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BAILLIERE, PUBLISHER AND FOREIGN BOOKSELLER, 219, REGENT STREET. 1847. LONDON: WILSON AND OGILVY, PRINTERS, 57, Skinner Street. PREFACE TO THE ENGLISH EDITION. THERE are few who have laboured so assiduously as Dr. Boenninghausen to facilitate the study and practice of Homoeopathy, in accordance with Hahnemann's injunctions. The present work bears further evidence of his ability and untiring zeal. Its merits cannot be appreciated by a cursory glance, but become readily apparent after a closer inspection. I have preferred Dr. Roth's to the original version, chiefly in consequence of the improvement he has effected in the arrangement of the work. For directions as to the mode of using it, the reader is referred to the Author's preface. J. L. London, Oct. 1847. PREFACE. SEVERAL years ago, that is, in the year 1837, Doctor Hering of Philadelphia, speaking of the difficulty of distinguishing the great number of symptoms furnished by many of our medicaments, thus very justly expressed himself: " Novices in Homoeopathy, when they look at the medicaments with their long train of symptoms, imagine it impossible to ascertain the symptoms of any single medicamentlike a rustic, who, for the first time in his life, finds himself in the midst of a large town, and wonders how it is possible to find the way among the number of streets: and yet, in a short time, he himself is quite at home among them. It is worth our while to consider how this is brought about. We well know that an inhabitant of a large town transported to a strange one, though there be little or no similarity between the two places, is less perplexed than another would be. Without being aware of it, he has adopted some method which enables him to discover his whereabouts in a strange locality." To carry out Dr. Hering's comparison, I will suppose a person to be perfectly acquainted with one, two, or three large towns: in proportion, however, as he extends his acquaintance to others, his recollection of them becomes weaker and less distinct, and finally is reduced to a few streets, some public buildings and monuments: for however good his memory may be, there are limits beyond which it cannot with any certainty assist him. If the mode of proceeding adopted by homceopathic physicians be closely examined, the justice of my assertion will become manifest. There are.some who have a good knowledge of ten or twenty medicaments, others forty, and others sixty, &c. while they possess but a superficial knowledge of the remainder,-they only know some buildings and monuments, and practically give the preference to those streets which are familiar to them, neglecting the treasures to be found in other towns, and of the very existence of which, they have barely a suspicion. This impossibility of knowing a great number of towns in all their ramifications by the aid of memory alone, has suggested the idea of drawing plans of them, annexing thereto an alphabetical list of the streets, alleys, courts, &c. as in those great capitals, London and a2 Vi PREFACE. Paris, of which, not even their native citizens, though blessed with the most retentive memories, have a thorough acquaintance. By means of these plans, and from the custom of referring to them, it is easy to become familiar with any town, if one have only a certain beacon or landmark. Being perfectly convinced of the truth of these remarks, I felt the necessity of arranging similar guides for the Symptomatology of Homceopathic Medicaments. Many will consider works of this nature to be purely mechanical-others will estimate them far beyond their real value, declaring the authors of them to be the elect, or chosen few, by whom the gates of Heaven are to be thrown open to mankind! As frequently happens, both opinions are exaggerated. A lexicographer need not be a prosaic writer or a renowned poet, and even the author who possesses the greatest command of language, is forced to have frequent recourse to the works of Boiste and Landais. Let us, then, give to every one the merit he deserves, and because we differ in some points of secondary consideration on Homoeopathy, do not let us become avowed enemies, occupied only in unveiling to the eyes of the world the imperfections of the opposite party, being too much shrouded in the clouds of self-love to perceive the rags which barely cover our own nakedness. Who amongst us, in this respect, is proof against reproach? If, therefore, we are all subject to these weaknesses, we still have all the human privileges of self-amendment: so let each one acknowledge his own foibles, and learn to be tolerant to the opinions of others. We must render every justice to the efforts of Boenninghausen and Jahr. They have spared a great number of Homoeopathic physicians many hours of wearisome research-they have pointed 'out to many the shortest means of extrication from the intricacies of the Materia Medica,-they have called their attention to objects which would otherwise have been unperceived, or but slightly noticed. Their works will be improved in time, either by themselves or their successors: they will be enriched by new discoveries, 'and stripped of all that is useless and superfluous. The productions of these two writers differ in many respects. M. Jahr, in his Manual, introduces to all novices in Homoeopathy a general plan of all tried medicaments, and points out their most important symptoms and most striking characters. M. Boenninghausen, on the other hand, has confined himself to the one hundred;and twenty-five medicaments best known and tested in practice; but at the same time he goes fully into the details. The basis of his work is to give the entirety of the symptoms of the Materia *Medica, and not a mere abstract. With the assistance of this book it is easy to ascend to the main source to find a medicament presenting perfect analogy to any given malady. In his previouslypublished works of this kind, M. Boenninghausen had divided the ýmedicaments into Antipsoric and Apsoric; but in this he has adopted the alphabetical arrangement, which will effect an under PREFACE. vii standing between the disciples and opponents of the Psora theory. Moreover, the unhappy differences which this theory brought about in Germany, are now at an end, or at all events they do not influence practice, for phosphorus and brimstone are'now administered with as much success, in acute non-miasmatic, as nux-vomica and aconite in chronic miasmatic maladies. M. Boenninghausen has introduced into his Manual the data furnished by practice at the sick-bed of the patient, or, in other words, Clinical Observations. We think that, on this account, the more enlightened followers of Homoeopathy, far from blaming, will award him great praise. There will always be a wide difference between the symptoms of a natural malady and those produced by medicaments. We can only look for, here, a proximate resemblance bearing upon certain general points. The Materia Medica pura abounds with maladies consisting only of pains, sensations, increase or decrease of secretions; but as to the morbid phenomena which are caused by organic changes and material metamorphoses in the organs, no good result can be expected from any experiment made upon a person in full health. We ought, therefore, to welcome with gratitude facts furnished by practice, and be careful never to reject the data of Clinical Homoeopathy, whatever errors may be apparent. Let him who has an opportunity of correcting the errors do so; but let him not despise any indication wherever it comes from, for we cannot repeat too often, that all of us, the richest in science as well as the poorest, the most busy as well as the least occupied, are often obliged to walk or grope our way in the dark: even the most learned and celebrated physicians ever known have been forced to make the same admissions. Let it not be supposed that, from the tenor of these remarks, I wish to impeach the honour of medicine: the same uncertainty, the same imperfection, belongs to every science, every art and every trade: but their defects are not so much heeded, as nothing is therein at stake of such great value as health. When I attach uncertainty and imperfection to the sciences, I do not except the positive; they are positive only abstractedly. In a practical point of view, their positiveness is very equivocal, and we are often tempted to apply a very opposite epithet to their data. Thus, mathematics, the most positive of all sciences, teach us that one and one make two. If any one were to express a doubt of this, there would be very considerable doubt as to his sanity. In theory this is perfectly exact: abstract unit added to abstract unit will always give two; but let us apply this abstract truth, and it will no longer appear to be so undeniable: for instance, one volume of liquid (say rectified alcohol) mixed with another volume of liquid (water) gives a less volume than the sum of the two. The sciences afford numberless examples of the same kind, and are too well known to need further comment. Medicine also has its positive part,-Anatomy, for instance; but in practice it becomes merely auxiliary. A lady once wished to viii1 PREFACE. express to a celebrated physician of the past century, her admiration of his great talent. She began to extol his profound anatomical skill, by telling him, that a man who was so thoroughly acquainted with the structure of the human frame must be a great doctor. " Alas!" he replied, " we anatomists may be compared to watchmen; we know, as it were, every street and every house in the human body, but do not know what passes within those houses." Besides the anatomy of the dead, there is, to use the words of Paracelsus, a living anatomy, which consists in the knowledge of the relationship existing between the exterior world and certain parts of the body. Only introduce certain substances by one of the gates, as it were, of the human city (our body), and, without any guide, they will find their way through a maze of streets, and lodge themselves in some special organ. This singular affinity of certain substances to certain parts of the body, can no longer be called in question, and the first part of M. Boenninghausen's Manual is especially intended to point out upon what parts of the body medicaments are most likely to act. If our knowledge only extended to the specific action which such or such a medicament exercised upon such or such an organ, or upon such or such a series of organs, we should know very little indeed. Doubtless, to know the actual seat of a malady and the medicaments having a direct action upon it, is a great step in curative art: but in practice this is not all-it is not even enough. Every organ and every system of organs may be differently attacked by certain maladies; and medicaments, which exercise a specific action upon a certain organ, may act upon it in different ways. Anatomy and physiology have not yet made sufficient progress to enable us to characterize distinctly the difference in the elements of an organ; in fact, in the present state of science, to wish to know the pathological distinctions would be requiring an impossibility. Hitherto we have had no other aid than from the different pains and sensations, and, though a deceitful guide, we were forced to receive them; for this being the only auxiliary, it would be absurd to despise it by reason of its imperfection. If it does not afford us complete certainty, it is at least one step towards perfection, to which, as we have before remarked, our descendants only can attain. Sensations (sensations and pains) produced by a medicament upon different persons, are always described, in Hahnemann's Materia Medica, by the individual expressions of the person under treatment. In Homoeopathy an infinitude of synonymous expressions has been the result; and we should, therefore, thank Mr. Boenninghausen for having collected, under a single rubric, a great majority of these synonyms; for difference of expression does not constitute a difference of sensation, but solely a different manner of expressing it by words. For our own part, we could have wished M. Boenninghausen had shewn himself still more enterprising upon this subject: for instance, as regards the digestive buccal excretions, we can readily understand the difference between the following expressions: PREFACE. ix eructation, or escape of wind; risings from the stomach, or escape of liquid; regurgitation, or escape of particles of food. We know the difference between nausea or desire to vomit, and actual vomiting, but we do not know any between a desire to vomit, and nausea, or uneasiness of stomach. Yet we still find marked under these different rubrics different medicaments in the Manual as well as in the Materia Medica. Wherever, in the course of this work, we have met with synonyms, and the medicaments were identically the same, we have avoided repetitions, from consideration to the reader. If any should yet be found, they must have escaped our notice. When under synonymous names different medicaments were given, we have been naturally forced to follow the author, upon whom we throw the responsibility, should any one, without considering the difficulty of the task, be inclined to reproach him. M. Boenninghausen, not having given us a general index to his work, we have considered it our duty to make this necessary addition. An alphabetical table is the key to a book of this kind. Having regard, however, to the main divisions laid out by the author, we have introduced some changes into these divisions. We have avoided the alphabetical order, and have substituted as much as possible a scientific one. The essay on Etiology in its imperfect form is also our work, to which we do not attach any merit. We have also endeavoured to put under cover of this Manual a homoeopathic terminology. All those whom it may not please, can, after having read this meagre essay, lay it aside, exclaiming with Montaigne, " Personne n'est exempt de dire des fadaises;" or with Terence, "I He iste magno conatu magnas magas dixit;" all which, however, will not prevent us saying to each of our kind readers, that We remain Their very humble servant, D. ROTH. Paris, 1st May, 1846. AUTHOR'S PREFACE. UPWARDS of fifteen years have elapsed since I published, for the first time, a Repertory of Homceopathic Medicaments. The success which this work obtained, both in the original editions and under the form of a Manual, composed upon the same plan, and without any material alteration, by the industrious M. Jahr, is sufficient proof of its utility. A constant use of it during the above-mentioned period has been amply sufficient to judge of its advantages and defects, while, on the other hand, the publication of similar works up to this day, and their ready sale, show that the need which exists for them is not yet satisfied. It is beyond all doubt, that no Repertory, however complete, will ever replace a conscientious study of the Materia Medica Pura; nor, indeed, was it my intention to supersede it; on the contrary, I regard as most injurious all books which have this aim. But I shall demand, in turn, that the Homceopathic physician devote himself to the study of it only during his short intervals of leisure, and that in practice, a clear and succinct summary, presenting to him the principal characters of the symptoms, should assist his memory, so as to enable him, in every case of concrete disease, to choose with certainty, and without any considerable loss of time, the most suitable medicament from amongst those that are indicated. The faults of the Repertories that have been published up to the present time, proceed, in my opinion, from the authors confining themselves to the limits of the Materia Medica Pura, doubtless annexing to them well-authenticated facts furnished by practice, but without turning both to account, in order to appreciate the value of each symptom, and to perfect one by the other, and so help to fill up the void which at every instant occurs to the practitioner. A great number of symptoms are incomplete, because they do not indicate the part of the body where they manifest themselves, or even the nature of the sensations, and especially because they do not declare the time, place, or circumstance of the exacerbation or the amelioration. The difficulties which are encountered in justly appreciating them in the treatment of a malady, are redoubled, by the impossibility of discovering the principal character in a single symptom; by the great and deceitful influence that the individual experimentalist always exercises over the results of the experiments, without speaking of a multitude of alternatiue symptoms of less importance, and also secondary symptoms; and, above xii AUTHOR'S PREFACE. all, by the absolute necessity of applying to the Materia Medica Pura, to judge of the import of the greatest part of the symptoms by an attentive comparison of the whole of the phenomena,-a comparison which can never be drawn at the moment, or without preparation. The inevitable results arising from all this, in ancient Repertories, is, on the one hand, a dissemination of many symptoms, more or less important, under different rubrics, and consequently a greater difficulty in grasping the whole; and on the other hand, a multitude of deficiencies impossible to be filled up, there being no grounds for any analogy. This uncertainty and paucity in the midst of the wealth with which Homoeopathy abounds, induced me, many years ago, to seek the means of overcoming these defects, at least to the extent that the actual state of Homoeopathy would permit; and I have here to thank my departed friend and master, S. Hahnemann, for the excellent advice that he gave me during an uninterrupted correspondence carried on until his death. Fearing to scatter the symptoms still further, and thus expose myself to well-merited reproaches, my first idea was to preserve the form and plan of my former Repertory. I was strongly disposed to this, from Hahnemann having often told me that my work was worth more than all those that had appeared since. I intended to publish it in a single volume, rendering it exact in every part, and completing it by analogy and experience; but the MS., when half finished, had run on to an unexpected length. I then renounced my previous intention so much the more readily, because I perceived that probably I should attain my aim in a.manner at once more simple and complete, if by drawing forth the particular and characteristic symptoms of the medicaments after their different relations, I opened a way into the vast unexplored field of combination. To assure myself that I was not increasing Homoeopathic literature by a useless book, it was necessary to consult my own experience and that of others, and when that experience satisfactorily confirmed my opinion that I was not relying upon the use of similar methods, limited to Polychrest medicaments;-when the founder of the New School had approved my idea, which he qualified as fertile and excellent, I no longer hesitated to remodel my work, and to give it the form of the Manual which I now present to the public, entreating them at the same time to excuse its inevitable errors and defects. The Manual has a double aim, as the title indicates: Firstly, to assist the memory of the physician, in the choice of medicaments; and, secondly, to serve, in the study of the Materia Medica Pura, as a guide, by means of which he may be enabled to find his way, to judge the greater or minor value of the different symptoms, and to complete and define them with greater accuracy. From the great number of medicaments ranged under every rubric, it was necessary to indicate, by difference of character, the difference of the value of these medicaments. I had done this in my preceding Repertories, with the full approbation of Hahnemann. Throughout the course of this work the medicines are AUTHOR'S PREFACE. xi1 classed in five subdivisions, distinguished by their character. The four principal medicaments distinctly appear in the first division, under the rubric EAGERNESS, page 1, No. 3; by these they can judge of the others. The abbreviation PULS., printed in large capitals, occupies the first and most conspicuous place, and is the most frequently employed. The abbreviations ARS. and LYC. follow in progression in small capitals, as less distinguished, although as much recommended by practice as by the characteristics of the medicaments. The abbreviations natr. and sep. are ranged underneath in italics, and in the lowest degree of importance stands calc., printed in small type. The fifth and last place is filled by doubtful medicaments that are not sanctioned by experience, and which rarely appear; they are put between parentheses, as, for example, p. 74, No. 481, thb abbreviations (arg.), (asar.), (bism.), (cis.), and others. It is almost unnecessary to remark that this classification, which is neither capable nor easy of extension, is not of mathematical accuracy-that it only indicates a greater or lesser approximation towards the superior or inferior degree. All I proposed to myself, was, that in making a mistake, one must be under a half degree. I do not assert, that within these limits one will always be right. All I can affirm is, that I have not spared either trouble, care, or precaution, to render errors as rare as possible. The plan of this work is easily comprehended, and requires no long explanation. It is divided into seven parts perfectly distinct from each other, and in each of these divisions, to facilitate, inquiry, the systematic order has been as much as possible combined with the alphabetical. Although each part ought to be considered as a complete whole, it never yields, however, more than a part of a symptom, which receives its complement from one or many of the other parts. In odontalgia, for example, the seat of the pain is found in the second, the nature of the pain in the third, the exacerbation or diminution of pain, according to time, place, and circumstances, in the sixth; and that which is necessary as an accessory to complete the description of the malady, and warrant the choice of medicaments, must be sought for equally in the different chapters. As regards the first pa't, we wish it to be particularly observed on one hand, that our Materia Medica Pura is no where richer in secondary symptoms than in moral symptoms; and on the other hand, that a great number of homoeopathists, at the beginning of their career, are in the habit of neglecting or overlooking that part of a complete picture of the malady, or of committing great mistakes. I have therefore thought it would be useful to collect here, under the smallest possible number of rubrics, every thing most essential to facilitate inquiry. The chapter entitled " Intellect," (Intellectual Faculties), may be, in like manner, considerably simplified, because many phenomena take their precise signification from another cause; as, for example, the mental alienation from the different moral gradations. In the second part, I have united equally all that could be, because xiv AUTHOR'S PREFACE. the entire aim of the work is to explain one thing by another. Per contra, the reader will remark many symptoms (for example, the external head, face, cough), whose importance is revealed in practice, and for which he would seek vainly in other works. Moreover, this part is particularly intended to indicate what medicaments act more or less powerfully upon the different parts of the body, and the different organs. Under the rubric of some organs some other symptoms are given confined to these organs, and which are not found elsewhere. The third part contains, in alphabetical order, all the sensations and pains-1. generally, then specially; 2. in the glands; 3. in the bones; and 4. in the skin and exterior of the body. Every thing more or less characteristic of the nature of the pains is put forth in this chapter. The fourth part treats of sleep and dreams. The fifth part of fevers, but only as referring to their essential and strongly marked distinctions. I ought to give some explanation of the rubric headed "Concomitant Sufferings," which is frequently adverted to in the'second, fourth, and fifth parts. Convinced of the importance of these symptoms, which manifest themselves at the same time with others, and form with them a class, I have, during many years, collected all that appertained to the accessary symptoms which are pointed out in the Materia Medica Pura, all the data of my own experience and that of others, and the number has increased in such a manner as to enable me to draw general rules from them. These rules clearly prove, that one medicament answers better than another in the case of accessory symptoms, which appear before, during, or after the primitive ailment, but at the same time these accessory symptoms do not consist exclusively in such or such phenomena, but, on the contrary, all kinds of pains coming within the sphere of action of the medicament may be joined to the malady, although the characteristic symptoms present themselves more frequently than the others. It is upon this discovery, confirmed by long experience, that the rubric of " Concomitant Sufferings" is founded, pointing out the rank and order of the medicaments by the difference of the character. When such symptoms present themselves, they must be sought for amongst the characteristic'symptoms of the greater or lesser number of medicaments arranged under this rubric. The sixth part, which comprises the change of state according to time, place, or circumstances, is not of inferior importance to any of the preceding parts, but it requires extreme precaution in practice. You must be careful not to take a secondary or alternative effect of the medicament for an exacerbation of the malady, even although the general state of the patient be worse. For example, diarrhoea which only occurs in the morning is often cured by Bryony, although constipation and exacerbation in the evening are some of the primitive effects of this medicament. Phenomena similar to those which are designated under the name of secondary or alternative effects, frequently happen in natural maladies wherein a state contrary to the affection properly so called, accompanied with equal pain, exists, which might easily lead an unskilful physician to choose a AUTHOR S PREFACE. XV wrong medicament. In other instances, the conditions of the exacerbation or amelioration that we have just remarked, have more extended relation with the general affection and its symptoms than is generally supposed, and are never limited to such and such a symptom; on the contrary, it frequently happens that the choice of a suitable medicament entirely depends thereon. This will be fully exemplified in the following case:-My friend Dr. Lutterbeck (to whom I always entrust my practice in my absence) gave to one of my patients against some sequelae (amongst which a disagreeable smoothness with a thick coating of mucus on the teeth formed the predominant symptoms, and invariably became aggravated, for two consecutive days, every time he shaved) of a case of deeply-rooted tubercular phthisis, of which I had cured him, Carb. An. 30, with the most successful results, although the only symptom on the skin of the face (152) noticed by Dr. Adams* was not present. The practised homceopathist will readily perceive that I have bestowed peculiar care upon this chapter, and that I have admitted many things with which my own experience has furnished me, that are not to be found in the Materia Medica Pura, or elsewhere. The seventh and last part, under the rubric of " Concordances," shews the results of comparing the effects of all the medicaments that are mentioned. First, as referring to each of the preceding parts, then the agreement of the medicaments in general; the whole arranged in the same order as in the remainder of the work. This long and tedious labour (which a thorough acquaintance with the Materia Medica Pura rendered somewhat easier to me), will not, I am proud to think, be regarded by any one as useless and superfluous. To me, who during the space of fifteen years have made the Materia Medica Pura my chief study, as constituting in my eyes the most essential part of Homceopathy, these concordances have appeared of the highest importance; they have not only aided me to acquire a knowledge of the nature of the medicaments, but have confirmed my choice, and determined the series of medicaments to be administered, particularly in chronic disorders. Doubtless, to attain this, a good knowledge of the Materia Medica Pura is quite necessary, but great facility is afforded to beginners using these concordances, by the polychrests, which, abounding in symptoms, naturally offer more points of contact, and consequently a thorough knowledge of these medicaments is sufficient to enable the homceopathist to apply them with advantage and without difficulty. The known antidotes (antid.) and injurious medicaments (Noc.) are marked at the end of each medicament. It may be useful to those who are novices in homceopathy, and to whom this manual is especially devoted, to add some words upon its use, particularly as to its double aim as mentioned above. In studying the Materia Medica Pura, I have found it the most simple and expeditious plan to underlins with a pencil, * Doctrine et traitement homoeopathique des maladies chroniques de S. Hahnemann, trad. par le Docteur Jourdan, s6conde edition, vol. i. p. 615. xvi AUTHOR'S PREFACE. in accordance with the arrangement of this manual, all the characteristic symptoms which have been designated by a different style of type either in the original works or in one of the repertories, and then annexing all those that had been omitted. This costs but little time and trouble, and forms a slight sketch, which may be filled up in proportion as the field of experience extends. In this manner you acquire a thorough knowledge of the most important symptoms, and of the nature of each medicament, and at the same time obtain a written collection of every thing most deserving of being retained, which becomes deeply impressed upon the memory, and may be often had recourse to in complicated cases. To this method is often due the choice of a medicament which is productive of the happiest results. As to the use of this Manual in the treatment of disease, much depends upon the circumstance whether he who uses it is a beginner, or one already acquainted with Homoeopathy and its practice. He who absolutely knows nothing, is obliged undoubtedly to run through the book from one end to the other. The more he learns, the less he requires to seek, and finally, it will be sufficient to have recourse to his memory. An example will make me more clearly understood. I will take a case treated by myself. The choice of the medicament was easy,-nothing appeared more simple, yet through want of attention one might be deceived. This instance may serve also to shew novices how to measure their own knowledge.-E. N., of L., a man of fifty years of age, of florid complexion, almost ruddy, of an habitually cheerful temper, but subject to violent fits of passion, and possessing a highly nervous and irritable constitution, had been suffering (after the suppression of a supposed rheumatic pain in the left orbit, by means of external allopathic remedies, the nature of which I could not ascertain), for more than two months, violent pain of a peculiar kind in the right leg, comprising all the muscles of the posterior part, particularly the calf down to the heel, without, however, attacking the joints of the knee or foot. He described it as an exceedingly painful, dragging, and twitching, interrupted frequently by shootings, which proceeded from the interior to the exterior. In the morning, when the anguish was more endurable, he experienced an obtuse raking sensation, like a painful weariness, or as if he had been bruised all over. The pains became more acute towards evening and during repose, especially after any movement, whether seated or standing, and more particularly when in the open air. While walking, the pain would suddenly shift from the calf of the right leg into the left arm, and it became most insupportable when he put his hand in his pocket or in his breast, or kept the arm perfectly still, while a movement of the limb would lessen the anguish, and often send it suddenly back again to the calf of the right leg. That which relieved him most was to walk about in his chamber, and rub the affected part. The concomitant symptoms were, inability to sleep before midnight, and, in the evening, frequent paroxysms of fugitive heat, with thirst, unaccompanied by shiver AUTHOR'S PREFACE. xvii ings; a greasy taste in the mouth, with uneasiness in the throat, and an almost continued pressing aching pain in the lower part of the chest, and in the pit of the stomach, as if something were forcing a passage through these parts. With such a complete and accurate description of the malady, an experienced homomopathist would not hesitate long in the choice of a fitting remedy, for the whole of the symptoms correspond with one alone. The novice, on the contrary, would be forced to look for almost every symptom, and not till after a prolonged search would he find the most suitable medicament from amongst its competitors. Between these two extremes of science and ignorance there are numerous degrees of superficial knowledge, which would necessarily require a longer or shorter research. One, for example, knows that pains flying rapidly from one part of the body to the other, becoming more virulefit in the evening and during repose,-that the greasy taste in the mouth,-wakefulness before midnight, and some other of the above-mentioned symptoms, are pre-eminently the effects of "pulsatilla," but he is not so sure as to the rest of the symptoms; and if he wishes to proceed conscientiously, he must take the trouble of comparing whether the lastnamed are also proper to it. Then lie will soon perceive that "pulsatilla" cannot be, in fact, the actual homceopathic remedy; for besides the moral symptoms, there are also others that bear no analogy, or are quite opposite, to those of this medicament. Another person has bestowed greater study on the peculiarities of pains; and he distinctly remembers that " china" answers to the dragging pains, the pains as if from being bruised or beaten, and to those shooting from the interior to the exterior, as well as to the dragging twitchings:-he knows, also, that it causes flying pains from one part to another. He is sure, besides, that the other symptoms-such as inability to sleep before midnight, exacerbation during repose, amelioration by movement and friction, fugitive heat with thirst, belong to this medicament, but he is not so certain as regards the remaining symptoms, and he has, therefore, to consult the Materia Medica or a Repertory for them. Then, like his predecessor, he discovers certain contradictions, which clearly prove that " china" is not the appropriate medicament for such a case. Now, neither of them will think of administering to the patient a medicament whose healing virtue is of so doubtful a nature, but, as conscientious homceopathists, they will set themselves again to search and compare, and by the aid of this Manual they will soon find, without much trouble, the only really homoeopathic medicament to be given in this malady. If a third individual be familiar enough with homoeopathy to recognize at first sight the contradictory symptoms of " puls." " chin." and other rival medicaments, and if at the same time he does not sufficiently know " valeriana," which answers to the principal symptoms, to go upon sure ground in administering this rarely used medicament, he has merely to glance at some doubtful symptoms, to be convinced, that amongst all the known remedies this is the most b2 .. i iAuToR S PREFACJV appropriate,, as the result clearly proved. Indeed, after a single dose of this medicament at a high attenuation, dissolved in water, the affection, with all the accessory symptoms, completely disappeared in three days. It will be difficult to one who has but a smattering of homiceopathy, who only consults the principles, and despises every kind of repertory, to discover this medicament so rarely administered in similar cases.* At least he will have to devote much time and trouble which he might employ more usefully. Even suppose that he does at last discover it, the doubts that will arise in his mind, and which will not be easily removed, will cause him to hesitate, if he has not acquired some experience, because the greatest part of the symptoms which indicate its use require to be more or less perfected by the characteristic of the medicament, in order to correspond exactly with the symptoms of the malady. The greatest difficulty to be encountered by those novices in homeeopathy, who do not have recourse to a repertory, is the cure of maladies that shew themselves by a few symptoms which answer to a great number of' medicamnents. For instance, a mahgonant hooping-cough was prevalent amongst the children in this neighbourhood. In its origin, the indications for the employment of '" drosera" were only exceptional, and none of those were developed which call for the other remedies ordinarily employed. However, in all the children affected, swelling and puffiness was remarked, not so much in the face as above the eyes, between the eyelids and eyebrows, where it frequently. formed a thick little bag,-a symptom which had never been observed amongst those of any other medicament, except " kali-car6" (219); and, in fact, this medicament was the only one that at the commencement of the.epidemy effected a quick and lasting cure. It was only in the last stage that this malady took another form, characterized by cold perspiration on the forehead, and vornitings during the fit, symptoms which require the use of " veratr. alb." I shall not here offer any explanation of the quantity of the doses, or of their repetition, especially as opinion is still so much divided on this question. In referring to what I have said upon this subject, in the new Homceopathic Archives, I cannot forbear affirming that my experience leads me to be in favour of high attenuations, that it is opposed to frequent repetitions, and to the employment of intermediate medicaments. Even in affections of the bones,-for example, in curvature of the spine,-I have seen" the high attenuations effect a complete cure in much less time than the low. Relying upon a lengthened cxperience, I can but confirm what has been said -upon this subject by many physicians of the highest eminence, and during two years that I have administered the highest attenuations, almost without exception, I am much more pleased with the results than I was before, although the greatest number of my patients are those who seek us after having been under treatment by allopathists. * See the Pathogenesie de ia Vale'riane, traduction, par le Docteur de Moor; Revue de ilainati~re me'dicale honioeopathique, Paris, 1842, vol. iv. p). 310. AUTHOR'S PREFACE. xix I shall conclude by submitting this work, the fruits of three years' labour, to an impartial and indulgent criticism, and by recommending it to all friends of improvement, and to all those who, like myself, have resolved to devote the remainder of their lives to homoeopathy and to suffering humanity. C. M. BOENNINGHAUSEN. Munster, October, 1845. 1W The careful preparation of the HOMCEOPATHIC MEDICINES being a matter of great importance, it is with confidence derived from experience, that we are well enabled to assert that full reliance may be placed on such medicine as may be procured from Mr. WILLIAM HEADLAND, 15, Princes Street, Hanover Square, London. TABLE OF ABBREVIATIONS EMPLOYED TO DESIGNATE THE MEDICINES. el. ACON. -Aconitum napellus. '2. AGAR.-AgaricUS muscarius. 3. ALUM.-Alumina. 4. AmR~ur.-Ambra grisea. '5. Amm.-Amrnonium carbonicum. '6. Amm-muR.-Ammonium muriaticum. 7. ANAC.-Anacardium. 8. ANG.-Angustura. 9. ANT-CRuD.-Antimonium crudum. 0. ANT-TART.-Autimonilm. tartaricum. 1. ARG.-Argentum foliatum. 2. ARN.-Arnica montana. 3. ARs.-Arsenicum album. 4. ASAF.-ASa fcetida. 5. AsAR.-Asarum. europaeum. 6. AUR.-AurUm foliatum. 7. BAiR.-Baryta. 8. BE LL.-Atropa belladonna. 9. Bism.-Bismuthum..0. BoR.-Borax.' '1. Bov.-Lycoperdon bovista. '2. BRY.-Bryonia alba. 3. CALAD.-Caladium seguinuni. 4. CALC.-Calcarea carbonica. 5. CAM PH.-Camphora. 6. CANN.-Cannabis sativa. 7. CANTW,-Cantharis. 8. CAPS.-Capsicum annuum. 9. CARB-AN.--Carbo animalis. 0. CARB3-YEG,..-Carbo vegetabilis. 1. CAUST.-Causticum. xxii xxii TABLE OF ABBREVIATIONS. V 32. CHAM.-Matricaria chamomilla. -%/33. CHEL.-Cheliclonium majus. v/ 34. CHINi.-China, Cinchona officinalis. v-~ 35. Cic.-Cicuta virosa. V 36. CINA.-Semen cinae. %/ 37. CLE.M.-Clematis ýrecta. v 38. Cocc.-Menispermum cocculus. 39. COFF.-Coffea arabica. 40. COLCHa.-Colchicum autumnale. -/'4 1. COiLOC.-CUCUMis colocynthis. \/42. CON.-Conium maculatum. 43. CREos.-Creosotum. 44. CRiOC.-Crocus sativus. v/'45. CuPR.-Cuprum metallicum. \-/4 6. CYcL.-Cyclamen europieum. V'47. DIG.-Digitalis purpurea. V48. DaOS.-Drosera rotundifolia. v-49. DuLc.-Solanum dulcamara. v 50. EuPHORB.-Euphorbia officinarum. V- 51. E-uPHR.-Euphrasia officinalis. 52. FERR.-Ferrum metaflicum. 5 53. GRAPH.-Graphites. v 54. GUA.J.-Guajacum officinale. * 55. HELL.- Helleborus niger. * 56. HEP.-Hepar suiphuris calcareum. v 37. Hyosc.-Hyosciamus niger. V_5 8. IGNAT.-Ignatia amara.,/59. JOD.-Jodium. vi 60. JPEG. - Cephaelis ipecacuanha. %/ 61. KALI.-Kali carbonicum. 62. LACH.-Trigoncephalus lachesis. 63. LAUR.-Prunus laurocerasus. 64. LED.-Ledum palustre. v~65. Lyc.-Lycopoclium clavatum. 6- 66. MGS.-Magnes artificialis (uterque polus). V 6 7. M-ARGT.-Magnletis polus arcticus. \/ 6 8. M-A-UsTR.-Magnetis polus australis. V1 6 9. MAGN.-Magnesia carbonica. V 70. MAGN-MuR.-Magnesia muriatica, \1 71. MANG.-Manganum. 'TABLE OF ABBREVIATIONS. XXiii 72. MAR.-Teucrium marum. 73. MEN.-Menyanthus trifoliata. 74. MERC.-Mercurius vivus. 75. MEzER.-Daphne mezereum. 76. MoscH.-Moschus. 77. MUR-AC.-Muriaticum acidum. 78. NATR.-Natrum carbonicum. 79. NATR-MUR.-Natrum muriaticum. 0 80. NITR.-Nitrum, Kali nitricum. 81. NITR-AC. -Nitri acidum. 82. N-MosCH.-Nux moschata (Myristica). 83. N-voM.-Nux vomica (Strychnos). 84. OLEAND.-Nerium oleander. 85. OP.-Opium (Papaver somniferum). 86. PAR.-Paris quadrifolia. 87. PETR.-Petroleum. 88. PHOSPH.-Phosphorus. 89. PH-Ac.-Phosphoricum acidum. 90. PLAT.-Platina metallica. 91. PLUMB.-Plumbum metallicurn. 92. PuLs.-Pulsatilla pratensis mill. 93. RAN-BULB.-Ranunculus bulbosus. 94. RAN-SCEL.-RanunculUs sceleratus. 95. RHEUM.-Rheum palmatum (Rhabarbarumn). 96. RHoD.od-Rhododendron chrysanthum. 97. RHus.-Rhus toxicodendron. 98. RUTA.-Ruta graveolens. 99. SABAD.-Veratrum sabadilla. 00. SABIN.-Juniperus sabina. 01. SAMB.-Sambucus nigra. 02. SAssAP.-Smilax saissaparilla. 03. SCILL.-Scilla maritima. 04. SEC-CORN.-Secale cornutum. 05. SELEN.--Selelnium. 06. SENEG.-Polygala senega. 07. SEP.-Sepi.e succus, 08. SIL.-Silicea terra. 09. SPIG.-Spigelia anthelmia. 10. SPONG.-Spongia marina tosta. 11. STANN.-Stannum metallicum. XXIV TABLE OF ABBREVIATIONS. '112. STAPH.-Delphinium staphysagria. /113. STRAM.-rDatura stramonium. 114. STRONT.- Strontiana carbonica. '4115. SULPH.-Sulphur. v 116. SUPH-Ac.-Sulphuricum acidum. V117. TAR.-Leontodon taraxacum. J 1118. THuJ.-Thuja occidentalis. 119. VALER.-Valeriana officinalis. v 120. VERATR.-Veratrum album. 121. VERB.-Verbascum thapsus. 122. VIoL-oD.-Viola odorata. 123. VIOL-TR.-Viola tricolor (Jacea). 124. VIT.-Vitex agnus. v 125. ZINc.-Zincum metallicum. CO0NTE NT So MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL FACULTIES. Page Page 1.Moral.........1 3. Memory........5 2. Intellectual.......3 4. Cephalonosia.......... 6 SEAT OF THE SYMPTOMS.-ORGANS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS. 1. Interior of the Cranium 2. Cranium, Externalr Surface of the.... 3. Eyes....... 4. Sight....... 5, Ears....... 6. Hearing (acoenosia).. 7. Nose....... 8. Smell....... 9. Face....... 10. Teeth and Gums 11. Buccal Cavity and its Organs....... 12. Appetite and Thirst 13. Taste....... 14. Eructation & Hiccough 15. Nausea and Vomiting.. 16. Abdominal Cavity 1 7. External Surface of the Abdomen........ 18. Flatulency..... 19. Faeces....... 7' 10 212 161 21 231 25 27 28 37 39 41 46 49 50 54 57 158 60 20o. Anus, Perineum, and Rectum..... 21. Urine......... 22. Uropoietic Organs 23. Genital Organs.... 24. Copulation...... 25.' Menstruation..... 26. Leucorrhoea........ 27. Coryza...... 28. Respiration..... 29. Cough........ 30. Larynx and Trachea 31. Voice....... 32. External Surface of the Neck, and Nape of the Neck............. 33. Thorax............ 34. Heart.......... 35. Mammee........... 36. Back....... 37. Superior Extremities.. 38. Inferior Extremities.. 65 66 73 74 77 78 82 84 87 90 96 917 98 99 100. 101 102 103 107" xxvi CONTENTS. Vart EDfrO. MORBID CONDITIONS AND SENSATIONS. Page Page 1. External and Internal 3. Diseases of the Bones.. 174 Parts in general.... 114 4. Diseases of the Skin.. 179 2. Diseases of the Glands 169 part Fourt". YAWNING, SLEEP, AND DREAMS. 1. Yawning....... 222 3. Dreams.......... 231 2. Sleep, Hypnology.... 223I Vart Safti). CIRCULATION AND FEVERS. 1. Circulation.......... 235 I 2. Fevers............ 238 Lart sixtC. ETIOLOGY, ETC. 1. Constitutional Tendencies.............. 255 2. Period at which the Symptoms are Developed or Exacerbated 256 3. Surrounding Influences 258 4. External Applications.. 269 5. Food, Ingesta, Things introduced into the Natural Openings of the Body.......... 272 6. Influence of Rest, and its attendant Symptoms............. 280 7. Influence of various Positions, &c......... 284 8. Influence of Motion.. 287 9. Influence of Change of Position......... 290 10. Influence of Locomotion 293 11. Influence of the Affections and Passions.. 301 12. Influence of Society.. 302 13. Influence of Intellectual Labour.......... 303 14. Influence of Physical Labour...........304 15. Influenceof the Function of the Organs of Vision 305 16. Influence of the Functions of the Organs of Digestion.......... 306 CONTENTS. xxvii Page 17. Influence of the Respi- 21. ratory Function.... 311 22. 18. Influence of the Generative Function.......316 19. Influence of the Touch 317 20. Influence of Perspiration 320 Page Influence of Sleep...320 Influence of various Morbid Conditions and their accompanying Symptoms..........322 Cart F ebentGC 1. - Aconitum Nape11us.... 2. Agaricus Muscarius 3.. Alumina...... 4. -Ambra, Grisea...... 5., Ainmonium, Carbonicum. 6., Ammonium Muriaticum 7.,'Anacardium.... S. Angustura..... 9. Antimonium Crudum.. 10. -Antimoniuni Tartaricum. I11., Argen~tum Foliatum 12.. Arnica....... 13. Arsenicum Album 14. 'Asa Foetida..... 15., Asarum Europaeum... 16. -Aurum Foliatum.. 17. B 'aryta....... 18. 'Belladonina...... 19. 'Bismuthurn. 20. Borax....... 21'. Lycoperdon Bovista 22. Bryonia, Alba...:... 23. Caladium Seguinum. 2.Calcarea, Carboniica.. 25.Camphora......27., Cantharis..... 28.~CasiumAnnuum... 1 29.- Carbo Animalis.....30. 'Carbo Vegetabiliý 31.. -Causticurn*.......... 32.' -Chamomulla.....,33. Chelidonium......34. China.,35.- Cicuta Virosa........ 324 325 326 327 328 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 341 342 343 345 346 346 347 349 350 3-5-1 352 353 3.54 356 357 358 35'-9 360 362 363 36.. Cina....... 37. Clemnatis Erecta. 38., Cocculus........... 39. Coffea........ 40.'- Colchicum Autumnale 4 1.. -Colocynthis.......... 42.- Conium Maculatum. 43.~ -Creosotum.......... 44. Crocus Sativus. 45.. -Cuprum............ 46..- Cyclamen Europaeum.. 47. -Digitalis Purpurea 4 8.' -Drosera Rotundifolia. 49.~ -Dulcamara..... 50. Euphorbium.... 51.' Euphrasia Officinalis 52.'- Ferrum Metallicum.... 53.' -Graphites........... 54. Guajacum Officinale 5 5.'- Helleborus Niger.. 56.' Hepar Suiphuris Calcareum...... 5 7.'- Hyo'scyamus Niger... 5 8.' -Ignatia............. 59.' Jodium...... 60.- Ipecacuanha.... 61.' Kali Carbonicum.. 62. 'ýLachesis...... 63.. -Laurocerasus.... 64..' Ledum Palustre.... 65.. Lycopodium.... 66. Magunes...... 67. Magnes Arcticus.. 68. Magnos Australis... 69.' -Magnesia........... 364 36 5 366 367 368 369 37 0 371 372 373 374 375 37 6 377 378 379 380 381 383 38 4 385 386 387 388 390 391 3929 393 394 395 3 97 398 399 400 xxviii1 CONTENTS. Page 70. Magnesia Muriatica 401 71. Manganum.... 402 72.- Marum Verum...... 403 73. Menyanthes Trifoliata 404 74.. Mercurius Vivus...... 405 75.- Daphne Mezereum.... 406 76.% Moschus............ 407 77., Muriaticum Acidum.. 408 78. Natrum Carbonicum.. 409 79.* Natrum Muriaticum.. 410 80. Nitrum (Kali Nitricum) 411 81., Nitri Acidum........ 412 82., NLux Moschata........ 414 83., Nux Vomnica........ 415 84. Nerium Oleander... 416 85.' Opium............. 417 86. Paris Quadrifolia.... 418 87. Petroleum.......... 419 88. -Phosphorus........ 420 89.. Phosphoricum Acidum 422 90. -Platina............ 423 91. 'Plumbum Metallicum.. 424 92.' Pulsatilla.......... 425 93.*Ranunculus Bulbosus.. 427 94. 'Ranunculus Sceleratus 428 95..Rheum (Rhabarbarum) 429 96.- Rhododendron Chrysanthum............ 429 97..Rhus Toxicodendron.. 431 98." Ruta Graveolens 99.' Sabadilla......... 100.- Sabina............ 101.- Sambucus Nigra.... 102. Sassaparilla........ 103.* Scilla Maritima...... 104.' Secale Cornutum.... 105.- Selenium.......... 106. Senega............ 107.- Sepia.............. 108. - Silicea 109.- Spigelia Anthelmia.. 110.' Spongia Tosta...... 111.- Stannum......... 11,2. Delphinium Staphysagria............ 113.- Datura Stramonium... 114. Strontiana........ 115. -Sulphur.......... 116.- Sulphuricum Acidum 117. Taraxacum........ 118.'Thuja Occidentalis.. 119. Valeriana Officinalis.. 120.- Veratrum album.... 121. Verbascum Thapsus.. 122. Viola Odorata...... 123.- Tricolor (Jacea).... 124. Vitex Agnus........ 125.- Zincum............ Page 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 452 453 454 455 456 '458 459 459 460 462 INDEX........... pp. 465-493. MANUAL OF HOMOEOPATHIC THERAPEUTICS. part first. MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL FACULTIES. I. MORAL. 1. In general. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. am. ARS. asaf. asar. AUR. 6ar. BELL. bism. bor. bov. bry. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chel, cChin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. co0ch. coloc. CON. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. HYOS. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. LACH. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-iosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec.-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. STRAM. stron. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 2. Anxiety (alysmus). ACON. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ANAC. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARN. ARS. AUR. BAR. BELL. bov. nBRY. calad. CALC. canth. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. chin. cic. cocc. coff. con. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. GRAPH. lep. hyose. IGNAT. kali. lach. LYC. m-arct. m-austr. men. merc. mur-ac. natr. nit'. nitr-ac. N-vOM. op. petr. piosp/. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. samb. SEP. Sil. Spiq. Sponyg. stann. STRAM. stront. SULPH. thuj. Valer VERATR. Vit. 3. Eagerness. - ARS. calc. LYC. natr. PULS. sep. B MORAL. 4-11. 4. Despair. Acon. ambr. amn-inur. ant-tart.,^ARS. AUR. bar. bell. bry. cc CAC.caph. cauth. earb-an, carb-veg. CAIJST. c-hain. chin " f."c ' coich. CON. dig. GRAPH."he.0c~[GNAT. jo d. LYC. m-arct. merc. NATR. Ditr-ac. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. P1JLS. RIIUS. ruta. ~4oi~~ep. il. spig. -stciun. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. verb. vit. 5. Mildness. Ambnr. anac. asar. aur. boy. CALAD. caps. carb-an. caust. cic. elem. coec. eroc. guj euphorb. euplir. hell. ignat. jod. LYC. m-arct. magn-mur. mang. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. op. ph-ac. plumb. PUbS. thus. SIL. staun. strain. suiph. veratr. zinc..6. Effrontery. &~.~aei, Aeon. ant-tart. boy. calad. IGNAT. M-ARCT. mezer. natr. OP. puls. scull, tar. veratr. 7. Aniativeness. Aeon. ANT-CRUD. bell. calacl. calc. cann. CANTH. earb-veg. chin. doff. coloc. con. croc. ddec. GRAPH. HYOSC. IGNAT. kali. LACH. LYC. m-austr. men. mere. mosch. natr. NATR-MUR. n-mosch. N-VTOM. op. PHOSPH. PLAT. plumb. puls. rhus. ru~ta. sabin. selen. SIL. v tap h. STRAM. suiph. thuj. VERATR. verb. Zinc..8. Gaiety. Alum. aug. ant-tart. AUR. BELL. CANN. caps. CARB-AN. dci. 00FF. con. CR00. cutpr. cyci. fierr. srvosc. ignat. jod. lach. laur. lye. men. NATR. natr-mur. n-mosch. OP. PHOSPHa. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. sabad. sassap. seneg. spig. SPONG. STRAM. TAR. valer. VERATR. verb. ZINC. 9. Indifference. Agar. alum. amm-mur. anac. amn. ars. asaf. asar. bell. eale. caust. chain. CHIN. Cie. Clem. COCC. CON. cycl. dig. euphr. graph. hell. IGNAT. ipec. laur. lye. men. mere. mezer. mur-ac. NATR-MUR. nitrac. na-vom. oleand. op. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. PUbS. rheum. rhodod..scill. SEP. SIL. staph. strain. suph. VIOL-TR1. zzn.3 10. I~nstab~litty, fickleness. Q" C~. A.5 4-.A44 IAzi~Aeon. ALUM. ant-tart. amn. asaf. asat. AUR. bell. bism.. boy. C/""tv'1'ýCnn.caps. CARB-AN. caust. eon. eroc. eupr. cycl. dros. FERR. LAC7,2_A"b1APH. hyose. IGNAT. Jod. Lye. m-arct. mere. natr. natr-mur. n-mosch. op. phosph. PLAT. puls. sassap. strain. sulph. SULPH-A0. 11. Irritability. S ACON. ambr. amm-inur. anac. any. ant. crud. amn. ars. AUR. L'.bar. BELL. bor. BRY. ccilc. eampli. cant. earb-an. earb-veg. caust. CHAlV. chin. coce. 00FF. creos. eroc. eapr. dule. FERR.. 4fp.ý INTELLECT. 12-17. 3 Hvosc. ia jod. ipec. lack. laur. LYC. mgs. I. m-austr. mar. merc. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac, p%.4 ran-bulb. seneg. SEP. S4l. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. valer. VERATR. zinc. 12. Mischievousness, maliciousness. ACON. agar. amm. anim-mur. ANAC. arn. ARS. aur. bell. bor. caps. caust. chin. cic. coloc. cuPR. guaj. HYOSC. ignat. lack. led. LYC. mang. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. par. phosph. plat. scill. sec. corn. STRAM. VERATR. 13. Suspiciousness. ANAC. ant. crud. aur. BAR. BELL. calc. CAUST. chamin. CIC. dig. DROS. HELL. HYOSC. lack. LYC. m-arct. men. merc. natr. nitr-ac. op. phosph. plumb. PULS. ruta. staph. sulph-ac. PA L. A14. Moroseness, bad humour, peevishness. Acon. ALUM. amm. amm-mur. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. arn. ars. asaf. asar. AUR. bell. bism. bor. bov. bry. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. Chin. Cic. Cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch.ot;coloc. coN. creos. cupr. cycl. dros. dulc. graph. guaj. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. IPEC. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. natr-m1ur. NITR-AC. n2-vom. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. ruta. sabin. SASSAP. scill. seneg. sep. sIL. spong. stann. STAPH. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. verb. VIOL-TR. zinc. 15. Pride. Anac. arn. aur. caust. chin. cic. cupr. dule. ferr. guaj. Ayosc.,_Zs. ignat. ipec. lack. LYC. merc. n-vom. par. phosph. PLAT. STRAM. VERATR. 16. Sadness. ACON. ambr. amim. asar. aur. BELL. boy. bry. calc. camph. carban. caust. CHAM. chel. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. con. creos. cupr. cycl. dig. GRAPH. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. laur. LYC. m-arct. men. merc. mezer. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. ran. scel. rheum. RHUS. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. strain. sulph. veratr. viol-od. viol-tr. II. INTELLIGENCE. 17. Intellect in general, affections of (paranoea). AcoN. agar. alum. ambr. amm. ANAC. ang. ant. crud. arn. ars. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. bov. bry. calad. CALC. camph. CANN. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cic. cocc. coff. colch. con. croc. cupr. cycl. dulc. graph. HELL. hep. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. kali. LACH. laur. led. LYC. m-arct. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mnosch. N-VOM. oleand. OP. par. petr. 4 INTELLECT. 18-24. riiospi-. PH-A.C. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. RHUS..ruta. sabad. sec-corn. selen. SEP. sit. spig. spong. stann. staph. STEAM. STJLPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-od.. vit. zinc. 18. Mental alienation (mni) Aeon. agar. ANAC. ant-crud. ars. AUR. BELL. cann. canth. caust. CdC. cocc. ColoC. eon. croc. CUPR. dig. dale. HYOSO. ignat. lack. LYC. mere. natr. n-mose, n-vora. oleand. op. par. phosph. PLAT. plumb. rhus. scull, sec-corn. sep. STEAM. SULPH. VERATE. zinc. 19. Difficulty of apprehension. Alum. AMEBR. amm. anac. ant-crud. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. bry. caic. eampli. CANN. caps. earb-veg. caust. chain. chin. COcC. colcil. CON. cupr. CYCL. duic. HELL. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. LAUR. LYC. m-arct. MEN. MERC. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. natr~nur. rntr-ac. N-MOSCH. fl-vorn. OLEAND. OP. petr. phosph. PH-AC. plat. pubS. RAN-B3ULB. rheum. RHIJs. ruta. -sabad. -sec. corn. SELEN. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. STRAM. SuiPh. THIJJ. veratr. viol-od. viol-tm. vit. zinc. 20. 41uickness of apprehension. Ambr. ang. bar. eann. caust. COFF. hyose. LACH. lye. OP. phospli. sabad. sep. suiph. valer. veratr. VIOL-OD. 21. ]Loss of consciousness, insensibility. Aeon. alum. ambr. anam. anac. ant-tart. ARN. ars. asar. DIAR. BELL. boy. 6brY. Calc. CAMPH. eann. canth. chain. ehel. ehin. cic. coce. coleli. eon. CUPR. guaj. HELL. Hyosc. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. lyc. mngs. m-arct. merc. mezer. mosch. MUR-AC. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. n-voin. oleand. op.. phosph. PH-AC. piat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. see-corn. selen. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph. STRAM. suiph. tar. valer. veratr. viol-od. vit. 22. Delirium, raving, light-.headedness. Aeon. agar. amna. anac. ant-crud. amn. ARS. AUR. BELL. bisi. bry. cale. camp/i. cann. canth. diana. chin. cic. cina. coloc. eon.,croc. CUPR. dulc. HYOSC. ignat. jod. kali. LACH. LYC. mere. nmoseli. n-vom. OP. par. phospk. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. rhetim. rims. sabad. samb. sec-corn. spong. STEAM. -sulph. suiph-ac. tar. valer. veratr. '23. Excitement. Aeon. agar. alum. ambr. anam. anae. ang. ant. crud. bell. eann.,chin. COPE. hyose. LACH. laur. lye. inur-ac. OP. PHOSPH. plat. sabad. strain. suiph. SULPH-AC. VALER. verb. VIOL-OD. zinic. 24. Ecstacy. ACON. AGAR. aug. ANT-CRUD. amn. bell. bry. diana. lack. m-arct. oleand. OP.. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. stann. -strain.'veratr. 'mit. MEMORY. 25-30. 5 25. Distraction. ACON. alum. AMM. ranac. ang. ARN. aUr. BAR. bell. Bov. CALAD. calc. cann. CAUST. CHAM. chin. cic. cocc. colch. croc. cycl. dulc. gpraph. HELL. hep. IGNAT. kali. lach. led. LYC. mgS. m-austr. mang. MERC. mezer. mosch. natr. nltr-mnur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. phosph, ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. rhus. SEP. sil. spig. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. VERATR. verb. viol-od. violtr. vit. 26. Hallucination. ACON. AMBR. anac. ang. ant-crud. aur. bar. BELL. bry. calc. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chin. cic. COCC. coff. con. croc. cupr. euphr. HELL. hep. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. kali. lach. led. LYC. m-arct. magn-mur. merc. mur-ac. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. PULS. RHUS. SABAD. samb. SEC-CORN. sep. SIL. spong. stann. STAPH. STRAM. SULPH. thuj. VALER. veratr. verb. viol-od. 27. Idiotcy, idiotismn. ANAC. ant-crud. ARs. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bov. calc. cann. caps. cham. cocc. con. cupr. cycl. dulc. hell. HYOSC. ignat. lach. LAUR. LYC. merc. mazer. moschl. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mnur. n-mosech. n-vom. oleand. op. PARn. petr. PH-AC. PLUMB. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. rhus. ruta. SABAD. 8sec-COrn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spong. stann. staph. STRAM. sulph-ac. veratr. III. MEMORY. 28. uickness of. Acon. anac. ang. AUR. BELL. COFF. croc. CYCL. HYOSC. op. phosph. seneg. viol-od. 29. Feebleness, weakness of. ANAC. BELL. bry. camph. coN. cycl. graph. hell. HYOSC. kali. LYC. NATR-MUR. oleand. op. PETR. puls. rhus. selen. sil. spig. staph. STRAM. Sulph. VERATR. 30. Forgetfulness (amnesia). Acon. ALUM. amm. ANAC. amrn. ars. aur. bar. BELL. boy. BRY. calc. carb-veg. caust. cocc. colch. coN. creos. croc. CYCL. dig. GRAPH. GUAJ. HELL. hep. HYOSC. ignat. kali. lach. LAUR. LYC. mi-arct. merc. mezer. mosch. NATR-MUR. N-MOSCH. OLEAND. Op. PETR. phosph. plat. plumb. puls. rhodod. aRHUS. sabin. SELEN. sep. sil. SPIG. staph. STRAM. Strollt. SULPH. Sulph-ac. VERATR. verb. VIGL-OD. zinC. 13B2 CEPHALONOSIA. 31-34. IV. CEPHAýLONOSIA. 31. Embarrassment. Perplexity. ACON. agar. alum. ainbr. amm. amm-mur. ANAC. aug. anttart. amn. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. 3BOY. BRY. calad. CALO. camph. cann. canth. Caps.. CARB-AN. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. Cic. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. CREOS. CROC. dig. dros. euplir. FERR. GRAPH1. HELL. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. laur. led. lyc. m-arct. m-austr. MAGNS. magn-mur. mang. MEN. MERC. MEZER. MOSCH. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MIJR. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VON. oleand. OP. par. PETR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. SEC-CORN. SENEG. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann.,STAPH. STRAM. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. Viol-tr. ZINC. 32. Dizziness. Stunning. Acon. agar. alum. ant-tart. arg. amn. ARS. asar. bar. BELL. BOY. BRY. CALC. CAMPH. cann. caps. caust. chain. chin. CIC. coec. CoJ. CON. CUPR. dulc. graph. HELL. HYOSO. ipec. kali. lach. LAUR. led. lyc. magil-mur. merc. mezer.?nosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. oleanci. OP. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plumb. PULS. RHEUM. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sec-corn. sep. sil. spig. staun. STRAM. suiph. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. 33. Obnubillation. Dulness. (typhiosia). Acon. AGAR. alumn. amin-mur. ang. ant-tart. ARG. ars. asar. aur. BELL. boy. BRY. CALC. campli. CANN. Caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cic. COOC. coff. CON. creos. croc. dulc. graph. hell. HiYOSC. ignat. ipec. KALI. LAUR. lye. MAGN-MUR. merc. MEZER. mosch. natr. natr-inur. mitr. n-mosch. N-VOM. OP. petr. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. RHEUJM. rhiodod. RHUS. sabad. sarnb. sassap. scill. seccorn. sep. sil. spong. STRAM. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. vale,'. YERATR. 34. Giddiness, Vertigo. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. antcrud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. DRY. calad. CALC. camph. CANN. canth. caps.- carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. CIC. cocc. coff. coloc. CON. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. fer. graph. hell. hep. hyos3c. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. LAUR. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. men. merc. mezer. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUJR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-inosch N-VOM. oleand. op. par. PETR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rheunm. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec. corn. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. YALER. YERATR. verb. viol-od. Vit. ZINC. INTERIOR OF THE CRANIUM. 35-37. 7 35. Concomitant symptoms. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARG. arn. ARS. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. boy. bry. calad. CALC. camph. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. coloc. con. croc. cupr. dig. dulc. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. LACH. LAUR. led. lyc. magn. magn-mur. MERC. mezer. MOSCH. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. STRAM. stront. sulph. VERATR. verb. zinc. Part Ieontv+ SEAT OF THE SYMPTOMS. ORGANS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS. I. INTERIOR OF THE CRANIUM. 36. In general. AcoN. agar. alum. ambr. AMM. amm-mur. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. BISM. bor. boy. 6ry. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. CREOS. Cros. cupr. cycl. dig. DROS. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. laclh. LAUR. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. PETR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. SABIN. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. str. SIL. SPIG. spong. STANN. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. THUJ. valer. VERATR. VERB. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. INC. 37. Coronal region. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. AMM. AMM-MUR. anac. ang. ANT. CRUD. ANT-TART. arg. arn. ARS. asaf. ASAR. aur. bar. BELL. BISM. bor. bov. BRY. CALC. camph. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. COCC. coff. colch. coloc. con. CREOS. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. DROS. DULC. euphorb. euphr. FERR. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. HYOSC. IGNAT. 8 INTERIOR OF THE CRANIUM. 38-40. jod. ipec. KALI. lack. LAUR. led. lye. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. MAGN. MAGN-MUR. many. mar. men. MERC. MEZER. mosch. murac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. ni~tr-ac. n-mosch. N-YOM. OLEAND. op. par. PETR. PHOSPH. phý-ac. PLAT. plIumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. SABIN. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. -selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. SPONG. STANN. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. THUJ. YALER. veratr. VERB. VIOL-OD. Viol-tr. Vit. ZINC. 38. Tenmporal region. Acon. agar. ALUM. ambr. amin. amin-mur. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARG. amn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. bov. bry. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. didl. CHIN. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. eon. CREOS. croc. cupr. CYCL. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyose. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lack. laur. led. lyc. m-arct. in-austin. MAGN. iagn-inur. MANG. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mum-ac. uatr. natr-muir. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. n-voin. oleand. PAR. PETR. pho0sph. PH-AC. PLAT. PLUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. man-scel. rheuin. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. SABIN. samb. sassap. scill. seneg. sep. sil. sp,ýq. spong0. STANN. staph. strain. stront. sulphl. SULPH-AC. tar THUJ. valer. veratr. VERB. viol-tr. VIT. ZINC. 39. Parietal region. Aeon. agarn. alum. amrn. ainm-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. arg. amn. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. BOY. bry. caic. cainpi. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-anu. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. chin. cic. dina. clein. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euph. ferr. graph. GUAJ. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. inchi. LAU R. led. lye. mgs. M-ARCT. M-AUSTR. mag. rnagn-mur. mang. mar.- men. mere. mezer. inosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-xnur. nitrac. n-mosch. n-vorn. oleand. par. petr. phosph. PII-AC. _plat. plumb. puls. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. SASSAP. scill. Sep. sil. spong. staun. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. THUJ. valer. VERATR. VERB. viol- tr. ZINC. 40. Vertex. Aeon. agar. alum. ambr. amin. amm-mnr. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. amn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bel. bor. bov. bry. caic. caun. canth. Caps. CARB-AN. carb-veg. caust. chel. chin. cina. cocc. colch.,coloc. con. creos. croc. CUPR. cyci. dig. dulc. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hy.osc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lack. laur. led. lye. MGS. m-amct. rn-austin. magn. mang. men. mere. mezer. mosch. mum-ac. natm. nati'mum. iiitr. NITR-AC. N-MOSC. n1-VOm. oleand. par. petm. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. puls. ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sainb. sassap. scull. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. -staph.,strain. stront. sulph. suiph-ac. thztj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-tm. vit. zinc. EXTERNAL SURFACE OF THE CRANIUM. 41-44. 9 41. Occiput. Acon. agar. alum. AMB. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. arg. arn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. brov. bry. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps. CARB-AN. CARB-VEC. caust. CHEL. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. COLCH. con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. MAGN-MUR. many. mar. men. mere. MEZER. MOSCH. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. NITR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. SABIN. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. SENEG. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. ZINC. 42. IHemicranium in general. Acon. AGAR. ALUM. amber. amm. amm-mur. ANAC. ang. antcrud. ant-tart. ARG. am. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. BAR. bell. bism. bor. bov. bry. CALC. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. chin. cic. CINA. clem. cocc. cof. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. CYCL. dig. dros. DULC. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. GUAJ; hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. laur. led. lye. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. MANG. mar. men. mere. MEZER. mosch. MUR-AC. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. OLEAND. PAR. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. plumb. puls. ranbulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. SABIN. samb. SASSAP. scill. selen. seneg. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. STRONT. sulph. SULPH-AC. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. VERB. viold-od. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. 43. Hemicranium, dexter. Acon. AGAR. ALUM. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. arg. am. ars. asaf. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. bov. bry. calc. camph. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chainm. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. cof. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cycl. dig. DROS. dulc. euphorb. euphr. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. kali. laur. led. lye. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. MAR. men. mere. mezer. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. u-mosch. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PLUMn. puls. RANBULB. rheum. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. SABAD. SABIN. sassap. scill. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 44. Hemicranium, sinister. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ANT-TART. arg. ARN. ars. ASAF. ASAR. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. bov. bry. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. chel. CHlN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. COLCH. COLOC. con. creos. CROC. CUPR. cycl. dig. dros. dule. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hyosc. ignat. JOD. kali. LACH. laur. led. lye. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. 10 EXTERNAL SURFACE OF THE CRANIUM. 45-50. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. naatr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. n-vomz. oleanci. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHODOD. rhus. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scMl. SELEN. seneg. sep. SPIG.- spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. sniph-ac. TAR. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. II. CRANIUM, EXTERNAL SURFACE OF THE. 45. In general. Acon. agar. ALUM. amnbr. amm. ang. arg. ARN. ars. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. bism. bor. boy. bry. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. CHIN. cina. clem. cocc. coloc. creos. cyci. dig. dros. ferr. GRAPH. GUAJ. htell. hiep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. m-arct. mnagn-mur. mnang. men. MERC. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM'. oleand. op. PAR. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. puis. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. sassap. selen. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. staun. STAPH. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. VERATR. viol-od. vit. ZINC. 46. Frontal region, external. Alum, ambr. ant-crud. aur. bar. BOY. CALC. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. didl. cic. CLEM. con. CREOS. DROS. graph. REP. jod. LED. lye..men. merc. mur-ac. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-vom. PAR. PHOSPH. P1--AC. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sassap. SEP. sil-spig. STAPH-. SULPH. verat. viol-od. viol-tr. zinc. 47. Parietal regrion, external. Agar. ambr. ars. bar *. BOY. carb-an. CAUST. coloc. dros. GRAPH. guaj. kali. lyc. nitr-ac. phospli. PH-AC. ruta. sasssap. STAPH. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. ZINC. 48. Vertex, exterior of the. Agar. ars. BAR. bry. CALC. CARB-AN. carb-veg. -caust. cnpr. GRAPIH. HEP. LYC. men. MEZER. nitr-ac. par. phospli. plumb. RAN-SCEL. scull. SELEN. sep. SIL. spig. spong. staph. VERATR. ZINC. 49. Temporal, regrion, external. Alu1m. ANAC. ant-crud. ARG. asar. bar. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chel. CHIN. cocc. CREOS. cyci. dros. igonat. KALI.- lach. LYC. mang. MERC. MUR-AC. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. PAR. petr. phospli. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rh1us. sabad. SABIN. sep. sil. spig. sulphi-ac. THUS.J zinc. 50. WIastoidal region, posterior (behind the ears). Alumw. abr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. ANG. arg. ARN. aur. BAR. BELL. bry7. CALC. cann. CANTH. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. chin. cic. cina. COCC. CON. dros. GRAPH. hell. HEP. kali. lacb. EXTERNAL SURFACE OF THE CRANIUM. 51-57. 11 LYC. men. merc. mezer. MUR-AC. nitr. nitr-ac. OLEAND. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. sassap. selen. SEP. SIL. spong. stann. STAPH. SULPH. tar. thuj. verb. viol-tr. zinc. 51. Occipital region, external. Almbr. amm. amm-mur. ant-crud,. ant-tart. ars. bar. bell. bor. bry. CALC. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. chel. chin. CLEM. cycI. euphorb. graph. HEP. jod. LYC. merC. mezer. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. oleand. PETR. puls. rhus. ruta. SEP. SIL. spig. STAPH. SULPH. THUJ. viol-od. zinc. 52. Bones. Ant-crud. ang. arg. ars. AUR. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. cham. CHIN. cocc. cupr. graph. guaj. HEP. ignat. ipec. LYC. mang. MERC. mezer. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-vom. PHOSPH. PH-AC. puls. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. sabad. sa6in. samb. SEP. SIL. spig. SULPH. veratr. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 53. Hairy scalp, in general. Altum. ambr. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arn. ARS. aur. 6ar. bell. BOR. 6ov. bry. CALC. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHEL. chin. cic. clem. cycl. dross. ferr. GRAPH. hell. HEP. kali. laur. led. lyc. magn. magn-mur. MERC. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-vom. OLEAND.par. PETR. PHOSPH. puls. ran-scel. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. sassap. selen. SE P. SIL. spig. STAPH. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc. 54. Hairy scalp, coronal region. Agar. alum. amm. amm-mur. anac. ARS. bar. BELL. bism. bry. calc. carb-veg. cic. con. creos. dros. dulc. graph. HEP. kali. lyc. magn. magn-mur. MERC. mezer. natr. NATR-MUR. oleand. par. petr. PHOSPH. plat. ran-bulb. sabad. sep. SIL. staph. sulph. thuj. VIOL-TR. zinc. 55. Hairy scalp, borders of the. Calc. NATR-MUR. SEP. 56. Hair, in general. Acon. agar. ALUM. AMBR. amm. ant-crud. arn. ARS. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. BOR. bov. bry. CALC. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. chel. CHIN. cina. cocc. colch. con. creos. cycl. dulc. FERR. GRAPH. HEP. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. laur. LYC. magn. magnmur. mang. men. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-vom. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLUMB. puls. RHUS. sabad. sassap. sec-corn. SELEN. sep. SIL. spig. Spo2ng. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. VERATR. zinc. 57. Hair, fair. SAGAR. ambr. amm-mur. ANG. ars. aur. bar. bell. BOR. bov. DRY. CALC. CAPS. caust. CHAM. cina. CLEM. COCC. coff. CON. croc. 12 HAIR., EYES. 58-62. cupr. DIG. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. hell. hep. HYOSO. ignat. JOD. ipec. kali. LACH. laur. LYC. magn. magn-mur. MERC. MEZER. moseli. mur-ac, natr. n-vom. Op. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. plat. puls. rheum. RHaUS. ruta. sabad. SELEN. SENEG. Sep. SIL. SPIG. SPONG. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. SULPH1-AC. THUJ. veratr. viol-od. 58. Hair, dark. Adcon. ambr. amin-mur. ANTAC. ant-crud. arg. ARN-ARS. asar. bell. bry. cale. cann. caps. CAIRB-VE G. CAUST. chin. elem. con. dros. DULC. euplir. graph. GUAJ. hell. hep. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI.- lach. led. lye. magn-mur. mere. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr'. NATR-MUR. NITRAC. N-VOM. oleaud. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. plumb. PULS. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabin. sassap. SEP. Qll. stann. STAPH1-. SULPH. veratr. verb, zinc. 59. Head, movements of the. Ag~ar. ALUM. amm-ruur. aug. ant-tart. arg. asar. aur. BELL. bry. CAMPH. canth. caust. chain. chini. CIC. CINA. cocc. coich. creos. CUPH. dig. ferr. hell. hep. HIYOSO. IGNAT. kali. lach. lye. in-aret. mere. natr-mur. n-moseh. n-vorn. oleand. op. par. phospli. puls. rheum. rhus. SEP. Spig. SPONG. staph. STRAM. tar. veratr. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. Whiskers. Agar. ambr. calc. graph. mezer. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. plumb. silex. III. EYES. 60. Eyebrows. Agar. alum. ambr. amm-mur. aug. ARN. ars. asaf. bar. BELL. boy. bry. camph. caun. canth. CAUST. chin. cina. clem. coloc. eroc. cupr. dig. DROS. euphorb. guaj. HE.LL. ignat. ipec. KALIL laur. in-aret. mang. mere. moseh. natr-mur. n-vom. oleand. PAR. petr. plat. plumb. ran-bulb. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SELEN. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. strain. stront. sulph. tar. THUJ. viol-tr. VIT. zinc. 6 1. Orbits. Mlum. amin-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. amn. ars. asaif. aur. bar. B E LL. bism. BOY. bry. calc. camph. chel. chin. cocc. coloc. con. cupr. dig. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. magn. mern. mere. mezer. mur-ae. nitr-ae. n-moseh. oleand. par. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. puls. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sassap. selen. sveneg. sep. SPIG. spong. STANN. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. VALER. veratr. verb. 62. Eyelids, in general. ACON. agar. ALUM. ambr. amin-mur. anac. aug. ant-crud. anttart. arg. amn. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. EYES. 63-67. 13 CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM" chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. colch. coloc. con. creos. cRoc" cupr. cycl. DIG. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hel" HEP. hyoSc. IGNAT. jod. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct" m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch" mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb, ranscel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta.-sabad. sabin. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tor. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zINC. 63. Eyelids, superior. Acon. agar. ALUM. ang. arg. arn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. BRY. CALC. camph. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. CHEL. chin. cina. clem. colch. coloc. con. creos. CROC. cycl. dulc. ferr- graph. hell. HEP. hyosc. ignat. kali. laur. lyc. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. manig. mar. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. oleand. op. PAR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. sabin. scill. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. stram. SULPH. tar. thuj. VERATR. viol-od. vit. ZINC. 64. - inferior. Agar. alum. atmm-mur. arg. ARS. asar. aur. bell, BRY. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cic. colch. coloc. croc. DIG. dros. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. jod. lach. laur. lyc. m-austr. MAGN. MERC. mezer. natr. NATR-MUR. oleand. petr. PH-AC. puls. ran-bulb. RHUS. RUTA. sabin. sec-corn. SENEG. SEP. Sil. spig. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. zinc. 65. Margins of the eyelids. Arg. arn. BELL. BOR. calc. canth. CHAM. CLEM. COICh. creos. DIG. EUPHR. HEP. lyc. MERC. mezer. N-VOM. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sabad. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. STAPH. stramn. SULPH. VALER. zinc. 66. Internal surface of the eyelids. ACON. agar., ARS. BELL. bor. bry. calc. canth. caust. chainm. con. dros. ignat. MERC. natr-mur. N-VOM. 2par. PHOSPH. PULS. RHUS. sep. sit. SULPH. 67. Angles of the eye (canthi). Acon. AGAR. ALUM. amm. amm.-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. anttart. arg. arn. arn. ars. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. bism. BOR. boy. BRY. CALC. camph. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chai. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. coff. colch. coloc. con. dig. EUPHORB. EUPHR. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc mgs. ni-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mar. men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran 14 Frs. 68-71. Iscel. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sassap. scill. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STANN. STAPH. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr. zinc. 68. Internal angrles of the eye. AGAR. ALUM. anac. aug. ant-crud. ANT-TART. amn. asar. AU R. bar. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. carb6-an. CARB-YEG. CAUST. ehel. cie. cina. CLEM. Coloc. CON. dig. eiuphr. graph. hell. hyosc.- lach. laur. led. lye. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. MAGN. magn-mur. mar. men. mere. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. iaatr. natr-mnur. flitr-ae. N-VOM. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sassap. sep. SIL. spig. svtann. STAPH. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. th~tj. valer. veratr. zinc. 69. External angles of the eye. Agrar. alum. anac. ant-crud. asar. BAR. 6cr. bry. CALC. eamph. earb-an. carb-veg. chain. chel. chin. cina. coich. con. EUPHORB. euphr. graph. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. ipee. kali. laur. lye. mgs. mn-arct. mere. moseli. 2ur-ac. liatr. NATR-MUR. nitr. mitr-ae. N-YOM. pho,,ph. ph-ac. puls. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rhus. ruta. sabad. sassap. SCILL. seneg. sep. sil. Spig. spong. stann. STAPH. stront. SULPH. sulph-ae. tar. thj. 70. Ball of the eye, in general. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. aug. ant-erud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf.. ASAR. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. eamph. eann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CRAM. chel. chin. cie. cina. CLEM. coce. COff. coich. coloc. CON. creos. CROC. cnpr. CYCI. DIG. dros. dule. euphirb. EUPHR. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. REP. hyose. ignat. jod. ipee. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. mn-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mu~r. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. moseli. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mnosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHgosp. ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-s~el. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. seill. see-corn. selen. SENEG. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. STANN. STAPH. stra(in. STRONT. SULPH. -sulph-ac. tar. TIIUJ. valer. VERATH. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 71. ConjunctivaACON. agar. alum. AMBR. amin. amm-mur. aug. ant-crud. anttart. arg. amn. ARS. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. BRY. Calc.,camph. caun. cauth. caps. earb-veg. caust. chain. cdi. CHIN. CLEM. coec. coff. coloc. con. eroc. eupr. DIG. dule. enphorb. EUPHR. ferr. graph. REP. hyose. ignat. jod. ipee. icali. laeh. led. LYC. m-aret. magn. inagqn-inur. miar. MERC. mezer. natr-mur. nitr-ae. N-VOM. Op. petr. pkosph. ph-ae. plumzb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-seel, RHiUS. sabad. samb. SEP. SIL. SPIG. staiin. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. &ulph-ac. tar. thuj. YERATR. viol-od. zine. EYES. 72-77. 15 72. Cornea. Acon. amm. amm-mur. ang. ant-tart. arn. ars. aur. bar. bell. bov. bry. CALC. CANN. caps. CAUST. chel. chin. CON. creos. cupr. dig. dulc. euphorb. EUPHR. ferr. graph. HEP. hyosc. lach. lyc. MAGN. MERc. mosch. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. phosph. plumb. PULS. rhus. RUTA. sassap. scill. SENEG. sep. SIL. spig. spong. stann. strami SULPIH. tar. valer. veratr. 73. Iris, contraction of the. Acon. agar. ANAC. ang. ant-tart. ARN. arT. aur. BELL. calC. CAMPH. canth. caps. CHAM. CHEL. CHIN. CIC. cina. COCC. croc. DIG. dros. hell. hyosc. IGNAT. laur. LED. m-arct. mang. men. MEZER. mosch. MUR-AC. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rheum. rhodod. (rhus.) RUTA. samb. SCILL. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. SIL. stann. staph. stram. SULPH. tar. THUJ. VERATR. viol-od. viol-tr. ZINC. 74. - dilatation of the (mydriasis). ACON. agar. anac. ang. arn. ARS. asaf. aur. BELL. CALC. camph. canth. cAPs. carb-an. caust. CHIN. cic. CINA. CON. creos. CROC. cupr. CYCL. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. GUAJ. hell. HEP. HYOSC. IGNAT. IPEC. laur. LED. LYC. mags. m-aRct. m-austr. mang. (men.) mere. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. N-voM. oleand. OP. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. puls. rheum. rhodod. trhus. samb. sassap. SCILL. SEC-CORN. SPIG. stann. STAPH. STRAM. (tar.) thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. vit. zINC. 75. Pupils, immoveability of the. ACON. BAR. BELL. cham. chin. CUPR. dig. ferr. HYOSC. LAUR. m-arct. NITR-AC. op. plumb. ran-bulb. seneg. spig. STRAM. 76. - adherence of the. CALC. graph. NITR-AC. Sil. sulph. 77. Lachrymation (epiphora). ' Acon. agar. alum. ambr. aomm. amm-mur. anac. ant-tart. ARN. ars. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bor. bov. bry. CALC. camph. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. chel. chin. cina. clem. coff. colch. COLOC. con. CREOS. croc. dig. euphorb. EUPHR. ferr. graph. hell. hep. IGNAT. jod. kali. LACH. laur. LED. LYC. MGS. m-arct. m-austr. magn. mar. men. MERC. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. SABAD. sabin. sassap. scill. sec-corn. seneg. sep. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. STRAM. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-od. vit. zinc. 16 SIGHT. 78-82. I IV. SIGHT. 78. Fixed look, Adeon. amm. ANG. ant-tart. amn. ARS. asar. BELL. 6ry. caniph. cantli. chain. chin. GIG. cina. COOC. con. CUPIR. DIG. hell. HEP. H1YOSC. IGNAT. KALI. laur. ings. m-aret. mnere. mosch. MUR-AC. n-mosch. n-vomn. op. PH-AC. rhuts. ruta. scill. SEC-CORN. seney. sep. spig. STRAM. SULPH. vERATR. 79. Sight, dazzling of the. Bar. CALC. camph. carb-an. caust. chel. cic. con. dig. DROS. euphr. graph. hyosc. ignat. KALI. lyc. mang. mere. natr. nitrac. n-vom. oleand. PHOSPH. ph-ac. seneg. S IL. strain. suiph. VALER. 80. - weakness, feebleness, of., AGAR. alum. amin. amm-mur. ANAC. ang. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. CANN. cantli. caps. car6-an. carb-veg. chain. CHEL. chin. eje. cina. coff. con. creos. croe. dig. DUOS. duicd.EUPHR. graph. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. lach. laur. LED. LYC. inaga. MANG. MERC. natr. natr-inur. nitr-ac. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. rheum. rhodoci. rhus. RIJTA. sabad. sassap. sec.-corn. seneig. sep. SIL. spig. STAPH. STRAM. stront. SULPH. thuj. veratr. verb. zinc. 8 1. - obscurity of. Aeon. agar. alum. amm. ainm-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. amn. ars. asaf. aug'. BAR. BELL. boy. bry. CALO. CANN. canth. caps. carb-an. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. CON. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. duzle. euphorb. EUPHR. ferr. graph. HEP. HaYOSC. ignat. jod. ipec. lach. laur. led. LYC.mi-austr. MAGN. magamur. many. MERC. inosch. natr'. NA~rR-MUR. NITR-AC. n1-vom. OP. