m J l/ I OF THE TRANSPORTATION LIBRARY NOTES IN 0 I''E -S ON THE RIVER NAVIHOATIONS OF NORTH AMERICA. BY CAPTAIN F4 41AIG, R.E., NISTRICT ENGINEER UPPER CODAVERY. MADRAS: PRINTED AT THE UNITED SCOTTISH PRESS, BY GRAVES, COOKSON AND CO. 1863. I NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS OF NORTH AMERICA. CHAPTER IL THE North American Continent is the most highly favored portion of the earth's surface in respect of natural facilities for communication. No other country possesses river systems so vast, or so admirably arranged for the purposes of trade. None, it is probable, is so rich in natural resources, or furnishes such striking illustrations of wise and beneficent design in the adaptation of its physical structure to the wants of its inhabitants, and to their part and place in the world's history. Mr. Ellet, in his remarkable work on the Mississippi, has pointed out the relation which everywhere subsists between the geographical extent of each of the great natural divisions of the land and the configuration of its surface, and shows that the distribution of its river basins, the position of its mountain ranges, and the lengths and declivities of the great plains which slope thence to the ocean, have been fixed with as manifest reference to convenience of commercial intercourse as to peculiarities of climate and soil. " It seems," he says, " to be a rule in the natural economy that " countries remote from the ocean shall have outlets through great rivers of "slow descent; rivers which serve primarily for their drainage,butso formed "that they may be used, in the progress of time, for the highways ofciviliza" tion. The plains of China are thus supplied with the Amour, and Russia " with the Volga; Germany has the Danube; and Brazil and the States,each " of the Andes, the Amazon, Orinoco, and La Plata; all rivers of gentle " descent leading far into the interior, and all adjusted for navigation." The most remarkable exemplification of this universal law is afforded by the physical geography of that part of North America, which lies between the Rocky Mountains, the forty-ninth parallel, and the Atlantic. Of this vast tract, containing two and a half million square miles,and embracing NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS the most'fertile portion of Canada, as well as the greatest and richest part of the States, the two basins of the Mississippi and St. Lawrence occupy more than three-fourths, or 1,750,000 square miles; the former alone covering 1,226,000 square miles, an area equal to that of India between the sea, the Himalayas and Cabul. So gentle is the descent from the heads of these great valleys to the ocean that sea-going vessels may load at Chicago on Lake Michigan (1,600 miles from the Gulf of St. Lawrence) and deliver their cargo unbroken at Liverpool; while a boat may descend from the sources of the Alleghany, " within sight of the sails which whiten the approach to " the harbor of Buffalo," 2,400 miles to the Gulf of Mexico, and the produce of the far west is sent by the Missouri and Mississippi from the flanks of the Rocky Mountains 4,000 miles to New Orleans. The St. Lawrence, with the chain of lakes, of which it is the outlet, is said to have a development of 2,500 miles, while the Mississippi with its numerous tributaries, which spread their ramifications over every part of its valley, is calculated to afford 16,000 miles of navigation even in its natural condition, unimproved by the hand of man. Even the comparatively narrow strip of land which lies between the Alleghanies and the Atlantic, and skirts the northern shore of the Gulf of Mexico, possesses numerous streams, which are utilized for the purposes of transport, and which in any other country would rank with rivers of the first magnitude, though they dwindle into insignificance in the presence of the colossal systems above described. Thle ludson, though mostly a tidal navigation, is one of the first order, and is in the architecture, speed, and magnificence of its Steamers without a rival on the globe. The cotton lands of the Carolinas, of Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi are pierced by numerous rivers, which bear their rich products to the sea. The Alabama and Tuscaloosa, by which nearly the whole of the cotton exported from Mobile finds its way to the coast, swarm with Steam-boats, and have a development of several hundred miles. Thus every province of this great continent is supplied with the means of communication, and each in that degree which its geographical position demands. None is excluded by its position from easy access to the others and to the ocean, the common highway of every land. The vast and fertile prairies of the west have not in vain been endowed with those capabilities, which fit them to be the granary of the world. So cheap, so easy, and so -widely diffused are the means of transport, that the farmers of Missouri, OF NORTH AMERICA. Illinois, and Iowa, feed the slaves of Louisiana and Mississippi, and compete successfully with the local grower not only in the market of New York, but in those of Liverpool and Bordeaux. The hardware of Pittsburgh, and the minerals of Wisconsin are exchanged at a distance of 2,000 miles for the rich products of Cuba and the south. The coal of Pennsylvania tis to be found in every city along 2,000 miles of the Ohio and Mississippi; and the pork and flour of Cincinnati and St. Louis victual the ocean Steamers of New Orleans, and the Whalers of the north-eastern States. The wharves of New Orleans are thronged with Steamers from every part of a territory extending over nineteen degrees latitude and twenty of longitude, while Quebec is the terminus of a navigation second only to that of the Mississippi in its development The country thus richly endowed by nature with the means of locomotion, and stored with untold treasures of cereal and mineral wealth, has been committed to a nation pre-eminent for energy, intelligence, and enterprize. The Americans have not been slow to turn its vast capabilities to account. They early understood the importance of connecting their magnificent systems of internal navigation with one another, and with those points on the Atlantic coast which from their natural advantages had become important centres of trade. As wave after wave of immigration rolled westward from the Atlantic, and the fruits of the newly subdued earth poured eastward and southward by the two great water routes in an ever increasing stream, a keen competition sprang up between the various sea-board States and Canada, for a share of the rich traffic. The men of New York were not content to allow the whole of the vast trade of the Lakes to flow past their shores to Montreal and Quebec. They soon availed themselves of the remark. able break in the chain of the Alleghanies which occurs within their State, to:connect Lake Erie with the Hudson, and so divert a large portion of the trade into that channel Pennsylvania, Maryland, and still later Virginia, followed their example, though under far less favorable circumstances, and with very different success, each striving to attract to itself a part of the trade of the Mississippi basin by connecting its chief city with the Ohio. The Canals constructed for this purpose have, with the exception of the Erie, not been fully completed, and Railways have now for the most part taken their place. In a similar manner, the two great systems of tli NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS Mississippi and St. Lawrence have been linked together by Canals connecting the Ohio and Upper Mississippi with the Lakes. These works were mostly carried out in the infancy of the States through which they run, and with very limited capital, and though creditable as specimens of Engineering skill, and of the energy and enterprize of their founders are of contracted dimensions, and altogether inadequate to the prodigiously increased requirements of the trade of the present day. Meantime the Canadians had cut a ship Canal round the falls of Niagara. Another, less successful, at the Sault St. Marie, united Lakes Superior and Michigan, and thus completed the connection of the Lakes with one another and the Mississippi. Later still the introduction and rapid spread of Railroads, has, by opening new fields of commerce, and bringing those parts of the country most remote from the great water lines into cheap communication with them, enormously added to their traffic, and extended the sphere of their operations, while it has to a considerable extent modified their mutual relations, and diverted a part of their traffic into new channels. It cannot indeed be said that the extraordinary energy with which Railroad extension has been pushed forward in the States in the last twenty years, and which is rapidly covering the land with a net work of iron ways, has been always, wisely directed, or that a greater amount of legislative interference and control than is congenial to American instincts, might not have been beneficially introduced in the planning of these great undertakings, in deciding between conflicting interests, and in preventing the fruitless waste of capital in the construction of competing lines. INor can it be doubted that a part at least of the capital so lavishly expended on Railways would have been far more advantageously devoted to the completion of the great water lines, whose value and paramount importance have been for the time altogether lost sight of. But as the ardor of Railway enterprize cools, and men are able to take a wider and more dispassionate view of the requirements of the country, we may expect to see these great national highways receiving their due share of attention; and when art shall have skilfully combined both modes of transport, and experience shall have assigned its proper function to each, this highly favored continent will probably possess the most perfect as well as the most extensive system of internal communication in the world. OF NORTH AMERICA. CHAPTER II. The early history of Inland Navigation in America is not wanting in that interest which attaches to every thing connected with the origin and growth of all great communities. Civilization did not first penetrate the Mississippi valley from the south, following the course of the mighty stream, which it might have been supposed would have been its natural inlet into the great wilderness of the interior. The southern extremity of the Delta was then in the possession of Spain, which denied to the Americans the right of free navigation of the Mississippi, and the first attempts of this nature were made from another quarter. The settlers about the head waters of the Ohio were the first to avail themselves of its stream for the purposes of transport. The hardy adventurers who had pushed forward westwards from the Atlantic States across the chain of the Alleghanies, which in those days was not seamed by even a bridle path, bethought themselves of the new outlet which the rivers descending to the west afforded for their produce, and the first rude attempts at navigation were made in that direction. Soon, however, the purchase of Louisiana removed the restraints which a jealous legislation had placed on the use of the Mississippi; roads were opened at various points through the Allegharies, the Pennsylvania and the Ohio and Chesapeake Canals were commenced, and the tide of immigration gradually poured into the interior from the east and south. Previous to the invention of steam propulsion, the ascent of the strong current of the Mississippi was a most laborious and tedious operation, and the rude craft which first bore the produce of the interior to New Orleans were broken up, and sold for lumber on their arrival there. Gradually a better description of boat was introduced and, by the aid of sails and tracking, the down voyage was accomplished in a month, and the up-trip, though with infinite labor and fatigue, in four months. One of the earliest recorded attempts at an intercourse with New Orleans by the iiver, strikingly illustrates the enterprize and perseverance of the early settlers. In 1770, Messrs. Gibson and Lime descended from Pittsburgh to New Orleans to procure military stores for the troops stationed at the former place. They completely succeeded in their hazardous enterprize, and brought back a cargo of 136 kegs of gunpowder. On reaching the falls of the Ohio, on their retur NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS in the spring of 1777, they were obliged to unload their boats and carry the cargo round the rapids, each of their men carrying three kegs at a time on his back. The gunpowder was delivered at Wheeling, and afterwards transported to Fort Pitt. The distance thus accomplished was 4,000 miles, through an almost unknown, and in many parts unhealthy wilderness, swarming with hostile Indians. The deadly enmity between these wild tribes and the new comers, who gradually dispossessed them of their ancient inheritance, for a long time surrounded the navigation of the rivers with the utmost danger. An exterminating warfare was waged between the two races, producing its demoralizing and brutalizing effects upon both. The boatmen of those days were a rude and desperate set, who have long since passed.away. They voyaged fully armed, and often had to fight their way to their destination. The first line of regular transit boats was started on the Ohio in 1794. It was duly advertised in the local papers, and the announcement which has been preserved curiously illustrates the state of society at that period, and the character and extent of the traffic. The projector, after stating that two boats were to be employed, and the trip from Pittsbyrgh to Cincinnati, a distance of 480 miles, to be made in four weeks, proceeds to describe the arrangements on board for the comfort and security of passengers. " The proprietor of these boats having maturely considered the " many inconveniences and dangers incident to the common method " hitherto adopted of navigating the Ohio, and being influenced by a love " of philanthropy, and a desire of being serviceable to the public, has " taken great pains to render the accommodations on board as agreeable " and convenient as they could possibly be made. " No danger need be apprehended from the enemy, as every person " on board will be under cover, made proof against musket or rifle balls, " and convenient port-holes for firing out of. Each of the boats are armed " with six pieces carrying a pound ball; also a number of good muskets, " and amply supplied with ammunition; strongly manned with choice " hands, and the masters of approved knowledge." Four such boats, carrying about twenty tons each, were then considered sufficient for the whole trade between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati. Such was the state of the navigation of the western rivers up to the era of the introduction of the Steam-boat. The rivers themselves were in a state of nature. Art had done nothing to improve them. They swarmed with snags, and the falls of the Ohio at Louisville were only OF NORTH AMERICA. passable during floods. Yet it deserves to be recorded as an instance of that capability for cheap transport which is one of the essential characteristics of water communication, however imperfect, that merchandize was then carried from Philadelphia, vid New Orleans to Pittsburgh, a distance of 4,000 miles (one-half of which was up stream against a strong current), for five to eight dollars per 100 lbs., or 1 d. to 21c. per ton per mile, including the cost of loading, transhipment, and port dues. If, as is probable, the river carriage was four times as costly as that by sea, this would give 2}d. to 3.d. per ton per mile, as the cost of the river navigation; not more than double the Railway rate for goods of this class at the present day, allowing for the saving in time and distance. The first Steam-boat placed on the western rivers was built at Pittsburgh in 1811, but the progress of the invention was at first slow, not more than seven or eight other Steam-boats having been built in the next five years. So low indeed was the speed and power of these boats that for some years it was considered questionable whether steam could be successfully applied to the ascending navigation, and it was not till 1816 that the ninth boat that had been built up to that time made the first trip to now Orleans and back iii a manner which determined the question of practicability. The general adoption of the new system of propulsion dates from 1817. In that year there do not appear to have been more than half a dozen Steamers afloat, and the tonnage of all the boats of every class on the western rivers was estimated at 6,500. In 1834, the number of Steamers had increased to 230, with a tonnage of 39,000. In 1842, the number was 450 and the tonnage 1,26,278. In 1846 the steam tonnage was 2,49,055. From this time forward it is difficult to ascertain with precision the rate of increase. No very reliable statistics appear to be available. The s atements occasionally met with in the periodicals of the day are evidently based on very loose data, and of little value. Nothing more than an approximation can be attempted to the growth since 1842, and the present extent of the steam carrying trade of the Mississipfi and its tributaries. In 1853, Mr. Ellet, a careful and reliable authority, estimated the number of Steam-boats at about 1,000. In 1858 it appears to have been 1,200, with an aggregate tonnage of 3,60,000 tons. If there is any error in these figures, it is on the safe side. It would appear from them that the number of Steamers multiIlied much more rapidly in the first twenty years after their introduc NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS tion than in the last. Unexampled as has been the rapidity of the growth of western commerce, there seems little doubt that the supply of the means of transport has more than kept pace with it; the carrying capacity of the Steam Flotilla at present being, it is generally considered, somewhat in excess of the demand. One cause to which this is to be attributed is the diversion by the Railways towards the Lakes, the St. Lawrence and Erie Canal, of a considerable portion of the trade which formerly had its outlet at New Orleans. In a country extending, it may almost be said, from the tropics to the arctic regions, other considerations than those which ordinarily determine the course of inland trade enter into the calculations of the merchant. The climate of the southern part of the Mississippi valley is sometimes injurious to the products which are floated down to it from the temperate regions of the north. The Steamer that descends in a week from the falls of St. Anthony to New Orleans, passes from a latitude where the lakes and rivers are ice-bound for five months of the year, to one where frost is comparatively rare; from the parallel of Odessa to that of Cairo. Hence the Railroads which connect the Ohio and the Upper Mississippi with the Lakes, as well as those which pierce the north-eastern corner of the Mississippi basin from the Atlantic, afford at certain times of the year a more favorable outlet to the perishable products of Ohio, Illinois,and Indiana, than the river route. The summer heat of the Gulf of Mexico is injurious to flour, and still more to animal products. Thus Cincinnati, the largest pork market in the world, sends by rail and lake to New York an immense quantity of fresh and salted meat, which otherwise must have been exported to New Orleans. Hence also it is easy to understand that the Railroads connecting the two great river systems have added to the traffic of the northern at the expense of the southern, and proportionately diminished the demand for water carriage in the latter. But it is by affording a means of transport for goods and passengers at those times of the year when the navigations are either stopped,altogether closed, or seriously impeded by frost or drought, that the Railways have most effectually injured the Steamboat interest. Before their introduction, the traffic of the country was at a standstill at such times. Immense accumulations of goods took place at the river ports, and freights fluctuated in consequence in an injurious degree. It cannot be said that Railways have altogether removed the evil, though they have greatly mitigated it, as they invariably take advantage of such opportunities to raise their rates to the utmost amount the public patience will endure. Twenty-five to fifty per cent. above the summer rates is a OF NORTH AMERICA. common standard for the winter season. But in thus supplying the means of carriage at all times, they have, as in so many other ways, conferred immense benefits on the country. The river steamers have consequently been forced to resign a,part of their business to these formidable competitors, and their numbers do not appear to have multiplied of late years as they once did. At the same time, there is apparent a very marked increase in their size and tonnage, the latter having risen from an average of 170 in 1834, to 210 in 1842, and 300 at the present day. There is a corresponding improvement in their speed and power. The first steamers built on the western river could with difficulty stem the current of the Mississippi; now a speed of seventeen and eighteen miles an hour is attained. The Ohio, with an average fall of only five inches per mile, was at first believed to be practicable only for descending navigation. Now tugs of 700 horse-power take 3,000 tons of coal at one tow from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati, a distance of 480 miles, and return with the empty boats in eleven days. The Alleghany, with a fall of two feet per mile, is ascended at the rate of six miles per hour over the current. Every tributary is explored by steamers of the smaller classes, while vessels of 1,000 tons and 1,500 horse-power are employed in the vast trade of the lower Ohio and Mississippi. Each river has its appropriate class of steamers; the largest size, vessels of 800 to 1,400 tons, running for about ten months on the lower Mississippi, but not more than five or six months on its larger tributaries. The cost of transport is wonderfully low. Passengers are carried at id. to Td. per mile, at fifteen to twenty miles per hour down stream, and six to twelve miles up. Goods are conveyed at rates below anything known in any other country. A barrel of flour is sent from Cincinnati to New Orleans, 1,500 miles, for Is. 3d. Agricultural produce is carried at.d. to id.; manufactures at id.; and merchandize up stream at 4d. to Ad. per ton per mile. Such is the steam fleet of the Mississippi valley; in the rapidity of its growth, the size, power, aud speed of its vessels, and their admirable adaptation to the rivers they work upon, it is without a parallel in any other country. Twelve States of the union depend upon it more or less for the means of carriage. Its tonnage is one-half that of the wholeUnited States, and the interests involved in it are said to include an aggregate capital of $100,000,000. The navigation of the St. Lawrence and its great chain of lakes, though scarcely inferior in interest to that of the Msississippi is one so B 10 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS entirely sui generis that it will not attract the same attention in reference to river improvement in other countries. It belongs to a class of which the globe presents no other example. It can scarcely indeed be called a river navigation, if w.e suppose that term to include only the part of a river above the influence of the tide, or at least above the point where navigation by ocean vessels commences. In this point of view, taking Montreal as the terminus, the whole 2,000 miles of navigation include but 125 of river, namely, the part of the St. Lawrence between Prescott and Montreal, and the short reach which unites Lakes Michigan and Erie. These are but two short links connecting a chain of inland seas with the Atlantic, and the vessels which ply upon them are of a class more adapted to ocean than to ordinary river navigation. The hand of art has indeed been required to adapt the St. Lawrence to the purposes of transport, and the works constructed with this view will bear comparison with those of a similar class in any other country, but still the defects of the stream were of a kind which admits of complete removal. The difficulty of deficient depth had not to be encountered. The drainage discharge of the vast area, whose surplus waters find a vent by this river, is so regulated by the great basins which receive it, and partially store it ere it reaches the St. Lawrence, that the column of water which rolls down the latter to the sea has a comparatively uniform volume, its surface elevation in flood and in ordinary stages differing only a few feet, and a constant depth is thus maintained sufficient even for sea-going vessels. The following account of the Canadian inland navigations, extracted from an official paper, affords as full information on the subject as the scope of the present paper will admit of. " The port of Montreal forms the dividing point between the navigation of the upper and lower St. Lawrence, being the present termination of Atlantic voyages. This city, containing 60,000 inhabitants, situated at the foot of the natural obstructions upon this great river, is 580 miles above its discharge into the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and 800 miles from the Atlantic Ocean. "Between the town of Prescott and city of Montreal, a distance of 125 miles, the waters of the St. Lawrence make a descent of 220 feet, English measure, over a series of reefs and rocky impediments, causing violent swells, known as the Galop's rapids, the Long Sault rapid, the Coteau, Cedars, Cascades, and Lachine rapids; down which steam-boats crowded with tourists, and freight-vessels with heavy cargoes, drawing eight to OF NORTH AMERICA. 11 nine feet water, are safely steered. These turbulent pitches of water occur with lakes, and reaches of smooth river intervening. The St. Lawrence canals were constructed by the Canadian Government to facilitate the upward passage of vessels to the western lakes; their aggregate length- is forty-two miles; the number of locks twenty-seven; the amount of lockage 205 feet. The Welland canal, also constructed by the Provincial Government, to overcome the falls of Niagara, and connect Lakes Erie and Ontario, is twenty-eight miles in length from lake to lake; the number of locks twenty-seven; the lockage 346 feet. These canals were twenty years in constructing, and make a total length on the upward route, of seventy miles; the whole number of locks, fifty-four; and the entire lockage 551 feet. The gross expenditure thereon up to 1st January 1854, amounted to ~1,839,372 Sterling. " The locks on the St. Lawrence canals are 200 feet long between the gates, forty-five feet wide, with nine feet depth of water on the mitre sills. " The locks on the Welland canal are 150 feet long between the gates, twenty-six and half feet wide, with nine and half feet depth of water on the mitre sills; they are adapted for Propellers of from 300 to 500 tons burthen, carrying from 3,000 to 5,000 barrels of flour. " The abovementioned canals complete a continuous inland navigation to Chicago on Lake Michigan, 580 feet above the sea, and a distance of 1,400 English miles from the port of Montreal. By the completion of the canal at the Sault Ste. Marie, of one mile in length, overcoming a fall of eighteen feet, the navigation will be continued in the course of the present summer of 1855, from Lake Huron into Lake Superior; the latter, of itself a fresh water ocean, covering 43,000 square miles; the whole length of navigation from the head of Lake Superior to Cape Roziere in the Gulf of St. Lawrence being 1,860 miles. "The five larger Lakes, Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie, and Ontario, with the river St. Lawrence and its wide estuary, comprise an area of water 149,000 square miles in superficial extent. " Skirting the margin of this great basin of the St. Lawrence or debouching upon its American and Canadian shores, are 12,000 miles of Railway in present operation, with 8,000 more in course of construction. The larger tributaries, to this great chain of waters, namely, the Ottawa, the St. Maurice, the Saguenay, and Richelieu, are rivers of great length, and immense volume, and navigable for great part of their course by vessels of large draught. The less important streams and feeders, intersecting 12 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS innumerable lakes, are calculated by thousands of miles; their more distant sources of supply being on the northern plateau overlooking Hudson's bay or on the heights to the south which fence off the St. John's, the Hudson, the Ohio and Illinois rivers. " This mighty water-course gathers, as it rolls its flood along; every valuable natural production in abundance,-the finest of wheat, maize, and other grains; coal, mineral ores, gypsum, ocherous pigments, salt, &c., the best building materials in hydraulic and common limestone, sandstone, granites, and marbles; the choicest timber in oak and pine for useful, and the curled maple, cherry and walnut trees for ornamental purposes; not to mention potash, hides, furs, cured fish, beef, pork, and every other description of agricultural produce. Its auxiliary canals exceed 1,500 miles in extent, connecting its waters with the cities of the Alantic sea board on the east, and the city of New Orleans to the south. Its harvest fields are the fertile prairie lands stretching away to the Mississippi and Missouri rivers; its granaries and marts of commerce, the rising capitals of the Western States. The Michigan coal field of 12,000 square miles crops out upon its coast line; and the copper and iron of Lake Superior, the quality of which is second to none in the world, are now being brought into the markets of America and Europe." The lakes were doubtless used for the purpose of communication from the period of the first settlements on their shores. The first steamer is said to have been built in 1818. Since then the number has increased to several hundreds, both paddle and screw, the latter being chiefly employed in the St. Lawrence trade, being best adapted to the passage of the canals and locks. There is also Sa large fleet of sailing ships. Their size varies from 50) to 400 tons, and as they carry more cheaply than the screw propellers, the greater part of the grain trade is monopolized by them. A very active intercourse is maintained both by sail and steam between the different ports on the lakes, but the great mass of the traffic flows in the direction of the St. Lawrence and the Erie canal, the latter carrying off by far the largest share of it. It is perhaps impossible to give an accurate statement of the total tonnage of the St. Lawrence basin, but the following is offered as an approximate estimate. It appears from the official returns of the trade and commerce of Canada for 1857, that the numbers of arrivals and departures of vessels OF NORTH AMERICA. 