. GOSq|4S6 (pron. _GcoTqcJ ), n. some part of the decorations of a roof or steeple. cooSoocoS: (co), n. Tawthalin, the sixth month in the year, nearly answering to September; cooSoaooogoR o, oS8oSs, "in the month of September spread a mat on the river," alluding to the absence of storms and atmospheric disturbances generally in Tawthalin, the month being so tranquil that a mat spread on a river would not be rumpled; cooSooco8: qg$Goo, the (fresh-water) crabs die from (the heat of) a Tawthalin sun; by way of allusion to the heat usually felt in Tawthalin. v,. to be short;.ggo 3Sl=G0 0g):o)ool ---— coo, v. same (to be abrupt, or petulant in speech; oos --— ooo, -c8ogo3c, n, little bits, fragments. -o-r, v.; see oq, applied to the mind or speech; 8S; ogooe, to be testy, petulant, to have a short rough manner, to De crusty; oooasgogcxoo, v. to be abrupt, curt in speech, see cGooSsII -— c8q8, n. odds and ends (a word much affected by Burmese druggists); opcioowni Gq, y oc8c8oo.5ol, go to the bazaar and buy odds and ends. o4o5, i, n. a brick or stone house or building,,any tight, secure place, a depository, a district under one jurisdiction, several things united under one head as a cluster of monasteries, -ocqpS&coS, e.g., coqoSrco5o.o.oAS. at Rangoon, a collection of villages, o~5oooscogp in Lower Burma, a revenue circle, an assemblage of countries [a continent] as rjoctoS, -— 35, n. a chief of a taik. -— ojI8, n. in British Burma a rural police officer, also called oc,)oSs06l5n S —, v. to divide or subdivide a revenue circle. — o ---G, n. the writer or clerk of a taik, particularly of a custom-house. dicsoM05 530 cWoS qa, n. the chief of a taik, particularly of a custom-house. - o:), n. same as ooSII CSqoC00~4 n-o:,. the New Zealand creeper, Antigonon le1topus (an artificial flower). —, v. to unite several parts under one jurisdiction, control. — ISCI, n. in Lower Burma a revenue collector of a circle, e.g., ):@0**c8OqCYSo11 ocOS, 2, v. to strike against, drive against; more than g~S, to attack as a band of dacoits (cocgtA,), engage in combat, oM.o5d; to come to blows, to bring into contact to provoke to quarrel or fight, to lay together, compare, collate, to rub; gco2~, to work upon by friction, as q, to saw; o5o8:66oc, to file, and hence gSocoS, to sail, and C93g cScS, to cart; 0cUS000M 03;OCR SOQG08*SoooAC6S75 cM0502 (A:oqrBG@o0Co S0D&. — zRq oSx$, n. goods that are sold by weight; cGSsqqs@o: oqo.RSrqj5 m0c $R8@~8 5$ SAS 3 O( 0:ORC CaCo5q$qoS - 6g, v.; see cc, ist and 2nd def.; G908S00elo.-QJlC0: sap~~ac 63o~sogo0q,8S0Sgcc~aqogoqoc oa Sooseol33g, Cil4g" 8 " 913X333IoCgS~cJS3a31~s do not you see a person, why go pushing past? J ----o, v. to weigh (heavy or bulky articles in the large scale, CqP). --— oS, -A8, v.; see the parts; ooeoo i roo6 aoSqc@&a ojoox6 6old&, who was the person, please, who collated and examined these papers? - 22s, v. to instigate, stimulate, to urge; o oq08 gooRo $:cq coo Ga.o@~aSoloop~ -cS, v. to rub, scour. — GooSs:, n. a small military drum. --— vg,. (to fight); see the parts; J~Bcq$(~,-&BWS ooe. -— 00G03., n. a ship of war, a man-o'-war.. —C04S, 0)n. a musket specially set apart for warfare. o05, 3, v. to give to drink, administer (a liquid); m6qoS3JoSnoo$s q44 a. shortl stunted, qcoo; e.g., joyqqaoo5qoSu OoSoasr a. short, stunted, yy; e.g., cpao63qoa45gcS 4OtYS (sometimes. pron. Jo5 ~65), adv. straightfradiec in speech, oo&,xo; a~OSagc5~S, OSqoQI~@6c c~~oG@ m~8~g~ok~,if instead of speaking in a roundAbout manrper, you spoke straight to the point, there would be greater chance' of the bup~iqess ben h sl settled.eigasl c 8, 1, n. a post, a column; see also G*c~8ii n. a bracket. OMYv. to spread a sail within the mast. 4 t. a pedestal. 91,n. a temporary post, a j ury-mast. __00). a scarf. x. a capital, chapiter. ~8,v, to ask~ leave (of one 'in authority), aaRGoso~8oe; Camp qI3Qsrx, to call on to notice and b~ear witness (as when a quarrel is goi'ngg on), to complain of, inform, accuse to another, to lodge or lay a (criminal). complaipt.. o-,v. same; wqc q 8stc@oozooox,. did you report this,matter to the Government?,..v. tQ- be weurity for the payment of money; comp. cGz: 95 and o45, to be a person called on to notice and wit. ness. V. to. appeal to for proof, to take to witness in swearing, to* swear by; 40S4*:n=c;o1S~c& o~8oo c~oho0, I appeal and call as witnesses all the nats. -m$C* (prox- d184~) o: see c.&, 2nd and 3rd def.; c@j$ 9941 alhhough I complained to the guard, I did not happen to see the sergeant write -my complaint, oozrYn. a (criminal) complaint. osqru-,v. to lodge such complaint. v. to record such a complaipt. 0000, v.; see the parts; oSoqos 33~G~S3G3 c~4&,co~oho~o2, I call upon you, sir, as one who has heard arqd knows, to note and bear witness to the fact. c~,n. a written compl4int, or repprt, ma~Ie to somoe one in authority. II ccq, 3, v. to arrive, reach, attain, I0oSo65 U; bit ahiefly used in the phrase G8*3ra8, see Grammir, sec. 123; sometimes used in a reduplicated form, e.g., oomcoJcq84,q during or throughout time; )aCrG-ooc;8q90G3;8 (;0_1~Gl#01 g8qsoooc&@Oq, wait till 1 arrive, 4yaungtaga? -'..c,, v. to arrive or reach, as a period of time or date. - O.M.A, v. has the similar meaning or signification; eiSco o ocqzSjqoeJn ooocoa8ojo0o, 1when the 3oth of April arrives, I will repay the debt. S, 4 (from (c8, a post, column), v. to use for a warp in weaving, to set the tune, lead in singing, obcM8. Der. soq8, and qcSm*c p4q8jo*@e~.?, there is no thread for setting the warp for weaving. o,8o, v. to consult, deliberate together; ~-cg~*o&~:9G0sc9Seu -— 0-:09, v. to consult and discuss. SoS 7 cFoslo8 o81Gp9QonoSe,- as it is a difficult matter, it would be as well to deliberate and discuss it. q68s, i-, n. a country; more extensive than @2u -— oo n, n. same; o*smoP: e4H cq, n. intermediate space between countries; A860%:.1 -— s 00 OG4, n. the 16 great kingdoms mentioned in Buddhist writings; " s 8>11 3z& 8:, Magadha; Opo 0o80, Kdsi (ancient); w3QSASQ:, name of Benares, Kosala or Maha Kosala; G0;coo0oJ8: (modern Berar), Vriji; oa c8s0 (modern Tirhut); 8Epc8,noNcq~-u 6 0p 8 (a;8q8 oNCocq81iB ojqqpGiccq8nu Uoo009oc8%u coso:4.&o cQ8w:u GdIeIq8sopqoc~81i [o ocoT&, China; oGo6cg:, Cambodia; qs0io -48-, Siam. These three are modern names and not connected with the i6 great kingdoms mentioned in Buddhist writings]. -30-Fge> n. the outskirts or borders of a country. n, r a country under one jurisdiction. (; ---sq sG L, n. the affairs of a country or kingdom. — "-Ts~Mgoa:, n. the inhabitants of a country. c0q8, 2, n. a wooded tract.of country; used in connection with the names of some kinds of trees, as 1a0$o8:,s c8n1i7clo5 ~q~snobyq6:llq8:udcEO~103:n0 8 1033.' C o4E0, 3, v. to compare together, to measure, that is, to estimate the dimensions of a thing by comparing it with a measure of length, Lto abuse another by comparing him, or her, to some base partof one's body or of some animal]; 46o;4 ogs:oM-ooaoooctoQ8d1 oo~, I meditate going tomorrow. c85too:, v.; see the parts. — go, v. to measure the dimensions of, to scold in rough abusive language, see definition under c8s; less than s q,a= Sgags a81ScqSgoA, GCq:.1oog~ni to consider; with =o;oo, to purpose, meditate, think, estimate; -— g,; see cq8:, Ist def.; o':gg8@oa-:, did you happen to weigh the matter (over in your mind)? d8:s, 4 (from Aoo=ac&8:, whence Aoa~gacw8:), adv. without exception; equivalent to adj. every; ao=cp:cqS c8:9, in every respect, in every instance; cqSP:, every one; Goh58s, every day; oo aqGoGp:(4coo:, do you believe every time this man speaks, i.e.,Feverything this man says. cq8So:os, n. the small, broad-tailed fly-catcher, M. qt, I, n. a large basket, used in carrying cooked rice (sometimes being capacious enough to contain 4 or 5 baskets of rice), usually used at religious festivals, more so in Upper, than in Lower, Burma. oC, 2, v. to touch lightly, put in contact with c8; comp. Ad, to give private information against another (generally implies persons who officiously tell tales); s.:85>88RLSc qRoo cocScjooS800 f —o~, v. same, 2nd def.; oog a~ocgoo0So0oooSoo,,oSqo-o GalSos^oGSol, -- ooS (fron. <ceoS), n. a powder-puff, or any cloth saturated with powder and applied to the face. cq, 3 (fton. &), noun ajffx denoting plurality, sometimes used as an abbreviation of the first person plural, e.g., Cs830, " with us," "among us"; is often used conjointly with qos:, e.g., oooorqhsio8:aJqiioo 3Gpipctg, or less frequently c~ qao (ooSoo:ooo, whence do you come?). d:, n, n. a kind of fabulous animal said to inhabit the Hemawunta forest, the image formerly 'attached to standard weights (dctGco:, royal boat flags, coins)..dw4o2, see oxsi $43 411 2, V. to advance., to increase, be enlarged, augmented; go: 'Cu Der. cy~coii-,:,~t ~ I will repay the orizinal with the principal; woo-3n Gcoo&;ooBc m)c8=:)coze. (Ang~ice" " putting on flesh"). o-Bv. same; 0D05 c4o:SO~9 o%,~P8 %:)A- coos oo2,, Maung Pan Hia has been very prosperous this year. v. to increase; ~o6SG-ooDc- opnoc.YS o&3D =c~~V cxi~, in knowledge tha-n- last year. c~*) 3, v. to push, butt, shove against; oiR~ sBzC~ ((ESGcox~_owc,-) So@kmpc4:~61, press forward to my; side. v.~h.; see next, 2nd def.; =Bc~O3CoR:-,2;-cj~0O c6 oS, go to your elder brother, make submission, and beg his pardon. 0)V. to push into, to press respectfully into (the pr esence of), make submission, to pay homiage; c~@o~.IoA oSoo& the thief entered by pushing himself through the window. S1-oSsee the -parts; cjq -& i;9O~cQ~oS c0q~,A) adv. softly, not loud; oc;~o speak softly, please, or the sick person will' awaken. - &A:,-o, -oo~ooo, adv. same; c CBCAUSr. OD& they twy are consulting quietly toge. 53309 1 hear' whispers that badmashes will set fire to the town-of Tunte'. 9,BqB adv.; see ~oo~oS-, very, which is in far more general use; used as an intensive of hardness; cO-BO aQ)Xe~u -G 6Icl 6 cSGl5, adv.; coGGooo IO)lycoS>ooeXpU cqSoq8, adv. clickingly as a clock, [or tinklingly as the alarm of a clock when it rings; *oo oi qVo~SZoqjS, adv. intensive (rare). qv. very red; used only in some continuative or adverbial forms; r.6l. zol8~ $ Squo)OOSCo3r S(Pali), a. three; o~,u oo6 n. a mixture of c%-3ioScA8S2 and q., M7-qI) -OCO, n. a mixture of q%&o3201 CO&S~o83 and.0as 544 a eg, v. to have the muscles of the limbs contracted through weakness or fatigue, or to move as if thus contracted; cq* S8@Sa o 333aSl1ooS E803o5I,,0853i 3 @33 q( O oq$sGS, in travelling I dare not sit down on the road, for, should I happen to do so, my muscles all get contracted. cgaS, i, v. to strike backwards, as with the elbow; oGooDS3 cgoso oeo~1 oo5a, 2, v. to cipher, calculate, reckon, compute, to hold off, refuse to do, because another is delinquent. Der. saop u. oooc8:obc s 8sgoo2.oooo~oaCfoigcoS:oto1, reckon up and see, please, how much money there is in this account; C'ocaRSogosoZogSIog q 8:GoQ0Go01, a man who shirks work when others are delinquent, is not good for employing in any business. — 08, same, 2nd def. -— t S, v. same, Ist and 2nd def. (n. a calculation, reckoning, computation). -- 08, v. to audit an account; o:8:ogcooSiu coEoSqco,-oBS cS:ol, audit this account, please. cS, 1, n. (scarcely used by itself); comp. goSH — 6, v. to scoop, bore by turning in a lathe. —. (pron. ogSc), n. a lathe for scooping or boring. ---— o:, n. one who scoops. -ag, 2, n, a cupping horn or glass. — q0o, -voS, -,o, v. to cup; Gr858GoloSoo~3slogZ85c9gl83 co-5Goo8s l Sao oo&6Sw, if one is cupped when bitten by the (common) green snake, one is likely to be saved from the danger of death. g28, 3, v. to call, call by name; maotogSootiioTGoToeu.ogo.gS Soop, it is more polite in asking a Burman his name to say o8c 330ogsoc~6ogc8o1oocO, " how are you called by name?" than to say oS@1ag SooC-coq, though not more elegant than oSaqlpoje ooSoaloc, o Go1 & 8oSTooococ cooc:co8AsvoSogG-ooG3. he remains called up to the present time " bright moon light, Nga 'Po," bright moon light, Nga 'Po; [Nga 'Po was a famous Rangoon thief]; ooSg 400ooSooo 8oo 01oo3, how is this town called by name? S08, 4, v. to be performed with despatch, be accomplished, much arid expeditiously. Der. aooRaSpii og3 a~qsoo5 ",aoqSoaSuooa, this Myo6k is a very expeditious man in getting through his work. g0SoqoS, vz. to manage, control, direct,' so. as to secure despatch or expeditious performance; @e~@~o~pcc~ ocS61 COCbc who controls affairs in Pro*neO oRS2C~BqB58I please work with despatch. o28, 5 (from o98)., nouix affix locative, in, at, among; ~9I0 sometimes possessive of q~f n.a hole in 'the ground, a pit. Der. Gcto28&ui -.jo&(pron. q=_150), v. to entrap by a covered pit; 611 v. to burrow. mqod (pron. oqiwocB), 'v. to clear out a well; oo3rejgCOsti1 03Zv. to bury up an offering in the ground, such as clothing, hair of the head, toe nails, finger nails, with the view of averting some cealamity, sickness, see o;obei -03,pron. o28scoca), n. the proprietor of an earth-oilwela Yenangyaung. c.v. to -dig a well. [The Barmege are of opinion that -digging a well is so laborious that they class it amongst the most arduous laboirrs uidergoee by man, e.g., oR,.S: OjGO)4) 3 o 3C -~5) 2 8.C 0 1( 40304E 11C 4j f - VWW is;. water drawn fromn a. well, in contradistinction to water froa -a river, -crek, rain wa ter. C048 a. gray, applied to cloth; o>RSfq8GO3`O (-or qz~s). _48-Go,-c, 2. to turn gray -as the hair; 8b po.i 48. C~q:Sq @r., the hair df your head has tiwzwd quite gray (r.00800":00505). -cRv.-zinc~jDo& i. a kind of yamn. o:o5(),n. the Anwdendrox paniczdahsam. oov. to murmur, complain, (nag at); used only -in -an adverbial form,as o c a t S v. to crow, to low, bellow, to -sing as a serpent; OSc2$4 4&V. to -be wrinkled, to draw up or contract the skin as a serpent or worm when moving, to *be puadkered in wrinkles as the skin of the face, to shrink, draw -in through, to flinch1 to twitch (=qoj, a khik, R-W.D.); a cpsc~:coj 546 I co5oo~, the snake, after recoiling, darted forward and Sdrew itself out; oM~;q2Gi o cl~ coR4 1oIoo3 cn-ocSo oo. c~; oogGc8.oP, if an occasion should arise, do you think, sir, this man would be courageous; he would shrivel up like a worm touched with salt. oa ioooS, v. to be drawn up and convulsed. -g, v. flinch from a purpose of giving or spending (or from any purpose); oSSooSooS5GoooS9u Cqog 3 06 @45 oaw, in giving and bestowing he does not do so liberally; there is a hesitating and wavering (in his doing); sp G CO3S-cg 0.... in those designated embryo Buddhs there is no shrinking back; they are replete with courage and might. -— d, n. a retraction of the genitals. -— g, adv. in gathers or puckers as a flounce (rare in colloquial). -—., v. to shrink back through fear. --— o8, v. to be wrinkled and curled up; agao88LQacS~8Q,, a. flinching and receding as for some purpose; c8oo$so8c coaSc-cq o.jSo g wrlSntwstooSo u tps — c08, v. to be wrinkled and twisted up, see the parts. oSgR, v. shove, push, impel; c0:, to rub off as dirt from the flesh; cq: (pron. q1) ogPoo1II GcoLo o S, to back water in rowing-; Qoo aoGq og-coSooA, he pushed me in the back...-O-O- (pron. ooooS:), n. the outrigger of a boat.. ---, n. a large wooden hoe or scraper used for drawing or pushing. v —, v. to push down, throw down; OSoGoToooC2$ c.o ~ Sa olGoloon, I have broken my leg owing to his pusntng me down from the house. -— c-, v.; see c0:, Ist def.; c02g$O:QooSsa -., see the parts; ic:g~. -A56c00 l5 cjloga:oR: oS, v. to nibble as a fish at a bait; choaggSoo, to cut, pare, as precious stones; see also under o.oo:.l ) —~50, n. a facet; oo8$oSgSog 5GolS5 oDacoCoSa ocV, what is the aggregate numoer of facets of this diamond? oog8$So.5 o8c2oS, the facets of this diamond are very inferior (of inferior workmanship). 1 cCg 547 0ogSog, adv. intensive to words of redness; q8&1s$IIaGogo. $n moo:003 r3SGzGq$ C~CB -OOg9 oScitlctCoSo8903$cC 0 35cOOOGc. $rOH og05, v. to cling to, hang on, hold on at the side, to attach, make cling to; omc6aooo3:S, to tack, attach slightly; Gcjo -— 3 8, n. a pin; ooj3sa --— 00, v. to cling to or hang on closely; g80ooso33802O8C coc6oSoo:, the foal followed, clinging close to its mother. — oo, v. to cling to from a feeling of attachment; coo ogoSog, ooi' 8<oieoo03:cos-oc3cg cocpoOcoooo, this woman is devotedly attached to her children; odoSo2oS C 0000 03a SOCOtIl -- ~, v. to append (a person), to take along with one's self; o3aogcoroxogoSQ ofoo, a tiger can take off a bullock. gos, v. to creep, crawl; Scoosonogo0o0g, to creep and go on hands and knees; cooooSco o3oo8qo~, " a creeping thing " (see _udson's Bible, Gen. 7, 14), sop3a3sco 3 looocog COoSog2:)I11 Go6, i, v. to be confused or lost in thought, absent in mind, stupefied; seldom used singly; comp. 8$Gca and ~8ucooS cogcooSco, (he) is very absent-minded; cogo6oa c G — ~S, see the parts. — co (infrequent except in poetry or songs), co (most common); 33oGoq.cC!o, coGo, to be in a half conscious state as a sick person; o xGS GOG 93 00 9 o5rGa0oqo1, this sick person has lapsed into a state of abstraction, one can get no answers to questions put. Gco, 2, v. to consolidate, make compact, make. cohere in a hard solid mass (as metals); goocooe, co,0og$0o e~, o52co ap'; GoXoooS, to be firm, stiff with fatness; o 2 G wpS, to stand firm, hold fast. Der. aGcoEog; also means to hold out at arm's length, keeping the arm stiff, as in lifting a weight, to estimate the weight of an article by taking it up in one's hand; oDc0i9G o5o c8~o@8, the elephant stands his ground, he will give chase; GcgGoo.pS,-8-,GQO 3cop$85oco2%5o9 eS, do not fancy she will give in, this woman will still maintain her position and oppose you. cog, 3, v. to flow moderately and incessantly; used in an ad"verbial form and in Der. oB6OgsiiGGo2go20oqfi38GogGo2og, C fs q 6;1 6 a8 C1091 2g,. to feel. apprehend by the sense of feeling, to find, to meet with; sro also has the same meaning as the English colloquial expression " to catch it," e.g., if you do so, you will catch it; osoo3erEcq&8 G c c8g&o ^o G5co65 GQo oloog, I have myself experienced it. — @, @, v. same, last def.; oo'ooago oggoti, I have never once met with or come across (such a thing). " ---s, v. to come across and associate with; GoqgacG ) oSoioo~iI — c0o, v. to meet in order to quarrel or take satisfaction (rare). CRo:, v. to consider, deliberate on, implying doubt or uncertainty; cog:608G o, 8~(G o — ooT, v. to consider with reference to something future. " —oo, G003, see a c, G O(OdGcos a ooSCOs&aCO Goo GO SGoM 6cc 0oc". Sg, G m(o3Goo3o3qooqoS, because I understand Burmese pretty well, I am not obliged to consider before I speak as formerly; o8 32 Go=# p g O;:fo0G1 co oo33o, your case requires me to deliberate upon and elucidate it. --— 5, v. to take thought beforehand, to contemplate; 33sppoq6oE CqS08:oGoj5g:c0o oo, in every instance I like to act after I have premeditated the matter. cgOrO2s, adv. intensive to words of redness; 8t98sauoaSogR8 qu0lgGO4" 0ICogO8 is perhaps the strongest intensive., v. to hang suspensively as the ear lap charged with a heavy ornament; ds:sGoom sooS g p ooo:0osa, s oI 0003800 'o ogS, to pretend to be reluctant, to hold off; ao8xogS 8$So oGgD O^C~0 VoS o1 ^ G^ o102gS|| --., v.; see the parts; cooSc~t48oo&uc, S, i, v. to put together, connect as a rope; comp. 'tocS and -— oo5:, n. formerly the mixed court at Mandalay. — qoo^,. n. a railway carriage. -— o0CAo, n. a flat attached to a steamer. 02, 2, v. to be pendent, to hang suspensively; sm88jsoSom GOspJGb02G^O3.lI -- q, v. to be pendent and descending, as gum or a stalactite;;zq658cooqcB6q l oaef cGOOOsaS oSg'oxqJae -— ql, adv. same as next with the additional idea of many (rare in colloquial). OD8@6: S49 c'gc~ (sometimes oj&s. or c~co8), adv. in a pendulous mariner, as an article suspended by a cord; d~ ' et'q v. to dangle; o%&q co6ro:-9:) ooo:,Ros CGrao3?c:)8 oo~ owing to this man having been wounded in the upper right arm, it 'is hanging- loosely down; cce~aqn8SrpT O~w~ this person is dangling his feet from the house. 00 (The seventeenth consonant in the Burmese alphabet and the second in the class of dentals.) OD, 1) V. to arise, get up, to grow up, to spring or grow up as shrubs, plants, weeds, undergrowth, to be rampant as bands of rebels, dacoits, bad characters, to be overbearing, bumptious-( i) 46G~o 38amooce9i (2) C cq o.~o~6 (or conoei) (5) co c00it;,1 -,(combined with words of quickness or diligence as 4 or cqF8&), v. to be active, quick in action. -Qoq~ (oo~c~.co) (pron. oooc4 03),. nz. active exertion, energy; w~og — -r&,v. to. accomplish one's purpose; 3zflG~oati CO 2, verb, affix euphonic, see Grammar, sec. 118; ~ccnS~x, G~o3oiiGoo5G3)1oo3Goo:i~ cDco, the Burmese style oo8ccop cooS, v. to be sharp, oc~O; figuratively to be high-spirited, highmettled as a horse; with e3)~w5 to be acute in intellect(1) cWp~ 008CRo. cODDaPc2$ 000So~~ OOc8~8C~li, (2) coco~os @cv. same. -o v. [to be keen, vigorous; used after az:~:u o" GOOOP]; G00o3:)O3OC)5 BOx4 G c):ql coo5rS8 (pron. =o8~8 in colloq.), adv. close to, together with, in accompanying, following;:.GQD~t083OS"00003JG3ZD GoT ~Ofc~d:UccsCq~ei -o: v. to be together, to be inseparable; ~j8co C055- a~dv. in halves lengthwise, e.g., cooLS@:~, to split in halves; 0005p.62., v. to be split in halves; e5f60( QOO5S-*CqCB~ (2) C~~0O36903$,O0B63 O~il 550 coas cooSqs:, adv. in halves crosswise, e.g., ocS ~80.roS, to cut (a long thing, So:G1 oo): [08R1) in halves; coo5~@Sg- to be cut in halves; o 9Sr,6ro51 (2) 8 scGq8:aosg cDd3q~ 3 5 o6oc2S 8o@oSo:ga cooSooS, adv. in halves (equall ) either lengthwise or crosswise)- (I) aS( 0-PeS jo:*cQ oOSGoog-oloe~ (2) boocooS oo5~oScqodolli cooSo$.-cq&, n. the environs or circui f a thing), more remote than oo5o4-0q8; frequently used adverbially, radius, circumference-(i) g oEyj3~P,3aFocSO, c0E@8sl3 (2) coSoOS, adv. in a cross-legged posture, as an image of Gandama; applied to deities, kings, and to Sekra; c8g:O-:88 co)c@:CBOJS OG)G8& OCS~ G a CO4SWGoq(I — o3C6, -, — ra9, v. to sit in a cross-legged posture, as a deity or king; comp. coEqeos, to sit in the same posture as ordinary persons. cos, v. to be visible, appear, be conspicuous; to appear to the mind, that is, to think, suppose, be of opinion; goSoaii -o:, v. to regard (a desirable event) as probable; co8o:)cn8 C~C011(200*oss.Qe3 oOo:)OG6o,)e11 -GOT, v. see co8, ist def.; oqico9]q4- )oeo co8TV6Ia - @8, v. to discern mentally; reduplicated and used adverbially; o3cpco80@6 CU33pucoTo0io h 96S, v.; see c8, 2nd def. 5:),, v. to be evident, plain, manifest, clear, conspicuous \C085p is very frequently written 0o8q0p-, which is said to be the more correct spelling; o a xi coo0 60, reduplicated and used adverbially; co~opo851or u ON —co8:, same as co851:n co6:, I, n. fuel, firewood, see examples i and 2. -_-qCco:, n. fuel or.firewood blackened by a jungle fire. -, n. a billet of firewood; a0dl1g008-'aeg~D8 33, - Gj, v. to gather. -oe- o (pron. eeo), n. a bundle of firewood, a fagot. - G2-:, n. touchwood.,-,_ocsG18060018 (ro018-c4) 0618:, to associate with until the head be placed or falls on the funeral pyre, i.e., for ever, Oot 551 an expression used in arranging proposals of marriage [or as a (male) lover making a vow or protestation of fidelity]. 008.0105, v. to split wood with an axe;-co8go8E, o1cl5ni - 8-, n.; see co:s B-r6, v.; see coosr G.il, 8ocoeoomg] qsaoo8-0'Bxe (Prov.); (2) CoSo02c3 OG~ o8s, 2, v. to be permanently stained, as cloth or paper, see g~)oSaoC081U'11 00".11 0 a0 0g g8; -cxcS-, v. to be stained with spots; aq@coaSm8-ag OcqaoS: om8:coE, adv. clearly, evidently. O-O 0ooSg, adv. same; -as GTSoE:C5: c,8sga (oS), n. the pine or fir (Pali oxooD); 0m8:a0oo8o03, n. a deal box. -co, nn. turpentine, pitch. 08, n. tar; cmo0 po8on cobooo0, n. a deal-wood box or case, 006,v. to notch, to break the uniformity of an even line by a notch, or by a knob, protuberance, &c., to interrupt a continuous sound by stops and breaks as in stuttering, ooaO coB0OO, or in a succession of thunder-claps, x5o:,-co8, &c., to hit slightly (with the fists; not often used, cooS coAS,.8coG cpS~), to try and catch in conversation; ocoo: coe0ioc311000oD ogW ci cos c3II q o8E egac co& S ooin jo8oeu o8 CG3:806ooe1 -_cj,, v.; see the parts; oom)sco8q8@Gsj -coo Sw0ii coxco8o1 (pron. sometimes 383801), co8Do&o$ (pron. sometimes 3838CO~), v. to be vigorous, o6c8o8co$GaDQo:)oop; applied to children and prefixed in some adverbial form to agtI co60Dso3b1 )8A- (also applied to horses; co800801 6o3boaao& 8oocGco:) and cGu oCoD07o3cE )oG4 )oOs Gco-go0010oSo~ can also be applied to horses in this sense. toB0C8o CO, adv. with impediments and delays; e:o8ooros~ 33gy~ o008s(80co 610Fg, pC 0coa8,6ue60388d9Rs a4C0~080:Q3 8 coog_ Oc&go 0s, 0 C8 cog, i, v. to be respectable in appearance, have such an ap' pearance, or bearing or manners as to command respect (sqe 5) (pron. cooS), to be assuming, put on airs (see coS) -(I) i(oSocq80S e (2) co o5@c0 c o04o~-V06IoSwoeooicq (a well.built man); (3) vcoe~o3l'ooxu: ol r8oo4* ' [also applied to inanimate objects, as cocSagoe:)&SS. coe (Gmo), a (tron. coaS), v. to exchange, barter; coDoo, co: - (infrequent), co oeSq:oo8c (pron. noSq8-), 01:8 O&~ (0b) 9-n, n. the 36 animals (Chinese) lottery, a raffle. -MODS:, v. to play at lottery..CJ3WAS, v. to raffle. o st, n. a lottery clerk and money collector. - 0034t8, v. to hang up the ticket containing the winning animal [the ticket is usually put into a bag and hung up]. --— oCoos, n. the paper containing the names of,the 36 animals written in columns. *~8), n. a lottery croupier (or manager of a lottery). - v. to open a lottery. n. a shed or building. in which a lottery is held. _-~js, v. to lose at a lottery. Sn. a piece of paper (tolled up) containing the win* ning animal in a 36 animals lottery; a lottery ticket. cog, 1, v. to put or place in; Comp. &gS, to put or place in some situation, to depute, to depute to accompany anther;.o&, when it denotes to depute, has exactly the same signification, apparently, as GsSi —(x) cGdBoS5oDo c7Sofln (2) QF08SC~ 0100N (3) co, 2, see oot, qual. verb. affix. co$, v. to be strong, violent; '@snbosuwi.:oe reo$ 8co$, v. to be violent tempeed; cooxSb -agcnqos-co4, to rain heavily; oeco$o, v. to be violent as the wind. 'ogo,;. or adv. nearly dry; co8a8ino1oJ-(i) amoc&Y swo0c4 g~~osoD>:aoll- (2) G okoogilc '~18 ssb@ I aon (oS), n. the tan or sugar-palm (the palmyra palm) fGcoo8..-GoloSoi (pron. coorloS5l), n. a basket made of tan leaves and o$2GC95U o, n. the reticulated part of the tan under the S:socos; brooms are sometimes made of co$:oo "d-G.4p (pron. coq 1oS), n. the shell of the tan fruit; comp.:0aa ad and-s -o. This shell is used as an oil ladle, 041( 553 892oS. It is also made (in Upper Burma) into a kind of trap for catching the qo, oo$a o099oSooa GEc3lVoau0 cooxSoqS mcoSooo:Boi: oggG o cs11to soiis 11: oM8i co~$c)oo5, n. the large sprout from the tan seed, containing both the embryo root (oo-:o86) and the tree (oo:$oSGo1oS). -- ooS, v. 0ooSo.*, to make a living by climbing toddy trees in order to extract the juice; a toddy-tree climber; cocS qg3, v. to climb a toddy tree. — Goo (pron. oocGl), n. -—, n. the branch of the male palm (oo$l) whence the juice exudes. — o, -oco8, n. the bark which clusters around the trunk at certain intervals; 4oq-BcoS5cg8 oo$,co80oSqo5oo80o (Prov.). — q, n. the male palm. --- qoo5ao, n. the wild palmyra. — o (frequently pron. coo), the female palm. — G (pron. ooc8), n. a harmless kind 'of green snake, frequenting tan trees or human habitations having tan leaf roofs. " ---c-, n. the juice of the tan or sugar-palm; [co$:qg6ls, fermented toddy juice]. — c —jg~, v. to break down the stalk of the tan leaf; coo cooSicoo o Nio oScbi-ooso D s qo e~4s86 1 — o0o5, n. the stalk of a tan leaf. -- oqco8, n. a young tan. - cqoS (pron. coeoS), n. jaggery, the coarse, sugary substance into which the molasses made of the juice (ooS6&) of the tan or sugar-palm is ultimately converted; coo:cqlo5OS:, oo$t cxioSgi " ----C (pron. shaw), v. to fall from a tan tree, cooo goc Scooog [ooC$cog), lit. means to 'slide' down from a tan tree]. —.-ooo0, n. one who is employed in drawing off the juice of the sugar-palm; oo$,oo5o~oon -— cS (frequently pron. cooo8), n. the fruit of the sugar-palm; co$id:: oo$gOS:oGos s o,4SS,o5. (Prov.) "As the tan fruit was falling the crow trod upon, and bit it," i.e., in the way of anything happening opportunely; ^oo$z8 (pron. co08s) Sg", a dark brown bullock resembling a ripe tan fruit in colour. "-ti, n. a kind of cake made of the sugar-palm. 70 534 cn$:c4s, adv. damp from moisture collected, as wearng apparel or the hair; c'8:c8&.-(i) s ooS-8:o: 0 c*v,~oot, owing to the dew falling (or literally striking), the. clothes are sticky and damp; (2) G@@,CojIoO~&GO3 coeoagoc ~o@coo:oj:, the ground is still wet, it is not very dry yet. co Swp (oS), n. the Acacia leucophlma, fearfully armed with paired, straight, sharp, blackish, stipularly spines; [hence the figurative comparison made between human beings and the spikes of this tree; smo8GoS oog8cS93 G.GODON Sscocows:cw e~.-,ooe~-uc8 iooecqqge~oo-st]- [coo8 t*: COD: QRQ.:pQGQCS. ] 008)v. to place one on another, add to; oogot-, to repeat, to do again;::qj:)-4oo aoo:jcoS Qacsoo~qs S Fcxhag, v. to be alike, identical, coincide [co8oqr &Qoco -. lco801, adv. repeatedly; co51ao8j& o;:aoCccoei pto: o0038011 -Qov, V.; see ooS -Oocp, see moocorcpu -oocpqbS, n. the Buefineria Pilosa. - oq, a. or adv. alike, equal; co.qop0S Oq-(I) 3Oj~ 0oo008 o G;G co8ojcjc O8 (2) 9coSqJ8% @8coe~P oaogkoooD cn8o~:o1oo woegn (35 coec y0GCo-)o5o-OsOg8,cDoq~ oe~11 - v. to make equal, or to treat as equal. -'Qpo or QoooSoo:, adv. repeatedly and without intermission. * —6 (from 6, to cover), v.; see co8, 2nd def.; co86Dor: 6 9, see o uc8 o8ocoSo i ~Qw —'80) v. to add more to; I 3sosjo4:ooqcogol, put these pots on the top of each other. co0, 2, v. to exchange, barter; On ~_Cbj v. same; cDo8oS, adv.; see mItoogIu~@:ooSo8gjo roi0fD., the ground is dry, let us sow fruit seeds. coQS&, n. boiled rice or other grain; coo8S:~coo5co5~~;~ (in Upper Burmapron. oco&SLoS Q~); coonSooOS, a meal; coQ4% 006:; 555s oooqS, a mouthful of rice; ch:ooo8g, fish, good for food; cqoo6o:, a useless person. 00oo809:, n. a pot for cooking rice; oooSao38: 0coSo ~$o S (pron. oosQts.:cooScaoSooS), the time, about 3 p.m., when the smaller rice-pot is put on the fire. ccQ6:Atsr, v. to ruin another, e.g., c'!o8~zstaoogcoN --— qo, v. to cook rice. -— c~3oS, n. dried cooked rice. ----: (I.), n. rice slightly burnt and adhering to the bottom. -— coS, v. to be starving or famishing, destitute of food. -o-:, v. to eat food (lit. eat rice)7; oosos1o8, v. to have an appetite for one's food. --— oo, v. to be hungry. -— d8, n. an eating-house, tavern, hotel. -- 4S (pron. oo$), n. rice gruel; coooqiooos8 oSGoiioooSaSi - ooS, n. boiled rice as distinct from the water in which it is boiled. — c (pron. 0o8:ccq), n. congee, the water in which rice is boiled; o1o 8ooocp9,SGoo3o5 ocog c 6co. cGoo, a reproachful expression applied to persons of weak and irresolute character. ---- (pron. o83ooow8), n. a benefactor. ooo8:sQoS (pron. cocog), n. the Agyneja coccinea of Symms., [Bad characters m some localities are said to wear the leaves of the coo8:sq8 when about to engage upon any dangerous enterprise.] o08$ (oo8), n. a Burmese petticoat (most common). It is said to be strictly speaking spelt mcd&3 co88; Anglict, to be under petticoat government. oovS, v. to bear or carry on the shoulder, to do work, perform service, commonly implying government employ; comp. -— oS (pron. coSsc8), n. a kind of palanquin, uncovered vehicle, a hand barrow. -— oSoS, see coocs (infrequent). --— 03o8, v. to perform Government service. — 0- (ooS~3) (pron. coq), n. a yoke for the neck of a draught animal, a porter's yoke; o >8o:o&oso.cocoS.co-poSqgooS Co&o, a sum equal to an original or specified sum, as in terest when equal to the principal; - o 3cqs4.ga cooo8co0O * S oS:mSrog colo:, [or a fine for a false demand, equal to the sum demanded]. cS8:;dc` (co8mc S)oq n. the arms of a draught yoke by which it is secured to the animal's neck. - vOS,.; see coS:, 2nd def.; oa% ooS =.:q-cmRoSc3eStjcA -— 0001, n. a porter or bearer of burdens, see sooS:cO*e cooS, n. a plough; comp. ag$, v. to plough, scarcely used by the Burmese. c-CT)0:,, nx a furrow. - 01, n. the stock of a plough. -~o%, n. a plough-share. o4, n. the side of a house or high fence made of woven bamboos, reeds, &c. ot v. to erect the (bamboo) mat walls in a house; [moS:a * l"aEgo 3a8g a figurative sayin, meaning that one has not shown confidence in a person worthy of it]. -GOOO&, n.; see GoxpOSoCAn co>o (,Pali me), a. permanent, @Go); see $8, adv. permanently, @R8o --— onoOg, same. - i, n. the Permanent, the Eternal, Jehovah, the Lord, the Ancient of days; comp. 3q:TO811 -~ ---~-:, n. ai ermanent resident of a locality in contradistinction to n,.)ooi, n. a temporary resident. co)s, i (pron. o3:), n. a knife, a sword; 0co:cg;; cSco crcj o83A' caEcoo>qo~~,o, j(cag81ol 3r4g1 -- (Pron. 308S, as -if one word), n. the sheath of a sword or dagger, a scabbard. i, n. the point of a knife or sword. — t-co*Co:, n. a small knife, -particularly a penknife; Go)AS COo363Go qa, v. to hack-or hew with a da. - jS, n. a da tax or taungcrya tax; varies from Re. I toKs. 2 for each cultivator.,w —oa (Pron. owa), v. to be in 4 situation or circumstances which will entail loss of life for-others (chiefly used adver 905 357 coeqzoj azt.-G.S omoo 2 ~,, this perfume has only a slight scent (or lit. one gets only a slight scent from this Sperfume). 9 (from c, to be distributed throughout), v. to distribute equally to all; conmp. Co. 1.:a(u0:09IPo30 ae 3 m.0163h CFO COOSCOOS cRSjJDZ, 0Do&aNg gGCfO% co&io03% xG a GO6 O3G t3q1cX a 2sooooa6: qCgo305 Gg:n GO OI!SB 6agcqopul:a(@Su6or ocngqigo6CooUgS 9-, i, it. a bird. - Mco2s, the term used by the people of the Irrawaddy delta for a Chinese sampan. W-,loV oS (9S5cq o3:)3j), it. an ostrich. - I (4DoS), n. the adjutant bird. oS, v. to catch birds; 9SaS0Gco:.S (9.)oSzco:, goSoS al, n. the blue or green jay; 8811,68xcqsq o - %qAi, i. a temporary roof or awning over the coffin of a pbngyi or a member of the royal family during the performance of funeral rites. -G @)cOS, n. a scare-crow. — cgIs;, n. the Imperial pigeon. - 88:, n. the Chloropsis aurifrons.. —co-A, n. the broad bill. -:, n. the screech owl. [The barn owl] 8$3 -0 cq8:E, n. the spur-winged plover. -scoS, n. the long-tailed edolius [the general name for the drongos]. — coZ), n. the wing of a bird, a quill-pen.. [9S0cooo8Gq9, in Lower Burma a figurative way of styling a lenient Magistrate or administrator, and gqco6ooEo, a severe one.] -o$oS (goScdSu ),i n. the red-cheeked barbet. q-3:83, tn. the Fairy Blue-bird. - @8s, n. the caprimulgus or goat-sucker. -op:, n. the triangular vane of a steeple or spire (so called because a bird cannot perch on it), any vane (weathercockf aPoni 'f, n. a sportsmnan's knife (English), containing corkscrew, screw-driver, lancet, saw, punch, two or three blades, &c. v-~, -to make a cessation of hostilities. -- org, n. the edge of a knife or sword. -.og:oa)o5, n. a grindstone or hone; coDgaogs, v. to sharpen a knife or da. [Stones for making grindstones are found in a creek a little west of Katha, Upper Burma.] Oa1, 2, v. to put, place; comp. ooe, to seVaside, except, not to mention, to leave, suffer to remain. tNote.-This verb is probably more used in conjunction with other verbs, except G. perhaps, than any other in the Burmese languaege; cdGm o:CqSc o: aOg 88c9ig y~ co:=8~; J %8$:co_ 8 r0c):)80j~ OaOpC- 8G:0CIC)RJ$ 08 CS5 L16) Q8s3oe 5ooSc ao)G039300:40(~~B (Ao a1Qo:0b9:)00:noTq3. —.. (in Upper Burma frequently pron. coD), V. to leave on going away; o08 soc$ aoo'T$ coDS 3~o5a3O1 cos:ooS (from oo?: and o8? cooSocS?) (pron. ooaS), n. a Tavoyan, the town of Tavoy. lcow, n. a certain wing in the palace occupied by Tavoyans. - 00182, n. a low roof, a substitute for a deck ig an open boat. 8 ---:d (o!), n. the Rangoon creeper. c8, v. to touch, come in contact, hit, less than o; com;. Cop (c8 q 61:4 2oSoo&, in conjunction with o): it means to make a " take" of fish; cScl:8zu&, to make a large "take " of fish-(i) sGcg4m09ac2s~;cqjqx 0; (2) Mrcoo ca8ul6, do not please touch the child; (3) c98c8o8*:, if you are brave, try and touch me; (4) Pgq*8 ~GorouGo~, do not please speak against him. 00oGo00,) n. a match, a combustible substance used for kindling a fire; 811 -coduozqmols, adv. in the way of frequent petty annoyance, as in throwing out dark hints regarding another's conduct in his presence; c8ol sx1j8og oo., if you speak to me in an annoyingly suggestive manner, I shall not put up with it. m.-McoIo, n. a buckle. BW 659 cB c8 OnIoC:, n. a saddle-girth; v. to buckle, fasten with a buckle. -ocwdicdS45, n. the tongue or catch of a buckle. -— mAgs (oS) (from %~s, v. to gather up), n. the sensitive plant. -oq8: (pron. c8oqSz), n. a kind of greenish insect, the sting of which is very painful. "- tgc, V. to strike against, see qS,. more than 08 (to be wounded; o3o*.c8~xaoSaovo5oqd). 0-ol, v.; see c8, cooopo, c8olt: zooeo, he is not dead, he is merely wounded, [also used with cg:~Sac, e.g., cBol EG)O, —, v. (to wound slightly in passing);. see the parts. oS,), 1 n. stocks for confinement. -— qs, -_owJoo jq8, n. the pin or crossbar of a pair of stocks. - QoS, v. to put in the stocks. — o4i, n.; see c865n - oocoS (080o30vooS), n. a certain ornament for a child's neck. 080o&, 2, v. to startle, be frightened; coiooe;, c & aSopowr — Grr, v. to get a sudden start. --, v. to stand in awe of; oo8ccnoo s~ae 63.qqD,,ccocScS olomeTn --— coi, v.; see c8cS, )t 80cgos o 8 3o o soqo9Cc080osovocoe~1n c8, i, v. to shine, be luminous, brilliant; comp. coo-oS and cg$; chiefly used in an adverbial form as an intensive to words of light and brightness; generally implying that in the light, or brightness,yellow rays, or colours, predominate. -os:, -61o -(i) cooocqcSooxB8 Sc, the moonlight is so bright as to be shining; (2) Qt4$q9Ql Go3C8ICS6G03 c0Z'c- S 85 c~, at Rangoon the gas lamps are so bright as to be brilliant; (3) qov5 8jc8Eo8q3cpcoc89a S ooe~, I rose from my bed when it was broad daylight; (4) oJA:Q9Dl3e318,GsCOo8 OOsGooolo'occC 3sc6o4q?, owing to there being a fire at Mandalay at night time, it was as if the whole town had been brilliantly illuminated. cB$ (oS), 2 (c8M) (Pali modo), n. a species of coffee-wort, the Nauclea cordifolia, M..-o3coo (cBqcoo:), n. the Nauclea sessilifolia, K. 56o cM$: c8$c6c:, n. the Nauclea Parvifolia. cB# (Pali thina), indifference, want of respect or reverence, 88 cdiGQ@8S, according to -M.B., 434, "Thina, sleep, that which refreshes or calms the mind." -— sg (mijja), drowsiness (8SoS) that which prevents the body from performing any work. It is sometimes said that thina has the same effect upon the body that mijja (89) has upon the mind.-Ibid; 682gascrozu r8dlh cBL, v. used with a continuative affix, or in an adverbial form as an intensive to verbs of noise, tumult, &c.; OaZloMCP G0309iol S sql& o@8405c~8oSJo4068uCu QCO~O8qGP1CO o1Ncqjo)b c gQOO:)WjbA c8 i Aai sGco 4 in colloquial this word is not of very frequent occurrence; it, however, occurs when speaking of the sound produced by the firing of a cannon; gi c6Tn3 3 3C@ (ron. Bjo~) gooqoScoo, @fo~ has a similar meaning. A;*:, I, v. to take care of, attend on, protect; Goozooe~, to restrain, to fasten with paste or glue (Goo8d u-58e*g,,o9y3) c8$s9CoD3oejan soz s08$gu oS m-3co08cnn0o f33 O 8 q obCq8SQe8~ (2) "5QPCo&OQpl @Sg:qrC~ Go038.S*G008 C8$: 0&4'861, when I am absent, take care of and look after my horses, please. G-cq:B:, v. to tend (as a goat-herd or cowherd); can also bo used figuratively as in speaking of parents taking care of and watching their children. a8S3'g601E GeogqGooo86@8sGo o81ocoonz,, the man who is tending the buffaloes in the kwin, is he not indeed Maung San Nyaing? - ~-8, v. to oversee and direct authoritatively; S~jqr o@& GSL3308$ 8@ ~o1, look after and keep order in the pw6 so that there nmay be no quarrel. -, v. (to take care of as a nurse or bearer); see the parts. -co, v.; see c8B0, Ist def.; rare in colloquial, but found in writing; c8 co caSGosoo GcSrg ooo~, from a work called the oo9o8g8,, - C88:, v. (to see to, put through, dispatch, as a matter of business); seethe parts. C8$:, 2, v. to make the sound which the word indicates. Go33$8c $sa) (pron. 8$:4) j sc rsac26lrSe QCOaSG0,@3oSGOC( GS c6o3306@o3oota, as in troops firing afeu dejoie. C8BS:sp 561 c8:0cx08, v. to make a reverberating sound like thunder.. IqBcB:x (pron. 835:), adv. loudly, thunderingly; ocmocabc$s C0$~:aa,5~acy0~688 ~C3~~1~0r808$a84809su8 0305003 5:8:oo~7sa ~ Sac8$8Goo38 Tc$ S-c:8~ s-8oooco -:c c88, n. a top, summit; wo1i 8, -Qcg~, applied also to the end of the tongue, a finger, or a toe; comp. wpgiai - 006p), n. a disease in the forepart of the head [causing the person suffering from it to be continually snuffling; ~oS - a25r, n. a round spot shaved on the top of the head. - S, n. the division btween the forehead and the top of the head. - C18o008, -qoc8, -oo0s, n. titles politely given to female members of the blood royal; c856o was frequently given to male members also; coocgc88cG18oo8u -n-,. the side of the head. - Cs, -C6, — c6O, n. a mooring rope, a cable attached to the head or stern of a ship or boat. -GoI05GOl 8go j, Anglice with a "broken head." - ro(loS, n. a species of mango. - G938, v. to be bald on the top of the head. - 30), n.; see 0851 -cocS, n. the centre of the top of the head. - o, 1, n. the top or summit of a pagoda before the c8o is put on; the end, as of a log, with respect to its surface, as 5co8o~ —M, ooGc5cco~m5o3o~~., how large is the log at its end? sometimes applied to rivers; 98c501o - @8, v. to be high-crowned. c85, v. to keep back, conceal, not reveal (what ought to be revealed). -q$ (pron. c8$q$), -95g, v. same; 5aTe: @isd0 aoG03EC8:cqjc aiG b0FtyI383J8I)G(7ODSI 3agE q$o9O8O89$ 83D9 QC8690500oy t311 -Q JC7 Q00868G300q cg8oi00:)601 3Ocl8.1og Go)gqGocCqii (2) 3aZ~~:O-8SR,9j8 o8g xgcl3gas, if you keep back matters, you 4nd I will quarrel (c$ understood before c-%). C80$:, -(c8 va), v. to marry, unite in marriage, perform some marriage ceremony; o8QcO3G:)8Oe; comp. co:oe; oDJ8-C, v.; see the parts. ooG: -0,rcoGoooo083:)Ic:pn8S71 gQ^p3Gco 3Ssgt~O * *.* oSop8oGoosu6~ Z. to betroth, give in marriage while the parties are young; 6G036oGccopc:3 g O5oos dB - 8S::o: Sc8coS&os o01og, I hear that U Maung Gale's daughter is betrothed to U Gywet Pyu's son. M85:9oS, v. to designate, make out, set up as a mark, memorial. Der. 3c8833:aoS-(i) oSo:qjoagqc8ooocSqgoS-9Soonj rocb, if you say it is your puhso, what mark have you put on it? (2) oo,:c JsoooSuc8089Soo033qSoozq@, these two men have something pre-arranged between them. c8, v. to fear, reverence, stand in awe of; ol3:soii ~Gooo3ePii oogoosOeg~; not used as a single verb; hence Qc8oo&, o8o00:siioc868s (most common); rc8Gco-og:, adv. disrespectfully, irreverentially; o;oG O -— oo8, adv. undauntedly, fearlessly; also used as a verb, e.g., o8c~c9 8oooEoi oooS ocqg d 00c868. SooooS o%, this man behaves very disrespectfully to lugyis. o8000o, n. a thing (used when it would be undesirable to mention the specific name, as stolen property, illicit opium, &c.; an opium-smoker who had left his daily quota of opium behind, after having started on a journey, would say, C10c8ooooowoccso69&slor o1@, which would be understood to mean that he had left the drug and vessels for preparing it, together with his opium-pipe, at home). This word has a similar meaning often to cco8qc8; it is, however, oftener used in a bad than a good sense. c8s, i, n. an umbrella. -— 3, n. the frame of sticks that supports the spread of an umbrella. -ccqS, n. a kind of official umbrella, deeply curved, carried over high officials. —.soeolo1oS (pront jc8c:omGcloS), v. lit. "to break the (white) umbrella (handle) and perforate the drum (the great drum of the palace)," in allusion to the custom, on the demise of a king, of breaking the royal umbrella and perforating the great drum (ecdeog). — o~8, n. the ring which holds the spoke of an umbrella and moves on the handle. --— oM:)4:ooo:, 1, n. lit. "courtly language," but it is now often used in a reproachful sense to denote the affectation O~ 563 of polished and refined language by one of low, ignoble antecedents or station in life, e.g., o:ldS bC333( C80=00:8'.080 -9cpqT, Anglice' a "crowned head"; 08o0qcj: --- 4o, — 4g o5o, n. a scion of royalty. CosI v. to place an umbrella (on a pagoda); c6 ~o cpoJ8: co3oD~o80ag - co — sq-, it. the bearer of a royal or official umbrella. -$, n. a red umbrella carried over officials; 8o-4p:jgo5sgj i [carried over a coS: or G025P ] p-o[g053 in. the cap of an umbrella. -, n. the royal white umbrella only carried over the king and his chief queen (G0383$:30G ). - ~0.S..o, n. a royal dynasty; 9x::c$g 4gog - cooS, n. an umbrella. - ~1sol0, n. the kind of bamboo from which Burman umbrellas are made. - 0.11c45 n. courtly pronunciation. c8&, 2, to be simple, alone, solitary; chiefly used adjectively; hence c8:0:2, adv. by itself, without company. Der. 38 coL-808bo3 8Sooe3oTstC8-c8-~wt- (or caB.G3e~), as it is the only one house in the paddy plain, it has a solitary situation. _-ozcOc8:, adv. singly, solitarily; co~o:c8oO8gOC8, 8G~ x-, this matter remains unique of its kind. C8ica&o,~ (965), n. a kind of large bird (fabulous), [said to be able to carry a man on its back.] (Pali o1cqa). acq, i, v. to pound, hammer, beat; pLo3oeu o5co (in some applications); comp. o03; also strike moderately hard with the closed fist as in shampooing —(I) $5~ccSq-ccoYo5:,poul oe~, he rapped my forehead with his fist; (2) co80 oGCT0903a i-4:4qt a Oq900o 'Sg-co680e~, it will be only by reaking up the baked clay balls on the road that you will be able to metal it; (3) o~-,b5ozro0 0 oToo8qc0r0 a --- (ap), v. to pulvefize by pounding, to disprove, refute, 6gonuc QG (Gq) 60 g Suq -o3nG~g$s:g 8gXGI (q9),) U$ QGoT0 j there is no probability of the accused being able to reftite the chdige. 564. oS(cii), v. to sell off;- cq~ ~G %(i @1 _hN OO~o o e1 (2) coasoco: A v. [to pound and smite.-S.]; see the parts. OR, 2, V. to carve, engrave, sculpture; c uo~o,-( i) ooxoo-xcccoq coood~c~^om, can you carve in wood? (2) GAOis ao~:cq4::c~coo63xoe, the Mandalay men are skilled in -sculpturing images of Buddh. cqoS, v. to take out, produce, bring to light; GoSwe~, to take extracts from writing; comp. ~o8, to put out; c~o5GoocX~11 'GX~O~O~OC&O-0eI (2). ~~800~W*=o.000 j~~q o-c*o:&oC)5o:)Oj).6 qoG0300 iI 3:)'; -c;Os, v. to bring forth to view, to disclose, to make a display of; this man is in th habit of frequently making a display, and talking, about 'the benefits (he has conferred on others, being understood). qoSqjS:, adv. straight through crosswise. -Q,.to go straight through with violence (oxjSco-Go~), to pass through a substance as a bullet, cannon ball-( i) ~a _R.q00FOso] (2) R~cnOcq r. m-cyc8@ gGw~g qcx~Oq~j_1S, adv. directly, at once, p ref. to Gcpo5huo$Go:o~8~oGSS M cjWB00:C~OS 5 oV:o3-B Z G~S~~ aqoScxqoS, adv. pulsatorily; [(;g~oc~cxjcoS po.q~o)qo~j cq~gq n. the trogon, a bird with beautiful plumes. a?8, i, n. a. cross-beam, on which the plate of a roof (Gcco65) is made to rest (a tie beam). _8S~ocBit.; see roqpoS5n &c.; v. to play gantlet. n. a~sho~rt cross-beam above the main one. OqS, 2, V. to wrap up as in a bundle, or bind up as in a package. Der. 3zRm;c 1k4Go-3o:)q, - Scoqqc ~ (2)o m~~~n~i5II[i.e., to live all one's life in any service or employ]. -~ Cv.; see the parts; o~>:c~c q~~~qSao~o~, cx 565 0984, v. to pack up for conveyance; O~SgqD93:rsooo~Sqs coos ol n - 98, v. to wrap up by several involutions-(i) C~ 8cC0OSaG dC8$1GOIe COSfCOOO c898qcq&Solo1 (2) c0oo>:). 05GC:Q coS~i6soo689zooqS~~oca898co3-c~olo, wrap up this with a cloth so that it cannot rust; (3) GO&q OQ36coD8Ic~&-6~ 4oq8qro8 ogo-8:ooS93 coez ao, I, n. a mixture of metals arranged for certain alchemical treatment; xo*41i %R, 2, v. to perfume, make odorous by infusing or otherwise applying an odoriferous substance, to imbue with, to be imbued with naturally; o oaiIonllooIDaex~. Der. 3 c4-(I) 0 oo08o 9o q xcqO=q3scn =sg4w5S0soaoo%:oo, he perfumes the puhsoes and jackets in the box with sweet scents; (2) Co-C8 OSCDaSC~336[ C6G.R'c &8~C~M:)-0e-, he perfumes the cheroots with spirits and scent; (3) o08R: Gzoa6g6~)g6o 8 mg~o1o, ua: c have you a predilection for zat and marionette pwbs? - WE8:, V.; see Oasgii ci, 3, v. to be- numb, benumb, torpid, stupefied; comp. cqavo$ c6GoS0 c)gD3 q8 %soo co o8oooqj8oc8J8:, my sinews and tendons are deprived of sensatiori, I cannot do any work. - C~8, v. to be insensible, unimpressible; oagE~c9&IN nuo: ic *CQ.o Czii q-o L, v. same. --—, -qo8, n. diseases said to be prevalent at Mogaung, Upper Burma. — p, n. the disease, of which there are two kinds, C~4oq (pron. cq4), when the patient keeps in flesh, and ao3 Go, S (pron. c4r@coA), when he grows thin. -Go, v. to be apathetic; chiefly used as an adjective, as in the phrase an apathetic person. — GoG00, adv. in an indifferent, nonchalant manner; cxco!q corucq% 8-c(;qoqoI (;61 (A.6I-qorSquI 1 — y, n. a disease of women., I (probably from a4, to tie), n. a precedent, way, manner, custom; aZIoS-OIM~:n uoGo9 IGs,; a e~ i SG:fo1 a, as for that matter, there are precedents (i.e., to the matter in hand). "6 (most- common), @go (@$o), o6q:)b3o8&8oSon a33cg$:go1 cuo~, I am very apprehensive of Burmese customs disappearing. ---, v. to make a rule, settle, determine; eoG3oo00im:@oos @o: -coSsln, L-~* (oMsoo:sqp o8aoRg8c6oo). — O —5C O, n. an example, a precedent (o:4s). ---— co-o:, n. common law, i.e., which derives its authority from long usage or custom. c, 2, lime; hence GocoS-Og, slaked lime; oGo>oSao, unslaked lime. ---- oSooSGCq, n. water impregnated with lime. -— G —coS, n. limestone. — $, -— f, n. red and white lime, chewed with betel. --— o-, v. to burn limestone to form lime. ---, n. a lime-kiln. — o —, n.a chunam box. oc:, 3, n. a pond or lake formed by a flow of water from another or from an arm of the sea. ---— 03, n. same. oa, 4, v. to tie in a knot. Der. oaoi, - — 5s:, v. to mark at intervals (infrequent); o:Q 4i83:, at intervals, is much more. frequently used. -—., v. to tie in a knot. --- oS (commonly fron. 80S), v.; see above, 2nd def.; GScOOD0 3ll OG ^6o8mg 0 fSo6joc0gS003200,( gJS2C08 CO:OepagotI 3jo 33c4 3S:33oo3io 5$8Gco^, in days of yore, the son of a merchant who possessed eighty hundred millions of money, when (playing at) turning a somersault, twisted his intestines into a knot and became irregular in his eating and drinking; (2) @Co. oqa2oo S9o$9e qco.ocog, there is water at intervals on the road going to the city. ci, i, v. to raise into an erect posture, to raise one's self into an erect posture (as in getting up from bed)-465o$ojS$Goo ao84~Qo 8^@l6oqiScgn (2) 68cp9c0qa ol, I cannot raise myself up in bed. -— cooS, v. to erect, set up as a building or city, or a business distinct from others-(i) CYg$GoScou 9c oSqj20So Gcor386o1oo, it is only now that I am able to set up a boat and oars; (2) o3o8SQxGoo68 wSq: oooSGcoo5o(@god, how long ago is it since Ma-ubin was founded? Ca, 2, v. to be thick, not thin; oul:, to be thick, close together, 00o:, comp. 85; fig. to be dull, stupid, thick-headed [to become hypertrophied (lit. to " thicken"), as the skin of the face and extremities of the fingers, ears, &c., in leprosy; cgoS is also used]-(i) oa-uaqIoooS3oa3Coo, the texture of this puhso is very thick; (2) o aooSooooo, the jungle is very dense; (3) oocSoqoeooc, a very stupid man; (4) G6oJ800 g: Soo3:)G, ocqog@ 5G0oog| (5) 0o5 oqcboo&o=3o, a very thick jacket. -- Co, v. same, 2nd def.; oo&9oo0ocoqoooo~ooS@popoJ oj:, the people are very crowded in this pw6; there is no place from which to look on. -- oC, v. (o-cb), same in both senses; particularly applied to close-woven cloth-(i) oooc bood&0, a very thick jacket; (2) 3o ooSGOg 0obootg6: o383seoo8' o5a, this horse is very stoutly built, it stands a great deal of riding. ---- (pron. 7c:po), to be numerous (to be prevalent as disease)-omoooo-olpi coq3o1l 4oj$ 9o 3oCooCl&05 GepolooS oG()aoo2e,i (2) o~oiogo@3oo35, a locality where thieves and dacoits are very numerous. — cOB@,, -coq&5c, n. same as qcq@:, stupid, thickheaded. cz:, i, n. a natural hole, cavity in the earth; not used singly. -— o16:, -0c6:, n. same; qoougSdboR goscoaooon --— o10, n. a hole, passage, through from side to side; coloS frequently follows cq0 as a vero, e.g., oqGGoloS~aoo:gGolo5 c-:, 2, n. a hopple or fetter of iron or rope. -- ooS, -co-, v. to put on a hopple or fetter, e.g., ooSCEc q:oos6SqooS, as the elephant is vicious, one has to put a fetter on it. cR, 3, v. to differ from others, be diverse, whether for the better or the worse, to be singular, uncommon; comp. CoS4:, Der. 3-Qqocq, and coojoi oooSogsoog ii (in a bad or a good sense). "-@ —, v. same-Xc ooo Oass3Gki3 or3a3gona3co ("0'2) ogc@D-ooe~11 — 0, v. to exceed, surpass in skill or execution; &paSoox OOSj$G o.))cj, 568 co: cq:co$: (ron. OQg:o$), v. to be unusual, exceptional, rare, marvellous, peculiar; ooxq:oocwc-.o@c8oo8:, extraordinary intelligence -aSacoqco:isoS szooq-=~co.Gw:r 90568~1 xw, the ostrich is a most singular bird. - ccg, v. to be diverse, various, diversified; see ccR, 1, unusual, extraordinary, particular-(I) ~:cqco:):cq:cp coRog Q)lCxzs, U Kula did not mention anything particular; (2) Gsco5 o~~~Ca3oi808pa0GGoCo3 qok oi I do not wish to say anything particular in this case. - @Ds, v. to be various. Der. m.oq:3z3@D-,rq3-(i) moi9co cpc9:@:s>o8.~m0g l4 @ min these days there are all sorts of wonderful rumours. --— o, v. same with %gwson$ it is generally pron. cooS in ordinary conversation, e.g., oqo* ocoe, something out of the way (see oo80ScocG0o), (COqqlcoe~oe o%)iui 6 Cq:, 4, v. to reply to a call; G c aqo1co3:, when called, answer (can you not?); (2) G.To9?cq ao8,olco:, when he calls, answer him (can you not?) [observe the force of co65, implying that some third person is urging the person called to reply]; o-q-a:,aoe~ o83o-oq -ooe3l18cqLooe cosc-oioe t Gcocoo5ol coo (0ccou0oo1 oom) or 0c000x5n1oo (Pali coocq, to steal, and o5o lo, associate), n. one who assumes the appearance of a priest and thereby steals the fellowship of priests (or one who, when a priest, simulates that he has passed a greater number of Lents than he really has; coo4j:,) co4~ (pron. ooe, Pali), n. a Buddhist priest of not less than five years' standing; there are three classes, ao3oon or 0o c00 (comp. ooo), and ocozcxj, composed of those who have been respectively five, ten, and fifteen years in succession in the priesthood; see ocoj. [Note.-Strictly speaking no priest has a right to the title of ocoxoj unless he has passed twenty Lents in the priesthood.] GcG6@:, v. to speak in an allusive, bantering manner (colloqui-al). 0zco5, i, n. a light accented sound;;azarB66511 eco:, v. to calk with pitch or other similar substance; GcqcgGco: cnoSbcowa, can you calk a boat? — o 8, 2, see cq8.1.-6tooc: ~n. the' calked seams in a boat-(i) o8qxoi 0c9G0S:OcS:oo~ c8gco):I o &xep: COLoS Os G9q,8:ooaQaocoo:U rcooos 569. Q.l:00, v.; see oO, 2. 00005S, I, v. to prop u (comp. q), to support, maintain, afford assistance; Cogau (Co3nooo. Der. sacnoo5, n. a prop, stay, brace (survey terms; co Ymw:)cmoc3, a left off-set); 0co:S (pron. c;616) is used in describing a horse's height, e.g., oa f83oocSoooa S oGoa8.-oa, this horse is of a very good height; rooooSRcoo8s@&ao&06 -, a horse whose Iheignt is fully 3 cubits (13 hands 2 inches). Der. msccoocfSsoc1 G00cO5 with cqe~ means to ricochet as a bullet, e.g., c-50Q oCi]0 ooooRoV-aocooaS,,n. strut (P.W.D.); ccoxxS (B), to put words into another's mouth; to prompt as in acting — (1) XGcpo9rcoYS~oacxxs (as in feeling the bottom in wading a river, &c.); (2) SGc8xfsaaal gc 8 scoo05jol@o301321 - 5, v. (to support with a prop); see the parts-co 8ooo'f CcoocS6*,,9jq~ co:,, have you any rebutting evidence to produce? -2, n. a supporting crotch, a crutch. o n. a short prop under a floor (pron. either as spelt or 3GOIoC ); o 8oe3 rocycnr60 oac q o c~gacc oogoep, this house has short props supporting it underneath. — oa, -i,, -a, see oooxS0 gobGo 84SOc01'r.s0030 06 o a macooosqc (or GcooYS()), co%~ooooololoogi r0aOY3, 2, v. to consider, m8g00oe; not used singly in this sense; to have regard to, have respect to, to have regard to, feel for, oocoiel eoa=. Der. caxacoo5ii ooeaq3t 8o8 cqoJGo4S~)o~QG oSCSVOI — 6 (cnoqj),,v. to consider, weigh, estimate in the mind; 0-o, -pgo, v. to have regard to, feel for; 8(;@Rqo8acm% 60~CI~o 31s~oooj36c~ 6~ofasgo3q8T: -c003, v. to have regard or respect to. -— C9S (cooooSc3S), v.; see the parfs. - v,. to consider (G0 ooCoj50o820); 0r1U3 9 GCOD 3Oi6)G9 5QOg9Go aa $r-:18ocl -cq8s, v. to inquire into, take measures to know [especially in the way of doing so for some official]; o:aae 6oaeasgsocSCo 98:0 make further inquiry into the circumstances (of the case). [oiCooSC-a45 usooc to give, ~cofogi S9 to receive, information. Much used in 72 Upper Burma, though being gradually sitpipinted by the' LoWer Burma terms c68od&:V and &d O6M&R]. Woc:Xacx (Goo odS), n. a name common to twvo species of terminalia, the T. alata and the T. crenulata (Pali wagm )n =cOo5p9 (0), n. the chaste tree, M. Theleaves are-eaten with curry. -- (eS), n. the Turpinia pomifera. QcO>S, i, n. a prison, jail for malefactors; qoaasll - v,. to be imprisoned. 6-c5: (.GcooDbc), a Jailor (of doubtful usage); co&35(a~8 -- q, v. to put into a prison, to confine in a prison, or Jail. - 61, v. to make delivery. Formerly, in Upper Burma, to release prisoners when a Jail was overcrowded; or with a view of obtaining merit as on the occasion of the King's coronation; the new year, &c. o-S01qSs, n. a Jail commitment warrant..-vo, -orqt, ns. the clerk of a Jail. -coOcDxS (pron. G0co*Sco5), n. imprisonment for life (ocoz8 c6sSococgt j9occ8), transportation for life; coo:&n=M48 661j7:, n. a Jail gate. -co, v. to rise in mutiny as the inmates of a Jail, c=o38q$~S u -.- i3, n. the punishment of imprisonment. u-oloc-S, n. an executioner (azocno3oka). - 0o~, n. a superintendent of a Jail. — @-3OOo, n. a Jail warder. - -B'Go.I v. to escap from a Jail; Gin3SGloS, to break Jail. -, n. a Jailor. - oesO6, v. to present a petition to the Jail authorities for the purpose of interviewing a prisoner. - 0,303) n. an inmate of a Jail. (o=8, 2, v. to set a trap, take measures to entrap; agcZOOSuO& GcD008Z31S 8Pco9l08 nCO C2&8.ItCl 0 08, &c. -_~;qoB3 (pron. Gqoqj), n. a trap. 8, v. to entrap, catch in a trap scooEcc GOD-6: 571 GCO-), 3, v. to place in an upright position; comp. oq, to be proud, haughty, unhumbled, unyielding, obstinate, stubborn; qscoaS, to be eaten up with pride.; co;33 qa (pron. cqc ),adv. in an upright position;;c338q0SCO.:1 - oom:, v. same, 2nd def. - q9l (pron. Gco:Sq) ), n. a board used for closing up or partitioning a house (qeo0Dz8). — o21::, v. to be proud, arrogant, see oieu GCO0, v. to bend, curve, make a corner or angle; comp. cN, to put into a corner, out of the way (as stolen cattle ~dl "Gc aopZoD ), conceal by subterfuges and circumventions (to prevaricate, equivocate, quibble in speech, 00 C9j to be somewhat ambiguous in meaning; oohsrcoo8, n. a bend, corner, angle; [a8S:;, K n. a sectional drawing of a house; 3r56C 8, n. an exterior angle; azoR8.o00o8, n. interior angle] -(I) ca)@,ooS3SS9oq~,,~g,9r.q x&~-,og o co~: S CPac:oocx3 11oS33s 4 0 PmlioRS Go f GloSo ~ or QIcoI o:? (2) cl(ogocD~, do niot quibble to me; (3) oEo0Goq593 38&16Q(8 o &: G;ooD(,oe regarding the letter you have written, the meaning of it is not coherent, the language is ambiguous. --: (Pron. Gol8@>), n. a corner, hole, cranny; cos'@ - og5S, v.; see cooD8, and def. ---, n. the inside of an angle or bend, hence o8ocZ6oo:) ag (or oacooSzo-o3nsc{ ), a bay or gulf. -p (iron. ro 38@), n. an acute angle; comp. Gcoo3GC@l -— 8g (pron. 6j1 5), 1 n. the outside of an angle or bend. ---— o: (Pron. Go1~o';), n. the diagonal of a square or parallelogram; adv. diagonally, cornerwise. -@o9a (pron. co31oS), n. a chord subtending the 'segment of a circle or curve; adv. diagonally, cornerwise. - 6a@, n. an obtuse angle. - 96S, v. see r0O=8, 2nd def. o:, v. to pound, as with a pestle or the elbow; comp. c, co:o8oCRcXy)S5n — cm:s, adv. fine as powder; pioSA (G )386G ), to be reduced to a fine powder, to be ground to dust, to be trodden down as grass, paddy; figuratively to be ruined, destroyed, annihilated; @GCS:G8 oSC00:S:rI qCoo38*:aon80 am)~~o).o has also the meaning-of AAo A~i z,g e.g.- c c6O:G@CmW:85:po, in a mas's or cloud of fine particles, as dust (qoGoo8 Smcn eco or ooGcx:)-Gco38:' or smk I~~o 8 S ~n.) or vapour, heat, steam (("M30G)~G ~~bco~x G~O0~GOO3%o~);figuratively applied to strong. passion 0;:381 Doco S~00puG~O~ Goox-'oopS (also applied to cobras; a~-owoll:qQ 0;cS: @40,005, n. ghee, butter; o$.2$G OOOO~in;oOSQO$I, n:OCo3OCSO(8:1 — ln. a tin of. (presevd buitter. QMZOP (GCOODO), -see next. ab)4 (Pali), v. to praise, laud, extol, see,41: GqoXCP0oPS (rGPcx.cocooS), n. a shrub, [the. leaves are used for washi' the head. It is supposed to free the bead from ocok ads.. lamely, limpingly, ~cwqj:a4% less than cqj~8: ce0o5, V. to stick out, as the lips, 'her naturally or as5 when vexed or angry; c~S,-cmoo, o be uneven, as the end of -side of a t hi~ng at its junction with another; CoPo5GOOS -;csee the parts. v. to be proud, arrogant; a-4c~o~o~ -co5czmSco5& S GO v. to stick up unevenly; used adverbially (infrequent),; 4jocoV:cOooSn;O5 r.QSq 8Q0~: -,.ebcntcxoi, adv. same.(most common); cmGCO~1co:5r4 9i c%, proms. a. that {colloquiial-) ol (pOron. 6q~ when immediately preceding w@ goi woqoji6-o). -,3j9, adv. hither and thither (lit, thither and hither),.. e.g., =8%iG o~sc ~Os 8o~9* 9Gfochas, &c., p.. 1 i i8. W~thandara, equivalent to the colloquial phrase vco-3.c@: -,Pron. a. such, o f that sott (adv. thus. —S)Noe- i sometimes -rediplicated to form, a plural, as those Nh~ -also used' wifh dj mna reduplkated fofzhr("dd e.g.4 pm n CM~::~ )I~gg 4o5, p. to be worth, have a certain value, more or less, to deserve, merit, be worthy of, to be suitable, fit, oooo~ Der mc~" c-c3, adv. in a be1Otting, suitable manner, as is befitting or proper)- (i) coc'S:%o-j8a~qfc averybhandsome horse, it is only suitable for officials or great merchants; (2) cqq5~q according to his deserts. -o~, rcqlC5-,, 3Z013, same- (i) when they chose a' befitting princess for Prince TIheinzi, they said " the King of Maddarit's daughter isajn appropriate princess for him "; they pe~tition~ed; (2).o~p;cq6 - o5 9~6 e, if the case is decided according to what is proper in law, i~e., on. it'. merits, I shall be satisfied.. c~o5.5, adv. thickly; on.c pref, to, 6 2 [ eg., 3zrocqrcqo& (oqc) 461] and cjo5 3 [e.g.o,.)(o45 ( qzSB V. -to sit..~~ —~,v. to live in ease (i.e., without being obliged to work for one's living); it is also used in a reproac/zfid senj~qe when addressing or speaking of indolent persons-( )o~aj cql~o~~qc~o)cjoe this man is not inclined to work, he disires to -live in 'ease. fc ma. short coat. v. to be damp, so as to stick together;-o~ogS, to be heavy, stupid, slugish as the ear (3$),or mind (e~S) (i) uo~~Q ~ ~ (2);q a O an cq&;cG, the effervescing medicine has. become inert, o2~: 6c~~: (pron. -as spelt), (see ~C~e: see next (infrequent)7 This word is occa sionally used by elderly persons, when admonisi' on people. V. to be-diLl, slu9ggih, inert; applied to miqd or per-.son; o~eocjOGA8q (GVO~,00 ) (~&:l~4& 90So,,coe~n CP~, v. to thrust at, in, or throug13; to work~ operate- on; of various application; 1 cO:-.:, V. to stab vi-th qL knife; conrq:8jc~-,v. to stab with a dagger; U: 8o5 'V. t strike (from the shoulder) with- the. fist; (~CC V. to $74 I spear], to make letters, figures, marks, &c. on any substance (o88:, v. to write the title of a writing on the outside, to write an address), to write, engrave, cut in wood, stone, &c.;:o'g s.;oogo oocgmSoSoedsa g. n GSog: oo poodooo oogs, to make an historical record (to play at certain games of chance; M3$0Goo08od:.n:oog:), (to sting as some reptiles, insects, such as the scorpion, wasp, carpenter bee; -r-(xcSooNcSao:u aSo:,8oqcQaoC ). o:@?, v. to shoot as pain; d~-*3@f( oogei -""!-(, n. tape or bobbin made by hand; comp. c:s --- S n. a tattoded spot; -o,:g 3&;ol: idXoo.'Sosa-c dcgS: -— o0Soqu,. n. a tattooer (lit. professor of tattooing), also styled 98cgEoEcoq (polite). -— ca8C::, v. to tattoo. — ng, v.; see the,parts (to pierce and open by lacerating or rending); c4,Eocbooq.GSo Ga>Gm 6qS*gcgcoogri -— 0, n. a fiddle-stick, ramrod, piston and such like. — o50t, n. the string of a fiddle-stick. — o —5, v. to penetrate into (a subject), to invent, originate (by strength of genius), to possess powers of perscrutation; ogoooooo, ---, n. a kind of bread made of glutinous rice, jaggery, &c. -- ol, n. a bamboo pole used for impelling boats. eS$ or -$ (oS), n. a timber tree belonging to the genus eriolaena, M. cV6 or gS (o6), n. the Kydia calycina. acoS, v. to go or come out, to rise, as a celestial luminary, [to project, protrude, to leave the starting-post as in a race; to leave a port; mooring-place, or station, as a ship, boat, a (railway) train. Der. amcgoS-(i) Go,) ocG og9c5 og: oog, Maung Phyu left yesterday; (2) oogR9c8G6qo0C5 0ogc3oSoooo9Om33Sto o (3) 33$Csog$ 35G, the head-land projects; (4) coooooSogoC 83oogoSoG (o (5) gSs J coQMSoco5cooo, the two horses have started; t6) 8: qoo)og,o3s:;@, the train has left]; [to leave a service or employ, aooq89qgoSow]. --—:.$, n. exports. e ---$, n. time of departure. od38:, v. to issue, flow out. -- 6, v. to present, offer (obsolete); cgoco?05oso, to commit petty acts of extortion; o5@oSa s63gn — G-s, v. to run away, to decamp, abscond. " —o, n. an outlet, an exit. c88, v. to clear, clear out or away, as a thorn from the flesh, %028; or trees and bushes from the ground, o60Eocg6; a 098, one kind of 98.coS6c Sooa, to clear, disentangle hair (o5o8cg8), thread (g@o86o8); jSogSuo6Sog, to elucidate or make clear a matter of business, 3a#Qc8 (infrequent); oSSw sooSooeGoooca0 8cc col, clear the jungle round the house. og:, v. to make a hole into by excavating some part of the substance, as by a chisel or gouge, to scoop out; col&:cgi, 8 0s1Cogqsc28 o SnSg6:oog5-0g:6oo.co56:coo:, can the mouth formed by the nats suffer hunger? (This phrase is quoted by persons either by way of self-encouragement or to encourage others when in reduced and straitened circumstances). cgoS, i, n. a fleshy excrescence,, whether indolent (i.e., causing little or no pain), 8:sc, or cancerous, cgoS 5 iogodo.fdlaoSii ogS@840ss7 ol;o- os- oSo aogoDoS;o9o.8 4o ,,g ORoS, 2, to be very tender, delicate; more than t; applied to leaves, fruit (a'6c6so3bSiq 0og:CoS6goSo ooo), the flesh, &c.; used adverbially or combined with 4, which see-(i) O3go3?eDPOgoSooSoCGO3^G sOOg, (2) 3oeo808o 330:o333195@: CGooSoo-goSoo5a>GC~o Q03-o? o or lc~0qooSooa3ogoSCI ig$, n. a kind of harrow used for a plough; comp. 0006, v. to harrow, to drag as an anchor: oq$ is also used as a verb; Sc,g,ciOaggogc ooo5qc 3ii T[The o$ is used 'for making furrows for planting peas, millet, sesamum.'] — c8:, n. the curved handle of a harrow. -- @Ss, n. a furrow made by a harrow, )u ---—:, n. the dirt, rubbish, &c., collected by the teeth of a harrow. -- @ (pron. o06g~), n. a rake. -o:g, n. the stock of a harrow in which the teeth are fixed; cg$ooioS, lit. to unyoke bullocks from a harrow in Upper Burma c8g:*goS (pron. ogR~~tooS) is used to express the time when bullocks, or buffaloes, are unyoked, i.e., about 9 a.m., hence it denotes a period of time (like o8to8s 06s $)n NS 0o02 iu S76 c0 oj:Qcooo, v. to set the stock of the harrow on one end after finishing work. --— a80S, -oc@6 (cag so8), v. to finish the work of harrowing. --- ooo8cc5, v. to set the stock of the harrow on one end, in order to make a deep furrow or trench (ag 8o360c). -— oooSos, v. to harrow and sow seed; ogoooScGosoo — G —q:ogos, n. a mark made by the tooth of a harrow. —. —oq9, n. cultivated ground. -— o$, n. the shaft of a harrow. -- ogoa:, n. the tooth of a harrow; coS~ag s$agog8roo3coc5oq ~833~G6qai3o8So6^~GgjpG09G036 cleao~33^a53SpG3poSG3l cg B, v. to twitch (intrans.) as by a short, spasmodic contraction of a fibre or muscle; cgoSacq"ocoSoo, to roll from side to side in convulsive agony; cooqoSol3goS^o.cS 3$0), v. to shine, emit light; 3ccp8, to make shine, cause to be light; oo8GoooA, to kindle; ia, to appear, be distinguished, conspicuous, resplendent; more than oo8oT-(r) amg~(ooo5coqp68 oagzS a o03 8 e 3Tc0 6 oo 8 i0330c 5^6o4ii (2) G^^^dsbgiololo^sc^ScCgsC oS^oli - c —0:, -0oooS, -G6s oS, -co&S, v. same, Ist def.-(i) cogF aooooSoqao( oogsusGcoo, whose influence is prominent in this town? (2) Co8ql8o8laoS31cosooroo6og$s~oc8 "eS (3) Cg^8 ^,Sc0ofiol o5.ooo!oSo0l, he is not a man who can plan anything in a vigorous, pushing manner. og, v. to squeeze (out of a shell or socket); d6mp. QS and qS1 (rare). cg, I, v. to measure with a span. Der. ocg3/and o'Esgo, e.g., aooSrcocS5ooo3ac o33o go g,ol,, span it, please, in order to know how long it is. "og, 2, v. to mince with a knife, the point remaining unmoved and the handle rising at each stroke, p, e.g., cooG,0ooo: GocoSg(gooog. og:, v. to be stout, large (burly), or chubby as a child. (Note.cgos usually implies that the person (or animal) spoken of is large or stout for his (or its) age; oSa-ocooo;&gojo3. Mciooso5qc, what a stout chubby child he is! GC2 577 oeot@8:, -.2, v.; see the parts; oStcj: 3@s n. a very stout, big horse (2:.' can be also used in the same sense). -- p:, v., see oCg:; used adverbially (rare). ogDa'R, adv. fine as powder; -, 0c;poo~Lo:)co:)cl-:6 cooo:CaR: apepS29o5u c 5q qoS2 G3 )&S@_Goz3Q O ZJ o conl1 6 336) g4f because he cut to pieces, destroyed to fine powder, and overcame the one thousand five hundred evil passions, he received the appellation of Bagawa; cg":-o, is infrequent in colloquial. c~, int. expressive of disgust; coScn-Scoicoioii'or.-m80 e6 q cG0, x, v. to be diverse, different from itself, various, diversified; a c ' onoo(~' pc i ocCcsBrogUSooe, this man has many complications of disease. -co030Mc)D, adv. evasively, as in eluding a statement, question, or in trying to avoid doing anything; or in backing out of an engagement; cccoD oco_)~_x)oI oq, v. same. D ----, v. same; GC829 @)' ooSOX'3,l, a person who schemes in many different ways (one who has many irons on the fire). - gp, v. same; used adverbially; rcRgcRaafpol caTGco-:06h (uotu0' here appears to mean the four cardinal points of the compass); ocoo occgzp colu c8cBj;oSne, as is in accordance with the times, there is evil of many different kinds. GOR, 2. V. to throw with a motion of the hand parallel with the ground in play, as in pitching quoits; comp. c~ (to throw with a swinging motion of the arm). -o D"o, v. to play at pitching quoits. -{Q (scco8), v.; see GoR (most common). n-,. a quoit. cogs, i, v. to be mixed together; Oqg ol:8iSi(Gn!;g5 ocooe~o, be confu ed in a mass, cG%:~Doo. Der. acgao, c%8;cic;, to be confused in utterance; oo:ua:z6aac,2 v. to be matted together as the hair, to wrap up with a cloth or blanket; a3ooa 8; a; xorGcootclaia - r-zp,, -rffPaOjjo8o (prol. cg'c=:,cIYcoS), -jq0S, —4 -29df cn8, -cOt, see the parts-(i) p Gc;163,sEgCa:oS 73 '.'S tI@ t6 8 ie hrpefsrnis are ihtimitely assciated -wiiti each other i ininy diff eret 'vays; (2) opqccopu5 c.od oqto 3QqC8l:0o06 fi509 (3) NiOW8 looeo~n azqas, ~BP cg quo0@810 cG*oirQ4R664 v-v to be iritricately involved. 6 2g), j, V. to spit;3G Gyo:0 e~a, to spit out as water or food; cqccgsc@8~o6Sn'8soqo ocg 8, it is not necessary to use @8 to spit water upon barmiboo strips (p.), strips of the Thalia cannzformis (wo8) and mats which are not finished in the meaning (GI8aG~Pd caco%~). ----— 3a3, n. a spittoon. crg, 3, v. to be the youngest; not used as a verb. Der. XaGOg. 6003 (Pron. Gc2GOT), n. (see 8og), a mother's younger sister, a father's younger brother's wife. e (8c9:) (The eighteenth consonant in the Burmese alphabet and the third in the class of dentals.) ocS (,o), n. a disease at the roots of the hair, causing baldness (Tinea tonsurans). This disease is accompanied with intense itching, and is said to be more common among children than adults. The Burmese frequently say in a bantering way to children Gcrz38in-Co: mar_\go098085c batrnj:egno80sa~o4uool0&oag80sloooog0S atcsa(Pali), n. the south, coo:8; 4 c39no 8sO:, n. the Commissioner of the Southern Division, Upper Burma. w,*]o, n. the southern carriage or path of the sun. - c-cj3ag$, n. the winter solstice. ~ f- t,gSoo$S, n. the Tropic of Capricorn. 08, n. the breech, butt-end of an instrument; 3ooog 638p rwo oau (the head of a tattooing iron)i also called s8q; usually the figure of a belu, mermaid, &c., 08Co8; 38j6 soSQ, to be out of proportion, as a small horse harnessed to a large, heavy carriage. - q), n. a knot at the end of a rod. -— GCoSI, v. to be slow from idleness or reluctance; o8Gcooj ~o61 (rare);.at, n. a circular piece of mietal stamped, whether for a coin or a medal; 3o80q$, weight in silver; *8aOo86cq5j, the of fence of counterfeiting coin (s81ohoS, a mint), (o81g:oo, machinery for manufacturing coin), (381-0 sooooo053s oo, coining tool or instrument), (o38lc8.jcqS $ 0000 cooo;,- instruments for counterfeiting coin). o0i1 ooS, v. to stamp a coin or medal (081as ). -- lo5, v. to deface coin. --— cq, v. to coin. 3683, adv. indicative of the sound which it imitates; oso8@ intensive to words of hardness; 3o808oG01 oo,oox, as a horse, bullock, or even a human being; oO861Ic.. oo3 I 3 oSoi@CQSo"a9o9 oGcg"9I o03, n. a fiction, fable, tale of imagination; - a0 ool --, v. to write or relate fiction; in a secondary sense to be discursive in speech; ooc5ogoGcgoo=sSoooq, s, n. the toddy-palm tree [the Nipa fruticans] [the leaf of the said tree used in thatching; numerous in the delta of the Irrawaddy]. — o-, v. to cover the sides of a house with the leaves of the toddy-palm. — g, n. a toddy tree plantation. -— GOOO, n. an extensive plantation of toddy-palm trees. — d08, v. to double and pin the said leaf on a stick for thatching. — 6 (os$8) (from @, to weave), n. a stick of the said leaf prepared for thatching; 3ao68028Co1in, --—, v. to roof a house with the said leaves. -- I), n. toddy, the juice of the toddy-palm tree; co$qg A$8, n. a licensed toddy shop [oJla i, to be intoxicated with drinking toddy]. — G --- 1. n. fermented toddy. — qc1, n. fresh toddy just drawn from the tree. aioo, n. a kind of buffalo with short horns, in Upper Burma called o8c6 (pron. o80). (o4 (o~), n. the Calamus arborescens, a palm growing to the height of 15 or 20 feet, common in marshy beds of streamlets. oqpc (ogo), n. sandalwood; see oaqs, which is the correct orthography. 58o 3oc0 aoaw (usually pron. o9p) (Pali ao, n. a tooth, and o(m), a. dental, produced from the teeth; applied to consonants of the oo class (oo, co, o, o, co, co, &,oc e~a-qCagqCdc). "o6& (p), n. a gum-boil. ocs (oS), (ooJ) (pron. os), n. the Cassia fetida plant. [The beans of this plant are said to be a fair substitute for coffee, and to have soporific properties, and the root is said to be efficacious in cases of scorpion bite. The leaves are eaten boiled, and called BoScoo5oc-L]. o33cooS, n. the balsam plant; bocooSc eo1GaoSS (pron. boo8oo1,*), n. the climbing fern called by the Tavoyans oA6:cloS. The Burmese make a pickle of the leaves; eoqsn83ooSgu O'ocoog (usually pron. Sooc9$), n. the Indian horse-radish tree (an excellent substitute for horse-radish). a1, 1, n. the henna tree, the leaves of which are used in staining the nails (yellow).. ----qol, n. varieties of the said tree. -—.-}, v. to stain (the nails) with the leaves of the henna. o~:, 2, n. a swing. -— 8, v. to swing (intrans.).. — o8, v. to erect a swinc; 9v3Z8o;ii cGcoo8I orUG,)83n$s ooec8~nsoScgoo5GooSg8oosoo5!i. ---oloS, v. to suspend a rope to a cross rope in order to draw it tighter. It also means to be galled by a swing. ---., v. to be giddy or dizzy from swinging.. --- (oo), v. to swing (trans.). oo30, n. a kind of bamboo stake to trap fish; used only in the sea. |In a damin trap the side posts are called omS~c5S, the post planted in the ground and secured by'a rattan rope &(r5od8, the rope itself GXoo5&Q, the upper transverse bamboo is called coj, the lower one ca.ao-Cx, the rattan fastenings in the upper parts and sides are called bo:;iica8O,805 and ol[i:, and the lowest fastening, securing the c3GooS:o 4 — Go. &, The funnel-shaped part of the trap is termed q*,ooooS, and the two-pronged driving implement GmOS, the bamboo used for fixing the positions of the oovo&q8s, aodls, and the large bamboo float cooolt. Damin traps are made of 8qS and 0o86 bamboos.] oS:-St, n. unsieved ngapi, in contradistinction to o*1oc1:8, sieved ngapi. o --—, n. revenue derived from the tax paid on damin traps. -— c-8, n. pressed fish, composed of all sorts, see 9jdc:8 said to have been originally spelt clos@ — 85, n. a temporary fishing village, the residents of which are employed in the damin fishery (in the dry season). -— so8, v. to buy (damin) ngapi wholesale (usually implying to load one's own boat) at one of the aforesaid villages in order to dispose of it subsequently, either alone in one of the large towns in Lower Burma where a trade in damin ngapi is carried on, or in Upper Burma. -- 8, v. to make a catch of fish for manufacturing damin ngapi. — Gco08, v. to catch fish in the above said trap, also to set up as an employer of labour in the damin fishing industry; -— 0o0, n. a damin ngapi broker. — Gc9, n. a boat used in damin fishing. — ooso, n. an employd in the damin fishing industry. — 30,, n. an employer of labour in the damin fishing industry. acSds, ocSasco68, n. a large iron pot or' pan; comp. m:cots; [a cauldron, ogqsoogocSo:, n. a cauldron for boiling cutch.] asqo@5 (pron. aol^S:), adv. roughly, violently; a3cqS'sa:oso 308so,3o0a3 sometimes used as an intensive to words denoting plenty; oolsoo4Si5Gco1:3o, G&,i nj<t (from 9., v. to trail), adv. in contact witrthe ground, touching and trailing. This word is allowable though a garment may not actually be touching the ground, but even when worn longer than is customary; 1:oC.qooSoo~aS6 S0O4 o:q oSc,,lo, 83^oo 0ooSo0 a~ 0;GCO, o, Rs^ O1 o330osaoSq --, -, cS, v. to trail along the ground; oiocmcotmooS — 0o8, adv. trailingly, in disorder; o$ gC[qSoo8oocoocogi - s, ncdv. trailingly, as the train of a gown. -C8, adv. trailingly, as the train of a gown. 82 - (pon.o)o), adv repeatedly and without intermission; [o&4:a has, very often the'same meaning]; scjo2Ig (tron. siq$s), a. instaty edog ihu eadt circumstances; sogO%og3otolv -~ qc ~'r~ o~ Go:)%j I39ro adv. lawlessly;3GC MGjS iclotzS;also -used as an intensive to words denoting -dirtiness, foulness; ~ Gmoil GCY,28 DAn. porcine deer, Cervusporcinus. GGPOOI- (pron. srccpGw3Doo:), adv. in a hurried, precipitous manner; 9GqzaoO61scXolIo~cp 3GO co:)1*ioot 0C)esi OJGG[ QcooZol oo65jopSaGG 3QoooohG sr@ coo oe~; see "M0! osqj (9goS)_ (from &S, to be violent), adv. dragging along the ground, implying some degree of roughness and violence, more than a98, but less than,~ 6~ (a-o), v. to drag along withealnvieceb main force; rj~~j-c~sc —T.1 - 9 (~ogic8), adv. same. -M-,4 (3jjoc&ScO), adv. dragging with headlong violence. 3OZxOa, n. anything in the form of a cross made to turn round, as a twirling churn-staff, a turnstile, a bar-shot, &c.; GCo38C;@Gi 3aocoo, adv. open, exposed; n. an open plain; cocoCq~uaori8S MC~OO~q 8COCOP:G4.C~ GCOOSZL(050OE~1 C00o068i~8opQ:Ot~CC:@R-C93 ~wel S.c8 (from c8S, to roll), n. roller; OJc58~, n. an iron roller; 6 ~~uT~ooBqc -1o e~~~ 4~x~o, (or @8-c~oTmo~ycq:AS Pe&S1 (from PSc81i, to smear.), n. a thick coating of tar, pitch, or any gum or tenacious. substance.' P to.v w~alk with such preparation. v. to smear wit the same; a0 uioc1382SIoRu & z5,adv.- over and over, heels over hed.tops - turvy; aocSeSi (os-), n': a,kipd of p~an1t 300 (pron. 3o), the ob has the sound of thar (Pali), a. ten; 0000611 o333 (pron. 0, 03, o), a. the tenth; aco0qBG,oSn 00080co, by abbreviation 30o08 (Pali ooa, ten, and 08co, a religious duty), n. the ten duties which are to be performed by candidates for the priesthood, ooooracoGoo~638g o8co, and by religious people on days of worship eyoSgocg~cN Goco8sG-o03oo03c81aoSolo180a0; the dasa-sil or ten obligations binding upon the priest forbid -(i) The taking of life (oD3o80100oo). (2) The taking of that which is not given (a~8o331 ), (3) Sexual intercourse (@o~ooqco). (4) The saying of that which is not true (oooo13). (5) The use of intoxicating drinks (oq3oFPqooQoooooo). (6) The eating of solid food after mid-day (80oOcooGo),). (7) Attendance upon dancing, singing, music, and masks (%8o0oo01 oo8oqo3ooom.oop). (8) The adorning of the body with flowers, and the use of perfumes, unguents (ocoooog8Coo os o1l0. g 8o3o03go$o). (9) The use of seats above the prescribed height, namely, one and a half cubits, (goowoo ooo0000000). (o1) The receiving of gold and silver (oooo goqoCoo580$8 ).-M.B. 3cooS (o8), n. a kind of tree with a leaf rough to the touch like that of the teak. 5, n. copper regarded as the subject of some chemical or alchemical treatment (electro-plated ware; Britannia metal; p:, an electro-plated spoon). — coS, v. to change copper in imitation of gold or silver; 5 o0o3QoSq18-6010oS0o3^m1l00oScSqil~a1MOoS*oJS3-a33CaSOOoSo$ll 3coS (or 3CVo) (Pali a3rGo), n. a stroke, blow, chastisement, punishment. -- oo, n. to visit with punishment. - 6 (ac&a), v. to suffer punishment (generally on behalf of another); 3oSaooS, v. to suffer punishment by carrying sand, water, as a oscooa or iosa --: (3coq), v. to free from the internal effects of punishment by a medical treatment, to mete out punishment. -- ol (coSqoS), n. a mark from a blow inflicted by way of punishment, a mark from any blow; a3Ceqpac1BC3oS " --- (3oc0a ), n. a fine, mulct; 3ocSagcoo8, to pay a fine. - oo5 (ociooS), v. to impose a fine or any punishment. 584 o1 8 3a0c0oo, v. to impose a penalty; oc8&oBous oq68 c 0:8ocoo ooqA8o8caSoosqo3BoS, if you do not do your work properly, I shall have to tine you. -- 8 (3CodB), v. to incur a penalty; cooo0 ctlsoog 3o2o5S ocaS 8 cBoooS, Nga Khin incurred a penalty of Rs. o1 on account of his abusing Nga Mhu. -— o5o (ocScaSB), v. to be deserving of punishment. — Gos (COSco:), v. to punish, inflict punishment. - cp (ocCSp), n.; see o 6Sqoo, Oac (Pali oG f), n. an evil, calamity; roona3g oSSoN Goo:o.Ca0 cpoS (colloquial). 314 (Pali), n. a giving; oG0o@s, a religious giving; cgj8s, a religious gift; ola01, giving to others inferior, inferior gifts, i.e., using or enjoying the best things one's self and giving inferior ones to others; olooo00co, giving gifts to others of equal value to which one's self uses or enjoys; 3h64oo8, giving gifts to others superior to anything one uses or enjoys one's self; og91o4, giving by faith in the benefits of oM (o5aj uijt~5 g6D); oo361 4, an offering made with great respect to pongyis; ooowool, giving flowers, food, fruit to travellers, strangers, sick persons, &c.; 3,q30cBool 9. giving without hesitation, freely, without grudging (coogaco ), opposed to k8gcostol, ooIn8loDa, the gift of a righteous man; 33oo311o0, the gift of a wicked man. -- ooo, n. a mean offering, such as might be properly made to a servant or slave. — oL, n. a gift, an offering; Sn -. —ocou, n. such an offering as might be properly made by one friend to another. -- 008, n. a liberal or princely offering; (d01oo8, n. a noble giver). olqo0o (loo00o) (pron. sooo1oo), (Pali), n. one who contributes to the support of religion and religious characters, a layman, 00o000; comp. go1 coo0, G083q1 CqRioSqSoqoonog I: 9o16t3lq3o; see o 1ooo3c?9lG0oo (ooo oolc 800oo), n. a female contributor, &c.; 0ooooon olcS, n. a certain golden ornament worn round about the neck of women. -— oo (pron. alco.:), n. one kind of the same, often made of silver as well as of gold; 31ao80:Soo83oS [the best are made at Akyab). loo, (Pali), n. a male servant or slave; — oloB,. a female servant or slave. 8, an abbreviation of 8gooeaiS: (Pali), celestial wisdom, the wisdom of nats (comp. q and aoo); 4o54o5o} 8@gS~8:s So@oS (Eng.), n. a district; o5oooo@doS.con --— p, ooS0ooeoq@:, n. a District Magistrate, see1.0.s. 8g (pron. 80o00) (Pali), n. the space before one's eyes, presence; qoSCoo S.-S. -- os, v. to hear one's self. —, v. to identify; coqoccqoso odSgtoocoo: — z%8~, v. to meet or experience one's sel'. --— go, v. to speak with certainty, to make a plain, unmistakable statement. -- 68, v. to behold with one's own eyes; oSEb:6caS 8`868W - qSoa,, adv. face to face; 8c8qi8S cgoqoo(qao. Q 890cC 8 — oooScoo, n. an eye-witness. — 98, v. to know of one's own knowledge (in opp sition to oq 00c8); Og3G"0S8G@ 18~Co8%C03co 1 8gogoooSoo35, n. the influence of a good or evi| deed which causes an immediate result, i.e., in the pr sent state of existence; qoS%0ooSaog84 Go:0goo - 89 (Pali), n. opinion, doctrine; 3oq, false opinion, heresy; Goo3aQiS&o89, a heretic, 9^osooa ojc ooSgoog 8St[1o61, n. an evil passion; v. affection or cleaving; 8&to1biow G: ooS:0oooo3lSolo~,0oSone~ll Sg (c8oSc), n. a writing explanatory of omens; 859,oq (8os is said to be the correct orthography). -— o0p, n. an oneirocritic. 88 (c808) (Pali), n. a lunar day, one thirtieth part of a lunation. 8;, n. curd, the curd of milk. f --- —oc8, n. curd in a soft state. ) —, n. cheese; $. 9boco. qp, n. whey, buttermilk. (86 ^ $ (S (c8$e 8:), n. a small species of kingfisher; 85-S:ci, a kind of colour applied to oxen. 8hsoc8$;oS8, n. a kind of nat, supposed to cause an abused husband to be infatuated with his wife, or an abused wife to be infatuated with her hus ands - --—, -vQ, -oS, v. to be under the infatuation of an abused husband who cannot give up his wife, [or of an abused wife who cannot give up her husband]. SS:8$u ((60c8~.), adv. indicative of the noise which it imitates. 8, n. the tide; scarcely used singly;-8 %:i --— q, v. to ebb. -.. — 58 (pron. 985), the place where tides meet. " ----0o0, v. to flow, as the tide. -— 0 Q (pron. 8:), the copper worm. ----, n. the tide. -— o, n. the bore (in a river). &1o,:oSqoS, n. a court decree; Sosa#eqq, a decree holder. ato, I (Pali), a. long; ajoooa:,qca (Pali), short; SoUiqoooos loo, 2 (Pali), n. the first of the five parts into which the Buddhist scriptures are sometimes divided (BoycorooSkqS). t&oq, n. son of Maha Zanekka. 9o&S (Eng.), n. Deceanber.-S. So (Pali), n. an island; og$s also means an oil light; 8ocB8sn -— cp&, n. the sovereign of a continent or great island. -— o0, n. a history of continents or great islands. 8gs, n. a baked clay ball, which, when broken up, is used for metalling roads; 8csslf s, n. a cry of boys in certain games. [It is said to have originated in the cry made by grown-up people urging bullocks to fight, and then imitated by boys when playing at pretending to be bullocks fighting.] &8;, adv. profusely, freely, or rapidly; applied to tears; rcjq 88:~o.sa:%c^, perspiration; G60 osoo c.3:.:Cxqaoox, blood, rain, &c.; 6g:8:aois3,,1 ^oS&gaooci1o ol ltq (o8), n. a species of bombax resembling the ooc56a S I (Pali), o. bad; used in composition as a prefix. ROSC)000:8 5-8.7 qoo3 (Pali), n. transition to an-unhappy state of existence; qocA -o~,5 ('Pali 4no), n. a bad deed, a sin; q~oq'4r~~ opposed to cx~+jo, a good deed; ec-oBoo o~~~j~~~a4o:ola 03 8:I)3moIIc~o13 cv~ q,2 (a?), n. thickness, numero Iusness, multitude, see under moq qo:(ooc~co6, a cubic foot; aot~q:cnqO$oC5C3SaO:0o6 -__8 (cq3oz8), n. numbers, or strength derived from numbers. -soS (aqscS), n. size, largeness of size, greatness-(i) SqooS Gm3o.3.,.a~; (2) 1 00Scxu0OV qcq~ (pron. ~qo1-6), n. the outside garment of a p6ngi worn over the shoulder, see under amo53~, i, CO"8:q, cood8 (cf~u oz-B) qrf"i q ql (Pron. qoSx6S) (Pali qqr.), n. a crime, guilt; (clerical) qcS (Pali), n. unhappiness, misery, pain, trouble; co8&,qSgnumc qcq, great, indescribable misery, opposed to oqo, happiness -(i) ooe~q c%~6~orco~o5h~@, this misery is almost unbearable; (2) cqr~jqcg9903338o98~u1p, do not act so as to make two troubles of one. -oqwq, v. to practise austerities with a view of becoming a Buddh. d8,n. the dukha paramila. 5;,V.. lit, to seek trouble. In common parlance it means to anticipate trouble unnecessarily. qcjoo, ni. one who is unhappy, e.g., one in very indigent circumstances, or suffering froin some great trouble, serious ma, lady, or one deprived of the use of his limbs either owing to congenital causes, or accident. qoS (cqoS), n. a stick, staff, club, cudgel. n. a sharp stick, a goad. -.X3..os (ao~o:),), n. a swordstick. ~80m4'SoS-3,v. to seize, or collect, all persons capable of bearing armns, lit, all persons capable of carrying stick~ and das. qocoooodS, n..a species of connara4, M. qth& (ftos P0all ~, a. the second; 98$qoo&S qc8coc-g8seb$, Junior Secretary; qc6woNs8:ocooooS, Assistant Secretary;.,4co4o$G ooS, Extra Assistant Commissioner (Ist, 2nd, d and 4th grades); oa8c 6Goo0ooGcrooo05, Sub-Assistant onservator qCo60 4SQo$oGcO?, Sub-Assistant Superintendent of felegraphs; qd8ouo854&8qG; Assistant Government Advocate; qcSuo8.4cSo$, Second in command of Military Police Battalion. -g, ~,~ rb1 gn. green vitriol; copperas, sulphate of iron; o1dqGoii Sn. oil of vitriol, vitriolic acid, -3 n. blue vitriol or copper vitriol. --—,n. white vitriol or white sulphate of zinc. W 6i68g (Pali qgo, famine), n. a period of famine, see un* A o88ugga Si o84Scfqgag qo~au qqc8.(oqco8) (pron. oow8), n. a minaret, a small pointed proS cfidn on. the roof or steeple of distinguished buildings. qRoo1.:601: (pron. Acoo), n. the four things difficult of attainment e () of being a Buddh, (2) of hearing the law, (3) of becoming a priest, (4) of becoming a righteous man, (5) of becorning a human being (xnow). q8Oc (proa. q5S.J)r, t. one destitute of virtue (a-c-)C0RF00&I~5), qAS*oq@jcqSnaocoojo3Icnc0, as in the way of one unprincipled person moralizing to another. A, n. a plastering substance of NoaSc.9 and c~: generally used for old boats. d B v. to plaster with the said substance; -cq90A 4pc~$08 oS:, n. a kind of wind instrument. i, (o ) (from socia, log), n. a tube filled with gunpowder and made to run on wheels when fired; festival in which fired. - 8:, n. a song sung at a Qsii S, v. to ram down gunpowder in such a tube. -, 'ffn. a festival in which a 41 is fired. 4sla, v, o ride a horse at full gallop in racin,; oora &6:oa:,-_~~s~lo~ ~~~r~oS~oooil v. to go at a full gallop, as a horse when racing; Tr2r l e:G@3O4~oooShcoo 1I 589 43, 2, n. a large canoe with raised sides; o6oo0co,8s;:o6@3i 4seqo3oo:,, n. a certain race of Hindoos..:oQco:, 2, n. a hammer, chisel, screw, &c., in one piece. scoXC3?, 3, n. the black and white wading bird, M. 4so8, n. the adjutant bird; 9oS(Qsgo8, 4:slog- S, n. a species of bird smaller than the common adjutant, without a pouch and producing handsome plumes, M. q: n. a knee. '— cols8, n. the top of the knee. -— co, n. the knee-joint. -— ao, v. to bend the knee. -- ooM:; see coo-i, - oq, cooooS, v. to kneel. -- Co08, v. to sit on the feet as in a squatting position, or to sit with one knee in an upright position. — GoooS00ol8o: (pron. olg), to (Mo8 understood, adv.) sit with the knees raised and thighs spread apart, a most disrespectful position to assume in the presence of a superior. [This expression is generally used when axsuperior admonishes his inferior for sitting in such a position, e.g., c% m.asG o Goo oGol 600o0 oooSoocoS]. -— G —, see under c4p,. -- oTGolSooT(pron. i-GoSedSIoS), adv. with knees and thighs exposed. [In the Burmese time it was not considered disrespectful to sit in the presence of officials slightly exposing the knees and thigh, so that the tattooing might be seen, 9S[G(ScoTGTcoooS; in worshipping at a pagoda or praying before an image of Buddh, or when sitting in the presence of a pongyi, such exposure is considered improper and disrespectful.] -- 51, v. to be long-legged; r@codScBeooa 0 s:sig, n. the dorian tree and fruit. -- @o3>, n. the soursop. -— o6, n. the fruit baked in a pan. — , n. dorian preserve. Goo (Pali), n. a nat or god; see oS. [According to Childers deva means " a god, a celestial being, an angel, a cloud, the sky " (Gcool), the air, death. The devas or angels are super. 590 c.1roSoocooaS "human beings of various classes ororders. But there ar "also ddvas who are tutelar deities 'to certain towns or " families; some are tree nymphs, some reside in rocks or " are the genii of a particular locality; others make their "home in the air or the cloud."] "The functions of the " devas are of varied character, and in some instances in" consistent with the powers attributed to th three gems " (qcovoul). They endeavour to prevent th acquirement "of merit by those whom they fear will sFpplant them in " the possession of the various pleasures a d dignities they "respectively enjoy T(oo goof). Tey take cogniz"ance of the actions of men, as we learn from the legend of "the guardian deities. They sympathize with those who "act aright [except in the case of evil devas (8&;scoo), "who do the opposite] as in the case oflnobleman Wisakha, "and punish those by whom they themselves are injured, " or those who insult and persecute* the faithful." —M.B. [Note. —It was in the presence of a deva that Gaudama, the Buddh, delivered the 38 beatitudes; po ol:1oooicoo oo-pt]. cooooS, n. the brother-in-law of Gaudama, the Buddh, when Prince Siddhartta. co8$ (Pali coo, a god, and ^g, a chief), n. a sovereign of gods; cooo (Pali), n. a place, country; soqi, -— o0 (pron. Gpoo3onC ) (Pali oA, v. to go), adv. itinerantly, from place to place; coooo0c3ooS00 o3S i G03oo c GooWooe, terms only applied to the Buddha. cooo (Pali), n. the act of making a formal communication on Sa religious subject, the act of preaching; oospGueo8:og as30aGoop Go30@03 O5j S OSOq.3po3.OG:o03o. oSo: ----:, —, v. to confess (clerical) [mooo&So is the ordinary expression]; 3aaoosg oop-3g a3Ge-o33Gpe8 (or aaoccp c08, or aoo8CwGCpS), &c. GoloS, n. a stick used to hamper a creature, or to secure and keep him at a distance; ooloS. ooo:ogon -— e, n.'a kind of cap worn by ascetics (qcc); qoi.colcroS — oGcoOS. (0o), n. a species of dalbergia. [The Burmese sometimes call the wood-pecker (oo8C0oo35) coloE;coooS GOO)6j. G31 59t coloScq (uS), n. the Photinia serratifolia, M. - qo, n. the Dalechampia pomifera, M. -cooS, n. a species of ficus. -- co83, n. the Dalbergia ren!formis, iAM. 0c18-5L (cGcooIcI5) (from co003, to set up), v. to bend and string a bow; cco2zo'l: c1I81 (from go;1i), 7. a peacock (Pavo crestatus); 'G~,oS, n. the Bengal falcon. -- gr —as S, n. the Bengal falcon [the Falconet]. --— : i, n. the peacock pheasant. -—, n. a small inclosure (bearing some resemblance to a peacock's cage). -- oeo5, n. swan shot. ---- o, nt. flower-fence, sometimes called peacock's pride, olIoScoj, M.; see 8o0$0.1 -- g, n. the large kite, Falco bido [the Harrier Eagle]. - c —ao5, n. the Calligarpa aborea. -- o'10, n2. money stamped with the figure of the peacock, the money formerly used in the King of Burma's territory. -— Go18-, n. a round box with a conical cover on high legs; G315Go0l 'X)oQ6. - o, n. a peahen. ---- S, n. another kind. - co', n2. a round tray or a salver standing on legs, sometimes used as an eating taule. -— o:$, n. a species of innocuous serpent, the Tropodinotus nigrocinctus, M. -- co, n. the peacock flag, the royal standard of the late King of Burma. ----:4o, ni. anthrax fever; o-oSB, malignant sore-throat; applied to cattle; coooSoo~4:, said to be orthographically correct. co1 (o8), n. the wormwood plant (Artemesia absinthium). -— cooS (ooS), i. a range of mountains nearly due east of Maulmain. col o (Pali), n. anger; "a o5&, blameworthiness, fault; s6&, impurities attached to minerals and drugs in their coarse state (also applied to gold, silver, and quicksilver). Dwesa, anger, that which is wrathful, like a serpent struck by a staff (qoSo a4gso8c3 G02O cgooooSo C.q o100oojIjg:-cogW). -M. B. "There are three principles to which aL are subject who have not attained to the state of a rahat-(i) raga (<po), evil desire; (2) dwesa (3 go), hatred; (3) moha (o*Qo), ignorance."-Ibid. -" —'@, v. to be wrathful, passionate; o@ase<oQ oa@: -.-., —., v. to feel anger without expressing it; see 3i1S -—, v. to be involved in a quarrel. -.-o6, v. to be free from impurities as minerals and drugs. - o68:, n. indurated faeces, see e.G@loou -- iS, v. to be engaged in an angry quarrel; Oqj.Go6oSG@go oo~ouogisoS:oo~oaToog$soodii -- co$, v. to be of violent temper. —, —coo, v. to harbour resentment, to be resentful. — ooS, v. to purify (minerals, drugs, &c.), to rack ores. -— go5, v. to express anger, see ojcgSqoS egooS x;ocS& — 9, n.; see oal o, ist def.; o31ooGgsiI osToo8: or (G3T6t8s, n. the humiming moth; o5.8:, [GaTqS: is also said to be a kind of tree (osTqS$u,,oT98-Q) and to be much prized by alchemists]. qoS, n. a drift or mass of heterogenous matter drifting on. the water or stranded; BoS& [ooaop less in quantity than qoS]. Q8, x, n. petty chief, head of workmen, one who has the control of a gambling-house or the monopoly of the sale of opium, rum; an opium or liquor licensee, &c. [an umpire, judge, referee;:6(SI1S, &c]. * 5, * n. a licensed gambling-house, opium or grog shop. — G —. aO3S, n. a percenitage of the stakes given to a croupier or an umpire. --, v. to hold the situation of a manager of the said concern [or of a croupier or umpire]. -- GoI;., n.; see q98 2~09jpa:593 18, 2, n. a class of people (in Upper Burma) in Government employ; q8oqT:un~ n. Silver of a certain quantity, better than &06$1 Q& i, n. a shield, round and embossed;- comp. 003 (any kind of shield) and c~x -(a shield oblong and convex); 18-ooS 00301 qi.ZR -o (oS:), n. ormerly the controller of the shields, a certain minister of state; GcoS c0ooo G.D89&0 qsO 00g5006: (Iron. dcb). _4)n. a small casting net with a handle; comp. OjcV6. Ist, 2, n. a transverse stay in the roof of. a building), a prqp- or stay used to support an inclining house, wall, fence, &c.;-o$ or ooi, -C.00305, v. to prop or stay. -s:q(Sos3), n.; see 1 -- 3:G(.)j' (q8:q:,oo~ (,Pron. ~S~~,n.; see @ot GQou Q8o:(qS,W4), ad/v. suddenly and loudly; as th6 report of a gun; ~oo~o~~o5 qS: 0:),Icqcpae~; also applied as an intensive to words of falling from an upright position; QSIo~ n. a playing ball, anything thrown in play; q:oA:, a quoit; 0 adv. through and through, straight through lengthwise; ~C15~p~,comp. CRS@cqo~8:, is said to have been derived from describing the size of an aperture in a bag sufficientlylrefor a qt to pass through, e.g., b8oScwos,,aoSo G~3SG10&33CII eoo~sor-:G04 08 (Pali a8), n. a matter, su 'bstance, qcu~co3cp; comp. qcoS, substantial property, wisdom, learning, &c.; coomooC~4 R:ooe~ (08), strictly speaking, applies to. one's- exterwro appearance, as cooooc5 is to one's mental capacity. g$, (Pali q~), n. duality. -~(rn. as spelt, not g~,v. to be joined in a pair (in syntactical construction) in colloquial; 9~ oH~'JS:op:) (from occ:00), n. a. person of no.eharacter, as a beggar,:~oq03o8Iooa. a grave-digger, oq~qcp:oI' [vo.~xo (prom, eo~cg) is the ordinary colloquial termi. 75 IOama (Pall ~, two', and soo, ten) (pron. 910, OOQ), a. the twelfth; glq (p on. 1oo) (Pall), n. a hole, aperture, politely substituted for onA, GO:)OS, &c..[the Culaganthi (ignc.6 sect of Buddhists are also denominated 21q; the Mahaganthi (Qowo oc~~) are denominated ob]. ~ n. the nine apertures of the body, namely, 9458j *~~~~~gC0 j o1Sjuo8o' ON0000o08 3 [~'q ic~s is another classification, 812I q ~nCO=0g ia uc~fo1q collectively known as the 4oglciu 11,n. -matter produced by operation of two causes; see un~der =0:680+GCO*Ol U* S8,n-6 neither masculine nor feminine, common gender; ~c1Bu *0)n. a state of dubiety, halting between two; M8joS @8 fccn~8. to be undecided]; ao~&P.c4 oc&g.. rco5o$.,nosgo cg:, n.. the number two. -o5(s.qioonS), n. a junction of two letters in orthography, a union or co-operation of two persons; see under ocjq: GOBSI (The nineteenth consonant in the. Burmese alphabet and the fourth in the class of dentals.) 10 - *j, x. property, goods; oof,. O~a^3 1O1COOzjC- 004%~60oOCS — qc5Gcp-Bv. to be purse-proud. ok. (Pall, a bow), n. Sagittarius, the ninth sign of the Zodiac, okc1?c8, " Dhanu, a figure of a golden colour, half man and half horse, with a bow in his hand."-M.B. o~ococ,5: (oS), n. a wild shrub bearing yellow flowers. The fact of its presence indicates that the soil is rich (couoosso O:or cooomvoS). 98 (Pall), Law, see oon-azu Oo~oaoq1o nsa=%S (from os, law, and conz8o$ ) qz71Ssuo~uoojozp:%~;q-@ (from oa, law, and g~xq) odm~cn. a preacher; oo~tGo:VOqp., n. a deed of law or of righteousness; o~o5co038 (MCod Q~oS ~ =AG(4, uco..:(ooo~~c4 Qgmt co 595 gog, -E, n. a p6ngyi's water-dipper; rqGo&1 -op (Pali, a collection), n. a section or verse of the Buddhistic scriptures, of which there are eighty-four thousand; - CO (from a0zoo, a measure) (pron. Qgsl), n. the established nature of ~6 @ Q61 58 oeooo-oGoomoq8 ocqogrootolo so~, n. unnatural offence. _co-osoT,, n. same; cQ.ogoo:@8@ol - G3X39 (Pali), n. the act of preaching; cw>g 0 ----qa, n. observance of the law; O)pjqleGOD80 8-11 -cpoo, n. the lord of law; oq)eFo8S (a title of a Buddh); g GQGh) 1103q-C08 CS Ofj1) cr61 -oC), n. a duty of religion, religious duty. 2 ---ooS (Pali oog3BOS), n. a code of law, statute law; as opposed to oloa3oS; comp. o0d0Si11GqpooSu -o00 (vo3o~, from oeuoocp: and a3ooo, a place, Pali), n. a place from which a preacher addresses his audience, a pulpit; ooqaOcoo:)e8, in an extended sense, a Judge's bench. -co6j (Pali cool, 4zo&0@8s), n. the act of listening to preaching; cogpzpa&c; -oD8 (Pali coo~anSu8), n.; see okqoPiI -G033003, n. Captain of the Faith (lit. the Law), a name of Seriyut (co )ql cp), the right-hand disciple of Gaudama the Buddh. ogcpoSl8, v. to be on unfriendly terms (colloquial) (derived from od and azcepo). The true meaning is that which is opposed or antagonistic to the law, i.e., that which is illegal, unjust. In a secondary sense it means anything opposed to, or antagonistic to, another; oo o ccf egquc&6l0J Qio3 (from oa and mo~), n. an immaterial object thought on; 0Cqa35S; see ma:)Colos ii Q8DQ8GQOE 8 (S~200~-O&Igesi odjoo (Pali og, oopl and ss, a place), n. a place whence a preacher holds forth, a pulpit (infrequenti); oapsrno:2 oSoao, n. that which is lawfully come by or obtained; eoec cogoS property lawfully obtained; d-9o.g Q8oocog 4o coggy3@raqE8@8G0EcnS#cQ noo sgdgd qp~rj gQ3S@$aoSonS$: 596 01oS GO6 o QOIGOO ~9S@r —c G0008005 Q 0~8 OSo8 008c GcooScQc~Gm-coorSidi 0 orGC (from macco), n. established manner, way; 066g ooo00000OG 0003, n. same. ocoSoocooS (from ancYoS), adv. in the way of accommodating others; cqScqbooeSji. 6, an abbreviation of og sometimes used in composition. oloS (Pali oloq), n. an element, constituent part of anything, one of the four grand elements, namely, oco8oloS, earth; ooIo., water; cooo)o, fire; and olGWooloS, air, to which some add soooooloS, space; comp. sonoqo6S, an essential attribute or quality, the constitution, nature of a thing, especially of the mind, temper, disposition; oscoOo, the root or radix of a verb in Pali; comp. ogii 0oS16,cS11 6loS1~ [oloGqooocp, the Chemical Examiner to Government]. --— j, v. to prescribe diet without medicine in the cure of diseases. --— c:, v. to be communicated, as some quality, from one to another. -— c5:, n. a book containing directions about diet. — c — ooS, n. a mineral. — a —, — 9oS, v. to have the digestive or other vital functions impaired or destroyed. — @- o, v. to agree with the constitution; Gco3oAGoooqoha. oloS.o 'Soogn -— oS, v. to be, injurious to the constitution. -— s (d1oScg), n. the natural heat or warmth of the body. — ~ ---, v. (to be constipated, see os5j8). o —GoSqoos, v. to have the equability of the constituent parts of the body disturbed, deranged, disorganized (lit. to have the elements confounded). --— i6S, v. to be absorbed into the system. * --., n. gas. -— oo, n. diet. " ---.oo:, v. to diet (oooSco, v. to prescribe diet). "I <oo18 597 oloScocp, n. a physician who prescribes diet without medicine [in contradistinction to c8ogoooGp, a physician who prescribes medicine]. - cooS, n. certain relics of a Buddha [or in past stages of existence previous to becoming a Buddha?] — oo0, n. a term used by Burmese astrologers and medical practitioners. -- GooSQ8 Go00; comp. CooqooloS, — 80, n. the fire in the stomach Nhat consumes the food; oloS 8gc~3*ooG@o3oe; [in a secondary sense it is now applied to gas, electric, or any powerful artificial light; olo58SSi 01058s.ogg]. --— O, v. to photograph [also applied occasionally to electroplated ware, oloS$:]; oC15oSo, -— cg:, v. to be very loose in the bowels, to have diarrhoea, loSooo6Sro.x; an aperient or laxative medicine. — 8, v. to understand the disposition or character of another; ol1o8qsc8~o jkcgo "8ao$ (Pali 3m8so), v. to make or attempt to make a future event depend on a certain specified condition by an appeal to some supernatural power, to swear, to take,n oath; --, — o8:, v. same, Ist def.; ocqjof:Bojoooioc8$a:)$ 8o000 (cq8ooo) (pron. q861), n. the bulging part of a graduated steeple (@=o5~), beneath the umbrella, 8oS:ni coos8:; comp. ospe:8s, n. [the bulging part of the capital of a pagoda below the umbrella, and goSc@-ts, an interchangeable term, apparently, with TesOS-]. 900o, n. certain austerities, of which there are thirteen classes, practised by priests, joo-S o dis " there is, however, one "division (of rules) called the Telesdhutanga, from teles, "thirteen, dhuta, destroyed, and anga, ordinance, by which "the cleaving to existence is destroyed, too important to "be omitted. These ordinances enjoin the following ob"servances on the part of the priest by whom they are kept: "(i) To reject all garments but those of the meanest de"scription (6oqcoo). (2) To possess only three gar"ments (c88oqoS&qoo). (3) To eat no food but that which "has been received under certain restrictions (8qooSjooS). "(4) To call at all houses alike when -carrying the alms" bowl (cogl f o4 oxS)). (5) To remain on one seat when eat"ing, until the meal be finished (aCooowoSqooS). (6) To eat "only from one vessel (og(SG-8q). (1) To cease eating "when certain things occur (oozogaojoo). (8). To reside in "the forest ( mj,-o:980 8). (9) To reside at the foot of a "tree (gcqj10 o). (ro) To reside in an open space (cizoooo " o08Mqoo08). (i1I) To reside in acemetery (0gxZ goo8). (I2) "To take any seat that may be provided (coooqo~oo8jo8). " (13) To refrain from lying down under any circumstances "whatever (oSoo &). * * * The entire number may "be kept by priests, eight by priestesses, twelve by no"vices, seven by female novices, and two by the lay devo"tees called upsakas (eul mco), whether male or female." — E.M. ~o (Pali), n. permanende $,g@@O, see $~o0 ~6, n. the north polar star, Alruccabah; o6QGoIQGtS01dl Irc0aoo &-C 4t, n. the constellation of the Little Bear, Cynosure. Gooe or oworo (00xcoo or 0oo00a0a ), adv.; see under GaO, 4 -cso or acO0C (.o'oq o or accioco?), adv.* little by little [constantly, repeatedly, see =o]. oSt&Gjropoo, n. a person employed in splitting bamboos for mats; ac~8G000roo3 C (CC6S) GThe twentieth consonant in the Burmese alphabet and the fifth in the class of dentIls). 1S, v. to be deep, not shallow; QcBSo weoAg-MgeIcooogIecS soj Gsqcqtood0BCS OPSI )0'1bCso a (2) Cu300e0ojeOpsaod goSD61 OzcqoF3q,8co3e~qoaac (W- coeaqco~oa 6o50,0oe~ -4i (**, v. to be intellectually deep, profound; comp. oSaIJ [to be difficult of investigation or attainment]; auoo - 48T),. to. be profound in intellect or meaning; 8goSo5S fO8J 2, v. to be dark, of a black colour; G&A1sC3'oo q3QtOO'4-B — G, v.O to be shining black; chiefly used adverbially as acrcfv o be gshi b acqe y as 4coq0r6cqucio G@C6S(;qq1 oI q(5:)06p9~003eof OD- O 3D CCP, C&Inoo 5P rjn6To4&'jro mot w~II 599 SgoS (Pali 0go), n. a lunar asterism, of which there are twenty-seven. The twenty-seven nekatas, or lunar mano sions, that appear to have been invented for the purpose of marking the position of the moon and answering the same purpose for the moon that the twelve rAsis (cp8) do for the sun are named thus: i, Assunda (az=oa); 2, Berana (3rqcA); 3, Kaeti (0g4joo); 4, Rehena (G;po4); 5, Muwasirisa (8c ); 6, Ada (s=oq); 7, Punawasa (qgpyl) 8, Pusa (qNa); 9, Aslisa (==oc8=eo); io, Minekata ((o=); I I, Puwapul (g,3oojq4); 12, Utrapal (P.00q&o)); 13, Hata (uoa); 14, Sita (8@); 15, SA (:)8); 16, Wisa (8001l); I7, Anura (=icp~); I8, Deta (Go6g); ig9, Mula (nO); 20, Puwasala (Q9-3$); 21, Utrasala (939zpoo$); 22, Suwana (m0jo0); 23, Denata (o002); 24, SiyAwasa (oz3x3qj ); 25, Puwaputupd (613oqoS); 26, Utraputupd (:90oqRIC); 27, Rewati (rGoc8); eg., o8GjCag i.Cnco6: S~S o3c3 gcido 3~Coi~ B~t~ 0~S zJ~c~n c83qo~3 oSC% x5rec5q8 ooj S coe [The Singhalese names are from Hardy's M.B.].hopooj-S, n. a species of mango considered the best kind of mango in Upper, as orooaS is in Lower, Burma. #*nfo (.5~jj), n. the morrow; in writings this word is very often spelt 4oS~$; in colloquial it is corrupted into goSf, e.g., 9 aS, vcgooS. g ao$mo:oio& 45(B (4a-xS), n. a wasp; s cvob 8; in ~sqo xoSq this word is spelt t S aSmo, x, a term of reproach applied to persons who are dishonestly acquisitive. ~35,, 2 (4 cS3) (pron. 49,), n. the Pterospermum semisagittatum, a tree. [Note.-There is also said to be a kind of grass of this name, the stalk of which is used by the Burmese to enlarge perforations in the lobes of the ears.] *oS: (joSo8s) (pron. joSOS;), n. the brim or upper edge of a vessel. 46 (~8o5), a corruption of ~8o5; also a kind of rope used in driving a bullock; q%6:. 401:, n. a ndga, a kind of sea-dragon. The ndgas reside in "the 16ka under the Trikuta (x1)oo) rocks that support "Mdru (GS'qA.) and in the waters of the world of men. "They have the shape of the spectacle snake with the "extended hood (coluber nAga), but pany actions are "attributed to them that only can be done by one pos"sessing the human form. They are demi-gods, and A~ I. " have many enjoyments; and they are usually represent"ed as being favourable to Buddha and his adherents; " but when their wrath is roused, their opposition is of a " formidable character."-M.B. The Burmese say that nigas can take the form of human beings, but even when they do so are obliged, under certain conditions, to reveal their identity, being powerless to reject it; 461iq&~ 88ca6 moc8' 08Qsc0C*i 04ai o 3iu oeDc64oqGooi3IIu w mGi&QZaso N31 3~G5~331 Q3002OOGGSO3 8Gm336 llI 33@1 iou'10~ coge~ 0ol:cg8o0g:, n. a mud volcano, as at Minbu, Upper Burma. — P-cOlS, n. the murex shell (an ornamental representation of a n~ga's head placed on the coffins of deceased p6ngyis)..-%g (often pron. 4o%.); So1%:G.SorI -%G, 2, n. the galaxy, milky way; Ol g0:35. orJ ogo~c8&9ol:ci, -. ---5 (oS) (pron. 4odSc), n. a kind of plant, sprigs of which are placed in the Gc38eGqio3Qn - mo (Pron. 4ocoo), n. gold, silver, or copper thread inwrought in cloth; gco~utolsc s:$:'gcJslo - 06), I, r. a fabulous kind of noose (4oboo6a4:=ocsvD, to tie up the hair in a certin way). - looSa:, n. a kind of stone. - U8S, n. a pit which throws up bituminous mud. - o=a5, i, n. a dragon's crest. Guood, 2, n. the Leea equata, a shrubby perennial, K. c90on0on (ooso1&a8-$ o.~1cpcis co r% mc~cq$coeooo 3a 66SS oSsCoo I8). S n. a species of jasper; 41o:cq:)cl f, n. constitution, nature, original character; a b8:A q8:, co 3o01o6, in astrclogy, permanent residence, opposed to u.0,o8u 44g9 4Sicgooogiio8tc 48ou Q05 jd8@xoc:ii coz 9&8@0soos8, did you two originally know each other or - only now? (2) %3-.*3 CCo1. -1S g n (3) o%.eoq oo:(e3OOO! o44 -31 ~ T &5J~ Qr@ coooeoo8 olcoo-, this person does not speak in his natural tone of voice, but in an assumed one I think. 60o 18, I, ron. you, mas. or fe., used to children and inferiors; oooSjkoooC6SGo3(, a term made use of in charging another with disrespectful or insulting language. ~8, 2, v.'to choke, stop in the throat; ag~uooo 8oosooo~: 4cooe~tvGq;Soo^Sn,,, ron., possessive and objective of 86; in certain constructions, your, you; see Grammar, sec. 78. "The pronouns cl, m0 and o? in the singular number, not preceded or followed by any adjective or participial adjunct, become c, 008, and cq before the oblique, unaspirated affixes (except ca), namely, c6, moa, G@o, 08 and q. understood; other pronouns, ending in a nasal, are similarly inflected." 2, 2, v. to be crammed, stuffed, loaded beyond the capacity of the vessel or person, to be tight, constricted, whether from food or wind or some other cause, more than on; comp. o )a 0 —(I) Ool08300 &sg coS93CA80GOOSli (2) A 3o300o^ o 8p~o8SgxOOS (3) o08oo0sIgo cOoS 686-1om ~oo:, your manner of speaking is indeed very impudent. -— 8, v. to be rude, disrespectful in addressing; qc8Iodsiq8n,. 8,6, v. to tread on (when applied to a boat means the depth it sinks in the water), the draught, e.g., oogo SGCoocScooooS so8.0 g; q0 is also used, but as Burmese boats have no keels, it is not considered so technically correct; cgj$'o — q —o:, n. a draw-bridge. — cs&o (ct8sos:ogj), adv. slipping and sinking, as when walking in the mud [said also to be spelt (s8:og sc)) b C*88g40g4go: ~8g]; q0VSg-j:go *OC398o0 4-8aggagojaOc -- ooS, n. a foot-print; E8oscauco8:rooScoSo~8,goSiq@inooS --— og, n. a stirrup. -— @o3a (2g6~%g>=S), v. to walk (lit. "tread") round the boundary ridges of rice fields on making them over to a purchaser (ooSoo&GoGooS@33~=). This is an Upper Burma term. --- oS, n. a stirrup, a treadle of a loom or other machine; --- o, v. to tread down, to crush under foot. — 8IS, v. to press down hard with the feet, to crush, see the parts. 76 48:0oo, v. to shampoo by treading on the body and limbs, *8, 1, v. to sink into, to immerse; ~0o0, to pass beyond recall; applied to words or business, to faint away, speechless and breathless; more than cGt. Der. 3^B and ^6-(i) Gc9 5:Bco'goBSsaohozi$~, owing to the boat sinking, all the property is lost; (2) ofS-, oCbnGosQGtoQois, the sick person has fainted away, one cannot get a reply to one's questions. — ~4, v. difficult to bear or endure, not easy to put up with or consent to, hence severe, rigorous, oppressive, unjust; (9$40o3SQ. 00C1o <cotooaooSt isao^mgoSm rcoo:aCS J #8|1 8:ScogomoogaSc cogoloq-ps, the sentence of two years that your honour has passed on me for my happening to steal a small jacket is exceedingly rigorous [according to some 44) is said to be orthographically correct]. - 8 $,.; see 48, ist def., and g$:n,ooSo& o:osco:o-M4gtic,ooogoi, Maung Pyu's son died from being drowned (the g$: can be left out if so desired; oeQ946Goaooa is more often used in colloquial, 08g$ in composition). 48, 2, v. to go back; combined with cqoS as co048, oaroSo48u (i) o8jsc Sioo84~8b., having been defeated, the Shan army has beaten a retreat; (2) amo ooS8cM c9&ogiB~oooS o18OqoxG:, should one have formed a plan, it is not advisable to go back (draw back); (3) 48,4,5~'g ooo8 ace, he is in the habit of arranging his plans in a thorough manner.. ---.4.&oGo, adv. backwards and forwards, from beginning to end ( G6GcG,8GoQoo3l GolcdoGag). --— 6, adv. intensive to words of whiteness (infrequent). --— < Ss^i (fron. 8464)is), adv. thoroughly; 4848:4&:, -— o-S. (oSi) 081 i~, i (Pali moo), n. a rule, precedent; cornp. eoGo, a way, manner, custom, loji, amooS; hence oo.S:o,o, adv. again, moreover; o: is strictly speaking the right word for precedent. — goG3, n. (a statute, enactment); see the parts. -- ~:, v. to learn, to imitate; acGsoCoocob:oQcooSatrqo. — (pron. 4~\), adv. in the same manner. --— oo, —, — ox,, n. same withpsiuu *oS 603 4Iocowco, v. to undergo instruction from another with a view of perfecting one's self in the same branch of learning or business (as a person serving his apprenticeship); ~.: O1 suagSoo oogo81osooov a ccpSo *o 0 ooood4 qogS" ooSo al orge n,e~, 2 (frequently pron. 4), v. to be few, not many; oq3: —(i) 3oo33qSoSooCS<ST~, there are very few people in this locality; (2) oaoSh[aCPo6og tooog&c, a man of very few ideas. --— GOG, adv. scantily, sparsely; ~, s GocG0:xg ceooS, he is not a mischief-maker in a small way, i.e., he is a great mischief-maker. - oli, v. same as q~:; also frequently used adverbially as *g~ s ol ols, same as * sGo3 oo4 os3g.sa o30:c1 (see oft) S ~6iol o1 rolGozo~ 133zaz6coi~o3 o (ooo) sgogSiojcoof SSoolo s *Si, 3, verb. afix, interrogative, <'0, o4:, see Grammar, sec. 110. [Note.-Not a colloquial affix; usually used in writings with the present, but it is perfectly admissible with the future tense, e.g., w3oooSc~.g~:ogo ':, whence goest thou?] 40c, n. said to be derived from the Sanscrit ' nath,' 'master,' 'husband," lord.' " A nat, a kind of god, a being superior " to man and inferior to Brahmas (o033), some of whom " inhabit the inferior celestial regions (0,oSaS ), and others " have dominion over different parts of the earth and " sky (.oo5). The dewas (i.e., nats) of Buddhism do " not inhabit the dewa-16kas exclusively; there are also " d6was of trees (q:gs), rocks and elements. They re" semble the saints of the Romanists, or the kindred dii " minores of a more ancient faith, as they are beings who " were once men, but are now reaping the reward of " their prowess or virtue."-M.B. " The modern Bur"mans acknowledge the existence of certain beings, " which, for want of a certain term, we will call 'almost " spiritual beings.' They apply to them the name ' nats.' " Now, according to Burmese notions, there are two dis" tinct bodies or syste s of these creatures. The one " is a regularly constit ted company, if I may say so, of " which Thagya Min is the chief. Most undoubtedly "the body of * nats' ws unknown to the Burmans until " they became Buddhists. Those are real d6wa or de 64 ^ " wata. But the sets of nats are the creatures of anindi" genous system existing among all the wild tribes bor" dering Burma. The acknowledgment of those beings " constitutes their only worship; on these grounds I con" sider that the Burmese acknowledged and worshipped " such beings before they were converted to Buddhism.". * * * "The people who believe in nats seldom use that " word, but some honorific phrase. Some fishermen I " knew quarrelled about their shares in a pool of water. " In the case they constantly referred to the share of the " 'Ashingyi,' who was no other than the presiding nat of " the said pool."-(Sir Arthur) Phayre, on the meaning of the word "nat," see Bigandet's Life of Gaudama, c9(oI 9,oScqooWi (2) c 8,Ns50ooo, when mortals are incapable, nats render help (Prov.); (3) c a3cqcxoS~oooSqS, nats cannot comply with the wishes of mortals (meaning that mortals are insatiable). oSoooS, n. a nat-inspired female; 0oSo88$:oe -- 0040, n. a shed erected for plays in honour of the riats. — OoosO, v. to make a festival in which such plays are acted. -- G0oo0o, n. a kind of wild rice plant. 0.-0, n. a large building erected to a nat; o^ci$soocooSi -- gs, v. to be born with concealed testes. --- chol::, n. the five chief nats. -- eo, n. a small building erected to a nat (these small structures are to be seen near villages on the banks of fishery streams). l — oo, n. wild rice; comp. 4o:oo)o65 (in times of great scarcity the Burmese eat this in lieu of the cultivated kind). -— oGq: n. a government officer who superintends the worship of nats (in Upper Burma). — o03, n. food offered to a nat (provincial). The Karins perform a ceremony, generally when a member of a family falls sick, which is termed *oSo ozlo8, to propitiate the nats generally, the c0 3oSu oo3o0b s oSoo:8oqoS -— ds, n. an evil spirit, a demon, G8@ooS, see oogoioo4oSc --—., n. humming moth; G3oTcq8... ---008, v. to offer to a nat; 4o:ooaoaii ~08 605 o40cocq, v. to assail by a nat. -- Bc8S, n. one devoted to the service of a nat. --— oS6o, v. to listen to an oracular response; 3oS$ca8ooS -— o:, n. a twig of certain trees (ooows:oooS.O08). — o0, v. to offer to a nat; v5ooD8oog (5oSc~g, to make a provisional offering to a nat with the intention of supplementing it with a more substantial one at some future time). — V-, v. to be possessed by a nat (o5o080). --- g, n. an abode of nats, i.e., of the dewas. — Q.co8o, n. the inferior celestial regions (coococooo), consisting of six chambers or stories. " There are in all six dewa-16kas —() Chaturmaharajika (o9oQooopS&), in which one day is equal to 50 of the years of men, 30 of these days make a month and 12 of these months a year, and as the dewas live 500 of these years, their age is equal to 9,000,000 of the years of men. (2) Tawutisa (O0oo0q8o), the dewa-16ka of Sekra (0803)) or Indra (gj), on the summit of Mount Meru, in which one day is equal to Ioo of the years of men, and as they live I,ooo of these years, their age is equal to 36,000,000 of the years of men. [In former ages there were four individuals went to Tawutisa with human bodies, namely, the famous musician Guttila (ogco), and the kings Sadhina (=oo8fo86:), Nemi (o.8o;8 jo), and Maha Mandhatu (ooomgooSo8 )]. (3) Yama (o3 o4), in which one day is equal to 200 years, and as they live 2,000ooo of these years, their age is equal to 144,000,000 of the years of men. (4) Tusita (0oo0080), in which one day is equal to 400 years, and as they live 4,000 of these years, their age is equal to 576,000,000 of the years of men. [Dutthagamani (qoooo8ai ), the monarch, then, on his death-bed, said to a priest, Lord, which is the most delightful dewa-l6ka. The priest replied, ' It has been held by the wise that Tusitapura (oz~Ao&-) is a delightful dewa-16ka. The all compassionate Buddhist Maitri S oQGooo0 (zGQgoq88, Arimataya) tarries in Tusita awaiting his advent to the Buddhaship.'] (5) Nimmanarati (go~3 c8), in which one day is equal to 800 years, and as they live 8,000 of these years, their age is equal to 2,304,000,000 of the years of men. (6) Paranirmita Wasawartti [(oq800 coo=0o8) (Uo~oo0ooc08)], in which one day is equal to 1,600 years; their age is 9,216,00o,000 of the years of men."-M.B. 6o6 44t 4c0os,, — oseas, v. to be permanently possessed by a nat so as to cause loss of reason or some serious physical defect. A ----, v. to die as a king. The Burmese in speaking of a monarch immediately preceding a reigning one styled him as t&5go&:oo-:A@:, e.g., King Mind6n, when King Thibaw was reigning. oG 6:mc:i(:, -3o6, -@, -O, -rgcS, -4cS or.go8s; -iS; jcous, also have the same meaning. 5-gS, v. to be hidden or kept out of the way for a short time by a nat. -c4, n. same as 4c4QcwaoS -8&o, n. an evil nat. m-qon, n. an offering to a nat (voSqopo). -~q-oS, n. water offered to a nat; oqp*oSoqoSq j $:ooei - v. to die as a monarch, soj, same as 0@66o: -— oSf, n. a person possessed by a nat, as a 1o68$56 or c45.ooSo c-8No, n. knowledge or skill acquired by commerce with a spirit. — oqccS, n. a young nat or one that causes a person to speak with the voice of a qhild; ocBG co %(oscocs.85SC06 f08ca=S (frequently pron. PrT), n. the ninth month in the year, nearly answering to December; cGo$Sgoo x56o4c 8 cog Soz:n 4+, v. to shake, as a dog's tail; one kind of oj8, to be light, wanton, vain, unsteady in deportment or conduct; goa S; oR, less than coSg:. Der. Jn. —cnS, -c&i, v. same, 2nd def.; used in some adverbial form as ciAooSigt4a4cs 4,s, r, n. a royal palace, abode of a king; in certain connections, the occupant of a palace. -, v. to be dethroned. L v. to dethrone. -L-g used adjectively, hereditarily belonging to the crowfl, as 4:3osg, crown-money;:cLoS[g~:), crown-jewels; 4:o0g vcG9ozS, crown-boats; 4O:e sormcBz,o crown-ordnance. #$I. 607 ~:$, v. to enjoy royalty; 4W:o8:tooS:oS,, a reigning monarch. < —.oS, v. to erect a palace; 4$t6oS&, the city in which the king holds his court, the metropolis of a kingdom. -— ooSoS, v. to become broken in succession as a regal line. — mo$, v. to ascend a throne. -— ooS, v. to begin to reign; lit. to ascend to the royal abode. --.oS, v. to place upon the throne. — cooSoon,, -coSog, — c8:o9,, n. persons, male or female, belonging to the palace. ---— og3:s, n. a kind of border on a petticoat;;o30%8oScg830 6 --— _e4:ol, n.; see O:=soo:0, -— 86, vz. to occufy a throne (literally identical with the English expression to " sit on " a throne). — ocooS, n. the chief queen; Goo8go$stocooSii 4;GoSacSq-9: @E2iwoGoS1 3 1capsGl~@, e.g., Jtwyooo83ooo8oo3~~8qcp,:@ --, n. the lofty tower adjoining the palace. ~ —, n. the wooden palisade fort surrounding a palace. --— s, n. a royal lineage; o8:sr*^2~n. ----: sog, —:soo5, n. same. — o —0o3, -oqo, n. the heir apparent of a crown. — ooo, n. the time during which a king reigns. -— oc509, v. to reign for a brief space of time. --— ooSfg, v. to reign for a long space of time. — o — 0:oS, n. palace fashions (in dress, &c.). 4$:, 2, n. a plate of iron (or wood) perforated with small holes; hence :?, a machine for twisting ropes; 94:aS@Ptuoga —, -@2~ (4:4e~), n. wire. _ —0oS, v. to telegraph [os:,:oS]..- S, -o: (c), v. to draw wire (a term much used by goldsmiths). --— 15:, n. twisted rope. 60 / 4::oo5i, n. a hole in a p rforated iron-plate, the hole in the wheel of a Burmese cart, in which the box (oor=8:) is inserted. "-C —c~, v. to cut leather into strips (also applied to slicing mango and green ginger in a particular way for pickling, see Qo:%Sc8). 4cxa8 (oS), n. the tree wh duces the balsam of Peru (liquid amber, M.). 4$:coSa:gs, see c$.:ooSo3os 4.:cooS5p, see cGooSzg5ii $vi,~6E or:cA:~QS (4:to:s@), n. the Vachellia tree (see C.o: 96, M.). vs, v. to be done enough, as grain or vegetables cooked in water; particularly applied to rice steamed after boiling, ooC000S:o; fguratively applied to the accomplishment of an end, o3oaog4oo. Der. oMSA,? 5, jSzS and j8 (48 is also used in the sense of to be well-informed, knowing, as ooSjg oo.o, a very knowing man. It is sometimes used in a sarcastic sense, e.g., ooo6ScqoSoq8qoao, he wants very much to assume the character of a knowing man; to be "up to snuff.") So$: (pron. o4: and:o8so$), coo$So cQ, couSojcoo5So$~o; e.g., ~ogsooo8co"o:, can you wrestle? -- 8, -j, -oq,, -o:q, v. to wrestle; cge~og%,- -o i without prefixing os4:, is sometimes used, e.g., oC:~s -— coc, n. a professor of wrestling. — 8c6 (pron. 4s608), n. an umpire in a wrestling match; cooSgoqSu,. —: ( —), n. a wrestling match. 49c8 (pron. 4:cS%, from ~~ and c85), n. the neuter gender. q (pron.:) (Pali ~oomo), n. one who is neither male nor fem ale; 2o4$ zo S Soto[odu4os, n. the eye of a needle; 3aSoos, o6o0:, [timber drag"holes], the hole through the nose of a buffalo or other animal; coo8, any hole through the head or large end of a thing; olsgcoloSN --— s, n. the cord passed through the nose of a buffalo or bullock, *herewith the animal is led. — gS, v. to remove the said cord temporarily or permanently as when the animal is old; sometimes used figuratively, e.g., o8c oSrmo oosqpyitoo,@:goS CgoSSCooqog. S 14 4te" 609 4os-2o, -ogS:, -GoooS, v. to make the said hole; {t is used only with c~0, ao.:@o,q --— 82, v. to be hard to lead with a So:.@?, as a buffalo or bullock; 0o Ss: is also admissible, but less often used. "- 8, -coS, v. to be easy to lead with a Soa 8, as a buffalo or bullock. a, n. the forehead. — c (pron. s:o,), n. an ornament tied on the forehead. — o (pron. q3) o), n. marks on the forehead indicative of one's destiny, fate, fortune, cou [nzool, v. to be one's destiny, fate; a term applied, as a rule, to the intimate consortment of persons in this life by an inevitable convergence of fate, who in past states of existence have been more or less closely associated or brought together. Different from sqoo5o1, since the latter generally (though not always) implies that the consortment is the result of having been co-offerers of religious gifts in past existences; sozc0d, when applied to a married couple, means that their destinies are bound up together; oqdo S ooj obo65lro u otdsooulc3GoooSol:G(o5o1(looT, it is not because I love him, but only because my destiny is bound up with his that I am compelled to live with him.] — c-, n. a forelock. — CG@) (pron. qsc S8), n. a bald forehead. — A —, - 88gs':, n. the cord by which a basket (cooScgoS) is suspended from the forehead (of a Karin). no:, n. a kind of creeper (the Combretum apetalum, K.). -— c8sou$8 ( — ), n. a certain ornamental carved work, [ros o8S, n. the grooving, or spiral channels of a rifle]. Sooooq (Pali), n. a book containing forms of worship, a liturgy; ~omcjqco)~oo (GQ:oDOq). =ooCcot (frequently pron. ooaco:), n. a kind of rice plant; ~o 9ooS'q, adv. pretending not to hear, stunned, stupefied, as by a blow [the compiler believes that ^joca does not imply that a person pretends not to hear, but that it is a term which is applied to persons when absent-minded, unheedful, &c.; the Burmese say:acvGooo: c8 o aooSoo ooc3o,8sooco, a person who behaves in an absent-minded, heedless manner; syao o6ogcS<^i.o3.8oo ]. 77 c*ooooooo, an abbreviation of the Pali sentence placed at th6.co~mmencement of every Burmese book, namely, qworooomn OOC)OCODAf 3DROcY%0ti 0m800ogJgm, in Burmese iVA.%8:c5 9~oo~@&~looSjtoaoa cq:c~ cg8~s61qJ; in English I do homage to Bagawa (replete with the six glories), worthy of worship, possessed of unerring knowledge; ~dS cqs ojM~tego?9mcp @0%~ Myooog02;: 5RoCope,:]: "The first sentence in all the old books in Ceylon is as " follows: Nam6' tassa Bhagawat6' Arahat6" SammA Sam-."buddhassa. Bhagawat6 the virtuous, thertios "Arahat6', the perfectly pure, from having overcome all -sensuousness; SammA, in a proper manner; Sambuddhassa, he who has ascertained the four truths (Burmese co S3br-o0ol:1 q 3008011 COoq3000080 Q830083II$QGPQ "0083) by intuition; tassA, to him; nam6, be praise or "worsh ip."-M.B. *C08~ adv. heedlessly, in the manner of one who' stares about, forgetful of his own situation; =9~or~o~o~i~q5 46ov. to smell, receive scent (Gn.U j;. c-Qjqo6, to smell of (to scent game, as a hound, c~o~tae or a deer a tiger, oCC6qO*ao4smI) to kiss (as the Burmese). [Gq4833, to lap, as water;. m0 s4I(9-:o the water laps the top of the bank.] -%3-v. to snuff up the scent audibly (ado~~o6:Ia8~&:Q - 45ooo~ a phrase frequently met with in petitions made by females whose modesty has been outraged); 3zm v. to snuff, draw up into the. nose; (=aoo~oocs~c8$ogt Goo:)00~OSIRi33oi So 8981).,N66, 1) n. the component parts of a territory or ~jurisdiction collectively taken, whether principal or subordinate. -@: n. intermediate space between two territories. --— @oso$, n. Demarcation Officer; ~C~qt -v. lit, to divide territory, to form a district; 03josgcs~ T7-) n th ouerlimit or boundarv of a territory; 4cS @61In 060q. ~as~ 0:18Sal4C$80WQ9O80OpSQ 0q3 05q 1 ,oS q8, n. one who has control over a territory;,cS%83oo# --- 580o$Gooo, n. Subdivisional Officer. - oo5, see ~cS, oo5oSic& — oaoS, v. to delimit, or fix a boundary. — ooSoo$, n. Boundary Officer. Co5, 2, n. the curved stick that stretches the cloth in the loom, o5c8& (two curved sticks of unequal length). --— $, v. to stretch the said cloth with the curved stick. 8 ---6s, n. same as cS (most common). — oq: (pron. aS<:), the iron points of the said stick. o58, 3, n. a pawn in chess. CS6, 4, v. to knead with the hand or trample to pieces with the feet; as ooSp8'6oaeg, to tread out corn as an ox; oojc45ni Der. oq845, 8aB, o5, and 835,oSu oo0000: (@8), n. a kind of rattan, with which, under Burmese rule, the punishment of whipping was often inflicted. 400oo (cpr:), n. a kind of flying animal (fabulous); (ooS:Cj, ^, n. Nayon, the third month in the year, nearly answering to June; voqdS:gQOSmoooaG6 ' Gi, I (Pali), n. a nara, a measure of time equal to ten winks of the eyes. S2 (Pali), n. man, cqu — o0go18, -00t8: ( —Go.S), n. titles of royalty or divinity; +JOO~8 3~a8go8ScGo o5G03o00~oTo:ps cqoo (~qno) (Pali ~cot), n. hell, a naraka, ce:i, see cq,, oqtoo8s (oo8mSz), n. an ornament worn about the ears (o:mo8s), being an appendage to the crown, onDO oGo000 (pron. cqo:s), n. a kind of mortar, most durable; one kind of amscGOv ~qg (Pali j.u cI"gIuff 8s), n. a title of royalty, signifying one who has authority over men, (qgcoa8, formerly a title of the chief queen). }[ (o8) ( —a), n. a tree producing a small astringent apple like 18, which is edible (the Flacourtia cataphracta). a03~00 (Pali ao, nine, and 3000), a. the nineteenth; aoodS{IG@DoS too (Pali 4o, 4 ooo, nine), a. the ninth; c1a3G~: IioSBEosC:o5 G(,o52 0 ~llg^G03~obA 612 $ *oqoS (Pali 4o, nine, and qoj, a gem), n. the nine kinds of pre"k cious stones, namely, q&, pearl; co&- (pron. oogl), coral; 1000, sapphire; 8~, diamond; G@o8, cat's eye; @, emerald; 8.=qqp:, topaz; ogqo(:, ruby; and coT8oS, garnet. #68U5 (Pali ~6ma1n8o and 8o5uqiSooe), n. what is lovable, because new (novitas rei); qc~ 8co46855()1 4j8 j 63 oogutoocgu 4, x (Pali #oo), n. spirit, opposed to %S, matter. Riipa (so) signifies the material form; nama (4) signifies the whole of mental powers; the two combined signify the complete being, body and mind.-M.B. (+4aj8, to die). n-8,. same. 4, 2, t. the day of the week on which one is born. [In the Burmese time, when recording revenue proceedings (08 co$:), the day of the week on which a witness was born was usually inserted, e.g., cocp& &095ql COCO=03I2O8co "G3CqS e qo060g-c850 =33SEo30SB3O@OOS QGO 8081: pjqgi: coogc: 9a&, 0o C a0l:nf ci5nf3 0858S: rn~s8o~oo:xc,, 8&c.] nft. the planet that presides at one's birth. 4, 3, t. the side of a body, generally animate, but sometimes inanimate.. —o0, ft. a side raised as a partition or a screen. bj n. the interstices of the ribs. — $, t. in the Burmese time an armed retainer of the King of Burma. S, a. narrow, applied to cloth, particularly a waistcloth, 40:, scoS, 4cocf8i 4:scqa:cx ie sGoooS2l 4qv;-o (pron. $o), n. a black spot tattooed on the side, of similar import with the broad arrow on the king's own, 4cA in - GOOS, n. the side of an animal. Sn. the edge or middle ridge of a side. -- f, t. a short rib...0', o n. a large flat-bottomed boat; comp. $;:;CoX u ~- 6co, nt. the raised side of a boat or ship; sometimes applied in writings to human beings. In the zat of Zanekka there occurs the following passage: C0404sGD -1 Go2scB&3Z0sx, &&c., and again, ibid, coo6b4Gco0 4 ooqC o5@0C~GWCcoj tiw 4ooS, n. the flesh on the ribs (46olso1:, lGotoO.) o 0cs086 o5 Ogc~l ^dco8?C4o5oegafi OOo30 SoOS(CSa~GO — G — (pron. co o), n.;see i$ --— coT4@ooo5o, -n. a game played by children, by putting one of their forefingers backwards into their mouths, drawing it out with a jerk, and poking at their ribs with the tip of it; if the finger should strike a rib, the statement insisted on by one of them is regarded as true, if it should strike between, it is considered as not proved; aoSacg8ouoTooyS — c-0.@8E:s (very often pron. as if the word $ac had no shayzi (s), adv. side by side. --— Go:000, v. to lie on one side; $3o0o38S3 uogn — o —:oo, v. to rabbet; 4GosmoSooogu -— o0sios4O, — Go40001, -o048, n.; see $i -— qSmo0, n. the flesh on the side of an animal. -- <, n. the raised side of a house or wall! ooc~$~i, 44Oc, ---:, n. a rib. 4, 4, v. to smell offensively, to stink. Der. o331 -- o5, v. same; ooSoGsGoooosS^q oSoo, coS, by corruption o008, n. the morning. --— 08., n. the morning, forenoon. -— G, n. the early part of the morning, e.g., oS@cgo)8$g:c. —o0, n. breakfast, a tooth-brush; o5r:n [o*oScoo5, n. a royal tooth-brush]. (4 (os), n. the coriander plant; 4~,8s -- G, n. the seed. n$, n. the turmeric plant or root (often in colloquial incorrectly pron. o0&); i.68,;84, 4:o8S@g, 488ol, different varieties of the same. ~ooS (Eng.), n. number, the figure or figures which specify the number; oo6@s:n$ooScoS, -— ooa, terms used when speaking of seniors and juniors in Government service, e.g., as to what position they occupy in the Civil List. [These are Anglicized Burmese terms.] 4coo (sometimes pron. aoo, from $4, a scent, and ao3, plea' sant), n. an odoriferous substance, of which there are four .kipds enumerated in ancient writings; 4oo4,. 400D, V cqS, 661ol, and 0oqo, 4oo3:;,cdMl:u =ooc8 (Iron. ponc8), n. fragrant oil. -- 018%, n. a mixture of fragrant substances used in incense; f-nf. fragrant ointment. -— Gc oB, n. a beauty spot (generally on the eyelids; the custom of having these spots is now obsolete except among followers of the histrionic art; tooU zoSc0). -— d (-ii), n. fragrant powder. -, n. fragrant essence. — aqs, n. a light yellow straw colour; 4oo:GqzaSeg11, *aoeq8a o6I, iosGcpEc8sSI p, I, v. to listen, hearken, attend to (~obao&ioS, "pleasant to listen to, but hard to put up with," as on listening to an unpleasant statement in ironical guise; 40o6 ooow @a -6, -aq, v. to listen with regard and acceptance; CjfssomS *86oo&E3zGcooo5ajo8: coo uaRo1IpS, while awaiting the orders of your supenriors, please do not go anywhere; (2) — 4ag v. to wish to listen to, to like, be pleased with, have kind feelings towards; hence pc q, to dislike, hate, to be intolerant, be jealous of; comp. qunGcowc~a.xoo -=)so 'SO& c3o000goC130~1oyl~cla3secoo6~o36305~8cf00080S"Qgq,<}413 ago50004@@aon QAG Co..%8O9qj8J86(;~eo5OR10 83CQ cseS~~SQ~ clsosag nsg C3sCoat6[oe 6~o So:$onagg 5330a~ ge)( q OC!35308$ Poq$ 333t:q0O6GO50i) eS G~0 3;3j6P~03&00 1 0 0 ~;3J 0 CBf -W Co s, v. to be willing to, consent to, to be acceptable, agreeable, to receive as a proposal; Qo4:)OOiQA8Cqgls$Q 2, 2, v. to be ill, be in pain, feel pain; to be hurt in feelings; 8os6ooe, to suffer loss, damage, become impaired, or weakened as the force of an argument, objection, owing to the superior dialectic skill of an adversary; =so~o8co ooM:)~0Sr:C8oCS 0Q8Qoo$ %40 a ooz (2) Qoj~oaJlG6oo3o0S1 907o6l0n (3) s3:oPoocot9oxojof Gsoogm -,a9oo8Oo% @ coq9sq:)ttg~*e33 u the questions put by the Advocate to the witnesses for the Government were very damaging. -— oq~: (-968),)v. same, Ist and and def.; Qgoco8%PJcQG 0 0~~i~ l ab -.o8), v. same, 4 st and 2nd def., but rather applicable to bodily pain; o o*.gjsgctoocog co8ocoo.-C pgs (cqE) 83ja6ogoS Q 1c~ ooj, the dacoits, after severely beating the Ihay thugyi and his wife, decamped. - o-0%e (qcpol), n. a lingering or protracted illness. -qjo, v. to be inma fever, see qoi, eJ:lXoccr V -cgqo (pron. o449), v. to suffer from the effects of old disease, though convalescent (to be convalescent); okS.OC9Im004c0 IosIEomql8d 409s (o8), n. a kind of tree, the Byttneriacex subacerifolium, AM. 08 (Beng.), n. a court bailiff [c8co& (Eng.) is now gradually superseding ~p8]. 4405 (S08), 1, n. thepine.apple plant; oseSgII 4ov (Pali), a. or adv. sundry, various; aop:Cooxym'3X: -— cooo, adv. same; 846omoot w0ooooooi 0o M04034003o0o o4c&sSooe0, spirits are able to take various shapes and forms. -%S, n. various forms (assumed by superhuman power). P8 (Pali pQ), n. a noun. — Oe, n. a pronoun. po (Pali), n. a name; moum3uocangco tcqfo&1 400o03o (Pali po, mind, spirit, and crno, a collection), n. the mind considered collectively. poQ8oGooo=, n. an adjective, see 8=O3=3II 409e (from ~oo, and 3aQ), n. a name. - r.MO.:, v. to bear a good name or reputation. - 0-, v. to have a great name or reputation; 4oo6 -Go383:, -:, -cqs, -qoS, are Anglicized Burmese terms, and are far more intelligible in Lower than Upper Burma. -cT v. to call by name. - cql, v. to bear an evil reputation. - c@o8s, v. to change a name (4og'zoC9:r).8 --, v. to name, to style, to call. — c2aoo8&, v. to change a name, to give a false name; 4, S n a diamond of the second quality see under $ Sqa3Ef, n. a diamond of the second quality; see under $Sn ,6,6 40$ if, n. a kind of gold; voq$5gvcosocg Oq (Pali), n. a naree, a measure of time equal to four pads (o015) or twenty minutes of English time, an hour, a watch, clock, or horologe or time-piece. ~ ---GsooS, n. a gun fired at' a stated hour (in Lower Burma). — 08, n. a watch or clock, referring rather to the case. — S, n. a watch. — ooS, n. the works of a clock or watch. — oQoS (M'), n. a kind of confectionery (vide page 95, Wethandaya). — csB., v. to strike the hours as a clock;.1cn -- 000o:, n. a gong struck at a stated hour. — ~?, n. after noon, or after midnight. 40t, i, n. the ear, when combined with nouns fron. 4n sozo coSzoSfciS-GOoScoS3ZOwS _ —3, n. the bulge behind the ear. — oo8: (pron. W08s), n. an ornament above the ear of an image of Gaudama. — coS tq, see ao:cgu -— oMod6., see 4>:ol6" — c8k:8o0 (Pron. oo8:8oS), see ooos8o5; when applied to a person, stupid, incapable of hearing (infrequent). -c4oo: (pron.,6t@), n. a bow line. — om (pron. o08), n. a certain ear ornament; 856$poo --—, v. to accord with, acquiesce. — 6, v. to receive by the ear, to listen, attend to; n. an officer who reoeives an order from a higher authority;:SQcooS (oS rs5:L),gosi5oo5i (a o34 ranked next to a Sitke). -— os, v. to find bitter in the ear, to be much annoyed by hearing; tS:goo ao:oo8.o3s1 o:s --— col 8, n. the tube of the ear. --, v. to convince by argument, or by evidence presented in any manner to the mind, in order to gain some benefit for one's self or on behalf of any other person, e.g., as a gobetween in love affairs. --—, v. to find unpleasant in the ears. -- 4, v. to find sweet in the ear, to love to hear, -—, v. to be born deaf. x17 60esoS, n. the pan that holds the priming of a musket or gun; figuratively applied to quick discernment; goSo)~a s o05008:-G00: 05oCSSooe~2 S ----~, v. to listen with pleasure and delight. — 8, v. to listen with thrilling pleasure; ogS88posooei -- GOo (pron. 4Gcob), n. a linchpin. -— GOScoG, v; see a:g, a term also applied to timid horses;.goGco8 (cog) oo:cCccox3oSooe1 — g-, v. to listen attentively, as when endeavouring to catch a distant or uncertain sound; applicable to animals as well as men; sooglg.8. 0o0., -— g, v. to have small ears. — 0o$, n. a pulley, the wheel of a block. -— 85, v. to be extremely pleasant to the ear. ---- (-@s), v. to be tired of hearing. — GoS, v. to listen patiently; ~-EGo80GooS'1, - oS0to: (pron. o0368-c), v. to keep up a continual repetition or din in order to force attention (as in the way of propagating scandal). - cooEs (pron. gsol8:), n. an ear tube. - 0co (pron. oo08), n. the part before and above the ear, the temple. -— 0ooo (from c0038, to erect), v. to listen, hearken, attend to, to mind, obey, as in the phrase cooos.c00coo3800 --— 88s, v. to be hard of hearing. - oS, v. to have large unsightly perforations in the lobe of the ears; Sosao-acoSu (p:uoS is also applied to the ornament worn in the perforations of the lobes of the ears; 9o:ooSalcS). -— o8, v. to be deaf. - o8s80 (pron. (8s80oS), a. solid, not hollow; applied to articles that are naturally or commonly hollow; Gr18:8oS (comp. oc0), artificially solid; os884s:gos oSE ou oo,5gc8: oS:8odie - o$, n. an amulet worn in the ear; o oScooS~, — o4, n. the trunnion of a gun, the ear of a pail, see also -— -o: (pron. 4s$), n. the rope used as the handle of a pail or bucket. 