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. pint. plumb. PULS. rheum. rhodod. rhus. RIJTA. sabaci. sassap. sec-corn. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. stann. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. 82. - mnomentary loss of. Aeon1. AGAR. alum. ambr. anac. ant-tart. arg. arm. ars. asaf. asar. AIJR. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. camph. cann. caps. carb-an. CAUST. chant. ehel. chin. GIG. cina. cleln. CON. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. DUOS. duic. eup hr. FE RU.graph. HEP. H-YOSC.jod. kali. lach. laur. led. lye. mn-austr. magni. mang-mur. MANG. men. MERO. inezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR-MUR. NITR. nitr-ac. n-vom. OLEAND. op.-. petr. PHOSPH. pint. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ruta. sabad. sabin. scifi. Isec-corn. seneg. sep. sil. SPIG. staph. STRAM. sulph. tar. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. EYES. 83-90. 17 83. Amblyopia. Acon. amm. anac. ant.-crud. ant-tart. amn. ars. AUR. bar. BELL. CALO. caun. CAUST. CHE L. chin. cIc. coce. CON. croc. DIG. dros. duic. euphorb. EUPRR. graph. guaj. hep. IIYOSO. jod. kali. laur. lye. magn. mere. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPR. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. sassap. SEC-CORN. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. STRAM. stront. SULPr. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-od. zinc. 84. - periodical. Acon. amm. anac. ant-eritd. ANT-TART. bar. bell. eale. caust. CREL. CHIN. con. croc. DIG. EUPHR. graph. RYOSC. lye. mere. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. plumb. PULS. rhus. muta. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. strai. S-ULPR. veratr. 85. Photophobia. ACON. agar. alum. amnm. amm-mur. anac. ant-erud. ARN. ARS. bar. BELL. bor. BRY. CALC. camph. camb-an. eaust. CRAM. CHIN. cic. cina. elem. COFF. COICh. CON. CROC. cupr. DIG. dros. EUPHR. GRAPH. hell. REP. HYOSC. IGNAT. kali. laur. LYC. m-aret. magn. mang. MERC. mum-ac. NATR. natr-m*,r. NITR. mitr-ac. n-mosch. N-YOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sassap. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. staph. STRAM. SULPH.. suiph-ac. tam. vit. 86. Great desire for light. ACON. ammn-mum. BELL. strain. 87. Myopia. Agar. AMM. anae. ang. ANT-TART. CALC. carb-veg. CHIN. CON. CYCL. euphorb. EUPHR. gmaph. hep. RYOSC. LACH. LYC. mang. mezer. natr. natr-mnur. NITR-AC. PETR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plumb. PULS. RUTA. selen. spong. STRAM. SULPR. SULPR-AC. thuj. VALER. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. 88. Presbyopia. Alum. amm. bell. bry. CALC. CARB-AN. caust. CON. DROS. hyose. LYC. magn-mur. mezer. NATR-MJR. N-VOM. PETR. SEP. SIL. spig. sulph. 89. Cataract. Acon. agar. amm. amm-mum. anac. ang. ant-tart. am. ars. aur. bar. bell, boy. bry. CALC. CANN. caps. CAUST. ehel. chin. cina. CON. creos. croc. dig. duic. euphorb. EUPHR. REP. hyosC, iguat. lye. magn. mang. merc. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. op. PROSPR. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. sassap. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. stann. staph. stam. SULPI. tar. valer. veratr. 90. - reticular. CAUST. plumb. c2 18is SIGHT. 91-101. 91. Amaurosis (paralysis of the optic nerve). Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. ars. asaf. AUR. bar. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chel. CHIN. CiC. cocc. CON. creos. croc. cycl. DIG. dros. dulc. euphr. ferr. graph. hep. HYOSC. ignat. jod. kali. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. magn. mang. MERC. mezer. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. or. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. sabin. sassap. SEC-CORN. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. thuj. VERATR. verb. zinc. 92. Glaucoma. PHOSPH. SULPH. a. Movement. 93. Apparent movement of objects. Bell. CIC. CON. EUPHR. hyosc. ignat. laur. lyc. mgs. men. merc. rnosch. N-VOM. OLEAND. par. petr. sabad. sEP. stranm. 94. Confusion of objects. CON. graph. jod. led. lyc. PLAT. sil. stratm. 95. - of letters in reading. Bell. bry. CHIN. DROS. GRAPH. hyosc. lyc. NATR-MUR. seneg. sIL. stram. viol-od. 96. Trembling, apparent, of objects. Bell. CON. led. LYC. phosph. plat. sabin. seneg. stram. thuj. viol-od. b. Ocular illusions, Pseudoblepsis, perception of diferent colours. 97. Variegated colours. BELL. CIC. dig. euphorb. kali. nitr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. stram. sulph. 98. White. Alum. amm. bell cann. caust. chel. dig. KALI. ph-ac, sulph. 99. Blue. BELL. LYC. strain. stront. sulph. zinc. 100. fBright. Alum. ammn. ANT-TART. ars. AUR. bar. BELL. BOR. bry. CAMPH. cann. caust. chel. cic. coloc. con. croc. dig. dros. dulc. euphr. graph. HYOSC. ignat. jod. KALI. lyc. rngs. mang. men. mezer. natr-mur.?N-voM. oleand. op. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. sabin. sec.corn. seneg. s2ig. stront. VALER. veratr. viol-od. zinc. 101. Dark. Acon. agar. ambr. amm-mur. ANAC, arm. ars. asaf. BELL. CALC. SiIGH3T. 1212 19 eaitb-veg. caust. chant CHIN. CiC. COCC. CON. cupr. dig. dros. EUPHR.. ferr. hep. kali. laur. Lyc. magn. mang. men. 1uERC. mosek. mur-ac natr. natr-mur. NITR-AC. n-vom. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. ruta. sabad. scill. sec-corn. 'SEP. SIL. staph. STEAM. &uiph. thuj. veratr. verb. 102. Grey. Nitr-ac (n-vom.) PHOSPH. Sep. SIL. strain..103. Iris (or resembling the rainbow). BELL. CZC. CON. dig, euphorb. kali. nitr. PHOS. PH-AC. stann. strain. sulph. *104. Yellow. Alum. amm-mur. ars. BELL. CANTH. dig. hyosc. kali. mang. SEP. sil. stront. sulph. zinc. 105. Black. Acon. amm-mur. aur. bar. BELL. calc. caps. carb-veg. chin. cic. cocc. ezuprh. KALI. lyc. MAGN. mang. merc. mosch. nitr-ac. (n-vom.) petr. PHOSP. ph-ac. ruta. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. staph. STRAM. valer. veratr. 106. Striped. AMM. ainm-mur. bell. chain. CON. jod. kali. mgs. NATR-MUR. phospli. puls. SEP. 107. Red. BELL. cann. CON. croc. dig. HEP. HaYOSC. sabad. sassap. spig. strain. stront. SULPH. 108. Green. DIlG, merc. PHOSPHU. RUTA. sep. stront. suiph. zinc. c. Distance. Objects are perceived 109. Too far off, Anac. carb-an. cic. natr-mur. n-mosch. PHOSPH. STANN. strain. sulph. 1 10. Too near. Boy. cic. strain. d. Size. Objects appear 111.I Too large. Euphorb. HYOSC. law'. NATR-MUR. PHOSPH. staph. verb. 112. Too small. IHyosp. plat. stramn 20 0 SIGHT. 113-123. e. Number andform. 113. Biplopia. Agar. amm. aur. bar. BELL. cham. cic. con. DIG. EUPHORB. graph. HYOSC. jod. (kali.) led. LYC. m-austr. nmerc. N&TR-MUR. nitr-ac. OLEAND. petr. PULS. SEC-CORN. seneg. stram. SULPH. VERATR. 114. - semilateral. Cham. 115. -horizontal. Oleand. 116. Hemiopia. Aur. calc. caust. lycop. mur-ac. natr-mur. 117. Horizontal hemiopia. AUR. 118. Vertical hemiopia. Caust. LYC. MUR-AC. NITR-MUR. f. Clearness. Objects are seen 119. Too distinctly. Camnph. carb-an. CON. HYOSC. n-vomn. VALER. 120. Obscurely. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. arg. amrn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bov. bry. CALC. cann. carban. CAUST. chel. chin. cina. con. creos. CROC. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. laur. LYC. m-arct. m-austr. magn. merc. nat?'. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. sabin. sassap. SEC-CORN. seneg. sep. sil. spig. staph. stram. SULPH. thuj. verb. viol-tr. 121. An areola round the flame ofa candle. Alum. anac. BELL. caic. cic. DIG. euphorb. kali. NITR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RUTA. 8assap. SEP. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. zinc. 122. Lightning. Bell. croc. kali. mgs. m-arct. NATR. N-VOM. oleand. sec-corn. SPIG. staph. zinc. 123. Flames of fire. Amm. ars. AUR. bar. BELL. sRY. calc. cann. carb-veg, CAUST. ,tARS. 124-128. 21 chain. coloc. con. CROC. dig. duic. graph. Hyosc. jod. KALI. mgs. in-aret. mang. merc. mezer. NATR. NATR-MUR. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. sec-corn. sep. sil. SPIG. -staph. strain. stront. -suiph. valer. veratr. viol-od. ZINC, 124. H11ideous faces. Agar. ambr. BELL. bry. caic. caust. chin. coco. con. hep. Hyosc. inerc. op. phosph. ph-ac. rhus. samb. sec-corn. sil. STRAM. suiph. veratr. 125. Dark spots, flying insects (muscae volitantes). AGAR. amm-miur. ant-tart. aur. BELL. CALC. cannr. caust. CHIN. COCC. coff. CON. dig. duic. hep. hyosc. inagn. MERC. natr-mnur. NITR-AC. Op. PHOSPH. plumb. puls. RHUS. ruta. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. STRAM. suiph. zinc. 126. Spots. Acon. agar. alum. amin. AMM-MUR. anac. ATJR. BAR. BELL. CALC. cann. carb-veo-. caust. chel. chin. cocc. CON. dig. dros. euphr. hyosc. KALI. lyc. MAGN. inang. mere. inosch. natr. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. petr. PHOSPII. ph-ac. ruta. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. SIL. stront. suiph. thuj. vale,'. V. EARS. 127. External ear* (ala or pavilion, helix, antihelix, tragus and antitragus). Aeon. ALUM. ainbr. aini. ainm-inur. ANAC., ANG. ant-crud. ARG. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. bism. BOR. boy. BRY. CALC. camnph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHEL. CHIN. czc. eina. clemi. cocc. coich. coloc. con. CREOS. cup?'. dig. DROsi. dulc. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyose. jod. KALI. laur. lyc. ings. mn-austr. mang. men. MERC. mlur-ac. natr. natr-mnur. nitr-aLc. n-vom. OLEAND. par. PETR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumib. PULS. rhus. RUTA. SABAD. sabin. SASSAP. scill. SEP. SIL. SPIG. SPONG. stann. staph. suiph. tar. thuj. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. zinc. 128. Internal. Acon. agar. ALUM. ambr. ANAC. ang. ant-cr'ud. arg. arn. ars. asaf. ASAR. aur. bar. BELL. bisin. BOR. boy. bry. CALC. cainpl. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. colch. coloc. con. CREOS. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. DROS. DULC. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. LAUR. LYC. 2)zgs. in-arct. qn-austr. MANG. mzar. men. MERC. miezer. mnur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. fl-VOflZ. oleand. par. PETR. pho0sph. PH-AC. PLAT. _plumb). PULS. ran-bulb. rheuin. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sainb. sassap. scull. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. strain. sulph. suiph-ac. tar. thu{j. valer. veratr. VERB. Viol-od zfinc. 22 22EARS. 129-137. 129. Space before the ear. Ar. r 67y. caic. carb-veg. mur-ac. oleanci. sassap. SEP.- Sil. verb. ZINC. 130. - behind. Acon. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ANG. ant-crud. arg. amn. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coich. ColoC. CON. dig. dros. GRAPH. hell. HEP. kali. LACH. LYC. magn. mang. men. merc. MEZER. MUR-AC. nitr. nitr-ac. OLEAND. PETR. phosph. _ph-ac. plat. plumb. PTJLS. rhodocl. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. sassap. scill. selen. Sep. SIL. spong. stann. STAPH. SULPH. tar. thuj. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. zinc. 13 1. -below. Alum. arg. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. CHEL. chin. cina. cocc. dros. jod. mang. natr. nitr-ac. OLEAND. PHOSPH. _puls. RUTA. sassap. SEP. SIL. SULPH. veratr. zinc. 132. Lobe (lobus). Alum. ambr. ang. ARG. amn. BAR. bry. camph. carb. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. CHIN. colch. CREOS. graph. hyosc. KALI. mar. merc. NATR-MIJR. N1TR. nitr-ac. oleand. phosph. PH-AC. plat. SABAD. SASSAP. SEP. stann. veratr. 133. Parotides. Amin. arg. amn. aur. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. caps. CARB-AN. CARB-YEG. caust. CHAM. chin. cocc. CON. dig. dalc. euphorb. graph. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. KALI. lyc. maga. mang. MERO.Imezer. natr. nitr-ac. ni-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. SABAD. sep. SIL. s8taph. SULPHU. thuj. Otorrhea. 134. Ear, discharges in general. Alum. ninm. amm-mur. anac. ASAF. aur. bell. bor. br-y. CALC. carb -an. CARB3-YEG. CAUST. Cic. coich1. CON. croc. graph. hep. jod. KALI. lach. LYC. ings. men. MERC. mosch. natr-rnur. NITR-AC. PETR. phOSPh. PULS. rhus. SELEN. Sep. SIL. SPig. suiph. zinc. 135. - liquid cerumen. Amm-mur. CON. jod. lach. M E RC. mosch. selen. sil. 13 6. -humor. Adsaf. carb-an. CAIJST. coich. creos. mgs. men. MERC, natr-mur. NITR-AC. phosph. spig. 137. - mucous. Alum, bell. bor. CALC. graph. LYC. lags. MERC. phosph. PULS. HEARING. 138-143. 23 138. - pus. Alum. AMM. ASAF. AUR. bell. BOR. BOV. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. con. graph. hep. kali. lach. LYC. MERC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. PULS. rhus. sep. SIL. sulph. zinc. 139. - blood.(otorrhagia). Bell. bry. CALC. cic. con. graph. lach. lyc. merc. mosch. NITR-AC. petr. phosph. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. SULPH. zinc. VI. HEARING (acoenosia). 140. Sensibility of. ACON. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ARN. ars: asaf. ASAR. AUR. bar. BELL. bor. "bry. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. chin. cina. cocc. COFF. colch. CON. cupr. dig. GRAPH. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magnmur. merc. mur-ac- natr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-vOM. oleand. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. sabad. sabin. sassap. scill. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. staph. sulph. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-od. zinc. 141. Acuteness of. Acon. agar. alum. arn. ars. AUR. BELL. calc. CHIN. cocc. COFF. colcli. CON. cupr. HEP. KALI. lach. lyc. im-austr. mur-ac. N-VOM. phosph. thuj. 142. Noises in the ears, in general. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. arn. ars. asaf. asar. AUR. BAR. BELL. BOR. bov. bry. CALC. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chlam. CHEL. chin. cic. cocc. CON. creos. cupr. dros. dulc. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. HEP. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. lack. LED. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. mosch. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. PETR. p/hosph. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sassap. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-od. vit. zinc. 143. Buzzing, tingling. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-2mur. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. ars. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. BOR. boy. BRY. CALC. cann11. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. c/hel. chin. cic. cocc. colch. CON. creos. croc. cupr. dig. dros. dule. ferr. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. LACH. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATRMUJR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sec-corn. SEP. Sil. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. viol-od. vit. zinc. 24 24HEARING.144-148. 144. Fluttering, as from the wingrs of a bird. Acon. alum. ant-crud. aur. bar. BELL. bor. CALC. caust. chain. chin. cocc. con. cupr. dros. duic. GRAPH. hep. Icali. lach. laur. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. men. merc. mosch. natr-mur. nitr-ac. oleand. petr. phosph. PLAT. PTJLS. rheum. rhodon. sabad. sep. si. SPIG. spong. stann. suiph. zinc. 145. Ringing. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. aug. ant-crud, amn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. BOR. bry. CALC. camph. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. clia~n. CHEL. chin. cic. clem. CON. creos. croc. duic. ewphorb. ferr. GRAPH. hep. hyos. ignat. KALI. lach. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. miagn. mang. mar. MEN. mnerc. mezer. mnur-ac. NATR-MUR. nitr. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sa~sap. Sep. SIL. spig. spong. stauin. staph. SIJLPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-od. vit. zinc. 146. Ears as if stopped, obstruction of the ears. Anac. ang. arg. ars. asar. bism. bor. BRY. calad. caic. cerb-veg. caust. chain. CHEL. chin. coic. CON. cyci. graph. gUaj. SOD. kali. lach. led. LY C. mags.-MANG. mnar. MEN. MERO. mezer. natr. NITR-AC '. n-mosch. petr. phosph. PULS. rhus. SELEN. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. staun. SULPH. sulph-ac. VERATR. VERB. 147. Hardness of hearing (dysecoia). Acon. ag-ar. alum. AMBR. amm. amin-mur. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. arg. arn. ars. asaf. asar. ATJR. bar. BELL. bcr. boy. B RY. calad. CALC. caun. canth. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. cic. COCC. coff. colch. con. creos. croc. cyci. dig. DROS. duic. euphorb. GRAPH. hep. HYOSC. ignat. fled. ipec. KALI. lach. LAUR. LED. LYC. mngs. mn-arct. m-austr. MAGN. magn-mnur. mang. mar. men. mnere. mezer. inosch. inur-ac. NATR. natr-mnur. nitr. NITR-A.C. N-VOM. OLEAND. OP. par. PETR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. PLUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. RHTJS. RUTA. sabad. sabin. sassap. sdill. SEC-CORN. selen. SE P. SIL. spiq sog.stn. 7tah STRAM. SULPH1. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. yaler. VERATR. verb. viol-od. vit. zinc. 148. Deafness from paralysis of the acoustic nerve. Acon. alum. ambr. amm. anac. ang. ant-crud. amn. ars. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. cann. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. CHEL. chin. COCC. CON. cyci. dros. DULC. GRAPH. I-YOSC.. ignat. jod. kali. led. LYC. mngs. m-arct. m-austr.?nagn. mang. MERC. natr. natr-rnur. NITR-AC. N-VOM. oleand. OP. PETR. phos8ph. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. SE-C-CORN. seýp. 81L. spig. staph. suiph. veratr. NOSE,. 149-155. 2 25 VII..- NOSE. a. 14 9. Exterior of, In general. Acon. alum. ambr. ant-crud. amn. AUR. bar. bell. bo-r. boy. bry. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. cic. clexa. coff. coich. con. dros. duic. euplir. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. jod. KALI. laur. lyc. in-arct. magil. magn-mur. men. MERC. mezer. NATR. NATR-MTJR. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. PH-AC. PLUMB. PULS. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. samb. sassap. sep. sil. SPIG. spongr. staph. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. veratr. viol-od. viol-tr. zinc. 1,50. Interitor of the nose in general. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amin-mur. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. arg. arn. ars. asar.'AUR. BELL. bor. bov. BRY. CALC. camph. CANTH. caust. chain. chel. chin. cic. cina. cocc. cojf. COLCH. coloc. 'con. CREOS. cyci. dros. euphorb. GRAPH. guaj. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. KALI. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. magn. magnmur. mang. MAR. men. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. ranscel. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sassap. SCILL. selen. seneg. sep. SIL. SPIG. staun. STAPH. SUlph. thuj. VERATR. Zinc. 151. Bones of the nose. Anac. arn. ars. AUR. calc. carb-an. colch. con. hep. hyosc. lach. MERC. natr-mur. petr. plat. SIL. spong. thuj. veratr. 152. Root of the nose. ACON. agar. arnm-mur. ant-tart. amn. ASAR. bar. bell. BISM. CALC. camph. cann. carb-veg. caust. cina. coich. coloc. con. ferr. hell. hep. IIYOSC. ignat. kali. laur. men. merc. mosch. natr-mur. oleand. petr. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. Rt TA. staph. viol-tr. vit. 153. Bridge. Al1um. caic. canth. chin, con. oleand. P11-AC. ruta. samb. spig. spong. thuj. 154. Point. Aur. bell. bor. bry. CALO. canth. CARB-AN. CARB-YEG. CAUST. chel. clem. colch. con. mn-arct. merc. mosch. nitr. NITR-AC. ph-ac. rheum. RHUS. samb. SEP. SIL. spong. SULPH. sulph-ac. viol-od. 155. W~ings (alae nasi). Alum. ambr. AUR. canth. carb-veg. caust. con. dulc. euphr. hell. kcali. mnagn-mur. merc. natr. NATR-MUR. phosph. plumb. puls. r-hus. SIL. spig. staph. TIIUJ. viol-tr. zinc. D 26 NOSE. 156-162. 156. Septum. Aur. bry. caust. cina. colch. con. jod. lyc. merc. petr. ruta. SIL. b. 157. Blood and mucus discharged on blowing the nose. Agar. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ANT-CRUD. arg. asar. bar. bor. canth. caps. caust. cupr. dros. FERR. GRAPH. hep. kali. lack. led. lyc. magn. magn-mur. men-merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. NITR-AC. n-vom. par. petr. PI-HOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. ruta. sabad. SEP..il spig. stront. SULPH. thuj. v 158. Epistaxis in general. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ANTCRUD. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. bism. bor. bov. BRY. CALC. cann. CANTH. Caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. CHIN. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. CREos. CROC. cupr. dig. dros. DULC. euphr. FERR. GRAPH. hep. HYOSC. ignat. jod. IPEC. kali. lach. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. magn. mag-mur. MERC, mezer. MosCH. mur-ac. natr. natr-mnur. NITR. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. samb. sassap. scill. SEC-CORN. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spong. stann. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. sulphac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-od. zinc. 159. - of light coloured blood. Amm. ant-tart. ARN. ars. BELL. bor. bov. bry. calc. cantlh. carb-veg. chin. creos. dig. dros. DULC. ferr. graph. HYOSC. ipec, laur. LED. magn-mur. mnerc. natr. nitr. n-mosch. PHOSPH. puls. RHUS. sabad. SABIN. SEC-CORN. sep. sil. stram. stront. sulph. zinc. 160. - dark coloured. ACON. amm. ant-crud. amrn. ASAR. bell. bism. bry. canth. carbveg. CHAM. chin. cocc. con. CREOs. CROC. cupr. dig. dros. ferr. graph. ignat. LACH. led. lyc. magn. magn-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. phosph. PH-AC. plat. PULS. sec-corn. selen. SEP. STRAM. sulph. v 161. - coagulated blood. Amrn. BELL. bry. canth. carb-an. caust. CHAM. CHIN. con. creos. croc. FERR. HYOSC. IGNAT. IPEC. magn-mur. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. RHUS. SABIN. sec-corn. sep. STRAM. stront. 162. - viscous. QROC. CUPR. magn. sec-corn. NosE. 163--.,163'. SMELL. 166-171. 2 27 "C. 163. Fetid dicharge~from the nose. Alum. asaf. AUR. BELL. CALO. caust. con. dig. GRAPH. hep. lyc. mnaga-mur. merc. natr. NITR-AC. n-vom. pliosph. ph-ac. BJULS. rhuw. sep. suiph. thuj. 164. Discharge having the odour of urine. GRAPH. / 165. - having aseeiho ur NITR-AC.,,weiho ur VIII. SMELL. 166. Acuteness of the sense of smelling. Aeon. agar. alum. AUR. BE LL. chain. CHIN. cocC. COFF. coicli. con. cupr. graph. hep. LYC. natr. N-YOM. phosph. pulS. SEP. spig. suiph. thuj. 'valer. 16.Extreme sensibility of smelling (osmodysphoria). ACON. agar. amm. anac. ant-crud. arn. ars. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. bry. caic*. canth. CHAM. CHIN. cia. cocC. COFF. coich. con. cupr. dig. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. LYC. m-arct. magn. natr. n-mosch. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLUMB. pUts. sabad. selen. SEP. sil..spig. SULPH. valer. viol-od. zinc. 168. Feebleness, diminution, and loss of the sense of smelling (anosmi1a). ALUM. amm-mur. ANAýC. ant-tart. aur. BELL. bry. CALO. CAPS. carb-an. caust. chel. cocc. con. cyci. graph. hep. HYOSO. IPEC. kali. laur. LYC. mgs. m-arct. MAGN-MUR. mnang. METER. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vomn. oleand. op. PHaospH. PLUMB. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. muta. SEC-CORN. SEP. SIL. strain.. suiph. suiph-ac. veratr. zinc. 169. Pseudonosmia in general (imaginary smells). Alum. ANAC. ars. AUR. BELL. CALC cantli. chin. con. creos. dig. GRAPH. hep. laur. lyc. MGS. M-ARCT. MEN.' merc. mezer. NITR-AC. N-VOM. PAR. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. SENEG. Sep. sil. SULPH. valer. VERATR. Vit. 170. - Acid., Alum, bell. 171. - Aromatic. (h19 (7 Puts. VIT. 28 SMELL. 172-180'.. FACE. 181~-183. 172. Smell resemblingr that which attends inveterate coryza. Graph. merc. PULS. SULPff. 173. - sweetish., Aur. nitr-ac. n-vom. sil. '174. - empyreumatic. ANAC. caic. gra~ph. N-VOM. suiph. 175. - of pitch., Ars. con. V 176. -pus. Seneg. suiph. 177. - sulphur. Anac. ars. caic. graph. N-VOM. plumb. 178. - blood. 179. - rottenness, jutri smell. Anac. AUR. BELL, CALO. cauth. chin, con. creos. dig. graph. mgS. m-arct. MEN. merc. mezer. NTTR-AC. n-vom. PAR. PHOSPII. ph-ac..plumb. seneg. sur. suiph. valer. veratr. 180. - e arthy. Anac. caic. mgs. m)-arct. suiph. VERATH. IX. FACE. In general. 181. IEmaciation of the face only. Caic. nezer. SELEN. 182. A-Iteration of countenance, Alum. ant-crud. ARS. bell. bism. bry. caic. CAMPH. eanth. CAUST. CHAM. chin. COLCH. coloc. cupr. graph. hell. hyosc. ignat. jod. lach. laur. LYC. magn. n-vom. oleand. op. ph-ac. plumb. puls. ranscel. rbe~iml. RHUS. sec-corn. SELEN. sep. sil. spig. spong. STRAM. VERATR. viol. od. zinc. V 183. Contortion of the features. Acon. ambr. amin. ANG. ant-tart. ARS. BELL. bism. bry. caic. CAMPH. caun. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. CIC. coed. coich. cupt., dig. duic. GRAPH. guaj. hep. hyose. IGNAT.jod. wticc. kali. lach. laur. INC. mgs. m-arct. MERC. mosch. natr. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. OP. FACE. 184-191. 29 phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. RHUS. samb. SCILL. SEC-CORN. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. STRAM. sulph. VERATR.. r 184. Eruptions on the face (exanthemata). Agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ANT-CRUD. arg. am. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bor. BOv. BRY. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chel. cic. clem. cocc. CON. CREOS. dig. dulc. euphorb. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. LACH. laur. LED. lye. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. mang. mere. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleandl. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. selen. SEP. sIL. spong. STAPH. stront. SULPH.sulph-ac. tar. thuj. VERATR. VIOL-TR. Vit. zinc. S185 Swelling of the face. ukL Acon. alum. amm. amm-mur. ARN. ARS. aur. bar. BELL. bor. bov. BRY. calc. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. chin. cic. cina. cocc. colch. coloc. con. creos. cupr. dig. dros. DULC. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. HELL. hep. hyose. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. mar. MERC. mosch. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. puls. rheum. rhus. ruta. sabin. samb. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. veratr. 186 Wrinkles, very deep. LYC. SEP. strain. 187 Complexion, bluish (cyanochrcea). Acon. agar. ANG. ant-tart. ARS. asar. AUR. BELL. BRY. CAMPH. cham. cic. CINA. CON. CUPR. DIG. aros. HEP. HYOSC. IGNAT. ipec. lach. lye. merc. mezer. OP. phosph. puls. SAMB. SPONG. staph. stram. VERATR. 188 - brownish. Bry. carb-veg. creos. hyosc. JOD. NITR-AC. op. puls. sec-corn. SEP. staph. stram. SULPH. v 189 - copper-coloured. Alum. ARS. calc. cann. CARB-AN. creos. led. RHUS. RUTA. veratr. V 190. Shining greasy appearance of the face. Agar. aur. bry. chin. MAGN. mere. NATR-MUR. plumb. RHUS. SELEN. stram. 191. Complexion, yellow. Acon. AMBR. ant-crud. arn. ars. asaf. aur. bell. BRY. calc. cann. CANTH. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. chel. CHIN. (cina) cocc. CON. CROC. (cupr.) DIG. dulc. euphorb. FERR. graph. hell. hep. ignat. /3c, G~nve ~~ ~ c-~~- I e e, t- 'r cC~3 - 41 t 30FAýB. i& 19 jod. Icali. lach. laur. LYC. M-agn1_Mr-mu:wME RCan atr. -'uatr-niUr. N ITR-. AC. N-YOM. OP. petr. PHo$PH. 4p c).'PL.UMB'. Puts.'ran-bulb._ rheum.. rhus. rata. sabad. sec'-co'rn. SEP. sil 'spig., stann. SULPH., suiph-ac. tar. veratr. S192. Complexion, ch'ange'able. ACON. ALUM. asaf. aur. BELL. bism. bOy. CAPS.' earb-an. CuAM. Chin. CINA. CR00. cyci. FERR. graph. hyosc. IGNAT. jo -d. kali. LED. lyc. magn. mur-ac. niatr. natr-mur. n-vom. oleand. 'op. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. puls. scill. strain. suiph. SULPAPAC. valer. veratr. Vit. ZINC. '193. -pale. Acon. alum. ambr. amm. amm.-mur. ANAC. ANT-TART. amn. ARS. bell. bism. bor. boy. BRty. caic. camph. c-ann. cauth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. cic'. CINA.. CLEM. COCC. Coich. coloc. CON.- creos. croc. CUPR. dig. dros. duic. euphorb.'euplir. FEUR. graph. hell. hep. h-yosc. ignat. jod. i*pec. KALI. lach. laur. led.'LYC. nags. m-arct. magn. mayn-mu1r. MANG. mar. merc. mezer. mosch. natr. NATR-MUR. flit]?. nitr-ac. ui-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. ar. pVetr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. PlUMb. PUlLS. rheum. RHUS. sain. samb. SEC-CORN. selen. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. STANN. s8taph. strain. SULPII. suiph-ac. VERATR. Zinc. S194. - red. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL, bor. boy. BRY. calad. caic. cam h. Cann. CANTH. Cap's. carb-an. 'carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. CHI N*. cic. cina. clem. COCC. corr. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. dub.- euphorb. euphr. FE RR. graph. guaj. hell. REP. HYOSC. IGNAT. ipec. icalil. lach. laur. led. LYC. nags. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar.,men. MER'C.miezer. moach. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. paitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. OP., par. peir. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. pluimb. PiLS. RAN-B ULB. ran-scel. rheumn. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SAI3AD.' sabin. SAMB. sassap..Icill. seccorn. selen. seneg. sep. sil. SPIG. SPONG.' STANN. staph. STRAM.' stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. TAR. thuj. VALER. VERAT'R. viol-od. viol-. tr. vit, zinc. v 195.- bluish red. ACON. agar. ANG. ant-tart. 'ars. asar. aur. BELL. BRY. camph1, chain. cic. cina. con. CUPR. dig. dros.. hep, hyosc. ignat. ipec'. lach., lyc. mere. op. phosph. picls. SAMBR. s'pong. staph. strain.'veratr. 19 6.-erysipelatous -red. ACON. ainm. ars. bar. BELL. bor; bry.- calc. CAMP.H. cuh carb-an. CRIAM. clena. EUPHORB. GRAPH.- REP. LACTI. lyc. merc'l. natr. phosph. puls. RHUS. ruta. sam~b.-s'ep. sil. stramminszlph.thuj 31 ~Au.a~. am r. eliby AC.cin ath. CARB-AN. cole/i. c "reos'. croc. ' fer'r,. hell. laur.'led. LYC. m-aret. mar. mere. mosek. NATR. n1-moscli. n-'vom. op. par. p/iosph. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. samb6. sassap. -sec-corn.. sep,. SIL.aiph. veratr. zinc. 189.. freckled (eplielis)., AmMk. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. bry. CALC. carb-veg. con. dros. DULC. GRAPIL hyosc. jod. hali. lach. laur. LYC. merc. mezer. NITR. DZITR-AC.n- 1mosch. petr. PHOSPH. plumb. PULS. SEP. sil. stann. SULPH. tliuj. 19 9.- black spots, or points on the (acne punctuata). Dig.. dros. GRAPH. NATR. NITR-AC. SABAD. sabin. SULPH. V200. Complexion, earthy. ARS. bism. 3BO0R. BRY. cant/i. CHIN. cic. creos. croc. euphorb. FEER. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. laur. LYC. rnagfl. MERC. mosch. natrMur. NITR-AC. N-VOM. oP. PHospHa. plumb. samrb. sec-corn. Sep. siL. Zinc. 201.-greenish. Ars8. CARB-VEG. veratr. 2. F orehead. 202. JExanthema on the forehead. Agar:.'alum'. ambr. amim. amm-mur. anac. ANT-CRUD. arg. amn. ars. -aur.' bar. bell. nov. bry. caic. canth. caps. earb-an. carb-veg. CAUST, chain. did. cic. clem. cocc. con. CREOS. dig. duic. euphorb. graph. hell. HEP. kali. laur. LED. lye. inagn. magn-mur. mere. inezer. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ae. n-vonr. oleand. par. PHOSPH. PH-AC. puts. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sassap. SEP. 8il. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. valer. veratr. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 203. Wrinkles on the. Ammi. bry. cManz. graph. HELL. LYC. n-voin. rheumt. rhus. SEiP. STRATA. viol4.. 3. Tfeinples. 204. Exantheina on the temples. Alum. ambr. -atac. ANT-CRUD. arg. arm. bar. B E LL. bry. earb-veg. caust. coce. lach. LYC. mur.-ac. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. sabini. spig. sizph. thuj. 205. Tellow colour~ of the temples. 32 FACE. 206-216. IV. EYES. 206. Eyes, sunken. Ambr. ANAC. ARS. ca1c. CAMPH. CHIN. CIC. COLOC. CUPR. Cycl. dros. FERR. hyosc. jod. kali. lach. LYC. mar. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. phosph. PH-AC. pUIs. SEC-CORN. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. VERATR. S207. - prominent. ACON. ang. arn. ARS. aur. BELL. bor. canth. caps. chin. cic. cocc. con. cupr. GUAJ. HEP. HYOSC. laur. m-arct. MERC. Imosch. n-vom. op. rhus. scill. spig. SPONG. stann. staph. stran. veratr. 208. - exanthema around the. ARS. calc. con. IIEP. ignat. MERC. oleand. petr. sil. spong. staph. SULPH. vit. v 209. - encircled with blue. Anac. ARS. bism. calc. cham. CHIN. cina. cocc. CUPR. ferr. graph. hep. IGNAT. IPEC. kali. lach. lye. merc. mezer. natr. n-mosck. n-vom. OLEAND. phosph. PH-AC. RHUS. SABAD. sabin. SEC-CORN. sep. spig. STAPH. strai. suiph. VERATR. 210. - - with green. VERATR. S211. - - with yellow. NITR-AC. -VOMrn. SPIG. 212. Eyelids, swelling of the. ARs.ferr. PHOSPH. puls. rheum. 213. - - the superior. KALI. rut. SEP. 214. - - the inferior. Aas. bry. cham. n-vorn. oleand. PHOSPH. puls. 5. Eyebrows. 215. Eyebrows, exanthema on the. Ars. caust. hell. KALI. natr-mur. par. rhus. SELEN. sep. sil. staph. sulph. thuj. 6. Nose. 216. Nose, exanthema on the. Agar. ALUM. amm. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. arn. ars. AUR. bar., bell. bor. bov. bry. calc. cann. canth. caps. CARB-AN, CARB-VEG. FACE. 217-223. 33 CAUST. chamn. chel. chin. cina. CLEM. coloc. con. dulc. euphr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. laur. lyce. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. mang. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-vom. oleand. petr. phosph. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. rhodod. TitTs. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. staph. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 217. Nose, exanthema around the. Alum. amm. ANT-CRUD. bar. bov. calc. CAUST. dulc. m-arct. magn-mur. natr. par. RHUS. SEP. mil. Sulph. sulph-ac. tar. zinc. 218. Nose, swelling of the. Acon. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ant-crud. arn. ARS. AUR. bar. BELL. bor. bov. BRY. CALC. ca1n. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chel. chin. cic. cocc. con. croc. dulc. euphorb. graph, hell. HEP. hyOSc. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. lyc. MERC. mezer. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. samb. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. stramn. SULPH. THUJ. veratr. vit. zinc. 219. - yellow colour around the. N-vom. 7. Cheeks. 220. Cheeks, exanthema on the. Agar. alum. ambr. amm. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. arn. asaf. bar. BELL. bor. nov. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chel. cina. con. CREOS. cycl. dulc. euphorb. graph. hep. hyosc. LACH. laur. magn-mur. merc. mezer. natr. NATR-MUR. Ditr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. phosph. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. SEP. SIL. spong. STAPH. stront. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-tr. vit. 221. - swelling of the. Amm. amm-mur. ARN. ars. AUR. bar. bell. bor. bov. bry. calc. canth. caust. CHAM. chin. euphorb. ferr. graph. hep. jod. KALI. lach. lye. M-ARCT. magn. magn-mur. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr.phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. samb. SEP. sil. spig. spong. STANN. staph sulph. S222. - circumscribcd red spots on the. Acon. ars. bry. caic. carb-veg. CHIN. con. CREOs. croc. dros. DULC. FERR. hep. JOD. KALI. lack. laur. led. LYC. m-arct. merc. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. seneg. sep. sil. spong. STANN. stramn. SULPH. 8. Lips. 223. Lips, exanthema on the. Acon. agar. alum. amm. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud, arn. ARS. 34 FACF,. 224-232. bar. bel. bor. BOY. BRY. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chin. cic. clem. cocc. coloc. coc. CREOS. dig. duic. graph. hell46 hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. KALI. laur. led. lyc. ings. m-arct. magn. wnagn-mur. mang. rnerc. mezer. NATR. NATRMUR. nitr-ac. N-YOM. PAR. petr. phospli. ph-ac. plat. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. samb. scull. SEP. SIL. Spig. Spong. STAPH. SULPH. tar. thuj. veratr. zinc. 224. Lips, exantheina on the upper. Acon. ant-crud. arn. ARS. BAR. bell. cantli. carb-veg. caust. cic. con. CREOS. graph. hell. hep. KALI. lyc. ings. magn. magn-naur. merc. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. PAR. petr. plat. RHUS. sabad. sil. spig. STAPH. SULPH. thzýj. Zinc. 225. - - on the lower. Alum. bor. BRY. CALC. cawst. chain. clem. IGNAT. mezer. NATRMUR. phosph. ph-ac. rhoclod. SEP. 226. - commissures of the. ANT-CRUD. arn. BELL. CALC. carb-veg. CAUST. coloc. CREOS. graph. hell. hep. if/nat. in-arct. man1g. MERC. mezer. natr. NATRMUR. petr. PHOSPH. rhodod. SEP. SIL. veratr. zinc. 227. - swellingr of the. Alum. arg. ARN. ars. asaf aur. bar. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. calc. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chin, con. dig. graph. hell. hep. kali. lyc. mgs. merc. mezer. mosch. inur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-inosch. oleand. op. par. petr. phos8ph. PULS. RHUS. SEP. &il. STAPH. strain. sulph. thuj. zinc. 228. --lower. Alum. asaf. cal~c. caust. lyc. mezer. mur-ac. natr-mur. PUbS. SEP. sil. 229. --upper. Mrg. bar. BELL. boy. bry. calc. canth. carb-veg. con. graph. hep. kali. lyc. merc. mezer. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. par. petr. phosph. rhus. sil. STAPH. 3ulph. thuj. zinc. 9. Mouth. 230. - half open, gaping. Acon. ANG. a's. BELL. carb-veg. camph. HYOSC. LYC. mgS. OP. plumb. puls. samb. SCILL. 23 1. - encircled with blue. v 232.-- with yellow. N-voin. SEP. FACE. 233-238. 35 10. Chin. 233. Exanthema on the. Alum. ambr. ainm. anac. ANT-CRUD. bell. bor. caic. canth. caust. cie. clem. con. CREOS. dig. dros. dulc. craph. hep. hyose. leali. laur. LYC. mgs. m-aust. magn. MERiC. mezer. inatr. natr-mnur. mitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. PAR. phosph. p/i-ac. plat. puls. RHUS. sabin. sassap. sMill. SEP. SIL. -Spig. spong. st?'ont. suiph. tar. thuj. veratr. verb. vit. zinc. b. Seat of the -sensations. 234. Forehead (metoponosia). Agar. alum. AMB. amm. amm-mur. anac. ANT-CRUD. arg. arn. ars. aur. bar. bell. BOV. bry. caic. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. CHAM. chel. chin. cic. CLEM. coec. coich. coloc. con. CREOS. croc. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. jod. ipec. kali. laur. LED, lyc. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mumac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. PAR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. puls. rheum '. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. samb. sassap. scill. SEP. sil. spig. staph. SULPII. suiph-ac. valer. veratm. verb, viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 235. Temples. Alum. ambr. anac. ANG. ant-crud. arg. amn. asar. bar. bell. bry. camb-veg. caust. coce. lach. LYC. mum-ac. natr-mum. nitr-ac. sabin. spig. suiph. thuj. VERB. 236. Zygromatic bones. A4con. agar. alum. ambr. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARG. amn. ars. asaf. AUR. bar. BELL. bisM. bor. BRY. CALC. cannu. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. chel. chin. CINA. cocc COLCHa. coloc. Con. DIG. dros. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. ignat. KALI. laur. led. lyc. magn. MAGN-MUR. mangq. merc. 2mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vonz. OLEAND. par. phosph. plat. plumnb. pulv. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. SEP. SPIG. spong. STANN. STAPH. stront. sulph. SULPH-AC. thuj. valer. veratr. VERB. VIOL-OD. ZlflC. 237. Cheeks (guathonosis). Aconi. alum. ambm. amm. arnm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. aur. BE LL. BO0R. boy. bry. CA LC. cann. cant/i. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. cina. clem. coec. coloc. con., creos. cyci. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr.graph. guaj. hep'. hyosc. ignat. ipec. icali. lach. laur. lyc. mgs. MT-ARCT. m-austr. raagn-mnur. mang. men. merc, mezer. natr-mnir. niitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. par. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb, sassap. sep. sil..spig. SPO1Zrn. STANN. STAPH. stront. culph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. ver-atr-. verb. viol-tr. vit. 238. Jaw, upper. Acona. AGAR. ALUM. ambr. AMM. anflm-inur. ang., amn. isar. AU~.9 36 FACE. 239-242. BELL. bor. bov. bry. CALC. canth. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. clem. coff. colch. con. CREOS. cycl. dulc. euphorb. euphr. graph. guaj. hell. hyose. KALI. lyc. mgs. m2-arct. m-austr. magn. MAGN-MUR. mnangy. mar. men. mere. MEZER. nurZ-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. 11itr. NITR-AC. l-?vioSCh. n-vom, PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. puls. RAN-SCEL. rheum. rhodod. rhus. sabad. samb. sassap. seneg. sep. sil. SPIG. SPONG. stann. staph. stront. sulph. SULPH-AC. THUJ. veratr. verb. ZINC. 239. Jaw, lower. dcon. AGAR. alum. ambr. AMM. amml-mur. anac. any. ant-tart. arg. arn. asaf. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. bor. 6bov. BRY. calc. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. CRAM. cliel. CHIN. Cie. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. CUPR. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. LAUR. led. lyc. 'mgs. M-ARCT. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. par. petr. rnosnPH. ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. PULS. ranbulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. SASSAP. scill. selen. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. stront. &ulph. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. 240.. 1llaxillary articulation. Acon. alum. amm. amm-mur. ANG. arn. asaf. asar. BELL. bry. cale. CAMPH. canth. caust. cham. crc. cocc. COLCH. con. cupr. dros. euphr. graph. hyosc. IGNAT. kali. lach. laur. mgS. M-ARCT. mang. mem. MERC. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. RHUS. sabin. sabin. sassap. sec-corn. sep. sil. SPIG. SPONG. stann. staph. strain. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. verb. 241. Lips. Acon. agar. alum. amnm. amin-mur. ang. ant-crud. ARN. ARS. asaf. BAR'. BELL. bor. bov. BRY. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chin. cic. clem. CON. creos. croc. cycl. dig. dulc. GRAPH. hell. HEP. hyOSC. IGNAT. ipec. KALI. laur. lyC. mgs. magn. magn-mur. MERC. MEZER. mnur-ac. nzatr. NATR-MUR. nitrac. N-VOM. oleaud. op. par. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. SABAD. scill. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STAPH. stram. stront. SULPH. tar. th4j. valer. veratr. zINc. 242. - upper. Acon. agar. amm. amm-mur. ant-crud. arg. arm. ARS. BAR. BELL. bor. bov. bry. calc. canth. caps. CARB-VEG. caust. chel. chin. cic. coff. colch. con. CREOS. cycl. dig. dule. GRAPH. hell. hep. ignat. KALI. laur. led. lyc. mys. m-arct. mag. nzagn-mur. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mnur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. PAR. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. rheum. rhus. SABAD. sassap. scill. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. STAPH. STRONT. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr. zINC. FACE. 243-245. TEETH AND GUMS. 246-247. 3 37 243. Lip, lower. 'Agar. alumz. amm. amm-mur. arn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. hell. IBOR. boy. BRY. CALC. caps. carb-veg. caust. c~hain. chin. clem. con. dros. euphorb. graph. hep.. hyosc. IGNAT. kali. laur. lyc. mgs. m-arct. magn. mang. mar. merc. MEZER. mur-ac. natr. natr-mnur. il-vom. oleand. op. par. phosph. PH-AC. plat. PULS. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. SEP. sil. spig. spong. 8tann.. staph. suiph. valer. zinc. 244. Commissures of the lips. Ambr. amm-mur. ANT-CRUD. arn. asaf. bar. BELL. boy. bry. CALC. caun. calkth. carh-veg. CAUST. chel. coloc. creos. dros. GRAPH. h ell. HEP. IGNAT. ipec. laur. lyc. qm-arct. MANG. MERC. mneze?'. fat?'. natr-mur. n-vom. oleand. op. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod..rhus. seneg. sep. SIL. stront. suiph. sulph-ac. tar. veratr. zinc. 245. Chin* AGAR. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ANT-CRUD. asaf. aur. BELL. bor. boy. bry. caic. caun. CANTH. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. cic. clem. cocc. coloc. con. CREOS. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. graph. HEP. hyosc. hali. LAUR. led. lyc. AMGS. in-austin. mnagfl. magn-mur. mang. MERC.?nezer. natr. natr-mnur. iaitr-ac. n-mnosck. il-vom. oleand. op. par. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. RHUS. sabin. SASSAP. scull. sep. SIL. spig. SPONG. stann.,staph. strain. STRONT. SULPH. tam. thz~j. VERATR. verh. vit. ZINC. X. TEETH AND GUMS. a. Tooth-ache. (Odontalgia.) 246. Toothache in general. AGAR. alumn. AMBR. am?flf. amm-mur. anac. aug. ant-crud. ant. tart. arg. amn. asar. aur. har. BELL. bism. Do0R. hov. BRY. calad. calc. cauth. carb-an. CARB3-YEG. CAUST. ClAM. CHIN. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. CREOS. croc. cycl. dros. euphorb. graph. guaj. hell. hep. HYosc. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laiir. lyc. mgs. M-ARCT. m-austr. 7flagn. MAGN-MUR. mang. mnar. mnerc. MEZER. mum-ac. NATR. natm-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. oleand, par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RAN-SCEL. rheum, 7'hodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sahin. sassap. scil. selen. seneg.. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. STAPH. stront. sulph. sulpha.ta. Zu3 eam verb. ZINC. 247. - In the i'ncisors., AGAR. alum. amzb?'. amm. amm-mur. aug. amg. asar. aur. bell. bo~r. boy. calc. cauth. camh6-veg. caust. chain, chin. cocc. coff. COLCH. creos. 'dros. ignat. jod. KALI. lyc. ings. mn-arct. magni. E 38 38 TEETH AND GUMS. 248-2 52. MAGN-MUR. mar. mere. mezer. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MIUR. nitr-ace. N-MOSCH. ni-vorn. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. ran-scel. rhodod. RH-US. sassap. seneg. SEP. Sil. spig. SPONG. staph. STRONT. SULPH. suiph-ac., tar. thuj. ZINC. 248. Teeth, canine (eye-teeth). Amm. anac. caic. laur. rnagn-mur. mur-ac. natr. petr. RHUS. Sep. staph. stront. suiph-ac. ZINC. 249. - molar (grinders). Agar. alum. ambr. AMM. anac. aug. ant-tart. amn. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calad. caic. can h. carb-an. CARB-VEG., c~dc/t.ami. CHIN. clera. coce. coff. coich. coloc. CREOS. croc. cyci. euphorb. graph. gu-aj. hell. hyose. ignat. jod. hali. laur. lyc. lm-arct. inayn. MAGN-MUR. many. mar. mere. meZer. mur-ac. NATR. nitr. izir-ac. ni-mosch. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. putls. RAN-SCEL. rbheum. RHODOD. rhus.- sabad. sabin. sassap. seneg. sep. sil. spig. Spon1g. STAPH. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. verb. ZINC. 2350. -upper. AGAR. ALUM. ambr. AMM. ammk-mur. any. amn. asar. AU R. BELL. bor. boy. bry. CALC. canth. carb-an. CA1{B-VEG. caust. c/tam. CHIN. clem. coff. coich. con. CREOS. cyci. euphorb. graph. guaj. hell. hyose. KALI. lye. mgs. mn-arct. m-austr. magD. MAGN-MUR. manyl. mar. mere. ME ZER. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nZihr. NITR-AC. n-mzoseh. ni-vom. PH-OS-PI-. ph-ae. plat. pUls. RAN-SCEL. rheum. rhodod. rhus. sabad. sassap. seneg. sep. sil. spig. SPONG. shtaph. SOiPh SULPH-AC. THUJ. veratr. verb. ZINC. 2 51. - lower. AGAR. alum. ambr'. AMM. amm-mur. anac. any. ant-tart. arg. amn. asar. AUItR. bar. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. caic. CANTH. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. CIIAM. CHIN. clem. COCC. cofi. colIC. coloc. con. creos. dros. euphorb. yraph. guaj. hell. hep. hyose. ignat. kali. TLAUR. lye. mgs. M-ARCT. mnayr. magil-mllr. MANG. mar. mere. mezer. mur- ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nzitr-ac. n-mosch. nz-vom. oleand. par. petr. PHOSPH.i ph-ac. piat. PLUMB. puls. ran-scel. rheum. rhodoci.-RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. SASSAP. scill. selen. seneg. sep. SIL. spiy. spon1y. STAPH. stront. suiph. sulph-ac. thijj. VERATR.,verb. ZINC. 2.52. Teeth, canions, hollow. Alum. ambr. amm. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. asar. bar. BELL. BOR. BOY. bry. CALC. carb-an. carb-vey. caust. CHAM. Chin1. CclM. cocC. coff. con. creos. graph. hep. Hyosc. Zpec. lcali. LACH. LYC.rn~gs. M-AIRCT. m-austr. MACN. mayn-mur. mang. MEiRC. MEZER. NATR. niatr-mur. mntr. mntr-ac. N-VOM. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. IPLAT. PLUMB. puls. rheumn. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. TEETI-I AND GUMS. 253-258. 3 39.selen. SEP. Sdl. SPIG. STAPH.,sulph. sulph-ac. TAR. thuj. veratr. cinc. b.. Gums. 253. Gums in general (ulosie). Agar. alum. ambr. awnm. arnm-mur. anac. ant-crud. arg. amn. arv. aur. 190'. BELL. bism. BOR. boy. bry. CALO. canth. caps. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG-. CAUST. chain. chin. cic. coich. con. creos. GRAPH. hep. livose. jod. kali. lach. lyc. ings. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. mar. MERO. vmur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. puls. man-scel. rhodod. rhu's. RUTA. sabad. salbin. sassap. sec-corn. SEP. 8id. spig. spong. staun. STAPH. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. vit. zinc. 2354. -upper. Agyar. amin. ang. aur. BAR. bell. CALO. canth. carb-an. coic'h. "CREOS. graph. kali. lyc. magn-mur. mur-ac. natr-mur. nitr-ac. RUTA. sep.'stront. 255. - lower. AMM. amm-mnm. anac. cantli. camb-an. caust. laur. magn-mur, mar. NATR. PETR. pliospli. sabin. SASSAP. spong. STAPH. suiph. suiph-ac. tliuj. zinc. 25 6. - interior of the. Agar. ambr. amin. amn. graph. kali. natr. natr-mur. ph-ac. puls. rhus. RUTA. sep. STAPH. XI. BUCCAL CAVITY AND ITS ORGANS, 257.- in general. ACON. agar. ALUM. ambr. ammn. amm-mur. anac. ang. antcrud. ant-tart. arg. amn. a2-8. asaf. asam. aur. bar. BELL. bism. BOR. boy. bry. calad. CALO. campli. cann. CANTH., CAPS. carb-anz. CARB-VEG. caus8t. CHAM. chel. CHIN. Cic. cina. coce. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. dule. euphomb. ferm. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyose. IGNAT.Jod. ipec. kali. LACH. lau~r. led, lyc. mngs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. IVIERC'. MEZER. mosch. mum-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC,,, n-mzosch. N-YOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PIIOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PUJLS. ran-bulb. man-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhu-s. ruta. SABAD. ssabin. samb. sassap. scdll. sec-corn. selen. seneg. sEP. sil. spig. spong. 6tann. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj,. valer. VE RATR. viol-od. vit. ZINC. 258. Palate (hypercenose, uraniscosie). Ambr. amm. ant-crud. amn. ars. aur. BAR. BELL. bor. boy. 40 sBUCCAL CAVITY AND ITS ORGANS. 259-262. CALC. camph. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. coce. coloc. croc. dig. dulc. euphorb. hell. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. lach. laur. led. mgs. magn. magn-mur. men. merc. MEZER. mur-ac. natrmur. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-YOM. PAR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. ranbulb. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. SCILL. Spong. sep. sil. spig. STAPH. thuj. ZINC. 259. Soft palate (velum palatinum). Acon. ant-crud. arg. AUR. bell. calc. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. COFF. dig. dulc. hell. hep. jod. kali. lach. led. magn. men. MERC. mezer. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom., par. PHOSPH. PH-AC. ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. rhodod. ruta. sassap. seneg. sil. staph. STRAM. thuj. valer. zinc. 260. Gullet. AcoN. agar. ALUM. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud ant-tart. ARG. arn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bo',; bov. bry. calad. CALC. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. CARaVEG. ca2St. CHAM. chel. chin. cic: cina. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. DROS. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. HYOSC. IGNAT. JOD. ipac. kali. LACH. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. SENEG. SEP. Sil. spig. SPONG. stann. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. vit. zinc. 261. Tongue. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. anac. ang. ant-crud. arg. am. ARS. asar: bar. BELL. bism. bor. bov. BRY. calc. cann. CANTH. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. ferr. graph. hell. hep. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. mayn-mur. magn. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. MUR-AC. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. PULS. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. sassap. SEC-CORN. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stranm. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. TAR. thu. VERATR. verb. viol-tr. zinc. 262. - coating on the (foul tongue). AcoN. agar. alum. ambr. amm. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARN. ARS. asar. bar. BELL. bism. bor. bov. BRY. calc. cann. canth. carbveg. caust. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cina. cocc. coloc. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. euphorb. graph. guaj. ignat. jod. ipec. lach. laur. lye. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. mang. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. Atitr-;c. n-nosch. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLUMB. I3UCCAL, CAVITY ANDl ITS ORGANS. 263- 265. 4 41 PIJLS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhus. ruta. sabad. sahin. sassap. SE C-CORN. selen. seneg. siEiP. sil. spig. staun. staph. 8tront. SULPH.. tar. thluj. VERB. viol-tr. zinc. ca, 263. Increased secretion of saliva (salivation). Aeon. agar. ALUM. AMBR. amin. amm-mztr. anac. ang. ANT. CRUD. ant-tart. ARG. arn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BaY. CALC. carnph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carbVegq. CAUST. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. coec. coff. COLCH. COn. creos.- croc. cupr. cyci. dig. DROS. DULC. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. HELL. hep. HYOSC. IGNAT. JOD. IPEC. KALI. LACH. LAUR. led. LYC. MGS. 'mn-arct. m-atistr. magfl. MAGN-ýMU R. mar.' men. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MJUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-MOSCh. N-VOMV. oleand. op. PAR. pet'. PHOSPH. ph-ac._plat..plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scull. see- corn. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. STRAM. stront. SULPH. SULPH-AC. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-tr. xinc. 264. Diminished. Acon. agar. alum,. am6e. amin. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. anit-tart. arg. arn. ARS."aaf. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. bor. boy. BRYt. calad. CALC. earnph. cann. cant/i. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. ehel. chin. cina. elem. coce. coff. coich. con. croc. cupr. cyci. duic. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. hep. Hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. LACH. laur. led. L-YC. mgs. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. mang. vmen. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natir. natr. mur. nitr. NITR-AC. N-MOSC. N-vom. oleand. op. PAR. petr. PHOSPH..ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhlus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scull, see-corn. selen. SENEG. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. STRAM. STRONT. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. th~j. VERATR. vit. zinc. 265. Fetidity of the mouth, offensive breath, Acon. agarn. alumn. ambin. amm. anac. ang. ant-crud, ant-tart. ARN. A1VS. asar. AUR. bar. bell. bismn. bor. BRY. cale. camph. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-YEG.I CHAM. CHIN. coce. coft'. croc. cupr. dig. dros. DULC. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyose. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. lye. imgs. m-aret. m-austr. MERO. mezer., natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. petin. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rheum. rhus. ruta. sabin. sassaip. SEP. sil. spig. stann. straln. stront. SULPH. thuj. valer. verb. vinc. XILI APPETITE AND THIRST. a. JAppetite. 266. 'Loss of appetite (anorexia) Aeon. agarn. alumt. ambr. ammn. amrn-mur. anacý. an~g. ANT-CRTJD, ant -tart. a)ng. ARN. AltS.- asaf. aur. BAR. BELL. bor, boy. BRY. E 2 4.2 APPtTITE AMN) Ir1ttpRs. 267-270p calad. CALC. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chamn, chel. CHIN. cic. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. coN. creos. croc. cupr. CYCL. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. m agn-omur. mang. mar. MERC. nezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. n1itr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. SABAD. sabin. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. Sldph-aC. THUJ. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. zinc. S267. Munger. Agar. alum. anmm. ammn-mur. anac. ANG. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARG, arn. ars. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. bor. bo0. BRY. calad. CALC. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. CHIN. cic. CINA. cocc. COFF., coloc. cupr. cycl. dig. dulc. euphorb. euphr. GRAPH. guaj. HELL. kyosc. ignat. jod. kali. lach. laur. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. m9nerc. minezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. n-vom. OLEAND. OP. par. petr. phosph. plat. plumvb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sassap. scill. SEC-CORN. seneg. SEP. Sil. spig. spong. STANN. STAPH. stram. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. valer. veratr. verb. vit. zinc. 268. - without appetite. Agar. alum. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARS. BAR. bell. bor. BRY. calad. calc. canth. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. cic. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. cycl. dig. DULC. euplhr. ferr. HELL. hep. ignat.jod. lye. mgs. magn. MAGN-MUR. merc. mezer. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. n-vom. OLEAND. OP. plat. puls. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SIL. staph. sulph. SULPH-AC. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. 269. Bulinia (voracity, insatiable hunger). Agar. amm. ant-tart. ars. asaf. aur. BRY. CALC. caps. caust. cham. CHIN. CINA. cocc. con. dros. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyose. ignat. JOD. KALI. lach. LYC. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. men. mer. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nlitr. rnitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. OLEAND. Op. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. Scill. sec-corn. sep. SIL. spig. stann. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. valer. VERATR. b. Thirst. 270. Thirst. ACON. amm. AMM-MUR. anae. ang. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. ARN. ARS. aur. bar. BELL. bism. 60or. bov. BRY. calad. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. CHIN. cic. cina. cocc. coff. COLCH. coloc. con. creos. crOC. CUPR. cycl. dig. dros. dule. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. HYOSC. ignat. jocd. ipec. kali. lash. laur. led. lyc. m-austr. magn. mayn-mur. MERC. mezer. mur A1?PETITIt AN~D THIRST.21-8.3 43 ac. 2iatr. NATR-MUR. nitr. NLTR-AC. N-VOM. op. petr. phospli. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls, ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHaUS. ruta. sabad. samib.'scill. SEC-CORN4. selen. seneg. sep. SiL. spig-. spong. stann. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. valer. Yt;RATR. verb. zinc. v 271. Adipsia. Agar. amlir. amm. amm-xnur. a~ny. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. amn. ARS. ASAF. asar. aur. bell. boy. bry. calad. caic. CAMPH. cann. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. cliel. chin. cina. cocc. coff. coloc. CON. creos4 CYCL. dig. dros. duic. ETPHORB. HELL. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. lach. led. lyc. Irgs. mn-arct. mn-custr. MANG. MEN. merc. mosch. mur-ac. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. n-vom. OLEAND. Op. petr. phospli. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. SAMB. sassap. scill. SEP. SPIG. spong. STAPH. strain. sulph. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. VIT. 272. Thirst, with disinclination to drink. Aim. BELL. CANTH'. caust. Hayosc. lach. lyc. natr-mur. N-VOM. rhus. samb. STRAM. Vit. 273. Dlesire to drink, without thirst. ARS. calad. campb. cocc. coloc. graph. n-mosch. phosph, c. Particular repugnances. 274. Repugnance to acids, BELL. cocc. FVRR. ignat. n-vom. ph-ac. SABAD. SULPH. 275. - garlic. Sabad. V276. - beer. Alum. asaf. bell. chain. chin, COCC. N-VOM. phosph Spig. spong. staun. sulph., 277. - soup. ARN. ars. bell. Icham$ graph. rhus.8 %278. - coffee. Bell. BRY. CALC.'earb-veg. CHAM. chin. COFFv. dule. /yc. mee 17-'natr-mur., Y~t PHOSPH. rhus. sabad. spig. sulph-ac. 279. - unsweetened coffee,, Rheumn. 280.- sweet food..drS, CAUST. gra I nvec. rutr-ac. phosphI. upiznc 44 ~ APP'ETIT-E AND THIRST. 281-293.' C1.281.i Repugnance to/ water. 7B.E LL, bryon. CALAD. cantli. caust. chin. lyc. natr-rnutr. N-YOM. 282. -spirits./ JGNAT. mere. e I ~1283. - farinaceous food. - 284. - solid food. - Afng,ýery. merc. sahJ4t~ ~~~~V285- - cheese. Oleand. 286. - fat.# & [~1 ANG., a"S. bell. BY caic. CARB-AN. CAR33-VEG. cole/i. croc. cyc/, dros. hell.h.me.er. NATR-MUR. PETR. PTJLS. rheum. rhus.. sep. s'ulpk. 287. - milk, Amin. ant-tart. arn. bell. J3RiY. CALO. CAr-Veq. I a. GU AJ. int. m-arct. in-austin. natr. n-mom * phosph. PULS. rnheum. SEP.. SILh staun..sul~ph. J A~~.&~ ~._ IJ288. -vegetables. HELL.?fygf. 289, - bread., Agarn. CON. ignat. Ul.i~. LYC. magn. NATII-MUR. nitr-a~c. N-vom. phosph..p]~4c. PUS.Trhus. SEP. v'290.- black (brown) bread. 29 1. - fish. '/'292. Repugnance to salted m~eat* 6Carb-veg. -graph, SE LEN. JA.i~- A'g 2934 - meat. Alum. aram. amn. ars. aur.Qbry. CALC. CA11iB-Vt e./ca1i~t. feri. GRAPH. hell. iia kali. LYC. MAGN. iZfl;=e. mze->2l. MR-AC., natin. natr-7nur. fitz-ac. n-vom. opa PETR,?LAL " 7WýHVE.SABAD. SEP. SU sft-onti. ýULI-l. Zinc46 *4i= -4NI - APPETITE AND THIRST. 294-307. 4.5 294. Repugnance to wine. Ignat. lach. m-austr. MERC. rTus. SABAD. SULPH. d0.c or d. Desires. 295. Desire or longing for acids. SANT-cRUae. ant-tart.. ARS. bor. BRY. carb-an. CHAM. chin. con. creos. dig. EP. k 4iZ. lach. magn. mang. PLOiI. p 8U. sabin. SCILL. sec-corn. se. STRAM. SULPH. VERATR.;-'-296. ""bitter)(. kg. NATR-MTJR. " 297. - beer. ACON. BRY. calad. calc. caust. chin. cocc. graph.lack. mgs. mang. MERC. InOSch. NATR. N-VOM. op. PETR. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. SABAD. spig. spong. STRONT. suip. ZINC. c-- 298. - coffee. c ANG!.. AUR. BRY. caps.,chin. colch. con. mosch. n-mosch. SELEN. s '-. 299. - cabbage. Cic. t300. - gherkins (pickles). Ant-crud. veratr. f-,- --' - 301. - hot food. _ Angl. cycl. FERR. lyC. 302. - lime and chalk. NITR-AC. N-VOM. Cc-c- /4Yz- Jy-1a303. - for spirits0 Aconz. arg. ARS. boy. bry. CALC. chin. cic. uzP. mosch. mur-ac. N-Gvo. OP. p.s y.. - spig. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. J - V 304. - farinaceaus food. SABAD. z1- ý. -C~fJ 305. - dainties, sweetmneats. r. calc. carb-veg. cHIN. jie. IrI. L. nMagfl-MnUP. NATR. n-vom. petr. rheum. R HiS.TABAD.SUIpl p Plumb06. 11,06 - fr *e4 foo Plumb. Plumb.. S307. - fat or greasy food. N-vOM. nitr-ac: -, / 46 46 APPETITE AND THIRST. 308-320. 308. Desire for milk. Anac. ars. ATJR. boy. bry caic. C1E L. Mg$. mang. miErC. natrmar. n-vom. ph-ac. rhus. SABAD. sabin. SIL. -staph. stront. AlIUM. MAGN. ''_ j-, 3 10. - liqilid food. Angje'rr. merc. STAPH. SULPH. 311. - bread. 7' Amni. ARS. bell. boy. ferr. hell. ignat. magn. natr. natr-mur. PLUMB. pals. staph..stront. ý,312. - bread and butter. Ferr. ignat. MAGN. mere. (puls.).'313. - refreshing things. Carb-an. caust. coc. gS. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PULS. rheutm. valer. 314. - cheese. IGNAT.,,,315. - fruits. Alum. ant-tart. chin. IGNAT. magn. puls. SULPH-AC. YEIIATR. v316. - juicy or succulent food, q, (, Lr-__ V317. Desire for meat. Hell. magn. men. suiph.,C-.X /4Ajr94ca4ad 3 318. - smoked meat. CAUST. Acon. arg. boy. bry. qa. C~PL.1.pals. selen. SEP. XIII. TASTE. V 320. A-IAteration of the taste In general. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amni-mur. anaec. aug. ant-crud. ant-tart. ans. ARS. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calad. caic. camph. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-an. car6-vcg. cautst. CHIAM. chel. CHIN. coco. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. CUPR. cycl. dig-. dros. duic. euphorb. euplir. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. laur. led. LYC. mgs. in-arct. maustr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. Men. MERC. mezer. mosch. TASTE. 321-325. 47 mnur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-mosc. N-VOM. oleaxid. op. p~ar. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. Plumb. PULS. ran-6ulb. ranscel, rheutm. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. SASSAP. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. Sil. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. strain. stront. SULTPH. suiph-ac. tart. thuj. valer. YERATR. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. "~321. Taste,, delicate. Acon. agar. arm. aur. bar'. BELL. camph. CHIN. cocc. COFF. coich. con. hep. in-austin. n-vom. thuj. V 322. -flat, obtuse. A.lum. amnm-mur. anac. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. arg. ars. bar. bell. br'y. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg-, caust.'chin. cic. cina. cocc. coich. creos. cupr. cycl. dros. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. lyc.?ng&. m-arct. m-austr. maga. 2mang-mur. mang. mere. inosch. natr. natr-nzur. fitm. N-VOM. oleand. op. PAR. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rheumn. RHODOD. rhus. muta. sassa0p. SCILL. SEC-CORN. seneg. SIL. spong. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. suiphac. tar. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. L'322. - loss of. Acon. alum. AMM-MUR. ANAC. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. cauth. carb-an. carb-veg-. caust. cina. cocc. creos. hell. hep. hyosc. ipec. kali. lyc. nz-arct. in-austr. 7nagn. MAGN-MUR. inerc. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. n-vom. op. par. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rheum. RHODOD. rhus. ruta. sabad. sassap. SEC-CORN. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. staph. strain. stront. suiph. snip/i-ac. tliuj. veratr. b. 7324. - acid, sour. Alum. amb~r. amin. ammin-ur. ant-tart. ars. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. bry. CALC. cann. cauth. caps. carb6-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. CHIUN. cina. coce. con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. ferm. graph. hep. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. laur. LYC. ings. m-arct. in-austin. inagn. mayqn-mnur. mang. ME RC. inezer. mum-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. par'. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. man-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. sabad. sabin. sassap. scull, sec-corn. sep. sil. %-pig. spong. STANN. staph. strain. SULPH. sulph-ac. TER. thuj. veratr. zinc. 3 25. - bitter. Acon. alum., ambr. amin. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud., anttart. ARN. ABS. asaf. asam. aur. bar, bell. hisra. (bor). boy. BRY. CALC. camip/. canni. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CRAM. chel. CHIN. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. CON. creos. cinoc. cupL'. dig. DROS. duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. 48 TASTE. 326-332. ipec. KALI. laur. led. LYC. m-arct. mZagn. MAGN-MUR. mang. mar. men. MERC. Mezer. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. 9itr-ac. n-mOSC1h. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ranbulb. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. sassap. scill. seccorn. SEP. sil. spong. STANN. staph. stramn. strout. SULPIH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-tr. zinc. S326. Taste, sweetish (hedisgruesie). ACON. ALUM. anmn. anac. ars. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bov. bry. calc. canth. carb-veg. chin. cocc. cof. creos. croc. cupr. DIG. ferr. hep. hyosc. jod. ipec. kali. nlaur. lyc. m-austr. magn. merc. mezer. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. n-vomn. PHOSPIHI. plat. PLUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhus. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassap. SCILL. selen. sep. spong. STANN. 8uiph. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. 327. - empyreumatic. Bry. cycl. laur. PULS. ran-bulb. scill. sullph. 328. - insipid. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm-mur. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. anttart. arg. arn. ARs. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BRY. cann. CAPS. carb-an. cham. chel. CHIN. cocc. colch. coloc. creos. cupr. cycl. dig. dulc. euphorb. euphr. guaj. hell. hep. IGNAT. ipec. kali. lyc. mgs. m-arct. magn. mnagn-miur. mang. mere. mezer. natr. NATR-MUR. n-mnosch. n-vom. oleand. op. par. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. rheumn. rhodod. rhus. ruta. STAPH. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. thzj. valer. veratr. VERB. v/ 329. - ofgrease or fat. ALUM. ambr. ASAF. bar. bry. carb-veg. CAUST. chant. euphorb. ignat. ipec. laur. LYC. Miayn-ZurM. MANG. mur-ac. petr. phosph. phac. PULS. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. sabad. sabin. sil. thij. VALER. -'330. - of herbs. Calad. N-VOM. ph-ac. puls. sassap. stann. veratr. 331. - metallic. Alum. bism. caic. cocc. coloc. CUPR. hep. ipec. mgs. m-austr. mere. nat'. N-VOM. plumb. RAN-BULB. RHUS. sassap. seneg. sulph. VIT. ZINC. 332. - nauseous. Agar. ammi-mur. anac. ant-tart. arg. ARS. asaf. bell. bism. BRY. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. caust. cham. chel. chin. cina. cocc. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. euphorb. guaj. ignat. JOD. kali. led. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. mang. mar. MERC. Mezer. natr. natrmur. N-VOM. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rheum, rhus. sabad. sabin. sassap, scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. STANN. staph. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. VALER. veratr. verb. zINC. TASTE. 333-335. E RUCTATION, &c. 336, 337. 49 v / 333. Taste, putrid. ACON. anac. ang. ant-tart. ARN. ars. asar. aur. BELL. boy. bry. caic. caps. carb-an. CARB-VE G. caust. CHAM. chin. coce. cojf. coloc. CON. creos. cupr. cyci. dros. euphorb. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. lyc. mgs. magn. magn-mur. mar. MERC. mosch. mur-ac. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rheum. RHUS. ruta. SEP. spig. s8tann. staph. STJLPH. suiph-ac. thuj. valer. veratr. zinc. S334. - salt. Alum. ambr. amm. anac. ant-crud. ANT-TART. amn. ARlS, bar. bell. boy. caic. cann. CARB-VEG. caust. CHIN. coff. croc. cupr. dig. dros. ettphorb. graph. hyose. JOD. LYC. magn. magni-mur. MERC. mezer. NAýTR. n-mosch. n-vom. PEIOSPH. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. SEP. -stann. strain. SIJLPH. suiph-ac. tar'. VERATR. verb, zinc. 1-, 335., - earthy.CANN. caps. chin. ferr. hep. ign4. mere. N-MOSCH. PHOSPH. PULS. XIV. ERUCTATION AND' HICCOUGH. L- 336. Eructations. Acon. agar. ALUM. AMBR. amm. agm-m-ur. anac. ang. ANTCRUD. ant-tart. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. BAR. BELL. bism. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. caun. CANTH. caps. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chain. chel. CHIN. Cic. cina. COCC. coff. coich. coloc. CON. creos. croc. cupr. CYCL. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT.,yod. zpec. KALI. lach. LAU R. led. LYC. 911gs. m-arct. m-austr.?nagn. magn-mnur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr.?zitr-ac. nmnosch. N-YOM. oleanid. op. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb.PULS. rani-bulb. rani-scel. rhodod. RIIUS. ruta. SABAD. 8abini. SASSAP. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. SPon1g. STANN. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. SULPH-AC. tar. THUJ. VALER. VERATH. VERB. viol-tr. vii;. zinzc. 337. Hiccough. Acon1. AGAR. alum. ambr. amm. AMM-MUR. anac. aug. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. amn. ars. asar. bar. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. caic. cann. cantli. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. cdi. cic. cina. eo~c. coff. coich. coloc. con. cupr. -CYCL. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euplir. graph. hep. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. magn. mnagn-mur. MAR. men. miere. mur-ac. nzatr. inatr-mur. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. par. petr. phospli. plat. plumb. PULS. RAN-B3ULB. ranscell. rhus. ruta. sabad. samb. sassap. selen. sep. sil. spong. staun. staph. strain. stront. sulph. suiph-ac. tar. thuLj. VERATR. verb, Vii;. zinc. `700 ERUCTATION' AND HICCOUGH. 338,34 1. Agar. alumi. am/n'r. AMM. ant-crud. arg. amn. ars. asaf. asar. bar. hell. bor. boy. CALO. cant/i. CAPS. CAUB-AN. CARB-YEG. caUst. chain. CHIN. Cic. coff. CON. CROC. dig. claic. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell, hep. hyosc. 4inyat. JOD. hali. LYC. mn-arct. m--austr. M(a1g. MERC. moseli. mur-ac. NATR-MUR. n1it?'. nitr-ae. n-mosehM. N-VOM. par. pet?'. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. i'an-scel., sabad. Sabin. Scill. sec-corn. SEP. sil. staph. SUlph. sulp~h-ac. tar. thuj.VALER. VERATR. Zi?iC. 339. Conflux. of water in the mouth. Acon. alumn. amb. AMM. AMM-MUR. anac. ant-crud. ANT-TART. amn. ARS. asa)'. BAR. bell, boy. BRY. ~A~c. caun. can h. caps. (a'ar-anl. CARB-FEG. CAUST. chel. chin. Cic. CINA. clem. cocc. coich. con. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. DROS. duic. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. hiep. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-agn. miagn-nno'. mang. men. MERC. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. ii-MOSCh. N-VM. oleanid. PAR. PETR. PHOjISPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls1. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. RHODOD. RHUS. SABAD. sabin. sassap. scill. seneg. ýi. SIL. spi*g. spong. stann.. STAPh1. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thj. vale?'. VERATR. verb. 340. iaeturgitation (of soli n iqi ate) Acon. alum. amm-mur. anit-crud. ANT-TART. ary. ARN. ars. ha?'. bell. BRY. CALC. camn-pb. CANN. cantli. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cic. cina. CON. cyci. dig. dros. duic. ferr. GRAPH. liep. IGNAT. ha/i. lach. laur. lyc. Ings. magfl-mui'. MAR. MERC. mezer. moscb. mur-ac. natr. nat?'-??iur. Ditr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. par. petr-. PHOSPH. plat. PLUMB. PULS. rhodod. rhus. sabin. SASSAP. sep. spong. staph. stront. SULPH. SULPI--AC. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. Z-inic. 341. Risings in the throat. ACON. alum. ambr. ASAF. asar. bell. ca/c. caun. canth. carb-vleg. caust. didl. chin. cic. coff. CON. c?'Oc. cycl. duic. hell, hep). ignat. kali. lyc.?n-aust?'. magrn-mur. mang. MERC. natr. nitr-ac. n-m2osch. n1-VOn?. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. pu/s. ran-bulb. rhuts. ruta. sabad. sassap. SPIG. stann. sn/p~h-ac. VALER. VERATR. XV. NAUSEA AND VOMITING. a. Nausea. v342. ]Inclination to vomit. -ACON. again. alugn. annn. amin-mur. anac. ant-crud, ant-tart. aing. a?'n. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. hell. bism. bor. boy. B RY. calc. camph. caun. canth. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. GuAM. chel. chin. cina. COCC. coff. coich. con. creos. croc. cup?'. cycl. dig. NAUSEA AND VOMITING. 343-347, 51 DROS. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. IPEC. KALI. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. sassap. scill. sec-corn. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. zilc. J 343. Dry vomiting (retching)., ~ / i Acon. ambr. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARN. ars. ASAR. aur. BELL. bism. BRY. cann. canth. carb-veg. CHIN. cocc. colch. coloc. CREOS. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. IPEC. kali. led. lyc. magn. merc. mezer. mosch. natr-mur. nitr. N-VOM. oleand. op. plumb. PULS. rhus. sabin. sassap. scill. seccorn. seneg. sep. sil. stann. stram. stront. sulph. thuj. VERATR. viol-tr. zinc. v 344. Uneasiness, qualmishness. - ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amtm. amm-mur. anac. anfl/. ANT-CRUD. ANT-TART. ARG. aml. ARS. asaf. ASAR. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. bov. BaY, calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem.. cc. cof. colch. coloc. CON. creos. croc. CUPR. CYCL. DIG. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. HELL. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. IPEC. KALI. lach. laur. led.. LYC. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STANN. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. SULPH-AC. tar. thuj. VALER. VERATR. viol-tr. vit. zinc. V 345. QEualmishness in the belly. Ant-tart. bell. BRY. cic. cocc. croc. cupr. cycl. hell. hep. ipec. m-arct. mang. mar. n-miosch. par. PULS. rheum. ruta. samb. sil. stann,. staph. valer. vit. ' 346. - in the stomach. Acon. ang. ANT-TART. amr. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. bovy. calc. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. chel. chin. cina. cocc. coff. colch. croc. CUPR. cycl. dig. dros. HELL. IPEC. kali. laur. led. LYC. m-austr. mangn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N- VOM. par. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rheumn. r hus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. seneg. sil. stann. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. VERATR. vIT. zinc. 347. - in the throat. Acon. anac. ant-tart. arg. ars. asar. aur. bell. cann. chin. cocc. 52 52 ~NAUJSEA AND VOMITING. 34~8-353. coff. croc. CUPR. CYOL. ferr. mere. nitr-ac. oleand. PH-AC. PULS. rhus. sassap. sdill. spig. STANN. staph. suiph. tar. valer. V' 348. Ctualxnishuess in the chest. Aeon. anac. arg. asaf. bry. croc. mnere. n-vom. par. RHUS. seecorn, staph. 349. Nausea. Acon. alum amm.. anac. ANT-CRUD. ANT-TART. arg. anz. ars. asaf. asar. bar. BELL. bor. BRY. caic. canth. earb-veg. caust. chain. chin. eocc. coich. eon. cupr. cyci. dig. duic. euphorb. ferr. guaj. hell. hep. ignat. joci. IPEC. KALI. lach. laur. lyc. magn. magn-mur. mang. men. mnoseh. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. oleand. op. petr. phospli. plat. plumb. puls. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sassap. see-eomn. seneg,. SEP. SIL. spig. stann. strain. suiph-ac. thuj. valer. V1 350. Sensation of flaccidity, flabbiness, cloyment. ACON. ambr. ant-tart. arg. amn. ARS. bar. bell. bry. caic. canth. CAPS. earb-an. carb-vecr CAUST. CHAM. chel. chin. cic. cina. coff. croc. CYCL. dig. enphr. hep. ignat. ipee. kall. laur. lye. m-arct. men. mere. mosch. NATR. natr-innr. nitr-ae. N-VOM. oleand. pet~r. phospli. plat putls. rhus. sabad. sabin. sil. STAPH. stront. SULPH. tar. thitj. veratr. zinc. b. Vomiting. 35 1. V~omiting in greneral. Aecon. amin. ainm-mur. anac. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. amn. ARS. asar. bar. B ELL. bisin. 6or. boy. BRY. CALC. camph. eann. eanth. caps. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. CHIN. cia. GINA. cocc. coff. eoleh. coloc. eon. ereos. CUPR. dig. DROS. dule. enphorb. FERR. graph. hell. hep. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. IPEC. kali. lach. laur. led. lye. mag. mere. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-a~c. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph -ac. PLUMB. PULS. rhodod. rhus. sabad. sabin. samb. scill. SEC-CORN. seneg. SEP. SIL. stann. strain. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. valer. VERATR. zinc. '352. - of sour and acid substances. Ainm. ant-tart. ARS. asar. bar. BELL. bry. CALO. caps. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. CHIN. coec. con-ferr. graph. hep. ignat. IPEC. kali. LYC. natr. natr-inur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. PI-OSPH. ph-ac. PU LS. sabin. sassap. sec-corn. sep. 8tann. strain. SULPH. thuj. veratr. v 353. - ingresta. Aeon. AMM. anac. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. amn. ARiS. bell. bism. bor. boy. BRY. CALC. eanth. caps. carb-veg. ehain. ehin. CINA. cocc. coff. colek. eoloe. con. ereos. CUPR. dig. DROS. FERR. graph. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. IPEC. kali. lach. laur. led. LY C. inagn. mere. inosch. NAUSEA AND VOMITING. 354-361. 53. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUTR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. PHOSPH., ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabin. samb. sec-corn. SEP. SIL.. STANN. SULPH. sulphi-cc., thuj.. VERATR. zinc. v 354. Vomiting, bitter, bilious. ACON. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. ARS.. asar. BELL. bisin. bor. BRY. caic. campli. cann. cantli. carb-veg. CHAM. CHIN. cina. coce. coich. coloc. CON. CUPR. digq. d-os. DULC. hell. lzep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. JPEG. icali. lach. LYC. magn. MERO. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. PETR. phosph. PLUMB. PULS. rhodod. rhus. sabad. sabin. SEC-CORN. SEP. Sit. STANN. dvram. SULPII. thus. valer. YERATR. zinc. V355. - of what has been drunk. dcon. ant-crud. ANT-TART. arn. ARS. BRY. CHAM. Chin. Cic. COCe. con. DULO. ferr. IPEC. natr-mur. N-VOM. puls. rhus. sec-corn. SIL. suiph. veratr. 356. - of water (liquids). Aeon. amm. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. asar. bar. BELL. bov. BRY. CANN. CAUST. CHIN. cina. CON. creos. CUPR. cyci. dros., ferr. graph. guaj. hep. hyosc. IPEC. kali. laur. magn. mnagn-mur. merc. natr. mitr. N-VOM. oleand. par. petr. phosph. plumb. puls. sassap. sep. sit. spig. STANN. dtram. stront. SULPH. SULPH-AC. thuj. VERATR. verb. zinc. S357. - of fbecal matter (ileus). BELL. bry. N-YOM. OP. plumb. S358. - of fetid matter. Alit-tart. amn. ARS. bell. bism. bry. caic. cocc. coff. CUPR. guaj. ipEC. led. mnere. natr. N-VOM. op. ph-ac. plumb. sec-corn. SEP. STANN. SULPII. thuj. valer. veratr. S359. - of mucus. ACON. amm-mnur. ant-crud. ant-tar-t. ARS. bar. BELL. bor. bot'. bry. calc. cann. cantli. caps. CHAM. CHIN. cina. cocc. coich. CON. creos. CUP?% DIG. DROS. duic. ferr. graph. guaj. hep. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. ipE c. lyc. magn. MERC. mezer. mosch. natr. nitr. N-vom. oleand. phosph. PULS. sarnb. SEC-CORN. sit. spig. dtram.. suiph. thuj. valer. VERATR. Zinc. 360.- of black matter. ARS. bism. caic. camph. chin. hep. ipec. laur. lyc. N-VOM.1 Op. PETR. PHOSPH. PLUMB. scill, sec-corn. strain. sulph. suiph-ac. V ER ATR. 361. - of blood. Acoi. ant-cru'd. 'ARN. a2-8. asar. bell. bor. bry. Cale. camph; v 21 54 A54IBDOMINAL CAVITY. 363--3651 cann. CANTH. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. cic. con. 0reog. cupr. dros. FERR. hep. hyosc. jod. IPEC. led. lyc. merc. mezer. mtr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. Op. PHOSPH. PLUMB. PULS. rAus. sabin. sec-corn. SEP. Sil. stann. stram. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. 362. Vomiting of worms. ACON. anac. ars. CINA. COff. FERR. hyosc. merc. natr-mur. SABAD. SEC-CORN. Sil. Spig. veratr. XVI. ABDOMINAL CAVITY. 363. Stomach. Acox. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arn. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. BAR. bell. bism. bor. bov. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chel. CHIN. Cic. cina. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. guay. HELL. hep. hyosc. IGNAT.jod. IPEC. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. magnl. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ranbulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STANN. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. SULPH-AC. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. vit. zinC. 364. HypIochondria, right and left. ACON. ALUM. amm-mur. ang. ant-crud, ant-tart. arn. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. bell. bism. bov. BRY. CALC. CAMPH. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CatSt. CHAM. CHIN. cocc. coff. coich. CON. cupr. dig. dros. ferr. graph. hell. hep. IGNAT. ipec. kali. lach. LAUR. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. ranscel. RHODOD. rhus. ruta. sabad. sassap. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. Sil. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. 8st0on1t. SULPH. Sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. zINc. 365.,Livers ACON. agar. ALUM. ambr. amm. anmm-nur. anac. ang. ARN, ar7. asaf. bar. bell. bov. BRY. calad. CALc. camph. cann. canth. CARB-AN. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. CHIN. clem. COCC. COICh. CON. creos. croc. dig. dulc. ferr. graph. hell hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. LYC. m-arct. magn. MAGN-MUR. mar. MERC. mosch. murac. ncttr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat, plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. SABA][. sabin. sassap. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong, stann. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. VtI zinc. ABDOMINAL CAVITY. 366-370. 55 366. Spleen. L2I, Aeon. agar. alum. amm. amm-mur. anac. ant-tart. arg. amn. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. BOR. boy. bry. calad. camph. CANN. cantli. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust.. chain. chel. CHIN. coich. con. creos. dros. DULd. ferr. graph. guaj. hep. IGNAT. jod. ipec. LATJR. lyc. maga. magn-mur. mang. mar. inerc. mezer. mosch. MUR-AC. NATR. natr-niur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-moseh. n-vom. oleand. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. PLUMB. PUls. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rheuma. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. sabad. wsassp. sec-corn. selen. seneg. sep. sil. Spig. spong. STANN. suiph1. SULPH-AC. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. 367. Kidneys. Aeon. alum. BELL. bor'. campli. CANN. CANTH. CLEM. COCC. coich. dig. HEP. KALI. mere. nitr. N-VOM. ph-ac. plumb. pills. ran-scel. sciI1. suiph. thuj. ZINC. 368. Abdomen in greneral. A1con. agar. alum. ainzbr. aram. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. am. ARS. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BERY. calad. CALC. campli. cann. CANTH. Caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. cau-st. chaint. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. COCC. coff. coich. COLOC. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euplir. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. K(ALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. in-aret. m-austr. inagn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. moseli. mur-ac. natr. natr-intur. -nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. PLUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheun. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPII. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. 369. Epigrastrium. ACON. agar. am)br. ammn. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. boy. bry. CALAD. CALC. camph. cairn. CANTH. caps. CARB-VEG. CAUST. CRAM. CHEL. CHIN. CINA. COOC. coich1. coloc. con. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. duic. euplir. ferr. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. JOD. ipec.,hali. lach. laur. LYC. ings. M-ARCT. in-austr. mag-n-mur. miar. men. MERC. miezer. inosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. n-nosch. N-YOM. oleaud. op. par. petr. PHOSPHi. ph-ac. plat. plumib. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. r-hodod. rhlus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samib. seneg sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. strain. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. vinc. 370. VUmbilicus. ACON. alum. ambr. amnr. AMM-MUR. ANAC. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. asaf. bar. BELL. BOY. BRY. calad. calc. camph. cann. cauth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chaint. CHELb CHIN. CINA. coeC. coleh. coloc. con. CREOS. dig. DULC., graph. guaj. hell.. hep. hyose. IGNAT. jod, IPEC. kali4 inch. law'. mgst m-arct. mi-austr. gnayn, ;5 6 ABDOMINAL CAVITY. 371-3744 miagn-miur. mnang. mar. men. merc. imezer. MOSCH. murM-ac. NATR. nitr. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. OLEAND. op. par. phosph. PH-AC. PLAT. PLUMB. pnts. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHE UMA. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabin. sassap. seneg. SEP. sit. SPIG. spong. stawn. staph. strain. STRONT. SULPH. SULPH-AC. tar. thuj. valet'. VERATR. VERB. viol-tr. Zinc. 371. Sides of the abdomen. Ag4ar. alumn. ambr. ammn. amin-mur. anac. aug. ant-crud.-arm arls. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. bry. calaci. caic. cainaph. cann. CANTH. cap~s. carb-an. CARB-YEG. CAUST. c/tam. chel. CHIN. cina. ciew. cocC. co~f. coich. coloc. creos. CrOC. cyci. dig. dros. duic. ewphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyose. IGNAT. jod. ilpec. kali. LAUR. LED. LYC. Mags. qm-arct. mn-auistr. mgnay.. magn-mnur. inangL0. mnar. mnen. mnerc. mezer. moseli. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. N1TR-AC. ri-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. peir. phosph. pilat. plumb. ptils. ran-bulb. ran-scel. r-heum. rhodod. rhuts. ruta. sabad. sabin. sanab. SASSAP. sec-corn. seneg. sep. si.l spig. spong. stann. STAPH. stront. SULPH. TAR. TIIUJ. valret. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. 372. Loins. Acon. agar. a~nbr. anmi-mur. anac. ant-crutd. arg. amn. ASAF. AUR. bel. boy. cale. canaph. caun. CANTII. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. CLIEL. c/tin. cina. clern. cocc. colcit. COLOC. creos. dig. dros. euphorb. hep. ityose. ignat. jod. kali. LACH. LAUR. led. LYC. m-arct. magn. mar. mnen. mnerc. MEZER. natr. NITR. nitr-ac. ii-voin. oleand. PLUMB. puls. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. RHIEUM. rhus. rutta. sabad. sabin. sainb. sassap. sec-corn. SEP. spig. spong. STAPH. stront. sulph. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. 373. H1ypograstrium. Agar. alum. AMBR. ainn. anain-nur., anac. ang. ant-crud. anttart. arg. ARN. ars. asaf asar'. AUR.' BAR. BELL. BISM. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. cainph. caun. canth. CAPS. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chain. chel. CHIN. dCi. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. COLOC. con. croc. cupr. CYCL. di. do. dl. euphorb. euplir. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. h1yosc. IGNAT. jod. KALI. lawu4. led. LYC. nags. m-aret. in-austr. inagl. imagn-muri. inang. mar. men. MERC. mnez;er. mosch. nat?'. natr-naur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. par. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. RAN-BULB. rheura. rhodod. rius. RUTA. sabad. sabin. sainb. sassap. SCILL. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. STANN. staph. stront. stul)Jh. sulph-ac. TAR. THUJ. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-tr. vit. z,.inc. 374. lwguinal ringr. Agar. ALUM. awnm. AMM-MUR. anac. ant-crutd. ant-tart. arg. ars. asaf. asar. AUR. bar. bell. boy. CALC. canaph. cann. canth. caps. CARD-AN. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. chin. cic. CLEM. COCC. coff. COLOC. con. creos. croc. dig. dro~s. duic. ezpltkorb. grap~h. guaj. hell., EXTERNAL SURFACE OF THE ABDOMEN. 376-379. 57 IGNAT. jod. iali. laur. LYC. mgs. M-ARCT. m-austr. magyn. magnmur. mar. men. MERC. meezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. ran-bulb. ranscel. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. sabad. sassap. sep. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. staph, stram. STRONT. SULPH. SULPH-AC. tar. THUJ. valer. VETATR. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 375. Inguinal hernia. Alum. amm. AMM-MUR. anac. ant-crud..arg. asar. AUR. bell. calc. camph. cann. caps. carb-an. CHAM. chin. CLEM. COCC. COff. coloc. dig. euphorb. graph. guaj. hell. ignat. kali. LYC. mgs. M-ARCT. m-austr. imagn. mar. mere. mezer. natr-mur. nitr. NITRAC. N-VOM. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. rheum. RHUS. sep. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront. sulph. SULPHAC. thuj. YERATR. zinc. XVII. EXTERNAL SURFACE OF THE ABDOMEN. 376. Pit of the stomach (crobiculus cordis). Acon. alum. ant-crud. ars. aur. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. caps. caust. cham. chin. cIc. cocc. coff. con. croc. euphorb. ferr. HELL. hep. ignat. kali. lach. LYC. m-austr. mang. mezer. mosch. natr. NATR-MUR. n-voin. op. petr. phosph. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. ranscel. ruta. sabad. sabin. sec-corn. spig. spong. stann. zinc. 377. Abdomen. Acon. alum. AMBR. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. arg. arn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bov. BRY. calc. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-veg. caust. cham. chel. chin. cic. cocc. colch. COLOC. con. croc. cupr. dig. dros. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. HYOSC. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. magn. magnmur. mang. men. MERC. mosch. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ranbulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. sarab. sassap. scill. SELEN. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. 378. Groin. Alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ARS. aur. bov. calc. camph. cann. canth. chin. cic. cocc. dig. euphorb. graph. guaj. kali. LYC. Ings. m-arct. magn-mur. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. ph-ac. puls. sassap. SELEN. sep. SIL. spig. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. 379. Pubis. Anac. ant-tart. arg. asaf. aur. bell. hell. hyosc. MEN. natr. natrmur. nitr-ac. n-vom. plumb. RHUS. ruta. sabad. selen. staph. VALER. viol-tr. ar' 58 FLATULENCY. 381-383. 380. Iniguinal glands. Ant-crud. ARS. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. CALO. cann. CLEM. con. DULC. gralph. HEP.jod. lye. mgps. men. MIERC. mezer. natr. NITRAC. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. puls. r-heu~m. Sil. SPONG. stann. staph. strain. suilph. THUJ. XVIII. FLATULENCY. S381. Flatulency, in general, Acon. agar. alum. ambr. aini. 'AMM-MUR. anac. aug. ant-cru1d. ANT-TART. arg. ARN. a?*s. ASAF. asar. AUR. b ar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calaci. caic. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. CARIB-AN. CARBVEG. CAUST. CHAM. chel. CHIN. dic. cina. clein. cooc. coff. coich. coloc. CON. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. duic. eutphorb6. euphr. ferr. GR{APHI. guaj. HEL. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT.. Jod. ipec. KALI. lach. lautr. led. LYC. MGS. m-arct. M-AUSTR. inagn. rnagn-mur. inang. MAR. men. merc. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MTJR. nlitr. NITR-AC. N-MOSCH. N-YOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. PLUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheurn. RHODOD. Ru-us. ruta. sabad. sabin. sainb. sassap). SCILL. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. Spig. spong. stann. STAPH. strain. stronit. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thij. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. 382. Obstructed flatus. A4con. agar. ambr. ammi. am-in-ur. ang. ANT-CRUD. ANTTART. ARN. ASAR. aur. bar, bell. bor. caic. camph. canil. CANTH. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. CHIN. cic. COOC. coff. coich. COLOC. CON. euphorb. GRAPH. gicaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. KALI. lach. LYC. MWGS. M-ARCT. m-austr. ma~qiner. mar. men. mezer. mosch. NATR. NATR-MUR. - nitr. NLTR-AC. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. op. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. PLUMB. PULS. RHEUM. r-hodod. r-hus. ruta. sabad. sabin. SCILL. seleri. Sep. SIL. sjng. spong. stann. STAPH. strain. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb, zinc. 383. Gurgling of wind (borboryginus). AconZ. AGAR. aiun. arnbr. ainm. anm-n-mr. anac. anig. ant-crutd. ANT-TART. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calc. CANTH. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coloc. con. croc. cuipr. cycl. dig. duic. eupborb. euplir. ferr.g.raph. gyuaj. HELL. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. laur. led. LYC. MGS. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magnmur. MAR. imen. merc. mezer. mosch. mnur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. -n-inosch. N-VOM. oleand. par. petr. PI-OSPLI. PIT-AC. plat. PLUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. rain-scel. rheum. r-hodod. rhus. rata. sabad. sabin. sainb. SASSAP. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spoug. stan~n. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. tlhzt. valer. VERATR. Ver'b. Vit. zinc. FLATULENCY. 384--393. 59 384. Flatulence causing colic (flatulent colic). Acon. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ANAC. ant-crud. ANT-TART. arg. ARN. ASAF. asar. AUR. bell. bism. bry. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cic. coce. coff. colch. coloc. CON. cycl. dros. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. gUaj. hell. hep. HYosC. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. LYC. mgs. M-ARCT. M-AUSTR. magn. MAR. men. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. op. par. PHOSPH. plat. PLUMB. PULS. ranbulb. RHEUM. RHODOD. rhus. ruta. sabin. samb. SCILL. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. STAPH. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. zinc. P385. 5Noisy emission of wind. Amm-mur. canth. LACH. laur. mrgs. mar. merc. scill. 386. Emission of cold wind. Con. 387. - very warm wind. Acon. ant-tart. chain. cocc. MGS. MAR. magn-mur. n-vom. phosph. plumb. PULS. staph. zinc. 388. - hot and humid wind. Carb-veg. 389. - inodorous wind. Ambr. arn. BELL. cann. carb-veg. coff. lyc. mar. merc. zinc. 390. - wind of an acid smell. A4rn. bell. CALC. cham. coloc. dulc. GRAPH. /hep. m1-austr. )magn. MERC. NATR. petr. phosph. RHEUM. 8ep. SULPH.. 391. - of the smell of garlic. AGAR. mosch. phosph. * 392. - of a fetid smell. Acon. agar. alum. amm-mur. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARN. ARS. ASAF. asar. AUR. bar. bell. bism. BOR. bov. BRY. calad. CALC. canth. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. CHIN. COCC. COff. CO10C. creos. dros. DULC. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. ignat.jod. ipec. kali. lach. lyc. MGS. m-arct. magn. MAR. 2nerc. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. OLEAND. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLUMB. PULS. ran-billb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabin. sassqp. SCILL. sec-corn. Sep. SIL. spig. STAPH. STRAM. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. valer. veratr. zinc. 393. - of the smell of rotten eggs. C. 3- /. Ant-tart. ARN. COff. creos. mar. sep. stann. silph. valer. 60 FECES. 3 9;')'- 3 9 S. 394. Emission of wind of a putrid smell. Aeon. alum. ant-tart. ARN. AIRS. asar. aur. bell. 6ov. bry. calad. caic. CARB-YEG. chain. chin. cocc. coff. coloc. creos. DULC. graph. hep. ignat. jod. ipec. lyc. mgs. mar. merc. natr. natr-mur. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-NOM. OLEAND. par. PULS. n-tta. sabin. sassap. sec-corn. sep. sil.. spig. staph. strain. SULPH. VALER. zinc. XIX. FIE CES. V 395. fliarrhcea. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. AMM-MUR. anac. ang. ANTCRUD. ant-tart. arg. amn. ARS. ASAF. aur. bar. bell. bism. BOR. bov. BRY. CALAD. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg caust. CIJAM. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff~. coich. coloc. CON. croc. cupr. cyci. DIG. dros. duic. euphorli. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. HYOSO. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. LACH. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. mz-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. n~atr. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mZosch. n-vom. oleand. op. par. PETR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHEUM. rhodod. IRHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. scill. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spon1g. stann. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thiuj. valer. VERATR. -verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 396. - painffle.. Ag~ai. alum. am~m. amm-mnur. anac. ang. ant-tart. ARS. asaf. asar. bar. bell. bor. 6ov. BRY. calad. calc. canth. CAPS. carb-an. carh-veg. caust. CHAM. chin. coich. coloc. croc. cupr. dig. dros. DULC. eupor6. graph. hell. ignat. ipec. kali. laur. lyc. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-miir. men. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. Op. PETR. phosph. plumb. PULS. RHEUM. RHUS. sabad. sassap. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. 'thuj. vERATR. viol-tr. Zinc. 397. - without pain. Acon. amhr. anac. ant-tart. amn. ARS. aur. lbar. BELL. 60or. iov. bry. caic. canth. carli-an. carb-veg. CHAM. CHEL. CHIN. mCi. clem. cocc. coloc. con.' croc. dig. duic. FERR. graph. hell. HYOSC. ignat. ipec. ictur. led. LYC. ings. in-austin. magn. magn-mur. merc. mur-ac. natr-nrnr. nitin. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-,vom. oleand. op~. petr. PHOSPLI. PH-AC. PLAT. puls.. ran-liulli. rhodod. rhus. sabin. sassap. sec-corn. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. STEAM. stront. SULPH. thuj. valer. veratr. zinc. 3 98. Involuntary aivine evacuations. Ac6on. ant-tart. amn. ARS. BELL. bry. carb-veg. chin. cina. cocc. coich. con. dig. hell. hyosc. ignat. lack. laur. m-aust. mere. FA~CES. 399-402. 61 MUR-AC. NATR-MUR. n-vom. oleand. op. PHOSPH. PH-AC. puls. rhus. scill. sec-corn. sep. spong. SULPH. VERATR. zinc. 399. Pressing desire to evacuate. Agar. alum. ambr. amm. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arn. ARS. asaf. asar. BAR. bell. bism. bor. bov. calc. CAMPH. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chel. chin. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. croc. dig. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. HEP. HYOSC. ignat. kali. LACH. lyc. mgs. m-arct. magn. MAGN-MUR. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. NITR-AC. n-mosch. n-vom. op. petr. PHOSPH. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-scel. RHEUM. RHODOD. rhus. ruta. sabad. sassap. scill, sec-corn. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. stann. STAPH. straiL. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. zinc. < 400. - - without result (tenesmus). AcoN. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ARN. ars. asaf. bar. BELL. bism. bov. CALC. CANTH. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chin. cocc. COLCH. coloc. CON. creos. dulc. euphorb. graph. HELL. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lack. laur. LYC. mgs. magn. magn-mur. mang. MERC. mezer. mosch. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RHEUM. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thzj. valer. VERATR. viol-od. zinc. 401. Constipation. Acon. agar. ALUM. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bor. bov. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. cham. chel. chin. cic. cina. COCC. coff. colch. coloc. CON. CREOS. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. DULC. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH, guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. KAL1. lach. LAUR. led. LYC. Imgs. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. mang. MEN. MERC. mezer. mosch, natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. OP. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. PLUMB. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. SASSAP. scill. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STANN. STAPH. stram. stront. SULPH. SULPH-AC. thzj, VERATR. VERB. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. 402. - arising from inertness of the intestines. Acon. ALUM. amm. amm-mur. ANAC. ang, ant-crud, ant-tart. ARN. asaf. aur. bar. bov. bry. calc. CAMPH. canth. carb-an. CARBVEG. caust. chain. CHIN. COCC. COff. colch, creos. dulc. euphr. GRAPH. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. KALI. lach. LYC. in-arct. magn. MAGN-MUR. mang. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. NATRMUR. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. oleand. oP. par. PEJTR. phosph. ph-ac,. plat. plumb. PULS. rheum, rhodod. rhus. RUTA. sabad. sassap. scill. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. stann. STAPit, G 62, FACES.- 403-409. strain. stront. SULPH. Suiph-ac. tar., TH UJ. valer. VERATR. verb. vit. zinc. 403. Constipation from hardness of the stools.* Acon. agar. alum. AMM. arnm-mur. aug. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. amn. ar8. "af. asar. AUR. bar. bell. boy. BRY. caic. canpli. cann. canth. caps. CARB-AN. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. CHEL. chin. eina. cocc. coich. coloc. con. creos cyci. duic. euplir. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. laur. led. lyc. M-ARCT. MAGN. MAGN-MUR. Inang, men. MERC. mezer. inur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-inosch. N-VOM. oleand. OP. par. PETR. phospli. ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. sabad. sabin. sassap. scill. se/en..seneg. SEP. SIL. Spi~q. spong. stann. starph. 8tront. SULPH. SULPH-AC. THU.J. veratr. VERB. viol-tr. nit. zinc. b. 404. Evacuations of grey,, ash-coloured,, or whitish matter. Acon. ainm-mur. amn. ars. asar. any,. bell. cALc. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cina. cocc. colek. DIG. d~ros. duic. hey. ignat. jod. LACIf. Mperc. n-inosch. n-voin. op. phosph. ph-ac. plumab. puls. rheuin. rhus. SEP. spig. SPONG. stront. eu/ph. sulph-ac. veratr. 405.- of black matter. " 'ARS. BRY. caic. cainph. CHIN. coloc. hey. jod. n-vorn. op. phosph. scill. strain. suiph. SULPH-AC. veratr. 406. - of green matter. Ainm-inur. ars. bell, bor. canth. carb-an. ClAM. coloc. DULC. hey. ipec. laur. magn. MERC. nitr-ac. n-voin. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PULS. rheum. sep, STANN. SULPH. suiph-ac. va/er. VERATR. C. 407. - of bilious matter. 4- 4 Ar~s. bisin. CHAM. chin. coloc. DUJLC. IPEC. mnerc. n-voin. oleand. PULS. suiph, VERATR. V408. - of frothy matter. Caic. canth. CHIN. COLOC. jod. MAGN. mere. Op. RHUS. ruta. srulph. suiph-ac. v 409. - of mucous mnatter. Agar. alum. aini. aini-mur. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARN. ARS. ASAR. bar. bell. BOR. caic. canth. CAPS. carb-an. CARDB-VEG. cau~st. ClAM. chel. chin. colch. COLOC. con. dig. dros. duic. ferr. C,,RAPH. guaj. -1E L L. hey. hyosc. ignat. jod. IPEC. KALI. lach. laur. led. lye. in-austin. magn. MAGN-M UR. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitin. FACES. 410-416. 63 nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. par, PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHEUM. RHUS. ruta. vabad. s8abin. scil. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. Sil. SPIG.,stann. staph. SULPI-. suiph-ac. veratr. viol-tr. 4 10. Evacuations of purulent matter. ARN. he'll. caic. cann. CANTH. chin. clem. coce. con. ignat. jod. kali. LYC. MERO. n-vom. petr. PULS. sabin. sep. SIL. SULPH. 411. -bloody. Acon. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ant-c7'ud. ant-tart. ARN. ARS. ASAR. bar. bell. bor. B3RY. CALC. CANTH. CAPS. carb-an. CARE-VEG. caust. chain. CHIN. coich. coloc. con. croc. cupr. DROS. duic. FERR. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. IPEC. kali. lach. LED. LYC. magfl-?ur. MERtO. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITA~AC. n-moscli. N-YOM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RHUS. ruta. vabadi. SABIN. sassap. scifi. sec-corn. selen. SEP. SIL. staun. s&tramn. SULPIL. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. zinc. d. 412. Stools of an unusually large size (thickness). Adnt-cmtd. aur. BRY. caic. GRAPH. IGNAT. KALI. M-ARCT. merc. n-vom. ran-bulb. ruta. seneg. stann. sulph-ac. thuj. VERATR. zinc. 413. - of a small size. Asar. bell. CAUST. graph. hyosc. MERC.miur-ac. n-voin. puls. SEP..staph, sulph. veratr. 414. - knotty, resembling sheep's dung (scybala). Adgar. alum. AMM. amm-mnur. ang. amn. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. A bry. CARB-AN. CAUST. CHJEL. chin. GRAPH. guaj. jod. kali. led. ILmagn. MAGN-MUR. inang. MERO. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. -oleand. OP. petr. ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. ruta. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. SULPH-AC. THUJ.TVERB. viol-ad. e. 415. - of an acid odour. Amn. bell. CALC. chain. coloc. duic. GRAPH. hep. in-austin. ragn. MERC. NAqTR. petr. phosph. RHEUM. s ep. SULPH. 416. - of a very fetid odour., Acon. agar. alum. amn-inur. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARN. ARlS. ASAF. asar. AUJR. bar. bell. bism. 130R. boy. DRY. calad. CALC. cauth. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. CHIN. cocc. coff. coloc. creos. dros. DULC. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. lyc. MGS.mi-arct. inagn. MAR. inerc. inur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. OP. OLEAND-par. petr. phosph. ph-. ac. PLUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheumn. rhodod. rhus. ruta. 64 FM CES. 417-423. sabin. 'sassap. SCILL. sec-corn..sep. SIL. spig. STAPH.- STRAM. 8tront. SULPI-. suiph-ac. valer. veratr. zinc. 417. Stools of a very acrid quality. Acon. alum. aug. ant-crud. ARS. bry. caic. cann. cauth. caps. caust. CHAM. CHIN. DULO. FERR. GRAPH. hell. IGNAT. KALI. LACH. mg8. MERC. natr. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-YOM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS..sabin. sassap. selen. spong. stanfl. STAPH. SULPH. VERATR. 4 18. - of undigested substances (lienteria). Adnt-cr-ud. arn. ARS. asar. bor. IBRY. caic. chain. CHIN. con. FERR. graph. MEN. nit r-ac. n-inosch. OLEAND. PHOSPH. PH-Ac. rheum. rhodod. rhus. scill. sil. suiph. suiph-ac. valer. 419. - scanty. Acon. agar. ALUM. ambr. amin-mur. anac. aug. ant-crud. arg. ARN. asar. bar. bell. boy. bry. calad. caic. caniph. canth. caps. carb. carb-veg. CRAM. chin. cocc. COLCH. euphr. graph. hell. hep,. HyosC. ignat. ipec. kali. lack. laur. led. lyc. magn. MAGN-MUR. mang. merc. mezer. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-YOM. oleand. petr. plat. plumb. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. sassap. scill. seneg. SEP. sil. spong. stann. STAPH. SULPH. thuj. valer. verb. -inc. v, 420. - Viscous, tenacious. Ars. ASAR. caic. carb-veg. CAUST. hell. hep. ignat, kali. MERO. mezer. natr. n-vom. _plumb. SASSAP. veratr. h. 4 21. - containingr thread worms (ascarides). Acon. alum. ambr. ASAR. CALC. CHIN. GINA. coich. croc. dig-. FERR. graph. hyosc. IGNAT. kali. magn. MAR. merc. natr. ni-mosch. N-VOM. petr. phosph. PLAT. rhus. sabad. sabin. SCILL. Sep. SIL. SPIG. SPONG. SULPII. valer. zinc. 422.- containing round worms (lumbrici). Acon. ANAC. ars. bar. bell. bor. caic. caust. CHAM. chin. cic. GINA. coloc. GRAPH. hyosc. jod. icali, lyc. magn. magn-mur. merc. NATR-MUR. ii-rosch. n-vom. petr. phosph. RUTA. SABAD. SE CCORN. SIL. SPIG. SULPH. valer. 423. - tape-worm (tainia). Alum. ambr. anac. ars. CALC. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. chin. cina. coff. coich. croc. GRAPH. ignat. icali. laur. lyc. mayn-mur. FmECES. 424--427. 65 mar. mere. natr. natr-mur. N-VOM. PETR. PHOSPH. PLAT. PULS. rhus. SABAD. sabin. sep. SIL. spig. spong. stann. SULPH. valer. zinc. Abnormal symptoms, preceding or attending defecation. 1 424. - before a stool. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ANT-TART. am. ars. asaf. asar. BAR. bell. noR. bov. BRY. calad. calc. camph. cann. canth. cAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chel. chin. cina. cocc. colch. con. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. DULC. euphorb. fcrr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. ignat. KALI. lach. laur. lye. m-arct. m-austr. magn. mang. men. MERC. MEZER. mosch. natr. natrmur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sassap. sec-corn. selen. seneg, sep. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. VERATR. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 425. - during a stool. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. arg. am. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. bovy. bry. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. CAPs. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. chamin. chel. CHIN. cocc. colch. COLOC. con. creos. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. DULC. euphorb. FERR. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. IPEC. kali. lach. laur. lyc. mgs. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. nitr. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITRAC. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabin. sassap. scill. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. VERATR. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 426. - after a stool. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. arg. arn. ARS. asar. bar. bell. bor. bov. bry. CALC. camph. CANTH. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. cham. CHIN. coCC. coloc. con. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. LACH. laur. lyc. mgs. m-arct. magn. MAGN-MUR. mar. MERC. MEZER. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. NVOM. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. RHEUM. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. sec-corn. SELEN. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. vit. zinc. XX. ANUS, PERINEUM, AND RECTUM. 427. Anus. Acon. agar. ALUM. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. ar. ARS. asar. aur. BAR. bell. bor. bov. bry. CALC. camph. G2 66 66ANUS. 428-430. URINE. 431. P~ann. canth. caps. CARB-AN. CARB-YEG. CAUST. chain. chin. Cic. cina. coec. COLCH. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. duic. euphorb. euplir. ferr. GRAPH. hell. hep. hyose. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. Mys. in-arct. in-austr. magil. inagn-inur. mang. mar. men. MERC. inezer. inosch. MUR-AC. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-inosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. phac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheuin. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. scill. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. dýann. staph. stront. SULPII. suiph-ac. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. vit. V 428. Hemorrhoids. Acon. alum. ambr. AMM. aini-inur. anac. aug. ANT-CRUD. anttart. amn. ARS. bar. bell. bor. CALC. canth. CAPS. CARE-AN. CAREVEG. CAUST. chain. chin. coloc. cupr. euphr. FERR. GRAPH. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. KALI. lach. led. lyc. MGS. in-austr. magn. mnerc. MUR-AC. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. rhus. sabin. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. SUlph-ac. thuj. valer. veratr. verb, zinc. 429. Rectum. *Acon. ALUM. AMER. ainm. amin-mur. anac. aug. ant-crud. anttart. amn. ars. ASAR. aur. BELL. bor. bry. CALO. cainpli. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. CHIN. cic. cina. cocc. colch. con. creos. cupr. dulc. euphorb. FERR. graph. hell. hep. IGNAT. jod, KALI. lack. laur. LYC. mgs. in-arct. in-austn. inagn. MAGN-MUR. inang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. NITRAC. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. pet?'. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. SAEAD. sassap. scill. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. vematr. zinc. \430. Perineum. ALUM. ammf-mur. ANT-CRUD. ANT-TART. ars. asaf. bell. bor. bry. calc. cann. GARB-AN. CARB-VEG. caust. chin. CYCL. graph. hep. ignat. LYC. magn-inur, merc. mezer. mur-aC. N-VOM. PETR. phospli. PLUME. RHODOD. rhus. seneg. sep. spig. SULPH. TAR. YA~j. VIT. XXI. URINE., a. Colour. S431. Pale. AGAR. ALUM. ambin. anac. ANG. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARN. ama. aur. BELL. bisin. bry. calc. cairn. canth. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. chin. cocc COLCH. COLOC. CON. creos. dig. dros. dulc. euphr. hell. hep. hyoso. I GNAT. jod. kali. lack. laur. in-austr. magn. inagn-mur. mar. URINE. 432-437. 67 mere. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. NITR. n-vom. op. par. phosph. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. samb. SASSAP. SCILL. SEC-CORN. Sep. spig. spong. staph. STRAM. STRO NT. suiph. suiph- ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. 432. Dark. ACON. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ANT-C'RUD. ANT-TART. ARN. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. boy. BRY. CALC. canaph. cann. CANTH. CARB-VEG. caust. chel. chin. clem. coff. COLCH. coloc. con. creos. Cupr. DIG. dros. duic. graph. hell. HaEP. jod. IPEC. icali. lach. led. lyc. MERC. mezer. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. n-Mno8Ch. n-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rheum. rhodod. sabin. sassap. Scill. SELEN. SEP. Sil. STAPH. Stront. SULPH. 8uiphac. thuj. valer. YERATR. vit. 433. - greenish. Ars. aur. boy. CAMPH. CHIN. jod. kali. magn. RHEUm. rhodod. ruta. Sulph. VERATR. 4 34. - milky. Ant-tart. AUR. caun. chin. CINA. con. cyci. duic. hep. jod. merc. mur-ac. PH-AC. rhus. sulph. '435. - thick, turbid. Alum. AMER. amm. anac. ant-tart. ars. aur. bell. bov. bry. calc. camph. CANN. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. chain. CHIN. CINA. coich. coloc. CON. creos. cupr. cyci. -dig. DULC. ferr. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lach. lyc. magn. magn-inur. MERC. inezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. nitr. mitr-ac. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb6. PULS. RHUJS. ruta. SABAD. 8as-sap. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. Sil. Sulph..sulphac. valer. veratr. viol-tr. zinc.,j436. - which becomes turbid. Admbr. amrn. amna-mur. ang. amn. aur. bell. BRY. caic. CAUST. CRAM. chin. cina. cocc. coloc. con. dig. dulc. graph. hell. hep. jod. laur. mang. ME RC. mezer. natr. nitr. par. petr. phosph. PH-AC. plat. rhodod. RHUS. sabin. 8assap. SENEG..sulph..sulph-ac. thuj. VALER. zinc. b. Quality. 437. Bloody. Acon. ambr. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. ARS. bell. CALc. canaph. cannt. CANTII. CAPS. car6-veg. caust. chel. chin. coloc. con. dig. dAlc. euphorb. hep. IPEC. lach. LYC. MERC. MEZER. nitr-ac. N-YOM. Op. petr. PHosP-H. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. sabad. sassap. scill. SEC-CORN. SEP. SULPH. SUlph-ac. thuj. ZINC. 68 URINE. 438-448. 438. Purulent. Acon. cann. CANTH. caps. CLEM. con. ipec. kali. LYC. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. puls. SAEIN. sassap. sep. staph. sulph. 439. Filamentous, stringy, thread-like. Ant-tart. cann. CANTH. CHAM. kali. merc. MEZER. nitr. par. sassap. scill. seneg. zinc. S440. Covered with a variegated pellicle. Calc. hep. jod. PAR. petr. phosph. PULS. sulph. 441. 1lMacous. ANT-CRUD. ars. aur. bry. caic. cann. cann. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cina. cOLOC. con. DULc. hep. ipec. merc. mezer. natr. NATRMUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosph. PULS. rheum. sassap. seneg. sep. sulph. sulph-ac. valer. 441 (bis). Gelatinous, albuminous. Acid-phosph. berb. puls. 442. Frothy. Lack. LYC. seneg. spong..443. Viscous. Agar. canth. COLOC. creos. cupr. ph-ac. c. Odour. 444. Ammoniacal. Ant-tart. ASAF. bor. calc. carb-an. carb-veg. creos. dig. graph. jod. MOSCH. NITR-AC. petr. FHOSPH. rhodod. stront. viol-tr. 445. Acid. Ambr. calc. graph. m-austr. MERC. natr. petr. 446. Fetid. Agar. ambr. ARS. bor. calc. camph. carb-an. CARB-VEG. co010oC. ereos. cupr. dros. DULC. guaj. merc. NATR. NITR-AC. petr. phosph. PH-Ac. PULS. rhodod. sep. stann. sulph. ViOl-TR. d. 447. Acrid. Ambr. ant-tart. amrn. ars. bor. calc. camph. CANN. canth. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chin. CLEM. graph. guaj. HEP. ignat. jod. kali. laur. m-austr. MERC. natr-mur. PAR. petr. RHUS. sabin. sassap. seneg. sep. THUJ. veratr. J 448. Scalding. ACON. alum. amm-mur. ARS. bell. bor. bry. calc. camph. cann. CANTH. CAPS. carb-an. caust. CHAM. chin. COLCH. Cre0o8. DIG. URINE. 449-456. 69 ferr. H-EP. ignat. ipec. leali. lyc. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitrac. n-vom. oleand. par. phosph. PH-AC. puls. rhodod. rhus. 8abad. sabin. sassap. SCILL. seneg. 8ep. sil. dtaph. strain. suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. f449. Cold. Agar. nitr-ac. B. Sedimnent. v'450. In general. Acon. alum. AMBR. amnm. amin-mur. anac. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. arn. ars. aur. bell. boy. 6ry. CALC. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. cina. clem. coloch. COLOC. CON. creos. dig. DULC. euphorb. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. magn-mur. MANG. men. MERC. MEZER. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-rnosch. n-vom. oleand. op. par. PETR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. PULS. rheum. rhodoci. rhus. ruta. SASSAP. scill. sec-corn. 8elen. SENEG. SEP.- SIL. spig. spong. SULPH. suph-ac. THUJ. YALER. ZINC. a. Colour. v- 451. Yellowish. Amm. anam-mur. anac. bry. canth. CHAM. chin. lach. lyc. mang. phosph. ph-ac. seneg. sil. spong. suiph-ac. thuj. ZINC. \452. Grey. Ant-tart. CON. hyosc. led. mang. spong. S453. Reddish. Acon. alum. AMBR. amin-mur. ANTCAUTD. ant-tart. ARN. bell., boy. caic. cann. CANTH.' carb-veg. CHIN. coloc. creos. dulc. graph. ipec. kali. lach. laur. LYC. mang. mezer. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. n-mosch. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. ruta. sassap. sdill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. sulph. suiph-ac. thuj. VALER. zinc. ýv454. Whitish. Amnm. ant-tart. bell. ealc. canth. caps. chin. colch. COLOC. CON. creos. duic. euphorb. graph. HEP. hyosc. ignat. led. NITR-AC. OLEAND. PETR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. RHUS. seneg. SEP. SPIG. spong. SULPH. VALER. Zinc. b. Quality. *455. Bloody. Acon. ant-tart. amn. calc. cann. CANTH. caps. chin. coloc. con. DULC. ipec. LY C. rnerc. mezer. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. sec-corn. SEP. sulph. suiph-ac. zinc. 456. Purulent. Calc, caun. CANTH. CLEM. con. kali. LYC. nitr-ac. petr. PULS. sabin. sep. suiph. 70 SEDIMENT. 457-464. 457. Flock-like,' flocculent. Ant-tart. cann. CANTH. cham. kali. mere. MEZER. nitr, par. sassap. scill. seneg. zinc. J 458. Clayey. Amm-mur. anac. canth. ignat. kali. mang. sassap. sep. SULPH. thuj. ZINC. Nj 459. Farinaceous. Ant-tart. CALC, chin. graph. hyosc. merc. natr-mur. ph-ac. ' 460. Sandy (gravel). Acon. alum. ambr. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. arn. CALC. cann. canth. chin. graph. ipec. kali. lach. led. LYC. mang. men. natr-mur. nitrac. n-mosch. n-vom. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. rhodod. ruta. SASSAP. selen. sep. sil. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. ZINC. " 461. Mucous. Ant-crud. ars. aur. bry. calc. canth. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cina. coloc. con. DULC. ipec. mere. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rheum. sassap. seneg. sep. sulph. sulph-ac. VALER., 462. Cloudy. Alum. ambr. amm-mur. bov. BRY. caust. chin. kali. laur. magnmur. merc. NITR. par. petr. phosph. PH-AC. plat. rhodod. sassap. SENEG. THUJ. valer. zinc. C. 463. Desire to urinate, in general. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ANT-TART. ari. ARN. ars. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. bism. bor. bov. BRY. calc. camph. cann. CANTH. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. cham. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. COLCH. COLOC. con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. DIG. dros. DULC. euphorb. GRAPH. GUAJ. HELL. hep. HYOSC. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lack. laur. led. LYC. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. men. MERC. mosch. MUR-AC. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ae. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. SABAD. SABIN. samb. SASSAP. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. stram. stront. SULPH. TAR. thuj. valer. veratr. VIOL-TR. vit. zinc. " 464. - without effect. Acon. agar. alum. amm. anac. ant-crud. ARN. ars. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. bov. bry. calc. CAMPH. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. chin. cic. clem. colch. COLOC. con. croc. cvpr. DIG. dulc. euphorb. graph. guaj. hell. hep. HYOSC. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. lye. magn-mur. magn. merc. mur-ac. natr. natrmur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. URINE., 465-468. 7 71 PLUMB. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. SASSAP. sdill. 8ec-corn. 8ep. sil.' stann. staph. stram. sto~nt. SULPu.- thuj, veratr. viol-tr. zinc. 465. Emi sson,, scanty. ACON. agar. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. ANT-TART. ARN. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bism. BRY. caic. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. CHIN. cic. clein. cocc. coff. COLCH. coloc. con. creos. cupr. cyci. DIG. dros. DU LC. euphorb. GRAPH. HELL. HEP. HYOSC. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. LAUR. led. lyc. m-austr. magn. niagn-mur. mang. men. merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. OP. par. petr. PHospH. ph-ac. PLUMB. PULS. rhus. RUTA. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap, scfi. sec-corn. selen. sep.. sil. spong. stann. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. sulph-,ac. VERATR. viol-tr, zinc. 466. - too abundant. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm-zmur, ant-crud, ant-tart. ARG. amn. ars. aur. BAR, bell. BISM. boy. bry, calc. ýann. CANTH. carb -an. carb-veg. caust. chan. cdid, chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. cupr. cycl. dig, dros. duic. euphr. graph. GUAJ. hell. liep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. kali. lach. led. lyc. m-arct. in-austr. magn. inang. mar. MERC. mosch. MUR-AC. natr. natr-mur. NITR. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. phospi. PH-AC. pulS. rheuin. rhodod. RIIUS. ruta. sabad. sabin.' samb. sassap. SCILL. seccorn. selen. SENEG. sep. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. dtram. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. TAR. thuj. valer. ve'ratr. VERB. VIOL-TR. VIT. zinc. -v467.- very frequent. Acon. alum. amm. anac. ang. ant-crud. ARG. amn. ars. BAR. bell. bisin. BRY. calc. cann. canth. caps. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. COFF. coich. coloc. con. CREOS. cupr, cyci. dig. duic. euphorb. euphr. graph. guaj. hell. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. KALI. LACH9. laur. led. lyc. mgs. in-arct. in-austr. inagn. inagnmur. MERC. inezer. inosci. MUR-AC. NATR. natr-mur. NITE. oleand. petr. phosph. PH-AC. Plumb. puls. RHUS. ruta. sabin. sainb. SASSAP. SCILL. sec-corn. SELEN. seneg. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. staun. STAPH. strai.n. uph. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 468. - very.,pedom. ACON. again. alum. amin. amin-mur. ARN. ars. AUR. bell. bism. bry. calc. CAMPH. caun. CANTH. caps. carb-veg. caust. did,. chin. cic. clein. colci. coloc. con. cupr. dig. duic. euiphorb. graph. hell. HEP. HYOSC. jod. ipec. kali. lach. LAUR. led. lyc. in-arct. m-austr. merc. mezer. mur~ac. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op'. par. petr. phoaph. ph-ac. PLUMB. PULS. RUTA. sabin. sassap. scull, sec-corn. sep. stann. staph. STRAM. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. veratin. zinc. 72 72 URINE. 469-474. V469. Emission, drop by drop. Agar. ant-crud. ARN. ars. bell. boy. Calc. CAMPH. Cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. caust. diana. chin. CLEM. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. dig.- dros. DULC. euphorb. graph. guaj. hell. kali. led. lyc. M-AUSTR. magn-mur. merc. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. op. PETR. ph-ac. plumb. puls. rheum. ruta. sabin. satab. sec-corn. sil. spig. spong. STAPH. -strain. SULPH. thitj. zinc. V470. - Interrupted (intermittent). Agar. boy, caps. carb-an. caust. CLEM. CON. DULC. kali. led. M-AUSTR. op. ph-ac. sabin. 5ULPH. thuj. ZINC. S471. - involuntary (enuresis). Acon. amrn. ant-crud, ant-tart. amn. ars. bar. BELL. bor. bry. calc. campli. Cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chin. cic. cina. elena. cocc. coich. coloc. con. CREOS. cycl. dig. DULC. ferr. graph. guaj. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. in-austi. m~agn. magn-mur. men. MERC. inur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. ti-mosch. n-voin. op. PETR. phos8ph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rheum. RHUS. RUTA. scill. sec-corn. seneg, SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. staph.,&train. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. 472. - in bed at night. AIcon. anam. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. ARS. bar. BELL. bor. BRY. caic. cainpi. Cann. cantli. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coich. coloc. con. creos. cyci. dig. dulc. ferr. graph. gnaj. hep. hyose. ignat. kali. laur. lach. led. lyc. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. men. MERC. mur-ac. natfr. natr-inur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oi..petr'.phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rheuin. RHUS. ruta. sdill. seneg. SEP. SILL. spig'spng staph. strain. SULPH. sulphac. thuj. veratr. zinc. v 473. Retention of urine (ischuria). ACON. agar. ARN. ars. autr. bell. bism. Calc. CAMPH. Cann. CANTHl. caps. carb-veg. caust. chel. ýchin. cic. clern. coich. coloc. con. cupr. dig. dule. euphorb. graph. hell. HEP. HYOSC. jod. ipec. lach. LAUR. led. LYC. m-arct. merc. mezer. mur-ac. nitr-ac. n-vom. op~. ph-ac. PLUMB. PULS. rhus. RUTA. sabin. sassap. sdill. sec-corn. sep. sil. stann. staph. STRAM. suiph. veratr. zinc. D. Abnormal symptoms preceding or subsequ~ent to urination. S474. Before the emission. Alum. ang. ANT-TART. ARN. asaf. aur. bell. BOR. BRY. caic. Cann. canth. caust. chain. chel. chin. cic. coce. coff. colch. COLOC. con. 'creos. croc. DIG. dulc. graph. hep. hyosc. mnerc. mosch. niatr. NVOM. Op. PH-AC. plumb. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. SABAD. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. zinc. VJRINE. 475---477, UROPOIETIC. 479-480. 73 ' 475.:- gt-i.gi. on commencing to urinate. Canth. caust. clem. MERC., 476. - during the act of urinating. ACON. alum. ambr. amm. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. am. ars. asaf. asar. bar. bell. bor. bov. bry. calad. calc. camph. CANN. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chamin. chel. chin. CLEM. COLCH. CO1OC. CON. creos. cupr. cycl. dig. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. hyosc. ignat. IPEC. kali. lach. laur. LYC. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mar. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. SASSAP. scill. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. THUJ. VERATR. viol-tr. zinc. *v 477. - in eeasing to urinate. 2, Bry. CANTH. petr. sulph. 4A.I r,. 'r v 478. - after the act of urinating. Alum. ambr. ANAC. ang. ant-tart. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. bar. BELL. bor. bov. bry. CALC. camph. CANN. CANTH. CAPs. carb-veg. chel. CHIN. clem. colch. COLOC. CON. creos. DIG. graph. guaj. HEP. ignat. kali. lach. laur. led. lye. rmgs. m-arct. magn. mar. MERC. mur-ac. NITR. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PAR. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. sabad. sassap. scill. selen. seneg. sep. sill. spong. stann. STAPH. SULPH. sulph-ac. THUJ. veratr. viol-tr. vit. zINc. XXII. UROPOIETIC ORGANS. 479. Bladder. ACON. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ang. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. aur. BELL. bry. CALAD. calc. camph. cann. CANTH. cAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cic. coff. colch. coloc. con. dig. DULC. guaj. hell. hep. HYOSC. ignat. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. M-AUSTR. magn-mur. mang. men. mere. mezer. mosch. MUR-AC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. sabad. sabin. SASSAP. SCILL. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. stann. STAPH. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. veratr. zinc. 480. Urethra. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. ars. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. boy. BRY. CALC. camph. CANN. CANTH. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chel. CHIN. cic. CLEM. cocc. coff. COLCH. COloc. CON. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. magg. mar. 74 GENITAL ORGANS. 481-4830 MERO. MEZrYR. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plumb.' PULS., rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. SAB3IN. sarab. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. staun. staph. strain. SULPH. THUJ. veratr. viol-tr. vit. feinc. XXIII. GENITAL ORGANS. 481. - In general. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amin-mur. anac. anig. ant-crud. ant-tart. (arg.) ARN. ARS. asaf. (asar.) aur. bar. bell. (bism). bor. boy. bry. calad. CALO. caraph. CANN. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. c~aust. chain. chel. CHIN. (cic.) (cina.) CLEM. ýCOCC. coff. coich. coloc. eon. creos. croc. cupr. (cyci.) dig. (dros.) duic. euphorb. euplir. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. HEP. hyosc. iGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. M-AU5TR. nmagn. magil-mur. mang. mar. men. MERO. mezer. (moseli.) mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. (par.) petr. phosph1. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-scel. (rheum.) RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. (sainb.) sassap. scill..sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SILO spig. spong. staun. STAPH. (strain.) SULPH, suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. -valer. veratr. viol-tr. NIT. zinc. [The reader'who is desirous of particulars as to the treatment of special diseases of the genital organs, will meet with the same under the chapters on Syphilis, Urethritis, Orchitis, &c. in "IThe llomceopathic Practice of Physic," by the Translator.] a. Genital organs of the male. 482. -in we~ieral. ACON. agar,.alum. ambr. amm.. amin-mur. anac aug. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. AROARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bisin. bor. boy. bry. calad. calc. cainph. CANN. CANTH'. caps. carh-an. carb-veg.' caust. chain. chel. chin. cic. CLEM. cocc. coff. coic'h. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. (cycl.) dig. dros., duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. ings. mn-arct. m-austr. magn. magu-mur. inang. mar. men. iVERO. mezer. (mosch.) inur-ac. natr. natr-mnur. nitr. NITRAC. n-inosch. N-VOM. op. par. petrl. phosph. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-scel. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. sainb. sassap. scI~l. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. -sil. spig. spong. staun. STAPH. strain. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr. viol-tr. VITO Zinc. 483. Penis. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amin-mur. anac. aug. ant-crud.' ant-tart. ARNO ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. bov. bry. CALC. camph. CANN. CANTH. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chan., chel. chin. cic.- CLEM. coce. coff. COLCH. ColoC. CON. creos. croc. GENITAL ORGANS. 484-488. 7 cupr. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. HEP. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. Mg's. m-aus8tr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. MERO. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac.. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. par. petr. PH.OSPH. PH-AC. plumb. PULS. ran-scel. rhodod. rhu's. ruta. sabad. SABIN. samb. -sassap. scull, sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. -spig. spong. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. TI-UJ. veratr. viol-tr. Vit. ZINC. 484. Gland (glans penis.) Acon. alum. ambr. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart.' am. ars. asaf. aur. bell. bor. bry. calad. calc. CANN. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust.'chin. coff. coich. con. cupr. dig. dros. eupborb. euphr. graph. hell. liep. ig-nat. jod. ipec. kali. led. LYC. m-austr.- magn-mur. mang. MERC. MEZER. natr. N.ATR-MIJR. NJTR-AC. N-VOM. petr. phosph. PH-AC. puls. ran-scel., rhodod. RHUS. SABI1N. sassap. scull. selen. s'eneg. SEP. sil. spig'. spong. staun. staph. sulph. suiph-ac., tar. THUJ. valer. viol-tr. zinc. 485. Prepuce (preputium). Acon. agar. alum. ang. amn. ars. ":bell. bry.. CALAD. calc. campli. CANN. cantli. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. coloc. con. croc. euphorb. euphr.'graph. hep. IGNAT. lach. lye. mgs. m-arct. mn-austr. mang. MERO. me'zer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur.I NITR-AC. n-vinz..phosph. ph-ac. plumb. puts.'rhodod. RHIjFS. sabin. sass'ap. sep. sit. SULPH. tar. THUJ. Veratr. viol-tr. 486. Testicles (~testeý0 ~~ Acon. a ua~rL. n9`.t uitr.) amm. ant-crud. ant-tarL' arg.I ARN. ars. asaf. AUIC bar. bell.,4jdsm. bry. calc. (catn'ph.) cann. cauth. ".~r3 caps. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. CLEM. cocc. coff. CON. dig'. eupt or,euplir. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. Icali. lyc. rugs. m-arct. m-austr. mang. mar. men. MERC. inezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. N-VOM. petr'. phosph.' PH-AC.. plat. plumb. PULS. RI-ODOD. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. scull. selen. sep. sil. spig. SPONG. STAPH. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr. vit. ZINC. 487. Scr~otum. Aeo n. agar. alum. ambr. amnm. an~ac. ang. ant-crucL ant-tart'. ARN. ARS. aur. bar. bell. calc. campli. cana. canth: caps. c~arb-.an. carb-veg. ca'ust. chain. CHIN. CLEM. cocC. coff. con. dig. dule. euphomb. GRAPH. hell.'HEP. ignat. jod. kali. inch. lye. in'austr. magn-mur. mar. men. merc. mezer. mum-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. nz-vein. PETR. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-see]. RHODOD..RHUS. samb. selen. sep. SIL. spig. spong. staph. SULPH. TEUJ.T.viol-tr. vit. zinc. 488. Sperm~atic cords. Alum. ambr. ainm. amin-mur. an&. ant-crud. amw. bell. -caun. 76 I6 GENITALORGANS.489-493. cantli. caps. chin. clem. coich. graph. jod. kali. mgs. M-AUSTR. mang. mar. men. merc. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vein. phosph. _ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhoclod. sabad. sabin. sil. SPONG. STAPH. suiph. thuj*. veratr. vit. zinc. b. Genital organs of the female. 489. - In general. Adcon. agar. alum. AMBR. amin. ant-crud, ant-tart. arn. ars. ASAF. AUR. BELL. bor. boy. 6ry. CALC. campli. cann. CANTH. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. chel.CHIN. cina. cocc. coff, colch. coloc. CON. CR1105. croc. cupr. dig. ciros. dulc. FERR. GRAPH. hep. hyose. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lack. laur. LYC. m-austr. magu. mang-mur. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. petr. pho-sph. ph-ac..plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. 'ran-scel. rheum. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. sasswp. SEC-CORN. SEP. sil. stann. STAPH. SULPH, sniph-ac. THUJ. veratr, vit. zinc., 490, Labia and clitoris. Acon. agar. alum. AMBR. amm. ant-tart. ars. bell. bor. bry. CALC. canth. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. chin. cocc. coff. CON. CREOS. croc. duic. FERR. graph. hep. hyosc. KALI. lyc. MERC. natr. natr-mur. NITR-AC. n-ven.' petr. plat. puls. rhus. sassap. sec-corn. SEP. sil. STAPH. SULPH. THUJ. veratr. zinc., 491L. Vagina. Ambr. ars. aur. BELL. bor. bry. CALO. CANTH. carb-an. car6 -veg. caust. chain. CHIN. coec. co,/f. con. CREOS. croc. duic. FERR. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. LYC. magn. magn-mur. MERC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-inosch. N.vom.petr.phosph.plat. PULS. rheuin. RHUS. sabin. sassap. sec-corn. SEP. sil. staun. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac'. THUJ.T.Zinc. 492. IUterus. Acon. ant-crud, ant-tart. amn. asaf. aur. BELL. bor. bov. bry. calc. camph. CARB-AN. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chin. cina. cocc. coff. CON. creos. CROC. cupr. dros. FERR. graph. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. lyc. inagn. magn-mur., merc. mosek. mur-ac. nat?'. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. R Hus. ruta. SABAD. SABIN. SEC-CORN. SEP. stann. SVULPEI. suiph-ac. thuj. zinc. 493. Ovaries. --->------- Acon. agar. amb. ant-crud. amn. ASAF. AUR. bell. calc. CANTH. CARB-AN. carb-veg. caust. chel. CHIN. coloc. dros. graph. hyosc. ignat. KALI. LACH. laur. LYC.mnerc. mezer. natr. rntr. nitr-ac. n-vom. plumb. pUIS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. ruta. sassap. SEC-CORN. SEP. STAPH. &4jh, T-HUJ. vit. ZINC. COPULATION. 494-498k 77 XXIV. COPULATION. 494. - desire for, too feeble. Agar. alum, ambr. amm. anac. ant-crud. arn. BAR. bell. bor. CALAD. cale. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. clem. con. euphorb. ferr. graph. HEP. hyosc. ignat. kali. laur. lyc. migs. MAGN. magn-mur. mar. men. MUR-AC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. petr. phosph: PH-Ac. plat. RHODOD. sabad. sabin. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. vIT. 495. - too strong (excessive). Acon. agar. alum. ambr. anac. ANT-CRUD. arn. ars. asaf. aur. bell. bor. boy. CALC. cann. CANTH. caps. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. CHIN. clerm. cocc. COFF. coloc. con. creos. croc. dig. dulc. ferr. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. LACH. laur. led. lyc. mgs. marct. m-austr. magn-mur. mang. men. MERC. mezer. MOSCH. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oP. par. petr. PHOSPH. PLAT. plumb. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABIN, Sassap. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. stann. s2apA. STRAM. sylph. sulph-ac. thuj. VERATR. verb. zINC. 496. Impotency. Agar. alum. amm. ANT-CRUD. bar. CALAD. cale. CAMPH. cann. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chin. coff. coloc. CON. creos. dig. dulc. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. LYC. mgs. m-austr. magn. mar. men. merc. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. rhodod. ruta. sabin. SELEN. sep. spong. stann. stram. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. VIT. zinc. 497. Priapisnm. Agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. arn. ars. aur. bar. calad. calc. CANN. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. CHIN. CLEM. COIoc. COn. DIG. EUPHORB. ferr. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. KALI. lach. led. lyc. rmgs. M-ARCT. MAGN-MUR. MERC. mezer. imosch. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. N.VOM. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sabin. sassap. seneg. sep. sil. spig. stann. STAPH. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. THUJ. valer,. veratr. viol-tr. -vit. zinc. 498. Pollutions. /X -- J- I Agar. alum. ambr. amm. anac. ang. ant-crud. arg. arn. ars. AUR. bar. BELL. bism. bor. bov. CALAD. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. CHIN. cic. clem. cocc. coff. CON. cycl. dig. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hep. ignat. KALI. lach. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. MERC. mosch. NATR. natrmur. nitr-ac. N-MoscI. n-vom, op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. H2 78 COPULATION. 499-501. MENSTRUATION. 503-504. plat. PULS. ran-6u16. ran-seel. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. samb. sassap. SELEN. SEP. Sil. STANN. staph. strain. SULPH. tar. thuj. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. <499. Feebleness of the genital functions. Ag9ar. alum. ambr. arum. ANT-CRUD. aim. BAR. bor. CALAD. %alj CAMPH. eann. cauth. caps. carb-an. earb-veg. caust. CHIN. I f oloc. CON. creos. dig. didc. euphorb. ferr. GjRAU.hel.hp hys.IGNAT. jod. KALI. lach. X. mgs. m-austr. magn. mar. men. merc. mcs~ah mur-ac. natr. nazý-mtr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. nvom. op. =perjhosph. ph-ac.- plat. plumb. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. SELEN. se. sil. spong. stann. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. IV500. Discharge of prostatic fluid. Alum. amm. ANAC. aur. bell. ealc. caun. earb-veg. caust. dig. euphorb. REP. ignat. jod. kali. lye. nigs. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. petr. ph-ac. plat. puts. SELEN. SEP. sil. spig. -staph. SULPH. thuj. VIT. zinc. 501. Snff'erings in consequence of coition. AGAR. anac. asaf. bar. bor. BOY. CALAD. CALO. cauth. CHIN. Conl. graph. KALI. lye. magn-mur. mosch. NATR. natr-mur. riitr-ac. nVOm. PETR. ph-ac. plumb. rhodod. SELEN. SEP. sil. staph. vit. 502.-- of pollutions. Ygar. ALUM. ars. bor. boy. calc. canu.cr-n. carb -e.cst chin. KALI. led. lyc. m-austr. merc. mezer. natr. N-VOM. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rhodod. sabad. SEP. s~il. STAPH. thuj. XXV. MENSTRUATION. a. 503. M~enses too soon (before the time). ' Acon. alum. AMBR. amin. AMM-MUR. amn. ars. asaf. ASAR. bar. bell. bor. BOY., bry. CALO. cann. CANTH. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. CRHAM. chin. CINA. clem. Sjg.c.coff. COLCH. colon. con. CREOS. CROC. dig. ddle. ferr. grapEi.ell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ja1,IPEC. KALI. lack. LAU R. led. lye. MGS. M-AUSTR. magn. magnmum. MAN G. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. nmosch. N-VOM. par. petr. PROSPR. ph-ac. PLAT. P U.puls. rhodod. RRUS. ruta. SABIN. SEC-CORN. SEP. sil. spjig" spong..stann. staph. strain. stront. sulph. SULPH-AC. veratr. zinc. 504. - too late (retarded.) ACON. amm. amn. ars. aur. bell. bor. boy. bry. cale. canth. carban. CAJIST. chain. CHEL. chin. cic. COCC. coleh. coloc. CON. croc. CUPR. dig. DROS. DULO. FERR. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. MENSTRUATION. 505-5M'0 7 ignat. jod. KALI. lack. LYC. m-arct. MAGN. magn-mur. MERC. natr. NATR-MUR.' nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta.* sabad. SABIN. sassap. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig.. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. VALER. veratr. VIT. ZINC. 505. Mtenses of too short duration. Al~um. AMM. bar.' bov. carb-an. 'coich. CON. DULC. euphr. GRAPH. jod. ipec. lach. lyc. m-arct. inagn. magn-mur. mang. MERC. mosch. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. rhodod. ruta. sabad. sassap. sil. SULPH. 506. - of too long duration. Acon. agar. amin. ars. asar. BAR. bell. bor. boy. nax-. CALC. CANTH. caust. chel. CHIN. cina. COFF. CREOS. CR00. CUPR. duic. FE RR. hyosc. IGNAT. kali. law'. led. LYC. MGS. M-AUSTR. magn. MERC. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. N-VOM. PHOSPH. PLAT. RHUS. sabad. SABIN. SEC-CORN. SEP. SIL. stann. strain. sulph. suiph-ac. zinfc. 507. - too feeble (scanty). 27ý A4con. ALUM. AMM. amn. asaf. aur. bar. boy. bry. caic. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. CiC. COCO. colch. CON. croc. cupr. dig. dros. DULO. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hep. hyosc. ignzat. jod. ipec. KALI. LACH. LYC. M-ARCT. MAGN. inagn-inur. inang. 'MERC. mosch. NATR-MUR. n-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. SASSAP. Sep. SIL. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPIT. thuj. valer. veratr. vit. zinc. 508. - too abundant. Acon. agar. arnbr. amm. anzi-inur. ant-crud. amn. ARS. bar, BELL. bor. boy. DRY. CALC. canrn. CANTH. caps. carb-an. CARBVEG. caust. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cina. clein. cocc. COFF. coloc. creos. CR00. cupr. cycl. duic. JmERR. hep. HYOSC. ignat. jod. IPEC. laur. led. lyc. ings. M-AUSTR. magn. magn-mur." MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. nzatr. NATR-MUR. n1itr. NITR-AC. N-MOSCH. N-YOM. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. puls. rhodod. r-hus. ruta. sabad. SABIN. -sainb. SEC-CORN. selen. SEP. sil. spong. stann. STRAM. stront. sulph. SULPH-AC. veratr. zinc. 509. suppression of the. ACON. alum. AMBR. amn. ars. aiir. BAR. bell. bor. bry. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. did,. chin. COCC. coich. coloc.CON. croc. CUPR. dig. dros. DULC. euphr. FERR. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. lack. LYC. m-arct. inagn. inagninur. mang. mere. NATR-MUR. iiitr-ac. n-inosch. petr. PHOSPH. ph. ac. plat. PULS. rhodod.-rims. ruta. SABAD. sabin. vassap. sec-corn. SEP. 5114. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. thuj. VALER. veratr. vit. zinc. 80, 8MENSTRUATION. 511-518. 510. Menses, retarded in young girls. Acon. amm. aur. bry. calc. CAUST. chel. cic. cocc. coN. croc. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. FERR. GRAPH. guaj. hyosc. KALI. lach. lyC. MAGN. magn-mur. merC. NATR-MUR. PETR. phosph. PULS. sabad. SABIN. sassap. SEP. Sil. spig. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. valer. veratr. vit. zinc. b. Nature of the menstlrual secretions. 511. - of a dark colour. Acon. AMM. ANT-CRUD. arm. ASAR. bell. BISM. bry. canth. carbveg. CHAM. chin. cocc. con. CREOS. CROC. cupr. dig. dros. ferr. graph. ignat. LACH. led. lyc. MAGN. magn-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. sec-corn. selen. SEP. stramn. sulph. 512. - - light colour. Amm. ant-tart. ARN. ars. BELL. bor. bov. bry; cale. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. chin. creos. dig. dros. DULC. ferr. graph. HYOSC. ipec. laur. LED. M-AUSTR. Imag-muIr. merTC. natr. nitr. n-mosch. PHOSPII. pu8ls. RHUS. sabad. SABIN. sEc-conw. sep. sil. stramn. stront. sulph. zinc. 513. - - brown colour. BRY. calc. CARB-VEG. COn. puls. rhs8. 514. - in the form of clots. Arz. BELL. bry. canth. carb-an. caust. CHIAM. CHIN. con. creos. croc. FERR. HYOSC. IGNAT. IPEC. zagyn-mur. merc. nitr-ac. l-Vofm. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. RHUS. SABIN. sec-corn. sep. STRAM. stront. 515. 1enstrual secretion of a viscous nature. CROC. CUPR. magn. sec-corn. 516. - - acrid. Amnm. ars. bar. bov. canth. carb-veg. graph. hep. KALI. NITR. Thus. sassap. SIL. sulph. sulph-ac. zinc. 517. - - of a very fetid odour. Ars. BELL. BRY. CARB-AN. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chin. Caoc. ignat. kali. merc. phosph. plat. 'rheum. SABIN. sec-corn. Sil. sulph. c. Concomitant complaints. 518. Before the menses. Alum. aMM. amnm-mur. asar. BAR. bell. bor. bov. bry. CALC..canth. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. cham. chin. cina. cocc. coff, CON. CILEOS. croc. CUPR. dulc. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. LYC. magn. magn-mur. mang. MERC. m1ezer. MENSTRUATION. 519-521. ACCOUCHEMENT. 522-524. 81 mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. n-mosch. n-vom. petr. PIOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabad. sassap. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. valer. VERATR. zinc. 519. At the appearance of the menses. ACON. asar. bell. bry. CAUST. CHAM. cocC. cojf. graph. HYOSC. ignat. jod. ipec. LYC. magn. magn-mur. merc. mosch. natr-mur. nitr-ac. PHOSPH. PLAT. PULS. ruta. sassap. SEP. sil. staph. 520. During the menses. Acon. alum. ambr. AMM. AMM-MUR. ars. asar. bar. bell. bor. bov. bry. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. chin. cocc. COFF. con. CREOS. croc. cupr. ferr. GRAPH. hep. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. KALI. lach. laur. LYC. MAGN. MAGNMUR. merc. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. rhus. sabin. sassap. sec-corn. selen. SEP. Sil. spong. stann. stram. stront. SULPH. s ulph-ac. veratr. zinc. 521. After the menses. Alum. amm. BOR. bov. bry. calc. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. chin. con. CREOS. -cupr. GRAPH. jod. kali. lach. LYC. magn. merc. NATR-MUR. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. puls. rhus. ruta. sep. sil. STRAM. sulph. sulph-ac. veratr. d. Metrorrhagia, Abortus, Accouchement. 522. Metrorrhagia. Acon. ant-crud. arn. ars. BELL. bor. BRY. CALC. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CHAM. CHIN. cina. cocc. coff. creos. CROC. cupr. FERR. HYOSC. ignat. jod. IPEC. LYC. mgs. m-austr. MERC. natr. natr-mur. NITR-AC. n-n0osch. N-VOM. PHOSPH. plat. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. SABIN. samb. SEC-CORN. SEP. Sil. STRAM. SULPH. sulph-ac. zinc. 523. Sanguinolent discharge before or between the menstrual periods. Ambr. arn. asar. BELL. bov. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. CHAM. chin. cocc. coff. CRoc. ferr. hep. hyosc. IPEC. kali. lyc. magnmur. merc. nitr-ac. n-voem. petr. PHOSPH. plumb. puls. RHUS. SABIN. SEC-CORN. sep. SIL. stram. sulph. zinc.524. Abortion. Acon. ant-crud. arn. asar. BELL. BRY. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CHAM. CHIN. COCC. con. creos. CROC. cupr. cycl. FERR. HYOSC. IPEC. KALI. lyc. merc. natr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. phosph. PLAT. plumb. PULS. RHUS. ruta. SABIN. SEC-CORN. SEP. sil. stram. SULPH. veratr. zinc. 82 ACCOUCHEMENT. 525-529. LEUCORRHCEA. 530-531. 525. Labour pains too violent. Acon. ant-crud. arn. aur. BELL. CHAM. chin. cocc. COFF. COn. cupr. hyosc. lyc. magn. natr. N-von. phosph. sec-corn. SEP. sulph. 526. - - too feeble. Am. asaf. BELL. bor. bry. calc. camph. carb-an. carb-veg. CHAM. ch/in. cocc. coff. creos. graph. hyosc. ignat. KALI. lyc. magn. magnmur. merc. mosch. natr. NATR-MUR. n-mo8ch. N-VOM. OP. phosph. plat. PULS. rhus. RUTA. sabad. SEC-CORN. SEP. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc. 527. - - sudden cessation of. Arn. asaf. BELL. bor. bry. calc. camph. carb-an. carb-veg. CHAM. chin. cocc. coff. creos. graph. hyosc. ignat. KALI. lye. magn. magn-mur. merc. mosch. natr. NATR-MUR. n-mosch. N-VOM. OP. phosph. plat. PULS. rhus. RUTA. SEC-CORN. SEP. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc. 528. Spasmodic or convulsive pains during labour. Am. asaf. BELL. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. cocc. cupr. ferr. HYOSC. ignat. IPEC. kali. lyc. magn-mur. mosch. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. phosph. PULS. sec-corn. SEP. stann. stram. zinc. 529. After pains. Acon. ARN. asaf. aur. BELL. bor. BRY. calc. carb-an. carb-veg. CHAM. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coFr. con. creos. croc. CUPR. FERR. graph. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. lyc. natr. NATR-MUR. n-moach. N-VOM. op. plat. PULS. RHUS. RUTA. SABIN. sec-corn. SEP. SULPH. sulph-ac. zinc. XXVI. LEUCORRH(EA. 530. In general. Acon. ALUM. ambr. AMM. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. ars. bar. bell. bor. Bov. bry. CALC. cann. canth. carb-an. cARBVEG. caust. c/tam. cHIN. cocc. coff. CON. CREOS. dros. FERR. GRAPH. guaj. hep. ignat.jod. kali. LYC. magn. magn-mur. mang. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch, n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ruta. SABIN. sassap. scill. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. sIL. stann. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. vol-tr.vit. zinc. a. Colour. 531. Yellow. Acon. alum. ars. bov. carb-an. carb-veg. cham. CREOs. kali. LYC. NATR. n-vomn. ph-ac. SABIN. SEP. sulph. LEUCORRHCEA. 1532-543. 83 532. Brown. AMM-Mur. NITR-AC..533. Green. Boy. carb-veg. mere. puls. SE P. b. Odour. 534. Fetid. Chin. CREOS. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. SABIN. sep. d. Nature of. 535. Watery. Amm. ant-crud. ant-tart. carb-an. carb-veg. chain. chin. ereos. GRAPH. magn. magn-mur. mere. mezer. nitr. puhs. -sep. sil. suiph. 536. Thick. Ambr. ars. boy. carb-veg. magn-mur. natr. natr-mur. PULS. SABIN. sep. zinc. 537. Milky. AMM. CALC. c 'arb-veg. con. creos. ferr. graph. lye. natr-mur.. phospli. PULS. sabin. sep. SIL. sui~ph. sulph-ae. 538. Purulent, Cale. chin. coce. creos. ignat. MERC. SABIN. s9ep. 539. Mucous. Alum. ambr. amm-mur. iirs. bell. BOR. 6ov. bry. CALC. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. coee. con. creos. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. MAGN. mere. MEZER. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vomn. petr. phosph. plumb. puls. s3abin. sassap. seneg. sep. STANN'. SULPH. sulph-ae. thuj.' zinc. 540. Bloody. Alum, ant-tart. ars. canth. carb-veg. CHIN. 00CC. con. CREOS. lye. maga-mur. NITR-AC. sep. sil. suiph-ac. 541. Viscous. Aeon. amrn-mur. nOR. 6boy. meZ1er. phosph. ph-ac. sabin. STANN. e.. Causing a sensation. 542. - of burning. Amm. ars. bor. CALO. cant/i. carb-an. CON. CREos. /lali. PULS. suiph-ac. 643.-- of Itchiness (pruritus). ALUM'. anac'. ars., CALO. chin. CREOS. ferr. kali. MERC. ph-ac. sqbin. sep. 84 LEUCORRLIQA. 544, 545. CORYZA. 546-548. 5 44. - - of corrosion (corrosive leucorrhcea).ALUM. amm. anac. ant-crud. ARS. B~OY. caic. caun. cantli. carb-an. CARB-YEG. chain. chin. CON. creos. FERR. hep. ignat. JOD. kali. lyc. magn. magn-mur. MERO. mezer. natr-mur. nitr-ac. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. ruta. SEP. SIL. suiph. sui~ph-ac. thuj. f. Attendant symptoms. 545. Attendant symptoms. ALUM. ambr. amrn. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. ars. bell. bor. boy. CALC. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain, chin. cocc. CON. CREOS. dros. ferr. graph. hep. igqnat. jod. KALI. LYC. magn. magn-mur. MERC. mezer. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. ruta. sabin. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. suiph. suiph-ac. thuj*. zinc. XXVII. CORYZA. 546. Coryza, fluent. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amnz. AMM-MUR. anac. ant-crud, anttart. arg. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. boy. bry. calad. CALC. camph. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. CON. creos. cupr. cyci. dros. euphorb. E UPHR. ferr. gr 'aph. guaj. hell. hep. ignat. jod. kali. LACH. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. MAGNMUR. mang. mar. men. MERC. mnezer. mosch. mnr-ac. NATR. natrinur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PAR. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sassap. SIL SELEN. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. thzýj. veratr. zinc. 54P7. Coryza, dry. Acon. aggar. alum. ambr. AMM. amin-mur. anac. ant-crud. arg. ars. asar. aur. bar. bell, boy. BRY. CALAD. CALC. camph. CANN. canath. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. CHEL. chin. cic. cina. coff. CON. creos. cupr. dig. dros. DULC. euphorb. GRAPH. guaj. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. IPEC. KALI. lach. laur. LYC. mgs. inarct. m-austr. rnagn. magn-MUr. Mang. MAR. men. mere. mezer. mosch. flur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. op. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RHODOD. sabad. sabin. SAMB. sassap. scill. selen. seneg. SEP. SIb. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. suiph-ac. thiý. veratr. verb. vit. zinc. a. Colour of secretion. 548. - grey. AMBR. anac. ARS. carb-an. chin. creos. kall. LYC. mang. n-vom. rhus. iseneg. sep. TH-UJ. CORYZA. 549-555. 89 549. - yellow. Acon. alum. amm. amm-mur. ant-crud. ARS. aur. bar. bell. bor. bov. bry. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. cham. cic. con. CREOS. dig. graph. hep. ignat. jod. kali. LYC. magn. magn-mur. mang. merc. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. nitr-ac. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. sabad. sabin. selen. SEP. spig. spong. stann. staph. sulph. thuj. veratr. 550. - green. Ars. asaf. aur. bor. bov. calc. cann. carb-an. carb-veg. colch. creos. dros. ferr. hyosc. jod. kali. led. lyc. m-austr. mang. merc. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. PAR. phosph. plumb. PULS. rhus. SEP. sil. stann. sulph. thuj. b. Odour of the nasal secretion. 551. Fetid. Alum. ars. asaf. aur. bell. CALC. caust. chin. con. creos. graph. guaj. hep. LED. lyc. m-austr. magn-mur. merc. NATR. NITR-AC. n-vom. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sabin. SEP. stann. sulph. thuj. c. Nature of the nasal secretion. 552. - watery. Agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ars. asar. bell. bov. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CHAM. chin. clem. coff. con.. creos. GRAPH. guaj. ignat. jod. LACH. m-arct. magn. MAGN-MUR. men. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. nitr. n-vom. par. phosph. plumb. puls. ran-scel. rhus. scill. seneg. sep. stann. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. 553. - indurated (scabby, forming incrustations). Agar. ant-crud. BRY. CON. jod. lach. NATR. phosph. sep. sil. staph. stront. sulph. 554. - thick. Acon. alum. ambr. AMM-MUR. ant-crud. arg. ars. aur. bar. hbr. bov. CALC. CARB-VEG. caust. creos. dig. graph. jod. ipec. lyc. magn. magn-mur. mang. merc. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. op. par. PHOSPH. PULS. ran-bulb. sabad. sassap. selen. sep. spong. STANN. STAPH. SULPH-AC. zinc. 555. - mucous. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. AMM-MUR. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARG. ARS. asar. aur. bar. BELL. BOR. bor. BRY. calad. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. CHIN. CINA. COCC. coloc. con. creos. dig. dros. dulc. euphr. FERR. graph. guaj. hep. hyosc. jod. ipec. LAUR. lyc. mgs. m-austr. MAGN. mang. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. op. PAR. 86 CORYZA. 556-562. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhodod. rhus. sABIN. samb. sassap. SCILL. selen. SENEG. SEP. sIL. spig. SPONG. STANN. STAPH. SULPH. suph-ac. thuj. veratr. vit. ZINC. 556. - purulent. Acon. amm. arg. ars. asaf. asar. bell. CALC. chami. CHIN. cic. cina. cocc. CON. CREOs. dros. ferr. graph. guaj. hep. ignat. ipec. KALI. lack. led. LYC.magn. magn-mur. MERC. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plumb. PULS. RHUS. sabin, samb. SEP. SIL. stann. staph. sulph. zinc. 557. - bloody. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. ant-tart. arg. ars. bar. bor. bry. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. cocc. con. creos. cupr. dros. euphr. FERR. graph. hep. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. magn. magn-mur. mere. mezer. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. rhus. sabad. sabin. scill. selen. SEP. sil. spig. spODng. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc. 558. -serous. Amm. ARS. carb-veg. ferr. puls. sep. sil. SULFH. 559. - viscous. Acon. alum. amm-mur. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARs. bar. BOV. bry. cale. CANN. canth. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chin. cocc. colch. dule. euphr. graph. jod. kali. mgs. magn-mur. MEZER. natr. n-vom. PAR. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. sabad. sabin. SAMB. scill. seneg. sep. spig. spong. STANN. staph. veratr. vit. zinc, d. Sensations. 560. - burning. Amm. ARS. calad. calc. canth. carb-an. cina. con. creos. kali. marct. mezer. mosch. PULS. sulph. sulph-ac. 561. - acrid, corrosive. ALUM. amm. AMM-MUR. anac. ant-crud. ARS. bor. calc. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. chamn. chin. con. creos. euphorb. FERR. hep. ignat. jod. kali. lach. lyc. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. mang. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. scill. sep. SIL. spig. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. e. Sneezing. 562. Desire to sneeze, without effect. Acon. alum. canth. CARB-VEG. caust, cocc. euphorb. hell. laur. lye. mezer. mur-ac. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. phosph. PLAT. plumb. sassap. SIL. sulph. sulph-ac. zinc. CORYZA. 563-564. RESPIRATION. 565-567. '87 563. Sneezingr, fr-equent fits of. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. anttart. arg. amn. ars. asaf. asar. bar. BELL. bor. boy. B RY. calad. caic. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chel. CHIN. CINA. clem. coce. coff. coldli. con. creos. croc. CYCL. dros. duic. eujphorli. euphr. graph. hell. hep. jod. ipec. 1cali, lack. laur. lyc. mngs. m-arct. rn-austin. magn. magn-mur. mang. MAR. MERC. mnezer. naosch. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mnur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vomn. oleand. par. petr. phosph. plumb. PULS. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. 'SABAD. sasscap. scill. 8eneg. sep. SIL. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratin. vit. zinc. 564. Concomitant symptoms. Acon. alum. ambr. AMM-MUR. anac. ant-tart. ami. ARS. bar. bell. bor. boy. bry. calad. CALC. camph. cantli. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. creos. cupr. dig. dulc. euphorb. euphr. GRAPH. hell. HEP. ignat. ipec. kali. LACH. laur. LYC. m-arct. rn-austin. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. MERO. wmezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natin-mur. nitin. nitr-ac. nmosch. N-VOM. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. rhus. SABAD. sam~b. sassap. scill. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. -staph. suiph. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. XXVIII. RESPIRATION. a. 565". - short. ACON. amm.. anac. ant-tart. ARN. ars. BELL. DRY. CAMPH. cann. ICRAM. chel. cina. coFm. coich. creos. croc. ferr. R1EP. IGNAT. IPEC. kali. lach. laur. lyc. mgs. m-arct. n-vonz. oleand. op. PHOSPH. PLAT. plumb. PULS. RHUS. ruta. s~abad. SAMB. SCILL. SEC-CORN. spig. spong. STANN. staph. STRAM. th2?y. valer. veratr. viol-cd. 'viol-tr. 566. - deep. A1con. agar. amio. ANT-CRUD. amn. AUR. bell. BRY. caic. campli. cann. CAPS. chain. chin. cic. cocc. creos. croc. CUPR. dig. dros. EUPHORB. hell. hep. ignat. IPEC. kali. LACH. laur. m-arct. maustin. merc.?nosch. mum-ac. natin. n-mnosch. n-vein. oleand. OP. par. phosph. plat. plumb. puls. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rhus. sabin. sassap. scull, sec-corn. SELEN. seneg. SIL. spong. stann. STRAM. thuj. b. 567. Respiration accelerated. ACON. agrar. alum. ambr. amm~. anac. ant-tart. am., ARS. asaf asax. aur. bar. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. calc. camph. cann. cantli. 88 88 RESPIRATION. 568-571. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. coloc. con. creos. CUPR. cyci. dig. dros. euphor6. euplir. ferr. guaj. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. JPEG. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. na-arct. in-austin. magn. magil-mur. merc. mezer. mosch. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. Op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-6u16. riwdod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sam6. sassap. -scill. sec-corn. SENEG. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STANN. staph. strain. SULPH. YERATR. viol-od. zinc. 568. Respiration slow. Acon. agar. ant-crud, amn. asaf. aur. BELL. B RY. caic. camph. cann. CAPS. chain. chin. cic. coff. creos. croc. CUPR. dig. dros. ferr. hell. REP. hyosc. IGNAT. ipEC. kali. lach. law'. mgs. M-AUSTR. merc. mezer. mosck. mur-ac. natin. n-mosch. n-vom. OLEAND. OP. par. phospk. piat. plumb. puls. ran-6u16. ran-scel. rhus. ruta..sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. sil. spong. stann. staph. strain. suiph. thuj. zinc. 569. - unequal. Acon. ANG. ant-tart. asar. BELL. campli. CRAM. chin. Cic. CINA. cocc. coff. CUPR. dros. IGNAT. JOD. ipec. LAIJR. LED. m-arct. mezer. mosch. OP. PULS. muta. sec-corn. sep. veratr. zinc. C. 5 70. Dyspncea. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amnm. amin-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. A1RS. asaf. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. bism. 6or. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. GARBVEG. caust. CRAM. chel. CRIN. Cie. cina. COCC. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. GUPR. cycl. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphn. ferr..graph. guaj. hell. REP. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. JPEG. KALI. lack. laur. led. LY C, mgs. in-arct. in-austin. iagn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. MEZER. mosc/i. mum-ac. natin. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-rnosch. N-VOM, oleand. op'. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. mrtn-s'cel. rheum. RRODOD. RRUS. ruta. sahad. sabin. SAMB. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. SENEG. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. STANN. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar..thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-od. viol-tm. ZINC. 5 71. Orthopnoea. ACON. anac. ant-crud. ANT-TART. ARS. asar. aur. bam. bell. BRY. caic. campk. cann. cauith. carb -an. CARB-VEG. caust. CRAM. CRIN. cic. cina. cocc. coff con. creos. cupr. cycl. d~g. DROS. euphr.'ferr. GRAPR. hell. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. JOD. JPEG. lack. laur. led. lyc. M-ARCT. r-austin. magn-mum. mere. mosch. natr-mur. nitm. nitr-ac. ni-mosch. N-VOM. op. petm. PROSPR. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. sabad. SAMB. sec-corn. seneg. sep. sil. spig. SPONG. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. VE1iRATR. rESPIRATION. 572-579. 89 572. Apneea. Acon. alum. aMniM. ANAC. ant-ta't. ARN. ars. bar. bell. bism. bor. I3RY. calad. CALc. camph. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. cina. cocc. coff. creos. croc. CUPR. dros. euphr. hep. ignat. ipec. kali. laur. LED. Lcc in-arct. m-austr. magn-mur. merc. mosch. mur-ac. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-mOSCH. op. phosph. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhus. RUTA. sabad. sabin. samb. scill. selen. sep. sIL. spig. spong, stann. staph. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. valer. veratr. verb. d. 573. Respiration loud (without rattling). Acon. alum. ambr. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARN. ars. asar. bell. bry. calad. CALC. camph. camn. caps. CHAM. CHIN. CINA. COCC. COlOC. dros. dulc.ferr. graph. HEP. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. KALI. laur. lyc. mgs. m-austr. magn-mur. mur-ac. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. OP. petr. PHOSPH. plumb. puls. rheum. rhus. sabad. sabin. SAMB. SCILL. sep. sil. SPONG. stann. STRAM. SULPH. veratr. 574. - whistling, wheezing. BELL. canth. chin. hep. ignat. laur. mngs. mezer. nitr-ac. oleand. op. PHOSPH. sulph. veratr. VIOL-OD. 575. - sighing. ACON. amm. ant-crud. bry. camph. caps. chin. cocc. euphorb. hell. ignat. IPEC. m-austr. natr. OP. plumb. puls. ran-scel. SECCORN. selen. sIL. STRAM. 576. - panting. Acon. alum. amrn. ars. bar. BELL. BRY. CALAD. camph. CARBAN. cuAM. cina. cocc. creos. cupr. graph. ignat. IPEC. kali. laur. mgs. merc. mur-ac. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. phosph. plum&. pul. scill. sec-corn. sil, SPONGt stann. STRAM. 577. - rattling (mucous rale). Acon. alum. amm. anac. ang. ant-crud. ANT-TART. amn. ars. bell. blry. calc. camph. cann. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. CHIN. cina. coc. croc. CUPR. ferr. HEP. rnosc. ignat. IPEC. kali. lach. LAUR. led. LYC. merc. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. par. petr. phosph. puls. samb. scill. sep. spong. STANN. STRAM. sulph. Z78. - sobbing. Ang. asaf. cale. led. mgs. op. SEC-CORN, e. 579. Breath, hot. ACON. ant-crud. asar. calc., chain. coff. ferr. mang. NATR-MMUR. phosph. plat. RHUS. SABAD. SCill. STRONT. sulph. Zinc. 12 90 RESPIRATION. 580--582. COUGH. 583-584. 580. Breath, cold. CARB-VEG. chin. murRac. rhus. 581. - fetid. Aecon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. anac. ang. ant-crud, ant-tart.,ARN. ARS. asar. AUR. bar. bell. bism. bov. BRY. calc. camph. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CHAM. CHIN. coCC. COff. croc. cupr. dig. dros. DULC. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. MERC. mezer. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rheum. rhus. ruta. sabin. sassap. SEP. sil. 8pig. stann. stram. stront. SULPH. thuj. valer. verb. zinc. f. Concomitant symptoms. 582. Concomitant complaints. ACON. alum. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arn. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. bov. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. cham. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. CUPR. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. IPEC. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac,. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ranbulb. ran-scel. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. SENEG. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. zinc. XXIX. COUGH. 583. - in general. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. am. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG, caust. cham. caIN. cic. CINA. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. DROS. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph..guaj. hell. HEP. HYOSC. ignat. JOD. IPEC. KALI. lach. laur. LED. LYC. ragS. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac,. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-vOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. SPONG. STANN. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. veratr. verb. vit. zinc. 584. - with expectoration. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARG. am. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. BISM. bor. bovy. COUGH. 585-589. 91 BRY. calad. CALO. cann.. cantli caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chana. CHIN. cic. 'cina. coce. coich. coloc. con. CREOS. croc. cupr. dig. DROS. duic.,enphorb. eup/ir. FE-RR. graph. gua]. hep. hyosc. ignat.,.TOD. ipec'. KALI. inch. laur. led. LYC. nags. m-austr. magn. magil-nur. mang. mere. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. mitr-ae. n-moseh. n-vom. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plumb. PULS. rheum. rhodoci. ritus. RUTA. sabad. sabin. samb. SCILL. see-corn. selen. SENEG. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STANN. staph. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. veratr. vit. zinc. 585. Cough, without expectoration. ACON. ag-ar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. am~. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. boy. BRY. calad. calc. eampli. cann. can~th. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chain. CHIN. CINA. Clem. cocc. COFF. cole/i. coloc. con. creos. croc. CUPR. cyci. dig. DROS. dule. euphorb. euplir. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. HYOSO. IGNAT. jod. IPEC. kali. lach. laur. led. lye. nags. 2n-arct. m-austr. magn. maga-mur. mang. mar. merc. mezer. moseli. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ae. n-moseh. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. PETR. PHOS PH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PIJLS. ranscel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. 5AMB. sassap. scill. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. Spig. SPONG. stann. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. VERATR. VERB. Zinc. 586. - with expectoration during the day, without it during the night. Aecon. alum. amnm. anac. ang. ant-tart. arg. amn. ARS. asaf. bell. bry. CALC. caps. carb-an. caust. CHAM. chin. coce. colch. CON. eUph~r. GRAPH. guaj. HEP. HYOSC. kcali. lach. nags. mnagn. mnagnmum. mang. MERO. NITR-AC. N-VOM. op. petr. phosph. PULS. rhus. SABAD. scill. SIL. staun. STRONT. sulph. veratr. zinc. 587. - with nocturnal expectoration,, without it during the day. Alum. amm-inum. amn. cale. caust. eupir. led. in-austin. pliospi. r-hodod. SEP. STAPH. sulph. 588. - with expectoration in~le morningr. Aeon. alum. ambr. AMM. amm1-mnur. ANG. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. amn. ars. aur. bar. bell. BRY. CAJ4,,. caps. carb-an. CARB-YEG. caust. cina. colch. creos. cupr. dIý.7dros. EUPHR. UER. HEP. hyose. ignat. ipec. kali. lach. led. lye. figs. MAGN.nmaagn-naur. MANG. mezem. mur-ac.nhatr. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n1-VOM. PAR. PHOSPII. PH-AC. PULS. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. SCILL. seneg. SEP. i.~ spong. staun. staph. STRONT. SULPH. SULPil-AC. veratr. ZINC. 589.- with expectoration during the eveningr. Alum. ant-crud. arg. ARN. ars. aur. bar. bell. BOY. br-y. cale. 92 92 COUGH. 589-597. cann. canth. caust. chin. CINA. ereos. dig. GRAPH. ig~nat. kali. Zyc. mur-ac. natr. nitr. n-vom. rhodod.'rhus. RUTA. Sep. sil. Qtanin. staph. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. 589 (Bis). Cough,. with inability to abstain from swallowing what has been detached. Amn. calaci. cann. caust. con. dig. dros. kali. LACH. m-austr..n-mosch. SEiP. SPONG. STAPH. A. Expqectoration. a. Colour. 590. White. Aco.. ambr. arnm-inur. ARG. cina. creos. laur. LYC. par. PHOSPH. ph-ac. rhus. scill. SEP. sil. spong. stront. suiph. 59 1. Grey. AMBR. anac. ARS. carS -an., chin. creos'. kali. LYC. mang. n-vom. rhus. seneg. sep. thuj. Z __ 5-92. Yellow. ___ ACON. alum. ambr. AMM-MUR. anac. aug. ant-crud. arg. ARS. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. BRY, CALO. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. cic. con. CREOS. dig. dros. graph. hep. ignat. jod. ipee. kali. LYC. inagn. inagn-mur. mang. MERC. naezer. mur- ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. il-vom. op. par. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ruta. sabad. sabin. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. SPONG. STANN. STAPH. suiph. suiph-ac. THUJY. veratr.,zinc. 5 93. Lemon-coloured. KALI. phospli. puls. 5 94. Blackish. CHIN. lYC. N-YOM. rhus, 595. Greenish. A'ýs. asaf. aur. bor. boy. cale. cann. carb-an. carb-veg. coich. ereos. dros. ferr. hyoSe. jod. kali. led. lye. m-austr. mang. mere. natr. nitr-ac. n-voin. PAR. phosph. plumb. PULS. rhus. SEiP. sil. stann. sulpb. thutj. V 596. - fetid. / b.Oor Alum. ARS. asaf. aur, bell. CALO. eaust. chin, con. creos3. graph.. GUAJ. hep. led. LYC. rn-austin. ragn-rnur. mere. NATR. nitin-ac-. n-vom. PH-AC. puls. rhus. sabin. SEP. STANN. SULPH. thuj. e. Taste. '-597. - acid. IAmbr. anat-tart. ars. BELL. bry. CALO. carb-an. carb-veg. chain. EXPECTORATION. 598-607. 93 CHIN. con. graph. hep. ignat. ipec. KALI. lyeC. Iagln-mIUr. mere. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhus. sabin. sep. stann. SULPH. TAR. V 598. - bitter. - fi- 0 - Aeon. arn. ARS. bry. calc. CHAM. chin. con. dros. ignat. kali. lye. mere. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. PULS. sabad. sep. stann. sulph. veratr. J- 7A- PP,-L - 5 599. -sweetish. Aeon. alum. amm. ars. asar. aur. bry. CALC. canth. chin. cocc. creos. dig. ferr. hep. jod. ipec. ai. laur. lyc. merc. n-vom. PHOSPH. PLUMB. PULS. rhus. SABAB. s8. scill. selen. sep. STANN. sulph. sulph-ac. zinc. 600. - insipid. Alum. amm-mur. ant-crud. ary. arn. ars. aur. bell. BRY. CALC. caps. CHIN. creos. euphr. IGNAT. ipec. kali. lye. natr. natr-mur. PAR. petr. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. sabin. stann. STAPH. stront. sulph. thuj. v 601. - greasy. Alum. ASAF. CAUST. cham. iyC. MAGN-MUR. mang. mur-ac. petr. phosph. PULS. rhus. sil. thuj. S602. - herbaceous. "7?w Calad. N-voM.pi-ac. /p- Q - '603. - metallic. Cale. COCC. CUPR. IPEC. natr. n-von. RHUS. Vit. zinc. \'604. Taste of onions. Asaf. v 605. - nauseous. A-' ( - ARS. asaf. bry. calc. canth. chin. cina. cocc. dros. JOD. ipec. kali. led. MERC. natr-mur. n-vom. phosph. PULS. sabad. samb. scill. selen. sep. STANN. suliph. zinc. v 606. - putrid. 6 ce Acon. ARN. ARs. bell. bov. bry. calc. carb-an. CARB-VEG. cawst. CHAM. coc. con. cupr. dros. ferr.jod. ipec. kali. lye. merc. n-vom. phosph. PULS. rhus. samb. SEP. STANN. staph 'ulph. veratr. zinc. V 607. - saline. Alum. ambr. amm. ant-tart. ARS. bar. bell. bov. calc. caun. carb-veg. CHIN. cocc. con. dros. euphorb. graph. hyosc. jod. lach. LYC. magn. magn-mur. MERC. NATR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. SEP. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. veratr. 9-4 EXPECTORATION. 608-617. d. Quality. 608. - acrid. ALUM. amm. amm-mnur. anac. ARS. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. con. creos. ferr. ignat. jod. lach. lye. magn-mur. MERC. mezer. natrmur. nitr-ac. n-vom. phlosph. PULS. scn. sep. SIL. spig. suiph. sulph-ac. 609. - albuminous. Amm-minur. amrn. ARs. bor. bov. CHIN. FERR. LAUR. mezer. petr. seneg. sil. stann. 610. - watery. Agar. amm. amm-mur. arg. ars. bov. carb-an. carb-veg. CHAM. chin. GRAPH. guaj. lach. MAGN. magyn-mur. merc. mezer. mur-ac. n-vom. plumb. puls. scill. sep. STANN. sulph. 611. - frothy. ARS. hep. n-vom. op. PHOSPH. plumb. PULS. sil. sulph. 612. - indurated (inspissated). Agar. amm-mur. ant-crud. BRY. calad. coN. creos. jod. kali. lach. mang. NATR. phosph. sep. sil. SPONG. staph. stront. sulph. thujf 613. - granular, globular. Chin. PHOS. sep. 614. - gelatinous. ARG. arn. bar. chin. dig. FERR. laur. 615. - milky. Amm. ARS. carb-veg. ferr. puls. sep. sil. SULPH. 616. - mucous. Acon. agar. alum. AMBR. amm. amm-mur. aug. ant-crud. anttart. ARG. amrn. ARS. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. bov. BRY. CALC. cann. cantlh. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. CHIN. CINA. cocc. creos. croc. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. euphr. ferr. graph. iuep. hyosc. JOD. ipec. kali. lach. LAUn. LYC. mgs. magn. magnmur. merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. PAR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plunzb. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. SENEG. sep. sil. spig. spong. STANN. STAPH. Sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. veratr. vit. zINc. 617. - purulent. Acon. amm. anac. arg. ars. asaf. aur. bell. bry. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. chamn. CHIN. cic. cina. coce. CON. CREOS. DRos. dulc. FERR. graph. guaj. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. KALI. lach. led. LYC. magn. imagn-mur. MERC. NATR. natr-mur. NITR. nitr-ac. n-iosch. n-vom. PHOSPH. PI-I-AC. plumb. puls. RHUvs. ruta. sabin. samb. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. STANN. STAPH. stront. sulph. zinc. H-A MOPTYSIS. 618-625. 9 95 618. Expectoration, viscous, thick, tenacious. Acon. alum. amm-mur. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARS. bar. bor. BOY. bry. caic. CANN. canth. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chin. cocc. coich. duic. euphr. graplijod. kali'. mgs. magn-mur. ME ZER. natr. n-vom. PAR. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. puls. sabad. sabin. SAM B. scill..seneg. sep. spig. spong. STANN. 8taph. veratr. vit. zinc. c. Temnperature. 619. - cold. Bry. cann. nitr-ac. n-vom. PHOSPH. SUIPh. B. Bicemoptysis. 620. In general. ACON. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. ARN. ARS. asar. aur. BELL. bism. bor. B.RY. CALC. cant/i. caps. carb-an. carbveg. chim. CHIN. cina. con. creos. CROC. cupr. dig. DROS. dUle. FERR. hap. HYOSC. jod. IPEC. kali. laur. LED. LYC. mgs. mnagn. magn-mur. mang. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. nzatr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. n-vom. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. RHUS. sabad. SABIN. scill. SEC-CORN. selen. SEP. sil. stann. staph. SULPIJ..ulph-ac. tar. thuj. ZINC. a. Colour. 621. Blood of a bright colour. Amm. ARN. ars. BELL. bor. bry. calc. cauith. carb-an. carb-veg. chin. creos. dig. dros. DULC. ferr. HYOSC. ipec. laur. LED. magn-mur. merc. natr. nitr. n-mosch. PJJQSPI- puls. RHUS. sabad. SABIN. SEC-CORN. Sep. sil. suipli. Zinc. 622. - brown colour. BJ3Y. caic. CARD-VEG. con. puls. rhus. 623. - dark colour. Acon. AMM. ANT-CRUD. arn. ASAR. bell. BISM. bry. canth. carbveg. CRAM. chin, con. CREOS. CROC. cupr. dig. dros. ferr. led. lyc. MAGN. magu-mur. nitr. NLTR-AC. n-MOsch. N-YOM. phospli. ph-ac. PULS. sec-corn. iselen. SEP. 8uiph1. b. Formt. 624. - in streaks. Aeon. alum. amm. ARN. ars. bism. bor. BRY. caust. CHIN. coce. con. creos. dros. euphr. FERR. jod. IPEC. LAUR. lye. natr-tnur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. op. PHOSPH. pals. 8abin. scill. sec-corn. selen. sil. sponig. suiph-ac. ZINC. 625. - in clots. Arm. BELL. bry. canth. carb-an. CHAM. CHIN. con. creos. croc. 96 HiaxmopTYSIS. 626-628. LARYNX. 629-630. FERR. HYOSO. IPEC. magn-mur. mere. nitr-ac. n-vom. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. SABIN. sec-corn. sep. c. Quality. 626. Blood, acrid. Amm. ars. canth. carb-veg. hep. KALI. NITR. rhus. SIL. suiph. suiph-ac. zinc. 627. - viscous. CROC. CIJPR. magan. sec-corn. C. Concomitant symptoms. \-,628. Aeon. alum. ambr. amm. amim-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. anttart. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. BRY. calad. CALC. campli. cann. cantli. CAPS. carb-an. CARJ3-YE G. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. CLNA. coce coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. dig. DROS. duic. euphorb., euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. hyosc. ignat. jod. IPEC. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. maustr. mag-n-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stronit. SIJLPH. suiph-ac. thuj. valer. YERATR. verb. zinc. XXX. LARYNX AND TRACHEA. 629. Larynx. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-critd. anttart. arg. amn. ars. asar. bar. BE LL. bor. boy. bry. calad. caic. camph. Cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. CHAM. chel. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. colch. con. creos. cupr. dig. DROS. duic. ferr.,graph. guaj. hell. REP. hyo-sc. ignat. JOD. ipec. kali. LACH. LAUR. lyc. magn. mayn-mur. MANG. men. mere. inezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-YOM. oleand. Op. PA R. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhodod. rhus. SABAD. sabin. samb. SENEG. Sep. sil. spig. SPONG. stann. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. VERATR. verb, zinc. 630. Trachea. ACON. agarn. alum. ambin. amm. amm-mnr. anac. ant-crud. arg. amn. ars. asar. bar. bell. bor. boy. bry. calad. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-YEG. caust. chain. chin. cic. czna. cocc. coff. con. creos. cnpr. dhg. DROS. euphorb.ferr. graph. irEP. hyosc. ignat. JOD. IPEC. kcali. lach. LAUR. led. lyc. magn. magil-mur. mangq. MAR. mere. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. N-VOM. PAR. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. VOICE. 632-638. 97: PULS. rhodod. RIus. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill: SENEG. sep.: sil. SPONG. STANN. staph. strong. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. verb. zinc. 631. Secretion of mucus. Alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arn. ars. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. bov. bry. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chin. cina. cocc. coff. colch. con. creos. croc. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. euphr. graph. guaj. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. laur. LYC. mgs. magn. magnmur. mang. mar. merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. assap. scill. selen. SENEG. sep. sil. spig. STANN. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. vit. zinc. XXXI. VOICE. v 632. Aphonia. Acon. ambr. ANT-CRUD. bar. BELL. bov. bry. calc. camph. cann. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chaMn. chin. cupr. dig. DROS. graph. HEP. hyose. jod. kali. lack. laur. mang. men. MERC. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. petr. PHOSPH. plat. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabad. samb. selen. sep. sil. SPONG. stann. sulph. VERATR. verb. 6/ 33. Voice, loud, bawling. Cupr. stann. stram. 634. - hollow. ACON. ant-tart. bar. bell. camph. carb-veg. caust. chin. cina. creos. dig. DROS. euphorb. hep. ignat. IPEC. LED. n-mosch. op. phosph. SAMB. sec-corn. sil. spig. SPONG. STANN. Staph. straim. VERATR. verb. ý 635. -- sharp, screeching. Cupr. stram. 636. - croaking. AcON. ars. cin. lach. ruta. 637. - broken (interrupted). Cic. dros. euphr. magn. SPONG. 638. - hoarse. Acon. alum. AMBR. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-,art. arn. ars. asaf. bar. bell. bov. bry. CALC. camph. cann. canth. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. CHAM. CHIN. cic. cina. coff. colch. con. creos. croc. cup?-r. dig. DROS. dulc. ferr. GRAPH. HEP. hyosc. 98 VOICE. 639-647. ignat. jod. kali. lach. laur. led. lye. magn. magn-mur. MANG. men. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. P1LS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. samb. sec-corn. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. SPONG. stann. stamph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. VERATR. verb. vit. zinc. J639. - feeble, low. ANG. ANT-CRUD. bell. cann. CANTH. caust. CHAM. CHIN. HEP. IGNAT. laur. LYC. mosch. n-vom. op. par. PULS. SEC-CORN. SPONG. stann. STAPH. VERATR. V 640. - muttering, murmuring. Hyosc. lach. op. stram. ~ 641. - through the nose, nasal. Bell. bry. lack. ph-ac. STAPH. 642. - deep (synonymous with hollow). Arn. bar. cham. CHIN. DROS. jod. laur. par. 643. - harsh, rough. Alum. ambr. bor. bry. calc. carb-veg. CAUST. chlam. chin. coff. creos. dros. hep. jod. kali. lach. laur. mang. MEN. merc. mezer. nitr. n-mosch. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rtus. sassap. SENEG. SPONG. STANN. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. verb. zinci v 644. - hissing. Bell. phosph. 645. - toneless. Ambr. CALAD. carb-an. chin. cina. DROS. hep. natr. rhodod. samb. spong. vit. 646. - quaking, tremulous. Acon. ars. canth. IGN. MERC. j 647. - not clear (muffled). Agar. amm. anac. ant-crud. bar. bry. calc. CAMPH. carb-an. carbveg. CAUST. cham. CHIN. croc. cupr. DROS. GRAPH. itep. HYOSC. MANG. MERC. natr-mur. n-mosch. n-vom. phosph. sabad. sassap. SELEN. SPONG. STANN. Sulph. verb. XXXII. EXTERNAL SURFACE OF THE NECK, AND NAPE OF THE NECK. 648. Neck. Acon. agar. alum. amm. AMM-MUR. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. EXTERNAL SURFACE OF THE, NECK, &c. 649-651. 99 arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. ASAR. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. DRY. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. CIC. CiI~a. clem. cocc. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. CYCL. dig. duic. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. HEP. hyosc. intSO.ie.ai.LACH. laur. led. LYC. MGS. M-ARCT. magnl. magn-mur. MANG. mar. men. MERC. mezer. moseli. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. OLEAND. Op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHOS. ruta..sabin. sarub. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. sep..Sil. 8pig. SPONG. staun. STAPH. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. TAR. THUS. veratr. verb. viol-od. vit. ZINC.649. Nape of the neck. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arn. ars. asaf. ASAR. aur. BAR. BELL. bor. boy. B RY. CALC. campli. cann. cantli. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chain. CHIN. cina. clem. cocc. colch. coloc. con. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgS. m-austr. magn. magilmur. mang. MEN. MERC. mezer. mosch. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. PH-AC. PLAT. 'plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sabad, 8abin. samb. -sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. SEP. SIL. Spig. spong. stann. STAPH. stront. SULPH. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. violod. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 650. Cervical and maxillary glands. Al1um. ambr. amm. amrn-mur. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arn. ars. asaf. asar. AUR. bor. BELL. bor. 6ov. bry. calad. CALC. campli. canth. caps. CARB-AN. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chin. cic. cina. CLEM-. -cocc. CON. creos. cupr. cyci. duic. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. hell. liep. hyosc. IGNAT. sod. KALI. lach.. lyc. mgs. mn-arct. m-austr. magn.. magn-mur. MERO. niezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur'. NITR-AC. n-vom. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. _puls. ran-scel. RHUS. sabad. sassap. scill. selen. seneg. sep. SIL. SPIG. SPONG. 8tann. STAPH. strain. suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 651. Thyroid gland (goitre). A&mbr. amm. bell. caic. carb-an. caust. con. dig. JOD. kali.. lyc. magn. merc. NATR. natr-mur. petr. phospli. plat. sil. SPONG, sulph. XXXIII. THORAX. 652. Thorax, cttvlty of the. Acon. ag-ar. alum. ambr. ammn. amm-mnur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg, ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BUY. calad. CALC. campli. cann. cant/i. caps. carb-an. CARII-VEG. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. CiC. cina. clem. COCC. coff. coich. coloc. 100 THORAX. 653-655. HEART. 656. con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. DULC. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. ragS. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-vOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. SENEG. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. STANN. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. 653. Thorax, external surface of the. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. bov. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. dig. dros. DULC. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. LED. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. mere. MEZER. moseh. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. NVOM. OLEAND. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. strami. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb.. viol-tr. zinc. 654. - superior part of the. Acon. alum. ambr. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. arg. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bry. calc. cann. CANTH. carb-veg. caust. cham. chel. chin. cic. cina. cocc. colch. con. cycl. duc. graph. guaj. hyosc. jod. kali. laur. lyc. m-arct. MANG. men. merc. mezer. natr-mur. nitr-ac. oleand. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. ran-bulb. rhus. ruta. sassap. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. STANN. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 655. - inferior part of the. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. AMM. anac. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bell. bism. bov. bry. calc. cann. canth. CARB-VEG. CAUST. cham. CHIN. cic. cocc. colch. croc. creos. dig. dros. dulc. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. jod. KALI. laur. led. m-austr. magn. mang. mar. merc. MEZER. MOSCH. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. PH-AC. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. rhus. ruta. sabad. SABIN. samb. sassap. SCILL. SENEG. SEP. Sil. SPIG. stann. staph. stront. tar. thuj. VALER. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. XXXIV. HEART. 656. Heart and region of the heart. ACON. alum. ambr. amm. anac. ang. ant-tart. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. EARTr. 657-660. MAMME. 661. 101 AYR..bar. bell. bism..bor. bov. bry. CALC. camph. CANN. canthi. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. clem. cocc. colch. coloc con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dulc. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. JoD. ipec. kali. lach. laur. iLc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATRMUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sa8bin. sassap. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. staph. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. ZINC. 657. Heart, palpitation of the. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. anac. ang. ANT-TART. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. bism. bor. bov. BRY. CALC. caimph. CANN. carith. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chain. CHIN. clem. cocc. colc/. coloc. con. creos. croc. CUPR. cycl. dig. dulc. ferr. graph. hell. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. JOD. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. mnagn-mur. mang. men. MERC. mezer. mniosch. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosc/. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ranseel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. SASSAP. SEC-CORN. selen. seneg. SEP. sIL. SPIG. SPONG. staph. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. THUJ. valer. VERATR. verb. VIOL-OD. viol-tr. ZINC. 658, - - with anxiety. ACON. alum. amm. anac. aug. ant-tart. amrn. ARS. asaf. AUR. bell. bor. bry. CALC. camphi. cann. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. cocc. colch. coloc. cupr. dig. ferr. graph. hyosc. ignat. kali. lach. laur. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. MERC. mOSC/. natr. NATRMUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. petr. PIOSPH. FLAT. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. SEC- CORN. Seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-od. viol-tr. zinc. 659. - - intermittent. ACON. agar. alum. ang. ars. asaf. bism. BRY. canth. caps. carbveg. CHIN. DIG. HEP. hyos8C. KALI. lac/. laur. mezer. mur-ac. NATR-MUR. n-vom. op. PH-AC. plumb. rhus. sabin. SAMB. SECCORN. SEP. STRAM. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. 660. - tremulous. Ambr. ang. ant-tart. ARS. aur. bell. CALC. cwamph. cic. cina. cocc. CREOs. jod. kali. lach. natr-mzur. n-mosc/. phosph. RHUS. ruta. SABIN. sep. SPIG. STAPH. stram. XXXV. MAMMAE. 661. MIammary glands. Acon. alum. ainbr. amm. ARN. ARS. asaf. bar. BELL. bor0. BRY. CALc. camph. cann. CARB-AN. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. CLEM. cocc. coloc. CON. creos. croc. cupr. dig. dulc. ferr. graph. guaj. K2 1-0 2 102 MAMMAL. 662-665. BACK. 666-667. REP. joci. kali. laur. lyc. mang. merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitrac. n-mosch. n-vom. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. Plumb. PULS. ran-scel. rheum. rhus. ruta. sabin. samb. sep. SIL. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. 662. Nipples. Aeon. agar. ARN. bell. bism. bry. calc. campli. caun. carb-an. caust. CRAM. Cic. cocc. con. GRAPH. hep. ignat. LYC. m-arc *t. m-austr. mang. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. nitr-ac. n-vom. par. petr. phosph. plumb. PULS. rau-scel. rheum. rhus. sabad. sabin. sassap. sep. sit. SULPH. thuj. zinc. 663. Copious secretion of millk (galactorrhcea). ACON. asaf BELL. BRY. CALC. chin. con. jod. n-vom. phosph. PULS. RHUS. stram. 664. Defective. Agn-cast. bell. bry. CALC. chain. cdi, chin. DULC. pliospli. puls. rhus., samb. sec-corn. sep. suiph. VIT. ZINC. 665. Poverty, badness, or deterioration of the milk. Bell. BOR. carb-an. CRAM. cina. ipec. lach. merc. n-vom._puls. RHEUM. samb. sll. XXXVI. BACK. 666. Scapulm. A~con. agar. alum. ambr. amm. AMM-MUR. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. arg. amn. arS. ASAP. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. bism. bor. boy. bry. CALC. canmph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. CREL. CHIN. cic. cina. cocc. coich. coloc. con. CREOS. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. DULC. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur.- led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. in-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mnar. MEN. MERC. mezer. mosci. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. mitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puts. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. s -abad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. seneg. SEP. SIL. sjngY. spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuij. valer. VERATR. verb. VIOL-TR. zinc. 667. flack. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ANG. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. bry. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chain. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. COCC. coff. coic. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. GUAJ. hell. hep. hyo-sc. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. In-arct. in-austr. inagni. inagn-mur. mang. mar. men. ME RC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. BACK. 668-670. SUPE RIOR EXTREMIME s. 671. 103 N-VOM. oleand. op. par. P ETR. phosph. p4-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIlL. 8pig. spong. STANN. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR, verb. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. 668. Sacriim, ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amim. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ary. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. aur. BAR. bell. BOR. boy. B RY. calad. CALC. cann. canth. caps. CARB-AN. car6-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cina. COCC. coff. coich. coloc. Con. CREOS. croc. cupr. dig.,dros. duic..euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. m~gs. m-austr. magn. MAGNMUR. mang. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. op. petr. PHOSPLI-. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. s ABIN. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. stap~h. strain. STRONT. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar.. thuj. valer. VERATR. zinc. 669. Coccyx. AGAR. ALUM. amm. amin-mur. aug. ant-crud. arg. ARN. asaf. bell. BOR. 6ov. CALC. caun. CANTH. carb- an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. CHIN. cic. COLCH. croc. dros. GRAPH. REP. IGNAT. jod. kali. lach. laur. LED. magn. MERC. mnur-ac. PAR. petr. phosph. PH-AC. PLAT. plumb. RHUS. 'RUTA. sil. spig. staph. 5ULPH. thuj. valer. veratr. VIT. zinc. 670. Buttocks. Alum. ambr. amm. aug. ANT-CRUD. asaf. bar. bell. bor. caic. campli. cann. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. cina. cocc. coff. CON. croc. cyci. dig. dros. dulc. GRAPH. guaj. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. laur. LYC. magn. mang. men. MERC. MEZER. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. PHo5PH. P11-AC. plat. puls. RHUS. samb. sassap. selen. SEP. sil. spig. stann. STAPH. stront. 5ULPH. tar. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. ZINC. XXXVII. SUPERIOR EXTREMITIES. 671. Bones In general. Acon. agar. alum. amrn. amm-2nur. anac. ang. ant-tart. arg. amn. ASAF. AUR. bar. bell. bism. boy. BRY. caic. cauth. carb-an. carbveg. caust. CHAM. CHIN. COCC. coloc. con. cupr. cyci. dig. DROS. duic. euphorb. hell. hep. IGNAT. fled. ipec. kali. lach. laur. LYC. m- arct. magn. maug. mar. MERC. MEZER. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. oleand. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RHODOD. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. sep. SIL. Spig. spong. STAPH. stront. SULr-H. sulph-ac. THUS. valer. veratr. verb, zinc. 104 SUPERIOR EXTREMITIES. 672-676. 672. Articulations in general. Acon. agar. alum. AMBR. AMM. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. am. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. BOV. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. cham. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. DRos. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. HELL. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. KALI. lach. laur. LED. LYC. MGS. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. MANG. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. NITR. nitrac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. SABIN. samb. SASSAP. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. siL. SPIG. 8pong. STANN. STAPH. STRONT. SULPH. SULPH-AC. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. VIT. ZINC. 673. Shoulders. ACON. agar. ALUM. AMBR. amm. AMM-MUR. anac. ang. antcrud. ant-tart. arg. arn. ars. asaf. asar. bar. BELL. bor. bov. BRY. calc. camph. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. cic. cina. cocc. COLCH. creos. croc. cupr. dig. dros. euphorb. FERR. graph. guaj. hep. hyosc. ignat. KALI. laur. LED. LYC. rmgs. MAGN. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. N-vOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHODOD. RHUS. sabad. sabin. sassap. scill. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. STRONT. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. vit. zinc. 674. Articulation of the shoulder. Acon. AMBR. amm. amnm-mur. ant-tart. arg. arn. ASAF. asar. bism. BOv. BRY. CALC. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chel. chin. cic. cocc. coloc. creos. CROC. dig. dros. euphorb. FERR. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. KALI. laur. LED. lyeC. mgs. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. sassap. SEP. sil. spig. stann. STAPH. STRONT. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. 675. Armpit (axilla). Amim. amm-mur. anac. arg. arn. ars. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bor. bov. bry. calc. canth. caps. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. caust. chel. CLEM. COCC. COIoC. CON. cupr. dig. dulc. HEP. jod. KAL1. lach. laur. LYC. magon. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. natr. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. oleand. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. puls. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. scill. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. SULPH. SULPH-AC. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 676. Arms. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD ant-tart. arg. amr. ARS. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. SUPERIOR EXTREMITIES. 677-680. 105 bov. BRY. calc. camph. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chel. chin. cina. clem. COCC. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. FERR. graph. guaj. hell. hep. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. lye. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. mere. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac,. natr. natr-mur. NITR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. OLEAND. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sep. sil. spig. spong. STANN. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. VALER. veratr. vii. zinc. 677. Articulation of the elbow. Acon. agar. alum. AMBR. amm. amm-mur. anac. ANG. ANTCRUD. ant-tart. ARG. arn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. BOV. bry. calad. calc. camph. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. colch. coloc. con. CREOS. croc. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. euphr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc,. ignat. jod. KALI. laur. LED. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. MEZER. MUR-AC. natr. natr-mur. NITR. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac,. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. STRONT. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr.-verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. 678. Olecranon. Agar. alum. arg. asaf. bar. bry. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. creos. dulc. graph. HEP. hyose. lye. merc. mur-ac. natr-mur. oleand. ph-ac. puls. rhus. sabin. sassap. sep. spig. spong. STANN. sulph-ac. valer. 679. Internal surface of the elbow (hollow of the elbow). Alum. amm-mur. ANAC. ant-crud. ARN. bar. bell. cale. canth. carb-an. CAUST. cic. cina. clem. colch. coloc. con. cupr. dros. dulc. graph. hell. hep. hyose. jod. KALI. LAUR. lye. mar. men. mur-ac. nitr. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. SEP. spig. staph. SULPH. thuj. valer,. veratr. vit. zinc. 680. Fore arms. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amtm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arn. asaf. aur. bar. bell. BISM. bov. bry. calad. CALC. camph. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. colch. coloc. CON. creos. CROC. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. laur. led. lye. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. PH-AC. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. SASSAP. sec-corn. SELEN. seneg. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. 106i SUPERiOR EXTREMITIES. 681-685. STAPH. strain. STRONT. SUlph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 681. Articulation of the'hand (wrist). ACON. alum. ambr. AMM. AMM-MUR. ANAC. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. am. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. bell. bisin. BOY. BRY. CALC. cantl. caps. carb-an. CARB-YEG. CAUST. chai. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. coich. coloc. con. creo3. croc. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat.jod. KALI. lach. laur. LED. lyc. mys. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. MANG. mar. men. MERC. rmezer. natr. natr-nur. NITR. nitr-ac. n-voi. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. puis. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. SABIN. samb. SASSAP. SCill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. STRONT. SULPH. sulphac. tar. thuj. valer. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 682. Hand in general. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amnm-mur. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. am. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bisf. bor. bov. BRY. CALO. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. car-b-veg. CAUST. cham. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. coce. coff. coich. coloc. con. CREOS. croc. epupr. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. enphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. Ings. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. nmosch. N-YOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-Ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum'. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scili. sec-corn. SELEN. seneg. SEP. SPTG. spong. 5TANN. staph. stram. stront. SULPI-I. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. 683. - back of the. Alum. ang. ars. bor. boy. bry. CALC. camph. caust. cina. CREOS. cycl. dig. euphorb. lyc. mere. mnur-ac. NATR. n-vom. petr. ph-ac. puls. rheum. RHUS. SAMB. SEP. sil. spig. stann. SULPH. 684. - palm of the. AcON. agrar. alum. arbr. amin-mur. ANAC. asar. bar. bism. BOR. DRY. camph. cauth. caps. carb-veg. caust. chai. chel. chin. coff. con. CREos. dig. DULC. hell. bep. ignat. ipec. kali. LACH. laur. led. LYC. rngs. m-arct. mayn. mang. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natrmur. N-VOM. peir. phosph. puls. RAN-BULB. RAN-SCEL. rheum. rhus. ruta. SAMB. SELEN. sep. SPIG. spong. STANN. staph. SULPH. 685. Fingers, joints of the. Aeon. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. aug. ant-crud, ant-tart. arg. am. ars. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. bov. bry. CALM. campl. cann. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chel. chin. cina. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros, SUPERIOR EXTREMITIES. 686-689. 107 duic. euplir. ferr. GRAPH. HELL. hep. ignat. jod. KALI. LED. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. mang. mar. men. merc. mosch. natr. NATR-MUR. NITR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom., olean d. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sarnb. sassap. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG..spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. &uiph-ac. veratr. verb. vit. zinc. 686. Fingers. Acon. agar. alum. AMB'R. AMM. AMM-MUR.' anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. anr. ars. asaf. asar. nur. bar. be1l. bism. bor. boy. bry. CALC. campli. cann. canth. carb-an. car6-veg. CAUST. chain. CHEL. chin. cic. cina. clem. cQcc. coff. colch. coloc. con. CREOS. croc. cupr. CYCL. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. G;RAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyo'sc. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mngs. m-airct. m-austr. MAGN. magn-mur. mang. MAR. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. fl-VOM. OLEAND. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. RANBULB. RAN-SCEL. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. sassap. SEC-CORN. selen. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. STANN. STAPH. stront. SULPHl. SULPH-AC. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 687. -between the. Ambr. amm-mur. arm. aur. campli. caust. creos. CYCL. ferr. GRAPH. HELL. lach. LAUR. nitr-ac..plumb. PULS. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. SELEN. sep. sulph-ac. zinc. 6 88. - tips of the. Acon. agar. ambr. AMM-MUR. ang. ant-crud. ANT-TART. ars. asar. asaf. bar. bell. bism. bor. caic. cann. canti. chain. CHEL. Chin. coff. colch. con. CREOS. CROC. cupr. dros. ferr. hell. hep. lach. laur. mgs. m-arct. M-AUSTR. MAR. merc. mezer. mnur-ac. oleand. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhus. sabad. sabin. sassap. SEC-CORN. selen.. sep. SIL. SPIG. spong. stnnn. STAPH. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr. verb, zinc. 689. - nails of the. ALUM. amin-mur. ant-crud. ars. bar. bell. bor. boy. calc. caust. chel. chin. cocc. con. dig. dros. GRAPH. hell. hep. jod. kali. lach. lyc. m-austr. mar. MERC. mur-ac. natr-rnur. nitr-ac. par. ph-ac. plat. puls. ran-bulb. ruta. sabad. scill. SEP. SIL. SULPH. sulpli-ac. thuj. XXXVIII. INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. 690. Bones In general '. AGAR. alum. amm-mur. anac. ang. arg. ars. asaf. AUR. bar. bell. bism. bor. bry. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. COCC. coloc. CON. CREOS. cupr. cycl. dros. duic. euphorb. graph. guaj. HEP. jod. ipec., KALI. inch. laur. led. LYC. magn. 108 INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. 691-694. magn-mur. mar. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. nitr. NITRAC. n-vom. oleand. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PULS. RHODOD. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. SEP. SIL. spig. STAPH. stront. SULPH. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. ZINC. 691. Articulations in general. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARG. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. bovy. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. FERR. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. LED. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch, mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitrac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STANN. staph. STRONT. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. zINC. 692. - of the hip. Acon. alum. amm. amm-mur. ANG. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. arg. arn. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. camph. caps. carb-an. CAUST. cham. chel. chin. cocc. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. FERR. graph. HELL. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. LED. LYC. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. men. merc. mezer. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom._ par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. RHUS. samb. seneg. SEP. SIL. stann. staph. STRONT. SULPH. thuj. veratr. vit. zinc. 693. Coxo-femoral region in general. Acon. agar. ALUM. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ANG. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. ASAR. aur. bar. BELL. boy. bry. CALC. camph. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. COLCH. COLOC. con. creos. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. EUPHORB. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. JOD. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. MEN. merc. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. nRHUS. RUTA. sabad. SABIN. samb. sassap. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. 694. Thighs. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. bov. bry. calad. calc. camph. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. cham. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. 695-699. 109' con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. GUAJ. hell. hell. ep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. MEZER. moseC. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. OLEAND. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. satbad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. SPONG. stann. STAPH. stram. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 695. - anterior region. S.gar. ambr. ANAC. ANG. ant-crud. arg. asaf. aur. BAR. bell. bov. bry. calc. cann. chel. CHIN. cina. coloc. con. dig. dros. dule. euphorb. euphr. hep. kali. laur. lyc. magn. mang. men. mere. mosch. MUR-AC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. ph-ac. plat. puls. rhus. sabad. SABIN. samb. sassap. sil. spig. SPONG. stann. staph. tar. thuj. valer. viol-tr. zinc. 696. - posterior region. Agar. alum. ambr. AMM. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. asaf. aur. bar. bell. bor. cale.camph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. cina. cocc. cof. CON. croc. CYCL. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. GRAPH. guaj. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. laur. led. LYC. magn. magn-mur. mang. men. MERC. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. par. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. rhus. samb. sassap. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. stann. STAPH. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. ZINC. 697. Thighs, external region. Agar. alum. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. arn. asaf. aur. bar. bell. bism. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. cocc. colch. euphorb. laur. magn. mang. men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. nvom. oleand. PH-AC. rhus. ruta. sassap. spig. STANN. staph. sulph. tar. valer. vit. ZINC. 698. - internal region. Alum. anac. ant-crud. arg. arn. ars. asaf. bar. bell. CALC. camph. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. cocc. coff. creos. dig. GRAPH. HEP. ignat. jod. KALI. laur. lyC. m-rsct. m-austr. magn-mur. mang. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vore. oleand. par. PETR. plat. plumb. ran-bulb. RHODOD. rhus. ruta. sabad. SABIN. samb. sassap. SELEN. sep. spong. STANN. STAPH. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 699. Knee, articulation of the. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amnm. amnm-mur. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARG. arn. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chamin chel. CHIN. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. 110 10INFERIOR EXTREMITIEs.700-703. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. FERK. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. LED. LY C. ings. mn-arct. m-austr. mayn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. nzair. NATR-MUR. mitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-YOM. oleand. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. I{HUS. ruta..sabad. sabin. samb. -sassap. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. STANN. STAPH. STRONT. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thstj. valer. vE RAiiTR.ýerb. violtr. Vit. ZINC. 700. - cap of the (patella). ALUM. anam. anac. aug. ary. amn. ASAF. BELL. bry. CALC. CAMPH. CANN. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. chin. cocc. con. creos.' graph. guaj. hell. LED. lyc. M-AUSTR. mar. men. mezer. mur-ac. NITR-AC. n-vom. par. phosph. ph-ac. ran-bulb. rhus. sanab. sassap. sep. SPIG. STANN. STAPH. stront..sulph. tar. thuj. verb. viol-tr. zinc. 70 1. 11am, hollow of the knee (popliteal space). Alum. ambr. anam. amm.-mur. ang. ant-tart. ARS. asaf. asar. BELL. bor. BRY. caic.. cann. carb-an. CAUST. chel. chin. cocc. coloc. con. creos. dig. dros. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. m-au-str. MAGN. mang. meni. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. N-VOM. oleaud. par. PETR. PHosPH. ph-ac. plat. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHEUM.RHUS. ruta. sanab. 8assap. scill. sep. spong. STANN. -staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thi{j. valer. veratr. zinc. 702. Leers. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amrn-mur. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. amn. arS. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism.. bor. boy. BRY. alad CAL. caph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. cic. cina. elena. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. rn-arc. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mnang. mar. ME-N. MERC. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac.. n-naosch. N-NOM. oleand. op. par. pet?'. phosph. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheumn. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scull, sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. vtann. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tm. vit. zinc. 703. Shin bone (tibia). AGAR. alum. ambr. amin. ANAC. ANG. ant-crud. amn. ars. ASAF, asar. aar. bar. BELL. bism. bry. CALO cann. carb-an. caust. cbai4. chel. chin. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. CoN. CRE-OS. CYCL. dig. dros. DULC. euphorb. eupbr. guaj. hyosc. ignat. KALI. LACH. LAUR. lyc. ings. m-;arct. m-austr. magn. inagn-mur. MANG. men. INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. 704-707. 111 MERC. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RHODOD. RHUS. 8abad. SABIN. samb. sassap. SEP. Sil. spig. SPONG. stann. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. TAR. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 704. Leg, calf of the. Agar. ALUM. AMBR. amm. amm-mur. ANAC. aug. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. arg. arn. ARS. ASAF. asar. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. BRY. CALC. camph,. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cina. cocc. coff. coich. COLOC. CON. creos. croc. CUPR. cycl. dig. dulc. euphorb. EUPHR. FERR. GRAPH. guaj. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. kali. lach. laur. LED. LYC. ygs. m-arct. M-AUSTR. magn. magn-mur. MANG. mar. men. merc. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. N-vOM. oleand. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rheum. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. samb. sassap. sec-corn. selen. SEP. SIL. SPIG. STANN. STAPH. stram. stront. SULPH. TAR. thuj. VALER. VERATR. viol0-t. Vit. ZINC. 705. - tendo-Achilles. ACON. alum. ANAC. ant-crud. arg. arn. bell. bism. bry. camph. carb-an. caust. chel. creos. dulc. EUPHR. hep. kali. mar. mezer. MUR-AC. natr. natr-mur. plat. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. rhus. sabin. SEP. stann. STAPH. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. ZINC. 706. Foot, articulations of the. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ANG. ant-crud. arg. arn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. bov. bry. CALC. camph. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. chin. cic. cocc. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. CYCL. dig. DROS. dulc. euphorb. eupbr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. LED. LYC. mgs. m-arct. mn-austr. magn-mur. magn. mar. MERC. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ranscel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. samb. sassap. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. STRONT. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr,. vit. ZINC. 707. Heel. L' A.gar. alum. ambr. amm. AMM-MUR. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. anttart. arg. ARN. ars. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. bry. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CAUST. cham. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. colch. creos. cycl. dros. euphorb. GRAPH. hell. hep. IGNAT. jod. kali. lach. laur. LED. lyc. MGS. M-ARCT. nzagn. magn-mur. men. mere. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-voem. oleand. PAR. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. SABIN. sassap. selen. SEP. SIL. SPONG. Wa=n. staph. STRONT. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. VALER. veratr. violtm. it. ZINC. 112 INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. 708-712. 708. Foot. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. bism. bor. bov. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. caDth. caps. carb-an. carbveg. CAUST. cham. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. cof. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. magn. men. merc. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-voM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel, rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill, sec-corn. selen. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STANN. staph. stram. STRONT. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 709. Sole of the foot. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. am. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. bov. aRY. calad. CALC. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chel. CHIN. CiC. cina. clem. coff. colch. coloc. con. CREOS. croc. CUPR. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. hell. hep. hy-5. ignat. kali. lach. laur. LED. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn-mur. mang. men. merc. mezer. MUR-AC. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. par. PETR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. sep. sIL. spig. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. TAR. thuj. valer. veratr. e viol-tr. vit. zinc. 710. Back of the foot, instep. Agar. ANAC. ang. ant-tart. arg. ars. ASAF. aur. bell. bism. BRY. calc. CAMPH. cann. canth. carb-an. CAUST. chel. CHIN. COCC. COLCH. coloc. con. CUPR. cycl. dig. graph. guaj. HEP. ignat. kali. lach. LED. LYC. magn-mur. mang. merc. mezer. mosch. MUR-AC. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vozm. oleand: par. petr. phosph. plat. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rheum. aHUs. ruta. sabin. SASSAP. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. stram. sulph. TAR. THUJ. piol-tr. ZINC. 711. Toes, articulation of the. Ambr. amm. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARG. ARN. AUR. bell. bism. bry. calc. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cina. cocc. con. cupr. cycl. dros. FERR. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. KALI. LED. LYC. magn. MAR. mere. mezer. natr. natr-mur.nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHUS..ruta. SABIN. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. staph. STRONT. SULPH. tarveratr. vit. ZINC. 712. Toes. Acon. AGAR. alum. ambr. AMM. AMM-MUR. anac. ant-crud, ant INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. 713-716.13 113 tart. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. AUR. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. bry. ca-lad. caic. campli. cana. caps. car4-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. coce. coich. con. creos. cUpr. CYCL. dig. dros. duic. euplir. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. kep. hyosc. ignat. KALI. lach. laur. LED. lYe. Ings. m-arct. m-austr. magn. maga-mur. mar. MERC. MEZER. moscit. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. nmoseli. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. PHO0SPH. PH-AC. PLAT. plumb. PIJLS..ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. SABIN. sassap. scill. SEC-CORN. SEP. SIL. Spig. Spong. STAPH.,stront. SULPH. suiph-ac, TAR. THUJ. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. Vit. ZINC. 713. Great toe. ~ /'' Agar. alum. AMBR. AMM. amnm-mur. anac. ANT-CRUD. ARN. ars. ASAF. AUit. bar. bism. cale. cann. caps. carb-an. CAUST. chin. clem. coce. coich. con. cupr. CYCL. duic. graph. hell. hep. jod. KALI. laur. LED. M-ARCT. magn. mar. mere. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. inatr-mur. nzitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. pluimb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHTJS. ruta. SABIN. sassap. sep. SIL. -staph. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. veratr. viol-tr. ZINC. 714. Ball of the toes. Agar. AMBR. amin. amm-mnur. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. ars. asaf.. bar. BRY. CANN. carb-an. caust. cina. coff. COLCH. Con. eupr. dros. graph. hell. KALI. laur. LED. lyc. inezer. mur-ac. nitr-ae. PETR. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-seel. RHUS. sabad. sabin. scull. SPIG. tar. viol-tr. 7 15. Tips of the toes. Alum. ambr. amm. AMM-MUR. amn. ars. asaf. bism. caic. camph. eanth. caps. CHIN. hep. KALI. lach. migs. m-austr. mosek. MUR-AC. OLE AND. phosph. PULS. r-an-bulb. SEP. SIL. spig. THIJJ. ZINC. 716. Nails of the toes. Alumn. ant-crud. ars. bor. bov. caic. eau-st. coich. eon. dig. GRAPH. hell. hep. mngs. m-austr. mnar. MERC. mosch. inur-ac. nitr. noatr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. par. ph-ac. puls. rau-bulb. SABAD. 8ciii. SEP. SIL. suiph. thuj. L2 114 114 MORBID STATES. 717-7719.,jVavt 01'M MORBID CONDITIONS AND SENSATIONS. 1. EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL PARTS IN GENERAL,. A. Morbid Forms. 717. Predominant Affections of the extern 'al parts. Acon. AGAR. alum. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ARG. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bisrn. bry. caic. cann. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. E UPHR. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyo-sc. ignat. ipec. KALI. lach. led. nigs. M-ARCT. in-austr. inagn. magil-iur. mang. mar. MEN. mnerc. inezer. inosch. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-inosch. n-voin. OLEAND. op. par. petr. phospli. ph-ac. PLAT. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scull, sec-corn. selen. seneg. sep. s8il. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. strain. stront. suiph. sulph-ac. TAR.. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. VIT. zinc. 718. - of the internal parts. AcoN. alum. ambr. AMM. ang. ant-crud. ANT-TART. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bell. bisin. bor. bov. BRY. calad. CALO. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. Chel. CHIN. cic,. COCe. colch. coloc. con. ereos. croc. cuzpr. dig. dule. euphorb. ferr. graph., HELL. hep. hyosc. ignat. JOD. ipec. kali. lach. LATJR. lyc. ings. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. rnosch. mar-ac. natr. natr-inur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mooch. N-VOM. oleand. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puts. ran-bulb. ranscel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. scill. sec-corn. SENEG. sep. sil. spig. spong. staun. staph. strain. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. zinc. 719. - occupying the half of the body in general. AGAR. ALUM. ainbr. amin. amm-mur. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARG. amn. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. BAR. bell. bisin. bor. boy. bry. (JALC. cainph.- cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. chin. cic. CINA. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. CYCL. dig. dros. DULC. enphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. GUAJT. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. laur. led. lyc. maret.?n-auistr. magn. magfl-rur. MANG. mar. men. mnerc. MEZER. inosch. MUR-AC. natr. natr-inur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. MORBID STATES. 720-723. 115 OLEAND. PAR. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. plumb. puls. ranbulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. SAB1N. samb. SASSAP. scill. selen. seneg. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. STRONT. sulph. SULPH-AC. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. VERB. violod. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. 720. Affections occupying- the right half of the body. Acon. AGAR. ALUM. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. arg. arn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. bov. bry. calc. camph. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. cojf. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cycl. dig. DROS. dulc. euphorb. euphr. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. kali. laur. led. lyc. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. MAR. men. mere. mezer. MoscH. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. puls. RAN-BULB. rheum. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. SABAD. SABIN. sassap. scill. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. sulph. sulphac. tar. thuj. valer. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 721. - - the left half of the body. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ANT-TART. arg. ARN. arS. ASAF. ASAR. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. bov. bry. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. ch1el. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. COLCH. COLOC. con. creos. CROC. CUPR. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hyosc. ignat. JoD. kali. laur. led. lye. m-arct. m-austr. magn. mang-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHODOD. rhus. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. SELEN. seneg. sep. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. TAR. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 722. - shewing themselves crossways, or in obliquely opposite parts, (as, for instance, in the right arm and the left leg). AGAR. calc. MANG. nitr-ac. sil. valer. A. 723. Physical weakness. Alum. amm. ANT-CRUD. asaf. bell. BISM. calc. cann. caps. CARBVEG. CAUST. chel. CHIN. cic. cocc. coff. COLCH. COLOC. con. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. lach. LAUR. LYC. m-arct. magn. MAR. men. mosch. natr-mur. nitr. n-mosch. oP. petr. phosph. PH-AC. plumb. ran-bulb. rhodod. selen. SENEG. SPONG, stann. stram. VALER. viol-tr. 116 MORBID STATES. 724-729. 724. - agitation. AcoN. agar. alum. ambr. amm. ANAC. ant-tart. arn. ARS. asaf. asar. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. camph. CANN. canth. carb-an. CARBVEG. caust. CHAM. CHIN. cina. cocc. coff. coloc. con. CROC. cupr. dulc. euphorb. euphr. FERR. graph. hell. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. led. lyc. MGS. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. oP. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. SAMB. scill. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. STAPI-. STRAM. sulph. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. 725. Anemia. Acon. alum. arn. ARS. BELL. bov. BRY. calc. carb-veg. cham. CHIN. cina. coff. coloc. CON. cupr. cycl. FERR. IGNAT. jod. kali. lye. amgs. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabin. SCILL. SEP. sil. spig. stann. STAPH. SULPH. valer. veratr. zinc. 726. Apoplexy in general. ACON, anac. ant-crud, ant-tart. ARN. aSar. AUR. bar. BELL. bry. calc. CAMPH. carb-veg. CHIN. COCC. COFF. con. creos. croc. cupr. dig. FERR. hep. HYOSC. ignat. IPEc. LACH. laur. LYC. mere. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-vOM. oleand. OP. phosph. plumb. PULS. rhus. sabad. samb. sassap. sec-corn. sep. sIL. stram. sulph. veratr. viol-od. 727. -- sanuineous. ACON. AUR. bell. BRY. calc. camph. chin. cocc. coff. creos. ferr. ignat. ipec. lack. LYC. merc. n-vorm. oleand. rhus. sabad. samb. sep. sulph. viol-od. 728. - nervous. Amrn. asar. bar. bell. bry. CHIN. COJf. cupr. dig. hyosc. ignat. laur. merc. n-vom. phosph. puls. rhus. sil. stram. viol-od. 729. Arthritis, or Arthrosis (gouty pains in the joints). Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARG. ARN. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. bism. bor. bov. BRY. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. COLCH. coloc. con. creos. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. FERR. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. KALI. laur. LED. lye. mgs. m-arct. M-AUSTR. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. MEN. MERC. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. Pvts. ranbulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. sarlb. SASSAP. scill. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. SPONG. STANN. STAPH. MORBID STATES. 730-737. 117 strani. STRONT. SULPH. suiph-ac.-tar. THU.T. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. VIT. ZINC. 7301. Arthritis erratica. ARN. ars. asaf. BELL. chin. ignat. MANG. N-MOSCH. plumb. PULS. rhodod. SABIN. sassap. sep. SULPH. valer. zinc. 731. - nodosa (nodi arthritici). Acon. ANT-CRUD. amn. aur. bry. CALO. CAUST. cic. coce. coich. dig. GRAPH. hep. lach. LED. LYC. men. merc. nitr-ac. puts. 1{HODOD. RHUS'. sabin. STAPH. suiph. vit. 732. Asphyxia. Ant-tart, amn. CARB-VEG. chin. COFF. laur. nitr-ac. op. phospli. ph-ac. strain. 733. Defective physical (muscular) irritability. Acon. alum. ambr. amin. amm.-mur. ANAC. ang. ant-crud, antrtart. amn. ARS. asaf. asar. bar. bell. bism. bor. bry. CALC. CAMPH. cann. cauth. caps. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. chel. chin. cic. clem. cocc. coich. coloc. CON. croc. cupr. dig. DULC. euphorb. ferm. graph. guafi. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. JOD. ipEC. kali. lach. LAUR. led. LYC. mgs. rn-austin. mayn. magn-mur. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. NITR-AC. n-mosch. n-vorn. OLEAND. OP. petr. pho-sph. PH-AC. plumb. puls. RHODOD. rhus. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. sil. spong. stann. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. thuj. valer. verb. vit. zinc. 734. Atrophy, general. Alumn. AMBR. aini. anac. ant-crud. amn. ARS. BAR. bor. BRY. CALC. canth. CHAM. CHIN. cina.,CLEM. cocc. Con1. CUPR. dig. dros. dulc. FERR. GRAPH. GUAJ,. liep. IGNAT. JOD. 1PEC. kali. LACHE. LYC. magn. magn-mur. MERC. mnezer. nati'. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-YOM. op. PETR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLUMB. PU LS. ruta. salnb. SASSAP. SEC-CORN. selen. sep. SIL. spig. spong. STANN. staph. strain. STRONT. SULPH. VERATR. 735. - partial. Bry. calc. carb-veg. dulc. graph. jod. led. MEZER. natr-mur. naitr-ac. ph-ac. SELE N. sil. 736. - of the diseased organs. Adrs. bry. CARB-VEG. duic. GRAPH. LED. MEZER. natr-mur. nitrac. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. selen. sit. B. 737. Ebullition of thte blood (congestion). Acon. alum. ars. carb-veg. caust. cina. coce. dig. dide. ferr. 118 118 MORBID STATES. 738-745. GRAPH. hyose. laur. magn-mnur. mangr. merc. N-Y'OM. plumb. rhodod. sassap. seneg. SEP. spong. thuj. 738. Buzzing, humming, whizzing in the body., Ambr. ars. aur. bar. bell.. caic. cann. carb-veg. CAUST. CiC. COCC coff. con. CREOS. croc. ferr. graph. hyosc. lach. mgs. M-ARCT. mar. men. mosch. mur-ac. N-MOSCH. N-YOM. OLEAND. op.,phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabad..sassap. scill. SEP. SPIG. stann. staph. SULPH. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 739. Buboes, botches. Adnt-crud. ant-tart. ars. ASAF. bry. caic. Cic. Con. CROC. duic. REP. kali. magn. mnerc. natr. natr-mur.. petr. PULS. sec-corn. sep. 81L. staph. Muph. 740. Burns, scalds (ainbustiones). Agar. alum, ant-crud. ARS. caic. CARB-YEG. caust. CREOS. cyci. eupliorb. lack. magn. plumb. rhus. ruta. SEC-CORN. STRAM. C. 741. Carphologia (see Flocdilation). Amn. BELLA. coMc.hyosc. rn-p. ph-ac. rhus. strain. 742. Ploccilation (crocidixis). Amr. ars. bell, chin. HaYOSC. jod. mur-ac. op. phospli. ph-ac. rims. strain. suiph. 743. Staggwering. ACON. AGAR. ant-crud. arg. amn. ars3. ASAR. aur. BELL. boy. BRY. caic. CAMPH. CANN. cantli. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chamn. chel. chin. cic. COCC. COFF. coich. CON. Croc. cyci. dros. duic. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. HYOSO. IGNAT. ipec. kcali. LAU R. led. ings. mn-arct. m-austr. magn. mnagn-mur. mar. miere. MEZER. inosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-inur. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. OLEAND. OP. par. petr. ph-ac. plumb. pulsz. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta.,sabad. samb. sassap. SEC-CORN. seneg. Sep. SIL. spig. spong. STRAM. stront. suiph. tar. THUY. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. zinc. 744. Chiorosis. A4rs. bar. BELL. CALO. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. 0CC. CON. dig. FERR. graph. HELL. ignat. KALI. LYC. mere. NATRMUR. NITR-AC. N-VOM. oleand. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. PLUMB. PULS. sabin. SEP. SPIG. SULPH. su]ph-ac. valer. zinc. 745. Commotions, concussions. Aeon. anac. ARN. aur. BELL. caic. camph. cann. caust. chin. cic, cina. COOC. ci'eos. cupr. kyosc. laur. LED.- lye. ings. m-arct. MORBID STATES. 746-749. 119 magn-mur. mang. mezer. NATR-MUR. n-mosch. N-VOM. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. seneg. sep. sil. SPIG. staph. valer. veratr. viol-tr. 746. Congestion in general. ACON. alum. AMBR. AMM. amm-mur. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. AUR. bar. BELL. BOV. BRY. CALC. cann. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. cham. chin. con. CREOS. CRoc. dig. dulc. FERR. guaj. HEP. ignat. JOD. KALI. LYC. m-austr. magn-mur. mere. mosch. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oP. PETR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. puls. RHUS. sabad. SAMB. SASSAP. SENEG. SEP. SIL. spong. STANN. staph. SULPH. THUJ. veratr. 747. - partial. ACON. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ant-crud. ARN. asaf. AUR. bar. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. CALC. camph. cann. canth. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. cham. chel. CHIN. clem. cocc. coff. coloc. con. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dulc. FERR. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. HYOSC. ignat. jod. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magnmur. mang. merc. mezer. mosch. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. rhodod. RHUS. sabin. samb. scill. sec-corn. SENEG. SEP. SIL. spig. SPONG. staph. STRAM. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. VIOL-OD. 748. Contraction of external parts (constriction). Acon. agar. alum. amm. amm-mur. ANAC. aug. ant-crud. arg. am. ars. asaf. ASAR. aur. bell. BISM. bor. boy. bry. calc. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. CHIN. cina. Cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. jod. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. m-arct. maustr. magn. magn-mur. mang. men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. PLAT. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. 'ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. SEP. sil. spig. spong. STANN. staph. straim. STRONT. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. verb. viol-tr. zinc. 749.-- -- internal parts. AcoN. agar. ALUM. amb. amm. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. ASAR. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. bov. bry. calad. CALC. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. COLOC. CON. creos. croc. cupr. DIG. DROS. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. IPEC. kali. lach. LAUR. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. PLUMB. PULS. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. t'hus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. SASSAP. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. &pong. stann. stafA. 120 0MORBID STATES. 750-755. strata. stront. SULPH. SULPH-AC. tar. THIJJ. valer. YERATR. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 750. - - of the articulations. Acon. amm-mur. ANAC. AUR. caic. carb-an. chin. coloc. creos. ferr. GRAPH. lyc. men. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. n-mosch. n-vom. PETR. ruta. scull. sil. spig. stann. stront. suiph. zinc. 751.-- of the limbs. Acon. alum. ambr. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. amn. bell. bism. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. CHIN. cina. coce. coff. coich. coloc. conl. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. euphorb. FERR. GRAPH. GUAJ. hep. HYOSC. Iali. laur. LYC. m-au-str. magnmur. men. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. plat. plumb. rhus. ruta. sabaci. sabin. sassap. SEC-CORN. sep. SIL. spig. spong. stann. strain. suiph. suiph-ac. veratr. 752. Convulsions. Acon. agar. ALUM. AMBR. ant-crud. arg. amn. ARS. bell. bry. calc. campli. cann. caps. carb-veg. CALIST. CHRAM. chin. CIC. coloc. CUPR. dig. dros. duic. hep. HYOSC. IGNAT. ipec. hali. lach. laur. lyc. ings. mayn. MEN. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. petr. PHOSPH. plat. PLUMB. RAN-BULB. rhodod. sabad. soull. SEC-CORN. sep. sil. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj*. VERATR. viol-tr. ZINC. 753. Contortion of the limbs. A4con, aug-. amn. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. camph. canth. CHAM. chin. cic. COCC. CUPR. graph. hell. HYOSC. laur. merc. n-vom. OP. petr. PLAT. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. ruta. SEC-CORN. spig. stann. STRAM. sui~ph. veratr. 754. Spasms of the muscles in general. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. atam. ainm-mur. ANAC. ANG. arg. ARN. ARS. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. boy. bry. CALO. camph. CANN. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chin. cic. GINA. clem. COCO. coich. COLOC. CON. creos. croc. cupr. dig. dros. DULC. euphorb. ETJPHR. ferr. GRAPH. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. LYC. ings. M-ARCT. magn. MAGN-MUR. mang. MEN. MERC. mezer. mosch. MUR-AC. natr. natr-miir. nitr. NITRAC, n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. par. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. ranbulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. samb. scilm. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. SPIG. SPONG. STANN. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. snlph-ac. THRUJ. VALER. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. zinc. 755. Craclking in the joints. Acon. amm. anac. aug. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. bar. bry. calad. caic. CAMPH. CAPS. caust. chain. chin. cic. COCC. coloc. con. CROC. euphir. ferr. hep. ignat. ipec. kali. LED. lyc. mgs. in-arct. m-austr. men. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. N-VOM. PETR. MORBID STATES. 756-761. 121 PHOSPH. puls. ran-bulb. RHUS. SABAD. sabin. sassap. selen. seneg. spong. stann. SULPH. THUJ. veratr. zinc. 756. Cyanosis. Acon. agar. alum. amm. ang. ant-crud. arn. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bry. calc. camph. carb-veg. caust. cham. chel. chin. cic. cina. cocc. CON. CUPR. DIG. dros. ferr. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. LACH. led. lyc. mang. mere. mosch. mur-ac. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. OP. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rhus. ruta. sabad. SAMB. sassap. SEC-CORN. seneg. sil. spong. staph. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. VERATR. D. 757. Desire or longing for the open air. Acon. ALUM. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. arg. ARN. ars. ASAF. ASAR. AUR. BAR. bell. BOR. boy. bry. calc. cann. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cic. cina. CROC. dig. graph. HELL. hep. SOD. kali. lach. laur. LYC. M-ARCT. MAGN. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. op. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabin. sassap. selen. seneg. sep. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. TAR. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. VIT. zinc. 758. - for the sitting posture. Acon. AGAR. alum. amm. AMM-MUR. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arn. ARS. asar. bar. BELL. bor. bry. calc. camph. CANN. canth. CARB-VEG. caust. CHEL. CHIN. cocc. colch. CON. croc. cupr. cycl. dulc. EUPHR. GRAPH. GUAJ. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. JOD. ipec. kali. lach laur. lyc. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. MAR. merc. mezer. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SCILL. SEC-CORN. SEP. Sil. SPONG. stann. stront. SULPH. TAR. verb. viol-tr. ZINC. 759. - - recumbent position. ACON. ALUM. ambr. amm. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. ARS. asar. BAR. bell. bism. bor. bry. CALAD. calc. cauth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. CHEL. chin. cina. cocc. cof. con. croc. cupr. CYCL. dig. dros. dulc. ferr. graph. GUAJ. IGNAT. ipec. kali. lach. led. LYC. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mar. mere. mezer. murac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. petr. phosphl. ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. RHUS. ruta. sabad. selen. SEP. SPONG. stann. staph. STRAM. stront. sulph. tar. thuj. veratr. zinc. 760. - to be carried (in the' case of children). A4nt-tart. CHAM. 761. - to move about. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. ARN. ars. asar, bell. bor. bry. .122 122MORBID STATES. 762-767. caic. cann. canth. CRAM. CHIN. coj/. coloc. con. creos. cupr. euphr. FERR. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. lyc. mgs. M-ARCT. in-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. merc. mosch. mum-ac. natr. n-mosch. n-vom. op. ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. 8am6. 8sdll.,sec-cor'n. sep. sil. stann. ýstaph. suiph. valem. veratr. 762. Tendency to sprains. Amm. bry. caic. cann. CARB-AN. car6-veg. con. hep. LYC. MAUSTR. mere. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. N-VOM. PETR. PHOSPH. RHUS. RUTA. STJLPH. VIT. 763. - to be affected with sprains in the loins; or tendency to experience severe pains after liftingr a weigrht. Alum. am6r. ARN. bar. ]BOR. bry. CALC. car6-an. car6-vegcaust. chin. coec. coloc. con. croc. duic. ferr. GRAPH. jod. kali. lach. LYC. merc. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vomn. oleand. pkosph. PH-AC. plat. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sep. SIL. spig. stann. staph. suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. valer. 764. - to take cold. ACON. alum. amm. anac. ant-crud. amn. ars. BAR. BELL. bor. 'IRY. CALC. camph. CARB-YEG. caust. CHAM. chin. coc. coff. coloc. eon. croc. cupr. dig. dros. IDULC. ferr. graph. hep. HYOSC.ignat. jod. ipec. icali. led. lyc. mgs. m-amct. m-austr. magn-mur. MERC. mezer. NATR. natr-mnur. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. pet?'. phosph. ph-ac. piat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabin. samb. sassap. selen. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. valer. veratr. 765. - - fall, or stnunble. Anac.- ang. asam. bell. boy. carnph. caps. CAUST. cina. cocc. coicli. dros. hell. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. mgs. MAGN. mang. merc. natr. natm-mur. n-mos3ch. NL-vom. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. puis. sabad. sec-corn. spig. spong. staun. STRAM. suiph. E. 766. Ecchyniosis. ARN. bry. chain.cdin, con.. duic. ferr. LACH. laur. N-VOM. par. plumb. rhus. RUTA. sgec-corn. suiph. -suiph-ac. 767. Epilepsy. Aeon. agar, alum. ammo ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. amn. ARS. asaf. aur. BELL. br-y. CALC. CAMPH. cantli. CAUST. CHAM. chin. CIC. CINA. cooc. coloc. con. CUPR. dig. dros. dule. ferm. hell. HYOSC. ignat. jod. IPE C. KALI. LACH. laur. led. LYC. mgs. magn. mar. merc. mosch. mur-ac. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhus. MORBID STATES. 768-774. 123 ruta. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. stann. staph. STRAM. SULPH. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. zinc. 768. Epilepsy, with consciousness. Ang. ars. bell. calc. camph. CANTH. caust. CINA. hell. hyosc. KALI. lyC. mgs. MAGN. merC. mur-ac. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. phosph. PLAT. sep. sil. STRAM. sulph. 769. - with loss of consciousness. Ant-tart. ars. aur. BELL. CALC. CAMPH. CANTH. cham. chin. CIC. cina. cocc. CUPR. dig. ferr. HYOSC. ipec. lach. laur. led. lye. merc. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. phosph. PLUMB. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. staph. stram. SULPH. veratr. 770. - with convulsions. AGAR. alum. amm. ARS. BELL. CALC. canth. CAUST. CHAM. cic. cina. cocc. CON. CUPR. dig. dulc. HYOSC. ignat. JOD. ipec. laur. lye. mgs. merc. nitr-ac. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. sec. corn. sep. sil. STANN. staph. STRAM. sulph. veratr. zinc. 771. - with stiffness of the limbs. Acon. alum. ammi. ANG. ant-tart. arg. ars. ASAF. bell. bry. CAMPH. canth. caust. cham. chin. cic. cina. cocc. COLOC. DROS. hell. hyosc. IGNAT. IPEC. kali. LAUR. led. lyc. MERC. MOSCH. nitr-ac. oP. PETR. phosph. PLAT. plumb. sec-corn. sep. sil. stramn. sulph. thuj. VERATR. zinc. 772. Nervous excitement (nervous erethism). ACON. alum. AMBR. ANG. BELL. calc. canth. CHAM. CHIN. cic. COFF. colch. CREOS. croc. dros. FERR. JOD. lach. laur. mgs. marct. MAR. men. N-VOM. PETR. phosph. PH-Ac. plat. puls. rhus. ruta. sabad. SEP. sil. SpOng. stram. sulph. VALER. veratr. verb. viol-od. vit. 773. Erethism, physical (excessive irritability of the body). Acon. agar. ambr. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. ars. asaf. ASAR. AUR. bar. bell. bor. bov. bry. calc. camph. CANTH. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. CHIN. cina. cocc. COFF. con. creos. croc. cupr. dig. FERR. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. lach. laur. lyc. M-ARCT. maustr. magn. magn-mur. mang. MAR. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. natr. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-VOM. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rthus. sabin. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. Sep. SIL. spig. spong. STAPH. stram. sulph. valer. VERATR. 774. Numbness, partial. Acon. agar. alum. AMBR. amnZ. zmn-m2ur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARG. arn. asaf. asar. aur. BAR. bell. bor. bov. bry. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAMI. chel. 124 MORBID STATES. 775-778. CHI1N. cic. cina. 00CC. coich. coloc. con. creos. GROG. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. GUAJ. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. laur. led. LYC. mgs. M-ARCT. M-AUSTR. magfl MAGNMUR. maga. mar. MERC. mezer. mosch. natr. NATR-MUR. flitr. nitr-ac.- N-VOM. oleand. op. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rheum. RHODOD. RHRUS. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. 8ec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. suiphac. thuj. valer. VERATR. zinc. F. 775. Feebleness, lassitude,ý debility,) in general. Adcon. AGA R. alum. ambr. amm. amin-mur. ANAC. ANG. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. amn. AIRS. asaf. ASAR. bar. BELL. BISM. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. CAMPH. CANN. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carbveg. CAUST. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. COLCH. con. creos. croc. CUPR. cyci. DIG. drov. dule. euphorb. euphr. FERIR. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. JOD. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magil. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. mosch. 'mur-ac. natr. NATR-M1JR. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. OLEAND. Op. par. petr. phosph. PH-AC. PLAT. _plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. 9di1l. SEC-CORN. seneg. SEP. SIL. Spig. spong. STANN. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATH. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 776. Weakness of the joints. ACON. agar. alum. amin. anac. aug. ant-tart. ARN. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. bce. BRY. CALO. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHIN. clem. cocc. coich. con. creos. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. duic. eupborb. ferr. hep. hyosc. ignat. KALI. lack. LED. LYC. mang. MERC. mezer. mosch. NATR-MTJR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph,-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ranbulb. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sassap. SEP. sil. spong. stann. STAPH. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. viol-od. vit. zinc. 777. - paralytic. Alum. amin-mur. ang. ars. bell. bry. caic. camph. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cina. cocc. COLCH. con. dros. euphorb. ferr. hell. laur. m-arct. merc. mezer. moscb. natr. nitr. n-voin. oleand. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. RHODOD. RHUS. -sabad. sil. stann. stront. valer. veratr. 778. - nervous. Acon. alum. ambr. amin. ang. ami. ars. ASAR. aur. BAR. BELL. bry. CALC. camph. carb-an. carb-veg. chain. CHIN. cic. cocc. COFF. coich. CON. croc. CUPR. dig. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. JOD. lach. laur. led. lyc. M-ARCT. in-austin. MAR. MERC. mosch. inur-ac. MORBID STATES. 779-785. 125 NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS rhus. sabin. sassap. sec-corn. selen. sep. SIL. spig. spong. STANN. staph. stram. SULP[I. sulph-ac. VALER. veratr. VIOL-OD. vit. Zinc. 779. Weakness, muscular. Acon. agar. alum. ant-tart. ARN. ars. ASAR. aur. BELL. bism. bry. camph. caust. cham. chel. chin. clC. cina. COCC. coff. colch. cupr. cycl. dig. dulc. euphorb. ferr. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. KALI. lach. lyc. m-arct. m-austr. men. merc. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitrac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. selen. sep. SIL. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. stram. sulph. TAR. VERATR. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 780. fQuivering in external parts. AGAR. alum. ambr. atom. amm-mur. ANG. ant-crud. ars. ASAF. bar. BELL. bov. bry. CALC. camph. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. chel. chin. cic. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. dros. graph. guaj. hell. ignat. ipec. KALI. lyc. mngs. M-ARCT. magn-mur. m en. mere. MEZER. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. N-VOM. par. petr. phosph. plat. plumb. puls. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabin. selen. seneg. sep. SIL. SPIG. STANN. strain. STRONT. sulph. tar. thuj. valer. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 781. Fungus articulationis (white swelling). ANT-CRUD. ARS. clem. CON. CREOS.jod. LACH. petr. phosph. rhus. sabin. SIL. STAPH. SUlph. 782. -- haematodes. Ant-tart. ARS. bell. calc. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. clem. creos. LACH. LYC. MERC. NITR-AC. n-vom. PHOSPH. rhus. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. thuj. 783. Hernia cerebri (encephalocele). Bell. CARB-AN. PHOSPH. sil. sulph. THIJ. 784. Sprains, bruises. Ambr. AMM. ang. ARN. bar. bov. BRY. CALC. cann. CARB-AN. carb-veg. caust. con. creos. graph. hep. IGNAT. LYC. r2gs. M-AUSTR. MERC. mezer. mosch. NATR. NATR-MUR. NITR. NITR-AC. N-VOM. PETR. PHOSPH. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. sabin. sep. &pig. stann. staph. SULPH. VIT. zinc. G. 785. Ganglions (encysted tumours in the sheath of a tendon). AMM. plumb. PHOSPH. ph-ac. SIL. zinc. mi 2 126 126 MORBID STATES. 786-793. 786. Gangrene. CHIN. HELL. 787. - Inflammatory. Acon. ars. bell. mur-ac. SABIN.- SEC-CORN. 788. Sphacelus. Ant-tart. ARS. ASAF. bell, con. EUPHORB. LACH. merc. PLUMB. ran-bulb. SCILL. SEC-CORN. SIL. suiph. suiph-ac. 789. Gurgling (borboryginus). Agar. alum. AMBR. amm., anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. amn. ars. ASAF. asar. bar. BELL. boy. bry. caic. carb-an. carb-veor. chain. chel. chin. cina. cocc. COLCH. creos. croc. dig. graph. hell. kali. LYC. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. mere. mang-mur. N-VOM. oleand. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. RHEUM. rhus. ruta. sabin. sassap. SCILL. sep. sil. SPIG. spong-. stann. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. TAR. valer. verb, violtr. zinc. 790. Frost..bitten limbs, &e. AGAR. ARS. bell. BOR. bry. camph. CARB-VPG. COLCH. hep. maustr. mur-ac. NITR-AC. n-vom. petr. PHOSPHa. ph-ac. PULS. suiph. eup h-ac.I 791. Swellings, tumors, in general. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cic. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. dule. eupkorb. euplir. ferr. graph. gnaj. htell. HIEP. kyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. lack. laur. led. LY C. mgs. m-arct. inanstr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. MERO. mzez6er. mosch. mur-. ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLUMB. PUlLS, ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sarab. sassap. scill. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. THUJT. valer. veratr. vit. zinc. 792 - inflammatory. ACON, alum. ant-crud. arn. asaf. bar. BELL. BRY. CALO. cann. CANTII. carb-an. carb-veg. CA.UST. chin. cocc. coich. con. cupr. euphorb. graph. guaj. kep. jod.. KALI. led. LYC. mn-arct. magn. MERC. natr. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. n-VOui. petr. PHOSPH. Plumb. PULS. RIIUS. sabin. samb. sassap. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spong. stann. SULPH. thuj. vit. zinc. 79 3 - -of diseased partg., Aeon. alum. ant-crud. ant. ars. asaf'. aur. bar. BELL. boy. BRY. MORBID STATES. 794-79,80 2 127 CAL C.ann. CANTH. carb-an. carb-veg. CAIJST. chain. chin. cic. clem. cocc. con. cupr. dig. duic. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. led. LYC. magn. mang. ME1{C. murac. natr. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. n-vom. petr. PIIOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabin. SAMB. sassap. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. SPONG. stann. 8tram. SULPH. thuj. Vit. zinc. 794. Hemorrhages. ACON. agar. alum. amnbr. ainm. ainm-mur. anac. ANT-CRUD. anttart. arg. ARN. ARS. asar. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. CALC. cann. CANTII. CAPS. carb- an. CARIB-VEG. caust. CHAM. CHIN. cina. clem. coce. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. CROC. CUPR. dig. DROS. duic. eupbr. PFERR. graph. hep. HYOSC. ignat. jod. IPEC. kali. lach. LED. LYC. Mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. MERO. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur-. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. sassap. sdill. SEC-CORN. selen. SEP. SIL. stann. staph. STRAM. SULPH..sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. ZINC. 795. Horror of, or insurmountable aversion to washing oneself. Amm. amnm-mnur. ANT-CRUD. bar. BELL. BOR. boy. BRY. CALC CANTH. CARB-VEG. CHAM. CLEM. con. dulc. kali. LAUR. lyc. magn. merc. MEZER. mur-ac. natr. NiTR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. phospli. PULS. RHUS. SASSAP. SEP. sil. SPIG. stann. STAPH. STRONT. SULPH. ulp h - ac. ZINC. 796. Dread of the open air. Ag9ar. alum. ambr. am~m. amnm-mur. anac. ang. amn. ars. aur. BELL. BRY. CALO. canmph. caun. cantli. caps. car6-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. c/tel. CHIN. CiC. czna. COCC. COFF. coloc. CON. creo8. dig. dros. ferr. graph. GUAJ. REP. IGNAT. ipec. KALI. lack. laur. led. LYC. In//S. M-AUSTR. magfl-mfur. mang. mar. men. mnerc. MOSCR. imur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-a~c. N-MOSCR. N-VOM. op. PETR. phosph. phi-ac. plat. _plumb. puls. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabin. sassap. selen. sefleg. SEP. SIb. SPIG. staph. dtramn. stront. SULPH. SULPH-AC. thuj. VALER. veratr. verb. VIOL-TR. zinc. 797. Horror, dread of being looked at. ANT-CRUD. chain. cina. 798 - - of movinlg. ACON. alum. ambr. amm. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. ARS. asar. ]BAR. bell. bor. bry. CALAD. caic. canth. caps. carb-an. carbveg. caast. chain. CH11E L. chin. cilia. COCC. coff. con. cupr. CYCL. 128 MORBID STATES. 799-804. DIG. dros. dulc. ferr. graph. GUAJ. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. kali. lack. led. LYC. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mar. merc. MEZER. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. puls. ruta. sep. stann. stront. sulph. tar. THUJ. zinc. 799. Hydrophobia. Ars. BELL. calc. CANTH. cupr. HYOSC. jod. LACH. merc. PHOSPH. ruta. sabad. STRAM. 800. Hydrops, external (anasarca). Acon. ANT-CRUD. ARS. aur. BELL. BISM. BRY. camnph. CANTH. chel. CHIN. COLCH. coloc. CON. DIG. DULC. euphorb. FERR. guaj. HELL. hyosc. JOD. KALI. LACH. LED. LYC. MAR. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. nitr. NTTR-AC. N-MOSCH. OLEAND. OP. phosph. plat. PLUMB. PULS. rhodod. rTus. RUTA. SABIN. SAMB. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. SENEG. SEP. Sil. stram. SULPH. VERATR. VERB. 801. - internal (ascites, hydrothorax, &c.) Acon. ambr. amm. ant-crud. arg. arn. ARS. aur. BELL. BRY. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-veg. CHIN. cina. COLCH. coloc. CON. DULC. euphorb. ferr. guaj. HELL. hep. hyosc. ignat. *jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. LED. lyc. mar. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. sabad. samb. sassap. SCILL. SENEG. SEP. sil, spi. spong. stann. strain. SULPH. veratr. viol-tr. vit. 802. Hypochondriasis and hysteria. Acon. alum. ambr. amm. ANAC. amrn. ars. ASAF. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. bov. bry. calc. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chel. chin. cic. cocc. coff. CON. croc. cycl. dig. euphr. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. JOD. ipec. kali. lack. LYC. m-arct. magn. MAGN-MUR. men. merc. mezer. MOSCH. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. rheum. rhus. ruta. SABIN. sassap. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. STANN. STAPH. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. VALER. VERATR. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 803. Hysteria spasmodica. Ars. bell. bry. caust. COCC. cofi. CON. creos. cupr. ferr. IGNAT. ipec. lyc. MAGN-MUR. mosch. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-VOM. phosph. plat. puls. rhus. sec-corn. sep. STANN. staph. stram. sulph. sulphac. valer. zinc. I. 804. Icterns. Acon. AMBR. ant-crud. arn. ars. asaf. AUR. BELL. BRY. calc. cann. CANTH. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cina. cocc. CON, MORBID STATES. 805-809. 129 croc. cupr. dig. dulc. euphorb. FERR. graph. hell. hep. IGNAT. jod. kali. lach. laur. LYC. mnagn-mur. mere. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oP. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLUMB. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. rhus. sabad. sec-corn. SEP. sil. SPIG. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. veratr. 805. Insensibility, general (loss of sensation). Acon. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. boy. bry. calc. camph. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. CHEL. chin. cic. COCC. colch. coloc. CON. croc. cupr. dulc. euphr. ferr. graph. HELL. bep. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. ipec. lach. LAUR. led. LYC. MGS. m-austr. magn-mur. merc. mezer. MOSCH. n-mosch. n-vom. OLEAND. OP. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. SEC-CORN. spong. staph. STRAM. sulph. valer. veratr. verb. zinc. 806. - partial. Acon. alumn. anmbr. ANAC. ang. ant-tart. ars. ASAF. aur. bell. bor. bov. bry. calc. cann. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. CON. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dulc. euphr. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. LYC. m-arct. m-austr. magn-mur. merc. mezer. mur-ac. natr-mur. nitr. n-mosch. n-vom. OLEAND. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. samb. sec-corn. sep. sil. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. verb. viol-od. zinc. 807. - of internal parts. Acon. ambr. amm. ARS. asaf. bar. BELL. BOY. calc. carb-an. caust. cham. chin. cina. coff. colch. cupr. dig. ferr. graph. HYOSC. ignat. kali. laur. lyc. m-arct. M-AUSTR. nagnl. nzagn-rnur. merc. mur-ac. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. oleand. oP. petr. phosph. PLAT. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. sassap. seneg. sil. SPIG. stann. strain. stront. thuj. valer. veratr. 808. Induration in consequence of inflammation. Alum. ambr. ARN. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. camph. cann. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. cina. CLEM. coloc. CON. cupr. cycl. dulc. ferr. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. led. LYC. magn. MAGN-MUR. mnerc. mezer. natr, n-vom. op. phosph. PLUMB. PULS. ran-scel. rhodod. sec-corn. selen. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. stram. sulph. thuj. valer. veratr. VIT. 809. Inflammation of external parts. AcoN. agar. ambr. amm. ant-crud. arn. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bor. boy. bry. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. chin. clem. cocc. coff. coloc. con. creos. cupr. dig. dulc. euphorb. EUPHR. ferr. graph. hell. HEP. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr 130 130 MORBID STATES. 