13 at Canadian ports, exclusive of ships entered inwards from, or outwards to sea, was in that year:Canadian Vessels. American Vessels. No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. Steam:.... 10,500...... 3,887,829...... 30,023...... 3,841,092 Sail......... 7,047...... 647,715...... 5,744...... 572,297 No. Tonnage. Total Steamers.. 20,523...... 7,728,921 Sailing Ships... 11,791...... 1,220,012 This represents the total coasting traffic on Canadian inland waters, and the intercourse, exclusive of ferryage, between Canada and the United States; but it does not include the traffic between ports along American shores, an important item which must be sought elsewhere. Of the above totals a small part, which it is not possible to estimate, represents a duplicate tonnage, namely, that engaged in the coasting trade between Canadian ports only, the arrivals in this case at one place being most probably entered as departures at another. On the other hand this statement does not include the American coasting traffic, which it is certain at least equals that of the opposite shore. It appears that about thirty trips may be taken as the average work of a steamer on the lakes during the seven months of navigation, and ten for that of a sailing vessel; but as some of the steamers included in *the above statement are employed in short passenger lines, forty trips is perhaps nearer the truth. Dividing then, the total steam tonnage by forty, and the sail tonnage by ten, we find the actual number and tonnage of vessels, which the foregoing traffic statement represents to be:No. Tonnage. Steamers............... 513 193,223 Sailing Vessels............ 1,179 122,000 To this should be a4ded the tonnage engaged in the great trade between New York and the American lake ports which flows to tide water by the Erie and Champlain canals and the New York Central and New York, and Erie Railroads. This is obtained as follows:The total number of tons, the produce of western state, arriving at tide-water on thelludson by Erie and Champlain canals in 1857, was.................. 1,112,178 Tons of merchandize, going west by same routes...... 86,890 Tons of goods by the two Railroads from same points, for same destinations, east and west............... 494,021 Total tons...... 1,693,089 14 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS This tonnage, almost exclusively the produce of, or destined for, the western States, was brought to, or carried from the lake ports, where it was received from, or delivered to the land lines, in American vessels, fivesixths of them sailing vessels. Allowing this proportion of sail to steam, and an average tonnage for each class of 400 and 150 respectively, we obtain for the tonnage engaged in this trade No. Tonnage. Steamers........................ 18...... 7,415 Sail...................... 31 616...... 92,681 Adding these to the former totals, the result is, for the whole tonnage of the St. Lawrence basin. No. Tonnage. Steamers..................... 531...... 200,638 Sailing Vessels................ 1,815...... 214,681 That of the Mississippi and its tributaries has been already stated to be No. Tonnage. Steamers................... 1,200...... 3,00,000 Barges, &c.......................... 10,00,000 This would make the aggregate lake and river tonnage (exclusive of canal) of the St. Lawrence and Mississippi vallies to be Steam......................................... 500,000 Sail................................................ 214,681 Barges, &c............................................ 1,000,000 Assuming that the average number of trips per year of each class is, steamers 30, sailing vessels 10, and barges 1- (a large number of the flat- * boats on the western rivers making but one trip, and being broken up at the end of it), the total carrying power of this fleet would appear to be Tons. Steam...................... 15,000,000 per annum. Sail...................... 2,146,800 Barge............................ 1,500,000 Total...... 18,646,800 This amount, however, requires correction. The tonnage of steam and sail here given is that according to the old Custom House measurement still in vogue, which represents much less than the actual burthen of a vessel. The real tonnage is estimated to exceed this from one-third to one half. Applying the first co-efficient to the foregoing amounts we have Tons. Steam........................ 20,000,000 Sail........................... 2,860,000 Barge....................... 1,500,000 Total...... 24,360,000 OF NORTH AMERICA. 15 as the total carrying power, for the distances goods are usually moved, of the Lake and River Flotillas of the St. Lawrence and Mississippi. It would be interesting to add to this the tonnage of the canals and coasting trade of the United States and Canada, but the information required for the purpose is not now available. When we consider that the tonnage of New York alone exceeds that of any British port, and that the actual movement on the canals of that State is about 4,000,000 tons annually, while that on the anthracite coal lines of Pennsylvania is nearly as much more, we can have little doubt that the calculation, if it could be made, would exhibit such a stupendous machinery of water conveyance as no other country could match. It is difficult to assign a value to this vast commerce, but the materials are not wanting for such an approximation to it as may afford an adequate idea of its importance. The official report to the United States Senate of the Committee of trade and commerce for 1843 makes the value of the commerce of the western rivers $ 22,000,000. Mr. Hall" estimates it for 1843 thus, Exports to New Orleans.......... $ 90,033,256 Interior trade......................... 125,000,000 Value of steam-boat tonnage.... J6,2 0,000 Do. flat and keel do..... 525,000 231,838,256 Imports into the west...... 185,000,000 Total $ 416,838,256 The report of the St. Louis Committee for the same year makes the amount run greater, viz., $ 432,651,000, and M.r E. D. Mansfield, a very high authority on such matters, estimates it at $ 500,000,000. We may then with tolerable certainty assume $450,000,000 as the money value of this commerce in 1847. In seeking a correct expression of its present value, the only paper I have met with on the subject is one At by Lieutenant Alert, United States Topographical Engineers, who assuming an annualincrease of tonnageof seventeen per cent. since 1847, estimates the present number of steamers on the western rivers at 2,596, and the value of the floating commerce $1,178,000,000, but this, there can be no doubt, is far in excess of the truth. Seventeen per cent.is a rate ofincrease which, it appears certain, hasnot been maintained since 1847, indeed, if we may judge from the reports of the numbers of arrivals and departures of Steamers at one or two of the principal ports, the number of steamers is * " The West, its Commerce and Navigition." 16 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS not very much greater now than it was ten years ago, though the average tonnage has increased. This estimate must therefore be set aside. The following is offered instead. The four great river ports of the west, are Pittsburgh and Cincinnati on the Ohio, and St. Louis and New Orleans on the Mississippi. From an examination of their trade, as far as information on the subject is available, we may approximate to that of the whole valley of which they are the chief centres. The trade of Pittsburgh is thus stated in a report of T. J. Bigham, Esq., to the President of the Chicago Convention in 1847. Arrivals. No. From the Ohio...... 3,178 Monongahela... 1,500 Alleghany... 118 Total of steam-boat arrivals... 4,796 Flat and keel boats...... 2,392 Pennsylvania canal boats... 4,046 Total... 11,134 Tonnage.......... 1,013,970......... 55,000........ 3,447......... 1,092,436......... 118,410...... 150,000......... 1,360,846 This does not include the coal and lumber trade, which probably amounted to at least 500,000 tons more. It is nearly three times that amount at the present day. This wculd give for the total import and export trade of this city in 1847, 1,860,000 tons. The river trade of Cincinnati in 1857 is thus given in a statement furnished for the information of the Government by Mr. W. Smith, Superintendent of the Merchants' Exchange. The number of arrivals of steamers was... 2,703 Do. departures.... 2,G48 The imports by river were By Steamers By keel and flat boatsCoal Timber Produce... Tons. 713,346 570,000 183,300 44,000 1,510,646 449,630 Value....... $67,310,102......... 1,600,000.........,650,000.........,500,000...... $ 74,060,102........ 50,322,160..... $124,382,262 Total imports... Exports by steamers.. ~.. @ Total exports and imports... 1,960,276 OF NORTH AMERICA. 17 For St. Louis our information is not so complete. It appears by the Harbour Master's report, that the number of arrivals of steamers was in 1857, 4,003. The number of departures must have been about the same. In assuming an average burthen for each, the data presented by the trade of Cincinnati as above may be taken with confidence. There were at that city 5,351 arrivals and departures of steamers, and the number of tons exp)rted and imported was 1,162,976, giving an average of 217 tons per steamer. But it is to be remembered that the average tonnage of steamers frequenting the port of St. Louis is much greater than that of Cincinnati, both on account of the more limited depth of the Ohio, and the confined dimensions of the locks at Louisville. Hence we find that the exports to New Orleans from St. Louis in 1856, 206,230 tons, were carried by 473 steamers, giving an average burthen of 440 tons each; 270 tons will, therefore, be a low estimate of the average load of the steam-boats arriving and departing at the port in 1857. This would give a total movement of 270 x 8,000 = 2,160,000 tons to which has to be added the receipts by keel and canal boats as per Harbour Master's report. 40,000 tons 2,200,000 tons. It is necessary here to remark that the year 1856, to which these figures apply, was one of extreme drought, and that the navigation of the western rivers suffered severely in consequence, as well as from the severity of the winter months. The annual report of the St. Louis Chamber of Commerce for that year states that during the first quarter such was the accumulation of ice that navigation was almost suspended, only one-fifth the usual number of boats arriving at that city. In December again running ice compelled the greater part of the boats to stop; so that " three months, or one-fourth of the year, may be said to have been lost to the navigation. The water in the Ohio remained at a very low stage the whole year, and in that state was frozen over for thirty days in the winter; the supplies of coal from Pittsburgh, for which Cincinnati is almost wholly dependent on the river, ceased; all the Railroads together could not supply the demand; factories were shut up, and so enormous] was the price of coal that the poor were only enabled to procure it by the aid of subscriptions raised in Pittsburgh and other cities. Hence the traffic returns for this year are considerably below the average. 18 NOTES ON THE RTYER NAVIGATIONS From the above data we obtain for the annual arrivals and departures of Steam-boats at St. Louis...... 8,000 Do. Cincinnati...... 6,000 Do. Pittsburgh...... 6,000 Io. (estimated) New Orleans... 8,000 28,000 This represents the total traffc by river between each of these ports, and all others on the Mississippi. Hence a part of this amount, viz., that which expresses the traffic between each of these four ports, and the other three, must be double the actual amount. It appears from the returns of the Cincinnati and St. Louis Chambers of Commerce, that the intercourse of each of these two cities with the other three is one-third to one-fourth of their whole river traffic; and as we may very safely assume this ratio (one-third) for all four, a deduction of one-sixth must be made from the above total of 28,000, reducing it to 23,334, which multiplied by 220, gives 46,668,000 tons as the total annual traffic by steamer of the four great commercial marts of the western rivers. The steam tonnage of these four ports is about three-fifths of that of the whole valley, and supposing the remaining two-fifths to be as busily employed, the total traffic by steamer would amount to 7,778,000 tons. To this has to be added the coal and lumber trade carried on by barges and flat boats. One million tons of coal are exported in this manner from the head waters of the Ohio, and about 300,000 tons of boards from the Alleghany alone, besides rough timber, shingles, &c. We have noted too as much as 42,000 tons of produce brought in barges to Cincinnati alone. The export of lumber from New Orleans and Mobile is one-half that from the whole United States. Probably at least two and half million tons should be added to the above for the coal, lumber and produce trade, carried on without the aid of steam, making the total traffic movement of the western rivers 10,500,000 tons per annum. It is not difficult to assign a money value to this commerce. The trade of the Upper Mississippi and Ohio is of much the same character as that of the Lakes, the two water-ways carrying the products of the same tract. It appears from the Annual Reports of the Canal department of the State of New York that the value of the tonnage of all classes moved on the canals of that State is $ 53 per ton. inclusive of timber. Excluding OF NORTH AMERICA. 19 this item, for the purpose of comparison with the steam commerce of the Mississippi, the value is $80 per ton. The report of the Chamber of Commerce of Cincinnati for 1857 gives the value of 1,162,976 tons of exports and imports by steamer that year at $117,632,262, or $101 per ton. This increased value of the Ohio commerce is what we should expect from the canals of New York, having been deprived by the Railroads of a considerable part of the valuable merchandize which they once qarried, and which is still moved in vast quantities on the rivers. We find in fact that the value per ton of imports and exports by Railway at Cincinnati' is $107 against $101 by river, showing that they do the same class of business. But the trade of the lower Mississippi is more valuable than this, in proof of which it is only needful to point to the great export of cotton, value at least $220 per ton, little of which appears in the commerce of the upper rivers. One hundred Dollars per ton may then safely be assumed as the lowest value of the steam commerce of the Western rivers, which would make its total value........................... 100 x 6,500,000=$650,0,000,000 Add for coal and lumber trade.........................$20,000,000 And for value of the steamers themselves, 300,000 tons @ $90 per ton.................................. 27,000,000 Total value of commerce afloat..................$697,000,000 on the Mississippi and its tributaries. --- The nearest approximation that can perhaps be made to the trade of the St. Lawrence basin, is by adopting Colonel Abut's estimate of the number of trips made by each steamer on the Lakes, ind a proportionate number for each sailing vessel, and applying this to the tonnage of each class above given. We thus obtain for Tons. Total movement by steamers 28 x 200,000......5,600,000 Do. sailing vessels 10 x 214,680......2,146,800 Total annual movement...7,746,800 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS Of which the experts and imports by the St. Lawrence were in 1857, 987,102 tons; value, $33,714,030, or per ton $35. By the Erie canal and Railroads tons 1,693,089; value $84,154,000; per ton $50. Forty dollars per ton may perhaps be taken as an average, which would make the value of the Whole commerce of the St. Lawrence basin in 1857, $309,872,000. In 1985 it was estimated by Mr. McAlpin, State Engineer of New York, at $151,255,000, and there is no doubt that there has been a great inerease in the lake trade since that time. The trade of the State of Ohio with Canada, for instance, has increased five-fold in the last ten yers, and the tonnage of ship building trebled. To sum up these results we haveS 0 b El III.-,;4 &a $ St. Lawrence. 200,638 214,68110,860,000 7,700,000 309,872,000 Missimippi.... 300,001,0001,0001,0003,506,00010,500,000 697,000,000 Total... 500,638 1,214,68124,366,000 18,200,000 1,006,872,000 CHAPTER III. Of the two river systems, whose trade and navigation have formed the subject of the preceding Chapter, that of the St. Lawrence has, for reasons already given, been described in sufficient detail. It is necesamzy, however, before proeeding to a more minute exposition of the physio~ a and commercial characteristics of that of the Mississippi to fill in a little nwre distinctly the outline already given of its extent and coafigur'tioe. OF NORTH AMERICA. 21 The estimates formed of the actual length of practicable navigation on the Mississippi and its tributaries vary greatly; but the follow ing is deduced from the most recent Mississippi... lMissouri Ohio Tributaries of Ohio. Tennessee and reliable authorities. Miles... 2,200 2,000.. 980 j1 Cumberland.. Wabash Green Alleghany MIonongahela... Five other small tributaries Red river... Arkansas Illinois... Wisconsin Des lMonies... Iowa, imperfect Rock, do. Osage do. Kansas do.... Yellowstone do.... 720 400 400 150 200 60 300-- 2,230...1,100... 000 304... 100... 250 110 250... 275... 150... 300 Total... 10,849 Besides a number of smaller tributaries which, it is calculated, raise the total amount to about 12,000 miles. Many of the tributaries are, however, in a very imperfect state, and the actual length of river now used for the purposes of trade probably does not exceed 9,000 miles. That which confers its chief value upon this remarkable river is its extremely gentle and regular descent, combined with an almost total absence of any formidable natural obstacles to its course. In a length of some 3,000 or 4,000 miles, there are not more than two points at which rocky obstructions of a serious character appear in the bed, and in summer time shoals and sand bars are the only impediments which it is left to art to remove. 22 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS The surface fall of the Mississippi from Cairo, at the confluence of the Ohio, to the Gulf of Mexico, is three and a quarter inches per mile in flood, but not more than two and three quarters inches at low water; this very gentle slope results from extreme tortuosity of the channel which in a direct distance of 500 miles describes a course of 1,180. Its width is about 3,000 yards, and the current from four to five miles per hour, at some points as much as seven. The levels of the Upper Mississippi are not so well determined, but from Cairo to the confluence of the Missouri it would appear to have a fall of about 4" per mile, the slope gradually increasing from that point towards the source, the average of the next 500 miles being about ten inches per mile. The descent of the great Missouri, whose navigable length is variously estimated at from 2,000 to 3,000 miles, is not determined. Steamers now ascend it to a distance of 1,800 miles from its mouth. Its current is more rapid, and its bed more shifting than that of the Mississippi. Iii the lower 170 miles of its course it would appear to have a fall of one and a quarter feet per mile. The Ohio is the most important of all the tributaries, from its navigable capabilities, and the wealth of the States through which it flows. At Olean point, on the Alleghany, its highest tributary, a distance of 2,300 miles from the sea, its surface is only 1,400 feet above tide-water, and to this point it has been ascended by steamers. At Pittsburgh, 2,130 miles from the sea, the elevation of its bed is only 700 feet above tide. The descent of the Ohio from this point downwards to its mouth is, In the first 26 miles...... 11" per mile. Next 62 miles......... 9",, 270 miles...... 6", 433 miles......... 44",, 189 miles...... 2A" The surface velocity of the river in flood varies from three miles per hour in the lower part of its course, to five and six in the upper. In summer these velocities are of course reduced with thel iminished depth of water. At extreme low water they are probably not more than one to one and a half miles. The principal tributaries of the Ohio, the Tennessee, Cumberland, and Wabash, have an average fall of about 7 inches per mile; some of the minor affluents a foot and more; the Alleghany as much as two feet. OF NORTH AMERICA. 23 In the order then of their natural capabilities for navigation, we should arrange the Mississippi and its branches as follows:1. Lower Mississippi, from New Orleans to the confluence of the Ohio. S2. Ohio and its principal tributaries. 3. Upper Mississippi. 4. Missouri. 5. Other tributaries. The average annual amount of rain-fall throughout the Mississippi valley is computed by Mr. Ellet at forty inches, probably very nearly the same as that of India. It is, however, more evenly distributed over the year than in the latter country, but not to such an extent as to render the rivers exempt from great fluctuations in their depth and volume, with all the disadvantages to navigation attendant thereon. Spring and autumn are the flood seasons, the heaviest rain falling in the latter; and the intervening summer and winter months, the periods of low water. The seasons, however, vary from year to year, and the times of flood and drought do not alternate with that regularity which characterizes the rivers of more tropical countries. The dry season of one year may be the rainy season of the next, and hence the times of favorable and unfavorable navigation have no very distinct or definite limits. To the interruptions arising from drought, are added those consequent on frost in winter. These of course vary much in degree in a valley extending over nineteen degrees of latitude. The Upper Mississippi and its tributaries is ice-bound for four months of the year; the Ohio for not more than ten to thirty days; while the Lower Mississippi is only occasionally obstructed by accumulations of drift ice. The suspension of navigation from these causes is, however, at times much more prolonged. The Chamber of Commerce of St. Louis report, that in the year 1856 the Mississippi and its tributaries were perfectly bridged with ice up to the beginning of March, and that the arrivals of steamers during the first quarter of the year was only 120 against 585 in the same period of the preceding year, showing a difference of 465 boats, or a measurement of 108,000 tons. Running ice in December again interrupted navigation, so that it reckoned that one-fourth of the year was entirely lost. NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS The duration of the season of navigation on the different rivers may be thus stated:Upper Mississippi... 8 months. Lower do.... 10 to 12 months. Ohio...... S months. Other tributaries... 5 to 8 months. It is not to be supposed that there is no navigation whatever during the remaining months of the year. For a part of that time a smaller class of boats run, but the amount of business done at such times is insignificant. Almost the whole of the carrying trade takes place within the periods mentioned, the economy from using steamers of very large burthen, though of heavy draught, being so great as to give them the monopoly during the portion of the year when there is depth sufficient for them to run, of nearly the whole of the river trade. The traffic by light draught boats is in fact very trifling now, as the higher rates which, when they had no rivals they were able to charge, and which made them remunerative, have fallenbefore the competition of Railroads. It will no doubt surprise many who have been accustomed to regard the limited period during which our Indian rivers are iiavigable, as a decisive objection to attempting to make any use of them, to learn that those of America, which are the channels of the most stupendous inland trade of any country in the world, labor under precisely similar disadvantages. How often has this very objection been urged against improving the Godavery. Yet this river possesses a navigation season not much inferior in point of duration to that of the Ohio, the trade of which has now an estimated annual value of several millions.* In one respect the Godavery, like other Indian rivers has an advantage over the Ohio, in possessing a season of navigation which is continuous and invariable, and not as in America divided into two and at times three parts, by intervals of drought both in summer and winter. The value of navigations of only limited annual duration is still further exemplified in the case of the smaller tributaries of the Mississippi, which are available for even a shorter period than the Ohio. Even the Alleghany, which has a fall of two feet per mile, and is only navigable during three months of spring and two of autumn, possesses in addition to its vast lumber trade a small fleet of steamers, which ascend to Franklin at a rate of five and six miles per hour over the flood, and carry comparatively cheaply. And it is particularly worthy of note that for many years after the introduction of steam, and when * Note. Since this was written, further investigations have shewn that this statement requires considerable modiication. OF NORTH AMERICA. 