78 0:scS:C8, nn. the curved handle of a pail or bucket. -. ---oug: (Pron.-$ s:g:), n. the end of an axle-tree. Is often used interchangeably with x o-goo gcasc -WtWOU (Pron. osJ$2), n. an ear lock (:o$Sgo~) of a sail. -ol, v. to be thin-eared, that is, quick in hearing; to be quick of apprehension; oc&so 0acj11 --— qq8S4:g (pron. inScog:), int. imprecative; may my ear perish (if I heardit); Or.610jiolss@son2 1l — Z-.Sq8 (-ron. ~jo5q8), adv. in a manner painful to hear, whether teasingly or scoldingly; cog~.,raSi yasjr~o6Soclddcbs coogaa h10ol), n. a perforation in theh'obe of the ear, the touchhole of a musket or gun..-q 9, n. the lobe of the ear, apsq1soot-; applied to old people. - 43ImSy, n. an ear-pick; *soomoocoSu - 619a, n. the same. — OloqS, n. cerumen. -— so6oS, v, to bore the ears; og8: is more elegant; aOcgRS 8coog, -v. to perform the ceremony of ear-boring. - c8o, n. the ring that secures the shrouds. V —#c(8s, n. the shrouds of a boat or ship; goS;(48cqpjo -— qoo8t, -qooSt, n. an ornament or guard worn about the ears, being an appendage to a crown (coqq). —.scB, n. the ear, that is, the leaf of the ear; also used as a verb, when it has a similar signification to 4c8ooooS, but is more elegant; Goso nD8jCi4 fo8go01 uC8 M30 oC ~4:) 80oS o~soin -g,. to be ashamed to hear....-co% (frequently pron. cocS), v. to understand. -o I), v. to be rather hard of hearing; comp. 4:)SOc:Q -— oS, v. to enter the ear, gain access to the mind, be per* suasive. -corsol (Pron. ~opopl), adv. doubtingly as to what is heard; p:Gop^Oloao3e~LI -— GO, v. to have one's sense of hearing confused;:zaor.@ — G9, v. to hear indistinctly. %eQ 619 s: 0oo (pron. vc006), n. the part behind the ear. — oo, n. an ear-ring (obsolete). Der. o&ogos,osoig aoo and next. -- oogE6, n. an ear-ring. -- C00o08, n. an ear-drop; casoaoSo80oon --— oo, v. to be pleased in hearing; p0:o0S6t p a2o S8poou p. -— c8, n. the block of a pulley; cooSqS8ti -- cSsoc3, n. same. — 0 —28, v. to put into the mind, either as a speaker or a hearer; i:)qj& g:, 2, v. to cease from motion or action through desire of rest, to light (as an insect), perch as a bird; to be arrested in its progress as an arrow, bullet, or cannon-ball when fired at an object, i.e., striking an object without forcing its way through; o 6 o8coSc Go1 3oo1o3aootj may also be used in speaking of a clean cut made by a da, sword, &c.; O$08s 0oSco0500~o=o3So s3aGoo+ @8og oo crp0 uaSso, the three intervals of rest that reapers take (in harvest time); poiSo3Qoo53sGO/ sao933X yojoo.n, the sun is very hot, let us rest first under the tree; (2) oDCgo.6,oaQ g &Goamo p F(, let us rest a little while in order that our stiffness may be relieved. — o ----4:G, adv. slowly, moderately; this word is usually applied to words of coming and going and of performing manual labour, when it indicates that a journey or a work is undertaken with frequent rests, hence accomplished slowly; 3 z@ScGa OIgo,,:o 6l.coe3, GG OGEIGOos oScil GqG03Jo5 iio911 ii(0S- 0JGBmJ35 &6GO:g" oovSch (Pali o000w, a collection), n. the five parts into which the Buddhistic scriptures are divided according to a certain distribution, namely, 8vz, <o&, o5os, aZqR391goo ($oc5 is usually suffixed to each of these, e.g., 8ocox5 Qo8)o3oSi4cSc1g sq6 i0 MoooSc1 oa2oSia)?cgo (Pali), n. a departure into a wilderness, implying a renunciation of all the benefits and pleasures of social life; oco:co goSG;8. " In the Chulla Suttas6ma and other similar births "he (Gaudama) abandoned vast treasures of gold and silver "and numberless slaves, cattle, buffaloes and other sources "of wealth, and thus fulfilled the naiskrama-paramita ($co "olq8) with retirement from the world."-M.B. 6so $qS: ($s), n. the conclusion of a writing or book, containing sometimes a summary or explication, Snd sometimes the writer's name, place of residence, &c/ together with the date of transcribing and any other circumstances; ~qcSt 38Oq6s eqcb 8iiqSoooS, to make such a summary. qs (Pali $oo), n. a small town, market village, little trading place; comp. oq5. [N.B.-It is contended by some that this word should be written without the clooloB, namely, J86oS (Pali g8c8o5), n. the character (0) commonly called' coos Goo668; when combined with words of Pali origin, with the symbol of the vowel g3 (0) and in some other cases, $3o005 aoo& aS onoco^qdo6S:, reciting with lips closed, with lips open. $~ (Pali), n. permanence, 6@82, see oooqsi -- o, n. permanence; used also adverbially; $gqo[oog~u ~gS OG00OOII --— ooo, n. cooked rice regularly olered to p6ngyis; (" constant-rice."-Childers). $8o (Pali J, priv., and 8o, life), n. a lifeless substance, opposed to oooo8o, which see. V3aG$, n. a compendious view, a syllabus, table of contents prefixed to a work, 3l$St~qG:oog; also used figuratively; $31$s $6, v. to be kept down; chiefly applied to wind in the stomach. Der. 8s5pogo $61 S, i (Pali 6olc8), n. a particle prefixed or affixedl without taking the place or office of an inflection; ScdoSCo5G33a8 caooooSoog; comp. 8ooo5 (8sao0oSrmoO Sragocooo&S). SoloS, 2, n. a short zat, one of the 550 exclusive of the ten great zats ($oloScooS 3o3). $g8$ ($g$) (Pali $8:), n. rest from all evil, annihilation; ooggocMosC go8ooZgc 9 oGoo 3 Gai~n =:)8oo-soo8ro6Go0 5 w0oS GoooOoSRooqqs:, nirwana (s3org0oopO) —(i) sorrow is like a disease; (2) the cleaving to existence is like the cause of that disease; (3) Nirwana is like the curing of the disease; (4) the four paths are like the medicine that causes the cure.-M.H.. — cqE: (pron. nS.GqoE), n. a building in which the body of a priest is laid in state. o,$GHoqStoaooo, n. one who makes an offering of a $8$Gaqopn --— 6, v. to attain and enjoy nirwana. — G0o5 (pron. ^G^aGS), n. a religious crier, one who notifies and calls to worship (8$gooooo). -._O -, -o08, v. to attain nirwana ($o64). J8, v. to be kept down; comp.J~. Der.?~, elephant mahouts say S~S to their elephants when they wish them to kneel down to enable persons to mount 'them (qe5Scco$S) cool g8c9l0c~6S^@iiocgo2os|6equopcfp; (2) oqoooqqCO:)qG $8oS (Pali $8g;), n. a sign, mark, token; cocano, a mark denoting the limit or boundary of a territory; cS$8oS, the mark of gender, that is, the private parts, male or female; co03O5JO $8o-08s?0o:8o$BaB1oooSGcooc8$n a mark or proof of something latent, or cognizable by the senses; a mark, sign of something future, an omen, prognostic, portent; c86o5n9$8o5, C8oS@:Go:o001, " the four great signs, the sight of which induced Theidathta (Sidhartta) to renounce the world previous to his becoming Gaudama the Buddh; (i) an old man (oaj); (2) a sick and infirm person according to the Burmese, (but, according to Spence Hardy, a leper) (o0o); (3) a dead person (oqcoo); and (4) a recluse (Goo$)":-" "Whilst living in the midst of the full enjoyment of every "kind of pleasure, Sidhartta one day commanded his "principal charioteer((ooojg:) to prepare his festive chariot; "and, in obedience to his commands, four lily white " horses were yoked; the prince leaped into the chariot "and proceeded towards a garden at a little distance "from the palace, attended by a great retinue. On his way, "he saw a decrepit old man with broken teeth, gray locks, " and a form bending towards the ground, his trembling "steps supported by a staff, as he slowly proceeded along " the road. The prince enquired what strange figure it " was that he saw, and he was informed that it was an " old man. He then asked if he was born so, and the "charioteer answered that he was not, as he was once " young like themselves., 'Are there,' said the prince, "' many such beings in the world?' 'Your highness,' said "the charioteer, 'there are many.' The prince again en" quired ' shall I become thus old and decrepit?' and he "was told that it was a state at which all beings must arrive, 622 " Four months after this event, as Sidhartta was one day " passing along the same path, he saw a d6wa under the " appearance of a leper, full of sores, with a body like a " water-vessel, and legs like the pestle for pounding rice, "and when he learnt from the charioteer what it was he " saw, he became agitated, and returned at once to the "palace. After the elapse of another period of four "months, the prince, on his way to the garden, saw a "dead body green with putridity, with worms creeping "out of the nine apertures, when a similar conversation "took place with the charioteer, followed by the same "consequence..At the end of the next four months, "the day of the full moon in the month.Esala, Sidhartta " saw in the same road a recluse, clad in a becoming man"ner, not looking further before him than the distance "of a yoke (co$Sr.coo$) and presenting an appearance "that indicated much inward tranquillity. When inform"ed by the charioteer whom it was that he saw, he learnt "with much satisfaction that by this means successive "existence might be overcome, and ordered him to drive "on towards the garden."-M.B. $80f8GMO:s, v. to be of good omen; ooSoS8oSGc:.oo ii oEcco (oc:8s) Gco0sqol9c8Og8U --:, v. to be of evil omen; 3oo 80oSAooguoo ooSo83i:~ac -- oolS, n. same as?8o5o --- 00, n. same as $8oSn o80t GsaogooooO4:$8oQ,,j oo~, sir, the words you speak are very ominous (lit. have no omen, i.e., no good omen, hence are of bad omen). — o08, v.. to explain omens; q9gge:9a $8(oo ooSoa, @(n $o( Coj:ssaooe~, the Burmese are of opinion that Brahmins are able to explain dreams. $gotq8, n. the fifth stage of the world of nats; see under ~6S J83 (Q~oo) (Pali), a. created. — O --- 30'1, n. created being, creature. 8goomqgs, n. a book explaining omens. p, v. to be low, @oSoog.; comp. ~, to be short in stature, comp. 9. Der.? —(I) oo5E#iS0o8 o$p5 oo0'071,oo$o1 (2) o5 6oogeaolin 2o~oooc9q8SoCoSq86ogoi (3) cS4904G000~8 o;ugnqo(68o 8gcco8o6., here the ground is very low; water wjll lodge, I think. *qoc (~cnc), adv. in contact, conjunction, as a planet or star. $qco or $quo (Pali), n. hell; cq, ~qcS or sqou?c8S8 (Pali $c8a3), n. a quilt or cushion used by a priest; $coo qo, adj. acting with care and attention. $=coq-O (Pali $oci), n. a support, guide, something to lean on or adhere to; wo odb, -- co-, n. a superior teacher (inferior to eogo3xP), one who is capable of laying down rules; oQooqjoQOII $=coo~ (Pali), n. the interpretation of an original text (61); 0oi msoeiiooo0qp8GcoSn v. to be red; G.9Gr$Ii oyooSCoo86cqo5ooqac..G4n — q8oCS, -XA$ a. or adv. pale red, violet; $oaj~a, $@@. less than $q8cq8, $~@;6 n - o&S), a. or adv. disagreeably reddish. -o o00:),-003o, -qoqo, a. or adv. very or excessively red; M0D0002X~6cooco:)Aoae~11 -901, -~, a. or adv. of a dull faded red colour. @:@, a. or adv. of a bluish red colour. - roo8s, v. to be purple; $co:8orc:)c;TQ8@e(ooM(?cg6rcoBW — f, v.; see n, - a. or adv. very red. -ol, v. to be tawny. $8 (Pali Ga11), n. a book of proverbs, of which there are three kinds-og88, pertaining to religion; aco:)m$8, pertaining to common life; qaPo8, pertaining to government. $ol61sco (oS) (from $ecoo), n. the madder plant and root (formerly much used for dyeing cotton fabrics). ~coo, n. a sapphire; hence -8A~coo, n. an amethyst; $caoogS:, n. a sapphire mine; [$coooz, a term applied to sapphires which have a reddish tint]. ~s, v. to be near, not distant; Qoo:GQ II ol~-O':ooSl~,,L9coolmo: fOf8~oqoEc~ o@ISaoo:, is (the town of) Rangoon pretty near? "There; cannot you see the Shw6 Tig6n Pagoda? " ~ ~ cpssog clstogoi0'33(. this man almost systematically lives by stealing; ojgs-,B W-,o.N~1.IoooceSS ism:ooclu (6Soox6u understood), he, who lives near the 624 00 house of a thief, is apt to become one; he who lives near the house of a fisherman, is apt to become one. Anglice "Birds of a feather," &c. S$cSs, v. same; seldom used assertively. ---, v. to be contiguous, to be very near; o8o31 scQ J cooo5S. ----l, v. to be near (infrequent). Der. sacool:, -— Gc8s, v. to be nearly related. v, v. to be young, tender, delicate, 06.; Qo58: to be fine in grain or texture; Gqjoo~, to be done nicely or curiously (as carving, o:40oo). Der. 3mu [with oGmooo, to be inexperienced], to be young as the moon; co^oc~, to be feeble as the rays of the sun in the morning, to sprout as the tender leaves of certain plants and trees, to be immature in mind; 8oS06noo3,oo, to be unseasoned as timber; ~oemnooSooost; also applied to a paramita which has not been fulfilled, ol8 ool omooooSooco:'.0olooo00, this person is still of tender age; oogSooasoqooggo ooc65 oeg, the carving of this table is very delicate; oog ocoS o4cogo8o1i' ccSgsrucCoogoc, this child cannot travel, he is still of a young and tender age; coajoc0o:,, this is a strapping young child. " —cA, v. to be young and tender. * --— ago, v. to be very tender. --— gos, v. [to be large in size for one's age; applied also to animals]. "* —6S, v.; see q, ist def. [Gccqloso8So8oqzScs: jtSoo30ol M=oGooQGgoaoSoao i GooSG @690ag:S gOgIoS030 ZGO S ol — o —cs, v. to be, delicate and fresh-looking as a person's complexion, skin. --—, v.; see the parts (usually followed by o00oao and used in describing scenery; a330zgj woo ~o3m8). -— g , v. to be ripe and tender as fruit; cwQSc8:A9U. ---.o, n. tree cotton, M. v$, v. to be unpleasant to the eye, as something grotesque, unl wieldly, clumsy or antiquated, or as a person of awkward movements and appearance, to be outlandish, to be plain and homely in features and dress, fig. despicable, poor I 625 spirited (local; a word used in Lower Burma); coox0joo o 4@s, a very large and clumsy clock;.cStoowggs, a very homely-looking old maid. v,-v. to be loose, unfirm, unstable (obsolete); oqS, Joo, to be weak, infirm, inefficient, irresolute; rather applicable to purpose, character, influence, &c. — ', same, 2nd def.; ooc5o68o3soooocnmoquoog xquc=xO. you are indeed a person of irresolute character; uoMooCo o0oo0c@o1 [oga os^ocqoS&J. $s:, i, n. the deep mud or mire on the bank or in the bed of a river; comp. e and i, [$fs3u In Upper Burma land on which onions, tomatoes, pumpkins, gourds and the sweet-potato plant (ooRg~$) are sown]. ---, v. to sink into deep mud. -—, v. to become filled up, choked, or silted with deep mud; oo(6sJcwo4Go5w oa:Sol 2:, 2, v. to be weak, exhausted from fatigue or illness, or the effects of medicine; comp. ~S;n -— g, v. same. ----, v. to be in an exhausted and debilitated state (e.g., as when attacked by or recovering from cholera, or after having performed a journey which has over-taxed one's bodily strength; oloSmooo5sotd oc oooscgS cocBS00000 cop, if one takes purgative medicines frequently, one is f apt to become exhausted and debilitated.. ---S, v. same (infrequent); 4,obcoo. oggsqo8$goooSo), if one has to go for a long time in the hot sun, one is apt to get exhausted. k8, v. to be small, fine; implying many particles,,mog; comf. coo: [to be insignificant looking, to be mean, paltry, contemptible, as language; with o0:, v. to cut or chop, or mince into small pieces, 8o8ogSs; oooCSoOcq cq8oo5a, jGo5, an abbreviation of 3sjo:)opti. ^, v. to be leprous, have the leprosy;;oe~=ooosoooDa6o ooge,u Ip 0u co eZ92 Gooe)>6 (prov.) Anglice, " Misfortunes never come singly." — cgo5, v. to appear as the prominent fresh excrescences in leprosy. 79 625~b to, xn. the leprosy (og$). ---: (u), v.; see "uaoucqggi v, v. to be made soft by some process; comp. Gqc. Der. til 3aAscG3oSGG9 8jetcqsoSd1, in order to make this brick clay soft, soften it with water. "-' —, v. to be fine, nice, delicate, gentle, pleasant; 3Grgn --— igoS, v. to be well-disposed towards, affectionate, pleased with; -@0 oegI1 6on&Soaog I --— 8,. to be made soft, especially by cooking; [figuratively to be sensible, well-informed, experienced, to be well considered and cogent as language; oo8oGo3oooogSnc'loo c@ISS#eoo8 GooS c co6@Sc8oaj(~ OOO^O^ ^6 aoGo6C8c6@o 6opjoo$oSl|0Sd? jo3gic3c3ooaoea5@^~|| OOg coqg@8 ooS6ooo8sooo, this great teacher is of very experienced mind; 3Go-3a s4:i8oozg]. o, i, n. the sun. ---- 34), v. to form a halo of the sun. --— aooSo., n. a fruit that faces the setting sun. --— oo, n. a screen from the sun. — a, n. the decline of the sun, after noon; oqcqc9row: 8go13 oocs3:, to be born when the sun is in the decline or in the ascent; Oqlcacig oog, the declining sun is very hot. -— @o, v. to be eclipsed as the sun; in colloquial frequently fron. G@8, " the sun and moon are at regular intervals seized by the asurs Rahu (cspi) and Ketu (8oS@io5), and these periods are called grahanas or seizures (eclipses)."S.H. M,B. S -— cgS, v. to pass the meridian.. —.colSa, v. a house that fronts east or west; o8op:laS31 s GOqSGooooSozcooU -— _a, n. the sunflower; G3o$Sa; .(q S6ogoS5j.co4iolGo GOOOU -- 9ggq, v. to disappear from view as the sun; QgoSc9cocvooSG -—, Zv. to take shelter from the heat f the sun. — s, v. to be moderately warm, not ot; 4;4oyti@i, 0~ 6627 r gS, 1n. a sunbeam, ray of the sun; rg cpSgII Gccp8S goooooo8g8ulG9O838g o oS10ogg@8 SpKg8cGpo5 GooSpoeo) G~aggolGOoo00gpII -— ~- (a), v. to be dark and cool, as the sun when covered by a cloud; gogoSo Coo" - o: (from 3oo?), n. the morning sun in the following connections. -- 0o,, v. to be the cool of the morning; Gcoa japcZooiu -— ooo, v. to bask in the morning sun; G6oooocoocosiooii GQoeaioSo:8o~B, The Burmese have an idea that persons in a sickly state die if (i) they bask in the sun; (2) indulge in sexual intercdurse; (3) or if they give way to fits of anger. -- 03o, v. to be declining, as the sun in the latter part of the day; Gsa6oS0coGbEongG ooSsii, — 80 (pron. rcfgS), n. the strong rays of the sun; used as follows. --— go6a?, v. to be broken in strength, be cool as the sun in the latter part of the day; G9csoop~0 — g- SooooS, v. to be emitted as long rays of sunlight from a cloud, which the Burmese regard as presaging a high wind, especially in Upper Burma. — g ---So, v. to strike powerfully, as the rays of the sun. — oooS (from noo8), n. the earliest grass; coeval with the sun and the earth, @o6; horses are very fond of this kind of grass. — L 8s, n. fruit that faces the rising sun. -— oo5, n. the ascent of the sun, the forenoon.. ---o5, n. a sextant. --— o8Goo6g, n. an imperfect halo of the sun; comp. r05S, n --— goN, v. to rise as the sun. — o —cgo (pron. G60 ocSE 8), n. King of the Rising Sun; formerly a title of the King of Burma. — ~cog-oo (pron. GsgoSjo@l).(from (, to project), n. the appearance of the upper edge of the sun when rising. [wco8 o1q8 was a title conferred on some Shan Sawbwas by the "Kiigs of Burma.] — ogoSkoS, adv. from sunrise to sunset. -— 5C8S, n. a fruit that is ripened in the sun; Gcoo8s4808sn COw 6:811 628 G^ c. y nSol:, n. the burning heat of the sun. -- o00, v.; see GoO3,11 -- goo5, n. a spot of light made by the sun shining through an aperture; Gsc@aoSodI -- 8~, v. to appear through the clouds as the sun (it is probable that, in rendering the English expression " a fine day," G0w9eo would be the only true Burmese equivalent, e.g., yesterday was a fine day, today it is raining; oucnC 8 o3eosmooo&G IoSsoool( SCooS would also be admissible, perhaps, in lieu of G88oo.i1 -— 80595, n. the sun; lit. the mansion of the sun, an expression more used in composition than in conversation. "The disc of the sun is 50 yojanas in diameter and 150 in "circumference; within, it is composed of coral, and its " surface is of gold, so that both its surface and inner "material are extremely hot."-M.B. Go8oS 3og:ooI. coydpooqcpooogz:n oQ~o5$9scGc8000in Cljps)ocaoo6Sdjui Go 80S$33 ooloogU:No:)ooql ocSji- Wade's Dic. of Buddhism. — oS:-, n. a species of narcissus wort, Eurycles Amboinensis, M. ---, v. to be high in the heavens as the sun, i.e., to be far advanced as the morning; aS8pcoo og~, he is late in rising; this expression is only used to denote lateness of time in the morning, before noon; GcGDooS and q5tiqS are used to denote lateness of time in the afternoon and evening, and gcoS lateness of time at night. -— cpSooo, n.; see G4m0), the front piece of a cap; 96c5sc8Q, v. to shine through an aperture as the sun, to glare as the sun; more than GGpoSC:nGGC0p8 6 o aS0 ~ —$, v. to be burning as the rays of the sun. -— 08, v. to set, as the sun. — oS@:@ (fron. QoSs0g@), -o080oG9o8, — 084, -os0ooc qS, n. the evening twilight, the dusk of the evening. -- os, n. the disc of the sun. -- 00, v. to be pleasant, as the sun in the cool of the evening. c,,, v.to stay, remain, to dwell, abide, have a residence (o, often gives a continuative force when it follows other verbs, e.g., ~Ga io&^se corES40oo^o). G^ 629 caog1,EP (from a3 go4s 4, adv. without profit (infrequent); — 05, — eocno8, v. to feel indisposed, out of sorts. [GCo5 is an Upper Burma expression.] — 0-8, v. same as G^, but conveying a more permanent signification; Sopoqo ooR3 0 q35 S8oog cooo6cooCS@o — o08oo808 (pron. Gno86g48Qo8), n. place of residence, an abode, go84c80oSooccooog~, --— @GCooS, n. an honoric name formerly applied to His Majesty the King of Burma's dominions. — q —, v. to remain behind. -— q-P, v. to become settled, to be nicely adjusted, managed, or arranged, to be completed satisfactorily; cogat-~Gospq G3zQol6GSooSoS, arrange this matter so that it may be satisfactorily completed, brother. ---- $, — cpoS, n. situation more honourable than the following. -— Del:c0oS6, n. the five posts of honour or places of sitting in the royal presence; cooSGcPGarsqr Tepogg 3p536coogS 0oc1ol @8C0001 11 — q-c-, n. a cushion; aseo,,coo8s sa -- CMp, n. same. — cpo, v.; see GepoqncGOGcpGooS, c, n. a day, from sunrise to sunset; opposed to gg; comp. qoc, a natural day of 24 hours. — Gooo8:qJ SoooCas, v. to select a propitious day for an undertaking. -o86, n. the middle of the day from about noon till about 3 p.m. -- 03oe:9 (pron. ctoog93 3 oom), oosct (Pron. G6aoos:n-oo o v5), v. to work by the day. — G9co, v. to be fulfilled, as the time of a woman who is enceinte. — o0:so5, v. to engage one's self and serve for day wages. -— s, — I cS (S), n. a record of the time and circumstances one's birth, taken for astrological purposes. --—, n. the lay of the week on which one is born; see 4 2. — qS, n. a bad day, either one spent in vain, or one marked by unlucky indications; qoSq8@a3s1-oSn — coc, n.; see aQoSn Occoo00cGo00 oo8, in broad daylight (lit. in broad, staring daylight). rGol, n. lessons to be learned or recited (8 sclboq~10 u ojoSo: cqs:, &c.). ----— 0 0., v. to give a name so that one of the letters belonging to the day on which a person is born begins the name.., v. to be loose, unfirm; oS. Der. o ., and., oj.8 ogsios-,6Gc ooos qosoo.. ~i =ogog.. :9 oogoo,, o 3:ao84ICGoo:qo;i 0oooqs.c0001 o q8.j, those who are deficient in wisdom and tranquillity of disposition are agitated whenever others assail them. v:, v.; see 4e~, to be few. rG.OS, i, n. the space behind (a thing); sometimes past time, SSq8, but commonly future time, G.q. Der. aoGoSno. ---c, v. to fall behind, be late; acsoio*ooSoqicooocopoo5o.oepcq$@, as you are late, all the eatables are finished., —q~ v. to be contracted or small behind. - c-1oS (from aovlo3, a time, turn), n. a future time; GPoSoo0 caloSii -— , v. to keep behind from reluctance to come forward; — 8&s, v. to turn the back in contempt; c@ s:ooIc.?coS6s - ogs, n. cow-dung, manure; scarcely, if ever, applied to the dung of other animals; o o,~s, — G:9, v. to manure (vulgar-G.@.oogs, polite). "-'-GsI~, n. a kind of beetle.. ---o, n. the spot where the hair on the back of the head commences. "-a-, n. the protuberance of the occiput. S. --- —oS, n. a supplement [as to a Gazette, or any publication]. -— o,.. the hair on the back part of the head. --- odS, adv. retreatingly, retrogradingly; v. to rqtrograde, fall back, retreat. — CIO., a. last, final. - 6o0S (from cPoo4s8oS), n. the very last; G50a8o opiiQ"ctc:8oS (f ac6'mSo fen -- n. the rear of an army or fleet. (co6 S 6s1 c3oYSoo6$, adv. a in, once more; cap0ooo co~g~, come again, another timel -coS, adv. immediately; aOwco8 cqCY5N01. QaoSoDSq8:c~a5 op)Soogu -— wp:scugSd, n. a breech-loading musket, rifle, gun; coo-0g8 Good3s, a rifle or gun with Snider action. - G — =0 OG05r n. lit. a back prop or stay; fig. stay, prop, support; G Ocooi.o6o06ac C, PI13 as I have no stay or support, I am diffident. -G 6.SBM, n. past time; co sc O $gO c -_0408, n. future time, see cz8&i - 8c&O898, n. a shoe or boot (European style); oo gu -_86o5Sa, n. iron ring or band at the end of a da handle; fig. a>3ons opoSSj aX()0~ 3338 t03F33oCpo QCoOg oSEaylI -CBWcj v. to love in secret with or without knowledge of the person loved; very frequently -Q: is oftener used alone; "oo~S9iCNihII -,qioco, n. a wind directly aft. - P (os), n. the mark Go4j(@&coao; small strips of bamboo used by the Burmese royal family in the same way as mo60o by p6ngyis. -— gIr adv. backwards; GpoS@ owcS cf 8sa,i5 nSs -00), n. the back part of the head just below the protuberance of the occiput. -cSo28:co, n. same; gr ooo~Es3 8003y - cO(, n. the back side or back precincts of a house. -GosapoS8, n. same. - Gpeq8cqB, v. to follow at a distance for the purpose of watching; L qcq ooeoGccp8c~oSos, follow and watch that man. -- cqcsscSjol, n. a follower. - n. a large basket suspended from the shoulders or the forehead. -co(aB31, n. a bag suspended from the shoulders. c-cgSq:, n. a large oval basket (with cover) thus suspended. -33t 690, ~n. posterity; opcSoos: 8cGc,o:o 90Q333: q80CP Gq?.CJIO OODSPoOI u 0 G2(coe X GovSco3 ec4.03: 0, oi0 O 632 -cGiCB), 2, v. to. be -dirty, foul (as water), turbid, not clear, -not transparent; Qr og&8SuDr 811 ~ ~ ad oS coeh, I am in a very perturbed frame of mind today. -o1, v.; see the parts. v.O~.; see vpoCYS.~& n. future time; sometimes used as a verb in the participial form, e.g,,!2~08QGO00 00C~ODI cpGOOOGm W0 (r.481OO Oeoq~cz (from rz~o& and co), n. regret, repentance. -.v. to regret, be sorry for, repent of; mR~Gp G~o6 c~o&G~oS (from %GaoO8), n. elder brother, royal or divine; c~oo& C*~1 Goo 0~S8:ni8' G0p50O3BQGso~c84 8G~o8QM3O1 Opi88n mcSM3 -ohoooCnf~056u G1~Oq )8~cDI~go:1GOMPROO (Elder) brother King Areihta when I dwelt in your presence in the enjoyment of an heir apparent's estate, never was there an instance of my transgressing against you in the.attitude of an enemy in deed, word or thought. [The four Buddhas preceding Gaudama are styled c~&o8=5, e.g., (;3,00500 whereas szQ-o~OO is styled encn3]. Qw~ksS, adv. backwards and forwards, to and fro (obsolete). G~oo or G;,-oSG4..S, adv. ringingly; o618& aoooS.o5 cp Gtoa G~~8 adv. applied to the tinkling of smaller bells; — e~:cOe~& c-4?, v. to be immodest, indecent (infrequent); MG490 o1182 G~8G, ~adv. in a weak, infirm manner; onoejcxco q 4 verbal affix soliciting acquiescence; ~o&4co301 ar,,% come tomorrow, won't you? sometimes used by itself following something previously said; cod~cc:6 O5O1G4 ooqpOmCos, be sure to see, won't you, little teacher? In parts of Upper Burma, at Bhamo, Wuntho and Katha, r-45 is pronounced ~,v. to prevail, conquer, overcome; ramo8oot6 to be compe*tent to (perfor'm), to abound, be prevalent; 9jpsoae~i;WO89 coc6 to be overmuch, excessive, as salt, ngapi, or oil in a S633 dish, to conduct one's self, to behave;;oocqCS8noooS85 01 ioiSo ^0^3^^Soog uoSl( 8^000GuToo3^ll 48 oS (pron. $~08g:), adv. by equal weight [in equal proportions or quantities; to be on a par, e.g., @8oo180o0coo: u:8tj&6 O6orgsolii oa(GOcoS cq-oqsoqSooe~9D cooSo~8sq-&Guos -- ooS88sgs, adv. in a domineering, overbearing manner; --- 8, v. to be master of; oa SGooSgoSdccaoc9S8 ~8 8&00Go08 188, n. a kingdom, a country under one jurisdiction or government; og8:s86, authority, power (also used figuratively, e.g., oocoa86, the domains of lust; Gooooj>86, the domains of cupidity). -- Q:o8::, n. formerly the Minister of Foreign Affairs at Mandalay. — @:noo$GoooS, n. assistant to the above, B6go$sooo5 |o8ooo (Eng.), n. November; oSoaoconi i, I, n. the breast of a female, AiG8oiSoooo,,oog0oS; milk, Sge; the spout (of a pot, &c.), jos8:~. Der. a3.. Foreigners, but especially Europeans, frequently when asking for cow's milk use the word. by itself. This is incorrect, as ~ means a breast; s is the correct term. op is frequently pron..9, — 3az6, n. (curdled milk ejected from the stomach of an infant). --— 3Z33S35, V. --,, n. the breast of a female, an udder. -- oSocoSmcq, n. the serum or thin watery part of milk from the curd; comp. 8qen -- N0, v. to be weaned. -- b (b), n. curdled milk, curd;;S, — 81, v. to wean. — (i), v. to wean. — o0, n. rice boiled in milk. --— o, n. milk preserved in hermetically sealed tins. -— o,3ow (pron. ~oao), n. a milch cow, see.:son 80 634 Q 8, see ~b: (~s). &, v. to suck milk; n. a suckling, ~&oqcc6; ~~oa, a friend of childhood of one's own age, a foster brother. - coo, v. to be hungry for milk (as an infant). - 8, n. cream; oc~SM - 4-, v, to milk. -4~- gov, n. a milch cow. eo, n. a child who is about to be weaned in favour of a younger child. -- ac, v. to nurse, give milk. - d8&, n. a dug, the teat of a breast (gogiirosSSo cc Su). -a, n. a wet-nurse. -.-ooS, v. to yield milk. - PoS (from @oS, to stick in the throat), v. to be deprived of the mother's milk. _~ —rj, n. milk; 4G1e~ooo8-0oeS i ~qGgno8,-S9& cosoa308 cSi-: 9eW -al plantsoc; ou a ~-qF v u. to secrete a milky fluid, as cereal plants; ooli - co~, n. a milk-woman, a wet-nurse (any vendor of milk); - 08:, n. a nipp!e, pap, the teat of a woman. ~ooSoo, n. a legal notice. ~, 2, corruption of c~, thus %9cooSoe~ g,1 v. to awake (intrans.). Der.?:u --, v. to awake easily; sz338co6So6, to be on the alert, to be vigilant, watchful; eOt,3 n8~883Si -- q, v. same (infrequent); coQaloe~SjS-S8roSoooaou ~ q@8s UWW%, V. to listen with attention and deference; oQscloooo q*otooSmooos@ooe~ QO QjqqQ(3o X&Q 8010 cocPCSoco0o0 o, you are in the habi of paying no deference to what I say. 4s, 2, verbalformative; 8x same as ogs, see Grammar, sec. 125, 4th. [N.B.-Denotes what is likely to be or to take place, sometimes admitting an affix of tense between itself and the root, as soos:GyTcYsco8oo6, he thinks that the ship ~ 635 will arrive; coGGoSAGcpo563 GOO~Gro, he is waiting, expecting that the ship will arrive; o@8qpSrT~Gs: ro.G~oG, I was waiting, expecting you would call me, sir; ~g~,ccdS o~3:0a~, I followed, expecting to overtake (him).] o' -0G08G08, see Goo8G4, E628o, n. a kind of plant (Pali olGco mo). oSoggil[, n. a currency note; ajco5oaoSS, n. a cheque. gs:, v. to be dull, faded, wilted; oco:,o&coS, to be worn out, exhausted from any cause; comp. ~tl o %o3 3a4C00o oo5 ccoS3acnG:SgSo, though you should speak thus, sir, my character is not blighted. ---, v. to be weak and infirm. -— o-, v. same. — o6, v. to be in distressed or needy circumstances; usually preceded by oo:; aoS:q :0so1oo@aS oqoooI:oqooooSoc5 J0oo8|S0ol0 i 8ol Stig]:o II -- ^, v. same, 2nd def. ---— coo, v. to be faded and old (as clothes). -c6, v. to stretch along, as a creeper; co3opcEooiooln --— Cog$sI, n. the moon-flower, Calonyction Roxburghii, M. — 4-, n. a sweet creeper (wild, M.), liquorice. -- oS, n. the Symphorema involucratum, a leaf-shedding large woody climber, bearing little clusters of white flowers.-K. — g-, n. a kind of creeper, an undescribed species of thunbergia, much used in making fish-traps (0o8), M. — $-, n. the hairy letsomia, M.; AoS4$g ooSn [very destructive to gourds]. — o8, n. any creeping plant. -- oloo S, n. a kind of bird (Pali eo-). -— oo, n. the creeping bauhinia, M. -— c85, n. the spiral winding of a creeper. vc6oo, n. the twelfth month; ocolS: (obsolete); gcScooocolS: oSGOOD8:Spcl OGpQU0 0on3U ~, i, n. the sediment of muddy water, whether deposited as alluvium on the bank of a river (g$), or as settlings in a vessel; comp. zaA, 3_-o and $:11 636 aq, v. to become deposited as the aforesaid, or collect as settlings in a vessel; OGQoScoGGCq ooSGog oGGOOSOOogaoS --—;, n. same., 2, v. to sink, become low, as a spot of ground, or a post in the ground, to be submissive, compliant; not used singly. Der. cr: ~ and next qoaogeuo8:cooe -— p, v. to listen with respect; comp..oo0 oog G@@so oggos-osM oo-g, owing to the earth sinking, the house is low; coGe.~cooolocE~g Gsac q8cqcoSoeS, I will admonish this man so as to make him instantly submissive. ~3', n. a taurus, one of the species which includes the bull, ox, and cow; a block on a cross beam to receive the foot of a short post. [The following are some of the flexures (=og) of bullocks, namely, oSSG9oSonog6 soo8r GcoooSocc5o. g )oSGo0o5 oR S(o,,c^o:o-:oSsnoiG ooq: or oool GCG9 ooSii the paces of a bullock are a~680Po ol 61 cos or Cawo&@I coco0:] [Co-m@oS@oS, lit. 'the aged bullock loves the tender grass'; when applied figuratively it means that old men are partial to young wives.] So3oooS~GoS:c.s(go80 QecQ1Si meaning that united action is necessary in carrying out an undertaking with others. - oo4~: (pron. ~o$c,), n. reins to guide oxen. -— cXooS, n. the cow-pox. -— oGqoScq., v. to vaccinate. — _Q o8:, — c8-, n. a cow-herd. " ---c88, n. a bull or ox. -- ooS (Pron. 4Gpo5), n. an animal *I cross between a bullock and a buffalo, with horns and fore-quarters like a buffalo and body and hump like a bullock. -- (frequently fron. 4g), n. cow's milk. -- oloS, -qcs, n. a bullock, steer. - @:, n. an ox,,sosu -—, n. a cow (frequently pron. 4o). -- ooD t (pron. 4oo$:), n. a heifer. — oeoqqoS, n. the Cap faris horrida. — oQCCoSGoo (pron. ocqoS8coS), n. a kind of coverlet woven in Upper Burma. — ~8:oga6:q, n. the time wild cattle are driven into the pen, about 6 p.m. The Burmese have a dislike to sleep at this time as they believe that the power of Pretas (~o30) and other monsters is in the ascendant. ?8p& 637:)8Q (pron. p o8o:), n. a bullock that breathes stertorously, owing to some disease. -oo0N(pron. vGcoO), n. the hump between an ox's shoulders (the "Ox hump"), a mountain east of Tavoy, about 6,oo000 feet in height; pco~,GCODo81 - coSgecroc (rscoos. '3), n. the chief bull of the herd; see E00DOOR -_O$o8, n. a bullock pannier. — od: (Pron. 40~*), n. a bull (6ooA-aOs&@d, a term of reproach applied to men of strong, ungovernable, sensual appetites; very similar to Gco6 omco8s:r2 in meaning). - G0O00GDOC3, n. a kind of bird whose note is said to resemble the lowing or bellowing of a cow (Pali Gco60ro0oj). Gboooco, n. the hot season; contp. eCgii 6j8j10167@l [ qoSo18G-ob5Gooc:8com 8SsoaC qoS. o 018o, an obsolete word signifying the same as &i oOoo:8% is still used in colloquial, e.g., obcono~ooloraolI@I8sco8- cB;rng~-1qoloe]. vs, v. to be warm, less than G; cjr xp41ioob, coi ml cooS asg 3ugSc1168:m3@1 odj3~Cn3oo01 11u v,. to bend flexibly, pliantly; comp. ', to wheedle as a child. - cis@~ (pron. 88, v. to wheedle as a spoilt child, mayoc2 cp-6, v. same; nco s g s0 - 01, -oq, v. to be slender and supple as the limbs; G@cooS ~ol g33 Emo~13a~:OOX~II 0-o0), _-0c8, v. same; ii po5, v. to beat (obsolescent); ~oSoat, to beat or drive in or ram down. j8, v. to drive, drive along, to drive away; oaoqop:sco4o:c p 8=rj96 o aGS63E c too, it was only because the engine-driver "drove" the engine that we arrived punctually at Rangoon; R88.4,3 g Eooc l - I, v. (to cast out, turn out of house and home); see the parts; 9Sl ao Ca ISo lmp$ uq0 31 -o0, n. a stick to drive with, a horsewhip. *-ooS, v. to drive out, expel, banish. 38p8 (in colloquial usually pron. yoSgoS), a. common, middling, not distinguished; oq8p38j m9965oocoo.,, do you con 638 PS:oc sider him an ordinary kind of man? 98~8 and mco:o are frequently used together. In the above example o0oou might have been added, e.g., ojcooo8e8gop8~q9Soocoonx i Ss,, noun affix, connective, with, together with; oo)8fioo8: Csoo8~0 3Eaao n ~or,o8ffco8:p~ c g03 8m E30j gooe~; sometimes instrumentive, by means of, qoS5goSi coeiuiG-pcsgo:coe; sometimes causative, on account of; oSql0suGoxa~gg CP605353~S scq153a~ooguI gdj30$6o0 6oCS zRo oow3oSS 5 p~, 2, verbal afx, imperative in a negative sentence, co; sqo8ju ciq8jit egoqspi, prior, future; &83q o0?8covo p8:, n,. dew, fog, mist; -8- t8#n ~8tl:u ~8&1oSSn -,v. to clear, or lift, as a fog. -bs (0), n. frost, hoar frost. - 0S, n. a temporary shed roofed with tan leaves, or straw, used in Upper Burma for keeping cattle in. Members of a family often assemble in it (after lighting a fire) to warm themselves. -— S, n. a dew cloud. ~-805, v. to be dense as a mist or fog; pStcogn crOS, v. to beat in as dew. —.O1, n. a dew-drop. -- v. to be sprinkled with dew; pS.als:oSqcoe~ - Go, v. to be misty, foggy; ~8gcoe used in Upper Burma. -.~081 n. a dew-drop suspended on a leaf (a term applied by cock-fighters to game-cocks which have not had the blood washed off them, causing them to have white spots over their bodies; o8oSoGSCp SQG3Co:C@6:c8:cxS4 ). -~qSo, n. Scotch lawn; Sscq8oS8o s )8, 2, n. the tuberose, any land lily. S8:, 3, v. to give, deliver over, transfer the owning of for a time or for ever; com. mS and GO oDs z&&oo5 cp& oS @: c coo 0 r.-o0s bsa9$88 esdooAj nJ1,. the double-flowered clerodendron. ~S:j, n. a kind of whitlow; ~8Qou1)oox@ 8:-O8 (oS), n. a rose tree, the oil of roses; 8,:-8o;:o8u p)8-: (a8:U f8 639 ~8sqe~, n. rose water. p8, I (from g&*-, the heart). -jo5 (fo5), to relish; mostly used in the adverbial form, p8p6, 1655, relishingly; cugag 60o>ccg 336cq g S~ool @a - @f8c~o, adv. from next; 3 snE 0 c 6~Fs - Ggp, v. to grudge, be unwilling to part with, to regret the loss of; 00eog8La3oi q:D yl (9 Go). -, -Ca -C~, v.; see next; 68N&s f:sqs o 683 @t,,l,,s s qsa p0@:8~~0IssaSfU ~cmncyeoqdaalo9@oo3 -001-) v. to like, be pleased with; foSoo~, to love, esteem; 3D~O0QP83005I soq 6: cj80.9011 08s, v. to become composed, quiet, easy in mind. 08G0D, v. to quiet, acify, console. g&, (from a o),n. a ear. -,v. to commence, come in, as a new year; oSa80ooc5osu- v, v. to pass a year without bearing, as some trees; used adjectively, having past a year, being more than a year old, as grain, oil, wine, &c.; pB~o8,joo65wegocj65o8Ygbol.oo0 Goo8Qso00 8013 * & Cm-8o0'oe~11 - @80Rc, v. to calve once a year (a term applied to buffaloes and cows); 8@1S-c, v. to bear fruit as a tree within the year it is planted (or raised from seed). -— oco:oj, adv. year by year, perpetually; )oeooooq 8cij -oQ (p), n. an anniversary festival. — 03C@, v. to work land (in Upper Burma) by the year, by payment of money to the landlord. — co~oo$qCSf n. a new year day. — coe, v. to turn a year, be more or larger than a year, be above a year old; o=l Qcooogue3msoco-go 8 o,-,o@8 ~oo @1108 R:)e 2:):Olp 8 ae~QI cx~ i: R@ 11W Rqg~ CO:) G 0 0 0,)el l p&, 3, a. two; Gi [l[&~cLooBoS applied, in rather a bad sense, to persons whose aims and interests are identical]. g, 4 (from ~8, to sink), v. to make to sink, to immerse; comp. ~8iI 640 o ASi@go8coo, n. the ordinance of baptism. — 8:uo~080, o, v. to baptize. f 8S (pron. po), n. a man's sister, younger than himself; comp. so~ [a polite substitute for 84:), u0Su%0$8$: Burmese husbands usually address their wives as p8o when writing to them, e.g., @3:oco q c 3 6i08U. -R, n. corruption of ~o1:q, husband and wife collectively [jg8cd s (pron. 4 j) q'a. oouD, the joint offspring of a man and woman in contradistinction to children by a former husband or wife]; g861: (pron. ~4u) og:s, property conjointly belonging to husband and wife. p8gcq (pron. and frequently written o.&) (from 3aQ6, the substantive part of a thing, and m~o-:, round), n. the heart; 88 $o 8dj3o 4 ' 6033 9the desire of the heart. - co-6 ss, v. to be of an amiable disposition, oos o a 6: cOOC&i - -- fG 8:s, v. to be uneasy in mind, to have a feeling of constraint; jSo dtfdcnBoc4%8 e~p-,s I *& g S(2 o ) ron.:' ) (p on v. to be melted with sympathy, bro en down with grief for others; 86)0 8 or& coggcog<gapoggancy~p0 Cy D.ooS010ot-s - qS, v. to palpitate from weakness or disease (or fear). —, v. to be fixed on the mind; used as a noun; it would seem to mean inclination, desire, cleaving; c] 6.s1ooDS pe~ Oicoe~=o (W ocig ogocl h& A~:~ Go o8 ooo,9o u -- 0o$(jq:), to palpitate from fear; @$;soo5P 8C4%Uomnc, my heart went pit-a-pat. — CoO: (pron. po.sob), n. the attitude of the mind; as a verb has the same meaning as coaoocao00 2, e.g., oc$ooSco c Q8'.o8 m53o- o4,O 3agu4 93c o~abca85g gogxcopr 33oToll 3 n 3333$$0: 0 0: 33s 4:jl ol GCo*cs5 (MoM5ii 080050 euaO, i.e., by deed, word, or thought); q$o & 8Qpso4'co@8c,3 auyl - oo:,0 -'., ( ()oa:), v. to be high-minded, proud; 8Sfaf -— p (,c~4), v. to loathe in the stomach, be sick at the stomach; [figuratively abhor, detest, to be wounded in feeling (8058o); 3 c i u coeoazqc:I?kQS8 @8Eq9g68804: ooex, I feel a loathing when I see this man]. -r-GpoS, v. to be disturbed in mind; 8oFqpoap5,2~ -v, ~v. to be distressed in mind; 9:@804yl )8 -64I 8o4. (pot), v. to retch, heave, make an effort to vomit;?o~.' --—, v. to be attentive, heedful; ood8ooo~o ---- cqS, v. to be pleasing, delectable to the senses. -— qS, n. mental faculty (So~) qcG~0 oog8o3,S ~q)qSgo PopSn 18c5sqog, to be proud-spirited; coe;ocPgS_,i qcO9coooo, this great teacher has much mental ability. —,-,coo.-S(qo~, n. mental and physical faculties. -- 1, v. to be slightly irritated, nettled. -- c90oS8 v. to use persuasion in a contest; comp. oooSo~5o -- o0, v. to be easy in mind. -.- oo:goS, n. heart and liver collectively. — oo-, v. to have a clean, that is, strong stomach, not squeamish or easily disgusted or made sick at the stomach. [ooe — 083, v. to bear in mind, lay to heart. — oRqlo5, v. to have the nervous system deranged, so as to induce wakefulness or insanity. poS, v. to apply a medicinal, odoriferous substance to the nose (of another) (or to clothes, &c.), aooS:5,o~dlco SoS 003040011 0,C3t8 Sc8 84:|OACOOSOOG05S j oSo0:3?OOeI( pi (from ~J), v. to shake (trans.) as a dog shakes his tail.:i (jS:), v. to be silly, foolish, slightly deranged, 8oGco1ooa~io8S coge; less than tao ~8 (loS), i, n. the mucus of the nose, snot; j0oo$5t5, adv. snivellingly. -- P3, --- (rare in colloquial), v. to blow the nose. -— ooS, v. to run or escape, as mucus from the nose. p8, 2, n. the harness or heddles of a loom; icOSoo0 oo0oS (o&o 8$-,~) pcc5 ooe~, the woman who cannot weave, blames the heddles of her loom. Angice, A bad workman finds fault with his tools. 8, 3 (from 43, which see), v. to bring to a proper consistence, as boiled rice, pulse, yams, &c., by pouring off the water and placing the article by the fire; oogvc.siic8,oelsoooo8snooS 81 642 $:, i, n. the sesamum plant; 3S~@~,mo~SNSGg, ^8Si8io;. 3&8~~o ogMq ("cc one should train one's proud feelings like the flowers of the sesamum, " i.e., be lowly-minded, the flower of the sesamum having a drooping head). --— g, n. the seed of the said plant. The Burmese very frequently in figurative language adduce the sesamum seed as a term of insignificant comparison, e.g., oOOqpcS:Gco coooCS 9890o: @68SoR1 oan QoCqps8 coGoo:ocB9JoaooQ6o1 opsn o0oq-p.S10tcqgoacbbpS -9ISo689os:Iojiouo fgfGooSsm.oT Cg8s30So5o8oo6Gp.oSG3i^~"o8 G8SG900GO~1lS38o:o)o8$(SI803.-"8, n. oil expressed from the said seed. —..-|8, n. a kind of cake made of the said seed and jaggery. — oo5 (freq. pron. jPoS), n. the refuse which remains after the oil is expressed; ~:ooSo (pron. ~eo8~) jxooqoqeo — odoq, n. the said refuse pickled for eating. -- -8p (pron. oS008), n. the first sesamum crop; jSsg; the second. 8si, 2, v. to be speckled on a dark ground, as an animal; chiefly used adjectively, e.g., Ao.pS: (pron. 48*0), (a horse of the same colour is termed co3.ooS8's). pS, see 4g6s, n. a kind, sort, manner; chiefly combined with pronominal adjectives, as 6 oSioo oSieoo~oS,,ooioS c7 (o03Co:@cQoGgo) oo g S 0~3mG.o@ogi i, i, n. a grasshopper; J~GoooSu -— s36, n. the soothsayer insect or praying mantis, M. [The Burmese believe that if this insect is eaten by cattle, it is very noxious to their health.] - o, a large kind of grasshopper.., a (from soJ, an ear or spike of grain), ooGcaooSo"ooa:, a term used by cultivators who let out their fields for cultivation and divide the produce with their tenants.......qoS, -qg-RoS, n. a kind of bird, phylloscopus, of which there are many varieties. -— tSn. the tailor bird, M. [General term applied to "warblers]; J@goqSoooq8o:oGiioqa-oo88Gooln 1 oS), v. to commence earing (ooloI:oooojooo;coooTooa~c seToog~). 643,, 3, v. to commit for a time; scarcely used singly except to denote the deposit of treasure in the ground, as G@~ooLSn ooool:Q1coSocSooooeoo:ogs; comp. 3a8, j8: and cos. Der. 338 and ol68i, — oo:, same (with a continuative force). o aij (6j3), n. Odina wood, M. [used for making da scabbards; far more plentiful, it is said, in Upper, than in Lower, Burma. The heartwood of this tree is said to be almost imperishable if kept in the ground, and is much prized in Upper Burma for making boundary pillars; sometimes called o8po0o (pron. 08o$0)]. joS8 or Jc'.[8 (oSc58) (pron. 4$S0cqg), (said to be dew rived from S4ois, because the flower causes " an entire palace to be diffused with its odour"), n. the Vachellia tree, producing a gum with all the properties of the gum-arabic of commerce. —M. -— 000 (4:Qo:8coog0), v. same. V, v. to pervade, be diffused through or over all the parts; cG. — 0, ---, v. same; spop90c88joo3ooIju ooo5o8o0o:%, a very well informed person (is also used to designate a welltravelled person, a person who has " been everywhere"). " —@os,. same (most common); oo8a3:qootgS~gugoe4c ^oSoO o5Goo cc |6 olf PD, n. the nose; scarcely used singly; 93oGlS:, any medicinal, odoriferous preparation. -- Goo08:, n. any medicinal odoriferous powder or drug; j30oSn -- S18, n. the upper part of the inside of the nose. -— Go18, n. the nose (most common); ~3)ls:oSooeS, to have a curved or aquiline nose; 3o1s:8 (@o:), to be flat-nosed; 3oo18:oG1, to be keen-scented, pcal8:g — G-il68 olo6, n. a nostril. -- oog, v. to have the nose clogged with mucus in consequence of a cold, catarrh [Coo's o0:sg, to have an influenza cold.] -— coaqop, n. a fever occasioned by a cold; [a feverish cold, "influenza]. -- 6, n. a jewel for the nose. p.o#, n. the ridge of the nose, a pipe in a Burmese bellows, ~~o6o8: V. -joS (from ~65, which see), n. any medicinal odoriferous powder or drug, 3jcoa8s; also used as a verb, e.g., xcooz* )dpo j~, n. any medicinal odoriferous liquid. — coo8: (from coo8s, an arm), n. the proboscis or trunk of an elephant; oo0GQS, the tendril of a creeper, BaScoGQ-S:t — Gol, v. to be keen-scented as an animal;;oI8.:6qu — jS6, v. to snort. -q, n. water from the nose;,qt4-qooqI Sv. to be diffident or nervous of speech. — G6Pq8 (pc00.8), the upper part of the ridge of the nose. j-aoqg, -jcScon, v. to constrict, tie up the nose,; pf2&; v. to make a heavy breathing noise apprehensive of danger as a buffalo or bullock; J:RoS@:Z #ooHu — GO, v. to have a defluxion from the nose. — A, n. the end of the nose; 'oo@o4:1, a nasal sound. 38, v. to press on or down, to crush; more actively and less permanently than 8 (to massage); aSocqaoozzSmom2 ~S SCo5 a0 s0c.00s5zc63N1 o00c1u8co8S 0000 a 0I Qcn8:Goo8g 5t850l08911 [3Sco&x is also used in the same sense as the familiar English one to " have a down" on any one.] — %6g, v. to discipline, punish severely; %6S,8-oeu' - eoS, v. to crush, put down, vanquish, keep in subjection, oppress (bully, torment); 1?sec:oban o~8-o8zq-io:: aG m3$oS~ SjcySmo~og J3DC8~~80CnY3C~f ~ coe~:1~: -ooSowoc, adv. from same;,:jognS: c --, v. to tread down, keep in subjection. -— 9, see ~8, Ist def. 3S (from $~), v. to bring down, keep down, to oppress, keep in subjection; comp.- 38noocicB*:c4,oc).aocqSol a38:cra8 0103, v. same. 645 ~Scg, v. [to deduct], conveying the impression that such deduction is made on account of money advanced at some previous time; 068Zcooocbooo665~Si8oo The Burmese also often say q} instead of ~8o-" ~S (from W$), v. to make low; comp. ooool:]oogda aco.Sii Anglice, do not run down other people; 8:oBr.04,oOacoS oii ---, v. to humble, abase; 88cgc&c^~3c86ooooSpoocpig, 8a, i, n. a strip of bamboo, made by splitting and dividing flatwise, used in weaving [in tying down thatch, in fastening bamboo staging, and light frame-work of every description.] — G@- (cgo)) (from c@o, the back), n. the outer rind or bark of bamboo peeled off for weaving mats. -- c(-G(zo Gcl5pqo (JGcqojqp), n. a mat made of the said material; %:00:qo, made of the inner part of the bamboo. —.g, 2v. to push bamboo strips against the blade of a knife in order to split them,;:3 more elegant, but less frequently used. --- o, n. a four-cornered basket, square or oblong, made of woven bamboo strips. -- cqo, v. to weave with bamboo strips. — oooS, v. to whittle bamboo. $:, 2, v. to spread out for the purpose of receiving and supporting, uniting the ideas of o8 and j, to place, put in order, to receive an accumulation as a capital or stock in trade; not used singly; ^Soo6i$cooSo0ooictqo6P c.qiicooR8o1, as for me, sir, I have no capital and cannot therefore trade. -- qS, see qE:s:n j:, 3, v. (obsolete). " —cp, v. to discuss in conversation; comp. coRG:, v. to be intimately connected, as persons of different sexes; oon --— G6oooAsO, v. to be intimately 'acquainted and connected as persons of the same or opposite sexes; o3agGSc0 j:~ cpUC3Po8. C)to 53ooAooo@oo u 11 — M-<o8o6S, v. (to discuss and consult); see the parts; g ooTo^oloSaS6pas c Gqoo aS cooSQgSoGooSocooGSoco80:4 o; jrc:ooSed 5oE og, the committee elders discussed and consulted as to whether it be advisable or not to have gas lamps in the town (QloS8:aS would be equally applicable to electric lamps). aoS i, n. the opening of the mouth, the lips; accordingly, the mouth regarded as the organ of speech; comp. 6oS0 and oo5i figuratively, the womb; joSQ GooiicocS@o~goaSni — mobS (from om, and Pali omo, to fall), n. a divine speech or utterance, the word qaooS, oqoT-opo5&oAcoo5n -- coooS6 g, n. the written word of a Buddh. -— o S, adv. by heart. -- qoSCcooS, -o-oSq, v. to retain in memory, have by heart; =qroqSooa szq6cooSoogi mo3cooo0ooeg; comp. 61^9M -— PIo"0o889, n. an offence of speech. S -- (4s, v. to be habituated to in speech (lit. to be "mouth broken"). S — O, v. to be rough, abusive in speech as aso@S:oogu(.oS 78:, to be vulgar of speech, to be in bad taste as language). " —o-coo86, v. to incur the guilt of breaking a promise. n —, n. a lip, the brim or upper edge of a vessel; hence 3cooSo6o8S:, the upper lip, and Go6SdoSSdos, the lower lip. -— oSg, v. to purse the lips (to pout). " —oStcoo, v. to have protruding lips. - oSwog: (pron. Ps:og), n. mustaches. " o:s, v. to be hare-lipped. - 4, v. to use sweet language; ooc o:o n -_-_soo, see.oco\\i - $sc:o5, see a S 0goSSo oSiioS SoSgooogioSg ^65oo~@oUoog~ n.^ -- ocf, n. a verbal promise, or oath. --, n. an amulet or charm inclosed in the mouth (as a young man, when courting, to ensure love being reciprocated); ~o6qaoo5o8^qoo5oi, -— qa, n. pregnancy; oSqoo aCo.oogn3i,.*-Q03ooa,.v. to be careful and guarded in speech. Fo_ e647 oSdonrS, v. to salute, make mutual inquiries of civility; oaqj30oS33e~II -, u to be talkative (conveying the impression of irrepressible loquacity). - 0 v. to have an impediment in the speech, to stammer, stutter. -co1S, adv. orally, by word of mouth. -odSQi, v. to teach by verbal instruction. ~o5 @D3, 2v. to dictate, as to an amanuensis. — d5q:, v. to write from dictation. -— o0(o5o8, v.; see jo~co5q1s iS n. computation without the use of figures; oSogoS GO:8 vuTogOoaOE~SIIuS B$ (83~.aw3go20650oP). -cgdjogcrf, v. to compute without using figures (oaoSoS65). ogcS, n. speech, spoken words; goSagoSoooon _-9~e v. to be of few words, taciturn;;oo:DcBcM300000sgo: q'8 9s:0-oe~1~ e~:e3 9c:oaeeu - 8-o5o,: (pron. IoB8oScoz), n. a bribe to suppress evidence. _~COCSOS., adv. violently and severely, both in language; sd84cosa 8*8oo~Goa cc 8o:i 7o6ocY5 soo8@o8 ooo3S;o5om *oe1I Gop8ic6csQoo).o~GOOOC @0gc8u COjOSq co(S@Ssg -A,5o45060I5o6; [as a woman complaining of the unfaithfulness and cruelty of her husband]. - qCS, n. pregnancy; joSgqoufos ofrooGi o, v. to be large in consequence of pregnancy, that is, conspicuously large. -Qc q~, v. to be near delivery; oto gqg ci 3 - cosoooG8G, v. to instruct privately, inculcate (always in a bad sense) [~ojoUa$ORoo8joo ]. - qrhj, v. to be pregnant; co;o $Gso:;8oooeSoooG6~we — col, v. to be glib of speech [to indulge in vain, inconsiderate language, as when aspersing the characters of others in a thoughtless inconsiderate manner.] -_ 8, n. an offence of speech. -1l, v. to be wide-mouthed (oo8glooe), i.e., talkative. — 8loo, v. to be loud and noisy in speech. -- oqj v. to be able to speak to the point; joSID:143c001 648 _S;Gon. medicine to promote appetitel; Qlg~ ~oV. to speak, utter words. -F %n.vicuttered sound; *Sl~ooj)*Z -- 02300ooaS, n. a liberal art or science f, in distinction from a manual art; coO(SROe33mmOSUI v. toj be nervous or diffident in speaking. -— o cS, v.; see ASlr n. an offence of -speech; comp. co~~pBq -- q.,v. to contradict (a superior) impudently and provokingly; 481 c~.cM -,ZG&D~3$ oi G~xj)6Scgo5,. to petition a superior verbally. oo V. to increase in fluency. 70:05v. to increase in fluency; 000 ~~c8joxo~o~oeooi.-&.a bird's bill, a beak, the nozzle of a bellows; qa ca6nuq~o5, the spout of a vessel or pot, ~;see co-,.joSc8Vtoo~ c~mov. to be a scold; [m o8 o S8Ooj8*o stoS, 2, v. to take out, pull out, extract; comp. cqo5, to take away (one's office),~ to subtract (in arithmetic), to repeal (an order) (~65). -cS~: (~o~d8~:), n. a subtrahend. (o 80,n-. a remainder (in subtraction); jo $cB~oo CP-9S (t crcqoS), v.; see the parts; to make an extract from awriting; QBBOO&x OM-Qj:)Ocq Ns &)~oSRS r.O3Z0.c~...9:(Joc8z8&, v. to degrade from office and deprive of all insignia, to repeal (an order); sojo~ocSa&;j= az~cowocoqs ( iooQ S%5c88xe~,). v. trans. of ki, which see (obsolete). v. to compare, 18io-ooL; comp. @8v Der. sq~sq~.-Ao5o O~U ~~O G~I~ i3~nb~=, 00.Qoo'I 4 —co~oo5 Q&I5 OcxGuO&:Cq~cybo5# 0800c.(;~6111 aoe~Ncoc&~64j, this, man has no rival. 11V. same. codeS 649 :, v. trahs. of J:, to make soft by some process; figuratively to mollify;:0GJooo,, cGO, v. to be slow, not quick; 0cq o0GgosGooSooqp:ooo 3ocoo oo(G:oo,, coooS1GSCooo8cqcq8 OGCOWG&:.o, "if you wish for good pickled tea, allow the Palaung to be deliberate in his movements;" somewhat similar to " Hurry no man's scattle." — G-c:, v. same; oq5cj~8< GjaGc: GcR-Go: ~ooei, ooc5o:ccg: — ~@e- v..; see;the parts [o,: and g~: are rarely used together in composition and never in colloquial]. v, v. trans. of %, to loosen; cooo.ol.j~co61}c yo [ appears to have very much the same meaning as the English colloquial expression " to try it on."] }, i, n. a wind instrument, with holes on the side and a spreading mouth, used at festivals, funerals, and theatrical exhibitions; comp. p u -— o, n.; see the parts; frequently used together. --— oS, v. to play on such instrument. h 2 ()), v. to rub (the hair) with lime-juice, &c., in order to prepare it for washing, or to make it loose and pliant; o8: ~o G10 ic0,_C. o 00CS& MS cg'sfiZS) 0tS~ ^n }o (}soo) (from GI01, a basket), n. a kind of basket smeared with lime and used as a trap for birds; 94;(pt) o ~00oo8 oi, cqooZp8o23Ct8, 9:o8s ): (Proverb.) ,o5 ()o5), n.; see GySoi ap, i, v. to mix, mingle; G:,si,1:5, to add (in arithndetic); co,6Soou, 30soo0r3o0: c oo. agoSi,, sooo. — c8$:, n. a number to be added to another. — opoo, v.; see the parts. S1o, 2, n. a large kind of boat made of heavy planking clamped together, without having a hollow -log for a basis to build upon opu cp, 3, n. a species of coffee-wort, M. pooS (from cGooS, to be turbid), v. to stir up, so as to make. turbid; GoScgo~, to agitate, throw together, put into confusion, mingle, molest, distress (the mind); 8oS3 o6Soo4.-o0Sc9p: oogoooosdc c~G8cgS cOJo3s 8ao5oo8 82 5o ICYS (abbrev. of. cxo~o&); Ssx)~Acdqs coo~8Qaoo5Gcjp8 pov. to tie, bind, make fast by binding, q&6auaoe~; seldom used singly. Der. qeojS)8uoqc&G~fou -.-36. a prison (ccxoc6), a lock-up, m (&,n. a rope used for securing anything as a boat, an animal; Gro&Seo8o5031i v. same with qo& (most common); oMro&@d5 rGpo, v. to annoy, molest, thwart; oao~Go~cz INWWS,6,v. same (most common);- frequently written nowadays GjooSuc, to intrude (GpS5Icoo::c8a, to annoy by thwarting); c P~x3~G O O8~ o6oooo2oo~oo~i to thwart and render abortive. ajISj (from cqo and cz.i? or Gy&q,?), v. to" be in suspense, doubt, in regard to purpose or action, to hesitate (to loiter, rpS —k (from G4.s), v. to be after in time, posterior, later;. N-)c ooe. Der. ozSBI capo3:oG:ooe6iGmo5B cq8o~ this year mango trees are very backward in blossoming-; the rains will be late; ocoooaso08 coe~, you are behind time in coming, sir ooo~x~,in the way of a woman rejecting a suitor after she has accepted some one else],.ac~ (p"on Q3 _8:c~s), n. the part of the month of Tagu before the or new year (o5v~ also written o~j4 Io3 I v. to penetrate, dive into (with the hand or an instrument, 8~coql), figuratively to possess the power of penetration into a subject, or into human character or motives," see iqc6o-& i~ocj —qo)l:9 ooDo~c~oocBjoc~ooc~OO1nOe -— i(),v. to search into; commonly applied to menta researches; sometime-s written without o~~,e.g., JcS~O& 0. o5Goncjoq~ Ocoe~1 ~m~5~zS~Sadv. pryingly into every crevice an d corneram" (2H (2) o00o cS0 joS, 2, commonly written ~, noun affix, locative, in, at, among, 28it9oooS; sometimes possessive of dju6SSqolsooA 16 (%8) (from %8, to prevail), qual. verb. affix, potential, can, able to. [The cooQs in this word is now being gradually discarded in speech and composition. There can be little doubt that this innovation seems to accord with the true orthography, and that %8 is probably etymologically correct, 18 being a corruption; Qo 8ol coguSologcoog]., v. to compare; 1c mo~g800, g 8poctso 8sgcScooE~rfi llngE 08cfio3 $CoSCf8P886BEQX II@:Caj$6050agg) ~.Eg8:guog'cSE syogl, ~if ones compares others with one's self it is not in bad taste. (Prov.) - ~ 88 v. to liken, compare, see ~8:, 2; 51 so3r8E V-. -- (q), -M), v. to weigh in the mind, estimate on comparing; oqoScbo3 om):Q@cx8 ccooJgg~gso@,03 - 00, -g8, -RV, v. to compare (jS8:51 also written IS: (A6). j: (from ~s, to awake), v. (intrans.) v. to awake; (trans.) to rouse, excite, urge to action; cGao3oo luoa8G*ooGo6o0coc -- n. the alarm of a clock. — Gin v, v. same, 2nd def.; comp. oq-oBRg~:ioo jopo-cx CoSsor.8:RC~ 0soinSi061 Gc900gcu3q. " qo 8q0 qOO5GX38 }S coSol, urge the boatmen, please, to exert themselves. A8, v. to skin, peel off; =s6, 6: (infrequent, a nexpression used by co$:cos) CO8 xe, see iQnu SA, v. trans. of tSo, to cause to be dull, faded, wilted (never used in colloquial). gbS (from boS), v. to stretch along in connection, as a race, lineage, conoSaSoo~. Der. wa-S, to be descended from, connected by race; o SooSool3 Sclooon m: 8oSk(8Gooe~ has the same meaning as ):coegoe). s (from ~, to be submissive), v. to humble, make submissive, (rare, if not obsolete in colloquial); comp. ~~uj '8, v. to skin, peel off;;ASooen cqoo eumoo8o~"o g5rsBgGoJ qo.0 xoc mEoSot ooino:, do you think that it is as easy as peeling the skin off a plantain? said of an under-rated difficulty. O i (from ce:, to be warm), v. to warm, make warm, as water, food, &c,; comp. ca; figuratively to resuscitate; cqibl:G s odocanaa l olg5o3ol n:"0 031, 2, v.; see AS and g (infrequent), a word used by persons engaged in drawing off t juice of the sugar-palm; co$:qs A"ooM:P co;Ga:mpo 6i\ Sv. trans. of 4, to bend flexibly; coeS~:o8oS:QGooScooazol ) (), I, v. to procrastinate, delay, be dilatory, long in doing; used singly; o'oou Der. o(l and next; Q$ox8, to swing as the pendulum of a clock., v. same;,qo 8 3 o57 (cS 3:,:, 2, v. to lean sidewise, incline the body, as in some work and in oriental dancing (more than c); coooqoc mSooS c8&:00-1 oo89oiou8c&q0-6:coe 4OWcc81iq5' acI $Oac 06SooS jeaopS, every time the pendulum swings to and fro, the clock ticks; cS@ootS r Oc@Loo:co8:loS co&= 61 cVaq sclrol a5 i o e~1 o (o0oxvS) (The twenty-first consonant in the Burmese alphabet and the first in the class of labials.) o, I, v. to shine; used in combination with moc8p, e.g., 0oorP8 osO% the moon shines. Der. oE8:o, ooc, Xcooc60, co:0, -oag$:, v.; see cg$:0o.-~p:, Uv. to flaunt, flourish; to be ostentatious, vain; ou&:, od1i@)ogol2oooxe; mcS oc2:46: 8 0iqp:)Oc&., a person of very great ostentation. S-oE, v. to shine brightly (strictly speaking with a yellow light or yellow rays); cGs@)6@oSoos CdC) cx08io8 9(w:9cUroo5oo SoPS,,A his countenance was pure and clear, like the golden moon shining luminously bright. 0, 2, see next. -in, v. to offer (in order to propitiate a demon or evil spirit); 6oSoocuS; co e o 8co54c s o5~ oRig) o8d: 9pogo: agnE:rq40 ftomorrow e shall go to sea; you boat. men first offer to U Shin Gyi; oCo- SooCo~M~4UXcc& 0al] 65, we have been beaten in this regatta because we did pot offer to the pats. [Note.-In Lower Burma the: o0S 653 @*:oS appears to be the nat who is most feared, and in Upper Burma (near Al6n) oq~oSg: G8ocgSG5 and sg q6CGe9p, at Taungby6ngyi near Mandalay.] o, 3, v. be outside, without (obsolete), to be disused, abrogated. Der. mon o8:qp3cg oSzoo oc8oSao^, they say that the Commissioner dismissed your case? -— cqop, v. same, 2nd def., to disappear, be lost; ooo: Goo>socqpa oZ oomx ccGoTooz, the old language disappears and the new makes its appearance. -— o5, v. to be done away, come to nothing, become null and void; to be acquitted of a criminal charge; qo5=o)o GO 11 — co5, v. to quash, as an indictment, to dismiss as a motion or petition (or indictment) in court, [to acquit of acriminal charge]. o, 4, a corruption of m33000 or oo=S, as oc0 for ooo516 (not used in colloquial). o, 5, verb. affix, used in closing a sentence, cul (colloquial); o has the same meaning precisely as c'1 and means " of course"; a31 c co:o lo01 icco;68 o8:c40oooii o31:qg, n. vinegar (of any kind); 4i:qu — c —o1, n. mother in vinegar; o3lsol9:S [Note.-Mother, a thick shiny substance concreted in liquors, particularly in vinegar, but different from scum or common lees.] o05, I, v. to throw or toss by a scooping motion, as water with the hand or a dipper, to bale water (cquo5), to throw up, as a hog, to come in contact with suddenly, to beat in, as rain or dew; oS:ooSoC5,,6:ooSooiioSo:aio3sool:ooS ~ooloc9~ogo8oSoco5Q1, bale the boat; doaGoSg)6:ooSoo5 — a-, n. the space in the centre of a Burman boat reserved for baling out water; cqoooi (a well-room). — cooS (from cooS, to lift out of place), n. a large wooden shovel for removing dirt. — o (pron. e.o.o), adv. oQoSaboSou ---- (from 3~), n. a scoop for baling a boat (made of woven bamboo strips). -— oo, v. to be inconsiderate, heedless, careless, wanting in good behaviour and regard to others; somewhat akin to i86'si o31,oysg33aG3oSooSCooo5oo0Sn ooSo8:ol, adv. face to face, suddenly and unexpectedly, very akin to cpo4ooSo:sologoogii o1 cg oos,goosoa cg~ig~Gcqi5og~soo olco 3@^caoo at the time I went to the bazaar I suddenly met U Kyaw Dun, my creditor, face to face; I was so frightened! — coS, v. to do in a hurried, careless manner, and regardlessly of the feelings of others; mostly used in an adverbial form as oo5uoSqooSoS, ooSaooSooooScoStcd qoS@qqoSog, this person is capable of talking in a manner regardless of the feelings of others. oo5, 2, v. to be shallow, as a dish; ocoooSii oooooS Sn83oScr oogno5o5c8soSog, as the dish is shallow, the curry is all spilt; if it were deep, it would not be so. — cooS, adv. presenting a shallow surface, placed on the bottom or back, supine; opposed to GqooSnu(ooScooSoco: cQ8, a long-armed chair)-(i) ooScooa3S-oScga8oSoAoooS oog, if one sleeps in a supine position, i.e., on one's back, one is apt to dream; (2) aacoa oSlqcoCoa, the corpse came floating down on its back.. ---.8ooScoA, adv. backwards, thrown backwards; 8aSSoTow ococ8ooooScoS~oqco oopn oooc8 (Pali), n. nature, natural state without modification; comp. 4 and oo o; o8o~o used adjectively, common, natural, common —(i) Ggc:Qoo aaoaoG oogSoac8 <q$s:oa:poa, on account of the good will conveyed to me by all my relations, I am in sound health; (2) aogoLs. o<~ac6 ooSoo saaGooq(So^<, this house has not deteriorated from the state in which it was originally built; (3) o3s>e~oQoScooges 8oS@^o8c~ oo~oSo iu oocm00ZG)&, although he is a person of few words, it is not because he is conceited; it is his natural disposition. ooox: (pron. ocoq) (from oomc8 and ~:), n. the beginning or origin (of a thing), 9co; 3tSioogc3oo oaoc G~to, e8soooqo^o3^oooo2Go}co3, have you forgotten the original words you spoke? oo0a (pron. ool) (from o13, a check, and. o=, to interpose, see under o1:qoe), n. outside slab of timber. -- cos8:, same. o=3o0 (Pali ooScqp:@S8), n. conspicuousness. [Childers defines o0o000o, pakasanam, as illumination, illustrating, explaining, making known, exposition, publication.]-Childer's Pali Dic. ooso000408, —, -g, v. to exalt, to vaunt one's own praises. The second definition is the one understood, and most used in colloquial; 88oo33g33a$a)w 0 oo3oocj, a person who is in the habit of vaunting his own praises very much. o0c (W), n. Pegu, the former capital of the kingdom of Pegu; gnoooo308nod~o:oo0 0sooSc8:soog3co like Pegu salt, he is salt into whatever he is put, i.e., is able to turn his hand to anything. ocT (Pali), n. a wing, a side (of the moon) that is waxing (coao$: oc0) or the wane (coqoSoTC) [ocgoglojS, a man subject to seminal debility during either the waxing or waning of the moon]; c0000~OCgSO0003|t03CO~CSOgS5QO 33Sl oogd0oo3S, n. rice given in worship on the first day of the waxing or the waning of the moon; coco$:ooq r5 0ooG gS:1s coQqoSooqCoBS c+ooooogosn 30o3oZ. oC o5d G oooao8o n [oc~ coooS is a word only used by rahans]. oiv, n. the shoulder. --— $, n. money paid for the hire of draught animals (obsolete). "-M —oo, v. to have square shoulders. "-co:WCOSgolfioS, n. a collective term applied to pedlars, bazaar-sellers generally; oioooS$o0 Sox:scoo3on — coS1:, (pron. oigopSG), n. land assigned for cultivation by local authonity without conferring any right or title thereby. Such land was considered to be the property of the State, and was transferable, and could not be held by a female. [This expression was only in vogue in those parts of northern Upper Burma controlled by a go$ or — col, v. to have sloping shoulders. otS (oG) (from o1, i), n. a small covered basket used by snake charmers for confining snakes in; ugoj8ui 8 0tjoS Gc2o0;, small covered baskets overlaid with gold or silver leaf, formerly used as insignia of rank at the funerals of the great in Upper Burma. ocol (oS), n. a species of gingerwort, alpinia, M. - @o ---:8, n. varieties of the same, M. ou, i (from cO8, a plant or tree). -— o i, n. a natural state, without alteration or improvement; o~aGoSp4a o&co5a.ogii o5csoo5o4iu o0 o", 1 111:& one's natural voice (see 4Q4); qoCSz, a feigned voice; o8&a6q, adv. taking one and leaving one (in weaving mats); coo8(loooqon - o~ (e:), n. the stalk of a tree; o8,ooS&jS @&C.= -G-o3S, n. an uncommonly tall tree. --— aozSq (coQoS8), the Grewia elastica. ---—,. the stem of a plant; c)QJco$g J$:OSv ox65cGoj:-— c8 (from 0cS, a post), adj. masted; used with numerals, as 0oo08S, with one mast; p8o8o8, with two masts, &c.; adv. without change or rotation, constantly; Ga3GScje: o80a86oq&o %gII -G603S, a. upright, as 08GCOO.)x8, standing timber not yet felled. 0o1o5, a. sprouted bo&GOcdlOIolqooS6loSoI -",n. a kind of large sago. - o, n. the stock of a tree; 0o8o, the main branch in the - centre of the other branches, the principal plant in a cluster or clump (ast) (the " bole" of a tree). —. --- (oSR:), n. two or more plants springing from the same seed or root; rcGooo2oo8mGco c:G)oo.5oe6li %WMqe n. sap (okis); o0cqeoo%~WOOe11m8qeioi)c.qgoe~11 i-qeooAi, v. to ascend as sap in trees. 0-3too, n. a seller of fruit from the tree, one who keeps a res gular supply of goods for sale; opposed to col(-oeano 282, v. to be tired, fatigued, harassed in body or mind; more than ceo; not used singly. W- O$,' v. same (common), hence coo8ooo$:, adv. (laboriously, fatiguingly; implying rather unnecessary labour), to be in great distress or pain as a sick person-(i) co:)cQq: co osocooooqo8G-:)uGoo) x sao%5~oSu ooegi (2) 0aQscoS o=O38:,)O c3ae~ c(8 GOD& mco5C -05 308$$.0U-OS: coe *8 cq)., on account of my having heard bad news, I am very harassed in mind, sir; (3) ca ooLot ooocoeA R8oedc~oSo1 1 08, 3, adv. even; slightly emphatic; c (oS; o0 gscooa:n oJGOaj bo8G@O%6~3I~ojoc 0oSGO:oSII o8o8 (Eng.), s. a pension; OoSoDo:, to enjoy a pensionki o883: (o) (Pron. o8ES:), n. a species of mint plant; 8i6.i o88Scx 'ii Go8:o8oSo-su88Q, 6o0zo88&, differel varieties of the same. [Brahmins are said to regard thi plant (i.e., the oS88S:io88S-O5b) as sacred.] USCC-5, n. the sea, ocean; coqsap' - ~3j., n. the sea cocoanut, M. -— sp, n. a severe kind of diarrhoea. - ooqj:, n. the goat-footed ipomaea, M. -n-,. the sea-side. -- 4:g ~ 1n. the sea-coast. -M008), n. a kind of celestial tree (the sea-coral tree, a species of erythrina, M.). -—:,v. to castrate (a horse); aino'Snoo8Ei -opSox a: (o8 cuScrc9OO I.), n. a gull; RGORs, M. 6-50c3. —, n. a kind of plant (Pali G00o8). - oC'9, c.18, n. the surface or back of the sea. -o4 — (o8cooSocm4:), n. the king crab; comp. OOSI, 3, M. — clac@, n. the umber, sometimes called the sea-perch, M. - 00:, n. a meteor. - A: (o8coEo8:), n. a species of ximenia, IM. - co~*, n. the Scavora toccada, M. - n,. a chart. --— 0oT96S, n. the scissors-bill, M. -qO, n. the sea-slug. — q n. the edible-nest maker; comp. goqst - qoS, n. the Tavoy name for ebony; coogoqw -;GO, n. the midst of the sea; o6cocSacooSqaS. — Gq&68, n. a kind of shell-fish (a sponge?) --— oco%, n. a cyclone (?) o8co6c5so~8 (?) — GO, v. to rise unusually high as spring-tide, causing an influxion of salt water into low-lying tracts of country, usually the result of cyclonic action [a term used in the delta of the Irrawaddy and at Tavoy]. - 006c M)OS, n. the Gyrocarpus 7acquini. — oozi, n. an inhabitant of a sea-side loc ty. - ASt, v. to rumble as distant thunder an expression used in the delta of the Irrawaddy), Ui1. " he sea roars." 83 tssrlp OR oS4:,'n. a freshi-water mussel, M. 1, I, v. to raise, lift up; Oooe3urr.6cA, to exalt, promote; 1 ooe~18,0 to take in kbreath), inspire; gocopjzoopSniqcoo-, co~~on, he lifts up the kulaga; (2) ooqg'o- ooc88 o0o:0ol, give me a lift with this bale. To turn up the legs of trousers; GOrSgzf8o8i 0o, 2, v. to invite; more respectfully than 8o5n --— o, v. to convey an image of Buddha from one place to another. - 8o& (o0ooS), v.; see 806-(i) q.Dog:9:s o ~q$%@; 01Q0o8~ So6o1:o1:c4u9GcQ0o8o, there is no p6ngyi in our little village, it would be advisable to invite one before lent commences; (2) W98c@4>Oo o- o 88 goo 1, please invite the village elders on my behalf.., (pron. oYo9), n. a spider. [The Burmese have an idea that if a person has been bitten, or his blood sucked by a spider, he should not eat anything containing oily matter, as it is likely to cause inflammation.] -~ ---38, -o9_C (r.@), n. a spider's web, a cobweb(ogogs, the membrane covering the closed cavities of the body, the serous membrane?) 08:, I, v. to join, or combine with, take part with; generally implying partiality or unfairness (see cozleg sc~5). Der. s soo8:3oS: (frequently incorrectly pt'on. o&s); caeaooooS coSo Mo c.G3ooojSCo, this person is in the habit of being one-sided and partial when he speaks. o8:805, see s:o8g8o0" o:SoMOt:, n. a kind of poke formerly put on men in disgrace (in Upper Burma); o8:ao, comx o9o R 0061 08mo 000MoO9Coe GoooSoooSooe uos@.o, n. the Tavoy name for 8$PSt@s, the large kingfisher, M. 9o8 (from ol:oS?), n. the mouth, 5o28; comp. go& - Ccg'-, v. to be rough, abusive in speech (inelegant). -, v. (to be loquacious, garrulous); see to0gomocqool J~1 OOEq896o g 0&OC~Gq?oso 0c6088:=O., do not let this man know; should he, the matter will be circulated throughout the village; he is very garrulous. u9, n. the Tavoy name for rqq, M. Owlti; 659 o8gC (Pali), n' the present; (Sj BGooS11(gcs o= 10802 0 0(~Oe~.,,o30~A0W oe:jr ~3i0@8ag0603$03Co) g88 (from @68, to shoot, and o8, a frame), n. a scaffold or terrace on the inside of a fortification whence missive weapons are discharged, a barbacan (@86o), o8q-186coa og o (Pali o8r0o), n. a cause; = —~8-, a thing; acp, property, goods, o&j, in Pali Grammar, the inflected termination of a verb, a verbal affix (og*o,12cooS J9 uo8~). - 0805, n. same, 3rd def. - v,. to be connected together; 'qoaexp, to secure an equilibrium or maintain mutual support; 3zeqoeoe~:~ - coo:-61slq0oc, n. a layman who provides a kyaung, rahan's robes, food and medicine; ogg~qo9jSoomonop5gocog C1 o oounopisooo&ocoo8t-~SO9 061 )J9iO) 3OG0I113l0O0c 0 ogge- o0 c~G 8:co51617, regard me as the furnisher of the four kinds of property, ask of me anything you may wish, my lord (as in addressing a p6ngyi). _0-1$7, v. to squander, waste one's substance. oscno (Pali), n. an encircling gradation or story of a pagoda, 0o1ooco~; comp. 9ozcSa(-o)9oogm)au qo:moogoo:)u coc8oouog o~) ()2JG0:S~ceoDgog qua O'Sogw -451 oo *.xeu ogjqS (pron. gbo~3t8), n. petty villages on the outskirts of a country. [o6o&6ci8s is a term applied to all countries outlying the o oaooo.] It is said that the Buddhs never visited these countries; @oS9:oCcP:o~(4o3eeu oegcbisA9 c~ og0ScqEllao~~co " and the inhabitants of outlying villages, when aware of the fact that he was the heir apparent, paid him respect and were submissive." ogcgq$ (o8g~s$) (Pali ogco, a cause, and eq~, to be, proceed), n. a consequence, result; 893so9g4S 100Tso.: CX3i9,8&00&(;800Cq ( 33~Rcqs CO a @0331.C~~~~g ogl$ (o9 $) (Pali), n. rain. [jcoSl oQasqutlns~ II 3joPO ~oS (ougpjo8), n. the god of rain; 4633oSn 08o91 (os8q4) (Pali), n. the present time; comp. roIoS and acSoogII0 001l3] Cg tl$X, 0 156309y1 m X , o~q ~,o4ogso8;f Q @Sootg, people longing after the two kinds of benefits of this world and eternity make offerings. oCgooc g (Pali oom, distinct, and qc, a Buddh), n. semi-Buddh,. one who occasionally appears in the interval between real Buddhs. "The Pase Buddhas are sages of wondrous "power, who never appear at the same time as a supreme " Buddha, yet in the kalpa in which there is no supreme " Buddha, there is no Pase Buddha. They attain to "their high state of privilege by their own unaided pow"ers. Their knowledge is limited, but they never fall in" to any error that would involve the transgression of the " precepts. In the five gradations of beings enumerated "by NAgasdna (OOoo4), the Pase Buddhas are placed "between the Rahat (qno&o) and the supreme Buddha. " Their relative dignity may be learnt from the announce"ment that when alms are given to them, it produces "greater merit by a hundred times than when given to the "Rahats (qoo&n), and that when given to the supreme "Buddhas, it produces greater merit by sixteen times six"teen than when given to them. The supreme Buddhas "reveal the paths leading to nirwina to all beings; but "the Pase Buddhas can only obtain nirwana for them"selves. They cannot release any other being from the "miseries of successive existence. They cannot preach "the bana; even as the dumb man, though he may have "seen a remarkable dream, cannot explain it to others. "* * /They can give precepts so as to lessen the "power of the sensuous principle, but they cannot entirely "destroy it."-M.B. c ~ (Pali), a. the last; GoSsGoa), the last time or era; o0o coo, the final state of existence preceding Neibban; 3a;zqi$ 0ooocoo (very often pron. as if spelt C@&8o); o080q0sclc GoWS:Goo.oe3, we have arrived at the last stage of our existence; it is now only right to let our thoughts dwell solely upon the Buddh and the moral principles. o03, n. a kind of backgammon. -- 8 (om0 o8), v. to play the said game; om68a3,noao8cgo5 oaq, n. a malignant ulcer on the back; see soocq&n oqSon0, n. a small kind of bee, also called ooonsogoSouit 66t. oa (Pali five), n. the five parts of a thing, as the root, bark, leaves, blossoms and fruit of a tree; oecl010o, a word much used by Burmese doctors, e.g., Q. G 83-c8acs8o2SmrG ogcl. 1 09nso8%DGse~G@o8C coSol gGODoo3ee a 0 woos6ii uojoo:ua, n. the five good (bodily) qualities, a goodness of flesh, bones, skin, hair and age; cl1,mcouo9-(o) 6n-mn coDgM 0oo8&IC8- (j) - a G3cx$8:@E I (~) m8-Gaq6d cmo8js@8: (9) G0mo-cd iccro8-@8,-nn)) 0co-a, g Sncjcon8s "@8. "There was in Sewet a merchant called Migara, who " had a son, Pirnna-wardhana, a young man of excellent "appearance. One day his parents said to him that he had "arrived at a proper age to marry; but he said that he would "never marry unless he could meet with a female possessed " of the 'five beauties' (pancha kalyana oe ccaso). His "parents asked him what they were, and he said (i) Kesa"kalyAna (G oooxoojmcq. am 8co33S:82), hair that when "spread out will be splendid as the feathers of the peacock's "tail; (2) Mdnsakalybna ( n a lC0386) lips "that, whether betel has been eaten or not, will aways be "red as the Kem fruit; (3) AshtikalyAna (3aoDomqcri cnsi " Scya38:S), teeth white, uniform, near each other, and of "the same height; (4) Chawikalydna (-XP80cxapC) (croqCq " 3sGqo6l 0 3jGmooS@8), the body of a uniform colour, without " a single spot; (5) Wayakalydna (0o0 wm:cr'i cBa % 0cmo8g " t@8), though she should have twenty children, never to "appear old, and though she should live to be a hundred "years old, not to have a single gray hair."-M.B. o acn ooi n. nut-gall. na, n. a kind, of medicinal root. ou8g (pron. oc8:) (Pali oa, five, and =al, a part), n. a Buddhistic priest proficient in the five requisite qualifications, nr,8ol ow88~n(M80I ooq)@*b8 -01 ogdX,08g~ o88t@&68:1 oq 5, v. to bndergo ordination as a priest proficient in the five requisite qualifications; oeR:&t — 00CS, v. to rise from being a novitiate to be a priest proficient in the five qualifications; @no8R= 8:o0A sot-co%. (as novitiates asking each other); G8o8. (ozoo,-),O) cmoosx ecooo-, as a layman asking a novitiate. — COMOr, n. a layman who provides the eight requisites, namely, the robes, alms-bowl, &c., for such priest; ao8~8a 0~000oS.310qn 01:-4-o ocm28l: 1 a,)S 5 rrSI qoS 008051 33@6cc0sol:u 662 oao (Pali oNg, five), a. the fifth; cJNG3goSi — ojoS, space; 3odoomo01ooS; see ooooqcoSa -— 0t500ooooc, n. convener of the 5th Buddhist synod, a title assumed by King Mindon (and much prized by him); oibSco, by abbreviation oN'c8 (Pali oN, five, and o8co, a religious precept), n. the five duties binding on all creatures, according to the five great commands, namely, olcnoc8ol coooGo1agBocaQoooS~opoooS8, kill not; azoo01o0G~Qocd8i o, 2ggoc 8, steal not;;oGoos oooqptocpa ouaosdgS 9:j, commit not adultery; qooool lGo.ocn,,aioo0ooooo1CQ G@or.8, lie not; o rqoolooooouogozoqoaiiooqeGooqaS oCorcooo5B8, drink nothing that intoxicates. [The first five of these obligations are called the pancha sil. They are repeated by some persons every day at the pansal (i.e., kyaung), especially by women.-M.B.] "oo0&qo0005 (Pali o~ and 0&o0005), n. the five greatest sins that bring immediate retribution, aolo5Gcoo.6o cooSooccoo GqcoSooe, (i) killing a father, aooodcooSroooooSmoooooooo5; (2) killing a mother, z8dc~zoo65Goo o xoQ ocoomo5; (3) killing a rahandah, qooooooS ooamoooooooo; (4) raising a blister on a Buddh (the life of a Buddh cannot possibly be taken), o'qGooaooggsooGooQoco GCoo o8q1soomo5; and (5) making a schism among the disciples of a Buddh, 00ooz&8oh. G08Go ooo05oo00Goo0oo5os caoS (Pali ceq) (pron. @8&so6), v. to prohibit or command, distinguish by name; 9 3&oea1oo5oog, n. a prohibition or command, a name; 3so.oon-(1) oG-OO^$ o q ^?~s &@6s4GoG~ soq3 u6S~ooo~oooso:o5ii (2) 9gA0o ooS.booe, Sula Thambawa, Maha Thambawa, the royal brothers, taking the derivation of the name from the fact that their raft was caught by an acacia bough, named the city "acacia branch city," i.e., Sagaing. Sagaing is now usually written without the 8, namely, oc:,ii o03 (Pali), n. wisdom; o o$jog:, Director of Public Instruction; vgoo$, Inspector of Schools; ouo3jS, Deputy Inspector of Schools; oaoco3.1 ooqs 8o 8cioo@_ i (oue is often combined with ec6S, e.g., uo360oet:). [ogo 9@co5050s a saying said to have originated with Jiwika, the famous physician (in the time of Gaudama the Buddh), whose services to cure her were at first rejected by the wife of a prominent citizen of SAketu on account of his (Jiwika's) youthfulness]; oeoo(o, z&8, v to be possessed of great or little wisdom. 0o~000 663 oe8ol, v. to search for wisdom (knowledge). g v. to search, store up wisdom (knowledge). --- ~frequently pron. O), n. a wise man; co8Di 0u8,a -008, v. to receive instruction (o0c3oScSo8, aterm applied to young men who were sent to foreign countries by ordr of King Mind6n to learn foreign arts and sciences); "c Prgnyawa (o@o), wisdom, that which dispels ignorance, S" revealing what is good and what is not good, like the "burning lamp that brings to view the figures that would "otherwise be hid by the darkness; its opposite is Awidya "(=8p), ignorance."-M.B. 0G3o8 (sometimes written oacGeo8), n. a species of banyan [the Ficus Bengalensis, K.J. oeuoS (Pali o nxu), n. enmity. [It is said that this word should be pronounced as if written ou=o&.] -, v. to make a quarrel; sloiinJr] coaSc:Gasm8cn 6 ----@8o, v. to have a quarrel; q$ oDG i? qOD 9oo in oqgS: ueeg (o~eo) (pron. oA3S E8) (Pali oe3caop ), n. assent, engagement; of@5g (vow). -eOGa3, n. the Contract Act. o-~$6a5, n. a bond, promise. - 0G0o0s:oS, n. a Covenanted Assistant Commissioner, — o- 0:,co: -, -., v. to make a covenant, a mutual engagement. — o-o9t, n. a written covenant or agreement. uoog (Pali), n. variance; 03 oo,6 0 is also used by the Burmese to denote animals which are naturally antagonistic to each other; r-008~ SoQQuXJU a3o:. P8QO+OocB; G ooo5o6(G =0:0oQurs C3G0o168O9863~ Rs: co3 - e~s~ 0o 3, King Thibaw and the Shan Sawbwas were at great variance. +6oos (pron. opooS) (Pali oeog ), n. a duty; a~~oomcq3 q uqooS c~o~S:0,io Q So 05 oo 0 08- 0:ozCogq s0ii c~o61 (Pali), n. drift, course, order, oog; in colloquial the Burmese say olom:dlY, ec3EQm uooooS (Pali oQ=o4), n. wisdom, knowledge, opo [understanding, intelligence, wisdom, re diness or coniidence of - 64 Oe3ocQ speech, promptitude, wit.-Childers' Pali Dic.]-(I) 0oo ^o0oo3Sio^8g^83qc Sono3Goscaooo4oogoi (2) aoegUogo~ooo3g ESoogS, this person has very little intelligence, cYoo3aS, ctjo (Pali), n. comeliness, suitableness, agreeableness; ooSoooS C(GOCSooSgS? no,03e0C5ll oec, see next. oocooo (Pali), adv. in reversed order, as when repeating backwards,,oqGoDD@oiooiD2; comp. aacooon oooaoz (Pali), n. connection or interchange of conversation; o>o GoS6gr oSooo5(8 Ghs: odCn gomoc30gCagcgu91 ^0ooo ^gg0?00g8(l 33cg^8o~o6oSG g:l~ O7OO00qOOO0G33OGOO ~na33G38gSoDSvjcQ930o|II GSDJ GODO n o3O03 9o u "*Scgo80oXcoo, when he heard the words of Zeta the hunter, Zusaga (Jdjaka) the Brahmin, with much approval and joy, spoke in reciprocal language (as follows); " Friend hunter, partake of these cakes, (made of) jaggery and rice, milk and rice, and of these wafer cakes, which I have brought as provisions for my journey." o~3OG (frequently pron. o080ooGo) [Pali o~, again, and oocG, to connect (entering the womb in a new existence, conception, re-birth, transmigration).-C.], n. the connection between a former and subsequent state of existence, that is, the transit of mind from one body into another, of which there are four kinds, namely, oaooioi QcoNoII o5 cGOOo3 and eoo5, conception, pregnancy, SqoSoS; [when birth is ruled by karma (o8, c5), and there is the possession of much merit, it causes the being to be born as a kshastriya-mahasila, brahmana-mahasila, or grahapatimahasAla, or as a d6wa in one of the d6wa-16kas, sometimes by the oviparous (andaja) (3zWgo) birth, as Kuntraputra; at other times by the viviparous (jalabuja) (ocooaP ) birth, as men in general; or from the petal of a lotus, as Pokkharasatiya; also the sedaja (o5kooam) birth, as when insects are produced from perspiration or putridity; or by the apparitional opapaitika (~oooS) birth (in which existence is received in an instant in its full maturity), as Ambapali. -M.B. -— __ 0o0, -0, v. to conceive, be pregnant;;oSqos~oogSc o~co~ou@ - coL, — c, -og, v. to be conceived; but these terms and the above are sometimes interchanged and applied either to the.mother or the child; c 1zolmosoo uas.ogg8oS:cj 0 CJ30 66-5 01o -Z'nekka, p. i. oacatv. to be near delivery; o~Zoal3 (Pali), n. intuitive knowledge; eqoB5cz 8 zoti c8=% GO12o3o=L96'33P-oo, the sick man, whose name wasTeittha when.,he.heard and listened to the law of the excellent Buddh, arrived at the state of rahanda possessed of the four kinds of intuitive knowledge. u~cMo (Pali our-ocG3l) (uQ(;'oo1), n. interruption, prevention, prohibition, g~oowo; o~zco is rarely if ever used in colloquial; o~cnoqg~koo6x{, the sin of making promises, a term applied to pongyis. uS p (Pali), n. the act of praying or asking' favour of a divine or celestial being; one kind of oqroom)8380, a prayer; cro~ V. to pray; or3~8: co~ q-oo S 0u togcoeg ()2 o OOS 30(ooce~o~c58b)~So~o&3.:, althoug-h I pray every day that I may become a person of great -intellect like Mahawthahta, it is very difficult of attainment, sir. ojo (Pali), a. the first. -Gq:S (Pron. (J(.gurJS as if one word), v. to be distinguished f or havi ng excelled in Buddhist literature at a competitive examination held by royal order at the Burmese capital; n. a man thus distinguished. The following includes the greater part of the books of Buddhist literature: oog1oGooSu CO3LqC8z1 QcOAM1 ou qWOZO3OU W405Oq~00 3 ~IIQT4 -01 000 -.-~ (pron. 0$), -u. to rehearse at such an examination what one has been studying; n. a man who has passed such an examination. [Ex-King Thibaw is said to have been a ' (Pali), n. an original cause;mG1~o&Ctu 0 ocioo (Pali), n. an act of homage or worship; Rq0@8 OCUC3OZ1 C00 O11~3 OW 1Do omo~aoe oCcko (Pali) (Pron. o0803), n. a wise man, a pundit; oo8nop43~cq 84 Cd(Ptt'do-z6 tci*-co6), n: the t'hn.6f '-SekaL: V:]; when anything requiring"Sekra's (ieB@n)' a~isne fakes-phice in- therwoi~d of'-men, or when'hig exalted iAlt~e is in Aagiger, this throne, according to' the S-inghaliese, hecomes.warm and -according to the Bumshrdai n domfbrtable. ~W65 (Pali oqoot6), n. a man ~ubjebt to sutninal debility; o$: ugp (Pd1i), n. -a gift,. present;cbor~ 9)n. samfe. on.abribe, - illegal grati-ftficaion; d-4zo&p o0o., 1, n. a small cylindrical drum 'fixed- in a circular- frame..-on. 'anly' glutinous substant-e attached to the Centde of thre di-tim wt iniprovei'ts- sound;- ~~~ei n. a circular frame in which several drums-are.*fixed and - %lPaye~d 6'nb-y a pers~n sgtafid~ig' (or ~iAting ') in the ~CyV. to play on such- drums. _4,v. to try the 'sounid of the ~drums; preparatory to playing; a kind of song; ujoO8-oo:s@8stI - 4(od~?), x. same as oo8a -~ —,n. a large one.;.;see oo&p8:u0 -000) n.;see oaS 2oS%&,0oa&o oil (.Z~ 2, to wind round, encircle; q~oa, to encompass, go round; co~~d3oe1 4=4uz# Der. szuoS, n.- an upg5er wash-board of a boat made of matting and. placed above the. board one, 0&1i 1 qC165OS-, once a Week; =m~oo6co3~v _(t) wc~oo5~3Qo65c0oognf (2) a ~o&~bao6Soae, the creeper twines round the'tree. v. (to bind about); see the parts; amooC08croa - 9,v.- to wind round; 61. 3~c8006o coaa8o~dj, as for the boa-constrictor serpents, Vwhic'h have, their resort in the vicinity of -rivers and, lakes (or pools*), ffhough not-poisonous, yeit, on 'account of their mighty strength) they entwine their folds round those crea OCO 3: Afe 5.667 tures, which come near them-the brow-antlered rusa, the wild ox, the sambu~r-and torture them at their pleasure (lit, in- any way they may wish). oo~c~o, -O-*o~8, n. the environs or circuit of a thingff&b$:ocr8; comp. co6o$ocrE, frequently used adverbially; mookotaxpu -0)9~8 qio cpc~we, the ditch round that curve requires clearing; (2) 0jo~ju G*. c ql8ogc c~ OC)RIO o, please cut and clear the weeds (undergrowth), round the court-house. -c-,n. whole circuit or duration; commonly applied to words of time; 4o - (oocY*OOCO 4. o000Co50oo!~-g1o v. to encircle in a circuitous manner. toMMCCv. to be connected with or bear relation to, to be implicated in an offence, crime. 00091(Pron. oaoS), adv. -on the hind. legs, rampant. c1,v. to stand upright on its hind legs as an animal, to rear; 0 oCo~OS 23 n. a species of palm (?), M. ooq (qpg-o1) (pron, oq), n.; see q~oq a hornet. -A (qD-0A~), u. a hornet's ne~st. — 3~c~05 (qXjOq~c~oS), V. to suppurate in several places as a boil or when afflicted with mpoQ0,i.-... —S (qD-oj~o~8), V. to Sting as a hornet; ocq1r~.o~wei OC;O03a~o~oS (pron. o zco-BcoB) (from Gco3oo and w6S), adv. confusedly, irrationally, as if intoxicated; applied to language; 8COcs~~&~o, S ooJ~o8~ oouOO:ooi,8oCxx in this sense conveys an inference that the person addressed has -eaten Daturafastuosa seeds (u q&) and hence is unaccountable for, his action. oGooooGe (Pron. orcox)8o)ct), adv. or I W. strange, extraordinary, oozqoS, see cocyS. Der. =uSoq5u~oj5z)Ucoaei ( Pron. o&.) n. a ruby or carbuncle;qg -GRo5oS80, a ruby mine. n. same. v. to be enceinte as a female member of the r9yal family; [~~~I~also appl~ie.d to:the mothers of Buddhs]. 668 031o ooggtoc@ooS, n. a spotted ruby, a spinelle. o39o=UG, n. a certain tubercle or excrescence growing on the leaves of trees; co8 ,8CUoonooqGo:s GEooSsGO:eolog oqos, n. a kind of musical instrument composed of twelve pieces of iron, or bamboo, suspended in the form of an inverted arc inside a wooden case. These pieces are all connected with one another; the two end pieces are attached to the handles at each end of the case; very often pron. og8go: by the Burmese in Lower Burma; ro:3:S5 OggcPOOOQ —.-c, v. to play on such an instrument. o8g, I, n. a brass or iron hinge; ogoooogoo, to put a hinge as on a box; ogMDoSox, a cartridge box; o0SGooD00oo G OcO3oll Cg8, 2 (Beng. potta), n. a permit obtained from Government to build, cultivate, carry firearms, &c.-S.; egogOogu cooS Og3,llGOOoSoQgq]i -— 5, v. to make an application for a potta (or license to carry arms, oo4c30o886oo~). S — 068, v. to survey a potta. --— 6, n. a potta. o8j, n. a kind of shaggy cloth (Puttoo). of:scoo (pron. ocoT) (@, -$, U, two kinds of grass which furnish excellent fodder for horses. 0008 (Pali), n. the earth, G:; ooo8olo5, a term applied to the parts of the body that are formed of this element. [" They are twenty in number, namely, the hair of the head, the hair of the body, the nails, the teeth, the skin, the flesh, the veins, the bones, the marrow, the kidneys, the heart, the liver, the abdomen, the spleen, tha lungs, the intestines, the lower intestines, the stomach, the faeces, *and the brain."-M.B.]; &o8$8:co0s:068 aozocoooto6o o&o840s:. "Immediately above the world of water is Maha polawa, or the great earth, 240,000 yojanas in thickness." —Ibid. ooo8oloS1oS, v. to suffer disorder as such element.. o0qcoja (Pali o0, a poetic line, qca5, completion), n. the completion of a line in poetry, its being complete, full. 0ol3, see @oo:), n. quicksilver. o8 6569 o0oo (Pali), n. a kind of lily (comp. 0:), considered to be the most excellent kind of lily; 4o:q86S, a kind of cotton cloth; ~3COSGWJ) 06>(( D^6cO)G gGgGOoS GOO, his (i.e., the Buddha's) joyous tranquillity was like unto a newly-opened padungma lily. oc30op& (Pali G;OO, a country, and qpoao, a king), n. the sovereign of a division of one of the four grand islands; oooo: ooqc3G9 -GcooroStn ocGsooq&o8oi Coop&, a sovereign of one of the four grand islands; o@oco3QeS, a universal monarch. oG0300 (o5S), n. a tree peculiar to the north island (egqc), said to produce whatever an applicant may desire; an artificial tree laden with offerings; hence 9$o03oo)ii(,co3S OG300Q, a person of versatile intellect; OGOOZ) aRoSoCqqo c~oogS, an expression applied to a person who is fortunate. —.c, v. to make an offering of such a tree. o*SGoqpo5 (o6broooS), n. common garnet, M.; oGoQlogcoSI o4, i, v. to adorn, decorate by sticking on flowers and similar decorations; o$~2oo o,:3coro$soogc4:oo:o0 coii — CSO, v. same; to be in charge of a royal order in favour of one's self; -a8 GooSacS4)o$0o0o q o3:D,,i Iso8CocoSaoo01 o$, 2, v. to ask leave respectfully, to beg, petition; _)8.oOj8: oil ai ooSoog; comp. o^8n oSso^gcx 3g8o(cobo1, come, please, after having asked permission of the p6ngyi. ---— 09, v. same (most common); s.qo8:6s33o$5o gs@ coD:, have you asked permission of the authorities? - cq, v. to petition, pray, see also ogoo0$4Snog$Do.G0Os:0$ cgGcoo:g6oog iSco6:co 8oSq$ooo:g, they prayed (the Buddha) for a suitable blessing, and all became embryos (i.e., embryo Pase Buddhas, Rahandas). ouS8 (ou), n. the crinum, M. [The root of this plant, ground into a powder and mixed with salt, is said to be an excellent remedy for boils]; see oGcooa,-Soiou88s or 5o0:s8, n. a glass candle shade. -.. --- o85c$, n. the Indian squill, Scilla Indica, M. "-. —, cqo&8:, n. varieties of crinum, M. ---, n. a kind of shrub of medicinal properties (?), see ou51 -—, n. the purple-flowered thorn-apple, Datura fastuosa, M. n~:rf(,. thewhite thot-apple, Ddtura alba, AM. o nS,. a short stake driven in the (ground) to mark the site of a-building, a peg used to secure anything stretched out or apart. — T0q8 -b, n. same; o~CST:SQjc 6uiO'9 Jm533til u4*c0L-bA oo eS~n c8n & o 4'oS a a1 so~ O -t, v. to plant such pegs; u4goa-45oo, to drive in such pegs. Jyote.-cdoSc~ is often used to denote stability, permanence, e.g., ogp o ~oajS OoSxl i cQ6ja4 oo ioognu CjS j o~aj6a333:); also applied to persons of substance and influence; cqo560~b:@6. The Burmese have an idea that the possession of a stake driven into the ground which is about to be built upon, wards off danger from the possessor; when such ground has been consecrated, there is a perfect scramble for these stakes. If suspended from the roof of a dwelling-house, the: Burmese believe that doing so keeps.away bugs, an immunity so rare that the stakes woi4ld obviously get the credit for it! They are also. supposed to avert even more formidable dangers, such as fire, &c. Burmese doctors use the scrapings of (or powders made from) these stakes to mix withtheir medicines as a preservative against evil spirits. o4o:, v. to be on friendly,terins; 4ogoo wconoox ~,-(I) o * Q 8oio @g6 alE.' oog, if they are on friendly terms with one another, there.is a chance of the scheme,being consummated; (2) O=3(cycqCl& 0o 0oxe cqo, though neighbours, the individuals themselves do not agree with each other. opCcio (oiqooe) (Pali), a. the fifteenth; co1c-OjG@OS1 ooi, ee ooodS4-ii c 4o& o(g: 4:,, n. a flower, blossom; =Onno-v1, a leaf or twig used as a decoration; spmetimes used expletively in composition With other words; 4ac B U 8:b, P, &c., an abbreviation of c:o:, the safflwer, eag., O - F a red waist-cloth (also used politely for the male genitals). (The difference of szgj and.41 is alleged to be that the former is applied to thb flowers and blossom of those trees or plants whose fruit and leaves are edible, and the latter to those whose fnit and leavej are not. W.s38 n. the Lagerstrwmia Indica.-S..*- ln. the white-4i.1red. kcempfera, J.1 o:,. the state of niaidenhood, virginity. - i:4;V - n Pio$, v. to dgflower, deptive of virginity; 6$ I noFogacG c~nr - s n. an hcnorary chaplet, bays. - 1, n. a flower-pot. - =Poo6 (pron. o$oco5), see co8u -C4 (Pron. o:4n), i. a garland, wreath of flowers. —, (C9), -a (oq), -cG (cq), v. to carve embossed figures in wood. - c8:, n. the hoop of a ring? - ooS (Pron. Qioo6S), n. a branch of leaves and flowers. -. o6S,@ v. to suck juice from flowers as bees (uopSwo$o8). - 4 (pron. O:.4). - qv, v. to pluck a flower. — 8 (pron. 5:q8), n. a branch of leaves anfd flowers, a bouquet, nosegay, posy, &c.; v. to make a bouquet, &c.; oogoS~osa8cqu6lo - ((pron. oq), n. a painter, limner; o~fqjocpu — 4Go, 'v. to paint, limn. - (pron. o409), n. a flower garden. - 4, n. a flower bud. - o9911, n. red paper. ~ —o:, n. a red string with whici a girl's hair is tied., a. variegated with flowers, e.g., oQs4qc3: ~B, n. perfumed oil, the essence of various flowers. C-80, 1n. a suspended bunch of fliwers. - AOJ, v. to dye red. - c3so:)st, n. one that dyes red. cg8Gccq (pron. Oc1SSCU3 ), a boat-racing term meaning that should the man in the extreme bow of the boat, while seizing the o0i (really a rattai), fall into the water, his boat loses the race. - (Pron. o5o-), n. artificial flowers suspended for ornament; [an ornamental eaves boarding to a ro6f; oS2tu6~oz: c(ocooSe~140o"'ogooe~1 67 - o0. o$soots (pron. oog:), n. a brazier or coppersmith. — 85 (ou$8) (pron. o8S), n. a gold or silver smith.. —Sq (o$s*8,q) (fron. o88), n. the orange-flowered globba, M. The Burmese say that owing to its being so exquisitely formed, goldsmiths "weep" in despair, because they find that it is hopeless to imitate it. no, n. os:o3, a rattan passed through a hollow bamboo with a piece of it projecting out somewhat beyond each end of it. The bamboo is horizontally placed on supports in a small boat; whichever boat's crew succeeds in drawing out the rattan wins the race. This constitutes the winning-post in a boat race. It is said that formerly a flower was attached to each end of. the rattan (o4Ss:oa som ogoro8 ), hence the name o$: being given; also called o$cq6u - ooo, n. a starting-post, see 9sooon - o:, -o:cO., — oj:9oSc,8, n. a pole surmounted with a bunch of grass or leaves set up by authority; o$:oj:, the pole in front of a broker's residence. — cS (pron. o0 )8), n. the winning-post or goal. -- cooO8scoS (pron. o4.ol8g 000o), n. ornamental hangings, fringes; osooscog oo5 -— co, n. red cloth; 5loo$:oog -- a, v.; see o$G:.oola q — c0:, v.; see o$:cgoodS11 -— oPs:oos, n. an embroiderer. — o000, n. the laurus, M. —, n. a pale red colour. --—,- (os:1o5), n. a kind of arum, M. -- oS, n. a flower.plant or tree; 6sc8oSs:oii — oS aS4, n. a scandent, evergreen shrub, Ancistrocladus Griffithii, K. — c (pron. ou), n. a arver in wood or stone. -- 0qS:,La.-toeldre a race void. [coaqSoo:, to declare a heat void]. 64:.673 o$su. (c$i0) (pron. os), n. a blacksmith; oSotbop, n. a master blacksmith. - GO:, v. to give the victory to an antagonist; to yield, to "give up " guessing a riddle. This expression is frequently used in connection with boat races, horse races, &c. Probably an abbreviation of cro>Sou:Go ooii -. —081, n. a kind of paste made of fragrant flowers [offered to powerful nats and to pagodas which are much veneratedj. -— G-, v. to be enfeebled in the male genital organs, o$:,oo$ (to be of a pale shade of colour, o0: 1o,;8:0G.). -— f, n. the flag, a water plant. The Burmese often compare weak, irresolute, ductile characters to this plant, e.g., oSso:o0oc^ ~Coapc8oo:oSooo, -— g^ (o$S:c:), n. a foot race in which the competitors are backed to run for money. -— coa., n. ornamental flower work. @- B - 0Qq, v. to carve in wood. --— G(oSdo, v. to embroider. -. —o,?n a flower (which has expanded). — g~, ev. to menstruate; 85:; oSoSo3;sp8$sn 16-goS, see o$4qoi -- go (pron. o2oS), n. a turner. - : (fron. o%:), n. tuft, tassel; hence o:$s:o1:, an epaulet. -- Q: n. Burman borage, Plectranthus aromaticus, M.. —^ (o$o$), an expletive used in certain connections, e.g., ---- ji?, n. a pagoda-slave, one who gathers up flow rs and the refuse of offerings; c@g8:coSo:q p:j$. -— oStg or o$:2g, n. same. ' — g-$:, n. one that works in lacquer;,oo00o:, figures in lacquer work; o$ —$, lacquer work without figures; oq$: -— qS, n. the essence or juice of flowers; o$ooSqo5 — qcSGS, n. a kind of grass.-S. -— q8, n. a deep red colour. -.w6&s, n. khuskhus grass (?) A*%,n. the juice of flowers, liquor-in wbich t~e-s-4ff9wepr (1;6:i$4 has' been' steeped,"produ'c'ing -a ~eep red colour (o$: q)or apale red violet (*h) -9~~e&;C:)05n. a balass ruby (a variety of spinel ruby of a pale rose red or inclining to ora~nge).' ~~~S(tronr. o c8), n. the humming bird and other sun-birds;seqlcB -~~(Pron. p)n.a mason; ujoo IIOCcOpfI n. a mpaster mason. -*(pon. oq~ol), n. a kind of weed. The qoS,-)o Q~ is smomtimes-in Upper Burma called in jest 4$: q41 GooD8II x. the perfume of flowers;~.00nJ'00~2-& O -!-GpS, n. a red colour. — 051, n.'the common balsam;, -see oiao~pA A!. v. to smell a flower. v, to be possessed of- active -virility. N —O~osee o$-,c~cu.~&&k&C0r: (0o0 008=co), ft. a- timber-tree, vateria, M, n., a florist. wf"QD V. to lose the principle of active virility (wic~jrcpo1 3,C&O RGON.0%0 0).' rw Wz. a Panthay; O8~GOI os,2, v. to be tired, fatigued, harassed in body or mind; oSA:u SI am exceedingly fatigued with travel, let us encamp in this place. N-~- n.. the asthma; 4-200000 1 6@kSo~a: OOC5OOwnPflOeO Sv. same aso v. to pant.; see cdS, -gasp C O~ 4s:) 3, v. to spurt, gush out-(i), o'0qo:.go~cc~o gocloys cc $ oo~u(2)c$~j) 9:) oocp~~r4{9C o$:, 4'(from 063, to encircle), v. to go. round the end (of a th in)) as the end "of a mountain or a shoal [to outilarik as ttoo ps4 005 675 OSoqlo, v. same-(,) e —OOOG c Pmsg cW)8oG.ocgsmpac s8`81 (2) 0o08De G8'oG& cq0cXoo o4s, 5, n. the Tavoy name of the arnotto tree (08008-), M. o$~oS, see ogoto&S 4o$go, n. the hermit-crab; o80oSoi 08, v. to be a crevice, to chap, crack open; less than amoSuqa 3azoo&.~coSo~$@i (to be chapped as the face, lips, or fa.ce). -- gos, n. a crack, crevice, cleft (usually used of cracks in the ground); Gg@Go8@n* QoeM4io05G - G0o, n. a slight crack [usually used with reference to slight cracks in timber, GooO.GODS8o5GS:]. o00, an abbreviation of ooous c6v a3 col:vo6oo8x, let me say, sir, by way of example. -uqj-ge (ouooe~,), an abbreviation of Roo:, eoggSo; s;a scoooS@)g:copj o&SC ),oc'51 Oqro PcuooG}, whatever difficult thing was propounded, was explained and declared by means of analogies. ooc:ci (Pali), n. measurement, size; mo r o az83 Z 3OcSeo agcrmqe aoQ)0038a63: g8~ cq8'o3)~aoSMSoco6 Solo'acu, what are the dinmensions of that house by measurement? (2) 0o@~8m0D GoTo&, CoSoooR 4oW8~~@c3co co-0o8ra9oom0e~, the comet which appeared the year before last, when looked at with the (human) eye, was about the size of a tan tree. - v. to make account of, record, maoooaoa~S; coe~3Doooar jrcoo xxoeo(YjSol, this business is not important enough to make account of. 00oo5, i, n. a square measure of ground containing i,200 square cubits, equivalent to I'75 English acres; see mioo5, [In some parts of Upper Burma the area covered by "five baskets of seed-paddy scattered" (c16o=82) is considered equivalent to a p6 (ocS).] ~-g5, see ~cSq v. to make such a square measure; 86S8: (a Kadu word) pron. o0oow8 @o58 cYSrooe~G~o6u l ouS0c5coq@&g ooS, 2, v. to put aside or away, to reject, to except; comp. oS5, n. tare or tret, qo2oS@8-aocSooSooeIn [" tare," the abatement of a certain weight or quantity from the weight or quantity of a commodity sold in a bag or basket or the like, which the seller makes to the buyer on account of the weight of such bag or basket; 6R@8 o2SoLoo ooe]; "tret," due allow 676 Oq=1 ance to purchasers for waste or refuse matter, e.g., in selling ngapi; QoS 08, v. to reject and cast aside; see the parts. - ov. to reject and destroy; see the parts, -"516s, v. to clear. away; qooc68 -j1::, v. same as osom 000821 n. amber (Qcnon8~uowo, imitation amber). "Burmite," oowSsc2gS:, an amber (or " Burmite ") mine. =93~ or uoqg (oxo&) (Pali), n. indefatigable diligence, one of * the six glories of Buddh; see under cqscwoo54,@ooB6oh eco~tocm (ocj&Sooox) (pron. owwlfo coz&ax, obsolete), adv. in a confused, disorderly manner; cnog m:o~oqju =o 8 oA oo@occ cqq8o 3zoo&m~rocrn~uooooo1 (2) c~Lo5o280050000 a9ooSSQOC~ o0@;Sqrtq 808 oS 9J oSs Aocamz (ocjS-c8~co:) (pron. ooo),adv. same; applicable to language.._-G@o (0q 5-.c-ooc-6@), v. to babble; aoeoqoac~omtozSmu, c8io~o cox6 ~o~oooo~o, this person is in the habit of making babbling statements, whether they be true or whether they be false. o(;oooo (Pali), n. possession by some kind of evil spirit; oG=0D05OO61 OCcoo3o~o.gpii uow51~jooe; see under rco: ohoo In common parlance Go(;ooo means encouragement in a good sense (as to deeds of merit, &c.), or instigation to evil in a contrary one [according to Childers 'payogo' (oGwooo) means ' practice,' 'use,' 'usage,' ' means,' ' instrumentality,' ' motive,''" occasion,' ' object']-(i) o.c~oS ~ OG DO~qOjrOiGM3lOOOI. (2) co zoqraoo~~j- this affair is not exempt from his A(evil) influence. ~'oqto~oqc5 (@oYSwoS) (from 66 and cjoS), adv. in the way of jokSing with too much freedom and familiarity; seldom used, %SU eq5qcin 0 cLS, n. a cricket, a bolt to fasten a door at the top or the bottomn;- ocS~qo1@Oqw~ The Burmese liken the bud of the flower of the sal tree (Pentacme Siarnensis) to a cricket in appearance, e.g., oe~ (or ~6S: &:)Goo?oe). ocG1Got, n. mineral and vegetable drugs. 4 * 677 oustooQS, n. a druggist's store or shop. - coeS, n. a druggist. oqrg-QoT (oqjGa9cS); see pQG OTI uoqQ000 (omcB ooAoc8), n. the sixth stage of the world of nats, see under ~o658e qooS, n. calking stuff. -mooos, n. a calker. ctQj5, i (qqqS), n. a kind of heretical priest, oqqoSqao$s [false teachers in the time of Gaudama, who taught that there is no future world and that the whole man at death is resolved into four elements (oloS6coscl:), the aqueous particles returning to water, the fiery particles to fire, and so forth.] qj~05, 2, n.; see uqqco u9j0B, v. to eat (clerical, obsolete); *c8;010u0m9n @o5pR:: g oq50q3ogScco~5yon oqoS (Pali octqg, excellent), n. an excellent system of belief or worship; qjoof@$oaeo - 0=0scu:ols, n. the four principles, namely, 8Moacoor8os 81. $84. oqFo8300qIcf:Gd1:In -M&8:Po (ocjooSmaoS), n. a system of metaphysics explaining the said principles, the substance of the =cogdq:) 03 Sa" oqoracq (Pali oqu6aq, an invisible particle, and U, a grain of dust), n. the finest conceivable particle, invisible to sight [see m=cRj, which is 36 times larger]; u4ocoRaogojecoo5S @9)~89: o6vuooquaR9GcoocoS=2Q0DD 01 oqo$ (oqqc3S) (Pali oqooco5, to appropriate), n. a fence forming the inclosure of a sacred place, rqo8s oqoSv coo3 oqo~ (a boundary or border). ocol, n. a timber.tree, the largest species of the genus garcinia, M. oc0juoo (Pali), n. the profit of others; comp. w83doo =3Sdoii oqo5, see next (oqrmogq$Goo goqoroounL1S:rootoe). ouqcGP (Pali), n. an implement, utensil, article of furniture, appendage, &c.; cooocII 6 z oq3cgo:S; hence.Sowo80qcq P, articles used in families, household furniture; oqcag 678 oqoo 986o1, the eight utensils of a priest (qcqro adoSooS 0oo3s86 oo0S3ool 80$ s141:8ISaGclqoS). oagqrcp8:, v. to sell such utensils or others of a similar kind for the use of priests. ocpqo (Pali), n. distinction; QSg:Sg;sn So0QAoo9ooooS~gG: oQoo8:, n. "the fire of grief and woe."-Childers. oqoS (Pali okG, ogc6oro:oG(03 vSc 5 ), n. a kind of prayer used as a preservation from evil, being extracts from the ocqg88 rooSo — @~ (oc S), n. charmed thread. -- o, v. to listen to the above prayers being repeated. — os, n. charmed flowers placed in the oC0Sa~:n --— $, v. to pronounce a benediction after reciting the said prayers. — O —'q, n. charmed or holy water. (This water is sometimes sprinkled on persons, sometimes drunk, and sometimes thrown on the ground round houses. It is also thrown against the four corner-posts of a house, often from the inside.) --— oSf, v. to repeat the said prayers. (These prayers are usually repeated in times of sickness, also when first taking up one's abode in a newly. built house.) 48o3 (o0 ), n. annihilation, see 8o$8" [o08$, ---- o, v. to attain annihilation, e.g., jS8ol7ooooqSgojoos s"] oo03ooo, n.; see oqccp, an implement, utensil, article of furniture; oogcQp is a clerical term; OG3ooo can be applied to articles either of a priest or a layman; cqocoggsoGoo)oso oqcoS (Pali ooogg), n. learning, study, application to books, o:~8@8 ooGoooqd3o; when good actions are the result of oqcooS, that is by application to religious books, such actions are termed o~ooS. The Burmese say, for instance, of a priest ag~oq$s -oqaooo3 oooga oeooS~ol1, this p6ngyi possesses application for books, but he does not observe the precepts; oeooS is not necessarily inseparable from o[oooS, as instances frequently occur in which a person who becomes a priest late in life, and who has no application for books, can nevertheless possess ouooSo oqowoS (Pali o=oowcoo), n. a means, expedient, device; golcs coq$, an artifice; oooifoo oooooc6o5 o(4:oooS, this person's artifices are many. pq~ozooS8, - c&, vi. to plan, conlcoct, employ expedins tk flees; mgO~s~qsqocc~qc&3R it i's a case without truth in it; it has been concocted. oqxMoB (oqpaoS) (Pali oqaoo~), n. an assembly convened for religious instruction and worship, a religious audience [any assembly of hearers]. baBn. [crude] c'imphor. ~n. camphorated oil. OvSjo6oi (Pron. ~I~jo) adv. in a flurry. u&0u~6& (tron. ozen),adv. in a tumultuous manner,;!es ~I8;ad]. unruly, tumultuous, disorderly; mocou jOq~s. Sthe times have become disorderly; oEQ-I-@2G 8-6&J ~86UI3ooq8&05 xoe on'the exchange of rulers, the kingdom, got into a tumultuous state. v. to be tumultuous, see UGIOpc0o (uGqFCBcS).(Pali O DcF(Oz), n. a -Brahmin invested with certain sacerdotal fiunetigns vncO&~; the pro'hita was in ancient times a king's domnestic chaplain.,GOOO pron. 5o5)adv. in a bustling, hur4p4 manner; oGrO;OGVSoqbcODE~11 oG oqC5~8ooeII uG~Oq9q O GGpoqe (derived from o1'GTOI o1qc(), adv. in the way of joking with too much freedom and familiarity, see oqc~oocjqS; (o GcpuOqe is in more general use than -Oq6cjSo)jo-; oqA6-rq oeooojS,0u -QG oqo~o%~S, do not be too -familiar with each other, it is apt to destroy respect. o goS, n.an ant. 3,n. the nest of earth made by ants on the side of a tre~ or post; n. the diagona1. ribs in twilled cloth, see:CC4S@n. an ant (most common). n.a inged specis 10COF,3 n. a bottle; qco-.68R1i oo'Pr~on. eco:)) (Pali OCODQC0), a. or adv, open, naked, bqp9; o8:coS: vac~nt emptyblank Loop?p ~zla blan li e.of paper];'uc_ 'ox~ v. t ehbtamaionette show after remoVing the stage curt Ain; oo:aa~8 -or.qo.)cq~ais& to slepdiesedof clothes ~ c ~or coo8; to Wahe dIves~ted of bahng garnuents.. I I oocoDqOG:, n?. a writer or clerk who receives rno remuneratiof or salary, - Qo:a, v. to engage in battle in the open field. -86, v. to ride bare-backed (on a horse) - CB), n. a blank ticket in a lottery or raffle. oo0qo, a. or adv. appears to have a similar meaning to oco:; coWq:qo~oe, to be torn to tatters; aBjq:,oCocOC5l;SQ0, the roof of the house is entirely perforated with holes; aoeococovqo:%Jooe, this individual is stark mad. Aoc, v. to be false, deceitful [sometimes as woS:nae~T, in a child to put on the airs of wisdom beyond its years (to be yinningly precocious)]; qoSoc8oeS~m i cooSo8:-oc8oogcq, you are a very deceitful man. nE:,. a flattering, deceitful fellow; coo~aq: oi8o c-oo; [somewhat the same as the English "sly little puss," UC8fJA.']WGC03 H 0030033~3 Mr.CO v;@:)ODOS r. 0)11 c8zq:cosoo nooocoY3ooGcoogG)coSGOofl -.U~ooi0,.-8oc86:- (pron. oc8oc8fou ), -8uco:)o:, adv. from above; oU880CoO3rO@:OOe~II I -8, n. the teredo borer, M. [a kind of small basket]. ooqoScqS, n. a kind of small drum beaten with two sticks atj?8f& and other religious festivals before the rq- is struck o;o6clojox the sound of this drum is said to resemble the fruit of the naCGV6 falling into the water; ch(: 63,?Eao jg08C ooe~u uot:, n. a kind of small basket, with a handle, used in catch. ing fish; one kind of iianoo soweoo caro Soesa -on, -. a white-ant in the winged state; ocqrmx)89 ---- t.s nM; see oaxOII QGsoadoi, nt. a kind of handkerchief, silk or cotton, marked with large checks. &s:oaos8 or AoxoS (oc00co~) (pron. Oc0eoS), adv. backwards and forwards, interchangeably, turn arnd turn about; 343$ cq~&S ezu& coooo& OO. 8~80 061OOR~ g~88 0 C~000,5 gc~ @11 -, ocQ&E, n. a large basket used in catching fish and carrying burdens; oCnSO:"q..3 oa95"I og0,gn ocm oqScac8, a person tused as an instrument by others, a term of reproach [in.-Lower Burma]. 04E (pron., oS) (Pali of8oax:), nt. an elevated seat, hence Gpoouf8, a throne; ocswomG(3,%., a pulpit; moTU0CogU8, 001oqOO 681 the throne of'a Buddh; 88go8, the throne of a nat; o0o08S ou9, a pedestal on which offerings are presented before a pagoda, the short piece of writing on the two first and the two last pages of a palm-leaf book; oggo8n oE86, -oA6,v. to construct the page in the said way [oon: og% 5 c.gooo~, to preface a subject in conversation with introductory remarks]. oog (Pali), n. being; 6@8:s, the state of coming after or being substituted for another, not real and permanent, only temporary, not genuine, spurious, counterfeit; opposed to ooc8-(i) o3oSooo:o)o8cooosioo8i~og, are you a permanent or temporary resident of Ma-ubin? (2) oaQgoSJ& c8 coo3uoogcoo, is it a permanent or a temporary scar? (3) cooQoo5oqqoo5o3s4g o ooc8 3a oG0 8sooG Scoga ooB~ 3a4aqlgosoQrU8aogS, the merit of the KAmawachara karma, though feeble and incapable of conferring benefits of an initiatory kind, is nevertheless capable of conferring much subsequent temporary benefit. oooS (pron. eoL6), n. the cuttle-fish. ool, n. a handkerchief, towel; ool toog odl olscoli, oolqoDo (Pali), n. confession of priests to one another; q$oog oCo0338ou8. "The practice of confession has been "established among the Talapoins, and is up to this day "observed, though very imperfectly, by every fervent re"ligious person. Some zealous patzins will resort to the "practice once and sometimes twice a day. Here is what "is prescribed on this subject in Wini (8^9:) or book of "scriptures, containing all that relates to the p6ngyis, the "Patimauk being but a compendium of it: when a Rahan "has been guilty of a violation of his rule, he ought "immediately to go to his superior, and, kneeling before "him, confess his sin to him. Sometimes he will do this "in the thein, the place where the brothers assemble "occasionally to speak on religious subjects, or listen to "the reading of the Patimauk in the presence of the as"sembly. He must confess all his sins, such as they "are, without attempting to conceal those of a more re"volting nature, or lessening aggravating circumstances; "a penance is then imposed, consisting of certain pious "formulas to be repeated a certain number of times dur"ing the night; a promise must be made by the penitent "to refrain in future from such trespass. This extra"ordinary practice is observed now, one would say, pro 86 682 "formd. The penitent approaches his superior, kneels "down before him, and having his hands raised to hi? fore"head says, 'Venerable superior, I do accuse (sic.) here "all the sins that I may be guilty of, beg pardon for the "same.' COW1o oQ1i ooluthj8'i&o 1"g ozraooalu oqmo5oooclu " o Lt6" 0ODcO OOQGG3&II az0k gloil 0OCOOG&ON oqroqoo8u " He enters upon no detailed enumeration of his trespasses, "nor does he specify anything respecting their nature "and the circumstances attending them. The superior "remains satisfied with telling him,' Well, take care lest "you break the regulations of your profession, and hence"forward endeavour to observe them with fidelity.' He dis"misses him without inflicting penance on him."-Bigandet's Life of Gaudamnza. [ezoScolcQaici,] 0C000$ (according to some authorities cocaS is more correct), n. ancient time, c o a03 o > n pS (as in speaking of hereditary office-holders) uo603co~o-_omo*,,msco1c~ (or ~ooEc~) -Oc3o@p8o 0a. OCOC$ o oo Gjoq1oUOO, from ancient times, through " successive existences." 06=33 (Pali), n. the making visible, sensible; c co@g..-iooaroso a000:00 000cl9 ac;58u00asgollog6,a:or586go5,5c5: Gmo& ---coe~11o35 ooso9 e~-,U P - %S, n. matter which perceives, that is, an organ of sense; comp. 8oow3 8 [ooo9WSq6oSoe]. 0o8, n. a Mahometan, Mussulman, Moorman; Aocqoo-iocS11o80 ~-Q-CP, n. a moolah. - 000000, n. the Mahomedan religion. oucooo (pron. oo000Q8) (Pali oom:oo, urine, and 0o1, an aperture), n. the external aperture of the urethra; ooxou0f83u 0000:OCX01000000Z1OGO ocwx) (Pali), n. breath inspired, o08000; comp. %=noyou ouis (pron. o:), n. a Malay; o3o"s 3 a03jl 918, the Burmese style Malays " sai " when addressing them. oco$ (pronz. oco$) (Pali ocozc&o), n. a putting away; uo-58gn - 028016, n. the three kinds of putting away sin; v..coAo3rF (005800), putting it away for a moment; 8cj, ocw4 (joS co~), putting it away for a considerable period; o00~03 o4n~ (ooSae~), putting it away entirely and for ever Lto which some add two more kinds, uooo&n~Io3uxcvg oo$ui-Wade's Dic. of Buddhism. 683 000008) n. sago0; oII)qGoo:)o~oo, M. 6oxqri (pron. often as if spelt 6,oq or uo9o) (Pali. 6o dirt, and og Gcoo, a kind), n. food or clothingr thrown away for any person to take; the flesh of dead a~nimals, particularly fowls; Ooo~~j should anything be abandoned by man or dog, such thing is termed " refuse" c~aoc,: C~q o a~~r) o~o r. oi gl 5i ue y, v. to help, aid, assist; not used singly. Der. QUI'GN* oo:Aii0 q v. to make presents in order to bribe the affections, generally one of the other sex [to assist another in worse circumstances than one's self; saooo8 q~og.o-o 6qsc~qaopS' to assist in any way; r~~MGoS5380c8,8qjTp aSo~w S~oc 0l, i,,v. to be with, come or go with, accompany(soGT1) GOO.* Mu) o~wo5-, have you a cheroot with you? cox8 -cSc6oo'k4od~coo:GoT9)6I c~oz4@, [cq8tCo:)ao oj 9~jj 6o~x QOI qo5G+.ce0R8O~I] cv. to lose property, influence, power, &c.;~08q MGOOS9000O1000~ v. U Tay6t Phyu is not so comfortably off as formerly; he has gone down in the world (free translation). _1V.; see (the next and) the parts; Qoo)m$8o28 61olo2,i 008(qg~zo~031j I remember perfectly the meaning- (of the maxims) contained in the Lawka Nidhi. -COO, v. to be comprised in a writing-, see the parts [to be carried or brought with; ol or:, v. to be carried or taken away with; fig. to be led away by another]; o@GcoSG~xo6 -8v. to be contained in or involved in; c~ooffl06uRom 0), 2, V. aiX, euphonic, conciliatory, polite, respectful; q~GoS jnoJ~ oasCM.GQo1oI~l toot-xaolc~iqic-1 qsoooe [Slcc@:coa~ (ol) (often pron. u as (~6obi; Ruola c8ol), but more in 'Upper, than in Lower, Burma; sometimes, 61 is placed between two verbs in a sentence, e.g., ~Sog,)Quq oo~' curiol iaoe; considered more polite and deferential than c~n~r&@ cjo~ooS r48.solhooA1; sometimes it is redupli.e 684 01q8 cated and placed between the verb and op:, the past indefinite affix, e.g., ocoSolo:oloQSol ojol 01 GozoS (q2so) (" supreme beatitude"), n. the Manual of Buddhist Priests, being an abridgment of the 89 s (84ot~,cg s a8gocc8daos q lglC[gCsoo); of the five sections in the Winaya-pitaka (8o000m), the first and second, Parajika (o61 8oo) and Pachiti (o618o) contain a code of ordinances relative to priestly crimes and misdemeanours. The precepts and prohibitions contained in the Parajika and Pachiti, 227 in number, are collected together apart from the details and explanations by which they are accompanied in a work called Patimokkhan.-E.M., qos8ogooSu 61 (Pali o&go), n. an original text or reading. -- ooS, n. a line of an original text; oS)qo:ogooso3goo@0 og 01 ~ooScoo3 SaoSgooooSou -— o1, n. the whole collectively; ol~ol0~ooo ooSooWi, 0o1 (Pali 1oo), n. a pad, a measure of time equal to 16 beezanas (80Qo); 08C oSo oj oo00010 013 (Pali), n. a foot; og, a poetical foot; qgitS80soool3scosol1oo oldooo ol3aoS (Pali o1o, the foot), n. the cause of a certain class of diseases, so called because supposed to ascend from the feet; olstcoSqSoS: (or 4ooSoS). -- ooyS, v. to ascend from the feet, that is, to be subject to the said diseases; ocoool3oqoS-i u ooSii -— Ccpol, n. the aforesaid disease. dlo (Pali), n. demerit; oco oS.u c~olod}Gosgg olo oDD (Pali), n. one who habitually commits evil; oogSoolo co004 GOO Go0000SM0c 0l69pn o1q8, n. an accomplishment or virtue; OQ86 (paramita). There are 1o primary virtues called paramitis (o1U8), that are continually exercised by the Bodhisats; and as each virtue is divided into three degrees, ordinary, 'upa' superior, and paramartha, pre-eminent [Bur. coqoSi scoooS a,Su] there are in all thirty paramitas (e.g., ol'lq8n ol1 goolq8 and al oqio o1 q8). -— ~cS: (pron. oloo84o$), n. a poetical work in o1 parts written by Shin-Thild-wun-tha (~6o8co6ca) of Taungdwingyi, Upper Burma, in which is extolled the exertions made by Gaudama, the Buddh, in attaining the fulfilment of the ten cardinal virtues when a Bhodisat. "For the space of twenty dlq8 685 "asankya-kaplakshas, that is to say, from the time that " the man6pranidhAna (os-,oaBoo) or resolution to be"come a Buddha was first exercised, the thirty pAr"amitis were practised by G6tama B6dhisat (G038o0o5) " -(i) he gave in alms or as charity his eyes, head, "flesh, blood, children, wife, and substance, whether "personal or otherwise, as in the Khadirangara birth. "In this way he fulfilled the three kinds of dana" pdramitA (ol]o1q8), dAna-upa-pAramitA (aleoolq8), and " dna-paramArtha-pAramita (olioqomo0lq8); (2) in the "Bhusidatta birth, and in others of a similar descrip"tion, he practised the sila-paramiti (c8oolq8), or obser"vance of the precepts in the-three degrees; (3) in the " Chulla Suttas6ma, and other similar births, he abandoned "vast treasures of gold and silver, and numberless slaves, "cattle, buffaloes and other sources of wealth, and thus "fulfilled the naiskrama-paramita ($coo1q8), which re"quires retirement from the world; (4) in the Sattubhatta, "and other births, he revealed to others that which he saw "with his divine eyes, and thus fulfilled the pragnyA-pd"ramit. (oeool q8), or the virtue proceeding from wisdom; " (5) in the Maha-janaka ('ooo~o,), and other births, he "performed things exceedingly difficult to be done, thus "fulfilling the wirya-pAramitA (84olq18), or the virtue " proceeding from determined courage; (6) in the Kshin" tiwada, and other births, he endured with equal mind the " opposition of unjust men, regarding it as if it were the " prattle of a beloved child, thus observing the KshAnti" pAramitA (6o1 q8), or the virtue proceeding from for"bearance; (7) in the Mahasuttas6ma, and other births, he " spoke the words of truth, thus exercising the satta-pAra" mitA, or virtue proceeding from truth (oo8oljG8); (8) in "the Tem6 (co8), and other births, he set his mind to " that which is excellent, in the most resolute manner, "never giving way to evil in the least degree, thus "fulfilling the adhistina-pAramitA (=a8g8oo1q8), or the vir"tue proceeding from unalterable resolution; (9) in the " Nigrodhaniga, and other births, he gave away that which " he enjoyed to aid the necessities of others, and took upon " himself the sorrows of others, thus observing the maitri" pAramitA (Go83ol8q8), or the virtue proceeding from kind"ness and affection; (lo) in the Sara, and other births, he "regarded with an equal mind those who exercised upon " him the most severe cruelties, and those who assisted 086 "him and were kind, thus fulfilling the upeksha-paramitcl "(eg-oogoolSq8), orvirtue proceeding from equanimity."M.B. olsq808o6o3, n. the ten cardinal virtues, namely, o01, c8o0, $cgo, 0o3, 8Ntoo, o0, 0308, 3s8g3o, 083p, egooag, olq8 oool00g: c.SogcS Ron -—, v. to be immature in the exercise of the paramis, e.g., a B6dhisat (eoScoS) who has accomplished the partial fulfilment of some. -- ~., v. to be mature in the exercise of the paramis, as a B6dhisat on the eve of becoming a Buddha; olq98@, to fulfil the ten paramis. o'Gqc8, n. a Parsi. o1cp3co (Pali), n. an unpardonable sin committed by a priest, " parajika, four in number, referring to crimes that are to be punished by permanent exclusion from the priesthood." -E.M.-(i) o0tko88,n, murder; (2) 8Et6Solpo o, theft; (3) co$olpomo, sexual intercourse; (4) e8q83oooo4, false profession of the attainment of rahatship; o3lpoo o80pqScg ag oog i clcoq1%:, n. green vitriol, copperas, sulphate of iron; qg88si Lit is said to abound on the Tagaung hill (between Kyannhyat and Htigyaing, Upper Burma.] olc80oSo:, n. (frequently pron. o1c8SoSoos), an offering made to the guardian nat of a town or village; [olc84O3o8ooI u o1 c84oS oooz3SO, terms applied to official parasites who fleece litigants on the pretence that they are able to influence their patrons in deciding cases; ooS0loo5s]. olg (Pali), n. an original word or language, opposed to the verSnapular, the dialect of the Sanscrit in which the Buddhistic scriptures were written; oo0ln 01 o~gaooooo o1g001 ocoi o1, i, n. a cheek, side of the face (ol1 8s). --—, n. the protuberance of the cheek. — s-, n. a fat cheek. "-.-0) (pron. oo8), n. a piece of timber fastened to the side of a post, instead of being placed on the top, with a mortise and tenon. --..O, n. a guard for the cheek. -i.-.oooPo, n. same. -— oqS, v. to tattoo a circle on the cheeks; n. a person thus tattooed, (when pron. ogaS) an outlawed executioner; o1: CoS3 Uoo~u iocD0oCOcoSooSooo n o1: 687 o1tq, v. to strike the ear, or side of the head, with the open _,and. — 8- (pron. o0(), n. a kind of bridle used in tethering an animal; G6+,locq8oo8G c6o):ooai 68&o 86, head-stall; (o1s ql6t, v. to make a head-stall). --— oS (pron. o4oS), n. the end of the lower jaws; olgoSGGp86 --- oS —, n. the lower jaw. — o- oo, n. the contour of the side of a horse's head. -— q, n. the protuberance of a fat cheek; o03lai1oo09ocoS n O ~COdtO 5OpSq o C OC5go X@ci1.oSo5G 38aO6o -- GO (pron. o&), n. the parotid gland [the salivary gland nearest the ear, which pours its secretion into the mouth during mastication]. --— oopS, v. to have the mumps. -- Go —, n. the inside of the cheek. — o ---Gogo (pron. ooGGo), adv. in close proximity to, closely [ol:u GcopcoSo5, to pursue or follow closely]. -- co80somo (pron. o000con8 ), adv. same meaning as olGscoo~ G0011 --— oS, v. to hew the sides of a piece of timber. — c-rlS, n. a dimple; olsalo5do" — q- (pron. oenlg), n. the loose flesh of a cheek hanging down, the gills of a fish, the hood of a cobra di capello, the ridges of the stock of a tree descending into the roots (olsqgc:ooo), [to extend its hood as a cobra; olqgscoo, or coo8, to be extended, or to extend as such hood]. --— @o(, adv. conspicuously, as in full view of another. — o8o:os, n. the fine paid by a woman convicted of cohabiting with another woman's husband (cqcgaosoqSoo~); [olo.sa~os2Gqxoo], a fine formerly paid (in Upper Burma) when convicted of assault. -— $ (Gc0), n. the hair of the cheek, the whiskers. -- C80 (G8g), n. the same. ----, v. to be drawn to one side, to be distorted as the mouth; olca~o, v. to tattoo the face in the manner of the Chyin women (q&:). — 86sc:q o (fron. c9eqi8), v. to "burn to the roots of the cheeks and ears," as after having eaten something hot o01 and pungent, as chillies, &c., c a~oosolqoqr 61 tqRoJ, v. to be wrinkled as the skin of the cheeks. - ~B, v..; see A sqn - n:,. the cheek bone, the upper jaw. 66-c:, v. to pinch the cheek. -c8:oo (pron. oc88se*), adv. subtilly, craftily [in a tricky manner; 080Sc~ J GoouSoc86 oCoc*5ccXaS00~oo]. -oq8 (from oqS, to feed one's self), n. the cheek stuffed with food; e.g., ol 8q@Ga 3o l 8o oqsSl @81ooswe~ 01 -ac qSoG, v. to eject water from the mouth on the axletrees of a cart, as when the wheel has become heated, or on a basket or mat when weaving it. In Upper Burma cg9: qGoCs is used with reference to carts.. ---cqSl61sco:)&, adv. with the mouth stuffed with food (infrequent). 4A-oq, n. the tone of. voice with the mouth stuffed with food; oo-1o-0Gq8*48Gs6ooeu.-cj:, v. to caress, fondle; 61sc8Scooeu ouo1o0c 1jo1 8; usually used in a bad sense, o610%Q1-&cq8co u - 4apsCs,:o (Pron. ocjs 4No), c~:6olsd oojo&d, adv. from above; 1o-cjC 4o:o%0oq85 SxTloel 6g1Cq:6olzaoQ~ -cYc.54scqjoS (pron. ooor5f4oS), adv. (slobberingly as a child?) --— wc&61cS, n. to have the corners of the mouth split open in consequence; co8zc8aoo&C98Cq0CB00CSG O% e — agS (pron. oogaS), n. the lower part of the cheek. - OA:S J n.; see ol0:@oSo j c- ooS (pron. cnoS), n. the gills of fish. cl:, 2, v. to send (by the hand of some person); cqjuo:lGo: qag ol oe~1 — cacS, v. same; comp. q$cxlcgo cg:c8 oq$~oo8ojr8" ooo8 SC&:>oooS( 3&801) (CCoSoV o 601 01:, 3, v. to be thin, not thick; ocqo, to be acute of perception, to be wide apart, set thinly; oqaau 084% og, to be not crowded, [to be "thin " in attendance as persons met together], not close, as an assembly of persons at a pw~, &c., to be sparse, seldom used singly; 61c q:om-o' cG 1.1 018o0.m wo 0o001SoNo6 cA00 cz 401 c 0lu cYcag 0o0So1: QoE, this pw~ is very thinly attended. o 689 OWq8, v. to be thin and flat; used adverbially, 6o161, q8q8 or 0olajj&0i, opScooo58I i 8n6qjSoGoosii coo000809og (cq og1n) o1:lsjb6ocGco:n ooa- 1ol 9| 16joo:goo5o,oli — cp, see o1soioSu -- co, v. to be flimsy, to be slender, delicately formed; used adverbially; col sooeu ma.s 3mo0 sol:6qo.o.Gcoc o0ooS5o 18, the puhso (9cq) is of very thin texture, it will not stand wear. - cqop:, v.; see ol, 2nd and 3rd def. - 93o:, v.; see the parts. o01, 4, v. to go to leeward, to go aside, out of the direct way, more in an oblique direction; ol:goooeogn Der. os:ohs and o88suolg, 8, v. to be pressed, flattened, crushed. Der. So oo-coScooo 0001 00o:83a, r.0 Ge -- 8, — o:, v.; see the parts; mostly used adverbially; coa 4oSo05 C3oS Gg@^OcoTog8 88Qo:o~ o08G@, that you may not be shot, lie flat down on the ground; 6oSg 8')s,198S 08o 00)O40 o, a term in frequent use in Upper Burma to express the tranquil and peaceful state of a country, usually implying that such state has succeeded one of anarchy and disorder. -8qq, adv. from above, snugly, in small compass; 88qq 8o5 (pron. 8%8) (0o), n. a kind of tree [a plant of two varieties, cXI:86o and 68COoS8o6, both of which are sometimes eaten by the natives]. — OW, n. an elliptical j8&0; comp. coom,8t. lSSGioGpu(spui, 8qoooS (Pali o.ooo, a basket), n. the Buddhistic scriptures. — cqo, n. a repository for the scriptures; 8oc060o A~8, n. Curator of the Government Book Dep6t. ~.-o0}, n. the three grand divisions of the Buddhistic scriptures, ogg $ii 8f4g: and aSod8go. " The incidents of his (Gau. "dama's) life are to be found in the sacred books of the " Buddhists, which are called in Pali-the language in "which they are written-pitakattayan, from Pitakan, a "basket or chest, and tayo, three, the text being divided "into three great classes. 'The instructions contained in "the first class, called Winaya (8~4 ), were addressed to "priests; those in the second class Sdtra (croS), to the 87 690 ~~ "laity; and those in the third class Abhidharmma (=-,8 "ogo), to the d6was (Gooi) and brahmas (c ) of the celes"tial worlds.' There is a commentary called the Atthaka"tha (oz0303c ), which until recently was regarded as of "equal authority with the text."-E.M. 8%po=S (8q0o is said to be the more correct orthography), n. food received daily in the alms-bowl of a Buddhist monk; 89pnojgS~,S;t=w; p (;SogS"' 80, 1, n. cotton cloth. - 3J), n. a bale of cotton. - oqrb5, n. bleached cotton. - 853,n. unbleached cotton. — cuoo, n. jaconet.-S. 80M, 2, n. mucus from the intestines; 80o~36S%3 8, v. to have a dysenteric affection of the bowels; 8o3 OCOI33~83fOS3B~ 80S, 3, v. to shut, shut up, to close, stop up, ajo; (intrans.) to be shut, closed, &c.; q5s9I@ o5l:g oc F8Sojoozc~-501u 0_08: 30Gol10500;4ac "Cl2fj,8"b, sos:jago: cgcuSao8 80$293301.-o~: (pron. 80Soa), n. a grossly ignorant man, a man who knows nothing; oa80oScqo N4S50ii 8 —, v. to hinder, obstruct, prevent;:8coo:xoaSe ~p'SI o Vo o0ol:o 0rU, 0o)%OlQGEog S qo:o C8oSx08nco -oo'cQ:, v. to darn;. qz88;6coo860 00538104 86oo (Pali), n. a father; moon Bcoo$ (pron. 01u$, sometimes written @o=$) (Pali 8oo$), n. a canopy, anything stretched overhead; rjS*oDSou8oo04 8c8 (usually pron. in colloquial 8c8, Pali), n. joy; 0o8:cooSeS: qgood843 oa8mo)8cM8i oqwCo08i eG8iSooo88u 08 &;3oooov, joyous delight. vS,. to be thrilled with joy, gladness, "as when a man "itravelling through the desert in the hot season, and over"c come by thirst, sees a pond in which the five kinds of "i water-lilies are growing."-M.B.] [when 808 precedes gp, it may be said to anticipate the latter]. Bcq~s (pron. oqi:), n. a species of humble bee [the carpenter bee, M.]. 8$ 691 Bcqsqmq*CsW, v. to be soft and inadhesive as tainted meat; -806, n. a bamboo band around a bamboo (or timber) house (comp. dko$~,) or the eaves of a roof; 8oq08cSo8s 00SOO&I1 -q b, adv. hither and thither, as the bee flies; a term applied to the manner in which the rocket called the 8xq$, goes round and round. 8GQDc-s (oS) (pron. 0oG1 6S), n. a species of pterocarpus, the gum kino tree, M. (Pali nazx) [8 o85n)cl 055 ooSooAS, when the pedauk has blossomed three times, it usually rains]. 8o6S48, n. the cubeb, Pziper cubeba. 8o5go5 (oS), n. a kind of grass which grows to the height of 7 or 8 feet; 80loSo5oRoo 8oC03coo, v. to die, come to an end, be destroyed, colloquial among children and theatrical. It has sometimes a derisive, sometimes a jocular, meaning; co:l cogo-865coo8&S sqC.clol COoo10g80WcOCG3SOEooSoBC~~S, 8orco618, n. a close thick wood; P0S 0l;,)%08055 15~oi 89$, n.; see 803 8$, v. to be lean, thin; occasionally it is used to denote scarcity of food, e.g., 00oe8001 o-qX$G$$ ^Sl 'l000e~110eol 8 000mo30ccost - MSn, v. to be very lean, so that the skin sticks to the bones; cocnsc c 62: S5o - V,.; see 8$ - gs, v.; see R., to waste away from illness or mental distress. -, v. to be wasted and infirm. — I~-c@5, v. [to become withered.-S.]; see the parts. C-0065, v. to be thin and lanky [as a human being]; cq~8$ r.OD:BCO:)CB11 - cG S (Pron. oS9cSS), v.; see 8$u -c 4, v.; see the.parts. -, v. to grow thin, to collapse. 8~&: (pron. 8f80), n. the kingfisher. 8Z, r, n. a kind of potato plant [the arum, i.]. *p 8ogoob 8;: Co&, n. the most common, a valuable kind, the root escue lent. - -o-1o&, n. the- bulbous root of the above [the 8$se makes a very fair impromptu float for fishing (with a rod).] - 3, — sj$ cq -ubo lGO oY GoX3aD(8$:I oc6=~o5S 84:, n. varieties of the arum, M. /-EjS@anGorq~ao7EI4o3Eamos n. different kinds of arum, the bulbous roots of which are esculent. 9-qgnoE88co00Eco:)u~8- and 3a8son:8$:, n. varieties of the above, the root [of most] not esculent. -QOCOSGO, n. the fragrant arum, M. 8$:, 2, v. to be compacted in one mass, to be close, continuous, without an opening or interstice; o0384:00I8, &048$2 oot-S"400e~11~G"C9-C oo(SI3gQo~oi'.08$oCo NON 8:cmo (Pron. 8$4o1, frequently written 6:goO, and often called 8$-Go2), n. a flat-bottomed boat, with sides constructed of timbers placed lengthwise; comp. 4$o8S:$c9o =009011: 8$:~.Srm8:, n. a sandal (covered with flannel or cloth) which derives its name from a locality near Amarapura called 8~o-:C$8- [8~:cB89 (pron. 8$S08.S) is in more frequent use]. 8%4:: (81) (very often pron. 8$:):), n. the jack fruit, Artocarpus integrifolia. -cqS (pron. 8:~48:), n. the central figure of a pagoda. 88, I, v. to be indented, slightly concave. Der. m85muooo4qo6 8~, 2, V. affix, compounded of Go and -6, which see; nowadays chiefly used in poetry; S8589 co:N08~6occon 8Gooo8$qg$GriS., n dried Penang prawns. ScoozS'$ooS, n. the tapioca plant, M. 8cqwoolco (pron. 8%:ozqwcloo, Pali), n. language calculated to provoke a quarrel; Gqo@8&G3Doooo:*OnI qiz93Gom o 3SI' axS 8MC0x, n. a peittha or viss, a weight, a weight equal to one hundred kyats or ticals (acqo), or 3Mi4% pounds Avoirdupois, 140 British Indian tolas exactly; 8=ocrcoso 8=oXu -8:I8@eowoo: 8o=cco114 aol goao~ og 83xqmo (pron. 893mo, Pali), n. a master workman, chief artist, architect; 801qcoo8 cpsp l oqmooCScgo: (master carpenter). 8Co0000, adv. (not) at all; wqC&8,88 (obsolete). 8coo: (Pron. 8gco), n. a kind of tortoise [ua6o8o8coot-S.], a covering for the head and back made of woven work and used to shed the rain; 8cool:5soto, a ship's log. -q~, n. the rule of a carpenter's plummet. - 0, n. a kind of cicada ove three inches in length which inhabits muddy places --— =s (Pron. 8cooio3j), n. the elastic horny substance growing in the middle of the sole of a horse's foot, at some distance from the toe, dividing in two branches and running towards the heel in the form of a fork (the " frog "). 8&Coo, n. a kind of plant the leaves of which have a ropy taste when cooked.-S. [8Gco0o8 oc r0W0 oooo, "like a petkyi (a kind of slimy slug) ascending the pilaw plant," an expression applied to close-fisted persons; or to those who are oily tongued and expressively smooth of speech.] 8o~: (pron. 8o0s), n. (8oqj9oScuS); according to Oates, theskylark; this bird is caught with a small net by children, who, when doing so, generally call out o80co@Goji6 co8: qcooOGCo GC 3Gog33j3GOc)311 88, adv. (not at all, Ma0183), colloquial Coz00Gos8 CCscr3rc~a 88 40Q tooc8:o33 N883o03o0&l0 i i, i, n. an abbreviation of gool)e:pcio (Pali). wisdom which is able to discern the past; comp. azo [the acquirement of this wisdom by a Buddh precedes that of the 8egoc( and azaoqoozegcoSij. W, 2, v. to be dwarfish, disproportionately short in stature in comparison with persons or things of the same species; -,c~, v. to be fat and short. Anglice (colloq.) " podgy." -Ca, - coS, -oA, v.; see the parts (cqGcn oo ozooYS ocmGcos oC0C f6oS GM:)Si OLpS). O-qGoRojsc%, adv. with many little children or creatures; 3CQC:OGO C co(CAofoo ~o G93 cvGpGC8 o3oQ(: I05Ba:3c@:11oU6 008xcZC59Q'O 4SEG3aas~GOooaoe qom$ (pron. oo), n. aglazed earthen dish, bowl, &c. RCBCGoSOB, n. eating and cooking utensils generally; qo$ xsccpGcqco34soSoosSoo0c oo ocpoo6o8 1 11 - 6x., n. a glazed dish, plate, saucer, 694 O85 q<oo4 s, n. a glazed bowl, cup, &c.; [coofooSq&gD$o~:, a tea cup]. — qoos, n. a long or oval dish. cooS (pron. 0008), n. a swinging cradle, hence c#o5, an English cradle; ^oo58:s'ci goo [qodctoSoudoogooe, the ceremony of placing a child in the cradle, a term formerly applied to the royal family and high personages in Upper Burma, @qoQCooSoooSoC)]. %go8oo (ce-:), n. property offered, or belonging, to an individual Buddhist monk. q~[cS (pron. qoaS) (Pali qo0), n. a rational being; coggol, a Buddhist priest who has the control of a kyaung or monastery, an abbot; G" *toS, I 8Go8pc oS (an individual or person, as opposed to a multitude or class) [very often used in contradistinction to ~,Ogs5], an unmarried man devoted to the instruction of others; cqq~joS, 0~o6(35q5(gGooSOO0 3CQ:OG@coo0 l qoff (pron. oo),:), n. a kind of locust, devil's needle. -- q: (pron. oaog:q), n. a kind of bird, the green bee-eater, M., said to make its nest in the ground..-. —oS, n. " the cicada," " the male has the power of making " a shrill grating sound (the making of which the Burmese "say ultimately 'kills it by causing it to be riven asunder, " 8cs) produced by the friction of peculiar organs situated "on the under side of the abdomen and consisting of a "pair of stretched membranes, acted upon by powerful "muscles."-Webster's Dic. qp (fron. qoSooo) (Pali), n. a question; mQos1 — oo6, v. to put a question. qgj (pron. op$), n. all fish of the cancer genus, including crabs, lobsters, shrimps, &c., hence coc5qcq, a fresh-water crab, cocSoto, and hence c2g$68 and uGqg~c8, kinds of gold and silver lace; c q goSd t gg8&8 [q~goo:c -- 008, n. boiled prawns. ---— q8o, n. the small, conically-shaped mounds of earth thrown up by fresh-water crabs. — c- q?, n.,a large kind of shrimp.. ----8 (fron. o24$q1f), n. pickled shrimp. RMC6 695s qQ~G@:A, n. dried prawns or shrimps. — @8o6 (pron. oga8o3), n. a shrimp, the smallest kind, most common; cqpj oo,:q865joanc~0D, the sickman's pulse is like a shrimp jumping, i.e., is " caprizant." 6 —8, n. prawn or shrimp oil (?) -oq8, n.a prawn or lobster; [qggoq ooxs, to be cross-grained as timber, a term used in reference to the timber boats are built of; very often in contradistinction to =m:*o08:, to be straight-grained; crgq8 ~o~ScozooSsolooe11 a30ooo:o6E Gon08:0g]. G-0 S3, v. to catch prawns, &c., with a trap, qgdci with a coco&sn C — )q, n. a small fresh-water shrimp common in mountain streams. -o~0, n. a crab; o4:ci qao, n. a knee, qo=8, but used in the next only; qgoqmoS08i.-aL, -o8, v. to kneel flat, sitting on the legs; comp. q: GOOD'Al 8 (pron. Gol o5BR), n. an axe; ySq85gglg S if the axe should swell by being steeped in water, I will love you, i.e., never; equivalent to c3oS8Sc98EoSo1 ~leiI qcq: (pron. 0oA), n. waist-cloth, the garment worn by Burmans around the waist; [ c~ooud i Anglict "without a change of clothes."] G-cS;, n. the inner coat of the stomach or maw; comp. GM3380008 65: (pron. L90, to divide), n. a part of a waist-cloth, an old piece of cloth. -68S:) v. to put on a pubso. - -ogE i, n. a line for placing clothes on [q'8oo$:oo8ooo G0030oo0:6 AMqoo*$ o ce~e so, i.e., a lawfully married wife]. M- cooCs0,6 n. a waist-cloth regarded as an article of wearing appareL )829o, n. a plant of the genus thea, M. qe (Pron. qp), (Pali), n. merit, o-qqScGcoS.:; also written ge9n qY$oS (q9q6S) (pron. qyg9o5) (Pali q9Pq03 M), n. a kind of water-lily; @oqga.oS qqo: (Pali), n. a Brahmin; r.:&qo,, qgy3mu qE#:)Q --—..ooO6:(oo3SS, v. to ask for anything without any compunction, or sense of delicacy. --, yo:a. qoq:Q, n. a Brahminess. 908, I, n. a large wicker basket, four cpotered at the bottom and round Tat the top; comp. Q, which is smaller; cGx:9O8U Sn. the framework upon which such a basket is placed for the storing of paddy.-S. RA2, %.to slap, rap, to strike, beat, generally implying with the hand, (to cuff); comp. qcsu -POODA, v. [to oppose bitterly.-S.]; see the parts; 6[qoSo '@:, to vilify, calumniate, traduce]; Mmoo601410:*S000 coSooSqol6, do not slap and strike the children (in familiar parlance, do not knock the children about); oopjU oajoq6l g00o.OCj qOooS1Goopc~t oo2, this individual has a habit of calumriniating others. qz8, 3, n. a bulbul, M., see OanS qoooS (pron. osoo), n. a kind of lizard or chameleon which burrows in the ground [when horses age and gray hairs appear on their coats the Burmese term such appearance 0S6i aSb oa,3 also termed sooGo5d oas:n3o, e.g., -— oa, n.a bulbous herb [a species of ginger-wort, M.]; [the flower is, after being boiled, eaten with carry; the bulb (qaoooSooe) is given to children with jaggery as an anthelmintic.) qc0: (pron. 0os), n. a bead or a string of beads [a necklace]. -— 88, v. to tell beads. i,. to wear a necklace. — uS, n. the Indian-shot (Pali goo8o). qodcS, adv. all together, by the job, in the lump, without counting or specifying; comp. coaoc8IoS: 8:oSo&Scp8:omo qS(oSooSoo a o3oagoS (Eng.) contractor. 5Goax,9' n. a contractor (P.W.D.). qoSco8, n. a kind of chameleofi; qcoo8& @,0063 n. a diminutive species.... —C, n. the flying species, Draco Iineatts. 4 697 qcra$j (Pali noqpp), m. one who has not attained the state of an areeya (3zqiqqm) optSiic(~,ooi)oiqcqoa~:i 9c:(pron. oc~,n. a hollow pagoda; comp. c-A pagodas are sometimes, styled (4, in lieu of GDc~i 9c~gmo:S@gR 9c~.i see Om9qI -,n. a paragraph (qgo), a section of a code, criminal or civil, (e.g., 9~o q j? ~ c under section 323, the mark ii at the end of a sentence); (SrG3ZS, the mark ~oc~o~is considered more elegant than ~kcoazq&ou -,n. a couplet. n. (obsolete); Der. Nqj4 and next..