810-813. mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-vom. op. petr. PHOSPH9. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. sep. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPI-. strain. SULPR. suiph-ac. tar. thzo. valer. veratr. 810. Inflammation of internal parts., ACON. agarn. alum. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. amn. ARS. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bism. BRY. calad. caic. camph. CANN. CANTH. caps. carb-veg. CRAM. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. cupr. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. HaYOSC. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lack. laur. LYC. magn-mur. mang. MERC. 2mezer. natr. natr. natr-mur. NITR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. -op. par. petr. PHOSPII. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. SCILL. sec-corn. seneg. sep. spig. spong. staun. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. YERATR. 811. - of the mucous membranes. ACON. AGAR. alum. ainbr. amin. amm-mnur. anac. ant-crud. anttart. arg. amn. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bisin. BOR. boy. DRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CRAM. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. cupr. cyci. dig. DROS. duic. euphorb. euphr. graphi. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. ME RC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MIJR. nitr. nitr-ac. ni-mosch. N-VOM. op. PAR. petr. PROSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. samb. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. vit.O zinc. 812. Immobility of the diseased parts. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. ammi. amn-inur. anac. ang. ant-crud. arg. amn. amn. asar. aur. bar. BELL. boy. bry. calc. caun. canth. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. cic. 00CC. colch. coloc. con. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. DULC. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. xn-austr. men. merc. mezer. mur-ac. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLUMB. puls. rhodod. BRHUS. ruta. sabin. sassap. sec-corn. selen. seneg. sep. SPIL. staun. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. VERATR. zinc. 813. Fainting fits. ACON. ambr. amin. ANT-TART. ARN. ARS. bar. bell. bor. boy. BRY. calad. calc. CAMPH. CANN. canth. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. CHIN. cic. cina. co Cc. COLOC. Con. CREOS. dros. DIG. duic. FERR. graph. hell. REP. RYOSC. ignat. IPEC. kali. LACR. laur. led. lyc. MGS. m-arct. in-austin. nagn. magn-mur. merc. mezer. MOSCR nitr. MORBID STATES. 814-819. 131 nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-YOM. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. plu.mb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhus. ruta. sabad. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. staph. STRAM. suiph. rider. VERATR. VIOL-OD. me 814. IVneasiness in paroxysms. ACON. agar. alum. AMBR. any. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARS. asaf. asar. bar. BELL. bor. boy. bry. calad. CALC. camp/.crb Wg CAUST. chain. chel. chin. cic. cina. coff. CON, croc. CUPR. euphr. ferr. graph. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. KALI. led. LYC. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. MANG. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATRMUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. phosph. plat. plumb. puls. rhus. sabad. sabin. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. SPONG. stann. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. thuy. rider. veratr. zinc. 815. Contusions. Aeon. ant-crud. ARG. AI{N. caust. CIC. CON. DROS. j od. k ali. lach. led. mar. n-moscli. OLEAND. par. petr. phosph. plat. puls. r-hodod. rhus. RUTA. sep. suiph. SULPH-AC. veratr. verb. 816. Mobility, too great. Alum. amn. BELL. camph. caust. cocc. coff. con. cupr. hyosc. m-arct. ph-ac. STRAM. 817. Movement, diflicult (defective mobility). Aeon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mnur. anac. ANG. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. amn. ARS. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. CALC. camph. canm. canth. caps. CARE-AN. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chel. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. coich. COLOC. con. creos. croc, cupr. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guafi. hell. bep. hyose. IGNAT. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. maga-mur. mang. mien. MAERC. meze~r. mosch. murac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. -ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. scill. sec-cornz. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. THUS. ridaer. VERATR. Zinc. 818. -- of the joints (stiffness of the joints). Ambr. amm-mur. anac. ang. ars. aur. BELL. bov. bry. calc. canth. CAPS. CARB-AN. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. cina. COCC. COLOC. con. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. GRAPH. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. KALI. lach. led. LYC.?n-arct. in-austn. imerc. mezer. natr. natr-mur.t;. nitr. n-mosch. n-vein. PETR. ph-ac. plumb. PULS., ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabin. sassap. -seecorn. -SEP. sil. 8tann. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. 819. - convulsive. Acon. agarn. ang. ant-tart. amn. ars. bar. BELL. bry. caic. CAMPH. 132 MORBID STATES. 820-825. cann. CANTH. caust. CHAM. CIC. cina. COCC. coff. con. croq. CUPR. dig. dulc. HELL. HYOSC. IGNAT. JOD. IPEC. lach. laur. lyc. mgs. m-arct. men. mere. mosch. natr. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. OP. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. ran-scel. RHEUM. rhus. RUTA. sabad. sambl. SCILL. SEC-CORN. spig. spong. STANN. staph. STRAM. sulph. VERATR. zinc. 820. Movement, involuntary. Acon. alum. aur. 6ell. camph. canth. caust. cham. chin. cocc. colch. con. CUPR. HYOSC. IGNAT. kali. LACH. ly. rmgs. m-arct. men. mosch. n-mosch. oP. plumb. rhus. samb. sep. spig. stram. STRAM. veratr. 821. Muscles, flaccidity of the. AGAR. ambr. ang. ant-tart. arn. asaf. bor. bry. CALC. camph. canth. CAPS. CHAM. chin. cic. CLEM. COCC N. CROC. cupr. dig. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. HYOSC. JOD. ipec. kali. lach. laur. LYC. magn. MERC. mur-aC. natr. n-mosch. op. plat. plumb. puls. rheum. sabad. sec-corn. SENEG. sil. spig. SPONG. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. viol-od. 822. - induration of the. Alum. bar. bry. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. con. dule. hep. hyosc. jod. kali. lach. LYC. natr. n-yom. ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. rhodod. rhus. sassap. sep. sil. spong. sulph. thuj. 823. - stiffness of the. ACON. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. arn. ars. bell. cann. carb-veg. caust. chin. dulc. graph. GUAJ. kali. led. MosCH. natr. natr-mur, NITR-AC. N-VOM. oleand. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. puls. rhus. SEP. stann. staph. sulph. verb. zinc. 824. - shortening of the. Ambr. amm. AMM-MUR. anac. ang. arn. ars. aur. BAR. bov. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cic. COLOC. con. creos. croc. dig. dros. euphorb. euphr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. lack. led. LYC. Imgs. magn. mere. mezer. mosch. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. phosph. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. RHUS. sabin. samb. SEP. sil. spig. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. veratr. 825. - starting, twitching of the (subsultus tendinum). Ambr. ant-crud,. ant-tart. ARG. arn. ars. ASAF. asar. bar. bell. bism. bor. bry. calc. cann. carb-veg. caust. chamin. chin. cic. CLEM. cocc. COLOC. con. croc. CUPR. dig. GRAPH. hell. byosc. ignat. JOD. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. mang. mar. MEN. mere. MEZER. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. oleand. phosph. PLAT. plumb. puls. ran-secl. rheum. rhus. SEC-CORN. sep. sil. spig. SPONG. stann. sulph. sulphac. tar. viol-tr. MORBID STATES. 826-831. 133 N. 826. Blackening of the external parts (black discolouration of outer parts). ACON. agar. alum. amm. ang. ANT-CRUD. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bry. calc. camph. carb-veg. caust. cham. CHIN. cic. cina. cocc. CON. CUPR. DIG. dros. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. LACH. lyc. MERC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. OP. phosph. PH-AC. PLUMB. puls. sabad. SAMB. sassap. scill. SEC-CORN. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. stram. thuj. VERATR. 0. 827. Oedema. ACON. amWn. AMM-MUR. ANT-CRUD. arn. ARS. ASAF. aur. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. CAPS. cham. chin. cina. cocc. colch. coloc. con. creos. CUPR. dig. dros. dulc. FERR. graph. guaj. hell. hyosc. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. lye. magn. mar. mere. mezer. mosch. natr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. OLEAND. op. phosph. plumb. PULS. rheum. RHUS. samb. sassap. SENEG. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. staph. stram. sulph. P. 828. Blanched appearance of the red parts. Ambr. anac. ang. ars. BOR. calc. canth. caust. coloc. FERR. HELL. kali. lyc. MERC. natr. NITR-AC. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. phosph. plumb. puls. sabin. sec-corn. sep. STAPH. suiph. SULPH-AC. valer. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. 829. Illusion of feeling. Acon. ALUM. anac. am. ars. ASAF. asar. bar. BELL. bism. bor. bov. bry. CALC. cann. canth. caps. caust. chell. cocc. coloc. con. creos. CROC. dros. dulc. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. kali. LACH. laur. lyc. MGS. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. men. merc. mosch. natr. natr- mur. nitr. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. PAR. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. samb. scill. seneg. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. staph. STRAM. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. 830. Paralysis, partial. Acon. ambr. aomm-mur. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. asar. bry. CALC. cann. caust. CHEL. Cic. COff. con. creos. cupr. cycl. euphorb. hep. lyc. mere. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. par. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. sanmb. SEC-CORN. sil. stann. sulph. thuj. veratr. zinc. 831. - of the limbs. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm-mur. anac. ang. arg. am. ars. 134 134 MORBID,STATES. 832-836. asar. aur. bar. BELL. boy. 6b-y. CALC. cann. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. CE.Chin. COCO. colch. coloc. con. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. DULC. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. ings. merc. mezer. mum-ac. niatr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. N-YOM. OLEAND. op. _petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLUMB. puls. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. sabin. sassap. SEC-CORN. selen. seneg. SEP. SIb. spig. stann. staph. strain. stront. SUL-PH. suiph-ac. tar. VER'ATR. ZINC. 832. Paralysis of one-half of the body (hemiplegia). Acon. agar. ALUM. amrn-mur. ANAC. ary. amn. asam. bar. bell. bov. caic. carb-veg. caust. did,. chin. COCC. coich. cyci. dig. duic. graph. guafi. hell. hep. hiyosc. ignat. KALI. LACHa. laur. led. lyc. mierc.?nezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vein. oleand. op..pkosph. PH-AC. plumb. rhodod. rhus. sabin. SASSAP. 8pg stann. staph. stront. SULPH-AC. tar. zinc. 835. - indolent (without pain). Alum. ambr. ANAC. ang. amn. ars. aur. bar. bell, bov. bry. caic. camph. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. chin. cic. COCO. colch. coloc. CON. ferm. graph. hell. iayosc. ignat. ipec. kali. laur. led. LYC. ings. merc. natr-mnur. n-mosch. n-vein. OLEAND. op. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. sec-corn. sil. staph. strain. stront. suiph. veratr. zinc. 834. -. of organs (partial). ACON. agarn. alum. ambr. ainm. amin-mur. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bcr. boy. BR'Y. CALC. campi. cann. canti. CAPS. carb-an. camb.veg. GAUST. chain. chel. chin. cic. COCC. colci. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dvos. IDULC. euphr. graph. hep. HYOSC. ignat. jod. ipec. icali. lach. LAUR. led. LYC. 27?gs. q-arct. in-austin. magn. magn-mur. mang. men. merc. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-?nur. NITR-AC. n-mo-sch. N-VOM. OLEAND. OP. par. petr. PHaOSPH. ph-ac. PLUMB. PULS. rheuin. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. sabin. sassap. scill. SEC-CORN. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. spong. staun. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. snlph-ac. thuj.- VE RATR. verb. vit. zinc. 835. - of internal parts. ACON. ant-crud. ARS. bar. BELL. caic. caun. canti. caps. caust. chin. cic. COCC. coloc. con. cycl. dig. DULO. eupir. graph. HYOSC. ipec. kali. lach. LAUR. lyc. in-austin. men. memc. mur-ac. natr-mur. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. op. petr. phosph. plumb. PULS. rheuin. RHUS. sec-corn. seneg. sep. sil. spig. strain. 836. Heaviness of the body. ASAF. calc. camph. chin. eupim. ignat. kcali. mnezer. NATR. NATHtMUR..ph-ac. puls. RHEUM. muta. sabad. sep. sil. spong. STANN. MOR13ID STATES. 837-847.13 13 55 837. Pandiculation. Agar. ALUM. ambr. AMM. aug. ars. B1E LL. boy. BRY. CALC. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chin. clem. COOC. GRAPH. gquaj. hell. hep. LED. nmang. merc. mezer. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. N-vom. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. plat. puls. rhus. ruta..sabad. seccorn. seneg. SEP. sil. SPONG. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. valer. verb. zinc. 838. Peteeblim. Ylrn. ARS. bell. B1{Y. HYOSO. lach. LED. n-vom. phosph. RHUS. ruta. SEC-CORN. sdl. strata. sulph-ac. 839. Phthisis in general. Acon.' amnr. anit. amni-mur. arg. amn. ARS. aur. bar. bell. bor. I33RY. calad. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. COCC. con. creos. cupr. DROS. duic. FERR. graph. guaj. hep. hyosc. ignat. JOD. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. LED. LYC. mang. mar. mrnec. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. ruta. sabad. satab. scull, sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. Sit. spig. spong. STANN. staph. strata. SULPtI. thuj. veratr. zinc. 840. Wounds. ARN. bor. carb-veg. cic. con. creos. croc. euphr. hep. jod. LACH. mzgs. mere. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. seneg. sil. STAPH. suiph1. SULPH-AC. z12nC. 841. - which bleed copiously. ARN. CARB-VEG. creos. croc. hep. LACH. MGS. merc. natr-maur. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. rhus. SULPH. suiph-ac. zinc. 842. - from sharp instruments (incised wounds). ARN.mterc. matir. ph-ac. sil. STAPH. suiph. SULPH-AC. 843. - from contusion (contused wounds, bruises). ARN. cic. CON. euphr. hep. jod. puls. RUTA. sulph. SULPH-AC. 844. -, from pointed Instruments (punctured wounds). C0ARB-YEG. cic. hep. NITR-AC. plumb. sil. suiph. 845. - with lesion of the glands. AR N. cic. CON. hep. mere. phosph. pius. SIL. suiph. 846.- - of the bones. Ars. lyc. PETR. phospi. RHUS. sep. suiph. 8470 with contortion of the muscles (sprains, dislo-.cations). Arsi. NATR. natr-inur. phospli. RHUS. 136 MORBID STATES. 848-855. 848. Wounds which reopen after being closed, healed, cicatrized. CARB-VEG. CO. CTrOC. lach. nzgs. natr. NATR-MUR. PHOSPH. SIL. sulph. 849. Plethora. ACON. alum. amm. arn. ars. AUR. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. canth. chel. CHIN. coloc. croc. cupr. D1G. dulc. FERR. graph. guaj. hep. HYOSC. ignat. KALI. lach. LYC. merC. mosch. natr. NATRMUR. NITR. NITR-AC. N-VOM. Op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabin. selen. SEP. Sil. STRAM. SULPH. thuj. veratr. 850. Polychimia (hypereemia). ACON. alum. ambr. AMM. ARN. ARS. aur. BAR. BELL. bov. BRY. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. CHIN. clem. cocc. con. CROC. dig. FERR. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. KAL-. led. LYC. m-austr. magn-mur. MERC. mosch. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. sassap. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. STRONT. SULPH. THUJ. valer. veratr. zinc. 854. Polysarcia (obesity). Agar. ambr. amm-mur. ang. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. am. asaf. bar. bell. bor. bry. CALC. camph. canth. CAPS. cham. chin. cic. clem. cocc. coloc. con. croc. cuPR. dig. euphorb. FERR. graph. guaj. hell. hyosc. jod. ipec. kaMi. lach. laur. LYC. magn. merc. mur-ac. natr. nmosch. oleand. op. plat. plumb. PULS. rheum. sabad. sassap. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stram. SULPH. thuj. veratr. viol-od. 852. Polypi. Ambr. ant-crud. aur. bell. CALC. cON. graph. hep. lye. MAR. MERC. mezer. natr-mur. nitr-ac. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. sep. sil. STAPH. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. 853. Phthyriasis (morbus pedicularis). Ars. lach. mgs. MERC. oleand. SABAD. staph. SULPH. R. 854. Stiffening (becoming rigid, inflexibleness). Acon. ammn. amm-mur. ang. ant-tart. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. camph. cann. CIc. cina. creos. DROS. hell. HYOSC. ignat. kali. LED. lye. M-ARCT. mosch. oleand. petr. PLAT. plumb. PULS. SEC-CORN. sep. STRAM. sulph. veratr. zinc. 855. Shrivelling. Amtm-mur. arn. bism. chin. cupr. mere. rhodod. veratr. zinc. MORBID STATES. 856-860. 137 856. Retraction of soft parts. Acon. agar. amm. ANG. ant-crud. arn. ars. BELL. bOV. CALAD. camph. caps. carb-veg. caust. chel. chin. cocc. coloc. con. cupr. DROS. dulc. euphorb. euphr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. lach. laur. mgs. MERC. mosch. natr. natrt.mur. N-vOM. op. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. rhus. ruta. scill. sep. sil. ýstaph. stram. sulph. val. zinc. 857. Shrinking or contracting of parts, from the effects of inflammation. Acon. AGAR. alum. ant-crud. arg. arn. ars. asaf. BELL. BRY. calc. CAMPH. CANTH. caust. chel. chin. CIC. clem. cocc. con. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. hyosc. ignat. lack. led. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. mar. men. MERC. MEZER. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. petr. PHOSPH. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. ruta. sabad. scill. sep. SPONG. staph. stram. sulphk. thuj. veratr. zinc. S. 858. Scorbutus. Alum. ambr. ant. crud. arg. ARS. aur. bell. bor. bov. bry. calc. canth. caps. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. caust. chin. cic. con. creos. dulc. graph. hep. jod. kali. lye. magn-mur. MERC. MUR-AC. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. petr. phosph. ph-ac. rhus. ruta. sabin. sep. sil. stann. STAPH. sulph. sulph-ac. vit. zinc. 859. Sensibility of the external parts. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ang. ant-crud. arg. ARN. ars. AUR. BAR. BELL. bor. bov. bry. calc. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. cina. COFF. colch. coloc. con. creos. cupr. dig. ferr. hell. HEP. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. LACH. led. lyc. mgs. M-ARCT. magn. magn-mur. mar. merc. mezer. mosch. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. RHvS. sabad. sassap. scill. sec-corn. SELEN. seneg. sep. SIL. SPIG. spong. STANN. staph. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. 860. - of the internal parts. Acon. agar. alum. AMM. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. cann. CANTH. CARB-AN. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cic. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. croc. cupr. cycl. dulc. ferr.. GRAPH. hell. HEP. hyosc. jod. ipec. LACHI. laur. led. m-arct. mnagn. MAGN-MUR. mang. men. merc. mosch. NATR. natr-mnur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. par. PHOSPH. puls. ran-bulb. rhus. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spong. stann. stranm. stront. SULPIH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. zinc. N2 138 MORBID STATES. 861-864. 861. Sensibility to pain, extreme. ACON. AGAR. ambr. amm. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. ars. ASAR. AUR. BAR. BELL. br~y. ealad. cale. canmph. eann. CANTH. caps. earb-an. carb-veg. CRAM. CHIN. cina. coce. COFF. COLCH. CON. CUPR. dig. graph. hell. hep. HYOSC. ignat. jod. ipec. kati, laci. laur. led. LYC. rags. m-arct. m-austr. MAGN. magn-mur. mere. mur-ac. NATR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. PETR. IPHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. puts. sabad. sabin. sassap. scull. velen. seneg. SEP. s8it. SPIG. staph. suiph. thuj. vater'. veratr. viol-cd. zinc. 862. Mucous secretion, very copious. Aeon. agar. ALUM. arnbr. aram. annn-mur. ang. ant-crud. anttart. arg. arm. ars. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. BOR. boy. bry. CALO. campli. eann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. eaust. CHAM. ehel. CHIN. cina. coec. eoff. eotch. coioe. eon. ereos. eroe. eupr. dig. dros. DULC. euphorb, euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. Hyosc. ignat. jod. ipee. kati. laeh. taur. LYC.mngs. m-aret. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mar. MERO. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. nmoseli. N-YOM. oleand. PAR. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. ptumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sarah. sassap.. scill. see-corn. seten. SENEG. sep. sit. spig. spong. STANN. staph. SULPH. sutph-ac. thuij. valer. veratr. zinc. 863. Dryness of internal parts, which are usually moist*. AeON. agar. atumn. ambr. amm. anam-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. ARS. a-saf. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. CALAD. CALC. campli. cann. canth. caps. carh -an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. ehel. chin. cic. cina. elena. cccc. coff. coleli. con. creos. croc. eupr. cyct. dig. dros. dutc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. n-YOSe. ignat. jod. ipec. kati. lach. taur. led. LYC. nags. m-arct. m-austr. rnagn. magn-mur. MANG. men. MT~Rc. 2ezzer. mosch. murac. natr. natr-rnur. nitr. NITR-AC. N-~MOSCH. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PIIOSPH. ph-ac. plat. ptunb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-seel.. rheum. RHODOD. RHITs. ruta. sabad. sabin. sarub. sassap. scifi. seecorn. selen. SENEG. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. STRAM. STRONT. SULPH. sutph-ac. tar. thUj. YERATR. vit. ZINC. 864. Startings., Aeon. alum. ambr. anflf. amm-rflir. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARN. ARS. bar. BELL. BISM. bcr. BRY. ealad. eale. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. diet. CHIN. cina. cocc. coff. COLCH. ereos. eroc. drcs. dule. euphcrb. graph. guaj. HEP. hyose. IGNAT. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. ted. lye. 2nagn. magn-mur. mar. MERC. naezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-YOM. op., petr.,phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puts. RHUS. samb. saissap. seten. seneg. MORBID STATES. 865-870.13 139 sep. sil. spong. stann. staph. STRONT. SU LPH. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. -vit. zinc. 86.5. Dryness of the palms of the hands and soles of the feet., 866. Spasms, cramps in general. Acon. ag-ai. ambr. any. ANT-TART. amn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. CAMPH. cairn. canth. caust. CRAM. CIC. cina. clem. cocc. coff~. coich. coloc. CON. croc. CUPR. dig. duic. ferr. hell. HYOSO. IGNAT. jod. IPEC. lach. laur. lyc. mgs. magn. magn-mur. merc. MO$CH. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. n-vomn. op. petr. phospli. plat. Plumb. PULS. ran-scel. rhus. ruta. sabad. sanib. Scill. SEC-CORN. sep. spig. staun. staph. STIRAM. stront. SIJLPH. valer. veratr. zinc. 867. - clonic. Acon. AGAR. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. arg. amn. ARS. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. bor. BRY. CALC. camp/i. Cain. canth. carb-vey. CAUST. CHAM. chin. CIC. cina. clem. cocc. Coff. coloc. CON. creos. croc. CUPR. dig. dule. graph. guaj. hell. hep. HYOSO. IGNAT. jod. IPEC. KALI. lach. laur. L-YC. mgs. rn-art. m-austr. mayn. magn-mur. many. mar. men. MERC. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. OP. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhu8. ruta. sabad. samt. sassap. scill. SEC-CORN. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong0. STANN. staph. STRAM. STRONT. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. veratr. ZINC. 868. Spasms, tonic,. Aeon. alum. amm. amm-mur. anac. ANG. ant-tart. arg. arm. ars, asaf. asar. BELL. bor. bry. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps. CAUST. CHAM. chin, GIG. cina. clem. COCC. coloc. con. cupin. cycl. dig. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hep. liyosc. IGNAT. iPE c. hali. laur. led. LYC. mgS. m-arct. mang. men. M ERC. mezer. MOSCH. natr. natr-mnur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. op. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. puls. rhodod. rhus. sabad. sassap. SEC-CORN. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. 8tann. STRAM. SULPH. thuj. VERATR. zinc. 869. - hysterical. Ars. ASAF. aur. BELL. DRY. calc. cann. CAUST. chain. cic. cocc. coff. CON. croc. dig. hyosc. IGNAT. JOD. ipec. lach. lyc. mgs. MAGN-MIJR. merc. MOSCH. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. n-voin. op. petr. phosph. PLAT. plumb. puls. ruta. sep. stann. staph. STRAM. sUlph. YALER. veratr. zinc. 870. - of Internal parts. Acon. agar. alum. ambin. amm. anac. ang. ant-crud, ant-tart. aing. amn. ars. ASAF. asar. bar. BE LL. bism. bor. boy. DRY. calad. 140 MORBID FORMS. 871-875. CALC. camph. canth,. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. CHAM. chel. chin. cina. COCC. cof. colch. coloc. con. creos. CUPR. dig. dulc. euphorb. FERR. graph. hep. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. IPEC. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. magn. MAGN-MUR. mar. mere. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhodod. rhus. sabad. sassap. SEC-CORN. seneg. SEP. sil. spong. STANN. STAPH. stram. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. veratr. zINc. 871. Contraction, or stricture of the orifices. Alum. ars. bar. BELL. calc. carb-veg. chel. coco. colch. con. dig. dulc. ferr. graph. hep. HYOSC. ignat. jod. ipec. lyc. MGS. m-austr. mezer. natr-mur. N-vOM. phosph. plat. PLUMB. rhodod. sabad. sassap. sep. STAPH. stramz. sulph. tar. thuj. VERATR. T. 872. Tetanus. Acon. alum. AMM. amlm-mur. ANG. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. calc. CAMPH. cann. canth. CHAM. CIC. con. creos. cupr. dros. hell. hep. HYOSC. IGNAT. IPEC. kali. laur. led. LYC. m-arct. MERC. MOSCH. n-vom. op. PETR. phosph. PLAT. plumb. puls. rhodod. rhus. SECCORN. seneg. SEP. STRAM. sulph. veratr. zinc. 873. Opisthotonos. ANG. BELL. canth. CHAM. CIC. clem. cocc. con. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. n-vom. op. rhus. sec-corn. STANN. stramn. 874. Trembling of external parts. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARN. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chel. chin. CIC. cina. cocc. cof. colch. coloc. CON. creos. croc. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. euphr. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. JOD. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. OP. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassap. sec-corn. seneg se. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. vit. zinc. 875. - of internal parts. Ambr, ang. ant-tart. asaf. bell. bry. CALC. camph. caps. carbveg. CAUST. cina. cocc. colch. con. creos. cycl. GRAPH. JOD. KALI. LYC. m-arct. MAR. merc. mosch. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. samb. sep. sil. SPIG. stann. STAPH. STRONT. sulph. SULPH-AC. valer. PAINS. 876-879. 141 B. Pains. 876. Pains, violent external. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. ASAF. asar. bar. bell. bism. BOR. boy. BRY. calad. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. cham. CHEL. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. CYCL. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. MUR-AC. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. seccorn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. STANN. STAPH. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. zINC. 877. - - internal. ACON. alum. ambr. amm. amnzm-mur. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. bov. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chain. CHEL. CHIN. CIC. cina. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. CUPR. dig. dros. DULC. EUPHORB. euphr. GRAPH. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lack. LAUR. led. LYC. mngs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. MERC. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. puls. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. SASSAP. SEC-CORN. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STANN. staph. stranm. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. VERATR. viol-od. viol-tr. zinc. 878. - as if from a bruise, in the joints. Acon. agar. anac. ant-crud. ARG. ars. AUR. bell. Bov. bry. calc. camph. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. CHIN. cic. cof. coloc. CON. croc. cycl. DIG. DROS. dulc. FERR. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. led. MGS. m-austr. magn. MEZER. MUR-AC. natr. NATRMUR. NITR-AC. N-VOM. par. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. RUTA. sabad. SEP. SPIG. stann. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. VERATR. viol-od. zinc. 879. - - in the external parts. Acon. AGAR. ALUM. aitnZ. anm-mnur. anac. ANG. ant-tart. ARG. ARN. ars. asaf. ASAR. AUR. bar. bell. bov. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. CHIN. cic. cina. COCC. coff. coloc. con. creos. CROC. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. FERR. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. rmgs. m-arct. m-austr. MAGN. MAGN-MUR. mang. men. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. 2ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. sabad. sabin. sassap. 142 12PAINS.B80-888. scill. seneg. SEP. SIb. SPIG. spong'. STANN. Staph. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. VALER. YERATR. viol-tr. ZfNC. 880. Pains, as if from a bruise, in the internal parts. Acon. alum. ainbr. amm-mur. anac. ang. arn. ars. asaf. attr. bar. bov. bry. CAMPH. cann. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. cina. clem. cocc. cotff coloc. con. creos. cutpr. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. HELL. hep. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. ings., m-arct. in-austr. magan. magn-mur. mang. men. merc. moseli. murac. natr. nitr-ac. N-VOMV. Op. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rhoclod. rhus. ruta. sabin. samb. sassap. sep. sil. spig. SPon1g. STANN. staph. strain. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. thzuj. valer. VERATR. viol-tr. zinc. 8 81. --In the bones. Agar. amm-mnur. ang. asaf. aur. bar-, bov. caic. cann. chin. 00CC. graph. HEP. IGNAT. IPEC. LED. in-austr. roagn. natr-mur. n-voin. par. petr. phosp~h. PULS. RUTA. sabad. sep. valer. YERATR. Zinc. 882. - as If from a burn, burningr pains. Alum. ainbr. BAR. bell. bry. cann. caust. chin. ferr. hyosc. IGNAT. kali. MAGN-MUR. merc. riatr. N-VOM. op. par. phosph. PLAT. PIJLS. SABXD. SEP. sulph-ac. thuj. yeratr. 883. - - contusion. Adcon. ALUM. amnm. amm-mur. anac. ARN. bar.' boy. bry. cann. caust. cic. GINA. cocc. con. creos. CrOc. cupr. dros. duic. graph. kali. lach. laur. led. MGS. m-arct. M-AUSTR. magn. magn-mur.' mangq. mezer. mosch. NATR. natr-mur. N-MOSCH. n-vom. OLEAND. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. _plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ruta. sabad. sassap. staph. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. zinc. 884. - of growth (growing pains). Guaj. m-austr. ph-ac. 885. - corrosive (pain as from erosion). Con. mar. ruta. 886. - as if a part had been cut or struck off (eccopalgia). Aur. ph-ac. staph. thuj. 887. - rending or tearing (rhexalgia). Agar. alum. amni-mur. anac. amn. ars. asar. caic. carb-an. carbveg-. caust. 00FF. con. dig. ferr. graph. ignat. ings. ru-austr. MAR. mezer. mur-ac. natr-inur. N-VO-M. op. puls.;'hus. sabin. -sep. spig. STAPH. suiph. suiph-ac. thnj. zinc. 888. - pruriginous. Acon. ag-ai. alum. AMBR. aini. angr. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. amn. PAINS. 889-892.14 143 ars. asar. aur. bell. br-y. calad. caic. campli. cnnn. CANTH. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. CHIN. CLEM. cocc. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. DROS. duic. euphorb. euphiý, graph. HELL. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. IPEC. KALI. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-nustr. magn. MAR. MERC. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natrmnur. mitr. nitr-ac. n-rnosch. N-YOM. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. Pu08. RAN-BULB. RAN-SCEL. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sahin. sassap. scill. selen. seneg. SEP..Sil. Spig. stann. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. 889. - as from being torn asunder (pain as if Sthe parts were beinig divided, split, or rent asunder). A4con. ainm. arnm-mur. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. ars. asaf. ASAR. bar. BELL. bis~n. bor. boy. BRY. CALC. camph. caun. CAPS. carb-an. carb6-veg. CAIJST. chain. chel. chin. cina. coce. coff. coich. coloc. CON. creos. croc. dig. duic. EUPHORB. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyose. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. inch. laur. lyc. mgs. mz-arct. m-austr. magn. mang. merc. mzezer. rnosch. murac. natr. natr-niur. nitr. nitr-ac. ni-moscb. n-vom. oleanzd. op. PAR. petr. _phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. iwis. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. sabad. SABIN. samb. sassap. scill. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. strain. STRONT. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tm. zinc. 890. - as from a sudden shock, or firom perturbation. Amm. mang. petr. 891. -- as if from an excoriation in the external parts. ALUM. anzbr. arum. amin-mur. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. autr. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. B RY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. cnrb-nn. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chin,. CIC. cina. clem. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. IIEP. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. led. lyc. mgs. mn-arct. mz-autstr. magn. miagn-muir. 7nang. mar. men. MERC. MEZER. mosch. mutr-ac. natr. N ATR--MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. par. petr. PHOSPH. p)h-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. scil. sec-corn. SEPr sil. spig. spong. staan. STAPH. stront. SULPH. SULPH-A.C. th2t. valer. veratr. ZINC. 892. - -internal parts. Acon. agar. ALUM. nmbr. amin. amin-mur. anzac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARG. amn. ars. asaf. asar. nur. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. BERY. CALC. camph. cann. cantli. caps. carb-nn. carb-iveg. caust. chain. CHIN. cic. cina. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. dig euphorb. ferr. grap~h. hell. hep. IGNAT. jod. ipec. hali. lach. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. in-austin. magn. magn-inur. mang. mar. mere. M EZ ER. mosch. mnur-ac. nIatl'. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. ni-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. petr. PHOSPH-. P11-A.C. pint. plumb. PTJLS. RAN 144 PAINS. 893-898. BULB. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. STANN. staph. stram. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. viol-od. ZINC. 893. Pains, resembling those of labour (odinosia). Acon. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARN. asaf. aur. BELL. bor. bov. BRY. calc. camph. car6-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chin. cina. cocc. COFF. con. CREOS. croc. cupr. dros. FERR. graph. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lack. lye. magn. magn-mur. merc. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-vOM. oP. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. SEC-CORN. SEP. stann. SULPH. sulphac. thuj. zinc. 894. - stunning. Acon. agar. amm. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arn. asaf. asar. aur. bell. bov. bry. CALC. cann. carb-an. chin. cic. CINA. coCC. con. croc. cupr. cycl. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. laur. led. rgs. magn. mang-mur. mang. men. MEZER. mosch. murac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. n-mosch. OLEAND. op. par. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHEUM. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. samb. seneg. sep. stann. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. valer. VERATR. VERB. vit. zinc. 895. Pain as from suffocation, strangulation. Acon. agar. ambr. AMM. asar. bell. bry. cann. canth. carb-an. chel. cocc. coff. creos. cupr. dros. graph. hep. IGNAT. m-arct. m-austr. magn. natr. N-VOM. plumb. PULS. ran-seel. sabin. SPONG. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. veratr. zinc. 896. - as if a hot iron were passed through the part. ALUM. 897. -- rummaging, digging, rooting up. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. AMM-MUR. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. BOv. BRY. CALC. canD. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. chel. chin. CINA, clem. cocc. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. dig. dros. DULC. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. hep. ignat. KALI. led. lye. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mere. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. natr-nmur. nitr. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. puls. rheum. RHODOD. rhus. RUTA. sabad. sabin. samb. scill. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. STANN. staph. stront. sulph. thuj. valer. zinc. 898. - contusive, pain as from a bruise, or sprain in the joints. Acon. agar. alum. AMBR. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARN. ars. asar. aur. bar. bell. bov. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chel. chin. cina. cocc. PAN.899-905. 145 con. creos. croc. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. GRAPH. hell. hep. IGNAT. ipec. kali. led. lyc. MGS. m-arct. rn-austr. magil. magilmur. Mang. men. mnerc. mezer. mosck. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MTJR. NITR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleaud. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sabin. sassap. seneg. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. vit. zinc. 899. Pain, as from a bruise, in the external parts. Acon. agar. alum. AMBR. amrn. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARN. ars. ASAR. aur. bar. bell. boy. BRY. calad. CALO. camph. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. cia. coce. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. graph. hell. hep. IGNAT. ipec. kali. led. lye. M GS. m-arct. rn-austr. magn. maga-mur. men. mnerc. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MIJR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PIJLS. ran-bulb. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sabin. sassap. seneg. SE'P. sil. 5131G. spong. STANN. staph. SULPH. thuj. valer. verb. veratr. vit. zinc. 900. - - internal parts. Agar. alum. ambr. amm-mur. caust. dulc. euphorb. kali. LY C. n-vom. petr. plat. rhodod. spig. staph. suiph. tar. thuj. -90 1. - as from a fraeture (synonymous with pain as frorý a bruise or contusion). AN G. amn. bell:~ bor. boy. caic. caust. CHAM. CHEL. cina. COCC, creos. cupr. DROS. graph. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. lyc. mn-arct. magn-. mur. merc. mezer. mosch. natr-mur. n-vomn. par. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. rhus. RUTA. samb. sep. staph. YERATR. zi~nc. 902.-- in the joints. Boy. caic. caust. dros. hep. merc. mezer. Par. sep. 903. - - in the bones. CUPr% hep. puls. sep. veratr. 904. - pinching, squeezintg, gripping, as If caused from be 'Ing seized by a claw. A4con. alum. AMM. amn. bar. BELL. bor. CALO. CARIB-AN. carbveg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. coloc. con. creos. dros. EUPHORB. graph. hep. byosc. IGNAT. ipec. kali. LED. LYC. rn-arct. m-austr. magn. mnagn-mnur. Men. MERC. mosch. flatr. natr-rnmr. mtr. N-VOM. petr. phosph. PULS. samb. sep. SIL. STANN. STRONT. sulph. suiph-ac. veratr. zinc. 905. - shooting, darting, lancinating, in the articulations. *Ao.agar. alu. rnn. amr. ni-m2ur. anac. aug. ant-crud. aint-tart. ar'g. ARN. ars. ASAF. asar. BAR. BELL. BOY. BRY. CALO. camph. 0 146 PAINS. 906-910. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. chin. cina. clem. cocc. coloc. CON. CREOS. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. fuaj. HELL. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. KALI. laur. led. lyc. m-austr. magn. MAGN-MUR. MANG. MEN. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. NITR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-scel, rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. samb. SASSAP. scill. SEP. SIL. SPIG. SPONG. STANN. STAPH. STRONT. SULPH. SULPH-AC. TAR. THUJ. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. VIT. ZINC. 906. Pain, shooting, which proceeds from below upwards. Acon. alum. arn. ars. bar. BELL. calc. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chin. cina. coloc. euphr. kali. m-arct. magn. petr. puls. rhus. ruta. sep. spong. stann. sulph. tar. thuj. 907. - -- - from within outwards. ALUM. amm-mur. ant-crud. ARG. am. ASAF. asar. BELL. bry. CALC. cann. canth,. carb-veg. caust. cham. CHIN. clem. cocc. coff. colci. CON. dros. DULC. hell. hyosc. kali. laur. LYC. m-arCt. mang. men. MEZER. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhodod. RHUS. SABAD. sabin. SIL. SPIG. SPONG. STANN. STAPH. stront. SULPH. TAR. thuj. VALER. veratr. verb. lol-od. viol-tr. 908. - -- from without inwards. Acon. alum. amm-mur. ang. arg ARN. bar. bell. bov. bry. CALC. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-veg. caust. cina. clem. cocc. coloc. croc. dros. guaj. hyosc. IGNAT. LAUR. m-arct. mang. men. mezer. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLUMB. rhus. SABIN. samb. scill. sil. staph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. verb. 909. - - in the external parts. Acon. agar. ALUM. ambr. amm. AMM-MUR. anac. ant-crud. anttart. arg. ARN. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocC. coff. colch. coloc. CON. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. DROS. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. HELL. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KAL1. lach. LAUR. led. lyc. Tngs. M-ARCT. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. MEN. MERC. mezer. mosch. MUR-AC. NATR. NATRMUn. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. PAR. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. SABIN. samb. SASSAP. sc1ll. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. SPONG. STANN. STAPH. stram. stront. SULPH. sulphac. TAR. THUJ. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. VIOL-TR. vit. ZINC. 910. - - which proceeds from above downwards. Ant-crud. arn. bell. bor. canth. caps. CARB-VEG. CAUST. cina. PAINS. 911-915. 147 coloc. creos. dros. FERR. lye. m-arct. mang. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. ph-ac. PULS. sabin. sassap. scill. sep. sulph. tar. valer. zinc. 911. Pain, shooting, which extends transversely. Acon. ambr. anac. arg. bell. bovy. bry. calc. canth,. caust. cham. chin. cocc. kali. laur. lyc. mere. mur-ac. phosph. rhus. seneg. SEP. spig. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. 912..- - in the internal parts. ACON. agar. ALUM. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. BOY. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. CH]uL. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. CREOS. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyose. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. MAGN. MAGN-MUR. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. PLUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. samb. SASSAP. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. TAR. thuj. valer. veratr. VERB. viol-tr. vit. zINC. 913. -- in the muscles. Acon. agar. ALUM. ambr. amm. AMM-MUR. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. bov. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carbveg. CAUST. chamin. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocC. colch. coloc. CON. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. DRos. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. HELL. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. KALI. lach. LAUR. led. lyc. mgs. M-ARCT. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. MEN. MERC. mezer. mosch. MUR-AC. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. PAR. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. SABIN. samb. SASSAP. SCiU. SEP. SIL. SPIG. SPONG. STANN. STAPH. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. TAR. THUJ. valer. veratr. verb. VIOL-TR, vit. zINC. 914. - - in the bones. Acon. agar. amm. anac. ant-crud. arg. ars. asaf. aur. BELL. CALC. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. CHIN. cocc. colch. CON. DROS. dulc. euphorb. graph. HELL. jod. kali. LACH. lyC. m-arct. magn. mang. MERC. mezer. nitr-ac. n-vom. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RAN-SCEL. RUTA. sabin. samb. SASSAP. SEP. sil. spig. staph. stront. sulph. valer. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 915. - - and burning in the articulations. Mezer. plat. plumb. sulph-ac. thuj. 148 PAINS. 916-926. 5L* ýA 916. Pain, shootingo,~n the' muscles. ALUM. amm-mur. anac. ARG. amn. ASAF. aur. bar. bry, caic. caust.- cic. cina. 00CC. coich. DIG. ignat. laur. lye. MGS. m-arct. zn1-austin. magn. many. rnerc. MEZEhi. mur-ac. N-YOM. OLEAND. plat. plumb. rhoclod. RHUS. SABAD. sabin. samb. Sep. spig.. stann. STAPH. SULPH-AC. tar-..THUJ. viol-tr. 917. -- in the bones. Arg. euphorb. zinc. 918. - - and formicating. Amm-mur. anac. amg. ARN. bar. caust. chin. kali. rn-art. men. inezer. plat. SABAD. SEP. sil. spig. staph. thuj. zinc. 919. - shooting and pressive in the articulations. Ph-ac. sassap. staph. zinc. 920. - - in the muscles. Amm-mur. anac. arg. arn. ASAF. bar. bell. caic. chin. coich. dros. euphorb. ignat. kali. mezer. MUR-AC. phosph. rhus. ruta. sabad. SASSA-P. spong. staun. staph. tar. THUJ. verb. viol-tr. ZINC. 921. - in the bones. Anac. ruta. 922.-- and tensive. ASAF. CALC. czna. coce. dig. mang. natr-mur. oleand. ph-ac. ruta. SPIG. STAPH. suiph. tar. viol-tm. 923.-- and dragging in the articulations. Ang. ars. asaf. ASAR. carb-veg. caust. clem. duic. ferr. merc. mum-ac. PULS. SABIN. stann. STAPH. sulph. suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. verb, zinc. 924.-- in the muscles. Aecon. alum. ambr. amm. amm.-mur. ANAC. ang. arg. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bell. bism. bor. CALO. CAMPH. cann. canth. caps. caust. CHIN. cina. clemn. coloc. con. creos. cyci. dig. dros. GUAJ. hell. kali. led. m-arct. MANG. memc. imezer. mur-ac. natr-mur. n-vom. oleand. phosph. _ph-ac. PULS. rheum. rhus. ruta. sabin. samb., SASSAP. scull. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. verb. vit. zinc. 925.--- in the bones. Aeon. ARS. chel. mere. phosph. thuj. 926.-- and conicussive or jerking.e Ang. amn. CALC. caust. CINA. coec. coff. euphorb. guaj. LYC. mang. mezer. mur-ac. N-YOM. ph-ac. plumb. -sep. sil. spong. stanna. zinc. PAN.927--933. 149 927. Pain, hammering, throbbing, pulsative. A1mm. amm-niur. caic. chin. cic. clem. coff. dros. ferr. hep. lack. ings. mnezer. natr-mur. PHOSPH..sil. SUIPh. thuj. verb. 928. - as if arisingr from a bruise. ACON. agar. alum. amrn. amm-mur. ANAC. ANG. ant-tart. ARN. asaf. asar. aur. 6ar.ý bell. 6ov. bry. caic. camph. CANN. caust. chain. chin.. cic. CINA. clein. cocc. coich. con. CROC. cyci. dig. dros. DULC. euphorb. ferr. graph. HELL. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. Jach. MGS. M-ARCT. mang. mar. mere. MEZER. MUR-AC. natr. natr-rnur. nitr. N-MOSCH. n-vom. OLEAND. par. petr. PLAT. puls. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. samb. sassap. seill. SPIG. stann. suiph. SULPH-AC. tar. veratr. viol-od. viol-tr. 929. Pains, obtuse. Carb-veg. cina. hyosc. mur-ac. natr-mur. rheum. 930. - undulating (coming at intervals like waves). Acon. anac. ant-tart. amn. asaf. chin. coec. daic. mar. mezer. oleand. plat. rhodod. sep. spig. viol-tr. 931. - oppressive. Agar. ant-crud. ars. BELL. boy. 6ry. caic. cann. caust. chain. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. coich. CON. creos. euplir. hyosc. ignat. MAGN. maga-mur. mar. MOSOR. natr-mur. n-vom. plat. plumb. puls. rhus. ruta. sabad. sec-corn. seneg. sep. spig. staph. viol-tr. 932. - paralytic. Aecon. agar. alum. ambr. amin. arn-n-mr. augr. ant-crud. arg. ars. asaf. asar. AUR. 6ar. BELL. BISM. bor. boy. caic. cann. canth. carbveg. caust. CHAM. chiel. CHIN. CINA. COMe coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. CYOL. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. eupbr. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyose. ignat. jod. kali. led. lyc. m-austr". magn. inagn-mur. mang. mar. men. mnerc. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. N-YOM. oleand. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. p)lumb. puls. ran-sce]. rhodod. RHTJS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. sassa-. selen. seneg. se'p. siL. spig. stann. STAPH. strain. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. vit. zinc. 933. - -in the joints. A~con. ambr. amnt anac. arg. amn. ars. ASAR. AUR. bell. bismn. nov. CAPS. CARB-VEG. caust. chiai. CHIN. cina. cocc. coich. coloc. Con1. CROC. dig. dros. EUPHORB. ferr. graph. hell. iguat. KALI. led. lyc. mgs. m-austr. maga-mur. men. muere. MIEZER. natr. nair-mur. nitr-ac. n-vomn. PAR. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLU-MB. PULS. rl~zw. rutta. sabad. SABIN. samb. Sassap. SENEG. sep. stann. STAPH. strain. stront. YALER. veratr. verb. vit. zinc. o 2 150 PAINS. 934-940. 934. Pains, pricking, in the external parts. Agar. alum. ant-crud. ant-tart, bell. calc. cann. caps. caust. coloc. croc. DROS. hep. laur. lyc. Imgs. m-arct. MEZER. mosch. nmosch. PLAT. RAN-SCEL. ruta. sabad. sep. staph. sulph. sulphac. zzinc. 935. - - in the internal parts. Acon. aur. cann. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. sabad. sec-corn. seneg. verb. viol-od. 936. - pinching, in the internal parts. A con. agar. alum. AMM. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. am. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. bov. BRY. CALC. camph. CANN. CANTH. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. cham. CHEL. CHIN. cic. cina. COCC. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. DULC. euphorb. euphr. GRAPH. guaj. HELL. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. IPEC. KALI. LYC. Ings. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. MEN. MERC. mezer. mosch. MUR-AC. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-yom. oleand. PAR. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac PLAT. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. RUTA. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. SPONG. STANN. STAPH. stront. sulph. sulphac. tar. THUJ. valer. VERATR. VERB. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 937. - - in the external parts. Acon. anac. ang. ant-crud. arg. arn. bell. bry. CALC. cann. caps. carb-veg. caust. chel. chin. cina. cocc. con. creos. croc. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. HYOSC. IPEC. kali. led. m-austr. mang. MEN. MUR-AC. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. par. phosph. ph-ac. RHODOD. RIaus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassap. sil. spong. STANN. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. verb. viol-tr. zinc. 938. - as if firom a puncture (pricking or stabbing pains). Ambr. aur. carb-an. CHIN. cocc. dros. mgs. m-arct. mezer. n-voem. rhus. ruta. VERB. 939. - pressive in the joints. Alum. anac. arg. asaf. asar. bar. bell. calc. camph. carb-an. caust. chainm. chel. chin clem. colch. dulc. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. 'LED. men. merc. mezer. mosch. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. rhus. sabad. sabin. sep. sil. spony. stann. staph. stront. sulph. tar. thuj. viol-od. viol-tr. vIT. zinc. 940. - - from the initerior to the exterior. ACON. alum. amm. amm-mur. anac. any. ant-crud. arg. arn. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. BaY. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-veg. cqust. chel. chin. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. dig. DROS. dulc. euphorb. graph. guaj. hell. hep. IGNAT. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. lye. M-ARCT. n-austr. magn PAINS. 941-944. 15 151 mur. mang. MAR. men. mere. mezer. MUR-AC. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. nmosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. PAR. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. scill. seneg. sep. sil. SPIG. SPONG. stann. staph. stront. 8ulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERB. viol-tr. zinc. 941. Pains, pressive, from the exterior to the interior. Acon. agar. alum. ANAC. ant-crud. ant-tart. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. bry. CALC. cann. carb-an. caust. chel. chin. cocc. coff. CREOS. croc. Cycl. DULC. HELL. hep. ignat. kali. laur. mgs. m-aret. mar. mezer. mosch. NITR-AC. n-mosch. n-vom. OLEAND. ph-ac. PLAT. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. sep. sil. spig. stann. STAPH. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. verb. viol-tr. zINc. 942. - - in the external parts. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm-mur. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. anttart. ARG. am. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. bov. bry. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. cham. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. cupr. CYCL. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. ragS. m-aret. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. OLEAND. par. petr. phosph. PH-AC. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. sabad. sabin. samb. SASSAP. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. STANN. STAPH. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. TAR. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zINc. 943. - - in the internal parts. ACON. agar. ALUM. AMBR. anin. anun-mur'. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. ASAF. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. bism. BOR. bov. bry. calad. CALC. CAMPH. cann. canth. caps. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. CAUST. cham. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. CON. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. DIG. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. mang-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. MEZER. miosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. SENEG. SEP. sil. spig. spong. STANN. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. TAR. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. 944. - - in the muscles. Agar. amm-mur. ANAC. ang. arg. arn. ASAF. ASAR. aur. bell. bism. bry. calc. camph. cann. CAPS. CARB-AN. caust. chel. chin. cina. clem. cocc. con. CUPR. CYCL. dig. dros. euphorb. euphr. graph. hell. hep. IGNAT. LED. l/C. rngs. m-arct. mn-austr. magn. 152 152 PAINS. 945-950. magn-mur. mang. MAR. men. merc. mezer. moscH. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. N-MOSCH. n-vorn. OLEAND. petr. PHOSPH. PHAC. PLAT. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. SABAD. sabin. samb. sil. spig. spong. STANN. STAPH. stront. -SUIPh. SIJLPH-AC. TAR. thuJ. YALER. veratr. VERB. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 945. Pains, pressive, in the bones. Anac. ang. ARG. ars. asaf. aur. BELL. BISM. bry. canth. chain. coec. coich. coloc. con. CTJPR. CYCL. dros. graphb. GUAJ. hell. hep. ignat. KALI. m-arct. m-austr. mere. mnezer. mitr. n-mosch. OLEAND. phospli. plat. puls. rhodoci. RHUS. SABIN. all. spong. stann. STAPH. thuj. valer. veratr, viol-tr. zinc. 946. - - as if caused by a heavy weight. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. AMM-MUR. ant-tart. arg. amn. ars. asaf. asar. BAR. bell. bism. bor. boy. bry. calad. caic. campli. cann. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cina. coce. coich. coloc. con. CREOS. eroc. CUPR. dig. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. laur. led. lye. mgs. M-ARCT. magn. magn-mur. mang. men. mere. mosch. NATR. natr-m-ur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. PAR. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sabin. SAMB. sassap. Wcill. SEC-CORN. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. staun. staph. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. verb. viol-od. zinc. 947. - - and tensive. Aeon. -agar. ALUM. ambr. amin-mur. ANAC. ang. ant-crud, anttart. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. ASAR. aur. bar. BELL. BOY. bry. cale. camph. CANN. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg,. caust. chain. ehel. chin. dic. dina. COCC. coff. coloc. eon. cupr. dig. DROS. dale. euphorb. ferr. graph.. gua,9. HELL. hiyosc. ignat. jod. IPEC. mezer. MOSCH. NATR-MUR. nit?'. nitr-ac. fl-flosch. n-vorn. oleand. op. petr. phosph. ph-ae. PLAT. plumb. puls. ran-seel. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. SASSAP. scill. seneg. sep. sil. spig. SPONG. STANN. staph. strain. stront. STJLPH. SULPH-AC. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-od. zinc. l 948. -.- and drawliingý, in the muscles. Agar. anac. ANG. arg. amn. asaf asar. aur. BELL. bismn. cale. CAMPH. cairn. carb-veg. chin. coich. eupr. eyel. hyose. led. men. petr. ph-ac. ruta. s3assap. sep. spig. spong. stann. suiph. zinc. 949. - scraping. Amn. asaf. chain. CHIN. coloc. led. LYC. par. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. sabad. spig. 950. - gnawing, In the joints. Amin. canth. DaROS. dale. graph. magn. mang. phosph. RANSCEL. stront. zinc. PAINS. 951-956.1 153 95 1. Pains, gnawing, in the external parts. A4gar. ALUM. ambr. amm. arg. arn. aur. BAR. bell. bry. calad. calac. CANTH. caps. CHAM. creos. cyci. dig. DROS. duic. euphorb. graph. hell. hyosc. ignat. KALI. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-au-str. rnagn. magn-mur. 9naflg. MEN. merc. mezer. mur-ac. natr. n-vom. oleand. Op. PAR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. plumb. PULS. RAN-SCEL. rheum. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. samb. sep. sil. spig. SPONG. staun. STAPH. stront. sulph. TAR. thuj. veratr. VIT. zinc. 952.--In the internal parts. Alum. ammn-mur. arg. ARS. bar. BELL. calad. CALC. canil. cauth. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. COCC. CON. CREOS. CUPR. dros. duic. hep. jod. kali. lach. LYC. mar. merc. mezer. n-vorn. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. PUIS. RAN-SCEL. rhodod. RUTA. seneg. sil. staun. sulph. veratr. 953. - - in the bones. Amm-mur.- arg. bell. cantli. DROS. graph. lyc. MANG. phoSph. pulS. RUTA. sam6. STAPH. stront. 954. - cutting, in the external parts. Acon. ALUM. ambr. anac. ang. ant-Crud. arg. amn. asaf. asar. aur. BELL. bism. bor. bry. CALO. campli. cann. canth. caust. chin. cina. clem. coich. COLOC. con. dig. DROS. dulc. euphorb. GRAPH. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. kali. led. LY C. Mrngs. m-arct. magil-mur. mum. mang. mar. men. merc. mezrer. moseli. MUR-AC. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. phosph. PH-AC. plat. puls. ranbiflb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SAMB. sassap. seneg. SEP. SIL. Spig. stamn. staph. strain. SULPH-AC. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. 955. - - In the internal parts. Agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mum. anac. ANG. ant-crud. anttart. arg. ARN. arvs. a-saf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. 6ov. 6ry. CALAD. CALO. campli. cann. CANTH. caps. car6-an. carb--veg. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clern. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. CON. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. dulc. ferm. graph. guaj. hell. hep. h1yosc. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. in-austin. magn. magn-?nur. mang. mar. men. MERO. mezer. mosch. MUR-AC. nat?'. qatr-MUr. NLTR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-4vom.. op. PAR. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plum6. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHEUM. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabini. samb. sassap. scull. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. STANN. STAPH. STRONT. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. vale?'. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 956. - jerking, In the joints. Alum. bell. 6ry. graph. m-austr. natr-mur. puls. sil. &pig. spong. suiph. SULPH-AC. VERATR. 154 PAINS. 957-963. 957. Pains, jerking, in the external parts. ACON. agar. ambr. anac. ang. arn. ars. BELL. boy. bry. calad. CALC. CANN. caust. clem. colch. con. creos. croc. dig. dulc. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. mang. mar. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natrmur. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. petr. phosph. PLAT. PULS. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. ruta. samb. sep. SIL. SPIG. SPONG. STANN. stront. sulph-ac. thuj. VALER. 958. - - in the muscles. ACON. alum. ANAC. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. ars. asar. bar. bell. bry. calc. caps. chanm. chin. CIC. cocc. COLCH. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. ipec. MGS. M-ARCT. m-austr. magn. men. merc. mezer. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. RHus. ruta. sabad. sabin. SEP. sil. SPIG. STANN. staph. stram. SULPH. SULPH-AC. valer. viol-tr. zinc. 959. - - in the bones. Phosph. rhodod. 960. - tensive or constrictive, in the joints. Acon. amm-mur. ANAC. ANG. arn. aur. bar. BELL. boy. BRY. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caust. cham. chel. chin. cic. cocc. colch. con. creos. cupr. dulc. euphorb. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. lack. laur. led. lyc. m-arct. men. merc. mezer. nitr. n-vom. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. PLAT. plumb. rhus. SEC-CORN. selen. spig. spong. staph. stramn. SULPH. veratr. verb. 961. - - as if caused by an iron hoop or tightly. drawn band. Acon. ANAC. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. ars. asaf. ASAR. AUR. calc. carb-veg. caust. chin. cocc. coloc. CON. creos. croc. GRAPH. hell. jod. laur. lyc. mgs. merc. mosch. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. n-mosch. n-vom, oleand. op. petr. phosph. PLAT. PULS. sabad. sabin. sassap. sil. spig. stann. SULPH. sul8ph-ac. zinc. 962. - - or squeezing, in the external parts. Acon. alum. ambr. ANAC. ANG. arg. arn. bar. BELL. bry. calad. CALC. camph. cann. CARB-VEG. caust. cham. chel. cic. CINA. cOCC. colch. coloc. creos. croc. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphr. graph. hyosc. jod. kali. led. lye. m-arct. mang. mar. men. mere. mezer. mosch. natr. NITR. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. puls. ran-bulb. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. scill. sep. sil. spig. stront. sulph. thuj. weratr. verb. viol-tr. zinc. 963. - - constrictive, or squeezing, in the internal parts. AcON. AMBR. amm-mur. anac. ANG. ant-tart. arg. arn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. bry. CALC. camph. canth. caps. PAINS. 964--968. 155 carb-an. CARB-VEG. cham. chel. chin. cina. cocc. COLCH. COLOC. con. croc. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. ferr. graph. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. KALI. lach. led. lyc. magn. MER. men. merc. MEZER. mur-ac. natrmur. N-VOM. oleand. petr. phosph. PH-AC. PLAT. puls. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. sabin. sassap. scill. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spong. stann. STAPH. stram. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. veratr. vit. ZINC. 964. Pains, dull, obtuse. AGAR. alum. anac. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. asar. bism. bor. bov. bry. calc. camph. canth. carb-veg. caust. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coloc. con. CREOS. cycl. dros. DULC. euphorb. ferr. HELL. hep. HYOSC. IGNAT. LAUR. led. lyc. m-austr. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. mosch. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. sabad. samb. sassap. scil. sec-corn. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stront. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 965. - as from suppuration (synonymous with pain as from internal suppuration). Amm. anac. am. ars. asaf. aur. bar. bry. calc. carb-veg. chin. colch. con. creos. CYCL. dros. euphorb. graph. hep. hyosc. jod. kali. led. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. par. petr. PHOSPH. PULS. RANBULB. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sassap. sec-corn. sil. stann. staph. sulph. tar. valer. veratr. vit. zinc. 666. - straining, forcing (squeezing pain). Agar. alum. ambr. anac. ang. ARN. ARs. asar. BELL. bov. bry. CALC. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. cina. clem. cocc. COLCH. CO1OC. con. creos. croc. dros. dulc. EUPHORB. guaj. hell. hep. ignat. jod. hali. LAUR. lyc. m-arct. m-austr. magnmur. mang. mar. men. MERC. MEZER. mun'-aC. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PLAT. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHEUM. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. sassap. seneg. sep. sil. epig. SPONG. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. zinc. 967. Pain, tensive, in the articulations. Anac. ant-tart. ARG. am. ars. asaf. bell. Bov. BRY. calc. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. colch. coloc. con. creos. CROC. dig. dros. euphorb. euphr. graph. hell. hep. jod. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. MAGN. MANG. MAR. merc. MEZER. mur-ac. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC.n-vom. par. petr. phosph. plat. PULS. rheum. RHODOD. rhus. ruta. samb. SENEG. SEP. sil. spig. spong. STANN. SULPH. sulph-ac. veratr. verb. ZINC. 968. - - in the external parts. Acon. agar. ALUM. ambr. anom. amnnm-miur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. bism. bor. bov. BRY. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps. CARB-AN. carb-veg. 156 PAINS. 969-973. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. cic. clem. cocc. coich. COLOC. CON. creos. croc. cupr. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euplir. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. mang-mnur. mang. mar. men. merc. MEZER. mosch. mum-ac. natr. natm-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. OLEAND. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. 1{HUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. samb. sassap. soull. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. SPONG. stann. STAPH. strain. SRONT. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. THUJJ. vader. veratr. VERB. VIOL-OD). viol-tm. vit. ZINC. 969. Pain, tensive, in the internal parts. A.,con. agar. alum. ainbr. amin-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ANT-TART. arg-. amn. ARS. ASAF. asar. AUR. bor. BELL. boy. 6my. CALC. campli. CANN. caps. carb-an. camb-veg. CAIJST. chain. chel. chin. cic. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cycl. dig. dros. DU LC. euphorb. enphr. ferr. GRAPH. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jocL ipec. icali. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m--arct. in-aust. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. MOSCH. mum-ac. natr. natr-mum. NITR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-YOM. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. pb-ac. plat. plumb. IPULS. ran-scel. RHEUM. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. scill. sec-corn. Seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. STANN. STAPH. strain. STRONT. SULPH. sulph-ac. tam. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. vit. zinc. 970. - piercing, boring. A4con. agar. alum. amin. amrn-mnr. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARG. amn. ars. asaf. LTR. bar. BELL. BISM. 60r. hov. CALC. cant/i. caps. caml3-an. car6-veg. CAUST. chin. CINA. clemn. cocc. colch. coloc. con. creos. capr. cycl. dig. dros. DULC. euphorb. euphr. HELL. HEP. ignat. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. lyc. mgs. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. mang. men. MERC. inezem. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. ni-mosch. n-voin. oleand. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. RHODOD. rhus. ruta. sabad. sahin. selen. SENEG. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. strain. stront. sulph. TAR. THUJ. valer. ZINC. 971. Pains, piercing from without inwards. Ant-curd. asaf 6bell. Bism. boy. caic. dros. DULC. ipec. puls. sep. Spong. STAPH. 672. - - from within outwards. Alum. bell. calc. cocc KALI. mang. zinc. 973. - drawingr, in the joints. Acon. agarn. alum. AM BR. amm. aninm-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. ARG. amn. ams. asaf, asam. AUR. bar. bell. bism. BOY. BRY. CALC camph. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. CHIN. Cic. cina. clem. cocc. coloc. con. creos. cupm. cylc. dig. dros. duic. euphr. femr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. igniat. jod. KALI. laur. LED. PAINS. 7-97 157 LYC. mgs. m-austr. mang. magn-rnur. mang. TMAR. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natur-mnur. NITR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. muta. sabad. 8abin. 8amb. SASSAP. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. STRONT. SIJLPH. tar. thuj. valer. vcratr. verb. viol-od. VIT. ZINC. 974. Pains, drawing, from below upwards. A.con. alum. ANAC. ant-crud, amn. ARS. asaf. aur. BELL. bism. bor. caic. carb-veg. chin. clem. coich. CON. DULC. euphr. m-amct. magni. men. merc. NATR. natr-mur. NITR-AC. N-VOM. phospli. ph-ac. puls. rhodod. rhus. samb. sassap. sep. spig. spong. STRONT. suiph. thuj. valer. 975.-- or dragging, in the external parts. ACON. agar. ALUM. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ANAC. aug. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. cauth. caps. carb-an. CARBVEG. CAUST. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coic'h. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr, cyci. dig-. dros. DULC. euphorb. euplir. FE RR. graphi. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. igniat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. in-austin. magn. magn-mur. manwg. mar.,men. MERC. mnezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. rntr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. RHODOD. RHTJS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scull. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. strain. STRONT. SULPH.' suiph-ac. tar. thuj. VALER. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. 976.-- fromn above downwards. ACON. AGAR. alum. anac. ant-crud, ant-tart. ars. asaf. aur. BAR. bell. bismn. BRY. cakc. canth. CAPS. CARB-VEG. caust. chtel. CHIN. cina. coich. con. croc. dulc. euphr. FERR. GRAPH. ignat. KALI. laur. LYC. M-ATJSTR. magu. men. MERC. mezer. mnum-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. phosh. ph-ac. P 'ULS. rhodod. RHUS. sabin. sassap. scil. senleg. SEP. sil. spig. staun. staph. SULPH. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. VIT. Zinc. 977. - - in the internal parts. izlcon. agar. alum. AMBR. amm. ammi-mur. anac. aug. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARG. am. ars. asaf. agar. AUR. bar. BELL. bism. bom. boy. BRY. calad. calc. camph. caun. cauth. CAPS. carb-au. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. chiin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coir. colch. coloc. CON. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guarj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-autr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mzosch. mur-ac. n1atr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-inosch. N-YOM. oleand. op. par. petr. P'HOSPH. ph-ac. plat..plumb. PULS*. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHODOD. rhus. muta. sabad. sabin. samb.- sassap.P 158 PAINS. 978-984. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. sep. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. staph stratm. stront. sulph. sulph-.ac. TAR. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. 978. Pains, dragging, in the muscles. Acon. agar. alum. AMBR. amm. AMM-MUR. anac. ant-crud. anttart. ARG. arn. ARS. ASAF. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. BISM. BOR. bov. BRY. CALC. camph. CANTH. caps. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. CAUST. cham. CHEL. CHIN. CiC. CINA. clem. cocc. COLCH. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. DULC. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. HEP. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. m-austr. MAGN. MAGN-MUR. MANG. MAR. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. MUR-AC. NATR. NATR-MUR. NITR. NITR-AC. n-veon. oleand. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. RHODOD. rhus. RUTA. sabad. SABIN. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STANN. STAPH. STRONT. SULPH. sulphac. tar. thzuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. 979. - - in the bones. Acon. AGAR. alum. AMM-MUR. anac. ang. ARG. am. ars. asaf. AUR. BAR. BELL. bism. bor. bov. bry. cann. canth. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chain. chel. CHIN. cina. cocc. coloc. con. CUPR. CYCL. dig. DROS. dulc. graph. hell. hep. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. laur. LYC. MAGN-MUR. mangy. MAR. MERC. natr. natr-mur. NITR. nitr-ac 1-vomn. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plumb. puls. RIHODOD. rhus. RUTA. SABIN. samb. sassap. sep. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. STRONT. sulph. sulphac. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. ZINc. 980. - - and burning, in the joints. Carb-veg. natr. nitr-ac. 981. - - - inthe muscles. Bell. CARB-VEG. caust. kali. led. lyc. rmgs. NITR-AC. ruta. sabin. tar. zinc. 982. - - - in the bones. Sabin. 983. - - and shooting, in the joints. Bar. chin, colch. dulc. graph. hyosc. LED. magn. merc. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. puls. sabin. sep. staph. vit. ZINc. 984. - - - in the muscles. Acon. ambr. ang. ant-tart. arg. arn. bar. bell. bry. camph. cann. canth. caps. chin. cic. COLCH. coloc. con. dros. dulc. EUPHORB. guaj. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. LYC. magn. mang. mar. merc. mur-ac. natr-mur. phosph. ph-ac. rheum. sassap. spong. staph. sulph. thuj. vit. ZINC. PAINS. 985-995. 159 985. Pains resembling paralytic drawing.in the joints. Bell. carb-veg. chel. chin. cocc. con. dig. kali., men. natr-mur. nitr-ac. phosph. sassap. stann. STAPH. 986. -- - in the muscles. Ant-crud. asaf. carb-veg. CHIN. cicC. CINA. cocc. con. dig. graph. HELL. KALI., jnezer. mosch. natr-mur. nitr-ac. phosph. SABIN. SASSAP. seneg. sil. strnn. verb. vit. 987. - consisting of drawing and pressure in the joints. Anac. ang. arg. bism. CARB-VEG. chin. coloc. graph. guaj. kali. lyc. m-austr. mezer. ph-ac. ruta. sabad. sassap. sep. stann. staph. vit. zinc. 988. in the muscles. Acon. ambr. anac. ang. ant-crud. ary. arn. asar. bism. camph. cann. CARB-VEG. caust. chin. colch. cupr. cycl. dig. euphorb. guaj. KALI. laur. led. lyc. m-arct. m-austr. mar. nitr. ph-ac. ran-bulb. ruta. sabin. sassap. sep. spig. STANN. STAPH. stront. sulph. viol-tr. zinc. 989. -- - - in the bones. ARG. arn. asaf. bism. bry. coloc. CYCL. mar. staph. 990. - - - and tightness in the joints. Anac. ars. aur. bov. kali. OLEAND. phosph. PLAT. 991. - -- - in the nuscles. Anac. ang. ant-crud. arg. asaf. aur. bism. CALC. caust. chel. CHIN. dulc. euphorb. graph. jod. kali. m-austr. mang. MEN. mosch. MUR-AC. NATR. natr-mur. n-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. ranbulb. ruta. samb. sil. stann. stront. thuj. valer. 992. -- -- in the bones. Aur. oleand. 993. - dragging and jerking, in the joints. Acon. caust. CHIN. cupr. laur. mang. oleand. RHvs. SULPH. 994. - - in the muscles. Acon. agar. alum. bell. calc. camph. CHIN. cina. CUPR. dig. dulc. guaj. lyc. mang. mere. natr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. spig. STAPH. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. vit. 995. - in the bones. CHIN. cupr. mang. vit. 160 10 PAINS. 996-1000. SENSATIONS. 1001. 996. Pains, twisting. Agdar. alum. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. ars. asaf. bar.,bell. bry. calad. caic. caps. chain. cina. Con. dig. dros. duic. IGNAT. ýpec. led. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. n'itr. n-rnosch. N-VO'M. l~eand. phospli. pb-ac. PLAT. plumb, ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHJUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. sassap. seneg. sep. SIL.. staph. suiph. suiph-ac. valer., 'veratr. 997. - jerking or starting, in -th'eAJW parts. Aeon. agar. ALUM. ambr. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN.,ars. ASAF. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BR-Y. CALC. campli. canth. caps. carb--veg. CAUST, chain. CHIN. Cic. CINA. CLEM. cocc, coff. coloc. con. creos. croc. cycl. dig. dros. duic. GRAPH. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. M-AUSTR. mnagn. mang. mar. MEN. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. N1TR-AC. N-YOM. oleand. op. par. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RIIUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. scill, sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. Spong. STANN. staph. stront. suiph. sui~ph-ac. TAR. thuj. VALER. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 998.--- in the internal parts. Aeon. agar. ambr. amm-mur. anac. ang. amn. ars. bor. bry. CALC. cann. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. coec. colch. con. croc. graph. IGNAT. KALI. lyc. M-AUSTR. many. mar. men. inezer. natr-mur. NITR-A-C. n-vom. petr. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ranbulb. ran-scel. rhus. S.EP. SIL. spig. stront. suipfi su~ph -ac. VALER. 999. - as -from ulceration, in the': ý I parts. Aeon. agar. alum. ambr. amin. AMM-MUR. anac. ang. ant-crud. arg. arn. ars. aur. bar. bell. boy. 1BRY. camph. cann. canth. caps. clarb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chin. CIC. cocc. colch. creos. cycl. dros. dulc. ferr. GRAPH. hep. IGNAT. KALI. lach. laur. m-arct. magn. mayn-mur. MANG. mar. mnerc. MUR-AC. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac,. n-vomn. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sassap. sep. sil. spig. spong. s9taph. sulph. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. ZINC. 1000.- --in the internal parts. Aeon. AMM. ars. bell. bor. boy. CANN. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg-. CAUST. chain. chel. cocc. creos. cupr. dig. hell. hep. kali. LACH, laur. magn. mayn-inur. many. MERC. inur-ac. nitrac. N-VOM. phospli. ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sep.,sil. -spig..3tann. stront. valer. veratr. C. ZE sthesis in general. Sensations. 1001. Sensation of adherence in the internal parts. Amn. bry. coloc. euphorb. hep. mgs. MEZER. nitr. n-voin. par. petr. phosph. PLUMB. puhs. RHUS. seneg. sep. sulph. thuy. verb. SENSATIONS. 1002-1007. 161 1002. Sensation of physical anxiety (anguish). Amm-mur. ARS. bar. BRY. CALC. cann. CANTH. carb-veg. CHAM. CHIN. cic. cocc. coff. con. CUPR. euphorb.ferr. guaj. ignat. laur. LYC. mgS, MAR. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. mur. N-VOM. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. rhus. sabad. sabin. SEC-CORN. seneg. SEP. STANN. staph. stram. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. VERATR. 1003. - on parts of the face or body as if they were covered with a spider's web. Alum. bar. BOR. calc. graph. magn. ph-ac. plumb. ran-scel. sulph-ac. 1004. - of dragging (as if something were being torn from the interior). Bell. bov. bry. CALC. cann. caust. COCC. coloc. cycl. euphorb. hep. ipec. m-arct. mang. mezer. mgs. mosch. mur-ac. natr. n-vom. par. petr. phosph. PLUMB. RHUS. sep. SIL. SPIG. spong. stram. sulph. 1005. - of roughness (rawness or soreness) in the internal parts. Acon. agar. ALUM. ambr. amm. amnm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. arg. ars. bar. bell. bor. bov. bry. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. cham. chel. chin. cina. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. creos. croc. cycl. DIG. DROS. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. hali. lach. LAUR. led. lyc. MANG. 2nagnmur. mang. men. merc. nmezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. PAR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. SASSAP. scill. SENEG. sep. sil. spig. spong. STANN. staph. stram. STRONT. SULPH. SULPH-AC. thuj. veratr. verb. ZINC. 1006. - of beating or throbbing in the joints. Amm-mur. arg. dros. rmgs. MERC. mezer. oleaud. ph-ac. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. sabad. spig. thuj. 1007. - - in the external parts. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. AMM-MUR. aug. ant-tart. ary. arn. ars. ASAF. b6dr. bell. bov. bry. CALC. cann. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chin. cocc. coff. coloc. con. creos. croc. dig. dros. dulc. euphr. graph. guaj. hep. hyosc. ignat. KALI. laur. LYC. MGS. M-ARCT. M-AUSTR. magnl. 2nagn--mu'. mang. MERC. mezer. inur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr, NITR-AC. n-mosch. n-vom. OLEAND. part petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. RHO-DOD. rhus. RUTA. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. TAR, THUJ. veratr., zinc. P2 162 162SNSATIONSB 1008-1014, 1008. Sensation of beating or throbbing In the ln-i ternal parts. ACON. agar. alum. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. arn. ar8s. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. BELL. BOR, boy. BRY. calad. CALO. campli. CANN. canth. CAPS, carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. chin. cic. 00CC. coff. CREOS. croc. dig. dros. duic. ferr. graph. hell. hep. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lach. LAIJR. led. lyc. m-austr. magn. magnmur. mere. mezer. mosch. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. nmosch. n-vom2. oleand. op). par. petr. PHOSPI-. ph-ac. plat. PU.LS. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. RHaUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. sassap. selen. seneg. SEP. six,. spig. spong. stann. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. verb, zinc. 1009. - of being in perfect health (or full of strength and vigour of body and mind). CorF. plumb. op.. strain. valer. 10 10. j-- of a ball in the internal parts. A4con. asaf. calc. caust. con. graph. IGNAT. kali. LACH. magnInur. natr-mur. par. plat. PLUMB. ruta. SEP. sil, staph. dtram. suiph. valer. 10 11. - of bloatedness, puffiness (of being puffed up). Par. ran-bulb. 10 12. - of heat. Ag-ar. ALUM. amm.- ant-tart. ars. asaf. ASAR. boy. bry. caic. caimph. CANN. canth. caps. caust. chel. chin. cina. coff. 00FF. coich. creos. croc. cycl. euphorb. graph, hell. ignat. JOD. ipcC. kali. LAUR. mZ-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. MANG. mar. merc. natr. natr-mur. nitr. N-MOSCH. N-YOM.,' pho-sph. ph-ac. plat. pubs. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. rhAus. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassap. -seccorn, SENEG. staph. suiph. SULPH-AC. thuj. valer. YE RATR. Vit. zinc. 10 13. - of tickling in the internal partso Acon. agar. alum. AMBR. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. arn. asar. bar. bell. bor. bov. bry. caic. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. chiun. cic. cina. coce. colch. con. croc. cupr. dig. euphorb. FE RR. graph. hep. ignat. JOD. ipec. kali. LAUR. led. magn. magn-mur. mar. men. merc. mosch. natr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. NYiOM. oleand. petr. PLJOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. puls. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. isabin. scill. seneg. sep. sil. Spig. spong. 5TANN. suiph. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. zinc. 1014.-- as If caused by a hair (on the tongue espe'dally).6 ARS. lye. nm-austr. natr'mur. pulss ran-bulb. oil. SULPI-I SENSATIONS. 1015-1025. 163 1015. Sensation of falling down of the internal parts. Dig. sulph. veratr. 1016. - as if a peg were driven into the external parts. Agar. arn. hell. lack. plat. ruta. 1017. - - - into the internal parts. Acon. agar. ambr. amm. ANAC. ANT-CRUD. arg. ARN. ASAF. aur. bar. bell. bov. calc. caust. cham,. chel. cocc. cof. con. creos. croc. dros. ferr. graph. hell. HEP. IGNAT. kali. led. lyc. MGS. mere. mezer. mur-ac. natr-mur. N-VOM. oleand. par. plat. plumb. ran-scel. rhodod. RUTA. sabad. sabin. sep. spig. SPONG. staph. SULPH. thuj. 1018. - as if a wedge were driven in. Ant-crud. bovy. caust. dros. par. spong. 1019. - of crackling in the internal parts. Bar. calc. caust. cham. cocc. coff. graph. kals. men. natr-mur. n-vom. petr. sabad. sep. spig. 1020. - as if a joint were being detached, or were wrenched open. Mgs. STRAM. 1021. - of hardness of the bed (the bed feels hard). Acon. ARN. bry, caust. con. dros. graph. kali. mgs. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. n-mosch. n-vom. phosph. plat. sabad. sil. stann. sulph. tar. thuj. veratr. 1022. - of shaking, trembling, vibrating (internal). Amm. BELL. bism. caps. caust. clem. con. dig. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. lyc. magn. mosch. nitr. NITR-AC. n-vom. petr. sassap. SEP. sil. stann. stront. SULPH. verb..1023. - as if from extravasation of blood (ecchymosis). AnN. calc. chin. ferr. n-vom. par. ruta. sec-corn. sulph-ac. 1024. - of enlargement of the internal cavities. Anac. ant-tart. arn. ars. ASAR. aur. BELL. BISM. bov. bry. calad. cAPs. carb-veg. cina. cocc. con. euphorb. guaj. hyosc. KALI. laur. mgs. merc. n-mosch. OLEAND. op. PAR. petr. plat. plumb. ranbulb. ran-scel. rhodod. sassap. SEP. SPIG. STANN. tar. VERATR. zinc. 1025. - of weakness, or want of tone, in the internal organs. Caust. cocc. dros. mere. n-mosch. PHOSPH. PULS. 164 SENSATIONS. 1026---1032. 1026. Sensation as if a splinter of bone were driven into the soft parts. CARB-VEG. cic. colch. hep. NITR-AC. petr. plat. ran-bulb. SIL. sulph. 1027. - of fatigue. Acon. agar. ALUM. ambr. amm. anac. ang. ant-crud. ANT-TART. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bov. bry. CALC. camph. CANN. canth. caps. carb-an. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. cof. colch. coloc. CON. creos. CROC. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. hell. HEP. byosc. ignat. IPEC. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. MAGN. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. PAR. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RHEUM. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. strainm. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-od. zinc. 1028. - as if from a thread. Bry. ignat. lach. par. PLAT. valer. 1029. - of fluctuation against the internal parietes of organs. Bell. cina. dig. ferr. hell. laur. ph-ac. 1030. - of strength. Agar. COFF. m-arct. OP. strain. 1031. - of creeping or tingling in the external parts. ACON. agar. ALUM. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. bov. bry. calc. camph. cann. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. COLCH. coloc. con. creos. CROC. dros. dulc. euph. ferr. graph. guaj. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. KALI. lack. laur. led. m-gs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. phosph. PH-AC. PLAT. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassap. SEC-CORN. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. ZINC. 1032. - - in the internal parts. ACON. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. bar. bell. calc. CANTH. carb-veg. caust. chel. CHIN. CiC. COCC. COLCH. coloc. cupr. dros. dulc. euphr. graph. guaj. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. laur. led. M-AUSTR. men. merc. mezer. natr. n-mosch. SENSATIONS,.1033-1039. 165 n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. SABAD. 8abin. selen. seneg. sep. il. spig. spong. -stann. staph. SULPH. tar. thuj. viol-od. vit. ZINC. 1033. Sensation of cold in the Internal parts. Adcon. alum. ambr, ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. ARS. asaf. bar. bell. hov. bry. CALC. camph. caps. carb-an. carb-neg. caust. chel. chin. coich. con. creos. croc. dros. graph. hell, ignat. ipec. kali. lach. LAUR. LYC. mn-austr. magn. mang. MEN. mere. mezer. moseli. natr-. natr-mur. nit,'. nitr-ac. N-vom. oleand. PAR. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. rhus. ruta. sabad. sassap. sec-corn. SEP. spong. SULPH. sulph-ac. naler. veratr. zinc. 1034. - of tightness or constraint from the clothes. Amm. amn. asaf. asar. br'y. CALC. caps. carb6-veg. CAUST. chin. coqft. creos. HE P. ignat. lach. LYC. nitr. N-YOM. oleand. op. puls. RAN-BULB. SASSAP. SEP. SPONG. 8tann. 1035. - of swelling (of enlargement, extension, expansion). Acon. alum. arnbr. amra-mur. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. amn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. B ELL. Bism. boy. BRY. caic. canth. CAPS. carb-veg. caust. chain, chin. cina. cocc. coich. con. creos. cycl. dig. duic. enphorb. guaj. hell. hep. hyoso. ignat. ipec. kali. lach. LAU R. led. lyc. mgs. m-austr. magn. mang. merc. mezer. mosch. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. PAR. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PUTLS. r-an-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. seneg. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. strain. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. naler. neratr. zinc. 1036. - of drops falling on parts (the head). Ambr. amn. bell. CANN. sep. spig. thuj. neratr. 1037. - of ligrhtness of the members (limbs). Adsar. chin. COFF. h1yosc. r-austin. natr-mur. n-nom. op'. rhus. spig. STRAM. thuj. 1038. - uneasiness (malaise). ACON. agar. ALUM. ambin. ang. ant-crud. ANT-TART. arg. ars. asaf. asar. bor. boy. bry. caic. camph. canth. caust. chain. CHIEL. Chin. cic: coff. CON. cr"oc. euplir. ferr. graph. guaj. hep. ignat. ipec. led. lyc. m-austr. inagn-mur. mang. mer-c. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. nitr. nitin-ac. N-YOM. oleand. op. petr. plat. plumb. puls. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin, sec-corn. seneg. spig. SPONG. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. tar. thuj. veratin. zinc. 1039. - of sioftness, flabbiness, weakness, exhaustion, illness. ACON.agar. ambin. amin-mur. ant-tart. arg. amn. ARS. asai'. BAR. 166 166 SENSATIONS. 1040-1047. bell. boy. bry. caic. cantli. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. CHEL. chin. cic. cina. coff. CR00. CYOL. DIG. euphorb. euplir. graph. hep. IGNAT. jod. IPEC. kali. taur. LYC. mgs. m-arct. magn. mayn-mur. mar. men. merc. MOSCH. mur-ac. NATR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-YOM. oteand. par. petr. PliIOSPH. PLAT. pUtS. rhodod. rhus. SABAD. sabin. seneg. sit. spong. STAPH. stront. SULPH. tar. thuj. YERATR. ZINC. 1040. Sensation of movement. Acon. alum. amin. anac. ang. ant-tart. amn. ars. asar. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. caun. chain. chin. cocc. creos. CR00. cyci. dig. dulc. guaj. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. icati. inch. taur. led. mngs. magn-mur. men. merc. mosch. natr-mur. n-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac._ptumb. rheum. RHO0DOD. RHUS. sabad. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stront. SULPH. tar. thuij. veratr. -viol-tr. zinc. 1041. - of upward movement. Amna-mur. ASAF. asar. bor. hep. laur. tyc. MERC. Ilatr. n-vom. PHOSPH. PLAT. ran-bulb. S-PIG. sulph-ac. vater. VERATR. 1042. - of ascending and descending movement. Lach. plumb. SPONG. 1043. - of obtuseness, torpor, insensibility of the internal organs. Ang. bism. bry. chain. chel. chin. guaj. mgs. men. niatr. n-mo-sch. OP. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. spig. spong. verb. 1044. - of paralysis of the internal parts. Caust. cina. cocc. ipec. LYC. men. puls. seneg. sil. suiph. 1045. - of a ball in the internal parts. Ambr. ant-tart. amn. ARS. bry. carb-an. chain. cic. con. creos. inagfl-mlur. n-voiD. petr. PUts. RHUS. sec-corn. sep. SPIG. staph. SULPH.1 1046. - as if from crackling (in internal parts). ACON. alum. ars. aur. bar. bry. CALO. carb-veg. coff. con. lach. ings. m-arct. mosch. nitr-ac. par. phosph. puts. RHEUM,. sabad. sabin. Sep. SPIG. 1047. - of heaviness in the external parts. A4con. agar. ALUM. ambr. amin. anac. any. ant-crud, ant-tart. amn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bor. boy. bry. catc. camph. cann. canth. caps. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. CHIN. CiC. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. CREOS. croc. cupr. dig. dutc. euphorb. euphr. ferm. graph. hell. hep. ignat. jod. ipec. kati. laur. LED. lyc. rugs. M-ARCT. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mar. men. MERC. MEZER. mosch. 9nur-ac. NATH. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. SENSATIONS. 1048-1054. 167 N-VOM. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ranbulb: rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. RUTA. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. SEP. Sil. SPIG. SPONG. STANN. STAPH. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. THUJ. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-od. vit. zznc. 1048. Sensation of heaviness in the internal parts. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. AMM. AMM-MUR. anac. ang. ant-tart. am. ars. asaf. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. BISM. BOR. BOY. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. caust. cham. CHIN. cic. clem. cocc. coff. colch. con. creos. croc. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. HELL. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. LAUR. LYC. m-arct. n -austr. MAGN. MAGN-MUR. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. OLEAND. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. SABIN. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STANN. STAPH. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 1049. - of fulness in the internal parts. ACON. agar. alum. amm. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARN. ars. ASAF. ASAR. aur. BAR. BELL. bor. bov. bry. calc. camph. cantn. CANTH. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cic. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. coN. creos. croc. CYCL. dig. FERR. graph. guaj. HELL. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. men. merc. mezer. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. n-vOrn. oleand. op. par. pet?'. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RANSCEL. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. sassap. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. VALER. veratr. verb. zinc. 1050. - of fulness in the external parts. Ars. caust. laur. nitr. n-mosch. par. PHOSPH. veratr. 1051. - of dust in the internal parts. AMM. a'rs. BELL. CALC. cina. dros. hep. IGNAT. mar'. ph-ac. rheum. sulph. 1052. - of stiffness. Alum. ang. ARG. ASAF. caust. chanm. chin. cina. cocc. mang. men. mosch. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. PLAT. rhodod. sabad. sec-corn. 1053. - of softening (ramollissement) in the hard parts. Caus. MERC. mezer. NITR-AC. n-mosch. 1054. - as if caused by the creeping or crawling of an animal. ALUM.' arg. bar. bor. cann. caust. chin. dulc. kali. lach. LAUR. 168 SENSATIONS. 1055-1063. m-austr. N-VOM. plumb. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. sabad. sec-corn, staph. sulph. tar. thuj. vit. 1055. Sensation of laxness or relaxation of the internal parts. BELL. bov. bry. con. creos. graph. kali. lyc. m-arct. merc. mosch. natr. N-VOM. PLAT. plumb. ran-bulb. sep. spig. staph. SULPH. thuj. vit. zinc. 1056. - of retraction. Dig. hep. mur-ac. n-vom. plumb. rhus. sulph. verb. 1057. - of rolling (in the head, &c.) Acon. bell. graph. ignat. m-austr. plat. plumb. RHUS. SEP. tar. 1058. - of dryness of the articulations. CANTH. crOC. lyc. m-arct. N-VOM. ph-ac. PULS. 1059. - of dryness in organs which are usually moist. ACON. alum. amm-mur. arg. arn. ASAF. ASAR. bar. bell. BRY. CALAD. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. croc. dros. euphorb. ferr. ignat. ipec. kali. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. mar. men. merc. mezer. mosch. N-MOSCH. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. phosph. plumb. PULS. rheum. RHUS. ruta. sabad. scill. seneg. sil. spig. stann. staph. STRAM. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. viol-od. viol-tr. 1060. - of being lifted up. ACON. mgs. 1061. - of tension, tightness, squeezing, constriction. Alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. 'ant-crud. arn. ASAF. aur. bell. bism. bor. calc. cann. CANTH. capr. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chainm. chel. chin. cina. clem. COCC. colch. coloc. con. croc. dig. dulc. graph. hell. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. laur. led. lye. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mar. merc. MOSCH. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. pbosph. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. SABIN. samb. sassap. seneg. sep. spig. spong. stann. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. 1062. - as if a valve were in the throat. Jod. spong. 1063. - as if something alive (such as a mouse) were running or moving about in the limbs. Am. aur. BELL. CALC. nitr-ac. nux? rhodod. SEP. sil. SULPH. SENSATIONS. 1064-1072. 169 1064. Sensation of pulling or dragging. Acon. cann. canth. caust. chin. cina. COLOC. mgs. mere. mezer. N-VOM. PETH. PULS. sep. staph. veratr. 1065. - of dragging downward. Cann. merc. n-vom. 10 66. - of whirling, turning round. Ant-tart. arg. croc. n-vom. petr. ran-bulb. salbad. sep. sil. suiph. tar. 1067. - of undulation. Coff. hyosc. par. 1068. - of cold wind. M-arct. ni-anstr. mosch. rlius. samb. 1069. - of wind blowing. Canth. chel. graph. mgs. m-arct. M-AUSTR. n-vom. oleand. puls. rhus. sabin. scifi. spig. strain. *1070. - of emptiness,, hollowness. Alum. amm. amm-mur. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. amn. aur. bar. bry. CALAD. caic. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cina. COCO. coff. coloc. croc. cupr. dig. duic. euphorb. graph. guaj. hep. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur'. lyc. 2magn. mang. mnar. men. merc. mezer. MUR-AC. natr. natr-mur. nZitr. fl-VOMf. OLEAND. Op. par. petr. phosph. plat. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabad. SASSAP. sdill. seneg. SEP. spigq. STANN. strain. suipli. veratr. verb. zinzc. 10 7 1. - of something alive in the body. Anac. asar. bell. cann. cocc. CROC. hyosc. IGNAT. lach. led. mgs. magn-mur. mnen. merc. natr-mnr. petr. plum6. rhodod. sabad. -sec-corn. sil. spong. suiph. tar. thuj. viol-tr. 1072. - of diminished size. Galec. creos. croc. II. DISEASES OF THE GLANDS. 1073. Heat,, bnrning, In the glands. ARS. BELL. CANN. carb-veg-. cOcC HEP. laur. merc. 'PHOSPH. rheum. sil. 1074. Beatings, thkobbings. AMM-MUR. amn. asaf. bell. boy. bry. CALC. caust. chatn. clem. KALI. lyc. mg1s. MERO. natr. nitr-ac. PHOSPH. rhodod. SABAD. s ep. SIL. SULPH. thuj. 170 10 DISEASES OF THE GLANDS. 1075-1085. 1075. Tickling. KALI. plat. 1076. Contraction (sensation of). Acon. alum, amn. bell. 6or. chin. cocc. con. IGNAT. JOD). lye'. mang. nitr-ac. N-vom. phosph. plumb. puls. rhus. sep. sulph. suiph-ac. 1077. Pains in general. A4con. ALUM. ambr. AMM. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARN. ars. AUR. bar. BELL. 6ry. caic. CANN. canth. CARIB-AN. car6-veg. CAUST. chain. chin. cic. clein. COLOC. con. duic. graph. hell. hep. ignat. JOD. kali. LYC. ings. magn. MERO. natr-rnur. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. PLIOSPHl. ph-ac. PULS. rheum. rhus. scill. selen. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. staun. staph. strain. suLPII. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. 1078. Excoriation. Alum. ant crud. amn. bry. caic. caust. cic. clem. CON. graph. he~p. I GNAT. kali. mar. mnerc. inezer. natr-mur. n-rem. phosph. plat. puls. rims.. SEP. staph. suiph. sulph-ac. ZINC. 1079. Shooting. Acon. alum. AMM-MUR. arg. amn. ASAR. bar. BELL. bor. BRY. CALC. car6-an. caust. chin. cocc. CON. creos. cupr. cyci. euphorb. graph. hell. hep. IGNAT. jod. hali. lach. lyc. mgs. m-arct. MERC. inezer. mum-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. RAN-SCEL. rheum. r-hus. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. SPONG. stann. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. vit. zinc. 1080. Numbness (sensation of). Anac. asaf. bell. cocc. con. lyc. PLAT. puls. rhus. Sep. sil. spong. 1081. Constriction (sensation of). Arnm. chin. ignat. n-VOM.PUiLs. spong. 1082. Inflation (sensation of). Ant-crud. aur. IBELL. carb-veg. chin, con. dulc. hep. ignat. lach. ings. in-austr. merc. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. PULS. RHUS. Sabin. spig. SPONG. staph. zinc. 1083. Flaccidity,, laxness. Ars. CHAM. chin. CON. JOD. kali. NITR-AC. n-mosch. ph-ac. SEC-CORN. sil. veratr. 1084. Raking, searching, digging (pains). Acon. aini-inur. amn. asaf. bell, bov. bry. caic. DULC. kali. natr. phosph. plat. RHODOD. rhus. ruta. sep. sp~ig. stann. 1085. Prickling, pricking. A4con. ARN. canth. cann. CON. in-austr. mere. natr. ph-ac. PLAT. puls. r-hodod. RHUS. -saiiin. SEP. SPONG. sulph. zinc. DISEASES OF THE GLANDS. 1086-1096. 171 1086. Quivering. ANG. bell. calec. kali. mezer. natr. sil. 1087. Inflammation. ACON. am. ars. aur. BAR. BELL. bry. calc. CAMPH. canth. carban. carb-veg. chainm. con. dulc. hep. kali. lach. laur. lyc. m-austr. MERC. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhus. samb. sassap. scill. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. 1088. Induration. A4mbr. amm. ant-crud. arn. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bov. BRY. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. CHIN. CLEM. cocc. coloc. CON. cupr. cycl. dig. dulc. ferr. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. LYC. MAGN-MUR. mang. merc. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosph. plumb. PULS. rhodod. rhus. scill. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. sulph. thuj. veratr. vit. 1089. Bruise, pains as if caused by a. Arg. ARN. ars. CARB-AN. caust. CIC. CON. cupr. jod. kali. marct. phosph. plat. puls. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. SEP. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. 1090. Heaviness (sensation of). BELL. chin. cupr. m-arct. mere. n-vom. PHOSPH. puls. rhus. sil. stann. staph. sulph. 1091. Pinching. -Bry. CALC. m-arct. men. mur-ac. RHODOD. rhus. sabad. stann. sulph. veratr. 1092. Pression, pressure, aching. Arg. ars. aur. BELL. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chin. cina. cocc. cycl. ignat. kali. LYC. m-arct. mang. mar. men. MERC. par. ph-ac. puls. rheum. rhus. sabin. SPONG. stann. STAPH. stratm. SULPH. veratr. zinc. 1093. Pressure from without inwards. Aur. CALC. cocc. cycl. rheum. STAPH. zinc. 1094. - from within outwards. Arg. cina. ignat. lyc. m-arct. mang. mar. men. MERC. par. puls. rhus. SPONG. sulph. 1095. Itching. Amm.- anac. ant-crud. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. COCC. CON. iEali. magn. merc. PHOSPH. ran-scel. rheum. rhus. sabin. sep. SIL. SPONG. 1096. Gnawing. Bar. cham. mezer. ph-ac. PLAT. ran-scel. SPONG. staph. 172 DISEASES OF THE GLANDS. 1097-1106. 1097. Cutting pain. Arg. BELL. calc. con. graph, ignat. LYC. natr. ph-ac. SEP. Sil. staph. sulph. 1098. Sensibility. Am. AUR. bar. bell. CHAM. chin. cocc. CON. cupr. graph. hep. ignat. kali. laur. LYC. magn. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. scill. SEP. sil. spig., sulph-ac. zinc. 1099. Tightness. Anac. ANG. bell. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chin. jod. kali. lyc. maustr. natr. ph-ac. PLAT. 8abad. sep. sil. 1100. Dull, obtuse pain. Asar. carb-veg. hyosc. mur-ac. 1101. Suppuration. BELL. calc. canth. coloc. creos. DULC. HEP. hyosc. ignat. lach. LYC. MERC. NITR-AC. petr. phosph. sassap. scill. sep. SIL. SULPH. 1102. Tension. Alum. ambr. ang. arg. am. aur. BAR. bell. boy. BRY. calC. carban. CAUST. clem. coloc. CON. dulc. graph. kali. lye. mgs. m-arct. merc. mur-ac. n-vom. PHOSPH. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sabin. sep. sil. SPONG. staph. stront. SULPH. thuj. 1103. Drawing, dragging. Ambr. ammi. ARN. bar. BELL, boy: BRY. cale. cann. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. CHIN. cocc. con. creos. cycl. dulc. ferr. graph. ignat. KALI. LYC. merc. mezer. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. puls. rhodod. rhus. selen. seneg. sep. SIL. SULPH. thuj. vit. zinc. 1104. Boring, piercing. BELL. pUls. sabad. 1105. Jerking. Am. asaf. aur.' bell. bry. CALC. caps. caust. chin. CLEM. graph. lye. men. mere. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. 1106. Tumefaetion (in general). Acon. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arn. ARS. asaf. aur. BAR. BELL. bor. bov. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. CARB-AN. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chin. cic. CLEM. cocc. coloc. CON. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. DULC. euphorb.ferr. GRAPH. hell. H EP. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. led. LYC. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. NITR-AC. N-vOM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. DIS~EASS OF, THE GLANDS. 1107-11164, '7 173,Sep. SIL. SpIg. SPONG. staun. staph..stram. stront. SULPH. Suiph40. THUJ. veratr. viol-od. vit. zinc. 1107. Glandular swelling or tumor, of a bluish colour.,Amn. ars. aur. CARD-AN. carb-veg. eon. hep. LACH. mlaflg, mere. puts. ail. suiphi-ac. 1108. - -'In the form of achaplet. Cale. DULO. hep. JYOD. lye. rhus. 1109. - - hot, burning. AeON. amin. ant-crud. arn. asaf. BELL. BRY. CALC. eantli. carb-an. earb-veg. chin.. cle~n. cocc. euphorb. hep. kali. led. MERC. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. puls. rhus. sassap. sil. STJLPH. 1110. - - painful. Aeon. ant-emud. ARN. aur. DELL. eale. eantli. carb-an. CHIN. elem. JGD. nitr-ae. n-vomn. PULS. r'hus. SIL. Spig. staun. staph. 1111. - - hard. Ant-erud. amn. ars. asaf. DRY. caust. chin. CON. dig. graph. lach. led. mnere. mezer. n-vom. PHOSPH. PULS. RHUS. sabrn. sa?fl6. spong. stront. SULPH. Vit. 1112. - - cold. ARS. asaf. bell. COCC. CON. cyci. dale. laeh. rhodod. spig. '1113. Tumors, indolent. Calec. CON. dale. IGNAT. nitr-ac. PH-AC. plumb. SE@P. sil. staph. suiph. 1114. - inflamed. ACON. amm. ant-crud. ARN. ars. asaf. DELL. bor. DRY. caic. caust. CARD-AN. carb-veg. eaust. eoee. eon. HEP. hyose. LYC.mang. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. petr. PHOSPH. pUls. RHUS. sassap. sil. sulph. THUS.T. it. 1115. - ulcerated (uleeration of the glands). AMDR. ant-emud. amn. ARS. asaf. aur. DELL. eale. CANTH. carban. earb-veg. eauist. elein. coloc. CON. creos. eupr. dalec. HEP. hyose. ignat. kali. LACH. lye. mnere. nitr-ae. PHOSPII. ph-ac. rhus. sassap. seilil. sep. SIb. spong. 5ULPH. sulph-ae. thuj. zine. 1116. -- ancerous. Arn. AIIS. aur. DELL. eale. earb-an. earb-veg. caust. elem. CON. CREOS., cup?'. dale. HEP. kali. lye. mnere. nitr-ac. phosph. ph-ae. rhus. scill..SEP. SIL. SULPH. suiph-ac. zine. Q 2 174 DISEASES OF THE GLANDS, AND BONES. 1117-1126. 1117. Tumors, spongy. CARB.AN. clem. creos. LACH. MERC. nitr-ac. rhus. sep. SIL. S-tLPH. THUJ. 1118. Ulceration (pains of). Amm. AMM-MUR. aur. bell. bry. calc. canth. caust. cham. chin. cic. cocc. graph. hep. ignat. kali. mar. merc. mur-ac. natr. natrmur. nitr-ac. petr. PHOSPH. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sil. staph. sulphac. zznc. III. DISEASES OF THE BONES. A. Periosteum. 1119. Pain in the periosteum. Ant-crud. ASAF. aur. bell. bry. camph. CHIN. coIch. coloc. CYCL. hell. ignat. led. mgs. M-ARCT. m-austr. mang. MERC. MEZER. PHAC. puls. RHODOD. rhuS. RUTA. sabad. sabin. sIL. spig. staph. 1120. Swelling. Ant-crud. ASAF. AUR. bell. bry. chin. mang. MERC. mezer. PH-AC. puls. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabin. sIL. staph. 1121. Inflammation. Ant-crud. ASAF. aur. bell. chin. led. MEiRC. PH-AC. puls. rhus. SIL. staph. 1122. Scraping (sensation of). ASAF. chin. coloc. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. SABAD. spig. 1123. Sensibility. Ant-crud. ASAF. aur. bell. CHIN. cycl. hell. MERC. mezer. PHAC. puls. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sa6in. sIL. staph. 1124. Suppuration. Ant-crud. aur. bell. CHIN. ignat. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. mverc. Pn-AC. PULS. rhus. ruta. sil. spig. staph. 1125. Drawing, dragging. Bry. M-ARCT. ph-ac. RHODOD. B. Bones, a. Nosological forms. 1126. Swelling of the bones. Amm. ASAF. aur. bell. bry. CALC. carb-an. clem. coloc. con. ereos. dig. dulc. euphorb. ferr. guaji. hep. jod. lack. LYC. mang. MERC. MEZER. natr. natr-mur. NITR-AC. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. -PAINS IN THE BONES. 1127-1134.17 17 5 - plumb. PUbS. rho-dod. rhus. RUTA. sabin. vep. SIb. spig. STAPH. SULPH. thuj. veratr. 1127. ]Inflammation. ACON. ang. ars. ASAF. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. chin. clem. coloc. con. creos. cupr. dig. euphorb. hep. jod. lach. LY C. magn-mur. mang. MERC. mezer. natr, N-ITR-AC. PHosPIH. ph-ac. plumb. PUbS. rhus. sep. SKb.,spig. STAPI-. StTLPH. thuj. veratr. 1128. Caries, Ang. ARS. ASAF. aur. bell. bry. CALC. caps. chin. clem. con. creos. cupr. duic. euphorb. graph. guaj. HEP. jod. lach. LYC. MERO. MEZE R. natr-mur. NITR-AC. op. petr. phosph. PH-AC. puts. rhus. ruta.. sabin. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spong. STAPH. SULPH. thuj. 1129. Necrosis. Ars. asaf. bell, con. creos. euphorb. merc. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. SABIN. sec-corn. sit. suiph. thuj. 1130. Deviation. Amm. ASAF. BELL. CALO. cic.ferr. HEP. jod. ipec. LYC. MERO. mnezer. NITR-AC. petr'. PHaospiH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhodod. ruta. SEP. SIb. staph. sTJLPH. 1131. Al~teration of structure, loss of consistency. ASAF. aur. bell. CALO. dulc. ferr.' gu~j. hep. LYC. MERO. MEZER. mztr-ac. petr. PHOSPH. PHI-AC. pUts. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabin. STAPH. sep. SIL. SULPH. 113 2. Softening. Amm. ASAF. BELL. CALC. cic.ferr. H-EP. jod. ipec. LYC. MERC. mnezer. NITR-AC. pelt. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhodod. ruta. SEP. SIL. staph. SIJLPH. 1133. Callus (slow formation of). Asaf. CALC. ferr. lyc. mnerc. mezer. nitr-ac. phosph. ph-ac. puls. ruta. sep. SIL. staph. sui~ph. b. Pains in the bones. 1134. Pains in general. Acon. agar. amm. amnz-mur. anac. ang. A RG. amn. ars. ASAF. AUR. bar. belt. bism. bry. CALC. caun. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. CiC. Clem. coce. colch. coloc. CON. creos. CUPR. cyct. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. HE P. ignat. jod. ipec. kati. lack. led. LYC. in-arct. Iaagn. inagn-mnr. mang. mar. MERC. MEZER. natr. natr-MUr. NITR-AC. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plumb. PULS. ran-scel. RHODOD. RHUS. RUTA, sabad. SABIN. samb. sassap. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STAPH. stront. SULPH. thuj. vater. veratr. viol-tr. vit. zinc.' 176 PAINS IN TIlE BONES. 1135-1146. 1135. Pains, as if caused by a bruise. Agar. amnm-mur. ang. asaf. aur. bar. bov. calc. cann. chin. COCC. graph. HEP. IGNAT. IPEC. LED. m-aUStr. magn. natr-mur. n-vOm. par. petr. phosph. PULS. RUTA. sabad. sep. valer. VERATR. ZiC. 1136. - burning. Ars. ASAF. bry. carb-veg. caust. euphorb. lyc. merc. natr. nitr-ac. par. phosph. PH-AC. PUilS. RHUS. RUTA. sabin. sep. sil. staph. SULPH. thuj. 1137. - shooting, lancinating. Acon. agar. amm. anac. ant-crud. arg. ars. asaf. aur. BELL. CALC. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. CHIN. cocc. colch. CON. DROS. dulc. euphorb. graph. HELL. jod. kali. LACH. A/c. m-arct. magn. mang. MERC. mezer. nitr-ac. n-vom. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RAN-SCEL. RUTA. sabin. samb. SASSAP. SEP. sil. spig. staph. stront. sulph. valer. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 1138. - - and burning. Arg. euphr. zinc. 1139. - - and pressive, or aching. Anac. ruta. 1140. - - and drawing. Acon. ARS. chel. merC. phosph. thuj. 1141. - raking. Asaf. calc. CARB-AN. COCC. duIc. MANG. rhodod. ruta. sep. spig. th2j. 1142. - as if caused by a fracture (synonymous with pains as if from a bruise or blow). upr. hep. puls. RUTA. Sep. veratr. 1143. - pressive, or aching. Anac. ang. ARG. arS. asaf. aur. BELL. BISM. bry. canth. cham. cocc. colch. coloc. con. CUPR. CYCL. dros. graph. GUAJ. hell. hep. ignat. KALI. m-arct. m-austr. merc. mezer. nitr. n-mnosch. OLEAND. phosph. plat. puls. rhodod. aRHUS. SABIN. sil. spong. stann. STAPH. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. 1144. - pressive, or aching, and drawing. Arg. bell. cham. coloc. thuj. 1145. - pressive, or aching, and shooting. Mezer. staph. 1146. - as if arising from a wound. Hep. ignat. merc. ph-ac. sep. PAINS IN THEJBONES. 1147-1159. 177 1147. Pains, gnawing. Amm-mur. arg. bell. canth. DROS. graph. lyc. MANG. phOSPh. pals. RUTA. samb. STAPH. stront. 1148.- scraping (in the long bones). SABAD. 1149. - cutting, Sabad. 1150. -jerking. ASAF. aur. bell. CALC. cau~t. CHIN. clem. coich. lyc. mere. NATR-MUR. n-vom. petr. phosph. PULS. rhodod. rhus. sep. sil. valer. I 1151. - contractive, constrictive. Aram-mur. anac. aur. chin. cocc. CON. creos. GRAPH. lyc. mere. natr-rnu2. NITR-AC. n-vomn. petr. phosph. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. sabaci. sep..sil. stront. SULPH. zinc. 1152. - tensive. Ruta. zinc. 1153. - drawing, or dragging. Acon. AGAR. alum. AMM-MUR. anac. ang. ARG. amn. ars. asaf. AUR. BAR. BELL. bism. bor. boy. 6bry. cairn. cant/i. CARB-YEG. CAUST. c/tam. chel. CHIN. cina. COCC. coloc. con. CUPR. CYCL. dig. DROS. duic. graph. hell. hep. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. laur. L.YC. MAGN. magn-mur. mang. MAR. MERO. natr. natr-mur. NITR. nitrac. n-vomn. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plumb6. puls. RHODOD. rhus. RUTA. SABIN. samb. sassap. sep. SPIG..SPonq. stann. STAPH. STRONT. suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. ZLNC. 1154.- drawing, dragging, and burning. Sabin. 1155.- drawing and pressive. ARG. arn. asaf. bism. b2ry. coloc. CYOL. mar. staph. 1156. - drawing and binding. Aur. oleand. 115 7. - drawing and shooting. Bell. mlur-ac. sabin. 1158. - drawing and jerking. CHIN. cupr. mang. vit. 115 9. - boring or piercing. Ang. asaf. aur. BELL. CALC. dutlc. hell. ihep. lacli. lye. mang. 178 DISEASES OF THE SKIN. 1160-1170. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. rhus. sabad. sabin. SEP. SIL. SPIG. staph. sulih. thuj. 1160. Pains, as if arising from ulceration or caries. Amm. anm-mzur. BRY. caust. cic. graph. ignat. mang. natr-mur. PULS. rhus. c. Sensations. 1161. Excessive sensibility. Aur. bell. calc. carb-an. chin. lach. lyc. natr. PULS. rhus. SIL. sulph. 1162. - of beating, or pulsation. ASAF. CALC. carb-veg. lyc. MERC. nitr-ac. phosph. rhodod. ruta. sabad. sep. sil. SULPH. thuj. 1163. - of itching. CYCL. nitr. pliosph. veratr. 1164. - of swelling. Ant-crud. bell guaj. PULS. rhus. spig. 1165. - of coldness. Ars. CALC. lye. sep. sulph. zinc. 1166. - of tickling, tingling, or formication. Acon. arn. cham. colch. merc. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. ph-ac,. plat. PLUMB. puls. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sec-corn. SEP. spig. su2ph. zinc. 1167. - of hollowness, or of absence of medulla or marrow. Lyc. 1168. - of tightening, or constriction. Ang. bell. calc. ignat. mezer. petr. PH-AC. plat. 1169. - of tightness, or tension, as if caused by a band or ligature. Aur. chin. CON. creos. graph. lye. merc. natr-mur. NITR-AC. 'petr. phosph. PULS. sabad. sil. SULPH. 1170. - as if the muscles were lacerated, or torn from their adhesions. BRY. canth. crebs. dros. IGNAT. led. mosch. nitr-ac. n-vomn. RHUS. staph. SULPH. THUJ. DISEASES OF THE SKIN. 1171-1177. 179 IV. DISEASES OF THE SKIN. A. Skin in general. a. Colour. 1171. Blue (colour of the skin). Aeon. amnnz ang. amn. ARS. aur. BELL. bism. bry. caic. camph. carb-veg. cocc. con. CUPR. DIG. LACH. merc. natr-mur. n-vom. OP. phospli. ph-ac. plumb. puls. rhus. samb. sec-corn. sil. spong. thuj. VERATR. 1172. Yellow. Acon. AMB3R. ant-crud. amn. ars. asaf. AUR. BELL. BRY. calc. canna. CANTH. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. c/tel. cina. cocc. CON. croc. cupr. dig. duic. euphorb. FERR. graph. hell. hep. IGNAT. jod. kali. lack. laur. LYC. rnagn-mur. merc. Z natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VTOM. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLUMB. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. rhus. sabad. sec-corn. SEP. sil. SPIG. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. veratr. 1173. Blackish. Acorn. ant-crud. asaf. nit r-ac. sec-corn. spig. 1174. Pale, blanched..42-s. bar. BELL. CALC. carb-aii. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. COCC. CON. dig. FERR. graph. HELL. itrnat. KALI. LYC. merc. NATRMIJR. NITR-AC. N-VOM. oleand. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. PLUMB. PULS. sabin. SEP. SPIG. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. valer. zinc. 1175. Red. ACON. AGAR. amm. ant-crud. ARN. BELL. boy. bry. calc. camp/i. carb-veg. canth. chin. cocc. con. creos. cyci. DULC. euphorb. GRA-PH. byosc. ignat. led. LYC. mgs. mar. MERC. natr-mur. N-VOM. oleand. Op. petr. phosph. PH-AC. plumb. PULS. R-HUS. ruta. sabad. scull.,sec-corn. sep. sill. spong. stann. strain. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. vit. zinc. 117 6. Dirty. Bry. FE RR. JOD. mierc. phosph. sec-corn. b. Quality, or state of the skin. 1177. Inactivity of the skin. Alum. ambr. ANAC. ang. ant-crud, anit-tart. ARS. bell. BRY. caic. camph. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. CON. cycl. dig. DULC. graph. hell. hep. jod. IPEC. KALI. lach. LAU R. led. LYC. mere. nmur-ac. natr. natr-mur. NITR-AC. 11-V011. OLEAND. Op. petr. pbosph. P11-AC. plat. plumb. puls. rizodod. rhus. ruts, sabin. sassap. scill. SEC-CORN. sep. SIL. spong. staph. strain. SULPHI. thuj. veratr. zinc. 180 DISEASES OF THE SKIN. 1178-1187. 11 78% Contraction. Alum. amm-mur. anac. asar. bell. 6ism. bry. carb-veg. CHIN. eocc. creos. cufir. ferr. GRAPH. kali. lye. merc. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. olearid. par. petr. phospli. PLAT. plumb. puls. ran-scel. rhodod. IRHUS. ruta. sabad. SELEN. se~p. sil. spig. stann. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. zinc. 1179. flesquamation. ACON. agar. AMM. AMM-MUR. ant-tart. ars. AUR. bar. BELL. iBOY. caic. canth. caps. carb-an. caust. chain. clem. COLOC. con. dig. DULC. euphorb. ferr. graph. HELL. jod. kali. LAUR. MAGN. mere. MEZER. moscli. nactr. natr-mur. OLEAND. Op. par. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-scel. rhus. sa6ad. SEC-CORN. selen. sep. sil. Spig. STAPH. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. VERATR. 1180. Detachment of caliosities, or of indurated portions of skin. Amin. ant-crud. bor. graph. ran-bulb. SEP. sil. sulpb. 1181. Elasticity (want of, loss of). Ant-crud. ars. BOY. CUPR. dule. laeh. ran-bulb. RHUS. Sep. VERATR. 1182. Flabbiness of the skin. Agar. ang. ant-tart. bor. CALO. CAPS. eham. CHIN. elem. COCC. eon. eroe. cupr. dig. euphorb. ferr. graph. bell. hyose. JOD. ipec. lach. LYC. rnaIgn. mere. natr. pills. rheum. sabad. see-corn. seneg. sil.,spong. suiph. sulph-ac. YERATR. 1183. Withered, faded (deprived of its normal colour and appearance).Ars. eale. eamph. caps. chain. CHIN. clein. eoee. croc. r-EER. h1VOSC. JOD. icali. lye. mere. _phosph. PH-AC. rheuin. rhodod. SASSAP. SEC-CORN. senDeg. SIL. spong. suiph. YERA'TR. 1184. Hard, indurated. Amin. ANT-CRUD. ars. boy. ehin. cic. clem. DULC. GRAPH. kali. laeh. led.. lye. par. phospli. RAN-BULB. RHUS. scill. SEP. SIL. suiph. thuj. veratr. 1185. - like parchment. ARS. CHIN. dulc. kali. led. LYC. phospli. sczll. SIL. 1186. - and thickened. Ainm. ant-erud. ars. bor. eie. clein. DULC. graph. LACH. par. RIAN-BULB. RHUS. SEP. sil. sulph. thuj. veratr. 1187. - callous. Amin. ANT-CRUD. 6or. GRAPH. lack. RAN-BULB. rhUS. SEP. SI.L. suiph. DISEASES OF THE SKIN. 1188-1195. 181 1188. Inflation, general, of the skin. Acon. amm. ANT-CRUD. ARN. ARS. asaf. aur. BELL. bor. BRY. calc. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chel. CHIN. cina. clem. cocc. colch. coloc. con. creos. cycl. dig. DULC. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. jod. kali. lach. LED. LYC. magn. mang. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABIN. SAMB. sassap. scill. sec-corn. seneyg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stram., stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. vit. 1189. Greasiness, or greasy state of the skin..4gar. aur. BRY. calc. CHIN. magn. MERC. NATR-MUR. plumb. selen. stram. S1190. Inflammability (tendency or extreme liability to inflammation). Alum. ars. ASAF. BAR. bell. BOR. calc. camph. canth. CHAM. chel. con. croc. euphorb. graph. HEP. hyosc. lach. mang. MERC. natr. natr-mur. NITR-AC. PETR. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. SIL. staph. SULPH. 1191. Edematous state of the skin. ACON. amm. AMM-MUR. ANT-CRUD. arn. ARS. ASAF. aur. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. CAPS. cham. chin. cina. cocc. colch. coloc. con. creos. CUPR. dig. dros. dulc. FERR. graph. guaj. hell. hyosc. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. magn. mar. merc. mezer. mosch. natr. nitrac. n-mosch. n-vom. OLEAND. op. phosph. plumb. PULS. rheum. RHUS. samb. sassap. SENEG. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. staph. strain. sulph. 1192. Stiffness, or rigidity of the skin. ACON. anac. ang. ant-crud. am. ars. bar. bell. carb-veg. CAUST. con. dulc. guaj. kali. led. mosch. natr-mur. NITR-AC. N-VOM. oleand. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. puls. rhus. ruta. sabin. SEP. stann. staph. STRONT. sulph. viol-tr. zinc. 1193. Wrinkled state of the skin. Ambr. amm. ANT-CRUD. bry. camph. cham. CUPR. graph. hell. LYC. mere. mur-ac. n-vom. ph-ac. plumb. rheum. rhodod. rhus. sabad. sassap. SEC-CORN. SEP. 8pig. stram. sulph. VERATR. viol-od. 1194. Harshness or roughness of the skin. BELL. CALC. graph. JOD. kali. laur. mere. oleand. phosph. phac. RHUS. ruta. sassap. SEP. SULPH. 1195. Dryness of the skin. ACON. alum. ambr. AMM. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. bar. BELL. BISM. bor. BRY. CALC. camph. CANN. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. CHIN. clem. cocc. COFF. COLCH. coloc. con. creos. DULC. ferr. GRAPH. hell. hep. HYOSC. ignat. JOD. R 182 DISEASES OF THE SKIN. 1196-1201. IPEC. KALI. lach. laur. LED. LYC. mgs. m-austr. MAGN. mang. MAR. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. NMOSCH. n-vom. OLEAND. OP. par. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. samb. SCILL. SEC-CORN. SENEG. sep. SIL. spig. SPONG. STAPH. straam. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. valer. veratr. VERB. VIOL-OD. viol-tr. 1196. Moist, oozing state of the skin. Alum. ars. bar. bell. Bov. bry. calc. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. cic. clem. con. CREOS. dulc. GRAPH. hell. hep. KALI. LACH. led. LYC. mgs. merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. oleand. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. RHUS. ruta. sabin. scill. SELEN. SEP. sil. STAPH. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. viol-tr. 1197. Clamminess of the skin. ACoN. aomm. ant-tart. arn. ars. BRY. calc. CHAM. chin. dig. ferr. hep. JOD. LYC. MERC. mosch. n-vom. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plumb. sec-corn. spig. VERATR. c. Pains experienced in the skin. 1198. Biting, itching (pains). Alum. amm. AMM-MUR. ant-crud. arn. bell. bor. boy. BRY. CALC. camph. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. cham. chel. chin. cocc. COLCH. CO10C. con. creos. dros. EUPHORB. hell. IPEC. LACH. LED. LYC. m-arct. m-austr. magn. mang. merc. MEZER. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. N-VOM. OLEAND. Op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. rhodod. rhus. ruta. selen. sep. sil. spig. SPONG. stront. SULPH. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 1199. Pains, shooting or lancinating. Agar. alum. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. ARN. ars. ASAF. BAR. bell. BRY. CALC. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-veg. CAJUST. chel. CHIN. clem. cocc. colch. con. creos. CYCL. dig. dros. dulc. euphr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc,. ignat. jod. kali. lach. lyc. mgs. m-arct. magn. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITRAC. n-vOm. oleand. par. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ranbulb. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. sassap. scill. selen. SEP. SIL. spig. SPONG. STANN. STAPH. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. TAR. THUJ. veratr. VIOL-TR. vit. zinc. 1200. - as if arising from, or caused by contusion. Arg. ARN. cic. dros. dulc. oleand. plat. rhus. sulph-ac. 1201. - scraping. LYC. par. rhus. DISEASES OF THE SKIN. 1202-1207. 183 1202. Pains, gnawing. Agar. alumn. ambr. anac. ant-crud. arg. ars. BAR. bell. bism. bry. canth. caps. c/tam. clem. cocc. con. CYCL. DIG. DROS. euphorb. graph. guaj. hell. hyosc. kali. LED. LYC. mgs. m-austr. MEN. mrnec. mezer. natr. n-vom. OLEAND. par. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. puh8. RAN-SCEL. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. scill. sep. spig. SPONG. stann. STAPH. suiph. tar. thuj. VE RATR. VIT. 1203. - cutting. BELL. CALO. dros. graph. iguat. lyc. mur-ac. NATR. ph-ac. rhus. sep. sit. suiph-ac. VIOL-TR. 1204. - tensive. Aflum. amm. amm-mur. allaC. ANG. arg. ARN. asaf. asar. aur. BAR. bell. bor. bry. caic. canth. carb-an. CAUST. chain. chin. coich. COLOC. CON. creos. dig. euphorb. hell. liep. jod. kali. lack. laur. led. lyc. m-arct. inagn-mur. mang. men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vomn. oleand. par. petr. PHlOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. PUlLS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. staun. staph. STRONT. SULPH. tar. thuj. veratr. verb. VIOL-OD. -viol-tr. vit. zinc. 1205. - ulcerative, suppurative (pains as if arising from ulceration or suppuration). Alum. ambr. am~nm. AMMI-MUR. anac. ang. ars. bell. bov. BRY. cauth. caps. caust. chain. CHIN. CIC. cocc. creos. dros. ferr. GRAPH. hep. ignat. KALI. lach. laur. magn. magn-mnur. MANG. mnerc. mnur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. n~itr-ac. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. IIHUS. ruta. sassap. SE P. sit. spig. spong. stann. staph. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. THU.J. veratr. zinc. d. Sensations of the skin. 1206. Sensation of excoriation. Acon. agar. ALUM. ambr. ant-crud. arg. amn. airs. aur. bar. bor. BRY. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. cawst. chel. chin. cic. coff. colch. dros. ferr. GRAPH. hell. REP. IGNAT. kali. led. lyc. ings. m-arct. m-austr. magn. mnang. mar. mnerc. mnezer. mosch. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. par. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. ruta. sabin. sassap. scill. selen. SEP. sil. spig. spong. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. valer. veratr. zinc. 1207. --prickling. Alum. amin. arg. aur. B1AR. bor. boy. caic. cann. caps. carb-veg. caust. laur. led. LYC. in-austr. maga. 2magn-miur. ianag. mur-ac*. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. OLEAND. phosqph. PH-AC. PLAT. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHODOD. rhus. SABAD. SEC-CORN. sit. spig. spong. STAPH. SUi.ph. Vit. zinc. 184 184 DISEASES OF THE SKIN. 1208-1214. 1208, Sensation of desquamation. AGAR. alum. amm. ]BAR. caic. LACH. mnerc. PHOSPH. PH-AC. Sep. suiph. 1209.--swelling, distension. AlIum. AMM-MUR. ant-crud, amn. ARS. aur. BE LL. BRY. canth. caps. carb-veg. CHIN. cocc.,con. creos. dig. duic. guaj. hep. hyosc. iguat. lack. LAUR. merc. NITR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. PAR. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabin. sassap. seneg. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. stannf. STAPH. suiph. suiph-ac. veratr. zinc. 1210. - -. numbness, insensibility. AMBR. ANAC. auig. ant-tart. chain. con. cyci. lach. LYC. mgs. n-VOM. OLEAND. phosph. PH-AC. plat. plumb. SEC-CORN. sep. strain. suiph. 1211. - - pricking (prickly sensation). Agar. ant-tart. bell,- can. croc. dros. lyc. mezer. moseb. PLAT. RAN-SCEL. sabad. sep. suiph. zinc. 1212. - - excessive sensibility. Acon. AGAR. alum. amin. ant-crud, ant-tart. ant. ars. aur. bar. BELL. boy. 6ry. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. chain. CHIN. COFF. coich. CON. CREOS. FERR, hep. ignat. IPEC. kali. lach. LED. lyc. m-arict. m-anstr. MAGN. merc. MOSCH-. natr. NATR-MIJR. N-MOSCH. N-_VOM. oleand. par. PETR. phosph. PH-AC. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHIJS. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. SELEN. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. suiph. suiph-ac. THUJ. VERATR. zinc. e. Temperature of the skin. 1213. Heat, burning. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amin-mur. anac. ant-crud. arg. ARN. A1{S. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. 6ism. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. cauth. CAPS. car6 -an. car6-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. cic. clem. COCC. coftr. coich. coloc. con. creos. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. dui1c. EUPHORB. ferm. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. KALI. LACH. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-amct. in-austin.inagn. magn-inur. many. mar. men. MERO. MEZER.miosch. mum-ac. natr. natin-mum. nitr. nitm-ac. N-vom. oleand. op. par. petin. PHOSPII. ph-ac. plat. piumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sam6. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. valer. vematr. viol-od. Viol-tr. zinc. 1.214. - as if from exposure to flames. Viol-od. DISEASES OF THE SKIN. 1215--1219. 185 1215. Heat, as if caused by sparks. Sec-corn. SELEN. 1216. Burning shootings. ACON. alum. anac. arg. arn. ars. ASAF. bar. bell. BRY. calc. cann. caps. carb-veg. caust. cina. cocc. colch. dig. dros. dulc. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. lach. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. men. MERC. MEZER. N-VOM. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHUS. sabad. samb. scill. selen. sep. SIL. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. SULPH. SULPH-AC. THUJ. viol-tr. 1217, External coldness. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. ANTTART. amrn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bov. bry. calad. calc. CAMPH. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. cham. CHE L. CHIN. Cic. cina. cocc. cof. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. IPEC. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-raur. mang. mar. men. mere. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. SAMB. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stranm. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. vit. zinc. 1218. Sensation of external coldness. Acon. agar. ambr. amom-tmur. ant-tart. ARN. ars. asar. bar. bell. bor. bov. bry. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. CHEL. chin. cic. cocc. coff. coloc. con. creos. croc. dig. dulc. euphorb. graph. hell. hyosc. ignat. ipec. lach. laur. led. lye. mgs. m-arc. M-AUSTR. magn. mang. men. MERC. mezer. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. n-mosch. oleand. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. SEC-CORN. sep. spig. spong. staph. stront. sulph. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-tr. 1219. Heat and dryness of the skin. ACON. alum. ambr. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. bar. BELL. bism. BRY. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carbveg. caust. chain. chel. chin. clem. cocc. COFF. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. DULC. ferr. graph. HELL. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. KALI. LACH. laur. LED. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. mang. MERC. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oP. par. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. RHas. ruta. sabad. sabin. SAMB. SCILL. SEC-CORN. selen. SEP. SIL. Spig. Sp0ong. STANN. STAPH. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. R2 18.6 EXANTHEMATA. ERUPTIONS. 1220-1225. B. Exanthemata. Eruptions. a. Quality. 1220. Exanthema in general. AcoN. agar. alum. ambr. AMM. amm-mtur. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. arg. arn. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. BAR. bell. bism. bor. bov. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. CAUST. cham. chel. chin. cIc. cina. CLEM. COCC. COff. COICch coloc. CON. CREOS. croc. cupr. CYCL. dig. dros. DULC. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. HELL. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. IPEC. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. n-vom. OLEAND. op. par. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. SASSAP. Scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. stram. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr. verb. vIOL-TR. vit. zinc. 1221. - bullosa (phlyctenae). Alum. amm. AMM-MUR. ANT-CRUD. arg. ARS. aur. bar. BELL. bov. BRY. calad. calc. cann. CANTH. CARB-AN. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. CHIN. ciC. CLEM. COCC. con. CREOS. Cycl. DULC. euphorb. GRAPH. HELL. HEP. ayOSC. KALI. LACH. laur. mgs. m-arct. magn. mang. merc. mezer. NATR. natr-mur. NITR. nitr-ac. OLEAND. Op. petr. PHOSPH. pli-ac. plat. plumb. puls. RAN-BULB. RAN-SCEL. rheum. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. sassap. scill. SEC-CORN. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. staph. stram. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. veratr. zinc. 1222. - confluent. Agar. ANT-TART. CIC. hyOSC. PH-AC. valer. 1223. - hard. Ant-crud. ran-bulb. rhus. spig. valer. 1224. - attended with swelling, distension. Acon. amm. arn. ars. BELL. bry. calc. canth. carb-veg. caust. chin. cic. con. euphorb. hep. KALI. lyc. magn. MERC. natr. natrmur. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. ruta. SAMB. sassap. SEP. sil. SULPH. THUJ. 1225. - which cracks, or forms fissures. Alum. ant-crud. arn. aur. bry. CALc. cham. creos. CYCL. graph. HEP. kali. LACH. lyC. magn. many. merc. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ae. petr. PULS. RIUS. ruta. sassap. SEP. sil. SULPH. viol-tr. zinc. EXANTHEMATA. ERUPTIONS. 1226-1235. 187 1226. Exanthema,, In clusters. Agar. CALC. rhus. staph. veratr. 1227. - in groups. AGAR. CALC. ran-bulb. rhus. veratr. 1228. - difficult to heal. Alum. amm, BAR. BOR. CALC. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. CLEM. CON. croc. GRAPH. hell. HEP. kali. lack. lyc. magn. mang.0 merc. mutr-ac. NATR. NITR-AC. n-vom. oleand., par. PETR. phospli. ph-ac. plumb. RHUS. SCILL. SEP. SIL. STAPH. suiph. tar. VIOL-TR. 1229. - furfuraceous. ACON. AMM. AMM-MUR. ars. aur. BELL. CLEM. cupr. dulc. hell. lach. LED. magn. mar. merc. MEZER. oleand. PHOSPH. ph-ac. pills. ran-bulb. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. STAPH. suiph. veratr. 1230. - very small or minute. A4gar. alum. ars. bell. B RY. car6-veg. clem. cocc. con. creos. duic. GRAPH. REP. dod. IPEC. led. rnerc. mezer. natr-mur. n-vom. par. phosph. ph-ac. _puls. rhus. sassap. sulph. valer. zinc. 1231. - flat (projecting little). Amm. ang-. ant-crud, ant-tart. ARS. ASAF. BELL. carb-an. euphorb. LACH. LYC. merc. NATR. nitr-ac. _petr. phosph. PH-AC. _puhs. ran3u.16. SELEN. SEP. SIL. staph. sulph. thuij. 1232. - gnawing. Alum. aqnrn. BAR. BOR. CALC. carb-veg. caust. CIIAM. chel. CLEM. CON. croc. GRAPH. hell. REP. kali. lach. lyc. maqn. mang. merc. mur-ac. NATR. NITR-AC. n-vom. oleand. par. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. RHUS. SCILL. SEP. SIL. STAPH. sulph. tar. VIOL-TR. 1233. - painful. Ag9ar. ambr. ant-crud. arg. ARN. ars. ASAF. aur. bar. BELL. cann. canth. caps. CHIN. CLEM. CON. CUPR. DULC. guaj. HEP. kali. lach. led. LYC. m-arct. qn-austr. MAGN. MAGN-MUR. rnerc. natr. N-YOM. par; PETH. phiosph. PH1-AC. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhus. ruta. scill. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. sulph. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb 1234. - Indolent, not painful. AMBR. ANAC. ant-crud. ant-tart. bell. chain. COCC. CON. ciicl. dros. HELL. HYOSC. lach. laur. LYC. OLEAND. phospli. ph-ac. pills. rhus. samb. SEC-CORN. spig. staph. STRAM. SULPH. 1235'. - itchy, pruriginous. Mlum. amun. AMM-MUR. ant-crud. amn. ars. bell. bor. boy. DRY. CALC. cainpl. cantli. caps. car6-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. 188 88 EXANTIIEMATA. ERUPTIONS. 1236.-12440 chin. cocc. COLCH. coloc. con. dros. EUPHORB. hell. 1PEC. LACH. LED. LYC. m-arct. m-austr. magn. mang. merc. MEZER., mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. OLEAND. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. piat. PUbS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. selen. Sit. Spig. SPONG.' stront. sulph. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. vit. 1236. Exanthema, with pain as from ulceration. Amm. AMM-MUR. ant-crud. ars. bar. caps. caust. con. graph. laur. liali. MANG. merc. PHOSPH. PULS. RHUS. SEP. SIb. STAPH. suiph. tar. zinc. 1237. - with tensive pains. Alum. ant-tart. ARN. bar. bell. bry. cant/i. carb-an. CAUST. coce. con. hep. kali. mezer. oleand. PHOSPH. puis. RIIUS. s'abin. sep. spong. staph. STRONT. suiph. thuj. 1238. - with draggding pains. Acon. amn. ars. bell. BRY. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. clem. cocc. duic. graph. kali. LYC. merc. mezer. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. puls. rhus. SEP. SIL. STAPH. SULPH. zinc. 1239. -with jerking pains. ASaf. caic. CAUST. chain. chin. cupr. lyc. PULS. RHUS. Sep. sil. STAPH. 1240. - dry. Alum. ars. BAR. n~ov. bry. CALC CARB-VEG. caust. clem. cocc. creos. CUPR. DULC. graph. hyosc. LED. lyC. MAGN. mnar. MERC. natr. natr-mur. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. r-hus. SASSAP. SEP.. SIL. stann. STAPH. suiph. valer. VERATR. VIOL-TR. zinc. 1241. - moist, oozing. Aiwun. ars. bar. bell. npov. bry. caic. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. cic. CLEM. con. CREOS. duic. GRAPH. hell. hep. KALI. LACH. led. LYC. mnere. mezer. natr. natr-niur. nitr-ac. oleand. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. RHUS. ruta. sabin. scill. SELEN. SE P. Sit. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. viol-tr. 1242. - suppurating (pustules). Ant-crud. ant-tart. ars. bell. cic. clemn. cocc. con. cyci. DULC. euphr. hep. led. LYC. mg-s. magn. MERC. NATR. natr-mur. peti'. plumb. puls. RHUS. sainb. sassap. sec-corn. SEP. sit. Spig. STAPH. suiph. tar. thuj. veratr. viol-od. viol-tr. ZINC. 1243. - transparent. Cina. mnerc. ran-bulb. 1244. - granular, gritty. Amm. graph. HEiP. natr-inur. phosph. zinc. EXANTHEMATA. DISEASES. 1245-1249. 189 1245. Exanthema, scaly. Agar. AMM-MUR. ant-crud. ars. AUR. bell. cic. CLEM. cupr. dulc. hep. hyosc. kali. LED. MAGN. mar. MERC. OLEAND. PHOSPH. plumb. rhus. sep. staph. SULPH. b. Pain. 1246. - accompanied by burning pain. Agar. alum. AMBR. AMM. aomm-mur. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARS. aur. bar. BELL. boV. BRY. calad. calc. cann. canth. caps. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chin. cic. clem. cocc. coff. colch. CON. creos. dig. dulc. euphorb. guaj. hell. HEP. ignat. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs, m-arct. m-austr. mang. mar. MERC. MEZER. natr. natr-mur. nitr. N-VOM. oleand. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumnzb. PULS. RAN-BULB. RHUS. sabad. sassap. scill. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. stram. stront. SULPH. thuj. veratr. viol-od. VIOL-TR. zinc. 1247. - - itching. Acon. AGAR. alum. ambr. AMM. amon-mur. anac. ANT-CRUD. ANT-TART. arg. am. ars. asaf. bar. bell. boy. BRY. CALAD. calc. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chel. cic. cina. CLEM. coce. con. CREOS. cupr. dig. dulc. graph. hep. IGNAT. ipec. KALI. LACH. laur. LED. lyC. ngs. m-arct. m-austr. mar. magn. magnmur. mang. MERC. MEZER. natr. natr-mnur. nitr. NITR-AC. n1-vom. OLEAND. PAR. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. puls. RAN-BULB. ranscel. RHUS. sabad. sabin. sassap. SCILL. SELEN. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. strainm. stront. SULPH. tar. thtuj. valer. veratr. VIOL-TR. vit. zinc. 1248. - which gives rise to a pain as if the parts were excoriated. Acon. agar. ALUM. ambr. ant-crud. ARG. ars. AUR. bar. BRY. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. chel. chin. cIc. coff. COLCH. DROS. ferr. GRAPH. hell. HEP. ignat. kali. lyc. mgs. m-austr. magn. MANG. mar. m.erc. mezer. natr. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. n-vom. oleand. PAR. PETR. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. ruta. sabin. sassap. SCILL. selen. SEP. sil. SPIG. spOng. staph. SULPH. valer. VERATR. ZINC. 1249. - which causes shooting pains. Acon. alum. amm-mur. ant-crud. arn. ARS. asaf. BAR. BELL. bov. BRY. calc. camph. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. ciamn. chin. CLEM. cocc. con. creos. CYCL. dig. DROS. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. ignat. kali. LED. lyc. rags. m-arct. magn. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. NITR-AC. n-vom. petr. phosph. PLAT. PULS. RANBULB. ran-scel. RHUS. sabad. SABIN. scill. selen. SEP. SIL. spong. STAPH. stront. SULPH. thuj. verb. VIOL-TR. zinc. 190 CUTANEOUS DISEASES. 1250-1258. c. Colour. 1250. Exanthema, whitish. Agar. ARS. bor. bov. BRY. ipec. phosph. sulph. thuj. VALER. zinc. 1251. - with black points. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. puls. 1252. - yellowish. Agar. ars. cic. cocc. creos. cupr. EUPHORB. hell. led. lyc. MERC. NATR. nitr-ac. par. sep. valer. 1253. - blackish. Ant-crud. ARS. asaf. BELL. BRY. hyoSC. LACH. mur-ac. nitr-ac. RHUS. SEC-CORN. sep. sil. spig. C. Nosological forms. 1254. Anthrax. Ant-tart. ARS. BELL. caps. HYOSC. lach. rhus. sec-corn. siio. 1255. Sanguineous abscess (phygethlon). Arn. BRY. sec-corn. 1256. Pimples in general (papulse). ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ANT-CRUD. ANT-TART. arg. amrn. ARS. aur. bar. BELL. boy. BRY. calc. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chel. chin. cina. clem. cOCc. CON. cupr. cycl. dros. DULC. euphr. graph. hell. hep. jod. kali. led. lyc. mgs. magn. magn-mur. mang. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-vom. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plumb. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sassap. SCILL. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. SPONG. stann. STAPH. stront. SULPH. SUlphac. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr. viol-tr. ZINC. 1257. Scabs, incrustations. ALUM. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ANT-CRUD. ars. BAR. BELL. bov. BRY. CALC. caps. CARB-AN. carb-veg. cham. CIC. clem. CON. creos. DULC. GRAPH. hell. HEP. kali. LED. LYC. magn. MERC. mezer. MUR-AC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vomn. oleand. par. petr. phosph. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. RHUS. SABAD. sabin. SASSAP. scill. SEP. SIL. spong. STAPH. SULPH. thuj. veratr. VIOL-TR. zinc. 1258. Milk-erust (crusta lactea). Ambr. ANT-CRUD. ars. bar. bell. bry. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. cham. CIC. DULC. GRAPH. hiep. LED. lyC. MERC. mezer. natr-mur. phosph. RHUS. SASSAP. SEP. sil. STAPH. sul8ph. viol-tr. CUTANEOUS DISEASES. 1259-1269.11 191 1259. Acne rosacea. Alum. ARS. caic. cann. GARB-AN. carb-veg. CREOS. led. MEZER. RHUS. ruta. VERATR. 1260. Chilblains (perniones). AGAR. ant-crud. ARN. ars. asar. aur. hell. bry. CARS-AN. CARSVEG. CHAM. CHIN. COCC. coich. croc. CYCL. h ep. HYOSO. ignat. kali. LYC. m-arct. rn-austr. magn. NITR-AC. n-mosch. n-vomz. op. PETR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PULS. rheum. RHUS. ruta. sep. stann. staph. SULPH. SU"LPH-AC. THUJ. zinc. 1261. - suppurating (?). Ant-crud. bell. carb-an. chin. cyci. miang. NITR-AC. phosph. RHUS. sep. suiph. 1262. - blue. A47-. bell. kali. PULS. 1263. - inflamed. ARS. bell. chant. hep. lyc. nitr-ac. phosph. PULS. rhus. staph. SULFH. 12 64. - itchy. Arn. coich. n-vom. RHUS. Sep. 1265. - painful. Amn. hell, chin. hep. lye. mfagil. NITR-AC. n-vom. PETR. phosph. p~h-ac. PULS. sep. 1266. Erysipelas. ACON. AMM. amm-mur. ant-crud. ARN. ARS. bar. BELL. hor. BRY. CALC. CAMPH. canth. CARS-AN. carh-veg. caust. chin. CLEM. ddle. euphorb. GRAPH. HEP. hyos3c. JOD. ipeC. kali. lack. L'YC. rnagn. mang. MERC. mur-ac. flat?'. natr-mur. NITR-AC. _petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumhb. puls. ran-bulh. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. s 'amh. sassap. Sep. sil. spong. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. THUJ. zinc. 1267. - vesicular (erysipelas bullosum, vel phytenodes). Amm. A RS. har. BELL. bry. carh-an. chin. euphorb. GRAPH. hep. LACH. petr. phosph. ran-bulb. RHUS. sabad. SEP. staph. sulph. 1268. - gangrenous. Aeon. ARS. SELL. CAMPH. chin. hyosc. lack. mur-ac. rhus. SABIN. SEC-CORN. sil. 1269. Excoriation (intertrigo). Aar. arnbr. amntn. amm-mur. aug. ant-crud. ARN. ars. har. hell. l)OV. CALC. cant/i. carb-ani. carb--veg. caust. cha?)2. CHIN. coff. colch. 192 192CUTANEOUS DIS'EASES.- 1270-1279. creos. dros. eupbr. GRAPH. HEP. IGNAT. kali. lack. LYC. m-arct. magn-mUr. many. merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. op. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. plumnb. PULS. rhus. ruta. selen. scill. SEP. sil. spig. SULPH. sudph-ac. zinc. 1270. Excoriation of Infants. Ant-crud. 6ar. bell. CALC. CHAM. CHIN. creos. ignat. LYC. mere. puls. ruta. scull. SEP. sdl. SULPH. 1271. Boil (furuncules). Alum. amm. amm-mur. anac. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. ARN. ars. aur, BELL. 6ry. CALC. carb -an. carb-veg. chin. coec. creos. EUPHORI.D graph. IIEP. HYOSC.' ignat. LACH. laur. LED. LYC. mgs. magn. magn-mur. MERC. mezer. MUR-AC. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. 1n-VOM. PETR. PHOSPLI. PH-AC. puls. rhus. SEC-CORN. SEP. sil. spong. staph. strain. SULPH. &ulph-ac. THUJ. zinc. 1272. - large. Ant-tart. HEP. hyo8C. LYC. natr. NITR-AC. phospli. 12 73. -small. ARN. nags. magn. snlph. ZINC. 1274. Itch. A4m6r. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. ARS. bry. caic. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. clem. coloc. con. CREOS. CUPR. DULC. graph. gutaj. LACH. led. lyc. nags. MANG. mere. mezer. natr. petr. PH-AC. puls, sabad. scill. SELEN. SEP. sil. staph. SULPII. sulpli-ac. tar. valer. VERATR. ZINC. 1275. - bleeding. Calc. dule. MERC. Muph. 127/6. - pustular (large pustular itch)..1 nt-crud. CAUST. CLEM. CREOS. cupr. MERC. RHUS. scill. selen. SEP. SO&u~ 1277. - humid (scabies purulenta). Calc. CARB3-VEG. Caus. clem. con. creos. duic. GRAPH. LYC. mere. petr. sci]1. sep. sil. staph. sulph. 1278. - dry, miliary. Ars. CALC. caust. elena. creos. cupr. dule. graph. LED. lye. mere. natr. petr. ph-ac. SEP. SIL. staph. sulph. valer. VERATR-. Zinc. 1279. - repercussed. Alum. ambr. ant-crud, ant-tart. ars. carb-veg. CAUST. creos. duic. graph. lach. natr. natr-mur. ph-ac. SELEN. SEP. sil. SULPII. veratr. zinc. CUTANEOUS DISEASES. 1280-1290. 193 1280. Itch, repercussed by sulphur and mercury. Ars. bell. calc. carb-veg. CAUST. CHIN. dulc. hep. jod. nitr-ac. PULS. rhus. sassap. SELEN. SEP. sil. STAPH. thuj. valer. vit. 1281. Chaps, fissures. ALUM. ant-crud. ARN. AUR. bar. bry. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. CHAM. CREOS. CYCL. graph. HEP. kcali. LACH. LYC. magn. MANG. mar. merc. natr. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. PETR. phosph. PULS. RHUS. ruta. SASSAP. SEP. sil. SULPH. viol-tr. zINc. 1282. - deep and bleeding. MERC. petr. puls. SASSAP. Sulph. 1283. - from working in water. ANT-CRUD. bry. CALC. chamn. kali. lyc. nitr-ac. PULS. TrhUS. sassap. SEP. SULPH. zinc. 1284. Inflammation. ACON. alum. ant-crud. amrn. ARS. ASAF. bar. bell. bor. bry. calc. camph. cann. canth. caust. CIHAM. cina. cocc. colch. con. creos. croc. euphorb. graph. HEP. hyosc. lach. lyc. m-arct. mang. MERC. nezer. natr. natr-mur. NITR-AC.petr. phosph. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. ruta. sep. SIL. STAPH. SULPH. veratr. vit. zinc. 1285. Wens. Agar. ant-crud. BAR. CALC. GRAPH. HEP. kali. m-arct. NITRAC. SABIN. Sil. spong. SULPH. 1286. Miliaria (miliary fever). ACON. alum. ammn. amm-mur. ANT-CRUD. ANT-TART. aTm. ARS. asaf. BELL. 6bov. BRY. CALAD. calc. canth. CARB-VEG. CAUST. CHAM. chin. clem. coff. cupr. dig. ducl. EUPHR. graph. hell. hyosc. IPEC. LACH. LED. mar. MERC. MEZER. natr-mur. n-rom. op. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. rheum. RHus. ruta. sassap. sec-corn. SELEN. sep. sil. spong. STAPH. s8tran. SULPH. valer. VERATR. VIOL-TR. ZZnC. 1287. - purpurea (purpura rubra, miliary with red pustules). ACON. bell. coFF. 1288. - with scarlatina, ACON. amn. ars. bell. BRY. carb-veg. caust. cof. dulc. byosc. IPEC. lach. ME c. phosph. ph-ac. rhus. sulph. 1289. - alba (purpura alba, miliary fever, with white pustules). Agar. ARS. bov. nBRY. ipec. phosph. sulph. VALER. [Also: B1ella. carb-v. cocc. ledum. nux-v. phosp-ac. puls. tart-stil. veratr. J. L.] 1290. Naevus. CAJLC. carb-veg. graph. nitr-ac. petr. ph-ac. sil. SULPH. sulph-ac. S 194 CUTANEOUS DISEASES. 1291-1300. 1291. Stings of insects. Acon. ant-crud. ARN. ars. BELL. CALAD. caust. coloc. lack. mere. seneg. sep. sil. sulph. 1292. Pustules. Amm-mur. ANT-CRUD. ANT-TART. amrn. ARS. BELL. bry. cham. clem. cocc. cycl. HYOSC. MERC. nitr-ac. op. PULS. RHUS. sec-corn, sil. STAPH. SULPH. thuj. 1293. Pustule malignant (carbuncle). Ant-crud. ARS. BELL. bry. hyosc. LACH. mur-ac. RHUS. SECCORN. sep. sil. spig. 1294. Rubeola. ACON. BELL. BRY. carb-veg. COFF. ipec. merc. phosph. PULS. rhus. sulph. 1295. Scarlatina. Acon. AMM. amm-mur. amrn. ARS. bar. BELL. BRY. carb-veg. caust. cham. cof. CROC. dulc. euphorb. hep. HYOSC. jod. ipec. lack. MERC. phosph. ph-ac. rhus. stram. SULPH. [CALC. ZINC.] 1296. - smooth. Amm.n BELL. euphorb. hyosc. merc. 1297. - - with swelling. ACON. amm. arn. ars. BELL. bry. calc. canth. carb-veg. caust. chin. euphorb. hep. kali. lyc. magn. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. petr. pIhosph. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. ruta. samb. sassap. sep. sil. SULPH. THUJ. 1298. Sycosis. Calc. euphr. LYC. m-austr. NITR-AC. PH-AC. SABIN. staph.THUJ. 1299. Freckles. Aur. bry. calc. graph. NATR. natr-mnur. nitr-ac. plumb. sa6in. SELEN. sulph. 1300. Tuberosities (tubercles). AGAR. ALUM. amm. amm-mur. anac. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. ars. aur. bar. bell. BRY. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. chin. cic. coc. con. creos. dig. dros. DULC. graph. hell. HEP. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. LACH. LED. LYC. igS. m-arct. MAGN. magn-mur. MANG. merc. MEZER. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vonz. oleand. op. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. RUTA. sabin. scill. SEC-CORN. selen. SEP. STL. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. vi1l-tr. zinc. CUTANEOUS DISEASES. 1301-1309. 190 1301. Nettle-rash (urti-caria). AcoN. amm. amM-rnur. ANT-CRUD.. ant-tart. ARS. bar. BELL. BRY. CALO. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. cic. cocc. CON. creos. DULO. graph. HEP. ignat. ipec. kall. lach. led. LYC. magn. merc. MEZER. nat?'. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-vom. PETR. phospli. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sec-corn. selen. SEP. sit, staph. strain. SULPH. thuj. valer. VERATR. zinc. 1302. Variola. Admm-mur ANT-CRUD. ANT-TART. amn. ars. BELL. bry. canth. chain. clemn. cocc. hyosc. MERO. nitr-ac. PULs. RHUS. sit. strain. SULPH. thuj. 1303. Varicella. Acon. BELL. PULS. rhus. 1304. - conoid. Acon. ANT-CRUD. ANT-TART. ars. asaf. belt. CARB-VEG. caust. cyci. ipec. natr. natr-mur. PULS. SEP. THUJ. 1305. - emphysematous (wind-pox). Sec-corn. sil. 1306. Skin, diffilcuit to heal when wounded.. Alum. amin. bar. bo2r. CALC. carb-veo'. caust. CRAM. diet. clem. con. croc. GRAPH. hell. REP. kali. LACR. LYC. mag-n. miang. 9nerc. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. Sep. SIL. STAPH. SULPH. 1307. Shingles (zona zoster). ARS. bry. chain. graph. MElIC. natr. puts. RRUS. seten. SIL. suiph. D. Herpes. 1308. Tetters in general. Agar. atuin. ambr. amm. anac. ARS. aur. bar. bell. BOY. BRY. calad. CALC. caps. carb-an. carb6-veg. CAUST. chel. cic. CLEM. cocc. CON. CREOS. cupr. cycl. DULC. GRAPH. hell. hep. hyosc. kali. tach. LED. LYC. m-arct. mnagn. magil-mur. mang. mar. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mnur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oteand. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. piils. ran-6but. ran-scel. RRUS. ruta. sabad. sassap. scill. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. SULPR. sulph-ac. tar. thnj. valer. veratr. viol-tm. zinc. a. -Forn.' 1309. - annular. Clein. magn. NATR. natr-mur. SEP. 196 TETTERS. 1310-1318. 1310. Tetters, scabby, crustaceous. Alum. ambr. amm. ars. bar. bell. bov. bry. CALC. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. cic. clem. CON. creos. DTLC. GRAPH. hell. hep. kali. led. LYC. magn. MERC. mezer. mur-aC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. phosph. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. RHUS. sassap. scill. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. 1311. - furfuraceous. ARS. aur. bry. CALC. creos. DULC. graph. lye. phosph. SEP. SIL. sulph. 1312. - chapped. Alum. aur. bry. CALC. CreOS. cycl. graph. hep. kali. lack. lyc. magn. mang. merc. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. petr. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sassap. SEP. sil. SULPH. viol-tr. zinc. 1313. - scaly. Agar. ars. aur. bell. cic. CLEM. cupr. dulc. hep. hyosc. kali. led. magn. mar. MERC. oleand. PHOSPH. plumb. rhus. sep. staph. SULPH. 1314. - dry. Alum. ars. BAR. BOV. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. clem. cocc. creos. cupr. DULC. graph. hyosc. LED. lyC. magn. mar. MERC. natr. natr-mur. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. rhus. sassap. SEP. SIL. stann. staph. sulph. valer. VERATR. viol-tr. zinc. 1315. - moist. Alum. ars. bar. bell. Bov. bry. calc. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. cic. CLEM. con. creos. dulc. GRAPH. hell. hep. kali. lach. led. LYC. merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. oleand. petr. phosph. ph-ac. RHUS. ruta. scill. SEP. Sil. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. viol-tr. 1316. - suppurating. Ars. bell. cic. clem. cocc. con. DULC. hep. led. LYC. magn. MERC. NATR. natr-mur. petr. plumb. puls. RHUS. sassap. SEP. sil. spig. staph. sulph. tar. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. 1317. - gnawing, corroding. Alum. amm. bar. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chel. CLEM. CON. GRAPH. hell. hep. kali. lach. lyc. magn. mang. merc. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. par. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. RHUS. scill. SEP. SIL. staph. sulph. tar. viol-tr. b. Colour. 1318. - white. Ars. GRAPH. LYC. zinC. TETTERS. 1319-1327.19 197 1319. Tetters, red. A4mm. bry. CiC. CLEM. DULC. led. L'YC. MANG. MERO. petr. ph-ac. staph. 1320. - grey. Ars. 132]. - brown. Lyc. NATR. 1322. - yellow.. Agar. ars. cic. cocc. creos. cupr. hell. led. lyc. MERO. natr. rntr-ac. par. sep. c. Sensations. 1323. With burning pain. Agar. alum. arnbr. avmr. anac. ARS. aur. bar. bell. boy. bry. calad. caic. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cic. clem. COCC. CON. creos. duic. hell. hep. kali. lach. led. TYC. m-arct. mang. mar. MERO. 7nezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. RHU S. sabad. sassap. scull. sep. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. thuij. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. 1324.- with shooting. Alum. ARS. bar. bell. boy. 6brY. calc. caps. carb-veg. caust. CLEM. cocc. con. creos. cycl. graph. hell. hep. kali. led. lyc. m-arct. magn. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. niatr-mur. NITR-AC. u-vom. petr. phosph. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHUS. sabad. scull. SEP. SIL. spong. staph. SULPH. thuj. viol-Ir. zinc. 1325. - with itching. AIgar. alum. ambr. ammn. anac. ars. bar. bell. BOY. bry. calad. calc. caps. carb-au. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. cic. CLEM. cocc. con. creos. cupr. dubc. GRAPH. hep. kali. bach. led. lyc. m-arct. magnl. magn-mur. mang. MERC. miezer. natr. natr-mur. N1TR-AC. n1-VOM. oleand. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. pals. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHUS. sabad. sassap. scill. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. SULPH. tar. thuj. valer. verat. viol-tr. zinc. 1326. - with drawingr tearing pain. Adrs. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. clem. cocc. dulc. graph. kali. INC. m-arct. rnerc. mezer. natr. nitr-ac. ni-vom. phosph. puls. rh1us. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. Zinc. 1327. - jerking pain. Calc. caust. cupr. lyc. puls. Ri-US. sep. sil. STAPH. s 2' 198 SPOTS. 1328-13394 E. Spots, blotches, patches. a. Colour. 1328. Whitish. ALUM. amm. ARS. carb-an. PHOSPH. SEP. SIL. SULPH. 1329. Blue. Ant-crud. ARN. ars. bar. BRY. con. ferr. lach. LED. mosch. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. op. rhus. ruta. sec-corn. sil. sulph. SULPH-AC. 1330. Yellow. Ambr. ant-tart. ARN. ars. canth. CON. FERR. jod. kali. lackh. LYC. NATR. petr. PHOSPH. ruta. sabad. SEP. stann. SULPH. 1331. Spots, livid, on old people. Ars. bar. CON. lach. op. 1332. - black. Ars. LACH. rhus. sec-corn. 1333. - which become pale in the cold. SABAD. 1334. - red. Acon. alum. ambr. AMM. amm-mur. ant-tart. ARN. ars. aur. bar. BELL. BRY. calad. CALC. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. clem. COCC. coff. CON. croc. cupr. CYCL. diros. dulc. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. jod. ipec. kali. lack. led. lyc. mys. m-arct. MAGN. magn-mur. mar. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITRAC. n-vom. op. par. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plumb. puls. rhodod. RHUS. SABAD. scill. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spong. stann. STRAM. SULPH. SULPH-AC. veratr. vit. zinc. 1335. - bluish. BELL. phosph. 1336. - brownish. Cann. NITR-AC. PHOSPH. 1337. - like fire (fiery red). Acon. bell. stram. 1338. - of a wine colour. Cocc. sep. 1339. - copper coloured. Alum. ARS. calc. cann. CARB-AN. carb-veg. CREOS. led. MEZER. RH us. ruta. VERATR. SPOTS. 1340-1351. 199 1340. Spots, pale. Mar. natr. pliospli. SI L. 1341. - violet. Phosph. veratr. 1342. - greenish. ARN. ars. CON. nitr. sep. suiph-aqc. b. Quality and form. 1343. Confluent. BELL. CIC. hyosc. ph-ac. valer. 1344. Ephelides (freckles). AMM. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. bry. CALC. carb-veg. con. dros. DULC. GRAPH. hyosc. jod. kali. lach. laur. LYC. mere. mezer. NATR~. NITR-AC. n-moseh. petr. PHOSPH. plumb. PULS. SEP. sil. stann. SIJLPH. thuj. 1345. Gangrenous spots. Cyci. HYOSC. see-corn. 1346. Hlepatic, liver-coloured spots, blotches, or patches. Amm. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. amn. ars. bry. caic. cantli. CAR.B-VEG. caust. CON. dros. DULC. ferr. graph. hyose. joci. kali. lach. LAUR. LYC. MERO. MEZER. NATR. NJTR-AC. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. plumb. puls. ruta. sabad. SEP. 'sil. stann. SULPH. tliuj. 1347. Spots like flea-bites. Acon. (strain.) c. Pains and sensations. 1348. Spots, or blotches, accompanied by burning. Amm. amin-mar. ARS. bell. canth. chel. croc. ferr. jod. KALI. lye. magn. merc. MEZER. PH-AC. rhius. suiph. suiph-ac. 1349. Pain, as i~f caused by a burn. Ant-crud. ARS. carb-veg. caust. creos. CYCL. euphorb. kyose. rhus. sec-corn. strain. 1350. Shooting pain. Canth. chel. nitr-ac. puls. 1351. Pains resembling those which arise from excoriation. Bry. FERR. h ep. LED. natr-mur. ph-ac. sil. verjatr., 200 SPOTS. 1352. PRURIGO. 1353-1356. 1352. Spots on the skin, attended with itching. Amm-mur. arn. CON. dros. euphorb. graph. jod. KALI. led. lyc. rmgs. mere. mezer. natr-mur. op. par. sep. sil. spong. SULPH-AC. Vit. F. Prurigo. a. Deiferential character. 1353. Itchiness, or itching in general. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. ARG. am. ars. asaf. asar. aur. BAR. bell. bism. bor. bov. BRY. calad. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc,. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. LACH. laur. LED. LYC. mgs. mn-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC, MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. OLEAND. Op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassap. SCILL. seC-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. SPONG. stann. STAPH. stram,. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr. viol-od. VIOL-TR. VIT. zinc. 1354. - burning. AcoN. agar. alum. ambr. amm. anac. ant-crud. arg. am. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. boy. BRY. calad. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chin. cic. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. LACH. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. mang. mar. men. MERC. MEZER. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. samb. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-od. viol-tr. zinc. 1355. - tickling. Alum. amm. amm-mur. ant-crud. arn. bell. bor. bov. VRY. calc. camph. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chel. chin. cocc. colch. coloc. con. dros. EUPHORB. hell. ipec. LACH. LED. LYC. m-arct. m-austr. magn. mang. merc. MEZER. mur-ac. natr. natrmur. n-vom. OLEAND. Op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ranbulb. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. selen. sep. SIL. spig. SPONG. stront. SULPH. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. VIT. zinc. 1356. Itching, titillating. Acon. agar. alum. AMBR. amm-mur. ARG. bry. calc.* canth. caps. chel. chin, cocc. dig. dros. euphorb. euphr. ignat. mang. MAR. MERC. PRURIGO. 1357-1362.20 201 mur-ac. phospli. PLAT. puls. ruta. SABAD. scill. sep. SIL. SPIG. sp ong. s tap h. SULPH. tar. 1357. Itching, with pain as from excoriation. Alum. ambr. ARG. aur. bry. caic. caun. cic. coich. dros. GRAPH. hep. icali. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. magn. mang. merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vorn. oleand. 'par. petr. PLAT. puls. rhus. ruta. sabin. sassap. scill. SEP. sil. staph. SULPH. valer. veratr. ZINC. 1358. - shooting. Adcon. alum. amm-mur. anac. aug. ant-crud. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. aur. BAR. bell. boy. BRY. calad. caic. campli. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. did, chin. clem. cocc. coich. CON. creos. CYCL. dig. DROS. duic. euphorb. euphr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALL. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. inosch, MUR-AC. re.atr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SAIBAD. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. selen. SEP. SIL. SPIG. SPONG. STANN. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. veratr. YIOL-TR. vit. zinc. 1359. - prickling,, tingling (formication). ACON. alum. amnbr. amm. ant-crud. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. BAR. bell. bry. caic. cainpli. canth. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. chin. cina. COLCH. con. croc.' euplir. graph. guaj. hep. ignat. KALI. lack. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-anstr. mar. MERC. mur-ac. natr. natr-?nur. N-VOM. par. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel, rhodod. RHUS. SABAD. sabin. -scill. SEC-CORN. selen. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. vioi-tr. zinc. 1360. - crawling. Alum. amin. arg. aur. BAR. bor. boy. caic. cann. caps. carb-veg. caust. laur. led. LYC. in-austr. magil. magn-mur. mang. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. n-VOM. OLEAND. pliospli. ph-ac. PLAT. ran-bulb. ranscel. RHODOD. RHUS. SABAD. SEC-CORN. SIL. spig. spong. STAPH. SULPH. Vit. zinc. 1361. - gnawing. Agar. alum. ambr. anac. ant-crud. arg. ars. BAR. bell. bism. bry. canth. caps. chain. clein. cocc. con. cycl. dig. dros. euphorb. g rap h. g uaj~ hell. liyosc. icali. LE D. LYC. mgs. m-austr. men. merc. mnezer. natr. n-vom. OLEAND. par. phospli. ph-ac. PLAT. puls. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. ruta. scill. sep. spig. SPONG. staun. STAPH. sulph. tar. thuj. veratr. VIT. 1362. - drawingg, twitching. BELL. br-Y. LYC. -sil. STAPH. -suiph. zinc. 202 ITCHINESS. 1363-1369. 1363. Itching, jerking. Calc. caust. LYC. natr-mur. puls. rhus. 1364. - voluptuous. Ambr. anac. arg. m-arct. men. MERC. mur-ac. plat. puls. sabad, sep. SIL. spig. spong. SULPH. b. Modifications from rubbing. 1365. Itching ameliorated by rubbing. Agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARN. ASAF. bar. bell. bor. bov. BRY. CALC. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. caust. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. coloc. creos. CYCL. dig. DROS. GUAJ. hep. IGNAT. kali. laur. led. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. MANG. men. merc. mezer. mosch. MUR-AC. NATR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. ran-bulb. rhus. RUTA. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. THUJ. valer. viol-tr. vit. zINC. 1366. - which shifts its seat after rubbing. Anac. calc. carb-an. chel. cycl. IGNAT. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. MEZER. SPONG. STAPH. SULPH-AC. zinc. 1367. - which does not become assuaged by rubbing. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ANG. ant-crud,. anttart. ARG. arn. asaf. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. Bov. calad. camph. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. chel. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. croc. cupr. dig. euphorb. euphr. hell. hyosc. jod. IPEC. laur. MGS. m-arct. m-austr. MAGN-MUR. mar. mur-ac. natr. n-vom. op. plat. PULS. RAN-SCEL. rheum. rhus. ruta. samb. sec-corn. seneg. sil. SPIG. SPONG. stann. stram. sulph-ac. tar. valer. vit. 1368. - which is aggravated by rubbing. Amm-mur. ANAC. arn. ars. BISM. boy. CALAD. calc. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-an. CAUST. chain. chel. CON. creos. cupr. dros. guaj. LED. rMgs. magn. mang. merc. MEZER. mur-ac. natr. par. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. scill. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. STRONT. sulph. c. Effects or consequences of rubbing or scratching. 1369. Blebs (bullve, formation of). AMM. AMM-MUR. ant-crud. ars. bar. bell. bry. caust. chin. creos. CYCL. dulc. graph. HEP. kali. LACH. laur. mgs. mang. merc. natr. natr-mur. PHOSPH. RAN-BULB. RHUS. sabin. sassap. selen. sep..spong. sulph. PRURIGO. 1370-1377. EFFECTS OF RUBBING, &c. 203 1370. Pimples (papulve)., Amm. amm-mur. ANT-CRUD. bry. CAUST. chin. cocc. con. cyci. dros. duic. graph. hep. kali. laur. merc. natr. natr-mur. NITR-AC. petr. phosp~h. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sabin. sassap. scill. selen. SEP. sil. spong.. staph. stront. SULPH. veratr. ZINC. 137 1. Burning. Agar. ainbr. AMM. amm~-mur. anac. amn. ARS. BELL. boy. B RY. calad. caic. cairn. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. cic. coec. con. CREOS. cyci. &ros. DULO. euphorb. graph. REP. kali. LACH. laur. led. LYC. nags. m-arct. magil. magn-mur. mang. MERC. mezer. mosch. n-vom. OLEAND, par. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puts. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. SCILL. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong'. staph. stront. SULPH. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. 1372. Tickling. Agar. amlbr. caps. chin. coce. mar. MERC. SABAD. SIL. spig. 1372. Scabs, incrustations. Alum. amm. anam-mur. ant-crud. ars. BAR. bell. boy. 6ry. CALC. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. cic. CON. creos. DULC. GRAPH. REP. kali. led. LYC. MERC. mezer. natr-mur. petr. phospli. puts. ran-6u16. RHUJS. SABAD. sabin. sassap. se~p. sit. STAPH. SULPII. thuj. veratr., viol-tr. zinc. 1374. Pain (not characterised). Agar. alumn. ars. BAR. bell. caic. caps. chin. coec. con. creos. euphr. led, nags. natr-mur. n-vom.- par. PETR. ph-ac. plumb. puls. rhus. scull. selen. sep. sit, staph. SULPH. thuj.- veratr. 1375. Itching. Amm. AMM-MUR. 6ry. caic. canth. carb-an. car6-veg. CAUST. chin, con. creos. dros. EUPHORB. hell. ipec. LACH. LED. LYc. naarct. mang. merc. MEZER. natr. natr-mur. qz-vomz. OLEAND. petr. ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. ruta. selen. sep. sil. SPONG. SULPH. Zinc. 1376. Excoriation. Agar. amim. ang. ant-crud. amn. bar. calc. caust. chin. creos. dros. GRAPH. hep. kali. LACH. LYC. mang. merc. OLEAND.' PETR. phosph. plumb. puls. rhus. ruta. sabin. scill. SEP. sil. SULPH. ilph-ac.1 1377. Pain, as if arisingr from excoriation. Agar. alum. ambr. ant-crud. arg. bcr. bry. caic. cann. canth. caps. cic. dros. graph. REP. kali. led. lyc. nags. m-austr. naagn. many. mnerc. MEZER. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. OLEAND. par. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. _puts. RHUS. salnn. sassap. scdtl. selen. SEP. sit, staph. SULPH. veratr. zinc. 204 PRURIGO. 1378-1387. EFFECTS OF RUBBING, &C. 1378. Shootings, prickings. Alum. amm-mur. amrn. ars. asaf. BAR. bell. BRY. calc. cann. canth. CAUST. chel. chin. cocc. con. CYCL. dros. dulc. GRAPH. hell. kali. lach. lyc. m-arct. mar. MERC. mezer. nitr-ac. par. ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sassap. SCiLL. selen. sep. sil. SPONG. staph. stront. SULPH. tar. thuj. VIOL-TR. ZinC. 1379." Numbness. Ambr. ANAC. aug. con. cycl. LACH. LYC. OLEAND. phosph.ph-ac. plumb. sep. SULPH. 1380. Thickening of the skin. Ant-crud. ars. cic. DULC. graph. LACH. ran-bulb6. RHUS. SEP. thuj. veratr. 1381. Erysipelas. AMM. ant-crud. amrn. ars. BELL. bor. bry. calc. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. GRAPH. HEP. hyOSC. LACH. LYC. magn. MERC. natr. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. puls. ran-bulb. RHUS. samb. sil. spong. SULPH. thuj. 1382. Exantherna in general. Agar. alum. AMM. ammn-mur. ant-crud. amrn. ARS. BAR. bell. bov. bry. CALC. cauth. car6-an. car6-veg. CAUST. chin. cic. con. CREOS. CYCL. duic. euphorb. graph. hell. HEP. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. LYC. magn. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-2zur. nitr-ac. n-vom. OLEAND. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. sabin. SASSAP. scill. SEP. SIL. spong. STAPH. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. 1383. Swelling. Ant-crud. amrn. ars. bell. bry. calc. canth. caust. chin, con. creos. dulc. hep. kali. LACH. led. LYC. mang. MERC. mnezer. natr-mur. nitr-ac. phosph. PULS. RHUS. sabin. samb. sep. sil. SULPH. sulph-ac. 1384. Miliary eruption. Amm. amm-mur. ant-crud. bov. 6ry. calc. caust. dulc. graph. ipec. LACH. led. MERC. mzezer. phosph. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. sassap. selen. sil. spong. staph. SULPH. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. 1385. Whitish nodosities (nodules). Agar. ARS. bov. 6ry. ipec. sulph. 1386. Red streaks. Carb-veg. euphorb. par. ph-ac. SABAD. 1387. Gnawing, corroding. Agar. alum. ant-crud. bar. canth. caps. cycl. dros. kali. led. LYC. OLEAND. par. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. ruta. spong. STAPH. tar. veratr. ITCHINESS. 1388-1397. 205 1388. Redness of the skin. Agar. amm. ant-crud. arn. BELL. boy. canth. chin. creos. dul. GRAPH. lyc. mar. MERC. natr-mur. n-VOrn. OLEAND. Op. petr. ph-ac..puls. RHUS. ruta. spong. tar. 1389. Pustules (formation of). Amm-mur. ant-crud. ars. bell. bry. cyci. hyo-sc. mnerc. puls. RHUS. sil. staph. SULPH. 1390. Oozing of blood (synonymous with bleeding after rubbing or scratching). Alum. caic. chin. cocc. cyci. DULC. euphorb. hep. hyosc. kali. LACH. lyc. mgs. MERC. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. PAR. petr. SULPH. 1391. Discharge of serum. Alum. ars. bar. bell. bce. bry. calc. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. cic. con. CREos. duic. GRAPH. hell. hep. kali. LACH. led. LYC. mgs. merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. OLEAND. PETR. RHUS. ruta. sabin. scil. selen. sep. sil. STAPH. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. viol-tr. 1392. Spots. Amm. ant-crud. bell. caic. cocc. cycl. graph. magn. 9nang. merc. nitr-ac. PHOSPH. ph-ac. RHIJS. SABAD. sep. sil. StTLPH. suiph-ac. veratr. 1393. Tension. Ang. caust. LACH. m-arct. p~h-ac. ruta. spig. STRONT. 1394. Drawing (tearing, rending). Ars. bell. bry. calc. cycl. LYC. Mgs. puls. rhus. sep. sil. staph. SULPHL 1395. Tubercies. Agar. alum. amm. amm-mur. ant-crud. ars. bar. bry. CALC. carban. carb-veg. CAUST. cic. cocc. con. DULO. graph. hell. H-EP. ipec. LACH. led. LYC. magn. magil-mur. mang. merc. MEZER. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. PETR. pul~s. RHUS. ruta. selen. -Sep. sil. Spig. STAPH1.8s1iph. thuj. veratr. zinc. 1396. Ulcers. Ang. ant-crud. ARS. ASAF. bar. bell. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chin, con. creos. graph. HEP. LACH. LYC. mang. MERC. miezer. natr. nitr-ac. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rani-bulb. RHUS. sabin. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. thuj. 1397. Pain, as from ulceration. knm. AMM-MUR. bell. bry. cautst. chin. cic. GRAPH. hep. kali. magn-mur. mang. merc. natr-mur. phosp1h. PULS. RHUS. sep. sil. spig. staph. sulph-ac. thnj. veratr. T 206 ITCHINESS. 1398. TUOR.39-45 TUMOURS. 1399-1405. 1398. Pain, suppuration. Amn. asaf. bar. bry. caic. carb-veg. con. cyci. carb-veg. con. cyci. GRAPH. hep. kali. led. natr-mnur. petr. PHOSPH. PULS. 2ran-bulb. RHUS. S1L. staph. SULPH. zinc. G. Tumours. 1399. Tumours, white coloured. ANT-CRUD. ARS. bell. BRY. caic. chin. creos. dig. euphorb. graph, hep. jod. LYC. merc. n-vom. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. SABIN. se~p. sil. SULPH. 1400. - burning. ACON. ant-crud. ARN. ARS. BELL. BRY. caic. carb-an. carbveg. caust. chin. cocc. coich. coloc. duic. euphorb. hell. hep,. hyosc. jod. kali. LACH. led. LYC. maug. MERC. mezer. natr. n-vom. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLJLS. RHUS. sarnb. scull, sec-corn. sep. SIL. spig. spong. staun. SULPH. 1401. - of a blackish blue colour. Aeon. amm.. ARN. ARS. aur. BELL. carb-veg. Conl. DIG. hep. LACH. mang. MERC. n-VOM. op. phosph. ph-ac. plunmb. PULS. samb. sec-corn. seneg. sit. suiph-ac. VERATR. 1402. - H0ard. Acon. ant-crud. ARN. ars. asaf. bell. BRY. caic. CAUST. Chin. cina. con. dig. dAic. graph. hell. hep. lach. LE D. lyc. rerc. mezer. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ItHUS. SABIN. SAMB. sdill. sep. sil. spong. STRONT. SULPH. Vit. 1403. - accompanied by shooting pricking pains. Acon. amn. ars. ant-crud. BRY. canth. CAUST. chel. chin. COCC. con. cycl. dig. ferr. graph. lach. led. magn. mang. mezer. nitr. NITR-AC. n-yoin. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sep. spong. SULPH. THUJ. Vit. 1404. - dropsical, cedematous. Acon. ANT-CRUD. ARS. aur. BELL. BRY. canth. chel. CHIN. coich. coloc. con. DIG. DULC. euphorb. ferr. guaj. H-ELL. hyosc. jed. kali. lach. LED. LYC. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. rntr. nitr-ac. oleand. op. phosph. plumb. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABIN. SAM B. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. seneg. sep. sil. strain. SULPH. veratr. 1405.- accompanied by prickling, tingling, f_-ormicating sensations. A4con. ARN. caust. chel. colch. con. lach. MERC. natr. n-vo~n. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. -sec-corn. SEP. spig. SULPH. TUMOURns. 1406-1411. ULCERS. 1412-1413. 207 1406. Tumours, cold. ARs. asaf. bell. cocc. CON. cycl. dulc. lach. rhodod. sec-corn. spig. 1407. - inflammatory. ACON. amm. ant-crud. am. ARS. asaf. bell. bor. BRY. calc. canth. carb-veg. caust. cocc. colch. con. HEP. hyosc. lach. lyc. mang. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. PULS. RHUS. sassap. sep. SIL. SULPH. thuj. veratr. vit. 1408. - shining. ARN. ars. BRY. merc. RHUS. sabin. SULPH. 1409. - pale. ARN. ars. bell. BRY. calc. chin. cocc. con. dig. ferr. graph. hell. JOD. kali. lach. LYC. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. plumb. puls, RHUS. sep. spig. sulph. 1410. Tumefaction or swelling of the diseased parts. Acon. ant-crud. arn. ars. asaf. aur. BELL. BRY. CALC. CANTH. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. clem. cocc. con. dig. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. HEP. jod. KALI. lach. led. LYC. magn. mang. MERC. mur-ac. natr. NITR-AC. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabin. samb. sassap. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. sPONG. stram. SULPH. thuj. vit. 1411. Tumours, spongy. ANT-CRUD. ARS. bell. calec. CARB-AN. carb-veg. caust. clemn. con. creos. graph. jod. LACH. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. rthus. sabin. sep. SIL. SULPH. thukj. H. Ulcers. 1412. Ulcers in general. Aecon. alum. ambr. amm. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arn. ARS. ASAF. aur. bar. BELL. bor. Jov. BRY. CALC. camph. canth. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. cham.n chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. CON. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. graph. guaj. HEP. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. LACH. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. mang. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. NITR-AC. n-mosch. n-vom. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHUS. ruta. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spong. STAPH. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. veratr. vit. zinc. a. Colour. 1413. - bluish. Am. ars. asaf. aur. bell. bry. calc. carb-veg. CON. HEP. LACH. mang. mere. ph-ac. sec-corn. seneg. sil. staph. veratri. 208 ULCERS. 1414-1424. 1414. Ulcers, blackish. Ant-tart. ARS. ASAF. bell. carb-veg. con. euphorb. ipec. lack. PLUMB. rhus. scill. SEC-CORN. SIL. sulph. sulph-ac. 1415. - - black at the bottom. ARS. ipec. plumb. sil. sulph. 1416. - spotted. Arn. ars. CON. ipec. LACH. sulph-ac. 1417. - with white spots. ARs. con. LACH. phosph. sep. SIL. sulph. b. Form and quality. 1418. - atonic. Anac. ARS. CALC. camph. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CON. dulc. euphorb. graph. jod. ipec. kali. lack. LAUR. LYC. mgs. mur-ac. nitr-ac. oleand. oP. phosph. PH-AC. plumb. thus. sec-corn. sep. SIL. strami. SULPH. vit. zinc. 1419. - as if burnt, Alum. ant-crud. ARS. bar. bell. brv. calc. CARB-VEG. caust. creos. CYCL. hyosc. ignat. lach. n-vom. puls. sabad. sec-corn. sep. stram. 1420. - cancerous. Ambr. ant-crud. ARS. aur. bell. calc. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chel. clem. con. creos. dulc. HEP. LACH. MERC. nitr-ac. phosph. rhus. sassap. scill. SEP. SIL. spong. staph. SULPH. thuj. 1421. - which reopen after having cicatrized. Lach. sil. 1422. - scabby, crustaceous. Ars. bar. BELL. bov. bry. CALC. carb-an. cic. clem. CON. GRAPH. hep. led. LYC. MERC. mur-ac. puls. ran-bulb. RHUS. sassap. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. viol-tr. 1423. - hard. Arn. ARS. ASAF. aur. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. CLEM. CON. cupr. cycl. dulc. graph. HEP. hyosc. jod. LACH. led. LYC. MERC. mezer. natr. n-vorm, phosph. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. selen. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. thuj. veratr. vit. 1424. -- fistulous. Ant-crud. ars. ASAF. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. CARB-VEG. caust. ULCERS. 1425-1434. 209 - chel. clem. CON. creos. hep. lach.- led. LYC. merc. natm. natr-mur. NITR-AC. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabin. selen. sep. SIL. staph. strain. SULPH. thuj. 1425. Vlcers, gangrenous. % Acon. ars. bell. mum-ac. SABIN. SEMC-CORN. 1426. - swollen, tumifled. Acon. amn. ars. aur. bar. BELL. BRY. caic. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. cic. cocc. con. duic. graph. H EP. joci. KALI. led. lyc. mang. MERO. natr. natr-mnur. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. RHUS. sabin. samb. SEP. sil. staph. SULPH. vit. 1427. - difflicuit to heal. Alum. amin. bar. CALC. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. clemn. CON. croc. GRAPH. hell. HEP. kali. LACH. LYC. magn. mang. MERC. mum-ac. natr. NITR-AC. n-vom. PETR. pho0SPh. ph-ac. plumb. RHUS. -SCill. SEP. SIL. STAPH. SULPH. 1428. - inflammatory (inflamed). ACON. ant-crud. arm. ARS. asaf. bar. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. caic. caust. chain. cia. cocc. coich. con. creos. croc. cupr. dig. REP. hyosc. ignat. led. LYC. m-amct. maug. MERO. inezer. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosph.- plumb. PTJLS. man-bulb. RHUS. ruta. sassap. sep. SIL. STAPH. -SUIPh. thuj. vematm. vit. zinc. 1429. - lardaceous. Adnt-crud. Aas. creos. cupm. HEP. MERC. NITR-AC. sabin. suiph. thuj. 1430.- at the bottom. Ams. hep. MERC. nitr-ac. 1431. - lupus vorax. AMBR. ARS. caic. chin. G RAPH. LYC. merc. natm. peir. phosph. PULS. SEP. sil. staph. suiph. zinc. 1432. - luxuriant. Alum. ant-crud. ARS. bell. carb-an. camb-veg. caust. CHAM. cle~n. creos. graph. LAC.H. mnemc. PETR. phos8ph. sabin. SEP. SIb. staphi. S U LPH. thkj. 1433. - flat. Amm. aug-. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARS. ASAF. bell. camb-an. camb-veg.0 chin. LACH. LYC. MERC. natm. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. PH-AC. puIs. ran-bulb. SELE N. SE P. SIL. staph. sulph. thuj. 1434. - deep. Ant-crud. ams. asaf. aur. BELL. CALN. carb-veg. caust. chel. T2 210 ULCERS. 1435-1442. clem. CON. creos. hep. lack. led. LYC. mgs. merc. mur-ac. natr. natrmur. NITR-AC. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabin. selen. sep. SIL. staph. stram. SULPH. thtlj. 1435. Ulcers, putrid. Amm. ars. asaf. aur. bell. bov. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chel. CHIN. cic. con. creos. cycl. graph. HEP. lyc. mang. merc. mezer. MUR-AC. natr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. phosph. PH-AC. plumb. puls. RHUS. ruta. sabin. sec-corn. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. 1436. - bleeding. Ant-tart. arg. am. ARS. ASAF. bell. CARB-VEG. caust. con. creos. croc. dros. HEP. hyosc. jod. KALI. LACH. LYC. mgs. MERC. mezer. natr-mur. NITR-AC. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabin. seccorn. sep. SIL. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc. 1437. - sphacelous, gangrenous. Ant-tart. ARS. ASAF. bell. carb-veg. con. EUPHORB. LACH. merc. PLUMB. ran-bulb. SCILL. SEC-CORN. SIL. sulph. sulph-ac. 1438. - spongy. Alum. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARS. bell. calc. CARB-AN. carb-veg. caust. cham. CLEM. Con. creos. graph. jod. LACH. lyc. merc. nitr-Ac. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. rhus. sabin. SEP. SIL. STAPH. SULPH. THUJ. 1439. - tense, accompanied by a feeling of tension. Arn. ASAF. aur. BAR. bell. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chin. clem. cocc. CON. creos. hep. jod. kali. LACH. lye. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabin. sep. sil. SPONG. staph. STRONT. SULPH. thuj. zinc. 1440. - accompanied by boring or piercing pains. Arg. aur. bell. calc. caust. chin. hep. kali. natr. natr-mur. puls. ran-scel. sep. SIL. SULPH. thuj. 1441. - with dragging pains. ARS. bell. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. clenm. cocc. CYCL. graph. kali. LYC. mgs. MERC. mezer. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. puls. rhus. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. zinc. 1442. - jerking (accompanied by jerking pains). Arn. ASAF. aur. bell. bry. CALC. CAUST. chanm. chin. clem. cupr. graph. lye. merc. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-vomr petr. PULS. RHUS. sep. SIL. staph. sulph. U LCERS. 1443-1450.21 211 c. Pain and sensation of ulcers. 1443. Ulcersq, sensitive, painful. Alum. amm. anac. ang. ARN. ARS. ASAF. aur. 1BEL L. carb-an. CAUST. chain. chin. CiC. CLEM. cocc. coff. Con. creos. croc. cupr. dig. duic. GRAPH. REP. hyosc. jod. LACH. led. LYC. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vomn. petr. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhus. sabin. scull. selen. SEP. SIL. suiph. thuj. veratr. 1444. - insensible, indolent. Ambr. anac. ant-tart. amn. ARS. aur. bar. BELL. boy. bry. campli. carb-an. chain. chel. chin. cic. COCC. CON. croc. graph. hell. HYOSC. ignat. ipec. laur. led. LYC. mgs. merc. n-mosch. n-vomu. OLEAND. op'. PH~ospH-. PHl-AC. plat. PULS. rhus. sqc-corn. sep. staph. STRAM. suiph. veratr. zinc. 1445. - with throbbing. Acon. arn. ars. ASAF. bar. bell. boy. bry. CAMC caust. chain. chin. clem. con. hep. hyosc. ignat. KALI. LYC. ngs. MEEC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. ruta. sabad. sassap. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. thuj. 1446.- with the pain of a bruise., Ang. ARN. chain. chin. cocc. CON. REP. hyosc. natr-mur. n-voin. rhus. ruta. SULPH. 1447. - burning. Ainbr. ARS. asaf. aur. bar. bell, boy. bry. caic. carb-an. CARBVEG. CAUST. chain. chin. clern. CON. creos. dros. graph. REP. ignat. kali. lach. LYC. mang. MERO. MEZER. mur-ac. natr. natrmur. nitr-ac. n-voin. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. sep. SIL. staph. stront. SULPH. thuj. zinc. 1448. - with shocks or jerks In the Interior. Ang. ARN. ciC. CLEM. mezer. mfur-ac. plat. RUTA. sulph-ac, 1449. - with smarting itching. Ars. bell. bry. calc. carb-an. caust. chain. chin. colch. dig. EUPHORB. graph. LACH-. LED. LYC.miang. inerc. meazer. natr. petr. ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. ruta. selen. sil. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. 1450. - with itching (pruritus). Alumn. ainbr. amin. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. ARS. bar. bell. boy. bry. caic. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. CHIN. clein. con. creos. dros. GRAPH. REP. ipec. lach. led. LYC. inerc. mezer. natr. 212 ULCERS. 1451-1459. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sassap. scill. selen. SEP. SIL. STAPH. SULPH. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. 1451. Ulcers, with shooting pain. Acon. alum. ant-crud. arn. ARS. ASAF. bar. BELL. boy. BRY. calc. camph. canth. carb-veg. chamin. chin. clem. cocc. con. cycl. graph. HEP. led. LYC. m-arct. magn. mang. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-vom. PETR. phosph. PULS. ranbulb. RHUs. sabad. sabin. sassap. scill. selen. SEP. SIL. spong. staph. SULPH. thuj. 1452. - with pain, as from excoriation. Alum. ambr. ant-crud. arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. caust. cic. GRAPH. HEP. hyosc. ignat. kali. lye. mgs. m-austr. MERC. mezer. natr-mur. n-vonm. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. rhus. SEP. sil. staph. SULPH. sulphac. thuj. zinc. 1453. - with digging pain. ASAF. bell. bry. calc. chin. natr. phosph. ruta. sep. stront. sulph. 1454. - which are attended with a prurient and crawling sensation. Acon. ant-tart. ARN. bell. caust. cham. CLEM. colch. CON. croc. graph. hep. kali. lach. merc. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. ph-ac. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. RHUS. sabin. sec-corn. SEP. spong. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. 1455. - with sensation of cold. Ang. ARS. BRY. merc. petr. plumb. rhus. SIL. thuj. 1456. - with aching. Camph. carb-veg. chin. GRAPH. par. SIL. 1457. - with gnawing pains. Bar. bell. calc. cham. cycl. dros. hyosc. kali. led. lye. mang. mere. mezer. natr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. RAN-SCEL. rhus. ruta. STAPII. sulph. thuj. VIT. 1458. - with cutting pains. BELL. CALC. dros. graph. ignat. lye. mur-ac. NATR. ph-ac. rhus. sep. sil. sulph-ac. 1459. - with pain as from suppuration. Amm. anac. arn. ars. ASAF. aur. bar. BRY. CALC. CARB-VEG*. chin. colch. CON. creos. cycl. dros. euphorb. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. jod. kali. led. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. par. petr. PHOSPH. PULS. RAN-BULB. RHUS. ruta. sassap. sec-corn. SIL. staph. SULPH. valer. veratr. zinc. ULCERS. 1460-1470. 213 d. Margin of the Ulcers. 1460. Margins, burning (burning heat in the margins). ARS. asaf. carb-an. CAUST. clem. HEP. lack. LYC. MERC. murac. petr. phosph. ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. sep. SIL. staph. suiph. thuj. 1461. - elevated and hard. ARS. asaf. 6ry. carb-an. caust. cic. cina. clem. hep. lach. LYC. MERC. mur-ac. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. sep. SIb. staph. suiph. thu}. 1462. - swollen, ARS. 6ry. carb-an. caust. CiC. HEP. lyc. MERO. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PTJLS. SEP. SIb. SULPH. 1463. - painful. ARS. ASAF. caust. clem. REP. LACHR. LYC. MERC. mur-ac. petr. phosph. ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. sep. SIb. sulph. thuj. 14 64. - shooting (shooting pain in the margins). ARS. ASAF. 6ry. Clem. HEP. LYC. MERO. mur-ac. petr. phospli. PULS. ran-bulb. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. thuj. 1465. - black. ARS. lach. sil. suiph. 1466. - toothed, Irregular, ragged, serrated. Hep. lach. MERC. PH-AC; sil. staph. suiph. THUJ. 1467. -spongy. ARS. CARIB-AN. caust. ciem. LACH. lyc. merc. petr. phosph. ph-ac. sep. SIL. staph. suiphI. thUj. 1468. - bleeding. ARS. asaf. caust. kep. lack. LYC. MERC. phospli. ph-ac. puls. sep. SIL. sniph. thuj. e. Circumference, surrounding parts of the Ulcers. 1469. Vesicles (phlyctense) ARS. bell. caust. kep. LACH. mgs. merc. natr. petr. phosph. rhus. sep. 1470. Creepings, crawlings. A.nt-tart. ars. bell. caust. clem. REP. LACH. LYC. merc. inezer. natr. n-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PUbS. rhus. sabin. sep. SIb. staph. suiph. vit. 214 ULCERS. 1471--1479. 1471. Pimples. Acon. ARS. bell. CAUST. cham. hep. LACH. lyC. ags. mere. mezer. mur-ac. natr. petr. phosph. PULS. rhus. SEP. sil. staph. sulph. vit. 1472. Burning pain. ASAF. bell. caust. chain. cocc. hep. LACH. lyc. merc. mezer. murac. natr. n-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sabin. sep. sil. staph. STRONT. SULPH. 1473. Shooting pain. Acon. ARS. ASAF. bell. cham. cocc. hep. lyc. MERC. mezer. murac. natr. n-vom. petr. phosph. PULS. rhus. sabin. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. 1474. Painful, sensitive. ARS. ASAF. bell. caust. cocc. HEP. LACH. lyc. mere. mezer. mur-ac. natr. n-vom. petr. phosph. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. 1475. Swelling. Acon. ars. BELL. caust. cham. HEP. lyC. MERC. natr. n-vom. petr. phosph. PULS. rhus. SEP. Sil. staph. 1476. Hardness. Arn. ARS. ASAF. BELL. caust. cham. cina. hep. LACH. LYC. merc. mezer. natr. n-vomn. petr. phosph. PULS. sep. sil. staph. sulph. 1477. Redness. ACON. ant-crud. arn. ARS. ASAF. bar. bell. bor. bry. calc. CHAM. cocc. creos. cupr. HEP. hyosc. ignat. LACH. led. LYC. MERC. mezer. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. sassap. sep. SIL. STAPH. sulph. thuj. veratr. zinc. 1478. Tightness, tension. ARS. ASAF. bell. CAUST. cham. hep. LACH. LYC. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. n-vom. petr. phosph. PULS. RHUs. sep. SIL. staph. f. Suppuration. Quality and Colour of the pus. 1479. Suppurating ulcers in general. Acon. ambr. amm. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arn. ARS. ASAF. aur. bar. BELL. boy. bry. cale. CANTH. caps. carb-an. CARBVEG. CAUST. chamin. chel. chin. cic. clem. cocc. con. creos. croc. dros. dulc. graph. hell. HEP. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. led. LYC. migs. mang. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITRAC. n-voem. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STAPH. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. viol-tr. zinc. ULCERS. 1480---1492. 215 1480. Pus, watery, serous. Ant-tart. ARS. ASAF. calc. carbl-veg. CAUST. clem. con. dros. graph. jod. kali. lyc. MERC. nitr-ac. n-vom. plumb. puls. RANBULB. RAN-SCEL. RHUS. ruta. scill. SIL. staph. sulph. thuj. vit. 1481. - whitish. Amm7. ars. CALC. carb-veg. hell, LYC. PULS. sep. sil. suiph. 1482. - brownish. Anac. ai's. BRY. calc. carb-veg. con. puls. rhus. sIL. 1483. - copious. Acon. arg. ARS. ASAF. bry. CALC. canth. chin. cic. creos. graph. jod. kali. lyc. mang. MERC. mezer. natr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS, RHUS. ruta. sabin. scill. SEP. sIL. staph. sulph. thuj. 1484. - gelatinous. Arg. amrn. bar. cham. ferr. merc. sep. sir. 1485. - grey. Ambr. ars. carb-an. CAUST. chin. lyc. mere. sep. SIL. thuj. 1486. - fetid. Amm. ARS. ASAF. aur. bell. bov. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chel. CHIN. cic. con. creos. cyci. GRAPH. HEP. LYC. mang. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. phosph. PH-AC plumb. puls. rhus. ruta. sabin. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. 1487. - smell of herring brine. Graph. 1488. - smell of old (rotten) cheese. HEP. Sulph. 1489. - acid smell. Galc. graph. HEP. MERC. natr. sep. SULPH. 1490. - containing maggots. Ars. calc. mere. SABAD. SIL. suiph. 1491. - yellowish. Acon. ambr. amlm. anac. ang. arg. ars. aur. bov. bry. CALC. caps. CARB-VEG. CAUST. cic. CLEM. con. creos. croc. dulc. graph. hep. jod. lye. mang. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. ruta. sec-corn. selen. SEP. SIL. spig. STAPH. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. viol-tr. 1492. - liquid. Ant-tart. ASAF. carb-veg. CAUST. dros. jod. kali. lye. MERC. 216 ~2l6 ULCERS. 1493-1501. nitr-ac. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhus. ruta. SIL. staph..SULPH. thuj. 1493. Pus,, with scanty secretion of, or with suppression of Pus. Acon. ams. bar. BELL. boy. bry. CALO. carb-veg. caust. chin. dina. elemn. coff. creos. CUPP,. dros. DULC. graph. HEP. hyosc. ignat. ipec. LACH. led. lyc. magn. MERO. n-vom. petr. phosph. PLAT. plum'b. puls. rhus. sassap. SEP. SIb. spong. staph. suiph. VERATR. 1494. - acrid. Amm. anac. ARS. bell. calc. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chain. chel. clem. con. creos. cupr. graph. HEP. ignat. jod. lach. LYC. MERO. mezer. natr. natr-mum. NITR-AC. n-scm. phosph. plumb. puls. RANBULB. RAN-SCEL. RHUS. ruta. SCILL. sep. SIL. spig.staph.s8ulph. suiph-ac. zinc. 1495. - bloodiy. Ant-tart. amg. amn. ARS. ASAF. bell. CARB-YEG. CAUST. con. creos. croc. dros. HEP. hyosc. jod. kali. lack. L'YC. mgs. MERO. mezem. natr-mur. NITR-AC. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabin. sec-corn. sep. SIL. suiph. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc. 1496. - sebaceous., Merc. 1497. - sanious. Amm. ant-tart. ARS. ASAF. aur. boy. calc. CARB-VEG. CAUST. CHIN. cic. clem. con. creos. dros. graph. hep. kali. lyc. mang. MERO. mum-ac. NITH-AC. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. RHUS. scull, sec-corn. sep. SIL. STAPHR. suiph. 1498. - which stains black. Bry. chin. lyc. SULPH. 14 99. - which stains green. Ams. ASAF. aur. carb-veg. CAUST. clem. creos. merc. natr. n-vom. phospli. PULS. rhus. sep. SIL. staph., 1500. - viscous.,4rs. asaf. BOY. chain. CON. merc. mezer. pho-sh. ph-ac. sep. sil. staph. viol-tr. a. Hair, ý,c. 1501. Falling off' of the hair. AmBR. amm. amin-mur. ant-crud. ARS. aum. bar. BELL. boy. CALC. cauith. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. chel. coich. con. creos. cycl. dulc. FERR. GRAPH. hell. HEP. ignat.jod. KALI. lack. lyc. magn. NAILS., 1602-.1515. 217 MERC. natr. N.ATR-MUR. niltr-ac. op. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. rhus. SASSAP. sabin. sec-corn. selen. SEP. 8il. STAPH. SULPH. suiph-ac. zinc. 1502. Falling off of the hair in tufts. pkosph. 1503. - at the occiput (opisthophalacrosis, ophicrasis). Calc. CARB-VEG. hep. PETR. sep. sil.' staph. suiph. 1504. - at the vertex (baldness, phalacrosis). BAR. caic. carb-an GRAPH. hep. lyc. nitr-ac. plumb. -selen. SEP. jil. zinc. 1505. - at the frontal region. Ans. bell. hep. MERC. NATR-MUR. PHOSPH. 8il. 1506. - at the parietal region. Boy. GRAPH. kali. ph-ac. staph. zinc. 1501'. - at the temples. Oalc. KALI. lye. merc. NATR-MUR. par. Sabin. 1508 - at the eyebrows (milphosis). Agar. BELL. caust. hell. KALI. par. plumb. selen. 1509. Falling off of the whiskers. Agar. ambr. CALO. GRAPH. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. plumb. sil. 15 10. - of the moustach. Bar. KALI. plumb. 1511. Falling off of the hairs In the nostrils. Calc. caust. GRAPH. Silt 1512.- at the pubis (epictenosis). Bell. hell. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. RHUS.,selen. 1513.- from the body in general. Ars. CALC. carb-veg. GRAPH-. hell. kali. NATR-MUR. op. phosphi. sabin. sec-corn. suiph.1 1-5 14. Sensation as If one were pulled by the hair. ACON. alum. amn. bar. bry. canth. caust. chin. creos. KALI. LAU R. lye. miagn-mur. mur-ac. mitr. PHiOSPH. ph-ac. RHUS. selen. b., Nails8. 1515. Nails, In general (affections of the). ALUM. amm-mur. ant-crud. ars. aur. bar. bell. bor. biv. ca/c. 218 NAILS. 1516-1527. caust. chel. chin. cocc. colch. con. dig. dros. GRAPH. hell. hep, jod. kali. lach. lye. mgs. m-arct. M-AUSTR. mar. MERC. mosch. murac. natr-mur. NITR-AC. n-vom. par. petr. ph-ac, plat. puls. ranbulb. rhus. ruta. SABAD. SCILL. sec-corn. sep. SIL. SULPH. sulphac, thuj. 1516. Nails, exfoliation of the. Alum. calc. GRAPH. merT. sabad. sep. SIL. SULPH. 1517. - falling off of the. Ant-crud. ars. hell. mere. SCILL. sec-corn. thuj. 1518. - bluish. AUR. CHEL. chin. COCC. DIG. dros. NATR-MUR. n-vom, petr. SIL. 1519. - thickening of the. Alum. calc. GRAPH. mere. SABAD. sep. sil. sulph. 1520. - with pressive pain. Mgs. 1521. - growing into the flesh. Colch. graph. M-AUSTR. mar. sil. SULPH. 1522. - tender, sensitive. Calc. con. hep. mygs. M-AUSTR. mere. natr-mur. N-VOM. petr. ph-ac. scill. sep. SIL. sulph. thuj. 1523. - spotted. Alum. ars. NITR-AC. sep. sxL. sulph. 1524. - yellow. Ambr. ant-crud. ars. aur. bell. bry. calc. canth. carb-veg. caust. cham. chel. chin. CON. ferr. hep. ignat. lyc. MERC. NITR-AC. N-VOM. op..plumb. puls. SEP. sil. spig. SULPH. 1525. - ulcerated (panaris). Alum. amm-mur. ant-crud. ARS. aur. bar. bell. bor. bovy. CALC, caust. chin. con. GRAPH. HEP. lach. lyc. m-arct. m-austr. mar. MERC. mur-ac. natr-mur. NITR-AC. petr. 'ph-ac. plat. PULS. ranbulb. rhus. ruta. sabad. scill. sec-corn. sep. SIL. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. 1526. - with pain as from ulceration. AvM-MUR. bell. caust. chin. GRAPH. hep. kali. mgs. m-austr. merce mosch. mur-ac. NATR-MUR. n-vom. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. ruta. SEP. SIL. Sulph. sulph-ac. thuZj. 1527. - discoloured. Ant-crud. ars. GRAPH. mur-ac. NITR-AC. sulph. NAILS. 1528-1536. WARTS.@ 1537-1540. 219 1528. Nails, splitting (Scilla. SILICA). Sabad (?). 1529. - painful. Amm-mur. ant-crud. bell. CAUST. GRAPH. hep. kali. mgs,. xAUSTR. mar. merc. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. par. puls. ran-bulb. rhus. sabad. cill. sep. SIL. sulph. 1530. - as if a splinter were under the. Colch. hep. NITR-AC. petr. plat. ran-bulb. sIL. SULPH. 1531. - brittle, breaking. Alum. calc. GRAPH. merc. sabad. sep. SIL. SULPH. 1532. - deformed. Alum. calc. GRAPH. mere. sabad. sep. sil. sulph. 1533. - slow, or retarded growth of the. Ant-crud. 1534. - with pain, as from excoriation. Alum. ant-crud. calc. caust. GRAPH. kep. mgs -m-austr. mere. natr-mur. n-vom. puls. SEP. &.Ulpk. 1535. -jerking sensations in the. Alum. calc. caust. GRAPH. m-austr. mosch. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-Vom. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. 1536. Hang-nalls (reduvice). CALC. lyC. MERC. NATR-MUR. RHUS. sabad. STANN. SULPH. c. Warts. 1537. Warts in general. Ambr. amm. anac. ant-crud. ARS. BAR. BELL. bor. bov. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. cupr. DULC. euphorb. cupr. HEP. kali. lach. lyec. m-austr. NATR. natr-mur. NITR-AC. petr. phosph. PH-Ac. ran-bulb. RHUS. ruta. sabin. sassap. SEP. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. THUJ. 1538. - with burning pain. Ars. lyc. PETR. plhosph. RHUS. sep. sulph. 1539. - suppurating. Ars. bov. calb. CAUST. HEP. ail. thUj. 1540. - Inflamed. Amm. bov. CALC. caust. hep. lye. nitr-ac. rhus. 8&sep. sIL. staph. sulph. 220 WARTS. 1541 -1550. COR N'S. 1'551-53 1541. Warts, with an ulcerated circumference.t Ars. NATR. phospli. 1542. pediculated (acrochordon). Duic. lyc. ph-ac. staph. THUJ.' 1543.- very large. Caust. DULC. natr. NITR-AC. 1544. - hard. Ant-crud. duic. ran-bulb. sil. SULPFL. 1545. - horny. Ant-crud. ran-bulb. SULPH. 1546. - small. Bar. CALO. duic. hep. rhus. SASSAP. sep. SUL'PH. 1547. - with pulsation, or throbbing pain. CALC kali. lyc. _petr. sep. SIL. suiph. 1548. - smooth. DULC. 1549. -,with shooting pain. Adnt-crud. bar. CALC caust. hep. lyc. NITR-AC. rhu-s. sep. sl staph. suiph. 1550. - in the form of a cock's-comb or crestq, (toothed). Caic. euplir. lyc. nitr-ac. PH-AC. sabin. staph. THUJ. d. Corns. 1551 Corns in general. Adgar. ambr'. AMM. anac. ANT-CRUD. arg. amn. bar. bor. bov. ERY. CALC. caMPli. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cocc. con. graph. kep. IGNAT. jod.'kali. tyc. rngs. m-arct.- m-austr. natr. natr-mur., nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH.' suiph-ac.. thuj. veratr. 1552. - with piercing pain. Bor. caic. caust. hep. kali. natr-mur. phosph. puls. RAN-SCEL. rhodod. sep. sil. spig. thuj..15 53. - with buniung,, Amm. arg. bar. bor. BRY. caic. carb-veg. caust. graph. hep. ignat.4 CORNS. 1554-1562.21 221 kali. LY C. mgs. natr. n-vorn. petr. phosyk. ph-ac. puls. ran-,scel. RHUS. SEP. sit. spig. staph. suiph. thuj. 1554. Corns with pressive pain. Agar. anac. ANT-CRUD. arg. boy. bry. caic. carb-veg. CAUST. graph. ignat. jod. LYC. m-arct. m-austr. phoaph. ph-ac. ruta. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. veratr. 1555. - with great sensibility, Agar. amm. ARN. BAR. boy. BRY. CALC. campli. carb-an. carbveg. REP. IGNAT. kati. LYC. mgs. M-ARCT. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. phosph. PULS. rail-bulb. RAN-SCEL. RHUS. SEP. SIL. SPIG., staph. StTLPH. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. 1556. - with Inflammation. Bor. caic. hep. LYr, nitr-ac.* phospli. puls. rhus. SEP. SIL. staph. suiph. 15 57. horny, ANT-CRUD. ran-6utb. suiph. 1558. - with beating, throbbing. Caic. kali. LYC. sep. sit. suiph. 1559. - with drawing. Arnmm. arn. BRY. caic. caust. cocc. ignat. kati. LYC. natr. n-vom. rhus. SEP. SIL. SULPH. suiph-ac. 1560, -with jer~king. Anac. cocc mgs. m-arct. n-vom. phosph. puls. rhus. SEP. SULPE. suiph-ac. 1561. - with shooting. Agarn. amm. ANT-CRUD. arg. amn. bar. bor. bov. BRY. CALM carb-an. caust. coCC graph. liep. ignat. kati. LYC. mg.S.m2-arct. natr. natr-mur. nitin. nitr-ac. petin. phosph. ph-ac. puts. RAN-SCEL. rhodod. RHUS. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. suipli-ac. thuj. veratin. 1562.- with pain of excoriation. Agar. ambin. ANT-CRUD. amn. bry. caic. campli. caust. graph. nEP. IGNAT. kali. tyc. mngs. m-ainct. natr-mur. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. SEP. sit, staph. suiph-ac. veratin. u2 222' YAWNING. 1563-1568. part fourtt. YAWNING, SLEEP, AND DREAMS. I. YAWNING. 1563. Yawning in general. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. AMM. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ANT-TART. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. bov. BRY. calad. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chamin. CHEL. chin. cic. CINA. clem. cocc. coff. colch. con. CREOS. CROC. CUPR. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. IGNAT. ipec. kali. lach. LAUR. led. LYC. mgs. M-ARCT. m-austr. MAGN. magni-mur. mang. mar. MEN. 9nerc. mezer. mosch. MUR-AC. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. OLEAND. OP. PAR. petr. PHOSPH.'ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. rata. SABAD. sabin. SASSAP. scill. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STANN. STAPH. stram. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. VIOL-OD. zinc. 1564. - without sleep. Acon. alum. amm-mur. ang. ant-tart. arn. bry. canth. caust. cham. chin. cupr. cycl. hep. IGNAT. lach. laur. M-ARCT. M-AUSTR. magn. mosch. natr-mur. phos'ph. PLAT. RHUS. scill. SEP. spig. staph. sulph. viol-od. 1565. - with stretching and twisting (pandiculatio). Acon. agar. ALUM. ambr. AMM. ang. ant-tart. arn. ARS. bar. BELL. bor. boyv. bry. CALC. cann. canth. caps. CARB-VEG. CAUST. CHAM. chin. cocc. creos. dros. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. ignat. IPEC. laur. led. magn. merc. mezer. mur-ac. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PILS. ran-bulb. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. scill. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. sil. SPONG. stann. STAPH. SULPH. valer. veratr. verb. zinc. 1566. --spasmodic. c "tz i-"Ang. ant-tart. arn. bry. croc. cupr. HEP. IGNAT. laur. M-ARCT. m-austr. mosch. natr-mur. PLAT. RHUS. scill. SEP. staph. sulph. 1567. - interrupted. - Acon. chain. croc. ignat. LYC. phosph. ruta. stann. 1568. Concomitant complaints. Acon. agar. aim. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. SLEEP.' 1569-1572. 223 aur. bar. bell. bor. bry. calad. calc. canth. caps. carb-an. CAUST. CHEL. chin. CINA. cocc. CREOS. croc. cycl. dig. ferr. GRAPH. hep. IGNAT. ipec. kali. laur. lyC. M-ARCT. m-austr. mayn. magn-mur. mang. mar. MEN. mezer. MUR-AC. natr. natr-mur. N-VOM. OLEAND. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. puls. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. SASSAP. sep. sil. stann. STAPH. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. viol-od. zinc. II. SLEEP, HYPNOLOGY. A. Somnolence. 1569. Somnolence. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ANAC. ang. ANTCRUD. ANT-TART. arg. arn. ARS. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carban. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chainm. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. CON. creos. CROC. cupr. CYCL. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. KALI. lach. LAUR. led. lye. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magnmur. mang. mar. merc. mezer. MOSCH. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. oleand. oP. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta, sabad. sabin. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. wit. zinc. 1570. - in the morning. Agar. alum. ambr. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. asaf. bell. bism. bor. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. clem. cocc. CON. creos. croc. dig. dulc. EUPHR. GRAPH. hep. ihyosc. ignat. kali. laur. led. lyc. MGS. m-austr. magn. MAGN-MUR. MERC. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. puls. ran-bulb. rhodod. rhus. SEP. sIL. spig. straim. SULPH. sulph-ac. veratr. verb. zinc. 1571. - forenoon. Agar. alum. amm. ang. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. bar. Bism. calc. CANN. carb-an. CARB-VEG. con. cycl. dros. dulc. graph. hell. kali. lyc. magn-mur. MOSCH. NATR. N-VOM. puls. rhus. SABAD. sassap. selenz. SEP. sil. spig. staph. sulph-ac. zinc. 1572. - afternoon. ACON. AGAR. alum. amtm. ANAC. ant-crud. ant-tart. ars. asaf. aur. bar. bell. bov. bry. calc. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. coff. con. CRnoc. cycl. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hyosc. ignat. kali. LACH. laur. merc. mezer. murac. natr. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-VOM. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. 224 SLEEP. 1573-1576. plat. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. sefi. sep. sil. spig..spong. STAPH. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. verb. t~iOl-tr. zinc. 15 73. Somnolence In the evening. Agar. alum. amm. ammn-mur. anac. ang9, ant-crud. ANT-TART. ARN. ARS. asaf. bar. bell. bor. BOY. calad. CALO. earb-veg. caust. chin. cina. cocC. CON. CROC. CYCL. dros. duic. graph. hep. ignat. KALI. lack. LAUR. lyc. m-aret. m-austr. magn-mur. mang. mosch. natr-mur. N-VOM. par. petr. phospli. PH-AC. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sassap. seill. selen. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. sulph. thuj. valer. 1574. Concomitant phenomena during sleep. Acon. agar. ambr. ANT-TART. arg. ARS. asaf. bell. BOR. calad. Caps. CRAM. chel. chin. cic. cina. COCC. CON. creos. croc.I cyci. dig. euphr. ferr. hell. hep. IGNAT. KALI. lach. LAUR. led. mgs. m-arct. m-anstr. mag-n. merc. MEZER. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. N-MOSCH. n-vom. op.. petr. phosph. PH-AC. FLAT. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. RHODOD. rhus. SABAD. sabin. Sep. stann. STAPH. strain. stront. s~uiph-ac. tar. thuj. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. 15 75. Somnolence arising firom morbid causes. Acon. agar. amin. anac. ang. ant-crud. ANT-TART. am. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bism. boy. bry. calc. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. CiC. cina. elem. coce. coff. con. croc. cycl. dros. euplir. ferr. graph. hyosc. IGNAT. KALI. LACH. laur. lye. ings. m-au-str. magn. merc. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ae. N-MOSCH. N-vom. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. RILUS. rUta. SABAD. sabin. selen. sep. SIL. spig.. stann. staph. SULPH. TAR. thuj. verb. ZINC. B.* Sleep retarded, and towards mornin. a. 1576. Sleep retarded. Aeon. agar. alum. ambr. amin. amin-mur. anac. any. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. ARS. (tsar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. BOR. BRY. CALAD. CALC. eamph. eann. eantli. eaps. CARD-AN. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. elein. eoee. eoff. eoloe. con. creos. cycl. dig, dule. euphorb. enphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. HEP. hyose. IGNAT. ipee. KALI. LACH. laur. LED., LYC. mgS. m-amct. M-AUSTR. magn. rnagn-mur. mang. MAR. MERC. inezer. mosch. MUR-AC. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitm-ac. n-inoseh. N-VOM. par. petr. PHiOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran-seel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sabin. sainb. sassap. SELEN. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. sulph-ae. tar. thuj. VALER. veratm. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. SLEEP. 1577-15839-22 225 1577. Inability' to get asleep again after - beiing wakened. Amm. ars. AUR. bar. BELL. bor. caic. carb-veg. caust. clern. COcc con. cyci. DULC. FERR. graph. kali. laur. led. lyc. magn-. magilmur. mang. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. NATlI-MUR. n-vom. PHO-SPH. ph-ac. puts. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rhus. ruta. sabin. SASSAP. selen. SEP. SIL pong. SULPH. suiph-ac. zinc. 1578. Suffering which prevents one from sleeping (sleep prevented by suffering). Acon. agar. alum. ambr.;amm. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. amn. ARS. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. BRY. CALAD. CALO. camph. cantli. caps. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. clem. cocc coff. coloc. con. CREOS. cyci. dig. duic. eupliorb. enphr. GRAPH. guaj. HEP. IGNAT. zpec. 'KALI, lack. laur. led. LYC. Mlgs. m-arct. m-austr. ma n. magn-mur. mang. mar. MERO. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. nat?'. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat' plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sabin. samb. SASSAP. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL'. spig. spong. staun. staph. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. yeratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. b. 15 79. Sleep In the morn'ing (towards morning). Agar. alumn. ambr. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. a-saf. bell.. bism. bor. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. clem'. cocc. CON. creos. croc. dig. duic. EUPHR. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. laur. led. lyc. MGS. m-austr. magn. MAGN-MUR. MERC. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-YOM. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. puls. ran-bulb. rhodod. rhus. SEP. SIL. spig. strain. 5ULPH. suip hac veratr. verb, zinc. 1580. - profonndg, In the morning.' Anac. ang. ant-tart. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. clem. cocc. CON. croc. dig. euphr. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. LED. lye. mgs. natr-mur. nitr. N-VOM. PHosPH. ph-ac. puts. ran-bulb. spig. strain. veratr. zinc. C. Positions during sleep. 1581. With the hands above the head. Calc. chin. coloc. N-vom. plat. PULS. rheu~m; ruta. thuj.. veratr. 1582.-- beneath the head. Acon. ambr. ant-tart. ars. bell. cocc. coloc. ignat. mgs. m-austr. men. N-VOM. plat. puls. rhus. sabad. spig. viol-od. 1583.- on the belly. Cocc. gs. PULS. 226 SLEEP. 1584-1597. 1584. In the prone posture (on the belly). BELL. calc. COLOC. ignat. puls. STRAM. 1585. With the legs separated widely. Agar. bell, cham. chin. dulc. plat. PULS. rhus. 1586. - -- drawn up. Anac. carb-veg. cham. chin. mang. men. plat. PULS. rhodod. stram. 1587. - one leg bent, the other extended (one flexed, and the other extended). Stann. 1588. - the legs crossed. Rhodod. 1589. - - - stretched. CHAM. mgs. plat. puls. viol-od. 1590. - - - bent. Ambr. mgs. viol-od. 1591. - head bent back. BELL. chin. cic. CINA. cupr. hep. hyosc. ignat. mgs. n-vom. sep. SPONG. stann, viol-tr. 1592. - - - on one side (turned sideways). Gina. spong. tar. 1593. - - - bent forwards. Acon. cic. cupr. staph. viol-od. 1594. - - - low. Am. hep. n-vonm. SPONG. 1595. In the supine position (on the back). Acon. ambr. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. ars. aur. bism. BRY. CALC. chin. cIc. coloo. creos. dros. FERR. IGNAT. LYC. mgs. m-arct. maustr. N-VOM. par. phosph. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. spig. stann, stram. SULPH. veratr. viol-od. 1596.. On the side. Acon. alum. BAR. bor. caust. COLCH. ferr. m-arct. merc. mosch. natr. nitr. n-vom. PHOSPH. ran-bulb. sabad. sabin. spig. sulph. 1597. Seated (in a sitting posture). ARS. bor. cann. caps. carb-veg. chin, cic. CINA. dig. hep. LYC. nitr. phosph. puls. RHUS, sabin. spig. SULPH. SLEEP. 1598-16038 227 D. Character of sleep. 1598. Sleep agitated. Acon. agar. ALUM. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anad. ang. ant-crud, ant-tart. arn. ARS. ASAF. asar.-AUR. BAR. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth,. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. COLOC. con. CREOS. croc. cupr. cycl. DIG. dros. dulc. euphorb. FERR. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs.. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. mere. mezer. mosch. MUR-AC. NATR. natr-mur. N1TR. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. PETR, PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. SABIN, samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spongy STANN. staph. stram. STRONT. SULPH, sulph-ac. tar. TvUJ. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 1599. - anxious. ACON. ARS. BELL. cham. cocc. dulc. ferr. HEP. ipec. KAL merc. op, petr. rhus. samb. veratr. 1600. Cataphora (state of coma, or comatose sleep). Acon. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. ANT-TART. arn. ars. asaf. bar. bell. BRY. cale. CAMPH. carb-veg. caust. cham. cic. clem. cocc. coloc, CON. CROC. CUPR. cycl. dig. euphorb. hell. hyosc. ignat. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. rmgs. m-arct. mere. mosch. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. n-vom. oleand. OP. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLUMB. PULS. rhus. ruta. seccorn. sep. stann. stram. sulph. VERATR. vit, zinc. 1601. Carus, (coma, the most profound morbid sleep). Anac. ang. ANT-TART. BELL. BRY. calad. CALC. CAMPH.carb-veg. cham. chin. cIC. clem. cocc. coloc. CON. CROc. dig. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. HEP. HYOSC. IGNAT. kali. lach. LED. lyc. mgs. MARCT. natr-mur. NITR. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. OP. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. SEC-CORN. SENEG. spig. stann. STRAM. VALER. Vit. zinc. 1602. - profound. Acon. alum. anac. ant-crud. ANT-TART. ARS. bar. BELL. bor. bry. calc. camph. caust. cham. chin. cic. cocc. con. creos. CROC, CUPR. cycl. dig. hell. HYOSC. IGNAT. LAUR. LED. MGS. Im-arct. mere. mosch. N-MOSCH. OP. petr. phosph. PH-AC. plumb. PULS. RHODOD. rhus. ruta. sabad. SEC-CORN. selen, seneg. sep. spig, stann. STRAM. sulph. VERATR. vit. zinc, 1603. - unrefreshing. ACON. agar. alum. AMBR. amm. amm-nur'. anac. ant-crud. anttart. arn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. bell. BISM. bor. boy. BRY. CALC. camph. CANN. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. CHIN, cIc. cina. clem. cocc. coff. CON. creos. croc. dig. dros, euphorb. 228 2SLEr., EP.1604-1608. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. REP. IGNAT. ipec. kali. LACH. laur. led. L'YC. mngs. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. mar. Men. m2erc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. n-vomn. oleand. OP. PETR. phospli. ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. samb. scull, sec-corn. SELEN. sep. SI L. spig. spong. s.tann. STAPH. stramn. stront. SULPII. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. violtr. zinc. 1604. Typhonla (coma vigil). ACON. AGAR. alum. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. bell. BRY. crocý. cyci. ignat. lach. lyc. mgs. m-arct. mar. natr-mur. OP. petr. PHOSPH. plat. rheum. sep. -sil. spig. SPONG. stann. strain. SULPH. 1605. Coma somnolentum. *Aug. ANT-TART. bell. B RY. caic. camph. carb-veg. caust. clem. coff. CON. CR00. kali. lach. lyc. MGS. m-arct. N-MOSCH. OP. pho-sph. ph-ac. puls. stann. vit. zinc. 1606. Epiphenomena of sleep. ACON. alum. ambr. ammn. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. anttart. amn. ARS. aur. B3AR. BELL. bism. bor. BRY. calad. caic. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. Cl-AM. chel. CHIN. dic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. CON. creos. croc. cnipr'. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. REP. HYOSC. IC3NAT. zpec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. MGS. m-arct. maustr. magn. maga-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. rnosch. MIJR-AC. natr. natr-7nur. mitr. nitr-ac. n-vomn. OP. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHEUM. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabin. SAM B. sassap. scill. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. E. Waking. 1607. Frequent waking. Acon. agar. alum. AMBR. anmi. amnz-iur. anac. ant-crud. anttart. arn. ARS. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. bry. calad. CALC'. cann. cauth. caps. CARB-AN. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. CHIN. cic. cinia. clem. cocc. cof. colch. con. creos. croc. cycl.dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. LIEP. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. ings. IM-ARCT.mi-austr. mayn. magn-rnur. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. raosch. mur-ac. natr. n7atr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. 11-11o8c-. N-V OM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHiOSPR. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sa-ssap. scill. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. staun. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH1. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 1608. Waking too soon, too early. Acon. alum. ainbr. amin. ainm-mur. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. SLEEP. 1609-1611.22 229 ARS. asaf. AUR. bar. bor. bry. calad. caic. cann. canth. CAPS. carbveg. caust. chain. chin. cocc COFF. con. creos. croc. cyci. dros. DULC. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. lyc. m-arct. m-austr. MAGN. mang., merc. mezer. MTJR-AC. NATR. natr-mar. nitr. nit r-ac. N-YOM. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. RAN-BULB., ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. sabad. sabin. sainb. sassap. scill. -selen. SEP. SIL. spong. staph. suiph. SULPE-AC. thuj. veratr.. verb. viol-tr. 1609. Waking too late. Agar. alum. ambr. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. asaf. bell. bisin. bor. bry. CALO. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. clein. cocc. CON. creos. croc. dig. dulc. EUPHRi. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. laur. led. lyc. MGS. m-arct. magn. MAGN-MUR. MERC. NATR. natrmur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPFI. PH-AC. plat. puls. ranbulb. rhodod. rhus. SEP. SIL. Spig. strain. SULPH. suiph-ac. veratr. verb. zinc. 1610. Epiphenoniena of Wtakingr. Acon. alum. AMBE. AMM. AMM-MUR. anac. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. ARN. ARS. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. bry. calad. CALC. caun. canth. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chain. chel. CHIN. Cic. cina. clem. COCC. coff. coich. con. creos. croc. cycl. DIG. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guai. REP. hyosc. IGNAT. IPEC. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. M-ARCT. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. inang. mar. men. MERC. inezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. NJTR-AC. n-inosch. N-VOM. op. PETR. PHOSPR.ph-ac. pint. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. -sabad. sabin. SAMB. sassap. scill. selen. seneg. SEP. SI L. 8pig. spong. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPII. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. F. Agrypnia. 1611. Want of sleep, or sleeplessness in generafl. ACON. agar. alum. ainbr. aini. aini-inur. anac. aug. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. ARS. asaf. asar, aur. bar. BELL. bism. BOR. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-vek. CAUST. CRAM. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. COFF. coleli. CON. CREOS. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euplir. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. H-EP. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. LACH. laur. led. lyc. in-arct. m-austr. 2nagn. magnD-mur. mang. mar. MERO. mezer. inosch. mum-ac. NATR. natr-nzur. nitr. NITR-AC. ni-ios-ch. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PUbS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rheuin. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sainb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. SELPN. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. staun. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. TI-UJ. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. zinc, x 230 SLEEP. 1612-1615. 1612. Sleeplessness with drowsiness, or desire to sleep (agrypnocoma). AcoN. amm. amm-mur. arn. ARS. bar. BELL. bor. BRY. calad. CALC. camph,. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. CON. euphr. ferr. graph. HEP. hyosC. KALI. lach. laur. lyc. m-arct. m-austr. magn-mur. MERC. 7mosc. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sabin. samb. selen. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. veratr. viol-od. zinc. 1613. - before midnight. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. ARS. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. BOR. BRY. CALAD. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. caust. cham. chel. CHIN. clem. cocc. coff. coloc. con. creos. cycl. dig. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. HEP. hyosC. IGNAT. ipec. KALI. LACH. laur. LED. LYC. rugS. m-arct. M-AUSTR. magn. magn-mur. mang. MAR. MERC. mezer. mosch. MvR-AC. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. SELEN. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. VALER. veratr. verb. viol-tr. zinc. 1614. - after midnight. Acon. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. ARS. ASAF. AUR. bar. bor. bry. calad c. caic. CANN. canth. CAPS. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. COFF. con. creos. croc. cycl. dros. DULC. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. lyc. m-arct. m-austr. MAGN. mang. merc. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. RHODOD. rhlus. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. selen. SEP. SIL. spong. staph. sulph. SULPH-AC. thuj. veratr. verb. viol-tr. 1615. - arising from disease. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. anac. ang. antcrud. ant-tart. arn. ARS. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. BRY. CALAD. CALC. camph. cann. canth,. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. COFF. colch. CON. CREOS. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. HEP. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. m-arct. m-austr. MAGN. MAGN-MUR. mang. mar. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. samb. SASSAP. scill. SELEN. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. DREAMS. 1616-1620. 231 III. DREAMS. 1616. In general. ACON. agar. ALUM. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. bov. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chainm. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coloc. coN. creos. croc. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH-. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. LACH. laur. led. lye. MGS. M-ARCT. m-austr. MAGN. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC, mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr..PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STANN. STAPH. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. THUJ. valer. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 1617. Dreams, agreeable. Acon. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. arn. ars. asaf. AUR. bar. bell. bism. bor. bov. CALC. cann. canth. CARB-AN. carb-veg. caust. cham. chel. chin. cic. clem. cocc. COFF. cO1Oc. CON. creos. CROC. cycl. dig. dros. euphorb. GRAPH. hell. hyosc. ignat. KALI. LACH. laur. led. lye. MGS. m-arct. MAGN. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. OP. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. SABAD. samb. sassap. scill. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. stram. stront. SULPH. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. VIOL-TR. vit. zinc. 1618. - of animals. Amm. AMM-MUR. ARN. bell. bov. hyosc. m-austr. mere. N-VOM. ran-scel. sil. sulph-ac. 1619. - anxious. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. AMM-MUR. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. bism. bor. bov. 3RY. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. chamchin. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coloc. con. CREos. croc. dig. dros. euphorb. euph. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. jodipec. KALT. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. MAGN. MAGN-MUR. mang. mar. MERC. inezer. mur-ac. natr. natr. natrmur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sabin. sASSAP. scill. selen. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. SULPH-AC. tar. THUJ. valer. VERATR. verb. vit. zinc. 1620. - of money. Cycl. puls. 2322 22DREAMS.1621-1630. 1621. Dreams of falling. AhmM-MUR. aur. bell. caps. chin. creos. DIG. ferr. guaj. hep. ignat. m-arct. magn-mur. mere. mezer. nitr. plumb. sabin. 8sa&ap. suiph. THUJ. 1622. - confused. dcon. alum. ang. bar. bry. CANN. canth. caust. CHIN. CIC. erna. eroc. dule. euphorb. hell. laur., led. lye. m-arct. m-austr. magn. ruang. NATR. petr. phosph. plat. plumb. PULS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sil. $pig. STANN. thuj. valer. 1623. - vexatious, annoying, contrary. Acon. ag-ar. ALUM. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. amn. ar8. ASAR, bor. boV. BRY. caic. cann. CAUST. chain. cdd, chin. cina. COCC. CON. creos. dig. dros. hep. IGNAT. lach. led. lyc. mgs. m-amct. rn-austr. rnagn-mur. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. ilitr-ac. N-VOM. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. puls. rheUM. RHUS. ruta. sabin. sassap. sep. &il. spong. STAPH. stront. SULPH. Zinc. 1624. - continuing after waking. Aeon. anac. arn. bry. CALC. CHIN. euphorb. graph. IGNAT. mere. NATR. natr-?nur. puts. sep. sil. zinc. 1625. - of dancing. Magn. magn-mur. 1626. - disgustingr. Ainm. anac. chel. emeos. magn-mur. mum-ac. natr-mur. N-YOM. phosph. puls. suiph. zinc. 1627. - of disappointed hopes. Ignat. 1628. - of water. Alum. AMM-MUR. boy, dig. ferr. GRAPH. ignat. jod. kali. MAGN. mayn-mur. mere. nat. nitr. ran-bulb. sil. valem. 1629. - of difficulties. AMM-MUR. anac. ant-taint. ARS. cann. caps. croc. GRAPH. MANG. magn-mur. mum-ac. PHO9PH. plat. rhus. 1630. - amative, amorous. Aeon. alum. amm-mflhi. ANT-CRUD. amn. ars. aur. bism. bor. boy. cale. CANTH. earb-an. caust. chel. chin. elem. coee. coloc. CON. emeos. euphomi. GRAPH. hyose. IGNAT. kali. LACH. led. lye. MGS. m-amct. magn. magn-mum. men. mere. mezem. mum-ac. NATR. natrmur. nitin-ac. n-moseh. N-YOM. OLEAND. OP. par. PHOSPH. ph-aC. PLAT. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. SABAD. samb. sassap. SEP. SIL. spig. DREAMS. 1631-1640.23 233 stann. STAPH. stram.s.ulph. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. VIOL-TR. vit. zinc. 163 1. Dreams of the events of the- day. Arg. bell. BRY. cantli. chel. cic. cina. euphorb. kep. kali. lyc. MAGN. mer'c. N-VOM. phospk. ph-ac. plat. PUlLS. RHUS. sabin. sassap. selen. sil. stann.. staph. 84iph. 1632. - of fire. alum. amm. ANAC. ant-tart. ars. bar. bell.. caic. clem. creos. croc. euplir. HEP. laur. m-austr. MAGN. MAGN-MUR. natr-mur. PHOSPHa. plat. rhodod. rhus. spig. stann. stront. sulph. -suiph-ac. 1633. - of festivities. Ant-crud. mgs. 1634. - frequent. ACON. anac. ant-tart. amn. asaf. BRY. CALC. CHIN. coff. euphorb. graph. IGNAT. lack. m-austr. mere. NATR. natr-mur. PULS. sep. 8d. spig. -staph. zinc. 1635.- fatiguing to the mind, Aeon. ambr. anac. amn. ars. BRY. camiph. carb-an. CHIN. cic. clem. duic. graph. IGNAT. jod. LACH. laur. led. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. mar. mosch. mur-ac. NATR-MUR. nitr. N-VOM. OLEAND. op. par. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plumb. puls. rhus. SABAD. SABIN. sassap. sec-corn. spong. staph. SULPH. THUJ. VIOL-TR. Zinc. 1636. - gay, merry. Asaf. caust. coff. CR00. dig. LACH. laur. mgs. magn. mezer. OP. phosph. scill. sulphi. 1637. - of war. Ferr. plat. THUJ,' verb). 1638. - of history. Caust. chain. croc. hell. MGS. in-aret. MAGN. merc. PHospH. selen. sil. strain. 1639. - humiliating. Aldum. amin. amn. ASAR. Con. led. magii-niir. MOSCH. mum-ac. staph. 1 640-. - Indifferent. Alum. anac. arg. ars. bell. DRY. canth. chain. chel. CHIN. cie. cina. clem. coce. coff. con. euphomb. hep. ignat. kali. lack. lye. MAGN. memc. natr mum. N-VOM. pko6ph. PH-AC. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. sabin. sassap. se'len. SEP. sit. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. viol-tm. x 2 234 DREAMS. 1641-1651. 1641. Dreams of illness. Amm-mur. anac. asar. bor. CALC. COCC. CREOS. dros. hep. KALI. m-arct. N-VOM. phosph. scill. sil. zinc. 1642. Dreams of misfortunes. Alum. AMM-MUR. anac. ant-crud. ARN. ars. bar. BELL. Cann. carb-an. CHAM. CHIN. coCC. croc. GRAPH. guaj. ignat. KALI. laur. led. LYC. mang. merc. mur-ac. nitr. N-VOM. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. SASSAP. selen. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. SULPH-AC. THUJ. veratr. verb. zine. 1643. - of dead persons. Alum. amm. ANAC. ARN. ARS. aur. bar. bry. calc. cocc. con. GRAPH. jod. KALI. laur. lyc. m-arct. MAGN. magn-nzur. mur-ac. nitr-ac. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. sassap. spong. sulph-ac. THUJ. verb. zinc. 1644. - of mortifications. Ignat. mosch. rheum. staph. 1645. - of storms. ARN. ars. euphr. natr. 1646. - fantastic. Ambr. ant-tart. ars. bar. CALC. CARB-AN. carb-veg. cham. CON. GRAPH. hell. KALI. lach. lyc. merc. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. OP. SEP. sil. spong. SULPH. zinc. 1647. - of quarrels. Alum. amm. ant-crud. ARN. aur. BRY. calc. canth. caust. cham. con. guaj. ep. m-austr. MAGN. natr. N-VOM. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. puls. sabin. selen. spig. STANN. staph. tar. veratr. 1648. - of ghosts. Alum. bov. CARB-VEG. ignat. kali. sassap. sil. spig. 1649. - with reflection. Acon. anac. arn. bry. camph. carb-an. graph. IGNAT. lach. m-arct. m-austr. N-VOM. puls. rhus. sabad. sabin. thuj. 1650. - of which the recollection is lost, which cannot be recalled to mind. Arn. aur. BELL. boy. bry. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. cic. cocc. croc. HELL. ignat. jod. ipec. lach. laur. LYC. m-arct. magn. magnmur. men. merc. mur-ac. natr-mur. phosph. ph-ac. plat. rhus. sabin. samb. sassap. SELEN. seneg. SPIG. stann. staph. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. TAR. VERATR. Vit. 1651. of learned subjects. Ignat. m-arct. DREAMS.. 1652-1656. CIRCULATION. 1657-1659. 235 1652. Dreams- of vermin. Chel. mur-ac. N-VOM. phospli. 1653. - vivid. ACON. amlir. ANAC. arg. ant-tart. ARN. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bism. BRY. calad. CALC. canm. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. c/jam, chin., cic. clem. cocc. coff. coich. CON. CrOC. dros. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lack. laur. led. LYC. MGS. m-arct. m-austr. MAGN. MAR. men. MERC. mezer. mosek. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. Op. PETR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. Plat. PULS. ran-bulb. r-heum. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. samb. SEP. SIL. s9pigq. STANN. 8taph.stram. SULPH. TAR., thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. 1654. - of travelling. Amm. anmm-mur. MAGN. magil-mur. NATR. OP. 1655. - of robbers. Alum. aur. kali. MAGN. mnagn-mur. MERC. natr. plumb. sil. veratr. 16.56. - being awake (waking dreams)..Acon. amm. anac. aug. ARN. ars. BELL. bry. caic. campli. CHAM. graph. hell. HEP. hyosc. lach. rugs. MERC. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. Op..phosph. PH-AC. puls. ran-scel. rheum. s~amb. selen. 1841. sdram. thuj. veratr. ~Part 0.ftW j CIRCULATION AND FEVERS. I. CIRCULATION. a. Blood Vessels. 1657. Blood-vessels, swelling, distension of the. Acon. alumn. AMM. ARN. ar~s. BAR. BELL. bry. calc. campli. chel. CHIN. cic. coloc. con. CR00. cyci. FERR. GRAPH. LIYOSC. lack. lyc. m-arct. m-austr. rhodod. rhus. sassap. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. stront. SULPR. THiUJ. zinc. 1658, - burning sensation in the. ARS. bry. hyosc. op. rhus. veratr. 1659. - inflammation of the. Acon. ANT-TART. lack. 236 CIRCULATION. 1660-1666. PULSE. 1667-1668. 1660. Blood vessels, sensation of cold in the. Acon. ant- tart. 1661. - throbbing of the. ACON. anac. ANT-TART. ar8. asar. BELL. bov. bry. calad. calc. canth. caps. CARB-AN. carb-veg. clem. coloc. con. CREOS. cupIr. GRAPH. hell. ignat. JOD. KALI. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac, N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. RHUS. sabad. SABIN. sassap. SELEN. SEP. sil. staph. STRONT. 8sulph. THUJ. ZINC. 1662. Varices in general. AMBR. ANT-TART. ARN. ARS. calc. CARB-VEG. CAUST. CO10C. CREOS. FERR. GRAPH, LACH. LYC. M-AUSTR. magn. NATR-MUR. n-vom. PULS. sil. SPIG. SULPH. 8ulph-ac. thuj. ZINC. 1663. - attended with inflammation. ARN. ARS. calc. creos. LYC. n-vom. PULS. SIL. SPIG. SULPH. thuj. zinc. 1664. - - ulceration. Ant-tart, ARS. creos. LACH. LYC. PULS. SIL. Sulph 1665. Telangiectasis (mottled, web-like, or reticular bloodvessels). Carb-veg. CAUST. lyc. plat. THUJ. 1666. Sensation, as if the circulation were interrupted. Acon. bell. bry. caust. croc. dig. hep. ignat. lyc. m-austr. n-vom. oleand. puls. rhodod. sabad. seneg. sulph. zinc. b. Pulse. 1667. Pulse, alteration of the pulse in general. ACON. agar. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anug. ant-crud. ANT-TART. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. bov. BRY. calad. calc. CAMPH. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. cocc. coIch. coloc. CON. CREO S. croc. CUPR. DIG. dulc. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. HYOSC. ignat. JOD. ipec. KALI. lach. LAUR. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. mang. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-voem. oleand. OP. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sabin. SAMB. scill. SEC-CORN. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. VERATR. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 1668. - unchanged. Agar. ALUM. aImm. amm-mur1. ANAC. ANG. ANT-CRUD. ar'f. ASAF. asar. bism. BOR. calad. camph. cann. canth. CAPS. caust. chel. cic. PULSE. 1669-1670'.23 237 CINA. CLEM. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. CYCL. PROS. duic. EUPIIOR.B..EUPHR. graph. hell. ipec. lach. laur. led. lyc. MGS. M-ARCT. m-aztstr. MAGN. magn-mur. magn. MAR. men. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. OLEAND. PAR. p/at. ran-bulb. RANSCEL. RHEUM. rhodod. RUTA. sdill. SEC-CORN. se/en. sep. spig. spong. stront. suiph-ac. TAR. valer. VERB. vic/-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 1669. Pulse intermittent. ACON. AGAR. alum. ang. ars. asaf. bism. DRY. cauth. caps. carbveg. CHIN. DIG. H-1EP. hyo.se. KALI. lack. laur. mezer. mur-ac. NATR-MUR. n-vom. op. PH-AC. plumb. rhus. sabin. SAMB. SECCORN. SEP. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. 1670. - unequal. ACON. AGAR. alum. ANG. ant-crud. ARS. asaf. bell. bism. BRY. cantli. CAPS. carb-veg. chain. CHIN. con. DIG. HEP. HaYOSC. ha/i. LACH.. laur. mg-s. mang. mnerc. mezer. mur-ac. NATE-MUR. n-vom. oleand. op. PH-AC. PLUMB. RHUS. Sabin. SAMB. SEC-CORN. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. STRAM. SULPH. thuj. va/er. VERATR. Zinc. 1671. - much accelerated. ACON. ambr. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. amn. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. BRY. cai~c. campli. canth. carb-veg. clam. chin. cina. cocc. co/ch. co/oc. con. creos. croc. cupr. dig. guaj. hep. Hyosc. ignat. JOD. ipec. kali. /ach. led. lyc. m-arct. m-austr. men. MERC. mezer. MOSCii. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-sce/. rheum. rhus. sabin. samb. sec-corn. seneg. sep. SIL. SPONG. STANN. staph. STRAM. su/ph. suiph-ac. VALER. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. 1672. - more accelerated than the beating of the heart. ACON. amn. rhus. SPIG. 1673. - slow..tlar. ant-crud. amn. BELL. CAMPH. cann. CANTH. chin. cic. co/ch. coloc. CON. CUPR. DIG. dui~c. HELL. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. LAUR. men. merc. mosdh. mur-ac. nitr. op. par. petr. phospli. puls. rhodod. rhus.,samb. scill. sec-corn. sil. spig. STRAlV. thuj. VERATR. Vit. 1674. - slower than the beating of the heart. Agarn. cann. DIG. duic. he//. /aur. nitin. sec-corn. veratr. 1675. - full., ACON. ant-tart. ARN. asaf. asar. bar. BELL. bism. BRY. cainph. cant/i. CHEL. chin. co/ch. co/oc. con. CUPR. DIG. duic. hell. ferr. hep. IIYOSC. ignat. jod. lack. led. mn-arct. merc. mezer. moscH. mur-ac. natr-mur. NITR. n-vom. oleand. op. par. petr. phospli. ph-ac. plumb. ran-bu/6. ran-scel. SABIN. samb. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong-. STRAM. su/ph. veratr. viol-od. 238 PULSE. 1676-1680. HORRIPILATION. 1681. 1676. Pulse small, feeble. ACON. agar. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. ARS. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bry. CAMPH. cann. canth. CARB-VEG. CHAM. CHIN. Cic. cina. COCC. COLCH. con. CREOS. CUPR. dig. dulc. ferr. GUAJ. hell. HYOSC. ignat. JOD. ipec. KALI. lach. LAUR. mgs. m-austr. mang. men. MERC. mur-ac. natr-mur. nitr. n-vom. OP. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. sabad. SAMB. scill. SEC-CORN. seneg. SIL. spig. STANN. staph. STRAM. sulph. SULPH-AC. thuj. valer. VERATR. viol-od. zinc. 1677. - hard. ACON. ant-tart. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. bar. BELL. bism. BRY. calad. camph. CANTu. cham. CHEL. CHIN. cina. cocc. colch. coloc. CUPR. DIG. DULC. FERR. hell. HEP. HYOSC. IGNAT.jod. lach. led. mgs. m-arct. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr-mur. NITR. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb, ran-bulb. ranscel. sabin. samb. scill. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. SIL. pYig. Spong. STRAM. sulph. valer. veratr. viol-od. zinc. 1678. - soft. ACON. agar. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. ars. bar. bell. bism. camph. cann. canth. CARB-VEG. cham. chin. cic. cocc. con. creos. CUPR. dig. dulc. ferr. GUAJ. hep. hyosc. jod. ipec. kali. lach. LAUR. m-arct. mang. MERC. mur-ac. natr-mur. nitr. n-vom. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. puls. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. sec-corn. seneg. sil. spig. stram. sulph-ac. thuj.. valer. VERATR. vit. 1679. - imperceptible. ACON. ant-tart. ARS. bell. cann. CARB-VEG. cic. cocc. creos. CUPR. dulc. ferr. guaj. hell. hyosc.jod. IPEC. laur. m-austr. MERC. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. puls. rhus. SEC-CORN. 8IL. stann. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. VERATR. vit. zinc. 1680. - tremulous. Ambr. ang. ant-tart. ARS. aur. BELL. CALC. camph. cic. cina. cocc. CREOS. jod. kali. lack. natr-mur. n-mosch. phosph. RHUS. ruta. SABIN. SEP. SPIG. STAPH. strain. II. FEVERS. A. Horripilation. 1681. lorripilation in general. ACON. agar. alum. amm. amm-mur. anac. ARN. ant-crud. arg. arn. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bor. bov. BRY. calad. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cina. clem. COCC. cof. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cycl. dig. dros. HORRIPILATION..1682-1683. SHIVERING. 1684-1685. 239 duic. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. lyc. mg-s. m.-arct. M-AUSTR. magn. mayn-mur. mang. men. MElIC. mezer. mosch. rnur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. mitr. mitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. lIHUS. ruta. SABAD. 8abin. samb. sa~sap. scill. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verd. viol-od. zinc. 1682. Horripilation,, partial. Aeon. amm. ang. arg. amn. ARS. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bor. boy. bry. eamnph. cann. cauth. caps. earb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chel. CHIN. czna., cocc. eojf. coloc. croc. dig. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. ignat. Icali. lach. laur. led. m-arct. m-austr. magn-mur. mang. men. merc. inezer. mosch. natr. natr-mur. nitr. n-vom. par. phosph. ph-ac..plat. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. STAPH. strain. stront. suiph. thuj. valer. 'VERATR. Zinc. 1683. - semi-lateral. Alum. ambr. 'anac. ant-tart. arn. bar. BELL. bry. CAUST. chain. chin. cooc. croc. dig. ignat. kali. lye. natr. N-VOM-. par. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. lIHUS. ruta. gsabad. sassap. 8pigq. stann. strain. -suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. verb. B. Shivering. 1684. Shivering in general. Aeon. agar. ALUM. AMBR. AMM. aini-mur. anac. aug. ant-crud. 'ANT-TART. arg. ARN. ARS. amar. aur. bar. bell. bisin. bor. boy. BRY. CALAD. CALC. camph. cann. CANTH. CAPS. CARB-AN. earb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. CHIN. Cic. cina. clem. coce. coff. COLCH. coloc. CREOS. eroe. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. dui~c. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. HEP. h1yosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-aret. in-austin. magn. magil-mur. mang. mar. men. MERO. MEZER. moseb. mur-ae. natr. NATR-MUR. nit?'. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. _petr. PIIOSPII. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sainb. SASSAP. -seill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. strain,. strout. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj'. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 1685. - partial. Aeon. agar. alum. ambr. anac. arg. amn. ARS. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. cal. eamph. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. coff. eoleh. CREOS. croc. dig. dros. dule. euphr. guaj. hell. HEP. hyose. IGNAT. ipec..kali. LYC.?n-aret. m-austr. magn. men. mere. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. N-YOM. op. PAR. petr. pho-sph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. 240 SHIVERING. 1686-1690. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. samb. scill. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. stront. sulph. thuj. VERATR. verb. vit. zinc. 1686. Shivering, internal. acon. alum. ambr. ANAC. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. ARS. asaf. bar. BELL. boy. BRY. CALC. camph. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. chin. coFr. colch. con. creos. croc. dig. dros. euphr. graph. HELL. hep. IGNAT. IPEC. kali. LACH. LAUR. LYC. m-austr. magn. mang. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. par. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. sabad. sassap. SCILL. sec corn. SEP. Sil. SPIG. spong. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. THUJ. valer. VERATR. VIT. zinc. 1687. - slight. Agar. ALUM. ambr. amtm. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. ARS. ASAR. bar. bell. bism. bor. Bov. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. cocc. coff. CREOS. croc. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euiphr. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. hyOSC. ignat. IPEc. kali. laur. led. LYC. M-ARCT. mn-austr. mar. tmen. MERC. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RANBULB. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. seneg. sep. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. VIT. zinc. 1688. - semi-lateral. Alum. ambr. anac. ant-tart. arm. BAR. bell. BRY. CAUST. chain. chin. cocc. croc. dig. ignat. kali. LYC. natr. N-VOM. par. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sassap. spig. stann. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. VERB. 1689. - with thirst. ACON. amm-mur. anac. ANT-CRUD. ARN. ars. bar. bell. bor. bov. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. CAPS. CARB-VEG. CHAM. chin. CINA. creos. croc. dros. dulc. HEP. IGNAT. ipec. KALI. lach. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. N-VOM. op. phosph. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. RHus. ruta. sabad. scill. sec-corn. sep. sil. spong. stann. staph. sulph. thuj. valer. VERATR. 1690. - without thirst. Agar. alum. amm. amm-mur. ant-crud. ANT-TART. ARS. asar. aur. BELL. bor. bov. bry. calad. calc. camph. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. cina. cocc. coff. coloc. con. creos. CYCL. dros. dulc. euphorb. guaj. HELL. hep. hyosc. ipec. kali. lach. led. m-austr. mang. men. MUR-AC. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sep. SPIG. spong. staph. stram. SULPI. tar. thuj. veratr. VIT. zinc. SHIVERING. 1691-1694. COLD. 695. 241 1691. Shivering with goose-skin (cutis anserina). Ang. ant-tart. asar. bar. BELL. bor. BRY. CAMPH. CANN. canth. chel. chin. CRoc. hell. ignat. laur. mang. mur-ac. natr-mur. N-VOM. par. phosph. ran-bulb. rhodod. SABAD. sabin. sassap. spig. stann. staph. sulph-ac. thuj. VERATR. 1692. - with shuddering. ACON. agar. amm. anac. ars. bell. BRY. calc. camph. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-veg. cham. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. cocc. CREOS. ferr. hell. IGNAT. jod. IPEC. laur. led. lyc. m-arct. m-austr. mang. mur-ac. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-VOM. petr. ph-ac. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. SAMB. sec-corn. spig. spong. stram. valer. veratr. 1693. - with trembling. ACON. anac. ant-tart. arn. bell. BRY. cale. cann. canth. chin. cic. cina. cocc. con. croc. led. mar. mere. n-vomn. oleand. op. par. phosph. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabad. strain. SULPH. zit. 1694. Concomitant complaints (attending symptoms on shivering). ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. anttart. am. ARS. asar. aur. bar. bell. BOR. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. cam ph. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. cocc. coff. coloc. con. CREOS. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. HELL. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. m-arct. m-austr. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc.;mezer. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stranm. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. viol-tr. vit. zinc. C. Cold. 1695. Cold in general. Aecon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. bov. bry. calad. calc. CAMPH. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. CHEL. CHIN. Cie. cina. cocc. coff. colch. co0oc. CON. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. IPEC. kali. lach. laur. LED. lyC. mgS. m-a;rct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mnezer'. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur.. NITR. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. THUIv. valer. VERATR. verb. vit. zinc. 24 2 242 COLD. 1696-1699. HEAT. 17/00. 1696. Cold, partial. ACON. agar. alu2IM. AMBR. a~nm. aram-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ANT-TART. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. AUR. b ar. BELL. bism. bor. bor~. b7-y. CALAD. CALO. CAMPH. cann. canth. cap~s. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. CHEL. CHIN. ecw. cina. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. CON. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. DIG. dros. duic. eupbr. ferr. GRAPH. hell. hep. hyoyc. ignat. JIPEG. KALI. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. in-austin. magn. magn-rnur. mnany. mar. mnen. MEEC. MEZER. inoseb. mur-ac. natr. natr-mnur. NITR. NITR-AC. n1-uio0sch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. pet?'. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumob. PULS. ranbulb. rhodod. ]1HUS. ruta. sabad.. sabin. sainb. sassap. scill. seccorn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig'. spong.stann. staph. vtrain. stront. SULPH. -sulph-ac. tar. THIJJ. YERATR. verb. VIT. zinc. 1697. -semi-lateral. Alum. ambr. anac. ant-tart. amn. bar. bell. bry. CAUST. chain. chin. cocc. croc. dig. ignat. kali. lyc. natr. N-VOM'. par.phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. [tHUS. ruta. -sabad. sassap. spig. s:ann. strain. sulph. suiph-ac. thuj. vcrb. 1698. Sensattion of cold in the external parts. Acoa. agar. ambr. amin-mnur. ant-tart. ARN. ars. asar. bar. bell. bor. boy. bry. CALC. caMIph. cann. canth. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. CHEL. chin. cic. cocc. cofi. coloc. con. creos. croc. dig. dulc. euphorb. graph. hell. hiyosc. ignat. ipec. lach. laur. led. lyqc. Ings. m-arct. M-AUSTR. magn. inaug. men. MERO. qmeZer. MOSCI. inur-ac. natin. u-mosch. oleand. par. petr. p)hosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. VULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. IRHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. SECCORN. sep. spig. sp~ong. stap~h. stront. sulph. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-tr. 1699. - in the internal parts. A4con. alum. ambr. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. ARS. asaf. bar. bell. boy. bry. CALO. camph. caps. carb-an. carb-veg caust. chel. chin. colch. con. creos. croc. dros. graph. hell. 'ignat. ipec. kali. lach. LAUR. LYC. mn-austr. miagm. mang. MEN. merc. 2mezer. mosch. nair. natr-mnur. nitr. mitr-ac. N-YOM. oleand. PAR. _p1osph. ph-aC. plat. plumb. puls. rhus. ruta. sabad. sassap. sec-corn. SEP. spon1g. SLJLPH. sulph-ac. valer. veratr. zinc. D. Ilea t. 1700. Beat in greneral. AcoN. agar. alum. ambr. amin.,imnm-mnur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. campli. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. cau-st. CHAM. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. 'croc. cupr. cycl. dig.- dros. dule. euphorb. ferr, graph. guaj. hell. HEAT. 10 -73 243 HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. jod..p~ec. ha/i. lach. laur. led. iyc. mgs. m-arct. m-aust~r. rnagn. mayn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERO. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. ýoleanp. o~p. par. PETR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PUbS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta., sabad. sabin. sarnb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. vit. zinc'. 1701. hffeat, external. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. ca/ad. CALO. camph. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. chel. chin. cic. cina. COCC. cqff'. coich. co/oc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. d~q. d~ros. duic. EUPH"ORB. ferr. gr aph. gnaj. hlle/. hep. HYOSC. LGNAT.jo'd. ipec. KALI. LACH. laur. led. LYC. mg~s. mn-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mnany. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhoclod. RHUS. -ruta. sabad. sabin. samnb. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. Seneg-. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. sulph ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. viol -tr. zinc. 1702. - Internal. ACON. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. aint-crud, an - tart. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. bar. BELL. bism. bor. bov. BRY. ca/ad. CALC. camnph. caun. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. CHEL. chin. czc. cmna. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cup~r. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. g~raph. gUaj.. HELL. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipcc. ha/i. lach. laur. led. /yr. mgs. m-arct. m-anstr. mnagn. niagn-mur. mnang. mar. men. mere. vmezer. miosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH1. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. samnb. sassap. scili. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. STANN. staph. strain. stront. suiphi. suiph-ac. tar. thu~j. valer. VERATR. viol-tr. ZINC. 1703. - partial. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amin. a;imi-inur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg-. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. bot'. BRY. calad. CALC. camnpk. cann. GANTH. Caps. carb-an. CARB3-VEG. caust. CHAM. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dule. eup horb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec,. ha/i. lach. LAUR. led. LYC. migs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. mayn-mnur. mnagn. mar. men. MERC. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par.petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC..plat. p/i.?mb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-sce]. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. samh. 244 HEAT. 1704-1708. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. STANN. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 1704. Heat, external. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. BAR. BELL. bism. bor. bov. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. cham. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-vOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. puls. ranbulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. STANN. STAPH. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. violod. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 1705. - internal. ACON. alum. ambr. amm. amim-mur. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. bov. BRY. calad. CALC. CAMPH. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-veg. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. chel. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. EUPHORB. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. LAUR. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. men. MERC. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. scill. SEC-CORN. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. veratr. viol-od. viol-tr. zinc. 1706. -- semi-lateral. Alum. ambr. anac. ant-tart. arn. bar. BELL. BRY. caust. chamin. chin. cocc. croc. dig. ignat. kali. LYC. natr. N-VOM. par. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabad. sassap. spig. stann. stram. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. verb. 1707. - attended with anxiety. ACON. ambr. amm. anac. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. BELL. boY. BRY. CALC. CARB-VEG. caust. cham. chin. coff. colch. con. cycl. dros. euphorb. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. laur. lyc. m-arct. magn. MERC. natr-mur. NITR-AC. N-VOM. op par. PETR. PHOSPH. PH-Ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhodod. RHUs. ruta. SEP. sil. spig. SPONG. STANN. STRAM. SULPH. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. 1708. - dry. ACON. alum. ambr. amnm-imur. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. HEAT. 1709-1712. 245 ARS. bar. BELL. 6bisn. BRY. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carbveg. caust. cham. chel. chin. clem. cocc. COnF. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cup2'. cycl. DULC. ferr. graph. HELL. hep. hyose. ignat. ipec. KALI. LACIHI. laur. LED. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. mang. MERC. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. OP. par. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. RHUs. ruta. sabad. sabin. SAMB. SCILL. SEC-CORN. selen. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STANN. STAPH. Stram. stront. SULPH. sulphac. tar. tzhj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. 1709. Heat, fugitive, transient. Acon. alum. AMBR. amm. amm-mur. ant-tart. ARN. ars. asaf. bar. bell. bisin. bor. bov. bry. cale. cann. canth. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. cham. chin. cocc. coff. coloc. creos. croc. cupr. dig. dros. GRAPH. HEP. ignat. jod. KALI. laur. LYC. in-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. MAR. men.,l MTC. NATR. natr-mur. NITR-AC. N-VOM. oleand. op. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samib. seneg. SEP. Sit. Spig. SPONG. STANN. staph. SULPH. THUJ. VALER. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 1710. - with thirst. ACON. agar. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. ars. asar. bar. BELL. bism o. bor.cv. BRY. calad. CALC. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. COLCH. coloc. con. croc. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. guaj. HEP. HYOSC. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. laur. lyc. m-austr. magn-mur. MERC. mezer. mosch. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom, op. petr. phosph. phac. plat. plumb. puls. RAN-SCEL. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SEC-CORN. sep. sIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. strain. stront. SULPI-H. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. zinc. 1711. -- without thirst. Acon. ambr. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. arg. arn. ARS. ASAF. bell. bor. bry. calad. calc. CAMPH. canth. CAPS. carb-veg. chain. chel. chin. cina. cocc. coff. coloc. con. CYCL. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. guaj. HELL. hep. ignat. ipec. kali. LACH. laur. led. mins. M-ARCT. nz-austr. magn. MANG. MEN. merc. mosch. MUR-AC. natr. natrmur. NITR. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. u-vom. OLEAND. Op. o.phosph. PIAC. plumb. puls. rheun. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. SAMB. sassap. SCILL. SEP. SPIG. spong. staph. stram. sulph. TAR. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. vIT. 1712. - with desire to uncover oneself. ACON. ars. asar. aur. bor. bry. CALC. carb-veg. chamn. chin. coff.t FERR. ignat. JOD. lach. led. LYC. MGS. M-ARCT. mere. mosch. MUR-AC. NITR-AC. n-vom. Op. phosph. plat. puls. rhus. sec-corn. seneg. sep. SPIG. staph. suiph. thuj. vERATR. y 2 246 H9EAT. 1713-1714. SWEAT. 1715-1716, 1713. Hleat With repugnance to uncover oneself, or to be uncovered. Aeon. agar. ant-crud. arg. arn. ARS. asar. AU R. bell. bor. bry. camph. canth. caps. carb-an. c/tam, chin. cic. CLEM, coca. coff. COLCH. CON. creos. grap~h. hell. HEP. ignat. lach. led. m-austr. MAGN. miagn-mnur. men. mnere. nmur-ac. natr. natr-mur. N-MOSCH. N- VOM. phosph. ph-ac. p)uls. rhieum. rhodod. RHUS. saliad. SAMB. SCILL. sep. SIL. staph. strain. STRONT. thiuj. 1714. Concomitant symptoin~ (of heat). ACON. agar. alum. amm. ammn-mur. anac. aug. ant-tart. arg. arm. ARS. asaf. asar. BELL. bor. boy. BRY, calad. caic. cant~ph. caath. caps. CARB-VEG. CHAM. chel. chin, chin?. cic. ciiia. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. dupr. cyc]. dig. dros. duic. etiphorb. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. IPEC. kali. lack. laur. led. LYC. nigs. m-arct.:m-austr. mtign. miagn-mur. maug. mar. men. miere. mzosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUI{. qitr-ac. N-VOM. oleaud. OP. par. petr. p~hosp.P-C plat. pluiib. PULS. ran-bulb. ian-scel. rheumi. rl)odod. Rnus. ruta. sabadl. sabin. sainb. sassap. scill. SEP. sin. sp)ig. sp~ong. staph. strain. s8iph. tar. thuj. valer. YERATR. viol1 -tr. Vit. zinc. E. Sweat. 1715. Sweat in gener-al. ACON. agar. alum. amibr. amm. agnni2n-ur. anac. auig. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arn. ARS. asaf. asar. au~r. bar. BELL. bor. toV. I3RY, calad. CALC. camph. canu. CANT14. caps. cart-an. CARB-VEG. caust. ClAM. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clew z.coec. coff. coloc. coni. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. duic. eupborb. euphir. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. IIEP. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgys. mn-arct. mn-austr. magfl. mayn-22ur. miang. men. MERC. mezer. moschi. mur-ac. natr. NATRI-MUR. nit]-. NITR-AC. N-VOM. op. par. _petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ranb)ulb. ran-scel. RHEUM. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. satin. 5AMB.sassap. scill. sec-corn. SELEN. seneg. SEP. sil. sp~ig. spong.- stauin. staph. str-ain. stront. SULPH. &sulph-ac. tar. THUJ. vale,-. YERATR. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 1716. - partial. ACON. agarn. ambr- ammi. amm-miur. ainac. ang. ant-tart. arg. amn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. bor. bov, try. calad. CALC. camph. canni. cauth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CHAM. chel. CH-IN. Cie. cina. clemi. coec. cq/J' coloc. con. creos. croc. dupin. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb- cuphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. IPEC..4ali. laur. LED. LYC. mgs. m-arct. in-austr.. magn-inlli. maug. MERC. inezer. inosch. natin. natr-mmtr. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. par..petr. pBlOSPH-. ph-ac. plat. plumzb. PULS. ran-scel. RHEUM. rhodod. SWEAT. 1717-1724.24 247 rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. 8cill. sec-corn. SELEN. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. suiphac. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 17/17. Sweat, semi-lateral. Alum. AMBR. anac. ant-tart. amn. BAR. bell. IBRY. caust. CHAM. chin. cocc. croc. dig. ignat. kali. L-Yc. natr. N-YOM. par. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sassap. spig. stann. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. -verb. 1718. - at the anterior surface of the body. Aglar. anac. ARG. amn. asar. bell. 6ov. CALC. canth. cocc. euphr. graph. m-arct. in-austin. MERC. nitr. plumb. rhus. sabad. sec-corn. SELEN. sep.N 1719. - - posterior surface of the body. Acon. CHIN. coff. ipec. led. flgs. N-VOM. par. _pet?-. puls. sabin. SEP. sit. stann. strain, SULPH. 1720. - - upper pa;rt of the body, Again. anac. ant-tart. ARG. ASAR. BOY. canaph. caps. carb-veg. CRAM. CHIN. CiC. dINA. dig. DITLC. gutaj. ignat. kali. LATJR. Mg&. m-austr. ninosch. n-vom. opj. par. plat. ran-scel. RHEUM. rita. s9anb, sassap. sec-corn. se/en. SEP. SPIG. spong. stann. strain. stront. SULPH-AC. VALER. VERATR. viol-tin. vit. 1721. - - lower part of the body. A.nnn. amm-mur. didl. CYCL. EUPHORD. ferr. jod. sabin. tar. zinlc. 1722. Tendency to perspire readiily. Agar. anibr. anac. ANT-TART. ars. disar. bell. BRY. CALC. canth. car6-an. carb-veg. caust. chtin. cocc. coloc. con. creos. duic. FERR. GRAPH. guaj. hep. ignat. jod. ipeC. KALI. lack. led. LYC. inaga. magn-mur. merc. iNATR. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-vomn. op. petr. phospli. ph-ac. puls. 2-curn. rhodod. r-hus. sabad. sassap. SELEN. seneg. SEP. sit. spig. spong. stann. staph. strain. SULPH1. SULPHAC. valer. veratr. zinc. 1723. Sweat, atteinded with anguish. Acon. anac. ant-crud. al-2. ARtS. bar. bell. 6mg. CALC. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. cocc. croc. fcmr. graph. ignat. lyc. inang. inerc. mezer. inur-ac. nat;'. nitr. N-VOM1. phosphi. ph-ac. _plum/ib. PULS. rhus. sabad. SEP. spong. staun. staph. strain. SULPII. thuj. veratr. 1724. - debilitating. Acon. ambr. anac. ant-crud. amn. ARS. bor. BRY. CALC. canth. cam/i-an. caust. CHIN. cocc. cineos. croc. DIG. FERR. graph. hyosc. JOD. ipec. LYC. in-arct. ne)'. NATR-MAUR. flitr. nitr-ac. n-vomn. 248 SWEAT. 1725-1734. phosph. puls. rheum. rhodod. sabad. SAMB. SEP. sil. STANN. SULPH. tar. veratr. 1725. Sweat, hot. Amm-mur. ant-crud. bell. bry. camph. canth. caps. CHAM. chin. cina. con. dros. hell. hep. ignat. ipec. led. merc. natr. n-vom. OP. par. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. puls. rhus. sabad. SEP. spig. spong, stann. staph. STRAM. sulph. tar. valer. veratr. viol-tr. 1726. - cold. Acon. armbr. amm. ang. ANT-TART. arn. ars. asaf. bell. BRY. calc. camph. CANN. canth. caps. car-b-veg. cham. chin. CINA. cocc. coff. croc. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. HEP. hyosc. ignat. IPEC. lach. LYC. mgS. M-ARCT. mnagn-mnr. mang. merc. mezer. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. RHEUM. rhus. ruta. sabad. scill. sec-corn. sep. sil. spig. STAPH. stram. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. VERATR. 1 727. - greasy. Aganr. aur. BRY. calc. CHIN. MAGN. merc. natr-mur. plumb. selen. stramn. 1728. - viscous. ACON. anac. ant-tart. arn. ars. bry. calc. CHAM. chin. dig. ferr. hep. JOD. LYC. MERC. mnOSC1h. n-vom. PHIOSPII. PH-AC. PLUMB. sec-corn. spig. veratr. 1729. - sanguianeous.. Amrn. calc. cham. chin. clem. lach. lyc. n-mosch. N-vo\M. 1730. - which stains. Arn. ars. bell. calc. carb-an. cham. chin. clemn. dulc. GRAPH. lack. lyc. maga. MERC. n-mosch. N-voM. rheuni. SELEN. 1731. - - yellow. Ars. bell. carb-an. GRAPH. lach. mnagn. MERC. rheuinm. 1732. - - red. ARN. calc. cham. chin. clemn. DULC. lach. lyc. n-mnosch. N-vo03. 1733. - offensive. Acon. ambr. amrn. ars. asar. lar. BELL. bov. bry. camph. CANTI-H. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. coloc. con. cycl. dulc. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. HEP. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. LED. LYC. mgs. mi-arct. MAGN. MERC. mosch. natr-mur. NITR-AC. N-VOM. phosph. plumb. PULS. rheum. rhod. RHIUS. SEP. SIL. spig. stann. STAPH. stran. SULPHI-. thuJ. VERATR. ZinC. 1734. - which has a smell of musk. Mosch. PULS. sulph. SWEAT. 1735-1750. 249 1735. Sweat of a bitter smell. Veratr. 1736. - - the smell of blood. LYc. 1737. - - an empyreumatic odour. BELL. rgs. 1738. - -- a mouldy smell. M-arct. n-vom. puls. RHUS. STANN. 1739. - - a putrid smell. Rhus. staph. STRAM. 1740. - - an aromatic smell. Rhodod. 1741. - - elder. SEP. 1742. - of the smell of honey. Thuj. 1743. - -of cheese. Plumb. 1744. - - of camphor. Camph. 1745. - - of rhiubarb. Rheum. 1746.- -- of a sour smell. Acon. amrn. ASAR. bell. bry. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. graph. HEP. hyosc. ignat. JOD. IPEC. kali. led. lyc. MAGN. MERC. natr-mur. NITR-AC. 1-VOL1m. rheul. rlhus, SEP. SIL. SULPH. VERATR. 1747. - - an acrid smell. Rhus. 1748. - - which has a sulphurous odour. Phosph. 1749. - - which has the smell of suilphuretted hydrogen (rotten eggs). Sulph. 1750. - fetid. Ars. BAR. canth. carb-au. con. cycl. DULC. euphlr. ferr. GRAPH. 2j0 SWEAT. 1751-1757. gutaj. hep. KALI. LED. riyc. mn-arct. magn. mrner. N1TR-AC. l-vorn. PHOSPH. puls. rhodod. rhus. SEP. sil. splig. STAPH. suiph. veratr. zinc. 1751. Sweat, sweetish, sour. Bry. 1752.