25 there was already an immense trade in the western rivers, they were, owing to a less perfect construction of vessels, navigated for a shorter time than they are now. Thus in 1834, boats over 200 tons measurement were reckoned to run not more than six months; those of 120 to 200, not more than eight months; and those under 120 tons, not above nine months of the year. And to go still further back, there was, as has already been mentioned, a time when a boat made but one trip in the year, and was broken up for fuel at the end of it. Yet, even under these conditions, these rivers afforded such extremely cheap transport, as to render them the very basis of that edifice of wealth and prosperity which has since arisen along their shores. The Americans with their usual shrewdness at once perceived the value of their rivers, and availed themselves of them for the purposes of commerce. Content at first, if they could only send their produce to a Port by their means once in a year, they soon improved upon the means of conveyance, and now have covered their rivers with a fleet of steamers of unrivalled magnificence. We, on the other hand, have scarcely been at the pains to examine any of ours. We seem to have been as grossly ignorant of their value as the stupid natives who have for ages seen them flow past their doors unused, or fettered them with restrictions prohibitory of all trade. It is to be hoped that more rational views are gaining ground, and that the successful example of our American brethren will not be lost upon us. The beds of the Missississippi and its branches are of a similar character to those of the rivers of India, sandy and shifting, and in times of low water present the same obstructions to navigation. Little or nothing has been effected in the way of improvement, and. the traffic is, as already stated, chiefly confined to those months of the year when obstructions from insufficient depth are not met with. The sand bars and shoals do, however, frequently cause serious detention to steamers, and as the river trade assumes year by year more gigantic proportions, the question of river improvement is more prominently forced upon the attention of the community. This will form the subject of another chapter. Here it is only necessary to remark that if little has been effected for the removal of these obstructions, the delays and losses consequent on them have been very greatly reduced by providing every steamer with the means of shoving herself off a shoal whenever she may happen to ground. Two large spars are placed in the fore-part of the boat, and when not in use are lashed in an 26 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS upright position, one on each side, to the corners of the fore-end of the upper or passenger deck. When intended to be used to move the boat off a bank, a spar is let down on to the lower deck, and laid out in a line perpendicular or oblique to the axis of the boat, according to the direction in which it is intended that the thrust should be given. The outer end is then planted firmly in the sand, and the inner end is connected with a windlass by a rope which passes under a pulley, in such a manner that a strain applied to the rope is exerted upon the head of the boat, where the pulley is attached, in a direction opposite to that of the spar, and consequently tendiong to force the two apart. The spar being firmly fixed in the sand the head of the boat must move, and thus by a repetition of this process, which is technically termed " sparring," using either both spars, or each alternately, as may be necessary, vessels of several hundred tons are twisted and turned and shoved about till they are afloat again. The process is facilitated in most steamers by substituting for the windlass a drum worked by a small engine, which is bolted on to one of the standards supporting the passenger deck, and characteristically called " the Nigger," being used for all sorts of work, chiefly for loading and unloading cargo. The hulls of the steamers are so constructed as to bear an immense amount of the straining and bending caused by "sparring," and suffer little injury from it. The plan of " dam and slackwater" improvement has been adopted with very encouraging results on some of the smaller tributaries, as the Moonogahela, Muskingum, and Kentucky rivers, but it has not yet been applied on a large scale. This, with a few disconnected, unsustained, and in most instances unsuccessful attempts to restrain the stream by means of wing-dams, is all that has been accomplished on the American rivers, as yet, for the improvement of low water navigation. The problem, in the case of rivers of the class described, is unquestionably one of the utmost difficulty, and has met with no practical solution as yet in either the old or new world, though it is unquestionably true, that in neither have the various means proposed been so far carried into execution as to warrant any very confident conclusion as to.their fitness. The most formidable of all the impediments to American river navigation, is one to which, in India, we are almost strangers; the numerous stumps of sunken trees, locally termed sng rsawyers, which are dotted OF NORTH AMERICA. 27 about over the bed, and which coming into collision with the bottoms of boats moving at speed are the cause of innumerable disasters. A snag is generally formed in this way. A tree is washed down from the bank by an undermining current, and perhaps carried roots and all some distance down stream. In process of time the smaller branches rot and are torn off, and further encroachments of the stream on the banks leave the tree well out in the channel. Its heavy butt and roots, loaded with mud and pinned down by accumulations of silt, adheres to the bottom; while the buoyancy of the upper part, and the pressure of the current, cause the trunk to take a slightly sloping position down stream. It is now ready for mischief. A steamer coming up stream at fifteen miles an hour strikes on it, is pierced through, and goes to the bottom in a few minutes. The chief danger is thus in coming up stream; there is little or none in going down. The annual losses to steamers from this cause are almost incredible, and the apathy of the Government and of the community generally on the subject most astonishing. Not a year passes without the destruction of numbers of magnificent steamers, and yet though the remedy is as simple as it has been proved to be efficacious, the efforts of the Government for the removal of the evil, instead of increasing with the increasing importance of the interests at stake, have actually declined. Many years ago a very simple and effective means of removing snags was devised and put in operation. It consists simply of a large boat fitted with very powerful windlasses by means of which the snags are seized, torn from their position, and carried to a place of safety. For some years a number of these boats worked on the Mississippi with such success that the dangers to the navigators were largely diminished. Many thousands of snags were taken out, so that while in the years from 1822 to 1827, the loss of property on the Ohio and Mississippi from snags alone amounted to $1,362,500, in the succeeding five years it was only $381,600. In spite of this success, the operations of the snag boats for some years almost ceased, and in a memorial to Congress of the citizens of St. Louis, about 1847, it is stated that in the year 1839, there were forty steam boats lost; forty-one in 1840; twenty-nine in 1841; and forty-three in 1842; making a total in four years of 138 boats. " Between the llth September and the 15th October in the year 1842, " the losses on the Mississippi between St. Louis and the mouth of the Ohio, "a distance of only 180 miles were $234,000. Within the succeeding "seventeen months there were lost seventy-two steam boats, worth " $1,200,000, besides their cargoes which were of great value. 28 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS " The losses paid by the Insurance Offices in Cincinnati alone, on boats " and cargoes during a period of five years, from November 1837 to "Novemberl842,including only the losses by obstructions in the navigation, "and excluding all losses by explosion, fire, and other causes, were $442,930. "As insurance is made also at Pittsburgh, Louisville, Nashville, St. Louis, "Wheeling,Natchez,New Orleans, and at some of the smaller towns,the above "might be multiplied by seven to arrive at something like a fair approxima"tion of the losses sustained by under-writers from the dangerous condition " of the navigation, and the result would be $3,000,000 or $600,000 per " annum. If to this be added the losses from the same cause, on which ( there was no insurance, the amount would be not less than $1,000,000 " per annum. Dollars 1,000,000 is actually taxed on the commerce of " the west, forlosscs sustained, in consequence of obstructions which might " be wholly removed by ani appropriation by Congress of a comparatively " trifling sum. " An additional fact showing the danger of this navigation is that " many Offices have declined to insure the hulls of boats, and such risks are "only taken on the best boats, and at rates varying from twelve to eighteen " per cent: the Insurers are said to lose money at even these enormous rates. " The amount then of the annual risk on the $7,200,000 invested in "steam boats alone is more than $1,000,000." Even at the present day, the losses from this cause are very heavy. In 1856 there were twenty-eight accidents to steamers from collision with snags; and in 1857, out of a total of forty-six accidents from all causes on the western rivers, those caused by snags amounted to 27 or 60 per cent. Yet it does not appear that any adequate effort has been made for three or four years past for the removal of these dangerous obstructions. In fact, in 1856, the total expenditure under all heads on the improvement of the Mississippi and its tributaries only, amounted to about $33,000. The appropriations for this purpose from the Public Treasury seem to be made on a scale of short-sighted parsimony, unparalleled even in India, and almost inexplicable in a people of such bold and comprehensive views on all questions of internal improvement as the Americans. The loss of property in steamers wrecked by snags in the same year is officially estimafed at $538,000; but. the actual loss to the community including not only the damage done to the boat and its machinery and cargo, but also the injuries sustained by Officers and crews from.loss of employment, and by passengers from detention, interruption of business, and loss of time, money, and health, is probably much more OF NORTI AMERICA. 29 correctly estimated by Colonel Long, of the U. S. Topographical Engineers, at $50,000 for each steamer wrecked, which would make a total of $1,400,000 in the year nentioned. To this has to be added a large and uhknown sum for the losses sustained by coal boats, barges, &c.,'from the same cause, of which no notice is taken in the official returns. Adopting Colonel Long's estimate, these would swell the total annual value of property sacrificed needlessly, through inattention or indifference to the question of river improvement, to $1,650,000. This calculation, however, gives a very inadequate idea of the loss actually sustained by the country from the neglected state of its rivers. An annual loss of $300,000 or $400,000 on account of injuries to a steam fleet valued at $20,000,000 may not appear of very great implortance; but the dangers to navigation which cause it, keep up the rates of insurance to an amount, which is a heavy tax on the cost of transportation, and if by removing these the cost of carriage could be reduced from five mills to four and a half per ton per mile, this on 10,000,000 tons moved an average distance of 300 miles or 3,000,000,000 tons per mile, would be an annual saving of $1,500,000 or 10 per cent. on the present charges for transport, a reduction which, in the case of goods, moved such immense distances as they are in the Mississippi valley, might often make the difference of whether it would be profitable to move an article or not, and have a marked effect on the river-traffic and on trade generally. The largest sized snag boats cost about $30,000, the smnaller or light draught boats $15,000. It appears from a statement in a report by Colonel Long, that five of these boats removed 2,600 snags, and twenty-seven wrecks, in four months of 1853, besides felling 1,411 trees along the banks, and cutting across 565 stumps on shoals and sand bars. The monthly expenses of each boat for crew and fuel are about $1,500, and if to this be added 20 per cent. on the cost of the boat for interest, repairs and depreciation, the total expense per month would be $9,000. This would make the cost of removing each snag probably about seven dollars. CHAPTER IV. It has already been remarked that the beds of the Mississippi rivers are remarkably free foom rok&1y ' onis. In the whole course of the Mississippi Proper and Ohio, a length of 3,200 miles, impediments of tiis NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVICATIONS class are only met with at three places. Two occur on the Mississippi, at distances of 1,566 and 1,700 miles respectively from its mouth, and one on the Ohio at Louisville. The latter being on the line of the greatest traffic received the earliest attention, and has been the subject of important works which have removed the obstructions it once opposed to navigation. The two former have only assumed importance of late years as trade and population extended higher up the river. These will be first described. They are termed the Des Monies and Eock Island rapids. The lower one consists of a bod of compact stratified limestone, extending over eleven miles in length of the river. The rock is disposed in a number of ridges of reefs with intervening pools. The total fall in the whole distance at low water is twenty-one feet, or about two feet per mile; the maximum lope at any place being six feet per mile. The maximum range of the water surface at the head of the rapids is twelve feet, and twenty-one feet at foot. The current does not exceed five miles at low water and seven miles in floods. The rapids are passable by steamers of the lightest draught, two and a half feet, only at times, and then with imminent danger, at low water. The place has been the scene of many disasters. The upper, or Rock Island, rapids, are thirteen miles in length. The rock which is a soft friable limestone interspersed with granite boulders, consists of seven principal reefs. The fall is twenty-two feet, or one and three-quarter feet per mile. The current four to five miles an hour. The rapids are navigable to the same extent as the Des Monies. These two rapids, though such serious impediments to navigation, Shave not prevented the Americans making use of the river. In floods Ssteamers run over them, and during low stages of water they tranship their cargoes on to lighters, which are tracked by horses, shooting the rapids themselves at considerable risk. The charge for lighterage at each rapid is 75 to 1.25 cents. per ton. The Government Engineers have been engaged for some years in attempts to improve the passage by blasting a channel through the rock. Little, however, seems to have been effected as yet, and a Railway has meantime been laid round the rapids to afford a portage for goods. A Company has been formed for constructing a Canal round the Des Monies rapids, but has not commenced operations. Mr. Roberts, an eminent Engineer, objects to the plan of attempting to cut through the oAstacle, and suggests one or two other modes of improvement instead. OF XORTHI AMERICA. 31 40 One, evidently very simple and practicable, is to throw a weir furnished with locks across at the foot of the rapids, of a height equal to the total fall in them, so as to make a slackwater navigation. The yearly increasing importance of the traffic will probably compel the State within a short period to energetic action in the matter. The appropriations hitherto have been small and altogether inadequate to the requirements of the case. The falls of the Ohio at Louisville are of a different character from the rapids of the Mississippi, the declivity in the bed being too great to admit of the possibility of cutting a, simple navigable channel through them. The river which in all the rest of its course descends with a regular and gentle slope of three to nine inches per mile, drops at this point twenty-five feet, at low water, in a distance of little more than two miles, over a bed of rock. The rise of the water below the falls being of course much more rapid than immediately above, the surface slope over them is greatly reduced as the volume of water in the river increases. When the river has risen ten feet above, the descent is only three and a half to four and a half feet in two miles. Hence for about two months of the year the navigation is perfectly practicable for both ascending and descending craft, and it is for the remaining ten months that an artificial passage is necessary. In the earlier stages of the navigation, descending boats alone ventured over the falls, but the channels which exist through them were by degrees improved by blasting, a regular establishment of Pilots grew up, steam power was introduced, and steamers gradually learnt to ascend and descend with safety at certain heights of the water. The following table, extracted from the Report by a Board of Officers on the canal round the falls in 1853, gives an interesting view of what can be accomplished by steam-boats against a stream with various degrees of surface slope and current. 32 NOTES ON TIIE RIVER NAVIGATIONS tic Feet. kc/ oJRemalrks. C) r1 ~ ~1D C 0 I... 3... 4.. 5.. 6.. 7... 0 I to 23 to 4` to -71 to 101 to 2 83 131 134 to 171 -191 to 22 8... 14j to 271 - 9} to 13) 6 to 9 4, to 6 31 to 41 -+(to 3l. 9... 10. 281 to 29-a 30O to 31. Flat boats of light draught descend Indiana channel. Boats of three feet draught descend, Indiana channel. Boats of four feet draught descend Indiana channel. Boats of five feet draught descend Indiana channel. Boats of six feet draught descend Indiana channel, and boats of three feet draught t ascend and desceidd middle channel. SBoats of seven feet draught descend Indiana channel, and boats of six feet draught ascend and descend middle channel. Boats of eight feet draught descend. Indiana channel, and boats of eightl feet draught ascend and descendý middle channel. Boats of nine feet draught ascend andl descend both channels. Boats of ten feet draught ascend and' descend both channels. Boats of eleven feet draught ascend and. descend both channels. Boats of maximum draught in lthese and all higher stages ascend and descend both channels. N.B.-Steam-boats have ascended the Indiana channel when the rise is six feet at the head of the falls, but with difficulty. It is not until the rise is somewhat greater, that they can ascend that channel with safety, and in all the earlier stages in which that channel may be ascended, the boats must be of the smaller classes, and with powerful Engines, in order that they may make the turns around certain projections, rocks, &c. 11 32 to 033 * 12...34 to34) 21 to 31 13... 351to36 21 to 3!From 14 to 20 feet inclusive. 2 to 20 From 21to -10I feet inclusive, the latter height was? the level of the extremely high flood of 1847. I1!- to o Level of the extremely high flood ofj 1832, viz., fortyone feet. 1~ OF NORTH AMERICA. 33 Plate No.-- gives a profile of the bed and of the surface slopes at various stages of water. The performance of the steamer " Uncle Sam" then recorded, is probably the most remarkable feat ever accomplished by steam afloat. It appears that this boat ascended the falls at a time when the mean surface slope of the water was five feet per mile, and the maximum at one place 8.27 feet. The current at the latter place could not have been less than eight miles per hour, which was overcome against a grade of 1 in 610. The steam power mentioned, 250 H. P. is no guide to the real power of the Engines. The term horsepower is never used on the Western rivers, and here it is quite uncertain what its signification may be. The effective power, for a steamer of that measurement, judging bythe present boats, was probably about 450; but this would not be sufficient for the work actually performed, though it is probable from the great draught, nine and half feet, compared with the tonnage, that the steamer had much finer lines than those usually given to the Ohio steamers now. In those days the law had not interfered to place any restriction on the pressure of steam used in boilers, and as it is mentioned that the whole power of the Engines was required to overcome the fall, it is not improbable that the safety valve may have been loaded for the occasion, so as to raise the actual steam power far above what the foregoing figures would indicate. It is impossible to withhold a tribute of admiration to the daring and skill with which steamers of several hundred tons burthen are piloted over the falls. I descended them in one of about 300 tons measurement in the summer of 1858, at a time when the descent must have been about eighteen feet, or nine feet per mile, and at the point when the principal fall takes place probably not less than twelve feet per mile. The passage chosen was the one along the Indiana shore, which as a glance at the map will show, required very skilful steering and management. The Captain before starting took the precaution to slacken the tension of the hog chains, which in combination with wooden struts form a truss to stiffen the hulls of all the western steamers, so as to allow some play longitudinally in the hull, to enable it to adapt itself to the great inequalities of the water-surface at some points in the " Chute." This done, we pushed out some distance upstream till a good command and view of the entrance to the passage was obtained, then turned and went full speed, with occasional slackening down it. There was no noise or confusion among the crew, no frantic gesticulation on the part of the Captain to convey his instructions to the 34 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS helmsman, no shrieking of his orders down the hatchway to the Engineer; none of the roaring, bawling and cursing, which one too often witnesses on board English ships under far less exciting circumstances. The Captain was up beside the Pilot at the wheel in the pilot-house on the upper or third deck in the fore-part of the boat, and a touch of a spring, communicating with a series of bells in the engine-room, conveyed full and instantaneous directions to the Engineer. Every body was in his place, and not a word was spoken. The passengers held their breath for a moment as the boat guided with consummate skill, dashed through the agitated waters, undulating through her whole length as she rode over the waves, and avoiding, as if by magic, the rocks which bristled along each side of the narrow and tortuous passage, and in a few minutes we were safely through. A fellow-passenger drily remarked to me in allusion to the wavy motion of the deck under our feet, that it was like a-black snake going over thorns, and certainly.the comparison was not inappropriate. The Captain, however, knew his boat and the passage well, and conducted her nobly through it, without shipping a drop of water or sustaining the slightest damage. It was considered to be the last day of the season that the passage would be practicable. The project of a Canal round the falls seems to have been first started about the year 1822. A Company was formed in 1825, with a capital of $600,000, with power to borrow more if necessary; the United States subscribing more than one-third of the whole. A favorable site for the Canal was selected along the Kentucky shore parallel with the river. - The work was commenced immediately, and completed in 1830, the first boat passing through in December of that year. Its cost was as follows:$ Cents. Interest on money borrowed to carry on construction, and allowances to Shareholders............ 152,827 37 Excavation, Embankments, Locks, Masonry Pavements, and expenses incidental thereto............ 802,273 47 Incidental account, including Engineers' and Officers' salaries, and Office expenses 21,881 25 Damages for Right of Way...... 19,225 71 Sundries............ 3,792 20 Total... $1,000,000 0 OF NORTH AMERICA. 35 The average prices under which the work was completed were, for excavation of rock $1-50 per cubic yard; paving slopes one foot thick, 15 cents, per square yard; excavation 15 cents; per cubic yard; lock and other masonry $13-40 per cubic yard. The length of the Canal is 10,800 feet, or little less than two miles. There are three lift-locks (of 82 feet lift each, and 200 feet long by 50 feet wide in the entrance), and a guard lock, all at the lower extremity of the canal. There being no guard lock at the head of the canal, the water in it rises and falls with the surface of that in the river. The width of the canal is sixty-four feet at the water line, and the least depth at low water about three feet. The depth of cutting in the construction of the canal was from twenty-five to thirty feet, eight feet of which at the bottom was solid rock. The slopes are paved with stone. The amount of work done in the construction of canal was, Earth work......... 788,452 cubic yards. Rock Excavation...... 162,551,, Masonry......... 26,000,, Pavement...... 113,635 square yards. There is nothing peculiar about the construction of the locks. They are built of good substantial masonry, and are in fair condition, though they bear the traces of thirty years' active traffic. The gates are of wood, and are worked by chains attached low down, one on each side, and which passing through small openings in the side walls are connected with powerful winches above. It takes from thirty to forty minutes to pass a steamer through the locks at low water, when there is the full lift of twenty-five feet, and about twenty minutes or less at other times. The locks are submerged during floods, the river rising from forty to sixty feet at such times. The deposit of silt in the lower locksis consequently very serious, and necessitates a large annual expenditure for dredging. As much as ten feet in depth of silt has been known to be deposited in the lower lock in a single fresh, and serious detention to steamers is caused at such times. The Ohio in floods is heavily charged with mud. Its specific gravity at such times is 1'2745, that of the clear water being 1-000. One-hundred cubic feet of the muddy water hold nearly two cubic feet of mud in suspension, and it is calculated that in high freshes the quantity of silt passing over the fall in twenty-four hours is sufficient, if spread over an area one mile square, to cover it to a depth of thirty-three feet. 36 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS Even the canal banks are not raised above the flood-level through a great part of their length. There being no guard lock at the head of the canal, it is open to obstructions from accumulations of drift wood, and there is only one passing place for steamers in its whole length. In fact the work bears evident marks of imperfection in its original design, and though it did for many years fully answer the requirements of the river trade, the increase in the size of the steamers, and the increasing exigencies of the traffic, are now such as to render it inadequate to the purposes it was intended to fulfil, and to force upon the attention of the community, the necessity of very extensive enlargements and alterations. As far back as 1844, the question of the best method of improving the navigation at the falls formed the subject of a report by Captain Cram, U. S. Engineers. Again in 1852, it was submitted by the United States Government to a Committee of Engineers for investigation. The various competing places of improvement are reviewed in both reports, which will be read with interest by Indian Engineers, as containing a very elaborate and thorough discussion of the comparative merits and demerits of the different modes of treatment applicable to rocky obstructions in rivers of similar magnitude and characteristics to our own. A brief analysis of them is all that can be here attempted. The objections to the existing canal are stated to be, 1st.-That its locks are too small. They will only admit boats 182 feet in length, by 49J feet in extreme width. These dimensions were sufficient at the time the canal was constructed, but the increase in the size of steamers has been so great since then, that now forty-three per cent. of the tonnage of the Ohio is excluded from the use of the canal by the contracted size of the locks. 2nd.-The canal is too narrow. Loaded boats moving in opposite directions can only pass each other at one place, and that close to the locks. This causes serious' detention. A steamer of the largest size the locks will admit, takes from two to six hours to pass from the head of the canal to the locks, a distance of less than two miles. If several boats happen to be awaiting a passage through the canal in opposite directions, and have to be passed through alternately, not more than four or five can pass in twenty-four hours. 3rd.-The depth of the canal is insufficient. 4th.-The freshes not being excluded from the canal, owing to the absence of a guird-lock at its head, heavy deposits of silt, and frequent obstructions from drift wood, are the result. OF NORTH AMERICA. 37 5th.-The locks being submersible, the lower ones are frequently silted to a degree, causing great inconvenience and delay. In view of the heavy expense which an enlargement of the canal would require, other proposals for the relief of the navigation were brought forward. These are reviewed and severally disposed of by the Commissioners. Two competing lines of canal on the Indiana side are rejected, as having nothing whatever to recommend them in preference to the existing canal. Three, or four different plans, are also brought forward for the improvement of the natural passes through the falls themselves by means of channels, excavated through the rock, dams, submersible locks, and sluices or races, in various combinations, and the decision of the Commissioners respecting them generally is, that no construction of this description, subject to submersion with the consequent liabilities to obstruction by silt, and damage from drift-wood, possesses those elements of security which are essential in a work intended to meet the requirements of so vast and important a commerce as that of the Ohio. The wisdom of this decision can scarcely be questioned. Works of this description may be applied with advantage on lines of small and unimportant traffic, or where great economy in first cost is compulsory; but in rivers of the same class as the Ohio and those of India, they are unquestionably attended with risks which render them inapplicable on the main arteries of trade. With respect to the best method of improvement, the Committee are not quite unanimous, one member proposing to substitute a canal formed in the bed of the river along the Kentucky shore, by means of a masonry wall running parallel to the bank, and raised wall above the highest flood level, for the enlargement and partial extension of the existing canal recommended by his colleagues. There is, however, no difference of opinion as to the general principle that the works, whatever their plan and location, should be placed beyond the reach of the freshes; that the floods should be excluded from the canal, and the locks not be liable to submersion. The majority of the Committee give sufficient reasons for their decision in favor of an enlargement of the existing canal, and with the general concurrence of the third member, who only differs from them on one or two unimportant matters of detail, lay down the following as the conditions which the intended works should fulfil. 