-$ (from m$, to kick) (pron. 9$o$), v. to rebel (to mutiny); an act of rebellion, treason; Goo~cq~oooi Nno v. an euphemistic (Upper Burma) term having a similar meaning to q$mo]3; c8cj,) -o~.o cqM o the heir apparent rebels against his (royal):father; ooGoao U the sailors mutinied against the captain. -or, v. same; 9~~c ~iThe following is a true copy of a proclamation issued by two rebel princes shortly after the British annexation of Upper Burma: -a 8jul smz'jcoo311 0~'ICOSaMC8 @0 OSGO5~q3O: II lo8SZa o~ocpo @,p3 oq I'o:,Goo5 o zcaooo.o0,coP o oocn,0~o:)cB8co3,I G0,C148Q8-U 9 ec.o:5Wj8oo8 mO80coo6 3 s AG3~ ~M~ C8Soj(-O@ — c608001 GCmSqa3jq@-CM8I GC>:8oJcq.iOq ocuo5~S& Gcqr -oo~qooq sccq~ 8&acfo k3u.c YS)H, Sopooo-3;. 3)i~ 0Y)GGGO ~~a 0 coooQ 8 U~ iqo~*&,I 3so~ob8oh5~" Cqo-B5Jo.-Rp oatv o (formerly written oo1,o) coo) 8 0-@OSGOOD 08030 Go &~s~~ioGCoi-ooSG05Gpo5q 88 698 0S 0cci -OOqSNjGM:)8S& GcOS~ oc~3 lio85#3copo qatconfi 6oa0 Ed 9c8 11 330u sags cns sa~s 5 ao~ G3aDOS 11iZR63;) gC OOGC OmrB F1 ca~laowoo3a ooC603 66pncjra6011 q, v. to conceal one's self, hide (intrans.). --— ~cq82, v.; see the parts. - 0, for q$s1 o, v. to devise in secret; cNg6too)osag~80080)Sm pgtooql' oio8Sq oOooq686p0,, if you are a man of great skill (strictly speaking, capability), form your plans openly, do not devise in secret. q:soa~qsoqcq8coe --— 0 S, v. to be completely concealed; q$so8S8o6ojo5 --— 1, v. (to avoid by keeping out of sight); see the parts; C8iG668u o38 9Gagaj c 1q c9la3ZUj380 co l xcii u ol cg8 G@:5P.oqoO, there are indications that because he is guilty, this man is keeping out of the way, he is like an outlaw. --— nao;~oooo (pron. q~S~00oao), v. to play at hide and seek or to play bo-peep. -aooq8eox (sometimes pron. 4SiooqSoo:). q2-0@, v. to hide by stooping. qsroi3nqIGcooo (Pali qqGoao, a male, and coo, the private parts), n. the male private parts; 9U0PGW0~093 8GOblCS G)yJ$1c~U x~c~~o ly8x6 ~G a p U33~1 GOO:JU qS, i, v. to be putrid, rotten, to be spoilt in making, to be discreditable in re ort; o8oo8.q8o:ej tt;o)oe~ooo, OcoozcSC. vq2 o c 9 1 cq aG uoeEco:38asc0c4c oae3o6oai 8 oGz oa.0loo3a3: 80sqUooYC O Pg(, let us declare this heat void (racing phrase); 03cog:)*ou0 ga0-Sa o & oacYoqSquSoo&3:Do2 soc3Q0o:&09SCcu0 3oI o8ao013 3 l0a 5co8j98OII O~ J GCO33 qegc-o2~0.avcIam3loelsacg~Gvrcq8ooe, it was because you accompanied us that we were unlucky; when we went entirely by ourselves, we got game every day; SU q5Gooo8 GOS43aI11 -— S, v. same, Ist def. re%, v. to have an offensive, putrid smell. -, v. to have a putrid rank smell; see the parts. r0.=8, v. to have a stale, putrid smell; -Qjq8ooo8GoS4OOesn 9a, 2, v. to be dark, gloomy in appearance, e.g., 965jyokoex c8Sqyu cA$ 699 q9 (Pali), n. the past; Gq3ac8o5n -— Co, n. past deeds. -- $3oS, n. by figure, a sign of something future, an omen, prognostic, portent; 9t^3oS~6o8 3g8 oogii qG11loo (eocaD), n. a kind of wisdom peculiar to a Buddh, by which he is enabled to take a retrospective view of deeds, actions, &c., which have occurred during past ages of existence; cas 0Gooo8oQoogso s e88 Soo.u.-M. qoS,3S, n. the fragrant calophyllum. qcqo5S (pron. qqSo), n. a flat, thin substance, whether of paper, cloth or metal, folded backwards and forwards and used to write on; cooa q llgqoSui1gclq uoqoS8zlq;.-,asoo8Scyq8 — coldoSfl, n. (a roll of) beaten gold. — cgo, n. a sheet of such substance (qQoBS)qQoto52oiiOacjXo$s -- cooq, v. to be jet black, a term applied to elephants; qq aolo~ooscqlG63?EoSo3^aoc; it is also applied to thickly woven textile fabrics; <:33a33CoosCooo52c G|oSooohq coe~11 qo80o (Eng.), Police; qc8oS qooS:, a member of the Police force; GogcqSoS, a foot" 8::s8.c8oS, a mounted Police constable;,cSo65=cpA, a Police officer. qqxuc8~, see YqhsUolytoo^SoSlqooco onoqooCoogoC o qc&, n. a pearl; 89qc (imitation pearl). — c, n. same. — 0 — o008, n. an ornament studded with pearls worn in the ear; 8zoc8, one studded with diamonds. -— oc3, n. a pearl necklace. -— G, n. the pearl oyster, M. --—:, n. a pearl; qco3:o oooi:u qog, n. a pipe, flutej G11uORGq8, a pipe or flute without a mouth-piece; with o08cO, flute; [o0oa0ooocoii qgoA cqS:3siGoo3SoQS:cp]. --- oS0, v. to play on the flute. qtff (pron. ot:85) (Pali 9~000a, a male, and cM8, the private parts), n. the male private parts, the masculine gender; gc86,So1is q, i, n. shape, form; aoW5o, a mould, model; a printer's type, a pattern; qooo8ooo, a rule; iqgoGo, a figure, similitude, comparison, [a plan, a design,,88,ioo4wo ].. - 0o 8 v. to use a figure of speech; oocpj q 8oo8Qso8ogo — o6~, v. to make preparation to do [something]; o 8og oqSoe~c ~0069600oo3o It ogc~ 5qo8 93@oo( C^Bw - 86o., v. to liken, compare; mo^8^ Ssoooo So" co8o6o3oSoo8g&jgoooSo~g, he is in the habit, in order to make matters clear, of adducing examples in his speech. - oo0s, n. a proverb, sentiment conveyed in figurative language [a story, unwritten tale; comp. oW0o]. -— ooo0go, v.&to tell stories. --— 6. n. a pattern, precedent, way, manner (model); qoooSroa -— c-0o8, -co8, v.; see qoCS, -coS~~@8, n. plotting (P.W.D.).. —: o, v. to print. _- o$1, n. form, appearance, a model; C~o$,: o g:ooo~8 ---, v. to show by figure. — g8, n.; see., Ist, 4th, and 5th def.;,o$,Sii — g- v. to follow as an example; 6 o o"0e~, to make an (architectural) plan of; oqcooog~ 1 g: og, one must'first make a design of it before erecting the pagoda. o-s2 — oq v. to take the form, shape of, &c., from observation; see also oo u qSGogc oooqoSoqs c(ocqol, owing to the persons having been separated from one another for a long time, they were unable to identify each other immediately. --— Gqsoo:so, n. drawing instruments. ~ ---.q8, v. to form, fashion. -..oaoW, -n. a pattern, example, precedent. - ooyo (pron. 4oogTI)..- coo, v. to be definite; settled, coogooqog; a. definite, settled, eooqGt oqGi ooco:%qi; certain, gojii. —og6, n. form, appearance, figurative speech in conversational matters. ~,2, V. to heap up, collect in a heap, a' mass [to stack]. Der. =O~f cor. qa:G@t~o:scro please 4Z, heap up 'the earth in this place; q~GOO808OOO)0(GDCeO GOOSsO~o~oD~O~8 c~ ~however much money I may amass, it is frequently e-.xpended by my son's gambling transactions. -q, see the parts. -GuIoDGszDD (pron. ~srcoococmo), said to be a corruption of two Pali words oocicooGmoo ooq (wqxp) many, much; coo GOOD, gain; adv. in the way of'being lavish, unsparing; 4~oooo8: (p5ron. udIcGS,), n. the box of a wheel in which the axletree turns; qGOOD)80080-1 qGCO382ioli q0,0008300311 ~Goo,008go05 -S)n. the nave of a European wheel. ~o'1oooo (from aocq and qcolo', tron. 4ioDoomo), a. or adv. given ordone by the joint efforts of many, belonging to the public, open to the common use of all; comp. ao~Bcn [~o oDooococ) oc& sa common prostitute]; auioaogon=&OODO co~siq OOOOQO)5O~CS ~1OOOM 008GODOC)C OC~ v.to plump up, swell up into a heap;mu ~.o8$e c~n ~Orcoocc~oe~, this woman's face is pretty in its diminutive plumpness; C~8 M8OSC-~0-JSJS-A GS -,v. (same); m ROOicO&cqCPt Olsee'the parts; -used adve'rbially. q:,n' a kind of basket, cylindrical in shape, and smeared with some gum.- Der. a o i,2, n. the Brazil gooseberry, M. 0 n. vin~egar; see oAgq9, which is said to have been the6 original word; r.1M9lb*eu;oq~I9o~O9 9) 1) n-. a round basket with a cover; rJ, 2, V.- to'bulge in the middle;- =coZo:aS cooogoCOt ft_.__aac adv. with -a swollen belly as a diseased child. 70* 9fot, 3, V. to be hot; more than cs, to be troubled in body or mind, distressed or harassed [in a figurative sense means to be troubled or distressedl; same as ~ou$.auo*Oco o-wosqvm ~ogu:Csgo~a~ 3 $'Y35, ~I am exceedingly distressed in mind because my young son has disappeared since yesterday; aago oa i o Sjoo B 8 o8R90s, in our village thieves are very troublesome, sir. vgS,. to be oppressively warm; 790So~503A3Q3,0a A,0 CoO3sqq.Gc64soGc)SOO@r o8068 S6@0o2 GC00c8: 9oc~c T c8# @o&tgso33:6 cl S "oa ~soj2goo R iq9q, complacency and delight pervade and establish themselves throughout my body, as pouring a thousand jars of cold limpid water on the heads of those who are oppressed with the heat. "W-OSqcooS, adv. scorchingly, in a scorching manner; qoS8 G033~03O3~ II~ rcoo800ooc5Oge~ -So-, (pron. pY), v. to tease, importune, annoy by importunity, as " the child teased me so, I was obliged to buy and give him a cake"; ocosio yo3ec c4qi6(roS.ooGilsoo-II - COO, v. to feel hot, uncomfortable in the stomach or bowels; also used figuratively, e.g., moosoo-:,7o0moAxeii - O2:v v to be in distress from continued grief; j-oqrct(oTS c 4:, same as applied to food; coo&IS:. g.o3cOoo7g -0o, -_o, v. (most common), to be troubled, distressed. -ocoocoo, adv. hastily while the food is hot; also used figuratively, e.g., co8@3ns1oc qrcoorcooR;0.oeloosc:c-oi@~@m w0A.y vicooorcoo~;ooowul e 8@8~og oo3ot-~l1 - 086:, v. to be very hot as the sun or fire. Der. soqol&8:; in a figurative segse it means grievous to be borne; oo-SL sgcScoa@S&i:0X' qtSo g e ogo9o3Sozp, today the sun is very hot, it is likely to rain, I think (lit. the sky wishes or is inclined to rain). -oco08, v. (to be inflamed as one's passions.-S.; CPog c=o8); see the'parts; to be scalding hot, aoo8sqGScooS coe; to be scorchingly hot as the sun, c4qooeSoIi qco8 (Pali qcpo), v. to make an offering in token of homage or worship, to buy a (sacred thing); paqSooqpco ooc91888: coo6o,6<S6loa, when I am well I will ma e an offering at the pagoda of oil lamps equal in number to the years of IGO 70.o my life; oGgca ocoSjqgGgoooSooaocGoQS.ol, buy me a cross-legged image of the lord Buddh from Mandalay.,qGoSoomo —o3oq, n. a religious offering followed by Qoogneac c osc^/GcSoat aoogi, one has to make offerings of respect to teachers. qq, adv. tootingly. -— o5, v. to toot; [W-@~, an expression made use of by children.] 0s, I, n. a Guinea-pig; Goowo5o S~IO o 4cw:x @-B:)@06, ~:oS~ 2), 2, v. to join, unite, put together; less than o5, to possess as a spirit or witch; 3oo~oogv 3 8 oo8i n $oooga,, oor,&o o66o0sqo~olooo ooo~oocg --— 5, v. to join by putting together flatwise; also used figuratively, e.g., oo J rGoo(og0,5o-: Go8 go',o18 g — o5, v. to join by putting together edgewise; also used figuratively, e.g., goGocSGcqp ooge ---, v. to connect by lashing alongside or by coupling together; to file as papers; oo q)oN0020DcxoSol, file these papers together; oSa j Goooo5-O3s ^.3 o1~ 02ooo3>@g&@G.OoCo, what scheme are you two conjointly concocting at an unseasonable time of the night? -— o188, v. to unite as by tying up together (to associate as persons); oagoop8qosool8. eo 8'coo~qoo Ln -— o1~, v. (to join by intersecting, to have sexual intercourse); see the parts. GO, i, n. the palmyra tree or leaf (the corypha palm, M.), hence ooGO (pron. o.ro), writings, books; gcionoogoCoo, a thin gold or silver plate for inscription [000006o 8 oo 01], this saying means that a person who plants a palmyra palm has as much merit, owing to the use its leaves are put to, as one who prepares a novitiate to enter the priesthood, GOOD:jSowooo:w; the Burmese say when the palmyra once bears fruit it dies, and when a female crow has progeny, it separates from its mate; Gooq$ooqiiooq8gooqo' — 0o, n. writing on palm leaf. GO, 2, n. a foot. " —&s-, n. a measuring tape. --— ooqoo$S, n. a ioo-feet road, a term applied to roads made according to the European method. 704 coo, n. a foot measure, a staff. GO, 3, n. an anvil; d&gS aGoo3 o6ooor,&oooso r00mO0c0X65c)qOj o8cqq5coei oa58ooosozo5o8i oc;ooSoegm dju "regarding "the seven relics (of Buddh), though they should be placed "and hammered on an anvil, even then they would not be "cloven asunder, they are termed indestructible." GO, 4, v. to have the edge or point turned; c88uoe, to turn back (one's ears) as a horse; G8.sjoaS coomoe, to be dull, blunted in feelings; uGcu.Cej C3,&c)Dga3ORD005GO.006 qocF4.o oj 3Ri loa.11 (~Oz4-BcoooG~Gct?11 0qcoao3a3 l 4og8SccGoGooooo~, the elephant, at the time of its being must, is in the habit of remaining with its ears turned back; cmo3 oojcBGooon ooooqS4 qj38soqoloS 58ojSou this person is very dull of intellect, he is unable to learn so as to get even a single paragraph (or verse) of the writing by heart. --,v. to be dull as the eyes [to have blinking eyes (co OV0009*0 CO1q o8g3ooe) I - Co, 5, v. to be dirty, filthy; cocoe, to be vile; cq:,pgwe, to be vicious; ooSqjoxqYaSool E6cao5oao0ocAi oocSGowoEcq co, 6, v. affix, euphonic; &olIhooau o&oIG00u o1olsom1S 9l610oo, n co6cqooS6oo3cB; also used in the negative, seqooen Nios.* 64 its S:oaOMo:) -gqsc~ -, 40 qoQ8:c5;)a 0 8 ooctx&Xooe3; also used in the negative imperative, QocGL I 9p1oC6010oo)Fa038SC3; except in the negative imperative, Go appears to have the same meaning as the English words " indeed," " forsooth." *00ow0o, adv. entirely; chiefly used in connection with words of rejection, renunciation, &c., e.g., Gocoowm1ca2 orGo coococSoon (Pali G0C03oo) Q6:-0=G&80c zoocS6oo1zoq rc(o IIrGuoc00 croo)a:@NG.oZo0o-cu)ooo ooSg $poon co0, v. to give; ms:.oe, to present for acceptance, to offer. -~Mso, % same. -oos, v. to give in marriage (inelegant); comp. oS6:iau — a~65, v. to send (athing); comp. olsoarci [Note.-When a person wishes another to do something on his behalf, QoU is frequently used as an auxiliary verb, e.g., G@:o)osl, speak, please; on my behalf; ogo: cvol, go, please, on my behalf; oSdoc80QoSeOw, he purchased on my behalf.] 0 705, 1, n. the stern of a boat or ship; v. to steer; ~0ooSooz:, can you steer? owojuZoboo.j:, this person is not skilled in steering, cqq~9$c~GoGoeCStI - c~a, v. to steer; oS&~C68ooSoo3xu - V06, n. the oarsman that sits next the steersman [the man who sits on the rump of an elephant in an elephant fight is styled t:8& =coIai6nbqoS]. - 08 (pron. (P? ), n. frame for the steersmarn; o8qSu -cooS, n. an oar used to steer with. - co --- o, v. to propel a boat by pushing against the ground with a long oar from the stern; ~oo,-6ooeoTa O) n. he block of timber which forms the stern of a Burmes boat. -GooOS, n. e seat occupied by a ~qoS - 48, n. thel steersman of a Government boat [any steersman, very polite]; comp. oo5l.cQS OqS (pron. ()S), v. to direct, guide, instruct; o2$so:$a, to discipline, correct; hcaoeI oD 003Qccn oY: g eC Q 803 5 uo OSooooSol3IJ 306Pa3 6 so 1g q8aa q 2 S wooe~, teachers do, fo sooth, incessantly admonish, guide, and impart instruction to their pupils. 2, 2, v. to be broken off as a small piece from a larger, to be chipped, to be broken by the hand as bread, to crumble (intrans.); with )&s8:, to be hare-lipped, to be worn off or abraded as the skin; mcasq-6u o Scnoooocjr.@o~ *'odb cp$ 6CX)60cql 3ISegf OgCS80t4 6~a o a 3338 3$ @ -, v. same. booS (Pron. ~38), n. an echo; not used singly. W-..-ooS, -_oS, v. to echo;;om:)o c8o@@ro:oenoo8co8qa6@S. ocq$cjSaj, this great earth, reverberating the while, violently quaked; ocoo:ooG ooSooS cpoooRsg:)o8w, the whole forest echoed with the report of the gun. -.8c, -cQ: ( sGW cx8GRSOx), ~&8c$00, v. same, less frequent. -3, n. an echo.,, n. a p~, a weight equal to six or eight seeds of the Abrus precatorius (r&-sg ); o00c64S4 oCz: czcliI cI o C j08$ o, 2, n. a leguminous plant, one that bears seeds in a pod, of which there are many varieties, as coooxc, gram, -—:O 89 * -.cQr&A -"-CciicS.-o-eto, dhall, -O03, ODi.00z5o -GOO,:o~21 -meCOoB (Pron. 000o0(5), -o13, CC, -GOO68~ 6Go3oooS (pron. oslErQ), -4=o3, -o4oS, -_qo, usually called oe not Soou ~8o& (pron. 80CS), %~, qS, 8s8o0:, GODY * — jS, -OmScft, -C88@o, -. —cO [also bcxqos (pron. 0o3) ()GOO** *:I ~~"SQ9u CA03D~~ ~JGSS]. - wgsi, n. a bitch that litters in the bean season; 608C381 Cs -09, -X, n. the seed of pulse, peas, beans..q-qgt or Osnal sometimes called 60 ago-, n. [boiled beans, peas, &c., which remain hard and uncooked after the rest is done]. — QW~, ~n. the pod; b3o8&Mo4I) op9$, n. the sword bean, M..98, -9e=ozSo, the Goa bean, M. CO&SOR~ n. the snake gourd. n. the wild French bean, M. s — 9OOa,> n. a cutaneous pustular eruption to which children are subject, called so from a fancied resemblance to the seed of the ib8-oSov bd~ooo=~oCOO o01rq4Jsc,&OOO-11 -,-c~s, n. the pod and contents. bgS:qS, x. a scallop shell, M. Zb98V (pron. b2S), n. a short-handled adz, see ujcpjoo1uio baogs, n. a kind of bird, a kind of plant; G@OGcOSn GCn q C2og bwol n. a mask; QOrdP~0 0 ool, v. to be plentiful, not scarce, to be numerous; to abound, to have in abundance, as many ool:hooO;QqG OI60.'q 00:):(Jo 0~~cs o803~~3~~o q 03~0~X~9P ooo4-Gu oSO&ODO~gOO ooIuoo59-3=Qe~ (soo) o:) (corruption of moa:) C1l:ol~ja:~cootI - 9jos., v. to be 'much, many, abundant; ceOqGC~G3O Q8G.t,there is no one in the whole of this city who has money and property in such abundance as this person. IS:..-. -jlo (obsolete). oedcpgwwo, n. ancient or obsolete language.; Go(cs4oolocYooir QA~.(xWoICa~O.4ooO3*.II oo1U, i, v. to pierce or be pierced, penetrated, perforated, have a hole made ifnto or through, to go off accidentally, as a o01 Ss 7o0 gun, to come out, appear as from a hole; cgfoa~, to sprout, come up as a plant; [to be hatched as an egg, eolooIoue-811G@ ol(e c#cooe], to blister as the hands or feet; co.rlozo0z.~gzo:)R o,1 to arrive; GpTSooe, to ferment (intrans.) Der. 3zr.InS and Goel GzSio98Za g4j8SGIolsaop@ j8QpTco08ol, this person has had his abdominal cavity ruptured (lit. pierced or perforated), I do not think he will live; oo86@8o0oCSQo8sGOi Soa&cj, Maung San Nyaing is a man who gains frequent admittance to the officials; (sol5o j:, n. a punch). Go1oSd, v. to burst (intrans.) [Go;S by itself is considered more elegant than GolrB ' when speaking of a gun bursting, CG3o&lcJlolcYCcRqooaooa]. - QCMo08), n. the winning animal in a 36 animal lottery. - lqs, n. a punch. — ~oS@o, see under ao38ougxgo qjo8650G35@0o30, imported soap. W-GOB8l~i, -GG6IoSc95, n. parched rice [ob5oloao:, in. artificial coloured flowers made of parched rice and offered to pagodas, &c.] - G-oS n. (poetical); see ao8G@8Jii Ic0St8 6cU Ou3: 101003, 1Qstn -dv GoT, nt. a consanguineous relative, any relative; szc3 wvi' o6IcBG6cT6c2QL-,u - So:, v. to be born, brought forth; comp. Qs:, frequently written G o0SZ CY 8 8 0 011 GC)OOOle OSOtaaBOR-GMOGQ:8)I ---— GcpoS, v. to arrive, to reach. _-co:, -co:OCQ, adv. (speaking) without any consideration or regard to the truth or the feelings of others (or speaking in an idle, profitless manner); ooecca.obScooz (or with oq~) Qo0 SoOS WEXSo@3S ) aG@3:6 uOj3 II - cc6, -ooSoot0, adv. of one's own will, without any check or restraint, independently. -ooS, -c(o2ot:, adv. Go5rfiocs:o, corrupted into coloSgoS io 0, adv. setting free from restraint, giving liberty to follow one's own inclination; co6o1o SocoGcovs, a small boat or canoe which has no rudder attached, but has to be steered with a paddle; oEocA)-oo:o":o3g ocusa1 n=10SloloS.goS coD:)- @c]338m8-c8,8oe, if you, sir, allow your children when young to follow their own inclinatons, they will be poor when they grow up. 708 c QoloS, 2, v. to strike forward and downward, to make sudden and vigorous strokes with a paddle from the stern of a boat as in making a spurt in racing, e.g., ~mco loSoo:cS oe qc4S, to make a motion similar to that exhibited in hoeing, or chopping wood; less than cooS, to strike with the forefeet as a horse, to paw (o8xqp:oat @8 og10, ooacol1aSooo6Sm), to strike as a serpent in biting [G - 03:, see coGoulo5aAn - wQo'1odSzooS (pron. either as spelt or sr-ocooS GconC)QOOS), - c-colhS&c, adv. limpingly, as when one foot is brought down with force and noise. - ia, n. a hoe. -ojigo: (pron. GoloSoigdos).' o — -cF-: or o9:, n. a pickaxe. coloS (0S), 3, n. the butea tree, M.; coloS4oSo --- ac, n. the creeping butea. o01aSoo~, n. a hod, Ocycr~=~ouo (pron. o04) 865~800o.8&4Go'5 q ossol: og o5 11 ool1SfcS (pron. serm JSB), n. a kind of official cap; comp. Gl18-: ool6)58U, n.; see qe8Ba GoloSO$s (oS), n. agati tree; -1, -I, varieties of the same, M. [The expression cji6lo6oIt, an idle coxcomb, derives its origin from the blossom of the agati tree, which, though of brilliant colour, is scentless and is scattered about by the wind in great profusion amongst fruits; the Burmese consider the'Gmoa4s a figurative analogue to the colcSo&u col&SooS (Pron. seoSoo5 in colloquial), n. a kind of caterpillar said to be much dreaded by goats; G0ui oou01 Sc8cBOsoa cooiSe, the Burmese say its sting is mortal to goats; this is probably not quite correct. 16S (pron. m-u6S8), n. a thigh; cS::cororoo:)Smcoio, Q SoeuI ton - o0t,, v.; see jtu - ~$ (pron. 6olSq$), n. the groin. -8S (pron. 0u1828), (provincial), n. the lap; comp. qISOS&9: (or u01S208GuT9) cocSoSoo'U - 6-o0,. the thigh with reference to its length, e.g., 0018 o0933I 6 o76qQQS15533eO, ~cquOD& 6GUMS " 709.o618%8:, n. the inside of the thigh; Gdl8o, iiGolSogSoa no(, n. the femoral artery. --- (pron. it), -—:oo (pron. Gol68omo), n. an induration in the groin; Gol 8::oooogii -—, n. an untattooed thigh. --— 8:, n. the upper part of the thigh which joins to the main body. -— ~, n. the femur, thigh bone. -coS, n. the middle part of the thigh. Go018, 2, v. to superadd lengthwise, attach to the side of, for the purpose of strengthening or improving; QG18olSoogn cGo8aog, to adhere to the side of; GoSoogoiioso8gooqqcoGOS oSoqpSd col c uoS00 8 o o,.o 9oG18olooSooj, this woman is not able to fasten on a false tail of hair; ogj$o 50840:cqG l ooo000800o, as I have little hair, I am in the habit of appending a false tail;; cocgo1pSc, ooq p8Gol8ooBolqxov %grcooooccoco6oogs c, c csoO po: cf, colaoC5Yo1qG.Oi -— 9-o8, v. same; ce qoo I o oolo8:oca)osol o8.j oo0ooii ao8:d@8.coooljor.gGcjS:, this individual sponges on others for his food; he never once furnishes food for others. Go18, 3, v. to pawn, mortgage. Der. aoolSo;cjoS $o:Qgqcg$c* coco5gwcX joz Gol8coo:osiulce, as my debts were numerous, I was compelled to mortgage my paddy-fields and gardens [co186 could be used in the above sentence]. (3p*o1l6, v. to effect a simple mortgage). ---—, v. same. ---—, n. a mortgage where mortgager retains the right of redemption, or a sale with the right of redemption. --— oO, n. absolute sale or transfer. -— T8, v. mortgage in which the land is returnable within a limited time and the debt is extinguished; aouScol~G.s8: oul6Sq (from Go18t, to bake), n. baked bread. Europeans almost invariably say 4 alone for baker's bread.: The true Burmese idiom is colS6181j cU168, i, n. an arched covering or roof overa boat, carriage, or a palanquin; col.61 i - 0ooo, n. a howda (infrequent); 8So1lS:oo ucooo1soos: ^a*id, t. a low a&fided roof such as is used on common boats ogcol1S:q8, or carts c Ig sot8:oq8; any arched covering of bamboos or wood. -. — nqs (from cat, to cross over) (pron. oo1&Ss q), n. an arch of brick 'r stone, yoS0GcOlSa; comp. oCS. -- q[S (pron. GolSg:qS), n. an arched covering of any kind of any material, higher than aol6bc88, and implying some raised work below it. co18s, 2, n. useless grass, weeds, shrubs, bushes, &c., springing up in an enclosed or cultivated spot..,",6, -.otd5 v. to spring up as such weeds, &c. -—;LOS, . the rubbish accumulated in cutting up the said treeds, bushes, &c. ---—, -3m6, v. to clear away the said weeds or bushes, &c. col8a'q (pron. coleStooq), n. a crown (worn by kings); o1S8: clSz, 3, 0. to collect and unite in one, or to be collected and united in one, to put on (a turban); co1 8o18o1: 63087 0, to add; GP, to keep company, associate; oo5oogrSoToo, n. a sum total. Der. 33olisnIcJooo5ooo:og8s3o8o3f5o2C. ~~ol18&cqoSS:oo3g, it was because my son associated with opium-eaters and drunkards that he was ruined; oo00056 ca83^1lSc og~, throughout life, for the duration of my destiny, will I be united to you. -— qS (pron col816s ), n. a total, a grand total; C608:185oo - oqS, n. a large turban consisting of many folds or involutions; Go1lSsG6: xs,85 -— coT, v. to keep company, associate [to cohabit]; coTu: coTiSc 3oos 8is:g8a 8:stly Ql o 18soo5i @@oog,U MO and U Lu Bein have formed a partnership and are seeking to make their fortune. — o8:, v. [to join in a company, to unite in forming a society]; see the parts (infrequent). Der. 33ool8soooo8:i G018s, 4, v. to bake in an oven or by steam, to extract vapour by heat in the process of distilling. — ~ s, — op8, n. a pot or vessel of any kind with a perforated bottom, used in baking by steam; col6a~eolsq g 3 8, n. a globe and lamp. *, —, -0 o83, n. the head or cover of a still. r. 0 711r o08065, v. to receive vapour in the head of a still, to steam (clothes) in order to whiten them; wo60Ss6~6698t~rcSweg - 6aq0, n. the lower pot used in baking by steam..-o-8asy (from oo8sol and qae, which see), n. the hollow bamboo in which some kinds of rice are baked. - 4, n. an oven. col 8,oRS, n. a round summer, or longitudinal timber, sustaining a floor; comp. qRSuon o8obgsu 00108.0C)Ro5)o11OOC~8-O1S o6l18sd (pron. Go18S0), n. pantaloons [trousers], small clothes. 8-0Qtgj n. braces, suspenders [Gou180-,58-. is equally correct]. co.hcoo, adv. buoyantly, floatingly. — Gb, v. to float; rucosooo eoiu s-oaCc0a6, if amber is real, it remains floating on the water; oiSoo Gcot Gc6GroTo aqoo 0o00 oo:01co:coe~, when the child fell from the boat, he loated on the water; gpyoG9:cooScogS c,g$-,c gc99o $3c166coloorc88So, though the boat should capsize, yet it will float if it is a real teak one; (looC98 3080 1 Qo6cc3o30o14, when we reach the court, I will cause an exposure of your case. - G6T, v. to rise to the surface of the water [expose]. -q9:, v. to float down (with a tide or current); o9c01Gcoo Io1, I, v. to be light, not heavy; Q.cooii oq6ocqac8 agcScoocooS cloo~, one's body is very light when swimming in salt water; co,3500 O0 G( 0Q5G]0033 I8Zcq&1Q003CSQ O]O0j~, to be insipid; sojcoo41, to be light, quick in motion; 0o8 coe, to be light, worthless; oog @omo6Co6o6o3 inefficient [careless]; co]cnoSo, to be slightly deranged; 8o8ooouoog0 Soog(. Der. moc]), to be feeble [in an extended sense to be flippant in language, referring more to a want of vigour of ideas and sentiments than mere poverty of expression] (Gol also means to experience a sensation of relief after paroxysms of pain); po;a.):&.c6.jEsrjn8 GoUo0os@ [Go] also means to be wanting in dignity, to hold one's self cheap; 0 q-goG.GIO80ScogeiGO orG o6 Osc~30;8* oooso] ooOt.] - 008, see Go1o8GUlGao:1 -onD, -3cr~ (pron. Gola~), v. to be light, worthless, inefficient. 712 co0 c8sOIGcoI?, -G-o]8:oe]GcGCo, adv. in a heedless, unsteady, careless, inefficient manner. — 1o, v. to be light, quick in motion [active, nimble]; oo0060o o1og-oo5G.SGooa, a very nimble boxer. -— c..oq (pron. Gocloq or GuOGowo), v. to be remiss, slack; coS.O^3al o03008 GOIGqCXGOO3OGgo8 @&00030a1 B3QOo5GoSS3 ooiu — ogS, v. to be foolishly jovial, merry. ----:~, v. to be inefficient and worthless. coG, 2, v. affix (of course), used in closing a sentence (colloquial); Gjoloup o rso]o, often coupled with oons o3o,8 coT, v. to appear, come to light [to rise to view], to become divulged as a secret, [to recur to one's memory as something temporarily forgotten]. -— o0, v. to become conspicuous; GoToTcooSoS, openly; GoT GsoToo8c-8?cepS 0 ooge~u — acoS, v. to make an appearance, to be presented to the mind as a plan, scheme; o9 soaogToc8goSoo, to appear as the sun above the horizon. -— oloS, v. to come to light (usually said of a crime), to become known; woaoo:);g om9q33GcoQ&oTGoIoSc8~o9, if. one should get a clue in this dacoity case, it will assuredly come to light. --— o, n. same. -— c8, v. to be bright and showy in colour as a puhso or htamein; aGspS3amolGTc8SooD (sometimes QoTcS has the same meaning as GoTooS, e.g., in such a phrase as the following Go.lOC GoTGoTcog%82oG cotj). i, i, n. a basket made of woven work, smaller and less substantial than 9oS"S.o,$gii8:qc oo:cquo Q, 2, n. a small piece of wood used in a certain game (o=oS); comp. oqp:lqiEG6G3iicqSUa^goi Q, 3, n. the cross pieces that support the deck of a large boat. -- oSs, -@, v. to lay the said pieces. [Note.-q does not necessarily imply that the cross-pieces are confined to large boats; ~ is also applied to the cross bamboos or pieces of timber which hold together rafts. The word is also applicable to the cross-pieces placed on the gunwales of two boats or canoes lashed together, so as to Vo5o6 713 make a temporary raft; e.g., @:s8se38cc8 j o08'@60) , 4, v. to exceed, be superabundant, whether for better or for worse; comp. coo. Der. mqu -— oooS, v.; see the parts. --, v. same as IqcoOe~oojq8q,8oiG-o cogGo- no q I8o oI O14oo3 qGO oSG@goOO&ISoo ir GqCoo^3 g1 01oS 0 coo'olocgsoS, as guests will come, cook an extra quantity of food, my daughter. q6S, I (pron. 6c5), n. an abbreviation of toS5q-a --, v. to have a protuberant stomach; qoSos, see c8:@an -—, v. to be enceinte (vulgar, but in common use). 6o5, 2, n. a sweep-net, seine; comp. cg Cl~n caGoiooSqoS5 -— og5, n. mesh. -- q, v. to cast (or set?) a net. ----, n. a tax on fish-nets. -- 8ocBoS, v. to catch fish with a closely-meshed net. --—, v. to drag a net. -— c:, v. to net, to make a net. qoS, 3, v. to hold in the arms, to hug, implying that the person or thing is taken up in the arms; comp. o6S and rG, to put into a fold of the waist-cloth; o1s:ooS)QoS 611 30co.oqoSooocQ45o1o - oq8, v. to take particular care of, combined with csRi@ or reduplicated and used adverbially, %g8jg8iq-c RqSoooo c~oao1i coSoooogsoogo Se oosqgoooooooooosyg^ oq$aoo * og, he, the son whom I have taken care of and nurtured since infancy, rebels against his mother when he is grown up; oqg@,ggacooo c9gs-c^oSqoSoq 5Sooogco qo5, 4, v. to punctuate, make stops in writing, to mark off sentences or lines. Der. sqoSi5 qconlqo5G.oo,1oooSooaqoSBo 500g, to qoBocsooo: oo, to punctuate; Gco:o:oScoo5on c1 c4q~QSco6o.3 - o5o, n. a species of verse; QoSqouQoScoson qoSo (o8), n. the flax-plant. ----, n. a flax-rope. ---, n. (flaxen thread). -c-gq3, n. the skin or fibrous part of the flax-plant. 90 714 e QA (~Berig.), n. a pe, pies [three pies = one quarter anna]; (i Z) is frequently used with aoj r ajoQ8c2Sm:g,I have no rmoney; (qdk5toS, to change silver for copper coin). 8, v. to own, possess, have a right to; more than c8, to have authority over; maQ:oopSn ooeGs8:lc6i0oBQoE6loo, who owns this horse? -6 o $qjFgo Fooz5oq9o 3, I was only just now aware of the fact of your owning it; oe4acSJ roxC93 8co&a, who has authority over this territory? q8o i -:Q-8 48E s (pron.~, Q8is8i), adv. assuming the right of using, cbnttolling; Sq6s 8,8ism s8E86 8 S:oooq56p G2$ coos~:SquS9o4q& qsooo V-WE q, v. to have collective authority (as two or three being joint partners of property, &c.); 8A&8 does not necessarily mean to have collective authority. — 4oS (from =~cS, a collection), n. property, what belongs to me; territory, what belongs to a jurisdiction; 8q8R, in colloquial, premises; q&eq pc13Joo6, to trespass upon the premises of another. - 8, v. to have authority over. -co, v. same as q8 (poetical); Q86c [also used in solemn discourse in speaking of the Creator]; GcjGSE8OOOOOO8 33Eocp&Ao. g@oS, he who rules over land and water, excellent sovereign, lord of the universe. ~8, 2, v. to be soft. and very cohesive; comp. Gos and 8ca8 cot c8~ooeio468%q8 0oG~C1 so sticky a pumpkin as to be soft and very cohesive? RS, 3, n. a pie, one-twelfth of an anna. q S80, v. to divide, sever. Der. a8oq8 goooqsano8soo @8u6i -6os, v. to make a separation between, to draw a dividing line, distinguish, make distinct; comp. coo0.04ip a C06Ra84 qq)8asP9CG8u4otc8O8:3i0, separate these things so that they may inot get mixed; moo*a q8g o.o6. 8o(;&~3 I 8j& - r~ Et&aq @ 398o 0oao8S@iB, the juristltions of the two myo6ks have been demarcated. -- oSo.)qo) n. a holding redot~der in a settlement office. G- O), n.a denominator. - 66S, v. [to divide by cutting crosswise into two or more pieces]; see the parts; co88o qp@oQSoo.*mznu [The Burmese have a curious idea that it is not proper to eat fruit which has been cut' crosswise.] 715 qso8o, n. a numerator. ---— o9oS6, v. to demarcate. -- c8ooa, v.; see s8:@06o 8-:oo0$o, n. a species of green bulbul, Phyllornis Hardwickii, M. qcq:oo:5cocS (pron. :c~SooSoS), adv. open and exposed; oesocp gos3o65Ucu3oorcoo5ooos-ooeu~t OgooScoc^SdS5oo v, v. to convey or conduct (to a person or place), to teach books; oooo4, to offer as a good wish or a blessing;;GSgo glogi oooSi qo068 ooeoqc5C(+coo 8~S:O~go9 gccooul, take this child by boat to the other bank; s:os:@iao:,oco;:pl aCoo~G3 oo, U T6ngyi is engaged in teaching children. -- q, v. same, 2nd def. — G-oo8, v. same, Ist def.; not much used in colloquial; ocpascqqozoo& ^oSqf~c1j88oo@egcg& ~soooSocootcgfj, and the embryo Buddh said, '' daughter of a nat, do thou convey me to the country of Meithtila." — o-, v. to carry and present, same as., 2nd and 3rd def. a, 2, v. to be thrown into or upon, to have earth or any substance thrown into (as a pit), so as to be shallow or nearly filled up [to be silted as a channel (q$t.Es)]. Der. nog2S, o:, to be choked with earth or rubbish as a well. s, n. an insect, any small animal without distinguishable bones, the silkworm;:oX03o, silk; [gSQ: oo, the eighty different species of worms, which, according to the Burmese, inhabit the body of man.] [The Singhalese affirm there are 9o.] — a —oo, n. silk velvet. - (from cm, to ward off), n. a sheathing board, so called because used to protect the hull of a vessel from worms, a thin narrow board, but used for any purpose; ooL6g --— ooS, n. an insect, the silkworm. -- o, v. to be infested with insects, eaten by worms. — q, v. to wind off silk or cotton thread from a gosa — g-, n. silk thread. — o5 (pron. Qo,8), n. a small flying insect that infests the eyes (the green bug). -— oo, n. a silkworm's food; QsoooS, the mulberry tree. -- 8, n. found in the dung of cattle; see qS8o, .s$:@: (from @l p$,S8, pron. 81); q:q ss is the written. q:xaqg the colloquial form. — o-oo5c:, n. the larva of the mosquito, M. "-IS- nX. fine silk. 0 ----c, n. a species of worm very extensile and contractile. —.c8c~s, v. to slice in a particular way preparatory to pic"kling, as mangoes, marian fruit, onions, &c. --— oq-s., n. a chrysalis, a grub, an insect without any feet, a worm. --- ooooS, v. to perforate (cloth or paper) as an insect [particularly as the cockroach]. --— ao,. arise, exert itself. Der. q8qssooigRos3ooi --— oo, n. silk, silk cloth, Qsoog; c8, v. to weave in silk; — 0B., v. an euphemism for c(o5,n — o-:s, v. to be eaten by worms, worm-eaten, bore as an Sinsect. -— csb, v. to be worm or weevil eaten as rice, causing the rice to conglomerate, e.g., Q:scogva jScog:oogI xoaSoo8cb3ooo ' ---osoo (pron. qsIoo), n. the coiling centipede; q:oo3, —oc, n. a kind of flying insect (often pron. qoco=). --- ColoS, n. a hole or perforation made by an insect... c..ol5ol1oS, n. a kind of insect living in water (c4q?) -- oSgtcooooon ooo8ooo, n. the green and golden beetle [a species of buprestis]. This beetle feeds on the juice - of the aqtdt tree, Acacia pennata, common in Upper Bur-ma. -__6es - M.f n,; see 0 -— NS, —, n. insects in general; qsgo:ocSjo$ u --- o5g, v. to web silk (?) -- c:ooo8, n. a milleped, sowbug. -- ocooco8:, n. the larva of the mosquito; cooo&oSoS:oog5 -— ooo0:, n. an insect like the sand-fly (goS), but smaller; the bite of this insect causes intense itching and the skin to rise in lumps. qCS 717 Q: Goo, v. to be dead. Der: ^oSQSGoon — S00, n. a cockroach. q, 2, v. to fix or fasten one another for the purpose of strengthening, to bear on the back, GocSooq:oo; comp. coSs and go5. Der..iioSq: and ooAo15n fqo~ooqc~ oo8ooosgo5 coe, as the girder was not strong, he strengthened it by nailing on a piece of wood; q9 oo o00o,00 gooSc&cS G OG OO(.00o8 0-( ~o5:s 8.qoog, in the Rangoon races, being light, I was obliged to ride carrying (lit. carrying on my back) leaden weights; ojco5ooco:c3G@oqccoSool, ' carry this child on your back, please. Formerly, it is said, the Burmese, when speaking of a man girding up his loins, used the term GsooSq:.go-o instead of olscooo8::sooSoo6 (pron. Q~:sooSooS), adv. recklessly, without consideration and regard to propriety or decency, indecorously; ooSoop08go:o-oOooo5QoocSoop, you are in the habit of talking in a very reckless fashion; o~Sgooqos:c~qoo5 ocooooo -og~c$@, owing to your having put the plates down carelessly they are all broken. q (c0o8), n. a kind of insect destructive to plants, especially to the bcag. [In Upper Burma, women who are enceinte are not supposed to gather vegetables of any kind, as it is believed that their doing so attracts this insect to plants.] qo8, v. to be ruined, destroyed [to fail, so as to be lost to a cause or party from counteracting causes]; to fall through as a plan or scheme, to be interrupted in doing one's work; (orooG5sows3 m30o86000ooo 8qogo8co6g ooSo6 qo5 c@oQG63C63D5go3oo^). -- go, v. to be disarranged, disturbed, suffer detriment, deterioration, impairment (generally implying that such impairment is due to carelessness or neglect); 9qooo5Ro8 co811 - 8:, -((:, v. same, ist def.; oe58:cg6: [frequently used with reference to women who have been seduced]; ooooo, gOGOC3o 0 q00 806A X GF'GO Oo G30 QOJOO3 Z 00 3000Co cgc8oscooop,. ---, v.; see the parts;,oo8,g^ggoog sig' aoroooS -~ —., v.; see the parts, 718 983s %oacqg8:, 1st def. qoS, 2, v. to be witty, droll, comical, funny, to jest, play the buffoon, to trifle with, play the fool with; co ~(zooG.~~GqS, v. same; to deride, treat with derision; qao8q SGjS -c...o... sGo S, adv. in a droll, comical, deriding manner. —.-~j, -4~o5, -q$, v. same, but generally used in some adverbial form; g-BuSxeii Q6Sc8o:* (Pron. go0d3ol), adv. a very little; 3ozegcO-5 (l8sr01 Coe~WOQCooCBO8c CO fo&t ai [This word is used more in Upper, than in Lower, Burma, and generally with reference to ngapi and salt.] cqoScMB, adv. deficient in relish, C~OqG60 =CLODOIOOe;' example: 3 G8Co~rqmlrojc.qqoxc0o8~oopnii 96 (so written by the Arakanese); comp. @8, v. to prepare, put in order, to amend, correct, repair; &qsoopS — oaSq~ mcog OO~&936c89O,0389l6 33,e~ q 0CBO36I ~0.11 a )Cqo cooote~c @D811c~ oosocp xoao8 q16coc:i olooe~1 oo:)o8g 90 co3ooe $g6c3aoG3 II -Oc)S336P~b -Ii lcpagdj 9oSqo-.go983a o v. same, i st def.; comp. - W Ro, v. same, infrequent (never used in colloquial). 48o$:cco8, n. sida hemp. 98c=86Ee, see oc5*rcoox-o:,I [Said to be an article of food in Upper Burma during times of scarcity.] 98s, v. to be lazy,-idle, indolent, to be loth, reluctant.(to do), averse to; in the lattet sense used as a qua!. verb. affix, e.g., @8qJSoZ'e, to hate to see; gmSq8:oe~, to hate to hear. Der..aq8-( Im ) (2) @e~@c~~kB$ Iooc~~o3oq ~ sooe~11 (3) *&OV2QG8@00486~ @E11 Q3O8 c~oooz, c GQ 3 c8@0t83gO3 er (4) 086 o6jjoEga oo OT93T O3cqIQ33..RONOO 3CoO8QC\2 8 1 38M3CF 8OOa II [qj8 also means to be ennuy6, to be dull and uninteresting as one's surroundings; coe~~;)acg 9g68opspzo3 )8gose~n] -Q:6 (pron. 9Si~ioo) (see q1 v), v. to be very lazy; oodS we8cq$c Coq ~Coo6G$P 8o -q,,~,v. same as qJt, Tst sense; dco~.G= CoS2kClbqOCmGOO:)C3ZO ~Jlson~c99~~~a9~""Ea 719 GVcnA98@ocox6rnQ ojqo:186oSiI sguaQ goa qwsogs, n. ironwood, the Inga xylocarpa, M. The wood of this tree is much used for house-posts. qC&GO)SOSS, n. a small tree with white flowers and bright red berries, the Clausena heptaphylla. [There are two kinds, termed by the Burmese uzcnL and m8~; the leaves of the cultivated kind are eaten with curry; if eaten in large quantities it acts as a gentle purgative.] q &W, n. the queen lagerstraemia, M. - R n. the white jarool, a timber much used in house-building. q8, v. to be thick, dense, not rare; osge-(I) r oqq8c Go3o00 QGXcrn81 (2) 94C.CGCo30Saz::8OSOII (3) o0080mSorGc --, d v.; see the parts; used adverbially; ooe~Ojgq8q8G@: oooooe, as a mealy-mouthed person. - 48, v. same; used adverbially (chiefly used with reference to words of abuse; q(~6448obcgo& q6 (0u8), n. a kind of tree (Pali oarqco). qg, v. to be reduced to a level (oo( i,oo on the same level) by some modification of the surface, or by being so close and thick as to fill up all interstices; comp. @wo, n. a board, plank; W e, a flat surface; used in composition with other words as cqo6Sq'Io o1sqgs oo5o61gii - o-s, v. to lay with boards, as a floor. ---- g, n. plank-walling, tongued and grooved. -G~038, v. to cover the side of 'a house, make a partition with boards. - DO, n. a board, plank; 08CqA3sSS q xooCSqjS00 0f8COOi; [lit. One walled and floored with planks]. 4 0, v. to be tough, so as to yield to -force without breaking; omo3U Der. abg':.; cosox(@ooOx q9*aS8qoe%8 o9I c orc:ouojii (2) coehDo o g-o5o-5zot-0oooSo'l 4o0500&Sou - C, v. same, and def. (very rare in colloquial)., v. to fly as a bird, as sparks of fire, as rays of light; Coe &G@oSqFo~ mo~~mcoe GCOC (ogo3) ~&cN0 coeo o8.i, - mob=n, adv. in a flying, circling manner asa bird. 720 VO.p: (pron. 4j02:), n. a species of swallow, Hirundo daurica; comp. qE:GggcYS, the Hirundo rustica. j, v. to be scattered, spread, diffused, as odour, as rays of light, as news, &c,; Sq$ljp6oTog6 os0i~q8co,,Sqc6oooc8tqooen - v. to be diffused throughout; cR1S@o- cu 8:soGooxBS co@:)@Cs& 4Ow%~I. -_41P, v. to be pleasant in mind, enjoy one's thoughts; comp. - g::, v. [to spread and increase in the sense of prospering: also can be applied to the diffusion of knowledge and to exciting the passions, e.g., ocgcomo o.go:. nooei]oolG:cq:j -.S, v.; see the parts [4OScag4.So usually applied to young people]. - v. to be scattered, dissipated. -, v. to be diffused and odoriferous., v. to be in a hurry, bustle (to flurry one's self); opM889o wG)8r.sg~- I$ rc01 oSl cooSqjocoo86oo~, it is not advisable to depute Maung Shwd Dun, as he is in the habit of flurrying himself. - Ascq:wo, adv. from above; pclomooo =6co0'3 coo"oc ip, I, n. a honey bee. -.-4 (from A, a bulge), n. a nest of bees, including the honey-comb. (qpal (ron. 0ocq40).. ---- v. to swarm as bees. -o5, n. a limb or any other thing to which a swdrm adheres and attaches the honey-comb; q:-uooI qcn _-o (pron. oq), n. a hornet [spqooNcq6Swe, to form as a carbuncle]. ~acqqc, n. the large bee-eater, M. 0o$oS v. to suck juice from flowers as a bee [also applied figuratively to active, or fidgety, persons; q:o$auooc - 88, v. to take honey from bees. - (-g) (often pron. qj), n. coz&qOu -soS (pion. qj9go), n. a drone. -q (often pron. qpasc), n. honey..-o (from g.coq), n. a honey-comb...-ooc, n. young 1ees. Gq? 721 os oo$, n. a small kind of honey-bee (a kind of hornet). - 0co-Sa (sometimes pron. qoooS), n. the cells occupied by young bees [eaten in curries by the Burmese after the wax has been extracted]. - e (from ce, to be ineffectual), n. a deserted, empty honey-comb. o'S30oo (~o) (pron. 0oco5i), n. a small ulcer formed at each corner of the mouth;;osoooSproI6Sooea q11ro (usually pron. qu1id), n. courteous behaviour, kind attentions, politeness; Co3M3001- HqQi89GQ0G.CoS=oII0a GCOONOC8 qjtcloc-Soog, Maung Htaw A, the merchant, has much winning politeness. q11UqJ119o9 (usually pron. qj[qc llIc), adv. courteously, engagingly, politely. l3rYSr, v. to disappear; NoSoe~, to be lost. Der. rGocySiio[8p 00 GCO 0 00 s ~ c-8 (; q oo - ol 68 8. oe5cba — ooS-, v. to be free from, as a disease; GcpoIogoo~cn8,gr qEol ooSn -Goo0, v. to be obliterated, to die out as a race, to be obsolete; cGgrn:c c z3S q8u0 G~XM3 O&I1CqX og01 x5 C Qtrj0 --qoS, -9, v. same, 2nd def.;;8.spoCo=0*e~ 0OS 11rD~ GCXS C~00oq0t- 3&SD81 goc,08CoR R8 Ot-, Pho Raza has left a name in history which will remain even until his bones have been destroyed. - -c, v. to disappear and be blown away, i.e., to vanish from sight, see the parts; coe3r-s08C, OOGje~~C6olCe Mq(Bc cqc3 s, v. to be limber, pliant, flexible, not stiff, oCD3o; Comp. EquO. Der. cqop8ii o5 @%ScqGEC0:;i3 j: 1 t c= oG oc~q l oq:)jo q- 8g-c a9 cq,0S8., see 9D6Gqoo81i cqu (G@?), v. to be soft, tender, yielding, lax, Goo; comp. s and ~, to be limber, pliant, flexible, not stiff; oD0Do8o cqpf * oo [to be effeminate, to be physically weak, delicate; "limp " in character]; coD06o c o8c30~=:).J~coG(0ll (2) ac~oSqqloos gocfsaxga:s8ooT6cco0ol -8 (c@o8), v. soft and yielding to the touch; most commonly used adverbially; Gqp88i -?G(ol (cG9 L9 k), adv. odSa;qo$Gquo88c06ooey ojacoom GCOIoo.Goos8we coM Cfl 91 722 GsqjGo8s, v. same in both senses (to be supple as the limbs; G~cooSGqjoGqDoogZ); CoGoSop@s3ocGoJG9pSt3aSo8qGC1ooS * oo Gqo?@[o8: (c@oG@D:s), n. a flute, fluted channel in ornamental work [moulding]; Gmooo:Eor~rc3&sooc;,,Gq6sc[ l oooStaI — c- (go.0s), v. to flute. GqjS, i, v. to sleep, be sound asleep; OSsq9SoogEaugooe; comp. ou --, v. same. ---, v.; see the parts; Gcq9S$:g~o3o coGoGoosocogSoog5, I was only just dozing off when I started and awoke. cqS, 2, v. to enjoy one's self, be pleased, happy; G.GcqSoogSi Der. Gs5iGqJ5GSgoS5uocqSoo11 gonooooj (Prov.); GqlSGqjS G.4GOc, 'Those that live happily die hard.' -- ol1, — 5, — @[ (applied as a rule to animals), c68, v. same (cqjSolt, in the modern acceptation, usually signifies to indulge in sensual pleasures). --, n. an impromptu meal, usually, in the open air, a picnic, GqSg:0. In Upper Burma GqSc8, to hold an impromptu theatrical entertainment, is the equivalent of g 98. in Lower Burma. The pw~ is held in order to test public opinion as to the merits of a dramatic company with a view of future engagement, or otherwise. The company as a rule are not remunerated on such an occasion. 4, v. to be young, in the prime of life, neither very young nor old; applicable to whatever has life. Der. 1q and cA; also applied to trees, e.g., a@:o,4[ic4@S o03 8 --, — aoS, v.; see the parts; sogSooo8: oogaolg$i,.aS co$~coo38o6oe~, when youthful, and one's appearance is fresh and tender, one is of cheerful mind. —.- (Jq6S) [infrequent], a5, v. same as Ju ooe$8 ogcoo acot, is this woman unmarried or married? [when the taukt~ (tuktoo) crows, Burmese children are in the habit of calling out 40oo:ccoos], they also call out 5tS: COOMOcOCOO* - 4, I, n. sacred verse, in lines of four syllables, 4oqpq (usually setting forth the merits and exertions of a qocpGcoos:, an embryo Buddh). ~ ---oo80 (oodSoo), n. same., 2, v. to retch, heave, rrake an effort to vomit; cSJaoogeu s>, v. [to retch and vomit.-S.]; see the parts. a,. disposed to vomit; co2o3 0g5 ~9c 804@11 (i, v. to plant, either as seeds or plants, with the intention of transplanting; n. a plant; (a,0811 -8-os, n. a bed of plants [a nursery, a plantation]. - 0ooo8 (pron. as spelt), v. same as i3,n od1s(3::oooo8oo6:0&J GZowooIQnO3cIgGOoo I1 @, i, n. (obsolete). Der. @9 and next (6@@a~). n —0, n. a small turret on the wall of a fortification (ooc$ooo8: N, ~~ o000), see ogS8 -— CoS:, n. a road which leads to a turret, any road which terminates at a particular spot [a cross-street.-S.]. @, 2, v. to show (in various ways); 2$oogti g$:oog-(i),gcodSG co~8ooc8 go@qoSoli (2) osocpg: cowqc" qo~Soqc986 o^qqp@olcSo0, equivalent to the English expression of a person receiving a judgment from Heaven. -— 2, v. to point out.-S. —.a$ v.; see the parts. — a, v. to show in the way of instruction; GoS008, 0g@co3oSc &A5S, i, v. to glance, as a ray of light (infrequent). Der. o98 @oS and g@soiicg8oogo5u @go, 2 (qdS), v. to add to, put into, as a very little into a larger mass; less than go5; one kind of Gcoo,8:n goScoo8tg0ooo08 o,:sGS mB.ooc1g83o404&'egoo.aiiSoo68@ioi@o5o1S,, goo0co (Sans.), n. nature; cmo, oDooo), used in colloquial (ordinarily by men of education); less frequent than oetxB" Qoo>fOo% s: ooii ^;QoSoaocd3Sc oooo~GoGooe3~s gozoS^Goo1osno l 3lo,8 ooS0 Gcl3loO G000003000g0(6@6ll1 GCOGooXSG I300063 soSGG00Qrq0ogl II r0 )S[^8g62So gR 8 CCooS0o8COO 036~0~S~?l&IOQC~ ll, S~G5V83 Qq82Gmoso: 0I 080sgo-AC 4sooo 0 (;nSVco dcJ, " Prince Mahazanekka having spoken with the nobles and "the audience of his own accord, feeling wearied, ascend"ed from the porch to the principal room of the palace, " where the princess was, with a natural gait of resolution " and boldness like the king of the lions entering the "golden cave." Lq8f (6ls B$), n. an astrological scheme which forms the basis of subsequent calculations, an almanac; @6483P;85g8 ~e,,8^$o"S,@mg 8,, * 724 9P @oS4oS, adzi. clearly, conspicuously; C~g a3~oq YOjwoS&jo&io5 Sm8 a-8-(i) DgSo 90o~tIo %: Q~X6G 6D13;1co 0c8osi aoEcj r.@pooeSuoog laoocSogSo9sc8mcS ococ,li ke as amongst all the foot-marks on the high road, those of the elephant are conspicuous; (2) QFtoqMoo r4c )rgS@(r ccoScoo8cyfSoii Fn.; see s@8, the outside, what is beside. -cooI, n. walling, tongued and grooved (P.W.D.) - 009C (pron. 68s6o), n. an outside person, one not included (so00aR00). -, n. the outside, that part which lies without or @8q&S 8 sQcb oDoSooqiI cji -o-o'ol, n. the last of the five places of sitting in the royal presence; see o~pin c3ocS0Sawc8toocol' ~8:, v. to be violent; co$o, in conjunction with other verbs, appears to have the meaning of very, exceedingly [to be ardent or strong as an alcoholic liquor, scent, tobacco (to be virulent as a poison, Bso(888s], &c.; to be loud in sound; ost5(-soo~-(i) ocF caoo m8om81-: copS (2) coo&x3qcSMs @8gooe~qjoC3)$oooooSg82c8# (3) 0i):@Esgeugcx$:6lcoWa 93c!I — co$, -@, v. same; Sco@S:a-o8o cOoGoo G&3S1 cc9aGorX5,4 "co0 gomo883oois C8 (oS), i, v. to throw, cast, throw away, reject; 2ooe, to throw at, shoot; cG8Abg~Cy8Q0011crl1 - v,. last def.; daysso~ g 6soco! — 0o, n. commonly written og8, which see. -— 0-ooo0ooS, adv. neglectfully, carelessly, without regard; -oo OR5c00o0@80coSO ajoSo: sol ~ llS@osoq ~ $cA9e~ -— oas, v. to throw aside (for a time), to forsake, abandon; cooSog s8$- o@gQ oo g )@:c9@ii 'P ~qos, v. to sin against, to transgress; o$laloo; ccq-oj-.a8C~@890*0 0 0q@9sosoo~s:n8@og -c"S, v. same as ~S, Ist and 2nd def. @8, 2, v. to weave grass (for roofing), make it into a flat piece by doubling and tying on a stick; cS@c$ S&oaoS u Der. oor8~8, OnO~, oo5@~8 [o6SMCa_ Sog1Pgcf C 8%46]. i,, n. a country [oaowSouo8sc:gpS,3cn3, transportation for life]. - n. an hereditary chief. ~ ---F 9 ~n. thieves, dacoits, robbers. b 725 60c$40 (pron. 9&o0:0), -n. a courtesan, harlot; 8i:Qo61I 4'Jo0ndo ogon ~ oo mooe, n. the same.-S. - Cb G 00 n. the internal affairs; 0 Gsq0Co08in6i - Go0o8, n. same as t~; used in phrases of enumeration only, as co~@cnom8, ~bbe0OOS8, coc6p8@p-S o8, @eG=o6 8 - j-gq1oR(ooqo65g, v. to make an unqualified denial; this expression is said to owe its origin to the Burmese marionette stage, i.e., to the time the curtain falls and screens everything from view. ~-Grqoiu 6Gsq, n. the affairs of a country or kingdom. -_ 808I@J (pron. @g6oL8:x:), n. the sovereign of a country. -O6c09su@g&,f n. minoir criminals such as petty thieves, &c. &2, 2, n. a measure of capacity equal to four tsalks (ocxcS) or one-sixteenth part of a tin (mo&6); before capital numerals, 44, as =' 8eq iCaOs4,ar o5,y &c. 4 ocoo5 make I @e, marked (") as So 2,P, I oitos 2 aoRo I, 8063, marked (0) as S8 2805,, I 1i 4 80$, 2 2, or 16 (p make I tin, marked (8) as 8n M, 3, n. pus. - GWOSE, ' v. to be pent up as pus in a sluggish or slowly developing abscess (AS:p) or boil (m488.)). --— Oorsw:)8 n. drawing ointment. - oo -, v. to suppurate as a boil or sore [~gooe is also used in colloquial]. - CuloS, v. to burst as a boil or"abscess. v-,. to re-gather as a boil. - v,. to come to a head as a boil. PA, 4, v.; see @0S, to jest with; o@oqj:o cg;ao d~ o@60ol), please do not jest with me, sir. M, v. to be full. Der. @'&a S, v. to be possessed of, replete with, to be complete, accomplished, fulfilled; ~Is C&aJ-3 a63ooo9@&oo Cou (2) So3 8oZQO3GZCO0s5PMJG5~eo~~ 05o. -gS: (pron. @&, mwin), v. same (infrequent). o, v. to be full of, have an abundance of; less applicable; Ca@?.OcSQ% 8O esjo@00ooooo oaoqCSoolh cc00:) @&0o9, a man of ripe and wise understanding and experience. M c:Goo, n.; see 8~SGonh @gos (Pali go$), v. to decide, settle, establish; c4-oSoana -;qS, n.. an official resolution. oS, v. to be cut in two, to be cut, tt be cut off, ended, to cease, stop [to snap in two], break off [to be broken as the skin, boo], to be decided. Der. @ou The word &S is much used in boat and horse racing when speaking of a horse getting clean away from another; @8.oooot [an abbrev. of accScqtcoq] Qco0$s c~ot [oaoS is used in boat-racing]; GooSOO xzoS8g a s(s;gC o9O:c8S,- the hawser has snapped, the boat will drift. -co8t, v. to be severed in connection, to be divorced as huslband and wife, to be broken off as friendship; ~%0 s2 8a0 SGco -oGilGQ 3ao 5CcYZ62,OSO I 5 -, v. to cease, stop, to be divorced as husband and wife. -t 08ceo90s0cS82, adv. by intervals of action and repose, by fits and starts; -s 6S-o&moo8s:~oSvozD8s g&ooa -— o6oo, v. to smack the lips in eating; o8oO5oS W6o-:,ooaS sulooelu — 0:t, n. an appraiser of uncoined money; comp. soo=5*& -cos, v. to be discontinued for want of further supply; I1 QcooS800o0c8GfoStCSGcoas0o ~ 08005b 030ooo808q, Oc -- agoaS8, adv. on the point of being severed. - COS, v. to be cut or rent to pieces, spoilt. -oots, v. to be distinct, clear (in speech). @o0&:(pron. oos8), n. a window-shutter; @mY8-"oSIBI @o0:06u 91 -— olos, n. the opening or aperture of a window. 9-4ZSSdo, ni. a window-sash. --— pS (-ooc08), n. a false window. 8- I, n. a window-shutter; @coi880Su 600s, see Soo$, n. a canopy. @os (pron. and frequently written ori:), n. quicksilver; cqoo1 -.-co i. ooox rgo eofo Gmroo uy ooo siv s - COO), n. oxyrariate of mercury, corrosive sublimate, 0o03a6:44, n. calomel. - v:,. to overlay glass with quicksilver; 9$fjficrx)c.A, n. a spittoon, cgO33&G68icgO (obsolete) [a term said to be extant in the reign of gEOlU, first king of Prome]. i, I, n. a pran, a measure of time equal to ten karas (ocp) [a term used in astrological calculations]. 2, 2, v. to return, to repeat, do again, 8coS i [as an abbrev. form of gj&>, to reply to a letter, I$ooU iiEs]], to do in return, ogo~I og$r 0; to repeat, rehearse (a lesson), to interpret, translate, oomxg$ oox o 0Sm o%; to die (clerical); oco$o@~oo aalg, to recover (intrans.) from fainting, to refine, purify, rectify by redistillation or sublimation, olg o tCCo@zqco$; ao. j4$Go0Doo5j8w, qual. verb. affix, again; adv. back, backwards; used in composition, e r,.,p I 0l5:@@ J cooFilu Q8 0:G8o88ao G4f00 '1 3680~ @J$Pol; s4.)9o84.G~:$oq:);qooe; o0roooCoco Sorw gooc~qo:)eu -, v. to communicate information, to relate, report (respectfully); cEc ag@Eq14(QU @801 COAN 0-o, n. a written reply. o-6038 (pron..$-S:), adv. sidewise, as in looking back; aoo3rw;Toso~ccFmS s04og~E o90@g3q:11 bO:cqCF @so4)869610 - A, v. to interpret, translate. C4 0 (Pron. @$i:), n. a royal edict made public for universal observance; 38o cxS@$co$., an official gazette. -,G@), v. to relate, narrate, repeat (an account). -,oa, v. to come. - OA v. to do in return, do back again [retaliate]; comp. - cgs), v. to go back. Co, v. to be expanded as the open hand or as a mat when unrolled, to be spread out as grain, sand, &c., to be level, have an even surface; eeoo'oe otSoaz; comp. @:)n -olla, jocL5, v. (to be widely extended); see the parts; often pron. G%8gjcaC oo6evo@ q c agoeu — 9110, v. to be a level, agreeable surface; c3e~Sq8GO G0cP o8o0cpcs5Gms8ooco3 g@iq11 11-ol-ooe [also applied to the mind being in a happy, contented state, e.g., 8O8@I~qI-O 728 @000l1 @- SG@ (pron. >ic), v. to be uniformly and plentifully supplied; ~gosG0oOOsOOglI 08, v. to be low, squat, flat and broad in comparison with the height; comp. 8S, to be in a low, stooping, crouching posture; oSooooobt c@68@oS Goos, — o0, -o, v. same, 2nd def. ---, v. to be habitually fixed in a humble posture; used only as an adverb in a reduplicated form. -- @:, adv. indisposed to move; @8A @o806oGo8$$ooo1, @8:, v. to spread out, distribute throughout, according to some rule; oogoo$&ocb oo,E sq o:o,8 (qc) bc~0og @8oo0 ---, v. same; ooogiG@)p~~ g 8oo<85c Bo3Gcoo8oqoooI -— S, v. to take an average. @S, I, v. to waste (intrans.), become weak, less vivid or pungent, as odour, flavour, colour, heat, affection; sz:~cco oaI, figuratively (to become feeble as a plan or scheme; a@@otooge) s8goS5oogn GggogcSooei sa=goSoo~11@g o 4is co5o&on 57s$q 3s@oSoOln o8qjo'o8$g 3aqG8moon( 6GgG3o o@Solo Saq8030^0ooaol o5r @cS, 2 (from @ and qoS, to show and laugh), v. to jest with, put to the blush, as young persons of different sexes, to make indelicate allusions; c8Gcoooo o5~ooooo; comp. qIoSGq5 and qjciscSu @uoS, n, in Pali grammar an illustration, exemplification. ~oxCoo?, adv. glitteringly, dazzlingly, with a variety of colours (infrequent); $coouoTcoSgoooot@copB ooosooGogi S=xoo (Pali olmo5l, o1oooo), n. a graduated turret surmounting the roof of palaces, distinguished kyaungs, royal boats, &c. (Co80oSGc86GOO). -- ~:~@eg (commonly written @:, pron. s@), n. the same shaven-headed, i.e., not rising to a point [@=o5 s0~: o00m( GO, in contradistinction to g6=o5s o5MaSoo 0oS1o]. @ o03, n. a. question that forms a subject for discussion; comp. no3 o., n. a term applied to two unlucky days in the month? --— oao, v. to be obscured as the moon on one of these days? — cokS, v. to begin to wax as the moon on one of these days? -— , n. one of the two unlucky days in the month? 1983 729 3oool:cS, n. one of the two unlucky days in the month. [According to some @o=olsooSs means when the unlucky days are in the ascendant, and @doshcacS the reverse.] @2, I, n. ashes. -— 139^, n. a kind of crucible (qo5) made of ashes. --— ro, n. potash, pearl-ash, saleratus. --- 3oo, n. soda. @o, 2, v. to be blue. Der. cago — oaG3 S, adv. intensive to coSE8 --— oc0o',, adj. being of a dull blue colour; 3sji6S D, 3, v. to be dim as the eyes from weakness or old age; more than R$, but less than ~ and a8u @:, 4, v: to toss up, as rice when cleaning it with a shallow, flat-bottomed basket (G60o3) Qo0$@o @oco3, n. a peon, 8ogqcoS (a term sometimes applied to a police constable), a Court peon. @3xoooo5 (pron. @oc03,o), n. an ornamental excavation in architecture, as if designed to be the bed of a looking-glass; q LjGOo60@300000c:o)yo5G0o5G@:ooegooge @oo, n. Pyatho, the tenth month in the year, nearly answering to January [said to be derived from an ancient superstition that it was unlucky to throw away the ashes of fires (@o) during this month. Hence they were " stored up "; (q, v. to " store up "); ogcooSo^@Jo]. ioi, I, v. to be flat, level, not spherical, oco; comp. @S. Der. — q8, v. to be flat and thin; usually used in the adverbial form. -— cos:oo, adv. somewhat flat, flattish. — 9 --- (pron. r@%c~,-), adv. flatwise. [A (Q1 3, Pali), n. a scorpion, the eighth sign of the zodiac; @9~o (Pali GcoGoo), n. a pyeit-ta, a kind of being inferior to man, inhabiting one of the four states of suffering (oloS), including many varieties; comp. ooc- and 9o0, applied colloquially to the lower orders of the brute creation, as insects, worms, &c. " The pretas (l83) inhabit the L6kan"tarika naraka, GQc Sqc6jsoo; in appearance they are "extremely attenuated, like a dry-leaf. There are some 92 730 "pr6tas that haunt the places near which they had for" merly lived as men; they are also found in the suburbs "of cities, and in places where four ways meet" (coStocos " sA). " The inhabitants of the L6kantarika naraka are "pr6tas. Their bodies are 12 miles long, and they have "very large nails. On the top of the head there is a mouth " about the size of a needle's eye (m82a so'loSo4.). In "the world there is a preta birth called Nijhlmatanha. " The bodies of these pretas always burn. They con"tinually wander about, never remaining in any one place "a longer period than the snapping of a finger (coor68o "oag). They live thus an entire kalpa (myo); they "never receive food or water, and weep without inter"mission. All beings, except the B6dhisats (seo8aooS), "receive this birth at some period or other of their exist"ence. The pretas may receive food and drink from "their relatives, who can further benefit them by perform"ihg acts of merit in their name, such as the giving of food, " alms-bowls, &c. to the priests, but there are many " pr6tas who have so much demerit (oaoqcc5) that they " cannot in this way be assisted; still, though the act be " of no benefit to the pretas, it is to the person who "performs it. The pretas derive no benefit from the "weeping and lamentation of their relatives, and it is no "advantage to them when their merits are proclaimed." -M.B. g$:c5 (pron. @$: o5), 'n. a kind of grass. P$:, v. to be idle, vain, unsubstantial; chiefly applied to persons and language; cog~acQM ooos ugp9@8 oS -- qaS:, v. same. -— ooOSS, v very rare in colloquial, but sometimes found in poetical compositions. @xo (Pali, a bull), n. Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac; @=O#, @o=o, @=, (, (~acp8a.8 G oo~CO 8o3o1 cgo5 n g So~o^On @, i, v. to be accurate, exact; chiefly applied to speaking and writing [this word is also applied to paintings and drawings which are true to life]; c0oo~@ooi1 oo03,opomo:fGqc -— q'8 (-gE ) (pron. B@8), -oo, v. same; Dq8 is used by the better educated; (qlS oooSo oog6S ^o6q ' oooS6oS CG006:S&8~, -@O$O0C03G@0368fc0N53~SOog~U LI 731, 2, verb. affix denoting the past, sometimes the future (oifs o:.i o o-/oojo), changed into @I when followed by another assertive affix (see Grammar), e.g., aogofioe ooog~o.coo:, M (pron. 88 in colloquial), adv. at all (in a negative sentence), agog8:, as @@o~, there is none at all; [[oooS1, he is not at all skilful. Frequently followed by coo:, e.g., @~@oo: 0o0oSol izdooSD g Oogos0011 T), v, v. to be done, finished, completed, accomplished, to be proof against (a weapon or a blow), oog, qoS@g, c~@, Gco >oS(~ll — OOCP:p;Q^SCf OOgg O33GC60&r 3Gc~=88qlO003Qc3aC (o]oafgGao, n. medicine to cause invulnerability. -- --, v. to be settled and smoothed over as a difficulty (33 Mc2gosps.googo cGSoXl oo). -- (~~, v. to be settled as a difficulty, litigation a quarrel; sGcoo8 CYGco3aoGOo SGoSj6(8@ @5g0 co UooZ1 aii -- -8, v. same as @ao — @o (pron. v.oS),. to be finished as any kind of labour or business [s:@OoSqo33aoSooi] G --- —, v. similar meaning to @8~ s, 2, verb. afix; see under @:ii 1, i, v. to do, perform; qoos, 9wea,, to act like, assume the character of; yoD'(jiqoqSoog. Der. soloocCiC, interrogative, why? QGo3S93CjoScoooS @9joloIu [@ in the sense of "to do," " to perform," is being gradually supplanted by oqS]. -— oA., v. same, Ist def. [to commit as a good or bad action; usually, however, used with reference to the latter]; cg$ coo00S q8s3a (T 9 g8vo>a> nq5og3e'oop T&ja 9*Go0x)oSol -— C, v. to bewitch, inflict mischief upon by witchcraft; comp. oSsoos. [The difference between @oo and o8:on: seems to be that the former means to be bewitched by human beings (such as witches), and the latter by superhuman agency (such as ghosts, nats, and the spirits of persons who have met with violent or unnatural deaths).] — q (pron. @Q), v. to take care of, minister to the benefit of (to cherish). — q8 (pron. @G6) ( — 8) (from q8, to amend), v. to amend,.correct, repair, put in order; comp. qAjoS --—, v. same as Q, ist def. 728 [0 @Jc~ (Pron. i -&), v. to be uniformly and plentifully supplied; &og@Jo 0oofico;o:coe v,. to be low, squat, flat and broad in comparison with the height; comp. $~, to be in a low, stooping, crouching posture; 00 1 o0gcnsc -o0, -oS, v. same, 2nd def. -, v. to be habitually fixed in a humble posture; used only as an adverb in a reduplicated form. - 00, adv. indisposed to move; 9_A91_CVQ_"%F$9$00011 @S:, v. to spread out, distribute throughout, according to some rule; ooCoeqcbg 9 om8&:co oox4g~ (qo$) pbc~-Oqo pco.z 00:)' C~C501 if --—,. same; 0ooo9:QSI098cq CO 2J0r80~=d, I q-gc, v. to take an average. i, i, v. to waste (intrans.), become weak, less vivid or pungent, as odour, flavour, colour, heat, affection; mwo~?q we~, figuratively (to become feeble as a plan or scheme; G3g@3_'Bo&g MagSog-_&Ot1 64gQ @oe~II3 3Z4@O5W5~11G80 0 4pAco8oC4u aSx0$g0t(A0800g 080C:(080 3Qt8noDC(YoSGg3 Q@Sol 0-qSo0c1 o1ojl cg cS, 2' (from @ and qjoS, to show and laugh), v. to jest with, put to the blush, as young persons of different sexes, to make indelicate allusions; Bccoo5o8&Joo3- co~oe; comp. CGaSrS and q.c&OSni @uoS&, n, in Pali grammar an illustration, exemplification. @oAs ons, adv. glitteringly, dazzlingly, with a variety of colours (infrequent); ~coot oT6 ouamorono lposo'rsooroall Oooog (Pali Oloh)c3l, o01ozo), n. a graduated turret surmounting the roof of palaces, distinguished kyaungs, royal boats, &c. (cMQ0ScoGoo8ac5). — ~@: s (commonly written,', pron. ~:), n. the same shaven-headed, i.e., not rising to a point [@.9@5ugs 33o SGo0, in contradistinction to @oooT(eqSfGSoo 0510]. g owv, n. a question that forms a subject for discussion; comp. ut, n. a term applied to two unlucky days in the month? --— a09, v. to be obscured as the moon on one of these days? — os, v. to begin to wax as theimoon on one of these days? -—, n. one of the two unlucky days in the month? 729. o31:c9io5, n. one of the two unlucky days in the month. [According to some o=0lalos means when the unlucky days are in the ascendant, and @ udooo 31cS the reverse.] @3, 1, n. ashes. --— a, n. a kind of crucible (qo5) made of ashes. -— o-3, n. potash, pearl-ash, saleratus. -— ao3s, n. soda. @o, 2, v. to be blue. Der. agon -— oa8, adv. intensive to oo8sEl — Go40o5cqS, adj. being of a dull blue colour; jp5Ssin @(, 3, v. to be dim as the eyes from weakness or old age; more than R$, but less than ~ and o8n @3, 4, v: to toss up, as rice when cleaning it with a shallow, flat-bottomed basket (6Gooo) co$ouo @coon, n. a peon, 8b6oqco8 (a term sometimes applied to a police constable), a Court peon. @3oo30 o5 (pron. [p2ooocS5), n. an ornamental excavation in architecture, as if designed to be the bed of a looking-glass; q 9G00608@300:ogoS co5Ggo58@5soo&ooBU @oo, n. Pyatho, the tenth month in the year, nearly answering to January [said to be derived from an ancient superstition that it was unlucky to throw away the ashes of fires (@o) durirg this month. Hence they were " stored up"; (o, v. to " store up "); G@gcoa @gDc]. @o, v, v. to be flat, level, not spherical, o00:; comp. @S. Der. -- 18, v. to be flat and thin; usually used in the adverbial form. — m-a:ooo, adv. somewhat flat, flattish. -- coS (pron. oc:,4o), adv. flatwise. t3o (@&, Pali), n. a scorpion, the eighth sign of the zodiac; 5b E" @fp30$Os (~g^obo"ii ^Gpo~0 D (7o4g3a$o6^8$CO l ^spos0Gp YcoGa)Sog~003 cgoSg 0 S 0oo 0ogs @go (Pali GQ0ooo), n. a pyeit-ta, a kind of being inferior to man, inhabiting one of the four states of suffering (=olcS), including many varieties; comp. oocG and 7oS, applied colloquially to the lower orders of the brute creation, as insects, worms, &c. " The pretas (@&3g) inhabit the L6kAn"tarika naraka, Gco&0 c.sqco; in appearance they are " extremely attenuated, like a dry-leaf. There are some 92 730 g " prtas that haunt the places near which they had for" merly lived as men; they are also found in the suburbs "of cities, and in places where four ways meet" (coStocot " " ASj). " The inhabitants of the L6ktntarika naraka are " pr6tas. Their bodies are 12 miles long, and they have "very large nails. On the top of the head there is a mouth " about the size of a needle's eye (oa8Z0sGoloSoQj). In "the world there is a preta birth called NijhAmatanh,. "The bodies of these prdtas always burn. They con" tinually wander about, never remaining in any one place "a longer period than the snapping of a finger (cooSfi~0 " oaoS). They live thus an entire kalpa (ooao); they "never receive food or water, and weep without inter"mission. All beings, except the B6dhisats (coo008so), "receive this birth at some period or other of their exist"ence. The pr6tas may receive food and drink from "their relatives, who can further benefit them by perform"ing acts of merit in their name, such as the giving of food, "alms-bowls, &c. to the priests, but there are many "pretas who have so much demerit (oaoqocS) that they " cannot in this way be assisted; still, though the act be " of no benefit to the pretas, it is to the person who "performs it. The pretas derive no benefit from the "weeping and lamentation of their relatives, and it is no "advantage to them when their merits are proclaimed." -M.B. @$4:oS (ron. @$:@o5), n. a kind of grass. $, v. to be idle, vain, unsubstantial; chiefly applied to persons and. language; cogxscmsoooIc, oooSaq9@~830oS - q(IS, v. same. --— 0008, v very rare in colloquial, but sometimes found in poetical compositions. (000 (Pali, a bull), n. Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac; ~oc8, ~0@00o8, @ooucpdS-, @=, @amoDCpo~ 91r3w0 ooayco @, i, v. to be accurate, exact; chiefly applied to speaking and writing [this word is also applied to paintings and drawings which are true to life]; omos@ooii ocosopomo):iG ~oo6@oog," --— 9ql ( —g) (pron. @@8), -oo, v. same; @q8 is used by the better educated; @-6agoSOcoSo goSoo r Sg8GcoooSjoS cOOSGcoQass, — 0g$~o000003c2s 8Rg|j6OOc3a5|300 1 7;, 2, verb. affix denoting the past, sometimes the future (ooQs@ 0q:, o02 a2 oj), changed into @ when followed by another assertive affix (see Grammar), e.g., oaRg iioco>6ooo@ o00@coo)n W (pron. 88 in colloquial), adv. at all (in a negative sentence), "30.8-, as 1~o, there is none at all; @oooSo'1, he is not at all skilful. Frequently followed by oooC, e.g., @o@o: oao:)o1ido8aog@gcaogo(Qoas:P, i, v. to be done, finished, completed, accomplished, to p proof against (a weapon or a blow), oo@, o qoS@, c @, sco O5@I,,l — 3T0p80o8 coo 0@ogg033Go63&0c8&8 3 o CO 3 o uJ 6ol,3l 3saot, n. medicine to cause invulnerability. -- - q, v. to be settled and smoothed over as a difficulty (aoooog8oocp(~gGoogoGso6o01oo^). -- {8S, v. to be settled as a difficulty, litigation, a quarrel G:c008 oM =coC0SoGo SooSS 6@80oco & ccuXrCO O11 -— 8, v. same as I211 -- oS (pron. @.@oS), v. to be finished as any kind of labour or business [sOScgSq 3oa g ---— g, similar meaning to ~@80SI (:,,erb. affix; see under gn I, 1, v. to do, perform; cqioogu oo~,, to act like, assume the character of; gogllWqoqSoog. Der. sooo&.3 c, interrogative, why? CyGcoS9odCoSGooS @9ool1 au [[ in the sense of "to do," " to perform," is being gradually supplanted by oq8]. -— CAl, v. same, Ist def. [to commit as a good or bad action; usually, however, used with reference to the latter]; cr; coo q833 Q98=2 g 582gps:)Dooe~ 'qo3 i-ps ^ ^GcooSol -- o:, v. to bewitch, inflict mischief upon by witchcraft; comp. os:oos. [The difference between Qooo and o08:o0 seems to be that the former means to be bewitched by human beings (such as witches), and the latter by superhuman agency (such as ghosts, nats, and the spirits of persons who have met with violent or unnatural deaths).] -- (pron. Q)), v. to take care of, minister to the benefit of (to cherish). — q8 (pron. G@,) ( — 8) (from q8, to amend), v. to amend, correct, repair, put in order; comp. ql.oS, --, v. same as Q, ist def. Oc-,v. to operate, act upon; [,2, n. a specics of mangrove producing tannic acid, M. 90,1(pron. @LoS), n. roughness, unevenness of -surface, as of a rough skin, or a rough rock, (or coarsely woven paper), or silken garments. "-CO, v. to be rough, grating; more thanrTS8D' 91o, V. same; c8 o GOS, 2, V. to boil (trans.), hence cog4o~oo (pron. co'L1o~o), a small quantity, enough for one meal; 0o8% 1 C~4 C~C5I boil two eggs, please. -GMOO n. an apozem, medicinal decoction; qo5Gcotu.1-bv. to parboil, e.g., as the leaves of the (;orooc)5 and cxqt creepers.&AS 3, v. to be unloosed by the severing or detaching of some connected part; applied to things j*o-ined lengthwise, e.g., ow-x&d~oex~ [to be put out of its socket as a bone];applied also to- the discontinuance of a race; mQ.os 1 08,-ba~. cp Q010G80a sII 00411- 0co ~c c:1 woqS~obcoe, v. to be thrown out of employment; Qorgo, to be extinct as a race. -jUo~o8, v. to be all dead. n.. a vice; some pronounce this word @ oglcp &SQc8~o5cSZ (pron. @j6o~o5C~joS6aS), an abbreviation of o~So G~f reduplicated, but less- frequently used than the latter. QoS&oS (pron. lOjc8o16), adv.. with a light dashing sound, as of things falling in water. v. to m -ake. such a sound; oobo% aOR3D& 0 1,v. to be worn away, exhausted, spent (as property);- colco CO~oe~-c4:cQ GOOOocioe i88@ -os:g- (pron. &W.-C), v. same..I@S:@8 (pron. (~L$s@8o-), an abbreviation of u%~:o9S:, but less frequently used-than the latter; 3SU-~?O O 7 33 j::[j9 (pron. I$~), adv. expressive of the sound which it imitates. -@P.Mso, adv. same, see g@S:Sr (pron. @[$a!g:), )co5, v. to assemble, crowd together. - 4r, vv. to follow in a crowd; co30g:3c~qsooC (G3)&O G24C oTQp'R (2) D@~SQf~6)5diP81 &, adv. smilingly; 5oSul ooq&S oo6#, v. to smile. -. —,, adv. in a sweet smiling manner; yop -cv c, adv. in a smiling manner, with lips nearly closed, and only slightly exposing the teeth. -@g, adv. grinningly. i, 1, v. to project a little (from an aperture, as from a window), to peep from an aperture, to project as the tusks of an elephant or wild boar, or as the tusk of a horse; os8os s C ~QG~OO (2) c~8s$:3gco$G o~C o cOloSocP0 cn 8 GW01a (3) 3eo00 G8mcoga)c)S (33&o4C04) &Mn:Oc~ dI, 2, n. a species of reed, M. I, Y v. to protuberate as the eyes; qj oS893o&jI 9 rSORa0'WeTa — 0.o )68co)8 (pron. 0sG62SG0l&), adv. staringly without discerning, as from illness or fright; @CO9r.Q@')8Q=Z 1~000k6r~g6C~'jII 92, 2, v. to be a couplet,,~&o4:( [to be double-barrelled, as a gun], a triplet (o~:o0sjg) or more; comp. =Ro-cocp% j sGoDOcYsOS1 RG0ODXSco~. 180cooou~ 0 08082Oaeo&:' Ro Sj -8 0o-Iooo3C3"j GCXi2oS65f 8 e~ (vulgar). i, I, v. to be unloosed, untied (as a knot), to be smoothed or removed (as a protuberance or knob, w Gm IIrf511=4BGo ooe~; to be appeased as the mind (8org6), or settled as an annoying business (a GL, to be liquidated as a debt (og: GO); to be smooth, agreeable, pleasant, to be of a soft, pleasing colour. Der. 6-5o [also used in an adverbial form with verbs denoting sweetness and acidity of flavour, e.g., o08G@,~'C' S] @984@g2Gac @ 8CaOR:o30o0t (2) ooA01.'C8~ O G@Cs3Oco8OO8 c~o~cY0 (3) 3go odBo so c3 z *0 (4) m9 G@Gso8&folu oa ooV$408s9a8o %GcX c8F p (5) OOPo00:83;Q mcaooSqnRo~o, (6) 00&co.)8~@r-@~-0 a-XZCogi 734 43 G~Qg), -~8, v. to be smooth, agreeable, pleasanit; 6go3pS, to be polished as language;.: ):oSoG ~: &x9,800e5G@8 00 r oo6,c)ooC- uo~~s r Ccoomco3:tI -=o, n. a certificate of settlement, discharge, acquittal, &c. [a receipt], G@ooozo69oSI - gSP, -O, - oo&, -, - 9&, -co%, v. to be done away, removed, put to rest; (c.oog, to be liquidated, as a debt); cq.@-c@aooSg.@oEsqj@, c@:, v. to move faster than the natural pace, to run, flee (q-'p cq6oSd@oaA, to elope). -, v. to run, leap. -—.g, v. to run with a leaping motion. Q: (@), v. to gape, expand, flare, be bell-mouthed; jaoS.8:-@ oo&~sI.-co$ (c&$4), see the parts; a:s z$CoCt$n qoa$6J:t1 QMO~GOOOSG~GCOOOO&[I sCnC$00300 6g0Uo.3i) 0:ll r9o, i, v. to say, speak, tell; ~oo-3u f- (A3o, n. ability of speech. - -o, v. same. q cqo (pron. cq:), see G@ooco~r (Pron. GoobCQ). G-Coo, v. to make known by means of formal discourse; see the parts; psocrGGj:t0:u cu -QGoo~s8OdGo: 0a0, 2, v. to be much, abundant; seldom used alone; 8G0oa [jC&~a8 ] OG(9Ij96G316 a 8IOSG~):a)oS, v. to be speckled, spotted with spots; smaller than oacgoS as a beast; [ a~nIVO5 (pron. o:scEooS, but as frequently pron. *r- oa;Si:sclsGaor5), as a bullock speckled from birth; p:oloG-o oS, speckled when full grown]; comp. S82GgCS and 0o1hsGoo.oSo -—.aq1a, v. to be speckled and marked with different colours;, G ~aooo~ooagsuqgQ:cgoo~opjaeMS@:Go~cpou oo, n. a kind of buffalo, a bison (a gaur, M.). G@a&, 2, v. to be bright, shining, as polished metal (polished leather); comp. G00aD, C8s, c8$:, v1 mOgcoSorsYo8Grr oS&6 oc5Sol0 (2) 01so0aog:o8qj oI@a8>@8cocYo)CY50,iIa GZCcGG8 coa, same. Gp0 735 GoS, 3, v. to be unfeeling (to be shameless, to be brazen-faced, qJlo5poGg8co5), have no regard to the feelings of another; one kind of 83o-os, to speak and act without regard to the feelings of another as a stage player or buffoon. Der. ciG@z3 (to joke, to be droll, comical in behaviour); ome3a 0o05q|S^SOG8C0geI 3DaoS3MG@30(C 3;oKCS4geod (2) 00o5 — G-cS, v. same, 2nd def.; cgoSGqSGlS GgoooSageu go86 --— 88, -CoooSooo, -- 00o3608, adv. from same, I st def.; also unfeelingly under insults and injuries (comically, jokingly). - @oS@oS, adv. in the way of bold, reckless jesting. G@:)s, i, n. a kind of grain (a species of millet of the genus holcus, M.); owoc:0Gc8:n g@o86gcgSn (jowar). -— o8s, n. a millet-field; cg8ooS:o8goS, the time when the millet harvest is gathered, i.e., Noyember or December; G6s6~8 o8:gjo5, co2: Cs1ooSs.GooolQSI — o, n. a kind of grass, M. --— om$, n. jowari. --—:, n. Indian-corn. ---- oo5, n. the leaves of the Indian-corn plant used for enveloping the tobacco and chips of tobacco stalk of Burmese cheroots (c0oms:oc88); the best kind is known as GcooooS; cheroots of this kind are not smoked at Mandalay, being considered outlandish. - coGSooooS (usually fron. Q3o86cooSGomoS), n. broom-corn (the stalk of this plant is said to be nearly as succulent and sweet as sugarcane). 0goSt, 2, n. a tube used for blowing or projecting; comp. g$; coooScgo08, n. a gun barrel; cgo.oo8oOS, a blow-pipe made of brass or iron used by goldsmiths; go8Vo0S, to blow with a blow-pipe or with a tube as when shooting birds; 8:gco8s, n. a (bamboo) blow-pipe. CgoEs, 3, v. to change place, remove;;c-p@go, to change one thing for another; when combined with aYzcng8oS8 03000, and such like, to change conduct, disposition, &c.; provincial,-modern, but gaining ground; 8oSc@:Sg:oo (GQ)OG@o86oo3e)oooooosq CG@6oaI 020ocogoo2ugoSDOQ800Coo Go6soGodoM:6) 8g$ ooi5G o011 o~~&~$ (Pron f). G~oti@) (pron. C.S41G~o3:t), adv. one end for the other or upside down (fig. contrariwise); -PM-F —G, v. (to move, to'change one's residence; see the parts. -ca (-Cb), v. same as G@o~s (especially 3rd def., to be converted); *eg0G0359? or.18-sit34 rwg ps6 G03&6O3oC g:)0 0 - i(-c c-), v. to transfer one's self; see the partp. G~3S (G~), 1v. to be quite ripe, very soft; more than c6?ti cU C~ m1 6~Oa313~ ~ Cj r3 3 1 (2) ~0 c13 g 3f3C~s G@IGSG0ef (3) 3qq3493886C0086ZIIG a:)C)SCO~qCO&%G6SqCooe~n Av to break down, (intrans.) fall to pieces, come to ruin (to give way as a building, bank, or wall); oooD:G~ tioio&:o1: NqO:~8;l@8ab OD88S ~ (2) go5C-00S o8M~O@p0l,$ ~QCP&q1 G~LCG3~8~36jp~ @ ~q$9G~ 6~~(~1m~ - ' (-36), v. same. @&&cB or oo o5 (pron. @cY5fo5 or o~cqSoB), adv. profusely as perspiration or tears; 6@0 oo000&f05 ~oscqmr 9joS1e~ooS I~cScx 6Gm3 SqoT I @8, v. to put together side by side by way of comparison; RV, to compare; 0:18t, to engage together in rivalry; gmz-oS @&BlS, a house with two parallel roofs, or an M roof; o6 o~qlo: Cu8:o5~g~ no2Js69~$Gco,8i$$mooiR ~ (2) S 0.00GGOOil.-AS6, V. to meet face to face, to meet in rivalry or contest, to race; -.-*oo (-oonS), v. to match, to set one pelson or thing again~t another; & Bs oS o3oj3 Cm-o5 oq~tif6oa og, to be peerless, a nonpareil (der einziger), mo oill -...-6 (-c?), 0v.; see the parts; coo:) og:)@Ssj 8C@8'mooeln (2) 48, 43089.0-190ooe66 v. same as @8S, 1st and 2nd def. v. to be uniformly full, abundant, well furnished, whether in regard~ to size.or number;0 48:, v. same as PS:; used adverbially. [In wrtings frequently written (w6:S?]; a 731 v. to shine (obsolete). 0,v. to glitter, ~-.qa5; commonly reduplicated; ~:g:" cS(pron. @t:) v. to glare; used adverbially; c~&~, to be brilliant in colour, glossy; azp8~ogroo~G62:ocp: @Q@6~Ob~:65c8ob4.o5G-ozo GcpI~ GcoM.~ j~o ~sc v. to rise up soft, be puffy, swell (as rice in water); wi -G woS8rGcoS-& (pron. ~c~SG,8) -w~ooco, adv. swellingly, puffingly. r-c6I8sc-6l&, adv. in an inflated, bloated manner; =a~o~3s~c rq8rq&,same as 2G(318gG(618sv goS (as a noun, pron. ~6~), v. to boil up and break, as boiling liquid (cv), or as water in a river over rocks or shoals; (61: 86ce1to rise in the water as fish); to boil up and break as water, VOSBOS J5; [254O23Q$C: q"O1GO~,a imrction used when trying to convince another. Also used -figuratively, e.g., copGcqpor..cg8Vcbooo'] 8,v. to expand, open, be opened, to blossom. Der. 28 and szg (to become manifest as a Buddh); cpS=S~06 ~~ to be a favourite with people in general (populr), but" especially with the fair sex; often used in a bad sense;;o~P8 —8o oo ~ e~ (2 c8o3coo -M PS 0 C 9 (,pron. g~~ C00v. to be, open, clear, conspicuous; o~ol(88 0 *. C$jv. same (qjy~o2c~ e, to be of a happy, blithesome countenance). 86S i n. a turner's lathe. n. the band of a lathe. 6,v. to turn in a lathe. -~8o8Goq (sometimes written and pron. 8o54ocoqe)?.- S: (-~,n. the half of a baluster divided lengthwise, see @mco2c S Dal-o~ n. the chips made in 'turning. n., a bore used for a gimlet; cocBo~jb: 93 gcSooooS, -02Sq:, n. [one of the supports of a turning lathe], see 8oSq:a "-" ---, n. a chum stick. n, n. one of the supports of a turning lathe; see the parts. o ---I, n. a baluster. --- swco5qSa, n. a balustrade. — aoo:, n. a turner; co8gogyo865:)8oogI, goS, 2, v. to rub; c*oS, v. to grind in a mill; @oS, to churn by turning a churn stick (8oS); hence G.oS8quggoS, gold and silver collected by hard earning; oSqoS, to delete, C ^o5G80go60~(q.C9G(oG)<^Ggo6 3 dli - coS, v. to rub against (in passing) [to polish, burnish]; os gaoD ygoSAogoiooC0 ii (2) oe3Gg2co&oSoS%6C qog, g$s, v. to be rubbed off, worn away by friction, abraded. -- 08S, v. same (gtc8tco18:aoT). -. —diBso8:, adv. intimately;,r*gcB885$c~ oSCoo&oo8Roog (2) ^o>e~3 8:c8pgooeu Bg, v. to have a wide mouth, a large aperture ( 1S:8s ); cooS 2ps, v. to grow, increase in number or size; c 0:s-nooo.qs.:Gco. coo8g0@sioIn (2) iorM88gca, o qo~oSoog — 8:, -c q:, -g:, v. same; eogocS^p~c go8solIoooo5ooo8o 8:ooeggooocooSo We g, v. to be confused; j8nqoG8, n. a mischievous person: ooSoa cScoogo (2) 33q o~G8GGcii [to make mischief, to in'trigue]. -— joS, v. to be intermixed and confused, to be intricate, as a matter by intrigue or evil purpose. — 08, v. to contrive something new or curious [or to be something new and curious], to deceive in a greater or less degree; used in either a good or bad sense; oogo6cxgocaxg nG, v. to support on one or both arms; coozoS:.c6saG, an armful of paddy sheaves; coogoo.g, an armful of fagots; cotS 6o.,g, an armful of vegetables. -— I, v. (to embrace by Itaking up in the arms), see the parts; SGogoS3cooo yooosG cq sS c wD Qg^oocl4 o164~ oog6n 6 no56^u$S9o gs 739 og: 3 goo8Q GcqoGoSogq| | o oqj3 6 ooo o S AgoS, v. to support with one arm and clasp with the other; 3m OCYoco OGc0 gCoSo )11 cgs, i, n. the bamboo rat, a species of mole. --- , n. the heap of earth scratched out of the said animal's hole; [ is also used as a verb, e.g., - G@cb834:q gSGoog]. 80), 2, n. ring-worm; uoSoo38oo, GSGools8Sco — o-ooS, -4o5, -g, n. varieties of the same; *oSn, — g, — Gol5, v. to have ring-worm. -— coo, v. to remove or cause ring-worm to disappear with some medicinal preparation. GBsq:8, n. senna. goas (pron. ~o(o), n. the product of a certain winged insect [the dammer bee, M.] deposited in the hollow of trees. g: ()i, I, n. food prepared and placed for eating; oois, a place of eating, a table, eating-board; o~s~, a feast, a festival or entertainment of any kind [originally probably a religious festival, as the Singhalese poya], a public entertainment; o0000, a place of melting silver or making money, a custom-house for receiving transit duties, a broker's premises. ---- 5, n. an overseer or manager of a festival, a government inspector of silver; qSl — CoGooS, n. the wife of a broker. — q, v. to meet with the approval (as actors) of the audience at a dramatic performance, as when pleased with the sallies of wit, &c., of the cjqlo5 (oo56aq, to " bring down the house"). -— o, n. a broker's commission. --, v. to take part in a festival, keep a festival. -- qS.i, adv. instantaneously, immediately; 4l:s~GCoooogi -- coS, v. to have a craving to see a dramatic performance owing to long abstention; (o2, to be ennuyd with having frequently seen such performances).. — cg, v. to engage a dramatic troupe (either a SBooo: or a oaoos~)... ---oo: (pron. oG$), n. a sum of money paid in advance to a dramatic troupe to secure their future services. 740 6oS 0oo:, n. a dealer in uncoined money, a petty factor, a broker, sirkar; ooeooBS, the wife of a broker. — BS8, n. a broker's landing-place or ghaut. -- ooScb, n. a king's cook; oo:-Go5c3, -— cooSoo, v. to partake of food as a king; ~c-50^81Q&,sooS: -— 6, v. to be ascertained and approved in an assembly, and hence to be ascertained and approved in any way. [In ordinary parlance it would seem to mean to have been tried and proved in any trial of skill; in time of danger, &c.; o.go0"oocq, a man who has been tried and found equal to the emergency.] May also be used in a bad sense, as when speaking of a person hardened in wickedness. -— c8$B, v. to keep order at a pwe. ----, v. to appraise as a broker. —. —, n. a place of melting silver; Gro5Sq. —, v. to indulge in sociable, festive conversation. --- 8, an abbrev. of S, n. a written permit to hold a pwe. — S, n. a booth in which a dramatic performance is held, a broker's shed; obii -=-oo, v. to be alarmed by some extraneous disturbance, as an audience when witnessing a dramatic performance. —.oqo, v. to make a festival. -- 0o6, v. to commence holding a festival; -ocGs.o8mcvu [DooSoqof ,@8, a horse which has never been raced; also said of human beings, when it has a similar meaning to Goa, in the sense of having been tried and approved in any trial of skill, &c.] -— BS:, v. to close a dramatic performance. ~8 (),, 2, v. to be past the season, as of blossoming or bearing fruit; octo:,ii 0E6oo 0S0C~[io-,8:oogtn o5, i, v. to utter; never used in colloquial; @cS o6S, 2, see 86oS1 @ c @oS5goSooogeS 6oS, 1, n. a squirt, syringe, pump, any instrument which throws out water with force; (frequently pron. 8go and sometimes -— WN, n. a piston; o5cq:o611 006 741 oQSdo, adv. squirtingly, as water ejected from a syringe; applied to speech, rapidly, fluently (in a chattering manner); oo3:OooGo5S@oooe~I o08, 2, v. to grow in clusters; not used assertively, as Pogo, to cluster, be collected in a cluster [to throng together as persons]-(i) 3Do8oOqO5Oo8b'Cu ooe90 @oSG4GGJO (2) Fscg lScScm 3 l3=o0a8%80061g (3) OS0501:ogc0coo aoSG6cop i, x, n. a tube for conveying anything that flows; comp. cvoes, a conduit, aqueduct, pipe, tap, spout, &c.; @~q8, n. a hydrant, hence qj@$ G c%~$c800 ujo5 OmU q$Ocq~ ootgn: wo gcq*.oq$ocq608 noo$@~e - g o (or Rcg aoSRsB ooooSw a -ft6305, 1n. a syphon; GG:@$I ---— O, n. same as J$p $, 2 (8$), v. to be versed, skilled in, accomplished; c@, cq8 cos. OijS:, 6c0o3, scarcely used but in G@gxs OC$80 (0S0o:) (pron. 8g0ocs), aC. to be familiar with, intimately acquainted; used adverbially; see S$osain @~' is orthographically correct. 8:, v. to mix together, commingle; Gocp, to be lost, commonly at sea in a ship or boat. on-aw9-p, v. same, ist def. (most common). - jqc-Y, v. same, Ist def.;;'5,4 t ongosms ooeooe~O1@S& —. 88 (pron. 8&088), v. to mix up together (P-8S:),-11ncooo8, &b:99Ss0c88o0ooooe).;@, n. a pipe, fife, flute; now called qrsc~i G is to be found in writings; G@0005=30009 - t, n. an organ. 0 (:CS~4&0) (The twenty-second consonant in the Burmese alphabet and the second in the class of labials.) OcG0o808, n. a kind of tree, the fruit of which is edible and the wood used in building, M. 0A, i (ooS), n. a leaf, considered as an article of use; comp-O Go0?, n. a funnel made of leaves; oc8S:Goo 3O sisxoea nocs:oogxai6 (used as a flower-holder or improvised as a drinking-cup). ----, n. the main or middle rib of a leaf, midrib. *742 ooS ~oSc@oncco:, n. the small ribs of a leaf. 4 —igo5, n. a dish made of leaves. (In use before plates of European manufacture were introduced into the country); oo5goSc (oo~n -—,-)S6, n. a species of ulcer. -— 06 (from A, the hair of the head), n. the part of thatching leaf which is doubled and pinned over the ooSo5i --— oc-, -s.,, — so1g:, see the parts; comp. oo5o0 c^, ooSoo ga -— w o, n. the foot-stalk of a leaf, a petiole. -- o, n. the stick over which the leaves (ooSo5) are doubled and pinned for thatching; aoo,5,-a. -c, — oo6Sp; see the parts. --— ~, v. to prepare leaves for thatching by doubling and pinning them over a stick, to dry leaves for making cheroots by thrusting them between two hot substances. -— S, n. same as oo5n ---, v. to engage in rivalry. oo, 2 (written oSo5 by the best scholars), v. to embrace, hug, without taking up in the arms; comp. ~oS and cg, to form corresponding parts in union, to match, to unite, associatel; not used singly; Gol Sco oSoo01 SooS, hence ooSnooSo,5 matchless, incomparable, see (8SoolonooSo.@ — (i)-O2 =o1oo3aosos odjrSoozG@ loobSqol ooa, my little son, when he saw me, hugged me and cried; (2) aqG(o:cGo* oooSooS QGooooSofqc oogooooso10, I have made a vow that I will not drink intoxicating liquor even though I should have to take it with medicine (sjooS). -.-~scqcooSs, adv. conjointly, in partnership, in fellowship. — o, y. to act in concert or partnership by associating in any business; cor8:ooS [to abet an offence]; ~~gS j. st0c^ cq$,ooSoSp8:oSoog, U Nyun and U Po U have entered into partnership and are trading....ot, v. to associate with in some business or mission, e.g., G9qo5@S(apo8sg0o63o1Sog~o^Goqi So S0ccqgcaqD oSg68:0 (&scg|S9coo8~s oqq~a3Eo6 o 0oo 05(ooS) o ~W835c~Ca go5:3G s -..-..,. to be spoilt, as a set of crockery, ornaments, &c., by loss or breakage of one of the set. --- o~S, — 8, v.; see the parts. (06 743 ooSW8!:, v. to embrace, hug; oc&a&Sg 4Ssoeg~i o0Ocs: Cg.9S ODS I --— oooS, adv. embracingly [in writings often written ooS Zooo-8 as in the following extract from Zanekka; 4:c~$ ooSo~ (pron. eooSo), adv. indicative of the sound which it imitates, hence oooooSmoSooog~, ou6j9oS8cdroSog$c;oooo5 ooSogoS, n. [probably a corruption of oos5o, lit. (water) " wetted leaf "]. -— q, n. water which flows down the Irrawaddy, Chyindwin, &c. (usually about th~ end of March), tinged red with the leaves of trees. "The drinking of this water is believed to cause jungle-fever." oopgg, n. a kind of cloth. oSooo3, n. a species of spurge-wort, the leaves of which produce an itching sensation (tragia). o,-o$s, n. a name for two species of grewia. oo5oooDS, n. a kind of disease [o6loqSoouScoSooocp1o]. ooySoao, n. a kind of disease [allied to paralysis]. ooSoo:, n. a kind of tree [Bignonia stipulata]; ooo5s$o 8, a kind of oil is obtained from this tree which is said to be useful in cases of itch. Os, i, the anus (vulgar); o01 ogo8t 08o00], to be agile, active; (low); oScgg@, to expose the posteriors by way of insult. -- o, n. same. o8, 2, v. to be in a strait between two, hesitating which to choose, 8os~; hence coo8pcp, adv. in an unsettled state of mind, with wandering distracted thoughts. o~, v. to procrastinate, delay, be dilatory, long in doing, iu -— oo, v. same. " ---- v. same; 3cq8do9oc^9, do not dilly-dally over your work; (2) o.o3oi91g6@86sopo1, if you remain procrastinating, the matter cannot be terminated. ooS, i (oooS), v. to read audibly. 744 - o8Soo, n. verse, poetry (ooco5), as distinguished from prose (oooo:q$). - &-oS, v. same as ooS0 coS, 2 (oooS), v. to interpret, explain [a dream, omen, &c.]; ooS, 3, v. to dress (cotton) with a bow-string; 8sooSu 00S, 4, v. to be fresh, glossy (implying delicacy of skin, texture, grain, &c.); used in composition with words expressive of appearance or colour; also in a reduplicated form as an intensive; of various applications, as iooooSo coS-goo5ocS o0Sc ~oogu oSaqooo5co(& ooSooSooco:Qosotoogn e~1qOt ~c~oSmooooSooSuooco: [also applied to words denoting physical fatigue and exhaustion, e.g., oooooSqa,a oQooS Gooqou] 00o8, 5, v. to be dry, free from liquid (obsolete), hence oooSoi - ooooCScooS, a. dry as fruit; 3Gqa S8Sog&ORcug8ooSoocooS coc8,~" ag2o (some incorrectly pronounce this word OoSOoc4c0). o~S, n. a bedstead used formerly by p6ngyis; ioo&8 ooScooS, adv. loosely and flappingly; usually used in a reduplicated form, e.g., ooo:o oSoQ So oaso5oooSoo8oS Googei or wsoaroosGO(c.5( ooo5cobso6G~ 0Ii o$, i, n. glass. -— oc8 (obsolete), mo~c (comp. oool:); o$oos, a wineglass (Qf8oooSo is more frequently used). -.ro5, n. a kind of glass ornament (obsolete). — ecgooS, n. crystallized quartz, M. (a counterfeit precious stone (qoSGaopoSu) — -@38. (pron. as spelt), n. a glass candle shade [also called ao$oq68; less frequently 95o8:.8]. -— oS, v. to manufacture glass. --- oqo$ (pron. Pan-gyet Woon), v. the Chief of glass-makers, a title conferred by the Kings of Burma. -— Sq, n. a glass furnace. — 8o5 (fron. o$S5), n. a glass furnace, olooGoo0o6 (o$CoS oo$sooe, to be blurred as glass). — G —018o:o8, n. a globe lamp (~olS1co8: 88).. —..8o4:, n. balusters made of glass [as at the 06cq8s, the kyaung built by Mind6n Min for his teacher, U Sandima, at Mandalay]. -- ooo (Pron. o4o03), n. a glass bowl, finger-glass, Oba. 745 0$, 2, V. to make, create, to give a form or appearance; not used singly. -.-o8o (Pron. 4~:,n. same (most common). 050 --- (pron. o~0 v. to plan, calculate in the mind, to contrive, invent, fabricate, C8005-(0) 61 8G005r.0~08SCO.: 86ocogGcocy~Rlu (2) Mootlc-4 1tcs&G1( 14~8006e (3) OmO00oh ce=)0c3rO~~O~ (in this sense one kind of coc4~=.o, which see). 4,3, v. to clean (cotton) by pulling and picking previously to dressing it with the gin (oIC-~~uIioh~r.8S) (p-ron.o @a~obM~oc8) and with the bow (olooSGcoat Pron. oorcot), (,4, v. to be astringent (in taste), to be dazzled (in the eyes, =Bsq c~c o584 o%~) 0)n. kind of tree (a species of terminalia bearing an astringent and bitter fruit) [common above Prome; @bc)o -~l c>S, n. any astringent;, bark. -~Sn. astringent liquor', commonly applied to decoictions of barks, roots, &c., (4 $ m8s aoo:)=os o,5, v. to shuffle cards, Mao ~ (cy=-a mc~aOoe, to shuffle cards in one of the ways Europeans do, namely, by holding the cards nearly upright and dropping them one on to anoth'er). 04D8. (pron. ooS) (from ~oolo and r,~o{), n. the heel, G@( Q~08; COMP. COC)S(rw8n -_OoqpS (pron. oo~qj) n. same. ojoj,1i, a. nearly dry; oocojoozoon [zo~ooq 3oso~joe5hI GG@: (4.4, 2 (from (4, v. to be astringent), a. slightly astringent. 00,a. or aduv. moist, wet; less than RA, cws~:8Cq-oo o-,n. the back of the hand (c~oc~o-) or the upper part of the foot(cq) o~on. an ankle; ~uo~oci o6-0 (frequently nowadays written m-nSO), v. to try to catch [to arrest a criminal; oqso0 iico-o to seize, to catch as a balOc8o -&08300emoqj-(I) MQ0OOo5C8c1Q8-Ccqo5S~Qc9" MC00S905RYPQ 11(2) M800CY5 C0580Q@ tG 6~it ~co inspector Maung My0- went to Pegu in order to arrest dacoits; (3) 024GO3SIOS(9 rGo(P~~o8OlI, I have succeeded in arresting four thieves. 94 746 (q8j oSs om, v. to seize on, possess as a spirit; com' Qo@ost -C08: (p-on. s8&0:), v. to apprehend, arrest. "- ~j, '. to catch at, grasp at. - 000a:, v. to detain in custody (either temporarily or for the purpose of accused being ultimately tried). m —8, Av. to catch, seize hold of [to succeed in arresting a criminal]. — oa, v. (to take by catching); see the parts. ooS, I, v. to go aside; cg8, to put aside, remove out of the way; comp. oo5 and gas, hence G(oaS, v. to be splay-footed. — j-q8, adv. sidelingly, with an uneven gait. -po:a, v. same as o5 in 2nd sense. — 905, see ocosln - 'd~, see the parts; sq:G D38:cooo3sz3t ooqe ~St -o(2) coe o:s)rqo: ~coT9.3 o c:-Sc3oa00 SooqI5o1, do not place these books on the table, remove them out of the way; (3) coe OanSOo5c8coe o0805scr9 SoIu (4) wqE 8Gq43 aO5~c~q~ 2(, 2, n. a saw-set, saw-wrest. osco,8: (cco0o8&), n. wax; aqt0oocoo8g, wax made of honeycomb which the bees have abandoned without sucking out the honey. - oeS (pron. 90coo8%, jyet), n. ointment, salve. ---— q (pron. acoz8Eq4) [qocot8~SjSoooaca:]., n. same as qca -- (8pron. o Doo&4S6), n. a candle. - 6~Sqb6, v. to make candles by twisting [o=osDo0:c88o]. — 084 n. a candle-stick, one kind of 8-0~ - $~s3, v. to mould candles. -. oS:, n. a climbing shrub, Allamanda cathartica. - -, n. tarpaulin. -, n. a wax model of an image of Buddh, or of a gold silver, or brass bowl. oq8 (pron. eqS8, corruption of Feringhi), n. the name given to all Christians by the inhabitants of Western Asia. From them, those of Central Asia and India have received it. There is no doubt that it is the name " Franki," slightly corrupted, which from the days of the Crusades has o05 747 been used all over Asia by the Mussulmans to indicate Christians in general. During the campaigns in Afghanistin the English were called Feringhis by the natives of the country-[Bigandet]. The Roman Catholic Bishop of Ramatha (in partibus infidelium), resident at Rangoon, is styled oiq861 opGoo5@, irrespective of his nationality, the present Bishop for instance (Bishop Bigandet) being a native of Besanqon, France. oq86<oo:0o, n. the Roman Catholic religion. oDoooloo, n. rough, violent, abusive language; 88oS83Goo5qc s a aooooo:sd,5fvco Segusag;ooSg3oGoBoooo oo -oo to on, n. pumpkin, many varieties, as Gg4, the yellow pumpkin; GCopoSo, the white pumpkin; ouola (pron. otols), much sought after by alchemists. -- 80S (from 80$, to divide), n. a three-sided stick of timber; [o85u,4jllo4g~o l Q333doSj330^0^]. -—, n. the long white species of pumpkin; GobaoSo~ aq (pron. 0o), n.; see 00ol70s [sometimes designated oogso.03)333)0 n.;@. Ao (c8:), n. the water-melon. o~6q, adv. broken, scattered, in disorder; o5ootogST j] oco,4 (Pali Qco, profit, and Soq, a place or receptacle), n. one who has attained any of the four grand rewards or blessngs; comp. oC5-(i) oCOO$u (2) (q0loS s YCOSG ) G0O0030 (o.Ig^ (3) o3013o80go3$S (4) 34,)m00cog4o ococS (a corruption of oBsBc5), v. to exchange; 3c93c5, to borrow for a short time; ooCr p$oq Glj: 8 Gp 6SoagQ$C;o Ss ocoo6$Q5ooeii (2) oS6qj t0396cjg.ScoxaoooS66o1I co5 (o0), n. the Bauhinia diphylla of Symms. (Ropes are made of the bark; these are said to be more serviceable in the rains than in the dry weather, wet improving them; cattle eat the leaves of the oco6; the flowers are made into a kind of chutney and eaten; coo5, n. a little sparebuilt man; this term is said to be derived from the fruit of the oc5, which is dry apd attenuated in appearance). [oco64, a village 4 miles north-west of Y6-u, Upper Burma, famous as the birth-place of 4OoacooSQ5o, the notorious consort of Bagyidaw Phara. From this village, therefore, the fall of the Burmese Empire may be said to have 748 01 originated. The chief queen of King Thibaw was the grand-daughter of Nanmadaw M NMi.] OCA, 2, n. a winged moth. - R, n. same. Ocsxo:8oo*:, n. a kind of plant [a species of spirical costus, gSGcoSe, M.]. ocow:, n. a kind of metal cup or bowl, a glass tumbler; oaocou:n USnooogR -k (pron. ococ), [probably thus called because the correct number is (a complete set of) four], n. the four silver bowls (with a chunam box) always kept in the betel-box; ocoo-, cagsom48a85oeii ocot:-~CgSRm meaAogrrSol ccq cooocq8ozo cgcjlsoqSbl30 cooui ool: (cools), n. the palm of the hand or sole of the foot, a foot, 12 inches (a foot length; comp. 8coo).. — Pron. ool:on. ), n. a faithful attendant (cooSoolqo@ii -.-0 @-o (pron. odl so@a8), adv. following, treading in another's footsteps..-.oosa (pron. ool s9og), v. to place one foot before the other in measuring distance by the sole of the foot (the distance being the shadow cast by a person standing up conolo3 mi4: a (n)o lag$:good~ applicable to p6ngyis, coo5jo&,lt33 ~a s08804 ooaUe=U 3 4~c)CS6 10013a ggS@u004O0o'l? applicable to ordinary people); G.o&SPSoTuo ol 0 Go3o 5 3:wuoww"2iia03. OCqQG91S0U J$00qqsJ5~oQ GOBcO55G)0C)CO OISC ~of ooo (Pali), n. perception; wonog c.3G@8tn a8o03o, Phassa "* * * includes those things that have no rdpa (jo), but are apprehended by the mind; it produces the three sensations (oon-) pleasure (cgrooos4), pain (qcGo-39), and that which is indifferent, neither the one nor the other (eGoc.o o03P3), and from it, as from the first, comes sorrow, as it is connected with the body; sorrow is pr.oduced by means of thought [aramunu (amn), the thought that arises from contact with sensible objects], and thought and sorrow united produce fear.-M.B. 6l, 1, n. a four-cornered basket with a cover [3:61n co$iodlM0 012C0~08CB01]. m.-I18, n. a square or round basket in which young women in Upper Burma keep rolls of cotton; snake-charmers also confine snakes in this kind of basket (also written ouq1. o0: 749 oloqos, n. an oblong one; 6ole — 8, n. a circular one., 01, 2, v. to mend a breach, close a hole by patching or otherwise (to try and rectify, lit. to" patch up " a lapsus linguce; oooogol). -— coo, v. (to mend by calking); see the parts. Exampleso Gooo6o5oSoooGiolGoso1, my basket is very -, please patch it for me. o1oo$s (pron. o1a3s), n. prostitutes' quarters in a town. — Gco:, v. to set up as a brothel-keeper; o xc$:, n. a woman who secretly practises prostitution; (c80dc8oSq0:) oloog (pron. oloo5), n. a prostitute. O1Coo, n. the cardamom plant.. —$8o (pron. oco48o5), -oc8 (pron. 61cooo8), n. a species of the same. o1000ooo(o000000), adv. of one's own accord, GcqooScqjp-( r) c]ooo: OgOGODOo8cg6~o8 01 0o68~G GOO OIl (2) 0 G oSOO i 103300G^ Oo(o2B adv. o1o8so61oo (ooc8:ooooo&), adv. (in an indefinite, unsettled manner, QGoogoq; unrestrained, according to one's own will, mo coooo~o-0, ooSoo8g.JooqoSo1, ol(Sbolo OoGn1s (there appears to be little, or no difference, in meaning between olxoo and o18:solooo). o01, 1 (ooo), n. a frog; many varieties; a small piece of wood nailed on a post or side of a house for any purpose, a cheat. -— G35, v. to croak as a frog. — 3-aq& (pron. ocf&8), n. a species of frog (eaten by the Burmese). - g, n. frog's spawn. The Burmese have a deeply-rooted belief that horses die if they eat grass on which frog's spawn has been deposited-some alleging that it produces Gc8gG:6o (glanders), some goS4oo (' surra'). — goooS, v. to be mildewed. — qe8s (fron. oq$~os), n. (one species of frog, resembling the seed of the q$,8: creeper). — o-cooS (pron. oocooS), n. (another small species, very noisy). -- G: (pron. oGs:), n. another species. ~ ---Go18o (pron. ooo188ts), n. a long kind (eatable). -- o16008oo (pron. oo008a8), adv. in the way of sticks piled up in a square; om1 8Eoo0008a0oo001 Mgo 808 o61 (pron. 4c), n. a small species that lives on trees, lit. the flying frog. - 6 (pron. ofi8), n. a toad (the Burmese are of opinion that should a dog eat the spawn of the toad it will go mad). V-iqC68qS), n. a kind of medicinal plant; oq$sgolhS. - cog (Pron. 61(soSq), n. the short-necked frog. 0ooo8% (pron. oco:s), n. a tadpole or young frog. [The Arakanese denominate a European ocoso&S]. -"oS, n.; see 6l0, and def. (a. squat, like a toad.) -S-ot-, n. a door-button. vis, a (pron. oo:), v. to hang loosely about, be flowing, full, luxuriant; QlcocnIa,0)'o:Q6I1 t 1g o0d6Cngo8.... -coog ron. a1:oqpt), adv. hanging loosely about;: iooshpsu r8ob:cpP$ 3aeoooSRlloclea gaSooo (2) oo joo80 j 083Qc4S a ooSmo5)C 1 goop0 -s9, 3, 'v. to be fatigued and blown as a horse (in a race), e.g., 8 (oS), v. to press downwards or sideways, crush, flatten, more passivel than ~6, to oppress; to hug the shore as a boat; 04S081 To0,p:o0u31 [oWIS8 Io 9S;oo6- U fgoi aQ rx3i593o [a prophecy foretelling that the Burmese-race will eventually be driven by foreigners to the west of Burma.]......s, v. same; co&6o o 0Gco Qcu8~c GGq3Cn38G0 oC&S 3o80:c01i. (2) q$3iia33OqalC333Eoq 0889 ~ (3) 88, I (written also c8cS), v. to invite; oS:K b;rs u 3 cp:lp CBg~80oqScOlu more respectful than so, and less than o~, to offer, to give, invite, to take; hence so80o; (the day before worship-day; Goo8ou5@o8)- o 0, v. to send an invitation; coo8.Bc52s guBc 0100oo0,ooS8SO38O (0806) @o3-01 og, v. to invite; more respectful than simply 86$, see -4, v. same as 8oM (infrequent). 0=04 v. to give an invitation (polite). 80, 2, v. to spill over. '0 og, v. same (including the idea of spattering);figuratively to be lost, as the lire of a human being, a term in great vogue at the time of epidemics, e.g., ooge&sagSUogrcqc 6o o 8 o u J oCQ ~ooax80So sBa ) c1 5 6g3oslo~33o, Sag$< 751 806806, adi. glitteringly (brilliantly), usually followed by ecocrBi v:o9 ool O3, c8oS8actooo 5s ooI 6Goracf8oo3oS C*Sxcoe,93"05806806806~gg633ogs - 860oga, adv. scatteringly, wastefully, as water (ac80S ScSo,*o9Raoe~), rice, money, [00 'SP8GT8solc6o3o q$q6m 80 8050 go 'VO 0o5~03~GQGaoSOS8Q: Q C. 8oj (from 8 and ac:), n. three logs of wood overlaid with gold, or silver, leaf (rgS8al s.8oosooScc6), used to keep down the corpse of some person of distinction when burning in a funeral. 8I8j (838), adv. an intensive to o7$, implying a general tremor; 8 Mos$o8oo8 oOaoe1 18, I, v. to feel dull, heavy, indisposed to move. -c8$:oos, adv. of similar import; qVS.4W&3@Q6coo S8RsoGOS 40, 2, v. to crow, as a pheasant; qr8%Ooef n 8oy:) (pron. 8$6olnool), n. the fourth day from the present. 86Sq (sometimes pron. o&), n. the third day from the present; 8, 1, v. to prevent, hinder, 9" coo; scarcely used, hence So$s8 voo, v. to contradict, oppose, be contrary' (with o=8 or 300COO), v. to contravene an order; 3$3a$oil34 -coo, adv. right across; mcoi, n. half a foot, 6 inches; (a foot-breadth; comp. oo1si) (gcooc8 r0 sccn-c 6Ssr-c o =80e,,,acge@$,ol3g8). -coofoS (pron. ScogoS), adv. athwart, right across; mocoi (coSopoo8o0-8@808=5r.q7) 8, 2, int. expressive of dislike, disgust. 8%, 1, v. comb, to brush (cloth), to card (cotton or wool); [combs are made of o.$: 6l oS pg& G*poooA and o0oz1l so,:; a comb is pronounced 8:]. - C83., v. (to brush and anoint, as the hair of the head); see the parts-(i) cg coq03c Ssr 8:coqAoSaT (2) @2c~8:-aoSbcoo 1 (3) '603QQa coGiso G6o zd: o8:4: 8sc86:0ooo5agE~ 8:,.2, v. to be in flesh [to be in good condition as human beings and domestic animals]; aoe6C- jOC -,ocUc5j30cI oo8 @8*3aoSQco8qj@O A 8, see 4lQo: 752 1, v. to protuberate, bunch, to be knotty, knobby, hence 3*qu --— o,. same; to proceed step by step in an investigation; (qqoo8o0.0*ooe6 coe3oqr@ooc0qg:GosEg3@ofll oooq the vemins on this person's leg are varicose. qoS, i, n. a kind of evil spirit which lives in forests, mountains, ruined buildings, trees, &c.; qo6So11ocuq65@93) qoS, 2, n. dust lying on the ground; coarser than Ri cq-., v. to roll in the dust as some kinds of birds and snakes (e.g., Vizer Russelli). -cj.*goS (from cqa, to roll from side to side), n. a kind of bird. qoaS, 3, n. a kind of insect; [the ant-lion, the larva of an insect which in its perfect state resembles the dragon-fly]. -c~oSqcS&~oS, adv. out of breadth from fatigue or disease; ~owaoooe~9:)q65cacqoocB0 noao0s q63ocB1+q,4coe~-dqoc9 yoS, 4, v. to roast or burn, by putting on or into the fire; comp. oMS and ti4'cgn1 60 iq65@eaco&05u -— 'e: (pron. by some go6@ anid others peSsO), v. to burn m a funeral; go 3r0oo (OSOOeu -Gcas, v. same (infrequent in colloquial). -t oD, v. to roast in the fire and eat; 96Sgoq oA.-qc6*soogn qoSq (from mco53, a small clump), n. a small island forming in the sea (or elsewhere); ca@s~.qq, a kind of play. [In the Tavoy and Mergui districts, islands in the sea are termed qgoS (pron. eoS), e.g., G4)SQocgo5 Jqo5]; VS means a clump of trees, bushes, a cluster of hills, &c.; aooSqoSjoqlqoSju coo o6go~ga qoS4, adv. indicative of a light sound such as the word imitates; bq6So~xaloe, qo$qcS, adv. expressive of the sound which it imitates; qcSqoS cqcSyoSg g 6 o og~0n 6g scpdjyS@o:sJ gl — O:)a, n. a mendicant; ocw:oonoq j4$mo, oeIo0ooooq$5:oo9 )O' [he who seeks learning is like a mendicant in similitude]. GoOD88Wo0030, n. same. - oo: (oq$Goos), v. to eat (clerical); (oc6nq60@COD,oc$Cs~0 9( o RoSo3 Q~gnq:QQ:90x800 " 753:@:, sees oq$see n q$a., n. thick jungles [a deserted taungya]; oq$,gagi, p (q8$ (pron.:o008$), n. the camphor tree, Laurus camphora, the Indian laurel, purified camphor. qcg (pron. qoS6), n. the stars in the head of the hydra. -- o8:SGooScGoT (^oc:f$GooSGoT), v. to perform the ceremony of washing the king's head when the head of the hydra is on the meridian; comp. o08a:coTu i, x, n. a cushion; cepq.zS 2, 2, v. to be fine, dusty, powdery; R$, to be well trodden as a street (or road), to be well powdered as the face.-S.; 5oS pq:CoBCSS:mC~cG (oO0o1co<-Qoc8:3ooS:og), to be acquainted with, familiar, versed in [oogoG ocGeoSo~t2 co,)cSioS~GJ]; comp. c@; [j is more used with reference to intimate knowledge of locality, c@ to intimate general knowledge, but the latter may with perfect propriety be used in lieu of n]; n. dust risen and floating, or settled. -- o, -cOS, v. to rise as dust, to be blown about as dust; -- cj, v. to be very dusty, as a road,; oAGco:c.5:so:sG31-q: ooqaoooSop(g-eii — pron. q^), n. same as j; comp. qoSM m8.eo8:,,^o s, v. to cover, cover up; aRSt — 38, v. same. -— o2cS, v. to conceal one's self or another. — 8, v. to suppress or hush up a matter, to carry out a plan with secrecy; c oo oS aS5oT So<i!^.ojjts3ojS, 8oocoogS, how can this murder come to light? the elders of the village are hushing it up. --— g, v. to overspread (to cover up); q ~$-:csogoSoe0 u --— 3rG00:8:, v. same as co:ooS:, especially to give in charity; Goo:oSGC ca^ oooS Ssx'. ooomcqo5ol, cover the pot of drinking-water with an 6t-saung. 9c, (also written ojq), i, v. to behold reverentially.. ---5, v. same. 95 754 b pg-1 (Prom t r.58), v. to look up to with reverence; co&, SGRC8i',0qCP. 9"-C- -) 8W CCS1 (2) G06R3C8qCP6qP3 r M~0030001 al 2:, 2, V. to bud, swell into a little pointed protuberance, as trees, the skin, &c.; mgcmgoS (commonly pron. qI') @Sss8: @Sg, coo:oo8g5: oeoSooqo 1-3cooo~, sometimes has the same signification as qii oo~@- ~l: oo zo~,..c ---0co8 (ron. ~:Gos8), n. a kind of (white) coverlet [woven it Sinbyugyun and Sal6, Upper Burma]. — q'l, adv. in pimples. -- ruS, v. to swell, to swell as a wound, sore, &c.; q'GR3CC:) Cne3*e)3oI %Gcoic~S.cco:8Co *.vpGoo (Ga) T:$opoe, owing to my little daughter having been burnt, the burnt parts remain swelled. qmo~S (pron. qomol), in. a Guinea pig. GO@: (Eng.), n. February; Go@cI)on GoO:,, v. to scab over; hence e~6sm3Iuco:oo3 I csQ.cI@8g (pron. se:GSoq88), n. a kind of disease arising from flatulency. co:, 2, v. to ward off evil (from another), to turn a boat or ship from shore in order to gain an offing; ooSo~o-3, coAoS&o— o, v. to ward off evil and assist another; s o-Gouiop lI co01, 3, v. to be broken down in bodily strength or ability by hard labour or selere punishment; G0o(.GjGm)C8~o5oe~I1Y5 0309e)G0400G4@CX:I v, V. to break off as a small piece from a larger; 4-, to break with the hands, as bread; to crumble, to break off from others, take a different course; usually in a bad sense; intrans. On - 6-, v. same 4 cq:Co0(ca) po60 on0ooumb%5c o Vol, break off and bring me a branch or a leaf of the tree with thorns on it; (I) 0D JCoo 8Qo e Su9['p. q~ol (2) C0e0o00o00l: goc~Quoaq0G~oopgI n, I, i. satin. L —mF4, n. a satin jacket, or coatee. -o4, ns. a strong kind. --— cd in, s. a satin turban. " o 755 C80), n. a parasol or umbrella, whether made of satin or silk. This term is frequently applied to umbrellas of European style of manufacture, even when the material with which they are covered is cotton or alpaca. -— ooS, n. a satin shawl. — ool, n. a satin handkerchief. -- 9q:, n. a satin puhso or waistcloth. <, 2, n. a playing card. [Gcoo., a diamond; S:, a club; 85, a heart; q:, a spade.] [The following are a few gambling games played with cards, namely, (i) aG61lob joi (2) C(~S80i (3) c-q8,, (4) Qo0410]. -— o300, -o5S, v. to play cards. -- 4, v. to cut cards. -— 0o:q, adv. gaining and losing by turns. - coos, v. to mark cards with a view of cheating. -- 48, n. a croupier at cards. -- ~8, v. to win at cards. --- 6a, v. to have a run of luck at cards (?) — o$, zv. to shuffle the cards; oqcoos4o, to shuffle cards in the European style. "-X-!,, v. to lose at cards. -- Go, v. to deal the cards. — 48:, v. a party playing at cards. — 'g0, v. to introduce a card surreptitiously into a pack; i 3, 3, v. to go aside or away, to get out of the way [aoo2>oP ogooog,] GcpSlop (see oo5). ----, v. avoid, shun [to eschew evil]. --- GSP, v. to avoid, shun. " — op-, v. to go away [either for business or from dissatisfaction; 0S 9 o)(9~u oJo:QsoGo-o Goaxga c gogS ogq ooSSog, if you do not shun bad people, you will have to suffer much misery in the future. Gco, i, n. the boom of a boat sail (rare). GOI, 2, v. to be swelled; less than ccp8, to be bloated, ogoS; to buoy up the body as in swimming, GqGo^laoMg [cq obGolr)goog3], to make one's self conspicuous, attract notice[as a soldier defiantly offering himself as a mark to the enemy; oaQa)Qcn:ib3mo01:a(,; W3OSO:)GcnqMG oSobC0 GW:)rZ1 ~@Xt_~11 qj~S93ipr3ol L9 0l~j313351;0 PGS, ~v. to be bloated and. swelled; g-o1STolhcn -acocS) 3~a6l0n33pp"clg they shall ascend the channel of the river in (golden) vessels with swelling sails, [said to be a prophecy foretelling the arrival of the British in the upper waters of the Irrawaddyl. dl.iC&300, adv. in abundance, plentifully; aSq:oxCZ)3" 3cG —c,5no1 r. 1 8 3wcSOI, o o ~ co.lcS (frequently spelt GoocoS, from soloS, which see), v. to make a hole in or through, perforate, to fire as with blank cartridge (though not necessarily so, Gw3aoko6l c5 may mean that a musket or gun loaded with ball or shot is fired off to get rid of the charge), to fly off to another subject (in conversation), [to join intrusively in conversation, 6oloSa 6gxp5], to change, ferment; (anqoIoloa CY5o3SqG(o! S coj) (trans.), slake as lime, (to cause to sprout), to castrate, applied to horses and some other animals (cc,:6; r. lcf), to change (intrans.) from good to bad, [to break one's faith; ooJ B5, not abide by, as a decision, Co6omcq l o16; coCoX @o]o o3l oS],c to fall away, apostatize, Gs:cgn [to make a new road, oS.SG'1o5]; to punch court stamps, o5c8U6801: GolOSZOZ; to break into a house or building, M3sdCjoS OI O5C&ScqGOl; ogi &C:G8o1oc o iSOl, make a hole in this cocoanutj; (2) o I&:: or c6loS6 xp~o, the prisoners brckejail and fled; (,) A) CoROG01)50l $06:0l, as this person is so very much in the habit of breaking his word, not one petson, even, respects him. - cqX, 0~, -Cb (GOC Sol IS0G nGd.oo05@$), v. when used with reference to a married woman, means that she has been guilty of adulterous intercourse; co8R*A3rorSPG coIo5P ooS $ eualoGo60oS@$u$n GCOG6loSfoU -c9l, -c8, v. same, last but two definitions. -fj, n. the threads that cross the warp in weaving the weft. L, v..to break as an earthen vessel; a otSlcoot, to break open a box; cSc*cI6oloSoooeo -agv. same as col S, Ist def.; to take the lead boldly and independently (commonly for the worse); cSqp: c4 bdos;ioa 6 coloSN8oao%, one makes holes in posts with chisel and mallet; oN8*00, amongst the five brothers, the youngest takes the lead; Asoe~ in this village this man takes the lead in being vicious. Gol o~mo- (c~o~ox~w), v. to exchange goods, trade; oq=*Svaqrr 3~S~~cJ&cSnlxcl~&,n. traffic; rc&o(BoI So:)i n-o8 rGoc&)lOSX (cOoo~~oe), n. a constant customer, whether for con-, sumption or export; comp. e~aSoenou~o~S -Q, v. to boy as a regular wholesale. purchaser. - qGclcp8: (pron. -, ~ ~ ) v. to sell by wholesale. — os, v. same as Gol oS~o-)e5 G(;0 (pron. oo8) n. a raft or float, a handsome boat for travel-, ling', a royal barge [C)o~80SoI,.-C6 CoS3 mon%OG0ol.0.ooD 13u0laofj Gc31.QCOnIION-jUoQoI8cooSJ, an accommodation boat, a yacht; r.1,v. to-construct a raft, e.g., )G83nczoI -5 Ijm -o. v. to make a tem porary.mosquiocr tain with a ro-8or sail-cloth; derives its origin from a fancied resemblance to the prow of a royal barge. -~(Pron. r.61 81), x. -a flying roofed ditto. -.-q`QaO513i (pron.:oIjcoAn), n. a woman's hair done up in a certain way. v. to 'construct a raft, to -collect and float clown a river as drift; q'OoI8r.ijxn8, G0SG18r 61 adv. expressive of the sound. which it imitates; OOMYgG@)OqOSOO:) GO1&G4GQ3q qo~scn SzcRgS-0o3 ~O-OqC80=0 'r.018, 1, V. to-rise-as a blister (oaoc)Go1h), a bubble, or as fermented bread, to be bloated, inflaLed, blown up, as a bladder. -. —~i -~ -~~mn. a kind of large pot, called also $404 because made at jthe village ofj 4~;[also made at iorbW6GI (&~)-close to Ava]. V. same. -g~ -c~l~,adv. -'in a-light, puffy state, as bread: [swelling out as clothes which are too. largely made; =*IL-: -oov. to be bloated,; examples: ooa c Sq r.3;0xi.QWe, owing to this person having burnt his head, 75? ""'1 the skin has risen in blisters; (2) 8 0Soc 1 o8: g, as the fire-balloon is full of hot air, it becomes inflated (3) 00ooSog5,ol8c'I Gol8:GaS 2oSc0o51l, blow out this pig's bladder so that it may swell out. coil0, 2, n. a cornice or facing [applied to the ornamental work on the spires of pagodas above the oo0080809o], a hollow piece of brass, horn, or other substance used about the headstall of an ox; o:9Goxs18:&oS or Gol6g18:-, n. the string for fastening the same (sometimes the colEs is made of the dried fruit of the palmyra palm; this appliance is far more used in Upper, than in Lower, Burma). -- 8[, -o:, n. varieties of cornice; comp. cooScGn, ol8:0oS, 3, n. a species of reed. ols6oon, n. sane, one kind of parrot; cloSogQGoE ooosx@ao5 d01I0ooS, a. gray) applied to horses; Gol68ooSGUG0ooS0 o601O0 88:nGol&ooS&jiGol&soooS,, cdSg (fron. oSoo9) (Pali), n. tangibility, mcgi [" For the "nourishing of the body, or the production of the feeling "that arises from the touch or contact, there must be a "communication between the body and some substance "or sensible object; pottabban being the power of feeling or "sensibility; as when a garment is put on, the body is " conscious of a sensation, either comfortable or unplea" sant, according to the-material of which it is made." — M.B.] Colgoa (colggB3) (see uol8g and 3aQD), n. tangibility felt. (oj, (trans.) v. to lighten, to make light, to minimise the magnitude of a criminal offence by suppressing evidence, or by chicanery of some kind or another, e.g., 3gatolG8qE cgii a3G3qC 6o3o86&oxwII [to state or represent less strongly than the truth will bear, to understate, G0ol —]. co, v. to float by an effort; n. a kind of cork-tree, the wood of the same, a buoy (pron. reonGol when used as a noun); "GoG]. -8o.~ogoc6o5ol (3jo0), pith; mova, sapwood; and a86, the heartwood of a tree). ---, n. cork, the wood; cola3p8so$goo8ge -- ooS, v. to attach corks to, as to a net, e.g., choo=co5joSoS cgonaoooSoogu " ----os:, n. an artificial flower, made of cork, offered at pagodas; worn by women. S759 qoVols, n. two bamboos lashed on both sides of a boat to keep it stiff. coloq, n. a kind of turban, small and narrow [generally of book muslin. The wearing of this kind of turban was compulsory to all who entered the palace at Mandalay; when worn, the top-knot and crown of the head were exposed, C18olS GO18olSo 1GOlSOOEg]. coS, I (cooS) (from coT, to appear), v. to produce, bring to light; c9oS [to take out of the ground, exhume.-S.]. — ooS (GooSoqoS), v. same [coScqoS G@2ow, to disclose in conversation, to explain]. -— @ (cooS@), v. to discover, disclose (expose to view); cG,3maoo..G|g g o~ eSoo~o, he exhumes gold and silver buried in the ground; (2) co0a0 a~coS Sologcoo0, shall you be able to bring this matter to light? (3) 3Do8qo886 Sjo1 ojl <Q cGol, oSq0 s((oS:o1, try and explain the twelve modes of thought of (the law of) demerit. coS, 2 (cooS), v. to associate, keep company; not used singly; Go018:GoS Go18:oo5 sometimes. --— cS, v. same (infrequent); scarcely intelligible in colloquial. -- g, v. to associate with familiarly and affectionately [to associate with one's equals or inferiors on terms of polite and considerate intimacy]. i, l, v. to be barren, without offspring or fruit; applied to (both males and) females and to trees; comp. &, hence aoqii8u aooogi 84:oq (see ) Gcooc0OOo0Su II cOoSia , 2, see under woSot, , 3, n. a bellows. -- O:, v. to blow the bellows. --— o@:, n. a master blacksmith;;N@o8 [o:oog-op is considered less elegant; o 0:oi]. ---— So?, v. to use bellows at the funeral of a monarch, a pongyi, or a chief gueen. ^, 4, n. a fire-place, hence aoS^qua iioD:- (pron. o0), Go186q (pron. Go18r), 8 bq (pron. ro), 5, a. or adv. square built [applied to men (or women); oc ~ —S ~8g P COo 46, (Pali oc), ns fruit; grain, profit, attainment, reward; azq4O,, there are four paths, margga, an entrance into any of which secures either immediately, or more remotely, the attainment of nirwana& They are-(i) Sowan (Goo:op:o$); (2) SakrAd4gami (oco.d1d18); (3) Andgami (OazlO8); (4) Arya (aajcnqR); each path is divided into two grades-(I) the perception of the path, margga (oGsIloo8u); (2) its frui. tion or enjoyment, phala (oco noS). --— sGoCooS, see above. ( (from Q, to be thrown into),. v. to throw into or upon, to fill up partially or entirely, as a pit. -W-u, v.; see d6 311D03833 S oS0$oSc:8:ag x#g(I) cc ogE vooS icg~:g4 xi~So8S, he fills up the old well with earth; (2) G qcj-GColo06QSQ2 8:J-M 0.: 00&o0 S 4:ooI8, n. the green barbet; c 61:caSCCooo8C~00a 0sol: (~a1:a1og:), adv. dishevelledly, loosely, disorderly; 806yc0 F:c0gjoS5z:07:9: 4 spg 6 000j'X7g1 N:0401:,: (qR;:b:oqo:), adv. same. joS, v. to destroy [to oppose, seek to turn another from a contemplated course, to counteract], to take down as a scaffolding or house, to take to pieces as a travelling table or bed, to cut up as an ox, sheep, &c. - v,. same, ist def.; 8:6(or 3 s 60i coJ>8s6cS: 88:Sjogfg& vPoj: canobaog c~cm 6 ~>:o c1g60! gs, I, n. cotton cloth made by the Burmese (qqocowos-S coooS in allusion to the niggardly way in which Chulias clothe themselves). q8, 2, v. to be much, abundant (obsolete); hence cn~'8i, adv. hard, applied to rain; oSqj0 So1Lgb' ooC0e qS, 3, v. to clear, disencumber, disentangle [as a snarl of thread, @gojqSo%], to separate parties in a quarrel; qc@S: cG=8(8o00 04fjg W s~oJ Lq; 84G"CeKI8cqaSQI, these two men are quarrelling, please separate them. qVcxpow:, v. to raffle; see coEm:ooo% -:, i, v. to'be unsubstantial, empty, void, useless, good for nothing, 33S; comp. OSeuC~US-=0Z8c0: 0 c &0205 -, v. same. arm- S:, v. to be unproductive, barren, impotent, as a tree, plant; most frequently applied to the rice plant; col:q8: . 44 '761 63sosneojCUsooruodsag) (i.e., never live to matue rity). q8s, 2, V. to hew off (useless parts); sog8:c0 ~-ce, v. same; QOSO53 S(.fg0c8 3a 3tc sg~olooo:H fs:q (,oo:qolcoo-oo3~II (8, v. to rub between the thumb and fingers [to squeeze between the thumb and fingers]; o5~~8osgg8oe~pBe, to compress the throat, i.e. (with the fingers and thumb) (throttle); coe~cS:cq(& (coS) oue qg:ols, i, n. a large open-mouthed pot used for cooking (919, 2, n. an enlargement of the abdomen from dropsy or other cause; ccooI (~o), tympanitis (flatulent distention of the belly); r-q9,- (so), n. the dropsy; roR-q0 g, a kind of dropsy (arising from amenorrhoea-absence or stoppage of the menstrual discharge). - v, v. to suffer from any of such enlargements of the abdomen. %g9qjLo, adv. with irregular, violent starts of heat; meaoo OW ~ CB6.1 q 9a~ 98 q 9qgOO ~00e~11 co8s(~MqG3038 g: VOq9-.::~goa3S; see o 'agiq-:u Ij, I, v. to part (enemies). - 6e (pron. jS$or), v. to reconcile (enemies)-(I) c=oN8~O JS Cooro3, q$S8o4TGopdi voo g1 o5ol, Mauting TuT and Mauting Gawya are quarreling, please part them; (2) oop~ R 3 0GocBc5 aopW@86a3=8 j$ocqoo1, reconcile these two persons in order that they may not go to law. q$ (OE), 2, n. a kind of plant; * * it has a bulbous root sometimes cooked for food. qq (M), adv. quickly; ccq8i8n [rfo3qqucqco:(@cop~, came to the assistance all together and quickly] [slightly, as in, i, a little sweet], less sweet than az; qgo&8&8 Aoe3 usually only used as a prefix to verbs of sweetness. q, n. an otter. — a4oy, n. a beaver. — oltoo7c, adv. greedily, voraciously, like an otter; jolhooe iC adv. an intensive to words of chewing [also applied to speech; co4'omo:OG@: not in such general use as cor018 9osl S,44, 196 .-762 081S, -C~, v. to spread out a mat. qt~.v. to weave a-mat. K —. —c8, v. to- roll up a'mat [a rolled-up mat, ov roll of mats]. (18 v. to be in a fever. - p —~, v. same; [n. a fever]. qovacpo1'i ps ~. to catch a fever, as the ju~ngle fever. i~t ~:, iv. to sprinkle, scatter in fiwi*particles; mco$p~ cpdS sprinkle this body with.charcoal-powder till the Civil -Surgeon arrives; Gccqj.com)oe, to come in puffs as the wind.; q~& oj8iconi q~~~A98N6P~ Qoca (qI[ (RS), 2, v. to'be high and sender; co~e~$o8cc7 v. same (rare). G~cMOc (from rqJOOS, to disappear), v. to Make lost, to obliterate, *destroy (to cause to disappear as evidence, to burke a case, GoG roc oiSooe~); 98Mc~Gv ocVo61sz8cic51 r-oo - qoA-68~, -qe,: (rare). - G v. same; ooctcoS 88800~:)U 4tocCO;o~058 5Df:o,4oi sqo~o~oq6oM6T, pacify yourself, sir; there is not a single instance in which I have transgressed. cq]088), (from Ggoqp&, to be limber), v. to make limber, yielding. Der. ~:~g -q, ri. to persuade, be persuasive; 6oG oo)80Gqj~GGon m~co coax father in speaking to him; CMosGCOIC~ P-COc~GO35O18 Q&OiGF@'.O8R:jS it is not advisable to beat my young son, correct him by being persuasive, great teacher. Gq?, V. to be pale, faded, deficient in colour;, to look sickly, anaemic [the English_ colloquial expression to have'a " washed out " appearance exactly gives, perhaps, the meaning of -C~OOOO, adv. in a faded manner, sickly; noGo~o co' 4~QoqacYo&ooo3Zo~mGSGqjcYo~oo?~ooe, -ever since U Htaw A has arrived from the city of Mhainglongyi. his appearance has been sickly. 763 olg;cg3t ~v. to conciliate, to settle as a difficulty; G6 "wS,5 I (from c-S, which see), v. [to coax, pacify, appease, to divert, make happy]; gqGo6, [to lull a child to sleep; sm Go034c1-g,(~S same meaning as a8S]. - o@, v. same; (zt- c80Sa: ncaocc g1 Gsq1a5 GJ5ooo3roF,, when my young brother got angry, I coaxed him to make him happy by buying him cakes, r9.J, 2, v. to dilute, make thin [to dissolve by putting into water]; - OQS:;Z0-A2G a3c)&to 1CB&QDG Qe4G(,Jr i qSooltajcSol S j8j 8, adv. profusely as perspiration; Q.-z"(SP3sE G3oo9q"U(a[: mo Ca-; also applied to words of buying and selling, e.g., 6~~d 1g 0,R102~11 (s (i), v. to be full in flesh, fat, corpulent, o; to swell up, be heaping, convex; more spread out than G0xPS OB&1S 3Cogeo so o3 ~as S 3Saagpo3s00;)1 (3j5 oo A ooja, this person is of the same uniform breadth throughout and has.no waist). - 10001A, v. to swell up, be heaping, convex; ooagoqoo:): opJGo6dc, Thawn6ttara the hunter, when he went to procure the tusks of Saddan, the prince of elephants, crossed over lofty towering mountains (and forests) in going. -- ( g), v. to be symmetrically rounded out; coS2~3c8 -MMGOU ( So0), v.; see the parts; ooS mAq SqS a-30c)R8 008a (a. (a -G00 G0 ROP'uS ' 0 I_% -" %.3, v. to be fine, gentle, as sound (infrequent); =o53u9 i, adv. quickly, rapidly; =q, m@ u u f3o5~So (qjc,5-Bj), adv. expressive of the sound it imitates E4ScoTrponza,3S:oaSr Icjgcpajq,9", ooguj 3353 6Taf q @d7SCf &oaS, n. a Frenchman (sometimes pron. @SoS). F a corruption of 69,4, much u;ed incolloquial, e.g., 3q Qolp"I ~, xz.affix, instrumentive, by, by means of; wo: I00C~0 0 I~m 1*m ooo~O~Go~ @&, 1, v. to be, exist, have existence, to. be, indicative of some quality, to become; to take effect, be practicable, and in this sense frequently used as a qualifying verbal Affix, e.gr., iis not practicable to write letters today; to possess capacity for doing anything (wco:mo6oo c56xmc~); o~o5B,3So.%cj, a very capable man, a man who is " up to the mark" is often omitted in conversation," e.g., oo~qoo83 )c~6 for cooc5cj ~So~&nmojoo 1 68op~~ci 0o~o1~5lSQI 6 j~QX?~~D o~oG4n oocb:oOG(-Oocbo16 ocp 'iobo~jo jG ooro5co2~)0 ooz4Bbood- 6dcp&5oGCOQ0 P0Gr+TC~weo:, "let happen what may, I do not stir from this place.", -- ~o~od,5co$, adv. not well done; U8C0X.6~": 66 v. (to result, become prominent); see ojc0 — qth manner or way of any one or anything being, behaving, happening, or occurring. v. (to be enlarged, augmented, 80) i8~1:6:), to spread (466 91 -,ODOS.), to happen, occur, eg., Q~m r.+V @8 0b.% e~ 1QO&QqGW8 OZo66820c066 nf0b6Iooe& voc~oco&o~ there is a likelitiood (lit, an appearance) of this case occurring. _Vjl3Go, v. to beget; oarzaroS not much used..-.:,v. to be attained, accomplished (8~~ to be consummated, as a sCheme, business,- &c.); 00~ -be,-xa&oom, should he have commenced, so to speak, to form a scheme, he is in the habit of carry. a~ cing it through. — &co~c~%,see 6& ocxo&ooA*J u-~c~8,......o.~q:int. ah, alas!1 @,2 (tjb), v. to sputter, crackle, snap, crepitate. L —66 (~qSjb), adv. expressive of the noise of crepitation (hence oo~oc~o~oo);hence co&coo5zcooo5, sputteringly, (in speechi); wgqooQ~m3ij weQow:-~o4b6 GooAO 4COO~.U)~j.8 Sv.; see 4, ist def. S(frequently pron. coa), vi. to be slow, gradual, ~nderate, gentle, easy, pleasant, hence m62 ad@8., ifi a slow, gradual manner, [by-and-hy]; go slowly. v. same; (infrequent); - 62~OG) -0G3 c, adv. gently, moderately. - 1V. same; &rb~ ox$3~croo" om~oop. i(very intrequent). @&~o (pron. OoUoS), adv. with a look or smile of disregard L91,BO8o5GLOS, (smirkingly) oo2~q~jjo&~- o~iS]. am&o, 'prn., adv. same [ooL 000 V. to fill, make full, complete; MOO, to replenish, recruit; (to- recover one's strength, wcn)a2), to consign (as a criminal to some department of labour); v. to su pply a deficiency; m,~n 8u`~OYJ9O~;SO2 &`5bEI v. to discharge, fulfil, to gratify [as a passion]; xa3QcQ - WasV. to be full and firm as the flesh; wim86&oo8: ~oi, v. to cut in two (to sever), to break off, put a stop to,. decide, intrans.; o & pu -o,n. a decision in writing, see c oiQ~ S to break one's faith after eating ooo5,ctoi n. a raflat chisel. -.cm4sddSoo3 n. a writ ten decision in law. - *, n a precedent in law (cqo 4:qfi:c~-,6oSc~*, the decisions of Princess Thudammasari), a selection of prece__dents from common and statute law; comp.0.- rco:i: (common law?) and odmO& (statute law). n. a short-cut, a road which crosses another. ~ *same as Uoo, implying censure, (to cut away as a thicket, to get through, joSoij). v. ~rss:apath, -river, to interseet., ~oz (%&o), v. to be-quick (in speech), fluent'; MOOG~ 0@06oS co2~ (to be irrcisive in' sty1e of conversation).. "."4A~ adv. quickly, rapidly; q~~ooi - ~ i(from cj:., to roll frommsde Io side),.v. to.tosa from side'to side from pain or heat; to be impatient to obtain an -objectf lo10ve or de~sire (tqcq~'gg @4c~&6Jsd~)'R4&_cScqO v. to, be, flu~ent in speech, also implying knowledge aft& good sense; m) 3-(-O)Ut Qo O as.the younger sc A is more fluent: than the elder, I think his parents are fonder of him, v'. -to spread out, expapd, (to.- spread, its- wings as. a bird, 10i~cu 'WOo~~c)(,ned ~ to. step ewten,thr~oot (highly, honorific)_; ro~SL',u 54 o%(~app1*,4 ta MiozachsX. v. to extend und.roaie -.thxa f oot -(in, rdinary, patlance a layman itivitin& a pongyi. to come to his ho'use),,Gnoao3 v. to scatter, spread, abroad; o~o~i,,c`ff~o o-qdO P-b:. to spread out, expand as a mat or cloth; (n~oaiosl wo@osito lay down straw for- horses and cattI6; (80 -,v.; see (J',!2nd'def., and 4 -.'~((I~,v.; see',the- parts, mot v.ba, z see the -'parts; cu~ao alone' nte same senxse as v, same as -%, last% sense; alo aickpyJ~ed. to J0 ud~dhs-;, 9, j~ 4ogo V.to- sprinkle,' scatter- (a liquid); GJ*OI8 @4t 2,(t v..to flush through. the body., as blood, air,.or horripilation; ~ ~$o4~adv; P0400@$00 qS8, 1, v. to cast (a shadow); 'G0S~o0ooae~, owing -to.'he. large trees overshadowing them, the llower tplants die,(to be diffused asrays of light); cS 2(0;:), -v. to be. rapid. and accompanied with noise. ov. to' divide into several parts, be many, numerous, as the roots of a tree; OC OC ~8q O -09=0 racr-p 0 o~s0:@DRO~OE~ oqGqOSqG3;0@ W4p~ he divides' the -bamboo strips in -order to weave a mat.; 'CQCIC~g8 j f3004MzSs, v. to- persuade, use persuasive arts, 'be persuasive, conciliatory, to entice, seduce; aqkj 56oS, i, n. the sand-fly; ou8oocosqQjc~joS: irc&~sv8~=O~:0w O~xe~1i f~~,2, v, to utilo~ose, disloeate, derange, intrans.; PoSg ~&s 2Oo~@d~cqOSol, unharness (lit, unloose) the horse from the carriage; (2) oooo:)~~ro q.occ)So6a, I shall 'kn-ock off' -work for abotit a month; (3) 0o9UZ415j,009: c61l 84jo #q~oa)oo&oIvQ~, JI will come and repay you (the money) in the month of Kason~or Nay6n, when-I unfasten the heads of the marionettes; [q8400io6I8-&~o is an expression much used by marionette players, e.g., as in engaging any one for the marionette stage, the manager of it will often, in making an agreement, say 8 oli3(G)G8 oosoloe~, or whatever sum he may fix]; (4) QqOSC-zc5O4W Poc&, adv. instantly, suddenly; Ro4q*~&4 ac~co:xe~ 0 80or R6Sq8~:, adv. same; @)l fO&(OJjO8, adv. same; also expressive of the' sound which it imitates; &o&~86%~o~ sometimes C91o56o65 R4 (from &$s, which see), v. to wear away,-.exhaust, to spend in vain, i.e., throw away as money. v. same;i OgoBQO5=4OZ, Q 768 @*$:o (freq. fPon. P11o-), adv. expressive of the noise which it imitates made suddenly; c~ iccocn: cgoF$ coowosoepn f$ $ocog:~oco xoc o&So)Ootooencoc boo St@$s (pron. @r$:f4rS$), adv. expressive of the noise which it imitates; W O rPS $tojo: S 11S n 0q9;9.c 05oo 0@;: {n8o6ooooc8 s cn~Gog 6S:n s a$:j an3u 5s$:f$qj, - v, v. to be moderately sour, subacid r*fgS'9s $O is more commonly used]; co4:8: cssoS. nfSr $4 j 5ooP, or 0:fj$4gooe v,. to be affected, moved, shaken, changed, ruffled, discomposed; used in the negative only with reference to disregard of another's animosity, dislike; @ocql-mooe uG@a:s)ro-,Scoes clo6ojc oql:, though you address me thus, I am not disconcerted; (2) coeecoqoSq$og3looooScoeooozoqsg, I, n. a porcupine (Hystrix cristata) rcptIIRGCO:)QA:600q,5 said of persons who fear to encounter danger]. - Qq*: (pron. Rgt), n. a porcupine quill., 2, v. to be white, (with words of mind) to be pleased with, kindly disposed; opposed to FG -MUMM0, v. to be white, clean, pure, oF(oSco~.g%:; (2) 0oc5. oowoo~oco&9, a person of very guileless disposition. - og0S, v. to be very white, snow white; used adverbially in colloquial' PcooFcpc& Prcogr Stn 6cgcS% &gOSGooo zac; 9.2 r[9ePO:ggj9a9COaOgOQoC8&9Ow SM OcOSgcqS; v. to be sallow in countenance; coOecqqj)@COO -d, v. to be tall, slender, and fair; usually used adverbially; @%~ (only applied to human beings, EjjB ). ca6@6S, n. a kind of grass. c@ (from crq, to be unloosed), v. to untie, loose, unroll, unfold, to answer (a question), to guess (a riddle, oaxoccoo@), opposed to co:, to enquire: [to appease as the mind, 8o0Mc$c copS; to drive away ennui, aeqSo4grcxoe; to settle (a difficulty or dispute); aJ c6czo4pSu copScqx fol, answer this question, please; c9$cm58065=o8Vol We~I cac&oo0 cao poloobnac~ -o,. to refute (infrequent); [oacg$cocp cSS:doSojS u cO "vCogqoqjl q,]* (to quiet as the nind). C@3~ 769 cGzj, see the parts; chiefly used with reference to soldiers or rebels laying waste towns, villages, and levelling them to the ground; gqjoS is a stronger expression. --— q, v. to settle (a quarrel). — cpo5, — GqjS, v.; see the parts. --—:, v. (to cleanse away, pardon). — cgoS, v. (to forgive freely), [to loose horses and domestic cattle, generally after being confined and tied up; @6:0c Gogooe~g]. { (from 6, to gape), v. to open, pull open, make gape, ogoio c~:, v. to parboil; Gcr:Grgooogn i oS c^GsG@JG: G~aG@z, adv. freely, plentifully; Go[Gg@Ggo9qgtIo18:goo OR. G@ooS (GqooS), v. to scratch to prevent itching; Gcqc~oo8oS G qo58oS (GeoraoS~c), n. the Pleiades or seven stars; @8@oo, a kind of. tree [see ooS"oS.-S.]; o 5o:og3;SbS ), "The whole firmament is nothing else but the Pleiades," an expression made use of when there is not much to pick and choose, with a view to censure, or punishment, between one person and a number of others.,G:)o5G:)S, adv. expressive of the sound which it imitates; SG~OSaooS gogo5SGgo5 c;~g, v. to be straight, to make straight; when applied to the mind, to be upright, to be true in aim; ooSog(n coDxoS:,,Go,, GCODoScooScO:Gojgg-O., this road is not straight, it is circuitous; (2, oooS001 cq coaSo600oog --- oS:, v. to be upright, to be straight (as a road), to lie straight across a road as a serpent, Gr@coS:5oocoj --— oo, v. to be straight (applied also to the mind),'coo; CG~)6 OO5@C.O:,l 8sS G@0 ),, 0c8&— 0-3, v. to be upright, honest, 3;; lac(OS3cGgSooSgoqS -S- OR 88.o5 33oog 80.11 3a 0o8&6oap9 or G@oo~gooo:sE 97 77o S05 G~@o~o:, v. same as u QS@6Sc (GqSGqS), adv. intensive; oo: jcSaqF ~g r@S r@5: cO&;GXM)06ol] =0G3o8o CIGMSC I G@SG@ coqG0o6 C &6l, S(from4, to fall to pieces), v. to break down (trans.), demolish, to correct chronology or calendar (c84:&ui Gooaoo( j gac9S @1 oO3qGp&&1I WoWO&), to aim at (a hole), as in throwing for the first chance at play, ogR&j@u — g, v. to overthrow, to demolish, annihilate, to raze to the ground; cogeosSc81 6ox8:,g~sc$:c90gocqol, this well is very close to the road, demolish it; q8+ooo:xcon oo Goloo cO Goo: o4e)c~n c~ ooolooe 0 gSBG@:G=86&q65S0oe, the lord Mahawthata was able to overthrow an army of sol. diers I8 kawbanis strong, so as to make them instantly flee away; ou:o~s QSgo: q4oo cio gopu oSoo4:~.qoqooo goop c8%Sc~a @O6a5, owing to the Padeing Prince rebelling, King Mind6n razed to the ground the city of Yatanatheinga (Shwebo). g:,:fI:g (often pron. @-lL$ tL$:), adv. with a crushing or rumbling noise; q4 *: mgs oo9s~ ol x a W31Gq.GQ?306fl -. 33o6$6903C~n C;$C$aq5 4320Fo65q608: c69 4 oSs bo$sj$: G Bo go6, v. to hide, secret, conceal, see 906S [cCj':8co65ooe~oxo cnoSax]; in writings 9065 is used; 4joo06ogoC8 m:o] o88ogoda @E80pg~ I~gclsoo soGa 6oT-og9o, I hear, sir, that you are secreting a thief in your village; you must give him up (lit. you must produce him). g( (from gI, to be open), v. to open; a5gl g81 -_L-98, v. to open and expose to view, with G@: to speak out (loud); gogonsogoq 0 90c Sogo sg 01. 30od0630so gg0 V S@ It 005GOSCo5o0S911 Gjj3:O-4a-I, ~)08 o8oS coJi0R 9 OG8G cDS oCqC)5 - -GooSq7, and he was born from his mother's womb with his eyes open, pure and undefiled, without there being any impurity (lit. secundines) adhering to him. gaS, n. a species of guana (the water lizard). The Burmese consider it very unlucky if this reptile comes up into a house, and that its arrival is a sure omen of poverty and misery, hence the saying 2o6o06 atcpdoo6S oooC:33 (i.e., goSooS6 j-xocqooo GooNgD&) in describing a very poor person; in describing an absent-minded person the Burmese say goSGoc85GoG0ooaoSo4cq [go86GcAc8qgp, in the 771 way of a water lizard, or turtle, falling precipitously into the water; applied to persons doing anything in a headlong, heedless manner]. 8 ---- q18s, n. the monitor crocodile, M. [8S80G~-: 8Q8Cq 66o; ~Sso, see Soca8~]. '-8~, n. a species of aquatic varan or monitor lizard said to have a red head, M..sSoA,-, n. a disease affecting the nose. -_~, v. to be affected with such disease; 8S0cA~D&qX-&2U gSoI85A O 31000GO I01188, v. to cleanse, make clean, o8GcoI Xo3os oo, to clean rice by pounding (mP5n) or cloths by beating (=ao5S0), to cleanse honey from bees (gopg8) or ants from the deibris of their nests; 61qSjgii coo8s64 co8s1q3Goco:)a 3oI 6coz,:opg58 -GOO 0, Zv. to wash clothes by beating. -_o~S, "v. (to wash clothes by scrubbing); see the parts. 2oS, i, n. Shan silver money; g2SeSn gaSc, 2 (c8oa), v. to be meet, suitable, fit, proper, comely, desirable, hence wcB (frequently written o ),oooo8oucoD65253a o8). -_ p (ocaScj), v. same; 68cS, oi ggas3E S(most common); GoSOcqjS 6S6PgS1S GO [applied to the nice arrangement of a house and its appurtenances, to the comeliness of appearance, richness of apparel of women (or men), and to well-arranged language] 4gS8co soga OC:a:OG8COd, and King Pawlazanekka, having performed all the duties necessary to be done, and having taken possession of the kingdom of Mihtila, enjoyed the sovereignty of it; o8 ao aogcS ^@- oSo5po-~ C1oogtooo-coo03iSoqol maq98(;ooar-~oqS~oo53 3o3, s 8z33 Soo3a~3S q llanj$(0C66pnoCgW g q this person's way of living, his wearing apparel, and everything, beginning from his house, are appropriate and well-appointed. 3oS, 3, v. to be inadhesive (to be devoid of natural richness); eaGsozoo$:cqjo 0 800 gO 0iQgOt SBo aIs 3QA 0 ~oolclo-o-Saoen S066933oTallC360ll =9s3 gVo, 4, int. expressive of dislike, disgust (pish!); GOcqr~@8 9cq8o0cBG QsnEq'J3*So the Burmese usually spit when 772 81: making use of this and the other interjection (expressive of disgust), c~o ~n c8, i(, ocp, n o$~opGoo60g33 68 COGCO:I v, z. to be fat, plump; applied to the young of animals; caoS — i (pron. .S), v. same; to be very plentiful, abundant, (in combination with wooag, and in an extended sense, to be beneficial, advantageous): co ooagooo.jooa,., q o~csa @8idcoSos oooSgoo5 S 3u c:cqcgoqc o cg c^$ Gooc3oi 88cg' doOoo$cp coo5ozqg8@8u' o$ogos8:m3o0 3oao, g@ oSoeo986:qojgog Qca4m, those whose. karma of merit is not superabundant, whether they wish to carry on the work to which they are adapted, such as the cultivation of fields, trading, and other kinds of business, it is not seemly that they should remain slothful if it be really certain that their wish will be fulfilled. 81, 1, v. to spread out into many minute parts, as the roots of a tree or as a spray of water (c$CoSglRoqoo); not so divergent and extended as @ou86c4SpWo5. 3|OIsapyoq@ii o838 cooo:qoo.8m 60colV,coog1, to be profuse, lavish, prodigal; corn. coo5(oQ~noqa Voioooaoo1 NI o Qe8~ s ~8l~~ooFjSqos -. —Q (pron. g1o4?), v. to be talkative; used in a continuative form [to be divided, or spread out into many minute parts (from violent contact); goc M ooc.g1ao$@. ---Mo$8@ (fron. oQc8) (not common), v. same; ooogGco[ p g1, 2, v. to puff (out of the mouth); 9oSiCoogcSo,1, a whiff of a cheroot; Gcoo88oo01 GooooSoloo, let me, please, smoke a whiff of your cheroot,.eaoses.gl@go@g, he puffed at his cheroot, and with the light of it looked at the thief. g1I, l (vg8:), v. to bear, bring forth; see g*:, which is not so elegant (scarcely ever applied to animals in colloquial). -- oo5 (go.mooo5), n. one born at the same time (:ooao5Go>S, a person born on the same day as a Buddh, e.g., sooScooS oo8lalo8, Kaludayi, a nobleman born on the same day as Gaudama the Buddh). —.6.8 (opGSl), v. same as V1 h9caSogp& S 773 Slouwo8, v. same as Og (applied to royalty and high officials, 89qp,@:o3o- GooS8*ojo8GcoS0ooe~), but occasionally to the wives of ordinary people, e.g., 403xnlo88i Ooolo8coi2s o oSo68m&;T0 6Lac3m@E=q3;:. OWC, on what day were you born, (sir) S:*oo*:oa;80doSoIo ofiQ0sob g:oo 6mo~jOq88q8O$ cpC.tMqIoodZg OGo3 5 oo 1133on 6Coo5 c81ft48Gocj, and the king caused a temporary palace to be erected and put in order even in the centre of the thoroughfare, and in that temporary palace the chief queen gave birth to a royal son. [In the Burmese time inferior queens were not permitted to remain in the palace during the time of their accouchement. They were provided with apartments which were known as a8S; their removal to these was termed aS4OS -C0co59ooP, and the royal order conferring these apartments -S6M$Fopa ooS3 %UH3sgCO oS8:o).o08GoQ5oSWoo was only applicable to the chief queens.] 21, 2, v. to be loose, not compact, oqbo8ob; to have shaggy hair as a dog, pig, or other animals; waeg8 s un - T3 (81o0:0M), v. same; o8oqocS ooSo~:z o-2teu l:, 3 (ogp:), v. to be all at once, as in suddenly and repeatedly rising under water, e.g., 81-:D; see cA~ and co1: 1s 211:0cc5l o GoTcoow2~1 P8Q1GcooaSoaGoTcozGe~Gooo o9Gov: co1s1,,~m:cQjGoooe (when a bullock is bitten by a snake, the Burmese repeat the following muntra: 43oZ C888a9aC 810" (cpoo3r3), n. a grandmother, ozcog (more elegant). 81:so5 (o8), n. a kind of tree. (The bark of this tree is used medicinally with the bark of the oooSq8j6, and is said to be efficacious in cases of oqcoD). NO~, n. a species of calamus., int. expressive of dislike, disgust-pish! (see c~ and 2o5). r., v. to seek, search for, onG8jo;;not so common as 9-r; {ometimes occurs by itself in writing, e.g., QS~&9oo-oSa oo'djego@8GcEs oom1~ (Satu dammathaya)]. vG8, v. to be very white; chiefly used in an adverbial form as an intenszve; 9AoSoia ge~3csI c=QdOS: 9 GOXoSc~V: G6o6oga~o13:@S o g0866 1c2 WoznQ3U -Mahawthata., v. to bind together; erf4- soo., connect by some bond of union, to unite, connect, weave together; G618:So5, to ecoboe a strinp together, connect one after another; =oS. 8, to connect inm verge or song, or in continuous discourse 1 f to compose poetry, G9o. &11Mqcot0pO ) og]. ( (s pron. 0), n. harness (for a bullock cart). - sv. to extol in song (usually improvised at a pw~). -oes, v. to bind together. -, v. to tie together as the hands and feet. -—, v. same as ~, last sense;:gu? o~1E9E.Oo: 0800g _tO8, v. same as ~, and sense (rgq8c more common). _ —o0 (aoBoS), v. to associate (in numbers) oozcqGoop; n. one of a number, given in dowry, on the marriage of a prince, a member of the royal family; ~cOnSroj~ (cooGsooS coj$, see coosh) - 5oS, v.; see the parts (~aRog cp8s, to sell in partnership with others; cooSqjogqoS, to cross the arms). It is considered very disrespectful to sit in this way before an official; coko:Gcapm ooSooep (a term found in writings only). Q (qAS) (pron. LS) (qro), n. the white waistcloth worn by the king as a badge of royalty; ~&corb 68~ ooeuun [A Burmese euphemism for buying of an enemy.], I, n. the husks or chaff of grain; o6is0I.cI'cCSu 04- (pron. abi), n. the coarser part of the husks, which is rubbed off in the mill. -k, n. the finer part, which is separated from the grain by pounding, shaking, &c. (bran). g, 2, v. to be small, fine, implying many particles. (Der. mis, see Goo33)sa~); j8, comp. CGo, scarcely used assertively; qv5gjoooe, to drizzle; less than G3S63 Lca3I gaslOS, n. the Tavoy name for oas, hog-plum. (The twenty-third consonant in the Burmese alphabet and the third in the class of labials.) f8l, adv. incorrectly (?) roughly [eq8veqojS:, in a slatternly manner; coQGsO Q_]. vocoo o8 (pron. eo3loeo~S), adv.; see Mo0~5-fo~aoo oSPeoo~ %c0o6q4 qcoe~II 'IRS 775. eS, n. a plant, the stems of which produce a substance analogous to hemp, the Crotalaria juncea. "4S@ (q ) (0:), n. the string slightly twisted; e$fe(qe~)&: egoS (oaj$:), n. the Bandat cocoanut Island. — 90:o$s-, n. the Bandat cocoanut, smaller than the common kind. -- g:, n. a small mongrel breed of dogs; from this is derived the figurative expression of egoS, which is the equivalent of the word cr@38, and is applied to persons of mixed races; eoS is more used in Upper than in Lower Burma. egoSzooc (pron. e ooooSa), adv. luckily, in the way of a lucky hit [opportunely]; a xojca3u jqadxu o8qq@0$G$CooS~jg~ o &QaQ9oe0eo~c 6' Gqagaoo6 [said to be derived from a kind of carpenter's tool]. egaco (Qooo), it. the famous Burmese Commander-in-Chief in the first Anglo-Burmese war, killed at Danubyu by the bursting of a shell, original name Maung Yit, native of Ngapayio, Lower Chyindwin, Upper Burma. egc8egcoo, see oc8$oc8oc, n. not used in colloquial; occasionally met with in songs, e.g., oooqoogfs8oo (@6GooDz) el8c& easeloS, n. a city north of Mandalay, derived from two Shan words-eS, signifying a " village," and wS, a " chatty;" e0gcNS, =0&84o8c $s:r.S (o8), n. a kind of tree, the wood of which is used for making da scabbards, cooking ladles, and boat paddles, in colour it is whitish. eqcoSeqgo (pron. by same e&oSqc0oo,), adv. in atoms, e.g., eq8$: (Prpn. eq8~0) (see $:, 2), adv. throughout, all over; eq 8%a.XiO51 Q OS (9o5) ooo00eq84: Cgqoo3eI qo., 3: eq8$:aR oe'eacB (F3ccS) ueq8%, a blockhead; ao-31:eq8$:c8$8 e9@6 (pron. aSqq) (see @B), adv. crowdedly; oajo8@9o r00 (oaS) Oq@8OS8G0 osCoS %G EPUeoC89 eClGba Cq c "0694'R08coD (rC3) 6C00080050000oOe~33q@ eqgocoo8qG8s, adv. in a violent, noisy manner; eqg2oGo1q8: ao, (am) as qab oves.co0p85r.-Q8500~1 "e6v, same as above. ~ (ro. G),adv. conft~sedlyo o:c&:qc.Rpor. 64, 66 4S t Cob C63 eqjg adv. in a silly, inane manner; cocV.CCCDr&O (or e~jqSc~ow~Or:Goaoe). 'e~~.ec18:, adv. in disorder; ettoc:mo: (pron. ejj:.cq*G6:), same as jecSu voQcwx&09CB (!3cozo~ecnOS), adv. from CGqOCBlr) (GCOSo~oS), ihkich'see inarstes meddlesome, disorderly manner, a~s children; co~=ro~ooc~o6 (eGor.= oxi5) 0cS.eC (Pali),'n. strength; m~oniiemR~aDuOHxflcoC, stren~gth of body; FOcOMCO, strength of intellect; ecoj$o~:@:~-emo *coES:q, ad,v. in the way of open, lawless, violence and robbery [usually preceded by =co$:]; =oS-coG exgN8moeI O'l 6,00601iO (cROe) S ~ l e (The term mco~ecqp is one mostly used in rape cases.) eoco1l.4g (eo~oljo) (Pali), x. a, violent whirlpool, gulf in the ocean; eoo1o960 (0 cool 40@-;0), =30:g oz b: (b), "When a storm arises, the waves are thrown to an im"mense height, after which they roll with a fearful, noise "towards Maha Me'ru (o~8jon the one side, or the "Sak-wala-gala (o~oS:) on the other, leaving a pool or ",hollow in the trough of the sea called WalabhAmukha."M.B.; zo,-QdiscGcjh coo84SAVOS&0@ at that time, by means of playing all at once on more than a hundred kinds of musical instruments, the whole garden resounded with the thundering din like unto the Balawdimukha whirlpool, overflowing and subsiding. 0c8GeoQ, (Pali), n. business, difficulty; combined with 4j z:, equivalent tomsz99o 5Gmrco:8c1~c88;. chiefly used by p6ngyis; e6S:eoj (rom c8B:r4), adv. confusedly, in a manner tending to puzzle and confound [always used in a bad sense]; Oq~)A8:e8" G~cI 06c, corruption of ball, n. [a ball to play with]. eo~,5777 oc!o:ooo- v. to play at ball [to play cricket, lawn tennis, or any game in which a ball is struck; C @84:0C8-fOO:, to play polo, @6zec8jcB1. -o5 (Pron. Csc&8), n. a stick to strike a ball with, a bat. nGOyr. a shuttlecock. ~5on. [a battledoor]. cc-In. [same as oc8]. ~,2, it. a mosque, a Mussulman place of worship; e-.8ASn ec~oxp, it. a Moolah or Mussulman priest. en. a bubble while rising in water; comp..GGli -8m)-~n -00, -cq,,, v. to rise in hubbles; ozjSb- ( b) 3qeo 8O v. same; cqoc38aoweri cScv. to be disturbed in mind, be in mental 'commotion; eo5:v7og, (from o4,oR, ad/v. confusedly, mixed together (usually applied to langruage; o3oo-')o 31 v-ooo (prom. ocoooo, OCONz ad/v. idly, of no use, applIed to langruage; applied to conduct, vagrantly; V=0 -Co010, 7z. idle gossip; 511 -a-S, -GO, v. to be- in a confused, tumultuous stat e (veeringly as the wind); ry 'GoS3 GO~O',ro,":~ 010C S v. same,- attended with noise; not used assertively; C8,5oS * 0O'c cc:80 C RDc9?0,8 C,3 O 1S~ - (colloquial oouoo5D)C. G~ c~ O;OS,,&~. 16b) [from r=3513, to pour, and db5. (6-), to change], ad/v. changingly, unsteadily, puttingr one thing for another; coo$S [from eoA. A and o-Bb?z. a half, one half; (msco,-&Sco-B5 ceto divide in halt; og 0008 Ooq~rloj 98 f78 C><r eo14 (oS), n. a species of gendarussa, sometimes planted'for borders. ew$s, n. pyrite a locality close to the Shwe Tig6n pagoda; GOR:ra3 00$ 04 ec*(4038 OqOr) ooocoe ~. -— GC3oaS (pron. oo4:4o-qSB), n. sulphuret of iron. — OSGc, n. small iron pyrites. - 5ol, n. yellow pyrites; eow 40 [magnetic pyrites, pyrrhotines?] exq (Pali), a. many; 0aq in e 0glg o uoomug1aDo:@8 ecqcsq 3coe~1 o -, a corruption of oQcSn - c (Pali oo$, word), n. the plural number Luncertain, indefinite, indeterminate; e.g., cgqq& ooom:-o.0l coo;q _C-oo, n. much knowledge, experience; co(Soecoqz -ecq 3~C~ll 333~33~~03 a 2q0 0q C qO0qj 00 0g~t113DS 66C 3a21Uo3 mouEn93e an@8coo 0eol z ogs re eeoq~8qo oipougcqoage~q~ aqcooaooI:4@: otj (od~), n. centre; goSion mcocZSd Qo3odC rco-.rT8~oe~ o@S:~ (Mj) Go0CS91u n3aOut wa00c03; g z CO 181OD -a_, v. to be in the centre, to be central. -— oS (ooqo8), n. the frame on which the oJA (4c4) oe is placed. -- oe (o. ), n. the great drum of the palace (at Mandalay) formerly beaten everythird hour; [ecq~ (00oc) 0G18:coS:, n. the great bell of the palace struck simultaneously with the great drum]. 0oooC (uS) or coo5 (pron. eo4), n. almond, oo0o00$08: This name is also applied to the " country almond," the Terminalia cataWpa.] ooco (Pali ecoo$), n. a fool, ojqoSi cq aco:mow q cu GOOO30 9qg3U Cc6Soo0011n a00IcooN oScij CoD30GoO~0 011Oj M8o mcosoqi~ @S.-oeS0o mo~cooS8 [uSooococooUqS, Mingala Sutra, the verse regarding foolish persons]. Ocoer.C (pron. Ocoergg), n. a kind of military accoutrement worn round the shoulders. odc&q (Pali aofS), a. outer, on the outside, foreign, irrelevant; o3oqomoo, irrelevant language; asSoo:)n oo iq88, the outer path of the sun. 1 -L n. the planet Herschel or Uranus. 779 eoc0qomoso, n. language irrelevant to the subject under discussion. oAquwcoo~o, n. an object of one of the six senses; see under 3ao C0000a.113300~CO0oooa 8o> (Pali), n. the private parts, male or female, 3al8oo5; the testicles in a male, qcos (coo0oao)) 8o; the ovary in a female, g (85:o) go,, 8oS, adv. at all, @@H3ao38c; used in negative sentences as 0Soo3, he knows nothing at all (of it). --- o5 (corruption of 803oao5), v. to deny (a charge) in toto; 3.>oo3:988oSngo8=gon 8o059 (80Q$) (pron. 8089$) (Pali 8soi,8aoco), n. a house, mansion, a temple, a building devoted to worship, [the abode of a Brahma (@@o), a nat (~oS), a sylvan deity or dryad (P1383), the chamber of the sun and moon; c80oSq$ oc38A 9$*~Oq4$ggg'.G4C00p8o59 $1800 0110tiG,100&83S9)388.3 8a[ (8;1), n. the small circle, G:ooGooC:o8 (o) $c8SoS, a dot, said to be derived from the legend of the 861 (8A[) cooqo8t,8[ (8A[) -S, n. a kind of leaf made of brass and used for overlaying graduated steeples and coffins. 8~8 (from 8*g, to be continuous), a. continuous; adv. wholly. S -— go, v. to plate, overlay with plate. -— go, v. to deny (a charge) constantly. ---- (g) c 2}Ssp8 (pron, 85$@d8cSGpS), a. swelling of the whole body; 8$3og p6-So Soog ~o(o (8o6), n. (Pali &o, a seed), a. produced from seed sown; comp. ojo5:Sp n Gmoog:LOcXg|68 GoC.qao oooGooS 804o, n. a measure of time equal to six prans ($); coocox30:@s (o8), n. the fragrant clerodendron, M. - -$, n. the scarlet variety, M. gS (oqoS), n. the crow pheasant [the coucall.. ---. — cps, n. the colour of the said bird, between brown and red [see under 3joSazoS3o (oqoS) cGgS8:qoS (oaoS) cg:]. — a: () o:, n. the Kydia calycina.. (Pali), n. a Buddh, a being in the form of man, who for wisdom and virtue is unrivalled throughout the sekya system and is the supreme object of veneration, both during his existence and after his annihilation, until the 780 appearance of another; ogqo:, ol:c.oSvooSooooo. [rV.B. -" In the present grand period oi time (ooono8) Maha"kalpa, four Buddhs have already appeared (o8), namely, "coogooSM$ (Kakusanda), Gcoacq (Konagamana), n>oooo "(Kasyapa), colooo (Gotama), the fifth, ooo:o (zn~ " coggo, pron. sC~oGes), Arimataya (Maitrf) is yet to "come; oogSoSomo. The Buddhas appear after intervals "regularly recurring in a series that knows neither begin"ning nor end. It is supposed by the Singhalese that all "traces of the Buddhas previous to Gotama have been "Slost."-M.B. [The Burmese say that 27 known Buddhs preceded Gaudama: ooqps 3o5)601]. 9000,o, n. Buddha Gaya, a locality in Magadha (Behar, India) famous for its Ftcus religiosa, under which Gaudama the Buddh was perfected.. --- —S3~, v. to be guilty of irreverence to a Buddh. -—,q~oo, n. one who observes and maintains the teaching and doctrines of Buddh. -— o, n. a history of the Buddhs. -— oo, n. words uttered by a Buddh (oqpoowcooS). — 0-C00 (5S), n. a celebrated Brahmin who transcribed the Buddhist scriptures into Talaing, from which they were ultimately transcribed into Burmese. " As he was as pro" found in his eloquence as Buddha (sic) himself, they " conferred on him the appellation of Buddha-gh6so (the "voice of Buddha), and throughout the world he became as "renowned as Buddha."- M.B. "It is perhaps as well to "mention here an epoch which has been at all times famous "in the history of Buddhism in Burma. I allude to the "voyage which a religious Brahmin of That6n named Bud. "dhagh6sa made to Ceylon in the year of religion 943 = "400 A.C. The object of this voyage was to procure a " copy of the scriptures. He succeeded in his undertaking. " * * * It is to Buddhagh6sa that the people living on the "shores of the gulf of Martaban owe the possession of the " Buddhist scriptures. From That6n the collection made "by Buddhagh6sa was transferred to Pagan 650 years after "it had been imported from Ceylon." " The celebrated "jurist Buddhagh6sa lived at the close of the 15th century " A.D. His career was similar to that of his still more re"nowned namesake Buddhagh6sa, the commentator, who "lived in the 4th century after Christ. Both went to "Ceylon to study the scriptures, and both returned thence "to Ramannadesa (qgScsoo) (Burma). But at present the CG 781 "jurist has ceased to exist in the memory of the Burmans as "a separate individual; he has been merged with the theo"logian into one personality; and hence we find in native " records that 'the great teacher Buddhagh6sa went to " Ceylon to sudy the scriptures and to write commentaries "thereon; he brought not only the sacred books to Ram"annadesa, but also the law book known as the Manu " Dhammasattham; he was learned in both the divine and " secular law.' The jurist Buddhagh6sa only translated "the Talaing Manu into Burmese, but it has much gained " in sanctity and importance by having become connected "with the greatest divine of the Buddhist church, who, " however, antedates the said translation by eleven cen"t uries."-(Forchhammer.) c1, int. made use of by Burmans when surprised, or startled. c-4tc (opQ:), n. the name of a much-venerated pagoda near Akyab. qaiqca (oS), n. a kind of plant, the Canna Indica;(rosary beads are made of the seeds of this plant). oqgc (frequently pron. Buddahoo), n. the planet.Mercury, the fourth day'of the week (qiN W), Wednesday, qgcaG, 901 qgacjoo ijgo:sc:, a male or female child born on a Wednesday. --— o$, v. to begin as a month on Wednesday [ooni^.oos:, to begin as a month on a Sunday; oooSo=$3:, on a Monday, and so on]. j8, i, n. a pump. y86, 2, n. a coarse woollen cloth. ~S6 (U), n. the city of Bombay. --— g28,:, n. betel-nut imported from Bombay. --— c:, n. a kind of puhso made at Surat, Bombay Presidency. -— o GGEq, n. a kind of leather. S, I (oS), n. a kind of tree; the fruit is cooked with curries. i0, 2. n. a kind of fish-trap. co, 3 (oS), n. a kind of creeper; l,o4olsa (with a very pretty little white flower).: (Eng.), n. a mortar. -— o$, n. a bomb-shell [an infernal machine].:S3 (4), adv. with a dull, heavy sound; 0a84oeg~o,ooS$ Oo, n. an induration in the viscera in consequence of fever, co o4: (ague-cake); the leaf of the q:owo8 (mulberry tree), 78s cooSo Seaten with curry, is said to be beneficial in reducing such indurations. ceoo8, : (g) —, v. to have such induration. " ---q, v. to be reduced in size or subside as such induration. --- 8 (Pali CGo0o), n. the Vedas, in three books, namely, mooo (Saman), coc (Rig), and 3a|11 (Yajust), (the fourth 33o co43 being lost, m8ooo8G.eoSco5Sooe), mathematics, particularly astronomy. " The original Veda is believed by the " Hindus to have been revealed by Brahma (the Buddhists " say that the three Vedas were propounded originally by "Maha Brahma, at which time they were perfect truth; but "they have since been corrupted by the Brahmans, and now "contain many errors), and to have been preserved by tradi"tion, until it was arranged in its present order by a sage, "who thence obtained the surname of VyAsa or Vada"vyasa, that is, compiler of the vedas. The sacred books "were divided into four parts, which are severally entitled "Rich, from the verb rich, to laud; Yajush, from the verb "yaj, to worship or adore; Saman, from. the root sh6, to "destroy; and Atharvana. The Atbarvana is regarded "as of less authority than the other three."-M.B. — q:, n. the books of the Vedas. j —@, v. to observe an horoscope as an astrologer. top, n. an astrologer, a fortpne-teller. --— oS06, v. to make astrological observations (cast an horoscope). - Go:, v. to ask one's horoscope. — o —, v. to declare an horoscope. Gc0oS, i (os), n. a kind of plant [generally found on cultivated lands after the paddy has been cut and when the ground is dry. Said to derive its name from the fact that its seed makes a cracking sound (GoeoScoS.oo goog) when pressedc between the fingers; children eat the fruit of this plant]. 0ooaS, 2, n. dandruff; seoScqoO~gn Golr-18g9eoSGcqcooSoCoj5 Cq@II GoooSCBS is also admissible. --— os (6 ), n. a kiid of tree, also called (by Burmese doctors) c@:so8 and o900o1 — 'o () (from ooloS, to come through or out), adv. of a sudden, with a jerk; 8bG:eoeoooSo ()) tr (Q)) oogu (;*~U 78-3 Geco654oS.(~oS), n. a kind of official cap; oc~o5Qo5 ((c) ccoD8: -COG 00SBWoS, adv. up and down; applied -to the gait in walking;. qao6ex.Go5 cD~ooo~oxwu @8-gGuo&6&G-.8-ocy nooo5aR: a- e1 -ocB (ooS), a.-or adv. dashing from side to side as water, [or as a woman's breast swaying from side to side, Gj&0c:q x ro:)c oS~cua~]; rolling about, unsteady, reckless, inconsiderate; GGQ 0,0 3qCOO OOCB OS x5~eiI COG "Iu -- G&)Ideo adv. same. -GCQ)0 (o8), n. a kind of tree; Goo(Y5rGco:)o~o8 uclgoohc~ @ (CYI),,-OOO5C98Wo4OQ -4800e~1 — 1oh, n. a kind of bamboo, M. 40,, adv. indicative of the noise which it imitates; cooco~ G18c&l8 vauoS (b,) O~osoe~i 908x39S (pron. cGooqoS), 12. a kind of bird [the, -water cock]. The Goc)8oz8 (sometimes pron. qoS): frequents paddyfields before the paddy is reaped. — GO38, adv. indicative of the noise which it imitates; 9'A~ G008-0, n. a kind of cap, a badge of rank [o&03:u-os (Ji-3oS) go-vOS.C3EGo8f;Gce.S-co, to wear such cap. 000)n. same; a. oblong, applied to fruit which, though naturally round, is sometimes oblong; coeiqsrcV,3`croQ. ocqoSO1IIco)OGou)&GCD-OS usually applied to the fruit Of the q.. (C014Iq&L..11 but more- particularly to the fruit of the o8: (as there are two kinds, one which -bears a round fruit and the. other an oblong; cOa:Go8O&Go:C-5). -Co~, X. to be more than full, heaping, ready to run over; 2n:gjg ) G30G@:$ ooo8S (oo~oo80) 9$0 g o-'9$. oc~cq 63) 0.4G+cp applicable to dry measures; Iboo ooe,8:*co~G~Oo&ROeg~~ ~ ~5co~ ~c6 0 G08(,the species of - tree under,'which a Buddh is perfe ted; in the case of Gaudama the Buddh, the Ficus r-ieligiosci, ce3o8c?9Gcn. Each Buddh is perfected under a different tree, though more than one Buddh is alleged to have been perfected under the same tree, e.g., the 784 Buddhs Mingala (eSco), Thimana (oqo4), Y6wata (Gqooo), and Thawbita (Goooc.3o), and the coming Buddh Arimataya (ozc.ooo-q) were, and will be perfected under the Mesua pedunculata (;oa-oS); Kaukkathan, Gaunagon and Katthaba, the three immediate predecessors of Gaudama, were perfected under a kind of wild acacia, cqxRoS (c9qoSco8), a Ficus glomerata (cqo~oW8), and a Ficus Indica (Gs8 0o), respectively. [" Buddha sitting under this tree reached perfect wisdom, and therefore it is called the ' Tree of Knowledge.' "-Cunningham's MahA -Bodhi]. "The Buddhists look upon the Bo tree as most Christians look upon the Cross."-Rhys Davids' Life of Gaudama. o:^>8or':o, n. the circle in the centre of the continent of Zambudipa (Jambudwipa), m811 (oigl') Eo, " which is, as it were, " its navel; and this circle is so called because it contains " the Bodha or bo tree under which Gotama became a " Buddha."-M.B. The Paramigan commences with the following::oo8o< iuo2:o1^S5.,g.,6~5g;io.ctSo, -- oooS, n. a B6dhisat, a being who will in due course become a Buddh (oepsco8s). " These beings are numberless, but " the name in common usage is almost exclusively confined " to those who become avowed candidates for office. When "many ages have elapsed without the appearance of a "Buddh, there are no beings to supply the continued dimi"nution in the brahma 16kas. This excites the attention of "some compassionate brahma, who, when he has discover"ed the B6dhisat in question, inspires him with the reso"lution that enables him to form the wish (jp:so$i to "become the teacher of the three worlds (c09 ol jaosMp) "that he may release (goS; sentient beings (Oogol) from the "evils of existence."-M.B. rceScq? (pron. as spelt) (from or:T and coq:), adv. in a vain, idle, affectedly polite manner; comp. oocomcoc8.cSG7oeSO coSep (Eng.), n. a buoy; acolSop oc5ooc1,orli 33,Soodc SS(53[l0 6ooc8.o3Ei (Steam to the east of the buoy; if you should steam to the west of it you will run on the sandbank. sS is literally merely to move the paddles of a steamer forward, or to cause the screw to revolve, but it is the only Burmese equivalent for the English words "to steam " in the sense above quoted). :S, n. cotton made up in rolls for spinning. ~8: cS, v. to spin cotton; ~&qoSozg P8o& 8%-oN.o- ee, a saying greatly in vogue in Upper Burma in days gone by; coX8sggs"~ 8:caoe (Prov.), " to spin cotton while the moon shirnes." Anglice, To make hay while the sin shines. 0 ----008, n. same. R —hqo*$ n. [the stick on which said rolls are made.] -o, v. same as 6S~c8u q8mo:o, I (pron. o8l), n. a kind of bird (considered an unlucky bird). q8s300, 2 (pron. &8:1), n. a light, wanton woman. - 0, n. same; 3oQKolcoD l8l4QO}I8$god8 (o) (S$zxC COO:, a term of reproach. ~c5, I (Pali oco), n. force, military force, soldiers, troops; oboj a: (s), the commander of a regiment, a colonel, a mnilitary officer; qoS@8i -j:, -qSq, -iS, n. a General, Commander-in-Chief. - c.@ or 01, n. force, troops. -cz- (pron. 0c8q); cqccSowt -aqqcSO (qcScqqo5o6S), n. same, - 5, v. lit, to " receive the gaze of the (military) officers." "In the afternoon there is another informal audience "termed Bo Shu (qwSkC) because military officers are "then admitted with theAtwin Wuns to see the King."(Pilcher). ~cS, 2, n. a certain rule in astrology, of which there are six; fco82oSiigc&=it:o3ococ8si tlo~oqwo (q 0 oqcof) or Gjr.joo): (co) &, (Pali joQ1, a tiger, and ogoo, a deed, practice), v. to retrograde, as the heavenly bodies; comp. c&8o): (o0) ~u 1 (@B) cxj:, a. stupid, thick-headed (very thick and coarse as cloth); woooqbj@8 (p8) x@,:, oN@85q:i oooqoq83Qc~8 4oa8 (O&Sc), n. a low tree, bearing a red sour fruit resembling the barberry, the Antidesma paniculata, M. [usually found near water]. c]: (Pali 9K'), n. a consonant; qes9olR:ur qtS-:e0ooo o (Cq~eoocoo00 ), n. a,kind of hermaphrodite. q'S, n. a flat wooden dish, platter, tray, trencher. 99 786 Jc qcSoS, n. a wooden bowl; coo3&ox cococq8o: jco4g c):qjs -cq:-Og8t, v. to expose edibles (chiefly fish and vegetables) for sale on a tray. qs, 2, n. a flat piece of bamboo used to throw small stones with; q8f908006,1 Io8MS (Pali o1~xoo), n. a divine c6mmunication of any kind; frequently a prophetical intimation; by courtesy applied to kings (as in replying to a king it is customary to say go SoooSGosa~ocEld:o\hsG):). -, v. to crave a divine communication of a Buddh as to the time when the sippliant himself (a 36dhisat) shall become a Buddh. — CO., v. to utter a divine communication. - co:, v. to give utterance to a divine (prophetical) intimation; SqR80oS@o0ro-@ao' cpAq orou.oo SI oe3 v —,. to make a display of any divine attribute; o.csxo8o8: Grc6os5: (:ca18:) COT"fl CooSooSoo]:00q9311 R (q4) 6~ 4GOg8~605r C116X 006j G Ofq OSoIMooa~C ~GooSJGOa i -—, v. to receive a divine communication from a Buddha, as "a B6dhisat, intimating the time that the latter shall become "a Buddh. 1ool (Pali q]oaq), n. anxiety, trouble; s6 10: q Y qSCOOMC:)01 Gqill G g 38 01 (il C5oo$88c0dib5qo&9 ot1aoz Q g:Iiqooluc(Ic o8o 08ccso~8:co0ooS xI -— Q (pron. q:ol&), n. forelpcks worn by young women; sometimes called co8ScoToU -- ca, v. to wear forelooks or curls; qBolC1o S (pron. o9o5), - Q060,, v. same [to distribute such curls over the back of the head]. -— 63, n. [worry and anxiety]; see the parts. -8:, n. same as qoo1Gcoaoc8st:qjolooo8:mo0ae o8:G-co:08 oogu qocooo8, adv. in hurry, confusion [anxiously, in a sad, distressed, perplexed manner]; jocco36G8Gsc0DoenqQIOteooIi,8 (4) 3a t 3uGsqocoO&cG8IeassagOgaaj(4Ssq oc~S8, adv. same; ccoocqoc~rao:8i3 o 0~G=UCoTc~8CaO8 ~8 f~G@3Os (ooCS) cC8o0t i G0o0Soo0 789 Mara (ozjoS) hold among the angels of the Kamad6valokas. It is of the greatest importance not to confound the Buddhist Brahma with the Brahma of the Hindu triad. Maha BrahmA is merely a powerful angel and vastly inferior in power to Buddha. Every Cakkavala (o0ogo) has its Maha Brahma, so that in reality MahA Brahma is not one, but many, for the universe contains almost an infinite number of CakkavAlas, and consequently of Mahd BrahmAs."-Childers' Pali Dictionary. o: (from go:, to be flat), adv. flatwise; 0,:cs,,i 6o: (or@: cq8o), ob6:n@1 (or 6osc~oS), 8, to pave with bricks flatwise. --- oC, v. [see the parts]; SgsooS, to beat out gold leaf. - 82 (from g, v. to be flat, and 8s, to flow), adv. spreadingly, overwhelmingly (irregularly, here a little and there a little, like a crazy person; oooQss goG4o~o.). --— o(SGoS, adv. same. -— o5, v. (see the parts). — gogo5gSoRo)og., v. to strike indiscriminately. — c —cscoo, v. to place flatwise. @$SLs, n. a kind of plant (grass, @[$~Ggo5)., n. a Peguan title. -- qo, n. another ditto. 0 (), 3z3 (pron. @mta), adv. an intensive in various connections; used colloquially, g 'S~ (or og,5-0s), fo (6), 3 O>O5Cq|oSQogGip)S6i;ll 3 S>G>(I 33 ^~ I s () o0, adv. entirely, as in the phrase @o0o$oog, [.o5 more often used, e.g., oGoog x o5 c G5oS Gsp65oo0: 030]. gocOS (pron. @S), n. an outer building attached to the palace occupied by the Atwin-wuns and their writers (north of the palace). " The word Byedaik is, it is believed, of Talaing "or MHn (g$s) origin, and means 'bachelor,' and thus the "whole word means bachelors' chamber. Formerly, it is "said, the king's young men used the place as a waiting"room; and the king himself occasionally came there to "see his elephants exercised. Latterly, however, it was "used exclusively as a public office."-(Pilcher.) Gp:3o $ (sometimespron. with an' r' sound), adv. flounderingly [tumultuously]; oo00oS0it0S3 G0o c90oS3:Oa), Goo OoSQQsc8gG00368:u0g~^SpG@3s^Os0.ineeP3j SGc88o^ 790 cagoi8oooS, adv. same (very rarely, if ever, used in colloquial). goS (8oS) (from 8go, to swell up), n. a swell of water which rises and breaks, a mud puddle; A8oS, (,fo) ( g 5oGe|$SPr oo~iT1nGSc~oO giSGcc850oeII — @5S, n. a violent swell of water, which rises and bursts; adv. in an uproar, as in a violent quarrel; cS1yS (f35) -- o, v. to rise and burst as such swell. "(i, n. same as, S (oS), Ist def. (, n. a kind of medicinal plant (the root is said to be ene cial in cases of snake-bite, [SZ:g 53 So); G6o g.i (bS), o): (}), ado. indicative of the sound which it imitates; g)S04sn (8go5Q~) 33Qo00211 gy5 (p5) o0i (4) 34q30600 =O1,CS (yoS) o^a8o0o1ooa3 n go6, n. a species of bulbul.. ---=0co8, -o3$, -o8.30:, -, -ol, n. varieties of the bulbul. [@06oC, n. a wide-mouthed water jug. 0c (o~OOS) (The twenty-fourth consonant in the Burmese alphabet and the fourth in the class of labials.) oo, an abbreviation of amoo, a father; QQ9;mnOS000-1 --— O (pron. oem), n. a father. -—.:, n. a father's elder brother, a mother's elder sister's husband. In Upper Burma very frequently pron. oog; elderly men are often respectfully addressed as oogi, om@ooao6ogo s o1oSc --— o (ron. oCS), n. same as mo31, — oR:, n. a father's younger brother, a mother's younger sister's husband, a step-father (in the last instance usually pron. oGOg)). -- , n. parents. ---— oS (pron. ojz5sq*), n. an orphan bereavedof its father. ooS, i (see under szooS), n. a side, corresponding part, sideparty. coo, 2, adv. even, slightly emphatic (colloquial) [equivalent to u8 and.o> Gol1.Sa:SloS3 not frequent]. oOa 791 oooSoDcoS, n. a species of ficus, M. oOG:oGoJqS, n. a species of cordage plants, the Paritium macrophyllum, M. co8, o, n. ordure, oo0,1 — O-O, (cs), n. a class of inferior hells. coS, 2, n. an ancestor of the fifth degree; ooi s~oGnoWdBIii0o1, )ie 08, 3, n. pewter, boR, a word used mostly by alchemists; oo8on 0080000931811 o00, 4, n.; see oool — G(@ (pron. co8oGo). ---- or 0o6o (oo84-), n. a tumour in the groin, a bubo. -- GuooS, v. to have a tumour in the groin.-S. 00o, i, n. a kind of tree (a leaf-shedding tree, the Nauclea rotundifolia, K.). 03, 2, n. a kind of plant which takes root on the leaves of certain trees. co6cgmc (Pali oo8, destruction, and 8gc930i, a mental exercise), n. the termination of thought, 8oSq6joS@8: (qjoasoco); see under 8Oacoo (the commencement of thought). o3o1c8, n. a Bengali. -— 3-oj, n. a kind of jacket worn by women; o5olc8,i 008o, n. hemp, ganja; GcoOG@ooSn ooo (pron. o3l) (Pali), n. treasure, goods laid up, )o(oooS,, ~ooa; Government property, ooPOGooS8i, GcooSS (in the "Burmese time); 0coq oto30 0, n. same. — o0: (pron. oloax:), n. that which is given in compensation. -- q (pron. ao'1 ), n. the keeper of a treasury, treasurer [the Burmese sometimes politely address, or speak of, the head servant of a respectable European as 0008o:] [N.B.-The Treasurer of a Government Treasury is usually styled (gccoo6qii] -— c ", n. a treasury; G8gcqoSi ~ — cd, v. to pass to Government as unclaimed, (or forfeited) property; ^ocqggopcjoo a34 soooSooa oi aQ cooS '4, when there was no one connected by relationship with Jujaka, the king, the property being without an owner in turn, took possession of it. 749 COCS 0coooS (Pali) (froinm coo, excellent, and omg, a period), n. a grand revolution or period of time which is distinguished by five Buddhs in succession, see under Oii - wjo, same. "The kalpa (mcyo) in which we now live is "called Maha Bhadra. In the ages that were concluded, "20 asankya-kaplakshas previous to this kalpa, there was "not, for the space of a kap-asankya, any supreme Buddh." This long period of remediless ignorance was succeed. ed by the Maha Bhadra kalpa, in which five Buddhas are to appear- Kaukkathan (monpt,4), Gaunag6n (GolrmD), Katthaba (roo0o), Gaudama (c1cxoo), and Maitri (Arimataya) (3;)qGj oo) (see cg, M.B.). cooS (Pali moo), n. cooked rice, c=o8: (not colloquial). a0Corni n. Careya arborea. The leaves of this tree are used for making the outer covering of a Burmese cheroot, ccoo6ioc85 (rosc8ooS), chiefly in the Prome district; in Upper Burma the leaf is used for wrapping up co0o5005?8u co44:, see 084-:n c00:, 1, n. a shallow, flat-bottomed basket, made of slender materials, of woven bamboo strips, s, used to spread things on and for other purposes; comp. bcmmoaoo):~3u oo$mcosui W;C-~.Oft co$:, 2, n. a sample, specimen, muster; 91S;oo-ci wel -coS, @, v. to exhibit as a specimen or sample. - s, v. to fail in the exhibition of a specimen or sample. o4:, 3, n. blind, puzzling language; cosooo: (slang, e.g., c65 I oe~ for ~6Sooq o0c3Zo)o, o~ for oq:, og for m3j a5o'uP jo56opos cSnoom.s for o8$tooii cS), I, n. the left side, cooSR; opposed to pon r-ms:cxou o 5 c~8ooo-8 (pron. oo~8) 8ExoLoa cc:oSQOo8~~-cFoo$ii -@$ ~3@?, adv. on the right and left; oS,3j o l.-6G@,S7@S3, adv. from side to side; coeo0q:,3a, 3s( p 8 oS80c occS~8cgan qooSGno8:oqn 3z oSoC:0owe or o$00ao5 - v,. to be left-handed. cooS, 2, pron. a. an abbreviation of sonoS (in conjunction with:coS pron. as - 3o, same, provincial. -IS, pron. a. how many? cooo5 793 cocSo8: (from s3oooS and o38o), pron. a. which (thing)?. — oxo5&3, pfron. a.; see oaooo6 a o00o (Pali), n. fear; G 3oarjs a~oooooo ioo~ 1S o — G=M, n. a drug, an ingredient used in compounding medicine. ooqoS (eowcs), n. ornaments for the neck, flat and round, strung as beads; ooqo-SiB---, v. to suspend such an ornament from the neck. (Formerly worn in the palace at Mandalay by the queens and princesses, in Lower Burma by children.) oco (Pali), n. a state of cxistence of which there are three divisions, ooomo, uoxo, and ooxjo, see under:3, appropriately, a past, present, or future state of existence. Tunbhawa or Tunloka, the three worl Is. The regions in each sakwala are divided into three sections --- () KAma (Moo), the region in which there is form and sensuous gratification; (2) Rupa (j'), the region in which there is form without sensuous gratification; (3 Arupa (=go), the region in which there is neither form nor sensuous gratification, but a state of unconsciousness, o-l-9.0ooom-,5o5oo, during (past) successive existences; ao8o5oa, same as cq-qoo:tcpgoSooo (o81bg), the present existence; c.,8To, same as c1$ocn oaii cazooo, future existence, futurity; ooag.ooa, same as na3 ooSoo:o — o —c0, n. cleaving after existence; signifies the pertinacious love of existence induced by the supposition that transmigratory existence is not only eternal, but felicitous and desirable; WibhawatanhA is the love of the present life under the notion that existence will cease therewith and that there is to be no future state.-M.B. — c-o08, v. to change one's state of existence, to die; coa CgooG300G3:~sco'ogel 03Coogoo-peg3 o6^0308: loooooodsgoSGCO ---— 5, n. a king, monarch; G srG gcasooJr.0Scoo0 o,801oo Tps~:, he who hath dominion over land and water, Lord of the Universe, Great Chief of Righteousness, a title of the Kings of Burma. ooo5 (Pali oocp1) (ooo8), n. the summit of a sekva system or of the universe; aooo0,oocB, c3ooSaj83tooooS3j 3oSGU:GooS 100 794P Z8. coo8 (Pali coo and' &81), n. the stamina or substratum of the mind, the mind divested of thought or existing under a suspension of the train of thought, having come to a conclusion. V-0, v. to be settled in opinion; coGooqCu' ----— coo, see 8oScoot ----, v. to cease as a trance (?) --— 8, v. to be in a trance. -— Qo*, adv. instantly; =oSm00o --— v,. to be agitated as the mind. oo0oo (more frequently pron. coo), a. a contraction of =ooSwoo, what thing? what? (ow0o is almost obsolete in ordinary colloquial, though sometimes made use of in British Burma); co0:Go3G0Cqj&IIo3oooooMcbI, coocQ~C1oo~&@CC ~ Ooo0cq8C, the interrogatives why? wherefore? cooo (Pali), n. being; used chiefly in composition, and of various a lications (see gEjooooN qp 0Pi$c:O4 o3&o3 ooaq oo4ooeoII oo o O: OO c COoo 3 g6Gi I 3;coS98&o O ooo:e3oo3 " x8-qco.3Qc0c- 65, to file a petition in formd pauperis, see Cfl3SQcPoCiGooe~, which has the same meaning. 0oooo (Pali), n. short sentences for repetition, of which there are forty (N59o) shorter than mggS$O, " Bhawana, the meditative rite;" E06rX g 'ofIC6g3oog, foo o80j)a dqlan8-'$aS0003ot8s@$:@80). M3COo (Pali), n. language; ooos, mode of practice, cqstom; 3Q 0080, 4C, 0gs, a particular system of faith and iorship. - qoQco5, adv. of one's own will and way, according to one's practice, custom. a:NogcS, v. to adhere to a particula4 creed;.ooF:~0o083oo ootoaoo8C ocI b qgmoooooloaqcpn (as a Judge or Magistrate asking a witness his religion). — o~0-6, n. a mode of practice, custom, way. ____r9o3, v. to be diverse in custom or creed. -cool, adv. of one's own will and way; aoc~ii o90oSyc08cS coao unoooooo oolroosoo0Sj u — 8os, v. to initiate or introduce into, any particular religious creed; ocj8coo: ooocooo:oeluoofoo0oo3oo280goo6i1 I8, I, see under -8u o848 795 08a, n. the mother of a great grandfather; see 338o,0 28, 2, v. afx euphonic, mostly used before the assertive affix oS, abbreviated to oo in connection with the noun affix o-1., as 0020ooc90C, " like as he went; " also before the closing affix q68:, in which case it is rather intensive, see Grammar, sec. i88, 08. [The following are a few examples showing how 08 is used: ooSogC98 c~qSGo0 o018n o G@310 y:od "a8tooo-~G~IocloccqndqcqoSnoo~o10800008 i aioo oolo8aoo 8. formerly used in lieu of cooo, e.g., cgolCo8 for G(ool;oooii 6oloB for acoloooon appears to have in some instances the force of an imperative, in others of an intensive]. 08, 3 (from 8, to crush), n. a trap, consisting of a plank, which falls and crushes the animal. -— GoS, v. to set a trap; ojoSc1cBGooaSo6i8oSiq8ooScolca 08 Goocaoen I B00t (Pali), n. a priest of Buddh, cqo1s, Bhikshus, or in Pali Bhikkhu, from Bhiksha, to beg, lit. a mendicant. The Bhikshu is said to be so called " because of the fear he "manifests of the repetition of existence; because he goes "to seek his food as a mendicant; because he is arrayed in "shreds and rags; and because he avoids the practice of "whatever is evil. When Buddha addressed the priests, it "was ustally by this appellation." ('0c8o8cx[c q8c1oscooo3). -E.M. — $, n. a priestess of Buddh; qtooon C8q (8cq8S), a. flattened, short and flat; n. a kind of low roof attached to a larger one; c08q8@o:o.Gcon 3qScog$iio8 q c8~$: (ofc$), v.formative; the terminations oo$8 (according to another acceptation c83: or oons) and oooc form verbals denoting nearness of accomplishment, occasionally taking Cq before them, as rcoo&o6s: or scoo8oqoo$s, which is near burning; @8oqoooS, which is near sinking; cqpo coo, nearly the whoie. —udson's Grammar, sec. 125, 4 -[N.B. —84$s or oo4. is not very often used in ordinary colloquial, but is occasionally, e.g.,. coSooeSS:oorsGcoJa 8 0o88, n. a sandal, (the plinth of a pagoda,.ocp.-308GooS), a pe. destal, the sole of an elephant's foot, oo85; hence ~08 ~8 (a thick wooden sandal, a kind of clog; 8: c848, one completely covered with cloth; see 8lt:8:ii)c68018 o, lit. w6 8$ sg S "food for the sandal;" terms of abuse, employed mostly by women. c886118, v. to make (i.e., sew the parts together) a sandal. — gaS5, v. to unloose or take off a sandal, or slipper. - 83, v. to wear a sandal. -— 9S, n. the instrument with which the sandal-maker clasps the sandal in order to sew it. — c-a: os, n. a sandal-maker. -— >, n. the piece of wood or other substance used in shaping the sandal. -— colo, v. to have the feet galled by wearing sandals owing either to their newness, to one's having tender feet, or having travelled a long distance. — oxg (pron. o), n. the straps of a sandal; CaGgJo Soo *f930: (n. medicihie, cao:oh.a^:[:). — c —q, n. a medical book, coo:cqS:i ---— op, n. a physician (who prescribes medicine, in contradistinction to o1oSzocp, a doctor who prescribes diet). d9s:, I, n. opium; sowowS (elegant). --— 3a 5ooS, n. opium sticking to the side of the pipe; c8:, ooS:, oosoS, Gc953o, 3zao5.i — G:, n. opium refuse. --- o, n. same as cS:% nz.3,SooS (opium pipe grime). -— oo, v. to eat opium; n. opium-eater. —;8, n. opium juice or oil. -— E}S, n. an opium shop. --— o0, n. the poppy. ---— cS:, n. an opium-pipe. — ao, v. to discontinue eating or smoking opium (implying breaking one's self'of the habit of doing so). " ---, v. to smoke opium GooI:l _- oS:co-S, v. to suffer from diarrhoea due to sudden discontinuance of opium eating, or smoking. t$:, 2, n.; see c8:, a wheel. 8$:cSo5 (08), n. a kind of tree; the wood of this tree is used as firewood when Burmese women undergo roasting after 797 child-birth. The wood of the oo5 and o$oq is also used. c-ooS (Sj), n. England, Great Britain, 8:858 &gS1 d8coc6r@, n. cement. 8.ooSGGq (ooa1), n. sodawater. — =%, n. lemonade (ccm8o8). 3o8o5 (8oo8oS), n. a blessing pronounced by Brahmins, accompanied with the pouring of water; see -oaQ8=8S.-S. - oa.S, v. to pronounce such a blessing on a king or a person of rank. — Go:, v. to pronounce such a blessing on an ordinary person (as when Brahmins beg for alms). -— Gpo3, v. to pronounce such a blessing in the ceremony of inauguration. — Og-$, v. to pour out water on the king's head, at the ceremony of inauguration (from a water-vessel). c8, I, n. the father of a great grandfather; see A3:. — 0, n. the mother of a great grandfather. ocF4 (pron. cf8), n. an almira, cupboard. 8, n. a two-wheeled bullock cart with an oblong wooden superstructure for carrying passengers: Much in vogue. at Mandalay prior to the annexation, but now generally beipg superseded by pony gharries (8:jxos:). c8os:, n. a kind of birth. 8co2: (pron. ocT), n. a beloo, a kind of monster which eats human flesh and possesses certain superhuman power (said to be red-eyed and have prominent long eye-teeth). The Yakshas (qcg, -qci[o5) products of witchcraft and cannibalism, are beings of magical power who feed on human flesh. The male Yaksha occupies in Buddhist stories a position similar to that of the wicked genius in the Arabian Nights; the female Yakshini, who occurs more frequently, usually plays the part of " Siren." * -* * And he said " Verily this is a Yakshini (gcS':o) who took the child to eat it." And they asked, " 0, Sire! how did you know it?" And he replied " Because her eyes were red, and she knows no fear and had no pity, I knew it."-Fausboll's Jataka Tales. --—, -ccS, n. the two divisions of Taru Karins. 798-.C$ c.8oVi8:, v. to have nightmare [comp. Greek Ephialtes, "one.who leaps, or springs upon."] -kc7go., n. a frothy, excrescence on plants. ~-GOOOPSGO., n. a- kind of plant; "o-jcoS% q~c@ ~ (oS),n. a creeper with long roots dangling from the trees which support it. -co~ol - (o8), n. the musk plant. c8s (Pron. J43-) n. the wheel of a carriage, cart, a comb, a brush; 00 9c8Ococ.8g (pron, oo $-c8SgO8), v. to love without one's love being reciprocated (colloquial); m8@ec~o4-.n. (623N`)) n. a coarse comb.qn. a flat comb (v. to keep the hair in position with a comb). — 865 (pron. 8:8)8), n. a fine comb. -.. —GCOOOQ, ~-Gcox8q, w. a kind of bird with a comb —like crest;~ the hoopoe bird, COc&)88-90,ji ~Ofon. the felly or felloe of a wheel (the exterior rim, or part of the rim, of a wheel supported by the spokes; c~e~: s.coocq v. to fall loosely about as a garment (?) qai(Pali ojoo, visible), n. matter; see under omo~3Zo5(Io33c cxjo5, 2 (Eng. book), n. a book, particularly a record; oDn~5i cx~o5 cq~a ( Pron' $0), ii. "glory";. Go T030o Coe#... —~(Pron. 4;fto:), (lit. "great glory "), n. a priest of Buddh, 9coo:i [An elder pbngyi addresses a younger one as mo' Rccoo (cljqS), an~d a younger one addresses an elder one as aoc (Pron. Asco~); the ordinary titles of the Burmese Kings5 were oq$ -zcxSsoqa:]; oq~ G-oSaacg (c$)4CY r.CS99'Q=Gr.RSjnc681 Qo~o~aoo&~ 0084DjcOpg8& OOoY~f5 __7@,v. to be possessed of great power and authority. — ~ (prom~. n. a p6ngyi cremation festival. "Whilst residing. at Tavoy, I wished, on a certain day, to "go and witness all the particulars observed on' su ch, occa"sions. A most favorable opportunity favoured the prose ois 799 "cution of my wishes. A Talapoin of my acquaintance "had died a fortnight before, after thirty years of profes"sion. His body laid in the coffin, was to be, for ever, con"cealed from human sight. I went into the monastery, "where I met a large party of the brethren of the deceased, "who had assembled for the ceremony. Most of them were "known to me; my reception was at once kind and cordial. "Great was my surprise at seeing, instead of grief and "mourning, which the circumstance seemed to command, "laughing, talking and amusement going on at a rate which "is to be called scandalous. No one appeared to take the "least notice of the deceased whose corpse was lying at "our feet. A momentary stop was put to the indecorous "behaviour of the assistants by the appearance of two "stout carpenters bringing a board 4 or 5 inches thick, "designed for the cover. They vainly tried to fit it in its "place; the hollow of the coffin was neither broad nor deep "enough for holding the corpse, though reduced to the "smallest proportions. The operation was not a very easy "one to bring the board in contact with the sides of the "coffin despite the resistance that was to be offered by "the corpse. The carpenters were determined not to be "disappointed. At the two ends and in the middle of the "coffin, ropes were passed several times round the coffin "with the utmost tension, in such a manner as to have six "or seven coils in the same place. Enormous wooden "wedges were inserted right and left, in three places, be"tween the sides and the coils. On these wedges the work"men hammered with their whole strength, during about "20 minutes, to the great amusement of all the bystanders. "Each blow of the hammer lessened the distance between "the cover and the brim of the coffin. Every perceptible "success,;gained over the latent resisting power, elicited a "burst of applause, and a cheer to the persevering work"men. At last all resistance being overcome, the cover "rested fixedly in its place. It is needless to add that the "corpse inside was but a hideous mass of mangled flesh "and broken bones. " According to the custom observed on such occasions, "a rude building was erected for the purpose of placing "therein the mortal remains of the deceased, until prepa"rations, on a grand scale, should have been made for do" ing honour to the illustrious departed individual. That "building as well as those made for similar purposes, are 8oo "but temporary edifices raised for the occasion, and made "of bamboos with an attap roof. In the centre of that "large bungalow was erected a kind of estrade, about 12 "feet high, well decorated. The upper part is often gilt, " but always plated with thin metal leaves and tinsels of "various colours. From the sides hang rough drawings "trepresenting animals, monsters of various kinds, reli"gious subjects, and others, but rarely, of great indecen"cy. Around this estrade are disposed posts, from the "top of which are suspended small flags and streamers "of different forms and shapes. On the summit is ar"ranged a place for the coffin, but the four sides at that "place are about 2 or 3 feet higher than the level where"upon rests the coffin, so that it is concealed entirely "from the sight of the visitors. " Things remained in that state during four months, that "is to say, until all the arrangements had been made for "the grand ceremony, the expense of which is commonly " defrayed by voluntary contributions. The arrangements "being all complete, a day was appointed at the sound of "gongs for burning the corpse of the pious recluse. At "noon of that day, the whole population of the town flock"ed to a vast and extensive plain beyond the old wall and "ditch, in the north. Men and women, dressed in their "finest attire, swarmed in every direction, selecting the "most suitable and convenient situations for enjoying a "commanding view of the fete. The funeral pile occupied "nearly the certre of the plain: it was about 15 feet high, "of a square shape, encased with planks, which gave to it "a neat appearance. It was large at the base and went on " diminishing in size, in the upper part terminating in a "square platform where the coffin was to be deposited. A "small roof, supported on four bamboo posts elegantly "adorned, overshaded, the platform. A huge four-wheeled " cart, decorated in the most fantastic manner, was descri" ed at a distance: it was drawn by a great number of men "and brought to the foot of the pile. Upon it was the cof"fin. Immense cheers, shouts of thousands, had an"nounced the progress of the cart with its precious relics "as it passed through the crowd. The coffin was forth"with hoisted on the platform. Mats were then spread "round the pile, whereupon sat numbers of Talapoins, re"citing aloud long formulas in Pali. The devotions be"ing performed, they rose up and prepared to depart, at 80o "tended with a retinue of their disciples, who loaded "themselves with t e offerings made on the occasion. " These offerings consisted of plantains, cocoanuts, sugar"canes, rice, pillows, mats, mattrasses, &c.,, Masters "and disciples returned to their monasteries with their " valuable collections. " The place being cleared, the eyes were all riveted on "two large rockets, placed horizontally, each between two "ropes, to which they were connected by two side rings. " One of the ends of the ropes was strongly fixed at posts "behind the rockets, and the other was made as tight as "possible at the foot of the pile. At a given signal, the "rockets, emitting smoke, rushed forward with a loud, "hissing and irregular noise, tremulously gliding along "the ropes, and in an instant penetrating into the in"terior of the pile, and setting fire to a heap of inflam"mable materials amassed beforehand for that purpose. " In a short while the whole pile was in a blaze, and soon "entirely consumed with the coffin and the corpse. The "bones, or half-burnt bits of bones that remained, were "carefully collected to be subsequently interred in a be"coming place."-[Bigandet's Life of Gaudama.] o0c00, (pron. Coq$3) (from oo,:), n. same; 3:0oo0~3so GooSYllo8$so 330^o8lp3O00gu336 n — GooSGU6:, n. six glories bf a Buddh, namely, ooomqnoglo,,oo, (pron. co, oo,) c8&, co, and oogg. oqg~, (pron. ~coa) (Pali &jq, the earth, and q:, to rule), n. a god who has dominiori over some part of the earth; oqg, G0o^SiiG|GO:>o5^pod i ^cg~iiaoSgda0co.gl0 G fooC0qSGCSO og8c8 (pron. oqg8), n. a kind of bird, the fruit pigeon, M. oqgTopo, n. a kind of plant (a dwarf species of Wrightia, M.). oqs~zCoo$, n. a fortunate piece of ground; GoQ8SGooo0aSJoGo qjo5 (Pali aq8, the earth, and 3989, a shaster), n. the business of searching the ground for hid treasures. -— o, v. to search the ground for hid treasures. oq08 (usually pron. js6::o,), n. an evergreen tree. The Albizsia stipulata%, K. [oc, a kind of drum and " hsaings " (caS:) are made of this wood.] IO0 80o aqq8, n. a chief, sovereign; hence oSoqq8 and %8oqq8 (rowooSqq8, a title of His Majesty the King of Burma; ~oto^q8s, a title given to the Shan Sawbwas by the King). --— 508 1, n. His Excellency the Viceroy of India. oqcp (pron. ocps-by the Arakanese, o000: by the Burmese), n. a God, object of worship, a lord, master, s98, 'oo8; a pagoda, Goc=GooS (cqc84oq s), the Shwd Tig6n pagoda,.oooloSGo6 $,,ooo16c~o5Goo5cSnioooqcqqoa (a famous pagoda at Madeya (oggpq), which it is said can only be visited once owing to the feverishness of the locality; an image of Buddh, a title of honour, Your Majesty. In Lower Burma the term is about equivalent to 'sir.' As a general rule the Burmese reply oqTpo to officials and pongyis [a Buddh].. —. —00a, n. a pagoda slave, $c8o8ocooS; (rebels were compelled to become pagoda slaves in Upper Burma). — o@j$ (pron. ocoao~j $ as if one word), n. a slave to a pagoda, one who has the care of a pagoda, and lives on the offerings; cgjorgVoxoSgcooa [In Upper Burma a pagoda slave is regarded- with almost as grpat repugnance as the four infamous classes (o;oocoG:)o8coo86oc(uoqqpoicqi86 o5~n Go~c8Goo^]. — cg- cooS, pron. I in addressing officials. -- go.ScoBS, n. the height of an image, or pagoda. — qs, see o1ir -- oo$s, v. to pray to become a Buddh; O^o8:cOqjqo~g oo7l8woozc~q1 o0oG oa8o1 n,. ----oo, v. to erect a pagoda; oqptJoe~, to superadd a pagoda upon another (smaller) one, absorbing the materials of the latter. -- ooog~ oS, pron. I (" your disciple," " pupil,") use d in addressing a priest. --—:s, v. to answer or reply, oqcps, when called or addressed. L-. oT, v.. —@, v. to be visited with the displeasure of a. Buddh. --., v. to become manifest, to appear as a Buddh; qcps0@8 --— ooSa, n. a pagoda festival. -'.js, v. to behold a pagoda reverentially, to worship at a pagoda. O" 0803 oqcp 98, n.; see (sopn q nq s4G co. (pron. ooosco8 co q:6sT), lit. " the might of the Lord Buddha," an exclamation frequently made use of by the Burmese when startled or suddenly surprised. — a, v. to pray, to worship at a pagoda. _ —coxtZ (see aocoo:8 and zoo8cooS), n. one who is destined to attain the Buddhaship. 0- 003., n. the supreme object of worship, God, QoSo:cqqu -_oopo, v. to make a vow before an image or pagoda (also applied to a vow made mentally). 1, I, n. a mansion, abode; 89~ (80o$), a division of the universe, of which there are 30 (namely, wol6 3B9iiaooonqocIi?o o!I mao 9), see under &~o3egu ol (4), 2, n. a kind of drum; orcooCSqOg myco: - 0o038 (jG=c08) (pron. A4G618). — cq (pron. or), -jq, -S, i 8 zg, -coo, n. varieties of drum, the drum within a c~OII 0, 3, n. a superadded roof, a gradatio4 of a graduated roof; O, 4, n. a company of merchants or traders. Der. from qu - a3 (pron. '3G), n. a secret society, such as exists among the Chinese; onjj8coSSn joj5 *(pron. ojmo05) (Pali oo, a sprout or twig, a), a. produced from a root (08s50 Gpoodooopg o3). ozooc8 (oS), n. a large kind of shrub, icerasfragrans, M. oj8p, n. a species of mintwort, Mentia sylvestris, M. 0ij, x, n. the gourd creeper, of which there are many varieties, a gourd, a calabash, Gq 0; a jug, bottle, vial; Gx:wo; a gunpowder flask, coS::; a box of matches, 8:@8aoj: - 1: (pron. qsol s), n. a species of gourd, M. — x082c-, n. the bottle-gourd or white pumpkin, M. - oo8scp8s (sometimes pron. OS3F8sGqPS), n. a calabash. —:os (pron. jis3l:), n. the guard of a spindle; C2os'Ao5 — _CO38S, n. a gourd bowl, the southern polar constellation; 90SoCQoo8s ICODO os. 4jc:GC)O&OORQ3 Q:ooeI ----,n. a species of shell, Dolium galea, M. 804 :opCosoagS:, adv. phrase; ooo9oscogoiI Poga'os3g8oo oba oi, 2, verb. afix, assertive in negative sentences, as an affix of time, past indefinite. In its negative assertive sense oaj is not considered very polite, e.g., 08ooSo, not so polite as ocSol and oo8ojtcoos, less than QoSco:s; as an affix of time, past indefinite, co ~c.Gcp oSBocooo or Gpo6oPiSol c8gn ooSolqsGoGroScjsolii (more elegant than ospo5CSo~); oqs is in very polite conversation between a superior and inferior both preceded and followed by ol, e.g., osccolocp ol6 oi8olo0ol; very frequently in polite conversation oP is not used, e.g., ooc8 So~so4JpSco-o:reGO Solo~ii Qon (Pali 3ooo, fear), n. an evil, calamity; 3aspo5o1loS1i -- oo (pron..oosol), n. anything which preserves from harm, as an amulet, a charm; qcoooi --— csqcoo, adv. in the way of being a preservative from danger, (thisterm is much in vogue when applying for licenses to carry arms). -— cog, v. to meet with trouble, fall into a calamity; G00:O.9 G0p8cnqooe~II — c-, same. -— oCs, - Oqjg (000 3SGOOSOOC~~Cqj llCo~g$g6StGoocOOSm:S). -- Go:, —.C8oS, v. to throw open for the use of the public as a fishery, lake, tank, implying however that the fish are not to be taken out of it, the original meaning being that they are "given " or "released" "with immunity from danger." — q$, n. same as oooSn co), 2, n.; see acoo:, a great grandfather. -—, n.; see s3GOoa, a great grandmother. o0o6 (from 33000o and yc8), adv. in what manner? how? oo Q6oq|rs(Goolc8oc36o^aSooojo10oo0o6 aSii Coo~obGg^gd * d)c S^OyooSoli 60o5, n. a kind of edible grain, rather glutinous; ocooolon o@os (oS), n. a kind of tree (the Cratoxylon nereifolium), a tree, the timber of which is used for building purposes, ploughs, handles of chisels, &c.-K, ci, I, a contraction of oSs -, n. a duck, -— a, n. the widgeon. 6 8805 3cqos, i, n. the pintail duck. ---- o:, 2, adv. like a striped or spotted duck in the phrase -bqoqoc85sooe~11 ooe8~ o oo61-68soogtoll oq02~c5ooo: --- s, n. a kind of wild goose resembling the barnacle ["a species of goose found in the northern seas "]. -- G@-, n. the mallard (" the common duck, Anas boschas in its wild state.") 0o, 2, v. affix (with o prefixed to the root and a continuative affix expressed or understood) before, (without) (o8o6 G ooogloq0Sa 5goiq$o3G3oooSo6 o, frequently followed by cRoS and., in the above sentences oqo5 might have been appropriately added. In general use, cjoS being more used in composition, but in colloquial p is more; 6o followed -y oxqoS and 8. is perhaps more emphatic than without them.) 65, 3, adv. even, see oc5, 2. 65, adv. waywardly, intractably, roughly, abusively (in language); this word is not now in frequent use; oC3:&0& o6oo8 (pron. oG318), n. the side of a creature differing in colour from the rest of the body; cOGooo8qo0go:sooGOOD8sqoDil9*80 cqo, n. the gilt fringe or border of a garment; oj$oSo:coS oogn o9$o8 oS6oo3, to march on either side of a king in a procession, as a body guard. 0GcO,I (Pali moo), n. private parts, whether male or female; gIGoo1,,q$sGoo3,Go3c), see oSGo03U 3oltCoo5l8o5ir o8u8, cooo, 2, an abbreviation of coaoGo (como), courage, valour, OOQ Gcooo1s oGO~gCooo3goo^). Goooo05o, adv. suddenly,,605o (see Geoo5o}).-S. 0005, n. a company, congregation, society; G$oOcOOo89c sq ogIoI soacG xQCooxqSooIn 4CI Go89OG63E oG9^ s Goo)9e (Pali Go3Gi$), n. food, eatables, such as rice, or cakes made of rice, curry, in contradistinction to coS,, fruit; cooS (eg), n. pure silver, silver, cooSo8c; gold alloyed with silver, cooSoloq8n --— 8,S, n. a kind of metal [bismuth,:M.]. 08, n. a mass of metals of different kinds and qualities; c6q.Soi 8OIWC * Sv. to separate a mass of metals in~to sorts. S(from 5, to throw into or upon), n. thick flesh or protuberance on the shoulders of a porter; C.~cmo~, the hump on an ox's neck; coo6A ooraa So~.Aoa~ a term applied to the chief male buffalo of a herd; tR8,8:o&ooco8:u' Asn. a grandfather, see WooInIC SG00IZ33D008, the princes of the Burmese royal family often familiarly addressed great ministers of state as o~c~-c or coooo "-0 ~ OO*G0080od, a. inherited from one's ancestors; 0 i-QOQ8 (pron. q:oqS), (oe~) n. ancestral property. — 06:4~ n.-a familiar' term of compellation used by young men to,elderly men (infrequent); cqtoOAOC-OCOOOCbIu Am~on. a * religious layman; o —A (from oqcps), n. sir, a familiar term of compellation used by men; @ or @-. is another term of compellation used by- men to one another,. or by men to women. C85_n. what is suitable, see a~~ can. a grandmother. c~o.1 adv. abruptly, all at once; opfow~ qGoopi c8g:)A oeoo~ QoT9883qoso56', should twhis matter suddenly come to light, you will be in a position of difficulty, sir. C80ln. the tract of country under the sway of a Sawbwa. n. a circular flexure in the hair of animals, particularly in horses,* (hence Gcoao8, a whirlwind). The following are some of the flexures in horses considered to be lucky and unlucky by the Burmese:-(GOB) 0005 (GOB) mODOS,.(GCg) 3DO280coooG, (GCc) M~0 (G::8) Moc3:o8:, (CCg) q:380165, (pron. qaqc8), (Goa) G@Gq6, (Qc3) B1ovh7, (Gz3) (003) qo5@og, (Gcg) Qoo (Gce) oo,, c7Scco oo (pron. ocarooo8B), (G C8 ) c 8:)IR 05S 6 ( G CS) 8~0 2~,q~ 0, ( GC 8 ) SG mO SG 8 t, ( r.08) -2$o, (GC8)~6o4:.j~, (QCB) O8C0C5GC[GCO:05, (GCa) O~398, ("c) @8OC cg, (GCd) COGOn8., (GCo) GQO&8A~, (Cod) @Iqsisgos, (C.08) gl08 (=Bd) MIqj c m~n (Gc8) coo8.26q&~ (=8d) c83qaii (God)o59I 0 ( Gqv) CZ9CXSoCO530, (GOd) GC08r-TIl0 G2,@$ooagoo, n. a mark or sign, lucky or unlucky as determined by the number and character of the circular flexures. — @Q:, v. to have a bad flexure, causing the owner to be unlucky, ever falling into trouble; (fig., to be one who brings ill-luck on every one with whom he is connected in any transaction; very similar to the English sailor's expression "a Jonah," o8,oocoGcg$Stoo6cq). -— qoGooS, — jooogS, v. to be involved in troubles; used adverbially; acoSaoo 90 Q wQ3~9gooSGGqoI sog coqgy -— o:, v. to have an unlucky flexure, to be unlucky; may alsobe used figuratively in the same sense, as cogqS:u. " —, v. same, but less than cogosuOiiioo^ooaogYoog -— o, v. to regard, take notice of, to take au serieux; c0oo: C~G@f6:0l ooeiioC g O(.cfoooDolPi — c85, v. to curl spirally, as ascending smoke, 8soq:Qo C~coa co; also applied to running water, e.g., oG qc~8:.os oo1i OcgooSojoooS'Sos; also used figuratively, sogyscg -— 8, v. trouble impends, to have the appearance of coming trouble; ooo6G Iag 0 O63~,aoooS sjcooo ooo o, i, n. a honorary title, the badge or insignia of said title, the name of a pagoda or an image of Buddh, e.g., Gc8 qiig0Gcoo5, of an image; 8sGc&GSG (on the Mandalay hill) or of a person; 38ogocoo5qoq8 oa oQn 08 cpo8 pooqol, the title conferred on the Thingaza abbot. In addressing a p6ngyi with whose title he is unacquainted, a Burman will ask Gor5.ooS~GoOS ooScog8coloobin [Uuder Burmese rule it was regarded as a grave breach of etiquette to address an official, of even low rank, by his name. He was always addressed by his official title. A ij was a personal title given by the King and was not necessarily an adjunct of office. Many thugyis, for instance, had no 6. The was generally preceded by designation of the official's title, e.g., o0co0o5&ooS oo5oog85o:o8:6@, and then came the S ua o8O8ooocxao i From this it will, be observed that the Wundauk's name is not even mentioned.] -— 4, n. a gold-leaf on which the title is inscribed. 2, 2, n. a kind of song; o8g6t (rare),s@.@ ~ <g1@ (oS), v. the Bauhinia variegata. 8o8. 8OQG (The twenty-fifth consonant in the Burmese alphabet and the fifth in the class of labials.) 0, i (8Bo, an elder sister), n. sister;' prefixed to proper names of women, indicative of equality. (Even very young girls are politely addressed with this prefix to their names.) Q, 2 (from mso, a female or mother), a. the first, oldest among many, original, chief among many, main, principal, as oo8:, a road, the main road, or the mother road; Uo, the metropolis of a country, or the principal town in a district or subdivision of a district; o@oun -- N, v. to sink in the water, as some kinds of boats (coo000 coSiiGcoo8:o85 and canoes), to the part where the washboard and hull unite;.3c9cqoo,1 0, 3, an abbreviation of bo ocq:, to.alloy silver with tin. /) Q, 4, v. to support, bear up, to assist, help, relieve; Nc, g, Q/ ooS, to "back" oxen, buffaloes. This word is also used in a distorted sense by thieves [po: ooog[g], which means to carry off cattle. Perhaps the nearest equivalent in English would be to " lift" cattle, " cattlelifting;" oj$ooScro jo8 ecoc loolsa, assist me again, please, with about Rs. 200; G oGpoo~@ c~oolg:, again look after and help me with a situation. - o (pron. oa), v. to assist; oo0oSsoaoSao^ o cocS@0i0 oooloog, this official assists and looks after his subordinates very much. o) 5, adv. not, prefixed to verbs; o80S o, 6, a. odd, not even. Qoq (oS), n. a kind of tree (Nauclea cadamba). ---— coSos~, n. the Sarcocephalus cordatus (Pali $co). mogicS, adv. abruptly, prematurely; c.oo#$oSo53oS ops: ogoSMooSoo~, the Burmese are of opinion that the first interpretation of a dream is the true one; consequently, if a person unsolicited gratuitously gives a dream an unfavourable interpretation, such conduct is much resented; (2) 3acq m 'otsegd~oreogo loq8 ung~n ecDo, n. a mother (used more in colloquial than in writings); o000S, 38), 3QOG, o8&l Ooocotg&Ol9j& (pron. @~) oo01diooG3 gsQQooln Q I 'k 809 ov0aQc8, a. slightly sick at the stomach; less than.4; less frequent than oRwo and not so elegant; A()5oeu os i, v. to covet, wish to enjoy, have an appetite for (a present object), hence ~QcYS; comp. oySri pgod~ uo~o~pu W'Zl81 az-&TqrQSooxr co~cs:) ~ ooQno (applied both to men and animals); raMD8 (abbreviation of 9~orfo5OZ3G3o3S) cgYs3*O~~ GoD v. to be inordinately attached to; 00C$ o,ooS~o~owe, see under cq; co5 frequently. precedes "A2, 2V. to dream; not used singly; hence aS8,5 @SYii QO,3, v. to put the helm to port; comp. ~8011, o~~8 CO~O)1Gqpc93ojRii Qo5o~r, n. -a large casting net. QSC01n. a kind of rouge et noir played with dice in Upper Burma; uoS:oooo:u QCm, v. to be not even, i.e'. to exceed, *cO3, coo; used only in the negative form and most commonly adverbially without an affix, as ax~oo,-&oo, or briefly co~o~SomII oaD3Q Oryoc-,85~.L(, 8 v, 00 i.e., 8 ~c;also used without o, e.g., r.o;po:&o 0& 038 ~9ol;frequently the ois omitted, e.g., as wx$: (Pali ~omi)G, n. a certain sea animal; cl-c8QscIqJ~z N65o (pron. oo,$.-rB), n. the figure of a number of rhombs in a square; comp. 9~ONG~O~il 0 ci;also applied to clouds; 65 oo 0~~oooe Qonog (Pali), nz. Capricorn, the tenth sign of the Zodiac; co~o QW8,0Sn. the punishme-nt of demerit; ojooul(. c~ oGo:8:~ QGo~~cY.)cco;p~t (from Goo)a), adv. not well. oQooo8:9, n. demerit; =7141 C811 oG om adv. not, sufficiently, not enough; =:o~o~sao orqGc[B G0moo5DcGSIGG3 noJi. a Mogul; Qo2UQ74mcf,~O~ o~,n. a royal crest (worn by queens). 102 8o0 oQQoooS, v. to wear such. - oqq, n. a royal crown; comp. colIsI nc-, n. thrush or apthbe [a kind of parasitic disease affecting children]. woatouq, adv. disrespectfully (infrequent); o4oeasc~ 8 ocjoS, n. a species of commelyna, M. o oo., adv. in a nonchalant, callous manner; owgcoo6ooeu os~0oe~, adv. disrespectfully (infrequent); oq~8oq&'i QS, verb. affix, continuative, though, notwithstanding; Gcoos coeus vooorqc e uca0: o'- 3 r og8 (from go8, to be out of place), adv. certainly, truly, 6r$, mq~ o; ~r&$ogosorccrSU i 00o oSGco8033o5joS 98sOg, the omen now interpreted will assuredly be fulfilled. - QoRgE, -o6, adv. same; goSo - @aooun 'oloSql, g 'O33U11 0aJ a03cOIc0g S aj56, please be sure and send my travelling things. ooQ, n. Magadha (Behar, India); Qooco o, n. the language of " Magadha. " Magatha, south of the Ganges, had for its "capital, at first - Radzagio (cpojgcS), until Kalathoka, a "hundred years after the death of Gaudama, transferred "the seat of his empire to Pataliputra (61o6c&ob6). The "celebrated Weloowoon (Gog1o~) monastery was situated "in the neigh bourhood of Radzagio, and was offered to "Buddha by King Pimpathara (8goous8j) Bimsara], "the ruler of that country."-Bigandet's Life of Gaudama. o8 (Pali G891), n. a passage, way, a course of duty. The paths. There are four paths, margga, an entrance into any of which, either immediately or remotely, is the attainment of nirwina. They are (0) Sowdn (owocoou~), (2) SakradAg9mi (00m31018), (3) Andgdmi (m0ol 8), (4) Arya (340w0, =qg&3)- E4ch path is divided into two grades: (i) the perception of the path (s); (2) its fruition or enjoyment, qoS, margga-phdla, o8+oS, the wisdom necessary.for the reception of the paths is called g6trabhu-gnyAna.-M.B. -G0 (o8BG), v. to defile by sexual intercourse (local). c-crco1JSO, n. the four grgnd ways or courses of duty (see under mqcox) which lead to nirwdna. -8S0, n. the fruition of the path leading to nirwdna; pAoSo8 SG8cuc gr.qcoastoCODC0o a s.:Z8 0aoRaS 8 - 10~ 1 r.00lSO "^10000 l81 (0o, n. an aperture of the body, of which there are nine (infrequent in colloquial); 9lqr~fjdl (more common). og6858ol (Pali ocG1, a wa, and 8Al, a part or division), n. the eight (good) ways, namely, oo9o8, right opinion; oo0 coo 581, right intenti n; cogoolo, right words; oogo8o&, right action; oogoad &ool, right way of supporting life; aoto1ooGso., rightly directed diligence; aooSgo8, good heed, caution; oog8oo 8, composure, serenity. o8gg$ (Pali 0oG8, a way, and ~o, a place or receptacle), n. a person who is perfecti in one or more of the four grand courses of duty; Ogg8oco:gGooS11 cogosocoosGooS (oQGOO: 0o $). o6, v. to like or love, be attached to, either BoS or q8, hence o08; GQoaR ofgl ogsQo-800O 5ogs 0 o6qOsgS~t3 G(, o8Q6 og, your horse is very attached to its companion, 8i@8g 8s6 ~o003asoSs oosn o8coo (Pali oo&5), n. whatever is propitious, whatever gives happiness or removes evil, a blessing, a religious rite or ceremony, a sacrament; cooSa&oR80coo -— aS3S o, n. the house occupied by a king before ascending the throne; o8cooaSSGCoS9mpoou o ScoooSS~ooBSolCj~II (44 ooooS 318 q: @aog cjMooo8. sgoooSoo 0). -- s, n. a ceremony which has not been performed by the person before; [o08Cuoggmog coo ogg8, the property contributed by the bridegroom when married]. --— GG00oo, v. to ask for largesse from the bridegroom during the ceremony of marriage, as is the custom of young Burmese bachelors. If not given, the youths usually revenge themselves by throwing brick-bats and stones at the house where the ceremony is being conducted. -— 8roo005a8, n. a royal elephant. — 8Goo S'8., n. a horse belonging to the royal stud; o8coo8: =ooS@8so$, n. master Of the horse. -- 0oo8, v. to perform a religious ceremony, particularly to perform the ceremony of marriage; c8go-o:o8~c:Goo8ow o -- 2g (from o8co8og), n. rice offered on the occasion of a marriage, also rice offered to guests. (It includes curry.) -— Q0oo — oo:0, n._a bridegroom. 812 QOOGQOC S a3j3X$ GOS (o~oQ3oorGo oo233Z A), n. a bridesman; c ao x~xz,8 -GQO38ooc~cc~:, n. a bride. -GQto-.Sj=G3o(S (o;o:)GwoEc3oo3c6iaicwroS), n. a bridesinaid; -soq6ll Oq-o) n. duties to Government, whether services or taxes. - v, V.; see 08CODGQDo811 O.QI86OGQO-QQ8COO&OO6II +:93OCR88CoOI oae~ocooS o88coo~ooe~I1 -Y, n. — cqcS, rn. rules of happiness, a summary of beatitudes; oeco oqc~ioSinco:)ccnS [the Burmese say o$poR&5ocn81osG NoCgOSawoOOTOI a modification of the pron. os-, see Grammar, sec. 77; 08, the colloquial possessive form of o&8dj by elision of the q, o8c:a3j for o8silozns8i; o8:, i, n. a ruler, governor, a controller (an official); o8- (o8:too G.)8SGpom us o&Jso8II r G@9Gq8 ciso& om 8ii Q8 Gcgcoe~,,pS used to designate certain trees as o8o8s, Gcooo&, also applied to the great luminaries as Goo~S., coQS:). [In Burmese writings a term frequently applied to B6dhisats (ojcpsorco8o), who in former stages of existence were born as animals; 'j8G Q8r' G r O.Q8I UY$QS2IIG43eGCS8SIO-# coSaobi] [40, prefixed to names of women, e.g., jSiS1Go1]. "_ —c~@6 (o8:ctj), n. a cord worn round the neck of a candidate for the priesthood (Go:)j8ScoS:)8 previous to assuming the cloth of a novitiate. n. the ten laws incumbent on kings to prac. tise, (0) 3MG 0*0 M oj J C o 5@83 (j) 3Z&8HG608Q0Ss;00:)OZiq _10C2001 8"11 8.611~11(~ C~13Q6,3~tl (0) 000611l ONamoccpou (%) aO8a u bOc% oj Isoii (no) c80c51 n. a king, monarch; in modern use a great minister of state, a Commissioner of a Division; ao~'i~@o~8:1E,~ Minister for Foreign Affairs, Conservator of Forests; coB n. two nat brothers supposed to reside at the town of GoooS&~:, 58@68:eG-~o8 [sDoo qcoa316os)11 c~j16- G 0 8 S@ CnNQ08-O &C G9O]. --— e~o~scot, n. a collective term applied to the princes of a royal family. o8- 8I3 oSxoopo:, n. a monarch; 516o8Si oooj6ooooSqSo8oqgps@ - o0183, n. a medicine compounded of several medicinal vegetable productions; som:oSo QoSII8oSo&:, &c. [compounded with a view of making a person invulnerable or of gaining the affection of others (particularly women); oooxo08~1 8uwc8~@GcoooSoe ]. - @808iaS (o08), v. to incur a penalty imposable by government authority; os8@8,1o8qoSoyaoogan — Q, v. to rule, to govern (oS8:q8 used in a somewhat reproachful sense and applied to officials who make an osten. tatious display of power, or position, oooSo8scq8og). — oq$-ooS (pron. oQs8q$GO)oS), n. a hole in the roof of a palace (a little west of north). — ocp: (pron. o&~ecp1), n. a title of honour, your honour, your worship; the Burmese frequently address pensioned officials, such as myo6ks, by this title. — gGCoSoo$co5 (cho01), n. regalia [of these five are reckoned, namely, 8s, the white umbrella; oo, the crown; o5 cqoS, the sceptre; r.@8, the sandal; and oo-:soo8, the fly-flap]. - oqoo8 (pron. o8:-oco8 or oS.ocoS), n. one who executes the orders of a governor [a peon, an orderly]. -- ~0:, n. a princess, the daughter of a king. [The person, male or female, who acts the part of the princess in a dramatic representation, 0ooo80:o0g0i o063oq58 (in a zat pwe), o,8:0 (pron. oQs:8q ) in a puppet play.] "-)-o, n. an ambassador, o5oooon —.oo, n. a prince, the son of a king. [The person, male or female, who acts the part of the prince in a dramatic representation, oooS:goo00, o8:o000:oqoo~ (in a zat pwe), 8:00ooo0. (pron. oQ:8- ) in a puppet (%Scoos) play.] 0o:, 2, pron. you, mas. or fem., addressed to an equal or an inferior. -- 0, pron. same, but addressed to one older than the speaker; [oQS4@ is usually used in a reproachful sense, though not always so, e.g., (i) oSt@s48oo5coe~go8S@s:co5 coSBxsoogS (2) os@sos @ ol0g @ol. ----, pron. same, addressed to an inferior, expressive of disapprobation; oo8:oo (to men), ocSo8C.oo (to women) 814 are also used —() Go03oSooo o:Qo ~cSo3goocooui (2) O S 0SZC( [8003oooo~: o 4 Gcooo&80iU o8:~soE8c88, a. or adv. out of lawful wedlock; oS.toS:ogSoos, n. a natural child (son), oo3os g:o qoS:hG ~~ ooogo stosgsooo (pron. oeS:oAsd), n. a kind of wild creeper, the bulbous root of which is used as an aperient (oStd:c4 o00o00m:) o8:cgoS (o8) (pron. eo8soS), n. the mangosteen. 'o6Soq8 (ron. o8:qoS), n. a bolt; 8:scgSoao c oSsac6o, to fasten or secure with a bolt; sometimes called o8s:oC o8:-G18:, n. the argus pheasant or Malay peacock, M. 48c&o (pron.oS 8Goo), n. a kind of plant. o0Q8G3o (o8), n. a kind of plant. o8sq8, n. dust raised by a gentle wind; of a particular appearance as exhibited in the hot season. ----, v. to exhibit such an appearance;:ogc88ooi o8:gq88s:u ooool8:soo:08:0so @sg^Bogoposco80og^st o8sogc8joo@-s @&s OqcooQ. These terms are probably far more frequently used in Upper, than in Lower, Burma. o00, n. faeces, ordure; oqg8s, G,,ogH --— 08, n. same; So88:@335 o8oSc8:0@8q( 0o mLsb OSI (Pali), n. death; ccoOSg"o3o, see o'c1'8ol: o&rl or o&co (Pali), n. covetousness. " Matsaryya, selfishness, "that which leads me to wish that the prosperity which has "come to me may not come to another. If any one under "the influence of this principle sees even in a dream that "the advantages he enjoys are imparted to others, he is "unable to bear it; his mind thereby becomes debased, and "the features of his countenance are changed, so that it " becomes painful to look at him; he wishes not the pros"perity of another and loves only his own."-M.B. ao (Pali), n. the second of the five parts into which the first of the three grand divisions of the Buddhist scriptures (cqoS) is sometimes divided; o-oocggoo; -. —og.o, n. middle age; oqozo6S, from infancy to middle age; Q3. a06, from the age of 33 and 4 months to 66 and 8 months. -— Goc, n. the 16 countries of India famous in Buddhist history, G033og0 *0 4 (g1 — 88, n. the middle path of the sun; see 88. 0o -oS,.gocmao (Pali o8o, middle, and GOOo, place), n. the middle part of the world, including the sixteen great MSOO o~ gp, the scene of the sacred histories of Gaudama. og, I, v. to be named, have a name, be called (be termed); hence aawS and 9a —(I) "q~g s6-o cq~a38, -ocooo| q33sooaosooo 0ougi SgCq 60S o':^ ogp0:so3pj gjco'ygS omoS pSoeo.ooooSol qroo3:86Gcooa)3cqooaoooS - 0, and declaring that he would repay the benefit of his benefactor, he enclosed the ruby of brilliant lustre which he obtained in the forest in his mouth (and said) " regarding this ring, it is not merely termed a ring, it consummates every yish;" (2) 8`o.ga0oo09~:og32c&ooS0oo(S~ooooo:oocogeLR, and as for those who are designated women, " they are in the habit of beguiling by many artifices [we is not much used' in colloquial, but is met with now and again; e.g., oae~Sc0 O;ScOo00ao08&i 1S:coioog|S, this race (of man) cannot be called Chinese or Shan]. -- 03), V. 0o, 2, pron. a. what? (interrogative), whatever; gooaaS -— co, same. go, -o1, same, variously reduplicated and constructed. --, pron. a. of what sort? (interrogative); 93.ooc,iieqogS eDOOPaoIoagsogt 11 3mgO>a^oQ@,,ogol oe8o A1c^icic,G0oD0ogoojooSjoc~oqmao o co5d], and King Areithta, without saying anything, thus made a mental reservation " my younger brother is not one who will plot evil against me." --— o s, same; B 8.o~o 88(oG oSa ago oS GooScoa3va2oq, after having been apprehended with stolen property, nothing will benefit you, however you may undergo examination. o~, 3, verb. afix, shall, will-():e3Go, the night that U Pyu was going to die; (2) oo3 ocqoSaogo-o"o, is there no one who will do this work? [In colloquial o0 is often corrupted into ocS and.; it appears to convey the sense of the person spoken of being wayward in doing a thing or pursuing a course of conduct from sheer wilfulness, e.g., (I) oaasooS~olcqaooo~ ^ coouo61Es:cUo (2) ozp ~ O^jOG@3 0>5ojpS33<. WI.SOOOS (0008) jG@.)G 0T6.]o 816 Q;PS o = @:8:, verb, affix, expressive of the infinitive or potential mood; as (saqc~):j@o~e~3zr.o8:coocom, he came > to decide, or that he might decide (the case), 9=:38. oem (onj) (pron. @e<q), n. a kind of plant [the four o'clock]; eulo$4:o8, a kind of tree. -mo30 (QpgEomo), n. a kind of plant; wejljmo~:;o.$~qc&68 cosso-4o4.cruogneio Cn$0 (oso.c coozoo4na=l mowqi.oeTm, n. red velvet (?) ooS:, n. a species of amaranth. 0:, v. to be dark, black; loSe co:o~oo ac jq:),c3oopSui 808-$c4lcjpclJeT c~j cao5 $rrcaSgjy sc aognEt~l~oo:osiloeAsq1 u - 0, v. same; 0:$ 5633Sa, ogs, an abbrev.ofGo6: ~t-, to daunt and terrify indirectly; c03 GoScQQ:4:oqCoii 3 5llocuq~,c~ 8 oSooei ~~ 5 [oe: conveys the meaning that one is violent in one's speech or acts to any one, with a view of influencing, or annoying, a third party]. cO8 (Pali), n. a precious stone; op1cBo6S, cu8gqoo9i " the heap of precious stones" [the head of a priest, eucorS ogo8ooeSnoc03aoS@poots or idolj; ocoi0coScpo-T aarC.8q8 co05S o cmo0g08ooe"uwdcmScpfia8 jw2 (wC8Lgqco~ is said to be only strictly applicable to rubies). C ----0, n. the Carallia lucida [the bark and root have medicinal properties and are included in the Burmese pharmacopaeia, c8cao]; "a heavy close-grained wood used for rice-pounders." — GcuoO, n. the (female) guardian nat, of the sea, oScoCS GoD8 [the female nat who saved Maha Zanekka from a watery gravel; o zSG"9,gI:coG8MUj:p NCC688, gj3xoo $o9Sqnm$ooa c~I~c~SslcoaSngqagogq0SnooS088oo8 COC:,r.C3OGqOOO:mtNq 4'8 (pron. 4:o3, Pali oW6), n. a large shed or booth, a building erected for a temporary occasion (larger than 0o03s3S:), such as for the performance of a zat or yotthe pw6-or when a person gives a feast to his relations and friends; S oC)x9p,5 091S3i oa "in order that every one mnay know that he is the giver of the feast, he ascends the post of the mandat," said allusively of persons who are ostentatiously liberal. 600~$ 817 QrS9rcr8o0 5, — c:, v. to erect such a booth. --- 0,: (Q0oSo8.), see o5QA: io5oQoexo80, Chakrawarrti. oQl18 (Pali oQqc', a circle, and c~8, a post), n. an upright pivot, the centre of a circle, figuratively the tree under which a Buddh is perfected (see coo808), which is in the centre of the great southern island, o~813o; ~oqc418, the pivot of a watch, ccoBoi 8 833 1 (Prov.) 0 i, n. a husband's younger brother, a woman's younger sister's husband; comp. baci QoS, 2, n. a mat, a weight equal to four great pais (Wor five small ones, uo6Gco:); [L, four annas]. — 00, n. a 4 anna bit. - @o:1, n. a ditto. 0oS, 3, n.; see 3o~oS, a person of rank. ooS, 4, v. to be erect, upright, perpendicularly straight, to make erect, upright, &c. (also used figuratively) [to be plumb; o3 zlss.J8Qo&Qc8co%:, are the cheeks of the door plumb?]; o Sosooz8q03SoodoSoo&,N, trust him, sir, he is a very upright man; (2) O q8cSO Q0oSoo8 cmolQo.Q8GOPg, please place the post straight, do not let it lean to one side; (3) 894*0 ^*500e~PQ05c.~Gfc-RII — Go0os, v. to be perpendicularly straight; ooSkor6oooSo -— 00'S, -coS, adv. in an upright posture; QOSoo(S meaning for a period so short that the person invited will not be under the necessity of seating himself; r9GooS-B(;m8o(o oocSGlu ooScooS9, n. an elevation, P.W.D.; Qso0oo&5o8 000, an almira; rg$scn5oooz~QscoG@oSoooSG@,,18@u. —coo$oo 5, - G6cooS, n. an erect image of Buddh; coooSq8 Oo.OS, a mountain of towering eminence. — o0o5sp n. a disease which does not confine the patient to bed. 0eooS, verb.formative; the terminations * * * and oooS form verbals denoting nearness of accomplishment, occasionally taking cq before them, as * Q * a 5o8, u8what is near sinking; cqgo,-cpcpoo coj6Qoo@, we are near arriving at the village; sgscgcSo3L-Lgoq15 Grnoo S oSo$:co~, I was nearly dead tired with having to paddle the canoe. coo$ (pron. Qo$) (from o$), a. produced out of season, whether early or late, as Qoo~c38, adv. unseasonably, oo~os c~coo:o o8o$.:nllo~sq o soB;n0 103 oojoo, adv. in an unusual, suspicious, odd, queer manner; also used as a noun, e.g., Qooioiac, a suspicious character. ocoo0, n. the Xanthochymus fictorius. o00oo00ox, adv. happening unluckily (a rising from inadvertence); $QogooSoGooSoooo=g83 gSooSogasolo8oq (2) 0o8, adv. slightly, a very little, not in earnest; combined generally with o0o,.as eoooosoog gooqc)oS, by merely taking now and then you will not recover [ogRaoo~9 oS MGCOO5 III OA98ooi] cOOcx oc080 (the 4 is often fron. ree), -— 008c og, -oc8@86, — c8cco: 03 (from c8, to reverence), adv. disrespectfully, irreverently, saucily; ~aGo [of the above four adverbs oc8.oos is the least used], QooGo5GODQSooC6ooa6o8000, cgoGooQoocS cqoc8oo.1G;34ooS,, though spoken to and admonished, he is. in the habit of remaining in a disrespectful attitude; (2) m333:no*c.9o@8@.6 oSooSo, this person is in the habit of acting disrespectfully towards the authorities. caGo (Pali 0oo:, great, and oosep, a priest), n. a Buddhist priest of ten years' standing; coDogologaVmo8s, as in inviting Buddhist priests to be seated; 0oo x5co(0on oQtoj. ----, n. a priestess of similar standing (obsolete in colloquial). OGeo3:8too (pron. Goo:0^l) (etymology uncertain), v. to be pretty well in health or other circumstances; used only in negative sentences; Ogjoo'c4S o5oDogo3ooooguGoac4 o3Sooogowoooao6oIo.OS (2) obj6oOog -Go)53o9oops: o:QSr-oa5 So t 0o033S003 ~o01(i (3) G osagoGco-o8g o:Oi*> ap9)o5~@, " it is pretty well for the doctor, but as for the sick person, he is in agony " (Proverb). ---, v. same. oao (oS), n. a tree. * * Two species or varieties are named, the Dalbergia glauca and the Dalbergia ovata; the bark produces a mordant for indigo [sails used by the Burmese are frequently dyed with the bark of this tree. The dyeing of sail-cloth, &c., with the bark of the tree is termed 0 (Pali), n. mind, 80oS eQa5, a. corruption of 445S, the morning.,-,I (4:S 8si1 odcoooq (Pali), n. meditation; c04bo 8s@S: [oox)o43.90 o0p4coo (Pali cj and mowco~n), n. the faculty of thinking. $0oooS. (from $: and mio,), adv. rather distant; St:on A~~~laSO1002~039~5~1~6~3,~$00 GkOOO (Pali), n. man, ao8ogokQo o6o.8c (Pali), n. a fabulous monster, a compound of man and a lion, a sphinx. nz. yesterday. o)o (Pali), n. the mind, 8Mcu -o), n. the action of the mind, thought; comp. ozoo5 and o08CI5 -",v. to be evil-minded, malicious, malignant. --, v. oA0 3COU 0c4p0ctle,, n. a gift made in order to attain the Buddhaship. Qwoco80o:s (pron. ocpaco0 v~-), n. a kind of salver set with precious stones. o8ioo$, adv. familiarly, on such terms as admit any liberties being taken without giving offence. 48owo* (pron. ocogo~), adv. same (but by far more frequently used); P-qcoS3&8si1iGuoo:SoEcYu:n co 8-. Go1S o$ones (pron. oqc&), n. the tamarind, o$cqe~.oS 4o&coon c2caSqdc, a tabaung (co0018) prevalent in the time of the Singu Prince.] -FT65cq, n. the tamarind fruit not quite ripe (g6&qgs). - j? (G2:) (GpS8), n. red or reddish, inclining to a dark bay colour; applied to horses. -— GOlaS, n. a species of soapwort, M. o&oSo08 (805uS:), n. a sovereign of the four grand islands; O0o Q'.0UI C~@~gglo 0 W C93~~~0016~:1 11 gg~902s:Pc~ qng~ono, n. a muntra, a charm or spell; nolcg8olxi' ~oolqoQIb'l o)cF*, n. same; U8ooosps 0oo eps~p3 S8 ogocS, n. a counterfeit precious stone, o~030SGCxaSI 4 C, 1, n. a kind of humour producing a swelling or sore. o;:qg~, n. the thin matter from such a sore (e.g.,. from a boil); apoo;*sqecqgco. — o — oS, . to secrete such matter. Q$s, n. a contraction of oaccossocoo: cooS5co oSoo$o3~ oft, 2, v. to charm, infuse virtue into by repeating a muntra. — 9o5, v. (to blow upon while repeating a muntra); see the parts. 086, n. last year, oQ8oo6 oo, n. a mistress, madam. The Burmese often address their mother or elder sister as oot aoo (from -QocS, mother), n. mother; prefixed to names of women, indicative of seniority or expressive of respect; (elderly women and young women have oo5 prefixed to their names). -— ooS, f. the mother of a Buddh, a monarch, a p6ngyi or high official; ocScooo5s, the mother of Gaudama; ocq: QsooScooSIi1 8qqao S 5ooS6 i -- o8:, pron. you, fern., addressed to a woman, indicative of disrespect or anger; women are usually addressed as doS o8: in court,(by the Judge). — S8, n. a madam, respectable woman (rare). — o-, pron. you, fern., addressed to a young woman, indicative of polite consideration. -— 8coq8, the ultimate pronounced o08, n. a vestal, nun, unmarried deaconess or priestess. In speaking to nuns it is usual to address them as a>q or:s8con --— oEco18cqo8:, n. a nunnery, a convent. — o —goS, n. same; aOcoSo; comp. pGcooSII ooco:, n. a wife (when speaking of the wife of another, it is not considered polite to use oooo:. 8$4: is preferable); ocoP: "oe^G~o co go,@ o~-st3~ qS 119 o1sos6 IIooooo oo s oi53n gooog: )YG@o. IIC0 o006 11 — @ —,, n. (the principal wife, i.e., the first taken of two or mere). -- @ 2 , n. a kind of tree. — :, v. to comrmit adultery (as a man) owXo~:~; an adultery case, ool o8~1 ooS aoog --— ^ooo:g, n. the married state. 821 QosatllP 80 1 UoYcuoS, n. an inferior wife (oo00co8S0coo:c0S). -o —66:, v. to be fastidious in the choice of a wife; ocao:6(;j — S8 (0S), n. the Zanthoxylon budrunga. -,G, v. to have a wife (inelegant); ooiqiSIq, 61-olo-, n. a wife's son by a former husband. — ooc5lol:, n. the five duties incumbent on a wife. — c88 (os), n. a kind of plant, see eolSco.-S.; o00000so08 0oSo5M, n. a kind of tree [Murraya, M.], abounds in the Tavoy district. ocS, n. a large iron nail; sooSoeog cg cOSeO.Qc0_c~f8~: c., when about to build a ship, would it do, indeed, to be daunted by (the price of) large iron nails? meaning that having made up one's mind to do anything, there should be noflinching. QcG TFcoe (C~S) (pron. ooao.)coc-S), v. to follow or "shadow" another in an apparently unconcerned manner with a view of watching his movements. oCja, oql3 (Pali), n. death; G-o&o l qoq63o38oooc8i, - o$ (Pali sooo, near), n. the near approach of death (qorC0MD00JCG03D03 0t)., oq$s, n. the marian tree [the Mangifera optositzfolia, M.] — op8j, n. yellow colour, like that of the oqr- fruit [or perK haps more like its seed]; eq:$,scpSii eq$co3: applied to certain kinds of piece-goods. o n:, V. a wife's elder sister, a man's elder brother's wife; comp. o~:, see qgjv — oe, see ~~:oeT i nj8, n. a mistress, madam, younger than oo5jS (very rare in Lower Burma). nco(, n. heart-seed, M. o893, n. a kind of plant or tree (Pali ocmSom.-S.). oc8S (oS), n. a kind of tree, c888s ocS, n.; see ovoS, M. sQGco:80 (pron. ocoigoS), n. paper ornaments, streamers, &c. attached to flags; o5R$r ocjoSoioosn wcoqsgo [these streamers are often to be seen attached to the roofs of boats in which dramatic troupes travel; oscogl81:~Gcgu c00C.c3BS aoq, n. cream;, sCqSoEQ, iqEclqSoroS, v. to form as cream. ccqooo(fron. oooo), adv. with ill-will;.occoop oozoo4VG oQgo (pron. o$c8mo), n. a certain costly ornamented dress worn by queens, oQE~ojooo$o0 "(Bg6, ff. a postern, a small entrance or side-door, used occasionally when the larger gate is closed, a small backdoor, sallyport. _ —coloB, n. same; QCSooalssu oocooe (from c9), adv. frightfully, as from wounds, or the near approach of death; s oc.xIQ9 oQ awea=o 4 SgSc2sQc0o:o oc~8 (oS), n. a large creeper from which the Burmese manufacture umbrellas and parabikes (qcjqo5). [The Morus lavigata, the Broussonetia tpapyrzfera, M.] (Qc~8o0ll)wcT (oS), n. [a species of bignonia or trumpet-flower]. (The Burmese make a curry of the flowers and also eat it with M06. @063). o00000, n. fresh butter; m8~86ooodl oc0o3 (pron. 0o0ol), a corruption, perhaps, of oco3o&' oco or oomQal, adv. lest perchance, peradventure; e)Oo 0,00OP"91 N1hC~q~~~jl O G c soo 4c9i ocal Qmoo (from o, negative, and oa, to be pleasant), n. a funeral (uo8 QCoSopS 303(ou3Cfi ~moSmP )..-S6, nt. the house in which a corpse is laid out before a funeral. - no,. same; preparations, ceremonies, or appendages of a funeral; GoooS.co4@oooiog.ooS03 oo cooco -, v. to convey a corpse to the place of interment or burning. - Q-, v. same as sugoo rcuI - Gcos8:, n. the corpse. oooqo. (pron. coooF4), n. a kind of precious stone; oco qanoc$Or3oS ooGoCoS (see agcxoS), n. a bad man; cagoojSii ocjooS~c96la 4 1, Qoir005@so8i0 l 0od~jsooo, n. a priest's garment made all at once. This garment has to be woven on the night of the full moon of Tazaungmon (within the period of night), odoasoSAooga nooQeOS (Pali oQco=oa), n. excellent mental attainment (ocoeloS 8oS J q) @OOGpc05~8o~upo@68 0oom coo (pron. ooonooo), n. a certain ornamental dress worn by females of rank, wooo38go:; also a kind of creeper, 0oooo (Pali), a. great, 3>3:; excellent, ogaoS; 0ooo oqo^oSi, oo o o oo1D GO ooo% co a oci FaoSocxoi (pron. ecoo); applied to vain, pretentious persons. ooo-ooS (Pali o000, great, and og, a period, a kalpa), n. the period of time in which an entire revolution of nature is accomplished, subdivided into four cardinal periods (wooGj comoii o5oon o& 5og oo8o,5, 8ogoo5 and 8ols:Ao8S), each of which is subdivided into 64 intermediate periods; w&3 qooS [the present or Maha Bhadra kalpa]. ocooroo (pron. ooool1), n. a kind of plant which has medicinal properties. oooooS, n. yellow jasper, M. ooo8 (pron. ocoo&oocj8), lymph [a colourless fluid in animal bodies, contained in certain vessels called lymphatics]. --— G@o, n. a lymphatic, ocooooogo, see under cnii ocnoaac (oxooolcoS), n. formerly an inspector-general of priests, oWoSBo nioo o3CacSooGq:Ii comooo8, n. the earth. o003806 (oo), n. a letter written by a high official of one country to a high official of another country; ooo8a3con Go,3 0cooo0oS (Pali oooo, great, and oqoS, matter), n. one of the four material elements, earth, water, fire, and air, to which some add space (ogooxo5); see oqaS and ol oSo eooqo, n. a brick-wall under a pagoda; om$o8: (ouwaA oo01$St Moo, — oS, -4). QoooGpoo, see under ctqu ecoocoooo, n. a certain fabulous creeper. -- o>ixc, see ooc80oo3ooon ecoopcooq (pron. owro3C9h), n. the bauhinia, M., see r3ooot, 2. oc7oac9=4,:, n.- the purple variety, M. n. the white variety. -ol, x. the yellow variety. QC08,n. univergal history (the history of the Buddhas and Rahandas, see ~oo8). 000 ol 005Q(~,n. the Chief Commissioner of Burma. The Chief Commissioner is usually styled in conversation omo o8o:~s and occasi 'onally Ossis, in which latter sense it means the, Mingyi. owoooo~ooo (Pali onoo, great, and 003000, disciple, ooo&), n. select cardinals of a Buddh, either soRcooooo (less honourble than 000300000) or =o&xoo00 (more honourable than ~ooo:oooom), which see. oojoS (Pali so'g:), n. an instant, oao; commonly used with oo, -as co~oo8, same. Oq o8mcOS, adv. rightly or wrongly, e.g., oo6Smoqc~Do cooaoe~o'ii oooqSoo*j (from roS6), adv.. right'; oqdoocGr@ooerI oq6Oa8o OqS80300e~I ooicS"Fs, Qocqc~onodS, adv. same. OoqO8co$:oocoo5-, adv. at random, QoaoSoo$oow~:u focq~p, n. agate, chalcedony, cornelian, onyx, opal, (opojc~omo). -~~8o8,n. onyx, M. n. cornelian, ar&o~G0oo n. milk-white chalcedony. 6,n. yellow chalcedony. Gooo Scp (o8), n. a species of potato plant, see: -~4~oor~5(uS), n. a kind of medicine [used by w~o~oxp]. -_ctae~o8,n. 4L kind of medicine [frequently called 4$:o 0,, t. a species of insect (this name is unknown to many Burmans; it is said to be like a large ant?) ~,2, v. to plaster, cover with some soft substance; so8Gooo'il. —.ojcp*, (,pron. c-) n. an image of cloth or paper, made on a clay model, sometimes made of oo~~ 03) v. to be hard; comp. b, to be well and healthy; nbooo, oq$-:u [The term ooo is politely used to denot e the state of pregnancy in a woman]. 04S 825 ocoao v. to be very hard [to be muscular];chiefly used adverbially, as o oCz3oo96,033o g, a very muscular man; ooSoocqo OgO S, a very strong-built bullock. - go, v. to be well, healthy; o8oj33o.-:owoos q n (pron. 0o q:) olicoo:, are your wife and children well and hearty? - coo (pron. ooco), v. to be hardy, vigorous; q$oon [also in the ne!ative sense applied to pregnant women, o~81so -GcoOCS, used adverbially (ooo3ooo6S-*ooooS), used with reference to speech, in a naturally short, snappish manner; (0Q3OGOO2Soo oSod G0o@3:oooSoO — cooo~, v. to be still, rigid, strong-set; applied to the bod of a man or animal, e.g., ooq xa8oo8 oo oo00 0G3o8o 8 Scoe1uoe5joQoo56ooooo6acS, to be inflexible, unyielding in speech; ooY.oooooo~C,00G oo5Soe, or action; 8or4 ooc-oooaco:coo, to be stiff as new garments or recently starched linen; i;Jq3ooS Qo:oogeco OOQcXcooS ooQoo0o8no 68: or 6:, v.; see Qo, Ist sense; C Soion lg: o0oC (pron. ow), n. a preparation of n6o& or ~ocy, used to calk vessels,;cooc; the Burmese oftener use the word GGIOD elliptically by pronouncing it qoxo4 cCroa GoC rqojg,&S 0oo (4o6), n. a household nat w9rshipped by both Bormans and Talaings, a3 So8os:o~ *ast (The Burmese believe that a person seized by this nat is attacked with itching and pustular eruptions.) oou, n. the stars which form the constellation of the Lion; [oaoacouca3Suo~w,(oojg3o & 006on000, 0 c02 ca5p JEg 0sC8a 8O0oo5o00052j. 00oooo (Pali), n. a mother; ao8n (a00o00ooc oIn8CxdoS0ooo5x:). o,8oooog (pron. eoooo,8co ), n. an index,;oIS.oLu Qoj)olo (Pali), n. a woman, 9o0i3 0o0qooS, n. muslin, obsolete; oauS88o& ooacp, n. a species of evil spirit. [Burmese mothers, when unable to soothe a child who persistently cries, sometimes say oo0nsp3ioPgo,0o*so0o( noc6ooog]. ool (Pali 0oo4), n. pride [the display of angry and proud defiance by a wild animal or reptile, such as a tiger, wild 104 Sa6 0:003 hog, or cobra]; ol qGosoS sooooS goggiiotoI 0oo$, (the creature) " the red ant, being very proud, was intending to demolish the mighty mountain, but (failed to "do so because) its back was weak!" oosooo8 or GooDS, n. same as oocu — co, v. to be proudly defiant, to bristle up, as an animal. — oot, v. to bear a proud, resentful feeling towards another. -—, v. to pretend to be angry, as a child [not confined to children, e.x., oSoRoxaoc0g ooS.c.$. GcuooScog~,,cg ooWS 33 0SlO.:]I. - 8, v. to pretend to be angry, in order to deter some other interference; ooos —oo Soeoqq ossoooo olog8: ooooSo^q GOGo oo oG igoSSoqEpscqgStooooS --, v. to be sullen. -— b, v. to make a display of wrathful defiance (?) --—, v. to be proud and haughty. 0o0 (Pali), n. pride, self-deceit. " Manya, self-conceit, that " which indulges the thought that' I am above all other per. " sons.' " —M.B. -- @t, v. to be very proud. --— Mcooo38o, v. to be proud, haughty (conveying the idea that a person is aggressively proud and haughty); ogcqaz c@o8:ooo oGo~g8o0gsooaor C o30oQq8d3oo5oor83c o:, this man is most aggressively haughty, he does not consider an ordinary person his equal. --— poS, v. to be or become proud and haughty (more passive than 3 N60oo8303s); Co.o88O3 gs0xpdjzac~ooeoLooamcgcQo cspoSoog, Maung Pho Htmn has become very proud since he was promoted. ooo (Pali), n. the mother of Gaudama the Buddh; ocSocoSoo woon Maha Maya (or oeS80coo0oo), according to the Burmese, gave birth to Gaudama in a garden of sal trees known as 'Lumbini' (mszoSsgeoj@) while in an upright position, and without any pain whatever. Seven days after giving birth to Gaudama she died. The sal tree is associated both with the birth and death of Gaudama (see o0wo (Pali), n. artifice; c0soSo68: [blandishment]; 85soC~ o0O3o18 [bo-oooo6m8 o0c8A o0000C86, — oq, n. to employ artifices (as a woman); 85:soopS oog9si qpoo' ggooSooo coxCog) i, and as for those designated " women," they are in the habit of beguiling much by artifices; O3oq6coo oScoG~s 6 oqGcoo ) 3oooo8 oaoog%, though she does not love one, she employs artifices and puts on an appearance of doing so when she speaks. oo0 (iron. o$) (Pali o3Gcp). -— cl0dl, n. the five masters or tyrants; see oaoo'j(pron. o oo$), animal constitution; 3308o519oo, subjection to the repairs and operations of the four causes (asQrJ8:ooqps "GoSoo1soiin8ouoguq3aoooGR); c8GcoooooD3, passion; Og[0o, death; and 0oogg0ooq, the most powerful evil spirit (6f3o5o). --- 6o, n. a powerful evil spirit who resides in the highest inferior heaven, and has dominion over all the lower parts of the universe. "The name of the dewa (nat) who con"tested with Gaudama for the possession of the Baudi "tree (0:08o0), Wasawarrti mara, is the ruler of the sixth "dewa-loka (oR$~oooj); no reason is assigned for his op" position to Buddha, but the fear that by his discourses "many beings would obtain the blessedness of the brahma "lokas and the privilege of nirwana, which would prevent "the re-peopling of the inferior world in which he reigned "when the dewas then inhabiting it had fulfilled their "period of residence. There can be no doubt that the "whole history of this battle was at first an allegorical "description of an enlightened mind struggling with the "power of evil."-M.B. — coSooo, n. same. ooqo (Eng.), n. March, o00o5co eoqos, n. a partition reaching from the floor to the roof [in a palace or @=o]; oxqomcoi goxom: (o8), n. the guava tree. oocoo (oS), n. a species of Zingiberacee, M. -.8:, n. a species of the same, M. ooc0008 (c4oo$), n. a certain court dress worn by the queen and other female members of the royal family, see oScon o3c8$ (Beng.), n.. a ship's officer; on board (British) river steamers the mate. - o, n. a top.or platform on a lower mast -or a lagstaff, — d8, n. a flagstaff furnished with a top or platform, 828 8 oo0, -. to be high, towering; comp. ~g.; scarcely used alone; hence.:os* and oooeso;sGo0oG1Ca oo sogs8 oo8o8@ oosos@Qc8~og~n cooocooo9Sooo0 03 0:Gosq O 9S:ooogSC8co5 cogi.og3cgScgSooSopoSolnc^qQo:.og 8 (from s8, a mother), oo8oo0:qS:, children by the same mother, o8eoog~8;otoo acoojgoo8cowQ.8:sco3ii -— co*oo0o&8, n. respectable parentage (8Gmo&:oozsoo0o ---, n. a mother's elder sister, a father's elder brother's wife, @-GooS; comp. 3a,:S -— Gcog0 (fron. 8g:.), n. a mother's younger sister, a father's younger brother's wife; cog:ooS, a step-mother. -- o (from soo0, a father), n. parents, father and mother; 003S: ~:mSG:oor.6s 18sl -— gc^8scooG:s8~ (cq), v. to cure a patient, as a physician, so as to restore him to his pristine state of vigour, lit. to the state in whichj he was born. — qooooo (pron. 8~socoo) (from =4, custom; 8o00, parents; and coo, to come), n. custom handed down from generations; used also adjectively, as 8~:o"cogoo8:6B8~:ocooo0cp: [e.g., 8~ooocm o o ~~ 0:% co(,0am kscooS oog~ 8{ooooo.9s c eg oS] 8ogooc053 -— ~Socp (-goSoocp) (pron. 86oSocp), a. hereditary; adv. by hereditary succession, ~s.p" — ooScq: (pron. 8x0qz), n. an orphan bereaved of its mother. 8, 2 (from 3a8, a daughter), n. daughter; prefixed to names of girls and young women, and indicative of superiority in the speaker (it is considered impolite to address any woman as 8). In courts of justice all women should, properly speaking (whether plaintiff or defendant, complainant or accused), have 8 indiscriminately prefixed to their names. Parents frequently, in addressing even their grown-up daughters, use this prefix, and their doing so is not regarded as impolite. When very angry with her daughter a Burmese mother will prefix c to the 8, e.g., c8ai' 8, 3, v. [to get hold of, catch after pursuing], to obtain; q much used as a qualifying affix of similar import; o1o68" J8no0Sc8BoS8868uqS68:.8 [8 also means to come upon suddenly or by surprise to find, as to catch one in the act of stealing; qooowq8ooooEo@6@c^ 8oo o,,,on 8oo8 829 8, 4, qual. affix implying carelessness or fault; Goco.@8ogo~ @i6oxJ o8^os800003 oo40-012C85o9 oo oGo8o1ooguPsooooS.c8g8o9o1 ol: [The qualifying affix 8 does not always appear to imply carelessness or fault; it frequently signifies the same as the English "unfortunate enough," unfortunately " happened to," as will be seen from the last example, namely, " it was only because I thought that he would listen to my words that I happened to speak to him; had I been aware that he would not do so, I should not have spoken." coS:9o@88oto, I happened to see him in the street.] 8ep, v. formative, see Grammar,. sec. 125, 5th. "Denotes inadvertence or inconsideration;" Gcec:gpGc~GcioaCSiGoS8 qo56coS@ aoog; it may also be used without detaching the formatives from one another, e.g., G48cq ooG40o cGo8 spG oooS3i~:8Gpoo8:ooi, 8Go6s0 8 (pron. SGqo0), n. a crocodile (Pali ocR), a kind of harp with three strings; 8Go6G0agS8ooc gSc8~i oelS:co, " should the water lizard become a crocodile, the river becomes disturbed," meaning that when a person of ignoble birth fills a high position, he is apt to abuse his authority. — 0 — 8:, a. resembling a crocodile's head; of superior quality, applied to dorians; 8Gcqo:SGo18qgGs~o8igGII:c08:80g: co) 8 6 cooo8sooiI ---, n. a bamboo enclosure (in the water close to the bank) on the banks of rivers made with a view to secure bathers immunity from crocodiles. --— o., n. a pair of timbers laid parallel for any purpose, as the ways on which a ship is launched, the beams of a floor resting on the ground [the wall-plate of a brick building; 8Go~qp~E gc]. -— ogoso, i. to crawl along flat on one's stomach in order to prevent one's self sinking in deep mud. 8,0038 (ou), 2, n. a kind of creeper (the Derris scandens) with a white flower (the Burmese say that if this creeper has many blossoms, it presages a heavy rainfall; 8ocqp6g:0 G8,,gsu686). Soolo$ (8ootqa ) [Pall 80, deer or any game, and o, (o4?), a forest], n. a game forest (oooEcoo0). 8008, n. the stars in the head of Orion (ooSoocoooocapo8Soc saoSj^^(~e~). x(Pali), n. falsehood, error; opposed -to w og, truth; comp. q — 8 (see 5 n), z. same, also a heretic, person of heterodox sentiments; " Mity-drishti, scepticism, that which teaches " there is no present world, no future world; it is the prin" cipal root of all akusala or demerit (sx2qcioS)."-M.B. - icS, n. an evil nat; opposed to ooqaso4o8, a good nat. SoS (from Gogo), n. affection, friendship. oq-coD, see ScS.Qu - qoS6o8, v. to be familiar, intimate with. -c,ot n. a friend; aorga81s1 S —60, -, v. to become friends.. ---o4joq, n.; see Bc340o4 a counterpart, a duplicate, a counterfoil. -, v. to have few friends; 8OSc jn v ---. to have many friends, S- co (from o8S, love; figuratively a wife; coS, a husband, and o=, a pair), n. a married couple, an original text accompanied with a translation; 67gypacxlt. —gcqoS,v. to seek copulation as animals. oo~304o0,i n. friendship resulting from congeniality; 80oSoqi -omowa or Smoaoco (Pali oonaoco, associating), n. a union of friendship. 4 — 0 ~g, same as 3c 8MS, 2, n. an efflorescence of humours on the skin, the pricklyheat, oo8SGo&%kc1oS" 8oocq (Vcowcqh), Maitri, see szof(coN, the fifth or coming Buddh. 8gfqS (Pali), n. a traitor to friendship; see oS&O681loo-339 8t (Pali), n. want of reverence; ocoo8dOjuo4@Q8, comp. c8k, mijja, drowsiness, that which prevents the'body from performing any work. " Mijja, that which prevents the, body from performing any work.'-M.B. According to Childers "middiarm" is ' sleepiness," "droshsihes," "somno. lence7, " tbrpor," "stupor." S z, i (Palk o,: a fish), - t; Pisces, the twelfth sign of the zodiac; nG016ico8$o*F8W 85:o 831 85, 2, n. a screech-owl; Scq: coSooo8qsu(9o5$> 5 85o0CO8n Like other races, the Burmese consider the screech-owl a bird of ill-omen). 8co5S, n. a toy (obsolete).. 85, n. a military coat with sleeves, worn over the coat of mail; comp. q65oo, the parts of military dress which cover thei shoulders and breast. 8j, v. to speak authoritatively, to command; 8CjGooSoaoS;, -o, -8_adovooeii8Scoo 0oo0ii 8 v~, v. to be faint, to be stupefied, amazed, astounded, to be stunned, unconscious. -----, v. same (most common); comnp. cooo-o [q ooooSc.,Qo q~ s ooj^S3 u gj oSag6<?oo0ogoo6(o$91 ii 8 CC5Ocjo5^cjCoSI 5950$ G4,(voo616soSoooaq oo~oo<^o8c^6 (i sosG agoqep So GcooS:m@1q8cot:bccod, though she wandered about and searched the livelong night, she did not happen to behold or meet her children; and she soliloquised thus: " I suppose that my children have assuredly died," and, raising her two hands to the crown of her head, she, like a golden plantain tree severed from its root, while even she was in an erect josture, fell, became dizzy, and swooned, with her limbs contracted and drawn up, at the feet of the embryo Buddh]; 85os0oo GOr zGcooot, he has swooned, he is about to die; 8$GooGQ oo0Ga~ l oS005000ooo5o0ooo0005 a=oo., when in a swoon, one is as if deprived of inspiration and expiration of breath. 8$s5 (commonly written 82), n. a woman. (It is more polite to speak of the wife of any one as his 8s:o than his ooo-0) [8$<oqJoopco~ey5oJoiifoo~^ocgsiiqoo^8o oogS;ii1 8^so — oGcot, by contraction 8$:omGco,, n. a girl. — ac —q o ooooC(, n. a pander, pimp, bawd; 8:Oo0o: (cqSoog). ---- (pron. $So:.), n. a eunuch,.one who has the charge of women. (The term 85$:os in Burma was only applied to eunuchs in the palace at Mandalay.) — oo:, n. prostitutes' quarters, a collection of brothels. G — o08:, v. to ask to wife. — * —8s, n. a bawd, a brothel-house keeper. -- Go, n. a light, wanton woman; @ggoo$ooa800 0o,11 83; 8=oWo'CQ 8:so@, v. to be womanly, feminine. --— oTo8, v. to be of an age to associate (as a girl) with women; also applied to young women when they first experience menstrual discharge. — o-a, v. to take to wife. " — q, v. to have a wife. --— 8, n. a harlot, @gooeooo " — ooDSoog~, n. the curlew, M, — o8~:oqp (cfo), v. (as a man) in a womanish, effeminate manner; applied to men; reproachful. — *-.op (pron. 85.:o9o), n. a hermaphrodite [said to have the parts of a man, but the passions of a woman; comp. aoooooqjo], a womanish, effeminate man. -- o00, see 85on -- o 0, n. the female sex, womankind. -— Oc, n. same as 80ooosn 8qcps or 8oqq: (pron. 8ops:), n. a queen (i.e., the wife of a king). 88, fron. one's self, i.e., yourself, himself, or herself, according to the connection; 83c(8@0Gog~, I myself saw it; 88c5dg898joots, did you yourself see it? 88c.gduo 6B Q&@oa, we ourselves saw it. 8cocl (Pali), n. a wild person, savage; 3cO80o3oa033a8coc81 Ac; I0oo38Cx3Ooc1cg 4a:o 8go (fron, 8co3), n. enamel (niello work); also applied to the enamelling on iron sauce-pans, frying-pans, &c.; 88oo0: o!i8830 33com3,ooo3i"88 sg58, &c., niello work. — x-8<ooo6s, n. a cover to lanterns, used by hunters in the night. -— aoqo:, n. a native of India sweeper, a mehter. (It is very rarely indeed that a Burman will perform this menial office, hence the-word ccoO, following 8s ). --—, n. a night conservancy tax. " ---C:, n. a night conservancy cart. 800c (Pali, a goat), n. Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac; 8000 oSo0ooo:col 8@4o oS).a ooren 8cxocooq (808wcooo0), n. a union of friendship. So~coS (o8), n. a kind of plant [a species of zingiber] (said when pounded and mixed with salt, to cause cows to give an abundant yield of milk). Son. fire; see also under 8?.o, (2nd def.), (a light); 36o =o8' 8: 00."@ 0 8 1 -"-"03j3Qoq~Sn. a fire insurance company (modern). a& n. a lantern (a lamp). -333o@3,n. a- magic lantern. 68,see jus~ts'4, n. a fire balloon; 8.-3~oou n. a cracker; Qc~jaorW:I V. to broil, roast, toast, cook by the heat of fite, but wtibout eontact. — in8 (pron. eSoS), n. a bamboo flapper with a hanidle to strike out fire (8&oooY);. o8=54o~o oov. to take fire, to 'Ignite, to be comimunicated to as fire; oSc8couci~i n. a rocket; ~~ — o~: (pron. 8-G0), n. live coals; conp~. ~:I~Sto have a good burn as coals. -c:,n. the flint of a musket, 8:olcqoda5u v.~~q to pass through as fire in wood, to render unfit for the" intended use througrh the death of the owner,8. (;~go-.oea:oR1 (or of any member of h~is family); 8iGoqS cq-,v. to be burnt up, consumed by fire;&rSco, -— go (Pron. 8:boX n. a lamp reflector..oc.v. to strike fire. 08DYn. a tinder-box made of lacquered ware (8MoaS C&S) ao~ex4A, n. a flinit to strike fire. -od~dl, n. tinder-box of woven work, n. a candlestick, ocoaoS:cA8q; a lamp, 988:~ii n.a live coal; comp. Q~a 18~~ 5o~C& coome~ _-OS)n. tithing man, chief- of ten -houses. _4,n. smoke; v. to smoke an'n'oyingrly (to some pff) riot sim-ply 'to emnit smoke (8a.cgA3 nor transitively to smoke (8s,:qo8) S) 1074 8:,q:coSoog, to have a smoky smell; 8*.:co, to rise as smoke, to emit excessive smoke as a smoky fire; 8:c~BoS, l. lit. to be smokeless, as a village or town, i.e., that a village or town is silent (lit. owing to no fires being lit) consequent on its having been pillaged by the soldiers of a victorious army or by freebooters, or owing to the inhabitants having staked and lost heavily on a boat, bullock, or horse race; 3aoS0:@:qiS, ogs CcO I Go)S, Gooa~ oslct cQgo &os9Ao&o q 8:oS (pron. mejyait), n. a fire-hook. -- @, pron. mejyit), n. a lucifer match. — g —, n. a cup to burn oil in, one kind of lamp; 88 sgoSm ---— 9, n. a lighting rate. --— Ss, v. to extinguish a light, candle, or lamp, &c. (more polite than 8:000o). ---- lq~Go5, n. a fire-engine, 8soooSu J,, —o, n. a stick kindled at one end, a firestick. "( —o,5, n.; see coCp:sooS. —o~ (pron. 8:C:), n. a torch made of a bundle of sticks or of a single stick; 8:to6So~&s n "O —oO (pron. 8:o(o), n. a wick; the allowance made on alloyed silver to raise its value to a certaii standard; 8oasGqoS ". ----oxzoSs (pron. 8:Bo0gS:), n. the snuff of a wick.. —o 50 (pron. 8:*o0), n. snuffers..-w —orS8:, v. to pay the allowance on alloyed silver... — oS, v. to give warning against fire. ---- (pron. 8-), v. to set fire to 'jungle, rubbish, &c., to meet an advancing fire with a view of counter-checking it; usually used as a noun; - pocS:o8ocoaSoo@Sgo 8:.5aos --— s, n. fire tongs. --—, v. to ignite, light, set fire to; 8:4:. —coas, v. to pay more on account of alloy. -— oMo8Sq8, n. a fire shed. -.ooz: (pron. 8:sh), n. an enclosure round a building to serve as a screen from fire. -- 1.oozcq68s (8sooosaoq8), same. St 835 8300)000, n. a blaze, flame; comp. 8:cj8~GooooScGMco8oo; also used as a verb; 8tcooo3ooi,, — Go00 (pron. $8oolS), n. a volcano, 8:sooooGooo8,Sn -- co5, v. to set fire to; coosc&8:ogoS aSS s8:ooS8sk (more elegant). — c~8 [pron. 8q8], n. a ca dle, 8:jtq8,, 8"i, 8goS,, — oS (pron. 80g8s), n. the seven days of roasting after child-birth. -— 008 (pron. 8so8s), n. (oo8:8:, fuel); 8sooSoc8,g G0cooooo8: co](ncai8 gosr8g ^Soqs poogn -- 8oo1S3, see 8~so -- b (pron. b), 01oop:, v. to be destroyed in a fire as property; eooge08:dobouoq$gu -— oS, n. fire wrapped up to throw on a building; 8:~o8o8a (with a view to incendiarism, ~80co08). — oo, -Ac., v. to stoke the furnaces of a steamer or steam engine. — cgoR, v. to leave the lying-in room after child-birth. -— c2s, v. to light a candle, lamp; aooo88@& (pron. 6@ or 4) ogo,,sooe.8 Sor gOooS, — to, v. to be too hot; applied to the fire of furnaces as 8 ~p ^aqoSqcoooSii — G, v. to be in child-bed. -- oS,' v. to ram down powder in a wooden tube; 4't:jS — 0os (pron. 8e&4), n. pyrotechnical exhibitions; 8:soq(ti -- o0GoooS, n. a firelock. — 8oqs$ (pron. 8soq$s), n. a kind of rocket, 8~8oq:'.n, -- qo9 (pron. 83oo68s), n. another kind of rocket. -- q~o8S (pron. 8ogg&oS), n. a kind of squib. — ^:, n. a lantern made of paper and suspended from a flagstaff; ~soos:oo^8^s^ -—:q, n. a flying lantern, 8:Squ -- (pron. 8), n. a flat iron (8i:a, a box-iron). — ~oqr, v. to iron clothes. -- coloS (pron. 8sG3oS), n. a drop of fire, a spark (also used as a verb, e.g., as883GolcooogSnsQ:8:oloSo5g). 836 6: ~8:stoo n. a match-lock; oo~, any kind of fire-arms. - j (pron. 81), n. flying fire, a rocket, 8:cnxci -i-gSP a light-house (pron. 8:0q8). -@o5oo (8-3@z$) (pron. 810N5oca), n. a light-ship. 0oS: (pron. 80-r&8), n. a pipe to blow fire with; 8:%[%8' -80, n. a small flame; 9 1SBoM.J.8,8~02'a3300e. Anglic? " to see stars." - as (Pron. 8s:P), n. a spark; SoGl cyS, 8: 8o-*u oe, om-0088 888s soqC.q&SS8sio&cog8 O - kjosgofS, v. to scintillate (to emit sparks or fine igneous particles). --— { & (pron. 8-cg5), n. an instrument with which to strike fire. -Q'3,S (8-OG3o8), n. a fire-ship (a raft made of trunks of plantain trees lashed together, io vhich lighted oil torches are stuck and then floated do4n'a river, usually in the month of Thadingyut. This is considered a religious ceremony, sometimes as a propitiatory offering to jq~oqo S, the Burmese Neptune; 8:o1cj). -, n. a fire-place, hearth, 8:q; to make a fire, 8:aio& -+oe0, n. a fireside. - ~Is (8so:s), v..to bring forth (a child), qj-pog.u -.0o)3SGw (pron. 8:3oo&o6Go). - Qcaur, n. a kind of chafing-dish, a brazier, pan to hold fire in (8:soqqj). -~as8:do, v. to give warning against fire with beat of gong through the streets. o-8:, v. to make or kindle a fire; 8-Qj, 8ocvs - r@-, n. a fiery serpent, 8sco8o-41 -- g9, n. a burning-glass, agoo$i - n. embers. — o pa-,:cBS, n. a steam-engine. - oaC0i, n. a steam-car (a locomotive). —?as, n. a rail car, a railway carriage or van. -noi,. a railway station; 8tqc>:m 8, n. a railway station master; 8:-oscu n. a railroad, railway street. -— =-Y3j8, n. a railway ticket; a3icoSo36S, a return ticket. 80.q6 837 8gWs16 (8:o<SGlo), n. a wooden fire-place, a wooden frame placed in a well to support the side; comp. o:S8 --— pfilSGoS(3 o, v. to bring forth (a child) as a queen or princess, zocoSu8SgoostAooGoSqoooan -- j (fJlz), see $soegs -— 5oS, v. to pay less on account of pure silver. ---, v. to set fire to; $* onS84~, arson. --— cosa, n. a kind of rpcket which hisses in falling; 5 r —coo-, see tacSiq or [, than which it is in more frequent use. -— co, v. to be frightened on account of fire. --— _oo:E8oS, a term applied to property which has been destroyed by fire or rendered useless by neglect, lit. " fireburnt and rat-bitten." --— coooS S, n. a cage in which prisoners were burnt; 82Gso0S co~oo68 s co36ijo56 036 u -- coQ380, n. the scar of a burn; 8Qocoe qp, a fire trace. -— G638, v. to burn, 8~go0 co3,>og — g —oSo: or gos, adv. (see GoloSkgoS, infrequent). -- c~, v. to warm one's self by a fire. — 0, n. the flashing of flame; 8G:aoqoScdj o3, — O — Go, n. a steam vessel; 800soO35ooG D, a steam launch. -ooQoG0colCsdQ8, n. a steamer's funnel. — 0 ---, v. to burn a tree at its foot. -- ooS, v. to extinguish a light or fire, 8nSrn8:.,la -- aoS(Q, n. a fire-engine. ---— , v. to clear a path in order to check the advance of fire; 8:0 so oi oo5o68:a68sqQ (also used figuratively). — G, v. to die, or go out, as a fire, or the light of a candle, or lamp. --— ogs (from Ge%, to be dry), n. a dead coal, or charcoal. -- (pron. 8g@1), n. pure silver, most excellent; cooSI 8&8 (8-coS), n. the menses, menstrual discharge, female courses; goQpc8os8ciSoo=ooo ooon -— c. ooS, n. a stoppage of the courses; 8:o8(oc8).8sq883, e ---, n. excessive discharge of the menses. 838 (OS 8a1q853,. a disease occasioned by irregularity of the menses; comp cCo031 ----, v. to have a return of the menses. — 9 —, v. to be regular in the menses. cgooS (qooul) (Pali qc3, a mouth, and ooo, to fall from), n. a divine speech or utterance; oSmoo5tioqSptAoSod~oI~Gcoo5 oasi IqU (Pali ~q) (pron. oaSq), adv. certainly, verily; coOm$s5u BooPlogs @osgoog Sqoo zugEcg loo I ^ogoooSooS@ qc8o8 ((odS8ol), (pron. qooSea), n. the beard of the chin, cSdoS G8VI ----, n. a guy rope. [A rope attached to anything to steady it and bear it one way or another in hoisting or lowering.] Pst (fron. yoS~cq), n. a huntsman; GooIcoo:sutcocqa,- s, cqEoscl, huntsmen and fishermen collectively; (qoSsg said to be derived from. 9and c: =a%, a deed or action, and q8s, to be evil). -— ~o, n. the Desmodium triquetum..s (oSlAsc8 ) (pron. 90oM8A:), n. a widower; qo5c~}so, a widow; (^oSa~ogS $goo?):oSaoo4oo:posoosozooooog cg8o8:oo~Joogi giqc&S6c(^00 c cqoSa^^:ooooo^0(roSaoc (S, when he heard the words "the widow's son," the prince said thus: " regarding these children they designate me 'the widow's son' to annoy me." [Note.-Even to this day the term "widow's son" is considered somewhat reproachful]. rcgo (Pali), n. a pagoda with a recess in each side. [There are several pagodas in Burma called Shwe M6thtaw. "These pagodas are said by the Burman annalists to have "been ordered to be completed all at a certaim time, "when the moon would be emerging from an eclipse, and "from this circumstance they are all called Mothtaw, from "a Pali word signifying the release of the moon from "eclipse."-Colo el Horace Browne.] qcg8g (4ol ), v. a fa ous Naga who during a storm protected Gaudama the Bu dh with his hood; ut8b3Olsolqcps GQos8:McoSEulq g1 e8Sooo:oo00 n yS, i, n. aloes, the inspissated juice of the aloe, pS:o038oooSo8 cot, used as a medicine, principally as a carminative..oS, 2, n. an arch, arched passage into a pagoda. -— o18s a, n. same; v. to turn such an arch (ooSo0), 0 839 S,'3, n. urine (medical), asojII ogScCSn oqrcoSi, Goou o oa $toS: aCZo2~sGooqao% o 8 Toot oS(s soTsOO:-O ~oc:oo8 g8s9i cd$ji, (The Burmese are of opinion that the urine of a black bullock is efficacious in cases of persons who have weak circulation.) -— tq, n. same. 0oS, 4, v. to measure with the breadth of the fist, the thumb being shut down by the side of the finger, hence aoSu o0S6o00 (pron. yca co3)), n. the short thick board placed at the bow and stern of a Burmese boat. (:), in which the gunwales (cooSq) are inserted. oc380o5, see s,80ii toSdM:, see iiq 4@, n. a rupture, hernia. 89, I, n. the mastic trek. 93835, n. a disease (species of leprosy, said by the Burmese to supervene after virulent syphilis, Gcooj$)t). t53)s, n. the beard; used in composition with 8oSn3 (oScO8:, n. a kind of necklace, o5o8:Ni oSqg — o, n. a woman kept by a foreigner; term of reproach; [rare, if not quite unkpown in modern colloquial]. p3C[o (o0), n. the Bassia litifolia; ocg:oolq oSqoo5 ooSooSoo Q _oo( (p6ngyis are permitted to make sweet decoctions of the fruit of any of these trees after noon). 489oo (Pali), n. joy in the happiness of others, oS:gooSS:; " mudita, benevolence, that which rejoices in the happiness of the prosperous."-M. B. 1f$s, n. a kind of drum. 488s, n. a ravisher, one who commits a rape; comp. oo&,i -— q., v. to ravish, commit a rape. - c0oo (pron. i88s3a), n. a robber, ravisher, &c. qqoDo (Pali), n. softness;.i 5o88 539 ooooq oo~8gg<q.oon,83o (Pali %g, the head, ard o3).,4, see miY4, the temporal juice which exudes at certain seasons from the male! elephant. During this time the animal becomes dangerous and is what is termed in AngloIndian parlance " m st." In colloquial 9~ and not o~ 4$ is used, 0ooSqSZ a oii. ooxaoSc ooq$ogoo, $G$; oo&ooa said of sulky or melancholic persons. 1 q$M p!., the mustard plant, mustard. - tn. the mustard.-S. -M.-CB, nt. oil of mustard. — $ (4ONO ), ff. the pulverized seed of the ipustard.-S. qJASE, n. a kind of tree (the cycas, M.); qosji IJA&, x,. a violent wind, gale, hurricane, tornado, a storm, tezm. rest; Q'vg.o4 4vpst;. the radish plant; goo~o, tle j tbW.ge plant. mwcw- eft. a radish. n. the turnip. n. the beet. see qycooll — 86~1, n. the carrot. -j~8:1: n. the tUrnip. tr. bread;- =*Oj@~Oollwm -.~vGcpo65 (Pron. ~~0C3j~.-ooS (pron+. +, n. rusk [toast]; +o8S (proi. as spelt), v. to toast bread. T jo ) ( n. fried cake. x. a kind of cake made of rice and soaked in jaggery. n. ve~rmiceftl of Chinense manufactuire. Swafer, thin cake..,.4av T T is.;see j~ 8 c —8S:) n. dough..-.-8GltSs rt[n. bread made of coarse Ace flow and jaggi y (jpU cq}j and ak4W by stpanrxni. a certain premwatkoti of rice. n, friedecake,;IiS* ~l ft.4:)~ n. a pie. n. vermicelli (Oc.t&w6). ~~~-.I C~(o. a k~ifd o4ve miefMiW.* nt. soft bread, pudding, porridge. Q&'fX. the bw ki 4rul'*, Of 484i iqo3oq (pron..oqj), n. a kind of cake, also called qastoj from its fancied reemblance to a hornet's nest. - @BocooS, n. a pan-cake. — @, n. a cake. ---,n. blanc mange. -— coog (n. a thin cake, very light and brittle, @0-8-S.) -- og~, n. a seller of ltread, a baker. -— o8:01s, n. vermicelli of Burmese manufacture. v$8, v. to dislike, hate, dletest; @8q:,, 8oo30:ii o)3OgaOG3o G0335 I -— 33:, v. to be inveterately enraged; o;8o:o|0~o-o5oocS 3 8(c:G G@ o6832colfc8 5og (0:~3:g is not a frequent expression in colloquial). — ooos, v. to hate intensely; oog~aadscg$.0oo:00.o -— 0$, n. wrath; also used as a verb. -— o38, v. to show wrath; 3qg*oS:9, oo8$8o0os:ciGp:oo g5 fGOo3 (pron. QGcxo), n. b'rley; ~oGoooooliiGooOQO ~48s, n. a kind of rice pl4nt (grown on the bank of a stream or the shore of a lake in the cold season.-S.); jq8oolsoQ: 9, n. a kind of tree, c&j: (the mudar, M.). — c86, n. perhaps a variety of the same (Pali QoooGo)l).-S. yo1S, n. a kind of drum (now obsolete). 4os 1S, n. a kind of cree er. (Qoo:, n. a kind of creeper ~ooco:ni t4oo (commonly pron. o~.), n. falsehood; opposed to truth, Q9GCOOOOD3:; comp. 84pllox001S0o0o65o0G~ — ego, v. to speak falsehood or falsely. -— oo5coo, n. a false or suborned witness, a perjurer. -. —o, v. to lie frequently, habitually. i,, n. any dyeing substance; used for indigo of inferior strength and colour; 4ool'Sa-1o5ge --— Q:, v. to dye with such a substance. 2, 2, v. to begin to form as a bud, hence 'mu@oaod oorp", "10o6 1, I (from 1co), n. an original writing from which a transcript is made. — c-[-, n. an autograph, cipoSs,8 --— colo, n. a copy of an original writing. 2, 2, v. to do, perform, 'cqoo @; frequently euphonic, to act like, assume the character of; oq5 (to be affected); qSs9 4 a)$~ooSgeoorcos: 8oo aoocganoD4II o8orqjoagsooS:9o dwj o.2 oes- coro5 c8o~ o8o1a [o6~oSfoi6~ -@8oqcqj5 S3oiSwg:goScogSd, if, notwithstanding his being of royal lineage and race, he should not practise in conformance to the law which (it is incumbent) princes should practise, it is proper that he should be admonished and restrained, and if he should prove incorrigible, self-willed, and be habituated to vice, he deserves to be banished from the kingdom and country, and to be degraded from the enjoyment of his princely splendour]; qjlSo tgpgo3sii -- 0oo0, sometimes W, n. affix nominative, frequently with an adversative signification; verb. affix continuative, g18q o:,,ooso o eP ~o:, Coo (Pali), n. an origin, bottom, foundation; awq Sc38oa0 G@oaSs3GpcpSapg0dqlogso go0, try and relate to me the original circumstances of the case, sir; oSoqjos'oq$ooos:oo d~ooo, were you, sir, originally a native of Rangoon? -- o3, n. (ic0o) same; ooSoga oogoooo: 1coo9 Qgo95s, this person's language is not genuine (i.e., artful). — oS, — 6o, aooS, v. to be simple, uncompounded (genuine). 9:, 1, n) a mu, a weight of which there are two kinds, the great and the small, the great being equal to two great pais (0) or one-eighth of a kyat, and the small equal to two small pais or one-tenth of a kyat. 9:, 2, see 3soz (o), n. a person of rank; frequently written gt:ig. oO2:QoS^33S" - ^ooSsp, see esooSn — o —oS or CGooSooSGoO, n. the nobility, VsosooS,5n rt, 3, n. a small river, a rivulet; a.s6Sojs080. oo So,n R. (c3S5:), n. the Mu river debouching into the Irrawaddy at Myinmu and probably having its source in the Wu ntho mountains. GQ$ 84~ Vswcn. rice grown 6n alluvial islands in the Mu river. V~: 4, v. to be giddy, dizzy [to be sea-sick]'c8~) to be intoxicated, oa Ro. (~RoSR). In certain instances VO may be applied figuratively, when it means to be intoxicated with deligh t, to be in ecstasies, &c., e.g., c~ 05O03Qo,.03ooo. f2 O G8g co — op (pron. WsR.cuS) (jtGoS~8Go2), -Go, -I.8 v. same q coo (pron. ~I-*oo), a4-v in a drunken manner; c-.6op clazo~cooO 8insqo oo~sooe~]. oo (Eng.), n. May, QocoiI roo&3o (Pali), n. benevolen eaffection, love, ~8;an expression of good will or leevolence, a blessing, a prayer fd'r the good of another;, 00~:Gccoiit''C~~IO~Oc'Oo90Cu~1: df —o (pron. @cooaa), n.~ a friendly letter, epistle.. -— ".ofeel a deep a4 fection, or love for. V. to wish well to, to bless, pray for; c1 B.a~xcAogo5 GOOGflO@~32O NCO08& 3OCqO5~jG~01 COOII v. to do a kindn ss; Go~ijftii aoeoo338og~rS3S~Cq -oo.ov, n. the meditation of kindness and affection as re - gards priests. " In t ie exercise of this mode of Bhdwarnd, "the thoughts must ot at first be fixed upon -one whom "the priest dislikes, nor on aiiy particular friend, nor any "one that is indiffere it to him, neither liked nor disliked; "nor on any enemy (s by thinking of any person who is "known, the mind wi~ Ibe more or less disturbed). The "thoughts must not a~t this time be fixed upon any indivi"dual in particular, nor any one, that is dead."-M.B. (It is said. that laymen must do the. same in the exercise of this meditation, Bhbiw~ndi, as priests.) q5,v. to petition (ckfrical).,,v. to have afcinfoto love. moascoo:, -CotQ508, V. to have affection for, to love. GQOR~ii G~~ (GQCX~) (Pali nO~~1~GS&,f. sexual intercourse;, 0501COlc (Q4oq~doaDe Gemini, the third sign of the Zodiac; +oooucq~OC Gag8 ~OCPg&~qO~1 68.-, unnatural offence). 844 cot eoqao or co~oo, n. an intoxicating liquor or drug; combined with olcp, see otg8coo o9, v. to forget, be inadvertent, to be stunned [to swoon]; 8g3 8~ooc53JqS5cgfdSpoaGo~ o.olf5l q cjSoSv whatever lo. cality I may reach, I cannot forget you, beloved sister (i.e., wife); @8:soToo.oqCGOgS,,II GqooSol:~ii he is in a swoon, having fallen from his horse; throw water on him;.oG$ooS5z&aG $q9i8'@, I have forgotten (and left behind) my jacket; co~6caoooo6S oogo3qo9@:Goq$@" --- q$, v. same; c.$cq more common in colloquial, (to forget and leave something) behind. -— co: (pron. G iGot:), lit. forgetful medicine, n. chloroform, laughing gas (nitrous oxide or protoxide of nitrogen), OOGQOGOiiI -c cq (frequently written Go.Gt), v. same as Glcq$ (most common), to be forgetful, and hence to be heedless, careless; ooBGqcqoGOsCD oSoo,OE io 6cg8oo 8coScSg, he is a very forgetful man and will in course of time starve. Cot, I, n. the lower jaw. _ —ago5oScO, v. to chatter with the teeth as when feeling cold or when in great fear. -- 8, n. to be stiff or firmly closed, as the jaws, as in lockjaw, or when feeling very cold; or on the near approach of death. — G-, n. the chin. --- @0 (pron. Gcosgs), n. a martingale. -~_o8, v. to protrude the chin as when in convulsions, or on the near approach of death; or in derision.. coo'oS, v. to rest the chin on the hand. --— qo n. same as GoseG (GosSoGo 3asxooSgGo1 loS9:ogooS oS0ooogjcp). _- oG, v. to protrude the chin in an upward direction in contempt or derision, CooCSGGoSm o9aoqGi SooIO -- s:, n. the lower jaw-bone. --— _3 gs, n. a curb. Gc:, 2, v. to ask, inquire; oqu ooSco oooo3GodbooS:0l, sound him, please, as to how far the distance is; QoorgsoS'coo cq.oIoSoqisqoO::, yesterday, at the time U Pan BQi came, he inquired after you, sir. 1 845 c.Q8jaS:c9O v. to interro ate or put questions to a witness as an advocate. - R- a D, v. to be damagingto the opposite party as questions put in cross-ex mination. -o8, v. to interrogate. - cqGrT03o:, v. to be 4n speaking terms; cN j.0r6"tVTo:3 3o)U cfoo5co-c 0 ulo.mn cr:-CT@DCIOc"I6 Rol oo or ac@: oeu, to be within speaking distance, as the occupants of two houses. -- $0, v.; see coS, 2; 98tozG0)8 —3T8 hg c~ oo C93mooooe 861a -,, v. same (infrequent). i,, v. to be disfigured, 4s when crying; qoM qoGo *~ooepil — o2o50S, adv.; 33$ dC3 aagOCac8 -, see the parts; 4ccp )~6c4 Oce~ 2, 2, v. to be wanting, not full, o@&; not to be oA; commonly used without a modal affix, as cooF, truth wanting, or without truth (very similar to the English terminating syllable, less); g$GO3oSSO&GQPCO GCoo*Qq:o=conn t 943Z=:C0 c~8re4, since my friend U Law San died, I have become like a motherless child; socpooo~isiC coo5 iloSpga-.oola0, the respective influence of one who has an office, and one who has not, is not the same; co m~ovoZ&cjoc6aol&:~~, a very faithless man, do not associate with him; eq$5eo8C mcQ~E38:QoSdku,, he wantonly struck me. 4 (oS), n. anil, the indigo plant, indigo, McQ:u - 0:, n. the Ruellia indigofera. — '0,i n. an indigo plantation. — ~c, n. indigo. — gcB, n. a species of indigo plant [a creeper, producing the asclepias blue dye, M.]. - ~4s), n. wild indigo., 2, nt. a lot; oc-q:o5 (pron. ocqon kc88), n. a raffle-ticket. — cooooS, -q, v. to cast lots; Uoo:oS&q@q, let us take it by casting lots. Z, 3, n. an extra weight put into one side of a balance.in order to make an equilibrium or for any other purpose; o8:sn C9GOo8SGO@)o808 @0o11 ios:0m Cz0io5(jSq(~00 ooBcg3qcen~ Z, 4, see ofe, v. to be dark, black, to be dark in mind, igno. rant, foolish; goSB 844 QQooSQo bojo3z (Pron. b3aol), -4o5, v. same; cemo1: bYloS)p~ 8Soin cojoozJ0Si a- - 60c&, adv. darkly, very dark; eo1?cbbhooo iioo83o8QJosa ba)66:cooI'4oOi p oilc3$ 1bcb1 ooooe)uv,n. an ass (Equus asinus), bGcoo&3.boc8 (pron. boc8), n. a kind of tree (the Cassia florida); very often, especially in Upper Burma, pronounced (ojoZc8n - @:-, n.; see coGcSoc&OCB bohogco, n. two rivers in Upper Burma, near the confluence of which rivers was a penal settlement which was regarded formerly as the Siberia of Upper Burma. The locality was (and is) highly inalarious, so much so that when an offender was ordered to be deported thence, such sentence was popularly regarded as equivalent to death, Zoo5o8.g. In after times Mogaung (q:soo38s) became the penal settlement. bc@S8, n. a kind of tree (the Cassiaflorida). Co, v. to be tired,, fatigued, (to be in an exhausted condition as a sick person); o~ooocoomjclooegooxo4Soo:)o, it is very tiring having to climb this mountain; cq4onoo0o5o oon a& ooog 6J89soouo81, the sick person is in a very exhausted condition, I do not think that he will hold out very long. -o, same [Goo0o0Stoo (pron. Gooo4n0o@:), adv. in a tired, worn-out manner]; o080cri oo0$0toi@8 coSnc&:o, CoOc-, what journey have you been on that you are so distressed, sir? WoGOS, v. to be rounded, prominent, elevated in the centre,, hence szooS, to be very high, elevated, towering, see auo3,~obgab9os18 ggdOQCSC the dish is not merely full to the top, the rice is piled above the top of it. M-=Mr.0, v. to be arrogant; c003o ao a0 to be imperious, dictatorial as language; 00no8ooz6rCooocx ozSiocxl oo8b@SGs@, your language is most imperious, sir, and has become intolerable; o0o088o@zcn8C8&OC5 QQeouooSoo335, the tree is more lofty than any other tree. - Ls (t.), see the parts. aosooS~, n. a kind of bonnet or cap; -s o c M M85C&oor:oSi.0cBcQo), v. to be strong, firm, hard (in language);;omx-cn S * coooSoo= [to be of strong, athletic build; cq ~',GSooS Gooo8GoT:847;ooo^8, n. a kind of official cap with crest. co*, n. the brother of a woman; brother; prefixed to names of men and indicative!of equality; sir, as an appellative to a young man, and rather respectful; coo8uGooSaGcoa8: ~g25oon Goo8coo8xoou co od8, a term of compellation used in addressing the sons of wealthy men in Lower Burma. In Upper Burma it was customary to address the sons of officials as GOo8GOD8 -- @:, n. the elder brother of a woman [Goo oti!8oc~ 3Sd, as in dividing an inheritance]. --, n. a husband; 0oo,8*qao, male and female (of birds); 0o4oS OG3. qCGO1q9SSn o5(g(Si G:OO S0 (?j~S6 5 — 0oo, n. Mr.; addressed to one whose name is not known; not respectful; not very frequent; Goo8oo0 oooo5mc0ooozcui [oo is said to be a corruption of the Pall ooo, a husband]; comp. 825"8 ----, pron. you, mas., uted to an inferior. — oS:, same; rather imperious or disrespectful; strictly speaking, zoo8So& was only used by the Kings of Burma. [G8ooSoQt:, same; usually used in a deprecatory sense; -- 18 (commonly pron. coo8qr8), n. a probationer for the priesthood, 8[6ooooGOc [r.y8ocoo8:, one about to become a probationer]; brother, a term of compellation addressed to men younger than one's self; comp. ao8. Burmese parents frequently address their sons as coo8RS after they have been probationers and become laics again. It is sometimes, however, a style of address used indiscriminately by both men and women towards young men whom they do not knoW; Burmese sisters usually address their younger brothers |as coo8i8, -— om. o 8ocoe (pron. QooSoo5oS oooc5), n. mutual brothers and sisters in law (e.g., Nga Phyu marries Nga MW's sister, and Nga M6, Nga Phyu's); Goo8coe~oSogcoSoS~og~_ -- ooo, see coo~8oooii -- ooaSs, see GQ>SooboN coo8oGsT (o8), n. the Combretum extensum. [In localities in Upper Burma where timber and bamboo are scarce, it is used for making the mat walls and floorings of temporary 484 C.G03 structures and of the houses of persons in indigent circumstances.] cooS, I, n. the arm; coaoS.':, the upper arm; coo4:, the lower arm; G)S:,qt, n. the upper arm close to the shoulders; a lever, turning on a pivot, GoS08O:; comp. cqo, a well-pole or pump handle, Goo48ooS; the spring of a gun, --— s, n. the socket of the shoulder. —.o ox8 (pron. Goo'8oooi8). -. —eooc~tl| (pron. coo6s 000^i). - ooS, v. to prize up with a lever. —..oq.poS (ron. oooS:q(poS), n. a kind of pestle used in cleaning paddy. —. 03 (pron. co8oo:q31s), n. a clasp-knife. — cgo (pron. co8:goS), n. the cup of a rice mortar. --— ag (pron. Gcoous ), n. the iron ring of the pestle of a rice mortar, a plain finger-ring (gold or silver)..-, n. a sleeve, or any ornament worn on the arm. -—, see coo0goSo --— <o, v. to set a spring; co3:aGso8:0c8, v. to raise and open Sthe blade of a knife; cooGosoo-:o0r8, to cock a gun; oo 0Qoo*86, to put a gun on half cock; jBGoQ 03c8, full cock. — ot, n. the lever which raises the pestle of a rice mortar, any lever used for raising by pressing on a fulcrum; comp. cxo5, coosGo!~GooSiGo8~0c:q:nI -.- 3aSDS, n. pestle-pounded rice (ready for use).. ---qo, v. to be weak as a spring, namely, as the spring of a gun; cooaGoovG:oGqli." --— a, n. the upper part of the arm close to the shoulder.... —S, n. a pump handle, a handle suspended on a pivot for raising water (as in irrigating betel-leaf plantations) or for any other purpose.. —oo$, v. to be strong as a spring; ootSGcooSoa4oo, [to be strong of arm; strictly speaking, of only the upper arm]. co03, 2, n. a Burmese gong, a plate of metal with a convexity in the centre, which is beaten to produce sound; formerly a measure of time equal to three English hours. [There are five kinds of Burmese gongs, namely, Gg5,s oS6 co5 eoS:B 3 (ao?) and- ]. oQs 84~.008:055, v. to expose (a malefactor) by beat of drum and declaration of his crime. ~Q-,::, v. to proclaim by beat of gong (by way of giving information or warning to the public). 5-o;, v. to strike a gong, cooS:CI, [GoQSo08 qqpt, probably a corruption of ro3:oo c~ Cqr % 0a1oo8:)o3Eg8]0O a O -- cocS, n. a gong stick, Ooo8ofu - cq2, v. to go about 'ith a drum as a crier or bell-man,.038:, 3, v. to threaten; not used singly; to drive; less considerate than 38; (go:sQo8s:, @S,0,o8i is more common in colloquial than s, the latter being mostly used in composition), to drive away (an animal); rg: (~ c Q:lO s uo561: 6~0008O-CfC5~1 UBOjCI Qd"Q,8:cqI a -, v. same, 1st def.; 8 103s1CiIGs*Oq0@J 8i11$CPoqS, gQo6a-.4z oq83:o z, he threatened me and went away; -coo:t, v. to exercise a iorse. CQSi, 4, v. to be of a dar red or purple colour; ooSq~Js3a GC8pG8-,:0 c2% cojco~t6G 0oo0S1, the colour of this puhso is too dark red, it is no suitable for a young man; @s8 op8sqooig X iooP8ioxoSquo8: s a~o ca&@,,-Lo coi3 5 ao), the most excellent Buddh sent forth a dark red ray of light from a dark red part [of his body]. [NA.B.-The Buddhists believe that a Buddh has the power to send forth different coloured, rays from different parts of his body, namely, a white rAy from his teeth, a blue ray from his eyes, &c.] coo8srcoo8a8 (pron. C oSx il3a=), n. a kind of ozB manufactured at the village of Maung-htoung not very far from S AlBn. [N.B.-This village is said also to be famous for its being the birth-place of Buddhist archbishops (acoao4ozS) and eminent actors.] - jcf, n. a lacquered bamboo bowl manufactured at the same village, a wooden bowl. 00, n. a female attendant or concubine of a king, C~ 8Gqs ocO~ 5 11 or G-80 o5r8 8 g; co8osjlac;3 inuaoncoii (cSqaoorcoPes0 S,GtO S3aCbog)OSco: D& G3ap Gaq8c )3GaS oo)qoSI - -? S8o50.S. "ocaqol (pron. casG:ow), n. a series of the extremest austerities, so severe that during the time of a Buddh only one person is found capable of practising them; even the most enthusiastically religious person can practise them for only twelve years, those moderately so for seven years, and those of the least enthusiastic for seven days. It is incumbent on those who perform these austerities wholly to eschew sleep (Go~GCuou3qGoo).) coPc18occxooS, n. a kind of stone used in alchemy. cocq8oc1s:o4sGcqooS, n. copper ore; co:q8o1G8ooGcqoaS, n. silver ore. cooC, n. darkness, ignorance, folly; CoS5&~8, "M6ha is so"called because it cleaves to that which is evil and does " not cleave to that which is good; it does not understand "the union of the five khandas (o@o) nor of the nature of "the sight and other senses proceeding from the six aya"tanas (30o30ooo) or sentient organs; it does not perceive " the nothingness of the eighteen dhatus or elements; it " does not regard the superiority of the shad-indrayas, and "it is subject to repeated births in different worlds and " various modes of existence. By means of M6ha the twen" ty-nine descriptions of chitta (80o) or modes of thought " possessing merit or demerit are produced."-M.B. -- o 4:oo$:, adv. nonplussedly; mSoooooas.oo~gm8oocq --— cS:, v. to be enveloped in ignorance. -- (pron. as if one word cooonm), n. same as GoOUoG3on 8oSgCoaoS8o85 0j u 0o00oo0S oi 0l1 G0oo80 J qR cooM8o0S JR" ouo, v. to turn up the face, look up; qgoo.aS86oooS*d1SoosoS 01G0o1O, to elevate a rifle or gun (see co:). -- @~, n. same.-S.; co8o80oT9:qoSacQoooS@2o8HO co0, v. to be ascending, high in a slanting direction, as a path up a hill; ooS5ooSooaoog, or a rapid in a river; otoSoq r[og\iGoC ooooo ooS@j, to look forward in an upward direction (sometimes it has a similar though stronger meaning than c;o), to be haughty, insolent, cooSc2:: Lto swagger, o GScoSoocgc9oS5]..- @ same, 2nd def.; qoj,So@gO.sG330S@oo --- tobe overbearinglyarogant.. ---@s, v. to be overbearingly arrogant. q)5 851 oSc8ts-OSc(4 (pron. GoS~gcoSo$:), adv. in an insolent, swaggering manner. ooSrooS, n. a kind of silk. QGoS@ogoscpa~ooSoo, n. Judge, Moulmein Town. q, v. to be elevated, raised in the centre; co.ooSi -- Gooo, v. same; omg 8so@:roaS o, col, this ground rises in the centre, levelit that it may be even; cooo8qocomGco^i, a little rising hummock. qoS, i, n. a crucible, or cupel, qoS&Gi -- 38, -goS, n. a flat cupel, qo50aofc:s — sooo5, n. a deep cupel. — cop, n.; see oSoq@:n — 0oS, v. to extract gold or silver from old crucibles. -oq (pron. qoc&o), see ^o0oo:oAn ----., n. one skilled in extracting gold or silver from old crucibles. 0o5, 2, v. to be dark; oco&, 959 (q~5co5ooG cGqqcoqp?8a GooS5G03oOOo1 c^qgoo 3cqCo5C9Gooo 3 cqa~qooS 3nco8:Csq aoo, to be ignorant, foolish, wicked; ). ---— o, v. to be blindly foolish; cSo Smoo::cu — b, —.,, v. (to.be foolish and impolite, coI54oSY~8ooc); , 3, v. to measure with the breadth of the fist and the thumb erected, hence ooSoocoSooo5 o5Sool qo5s (Pali cocoa), n. the sky, the visible heavens, the clouds, rain; os 6o51 olSGcGoooo5c cGOooSAqoog or GOooS 0l5a3; comp. oI 8 O:5Gcooooou — A ---, v. to be covered with clouds, as the heavens. --—, v. to be overcast, slightly overspread with clouds. -— so, n. the beginning of the rains; voS.s: q:Sg oo, v. to be early as the rains; 5:s.p8:, v. to be late as the rains. -- 0, n. a screen from the rain, an awning (qB^Soo5=4, n. a waterproof cape or coat). -mooco, n. the rainy season; comp. goeuqScxigo -- cq (pron. qoS5qS), n. the place of the apparent junction of the sky and the earth, the horizon; bscg:8ooSc6Cooo5. Soog c oo Sqo (or qaGoog). vtori abundantly (thtougout the season).' -— CJ0SssxSn. the sky. -G =8965,n. the broad-billed roller. i: (p-on. qc&~s:), n. a thunder-bolt, qcsio4_N 5~ *s 2, n. an alloy of copper and gold used in making finger-rings, ear tubes, Wt@5.,o, 0 ooSi tP. to cause a stroke of lightning to deviate; q0&. Oo.8Sn. a -lightning conductor? same as qbOO i- (a galvanic battery). _@,v. to thunder in short claps. ~@-3I(, (oB), P. to strike (as lightning); c-.t @6 =00, to. be struck dead'by lightning;" qu~s(&V81 -oo4 -cuoBcci (usually Pron. qvSr-:@8ooocoo~wz)), "to screen one's self from being" struck by lightnin with a tan leaf,"ien the way of meeting a `difficulty, or dangrer, with insufficient means of res-istance; oj$00OMDOmG Io~qS qV3.@8O. if I should speak untrue words, may I be struck by light* ning (q~do strictly speaking, is a thunder-bolt). -&-scpSa. bluish red. ton. thunder. n. a thunder-bolt. -:-G!..~8 (from GO1S, to be out of the way), v. to be dry as the clouds, not to rain in season [qecSir.6S (pron. qo5rOo6'F,) fto-Ov. lit, to ' invite the rain;' to long f or rain as men and -.,animals) and reptiles such as frogs. 'o. to' stay through the rainy season (to take shelter from the rain). v. to shut in, (close) as evening. v.; see next; qO56@68 is more commonly used in Upper and ~in Lower Burma. -Li(;Iat), v. to thuinder. "M-oo (Pron. qeuro~o). 4,v. to rain incessantly. -M. toqyn. the English swallow, Hirundo ruslica; comp..Coa, v. to. have the appearance of coming rain as the sky; mhote -than qV8&0a..-~ (t-o". qt&-gp), (o *8),(p-on. qc~&rog)), n. a kind of tree; qySx 853 SoS:Gooo, v. to rain in frequent showers. --., v. to be scanty as rain (in the rainy season). ---— o1, same as qoS n -- 88 (fron. qoS:BS), n. a cloud. --— G88 o, n. a species of sun-dew, GoNCGQooU, M. --— Lc, n. the Arakanese name for the green bee-eater, qo0S c CSo, M. --— 5, n. a kind of plant (probably same as 4o650). ---- o, v. lit. " the sky is sick;" to have a threatening aspect as the clouds. -— j (o8), n. a bush (the root of this plant is ground up with salt on a stone and administered to persons who exhibit premonitory symptoms of small-pox). --— ~&, n. a fog which takes place in the rains, "a rainfog." --- 86g, the close of the rains (or as a verb, to be late as the rainy season). - 00co8, v. to be rain-stained as clothes. --— olo5, n. a drop of rain, QoSscolSc-qul -— 8, n. snow (to clear up and be sunshiny). — G@~5, v. to be rain-spotted as clothes. ----, n. a sudden squall. --— _, n. fine rain. ---, -V-, v. to drizzle. - coCS, n. the middle of the rainy season, qoS:cocSGCooS.n -— a, I (from o, to pay court to), n. the willow (so-called because it flourishes independent of rain). -— co, 2, n. the spotted saccolabium, an orchid of the genus vanda, M. ----, v. to rumble in the sky, to thunder. -— eceooo6pcqpog:l, n. a collective term for culturable land. -— Gooq, v. to become dark as the sky with rain-clouds, - ---, v. to rain. --— co8, v. to dawn (to clear up as the sky after rain, to become fair); q.n6S8CgF: t 8ocp[ooXleqSco:so[(i",oSsFI. -- oo5r$o8s (pron. qtSpcoj5q86), n. a storm, tempest. -— okom-, n. wind predursing a storm. -qBcocn. a dark rain-cloud.. —S. (qfB8Oo:)OO.oS). n. hail (sago.-.S.). -4cv. to hail. -000,v. to be early in the morning before sunrise [qvSO cccooy~coo (,Pron. coo) GoSoIus~o~~~ ~~1Q~ see ooqjOOSO] ~&__QXLCO)v. same. - O 05 05)5 n. 'the season preceding morning. n. a paper made of maing-kaing; q*,)jjI (qgcs is the name of a city (?) in the Shan States, and it is probable that the p~aper. derives its name from having first been made there.I ~8%o, v. to help, aid, assist; e~:a~$Gc8o~~ocec~o~ I,, see ~ 2,, v. to be very slightly raised or swelled, as the appearance of a mountain at a distance; q.) 3, n. affi, causative, because of, on account of (colloquial); frequently preceded by c~ii oqj. ma oo~oo. op:zcu-g (sometimes preceded by c~q,e.g., OqO 1, a contraction of oqojoo~(Qo:o~~~ Wgq658-ci~o~ equivalent to wcoBu6o~mo:"i oq~xo~oloq:) q~c),a contraction of oqo~ocn~, same; (OA8:c0GO81 =3eo84: q.*, v...to cover without, touching, spread overhead as an umbrella; c8:8.