1. The width of the canal to be 200 feet, that boats of the largest class that go through its locks may pass each other readily and easily at any point. 38 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS 2. Its lockage, twenty-five feet at low-water, to be effected byineans of a single lift lock. 3. The largest steamer now on the river having an extreme width from out-to-out of the paddle boxes of seventy-seven feet, the width of the lock-chamber to be eighty feet. 4. The lock to have three sets of lower gates, instead of one as in ordinary cases, so placed respectively that the chamber of the lock may be 220 feet, 320 feet, or 420 feet long, as will best suit the lengths of the boats passing through. The largest steamer now on the river is 360 feet in length. 5. The lock to be filled by means of culverts or openings passing at right angles through one of its side walls; the number to be sufficient, and so distributed lengthwise of the lock, that it may be filled in the same time, whether it be used as a lock of 420 feet, 320 feet, or 220 feet length of chamber, and in as short a time as steam-boat locks of much less size are now filled through valves in the upper gates. The lock to be emptied in a similar manner by a like number of openings in the opposite wall. 6. A double set of guard gates, side by side, to be placed at the head of the canal, each abutting against walls eighty feet apart, and raised four feet above the level of the highest known flood. Two sets are proposed in order, first, to throw a larger body of water into the canal for the purpose of scouring when required; and second, to enable boats to enter and leave the canal at the same time. 7. The depth of the canal to be such that boats with a maximum draught of eleven feet may pass at the lowest stage of the river at which that draught is practicable in the open parts of the river. 8. The bed of the canal to have a descent of 1lrd feet per mile. 9. The depth of water on the lower mitre sill of the lock to be six feet below the surface of ordinary low water. 10. The floods to be completely excluded from the canal by raising its banks, the guard gates, and guard walls parallel to the lock, four feet above the highest flood level. The river will at certain times stand back up the canal from its lower end, but no inconvenience from silt or drift is anticipated from this. 11. The highest stage of water at which the canal will be used is assumed at ten feet above ordinary low water at the head of the falls. OF NORTH AMERICA. 39 In all stages above this the river passage is practicable. The lock walls and gates to be raised five feet above this level. 12. The canal to hare vertical side-walls, battering one and a half per foot on their face, raised to a level five feet above the assumed height of the highest stage at which the canal will be used. The banks above this level to be sloped off. The point most note-worthy, in an Engineering point of view, in the project, as thus elaborated by the Commission, is the great lift proposed for a lock of such imperial dimensions. On this the Board remark:Some may think that the lift, viz. about twenty-six feet in low and four and half to five and half feet in high water, and averaging probably about sixteen feet during the whole time the lock would be in use, would be too great. Such persons may not be aware, that locks of even greater lift, although of less size, have been for years in successful use. The upper section of the Lebigh navigation has twenty-nine locks, with chambers 20 by 100 feet in the clear, that have an aggregate lift of 5995-6 feet, or an average lift per lock of 2068 feet. Of these locks there are four that have a lift of twenty-one feet each; three that have a lift of twenty-two feet each; one that has a lift of twenty-three feet; four that have a lift of twenty-five feet each; one that has a lift of twenty-five and half feet; one that has a lift of twenty-eight feet; one that has a lift of thirty feet. The canal is five feet deep. A report of the Lebigh Navigation Company made in 1839, says-" The thirty feet lift-lock, is filled or emptied in two minutes and a half." It is then shown that "each boat making a trip up and down," saves from theadoption of " the hiigh lifts instead of the common lifts" "ten and three-quarter hours" and that, supposing the canal worked up to its capacity, the consequent " saving to the public per annum would be 80,000 dollars." The adoption of the small lifts of eight to ten feet, that locks on canals usually have, is generally from necessity rather than choice; for it rarely happens that lifts much greater would suit the ground within the limits that must be occupied, or that enough water can be commanded for their supply. Or it may be thought that the great size of the gates, consequent on the high lift, and great width of lock-chamber would be objectionable. Supposing that such an objection might be raised, the Board has given much consideration to the subject, and is satisfied that 40 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS wooden gates of the size that would be required, may be constructed on a plan entirely different from that usually adopted for gates of large dimensions, that would be comparatively light and cheap, and could easily be managed. Improvements have already been made in the hanging of large gates, in consequence of which they may be turned with much less power than was formerly necessary. It would have occasioned too much delay to have arranged the details of the plan above alluded to, and prepare drawings of them to accompany this report. It should be remarked, however, that the timber of which the gates would be made, on account of the great cost of such gates, should be prepared in the manner best calculated to promote its durability. The American Engineers can do anything with wood. Their constructions in this material are probably unrivalled, and doubtless the project of the Board for gates of these dimensions would be promptly carried into execution. It appears very questionable however whether on a line of traffic of such vast importance, where any interruption to navigation must be attended with such serious consequences, iron might not be substituted with advantage for wood in the construction of the lock gates, not only on account of its greater durability, but also of the prodigious strength in combination with lightness and stiffness, which may be obtained with this material, when distributed in plates connected by vertical and horizontal diaphragms, in the manner in which it is now beginning to be so extensively applied in England. I have myself visited the Lebigh navigation in company with the Engineer, Mr. Douglas, and witnessed the performance of one of his thirty feet locks, which was so entirely satisfactory, and presented such manifest superiority to the usual low-lift arrangement, as at once to decide the question of the applicability of this mode of construction in all situations where the levels and supply of water admit of it. The cost of the original canal was $1,000,000. In twelve years from the time it was opened it had more than paid for itself in dividends; the United States having received in that time in cash dividends $258,378 upon $235,000 originally invested. The net revenues of the canal in the twenty-two years from the time it was first brought into use up to 1853, were $2,000,000, an interest on its cost of more than 9 per cent. per annum. In 1853 it was calculated that while 256 steamers of an aggregate tonnage of 57,256 tons availed themselves of it, eighty-two other, aggregating 44,760 tons, were excluded from it by the limited dimensions of the locks. It is plain, therefore, that a large amount of revenue has been OF NORTH AMERICA. 41 sacrificed, in addition to the severe restraints placed upon the river trade, by postponing the enlargement of the canal so long, and as the tonnage of the western rivers is now nine or ten times what it was when the canal was constructed, there can be no doubt that the capital invested in the proposed improvements, which are estimated to cost $ 2,462,348, or two and a half times the amount of the original stock, would prove equally remunerative, in spite of the reduction from 60 cents to 20 cents per ton measurement which has been gradually made in the toll. The tolls seem to have been fixed at first solely with a view to the profits of the shareholders, and without any reference to the national interest at stake in the river trade. Mr. Hall shows that the original rate of 60 cents per ton, which appears to have been maintained up to about 1845, was a most burdensome tax upon the cost of carriage. It amounted in four or five years to the cost of a steamer, making the average number of trips in those waters, and as five years is the ordinary term of life of a western steamboat, the tax swallowed up the whole of the earnings which would otherwise have gone to replace the capital in that period. The evil however gradually worked its own cure. The canal shares were all purchased by the United States Government, and as the work had now become national property, and was known to have been amply remunerative, the pressure of public opinion compelled a gradual reduction of the tolls to the present rate. It appears from a table given in Captain Crain's report of the revenues and expenditure of the canal from 1832 to 1842, that the average annual receipts from tolls were......................................... $100,690 And the charges were for. Repairs, including some alterations.................. 9,064 D redging.............................................. 4,250 Collection................................................. 2,112 Administration, including salaries of Directors and office expenses............................... 1,971 Total... $17,397 leaving a net annual profit equal to rather more than 8 per cent. on the capital, the expenses being only 1-7 per cent. on the same, and 17 per cent. of the receipts. A statement furnished to me at the canal office makes the average annual expenses for the succeeding ten years 23,642 or 2-3 per cent on the F 42 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS capital. The average for the whole twenty years from the first opening of the canal, (2 per cent.) for so very imperfect a work, is a charge so low as to encourage the most favorable expectations with regard to the cost of maintenance of similar works in India. The tonnage annually passing through the canal increased from an average of 156,925 tons in the first five years from its opening, to 312,749 tons in a similar number of years ending in 1851, or 200 per cent.; but as at the latter period half the tonnage that would otherwise have used the canal was excluded from it by the contracted size of its locks, we may safely conclude that had this defect been remedied, the increase would have been more than 400 per cent4 The foregoing sketch of the history and trade of the Louisville and Portland canal is more lengthy than would be justifiable in the case of any ordinary work of the same class; but this canal acquires a peculiar interest for the Indian Engineer, from the fact of its being the only one in the world to be met with on rivers which, in point of magnitude as well as in their general charcteristics, bear a close resemblance to those of India. The canals of the St. Lawrence are noble undertakings, but they differ in some essential points from that of the Ohio, and nowhere else, I believe, is to be found a work furnishing such valuable and appropriate hints for constructions of a similar kind in this country. CHAPTER V. In the following account of the steamers used on the inland navigations of America, those only will be described in detail which are employed on rivers of a similar class to those of India, Hence, the inland sea steamers of the Lakes and the St. Lawrence, and the immense deep draught steamers of the Hudson, admirably adapted as they are to their respective navigations, but of litttle special interest in reference to India, will be but lightly touched upon. They will be first noticed in the order in which they have been mentioned. The lake steamers are both paddle and screw. They are of all sizes up to 1,200 tons measurement. The largest propellers are about 1,000 tons. Those used on the Welland and St. Lawrence canals are limited by the size Sof the locks to about 400 tons. They are all low pressure boats, the usual working pressure of steam being from 30 to 40 lbs. per square inch. They are nearly all fitted to carry passengers as well as goods, and have accommodation for from 150 to 500 passengers according to their size. In their general characteristics, they are very mnch of the same class as ordinary sea going steamers. OF NORTH AMBRIC4. 43 The steam boats of the Hudson, and Long Island Sound, surpass those of any other country in respect of size, speed, and the comfort, perfection, and magnificence of their internal arrangements. They are of a class so totally different from any thing to be met with on any other waters in the world, except on the western rivers, that they may be said to be an institution peculiarly American, one of which the country is justly proud, and which no other nation can match. The Englishman, whose previous experience of river navigation has been limited to an occasional trip in a Thames steamer, where, without any adequate protection against sunshine or rain, he has been squeezed, jostled, and knocked about among a dense crowd, and overwhelmed with volumes of smoke from the lowered funnel at every bridge passed, cannot but feel his national selfesteem considerably lowered on stepping on board a Hudson river steamer. He there finds himself in a huge floating palace, propelled at 18 or 20 miles an hour through the water, without the slightest sound or motion. There is a total absence of every thing that could remind him that he is afloat, a perfect freedom from all the disagreeable sights, sounds, and smells which are inseparable from steam boat life on British waters. There are hundreds of passengers on hoard, but not the least crowdiqg, the spacious saloons, fitted up with the utmost elegance and luxury, affording ample space for every body. All the internal arrangements are excellent, the table well furnished and well attended; nothing s wanting that can in any way minister to the comfort of the traveller. It is beyond all comparison the most pleasant and luxurious mode of travelling in the world. And it is the cheapest, the charge being only 6 mills, or about a farthiing per head per mile. There are two lines of steamers running between New York and Albany, one in the day time, the other at night. The latter is generally preferred, as it makes fewest stoppages, and gives the voyager the benefit of a comfortable night's rest at the same time. The night boat starts in the evening at a convenient hour after dinner, and makes the trip to Albany, 160 miles, in nine or ten hours, there being no occasion to do it in less time, as by this arrangement the steamer arrives at a suitable hour, either for business or for the morning train, west or north. Seventy-five cents, in addition to the fare of a dollar procures an excellent supper and good bed, and the night is spent as comfortably as in an hotel. Nothing in fact, next to the size, splendor, and speed of the vessels, is more striking to an Englishman on first making acquaintance with American steamers than their admirable arrangements for comfort. There seems to be a peculiar faculty for this purpose in the 44 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS American mind, for which there is no corresponding bump in the English cranium. A steamer is seldom to be met with in England, where the traveller can find proper protection from the weather, without taking refuge in such a purgatory of a cabin as he gladly escapes from at the very first opportunity. There is hardly one in America, be it passenger steamer, tug, or ferry boat, which is not provided with a proper roof on deck, and a cabin arranged for comfort as well as for shelter. Too much attention cannot be paid to this point in the internal fittings of Indian river steamers. According to Dr. Lardner, the Hudson river steamers formerly drew not more than 4 or 41 feet water. This may have been the case at a time when the river was in worse condition than it is now. I however met with no one who could recollect such a light draught as this being given to the larger class of boats. At present, and certainly for many years past, all the fast boats draw at least 6 feet of water. Their hulls are modelled with the utmost care and skill, each maker having his own particular lines, which are of course a secret, and a most important part of his capital. In general, however, it may be said that the vessels being constructed almost entirely for speed, the water lines are the finest possible, and are on the wave principle both vertically and horizontally. The importance of combining vertical with horizontal displacement is very strongly insisted on. The length of the entrance is always more, and of the run rather less than one-third tlhe whole length of the hull, and so nice and delicate is the modelling that there are maid to be not six frames amidships of the same shape. In boats like these in which the average proportion of length to beam is only 7 or 8 to 1, it is very evident that the foregoing conditions which are essential to speed, are quite incompatible with any very light draught of water. The hulls are built of wood, iron having scarcely been used at all as yet for this purpose in the States. They have a plain painted surface uncoppered; a few yards in length only of the entrance being sheathed with iron, as a protection against occasional collision with ice in winter. The saloons, with sleeping berths and state rooms on each side, extend along the greater p:art of the vessel. They are ranged in two tiers above the main or boiler deck, where the machinery is placed, and in many steamers the boilers are placed on the "guards," or over-hanging deck formed by carrying out the beams of the main deck several feet over the sides of the boat. This arrangement allows of the saloons being carried fore and aft, without interruption and without annoyance to the passengers from the proximity and heat of the boilers. OF NORTH AMERICA. 4.3 The low pressure system is universal; the ordinary working pressure being from 25 to 40 lbs. The boilers are cylindrical, both flue and tubular, mostly the former. In many the fire is urged by a fan blast, worked by a small engine. This affords a reduction of heating surface and of weight of boiler, which are the points aimed at, but is attended with an increase of 20 or 30 per cent. in the consumption of fuel. The engines are all of the kind known as " beam engines," one end of the beam connecting with the piston, the other with the cranked paddle shaft, and the other parts of the mechanism for working the air pump, &c., being much the same as in an ordinary land engine of the same description. Slides however, both on the Hudson and on the western rivers are entirely discarded, valves, termed "poppet valves," being substituted. They are placed in pairs at either end of the cylinder, one for the introduction and the other for the emission of the steam, and worked by cams on a rocking shaft set in motion by an eccentric. The mechanisam is simple, and is believed to have great advantages over the ordinary slide valves, being less liable to derangement, affording a freer ingress and egress for the steam, and being exempt from the cutting and wear and tear which slides suffer from when very muddy water is used in the boilers. The engines work at a low velocity, the ordinary number of revolutions being from 15 to 18 per minute. The wheels are of proportionate size, varying from 38 to 46 feet in diameter. The cylinders being single, are of great size, varying from 72 to 90 inches diameter, and the stroke from 12 to 15 feet. The Metropolis, the largest steamer now afloat in those waters, has a cylinder of 105 inches diameter, and 12 feet stroke. Expansion is universally used, the steam being cut off at I to -ths of the stroke. Much attention is paid to the clothing of the boilers, cylinders and pipes, and the economy of steam is said to be very great, the indicator cords showing an unusually close approximation of the power actually utilized to that developed by the boiler. The fuel used is the anthracite coal of Pennsylvania, and the consumption of this appears to be 44 to 61bs. per effective H. P. per hour. The proportion of power to speed and tonnage is not easily obtained. A much more extended series of observations of the working of the best steamers than my time admitted of, would be necessary to determine this with certainty. From my own notes, and the records I obtained of the performance of a few of the largest boats, the proportion appears to be about 5 effective H. P. per square foot of immersed midship sec NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS tion at 18 miles an hour. This is for boats of the very finest lines, and drawing 6 to 11 feet water, and corresponds I believe pretty closely with the resistances of the fastest ocean steamers at similar speeds. The cost of the Hudson steamers is about 120 to 130 $ per ton, custom house measurement; about 40 per cent, more than that of the western river boats, which have lower proportionate power, and are neither so well built, well finished, or expensively fitted up. The dimensions and other details of two of the finest of these steamers are as follows. Metropolis. Tonnage 2103. Longth 342 feet on deck; 320 on keel. Beam 46 feet. Depth of hold 15 feet. Draught of water fully loaded 11 feet. Cylinder 105 inches diameter; 12 feet stroke. Pressure of steam, avarage 221bs, maximum 15; cut off at j stroke. 4 Tubular boilers; heating surface 12,000 square feet. Wheels 40 feet diameter; 12 feet wide. Floats 30 inches deep; dipping 5 feet in water. Number of revelations 15l to 161 per minute. Speed 17 to 19 miles per hour. Consumption of coal 41 tons per hour. Cost 275,000 $ Estimated effective horse power 2400. Has accommodation for 1000 passengers. Bay State. Tonnage 1554. Length on deck 300 feet. Beam 42 feet. Depth of hold 13~ feet. Working draught 10 feet 6 inches. Cylinder 76 inches diameter; 12 feet stroke. Steam pressure, average 35 Ibs, maximum 42 lbs; cut off at -ths stroke. 2 Flue boilers, 6000 feet heating surface. Wheels 38 feet diameter, 10 feet 6 inches wide. Floats 26 inches deep; dipping 4 feet 6 inches in water. Number of revolutions 16 to 18 per minute. Speed 16 to 19 miles per hour. Consumption of coal, about 5 tons per hour. Estimated effective horse power 1980. Has accommodation for 500 passengers. OF NORTH AMERICA. 47 Goods Sleamers. If the passenger steamers of the Hudson are the finest and fastest in the world, and travelling by them the cheapest and most comfortable, the goods steamers of the same river may claim a similar pre-eminence in respect of all the qualities requisite in their own department of steam transportation. The Hudson is a tidal navigation as far as Albany, 160 miles above New York. It there receives from the Erie and Clamplain canals, as well as from the New York Central rail road, the vast traffic, which flows eastwards by these routes from the lakes and Canada. It is the trunk of which these are the branches, the link which connects the different lines of water communication with the great commercial centre of New York. It has been formed by nature to receive and accommodate their united trade, even when that shall have swelled to many times its present dimensions. For nine/ months of the year, this river affords excellent navigation for vessels drawing 6 to 9 feet water. During the remaining three months it is closed by ice. It is during the former period, consequently, that nearly the whole of the transport business is done. The river has indeed one competitor, the rail road which runs along its shore and connects the same important termini as itself, but such is the superiority in cheap carrying power of the water line, that it almost monopolizes the goods traffic, and leaves to its rival only the comparatively trifling business of the winter months when navigation is impracticable. The whole goods tonnage of the rail road is only about 170,000 per annum, while the number of tons arriving at and leaving tide water at Albany by the canals only, almost the whole of which is carried through to New York or vice versa, is about 2,300,000. In other words, the through tonnage of the river is seventeen times the whole tonnage, both through and way, of the rail road. But the through traffic of the latter is only 120,000 tons, or the twentieth part of that of the river; and that the rail road obtains this only from the closing of the water lines in the winter months is shown plainly enough by the statement of the business done in 1856, when it appears that out of a twelvemonth's tonnage of 118,152, 83,000 tons, or 70 per cent., were moved in the five months of winter, when the canals which furnish so large a portion of the river trade were closed by ice, and during the greater part of which, vizfrom 20th December to 11th April, the navigation of the river itself was at a stand from the same cause. Those who suppose that a rail road is at any time a more than sufficient substitute for a canal or river on lines where vast quantities of goods of low valle have to be moved, will do well to ponder these figures. 48 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS The closing of the Hudson, were that possible, would be the death blow to the commercial supremacy of New York, and would alone be sufficient to turn the main stream of western trade down the channel of the St. Lawrence. In the keen competition between these two great routes to the sea board, the difference of cost between the carriage by rail and by river on this one link in the New York line would go far to decide the contest ii favour of its rival. And this, even if it' were possible that the rail road with its present traffic could accommodate an additional through business alone of 2,300,000 tons, which of course it could not do without several additional lines of rail, involving a proportionately increased charge upon the traffic. The goods traffic of the Hudson is carried on by means of powerful steam tugs towing barges. The great draught of water which the river permits, would probably allow of the transport being accomplished with equal economy by means of steamers carrying on board as by the method in use; but the reason why the towing system has been adopted is, that the greater part of the goods moved arrive from, or are destined, for the canals connecting with the Hudson at Albany, and carriers prefer having their boats towed through the river part of the transit, without breaking bulk, to the transhipment which the opposite system would involve. There are however large numbers of barges employed by the tug steamers specially as tow boats, which cannot enter the canals, and which tranship on arriving at Albany. The steamers used are of similar construction to the passenger boats already described, with the exception of the cabin fittings, which are of course unnecessary. Some of them are boats which were formerly employed for Spassengers, and one, the Alida was a noted fast boat in former days. They take from 20 to 60 boats and barges, varying from 150 to 400 tons burthen at a time. A powerful steamer will sometimes bring down as much as 6,000 tons of goods from Albany in one tow. The up trade being only about onefourth of that down stream, a large number of the boats return empty. The trip is made in twenty-eight to thirty hours, either up or down, the tide in a river of that length affecting the progress of a boat in much the same way in both directons. The following figures, kindly furnished me by the manager of one of the largest transportation companies, will give a fair idea of the scale on which these operations are conducted. The company owns four steam tugs, averaging 260 feet in length, with a draught of, 5- feet. Cylinders 65 to 72 inches diameter, and 11 to 12 feet stroke. Cost $ 90,000 each. OF NORTN AMIRICL. 