%, to hold a da in a threatening manner (over a person); =q:q:ooe~" co-% o~ge~.c~=6:Qo%2, to be chief, superior; aR565; hence mq., (to excel, surpass); o8 - 3,n. thin strips of bamboo used for tying the thatch down upon the bamboo frame-work of the roof of a house. q:A~ozoSod (Pron. qq o6SrooS), adv. standing for a little while, as onewbile walking stopping for a moment; comp. ogg and OCO89 Q~%P(QO5SCOl5 I q..S.QO58O~ObQCG-SII qsc*q: (OB6,ox~co6:G.o5po&oe~ cxqoo8 ~%Qooob)S98AoS~c&:ot =moz cocol oq-A jocSoooSqVawA(;o oc3e uOi30f0soc00>0(Cq-AoIoosocs 48j8@1 goS, i, n. a gem, precious stone, cqooSgo5II — 3S6, -agi, n. an ouch, the socket in which a stone is set, including both the collet and the bezel; co ro*ia3q:.u:-ol, n. gold or silver leaf; S9cBSol~6uogoSoBlha (used also in respect to other metals, as 6 jl usc6:.-S.) [The gold leaf is made at qjoSol N8 near the Maha Myat Muni image of Buddh in the city of Mandalay; persons engaged in the manufacture of the leaf are said to be prohibited from eating rice while hot, for fear that from doing so the hands will become coarse]; wj o5ol o oSn — 4 (08o@o*5o8$), -Rj8, n. same as cloS -, n. same; also a particular kind of precious stone; 4 O5, 2, n. the eye; seldom used but in composition; qo58 (gjoS o@8), to be blind (polite). - $, a. blind, joj58om: (impolite). - Mc04r$ @ (Pron. qojynobo~5o), adv. or v. looking about wildly from fright (sometimes pron. qc0'04i @); op cg:4o.*B cy) osog coegqwyyscqsqo5oco$o@0 coe not in veryfrequent use, qo&Sci:q8s being more so. — ocS, n. grated work, open work made in squares; coSqcS - %so), n. the cavity in which the eye is situated; q6oSc28:& coS, to be dark under the eyes. -cgoS, adv. out of sight; q OSCo~S3wo0o. G@oo6ooeoaDI - 0,30, n. the edge of an eyelid; coSo8go8 (to have sore, red edges to the eyelids without eyelashes; to be blear-eyed). - 0: (qN), n. the arch over the eye, the brow of the eye. - or6 (q0si:), n. the eyebrow. -.::f (0o), n. the bone of the eyebrow. - q8 (0009), n. a medicine or charm to excite love —(1) mk =011: (2) (40510BGzsol); (3) 905Fg(; (4) 8WU3o"o" 3::O5:33a', n. an aphrodisiac; o8~@c098 '86 C 8:',quG 0o: Cq~ - c-:, n. the dirt of the eye (vulgar), rojoo (elegant). — 4, adv. with a sweet smiling face. - IG-C: v. to allure. v~~8.. to lose* sight Of; G%~CqC G 4:SCB~q0iCo0 G0@O5C~.Q g9,n."h face (rather 'low); 4S:n96c~e~)~q65c~o~$u n. an eyelid, cia5co n. medicine for the eyes (9ao,*s':Q:). This kind of medicine is usually given to horses and cattle. The medicine is in 'jected into the eye and given when an animal is in bad condition or been out much in the sun; one recipe is-CS~l~I `C-ooseS:t' Go coo-, O; these ingredients are ground up together to a consistency and mixed with water; frequently, when tinie is an object, the medicine is spit into the eyes of the animal; more often than not it seems to recover its energy (4Yo9oWioo) rj6Sc~i,-ooS, v. to compound such medicine..-ogS (o8), v. to give a hint with the eyes; 96SqS%-0uii — 8) n. the eye; qcojoS q~o c~oool96n 8e i@S j Boiopi (in the t 'in of an eye);8:o8rsmo uooeqS8coe~ (tron. wc~n) (9jo58cg9 r ' Bcoe~, to be confused o'rbewildered as a person losing h~1s way, or forgetting the cardinal points as regards the situation of a locality). - 90008;, v. to be squint-eyed, q68r8 v..to have a sty in the eye. v 8 -,V to be quick-sighted, 96So~cm~oocoi _80pB356n. same as next...,n. the pupil of the eye, 90&ixi1 v. to cast a side glance;see @jrGoz8:i gaS~oo8: n'. the pupil, 9caq~jW'~o4~u -G08n. the eyelashes; oG0u8j~o -GOD0005)v.* to wink. n. the socket of the -eye, see 9-%t -c2S~q':8.,v. to have the eyes sunk in from illness or want of sleep; 4ocA%8scxju -O05,n. the corner of the eye. x. the black of the eye; q~qo44*,.o5.G)Xu n3.; see fO5Gl~U 857 qj,-@, n. the Melastoma malabathricum. -, n. the white of the eye. - &qloS, v. to turn up the whites of the eyes as in sudden fright. oe-s -, n. (see joS4OS). - $:1 v. to resent, feel ill-will (9ijoS1$j d >j:); o@1$cnoS6C 3seqs98s go!aq$:@csgseSogj~a63los a8e xp io80 -$c~q, v. same (rare). -- n. (Om JOl$ @gijcoos:, are these spectacles strong? lit. transparent, clear; 3cqjoS~$OS oS4 j A5co%, these spectacles are very cool to the eyes; 46j58q, to be hot to the eyes.) - 0., adv. with a view to (4o5q$I-r0008voce, to be skilled in taking an ocular estimate, i.e., of the height, weight of anything; coomSn8cooSQo)I - 9P~oo$ (coS&), v. to have the view fixed on, to aim at, to intend; 0p S o0 S6osg 0$:or,ooe,, 03Siio 84 c.~9~g038s0ooo5&sc~0118DO~.Co 0o0cooc SCq~$ Qe~08 0100 CO I _9~tn$ S8 (o.808), v. to have an indistinct recollection of, to guess at, 9$-8. (qcjoS~o&38 does not always mean apparently to have an indistinct recollection of, e.g., QIqsodjges o1jqjcSq-oo$o8cqr o: yo l; here it would seem to mean, once I got your face imprinted on my memory, I could not forget you; c08~8 9oS 944"o383 33 u oa8c oo~5 o: oS - 9C n. the space before one's eyes; GX5~oG0$ rooSGq o0 q $SSol Sjg sogy$8scoelfl -G9goc@, v. to regard an absent thing as present; Onj$205o C~o C4 ~20o: - a 0c05 COe~110S G9005&~-Q&cay1o11 - 38-, n. the arch over the eye, the brow of the eye, qrcSL; not used singly; ooSqIos 3S&-6gmsg aoozc#~, to meet as the eyebrows. -. —cG083 (pron. qj5r96)83$L). -Gqo8c)R, see next (to have naturally a scowling countenance; gcS&a8N9s soL —oroooc6osp o ooe~)C r,3:8qjOSb (&oS), v. to scowl, look stern, dark, angry, threatening (to glower). — cr)8go01, n. the space between the eyebrows.o8 io8 858 W43o — q6, n. the iris (the iris is the coloured ring which surrounds the pupil. The colour of the iris gives that of the eye.-Webster's Dic.). -— cg~, n. a tear. -— g, v. to form as a tear in the eye. — qe~ro, -GtEo, v. to weep; qoSqg58:so, v. to stream with tears as the eyes. --- gS, n. a certain spot under the inner corner of the eye. cqBoOS, n. a tear-drop; o$$g mco:co8osoo6S,ocooop~oo S- q-SogoS, v. to be easily moved to tears. --— et, v. to have the eyes filled with tears; [oS1::og ~ C^g4Sq GO) b^cq^ r^^co^]. — 86, n. a hint given by the eye. —.8-0008:, v. to be quick-sighted; qod88,8 — 8oog, v. to give a hint by winking; 4o68Sc,8 -- q[oS(Goco)8, see 4o558 roMSS0 N — o~:, n. the socket. --— s~:8, n. the socket of the eye; q65og8qo9c6Soga -- 03E, 'i. to practise legerdemain, (q9cc9 "qcqS&gs, a circus). S-o~,:s, v. to roll about the eyes from fear; more in common use than Sooooo, S-c-iSo:, n. a juggler, conjuror; goSoggoo, - c2g, n. the eyelid, regarded as covering the eye;:gS8ao000 S jo5&o, the cornea (" the strong, horny, transparent membrane which forms the front of the eye "). -f- ooS, n. the dirt of the eye; more elegant than 9oSqG.: 4joS, 31,. to be angry, 8oMc:; hence szBSnGroloo.cBjs9S8,oSoc @o3u oq80j3:@go~5oog oooO: 40oo005o 8o05bo) q5 0o5 WAB, 4, n. a species of prominent-ligament shell. qoD, n. the face, the countenance, 9qoS; surface' the disc of an orb, a quarter of the heavens, q68 58qaSt, or a cardinal point (aoqSoo:joSopi) 9copoc 68:o0oloo0n AQi3 859 -m$1E, v. to be swollen as the face. L —L336) n. the natural aspect; g Oro3 CS3E '-Goo-k:q, v. to find favour. -— foS (tron. s~p oq6So), n. a canopy, 80oc [a ceiling]. - &3000, v. to be pleasant of countenance. -, v. to regard the person, i.e., to esteem a person for wealth, position, &c. (reproachful). -- s, -v:o, v. to be distinguished, to have many friends qjo p. 3%), when applied to women, is a term of reproach];.-o1lo ca, v. to bethick-skinned, fat and gross in the face (abusive); cqqamoeOo cCS3p:)Gaooq@-* a.- 8ZS8 (pron. qoSp:jqg8,), adv. face to face; 4fpg:)q8:A xa x~I 9Joo~ogn SJoq8teq8 000-30. gnco gg:cS - ~6, -r., n. a preparation of flour used in smearing the face; g4 oSujojuxoooLuoqc-S 0mYSpu j'cxmo53SRu 4, v. to have a sweet, pleasant countenance. - caC, v. to be of an humble and obscure station in life; to have few friends. A- ) (a), v. to be dark in countenance; aj$-OrcoS@-aqro-q6S pg oIcS #3g1oo u66oo~@1 3spceqa $go~ gaJll 'ilt v. to be dejected in countenance, whether from illness or from uneasiness of mind......-co (pron. qoSp pao), the space before QGooD, presence, qE[Es8O4i)pooa s6onSqlc~~o~ c~p~o ooo ooQf lssqoqSygso~ peo G~8G~j~~pOOII ~)O54O0 Z:OOx ----, v. to be unacquainted, unfamiliar with; o4g388S, n. a stranger; opcf S go qog8 -— o56q: co (qljo rc5s, lit, the " bribe of countenance"), v. to be influenced in deciding a lawsuit, or any dispute, by the official or social status of one of the parties. --— coD, v. to look stern, set the face (against), assume aspect, a stern aspect; GoAMWCIS6PpEO g B 1 c~zoo 0 0 6 lcr asc~S gV. to be sober, grave, composed in countenance; 90SpO B0S00(;qAsWE~ (joSfom):.-,v. to look over-stern and severe; -— xv. to be gruff in countenance; mO9 S~ 000,v. same as jB@& OV VV to have a feeling of constraint towards another; n. Tenasserim lancewood. _hb&.~q:ooS fpron. iq~~), v. to compose the countenane; vOOD. to be composed in countenance', grave, severe.. qov. to blush, to have a change of countenance, as from illness, to lose countenance or favour (of another) SqS~ScGn~ O~~a I GO683CO Sb v. to show- the face; to appear before some authority.. —8 (.*ron. @a~ogp&), ns. surface, superficies. @1V. to look toward, to stand with the face or front toward, to front as a house;u o3 a r c ~Oambu -~ (pron. n i. a medicitie nr charm to excite love; - Go& qo5 (pron. 9c~ G-3r~o&W), v. to be impudent, shameless, to behave with effrontery; G~~ cWow86aq~ -(to brazen). - Rs,i.a veil, covering for the face, a mask; booolii to be dark of complexion. [The Burmese occa.sionafly, when apprehenisive that Europeans will decide agailist them in a di-spute in which a European and Burman are concerned, are apt to remark 465p.~ o Wv. to Ibok towards. v. tobe without friends. v.- to bring forth (a child), ro, B~o Gg0, 8:i, G8:, as an ordinary person, or ~ G~~aU~iASO5nas mtembers of a royal family. - cv. to gain countenance, obtain favour; a~cjOcxqo~p:q Q-r482* @so~rw ox5o%& c4 &~o o 4P4op iaozo&:oo~ 86r q YSpgtp, n. the character, expression of the countenance; 40S oo 0$0:0.-COSG4p080~ C gA1q Sor-'-Q:)S 6@8oa -, n. the cast of countenance. tgs, 'o. to be particulir in choice of friends; ocC~gr pcor. ooegoac.(c-BnscolloCS6coo rSq36 a -.&, v. to be bright adrd happy in countenance. - c4:, v. to be sharp-faced. v. to turn away thk face, whether from dissatisfaction or from desire to leave the business without interfering; GQ3S398C3~jE; ICIflr 3~)~Gcg 25 s~x5c#I oQ~ooo~3 oo~3 C~o91 3j8(;o-)8oornc-co q65q~b~coqq2Gcpa5 o-3: 63E)33~33n r 0 C~ — o-boooSqcU, v. to wash the face on rising in the morning, as a king. — W0GO, v. to countenance (in doing wrong); cc-q1j o5~ o - 08, n. an acquaintance; 6o! c8t SQ93oScoI8zcsm3j0SOlJ o-qoSool, n. a towel for the face. Sjl050oaoS, v. to beat out gold-leaf (~cq8.). f~:, i, v. to be sleepy or to sleep; not used singly; hence qcYqSljes'O, G vaS96061 46 2, v. to be weak, exhausted, cast down, dejected; not used singly. * —G~, 4- - G9, v. same (very rare in colloquial). 68~808, qgi~ g, n. a kind of military coat, short or long; clo 4 t-Qjqeoo~co8Rooe~1 gS, n. a ruler, ruling line or a ruled line; oagj 8&3s, to be entirely gilded, as the edges of a book or palm-leaf writing; 5j49-Cow, to be two-thirds gilded, the remaining (central) part being colbured with vermilion, as the edges of a palm-leaf writing; J 0g, to be entirely coloured with vermilion, as the edges of a palm-leaf writing; 9 gs&, to be without any colourihg matter, as the edges of a book or palm-leaf writing; 008:gn 61, a rule of action; o2gcsoco, to be systematic, met odical, well regulated; &9~0i3oaoS n. a Burmese legal work treating of the law of inheritanc~, &c. 862 qjJ:oRo8: (Pront. (, 58Q8:), n. a ruled line. (tron. 9 n. a ruling line; o~qej: ooqje~-P ce v. to rule with a ruler. -05 (pron. qe~:5), n. a ruler, o54e~: -e:, tn. parallel ruler. 40it n. a round ruler. -o0s, see 96tqn 41> (@a) [pron. go or qc~8 (@fxq8)], n. a stud, short post supporting some post or other timber (a king post, P. W. D.). go-, v. to be many; oq~gii -- o;, v. to be abundant; 4~cq@goooooo:)ooc4g:-@:).cevj, -oqp:, adv. in a hanging, suspensive manner; comp. tc # (This word appears to combine the meaning of ~d~ and gco0o:, e.g., cto:soo& ' qcq qosocp:@so:c*cs coE~). 91, n. a liquid measure of various capacities. A:; n. a vessel used to receive the sugar of the palm when tapped, 60a:u 1cp, n, i. a pole, slender post; G oo8:ucpoQOO 9sp, 2, v. to float down (to drift); o6co18@*.ooqogoooooii 62 coe~oooloqojn So1Qc cc9rc4j ocosaoEgi jcpr.Rctcq Qo5o32qz 040, 3 (Gao), to faint (away), GO3C0oSGO, Gogs2j, less than 08; 2O~qJGO:1o5 QgO@*-00030e~ c0BOSCn?) Gfc.@II QGC4~GqO Go, 4, v. to be long, stretched out long; cooo] Io cscgpc~ cQoa~cXs@I (Ag _G'O;08:;G4000 0200&0@ 0208 S00 000&1 Co2J c 90G9~Q61 o0o8, 1, n. a monkey, many varieties, as -o8, -co;oo:, -oco cB; see the parts, cG(o.?oSoI ooco~ct ooWDaopQs ohIoio C0c6 r4 oOSc8(~:G.o:CRgo5cco:%061 - sR8S8 (oS), n. the Sitbhonodon celastrinus, * bearing a fruit the size of a small citron. xi., n. the monkey-tiger. 0S, n. an inferior species of rattan, the Flagellaria Indica GjYoS 863 c9:oSol:ooS, n. a species of baukinia. — sq$8 (pron. QlcoScqE8:), n. a kind of creeper (the Derris sinuata). -c.o — ou cooq5, n. the Lythrum fruticosum [the Homalium tomentosum, M.] -- (&), n. [the Tavoy and Arakanese name for the whiteeyelid monkey, GqUoSqjoS:) gQ, M.] ---- ( n8s), n. the Zizyphus rugosa. ---— ocl, n. the fisher-monkey. --— o86, n. a steersman's seat (rare and impolite, 0oS). --, n. the red-tipped pig-tailed monkey, the Inuus leoninus. --— cs8, n. the long-haired pig-tailed monkey. -—, n. a species of wild sword-bean, the Canavalia obtusifolia. -- oEs3o5o8:, v. to play a low, soft kind of dirge at Burmese funerals. — O --- 8:o, n. the slow loris or sloth of Bengal. --— o5sog (pron. Gc^qlJoS5g:lt6), n. the white-eyelid monkey. -----, v. to be half asleep and half awake, as a monkey; S8ap~qG<o oSjg^0,-oo328 oqes~i --— os @, n. a kind of grass. --— oo, n. a hasp or long hinge, one kind of oggo, an iron or wooden clamp; Go;CCooSco80ogH45ooSooSe~foSooCSI -- cooSo: (0u), n. a creeper. -— qc (oqoS), n. a kind of tree, the mock-monkey, the lacoocha bread-fruit. The bark of this tree is eaten in times of scarcity as a substitute for betel-nut, which in taste it somewhat resembles, in some parts of Upper Burma. (Theobark of the cog tree is also eaten in the same way.) -— oq s, n. the hairy bread-fruit, M. — o-occS, n. a small species of bread-fruit, resembling in appearance a fig, M. — G-cgooo, n. a kind of creeper (the Bauhinia scandens). -- coo, n.; see G<ooSGon Gqjo~c~dGfS (n. the light-colo'ured variety of the -white- handed gibbon or long-armed ape, the Hoolo~ck monikey). oo~oR jo6, n. the Parki'a i~nsignis. oqcn. a chief monke 'y, a theatrical appellative frequently met with in the cpo~boucqqo5 (pron. oR, jyeit),.00c86 qG4A, 2, M. the potato or yam plant or creeper (oo~cis. -j or oao5aG:)o5qcY, n. a potato. -e i(pron. rGqjooSe~i), -G618.sa, n. a yam. -op:, n. a kind of yam, Dioscorea crispa (a. $,n. a yam with a dark purple root, one of the best, Dioscorea atro.Purturea. ~qn. another kind of yam. n. a large white yam, Dio'scorea versico/or. n. another kind of yam, Dioscorea globosa. G~ox~oo~S (o8), n. a kind of tree,, [the elm; comp. Gf~ZXY5r86]. In Upper Burma a decoction made from the leaves of this tree i's boiled with salt and drunk. It is said to have cathartic properties, and to be efficaciouis in cases of dyspepsia and kindred maladies. The bark ground up with salt is said-to make an excellent plaster for boi~ls. rzcjooS~ (o&), n. a kind of tree. 64aoSocoos, v. to commit adultery (as a w~oman); co~oo~&no-, COcGGP8cODDSI 11C08 G00 G;?)(Y5 own, Der. rqo5je oDi.n r,(.hocYSoo2-CrO3S, n. a correlate in marriage, whether husband or q(;co5:bqniooO~rcp:)Ozs 6 a8(OcQo5 01O1 o~GC\XA11O v. to swallow, to restrain one's feelings; oooo84co~ Gx.n'C~9 GOD2 oc>80ji~o, the invalid is very sick, he cannot even swallow medicine; (2) Q@0o~cQqc 0 oo~Go;c@ it was onl 'y because he said do not mention the matter that I restrained mny feelings. I am very anxious to do so; (3) z&) 8O3P~ oylg G8:jO.G@~9~.@~Q~~o(;3o, you, sir, can indeed restrain your feelings; even when another speaks evil of you, you make no reply. ~8 v. same; 2nd def. ioS (@oS), v. to be singed, scorched. Der. g[ionooo80qcs Q 8GooO&qgo ~ 33a g ooSO$ x 1: (from =o4:, a race, kind), n. seed, seed-grain (tool:) [the generative fluid of the male of animals and some birds, semen, sperm]. — ZL S pv. to be in foal, e.g., sES:ocnl:ots8 OcM olt, n. seed-paddy. -9g, n. same. -b, n. seed-pulse. -, v. to be with young, as some animals and birds (more elegant than &&s). i, I, n. an emerald; 6CdS I 588y 881, n. a kind of tree; 86:q:r cS 2, 2, v. to be cool, cqSs; scarcely used but in composition with @, 3, v. to be very sharp, keen, =cBSooa5; not used assertively; ooeoo:)soocAcfSoiSoo:)gGgo.q?=or oC)SGc320w:; j I, n. grass. - o-s, n. green sward, the grassy surface of land, a meadow. --— 6ooo:, n. a da for cutting down weeds, &c. (used by cultivators). - 0), n. a bundle or tuft of grass., n. a kind of grass. -uS, n. any plant of the grass genus. -G 1olI, n. a collection of weeds. - qoS, n. a clump of grass. -45-y8:, n. a kind of grass. - o:, n. a kind of grass; comp. 5:0c@0 [5Go5S4:o&]. - rgq&:, n. a kind of grass. -cqjS, n. a blade of grass. rqg13,@, n. the black-striped tropidonotus (harmless). - G-ooXS, n. a kind of grass. AS, 2, v. to stick (in the throat); ~toSo~.Cc 4 ao o 5~cg z&xoboS aqc~GoIomgaqqaoeg @051 3, v. to cut sharp, as a knife; ocrSmoooSo ooSoq$1oo5@C3c4 rj0oo, to be pungent, as flavour; wu& WOIW~aogn6U0 log ~~t~l~-.rther. high. priced; ~iO:ooCfS ~ ~,aifvr with- a: sharp, Sudden twinge;- o6B:~35oC~x -~~46iV. to feet a lively, puogent pain, particularly -a pungent local pain from some permeating or irritating apJplication; used adverbially only, e.g., raw: $40OW O& vO -. lgsed adverbially only. @,V. to' see [sometimes @8 is used figuratively to 'mean to foresee, to possss foresight, e.g., cc 0")q a very farseeing man, a contraction, doubtless, of rgjSC91R -qjs: (p ron. @ 8),v. to hate to see, to dislike, to hate;.. I.o~ co *8oIi, co~o~GOooQ89 azmoqo J v. to dream, -see oob; w11 *~@ * * kS&8oS o~ ~to see-with ease;. 80~ 80~cc - n. a bastard child. G41im a sprcies~ of bamboo much used. in building bamboo houses; said to be more plentiful in Upper, than in Lower, Burma., Rv. to be high; comp. 28, o:)s, to be exalted, excellent;&S to be distant in time; o o o no see u.-@6 v.Itobe surpassin Iy eminent]; see the parts - aS ~S,1.a horse; coD~cco, @8-0oon The following are the different colours of horses:.8Aqi~:o Sa:$cn.8: Theoo follwin ae the Burmese names for somne of -the" diseases -incident to horses;- 04) GCOS1 cXb lGO)850(1b mGoG,6 c5 GGO6+hI - (orboo&) n.- a-horse.-dealer-, @Sja6syr, n. ofe tho has charge of furnishing. fodd.Jfor a horse. - cias:,. n. a zebra, @s @'Sgn -oS:, -o081ooo8, n. an annual festival formerly held by the king for equestrian exercise. - 6, n. a horse-breaker. -- s (pron. nsq4), n. a horse-stealer. -oS (Pron. 6t4)), n. a gelding. 0- o (pron. ao), n. food for horses. -oq8i@8scocow:)S&, n. a horse trough. — 8 (-ron. @84,), n. the rider of a horse (a jockey); 6:8t r.O:8E, a good horseman. -8:Fag, n. a trooper. -i, n. mounted militia. ~-c — lcr ooo yn. horse artillery. U-coo8, n. a stable. - ooS (pron. @80os), n. cavalry. -moo:, n. a fence of cross bars, a rail-fence; qcSoc@oOoai, e,* O"MV0000go300:1 @80)(Y)30.001160. CP C~ 0 G-c 05, nn. one who held the king's horse when he went out to ride. — c8: (Pron. @8:8$S), n. a horse-keeper, groom. — c& (pron. @80s), n. a male horse. -- 05 (0ron.. Eg), n. a horse-whip, @&,@50 -ol, n. a headstall; JT.-8crt, v. to make a headstall. -q-, n. hippogriff. @ —Si, v. to race with horses. -— g. a gelding.. ---Gp, n. a race-horse. —, - Sa n. a horse race, a race-meeting. The Rangoon race-meeting is usually designated the moooS0,i 46-.~983, n. a Burmese bier. - x, n. a mare. - 98, n. horse hair. - g v. to be (horse) racing mad. — 9j, n. a light bay horse with a white mane; comp. ooSous: -— oo:, tn, a stallion, see omcol: 86-og, n. a dealer in horses (@8(gcogSo o). —.g~@5, n. a courier, express (on horseback). - 4-ao6oS, n. a horse-pistol. -- ooocoSetsMos, n. a racing term meaning that though a horse be ahead of another in a race, if it crosses the course, the race is considered lost; G:oaoocoooSco oSgO5ig8 snC -— a.s, see @S:coou, ---- o:, n. a race-horse (any fleet horse). ---— O338s, -,8sogoS, n. a kind of table for entering figures; 21S:, 2, n. a wen [a circumscribed, indolent-tumour, without inflammation or change of colour of the skin]; cbi8t, n. a fatty tumour, scoa:ucmaoR8:g --, n. same. @6:oo (oS), n. a'kind of shrub (the Cynometra ramiflora). RStGq:oogoS, n. a species of memecylon. G8:6c 8:, n.the shin, e@FB — y3 p, n. a kind of creeper,. @8GolS:gSbo5; children wear the berries of this creeper in play as imitation necklaces. ~8sg, n. a kind of creeper. o40s, n. a kind of tree, ipsaov-)s8o:; grows to the height of about 12 or 14 cubits. g,.:i (pron. @S8:~), n. the Myinmo Mount, the centre of a sekya system (o@), also called oo:g8s:'f(Pali oom, M6ru). In the centre of the earth is the mountain called Maha M6ru, which from its base to its summit is 168,000 yojanas in height [ocosogSc:rG@oSg8:4Gc0ooosooe]; on its top is the d6wa-16ka called Tawutisa, ooxoo8So, of which Sekra is the regent or chief. * * Its base rests upon a rock with three peaks called the Trikuta parwata.-M.B., pages 3, 11; [commonly called by the Burmese gccooo5 Sca:], the bridge of a musical instrument; [the rope connecting the upper extremities of the two upright bamboo oles which serve to stretch the sail of a Burman boat, @Ss: goosooeS]. -— 80, n. the gable end of a house; C oaii g8:ooqS (usually pron. @8IoS), n. the piles. (Scsooo, n. red sulphuret of arsenic, realgar, GOo:o0~1$ @86oo@,o, n. a kind of grass. @80scoo, n. a kind of stone (said to be carried by horsestealers). 68, n. river. — c-:oooS, n. rice grown on alluvial islands in Upper Burma. — @ —,53$, n. a kind of sledge. --— c, -G-3 s, n. the channel, deepest part of a river. -— Q6, n. one designation for the Pwo-Karin. -- c5, n. the Myitgni river, having its source probably in South-Eastern China, and debouching above Ava into the Irrawaddy; classic name qBgoc8BSa — og, n. the course of a river; B g8sopgiiu8oo$, formerly a governor of the riparian towns and villages (on the Irrawaddy) in Upper Burma (anosjlSoRSa ogbopoGsaQ8). ----, n. a confluence of rivers. --- 8, n. a term applied to the river Irrawaddy. --- o, — (), n. a commonaweed, the Melastoma malabathricum. -— ip:, n. the head or source of a river, q&joS:osoG 00s -o, n. a main river. [N.B.-There are five main rivers (GB@scio]oS) which run southward in the great south island, o)81188, namely, oil (Ganga), sa8qoc8 (Achirawati), couoo (Yamuna), ooaq (Sarabhu), 0c8 (Mahi). "The " river that runs to the south * * * flows 60 yojanas fur" ther through a cave * * and is lastly divided into five " streams, like five fingers, that are the great rivers (Ganga, "Yamuna, Achirawati, Sarabhu, and Mahi) which, after " watering Jambudwipa, fall into the sea."-M.B.; ~8co5 claqc, five hundred lesser rivers. — J-s, see G8og, G6~0ooGjpo5u - cooS, n. the middle of a river. - coooSGo (pron. @8cooS5@), n. the channel of a river, @8 coaSo^OGGooSOG Us0g~ C —.coSGl8, n. the channel of a river, irrespective of the depth. - o, n. the mouth of a river. @1, 2, n. a great grandchild. {8, 3, v. to impede, prohibit, obstruct, prevent; c8NoooSac8:ooo: QocGoosto~ c83 Iooo:s I @0Bos, v. same; ocgc031moCn83r:,n ~a80~8 (08), n. a kind of tree. @oso@: (pron. (GS8Sb:), adv. immediately; usually followed by the verb cq6-SB [Tt is only when speaking of a person recovering from sickness or indisposition, &c., that this word is used. It is doubtless derived from a@836S, n. a single root, and @-, to be finished, completed, and to have arrived at its present meaning from instances having arisen of sick persons having been cured by nmedicine prepared from a single root, instead of from several.] Anglic, " a single dose"; ca$ 6q9ts o331 0oc0, n. a kind of bird [the gull, o8ooSqoogj~]. SI, v. to sound, produce sound; =5- iooS@0G0o &,&3S (c(?Rc&) ~QO1 OSO6P~W Cwasii G.QD&OOZDG@3 c of Me (0 1)05G 68 Q* c Tc~Sco 0 nco6 -, v. same; applied to a loud, startling sound. v- 2. same; applied to birds; see the parts; D:&Mo t8ogO58o EgoC&o00,11 oM$cgoO tq: 4(;oooz osM3cB ~$0030C0 WO M'2v, v. to find fault with, scold, grumble; GconoSo8:r %$~oQM onq - ModScog 68o16 61nu30 my aunt is so much given to grumbling that I dare not stay in the house in the day time. - 0:Sv, v. to lament, bewail, express grief; aSq8qq:moe egtrd blogueJo~~coTns~o~og@o63s@7d ~cq 60a)lo sagooou g 0 v. same as I @eoac2uo5oBoe:n afcY3fiqcSq: om Mgt I, n. an ass, @:; see 11 @6, 2, v. to taste of, try by tasting; @geso8sl We~OCo.W:) Gozos:@s (@ ) o8t01n taste this cake and see whether it is nice or not. ~09,v. to be excellent, to exceed, be an overplus, surplusae, gain, profit, 0s, hence zogo8i q8r.1 coola~p I9p os eGo C35o~~ 3CoSsmJ~wc C $0il0u35fipgSuacY8qqsago3o - a, v. same as last meaning; oE3d.nsoo(-8.ocsc.GcbSGooS o 80$:o1 cmea. N —C, v. same, ist clef. oS4:, v. to love, like (honorific); 84cagoj:"Ctoop.p1o:{0,Ssi u Go5SG 0cqqzs =:D-0 G G9 j x4 O O 1 1 S. - 00., adv. affectionately; prefixed to re $8o5GPc8:oo9zv coS [jNote.-In colloquial &oS@t and C-SJa-oo+ are both used to signify love and esteem from a worldly point of view; but they are, properly speaking, religious terms, it is believed, though, when used as regards parents and teachers and royalty, they are not out of place. rooco* (os), 1, n. a kind of creeper, ygco: (Spanish jasmine). -, n. the red jasmine, 6oSGco:.& 05C.C0:, 2, v. to respect, ~caoocos0oS; seldom used singly. Generally preceded by o uo Goo0o0 co c.o Gosoco9q@f oa g ooroioo e~, v. to be quick, swift; w00o, c98, rcou0 - 4.$ (pron. @$'o4), v. same, to be sprightly, active; c00uoS coS30n5con -coCI (pron. @3o05), v. ~ame; g$@$oq0uFPoz corfi@sqolr:, I, v. to ask, inquire; roC used in combination with GQ:all a, 2, v. to have possession of, enjoy; 6 used only in combination; hence 6b$:,I$u:n5So a @o or @ioo (pron. ew), n. a Burmese, 98j-:s (often pron. cq8, n. a Sgau-Karin. @c, n. a kind of tree (Grewia floribunda). ~oq, n. a swivel. orSoo (from maoSzczoo), n. thrum, the threads by which the warp of a new piece to be woven is connected in the loom (sometimes pron. So ' ). ' (Pron. 81 in colloquial), v, to relish, be pleased with, enjoy, - 1, v.; see the parts (J@$ far more common). -eaS, v. same as g$; use4 adverbially only. - 4'S, -Po5; see the part4. -.as, vi same as @s; gys aos cgo 3s$e8 89CqaGaS:m 3O 36II 9 sog~njSoa$tGcO 805crcoo cooSc&oS qcq SGmoc0S3dUn; (2) GOooCY3OC O:~.G~:03Q$ gQS5oS03 sGooSc5To1, I have cooked and made a nice dinner for you because I estee'm you, please- eat with relish MMxx, see @oo6s, I, n. a debt, G~i. - %, v. to lend or let money, Go-q; obsolescent; (GoSqgn cdsfoGu: are used in modern parlance). - cgc, v. to borrow money (obsolescent), rogoq: — oo, n. a debtor, oSAoja9u - coS, v. to pay a debt; [Gf2co8 is preferable]. - co6S, v. to increase by interest; -aqc:ooc~s --- 8, n. a security for debt (obsolescent); rO:cq8 Gg098I cSgbn q ----:5:1 n. the interest of a debt (obsolescent); Go.:oo=Soa -oj, v. to borrow money without repaying it; coo ouls@61 C93 toeu -Coo0o7 61o -:@g @u - qa:, n. the principal of a debt; r.c8%cojq&*gPo claoogSoo Qeooo@gcag~8o80Soo:6)Qegu — 16, 2, n. a creditor. @:, 2 (from n@s), n. a tail. o ----clS, n. a bird of the wagtail family, the Budytes viridis. - c6 (Pron. 8:&), n. the hair of the tail.. ---, the lower extremity of the backbone. - QeO&S~:s( n. same, ist def. -@Qo9S (from rzaecGo5), n. same. ii, n. the stem of the tail (i:@:o!), the stick attached to a rocket; 8:sacg o5, the bamboo attached to a 4: for the same purpose; qizsolo5 -W o (Pron. 8sq), n. the root of a tail, the rump. - 6 ( —:1), j8s @:a (qs: 0:), n. certain appendages of a crupper. - 86q:, n. a crupper, @:o,,8s:-u[@sIocS applied to elephants]., v. to be submerged, overwhdlmed, swallowed; more than 48, to be buried, covered up in the ground, to disappear, be lost [to be abstruse, profound, as a writing, book, a phrase, &c.; 8pocSZ@Soo ]; e] cOSqoy8 orc09oocGe81 O&I' 6S~0QJ~ Sol O88 06scpa co$5008@802o:os0 fos@ a qj03 qjS , r, n. a basket to keep fish in (c1.-), a basket for a hen to brood in; @OSr3jw, a brood of chickens; 005Qooo8co00 ioToo, as @aSm&, one brood., 2, v. to be barren, not bearing young; applied to females (and animals to go farrowas a cow), 60 R6ojoo; comp. q, to be impotent, incapable of generating; applied to males;(& means to cease bearing children after the birth of one child, sO@)., 3, v. to conceal one's self, hide, keep still, to suppress one's feeling of displeasure; o3oQaS coaci:OGp'Tcy coeg~loaopoooGr0d8~Q01, to appear to be cured as a sore, but ready to break out again; =pRc'2zo [Wo3f: COP$ --— G, adv. mumblingly in speech; oouzc~ &,(os-roo1go g6g8co)S:co~saG@oohI --— ao, adv. same; &ocq6ojoqolc8o8gotilo-G6oli, 4, n. the raised padded (front) part of a Burmese saddle., v. to chew with the gums, work about in the mouth as a person without teeth (ao:o a -cjjooe), to mumble; comp. o6, to chew;, hence & (91, v. to swallow down food as a person without teeth or when suffering from toothache orneuralgia, (oo:)., I, n. minute particles of floating dust; smaller than =a9, particles of vapour making the atmosphere hazy;;oi00 e In. same, last def. -— oS, v. to be free from haze, clear as the sky; R0o8636sol Qj:ooo8@oSo8jO4ajTQ-c~ c8- * o81:oo4 GoooS-orTo@S -, v. to be thick with haze, hazy with vapour (as in the hot weather); 6 oog &Yj cgnSUE QqS, v. to float in the air, as such minute particles; cj - CO, v. to rise as such mninute particles. -,~ (-q n), n. same as R, ist def.; gaj ulco a o - q8, v. to be hazy; so (Go) ~8oqcG6ooCoq-Go1:)S;oo8x S(oS), 2, n. a kind of plant eaten with parched and pounded sesamum seed, It0 ~jqp ('p. fI~) ~4, ~,a pot with a long neck and open sa.i~ue for placing flowers 41 [ the name which generally obtains]l, v. tQ feel Pleawuahle sensations, to give indication of appreaching wind or rain; p- co468&i Si(08L$'o0542c'jlQ.-oo:), to caper with exciteament, gLa MTse When brought out of the stable after long confinement, or as in galloping (by itself) over a large open space of ground, or before a shower of rain or when a strong fresh breeze springs up; 8Q)k'"b R C P02or &iOO8QC&W'~, or.'%CeI q-P1' 03~cS -.cxii -,v. same, i st def.; 3GjoDn8q8 r.@ q. eavth, groundl (soil), (u~~i~co) foSo qjoeto love passionately. Ec @8qp~Ao, n. a term emp,loyed when enumerating the, number of head of cattle in a he~rd, e.g., x. a kind of edible tuberous root (said to be more commhon in Upper, than ini Lower, Burma). -gon. richness of soil, support, food of the earth, what moulders and turns tQ dust; co6015G G-00G:80q00,S n~8 808 o8 ~mopi-.oonGcnZo a forest stacking on rich soil; G 1~coj, to mianure land (polite), w400 aqsq (vulgar). -~ —mC.~qS (-cioeqcz), n. a rampart or mound of earth thrown up for defence; c41m~ajoo8X Le~ r.ocScqGa4IIt^~C.ro~8O ~oa& (G~poqqisR is alsq used figuratively, see moqS). -m ao&,v. to be fertile, MOE-~,v. to be under the influence of a nat of the earth, see pnder i &q-,r aScTo cxq4 cm~q GC0 G@, C$.o@ cJG ~~~010 G@Q CAC~Pi G 01O05?~3 - oin. a mixture of earth, dung, and other substances, used as a plaster. *8,v. to use a mixture of earth, dung, and other substances -to plaster threshing8-floors, paddy bins, o~l, cji, &C. %I. to be rough, barren, to be enchanted, dangerous to be occied (or traversed); O.C~"rC'@r 0a ~jqp ('p. fI~) ~4, ~,a pot with a long neck and open sa.i~ue for placing flowers 41 [ the name which generally obtains]l, v. tQ feel Pleawuahle sensations, to give indication of appreaching wind or rain; p- co468&i Si(08L$'o0542c'jlQ.-oo:), to caper with exciteament, gLa MTse When brought out of the stable after long confinement, or as in galloping (by itself) over a large open space of ground, or before a shower of rain or when a strong fresh breeze springs up; 8Q)k'"b R C P02or &iOO8QC&W'~, or.'%CeI q-P1' 03~cS -.cxii -,v. same, i st def.; 3GjoDn8q8 r.@ q. eavth, groundl (soil), (u~~i~co) foSo qjoeto love passionately. Ec @8qp~Ao, n. a term emp,loyed when enumerating the, number of head of cattle in a he~rd, e.g., x. a kind of edible tuberous root (said to be more commhon in Upper, than ini Lower, Burma). -gon. richness of soil, support, food of the earth, what moulders and turns tQ dust; co6015G G-00G:80q00,S n~8 808 o8 ~mopi-.oonGcnZo a forest stacking on rich soil; G 1~coj, to mianure land (polite), w400 aqsq (vulgar). -~ —mC.~qS (-cioeqcz), n. a rampart or mound of earth thrown up for defence; c41m~ajoo8X Le~ r.ocScqGa4IIt^~C.ro~8O ~oa& (G~poqqisR is alsq used figuratively, see moqS). -m ao&,v. to be fertile, MOE-~,v. to be under the influence of a nat of the earth, see pnder i &q-,r aScTo cxq4 cm~q GC0 G@, C$.o@ cJG ~~~010 G@Q CAC~Pi G 01O05?~3 - oin. a mixture of earth, dung, and other substances, used as a plaster. *8,v. to use a mixture of earth, dung, and other substances -to plaster threshing8-floors, paddy bins, o~l, cji, &C. %I. to be rough, barren, to be enchanted, dangerous to be occied (or traversed); O.C~"rC'@r 0a oacooiogo6S, v. to raise such a mound; co680*00g2i=on & — caqS (tron. roQS), n. a cellar, vault. -co 8 (Pron. G@48), n. a certain country officer who received commission on the sales and purchases of land in villages. An Upper Burma term. - A&-3, n. a measurer and distributer of land. --— 8Ssoorcas, n. a revenue writer or surveyor. — ~oStjoS, n. a supervisor, P.W.D. - n. low-lying land, lowland. —,n. red ochre. -, n. alluvial soil, as an island recently formed. - kq$csoaT (pron. Ga @kc;:GsS), n. same. "-7j, v. to bury as treasure; qoCjc2 o@o (C) ~coooe3ou - o$soooa6S, n. fragrant kaempfera. ---— q8:o8 (-lc:uSpo), n. a species of wild tomato. - qa-o*5, n. a field book. -.: (pron. c@a), n. Manilla-root, e rth-bean, ground-nut. - ()"*:, n. a kind of medicinal plant. -cq:) (pron. nolo), n. ground bee. - 8 n. the surface of the earth. --, n. fallow land. - Gco08s (-0oc0o00), n. wax made by the grfound bee. -9&aSao0 (pron. ~qoS ecq), n. a kind of evil spirit. - (pron. G@61), n. chalk; Eo6S$G6@, n. whitewash. - n,. a fortification of earth; 5@fIIc48c008g:o -_p, n. a field; qe5:r,@cocoooc~8Uc:j@~ G S&)8:22$goloon -:, n. wild land that has never been cultivated. - n,. a ridge of earth; cri~Xorco18moSooocqi -.98, n. imperfect rights in land, see Manuky6 Dammathat, Vol. VIII, paragraph i. -cFI, v. to roll on the ground as an animal. ~ q-cScB, n. a thrush (the Turdus rufulus). - c95, v. to destroy utterly, to desolate as a revolted province with fire and sword; o8Agc o ao3~~'I -w09go, n. sloping ground, a slope. 4o8, n. a kind of bird (tie night jar, M.). -- 8Si (Pron. ogoo8sh), n. a preparation of @g0ogl — o — oS, v. to perform funeral rites by burying in contradistinction to performing such rites by burning, 8.:-o~&O5 i-jgoS, n. mortar made of mud; comp. or8Soos - WO, n. light, friable soil. c@@8 (0u8), n. the purslain plant., v. to be decayed, crumbling, rotten, as wood or cloth; seldom used singly in colloquial; oos (aoe0~cm: coSGQc.4 GlG (pron. &0), n. a grand-child., I, see @ 9 (Pron. 6), n. an ass., 2, v. to continue the same, remain unchanged, be stable, firm, permanent, eterr'al. - 6, v.; see the parts. - I, -C8, v. same as @, 8oScf@g, constancy, steadfastness of character; o8q:now @8 OOcS83Z oG~ 6@0o0 (2) qq coeoo>pScc o30L; 93sg~c J~Scnao caI (3) a~:oioco53f,3:J Soao(99(8j (4) m ~Soo5 I3E0o3CS In c@ooS, I, n. the north; Buddhists regard the north as the most excellent quarter of the heavens, because, when Gaudama died, he did so with his head towards the north; " Ananda " (3acan), I am weary, I wish to lie down; quickly place a "couch between two sal trees with the head towards the " north."-M.B. The Burmese version given in the coo, ociiocc,8s: is almost identically the same: 98000,3o3 *s2L d ao~o2S~jti 00ao880@ moj ooScg eGS93.."E o 00G9,8 C 36CS03G088C0G0&)", ----,cxo6S, n. bog iron ore. 0o0oS, 2, V. to be raised, lifted up, placed on high, elevated, to be raised above (a difficulty), to gain, accomplish; rcQ051u cG~oS, 3, ordinal, numeral auxiliary; ordinals are also made by affixing c.ooS, to raise, to cardinal numerals, modified as above, as )p8rGOZ rXXS @o oz36jo, the second son; 48qS Q{OoS00CGOG, the second day.-Grammar, sec. ioi..0@o54el (3gioSie), n. death (poetical). c.93, n. a long, narrow, winding valley. - g*:, n. same; QSaG6n cSa:Qr8c3Eil 0xg 5Q8oS o~cSj55 G~38~aG~3&jiOid o0gs)6, n. a ravine, gully. @oS9, i, n. an artifical watercourse, a ditch, channel, trench; ocq:os, a canal. -— oQ68:, —, n. the mound raised in digging a trench; Mco loo6Csncoo6sii cgo8:, 2, v. to be narrow; seldom used but as an appendage to oqet, 8os), adv. (immediately, instantly; applied to consumption by fire; Q8cGco3SoogE9ooIoga). go5OS, adv. quickly, rapidly (rare in colloquial). v8, v. to be full, crowded; comp. coaoo, to be picturesque, pleasant to the eye; used most frequently in describing sweet sounds, scenic effects; co6o5cS oo,@00 oSs G@O 968 6c^C0Ii 6 q~ g G poo3GmoooQ6coooo~o~33 (co,c^Gp.), n. a pleasant grove, wood, wilderness; cG9g8G)EGoTooS 4O o%, CIC8, 9 n i ---8$, n. crystallized quartz. -— BS, v. same as @8, but in a less degree. -— o, n. an echo from overhanging trees or an arched roof; cSo5n -- cqcS, v. to have periodical returns of concupiscence; applied to buffaloes, bullocks, cats; 8o5dcoS&8~ applied to elephants, tigers, &c. p, i, n. a fortified place, a city, chief town, the seat of a court, a country town, the capital of a district. Upper Burmans as a rule designate Mandalay as the city par excellence; though those living near Rangoon do the same as regards the latter town, in nine cases out of ten, perhaps, 5, without any qualifying prefix, used to mean Mandalay. [N.B.- A @ proper should possess a bazaar (Ggs), a moat (cj:), and a fortress wall ( j,).] -- S8, n. the chief of a city, higher than a oq@~s; in Lower Burma a myo6k is an official of the lowest grade in the Judicial service possessing magisterial powers. — c —, n. a subordinate ruler, or governor of a small town, subject to the jurisdiction of a @o$u —. —gCc oooS, n. suburb. -— @os, n. the space between two cities. --— o, n. the governor of a city (obsolete), 8 819 SqI, n.; see @3ja. -- o008, v,; see OGOofs — oocqs, n. a bailiff, the head writer of the judicial officer of a township. — oo (pron. nIa), n. a person who formerly received the revenue of a city by a grant from the king, e.g., capo5S3 — coSgg (iron. 8co8c i), n. the environs of a city. - oo0, — 00o8, v. to build a (new) city. --— 6og:, n. the space within a city. " ----~, n. a fortification. -— O@, n. the whole country; 4Scq:., -, n a metropolis (the chief town in a district or township; @0o00, the thugyi of the circle which comprises its limits, the chief town of a district or township). --— G-oo, n. the representative of a city, appointed by the governor and residing at the seat of a government of a province. -— ~9, n. the wall of a fortress; comp. ooSn -- ~0oo (pron. s1 f~), n. same. " —o, n. the governor of a city, viceroy [a town or city Magistrate]. -— 9s Q (980q) (pron. n.:8),. a tax levied on the whole city and province, without exception of the classes ordinarily exempt; 93:~soo8, — o, -- Co, n. a male resident of a city, being a native of such city; o$1$ u — a, n. a female resident of a city, being a native of such city; S~q$ @tO ---— o- ~, n. a Myo-thugyi, inferior in rank to a Myo6k. v, 2, v. to be pleased with; used in c "mbination with j8, which see. 15:: o5~ ), adv. sharply, pungently, deliciously (oooSo,:s oo; this last phrase is often used by sick persons). v, v. to be friable, easily crumbled or pulverized, Rog; comp g, hence mag" o;oS6oxco*8oo o3SG^o1) 8cgoodcB c gg-?3 cso (;CODa0so g g@ G 3-ao5o1l!(o(X -&Qao (^33~OG003o 61l03JSG095g yg3 oSy lt Sk8 WA. to be hungry or thirsty; scarcely, if ever, used singly; usually preceded by co8 or coo; o~o~igomcoo8o~o v. same (most common);' aoco8, co~S (Ro85Mco G=8)@8%), less than coS~oSc8S" oom oor. =80oBC88~S - Coe~u rq9oSOS'8.980:@&X I 0 9, 1,, see oocq8to ~,2, a term of compellat ion formerly much used by women, but now confined to the inhabitants.of rural districts in Upper Burma, e.g., Alon, Shw6bo, and one or two others. Not so elegant as 98 or GODS (pron. 'mnwun'). S3, v. to be good, excellent, G0ooo, 658; scarcely used alone, hence =o ~ c.2$ $@ko qArm)8@rOC08QM08SII (4 @0G3OO383 -4ev. same, to be elegant; applicable to persons; oocS 096,00&v~ COoS809 8o& D ~ ~ o~ coCs1-0qeGt cowe3. LNote.-8S0lP~ implies behaviour characterized by courteousness and refined affability; to be debonair.] Ssv. to be -overwhelmed, suffocated (with water), to faint away, be speechless and breathless; oot-~Ncj4Ac R~rz..-oa& (Pron. 8~-6) [n. noon; a half day, from morning to 120 o'clock, as 2$-oopj; when used as a noun pronounced?~f Q020.O&q*U 2$%MGC00S GCP05060~ 00 V. to take a noon-day rest, as reapers or cultivators when sowing or-reaping;.-c8S (pron. &8-) -c8S:, -'0-, v. to be after noon. "..-coS (-coo8), n. at the time between 9 o'clock and noon, o4$.oS,0 (The time from dawn till 9 a.m. is termed n. sir; addressed respectfully to one whose name is not known; comp. (;:8ol (The term &98i, if no.t absolutely obsolete, is rapidly becoming so.) gSv. to plaster, overlay, to be overlaid, decorated. 0- 00l88, -2~, see qo. ),v. same as 0:c8ou 80 & ~ og G~Ic8Gcopgmm8l I o: G~(GcoS), n.;'see uo~o8DGoo~n q18cco~ii ~o~wo&?oao~~ Gao Toec~~oms~ogo)9., V,t. to sleep, enjoy sit P, 8S&Q9JS ~~X~N ~ BoN6 these ate slat*ge7s sions affected by young men; ooacoooi OC.0 4 is Seldmue singly in 'Colloquial.] dmue T...~ (sorrietirnies incorrectly pron. G.tD), ft. aL mattress. — acayn. a mattr ess stuffed in partitions. (I n rb o&ern colloquial usually'called co:a9) G4~- 2, V./ to enjoy, be pleased, take delight in, QqS; seldom used singly. Rv. same (obsolescent). rqv. same; most common. In asking a p6ngyi Wr an official of some standing whether he is happy in his iplace of residence, it is more Polite to inquire of suel persO~nage 0DtS3Oq9ZO- rAcO~3W98 Q-G3OSW~~O) than G~ G,W 3, see MG.2~ not used singly. -G., advt. gently, moderately; seldom, if ever, occurring ion colloquial.; 686c6grg~ii 111,see dSG2 8,6 1,.see mG s,~ ns. the hair of the body. '-A-Qroo8 (pron. Q~$..CO6) n. the dingy, filhy ap. pearance which sometimes disting'iiishes one who has been long ill (oQoR:)mO~aOOOOr-1Q-A.Ggi P~8900 QcuO& O Oji) ort reduced to povdrty (6qJ869 5~qgstao!&1), G~-C8,OD@ applied to sick pers,)ns; also applied to animnals, e.g., =7 oo 80'.coo 61'D10,v. to experiencje horripilation jproduced byco or fear); used in conmbination with O6ci"too (to have goose-skin), which se; -US n tweezers (for extracting the hairs of the fate). -..-oaS (pron. c~sq&), ni. the depressions in the skin in which the hairs of the body grow (a pore of the s~kin).6" cOD Sc~G'o 0coco6oo6N - 91-d4ovS, Mee e~hqef -,dO-Q -.cr*.osee 6clo ILI 88a. 2,'2;v-. td bear,,, bring. forth; ~j SP8.0.M0,S)C&.qOO. oovj~o:iso~e~qi (or q~jeoo-co:)oo~q). — ooi'oS (-oooo8), n. a father, a term of compellation; a8: 0~04n. a mother, a term of compellation; t08o~8oS;q-,~ 02:, 3, v. to feed, nourish, cherish, bring up, co~JI; (to feed, as wit~h fuel, 8-mGs.). -M~ooi, v. same; commonly applied to adopted children; C~% - 02oo32, v. same; ()a$ co~s C8g0flOOO3&0) 111..-osio.o:j n. an adopted son (not colloquial). -c~c,:c9q, v. to support in-return for having been supported (in a previous state); r,80~~C6 CO0r20aeH~0 -,v. to tend carefully, tenderly, affectionately; roo:8&,1,OS ~,v. to be gray, to be of a dull, faded colour, to be dull, faded, az-8ooc,-B; to be spent, exhausted, cmo, $t;to be poo, o~~uc~;cj~ _opcB, to petition in formd tauperis; c9:6jce3 to sue in formd fzulfteris; O 0;more than to be dim, as the eye, O~oR; comp. 09, q-AO WGG~P8 tOtI oel ~M wctz4cce8~x1, co opl o~jooso @051 v. to utter, speak, G@j)c~. Der. so~cYS ac8*Ooae@c~o68~uoqOj,, I have never even uttered an evil word about your affairs, sir. n, a serpent, snake..-.-OM08og (pron. 4G6o'8:0, n. a harmless snake...in. one kind of serpent. -8:(piron. of&U-0, n. the common green serpent;R50@ — 8-ODs~j~,n. the ribbon snake. I~aoqoSn. the blind worm. -oc n. one who treats for snake-bites [not a snake*charmer]. -c88 (pron. cGa8~ n. the poison of a snake; cSq uc(@88 000S11 EMM-M~cio (pron. G@C.6:), n. medicine or antidote for snake-bite; see =611I 9CA 883 GoQ: (pron. Q(!), n. a poisonious serpent; QGa4cBoQ, a term of abuse used in Upper Burma by women "to one another, oq~ (Pron. GQ~oq), n. a kind of (water) serpent. *4)n. a kind of asthmatic affection; GODSo?:4po -61 O;ron. r-Reo), n. a species of ichneumon or mungoose. r.,n. a viper, Vzfrr Russelli. Up-country Burmans often pitonounce these two words as one; GaGOOq u o~.:~8 " the viper bitten by a snake, " figuratively applied to a person who has over-reached himself. Anglic~, "The biter bitten." -4:01 aOD0 n. verses repeated as a charm against snake-bite..,n. the thick central part of the blade of a spear (a similar ornament in w ood work). L/V.B.- Sometimes the (human) spinal column is termed G q e.g., mooS8$~oa~ii 1.,0,v. to make such an ornament. -coso&,5 11. one kind of serpent (the whipsnake). -oS:~oBT (Pron. cQoS-IoScp), n. the trail of a serpent. -0003:) nz. one that catches and trains serpents; amco~oc5a 00140,3a)n. the fire-serpent. Gwys. the cobra (often pron. QGUwO0S by up-country. Burmans). 9,'j, n. affix, ablative, from, out of, oo, besides; 9$ot~cq~cgv3 9, 2, verb. ajfix, continuative; see Grammar, sec. io9; ozj5f,:9 GCXOh9GPOSCO3OO~t~ &I 091C03091 9801 q)IIQGP(BQ9* 9, 3, a corruption of 9,' 2, which see; coe~c0oo8P8. 69Gos 9, 4, adv.. only; used after a locative affix expressed or understood, as qo8wc~o.qo9, at some time, future time only 0(XOO5111 Gqj-GD3RBqj.G@8r W CXjO8GCO:)rOD~jOl9 ooo~oog:Go3mr-o1 8O9O6*1 Ii, 9,n. a gad.-fly; 9058 *BJ)GE:(0:3;q(00 i98 1,. a preparation of lamp-black (08) ( 69qS $09 (irik, 96q8). -, n. an inkstand; oE3G98~GsqoC6P41ii ~G- 3oS1pc, n. a tattooer (more elegant than acago5:mcp). -— 60308::, v. to tattoo figures of cats (in black). -- (pron. 986), n. ink in a dry state, India ink. -_cA, tn. a drop of ink, a blot; 98gocq, to fall as a drop of ink, to be blotted. ----,v. to tattoo in fine specks. O), n. a pen, CCOnO80511 - 4o:, n. a printer's devil. — r0oo~ (pron. 9&8r1~), n. Indian ink, co%898t — O8c, v. to be distinct (as tattooing). - Poo1, n. blotting-paper. -G6ooS, v. to have a sore caused by the use of bad ink in tattooing. - rOOS(4e:, n. a recipe for preparing ink. -, n. ink. - Oc6, v. to prepare ink with lamp-black, gall, &c. -:ag, n. a nib; 'Sagou:983tGia9so 96, 2 (not used singly.-S.). - oo (pron. 96&o), -oooS, n. a species of spirit (said to be a cat or dog). _ —Cocos v. to walk in sleep; 68qGmrcoo83oU0caL - c 4-8, v. to be possessed; especially applied to fruit that will not ripen (particularly plantains), q8co653a, and to sominambulism; q8oopOSqqoScqc oeCoC ooen 9 () (pron. J), n. a mole, dark spot on the body; OjooSx AC04C-g Soh oy~o@00:01 8,n. one that increases (and sometimes disappears). -_ =, n. a permanent mole. -, 2 (from Q, to be named), v. to name, give a name; ooT roTco~oy ~oqoo:onosea*pGO &3GcCOxaG411q3.-o2oD01o MOO. QO S M3oDS08 0 n; o (.&84 loco 9 00)~ M ODO:) IGebOEO 00I91Gcodill 9, 3 (pron. ), v. to be ripe (to ~e ripe as a boil, ~q3ao6); 390 3 3q Y~~~X~si~3q ~ L~I (-GqlS), v. [to be over-ripe]; g see the parts. 965, I, n. a touchstone to try metals by rubbing; qc~rqqoojn qj — 5,,v. to burnish (iron or precious stones); q6S5_-oeauq6SOO: -— j, v. to rub (gold or silver, or a precious stone, on a touchstone); oEojxp,GORJc'6ooo8, -coe~ oro:)O8 oj _00 8E, v. same as 965O and qo5ii 9C8, 2, v. to make a mark, to mark, note down; 9cnzzo, to observe; 9cSx:)3, to think, be of opinion; co8. Der. qzqo5 cocj3So6 (to consider, to regard); oa 68cipS 61, regard me as your own brother (in addressing a woman); cloqooo~~ccigodjoc~bii~o5p ccg~oococoD.- i -— o~:, v. to lay up in mind (used in composition); c8qC,9qo -- qoSd, n. a written official notice or legal precept (a memos randum, a minute). - AI, -co, n. a journal of events, a chronicle. - Cos8, n.; see fo6jogooc. o gc li~itgo60oB-goa6:)u -d~8, n. a post set up for a mark; 9Mcp6 OqU~OqcM8coo.:D (a mile-post). - 00:.0, v. to observe; j3So n 3CAiGQ n. a record, register. --— Qoo8, v. to enter among official records (to file, q8c~); Mq _-_8, V. to remember, retain in memory; ~oIm $ OOQOSI@~ 1 CU;<08 30:"36CSC~ 3G33~Q 38~Cf h~ 0~33~ OGa~6OB3y l O~yj3O393SzS~zl Qo8cqD84r~ogss(n GcoS.Ycxoen c3 V. to make a mark, to mark, note down [to take down in writing, to make a mental note of, to bear in mind; oc&5&9~~ooN 9o63o:)s~oD:)-ononoouomGcnC~(gcaGoog:) 9$, I, nt. the wood-apple [also called 9~$ to distinguish it from the following.] — a (pron..9~&), n. the )Famdia ulig inosa. 9$, 2, n. window-glass, a looking-glass, mirror. Der. qgS9$oo Cggroe~"0 @ioS#W-,Co oStcIOo~oooo — A), n. a lantern, 8:3989 - A@8:, n. a magical glass which shows a person divested of clothes. -, v. to be reflected as a person's im e in a lookingglass or in the water, ooo8Gq9cbqoq~oo2~ @-'& v. to look into a mirror. - o (pron.' gich), n. a writing written with inverted letters or which has to be deciphered with a looking-glass. -- o, n. ornamental work in window-panes, &c. - 8, v. to overlay with glass; ~6:@$8gggScooSozn, 9&8r U $8& ag-l e8(oSg8 6 Burmans when angry with one another sometimes exclaim cloq:):cqiso: "-co84 (pron. 9on&'8), n. a stand for a looking-glass. -- +:G00 oS, n. the ' Crystal Palace," a large apartment within the palace at Mandalay, " so called from decorations of its walls, being resplendent with bits of looking-glass and zinc;" 9 4$s=GrooS, the maids of honour who occupied this apartment; S$W-sOooS [sometimes allusively termed q — oo, -qCaqO, r-.~5, v. to dress one's self by a glass; - goo8a: (tron. 95o0sS), n. a glass window; g-S@co8:rok-an j8: (pron. 9Gg3o8:), n. a telescope; wo~ g*490:0GL. ----c8$ p(ron. 9$6So8), n. a glazier's diamond. - I-q — 8aoo:-, n. crystallized sugar. -.acq:.pron. q cq:), n. a magnifying or multiplying glass [a microscopej. v, 3,. to hit (a riark), c8; to be right, to be certain, true, xqS; [the sight of a musket or rifle, cooo09$]]; o8:@%o0 egtco 4::aoS964c31El io~eau~nscsqfsq6933ia:ne - cot, v. to be right; 9~9$~m$cofn@golqoC oo-c733r1 01 o00 S 9$ooS: (pron. 94oSi), n. a certain appendage to a qqR, see qqS, i. Y 887 9$cz, i (pron. 9~9), n. a rhomb, or rhomb or any other figure impressed on the forehead; 9~cco8, v. to impress a mark on the forehead. - %cBl, n. a rhomb. o$cq, 2 (Pron. uQ), n. a kind of large creeper (the oleaster plum). 9~cq8, n. a plumb, carpenter's plummet; o48ooSoeoooaoa 9~38:$, n. sassafras. 94-, 1, v. to aim, intend; comp. qojp, to have the mind set on an object; 8&Soo4:, ~coSS, oogootoq8csog co5&slG> pS c8go80E~Mq00ssaodbaoq~ooo~8 @:o8So~~oq$3ooxo:)&3zaoq8OO @sona3 g $o33380poCa3CSac03nrjo33~c00E0UC 8-coo (pron. 9$~ozo)), n. the decoy tame (female) elephant which is followed by a wild one. - 08S:, see c88:0011 — 8, v. to have an indistinct recollection of, come to probable recollection or knowledge of (to make an estimate of, to calculate); GSp8oCqc:8S qj ojo5e~ o@3S5t9$:8q as-g, v. same as 9$3, Ist def. 9 3, 2, v.formative; see Grammar, sec. 125, the verbal formative 9~:, from 9~, to be right, true, is used chiefly in negative sentences, as G9po9$Oc98uo8 (he) knows not the fact of the arrival. It is sometimes used without a verbal root, as ojTuzqiajc8i ocsq$:uAc, or more commonly, he knows nothing about God or religion; o:pt9~so0op:9o:scBI cqgqs (J-680,046508cgc5 asenooL WgGL60-401001 COAA009A11 e q.; 0S * so8ogr~cp~ogsooign oocsco:Qoof '~d4 9:, v. to instruct, give instructions, hence a=oui; Soc qoo o8i -s, v. to leave instructions; cwcop8(xcuA.~x8@;co:)e c-qq:)baoe11 -o0 (pron. 9:):), n. a letter of advice or instructions; 9:): G0o:~GTooe, in Upper Burma a courier, -@@GXoo5, bearing a royal mandate, carried it round his head (co1:sgg c61S1og c9oae); a zooo from the Lhuttaw was put into the waist-cloth. - coo:, v. to give instruction to be acted on hereafter; o2a$ 603561$Cq$1g &: ox," cc 5qg61g 9:'qrV. to instrluct, give instructions; 0 9), 2., n. affix, locative, n, at, among; ~, og8, ocS, in presence of, as to, concerning, in regard of. In colloquial,. in' certain instance's becomes corrupted into a) or 0oo, e. 8114 (,r, 2001o 51 'Goomo) m ao5c:o5O3@dioopo(cjco go) =B qoSR&i 9oIiO~~o00cc~~ Col O7Xqjsms9~)~W&ll1 S9003QCBOO3N(SC.O1Oa6 Ovi~ 0000 8o59 go9~9 u84o$o&,~o~@o [ Note.-.In mnany parts ofUpper Burma 9o is very frequently pronounced oo5 e.g., od~i93u ociI&Qocn qo$~5oo 4x$o 930, i, V. to miss (a mark), c~=A; to err, be wrong, 'goc-9o,8~ to die, =oo; applied to elephants, in court language (co8 000593is); =039:0 _003=4,v. to have an indistinct recollection of, (to be somewhat mistaken, to have erred somewhat). vO,'. to snbeguilt of illicit sexual intercoursej co 9311 2, AVe WQO Ni ~&,v. to shut (the eyes), (to wink w'ith the -eye as in conveying a sign or secret instructions; 38 O &Jj) v. to blink. -Oqc o0o0oS, adv. winkingly (as a person with sore6-eyes),/ -ro4, v. to twinkle (to remain shut as the eyes). vt.samle as ~dSII ~,i. to be faded, as colour or brig'htness (to have a serious djce-countenance; ooepj9 5oo~j.Sjo~ 03% OC860 [ to be tarnished as a bright - metal substance; -Q(p4 to hurin dimly as the light of a lamp or candle, 8%B~4c $,,ti. a- harpoop, a med' ine used to inoculate a wild elephant; 4011 -co050ol:, n. a harpoon with several prong-s' -ooo, vt. to become quiet through the effects of inoculation with ~4:*Wi ~ t, 2, vt. to have the eyes shut from langauor or stupidity, excessive opiu m —smoki~nlg or from close and anxi.ous' thought; c~#rrev4,c.&$s.o~ — oih *iv. same; not used in ordinary colloquial, though met with in songs. 889 1, I, v. to reach, attain, come up with, catch, overtake; [to equal in ability, skill.] GqoM. cgo~olgo~i^g$oqcooSoooSooS oDa 9roTaoo908 go oo^ja8038C9~SOgoJ)~1n 0OGS08Gogo801lGco cGOII Ga3oGcrgsoQ oSIK 3CC50 So)l GO 0olG eo1 8oz also has the meaning of the English word "last," e.g., oogoo$ 2, 2, v. lean upon, to adhere to, take refuge in; ~oc. Der. 3a,~ -- 8-t, n. a large cushion to lean on. -- 008, -, -0-oo8, v. to adhere to, take refuge in; CO6:008 Ciig3*oas8:qcg~OqooUls8~90~gG qoogS — 00, v. same as Obii — C-., v. to adhere to, hang upon as a dependant on a patron; --, v. to cleave to, adhere to; o88nooo803~:uGno*~b (ooq$ ~, to have sexual intercourse). ~, 3, verb. affix (with o prefixed to the root and a continuative affix expressed or understood), before, o0; (combined with GG8=6G 8), until; ogQ,oqG~ oSo-GO3oU 0, v. to store up; o- not used singly. Der.:,gio,:um8 ogon gu8 iSoog8g3oo33oo~i3 N , v. to regard as weighty or important, to treat with attention, deference, respect; see ogqoogn 0^ 0o06oSa)0S0 oooSol 0o8, v. to blow as with the mouth or nose, to play on a wind instrument (yc%96oS), to blow on silver when melted in a crucible, and hence to smelt silver, Gg85S; to explode, as gunpowder, cooSoo~g; to hiss as a snake, G@o5Gc:8ggoS5 0o; to blow out as a light or candle, 8:(5c@S:o3o8"o5cqoS 61 or _oS@68coSl; not so elegant as 8gcaf:co0o1in t, v. to be dim as the eyes, @o:; comp. c8, to be dusky as the atmosphere before rain (o5sL:) (6:S s ooo0 oo=), before wind (wcoq), qo, to be blurred as glass (9^~$, o@gooo8) or writing (ooAcO$); particularly as palm-leaf writings from not having been properly earth-oiled, to be sullen in countenance, 9oS1oR$, more apparent than 80M -co$, v. to be dissatisfied, angry in appearance or in mind; seldom used but in some adverbial form. -— cq$^, adv. dimly, obscurely, darkly, sullenly; loS.pSoP $ 112 j4~$10 adv'. dimly, darkly, whether from weakness of eycr. abt 6Y dfticiftcy 6f light, as early in the morning; qo&8 RI (N),v. to be small, minute, r033; not used asse 'rtively; GGI -030:)8, adv."highly intensive; Rca~o8c~coe~, exceedingly handsome. '20,v. to plough or barrow afield of youn~g plants Mi order to loosen the soil ~n'd 'make a more equral distriibution of them; oIS2.GO'-@cj~ j~6c~ oul s9A9Pae~, to conduct * afotier etsn s caie, r stugtion, as. if it weim one's own; (9~:oo, the post next to 'the winning one in a, boat*race,). NRiiiest boaftmen usualfr put on a spurt when the reach this post; the nearest equiv'alent to this in English is "the straight?" "1the distaiiee." at. v;to' be chief of, rule over, goverin, 9&~j, ii Der. wis -GOOOCS005)n. ministers and high officials collectively. a5 or Gq: (a&*, which see; to be faded, as colour or brightties*, tpB;(to be on the wane as authority, power, influence or religion, naOCitO9:M CO~*OqsG9S00e~3 ~*Wpoe~),to &ecline as a. religion, =ao~o~catw%; to.,iauh (ot rest slightly) on the grournd as a boat when partiAlly aground, accgow8"&W9: aqsco~me4 S, ~ o~S a~tmm,~- (hence coro#, adv. for a little while); OM~g a 8 jto (in speaking of a member of a royal famity) he slept a little while), oo-4: cogg sO&xe~1 coe~o~.-bbtlo~,v. to doze (royally); oo:o5cn~r6Sooen im - a tnole, da'k- spot on the body. Ma. one that increases. (;0,V. to place in. a prone. position, as opposed to supine (ooSo~o5), with the convex side or outside uppermost, to be thus placed, to fall face downwards, c9o&bme; to be bewildered, - 9rA8Qev5-m; to be upset as a scheme or plan, to sleep or lie with the face downwards, (;95 891 o9o6S9:z.o4, adv. over and over, in a disordered manner; — ~, adv. pronely (lying with the face downwards); G9Sc3a35a -9:), v. to err, entertain erroneous sentiments; taocol oG9oOS — qv. to overthrow, turn upside down (to. lie in a prone position, copCOoqcoSMgO- oqyk~ o@00) coe~m J * 0CG3O6OS, n. sir, mada~n; a term of compellation used by females (nearly obs~lete), =S~, 51; the modern term-of compellation (GinoS) used by women is probably an abbreviated form of this word; ooa -ccoSi (sinS is not polite). rcg:S, v. to be very dark, more than qoS and (~, darkness; GqoE q o5 a -o.~, v. to grow dark as from a squall, q&vSoM G:8qooe~; to become thick as the atmosphere from heavy fog, GOC~GcoCD~I -—.A, v. to darken as a room, &c., e.g., Gtm61G @0; O0 v. to take up one's position in the dark with the view of escaping observation; almost always used in a bad sense; oq.r98@O-Zccooei -qSv. and n. same as Gc3StI G: 8 G;ov. to disturb, trouble, annoy, cj89oS; particularly applied to the annoyance of witchcraft, hence~z9)13 M-ii Gcco: G 8C ODOS 2GMDO-6 gGiO33 QO~jOiij Q80QCV2G9O8D =0005m~o mozj Go3S~Gn)QciSTII. (or go(9c~) 6.ccqoti ~ in modern parlance and qG389cYS are in more general use, thoug-h a-.oS is perfectly intelligible; c~cm5G9o& in the way of one trouble succeeding another. G95, i, n. certain magical ipfluence or power, by which various orders of beings are ctrntrolled; Gcao~Gs~;51qo -0)n. a magician possessed of such powers, a necromnancer, G95qjo~ii 49,, n. a kind of water-plant (duckweed, very abundant in fisheries). — goS, n. the flower of said plant. G95-8$: -(Scg5$) (pron. G9S85 0), n. a permanent inscription, a register, record, of dates, boundaries, &c., commonly in verse; GqC8Cg$ BS —,, -O, — ctq:vucSi $d:C0oSoog 'ol, G9ScGoS,n. one kind of velvet. ~, n. a fungus, mushroom, of many varieties, mould, mildew, "a nail with a large flat head, as o5s, sGoS, &c., oos:coo8 ooeQ@s^82QolI -- oaso, v. to be mouldy; moodS SmoooSoogei 0330c~~oooSooSnj u (oanxo oocs oc ))so65oo~i1 — CooooS, v. to be poisoned by eating mushrooms (to bear indelible mouldy marks). ~;YSs, n. a species of linden-bloom, the Grewia zilefolia. ~g? (o8) (fron. a, jyin), n. a kind of creeper. ~$ (oS) (pron. 8, jyT), n. a kind of creeper. 8, i, v. to be lost or absorbed in thought, to be dull, downcast, stupid from absence of thought, or from grief; comp. c9$S'Goosszz33o Iic GooS65si o qoo,0mom Bacn~8G noooo 000 e~ an -. —o6c9 (pron. as spelt), adv. a little lost in thought, rather downcast; Cgl$sooS688o.6oo, c:Gooo oGm0o~o6,i -- g, -08s, v.; see the parts; 3@a33 og^cooG@o8.8 P8, 2, n. a name common to two trees in the mangrove swamps.., i, n. fume; commonly applied to medicinal fume, vapour. — 5, v. to receive fumigation as a remedy for disease, [to fill with hot air as a fire-balloon, 8:j^^& -]; CjQzSaso8 S sll, (i3s~~&Ss<^oogio,sjo=). - — Goo, n. fumigating medicine, $G:a00o --— so, n. a roll of medicinal substances to be lighted for fumigation. -- o, v. to fumigate, medicate by vapour; cg:c0a Pgo oS ~8:, 2, v. to be a very dark colour, nearly black, to be dark as at early twilight or as the sky before a storm; mOTsS ^siioS~EsSgsoooconofii gg93 98g, v. to be dark in appearance, as a distant forest or mountain; cooocoooZ~8,Mg3SIog -- o, see q8:o, —, --, -GO, v. same as ~8:11 GoooSgI q8:bbII GGCp81QqjoS T8:6s, n. a kind of velvet (a kind of chintz; ~8:go cCoSoogn ~85ogooooosooo). ng, n. a kind of creeper. o,:Sc- (pron. ~4), n. a kind of creeper (a kind of water.plant). , n. the product of the cooS6 tree, a substance resembling cotton, c6 (The term ~ is applied also to the product of the co1ob tree.) %, i, v. to divide and distribute equally; comp. SJ-n Der;~^[n oogo$cGooGconooSGeog8^Scoooo5!oo~C cgg:$SOxJos qmsg1 GosooSol 1 - oo (-Go), v. same; CooooGooogn, -- oS, v. to give away, GoCqoS (polite); qoaOOoSGOGS8GoS c89 Sol j gcjGOoSccgxScg 8o8 9JOcGOOG@oG3& |, 2, v. to be even, equal, be as much as, e~ [to be alike, o, as tocoooga, to be of one mind];. adv. even; used as an intensive in negative sentences; [fa QAaii @9Q909,1 Ogo00 8c0oX 0c oo5cQao530oS oG8a jcGooGoQS @V0 GoooC)o3S 3ooo q J:o^|X ^SX GOo Ceg om o g o — oo, v. to be proportionate. S98, v. to draw out long, make slender, stringy. 98c1t8, n. a kind of paste manufactured from a small kind of shrimp. — 6) (pron. s8), n. a hut in which a person engaged in catching such shrimps temporarily takes up his residence. — :, v. to catch such shrimps with a kind of net called 918, v. to be moderate, gentle in treatment,:; to make pliant by the application of heat; oSqGSdo8:ooSgS -sq-ps8, v. to persuade gently (rare in colloquial), Go:2 GCooo; see o98o8:G 9, n. a bamboo sprout; N8; g:03001o1 (to dance and caper about in a wild excited manner). 894 n.(the same pickled). see 9&, v. to be ripe. go)V. to catch with 'a bait (to lure), to proceed moderately and persuasively (in accomplishing an end); d~o.o~ P;OOC3lWXC 2 00rcog 90Jo,'ge~IG MUSQ8189. W000 c:(Q-0) (frequently pron. c9) v. to oversp'read or be overspread;. cqiGcoz,8sw)~ cZ=5o5, rG9-nc4QCj Q~oZ6oI 08 ~~O~~m& ~ ~ GO CO~gOCS ~ t e nearly shut as the eyes from weakness. _-cv. to be overspread, &c., to be closed as the eyes from being sleepy; coRrq-qj5n~~i (G.Sji5-.o5 is a term found in poetical works). rjo (from Gjz, to float down), v. to set afloat, to float down, (to cause to float down, to lend money without taking interest); Q gAj'ocooooe~no8od~),i &ooTgoG;2qlo~Dooo(cz cqoS ((Qo8), v. to fasten on lengthwise, W18S; to ke~ep close to the side of, adhere to; one kind of cnS [cqjo8o-.), to hang on to another for sustenance, to sponge on], [to lay by one's side; a~q GoO-: c~~o)-cG~j8Sc~oSot~l]; also applied to women carrying on an adulterous intrigue; co (;q?, i, n. a leech, blood-sucker; an iron cramp, zoq% cqoS (from coz, to stick the nails in), v. to secure with a cramp; n. an iron cramp (a staple). — q-.5,v. to apply a leech.~ r90, v. to look forward to, expect, anticipate; ojoz-coe Sv. sam e. n. a prospect. __-GoT (;g~SGoT), v. to look forward, have foresight. 0 ~S) v. to look for, wait in expectation; S(G-$SoS) (pron. G9j~)'.), n. a look-out [a race-stand]. Q70 895 cMj0n8, -oC4 (o-0oSg, -co8), v. to hope; qcpqslcdooo<q$ -;Cg" (ASCg9), v. to conjecture in respect to a distant object or in regard to the future (to contemplate beforehand). -cm 03o3 (@SG00OOC5). --- (6@SA), v. (to look forward to); see the parts; Gqo&g% CaOD3CSpaC09 ca1gC06I4ti4t 6 @a8q$ Id. qoI (foS) from 1o6, to be singed), v. to singe, scorch, burn shrghtly; Rosq s a38gaoggtsos?~slsD (IS08 JC3aqpU351fgoigl (In figurative slang parlance, to "extort money from)" to "I bleed "; c uoa4 tcj so8oogcq~G~coo-oooUoo8cchoqo.96rao:8co:ogoeoFIqII is often used in the same sense.) S(from @, to be high), v. to make high, exalt; GoYo3ean0 oo$gCpoSGScan8@o~olh QuXI sppq(oo g $c@6cqoaii turn up the light, please. @1, I, n. an arrow. -Oq omo6S (pron. @o3qAlG1oS). — a&0 &: (pron. @308a0), n. the groove in a cross-bow to put the arrow in. -o@o, n. a fabulous arrow which will go wherever the owner wishes it; @:o; o o2we113@olc~oa26oD6g - 48 (pron. fIS&), n. a kind of tree [the gum of which is used to poison arrows]; ~otaoSn -— GOoo (pron. @coss18, n. a quiver. -- 0oS, n. the feathers of an arrow. 3:, 2, n. a purlin [a piece of timber extending from end to end of a building or roof, across and under the rafters, to support them in the middle]. J (from @8, to be submerged, &c.), v. to submerge, overwhelm in water; more than 0, to bury in a grave, Gi@&I fo-oZ1; to bury a navel-string, qoSS; to cause to disappear, to cause to be lost, 3 0soDc8, o800II 0 5g&863IpSio1oS1 co2~n=8q1c6&ooeuosocsCoaeU (to place treops in ambush, 0068). @, n. a fish-trap, clL (the generic term for all fish-traps); qsv. to make a f( t:)ii s n(vS)YoC3 -— o8, v. to make a $'lsl 896:32jo'-0c9& (Pron. coe&), the side entrance to such a trap. @a, v. to please, delight, to allure, decoy; moMQco:c j[O*8: oII 0 00 01 C, Boao mcnlosootlg oogs is oaoe c9 &rroe~ogo@ c9@u -- oq (Pron. 5lloit), adv. a diminutive of similar import;; CRCD:)QeqSQIP~H GoooB (from r@aoG, to be raised), v. to toss, toss up, to raise, elevate, exalt; I,, oS, 5~, to elevate the mind of another, to flatter; cB o&olc&&, to multiply arithmetically; ^5 L9 nSoo~os cWl P 1v lFno a c@ oos 1ro@ o soogd e~ o005c8o%0ii o:4.cgocogo~8o~o:mSon ocg 3O~~0~go1Il~c~, c~yzx) GO3Q@o~3o5O3mplI --— c8$:, -r@, n. a multiplier (in arithmetic). - n. a kind of drum. - oos, v. to promote, especially to invest with discretionary power; w ooC q&44:x m G~o8Sob6oo:soe~11x - qcSS:, n. a product (in arithmetic). aoS8, see G9Jgj8 r@:8, v. to slice or shave lengthwise so as to make an angular segment of a sphere or cylinder,-not used; kence 33@1 octagonal); 4o6Sc8%@ocoeSoj oBBn G 39goao3e o9qCP-A0Cp86a-gOM oS0 qo L:08:CO(;@080:)16 OOCW 2 (from 2, to be friable), v. to pulverize. 28: (@S%), v. to gash obliquely, or in any way, as fish or flesh preparatory to cooking (see 25s, which is in far more general use). 26, v. to be fine; eo5, to be very smooth, to be rapid as a wheel in motion, so that the parts are scarcely to be distinguished (as when each separate spoke is undistinguishable), to be friable, easily crumbled; applied to some kinds of insipid fruit; mco: - o2oTeSoGloSoae~3r a2ccaqu ocBG;~oqaooogoofu coc82c30,~ 6g9Po qm0osc3sboea oSc3o~v ~ aa3 300AI G Goo:)590G-aqoli ol GG~3OO1H GQ~C D5f9Q~&G1O 1 II OO$158OZ4OOG3~31 I OorjGqGcjj6q mc~auaerzoSgjoogos~o:od~o cgcn~ocotll g$, v. to be stifled, suffocated, as with smoke, dust, &c., to be stupefied, astonished, [to experience a pungent sensation in the nose as when inhaling the odour of mustard, salvolatile, smelling salts, 'chillies, onions, &c.; go93"o:o8su: o0o5oo ]. CI 11.2 o63363 5~il aS~8 3~~f38~C~ v.t b tfld ufoaed swihsokdst c, ob 897 2S;1(from 25s, to be decorated), v. to put on by way of ornamen 't, to decorate, adorn; 2SOo8 8o%~W.OO-O coo 0COD ES,2, V. to gash obliquely, or in any way, as fish or flesh preparatory to cooking; scoco~2teiclccop2: 2o (@) v. to gash' obliqu~ly, as fish for cooking or drying. Der. 30II 0OO~G6oc Sv. to be very diminutive; not used singly; rc3-, nOGC39, n. a tick, M~GC3: C~~:), an insect which infests bullocks, horses, goats, &c.; S~np~:nin OS)SIIM0cu8q1 D$I v. to stir up, agitate, to disturb [to rummage], annoy,-vex; more than Gp6o8~i o n coo3Gc~-GOoO5G,1 macaju (to stir up medicine in water, such as Sedlitz powder, &C., before drinking it). -Gpo6-, v. same; 0%foicp O1~O2 60~ oo5 GCOZ)M r.., v. to twirl, whirl about, make whirl round itself; comp. o8; -Gpoc-, v. to whirl round by the hair of the head. _osv. to whirl around (trans.), to pull about here and there; ocS o;20)cc o~ OMSQao@6oRxI~I Qa~o48Cnr8o. cGs, v. to smell sweet, be fragrant; -.4(2:ooe~n 4O$S4GiI~I C)8 &,-0 [o~], ~j, v.; see. the parts. -(083) c8S, v. same as o~s (infrequent); N~c.Acyo6 98,see.8l go (@o), see 23a (The twenty-sixth consonant in the Burmese alphabet.) no,B v. to strike or impel' with a stroke toward one's self; GO~~~oqico~c~o~~oSc~o~ to scratch or paw the earth, as a fowl or dog; ojr9'co6o~ oz654s (Pron. cnQ$:), n. rice porridge, one kind of Looou 54n. same. 898 <&6s vowdc, n. a sort of woven (bamboo) scoop for catching small fish and prawns. cooS, n. past time. [Note.-cooS is used in colloquial, and met with in phrases like the following: coo8ooocgicoxsgoos ooR, n. the present time. -— c", adv. like as at the present. -~c, n. to-day, the present day; mockI0. --, adv. only just now; frequently used for next. -- go, adv. now, as it is. =6 18 (from co61S), n. time pertaining to the remotest antiquity (obsolete, except in writings); coro-Pdsgoocoogocoo6co6 ooS, n. the common fly, any flying insect. — 3, v. to collect together as flies. — Q (pron. co8DQ), n. the jumping spider that springs on its prey. -- gs (pron. coo68), n. a freckle; c.oono:es -- ee, v. to blow, deposit eggs, as flies. -— ~ooS (coSGqocB) (pron. wooooS), n. a fly-flap, a chowry, --- os, v. to light on, to settle as a fly. — qos (pron. coSqs), -coSqosu, ----,,-o68:4 (~o:,6), n. the blue-bottle fly (sometimes called coSob8pS2) (pron. co80$,p8s). --, n. a small red fly. coS"s, n. a kind of tree [the edible Zalacca]. -— ^-, -4-, n. varieties of the same. oo8Cooo8, n. a kind of bird [Pali oeocomo]. ---— o (pron. co8cooo8oio), n. a kind of bird. —. ---oO, n. a kind of fish. ----o', (fron. owo8Go83$s), n. a row of people walking abreast (troops marching in line; o8oo,osco8ooo0co$s _ofoco), adv. abreast. cnsx, p, pron. a. that; o&soGos~oc@o~u co&Sd: soozo03 —, pron. a. o8soc~oo:@sooo~ oo8SQ@cSooocogs (g.@8sooaS vou) co80^38ilScocgooooo. [Nofe,-wSs and w68sQ ar oa'sc: 899 very seldom, if ever, met with in colloquial, but in old writings frequently.] oo8, 2, n. a bamboo texture set up (oo.wcoooS) in a rivulet (or in a fishery) to intercept fish [a texture made of finely split bamboos used for window-shades and veranda curtains; a chick, o88:o00ooCo8.o0]. "Towards the close of the rainy "season, about August and September, when the surround" ing country is nearly all under water, in very many places "several feet deep, the English Thoogyee, or proprietor "of the fishery, proceeds to place a strong barrier across "the main stream of lis fishery, near its lower end. This "consists of a screenwork of strips of bamboo (very much "resembling the screens known as chick-blinds, but "stronger), well secured to stout posts, firmly planted in "the bed of the creek I these posts have strong longitudi"nal pieces lashed to them, and that these yins (uo&) "or weirs may the better stand the pressure of the cur"rent, long forked pieces of timber are placed and secured "as props against the front of the post. These 'yins' "are in many cases very fo midable barriers, and indeed, "without seeing them, one ean form no idea of their size "and strength. The lower part of the screen rests on the "bottom, and the upper portion projects some three or " four feet above the surface of the water to prevent the " fish jumping over and escaping. " In some of the larger 'yins' a long projecting trap " with a sloping bamboo floor is placed in horizontal sec"tion. There are two kinds of these traps, called respec"tively 'mee-woons' and 'konzins' which, though vary"ing in shape, are worked on the same principle. "These weirs or screens, known generally as 'yins' " (oo8:) or ' hsais' (coe) among the fishermen, are kept "down till all, or nearly all, the water has drained off, "leaving a number of shallow'pools generally alive with " fish. These, if large, are divided by small low bunds " into smaller sections, the water baled out, and the fish " taken by nets, baskets, or oy hand."-Seaton's " Report on Fisheries in Burma," (1883). — 0-8, n. the same spread on the thwarts of a boat. --- o, v. to screen with chicks. oo8:ooS5 (pron. o038o), n. [Maulmain ebony, blackwood]. wo)ssDS:, n. the Vitis Linncei or creeper. 900 goo co~..i os8IQo08s8S,-n. a large, woody, tendril, the Vitis auriculata. OSIo (co.ato), n. a kind of tree [a species of chickrassia producing the Chittagong wood]. S*:q~ (08oS) (ton. c8-4), n. a kind of tree [a species of myrobalan, the Lumnitzera racemosa]. -— cG oS@:, n. a plant of the genus borago, the ehretia. - CoS, v. to be partial in deciding [to be biased]; osamyjc YoS:C-~oySCfCo o 139$cpc8ofC@D6, do not be biased in stating the case, but state only what is true. 0oS, v. to be drunk, intoxicated; co&8ol- 'ebog3Scj803n~ - cqS, -o-qS: (from cqS, to wrap up), n. a sot; co3oxncq0r8 cnocjbn -:, v. same as oo8#3zoSw8jc9:ccc og$ 8nazoo1o1mR c S: 9MOG4oo611 -'.(0eoGo [Excise Act], oo8j, n. any intoxicating drug or liquor; auoocr c7Xlngb, cnn o cOgO0u ncf wo (Pali cooh), n. a sacrifice, an animal offered; wo8cg8-qooen C064060081 - o, n. sacrificial food. c ----oop, see ne t. — oGsqpSc (oCq6Pc80op ), n. a priest. -W —~Clw, n. an altar. - 9Sh, v. to offer a sacrifice. woLq (Pali),fn. one division of the Vedas (the Yajust Veda). OiOQSO (Pron. Wo08:), n. a doll, oEoSg00,60 cog, I (Pali cox$), n. a carriage, vehicle of any kind; particularly applied to certain government palanquins, oo&9=_-6 con8*noo,*hoS:nco,*RogoS n co&-6 8:; applicable also to elephants and horses, om8cogn @&8uog; [light-built ornamented bullock carts with a hood are termed ggtcomgJ... ---ao*l: (pron. Co~G0D8:), n. the hood or top of a palanquin or ornamented carnriage or cart. cog, 2, v. to be tame, to be civilized [to be graceful, c9ooc cS pucogoo-4oSo&], to be delicate in scent as a flower, o0. mn %;ogau; (also to lose strength or efficacy as a drug or medicine, ocosgco?). - c v. to be well-bred, genteel, polite, complaisant, (to be elegant in speech, eotcognscq oto~, see c8S.); applied to things, to be handsome and fashionably made; ~cgo=-S oDnS00 o GcqjooSa aSrGoooS~ooScoGogGqooSii oogp8esoO GcosOOMC@ (@89) giioooSg (@8) o6og9~( oogc, 7v. to be polite in speech (infrequent). -- o:, v. to be tame, familiar (when applied to animals), to have sexual intercourse (private) before marriage; less than 9opoc8:, though often politely substituted for it(1) ocgojGccooS cogdI0.gGgSc@3q@u (2) goj^OqoCnOGCo: %k5cooSoc.oC~3c PCYSWg~9ooo&o^o0o@G 000 o113D cggoo0ol- g@, scarcely any time has elapsed since my little deer came into my possession, it has become very tame indeed. oo@o (pron. ooacp) (Pali), n. certain magical contrivances; -— 08, -6, v. to practise such contrivances [in ordinary parlance, in order to avert some danger foretold by an astrologer or fortune-teller]. mGn., an abbreviation of oq. (occasionally made use of in. colloquial); Ci98:S>8po cooGq@~:SG8o5q8Goe,, in colloquial corrupted into coGj (pron. oc.). oo&cg:, n. any engine or machinery; oow&psooSu -- oS5, n. same; co&opiioo5@:, a mechanical engineer. oo8, n. a fan, co8;oo8; a punka, ooo6oo8; v. to fan, o85ooS, ooooSo6o61 (as with a fan), oo8ccooog; to beckon with the hand, ooo5ooiioooSro5GT — ooS, v. to fan. - — o, v. to pull (or hang) a punka. -- GcooO, n. a fan. -— 016, n. a punka pole. " ---, n. the handle of a fan. — goS, n. the leaf of a fan. co8:0, n. a Yabein, one of the race of Yabein. This race gain their livelihood by rearing silk-worms, and are to be met with in the Prome and Taungnu districts. coQao) (pron. cworo1) oaooii ooc9; woo&o&: (cko&), n. executioners in hell (eccooao8(^Go0383 S^|q cxo86); applied figuratively to overwhelming misery; ooGroooDoo o0ao0o, n. a certain preparation, sweet liquor made of jaggery, tamarind, &c. There are several recipes for making this sweet liquor; mOSu, coooo? 3,GqSoooo: ooo6@o1 gn 90jr O )S*. toS: (oS), n. a kind of tree, the Aporosa villosa. cooS, n. the time recently passed (sometimes incorrectly pron.,,g>);,,sod,,,-nc~ og o3j 08Eqll - Cs or wo3q, n. a day lately passed, the other day. - ~8 or 00o8, n. a year lately passed. -co, n. a month lately passed. cooocoo, adv. in an unfinished, unworkmanlike manner. In modern colloquial this word has become corrupted into oo4 mco (Pron. oo61)); o mn3C*ooOc oq8o0oo oo0;, n. a kind of rice porridge; see wcncxo, which is the obsolete form. - n,. same; c0oS 0 ga 9co3~s coono, n. a kind of tree (clogwood; perhaps a species of gmelina) [used for building purposes and for making cartwheels in Upper Burma. It is not a durable wood.] #woo:, 1, n. a punka, suspended fan. coogo, 2, n. one kind of royal umbrella; Uoc08,0coo3ii coqoS, i, n. a miracle, by which a Buddh exhibits his body half fire and half water; wcqSqo8S1s 000680808,.~N080@0c0T~ gaoo~oo~Iuol~9" ga g g 00Srgao~G 00xng4sosqoS qO380500 A3co5Sidj cD~05, 2, n. the sixth book of the third grand division of the Buddhist scriptures; see under soo8:3oo mq oo q SCl ob:i 0n0Oup9lOoISOUo3 oa*:, I, n. gunpowder. - q, v. to discharge the contents of a gun, to clean it or for safety's sake. - 68 (pron. coSg, jyin), n. the quantity of gunpowder sufficient for one charge; oSgcocoOFOD -8-Ss (ron. ooA86S), n. saltpetre, nitre. - C003oo (ron. coS-oGl~), n. a crystal of saltpetre [a cartridge]. - 30oo083505 n. a cartridge-box. --— o5 (Pron. coS-o5), n. gunpowder magazine; oo&c, a gunpowder manufactory. - C~,:, v. to load a cannon or gun. -Q-a&C, v. to be damp as gunpowder. -W-605o, v. to make gunpowder. o5 903 wSIXo-, n. a powder flask. coSs, 2, v. to strike right and left; rG.@ooS Thl83. D vCo0cSi):8 zopso&@SI96oSsaoe~, to waddle as a duck; o~s aRoO OM we~, to do at random; oo:6o6i1Go_8n — co, v. to guess, conjecture; comp. t consbOGcjc3ot qV cooQacoe0g o 8 2 acc)sooe~sco:. q 8;o~o De.SSX q 000 -o0-, -_ooo, v. to make a conjectural calculation; (o0*38 wScaooocoBcq8o3ae — Cxo00S:00oS:, adv. guessingly, at random; oS.ooStwouo& ~gaopoe~, to go from side to side in walking (to walk in a straddling manner); wssoSO6oa~-ooSsoq8aien — 0o0, v. to speak at random. — coos, v. to guess at random; not comfnon in ordinary colloquial, but met with in songs; o;1G6fl5C9OgGS1[uOc&)$ 61acoobg coSmowMc.oo:o.%r'1 [ oSgO-c ~00:GTb a, to call out to a person, not being certain of his exact whereabouts]. wj a:, n. a long strip of cloth attached to the front of a bier and carried by several in procession; ooon:-@coSco:o qoos2. [This strip of cloth is not attached to the biers of ordinary persons.] coD, n. afix, and; used in enumerating a succession of things, the initial letter adapting itself to the preceding word for the sake of euphony; as c8qsncS, oo8oSoo55, &c. (colloquial). oro (pron. ya' tha,' the ' tha' being pronounced like the 'ar'in mart, ya thar) (Pali), n. splendour of attendants, equipage, &c.; 3WoaGa GWoqS-Gooff 3otQo CQ&GODOCOu( H 3aQoSGO G0oo~@I ~6oooI 030OU RiqG080DUO3 OOC90U o8 oo31 (0:Co005 oI0 0). aon8, see oz3 cOOc5Qo, Yas6dharA, wife of Prince Siddharttha (c8o), who renounced the world and became Gaudama the Buddh. " The princess Yas6dri-dewi, daughter of Supra-Buddha "I (`acq), who had been the wife of the B6dhisat in many " generations and assisted him in the fulfilling of the para"mitas (6lq8), was born on the same day as the Prince "Siddharttha" (zSg8&).-M.B. ow (Pali coo, a portion, division, wqoS QOo%), n. an indefinite period of night, of which there are three (gg'og:cj), namely, eg3 (yqqc5), the early part of the evening; oo$:ooo8o5 (oQ Qo5), the precincts of midnight; Wo.cooooCo (oYS c), the 94 08 precincts of morning: the place of or about a thing, as Sc& oA, the place of or about the clouds; rmnoTo5, the outside, surface. coo, 1, n. a cultivated spot of ground; Woo3So-coo:S:)L6Ir,3o8oy CoII rcooo cooqo8cZgoeg@so~ 0 =icsx Ersor i Gooo~~1$ oe~,- G3~ 0;3dC8S.~ gs6X G00011 000, 2, v. to make a quid of betel; sgRcoo, C2oSz300oo-iI OocRoSoS, n. a kind of medicinal drug. cooq, n. a certain preparation of boiled rice mixed with sundry ingredients; one kind of 6cno500 (pron. coz), D gcow coaqcq -4-I o053oon, n. a mendicant, beggar, q$sos, oq~$s~os, oncnoooSooo; see fg So -o, n. a term of reproach addressed to a woman; 84D80o W-09, n. the third stage of the world of nats, see under -NO@6 6.@5oo008n 003ca, a. temporary, used for a short time only; oooo803s05co8 $o80gsoo~Qo~ -~9S, -&*: (ob) (pron. wouc8b), n. a building for temporary residence, commonly with a view to recovering health. - S, n. a temporary co954Gc;ooS5.-clq (xc8%8), v. to prepare such residence (to lay out a corpse ready for burial?) -, v. to remove to such residence; =)c&u =coio, (to move to a temporary residence in consequence of some illness or misfortune having happened in one's own house). coot, v. to itch. -(McIr), -1zooijc, adv. with slight itching; rCg-crSjwano;oooa3o, cosojo.5, adv. same; Ggodbmwo a6s5oooOszooe~a - V, n. the itch in an advanced stage; comp. a - (Z), v. to itch; more intense than co)0-; o QoCosDc.QTOii C8, I (), v. to be rotten as cloth; 9qC S: cGMCoo 2f8sg&g@J 08 C8 --- (q6), v. same; 9%0Qo88G~-O&Q-W-coo g ooorne (or OD Oqoo 905 a8, 2 (q), v. to gleet, run as matter from a sore; applied to any slimy, filthy discharge; o8.RSedSo86lv ~o (41o), n. gleet, gonorrhcea, or anything of the kind (00o R88 too G So 8 c~). The Burmese usually term syphilis =@So and gonorrhoea soc)8R.- or o~3osI - 6 (4~), v. same as c8i 08? (~j6~00), adv. vaguely, indefinitely (insinuatingly); ocn C-8 v. to lean, be inclined, c38:; less than o~8; [Mos:cI82o1 603Dao81 AC(83EO6SC~esP081 183tO~7e(o85:'B~co~os Gg: EC8So~iS] -oM, v. to dance by placing the body into postures, to dance at a o88* c8 k v. same; 0~80p3c00500c&0it OSSo3c883.SS n. a posture-dance pw6. -8:-~ ~o:l:, adv. leaning to one side and the other as a drunken man; 358sc~oM.D10 cSbcqcj&q oxpLou xe~o3,u ccocqcficrg l~oE ss3~,o 55go0og~s d110@ ObOCOGWO-01 -o~8 (v. to lean, be considerably out of the perpendicular), see the parts; omc~ggo ~SGOOD QoqsoSO38 0oqcs6o30582c cgo~joosq (qjoo$&cql), adv. in most poor and wretched plight; not used in colloquial; maooctsozqrd8cyQrev)o& GROGIOM 80 i3SOJO~OR 4:nOCO@~g 4 Cro93g ) NP R5009 11 o8510O:04$ has a similar meaning. A oooswozwo (rare in colloquial) c-80,o0s oo o: (most common) 053C8o33OO% D8G3S, adv. indefinitely, ambiguously, evasively, wavering, hesitatingly between two (oSs:co8)coocq~aa6,to act in a shilly-shallying manner); A, oS8=oiooD:cc, a man of doubtful or undecided character; o00@pc&OGGF'-)SOO3OII so o8=4:Q~ oaoor,.Oo~ oftc3tsw3S~oo:)S~~n coccoakoe~smoa~ up~, n. suspicion, doubt. M88, v. to be free from suspicion; o8oq r.6TJ9 o 4 8:G w cY G3~O8Q(.)od1c, re-examine that person in a manner sufficient to free him from suspicion. v. to be suspicious; 88Bc&foS oyjo4~oo~, he is doubtful even of the state of his own mind. oqw~ (o8), n. a kind of flower. 114 906 A iqo5, v. to be inferior, mean; &, to fall short; (in the continuative mode) to decrease, become less, inferior, degenerate, cqoSno.oG-oq?; to be abject, base. Der. ioSJ ococSooSo0is QgooSO@: O 3C ooOSOOooo0=0oo3 j1 3s3601 0ox)ooM8 ooSoooSQ @o.,q-ooeg o oooob5 88o0: o ooS og.coodS o8 Qoo33ooooq Gs o:cig6oo~g sl&oloog8og, the offering of food inferior in quality to that partaken of by one's self is termed the offering of a slave; QoooSQo8$coq a ~eom5~oOSI ^ogno3^6sop~soo8:gsqSSooo3Cs8~oqo8oogefl -- a, v. same in ist and last senses; ^GoooS^oSi(qio c9Gq9OoSolIooeI — o), v. to be vile, depraved, wicked, unprincipled, base, degraded; Ate u9mocgowosoaoogo&o — ocqi, v. same as oioS, 2nd sense. cxq (Pali), n. credibility; o. 6o8, aoSooESii oS:&ooooocoos oggo1dj, there is credibility in the words you speak. -— o-, v. to invest with an air of credibility; to render plausible [almost always used in a bad sense]. — coS, n. a term used in Pali grammar (to-parse); ioSogoI --— ca, n. same as o~; oqeomogga.99oog, his language is not in accordance with what is credible. oqoSooS, v. to suspect, think ill of, whether justly or not, 3oq8 mooSooS@oot; generally used when a married woman is suspected of an illicit intrigue, o3;8$soR~oooSoegcgSq8oO ooSoo osgS,1 oo, 3, n. a Jew, oiaqg, cooo8u o$, n. a hare, ooco3o$; "the Easterns speak of the hare in the moon as we do of the man."-M.B. The Burmese believe that the figure of a hare is in the moon in the same way that they do that the figure of the peacock is in the sun, Hence the saying gfcoz$cpoSocS :solog, which is equivalent to telling a person that one's affection for him is undying. [eGcogon o.o&- 0 -:6oo8 ago4 cooo@o@o& n C4~^ coeooo3f ^qscqccpSg coaoS oo000 said by children]; o(qoScqisoo as rising after having had the limbs in a cramped position. how, v. to take tender care; o oo ooc-6^co6Soo- 8moo~ bo: c^owo o Boqocwe~1 @84acqaoo8oococSLooffqcogsoogn 9 v. to believe, have confidence in, (to trust); qLIogSC8:A, a confidante; cq 9cooe~~ogA 4a o^ooosoAo ooolo oIo5oB o1 g6 @ o689oli~H The four things that cannot be trusted-(i) a thief, o.q: (2) the bough of a tree, oo00 d8-11 (3) a ruler, o8su (4) a woman, 84on UUD3QA3 907 4Y401, v. to regard as wholly trustworthy, have great confidence (rare in colloquial). - 00g, v. to believe cordially, (to trust implicitly); 0@Goo00 CWsQ0o8C80OZ804a02~Oo l00& I implicitly trust my man, Maung Ba Khin. - 3os, v. same as 6@ei - co& (pron. Cai8i), a. or adv. plausible, having the semblance of truth; 4oooozoGOo33 ooi11 - aooo,4oo$ (pron. o*o9oSoo$), Q0oo3oo.8, v. to be presumptive evidence, to be probably true; oasc-3o(Yeo3: 4Goocr5 -- S (~oS) (pron. o5), a. credible; o8o0OG:oooeoom(4 — 3 1v. to doubt; 88co8s od roa.1sjo-u.4,8s, doubt, misconstruction. o., v. to be contracted, drawn into a small compass, (to shrink as flannel, cloth, &c.); not often used singly; qoOjog(c.2 qpos ~mo:):)o.RO~- 64Rsoaeuauo comcoqdSSc cis c 8oo* sooe -, see the parts; oR6q ool3oascoo.c~oo8qj csg4t oj, v. to take, to be of opinion. Der. maiiiq c q, to be irrevocable, past recall; cqljs4:o8 qOcog8:umoroS possoq0 $o8cnooogT~63~gI0S4oao~3~~84s onooooo~g~ --—, v. to bring. - cE, v.; see the parts, co OojaocS SI80ycS tco cvouoCogqoil c:qcoSj - oox, v. to take in an opinion, to believe (infrequent). - co, v. to be considerate, to restrain (the feelings); j8Soc~S (something between ro0os and pbcisgM8, to take into the mind). -cr=8 (to take, carry, bring), see the parts. -o0, v. to complain, utter expressions of regard for the absence or loss of some one beloved; oc, oooi, cooo (not used in colloquial). - co, v. same as oqb - a208, v. to take away. Ca,40), n. a yoozana, a measure of length equal to 6,400 tas (=o3oC) or 4 ga-wokes (olqoS), or I3- English miles (according to Latter, 12 miles, 5 furlongs). coon (cGwqoc) (Pali), adv. for the most part, generally, (in the main); cc8s3,oCs 1100 00a-sG0c03u;,cn Gcmo,50 co4ao 09cM:, adv. the many with the few; GccaCoqszoonmPSS d, v. to be loose, flimsy, as badly woven cloth; (chiefly reduplicated and used adverbially). --—, a. worn out, exhausted; WM 00!(co ojPcn u affixed to I and c$; co@o-dgo5ooS:c8@ooS0o5oOR G003, i, n. one of the race of Yaus living west of the Irrawaddy (aspooS) and east of the Arakan Yoma range. Gco00, 2, int. there, now! expressive of disapprobation (surprise and fear); Gcoo~op&eSo6 ocwoX1 f (68 Q cg8) r GoWoS, I, n. a ladle; not used singly. - ), n. a cup-like ladle, 0m8:l - o, n. a pudding-stick, flat wooden spoon used to stir rice when cooking; used figuratively to denote a mischievous person, e.g., cooGaCoo6So@oo8-0s 6O3n GsonOBS, 2, v. to wind round, as thread on a spool (oc8So*6:, Q:Io g ooo3acsOoP )noQ08 6Ln3a533) or on the quill of a shuttle [qSclooooS ( ep~c~) Gcowoeo], or a garment thrown round the neck (qAtcoe o8X003c0Cciocqoo: ooooC C~ 05006~S%.00 e 1oooc euo86r-cog o ot -u o - ~:, ~tc, n. the handle of a spool used when winding on the thread. -cocz5 (pron. roooScoo&), n. the spindle of a spool. o.ooS, 3, num. aux. applied to mankind or sjperior beings; in the latter case not respectful; cagoos6;oo3 0 oj$10001:08Qs: sco:)c3, n. a father-in-law or mother-in-law. -8 —oc (coEoSo3Fa), n. a mother-in-law. — 6 ~cgo ~n. a father-in-law. GooSaSo, n. a wife's brother, a man's sister's husband. [Go00o-BC G loTo lit. 'brother-in-law call the dog'; a bird that usually lives in dense forests whose note has a striking resemblance to the utterance of these words.] rQwoSO (QcnSto0), n a husband;s sister, a woman's brother's wife. Wbob 9bo, Gfob5Om% or coGoo0z:, i. a ittae of the hutian rac, a nlifth A9 distinguished from a woman (88) (S8:6) used as a polite substitute for coSs a2ocosco:4 (:oa pron. coo j:c)-oc6, as eng.' there.' - coo8s, n. a man of strength, whether bodily or mental; cGooasscTJ3S: o6o&qcjolIc~dl (a prayer frequently offered up by women). -- (cooo~4) (pron. Goomc:3), v. to be bold, fearless, as a man should be; used in commendation. --- (6co3oo:), n. any manly sport, or which is exclusively engaged in or witnessed by men. — 3coo (oowo~sooo), n. a state of existence as a man as distinguished from a woman, &c., soo:)c~:)oooubqo6lQo.e not an infrequent imprecation when asserting one's innocence, &c. [made by men]. -foS (G0oo o:@oS), n. a man of superior virtue (a term usually a lied to B6dhisats; oqcssooo8:n roju.od foSoc c~~ ~~co 33~ o,co9ooooooqcpocaoss-X). -oa (cooojoooj), v. to take a husband; similar in meaning to o08CG, but more elegant; cuo~:)Sq, to have a husband. — cg (scoi aosgo) (ftron. co:)cajq), n. a hermaphrodite, said to have the parts of a woman, but the passions of a man. 06-o, n. an article of male attire. — 00p, see Gcoool3sI ccooo~:), —oo R o Oj eU merely used as an expletive to coc4):; also used with acooSoa:, n. a bi-valvular shell-fish, as an oyster, clam, mussel; comt. aoi - n~, n. a convex shell-fish. GoooGo'gls, see 3cOwroni60)su -, n o00 0o8o>oi o 6:oo~oo08l QW03011 G)8), I (cc3o8) (from ~:6-Goo), n. the knot of hair worn by men, =3olo-s:; (the nimbus on the head of a Buddh; pqus~o3o8GJo3uwoo~oocq~am0Gco0 GW)8sssUmagsoZgcg ooo8). The following are the different kinds of knots of hair worn by Burmans;-GcooS0SOm08I11 GW(5)GIIP8QGCS8f 4ooo6u.03@6n (:0oo8ucx8 a 8! ) -c~8 (cq30D868) (pron. G=8uS), v. to attach cords to the end of the warp when it is nearly woven up to keep it stretched; 00cEwon 9J.0 owosowos Q=~(c&),n ic of timber placed in the -opposite. direction of Ia prop,, to draw a post, and pr 'eserve i na..upright position [to drag a male person by the top-knot; to drag.a female- by the back-knot (chignon) Would be Q*OcooIue.g.. ~ ~ o~ 84aoc4o - 6 1:.pe (~z:)('on. cw S *), same as cwoS; rzo8Sc4s, v. to make. into a top-knot. -.4: (jo840:, n. a, charm against evil, bound up in the hair;Of41Gow-SO uo$:4:4, (formerly wo'rn in the hair by * Burmese soldiers). -s S(Qci3a f@6S), n. the end of the hair which is left after hthe knot is tied; =o@~6GpD Gw.)&9o~qi OC0080o..0 (r. o 8), v. to wind up the Qo=8loSii-Gowoo&1Bom nI QDOS, 2,, v,. to make a mistake from absence or confusion of mind, or a sudden embtion, or want of consideration, (to be hysterically nervous, co~oo65o%; to talk in one's sleep, aB~~poq)oo~@)o~ woccxpwo- r=o~oo 00 — 000o (Pron. G o:8=31i), rooGooS:)V,.'8ctooc (rn Goo~S~3GOO080), Qc0380500.zOS&ooo& (pron. G=o88-0 ccno8 cr31 S) —.GoG (infrequent); Gcocoo)rooSGo~~ co~oGO~~cO~oowooooco~it oo: * 4o cP cqcoe~:oA vicxj:oscB~~c: S-cc~oooo5c &v v. to imitate without consideration, to do because * others do; wqo~o~ic~ol:~n oq~O c,9I ogv~x Gw38Gul6~ cqcYS -go:, v. same as G0308; used chiefly as a verbal formative; co~o~o o- o~=~o-c=SgtGT o~ G~)8)v. same as c3o8' QOqvC(:o) Jf O*Cj0II Gocon. the large horn-bill, Buceros Homrai*. n. the black horn-bill. r.008GCO:)8, adv. very little; rGm~cooo~cr,'ot~ Qow:3S Gdo38oo~~aoeu - 000Qo, adv. same; o8-agosp cQo8GWU)C=O:GO3Oo C-20oII e~IqO-Q:8-W8o~ogoC M ~ G OPS G8 c yr. O2 3o g8C ~ ooc eI L8 911;Goocso, see cowoSo under cooxaS, i (-oo8:Q is said to be more correct than GooooSo; the word is usually pronounced GcozSQo). -— &:~ (o8), n. the Sauropus albicans. cooo (Pali), n. the private parts, whether male or female; G0030=0G OO $l80 =0 $o Goo l SAlO)OS10oSlq g:oooolgmoooon GoO, int. here! take it! oo.oioo; interjection used in calling horses and bullocks; coocoo0n cooSooS8, see oSscooS, ci, i, n. preserves, sweetmeats, confection. " —@ (c0o), v. to make confection. — c:, v. same. oe, 2, v. to leak; applied also to weeping, and to evacuating the intestines, to be made worse, be injured, damaged, 0g68, but not used singly; Gc0090q1 oSgaSOS4. [Note. -.c sometimes has the same meaning as Gco, e.g., odqc cogoqo si; q o~.ooe So:s]; c2cQogoS, to issue forth as blood; to bleed. — 8oS, v. to leak and run over as from a vessel, qooM&b8co.o Wo8o0o 8; also applied figuratively, cooSeo,'qSao8 COG oo G@oS6ogo qoe3gcg6djn ooooqceS^8oS8Guoo8co. —a-8s, v. same in the last sense; g8:4on g1oSog8'n cQgs8qc6 eQ, 3, not used singly. — q-o, v. to mock by inviting to take a thing and then refusing to give it, calling cQuea with an up and down motion of the fore-finger. (oC0 o 800g ol8oo.a1oogt ooo^ <04C~<W 6 0oo6) (4W1ogioca&QnooeoogeCO6aio)n610oSoo~ a mocking phrase made use of by children). c~8, v. to lean, be inclined; more than cS: and c8s, to spread unevenly as the threads of coarse cloth after being pulled in washing, &c.; qoc ooS:eosq8oo, to go aside; tco.q cg:soooncosgoo"8-(mosyoagotoS:c>5c~B gogooi1 ------, v. to bear and be bent downwards; cS0QR8CoSgoSg qoeg~39 on6q89o<ooS@Gog6a8 o0S3S6 9c pomooqc ooo n q8q8 Qoo0oSqGotji I goo o^S eSoSg oSgg8ogii go5o5StooaGoio5 cooogs. "tIf in a matter in which one should act com" pliantly, one acts in an inflexible manner, one is apt to be "involved in a serious embarrassment; and if in a matter in "which one should act in an inflexible manner, one should "act compliantly, one only reaches the path of shame." ~~c~io~~Sc~V (pon gringly; c$o 4c& 8., adv. leaningly; cqpc8Qa8*Axei; aB$&SCS n. lok-outSSi W ~z o ep the. limbs in a snjug, contracted posture, to move gently for fear of alarminga, disturbing or offending; cor.0 fgratively it means to submit, defer to the wishes or opinion of ante;ce m0~0GOA~@ — c4 adv. in the manner above indicated, but in a less degree; c.q, 9) It.. right!I that's it! GCo&S@~t (obsolete). V, to suspect of a cri'me; cg(c~qOdp8cj:ASo ~co - S(from g8, 2), V. to accuse on suspicion; qc>5m~ooooS 0Q, P; O~icoo:) x. a Siamese, c~azS~,d~~cao~ ~R~qowB),n-. the Orhna F'alickii M-T (~ c2&uoS n. imitation:leaves and $lowers carved o''nwater~-standsq, 8,. boats,' patIts, &c. cq:wc6j (pron.. czboo-S&), -' (more common), v. to make an excuse on insuffilcient grounds [one kind of co8G~o~oSB] v. to search -for a pretext; w#&:ccSQooo.4m o~so5cs.2c Vkv.-to settle out of place; one kind of Rjo~og8.-, to deteriorate, become -worse, (488- Der.. 9wo-8s (rarely used.singly in' colloquial). V. same, 2fld def.; Ffi OI'6:1 cjcc63ZQQc,95o1M Gq5$:, O W0, na ar r igredlinae orM 1 pane on1 la0018cquered~g na macrtai oramueelnetal, graduatininte oladouberoof 913 o%$:cq., v. to delineate on painted or lacquered work; =Bqo: — c00093111, -00001) n. a delineator in such work. The inhabitants of Pagan, Salay, Nyaung U, Myinmagan, Upper Burma, are great adepts at such work. oRCs 2, v. to move, change position, go or come (spoken of royalty); %oo5^GooSo2$i G~omooc oR$so-~4$c:'Dooe~p;i (applied to a Buddh); hence, when reduplicated, aside, removed to a little distance, as -;Gj-rDcjO~~. v. to be drawn aside, be distorted, awry, be one-sided, slanting off; 86SQp~r.618omCIIooe 8 u Qooeu (in familiar English to be askew). — cO8-,GO38', _-5c)6IIcoOSG.9: (6~898) 0.00o1c0j 009~.QOO08% 9j, 1, v. to get, obtain; Q 9GM1 adv. by extraordinary effort; oa8IQOG@i cAV. to know how to get, to be rich. [In colloquial this word has been corrupted into cg%~oo5 when speaking of a person being rich, e~o8oS-Oc~mco5ooe]; cjoooao4jQcO:D 8,v. to obtain, to capture as a crimiinal or rebel, qS~m %t 2, v. affix, must; frequently euphonic; [may, as o~oe~o~i: c6lqco, may I go by this read? can, as aec~~~O9o6), c~oo3quloex:o, equivalent to oR~O348oco:, can I go by this road? i.e., o~o9~z~~Dcoov 9 in conversation is frequently preceded by a noun and followed by a verb, in which sense it appears to be equivalent to the English "having to, e.g., m~i~-Yc 05 00a~;a@So~ ca szo —lc2o5, mostly used with the verbs oaYS and ugc~a — G=0~8, -verb. affix, sign of the infinitive mood, as.rocS 6se~ooo, he went to drink water (equivalent to cr i2XO)05eo?%oe) @8~so — 0 G~8- verb. affix equivalent to but more elegant; properly. a sign of the potential mood, as cSo~ozo. ~~-he is gone, that he might study 1 15 the scriptures; [followed by coe or m~eans to be under a necessity or 'obligat-ion, e.g.,$ ~aGDP002)0t I had (or I was obliged) to. go early in the morning'; G;qo0GCo*& Q joI was obliged to forfeit Rs. 1,000;- @8qcBSoA~S 64 he once had to suffer the punishment of whipping.] qv5, i(from wmjoB), n. a natural day Of 2 4 hours, a day of the month; comA. ov -Q~~ (Gag), -~o-oc8z ~p) n. a lucky or unlucky day. q n. an intermediate day, a day intercalated at the end of the year;joo8&i v. to be long in respect to the nuimber of days; Go n. the day. before worship-day; -4~~juzG~ -j~n. every othe r day; qo~$c:):o& n. the date of a person's5 birth, a written engagement (to pay money). or @:- (;jo or qmg), n. same; ooioS0.jG0S3C000o11u Csv. to intercalate a day; olooSqo~c~ii -,-o~ (co), n. a month which has an even number of ays (30) Or an uneven number of days (29) [ 00, 00, 01, n he date of an event, Gj; G0i9J GC4 9 08 -cooS, adv. daily; RC ooscxSOC6M v. to put off from day to day (as' in performing business or work).. 9 see ctqo8No~0Hq0 09G 0 ojOcS8 joi8@ 6 R: 40@1 n. the day after worship-day; az~G~II qaon. the most lucky day of the month Lo~oN:ooocq c8$,: oouo~~uGM-38&90l Ifi C~O1~~GQ 81 @GCoDSQCx,5oocoC8:;jj0 G oen. a week; scarcely used. S(pron. qo&w0% -0), n. a -feast given to guests attending a funeral ceremony seven-days after the burial of the deceased, and occasionally, it is said, for seven days following the burial; qocoeg CIa i y qoS ~ cS, n. the days in excess of the regular number of days in a year, on account of which an intercalary month is inserted. - J-eG:R,' v. same as qcS&gu a Soq8doo5oSqoS9e cog,.ooSoe to~o~quS0000a~og ~Wqlc)5pGo~(coe~.u C~aoJC&=C~C C~CB *~ct$t5g38oooSSc Gus0.ii cSsmcpc cc ~61di iqoi-* o QC@t gonoO 4iac~CIo:~OGzc$ 2.B, 2 (W'o5), n. water flying off when dashed against some substance; oclS:, qoS60 o-it - s, n. the wake of a vessel; G6Qfs 38sgSljE88s - o, v. the water flies off or dashes; c nSqoQooo&Gc9u -- o$:en (cooS), v. to rush through the water as a boat, so as to raise a spray under the bow; cocaSco$osoSoos-oac qoS, 3, v. to weave, whether cloth, or a mat, or a basket. -— 0 S), n. the quill of a shuttle, a hole in the post of a bamboo fence to receive the end of a bar. G06-54tS:S, n. a rail to be inserted in the holes of the posts of a fence. McMMMMWWoloatcg, v. to construct a rail-fence in the manner just indicated. - C'tqSo6, nn. the spindle of the quill of a shuttle, a bar in a wove bamboo fence. sos, 4, v. to be quick, violent; not used singly. -, v. to be unfeeling, severe, cruel; more than fS.BoS (to be liberal, lavish, sormooyvS.: oYSo4cnoopSu aP2azo4: qoS OC3S3oog11ogapi1333) Ii3oo9:Qn3U S:o:3 ogCS oo50w2, this person is unlike anybody else, he is exceedingly cruel to his wife, children, horses and bullocks [also applied to beauty in women as qoqo,-&6ooSogYco8a&,ou]. - (cPp, adv. instantly (infrequent); 8oo0qoS far more common.... —qoS, adv. quickly, violently (freely)...-qo5SooS0, adv. cruelly, unfeelingly, liberally, lavishly; qoS qo-Soo~ioSooSdj9>qrfoS ooocsCooS.oCsot-~i qScgep, v. same as qoSooS [though oftener used in a good, than a bad, sense], to be careless, unconcerned about one's property, so as to give away liberally; 51Soq Scpqoo8sq8& o86GooS98Go:9 3n oz430 r$GoSolooSo: oIcqoSGcpa)ge :cc 8$c.q magaoo qroSepoogg, moogooqogozoo, there are few who are so liberal in their religious offerings as U Lu Bein. S qo, 5, verb. afx, to be capable of (in regard to feeling); ^|.c OGOooXqaSc~ jm loCO GM Soo: 8G i gomo)os8^cBu 33 ocooao1911R8Ig@6M osug8o3DgSB iiooej^aGooScooS cb1@:.q 3 C ~CoS3q 0q.2K C gOO pGO6OoGOgoSoGO^ cqoq6Sc:ll [as an auxiliary to the verbs @, j and oq5, qoS conveys the same sense to them as the English expression to 'have the heart' to plan or do anything, e.g., o8ojosooo5@oS qca (qoo) (pron. q 6), n. epic poetry; qoq o oo6ioo qo~: (pron. cGol), n. an offering to a nat; cqoosii o8ozoooSi 0ScIo|o0GooSlu o 3&8 3ol6oSqmo q00 t10 Go5ooS6oooCqog~ c1o m (pron. qols), verbal affix, continuative; gco):, sometimes equivalent to oooos:, see Grammar, sec. 109; dc8GooSJqG. cq8, n. a pleasant grove, wood, wilderness, oju88 (used in poetry and songs). tqocos (from coS, to weave), [n. weaving.] [-cS_[ ooB8os oeqoSco$SoosoGOOii], (or &c., GooSco$ooS, v. to strike as a head-wind); qoSo)$sqo5, to weave (either cotton or silk). ~ ----o, n. the variegated tree-snake (not poisonous)., ---06, n. a movable loom. —__c6, n. the posts of such a loom (qoSom$4). n, n. [the lower grooved timber of the lath of a loom -in which the sley is inserted; comp. coSooS and rcmoSrcs]. a —@. (gS:), n. the beam of the harness or heddles of a loom. - oS (Pron. qGSo$oS8), n. a loom. M - oS, n. the posts of a loom (qo~o$B:8). C —aooS, v. to join the warp to be woven to the thrumis (a thrum, "one of the ends of weavers' threads") [@ooc) =o:8:] of the old one remaining in the heddles. --, v. the weaving is uneven, one side of the cloth being higher than the other (qoSx$noSoo):o5). - oooS, v. to be skilled in weaving. - d8, see qgcqS. h —CgS (pron. qoS0gs), n. the abb, yarn of the warp (qoS co: Ge). 48 917 qoSoow,:St, v. to work the treadle of a loom; n. the treadle of a loom. ---- (j0S), n. the harness or heddles of a loom; qotoo$:o oooS 36Scoogo (or o~oo~) (Prov.) Anglice, "a bad workman, &c." / ---- 8, n. the warp (3348). --- 8, v. to pass the sizing brush (qcSoo0o8g) over the warp (0.). 1 ---— oloS, n. the woof, oacoloS (co6lo(S@). M --- —GolooSo, n. a round bar in a fence; comp. 6oSon ----, n. a sizing brush. " --- —, n. a factory where many looms are in operation. ---- qo (pron. ag), v. to extend the thread lengthwise preparatory to weaving; @,sa4o 00So&g4q:Sooqocu [also applied figuratively, e.g., 6oSjosmo oosgoal qaSc:o5 oor " ----~o, n.; see @3o5 [the trio sticks used to separate the threads of the warp, and placed next to the yarn beam]. ----— cscs, n. the knife used for cutting off the ends of threads. ----— 0, v. to learn weaving (also to teach weaving). " ---oo (pron. qoSo ooS), n. a weaver. ----— 0, n. a web, cloth in a loom. ctlo5, n. a rekkaik, a certain monster of the belu (c,8cg) genus. [" The Rakshas resemble the Yakas, but they have not, like "them, the power to assume any shape that they choose. "When appearing to men they must assume their own "proper form. They live principally in the forest of Hi"mAla (08ooodGoo)) and feed on the flesh of the dead, "whether of beasts or men."-M.H.]. qoso, n. a girder [or longitudinal timber sustaining the joists of a house] (oo8); comp. cols1ogoS, a bar in a rail-fence, c5 — dloS, n. the hole in a house-post through which the summer is inserted. — J-, a. made rail-fashion; also used as a verb; qoSocloog nq$, n. Arakan; qg8@eoqgqScJ, n. the Arakanese race, one of the Arakanese race. The ancient names of Arakan were q90g9(cS8:), ogoo3 (@e), [qcg9y from qac, a " bilu" (oe:s) and ~q, " country," " city," "kingdom."] qq, see qc~6 (not used in colloquial). qI, n. the breast; qESouSmaoos, like the child of one's bosom. — M —3, v. to be uneasy in the stomach from fulness, whether occasioned by food or wind; qELbnsaog~oo~oonooi ~&pc0r~ ~.an ocuiam'ent w-ork on the breast; '.the breast (of a brute. animal, e-,f., iS8oi (or 'Coa) 'the" i'nse'parable ch foe's bosom." oo3~c$co~o n. a brea~st-plate.' —,n., the protuberanice of the breasts in man or woman; q 3~c9~ooe~ (appied tor women). GW~ v. -to have, *a. constriction. -of the chest. -MO (Pron. q8&61), n. a large shield of boards carried in the hand -an'd occasionally planted. -!oM,:, v. to be broad in the chest, qSc6 the latter is preferable.. -. —.cq~;, ~ V. to be narrow in the' chest... ran. q898),,rv. to have the sensation, of tightness in th Cts as to breathe with some difficulty; less than..qSM4.)n. a. close jacket worn by girls; GoeSA C03 (ptron. cT&~), n. the depression at the breast-bone. — 0sav. to agree, be on good terms, c~i&:~~ Wcc.oSzo; to agree, in respect to a bargain, q6&tcaoo8 n. two zayats built parallel to each other with a pathway running between them. - 6choo&ds, adv in a broken-hearted manner (prostrated grief); CO8QWC~qCO:x 23LCO86oSo~OSP04C~soei..io v.to, palpitate,. bezat as the heart;Okc $&~;4Qro~orcot ol Q4,vot x (re. q8Gcile:), _n. the chest. — S=,v. to place breast to breast; QRqtqSJS:Q03 v.. to have an unusual depression at the breast-bone. aV. to feel free and natural in the chest; opposed to ~q?4 and ~Q4 — g& (see 88), x. the bosom, %*ie., the breast and parts adjacent; ao~ol cccqj*Oo~ n. a guardin, reet;[868qcB@~:, in Upper Burma, the mother (o ea eation) of an hereditary thugyi* qE 919 conducting the duties of her son during his minriority)qSG8, n. the natural warmth of the body (lit. breast); ac3$ u8*-r-0co, n 33e~68 98.iEoc84 -,mr-% c8sr. v&Goo 8 Gs GWOGO3)~GQO@ 8C~qC aS jCO8c3ZGQ '8G ~O)8G.6C - ehS, n. something bound on the breast; qoegoIc) - CoD, v. to be uneasy from an unnatural appetite. - c~& (pron. q8P), adv. breast to breast; 0aEsa a - A389o5, v. to close with (an enemy) (infrequent). -, v. to breathe with difficulty from an obstruction in the chest; more than 0q5; also used figuratively, e.g.; opFo MooJ@::).ocgO c8 qooao^ui (as in hearing disagreeable news). --- n. the pit of the stomach. -- 0WOO (pon. 308), n. a fence or palisade outside of a fortification. -~0*, v. to beat the breast; q80oo8Q-8-.iic8o6So8o.:8-,v qa: cooSo@SaRa-Oqc2S pdjmS:ooe -coo38, n. the gore in each side of a Burmese jacket (a kind of ornament worn by the prince in a dramatic performance). -— oR (qoS), n. a kind of net used in catching shrimps, see y6o - cq9, v. same as q80 qOblj 3,TU,,s — 4, v. to be sore in the breast comp. 6o800o8o u5-o, n. the breast (of man). - ooS40, v. to have severe pain in the stomach (frequently arising from dyspepsia). - 8 (ron. q8), n. the space before the breast, presence 9~_,8@cs8o 9:) 8e O5O: g09o$~s18@8U - @&0, v. to have the sensation of fulness in the chest. - j( (pron. 98is), n. a covering for the breast; 3J qc&:a -.2, n. a badge of office worn on the breast. -:, n. the breast. coo q8_qp:oo8, v. to wear the Burmese petticoat., so as to, cover the breasts.; comp. 61*;6oo8 (to wear the. same with the breasts unco~rered), o%8S1)~ooucxc&1 cSocSq-.08 v. same as.8;J81 -— ~,v. to be round-bodied. -Gco:, v. to have a feeling of oppression in the breast; also used figuratively, e.g., CoeqOM:xO'( c0e931O0(C&8GCO: o.P (;G)-OD&O. n. a large timber suspended horizontally against the wall of a fortress to crush an assailing party. -.,n. the breadth of the breast; c-18oqc~no~oo, girth. — on. the breast of a female; oicn~o W:CB to be full in the bust.. A&,n. a shoulder belt. rcnn. one's own child; Sv. to feel uncomfortable from an empty stomach 1c~8:c:)A q~:=6sometimes has the same meaning as c[9,n. Karin cabbage palm (not intelligible to the majority. f Burmans). 98G6l8, ti.- Indian grape. c1$to5 (Won. cooc), n. the Gardenia coronaria; 48o~o1olurq ci, v. to be mature, firm, opposed to ~, young, tender; - 00, V. same; 3Oq~~i(1~oo~~ ~~ 9~, 2, V. to repeat melodiously, chant; R1f:uI~Gcoq-)rqaqo - e38,v. same; 9 ~cexC(:,S0 -3q 0Goa:) qo5II1 - GOj v. same; q-&Q080 GI,3, v. to trail; not used singly. Der. aq~ii v. same as v Cis 921 c. 08, v. to be rude, disrespectful in addressing others; ~:6 c#a cG@33 aoc mcg$g q(coog, U San Dun's manr of speaking is very rude. - q889:9sg, adv. rudely, disrespectfully; 88 3000ocS o gpsp ~q~q~o8sg8gGS((pG|^36o,, ~one has no right to address one's superiors in a disrespectful manner. q86, v. to be at the bottom, be deep-seated, as a wound, or sore, that has apparently healed; oasGqoS olI $9aO3e9oos:. cq8scooozo, [to retreat and return to the combat as a fighting cock], to place or put for the sake of accumulating; ~ q8sg, capital. --—, v. same, 2nd def.; C 89sc oSooo4 qSJ:oooSq oc9oRcS cqSzSogQ, it will be only by your being able to accumulate a sufficient amount of capital that you will be able to do business as a trader. q8s: (c5), n. a short ladder suspended from the top of a tan tree. -— oa?, n. a light ladder used in ascending a tan tree. q8:qp: (ou) (qtS4o0), n. a kind of medicinal plant, the Ancistrolobus mollis, M. "qB, i, n. a pheasant; j8Go061m8 qc, 2, n. a spinning-wheel, frame; q8o~ oauq8i [an irrigation water-wheel used in Upper Burma; qSog, to revolve as such wheel.] -- @S, n. the band of the wheel. — :(;os (pron. qh((gh g), n. the composition with which the band is rubbed. — 4 —D30o:, -4cuoso, g, n. the places in which the spindle rests and turns; azoqc^ oo o ai 9o4.:cqSocgS28iicooS G00:CGO&OGCO~COeI -- ool8s, n. the wheel of the spinning-wheel, any wheel inia machine; ocS c --- —-0, n. a kind of spinning-wheel. q8, 3, v. to wind round, encircle; o5ncogo8m ooS8c nu. i o00na0 oo8ogcn5csR oo~o%0g~ 45csoosdc~o o9q8IcgAn9:8.c.CoSstcgo~ S In[cMcoosqScoSGcodji, at this time the miraculous chariot, wheeling round to the right of the palace, went down the king's highway and turned to the right of the city; E6gLdo (6cjq@O: gqos, being unable to hold the horse, he was obliged to do so by winding the rope (round his hand). 116 -4; ierb. af4,. re6maining behind; ooSooGio6ad1@$U G o$~C6uOOO5oksi WQCqjoSoDS 9SZS:89 @SC, oo@ o S s81 V&O ~r-4>* coSQAgoS. cgJc to 08:NoCI GS r-OZ8~2 Q9801,rw a aaGw5Q -.e~ ccov~Sq ~ooQR*O ceft&Ic~1ogv V.. to aim at, have reference to; used singly, e.g., w&SoDc - I, v. same; R81 9~oooDscp ooocx~ c*e~ q1 GencSocoa -ooo8 (o ), v. (from GODS, i, which see) [same, most common]; pqc8g Asc oo>occa&, the treasurehouse intended for use in religious matters. v. same; o [ %6S, a " subject" as in official correspondence]. -96S, v. same. oqS, v. to allude to at a venture, not on certain grounds. — IoB, v. same as -R&% 0~00, v. same; oioAc -~oSeoroougweg)pooosgoco~~: - a oc85omq659I&Geqc q4oo4=51@8:o~, "the matteis not investigated with the intention of casting a slur on the Police." -qoj (from s9e~, 3) (pron. g q) [also frequently pron. ccq in colloquial], v. to be equal, on a par, neither superior nor inferior; qt!2~cl c u4,qjo:oho4 cxgSs Qjjo- (p.on. 44&) (from mc,), n. the pegs, or short stakes dtivef in-the ground to wind a warp on, oSotsBSIS, qgaoos (pton. cooDs), n. a weaver's reed or sley. etey, v. to be on terms of familiar and intimate acquaintance. Has a similar meaning to c, e.g., o(; ocoA oo5c9~ aDoDGc(;5II1 9806~ 9t~ CU )~ ci~ 0-lS e~RD 4S6o03 (Pron. q9Qoo:), n. a lover of either sex when the love is reciprocated [see oo8sc8,A S0 ], a sweetheart. [ooco8oD Gdoun, a term denoting that a person has married his or her first love.]. COOS V. to indulge in mutual love, rewWo P %o59e~qoO, 3oaX)ooN oo', 923:.gSoostS, v. to be broken off as an engagement between lovers; n. a party in a broken engagement, usually the sufferer; 3oJQoo)oSqsooq-o5D ql -- qIS, v. to break an engagement;- qIo&,e co ~&( cI 58 ---:, v. to have many lovers; xpplt, < qgc (cn'), see 3sE and CoS.Ei8:i qoo., n. business, trouble, =39; [not colloquial, but occurs in sones1; 9oa.Sg338206 II oiq c3a:c OQ ^o:oo00g09&8 (co: o~Ggf3o) qGOOG CpO5os (c9&) G6SI qoop (pron. qna)) (Pali), n. anything precious; coascgsqoop3i S-o:o1:, n. the three objects of worship, namely, the deity, the law, and the priesthood-oqp:H oolqumot:e " The Bud"dhas, the sacred books, and the priesthood, are regarded "as the three most precious gems. They are all associated "in the threefold formulary repeated by the Buddhist when "he names, as an act of worship, the triad to which he "looks as the obiect of his confidence and his refuge; cloo ", R l: u1Z O -scB-S H "-S.H.E.M. C — oCSo1, n. ten precious things, including gold, silver, and several kinds of precious stones (which priests are not to handle). 1qo, i (pron. qq), n. a season of two months, one of the six seasons into which the year is divided, comp. goqqlqobr s Cqo, 2, n. a kind of verse; qoqqou qooog, n. a carriage with four wheels, any wheel-carriage superior to a cart. (The larger carriage, with a @3o5, used at a pongyi's cremation festival.) — o88oS (pron. qo(:o)8oS5), n. the smaller carriage on which the body of a priest is conveyed to its cremation.. --- 8C:q, n. a chariot soldier. — 0o$o, n. ornaments or appendages of.a carriage. — CoB (pron. qooo8$5), n. a charioteer [a carriage driver]. -- GscoS@, n. the seat behind a carriage for the syce (groom) to sit upon? -- GolP5, n. the top of a carriage. -— 61o:818, n. a top which may be shut down like that of a buggy. 924 R i3Q8. a private carriage. @M W pron.3 -94o$), -68-~~~oo, n. the wheel of a- carriage* — 2). a Icarriage driver. ns. a small particle equal to 16 ooq (qmo:.-, the -dtisit raised by a carriage in motion, clomsoDS, 53DO G + XBWOGOODj). -— cstn. a carriage road. ad.hither and thither in a state of vacillation; cxo:~ opA8o~cq qaoo-oq@ n r Gc, o q oOODGJ) ns. the axle-tree of a carriage..-co$ (usually pron. 41oooo4), ns. the pole or beam of a car* riage,.a thill or shaft. Ai, xi. a quarrel, enmity; [danger, cause' of danger, an enemy, ~ooo-]. -4&&. v. to be clear of enemies or dangers; 49o08:GcV)&, a hifleast of Mandalay. i.to'diminish in violence as a' quarrel. -c soo8, v. to incur enmity. v. to retaliate, to avenge one's self, to pay off * old scores, 08Cq008:el --, v. to resist (an assault). j:,. a victorious king (poetical); q~c-pooo~8ip~ol~nw v. to be.settled, quieted, done away; more than cl G@, to be quiet, undisturbed by enemies. W"PMM@~ n.'a robber, rebel [an. enemy, o,~o{].G@).....j~ ~-&:cq, v. to harbour resentment, bear malice; - (Pron. cifo0), is. the beginning of a. quarrel (also used as a verb, to begin a'quarrel, to be the aggressor). v..; see4 0. 1..0-8,. War (see qc5ct$So~o&); Q&j6olOGX.22 o&i~ - ejo., v. to aggress (q$otjs, lit, to " sow enmity," to be the beginning of a quarrel); co~oq j(;o6Aq$o&4~u 0,v. to cease as enmity; o Q ~ o~~o~ 01 925 G$joq, see q~Ggo&0 - cAQ or -ohj, v. to retaliate evil for evil; comnp. 9$q@sco6 and coac.G (ao,): D:). -c05S, v. to provoke a quarrel between others; co8ow:j GW)ooo@ 3~~aoS9~q 90q02Sg kq@8G,~O~Ug.-v, v. to quarrel; 3a1 60C CoSoq tGSqo3 (usually refers to a warm contention in words). -~,Co:)8, v. to show an inclination to quarrel, to take occasion to quarrel;;$9ocoo8gr9sz:)a8e llqg~coD8q8$ 6c9:88 - 0sj, v. to have few enemies. -_~, v. to come to a quarrel; q$~ocgq~1q$cqq$f& " sivis pacem parabellum." -- v. to continue a quarrel (has also a similar meaning to q$o); o8J$G005Coo~aqu spG9XPTU -, v. to be settled as a quarrel; $;gSt 36$, - v, to come to an end; q9~S)o238Iae - l v. to increase, become great from a small beginning; -o65 (oocn) (pron. 9$eo5), n. a party in a quarrel, an opponent; R009q BjSO gq$oDq ooS~qc~ 05 1I - 68, v. to quarrel (usually used with reference to a physical combat); 3casospo q$@S3 g ool - 0005, adv. at enmity; qjooScooc " the rhyme of hostile pairs." — o$, n. [an evil, calamity, coo*.ac&saz9n-]; 88c8 oRgsoQ C 3) 9q$o18 El GOq 5G o@:go:9o@oS:)qTu:3 eqs 0So00050o0CS Gco.o8&gRoo-)8:*eII - v, vo. to resolve on making resistance; oq=ucUo joo:)0 - 5g:, v.; see q$o086n Qo0 c"0 9otsc3:1 Q~1 u9$ g5:oogcogocau - S, v. to pick a quarrel; ooSc omoncq$ 5o1 oS - Sjos, -ra1o, v. to keep aloof, as an enemy, through fear or other cause; =ooVwarj 9 9,oo_ I -, v. to be dangerous, as q~~cpw-161 - ~c, v.to be quarrelsome; o;9q0 sSoo $ u 926 qS Rgv. -to be dissipated -as a cause of fear (infrequent in colloquial). - -,v. to escape danger; c85p1o5 c cE~1 *. r,! v. to be safe, as 9coc-ooxloj, a place of safety; - on. an enemy; 9.qjx.;c])-6Itn2 IU&i io)S~ oj~q j Qiol ~6~~ cS~o4~,the Burmese use this collective phrase even when they speak of having suffere-d damage from one only of the five kinds of cnemies. Thus a cultivator would say that he had been. ruined by the "91five kinds -of enemies " when his crops a/~one had been destroyed. %$, 2, V. to appropriate, set apart for some purpose, design for, 9~cO:): cg-); comp. ro:)~, 2, r~Oa-.8 00t-3a6I OZ%,3'S cOaOc 6 8, Gcc)Ox5Obq~r4px 'mSJ qco8ij~o c Colr the follow~ng rules, which it is proposed for- the purpose of transferring building-sites in towns, are published for general information. c1,3, i.-.formatiese a, see Grammar, sec. 125, 3rdi (the verbal in ct, from Q~coo, to appropriate, denotes what is for some purpose, ***as W, what is to be done); xpS C~408 o) 4r.0 oo,% M&:O2 hjB C 08q 94c6, n. a rafter of wood; comp. oz@84 - )n. a transverse timber, which occurs at intervals be. tween the plate and the ridge of a roof to support the rafters. qjn. vegetable fragrance. 0a5~, (o$'II49xe), -o4 -nj, c (most common); c40 - 008,-'S, v. to be fragrant, as the air filled with sweet odours; 61' " coS~~co azo:;c?2O CO 4 cc _9~ q$,v. to make a barrier on the side; x)-op (obsolete). Der. (.1.OOj 1"0:),c (o. 1 U ~,CO ysct$ 11~o~ 3z9 03'1 qt3-, v. to stand, to stop, halt, remain, coj hence 3oi8a oa~j&?) -,v. to hold out; 693, to withstand (an enemy); j~co&~, c oc6 to petition (clerical),. q8 c8:, see the parts; cqcp'o 6co a98c geT ~ ---s 8 ~n. a fellow-countryman, (a fellow-townsman, a fellow-villager). -~coj, v. same as q8, and def.; a@GcooSXRaao ~G S 6 ---— a, v.; see the parts; e q60b noo:ooa q - C88, 0v. O fqlBs9G0@CoEoo8088Ooo0oC@coo Ccqx&e M oG.00S soaq~gcg60p"9cSq~8003Xqoco:d ool81 qSooS, n. small timber suitable for posts; o8o9jszf38 q6&S8ooS "q6, n. a kind of flat basket. qoS, n. desire, longing for; qo^Soo- ~n QoS oqc6S q6c8, n. a kind of fine cloth (not in ordinary use). q6oS (Pali qgo5), n. appetite, lust; =cqqcYoStIoI9oqacSJ similar in meaning to q o5s q9co:, n. a species of large rattan used as ropes (not in ordinary use); 92oo:)8 (Iron. 98=@S8). q9S, i, v. to be slightly swelled; less than -=i:; gwSmsc0ooS OOSS~00&11 s8, 2, v. to be abundant (obsolete)..-Is$rqR, v. to be sufficiently abundant; used adverbially (rare in colloquial). q86a-os, v. to be haughty, insolent (pron. qR6hls) Gosmo..; cooS cjS 0 wo iu aan o o5:)q NS-0ooor SPoooS coeo coS (frequently pron. qc), v. to laugh; cl6 q9qjootii go5q& CS$OCS&3j134qQqo SGq401S-; 90SRS-0 qOS01'oQlI I O719"~V oa5u08cs lCnq (In some parts of Upper Burma still pron. in conversation as spelt.) - Go:, v. to laugh aloud; igolSqlgco oo:ogc6roor.Eooel —,S or -g v, v. to laugh and be merry; qrSoGcoBSrGo 0-g -soSj$, adv. of similar import; q Sg$ oDjsoo~ - 251Cg2g, v. to laugh derisively; ocooo.10@O q:cS '60g 928 qocg qcScooS, v. to laugh hard (not in general use). qoooq~ (pron. qGoq), n. the middle south post in the main part of a house; see under cag, qoo (pron. 9c, oo) (Pali), n. flavour, taste; s9qooon o ooCoo930a3 Cqoo:3 (pron. q, coo, t) (from at), v. flavour tasted. qco (Pali), a. short, aso; see ~Son cGoo):co~ad&6o56o3ooC3B qcoGoTooeg, e.g.,.,oW,3 qcaoo, I (qo?.), n. a devotee, ascetic; c3oCo Ga 8co S9q=c. "Raci or Rathee means an hermit, a personage living by " himself in some lonely and solitary recess, far from the "contagious atmosphere of impure society, devoting his "time to meditation and contemplation. His diet is of the "coarsest kind, supplied to him by the forest he lives in; the "skins of some wild animals afford him a sufficient dress. " Most of these Rathees having reached an uncommon de"gree of extraordinary attainments, their bodies become "spiritualized to an extent which enables them to travel "from place to place by following an aerial course."-Bigandet's Life of Gaudama; qGOo 8oQ gooo i(G3qo 8o$ Ggo03G@~30ogllO333#^Os %8u&0oo66111 "-I — (q9G-g), n. an instrument with two points one larger than the other, used in perforating and turning beads and buttons. qGOO?, 2, n. a kind of fine rice. qaooS, n. a reel on which thread is wound from the spindle; qoojSpl, a wheel, anything that turns on an axis; oo' S cooSi oo Scol ooSgc@oogS i qpqcoOcc $ O(,aSy Cog qcovo (pron. qoo$3l), n. an areeya (a3joo) of the highest order; szao8ooooos$, see 0co00. "The fourth of the paths "leading to nirwAna is called qoo1oqooS. The ascetic "who has attained this is called Rahat (tqooo). There are "five great powers that the Rahat possesses-Irdhi (g8) "or the power of working miracles, he can rise into the "air, overturn the earth (Gg@ ac3$S8co), or arrest the "course of the sun. (2) The power to hear all sounds, "from whatever being proceeding (88GoSoo33oc9). (3) "The power to know the thoughts of other beings (oq " 8 ogg89 ao ac). (4) The power of knowing what births " were received in former ages (q8qol aopoo8). (5) 928 qocg qcScooS, v. to laugh hard (not in general use). qoooq~ (pron. qGoq), n. the middle south post in the main part of a house; see under cag, qoo (pron. 9c, oo) (Pali), n. flavour, taste; s9qooon o ooCoo930a3 Cqoo:3 (pron. q, coo, t) (from at), v. flavour tasted. qco (Pali), a. short, aso; see ~Son cGoo):co~ad&6o56o3ooC3B qcoGoTooeg, e.g.,.,oW,3 qcaoo, I (qo?.), n. a devotee, ascetic; c3oCo Ga 8co S9q=c. "Raci or Rathee means an hermit, a personage living by " himself in some lonely and solitary recess, far from the "contagious atmosphere of impure society, devoting his "time to meditation and contemplation. His diet is of the "coarsest kind, supplied to him by the forest he lives in; the "skins of some wild animals afford him a sufficient dress. " Most of these Rathees having reached an uncommon de"gree of extraordinary attainments, their bodies become "spiritualized to an extent which enables them to travel "from place to place by following an aerial course."-Bigandet's Life of Gaudama; qGOo 8oQ gooo i(G3qo 8o$ Ggo03G@~30ogllO333#^Os %8u&0oo66111 "-I — (q9G-g), n. an instrument with two points one larger than the other, used in perforating and turning beads and buttons. qGOO?, 2, n. a kind of fine rice. qaooS, n. a reel on which thread is wound from the spindle; qoojSpl, a wheel, anything that turns on an axis; oo' S cooSi oo Scol ooSgc@oogS i qpqcoOcc $ O(,aSy Cog qcovo (pron. qoo$3l), n. an areeya (a3joo) of the highest order; szao8ooooos$, see 0co00. "The fourth of the paths "leading to nirwAna is called qoo1oqooS. The ascetic "who has attained this is called Rahat (tqooo). There are "five great powers that the Rahat possesses-Irdhi (g8) "or the power of working miracles, he can rise into the "air, overturn the earth (Gg@ ac3$S8co), or arrest the "course of the sun. (2) The power to hear all sounds, "from whatever being proceeding (88GoSoo33oc9). (3) "The power to know the thoughts of other beings (oq " 8 ogg89 ao ac). (4) The power of knowing what births " were received in former ages (q8qol aopoo8). (5) 930.po cp, I, v. to be fit, proper, right;,oo,-ooS chiefly used as a qualifying affix, frequently euphonic; cpGopGooSQoooSao>aS @g o ol. 88^6oo oooao3SoigaqpoS:B 0630 ^5 o@Sg c4co o:g ooqpzs 0o80 8o003o sg cioscpcgin 'cS^So.qp pg, 2 (from cwp), verb. formative denoting the object of an action, or the place of being or action; sometimes reduplicated; 6gG1:&35it88&SooSeqGc .YooiGpo Scop.-..., n. land producing millet, sesamum, cotton, indigo. cpo (Pali), n. strong passion, particularly ooa, opoiGpooI@~Q cpojSooS, (cpo8co4). cpnoo, <pC, see "omn A ---q, n. the pride of a king, ruler, &c. —.-qagooo5, v. to feel the pride of royal blood; cpqcqaSIGooca "qoSqaScpo5 (one of the royal virtues, of which there are eight). — Q'S: (from qac), what is unsuitable to be done or spoken; n. what is improper to be done to a king (or government), disloyalty (sedition). --—.ScogoSooS, v. to be not chargeable or chargeable with disloyalty, whether in speech or act. "-QcSs:o~, v. to be guilty of disloyalty (sedition). -- q6, n. the stern-post.of a boat or ship. S —oS n. a beating, scourging, or pecuniary penalty inflicted by government authority. — 6, n. a rule for royal observance, of which there are ten; oc0.8: oqo~ oo o01: -- 8, n. a book of proverbs pertaining to government., —og6, n. a royal throne. " ---.*ox:S, — oo.a, n. artifice used by kings or others in atthority. S*-*oo (poggiS) (pron. ct ooo). -— o$, n. the anger of a king; qpooo$ahs -— g9 (eoS), n. a lattice fence (usually of bamboo) constructed with rhombic interstices, and erected by the side of a road passed by great personages; cpoofBooII -.0.o (pron. "cxs3o), n. a sceptre. cPO; 93V yooS, I, n. a history of kings, civil history; cspo84o:, v. to place on historical record; cpoo8~8S, to be discreditable in history. -oS, 2, n. a kind of tree. -ooS, n. heavy penalty inflicted by government; more than cpQa3a cog$.ooo aqoqco-oo) cgcrorg8ii cpojooSooS5Q1SU cGPO ooSq.Qo:8:-.g, criminal offences of a minor kind (aj.cpc ooS s8: woSApoogi). -ooaqr o; eo0o, n. the Code of Criminal Procedure. -ooSGQ018 (pron. spaoo6col 8), n. rural police gaung in Burma; tl)GOl8 -— o5oc8$x, n. a petty constable, cutwal. 05-oo0e8:, n. the Inspector-General of Police, Burma. -ooSq, n. conduct exposing one to a heavy penalty from government (a criminal case). — oaS o, n. a criminal court, [a Police officel; comp. ooqzoP: -ooSO$, n. District Superintendent of Police, Burma; ScSq8.oGCooS o4GOBSji cpchooS occoooS, an Assistant District Superintendent of Police. - OcSaC8, v. to become subject to heavy penalty inflicted by government. -og$ (oox), n. a title of nobility. - ocxx (from coBS, to settle), n. a fresh enactment of government in addition to the standing oeXoai &3Rwqanodo*Oe 0o0, n. the Indian Penal Code. — ooSomo, n. a policeman; qPzooaS3zaoo5:1 q08qo5iioM14oc cpmo (Pali), n. a king; 0o8:t11Pooo84Ov cp%, n. large scales; $go cpoaq: (pron. cpqs), n. an office under government; Poi-, v. to appoint to an office; cpcqa.,J6 v. to promote, exalt; pacq: cpo6S, n. an apprizer appointed by government (or who has become one by public approval; &oopgo8, usually an appraiser of precious stones). Pcpcpooo, adv. having no claim to, or concern with, to be co cooxoQ:oE4P umG@oaGoS3 oog c~oojosogcxqn ggjvI: cpz8 (Pali), n. a sign of the Zodiac, of which there are twelve rasis or collections, namely, (i) 8=o (M6sha, a red ram) "[Aries], (2) @coo (Wrashaba, a white bull) [Taurus], (3) acq$ (Mithuna, a woman and man of a blue colour, holding an iron rod and a lute) [Gemini], (4) o0Qoo0 (Karkkataka, a red cral) [Cancer], (5) o3$ (Singha, a lion of a red colour) [Leo], (6) co$ (KanyA, a virgin of a dark colour, in a ship, holding a handful of ears of rice and a lamp) [Virgo], (7) No (Tula, a white man, with a pair of scales in his hand) [Libra], (8) @~& [Scorpio, a scorpion], (9) ot (Dhanu, a figure of a golden colour, half man and half horse, with a bow in his hand) [Sagittarius], (o1) o ootq (Makara, a marine monster) [Capricorn], (In) ) (Kumbha, a white man holding a water-jar) [Aquarius], (12) 8$ (Two fishes, looking opposite ways) [Pisces], the menses, menstrual discharge, female courses, egq, 8:s[q [ojlcpoa, n. a tree or plant which blossoms throughout the year (a perennial); oJcpdo83ooo~, a tree which bears fruit throughout the year, as the plantain; oj cpJ8P, the name of a plant, also called cspo8o; oj1cp-&Ioo:, n. a silver bowl or cup with the twelve signs of the Zodiac chased on it]. cpo8oo5, n. the Zodiac. -— c, — S, v. to have a suppression of the menses. — 'oS:, v. to have a return of the menses; -poSoTo cp:c8-$ CPpoo goq@$Sn ogo3scooSoog n (used by women alone); oo3Uolao (used by women alone). --— GogR8ooS (vulgar), same as spo88n -— 9, v. to be regular in the menstrual discharge. "-oo~, v. to be after the proper time as the menses. cpo, n. a dark planet (cpcqgoSn cpajo5ooo[8:5) visible only when coming over the disc of the sun or moon, and causing an eclipse; the regent of the said dark planet; called also o*oq$ and c68n The sun and moon are at regular intervals seized by the asurs (ozojp) RAhu (cpoR) and K6tu (Gcna), and these periods are called grahanas or seizures (eclipses).-M.B.; cpooqoi -poccoo:i cpojii qu5scnco_mou The poqrcoo~n is between ~oooocoo: and --- o:, lit. " Rahu seizes," but in an extended sense, to become eclipsed as the moon, see cq8oo5:, cpocqoo, n. Rahula, son of Prince Siddharhta (afterwards Gaudama the Buddh) and Yas6dharA (daughter of SupraBuddha). qf 933 a v. to be gentle, moderate; chiefly used adverbially, as (06: C600~) Ooqq8owe3 % -805 (88), v. to cling to, hang on, as a child to a parent, or a dependant to a man of power; =348,Iq n. provisions, commonly provisions for a journey. -o5ro0 j: (o3t), -a40, -co*o% ni. same. -cx S, n. a bundle of provisi6ns. -- Gcooo1n, n; a commissariat granary. vcS, v. to reap (oouh-qo), mow (Gotjqo), shave (0~qS); oo1:c3 qoSqcS, adv. intensive to c~-, 18.*c0coossf oSoSqc3-n OO&jorV qs, v. to throw ax shadow (obsolete in this sense), to hint at, intimate; hence o1S; w q& ou;8:c 3o~p' -o4, adv. in the way of catching a glimpse of; qsio4~$cqB — QI21 -QIoc.sco~j — oCBMcOS, adv. hintingly; qS6IGO:)c984o:.-c.oqc8dS, adv. hintingly; 08-o8:50S. (ooS-CooS:), adv. catching at the meaning of another; cacgoIsSs scoet oooS a cqo~oI ~.11=oq p~ooot C.005CON509350s wUSIo- M&OI ~-8, v. to get a hint of, discover, recognize; o8Rcx)%&m3 c~ oil@$ oosqb6aoe~l c]r6ooS6ct oo3oo=89oo5Iq88u0.cowll 4-q&3c, adv. by a very little; @cqc~c0:cEq +o5o6O:Aooe -— P, -o5, v. same as q8 in certain combinations. q8qS, adv. intensive to GC90II q8q8G@:G3 8)3ScO Ox;*C9 q v. to be darkish, dusky; ~tB~qooe~1196584we~11 - G$oo, i, v. to be giddy, dizzy; WGoI -oCP (frequently pron. x.acqa), adv. dark"k, duskily, as in evening twilight; G oEq1o4PU(;46oS0CoG98)SII - adv. indistinctly, obscurely, dimly; G408qqAq qCP,.CO, 01IA' q~a~ii o8::),n. the Recorder of Rangoon. qQF:o~o)B n. a Registrar, S(Palli), n. a tree; oo~o8ii - Q3 — (prn. %8+~,), n. a sylvan deity, a dryad. -jr, n. an ascetic who lives under a tree, one of the thirteen austerities (Ioo8); gcgiooSGwDY5oop~oOeII %5,see %4 v. to be coarse, as thread. CcS (from SJ@8S:), v. same; to be of coarse gain, to be coarse, violent, as language, e.g., aG@:)i=A% 8u-ii mcoe~ to be ro~u h, harsh, violent S*oSu q&,v. same, last'def.; also applied to personal appearance, e.g., oqo.cqm3aq(8cS6 ~u j1: 1, v. to pull, draw with a strain on the shoulder or breast, as a heast of burden, n $im j:; to pull contrarily in order to extricate one's self (to struggle to get free), 1$oo G&q CO 2; to react as an elastic body, GcODSOC5 [tD. 0 o warp as Wood, oL-koc).sjI$*co%], (J.g,2, v. to be tumultuous, in a hurry, crowding before one another; used only in an adverbial form;.-q 18ooS (pron. 4a$:S:ooS) [qcsoo~q], adv. in a tumultuous manner; 4atEcdq n. an affray. -9qSw.*oQ ~-8-cq -98. o65968], v. same.~ as otv Q:9m0S:GoI qo S4.q:uoCS mc&%obacPSco85JOe3l 8.&nq 0,1(from ljo, visibility), n. that which appears, namely, matter considered as an object of sense, opposed to ~ mind; a corporeal frame, animal body; c~~, appearance, symptom (the aggregate of the elements that constitute *the body, outward form), ~40noqgiaw8=880 [oCOC5 a-*M"ooc~o:8 (see oo),n. a corporeal collection or compound,.of which eight are enumerated, namely, oqR, ob, 40I0,)OD 3M3G&U GOOGOZ olCW0oi (COOO4-:&.2) QJc'SO Go %6oov., to assume an appearance; rG8Q:"CqB. jq: oq~oqO~) G~8SO&~~ O~ Gc ccoco8aoen az~o@c9@oi (OjS s)S is apsoo a term used to express the temporary return to consciousness and animation which some persons present on the point of death, -mmwo (usually pron. 9Scx?), n. image, idol (of a Buddh or Rahanda); oiI~qo~io&)@occN8..oo — CC~V. to compute by algebraic signs, see under jocc~pi (q~~6,a grammatical term; %SC26So00So:,, n. a painted or sculptured representation (a photograph~; cqGoooqqnIIG~GxX n.a multiplication of the. body of deity (aqcp:); %881:..-~S Pron. qj8Vl~oo.-q), n. images, idols. -sO~G65, adv. piately; 000 pj::Ic~ros00SmRG oc~ojaoo:j ooD Qqaos 0 Coa. b q 00e~8 C~OC8 QOOO (R8(IJ) C)Dqc9: r' -. —cocecto, n. appearance, symptom; rQjjo0&d~q0oN SCQroa -snn. a puppet or marionette; q8Oq:s c$4a (;oG~oIGlS:coDQ086IoLQ, [q~ac~oc, the manager of a puppet dramatic company; nj~c~,i. one who pulls the strings of puppets]. -sooX~oS (pron. j8IxSovk), n. a puppet or marionette stage. v. to pull the strings of a puppet..-QoO~ (prn. ~soo:t), n. a puppet show....Gcoo.~an. a collection of. puppets of many kinds [6-4cIn:A Q~iniij8~aoqp, the manager of a puppet drama-tic company is usually termed %6&i-oc by his troupe, jj8c:0coc by the public]. j&8, 2, n. a certain. alchemical eompositb; 6*Jt oS~ ~meo. coe~6 %S8, 3, v. to take in, withdraw, hence =*oScdj8woesc6Iro~.-cSv. same [to repeal a statute or order; G3~:. ~j1S (%65), [not used singly]. a, dv. instantly qcS: oacoo6i go3goSq glo noors o o80s ii -. 8:J (@8:), cocqoS, adv. same; %SooCaQ9OSS8u qOOOSO831 [%8&S:oo (pron..j&8:a), instantly, with a sudden rush or spring]. --— 45, -6qoSoS (os), adv. in a bustle, flurry; Goo:8Gor@:xoS --— qoSooS (qoSocQ), v. to make a bustle; aoM oSotoS - ( (%Sqi4asq6S)), adv. same as q lasm s - %.8 (%68aSa), adv. quickly, rapidly, aoqoSaoS (rare in colloquial). -— %j&:&: (%acSd& ), adv. noisily, clamorously (rare in colloquial). 4, l, v. to spring up in a cluster, as several sprouts from one root; g0O: 8 SS q 8:0PS3p aOECg, to overspread, as a vine; oagoS<qgosa 3 to. put on, as a pnriest's garment when going out; soS$-ts — Ge0:g (5o), n. spear grass. 2, 2, n. a booth, shed, building for work or business, or storing goods in; c18t"ox:*4 (a dining club); =O:snmoSiooo8t UG9tal MoS89q, t$3 6c, a sect of Buddhist priests unknown in Burma; comp. o4. Der mAn qs, n. a kind of plant, Phrynium. ~o8, n. a kind of wild pigeon. 40o0sQ4, n. a tumour in the armpit, sometimes called 48jpisa 4:, n. a court-house, place where justice is administered; v. to collect, assemble, gather together, q; seldom used singly; 4:* kPoo3.0o"o, independent authority. -=MW~cpA, n. a member of a court. -.-cd, v. to. disperse as the Magistrate and people attending a court. -—.o)qGQ (pron. (Gcq:), n. a clerk of a court. -sq, v. same as:(uucu.f i4ICG~ro$% -o, n. a constable, bumbailiff; t::o:a)vj*aoqS - S,. to establish or build a court-house; w ith reference more to the authority of a Magistrate being established in a 937 certain locality than the actual construction of a courthouse,,oquS o0oSoooo3oo R: ooSGag ugs~i to5s:, v. to leave a court as a Magistrate or Judge. — oooS, v. to attend court as a Magistrate or Judge. -— C-5, v. to hold court as a Magistrate or Judge. — 805, v. to close a court either at the end of each day or on the occasion of a government holiday. --— 8oo (pron. as spelt), n. the precincts of a court; t-q g8, v. to open a court either each day or after a government holiday. -- '., n. the presiding Judge or Magistrate of a court; : * 06B(pron. so8), n. a kind of esculent plant (okra) (lady's finger). o (Pali), n. visibility, appearance, saoo8:. Der jS and aSu // 3 a ~oGos o3o%,,ii --— o0000, n. the body collectively; 6o10 81Sooooo9o COgGRog 00o~, see ~ oocooou qouao, n. materiality, see under aoa, " The Rupakkhando are " 28 in number, namely, Pathawidhatu (oco8oloq), earth; (2) "Ap6dhitu (o Gol10cq), water; (3) Tejodhatu(GooQGcolo), "fire; (4) WAyodhatu (oTGoooolo), wind; (5) Chakkhun "(oc1[), the eye; (6) S6tan (Gco)o5), the ear; (7) GhAnan "(0co), the nose; (8) Jihwd (&91), the tongue; (9) KA"yan (conoo), the body; (io) Rupan (qo), the outward " form; (i i) Saddan (cog), the sound; (12) Gandhan (os), "the smell; (13) Rasan (9o5), the flavour; (14) Pottabban " (Golg), the substance, or whatever is sensible to the "touch; (15) Itthattan (RgE8%), the womanhood; (16) Pu"risattan (qqoog), the manhood; (17) Hadayawatthun " (aoo3oot), the heart; (18) Jiwitindriyan (8o8g3o5), vital" ity; (19) AkAsadhAtu (3no 0ocdIco), space; (20) KAya" winnyati (aoou8gg), the power of giving, or receiving " information, by gestures or signs; (21) Wachfwinnyati "(o(0888), the faculty of speech; (22) Lahuta (coc0o), the " property of lightness or buoyancy; (23) MudutA (qooo), "softness or elasticity; (24) KammannyatA (oog8 oo), "adaptation; (25) Upachayan (gooco), aggregation; (26) " Santati (ooc3), duration; (27) JaratA (oe9a), decay; "(28) Anichata,,(g8oo), impermanency."-M.B. )a (from go ahd.64, n. appearance seen (@8166o09otgL), c g, v. to be mkad, i1nsate. Der. aa: (8$Gscoe8:)..-a-t:, —:idaleo, a. partially deranged; ao@90:o9: OO3 a mSdPIPsCO:4(6(-Y3oosg 4)mca:sooc6u cq8g5acpcoo - U(gS.(:), -cR8, v.ito be partially deranged; azoS. boov-g O G2, I, n. water. - i n. a water-closet, a privy, necessary; GqogseStoo:) -r3 v. to be slack water. --- n. a kind of tree. ---, n. [a natural pool, pond, or lake.-S.]; see a4, v. to be stagnant, not flowving [c(;c[88ts, an obsolete term having the same meaning as q3a~8].:,. a water-pot (a chatty). — B~:o8 (Pron. Gqac;a8), n, the spot above the knee where the water-pot is rested when about to be raised to the head or shoulder; G34)Goo8913D.GOIO5WflfS -, n. a kind of water plant. — e260E (p*ron. G1qro8o), n. a bubble. - 'S *o (pron. q:pfroS), n. the first shower in the season [also applied to water in ponds and fisheries reflowing into a river when the water in the latter begins to fall at the end of the rains; ccq to5chl:qo%; cqo gJ, v. to begin to turn as the tide. — C, n. cold water. -o5:. (pron. co:), n. a guard stationed on the water; Gqoo& C9&aCG O0: O5 (GOCO8:). - c0o0:, v. to sport with, or in, water; GqoCoocoes:ccooS3oce --— o4 (pron. cGo), n. an artificial pond, a pool, tank. — 004a (pron. Gqoq.), n. water set apart for drinkable water (infrequent in colloquial); sqGo~:, n. a kind of creeper. br-oq=, n. the triangle formed by the two protuberances on, the head of an elephant on the one hand, and the boss on the nape of the neck just back of where it joins on to the skull. The presence of this boss is said to constitute one of the points by which the Burmese distinguish a white elephant, even if its skin be perfectly black. IG q- 9_"~t GQLoZXX (c8), n. a tree, the Erythrina lithosperma. ---- (pron. Gqol), n. a water fender. -, v. to swim, move through the water by the use of the limbs; ryjlg ood&om.Dui -cqgr ooo8, v.; see oa8oi, Ist sense; to take a similar course in order to gain a point; GqC; 3oR3 0S@)u - c~8, v. to wash the private parts. — q (pron. cqj), n. the ebb-tide; BScqqu rcjo, v. to ebb as a tide; GCqX98, v. to be overtaken by the ebb-tide. -c-oSo, n. cold water which has been previously boiled. -- c8o, n. a trough, watering trough; SqcBpqS:-acqqoo& cq~a~69:uoooa~611 — WGqo.1q965, n. a collective term for aquatic birds; oS.'o -GcqocS, n. the chicken-pox; Gcq)OSuB — 6qS, n. a natural communication subtending the bend of a river, or connecting one river or sea with another; rqq5. goagsovgs0 s~oaoopog — OBc I (pron. cq.jcS), n. a kind of water-fowl [a rail or coot]. — @oS, 2, n. a small cuttle-fish with eight limbs. rCQCSQ n. a water-hen. - 6 (pron. ocjq), n. [clear water, Mpoo&., an embryo in the stage of conception; mcoconcrlcog'q Cg GOX,9G-,3D8 9GcoD8o QtSB3Z6)lGQ18G:o)0II 00c6. 00r.J& co fGoi6 Cooo n Q) lSGc) oS cf ---— @ 00501, n. drinking water for the use of the king. -n —i-P$ 7. the officer of the palace who was charged with providing water for the royal household; cq@e;oo5='Wco8-0 N G (Pron. rq5f), c@os, n. a water-course, the channel of a brook or river, cqroo8g (pron. GGqG6308). - r'g:)a, Zv. to shorten distance (by water); comp. 4;9-) -L —o6-g, adv. by-water; G X5 G& Qo80 WV: ooo0038:; comP. c @$soa8:n ----- 00 81 7n. a pilot, cqGO3Sg0& (pron. g5Go3:3). - &5s, n. the water-rat. oqoaS:n, n. the Ficus cunia, of which two varieties are described, the Ficus. cunia proper and the Ficus conglo-merata, K. -— oooo5, n. the Crafteva hygrophila, K. -— o, v. to draw. -—, n. ice; cGS4, n. an ice manufactory. — q-, v. to water a horse, bullock, buffalo. --- 6, v. to stand washing as clothes; cqq6n ---— '6:3, n. the Drepanocarpus spinosus, a large shrub with a tendency to climb. The flowers, which are small and white, have io stamens in a single slit sheath. The pods, which are reniform, contain but one seed. The roots powdered have the property of absorbing alcohol.-K.. — 68:Ao, n. a water-stand; coSoo:):GqS4a:,n --— qS:00o, n. a layman who erects a water-stand for the public as a religious offering. — '4, n. fresh water as opposed to salt. --— g, v. to bathe; cqcSqagn:sa: (pron. cq6 oSg:), n. a bath-room; cq4:Gos, v. to bathe another (or an animal). -,g (pron. GcS$), n. a water-rate. --- oS, v. to be thirsty, G;qco6oS:goN -—, n. salt water. --- s, n. a species of snipe. -.o, —o, n. the edge of the water; GGotoSpq --— o0, n. a kind of bird. — oo, n. a drop of water; GcqGoloS -— orBiS, v. to pour out water, as in the ceremony of dedicating a religious offering; sa:oaoooocooo cg qooooSqg oo$So Goro00GQ~I Rqooo~Go18:~88@ooeg [1looSol, to have one's interests, &c., bound up witt those of another by reason of having made conjoint religious offerings in a past stage of existence, e.g., Prince Siddharttha and Yas6dhard.] " —**rl, see e --— o (ron. as a noun jo6S), n. pure water; GCqo8:, Gqo8 (fron. as spelt), to be pure as water. — 06, 2, n. the lowest of the ebb-tide [v. to be at the lowest of the ebb-tide] [to be "dead low water."] -— o0g, n. a water cask. cqoS:, v. to sound water [a leadsman]. -- oo, n. food, including eatables and drinkables; Gqoooos8:su — o_04, v. an expression applied, by the Burmese living in the delta of the Irrawaddy, to tides which occur after thespring-tides, but yet attain (to a certain extent) to the rate of velocity of the latter. - 88, v. to put into water to soak, or for a bath; cqg9c8, to put into a warm bath, soak in warm water. -— 8s, v. to be saturated with water so that the water oozes through; G.C GGq88ogo~S3ii — 8 —, n. fresh water. - 8:, n. a current; G8:, v. to flow as a current; Gq8:Gqaqt --— 8:coo (pron. q[&~cr8:,@), n. a disease of the gums, in which they are broken down as the bank of a river undermined by the water; [cancer]. -- (q$) (pron. ~ dj), n. the downward current of a stream. --— GoS (pron. GqGO))3), n.; see ctGoSesGoqoSGO86:CooS C — goS, v. to be wet with water. -- cS (pron. qgoS), n. the toot f running water. "The " tooth of running water is vert sharp, see how the Hud" son has gnawed. its way through the highlands, and the " Niagara cuts its way through layer after layer of the solid " rock."-Maury's Physical Geography. --— ooS~ooS&., n. a waterspout. -- 00$ (ron. GqO$), n. the opposing current, whether the natural current of a stream or a head tide. -- 88, n. a landing-place; cca88ooSs,04: --— &8ooo:o, n. a Port Commissioner. -- o0os, v. to wash with water. — 08q, n. the place of meeting of different streams or cur, rents. — o-oS, v. to wet with water. — ool o8, v. to be weak-sighted, or partially blind from the effects of over-exposure to the rays of the sun falling directly or reflected from water. ---—, n. the slimy, green substance that rises on water, damp ground, or wet timber; moss. -- oo5 (pron. GqaoS), n. the flood-tide; 8GqoooSi coooSgs (the first of the flood-tide); qaoooS, v. to flow or rise as the flood-tide. -- oog~ (oS), n. a kind of tree. 94# cqoo, v. to lodge as water (-oG&). -.-w-aoGfoS (oSrGoCa)) (pron. GcqoGcpo), n. a trough (usually of bamboo). * --- s, n. a lock or sluice-gate.. n.-., n. shallow water; qcB&5g&oL-S, u A-tS, v. to be shallow as water. -— q. PS (pron. sqoog), n. a cascade, waterfall, cataract. - o —o, a. thin, watery, washy; o8ooj0p:ooo8:ooGqoy.ooz -— c ---c, v. to strike against as running water. -— oqs, n. a ship's log, line and reel collectively. -w.-cq:, n. the log line. 8 — cq8 sa, n. a ship's log (unintelligible to the majority of Burmans). — %- 8 (fron. Gqg&), n. a well. --— qE, v. to rise as the water of a river, [3q@ has a similar meaning, e.g., 8Gc 4t.egaoo oa J]. -- moo (pron. jcl), n. the spring-tide. --— oo$:s8, n. a yoke for carrying water-pots. - v-oS, n. the Hyades; rqooSc8coSi -, —, v. to sink into the water (to drown); Gq4&GooOae~ aq0~1po:o8 , to superadd to a person's misfortunes. --— p, v. to have a dirty, greenish colour as river water, which the Burmese in the delta of the Irrawaddy aver takes place at the time of great epidemics. — $, n. earth-oil, petroleum. -— 4So08 (qb), n. clean, pure earth-oil. --- o~, n. kerosine oil tin; cq$-S, kerosine oil. - 40o)', n. a petroleum well. — 4c9, - RcS, v. to rub with earth-oil. -- oo (pron. Qko), n. the first of the spring-tide. -,o,, n. warm water. --— i8co)o, n. the ordinance of baptism; p8 so8gooii ---, n. an odoriferous liquid. - cq~; (ProQn. ~qao )) n. a regatta combined with sports on shore; usually implying that permission has been given for ganbling to be carried on with the latter. V-.-co', -v. to dash water on or against, to bale a boat;.GOG ooGqooSol 00nGcq4GGoqaScoSdia GQ 9^P3 GCooSooE, n. the space in the centre of a Burman boat reserved for baling out water. — o~: (from o4, a flower), n. a spray, a jet d'eau; coc6)go 0g qoF pGo0gGOSOGlnqo $8"aou,. — (ron. GSqq)), n. hot-water; G6qGql5:ooS:o3S:g:cg16cq9, coos6 v@~ Go5Gsooo Soc5SqoUoogo33o6snon ---- 8, —,o1, n. a hot spring. - n, n. a water bucket; o^Q:, a galvanized iron bucket. -- 0oloS, n. a drop of water; to spring a leak as a boat or ship. -- q8u6r, a collective term for water reptiles, insects, (including fish). --— @S, n. a strong current (to be strong as a current). --— $, n. distilled water, urine; qScoSU613Go]u. --— @ as a noun (pron. c6q@), n. the highest of the floodtide; GS~., v. to be high-water. ---- (fron. Gq@), n. a water-pipe. -- ocoo (fron. Gocoso), n. a drinking-cup. — c —ol (pron. GGolSq:) (from Go18:, to puff up), n. a bubble; see geo6l: -- qs (pron. cqqeL~ ), n. the dropsy; Getq*q o a -— $ (q:), a. sprinkling; n. a sprinkler, applied to such as substitute sprinkling for immersion in the rite of Christian baptism (also used as a verb, q$sooe, GqGSG:: ~ =@). — i-:c9: (fron. GGq@$ic), n. a water-cart. -— 0, n. a species of wild goose. -— G-o (from cg), n. a water-spout; GEaoSpGQo0S -- oxO, n. a composition of cqloS, earth-oil, lime, cotton, &c., used for making vessels water-tight; cloo30:11 — , n. a simple kind of wafer made of rice-flour. — 05, n. a rapid in a river, a rush of water in a river occasioned by a projection from the land; qgcSroq QoSn — c —, n. the swallow, upper part of the gullet. — @8, v. to be submerged in water; scqiao6s8i.-r5,oS, --— 6a, n. a title of His Majesty the King of Burma; ~qcg " to be suffocated with water. — gg:, v. to be suffocated with water. Gqg9S (from oU$soS), n.,a water-dipper. — i~, n/sponge. --— cooS:, n. drift-wood. — G —=oooSlc so 6, n. drift-timber stranded. --- (~z), n. the water enclosed in the membrane that envelopes the foetus (the show). " --- —38@: (0cgs), v. to be discharged (of the same). --, n. the Treia nudiflora [see ooSGo1soj: (pron. oco 4s)-S.]. --— I cooDao5,. a submarine torpedo; G^SOOGo0645 -— 6:R, n. liquid scent, water which has been scented. — o., n. a gentle stream; GG,en — C $, n. a kind of herpes (a skin eruption); Gqsiq0a$3qoq$ ocoGCO IGGjomOl6 dSooeglI — c~,- v. to leak. ---, n. a water-mark; Gqcposui -— s, n. the course of a river or brook; cqsGo6,con -— cooo5, n. the sound of a boat song.. --- —coo8, v. to water, pour water upon. ---— b, n. a bathing garment, see next. — db, v. to break river or burst into low land beyond the banks as the water of a river. --— dboloS, n. an irruption of water from a river into the low land beyond the banks. — o, v. to be water-tight (to be stanch as a boat or ship). -< —o:, n. a pot used in washing a corpse. --— cgoSoS (pron. Goqgo6oSqoj), v. to cook in mere water, without oil, &c.; GCqotoS, -- ooj a,, v. to undermine and carry away, as a strong current the high bank of a river; aqoo:Bcgcooggoog e -- o, v. to lodge in lowlying ground as water, zqoo8i * ---o, n. a Deputy Governor of a maritime province, Port Officer; cqoGocoooS, Assistant Port Officer. -- oS-0b, n. a wild duck. -- oo, n. the division of a stream into two currents [a watershed; comp. German wasserscheide, from " wasser" water, and " scheide " where two things separate, from " scheiden" to separate]. ~^z 945 cqoo8, n. a bathing garment; less frequently used than dcl — oogoS, v. to bathe, applied to priests and idols; ocqT:soq -— o00, n. the Ficus glomerata. 0 —o000oo ooS, n. a royal water-festival; ~Goqooo8qcooSR -— oo8, n. a kind of water insect. -— 080), n. the lower border of a petticoat; oocGclo5po8:n --—, n. a mermaid; G-9on -— @:, n. Sesbania zEgyptiaca. — 00, n. a neap-tide [stagnant water, in contradistinction to Gc|q8, running water]. -- ooch, n. a fish that has died in the water in which it has been kept after being caught.. ---oo:),, v. to drink water, to be irrigated by the water from an irrigation channel (oo QSqOoooao>co56); qGoo~oaS @8, n. the tap-root of a tree. --— g-808s, n. an irrigation (distribution) channel. - o0$, n. a privy, necessary; cqaSS, SSoooui --— 02$:o-o8, v. to pour water into the G3o8;A3s-. -. —G"cO8:, n. urine; omGo], CqSco, voS, coos0n — c-0oo8oS, n. the bladder; o ScuoSSSSu cq, 2, v. to count, enumerate; G8ooc6GcooSoogqoGSooro6l -- ooS, v. to count and sum up (to compute). Der. 3ocqG Q Og0Q Oeqogo58CG3e8gopG:OOOOOG~tu "-q-, v. to be worthy of being reckoned; used only in the negative; o~GR, to be despicable, not worthy of being reckoned; oGcGoqia (infrequent in colloquial; ocGq moogoS 028 coCooS oo0o) o oS). -—.S, v. to mention one after another (infrequent in this sense in colloquial). --- GoSaq:, v. to revile, accuse revilingly (infrequent in colloquial); oqC3aSao53n0,GGlq.oSGtq:3G vq8, v. to write, to delineate, paint; 3OqSoS:Jccq:-— c, v. to transcribe, copy; ooSo3cgoG386Gq:go3o — o0, v. to compose a writing. 119 ~46 -*413:,,n. a writer's fee. - aoD:, v. to write, compose a writing (to commit to writing); o50n08 OSao: 8GsG8sqG0g0d0:ooSol II -— 60, v. to write, put on record; o w&xq6So,7:S3 omos — OO:, v. to mark in letters or characters, to mark out, trace, describe [to note down, to place on record in writing, commit to writing, see oqx]coo.; c-o] s6ex ooIroSoq8: o a1acos 63s: 1 G0XoGOO3 oopiooc0 aGL3ooa3 G9' gagc( aS, adv. in the way of making much ado about nothing. Gs:@o: (from saocs, business), v. to be clever, capable of managing a business with skill and address. — ck, v. same;-Gq o c89jooSecqO 65n ccq:l, v. same (generally applied to children); oooSpqqpc88oa co&=0ac-0-01a 13G90, adv. obscurely; 653ii oooSoakca~ gmOqsoopcosG8q:Deu q OS86q:G$X0SoX@3E7 (Gqro8g implies defect of vision). -— r8qS, adv. obscurely and by glimpses; -(oooSo Aoacq GOt c-q84~ 0oG0-m:)98aoe (aq 9-q:68qS@8 implies that the object seen is distant). sqG0GqpC303:s, adv. cleverly (infrequent); cqoScoScoaoSco0gs rj s q:33m:3s0:goz g u q, z, v. to be bold, courageous; qoroicoyarinS8oa %-COJS8to0o,' v. to have a flush of desperate courage; q$3q*F ----, n. one pre-eminently brave (lit. the acme of bravery), le brave des braves; qs!6100FnSd6q -.-o: (Pron. qos.), v. same; oocSoqoo:,3cqa. — S (pron. -O), - a8~:m, n. courage and strength (intrepidity, prowess, especially military bravery); O83sGqxj. -c oS: (Pron. qo8s), n. a broad axe, a battle-axe; qooS:cooS - jSio:aSq8 (c8 @as~o. cuoS goS). — coS:, 2 (pron. qpS:), v. to be bold to excess; rqco q ocoDoS.. —o-aS (pron., kqoS), n. a castle, tower. 947 ~GOS~ ~oo~)(Pron. 4ooS'.), v. to form a company of soldiers; qcS (to band together for some nefarious purpose; QBn. a soldier; v. same as u q oen -aqe n. bold appearance; q(A x~ccS ~'~q1 q~s - qrO=6O, a. flaming red; — cA~~~ also used figuratively, e.g., G~ o~g - Au n. a war-flag, colours; ncoxr u C G3O ~ J GC:8jn. a fenced pathway into an enclosure or fort, wide at the entrance and gradually narrowing, in order to entrap beasts or men; qGCD.2BW&4~0800OG 0 1 [a war canoe]. Gc)n. a war-boat. -,v. same as q.1 q ~3D~jGOeoI -o~o4 (oog~), n. a war-boat of European construction. - o,.a soldier enlisted [a Policeman]; ~oSn19~coc5 4, 2, v. to be of a bright red colour; mostly used in an adverbial form as an inte nsive; see e~, 2nd def.;GDJg~B~ c8.G3 Z)8 3QG(ZS 02as050%nqv. to be fiery red; CP3OOS3GRZ8_3,j I $00~11cq8QOOS~ C~R~CG2Q5* '6, 3, v. to be satisfied, contented, as in the phrase oSu~faq (33;O8G.0OD&00eII C((50Oq'q 0:oq')CSOOE CODO~G~O:D~o~ 35)o8G3Q~oxoe~, but seldom used singly; henc~e qj~and rcjDRt1. S(o8), n. a kind of tree (one species of the morinda). ~_~jn. probably a diminutive species of the same (Pali R~OAC). GT, i, v. to mix, mingle; G,~i aSv. to add to and mix with; 11oS cb: -q mB~- ~e, Go pqp lav. in a promiscuous. mass, promiscuously; ool: — CC~~Sv -G,-oV; see the parts; cmo-x?0 cccc:o~o~ cc0 q 6 c ~ 09D, 2, an occasional substitute for the connective Goooit oC~o&, v. to arrive; X$_Q~p~o(~p: o~ScD-F~~b how long have you been in Rangoon? q8-co5GcoB-omoa1 GS Jo8e@:w5cqo5olozp9' _-cGOb5, -00o., v. same. __O6.adv. instantly on arriving; 01 poo8GS(3GOO? ~ owing to my having just arrive from a, journey', there was no place ready. and in proper order.o Gc13CodCS4 (305), (c wxoao5), v. to be restless, meddlesome, disorderly, as children, GOOD GconcpO8; commonly used adverbially; oo~zoo>.ooc;a~-cSoG51W5 rpoSqJJcpcpS6S (GOOOOS:OBSOGuWO50), adv. in a restless unsettled, disorderly manner; mraoG~m~9oS, sia4 G~c~o5-:cpcSB Gcpo~,'o-.S (Pali 0930l, disease), n. a period of pestilence; see under w8S; G;O 08q1 1GPJ qMJSJGGOCM~Dacpol (Pali), n. disease, p -often used alone as an euphemism for cooor.oGlp5 -035:,0 v. to be free from disease. 9- s Y, 'S 8, v. to contract a disease. __c5,v. to be past cure as a disease. v. to be free from disease. _.cao6, v. to decrease in violence as a disease. -Alv. a malignant disease; usually applied to cholera. v. to increase in violence as a disease. -— Cv. to suffer from frequent maladies. v. to have a relapse. -c0,n. same as rCco1u._6O- v. to recover from an illness or a disease. v. to incubate as a disease. 949 -Gpi(from a=c-pS, brightness). M@ (Pron. oc~o~, n. a ray of light, lustre; GT@~1c the rays of a Buddh; GT8@eGooScO?~o2~O _cAn. divine effulgence. 30.: (pron. pt),(c),n. a foil, thin piece of gold or silver placed in the ouch, under a precious stone (usually placed in the ouch of a stone of inferior value to give it lustre). -cn. the conical cap on the head of an image of Buddh [the nimbus], the rays of light from the head of a Buddh; cT8c\jGO~cXswae ccpscjGoCsorsII6 r~zS 2, v. to swell, be swollen; more than co Cf~oScOoCGpeu 965occpc8 (to become inflamed as a sore). Gs v. same. GC~ I, v. to long for. -...-Y, (Pron. GqpaiioS), v. to aspire recklessly beyond one's abilities [as in becoming unduly familiar towards a benefact or'or towards an over-indulgent parent]; Gq..q4 9jSp33a:)ruzo8 rc~go oox~ i 8,O.Gj, rGcp~, 2, v. to be contented; — ~.-q~o~ioc-g ~ GcCS, i, v. to sell. v. to sell; ocpStqd~c~coSii Oo~,v. to be of the current price, a price at which it is easy either to sell or buy; rSrorSzo&ojrp cov. same as cqajD8 (rare in colloquial). OAv. to trade; 8icGu rGcp8:, 2, v. to be very dry, tending to decay, =cGROOB less than G Cio 86l pS(pron. o~o~p8*o2:;pSoD) 3,S aooo3zo0c~p:oae Gocho~oR-1ooe -coxv. same. oq~,see under CqmGzpqjjoiiuocf~p~oOu acpcocB, n. Aldebaran [a star of the first magnitude in the eye of the constellation Taurus (popularly called Bull's eye). It is the bright star in the group of five called H~yades]'; Gcto, verb. a4fx denoting disapprobation or regret; sometimes euphonic, particularly when used imperatively; coodl8 (@9 ogcGqei) 3S3G(ccg ~ csg8aGqog9 n Ccg8Scqii OOGOO MRoo 1q9oti - CqS, I, v. to scream as a fowl; oS&cqS (this word is scarcely, if ever, used in colloquial). cjqS, 2, v. to be very old, near withering, as the leaves of a tree; more than q9; used in composition in combination with &: and q~, but rarely met with in colloquial; o65 cpSGO|S1 oooooGojSwi, v. to respect; not Used alone; 4 Q, c, ccoS. --— %, v. to respect, treat with respect; infrequent in colloquial, but met with in composition; oSqc:g4ofl-:old -— 2,> v. same (infrequent);;A@1 gloqoa0m.gii2oSogl Bg -- oo, v. to respect or reverence, treat with respect or reverence (most common); ~Gooo8g6SuoocpCSqS@gu 3O co 60811 %(o GpsgoqpsooboouH ^ GCO^IIqo G 8o;%oga GqSquaS oo~s., he who reverences, gives place to, and makes offerings to his teachers and his elders, shall be in appearance as the youthful sun mounting in the heavens, and should a real Buddh have existence in the island (i.e., Subbudeit), he shall adore and assuredly meet him and enjoy the golden country of Neibban. ~oS, v. to strike (with sometling); 98oSii — ooS, — o (~oSo5 GcOD8Z), qoS (oSqo5^'), see the parts; f$o8050oo oooo5c oooo o Goo o1qsgo(o: cocc cq -- 3os, n. the punishment; @5oco5o~ocOSoGo, to inflict the punishment of flogging (as a Magistrate). n8,. a mat made of bamboos split and divided flatwise, I:; comp. 006, 2; Qg 3a0mpoa o <S>106o6S)s6 ooSgc88oqoooSomoa co>@6al cooooSGcojl(sc ooooYSm q U oc 8g~6iiG03oood08~ g6@~s (o^[oo ). -— oo~, n. a side or partition of a house made of such mats; Soomco (nowadays co4coo is in far more frequent use).. —..oS, -c88, n. varieties of such mats; oolgooj joc9Se~;oo ood SooSoo3,o65oooooogn 6ts, v. to be wild (as an animal), uncivilized, uncultivated, unpolished, owgoao [to be coarse, to be in bad taste, vul ~~S 95' gar, to be rude, impolite as language]; 1oSg o98o~80: jap (Prov.), it is not bad taste to compare one's self with others; c8o~86 1C&f.g f 33 E C.-aGoG,9O~59 00e, (or g~)d3 ~1o%8e). 8os~: (pron. v8s 8:), v. same; ago E a6q 8goori aOG3 cq8e8:C4iooegi 33a3033o4E8g43 -, v. to be insolent; coScxoz (rarely, if ever, used in colloquial). - ( ron. s ), v. same (most common);; szoAooAm8: cogcqueeo oooi g01:00ao og oo8 c8s6:so xozo~noSoo. ~8-o6: (pron. E:o8Q), v. to help; e~&Gan; rooSd8 oaBqo8-c~ 011 ~30, an exclamation used by Burmese boatmen in rowing or paddling. (Burmese boatmen cry out the first half of the word ~ when raising the oar or paddle, and the second half Od: when bringing it down again; ~C8oQcog-cOca 8 08: GaogGQ)1o31I:48o~o31aooooo~Gco). ~0 I (from =o~-, a bone, stalk, custom, QoT~,, oc: g) (a wet hollow or blind watercourse, see -_q o8, n. the @0os8o8ii L ---c a ~n. a Karin festival, at which the bones of a relation are collected and placed together after cremation previous to being deposited in some final resting-place. S&- R-o9, a. large, bulky, corpulent (implying having large prominent bones). -oear$ (pron. (goa F n. a serf. - ~,% (pron. 4$), n. the venereal disease; csoooos.4oncq -cf0SG0c*CA5 (Pron. 4CGco5GOlch), n. the person charged with collecting the bones of a member of the royal family after cremation; (ro~ slSonool -oS (pron. ~966), n. stubble. —, n. a ridge of high mountains; ~:o'. 11041 11qq8~063 n. hereditary succession; oO iarap Ig2paoMCD:u ~PT518 6qR&I ~:-ooqO-1n hereditary thugyi. [L~Scp-~oSef applied to royalty.] -co:, verb, affix, used as a strong negative, affixed to the root (colloquial) [see Grammar, sec. 121. In colloquial discourse, a strong negative is sometimes made by affixing ~00coo: to the root, * * * as oago:scoog, he goes not] >ooS IC03011GO::COD:3 1Cg3:~aOOO: c26a~0cU631 952 * f 3, 2, v. to be plain, simple, unadorned, oo$ coooo6; to be plain, simple, artless (ingenuous), oauooSa4; to be honest, upright, G@:(( oS [to be old-fashioned as dress, jewellery, articles of use, &c.]; mooSooscq@,soGoooZoogS, this elder is of a very artless disposition; ocam c8yoo.oo, he is very ingenuous of speech; (Soooo8:)GoSQroogacoguoooS q801, " as satin saungs have become rather old-fashioned, I do not wish to wear one." --— G~c, — ooS, -oo', v. same; Go30ooo00 ooCSgc3Coo0o8 co4c<GOO$G ~5o^3 ~:033SG@ogooc 3O5 Gjoc^G WOOSa5o1 ooe, have confidence in him, sir, in any matter; my younger brother is a very simple; upright man.:seGooG, n. a kind of weed with a minute yellow flower. The leaves, when bruised, are said to be good for poultices. ~ao:, n. a kind of tree. ~:, n. a kind of creeper (also called ~ol:c^ocggo:E 6, because it is supposed to have the power of crossing and implanting itself on the opposite bank of a stream). %qoS, v. to glitter (used in a reduplicated adverbial form; 0 ~qoS Sx oSooG03 oo G Pqgg6CooeS@)., v. to be bright, glittering; commonly reduplicated and used adverbially;; 8 sooooS8ogj %gSYog m ~:~s ; *q [adv. obscurely, indistinctly]; Go85~3; ag,, adv. like small animals running over the body; oooa8 GoTs1oo :qD'~'ts ogooogi% QQ 9 is also applied to the feelings, i.e., coGFgooejo og$8 8MoScbo ~~ asgga18n q$8oc@ 6ooe, also applied to words of itching, when perhaps the English words ' tickle,' 'ticklingly, best convey the true meaning, e.g., oGgG it8: as g go -ooS oasool, n. a kind of grass. l, i, n. a mite, very small insect, frequently found on mushrooms; JIGo008 2, 2, v. to be friable, easily crumbled or pulverized, e.g., cooSg S oo Gsaco:6ot86; appropriately applicable to eatables; coo\ oooaoooousoocxcosoo oog; comp. g [which has a similar meaning], to prance as a horse [ooogSooq g8:IIj a<S 953 coos:odb], to be (skittish) light, vain, unsteady, (wanton) in deportment and conduct; c.xoA,., 3, v. to be soft, gentle; chiefly used adverbially as co)ga^ a: awcncoscojjogoc8@uI aqc& G~~ooo&oc2gg:oo-Oci o ooe).8Q goS, i (from 3o fS, a leaf), n. a leaf, a sail. --— &o8aoloS, n. a kind of plant (a species of house-leek, Bryophyllum calycinum); opoo8i — c —aqos, n.; see 95S, 2, M. -- @8 —E3 (pron. goS@S:oG4, jyo), n. leaves that are neither old nor young, what is middling, neither very good nor very bad (ao3o90cG cog0s'o5@,8~q~1(t). -- q, v. to lower sail. — g —, a. sharp-leaved, elliptical. — S, adv. incessantly; aco8u -— 88, a. with fine leaves, pinnate, decompound, &c. -- 008, v. to set sail; jcSco (to hoist sail). -— 008:, n. halliards. 4h —oS, v. to sail, move by setting sails to the wind. — q8, n. a mast. --— <~8, v. to step a mast. -—, n. silver with a slight alloy; gIo$goSN -- ~$-, n. an amalgam composed of equal parts of silver and copper; sometimes used as an object of comparison, e.g., o8.33goo oo 6, o0 &61 c1 8oo0ogSI Co 8cg6c6SoGooao5ocoo6 aoosooou -- oo, n. a kind of yard, see goSoooS) (to " bunt" or bulge as a sail); goS.oo3ooU00 GOG86 1 8 G333 o oo "with bulging sails and gilded prows they shall ascend the channel of the upper river " (i.e., Irrawaddy). This is said to be an old prophecy foretelling the annexation of Upper Burma. — q9j, n. Burmese cotton cloth used for sails. -- 8?8., n. a rope for spreading a sail. — G, v. to have a fair wind for sailing. --— 6, n. a studding sail. -— 8@s, n. brails in a ship's rigging. 120 954.owoo5, n. the yard of a sail; ao5oS6soooScooS, a studding-sail boom, oaogSovooSo [Note.-focSoyoS, a technical term of timber traders applied to long and straight timber, 6o' x 3'.] -- o:, a. round-leaved. - oocS8a, n. a sailing ship. --— Goo:, a. small-leaved. o5S, 2, v. to carry on the head; (G^S'olS:ooT.ogoSgqooogS Go1s:oo! GGc.a: Jos) g&oSGoa=8jo, to sustain, carry on (to manage, conduct); o6 @:aTooSc4GSToooSRBucl (ac3o0Q Ua$u goSc-Goo86VGoo3o3Q n Co5 quo5SGooa g8c n puScpso *cols2@cooo33SG 3C i clGo:~GoSS c, summoning the War Minister, he said, " You, 0 minister, who are entirely capable of conducting my affairs, to-morrow, when the day dawns, I wish to make a great offering of 700 kinds of gifts in all." gjoS, i, n. a double cord applied to two parts of a thing, and tightened by turning a winch pin. — coS, v. to apply such cord; GCo0G03sO38 o SGc9SoogN gcS, 2, v. to recite, repeat from memory; socp:qoo ooEgoSoS ol0 i -- oo (cooS), v. to read audibly; oGo 8R=oo5 ocSocSooqgooS ooIl 1gS, 3, v. to be old, tough, leather-like; seldom used assertively. Der. s3ooIiGooS ~33^~aaSoou -- o, v. same; a ggts^ ouaoS:a 0oSo -— a, v. to be very old and withered; ao*@so0aS~3:oia -a- @:, n. an old, dried-up fgllow (also applied to comparatively young women of homely appearance; the nearest equivalent to gjbSo, gaoSooq and ~oScg: in English is probably " wizened ")..06, 4, a. twilled, e.g., gaoSGo0, oSq^s (-oS,^coSoo). V, v. to move spirally, curvingly; ogi g8, v. to be quick in temper, rough, violent, 85, 2; not used singly; ooSjSo5o&g2o -- @8, v. same. --- (v. to be bold, daring; used adverbially; rare in colloquial). --- oo,. to be petulant (ooSjScooSo6ocS ) [also applied to ' horses, bullocks and buffaloes]. goo 955 jSc8.CqI, adv. rapidly and disrel;j~8" ~o~~& $80), 1, v. to be nearly ripe, between 881 and [9~ [ie~.-o9 ~ in some parts of Lower Burma the term o8iocxpSis used instead of %:; the etymology of this word appears to be doubtful; some are of opinion that' it is a corruption of o8iorqz8; with reference to the tamarind fruit the term &oBzq is frequently substituted for jj:, -~ S:, a. nearly ripe; 1 o8iS icGm8 m 4uo v. same as SS: (infrequent in colloquial). IS,0 2, v. to beat a druim in a particular manner, indicative of a king's or viceroy's advance; oPIS (~z8cROO OS R cg% GoP,Sc~o.~ o~Bos oSo c o~ro 4 o~8oe~ -oe,. a drum thus beaten. tis 13v. to aimn, take aim; roSo)~oS, to aim at; co~oSf8 c, have reference to; 9t2~ to intend; 9o6itoS.4ociSc~o5 Gocj1:x~1888as.iil jcjj.88:cJs G(e coosco~8 0318i uc61-636oS 9c —c9 co-G8oo~cj, wvhen the general who had deserved the punishment of the princess saw the chariot coming straight down the king's highway to his own house (he said to himself), "the chariot is making even direct for my house." 0 a CZ G,~aeii I have an intention of going to Rangoon.oec - sv. to"ipledge to give in worship; oqqaoSc~j sm",oi)oe, 406080SC9CS~-003000~,to fully intend to do a thing in a particular way; ooro&6j Q0c:OWD&oIio& -4,) - OB) -o,v. same as j16&; So~qom~: -9*,see the parts; ooe9 8otoo 30Q0$: 286 jjOS, 2, v. to be in the prime of life, to be of middling stature, to be of ordinary size; aYJ~GcoS8o8G -.qoDC3qooO1 r.jiuoIo5~xSS90 ~cilGoo:oD6, my friend Ko Kula is not yet old, he is still.in the prime of life; olImooA)aJOSa8o3I W, the steamer which went up (the river) yesterday, was not a large one, it was one o-f ordinary siz e. v. to besdisgusted with; v0o658 (to loathe); -6oo*,ag. 030031ooC333ia~gl 0 @ o qS 8 0g, t%,ASipo3p&~O1 aoc9oatooe~o, I am disgusted with your actions, sir. CS-c, — 8gca (cgdS), oq89SC (COc) (pron. ~cj8gac), a. disgusting, detestable (loathsome). v-, ~. same as gL o a8oooC, a disgusting, loathsome carcase. I v. to quail; less than ca C6. 1.o3o0saWsco 804( n~o s. —r.O ocS, v.; see the parts; &G9&9aq A oo~cqooSo -j 'ot, adv. fearfully, timidly; sgqSc g\ '10,, n. a town, village, not a city (a). "J. —3jj, n. a chief of temporary appointment, below.a -,ooq@: ----, n. a rural police gaung (in Lower Burma), otherwise styled a cpoSod l 8%o [a village gaung in Upper Burma appointed by the ywa thugyi]. *-c.:. (pron. g(apos),- n. the-person who receives the revenue of the town by a grant from the king. n.-cS,a village crier. ---- n,. a fine imposed on a whole village collectively. - 0000, n. a villager, inhabitant of a village; goci, n. a female ditto. -- n. the thugyi (or chief) of a village. &o, 2, n. a polite term for witchery; q$swi --— q, v. to treat in order to propitiate; gooqii M.fs (coSs), v. to bewitch. -.-.-t.as,. a wizard. -—, n. a witch., I, v. to hew; comp. 'e:u ui 0, a. already hewn; ac)icoSO&PjOS80O8O&1OOe &-CbT, - xn. a carpenter's plane.. ---OT86, n. the plane without the iron. To, v. to plane. W ----ooTQOI, n. a plane-iron. -, v. to hew away useless parts; coaSY S O=So @,o cq q F 83o 33Sg 3S $L006 soo e~sII 4~. t-o associate with farnilirya dafetnaey rayl.if -ever, used ~ingly. -GoT (ocooS), v.- s ame [to $ke -~9ci-We, ffable,~e~ar 83060.88 qPSO8OmS(;DC0& aOeC8&8&i 80 11 mpA Sooju][ANote. —(.oTGa is as of frequent-use as e& ooT, e.g., G-6o.6TGj~G.&oZac.j c,G3 for 5U -.7-,-.v. to yield, be moderate, 4em~and less (GSQAiw=00: co6), to contract one's expenses.into a,small compass G~a, i, v. to move from one's pla.pe; cpv. (~~ Der. q-o __011v. to grow less, to decline,(Sii~) Gqv. to fall from -(x cp9o.&Gcqom I~)) degenler.t~e, deteriorate, decline (b:',4CGRO?01 QO W aov. to fall from a situation, office; n. condition, more than Gon(cjcpor 9G cO% G&,~.to be..as much As, Sj (obsolete), a. as much as, =9 Qca, 3, commonly written 9f, verb, affix, continuative, and; see Grammar, sec. 109. [In colloquial c& is freqi'ienitly substituted for a;- men as a rule make more: frequent use, f this -affix -than wo men; %~ is said - to, be_-.far,1ess. rgquent in composition than formerly.] oG~s (oS), -i, n. a 4 kind of tree, of w*h~ich there are two.vgieties, s~ee cAjo o[in colloqiuial fre'queritly cerrupted into, j*8G.&:] and o 9{1S Lit,. the Adenantztera joavoniza; the seed of said pl~nt used as a weighty one being. equal to two. qfA4~e Abk'us precatorius (cAGSG-i), and thereforej akig.~4-g-vt.p6,..and three a small p6 p) [Note...7TheL @~:&is paiA* to resemble the ()-.c& The leaf Of the., r-70G99 reeper is eaten with- the.betel. quid.] al:) 2, v. tAo select., choose (to-be fastidious). cq&99o GB8~pG.&tOOU, jC.oGgj:w6, a term- appl~ied to fowls, bufa — loes and bullocks). os ocS, — 96, v. same (o3Goo8: cgaCQ ooo~oo0 u a9gGj coo:o)8006 c10 o0o coz0So0u QqqSc&G&:q ooi3 10 6catq4oj 8 rco- oR:p q). S —Gco0, -006 —, - vq,. same; oG8oo o3G ooi — 1 oi, v. to select and arrange in order. oas, 3, v. to redeem, ransom. Der. wm: (redeem a pledge, take out of pawn; oo8rcu cGScSoGh0o:ao&S8~lg coge~So~oju&o). 1-0 S,. v. same. act:8 (o8), n. a kind of banyan. s, I, n. a kind of bead made of different materials. - c:-, n. a string of beads. -o4:, n. a coloured glass ball of European manufacture (made of mica?) attached to pagoda umbrellas, canopies over images of Buddh, &c. (a panoramic ball). 2, 2, v. to be pensile as a drop of water, (a tear, 9o6qGoolk j), or as ripe fruit (o qco8:qQ0G6Soaog%) &GCgr-qaoe~), or to seem so, as the water of a diamond; (A is also applied to emeralds, rubies and topazes; coCS —QeooOoO& s Coq136 h9G4'3eq~). k5 (ocS), v. to purchase wholesale; og8:n4c1d: u9o,,ojP k6 0 C 8 8 I v, v. to wound by a slight cut accidentally; co:s)zoeu ooods:c qoaeij is also figuratively applied to feeling, see pb0g a-, 8. same; 8 Q8oosS&:~Goa q G@ GCacCSo3p3u G(63 Yo:3BooCoiCmr:oSqoa807C81oo qo3:q 16., 1, v. to be ashamed. Der. 3ojaiSk, adv. in the way of being ashamed, abashed, jogscS Ix.snAmS:co8s n ov. (the same, only stronger); see the parts. w-r.@:oAoxotq, v. to be emulous from a feeling of shame or abashment; oaso~:o)CBW:O*Cxooe -QtC s p. to say or do something to keep one's self in countenance, or apologize for something that one is ashamed of; ixipA:c:.Bo5cGo:.gr@af z oeU qoS0rWs@ Gco00: otoogo ocoo1 ols G so:Gf@Ggoo3g coo:o:1 v. same as ~oSG&6; used in the negative only (not used in colloquial). a5 959 So5, 2, v. to be joined, united by intersecting. Der. cooS~&o. ----, v. to associate, be in partnership, to have sexual in. tercourse (o8 o5S more common); cq,8soooSc.qcog#Si o0se8 Wseao5 - cooGn S — oz, v. to be closely connected (in any way); oSo5, to be mingled together; cGpGs0og80 (CGOgsGGoSooS, GcpFGo oS5 co0 SG o eIn — ~, v.; see the parts; o —.4s, v. same as ao3,0oS:oooqo:oS5oo s (sDG o? c.51o i6, I, n. a probationer for the priesthood; Coo8Sc ooGe,8 qo5oooMoS (coooSoqoSoS:) CqjoS3wcos (08 6oSo0oS0). -- @, v. to enter on the state of a probationer for the priesthood; 5Sj, a festival held on the occasion of a Burmese youth about to become a probationer for the priesthood. " It is an, almost universal custom among " the Burmese and Siamese to cause boys who have " attained the age of puberty, or even before- that time, "to enter for a year or two some of the many Tala"poinic houses, to put on the yellow dress, for the double "purpose of learning to read and write and of acquiring " merit for future existences. When a young lad is to make "his first entrance into a house of the Order, he is led there"to riding on a richly caparisoned pony, or sitting in a "fine palankeen. He is allowed to use one or several "gold umbrellas, which are held opened over his head. "During the triumphal march he is preceded by a long "line of men and women, attired in their richest dresses, "carrying a large quantity of presents destined for the use "of the inmates of the kyaung (such is the general name "given to all the houses of the brotherhood in Burmah) the "young postulant is to reside in. The procession in this "stately order, attended with a band playing on various "musical instruments, moves on slowly and circuitously "through the principal streets of the town towards the " monastery that has been fixed upon. This display of an "ostentatious pomp is, on the part of the parents and rela"tives, an honour paid to the postulant who generously " consecrates himself tP so exalted a calling; and! on the "part of the youth, a last farewellf to worldly vanities. fe " has no sooner descetrded from his splendid conveyance "and crossed. the thtreshold of the kyaung than he it de"l-fvered by- hi parents into the hands6f the superior and " placed under his care."-Bigaadet's Life of Gaudama. GSfcp (0o58), ni. a hypocritical probationer for the priesthood. M Ltoot a yath aboot tO become a probationer for the priesthoid. rto cyov. to perambulate a locality as a probationer for the piesthacde'.R, 2_(from ao8, lord), n. a title prefixed to the name of holy, inspirtd men, br ascetics; (geon86on vS3-qtc9n51aecsl cotnuocoixcogps) (The Rahanda) S00oogoo8 (wrote the ao9c1qS:), Sc8Gow6w (wrote the. Parami Kan), 98qg o% (wrote the Bbn Kan),. Sj8q6 wc3 [copied(?) the Athakahta, ag ojno], c80Qo.C 00-38 [copied (?) the Tika, cn ]; 000qco ( (#,n) 9&4aoc8$); sir, madam; a term of compellation used by women to persons rather superior, whether male or female; a title prefixed to names of girls and young women between o and 8 jag fioq8e8:q8.oSii 9So8: o6o, &c.; 98sarSoo61c83o6o (as in one woman saluting another), a0oouloo (as in a woman addressing a man or woman older or younger than herself). In some parts of Upper Burma and Southern Arakan 98 is used by men to one another, e.g., 98cqoo@$@ coin 8~_oeoquq, see sot 1qcP: [as a layman or laywoman (more t 'the latter) addressing a p6ngyi; 58o8cqT-:oc5 lqcco ~go coo8quolaocb]. "-"-jq9,j n. a king, ojjo:8oqS8; q8cqq9So, n. a queen; o8000oS 98oqq0.g80q809.C%~t~q@ciq~8GOOC)90*0040WO p tn. miss; a term of compellation used by women to female members of the royal family, wives of officials, and occasionally amongst ordinary people towards their wives or other women, either elder or younger than themselves; fl8ocqaxtu6gosstmdala g8, 3, p. to live, be alive, mood598u Der. a'S; c1a8:c0 oSc8S.%801 %&C032 L-n. business of life, particularly applied to rites and ceremonies to be performed; comp. szoS:wop.4 85q *S:Bcu~98osqoBS, to part friendship, implying that persons thus parted cease from exchanging civilities with one another; of a less permanent character than cooRoo8g- osu 961 98Ab m. platinum, see %& 98*5? 91mo~ (oS), -n. the female of the c'Ooq (&cbc) tree. 916%n. the male of the &oz~ (&'c9) tree. 50,v. to be perspicuous, to be clear, free from; [ooP8G(;Go3oS G cYSGCoO-A-,6i 8coop~ o~o~o1olo8 4;coor- sat8 ] frequently used actively, to make clear', frefo, &0r -No, see rgo~j~o co8owo-)9j58O c2=oepi co~ooco 0aQcP9 j98IND @o%, to be divorced as man and wife. v. same as 518vt C eo~oc mD8go-Sc8~9co8.g crqu~c cj (pron. 518-co8: r-g), to refute as a charge. 918/a. eight, on jo8-,n. a species of ginger-wort. R60 adv. rapidly and with noise, but less than oq~U-n jj40 n1cqi. Ho~zgarna Iongi/ilia, Mf. 519B adv. expressive of the noise wh~ch it imitates;588jyj qio (o8), n. a kind of tree (the Cicca albizzioides). je (.pron. csv. to be long, of great longitude, (;j; to be long, of great duration, go~ Der. mS~82zjjei mGooo8 r-,O, -Q008, -68, V. samne, 2nd def.; OC,-~,0t1 M 093, v. to be long, stretched out long; 0:4 v. to be long in space or time; eh oGocomos - 0o0, v. to be long, as a road more than jqeckqj,-i ajg~.. ----o209 V. to prolong time), procrastinate; co9_Sosc~ 9IL (osp~), v. to put togethe'r side by side (o~e~9o8Gwo5oc~ooo qjo~sol, as in matching two boxers or measuring the respective heights of two persons) or laterally, nct end to end as cooS, comp. Goo Der. O~&:gii 6.-IL9 (sometimes writte o9&) e~3 MBGm:cowr, this ib a term 121 frequently met with in docajmenjxts relti4~ to divorce caps; gjcsee the parts;co ~ c8 Sx -~~n. a thick plank used in constructing the side of a ship; %qa split plank). 5[9(b96S (&c8), n. a species of bauhinia.. n9. a squirrel, of which there are many varieties. n. one kind of squirrel [described as being of a reddish colour and havingr a long bushy tail. Said to be common in Upper Burma]. 4o5, n. the black squirrel. -,.[the red squirrel, Sciurusferrugineus]. -9j, n. the flying squirrel, of which there are several species in Burma. -Qooo& (o8), n. a species of wild asparagus; 9&ocoo65@:u 5&QOC)CX~Or.3H~ n. the Holcus sorghum. n. the Assamese squirrel, the Sciurus Zokroides. 9,8, 1, n. a clam, the little basket-shell. -ojn. a kind of clam. 9ts, 2., v. to graze lrc~s~8 00 o -IR8000tp~l pass. over slightly touching 'G~c~ ojv@8 p8-GoTo5c8 0O CO%& 9~cq;oo&~ w8~3pOOco 8o(B8uca ooluqj, to be cursory, slight [~~i,cg(51oSl oc~,superficial; 5cxszc Sn,~85 cw&N -- qcv. to shuffle with the feet (o3488o*83006) Aov. to apply the hand warmed by rubbing;O8C$ r~asvqc,19~~o~ adv. earnestly [hurriedly; cqu -,8-W adv. earnestly, violently; M9M@8 [OQj"osqL90. -.-OC030 (from cgS), n. a wanton woman; used appellatively..%88~ (Eng.), n. champagne.I %Bn. a Shan, one of the Shan race (also written ~) 963 ii~cq,. a Shan-Kadu'P one of the Shan-Kaduz race. n-ol,9. a Shan-Tayo~t. -— coo~o, i. a Shan-Taungthu, one of the Shan-Taungthu race. n. Superintendent, Shan States. it. Superintefident, Northern Shan States. -@OSjR Cq'Scpq o$C630, n. Assistant Superintendent, Shan States. 5Bv. to extend lengthwise, as thread for forming the abb for the warp or to be twisted into a rope. v. to pass over rapidly without touching; G iq o~o v. to be backward from shame or fear; mv. same, used adve-rbially; ~3ze 51:) i, v. to seek, search for; q~, Ooo:k o Do~3 2o w R:p6kx4 v. to contriVOe to obtain; o~g~ - (pron. go-) v. same as 51p (often preceded by cqo%).; D.v. to seek and store up; I'~6'-4 ~%0, 2, verb. aftix, denoting affection or sympathy in the sp~eak. jgoooe (pron. jq03C), n. the red cloth of which the upper part of a Burman petticoat ( -in)is made; 3zqoj -o 0 ood8ooscO& Sv00, i, n., the cutch~ Acacia catechu. CB V. to:~If cutch.0 ~1ICD-OQICS0 C01. -so:% 0, ni. cutch; o 964 %:s,,*, v. to be scarce (rare); o opum oi mooo 6 cR )aoeiv (or 51woultw) e Ujl) 93 cwb~o=ol959:c) f mo --— oI, v. same; qa 6c9jajo*xo 011 Gqsoj~000G,008OcQOOS 0qo28:4oT y'olGo-o -G0 sZ68Ggoqo a$ g000rI GjG ob110O R21, 3, v. to remove out of the way (to give place); ocS, nouxoo Ec68a~a0e07q6mSol IIolXoossascmasgg80flmgCaCqu436005 oig"ooE'otajrlln ~~0536@a08c~l Q1'~tO b8llojngl@C~pdjqE3 (a@I 0S06 5G0SGC0ci0j o~c6~11 3~o~co~~o~ ~ 6 ',q 11jl o Go 8 c, n. the euphorbia plant, prickly-pear. -- s, -1s8, -49, -qoCS4, -@=5u, -98:00sO, -CaCs, - o.oSooS, -coodS&I, n. varieties of euphorbia. — LcoO5S6, n. the aloe plant. -coc5ls,, n. the cactus., v. to be (in some place or belonging to); comp. @6; ~olGO or ~olsoo3o, let be, let it be; in the negative it is sometimes used to denote that a person is dead, e.g., G-Q8oo Sqxo0psc t8o *:o%= often follows the verbs sog, q, rGp0S, e.g., 6p'133 U9cPiocSpf [ in Burmese racing parlance is equivalent to the English expression "11I will back" or" I will bet on," e.g., GooSo~, " I will back Baw Ngw."] A~, v. to raise the hands, the palms being placed together, an act of respectful obeisance or homage; cooSe4j8ja6:cqooS PS0l0810oj;V-Q iagO636oC9]cgSoSolo oUoqCii1 ~~, is also used amongst ordinary persons when earnestly entreating another to do something, e.g., 63o7Sqoyxl - ))CSh v. same; ~IsVGCh GSM6l O01(U,8~:, v same, language used to young children; Aig.qAoS, (as a parent telling a child to make obeisance to a p6ngyi, pagoda, &c.) R, v. to be hot, ~ (as the sun or fire); also used to denote refracted heat; esoo-on 84400',l Der. =a$, to have velocity, be rapid, to be efficacious, powerful. S:, i, v. to be hot, ready to start, as tears; 91 cq& j to -— a), adv. —, a. hot, smarting as the face from the sun, or the tongue from chillies; tG Is i(lajII: 2 cIS 8io ~8gooS3 R$so8vo (or ~op,). 8 965 $0, 2, n. the power of becoming invisible; $:GO3ooSrI -Gso,s n. medicine causing dne to become invisible. - @.-, v. to have the power of becoming invisible; 430S9cy51..-04$cnoC [or =~coocoo], n. same as ~Jsi ~$a (pron. $t),n. asafoetida [co$z is said to be the more correct orthography]. A$~-R:, adv. ofsound. aI: (os), n. a kind of tree. R, v. to hiss; [to play as boys, calling A with a prolonged sound, 9Cq-oXo:3. Ag, adv. hissingly; ~.1Gcno (;@io: ~C03o:n, v. to look, look at, behold attentively; more than 02 (and when used in the same sense, more elegant than 0&), to consider, meditate on; e3DCiS oo: osuc118 cooasjp io& ($oSocoooc isjjc,;r3u gil@:eP$0886018). — 8 i, v. to be not averse to (one kind of s icf), to be partial, lenient, kindly disposed towards, to show indifference in a dispute; 8 3g O3) 0 cQ6Sun0ocj8 6o8G5oiI aoc6 COogqoo 8 9 CYS 00o0 0 G@38J8o0~ ooD,-o 1908 W abo QOL0S3Z 0Jg - r95, v.; see the parts; aC31 QBSGooSo@Q~gOOSO C G.9]SOjGI oO s % S p 9oS (from cx~o, to be inferior), v. to put down. Der. 82o4 (rarely, if ever, used singly in colloquial). -, v. to put down, degrade; [Sql;@9, to vilify, disparage, decry]; onoool sdogi3acn4 53"a"o -qioSic0 1 pa6aP 5 qp$oa, adv. hissingly, as wind impinging on fire; L $:C00OL,1 E, I, v. to snuff up [o0 G86lag3 a6:8S0%], to draw (water) into the mouth; C 6g OO5CojoT, to sip, sup; (q(4.8, 2, v. to be tangled (GSa.So8a qcq Oo"85aoo), intermixed, confused, jumbled together; (to be mischievous, intriguing) ga8 u 3 -aSmej a 3Qcq8ja -a~,io cSj6as caq - v. same (infrequent), (rarely, if ever, used in colloquial). * ----Ggy -gcSB-v. same as ai=2S60ag" oo u@eNS1cg-coo- i 9 6 6" A SSjocSoaS, adv. confusedl, in confusion; @3jbSj3 )gCPYI3: E8gSoo6@86 0n 6 3a$ q jaCnS80:csaoso~lcqU 3033g8nC D~~ 0G _90orc~g~g olr j8, 3 (from j8), v. to gather in, contract (trans.), to clew (a sail, &ciagcqw, ), see Ajg~@q-,onAn, v. to be wrinkled, shrivelled; [a crjoSo6, aigos\g p Gj&:g8, to sneer, 3olSt y Q9eigsoj,: to be contracted, shut up as an umbrella (c08c&oo-S) or a purse by drawing a running string; bSoc~.ooosCoAN -.Bg3oB, -o-,oBoc, a. wrinkled and hollow; acp'3qjSp:)&g-. -- d adv. diminutive of * (frequently pron. Aoaqci).j) cd -, v. same as j, but intensive; (sPoq3ljcn 0lo Acgc~ag o). -— <2ay ja84oR adv. of similar import; wco88-j9 08:4c q, same as j, ist def. (68 og88oo8cE38 qoo,.c&.cijtcq v,. to fail, be defeated in a rivalry or contest; to lose, that is, not to gain or win (as a trader buying paddy at Rs. 80 a hundred baskets and selling at the same rate). Der. maau@q0gslp90 0 $880b03J8~ 1080 ( n>I@f iaojg.00f 3]ss P O 04, after Prince Areitta Zanekka had spoken, these words, he summoned the chief queen and said, " in what is termed war one cannot know whether one shall be dekeated or prevail;" Ago0DSOI:OGq5cU &GIRO5GAPSo& l 0S6wd5s:;88 0as, as I have sold paddy at a loss this year, I shall not venture t continue to sell it next year;;66f81,s@8 800 Sl@rgi r cjj113 A o when the bay and the white pomnies raced, the white pony lost by about a length.,. to breathe (trans.) awooSj, to draw into the nose; less rapidly than 98, to draw into the mouth and swallow as the vapour of opium, 082$s [ganja oon8: to smoke gunja G;o3G@aa6j% is more polite] (to take a whiff of a cheroot or tobasco, coa38capjo5'Ol; to "draw" as a cheroot or pipe, OaGot c88O5SGglool), [to roar, as the burning of powder trom a q: when it fails to go;! Ji:A v,. to hiss (G@ Cqg~~0.2ME~a3l O 3Oioe~:.8q'c_3Soa ), [to breathe as a person about to die, capooaz1ja~i,~s wJ. j,, i, n., a flying squifrrel, josti j,2, v. to become less in size towards the end, more obtusely than ~oS; to taper; [a qo*.,ctioooc o.joa*,t fall off in energy and dignity as language; o6cx~jo:pomoo.20 3, int. poh! ai2-Il, adv. hissingly. OR, v. to be long. ~,n. the forepart (of a thing), the space before; future time, Gp)os; [adv. before, in front, ~c.] QIoLca~cS m mediately before and behind as two persons walking one in front of the other.. -0, adv. before, first. -ip, ad/v. same. — M, ad/v. before, in front. - ~: (for n. the end of future time, futurity ( =gamore common), e.(., rj. ~ s o~cpjG,5 0GJ\S9fQI8 (e253aD$g) oq& (rcx~oSaas) oBoc8cxoo - oaco o, ceQ)&Oi o Q Sc o o -cjn. the heavy accent (o)GAGlo&r, oo.o~aiino~otojS Mr (for A.) a. foremost; 8)V to be initial, as a letter I ~ao ~cy ooL ~oao G CD 8G.C120 ', to compose a writing based on another], 61i~ Wm& [r~try has a similar meaning in this sense], to take the lead, go before (to act) on behalf of another,4 G005 _%Oxa~qa~r_@o6Iii -rc~o:3 is frequently combined with rj~jo5IiQ8 o%)e (pron. GJ2~Oao5), v. to take the lead; GO@SGOO~mr TO,cV*. to advance, go forward; -cq-o065cqoS, ac/v. alternately advancing and retreating, as two contending partis when neither has the decided aIdvantage; o0^ p~~ 30j.;& Qgj~GO~ICBQ90568r.4 rcG0Sacp, n. 'a royal secretary; 0~o ec lr] -C00S Iv. to place before, as a mark to go by (=a6oQ) or as a rule to-follow]; 0:&rl~~Q 1I Q~C - c*,n. the mark ()when applied to GCO, thus GcSn -,n. an advocate, a lawyer; r-~c;~jjjiioz8jooSq~i -.-GcT, -goo, v. to engage an advocate. -Gr.oS, adv. one aft er the other; r.5i-~oc8oooso~ls G,0oGOO33~I,~GJG~SG()0c&)~UAnglicd, " In at one ear and out at the other." -o &,adv. a little while ago, not long since (also applied t.o events occurring within a short time of one another); o~q:.-o~oc~ 8. q~G00Sojoe~cBSc r~ o QQ~Q)~8:~o63nr~,5lQpS ~q:I -cob.1S, n. the heavy accent 8zo~~og~pg [the heavy accent after the symbol of mo (q) is usually termed'o~o%~8 0 G6165S]. In Upper Burma called GS.18:ii -— G@,n. a forerunner (oj~GooSG~sjaaQ. "~Qg adv. before, first; very rare in colloquial; GlOR S -aoo,.space before; CVj5jq904 S~Ce1 CbC~C -,adv. straight forward;9(-o9iqp@oSja os8o *~00088 90300O _%qOq11;G — po i, n. a foretooth. -000 2,?z. one that goes before; GA02C3-G OQBc Sco:)SI co)81 cRn. former time; G9103CONG R 00001 -;adv. formerly; OCRCGCOOCqC(SG.@:3MqGomC OS; —3Z00oSocxi 003c0, n.. time past; rG9jOOo~rSGC:)40C -ocq, ad/v. same.. —OOGcp3zo1, n. in days of yore. ragoooo&Boa, n. a kind of tree (Pali mqc8%). cqjasooos 96~ ~,v. to make an opening through a crowd by diisje~rsing and scattering on both sides; G -8)V. same, (R1~ in more general use). ~,adv. Indicative of the noise which it imitates; *bQq4 c..%oS, i, n. a kind of tree [the citrus, M.], of which there are many varieties;OO~bQo vcoo5G,: n. the bitter citron. n. the lemon. n. the citron [the sweet citron].:~n. [the thorn of the Q.%pc)S tree], a kind of nail;gac -"-AI,3Z.; COMP. tcwwo 1..,-, n. other varieties of the citron. qO'n. the double-leaved citron. 4 8,n. a kind of tree (Pali 8~qqfo). n. a metal pot for cooking; larger than o.5qcqaQ8gi c~Qn. the sw'eet-lime. oin. the common citron. CBo, 2 (Arakanese), n. an adulterer;:o~c~ coin. same; coSGZaoSri GR~OS, 3, v. to pass lengthwise;&* cos-. the limb on which t~he trap is fastened in cat~ching doves. n. a kind of rain causing misfortune. Gg),v. to avoid, shun, ';[to evade a blow, corc8tS%0S~c,5 ~ eceC~l8~padv. moderately and of long standing (as a disease; cojccgo~olooG938 -C8St, -.p (~o~o 88Ganu) c, v. same - v.~.; see the parts (c4SWQG~q~c~ajSGoRGoe). r~j8ooaS, adv. instantly; 4oS O)I %8"~iO G.%& pO&xS [G.%08 OC0@0~0 122 V.,,*v tobe slightlyconcave, Sloping inwards, AoSo; poE~ Ito ii o~gjOaeol IoS, 2, v. to draw into the lungs (whether breath or fume) with a protracted effort [=Aoo5CB0o0i: GXSM5C~tp~NSQ os!;M380 GO IQBSQGOB8C] S:CcS, adv. gaspingly, oo-oc0 00to06C~C@ 0 OC.12,06 t111159,= is usually combined with d~, e.g., az~o: ~Cv. same as ~JcB Der. co~ocykc, sobbingly.' v. to be slightly concave; less than JcoqS:Jo aeiiG.-OOSOCB, adv. of similar import; ~ojp ~o~o,-_oo&Ba ~x~i V. to set on fire, burn, 81~ (a 8Cf811.ii r.03~:1.1 qOI c~rqAJ ~s~~4$: (~4~),adv. hotly, smartly, pungently Jav. to be free, unimpelled; c8-anS.8 ~&Sqoawoo to rejoice, be joyful; more than o8:acv@uO5IC5,%8o~oo~o qs~ (to be copious as tears, g8cco:)qj59e)..-,v. same in the last sense; seldom used assertively; cq Dv. to be of a joyous, smiling countenance; qJoBP:).SJ~rIIl v. [to be jubilanti; see the parts; o3,,,oo mj UF -csame as &S8 (most common); 86jo~Sc.&,5CO$6 ~9TV: 9g (@e), adv. indicative of the sound of a whip switched through the air; sos2 c caS8coo:o0oo g183600c~~~8amo~orgc eobco;lrl v I, v. to be clear, bright, shining; G@DS, to be joyful; &u o4$6:o46q$ aY0~9SqOsG:JFC08n3 OOOG@:ZQ3 g 00 oo ~ o8x~O&G u$.:so3S, adv. overwhelmingly (in speech); 0o:$gE aou 0~So~, 0 0 COI cooSooeu (ooc, 8- gco3S 6olooe 33.2$.&$,ooEC8 oe~11U, v. to be succulent, juicy, 0q0 S ['oSC o5jocGQ9 SI:coe], to be brilliant as a diamiond (8$); &8=eG.ap& g.Sn rocY5meq~S.g ii@3z9A28t, to be rich, ornate, as language; oazS:x (oonzmaog4:.8oog). — oS, v. same reduplicated adverbially; co8c8aao8gcB wge g~cdu~rrtoW 6ogu4: csooSeasspcsqu80pr ag8o'lu - 803, v. to be very brilliant (infrequent); qcS@8o&og 6i2t S8l cSua j gStj gs4: 80Ej3366Pa8e ~UgI, n. mud, mire (of some consistence). — a8l, n. a mud-hole, slough. -Goo: (pron. k4oe~), n. tenacious mud; -oGsdlck 6oGa: @:~89qosgn -e, n. same as Rki B6S3 a6S $3 Oi1g3 - ~Bq, n. muddy water. -, n. filth; jy6q5G5OS - SYS, n. a mud puddle; g~o;;40c5o OCFG0051 -qg, n. thin mud. So), adv. whizzingly, as the hissing sound of an arrow or ball flying through the air; Gcs)c%8 cqc so3@o ocaqc coglloo 463gg0 M65c~q eggol z)~@~o~oo o nl Sadv. whistlingly, as the sound of wind passing through trees or crevices Wceso5@0osoo~i aooo8co& MS8 g aS339TI 3qlas6]9% ~5g6N08 6 5z6o3o m c o Sfop ag> (11 9) I, n. gold: used adjectively, golden, royal; v. to be of the colour of.gold (9jGoo 1Tz8), hence oq.:), tinsel (S, "Q, OOr, GC3qOCS 0)W -, n. a grain of gold. v. to polish, make bright, gold. - GMO8S?, i. the best kind of gold; %$u gS, v. to sift for gold; gqco8oSodlS6GogS8: — ova, v. to beat out gold-leaf. --, v. to gild, overlay with gold-leaf. --— aco: (pron..fgqjom:), n. gold size. -— rS, v. to embellish with gold. — 4 (pron. g8?), -n. revenue paid in gold [sas8R:, an official formerly appointed by the Kings of Burma to collect duty on gold exported from the Shan States]. --— Vo~, n. the officer in charge of such revenue. -- oS, n. the footstep of Gaudama, the sole of the king's foot; godl:sooS (%oo58ooSc, to step, extend the foot as a Buddh). " —ooq:dc, n. a kind of fish [found at so:cq:']. — o0oS, n. a kind of gold stone, brittle. -— c8 (ron. i$8:), n. a packet of gold-leaf; rc68csn — qo, — 18, n. gold-lace. --— c84 (God8oqqa:), n. the great Shwd Tig6n Pagoda at Rangoon, the most highly-venerated Buddhist edifice in the world. "The Shw6 Tig6n Pagoda, as we now see it, " was completed by the successor of Alompra (Naungdaw" gyi) about the year A.D. 177o. The pyramid rises from " the carefully levelled surface of this artificial terrace toA " height of 321 feet. The inscriptions were engraved by " order of the Talaing King Dhammaceti (ogoco8) in the "year of the Burmese era 847 (A.D. 1485). * * * " The original name of the Shwd Tig6n Pagoda was Sin" gutaraceti (cSqggcoc8). For many centuries after its "i foundation nothing is recorded in native histories of " this sanctuary. In the i3th century a town, apparently " a Hindu settlement, is mentioned as lying on the two " hillocks, one now crowned with the elephant's sheds and " the other by a small Tamil settlement; they form, with " the elevation on which the Shw6 Tig6n Pagoda stands, " a complex of three hillocks, which are shaped like the " frontal bone (kumbha, (c9) of an elephant. Kumbha is " frequently used in the sense of a small, round-topped hill, "and Trikumbhanagara (@)q*4o0) means the three-hill " city. * * * The name Tig6n is of modern date, and, " as an appellation for the stupa, did not come into general " use till the beginning of the i6th century."-Forchhammer, a 973 gcQoS (pron. gfoS), n. a depository for gold; gdoesooq8:, the Burmese Doomsday book of 1145 B.E. (or A.D. 1783). " In the reign of King Bodaw Phra a most com"plete record of the population and resources of the whole "of the Burmese Empire was made. Every official, how"ever petty, was then required to make a statement on "oath of the extent, boundaries, and population of his "jurisdiction. The settlement of 1145 forms a great epoch "in the rural annals of Burma" (con-aSoo6o8).-Col. Horace Browne's " Statistical and Historical Account of the District of Thayetmyo." N.B.-To this day this record is referred to, e.g., -og Sooq~:aoSB.g:cqsc3p58ol CR"S: There was another settlement, it is said, in 1164 B.E.] — ocoSq: (fron. 59qoSs), n. a Government treasurer, a royal treasurer. S —co5o$, n. the officer in charge of a c.goSisocg8so$u — ooo8, see 90aSo - o5cs-: (o6), n. a kind of tree [see c0Go0.0]; ooSe:gop, -- c8s, n. a gold umbrella; cdc8zeoo8,Gigo8uc -— o, n. a kind of gold; g8 oaS oSaoog iGpS^BSgsoo --—, n. a kind of parasite [having the appearance of golden tendrils running wild]. - oP (pron. sp), n. the genitals of male children; those of female children are termed oazoSooGco1u -- oQoooS, n. to present gold flowers to the King of Burma as a mark of homage. This was done yearly by the Shan Sawbwas. — 6@p (pron. sasM ), n. a kind of bird (with a most melodious note. The Burmese allege that this bird derives its name from its having been a ' ruler of a country' in a past stage of,existence). ---— A33, n. the finest kind of tea leaf eaten by the Burmese, so called because the plant grows on the gm@e~1ssoo8 in the Shan States. ---— ols, n. [a species of bamboo]. " ---g~ (pron. gg.), n. a gold spangle; compn. 4.l:ooo " —ao, n. a pumpkin; see o.g — ols:ooS, n. the sole of the king's foot. — ooscoo35G!ooS (cool: coo5G3=aoS), adv. at the Burmese capital [the.royal presence; goooliamoSoSrmo5 iS on o.o ~ ~ ~O:oSO n.platinia;.see!oUn. -0.pure gold ore,. n. gold-leaf.nf,. a golden rule; hence 5999:o~oc5, a name given to one of the books' of the QooodSI n. Mandalay. [A poetical term for %4 e.g., $SA Q)6:c9OOO38C~ Q~C.000 6o~osoSo os~o o 00600Dx0 3c qa:OI] Qo&9oz!8@co5, the capital of any country, cb9iooll x. fine grains of gold; ~ $on tiR~1:. a kind of bamboo of light golden hue. q v. to wash with gold, to gild, by an amalgam [to electr-plate]. ~- wdCwoAoz5, ni. a gold bangle. __-co6:co, ni. the eagle [the red-headed vulture]. ==-~-co8S-C ooSGGo&o, v. to reciprocally -throw open two countries to trade (by their respective governments); msc8 o%'o~~~jC&o scsrsotoc o~.~-Cccp8oO9, ni. the paper used in keeping separate gold-leaf. 0666. the golden duck (Pali qckBo3G).,2, v. to slant, be oblique [-,S c a8ifico~aa Jp not paralel [h JG t ~~ o to deflect, deviate from a right line Oc. sa'me; OD ac 8:dwo 9(~C00CO (fg.a 8cO c.qO~ o88Sbo:cu01O n CR ( from og, to remove), v. to move (a thing) out of its place ~ [to change one's residence, CO VF30(SC&OC90 ~ G.,, int. the sound by which fowls are frightened away; r. d~~di~c~.Ao v.to be soaking wet; more than ~.and RoB [Wt:8c~co5, 0 ~ l c8 -~ o:8o sj CO 975 CO (The twenty-eighth consonant in the Burmese alphabet.) co,,, n. the moon, a lunar month. -— 330043S, — 333SGOOS, V. " ---6oS, n. a halo of the moon (to form as a halo round the moon, coo3S~cog). ----, v. to commence, to come in, as a new month; coRcqco og6a5oS: W oCoooa1gn --— @oS, v. to be eclipsed (coq8). -— aoc, n. the change or disappearing of the moon (coogoS, to disappear as the moon). -- (pron. coo), n. monthly salary; cooo:iicoonc. In Upper Burma oooo (pron. oxbD). ---- (pron. ooQgs), n. talc, mica. -- ~s, n. a half moon (cogso~oj:). ---- o, v. a term applied to the meat of the cocoa-nut when attenuated or thin in parts, though the milk is sweeter than that of the ordinary one; also applied to betel-nuts whose insides are black. -— ooqS, v. to work by the month (i.e., receiving monthly wages). -— oS0. (pron. oaos$:), n. the waxing of the moon (v. to wax, as the moon). -— oo$6, n. a crescent. --— oS (pron. coo5), n. the waning of the moon (v. to wane); Qccqoooqo,, -- co, v. to intercalate a month. --— c8SG008, n. a broken halo of the moon (cocaScooS:, v. to be broken as a halo below the moon). — agoS, v. the moon rises; co;oT. -- q6, v. to be lost, as a month for work or business. -— oT,. same as coogo5 [oocoT also means to emerge from the clouds as the moon]; qSco6StoocoT, — @ (pron. cog), n. the full-moon; [cow, v. to be full moon]. "-L ---G( (pron. cog&GqS5), n. the waning of the moon. 06 C6c6 0oo8:, n. a fragrant, white, flowering bulb of the amaryllis tribe; comp. oGesa -.-~, Sv. to be dark, to be without moon-light; coooooco3roo --— oi, v..to be full-orbed; coN.1 0o$4o3SI0 c4oSIo CYWoSIfof ~ooosco3qe@&JGaCoofaS oo:3)6%d, nt. the moon's disc. — oo, (from o00, to be pleasant), v. to be bright with moonlight; gEomoooao3 oo1 Q6# - 0ooos (pron. cooo$ts), t4 a veranda or floor between two roofs, itself being without a roof. -— eonos~S, n. a hanging kerosene lamp provided with a porcelain shade; cooo9$a11 co, a (from cA:, the penis). -- n,. the scrotum. — os (pron. coq:), n. Smegma preputii, a filthy term of abuse. - (AS (Pron. CooS) (from GooS, a cluster), n. the private parts of a man including the penis and scrotum. — qoS (from c8s, the penis, and qaoS, the mons veneris), n. the projection above the penis; coo6, n. the hair covering the middle parts of the hypogastric region. cooS, I (from wacooS), n. an arm or hand [the fore-limb of a quadruped, a 5ouisnn86coo5]; a6ogj c0c yx, a wooden trowel; 05ooS, an iron trowel; 4S:ooooS, a bundle of plants, as much as can be clasped in both hands [4soocoSoS8 GC3oo3S So% ]. 331"OstC, v. to fall helpless as the arm through injury or weakness. q, n. the hands joined together as in the act of worship; coCB*E00i8 0~lo I j@o0oSOCOJO v, v to raise the hands thus joined; coSSQogaqcoen.*co&6, v. to raise the hands thus joined so as to touch the forehead. eh cooS, n. an attendant [a subordinate, cooSWOS0ao DS8O C --- GoSoooS, n. an attendant and pupil., st; ee 038:09:, the arm-hole of alsleeve; coos Go8taqs, the-socket of the shoulder. Coos 977 - ooo5&, adv. at first; %r2UcoOQq)oprJMS(: M 05no TQ LMo.ga qqooq.8~~oo frequently followed by uS, e.g., coc)3o801' --— s~, nadv. same. ~s2~, adv. same. — mqjs, see coo6je~:n cod~wqe~sgoSa~e@:oe6 ca oaS:coo - _ ----r G (Pron. o0o00om), n. the arm-pit; (a8gflocQSox8AI --— no~oSe~j w (ron. o~odnoo g), n. same. — c8:Gx6g, n. the hair of the arm-pits; (6:c:'2QR2CoSoOC8Gg — o-GOr (Pron. coca5ooeo}), adv. over one shoulder and under the other arm; (cco~wnsonoac~) bocSoo8i (coo~oaooo&)(co8) -mocoqRS, ~, n., a kind of basket (slung over one shoulder and under the other). ~ss, v. to purloin by sleight of hand; coc~o:o)&~~-catm ns,?z. something used by the hand for support, as a staff or the balustrade; c0o Ac-(~O-)O&8g80i1O05n6q G0C08G;8:t&r -o00, v. to screen or shade the face with the hand. emoas n. a bracelet; cociSsr ooS~Bxg6 r-ocoG-nom)5lS3-.m~ij — GOQcY~odOS n. the wrist. — GOOO&O'v. to be a good marksman; ODCYG@081 — o S, v. a handle; commonly combined with soine other words as coo&c8%88:, a ring-handle. [In familiar intercourse cocrSc~S also means money, much in the same way as the English colloquial expression " the needful," e.g., co0cQ Oci a ps*O SoyjcQ $ o 0 C)8GcYD1 pco3oc~ -,d —c8c, n. the common Chinese umbrella. d~8qoS, n. a walking stick. - o8001, n. a handkerchief; coYS4o1. Fu-J1~jd6co6Soae~, he waves his handkerchief and salutes. — c~8& (from mdcS:, a limb), n. the arm (?), handiwork; coq q~, v. to practise for a trial of skill. -OXI n.; see cocSooD.o5Ii a. tight-sleeved, cooyl &-Atti 898, n. a flat bracelet. 123 fooo coS@8cg, v. to bury by hand without the aid of a bier [also means to carry a bier without transverse supports, but merely by the bearers holding it with their hands, as in royal funerals]. -- oi, n. an interstice between the fingers (coo(@os o@oo '8, i.e., when it is so dark that one can scarcely see the interstices between the fingers; more than iG8ooc8ooo8 ); a channel connecting with the sea or main river above and below, a strait or channel between two islands or other Sportions of land. -- oSCoS:, n. a lane connecting two main roads. -— , v. to be open-handed, profuse, lavish in giving awa; comp. qoScp and mo,on [oao6sGsGsroom o ootco I _ — s8:s, v. to practise self-pollution; cooScooo: _.-g-8oS, v. to whistle through the fingers; comp. g:ioS. SoEgsiG081G@Cj:o8, adv. familiarly; cooc o.90o Go5cooSrCOS (ogo Ssooo oSQioo g, ---, n. wages (for work done); GoSGr-oc0 c .8 o83a8oq8 — ooYSgs, n. same; cooSooojp ouQi x30)c oooqS S8:ooeu oqGp:olJo8 1=5coSG1 c jog o GO G ol oogl -ooSgooS, v. to be close-fisted (in opposition to conScJu ooSgovcooSqcBD(ccoo8o), same meaning as ocoSRoSndo50a coScqooaocua (cooSooS is also applied to persons who borrow money, but are disinclined to repay it). _ ooS, n. the lath of a loom, in which the q9ogo: is inserted; the part of a boat made like a lath, a drum stick, (a gong stick), a potter's ferule. — oo8otooS5, v. to slap one of the upper arms with the open hand just above the elbow, the lower part of the arm struck being drawn across the body at right angles to the upper; cooSo$S:oloSoSii [Amongst some tribes of Karins, and in a few villages in northern Upper Burma, young men announce their approach to their sweethearts by slapping their arms in this way.] - 6, v. to take by the hand, to second, be accessory to, [to receive stolen property, 9qpog8 cooWS; to harbour bad characters, o:IoooSa], to entertain, to listen to, take cognizance of as a Magistrate; aaYcoo55, n. an accessory (a harbourer of bad characters, cq:o;o55) cooS6ooooG oo005 cooS 979 G00ooo0o0'o:'G@O (oo2oWooS5, to be able to take medicine without vomiting it). oooBSoaS, n. a house in which a thief or other person is. harboured. --- o$:, n. a veranda. -- 5oScoS00oo (cooS6ooScoaSoooS5), n. an accomplice. --— c8, n. an outside upright post of a house. — oo114ol6, adv. free of incumbrance and care; oemooS (@ 60cooSolo64ol o8 000oilO, ooo soo^^Soyit -— q8, n. the hand curved in a cup-like shape, coo5o3S; comp. cooSags; a kind of tree, cooSq,8o [foetid sterculia]; coaSq o00018, the height of a person with his hands extended palm to palm above his head [oftenest used with reference to the depth of water, e.g.,:o0oSepq cooS800Sol8coooSA ooo8goos] coS io8coocl 8 &CocoooqooeSn --— qo;, v. to clap the hands; cooS8c8soocooTc5ooTscooST 5 c8Go(@oSIcooSq6c8uQNcooSq86c8qo6B -- sooSol: (coo&S~ooSol5), adv. turning the back and palm of the hand alternately. - 1- 8081, n. the fruit of the cooS8 tree; a Burmese cartridgebox, the block of a pulley. --: (also pron. cooos.), n. the back of the hand; cooSo.q n — Golo5, n. a knuckle. -- q, v. to give up further effort; o{8~ooo5s-Gqcoooooeu - q:3 (also pron. cooSooqej), adv. empty-handed; cdoSqg: coo0qesn cooSqepoogoji osqc^g~ o 8go 9jooeco8s5cS 5: cooSg83ae~ goooa6ogo:68oogii coScoo uoolc qcoSgpsooeo — 98, n. short sticks clasped and rattled in the hands as a musical instrument; cooS8cooSq5^:sgso3oScooS^8~8 — oS, a. wove with spiral serpentine curves; cooSjoSoodJn cooSoSdqos (in contradistinction to ooSoSooSuo8"o5oSqc:), -- q, adv. sewn by hand (ooSq68); coooS8, v. to secure the hands or arms. -- Qp:8, n. a finger, cooScBp8:-:n coo:ii cooSoGoSaeq, v. to count on the fingers. -- 1s, v. to crack the knuckles, to keep count by the fingers, cooS:SjqqcSoS'ol; [it is considered disrespectful by -. '980 *the Burmese to crack the knuckles in the presence of a.superior; mqtqoS:GcoW"otoclf&'] cooo —S, n. a finger-ring (infrequent), see aN.a&, -.oS: (from o~s, to be ifistant), adv. with ready money; not on credit; ap plied to buying and selling; opposed to wro~u co5~c~srGo8gcoo~cSioc~iiooo-:oooc &c~os*, somewhat similar to Qfl2GCO%~~83cs~seR)i co~c&&r~bolui please call (here) instantl-y. -6, vo. to have a sufficiency of; r,& tqc8Gcp8-oc8#coe~, not so much as Ocoii [=5c~6 is by no means confined to sufficiency of money alone, as may be seen from the following example; O 9' O Y n..the remains of a limb, or twig, after what is broken off, an unfinished work..- qo~cxoa5e, n. same, 2nd def.; G@Sr xOS G3qaztqoos;o2sII -0,f n. a work commenced; Q~Gg~opQG~Gclt IIozcoSocico'Soc5 M-00,v. to recommence an- unfinished work; coo~coo5c~q OAsee OPOL':cB, adv. with accurate knowledge; c-~8c4 -...oo8oo~,'a. or adv. unfinished, incomplete (coo5oom~4oj same, but less elegant); oqsg~.ciawsaoccoo~om8,-Sooco8: CO8.to finish a work) ~~c.58qSE:~o~.c,9.-)%)V. same. -~-OG0O, v. same; oo roSOD)~O&OBGO~~ - eadv. in return, by way of recompense or retaliation. -0*Gv. to retaliate, return good for good, evil for evil, more commonly the latter; nsoo:scq*1 qcooSdpono:jR_9 ~ (Pron. OC9oz0a). — C -~o8, cbo~c~oS, V. to accord in sentiment or practice; o~o~c; Smsoo)~cei _ 008,n. the edge of the hand, the wing of an army; c j!c~orooccsg~ooros.~qoooo~ coos 98! ~coso~coo, v. to advance as the wing of an army [acroos 0: coo6G800 cD 30CCi 000c c 8000:c0:29 o;0o2~@0 o:3, to take the lead in presence of a superior. fS, n. a finger-ring, a thimble, a glove. --— 9S0cooSo, n. ability, capacity. - n. anything used by the hand and in daily use, a personal attendant; we~ ro6oc0 o60- coo%6-,;6o1 g:()1 1 CO - ~o, n. a manual; cooSroDs38a - So n. one of a body-guard; coo`iS01:, caoSd, a personal attendant on the king. -co, v. to guess the weight of a thing by simply lifting and tryming it in the hand; aoe~3$:- 8:0-'G$ q oo0cooSioeg o8q C.M08COCYSX08801d11 C0CBCZ6.-,l1 C~)053x1CYC1CjY5XC,050QC0 xC)C6(;Cx)08 ooe8c)ooO86l c1oo: oio oco"o o3oj: - 00, v. to feel a slight uneasiness or lameness; o@$oSm&,b cqooo~oZflrxoegu - C03ooMoor, v. same. --— o v. to connect hands in the way of friendship, fellowship, marriage, or rivalry; 0Se83p up3 ci @o8 [co SooS has also the same meaning as ooScoos, e.g., Q;)G0:)53Qq80ZaC~CO-.GaO:O= — ),RCoS4@.' ~00tl~ - x-mo-m s, v. to give from hand to hand; 0cooSo00008OosgOs d1i11 cocfiocS " 01 oaAo oa54 08 o rol. 0 q61io (BXoSq 3~, 0300 n 8o653Ppl~lC)OoCag0Q38s soosyo~o08o:u qOil C005x o~ooos- CX)S0.Q000C~C0080q - cob, n. a joint of the finger, or of the wrist. - Q88, n. uncommon skill of hand, ability to effect as by a charm; cooS-.)BQ~Goo:oobo8f~gBajsc8go-81coS3eu - 08, n. the perspiration of the palms of the hands; co-S c8cgo63n0 8ccqo, the perspiration of the soles of the feet. - 2q8, v. to clinch or clutch the hand, the fingers closed, with the thumb at the side; coorjq8cooSfq4ose - 4, n. a rice mortar worked by the hand (with a pestle). - C00:3, n. a present, oRoo3cuacSr oo8o:cqa1n In the Burmese Kings time there were clerks who may be compared to the Indian toshakhana clerks. They made lists of all gifts presented to the King and read them out at durbars (rOco QQooCOOs60n 6Go)a6Gco)So0iO). -UMo3X8O8s, v. to bribe; o5:,csir -GD00*, v. to wash thi hands. 982 cooS oo5soo:aS, -o-eoa, n. a basin for washing t! e hands. -- cooicq, n. water to wash the hands with. ---— G3, v. to be light-fingered, as in pilfering; ccooSwooo __ —$, n. the fingers closed and curved to hold something (infrequent in colloquial); comp. cooSq8 and cooSooS, o coosgp(ii -- 380, n. a carpet-bag. — c —io8, v. to ache as the arm or hand (after writing or using it in any way). " ----is, n. the forefinger; cooSQGO:)o8:oo3oS:, a term meaning that punishment should be awarded to the really guilty, not indiscriminately. --— 5$,. v. to point with the finger, show with the finger (more elegant than cocStan cooS5Oc&:); cooS& Qg"ii -- oooS (from 3oZ08, a shoot), n. supernumerary little finger, cooc-Bmosc,Booo oon oooloSoo; a small creek, Gqp6 o -— o0oo(hco8-, n. same, last def. — ao8, n. something for the arm to rest on. — ooo00 coO, n. ordination. — ooQcooccsp, n. an ordained preacher. -- oo8q, see cooSc$IS — oooSpoa, n. an art, skill, dexterity. -— o00$, n. a baluster. -- oo$:sr, v. to extol extemporaneously in song (as a member of a dramat company the giver of a pw; 8ooo3o3od00 o0o g). r --— oo*g, v. to sing or recite extemporaneously. --— oo@o, v. to crack jokes or puns extemporaneously. -— oo.S:'9o, v. to speak off-hand, without premeditation; sometimes used in the sense of finding an excuse for remission of duty on the spur of the moment or giving one's opinion offhand without actual knowledge; oogeo~Ac oodoScoBSo $:@o o1 OOgllCooSoo Sa &coSpO @01Doo P~ OlloG9gell --- 5, n. an arm, a moving bar in a machine, the barrel of a gun (cooGo504 080cooo508 GoooC oo5o056a -o-c), the spreading leaf of a plantain 9oSg>oScooSo5 palm and such like. — occoseoglo (pron. cooSo5ocoqS), n. a horizontal pivot on which a bar turns. ) cooS 983 cooSo53xe, n. a kind of tree (comp. o5or3oS9~). _ —oc:, n. an additional roof appended to the main roof, on any side of the house, but usually lower than it; coo.oSBo*,ii CoSc:S8, IIo5oSc8:Oqi, — c8-(:8, n. same. — Gooooo, v.; see GOO, 2. — o3CooS, n. an instrument used in dressing cotton. — c —8, adv. at every shot, as cooScaEg9ooo, to hit the mark at every shot. — 0-80c00o, v. to place in a position of a confidante; or for one's immediate surveillance. - oa$2 coo:, n. a trolly. -— CoS, n. the time during which a person is or flourishes; GG0133310000 G 0S0l co0oqooooSooo%5 G qo coooou qXsoosap 0o OGooor c0o0 36|J o8oo60,8 *G (diI -- oo8os:, a. acquired' after marriage; property thus acquired [cCo5oSo a GSfo833s o8G@S8:60gSgo8:@n 05ooSo05 1 ~epSooaSooSooaooo i, see o~so8gge]. - 008, v. to marry, become married; coSooSiN — co5 coD, n. marriage [the marriage ceremony]. — o8o, n. manacles (a handcuff, coo5c8o5ooS; to handcuff, cooSoqjg.OncooSqjLgsooS), - 086, u. the tip of a finger. cooSoosc8c8coorScBSpooe (Proverb) meaning that if the interets of one for whom one has an affection are assailed, it affects one's self; or if the interests -of a community are assailed, it affects the whole body. - ocoooS, n. an assistant, usher; (coo&oAoScocp, v. to assist as a subordinate). — GooooSc, v. to secretly further another in the commission of a dacoity, robbery, theft, or any crime (implying that the person who does so has an intimate knowledge of the locality where the crime is committed and that, usually speaking, his residence is close to it). In some parts of Upper Burma GsoqS0 is used; o"orGg CqoUdi -— cE:, n. a fishing-line used without a rod. 0cogRcI 9oj, n. a fisherman who uses a line without a rod. 8 —, n. a cloth used in masonry. - 0_^, a. what is suitable to be worn in company or public; applied to the Burman waistcloth, see under 4au:n -- 8, adv. as much as the hands will bear without overstraining, as cg.cooS48cqSd8ooSI 984 oo5o cooSooS.oS5 ( —2oSo5), v. to emit an unpleasant smell from the arm-pit; cooSin~oGoSii -- osaq ( —oS:q), v. to be fatigued in the arms and cease effort; ooBso co.oSGooooS86oscoo$ oqico 6is o - oGoloSooS, v. to slap the arms with the hands (just a little above the elbow, the elbow being placed across the chest; cooBoGoolo5oS is used in composition, ooo So6oSGooSo5 in colloquial). -— oA ( (-oS@), v. to-spar, show fight; cooSG.cooSog@sd)S oog~ - o1sCo, n. a waiter, servant, peon; oocomoQl (oGooooso8 cooSolo ~O) (3^:gQ8soCoSohsoO). -- 6oSqo:, n. a swift to wind thread from. — JcooCS @8, adv. in the hand, on. the person, in "flagrante delicto" (as stolen goods), ~scq6,ooZ.coo5ooo5_8oo, or cooS'coWoS8Soq2, as persons in the act of adultery.. —colo5IS, n. a cord twisted by hand. -- o5s, adv. with folded arms; qcgSs5c~coo5o5oSoogS -- qoS, v. to lose skill of hand in consequence of disuse, as in writing, painting, or other manual art; GooeoS@otg-90 @OGoo?(@o~P cooS o5GOo~ii GmogQoSoogB orgoc oos(or --, n. the back of the shoulder. --— 81, ^n. the scapula, shoulder-blade. — ~98:00, v. to be lame and swollen in the wrist in consequence of violent effort; 3aoq8oSo.*o8$cggc~cooS8soooog — @Scxq- (-oBNcq) [(from 68, to throw, and cq?, to swim), v. to swim by throwing the hands over and forward], to cross by swimming. — C@ox, v. to have a mark across the palm of the hand (in palmistry); oQao3@So co oScq8soloSoe,, cooSoSY gq — @;, adv. with the hands behind.. —6$ q, v. to tie the hands (of another) behind the back with a cord; coo65@$~Go8ioqScoosi / —goSl, n. a bore or driq used for a gimlet. — gFooc8: (pron. cooL$o A8s), adv. intimately, familiarly (frequently often); oo cOCaoRogSn coo=5$2aooc8s coS: coYS 985 0069093G9o ooaGooa~ocgSos- %8*08,24~080ooe@ co,V28ooc&AS wa3v30si [frequently (but incorrectly) pron. cooSg$O-oo0 ]. cooS G.c8 (-eqc8) (Pron. coc&5G~8), n. an umpire in a boxing match. -G.a (- r2) (pron. co~c&.2), n. a boxing match. - G'cSoos (-aZcoSoS-), adv. boxingly; coSB.VgcocSo$:~aoi coojSgaco5susrccs~610CyjoF833djo~ - ro..oo ( —Ggoo6S), v. to box; coo c.2=oS, n. a boxer. - ooS, n. the hand curved into a cup-like shape; comp. cooS 02s and cooSq&i — ( n. the heel of the hand. -, n. the back of the hand. -- olo, n. the palm of the hand; GoO:IO$qc3oCSooIOgR -g, n. the bone of the arm from the elbow to the wrist. — c8, n. the ends of the extremities; cooj3SU~g Sgot-1I.-69, 'v. to bet on a race (i.e., all money betted, exclusive of the stakes entrusted to the c~8); coo o:oRoS, to be forthcoming as backers in a race, lit. as the money bet by batkers on a race or horse; coeoo~a co6s5p goo~rlS there are no backers in this race. - 68=ood(, zn. one of the 18 arts. -4&oi0: ( — 93), v. to sn fthe thumb and finger together. -_65gAo8*, v. same; 3aS@SccY6Oo3o88QsoToo2~h - v. to be true in aim; C.W40508oCSO@3oSG08,& U Z-g, v. to be prodigal in giving; oacon 8oX&-_N1u 8sgD:e8 -, n. an amulet, whether for preventing evil or obtaining good, a present made by the parents and friends of a bridegroom and bride on marriage; cmc coSo@a~ ucooS'GooSwO8N cooS.0CoSo6: coIo aS5oCSGOS -9 n. same, 2nd def. -.2o0s, v. to test a charm to prove its efficacy. - j0q8, v. to prepare an amulet; coo5~caowooao~ - o, n. the thumb, an inch (3m 00s13n-ocxQqO jaS, in racing according to English custom, " weight for inches "). 124 986 coOS cooSat, n. the thumb string, the string with which the thumbs of a dead person are tied together; Gmoogqoq&ooSQ@- G 9*9&oo 'A3in -- Q038, n. the breadth of the thumb;;col)o qj68Goooeoco rBo 00ooo0oco.C-GC1oo a oo- o ocoTzcoor6 cqajoouco8 ooGcaooo) Ccooo0oogll6n0 0SoQO K a 3Co oo QOO JCcO0SAoo0i11 -QGC0305 (r0008), n. a prison under the jurisdiction of the king's court (o2g6ScnS) in the Burmese time. - o), n. an executioner; coC 0CoS "oCYS& jMoxMjaO Og oi-o o0o6, n. a prison for condemned criminals. - 0080), n. the arm (above the elbow); o=oSgau — 3oD 2,n. the humerus. — r (from oqs), n. a short wash-board on the stern and prow of a boat (gunwale). - q:oo8, v. to affix the same. — qso, 1v. same [but including the idea of giving the proper curve]. - $, v. to be quick in performing any manual labour. -- G ooS, v. to be eminent in any manual operation; cooooS So Q: o ooouj C~ sr 55ql os --, n. a signature, certificate, legal or official writing of almost any kind, a note'of hand, or other short writing on business [a ticket]. -— qoa3o(s, v. to affix a signature. — =9oEo, n. a craft, manual art. --— Re-)aooooS, n. same. - 5jueeooe3, n. a manufacture. — a~8% v. to be in a desponding attitude; Gcoo8StooSjSc1 -, v. to give up in despair; aoes~=Rd oa%8cq cooS98 C30000E u 7 8oog, adv. at present (not used in colloquial).. —oo~baogS:, n. a shallow well made (by scooping out the sand) with the hand. - MS, v. to beckon with the hand; cooSo8aSGTc~goS:6lI -~c)Ds, v. to swing the hand as in walking; co6oSscg3a-o:ot--—.oS:coCBWo, see cooSoon — oo (commonly written coja), a. right, as opposed to left. MooS 987 cooSoooooo8 (pron. cooScoosol8), n. an underling, charged with the duty of running before royalty, before members of the supreme court, and other magnates, to clear the way and enforce respect with a long, stout rattan, a lictor; o8s@: OgoSooSPoej(0 3o1o ccl a qoc QqoooJ0 ogOZcR I| -- 0oooo5, n. the right side. — ooocorS, n. the right hand. " —q, a. obtained in war; applicable to persons or goods. --— qg o, — 8, n. spoil, plunder (cooSqGcooCo)F,u8,nOgj o s,11). -- q, v. to treat as a captive or as plunder. -— qoS, v. to take captive, to capture. — q — -cq8%s, v. to take possession of as spoil. — q-, n. a captive. - q6s, n.; see Goo&qcs [(from 3zqS:, nearness), a favourite, cooSqSaoj]. -— qE830s, n. the stakes (in a race). -- q8oo6 (pron. cooSq8sooc5), v. to deposit the stakes in a race. — qs s, n. a bet or bets made according to the conditions of a race, i.e., if the stakes (cocSq8&) were 150 laid against Ioo, the bets (coDoSo:) would be Rs. 1-8 to Rs. i, or would be even if the stakes were equal. — qc (from oq, to encircle), n. the ornamental rings round the spire of a pagoda above the o80oS9o0S, co168:08i — q$ (from q$c), n. a balustrade or other railing. -- c, n. something wrought by hand, a work, handiwork; oooGcoooS5oooSeqcb" — 4-, n. a sign made by the fingers as a substitute for language. --— 8@, v. to give a sign with the hand; AoS5goc o so0S -- g, n. the arm (below the elbow); cooS5Go(d 8 cooSteGCoc8 @,s, v. to have rule or dominion over by reason of one's own force of character or ability, in contradistinction to doing so through nepotism or hereditary right; coo5q~ 3308gO II -- eqsQ, n. a term used by mayn cultivators signifying that it is owing to their own manual exertions that they can irrigate their fields. -no 900. coos coo~~$tti.a low railing in a boat..- tscoo8GQo)8:, ni. a right-hand man; coe~jrooSmcoeo coc),,oc-5OQ 8:tz-.c9~cxo, the upper and lower arm collectively, coc6;ooo Qoo8%o~-oo$0xooe, as a boxer. oS. to use frce in a contest (modsq~:~ 00 cornP.8~C9 -on. handwriting; 8co~ooooo2oIo~pmc4.,(30an18~'coo~cc.:n1 -rC3,v. to learn to write from a -copy; co000 -~B~o coe~n (copc~ooc~~~0):% r9roo (Pron. C05C SO':o)),. n. a manuscript book. - Gcp~ (tron. 00oo~-c), n. a writing, copy for imitation. ~rct-,&83,v. to write a handsome hand; ceqoo(BccooSrq: -oqt:o$%, v. to write a round hand. -QqIG00, v. to be formed, settled, in respect to the style of handwriting. _QCS-GCOv. to write rapidly; 00ooGSGq*D;ooGC~g00eL oocoo5cc - acoaxo1, adv. *immediately; said to be derived from a term used in the game of j~o, -Gcp5 )ff.an overt act of offence (an assault case); comp. n. a mallet; coooc-o0ii a. chosen; coo)rSGc~ooa000 5o.cy~ag0ooSo&:,5iDc f000G. — oi, 'v. to join or fold the hands with the fingers interlaced, a. dove-tailed; cooq~oooco.7l~qo).~ico _s500%6 -516oo, n. a dancer (obsolete); 00o@me~ -ga 2 (from 516S, to be ashamed), v. to be disappointed and ashamed, as when one gives a thing and takes it back again while the other is reaching his hand to receivre it (ca, uw~ s~cq:oaoo~1~i~cr~6Goe) a. long-sleeved; Fccqei..con.; see coc~ooci&i.-coS, n. the middle finger, coos 989 coSoSA, n. the stick used in extending the yarn of an abb (oaSc98:). -c88, n. the beam of a loom, on which the cloth is rolled as it is woven, that part of,a priest's garment which is rolled up and held in one hand (od4-au6o&=cIelooSoc8S coo oo8bonfos400)oo). — _85, n. a rolling-pin. -c8, adv. by retail, by little and little; c 6o688, 0 No o8 c8411 Z) AOGcO a*co~80 CqOOCOU..qG8.080j u — C880S, v. to retail; coo6c8G;c8g, coo6c886OJGacp8, cqiooo ~: M0oo00- a (;8sqc.~CcooSc8uo 5 qko0-$oe6lI -— cqc qa, n. an artificial acid. — cs, n. a ball of thread wound by hand, as distinguished from spool-cotton. — _Go:, v. to be slow in performing any manual.labour. G —co0008, n. one name of the Cassiafistula; comp. qisn — %6o, adv. empty-handed; e8:)o86*crq Qouoc68~8 cooSacoS — c2-, v. to offend with the hand; comp. A6oocR; EQ)8q8cgc: szcgor,31oo@). oo oc.~:)8ooRRpocoosc $go0: M9oeg ---, n. same as cooSe.pc &-a3, n. a crank, a handle to turn with; the peg of the string of a musical instrument, a sleight of hand; coocq& ao4qa o8SoooSol (q:,Gp4u ecoS oaspu 04n oG6ol), in the Burmese time a term used when assigning precedence to ministers and others when paying homage to the king. The term used for p6ngyis at such times or in any place they had assembled was Goo0ogologszd~8 —a& coo5Sqd), the term used to ordinary persons is oaagSo08:08S03 o011 - cq-9 wp, n. a conjuror, juggler; -@, v. to practise legerdemain, conjure, to exhibit juggling tricks; coccoo5 (q@GO):3O 8- 0e~ -03SO, n. the length (of a musket, or gun, or common gun) (Coo~o3 S3onT ae ICU OOS C yoSoG:80 C - CRSY, n. the trigger of a musket or cross-bow; co&Saj8c. cooscy8goSii -oc- g (usuallly pron. 'let shaw' in colloq.), v. to cease doing (to give qp, to yield; less than coo68q);;aQ$ c9$ 090 Mr.or Cors cooc~cB, v. to cease taking care'of (Anzglic~ to " give up all hope" as a doctor); coe xoqco~ooc&n mcsc~ojoe~3cR65 -. —~: (~),n. a sling made of a strap. and two strings; -o68, see cooSo&mo:, v. to require much work; coeom.c~8 v. to require little work; szoeSc@Omoocoe~%coos - ojov. to require much work; 2-qcsoco8.jjoac~wac.WMW-~oo&conCBOO* n. ornaments for the hands and arms [in con. tradistinction to c~oc&o3*8o:)o, wearing apparel; so3 c~65OOOCOOSC~oc&Oo~ si:QODGWCBCBO o38.5p:O& co.000~c ~ 1 n. the open part of the hand (the palm of the hand).....-1coSA -oMM&~ (pron. coo~ooScq8), n. a cross for the purpose of~ crucifixion. -— 0.o008008, -co0icQ~co8, v. to crucify; Q)jS9O oo,,ug-CqloasolgS~oo~ol oosI0n50~ _0:0),n. that part of the lock of a musket which receives the stroke of the flint..-0.,W38:GoS (Pron. dcoDlm8so), n. the edge of the hand be* tween the wrist and the little finger; o-I.c:8,jS....oh~j(cYS~ (Pron. c ocy~jo~cY), v. to rub the hands warm in order to some application (IcjOoo$ -~-9)qco& acupc~i ooo~ol:jcSc(o650), (to do with urgent despatch; sooqz co:cq@om~o~osooo~oe) o.W v.to strike hands in order to seal an engal ement; -~: -h),a. left, as opposed to right; coodu -bmoo5 (-bnoo5), n. the left hand. ~Gqoc.Sv. same as coA~oiin Some maintain that cozsoos is etymologically more correct th'an coaor-,2oc~ii COs 99' cooSzo, v. to be handy, to be disengaged as the hand; cooko 3ooGocilao8&4ofQ o:lm 8o1060ou ~ same as coo6nooa& C9Nqg 9fl OZC5050D)O 094:9 0 coogons@:)agoe uacaoro866}ogoco86I u - 008), n. a finger-breadth; CoSOOSaGO008000, a. new-fashioned. - coer, n. one who squeezes the limbs, a midwife (more polite than oSsoo), the one among a number resisting government authority, who lays hands on the official (the dealer at cards, aI3oGao.oq), the principal in the commission of a crime; ocauno 5E -— @, n. the finger nail (it is deemed unlucky by the Burmese to cut the finger or toe nails in the house as it is supposed to cause the poverty of the owner, a3Sj8oooS Gfooo)S0on) -a, n. the same. -coe~,Oj n. a hang-nail. -__co~-, n. the little finger. a — oCo8q, v. to treat tenderly, take good care of; coP80G7( coSoooc3~ogoo oQ(oS)oo5GRtoo a eu cqGo)5ooOf coS 5-cocsgo)oo cgCqiio8 l@ e 4))5O19o N03GQa GSOO aXg S Oqjo 3i 0: C00 008SODO -3De~ -OOQO8, n. a carpenter. -003, v. to be gentle of hand, to handle (an instrument) gently, as a tattooer or a barber; o2Saq8soorxoBX3or 3 a ( ooooed~og9sacqcooo 0C00G400Gol -— oa, n. an apprentice, under-labourer; omucoos3oo:I, xo e 0coo30g)oSgo3C3 o", [oooC.5 g is also applied to plantain trees, bamboos and the rice plant, e.g., 90gws 08coo5oO:Cp)o~II Ol0800 80005co oBoulo3o3 oS2~ v iO oqoo&o ul 0o00oo o~oJo:4 l. -— G,8, -_8, v. to have actual experience of, to guess the weight of a thing by simply lifting and trying it in the hand. - 88cQa, v. to bribe or give secretly (to plan secretly); ooe ao9Gyoo03 o6 oS03P808GjCuI36Js (3%) )Qs8%5 oSo 0 80MooS oS3 cQ088:3l oo Do - 09, n. the fist; co 3SB-:_q8, the clenched fist; co6SD8,-p j to strike with the fist; coaSous,, v. to show the fist (shake the fist), usually in a threatening manner; co So8:.co3oQS: co$., to strike out with the arms as a boxer, or as in the way of defiance, or when angry; osqooog;sa8 aqoaSoD (8asAJQuSoo~g9) cooo8o 3cGo388 Ooco1f oooSoqSool, n. a table napkin, serviette. -cdoS, n. any condiment mixed up with the fingers, cooked or uncooked, seasoning, sauce (chutney). -— gScooS3, n. same. — qOs, see coo5s:; cooSx3qosGcuao noo:Uocoo064:Goo83ao:n -_Oq~ S, n. the ring-finger. -— co3, v. to be habituated, settled, in some motion or work of the hand, as in writing, sewing, &c., so as to require no special effort; ScoS u Gqs66cjoq00Somooos: cw gicrpSS.o00SRe: wqcS ooZ Qo84 0G-ocoascoGe 0 oG00~ agol)~~~qrX 3500o!;. (to be palsied in the arm, not to have power over the arm). --—, see ocS0062,a. ----0St, n. a kind of chisel (used by goldsmiths in making finger-rings)....N — SaSdOS, n. a bag used by mendicant priests. (This bag is scarcely ever used except in out-of-the-way localities in Upper Burma.) oos, a. old-fashioned (oeu8coxoScoi-n coGos6o86:o:,:). cooS, 2, n. an astrological term usually combined with $c-i oo coo0i:coaSn BO 8R01oooop ocScoBocooSc oocm& cooSr 3, v. to shine, glitter... —co cS, adv. glitteringly, glisteningly; cooBoGM82o0o98$ cooS 98sLPsp owiPc~coaSo ooicg a~6,3sgn -- oaoScocDs, adv. flickeringly, in a glimmering manner, glisteningly, as the glint of a distant light; sgcYaScood5cosco. 8ogaSooe~It 8:@CoqASM8Gcooo S0a6oo:0.8qR@ 110Q0%cCS5@f (as when at sea). corgcap (Pali), n. a sign [the signs of a supreme Buddh. " After S thus speaking, he proceeded to examine whether the signs "" of a supreme Buddh were to be found upon his person, "namely, the 216 mangalya-lakshana (odw0 rWCD4), the 32 "mahapurusha-lakshana (o0 oqqoooo cngw:), an the 80 anu"wyanajana-lakshana (mk'oo4), and when he saw that they "were all present, smiling with joy like a full water-vessel, "he declared that the prince (Sidhartta) would most cer"tainly become Buddha."-M.B.]; token, indication, char coOSOCS 93 acteristic, visible or sensible quality; comp. qcvS and mila [Childers gives the following definitions: mark, sign, symptom, characteristic, attribute, property, nature, quality, a definition, a grammatical rule, a personal characteristic from which good fortune may be predicted.] cocgm o~, a term allusively applied to those who practise selfpollution. cocgaoog,, v. to examine the lines and marks on the palm of the hands (and occasionally on the soles of the feet). -— Go8~, n. the lines and marks on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. - o0190io,, v. to be in straitened circumstances; cocgonoolsa — ocSPB, n. a Brahmin who predicts a person's future by examining the lines and marks on the palms of the hands. — GCjo0Ina n amgiqognim ii coo5@o-, n. borax. — P-S, n. tincal (crude borax). cooS6ooo5 (ooxohooooA), n. the piney varnish tree. cooSoqoS, n. a kind of tree [producing a very white, smooth wood, used in making yokes (and qc88), the Holarrhena antidysenterica (the bark and root of the coxoS[oq5@ tree have medicinal properties; Go)oS@,aooo5iiq.oG6o1oSoSicooS XoSG3Z3 5COlGaS0%qC). -— 08, n. the Holarrhena codaga. coo5DCo, n. a weapon. ---- 8, n. a soldier; 3qoo~ScoQI~o,dO6ooS4 i 3osqS8:soooS oAc86, n. a volunteer. ---— 0, see oaoocooo8&pSo3coS, one of the titles of the Kings of Burma. --, n. a panoply, complete armour [armed cap-a-pie]. -dqoS, n. an arsenal. — Q- 8, n. a conquered kingdom. — U-, v. to use as a weapon. coo56, n. the cotton tree, Bombax Malabaricum. cooSboS (cooooS), n. the tea plant [the thea.-S.]; coASo5ooS8: 008COCO8llOGC)S6 GStCOil -— 8 (cooooS3^8), n. a small eating stand with a cover for tea leaves. 125 994 b06 oc,-o5qo8O, see codooauaSpR (68moooosj8SodSag6moS. sWmOO GdoGO). 6-= G@:AS n. the leaves of a tea plant dried. --— 008, n. a tea-basket, in which the tea is packed for market. - n$,. a cylindrical case used to keep tea leaf in; coooSoa o*S:. -— cqS, n. a small package of pickled tea, such as accom-,panies an invitation to an entertainment (the receipt of such package is nowadays considered equivalent to a polite demand from the giver of a feast for a subscription); coSaooSo,8-6s-qA-9 -9j-2o, to distribute such packages; 8oooaoiSagscooSo,-BcoSooooooe0 - oS, n. the Burmese tea tree, the Elcodendron orientale. -+3-g%, n. a pickled tea broker. e ----~, n. an infusion or decoctionof the tea plant. -_-je\aqz, -q~c,=son, n. altea-pot. -- rqS1, v. to make tea. — q, v. to be made as tea.,q1Seoo, n. a tea-spoon. iisEqmc, n. a tea-cup. qe-q co~&,0,, n. a saucer..al.y goE, 1n. a tea cup. =Vog~s, see co&oQg8*i coS, n. a husband. — x-~q$cas (pron.- co8qojs), v. to pass from one husband to ans other. — gcukoqs, n. husband and wife by themselves alone. -aous: p (pron. cogow8usa:az ), n. a divorce case. o (geopa0,:.ron. C80 8), n. the connubial state; -, (pron. cO8o:6), n. a woman who commits adultery with another's husband (a term of abuse). - cCS, n. an adulterer; coe-ooSilcoSucoSuuQpcSoo3nsoco8co5Gru....b'g (pron. co86a,8) (from 6, a test, and ras, to select), v. to be very particular in the choice of a husband, hard to be pleased; coso6soa6 (obsolescent), ow8,G:o Swor:uoS (-=0S)6, n. husband and wife; co QooDoasooS8:n c0 995 cos GO_ (fron. -o*8) (from Goo8, to lay up for future use), n, an adulterer; co6co80GjgSo oeoo-i r-o-o03.,, v. to commit adultery against a husband; cf4ooS soooPllacqaEcoasx -oDj: [(from co8, a husband, co, to desire, and 9-, to be crazy), n. a term of reproach used of a woman who is anxious to get a husband, but cannot succeed], the green sickness, chlorasis; co8o0'o (pron. co8sqc:oi) 3woo8,a):S - G (03 040), v. to have a husband (coSco:cq). - 010003, n. a husband's son by a former wife. - coT~, v. to be without a husband, husbandless. — Qoox, n. husband and wife; cQu8owe oojIo3ooSii - n,. business or cares on the husband's account; coSEco5 Goo6o8io5oo&S~8v:0i co89 is also a term used in rape cases, e.g., co89589&.cSAGqoo~5n - Grg, zn. same as coGoo38; v. same as ccco 8ocw8o (co&9p8 coDIO). -oodd6f g, n. the five duties incumbent on a husband (to his wife); osc0x8,-w5~8C8:)u 8&Do9300oo0SCo &Ioq8I @o6V50,8; c1:a08co&a9&p0i GD-OODOO.3, v. to enjoy the property of a husband on his decease (as a wife). coo50 (Pron. cooSl), n. poetry; ooSooa - Gqjo, v. to be rhythmical, as poetry; ~csooolcocwsrqoo —, v. to write poetry, versify; oSoaicooSDgi -8, v. to compose poetry; coo5)8-o~rin - coc~, n. a poet. coo5oq (from Pali wcooksGcp), a. adorned, elegant; oc)coloi co8GcQJ:S, i, 6co80Go; 0 n. a screech-owl; 8~u 08GOscD8, 2, n. a species of spurge-wort (?) co8Go~S, n. a kind of tree which may be referred to the genus cinnamomum. co8o$~ (pron. co8o~:), n. a tray, or any flat vessel of metal; f co0o0;C8 o6O u2 o OgcO84 -0 i co0, 1, n. a high raised frame, stage (such as is used for watching rice-fields, co480), scaffold, &c., or one used by hunters (built in trees) when watching for tigers, leopards, &c. (a machan). co&ooS (o6o (pron. c00 ), n. same; cceo Soosoo8odii oo~, 2, v. tarry, wait for; 6,,qs. Der. cgjooS [solco, v. to pass by as time, e.g., Goo8ou @S2oo s3oaoS6, olooS ogoso 6i, 3, verb. affx, imperative, in a negative sense; pS, prior past or prior future; )6, euphonic, as in the phrase oco08 cq$, listen ye. -- oms, verb. affix, continuative (equivalent to GooSoes); Q o.oSo6oooo8eosn: (not used in colloquial). 008s, v. to be light, hence zcoSa' -- 3-:@. (pron. oo83sg:g:), to be near dawn, said to be an abbreviation of ~.oS0oouog ooS soao: -- oSooS, -&Soog$, v. to crow as a cock at break of day. — 8, v. to be enlightened; particularly applicable to the mind [to render (or to be) lucid and intelligible- as language; o:8oqoo6:G(o8, speak, sir, please, so as to be lucid in your meaning]. -- ols, v. same as o:go0:Stco8soa:gi, — o383coo8, a. light, a little light; co8:ooo8goo:6: s oS) c ocqS |8@so868oSooosoSo,, -- ol:, v. (similar in meaning to oo&s86) (o|Goo5G3coooo: 58sco6~8g@o G810 -c ~ ^ol). - cq, co008q8, v. same; co8ol @noo@(ii ooc<qooSQARi@ coS8 cqcoo:~s8s 6cqjoo~i coSs8CQ8, n. a pair of brass bowls played together, larger than goSb8: and o5c8 (r-og8 is said to be more elegant) ojcooS 0oo8:0.S0ooo co$:&s (oo8&o) (pron. oo08::), n. a large species of bat [the flying-fox]. co&oo (in colloquial frequently pron. coo, but not considered elegant), n. a vulture, (co8:oo6lo?o5, n. a kind of plant) (Prov. co8ioocooo-oScBc8:goooii Anglic " There are as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it.") co8sooq, n. the slope of an elephant's rump, the membranes on the inner part of an untanned hide, a disease of horses. co08:, n. the common bat. oo8sod5, n. a kind of net for catching fish. [It has fine meshes, and four corners, which are kept stretched apart coBoDS 997 in a horizontal position while it is in use]; Goofooe'-o #cl G U co: oo~C1oo8:00 usw~ )S Wq rc.woas3 co8ooYS [uooSjc], n. same. co8:q6 (frequently pron. oo8), n. a porpoise. [Burmese fishermen consider it unlucky to molest a porpoise.] o384i@4 (-4), n. a kind of bird (small and dark in colour and said to be capable of being taught to speak). co8=o9@, n. a sail (obsolete). - 8,8, n. a mast; (gojdc~8) qqcp.rc 8 861 eico83o- gAoq~,g (Cvooo s c eoS gGOOCr38a16 88~CCO 3eP 4qj SaC8cq9o5oge8 WLo9A81 x9q4~cocooSit 8Ma-) c- SW8jo c1 880Ic qcpc~(:8$o:gooocoogooo:)oSoooazeq80qrgcoGy i cm8cq$, n. a species of hawk. couggq, n. the two-coloured squirrel, Sciurus bicolor. co8asg, n. a kind of fish [a kind of black spouting fish]. co8&Gcu, n. a kind of grass. co80 oco-, n. a common bow; comp. osccog and GccooS;ScoII coS&c%$& (o8), n. a kind of tree (the Buchanania latifolia). co8:coS, I, see o:g~, n. mirage; adv. glitteringly as clothes. coSc98, 2, n. one kind of bird-frightener; SBr@05C0400. co880oo, n. a species of heron [the night heron]. co580000, n. a species of squirrel [as large as a cat. It is deep black on the back and whitish below, same as co8,Cjq. uoDGoD, n. the sweet-flag, cultivated to a small extent by the Burmese for its medicinal properties. co8, v. to be a little open, less than 8I, to be neglected, left undone. Der. ooocobiiooocrco8, c381 - coB, v. to be vacant; G9qPAco5, see -aQco8o -o8G01G0o.c (pron. coo8co5olGcoo), v. to be carelessly lax, or perfunctory in the performance of any work or duty. - co8v, v. same as cuo; 330 3 Cn ac co0os0OCOS, owing to your not coming today, sir, the work is left neglected. coBco5, oco~cv8C, a. or adv. fluttering, vibrating, waving [as a flag in the breeze (c-Dococ5cmo8j~.o6oocooaoou mo5oxob cow oar,83oRso qEor 0oe~ @M6oo6u~II 5Gaco4)o&%003C coBW O3rS3e~T), also applied to the action of a serpent in frequently thrusting out its tongue, as G3aDoococoB6o0S c0e1~ 998 OOE~ co~ (Pali), n. modesty, shame; coq[SC~OO:IOq~J T c c~q4*otoae~lt.oi(usually pron. coo-5), n. the neck. -.-o)8 (firon. coocSoS), n. an ornamental collar for the neck; 8$coe~m8l -cq& (pron. coo-BqS), n. the back part or nape of the neck. = Gqo. see coe~G.@SO (coe~Gq o&:). -*,n. a ring or collar of metal for the neck. '-.I (pron. co~J), n. the hollow on each side of the neck just above the clvicle or collar-bone. S(-Ggo8zo), n. the throat, including the gullet (m3oo GGqo:)oSpoe~G~o~s) and windpipe (m~ozc~coRSo8Tcoe cS~) c3Zc.)- Qe G@o8IvcboN~aozai GmorOs qGot=:~.a q gmo-80coa-, a saying much in vogue when upbraiding another for ingratitude. [cer@:8~6 a guttural sound]. n. the collar of a garment; 3A~ooe~~i -ce~: (W~on. cooSo)), n. a cr~avat, neck-cloth, (neck-tie); ON-.m-6 (Pron. coo5oa,) n. the prominent part of the throat, Adam's apple. [(coe~) GcqZIoCYooi, irrefutable language; lit. "cclutch-throat language;" -cq8omo-*@)o (pron.8)qT)]. -~ pron. cooS6&), n. the mane; co cu8cecc-i ccq v,- to hog the mane of a horse. -cRjn. the same, most common. -:(-s~) (pron. cocS~), n. a necklace; coeo4Qo:ii (Sqv. to suspend by the neck;.~ (Goo), O- (Goo), to commit suicide by hanging; Rf,02oodsii d~@i~jooS, to kill byhbanging, &-ro-i 6jd6,n. same; -i lloC00 dw-s~, (pron. coc.Bj8c"8), n. the two short posts supporting a oojor~& at its base. n. same. -oS (pron. 3oS56), see c3o ff03#Ouc~mcY35p&Re [most commonly used with reference to horses, buffaloes, and bullocks]. -c 8(pron. coc8SqS), n. the neck; mo~oc~& -c8o& (pron. coo-S86S), n. a poke. qr-cBO8, cooSc&8, n. a pillory. coi?~ 999 coeoo (Pron. oc6a8i), n. the neck. — o8s-@:Q -ooo,U n. the bronchocele, goitre; coeo8-:-OaO -— o0, n. a collar, or anything tied round the neck; coeoS qe (coeoo-o&., to fasten a chain on a dog's neck). — oocSgS:, n. a collar for the neck. - & (Pron. co~ and commonly written co., from q, to be thrown in or upon), n. the hump between a bullock's shoulders; goico.Qlr:o;ooa. Der. qolco iuqolco-,A 8, n. a Shigh mountain east of Tavoy [6G~U=L- 01 -c A.- (pron. c69ag:), n. the dewlap. G-os (pron. coSeOS), n. the part of a graduated roof which intervenes between an upper and lower roof; co~Go053Su --— o: or 5, n. a small tribe of Karins north-east of Taungnu, so-called because of the black bands they wear round the neck. --- n. the swallow, upper part of the gullet. ~- booxog (-gooaoo), n. a necklace; comooo$a o Sw3 ooxiiu.~o cqc.pT8oo8oooe,Q solcoe~ooxcooooSC b coodcoes — ~.05, v. to lay the necks together as two animals (or birds) in play or combat; 9-Scoo~Sjq)cxe wac8, 65oo:) ox oo, to reply as a defendant (either himself or by counsel) in court; w0~6@ooe~39cfii;,G~)6zo.co8(@c6 o~o5 S: (c5) 6Go6S3o0 ae~9o i pmcoo8gL6 oooo8O-jae~, Loo8r&o o 96 is a term in far more frequent use in Upper than in Lower Burma]. — I, see coe;OSI ooe, 2 (usually pron. cooS), v. to revolve, turn round (itself), to go about, ramble, (to roam, wander); oA2o9~63y8m&3a oCaRj# GC4@-O u G@O[sroT9oqqOC 80 3eTooa (2) G0o,05000 -3s3@soo3c4O oooS3j9q86lui GbocoG I ~006 (3) @6s8c&n4 9 jo58 Go~o~ oa]S603Scu6rixc813S:U4~00saqoasi 90948 qO8 arg569603o33, owing to its being a large city, I cannot correctly remember the streets. I am quite bewildered (lit. my eyes revolve), qo58coMc GcasGopc0oS G0&0bs8535 GrSqolo~, [to swing to the flood as a ship or boat, co oSISWI Gc.9 conu Goo65&wrno3ocoeu c3&, is also used in the same sense]. " ---Mou, v. same as coeii COA 3, v. to understand (obsolete). Der, qr ScowaSVco2 6 low 0006 co&cop,: (pron. copea&), n. an assistant in a community or so.ciety; aeogo*cosoe Q ~ ~: h4~~ azGo8g,- c oo& (usually pron.'c or c~), coo,-cx&(GO (C~GoeSCO O~-e on&ej (JcaB9oon8%iuooe~.6l), coo C9 (0o cj o~oOeO) in composition usually written c9&, e.g., q~c 9Ron 8:)i~Saoc9a 0acn ~ come hither,. beloved daughter Ganhazein (Krishnagina), to your father; assist him also,.beloved daughter, to fulfil the pdramitdi of almsgiving. cob~, 1 (66), v. to -fall from an erect posture, to lie down, be recumbent; — oe~-oz~8.. Der. cg ani copS:ax5olI co%:sooni -G jSi(c~ocqp8:), v. same, 2nd def., very rarely, if ever, used in colloquial; Go-)q~~o~O os~ 2sclilcljtto coe~%, 2,.adv, also [when -this word occurs twice in a sentence, the first one is~equivalent to "either " and the second to "(or,)) e.g., qoS ~c8coe~i,cSc8S oA, they will either throw stones at him or beat him with sticks. MWO-MAGocooo8 (often piron. co~do.8-), commonly wvritten 9.&as or adv, both, and; repeated at the' close of succe~ssive clauses; pron. a. this; modern style; ditto 9q~inu --— o~i~iPron. a. ditto (in the same manner); adv. besides this, moreover. Gao:~,adv. same, last def. coo&) 1, v. to be fresh, new, not stale, not old(o8ooip cooo~op); new (2o~oo qcqioco~o~oop); oq8ocq-oo6So~oo6oojei -cMWOOS, -Qcoo), sam-e, but seldom used except in an adverbial-form ( oS~oo o!)qGco0)(-ccySc-o~c0ooS~pooo5:Gou1 i ~~ 0009J)O(o0G 00o!~CO0OSOOSGcoOGcOOOo 00900 Goo -~oo~oog 0 Vo0Swc80Goo0Gcoa:ju] rzaoooe~). OCnS, 2, v. to be middling (obsolete). Der. aQcooSII CO 0S, 3 (from coos, to be fresh')? "-cooS, adv.. suddenly, expeditiously;. qc5jQ01oCjSO-.OO5COOS CO&W&)II 1001 coo=c8=o5coo=S=6, adv. suddenly and unexpectedly; cooScooS coodoc6cwor-OSQ e (as in falling from a tree, being drowned, murdered, &c.). - CCOO, v. to be quick, sudden; but used only in an adverbial form, as cooScooS Gooc'coJ, cOO~cGCO 03OGCO), oC0COx8 -[cocs ' r.-oooq8: ---o03Qoqst weuoocjo3o:):);o c@-we~; r-v.)v~ QCODGCO3;~8. @:GM336 Cqooe~11 co0S, 4, verb, affix, euphonic, see Grammar, sec. 188 (frequently met with in composition). =o6C or co&~. (from cooS and c6), verb, affx, shall, will (frequently combined with -b; G(cci 6;po s ccA&); i used in composi-,tion and colloquial; 6o~qfclwoo cp~ii c c -co cofGooosi c1co ~Gcco5 cr-cc G:c)8cuco~ G co=&~,G O )GOOO- S450,020- r. O:)05 9~McqC~C5O6qp O UC55J:)6GJ Oe~# [This affix is much used in 6oo5 writings, e.g., the following one for the Burmese year 1255, "cOuc7uocoox= ~WcoePlcq 11&0cilcsc0 110 po0rco8 CO cooo0, n. a spit of mud projecting into a tide-way.,-08 (pron. coo=68), n. same. CO4, v. to be turned back, thrown back. Der. cq$ [moo.)-;c$u ~YC$sIOB~; O$ iipO33OCu~Ii ~odo@go:,~ii 6gO9 ~136S~~IIcG oo oo B q b 6Ge~o JOco$ F @ 1 co$8 (pron. co$8), n. in the Burmese time a weight used in the palace and high officials' houses to keep down the corners of mats (a paper weight)? coi, v. to be startled, frightened; cSoS' v. same, generally used only in an adverbial form; 6- — G3@A, see Gyo5coui1 (Gm)S 8'I9OXC iG~S: S >0S jii 3CQJI m C)ODO(IoCoo3oo~cqu v. same as cxuA io&g9 io~o~6oq-(i) coG&9M%~Qmaoco~co0a~o,-3ooe~, thinking it was a ghost, I was very much startled; (2) 3F3 C8:$ J @X G 00$ &~CO -0 U oe, as I had the nightmare, I started up and awoke; (3) o~39jo-g6~, oiooodjoa~c3ooSE,,~@o.-c 0oq- as I have heard that your horse is in the habit of shying, I do not wishito buy it. 1002 cost. co$S,v. to be fresh, verdant (o4:oSip89cJOcSG Sc~ O oq) coS i co0oo), not faded, not withered (cuoS) (owmJoJ-ooD~ o Os: &Q gjlsrser.~CF-~ 8cot- o1013o 3), to be fresh in countenance from health or joy, g zSpo4co3cn 0o0o:G) qo o goScooE,, co$-@; to be joyful, 8o3co$:vi8c $1H coS, I (from Pali co=x), n. anything obtained by gift [gains, receipts; 4o839y, a bribery case, see coBsG83S, presents], fortune, chance, luck (a word much used. by fortune-tellers, traders, fishermen and shikaris). [According to Childers, labho (co0o) means receiving, getting, acquisition, obtaining, taking, gain, receipts.]. cm380, v. to be fortunate, lucky; co8 mo8Oc&33o~O q:)-g~e~ii - Rs), v. to be unfortunate, unlucky; 0ooec0coooS6ol 33oSol cR-Sco8q98yooe - 58, -.8, v. to have presents in abundance; oc ~GT-I-SY 9COOSC08l&8O~3cII 038, 3, n. a quotient; osgqcx3cuI co8, 4, n. an astrological term used with ~6ol co8, 5, v. to be uncovered, to be empty, vacant, disengaged; o8oqp 33S893 3j@$0(j1189 coo @038o0: cuoWJolxeqglG33 S 0.ooan84:s %b 0 ~ c~paqoyo40og S, n. a spare room for company. oZ-cgj, -ogd0, GO6338OcqOjL G@)OI 00t oSo38OCQJO3pG00 % (as a person without a situation). con, see coo8n co;oTow'q, int., abusive; adv. superficially, negligently; oooaSco GTooorq~80E3 eico SGa.Toac0oq80a0503ii CoGOToo3G 030o5oooS coqoS, see under 3co, 2. cbGqS (ouS), n. a kind of tree. coSO, n. a path, road, street, a cross-road, extended beyond a crossing (@00&), a short cut, @ScoSO:; comp. oq$ Jo:0: 08 1 " q-c, v. to be in the way (so as to impede another's progress); [also means to be a locality which is situated en route to some place to which one may wish to go, e.g., 9$0aq'33ia333edl, ono8 (F) c08Cjgo]3 ii c3S32a53S0 oclD~ua 8cagoo oSqlsg]. o4: 1003 coS,*o (Pron. coS:qc), n. a cross-road, passing from one road to another; coS-,cqa oSqu -_cq-o~s, n. a rat that crosses the road; used figuratively of those who, like such a rat, foolishly risk their lives. -f0: (Pron. cgouo:s), n. a lane. — c-@o8s, n. a path and road; coS-.oEooco8on:):ooea - 08.a, v. tb metal a road. -oqo8 (pron. coS:afooS), n. travelling expenses. - Qo8, v. to be dangerous, as a road infested with robbers or wild beasts (oco60o0q). -_681) v. to bar the road (as in marriage ceremonies). -_C., ' v. to be in a bad state (as a road) needing repairs. -4, n. a confluence of roads. - ooz (pron. co-o.l), n. a way, distance, as Qq.mo000D300, n -~4a, -v. to be much travelled; coc8. -.GscooS (pron. co6o —oSB), n. a stage, resting-place;ov:)4 GCo03aS IICO&o G A 1i 0310 oo:), CS oO3S pi33OST31100, c;) oaeu aqg G~o)CY5II - 0 0283 s v. to walk, as a horse; oo~8co S-A'GocYS: }x ooen 0-c8, -0c0lo, v. to make a (new) road. -, n. a path, road; conc48x-s68oo=osooeu - r10501 (pron. zco&(;v ), n. the entrance of a road; co~-C07Cc c08,OIcoG:OlcoS, v. to be passable as a road; co~aQ.-lcS, to be impassable as a road; coo-saACOC0q cos.0001015011 - q88,,ctpoD-, n. a steam-roller. - l (pron. coSs@), n. a guide (as a verb, to show the way). -gaoc: (&oo3 ) (Pron. cobSO:n), n. one who goes about assisting buyers and bringing custom to sellers. -, v. to give way when meeting another in the street or road. --— G3so0, v. to make a road. -, n. a main road, highway; coS:ocoS&og38 @cS (from -@o8, to be long and narrow), n. a narrow road, a defile; %sa)8x3cojo8cQ3G@)gogoo8 001 -— jws, v. to go out of the way, miss the road; coSC'ii — ~o, n. a road that branches off from another; c4NJco~-32 2~1~'C53GC~11 1003 cost v041, v. to be fresh, verdant (osoSo8 Gq o)8c sO.c. 3@.oos, cocoO~), not faded, not withered (cooS) (ooSoox e o3. oS o$so$.gQ$. oG oSco* olGoasoowe), to be fresh in countenance from health or joy, qn iocoi j oogooeQooo Soo3C ooScooSos; to be joyful, 8o5co$s11g86o coS, i (from Pali coo=o), n. anything obtained by gift [gains, receipts; cozo8sj, a bribery case, see cooca.oS, presents], fortune, chance, luck (a word much used. by fortune-tellers, traders, fishermen and shikaris). [According to Childers, labho (co.oo) means receiving, gettjng, acquisition, obtaining, taking, gain, receipts.] — cooo:, v. to be fortunate, lucky; com8G 0c& jcaog py1 -— 8S, v. to, be unfortunate, unlucky; oot-cqoGoDooSo1l W cooBcoN5oo.,,n -- 8, -8,, v. to have presents in abundance; ooceGcGz co8, 3, n. a quotient; os:Gqoo:oS,0, co8, 4, n. an astrological term used with 6o5n co5, 5, v. to be uncovered, to be empty, vacant, disengaged; s>8oqoa3Sg9oo q:4 Xo)o co) [^59ooD o8G0V0XGeoo -— s:, n. a spare room for company. - o-os, -OgoS, GooooCII G, oSQoIi o803:goiGoG0,o (as a person without a situation). co~, see cogS~n co;oTooG;, int., abusive, adv. superficially, negligently; oocSoo GoToGq8 oeo~oocBGcoToorGqo8Soooii coGcTooGcqogooosoooS coqoS, see under co, 2. co.S5 (uo), n. a kind of tree. coS., n. a path, road, street, a cross-road, extended beyond a crossing (@cos8), a short cut, @oScozS,; comp. on coSW~o -— 0-cx, v. to be in the way (so as to impede another's progress); [also means to be a locality which is situated en route to some place to which one may wish to go, e.g., o$ogc o>oaoo3 3 (g) casgo8p^o 5ooego oScg oanago~oo8o8oo5<sg~e^S". C4.6 IW3 coaa-: (pron. coSjg,), n. a cross-road, passing from one, road to another; coS.-oa-co6,-4i _oqOgo5,n. a rat that crosses the road; used figuratively of those *who, like such a rat, foolishly risk their lives. -0 0 _(pron. coS:@o:-), n. a lane. n. a path and road; ooo o8ooo&)5:)%qooeiu -00,v. to metal a road. -oqos (pron. coS8~o+), n. travelling expenses. _Mv. to be dangerous, as a road infested with robbers or wild beasts (czoS08q). v. to bar the road (as in marriage ceremonies). Cq v. to be in a bad state- (as a road) needing repairs. _@R, n. a confluence of roads. -oD (pron. co~S.1), n. a way, distance, as Q C50.GC21v. t o be much travelled; co~sia -__...-GCO)o65 (pron. co~~Go-lo), n. a stage, resting-place; ma0 01V. to walk, as a horse; oa~8os4mS oon -o 2S -coG015, v. to make a (new) road. S0 n. a path, road; co5U4O8oociw)oa~u -G0Th5.(pron. xo&Gvoo), n. the entrance of a road; c06o~u~cY5 g0-OIIC-G0O1O5, v. to be passable as a road; co63QWo5, to be impassable as a road; coz~q8oqqc - 1oSo -q88,-coci-O, n. a steam-roller. bf (Pron. co~oi@), n. a guide (as a verb, to show the way). 0030g: ~o~ (pron. co5 ox:-), n. one who goes about assisting buyers and bringinx custom to sellers. MMC V. to give' way when meeting another in the street or road. -— ~d)V. to make a road. Sn. a main road, highway; c ~oS ir c 0 Ggo OMMM c6@3 (from c~o8, to be long and narrow), n. a narrow road, adefile; 0 I v. to go out of' the way, miss the road; 05cSII21 - 0, n. a road that branches off from another; gco6, rSco-3 1004 004 caS:c~co,5, v. to take a walk (ozodS means, strictly speaking, to walk in a straight line); =o~q~ - cSv. to'%make or repair a road. ~-QCO*O (pron. co&S-Gco-.), n. four cross-roads;8pqro v. to turn aside to let another pass, to give the road; -.-&.~-0)o V.; see COSO00lOsit coj (aS), n. a kind of tree (sour sonneratia, M. This kind of tree grows in great profusion in tidal creeks). co )aS, n. a measure of cal acity equal to one-half a ooocSncoooS AO8O26O0cXocOQ Co S c)G Co: oCR 0 o5 0 O SH co&:c;oo: (uS), n. the garland flower. coG~OSO, see;(:80 coq&', n. Crown predial slaves, cultivators of the king's ground; m~q&:0Q2oD&-1Cq, o~uooq8,& oo:u'n [This class of government servants lived north and west of the Nanda tank (~x4A)o$ near Mandalay]. [The original inhabitants of the town of Yandoon, Lower Burma, are said to have belonged to this class.] co8j~,n. a Nat-th'mee (~ CoGODS) or goddess, patroness of 0.'boatmen (and of cultivators); cogosPc8coe1 ro.o@i:fo5 002~1 -u~oOrco~ o8.R~os-oY (oR)u.co8o9, n. the horse mango. cooS, n. a field of rice so constructed as. to -be irrigated- by water. [In Upper Burma cultivators name their ricefede.g., "'oGl3)8o," c,""o4 ""fj:, "fCO040898ss," "G 00~t8" "coascoo," "tcocSr.o18011" Tan trees are also named; qoooaoSscvocS rice-fields worked when there is. a good rainfall; @&825QjoSoocS, ricefields worked when rivers and creeks overflow; - c-qj~ (pron. %&) coocS, rice-fields irrigated by hill streams or springs]..-.oo:(pron. cooSoy.-St), n. a ridge of earth in a rice-field; c~oS~IOS~lC~o~8GO~lqJO 001Qq 6oi ):QCOG.COzS1cOOSGQO3)SOO6OO ft. ---G~OO:, n. a rice-field situate on high ground., qon. a field of rice which has already been worked; oC0688:, one which has- not been worked. n.c8,. same kind of meaning as cooSoNS:ucoc6@Sn [an Upper Burma- term]. cooS^t 1005 cooSogoS, 0o5, n. a single compartment of a rice-field. -— 6oS, n. a field mouse. " —og, n. a species of apple-shell, Ampularia globosa; o4ooa: n, n. the time for working the rice-fields; oooS$cocSohi -— co5o:, nn. rice-field which has had so many owners that it has be me common property (?) — ooo, n. rice-field. -— c, n. a field cultivated for the first time; coo5c8oR& —.000 (pron. ooool), n. rice-fields generally, a collection of rice-fields. -- cooooSo, n. the share received by the owner of a rice-field from the man who cultivates it and pays taxes on it in the owner's name. -— GoooSI, v. to make such an arrange ment for the cultivation of one's rice-field. -- og$, v. to harrow, to plough; ooaSoR;coo ooSoS, to perform the ploughing ceremony, as the Kings of Burma formerly did in the month of Wahso. -- 8, n.; see coo5o4gu — qj5, n. a rice-field on which the crops have failed either owing to ravages of insects, or inundation, &c.; cooSqO5oo c~8S, land revenue remission lists (Lower Burma term)...- S, cooSg8, n. an extensive rice-field [or an expanse of rice-fields]. - s8oo)s, n. a term applied to a rice-field and its nursery (R.o8s) collectively; an Upper Burma term. [Contrary to what most people would expect the nursery is called the oao: and 8 is applied to the rice-field.] -— G, n. ground fit for cultivating rice.. ---.oo, n.; see the parts; Sco lG5p8G($coooutgi --— oo 6., n. Director of the Department of Land Records and Agriculture. " ---G, n. the owner of a rice-field.. — oqS, v. to cultivate a rice-field.. ---os, n. Superintendent of Land Records..-... 3, n. a cultivator, sooo coo5o8u ooS@3o (9o), n. a species of stone-chat. 1Q06 00C68$G03005 n. I-'ontedera vagina/is. co00, n. an extensive plain, campaign, open, vacant space (an expanse); xo0o65coo =onokoo:onc =S 0o0cv80l, oil oo cOO 0030 — @8~, n. same. cool (Pali), a. light, not heavy. —.....cocS (from cxWp)), n. the lighter and less important utensils of a priest. n. the light accent (Ga3zYa5@ ). ob, i, v. to measure by the arms extended. Der. =ac5; oo-000 coc~r-coao~qieswe~*G 68OdO1I -a,:):) (pron. CO'3), n. the length of the arms extended; ooq C6) 2, v. to -tether; c5~o~c.1 (,Pron. 6& -,u) O M'o G 8'1: 11 &:.~'-qL-Zooxcocs~65f 30.-o 0Dog (pron. 05ioso~co:)), v. to tether; figuratively applied to persons in the way of giving them " plenty of rope" with a view of making reprisals, or to cause their discomfiture; to let one take his own way; qjco~oowcxx~ oou a pc4 o5og CO -0 Coos 00 a G~COg0~ 2xpe COD, v. to come [to reach in excellence or degree, to equial, e.g., oj)3Dq go0S8jGCO$ o 60 co:6Qo 50C33081II aCqooL68X303$O33 Q O$ CjO], to be contained in writing; 51, to come to pass; ozqboo3D c2~oao sq 61 ooe c J.- co-3 oot-, sometimes eog, when used as a verbal auxiliary in combination with Gct00, or when denoting an unexpected or improbable event, e.g., CoO-0, I, n. a mule; oD-G0008U CO:, 2, v. to proceed from a starting-place to some boundary; La word much used in registering the boundaries of ricefields, gardens, the premises of houses, &c.; uoj-,Boo 00e~03Z0G&C~002G.05 C.E,) 0808 @26oo,13Z 05c oGo 0050 eoj oS[&eo'CeobOoo00:GCooSo35ou168n'.(:B G@GOq5~Co3X 0 SC05'0ckJ, to pass to another state of existence (usually used with reference to passing to the abode of the nats, 466e%.CO 00 ooe), or to one of the four states of punishment; azolco5 cOctCOouvcqoc8~6Suh~c.QoR8u o~o8oqo8oQso4s&@S —a4o0cohbool ~EojsCe3~0c~c 3~~o~~3 o~ga3ou ooii CY18~~~3 ~X~(45) @'G0 Ci / 1007 oaqGor-wo8-,5 4.ao&1 co3 3o3oSo aacaSQ= oo ~rgqeo coo-,qoq$q, (to evacuate the intestines as a Buddh, o5-cooScUo.). c03;319 0)01, Q9, ccoo8s, v. to bet on a single heat in a horse (or boat) race; oqlEsC93 5cU3c)860C ~~, let us bet without having a deciding heat on a single heat on the boat race now being rowed. -_~, n. a heat (in a race) which has been declared void. -_qqco:), v. to declare a heat void; owcou: mg&=aRc~a G acoo:) 8 00 0 C. q cOoo, 3, verb. afix, interrogative, see Grammar, sec. i o; o8o;: G8001 ~Co:)-1CU G80O:~a050 a J1oo Cu3g$C cS~l,,1 Coo, 4, int. come, as coxoo:)B, come let us eat. [In modern parlance coa3 is usually placed at the end of a sentence, e.g., oo-jcooof]. cODs0OD 1, int. of threatening, e.g., co:oco:-Gco clocoo5q88cr?. OSIi coJ)cOO- cooIcqcicl oos03 og?'oed co) coog, 2, adv. intensive before a negative, as cOD3coDc g) @, he says nothing at all. cobAIco, verb. affix, see Gcoii6c:Gcofii~c@coDO.coz~)og.cog: GOII 8, verb. formative. The terminations @o$ or oe$, (according to one acceptation), c8 are of similar import with the termination ~oS, but used in a bad sense; ooe>Sq@89@, OD q CBo0o88C e~1f 0I0e~MCO38'N @8Goeq5 $- oSoo868 c8c8, same (also occasionally used in a good sense); oo$gcS8c8 f~z6~ ' 331 oSmfo&8Jo c@0 r 3 u;f 9~ CxIOSQoCcS0o o%~51 c94co@, n. a particle of dust which falls from a palm-leaf when writing with a style (m0 8G9jiooe38o:), equal to 36 ctoom 08c~03o0cooS3, n. a witness who attests the truth of a writing; or a copy of a record, &c. c983o, n. a minute, the 6oth part of a degree (aD8c); ~D4qo B8:)CooOoS1 c6$ (cSS), n. the private parts, whether male or female; 3azl oo, 98o3SII 3ooo331 85Q I '6 c8Q:c8Q nc8$qocT, to classify according to sex. — e (cS8e), n. the scrotum; coe, c0C29gOS0, oMSoC3o3d, eill c88, I, n. the title of a book or writing; oeo'3Sa m c8qsg89 azo cSSocg oolk-&S,J a direction or address inscribed on a letter or on goods, any label, see cogoon — c3, n. same as 88o roo8 08A C86006, v. to inscribe the title of a book or writing on its back. — Q8., v. same; to address a letter. cBS, 2, n. a tortoise, turtle. [The Burmese call the great turtle c88soco: (or CqJSco) and the small kind c8@., because the latter lays larger eggs than the former. The Burmese do not like the flesh of the c88mro:o (q8cox), as they consider it to have a rank smell (&) [c88c~S8o6S C.00CB~C0ooSqcff 1 a saying applied to inordinately selfish or grasping persons.] -,n. a turtle's egg; 8Sox8no88o IcSgAE -M-OM&, -cq~g. (aS~-_68), -OI, — G:, -rm0oc- (MocBSC88),.0ko8(qp, -94800) (q8oo0c88). -X —sCqlp:, n. a-species of skate, Gc-ooq g$S; c885czpoSc-, to sting as the skate, o8GcqooS@fou - 3goSE, n. another variety of the said fish. ~ — ~C~Q n. the sting of the said fish. -CR-e~, n. [the soft tortoise]. -MUM, a. and adv. ar'hed as a roof, or convex as a bridge or road, e.g., c88GO3c(=Sdoo:, c88q:otj, - 1, n. turtle's head; the protruding of the bowel as in obstinate cases of chronic dysentery (cojoc86cS:Eor o5). =~GQ184), n. the red-headed tortoise. - Q —o-Sq, v. to " weep in the manner of tortoises and water lizards." Anglic, " crocodile tears." - 1, n. the upper shell of a turtle used to hold oil, &c. --— oS, v. to resort to a sandbank in pairing time as a turtle. -— ccooA, n. [a species of terrapin or marsh tortoise, M.] -— onq0 (caqoSc88), -qoS, n. other species of the same. -6-840:-, n. the sea tortoise or turtle. --— co,~S~3x yS (pron. c88 CoroS-5), n. flint. -— I.-Oo, n. a turtle bank; o88GC3o88-, > — -6 8073, n. a turtle-bank lessee. cBS, 3, v. to roll up ( co QGQocom S:08-uozo83ooSJ B rc88co3,* 61), to curl (Qo&8c85oe) (to be turned as the edge of a d4 or tool, 0o2:0g2:cS). cB8@~ Ioo9 Mc85@, n. a butterfly; the spirit of composure, a kind of fairy attached to a person from birth; (c88'OGoo, a hinge). "The 'leip pya,' or butterfly, may be temporarily separat"ed from the body without death ensuing. Thus when a "person is startled by some sudden shock, and is for the "moment unconscious, they say the 'leip pya,' or butterfly, "is startled (c88@3co~). In deep sleep it leaves the body "and roams far and wide. A sleeping wife dreams of her "absent and distant husband; their two ' butterfly ' souls "have met during their wanderings in the land of dreams. "If a mother dies leaving a little suckling baby, the two "souls are supposed to be so intimately united that the "'leip pya ' of the child has followed the departed one of "the mother, and, if not recovered, the child also must "die. For this purpose a woman who has influence with "( "the nats (not a witch) is called in. She places a mirror "near the corpse, and on the face of it a little piece of "the finest, fleeciest, cotton down. Holding a cloth in "her open hands at the bottom of the mirror, with wild "words she entreats the mother not to take with her the "'leip pya' of her little one, but to send it back. As "the gossamer down on the smooth face of the mirror "trembles and falls off into the cloth below, she tenderly "receives it, and then places it with some soothing words "on the bosom of the infant. The same ceremony is "sometimes observed when one of two young children, "brothers or sisters, that have been constant playmates "and companions, has died, and, as is thought, attracts "the soul of the survivor to follow along the dark path to " the land of spirits."-(Forbes.) -- @:, i, n. the atlas moth. -- 0@, 2, and ccS, n. names given by the Burmese to the Bghai tribes of Karips according to the localities which they occupy. — coT, v. to call back a fairy that has separated from a person; 9c88@G)oTu-o8c88@ocoTii ---- (-'), v. to separate the fairies of two persons supposed to be united, as of an infant and its deceased mother. -—, n. a white butterfly belonging to the same tribe, which furnishes the common garden butterflies in England, pierides.. —co$, v. the fairy is frightened (so as to make the person ill) [said by some to be in reality a derangement of the 127 19 0t C8S. nervous system; cffroo8 has the same meaning; oog G@:oM. 688&4acugoto6 (or o800o oa )]. c88@oSo8, v. the fairy enters, that is, returns to the person to whom it belongs; Gco@ soo 36.rS- 9c88%oo8c@&x$I8oo - ol, n. a yellow butterfly, either identical with the common cabbage butterfly, or nearly related to it,-pontia. -_-oj, v. to be composed, tranquil in mind; c88@ozoi, to be discomposed. Used much in the same sense as the English expression of one's conscience " accusing one " an "evil conscience." c8&- (uS), n. a kind of tree furnishing a white wood used for carpenter's tools. c88cot~, v. to meet with an accident which prevents the accomplishment of a work [implying that the nature of the accident or misfortune itself is out of all proportion to the harm that ensues; c& ooo$5oo&3oz@ o5B=coCoScou 3;,s c8S AGcoqo:o o ri G sp0 oooG 6 S6 coESnl GowSo ~o85 cAB0OG (o8), or C9Sco.g (c8S0cg), n. a species of nettle; c8S c88 (0u8), n. a kind of tree (the Terminalia bialata). c8s, 2, v. to twist (no:Dxr Mc88iu oS.8:CC8S) or be twisted (g. c8Ma Mc8Si cooScS),.to wind round as an ascending creeper (gScSI), to copulate as serpents, [G. BcQ oS~ oo zx00 '8 af6E33 o, be deceitful; oooc5Moogc, to use artifice;:ooaSoq8, to delude, cheat, circumvent. - GWOSc, v. to be crooked and twisted; (r.~C~cgScS srox:oS GOoe~o) to be deceitful, (c:@oogSioi00oScSQo0ooS..-G03, v. (to be warped out of shape; c88Mocq. oo& 008 mj3:6cEC Oqq8G3o)Sg3); Go~S0C9S sc88Go3 CG~3q co~, see the parts. - cooS5, v. to wind up as an ascending creeper (oo8&8ggcS c8SoooS5ao)........-0808, adv. trickingly (trickishly, c808 SSogoooSoc-).. 00u, v. to involve, wind over and around; 9sc8SooSom c8sco o3oE" ~ Ccj08 c8soo 00ooe3 v$,. to lay aside the yellow cloth for a time as a novitiate; oc3,8588@ $sScB8@$u 1011 c8MooS, v. to distort (0050 c0:) c005 00i6 c88o505 (o85 o os~ R:) C — 8, v..; see c86o0Su — cos, v. to twist, contort, to be deceitful, to use artifice, (rarely used in the latter sense in colloquial); Gmoo5q&6 c o pcolooSo-Gccov ocS~scoaq;oaE 6o60CgOc) c0mSc ZoOQaGo~s l r o qCcis 00 — coe~, v. same in the latter sense; to delude, cheat, circumvent; comp. c9goo2Nc8S co2c9e~ Ii ck) (from M88 and o: with change of meaning), v. to be clever in management (clever, e.g., as being marked by acuteness or shrewdness) [c88 is very often used in a disparaging sense, i.e., in cases in which one may admire a person's 4everness, but despise his principles or modus operandi]; cP9 f, lit. to be cleverly perverse, as a child taking advantage of a parent's kindness in order to commit a fault; ~aZAA c8r.8, n. the orange [cs gSGqDno8 Gc S o8O, orange-coloured]. c88, v. to roll along over and over as a rolling ball or wheel (c&:so8S). ~Der. c~S, 3c8ii c,88 2, verb, affix compounded of Gco and h, which see. c8Mqx, v. to fall off; (S6Tooc c8 v, v. to smear (the face or some part of the bod). Der. ac88ni %Y5OC8U r c S c8 coG Qoe coo~:IA coooGcqrqS c S (rri d5c 0 agScqoSo~aou$; 6$0;5oo5c9 088sq S(,2083C;.~,Fd 3055@3GzDoSGCOd[I -[gos] -_xS, - coo, -0,S6C3 CSzoQ ogaln 3GagqoSolo5So1 c aEo 3 @$CS33 65Ce G 8OiDo3Cqj c9811 3-3 ~:) G 0 G 8GOoo GCX0 a@o.GS C88. 00&31 G3 000G @8 GgO OOS GOO9 qS-z c~~c~o1 ol i~og 80 GO.c0O8 G0o0G(9c@aI'G0 gc00Sgco oo Co5 c8ocS (pron. c8&o)), v. to plan, calculate in the mind (often in a bad sense, when it means to fabricate, invent); oo qc3 G 8o-8oqga~cJMq::) c )GjS1~%SG 0C0OSGg.ooS 800cS, v. same. c8., n. the penis (vulgar); cqIIl&or 00 303 c6I$I Cooour.&Oai (of male children). cS4e (tron. coe), -qaS (pron. coqoS), see coe and coqodS rajo8:, n. the yard. -4 (iron. co~) (from =q, a bud), n. the head. s -.co$, n. the testicles; G20GGIQ9itG9U -co8 (pron. coxo8), n. the ridge round the head (an expres, sion when making a filthy comparison in the same way as 9j:, see *48: 3.) n. the prepuce turned back. - cI65 n. semen; czoS, woorjnooc,9:ia cq, v. to pull from another, take by force (snatch), plunder; cq Cqu -qo5 (-wo-S), same [to bore (?) as a horse, @8:=caoo&c, aoqood] -.c, -cloS, v. same; xcqqR, n. a robbery case; moooe~'. cgoqojoagB @one, they seized the property by force and escaped; (2) coo:)P c~:oe cqo~c" 0000.jaqOJoO:qOoe, as he followed me in order to stab me, I was obliged to seize his da. qcx, 2, verb. afx, near future, about to, on the point; cuo1o5O col oSonu G aocoo8uogo:cqcgo:Su# -- 6oooS, adv. almost; Qooo0S9&G8 m.SGoo*Gj GZcoDqQOOS c4-r aoeop1oSXoq, near sunset. cq, an abbreviation of oq8ia cqdScqoS, adv. feebly and slowly (often tron. cjoSacoS), under various adverbial forms as coooqobooSuoqo~o:ooS6opioSoqo& co op qo~cqoSdodb, ~4 cqcx [cq~86o~o.,-.~,00n~gqe~.a cqoScqo~oocnr.:0 c qs(S qsuo ooGo@ogcq6SoqcSmroo: 0.(.Icc8:qoo~ooS,*osooo8ec.~oSqo~oqooo~oi-;igo~o.roogj. oc6a, i, n. a cavity (?), the cavity of the mouth. - q6: (from cqS:, to rinse), v. to gargle the mouth; 6So:c4 oo:SagSucq8: 5oc:o "qqon 1S6o1S:o -Goo: (from Gm:, to wash), v. same; cooS:oo-@:cqoS-=,:@S: — ai, n. the water with which the mouth is gargled; qSGq GCoo."oSqc6qSan I-cooS n. same as coS; (scarcely, if ever, used in colloquial) CqC08 1013 cqS, 2, v. to feed one's self with the hand; not used singly. Der. wo3qS and ol5oq~n v. same, but used chiefly in an adverbial form as the phrase (@$cSjI65SoS ) 3 to feed one's self, &c. oq8 3, v. to work, oc8c8S; to make, to do, &2; to act like, assume the character of, &w. Der. aroqSo v~8, v. to work, perform work; -roC9Soq&n co8mmoo:),-coooS L8, v. to devise and execute to assault, in order to bring into one's power, oDS-m T6To~s c ' Lto plot against, @860o:)c(*oe~11 G12) v. to feed, to provide for, support; saaqqSQ8~ co tOs(4 iI5m~xs208 O3I011 ooP3S O ~ 3GD~ qoz 1 JBQG005@6G 3.0c0O)c3)g:o36 IJ 08Q8 ~ )UQj OO C4:00Y05e qa oqcc2jc 3-cO~qa c~xeO_)e9Q oo&GOo3p8 C9 059J 0. C)OC~(; CO"r-O=&f —Q8 C = 086~5 ~~ G OCR -DR8rq 161 Gil 800(?,oq8GaCoO(I cuO& Gac $ OccX6, sons and daughters who do not nourish their.parents are unworthy of receiving an heritage. --— oxS2G )a 3 n. a place of employment (a term originally applied to cultivators). M-8 ao:6)gv: (said to be a corruption of oq&coo8 8,82s), n. profits of labour, earnings; aoe~P6C~58ozGC)S GGso03'56m~B6 01 ~1COOO 11 v. to do, perform, carry on; ocq"8oqZSG=8q~d88 n. a burial-ground for burying and burning corpses; Olo@8, 008480, crOIll -c;OSGc&3o00 S (-GOOS.W:)8C005), n. a coadjutor; o@~c=S cjoS, n. alchemy; a3c~c16, o9&-jc9Sc:U - c1&8S, v. to practise alchemy; =9oRoMId q-cSo0,oo0 (Pron. oqaq 6o.-g:sO, adv. living from hand to mouth; -zoo:, n. a hired workman (equivalent to the Hindustani "cooly"); O3&G(~4OC'5C0O0&O]OO&H - qcoo (frequently pron. 4coS), n. a young man. Der. o8:cqco8 -1 10,14 CAOO cqccSr~oq5, n. a kind of creeper [comp. ccxoS~oS (sassafras)]. -~i (~), n. same as ozqco8 (poetical). -.-~(Pron. -~a3) n. late in the evening, about 10o o'clock I the time when young men usually return from courting]. This term is almost obsolete in Lower. Burma, though still used in Upper Burma; e& qioco@qa@ o.~, i, v. to be warm, G8. Der. C~oaL~n aS~ccov65:o~@8 4 o~,2, v. to be- tight [as a vessel) 6,O *oe~Gqoc8gu (qag:cc)o o 9llGC~o0Zj3OP], secure, safe (Gc p&),tob kp secret, to be secretive; Ooooio-'d, to be free from blemish, ~cT6 ~% *oe:o6% to be clear, full (as sound); az~~m~ -qv. same, ist def.; O~X391O1%,&41 c~qIO&000'i ooe&oco~oc.o,(pn.o65), v. same, ist and last def.; c,&,o~ oo~cjo~~So~. Note.-rcj and o!coo~ca frequently appear to have the same meaning as c85ooe~o]. 'A4iie~ (pron. ocjqj), n. a loose petticoat [a loose cloth worhi by Malay men. The longyi is now much worn by Burmese men and women, though far more in Lower than in Upper Burma. Formerly it was considered effeminate for a man to wear a longyi]; co:)oco~qct C~'35n. a deep cupel, see q65 'i co~o%~i o~GooS mqo~o c~oi co%~ o~, a crucible. Ooo'O n. a little girl. cqcOB (za,80oem), n. the garden (of sdIl trees) in which Maha Maya gave birth to Prince Sidharttha (o~g8-c8goc&6i), oclSdBeCO91 c~co or c\18 (o~'*) (pron. oc),n. diligence, industry; 8qoo [8Goo0 cn 91c -_ffc.-65,v. to put forth great effort, to spare no pains; a-ommo adv. with great diligence and effort; aDT 8S oWjW~ C~I- cit oc@qG389 ilO3@~@ co~~&~'1 0 -- Re SGCOdjII -q 1015 Cg rot5 CcOcx?6O&, or -, v. to be diligent, industrious; g~)=99avSo,: - c(y, v. to be lax of effort. -0-6C~ j, v. to relax effort; 08R).moo 93~3$C2~35gog eI vg,. to make round, globular, spherical; Gco)scood6c~A 8 A'agoen oc)l'- 0 ( u:mDoeCcco-*cPc ol, to be round, globular, spherical; G~o: oooeo cSr-D scq4g a4g oa, to be cylindrical, to be all entire as if in a ball; used adverbially (o-4u0a4) and in derivatives, clao@, &c. mol-mcd00, n. a term applied to men and women who are tall and stout and.of comely appearance. - &S1, v. to sew up a seam and hem the edges; Go:o8og -o28:c3, n. a canoe (a dug-out); Gco3o8: - GoR:, v. to be mixed together in a mass; cgl: p @jotfu '~0:380Up3eZ68630'Coo~ea:11 3a~ano~ 83ogo~ ornagsoooL~~X 3~ss0o/11 po:6 B86aagY 6opo30797(I — ooS (pron. cq*ooS), n. the girth, compass or circumference of a spherical body; cGo4 ol00S3~@r A 18o9 03830 Oc8~8a 334cilnoogaaSgao:scu6oSoj n S c n I1c(L800oooo9o3 CX o RD8~co e, o o0 ~, o. C9C:.-o.o (pron. oqs,), v. to make efforts; 900s0a3,~*Cgd SjlS8 ccg30: C18640Smo6803p~ 11 03SPqjagCS6333 S1 3aE003$0 80$p cog Smooc ~ - q8s, v. to mobilise as an armed force, army, troops, an armed force; opoc8&qGphit Eq6o-5qjjS:%&(;c)-:q.(3)a'8, 08scuoJj3050g~$Ex:)go~.ocrr~coougT — qj8oq$, n. figure and appearance; o43ROqRDSl orSo"M $ dc8coG33 )l@ G($O 33)8Lpp il u$96cP cq, n. a man, one of the human race, whether male or female, a rational being, whether man, nat, brahma; a layman. -3a, n. a dumb person. — 3 80, n. a useless, inefficient fellow; coe qoojx j a4n acqa5obgu ag ) - q0S80., n. a ruler; 4qa (Pali). ---- q$6, see c\gR - Aj n. an old man. ICS06 aq cxcSo: (pron. cgo$t), n. a blind person; [a term applied to persons who exhibit stupidity, and said to be derived from *vsci:]. - 9oCP, -Go _o =c, -Go3S.4O, n. a skin-flint; cjaom83 =SQ 0048r-63cOOSOO&Vo~ l mTG~; cr&3r.9`S`4q~~~ -cb, n. capacity, ability; zgR$-s9o [cjaoo8, v. to make a mental estimate of the ability or capacity of another, to take stock of another.] _0~0IcD,1 n. an extraordinary person [said to have originally meant the son of a well-to-do person; qoo$oo:)4-:1 ]; (oja:Gmo 2cc,0 ci89o0o,:, a " tabaung" which, it is said, arose in connection with ex-King Thibaw). — oMoS (pron. cqaloS), n. a dishonest man, a cheat; r-moosoU cE8:cY.))8*coeoqoagon — cns& (pron. cqaoS:), n., a person of good character, or one who excels in any mental or physical attainment; aoeSc.Agrpmsr:i):s:g1 g 3138 ogo-,B a o~r Goqu Goo>EIjl3cqS6maocSQo4oS3g5 ' - 6S, n. a person known; weTri ~ac-q8S-cqccoSoc~Sg ca~oogu " —a-c0 (pron. qqcqS), n. one who picks a quarrel or seeks to plunge another into difficulty; o:c)cA 3oo8 3 caqacqc8jb — cq5 (pron..cacqj), n. a famous man, whether for good or for evil; r050coo3oo3oqi Qgoo@%8ce:83a0oT Sp3gjcqcxS - @): (pron. cq@-), n. an elder, one who has arrived at years of discretion, an adult, a leader, a chief in any undertaking; -cqIcj Go1 -QOcqJOSa o - 0: (pron. coQb), n. a man who has age, but not corresponding wisdom and virtue; @893ci oSCFO331 -— @S: (pron. c8i@), n. a violent, harsh, cruel person; 8: -.-G@ (pron. Cqfo), n. the human foot, on foot, e.g., c9qoops oegog~4u ocrFoS~ol6 -. —cpo8 (pron. cycg8oS), adv. with no sounds of footsteps (lit. "when the human foot is silent") [at the time of night, when the sound of footsteps cease; o@cq0r o5aa] about 9 p.m. in the mofussil. - n,. a poll-tax [the capitation-tax]; s:q2$o oj 4n1 Oes 98cGOO0S2 CO 1017 Sco (pron. oo), n. same as cqobiiw0ooou5cqo0o% or cgod; often combined with c96s, e.g., c9gscqou o9saocoooS0e5: -— oS, v. to be well attended, crowded, as an assembly, a festival, &c. ( ---pS (pron. ce~.), v. to attain to the average standard of one's fellowmen in health, wealth, position, &c., )GO58 coooS oog40moo-o531 6ycogoh ol ovu --— 8 (pron. oo8:), n. a stranger; o1Sg 8.cp8oSoGoi ---— o60, v. somewhat similar to cqqLSoe~u — gS, n. capacity, ability; cg3sooc6ioacqicgo8o5ooooeu -— g~GoX8: (pron. ogG8ol68), n. an extraordinary person; usually applied to physical attainments, as to a person supposed to possess invulnerability, or who has performed some great feat of skill, prowess, &c. Persons to whomthis term is applied are usually credited with having performed the most marvellous physical feats, such as leaping over a prison wall, escaping from a prison from which no ordinary person can, &c. (In nine out of ten instances used in a bad sense; usually in reference to bold, determined thieves.)" — o-acqol h, n. a condemned outcast (very rare in colloquial). [cooS5o1g, a vagrant who seeks his living by sponging on others or by expedients.] -- O (pron. q(o), n. a bad character, a budmash. — ooS (pron. c0aoS), n. a learned man (or a man skilled in any science or handicraft). -- oo (pron. c-qG), n. a vile fellow. --— 03o (pron. cq$:8), v. to be of the usual size [also applied figuratively to mental attainments, position in life, &c.]. — co (pron. oja8), n. a prominent person; aoe oT~rsgo$cq co 8o010 n — c (pron. cqq), n. a crowd; cqoooo8:oogii oo 9ocqco8oS -— Gm0035 (pron. cN61oS5), n. a spy; C9Gco3coo0:, v. to employ a spy or informer; terms much used in Upper, but not nearly so much in Lower, Burma; oogoonacgoS being preferred. 128 .cq, to leave the priesthood; n. one who has left the priesthood; aoq@3cqagcScusqojo$8su [Caqc:@%oao implies that the person leaving the priesthood has previously been the superior, or abbot, of a monastery; qwjIcqogj, that he has only been an upazin, n'oeBis]. -, t. a skilful well-informed person, a "knowing" man. -; —ol:, v. to be thinly populated, thinly attended, as an assembly, a festival. 8 i:, n. a simple-minded, unsophisticated person (cg@$: same as cqaaq6:)..-culoSo$ (Pron. ao.GoloSo-:) (from;solo, the agati, whose flower is of a gorgeous red colour, but destitute of fragrance), n. a coxcomb; oo33oq8n OcBqJ&Yj3 t c9golI5o$: cog c nt s — Gb-sQuo5,io, n. an inconsiderate, rude person. -— qc (pron. cqqcB), n. a buffoon (in a dramatic performance somewhat similar to the English clown). ----,. a lazy fellow. -. v. to be mild and gentle in disposition, to be effeminate. A-. 4 (pron. cx9), n. a young unmarried man. -— c-JcS (pron. cq*c"C ), i. same; of pure morals, corresponding to a virgin; rojano4u -- s -Cc0Q8m, n. an old bachelor. — Jos (oqLQ 83 -8), (03c O G COi o%), -61 olBii@$a, n. a lad of the age of puberty. -.14S (pron. cdoxko), n. the apartment in a house allotted to the young men..-(ja6l&: (pron. cqtodlE8), n. a chief or leader among the young men of a district [or of a quarter of a village or town]; comp. 0:GmSu -— 6oZ3S (6Go), n. the language of courtship, to speak in the language of courtship.., n. the venereal disease; xzvooga ~s~4o (ooocoxon G pfDl). - c, v. to court, to woo. -r —(?jlcqgaS, n. same as qaj - Gs4, tn. a foot-race; O$:c(Da -ft-)'o (/ron. cjGo3S), if.; see c oSucj(Do8ni cq6rcE i IV 1019 cqog (Pronz. cg),'n. a mischief-maker, a rogue, a scamp. -G fOTOS (,-GOnSoS), v. to be of an age to begin to associate with men; ma —O~ oo8,n. the society of men. [c~ 0m).S9o~o~jS Igoo 03 n. a healthy, vigorous man; cquqoii q6,n. a foolish, ignorant person. -n. a member of the hairy family (of human beings) at Mandalay. -cpoS5, v. same as C-qcOSo8 [CqPo&&obj~O&:OOG@3OOA1..qdoe, -c -61,-,o (from ol 0, to chew), v. to have knowledge and good sense with confidence to use it [to have a knowledge of the world, i.e., mankind, men]; oo -G;3908, same as-c9-@oSe -oo5cb, v. lit, to exchange a priest's robes for those of a layman;: cqcogrIo 6)n. an orang-outang. -ol, n. a braggart..46,v. to come to maturity, be of adult age; N~oo%qwv. to cry thief! thief! j - OAoS n. a murderer; 00n.men (h), nats (4c8), and brahmas (6oo); cq8. oln. persons, people, as cc~ o~~g~ =Do~&oIn (=:6~1 s here refers to the four cardinal points). -G~oo, x. a dead person, a corpse; Cq\wGmGOD8I.-C*~ n. a strong, robust man. C~, 2, v. to be disproportionately tall; o(pssoc~cazxqoe u6 C~, 3, v. to flutter, with an upward motion; used in the adverblial forms NNo and coojoj Der. $0OC6ROjue~GCoSo cv Q~e (also used with reference to a person having a too high conception of his own importance;- o8cq0:8o5 o 8qgoroo, uzoo~c~xm~m oj~oanSGo'mo NO)i i) n. one species of grain, Mi/jam paspaiuM4 1020 cq:S8>no5,. classic name of wheat. ci;, 2, v. to smear, besmear, daub; comp. 08Si (to smear the face or some part of the body); LC9l 1o3 901f Gc~:cozoo:3ni ow061 z$ ocicqst (less elegant than c88); intrans. to be smeared, smudged; gd/n g goo6S 4801110o0G (.1.00 086119M3I9tgoq8 U caj, 3, v. to roll from side to side (to be crank as a ship or boat, cGO8ojaoeTul 6c-C: - ), to wallow as a buffalo (oqo1G4xSqbjI"b:G~sb D), to roll about on the ground as a dog or horse (cQ:obmcgoSo8@soicq-aoo), to roll about in bed as when restless from sickness or sleeplessness (r.~QCE tM-8 *OCWSC3bMiq t.q 0e). — *), n. a wallow; tcoNq8,, a buffalo-wallow. -- co~:') v. same as Cqt11 0-co;, v. to move backwards and forwards; not used but in an adverbial form (c:ooocS), odoo.:g 0 cos coocCpol81 cycoGcQ005 gqg g[8DGCOCO e~1 G,OO3G LQ.G @)@.C:o:0)OCG). 9o)~g9ioo3zsr@:c8:~qolc6, adv. to and fro, backwards and forwards; rc~G 6@ol S ~cqlcooopSogon:33 c2:000: (pron.j:oal1:), n. a kind of verse, lullaby; c:qoo:)-ocoaicq**.ocnscoo3iu - 0: (also pron. cq:a0al ), n. a rope, attached in places where the current in rivers is swift, at- one end to an anchor, tree, or other object, by which a boat is drawn up against the stream. i —~_V: or cNiox>1 ( — ), v. to draw a boat against the current by such rope. 6co, I, n. air, air in motion, wind; GcorszosGCucocs8:n8-i - 8a$, v. to retch, throw up without ejecting the contents of the stomach; more than.1 [qo9oG coA.Q3 G Gj oz o ooc)7 ~3oe3 U3Sg?8ooeT3896cc33 Cii3S CcjCa3)cP6\I ot-~. -— ea O, adv. with the wind; cco r.c seoao B c& q)c 9qoin3s890E xc~a~ xnoJgaml scw63ass~ineao~ocp 3woo&1 - G30382, v. similar in meaning to GoCiicco;18, - ~:, n. the first of a monsoon, or change of wind; 8tc~:O Goo0311 - MO (pron. ocool), n. a screen to keep off the wind. 8-c 0), n. the exhalation or influence of the air of the body, supposed to produce certain diseases; comp. =ao80 and.egao~I; sopgomS: cmmE8:mn~saulojc poasoJ~c:uSma@s: I GCO 1021 GCOa~, v. to blow hard; GCO~cG35Q3~O1OO3:II 0_ —srGqloSqj, v. to lie to. — ~B6, v. to suffer from wind confined in the stomach. ~8-0, v. to blow violently; ccofl~$C@E11. —Cr, (pron. GcoDG.-), n. a muscle, sinew, tendon; r-arc'cU GCOG90111 -Go. JG00., 00~0, 91. the palsy; ccor@oroa o8 Coll -— o$ (-o8), v. the wind hits, agitates; o~-orooo,-QQC8CSoj 0& 41~OO0D1LI Oe)3 j oofr)00 f3ozD: *** *388233006CU -0j) v. to suffer from flatulency in the stomach; GccnO5~08 GOoD,;l 1 GCG3Z0 fI v. to remain in a place secure from the wind; ccoMc~ G 9ODG 00bcGqQ q Cot)eII ~(B, v. to suffer from the bad influence of air in the human system. c, 618 co cfi$-O n. an air-pillow. _q,*cooS, v. to raise sour wind from the stomach (to-eructate), G3co~ is more polite. — qgo~, v. same. _%8v, v. to suffer from wind confined in the stomach. v. to whistle. -— 6@, n. the direction from which the wind blo4i; Z0oSo0GC0 G~qV5G~qo10M- fGo~8GCoc@rI v. to lull as the wind. -_~oSLo, n. an air-pump. v. to pass wind (abbrev. of o0:Gcoq~II ccocoe), (GcomoA 05o.ZoloS, adv. same as GooGma3oo). c-m0o8 (Iron. Gcor*&o), n. the edge of the wind; GqGGo613 COOSGCOG008-0 00 orB I c '81 n. the tooth of the wind (?); GCORG0OGCfOlO &~Q08E, v. to have the appearance of a coming wind or of a rising squall, 3MG n6~CI)sC5oo8GCCJ ~,GmJo)ocooxoe; comp. qzeo -. —G- 0 (Pron. GC O), n. medicine to expel wind, a carminative. -c&, see q84c, v. to have the appearance of a rising headwind; r.,Rwsca6&c-~c~oqo0 oo\iO2& I022 Go3oo, adv. against the wind; ccooooeooggo3cooooScqaog --— eg, n. a gentle breeze; Qcoo=46, v. to take the sea air for the benefit of one's health (as a European). -- oooS, v. to eructate, raise wind from the stomach. - 0-8, adv. against the wind [ooLGsoJEco.ooo: n@os* o s G0Oq6~oOG@o3llC^llC6a3 o8og S 6G0o0d^GOOioto3000S ~q eg], GoeOIv — o — (fron. ccooqe), n. a kind of painful induration in the breast or bowels, mcca6qpt; comp. c.oocq;n — _ c38 (pron. conoq69j), n. the pleurisy. [An inflammation of the pleura, the serous membrane which lines the chest, -accompanied with fever, pain, difficult respiration and cough.-Webster's Dic.] -. — ~oi, n. a paper kite. - o 0 (pron. oanl) (from 3noo), n. the draught of wind. --— ocql, v. to be situated in the draught of wind; ccooooqc& cocSccoooo^Snon -— 80, v. to be calm, without wind, to lull. — o-yo, n. blind piles. -— o5, v. to blow hard. -— do, v. to rush and press with violence as the wind; joS"Q --— ct, n. a wind-hole, reservoir of wind, as in the phrase Cooog8:q cq3oooeoSe wcoooog or G3oozSooco&c Q ooCoo oo., to be shifting, variable, as if it were shut up in a reservoir, and a monkey keeping guard, let it off as he pleased. — O —g, v. to escape as air from an aperture. --—, v. to have a feeling of constriction from flatulence. -- 6 or $6 (from $8 and $8, to be kept down); v. to be relieved from wind in the stomach. -— $ 8i, n. a violent wind without rain. --— o^, v. to lift up as the wind. --— St, n. a sudden gust. ---— S:gs,. to blow a sudden gust. --— fooS, n. a balloon. --— QdoS ( —oo, — o), v. to have the heart-burn. GCO 1023 GcolpZ, n. heart-burn.,-olS, n. an air-hole. - Z, v. to be disposed to vomit accompanied with eructation. 0-8, n. a violent wind, a gale [comp. gog&], sometimes applied to individuals figuratively, e.g., Go38c9-aocS6Goo -- G@, n. a gentle breeze; rcopSi --, n. a ventilating pipe [a windsail]. - qs, n. an air-ball. — qigoo, n. tympany; 6a:'opl — = (from Go8), n. a whirlwind. -8, v. to be caught inma gust or storm of wind. 4-q~~8o (cq), n. a hurricane, a tempest (Gcoq8s, a cyclone, Gcoq8E o 0 O.CqOSC3903coq8-0c qC98%%$lc.$ 005005205~O01 ). --, n. same as Gco in medical language; cco4Dii qtS,%ou -g n. an air mattress. - co~, v. to pass wind. - ocoo, n. the atmosphere. -coO, v. the wind blows. — oc, v. to be air-tight, to be sheltered from the wind. -C qo, n. a kind of muslin. - c3, v. to be relieved of wind. -— Q, v. the wind veers; sc0cQy goqrf40i GcuG8, n. a veering wind. - G., n. a side squall. — 03CB, v. to pass wind. — oocjq65,:cS, n. a squall, storm, tempest; faoS:j$og8gu — o8o*.i (Pron. rcoa8q$s), v. a fabulous wind supposed to cut to pieces like a razor; ocoX00 o8V8~6cqo0om00eS [heart disease?] — COC00, v. to impinge on the surface of any substance and absorb moisture, or check perspiration; ao2aMooC89j c3iIcq oco$:18 ca80S39o CcooocoSoI QcoGo, or CCOoC055 G@o3C&l GCoQOcGooDc0S5~6tcQdjc83o*oed (also used in a commendatory, figurative sense of women; o%8 C800 coo3 iJcO 0co 90000Q050X I). JbA;00C5 co0005, n. the sound of air in motion, wind; oS:omoG~3Q4~oo%9o GCMO-,6 88eorSgoo:ooS:ccp,-Lco ~orooc~g6o,' v. to speak in a whisper; 9pcS @:) so omco s.)~.@oe8sd0c 0 1,O Oil 3j, v. to have a pleasant breeze, to blow pleasantly, to be airy, as a situation (rare). —;OOsoGO8 (pron. ccoomcoo8), n. one of the buildings of the palace, more elevated than the rest, for the king to take the air in. - 003MA1: (pron. ocnoooo-51:-), n. a window; @o38ss.- oo3G0008, n. the quill near the end of the wing. - 0004:, n. a large window. -_00@oo08s, n. a window.. — iooS, v. the wind strikes so as to affect unfavourably, as on a sick person; cocB8, to blow with celerity and force. --- qoqgoSco3, v. to blow as a moderately gentle breeze; GCo N.,coocoe~11 6-165, n. a pendulous parasite. 2$.005010, n. a window (obsolete). COOo, v. to blow hard as the wind [but implying that the Swind, though high, is a dry one, and keeps the rain off. It is more intelligible in Upper than in Lower Burma, though adverbially it is frequently used in the lower province, e.g., Gcocorncococooocq6Scoe~ GC0360Q0Z11G30Cu(FS X3P]1. co2, 2, v. to be scattered, lost, as camphor, quicksilver, &c.; [o cazS~:ocooe11 co3 o-8 GQc0G o% 3e~ 3a.Gqo9o1~33O, ], to be unsteady, wander about without a home, so as to be lost to one's friends; 0 0j$0uo5x oo5 )C8C xc;cQiC c8038 eo~~qo'le -~%S, v. same; 0o04018 o~SCu G =oG4ooe03 cqcocq1c2 (a loafer). Gc3, 3, verb. affix, euphonic, &c., see Grammar, sec. i18, closing a sentence, slightly emphatic or persistive, as coct sco (colloquial), sec. I19: i o0g u2 scGooi8cqC)5$ g 8oe3oo —11UCC3o c6i4o osc-o1 a8*0~'Joscgoo0t&:wr9b, o clo~~ ~CQco3G3fl ORjAcql oos qgooo:coU 1 0c o3S C4R CgAS ccoll o C0C33&g 9 9q j; also reduplicated, e.g., 038-consco, the more one learns, the more difficult it is; c@3P 043G030, the more he speaks, the more he wounds (one's feelings). [It is also occasionally coupled with-in an interrogative sense-cB-e.g., I8nIG1103SaoSc116CoGc8i Goo8o yoSoaogo-OCb3 probably an abbreviation of coc 8:r6coooic8oooou03n] sooS8: (oS), n. a kind of medicinal tree. o6 cb, n. an auction. 000'. 1023 Gcc ',. to bid at an auction; 3z&,ccoc6tv cwoco.c5tv cot-S.-aov. to outbid'another at an auction; coCO'oocyoo:coe~u -~ & GOzc6xx3, -u), v. to put up at auction; got% G1coc0 00S00~omc~coSGTSs, to sell off surplus stock by auction. aqC, it v. to practise, acquire a habit, become accustomed to (very seldom used alone); less than cYA:oq8 and o~coo& qav. same [to devote one's self to, as a study or-a profession]; 8Rmcno oc~:coe~: aco q8 -(cq~), -So~j, - g (seldom used in colloquial). -003, V. to be versed, skilled in, accomplished; oojcro~ mooE0000 oom~9i 00 Bc.,8618tcooomcoS= c-Oii oorurcoCGo~oD OxpO oc 2 00~~cooaopSm, [oc'coo sometimes has the same meaning as c-c~o~or, e.g., o5o&"*pq:GOCo:)rz*Oe% cc?' 2, v. to fly away as chaff, cB~ (rare in colloquial, tog perhaps intelligible),.hog c2,v. sam e. GV9COG, int. the sound with which hogs are called, as cMc for calling fowls, and 8~8j (or o8oE) for calling cats, GCOOGWOl for horses and bullocks. oco1:, it n. a,.,,bow (for shooting) [the curved stick used for stretching' the cloth in weaving (qroco~OGGMO), 40o45~C~8c06g. Der. oqomc0: (a cross-bow), coS~cco: (a common bow), QoCO A oco: (a pellet bow); (nf. a royal archer); GCm*QO8O5~~9O3Gcoco%93o.cov (Proverb). -. —S(pt-on. acosEq8:), n. the bow itself. Cqn. a curved spring (infrequent); eQo.-qos o8,v. to make an exhibition of skill in shooting with a bow. n. a bow-string. v. to unbend a bow; cco,.&cO~yu OD)V. to bend a bow, to string a bow; ow:&oo8u —.-oo84: ~(Pton. c-co-osto$ -), n. the Act in the qgo~o~odS pourtraying the skill of Prince Theiddat (Siddhartha), afterWIrds Gaudama, the Buddh, with the bow. 129 W26 OLIOI I Gco1. cg:, n. the shank of a cross-bow. q,zn. the bow of a cross-bow. -68~~ (-oS), v. to' shoot an arrow from a bow; ccosj% — co'o:, n. an archer [cco:GcoS@811 eos~coeGoSi rcosrco~ooo:, n. a royal arc~her]. coo:) 2) a. four, 91,.Sci. to be broken or split into ics(i.it p arts); qc~DGO85C,.g celg~~OW~08c"M-MCooM 0 —GOOZ08068, a. four-cornered (00 $~s~ooaocoo~o~eoS -GolS8o:(,oS (-colS8GcocooS), -(Go1&Gco:coco5), adv. in regard to the legs and arms; applied to words of cutting off (usually applied to buffaloes and bullocks after being slaughtered; toc rGco-,G68 rco:uo~c& qJO5 ojooe or dSj ooe~). oo6l816S, -r.l S(ojo&)oa:s, -r-8olS~oSoo~, nl. expressions used by women (in Upper Burma) in quarreling; equivalent to the imprecation " may you be quartered." oc~~coc~oo:,v. to go on all fours. -o scosodS., adv. in regard to men with large limbs; OCcor'oq:oe~cju oco-c4&oco:oojc5q6o~IIu GxoSwqscow0OO5(lj& qnjn. the four points of the compass; =C8 6osrl -.