49 Usual time of passage up, 28 hours, do. down, 33,, Average number of boats towed, 6 barges and 11 canal boats. As many as 52 have been taken at a time. Average number of tons of merchandize each passage, Down.................................. 3,980 Up.................................... 930 Total quantity transported by the company per annum (264 working days,) down river...... 1,030,000 Up............... 241,000 Total tons... 1, 72,000 There are three such companies; the total quantity transported by them would appear to be about 3,000,000 tons per annum. There is besides a large traffic without the aid of steam, and a heavy way trade, so that these figures only represent a part of the total movement on the Hudson. The boats towed are lashed to the steamer all round, fore, aft, and alongside. Sometimes for want of room, a few additional are towed astern. Thus the whole of one of these gigantic " tows" moves en masse, the tug in the centre, and at an average speed over the ground of 5 to 6 miles an hour. The boats and barges are of the usual shape, with full well-rounded lines, adapted not for speed, but for carrying heavy loads. Yet the power required to move them at the speed mentioned, when clustered together in this manner, which it might be supposed must greatly increase the resistance, appears to be much the same as in Mr. Bourne's steam train, which theoretically would seem to effect so great a saving in this respect. Other peculiarities of the system will be noticed in connextion with the western river steamers, some of which are employed for towing coal in a similar manner. Miuisssippi Steamers. The steamers of the Mississippi valley differ in two important points from those of the Hudson. They are for the most part adapted to rivers of less depth, and consequently draw less water; and the motive power is high instead of low pressure steam. The latter characteristic is indeed in great part a consequence of the former, the saving in weight of machinery which the high t NOTES ON fri RITllR NAVIGATIONS pressure system offers, being one of its chief recommendations, and in fact making it a sine qmd non in the case of light draught steamers. With few exceptions, the steam boats of the western rivers are not built for high speed, but rather to combine a moderate speed with great carrying capacity. A few, chiefly on the lower Mississippi, are devoted entirely to passenger traffic, and are constructed on much the same model as those of the Hudson, which they rival in speed; but the greater part of the western I river boats carry both goods and passengers, and consequently have more beam, coarser lines, and less speed. The conditions required in the hull of a steamer intended for this service are, lightness, combined with strength, and a certain degree of pliability, to enable the vessel to stand the twisting and Sstraining consequent on grounding and " sparring," and such proportions of length and beam as shall afford the largest amount of displacement with the least degree of immersion, without exceeding the limits due to strength on the one hand, and to a medium co-efficient of resistance on the other. The steamers may be divided into two classes. 1. Those intended chiefly for goods traffic, including both side-wheel and stern-wheel boats. 2. Those in which the carrying capacity has been to some extent sacrificed to speed in order to attract more passenger traffic. The proportions adopted in the two cases are, in the 1stLength to beam, 5 and 6 to 1, in side-wheelers., 4 and 4 to 1, in stern-wheelers. The bottom of the hull is made perfectly flat, the sides perpendicular, slightly rounded off below; bow and stern very fall, (in a large number of instances as full as the planks will bend); with very slight rise of floor at stem and stern. In the stern wheel boats, the beam astern is nearly as large as amidships, there being not more than' 1k or 2 feet "tuck" in the very largest boats. In the 2nd case the proportions areLength to beam 8 and 9 to 1. Bottom as flat as possible, but the hull moulded according to the speed desired. The following are the dimensions given to some of the principal parts.f i u o t ku the wofstmf steefrers. OF NORMW AMInCIk. $1 Largest class Medium class. Smaller clas. of boats. Length............ 293' 248' 146' Beam............ 44' 36' 36' Depth........... 8' 7' 4' Draught light....3' 6" 3' 6" 1' 4" Floor timbers 4......... 4" x 10"' 3" X 8" 3" x 6" Side do....... 4" x 8" 3" X 7" 3" ( 6" Main kelson.......... 9" x 20" 10f X 14" 4" x 12" Bilge do......... 8" x 12" 4k" x 8" 4" ) 10" Deck beams.....4" x 10" 4" x 7" 4" X 7" Thickneass of plank. Bottom............ 4' to 4" 31" to 4" 3" to S3i" Side............. 3.. " to 3" 2-4" 2 -Tonnage measurement... 930 500 150 The kelsons are generally made in three or four thicknesses bolted together, which affords greater toughness and pliability. The frames are placed from 8 to 12 inches apart. There are three decks. The first, or boiler deck, carries the machinery, the boilers being placed forward, with the engines in the after part in the case of stern wheelers, but nearer amidships in the side wheelers, and the " doctor" or pumping engine between, near the after end of the boiler. The fuel is stowed about the boiler and on the guards; the cargo chiefly on this deck, and in the hold beneath. The second, or passenger deck, is supported on standards rising from the boiler deck. It carries the saloons, which run fore and aft, and which are plainly but very comfortably fitted up with the berths and State rooms on each side. The after part of the saloon is appropriated to ladies, while a piece at the fore end, called the " social hall" forms the smoking room, with the bar and Captain's office on either side. There is a broad covered pa". sage round the outside of the saloons and sleeping berths, protecting them from sun and from rain, and affording a eool and pleasant walk or lounge in all weathers. The roof of the saloons forms the third or hurricane deck. A portion of the centre part of it, called " Texas," is occupied by the cabins of the crew, and on top of these again is raised the pilots, or steerage house. In this is placed the wheel, and here stand the pilot and steersman, the wheel connecting with the rudder by ropes and chains. A thin straight rod with a ball at top is reared upon the stem post, and thus gives the steersman the true centre line of the boat. Tiisa arrangement of the de.ks is excellent. The lower one is left per NO'MS ON WII RIYB~ NAVTIWATIONS fectly free for the machinery and cargo, and the next or passenger deck being raised some 10 feet above it, there is a free circulation of air underneath, and little or no annoyance is felt from the heat, smells, and dirt below. The Officers and crew, instead of being stowed away in all sorts of uncomfortable corners, have a tier of comfortable rooms to themselves, and the steersman, placed aloft, at an elevation of 30 feet above the water, with nothing whatever to obstruct his view, or distract his attention, can see a long distance ahead, and guide the boat with the utmost precision as the pilot by his side may direct. All orders to the Engineer are conveyed by signals. Wires, whose upper extremity is in the pilot's house, communicate with a series of bells in the engine room, so that the boat is moved in instant obedience to the will of the pilot without the slightest noise or confusion. A touch of his hand and a word to the helmsman does all. Additional steering apparatus, independent of the wheel, is provided in case of fire or accident, and with this precaution the system appears to possess unquestionable advantages over the common one of placing the wheel astern. I cannot think that any thing but the most inveterate prejudice can have prevented its adoption in Europe. It is universally in use in all parts of America, and is applied to sea going steamers as well. It was used on board the Vandcrbilt, in which I returned from New York, and with the same evident advantages as on inland waters. It is one of the peculiarities of American steamers most worthy of imitation. The general arrangement, and disposition of the machinery has been already sketched. A more detailed description of its several parts is now necessary. The boiler is cylindrical, varying from 36 to 42 inches diameter, and 20 to 25 feet in length, with a double return flue of 12 to 15 inches, the furnace being at the fore end, and the flame passing first underneath the boiler, then back through the flues, and up the stack. The tops of the flues are placed at about 2 inches above the horizontal diameter of the outer shell, and the minimum depth of water over them allowed by law is 4 inches. As many of these cylindrical boilers as are required to furnish the requisite quantity of steam, are placed side by side. They are generally 3 to 4 in number, communicating only with the steam receiver common to all. A mud receiver, a most important adjunct, is placed beneath transversely, behind the firo at the bridge. The current induced in the boiler tend to OF NOWN AMRaIC5A. 58 collect any sediment about this spot, where its presence as a non-conducting substance would be peculiarly dangerous. Here, consequently the means are provided for removing it from the reach of the fire, by passing it down into the receiver, the water in which is blown off from time to time. The boilers are well covered in, and rest on iron standards raised about 2 feet above the deck. The steam pipe takes off from the steam receiver, and is led aft to the engines, the pressure gauge being attached to it just before the throttle valve. An apparatus is provided for economising heat by using the waste steam for heating the water. There are two separate engines, each driving its own paddle wheel. The wheels are disconnected, the shaft of each extending into the boat only so far as required for the crank and eccentrics, leaving an open passage along the deck between the two. This separation of the two paddle wheels is invariable, and is considered to possess advantages over the ordinary mode of placing both on the one shaft, in enabling the boat to turn more quickly, and in a much shorter space, and so giving a more ready and perfect command over her movements. The necessity for this arrangement however appears to me questionable, and those who have witnessed the skill with which the long and awkward steamers of the Rhone are guided through channels more tortuous than those of the Mississippi, will hesitate before they sacrifice the undoubted advantages of the ordinary double cranked axle, for those claimed for the opposite system. It must however be admitted, that the great length of stroke and of connecting rod given to the engines, and the great size of the wheels, carry the cranks over the dead-points without difficulty and impart perfect evenness to their motion. The engines are on the American plan, all of long stroke, compared with diameter of cylinder, the proportions 31 and 4. to 1. Valves similar to those of the Hudson steamer engines are substituted for slides. Very complete drawings of these parts of the machinery are given in the Appendix. It will be observed that motion is imparted to the rocking shaft with its cams, by a peculiarly shaped cam on the paddle shaft rather than by an eccentric. The motion thus obtained is more sudden at the moment of the opening and closing of the valves, and better suited to their peculiar action. The steam is cut off at - to Iths the stroke, and used at a pressure, varying from 120 to 150 lbs., the average being about 132 lbs. The exhaust steam is not led into the chimney, but after doing its work in the heater, is NO1MS ON TRE Rf lYM NAVIATIONS allowed to escape freely, there being sufficient draught without the aid of the blast. Both cylinders and steam pipe are in general wholly uncovered. The cylinder is laid, it will be observed, at a slight inclination to the horizon, in the case of both side, and stern wheelers, the same timbers supporting both it and the paddle shaft, and resting on a strong lattice truss. The connecting red, or " Pitman" is of wood bound with iron. The wheels are of wood also, with shifting floats adaptable to varying degrees of immersion. In some of the steamers of the upper Ohio, which are made of the largest size that can pass through the Louisville locks, the wheelsare placed in a slight recess in the side of the boat, so as to diminish the total width. The whole vessel is well held together by "hog frames," both longitudinal and transverse, the struts abutting on the kelsons, and the tie rods which are always furnished with turn-buckles, being attached to the same. A large bell, placed in the fore part of the hurricane deck, gives notice of the times of arrival and departure, and every steamer is furnished with a powerful steam whistle, or rather trumpet, whose frightful notes are heard at an immense distance, resembling rather the braying of a mammoth jackass than the familar sounds of the railway whistle. The stern wheel steamers of the upper Ohio, though of a class not altogether unknown in other countries, deserve to be numbered among the peculiar "institutions" of America. They have some special advantages, and though now-a-days not quite so much the rage as they were some years ago, are still built in large numbers and of great size, some of the largest ones being as much as 600 and 650 tons measurement. The general arrangement of their machinery has been already sufficiently indicated. The wheel, which is from 13 to 28 feet diameter, according to the size of the boat, rests on heavy beams projecting over the stern, and held up by hog chains. Its width is about iths that of the hull amidships. The rudders are two, sometimes three, in number, owing to the confined space which the close proximity of the wheel to the stern of the boats allows for each. They are shaped so as to occupy the most of this space, and their helms are connected together and with the steering wheel. In other respects, the internal arrangements ase all similar to those of the side wheel boats. The advantages claimed for this class of steame-rs is their superior carrying capacity, on equal draughts of water, compared with the sidewheelers. This they derive from the fulhess of the after part of the hull, which, as before stated, is nearly as wide as amidships. This is a great recemmendation in the case of shallow rivers. Another curious advantage OF NC"KI AMIRICA. they possess is, that in ascending a rapid stream, the wheel working in the backwater astern instead of in the current, meets with more resistance from the water, and the slip is diminished, with a proportionate gain in speed. This fact is well established. It has been several times found that of two steamers, one side-wheel, the other stern, of equal speeds, in slack-water, the latter will, when opposed to a strong current, quite distance the former, and even ascend a rapid which the other could not face. I myself made a trip up the Alleghany, from Pittsburgh to Franklin, in a boat of this class, when the river was in flood, and the current generally 6 miles an hour, and in many places more. The distance was 130 miles, which was accomplished in 22 hours actual steaming, or at the rate of 6 miles an hour over the current. We returned at night in 9 hours, but frequently went only half speed on account of the extreme darkness. The speed of the steamer must have been certainly 12 miles per hour. The dimensions of her hull and machinery are given in the Appendix. Her entrance was perhaps a little flner than usual, but still very full, and her width astern only 2 or 3 feet less than amidships. Her burthen was 250 tons, and her estimated indicator horse power 294. Draught of water 3J feet. This is a fair specimen of what steamers of this class can do. They are well suited to shallow rivers, and will, I have no doubt, be introduced in India before long. It is objected to them that they are not so manageable as the side wheel boats with disconnected wheels, and it is easy to see that the latter must be more readily and quickly manceuvred. The size of the western river steamers varies with the different rivers according to the available depth of water. Those of the upper Ohio are from 150 to 420 tons measurement, the latter being the largest size boat that the Louisville locks will admit. Those of the upper Mississippi and Missouri are of much the same dimensions. Those of the lower Mississippi are from 600 to 1,000 tons. Steamers carrying both goods and passengers, have a speed of 9 to 12 miles per hour on the upper rivers, and as much as 14 miles on the lower. 'their draught of water, with a full lead, is 31 feet on the Alleghany and smaller tributaries, 3- to 7 feet on the Ohio and upper Mississippi, and 7 to 10 feet on the lower Mississippi. The proportion of power to tonnage in boats of this class is I, 11, and rarely 2 I.H.P. per toin measurement, or 0'7, 1, and 1-4 I.H.P. per ton of actual displacement. There are also light draught boats, used in low stages of water, capable of carrying 100 tons of eargo on a draught of 20 inches. TNe passidger steaers, aiit for sped, have, wri4t ii!ike s, awn 56 NOTIS ON TNE RIVIR NAVIGATIONS about 1'6 I.H.P. per ton measurement, or 1-14 per ton of displacement, a speed of 16 to 18 miles per hour. They vary in size from 800 to 1000 tons, and draw 6 to 8 feet water. The consumption of fuel is about 51 lbs. of coal per horse power, per hour. Wood is burned very largely on many of the rivers, and costs from 2 $ to 3 $ per ton, but the bituminous coal of Pittsburgh, and that part of Pennsylvania, is daily coming more into use. It is put on board the steamers at Pittsburgh at 5 cents. per ton, and is sent down the Ohio in immense quantities in barges, which float down with the current, or are towed by powerful tugs in the same manner as on the Hudson. The steamers used for this purpose are both side and stern-wheel. The largest are about 180 feet long, by 25 feet beam, drawing 31 feet light, but with the full load of coal for the voyage from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati, 480 miles, and back, 6 feet water. They are of 700 to 760 I.H.P., and take 7 to 10 barges at a tow. These barges are of great size, carrying 10,000 bushels, or 360 tons of coal, each. The total tonnage of a tow is therefore 2,500 to 3,600 tons. The barges are fastened round the steamer as described in the case of the Hudson boats. The barges are perfectly square in their horizontal dimensions, with only a slight rake at stem and stern. They thus admit of being well secured alongside of one another and of the tug. They are generally about 131 feet x 24 feet x 7 feet; working draught 6 feet. The trip to Cincinnati and back, a total distance of 960 miles, with a heavy tow of about 80,000 bushels, is made in 11 days, viz., 3 days down, 1 day discharging cargo, 5 days to return, and 2 Sundays rest on the way. A smaller tow may be run down in 50 hours, and back in 3 to 3j days. The boats return emply. No difficulty whatever is experienced in steering under this system of towing. The mass of the tow being kept as much as possible before the beam of the tug, her stern is free to move in obedience to the helm, and she pushes the tow before her. There is no possibility of the loss of power from the increased resistance consequent on the bad steering of any of the boats, as frequently happens under the common system of towing them astern by a rope, for all are fastened immoveably about the tug. There is also a perfect freedom from the inconvenience that would otherwise be felt in towing a long train of barges through winding channels. The whole of the boats move together under the guidance of one helm, and in a compact mass, which* can be directed with the utmost precision. It might, as already observed, be supposed, that with boats closely packed together in this manner, the resistance of each would be greatly increased in consequence of the dispicsti watr bring l.s free to escape, And ~sequently that there would be OF NORTH AMERICA. 57 a waste of power, but I believe that such is not the case, but that on the contrary, there is even an economy of power under this system, and that if the displacement rdistance is somewhat enhanced, the increased expenditure of power which this involved is no more than that which practically results from the disadvantages above alluded to as attendant on the common method of towing. From data supplied me, with their usual kindness, by the Captains and Engineers of some of the Ohio boats, I deduce the following results as to the work done by tug steamers. Name of Tug Steamer. J. lil'son. Down stream....... Up stream....... Alps. Down stream....... Up stream.....,.... J. Gzulrie. Down stream....... Up stream......... Alida. Slackwater...... Tons. Miles per hour. 4,100 412 1,100 8-1 C-';4; Current. Miles per hour. o 01 0' 3,762 1,110 4,311 1,575 5,700 364 690 360 706 496 764 672 do, do. 31d do. Ohio. do. do. do do. do. Hudson. 5 6-7 5.7 These results, reduced to an unit of I H. P. at 4A and 81 miles per hour, will be found to approximate very closely. NOTES ON TUE RIVER NAVIGATIONS They are: A. Filson. Down stream, 1 H. P.=11*3 tons at 4, miles. Up do. 1-6,, Alps. Down stream, 1 H. P.=10-3 tons at 4- miles. Up do.,_,, 7. Guthrie. Down stream, 1 IHI. P.=S-7 tons at 5 miles. Up do.,, =2.,, 6-7,, Alida Slackwater. 1 H. P.=9 tons at 4-9 miles. And assuming that the loads vary inversely as the cubes of the speeds, we have, for a common speed, of 4) miles per hourDown stream, 1 II. P.==11 3 tons. Up do. 1 H. P.=10-8 Down do. 1 II. P.=105,, Up do. 1 H. P.= 10-5 Down do. 1 11. P.=1-I 16 Up do. 1 H. P.= 7 -0 Still water 1 H. P.=1l5,, This would give for the duty of 1 effective IH. P., at the speeds at which towing may be most economically carried on. Hudson,...... 11-5 tons gross, at 4T miles per hour. Ohio, down stream, 11P tons do. 41,, Do., up stream,... 1-6 tons do. 81 Or, if we consider the Tug as the locomotive, the barges as the train, and the cargo they carry as the useful load, we have, Useful load. Ohio, down stream.... 1 H. P.= 7 tons at 41 miles. Do., up stream.... 1 H. P.= 1 ton at 8jy miles. Hudson....... 1 H. P.= 9 tons at 41 miles. Reducing these amounts to the more convenient unit of speed, 5 miles per hour, the result is for-.m OF NORTH AMERICA. 59 Tidal rivers with good depth Useful load. of water......... II. P. = 6-5 tons at 5 miles. Rivers with current of 2 to 3 miles per hour, and depth not less than 5 feet... 1. II. P. = 5 tons at 5 miles To which may be added rivers, as the Loire, Rhone, with currents exceeding 3 miles and available draught of water 3 to 4 feet... 1 II. P. = 2 to 3 tons at 5 miles. The expense of towing back the empty barges is a heavy item in the cost of transporting coal in this manner on the Ohio; and it is only when they can carry heavy loads, that the business is remunerative, for prices are kept down by the competition of the common barges, or " arks," propelled without the aid of steam. It is generally considered that the system would not pay with a less available draught of water than 6 feet, and hence the traffic is limited to about three months of spring and two of the winter, five months in all. The charge for coal transported in this manner is 2 to 2 -cents per bushel from Pittsburg to Cincinnati, a distance of 480 miles, or 3 to 4 miles, (,-ths to - penny), per ton per mile, and at these rates the business pays well. Some of the tow companies own coal mines, and in such cases the profits are still higher. The coal is shipped on the Monongahela at 3- cents per bushel, towed to Pittsburgh for - cent, thence to Cincinnati for 2 to 2~ cents, and sold there for 8 cents; a striking illustration of the value of water carriage, a commodity of the low value of four shillings per ton being by this means sold with profit, at a distance of 500 miles from the place of production, at an advance of only 250 per cent on its cost price. I cannot here help remarking, both for the purpose of comparison, and for theinformation of those who still believe that rail roads doing a mixed business, and with high speed passenger trains, are sufficient to meet all the requirements of a country like India, where raw products of very low value have to be carried distances of 400 to 1000 miles, that coal raised from mines owned by a Railroad Company in the North of England and placed on the rail at double the price at which it is shipped at Pittsburgh, is carried to London only half the distance it is moved on the Ohio, and then sold at double the cost at the pit's mouth, and this though it is quite an open question whether 60 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS the sale price in London is such as to cover the expense of carriage, or whether this is not met by the profits on other classes of goods traffic. It is evident that this system of towing is only applicable where there is a very large and steady traffic in some one commodity between two points or localities at a considerable distance from each other, and where that trade is a descending one, or as in the case of the Hudson, where a river forms one link in a line of water communication adapted to boats which, whether from their limited size, or from their being unprovided with any suitable means of propulsion, require the aid of steam for the river part of the transit. Wlhere the river trade is of the ordinary mixed description, and, as is generally the case, the through traffic is small compared with the way, and a steamer would have to wait long to make up a cargo, and then have to discharge and ship freight at many different points, this mode of carriage would I e unsuitable. Where a river is entirely in the hands of some one powerful Company, as in the case of the Danube, the system might be applied; but it would inevitably break down under competition o: any open line, with a brisk trade in commodities requiring quick dispatch. The cost of the western river Steamboats is now about 90$ per ton measurement, including machinery. That of the hull varies from 16 to 25$, average 20. The machinery, including- Engines, boilers, " doctor" and " Nigger" Engines and heater, is about 20$ per effective H. P., and as the power is proportioned to the tonages as 1 to 1 on an average, the cost in terms of the steam power is 60$ per H. P. The following are given as specimens of the different classes of Steamers in use on the Mississippi and its tributaries. 1. Highl speed passenger steamers. Oio TELEGRAPH. Tonnage 748. Length 311 feet. Beam 36 feet. Draught loaded 6- feet. 2 Cylinders 30 feet Diameter, 10 feet stroke. Maximum pressure of steam permitted 1461bs. Average do do 1301bs. Point of cut off (-ths stroke. 6 Boilers, 23 feet long, 46 inches diameter. Side Wheels, 36 feet diameter, 13 feet wide. Estimated effective Horse Power 1320. Speed 17 miles in deep water. Has accommodation for 192 cabin, and 350 deck passengers. JACOB STRADER. Tonnage 906. A sister boat of the above, has low pressure engines, using steam of 25 to 40 lbs. OF NORTH AMERICA. 61 Length 332 feet. Beam 37 feet. Draught of water 6 to 7 feet. 2 Cylinders 60 inches diameter, 10 feet stroke. Estimated effective Horse Power 1420. Speed 17 miles in deep water. Has accommodation for 250 cabin and 100 deck passengers. This is the only boat built on the low pressure principle on the western rivers. It was placed on the Ohio some years ago ini the hope of attracting more passengers by its supposed freedom from all danger of explosion. The experiment is not likely to be repeated. 2. Steamers carrying both goods and passengers. Lower Mississippi. Largest class of steamer. CITY OF MEMPHIS. Tonnage 865. Length 293 feet. Beam 44 feet. Draught light 31 feet; with full load,7fcet. 2 Cylinders 32 inches diameter, 8 feet stroke. 6 Cylindrical boilers 30 feet long, 46 inches diameter. Allowed to carry 126 lbs. steam. Boiler proved by hydrostatic pressure to 200 lbs. Wheels 40 feet diameter. Estimated effective Horse Power 1350. Ohio. Largest class of steamer passing through the Louisville locks, Side wheels. A. 0. TYLER. Tons measurement... 420 Do. Capacity... 800 Length 176 feet. Beam 44 feet. Draught light 3 feet 6 inches; loaded, 6 feet to 7 feet. 2 Engines; Cylinders 221 inches diameter, 8 feet stroke. Steam, maximum pressure 138 lbs., cut off at --ths stroke. 4 double flue boilers 26 feet long, 42 inches diameter. Wheels placed in recess in sides of boat, 32 feet diameter, 7 feet wide. Estimated effective Horse Power about 450. 3 Ohio. Largest class of stern twheel steamers. MARENGO. Tonnage 240 -Length 165 feet. Beam 35 feet. Draught light 2 feet 6 inches; fully loaded, 6- feet. 2 Engines, Cylinders 18 inches diameter, 5 feet stroke. Steam, 132 lbs., cut off at |ths stroke. 3 Boilers 24 feet long, 38 inches diameter. Wheel, 20 feet diameter, 25 feet wide. Floats 16 inches deep. Estimated effective Horse Power 213. 62; NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS ALINA Tonnage 312. Length 152 feet, Beam 391" Draught light, 2 feet 2 inches; fully loaded, 7 feet. Tie wheel of this boat is divided into two parts, each worked by two Engines, the object being to facilitate steering by using one wheel only at a time if necessary. There are thus 4 Engines, Cylinders 15 inches diameter, 41 feet stroke. Steam 133 lbs., cut off +-ths stroke. 4 Boilers, 24 feet long, and 38 inches diameter; 2 stern wheels of 23 feet diameter, and 13 feet wide each. Estimated effective Horse Power 260. GLENWOOD. A smaller size stern-wheel steamer, running between Pittsburgh on the Ohio, and Nashville on the Cumberland river, distance 1120 miles. Tonnage 145, Capacity 300 tons. Length 153 feet. Beam 29 feet. Draught light 12 inches; loaded, 3 feet 6 inches. 2 Engines; Cylinders 13 inches diameter, 31 feet stroke. Steam 132 lbs., cut off at 5--ths stroke. 2. Boilers,.2 feet long, 38 inches diameter. Wheel 16 feet diamneter, 27 feet wide. Estimated Effective Horse Power 112. Speed about 8 miles. FoRTUNE. Specimen of lightest class of stern wheel steamer on Ohio. Tonnage 86. Length 121 fe-t. Beam 22 feet. Depth of hold 3 feet 4 inches. Draught light 12 iuches. 2 Engines, Cylilders 10 inches diameter, 31 feet stroke. Steam, maximum pressure 147 lbs., cut off at s5ths stroke. 2 Boilers 20 feet long, and 34 inches diameter. Wheel 13 feet diameter, 161 feet wide. Effective 11. P. about 70. Speed about 8 miles per hour. ALLEGHANY BELLE. A stern wheel, steamer suited to the uavigation of rivers with a fall of 2 or 2~ feet per mile, and currents of 6 to 8 miles per hour. Tonnage 148. Capacity 250 tons. Length 138 feet- Beam 23 feet. Draught light 1 foot 9 inches; loaded, 3 feet 6 inches. 2_Engines; Cylinders 16 inches diameter, 6 feet stroke. OF NORTH AMERICA. 63 Steam, ordinary pressure 1221bs, maximum 150 lbs; cut off at Iths stroke. 3 Boilers, 24 feet long, 36 inches diameter. Wheel 18 feet diameter, and 18 feet wide. Estimated effective Horse Power 290. Speed 11 miles per hour. LIME GREEK. A side-wheel steamer of the very lightest class, suited to goods transport in times of low water. Tonnage 92. Capacity 175. Length on deck 125 feet; on keel 115 feet. Square low and Stern. Beam 22 feet 4 inches. Depth 3 feet 6 inches. Draught, light, 8 inches. Carries 70 tons cargo on a draught of 20 inches. 2 Engines; Cylinders 8 inches diameter; 2 feet stroke. 1 Boiler 18 feet long, 36 inches diameter. Steam probably 1301bs., cut of --ths stroke. Wheels 10 feet diameter, 4 feet 4 inches wide. Speed probably not above 6 miles per hour. Effective H. P. about 30. The distinctive peculiarity of the Mississippi Steamboats is the high pressure at which steam is used. The reports which have reached other countries from time to time of the fearful loss of life and property from explosion on the American rivers have given rise to a very general impression that these accidents are inseparable from the use of high pressure steam, and have operated to its prejudice in a degree which a better acquaintance with the facts of the case would have shewn to be unwarrantable. A brief sketch of the history and present position of the system in America will therefore not be without interest. It appears to have been introduced at an early period in the progress of steam navigation on the western rivers, and though for some years the old low pressure system maintained its ground, it was gradually displaced, owing to the superior advantages in point of lightness and simplicity of machinery presented by its rival. There is no record of any low pressure boats having been built on the western rivers subsequent to 1831; and at the present time there is, it is believed, but one steamer of this description on those waters. This rapid supercession of the old system is altogether opposed to the idea of its superiority in point of safety to the new; and that as then ap. NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS plied it possessed no such advantage is shown by the fact that while out of about 350 steamers built and running on the Mississippi and its tributaries between the years 1814 and 1829, only 52 or one-seventh had low pressure Engines, there were 8 explosions in steamers of this class out of a total of 22 between 1817 and 1831. In other words while the proportion of low to high pressure steamers afloat was as 1 to 7, the proportion of explosions was as 1 to 3, shewing a very decided superiority in respect of safety in favor of the high pressure boats. It is very evident from this, that these accidents were, in those days at least, to be traced to some cause independent of the particular density of the steam employed. They were in fact mainly attributable to the ignorance and carelessness of those entrusted with the construction and management of the boilers. The continued operation of these causes, combined with the rapid increase of the steam flotilla, led at last to such an enormous annual destruction of life and property as compelled the legislature to interfere, and in 1838 a law was passed providing for a general inspection of steamers by competent Engineers, and compelling under certain penalties the adoption of such rules in the construction and working of the boilers as appeared necessary to their safety. The provisions of this act seem to have been altogether insufficient, and in some respects objectionable, and even calculated to increase the very evils they are intended to remove. In 1848, the subject of steam boiler explosions, having previously been very elaborately investigated by a Committee of the Franklin Institute, was brought before the House of Representatives by the Commissioner of Patents in a Report embodying the views of the Committee, and of other scientific and practical men, as to the causes of these explosions, and the best mode of providing a remedy. In this Report a list is given of 233 accidents of this nature subsequent to the year 1816, of which 98 cases, the full details of which had been furnished, are thus classified in reference to their causes. Excessive pressure gradually increased was the cause in.. 16 Cases. The presence of unduly heated metal,................. 16,, Defective construction,................................. 33,, Carelessness or ignorance,.............................. 32 Accidental rolling of the boat,.................... 1,, Total... 98 OF NORTH AMERICA. The several causes thus assigned are still further subdivided as follows:I. Undue pressure within the boiler, the pressure being gradually increased,......... 16 2. Presence of unduly heated metal within a Boiler, In this class are included-. Deficiency of water,........ 14 Deposits,............ 2 3. Defective construction of the boiler and its appendages. In this class are included(Cast Iron boiler head,... 5 Improper ordefec- Inferior Iron,......... tive material... Iron too thin,..... 3 Cast iron boiler,......... 1 LDefective iron in flue,... 1 15 (Want of proper gauge cocks,...... 3 I Defective flue,......... BadWorkmanship.. Extending fire walls,......... 1 Pipe badly constructed,... 1 LWant of slip joint on pipe,...... 1 16 Defective boiler, defect not stated, Total... 33 4. Carelessness or ignorance of those entrusted with the management of the boiler. In this class are included Racing,... Incompetent Engineer... Old boilers, Stopping off water Carelessness, Ott... 6 2.s.... 1,.4... 22 97 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS It will be observed that 66 per cent, or two-thirds, of the whole number of explosions, are distinctly traced to defective construction of the boiler and its appendages, improper or defective material, bad workmanship, and carelessness or ignorance on the part of the Engineer. It is proper here to remark that the term defective construction does not imply any thing objectionable in the form, dimensions, and distribution of the different parts of the boilers; but that, these being assumed to be, as they are, for the most part excellent, there was in the cases specified a departure from the rules universally recognised as essential to the security of these parts of the machinery. But in truth nearly the whole of the accidents included in the list are referable to these causes. Deficiency of water in a boiler can only arise either from inattention on the part of the Engineer, or from an insufficient provision for its supply, while undue pressure in many cases results directly from the rapid evolution of high pressure steam produced by the sudden injection of water upon the heated metal previously exposed to the action of the fire by the too low level of the water within the boiler. It thus appears that almost the whole of these accidents are referable to defective workmanship, the use of bad or improper material such as cast iron, and careless or reckless management, causes which might be present and produce equally disastrous results where steam is used of only half or a third the pressure customary on the Mississippi steamers. There is nothing whatever to shew that steam of 120 and 140 lbs. pressure may not under proper conditions of construction of a boiler, and attention on the part of those in charge of it, be used with the same safety as steam of 40 or 50 lbs. We find precisely the same effects follow similar causes to those above mentioned in England. Explosions there are, ceterisparibus, as disastrous as in America, and are in every case traced to defective construction or bad management; and if experience shews that to one or other of these causes the whole of the accidents happening, to either high or low pressure boilers are in every case attributable, it follows that safety is equally attainable under either system, due regard being had to the form of boiler and strength of material used. The recommendations put forth in the Patent Commissioner's Report were made the basis of an Act " to provide for the better security of the lives of passengers on board of vessels propelled in whole or in part by steam." This act provided for the appointment of an Inspector of Hulls and an Inspector of Boilers at each of the principal ports on the Coast, the Rivers, OF NORTH AMERICA. 87 and the Lakes-the whole being divided into eight Districts with a supervising Inspector to each. The Captain of every steamer carrying passengers, is compelled to make application to these functionaries for the inspection of his vessel when firsL fit for use, and again at least once every year after, and is prohibited, under heavy penalties, from navigating any of the waters of the United States, without a certificate granted by the Inspector that his vessel is in every respect conformable to the provisions of the Law. No Engineer of Pilot is permitted to serve on board such steamers without having previously appeared before a board of Inspectors, and after ex. amination obtained a certificate of fitness for his particular duty. The duties of Inspectors are thus defined:First. " Upon application in writing by the master or owner, they shall, once in every year at least, carefully inspect the hull of each steamer belonging to their respective Districts, and employed in the carriage of passengers, and shall satisfy themselves that every such vessel so submitted to their inspection is of a structure suitable for the service in which she is to be employed, has suitable accommodations for her crew and passengers, and is in a condition to warrant the belief that she may be- used in navigation as a steamer, with safety to life, and that all the requirements of the law in regard to fires, boats, pumps, hose, life-preservers, floats, and other things, are faithfully complied with; and if they deem it expedient, they may direct the vessel to be put in motion, and may adopt any other suitable means to test her efficiency and that of her equipment. Second. "They shall also inspect the boilers of such steamers before the same shall be used, and once in every year thereafter, subjecting them to a hydrostatic pressure, the limit to which, not exceeding one hundred and sixty-five pounds to the square inch for high pressure boilers, may be prescribed by the owner or the Master, and shall satisfy themselves by examination, and experimental trials, that the boilers are well made, of good and suitable material; that the openings for the passage of water and steam respectively, and all pipes and tubes exposed to heat, are of proper dimensions, and free from obstruction; that the spaces between the flues are sufficient, and that the fire line of the furnace is below the prescribed water line of the boilers; and that such boilers and the machinery and the appurtenances may be safely employed in the service proposed in the written application, without peril to life; and shall also satisfy themselves that the 68 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS safety-valves are of suitable dimensions, sufficient in number, well arranged, and in good working order (one of which may if necessary, in the opinion of the inspectors, to secure safety, be taken wholly from the control of all persons engaged in navigating such vessel;) that there is a suitable number of gauge-cocks properly inserted, and a suitable water gauge and steam gauge indicating the height of the water and the pressure of the steam; that in or upon the outside flue of each outside high pressure boiler there is placed in a suitable manner alloyed metals, fusible by the heat of the boiler when raised to the highest working pressure allowed, and that in or upon the top of the flues of all other high pressure boilers in the Steamer such alloyed metals are placed, as aforesaid, fusing at ten pounds greater pressure than said metals on the outside boilers, thereby, in each case, letting steam escape; and that adequate and certain provision is made for an ample supply of water to feed the boilers at all times, whether such vessel is in motion or not; so that, in high pressure boilers, the water shall not be less than four inches above the flue; provided, however, in Steamers hereafter supplied with new high pressure boilers, if the alloy fuses on the outer boilers at a pressure of ten pounds exceeding the working pressure allowed, and at twenty pounds above said pressure on the inner boilers, it shall be a sufficient compliance with this Act. "Third. That in subjecting to the hydrostatic test aforesaid boilers called and usually known under the designation of high pressure boilers, the inspectors shall assume one hundered and ten pounds to the square inch as the maximum pressure allowable as a working power for a new boiler forty-two inches in diameter, made of inspected iron plates at least onefourth of an inch thick, in the best manner, and of the quality herein required, and shall rate the working power of all high pressure boilers, whether of greater or less diameter, old or new, according to their strength compared with this standard; and in all cases the test applied shall exceed the working power allowed, in the ratio of one hundred and sixty-five to one hundred and ten, and no high pressure boilers hereafter made shall be rated above this standard, and in subjecting to the test aforesaid that class of boilers usually designated and known as low pressure boilers, the said inspectors shall allow as a working power of each new boiler a pressure of only three-fourths the number of pounds to the square inch to which it shall have been subjected by the hydrostatic test and found to be sufficient there for using the water in such tests at a temperature not exceeding sixty degrees Fahrenheit, but should such inspectors be of the opinion that said OF NORTH AMERICA. boiler, by reason of its construction or material, will not safely allow so high a working pressure, they may, for reasons to be stated specifically in their certificate, fix the working pressure of said boiler at less than three-fourths of said test pressure, and no low-pressure boiler hereafter made shall be rated in its working pressure above the aforesaid standard; and provided that the same rules shall be observed in regard to boilers heretofore made, unless the proportion between such boilers and the cylinders, or some other cause, renders it manifest that its application would be unjust, in which cases the inspectors may depart from these rules, if it can be done with safety; but in no case shall the working pressure allowed exceed the hydrostatic test, and no valve under any circumstances shall be loaded or so managed in any way as to subject a boiler to a greater pressure than the amount allowed by the inspectors, nor shall any boiler or pipe be approved which is made in whole or in part of bad material, or is unsafe in its form, or dangerous fiom defective workmanship, age, use or any other cause." When the inspection in detail is completed, a certificate to that effect is given by the Inspector to the Collector of the District, by whom two certified copies are delivered to the Master or owner of the steamer. One of these is required to be kept permanently pasted up in some conspicuous place on board. It is also the duty of inspectors to examine the plates of which the boilers are made, to see whether in their judgment they are of suitable material; and all boiler plates are by the law required to be stamped with the names of the makers, and that in such a manner tftat the stamp shall be visible after the plates have been worked into the boiler. Inspectors are empowered to compel the attendance of witnesses by the same process as in Courts of law, to examine them on oath, to suspend or revoke the licenses of pilots and engineers, to enforce certain provisions respecting the number of passengers to be carried by steamers, to recover penalties for detentions on passage, insufficient accommodation, or inadequate provision for the escape of passengers in case of accident. This law, of which the foregoing is but a brief outline, came into operation in 1852. Though capable doubtless of improvement in some of its provisions, it applies as effectual a remedy to the evils and abuses against which it is directed as can be expected from legislative interference in cases of this kind. That its main objects have been attained, and a degree of security imparted to both life and property on American inland navigations, such as was never before enjoyed, is shewn by the marked decrease in the yearly 70 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS number of accidents from explosion of boilers since the Act was first put in force. It appears from a table furnished in the Annual Report of the Supervising Inspectors for 1857, that the number of explosions and loss of life on the western rivers during the five years previous to the passing of the Steamboat Law, was as follows, In 1848, Explosions were 6......Lives lost 141 1849,...,,...,, 8......,,...,, 183 1850...,,...,, 13......,,...,, 284 1851,...,,...,, 5......,,...,, 152 185,...,,...,, 18......,,...,, 395 Total...50 1155 This table, the Inspectors remark, was taken from Lloyd's Steamboat Directory, the best and most reliable authority from which the information could be procured. " It is well known however that even this does not embrace all the dis. " asters that occurred during that time; indeed there are comparatively few " of the collisions and other disasters of the like kind given, and Members of " the Board well remember several very disastrous explosions that took place " which are not enumerated in that work." In the four years subsequent to the passing of the law, the disasters by Explosions were as follows:- * Explosions. Lives lost. In the year ending 1st October...1854... 2... 72,,,...1855... 2... 35,,,,...1856... 2... 14,,,..1857... 1 -.. 11 Total...... 7 132 - WWWW Shewing an average of less than 2 explosions per annum, subsequent to the law coming in force against an average of 10 previously. This comparison however does not fully exhibit the beneficial operation of the Steam boat Law, for it does not express the proportion of accidents to the number of Steamers afloat in each of the twe periods embraced in the statement, and as there was a considerable increase of the steam marine in the latter period, the proportionate decrease of explosions was greater than is here shewn. It is most important also to remark that nearly the whole of OF NORTH AMERICA. 71 the boilers which exploded since 1853, were built previous to the Act coming into force, and therefore not under its provisions. The Inspectors observe: " We are aware of but two explosions of the boilers of a steam boat constructed under the regulations established by the law in 1852." It is worthy of notice also that within the same period at least four explosions of low pressure boilers are recorded, so that the result of the operation of the law hitherto goes a long way towards establishing the fact that under an efficient system of check and supervision, the employment of steam of very high pressure is attended with no greater risks than those incident to the low pres. sures in ordinary use. Admitting however the signal success which has attended this attempt to enforce the use of properly constructed boilers only, as well as the employment of competent Engineers on board steamers, it appears questionable whether the dimensions assumed for the standard boiler, to which all others are to be compared in due proportion to their diameter and the pressure of steam used, are such as to allow a sufficient excess of strength to meet the various contingencies which are inevitable in the ordinary use of boilers, even where the greatest pains are taken to secure efficiency and trustworthi. ness on the part of the Engineers in charge of them. The following table, deduced from the dimensions of the standard boiler on the principle that with the same pressure the thickness of the plates should vary as the diameters, and that with equal thicknesses of plate the pressures should be inversely as the diameters, is the one adopted for the guidance of Boiler Makers and Inspectors. DIAMETER OF BOILERS. Pressure equivalent to the standard pressure for a 42 inch boiler, - inch iron. E Thick. 34 inches in 36 inches in 38 inches in 40 inches in 42 inches in 44 inches in 46 inches in - of Iron. Diameter. Diameter. Diameter. Diameter. Diameter. Diameter. Diameter lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. 1 A 169.85 160.41 151.97 144.37 137.50 131.25 125.54 2 4 158.52 149.72 141.84 134.75 128.33 122.50 117.17 3 147.20 139.03 131.76 125.12 119.16 113.75 10S.80 4 135.88 128.33 121.57 115.50 110.00 105.00 100.43 5 t8 124.55 117.63 111.44 105.87 100.83 96.25 92.06 6 4- 113.23 106.94 101.31 96.25 91.66 87.50 83.69 7 -3 101.91 96.24 91.18 86.62 82.50 78.75 7532 It will be observed that according to this table a 36 inch boiler of i inch iron is allowed a maximum pressure of 128-33 lbs. Now the pressure 72 NOTES ON THI RIVER NAVIGATIONS recommended for such a boiler by Mr. Fairbairn, the highest authority on the subject in England, is 751bs, or 60 per cent only of the American standard. Mr. Fairbairn, calculating the ultimate strength of such a boiler at 4501bs, allows -th of this as the working pressure, whereas the American rule permits rather more than ~th. An American 42 inch boiler to carry a maximum pressure of 1371bs., would be constructed of n-ths iron, and subjected to a testing pressure of 50 per cent. above this or 2051bs. Mr. Fairbairn would build such a boiler of J inch plates, and test it to 7001bs, the ultimate or bursting pressure being calculated at 8091bs. There is an immense discrepancy of opinion here, and a great weight of authority on both sides. It may ultimately be found that the proper dimensions lie somewhere between these two extremes, but nearer to the American than the English standard. On the one hand there seems room for doubt whether in the American calculations sufficient allowance has been made for the weakening effect of the rivetting on the iron plates, and on the other I think that the Engineers of that country object with good reason to subjecting the boiler to a strain approaching to within a fraction of its ultimate strength. When such excessive precaution is used, there will always be the danger of defeating the very object of the test, by permanently weakening the boiler by the extreme severity of the strain put upon it, and there will also be the incidental disadvantage of using a thickness of plate which greatly adds to the weight of the boiler, and which will of course be more liable to burn, from the low conducting power of the material, than a thinner plate. At the same time, even retaining the dimensions of the American standard boiler, there seems no reason why the testing pressure should be limited to only 50 per cent. above the working pressure. The ultimate strength of a 36 inch boiler I inch thick is 4501bs; the pressure allowed by the rule 128 lbs; the hydrostatic test 192 lbs, or 42 per cent of the ultimate strength. Now 24 times the working pressure or 3201bs. as a testing strain would be only 70 per cent of the bursting pressure, which might be safely allowed, and would furnish far more conclusive results as to the trustworthiness of the boiler than the pressure fixed by law. Were this increased precaution adopted, the test applied twice, instead of only once, a year, and a slightly increased thickness of plate adopted, it seems probable that the American boiler might be used with perfect safety. The proportion of explosions to the number of boilers actually in use on the Western rivers appears to be now about '17 per cent, or 1 in 600, which OF NORTH AMERICA. 73 considering that -ths of the accidents which have occurred sinc te the Steamboat Act came into operation have been with boilers not built under the provisions of the law, and that the American iron is much inferior to that used in England, while there is not as yet the same care exercised in its selection, must be admitted to be very strong testimony in favor of the American practice; and it is not likely that in order to gain still greater security than that which may reasonably be expected from the present mode of construction, with some such slight modifications as those above suggested the American Engineers will consent to double at once the thickness of the iron and the weight of their boilers. The cylindrical boiler of the Western river boats possesses the form of greatest strength, and when the diameter is limited as it is there to 28 to 42 inches, combined with two return flues of 12 to 15 inches diameter, the evaporative surface is in a higher proportion to the contents and weight of the boiler than in any other construction, excepting the locomotive. The latter possesses advantages in point of lightness and compactness, which will probably give it the preference wherever the water used is not very highly charged with sedimentary matter, or if effectual means of filtration can be applied. This has recently been tried on the tug steamers of the Oriental Inland Navigation Company, and I believe with some success though it was found that the original dimensions given to the filters were very insufficient. It remains to be seen what addition this appliance makes to the weight of the machinery, and to the space which it occupies, before the superiority of this kind of boiler to the American can be established. The multitubular construction has been tried on the Mississippi, and rejected, as unsuited to muddy water, though no attempt appears to have been made to obviate this difficulty by the use of the filter. For the present it must be regarded as on trial in India, and if found unsuitable will probably give place to some modification of the American flue boiler above described. One very desirable alteration in the latter, if it could be introduced, would be to place the fire within the flues, and so to remove the bottom of the boiler, where sediment must deposit, from the direct action of the flame. It is over the fire that these boilers mostly give way, as might be expected, though the mud receiver placed just behind it, and in the line of the current produced by the cold water which enters at the other end, and flows towards the fire, greatly lessens the danger of the formation of scale or deposit on this part. Closely connected with this part of the subject is the question whether the use of low or high pressure steam is best adapted to Indian river navigation. K 74 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS The superiority of the latter, or high pressure system, appears to me incontestable. In point of simplicity of machinery, and economy of fuel, it possesses advantages which peculiarly recommend it wherever cheapness of motive power, combined with lightness and little liability to derangement in the apparatus for its production and transmission, are the grand desiderata. For light draught steamers high pressure Engines are simply an essential, and even where diminished immersion of a vessel is not of great importance, the reduction of dead or non-paying weight which results from the saving of fuel as well as of the weight of the machinery should always give this class of engines the preference. There are four different ways in which steam is now applied to the propulsion of vessels. 