-o!m.6@3S (pron. o~or Sa. twilled; applied to textile fabrics, mats, &c.; 0Gcro)rcoG0A8GCo~cio cne, see. GCOO~, ri.o be heavy, not light, oo.6j; to be slow, G3~.: [to affect the smell and taste powerfully,08 ooloS6mo.ootoooooco:oeo o% q pGA3:ocxc\-ol~q6 11 =5 0 ~l~boo::oooc-a)((Sl to be depressed in mind as apprehensive of some impending trouble or calamity, cioooto5cc-.o~cS~&orcoe~; to experience a feeling of heaviness in the back part of the neck, oz~r-coo, o:,e,,oal8s -.c4(Pron. GC~ooR) v. to be slow; q-rNmoOS~zco:,3zcooG~co% -Go0,GCO*, adv. diminutive of oco:vUOSGco-,-csr-0o: l~oo g ol 8 (0 Cb t102 GCO Bi, v. to be strong as flavour; oos,% to be weighty as language; cooo:@o cooSocoo:4apuSsn G;cc oc oSG@53 00083ce~ oZPa-_):)0(;O3OQ10 MD, H c3Oo-,~doSu G6Tc8cgO~ oS4 S W SB 080,00's-005 0 8 - oS, v. to be strong as flavour, coo8,oaoa cco-0occo680Ekc aooe; to be slow, coe~cj~gS, (s)co o 9S c.co:,.- co g O8aooe -cO, v. same as rco: in both senses; loScocJS O4co!):)~Gcooo 6o~o0eaoq69~3opiqE Gcoo, 4, v. to respect; seldom used singly; ra~@~So0ow oooxooo r8o69 0joco -Pi — o nc8 ec 3on --— ag, — @s, —:, v. same. These three combinations are infrequent, the last being the one most often used;; cco.oo: c o,~ n. allsame as Io i o [applied also to life as c-# c, same, used adverbially only; cascq o ~ c oDi, v. to respect,; oM o:aqS; omp. used~singly;,cS~:3ogaqcq as casco,:@dja0djoogn eag 66oEaS:gc q co8x60o,5 03 63 31f13o g gt388 g$OOoS and ~ cr B eeperSol s are also termGco:t9tr, nathe clove plant. -, n. the clove flower, clov e. he eo o - to tee, n. allspice ( r) dopiQl adu. sli hly; applied to the colour GF green; $88s11 1q 86s 0 65 see oe~.p v to all ofrm n r ct] [applied also to life as ocpita91$ o, just alive (ocncooo3]$) cu0 n084F03 5)(33~so, r n. the product of the coios tree o[the productn of the aCos cb tree and of the 6spG003o6 and ii creepers are also termed 0'1 & (colloquial). -- or ol, nu same d the product of the yellow-flowered cot: ton tree, Coclzlospermum gossyfizsm3. -@05,.see ogs, I, v, to fall from an erect posture; (also used cn the sense of being prostrate or "down " with a disease, e.g., clove fl8ower,.coe CO, 31 v. to change, exchange; colq8ua of qren8:Acq [84r gcyE0 5~ 1 0jus, ai to rejoin, making a rejoinder (in law pleading); 0%].ooCo8 005393 a In ad. dressing an advocate, it is considered very polite to affix o~Pn -a*, v. -to *Speak in return,- =~$aa$cQ; particularly applied to - responding. before authority; eoctceozp &o~8sc.-0:o v.; see the parts; co Slo oogloA c~ oS~f~oaeu cg -c '6111 Gc1Oq8$ c&Q Sp:o a ooq$~O a= -o _94~& v. same as &iC$0~OOooq ~Y ec~c~ooS (or &c9c8) cp&qz&.29006i ~,4, v. to empty (as from one vessel into another); 03061 & OAv. [c 06ocS C;oG 9mctqo cc~cboo5 (or a singly) d6, 5, verb. af9ix, interrogative [always preceded by onoS or uoio6536Iao aioco', or.@oo6oobJ; 4e~s, c4:, see Gr~am mar, sec. i 10. bqn. a species of terminalia affording large timber. (doci. -S. (o8), n. a tree, the Olax scandens, K. aC8@09a.; see o9o6~So-: (ci?: i) C.0 (CMOoS), I, n. a species of mule. [Gcoo, a kind of basket for keeping fowls in; also for wild fowl by those who snare them.] GOOx, 2, V. to repeat with greater -effort than at first, rzooofgI Q@3O~c~QE?0i:S1~o6 go0c0q6s TWoO19=0OZ 08: j: OO6Ir.CQ3Q06$~~ t return as a disease after convalescence], +o~o$ooqcoo1 rcoo * s~o6 hence mwooo *oo~, 3, see c~oo~ '.-CASs(coo t~cSiocqor.QG8GoooqaI or rec0oo(;oo8) @stowoS xqSA - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 [jj1oo oc~d~''1 oSo~~oeh oC088 [oonGo~o6,Gcooowolio6 ( e30j2Gw Go 0181l * Cq~ r~o5-6Ss - GO,>G OSGco5G. aw~ (GcOeGcooGO usual~ly Pron. 0G00301C005). — OQ adv. instantly; coog=o3Coo 1 QO:ari=S, adv. intolerably (hot), e.g., (CoQ81-) G;oo:;oo~ae (o 400o0, 4, verb. a~itx, interrogative, see Grammar, sec. 110o (r-oo: not used in colloquial); [oSO:@s3ow oim~oc osaoS:01 qiocO: H Coo& 008@8 gaoeax6o1 ~G ooi wzc9gm8q~ qc ccoladj *~ QO=CCQ~SQj60 ijGOO] cenSa$ koss scoocq8: (pron. eoooS:), n. a certain medical book in which the symptopns, prescriptions, &c., are indicated in the interrogative, with the constant recurrence of the affix oa7, as o '.:SjGOOroO3oo3oI2OOooS6P gVScBf QGcXoS cGoM [fCoS 8 djlsro690soecooe6609lloaf6~50a:og0glooSo~~c].o~so9.c0o (9S:), 5, n. one of the race of Laos in Northern Siam [east of the Cambodia river, called 0coS (Lou) by the Shans]. Gco:C5,:, 1n. a maggot. -cv, -co=S v. to be infested with maggots, maggoty; q8:sM ocoo8:9:)oS: 0$4 QCOOfe&3CG4s0fl (Qoo:q5cg98 OcoooSod5 0 o 11) -Co", -co:, -c<:, v. to be gnawed, penetrated by maggots; Gco3oS98goS, v. to void maggots as a fly. cS0):, n. a species of water insect [a wriggler, the larva of the mosquito, a worm that seems to measure the distance it traverses with the length of its body]. GC0000s, 2, see G0oo3500011 - eo, n. a pellet for a bow. -c)aoS (free. pron. cooo5eosS as if one word), n. the bed for the pellet. - oca: (freq. pron. cGoooSAoc:), same as ccoooSoon - %P cos, n. a pellet-bow, bow for throwing pellets..-COtOol (pron. coorS-co:o4), n. a square compartment in figured cloth; rco:) —BcowojoSqoq: [so called from its resemblance to the rcocxboo3S]. -: (-d~), n. a kind of sling made with a stick and string; Gcooot~)me~s ocoooS, 3, v. to be enough, sufficient; 3sooO&O2ScSwoao1 coo:..c, v. to be sufficient on being distributed; coqo@&weS9o 00CO0& coolg*o3:11Gcooo&GcoooSccooQf: SO1IUICQ0o1 ogoloo 6, v. same as =oO)oS (infrequent); 8Gcosc0ooS06 eso8o Co0, v. with oojo5, to come to maturity (sometimes =9oS is omitted); in other senses has the same meaning as rGcoo - by itself, og3isog 6co oo,!5qloSoqccocos.Soo Mc8:oae ooe~o oogyrcooCf 5 8o5coo:aS GcoooCSGcO6o: coo-.cooa (Gcoao5o00 is also used with reference to size i oo acoaosb906 and strength); co ~gocq$IcgjCqqo oSlqt6 ooa co.o5S 9ecwncotaozc go31o~=' &SG=o - sooq48oge~ocecnoAP 000cooS, 4, v. to respect; not used singly. -ot, -cooS, -Gco:, adv. used only in some adverbial forms; Qc8b.@SQo000,JS6GOGCO:cfo3oO:&oCoS 1I c.cooQo8s, n.x a kind of tree. ' QcoooSooS, adv. playing with feet and hands; rcooaScoSwooSoS cooC-j80oooo:0o81 o scqWi @80~S aGCO-a8ocaoOQ=BoS cooSjooeon oocaSGoO, n. a kind of tree [the leaf of this tree, when pounded and plastered on a sore, is said to destroy maggots; hence its name]. cGo03cGC0oc6icoOS, adv. up and down like the motion of a worm or of a little boat among the waves (=gco qc~Scb goocoooSC8: coooScoooS@o~ oe. ooMao (Pali qo aS:oS5@8*t), n. a state of mortal existence, of which there are three divisions, see coo and oq, the world as distinguished from a permanent future state. - So v. to be cloyed with, tired of, worldly pleasures. - or 6 (Goomoo6) (from ag), n. fortune, a lot incident to mortal creatures, as wealth and poverty, society and solitude, reproach and praise, happiness and misery; Qco=n 6 cocpsools 1 q9L* qloE M, oe~GO Gcoo6coocploo1Q07 t )~ C% g coas Wl.odS) n. a world [sCoq.coomoloSo OG(;iSpQocaOoSn 6O3cs QooWcxolS6I oQeM8Scooo olo&6, the four great islands (Gc'o=0 olo ZIgog905rccjcoecq) said in a good or bad sense]. - n. a book of proverbs pertaining to common life; see $8s~cnoogcag'",c~~ 1n. courteous behaviour, kind attention, politeness; qj Sonooc58 C *9GQo3WC130 006 00oo:) aza-J 'b-nbfooQ, v. to be courteous, kind, polite; qoC&GCPO5SI1 cou6@r oooe0j80603o10bowow3cooCooao~Su " — ~o68o6S, n. a monarch, king. tcoowoooS (cq), n. certain hells as places of punishment situate ed in the intermediate spaces between the Sekya worlds. " The sakwalas (o0op) are scattered throughout space " in sections of three and three; all the sakwalas in one "section touch each other, and in the space between "the three is the L6kdntarika (Gco obqrb * * * mo)). =co8S: 1031 "In this world there is above neither sun, moon, nor "light, and below there is water, extremely cold. The "darkness is incessant, except in the time of a supreme "Buddha, when occasionally the rays proceeding from "his person, and filling the whole of the 1o,ooo sakwalas, "are seen, but this appearance is only for a moment, like "the lightning, no sooner seen than gone. * * * The "Pretas (@99o) inhabit the L6kintarika naraka."-M.B. Gcooo8, used adjectively, worldly, pertaining to the present world. - ooao, lit. a " son of the world," "a heathen," a term used by some Western missionaries to designate Buddhists, Hindus, and Muhammadans, &c. Gco@og8cp, n. a future state, subsequent to all (cooc); annihilation (?So$) according to the Buddhist system; eternal life or death according to the Christian. " That which is "( neither (so) rupa nor arupa is called 16kottara, a state in "(which there is entire freedom from all kama (o5)"; Qoocoo (cqBO~o po0a^P^ G Opl 3802nGOO'OO ll oSGco:ogool80$Ii coaoqooo (for rcooo'Dguo), n. a figure pertaining to this world; Gcooa, v. to burn (a thing) as fire or anything hot; c04GCoSI,83Gcoo6, to scald; -8GcooG,0G8 Gooocn cooSooSSEq &o, 8soocG.6cGsco>S to smoulder as a fire. (GcooScgcSoo0a0sp, an inflammable material.) _c$:, 'v. to be burnt up, consumed by fire; ooo3:80eco C c98Oc~oq(M, -raSGcoo8ii — o (pron. coo*oao), n. tinder. --- s n. the electric flash when igniting some substance; co4 oS@.Goo88:,qgogcco{goSoog, blistering plaster. — 80, v. to apply a blistering plaster. cba-:, n. a canoe, long slender boat; g8GccoO8iGc5oGcoo:Su, c~_fo5, n. a boat with a hull like a canoe and having a washboard on each side made of a single plank. - o8 (pron. coz'S:8), n. a boat with a wash-board consisting of planks fixed one above the other. GcooS, 2, v. to bring into an incipient, unfinished state with a view to finishing; ^azqjoR. 008000~0 c~O88000 'gOa,0c _, S ogcgGpQ co368oGog Der. 3zocooS g -G.Oaas am$ly 31 v. to pour lhto, oqqdcn-qrd~ cGqa:icdolS:co o%~i or U~aOD,;c& O@#Q~GOe~S$c,:0D6Go#o COMP. and t, to idd more to, ocO8CO'361, A~ Rahans are fori~dden to make use of the word GcoS:,, but use ootA8 ingtead when directing any one to water plants, e.g., coe~ W"C%46oCICBC~61 a v., same, last def.; CO6QX7 Agv@~ nqt. shade; applied to plants and trees growing in the sbede; q8qI &ooo SuOO:~) 6~i oi GcoOIsq:.. -:qoo~q~jqsg 98T&~4c~oo5861 o%~v n. fruit ripened in the shade; rcoo~8o6rSc~dGqedo~ cam,#. G4(7608:I adoA8, 4, v. -to stake in a wager, or in gambling, to bet; 0 &o n. money' staked; coc~oV on8,6r.~i CO~OS8:mcoss. — a So6o,0,0, or o00i&, v. to gamble; a~sco8:oo~c6co o d o, n. frankincense. aboob (freq. abbrev. to rco e.g., ccoo@f.:, to be ovier-eager), xi. selfish. desire [1l"bha, covetousness, that which cleaves to sensiru~le objects.-M.B.] GCOOC~q2%4:C~uqco:QOAcO1O5 - ~,v. to be avaricious; ooccoo5@:oD oq 0 oi-O (when abbreviated to Gooo:apastohv h meaning of to be hasty).1 n. —Q~,i. the force or power of selfish desire. do6 V. *to be -impelled by such desire. Sn. same as GcDoooocoouGc9~own xf. sam e as COwoO~xoo8owjOITn — W8, vc:. to wear the end of a garment over one shoulder and under the other arm; jQ~: (or oxx~:) Gcoxoaoc8ao see coosc*oGOOVu rCO:>o1; x. a pole with a hoop to suspend a bird trap byr. C9 —,1033 1tOOcSn. a* class of inferior hells [rcact(, ~,%, Qooa, the four exclamations used by the 'wicked when rising to the top of the G~cooAc-u:)]. co2ooo? (Pali), n. metal, of which there are five kinds, gold, silver., copper, iron and lead (aarcozxwz). GCOO, v. affix, imperative [used in hooks and in a formal style of -address], see Grammar, sec. i ii. GcoSo0~ (Commonly pr-on. G-c9Soo), n. an intoxicating preparation of rice; cc9Sahoj-,ii cot. o~oS, Gcoso):), 0z)9COH - 06(-n n. a licensed shop where rliquor is sold. GcoSQO, v. to be light, vain, unsteady, wanton; o98G)ThcoSoo@86: cc~o~.v. same; to be unsteady in husiness, flying from one thing to another (frequently applied to unchaste women); oI, 1,v. to desire, wish for, ~c8 op oo~z ~S to be lacking in respect of, or to the amount of,;D8coo.2ooc)S. —cSc~oo&; destitute of, Go-ocpoxc~oe; to he wanting, A*Oojcisn~ Co05rGO~OrB*O6c3II v. same, i st def. o8(zog), n. wish, inclination, longin'g; n. any object of desire; c~cAPoc:og4;wr.eu c4oo5 - 0,n. a prime want, a matter of first consequence, a primary bbject or consideration; 6cf98 D6:a~o~ozSqot~c~4: OoODO 1,1 co0DI, v. to be litigious, forward to prosecute, 3oDICODOOCPOO AcODCo; to wish for, ~c ~o88GoT-OcY ~8G 0 O890 CqCOI~rOS-xe;to be favourably or affectionately disposed towards, Qoq3od~co:)gi - c~oS-5, adv. in the way of laying up little things for future use; OC~00o500SBCSS03CqO~O,1ii cadv. of one's own accord, just as one lists, wilfully without control, (rare in colloquial). cq,.2, n. and ver~b, affix, as like as iiAo~i1osBIGro GQcI:cloj8 1~30. 4034 O C~Qv. and n. affix, a little like as; o~:oqo&3c cA069 1, V. to follow, to accompany, to pursue, to take effect as medicine or disease [cou5=mic~oSo&,-pu ocpi ol cqcjo~c~j o&~S1, (to resemble," take after," oo~oodc~~a~,t be -in proportion,, to correspond, to suit, harmhonize with; A34tS G~O~lf~ QcqO5OJiIV CCS SOOGO QC3OqO5~aI0 COE~30 4.-o001 V. to comply with; jOC 0CO5 ~jGoccoGo1 dm~40 v. to observe -as a rule or regulation, to comply with. -— jcDt~6,v. to bear company or follow in order to pere form service -under an official; an Upper Burma term. v. accompany, to attend, escort; ogj~ooo r-cooz-bomE:q CSOyv. to pursue with a view to capture or arrest. V. to pursue in order to find; commonly with ilonuIcQJ — Gq v. to conform to; oS3oiCOB~0.qoQ9:Qoe~ogsoouo OjGGOOO~rqc)~G8CN00OSGON - (ione who follows), one who makes a passage by some conveyance, e.g., c~oS 2, verb, affix, euphonic (mostly used with transitive verbs; sometimes givingra transitive meaning to an intransitive verb,. sec. 1 18, Grammar); in colloquial this affix is much used with coo, a corruption of cot-9:, e.g., c~q-o23 becomes c3*~5ooo, having the meaning of the English adverb ' so,' c~c~oaoo, 'so pretty;' ooca5coo:, ' so difficult;' & cqaoxoS.:C~, ' so white as to be very dazzling;' in such expressions as the following, o~oS app9ears to be an ebphonic expletive; M~c~oo~ ~coop ~0~~(C S3, v. to give to boot- as in exchanging articles of unequal value; OBC903 G&O~0580P0C C w3 n. a kind of (movable) screen. 1400n. a species of trumpet-flower; comt. o~ooS and ocx3c4n c~,) 1, see cQu c,2, verb. affix; equivalent to ~ (colloquial); fO~3G0u oo~8Q2,~+ j ccooocqaen [also equivalent in IOIjl t035 colloquial to GooGro9., e.g., oc. (or o~co3) QooiSo1so8 c: (vulgar), v. to pierce, penetrate in actu coitus. oq, v. to be thin, flimsy [to be slender, delicately formed; 3ao: ogcaSw iioo:ao 8:)co~oSqcc (pron. shia sha) O&GOOSCo)o —.o, v. to be slender, delicately formed. qoS, I (pron. oonS), v. to lick (with the tongue); ctpgop oSo g s300 o~(t@soSoSA - t oicqA oSoogSI — cooo, n. a preparation of salt used medicinally (an electuary). coS, 2, verb. affix, continuative [denoting the continuance of an action, or state of being during another, as ogc..o-o: oa, he eats as he goes. Grammar, sec. 109]; 8o8ojSc6o.#w oGO ggC oq0 4c co8cn^o<o 9sa~38s~ o So ocdj61 cqoS'I1-scit 3oos3@ 265gco5Sjo1,u [o, not infrequently precedes oqyS, e.g., eooo oSioso,, gjoS.] ---, verb. affix, continuative [denoting the continuance of an action, or state of being during another, but sometimes inconsistent with it, as oioqo o5 o0:o%, Grammar, sec. 109]; @; S3oSqolqioSbScq QspoSg3 ooG039G@o8 s31aoSsp<cgpoS~5.oooSioot is frequently introduced between cxq- and j~ as c1Gocq6Soo.5c33oo38S o~ oR8 (usually pron. cq8), v. to be quick, swift; so3ogacoococS Q#OO^tGQZoW, @, G0O0Z -— o$, v. same. -- 0o, v. to be violently swift; (o(iGoo~o c.8o$oo&8c~qoS ogosoo8cqago@8*3colo 1i "- @, v. same as 6q8 [also applied to the mind]. -- Goolos -(pron. cqS@Goloos), v. to be quick and active in motion [applied to human beings, bullocks, and horses]; -.ocCo)}86 ruooooaq -oqioGqozfol,sooeI ooo^ Ooo -Cop, v.; see cq8iiegG3al 6os 8 o co(e~ 3ogo'o gSoa808os: gSoo^~ qos" cqr| oooooSGcoQ n [qcqzS not used in colloquial]. qo:~1j, v. to be in a neutral state of mind, undisturbed, -93o Swith an oo3agoq8oooo5& 9Q uii ojoc8cqj-olol6i &h[^,6^ 0go83^^^0^ooeoc|alla}o, g~oloopii] a*<4U3q, v. to regard with indifference, [u: [to regard with equanimity]; d~J8@qsoq8cpsi ~c doo84 0@doo~ Qc~j9& @0305'00RO o-Jq8CqJJ lf 1601 1 03C6I vi. -to be smooth, pleasant, agreeable to the sight; not used singly. Der. azq9 8qlo~u.qi* v. to circumcise, cut round with a knife; c8i 31 aq%)9s $Z~coooicPsw (or ~o@a~ ). rN.J.-It is very doubtful whether cR' would be intelligible to the majority of Burmans]. cqxScqS (usually pron. cqogqS), adv. wavingly as a flag; cco(oS *oocqao~c c~o i80r.g~a41~rc;ocA(Mioas o50qocp( oooqcg lqglooc+ oqj (commonly pron. qp), v. to appropriate, set apart for some purpose; 'Ooo0Go56cB~r o& axg 0 to estimate in the mind [to have in view, to intend, similar to 9$"av x08~,WBSmS8~~ 3Qe~0&. o0 Qq3CC)c): m 0x0ojI *8 hence socqo and s9ogo' (see ce). coo-, x, v. to be thin; not used assertively. Der. u3sc'wp:" cvs38, 2,1). to be oblong, to be extended in time ( wo); ozzc':osu e 8, hence =q:)0-cll r.No, v. not used singly, hence cqoa@caro" - PSa (pron. x ztSQ, v. to be on terms of intimacy [to be mixed together, commingled- (i) 08000q - q0P 0 - c05 3~ o8II(2) 04=06GCQ83DG0C. MaOOS c~0Gc 801R (3) rco3aS (pron. cwooS), i, n. a plate, the piece of timber which supports the ends of the rafters [a wall-plate]; comP&. oS [a tie beam]l; c&GOq3(YSUrV@I GOqCYS, 2, V. to accord with, be agreeable to; not used singly. Der. 3Gac3ooSti zi0, v. to be meet, suitable, fit, comely; 3G3OqoS oo&~Io3oa-o:c6Go5G u0ooe5~ =omVqo~c oj l ~o%38$ao ~(~on 6cq~3i~S OS'x~U o30aa8ajC~0 026 i~s.7 r~cioorcqj:, acv. of one's own accord; o8O-cgcloso~oAAOIl;oqA30S 0: 00 GS;18- Gpcx I do not wish to speak (to you), live how and where you please; 6o:~1*0-ccqoo.-',~cq)o-So *5, that is your own look out, messieurs. rscqo8O, v. to recline, be recumbent; oz) 0GCqA08u -o00, v. the same appropriate to a-Buddh or royalty; =4 Gcqp)8.oo6@$G;codI' -GOOS, -_G jOO~T), n. a recumbent figure of Buddh; Go~jS~6Ga3S~, n. a porch of a palace and some other government buildings. vcq?, v. to be loose, lax, to be slack, as a rope; ~o0 tiCo3 4~~q~q, acv. loosely as a garment; coc3 GqCBG O oj OOP, to be wanting [~8eo Q GxYCnU oEp~ 4&603~3~0 11 OO~e0cqoooe~ 11 Gsoocp~;goilrj-a3?o to subside Lto fall as the water of a river, qeBS.xl$qT $.I. pS -_ r- q 0Q oU,1 abate (m( 3x` ), grow less, be diminished, ojoSo Der. c-GoQ~II [to subside as an in-, flammatory swelling]. — 61 v. to grow less [3DO005MC8105O.-C~3QO'O 0. ooe~1 be diminished, become few [we~ 0oGof Q o0G. U c; da mCc$f:]; qoo:usoe -C —j~ -OQJ30, v. same. sqjS), i, v. to suit, agree with [to be proper, befitting]; oa~ --— 5j (pron. GqM6), r rc~qjSo s@5 'GLG O ]O8c8 1 -e~, v. same; wqoe GOIPg O~r.OO:)CqOO&MA:gVqOCS3g. LNote.-rcqSa5 is comparatively little used in ordinary colloquial, though of common occurrence in the drama.] GOq, 2, V. to forfeit; jcjc~soc, 0.-Q-o, -3CoS (CGql3Sa0coS), -@~8 (Go~IS@8S), n. a forfeit, fine (damages). %co5%cB, adv. volubly, see under ac&ru c\8, i, n. an unoccupied space beyond houses. Sn, a glade. C8 0.r. 01 (pron. c%88c8col8), u. an extensive plain, savanna. 10380 cS8c&:@8, -Cc8:c,) 'n. same as%88.-.-0S (Pron. c8868), n. a level spot of ground, a plain free from trees, a campaign, co6-N — @8O-.50)n. same., 3O?,n. a prairie. -cOO~O, n. an- extensive ~i~ste. CBS, 2, v,.,to be glossy, shining; =Gc-qk%8I BOG(-P&4883ZOO1 11M -~(~,n. a powder made from rice an 'd rubbed on the face (in Upper Burma); c8~cBa~o3C v. to be blown away (Gcoc,8o~~~o& c88o1,.o~o%, to be driven out of its course by the violence of the wind as a ship or boat; o98oc~dq(;OM %~:oae), to be scattered and lost, dissipated; qv-ogqcomei, (?oo8c~oei ~c2~oopei (to be faded); qcs~-G5c=T g j@ b er. oc6i, -0z:8 adv. very, an intensive to words of height (%I8.7;M0 @~8oo&~cx) or motion, %8~.=8G.@soc)& ii ~-&v. to fly off scatteringly as sparks or fine particles, to start and ruin With vrelocity, to dart, c88g.0aRo~oo v. 'same as c~qaooaaeo oc* o~j~a ~60rqS OC9 00o00oo 8090o 1 c&,v. to be at liberty, free, unrestrained; 3OC83MCOO,-u~, to be exempt (ocP61ol c~cx8w8), free from (cj1GcxbstO)cocSG=m)8 0 G 4~8 aC cjC4qo4ojoooSG@3o.%), disengaged, released, to be discharged as a case or as an accused; mc6oopQ C80800611 v. to be released from, free from, exempted from; o4p, Ga.-@&~cCAB100j9ocScoZ, n. a revenue exemption ticket. -.coS, v. to be disengaged [=qm qoco~-&~oc (xpp~], empty [mxo-o- T8~o 0~ co 8)R9:% 8G o~o S)i68~ o )o ~,(,,orqtr:Gc-l, also applied to women who are enceinte; oo6SQ8iOSc8C6O,& "CO /1039 oS6co%8qaSc d, adv. freely, without regretting to pa t with (qcaSqaooSoodS qoSq5S6 6pGT) c jq@Soq8~u(CSOSc8 oSqCoS '00ao 05M iu~o,!~) [unhesitatingly, 6oeoae~= c02Ij QqC1o6@8 lGRIIC805% icsctc&nooFS-gweC I cqa, i, n. a kind of tree [the kernel of the fruit is consi ered a luxury, and was formerly presented to the Kings of Burma. In years in which this tree bears much fruit here is, so the Burmese say, a good rainfall]. -- n. the Buchanania latifolia, producing a pur ish black fruit the size of a small cherry, K. c 24, 2, n. a gimlet; (v. to bore with a gimlet, Cj)~ $acR$,SY Sol oS). - q (pron. Ccj), n. same; ~$cSpcSo sOn n c $gj9;c~~$sCAcoooaip~~oSoooCooopcSt% @:, n. an auger. 90, 3, n. a rope drawn by contending parties to procure rain; %J(&*011 - 6S (-s), v. to pull at this rope. [" The inhabitants of "the Burman empire in times of drought are wont to as" semble in great numbers with drums and a long cable. "Dividing themselves into two parties, with a vast shout"ing and noise they drag the cable contrary, the one " party endeavouring to get the better of the other." By doing this they suppose that the nats who have control over the rain (oi$~o65) are propitiated and will cause rain to fall.] - ~ (-~), n. the festival of drawing the said rope; c%$~S CT, 4, v. to be or go beyond, to exceed [agoSc&8~8oox Sw@8cG-ooo8o@ocL@' ---qo oQS —~' dcqaUo], to exceed, (ooo, oV1., &5) [OGSOD06OM884 1 c8~raz:)8cqaoe~], to be beyond or to go beyond unintentionally [woocooaSco6oe~ 9OC%~8cp C3ss 0 ], to be in excess, to go too far a(jjs1 [68q3:: GDocotq)%~oa$c il %aogosoCooqSo ], to pass away, be gone, die, GoZ%~; to be gone by, %$ a23: [cPloo: o:$sPcooo ooz ) —ooooeoHoqiii 08ca1u8 ~9S o: C0501o roq 6O3. ~a1666@Ul %seo 3 SC880qa338CljS~l 80S33n33 GOX$rC~Y5U GC5~,1 Gr.OGCOOjI11 CO31%$9OF egaqqgs euo~in][%g~og3ocg$ol GoGoo cp,5l Cyo so coC0, let by-gones be by-gones];; @cSoe co~~18roogoo ocqa~, one will not be able to obtain that which is past our reach by uttering expressions of regret for it. -c 03 (-. 5), v. same, Ist def. ~qj:, Uv. to go beyond, exceed, surpass [GooG~a)acqG0ECoq cqS: ooS1claq:G3Qn800Sooox) ], to transgress. 4040 C0 cq9o -,'o8it, adv. exceedingly; mo Sc93Rg)q5o ~$5(cg;%@8), n. a kind of bird; GC_? (GOOS), h. a (royal) boat shaped like the said, bird. $O6n. a kind of plant. c81, v. to twist to and fro, wriggle; -o6R(cocqcB oSG O o.. coe~i1 ooiciGa~ to move as a serpent or worm, oc8Jzozp-ooe [to turn over, roll about in bed, 0 -~-'-~,,v. to dwell vexatiously on a subject in speaking [c~ c~ i, n. a weaver's shuttle; a. mar~ked with waving stripes as a silk waistcloth (c ~ Sa silk puhs'o and htamein of zigzag pattern; mcOSii ~-ca. same, but denoting a richer)kind [%8$:sqoc8u %~soq -04 (Pron. c8-oc4), n. the spindle of the quill (9ccloIc); 4:OQO:)8c8:$,.Q the peg that secures the spindle in the shuttle. n. the cross timber on which the keel of a boat is laid when building; o- o&% ~d0~n. saine as CO.: 2, v. t o t~ist a strand (~cm;one kind of c%8. -Der. 3a — G618:co8 (pron. % ~8o6,v. to twist several strands into one rope, to twine 8cogRoeipc~rlro~)j O2~, 3 (from %cO, to exceed), vierb. affix denoting excess [ofteni precedled by c~ and followed by coo~:@i] -r@ac CQO5SOCS~4$(990elOO AC# 2~%$S C 000 0 (as in the English expression " too clever," " too clever by half") o~:)Q-U~5%so& @~cjBovs o 5 q ~~c&Rgccwe v. an astrological term ~o 6ocbci~oe~). OSaiv. to regret the loss of, think of with sorrow (to yearn); ocn)& 11 fcc d~GPd.- =-No@8o5 m co4u' c 44o49iq-8cj 1041 ojsu (cg8,p:I-c8:4:, terms used in connectionwtloe lorn,. absent lovers). c26oac8, v. same (not used),~ -~8: (-qjS'c,) (pron. %8B~6-), n. one kind of song; cS~88,@&cq v. same as c8S., intensive; 8~O~ooeoC~.-o0, v. to yearn after and utter expressions of regret for the absence of one beloved [8o~5~~oM;~jc8 qcLc, i, v. to be easy, not difficult; cj3: 0Co5c~O n 4 5Recgc-8oaLpB, same meaning as ~oc-5 (to be yielding, complying; said reproachfully of women); c~cS is very often combined with other verbs, e.g., qc~oscq CIC5IG~@:CRC (Rcxe) 400C O 8R~6%B -al, v. same; co~g~qo~ ctiicS~og~8~o1B8 iiLcrjc:qo -co~ooxj (pron. ~cgco~oo), adv. easily; 3oR nooiacq~ C86 2, v. to suspend from the shoulder; gc~oeo3iI g:):Gr-oooc2c~iI ooo~%(oae, to carry (in the womb),; COS:)-C8COO-C:qOqz~OIcoa$It CO.-q8:o 0,1 05oORCRB' - 35 n. a wallet (or bag) suspended from. the shoulder. v. to suspend from the head and carry on the back a& la mode Karin (and Shan); Q2uQSo3S~Oouaeooo-cc5c cnc, adv. shiningly; applied to words of whiteness; c~g~caoo3 Q00,3oz8a& oi [c'nc is not used in colloq~uial]. cogv. to be enough (obsolete). — Gop2, adv. satisfactorily; cro~oo~oo~ii, see under 9'~ G -rGc~qGcoAxYSo~)o5, see under rcooo8GoDooS, (none of the above are colloquial terms). 1042lC 96 ev, v. to feed one's self with the hand greedily; comp, Oqc ~~O i~o~8l - @ Q&3WDO ~ (c;S), 'v. to he out of the way, vary from a certain course, c* xQc, (to be past the meridian as the sun or a star);:j.o(S~#@Lci8 to err, be wrong, 9gotilOo3SC gii GQ8S1C5,1213zCR c~, (to contain errors as a writing, ooog) gos, hence eooR and mC8, adv. out of the way (ooC~COScq6S.c~MQ ocfS), differently from what ought to be; oo oooei-bmjzou )en Der. 8~cg* 'un -dab, adv. wrongly, erroneously, in a different manner from what ought to be. "c9, i, v. to be handsome, pretty, beautiful, hence ocqoo? (Oc,9o,euphemism occasionally su'bstituted for Cagoo$~ii - Q~ J o1 sq) (ocq, to be beyohd the usual time, late, as mq~00311 wqf~ocgs9"$ o~igc @ Cos.-@ooS~o oR8-,B735ooo!I 08OQCACBQ '@8iio3ooqo56\cjal8 Proverb). — o, v. (the same); see the parts; ocnooo8:8:o:c93c9o cstO cqcqOoGkoSc3C)coOi c9C90000SZo &4 to be enceinte, Qcq — ox0c0 (pron. cqeooosoB), -cogocqa, v. to~ be handsome and comely, handsome and elegant; WCn8.-JRoS 6o3o0o8OC 9, 2, verb, affix very (excessively, extremely); Gooo8ogua8rcq,-c9' c91icV, often followed in colloquial by Gj and axcoc':, e.g., also often followed by ej and ~ (j);ic8aq, he is very wicked; 'ocqGq~, it is extremely painful. In certain combinations it is used to express the furthest limit as to number, quantity, extent; the utmost, " at the outside," e.g., cjc~q$ qS q r. C9 -— qi)aoe~9q)ogc8cqh cgs ipSu c9mQ ~o~Oa OW~93 3:c~96lCg07 8l 0)75 JG~n q6~J~ &3op8o~'O9N3 i'5 o1cgclq qoooa4Qho)rB~6lc8~oe~v C9805 (pron. cqS3$), n. a rod or staff of authority, see p8oju C9& (from 8), v. to open; less than 8811 sro1 o5c3a 36o#2t @ ~gcg~o~Jj~,lcooS:gcfF~c9068o61sol" v. to lay forth to view; oS3qjos:mc>obb3 cqB@dO1 co:O1Oxcb 6l19cGo, to expose the person, %Scoc woic~BoaA (Prov.); qcq? CqB gu -00 C8Cq ag: 1643 c (from co) (frequently pron. c), v. to go round a thing; =is8C o$'"qC~ to turn round (trans.); A:oc C9 C8 cqq8&, make revolve; ocoefowQ -k c9 Oa-, to turn from a forward direction (make a circuit, c,5); @8 l0cg&,oog~.oco8ocajelsoR),-~o go about, ramble, c9OgHgpoooo S; to court, woo, au361 jiScqRjc9g& Der. os C q1 - 03s (pron. ca:)), v. to lie to, deceive, mislead the tnind; OOOCI9&O)OOOSCODCqII cooScggeos~o~o oogci ll - oo, v. to go round, circle, to deceive; c9Gce~ ooooJce OC8GO09OD~%I ~ ~ ~ z cg9Sjoo (:Boor5oo:)-o:coe~-OAdil Ssee c oos (to beguile); c8Soe3c3eggocoto-ooon3'i c86coPeC9Mo3 (;gG@1 o0ro9os, verb. affix, continuative, though; cowScoge (infrequent). c9t:, I (frequently pron. 'c), n. a cart with two wheels; ce: 8?, v. to travel by cart. -388), n. the body of a cart. - n:,. the front of the cart where the driver's seat is. -n::,. the end of the thills united. - }go, n.; see oegaqx0 (infrequent). no$,. the carved work surmounting the ends of the thills where they are fastened to the yoke. -.865 (pron. -~826S), n. the strip of raw hide securing the cISg$ and o0~==:~-; above the c oeioS -s is the -9 tqe~, a piece of wood acting as a wedge, and round it the strip of raw hide is wound. — cx~~o, n. traders who carry their merchandise in carts.. 6-o >8s (pron. -c4[6s), i. a cart-track; c9oaco8s, n. a cartroad..~c808,S n. a truck or sinmilar vehicle. -91:, v. to hire a cart. ofcq$f ( —c r ), n. the leather ring which secures the shaft of a cart to the yoke. —.oS, n. the outer segment of a Burman cart-wheel; c9goS -co, n. strips of bark inserted between the axle-box of a cart-wheel and axle-tree to lessen rotatory friction; cg3S 1044 e9s8 oQs, '; to insert such strips of bark; water is first injected; see o:sOqSqGRsoI 96:GoqcS:i, cqescao:>8o,, n. the driver's box. g ----4S, v. to convey in a cart, to cart; cqaogoSoos, v. to gain a living by carting. — coSSQ, n. the frame of wood by which two oxen are fastened together for drawing a yoke; CS:St03i cqis,, the arms of a draught yoke by which it is secured to the animal's neck. — ooooS (pron. C6co16S), n. a shaft support (often called OqcoOscoo:S in Upper Burma). - OS36, v. td set up in business as a proprietor of carts for hire, or as an ordinary cartman. - cqS, n. the cross-beam of the body of a cart; gg:qq oS c o'i fj ~i —in, i. the axle-box of a cart (Pron. ogqsooal8:). -— c 8 (pron. cs8:i), n. a cart-wheel; cgiz~oji o3 s8zoCq3 u cq:c8scq8q o Vo, n. the middle piece of the three timbers in a Burman cart-wheel; comp. cg:o8u --—, " the person placed in charge of a number of carts travelling in company. -— 4d, n. one of the small pillars or posts forming the sides of a cart; cg2Cooooo3mu --— o, n. a light travelling cart for carrying persons only. — C ---os) n. a cart-road. - 8S:, n. a circular encampment of carts..-.wX l n. the thill or shaft of a cart. - OCQo, n. a cartman. g, 2 (c) (fom coe:) (frequently pron. cb), v. to throw down from an erect posture, qcz5c9o:; (to strike as colours when an army is defeated, c8Scq6.v jojagScga 9:u oo8oc30a) [ojx~-.cg aSd, v. to lie at full length and sleep], overset, turn or throw from a basis or foundation, (to " throw " as a wrestler, q@e: ago qG=:844-c8cq-.a,,aO6jJ) [also used figuratively, io of:i68% 8G3QII3C 19c$sso3]. os:, 3 (pron. 6v), u. to sweep; az 'Ig~locqSo,-Su [also used figuratively, aoecq~:soosc oooSopi aoq$cgg9soS OfiSYooSQe1]. 1045 cc~~n. a broom which. has a long handle ingerted in the back of a brush. o~e~oo (o8), n. a species of lagerstraemia. The wood, which is red, is used both for building purposes and for making boat paddles, M.' c9,v. to turn back, throw back, Gcoo~ooNG1~4~I &O C ~q~o6;-to repeat, do again, ~c~oraG a 08no65con3ozR~ cq4tr.cpoe; to do in return, oqj&i~coS G o~nojcco~i dc~c~c m coS(oaoe, to turn inside out.as the sleeve of a coat, as m8~COaCMc- oq to turn up the legs of trousers, as GoI&,&*9c310oi:ca 0811.-$ pron. cq~a~), v. to do in return, do back again; commonly implying 'disrespectful conduct towards a superior; COMP. @~q~w =W Gyv. same as cq~ (to turn upside down); x~o3Sq cqJ (from. COJ)' V. to frighten; 080~OO@8C4W22JUI~~G CSQ C: eto sread out, lay out in the sun; 61m~ ci c96 (from co8), v. to uncover, to neglect, leave unperformed, coemO;G% 00:&r= o q8~opii ~o5o qSAz cqSn~ooaoae [to leave vacant, o8o-~6 9Soe5@4; to unclose, leave open, @Oc8-G65qo18D 63z(XIIcq96:)ocZ,-Bu]; in this sense o38 is considered more elegant than ~~] gSv. to reach out, stretch out (the hand); jo:J@c5 C8 (cooc3) c,9~~CSUIc I goiii Q ~ oD~oSGO F O&9$)oicg~c Oir.0to6,019 08q0,8 moDC@OD~ c9s-c.~ ~OqO~,J to step, put forth the foot either forward or backward; r-a5qsoe szoc.&c~cSG4:ocq &-@oe to look forward (to a distant object); Gcqc4 ca~t 002~ g1nooo moo, to aspire to [mmas icg~qosi~q~sgi.lcco 9 ~ to extend (the voice) towards, to call, c3jGV [ OWc C~4icqS.G6TC~rnS.:O1] applied to the reach of a massive 08 ~ocoSo~o~ (see under co~a). caso~t,. v.; see the parts; to anticipate, do with reference-to soiiiething ahead; *QqoS3OOSOYPOQ tend (the voice) tiQ*ards, to call, GAC~sO&iO~ 9~6, v. to empt (a' 'vessel of itscotnsioaohe) CO& nelid ofo~oc toborrow with the idea that the botrower-will, if afterwards required, return the favour to the lender; cTjGo6oS&Q j8 QO~O~cc9~OII 09008@POiO:1.1 0 ~ ~~o.c: to lend money without iitdere t. o* v. same; to extchange, d8, 6-0cq5 cgoocx(M, q~$occoS ~ it. a spear.........c$, n.; see joi — gS (tron. c~8), it. a bayonet. — S8Q~c6, i. a mu~sket furnished with a bayonet. n* x a rod or staff of authority. 7v.- to thrust at with a srpear; c~t CQfl C~qG*6*I~~ - n i. a large spear. NMM=og ft. a dart; cg$4'i ft. the handle of a spear. c5,see under coo; sometimes euphonic; QqOSO )OpeffcOOCSGa)>) c% (from c8S), v. to roll over and over, trans. -coS-@8.8xtoojS C~,. to be diminutive, smaller t~han. common; o~gv p9Ao ~q89Q~ G 0G(~) &S OC&~)~Ioo0~4-ooSo5 -, 'oS:. same (infrequent). vt. to cut with a sliding motion, to cut a slice, as distinguished from qc8 to chop; m~o~O~C~Qcut tobacco; c:C9668, mttSfl00&OR ~3Q&C~ 1047 ~:ov. same. CA8 v. to stir,'move (intrans.), have animal action, to work as a machine, to shake (trans. and intrans.); ooDq4~cS Cox'00908I Va&~q-Q<:GOMcOz ol u rj$o~o~o-:nj, hence xj&S, adv. busily, with the hands and fin~ r ncn stant motionG SSCO6 o:c c8 — cxqcocicO8, n. a rocking chair. - oon. a cradle. — dv. to move gently (?) intrans. cRSo5dSP —?tp) (from Sj.- to move, remove out of the way), v. same as cj8 (intrans.), frequently with the additional idea of change of place, to be agitated [oGI "I (~8yjoso~oa] to agitate, annoy, trouble, molest; xo coe~co~o5 (:~ c- ~k — c~:cj~ozo5, adv. same as oocj~c98, see under c98v c&9Sct9 c~c48'i Qo~s~oo jIIol coeow):r-@D ooesj Q~So3&~o~~:cji5 _cv, same as oi~j&aou n.; see u'88:i V. to warm one's self by a fire;- 8:o 0 warm one's self in the sun; GcoDOc, derive heat from, as a chicken from its mother; &BcI-cosr)0qj 8 GO8 68~8" aB(r5@8sq&;qzoSGco~ji to adhere to, take refuge in;ji QOi5cxi op&1 v. to heat again, imply ing that it was once hot; comP. GA:; n:; to remind, re-excite; sz:qS-,c89oszoS~o~oc- oonol WE~"cGoQCOO, (or oo8~.) O5C>C8o6CO~q1ul Q8i)5C #@8 %v. to give (for a religious purpose, or to a religious character), make an offering;:;psc~c~ `03SQjc~ ac -c:(o~,v. same; c I. n. a boat; ooSQ93, a row boat; Gc9Scx9, a paddle boat;. 93qOR GOi O$OQOiICGi~~n8 )s:~6 0*0.1Q8OCSxoc )O66l OzbODU i48s oQ%=Is rc*0, n. a boat one chances to meet with when wishing to travel by one, a chance boat; ooG30sooccg8Mdgc~:oSdbc --— 8, n. a landing-place for boats. — dc, v. to propel a boat with a pole; co60:solt coa:soooo0n' Gccdoz4oesBGico oSooSii -- oS, n. a boat thief (so called from this class of thieves "diving their hands into the inside of a boat and purloining property); agcoSS, v. to purloin property in such a manner. --— (, v. to race as boats. — b, n.-a boat-racing festival, a regatta; cqgC, to hold such a festival. -cA.M (pron ccponoq), v. to sink as a (loaded) boat, so that the water is level with the wash-board. -— Goo8s, v. to race, as two boats, for a wager. — coo, n. a boatman, one of the boat crew. --— l:r n. a boat-owner (also called;c98:, but the latter term is not considered so polite); Gc X@ooo coooS, the wife of a boat-owner; ogr8soooroSi cgooos (pron. oco0l:),, n. a set of steps, stairs, a ladder; [c@o8Sc8icqoo.:, a winding staircase]. --—, n. the head of a pair of stairs. 4 —:scS, n. stairs descending directly in front, and at the end, of the house of a map of distinction, which may be used only by privileged persons; comp. cogoos:n -—, n. that which supports the foot of a pair of stairs. — co0, n. one step, or stair, or round, a rundle, a rung~ -- oooS, v. to place a ladder in position as in Karin houses or against trees. -— colS, n. the balustrade or side of stairs. — q, n. the foot of the stairs. --— 5^, n. a ladder. -— oS ( —)), n. stairs that do not descend directly in front, but are turned to descend by the side of the house. —. —oo, n. a flight of stairs. sg ooo,,, n. bauhinia, oooGsoooo:ooScoo:, and several qther varieties. 5a)~. _1049 rGcp (from Gc~), v. to make fly away (as chaff), to w-innow; O0h GcgiI =9,v. to be very diminuti e, 0t tr cp, v.; see c3q, to turn round. C~"I, ozn.;see9, I, ac~rt. E\))~, v.; -see q~- 2,'to throwdon Cvi, ~ v 3.; see cqti, 3 to sweep. cz~6,v. to put a small quantity into a larger; g~o~cA9 033 xe~occ9o6S is seldom used 'and i's not cons'idered elegant. -6, v. to aid; GaxodSou oc938, I v. to put intfo'and shut up (as goods in a che~t, -o cc9oimcoewc85(~j om~cq8 cA~ooto; or in a building,.-0 61GoSuc8rG9~8; or animals in an enclosure, ~%:o-B:tc~ c~~~Gc~CTODO; Or Men in prison, n 8 ~ 3 00040u-:i) [cgoS also means to be close, "stuffy," as a room, e.g.,. A-Ba~oe~9ocG*8 G,4G000b0 D ODO'i40GCO0 GC908, 2, V. to be rude, saucy, impertinent [to banter]; GD1CC Gtc93-8s, i, v. to linie, place a long inside;is 1o09e pa-per in the inside of a chest-(i) o& norc38.@mo4j OiR ni Coe~v (2) G o:8icQ3oSGc~o8i(:mo3o~ coO6464 ioou (3) ~c938)&, 2, v. to be, diffusive. as scent, whether pleasant or unpleasant, or a sWa~rm of flies, mosquitoes, &c.; used adverbially (rarely, if ever, used in colloquial). oc.v. to stir backwards and forwards (as in parching peas'); -ooS (pron. oo3SAo), n. a boat-paddle. n. a racing canoe;;cc9c~ Wv. to be fresh or newly-polished (as gold by -hot sand-), ccSSsoo8*o~ con)ff; comP.~=8 Gc9Sonn: (pron. cc9Scib:), ii. a boat of s'tate, With a high orname'nted stern; ccS0ioo d~~ c9Sc=o'dcB).Rq8w~eu [very..similar in meaning to 8CGqo8Qo8*Gc9&-.@I]U c~65, v. to be thrown up or out, leaving 'a condavity in the~centre to swell up, lie loose as grain in a measure not shaken 332 ;050 down, to throw up or out as in scooping an excavation, Voqo:;' cornip a cq, to feel uneasy, distressed, in body or mind; oS~esc~qo~aeso'I xn~~o:ou -9:, v. same, last sense;= n8 8*0.1~@:u jzot SONV ~u Cjo~@:~ & GBGO ~c~~1GCOz)1 J~GwD$ 00:nG.O c~,n. a niche in a pagoda or in the side of a brick or stone wall, for any purpose. -— i8, 4o~ojz, n. same [e9 c~G6il8soq, v.- to make a tunnel].-6)n. 'an echo from an arched roof; c~o~Oo:)-@Oe1.c&S, 2, v.-to be numerous, abundant, Guloso -u used with reference to fruits. Usually applied to fruit-trees; o~-3-C81:j. O0% WOl qq ~Ooobo 003;Cgo1 00Rl 610% STJOC5G81 -CO3)OOOO Gm~ccS:coooqo also applied to fish, e.g., c~coio6%o@6Soq f9:6~1.61:cffi o% [coQg is a term unknown in Upper Burma, but 'Used by people living in the Irrawaddy delta wtreeece to the time, at the close of the rains, when the river begins tofall rapidly.] c98.*, i, n. a wave; c~8:c4q, a great wave or. billow (c~S-.@CGP 61461w6 as in the way of being compelled to do anything no/ens volens.) w- -3n. the swell of the sea; 8GO5 p~ — sBoo, v. to swell as the sea; cla &B ON @6~,n. a cross-sea....-,@653~8mc, v. to meet as cross-seas, u-qv. t& rise to the waves as a boat or ship (in contradistinction to o&-oiCT to lie like a log in the water); c18, nw —0 8sc.,, n. a breaker (?) n. a white-crested wave n familiar English a sean. a wave compressed by the shore. -O00,v. to feel affected with nausea either at sea or on a river, owing to the pitching or rolling of a boat or ship. v. to dash,,strike against, as a wave. — on. a small curling wave, a ripple; ~8-o:rctooAu C~b 1051 091" IOg ' c5 6i, v. same as c~8sGoooou [c8i**q is said by some to be a stronger term than c48:cofoaS]. -8, v. to be caught in a sea or in rough water on a'river, Tcooogoecllcgo96 F0 I sc0998 -o, v. to take in water as a boat or ship from a wave or wave dashing against it [in familiar English to "ship a sea "]. C8 G@O, 2, v. to speak in a bombastic, boastful manner;. ro ~8a, 3, v. to bind into a bundle or sheaf; oe~*, n. a sheaf; omoc&~aa. Der. szo 08 0 c#8, 1, v. to be before, beforehand (obsolete), g980, hence oz c98, 2, verb. dCiox, continuative; see Grammar, sec. 109 og(denoting first, the completion of an action or state of being prior to another, as oac0918rooce, having gone he died (cRx G80ZoaoOe); second, supposition or conditionality, as oRD c986cooo, if he goes he will die; (GooSo.cq Gc8~o, if he asks for it he will receive it); adv. distributive, see Grammar, sec. 126, 8, as cocx8000-o, a basket a month; sometimes definitive or emphatic, [euphonic, as szc2~c!8ncq&r o0898, &c.] oq8 (frequently pron. 95). - os (in colloquialfrequently pron. cglSoe:), -os, n. same ( cisQ~6c60og~s~ j~, ~ ~ C 0e 0 S~lo PIj~3An Cl88669~8 1 3: - or o8A -oAx, v. to lighten. 038, 2 (pron. 5S), v. to be very thin, flimsy; used adverbially; [ocaSoulooecjq S 8 c )30 co-woLS (in this sense 3jS is used figuratively) o(]B(-looa 8clSog8Icg8ncn couoo5]; to be light, quick, rapid [oo QQ0Io0acclo3fcy l crnao2:1; to glitter, coruscate, g OqpJrcS azoq agos (0cX4GO)I 4: @c=S Ioo,-;8ogoepti~ ~cqo48 $oo~~S.- oo c. go q coQ808M 3o j& *-r-4~qjS1ccoe~-q;'to be light, vain, unsteady, wanton, (to perform work in a superficial, perfunctory manner, mcq83Qooa ogq8!So3secq1 gQa1o1ooc6cg8C9eS.ORV O 05C98-o& 80sooc) n cOiu -...ocozic, n. a wanton woman; ised appellatively. W. awe inmhe. last- sense; Gooopi ccoSvc4 ooaR;p [C98GorQOCOSQ0]. C, 3,, v, to, extqrtM nipey undrr a falspe ppreqene -.3,o~*g toV-to bp brmiI full, Gc~ ooc)S6otq:, applie ~ figurativel to flame O8s#..,cgs SIC5~~ o ioo l']and. to ver'bo9se, bombasti. language, ~~;al~o apliefto in~consecutive Walbingicure aJsP to superior mental) capacity, as cgsz SgoS ~G~C~ to have a' brlist intellect, thence oolsci:s". (98o.o5) brilliant~ly,. glittering Y] c~(pron. A) v. to run over, (as water); (~zlin uqc1DoG~ 'j6. o&jb@ 4B C~o9&oo @n ~o~oo~oqijcp~ ecoo1, I( ~c~'[t oerflow its bank as. a river Gcfjc8oqgj my(frequently written and pronoucd -5)1 ~8. ~on. ~ n. the uviln Sv. to, have. a stiffness ofi the tongue so as not to be able to speak; -on. the faculty of speaking with authority; so~v65, -Q)o.o -c88 (pron. o~l:88), n. the tip of the tongue. -ccqoS, v. to put out,,show one's. tonigue; c~o~I'l.:my --—.-g q, to be thi!Qk-tongqfed,. nQt able tq speak clearly and accurately, v. to njoxcW (4oards) in- carpentry; 0oo0)CO3 ~Oc. * ~ a.a grj ov?~. n.t~ soren~ess of, th~e tong~up; cg:) tefotad rotdisee(cat; ) v. to be thin-tongued, loquacious;- co~oO:C~~nOr*OROS G~I~ 1Q53 cgqlqo w-cc (pron. ocg&)gdGo:),j n. medicine to rub on the tongue. - Lpo oj n. same as cgoc8S; o obco: ~ [The Burmese often say when momentarily forgetting anything c ic ' (tron. c9Xpi0oq8). Goc3Iot1]. --- S:, ~n. the root of the tongue; c9:1)r8 (.o5jocY.oGc@ — co6 (pron. cqoc6o5), v. to be accurate (and fluent) in pronunciation; &oo~bx3Ocoo 0,30c uo~wCogooe~ooeCi% to have acquired a taste for an article of food or drink which was at first disagreeable; 3zomq-qVO-c8-jooocoe~ Gx93 (pron. c@:) (in colloquial) to slide down; o=oGosoToc9o05 qOl CESII a3 G6gOC3 C G000011 00 0' 6q:3 U -4, adv. rustlingly; &oo:)s ~8dC c oo j i Gcoa@os5 coo 00. QOC3 *@,o~19 BG@ =611l 01v0. -?3, n. one kind of satin. — c-6sn. an abortion (rude); oQ)j:)GVCO0 1MFcOS co:)8 to -GO9~, adv, slopingly; coo -coo -GQno 3j fl,3c9 e, also rustlingly; GcgaoS (frequently pron. cqooS), v. to address a superior. _qdS, 1n. an address, the substance of an address to a superior. — o0, -o2-) (more common), n. a written petition; GO3cgooq2: ooS'IGcggoo5c~oRS's, to present a petition. 00~8,, v. same as GoqJSOC&i r.93CCBO5o3 S1Gc O)5,j 33oSC g, but honorific' and rather applicable to kings'; comp. o!coase: 00811 -Wyco:,, v. same as Gcaloo o:G*-co(r.,o0C~c~,,I V69p8C jq~,-So~ 3JoS;a05qqloTCor0005Cc86co)co o SG@:oC)S Gcog r O 60SGoDS@o C~ 113;)jq8Q8. 0-0 C~05 pGOOS VPS6oOOD -- [-ooo Zcq],v. to address (a superior) by tuFris, to plead alternately before a court; q@~GoSazocsqcccoo G~~oEGo~olqooi33e~U ~ u GCg? (commonly pron. c~j), v. to loosen: make lax; to loosen, diminish, abate (trans.); ~gc8G c jui 883Q3a3I~: a3qQG9F, _9 C&Q ~Oq6cOc-qQC OOS3qI13ZXO5 C9. G~ 4~ 1@0S 35 11 GOD 005 CX]DICO(D566CYI-130COC(B~GO3a305~e~tlI -Go1,~ v. to yield, to give up the point of dispute or contest (to slacken as a rope), to pay out (as a. fishing line or a 1054 cable); aooosQxolj Qoc8o9Joq 0G0o2302O8s 6o00iI 61 clgjou:ooe~;vc1:oaCc:ao8b- N (c1"qO:) &-aCq?0G091C0 qO% cg5, i, n. a kind of tree, the fibrous inner bark of the said tree and of some other trees and plants, as 4, qcsvoS (rqS 9qoS, to strip off bark),. -- n,. a rope made of the bark of said tree. ---- n,. the said bark beaten, dressed [and made into a kind of coarse cloth, worn by ascetics (qro:q)]. -4 (the Sterculia ramosa, M.). _ (the Sterculia versicolor, K.), n. the varieties of the said bark most commonly used. - g8, n. a strip of said bark. - ol, n. the Sterculia ornata, K. GcqJS, 2, v. to wash (clothes or the hair), szooScGrojn r618-c4 c.CS; comP. GOW(8f Cj (Pron. 1), 1, n,, a medicine or charm to secure favour, of which there are three kinds- poh', that which has influence with kings; g3 (8~oj 8 ), that which has influence with women; and oocsj, that which is of general efficacy. "4,2 (pron. 1), v. to thrust through as a bar through the hole of a post, coSr —c-jScgaqaSoc1, or thread through the eye of a needle, mSzcb8cl; to bolt, o6a6s1- oq; comp. os and n-:,. the channel of a small stream in level ground, occasionally dry, oogvacnioj, see ~s A, v. to do secretly under a guise; sazqc aue3-3rocj — MooMS, v. to be indirect, covert (in language), to conceal one's self; qnja3oG8';6 S o3p:a3 0 c c0 g S0 o8oq.s -_-96, v. same as I., to conceal one's character, be hypocritical; oon9::cJ9oc Gmooo&,iioe~ oo9)Sm~c9d-ga 0Goo 40, V. to stoop and enter; &o80oa6f sd ccjc ma6; also used figuratively, e.g., ao,3ofcgogjsf 1c uqoo VIsaiGszonS*J — c98coocM.Goooosooe~#g c2, n. a saw [o&fta, a cross-cut saw; wx-o&-Ac2, a scroll saw; 8q ag, a saw set in a tectangular frame; and rc6fscg, a key-hole saw]. - 0, n. the hire of a saw, wages for sawing. -— o6 (pron. caooS), n. a steam saw-mill. c20o5 1055 c2o8 (pron. co,8), n. a frame for sawing timber. — 0- (pron. c2ogo), n. saw-dust. — cooo:, n. a log for sawing [a teak log, longer than the ooo8 and shorter than q@; it must be at least 4-ubits in girth and not less than 8 cubits in length. It is usually simply Cg]. --— ~o3 (c2o:Q ), see coon -- 03, v. the saw cuts. -— cS5, n. a tooth of a saw. -- cq8, n. a pair.of sawyers. -- ~: ( —8), v. same as cgo2Sn,. — ~oS, v. to saw. -- 028, n. a saw-pit. -- cooG (pron, co18), n. the proprietor of a sawing establishment, [v. to set up as the proprietor of a sawing establishment (as a verb pron. as spelt).] — ooS, v. to saw out of line, to saw crookedly. — oo5, n. a saw-wrest. - oo03g, n. a sawyer. — 2~oL, n, the points of the teeth of a saw. --— Go, v. to have one or more of the points of the teeth broken off. c08 (frdm co8), v. to blow away, dissipate, 1col68:so186soCGoo(2[ ogosoe; [to throw away, sooSoSqoSjoGoSo- c oSol]; to disseminate as news, publish, c8oo08s98oo [o$GcooSaco: go agOSCoQ3a0ll Ogj^Gii Sc? 66oOcs:gds CSgS G^ 03x^ S aosq oo, at the time of my going to Mandalay, I hear that you circulated nothing but evil reports about me]; to sail, go on the sea; ooG508-sogoSaoqoao8CG$Gcg.codilI cgoS (cooS), i, n. the building occupied by the king's supreme court. The Supreme Court of Judicature (at Rangoon); 3afic850@O2o ogSoacoS, the British Parliament. "The "Burmese ministers were of two classes, whose duties and "position were in old times quite distinct, though they lat"terly more or less merged into each other. The one class "consisted of those whose authority and responsibility were "confined to the palace; originally, no doubt, they were "officers of the household. The other class consisted of "administrative officers properly so called, and as these "were the more important, it will be best to deal with "them first. This second class constituted a great council "of state called in Burmese the ' Lhut Taw' or ' Lhut" taw,' in which all administrative power was vested. The " Lhut or council thus discharged at once the functions of "" a house of legislature, a cabinet, and a supreme court of "justice. It met literally at the king's gate, in the building "situated in the esplanade or courtyard between the 'Red' "(od< t$) or main gate and outer gate of the place enclo"sure. The various ministers had small offices of their "own, not far from it, within the same space. The Presi"dent of the Lhut was nominally the King himself, or, in " his absence, the Heir Apparent, or some other member of " the Royal Family. Practically, the Prime Minister usual"ly presided. The officers who composed the council did "not seem to be divided by any sharply defined line as " superior and ministerial, though their functions sufficed "to designate them as such. There were in all fourteen "grades. Eleven of these grades comprised four, or not "less than four, officers each. They were as follows: * * * "first, the Wungyis or Mingyis. The term 'Wun,' by "which many kinds of officials in Burma are designated, "means literally a ' burden' and metaphorically a' burden "of affairs' or the bearer of it. Wungyi is hence ' a great "official.' If the title had to be translated into English, "'Secretary of State' would probably express it best. "Each of these chief ministers had his own department " or departments, but the distribution of work was a per" sonal matter, and was never unalterably fixed. Indeed, " though the Wungyis always had territorial as well as a "lhost of other titles, even these were not attached to "their ofice or hereditary, but were given from time to "time by the king."-Pilcher; see ^ ogoSxooS ~E @:, n. formerly one of the four mingyis of the Lhtttaw, Upper Burma; in Lower Burma, a Judge of the 'Supreme Court of Judicature or Special Court (in Rangoon), the Judicial Commissioner. ogoS, 2 (from 1go), v. to free, release [to suffer to escape as an animal, j~),$ boo (or 8o5q80oo) 8oC) oo1l]; emancipate, Cafg$33~S cooSg cgoSc oSooii to send (a;&03q coZsooGcos ogjoooS@c8c coocoCGO Sog cgogCoOgdSc oloSr) to discharge an accused (as a Magistrate), amo8os osp ao6JdMc2oaoo6 or ogo8cqoSoo~i -— oo, n. a document from the husband to the wife renouncing all marital rights; xoonQ g o>:oo c: 0o 0gooaioSo:05 os * .1 cgs: 1057 ~ocqoSc, v. to send away [to dispatch an agent or messenger, QA`to dismiss from service [c — 3 r.GO00 o2 (og~), v. to take precedence, on higher ground or advanced position, c~co8 SoS5 Gc~io~ to exe~qLSj-p~:cS:poc~~i~o~.o~x4co o~~) to pass over aoA), to go or reach beyond as sound, oZ GQo~ro)8= - (cg~ *), v. same, ist def. (more frequently met with, in writings than in colloquial); c2~06 also means to exceed, e.g.,, ozBmoo 8G@8 oo~qoo~oocg~II g93 o)50008:cq occS\~"-(gGooo-qo~C the misery of our not seeing our parents greatly exceeds the misery of the Brahmin's beating us. ~ copv. to transgress, oogsaool c2$og.~qooae 3Qcjoc~ 80 cS.rGo~ooalogco~-~S~Lfll (in writings c-2 qxII-j in this sense is preferred to acjj. which is more commonly used in colloquial; their meanings appear to be exactly similar), to be in excess, more than proper; a cq a~mioqic (ma) Qowooe~i -go (c2~q), adv. exceedingly, excellently, excessively, o:~000ii c080 G0008 c20,0G~.OO 3 O)wA-0.8(;Cv oil [cR$8o is occasionally used in colloquial, oRRoooei %D~ow9Gq03p-)el c~$Ga~o8 is far more frequently met with in colloquial, e.g., % QM38o00500&i. %8$G=3O~q-o1oe]. 2Sv. to spread over, overspread; ooCA~c 8.'~0 C20Gp OL~HCS~ +GQ8Gojo-0, the whole of the city is overspread with smoke, one cannot see the houses; quo@oe:cR~ R (*5:) 0g~ ~ io~~ aa~o8 _9aoepu cn~ 8oos _ 8,v. to adorn by 'Covering or spreading over; ca:oo, x8O8r-0G0 3 xo:II91o3c28r4Q0i - qv. same, to overwhelm; G9@.=~,'~io.G(BS Rson[to overshade, overshadow, C.qOO? 133 1058 C q:6 V. QW'o,jCPqOe~I~o QOog ooor~ii raoodjim ~,i, v. to be very thin, more than dlsu *Sq.sco-MC qc511 046&:d5 ~C.~Qeocu 089Io1Ctc~050ooon Moc COO8 03c~oc 9:c~i~o~ Q9 Romcinqqgz~ Szqo& 060oci also used figuratively, e.g., e~cecocS rmoO&*o0%ii c~z)oOGOIt slice, cut into slices, GCI - 8,a. single, not double, as cloth; 02.':, 2, v. to throw out or upon. with a spreading motion; oot q~oooa horse cloth);to leap up on or over from some distance, q$c2,:)%; G~S,-c~cqnoaoor c~p:coom; to wave (as a flag). o5g~c5?oii oco.c~o5c~ o5R~oo c~?=3-s~o%; to unfurl a flag, azo3dc2oo8; to unfurl a sail, &o8 ~o<Gox; to line, place along inside, as loose paper in a chest, Goooc85c~ o~~ c~ozm,8oopSr moo~ ORIl:3I~:c88o~u (cr?:) does not convey the same idea of compactness as Gcqo6:). Der. mc~o~u (~s (c~), i, ni. an outlet by the side of a reservoir. — 0,5 (4io61oS), n. same; o~o1S..6I8e c~ou ~qoao~G~jo~, eo~c~cjoo5S~q8qoe~i [a waste-weir]. I C,2 [(from 6~?) (d~)], v. to go out of the way; j o%*8oo80S Qx~c~OOP6II OD8~QOTO0 C2~o6 oqo oc4-3go'. o69ooo89'ooooe~l o6~, to put out of the wa7; cqQ @8 osz iqjcoc-go5o C-oo~ turn aside; ~o8Ros CJ$GCOSjSGCQOO3SSrtII Omogq.4~ -Ooocb, divert, digress; O~~G30=111 G@2 OIiGcoGsr.0)86 c~G@0O=I ~~~~~~C G oi1io~~~ 3G@:ao00~, to dispose of, give 4way ( 'Go:), transfer (to another), 'Lo8 mco.-; to swing, make swing, co c2 c2 5~ to strike -or throw with a swinging motion of the arm, cmo:~ 90S) c2o8oboto [cQi~ooo, to have no alternative, to be inevitable, oC~o~oooqtaoe]. -w8 (~~,v. to dispose of, give away; eoo~BA-od~ Sto refer a case to a 'higher court,; coesiC388 Q8Tj&ASc~q ao c:Q8o6%;oi aS8qooeii =2"cfiS (more elegant and respectful than c'=S in speaking of a case referred to a hIgher court).]2 v. same as C~, 2nd def. o 1059 dgSv.; see the parts; QGqC g8(;"0)8 ~C29J8~G*400e~ 881~ Rocq (Gcioo~S'G), n. the Hoolock monkey or white-browed gibbon [the white-handed gibbon or long-armed ape]. ON (The twenty-ninth consonant in the Burmese alphabet.) 0),1) n. the sign which represents cipher. c2Bv. to mark with a cipher, passing sentence (or when about to put to death; 9869ooCJ(M.0~0~9o0000oe). -o~o~qpol, v. to be thus marked (or included amongst those thus marked); co~oh~18~~z5il 0 -cSv. same as ocqocm -c~sqm~,n. a dish marked with small circles, ooj8)cy)i1 0,2),n. a kind of plant [the Telinga potato, Arum campanalatuml. 0, 3, v. to be full, satisfied with food (or drink); couSo(.8P: c~o@ OD)gi1I~=o6Ofo~s, to be satisied with looking at an object; ~: (~~) ~ ~ o61[also used with reference to a fire-balloon when inflated with hot air as v. to be refreshed with sleep). -c~a (pron. oGoo), v. same, to abound in, be plentifully supplied with (as a country w~ith provisions); @~-@ oe~o8ol GcoDuoG@: is frequently combined with ao~m~ii ooo wooG- oldall or@)8. plenteousness (o8o~:mqo28 3 033MO ~04,61~ cox); o(j,. (Uf.,) has a somewhat simi-lar meaning. -o),v. same as 011 33qSD 8~Q0:C~9 G.00J 5qQAO3) o4,v. to be corpulent, plump; coinp.co S o~c 008Q$004=@1I OaY)O 3#sooefiO;GC\-mORoe~u -~v~, v same; 3za-c)swGGco(J: (@-) ooe~u 3zo:)-=oDOS 00~c~ (0 g 0~ ~ i '0o00gcQ, to be well nourse and strong]. — co6, v. to be (as human beings) in vigorous, perfect health, to -be ingod condition as'horses, buffaloes and bullocks; OOCO8 cc~S3G3)oa6)-i he died even while in perfect health; o coosi g&84 c~cos ooejyt, ooco&4o8 o.coogi, foo -am 8. cAcYJQ~GC00g0 ) 14I1n regard to the bullocks I lent for ploughing, are they in good condition?" "They are not wio6t merely in good condition; they are sleek in their fatness." (8: implies that the coat or skin of an animal is as glossy as if it had been combed). ooS, I, n. a hog. --—, n. a screw [a hog's intestines]. -— qS, v. to braid. -- 3G S (q @S), n. sausage. --— qoS, -c03, v. to turn or apply a screw to; to screw; ----— 4, n. taps and dies. -- 3Sq8, n. the worm of a screw. -— 3c8, n. same [a screw-driver]. - 3c8S3oGGooS, n. a rifled cannon. - 3C88SCoo~oS, n. a rifle; oo003cS or ~oq:c86, n. the grooving or spiral channel in a rifle. --— cq&, n. a screw-driver. -- oo, n.; see ooS6doSi — @8, n. a species of rattan. -.-co8t, I, n. a bastion, bulwark, a brace (in writing). -- 018s, 2, n. a fenced pathway into an enclosure, fort; smaller than q: (q) ccooo8, which see. — sq:o ) (4), n. an annual, a weed growing to the height of about 2 feet, bearing a minute yellow flower. It has alternate, lanceolate, notched leaves 3 inches long. It appears to be the same as the goz008: (c5A:Q), but is quite different from the oYSGo:su -— 8:, n. an oblong, open-work basket to carry a hog in. — a-, i, n. a pig-sty [in Lower Burma a barred cage in a police station house; oSo oq8Gco8]. — g, 2, n. a small pimple with a sore, especially on the face; — oCQocgq, n. swill. -— Cgo, n. a hog's tusk, the pin which secures the shaft of a cart to the axle-tree, the blocks under the head of a ship's keel when building.. --- —S::8:, n. a solid tusk of a hog used as a charm. —.-o8o08dS, n. same. --— B, n. lard. Io6I oooqz8, v. to tie hand and foot. -*;00080., n. a large male hog in his prime, a species of the pyrula shell, aooooo&-o8:n -C-080, -coc8os, n. a yoke for a hog's neck; formerly a similar yoke for the neck of a culprit. -p:, n. a species of clam, 9895oS86i -;018, n. a ham. -— t, n. a species of pumpkin. - 98, n. the bristles on a hog's back. - 98c&y, n. a brush made of bristles. -_Gp&:030c08 3 (pron. ooScp$S:o0c000), n. one who slays animals and sells the flesh; oo5cssp6-oogc:n (o5closGoo8). — oSrog:a8, n. the fat inside a hog; comp. ooSc8# -- ccg5, n. [a kind of sterculia, one name for the soondree, the Heritiera litoralis; comp. 0oz, see GcgS]. --— 6, n. a bear. - 8q, n. the oak; [the hog chestnut, Castanea tribuloides, M.]. _ —WOO, n. pork. - CO(ss;loS, n. the fat part of pork, [a kind of medicinal tree]. -— Uooge oCS, n bacon (Pron. by Upper Burmans oo~oaG@xB a, oc oxo)6, fried or broiled bacon would be pron. oo5 -c~O, I, n. a boar. — 0 ~, 2, n. an annual, a weed growing to the height of 4 or 5 feet, having tomentose, cordate leaves, which with the petioles are 5 or 6 inches in length. ooS, 2, v. to halve, divide into two equal parts; @S8icooSoCo,: (g). Der. szooS, ooo5aoc, coaSGo()58:0fj 96CYui~ooe3D 'Co5B OOCR8203Q&a j G 03oS(aBOOS(c~.orq5G4S00e~II ooyn~q8, n. a kind of plant (creeper). ocrBN8 (ouS), n. a kind of plant, the Zollingeria macrocarpa. ooSq, n. a kind of tree. oc58%e, oaS@So3, n. sedge-root. oo5g (pron. ooSoo), n. three poles set apart at the bottom and united at the top..-ol:-O (t) n. a battering-ram. io62 06 iOCBRGo8'S v. to set up muskets (or sticks) together crossing one another; o=,o8or8ccxoiS, to pile arms. oo5Q@, n. a kind of tree. oo5Sjo, n. epilepsy or apoplexy, oo~ii:@~$i iiOSOO. a kind of grass [Papyrus pangorei, M.], in some parts of Lower Burma- used for thatching houses. 00500562~s (c~), a corruption of =65=6o36's (c~,adv. exceedingly; lit, to bursting open; ~a() o~osooo56~, (0~) caZ-D oe~ cqoe~-BoooSoos6t (A')41i Oa-BoooS, n. the measles, )5cc5 oBoiioolosio-o~oC)O:cAcBii oo~cS~QvI, v. to overcast (in sewing). o8 (Pali 0GBl), n. a set of things classed together; particularly a class of letters in the alphabet....-,-(dl), oqooS, v. rto be repeated unnecessarily; applied to writing; co:-o~oaoe~]; ocxo:o8 (oI)oqco, [oDo8 (61) o~coD]. 0", 1 (Palli &oo), n. a race, succession, descent; a history of successive persons, places, or things. Der. Soo&icgo8, G*0m08, qGoS08l 08, 2, v. to enter, go or comne in; cq~roo~aK 0 Fo~o~og65j~c ~ [to go to bed, S38cDo6], to set,' go down (as a celestiaLl luminary), rzo&i oCo061WoS; (to~.sing to an accompaniment on a musical instrument, e.g:,~'8 C~ )p~o8oaz:tcoo8~coo:,' can you sing to an accompaniment on the " saung " or on " the puttala"?); to go over from one party to another-as in war; qt5:~% (4) GoSoao:Iic8$:~GoSoa:s 00760@1 Ct~o80o.@co0 have you heard, sir, that the Mon6 Sawbwa has gone over to the Theinni Sawbwa's side? ['Mo' in all Burmanized Shan names is a corruption of the Shan word " mirng " signifying " a country' -0, n. an entrance; [o&co~oobooiT)5, v. " to come in incessantly," traders and lhay-thugyis often adopt these words as a motto].....-g, n. income [moniey given as an advance or as part payment of a debt]; G'8q8o~]:o oo*o n o8c8OOG COnOS9O5GcjI~C8SOP g,i -0 (pron. o~o~m) v. to enter into the enj~pyment of, oSjooll o86600:; to go over to another party or power [to enter into another state of ~existence];j ~ oo~c oc: o163 oEoos j 33o000 osiig oosioos108 ^ ooooSoCooS oos a ooooo olloooos:cog6co5i, f [It also means to enter heartily into any undertaking, when coupled with' 8',' e.g., 0owaqj3g ooc68o5oo0:oo3s. Some Burmans in this connexion pronounce o060; o8o~ (o~), but it is probably a corruption of 0o 000]. o80oooS, n. the hermit crab, cusgoon o8ol (oo5ol), n. the name of a range of mountains intorted and intervolved, the Burmese walls of Troy, a labyrinth; o0ol (oc5o1), Gooo8.o861 (oo56l), 8oSo81o (oouol), I (), this is one of the grandest of the Burmese festivals, and is celebrated on the full moon of Thadingyut at the close of the " Wa " or Buddhist lent. This festival has its origin in King Theinzi, who, in order to pacify his enraged subjects, was obliged to banish his son Wethandara (coooo&p) to the mountains of " Winga," whose summit is reached only by narrow, winding passages which to this day are represented by those of a " wingaba " or labyrinth. o8 (oo5) qe (pron. o8oqj), adv. in a deceitful, treacherous manner; o5 (oo5) qgo0coS (gocB) oo3qoso ,qCo oco&~,981 o6:, n. a spindle, an axle-tree, any axis; c,3oSobcooggi o o5, v. to swing round (the hand or an instrument), qoc; to spin, ca; to make boastful pretensions, o1ooo4ogmooscoGo . ~80-08600C)508030&730035040 ^63ogiooooioogco — o-cq, v. to be boastful, quarrelsome; ooc5o8c oo,8$*5on -- o, v. same, 3rd def.; wooS6aoosooSo8oloooooo oaG8o0 ago6 olo 311 o08, i, n. a fence made of wrought materials, forming an enclosure. -— o:, v. to arrange troops with a view to accompany or form a passage for a great man; o 8olo@S o5c0S0og~,1G.1 o08 g:c o508s6:aoo8ndS<Goo0o6 6 s6 q6 oog0 --—:, n. an officer who has charge of one of the four gates of the palace, o8:cooSoj, -- ooo:, n. body-guards, who reside within the outer enclosure of the palace yard. o08, 2, v. to be brightly yellow; more than ol6ii9qcjo5o08so oS g~~~~t~ 11~6~~c~P0~0~3 ~ B~~3~TlfOE0)08;)@E3~! 10074 005 oc0cS, n. an explanation subjoined to a 8&oS; in the vernacular language 8goS4=r,@6:D&Qoc5 08 (pron. oA) (Pali), n. words, language, ooo:su -ci (Pali co), n. a deed performed in words; comp. x'Oo3 and oCo5n o8o5c0q8aI o8oY5@89i0woood 05oW o5 cpo5 oj.b0 SC 005t086110001So0l8@@89 X33qX) 000 0Tjll ogoS (Pali qua8@os and oGl8noi:), n. the anus, o3aqu611 sA, see oo&ia5 oo03CcOOq (oMOn:), n. polished, agreeable language. ogoo, adv. whirringly; o oeige omo08ot-occoA- oao8opo4@8: llqcooSoeCgo'pg z co3a38oco IosU o~ (Pali ol), n. the result of 8mooS, or the evil consequences of sin, which remain after the main penalty has been borne in a previous state; ou5no00c~SI ocQpo (Pali), n. appearance, mxo8a ooS, 1, n. duty, service due, as ocqapooS, the duty which creatures owe to God; 800ooS, the duty which children owe to parents, &c. _-cq$ooSG@, adv. in the way of fulfilling duties or obligations or duties; oc5cqfoo8sGQoSG&$sc,~ -cq1go8.:, n. a small building (permanent or temporary) app-opriated to penance performed by p6ngyis (usually in the month of Tabodw~). - RgooScoS, n. important and minor duties collectively. - (;@a (pron. c@S), v. to be of various colours, a clerical term applied to a layman's dress. - i-jo5, n. the basin, or bowl, used by p6ngyis for eating food Sout of. -- 08, v. to reverence,^honour, discharge fully one's duties to a superior, as a pupil to a teacher, a wife to a husband, &c.; -S Eo8o Q:8&uooSo8 is seldom used in colloquial. -—;-ofs, v. to go up statedly to perform certain religious duties (the duties are performed in theevening); qqasoocoSoi,30ogog~~oscq 60~a cgo oSr, rfioj u -~0lo6, same as oo3o~6g8II -c4, v. to perform extra duties, as in priests dwelling for a season on the ground; cou5: ooSpsog:co: ooE — q —o5, v. to have the performance of duty interfered with, ooSc0511 oco@, v. to perform duty (particularly, the duty of stated religious worship, dc,ogS);.ospcooSyoqpgcoougBcGoo5 -- c@, v. to have discharged one's duty. -— G@G.oS&, v. to discharge one's obligations, so as to leave no cause of complaint. -— 6-, v. see next. - G, v. to discharge one's obligations to a superior by waiting upon him, and performing acts of polite attention, as a pupil to his teacher. -_qO5oocs@, see next. — G~, n. sacred ground, glebe land; ao~GoogoqT-CooSc "coo oSooo(, same. -— Goooc:, n. a government writer pertaining to some sacred ground. -— G@o~, n. formerly the officer in charge of sacred grounds. oo5, 2, v. to put on clothes, dress; to wear (as clothes). Der. - o-s, v. to dress, array with; oS-iqoooSooSooo:, to dress extravagantly. — oosCoosoo, n. ornamental dress, wearing apparel. - 0o8, v. same as ooS-co89q8iiooS8c& ooo8ooorcSooii — oo0S: (pron. ooS55go6 ), adv. with shabby and faded garments; ooS5e8oos:8,, (pron. ooSoe8oe). -- co0co8, aclv. open (as the clothes), wantonly, lasciviously (not necessarily in a lascivious manner). — o_, n. a greatcoat or cloak. -- 4 do9 O.O G^, n. a Barrister-at-Law. -- c (co), n. clothes worn on special occasions. -— co ( c), GcoS, n. clothes worn by the royal family, as ooScO — cGooSoq, n. clothes which have been laid aside by the royal family; ooS cooSoq qoo: Gco5ooii ooSoj8oo:, n. the heavy accent (,) G.|Go.lon [After the symbol of - (1 or o) at the end of a word the heavy accent is termed 'ooSoBSo~' or 'o oSosoq.Goo1S,' and after consonants (Ne:) 'G oo-8 ' (in Upper Burma) and 'c..oGoo5' in Lower Burma]. 134 xo66 o$ oc&a, n. the stamen, anther, and pollen of a flower,, [the core of a boil, osoSoog; o&gScog, v. to suppurate as a boil; coc&Sa also means the core of a boil]. -- cQ, n. the stamen. -— g, n. the anther. ocS6odl,8 adv. freely, without fear of offending, aoo:o5ob (rarely, if ever, used in colloquial); oa5o8Sc88 o1S, I, n. property, goods, money; 2g o8 1U -- o, n. sacred property;" particularly applied to sacred grounds. --— omo, see under cOo1 ogl, 2, n. a pattern, representation; coo5oco, a tatement of events, a tale, narrative; commonly applied to narratives extracted from the Buddhist scriptures, of which there are several kinds, as acSo:goofLnocoSogti o8oo0B ocicog qyco oB 1.8o083go Bs"oioo.oo8g8 [Li o:olooOOOOiG0ooo8 L00ooooj0 1 — 000, n. the love of wealth [a cleaving to existing objects; when c08cooo00 0, and o0[ are conjoined, the state is called KAmi-wachara (oi oooq).-M.B.] o0So$:, a. light bay; applied to horses (ooSo$gG g) [and to dress, as ooo$s:qcqiUoasoo$oo8~n (co8)]. oo6S& (from aRg), n. the farina or pollen of a flower. ooSq[o, n. the juice or essence of flowers. o$, i, n. a burden, load, something to be carried or conveyed....~q,GCog, v. to incur great responsibility, as opposed to o.otli (o$Gco., in its primary sense, means to be heavy as a burden or load). -coE:, v. to be free from responsibility. --, v. to assent, to admit as true, to consent, agree to, to engage for, take the responsibility, 000o, o$, o(ggft 4oS6Goi8og 0 e~q o:os5ooco)-, will you engage to give it tomorrow?. —, v. to lay down a burden, unlade, to yield, submit, to acknowledge, confess, oS@oqosoTgiaoj$ooScrgoog q o$;jol, I acknowledge, sir, that I have gone too far with you... —o, -ococ6, n. same as o$, luggage.. —cooS5, v. to increase as responsibility. o0 1o67 o$aoS, v. to load, place a burden on (a beast, carriage, boat, &c.); n. a load on the back of a beast. --— 0066, n. a pannier. — o —o8s, n. an ox that carries panniers or other burthens. --— c, v. to be cross, disobliging, to be impatient, irritable, Coo$0q, [one kind of 8Gb (Gso) oo Sos 3dooOScoqJ@s: oos 688oDeoo3ii ooo$z co a &oca,8o9 ~0 oo0qSoi: o3d --— o, n. a pack, package, bale, &c. - ~-a:, n. a load carried on the back. --— 8, v. to leave a business unfinished in the hands of a partner or successor, ooa$ 0 oToSg68uoiiqG@8qoo:~oo..g GgGoa33S6cqSoog:solsI~, [to throw responsibility on, inculpate, another; cgGPooSo33 oT o$~~6g cqSG@ooooo:s@b coeg]. --— S, v. to draw a load as a buffalo or bullock; 0006054a 6Cn&oi'8o3,, --— co:, v. to be heavy as a burden or load, to be (figuratively) heavy, or onerous, as a responsibility. — av go, v.; see ooo,, o$, 2, v. to have an allotment, appointment; scarcely used. Formerly one in charge of some department of government (the governor of a rural district, zGroSo$). " ---@:, n. a prime minister, member of the supreme council of state (ogoScooS); o@:iioo o8:s (frequently pron. o4 @9oq8:@s), o400961,n -— q5, n. a chief over other governors. — c ---- i, n. a Wun's chief secretary. — q (pron. oh$), n. in the Burmese time the jurisdiction of a Wun. — q, n. one of the number of administrators of government. -— _cooS, n. an assistant of a prime minister; o$coQoS, an Assistant Commissioner. -- j8scoSoaQ8:@, n. the Commissioner of a DiNision [usually written and pron. oIIScooSoS6'^. Properly speaking, according to Burmese ideas, a Wun was not entitled to be styled " 94i8oSo6o8: @ " unless he had Wuns subordinate to him; 33q:ao'o)63 ooo0SQoooSt1@s, the Chief Commissioner of Burma]. ra36S, 3{*Paji o&,), w. a collection, multitude, forest, rcoo; used only in composition. Der. qcuoooj, Bon1o~, o8co4O, dQo41, Oap (Pali), n. divine homage; v. to pay divine homage, Aq og4)&uI v.- to be round, circular; * obe dug, as the round holes for the posts of a distinguished building; cPqr~q oR~s:ooo~ogcxDE~ to ComPass, surround, encircle, 4Q6an Der, ao*.:"1 q)-n. the space round about; o6_o~IOS4OS105~GB v. to be round (infrequent); 59oC3Q 0 ac~o n --- &i. same as o1oqjaii- (6) -c8c8, adv. to be completely circular. - --- ~l, - iV. to 'encompass, beleaguer, surround, e.g., as an army or a body of &lice a band of dacoits; @co oc&x5o 3O2O$"q8OCO)-OrOOG9)1 000ii 0CBcoORD OCPQjII 3;ujOOS. oo:.@~2(jjs( O~sq8s CO).0 00(J:8A CO)@xO' Fg, to unite in common effort, to aid another in the at 'tainment of some object; oG G]g~OO~8C ~8 o8161 v. to kneel with the head bowed down, o*o6; to sit as a fowl, incubate, @,-SoS (to crouch as an animal with the forefeet bent under the body, mco~iioo:i - 8oou oq~o&i 0. v. to be stretched -out prostrate -n~~~a~co_-o:v. to be prostrate on the face, to grovel; 5R3.'r OO~~)GCOS~~OS~Oo o-9.ooQc G003))8 SOe3 1 Os)n.: the belly, abdomen, the womb, [the hold of a vessel or o 4;'0Co ob(oo~ OOGCO, the Burmese say when feeling the pangs of hunger c~~o8s6 ao:Dc~o56o: (wo~oe93) oS,: 8 cq~eo(;:)S-j8J61 e~cw "canst thou fill, so as -to satisfy, the mighty ocean of the -belly, one span in breadth?" meaning that the belly is ever requiring food. Oat 1069 o5:oJo-, v. to have the dysentery, 8o5 ryS -- v,. to be loose in the bowels. — cqr0aoo0, n. a purgative. v —,. to be very costive with indurated faeces. -Ejj oSjn. a swelled belly, a disease of children. - 0, v. to be in an advanced state of pregnancy (vulgar);,gasgiqCLaRH CG~C5S I0.06 8 $ai'o ~oG&I al _ — oS, v. to rumble in the bowels, o&8s:oSqo-ii - G@o (pron. o&8G3), n. the muscles of the belly. G — Eq30, v. to have the muscles of the belly in a tense, rigid state, so as to be hard to the touch; 0o:socoaGcq c8:cG~ 0cnSR @0S, see oE — cloS (pron. o~ 00105), n. the skin of the belly (in the next phrase). -- c1olcxq, v. to be flat-bellied; o8soolrcSqGa(;8coo:)oqoo&o -C61800, n. the cavity of the belly.,-6_E Q8Lo-8-oS-., a. empty-bellied, sorrowful, dejected; os GOI 8-0 CY38.-M80Cq~45~111 - 8, v. to be costive. 9-,v. to purge, produce purging, o8sqo& -. 5, v. to have no motion of the bowels; o8(.So~, -oo (pron. oS*00), n. food, ballast; Gc9oSoO:)iIc9oIa (03:00 means just sufficient food to satisfy one's self). — _o:os, v. to put in ballast. — o, v. same as 0o:So1 -Ags, v. to have diarrhoea (to have a protuberant stomach as a young woman, reproachful); U: 0 — 6 (pron. o6:}), n. a midwife, accoucheur. — o48g oos,, v. to be of a treacherous disposition. - &a6Sol, v. to be connatural. %ogo) tn. an idiot. - o02, v. to have constant diarrhoea, 08o&G3G@z$:3:1 -_NCY)WO, n. an own son, ol, G8Is too70 ost oS:4gS (pron. 084), v. to be sorry (to take to heart, to be sensitive; ooco: 0gt0oooS oo&CggI os&:gs SoSgs 0oy Ga -— o, v., to have pain in the stomach, or bowels, or uterus, (to experience labour pains, mooGcocjS), o)cSo&vdZdoSooodS cog meaning that no one can know one's private affairs like one's self. -— s, see oSttV -— o5, v. to purge, produce purging, oS:oSoco: [an aperient, purgative]. — oS@:, n. a saddle-girth. -- ), n. same as aoSsoo4, egsnoSostoo o -— 88S, v. to have no motion of the bowels, o8sq18,, —o, n. a swelled abdomen. ---- (), n. same. — 0 —oloS, v. to evacuate the intestines, osog):ii [it implies a previous state of constipation of the bowels]. — o65, n. the external part, or outside of the belly; OSs0oScp. oQoS:o5cp, the trail of a serpent. — c-.oS (w), — oS:.(), q@, n. a big belly. -- ^, n. the foetus (of animals); 8iio8S:oo6'o8QoSg (vulgar), qt (slang). - qAS, v. to be subject to chronic diarrhoea. " —q,:, n. the flabby, pendulous skin of the belly of some animals. — Gqj (.@?), v. to be a little loose in the bowels. -- oo, v. to be loose, relaxed, oS:G6Ggoog:,u. ol — oS:osp8, v. to have the stomach distended through ailment or disease. --— o~, see oS:n, — e, v. to have evacuations of hard faeces. - 8:, i. the fire of digestive faculty; goo,o8 i"ogoo.ggS Gdh8s,, @8 ~oo.,, -— agocS, v. to rejoice, to be elated; oSg ooSii oS:ooao@S or " -- 9 v. -to be regular in the intestinal evacuation. O0qsr 18: 1071 onlos, n. the bowels or the stamina of the-bowels; chiefly used in the next phrase. -0 1:qoS, v. [a term used by medical men]; see o8:qaiinoS*8: and 6105O& — goS, v. to rumble in the bowels, oS:&o6Si —.8, v. to have free motions of the bowels. - co,:, v. to evacuate the intestines; applied to a Buddh; o~SgODSo)Z5c - cQoS, v.; see o:qjoSn - otd3%0, v. to lie at full length on one's belly; co84:oS.oz:: -_GC, v. to be very loose in the bowels (polite), o8:cx (oloS og1o is more elegant). -o00o, v. same. -o, n. the sound made in evacuatin~ the intestines. - 000, v. to rejoice, oS @orcSsuoSoow:o)uoS a:0o5 s - oqFs9, n. a stomach which receives a great quantity of food, yet does not show it by distention; one who has such a stomach, a great eater; coeoBsM j: 11 co05BoxSGcnoogooo5 coesoJ8, also applied to animals. -_os, v. to evacuate the intestines; Gq2og applied to children or sick persons. o.00s (&5), n. a duck. —, n. an'ellipsis, oSs:c5eqco8-Iu -oso5@ (pron. o6a 3oVj ), n. a kind of grass, the seeds of which are said to serve as food for man in times of famine. - e*ooS0, n. the under saddle of the ridge of a roof. n —o:,. that part of a gun-lock which holds the flint. oc6S, 1, v. to purchase, buy (oaoSj8&sc, cost price). -,s, v. same; q OEqo, o3oS-.:'.@&~@ cooe o00, 2, n. affix, locative, in, cg8, g, 9D, ot$oooe0oGco: cooSooS oq8,, n. a certain celestial weapon; oqj5coaoSAoSi aoagoqq$c oq Be4coCilr$ oo sng:4o~~s~r c~losflosc 3~C~logaao~goomoy $8o u48.ooS~coS8:4SJ o:, n.; see:o8o: and ns:ni oqLs3:aq8:u (qoMjggEoq:tjco$ ooQk1l:, n. a kind of plant. el oewoocp (Pali), n. a kind of tree; o!Y4i' orB (Pali), n. habitual inclination, acquired or confirined by practice (eOCc 32o); co0mp. (ol a0c#~8agatc4 JcorSo) x~ [ocy3ooo o-G@)cotGzoooSol, to be in the habit of interpolating obscene companrisons in one's speech; o&: I oaoCSoc3:):o &tCOOA1]. orq$ (Pali ocabq), n. the earth, 0@g3; scarcely used. ocoqc, n. according to Buddhist mythology, the guardian Snat of the earth, expected to be on the alert to record.and hereafter, to testify to the good deeds of the devout worshipper; ocqaoqgooeD6S, the Burmese when dedicating a religious offering, appeal to this nat as a witness; oRgbafda@co4o68soo1oae~@:)Q c8 oo0oocr'9b w0co:) omoo&pa (Pali), n. the rainy season, qt:omnccn o&bt (6t) fo8, n. a kind of plant. 6, n. a bear; comp. o056i q —8abS, n. the Vitis erythroclada, a leaf-shedding climber, the stem of which sometimes grows to be as thick as a man's arm. 696c8, n. a wolf [Gs26qGaO (pron. ca:6eoc8)]. 6%, n. a pelican [the spotted-billed pelican]. iqtS, n. a kind of wild cat (the toddy cat). bcoo5, n. an osprey (6co'rid-aoso&). 6cq, n. an eagle (6ccolS8tQo3so). 0, V. to dare (to do); chiefly used as a qualifying affix. - oo:, v. to dare (to do), to be bold, courageous, qO (N)6u Qa@au0go,9 [occasionally used singly as when from an inferior - to a superior, e.g., cMlocoN:),O*6I7qcps]. The ternim o os3 is frequently used when prefacing a request or subject which at any ordinary time would be considered bold or indelicate. o0, I, n. the cotton plant, undressed cotton; comp. gls [ol becomes ' 26 ' when it has been cleaned (ooB) and the seeds extracted]. -— oxco:a, n. Pernambuco cotton. -a v. dressed cotton from the bolls. - & iS, n. a wheel for grinding cotton before dressing. - 28:, n. dressed cotton. ol 1073 olons, n. a cotton field. -- G, n. the cotton seed. -— 0oo08G0o, n. sprouts from the cotton seed, an article of food. — G — GooS, n. a speckle on a speckled beast; comp. s8:ogooS, -—, n. red cotton. — GM loS, v. to open as the bolls when fully ripe. — ooS, n. to dress cotton (with a bow-string). -- $, v.; see o, 3rd. — *os, n. the boll which contains the cotton. ol, 2 (Pali oloo), n. the Buddhist lent, an annual period of three months, during which the religious observances are strictly enjoined. -- g~, n. the beginning of lent,. the first day after the full moon of Wahso; o!0co@&goqj o qcf6 " —_ 8, v. to enter on lent after the season has commenced. - cq$, v. to terminate as the season of lent. -- ol, v. to lose priestly character in consequence of a breach of monastic vows [as a rahan staying away from his kyaung for a night during lent without repeating the rahan's formula of permission; oo~oo^3 o^qIIog oc 810ol oo 35oOg8 o:_Ecol 6 1foo]. — o- oS, n. [to come to the end of lent]; see o38oo:cgo5n o1 agoSJoGooo3ni see oOGoooi -- G186, n. the fifth month in the year, nearly answering to August. ---, v. to keep lent; n. the first month of lent, the fourth in the year, nearly answering to July, o1sdolAs116ioo8 -- ao$:, n. a species of elaeocarpus. -- o2,, n. the season comprised within lent; oloS 9 con -- o8, v. to intercalate a month after ola6, oloo010o o01c8 - o, n. the rest of the year [besides the season of lent]. — o, v. to request a dispensation from the duties of lent; j[ 0 gCjO <0 Cog80og:gC.6 O jogGcoOSifEgoe3O? -- Gol5o, -goS, see ol6gtan — Go08, v. to keep lent. 135 1074 oq oloS, v. to commence as the season of lent. 01, 3, v. to be yellow [amoox:ol (natural colour), mooo:~Gcj1ol (as from sickness), ogiiolu 86ol6 oFAoCOoSol1 oob8:601; to be vain, boastful, ostentatious in language (oon:oo1~ G:ooe) ~-:; comp. oao:u -ow:, v.; see the parts; oaqoSobp2golmot@s:)ooeu - gig Cadv. pale yellow; mar-ol cioz a. [ol18 same; o,618 J meco&o1Qa856Cojol 49c W1c ox#]. r-%:8, V. same as ol, 2nd def., most common; ox8= BI, QOl6cI-OmQcooSool9 aoxg ooe3 1 13gzgccSgog8 i *At — 0coao, a. yellowish, o8 oQ1ra-cpE o ooocooaoe3 n -o, v. to make boastful pretensions. ol, 4 (Pali), adv. again, once more, oo-e:oo03 (not used in colloquial). -.aoS0, v. to lead off several clauses under one head. ol, 5, v. to test by a given standard, as by weights or measure. o1omqp:, n. the two hundred and fourteen orders of beings; q~'cijQ'o6 Imcp-.@:x, a):c38&S11136o S 8 a ci c8o-co003ooSoo w oloa (Pali), n. a word, language, ooo-u -o0o0, adv.; see 0:8o0,nas=oe803r ~g0Aono DO5CoS1 ooQ)C 8ooge co=zUoY(13: @ G3~ -- cUg, n. concinnity of style in speaking or composition; 01oao@c8&@ 338E ocS6@cn o:)ep$n (from 0-61, language, and &08g, "adhering," " connected."-Childers). 06q%, n.? study, application (?);-m0:), v. to keep up what one has learnt by constant study. 613 (Pali), n. an opinion, =ajn (usually preceded by o, but occasionally used singly, e.g., 0.01oo3o qo). 01ooo: (SoS) (pron. ooGco:), n. the long-tailed malkoha, the large bottle-green cuckoo, with long tail. ol1ooo (Pali), n. diligence, industry, cqj@ (okco). - caoS, v. to be diligent, industrious; oloo1ciSumacq8&~oocS o~ooow oe~11. 61 Goo (Pali), n. the air, rcoo066S1aii rCoo3 6 )o)o0D (ol Goo3ooe~ oIqk: (Eng.), n. a warrant. o, v. to attach, as property in a legal process. o1l o075 ol'6~s1, v. to remove a warrant of attachment. - oo, n. same as o1q$s, -— ooS, v. to issue a warrant. -— G~@, n. a fugitive from justice (a proclaimed offender). --- o:, v. to issue a warrant for the distress and sale of movable property. -- O8&I, v. to recall a warrant. oloo0o (Pali), n. natural bent, inclination, not common to the whole species; oMSgiuooxB (~) cosn — , -ol, -R, v. to have such bent; 6~aol oop"oJooo:,n cogj GooS0050@8-401 coa DOIeo~1~ooGSq cooo soSol o8o:41 oogpii o10, i, n. the bamboo. -- cot, n. bamboo shingles. -— 000, n. a pack or bundle of bamboos made up for rafting. -— o.S, v. to cut bamboos (for some future use).. ---cols, n. the hollow of the bamboo; ol1 cq d8-:bq9co0oooooo, "like the moon shining in a hollow bamboo," as in the way of a talented person living in obscurity. -.- 5:, n. split bamboo. — c-5, n. a species of thorny bamboo; comp. ~gooSol5o -980.4Sc, -gS2, -8osgg, — go5cc, -Soo5, -OGoCOS0, -, -__o1s, -q,-o5o olS, -oogoS, — 0i51, varieties of the bamboo, [oosol1: used for making mat walls, ol6:,for flooring, and ooo01: for rafters]. --— c, n. a bamboo joint.. —, n. pincers made of bamboos, bamboo stocks. -— co, n. bamboo mat-walling. -— os (.b), zocoqdS, n. tabasheer, a silicious substance secreted from some bamboos. -— o5, n. (the Gigantochloa macrostachya); j5, n. (the Dinochloa Maclellandii), varieties of the bamboo. _- ooS, n. the thin sheath which envelopes a bamboo sprout. ---- (pron. of), n. the elephant bamboo. -_-gooGoo., n. the Gigantochloa albociliata, an evergreen, densely-tufted bamboo, growing to the height of 20 or 30 feet. It is marked by minute white bristles. — coo, n. a bamboo raft. to76 8& 01o18, )n. a kind of bamboo remarkable for the shortness of its joints, which are only from 24 to 5 inches long. -, n. bamboo fungus, ao5u — ool, n. the Dendrocalamus longispathus. -, n. a cluster or clump of bamboos. p-scp, n. a species of palm. - CSp (.wo18:), n. an old decayed bamboo.. —QGGs1 (GoO-SZ), rS.&0Gor, n.; see GoD0308moc -- E&8: (GnSs8), q9, n. a creeper which adheres to old bamboos. --— sCSI (soo080), gqcS, n. birds of the genus garrulax, &c. -.q —p& (oo&3o), ~, n. a species of edible mushrooms. — 0~s 0:;n. i —Mao-, v. to whittle bamboo. — c3, tn. the fruit or seed of the bamboo, sometimes used as food. ol, 2, v. to chew, @:) OJQo&023.o0s1Z Giio9quei --— o, n. chewings, o4sDootl-o 1o3u ocq8S, n. the Phrynium macrostackyum. 8ooq (Pali), n. decay, destruction, oso5)$5@80; comp. o&71ql 8~oS, n. an explanation subjoined to the text in the same language; comp. ocosn -, v. to make a display of philological lore; coeG1s:) 0 COOO r.000 0=0~a~s 900goosps~eao n 05O 00:1 OOCB3J 0 ocgkg68c8 cog o~1 8oeq (Pali), n. consideration; 50@8@S8:, " Wichdra, the exer"cise of judgment or reason on a present object, investi" gation, consideration, deliberation, dispute, discussion." -Wilson's Sanskrit Dictionary, 80ooS8ooqqoOn 88ac (Pali), n. doubt, indecision of mind; cgqwQ'IPagoi (aS6) (cjgs:8s@u noc~ ooaQ &oc8@8s, " WichikichA, doubt, "- that which questions the existence of Buddha, his dis"courses, and the priesthood, previous birth, future birth, "the consequences resulting from moral action, and the en"trance into the dhyAnas by means of the exercise of kasina " (omqceS), He who is under the influence of this principle "Cis like a man held by a serpent; he trembles from the " doubts that agitate him; he does not cgntinue in one " mind."-M.B.; also used in ordinary colloquial, e.g., co 8~g. 1077 Gc4.GooSooPGo ooeoSi 88806o56o;49o5S6aS8o 88c38Bo@ 8%0 (Pali), n. knowledge, wisdom, ogon [The Burmese in a jocular way often call a person who does anything particularly well, or has a stroke of good luck, as '8&,' an abbreviation of 8opiiooo8&o lOii ooo3os8&oia scgoq8ap 0^T8&0]. -— q or cq4 (A) (fron., 8pq) (Pali Goocop, great), n. one possessed of certain miraculous powers. (o) YGolo$oi (j) 88 OCgt[ (9) o33oC000C I \4 - oa (co), n. magical or supernatural skill. 8g~T (803:) (Pali 80co), n. the soul; comp. 8oM and i 8gao (Pali), see above, " the meaning of winyana may be learnt "in this way. The watchman of a city remains in its cen" tre, at the place where the four principal streets meet; by " this means he can discover who comes from the east, and "who from the south, or the west, or the north; in like " manner form is seen by the eye, sound is heard by the "ear, odour is smelled by the nose, flavour is tasted by the "tongue, contact or touch is felt by the body, and thoughts "are perceived by the mind; all these things are discover" ed or ascertained by means of winyana." -M.B. 8ao3aog, n. the organs of intellect or thought, see under odo" 8oors (Pali 8o3q), n. intention, 33a3oo, witarka (800o-), rea"soning, discussion, doubt, deliberation, consideration of "probabilities, mental anticipation of alternatives, conjec"ture, from the root wi, implying discrimination, and tar"ka, to reason or doubt."-Wilson's Sanskrit Dictionary. — 8oo03, n. consideration and investigation collectively, " wi" chara, investigation, examination, continued impulse "or tendency, that which prolongs the witarka that has "arisen in the mind, as the sound that continues to pro"ceed from the bell. The property of wichara * * * is that "of investigation; thus when a gong is struck by a mallet "it gives forth sound, the stroke is witarka and the sound "is wichara."-M.B. 88 (Pali), n. a path (of the sun), of which there are three, namely, s33&o88, the inner path; os888, the middle path; and ood8q88, the outer path. 843: (Pali 800coo, cq8@8s), n. rules, particularly such as re- late to the conduct of priests; qo$Scl(oegooep:, one tk, 8CRS grand divigiou of the Buddhist scriptures, comprising five books, namely, olcp mcis, ol08C, 00o0oo01, ol, and o1qol, comp. 8qoo. " Of th ve sections into which the Winaya " Ptaka is divided, the first and second, PAr.ijikA (olpaoo) "and PAchiti (oloM), contain a code of ordinances relative "to priestly crimes and misdemeanours; the third and "fourth, Maha Waga (ocoool) and Chulawaga(gWol), mis"cellaneous rules and regulations relative to ordination, "the ceremony called wass (qo6), &c.; and the fifth, Pari"wAnapEta (oqol), contains a recapitulation of the pre"ceding books."-E.M. 84*, a. or adv. sundry, various; roc: u ~u84 uo u8$ oi0~ (rarely used in colloquial). — oooo, a. or adv. same; 8.oocN~2)@&goocG(,ou1884~Doo 8A (Pali), x. destruction, qoS8t~8:n 8 oggoonu 8oggqocq c oS: 8ooCcD (Pali), n. a kind of wisdom which enables the possessor to make extraordinary discoveries; 80000 o C0u8o0=0n 8ocS (caSc) (Pali 8Wo), n. the result of any deed, good or bad; the result of an evil deed which remains after the main part has been expended 'in vindictive inflictions in a previous state; comp. o0u 8oc00 (c1dS) 6n8Woo (oloS) cqoS" na cr*oco8Xo S (olAcS), rooco8ociS (boIS). 8ooc= (Pali 8ixe), n. the inflected termination of a noun, a noun or verbal affix. — ogac, n. a table of inflected terminations or affixes. 8Eq (Pali), n. diligence, industry, oqjf (.co), " wiraya or wirya, " persevering exdrtion, effort, resolution, courage or deter" mination, that which prompts to all kinds of exertion, like "thepowerful man who shrinks at nothing. Its opposite is "kusita, indolence; all the other faculties are assisted by "its exercise."-M.B. '8S, -cqoS, a, i. to be diligent, industrious. -e, v. to have little diligence, industry. —, v. to be diligent, industrious. 8cq& (from 8 an cq8), v. [to make pretensions to more than one poss@ses, as oo 3)80oq8u"gip, without having as much as o, pretend not to as much as 8, i.e., o and o4:@s Mo, besides, somewhat similar to 4 and in coomoojoc~S Go. 1079 QoWPS QOF1M,-okWGQOoS3 8cR8Groo0, gSe:oc1:cD3cql SO o3~o6ncyzol 8oao.986~E gcs30o~ S GO3C&3GO8oluU oq~ol#(i# 8o&, -SAc8, see under GconorSn 8oou (Pali), n. an idea, or the forming and retention of an idea; &aSc~ (gocsS) aoE~3wA083Q@~bgSsIl -Ss) n. matter/which is perceived by the senses (comp. omo oaj6) or of which an idea is formed. 8cRozoS- (Pali 89q~, pure), n. an areeyah (mqcoo). 8oowco (Pali), a. or adv. exceeding, extraordinary, mojpi B6moco3 o (Pali), n. a modifying wgrd, whether adjective or adverb [Lm z8G3oo~, an adverb; vo&8Ooozz, an adjective]. 8oc8 (Pali), a. twenty, P&.oCmJO11i 8COC8e, a. the twentieth, p'&Qoo8&Goo.3 (rare). n. a mite, grain, &c., used only in the following. -A v. to come within a rain, a hair's breadth, &c.; o0o:):00 Qm-cOiicq,~OoDQomCO'Ioo mGcorCOtA~uo8c8 mGcoo:]. qdjqoS8eI, v. to grunt, as a hog. GO, x, v. to be misty, darkish, dusky, 9~q; to be giddy, dizzy, ja:n [to be bewildered, ~ C6ooe p ooi4 o~] oo*GoQ,;o4c)8ero, _-c80oco8, n. the twilight of the morning, dawn of day. GO, 2, v. to bubble and run over, Bo5qc4; to be flowing, rich, luxuriant, as flowing dress, and as trees whose branches run over; coo&.Ac 0C~COCBQ18 e3[1 II OE S603 JeU0 cLU3 03 QI -COO, v. same, in the latter sense; co8e8omc8J (oo8) oos OOE~9OGG2O~OIIcGOGOO~oooelx oroGoGoo)mcoDooo,,-\ 6-o1, v. same (generally used in a reduplicated form, e.g., szoosso0oos -oGCroslCo11 ooe~ g 3o%); Oooisol Go, 3, V. to distribute, dispense; e8oc~GoooI0x~coS1 ogI( - q8S (@8:), -~, -o$, v. same; s 3z~GoocD8: (@8:) c. quYf aaeIi [Note.-coo$ also means to distinguish, discern e.g-, gw"qcoei d m o 5 o 3 c6S6 O -g, -9, v. to distribute equally. -q, -e, 2n. a share, sozoou n -Iqrq, -qcx] n. same; v. to fall to one's share, be one's portion in a distribution; *S8oqJ~cOojo~6oo4aocSGrood5R 1080 ca, 4, a. vulgar [i.e., inelegant], a term of compellation, mascuf ine or femninine, used by men or women; ca~coti0o" cO~hGI (coi) (Pali coQhmrG&o), n. a graduated roof, o~0~crXo:5. ao3p~ (Pali), n. sensation, Bo,:@Ss; W6dand, sensation, as "that of flavour, like- the king wht eats delicious food. The "property of w~dand is sensation or experience;" qCoa,03~ (6ooz) cq'zo3a~ (6con)-M.B. Childers says "The three "vedands or sensations are sukh.1 (oxo) vedarni, dukkhd (qc.9) vedand, and adukkhamasukhd ~sqcSoqc3) vedanAi, "pleasant sensation, painful or disagreeable sensation, "(and sensation which is neither pleasant nor painful." cooofcx~, n. the organs of sysceptibility or sensation, see under "o:a The W6dandi khando, or sensations, are six in "number. They are produced b communication with that "which'is agreeable, disagreeak ~,or indifferent." -M. B. cor~jqX (Pali) (pron. eoc4wt(X), n. a rational being, one capable of'being instructed; ~o~ojiGGoxoI oco Go68oo (Goo~Wm) (Pali), n. distribution; co@0i~o*8o&lq rGocpJo 8 (Qocnoo2) (Pali), n. a multiplicity -of business; ro~o8 (cowooq) cq4ic~o~ao~o (,Goo~oof) ioi GOcjb or cQOSjO (Pali rGoooi*), n. a means, expedient, artifice, device, eolc~n aqwoo (not used in colloquial, but met with in composition); 6Qc~qw:)Oc Oj cocjSii 6 o16i 8qcos~ood co& oojtq (Pali;ooIO&,), n. a bamboo grove. The name of a monastery presented by King Bimbis~ra (8co~&)to Gaudama Buddha. aq, v. to run round (an object); coe~, to wind as a river or road, @G9Ic-ioS~r.uGco'Q (to veer as the wind);;og93,:,, to go out of one's way. -cev. same', hence 'o~Gor co~eQo, to hang about, hover rud an object or thing, unwilling to leave; mo co cp - as, v. same; go-Go OqSG ~ s 0 —O&~O~O4 QG@O')G9 cot:, v.-to be far, distant, not near, 4s [In a figurative sense to be remote to the subject, aoG:8- - 6ooi)OoDoo Y wc root, to be, dull of discernment, obtuse LrGos is often used in S01 io8 I a disparaging sense speaking of a person's mental capacity, or of the improbability of a person's doing anything, as when actuated by mean, parsimonious motives, &c., e.g., o0 sz@.xcoGO.-ow It is also used in a good sense as of the inconceivableness -of a high principled man committing a base act. Go0Oag, v. same; o@scoagoii 9gs0ogon cq1 q8osgC cooo3oso -— co, v. same. wb (b), i, n. a whirlpool, eddy. --- eo, n. a large eddy, ao&:a -— c GOOo (pron. bral1), n. a whirlpool with a vortex. — @cBg8, n. the troubled state of waters caused by the meeting of eddies whirling about in opposite directions. — oo, v. to erode a river bank as a whirlpool. -— oS,,. to be sucked in by a whirlpool; Go3obgo 8oc o -— o (pron. bo4$), n. a current running opposite to the main stream (a reflex current). --— @, n. a rapid eddy. -- ~oS, v. to be thrown out by a whirlpool. b: (b), 2, n. a roof in which one side projects over on the other. -— ql, -co., n. same. b0 (b), 3, n. the itch, the mange. — 3gooS, n. the common itch. — e-:, v. to be eaten away by itch or mange as the hair of a dog, bullock, &c. — q, n. the same in an advanced stage, but less than wocuso ---- (b), v. to be infected with itch. ---, n. the mange in horses, b:(b:ciib(b)7i, b: (b), 4, v. to sail round as a bird, to fly round without striking with the wings (qgoopb) 9b: (b)n r085m003Dc co8D oob: (b) oogn [to brandish a sword, weapon, or stick].:O (b), 5, v. to speak with a foreign accent or brogue; oowol Ggo0oo 3S0190S5bg (b) OM:Sl g 03 oo3?oG>og8 r9O boog, when he speaks Burmese, his accent is foreign like an Arakanese. odl, n. a large state palanquin. I36 rAvoc=3, n.t same. Golo 0(), adv. indicative of the sound which it imitates; particularly applicable to the noise made by a q: when it is fired; cn:01s)())1016 o(4)Cg col(Yoq (Pali), common parlance (GolocqO oS, as prescribed or sanctioned by common parlance). - 00o0r, n. samne; oooom- ooS olColDioqcoCO 86Co&n -co0o40, n. common-place religious instruction. - 0000o, n. common parlance. ~S, v. to curve round, make a circuit partially or wholly. — c, more than rGoooo oowgo1:~3 o,iSo3o8U c8g48 oScg9 — Qt (), v. to come round one coaxingly, oo-of7Scrgon 8:, see os:; to do jointly, by joint effort, to shake round as rice in a shallow-bottomed basket (6=cxD Q)8f), 8 n. a circle of people, whence 3:lo, a fair; c@ coggqooQ ucoo8oqaz38~8I( 005C 00oo60 C~?SZOCY00 DL9 9qs'oooaooco3anooe~5, it s probable that it was only owing to his relations combining together and giving evidence in order that he should not go to jail that Nga Phliyu escaped punishment; [to be round, surround as a forest, a range of mountains, a river or sea, @CCq;0038(/4 woe, or -Ci8c: 8CqS08o@ea8cc5q8scpw~]3 -, v. same, 2nd def.; aopTo$c~ 8 cq-g1CR6l, caqo icooc S — *c3:, -8, v. to besiege or encompass a city, e.g., cagooS ~8:ao6 00, to hem in, to surround (as a body of police) a gang of dacoits or in surrounding a house in.which they are concealed, or in surrounding a house as a gang of dacoits about to commit a dacoity; g; 3msqegoa:3t coo3:G3M3SII' 89~C a Mpq Q 000m8:30QSoo9CqgC~a0f 6 cG:@ooeg ing to the villagers having hemmed them in, the thieves cut their way through by main force (to surround as a moat surrounds a city, r 'E*j cSs8coe)., v. to form a circle of people, tents, &c.; q8s84od poSj -o$s, same as 8:, ist def. ~:ok:, v. to be brilliant, shining; used adverbially; g95:~&so8: ~no~oo~u O o1083 qa.6Ii v. to be obscure, to be doubtful, uncertain, but used only in some adverbial form, as goq* 01o:coo0 (pron.:,o1i0o1s), obscurely, dubiously; 4oie cafr.o5noqabrSjCqnSRgscioh 96S, v. to hide, secret, conceal; rare in colloquial, goS being used. — coo*., v. same. 9, v. to rise, burst up, to be strong, violent (infrequent). Der. Qo19$~I' — 0oo05, v. same; oCI13anab 9 0cl o 0S 9$c0coSX3p1 -9g, v. same. Der. 3=9$03393 98o, v. to be low and level, as ground occasionally covered with water; aaeG~Tp G@9S.a-GGo r.:,qoS~o, in this the water lodges because the ground is low; [to assess to thatham'da revenue as thamadhis (assessors); cooo89g, G@so3q8s, the roll of a village after the assessment has been fixed by the thamadhis; o9S0c,,,QGCWO.j5 g (from o.), v. to push with the head, or horn, or tusk, to propel violently, (gls80 3; (.g, which has the same meaning, is probably a corruption of cg.) 9 in composition is also applied to the rushing velocity of the wind against anything, e.g., co3g ~og ~Sc8.wo3oo5O -,&co=0 10, " Like the tempest-beaten, solid, immovable rock." g09, commonly 2a:, n. the testicles. -GC, n. same. -- z8, n. the scrotum, c8~:5co(BaSoSSI -agoS, — c:, v. to castrate, mqcsgiiacJi1m"ca6n g (g0, v. to praise, laud, extol,:gs (not used in colloquial). it, v. same (not used in colloqjuial); g`j-,C6Co5oo orrooS (The thirtieth consonant in the Burmese alphabet.) o0, i, v. to give, offer; scarcely used singly. Der. xooSCoou0o4 - S, v. to present from a distance; oc0sGp0aso50 to'1 po &8 Bg ~Q33 GosPnoqCS40ao! UgIIC6o3 UCoPCojquO~j 07 lo :104 000S.c, 2, v. to repair the outside, to make anew, do afresh, do over again, improve the appearance; ooooScf4oon (coo:oox ~,r~C~Js~lsoasq~eOoponmsg I) yrJ8Sygoun Q316o86X)EIoCoo8:Uo cauoo1 [to 'trim' the lower extremities of the moustaches, O88C0011 cooO U~00]. -i, v. same. 0o, 3, an abbreviation of the connective ooe~ or 0o:II 0c06, 1 (from -azxo5, life). - 0 n -@, n. same as next; oacS011 OD0CSco AC00oSonO-1=@~ -oco: (from mmooS5, life, and qwo:, to be of different colours), n. an old man or woman [coocSpoas% this term of appellation is only used in the absence of a person]. - G0oS (from Go, to be complete), v. to make offerings equal in number to the years of the offerer's life; oRSz G00S0ZCG4P0&II 8800(SG9000SI1 soc5r3ico c~~smxocScoa~us:, ~ cqon — Qo zo.xe (Pron. modoS-AG'o)sS), n. medicine to preserve life, — __G06jg0, zn. the radical part of the blood, oc080GZ (ooBS QcoDG4aGcG0, the carotid artery). --— St:to0 (pron. 3ci iaeo adv. in the way of performing service with untiring zeal and indomitable courage (even at the risk of one's life); c6g0:o~I0I=Q0SQ0S3II -— 8 (from (ob8, o0Mcf, &c.), v. to have a natural turn or disposition for anything; olm&:4) --— cz 0S;9j (A), v. to be of the same age. -S00SO03 (pron. o mScoo6o~)), n. one who had charge of the king's person; comp. cCSjo=S5n — G(POO8R,, nn. rice offered on a person's decease; c28o041 - Q@%0, v. to heave a deep sigh (?) 80oc5qA ooMf0 gju -0o woGfJ008400-B0@91.ul QQ0 OItC`S 8 YSQj ~ jII -- Rcoa, n. things animate and inanimate [a term applied to property]; COCBRC0056 Mcq$ Gooao00%1 03oSA 00cX$Cj0 8Sa Go SO, n. a poetical term for a husband or wife f" sharer of (my) life and loving companion"]. noos, 2, v. to go down, descend, co8s; to take place as pity (ooaosooooS), love, &c.; to take effect as the poison of the theet-say gum (oo8o:s), hence o=0ojooo6S, in the way of longing desire. ODCYS io85 =Av. to belongi, to be connected with, have relation to, to apply; 40 qllnxIo: I:o 3G~ OD&U~G30 00po)O~OC5~8uQeU311CP~iOO~S~ 0058OB G311 Gc,),v. [to befall, as a calamity, GODOMS~cc Q G.SIIr Po0100 S Qcp5]; c-Qpaoo5-O, to be in force, to be extended to as a law, statute, Act, e.g., @o~cqog3@ 6~rcGo co3Soa5 (;p5a coo5kio*_ot, " extended to the whole of British Inia " as an Act or statute. -co,-o0 v. to entertain affection towards another; r-gg y0C)coO- i GQo OO(YSOSII - oS v. to connect- one with another. 0z5A 3, v. to be moderate. -o00A adv. moderately, pretty, not very [slightlyJ; o~oe-ocs - wcao moocio, adv. same; c~m aoc~coco~o ~0C-,OPSxII o~-,;Ogs rg,)5Iocb~j T-.rGo:3-4coopaoo 00050008 CoO D0004~o -00 v. to be moderate (inirans.), be relieved, obtain ease, be comfortable, recover [to abate as paroxysms of pain, or as cold and heat]; -IjOO GC C~OcS3O~OOSW Og)oOt-c qQCooj o)oei (aoSGoo~l&xcY5 wa has a similar meaning to oooS, e.g., co~qo)oG:o2 8o~ooS~GoI)[to be 'mild' as a flavour or odour, e.g., that of a cheroot; cnjjQ88SC3-3j Coasx, 4, v- to be mere, clear, nothing else (obsolete). -aBa. mere, as to do it from mere affection; o8cxqpoc~ olco@~3 Gq.J&~A aooSooo5, merely because I wished to meet you, sir [adov. at all, in negative sentences @@cSO as ao63o~xo~o, there is none at all]. -. - oo- B_, )- adv. at all, without aim or purpose (COCYS CO0 c ~"ooe~), without cause or reason, wantonly (o:z:5 o05ooSo,-~e), "o~ ~ o o ~o~ He was insolent without rhyme or reason." ooo DPali ooo8B), n. the substratum of matter [a book pertaiing to Pali grammar (oo1) boooojSq8:]. [It is said that moooS also means " extraordinary reputation, prestige and ability"; qcaaOmsoo&goa ' oooooS ' coToon ai qSoooS @0goooo3 qcxS (qcn) Gcoqstin (caqi69ooosu) oooS11 060oozo ooiuc8cooooo8]. ool0n6, see ooooi01l8ooogon &oa=1lo18 (Pali), A. the second state attained by an areeyah (ao33co). " The path Sakridagami is so called because he "who enters it will receive one more birth. He may en"ter this path in the world of men, and afterwards be "born in a d6wa-loka, or he may enter it in a dewa-loka, "and afterwards be born in the world of men. It is di"vided into 12 sections. * * * There is the being that " has entered the path SakrAdagami (from sakrat, once, "and dgdmi, came), so called because he will once again "receive birth in the world of men; he has rejected the "three errors overcome by the man who has entered Sowdn "(oo00ooo00 ), and he is also saved from the evils of Kama"raga (mooxpo) and the wishing evil to others." -- f, n. the duties of said state. — o8gs, n. one who has performed the duties of said state.. — coogos, n. one who has attained to the reward of said state. --- cS, n. the reward of said state. oaScoo, n. a kind of umbrella. CooSoaoS, see mooocoS, n. a kind of grass, ooomoc oo 0ol. -— S, v. to weave said grass [so as to be ready for thatching.-S.], n. a stick of grass so woven. oomgp&, n. an era, epoch, date, year (968 oocp&) ccxo>o oo9cp& coooo3o8cps written engagement, obligatory writing, o0qlt, o3 p&1 [a private birth-egister, gsr o 00 oGoomgo cp& r: o og3G.q5cao m3 p&Sgs8oogo], said to' be derived from ooqcfpoon [oogga& or oofcp&oo%8. In Upper Burma a mortgage bond, hitherto usually written on oojx: goS —so called, probably, because such documents almost invariably begin with the date the mortgage was made. These documents were also written on ao5]. oo8oooS (Eng. thick cloth), n. woollen cloth, broad cloth,[serge, tweed]. [In the Malayalam language " shakalathu," a corruption of the Portuguese word escarlatto, signifies a blanket of scarlet material. The Burmese word is more likely, in the opinion of the compiler, to be a corruption of the Malayalam word than of the English one "'thick cloth." It is, however, probable that the Portuguese word " escarlatto " is but a corruption of the Persian " saqalat," "siqalat," or " suqlat," meaning " scarlet cloth" * * ** " It seems to have been the name of a stuff which was fre"quently of a scarlet colour, and hence to have become the "name of that colour."-Skeat's Etymological Dictionary of the English Language. [Even to this day the oggcooS coo8 used by Burmans is more frequently of a scarlet. than any other colour.] co0p0oSaU3f, n. a coat or jacket made of cloth, flannel or serge. ---- So:s (rat's ear), n. fine woollen cloth, cassimere, flannel. — Goo, n. a flannel blanket. aooSc&S (pron. oooScooS), n. a kind of grass used in thatching. -- 0q8:, n. a patch of thatch-grass. — @-, —t8, n. varieties of thatch-grass. - col (pron. oaggoSo c), n. a sheaf of thatch not yet woven (having no ooocoS&o); oooSccoocol IooSc3oSo3'oa8Go So, oS oS: Q.gsoooSc Sol GS, - (@8 ( —qj), v. to weave the said grass [so as to be ready for thatching], n. a stick of grass so woven. -- 1), v. to thatch with the said grass. ooo0aS, n. a rainbow (also vulgarly called o.8:) (oooUc(q GcoooS, to have the appearance of dipping into a stream or sheet of water, as either or both ends of a rainbow); comp. ~, a kind of disease [a carbuncle] [oGsoE:6ooao5, abscess of the liver?] CoooS8, n. a kind of tree, of which there are many varieties. — O(ooS8 or oocd:, n. the Rangoon croton plant. -—, n. the wild croton. oooSdc, n. wind, power of respiration, strength of lungs. — GC oo8, v. to be long-winded. ---, v. to be broken-winded. -— qoS, v. to have the respiratory organs deranged. -—, v. to be out of breath, to pant feebly and faintly; less than coo5 (seldom, if ever, used in colloquial). o0005O, n. a standard, settled rule or measure, a pattern, representative,; a witness, anything that affords evidence or proof; illustration, testimony, evidence; ac&s:ooorSon ro088 0008 OcOaoG6, v. to bear witness, give testimony; n. a witness; co 65o 6pooe, the Evidence Act; ooSoo6jqo5, the statement or deposition of a witness. pqodS, n. witness' expenses (usually in a criminal case). o-o ~, — co:, v.' to make a witness, appoint to be a witness..- ~qxoS, - @oz, V, v. to produce evidence, show proof; 00C05GO 0-3oDOCO, n. a witness, testimony, evidence. como (fPron. ool01), n. unrefined sugar, the hardened sediment of molasses or treacle, whether made from the palm or cane, muscovado. coqa (pron. coc5oR) (Pali), see 3oo:c80o8 ioo g3mocqcpPa: u c=165, n. the Pandanusfcetidus, an evergreen. o@6 (pron. oo& ), n. open work in wood, ornamental of palaces, monasteries, &c., C m6mEcoocyu03i,63 C cogo: (c8fo-)? i (Pali og), n. a superior order of nats, 33 in number, in the second stage Tawutisd (mooo0og&) of the inferior celestial worlds (~o8@~). c-6lo4, n. a hole in the ceiling of the king's palace (on the north side) to admit the passage of the cog:no8S, also called EXoq$,ol1cS; the holes on the upper surface of a harp to improve the sound; also called o8068:oG6loUi -G SolSQoloS, n. a kind of stone, qGo;RacGcOOSc 0-oS, n. the sovereign of ooo008ooit [Sekra or Indra]..o5 — GW:fono~, n. a species of reptile. 03@, 2, n. sugar; 9$ GC0~&3:, crystallized sugar. _ —3, n. sugar-candy. -_VB, v. to make sugar by boiling, &c. — oq~ocso:, n. a boiler of sugar. --:Golo5, n; a kind of cake made of the ground-nut (~@b) and sugar. - I (pron. o5oO ~8), n. same as o@:):bi _-jc062:, n. brown sugar, oC:e)-1 oou - a ---, n. sugaFicake. --—,n. same as cogmo n00, na master, lord, am8 [In Lower Burma this term is applied in a most indiscriminate manner and has lost its o08 o089 original value. It has now become the mere equivalent of the English Mr.]; formerly in Upper Burma very often applied to the wives of high officials. oooScqp0:, n. same, but more respectful and reverential. oqAo, n. a kind of tree [the Spathodea Rheedii].: —, n. the Stereospermum chelonioides. oogo:, n. the cucumber; Gaqog cogos, the common kind. — GoCoo58,-S -8_8cq)8:, —0 (-Goo>oIcq8), varieties of the same. -- goS, n. a sour kind [qsg.-S.]. --, n. the musk-melon. -— S, n. same. C00, 1, n. the Thalia canneformis [Maranta dichotoma]. -- P-o (pron. ao8qc), n. a mat made of the stalk of the above plant. — a: (pron. o@611ji), n. a finer kind. [The upper part of the mat is designated aG@zo51cao and the lower 3o8$: c,u The blackness of the strips interwoven in some ' thinbyus' is produced by a dye prepared from the bark, or leaves, of the 8.RoS8 A finely-woven ao8:s is called " ooS8jqo," one for sleeping on "a 54o38 ," and one for sitting on "4( Gq-poaSQ%:; " coaSjO:0, So:i3oj, to spread a (' thinbyu') mat as when receiving visitors. Ejecting water from the mouth on the prepared strips of the w8 plant, to render them pliant for weaving, is termed ohocqSG (pron. ooj6s) 008, 2, pron. thou, you, mas. or fern., see Grammar, sec. 77, occasionally used in colloquial, e.g., oo(ozoo,aioo8gg8 008, 3, v. to learn, acquire knowledge or skill [to teach; also has the same meaning as cceGou0]; oo9Sqp)oooa oogS a30.a189o3 co oSd ~ x8oe~ou opoouge 6 g3oo~86 11 OOG r00.0mz GoGoo5GgooosoD)ocqgoSog:o 6c.G(3ooSoog~n [to 'tutor' or ' coach ' as a witness]. ---:, v. to learn, receive instruction; ooo oS gS@~,if coo05 oojmoo6{od% also has the same meaning as oz8 in the last sense, e.g., cooogSo2oo:sopS coooo3:oo6gs i37 cMq, v. to teach, as a schoolmaster; one kind of oagoDS; coSq is in less frequent use than qq (oo*GOq); GoooSCo - o:, -8, v. same; 3ooOasjsole 0 'N-,o 6 3U:c4od)bu oeoSJ O2)O0 0360 o3o38q 6a&xg8rQ /3EsL8G also has the same meaning as co34o:]. *- ~, v. to learn and store up; ccSgoSeaoo:o8~%8,, 8c~.oogB X6S, 4, v. to pull off, skin, ~, so, qA- [less elegant in this sense than aS&.oa g9ScEq ab8oob3 n aGoo3c's: 3Eo1=a o89:i8&oXaSw o qPrq&ma3oSooeii], to clear, disencumber [@EIqj6Scoiaoel3ucoo:)Gc~ wEgtooe0u], oeE,.~, qS. Der. oqoS - %08, v. same, 2nd def. [rarely used in combination in colloquial]. oocoS (from ooo:ccS), n. the young of animals; used in combination with the names of brute animals, as 8wowcoS, a calf; @o5oocS, a young fowl, a chicken; Jczco5, a youngt barking deer, &c. [more elegant than gorscino:inaEomw:, 1 0GO1. "nO, n.; see ooqll oo5:s, I (pron, ov5J.-), n. the Hopea odorata [this tree furnishes a valuable timber useful for house posts and boats]. Ccao-s, 2, n. the garment of a priest of Buddh, conmposed of three pieces, namely, o:&8o8,. c8a and qcx, ~'The pre"cepts given in the Patimokhan relative to the dress of "the priest of Buddha are numerous. He is permitted to "have three robes, called respectively SanghAtiya (o0coo "qoq~), Uttarasanggaya (e8gqobco) agcVooS, and Antara"wAsakaya (inomoo ) co8z8."-E.M. "The ' Thingan' " or Tsiwaran (80oi) is composed of three parts-the "thinbaing,' resembling an ample petticoat, bound up to "the waist with a leathern girdle and falling down to the "heels; the 'kowut' (d~oSoo8), which consists of a sort "of cloak of a rectangular shape, covering the shoulders "and breast and reaching below the knee; and 'dug6t' "(qcq~), which is a piece of cloth of the same shape, fold"ed many times, thrown over the left shoulder when go"ing abroad, and used to sit upon when no proper seat "has been prepared; [the -ooDa8; 8NC06oo and qcxq are col"lectively designated ooos: c88 ofoS]. The colour of " these three pieces is invariably yellow, the jack-tree sup M& - og091 "plies the material for dyeing the cloth [' thingans' are al"so dyed with the flower of the roselle plant (^S-olS), "the leaf of the @(~ooS and the bark of the 68ob$, and "the leaf of the ooosqzo, and with qpoSq,', alum]. In "order to maintain a spirit of perfect poverty among the "members of the order of recluses, the Wini (842~) pre"scribes that the tsiwaran (8o0) ought to be made up with "rags picked up here and there and sewed together; the "rule in this respect, at least as far as its spirit goes, is "thoroughly disregarded and has become almost a dead "letter."- Bigandet's Life of Gaudama. ooob:o8, -c-, v. to make an offering of priests' garments. — @ —, n. a double "thingan " worn only by rahans. -— ~, v. to wear the "thingan " as a novice (for the first time). --— 8, -ooS, v. to wear a " thingan." ---—, v. to dye priests' garments, usually with a preparation made from the wood of the jack tree (see under oodo5:). -- oo $S, — 00osol, n. a rattan or bamboo placed in a horizontal position for priests to hang their garments upon. -— 8o, n. a species of water bird. — gSVq n. a board for washing a priest's garments on. " ---, n. a species of mushroom. 0moo5 (pron. oo5&o) (Pali), u. doubt, suspicion; v. to doubt, be suspicious of, olo9:1 --— 8, -q-8, v. to be free from doubt, suspicion (oo~ca coT53ooQooo8g or QS1I ~ow11o8ii qS0ac~R3:3 ool 3josqe~). -— G-~, -^:, v. to remove suspicion from; s8oqjosO6o5oM ---, v. to be suspicious of [(ooojoai:o.soooAS are in more general (colloquial) use]. o@$ or o:($ (pron..x8-)), n. a fabulous head, supposed to be in the charge of seven goddesses, who transfer it from one to another at the commencement of each year. This fable is said to have owed its origin to a dispute said to have arisen between a Brahma called by the Burmese Athi (-ooc8) and Sekra (c8~o3) regarding a mathematical calculation; each agreed that the one whose calculation was wrong should forfeit his head. The Brahma lost. The names of the seven nathamis to whom the head was confided were 351 oGooo^ooto95nIolo0,oo (or col6q)4 oo0a III. 9. 3cgUS ov)u qcdoon o8a. The Thingyan festival extends over a period of three days, designated respectively the mcooSu 3a5GW8r and wqrsk. [One of these days alwayvs falls on the 12th of April. The Burmese style the Thingyan period, in ordinary parlance, ' paalbaS,' Pron. nala. oc$oq, -wooixq, v. the head is delivered over by a goddess. -— g8, -moaqS, v. it is passing from one to another. - o-T, v. the king's head is washed, 0c0E~coSGoTF --— o (pron. coa@$c6), n. a document annually composed at the time of the Thingyan festival, based on astrological calculations, and purporting to foreshadow the great events of the coming year. The royal Brahmins at Mandalay, sometimes aided by ministers, used to draw out this document. This was considered the orthodox co@$o& n -_ooo, - 00ac0c0'S, v. the said fabulous head reaches the hand of another goddess. o5ooco0p- [n. the state of subjection to the operation of the four prime causes (asGoo380osoo 9o10), c5:8odiuoq sz: noooj oo a,:oG16e3i"6c@Of 0(8Gab0cu3aD 8O0cY3p]. -008 o, n. a shady place of retreat, a garden, grove, hermitage; Qo)G-yoocn 6qsoc: X X5SII cr3G~oGo 31S ooclq (Pali), n. the mutability of creatures, by which they are continually subject to destruction and reproduction; cu&1 co8q190%:, n. the organs of destructibleness and reproductiveness, see under aaov cor5 o (Pali oaoCx:), SoazoCq0u:@ coSGoo S9 ii — @, 7n. a brief, summary manner (as distinguished from 88iEgj~, in a diffuse manner). These are not colloquial terms. cop (Pali), n. calculating, computing, og56@811C — 30o0s, n. arithmetic, oco~o_0o3ai wao8m (Pali), n. help, assistance, cooooS6@80ni%~@80 -— copo.c da, n. the four rules of kindness by which a king ought to govern (and which should be observed towards one's parents and children). c4oS, i (also written oo8:o5) (Pali oouoo), v. to help, assist, as superiors; particularly as kings their subjects (mS18 o~5P9,Ggcf &0sSaoag ) r.=65cu J-V, to assist , ox5o 10593 by way of advice, teaching; cooooo.qg ogoS*So @8:6oo~, preaching; oofQoSag i coocg~o@:&soo, to perform funeral rites; 8 OcoS,,n @gooo@Si3 (GCS); comp. c ooaoS (to dispraise, censure, revile). oo3S, 2 (also written oazu OS) (Pali oo0080o, 3anql ), n. an abridgment, compilation. o&OS, 3, n. a system of metaphysics, see under pq.oSo — 4@80, n. the nine divisions of said system. - g:, v. to have made a complete study of the nine divisions; oogl St" ovo5o (Pali), n. a member of the priesthood of Buddh, the priests of Buddh collectively, the clergy, oqoo ov5onsoi oc5onoq8og3ooo5oo co3s o5o; priests of the first 'kind only existed in the time of Gaudama. -o* (pron. ooov3S)), adv. one after another, ou5oogCi ooto&ogoSooe&ooLoDs-, in the way that p6ngyis walk. - 003 (oofloo81 ), n. a concert of primitive priests rehearsing the communications of Buddh (usually applied to the three great Buddhist convocations). " For the establish" ment of the Pitakas it is said that three several convo"cations were held. The first was at Rajagaha (cpo@goS), "at that time the capital of Magadha, in the eighth year "of Ajasat (3 ooso8), sixty-one days after the death of "Buddha, or B.C. 543. The whole of'the Pitakas were "then rehearsed, every syllable being repeated with the "utmost precision, and an authentic version established, "though not committed to writing. As the whole of the per"sons who composed this assembly were rahats (1coo5o), "and had therefore attained to a state in which it was "not possible for them to err on any matter connected " with religion, all that they declared was the truth; every "doctrine was correctly delivered, and in the repetition " of the words of Buddha, and of the other interlocutors, "the ipsissima verba were faithfully declared. The "rahats did not possess inspiration, if we consider this "power to mean a supernatural assistance imparted ab "extra; but they had within themselves the possession of "a power by which all objective truth could be presented "to their intellectual vision. They therefore partook of "what in other systems would be regarded as divinity. "The second convocation was held at Wesali (Gcoooc8), "at that time the capital of KAlAs6ka (cogopg ), in the "o94 oo4: "tenth year of his reign, one hundred years after the " death of Buddha, or B.C. 443, in consequence of the "prevalence of certain usages among the priesthood that "were contrary to the teachings of Buddha. The text of "the Pitakas was again rehearsed, without any variations "whatever from the version established by the former "convocation. The third convocation was held at Pata"liputra (olooc8qoS), near the modern Patna, in the seven"teenth year of Asoka (a33oo00, also called oQgG:>oom), "235 years after the death of Buddha, or B.C. 308. The " Pitakas were again rehearsed, without either retrench"ment or addition." oi a05oop oooSZ, " Convener of the fifth Burmese Synod," a title which, though self-conferred, was much prized by King Mind6n. aoboxx 3oooS, v. to hold such a concert. oou&o5o (sometimes written o5oeooo), see under ctn oo68oo (Pali 0300 aid gtoo, gg3, property), n. consecrated property belonging to Buddhist monks generally. [Consecrated property is divided into three classes: oocpooog Mo, that belonging to priests of a particular locality; oogoo oo8Moo, to rahans and laymen alike; qgoeoooco, to a Buddh and rahans alike.] oo8oc8, n. a kind of bed-frame without legs used by government people [according to some by the royal family alone]. 6DSo;6 (pron. Eoo8q), n. a razor [ooSo4% is usually combined with coo: in colloquial (o0obo oo.000:)]; (ooScqsooScq, n. the name of one of the smaller hells). oo8oC*: (pron. oo6c8), n. a frock with short sleeves and close on all sides, (originally a Karin dress, and even now far more worn by them than by any other race. Occasionally worn by the Burmese). — 7oo0, n. a kind of bird, heron (?) (Pali Gcoooo8.-S.). o0o80, n. a kin& of shell, Turk's cap,, a large species of trochus. 0080;$, n. a kind of tree (tortuous hibiscus). 0o6qS0 (pron. co8qoS), n. an offering of food presented before a pagoda or image (0yooSoSoS); (oSqoSoosqOu:, rain which falls on&the day of a religious festival). o83q: (corrupted from ~), n. an oblong (c00oq) black-board used by scholars to write on (rapidly being superseded by the slate in Lower Burma). -— ooo~Bs, n. a large upright black-board, a wall black-board. cGoio 1095 o6.:s@s, n. the combination of the letters of the alphabet, a spelling-book; o 8c(~ooo, n. the name of a certain grammatical work. ---— olS, n. the handle of the spelling board, a pale, picket (oo8oooSoogoo). oSGr018S (pron. o8col8:), n. (the marsh-date palm, M.). -— o, n. a species of sparrow. — q- (pron. 0or6E18:8), n. the large white worm (found in the marsh-date palm), an article of food which, when properly prepared (on toast), is scarcely distinguishable from marrow-toast. mo~oo (also written oo3SGooo), n. a ship, any sailing vessel, the papaya (tree); 0000o3 is frequently used as an abbrev. of ---- )0, n. a species of the custard-apple, the bullock's heart. -- o~go, n. the captain of a ship. -— coqloo8C, n. a kind of plant or tree said to have been imported. — (C3q, n. a species of the chebula. -- @oa5, n. the physic-nut. --— r c 5, n. the Bombay onion. — @ (pron. coco3)3S ), o. a kind of shelf made of bamboos placed across the tie-beams (oq8) of a house, and used for keeping all sorts of odds and ends upon. -- 8 I, n. a dog of foreign breed. -- o&SGolS:o (Pron. ooSo4), n. one name for the Gnaphalium aureum, said to have been introduced from the Mauritius. -— oo00, n. a steamer clerk, the purser of a ship. — Coo:, n. imported salt. -- 88 (pron. o3o5o38), n. a landing place for ships, a harbour (a quay). — Q — oS, v. to moor alongside a wharf, or landing place, as a steamer or ship. -—;^ ( —8Qj), n. the Otaheite gooseberry. -- ooool, iz. the neem tree or Persian lilac. -— oo (Pron. oo(0oo00oo), v. to build a ship. --— ooooS, v. to feel squeamish owing to the motion of a ship, not quite so strong, it is said, as cgS~sl io96 04a coO5ooSSo38:, n. formerly a commander of one of H.M. the King of Burma's steamers. --— ao, n. imported piece-goods and textile fabrics. -— o404, n. the century plant..-.-^6oS (pron. oGroSo8ocj)..- ooooo, n. a species of the papaya. -- qOS, v. to be wrecked as a ship. -— oooS, n. a kind of fish. --:oo$so, n. the periwinkle. --— o^:a^, n. a species of the tamarind (the Sophora tomentosa*, K.).. ----8, n. the great double Arabian jasmine. -- Cooc8, n. the chief officer of a steamer or ship. -— qcoo (-q$coo), n. the turnip, the cabbage. -- oc8 ( — nc8), n. the winged cassia, (considered highly efficacious in cases of ring-worm; the leaf is rubbed on raw). -— qooS, /. a shrub growing up into a small tree with palmate leaves; it has an edible, bulbous root.-S. -— a0SoS, n. sail-cloth, canvas. --—, n. the product of the white cotton tree, said to be superior to the product of the cooS or red cotton tree. -— ', v. to be taken out of its course as a ship by the violence of the wind. -— col:, n. the papaya. "- cooS:, n. the fig. - 0-:, n. a ship-owner [a term of compellation sometimes used formerly towards non-official foreigners by up-country Burmese]. ooo&c,oS (o0oc008 ), n. the Sanskrit language (the q in this word is usually pron. aoroos oSooocoo). oo~, I, a modification of the pronoun oo8 (see Grammar, sec. 78), ooSc QOoso p oo4, 2, v. to be suitable, proper, becoming; GooSGocS, ccqoC oS, to suit, agree with, to agree with, be on good terms, to have sexual intercourse. Der. woo8o88oqoo.cq. ooC8 oooco8ol (or ooGoq5Sooco8o 1) oGoscgj$oacjooS5 oog o1 ooelcooloeS 1097 oo~oo8, — @oS, v. same, 3rd def.; [oogoS also means to have sexual intercourse, to be married, in which case it is usually preceded by Go18:GoS]; 3ocg Bc3 0cooo0c0 0oooZ -- G, v. same, 4th def. (to be married). — %, v.; see the parts. — GOoS, same, ist def. o00, 3 v. to befall, come upon; GosgoloSooSic$sgooqGoosoo 61Go:0gII cqo:gGlGOosoo6G000Doo:, an imprecation occasionally made use of by the Burmese when asserting their innocence or in order to convince any one; to take, as fire, 8:oo8:aggoS~oocoxn; poison, so88aoo0&Moo~-3 ooc:ooe; disease, ooo8oii ccpoloo8. 30oSoo86cGpo5~@8 G @o~Gpo1oo 8Gooaooo oo3 osQcoe -GCpoS [v. Ist def., )ooS+oSCOipOlooSlipoS]. o08c, i (in colloquial frequently pron. OS:), pron. a. that (thing). Der. oocSoo8 [oo like th in the]; o8sooo0GToo,,no8-ioo0s 3oo0caii ('f 4 o Sg o QoiGcoo ooeoSoo 50 oSolu o:aSs8ooodooSci o008:, 2, v. to unite, associate, cl08:; not used singly. Der. so oo8vi [oo like th in thin]. — 3-8, n. the chief of a society, pastor of a church; (co-gsa8 , applied to animals when living together in herds). -, v. to make a schism, (000o000o68: S~oo also applied to laymen, co68%oo8aGooe). S — corGS, n. the secretary of a society, a church clerk. -OcoooS, n. an assistant, deacon. -- 0o:, see 93oo8e o8-6n --, v. to associate, form a society, oogtrooooSii -oS, see aoo8so8on --— o8oS (-o8Goo5), n. one who joins a society at the same time. — 0o8o, n. a member of a society. -C:, adv. apart, independent of others; 0o080c8:8, property belonging to any one alone, such as property given to a particular member of a family (by the parents), and which is not liable to be divided with the other members of the family on the demise of the parents [usually a term used with reference to the independent property of a husS138 f 100 Ock 0..18 t band or wife in contradistinction to joitt property, p86l: WoS: 3, v. to emit a certain kind of pleasant odour, as the odour of the oqd86:8~ o~c828, oqaig, one kind of 6r$, (less than 18(S 4,~j ~a); ozS OQ oQ$oeu Ao) v, (to diffuse fragrance), see the parts (008trN, fy ' wog-a,3zS ooS&x,8 81c8mO). o:;,v.to gel castrate (man or beast); sQ:cqoS, coRS, 02, COS c:4, v 1 -of.S (pron. mS~8,a. imperfectly castrated, oaQozi~ci8 -— g (Pron. as spelt), v. same as oo8~p a. pefcly castrated. — oa. same a's oo8.:QG8~~:l @,a. castrated, cxs@ ooS: =662&8:ul oostrqb (Pron. co8-0&), n. the front brim of a cap *of state (applied to Buddhs and monarchs, also used figuratively, e.g., ~ (said to be a kold band which used to be. worn across the forehead, -Caio-oSuo~t)..wSmahos, n. a kind of serpent, cGo~to6S OD3CB?& (oo8:006qrz:), n.. a species of lipard with a head resembling a parrot's bill. oS:Q*3(pron. co8c @5), n. the earth which scales off the sur0trace- of land after an inundation (cl~oo8iai). [m~si&-DI8. cm:xS-. and co89c4S~S are terms applied mostly in Upper Burma to the curling up of soil over rice-plants (1,) and. the scaling off o -f earth on whjch they are planted, owingto solar radiation.) -CO, -co;, v. the earth scales off (also applied to a kind of cutaneous affection found on uncleanly persons, QP~OWS &600). oo.&Gi (Aosrp, n. the earth lizard, alarge brown species lithe skink].Pae fprfrmn Vs8 (048%) (Pron. ozoz&), n. aplcoferrmn funeral ritesk or of disposing of the dead by burning or buryiing, coo@8, o~Cq1, j=~2oo~s~ls; "the place of meeting (shall be) his bu'rial-ground, a term formerly used in prdclamations 'in Upper B3urma regarding criminals, meaning. that no mercy, was to be shown if met with; sometimes used as a threat, e.g., GO18m5,8~ [Note.-A Burmese burial-ground is almost invariably situate to the u'est of a town or village]. —.cig8s (firon. -ooS:j~Se~&), a grave. 008 lo99 oo&8rg (fron. coSs.a), n. a kind of tree (the wild jasmine). - 98 (pron. thin-gway-gyat), n. the pangolin or scaly anteater of the Malays, Manis levicaudata; co8:gRScQT rooSo2a-p~9g8.qooo8spdscoS- (the armadillo?) oobs4F, see ooga% xc8tc~ (Pron. o3s:,), n. verdigris (the bibasic acetate of copper). - 8Gcq(3 oS (-88cqo60), n. green jasper. co:ootooc5 (Pron. oamS:olo), n. a kind of creeper, the root of which is edible (and is used as a substitute for rice in times of scarcity in Upper Burma). ck:Sq8 (Pron. moso8)l n. the under-garment of a priest of Buddh, see coo5~1g 008:0c8, n. a small kind of tortoise, [one species of skink (a kind of lizard,.ooS88O or om6c88aqj,), qooo8qj:] [a kind of cutaneous disease]. oaS:o$ (oS), n. a kind of tree (oo:o8aolo5%, found in Upper Burma). coq or oq, n. a species of chiton, a multivalve mollusc. 0081 I, n. wood, timber. Z-Oc5, n. the chestnut.,-G0aZ8, v. to draw timber with an elephant. -coms, n. a species of sterculia. --— sGaS,7 n. crooked timber. -a, n. a large branch of a tree (a bough); comp. w86aoS - ccos (-sos), n. the walnut, xoSqp)a-3,: — rxaiobS7S, n. a species of Willughbeia. _ ~s ( tron. wb&t), n. the cinnamon (tree), cinnamon, RS5 ---- o7, n. hollow timber,;@o8o0So8n — E n. the Epidendrum moschatum. -_ooS n. a small branch of a tree; comp. cGEuu &fo 8 o0Y a kind of tree snake. -ooScosSo0:, n. the narrow-petaled garland-flower, a species of hedychium. — Olt)7 n. bitter-wood, Terminalia pentaptera. 0-c1rsB, tn. the bark of trees; OO8c(;QSIBS, v. to dye with the bark of trees, e.g., w3co1o:o3a8:o38II I roo C08 ooEdooSooS, n. tan after being used in tanning. — G —olaqg8, n. bark-water, water in which bark has been steeped. — G-ol-8, I (from col8t), n. a subordinate in charge of timber (Pron. ooScol,8), a timber merchant, a forester. --- 01o8s, 2 (from rolS8, 2), n. the inside of a hollow tree or log.-S. -— q, n. the Malay chestnut. --— c, n. a kind of tree. --— Gs, n. a kind of tree. -— 4, n. the Sideroxylon tomentosum, an evergreen tree. -—, n. a crotch in a tree (a fork). " ---8, n. duty on timber, revenue accruing from timber duties. — 8~oo, n. a species of parasite, a generic term for different species of orchids, as the dendrobium, bolbophyllum, and pholidota. --, n. same as ooldo0) — c-, n. a kind of timber. -— eog, n.; see oegi — 88ci n. green, unseasoned timber. --— 0, n. a kind of gum, black varnish, the tree from which the gum exudes; SoSGcas, to tap for black varnish. -- co:806, n. the wild black varnish tree. -- 8, v. to drag timber with buffaloes. -- co (pron. cooS), v. to salve timber. -- 388, n. a kind of tree [the Terminalia belerica]. -- Gooos 8s:, n. the chisel-handle tree, Dalbergia velutina. — G —s, n. touch-wood, spunk. —. coS:, n. a dragging path. ---- (-ce0so^E), n. a kind of tree [the Schrebera swietenioides]. --, n. a kind of tree. -- cooSos, n. a kind of wild cat, G@jE6go5a -- oonq s ( —oo@8), n. a kind of tree. --— oi, n. a sprout from a fallen trunk. coo I10 008ooo (from coo, i), n. a wooden box, chest, a box made of ahy material; co8zo co8:-, the handle of a box. -cGOO, n. a forest. cC-s3CY:888, n. a timber dep8t. -— colo;0, n. the Conservator of Forests. - G004), n. the Deputy Conservator of Forests. -ccoG4$coooS, n. an Assistant Conservator of Forests qoSooO8 OOo r00 oOco5' n. Sub-Assistant Conservator. -( oODoS) n. a wood-pecker. -— d% n. the wild mangosteen. -ccc5con c,, n. a kind of grass. -coS-ocrc83, n. another. -0CO, v. to blaze a tree, oS880_g$o4x0@oo0 --, n. a kind oftree. 0-Ios, n. twisted timber. — coo:, n. drag-holes (in timber), 0084001. -<, n. the Amoora rohituka, an evergreen tree. -48s (frequently pron. cob8t), n. the Dalbergia nigrescens. / -o, n. a tree. — ocoa (pron. oSecoo), n. timber that bears no hammer-mark. — ps, ln. the Milettia Brandisiana. -, n. [the Dalbergia purpurea yields a kind of oil which is eaten with food and used for the hair]. - ~ccY, n. a kind of tree. — COQ no0E (-oocno8&), n. the wax-wood, so called because it produces a wood the colour of bees-wax. -solS, n. a kind of insect. -, n. a kind of tree [the Xanthophyllum flavescens, or Xanthophyllum glaucum]. --— I81, n. creaking timber, o8r@o&o5u -— oj, n. a kind of tree [the dammer pine, Agathis lorantk hfolia]. 0 ---Pl, n. a kind of tree [the Karung oil tree]; but comp. oWo8n --— 6o~ ls~, n. a tree of the genus elaeocarpus producing a hard valuable timber, see ro acIgI) ix~8 (-~Q),n. timber which is large at bottom and tapering towards the top. -CO:)) n. a kind of tree [resembling i~ngyin, coo~ow&s:;:]. -.-cz~:, another kind [Gordon iafioribunda]. ~rw~a43Sn, timber of uniform size from the bottom to the top. -9,n. the sap of trees. c-.,. the return of moisture to trees and plants on the approach of spring; -,o~eo~~io6Snu~o~ao5" 06:cn. the Heterophragma sulffurea. — o1@:, n. the Sophora robusta.%' -ooo: (from amoom:), n. wood, the substance of a tree. n. the fruit of a tree. -c9oo&) -08.0Ock, n. same, [a-808:o06, a collective term applied to trees, plants and creepers]. -G003, n. the apple. CD08) 2, n. a small animal of the tiger genus. -98 (-OcS), n. another species Ethe Nepaul tiger-cat].,aon. the leopard cat. w n. a large species, larger than q$opoon _-qcoo:s*Ro (-c co:isj8)., n. the camelopard, giraffe (oeaio 0o&, 3, it. to measure with the breadth of a finger. Der. szoa~ oo,4, v. to benentod Gr8OOU 1DI9R0' v. to renew; used chiefly in regard to renewing bonds, wills, &c., e.g., cMT oo8co8a,83jiq4@aoi (mcozo& 'is not used in Lower Burma).. 004,.5, v. to wash (the face), qjo~poo 8 [to awake as a monarch, qrjDO8OOGOfi] aoD~ (Pali), n. truth, as opposed to falsehood (jaoo), veracity; comp. cogo, an engageinent, promise, oath, vow (fidelity), a species of flower the tiger-lily]; oo~ouoSii8qwpIno~ooiqooe (=sjD " "truth," "4righteousness," " perse'vering exertion," " generosity," are the four th~ings which - overcome an enemy; C3D0D~~O~~ ~~ ocif ~ -18C: @o8:o8co4oGicm O SCOSfl)d ~ "The four'sublime "truths which Buiddha apprehended by the light of Buddha poogo 1103 " gnydna (qgocoo) when the same had dispelled the dark"ness: of awidiya (s8gp) were (i) Dukha-satya (qozo08), " the reality of misery, has been explained as inherent " in the system of the Panchas-khandas; (2) Samudaya" satya (o00300oo0J), the reality of aggregation, or the "progressive accumulations of evil by the agency of KA" ma-tanha (moooccq), Bhawa-tanha (oooooc00 ), and Wi" bhawa-tanhA (800000ooc); KAma-tanha signifies lust, "avarice, and love; Bhawa-tanha signifies the pertinacious " love of existence induced by the supposition that trans" migratory existence i4not only eternal, but felicitous and " desirable; Wibhawa-tanhA is love of the present life un" der the notion that existence will cease therewith, and " that there is to be no future; (3) Nir6dha-satya (SGcpe " ogo0) or the reality of destruction, signifies the destroy"ing of the desires above-mentioned, and thereby the "causes which perpetuate the misery of existence, and "this is also the signification of the nirwdna (RIol); (4) " Marga-satya (o83osl), the reality of means, signifies the "efficiency of the exertions and operations whereby those "desires are destroyed and their concomitant miseries ex"tinguished."-M.B. " The four excellent truths:-(I) " There is sorrow or misery in life. (2) It will be so with "every birth. (3) But it may be sopped. (4) The way " or mode of making an end to all miseries. * * * " Ignorance is the source of almost every real or fancied " misery; and right knowledge of the nature of things is " the true way to emancipation; therefore, they who de" sire to be freed from the misries of future transmigra" tions, must acquire true knowledge." * * * -Csoma K6r6si. oo8g, v. to enter into an engagement with (a superior); — 0oc (pron. ooogo8) [same as aoo, 2nd def.]. -- o, v.; see oogn~, — oc8%, v. to be under an engagement, goqsogo c 8oo8o'ioo GO3II — G —o, v. to keep an engagement, be faithful; generally ap. plied to women who are faithful wives; coCSoogoGooDooD& — oo0, v. to keep one's word, act up to one's engagement or promise. 1104, oqocqoS, v. to administer an oath, OGORQG-gqgsqiM$23&O@&. —coO:, v. to resolve, vow; ooo o 5QMoC=onm coS 041~ CB$:, v. same as co8GO3~5.-4, v. to vow as lovers (theatrical). ~ ---oS~o5 (pron. cqo)q~cl, v. to take an oath, imprecate evil on one's self; cxqGGiGq6o0ma0Eon Joo;(8 ~ cooco8-.qZ 00830~4AGOOSWOO& (~GOOoo:)0000'OG@zxOIl O RD 0pooCB00x~). -4 (P (ron. coeoo$-: as one word), m. the tiger-lily. - Go:, v. to charge -solemnly, as under the sanction of an oath; 8GSW, 02o Ia oelu c) omos:Go=&: oS: g 1. ---4o, -f~PqjoS, v. to retract an oath or promise. v'. same, to affirm solemnly, make a vow, take an oath, -cGzoocfS, -qjo5, v. to break an engagement [to break faith]. --, v. to be faithless (coso~e~09 -Gq, z. prepared water drunk on taking an oath of allegiance, w8OGcOSGrjCOUOaSII v. to be faithful, ) oololIj o8 3p3n Gow.n1t, n. the four laws of truth, u3~2II3G8f~Q oo%:) and o~ooe8 e 6381,v. same as coD8)G0oloS@l oa o~oRa@gC;Go8 GO~ r\Od) oG@ COG& (Coca&), see or.&u ooE& (cozo), n. a species of parasite; comzp. oo*n -GOT ((-GCoS), n. a kind of orchid. Iop,:, see =00e, 2. ooe, 2 (commonly pron. oxc). -8 e(pron. as spelt), n. an upright post of a house, a middle post between the central (co1&8c8). and the outside posts (Coo5IoS). -. —c~8o, n. the central post which supports the ridge, c.618c~& -GC- (prO-n. o3oe~Gg-), n. a post in the outer row, coCISoc8u - x, n. same as coe~dFo8o n. a post in the middle row. o Io1105 oog, 3, pron. a. this, II — o ---ooo (pron. oogoccooo5), adv. of degree, so, to such an extent; o~o G coO)pljoeqos. ~ Gcooo5oogQ5c oSooh 6Ios~ scooo0Saooorcos 3Gq-oo9iOOzooeo~ooolo()i oc Gco:oaScqoSo So:mG)G Oo9IlouoOlO@8o7ol 11 " ---odc, adv. in this manner. --— O (pron. o0~c6), adv. in this manner, thus. — 9-, adv. here, oo33g 9 o,1oo — c, adv. thus; o Gcqoo1,1oo1po jogcqegoogeo G00oE oooSoogcon — c, pron. a. such, of this sort; 9gcu 006, 4, n. affix, nominative, denoting the agent or subject. — Coo:, n. affix, same, see no:. (used in composition). ~oo~, 5, verb. affix, assertive, cl (in colloquial pron. ooS or o05) see cx:, 2. [ot~ is in composition occasionally followed by S; the following is an instance in the Zanekka: oooqo5c8: q 33033Oc)o GooS3qoJct GpoSoooD3j n oSqoqio(SdC~ ^Cc3O3sq o:)o3oog o GOoaocq$jooi4 3 a go8., participial, cozo connective particle chiefly used in connecting adjectives when prefixed to nouns, Gooo] --, verb. afx, continuative, though, GooScoI (colloquial), S3o5Sll Ogas3oScC n 0Gco03ocjl! / oopog, n. the organs of perception, see under o0: "The "SannyA-khando or perceptions are six in number, and are "on this wise. When an object is seen, whether it be green "or red, there is the perception that it is of that particular "colour. So also, when any sound is heard, whether it be "from the drum or any other instrument, there is the per"ception that it is such a sound; when there is'any smell, "whether it be agreeable or disagreeable, there is the per"ception that it is such a smell; when there is any flavour, "whether it be sweet, sour, milky, saline or oily, there is "the perception that it. is such a taste; when the body ".comes in contact with any substance, there is the per"ception that it is agreeable to the touch or disagree"able; and when the mind considers any matter or sub"ject and examines it, there is the peiception that it is "of such a character or kind."-M.B. co03 (Pali) (pron. oso'n), n. perception, the act or power of perceiving or marking down, c8o5@8gs [a mark, sign, name] [instinct, sagacity], "sannya, perception, as the dis139 i o6 I " tinguishing of the different colours when thinking about " them, whether they be blue, golden red or white, like " the placing of a mark by a carpenter upon timber that " he may know how to cut it, or work it in the form he "(wishes."-M.B. oog8,~" ooaG0o:, v. to suggest, give an idea how to act, eoc3Go: (one kind of JoGo.$o%2508) o q ooGoGcq]CSGcoooSoogS co. 9Su GOqc ooGp)ooaooSoogel (oogocoo is almost invariably used in a bad sense). oogg, i (pron. o-) (from acz)og, the liver). — ai, n. figuratively, a son or daughter, o~sm 8:qg,o coo 0omo0&0o03qpi oo zc~ &.100o548 u — s-0Ts8S, n. pleuro-pneumonia [inflammatory disease of the pleura (the serous membrane which covers the inside of the thorax, and also invests the lungs) and lungs. The Burmese usually apply this term to cattle]. -— @:q8os (fron. bsqgG6So1), n. swelling of the flank or abdomen, a disease of cattle. — rg (pron. cobb), n. the gall, bile, hence oeoosc@, the gall in a case or bladder; 3oegooe~ I, the caseless gall, i.e., the synovia (a clear, viscous fluid secreted within the synovial capsules of the joints, serving as a lubricating fluid to the latter, and to maintain them in a normal state); 3M~toocqG o3(; oC8n (ooSe~:(coS, to become deranged through fright, sickness, trouble). --— @@, v. to be fearless, courageous, (" stout-hearted " is probably the nearest English equivalent, see cog:coo:), confident; oog:gc~ S co51 gG@ s, to be timorous, fainthearted, cowardly; coo3cG 0o5, to be mentally deranged -— cg(sc, n. the gall bladder. — ~@oS, see under g4oyn — vco, n. figuratively, a son or daughter, ooeSBorp^,iicoSoo Co&:, 2, v. to be strong, violent [woDpocol 00 *ncoo:e o], to be very ill, near dying (oGcoacoo:S:ooo.oSooii. oaomq coApoSoloo) "o4gg8 (in this sense pron. &); scarcely used assertively. Der. oo0osaoo$a — 6, v. to be patient, to bear forbearingly, to forgive [o8co9q <M'ooSG@8s8oAoo SoS3AolGoloj]. 0008 IIO0 c4tQ, v. same in the Ist sense, rather intensive (infrequent in colloquial). — 8e~.- (Vron. either as spelt, or 6e2620), v. same as oe, Blr o a0las o36U a8603o 8o 6 goRj-50 o.ae~Oe -6(;0oc -oo*, v. same as ooi (most common) [in the first sense] - G,) v. the most common form of 63 in the second sense; 30,%)QGO I OOiG0 3X0I11 comga (oqGS,), n. a rich man, cqioS, see aqogoN sooeo (coxS) (Pali oa$) (Iron. co4~), n. shape, form, o~pTl ao,: coouqc$soaio2 cooS (sometimes has a similar meaning to caico3 when used in a figurative sense, e.g., coe 3Z3)3za33 o-3coSoogp:)~~c1oeT); 0coooqp is used as an adverb, when it means " once," " once more," " once and again," e.g., 3zsej8wosoooo uS 98,i c omoo6:o&ao3: o tS, "once before he used similar language." 0006, 1, v. to stop, put a stop to, as life when killing it; amco3) cos, as fire, when quenching it; 8oscoS, as food when starving one to death; moo:oo8, as force; smR$c3ooS, as a horse, when drawing in the reins; oSoooS, as a rope when making fast; 93000 (GmS@-ooo5), as the border of a gar. ment with gilt edging; (pqmo5), as a boat when holding the oars in the water; oo&5wo3 (oc5oobloooS), as work when finishing it; cooocoS, as ground when fixing the marks of a boundary (demarcate); =ooS905, mxoo0S, adv. [when used with the negative o it means " not all," 0c0S coos, a corruption of mSBOO 5 QS9o@e:ioo]. Der. 3mzoS', -— o~:, v. to kill for the purpose of food. - 13B, — @o8, v. to kill, moooSiS~oc, O 8@-33ooe1c3jomc3c~3 m~0~o51)o~6o,g~co~oII -o ooS, adv. [by itself]; 3Q@oQ3~oaLoSwoms#oeIa ooS, 2, v. to strike with a swinging motion of the arm in any direction, commonly applied to fighting with the hands and arms (cqjGuO 00jGgcc4J&.)Gl) [to apply the mark =Aod to a final consonant]; ocoStq,*0a5, v. to beat and ill-use. = — Bsa, n. a table of words like o(~8uooo:5ob3no3(8= n ---— 4:o0 (pron. acoao soo), n. one kind of ooSqui --—, n. a vocabulary consisting of assortments of words ending in sozS, ', OS, $, 8, and ', to which are sometimes add ito8 ed words spelt with a ooSo or csqq6 oo0S$s$ooo68 [oop: cooqgoooS (the work of o&8 oS), xoooooGoAS (the work of eoS:s GcoooS:); these two vocabularies are considered the standard ones at Mandalay]. So0000, see c080osn — a — o (pron. ooogs:oS), n. the seventh month in the year, nearly answering to October [on the full moon of which the Buddhist lent closes, coooSolcoojoS]. o0o00 (pron. cog), v. to relish as a flavour, e.g., ) 3oooo3: cooooo~Scl [The compiler cannot remember ever having met this word in composition, and is puzzled as to its etymology. Its frequent use in colloquial, however, demands its insertion]. oooooo, a. the hundredth, oooggGood oo8 (Pali) (pron. c08), n. attention, heed, caution [consciousness]. Childers' definitions are: "recollection, active " state of mind, fixing the mind strongly upon any sub"ject, attention, attentiveness, thought, reflection, con"sciousness."-" Smirti (sati, oo08), the conscience, or "faculty that reasons on moral subjects; that which pre"vents a man from doing wrong, and prompts him to do "that which is right; it is like a faithful noble who re"strains and guides the king, by giving him good advice, "and informing him of all things that it is necessary for "him to know."-M.B. -- cO8Ds, v. same as mao83n — ^ —ooS0 s, 'v. to be forgetful, as an old man in his dotage, or a person of broken intellect from sickness or hard usage, ----, v. same as 0oScco:, &c., q$o4oo:oooogoos)c8 98.op: -A-00-o, —, -i, v. to take heed, take care, be on one's guard, be cautious, ooc8A [oogaeqo 'S@,@ ooSoo0o31 cAcQjoS o8qp:a=odrT~<Go)D8%@ol c8Sog J. --— os, n. the law of watchfulness? o o8ogoooqp, see — Go, v. to warn, caution [remind]; soIoooo8G:o036~ S G-ol, 8.toS qh sGsase D@8: 5n$GooS.a3C o oC8G0C~ Q0Gol 018 ---, v. to have presence of mind, coolness, self-possession; oogg6e:cs8:og 6 0o8@dol 03Qog$coGoooSoo0n oogaoc801@0a=c I1109 co,o c8@oog)oocooeoj:-8oSoo (6B~ (or 8voc75I@8' co~,v. to recollect, call to mind; cc~oLoSm6IOO5 OqOO q~cot,-ocooo8~ (to recover consciousness after delirium, &c., e.g., co8Go8;Tomoqc G(;G4ooeS9oop ojDgocqo~ Qowoo&,c~ OmrOD8 G@,O8q: c)GJ ~~oX1O589956:) q0CZciOj?). ~0q050SG9D*. $coc~qaoe, after he had swooned for about half an hour, he recovered consciousness. v. to be aware (to take heed); oo1Ro&mc6oqoq.:)(c ),-coB (cnobcS), -co~? (Go]h~) v. to be off one's guard, heedless; Xod~o~, co 8 G~ookyGS~80qoz.680 c~oS&o00eI co2QGoCG@ oc~q.o i oq~omcoogoc8co' (or cob co8) oeqIo:c3G010Ioaeaor)SooocBGcqo, (or G0]GCzq?) co~po aoGooo& coe, ni. ornamental hangings, fringes, &C., 3 $ Gcon: 8:coe~1 cocfrxoi, wc~c~-i, n. son, daughter; with the additional idea of lite in the phrase " little son," that is, dear son; (8r.300 qz& ~8- @I:8g cy5q, rz2I~01~S0oiI w~~qo400300 9 00 04010cOO~t~$cj) [These terms of endearment are met with in birth registers (oc~oosco co~82:aoojocoe~) are also used in marriage ceremonies when speaking of the bride or bridegroom]. co8 (Pali), a. seven.