1st. Where it is used at, or a little above, the atmospheric pressure with condensation. 2nd. Where a pressure of 25 to 40 lbs. is combined with condensation and a low degree of expansion, as in the Hudson river steamers. 3rd. Where a pressure of 50 to 60 lbs. is combined with condensation, and a higher degree, - to iths of expansion, as in the French river steamers. 4. Where the condenser is suppressed altogether, and steam of 120 to 150 lbs. is used with an expansion of - to Ard, as in the steamers of the Mississippi and its tributaries. Now the dynamic power, or theoretic work of a given weight of steam used in each of these four different ways is as 15, 26, 35, and 30, or taking that of the first or low pressure condensing system as unity, as 1 to 1*73 2'33, and 2")0, and as the quantity of heat in equal weights of steam at these different densities is very nearly the same, that in a lb. of steam at 120 lbs. pressure being only ~-th more than that in the same quantity at 15 lbs. the question of the relative economy of the different systems is at once disposed of. And as economy of fuel is economy of dead weight or of displacement, the relative applicability, other things being equal, of the different systems to steamers intended for the navigation of shallow rivers is equally clear. It is true that the advantages thus indicated by theory are as yet but imperfectly realized in practice, but it is not difficult to account for the discrepancy. A defective adjustment of the different parts of a boiler'may produce such a waste of heat as will more than neutralize the economy due to the high pressure at which the steam is used, aod the disuse of the steam OF NORTIH AMERICA. 75 jacket, or of some analogous method of preventing the condensation within the cylinder, will in great part sacrifice the economy resulting from expansion. But with properly proportioned boilers, and cylinders protected from loss of heat by radiation, a saving closely approximating to what has been stated is inevitable. Tie apparatus now in use for the employment of high pressure steam may be and confessedly is imperfect; but its defects do not invalidate the theory, which is a simple deduction from the now well ascertained nature and properties of steam, and which points us with certainty to the employment of this agent in a highly concentrated form, for the realization of its full economic value as a motive power. An intelligent and enlightened practice will follow the sure guidance of that theory, and seek to remedy those defects, rather than abandon itself to conclusions and modes of -construction suited only to the state of science and of the mechanical arts in the days of Watt. The leading questions connected with the use of high pressure steam for the propulsion of light draught boats are1st. The degree to which expansion should be carried. 2nd. Whether the steam jacket or some other means of heating the cylinder is necessary. 3rd. Whether it is best to retain or to suppress the condenser. With regard to the first, it should be observed that the disadvantages connected with expansion in this particular case are the increased size and consequent weight of the cylinders required, and the irregularity of the piston's motion consequent on the Varying pressure of the steam upon it. Both these increase with the increase of expansion, but the second is very greatly reduced in degree when two engines are used attached to cranks at right angles with each other, and would appear to be of no consequence even when the steam is cut off at +th of the stroke in the case of two engines coupled in this manner to a paddle shaft, the paddles acting as fly wheels to equalize the motion of the piston.* The capacity which must Note.-It may perhaps be asked why, if the advantages of expansion are so great, the system has not been more fully carried out in the American high pressure river Engines. I never received a very satisfactory answer to the question myself when in that country, but the simple reason seems to be that where the wheels are disconnected, as they are there, the irregularity of the piston's motion would be too great for the momentum of the wheel to counteract if the point of cut-off were less than 4 stroke, especially when starting the Engine. 76 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS be given to the cylinders in order that the same amount of work may be done with each degree of expansion increases in a much higher ratio than the useful effect of the corresponding volumes of steam admitted into the cylinder. Thus taking as a unit the amount of work in a given volume of steam of 120 lbs. pressure, when used without expansion, the corresponding values when it is used with the cut-off at 1, ~th and -th of the stroke will be 1-65, 2-2, and 2*36, while the capacity of cylinder required to give the same dynamic effect in each case will be, 1-2, 1-67, and 2-2, that of the cylinder without expansion being taken as unity. So that while lowering the point of cut-off from Ith to -th gives an increase of --th to the efficiency of the steam, the increase in the capacity and weight of the cylinder required for this purpose is ~th, or nearly 3 times as much, and of course the loss of heat from cooling of the cylinder, or the expenditure of steam required to obviate this defect increases in the same proportion. Hence it appears probable that in light draught steamers about ~th or }th the stroke will be found the most suitable point of cut-off. With regard to the use of the steam jacket: While there is no doubt that the full effect of condensation cannot be obtained without some such appliance, and the additional weight it involves would be more than compensated for by the consequent saving in weight and consumption of fuel, it is probable that the use of super-heated steam will obviate the necessity for it altogether. As to the condenser: Its use even with steam of very high pressure will always be attended with a certain saving of fuel and therefore of dead weight to be carried, but the economy thus effected will of course be in a less and less ratio to the total consumption as the pressure at which the steam is used increases. Thus while the amount of work in a given weight of steam of 45 lbs. pressure expanded one-half is increased by the use of the condenser in the proportion of 19 to 30, or 63 per cent, the increased efficiency due to the same appliance in a given quantity at 120 Ibs, expanded five-fold, is as 41 to 52 or 27 per cent. It thus appears that while condensation is attended with a notable saving of fuel even when applied to steam of very high pressure, and might be used with great advantage where this is the grand desideratum, it may be dispensed with at a less sacrifice of economy the higher the pressure of the steam. This is an additional argument in favor of high pressure engines on Indian rivers, where the inconveniences connected with the use of muddy OF NORTH AMERICA. 77 water for condensation are aggravated by the higher temperature of the water itself, and the consequent increased volume required to absorb the same quantity of heat, as compared with that of the rivers of temperate climates, and where the utmost simplicity in the machinery is of consequence. Upon the whole it appears to me that the increased liability to injury which the use of the condenser involves, especially in cases of a vessel running aground, a common occurrence on shallow rivers, render it geneally inapplicable in this country, but that if any means of obviating these disadvantages can be found, its use may in some cases be attended with important economy of weight, when used with steam of high pressure, and when two or more days' consumption of fuel must be carried on board. Practice, in this particular, may vary on different rivers, according to the available draught of water, the quantity of sediment held in suspension, the description and price of fuel used, whether coal or wood, and the number of days' consumption which must be carried on board. Similar considerations will also determine the pressure at which steam is to be used in each case, whether at 60 lbs. 80, or 100 and 120 lbs. Where the condenser is suppressed, 100 or 110 lbs. will probably be found, all things considered, the most economical working pressure. The following table shews that up to this limit increased density is attended with a large and important increase of efficiency, but that beyond it where expansion is limited to five times the initial pressure, as we have seen reason to believe it should be, the gain is in a much lower degree.,Z TTheoretic work in ll Pressure of. equal weights of steam, steam. o that at 60 lbs. o being taken as 100. ( 2 S 60 lbs. a 100 0 0 75,, 1 115 15 15 90,, 131 31 16 105,, I 147 47 - 16 120,, 156 56 9 120,, 160 60 4 As the increase of heat in the steam in the two last cases is 1"4 per cent., the net gain in them is reduced to 7-6 and 2-6 per cen only. It is 78 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS matter of calculation whether this will not be more than balanced by the disadvantages attending the increased weight of the machinery With these remarks I dismiss the subject of Indian river steamers. The fundamental question in regard to them is the description of engine to be used, whether low or high pressure. The build of the hull, its size, the material to be used whether iron or wood, the internal fittings, the mode in which cargo should be carried, whether on board or in barges, the mode of towing adopted, &c., will all vary with almost every river according to its physical characteristics and the nature of the trade. I may remark however in conclusion that, with regard to the material of the hull, while iron will generally be preferred to wood, it is questionable whether where high speed is the object sought, wood coppered may not have the advantage, in spite of the somewhat increased draught, as presenting a smoother surface to the water, and so reducing the friction which at high speeds seems to be a principal element in the resistance. Our knowledge of the dynamics of floating bodies is still obscure, and the part which surface friction plays in the total resistance has not been determined. Recent investigations however shew that the friction of copper in water is much less than that of painted iron and painted wood, and if, as there is reason to believe, with very fine lines the resistance of friction is much greater than that due to displacement, the substitution of wood coppered for iron would greatly augment the speed. The specimens before given of the different classes of steamers in use on the Mississippi and its tributaries will furnish useful hints in regard to goods steamers for Indian rivers. The stern wheel boats are especially deserving of consideration.* Note. -The views here expressed differ from those of the Commission appointed in 1857 by the Government of India to investigate the question of the best description of steamer for the Indus and other Indian rivers. The Commissioners in their Report recommend condensing engines working at 16 to 18 lbs. pressure, and reject high pressure engines as being heavier, consuming more fuel, and as having been tried on the Ganges, but found unsuccessful. The last objection is surprising as only a few paragraphs before it is stated that engines of this description, viz., working at 60 lbs. are in use on the Rhone, a more muddy river than the Ganges. It is true the condenser is used in the former case, but it is hard to see why if high pressure engines with condensation succeed on the one river, they should when simplified by the suppression of this adjunct, fail on the other. Moreover, if experience is to be the test of efficiency, that of the comparatively few steamers running on the Ganges is of little weight compared with that of the hundreds which swarm on the Mississippi and its tributaries, There the low pressure system was OF NORTH AMERICA. 79 CHAPTER VI. COST OF CARRIAGE. The charges for transport on the American rivers are as variable as thle seasons, the physical characteristics of the different rivers, the available draught of water on each, and the average time during which it is navigable. The limits between which they vary have however been reduced since the introduction of railroads, which by their competition place a check upon the river prices, ard by affording a means of transport at those times of the year when drought or frost has closed the water lines, prevent those excessive fluctuations in the demand for carriage which were inevitable when the rivers monopolized the traffic of the country. The railroads however act upon the same principle as their rivals, of regulating their charges by the demand, and an increase of 20 to 50 per cent. on thier ordinary rates is quite common at those times of the year when the river or canal Companies are compelled by the climate to suspend operations. Hence, there are still considerable variations in the prices of carriage throughout the country generally whether by land or water. also tried, and so entirely rejected, that there is now but one boat on this principle on the whole of those rivers. With regard to the other two points, weight and consumption of fuel, the Commissioners in comparing the two classes of engines, altogether ignore the effect of expansion. The case is supposed of an engine working with steam of 80 lbs. pressure unexpansively, and the result arrived at is that the boiler must be much heavier than one generating steam of 16 lbs., and must consume one-eighth more fuel. The Commissioners subsequently express a doubt of the economy of great expansion without the aid of the steam jacket, but they cannot question the fact of the great saving, even without this appliance, with such moderate amounts of expansion as those in common use. No man now-a-days would think of using 80 lbs. of steam unexpansively unless weight of machinery and expense of fuel were matters of indifference; and if the reasonable supposition be made that the steam in the case supposed is cut-off at 4 or 3ths the stroke, the whole of the Commissioners' reasoning falls to the ground, and their conclusions are directly reversed. The Commissioners also state that by dispensing with the condenser, a great addition is made to the quantity of fuel burned, which is true, as has been above shewn, for any but very high pressures, but they altogether lose sight of the fact that by the use of atmospheric instead of high-pressure steam a very much heavier waste of fuel is involved. 80 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS The following table, extracted from a Report by the Superintendent of the Western rivers Improvements for the year 1857, gives the ordinary rates for passenger and goods transport on the principal rivers. CHARGES FOR CHARGES FOR GOODS. PASSENGERS. Distance Per ton Per ton Per head Per head Miles. Dollars. Mile. Dollars. Per Mile. Mills. Mills. 1400 6-00 4*3 5-00 3-6 Down Ohio & Mississippi. 580 6*00 10-0 3-00 5-0 Up & down Ohio & U.Mississippi. 618 6*00 9-0 3-0 4-6Up Ohio. 160 3-00 19-0 1-00 6-3 do. do. 523 3*50 6-8 2-00 3-8 do. do. 1300 6-00 4-6 5-00 3-8 Down Mississippi. 692 10*00 14-2 5*00 7-0 Up Upper Mississippi. 25.0 5-00 1-00OUp Missouri. 290 5-00 17-0 2-00 7-0 Up Illinois. 650 5*00 7 -7 5-00 7-7 do. Mississippi. 400 3-00 7-5 2-00 5-0 do. do. 586 4-00 7-0 3-00 5-0 do. do. 991 5-00 5-0 4-00 4-0 do. do. 960 10,00 10-4 8000 8-0 Unknown. 1208 12-00 10-0 8-00 6-6 Mississippi and Arkansas. 1027 10-00 9-8 8.00 8-0 Missouri and Arkansas. 180 3 00 17.0 100 5-6 Up Upper Mississippi. 660 13-00 20-0 6-00 9-0 do. do. 470 6-00 12-5 5-00 10-0 Up Illinois. 375 5-0() 13-5 3-00 80 do. do. 622 7-00 113 4-00 6 5 do. do. 872 12-00 12-5 6*00 6-7 do. do. 325 5*00 15-6 3-00 9-8 Tennessee. 263 5-00 19-0 2-00 8O 0Up Cumberland. 400 5-00 12-5 2-50 6-2 Up Ohio. 560 6-00 10-7 300 5-8 do. do. 643 6-00 9-3 3-00 4-6 do. do. 910 7-00 7-7 4-00 4-4 do. do. 1005 7-00 7.0 5001 5-0 do. do. NAME OF RIVER. WHEAT. d. a a k H A P.4 P.4 s. d.I d. AND GROCERIES. -- FLOUR. 4 0 P., is. di. d. IRON NAI 0 Ps. cd. 9-4 14-0 18-8 18-8 L GROCERIES. LS. +2 --) -4J d, s. d. d. -25 11-8 -29 27514-0 275 P.4 P.4 PI ci. Is. d. dl. ~25111-8 -21 ~275 14-0 ~2Th DaY GOODS. 4a H1 H1 0 o 4C k Gc DL s. d. d. 14-0.35 ti-Ul GROFLOUR. CERIES. s. d. d. s. d!. 7-0 175 70 0 0 0 P.4 s. d. I i -lO a C-C P.4 d. COTTON. Ohio. Pittsburghand Cincinnati. Pittsburgh and Louisville. Ohio & Lower Mississippi: St. Louis to Wheeling.. Ohio and St. Louis Cincinnati to St. Louis. do. New Orleans Memphis to Cincinnati... Lower Missiasippi. St. Louis to New Orleans Memphis to New Orleans Missouri. St. Louis to St. Joseph... Do. to Sioux City. Upper Mississippi and Illinois. St. Louis to St. Paul St. Lawrence....... Hudson......... FLOUR AND WHEAT. 0 s. d. 12-6... 480... 610. 6 P--4 P-1 d..14... Salt. -06 Salt. 13 1190 710 1550 750 1240 800 552 1000 800 100 to 200 160 19-0 145 *145 13-0... 610... 111 *14... 9 0 28-0 23-0,28 -40 17-0U 37-0................. 15-0 -145 15-0 145 17-0 Cotton 18-9 28 13-0 '19 18-9 11-0 *9 11-0 '90 3-9 -28 for all classes -16... - -28 18-9 '33.,37............. 23-0 '40. o......... 23-4 '18....~........-S... 18-8 -18. 18-9i 28..... 37-0 *80.so..... 93-0 112.o..., 47-0 -70....17-0 130.............I~~ o - CD M CD a, )-ft FC-.. c. 0 - 0 0C - CD - CD CD -r cD 0 o C D D CDCD cnc Ct- D eCS C CD rtr CI) -CID CD En c E. ~ a, o CD C C U) " CI) o th ~" CD CD ccCD 00 m "1~ 0+ CD "18 CDt r "1r.c 2-80I -45 45. at low water. 0 z 0 -i 0 c-c Note.- The charges per ton are given in shillings and pence, and those per ton per mile in fractions of a penny. 82 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS From these two tables, the following have been deduced. The first shows the ordinary charge per passenger per mile, and for goods per mile, both up and down stream on the several rivers, which for simplicity are arranged in the three classes to which their peculiar characteristics in reference to their capabilities for navigation respectively assign them. Lower Mississippi (viz., that river from St. Louis to New Orleans), Ohio, and Upper Mississippi and other tributaries. The second table exhibits the charges, on the several rivers, for different descriptions of goods according to the ordinary classification. U DOWN. 100 200 300 450 650 9001... 100 to to to to to to 1200 to 200 300 400 650 900 10001... 1400 Passengers. Lower Mississippi......... 0-28... 0"25...... 1020... 0-185 Ohio............. 0315...... 0"235 0-23 0-25... Upper Mississippi and Tributaries...... 0-375 0-45 0-38 0-34 0"40 0-33 Goods. Lower Mississippi......... 0S85... 0-375...... 0-25... 0222 Ohio............... 0-85...... 0-45 0-46 0-35. Upper Mississippi and Tributaries... 0-90 0"70 0'68 0-67 0-49 0-50 LOWER MISSISSIPPI. 1. Coal and Minerals. -07d. distances of 1,500 to 2,000 miles. 2. Iron, Castings, Nails, 0l16d. to 0"28d. according( &c., glass and other to distance. weighty articles of low value. Flour......................... 0-10 to 0'19 a. d. according to distance. Wheat, Indian corn, and 0-145 to 0"28 a. d. grain generally. All agricultural products 0-16 to 0-28 a. d. not of very high value; animal products, meat salted and fresh, cheese, lard, &c. LIVE STOCK, Beef cattle.............. 16 to32 per hd.) Carried Horses and mules.......... 16 to 28,, 1,300 Sheep and hogs........ 2 to 5,, miles. Cotton, Tobacco in bulk, 0-16 to 0-40 a. d. Sugar. Merchandise, Groceries, 0-25 to 0-85 a. d. &c. Dry goods, as cottons, ha- 0-28 to 0-85 a. d. berdashery, and bulky goods of high value. OHIo. ~058d. to -072 by steam, 0*072 without steam, distances of 400 to 600 miles. 0 -20 to 0"3 according to distance. 0"14 to 0-20 do. do. 0 175 to 0'30 do. do. 0"20 to 0'275 do. do. 0"25 to 0-40 do. do. 0-275 to 0-85 do. do. 0'33 to 0e85 do. do. UPPER MISSISSIPPI AND TRIBUTARIES. 0-50 to 0-90 according to distance. 0-25to 040do. do 1, to 3 times the Ohio prices. do. do. do. do. i I Note.--The ratee in these two tables are given in fractions of a penny. OF NORTH AMERICA. 83 These prices do not include insurance, which from the high rates chargeed in consequence of the liability to accidents from the neglected state of the rivers, forms an important item in the cost of transporting the more valuable commodities. The rates of insurance on the Ohio and Mississippi areFor distances of 500 miles............ per cent., of 750 to 1,000,, J,, of 1,000 to 1,500,, 1 For the other tributaries, the charges are increased in proportion to the risks of each navigation. For the Missouri for instance, as well as the Arkansas, Red river, and others like them, swarming with snags, the rates of the insurance are double and treble those of the Mississippi. In order to show the actual expense of transport on the Western rivers, it will be necessary to include this item. The following table, prepared for this purpose, shews for each of the different classes into which goods are usually divided, the steam charges, insurance, and total cost of transport. Insurance is calculated on the average values of the goods composing each class, which have been deduced with care from price lists and other commercial statistics obtained in the Western cities, as well as from the valuable reports of the New York canals. __ __ I \- I I DaISCRIPTIOW OF GooDs. 0 o cac LOWER MISSISSIPPI. 300 to S0 300miles. 00 700tol,000 miles. Insurance Insurance Insurance Ipecnt Sper cent. 1 per cent. s Do D. 0 P, 0 4.C 0 Cdt o w CS - W." $-, Cek ~ 0 Ce 0 45Fre~ - H H~L~ Dolls Dolls. Dolls Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. I I I a Iron, Castings, glass and weighty articles of low value... Flour........... Grains generally... Agricultural and animal products not of high value a Do. of higher value, as Cheese, Lard, Butter, &c..... Cotton... Merchandise, Groceries.. Dry goods of high value...... Dolls. 60-00 45-00 35-00 100-00 200-00 225-00 1 2 0.9 0.7 8.5 8-0 10.0 9.7 8 90 10-7 2-01 10-0 12 0 40 4.5 250-00 5-0 to 400-0 8-0 500.0110.0 to 2)000 40-0 12.0 12-0 12-0 12-0 15.0 to 22-0 16-C 16.5 17-5 20-5 25 - 62*5 2-4 1-8 1-4 4-0 80 90 10*0 16.0 20-0 80-0 13-0 160 12-0 12-0 14-0 13-0 21-0 21-0 21,0 to 30-0 15-4 17-8 13-4 16'0 22-0 22-0 31.0 37-0 41-0 110-0 OHIO. 300 t~o 500 10ito00 700to 1,000miles miles. Insurance Insurance Inspaence Sper cent. 1 per cent. 12 95 107 24 160 18 4 0 9 8-0 8 -9 1*8 12 0 13 8 07 12r0 127 14 4 140 154 20 11 0 13 0 4 P0 170 21 0 4-0 13*0 17-0 8-0 21-0 29 0 Dols. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. 415 12-0 1605 90 2160 3010 0-9 8-0 8 -9 1 -812-0 13-8 o-7 12-0 12-7 104 114-0 15-4 2- 11-0 13.0 4*0 17,0 21-0 4-0 13-0 1 17-o 8*0 21-0( 29-0 4-51 12*0 116-5 9*0 21-0 30-0 5-0 140 19-0 10 1)... 330 8-0 14-0 220 16*0 23-0 39-0 10-0 15-0 25-0 20-0 28-0 48-0 40-0 250 65-0 80-0 35-0 115-0 4-01 22-0 2-4 1-8 1-4 8-0 9-0 10-0 16-0 20-0 26-0 24-0 28-0 28-0 30-0 300 to 500GO m iles. Insurance 1 per cent. 0 54 E1 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. 19.0 16-0 24-0 21-4 17-8 25-4 26-4 34-0 33-0 38-0 44-0 50-0 125-0 700 to 1,000 miles. Insurance 2 per cent. 0oPl Dolls. Doll. Dolls. UPPER MISSISSIPPI AND TRIBUTARIE8. 4-8 3-6 2-8 801 34-0 16.0 18-0 20-0 32-0 40-0 160-0 42-0 42-0 46-0 46'0 56,0 65-'0 32-0 24,0 28-0 36.8 27-6 30-8 42-0 58-0 60.0 66-0 78*0 96-0 225-0 18001 45-01 _ _ -- I 180-0 4501 OF NORTH AMERICA. 85 It is important to remark in reference to this table that the rates therein given are those at which the great mass of the goods are moved. It has already been explained that the steam charges vary greatly. They oscillate in fact between rates 30 per cent. less, and 250 per cent. more, than those here given. It would be a great mistake to take the mean of these extremes as the average cost of transport; the true means are those here given, being the prices at which by far the greater part of the movement of goods is effected. It willbe observed that insurance increases the cost of transport by river 10 per cent. in the case of goods of low value; 20 to 30 per cent. in the case of goods of medium value; and 50to 300 per cent. in the case ofgoods of great value. This explains why such a rude classification of goodsis still in force among the river carriers, and why there is so little difference between the rates for the carriage of goods of such low value as flour and grain, and those for the most costly commodities. The insurance swallows up a large portion of the carrier's profit, and compels him to lower his charges to a degree which leaves him no more profit on the transport of valuable than of cheap goods. For instance, the freight on merchandise,groceries,and dry goods, is only from 20 to 50 per cent. higher than on grain and flour, whereas by railway the difference is 70 to 100 per cent. This is one way in which the neglect of river improvement acts so injuriously upon the interests of the river carriers. It will be interesting to compare the rates of river carriage, thus enhanced by the insurance charges, with those by rail, in order to form some idea of the comparative value of the two modes of transport in the conditions in which they now exist in America. The following table prepared for this purpose, shows, for each of the three classes into which I have divided the Western rivers, 1st, the cost per ton per mile, insurance included, of goods transport by river a distance of 500 miles, contrasted with the cost by rail on aths that distance or 375 miles, that being about the average proportionate lengths of river and railroad lines connecting the same termini; and, 2nd, the same for a distance of 1,000 miles of river, and 750 of rail. Class of CLASS OF RIVER. Classof goods. Lower Mississippi,............ 1st S................... 2nd S................ 3rd Ohio,.................... 1st S................. 2nd,............... 3rd Upper Mississippi and Tributaries...... 1st S.................. 2nd,,............... 3rd COST OF CARRIAGE. River Railroad River IRailroad 500 375 1,000 750 miles. miles. miles. j miles. 10 31 15 47 17 47 25 78 36 62 62 94 14 31 17 47 17 47 31 78 38 62 67 94 22 31 34 47 35 47 61 78 73 62 130 94 86 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS The goods are here divided into three classes for convenience sake, the first comprehending all of a ~25 value and under, the second all from ~50 to ~60, and the third all from ~100 to ~500. It will be observed that the costs of transport as given in the preceding tables admit of a classification in this simple form without material error. The rail road rates are taken at 1 penny, lid. and 2d. for a distance of 500 miles, and Id., 1ld. and 1Id. for 1,000 miles. These certainly cannot be objected to as excessive. They are in fact below the average, and there can be little doubt below what are really remunerative. I adopt them rather than enter into a discussion of the vexata questio of what rates are really remunerative. The results exhibited by this table are as follows:1st. That for the first or lowest class of goods, the cost by rail is 300 per cent. of that by the Lower Mississippi, 220 per cent that by the Ohio, and 140 per cent. that by the other tributaries. 2nd. That for the second class, the cost by rail is 300 per cent. that by the Mississippi, 260 per cent. that by the Ohio, and 130 per cent. of that by the other tributaries. 3rd. That for the third or most valuable class of goods, the cost by rail is 140 per cent. of that by the Mississippi, 130 per cent. that by the Ohio, and 72 to 85 per cent. of that by the other tributaries. Hence it is only in the last case, viz., rivers with considerable fall, utterly unimproved, passing through thinly populated countries, and more or less dangerous to navigate, that the cost of transport exceeds that by rail under the most favorable circumstances. It might at first be supposed from these figures that the river carriers could have nothing to fear from the competition of the rail roads, but such has been far from being the case. It is impossible under any circumstances that two such powerful antagonists should come into conflict with each other without mutually inflicting immense injury, and the extreme recklessness of consequences with which competition is carried on in America greatly aggravates this result. But where the advantages of enormous capital, unbounded credit, and power of combination, are all on one side, there must be a vast preponderance of inherent force on the other to stand such odds. The water lines of America have to withstand the competition of rail roads competing with one another, and, in the general scramble for traffic, lowering these prices to a degree ruinous to all. The internecine warfare waged between the rail roads inflicts as much injury on the canals and rivers as on themselves; and if in such a contest, against such odds, the water lines have on OF NORTH AMERICA. 