~ aaqo (Pali ao~qo~), no- the seven places in which Gaudama spent seven days each on first becoming deity (3-_ojOC8 2ovil 9 CtfS8ccOp O3v1Icoga. the seventh; performance of the duties of religion on the seventh waxing (cOA-xqg8) or seventh waning (cOzqoScx@8) of the month, oo388eaOSII aog~qoGooo ogj~o, n. the seven ranges of mountains encircling the Myinmo IMount, namely, OioAtk g~oaqSi ooq8 W11 0R3oooo G,)86q 89oo and sz~oMoog (in Burmese J6003 oocguGoo)8). " Between Maha Me'ru (oano~80qj) and the "Cccircular wall of rock bounding the great earth called the "4sakwa'la-gala (o~jogookcq8so) are seven concentric circles So10 "of rocks: Yugandhara, Isadhara, Karawika, Sudarsana, "N6mendhara, Winataka, and Aswarkarana. The Yugan"dhara rocks are 84,ooo yojanas (ojoIo) high, half of this "measurement being under water; Isadhara rocks are in "the same way 42,000 yojanas high, each circle dimin"ishing one-half in height; the outer circle, or Aswaka"rana rocks, being 1,312 yojannas, 2 gows (olqoS) high. "The circumference of the entire sakwala is 3,610,350 yo"janas."-M.B. oo0gooo, a. the seventeenth, cooSqiSG goSn oo0gol (freq. pron. osool) (Pali ooogSo), n. a rational being, oogqa-oS (Pali coa8, a weapon), n. a period of slaughter, see under ooo a 613 w~ (Pali), a. ability to accomplish, w St (courage, intrepidity), an attribute, property, qacSi oogo:, v. to put another's courage to the test; cogs:o8s _-qg-, n. [collectively mean "ability to accomplish," but separately oo8g means " boldness" (q), and qq~ means to be skilful, clever, c8go]. -- A, v. to be intrepid, courageous, e.g., oogoyooj ooEo oog2n to possess an attribute or property, efficacy, e.g., ooGcos 000o3 (Pali), n. metal extracted from ore (8.ooUg BOOgaso8uiiGao:~ SO0O[OL) 0(til 39l r-0e~)_ —..Goqxo, n. ore. * —, v. to extract metal from ore. --, n. a fossil, GaooSq8s coa1 (pron. ool) (Pali), n. a sound, so5; an articulate sound, a word, oo3oS (bgloooS8ruoe zo8ogoooSqg8ron8igSooS cg8oqGo). -— o:, n. a grammar (of the Pali language).. ----ooao (pron. ooolooco4), n. same as next, see under szowoo ~ — (from =4oo), n. sound heard. n — sc, n. grammar; og4lg6:, according to the rules of grammar, grammatically; oogeiGaq4 so8ogi m oogl4eg1q(3o38 ' --— 80o08, n.. the eight books of Pali Grammar, namely, ozS,,op, oooqoo, coonoS (pron. aoocS), oo~cS, =oooS, c8oS, and geqoS, to which are appended oqoSoLe and 8oo6oSng6u S0046: IIII co I (Pron. cool or oocx) (Pali), v. to feel kind, well-disposed towards, to feel complacence, particularly in religious objects; e~oog Oc mCYq8 zcrs @oSSo38 00011 [Ci 1C0CO5. to feel love, affection for, as a sovereign for a subject, e.g., 61E$83: 60%08 g oe6 03:1o 8@3o08$ 33l 6035 ooeUi"GoF:ioJS u feel love for his queen, or children, as a sovereign]. - j, v. same; qm oo:ooozopou 0Doooe~& oooSqooioe cg 00oCP,. n. the law of complacency in religious objects; (CogIoOuT) 0Gooo -08, -CiO, -zo ao1., -01o11 (fop, 4l0 co3 g1eqSii) co3o3oe3oqqz-.co 3aco ooGp o36afw@-coes [oq GP coooo, a term of compellation addressed to elders of venerable age; G0qO:803Z'0, to those not so old]. oO~GR, n. kind feeling, cogl@8: cog (08), n. the Bursera serrata. 00g0i (p&), n. the many-stamened croton plant. ocaoS (o&), n. a kind of tree, oomS [the Ficus hispida]. acg: (oS), n. a kind of creeper [the Karin potato, a species of yam]. co$, v. to be strong, vigorous, thrifty, to be stiff, high, as one end of a boat, which requires more lading than the other to sit level on the water; ~M~110001-a-~0~11803cB o10o 0 11 cc18:oo4ii - @Ss, v.; see the parts (infrequent in colloquial); o8oqjoi cso$CS3s@t SAo1%cqo:O C9@00oo~uc,900Q~Q@6D (Prov.). -gS, v. to be strong; coc& 2%aokoxu$po6S, to grow vi orously as vegetation, trees, &c.; 6@omco o8:0C 1 - Wn, v. to be strong of body, hale, robust; couDo= 8J-,o coSoSo.CGOc04li QSDe3G6E~c6c0p8= C.Oq0$ 00QC3 o$XC)~~:@09j(asU0g:3 " a strong horse thinks the weight of a man to be about as much as that of a flower." — @~, v. to be vigorous and rapid, applied to things animate; CO~@$G0oc0-:OB4~0510.0 p~COC'.86qozai8G~)10 e~IICO@ ~Goooe G@098)o8:0c0k@cS0cnSII0$G0z$ co4 (ol:), n. a species of bamboo; o8gscs ir$88gu x3&: (<ag~ES), n. a chief, sovereign; qSoU [or@oo8sau o4@)o 482o8soo oaoboo s Sr-coSco-ss co8g41 omoc5@8: ouqo5pIu coq oo~8: applied to Buddhs, cao o48-o qaso8,:n;ogoo 8St applied to monarchs; Gogoo0 SggSoS:, when applied to Buddhs, usually written coo~6:]. 00~6, n. all the circumstances of a person, or city, or country, from the birth or origin.. —oo —o, — ooSo (rare in colloquial), n. same; @& o-QBocis @&0043&0~0I~q(JOOO4&f3 I11 3Q@0048X)'-)II M8J$31~J:4.c GC1 ooco=S (oS), n. the gamboge tree; oo0cooS0, a kind of paper smeared with the gum of the gamboge, causing it to resemble gold-leaf in appearance; oomooIo5Q 4oGSoo5do, different kinds of gamboge used medicinally. 0ooo8gg~ (oS), n. a kind of tree; a kind of medicine reputed to have aphrodisiacal properties, is made from the gum of S this tree. o008, I, n. a kind of tree, the leaf of which is used in making cigars [the sebesten, a species of cordia, M.]. There are two kinds-coo8@s:, which is brought from the Shan States, known as 98nsooS; and oOccS6, which grows in Upper and Lower Burma. oof8, 2, n. pickles conserved with spices; comp. qgooS, ooSolt, n. a kind of tree, the bark and root of which are used in making a fragrant paste for smearing the face and body [Murraya paniculata]. -— CoCqoSql, n. a circular slab on which such paste is prepared. -- oloS, n. the bark of the Murraya paniculata. - c88s, — c0, v. to smear such paste on the face and body. -— 0os, v. to pulverise such bark for the purpose of making the paste. aosqe (pron. oAicq), n. the serum or watery fluid which exudes from a sore. o00-~, v. to pity, to feel tenderly towards, to give from pity; - 0ooo, n. in its primary sense an object of pity. In modern parlance it is used to denote that which is nice and pleasing to the eye; 8$:oopsooos (or o3osooo2s) Goooc 0 oo.tooe), a nice-looking woman or man. oo$ogo8 (pron. oo$Gq8) (from mco4, a kernel), a. addled as an egg, @oSo3G90o OQ oS (pron. oo), n. coral, o3ooo3o8:iioo, cStnu OOJ Ills col (sandhi), "junction, union, agreement; in grammar of "the euphonic vowel and consonant changes that take " place at the junction of final and initial syllables." -Childers. oo58 (Pron. oao8), to become absorbed by sandhi, e.g., *'[R becoming ~j, saacoQxooc becoming soqoCoocq, see rOn and caoSo oA (Pali cou,$), n. [peace, oSpcq,3o@So6@83]. coa (pron. 0336) (Pali), see o0oorba -08, -o, -co8, -oz, -cf, -oN, -~, -ocoS, v. to conceive, be pregnant, coca - 10Mj, n. pregnancy. -Go:, v. to beget, generate, engender; 0GOO 038G -Bo00G coo 3-0 0ov9 w0~2q9 3,2 8OLSoo 48:4 (Pron. Ao8A09) (Pali cosgWs), n. a settled state of things, '~OGQ@8fs~i According to Childers cog4$ is " conclusion." -, v. to have a settled opinion or purpose (to have one's fnind made up). -q, v. to settle, make permanent [to make a firm resolve, make up one's mind]; ooso)scg~jo&cq~odI - 03q@ coeG~:c)Soo Sooolgo1,clgloiocoe3oo used sometimes in contradistinction to Ooomoo, e.g., a6x'oocqjso $o- 3o3y~ ooo1(.ioopoegcz):-ugcocqoo5 aocoWq ogecoor1 oo1 IQS, n. a certain influence or state of disease near death. - oSs (otjoloSoS:), v. to be subject to such an influence (cx85joloO~S)). 9ooSC (oolcoqS), n. the day after the morrow. aoljo05 (pron. 0oioo5), n. a two-edged sword (oo3ozoSgou 4cqjooSj), two species of creepers said to grow in Upper Burma; the root, when ground and mixed with water and salt, is said to be used as a poultice for boils, [ocqooS, (pron. oquSa~), co$Gq&9033c&o (i.e., ma~8o)4.G9$89n ooo86 cor (90) cq8C oogacNe1:6Iooe]. -, n. a sharp projection of land (Monkey Point, Rangoon), @3cjga o~6oS, n. a kind of harpoon (used for catching crocodiles). C6g8., see 4gsn o$, v. to be clear from, sepatate, distinct, to make clear, to separate (oaooxi); to be clear, pure, innocent, holy, o.8 140 r114 oc4 (o0cumooEcwC u) 4; [ o l1CooSt9s ooGooo9, v. to sleep as a Buddh or Rahanda], [to sort or arrange letters, papers, documents, 0o30j]. ojo8 (pron. coxok), v. same, 3rd def.; to perform the natural evacuations; applied respectfully to kings, priests, &c. [~cScoo&*8en, to cleanse the body; oooo:.sooo8, to give birth to a child; cgco~o::q8:ooo$-.ooiEo ooSioot-~ (a term formerly applied to the ladies of the royal family when a royal son or daughter was born) -\sa38o3cCq ocqcpojo8 GCovoo9SG., the birthday of the Queen-Empress of India. (zooSGooS, a royal tooth-brush). -@6 (pron. oonjI), v. same as ooA, to be conventionally or oeremonially clean or undefiled (?) [moo:3a'ooooSoo1;jvcoj 18cScepoooog, u ccmo8:ig~o Gq8J:oli:61oo ac sacG4wc o - -y8:, v. same (most common), applied also to the mind; o~C'uaoSoScooS:9GgoioomS.- w@oal oo& o@aBog8':g.9oir 8 Gco&~S~ Cqcj5S 0.' GO 5~04:iMOO*03',DGOD )5004 51,8 0. CO e~ ac04gj8oOn SCO05lSo:0ooekn [oaE:oo os, goods or property unlawfully acquired]. - 00rBu, v. to wash after a natural evacuation (CGoooo06506) [a vessel to hold water, used by priests when they go to the rqaS% (ocq co) ooSA-u3oocioo oSjioo ]. -001, adv. distinctly, separately; ooujoq~Soojoo'iooxo-uo cole,, oaO: (uS), i, n. a kind of tree [a kind of dye is obtained from the bark of this tree which is used for dyeing baskets and thread.' The wood makes excellent fuel, $xooa:isro810 000'. uocooSoo08:J]. o0$4, 2, n. a louse [-o:4o8, -oo~joq, -oot p]. -,n. a nit. -ci:, n. a body louse. --— cq, -601, — 6j:, v. to be infested with lice. — ' (oo$:@), n. a young louse. -o, n. a large louse. -coo:, v. to itch from the biting of lice (co4:osacg 8owsoozjt Q~~Qj13:0 &Q(oy O~) o$:, 3, V. to cross (a path, river, &c.); oo8qsozo~:(ooco$:oSo: Gooo0JqCc8,~.9N8RGo, let him who crosses in front of the van of the army have his breast cloven asunder. [The Cos 11-15 Burmese consider it viery- unlucky if any one crosses in front of the van of an army; such a person was usually put to death]; Au- also means to be blurred, clouded, obscured, as the vision; 9$o4~Uo(ox~2oo80~:4:~, -QjoYS8ao4-,cor.CP8o3 00$3.GQ18 (usually Iron. ooGolS), n. midnight; w$-r68coe& "48n"-it cannot be later than midnight " (Prov.), meaning, in a figurative sense, that even if it comes to the worst, a person cannot suffer greater misery than he has already undergone. "In for a penny, in for a pound." -qn. after midnight;W 93 GQ1801 C A a 18 rG6 &o0 0 qz:: 0.the precincts of midnight. -O$-O ~ (pron. a3o,1&n6 ). 005) 1) n. a wedge driven in to make tight, or to split. -~r -oS8,-.0, v. to drive a wedge;- co8Adoo~yYS@: 030,N03&I, to fasten with a wedge; oxa8c', to insert a wedge. -q*o.,n. a reglet (a flat, narrow moulding, used* chiefly to separate the parts or members of compartments or panels from one another, or to form knots, frets or other ornaments). A)8 2, v. to stroke with the hand (as the head, cjcqoo5IIGolazjc~ coS), smooth down; o~-OooS, to smooth with a knife (to whittle bamboo, Gc091, &c., o103coo-~8). _-ocS, v. to be handsome, elegant, well-dressed, &c.; applied to deity, priests and idols; - c.OcooS~cco~ Goo~oa5q~ MR~c~p c~o(CO~qoe~(as in praising a pongyi's personal appearance to his face), to bathe, Gcgoo5 o-ooe~,; similarly applie d ( Gocgco~ooSGpGioo~oc-c60oe0ic& 30a oooo) Coo )0~G~C8o(Dgo'9COMOj GCO3SE~'(:)OGGI o~3oc~oo~'~x~g~ GOp3), (a rahan, when speaking of th 'e act of bathing kimself, would say Gotjzu -GGq03SocS, an honorific term used by laymen to rahans). V. to be well-arran ed, in handsome order, [008:s0oq8: Ga8~co~o Cor 03o&~, (occasionally applied to language, ocnGo G330e~)(G@Cg is in more general use); mostly used adverbially, as o0S1u838 II I6 *6|oosooogo 0 or o6ooo ~oooo58q8iq86ooSo8q8o5t& o5' 2coconaA S q coaoo ooo a m 000eqi q o. 020oooS 0 @g~8 06 CoSoS (fron. ao8oS), i, n. an open-mouthed pot in which priests of Buddh receive offerings of food (an alms-bowl). —,S0, n, the sling in which the priest's alms-bowl is suspended from the neck and shoulder; oo8oMNocBog8-ooi0i -, n. a stand for the said alms-bowl. - G9065, n. the part of a pagoda which resembles an inverted alms-bowl [v. to invert the alms-bowl, i.e., to refuse to receive offerings from one, to excommunicate]. [A layman canndt be excommunicated by isingle rahan. The ceremony of excommunication is only binding when performed byfive rahans (mo&5o) or more; it takes place in a o, in which the cogol is read. The excommunication is notified to other rahans (and laymen) in the neighbourhood by means of documents termed @goo (@@, to avoid, shun). Sentence of excommunication is rarely carried out in Lower Burma, though when a rahan refuses (soo 6) the offerings of a layman, such refusal is designated 008oS0 o o30SuO oM G36056oo1ooSi@i0ioo8oS.o9oSoaodoSooo G)q]. — <s, n. the cover of an alms-bowl. -cocS (v. to suspend the alms-bowl in its sling round the neck); n. the wagtail, oSoo80Sc gqo [The Magpie robin]. — g5, v. to make offerings of food to p6ngyis on the decease of any person or on the anniversary of his death, qoS copah co8o00 80oqas60 cgGocoSoD:Goiacpqocp coogaosctop 8oSog5Ac oocps^o1coeo^ o8AS, 2, n. a species of oak. coool (pron. cofl), n. a kind of plant (the low-land screwpine, Pandanusfurcatus). — ( (pron. cooopq), n. a mat made of the stalks of the said plant. oo8068, adv. at all; in negative sentences as omco8soo3i:O6 co011 (a corruption of a0Sod06. ooqoS (oo@oS), n. a wild creeper, ^oSgW& ogooSqops, n. a tree producing a strong, close-grained timber, Casuarina muricata. 00o, n. a kind of tree [water dillenia; the fruit of this tree is eaten in fish curries, imparting an acid flavour. This tree, it is believed, is not found in Upper Burma]. 00(i " 117 oo3ooc, n. the Malay apple, Eugenia Malaccensis (said to be a corruption of bop8on g,o3G@ae3qcstG@ eS:G;ccog: oG@, n. the eugenia. -— @, n. the Eugenia grandis, K. - 01., n.the Eugenia venusta, K.. —qg, n. the Eugenia cerastoides, K. "__oC508O., — oooSca0, -, -c coSc@, different species of the eugenia. -—, n. incipient puberty (applied to females, o0ccocooo — ooCcqoS, n. that species of the eugenia which produces the jambo fruit, oqgIlcoCi6 - o48, n. the south post in the main part of a house, see under o0t" ----- o(, n. that species of eugenia the bark of which' is used as a mordant for blue and black dyes. - o, n. a sprig of the tender leaves of the eugenia, much in demand for the urns used in making religious offerings [also called G3so8os, the Flower of victory, from the fact that formerly Burmese soldiers wore it in their top-knots and ears as an omen of victory. It is still worn by ordinary persons when about to embark on difficult or dangerous enterprises; co5ol-=s14)oogooc68o49~]o3g,csgoo ^3a8Go1o$OY)oSo3AoocSoeg]. 3c1gojoosoaSo oG o3$ooao5, a term used by lovers when making the usual protestations of fidelity to one another. -coloS, n. the Eugenia Zeylanica, K. —, n. the Eugenia jambolana, K. -- cp8, n. reddish brown colour, C@GGpT8cGo, -ool, 039 aoc4~ (o0), n. the sycamore, a species of ficus; oSSc3goS3Xo$ -— d (pron. oa~s:oj ), n. a kind of sycamore. - o8, n. the fruit of said tree; something attached to the placenta [one form of leprosy; so called from the appearance of spots, resembling the said fruit, o30Jao$:o]. 3o(, n. a kind of song, cooagogi I- I ooseaco oo1o&S(oS) rc8oS (o8)] (pron. -oogS), n. the Luffa pentandra plant [bearing a long gourd with a striped skin]. M-3is (ooon3i), n. literally the, intestines of the said gourd, from the confused involutions of its stringy substance when dried [applied figuratively to mischievous, intriguing persons; O00S9O 8QGTo1oIs cog$asz~g coo5qio means that a man leads such a confused unprincipled sort of life that he has to "address the luffa plant as his younger sister," or to " pay tribute " to such plant, i.e., he is a thorough-paced scoundrel. In this sense frequently associated with the cocAS creeper, acaej JGWla-o oS0 3j)3 cAcS&0, (i.e., Arcades ambo). -n,"c0oS (oogoiSjcqoS), v. to be confused in mind;8 ScS9,~ECsCo30806ce O CIS63gop (also applied to conduct and language); 00 8d3i (gciaYEQSG8 0gt C'can o0 0d -- n0,. a kind of creeper (?) the fruit of which is eaten in curries. —:x (oojo*a) ), n. a kind of tree. - oa (ooioSob), n. a species of luffa. -o)n, n. the bitter gourd. --— 9 (oouoSp), a kind of sore, in which the part assumes a porous appearance. --— cq6S (oooQoScQS), v. the sore assumes a porous, spongy appearance. — 3S (oS) (oug8SoO), n. a kOnd of tree. 3go3 (=60808), n. affix, as like as, fic3u crquo80&:)~6cqpicjca0 00g (Pali), a. all, 08 S6S -- 408, adv. in an homogeneous manner, Asc 1*8QGWc0*tU C9 @..Cqcc5110og0qS0c=11n o0o3oc, n. harmony, accordance, amity; there are three kinds of CSOCOou 3Q301 00008 aro1cG010JQ0cr oUqCooo8zxna -, v. to agree with, to be on terms of amity; rccooS co830oa8 o0838:cf coqlooqoo.o8o o0Sd1djcoosu an alternate, though more polite, way of asking a p6ngyi cag9S%@&Goo3R61a(cooln oeCoqjgr-u% ),'-cocco8,C3 6oe oogaoD (Pali), n. omniscience; ao8EooP,0co ((oo8s o B068C~ QGp005Yw%0o8o S)GoSo c0p33). OOGOOO/ 1119 00008, n. a festival of any kind, public entertainment; ~ (0co0S 0000o), an assembly convened for any purpose; [GQoocoSo qg WooS1oo6u 00003800 n o oSSoo, a saying originating from the fact that in by-gone days the best and most famous actors came from Kyaukyit, a large village on the southern borders of the Sagaing district, and about 5 miles north of the Chyindwin river.] --— ~o, n. one who plays at a festival, a stage-player (actor). 0008, n. a species of nautilus. oocbo, n. the Chinese window-oyster. oooooo (Pali), see coOGooo 0a0c0oo0oooooGoxo5,q8og 66b00o 000o oacI~ooeS< O0GOOD, n. nature, character; nature, disposition, internal bent or tendency, liking, satisfaction, tenour [oOooCoGoSodol]. — Goos, v. to be deceitful, dishonest; comrn 8000GOSK — 0008c, v. to be of a good disposition [sometimes said allusively and reproachfully of women]. -- c, v. to be settled in opinion (to approve, e.g., oj~oooSsa. —.@. tv. to be magnanimous. -- 0@8, v. same as G0DooSI — @o5~, v. to approve of unanimously, a term much' used in Upper Burma when villagers recommend one of their number as a Ywa Thugyi. — o0S, v. to be of an intractable disposition. — ^, v. to permeate the mind, lit. to penetrate the mind. — ^86, v. to be settled, and intent (on something) [implying previous indifference, e.~,., o8ooj: G@ooop0, coo0coo =Doo00D o 8uo.oocoooo8oooJ, 8o03c4 s cqiSgoo'i --— 0, v. to be of evil disposition; ocGpocf, --- BoceoooS (oo0oo:0 ocBo8Gooo), v. to have a good intellect, eoSooSii, -— co0, v.; see G@oSinoojooo0oooo)&0g — o, v. to be of one mnind, to agree (concur) (see 00o000c0), oG0ooa&86llGooG3cQCoo5c00Geq S~-o@03oal' --— c0, v. to consider for the purpose of forming an opinion, to weigh in the mind; qoo5a goooog 0Doocood8wcoo: 000 oo=c66o, '* -to like, favour, approve; U8.,. 9q80 oao, fr gaco 5 comoo, oowoGav1oeo0 n -— 'os:, v. to resolve, determine (to do), (to regard, consider), =oooaco:; n. the attitude of the mind, omcozo8:I ~-$s), v. to be of far-reaching, deep mind (ofSbmoto). - ~4E (pron. 4), v. to be narrow-minded, illiberal, meanspirited, inconsiderate; oq8j cq@jo 0oS qooxS co3 c=xoS woo oo4~:oie3 -,v. to be of immature mind (i.e., lackin in judgment and experience); =o0ogoo6j(oo1GOr@:)8QD S*QoOOb-(): ~ 6 8863oo0gcooSoo3n -I-), v. lit. " to dive into " or " penetrate" the character of (a human being); followed by o& it means to be able to gauge or estimate the character of others, e.g., eoo3f tat0esg:oooellcoooococ4=aycqg~o~olsooSgoooSocoegl -Colos, v. to be intelligent, penetrating; co8go08 og oo c WGCQ3QOC!O3e~o~o 33(saoq~3zo So G oo:)o~c I ae 6 M3oo:)*Oiw3oo I-Ooeo8 ~$ 00ooooS i, — I8B, vv. to receive into the mind or understanding, to " take in," )) 3=ognof C93'nS~103 O- {o, v. to be upright, wise, patient, in a word replete with 'all perfection of character, oU6o33:, -, -c@38, v. to be upright, honest. G —.cp-S, v. to be favourably disposed, inclined; Gcoon-3o C3oiV3XoaocP04 8:)cUcprooa,-~ to arrive at an opinion; Ccp OGDO o x00oo3 oo4C oEUm3q has in this sense a similar meaningJ. -q, v. to arrive at an opinion or conclusion; q;$G0azm c~~o~,ssoo~ogooaE~ogaC"309soj3C6~ym~oqos CuII o-ao, v. to be of an easy, pliant disposition. — os, v. to come to the same opinion; ~8:3 gaocooo:)o80coo -4 =c.Soo8e [to esteem with regardJ; Gq**o~ooei - GO:, v. to have a remote conception of, as from dullness or stupidity, see coon - 0-ooo$, -MOOD, same as omcomn -, v. to be firm in purpose; mQ#ancoom9l G3. os (Pali), v. to coal'sce into one substance; oZomsogooYe~ol8 331a6a 8Gg 6 Mo:m3038Gcc epII QgOg ooo00 ug 6q3a0g Q&S',QQL~NG C0005 1121 3wopoSsc8soo@oe~ (to be on terms of close fellowship, intimate). The English collo'quial expression to be " thick" (in the sense of being very intimate) conveys its true meaning as nearly as possible; ojljo oocSc c.~.s~~ Q q iSo9 f3sogih [oogzxoc*Qal4 has the same meaning, but is principally applied to rahans, though occasionally to laymen; aZ is also applied to inanimate objects]. co5C, n. son-in-law. Co., v. to yawn. o.cDo, n. a kind of tree [the Poivrea Roxburgkii]. 0S), 1, n. a deer with branching horns, larger than 3ao8 and smaller than the cooS [the brow-antlered rusa]; mu86 qSn 0100 mo0:)Sc88o 8 0 ~~q- (Pron. couo8~.:), v. to impose on by some legerdemain trick; caosocfl~@, v. to address another in a deferential manner, disparaging one's self at the same time, with a view of securing future advantage? --- (oos&), n. the horns of the said deer. -0o, n. a kind of tree. -o, n. the Gardenia turgida. -—.8.aOr.3CYS ( ali Maq), -4 (Pali c8$8), -GgooS (Pali 8@ o5), oxooqOn (Pali S0), —.cjs (Pali mqquoeon), different kinds of deer, some of them probably fabulous.-S. 0co0, 2, n. a cutaneous disease occasioning a discolouring of the skin. - 0o5, -s, —, -9qS, iZ. varieties of said disease; m68E —.qloS, n. same as ooSo wcaoCoaj (COOaMOOD(~&), v. to be handsome and genteel; cq 00ooS, i (ao:)oS), n. in Pall grammar a root that is capable of taking a verbal termination (ogea). moOS, 2 (ooS), v. to be upright; ~o8ooS, to be uniform; n. a subordinate to whom the decision of a business is committed, jooooS; hence oagoo5seoArODOJa ) _OOQo5QGo3O33U one who speaks or calls things the same; ooxooon8-L adv. in one straight course, uniformly [consistently, OZ oOSEo oooooSooo opoa,) iioeo 5qzq colooScozGo8 soSG)S~OOZq~~ OS0ooDi 3~op ogc;c18tof, this per141 12ss "son does not "do his-work in an uniformly honest manner, but only does it by fits and starts]. ooo5c~, n. formerly in Burma a spear carried by an executioner on occasions of inflicting public punishment. C OOQ (pron..cooao), adv. all together, unanimously; oeooaS -- os, n. a ruler raised to supreme authority with the consent of the people (e.g., the President, U.S.A.). cooo8 (occasionally incorrectly pron.,ooo), adv. long in time; 0~ n:), prefixed to Iec oooS|, ooo o,,ooIi -om oog So, - 0 OUj3Q<A0@6 l 0Oal$S Goo m4 oom&ooscooo~os coe oo~o 00oo$, n. a species of grass resembling the mooScoS; the blades are so sharp that even.cattle will not eat it (except when young and tender). [The 8 bundles of Kusa grass received by a Buddh from a Brahmin] jooo^oSoo,oao:so5,, ---- s, n. a kind of creeper. ooQo&oc[ (from oo&, " all," " entire," and oc81, "(eye "), "allseeing eye." " Buddha acknowledges no teacher or inspira"tion of a god, he is 'samanta chakkhu,' i.e., his eye "surveys all the boundaries of knowledge, and he clearly "perceives at a glance all truth."-Gogerly. cooooEcp (Pali), n. a kind of medicine. oo00coo, a. diagonal; [adv. right before, op osite, abreast, q9 sq8, (oS^3q 8s~rooucafS(8, 0,COOCO.. 0o6 (Pali 9@5~s). - coco8:o (pron. oo6oco&:), n. a made level plain [a pavement round a pagoda, well, or under a house, e.g., an asphalt floor]; oo60oco8so8on oqcp:oooScogoov6ooSom8>6oooSoogiia8 G3a-~o5Qoo6qo8co6s86aogS o0008 (Pali ooeo8), n. steadiness in a good cause, co008o8-oo _ — ^ *, n. an assessor in a criminal case; [oo4a8Aoq or simply o0008, n. an assessor.. A revenue assessor of thatham6da revenue, Upper Burma.] --- 9S0G o68., n. the thatham'da tax assessment of each individual house as made by the assessors (oooo8c(;&-: oo#1:, same meaning). oo0o: or 0o:o (oooo: or cg:), n. one skilled in some work, 9ooo(%S:soGooou Anglic~ " Too many cooks." 1123 cooQDSrqpG 81. G03S8 (coo:)coooS r03o-8c038) (pron. oon3 rCP8 Go:)08:G3), n. a boastful meddler, particularly in medicine, V3 co, 0 Coo 6 64"SoSIo co8s or c~, n. a daughter, the daughter of a man's brother, or of a woman's sister; om8-4 cyo:)j, unmarried sons and daughters collectively. -cpDg, n. a virgin daughter, commonly &enoting a king's daughter presented in marriage to another king (a8o:oo epcooS) mco8-owepem:A as a victorious general or as a king. - cl~-oo- (pron. q-~oh)w, n. an engaged couple. -_o80 —, n. husband and wife, GuQb:8o QuS$g9 0m8 J8 Rol c; aa~agsllEoo&8 9:8$qnNoooqr$T~o~oa a style of inscription found on bells, images, Buddhist scriptures, when they are the joint-offering of husband and wife. - qo:, n. a daughter by affinity, a niece or an adopted daughter, also designated c8~oo8:,no6 wg:) Oal - Goo&, n. same as oo8o 82~0, same as o:NEg01l -GC-oo0o05333, n. a cousin, being of a different sex and having a parent who is brother or sister to a parent of the other. --— Goo)O (o8 cowJcol), see cowoSo"o o080Go0O5o0G5oS is more elegant than cooooSooomS, -GozoGD: (Aoo8eCwo5oo) (pron. co8xiwJoS ), see C.LocQSIi -— G80), n. an own daughter. cqcico 8, n. a young woman (poetical). co8-4, n. a species of the limpet shell. aoqoB, v. to name, give a name; opoii 9&iIaip oIoQozocxoc, qIS 8 33oE 4q33ga811aB p:@coS a fg3 o$oG;C130 6 o3C. WoIgoq -000059, v. of similar import. ooc8 (c:) (pron. 3oo~), n. one kind of royal (white) umbrella; also called c8so=oSu oio84oS (pron. c308, called), n. a monarch, rcoomao3ca8+o csoQga gc98 Cr'0s,63 1 o0oo3'31 8o 0i -0 lqbf& 00ooC0O, see under cop3[i ooy;p (Pali jGgal, so called because composed of equal parts of salt and water), n. the sea, ocean, c 1jo 1a 606u1 kh4 n. the eight wonders of the sea, namely, the water's continually rising into swells and sinking into valleys, moe~a, o S:18:09g:oo-; that the waters do not overspread the shores, oD:droc2S opoe09 61g; that it throws dead bodies upon the shore, =03m:o8q5cy- O@8oo038c~oo6I 0; that the five rivers lose their names when they reach the sea, @8&r cgol y l 6Sgmoog ot~2cooul; that its waters are never diminished or increased, coqS6W(" oo33ool; that the salt is so mingled with the water as to become but one, caRooeg~Ooaoo o:) jgooaoIoo1; that it is the repository of precious stones, &c., qcoop xc ooC~ qu p cwo ol:; and that it is the residence of nats, &)ScMqz(S8we~ 00010811 "Cj$i (08), 00-x (oS), n. a kind of tree. There are two kinds, called the oqo$,lXiimq$g i cb, n. the Avicennia officinalis. 004: (ob), n. a young man, oqoogu xGos, v. to mark out, limit (infrequent); oo~~=Sqocu ooqSom8 G O&CIOi3CO~O~CS OOeTII i~o8o, n. a history of a pagoda, c08q1za8g.n [also applied to other histories]; 8aoSooqS:iiFxlmq6io gSicp3SQ ono oo46o, see ox:ic3S [o3:@oS is pron. ogaoS in colloquial]. woL9 (Pali copa) [n. a kind of wisdom or learning, aoco) oe~G5 oo:oeII oo8oe03co, the law of watchfulness; co 0803Qghg (,gg) (6cnS8:) (A)1. uoqq (Pali), n. completion, accomplishment; Og&g:000o805, 8g9ooSm [According to Childers " success," " prosperity,"' "glory," "magnificence," "beauty," " successful attainment," "attainment."] aos3l, n. the dative, oCjR:u b4 (g0$) (Pali), V. to connect, to give a meaning, o~oSGo:I ooaoqoS (Pali), n. connection, union, 9L9@8. "coa, n. the genitive or possessive. o&-) (pron. o.oa) (Pali), n. a gbod quality, accomplishment; 0CUohCQ:', -tO, -GO, -GSO, O' i S8I8I so D08lc6 ccSPn~ooungea 0 330:sasogno~~1~~~;~ ~ 61u)~~cqi~mai tog (Eng.), n. a summons, oocpsoo tic ooou -, n. same. CjqCb II15 coeg$, v. to serve a summons. -- co5, v. to issue a summons. 000 v. to summon as a plaintiff or complainant. oo. (commonly pron. 'ooo) (Pali), n. truth as opposed to err6r (8&:), right, rectitude; comp. oo:, v. to be right (oop3 coG, a righteous man). -ol61o (o8oDuo) (Pali 01o3, arriving at), n. an extraordinary attainment, of which there are several classifications (qjo covoloS) attained by Buddhas and rahandas. [It is only when a rahan or ascetic is replete with the 6 kinds of = c8eco6 and the 8 kinds of coeo3 o that his prayer to become a Buddh can be fulfilled.] iOA, v,. to carry from one place to another, remove by repeated processes [rqo05 to0$ooo5 (ac28:ocoS a term used in the drama), o6o1xoaiojc8oaoS (same as cqc8oS)]. -g, v.; see the parts..-q: (pron. cxc605 ), v. to remove, carry from one place to another, 0,*%ooS; to transact business, CSBG3 8nam joocS - o, v. same as co(Bi coo, 2, int. wonderful, rather ironical 6if disapprobatory; oacS oo0504~CS C 11oCBcqu =o5 (Pali), a. or adv. of one's self, unaided, c6oQacuqci — oo0o (o5), n. a kind of iron supposed to be produced in water; also,pplied to natural lakes, rocks, &c.; 88socq of806aUo~aplpCI) Q mCno ocq n. a servant of one's own free will, (o~omoc also means a natural pond). - j0o (ooooawlo) (Pali), n, intuitive wisdom, oaqqoxc)So o0 65qooe3cca5oen ("one whose knowledge is underived, "self-produced; * * * an epithet of the knowledge of a "Buddha"). oct (Pali), n. a vowel, coR~cA', 8gwqocu mson 35o 3u Gcou or 08 CICODOOCIM 3D lie ooqoS, n. the mango; N4oouSo, n. the cashew. [Among the many varieties of the mango are the following:A-co cOqIOSK" 8G616u E8:I 81, ozooa 0 3ocq oSII c6o:)c8 ic8~S 1 61ClSl ~dsqi64I$ ( pron. o$) 9cojc~OU o8iO'coIIoS tn G46c55(I Goq8*G058G1 (Cproo n coc5oSeG~ Go1cb( 1) oiIorjGl oT1cq61] C60C)30031C050618 (p ron. gnCo3l60:), 6qo8116 soQ~~13i1381. .r r6 30qooaj *qcoo8:, rn. the fruit of the mango in its first state; a kind of plant bearing an edible root, so called from its resemblance A4 smell to a young mango; a kind of creeper. -— @8:, n. a kind of small basket with transverse prongs inside, attached to a pole, used for plucking mangoes. Eq —, n. the extremity of the spleen..008G01I, n. a choice variety of the mango; co8G01800690o6 2S0oo0oSco (pron. o3oScooS), n. chintz, ooqo8oe0j5b:i oq6ScoegcAouooqcosoq9l&i, cretonne. -gcS, n. the spleen, milt. --- n. the Mangifera longipes, a species of mango. oXoqcg, n. a species of fabulous wood (of delicious scent); also used figuratively, e.g., ogboqoxv'j D4a1c"C. qc3o0E808:4cGR 18C09q)0063:)I @L:)-GPoS g8qS6C~501ooSe3li (coo1ooe 48oqgcu~oSogsoq c cg gooac 6poSoogeclc6 0oq9s, n. the bud of a leaf, 809S0vn [oj86 (?)]. cojgp(a, v. to repeat portions of sacred writings; more extensive than 8~:no c g$o 38r$ gooooqgo!lo aoo~ogo~gc~oo5sqo)gc611 coqwC (Pali), n. worship, an act of worship, c6:-cSo@8:I [" The "assistance derived from the three gems, Buddha, the "truth, and the associated priesthood, is called sarana " (oDqCo), protection."] [qaq:o3omo arja5c%~' "I have no other refuge but Buddha."] —.4 (Pali qcoui=R), n. a compendious form or formula of worship; especially applied to the three formulas with which the priests of Buddh commence worship, namely, cq ooqcuoa 81 (pron.cgatocqco~G o8o0o8), sOqaOS OgOSd, I worship (lit, adhere to the worship of) the deity; oGOqx aco&8:8a (p'ron. Q8: o.cozS: o8co8) coq:c0 c0o oSoaq 07j, I worship the law; o58ooo0q6o&p08 (Pron. 5wo8So'ao8sob =o8), co5dascjag-So64, 1 worship the clergy; ogti ooc3i DoqCcscgcsuo&:)81 8og OSH [ooqco'8jc mOE8IC0oSicg8joq "c oooe~, in order to ensure the white elephant leaving the qoc8 for the cxoomoo. On the first arrival of the British in -Upper Burma seditious persons used to describe them as being thoroughly irreligious, coqmqoo oo&g;aj: aoqoS, also 8oscqco:)%cacs]. 0oc6i, Wqao, see o".xc w0qo*v- (pron. owuoaS), v. to be disrespectful, intrusive, zc4 cOiIyqcSqIoi ooOoMSO -toZ (some maintain that oq cooS is the correct orthography). 00CGR 11 27 oq$s (ooq&.), v. to behave indecently, disgustingly, to behave in an insolent defiant manner, to be audacious;.SoooSa c~co8c5SGooeI, cioaq co~-Gj-)qic8coeii cngooG o0 co-e)up &~S -occy00509oq.%oo-O@ooq~ -coeu wyooYS (see cozooS, a p'riest's fan). [In colloquial usually pron. n. a kind of tree [the Calophyllum longifoliumJ. coqqoS, n. a priest's cook-house. coqj, n. a crown, royal crown, oc~n -o01s, n. a kind of bamboo, M. (the Gigantochloa auriculata, K.) aoqoo, n. the name of a star; co6oa8 oSl coqoc4ncXoS2S o0qCX (Pali), n. the body, 6aO5c -oloS, n. the osseous relics of the body of a Buddh or rahanda,.o004lD1 05r.o00 - co, n. bodily strength, c S$osn soxx.aoc:ojo qoo v. to pass by near (obsolete), c3i cuqO (Pali co0o), n. form, (,oo94; apparent nature, character, visible characteristic, drift, meaning; o%0S GVcooac.o, to speak so as to make the meaning, of one's speech intelligible, ogS008cpoS G00081 V. to assume an appearance,,aQop~cwo8uoS:coq9cq - 'OT, v. there is. an appearance of [to be apparent], 008qO.: gooocaoT@:o0 sco~S9SocpQo Ocqyj~ (pron. co(Ooo0), n. same as Si' ooTeamo -COGM0, n. substance, arco 'Ia o 8s 38:c8:oog ~080111CQ SQSB1o05C08:00GMogggpoqccmoo C.~;a 0,seeoe.- o, n. a drawn race [a dead heat], a drawn game at chess, oosqjd~65-cgoS-o8; to result in a drawn race or game, co.jo$~cq65, (probably a contraction of aqooc-j, implying that there has been no loss of reputation to either side, see azoooq). i t28 COM oorcj, See =W~qts ook: (ook) v. to be petulantly wilful, pertinacious; comp. msno.S S[audaciously bold]; qsjoD,,4oe 011 co IIc~ =cn. drift on rivers (?) [q6S is said to be'applied to compact masses of drift, ooGcp to scattered driftj. o=cc (Pali =cqj).4 -cq8:, adv. intensive to G019001, C02o):S [0003oCoo00osGol w) Ao co~ aocccs c~~ ~QG~3 ci. o 90co ojGolq c~J~ CC) 0Oe~9:)OGFN8G,%GG?]. ~-,v. to suffer severe famine; =o~o)'I-6oaemc aaGcr,8s4 q ' mrO18 1.c osos~oS 8:61g - oo~l ('0 GclMi&' 'ocPTO-,S~oo4;a6,' a period of great famine which occurred ' in Upper Burma circ. B.E. 1153 in the time of Bhodaw Phra). ocjv. to treat with irony, to ridicule, insult, ozrcj~oeQ~n [oorc.GjS;9 (or ' cajqowj5) G@IIuoorGC~rGS~) (to poke fun kat), co.[oG (to flatter ironically); oar~~-oG:6ce OWQCP8o0%(OO1 ' (cuo8oozx), v. to commit adultery (as a woman); said to be derived from o9Gcp~cooon j:u o5(noox" ojeqp& Qj~OH(cGor-p- is said to be correct,. not co~cqp). Co.rGqp8:, see Gqop8:, 2. 00.TOV. to be- very dry (?); qe)5s G618c~o@ooccp8,=eII x~o8 coqS, see ~S (infrequent) f(o~8noo~moaa&6). oo%65, m. mportar if made-of mud, G~oagoS; if of a composition of frne,"sand, water, &c., az8ooa-)Sjc; if made of cow-' dtfing, paddy-husk and straw, b o -.q:caou (mcoad44$, ko 04'oo~oSqucogtac6, to smear with mortar). COCOS:,) n. crystal, rco,-BcocoS:.P ooc,3 n. a film on the eye, cf3$oocoo, -ocoooo&00 -c2St form as such film. V. cocoooooo (Pron. wowmamucoS) (Pali), n. rice distributed by lot (amongst), c~omo~o(j COCOO:, v. to pass, repass, in order to show off one's self; co5,Coco:),16@8.coco03in - oo~gocOR c~8coS2mocoGo~,~oo~c~Li cocSS n. phlegm, ~v [oao~r1GGCOo)8:IICOC88GOooS-0, V. to experience a strong desire to eattr drink acids]. C)OCOU 1 1~2.9 ocon. the leg from the knee to the ankle, ~oop~o scotoa -o.)~,n the calf of t 'he leg, -op Xc'q, n. a species of palm [the Licuala peltata]. ~oogo3c (pron. ocucooog) (@8), n. the classic name for the Chyindwin river, see 40b81 CooCOg,3 n. a contraction of ~ooo=-ogi cob j j n. the pomegranate. w~oo) 2, n. sand, c~i5,a'5-010Z1 oo~,see cooOR$% imn.. ore, lead or tin ore (?) [the classic name forlTeadJ, co~ GC1~JOC~ Coooo, a corruption of ox9o8S, one who plunders from a thief. cxx8, n. the tree from which the Karung oil is extracted. con. a letter, epistle; 00o$000 G,oo0:)( ooOu2c~C61 coe~u D-C:8o50fljjO C-8 SO)o08o3;C-GcIOOO4~O 03100004006). c~rbul oo-S [A letter. from one king to another is also styled aocsee o~c~ (a corruption of 3cO4c~ii cocoO$oo~cotq~o:&. cn8io~65); also applied to animals; cooaocao-oo-,,oS ao~e~cn)om, see co~om OOGOO, n. the name of the symbol Gi i cQ, n. same; v. to make the said symbol. sao~ws (c.SxoS), n. money levied by royal authority once in ten years; original meaning, a tax derivable from " the fat of the land," OO3=G03GEGcfl5~,- GOO33-. (said by* some to be more correctly written OZ83roa, originally meaning money levied by royal authority once in seven years). Now levied yearly in Upper Burma (see szc8, P. 42.) XOG04ocn (Pali), n. one who returns evil for good, aor~oa~omz ooocflO8G-, n. a term applied to horses of a dark brown colour (considered to bring ill-luck to the owner). cowoao [Pali cowo, with (pand go, life], n. alliving substance, opposed to V8,o (in colloquial frequently pron. con8i) cxxx 142 1130 a oioo or. ' c~(24a(;q)G@3Ssc2 no8co6, i.e., to die. In petitions asking for permission to hold funeral ceremonies the following set phrase is often met with: comUodho3oa ooao$, n. a kind of cloth (not generally intelligible). ooc08Eq,6oo (Pali cow~, with, and 8aow, soul), n. an animate substance, opposed to m8coaows m o38po mmo3o o oomnxi (Pali), n. associating, 618:GOT@8: Der. SSoomoco (8o6 v. to associate with, cjq8 —mcqcoc8j oomom~oq8A. G4@oaen, — 2t, v. same, j84 8:Cq86"8q8E O cgm 0~~$coS:Gol cOx~SCO coc3h) n. a person who affords support, m~ (m&G~6lc~coii~). v. to adhere to mocoqc~Wd'cbjH~ oo ~=SoocSi] oj$Gm5jzomrw:sow oc 30Gb0!)c)6 oorUOgoGC65 od, adv. arrogantly, C6GO:)oSccO O (often pron. coGmc)Soof) @nHGCOIIcOx —mo o6-mC is rarely, if ever, used in colloquial. o3, I1 n. iron (iron nail). -CMGoS (pron. oxro1oS6), n. a crooked iron, particularly one used as a key. ccq:& (pron. o5Go1S:), n. superior iron, that is, steel, roaecrB.-.j.oS (pron. bcjqpoS), n. iron ore. -0% (pWon. c5~), n. a chain (iron cable, a telegraphic wire).. n. a telegram; cGso$:oo more commonly used. -~@:God (Pron. C5Q1-OOS), n. an electro-magnetic telegraph, a telegraphic ihsnrsument..~cfi8 (/#on. obgs~8), n. a telegraph pole. G1009A V. to telegraph; comp. +4:@:~65v ri,@,q a or n. an electric telegraph station. 1131 o0cO$@: (3;oaS$) (pron. X$%Oj 0). -08905q, n. iron net-work (wire-netting). -U.~, a. iron-clad. -2G~OoS or ~rw3rfS, n. a three-legged iron stand to support a cooking-pot. 4 — oS, n. a helmet. ". —2rcO o4:,5 n. a crowned one. - qod8 (pron. Y53i8), n. an iron bedstead. ---—, n. steel, ob5ciS - boos, v. to point or edge with steel, o5ocoo&i -_qO, v. to smelt iron. - qJo~$ n. the Chief of iron-smelters, a title bestowed by the late king of Burma. - qA (pron. 05q8), n. mail, whether made with thin plates of iron or with net-work. - 98=4S (pron. o5qB=81F), n. a coat of mail. -x oq (pron. o5joS), n. an iron hook. -Gs (Pron. Oqi.), n. the rust of iron. -- o~od, uv. to rust, OoSoSoSos5oG o6oS; said of persons who bring misfortunes on themselves. - 9g8- (tpron. 0kjo8), n. an iron bar. - 2:s, n. a horse shoe; o5~conS, to shoe a horse. — a (pron. 05g), n. an iron nail. -8.: (fpron. oj85), n. unwrought iron. -zoo or xo$l (o5co$4l or x~6l) (pron. o50ol1), n. an iron sieve. - c88 (pron. o5S), n. the stain of iron in wood, o5a8S — o &: (pron. ob48E), n. the iron rods of the c8a of a pagoda to keep it erect, o6#8:i0n -28, n. a blacksmith's tongs. -, n. a treatise on iron used by alchemists. -o5: (pron. o&41) (from o4o, a log), n. a heavy bar of iron. — oq (pron. o5q), n. a hammer, o3cq~~~fd -_og8%, n. an iron cpw. o0oS4 o (pron. o5J05, c0oSi), n. small bits of iron. -— c-oqpcoo5 (pron. Ao3oSGcopoS), n. sulphuret of iron, eco$, ccqpoSn --— o8, n. an iron post or pillar, an iron window-bar. -- og (pron. o5G9), -GC6O (pron. ob5G). — ooSg (pron. ooSejg), n. a rattan or cord substituted for an iron band. --— 4oog, n. an enamelled iron-plate. — jo-06 (pron. ojma8) (from m6, 3, to apply, put together flatwise), v. to cauterize, burn by the application of a hot iron. — 9 — oS, v. same. — g- d, v. to apply a hot iron in order to brand. — qcyoS, v. to smooth with a hot flat iron. -— @3, n. sheet-iron (a strap, P.W.D.) -- n, n. a furnace for smelting iron. — 5 (pron. CoQl1), n. a plate of iron covered with tin. — o —o - (pron. @(jjo~l4Z), n. a tin pail. — *a, ~n. a tin canister. --— 01, n. a curry-comb. -oca, n. steel; bo5aBcoS, v. to edge with steel. - -8cq (pron. c658qe~), n. a bombshell [a nickname facetiously given to persons of quick and irascible temper]. — 8 — (pron. o58s), n. an iron stove. — ~, n. an iron nail with a large flat head, [an arrow, a spike, P.W.D.], also used figuratively, jioogobjcoSooxicg -— ooS, n. a calking iron; a mason's trowel. — oqs, n. an iron wire nail. -— coSapoS, n. the lodestone, magnet. — cqoSGqo8s, n. a magnetic needle. -— W-08000, n. an iron box or safe. oC, 2 (from =oa5, a sound), used in composition. — (moooS), n. a high sound or note. -— (caooS), n. a low, bass or grave sound. --— omoS, n. a singer who leads the chorus. -— q8c8 (pron. c6qjqo-), v. to sing in chorus. o5 "1133,ob4oo8, n. a pianoforte. — 4oSoooa (o5oGoog:), n. an organ (musical), a music-box. -— c o8oo, n. a soft, gentle sound. -— c8 (from maodS, a warp), n. the one who sings the main part of a song, as distinguished from the chorus, one who leads a choir, a chorister, o@ssois3 o3ja, o8S@o0o5oGo0o --— Goo00-, see oGcoJoSI --, v. to boast,:0o1g-n -- q, n. a musical note. -— 806, n. a quarter note, oooSo5,'o -— 40o:, n. a musical staff. -— 46icoloS, n. a dotted note. -- (^q, n. a whole note, cc805qll -— ooS, n. a half-note, clooso5sii -— GolB, n. verse in which the lines are alternately equal and unequal. - c1ld8&, n. same. --— g8, — 3@, v. to sing together. - GCQO, n. a fine gentle sound. -— c8, n. a clear, shrill sound; a pair of metal cups played together, smaller than co&S8ogs o0, 3, n. an ambassador, envoy from one government to another, -- -, — c26, v. to send an envoy. — co$, -oo-, v. proceed on an embassy. -- 0o0$, n. same aS 050 — o (pron. o05), n. a Residency, the quarters allotted to ambassadors. O5, 4, n. a worm bred in the body (o05oooS). ---, -ogoS, v. to be expelled as worms from the body. — qszosca3S4 os (pron. oSqa5::o>s), n. a tonic vermifuge. — q —G (pron. 5GoOG), n. a vermifuge. - G0g, n. same. — oo, v. to be troubled by the presence of worms. ---, n. the bamboo fungus used as a vermifuge. 134 oNcp d5og, n. a disorder to which dogs and fowls are subject,.causing them to turn round till they die, occasioned by worms,,oSocog q 3C9OCoog o&, 5, n. a certain class of shells, M. -— oo:, n. a species of bubble shell, Bulla vellum, oioSm Gcos, M. ' —s, n. a species of pyrula, o<op@s; comp. OoS oo08:, M. o05q (oS) o5q, n. a kind of tree. [This tree is said to derive its name from its root being considered a vermifuge, as is the bulb of the gooo8oo tree.] o505, see o=5t b5gi, n. one of the race of That6n [the name of a town about 40 miles north-west of Maulmain]. Classic name ioog oc8n o5booi8 (from 6), n. a standard cubit, equal to 19A inches. oGoo5 (from mo5), n. the royal voice, used in composition. -- ooS (pron. o5ocTn:o~s), v. to speak [to supplicate, or report to, a king]; gosooS @sGoo8-ooooSGosooS -— 6 (ron. o53ooo5), n. "the two Thandawgans, or receivers of "royal letters, were ceremonial officers. Three times a year "the king held a durbar called a Kadaw Pw~ (o$coo?~), "which literally means 'beg-pardon festival.' At this all "high officials agd feudatory chiefs who could, attended " and did homage to the king; those who could not, sent "letters which it was the business of the 'Thandawgans' "to read."-Pilcher. -- S (pron. obQooSo~6), n. an officer of the court who received and transmitted the king's orders, a royal herald. o0co, n. the Stereospermum neuranthum. 58go$ (Pali) (oojgo), n. settled opinion or purpose (see ogo, which is the correct orthography). --— sp (ooo q), v. to have a settled opinion or purpose, without doubt or wavering (ooqo15ooGooooFoo8so8g cgioSIooo). — q (o0g$Q), v. to make a resolution, to have a settled purpose. S o0oq1 (o5o@g8), n. a kind of tree. oSacp (pron..oSwoo), n. the lime [the correct orthography is saidto be o5ocp, because if it comes in contact with iron it dies, oS-opc-]. "05000 1135 r 5sqpF (pron. OOc2owj), n. a close cap, skull-cap, o~qjpqaoS:u -q8 (pron. o5oco8 O), i, n. a small metal pot or pan spreading at the top. - — 88:, 2, n. the double-star fish, of which there are two kinds, the one white and the other brown. o5oorB (pron. oao5), n. a kind of monster between 0oo and z8cv11I004 *o3o05 o5&4~ (xag$) (Chinese); n. a ship's boat. (Chinese 'shainkyeorng.') The Bzuriyese name for a Chinese sampan is o5c~o5 (o5eo8) (Pali o05GCwo), n. a junction (in grammar), e.g., c6oooah (Pali), n. linking together, 9a oS8 0; entanglement of * passion.(oxQo5osoonao), os5Go )@ —OuS —; to be entangled by some~bsorbing passion, [obSGoo)9c".5.I "In "a religious sense samyojana (c5^ooooJ) is the bond of "human passion which binds man to continued existence "and the removal of which is obtained by entrance into "the Paths, i.e., the four leading to Nirwana," (Childers), namely, oo0ow3)o$ camso!18u3w0o1Bn and soqcog]. 051o5 (o$ozqrB), -aq68 (ou), n. a thorny shrub, the Catparis horrida; comP. 5q3o.5S o5cq8 (pron. ooe8), n. a kind of state bier. oc58, n. the olive, [a tree belonging to the family of lindenblooms]. (o5c8g6, n. castanets; sometimes erroneously called oc8gS). — @, n. the Salween river. ~oSo, see under oe&Sooop 0o i 1 0 5okgqqOSO o5oloo (Pali), n. union, Go01coT@'S-; particularly applied to sexual intercourse; GcQIsGe olzm05Olooo@)cS, to be consummated as the act of intercourse. —, v. to have sexual intercourse. oj0oo (Pali), n. fear, oooc5co@8:E; particularly applied to fear of the consequences of sin in a future state [in common parlance 05o00o means remorse], o5coooojpni -, v. to fear as above [to experience remorse]. 05008, n. the Bignonia crispa. 05000, n. a species of melanorrbcea; comp. o60G8o:: [the Stereospermum fimbriatum]. ii36 00:3 oiooo= (Pali), n. suspicion [often used in contradistinction to oo g$9, when it appears to have the meaning of "doubt," "dubiety," see oo go$n CFqi918aooo-)O5aO ]. -- o-8, v. to be free from suspicion. ooo-p (Pali), n. the whole existence of any being throughout successive transmigrations, future existence, futurity. [" The king (Milinda) enquired the meaning of the word "sangsara, and N.gasena (36o08) replied,' there is birth "in this world and then death; after death there is birth " in some other place; in that place also there is death; "and then there is birth again in some other place. Thus "a man, after eating a mango, sets the stone in the; " ground; from that stone another tree is produced, which "gradually comes to maturity and bears fruit; the stone "of one of these fruits is again set in the ground, and "another tree is produced; from this tree there are other " fruits; and thus. the process goes on continually without "any appearance of its end; it is the same with sangsara " o the sequence of existence.' "] [Nagasena, a priest whose conversations with Milinda (" Who can be identified with certainty with the Bactrian King Menander").(Bur. 80M8), King of Sagal (supposed to be Singala of the Greeks) are recorded in the Milinda Prasna (8c8gooop, also called by the Burmese 8c8uoe23). The Burmese affect to believe that Milinda was a king of That6n!] cEo8s:6 a003800Sl GC0.S)i:)80 oSQS C096a~GGORgG(lC0 0g 8cIoj g [Note. —coosa is of two kinds, Gs9osoog and g o85n oCP]. o050oo03 (ron. o5c.3Go)) (Pali G03O), a. engendered by hot moisture, as some insects, worms, &c., are supposed to be; cG'oo8houocrG, comp. oadcb, " there is also the sedaja "birth, as when insects are produced from perspiration or " putridity."-M.B. o05GOo, n. bombazet [" a twilled fabric of which the warp is silk and the weft worsted; formerly black for mourning garments, but now made of various colours."-Webster's Dic., oSGco.aMj]. o5o5 (from =o5, sound), adv. softly, in low sound; coc$cq= 93o,, tobe gO pn11 Cxce03S ex9e); cOO I 0o3, i, v. to bear a great proportion, exceed (excel); comp. cg$" &c0t 08cq30s $G0ooSoooIo5&CoCooGoii o~oq430qgoo(D6c)i$ GoSZ o$~-sc 0 6e6ooooe~ 00Bo 8o6|5o ( c980S^| 3ac6eaoocOc s l-3 ^ onsoB we^O G~o:o) -qo5oipSll 3 5 V 3Qq$30500)3 G<3po5o0e11 1437 0ooq, see, the parts; 6Io~Go~m3~C,- 61,i q&P:)This kind of language is frequently used in inheritance casep. by the party who prefers a claim by alleging his tender care of deceased during his lifetime. 000, 2, v. to be clear, pleasant; -o8OIOO)3250)1803 -4'1v. to be gentle (to be pleasant in countenance); gi~% -@:(x8).a kind of song; oo6@80oooS-@)qoe -— coo, v. same as co: (not used in colloquial), o~il:)v ~OjO"I %-0)11 CoOG.I ~ ~O UGO~ CODGQOII G -: @8oe~n ~J ~ G3~GCA6[ OJA003)O Go) Gq2 -o,v. same (most common), az8aq6oxo cz~rso Ao:)w:n 4g oooonwcL: is capable of combination with several other verbs, e.g., kjocoox: (applied to scenery), C)ooxntSo8q (applied to a country which is happy and free from internal troubles'and at peace with its neighbours), OZ00fl)OG@-) (applied to. a country when plentifully supplied with food), =wDA65@6 (applied to tastefulness of arrangement, whether of a house ore of wearing apparel, &c.), cSop mz(applied to language, exg., oxeii) [Note.- oXflDo3GcqS applies more to the gratifying character of the language employed; co:Gcp~oawU) more to the sweetness of the voice?]. COD,, 3, adv. only [c o.coo doq~6)corr2.ot~, co8Roo~ooioeo opq>-cqc~qo ~3D)Y~x9 %)~CQ1O zuz,, -61, verb. aft,% imperative of polite invitation, as oocozo: o3-.01, eat freely, don't hesitate to eat [frequently followed by 00:)C8 (Pron. cxx8, 00:C808), n., the royal race from which Gau. dama descended; cxoq (Eng.), n. sago. 143 S1138 3oo3o cooo (Pali), n.; see Xoo56o [o o0&GcoaS 8 ooowc=)&~c6o oSsol]. cooq (Pali), int. well done, 4GQ'334011 -=_.GT, v. to commend, praise for religious performance, ox 93Q3qoG3aoQT [rG,>8sooo9GQ'uoTam0o3oTn oqcp3a3oooqT, to commend another for the building of a kyaung, zayat or pagoda]. oo33O9g, adv. impartially; 3ao8, 33q 3 333 am2p eGoGo:I o3o (Pali), n. one division.of the Vedas; comp. soEs8 ooeoQ (usually pron. o5@8e) (Pali), a. middling, ordinary, common (in contradistinction to 8Gcoon), ao:o eoq cq, an ordinary man; ODOOcls QGOo G gc8Q9Go0C0 oZES0 0-, it is not advisable to petition the -authorities about unimportant matters; co-)oeocoo-)~@Gcoocoo3eo oSol, it is not right that it should be believed on an ordinary statement [Co PqCoSBo& CjqQOoqCo]. [Note. —oo:os is abbreviated sometimes to co:6 in conversation, e.g., aoo C.0Q0Mcqgoodo~oGurb86In] cooscco (Pali), n. a probationer for the priesthood, g8,- ro:8m, co8oo (Pali), n. an owner; a. having an owner, maS8 ~oo~; opposed to 3BQ "ooogucjo 3ooo mooo8ozoo; also ap-plied to women, xQoo003 meaning one without, =o800L with, an husband. oo%, n. the genitive case. o0qWoo, I, o:I9oct, adv. easily, acogS00cq [ocooq and cooq G0GQ not intelligible to most' Brmans]. o QjWCO, 2, see next. DOc8,ooo (Pali), n. the large mina bird [the Gracula intermedia]; comp. cqo6S oooo0, n. a kind of bedstead used by people of rank. ooog$ Qgo&G~o&8:a~cqo:@8: ~ oo.u sopoo. The Burmese evidently consider a gift made by a person on his death-bed void? ooo. (Pali), n. a disciple of Buddh, being a priest or a novitiate, OOO&GOOS; see aveooooon oocoap (Pali), n. instruction, discipline, acq@8a; applied particularly to a system of religion promulgated by divine authority; learning, scholarship, distinguished into three kinds, Oqo g~o0oz, the acquiring of knowledge; oo& o oo3ao, the being accomplished in knowledge; oooe3O= bot ot39 oo0, the acting according to knowledge communicated and acquired; oooooooc3gcE*X3 oo3aE,2] o00000o038, n. a mission house. -- OcN08_O, n. a mission school. --— _ o, v. the religion becomes extinct. — ooe~, v. the religion is established or prevalent. -— O$, v. the religion is flourishing, 0o003woooo3 o --— ol q (o00oooo olooo0o) (ron. oooooo3Clqmo), n. a king who patronizes religion [somewhat similar to the title of\ F. D. conferred on the English King Henry VIII]. -— o, v. there is no religion, or to be destitute of any system of religion; [to be -without, not belonging to, any particular system of religion]. -- oc (pron. ooooonoo0, ), n. one who does not belong to any particular religion, a heathen. -— 8 (pron. 0o000oc08), n. a sovereign pontiff, patriarch, or pope. [By some the Pope of Rome is designated qoo$so8g s0, (Coo0o0 oo x 5copoS). In Upper Burma it was customary for a king on his accession to the throne to bestow the title of oocop0o86 copcooS on the rahan who taught him in his youth.] — &, I, v. to promote, propagate religion, carry on missionary operations. --, 2, n. a promoter, propagator of religion, a missionary. -- 3=ao8, n. a missionary society. — Qoo (pron. aooooo4Oaop), n. same as @, particularly a foreign missionary. --- ~co8s, v. the religion advances, flourishes. -— joS, n. one who exerts an influence against a system of religion, an opposer of a religious system. — a — (oaoooporO:), v. the religion declines. -- oS-, n. a mission compound. X000, I, n. (from 3ooog, flesh). -- Q~S, n. slices of dried flesh, aos ooosnu:oSooZoon -— o (pron. moooS), n. an embryo in the third stage of conception, a foetus; comp. 3ocoeo and zs[oSn — ooS (pron. a0oogoS), n. a suspensive excrescence of flesh, cgoSooo0o Sii 1140 ~ oo*:4qe (tron. ao4'Rp, n. the thin water of a blister or sore, sanies. n01~~9~. same. -66~o (pron. co@oS), n. the breast of a female; [more elegant than M and q8ao.oo, though the latter is 1?y no means inelegant; called by many soo4oo)S1. -:cnwoo: (pron. co~o.c~-06l0), ni. a table-knife. 000, 2, n. a son, offspring; the son of a man's brother or of a womanys, sister, a (male) native oi~-inhabitant. c1cxjWoxn, a male native of Rangoon; 4q$ cr cx, a female native of Rangoon. — oao0, n. father and son.-S. [or father and daughter]-. ft G8n. mother and daughter [or~mother and son]; when said of animals, usually coo-,8, joo:)8j8cc:8ti - aS (pron. wzd36), n. the womib, c~c~a5S; the' membrane whichi'envelops the foetus; o So:, to be born with a caul [coo.6cqo~cq, to spay, Iextirpate the ovaries; applied only to female animals such as sows] [=:64~, lit, to divert the ovaries; applied to women; said to render them childless]. - son. a female animal that has young; 05Oo3jQ11 Gt. oo,8RQ IOO&D zw.:8Q Sil -:(frequently pron. oo~:) n. a first-born son (ooos~*, GOY3)(or daughter,~):~ ~8$: o). -6, V. to be trodden or covered as a hen or mare. vA*,n. a person of the same family; cooo%18=6o1 o6G.OTJIo ~2z~~o10361 ~~g S:,unc~le and nephew. -c-:,-cQ:, v. to -tread or cover (vulgar). n. the son of. one's husband or wife by a former correlate (infrequent). -~cc5~r~q (pron. cooa~cc5rG@:q), n. a collective term for children. -..-ooSY (tron. 03o5cy), n, the grandchild of a slave. 6-8,v. to have children that live and grow to maturity, coe ~r%,n. the youngest child, ao:):cjoO:G@*U:n 0-cob65 (pron. =614oS, n. the child cf a slave not redeemable; comp. 48r.6bo5og~v (0:ovuc61oo.*-0, a common term of abuse amongst the b3urmese, more especially in the dIrama). r" 1141 c o1sgol$, n. same. -- o3:, n. a son by affinity, a nephew or an adopted son. -— 0S, n. a country mallow leaf. -— 000, n. wife and children. -— 8 (oo.480:), n. a daughter, female child. -— G:s3p, n. children and grand-children by affinity. --- oodoEs, n. a son, male child. — c-8:, n. an own son. - oq*co, n. a young man (poetical), ooo:gqooqNc5ao -— csGcqi (o0), n. a certain medicinal plant. -— cgo, v. to be an abortion. — o:, n. sons and daughters; o00c:4$, to be prolific; ooo: ooegszoon (pron. oo:)dSooc6moo), the father of a family; ooo3oga3Go, the mother of a family. o00:, 3, n. a beast, quadruped. — Go8 (pron. ooo3Go18), n. game. In Upper Burma oos G0008, in Lower Burma 3woo (nmb) is the equivalent for the English word "game." — o0:, v. to butcher; n. a butcher. ~ ---- co5, n. a royal fly-flap made of the tail of an animal.. ---'salF, n. a jacket lined with the fur of a small quadruped found in China and the Shan States worn by well-to-do Burmese, &c. -— 2gq8, n. a kind of wen on an animal. — wg, n. a domestic animal, i.e., a quadruped tamed for the service of man. [Does not appear to be generally intelligible. The Burmese affix the word tame (c0n) to the animal spoken of, o33cooSu9c6oognoo]6oo]. ---- (pron. cooww), n. the skin of an animal [ooo: sq oTcooo: --— SMS@g, n. a boot (gSc8*5). -- 0oo, n. a luncheon, refection. --— rSS, n. leather. ~ —^-oq, n. a leathern bottle. -- Gq ---c5c8, n. a tanner or currier.. —!oq;, n. a twisted (leather) thong, coqcG$s k 146 C8 oowq, n. a wild beast (i.e., a beast of prey); =04O also means a kind of demon that is said to haunt burial-grounds, forests,-wrd lonely localities; moo:)~, to be possessed by such demon (?) Usually combined with o5oo3ui (tron. 0oooS) Coo:q35oooS. The existence of this demon is said to be more believed in Lower than in Upper Burma (aaos9qooS). 489, n. a wild animal, i.e., an animal not tamed for the service of man. -, n. a mixture of pulverized bone and thitsi used as putty; o~3:'iGa@o.o 3s oSU - ~:48, v. to smear with said mixture. - Welo"g, n. eatable animals. oo4", 4 v. to draw a line, dark. Der. @om o:, 90oSo3o, cqjoo:)n 9,go.g,1n986o:,g, see 8o333oo G --- — 8s, n. a line of demarcation. - 0:A, v. to leave definitely marked out; oa)tco3:)ooe~G q o0l:o'l q$cgS330Sg spaoge0;ls u 07 @0 g@l:a1S0@95sa:fjo$g 8s: - ~:), v. to make out clearly, distinctly; wo83,-:)orm8cqSc1u co oqtjooooo o:~0000o4:cq Soc o,-S; also applied to language, omsoo:)00u:042:),: Oo.; cStooI o- o, v. to know from experience (?) This word is not frequently used; G8poe c oos:c 8o8 egsnEe a A esocga4861 CoD:, 5, a. definite, certain, real; o8ooclmom jcqozo.:io co68GoogQ C~M0q~Cqb -34S1GQ$o 3C1.jc0o S:0.Co3o1 CBjqo0~-o9 [In some instances coos appears to have the same meaning as " quite," " quite well," " well enough,"" fully well," and as the colloquial expression " fast enough." In many other instances, however, it is impossible, almost, to find a proper English equivalent]. WMs:~ a. or adv. indisposed, slightly diseased; chiefly applied to the bowels; oS:)oQ30sooOO:)aq48O: eS CooS~ 06CO:SiAOgoo4qj oscoe~n rB, v. to know. Der. mcfl. c8asXGC0 IaIG9OJ8:II.9c$aG8Q 6ccgj88c8cqI, if you do not speak truthfully, you will know (hereafter); 08j@ is a threatening expression often used by the Burmese [o6c8ot\ o has also a similar meaning.] - o, v. to know by hearing. o38@apooooS, n. an ear-witness. -— 2B,, v. to be acquainted with, o8og2jgosooeg — @8, v. to know by seeing [38 o8oSGow, an eye-witness]. - 9-5, v. [to observe]; see the parts. --, v.; see the parts; googogooogo mosapCqog9ojcgq@s [oL8coSoqoSol., to wink at (wrong-doing), oG@&)oa$ q8Ec oe8 coSoo8ol GaogII o0zcqoBS oo0 1 c~ does not necessarily imply the active connivance that goSpo Gosii does]. ---, v. to know, or be cognizant of, a matter by being pre' sent; (oS~o, a term much used in attesting bonds, very similar to the English legal term " Know all men by these presents." 38cg3o$ (Pali), n. a kind of female devotee (obsolete); o8og) o$qsuoloi aGo33oo98bc ( Ip~do8 Qo|OCoSIIln oSdc (Pali), n. a duty incumbent on a priest. [The term c80oo is nowadays frequently extended to laymen and is equivalent to ooo8qcS; it is applied to persons of upright conduct.] — ac, v. to give up the obligation to perform the duties incumbent on a priest (owing to some grievous fault, as committing theft, murder, having intercourse with women, Gco OOg 8cgGOOOgooc3GCOOg oleoGO O iG00i all OO6o1 -o). -- @:, v. to bear a godly character (as a priest) from observance of the duties incumbent on priests; c38qoo S@:, applied to laymen; cuo8C o8co5o cSCG~Socc)0:,,iI --—, v. to depose from the performance of said duties and the privileges of the priesthood (as on leaving'the priesthood). - 008, v. to impose the duties incumbent on a priest consecrated to the priesthood [ordain]; c896o$3C1So8(C3c co08n I --- (pron. OcS3ooS), n. a rule prescriptive of a duty incum. bent on a priest; qo$oo-cqiS clolan 581o10n aoSolsi O8co oc8gog, see cooo:ii C810, see ooos,, 0806, see 0001 840oS, n. a species of mountain goat or antelope (c8SoS). ---, n. a kind of gold, next excellent to aojcp&6g a o88L6c, n. the hill on which stands the Shwd Tig6n Pagoda, 08.: (pron. o8$4:), see under cqv o8c00o, i, n. a religious duty, o0800 — nt, n. a duty-day, see eqoSci. -— o:, v. to live, pass time; applied to priests. c8coS:, 2, n. news, tidings; character, reputation. -— Goo00, v. to bear a good reputation'; As, to bear an evil reputation; c8o8stG, same as 08oo8:ooo:s - @~s, v. to be celebrated, notorious. — @ —s, v. to receive intelligence. -— ooo:, n. report, rumour. - oo (ron. omoo8:oo), n. a newspaper; cooom:oG3o5, to publish in a newspaper. -.mo0ormp, n. the editor of a newspaper; c8o8:oocq, to take in a newspaper. -— ogo, v. to become known, be celebrated, notorious.. —., v. to be the subject of discreditable rumour. -- o:., v. to furnish intelligence, communicate news. [In Upper Burma co3o:ScgSsq6So:n as regards intelligence furnished after inquiry]. -— o:, v. to enquire, make inquiry regarding another (usually in a good sense). — q, v. to receive intelligence. [In Upper Burma coooao cg9StoSq as regards receiving intelligence after inquiry has been made.] g ---, v. to be spread as news. -— ~9, v. to spread news. —.go, n. a public notification or advertisement (infrequent, CS0ooo being far more frequently used). o8as, n. SiddhArttha, prince Siddharttha, the name of Gaudama the Buddh before he renounced the world, son of Sudh6 -dana (os19o), King of Kapilawastu (co~coooSg), " on the borders of NipAl." c85 (Pali), n. completion, perfection, @1:8: @, @g 3G, 'go c8~uooo8c8u8ooc8~ (usually followed by s:), coO:8,o'8~, 8CxC8Ju 1.145 cBloo8, v. to blazon merit; 88 oW~ oSq~oco8z,oitsnt seemly to blazon one's own merit.itsno - 1os (Pali aa3), n. the science of becoming invulnerable,.cS$ (Pali o~n, a lion), n. Leo, the fifth sign of the zodiac; cS$ cpo9 (04@80:9=05 05 -6 -0o r~o -6oaj5oo& co~c8o (Pali.), adv. moderately, 1o09 ~cSj uo~o, "one should, in pursuit of knowledge, riches, and in climbing a hill, proceed leisurely " comp. the Italian proverb CC he va piano va l.ongano e va lontano." c8G6=o-O:, n. rock salt. c~:Wn. ~i flying I~orse. (C8~ c), v. to shake, tremble, totter, o~~, o~j,3 not used sin ly; aBc3z9cc~agOj&IGco~ GO~o c CSScGc8i cBicq$00~~. 04o soo kB C~Sc 05 0o0o0 88c85o~oa~c~ Anglice' " Shaking with laughter," C85, i, v. to put to sleep, as a child by lu'lling it or by laying it in a sleeping place (oqcc&jc8Sri — M COC&" ); to put in a safe, quiet place; hence ooc&85, adv. gradually and imperceptibly; cco:ooS~oB8 &c 85~ce~i-cc~8Ls5 cooaoei pT1olo 8c(Scoe woo.oe (it is probable that the adverb =~8&88 is derived from o85, 2). -WO0 v. same, in the latter sense. C88, 2, V. to compress, crowd, cram, stuff, to make close, snug, compact by compressing it, to make dense [to ram as earth, cgc~cBS]; [to be laid as dust after rain, q6s:c~qG6 o9oL_,jor qoSc88o%].Zj v.; see the parts; G G ~ z S &, oo&Mf(B@S~dxoe (or oo~o&). _cA (pron. 6B953:), v. same as J98 [to be secretive, close, Sto be reticent, GQG.0ZC500ij-,; to be — ~~ooe~adv. compactly, carefully arranged, composed with exactness (GQG4-'c:O q moo~L8 e~ic&8Oao&~~ [secretively, closely.] -3 (Pali), n. a knowledge of arts and sciences, so~ooon..... MoA3. the Rangoon College. An. same (obsolete). 4 1146 C86% i8,, n. a building set apart for the performance of certain rites and ceremonies peculiar to the Buddhistic priesthood, e.g., ordination. -- W9Oo, v. to consecrate ground to build a SS on, o35oSio c8S, 2, n. a good personal appearance, [9 zx3S6jooe~, to be distingu6 in appearance, port, presence; the state or quality which deserves or commands respett]. - v. to be highly respected, reputable;;C: r $uaso@Aj~ -ccs, v. to be held in no repute [implying no fault, but misfortune, eo81:B,0 ol 0j co J. -- ous, v. to re-establish one's ieputation; =9goid o584mcQ6 -— qcB, v. to lose one's good name or reputation, to fall into disrepute; Gco qooc o elj3 Scc"rsc1 8 336 ool18.GoT cjqScoYa oS336m --—, v. to possess qualiti -which command respect. 086, 3, v. to be disproportionately small, small in comparison with others; [114~, to have one leg shrunk and smaller than the other; also applied to one eye being smaller than the other, c005oobCS 785TS400e~; also applied to petty towns and villages, @c8Sgico5]. _-., v. to be fine, nice, delicate [refined, cSG:j Ggc GjG1], gentle, pleasant; cBS cBQ0Gq Ogc.c co oo cDow:) &Z'%IS ij co o. o 3353 3t 8k8 oe, to have a delicate scent or flavour; cB&GSS6ZD9I8gl05 SalocqocB3 Q.3%u a 8(o6 A3.wz o o 8 c8 6og jx o4 [v. to tremble, shake, quake, as GGO"oM, equivalent to cocjoqoSoe; mostly used adverbially; comp. c82.-S]. — G3038, adv. very, an intensive to words of quantity. CSS:, 1, n. a species of hawk [the falcon]. - n. another species (the pied harrier, hence.SS:, n. the kestrel). &-_~oco, n. the Calcutta sparrow-hawk. _._ —_gcqdoooo, n. a falconer. t$as, 2, v. to strike with a motion towards one's self (c*m:: Gm3CSoo5 cpsow33s3 e c @coo S -8s&V Gn8Qazo0 w9 o ),R to gather in (qcScucj8-8u dOaoQ~, * *- Oa.3O RO8c:8O comooe0), to take possession of, cBS:ta (BgIou86cO3SooE, to stop work, 8cq8 cacSM; to put a stop to as a cSs8 i147 festival, dramatic performance, &c., ~cW88; to castrate, c85 gs.g(, v. to gather up and take away. -— ol (pron. o8&q:o) (or c8:sdolc), n. spoils taken in war, anything which becomes the property of a victorious army. The late King of Burma's steamers and war-boats, &c., at the time of the annexation were designated c85sul cooSoiioSBsolqrcqcooS% --— oo, v. to gather in and deposit; oGqodSq,3o5sG3 35&~ cop68^~goos ooi qgoS6 4o oo8-461 c,9s8ooGsQt* w-0=883 copS ooogcqSoloe, with the negative o to have imperfect command over one's limbs, self; 88oooouac^,oB;:xoo S6o] (as when far advanced in pregnancy or intoxicated). — 0o088, n. a confiscation hammer-mark.-(Forests.), — 00oo, v. to attach property. -— oS (pron. c8saoS5), v. to take to one's self and take care; S SS5Ggs(jgn oogo:cqS s(g86 SqoSc2 coaoo0o (to take back a wife after being separated from her; g5coo;oooo 85$~,oIos>ol85 o,oog(SoS,8QcY@g$oS $).._ ---@:, v. to take possession of, as a king his palace, kingdom, &c. (not colloquial, but used in composition); Gcoco,&oS: CaoScSSs GgoocAd8$oS00gg~ooB({4 0qoq ic8o25R^oSGTo3gd - q, v. to confiscate; ggoe S~icgCg^s@8coSs^: so," let hisproperty be confiscated and let himi-travel by the road usually travelled," i.e., " let him be put to death " [It is alleged that the Kings of Burma passed sentence in this way.]; to attach property; o8ag$oSGOgG@o YS.goSgo, -, v. same as'o8:, 2nd def.; ggod soSogSd s 16co8 no8Ss, o~o, to speak withou reserve, in a comprehensive manner; dMBad~s, to make a sweepingjcharge; o3,ss3zcqocqoe~, to be the victim of a weeping charge. --— 28%, v. lit. to " collect together," " cause to enter " and " foster," a term applied, in Upper Burma, to a person or persons who found a town or village, or who are instrumental in causing the inhabitants of a town or village to return to it after it has been abandoned by having been burnt, devastated by dacoits, &c. 1148 c8t, adv. small, fine, powder-like (cg&r& 00 rG@ or G j,Br.8G~6qJsooqoq c8Gm0C,38Gco3&fl c SGO c-azo48t.Sl c,c~ edS, adv. same (-3.Bc8 eo5S e G c@q o3zo& c@, &c., as above). IB, I, v. to go by, near (w9gcoScy.)w.-8 CGA)fSS o202800e~1 ~3c86 z~ooesH ccz~56c~F~z08 8 jc~,oo~a coO~so~~449S3O~), to skim along the surface; 9oS 1~ o:d*o o, to drag the feet, applied to 4 horse. Der. oct. 0 ~o3&o3~c&Yoo or c3cnC moco; adv. closely, nearly, hintingly, approximately, skimmingly; Cr 4)So qoo~.- Goddi1mol )co.- c~GoG3)twoII o - G@o -GO, V. to be long, large and flowing as clothes. C, 2, V. to str as beads, 9*:; to file on a string, to baste; 38 ~3Bflo$S 3no~S j~fc~o~ 'n ~so~j ti, (6~) cago83 (q~) 006) n. a bodkin with an eye and blunt point. — c —t, v. same as A, 1st def. 0-c-5 (Pron. Sc&5), n. a stick on which something is strung; c8, 3, v. to sing, chant.. ---@81(C (pron. 008-), n. a song, verse to be sung; co~, n. a verse of a song; Saosq~oF u Oa~E & ~-@~81ozi (g8:o0), n. a hymn book, a song book. — @8:cq (98t:q), V. to sing. V9, 4,.- to be dim, as the eye from age (or from myopia), goS8 c800; less than ~, g, o, to be dim from distance; Gocq cMScia44ioni.-~cJ:Bcg (Pron. as spelt, cooo), adv. obscurely, dimly; qjcaS83M cG318c8a% (Pron. c&618l400 or c8IG61c8(1aGoS), adv. intensive before oos, to be distant; oq c8Ga1Mgoogoco3.:PG~9o(c8@S- (or cqr~.~q8@8:) c&Gl8GoIM-)CSoo~o~o6; also used figuratively in speaking of-great diversity of'opinions, sentiments, sz cqo3aGG1S-caradg:G&Po3SG~og; also to great discrepancy of meaning in language, omoo n338905s B(Olcoaxc.,3E6oscoe.s a8sO -0 1149 Soos8 [pron. coS0: (o8)], n. a kind of tree (the arnotto, Bixa orellana), the seeds of which are used as a dye; 8ooSCln 0800816Gpn8 c0800 (pron. cSol) (Pali o080, cold), oooogcOxznqSoqu — q6poo$, n. the seven belts of water which surround and intervene between the seven ranges of mountains which encircle the Myinmo Mount (@8); comp. oomg3ql$ Go3Sogq38 SoS, between the different circles of rocks there are seas, the water of which gradually decreases in depth from Maha Meru (oo@o&@8cS) to the sakwalagala (o@ o0o:c58s), near which it is only one inch deep. -— o$, n. a kind of tree. 0901o (oaS), n. the last King of Burma. 3150 Qi The following. table gives the names of the-Kings of Burma who reigned since Alaungphara, the founder of the last Burmese dynasty: 60 Alaung Min Taragyi. 6 His eldest son. Osin Byushin. S-ingu Min DC3J3 Aq 00 rj 1 0 61 Q I Phaung Kha Min. Bado'n Min. Sagaing Min. 0O9R 00 1 00 6 8S0S8~IxI 988&0800610 ODOo,.j 9 9S:Q6~Ool oo~cp& Shw6& Bo Min. Pagan Min.Mind6n Min. 0OW-GC08G0S3G 4)8S Thibaw. OJ 00 6.. JI019 je J4Mogo0:)~O c:) 002~1 0 OJ go Jo 2 __ 7 - - - __ - I I I ot IIst d3c (Pali), n. character, reputation, fame, qcSoocs (not used in colloquial). c8cpocg5 (Eng.), n. a theodolite, [an instrument "used in trigonometrical surveying, for the accurate measurement of horizontal angles, and also usually of vertical angles."] c080 (Pali), n. a religious duty, 803S8 [a precept]; oil:oon -- 6, v. to observe the five, eight, or ten precepts. — o —8OS, v. to observe the precepts in their entirety, in contradistinction to o8oBjS.:, -cooSc8:n — cooS O, -q cooSco&, v. to observe the precepts. -- o (Pali o&), — o, n. one who is proficient in religious duties, o8o o$ocoStc8cooM~[0c8 -— oei, n. a person devoted to celibacy. ~Scoo (Pali GoCoAS), n. rock. — o0008, n. the strata of rock on which the earth is supposed to rest. " Immediately above the world of water is the "Maha-polowa (Qwoco8) or the great earth, 240,000 "yojanas (oc0o) in thickness, which is composed of two "superior strata, namely, the Sala (8003o00o8) or Gal-po" owa, consisting of hard rock, and the Pas-polowa (60o0 "oo8), consisting of soft mould, each of which is 1,2oo,ooo "yojanas in thickness." c8oozg (0 e Oog) or 8cnoqoa (Pali C080, a lion, and oqoo, a deed, practice), v. to retrograde, as the heavenly bodies, in the manner of a lion, who, after finding prey, returns by the way he came, and not as the tiger; comp. qGoho&,g, Swoosco, n. a kind of tree [the Limonia acidissima]. CSd i, n. a Ceylonese. - as, n. the island of Ceylon; 38~, ougolaji$ (G94OO 9ot), the Pali name for Ceylon (coc&so89o18). — 8 (pron. as spelt, not o8d&S). $ ----o0, n. an amethyst. ---— oooS, n. the cashew-nut tree. "o& (08), i, n. a kind of tree (Pali cm8g). 8~, 2, v. to bear fruit. Der. 30os8u --—.o: (pron. as spelt), n. fruit in the earliest stage of its formation, see com6; also used as a verb, o&oSc:oo8%iog0 @ I &,~ 3, v. to put a space between, divide, separate, make distinct (not used alone), @o:o.-O:q~co (prow. coq~) adj. or uadv. separate, distict, independent; separately, distinctly, independently; -,v. same, q~z @o~vnosoa 0 ~: @oZ mooo3- &uScxjjc C86, 4, v. to be irritating in the throat, pa~rtly choked by some (liquid) substance at the entrance of the windpipe [qos. vi. to be rude without consideration (applied only to language), aoGaTwGoTc8tc~N =rO~q9* (o)G:3 (&c6I WP)8SRc:9cGqa)Oxu~iI Lusually applied to language which is Offensively imperious.]:q, i, a modification of the t-on. sj, see Grammar., sec. 78. Or1, 2 (Pali), a. good, used in composition as a prefix. oxqo (Pali), n. happiness, 46m-s [(" sukha, pleasure or delight "); cw~owcxqy 8g3oqon 9j8:aonzon crqooe~t8Su cxqooe~8a Q3:cos] c-ZSn. a distinguished wise man, rather more than oe~ oc&9o~cco8j'i o-4ejorcq84v zooor coqoj, n. a pitiable person or creature; applied to one for-whom pit is felt [Oo~000qccol~opop~=, xqocB (pron. crqo8) (Pali ixq and oc8, transition), n. transition to a happy state of existence (cxjoc8c9 juSs ozocficoo% oqo~c8.ao~6~o (pron. cxqo8) (Pali 0q, good, and oqoo, a deed), n. a good deed, cG*:&raa:CXsacxr~i4oSe 00 ol:* crq4ocx~, opposed to*" a bad deed. oq (pron. Apg) (Pali), n.-emptiness, nothingness, a cipher. n. a system or, revolution of nature in which no Bu ddh [or semi-Buddh] appears, cop uSaoomoou orqcx (soSB) (Pali cx~R), x, n. semen, =3~e [a term used by.,rahans], og8ao~cBoco~So — cjn, -4o., -cB6Sj v. to have a discharge of semen. -.-.-.-jQ (odocjE~), n. same. aq-q-01153 od,2 (cq~ cogs a ruling), [coggtojeo~o t,#vjoo ni. a rule in grammar, or in the first division of the Buddhist scriptures(cg) Os see 831 OqS 3, v. to wipe [coi o3o, o],to rub with some smearing substance, [a:dr=Co~xoc8Sl Gcot koSB 1;t GC4cqO5]. ~cv. to wipe and knead with the hands, oqpOccnz)8t:j Qc~~ o~xo8Gc~o~,t oqco~oS @. oq8, &c.; to steep in oil and knead with the hands as vegetables (?), crqoSooz,:u 83,same as opso~t 00)V. to clear, make clear, 98*im8,*sooe Ooroom qoc8 qiao:c8-.S61; also used figuratively, e.g f., oS o~ osc& j (;;=6 'qO 10QOso 0000 9,: 0OC5cxq x~q3 085188 coascqoQ ~8=D8Gm (CIS OqS 4, v. to sweep as the wind (ccozo o~o6Sd9r), to descend with a sweep as a bird of prey, &rcx~oo~oe~u qe, (pron. xc&dS4lo), adv. suddenly, instantly, 98a) (infrequent), o~~e-cao.11qse*ql -on. a fishing-rod, oqo ~ch91, c: m:soeii - sa:dSo5o, adv. in hurried disorder, 3mcgoq o~d~cqoS@o -cc 6o, adv. same as o~o~q 94S quickly, 3zao~m@~ucco oZqo~opotu rcq~o5qoo R6cSccq~ooS. cc35coad@6~o1a coeuoo5ooS~S~cSto paddj(- fast. ce;v. to swoop, take away with a sweep as a bird of prey, [O~-,coM-Roq~gax @D sz~oalooT'iz~ 61 coa]; c*oqc8, to twitch (a fish out of water), cl.c~, [o.SoA: (Pron. OF@-) 9crcc~c**jSoei Der. maoSo]. ozqoo, i(Pali), ii. information, knowledge, Bgoqoo (ex~perience?) OJ9~~)oo~f~ijO3oc:88CO38ho~qO02, 9o04003)cn SaII OXqciJ 30 1 oo @01 3Zqoo, 2, n. quicksilver, @ooo: [cqoo is a term used by alchemists]. aoo~on. a book celebrating the praises of Gaudama (acxo~ 0~~iO (coj a cm ~ ) ozg3~ (Pali ozjg~), n. one grand division of the Buddhist scrip - tures, comprising three books, namely, aqd~aoc56, cxqoSQ '45. 1154 coaol and goSkacxoox (pron. 61Gos*; comp. 8~o=5o cqcqS cP-aGsooD$4crscoeft1 4a,83aGv go8%cqc8a.~8Aas n. an astrological division of the night and day, aag8 (caSS8 qcfiaoE8c6Sqcfi).) clcgx8c (cqoloo5) (Pali cqo, o8o@S, pure), n. the food of the gods, ambrosia, gaz [doQQe0 q4o4o: coao8ogo odajr 8d a11 009t G S OR 01 CqCBC~, I RoC55 54 — r-02GO$OS1 ~1 Go~~ID GQOO:] 911 o8o~@8Sqa rc cq~o $0o3osjn (Io iaS~ -.50080scoS=S coo5rooSc0Mrosooo89] cgoglo4 (&8ns), n. the father of Gaudama the Buddh, King of Kapilawastu (ocoooS@E). "co9o89Sq (oqoqacq8), n. a house of public worship, a church, a chapel [a kind of house of convocation, the place where the examination known as the ogoG$ was held at the capitall. 0qv. to fail in taking an impulse, and fall behind or short of the mark, as a boat, a stone thrown, &c., oqCJBI.~gcoogs cau or ococ66cgcqg$ oz.a.Ge C.cqi$6 @STQGCtJXS, to be sullen, turn away, and refuse to notice, cjiSov (sokqt'a5g9 o1 ~641ooo1 oercoco3osov e~oo&Cq vq8, s. fall short of a perfect state, as fruit, grain, &c. (y8solaSoo32sSaa~~ G~oogI gvSuGQlhcpOal:3onasofa 8s&ooe, to deteriorate as individuals, Sc@cpage(4848 oasagSUagq"Sego~S).) o~$ or 0oA6P, v. to be sullen as above, C03 Co CoaCjoqaSG.?&8 goaT@o6*:5cq3$ w ar7wdab, and pretend to be angry with somebody (or with some animal) in order to deter an applicant or third party, see bo and o)48ii oD8U s, v. same as cqx, last sense (coBc.qqS3qoce a58a coM q$t, v. to be spent, expended, as an integral sum in arithmetic, when divided, without a remainder [j 9 9836oogo$gqoeIn OC~jf:3q$8"356Lp833 31ooCDoG aEt nuo8(n5oo 3~1agrfsarse oej ozo~onso] olo0?cs 0o1iq:x c, as the destined term of life, or the duration of a city, &c., Rc$ac&58,oR:)rooeDi[ _q8o, v. to remain in a poor, dwindled state, as a city after being destroyed, 2Qooeom0n t cY k r&Ga~oe; applied also to individuals, 3 sP~,Oc83Pe3S n Cq8j, n. father-in-law of Siddhdrttha (afterwards Gaudama the Buddh) and father of Yas6dhar4 (wife of Siddh~rttha)4 6 1155 3oqooc~% (Pali aoo, pleasant), n.-one who has charge of burying or burning dead bodies, 5ooom 6ooooow aox ':a ooS ii8: xocxS (0oqao) (pron. ooqc4, Pali), n. a burial-ground for burying or burning corpses [considered more elegant than coOg, Oqcq 8, 008:18]. o3 (*p), v. to be rapid, violent (infrequent). -7oa (c4o~), adv. twangingly. -. 0@e (0$o)M), vo to twang, scofsooo~4&9G8 c@z4M coe~11 -_oao (oa$oq$), adv. wi a rushing sound; 6oo8:sG1ofdb agCflQQ0E3~afjl~ 1160@ gC~; 93oFpoC6o3ii3aji8:CqlCci coe~11 349, IUv. to use, make use of, employ; cogooe~ COcRc Q fucau c6o:07 (to spend money, e-aS); O:6IGOS33O, a da for the king's use; oq:6c05oXc8, an elephant for the king's use; cq.3 roSeq, water for the king's use]. — ~, v. to use constantly and habitually.. ---C:8,(Jv. same as o3~. Der. mao~,13zo0xo8o Gmc83oi ~-0mmD e)OaU 6S3go:C;cooXoo 0 jtG=10 % rol qC=a3l Si [The Burmese, when they wish a friend or one above them in social rank to partake of food, &c., always use this word.] -— os, v. to stroke with the hand; cooS8o~s&o8, to handle affectionately; 3RoSecnocos qqS083OgafilSy 1cj3qo;IS g)~cqoo~8qoe~u [regarding articles of use, has the same meaning as cocjg~* ca-Coso ll8 o ~S g a34j9 r 0 spoS aD0c05 35i111j, to consider, study Lto reflect on0, 00 00089 laog3$~30g3spo~soE ~ 69T)aSll 6BsgE) aq, 2, a. three, QR _wFo$ou (Pron. 3f:06$:), n. the Cape jasmine. But see Lteol I -_o(9 (pron. ojfelcq), n. the changeable rose hibiscus, Hibiscus mutabilis plenus. _-91oock-scoom3iE, n. the Lord of the Three Worlds (m:)o cooljowouSgoooo)) i.e., a Buddha. q, n. a person, another person, in contradistinction to one's self, q0c0ol:; pron. he, she, applied to animate beings; it applied figuratively to inanimate things, but rather colloquial. t tS6 Cq Oqy, n. an old person.. ---o0S, n.:a corpse. P ---GCooo00, see GQ)o:, 2. " o ---.ooS, n. a respectable person, one above the commonalty.. ---c-o8Q, v. to confer an office of dignity and emolument upon one; spoken of a king; 0pa068: qn, to be the recipient of such office of dignity;,cjoo68:@S(3,m^5c) 0o, formerly to take service under the king without pay in the hopes of obtaining some preferment. ---:, n. the thugyi of a circle in Lower, and a Ywa Thugyi in Upper, Burma; o@ GasGooSoosn, the commission paid " to a thugyi on the revenue collected by him; og:oo: (G@), land formerly given by the king to a thugyi as an appanage of his office. If this land was mortgaged on account of having to provide money for the king, the thugyi's successor was bound to redeem it. If mortgaged for his, own private debts, the children of a thugyi were bound to redeem it, either for themselves if one of them should succeed his father in office, or for their father's successor. Sale of this kind of land was ipsofacto void. Thugyis in Upper Burma were appointed, direct by the king in most instances. Those thus appointed were styled wGcoSU They took the oath of allegiance and could only be dismissed by the king. They were supposed to be included as a class in the "80,000 petty nobles," =o6oSoooSt:c 3o8m6ooi. Some-thugyis were occasionally appointed on the demise of an hereditary one (and in the absence of. any hereditary successor to take his place) by the Divisional or "Khayaing" Wun. These were styled c86oPj@ o @s and were removable by the Divisional Wun. The following is a true copy of an appointment order of a thugyi appointed by King Mindon: S:ooS3cag oSGoo3c9 oj oO'ooo82co16sc Gq do\SBo(q C Gc8$oou o3oC gg8QGSjCGo03o pagoo^@soa coo @,=gS [Note.-'c' was always prefixed to the names of Myothugyis and Thugyis, unless these officials had had a personal title (n) conferred on them, in which case they were addressed by their title, e.g., Gsoao0'c6oo.docoooSooqooCo0CgiLoS0005]. -— @soaco$, n. same. -— @, n. a rich man, aG,-. ' 1157 i n. a thief, Oqqslgp:*SI q Oq -cA, n. a child. -coSZ5-a3 o (a)$), n. children's bedtime. -.-coS38, n. the womb, 000noiu -O~OSqCB, n. a certain medicinal plant, see o oSiq -— cc68*, n. a companion of childhood, coalcoS 06iO ccSqir8c~c5113cc~qEs80S6ogU -~-JCS6~ rn, a species of helicteres. — coSo9o6SrqJJ, n. a species of plantain, very harmless.. —cOS0, n. a disease peculiar to or more generally apparent among children. -cBSo86, see ccc85i6 — c, n. a suckling, qjccS - ccB6PSoz (from ~8, snot), n. an infant, which will eat anything it happens to pick up. - ccsj~, v. to be in second childhood, be a dotard. - 88: (pron. o8:3), n. a stranger. --- (Pron. co3gSQ) n. a rich man, oaqoii -oooql:, n. another person, m@za;o:)cqa --— ooIo)0 n. same, c0oo01GOOs:OqI — co(soxz)O (oqcooo6Sw0:)., n. another person, oaooo1sit -G8Co -oSo3, n. a mendicant,,beggar, GCODG-Xo3oooqII --— ooS, n. a person devoted to the services of religion. Der. OqG=i3IIQSOqjGCO5$ 8:gcayaocS3F160cison 16/063:, 7n. an upright, conscientious person. [8Axig (;Q:)8gqSqII'I C0G~SIOg w:)IIm qGOOoS(;Me:)aOCOGP-O-I8Sgflo~'S(; wo~ia-a may the law of the righteous be established.] - pj, n. sick person;:GwX)oo9 "-", n. a person of little mind, rco6g3coc6ali k, n. a leper, CaiL — pS (from q$, to rebel), n. a rebel, yo0$ccrnoi; -, n. a wizard or witch, oGooo:oqo -* $goo, n. a mendicant, beggar, ioo:iooopmcol — 0 (in the phrase cq@oqo), n. a chief, principal person, cj BS n. an ignorant, foolish person, cajqSo -qe9:, n. a hired servant, szoooou -- (3i8d, n. a soldier, coeo0,.-c1GYocoo (ocoo803 8), n. a champion, hero. 4a o (aja, n. a covert on a fortification. z — r, (cjrb:), n. a terrace or scaffold inside a fortifica' tion.....-..rG (cjqwo0), n. valour, intrepidity, kjGwoo;GmIoon OqlaOooC (oj07OooS), n. a soldier.. — Gqf (oGoo08) (os), n. a fabulous tree, which bears fruit in the form of women. — c [usually pron. col (tasho)], n. a spy; Oocicooo, v. to employ an informer or spy; acj5oo, to send out a spy. In Upper Burma c^cooSooo: ojcd$ (zog66), n. a species of trumpet-flower; comp. o5o8 and oqqoos, see 00t0001 oqp (Pali), n. an intoxicating liquor or drug, G5oo -— oqoo or GoQoo, n. same. ojt0oo (Pali), n. the sun, coni — co, n. a burning-glass, 8:9$5 coo, i, n. an intoxicating liquor or drug, o008&n ---, n. ardent spirit. -— o-, n. other intoxicating liquor of a lighter kind. -. —:, -CO, v. to be intoxicated. -—:;co (from QSGO, a seed), n. the ferment used in making intoxicating liquor, comp. coo3S8 Q — oGqOOS, n. same as coo, but more properly liquor only.. ---ooOS, v. to drink intoxicating liquor. -.. ---GoC:, n. a drunkard. --— Goo5, n. a carousal. GOO, 2, v. to die; 3 sSGpaoS, to be extinguished (83&oo) or expire, to lose force, as a neap-tide (oqooi oo qoSc5rQo8:os:oGo), to be settled, motionless, immovable. Der. =oGOO, co00 [In court language #o59obGo500S (ooS o5@,oS i,6 4oS jjoooa:) is the expression used for the death of a' king and *oCgoo~a for the death of a prince; (aouWgos@ are also used for the death of any ordinary person), for the death of a priest see 6$, 2]. -i — ~ooGc e3, v. to be almost dead, GocoqoooS (Go00000. ----sGoo@o (from woo4:3Qs o), a. dying without profit (rarely, if ever, used in colloquial). -- o, v. [to perish]; see the parts [oo GoS0oSgaoo. G 060 WGOB:GOGOoXBA. GIM 1159. ~ ~ n.preparations, appendages, &c., suitable to the character and rank of the deceased; Gzo-Oj8g 0S-0,v. to sever friendship or acquaintance permanently (lit, that if one were dying, the other wouldbnot visit or even inquire after him); 0_6 has the addition*al idea of depriving another of participation in matters pe~rtaining to this life). v. to be near death, 0 0l:g oo5x~ --—.-;~ (pron. ccoqo4 v. to be well finished, done with precision, settled so as to preclude amendment, to be exact, definite (accurate); omw8GoqDcemr l0oD-OoqouS ~C~8~-Oooq Oil:OO.3 OGO~60CqQG"3Ao O.)g8 l 0000 @Saq- lit, a " bad " or " evil death," a term of imprecation, a~OGO op"may I meet a violent end,'I e.g., G cS&qr.o8,c cogccU~ ~ GooQl GOD~ (or Gcx~o1j 89v. same (rare in colloquial), -coscGoc V. to faint -away, G~jon (aoqo3aojoco5~ goozc8 qc~o%~. In composition, rzo~cc5 is sometimes applied to sleep, oc& ocui), '(" Downy sleep, death's counterfeit.") -o Uo (pron. rco*Oa_), n. a will, testament, c$oo c1~=q0-)n. Death, lit. th&'"king of death (o~cioxj). -o~c~~S(from mc5 a flag) (lit. " the king of death plants his flag"); v. to have gray hairs, moo5Sm clS~N — 8gcNT,. lit, to be summoned by death; v. to die. o8=,n. a messenger of death, =QS~ow~o.65oe~ 518C, - 21 an. vital statistics (returns). - q~OcjU)., same meaning as rcoqoo~-ii q@~oo coorq -cx r.coq8, adv. near death, r-oc(cxo;~85c~oo (czaooccx QS is also sometimes used ). -ozo,-$-, ad/v. almost to death, as coa$OoN euc I c2,v. to die; CjGCOC-c ca3@G4,DO5B~ 01n. death's door, ii6o r.. O *( GCOOOIOl:, v. to be near death) Co00o0 0$.00 1 "s-oS=M), v. to be settled; ocpn 3 Moq6m(~8;coo811oe~ —: c*800 GC)00110000: G000811 GtP 08~8GP=33SR.W~0005, v.; see OM3*, G0060CSGM08 G DOIIIOsG90000e~90q~9 coop~gor.cooccs 6 ocol 48ol sSco~u moq&s S 3zom~Qscco am-.Goa)33, adv. particularly, with precision;.rcocco %)q:)93.OOCq (pron. Cnoo) (Pali),3n#j. a person who belongs to one of the seven first classes of areeya (maqmon), the eighth class being azcc iioo1c8gj087 GCO0o5u1 0004S, n. a musket, fowling-piece; r.aodScu 'Co a breechloading musket or fowling-piece; o(jgSbcoo~oS, a singlebarrelled gun, [c-oooco a rifle with a Snider action.] _ —aS, n. a gunstock. v. to recoil as a gun. a~(;qoo,, n. a gun flint, 8.-coqooX u n. a musketeer. --:~g, sn. a breech-load&r..-c~G@)o5qoQ. (pron. G004olS@005o4~0,60:); n. a six-shooter (a revolver), G.@ooAo.-OlII -98c~, n. a bayonet, Gcoo3oSc~~ii -— g58a aoC (Pron. Go3oSo1:), n. a sword-bayonet. 8~~) n. a musketeer. -00~ n. a bullet, Oq1G6ii -cqoS,, n. an armoury. * -c-:, 2n. a ramrod. * as, n. the breech of a musket. 8 046~~, %n. a double-barrelled gun. _cq-~ o, n. a gun license. -686, v. to fire at with a musket. v. to be proof against a musket ball from the influence of a charm, 0o0~oOS5 -0@)80E, 2n. the. barrel of a gun. -— u010, v. to discharge a musket as in firiing a feu de /oie. n. a gun lock. 1I6r GoooSSG,o, n. the cock or hammer of a gun-lock. --— Gq:, v. to practise with the musket, as soldiers in a review. --— ooSoG01, v. to discharge a musket which has been long loaded. --— q@, v. to practise with the musket, as soldiers in a review. — c —q:, v. to learn the use of the musket as soldiers on drill. ---- (rGoooSo), n. a charm which is proof against a musket ball. -— 0 —0o500G, v. to pile arms. — o$@s, n. Master of the Ordnance, a Burmese title, the last one who bore this title-being the Kin Wun Mingyi, c.s.I., now living at Mandalay. Even now the up-country Burmese frequently speak of him as coowoSoj0~oscooos:a Goop8oc8, n. a generalissimo, a title applied to exalted personSages such as the Viceroy of India. co34o03 (from oomo, army, oA8, a chief), n. a general; f.@: ooScptGOoosSut (It will be remembered that in the outbreak in Manipar in April 1891, the chief instigator of the murders of Mr. Quinton and others was styled the " Senaputty," which is obviously the same word as Goo6oocd.) oo3ooo003m (Pali), n. nitric acid (cq8-s~) or aqua fortis; sulphuric acid or oil of vitriol; 000coocooong:, salt of Venus (sulphate of copper, blue vitriol)? GOOOo (Pali), n. a remainder in division, ooooSc1 l:, qgo003c8 G0001O06ol e~g1sRiaooe~ GC3, I, v. to wind (thread) on a quill from the spindle, @g oii GO, 2, v. to fall short of a perfect state, as a stunted tree, or as silver, which, when melted, fails of yielding a proper flower. 0p.n, n. urine (vulgar), oG cqS, cqcc6, 0os, oS, G0Goo~0:i ---- LoS, v. to piss; G:o$0iiGoo:6 to wet its bed or clothes as a child. G000, 2, v. to be small, fine, slender, rather indicating smallness of bulk when compared with the length, ox30toos QoosZ.IigSo oosgo oo~oaos:aGco:ogoo:; [to be insignificant, mean, paltry as a plan or scheme; 3a9aooeGoC, to be 146 wdak or feeble in physical strength, eo:)coo~], to he weak in intellect, t-05eozw:.; comp. j5, g, 98 and o~cu GOOSIGcR: (prons. Gow:eQ), v. to be small and curious; o~ooj G.OO:GrC*Y.DG.Q,:*MlCc\Y 0 %$4ooA, [has also the meaning of insignificant, mean, altry; 3;9o e~GaCOOGc~ oo0 oo0o Goornot]. "WW0-O (pron. as spelt, not @oaosl), v. same as' ro3o&;a.o) =C8fl801GOOo3: 0jCqOOOOOO3OGOO~ic~x8oSe~11 v. to be si~naH, aminute, tiny, coo=oo~ojc~9cnpim (;c &x,-)yio G czcGo~ GO aoorc&oV5, [to be in'significant, mean, paltry, petty, trivial]; t~uqousoaoo~-ooqu (cooaSa has a somewhat similar meaning to r-owoz5, e..g., cio5po~z~-o;A GCOo,) n. the name of the character (0) $8~~i GCOOn. same; v. to place the said character ovek the letter with which it is combined. GOO, 3 verb, affx, still, yet, denoting present continuance; beside, more than, in addition; o8Rjsococb~o cgo~6oloos~ *cooo*nc).s~oc c5DR oGroo:qooTaxjo QCO&38080030 Q&:>IO1 caosv (or 0=olqoooo:), o~cnjog co-[c 611 (or coosoogrcooi61) ~qoG~i9JOSG6ocootI,,v. to skinf, take off by skinning (GzroT 6croujoc~n) ~ooTq9) 8COOSC~ T Sd-oxp)eu g~zoT~Qc~8 (or oc~8oo8) c~~s~ -,adv. faintly, weakly, hence oooi00i0, moderately, Nc~cqc in 2 t. of praise or, irony, prefixed to a noun, c~Q~o2oo ajC:)-I C~jjc~a.OCO~:co,:i C obNg~Ooocoo:oq1:coo, (probably a corruption of ooc5). 0i: 1 (66), nt. sand, codbi ~Mv (6o~o (pron. 6cfio~cc), nt. a sandy region, desert. -k(ob), it. a sand-bank [a duh~e]. -cOc8 (cbcood~) (pron. i6-bco)) (or &b~oc8), it. 'a pgda of sand;- ~cbrc~4,v*. to build such pagoda sadpagoda arebuilt because they are supposed, by means of the'merit acquired by making them, to ward off pestilence]. ~ (~~i~o), n. an hour-glass. 1163 OICOOzlS (5jooqoS), n. the sea-slug, uo8cqofloGC~ o5q'siii - Ac8S (ONcac:), n. a species of shell, Oliva ufriculus. -_q (ASO), n. a species of river shell, melania. -@8 (&@68) (Pron. a n),. a sandy plain. - 5oS (6'o865 m) (pron. cS),, n. a swell of water mixed with sand (dcNooi 66\roCBGCjOoc)cfi~3;> 5~oCS pcf1OD08o6 jOS-f -- qoS (&qod), n. a sandy plain (less sandy than 6D0. — ocon8. (&4G )8) (pron. -(jcscojo~o8, from qcbim, the pupil of the eye), n. coarse, glistening sand GC008.0). ~- i (~jofi), n. a grain of sand. [The following-is a form of imprecation used by the Burmese: Og GaSflol 2~~888GX5j8c ~ gM G3Qq o51o8 6cxoTIco Oo, "(if I should act falsely, may all the Buddhs, who are as numerous as the grains of sand in the Ganges, be unable to release me (from the miseries of s ive existence)."] 2b:, 2 (aoc&), see co I. ' &:, 3 (5-), v. to be noisy; not used but in'some adverbial form..-cn:j (335-), adv. noisily, loudly, rather indicative of a heavy murmuring sound [and implying that it is heard from some distance, go~cc 00 omoe~']. -3Oi36raS6 (uj~O a), [GQ3 8 (3j10 ciqcSS O ([C ) * 6~3~ cc~co5ooo~ csaFoS ( 5j3~C Wi)[CEoo6L~o8)3~ [o~o si o0oQb~bqoqGOa?], (0)0 (a-,8) 00cj? (,O-b~05%05)(00@0~0 ~R._~bco~aoaos&-~ooe~ 9 -, o8S) -[used in the same sense as:D'c8OC'oa ] 00,OGOJ81 Ga;o8g (W-Dx;ooo8,coo81) [used in the same sense as dc.008580 jbjj And j65jo5~c8].s co B ( Andq ), v. to be agitated with fear; spoken of a multitude [cq(T*NcO~x-x-co53 865oiooae~j. CO (6aoaoc3~g, ), adv. of similar import; also said of persons who are wonder-struck, struck with admiration, 1164 &:b (&b), v. to distinguish, discern, discriminate, particularize, d -c~% (&66), v. to be distinguishable, discernible, to be plain as meaning, 00C(P BooSoS Coos: 6 3ooolii coeUoo jo:xac~:c~; (c~jc~&8 ), dacv. clearly, distinctly, in a manner to enable one to understand, Q~cqpSoOOO Cj ~o1 GOO~u oC03, I (aa like th in the), verb, affix, chiefly used in connecting adjectives when prefixed to nouns, ao (see Grammar, sec. 144)u G00), 2,)(0) like th in thin). (-oi (rmoo)Q (Pron., G o), 2nd def.); GIIa~olqGooomrSII G-Coo, adv. loudly, noisily, all at once and with noise; oc G000G3D0G000.1SGODAscoscoo eu c~qo5Gooaoooo 5o:ao%~ rr_-C. —o3jCScS (same as r 33 i (same as -3~so-bwj~), Goo3Go33~e (same as R -63estjg) adv. noisily, tumultuously. -G0009j(l (o00coscxx6), acv. altogether in a hurry; e~eo~ocy GoGOC000GjCflO00tb0'GC0Ss [Go zOqjq does not necessarily imply any hurry]. (;OoCOS, v. to drink; to smoke. --, v. to drink intoxicating liquor; zooooSQSOO, adv. in a drunken manner. ftw-sa0 c6q, n. water offered in worship [opisooooSroo=roc1l. -r-cl&,n. drink, liquid to be drunk. G00000 (Pali), n. anxiety; ~-*@~ucbaumroloomfio, ",burning anxiety." --, -- -4j os, v. to be very anxious, have many anxieties and cares. v. to be regarded as an object for anxiety, to be concer~ ed for. v, v. to be overwhelmed with anxiety and troubles; qnc38oo nI sE~~ctSq00~noCSm 0g c6G00 C8)o~E~l qGYJ~& CI ccoocB1o, n. the planet Venus; (Gormoooao QO00r.=rf5BO$Bc~gs0,~$s@'m6:ooocooSmoo6m:, Should the great star Venus :=38: 1165 to the moon draw near, then may the country some disaster fear), the sixth day of the week, Friday (rxooo65@or) (6 @1366) [6336j36qojS ood)3a38:0733EX 111n C6'0U3Cr @>333: 08., a male or female child born on a Friday, see qgcy:f. GooocBjj, n. a brilliant star, used as a figure in poetry [ooo=o8 cjojO6c0ou Gc &nCoGo6~aOo380Sg@I:808:1 (8 Q5@:i) a8, 8C~@g S6O3C6?Sc3J& oso7 ]; compounded probably from the planet GaoJobo and the star qjSjIsiOO:Ao 1 0 0o0.8, 1, n. a sand-bank (a mud-bank, t$woe8), a shoal. -, n. same. - 9, n. (the point of a sand-bank). ~- 008 v. to ground (on a sand-bank) as a ship or boat; 8: COGAM0o0oo8r&I GcyG c80o8 (has also the same meaning,as eoSoo8N0). — cB (pron. G3o)8), n. a sand-bank covered with water, a shoal. -~o*, -ouT, n. to form as a sand-bank. - g6 (ron. o3;o88), n. a sand-flat..00)8, 2, v. to be hardy, stout, sturdy, QOn GoooSoon rS00 3OS00. oeoo usually applied to convalescent persons (e.g., o001l Go6Eeoooo6QoBoos18o:),but also used with reference to those in good health, e.g., r0ooo ro8Sool cozu038 ii OCo00800X (96C) oit0'oo8o8s: (96S) (aoo303o8:), n. a kind of bird resembling a gull (sco c.om81Bns?98 cfS). r.=&8a, I, v. to be unproductive (c33oa3oco8), barren, impotent; applied both to human beings and animals (co:cn ooo8:11coos3 bGroo::I8- ooGcoc3o). -, see the parts; md"8wPgooo8"q83 WD3OOD, 2, v. (obsolete); hence mosoo8sw8~&1 - q-c' s, v. to be rough, harsh, violent in speech, @,nooS: [3: G@3W3~q8 w:o)8oo n~$a:uq;63, to be in a state of uproar, anarchy, civil war, (to be overrun with thieves and brigands, o8SQx Coo8,q$& ~ 8Xco o ga'; to be troublous as the times, rOOc3oOCtO$O)- 0o3i (pron. ooo@8o@.), adv. all together, in the lump, the good and the bad without distinction, 3azoPocpn o CP [_PEU 8 0 o. 8ogoo86ooSc~g CaolosGPol dp;]; comp. qOBSo (coo:83S-OG@, n. a uiiscellaneous case). fI66 coo:cGOro36g, adv. loudly, noisily (in large numbers, in crowds). --— coEs~&oa:i (cor:Qo o8:83), j adv. same (q5:oSkoo.,coo8: o~~sj~ouoo~F~nc n~,~o2~ooo~ooS:o3joc~~~). Ga6e38; 3, v. to be stunted, dwarfish; (c;o8:, CQGO:S:0GcoO:. GQOOW (Pali), n. the ear. -oo.00, n. the organ of hearing. *-.- 4 n. sound heard. — 8p*, n. ear-conscioushess. "Sr6ta-winydna, ear-con"sciousness, in shape like a thin copper ring, or like a "lock of copper-coloured hair, or a finger covered with "rings (sGCoo&SoERsrxa4), is that which perceives "the various sounds."-M.B. GOD*3oo0 (Goaoz3og0 ) (Pali), n. the first state attained by an areeya (oqco). "The path sowAn (caooo5) or sr6tipattii " (cooo000 ) is so called because it is the first state that is "entered before arriving at nirwina (Wol ); it is divided "into tWenty-four sections, and after it has been entered, "there can be only seven more births between that period "and the attainment of nirwina, which may be in any world "but the four hells" (Qo6.c06co8 dh). — 8-oS (co.)oo 4Q8), n. the duties of said state. -'ao34$ (Goo3ocwoQSqo~), n. one who has performed the duties of said state. - qoS (o:coo~ogoS), n. the reward (or fruition) of such state..-cor> 3 (633ojtnodt) n. one who has attained the reward of said state. r.00-0000, n. same. Gooo00000c00o (Pron. Gaoooooco0v) (Pali 0coz0o and ao:coo*), n. the faculty of hearing, o0oooco2 c oS,-su ooogoo (Pali), a. sixteen, moo6oocoSi — rq~, n. the sixteen countries comprised in ancient India, Gongoo oB n~i rw:>Iw 0 6 @611" cGaosoeo, a. the sixteenth, cca@cgoSjoooa ccc,, n. a key. - ass, n. a lock. — c~ (pron. co?~S), n. a turnkey, a door-keeper. -c, n. the holt of a lock. ~-Q0s, v. to lock, fasten with a lock. 014 1167 eoo3O$cg@~, v. to unlock. - 00c3o6 (p ron, coooc=o3), n. a padlock. - 62, n. a bunch of keys..-ocl, n. a handkerchief to which keys are attached. -.031, v. to wind up a clock or watch, o0oQODGO6cY)lSo or -GolO5, n. a key-hole. -_e_ oo%,i n. a kind of spring bolt. coo?, 2, v. to be quick, rapid, r0?, @, cqS; seldom used verbally [i.e., as a verb]. Der. =coen 3acq&8cQoo3qS ooj o5xOOO G5c9SmGN S:GQ G ( oogGOOcCtixoOcooGq:, a running hand. GQCOO 3, v. to be unsteady, foolish, given to foolish jesting, dissolute; 8asIoqa8G6a)ii;o)ogar-co,)cooo -- cg8S, adv. foolishly, oro 5ooS36acSSS [also applied to the flesh when it has a bloated appearance, - cRS3, v. same as 3coo, acSRGoo (has the same meaning as uq$O, with the additional idea of being dissolute; often combined with roi 3s., e.g., 6 303q 0$60 qP&ePA0002 cq8 &'s W8 CRC)S9q5OOL-_811 oaco(BG0003rC0396 OOM6 01oo1og Co0gcs5-000oRo,5-.(;M39S.-OO2~1101 rzc staoe: csS (oo like thi in the), verb. affix continuative (same as oq~) -c o:o (pron. Gm5Colo), 1equivalent to Vm~suojcoSjG coooomu -- coe@s, v. though, notwithstanding, e~,: (pron. oqjs:); [it sometimes means either, or, e.g., gG814$srsDSCog: Go:C o Gco n:o8zcG3OSo3:)g[8 CQ8o0tG-oX]. [In colloquial, Go or Qo3c.c in the present, and Gooe (pron. ocS) c& in the future, tenses are more frequently used than oaSco30 e.g., a2o Go3'c. or aG0 or oGcI 0 9 1QO ].3 o - cogoooSs (cbmmonly written =oo5c8: or GcnS4), either, or, repeated at the close of successive clauses; ~:,aao5c6 j eoa5ci (oS), n. the amhersiia [comp. 3=GOZI8O]. 3ooS95o, n. certain ornamental work on a rich mattress. n, i. the penis, c8s (applied to animals, Ogfp~u~:opE 6n coqo). 4S, 1168 c,2,(V. to put up, lay up, treasure up, store up, eooee~%4i w~ze~q to plan in secret; ow:o,' @g, to speak int a mysterious manner; so.-q v. to put its tail between its legs as a cat, dog, &c.,.-CO:,O -~:, v. same, grB,_CMIv.;see tlhe parts; ccBqc96~o*.ao8 S; n.* a prophecy relating to the affairs of the present world oi ii c ~ uococT,&c., ~cooG3oac6U 3oo4GoTbGOq (o~G) p (Ge) sn o8 crCYOO oaC3 1~l4i - cx*, v. such depository is empty, destitute of treasure, - 03, n. the writing indicating a secrkt depository. nCC)t. an expert in the knowledge of localities of secret depositories, -q,,v. to dig for treasure, as directed by the writings termed v. to search for treasure according to the directions of such writing (oq~Ro~c~o5). c~B&, 3, n. a species of bamboo, cAoSobd -oqq8o~jo1&, n. a species of bamboo resembling both the cAo5 and the W8i C~ 6.v. to be decent, behaving or dressing with propriiety and self-respect; oooc8cG~ocSodS (to be well arranged); ic 9 n. a rod carried before food prepared for the king or certain privileged persons, see c~8trjacl dcoii ~MlV. to brandish, to fence. -moDO,. v. same. WNMa t90. squares on which fencers are to step according to rule; cq8too83woae~11 odi i169 c~8:oooS, v. to be skilled in fencing, c~8:0ro8:os "o, v. same as a8:,oo:-. 9Sg 2, V. to put on a rope, garment, &c., by passing it round something, either loosely or tightly [o6:q~ i oE:~gS' ool1c 3S6:oll]. - q8:, v. to do in a certain order, and with a regard to usages and forms, [to make preparation for some expected contingency; oqop8Eoo8:480Q%00I 03 $j~ o(s (oS), 3n. the Calamus erectus. oquo,6a8&] (oq$Eot,), n. a full-sleeved gown (worn formerly by Burmese ministers when attending at the Palace or Lhuttaw)., 1, pron. a. such. Der. - dc-j~ o:pc3 c a con.,~ moo5d306 owm 98A. 1 C". Iil -— 89JcoCoo~n, -oScco:os (pron. &G&ocoS ). -— a GooSsz003z,, — 98, — q@o~, verbals, equivalent to the conjunction therefore. -- oRagS, - Scroascs, verbals, equivaleit to the conj'unctions yet, nevertheless (but), 3oo633QT (pron. qc:), rO. — ooaoS, or, otherwise. I, 2, n. afix, towards [into], unto, apcording to, at. ogs, I, n. a sheep, a hat; 03r 8gcuoc1808005, a term applied to Europeans collectively. - cap8:, n. a shepherd. - QGQ:3S, n. a hat. — oSj n. a wether. - c8ja, n. a shepherd. - s.2, n. wool. A8, 2, v. to be incipiently putrid [to be stale, rancid, cooS,-q:n ~g jo8s ecoooaQSt], applied to cooked food, on8~ton 98qo u; Lto be "stale'' as news, c8co& —c.l to be sullen, not disposed to speak, gocs 3ooo&q:$3; I (G0,asss, 0:9:d:60 e) [to smell stale as damp clothes that have been folded up too soon, s3rJcasitq:o:; this applies also to clothes damp with perspiration, Q:@sqaC 93833R6dk5Ceoi:c4 cQ:63oo3], [Qzooposqb, a priest's garment woven within the period of a single night during thb 147 festival of the omc8~, which takes plac~ on the full moon of Ta.zaungm on: strictly speaking only offered by kings.] c~acx~: cq: d.sullenly (rare). Jo!4r~coo, adv. indistinctly heard, scarcely audible; applied to hearing distant sounds [c' cc 0c 0 oc 1 Ds, raD:Do~s61 or low, indistinct (vague) rumours, c~co8:;oo~o~o~;[disgustingly, in the way of feeling disgusted] (B~o pcO-o3caj~om~e~ qmo8S~coo~ooSoc~c cns:qos&", adv. nearly, not quite; G8-8098:OcQV3 ayo-c&oj (pron. o~solc~ol), adv. has the same meaning as c~zo~tc&, but is also sometimes applied to language, when it means allusively, hintingly, d~mo {m)ap):)oevm8 ocv. to be no~sticky, not adhesive, o~o.; to be thin, rare, (as liquid), @t~ (GzagoSue;qzgoS), opposed to ojS, to be loose, not sticking together as dry (clean) clothes L4,,@*omocS a26o~ool, -&c., oc88; to be fluent, voluble[m @ton OWO~cg], opposed to Gcoo cu03;. to be easily split, as wood or bamboo [m& O-:)6c&-(Boe~p or -c~opSomo-S c9cSc~l-3cooo~CRo-J opposed to oz,8 and cmo; [to be brisk as the market, o~j*.~ioo~o& ~ I I~o ~o~oSoq~rqJ3 3aCYSulOco', opposed to r-9j: -' — v, ocj see ~~oo, revolvingly [9o.quwoSaRO~qjocopSII ooe~a ORSjCeG 0038J1OC~e 02G0500CB g5 aC~~3Z%"I8~ coe~; applied also to words of dizziness, giddiness, jo~& -oSc-, v 'same as co&, last sense but one [om:)-og5cgo6ii K oo:Sc~~o~oG~z;also used in the same sense as ogBas regards liquids, clothes, hair, the market; c.@.-ogc-A, ado, thinly, rarely, as curry cooked with much water, ooe~; gurglingly, Gco5,-ao~o5~e, [clinkingly, jinglingly as money (?) r&og fj25~eoojtu 3BSo~o om~~r=~q~o~cYqG~cq'] (colloquial). o~cS ocoo n. a fool, one who is very much deranged (ogoSqj) crcXOOOC~e3r'O& it). 1171 /CgoS&3oolcxo, n. pestilent wind, which occasions paralytic affections (=35oGjooS;co) o6a5qo6013=OS-08% 48og8, adv. limpidly; 0xo8Io8, gurglingly (Gcom:8uTomrGojco2 38:, v. to put into, cause to enter; comp. co& [a-)Rco8,&cS,' cqao;9a& ~ F:.goj occ28oEogEo;oI co:o?8too a u=8r4rj:c8s pcqgog8:u C8:Geo36O81fl: (sgo38:o28guc:o8g8u cxjep 08:].2 - v,. to bring in. - coos, v. to present to a ruler; (ooSRa&s far oftener used). - G0o, v. to introduce. c2oS, 1, n. blood that collects and tends to putrefaction, cooS q8:4i311 aoS,, v. to put into, generally implying a small opening; (oo ao05oca, to enclose a letter in an envelope) r3SG6oloSnzS f5:o8'i 33Sll 3603636 oaI mua8eol coo8gcq80oSoIooi ( OR84. 88O051- Z.- 4Mjiq4 Oss bC~8 0205 oaba -0-0~8 0:'~C8 1 C080 0O0S (0080S0bO SZO2)]. - 028, v. same, to initiate (qcooSooo-gcsoocoro5o28-oo S oas8g~oc33). R0OS, 3, v, to be bloated; used adverbially in combination with G0ooo3oo and 0R-Oi [cocmq~Soc412oogoalc 65rw1 qj) o3fO5oSRg coqbGos9~OGp5 agoSoooo8 (o8) (pron. aoSoooS), n. a kind of tree (which grows at Tunte, Lower Burma) [the Achras sapota, the sapodilla plum]. In the time of the Burmese the fruit of this tree was exclusively reserved for the king. This was done as late as the year 1872 or 1873, when it was prohibited by the Chief Commissioner (Sir Ashley Eden). "o$, i, v. to pour out, spill, shed; comp. orlcoooEo~acs qjoR$ co8io2 [to pour with rain, Z a03 aq309 j -— 0-8, v. to instruct, communicate information, aoc; comp. cq9 and b8q [oc o &opc8 c& oo:co~8m91 o$ a2O, 2, v. to be inefficient, destitute of the principle of vitality and incapable of coming to maturity (ocoa8); applied particularly to eggs and bulbous roots; comp. qs:n [bs H7* - 5I3II q$o uICCjOC)S *OQS@8eO, also comnedwho18:n c.c8go8 o8:ii c88 o:, i, v. to pour upon, as from a small aperture and with care or ceremony, in less quantity than ocoo&; comp. o, c4:oSsuGo:u -— GO.)3Ss, v. same; [o cxo& is also used figuratively, e.g., oooc$:OG,8 GG9 GCVD&.OOCCYS (So%]. os?:, 2, V. to cast, by pouring liquid into a mould [Gco&cu iQCOOi Gou G518Q SSo:n z8O4GcOSO.:a oz: a. or adv. high and slender (rare in 4{ollcquial). cS, in* zinc, oSo1u n. zinc ore, calamine. n. a thin sheet of corrugated iron, covered with zinc, or roofi purposes. n. tutty (an impure protoxicle of zinc). V. to roof with corrugated iron sheets. ii. spelter. oS, 2, V. to be slightly deranged; 2o3Go1nj,:co, less than ju V. to be unsteady, foolish in conduct, dissolute; not used singly, hence iou COG, V. same; [Gooo is in more general usel. V. to be slender ani tapering, comp. and j ooo5ucu:o p to lay down a telegraph line, connect by telegraph, Gfa4: :coS; to make a railway, connect by railway, co: o,oS; to connect by road, cooO5; to connect by a canal, a water-course, G8aoc; oo5 is also applied to language, e.g., cogG38OO6GOg, to lead up to a sub-. ject when speaking, to draw out long, as circuitous conversation; ooSc75, as buying and selling, whence to be distinct, separate, various; used in an adverbial form as sianoc8, diversely, variously [moo8noo -Os, see next. qos, V. to draw out long in circuitous conversation [oa ococ 6Op( 1*II3 ocSc8o, t. to be narrow and long, agoSogoaSea:o)8scS c — (from 008), v. to be neat and slender in form and appearance, less common than o86Z8oogoaSaS 3o0Som3o gos0, I, n. a tooth, a cog, oo3Sot [the edge of a da, cooccosz (from 3oago:); the tooth of a file, o5o8:ops; thetooth of a saw, co.o:s]; a5ogo, a molar tooth; aao (or acoT) cgo:, an upper tooth; oG3coS o:, a lower tooth; Gogos, a front tooth;:goo@oS@ S, adv. gnashingly. -— a oS, v. to have toothache, OgoRSou — g-os(o (pron. oo[o:s), n. a tooth-pick; (-. to pick the teeth). — '":, v. to break as a tooth, to lose a tooth, to be toothless (ooa s":ac^@); the Burmese often designate a toothless person as o33os (pron. oo:). ---- (pron. oo3jq), n. food that lodges between the teeth after eating, tartar, the concretion which often incrusts the teeth, OoSEqooooSaxy j -— o (pron. aoqS), n. the stump of a tooth. --- oSocp, n. a dentist. " ---s s, v. to be decayed as a tooth. --—, n. same as q: (rare). -- o, v. to extract a tooth, opa: -- p, v. to feel tender as a tooth (?) --—., v. to be loose as a tooth. --— l, n. a tooth. -- -, n. an artificial tooth, ogooqqSn, -— goC, v. to have the toothache from a decayed tooth, supposed to be occasioned by an insect [oagog:.:o (pron.ok oo:), to have decayed teeth, supposed to be occasioned by the same cause]. (There can be no doubt that the Burmese idea is in strict accordance with the truth.) — j0 (pron. oo:3), n. a gum. -— cl (pron. o9z~), n. a slaver, drivel. — G --- o, v. to slaver, drivel, dreul [to water, as the mouth,,, to go; com. (highly honorific) ~8~ 2, v. to go; coMP. ~ (highly honorific), I t7* 40as QOg,.. to deviate, go 'aside from; implying a departure from original intention, or a dereliction [**6a8~o~a coo~o~cjsqoo, to depart from one's word, to break a promIse I OO~ to run off a course as a horse in a race, -MW~c4 -CBS:, see the parts (a~aooooco4, see -Oc6, sometimes cg~ v. sam e as =2Nf Monr9osee the parts; oomhGG&Q o}S Go (ZB. OO'81i c3 1, v. to turn, aside from the path of. duty, fall away, apostatize, Go~ooo@ (c1q8saaeiwoc'i @QQ ~:.-.t (aojo), see the parts.' agQ, vo. to become dry, free from moisture, Q.@2O; not o$:, dried up as water(aoosqnd:foq) v'. same or:cQo~COqcooaoScX~srooS (ptron. c 8:oamD8c~6) 0000e~]. NO-W-qcp: (often pt-on. o.aGcp~l) (vc,2 Gcoo&), see the parts; cow, noz blood [disposition, -nerve, spirit. In some instances appears to have a similar meaning to 865]..s, v'. to vomit blood. nS f. the placenta. n. the exhalation of the blood; compo. ococoS: and m~ -oooks), -q8, v. to be strong of nerve (oj@o -.,n. to bear a child notwithstanding that a renewal * of the menses has taken place after conception.. --— e~e (rg~~) v. to be extravasated. -. —g: (from oo-sco x5I@:), n. a subordinate 'Officer under an co'q8rcOl:; when used as a verb means to be consequential, to be imbued with an idea of one's self-irhportance. n. a blood-vessel, vein or artery; Gc2,0:G)O6, to be severed as an artery. C_ 8)n. the indented line on the blade of a sword, G9J? see ao~loo5 c~08 i 75 ogjc@, v. to beat (as the pulse) quick and strong, as in a fever. --—, v. to incite, stimulate to action. --— , v. to scarify. — q$, v. to beat as the pulse, cogso~n --: (cGaos), n. clotted blood. -- oS (Go,:qS), to be imperceptible as the pulse. -- oeg, v. to bind bloods together, band together, see cova Go 00. 0. --— o, v. to feel the pulse, to put another's courage to the test, see o8~ -- 8$s, n. fresh blood. — q- (pron. Gogasq), n. a boil (a boil below the waist). --- s, n. mischievous blood occasioning pain like a witch. -—, v. to come to maturity, as females at the age of puberty. — a —g, v. to have no perceptible pulse, as one near to death. -— sa, v. to be subject to cessation of the menstrual discharge (as at the period of the grand climacteric). -— s, v. to be choked by the bursting of a blood-vessel. -— oo, v. to be quick and unsteady as the pulse in a fever. ------ ), n. a subordinate officer under a Gog-@:n -— oo00, — oo, v. the blood (of the system) ascends or descends. --— 0caSg33, — 3oSoS ooo3, n. food which promotes the one or other such action of the blood. -— c6oo, n. a kind of painful induration in the breast or bowels; comp. Gcoojo5r --— c8, v. to stop, cease flowing, oo09Sl -— 86oS~%, v. to repeat muntras in order to stop the flow of blood. --— os, v. to beat as the pulse, cog:sRi — cq.*oSm~, n. a book that treats of the beating of the pulse. -— Goo3oS, v. to have a strong desire for a particular kind of food, see oo3~3O Goo8iioac883oooS.0 " ----oo, v. to be strong and rapid in pulsation. Goa:c8oS, v. to be subject to a sudden fright, commonly terminating in death or madness. -- qoS, see GOglcoosSo -- cQ ---, v. to have a slow pulse. — dQ, v. to extract blood by a puncture for some other purpose than venesection. ---- s, v. to be deficient in nerve, spirit, pluck. -— g, v. to have a hemorrhage. --— oloS, v. to bleed by cutting the flesh in several places. -. —os6, q. to change for the worse, as conduct, disposition, (much the same meaning as 8oc@o68). — goS, n. a red spot on the skin, an inflammatory cutaneous disease, gatOin, -— oooS, v. to bleed, let blood by perforating a vein. - q-c qigo, n. a species of dropsy. ". --— o08, n. a leper, so34, --— g, v. to be frightened to death or insanity; (also applied figuratively to persons when in a violent, uncontrollable passion; 8 0sq o o:CG q9:oBY og G0 C03o). --— asogitoa:, a. delirious, more than 8Socoo o8ao861 ~ —^SE, see oogsoon --— col see GooRIo86S —.o, v. to be self-confident, cool, self possessed. — aqo5, v. to resemble, take after; oo::oo8:jogSooGosocq6oS —oo:, v. to become estranged. [To be distantly connected as relations. Also applied to sick persons.] -— oooo8s, v, to obtain a renewal of blood after child-birth. — o, n. same as oog0g.. —Moo3S, n. a band of fifty men, used as a numeral affix, oc G3O:90003C, &C. -— coooS@s, n. the chief of a band, see cog:3ooS, commonly the commander of a kind of militia in Upper Burma. Der. co=20:, S -- Go0oS4, v. to band together for the ac complishment of any business from the Karin custom of drinking blood; -.-. ooSo8,. to enter such a band. Wx "177 roco on. excessive' menstrual discharge [as a verb to have "flooding " after t~he birth of a child]. Gaa 1, v. to rub one substance on another in order to sharpen [to whet], polish, pulverize; [coo:coR-iic2G~u~o QqiOc75Ga2,:JQxOGOO[i1 cto3lscsi,' c~oGo**cxoxS (sometimes Pron. sl~3sGo~,csso:6 and sometimes s~~c~oSn. a whetstone].( GO~00, 2, V. to draw along, persuade to accompany (~uc~) -~dO8 (Pron. cGoR:coo8), v. same (most common) [to entice, seduce I. [coq'qfoo,-couo~m-88ceg'co ~rG38zoD~Sllr3- tGR. =o3 ocqoogrCR2 G035 Xc0333Qo =o5 COv. same, infrequent. it. the fan-tailed babbler. J9, v. to swing round as a sword, co)-~ [or as a riding whip or cane, 08o~:-;] to swing to and fro as the branches of a tree, or as the tree itself; ~ opo3Yo83z c8% cAgo8 oo~c~c. (or qooo~c~) ciooto, to wave as a flag-; az-,0 co:~2 oo e 1GOO ~*3C 0c-2 wo2 [to be supplewaisted], to move circoIlarly in the hands. as a dishi of food in offering to spirits. I,v.to swing about in a waving manner, to wheedle, coax [m ~ ~csoT~pc does not in the sense of the second and third examples usually imply to coax, wheedle, but implies gracefulness of bodily movement and style of speaking]. -',v. same as riA o~c9o9Gqs, n. Shasters; mo0o:g)ca33qwp, an astronomer. co~o~o~os, n. one skilled in the Shasters (slang for a drunkard). a35: (950, it. a Sha 'n (also written As&). Gassee o6oJo&cxi (The thirty-first consonant in the Burmese alphabet.) M) V. to open the mouth, to gape 'open, hence, aoooIo~c~cx, 0809op, Mr.00800=38S~ G@G#~GOKc 1059000o 80l02:, " so far 148.3 from- my haviin'g.,spoken evil of youi, I have not even~ so much as opened my mouth about you." M~, ve-bal aAlxq imperative, usually used in driving away evil!nSiv. to hawk, raise phlegm, coc8ooo ('ocoS). [Hence comxdcwo5, adv. With a hacking cough, with-the sound of a hackidig'cough],.COoas, 2, V. t' stretch (the mouth) open by inserting a flat thing and turning it edgewise; QR.dj&o,CODC~ 081 ooiooS 005Coo0000o5 d M:)noos, v. to slit the mouth as was done, it is said, for disobedience to a royal order'in the days of the old Burmese Kings at Mandalay; oSmoz)8a. G-oToouj G oo& cocc o6: (OO~a) eov. to exhibit a fissure or hiatus, to gape, s a-wound;w av. to be partially split or' cracked; coS cOmnS G~O0 IGm8%I Gosc~ Gxo) 8 6 - mno5uoSoo5aScj6 v. to laugh loudly, boisterously; cjo~cqoS COS, 1, v. to whine as a dog; not used but in some adverbial form; c6ojnso 0~occ UoS, 2, int. indicative of an unplaatsel o~ioc~o jofprmo&:C~oSmfo; also used as an int. indicating d'isapproval; co8co$o8q~ii p~i=c8 ---— GQD, adv. intensive. to words of disagreeable import. wv. to make a teasing, whining noise as a child; used in the Phrase coaqo~4 ii6 COM &48 8qsj O MGO(or mmcto~:cSoo). W8-0)!) int. indicative of some calamity (or when surprised' or startled) co8:w~* Iqc P z~~ IIcl Q UOG g CO&, o n any cooked condiment to be eaten with rice, curry; W~~o~~j~:s is the curry properly seasoned (i.e., with ngapi and salt)? o08. 17~ oo8:w0o5, n. Nepaul spinach, Amarantus oleraceus, Amarantus spinosus, another variety, ow8,coSq -GOcfa (ron. 3ca8]G(), see cnqc:ii - p8 (pron. ooSsoS), n. a I nd of plant, co-8-Q5a,%:0)oo8 n a8: (pron. (n8-o&0), n. a kitchen garden, cogIoSo8:an - l1: (pron. oD&col), n. a decoction made of go, SooS1a3c. Cq8~cqS(2ouoo-cIooS taken by women after childbirth to stimulate the powers of lactation. - n,. a cup-like ladle. -o4, -ocq, n. a kind of plant; ocmo, n. a kind of plant (Spilanthes acmella), w:too:iiw6o8 ocoz, — noco3g8, -ooo:gjjg, n. pickled 0c8:ooa o -oc OOW9,~ n. a cultivated kind which is eaten in a pickled state. — cg n. the wild kind-which is used medicinally. - 28, n. a kind of plant (said to be another name for the qo ~05, Spathodea Rheedii)? - Qn (ron. n8nuS), n. a kind of plant. — i soS, n. a kind of creeper bearing yellow flowers. "The buds are sometimes cooked in pottage." -, n. a poor kind of c8sn --- uson o8% (pron. 8u.G18:), nit. a kind of plant. — ~4cS, n. a kind of plant (comp. ComhS). --— 8, n. a kind of plant. — oo0, n. the substantial part of a cooked 'condiment; qcS5p SQpco8 zooSol ooeuuol oam8o8ooS8S(OC (pron. &48o)S). - 4o, n. a tiger,-so called to frighten him away; coo~GoO ooc0-530Go 3QCCgO.81I8o'f. (The term oo8s:j is also applied to the different kinds of fish and flesh eaten in curries, 0c8O1gbAq&o4). - (q (pron. either as spelt or wSmq). ~-q%, n. a kind of plant (ooS-q.)? i —qR:yS, n. a kind of plant; n. a four-sided q3oo (oqf8 c); comp. S8o0411 9 —05, n. leaves used in making curry. - jjoS u, n. a plant that produces leaves that are used in curry. - ooj, n. anything of which curry may be imade. i1I8o 00300 coS:0cos, n. a hotch-potch curry. --— o8, n. a fruit or.vegetable used in making curry. coS:, 2, v. to be open, be uncovered, unenclosed, see co8ol& [to be vacant as an office, post, to be lacking; NoocwocoS — cos, a. or adv. open, unenclosed, to be open as a view or prospect, (to be exposed to view, to be empty as a vessel), ocoo (usually used in combination with ooocoon ooooo8: co8); GQ'S30cG00CX85oZs@8ZG l ooooSagS 0080^ siicoScoSooSGoooqs --— oosc, n. a kind of fish. co8:oooo: (pron. osy8oao%3l), n. vermilion. -- 8: (often contracted to co080&), n. 'cinnabar, red sulphuret of mercury. coo0o (Pali oo000), n. a species of wild duck [the Casarea rutila, the ruddy sheldrake, 0. This is the national bird of Pegu]. -- oooqc, n. the name of one of the constellations. -— oo, n. a kind of plant. — ocol, n. a weight resembling the coojo duck, ogrco: coA, v. to call loudly, as to a distant person, to shout, scream; GoaMGOcvJ (;S9) CB5 " —Go, see ca5oba --— OIs (r@:), see cgy (G@:) G@5ll — ~o0T, v. to call loudly to a distant person, oo&*oToS:,. —, v. to weep aloud, to wail, c:qG:sso8LoqaognI. —_oq:, v. to shout.back in answer to a call. cog, int. heigh-ho! cosv, v. to whine as an elephant or a dove when angry; [to roar as the burning powder from a rocket (for a ), in which case it is Pron. o6:, J~0~; when it fails to go, 2u moo0o (Pali), n." the heart, the mind, the breast."-(Childers); 0030 uOcorog-2 cosioo406Go wOOSG^GGcS o00 0000. — o*, n. "the substance of the heart; the heart of flesh." — (Childers). -caF I 8 I com (@M) ooB [from w@ (0xq), a cubit], n. a certain space in front of a priest beyond which it is not lawful for him to look when entering a village or town; ccoo3o8q3ooqcn (Wmg) 0oo co.oq:a~gcsJ:3: Srn j2s:0360@13Sso 33E ads)o@ (cx9) 0oS0 5Gos.a-us;o5u8- o0-'ccjs6c'Qo:8, 01 oj 0&)08 o3 (0oc) 0 c03J oS0o0z0 00@, (mffl w8~30p, n. a kind of grass. m ~, v. to appear, have an appearance; not used as a verb; to have a natural appearance, do as usual, as in oqj [to be drawn to the life as a picture or portrait; Qog1o- 0 pc6 co,3E g3$aCsanmF~3aE33:6q0303 n. appearance, qo$:; good appearance, wjcoS.o t sosooo 3. —ol, v. to accord in appearance with. — (Ms, v. same; we3oCgS~a80~s1 30 CSOJ'~il --, v. to be proud, to give one's self airs; (c3a:sqcj more polite). -os:, v. to prepare to make a feih (to make preparations as if intending to do, without doing). --, v. to put ontain and boasting airs (n$q is very infrequent in colloquial). -x,C v. same as cnEo8i:l ~- ca jO o84c -~00086, v. to assume an appearance, to make false pretences, to fein; cR8803 GNsc$oG~Oj3 Oc8.OC c;o0 ~CgoS 00 - agrfi CO 5~..'-)DF03tE1V3 60-&03djo)35u, the thief, feigning to be a respectable person, went up into the house and committed theft. 4 0801 v. -o, n. same as ouS [ooecqz: a0 s~?pgco6o8$qqooeN -- — o, 21. -, v. to make a feint, roomo16co, o mooootooJ)c0giS -—, v. same as cCO80qp8aoo oos 3C cn3OC8oCocr8:)C.-SocodII - o, v. to put on vain and boasting airs; to get ready for an effort, gather str8ngth as in drawing back and nerving the limbs to leap a brook and such like; aoio:ccG:oScos ~8~~s~rQld33~~1C~B~~b~U~S0oCOqa:oeqno$ o be,sg~hobelooc~gcogooS~~cfijeoo co~4 (v. to. have a good'appear~ance as when one's.bearing and qualifications correspond.with one's office'),;.co%5wut n. samne as voa;c8, G*orc:oe, v'. same'as o&)qv., same as i G o n.personal appearance and- bearing; o&~)S 9o~ C~ocoY-J# B(qoOO Xq*..~5c8 oooi -G3oo0obo oGipC0~oT v. to make a swinging motion with the arm preparatory to striking (A'jSoe) to swing the arms' in walking. cov. to stop, prevent progress, by oaln ut authoritative-ly. QcgcooO88O(,-&(ei..-c:(pron. cnasopO), v..same; c OG Go~ oc0&) 1, see under cS, 2, @3ozxS~cG1I WXSY 2, v. to bite at as a fish or a dog, to snatch at in eating, C1 **0Q ~8aoe~n,c2:~a *,oo~oa68n [oob also mea'ns to attract, as a magnet does a needle or amber does dried (ooo~cu5) grass., It.also means to scintillate as the rays of a precious stone, o~~o~bn] COOCOwhaisit? show it! M41119411@06:011d1 COob tron. you, mas. or fern., used vocatively-only (disrespectful), 00540 Q~o8Cqj. oc<BozjS (oooB is Only used towairds inferiors or those who have acknowledged one's authority in by-gone days). M.4,, plur. of oooc& ooo~23s oa c-oo0'6 OO.00COOM (obsolescent). c"9 int. of calling., halloo, uo gQcoo-oe.cb&U cocri, adv. laughingly, comaoou co:P.,O 5~q~8oo&Oj (less than ooosoo%)..Ca. with stunted tusks, as an elephant. coo I) n. a thing,.oocpegos Der. mot oool o ooj.&No"2~W0000*5 00)',2, 1V. to lie open., unenclosed, w~oo$:o [to -be imperfectly devised as a sche.me-or plan, wg~COf] to bep not otS:'1183 quite full as a box, 'pa, &c., ooe~008c (Go3qo) o:ao:oOe aoe~coe~.ci8 Ga~oo:dil co:0o6o0o, aadv. with too large an opening, uncomfortably, as the stomach for want of food, aG.4q*C. cooAoe~U — coo, a. or adv. open, unenclosed, oub -oo8,-3zq.s: I )o ncooOoo~o~i — cooo 8-co8g, adv. same, mocoo008"co8l~ coo, 3, int. prohibitive; owo ljtoQIA, 0QOOGG0SQ1pAII OocOo&O GoO] oo10coon coo olawowt, n. the age of infirmity when strength begins to fail, o o: )ooSoooe; according to the Burmese the age of infirmity commeices at 6o, noo$omD. coog, int. expressive of wonder or joy, co coc 0oSo6 c0oS (Pali Gu:OO), n. a prime motive or spring of action, of which there are six (qcot&50q4o =a(qOoSoJ9oS5.go1 ), namely, o00ooooc8ucaloodgc OooSoIodG azSoooud9 GuOOOSQ oou8osul MOOPOO8S0, a state of being of which there are four, qoc&Bo~, cqoc&So6, ~8&5, %8c8o, or according to others three, =o686, ~d835, and ccS, implying freedom from one or more of the three evils, Gcooao, G-loo, Goaxou J308, 2, n. prestige, the power of a name [cqS oo3, used in a bad or good sense, C00005~osd. co-qs, n. same, 8050q RoD 5834 -o oc, -cq5, v. to use the prestige of a name for the sake of effect, O0809c~SoC o8 osc0osolI (B0d3o and J3658, see -8o.oo and cMo5&t coo.059~rosqoe480S ~~ oou 3coo~ron)OS GoooS i eqcg80ooor!:o8 Ocso;>egooe oqo8So0c~oo,,~oo8,ctqooe~1 c8Co65o, adv. intensive to words of shivering or trembling, cioS c~oscqpwe (infrequent), 848joqooe" in. a Hindu; d5.gjqcoonodSajjoo0oii v. to growl as an animal (~coS @' o&80u acB8i), murmur, roar as the wind (=o(B~-3s o8ooBcBTt, see o~coc6 for another definition of cdgs), resound as the protracted tones of a drum-peal [o a as an organ, bell -or gong (col8:Gcoo5 c,8:o3$), hence co0 a 03~0, growlingly, thunderingly, o0o8wO:)C$04& 0 ucq8q "-I 1184S c8$&ro0008, a'dv. exceedingly (great, high, &c.); GSqOSOO&,q:I v.to give, up farther effort, c~oo — G=~, n. the Himalaya forest, sometimes called c8Go~f c~oo~cu&O, the part of the story of Wdthandara relating to his sojourn in the Himalaya forest. -ozx~co$., n. the Himalayan range. ni. the Tavoy name for the papaya,. mcocSDAc8q (Pali), ni. shame, modesty, 0 vooooo~psu d9~ 099oocpo ooStraoooquI " Hiri, shame, that. " which deters from the performance of what is improper " to be done,, through the influence of *shame."-,M.B. cv. to neigh as a horse; @&oto laugh loud and rudely (also applied reproachfully to women; also implies shamelessness of manner), oo~o,4~i A8 adv. c~&JOLSme~e -o~COOxM, adv. with loud and shameless laughter, c0.&&Bo ~o~:piadv. headlong, recklessly, hot-headedly (rare in cj (from o~, to say, declare, mean), verb. affix, that, namely, see Grammar, sec. i 19. acv. to be true, 0$; hence oco~omSn Qvucmo~oooiii: aoso rwSo~ox~=1, whether true or untrue. - a~, adz,. yes, it is so; cqS~qo~ true indeed! (i.e., not true), 9't cqcS5oQ~coo~.1 ~q~ contraction of cqc8oqc (colloquial). -g-o:,.used in some adverbial form only. —:-@oQ~a~co-.,an adverbial expression eqn'ivalent, to although, q6oO0@:OS0I Sis, it so? equivalent to qoS6~o:)O-1 9o639c7qo~do1f 9qoSOulef,(frequently p-~on. 9oqcoo~). -9,v. to be certain, true; cqS$oo~co~~cd -bt. same; used only in the negative, uoojoQqOni _~Mv. same, mcx o:BIC40o5ic, c@ooeo ~ 5=q8 . IISS x4o5of, adv. instantly, eacqiciagoomccn:jj 8:8q8r068a~~~'gl og So)6C CISsU~ToI qOS9s., adv. same (?) cqr, r, v. to be quick and violent, cq8 and @8:; not uRed assertively; hence =3 $on (oom r$n8)0 (pron. cocq~ S) rS (r8 cgS) c3 oi8j:ou g8:a 0on:cgSu,:oo CO taca qSoa: also applied fiiuratively as ocqo~:,0 8:,o6 cj, i.e., good for a dash, but not for continued effort. - 4, adv. quickly and violently. -u0, adv. same. Oq$, 2, 1. to fail, as when the motion of a ship corresponds not to effort made to sail or steam (cq$); to fail through excess, as when fruit corresponds not to the growth and apparent thriftiness of the tree, 00ool1uzoa"o0: (o&), i, n. a kind of creeper [the Anamirta cocculus or, Cocculus Indicus?] (used for destroying fish; the bark of the cob3occ is also used in Upper Burma). 0:, 2, v. to roar, as a tiger, a storm, fire, the waves of the sea (see o$:). - 0, adv. roaringly, with great quickness, violence, and noise; 8:zqo:co, more than?$,:ooii -- i:, adv. boastingly; @o0 1t-9: ) 89ca coqii — cl;:, adv. same as q~340 cq8, Pron.; see COu Cv0a31(S g:g — c8-9, adv. away off there, away off yonder (colloquial). oq, I, v. to say, declare, to mean, 4i3c; not used assertively (very infrequent in colloquial). v. same. oa, 2, v. to sound as a buzzing noise in the ear; '3aljS1 cscpa;, n. astrological deductions, an astrologer. - o0C0, n. an astrologer; ooo*,Yas;FG:CIGoc06qS,.CO oi:oc: and o3o0:oj0, adv. expressive of the noise which the words indicate; ccocoqcL9:,: ro-5o~0-ItG@1183@,8 a a GoM (Pali), int. vocative, calling at a distance or answering, or expressive of joyful surprise (rare in colloquial); rciuoM j i49 I L86 - OWDOS GO~nmSrcY.ocu (oX~ji Ccl(~oe~i ooceooov &oQQ$4j wu=4 zoQ&,pct? (pron. G~geq) (Pali), the cold season; - G:O:ESWOzCO r.~ qo)iv. same as rzoo (made use of in frightening away sparrows in the rice-fields)..Go:),) i, in. same as ccni Qgfl,S 2 (Beng. ~cxco-k), int. indicative of effort. a) int. censurig threatening, hence cood5~ adv. threateningly; 1. CV, 9 c.:8c3b coacx~o.znn oocod16,(;u 65btx (used also in speaking to persons quite inferior, cbn 8 ~ &iS GCO~O j, v. to utter in a formal manner, as in preaching (mcptz rowo), prophesying, foretelling, $oCCO)Iu C $3GvO3; [to render the meaning of, as of Pali into Burmese, e.g., 8Wo5PjB 011v.to preach and insitruct(~ooo3) r.,v. same. (;M0 2, int. indicative, there! c=oo oSsm r.'3o~pSocz @oQOD:GM, adv'. freely,, all at once! hence coomIGOW, adv. one after another', without intermission coo o 'qo, 0 tps). -C~ c.A. r (Pron. Go~'o-) r 89), ad'v. frankly, openly, unreservedly; Go~ooGo(;(ozI1FN C *,' CZ@3~.0 OO S2 dq Sgbli (or Gcomc-* -:-ac: o)~c~cCo C.W:145 1, v. to be low, hollow, sunken, as.the contents of a vessel not full xCORQO:)S@'aoa1 ooc3o1 3o~olQxo Gop~ii) (In speaking of clothes and,piece-goods, coo3 is preferable, to cwwoS; GcnoSA is used with reference to dry and liquid measures); rao.-5- is also applied to the eye when sunken from illness or want of sleep, co2coou -GCO3-YS adv". sunken as a. perished eye; 96c.~~.:rwo~cYozo5 QCOZ)OS9 2, V. td'snore (aowmoo~ce oo:)cw~oo~ooe~u oR~,:oSu p$SQCmX)OSfl 01GVGaoSp " jo~acSm), to roar as a lion or .118 II87 cry as a Ju (the barking deer); [00oCOO, to cry as the =8, the brow-antlered rusa]. GODcYS, 3, adv. there at a distance' (provincial and considered inelegant). Cc3Sj, 1, v. to be rancid, to have the smell of substances long decayed;;crS3 g 6 5CqlC03 3u - 08, -o-oSg@, v. same, but less than r-xz8i -qS, v. same. IG30S, 2, v. to bark; ID:sooC91BS64 coo8Ss. v. to be old, not new, cooaSpqoc3 ooS:oooSocto o cmno S (ancient, obsolete language) [a38 6oq038o:&l1$038~ c ArcQoo0 8 q:5ui 3MGqjooCS (o00e~90x,, 30,a~~o3o1i(;3U33;aU3EclSlgs) m 3cogg31~a60;3o:08E 0 Gos (cooS) Cq jeoe~I11 Q(X3Z:S GCro3S&QO-5 LO 2snUoo-ooL -- 8s, v. to be old and faded as a garment; qgc-coxxS88:n - 8s, v. to be very old and crumbling; 03fl8S@G333 Qj3 co:88o, adv. loud and noisyin speaking; o00GcD300oE8o3C03 2f~(;@:OScox IIOJ990oSoCPQOhIOL GSrQ:cQos 8:, adv. with a hole through, hollow throughout (in an exposed manner) [also applied to the wearing of a puhso or htamein in an unintentionally ihdecent manner, co68 -— col, v. to be fistular, tubular; 9cg:oo$8 Slcoo8G: co078e cooctSi, v. to be disrespectful, insolent (to be dissolute), one kind of og0TqSso3slo i:qa cquIoF ol0l3cq l03 9q: GOMl O 8O CS 00 oo3Q Ws8 U wo;=ugS~xgnrcnqqs\ocScooen co0Sv. to be completely exhausted, out of breath, either from great fatigue or extreme thirst; more than C4oSsG6O og$:40cojcSigg: 6cS~~ 1scaaSpCosgnoqoc2to~ seqgoogll — 0ooSoS5, adv. in an exhausted state; cc~a8c~8q.cn 5OSGOo5 S GlSGWO000o5), ~dv. rousingly (infrequent). Lq, pron. that (colloquial); o6- ((c"), yon, being at a distance within view, [occasionally used with reference to ages long ago; OcAG wooou dcyao00. G o&o083O8: (pron. 08o:), QooS: (ron. oS:), equivalent to the English colloquial terms -Y "Mr. what's. bi-s-name"" Mrs. what's her, name L40061~ is frequently used when the- speaker is alluding to someth ing, -which has e~scaped hjs memory (d~CcqooGco1IG os C~-)68CGCUW8p6e~aSo~~oj-)or to something which he does not speci'fy by name but points to, cAoo&:c~61, in colloquial d 8 (usualliy pron. t~a6:). c~c> ad-'. yenider,j ver there. cqdS5, if V. to be sih tly concave, sloping inwards (rare); ~JcS (far more common). C~o&, 2, V. to pant, to be out of breath (;4 ~~c~c"4 (406)3, i"t. expressive of any strong emotion _ 'c~cfGaoDSG2 v- to be without a tusk,.though full grown, as an. elephant, Cm808.: (a muckna), without a wife or husband though arrived at a marriageable age, as cq(1o~&:, an old bachelor; mQ cSt, an old maid; nz~y o8cc8~qGa.i~c~~oo p3Go3~S.4c8tis also applied to cocks which have no spurs, BoS 8.,To Negrais Island at them mouth of the B~assein river.. AoA: adv. far and wide, as news sp read abroad, copSoc,.:roRS n.. an astrological term. Ck B. C. P. 0.-No. 43t B. S., 1-9093-3,000. Burmese Proverbs, Aphorisms and quaint Sayings. i. jq8oog0Gooa @oo8oSo8: r o0, " In a forest of pith (lit. a forest of trees without heartwood), the castor-oil plant is king." Anglice " Among the blind the one-eyed man is king." 2. 3aD5c0ooo0O 58-GcoO8, " A fire originating from rubbish may burn a graduated tower" (i.e., a spark is sufficient to kindle a great fire, or great effects are produced by small causes). 3. 33a-Soo-8 8@6ii " Persons unlike each other do not become inmates of a house." Greek " Like loves like"; "1 Likeness is the mother of love." French " Qui se ressemble, s'assemble." [Also bearing out the idea that every one has his affinity.] 4. a3cq q3aG%@8ooa " By wishing for haste it becomes delay.' Anglice " More haste, worse speed." 5- s= RSp@S00" " When the master's position is exalted, the servant's becomes decorous." 6. 3a88o0coopT&. gaq oG3@oo5os,, " He who comes from the Awizi (the nethermost hell), fears not hot ashes." [Meaning that those who have experienced great troubles, or perils, make light of ordinary ones.] 7. o3aooSo coo5aocqs [i83 ooSmooqSt ' In journeying at an "improper time, one step alone is sufficient to cause mishap; " in eating, one mouthful." 8. 3aocooSoo:aooouxOa "u The son is a month older than the father," somewhat similar to SaopSo5sGqo8:@i 9. 3SoqaSs3oS@:)i " Great love, great resentment." 10. 3mo o$ g**}cg oxGpo5o3 gc o ag "Because the Athb Wun is powerful, (Nga) Panauk litts up his foot," [in the scriptural sense of "lifting up the heel against," i.e., treating with insolence], similar to the proverb o1s 4oXosGESaoG 1 II. a sQooSbg3oaoo3oSOg,, "Mother is not hiding in the paddy bin;" this saying is applied to statements which 'let the cat out of the bag.' 12. 33 stoGoS19acop3o3: c9 1, " When the quarter (of the town or village) is united, the corpse is beautiful" (shewing the advantages of being united). (2) 13. SS$:qgo:oSooo Go6ooS*aoe6iiog "By having good neighbours one gains a good husband " (also shewing the advantages of being united). 14. m3ooG5g8Goos tq "One cannot gain a good reputation by giving gold for it." French " Bonne renommde vaut mieux que ceinture dor6e." "' A good reputation is worth more than a golden girdle." Anglic~ "A good name is better than riches." 15. 3G0000ooo0Qooo 38 5oou 6 0m 0 coao o rGonoos5 68cogn "Should one not be dexterous, what one picks up becomes the subject of a charge of theft. If dexterous in theft, what one steals may be regarded merely as something one has picked up." [Similar in meaning to the English proverb 'what. is one man's meat is another man's poison.'] 16. a%8~g,83a ggoo~n "( It is only when there is an elevation that a shadow is cast." Anglicd " No smoke without fire." 17. m33o 0cp68osGco:)8&o~ii "He affects the appearance of one amicably inclined," (said of persons who act hypocritically). 18. 3meo$om0oo oogo5oonu " Uncomely speech cometh from an uncomely appearance." AnglicJ " What can you have from a hog but a grunt?" 19. 3acoQoS awsomcSoB1is 1 oo~5 SCoomoooSo, " If mother beats me, let her save me"; " if father beats me, let him save me." In the way of a person throwing himself entirely upon the mercy of the person he has transgressed against. 20. g8,,aiooSsc n, "Taking shelter under the shade of a tree and breaking off its branches." Said of ungrateful persons; similar in meaning to oo:)0sGoT3SS,,ooGq 0o3o: 21. i oooooSgoooo1 As in the way of reversing the natural order of things; Eo iaogcI SooogSF.oogi has a similar meaning, 22. 8QStGY 8GS oo~oqSsooqU: "Should the front part of the house be hot, the back part will be uncomfortable," meaning that when the chief persons in a household disagree, the unhappy feeling permeates all. 23.; oo "o8coo8qa.g88. orooocSooci " Like thd oil-lamp iving light when the universe is in conflagration," as in the way of insignificant matters obtruding themselves upon important ones, 24. cjG800 (oSo&o gooog = i In the way of speaking in a contrary, incompatible manner. (3) 25. oS: aS oo8qq, " Sending him who likes betel. nut to Taungnu," as in humouring the wishes of another (usually implying that it is done unintentionally). 26. cgJol0oS:o8c8.1 " Playing a lute near a buffalo," in the way of wasting one's time and energy on a fruitless undertaking. 27. oGroos6 8o o6oo i " When two buffaloes fight the myeza grass (between them understood) is unable to withstand their doing so," as a person being on the horns of a dilemma. 28. co<nEGqooG:gGlo8o-: cg5 oopoco05ii "Though the centipede should have one of its legs broken, it does not interfere with its power of movement." Very similar in meaning to co8aog8, &c., which see. 29. coSoo5C OqS&Zoc:0&i " Day does not dawn because the hen crows " (applied to interfering, officious women). 30. <cooo:so8~G|Sd:oogn " Not being able to vanquish the Kula, he makes a dead set at the Arakanese." 31. OcSocqGcSoS (q s) oCg9ooSijoSji " One does not observe one's own plainness (of appearance), but wishes to laugh at that of others " [Crimina qui cernunt aliorum, non sua cernunt]. 32. QoStoSqqoSFooGotS. " If one cuts down the 'kyu'reed, do not let even its stump remain." As in thel way of destroying one's enemies " root and branch." [N.B:The 'kyu' reed, unless stubbed up, grows again.] 33. C:qqoS, I"oScoa Gooi.n "The crow-pheasant (coucal) respects the crow and the crow respects the crow-pheasant," as in the way of persons mutually assisting one another. Greek " Hand washes hand and finger finger," i.e., men must respect and assist each other. 34. o:1pSp oc~3coo, " When the tiger.is bold, it is not easy to blame one's law of fate," meaning that one can blame no one but one's self if one runs into danger willingly. 35. CSood93a-3cqg3aj,!' With fowls it is the hereditary strain, with men the lineage." Somewhat similar to the old French proverb ' Le bon sang ne peut mentir.' 36. coSo9 ccToqd i "With fowls it is the gizzard (that is best to eat), with men affection." 37. Gj 5^G< 8:oc S oGcgC098oDog~S "Do not rescue the two-legged (i.e., human beings), nor salve the boat of (4) an official when it comes floating down stream." (Somewhat similar to oSoc-0djoS6 ). 38. Gs:{'GomooScqe~GoooSg, og8 " Thridding the crooked tail of a dog through a tube," meaning that when it is with-,,drawn it will be as crooked as ever [meaning that it is hopeless to try and reclaim an incorrigible scoundrel, or to expect him to reform]. 39. qg8:soo 3 0mo.oxosgloBgcoo8@Scou., " Should acid fruit and salt be kept together, acid fruit will become salt." [Same meaning as a6ol 3socoo: $olb5Go5cc8~.v] Both these proverbs mean that if a person associates with wicked persns, he will become wicked. They are always used in a bad sens. 40. sG- 2-~ GROc gdC8o)gc(og)S0GCCOSc 13@oS3~oou "When a healthy dog and a mad one bite each other, the healthy one has to undergo his ear being lacerated," meaning that persons of position and respectability should not enter into rivalry with disreputable ones. 41. Gpcg:qScq4scou "Though th dog-flea may jump, it raises no dust," like an insignificant person trying to encompass the ruin of a mighty personage [similar in meaning to 42. G AooSGooa.oGge@., " Though the dog may bark, the ant-hill does not run away." [Same meaning as GaoGogiGCc ^eoo]. 43. Gs8:600oocq4cGl4p81Dr:o5~8u (as' in the way of deprecating the performance of the impossible). 44. ooqoc898o00oo8 n " It is only after striking one's foot against an obstacle, one thinks of one's mother" [as a person overtaken by misfortune remembering old friends, their instructions, advice, &c.]. 1 45. co8i@cg CcoooS qc.oo:ogS "Though the elephant mayfshrink in size, one still has as much of him as a buffalo" (figuratively appliedfto those who have had large pecuniary losses, but are, Inotwithstanding, far from being ruined). Similar to'theGreek proverb " Even the camel, when mangy, bears the burden of many asses." 46. sgi @8@88 Gio6oc8oSS:, "By hurling the seed of the ' zi' (the jujube) plant at the Myinmo Mountain, it does not leanito one side." [The same meaning as 88Ggso8~Go0o8 goagsii:c,, ylGo Bcq o]. S(5) 47. Ge oc3~ osogoTcS8ogi "In digging for the banyan root, the egg of a chameleon may appear," somewhat similar to the English proverb " Let sleeping dogs lie," and theLatin one " Malum bere conditum ne moveris." 48. Goo38:CoSo or38co75oo00Sooo008-06 " When the forest gets on fire, the wild cat, slaps its (upper) arm," meaning that bad, turbulent characters take advantage of a time of general anarchy and confusion to commit excesses (see cooSoucolo5 SooS). 49. 0ooG-100SoomooQ5 oocsolo,'1 " Though the hen may cackle all day, she lays only one egg," [in the way of bowing to the inevitable. Italian Che sara, sara. "Whatever will be, will be."] 50. oold Goqio,99 ocoi "After one has once died, one understands the price of boards." Both this and the proverb 9bqCoz2O3 oecoS, " Like the fledgling sparrow that has been struck by a stone," are very similar in meaning to the English one "A burnt child dreads the fire" and the Latin one "Ad tristrem partem strenua suspicio." 5 1. ooqoS6o go5(98 S " Making two severances with one cut of a dA." Anglice " Killing two birds with one stone." 52. c806o8oSG0~0oZo$00 3 o J "Remaining silent is worth one thousand pieces of gold." Anglzce " Silende is golden." 53. GooX:Go oooo8c.ogn " Owing to the Jailor's helping him, he went to jail." Anglicd " Save me from my friends." 54. tSos.s^o6ol.S "oLet not those who are respectively hare-lipped blow the fire," (with their.mouths). Anglice "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones." 55-. g a $cll81 " the plough protrudes itself in front of the plough." Anglice' To put the cart before the horse." The Frnch and Latin proverbs are truer equivalehts, namely, "Mettre la charrue avant les boeufs" and "Currus bovem trahit." 56. oc 1oocw:cgc.c]o oooi " If you do not believe me, ask my wife." [In the way of a person making an appeal to an intimate friend for the confirmation of a dubious statement, e.g., A makes a certain Statement which B discredits. A refers B to his (A's) intimate friend C. B demurs on the ground that naturally C would confirm anything A had said, and makes the remark "It is like saying 'if you don't believe me, ask my wife.' "] "; (6) 5'. 8Scqp6oEoqoStS " To teach the King of the crocodiles the water business." Anglic~ "To teach your grandmother to suck eggs." Latin "Aquilam volare doces," "Ycu are for teaching an eagle how to fly." 58. 960ocoos?qio5Gooo80)CB o3q I o60808sCo: aOSc5 o6S9jos qjlp I~> " Notwithstanding a river may be a fine one, its shoals destroy its value;" "Notwithstanding a ruler may be good, his dependents ruin him." 59. (Q0G8:61":5ISo "Cherishing a viper in one's bosom." 60. 0:ap:GasEo8' 6Gs0@o8ooon "After Siam has been vanquished, the animals tattooed on him appear in bold relief." [Latin " In pace leones, in praelio cervi," " Lions in peace, deer in war."] 61. j8oqq8,Tqvjgu "The King's puhso is pure silk," "( Noblesse oblige." 62. coto~ooogoSoQ8:5c gooeg "Every bird is as beautiful.as the vulture." Anglic? " There are as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it." 63. c*oaFo1S8ooSii " Like the thief shouting ' c' ' c' S'' (cS,' being the cry raised by Burmans when aware of the presence of a thief, or.when going in pursuit of one." " 64. Gcoo80c$:oog:>~~oGco*.i "People do not pay attention to a dog that is always barking," an inverted equivalent of the boy who was always crying " wolf," "wolf." 65. ooo:0o:oxoo:ogSii " O wiqg to there being many physicians, the son died." Anglicd "Too many cooks spoil the broth." 66. o5coSoSjo5o5,cosooSi " Iron destroys and rusts itself" in the way of a man being his own enemy; same meaning as ooRica(88O CY 00 J1 (NI z 'Cl I mmn