87 the whole been able to hold their own, it shows that they must possess intrinsically a very important superiority of cheap carrying power. The steam boat interest on the Western rivers has unquestionably suffered in some respects from the competition of the railroads. Wherever the two have come into direct conflict, the railroad has always deprived the river of the greater part of the passenger traffic. It is true the steamers carry at the rate of 1 cent. per head per mile, while the railroad charge is twice or three times as great; but in a country where money is of such low value, where the common labourer's pay is a dollar a day, the highest of these rates is so very cheap in proportion to the means of the people, that the superior speed which it affords gives it the preference in a large majority of cases, especially in the case of upstream traffic. Again, the superiority of the river to the rail in the carriage of goods of high value is not so great as the foregoing figures would seem to shew. In a young country like America, where a large proportion of the trade in articles of this kind, such for instance, as the grocery and dry goods trade, is in the hands of dealers of small capital, speed of transport possesses an unusual value. To such dealers quick returns are absolutely essential. They cannot make large purchases, and wait long for the receipt of them, they must buy in small quantities and sell as soon as possible. Hence, the interest on the capital invested in the goods moved, which ordinarily forms a very small item of the whole cost of transit, may in these cases become a heavy charge upon it, and make it worth while to pay a much higher rate for the gain of a few days time. Such at least is unquestionably the principle on which most men act, though it may not always be possible to shew that the real gain is as great as is supposed. In thus multiplying as it were the available capital of the country, the railways confer one of their most important benefits, and take as their rightful heritage the trade which formerly flowed through other channels. They have however taken far more of this description of traffic from the canals than from the rivers, as might be supposed. The railroads of the Western states have also diverted northwards to New York. by the line of the Lakes and New York canals and railroads, a portion of the trade which otherwise must have found its vent by the Ohio and Mississippi at New Orleans. They have in fact greatly extended the area of the trade basin of the Lakes and Erie canals. Flour, pork and whiskey, may now be sent to New York from the bank of the Ohio at Cincinnati direct by lake, rail and canal, instead of round by N.ew Orleans, or through to Philadelphia and Baltimore from Pittsburgh and Wheeling. The rates are in 883 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS fact in favor of the Northern route instead of that through the Gulf of Mexico and up the coast, and the railroads of Ohio and Illinois drain a great amount of produce in that direction. On the other hand, the immense impetus which the railways have given to trade and to commercial enterprize generally, has necessarily re-acted upon the water lines. While a division of the traffic to a certain extent has taken place, the aggregate has immensely increased. There are no signs of any falling off of the river trade, and the boat building business is as brisk as ever. The tonnage of steamers and barges built at Cincinnati averaged 7,900 per annum in the six years, from 1816 to 1851, and 8,490 in the subsequent five years. At Pittsburgh the number of steamers built was In 1852............70,, 1853.......... 78, 1854............83, 1855............72,, 1856............59 The business of 1856, in consequence of the unusually low stage of water which prevailed in the Ohio, and the great depression of trade owing to the commercial failures of that year, was reckoned to be about one-third less than it would otherwise have been. In 1857 commerce revived, and it was estimated that by the close of that year, there would have been completed at that port 84 steamers of a value of $ 1,840,000, besides a large number of barges and coal boats. Thus it is certain that the river trade is as great and important as it ever has been, in spite of the loss of a large portion of the passenger and a part of the light goods traffic on some lines. It is only by taking advantage of the interruptions caused by the seasons, and which art has as yet done nothing to remedy, that the railroads are able to abstract a part of the traffic. At all other times, the steam boat rates for any considerable distances are unapproachable, and the through traffic by rail bears consequently no proportion whatever to that by water. The following statistics for the year 1856-57, furnish some curious illustrations of these remarks. That year was one of disaster throughout the country. The commercial panic of the autumn, and the subsequent great depression of trade, were felt throughout every department of industry. The general stagnation of business told upon the traffic of every line of transit, whether land or water; but in the case of the river carriers of the Ohio, these evils were aggravated by the long continued drought of the OF NORTH AMERICA. 89 autumn and winter months, and the consequent low stage of water which prevailed throughout three-fourths of the year. For 200 days or 6j months, from the 14th May to 1st December, the river was too low to run coal fromt Pittsburgh. It was also frozen over the whole of January, and not a single steamer arrived at Cincinnati from Pittsburgh till the 13th February. This then was a year when a great amount of the legitimate river traffic must have been thrown into the hands of the railways. Yet it is instructive to note, how even at such an enormous disadvantage the steamers still retained the great bulk of the traffic, and not only so, but that their rates were so far below those of the railroads that they fluctuated between very wide extremes. Cincinnati is the centre from whence diverge six or eight important lines of railroad. It has direct connexion by this means with the Lakes at Toledo, and so with the Erie canal, or through by rail the whole way to New York. It has similar connexion by Pittsburgh and the Pennsylvania Central with Philadelphia, and by Marietta and the Baltimore and Ohio road with Baltimore. By the Kentucky central railroad, it drains the produce of that state, by three or four others it receives the surplus of Ohio, and in the year under notice the opening of the Ohio and Mississippi railroad placed it in direct communication with St. Louis. Cincinnati has also at least two distinct lines of rail to Pittsburgh in, the normal condition of American roads, furious competition. The following statement of the tonnage and commerce of Cincinnati for the years 1.856-57 is extracted from a Return in the report of the Secretary of War for that year. It was furnished by the Superintendent of the Merchants Exchange. Tonnage and value of Commerce of Cincinnati for fiscal year. IMPORTS. EXPORTS. TOTAL. Tons. Value. Tcns. Value. Tons. Value. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. By river,........ 713,346 67,310,102 449,6 3 50,322,160 1,162,976 117,632,262 By canals, 8..... 82,284 7,886,134 24,360 2,870,149 106,644 10,756,283 By railroads,...... 91,360 9,785,321 54,12 5,1 5,102,640 145,480 14,887,961 Total... 886,990 84,981,557 528,110 58,294,949 1,415,100 143,276,506 - V NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATI ONS It appears from this table, that the imports and exports by the river steamers were 1,162,976 tons against 145,480 by the railroads, or in the proportion of 8 to 1. In addition to this, the receipts by flat boats amounted to 734,000 tons, making the total of thle river trade 1,896,976 tons, or i u the proportion of 13 to 1 of tlhe railroads. What portion of the whole railway traffic belolnged to the two lines to Pitisburgh, there are no means of judging'; it was certaintly only a small fraction of the whole. If we take it at 40,000 tons, we shall certainly not be below the truth. Tl:e returns furnished by the Board of Trade and Commerce of Cincinnati in their Annual Report for 1856-57 supply the means of approximating closely to the trade of that city witil Pittsburgh. The arrivals and departures of steamers aggo'regOte 778, an&d the average load would appear to be about 200 toens, making a total export and import of 155,600 tons, being four-fold that by the railroads, and as the same report informs us that these roads cartied coal that year in conszcquence of the complete suspension of the supplies by the Oihio, the imports of this article as well as of timber may be added for the purpose of comparison. We have thus 845,600 tons by river against 40,000 by rail, or 21 times as much. The conclusions wlhich this comparison would at first sighlt seem to warrant must not be strained too far. 'The railroads are as yet yourng. T'hey have been only a few years in existence. They are all, or nearly a!l single lines, and their capacity for traffic is small. Yet, makilg allowance for these defects, it is nevertheless remarkable that a city, placed as Cincinnati is in direct communication by rail with the t1hree great commercial centres of the Atlantic coast, as well as with the most importnit towns of the west, should export and import by half a dozen railroads a tonnage so utterly insignificant in comparison of that by river, as these firgares shlew it to be. If we assume that onle-half of the whlole export and import trade was with the Atlantic cities, the other half with the towns of the interior, tlien the former is only equal to that by the river with the single city of New Orleans, which would appear from the records of the arrivals and departures of steamers alone to amount to 63,000 tons; and only two-fifths of that with St. Louis which amounted to.192,000 tons. And again, we have the important fact that that two railroads in direct competition with th e river and one another only succeeded in obtaining about on:e-fifthl of tl:e whole steam traffic between Cincinnati and Pittsburgh, in a year of extraordinary embarrassment to the navigation; while their through tonnage is a mere fraction of that of all classes of goods by OF NORTH AEERICA. 91 the river. It appears too from the list of freights each week of that year, given in the Report of tile Chamber of Commerce, that the railway rates exercised so little restraint on those of the steamers, that the latter varied betweenl 10 and 20 cents. for a barrel of flour, and bethwecu 35 and 75 cents. for a barrel of whiskey, whlile at tlhe conmmnccemelnt of the sprilg season, after a six weeks total stoppage of navigaxtion, whlen the supply of carriage by river ought to lhave been greatly in excess of the demand, if the railway hlad afforded sufficient vent to the trade, the rates of freight opened at.22. anlld 90 cents. I must not however pursue this subject further here, but pass on to consider, The effect which the neglected state of th:e rivers has upon the prices of carriage, and the extent to which these might be reduced by an efficient system of improvement. There are three ways in which the natural defects of, the navigable way operate on prices1st, by raising the rates of Insurance on both steamers and goods. 2nd, by increasing the charges for interest, repairs, and depreciation. 3rd, by increasing the expense of Transport by an amount sufficient to cover the cost of keep of boat and crew during the season of the year when navigation is impracticable. We have already seen the influence which the high rates of Insurance demanded on the Western rivers exercise on prices, increasing them from 10 to 300 per cent. and depriving the carrier of a large part of his legitimate profit on the transport of goods of h]igh value. The Insurance on tile steamers tlhemselves is yet higher, and tends still more to enliance thle cost of carriage. The dangers from snags, collisions, fire, and until late years of explosion, are such that the average life-time of a Western steamer is only five years. The capital invested has consequently to be repaid with interest in this time, and an Insurance can only be effected at correspondingly high rates. The losses from snags have already been noticed. To the disgrace of the United States Government, it must be stated that about 70 per cent. of the whole of the accidents on the Western rivers are owing to this cause. In 1857, the total number of accidents were 63, of which--. NOTES ON THBR IVBER NAVIGATIONS Snagged and sunk................................. 40 Burnt......................................... 8 Collisions..................................... 8 Lost by Ice........................................ 3 Snagged but not sunk........................... 2 Grounded....................................... 1 Exploded............................................. 1 Total......... 63 A few years before, out of a total of 85 wrecks on the Western rivers, 47 were caused by snags, and 11 by rocks; 64 per cent. of the whole occurred on the Ohio and Mississippi, the two lines of greatest traffic. There would appear to be about 500 steamers running on these two rivers, so that the loss that year amounted to 12 per cent. This is exclusive of the wrecks from collisions and the other causes enumerated. In 1857, the losses from snags were 70 per cent. of those from all other causes. We may safely assume then that at least 60 per cent. of the risks attending the navigation of the Western rivers might be at once removed by a little energetic action on the part of the Government. But a machine like the Federal Government of the United States is slow to move in any matter that does not excite very general attention, and on which the popular will is not very strongly pronounced. It only acts under high pressure, and to set it going in a matter of this kind where the interests of a large part of the States are concerned, it is necessary that the community generally should be enlightened on the subject, and made to feel the necessity for action. But it is almost impossible now for any advocate of river improvement to obtain a hearing in Congress. The introduction of the subject would lead to a count out as surely as that of India in the House of Commons. The thoughtless multitude who know not, nor are at the pains to consider the real value of their magnificent water communications, are but too faithfully represented in the halls of the representative assembly. Railway influence is supreme. " It is notorious," say the Canal Commissioners of New York, " that railroad influences have controlled the legislation of this State, when they pleased to do so, at any time since the Consolidation of 1853." "The Railway monopolies of Pennsylvania," says the OF NORTH AMERICA. 93 Auditor of the Canal Department of New York in his report of 1857, " have crushed out the public works of that State." What more striking proof could we have either of the profound ignorance and apathy of the public generally, or of the predominance of some sinister influences at Washington than the fact that the magnificient river system of the west, the very basis of the agricultural and industrial wealth of three-fourths of the Union, should be left in such a disgraceful state of neglect, that property to tile annual value of many millions should be sacrificed, and a tax, in the shape of increased rates of transport, placed upon every single department of industry, for the want of a yearly appropriation of a few thousand dollars to the removal of snags and rocks. It is pitiable to read in the official reports of the purchase of a few snag boats one year, of their being worked for one or two more, then laid up for want of money, and finally sold by auction for whatever they may fetch. It was estimated by Mr. Hall in 1848, that the annual risk on the 7,200,000 $ then invested in steam boats alone amounted to more than 3,000,000 $, and the proportionate risk can be very little less now. Steamers are at present insured on three-fourths their value the first year, on Aths the fourth year, and after four years on ~, at rates varying from 10 to 25 per cent. On the Ohio above the falls, the rate is 10 per cent. Below the falls and on the Mississippi 12~ per cent. Steamers plying on the Missouri, Arkansas, Red River and other tributaries of like character, are charged an additional premium of 21 per cent. on each voyage. The rates on goods have already been given. The prices of transport are also enhanced in consequence of the limited period of the year during which the rivers are navigable, and the variable duration of that period from year to year. In general it may be taken at 8 to 9 months, but on the tributaries it is usually only about 6 months. The interest on the capital invested, and the cost of keep of the boat during tlhe time it lies idle, are consequently a charge upon the business of the working months. The detentions and injuries received from grounding during low stages of water is another cause of loss. The proper means of remedy for all these defects need not now be discussed. For the present, assuming that their removal is only a question of money, and that the amount required would be trifling in comparison of tlhe advantages secqred, I proceed to shew to what extent it would probably operate to reduce the cost of transport. 91 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS The following is an analysis of the expense of two different classes of steamers on the Ohio in its present condition. The first is that of a -tedium sized steamer suited to the Upper Ohio and running between Pittsburghi and Cincinnati, a distance of 4S0 miles. Period of navigation 8 months. Tonnage, American Custom House measurement, 240. Length (mean) 156. Beam 35. Stern wlheel, lines very full. Draught lighlt, with boilers filled and half day's fuel, 2'3". With 61 feet draught of water, load...... 500 tons. 5 feet,,...... 330,, 4 feet,,,,...... 250,, Time of trip, 2 days down, 44 days up; total, 6 days under steam, 12 trips inl the 8 working months, viz:6 trips with a down load of...... 500 tons. 3............ 3,, 3............ 250,, Up stream loads, lhalf the down. Total, 7,110 tons moved 4S0 miles..Epenses. Cost of steamer,...... 21,600$ Interest at 8 per cent.,...... 1,728 $ Deprecia.tion, 16 per cent....... 3,456,, Repairs, 2 per cent....... 464,, Insurance, 10 per cent. on -ths value.... 1,440,, 7,088,, per annum Crew per month, wages 1,385 $ Food......... 0.. 310, total 1,695 x 8 = 13,660 $ Stores,............... 125,, Fuel, 500 busliels coal @ 7 cents = 35 $ x 78 days... 2,730,, Expenses during 4 montlhs of suspended navigation... 1,600,, Labor, loading and unloatding cargo....... 1,100,, Sun dries............ 500,, Total...20,715,, Add.... 7,088,, Total expences...27,803,, Deduct fares of 25 cabins, and 25 deck passengers at 5 $ and 2 $ each, on 24 passages,......... 4,200,, Expenses to be covered by goods receipts... 23,603,,, __2 _.' OF NORTH AMERICA. 95 23,603$ on 7,110 tons = 3-32 $ per ton. on 480 miles, = 6-9 mills, or 0-345 penny, per ton per mile. 2nd. Largest class of steamers navigating the OhioLength 230; beam 34 feet. Custom House tonnage 426. Plyiing between Pittsburghl and Cincinnati. Workiing months 6. Time of trip-5 dcays and nights under steam (10 trips in the 6 months of navigation, viz.) 5 with a draught of 8 feet, net load 820 tons. 3 do. 7 feet, do 650,, 2 do. 6 feet, do 470,, Up loads, half the down. Total work doe--= 11,425 tons carried 480 miles. Expenses. Cost of steamer,...... 40,000$ Interest at 8 per cent........ 3,200 $ Depreciation, 16 per cent.......... 6,400,, Repairs, 2 per cent....... 800,, Insurance, 10 per cent. on th value.... 2,500,, Total... 12,9)0,, Crew-wages per month 2,000 x 6 months... 12,000,, Their food,............ 2,60,0 Stores,............... 3,750,, Fuel, 700 bushels coal per day @ 7 cents 49 $ X 55 days......... 2,695,, E]xpences during 6 idle months,......... 2,400,, Loadillng and unloading cargoes,...... 1,800,, Sundries,............... 1,00,, 2c. 245,, Add... 12,900,, 39,1445,, Deduct fares of 75 first and 60 second class passengers. 10,000 Balance,.. 29,145,, On 11,425 tons = 2"55 $ per ton. On 4S0 miles -- 53 mills. or 0-265 penny per ton per mile. This steamer would probably make another one or two trips between Cincinnati and St. Louis after the Upper Ohio had ceased to be navigable. 96 NOTES ON THE RIVER NAVIGATIONS 3rd. The same steamer, running between Pittsburgh and St. Louis, distance 1,200 miles. Navigation season, 6 months.-No. of trips 6. viz., 3 trips with 820 tons 2,,,, 650,, 1,,,, 470,, Up loads, half the down. Total work, 7,575 tons carried 1,200 miles. Another two trips would probably be made on the lower Ohio and Mississippi, for which add 1,000 tons on the distance of 1,200 miles. Expences. Crew, wages and board as before Stores,.............. Fuel, 700 bushels at 9 cents. = 63 $ for 97 days. Expenses during 6 idle months. Loading and unloading cargo. Sundries............ Interest, Depreciation, &c. as before.... 14,600 $ 6,750,, 6,251,, 2,400,,... 1,500,,... 2,000,, 33,50],, 12,900,, 46,401,, Deduct fares of 75 first class and 75 second class passeugers at 12$ and 6$ respectively... Balal On 7,575 tons - 3"C3 $ per ton per mile. On 1,200 miles - 3 mills. or 0-15 penny per ton per mile.... 18,900,, ice... 27,500,, If this steamer carried no passengers, and were built accordingly, her cost would be about irds that mentioned, and there would be a reduction in the expenses of 4,300 $ on account of interest. 2,000 expense of crew. 6,000,, stores. Total... 12,300 and a loss of 18,900 of fares, leaving an addition of 6,600 to the expenses, which would make the cost per ton 4.50$ or per ton mile, 3.75 inills--0'187 penny. OR NOITH.f AxMBWXCA. We thus obtain as the cost of transport on the,Ohio in ordinarily favorable seasonsFor distances of 500 miles 5.3 to 6.9 mills.,, 1,200,, 3 mills. These are the mean costs of both up and down stream navigation. Where, as is generally the case, the down traffic is much the largest and the least valuable per ton, a considerable reduction might be made in the rates. Moreover, this calculation is made on the supposition of a through traffic only, whereas the way trade is always the largest of the two, and pays much the best, as the mileage rates are higher. Mr. MacAlpine,* an excellent authority, gives as the actual cost of transport on the Western rivers 3 mills on the Mississippi, and 5 to 10 mills on the tributaries, which fully corroborate the above conclusions which I think may be relied on as correct. The materials for the calculations have been collected with considerable trouble from the best authorities on the spot. Now, if we suppose the Ohio, by means of a proper system of improvement, to be rendered navigable during the whole year, instead of as now for only 8 months, and that a minimum depth of 6 feet is maintained, which Mr. Ellet shews to be quite practicable, and if we suppose the stream to be perfectly cleared of snags, then the cost of carriage by this river would be reduced, first, by nearly the whole amount of the Insurance upon the goods carried, four-fifths of which is now caused by the damage done to steamers by snags alone, and which, as above shewn, makes the actual cost of transport from 10 to 300 per cent., according to the class of goods, greater than the steamer charges. In the next place, the amount of the depreciation would be reduced, as well as that of insurance of steamers, and these charges, together with those for interest and repairs, which now have to be covered by the returns from a six or eight months navigation only, would be distributed over the work of a whole year. It would appear that the saving from these last sources, in other words the reduction in the cost of navigation, would be very much less than that which would result from the diminution of the insurance charges. The working expenses are, as will be seen by the above figures, much greater than the amount required to cover the interest.ad depreciation ou * Late State Engineer of New York. x NUTEs ONffm: It '..1 *AV6LATIONS the post.of thestfeamer, ald as the fermer would be enhranced in the same ratio as the increase in the duration of the navigation season, the decrease effected in the latter would not have so marked an effect upon the cost of carriage as might have been expected. In the case however of the Upper Ohio steamers, there would certainly be a reduction of 17 per cent. in the actual cost of navigation due to this cause alone. With improved rivers, rendered perennially navigable, carriage by steamer would possess all the advantages in point of fixity of charges, regularity and punctuality of delivery, which now belong almost exclusively to railroads, and which, far more than mere superiority in point of speed, so often give them the preference for the transport, even at higher rates, of articles of value. Were the rivers thorong!ily cleared of snags and rocks, which it has' been shown might be done at a very trifling cost, carriage by steamer would be quite as safe as that by railroad, and the Insurance charges would therefore be as insignificant an element iii the cost of transport in the one case as in the other. With a minimum depth of 6 feet, a speed of at least 20 miles an hour is perfectly attainable. With therefore the present Insurance charges abolished, with reduced working expenses, and a permanent security and punctuality of transport practically equal to that of railroads, andwith a speed when required not much inferior, there can be no doubt that the river navigations, which now carry the great ma~s of the traffic of the Western States, would recover from the railroads the greater part of that of which the latter have deprived them, and maintain a superiority in all the essentia!s of transport which their rivals could not venture to dispute. It has been shown that they possess intrinsically a superiority in cheap carrying power, and that it is only in consequence of the high cost of the Insurance of goods moved by water, and by taking advantage of this and of the natural defects of the rivers to which it is owing, and which in the other ways which have been described so seriously diminish their value as communications, that the railroads in competition with the water lines have succeeded in abstracting a part of their traffic. If these defects were once removed, and the cost of carriage by water reduced, as it probably would be 20 to 100 per cent., the effect upon the trade and upon every depart. mneat of industry in the Western States would be immense. The introduction of rgulroads reduced the cost of land transport from 6d.to Id. perton per milerafd imparted at the same time a speed and regularity of locomotion, the marvellous effects of which are pateut to the vorld. What would be the OP NOWrH.AMERICA. *s result, if on the main arteries of traffic in a Continent where distances are measured by thousands, not hundreds of miles, the cost of carriage were now to be reduced to one-third or one-fourth that of railroads, without the sacrifice of any one of their peculiar advantages? The possibility of perfecting river navigations to this degree was long looked upon as chimerical, and still is so by those whose pursuits or interest in the question have not led them to the study of all that has been written upon it of late years. In England, the question is of no special interest, but in America it has been not a little discussed. The controversy that arose between some of the leading Engineers there on Mr. Ellet's promulgation of his proposal to effect all and more than I have supposed possible in the improvement of the Western rivers by means of a system of reservoirs has thrown much interesting light upon the whole subject. Three years ago matters seemed in a fair train for putting Mr. Ellet's proposal to a practical test, a Company having been formed for the improvement of the Great Kanawha, one of the tributaries of the Ohio, on his system. It is melancholy to reflect that this undertaking, fraught as it was with results of such incalculable importance to America, has, with so many others in which the best interests of the country were involved, been indefinitely postponed by the tremendous social convulsion which has rent the great Union asunder. What the results of the present struggle will be no one pretends to foresee. How long it will be before peace and good-will shall be so firmly re-established between the two sections of the republic as to enable them to combine to carry out those great works of material improvement in which thiy have a common interest no one can say; but all, and especially those who, from travel through the States, have brought away with them kindly and enduring remembrance of their inhabitants, must ardently desire that the time may not be far off when the energies now. so fearfully wasted in mutual destruction shall be turned once more into the paths of peaceful industry. When that time comes, it is to be hoped that the rivers of America will receive their due share of attention, and that their great national importance will be more fully recognized than it has been hitherto: and if a comprehensive system of improving them is determined upon, Mr. Ellet's plan will probably find no other competitor in the field, his principal opponent having not only fully admitted its practica. bility, but declared that if it cost twice as much as his own, he would give it the preference. [Tnm Enn]