- - of the smell of urine. CANTH. coloc. NJTR-AC. 1753. - - of onions. Boy. LYC. 1754. Sweat, accompanied by thirst. ACON. arum-mur. anac. ant-crud. amn. ars. bar, bell. bism. bor. boy. bry. caic. cantli. caps. carb-veg-. caust. CRAM1. CHIN. cic. ina. coff. coich. con. creos. croc. cupr. dros. duic. HE?. hyose. ignuat. jod. kali. lach. laur. mnagn-mur. mere. mezer. natr. NATRMUR. nitr-ac. n-vom. ph-ac. plumb. puls. ran-scel. rhuts. rutta. sabad. SEC-CORN. sep. sil. spong. stann. staph. strain strout. suiph. sifiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. 1755. - without thirst. Ambr. amwn-mur. ang-. ant-crud. ANT-TART. ars. asaf. bell. bry. calad. camph. cantli. caps. carb-veg. caust. chel. chin. cocc. coff. con. cyci. Jig'. ETJPHORB. HELL. hep. ignat. zipec. led. m-arct. mz-austr. mnang. MEN. mere. mnosch. mur-ac. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH-. n-vom. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PIJLS. rhodod. rhus. SABAD. sa6?'?. SAMB. sassap. scull. sep SPIG. staph. strain. suiph. tar. thuLj. veratr. Vit. 1756. Concomitant complaints. ACON. ainbr. anac. ant-crud. ANT-TART. amn. AIRS. bar. bell. BUY. calc. camph. cann. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chel. chin. cina. eocc. coff. coloc. eon. creos. croc. dig. dros. duic. ferr. graph. liyose. IONAT. IPEC. led. lye. m-arct. in-austr MANG. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. N-YOM. OP. par. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. Pui~s. ran-bulb. rhodod. RITUS. SABAD. sabin. samb. selen. SEP. spong. stann. staph. STUAM. stront. SULPH. tar. thj. valer. YERATR. F. Compound Fevers. 1757. In grenera!. ACON. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. augo. ant-crud, ant-tart. amn. ARS. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bor. boy. BUY. calad. CA.LC. camph. canth. CAPS. earb-an. earb-veg. eaust. CL-AM. chel. CHIuN. cina. clem. eoee. eq/f. coloc. con. creos. croc. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. GRAPH. gPUa'j. HELL. HE?.P hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipee. hali. COMPOUND FEVERS. 1758-1763. 251 lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. M-AUSTR. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. natr. natr-mnur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. SABAD. sabin. samb. scill. sec-corn. selen. SEP. Sil. Spig. spong. stann. staph. stranm. stront. SULPH. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. vit. zinc. 1758. Fevers consisting or composed of shivering followed by heat. ACON. alum. ambr. amm-mur. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. ars. asar. bar. BELL. bor. bry. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cina. coff. creos. cocc. cycl. dros. dulc. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. lyc. m-austr. men. merc. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. scill. SEC-CORN. sep. SPIG. staph. stram. SULPH. valer. veratr. 1759. - - -. shivering followed by sweat. Amlm-mnur. bry. caps. carb-an. CAUST. cham. chel. dig. hell. hep. lyc. M-AUSTR. natr-mur. n-vom. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. RHUS. sabad. sep. spig. thuj. VERATR. 1760. Fevers consisting in shivering followed by heat, then shivering. Sulph. 1761. - consisting in shivering followed by heat, then sweat. Amm-mur. ARS. BRY. caps. caust. chainm. chin. cina. cocc. dig. dros. GRAPH. hep. rGNAT. IPEC. kali. lyc. m-arct. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. plumb. puls. RHUS. SABAB. sabin. samb. sep. SPoNG. staph. sulph. VERATR. 1762. - consisting in shivering simultaneously with heat. ACON. alum. ANAC. ant-tart. ARS. bar. BELL. bov. bry. CALC. camph. canth. carb-veg. CHAM. chin. cina. cocc. coff. coloc. euphorb. graph. hell. IGNAT. jod. kali. lach. lyc. MIERC. mezer. mosch. natr. NITR-AC. N-VOM. OLEAND. petr. phosph. plat. plumb. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sanhb. scill. SEP. spig. spong. sulph. thuj. VERATR. zinc. 1763. - consisting in external shivering and internal heat. Acon. agar. amm-mur. anac. ARN. ars. asar. bar. bell. bry. calad. calc. camph. cann. canth. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHEL. Chin. ciC. cocc. con. croc. cupr. dig. dulc. euphorb. graph. hell. ignat. ipec. kali. laur. lyc. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. merc. mezer. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. n-vomn. phosph. PH-AC. plat. puls. 252 1764--1771. COMPOUND FEVERS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. samb. sassap. scill. SEC-CORN. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. sulph. valer. VERATR. zznc. 1764. Fevers, consisting in in internal shivering and external heat. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. ANAC. arg. arn. ARS. asaf. bar. BELL. bism. bry. calad. CALC. camph. cann. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. chel. chin. cic. cocc. corr. colch. coloc. creos. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. LACH. LAUR. LYC. m-austr. mang. MEN. merC. mezer. murac. natr. natr-mur. NITR. N-VOM. oleand, op. PAR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rhus. sabad. samb. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. SEP. sIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. SULPH. tar. thuj. veratr. vit. zinc. 1765. Fever composed of shivering attended with heat, followed by perspiration. N-vom. 1766-- of shivering with perspiration. Ars. calc. euphorb. led. lyc. n-vom. PULS. sabad. sulph. thuj. 1767. - of shivering followed by heat together with perspiration. AcON. ant-tart. BELL. bry. caps. CHAM. chin. cina. con. dig. graph. hell. HEP. ignat. ipec. kali. m-austr. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. OP. phosph. puls. RHUS. sabad. spig. stann. staph. stram. sulph. valer. veratr. 1768. - of shivering alternating with heat. Atmm. amnm-mur. ant-tart. ARS. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. BRY. CALC. canth. caust. cham. chel. CHIN. cocc. coff. coloc. creos. dros. graph. hep. jod. kali. lack. laur. lyc. MERC. mosch. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. PH-AC. rheum. rhodod. rhus. sabad. selen. sep. sil. spig. stranm. sulph. veratr. vit. 1769. - of heat followed by shivering. Ang. bell. BRY. calad. CALC. caps. caust. chin. dulc. ignat. lye. men. merc. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. phosph. puls. SEP. stann. staph. SULPH. thuj. 1770. - of heat, then shivering, thenhe at. Stram. 1771. - of heat, then shivering, then heat and perspiration. Rhus. 1772-1783. COMPOUND FEVERS. 253 1772. Fever composed of heat, followed by horripilation. Caps. cocc. hell. natr-mur. puls. rhus. SULPH. 1773. - - of heat, followed by perspiration. Anzm-mnzur. ant-crudb ant-tart. ARS. bell. bor. calc. carb-an. CARB-VEG. cham. chin. COFF. creos. hell. ignat. n-vom. op. petr. puls. RAN-SCEL. rhodod. stront. 1774. - - of heat, then perspiration, then a cold fit. Calad. 1775. - - heat, with horripilation. Acon. anac. amrn. ars. asar. BELL. bry, calc. caps. CHAM. COff. dros. HELL. ignat. kali. m-austr. merc. mosch. n-vom. puls. RHUS. sep. spig. sulph. zINC. 1776. - - of heat, attended with perspiration. Aeon. alum. amm-mur. ant-tart. bell. bry. CAPS. CHAM. chin. cina. con. dig. graph. hell. hep. ignat. ipec. kali. m-austr. merc. nitr-ac. N-VOM. OP. PHOSPH. plumb. puls. RHUS. sabad. spig. spong. stann. staph. STRAM. sulph. tar. valer. veratr. 1777. - - of heat, attended with perspiration, followed by shivering. Stann. 1778.- - of heat, alternating with shivering. Acon. amm. ARS. asar. BELL. bor. BRY. calc. caust. CHAM. chel. chin. cocc. coff. coloc. graph. hep. kali. lach. MVERC. mosch. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. rheum. rhus. sabad. SEP. Sil. spig. sulph, veratr. 1779. - - of heat, attended with perspiration. Bell. LED. 1780. - - horripilation, succeeded by a cold fit. Ars. bry. ipec. lach. 1781. - -- horripilation, succeeded by a hot fit. Ang. BELL. bry. canth. carb-veg. cocc. con. cycl. graph. IGNAT. lach. laur. led. m-arct. m-austr. mosch. n-vomn. SEP. sil. staph. SULPH. 1782. - - horripilation, succeeded by sweating. Bry. caps. caust. clem. dig. graph. mgs. M-AUSTR. natr-mur. RHUS. 1783. - - horripilation, attended with sweating. Acon. mgs. m-austr. RHUS. 254 21784-1789. COMPOUND FEVERS..1784. Fever composed of perspiration, followed by shivering, CARB-VEG. hep. 1785., - - of perspiration, then shivering, then per-m spiration. N-vom. 1786.-- of perspiration, followed by heat. N-vom. E. Concomitants of Fever. 1787. Sufferings, precedingr the fever. Acon. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARN. R.br e1 r. CALC. c aps. CARB-VEG. caust. CHIN. CINA. coce. ferr. graph. ktep. hyosc. ignat. ipEiC. kali. inch. lyc. magn. merc. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac.-nvom. _phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta..sabad. sabin. samb. sqp. Sil. spig. SULPH. veratr. 1788. - dnring, the fever. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. amn. ARS. aur. bar. bell. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. cantli. caps. carb-vegfý caust. CHAM. CHIuN. cina. cocc. coff. con. creos. croc. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. FERR. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. IPEC. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer.. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. OP. petr. PHOS'PH. ph-ac. plat. PuLs. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. riuta. sabad. samb. sassap. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. staph. dtram. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. zinc. 1789. - after the fever. Ant -crud. ant-tart. amn. ARS. BELL. bry. carb-veg. CHIN. cina.- dig. HaEP. hali. natr-2nur. N-VOM. plIosph. puis. sep. sil. veratr. CONSTITUTIONAL TENDENCIES. 1790-1794. 255 Part tittb. ETIOLOGY. I. CONSTITUTIONAL TENDENCIES. 1790. In the case of infants (medicines which are best adapted to the diseases of children). Acon. agar. AMBR. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. am. ars. asaf. bar. BELL. BOR. bry. CALC. camph. canth. CAPS. CHAM. chin. cIc. cina. clem. cocc. con. creos. CROC. cupr. dig. dros. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. HYOSC. IGNAT. JOD. IPEC. kali. lack., laur. LYC. magn. MERC. mur-ac. natr. N-MOSCH. n-vom. op. plumb. puls. RHEUM. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. scill. sec-corn. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. SPONG. stann. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. viol-od. viol-tr. zinc. 1791. - - of women. Agar. ambr. amnm-mur. ang. ant-tart. am. asaf. BELL. bor. DRY. CALC. camph. canth. CAPS. CAUST. CHAM. chin. cic. clem. COCC:: CON. CROC. cupr. dig. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. magn. mang. merc. mosch. mur-ac. natr. N-MOSCH. op. PLAT. plumb. PULS. rheum. RHUS. sabad. SABIN. SEC-CORN. SELEN. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. sepong. sulph-ac. thuj. VALER. veratr. viol-od. 1792. - - when pregnant. Acon. alum. ambr. amm-mur. arn. ars. asaf. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. CAPS. CAUST. CHAM. chin. cic. COCC. coff. con. creos. CROC. dulc. ferr. graph. HYOSC. ignat. IPEC. kali. lyc. magn. magn-mur. mang. mere. mnosch. natr-mur. N-MOSCH. n-vomn. petr. phosph. PLAT. PULS. RHUS. SABIN. SEC-CORN. selen. SEP, sil. spig. staph. SULPH. valer. veratr. 1793. - - when lying-in. Acon. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARN. asaf. asar. aur. BELL. bor. bov. BRY. CALC. camph. canth. CARB-AN. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chin. cina. cocc. COFF. colch. coloc. con. creos. CROC. cupr. dros. dulc. FERR. graph. hep. HYOSC. ignat. jod. IPEC. KALI. lach. lyc. magn. magn-mur. merc. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. rheum. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. SEC-CORN. SEP. sil. stann. stramn. SULPH. sulph-. ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. 1794. In the case of infants, at the breast. Acon. ars. BELL. bor. BRY. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. CHAM. 256 CONSTITUTIONAL TENDENCIES. 1795-1796. TIME. 1797-1799. chel. CHIN. cina. con. DULC. ferr. graph. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. lyc. mere. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. rheum. rhus. samb. scill. sec-corn. selen. SEP. sil. spig. stann. STAPH. stram. sulph. vit. zinc. 1795. In the case of drunkards (for the diseases of drunkards). Acon. AGAR. alum. amm-mur. anac. ANT-CRUD. am. ARS. BELL. bor. bov. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHEL. CHIN. COCC. COFF. con. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. LACH. laur. LED. LYC. NATR. NATR-MUR. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. OP. petr. PULS. RAN-BULB. RHODOD. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. SELEN. sep. SIL. STRAM. stront. sulph, sulph-ac. VE RATR. zinc. 1796. - - - of stone-hewers. CALC. ipec. LYC. natr. nitr-ac. ph-ac. PULS. SIL. sulph. II. PERIODS AT WHICH THE SYMPTOMS ARE DEVELOPED OR EXACERBATED. 1797. The morning. ACON. AGAR. alum, AMBR. amm. AMM-MUR. ANAC. ang. ANTCRUD. ANT-TART. arg. ARN, ars. asaf. asar. AUR. bar. bell. bism. bor. bov. bry. calad. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. cham. CHEL. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. COFF. colch. coloc. CON. CREOS. CROC. cupr. cycl. dig. DROS. dulc. euphorb. EUPHR. ___ ferr. graph. GUAJ. hell. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach, laur. led. lye. mgs. M-ARCT. M-AUSTR. magu. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. mere. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. NITR. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. PETR. PHOSPH. PH-Ac. plat. plumb. puls. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. RHEUM. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. samb. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. STRAM. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. TAR. thuj. valer. VERATR. VERB. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 1798. Forenoon. --c j c4.. j Aluin. a'r. ramm. amm-mur. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARG. ars'8. asaf. aur. bar. b ll. bor. bov. biy. calc. CANN. canth. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. cham. chel. chin. coe. coloc. con. creos. cupr. cycl. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. GUAJ. hell. HEP. ignat. ipec. kali. lach. LAUR. lye. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. MANG. MAR. mere. mezer, mosch. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. n-vom. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ranbulb. rhodod. rhus. SABAD. sassap. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. stront. sulph. SULPH-AC. tar. VALER. veratr. verb. VIOL-TR. zinC. 1799. Afternoon. AGAR. ALUM. ambr. AMM. amm-mur. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD: TIME. -1800-1802.0 257 anut-tart. ARG. amn. ars. ASAF. ASAR. aur. bar. BELL. Bism. bor. boy. bry. calaci. caic. camnph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIIE L. chin. cic. cina. cocc, co/f. coich. COLOC., con., creo8. croc. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphr. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. __IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lack. LAUR. LYC.'m-arct. m-austr., magp. magn-inur. inang. MAR. men. merc. mezer. MOSCH. MUR-AC. natr. natr-inur. NJTR. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. Op. par. petr. phos8ph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RAN '-BULB. ran-8cel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. SASSAP. scill. SELEN..reneg.. Sep. SIL. 8pig. spong. staun. STAPH. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. VALER. veratr. verb. VIOL-TR. Zinc. 1800. Evening. ACON. agar. alum. AMBR. AMM. AMM-MUR. anac. ANG. A NTCRUD. ANT-TART. arg. ARN. ARS. ASAF. ASAR. aur. bar. -BELL. bisra. BOR. boy. BRY. CALAD. CALC. cainph. cann. canth. CAPS. CARB-AN. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem-. cocc. coff. COLCH. COLoc. con. creos. C RO C. cupr. CYCL., dig. dros. DULC. EUPHR. ferr. graph. GUAJY. HELL. REP. HYOSO. __IGNAT. JOD). IPEC. JNALT. LACH. LAUR. LED. LYC. mngs. M-ARCT. M-AUSTR. MAGN. MAGN-MUR. MANG. Mar. MEN. MERc. MEZER. A. cmosch. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mnur. NITR. NJTR-AC. N-MOSCH. n- vom. oleand. op. PAR. PETR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. PLUMB. PULS. RAN-BULB. RAN.SCEL. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. SAMB. sassap. scili..selen. SENEG. SEP. SIL. Spig. spong. ajAx6 taph. STRONT. SULPH. SULPH-AC. tar. THUJ. VALER. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. - 1801. Night.*7 I.L~4c7L. --- ACON. agarn. alum. ambr. ainm. amm-mnur. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. ANT-TART. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. AUR. BAR. BELL. ba'22t. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. CAMPH. CANN. CANTH. CAPS. CARB-AN. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM., chel. CHIN. cic. CINA. clern. cocc. COFF. COLCH. coloc. CON. creos. CR00. CUPR. cycl. dig. DROS. DULC. E UPHR. FERR. GRAPH. HELL. HEP. ltyosc. IGNAT. JOD. ipec. KALI. LACH. laur. LED. LYC. mgs. rn-arct. m-austr. MAGN. MAGNac.MUR. MANG. mar. men. MERC. MEZER. rnosch. mnur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mo18cA. n-vom. OLEAND. oil..par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. ranz-8ccl. RHEUM. ritodod. RHUS. SABAD. sabin. SAMB. sassap. scill. SEC-CORN. SELEN seneg. 8ep. SIL. SPIG. SPONG. stann. STAPH.' strant. STRONIT. SULPH. SULPH-AC. tar. THUJ., valer. veratr. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 1802. Before midnight. Alum. ambr. amrn-mur. anac. ang. ANT-TART. amn. ars. asar. B3EL L. BRY. calad. cann. CARB-YEG. CAUST. CHAM. chel. chin. cyci. duic. Y~ferr. GRAPH. hep. ignat. k~hli LACH. LED. LYC. m-arct. mn-austr. MANG. mar. mierc. ME ZER. mosch. MUR-AC. niatr-inur. nitr-ac., ___~ z2 I 258 TIME. 1803-1804. SURROUNDING INFLUENCES. 1805-1809. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. RAN-BULB. RAN-SCEL. rhodod. RHUS. SABAD. samb. sep. SPIG. SPONG. stann. STAPH. STRONT. sulph. thuj. VALER. viol-tr. 1803. After midnight. Acon. alum. ambr. amm-mur. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARS. asaf. aur. bar. bor. bry. calad. CALC. CANN. canth. caps. carb-an. carbveg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. coff. con. croc. DROS. dulc. euphr. FERR. graph. hell. hep. IGNAT. jod. KALI. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. MAGN. MANG. MERC. mezer. uatr. natr-iur. NITR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. phosph. PH-AC. plat. puls. ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sabin. SAMB. sassap. SCILL. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. stram. sulph.. sulph-ac. tar. THUJ. viol-od. Y 1804. Periodiecal symptoms. Acon. ALUM. ambr. ANAC. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. ARN. ARS. BAR? bell. bov. bry. CALC. caRnn. CANTH. CAPS. CARB-vEG. CHIN. cina. clem. cocc. colch. croc. cupr. dros. ferr. graph. IGNAT. IPEC. L lack. LYC. men. merc. NATR-MUR. nitr. N-vOM. petr. PLUM. PULS. RHODOD. RHUS. SABAD. samb. sec-corn. SEP. spig. STAPH. SULPH. _ valer. VERATR. Zinc. III. SURROUNDING INFLUENCES. A. Influence of the celestial bodies. 1. The sun. Exacerba tion. S1805. In the sun (when exposed to the sun). AGAR. ANT-CRUD. bar. bell. BRY. calc. CAMPH. clem. EUPHR. graph. ignat. jod. ipec. LACH. magn-mur. NATR. n-vom. PULS. SELEN. stan. 8sulph. VALER. zinc. v 1806. From the meridian sun., QLc. /9a. Acon. BELL. camph. clem. HYOSC. '-A- <2a t /v..A6 /s 1807. Sun-rise (after). CHAM. mgs. m-austr. N-VOM. puls. 1808. Sun-set (after). Bry. ignat. PULS. rhus. SAmelioration. 1809. In the sun. Anac. con. PLAT. stramn. STRONT. SURROUNDING INFLUENCES, 1810-1819. 25 259 2. The Moon. Exacerbation. ~/18 10. At the new moon. Alum. amm. calc. CAUST. CUPR. lyc. sabad. SEP. Sll. IS 111. During a full moon. Alum. caic. cyci. GRAPH. mar. natr. sabad. sil spong. SULPH. z~-07-7 1812. When the moon Is on the wane (in her last quarter). 0. _v 1813. In the moonlight..3. The Seasons. v 1814. In the winter, q'20tAeoN. agar. AMM. ARS. AUR. bar, bell, boy. DRY. caic. CAMPH. caps. carb-an. carb-veyq. CAUST. c/tamn. cie. cina. cocc. coleli. con. DULC. ferr. HE LL. HEP. hyose. ignat. ipec. KALI. Llcmagn. many,. merc. mezer. MOSCH. natr. natr-rnur. N-MOSCH. ~-YOM. PETR. _phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhodoci. RHUS. ruta,, SABAD. sassap. SE-P. all. spig. spong. STRONT. suiph1. VERATR. 1815. - the spring. Acon. AMBR. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. 'ga~ovev. dale. lack. LYC. natr-mur. n-vom. puls. RHUS. sep. sil. SuiPh.VLE_____ IS 116. - the summer.,?1C_-/- IV'7 Ant-crud. bar. BELL. BRY. CARB-VEG. chain. graph. lyc. NATR. natr-mur. n-vom. PULS. selen. thuj. v1817. - the autumn. C'.-sc- -Lei.' Aur. bry. CHIN. colch. mere. n-vom. RHUS. strain. YERATR. B. 'Caloric. 1. H eat. 18 18. From warm air. Ambr. anae. ant-crud. ant-tart. ASAR. aur. bry. calad. cale.Amelioration. 1819. From warm air. AeON. AGAR. alum. AMM. anac. ant-crud. amn. ARS. asar. AUR. 250 SURROUNDING INFLUENCES. 1820-1822.: Exacerbation. cann. carb-veg. cham. cina. coce. COLCH. croc. dros. euphorb; ignat. JOD. ipec. lach. led. LYC. m-arct. mar. merc. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. phosph. plat. PULS. rhus. sabin. sec-corn. selen: seneg. sep. SULPH. thuj. vit. R/A.-cx-- S1820. From being in a hot room. Acon. ALUM. ambr. ANAC. ANT-CRUD. am. ASAR. aur. bar. bell. bor. bry. calc. cann. carb-veg. caust. cina. cole/. CROC. dulc. gr.ph. hell. hep. ignat. JOD. ieC. kali. laur. lyc. m-arct. merc. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. SABIN. selen. SENEG. sep. spig. spong. staph. sulph. thuj. veratr. VIT. S1821. From the heat of the bed (on getting warm in bed). Alum. ambr. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. asar. aur. bar. bov. bry. calad. calc. cann. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. chin. cina clem. cocc. colch. croc. DROS. euphorb. GRAPH. hell. ignat. JOD. ipec. kali. lach. LEC. LYC. mgs. m-arct. mar. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. mnitr-ac. N-MOSCH. n-vom. op. phosph. PH-AC. plat. PULS. rhus. sabad. SABIN. sassap. SEC-CORN. selen. seneg. sep. spig. SPONG. staph. SULPH. THUJ. VERATR. Vit. C& oc' ___ Atnelioration. BAR. BELL. bor. bov. DRY.. CALC. CAMPH. canth. cAPS. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. cham. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. CON. creos. dig. DULC. ferr. graph. HELL. HEP. HYOSC. IGNAT. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. LYC. IlgS. m-arct. i-austr. magn. riagnmur. MANG. men. MERC. mezer. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-aC. ran-bulb. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. samb. sassap. scill. seneg. SEP. Sil. spig. spong. staph. stram.' STRONT. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. VERATR. verb. viol-tr. zinc. 1822. From heat in general. ACON. AGAR. alum. AMM. anac. ant-crud. arg. arn. ARS. asar. AUR. BAR. BELL. BOR. 60bo. bsy. cale. CAMPH. canth. CAPS. Carlban. carb-veg. CAUST. cha-h. chin. cIC. clem. cocc. coff. cokch. QQc.9. CON. creos. dig. DULC. ferr. graph. HELL. HEP. HYOSO. IGNAT. ipec. KALL lack: laur. led. lyc. mys. m-austr. MAGN. magyznmur. MANG. men. rc. mezer. MOSCIHI. mur-ac. natr. natr-m-ur nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. puls. RAN-BULB. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. samb. sassap. scill. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. spong. starph. stram. STRONT. suliph-ac. tlhuj, veratr. verb. viol-tr. zinc. '"4 y. SURROUNDING INFLUENCES. 1823-1828. 26f.Exacerbation. V 1823. From heat In general. Acon. alum. ambr. anac. ant-crud. ANT-TART. amn. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. bry. calad. caic. cann.. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cn.cc.coich. coloc. croc. DROS. duic. euphorb. ferr. g~pj. hell:.7-~~ hep. ignat. JOD. ipec. kali. lach. laur. LED. lyc. mgs. m--ar-ct mar./_y'Z~fmerc. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-inur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. op. phospli. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. sabad. sabin. SEC-CORN. selen, SENEG. sep. all. spig. spong. staph. -suiph. thuj. veratr. vit. 1824.- a change of temperature.J. Alum. ARS. CARIB-VEG. caust. graph. lyc,,maoi. n-vom. phosph, PULS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rhus. SABIN. spong. suiph. veratr. VERB. v 1825. On getting warm in the open air. Acon. alum. ambr. anac. ant-crud. asar. aur. bar. bell. bov., BRY. calad. calc. cann. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cina. cocc. coff. colch. coloch. croc. dros. DULC. euphorb. graph. ignat.- JOD. ipec. kali. lach. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. mang. mar. merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. SABAD. sabin. sec-corn. selen. seneg. sep. sit. SPIG. spong. staph. suiph. thuj. veratr. vit. Amelioration. 1826. On warming oneself (on becoming warm)..4con. agar. amm. ant-crud. ARN. ARS. asar. AUR. bar. bell. bor. boy. BRY. caic. CAMPH. cauth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CXUST. chain. chin. cic. clem. COCC. con. creos. dig. DULC. ferr. GRAPH. hell. REP. HYOSC. ignat. KALI. lach. LYC. mgs. m-austr. rnagn. magnmur. inang. men. inerc. mezer. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. samb. sassap. selen. SEP. sit. spig. spong. staph. strain. STRONT. ciph. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. verb. viol-tr. zinc. 1827. From the heat of the bed (on getting warm in bed). Agar. anzi. amn. ARS. aur. bar. bell. BRY. cainph. canth,.&CAUST.,ca cocc. con. duic. graph. HEP. hyosc. KALI. lach. LYC. n'Osch. Mitr-ac. n-rnosch. N-YOM. phosph. ph-ac. rhus. SABAD. scill. sep. sit. spong. staph. strain. stront. sulph. veratr, 1,828. -- of a stove. Acon. agar. amin. ARS. aur. bar. bell. bor. cainph. cauth. caps. caust. cic. cocc. con. dulc. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. Icali. magn. mang. men. inosch. n-mosch. N-VOM. petr. ran-bulb. rhodod. PiWUS. sabad. sil. STRONT. sulph, 262 SURROUNDING INFLUENCES. 1829-1834.. Exacerbation. 1829. From an overheating. Acon. amm. ANT-CRUD. BELL. BRY. caps. CARB-VEG. Coff. DIG. hep. ignat. ipec. KALI. mezer. natr-mur. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. sep. Ail. staph. THUJ. ZINC. C,,--/t / v 1830. On warming oneself at the fire. ANT-CRUD. bry. EUPHORB. magn-mur. merc. puls. ZINC. 2. Cold. 1 1831. From cold in general. ACON. AGAR. alum. AMM. anac. ant-crud. arg. arn. ARS. asar. AUR. BAR. BELL. BOR. bov. bry. calc. CAMPH. canth. CAPS. carban. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chin. cIc. clem. cocc. coff. colch. cIQ~c. CON. creos. dig. DULC. ferr. graph. HELL. HEP. HYOSC. IGNAT. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-austr. MAGN. magnmur. MANG. men. merc. mezer. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. puls. RAN-BULB. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. samb. sassap. scill. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. spong. staph. stram. STRONT. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. verb. viol-tr. zinc. v 1832. On going into the cold air. ARS. camph. carb-veg. caust. con. dulc. kali. mosch. n-mosch. N-VOM. phosph. uls. RAN-BULB. SABAD. sil. spong. stront. VERB. v 1833. Fromthe cold air. ACON. AGAR. alum. AMM. anac. ant-crud. am. ARS. asar. AUR. BAR. BExL. bor. bov. BRY. CALC. CAMPH. anth. CAPs. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. "cham. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. COLCH. COOC. CON. creos. dig. DULC. ferr. graph. HELL. HEP. HYOSC. IGNAT. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magnInur. MANG. men. MERC. mezer, MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. par. PETR. PHOSPH.(ph-ac)ran-bulb. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. samb. sassap. scill. seneg. SEP. Amelioration. 1834. From cold in general. - __ " Acon. alum. ambr. anac. ant-crud. ANT-TART. am. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. bry. calad. calc. cann. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cina. cocc. colch. coloc. croc. DROs. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. hep. igniat. JOD. ipec. kali. lach. laur. LED. lyc. mgs. m-arct. mar. merc. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. sabad. sabin. SEC-CORN. selen. SENEG. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. sulph. thuj. veratr. vit. SUJRROUNDING-INFLUENCES. 1835-1840. 26 263 Exxacerb ation. sil. spig. spon~g. staph. stram. STRONT. suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. verb. viol-tr. zinc. V1835. From exposure to a frosty air (hoar-frost). CALC. caust. CON. LYC. magn-mur. mere. natr. n-vom. phospli. PH-AC. PULS. rhus. SEP. SIL. SULPH. S1836. On becoming cold. Aeon. agar. amm. ant-crud. ARN. ARS. asar. AUR. ba'r. bell. bor. boy. BRY. caic. CAMPH. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chin. cic. clem. coce. con. creos. dig. DIJLC. ferr. GRAPH. hell. HEP. Hyosc. ignat. KALI. inch. LYC. mgs. m-austr. magn. magnmur. many. men. mere. mezer. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ae. n,-moseh. N-VOM. pet?'. PHOSPH. ph-ac.. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. samb. sassap. seill. SEP. sil. spig. spong. staph. strain. STRONT. suiph.. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. verb. viol-tr. zinc. V1837.'On becoming cold in some part of the body (as, for instance, in one- of the upper or lower extremities., from the slipping off of the bed clothes). BELL. chain. HE LL. HEP. led. puls. RHUS. SEP. SIL. 6t ~ C. -Light. V1838. From light in general. ACON. agar. alum. amm. arnm-inur. an2ac. ANT-CRUD. amn. ars. a-sar. B3A R. B ELL. bor~. bry. CALO. camph'. carb-an. ca'w'st. chain. A4melioration. 1839. From the cold air. __tl___ Amb. anac. ant-erud. ant-tart. ASAR. aflr. bry. calad. calc. cann. earb-veg. chain. cina. coce. COLC. croc. dros, euphorb. ignat. JOD. ipec. laeh. led. LY C. m-arct. mar. merc. natr-mur. nit?'-ae. n-vom. op. phosph. pint. PULS. rhus. ýabin. see-corn. selen. seneg. sep. SULPH. thuj. vit. 1840. On becoming cold, Acon. alum'. anibr, anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. asar. aur. bar. bell, boy. BRY. calad. calc. cann. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chin. cina.' clem. coec. coff. colch. coloc. croc. DROS. duic. enpborb. gqraph. HELL. ignlat. JOD. ipec. kali. LED. LYC. mgs. m-arct. mang. mar. MERC. mezer. inur-fle. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-7noseh. n-vom. oleand. op. petr. phospli. ph-ac. pint. PULS. rhus. sabad. SABIN. sassap. SEC-CORN. selen. seneg. isep. sil. spig. spo??g. staph. SULPII. thij.. VERATR. vit.,.g 1" 10 ) A)2~ 264 24 SURROUNDING INFLUENCES. 1841-1846. Exacerbation. CHIN. CiC. cina. clern. 0cCc. coff. coich. CON. CR00. cupr. dig. DROS. EIJPHR. GRAPH. hell. REP. hyosc. iGNAT. kali. lach. laur. LYC. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. mang. MERC. mezer. flur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. samb. sassap. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL.,spig. stann. staph. STRAM. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj.- valer. veratr. tit. zinc. S1841. From artificial light (the light-of a lamp, candle, A mm-rnur. anac. BAR. BELL. bor. CALC. carb-an. caust. cina. CON. CROC. PROS. GRAPH. HEP. IGNAT. kali. laur. LYC. mang. MERC. mezer. nitr-ac. n-rnosch. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. puls. ruta. sassap. seneg. SEP. SIL. suiph. Vito ~'1842. - the light of the sum., %14-S. eo Acon. agar. ANT-CRUD. ars. asar. bar. bry. CALO. camzph. CHIN. CON. EUPHR. GRAPH. IGNAT. lack. m-arct. magn-mur. NATR. n-vorn. PH--AC. PULS. selen. seneg. stann. strain. SULPH. valer. veratr. zinc. *~. 1843. - day-light. Amm-mur. ANT-CRUD. CALC. CON. DROS. EUPHR. GRAPH. hell. HEP. hyosc. nagn. mang. merc. nitr-ac. N-YOM. petr. PI-OSPH. Ph-ac. rhodod. samnb. sassap. SEP. SIL. stramn. sulph. thuj.v 1844. - twilight. Amm-MUR. ang. ARS. CALC. dig. natr-mur. plumb, PULS. rJ~ staph. sulph-ac. valer. Cc Amielioration.9 1845. From light# Anin-inur. anac. ars. bar, calc. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG./COn./PLAT. staph. strain. STRONT. valer. 1846. In darkness (in the dark). ACON. agar. ammna. ani-inur. anac. ANT-CRUD. arn. ars. asar. BAR. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. campli. carb-an. caust. chain. CHIN. cic. cina. clevn. 0CoC. cofi'. colch. CON. CR00. dig. DROS. EUPHR. GRAPH, hell. REP. hyosc. IGNAT. kali. lach. laur. LYC. m-arct. magni, inagn-inur. inang. MERC. mezer. gnur-ac. NATR. natr-mIur. nitro nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sassa~p. selen. seneg. SEP. SlL. Spig. s~taph. STRAM. SULPH.1 tar. thuj, valer. veratr. z/it. zinc. SURROUNDING INFLUENCES. 1847-1857, 265 Exacerbation.j,ý 1c, IOZ, # 6 I-IS - __ - V 1847. From,darkness.0 AMM-MnUR. ars. bar. CALC. CARB-AN. carb-veg. staph. stram. 8tront. VALER. \A 848. - the light of a fire (synonymous with artificial light). ANT-CRUD. bry. EUPHORB. magn-mur. merc. jpulS. ZINC. D. Sound. v 1849. - noise. ACON. alum. amm. anac. ANG. ARN. aur. bar. BELL. bor. bry. calad. CALC. cann. Caps. carb-an. Caust. CHAM. chin. COFF. COLCH. CON. IGNAT. jod. irec. kali. LYC. mgs. m-arct. magn. merc. NATR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PH-AC. PLAT. puls. sabad. SEP. Sil. SPIG. stann. zinc. V 1850. - music. a vatA. A4 ACON. ambr. bry. calc. carb-an. CHAM. coff. creos. ignat. kali. LYC. NATR. N-VOM. phosph. PH-AC. pul8. sabin. SEP. stann. staph. VIOL-OD. zinP. v 1851. - the music of a violin. Calc. KALI. viol-od. 1852. - the music of a piano. Anac. calc. kali. NATR. SEP. zinC. v 1853. - the report of a gun, Bor. 1854. - the sound of bells. Ant-crud. L 1855. - the noise produced by scraping, or scratch. ing upon cloth (linen). Asar. Amelioration. 1856. From light. Amm-mur. anac. ars. bar. CALC. CARE-AN. carb-veg. COi. PLAT. staph. stram. STRONT. VALER. 1857. - twilight. Bry. PHOSPH. 2a ~l ~ s(C /~4~Z /soL f4~;~;;r -.69 2 Ar~ ~V LCIY 266, SURROUNDING INFLUENCES. 1858-1865. 47xacerbation. v 1858. From the conversation of other persons. Amm. ARS. chin. colch. mang. NATR. N-VOM. ThUS. SEP. sil. veratr. zinc. 91s c z e p - X X. E. Odours. V 1859. - very strong odour. ACON. agar. anac. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. bry. calc. canth. cHAM. CHIN. cocc. COFF. COLCH. con. cupr. GRAPH. hep. IGNAT. kali. LYC. magn. natr. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. plumb. puls. sabad. selen. sep. spig. SULPH. valer. 1860. - smell of wood. I1( x '& -f' Graph. oYf a C-; i -t v 1861. - of meat. r c D - Ars. colch. v 1862. - of coffee. Sulph-ac. F. Atmosphere. 1. Thlie atmospheric air. S1863. In the open air. AGAR. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. am. ars. C aur. bar. bell. bor. bov. bry. calad. cale. CAMPH. cann. canth. caps. Amelioration. ' Ir r1864. In the open air. QniL46 ACON. ALUM. ambr. amm. amm-mur. _Ac. ang. ANT-CRUD. ARG. am. ars. ASAF. ASAR. aur. bar. baell. bov..calc. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust, chel. cic. Qff. colch. con. CROC. dig. dulc. graph. HELL. hep. hyosc. igh jod. ipec. kali. laur. lyc. m-arct. m-austr. MAGN. MAGN-MUR. C&4Q/iv-mang. men. merc. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABIN. sassap. selen. seneg. sep. spig. SPONG. stann. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. veratr. verb. viol-tr. VIT. zinc. t, 1865. From the air of a room, AGAR. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang.arn. ars. aur, bar. bell. bor. bov. bry. calad. calc. CAMPH. cann. canth. cap8. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. CHEL. CHIN. cic. cina. COCC. corr. .SURROUNDING. INFLUIENCES. 1866-1869. s6 267 E13xacerbation. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. CHEL. CHIN. dCi. cina. COCC. COFF. coloc. C.E. CREOS. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. FERR. graph. ~ZrGUAJ. hell. 4 b yosc. f~a. jod. ipec. kali. LACH. laur. led. lye. - mgqs. rn-arct. m-austr. mag. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. mere.,,-mezer. mosch. mar-ac. ntr7. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCIL N-VOM. oleand. op. grR phospli. pa. plat. plumb. pills, ranbulb. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. SELEN. seneg. sep. SIL. SPIG. spong. staun. staph. STRAM. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. thvj. VALER. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. v," 1866. From acurrent of air. '~? ~ ~ - __ Acon. anac. BELL. cQA.Ic. Caps. caust,,cham. CHIN. co~ioc. graph. 11111?. ign t. KALI. lach7led. m'itustr. mere. mur-ac. natir. nitr-ac.!-vo. 1ospir. puls. rhus. sassap. SELEN. e.SL pg u~ valer. verb. V1867. - evenhing,ornMight air.. Amm. carb-veq. MERC. uitr-ac. vuiph. V 1868. - air of a room. ~2YACON. ALUM. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ANAC. ang. ANT-CRUD. ARG. amn. ars. ASAF. ASAR. aur. bar. bellT77_or. boy. caic. campli. caun. cauth. caps.. carb-an. ca'rb-veg. caust. chel. czc. cina. t~off. coich., con. CROC. dig. duic. ygrp12J HELL. hep. liyos*C; ignat. jod. igc kali. la'ur. lye.- m-arct. m-austr. MAGN. MAGNi-iii. mang. men-. merc. MEZER. moseli. mar-ac. natr. nzatr-mnur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. PHOSPHa. Ph-ac. pkLplumib. PULS. ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. rhodod. jjTiarta. SABIN. vassap. sele~n. 7sen'eg. sep. spig. SPONG.'stann. staph. stront. sulph. sulphý-ac. tar. thuj. veratr. verb. viol-tr. VIT. ziflc. v'1869~. - the vitiated atmosphere of a crowded assembly. Ambr. ars. bar. carb-an. conl. HELL. LYC. MAGN. natr. natr-mur. petr. PHOSPH. plumb. PULS. SEP. stann. strain. SULPH. A4melioration. coloc. CON.' CREOS. dig'. dros. dule. eu'phorb. FERR,. graph; GUAJ. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. LACH. laur. led. lye.inags. in-arct. in-austin. maga. magn-mur. mang. MAR. men. mere. mezer. inosch. *mum-ac. natr. natr-mur. niztr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOMT. oleand. Op. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plunmb.. pals. ran-Wb'l. rhAeum. rhodod. rhus. ruta'. sabad. sabin.' sassap. SE LEN. seneg. sep. SIL. SPIG. stahn. staph. STR`AM. str'ont. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. VALER. veratr. verb. viol-tin. vit. zinc. bizrr. 268 28StIRROUNDiING INbFLUEN4CES, 1870-1878. Exacerbation. V 1870. Front close or pent-up air,9 as that of cellars or churches (from the vaults). ARS. BRY. ~ealc. CARB-AN. caust. lyc. PULS. SEP. STRAM.___ 2. tmospheric temperature. v'1871. Burling moist (damp) weather. Agar. AMM. ant-crud. aur. bar. bell. bor. -bov. bry. CALM cantli. caran carb-veg. chain. chin. clem. con. cupr. DULO. ferr. hep. ipec. kali. LACH. laur. L-YC. magn. MANG. MERC. mezer. mu?'ac. natr. niti'. nitr-ac, N-MOSCH. n-vom. petr. phosph. puts. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. sassap. seneg. sep. ail. spig. stann. staph. STRONT. SULPH, suiph-ac. VERATR. zinc. Q2Zl-n1 V 1872. - nebulous, cloudy, or gloomy weather. Bry. caic. CHAM. CHIN. duic. MANG. merc. N-MOSCH. plumb. rh~odod. RHUS. SEP. suiph. veratr. 1873. - serene (calm) weatheri BRY..plumb.,V 1874. - dry weather. 0 ~ ct ACoN. alum. ars. ASAR. bell, bor. BUY. carb-an. earb-veg. CAUST. chain. HEP. iPEC. laur. magn. i-nezer. mur-ac. N-YOM. rhodod. SABAD. sep. sil. spig. SPONG. staph. suiph. zinc.AsLr 1875. - stormy weather.r3yvCaust. lach. NATR- natr-mur. nir-c petr. phosph. RHODOD. SIL; 1 876.- a storm,, or tempest. ACON. ars. asar. aur. bell., cr-veg. CHAM. CHIN Con../Imelioration. 1877. During dampq, or humid weather. A CON. alum. ars. ASAR. bell. bor., BRY. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. REP. ipEC. laur. magn. mezer. mur-ac, N-VOM. rhodod. SABAD. sep. -sit. spig. SPONG. staph. suiph. zinc. ~A---9 1878. -dry weather* Agar, AMM. ant-crud. aur. bar. bell. bor. boy. bry. CAMC canth. carb-an. carb-veg. chain. chin. clem. con. cupr. DULC~. ferr. hep. ipec. kali. LACH. laur. LYC. magn. MANG. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. n-vom. petr. phosph. puls. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. sassap. seneg. sep. ail. spigq. stann. staph. STRONT. SULPH. sui~ph-ac. VERATR. zinc. SURROUNDING INFLUENCES, &C. 1879-1886. 269 Exacerbation. euphr. graph. LACH. lyC. MUR-AC. natr. N-MOSCII. N-vom. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. RHODOD. rhus. ruta. spig. sulph. thuj. / 1879. From changeable weather. - Amm. ars. bor. BRY. calc. colclh. dulc. euphorb. graph. MANG. merc. natr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. n-vom. PHOSPH. rheum. RHODOD. RIIUS. sep. SIL. stront. sulph. veratr. 3. Influence of the winds. / 1880. When exposed to the wind (exacerbation). Acon. ARS. asar. aur. BELL. bry. calc. carb-veg. CHAM. CHIN. con. EUPHR. graph. LAj. LYC. mur-ac. natr. n-mosch. N-YOM. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. Spig. sulph. thuj. Cc tk, S -cv. '/1881. During the prevalence of a northerly wind. Acon. ars. ASAR. bell. bry. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chai. HEP. ipec. N-VOM. sabad. SEP. Sil. SPONG. v 1882. - of an easterly wind. Acon. ars. ASAR. bell. bry. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. cham. HEP. ipec. N-VOM. sabad, sep. sil. SPONG. P'-s IV. EXTERNAL APPLICATIONS. I. Moisture, Lotions, Baths. 1883. Lotions. AMM. amm-mur. ANT-CRUD. bar. BELL. bor. bov. bry. CALC. CANTH. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. CLEM. con. dulc. kali. laur. LYC. maga. mang. MERC. mnezer. Imur-aC. 1atr. NITR. NITR-AC. n-m9OSCh. n-vom. jphosph. puls. RHUS. SASSAP. SEP. sil. srIG. stann. staph. STRONT. SULPH. sulph-ac. zinc. S1884. From the employment of lotions, consisting of tepid water. Ang. V 1885. - baths (bathing). ANT-CRUD. calc. carb-veg. caust. minang. NITR-AC. RHUS. sep. sulph. Urr dL Lt k K Amelioration. 1886. From lotions. Alum. AMM-MUR. ant-tart. ars. ASAR. bor. bry. CAUST. cham. CHEL. EUPHR. laur. magn. mezer. mur-ac. n-vom. PULS. rhodod. sabad. sep. SPIG. staph. zinc. 2A2 270 EXTERNAL APPLICATIONS, 1887-1897, Exacerbation. -' V 1887. From cold baths.>, BELL. NITR-AC. RHUS. sassap. sEP. V 1888. - marine baths. Ars. RHuvs. sep. v 1889. - moist fomentations. AMM. amm-mur. ANT-CRUD. bar. BELL. bor. bov. bry. CALC. cANTHu. CARB-VEG. CHAM. CLEM. con. dulc. kali. laur. LYC.magn. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. Inatr. NITR. nitr-ac. n-masch. n-vom. pgopL pAs. RHUS. sassaU. SEP. Sil. spig. stann. sti.STRONT, SULPH. sP1-iac. zinc. * 1890. - from getting wet. Amm. ant-tart. ars. BELL. bor. BRY..QALQ. camph. carb-veg. caust. C1uC. DYc. eu2phorb. HEP. IPEC...nitl-aC.f1-MOSCH. phosph. PULS.]TITUS. SASSAP. sec-corn. SEP. sulph. veratr. zinc. 1891. When in a state of perspiration (while perspiring). ACON. calc. DULO. RHUS. SEP. V 1892. From getting the head wet. Bar. BELL. led. PULS. SEP. PVi4i " 1893.- - the feet wet. Cham. merc. ngr'. PULS. rhus. SEP. SIL. 2. Dress. 1894. After undressing. Amm-mur. ARS. cocc. DROS. hep. magn. mezer. N-VOM. OLEAND. PULS. RHUS. sep. sil. SPONG. Stann. S1895. In pulling off the boots. 'Calc. graph. A.Imelioration. ' // 1896. By washin g the body. / _ ASAR. mezer. sabad. 1897. By wetting or moistening the part affected. Alum. AMM-MUR. ant-tart. ars. ASAR. bor. bry. CAUST. cha1n. CHEL. EUPHR. laur. rnagn. meze1n mur-ac. nqvo2n. PULS. rhodod. tabad% sep. SPIG. staph. zinc. EXTERNAL APPLICATIONS. 1898-1905. 271 loxacerliation. 1898. From the pressure of the hat. Agar. alum. ang. arg. carb-an. CARIB-VEG. hep. lach. laur. led. lyc. mezer. nitr. NITR-AC. SIL. stront. suiph. VALER. 1899. Warm d~resses or coverings. r -- ACON. ASAR. aur. BOR. bry. CALO. carb-veg.. chaint. chin. coff. FERR. ignat. JOD. lach. led. LYC. MGS. M-AUSTR. merc. inosch. mur-ac. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. phosph. plat. puls. rhus. sec-corn. seneg. sep. SPIG. staph. suiph. thuj. VERATR. 1900. Whilst undressing (or uncovering) oneself. Aeon. agar. ant-crud. arg. arn. ARS. asar. AUR. bell. bor. bry. camp/i. cant/i. caps. carb-an. chain. chin. cic. CLEM. cOcc. coWE COLCH. CON. creos. graph. hell. REP. hyosc. ignat. lach. led. in-austin. magn. magn-mur. men. merc. mur-ac. natr. natr-inur. N-MO5CHI. N-VOM. phospli. ph-ac. puls. rheum. rhodod. itHUS. sabad. SAMB. SCILL. Sep. SIL. staph. strain. STRONT. thqj. 1901. On uncovering a portion of the body. Hep. rhus. Kscl. SIL. stront. 1902. On covering the head. ACON. asar. aur. IBOR. bry. CALC. car6-veg. chain. chin. FERR. ignat. JOD. lach. led. LYC. MGS. M-ARCT. merc. mtur-ac. nitr-ac.. op. phosph.,plat. PULS. sec-corn. seneg. sep. srPxa. staph. Suipth./uj. VERATR. ~'1903.. On uncovering the head. Acon. agar. ant-crud. arg. arm. cirs. AUR. ]BELL. cainph. canth. chant. chin. cic. clem. cocc. coff. COLCH. CON. creos. graph. H-EP. Amelioration. V1-904. From 'warm dresses, coverings, or bed-clothes. Acon. agarn. ant-crud. arg. amn. ARS. asar. AUR. bell. bor. bry. camp/i. cant/i. caps. carb-an. chaint. chin. cic. CLEM. CocC. coff. COLCH. CON. creos. graph. hell. REP. hyosc.- ignat. lach. led.?n-austr. magn. inagn-mur. men. mnerc. mur-ac. natr. natr-inur. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rheum. RHODOD. ItH UKs..sabad. SAMB. SCILL. sep. SIL. staph. strain. STRONT. thuj. X1905. On covering the head., Acon. agar. ant-crud. arg. amn. ars. AUR. BELL. camph. canth. chain. chin. cic. clein. cocc. coff. COLCH. CON. creos. graph. IIEP. HaYOSC. ignat. lach. led. rn-austin. iagn. magn-mur. merc. natr. natrmur. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. ph-ac. puls. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. SAMB. SCILL. Sep. SIL. staph. strain. STRONT. 27 2 FOOD.. 1906-1912. Elxacerbation. Hyosc. ignat. lach. led. m-austr. magn. inagn-mur. mere. natr. natrmum. n--vorn. N-MOSCH. ph-ac. puls. rhodod,. RHUS. sabad. _ý$AMB. SCILL. sep. SIL. staph. strain. STRONT. V. FOOD, INGESTA, THINGS INTRODUCED INTO THE NATURAL OPENINGS OF THE BODY. 1. Miedicamnents and poisons. 1906. Mercurtial fumes. Carb-veg. CHIN. puts. STRAM. 1907. Abuse. of mercury.' Aeon. ANT-CRUD. ARG. amn. ama. ASAF. AUR. BELL. bry. calad. CALC. CARB-YEG. CHIN. cic. emna. CLEM. cocc. coff. COLCH. CUPR. 'dig. duic. EUPHORB. euphr. ferm. graph. GUAJ. REP. JO0D. LACH. laur. LED. MEZER. naatr-mum. NITR-AC. n-vom. op. ph-ac. plat. PU LS. rheum. rhodod. -rhus. sabad. SASSAP. selen. sep. SIL. spong. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 1908. Exacerbations from the use of bark. Led. SELEN. 1909. Derangrements or sufferingrs arising from the abuse of bark..Amin. ANT-TART. ARN. ARS. a saf. BELL. br-y. CALC. caps. CAUBVEG. chain. CINA. dupr. cyci. dig. FERR. hell. IPEC. LACH. mere. NATR-MUR. n-vom. pliosph. PH-AC. plumb. PULS, samb. SEP. stann. SULPH. suiph-ac. VERATR. Amelioration. ~19 10. On uncovering oneself. ACON. ams. asar. aur.. BOR. bmy. CALC. camb-veg. c4am. chin. coff. FERR. ignat. JOD. lach. led. LYC. MGS. M-ARCT. meme. mosch. mum-ac. nitr-ac., n-vom. op. phosph. plat. puls rhus. sec-corn. seneg. sep. srIG. staph. suiph. thtj. veratr. X1911. On uncovering the -head. ACON. asar. aum. BOR. bry. CALO. carb-veg. chain. chin. FE 'RR. ignat. JOD. lach. led. LYC.- MGS. M-ARCT. mere. mum-ac. nitr-ac. op. phosph. plat. PULS. sec-corn. seneg. sep. SPIG,. staph. suiph. thuy. VERATR. Y1912. On unbuttoninig or loosening the garments. Ainm. am. asar. BRY. CALO. CARB3-VEG. CAUST. chin. coff. HEP. LYC. N-VOM. oleand. op. puls. ran-bulb. SASSAP. SEP. s~pong. STANN. sulph. FOOD. 1913-1921. 273 Exacerbation. V 1913. Derangements or sufferings arising from the fumes of arsenic. Camph. ipec. MERC. n-vom. 1 1914. - narcotic medicines. Acon. agar. ars. aur. BELL. bry. calc. cantlh. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chin. COFF. colch. croc. cupr. DIG. dulc. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. hep. HYOSC. ignat. IPEC. LACH. LYC. mere. mo0C/. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. r'hus. seneg. SEP. staph. sulph. VALER. veratr. zinc. /1915. - the matter or poison of anthrax. ARS. Exacer6ation. 1916. From the fumes of copper. Camp. IPEC. lye. MERC. n-vOm. op. PUJLS. 1917. - - of charcoal. Arn, bov. 1918. - -smoke. Calc. caust. EUPHR. natr-mur. n-vom. oleand. SEP. SPIG. sulph. II. Alinents. a. Quality of aliments. 10 19. Flatulent aliments (exacerbation, or sufferings arising from). Ars. DRY. calc. carb-xeg. chin. cupr. hell. kali. LYC. natr-mur. PETR. puls. Sep. sil. veratr. 1920. Fat. Ic / J.Adn. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARS. ASAF. bell. bry. carb-an. CARBVEG. caust. chin. COLCH. CYCL. DRos. euphorb. FERR. HELL. AJmelioration. 1921. Cold aliments (after partaking of). Acon. alum. AMBR. amm. ANAC. ang. ant-tart. ars. asar. BAR. BELL. bor. BRY. calc. canth. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. clem. cupr. dr08os EUPHORB. ferr. hell. KALI. lack. laur. m-arct. M-AUSTR. magn. magn-mur. merc. MEZER. natr-mzur. 1n-mosch. n-vom. par. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PULS. rhodod. rhus. sassap. scill. sep. sil. spig. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. vit. zinc. 27-4 2FOOD. 1922-1929. Exacerbation. hep. ipec. kali. magn. MAGNMMUR. men. mere. natr; natr-mur. NITRAC. n-vom. phosph. PULS. ruta. SEP. sil. SPONG. Staph. SULPH. TAR. THUJ. veratr. 1922. lUnwholesome. /OW - * 4 L Bry. calc. CAUST. cupr. JOD. lye. natr. PULS. sulph. 1923. Bry. 100ý/_ SAgar. CALC. chin. ipec. LYC. NATR. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. ph-ac. PULS. sassap. sil. sulph. 1924. Raw, crude, uncooked. Ars. bry. chin. lyc. PULS. RUTA. VERATR. b. Temperature. 1925. Cold aliments. Z_. /t' k.. _ _ Agar. alum. ant-crud. ARS. bar. bov. bry. calc. canth. carb-veg. caust. cham. CON. CREOS. GRAPH, hell. ignat. kali. LYC. magn. magn-mur. MANG. mere. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-aC. N-VOM. par. ph-ac. plumb. puls. RHODOD. RHUS. sep. sil. SPIGO. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. VERATR. 1926. Warm food (after partaking of). Acon. alum. AMBR. amm. ANAC. ang. ant-tart. ars. asar. BAR. BELL. bor. BRY. calc. canth. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. clem.Fupr. EUPHORB. ferr. hell. KALI. lach. laur. m-arct. M-AUSTR. magn. magn-mur. merC. MEZER. natr-mur. n-mosch. n-vom. par. PHOSPH. PH-Ac. PULS. rhodod. rhus. sassap. scill. sep. sil. spig. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. vit. zinc. i. 1927. Hot food.. # u m Cad4, /'tY, /, 4 J Bry. carb-veg. ferr. PULS. c. Taste. 1928. Salted food. Ars. cale. CARB-VEG. DROS. lyC. n-VOMI., Amelioration. S1929. Warm food (after partaking of). Agar. alum. ant-crud. ARS. bar. bov. bry. calc. canth. carb-veg. caust. chamin. CON. CREOS. GRAPH. hell. ignat. kali. LYC. magn. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-.MOSCH. N-VOM. magn-mur. MANG. par. ph-ac. plumb. puls. RHUS. sep.. sil. SPIG. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. VERATR. pOOD. 1930-1942. 275 Exacerbation. 1930. Acid food. Aa!/. ANT-CRUD. ARS. BELL. boy. caust. creos. dros. FERR. laci. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. ran-bulb. SEP. staph. SULPH. 1931. From sweet aliments.. /t v Acon. amm. calc. CHAM. IGNAT. MERC. natr. SELEN. Spig. zinC. d. Aliments derivedfrom the animal kingdom. 1932. Meat (exacerbation, or invasion of suffering after partaking of). Carb-an. caust. COLCH. FERR. magn. magn-mur. merc. PULS. ruta., sil. staph. sulph. S6' ) 1933. - tainted. CARB-VEG. chin. PULS. 1934. - fresh. CAUST. CX11-4. 1935. - smoked. CALC. SIL. 1936. Veal. Ars. CALC. CAUST. chin. IPEC. NITR. n-vom. SEP. ullph. veratr. zinc. 1937. Pork, or bacon. CI r-w. 2^ 58'.zJ. Acon. ant-crud. ant-tart. ars. asaf. bell. CARB-VEG. caust. COLCH. cycl. IPEC. NATR. NATR-MUR. PULS. SEP. tar. THUJ. 1938. Tainted sausages.. Ans. BELL. DRY. ph-ac. rhus. I;/ 1939. Fish. Carb-an. kali. PLUMB.(5tj#,<'t Amelioration. 1940. Salted food. Magn. 1941. Meat (after partaking of). Veratr. S1942. Pork, or bacon. RAN-BULB. ran-8CelO 276 276FOOD. 1943-1954. Exacer6ation. 1943. Tainted fish (in consequence of having partaken of). Ars. CARB-VEG. chin. PULS.___ 1944. Muscles. 1945. Egrgs. Colch.ferr.2?cr-,Sti 1946. Butter. Acon. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARS. asaf. bell. carb-an. CARB-VEG. c~aust. chin. coich. CYCL. dros. euphorb. ferr. hell. 4gp. ipec. magnmur. men. natr. natr-raur. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. PULS. SE.P. epong. SUlph. TAR. tkUj..0 o-i-7 -1947. Bread and butter. Garb-an. caust. CHIN. cycl. men. natr-mur. NITR-AC. nQ-VOM. phospli. PULS. SEP. suljph. ]948. Cheese. 6~f1i ~ ~ Coloc. jft. 1949. - tainted, decayed, rotten, ARS. BRY. ph-ac. rhus. d. Aelimentv derived from the vegeta~le kingdom. 1950. Bread. 'z. ~ 7p/ BRY. carb-an. mu-t. hit. clem. coff. kali. mar. mere. NATR"MUR. NITR-AC. N-VOM. oleand-. phospli. ph-a.c. PULS. ran-svcel. RHUS. ruta. SASSAP. sec-corn. SEP. 9tAy. SIJLPH. vulph-ac. ZINC. 1951. Rye-bread. Bry'. ignat. KIALI. LYC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. PH-AC. ruts. suiph.' 1952. Meal (oat-meal?2) 8ulpk. 1953. Pastry (after partaking of). Ars. B1aY. carb-veg. ipec. kali. PULS. veratr. ~ /~y Amelioration. N1954. Bread. CAUST. laur. NATRL. phosph, FOOD. 1955-1968. 277 Exacerbation. S1955. VYegetables. Ars. BRY. Cupr. BELL. lyc. NATR. veratr. 1956. Cabbage. Ars. BRY. calc. carb-veg. cmHIN. cupr. hell. kali. LYC. natr-mur. PETR. PULS. sep. sil. veratr. ZAL os1957. Sour-krout (cabbage which has undergone the process of fermentation). Ars. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. CHIN. cupr. hell. LYC. natr-mur. PETR. PHOSPH. PULS. sep. veratr. > 1958. Carrots. 1959. Onions. I-- e/. &. e Thuj. S 1960. Turnips. Bry. PULS. S1961. Salad. Ars. bry. CALC. carb -veg. lack. lyc. 1962. Potatoes. ALUM. amm-mur. coloc. SEP. VERATR. 2 s. '., L. 1963. Dried vegetables (beans, &c.) Ars. BRY. CALc. carb-veg. cqkn. cupr. hell. kali. LYC. natr-mur. PETR. RU e. sil. 1.veratr.7 A-. 1964. Buck-wheat, Ipec. PULS. veratr. _ - __1965. Fruits. ARS. Bon. BRY. CARB-VEG. CHIN. creos. ignat. lye. MAGN-MUR. NATR. phosph. PULS. rheum. rhodod. ruta. SELEN. SEP. tar. VERATR. -C. 91C'e 1966. Pears (after having partaken of). Bor. bry. VERATR. - -"i- __-_ 1967. Cold (or iced) fruits. A- e c- ---/ ARs. carb-veg. PULS. Cdg Amelioration. 1968. Fruits (after partaking of). Lach. 2B 278 FOOD. 1969-1978. e. Condiments. Exacerbation. / - ~ 1969. Vinegar. c..... C~. c.. /,,-, ANT-CRUD. ARS. BELL. bor. caust. creos. dros. FERR. lack. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. ran-bulb. SEP. staph. SULPH. 1970. Oil. Bry. canth. PULS. - - 1971. Honey. t2. I,. Natr. 1972. Pepper. Ars. CINA. natr. Sep. sil. Ck,,..-,, 1973. Garlic. /f, Sabad. f. Tobacco. 1974. Smoking (sufferings arising from, or becoming exacerbated by). Acon. agar. alum. ambr. ang. ANT-CRUD. arg. bell. bry. calc. camph. carb-an. chin. cic. CLEM. COCC. coloc. CYCL. EUPHR. ferr. hell. hep. IGNAT. jod. IPEC. LACH. MGS. m-arct. magn. men. NATRMUR. N-VOM. PAR. petr. PHOSPH. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. RUTA. sabad. sTain. sassap. SELEN. sep. sil. spig. SPONG. STAPH. sulph. sulph-ac. TAR. thuj. veratr. cA,-.. c,-, -. y4,I. 1975. From chewing tobaecco. ARs. III. Drinks. 1976. Alcoholic liquors in general. Acon. AGAR. alum. amm-mur. anac. ANT-CRUD. arn. ARS. BELL. bor. bov. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHEL. CHIN. COCC. COFF. con. hep...os. IGNAT. LACH. laur. LED. LYC. NATR. NATR-MUR. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. OP. petr. PULS. RAN-BULB. RHODOD. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. SELEN. sep. SIL. SPIG. STRAM. stront. sulh. sulphac. VERATR. ZINC. C-7,l,., -rC, Amelioration. Y 1977 Vinegar, from. ASAR. ignat. men. PULS. stram. 1978. Tobacco. Bor. coloc. HEP. merc. natr. SEP. spig. FOOD. 1979-1990. 279.Exacerbation. 1979. Brandy (sufferings arising from). Ag~ar. ARS. bell. mkl, chel. chin. Qccc. hM hyose. ignat. lach. laur. LED. N-VOM. OP.pul.S. RAN-BULB. r h-6-55d. RHUS. ruta. -spig. STRAM. 8uipli. suiph-ac. veratr. zinc. 1980. Wine. Acon. amm-mflr. ANT-CRUD. ARN. ARS. bell. bor. boy. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. COFF. con. LACH. LYC. NATR. NATR-MUR. NMOSCH. N-VOM. OP. petr. puls. RAN-BULB. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. SELEN. SIL. stront. veratr. ZINC. J ~ -3 1981. - impregnated or adulterated with lead. Alum. ars. BELL. Chin. n-vom. OP. Plat. SULPH. suiph-ac. 1982.-- with sulphur. Ars. chin. MERC. PULS. sep. X v'1983. Sour wine. ANT-CRUD. ARS. ferr. sep. suiph. 1984. Beer (after drinking). *Acon. ars. asaf. bell, chin. coloc. euphorb. FERR. ignat. lye. mar. mezer. mur-ac. N-VOM. PUlS. RHUS. se. sil. stann. staph. stramn. 1985. Fresh - Chin. lyc. mar. puls. 19 86. 1M11k. Alum. AMBR. ANG. ant-tart. ARS. BRY. CALC carb-an. CARBVEG. CHAM. CHEL. CHIN. CON. CUPR. hell.. KALI. lack. LYC. NATR. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. PHOSPH. puls. rhus. sabin. samb. SEP. sil. spong. SULPH. sulph-ac. zinc. &., S1987. Tea. QJin. cocc FERR. lach. SELEN. THUJ. veratr. 'Admelioration. 1988. wine (after p'artaking- of). ACON. agar. bell. CON. graph. lack. n-vom. opl. phosph. sulpk-ac. 11989. milk* Yeratr. 1990. Tea. Ferr. 280 FooD. 1991-1998. Exacerbation. 1991. Coffee. Ars. bell. calc. CANTH. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. cocc. coloc. HEP. IGNAT. IPEC. LYC. mgs. magn. mang. MERC. nit?. nitr-ac. N-VOM. plat. PULS. rhus. Sep. SULPH. sulph-ac. ck. 1992. Lemonade. SELEN. 1993. Water. Agar. ALUM. anac. ARS. BELL. bor. cale. CANTH. carb-an. clem. CROC. hyosc. IGNAT. kali. LYC. m-arct. mang. MAR. merc. mur-ac. natr. n-mosch. N-vOM. ph-ac. pIs. RHODOD. RHUS. sassap. sil. SPIG. stram. SULPH. Inýph-1ac. veratr. C i---./'- '~:~~ /ch#-a VI. INFLUENCE OF REST, AND ITS ATTENDANT SYMPTOMS. /I _ý q -1 _P 1994. During a state of rest. _;ý Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. AMM-MUR. llanac. ang. antFiii. j' ant-tart. arg. amrn. ars. asaf. asar. AUR. bar. bell. bism. bor. bov. bry. calc. CAPS. carb-veg. caust. clai. chin. cic. cina. cocc. COLOC.Zý/.C. CON. creos. cupr. CYCL. DRos. DULC. EUPHORB. euphr. FERR. guaj. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. lack. laur. LYC. MGS. m-arct. maustr. magn. MAGN-MUR. mang. mar. MEN. mere. mezer. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. oleand. op. par. petr. Amelioration. 1995. Coffee. ARs. canth. CHAM. coloc. 1996. Cold water. 44iLc' -Anac. ant-tart. ars. ASAR. bor. BRY. calc. CAUST. cham. clem. /F CUPR. kali. laur. PHOSPH. PULS. SEP. thuj. veratr. zinc. S1997. Hot - Ars. LYC. mang. n-mosch. N-VOM. RHUS. veratr. 1998. During sleep.' t. m.. t. s J-kLr Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. ASAR. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. bov. BRY. CALAD. calc. CAMPH. CANN. canth. capS. CARB-AN. carb-veg. caust. cham. CHEL. chin. cic. cina. cocc, COFF. COLCH. coloc. con. creos. cRoc. cupr. cycl. DIG. dros. dulc. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. HELL. HEP. hyosc. ignat. JOD. IPEc. kali. lach. laur. LED. lye. mgs. m-arct. M-AUSTR. magn. magn-Iur. mang. man. men. INFLUENCE OF REST. 1999-2002. 281 Exacerbation. phosph. PH-AC. PLAT. plumb. PULS. RHODOD. RHUS. rutd. SABAD. sabin. SAMB. sassap. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. suiph. sulph-ac. TAR. thuj. VALER. veratr. VERB. VIOL-TR. zinc1 1999. In a sitting posture. Aeon. AGAR. alum. AMBR. amom. amm-mur. anac. ANG. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARG. arn. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. BAR. bell. bism. bor. bov. bry. calad. calc. camph. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chamin. chel. chin. cic. CINA. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. CON. creos. croc. cupr. CYCL. dig. DROS. DULC. EUPHORB. EUPHR. FERR. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. LACH. laur. led. LYC. MGS. m-arct. m-austr. magn. MAGN-MUR. mang. mar. MEN. mere. mezer. MOSCII. MUR-AC. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. PH-AC. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. RUTA. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. SENEG. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram,. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. TAR. thuj. VALER. veratr. VERB. viol-od. VIOL-TR. vit. zinc. 2000. In an upright or erect posture. Anac. aug. arn. bar. BELL. bor, bry. calad. carb-veg. caust. cham. chel. chin. cina. COLCH. COLOC. CON. creos. dig. IGNAT. KALI. Amelioration. c _Z- / /Q- S _4. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. nmosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. RAN-BULB. RHEUM. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. SASSAP. SCILL. sec-corn. SELEN. seneg. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. stram. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. vIT. zinc. 2001. In a sitting posture. Acon. agar. alum. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. arn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. BRY. CALAD. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. COFF. COLCH. coloc. con. creos. croc. 1ur cycl. dig. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jd.,ipec. Ial. laur. led. m-aret. maustr. magn. magn-mur. mang. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHEUM. rhus. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. vit. zinc. 2002. In an erect posture. ACON. alum. AMM-MUR. ang. ANT-TART. arg. ARS. asaf. bar. bor. bov. bry. caps. carb-veg. caust. clam. chel. chin. cIc. DIG. 282 22NFLUEiNCE OI T EST. 2003-2008. Exacerbation..LYC. m-austr. mang. MERO. MEZER. mosch. n-mosch. n-vom. oph puls. RHEUM. rhus. sabad. sassap. spig. spong. staph. suiph. tar. -veratr. verb. viol-tr. 2003. Sitting in a curved or stooping posture,, bent double. ACON. alum. AMM-MUR. ang. ANT-TART. arg. ARS. asaf. bar. bor. boy. bry. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. chin. cic. DIG. duic. ferr. hyosc. men. n1-vom. PHOSPH. plumb. puls3. rhodod. RHUS. SABIN SAMBSIL. sp. spig. spong. stann. SUP.verb. viol-tr. VIT. 2004. In the act of sittingr down. Alum. amin-mur. ant-tart. arg. aur. bar. boy. bry. caust. CHEL. chin COFF. croc. cyci. graph. HELL. IPEC. kali. lye. MAGN. miang. inerc. nitr-ac. phospb. ph-ac. puls. rhus. nita. -sabin. SAMB. sassap. SCi~ll. Spig. SPONG. thuj. VALER. veratr. viol-tr. VIT. 2005. In a standing posture. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amin. AMM-MUR. ary. amn. ars. asaf. asar. AUR. bar. bell. bisni. boy. bry. caic. campli. cann. cantli. CAPS. Amelioration. duitc. ferr. hyosc. men. n-vomPHOSPH. plumb. puls. rhodod. RHUS. SABIN. SAMB. SCILL. sep. Spig. S~ong. stann. SULPH. verb. viol-tr. VIT. 2006. While sitting in a curved or stooping posture. Anac. ang. ars. bar. BELL. bor. bry. calad. carb-veg. caust. chain, chel. chin. cina. COLCH. COLOC. CON. creos. dig. IGNAT. KALI. LYC. flZ-austr. mang. MERC. MEZER. mosch. n-mosch. n-vom. op. puls. RHE um. rhus. sabad. sassap. spig. spong. -staph. suiph. tar. veratr. verb. viol-tr. 2007. In the act of sittingr down. Acon. ambr. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. ars. awsr. aur.!BAR. BELL. boy. bry. calc. caun. canth. CAPS. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chain. chin. cic. cocc. CON. croc. dig. dros. EUPHOR"B. IFERR. graph. kali. lach. LAUR. LED. lyc. IngS. in-arct. in-austr. mang. merc. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. OLEAND. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. puls. ran-bulb. rhodod. rhus. ruta. -sabad. SEP. szl. SPIG. STAPH1. strain. stront. SULPH. dthu. veratr. 2008. In a standing posture. Agar. amin. anac. ang. ant-tart. amn. ars. ASAR. bar. BELL. bor. INFLUENCE OF, RESTb 2009-2013.28 283 Exacerbation. carb-an. carb-veg. caus 't. chain. chel. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. coloc. CON. Croc. cupr. CYOL. dig. dros. duic. EUPHORB. EUPHR. FERK. graph. guaj. hell. hep. ignat. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. par. petr. phospli. PH-AC. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. anus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. SAMB. sassap. SEP.,' sil.spig. spong. stann. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. 'TAR. thuj. YALER. VERATR. VERB. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 2009. While kneelingr. Cocc. inagil. sep. 2010. Whilst having one limb pendant (on allowing a limb to'hang down).I.ALUM. AMM. aug. CALC. caust. cina. dig. hep. ignat. lye. inaustr. natr-m-ur. n-voin. par. phosph. ph-a~c. plat. plumb. puls. ruta. SABIN. stann. stront. suipli. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. 2011. In a recumbent posture. Arg. agar. amn. bell. cann. COLOC. cyci. hep. NITR-AC. SAMB. staph. 2012. From resting one limb upon another _(from. lying on a limb). Amim-'mur. ang. ARN. arg. asar. BELL. camp/i. caust. cina. CON. croc. graph. KALI. magil-mur. mar. n-inosch. phosph. RHUS. ruta. sabin. samb. scili. SIL. spong. stann. sulph. thuj. valer. verb. Amelioration. bry. CALAD. calc. camph. CANN. canth., carb-an. carb-veg. c/tel. chin. cic. cia. coce. coff. COLCH. coloc. creos. croc. cupr. dig. euphorb. graph. guaj. hell. hep. ignat. JOD. IPEC. LED. m-austr. inang. men. merc. inezer. mur-ac. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-raosch. Nvom. par. petr. PHOSPH. _plumb. RAN-BULB. r-heum. rhus. ruta. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. SELEN. spig. spong. staun. staph. strain. sulph-ac. tar.. thuij. vit. 2013. Whilst having one limb pendant (or unsupported). Acon. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. arg. ARN. asar. BAR. BELL. bor. bry. calc. camph. caps. caust. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. CON. creos. cupr. dros. euphorb. FE RR. graph. hep. ignat. KALI. lach. LED. lyc. m-austr. inaga. magu-inur. mnar. inerc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. petr. phospli. plumb. pals. ran-bulb. anUS. ruta. SIL. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. verb. 284 INFLUENCE OF VARIOUS POSITIONS, ETC. 2014-2019. Exacerbation. 2014. When in a state of idleness. Alum. bar. CON. croc. ferr. IGNAT. lyc. magn-mur. NATR. natrmur. N-VOM. petr. plumb. SEP. sil. tar. veratr. VII. INFLUENCE OF VARIOUS POSITIONS, &c. 2015. Lying down (horizontal posture, exacerbation, or invasion of symptoms when in the). Acon. agar. alum. AMBR. amm. AMM-MUR. anac. ang. ant-cruid. ant-tart. ARG. arn. ARS. ASAF. asar. AUR. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. bry. calad. calc. camph. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-an. carbveg. caust. CHAM. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. CON. creos. croc. cupr. CYCL. dig. DROS. DULC. EUPHORB. EUPHR. FERR. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lack. laur. led. LYC. MGS. m-arct. m-austr. magn. MAGN-MUR. mang. mar. MEN. merc. mezer. MOSCH. MUR-AC. NATR. natr-mur. NITR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. PH-AC. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. RUTA. SABAD. sabin. SAMB. sassap. scill,. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. STRONT. sulph. sulph-ac. TAR. thuj. VALER. veratr. VERB. viol-od. VIOL-TR. Vit. zinc. Amelioration. 2016. From supporting oneself (or from leaning against something). Bell. CARB-VEG. dros. FERR. kali. mang. merc. n-vom. rhodod. rhus. sabad. sabin. seneg. spig. staph. 2017. - lying on, or supporting oneself against something hard. Bell. RHIIUS. 2018. --- resting on the knees (kneeling). Euphorb. 2019. Lying down. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. ASAR. bar. BELL. bor. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. CARB-AN. carb-veg. caust. cham. chel. chin. cic. cina. cocc. cof. COLCH. co1oc. con. creos. croc. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. merc. mezer. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op, par. petr, phosph. ph-ac. plumb. ran-bulb. rheum. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. sulph. sulphac. thuj. veratr. vit. zinc. INFLUENCE OF VARIOUS POSITIONS, 2020-2025. 285 Exacerbation. 2020. When in bed. Acon. agar. alum. AMBR. AMM. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ANT-TART. ARG. am1. ar. asaf. asar. AUR. bar. bell. bism. BOR. bov. bry. calad. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. chel. chin. cic. cina.e clem. cocc. coff. colch. coLoc. con. creos. croc. cycl. dig. DRos. dulc. EUPHORB. euphr. FERR. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. JOD. KALI. lach. laur. LED. LYC. MGS. M-ARCT. i-austr. magn. magn-mur. MANG. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-6ulb. rheum. RODOD. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. SELEN. seneg. SEP. Sil. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. stram. STRONT. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 2021. - lying on the right side. Acon. AMM-MUR. anac. BOR. bry. calc. carb-an. caust. cina. clem. con. creos. ipec. kali. lach. lye. mgs. MAGN-MUR. MERC. natr. N-VOM. puls. ran-bulb. seneg. spig. SPONG. stann. sulph. thuj. 2022. - - - left side. ACON. AMM. anac. ang. arm. BAR. bell. bry. cale. canth. carb-an. chin. colch. con. creos. ipec. kali. lye. mere. NATR. NATR-MUR. PAR. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. seneg. SEP. Sil. spig. stann. SULPH. THUs. Amelioration. M ot': A -?. / 2023. Whilst in bed.? Acon. agar. ambr. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arn. ars. asar. aur. bar. bell. bov. BRY. calad. calc. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. cON. creos. croc. cupr. dig. dulc. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. LACH. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mere. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. RUvs. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. sep. SIL. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. STRAM. s8tront. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. 2024. When lying on the right side. ACON. AMM. 8anac. ang. am. BAR. bell. bry. calc. canth. carb-an. chin. colch. con. creos. ipec. kali. lye. mere. NATR. NATR-MUR. PAR. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. stann. SULPH. THUJ. 2025. - - left side. Acon. AMM-MUR. anac. BOR. bry. cale. carb-an. caust. cina. clem. 286 INFLUENCE OF VARIOUS POSITIONS..2026-'2034. Exacerbation. 2026. Wrhen lying on the affected side. Aeon. agar. ambr. AMM. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. arg. aria. ARS. BAR. bell. bry. CALAD. calc. cann. caps. c-arb-an. carbveg. caust. CHIN. cina. clem. croc. cupr. DROS. GRAPH. guaj. REP. hyosc. ignat. JOD. kali. lach. led. LYC. MAGN. MAGN-MUR. mang. mar. mere. mezer. MOSCHa. mum-ac. natr-mum. nitr. NITR-AC. NMOSOR. N-VOM. oleand. PAR. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. ranbulb. ran-scel. RHEUM. rhodoci. rhus: RUTA. SABAD. sabin. sarah. sassap. selen. sep. SIL. SPONG. staph. strain. suiph. tar. thuj. valer. veratm. verb. 2027.--- unaffected side. AMER. arn. bell. BRY. CALC. cann. carb-veg. CAUST. CRAM. COLOC. IGNAT. KALI. lye. MGS. M-AUSTR. n-voin. PULS. RHUS. SEP. STANN. viol-od. VIOL-TR. 2028." Whilst lying with the head low. ANT-TART. argq. ARS. cann. caps. CHIN. clem. COLCH. HEP. lack. m-austr. NITR. n-vom. petr. phospli. PULS. SPIG. stront. suiph. 2029.-- on the back. Acon. alum. ainm. AMM-MUR. ang. amn. ARS. bar. bell. bor. bry. cauth. CAUST. CHAM. chin. cina. clem. coich. COLOC. CUPR. duic. euphorb. ignat. JOD. kali. lach. mgs. magn-mum. merc. natr. natrmar. NITR. N-VOM. par. PROSPR. plat. puls.. ran-bulb. RHUS. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stront. sulph. thuj. 2030. ---side. ACON. ainr. aim-mur. ANAC. ang. aria, bar. bell. bom. BRY. Amelioration. con. creos. ipec. kali. lach. lye. ings. MAGN-MUR. MERC. natr. N-VOM. puls. ran-bulb. seneg. spig. SPONG. starin. sulph. thuj.%,C~z~ - V203 1. When lying on a hard surface. Bell. RHUS. ~'2032.-- with the head raised (high). ANT-TART. ARS. cann. caps. CHIN. clem. COLCH. HEP. lack. maustin. NITR. n-vom. - petr. phospli. PULS. SPIG. istront. sulph. S2033. - horizontally (in the horizontal posture). Arn. spong. 2034.-- bent,, doubled up,, or In a crooked position. COLCH. COLOC..pulS. RHEUM. nhuas. /t45 INFLUENCE OF VARIOUS POSITIONS, ETC. 2035-2040. 287 Exacerbation. CALAD. CALC. canth. CARB-AN. caust. chin. CINA. clem. coich. CON. CREOS. FERRý. IGNAT. ipEC. KALI. lach. LYC. mgs. magilmur. MERC. mosch. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. PAR. _phosph. plat. PULS. ran-b3ulb. sabad. SENEG. sep. sil. spig. spong. STANN. SULPH. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. VIII. INFLUENCE OF MOTION. 2035. Duringr motion (exacerbation). Aeon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. ASAR. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. 2036. When lying on the afflected~side. A.mbr. amn. bell. BRY. CALC. cann. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. COLOC. ignat. kali. lyc. mg8. m-austr. n-voml. PULS. rhus. sep. dtram. 2037. - -unaff'ected, side. Aeon. agar. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. arg. amn. ars. BAR. bell. bry. CALAD. caic. cann. caps. earb-an. carb-veg. caust. chin. cina. clem. croc. cnpr. dros. graph. guaj. HEP. hyosc. ignat. JOD. kali. lach. led. lye. magn. magn-mnur. marig. mar. merc. inezer. moseh. mur-ac. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ae. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. oleand. par. petr. pho~ph. ph-ac. plat. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. -sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. selen. sep. SIL. SPONG. staph. strain. suiph. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. ~'2038. Whilst lying on the back. ACON. amm. amm-mur. ANAC. aug. amn. bar. bell. bqr. BRY. ealad. CALO. canth.- CARIB-AN. caust. chin. eina. clem. eoich. con. creos. ferr. ignat. ipee. KALI. inch. LYC. mgs. magil-mur. mere. mosch.* natr. natr-9nur. n-vo2n. par. phospli. plat. puls. ran-bulb. sabad. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong'. STANN. suiph. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. 2039. ---side. Acon. alvm. amm. amm-mur. aug. ant. ars. bar. bell. bor. bry. canth. caust. chain. chin. cina. clem. colch. coloc. cupi'. duic. enphorb. ignat. jod. kali. lach. mgs. magn-mur. mrner. natr. natr-mur. nitr. N-YOM. par. PHOSPH. plat. puls. ran-bulb. rhus. sep. sil. spig. spong. strout. sulph. thuj. 2040. From motion or movement.. Acon. agarn. alum. ambr. amm. AMM-nIUR. anac. aug. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arm. ars. asaf. asar. AUR. bar. bell. bism. boy. bry. 288 INFLUENCE OF MOTION. 2041-2044. Exacerbation. Ac/fee- - boy. BRY. CALAD. caic. CAMPII. CANN. canth. caps. CARB-AN. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHEL. chin. cic. cina. elem. cocc. COFF. COLCH. coloc. con. creos. CROC. cupr. cyci. DIG. dros. dale. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. HELL. HEP. hyosc. ignat. JOD. IPEC. kali. lach. laur. LED. lye. mgS. m-arct. M-AUSTR. magn. magn-mur. mang, mar. men. Ngac mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch.7r-VOM. oleand. op. par. pe-Tr-PHOSP-H. phac. plat. plumb. puls. RAN-BULB. ran-seel. RHEUM. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. SASSAP. SCILL. sec-corn. SELEN. seneg. Sep. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. stra=. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. VIT. zinc. 2041. After movement. AGAR. amm. ANAC. amn. ARS. calad. eampli. CANN. CARB-VEG. caust. cocC. coff. CROC. dros. HYOSC. jod. KALI. laur. m-austr. mere. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. phosph. plumb. PULS. RHUS. RUTA. sabin. Sep. spig. SPONG. STANN. staph. STRAM. suiph-ac. VALER. ZINC. 2042. On commencing to move (synonymous with on raising oneself up). Asar. bry. cale. CAPS. CARB-VE G. CA1JST. ehin. cina. coee. CON. cupr. dros. EUPHORB. FERR. graph. lach. led. LYC. mgs. inagn. nitr-ae. petr. PHOSPH. plat. plumb. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. SAMB. sassap. SIL. thuj. valer. 2043. On malkingr a false step. Ars. BRY. lye. A4melioration. eale. CAPS. carb-an. earb-veg. eaust. chain. chini. cie. cina. coce. COLOC. CON. creos. cupr. CYCL. DROS. DULC.!EUPHORB. -euphr. FERR. guaj. hep. hyose. ignat. kali. lack. laur. LYC. MGS. in-aret. m-austr. magn. MAGN-MUR. mang. mar. MEN. mere. mezer. MOSCH. mum-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ae. n-moseh. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. PH-AC. PLAT. plumb. PULS. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. SAMB. sassap. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig, spong. stann. staph. stront. suipli. suiph-ac. TAR. thuj. VALER. veratr. VERB. VIOL-TR. zine. S2044. From a prolonged movement. AMBR. AMM-MUR. bry. CAPS. carb-veg. caust. chin. cina. CON. CYCL. DiROS. EUPHORB. FERR. kali. LYC.,mgs. plat. plumb. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. SA'MB. sep. siYL. tar. tliuj. VALER. VERATR. INFLUENCE OF MOTION. 2045-2052. 289 Exacerbation. 2045. On moving the arms. ACON. amm-mur. ANAC. ANG. ant-crud. bar. bor. camph. DIG. ferr. LED. m-arct. n-mosch. plumb. puls. RAN-BULB. RHUS. Sep. spong.su ph. thuj. viol-tr. 2046. - the eyes. Acon. alum. amrn. ars. BELL. BRY. campi. CAPS. carb-veg. CHAM. chin. clem. coloc. con. cupr. dig. dros. HEP. ignllat. M-ARCT. m-auStr. mang. merc. mosch. mur-ac. natr-mur. N-VOM. oleand. op. plumb. puls. ran-scel. rhus. sabad. sabin. seneg. sep. sIL. SPIG. spong. Stallnn. SULPH. VALER. vit. Zinc. 2047. - the eyelids. COLOC. mosch. 2048. - the head. Acon. amm. ARN. 6ar. BELL. BRY. CALC. cann. CAPS. carb-veg. chin. cocc. coloc. CUPR. euphorb. graph. ipec. kali. LYC. mang. mezer. MOSCH. natr. natr-mur. ph-ac. plat. puls. rhodod. samb. SEP. sil. SPIG. stann. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. veratr. viol-od. 2049. - the parts affected. Amm. anac. ang. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. bar. BELL. BRY. camph. CANN. CAPS. caust. CHAM. chel. CHIN. CiC. COCC. COff. con. Croc. dig. hep. ignat. jod. kali. LED. mngs. magn. mang. men. MERC. natr. natr-mur. N-VOM. oleand. petr. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. selen. sep. SPIG. staph. sulph. thuj. zinc. 2050. - turning or moving the eyes. Bry. caps. cupr. lyc. n-vom. puls. rhus. sep. SIL. SPIG. 2051. - opening the eyes. Acon. arn. aur. bell. bor. nBRY. CALC. canth. chin. cic. CLEM. COff. con. ChOC. euphorb. IGNAT. LYC. mgs. magn-mur. N-VOM. phosph. plat. SPIG. Zinc. Amelioration. y 2052. By moving the affected part. Acon. AMM-MUR. angy. am. AAS. asaf. asar. AUR. calc. CAPS. cham. CHIN. cina. coN.- croc. DULC. EUPHORB. FERR. kali. LYC. magn. MAGN-MUR. men. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. PH-AC. PULS. RHODOD. RHUS4 AD. SAMB. SCill. SEP. stann. stront. sulph. TAR. thuj. VALER. verb. viol-tr. vit. 2c 290 CHANGE OF POSITION. 2053-2059. Exacerbation. 2053. On closing the eyes. Agar. arn. ars. BELL. BRY. calad. calc. carb-an. caust. chel. CHIN. CLEM. con. croc. dig. ferr. HELL. hep. ignat. kali. lack. LED. m-austr. MAGN-MUR. mang. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. sassap. sep. spong. staph. sulph. thuj. 2054. - shaking the head. Acon. amm. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARN. asar. bar. BELL. bor. BRY. calad. calc. camph. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. chel. chin. cic. cocc. cof. COLCH. creos. croc. cupr. dig. graph. guaj. hell. HEP.jod. ipec. LED. m-austr. mang. mere. mezer. natrntur. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. par. petr. phosph. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. rhus. ruta. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. staph. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. vit. IX. INFLUENCE OF CHANGE OF POSITION. 2055. From changing the position (sufferings exacerbated or produced by). Acon. bry. CAPS. CARB-VEG. caust. CON. EUPHORB. FERR. LACH. LYC. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. rhus. sabad. SAMB. sil. tbuj. 2056. On putting on one's clothes. ACON. alum. AMM-MUR. anac. ang. arg. ARN. ARS. asar. bar. BELL. bov. BRY. calad. CANN. caps. carb-an. caust. CHAM. chel. chin. cIc. cocc. colch. coloc. CON. croc. dig. dros. FERR. hell. hep. IGNAT. kali. laur. LYC. m-austr. magn-mur. mnang. men. mere. MUR-AC. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. N-VOM. OP. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. sassap. SCILL. seneg. sep. spong. stann. staph. stram. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. veratr. VIOL-TR. zinc. Amelioration. V 2057. On shaking the head. Chin. cina. LACH. Y> 2058. - changing the position. Ars. chain. IGNAT. mar. ph-ac. VALER. zinc. 2059. - putting on one's clothes. Acon. alum. AMM. amm-mur. ang. ANT-TART. ARS. asaf. aur. bar. bell. BOR. boy. bry. CALC. cann. canth. carb-veg. caust. CHANGE OF POSITION. 2060-2065.29 291 Exacerbation, 2060. On rising up from a seat. AcON. ambr. anac.- ang. ant-crud. ANT-TART. amn. ars. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. 6ov. BRY. cale. cann. cantli. CAPS. carb-an. CARBVEG. CAUST. chain.CHIN. CiC. COCe. CON. croc. dig. dros. EUPHO RB. FERR. graph. kali. lach. LAUR. LED. LYC. mgs. in-arct. mn-austr. mang. mere. mum-ac. nath'. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. N-VOM. OLEAND. PETR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. 8sabad. S.EP. sil. SPIG. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. THUJ. VERATR. 2061. After having risen up from a seat. Alum. bry. car6-veg. laur. ings. in-austin. oleand. puis. EHU.S. vematin. 2062.- lying down. Acon. agar. alum. AMIBR. AMM. aini-mur. ang. ant-crud. anttart. ARG. amn. ABS. ASAF. asar. AUR. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. bry. Amelioration. CHAM. chel. chin. Cic. coloc. C011. DIG. ferr, hell. hep. HaYOSC. IGNAT. KALI. laum.' LYC. magn. mang. mar. merc. inosch. natr. natrmur. n-mosch. n-voin. oleand. petm. phospli. puls. rhus. SABIN. SAME. scill. SEP. SIL. Spig. stann. suiph. suiph-ac. 2063. ~4rising M firom a seat. Amn-inur. arg. AUR. bar. -caust. Chin. cycl. DULC. IGNAT. kali. lyc. MAGN. mang. mar. merc. natr. phosph. plat. PULS. rhus. sainlb. SEP. Spig. spong. valer. VERATR. viol-tm. CIS' 2064K~- having risen from a seat. Acon. AGAR. alum. AMBR. ainm. amm-mur. anac. ANG. ant-crud. ant-9tart. ARG. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. BAR. bell. 6ism. bor. boy. caic. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. chin. cic. CINA. cocc. CON. cmeos. cupr'. CYCL. dig. DROS-. DULC. EUPHORB.' euphr. F E RR. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. LACH.' laur. led.. LYC, mGS. m-arct. m-austr. magn. MAGN-MUR. mang. mar. MEN. merce inezer., MOSCH. MUR-AC. NATR. natr-mur. nitr.nitr-ac. oleanTdýjip par. petr.- phosph. PHa-AC. PLAT. plumb. PULS.. RHODOD. BRUS. RUTA. SABAD. 8abin. samb. sassap. selen. SENEG. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. suiph. sulph-ac. TAR. thuj. VALER. veratr. VERB. viol-od. VIOL-TB. vit. zinc. 2065. After lying down. Aeon. again. ambr. ammn-mur. anac. aug. ant-crud. anit-tart. aing. arn. a~saf. aur. bar. BELL. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. / -1 292 CHANGE OF POSITION. 2066-2068. Exiacerbation. calad. caic. cantli. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. chin. CLEM. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. croc. cupr. CYOL. dros. DULO. EUPHORB. EUPHR. FERE. graph. guaj. hell. hep. Hyosc. ignat. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. M-ARCT. in-austr. MAGN-MU. mang. mar. MEN. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. PLUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAB. sabin. SAMB. sassap. selen. seneg. SE P. sil. spig. stann. staph. STRONT. SULPH. SULPH-AC. TAR. thuij. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. violtr. vit. zinc. 2066. On getting up from bed. ACON. amna-mur. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ars. asar. aur. BELL. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. CAPS. carb-an. CARI3-VEG. caust. CHAM. chin. cic. CINA. clem. COCO. CON. creos. croc. dig. duic. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. H:1EP. hyosc. IGNAT. kali. LACH. led LYC., MGS. m-arct. m-aUStr". N-VOM. OLEAND. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. SABIN. SAMB. Wcill. SELEN. 8ep. SIL. SPIG. stann. STAPH. stram. suiph-ac. THUJ. valer. veratr. 2067. - returning to bed. ACON. agar. amm-mur. anac. ars. asar. BOR. BRY. caic. CANNCAPS. CARB-VEG. caust. chin. cilia. COCC. CON. creos. cupr. dros. 1EUPHORB., FERR. graph. HEP. kali. lach. led. LYC., mgs. magn.merc. NATH-MUR. nitr-ac. N-YOM. petr. phosph. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. SIL. STAPH. SULPE. valer. thuj. Almelioration. CANTHF. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. chel. chin. cic. CINA. cocc.' coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. CROC. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. enphr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. HEP. hyosc. ignat. JOD. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. merc. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. OLEAND. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. rhus. sabin. samb. sassap. SCILL. -sec-corn. selen. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. staun. STAPH. STRAM. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. vit.c6 S2068. On rising up from bed, or getting up. Aimm-mur. aug-. arg. ASR. AUR. CAPS. carb-arn. caust. chin. cic. con. creos. dig. DULC. FERR. hell. hyosc. IGNAT. laur. LED. LYC. miagn. mar. merc. mosch. natr. nitr. par. PLAT. plumb. PULS. RHUS. sabin. SAMB. SEP. stann. sulph. Suiph-ac. tar. VERATR. zinc. CHANGE OF POSITION, ETC. 2069-2073. 293 Exacerbation. 2069. After getting up from bed. Acon. amm. AMM-MUR. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ars. bar. bell. bor, bovy. bry. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. cina. coloc. con. croc. dulc. euphorb. GRAPH, GUAJ. HELL. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. kali. LACH. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-aret. magn. magn-mur. mang. men. mezer. mur-ac, natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. OLEAND. par. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RAN-BULB. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sassap. scill. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. STAPH. stram. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. VARATR. verb. 2070. On raising the arm. ACON. anac. ant-crud. BAR. bor. bry. caps. chin. CON. cuPR. FERR. graph. lach. LED. plumb. ran-bulb. sulph. thuj. 2071. - the affected limb. Acon, amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. arg. ARN. asar. BAR. BELL. bor. bry. calc. camph. caps. caust. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. colch. coloe, CON. creos. cupr. dros. euphorb. FERR. graph. hep. ignat. KALI. lach. LED. lyc. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mar. merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. petr. phosph. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. RHUS. ruta. SIL. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. verb. X. INFLUENCE OF LOCOMOTION. A. Locomotion active. 2072. At the commencement of a walk. Aoon. amm. amm. anac. ang. ant-crud.- ant-tart. arn. ars. asar. aur. bar. bell. bov. BRY. calc. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-an. CARBAmelioration. 2073. After getting up from bed. Al -i2K __ Acon. agar. alum. AMBR. AMM. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ANT-TART. ARG. arn. ARS. asaf. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. bism. BsoR. bov. bry. calad. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps. CARB-AN. carbveg. caust. cham. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. COLOC. con. creos. croc. cycl. dig. DROS. dulc. EUPHORB. euphr. FERR. graph. guaj. hell, hep. hyosc. IGNoAT. JOD. KALI. laur. laur. LED. LYC. MGS. M-ARCT. m-aUStr. MAGN. magn-mur. MANG. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. 9nur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op.par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. SELEN. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG, spong. stann. staph. stram. STRONT. SULPH. 8suph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 2c2 294 INFLUENCE OF LOCOMOTION. 2074-2078. Exacerbation. VEG. CAUST. cham. chin. cic. cina. cocc. CON. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. EUPHORB. FERR. graph. kali. lackh. laur. led. LYC. mrgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. mang. mere. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur, nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. RUTA. SABAD. sabin. SAMB. sassap. sep. SIL. spig. staph. stram. stront. sulph. THUJ. valer. veratr. 2074. During the act of walking (whilst walking). Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. ASAR. aur. bar. BELL. bor. bov. BRY. CALAD. calc. CAMPH. CANN. canth. caps. CARB-AN. carbveg. caust. cham. CHEL. chin. cic. cina. clem. coCC. COFF. COLCH. coloc. con. creos. CROC. cupr. cycl. DIG. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. HELL. HEP. hyosc. ignat. JOD. IPEC. kali. lach. laur. LED. lye. mgs. m-arct. M-AUSTR. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N.VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPI. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. RAN-BULB. ran-seel. RHEUM. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. SASSAP. SCILL. sec-corn. SELEN. seneg. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. stram. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. VIT. zinc. 2075. By or from walking near water, or over a bridge. Ang. bar. PETR. SULPH. 2076. - - in the wind. Acon. ars. ASAR. aur. BELL. carb-veg. cham. chin. con. euphr. graph. lack. lye. mur-ac. natr. n-mosch. N-VOM. PHOSPH. plat. 2077. On walking double (or stooping). BRY. Amelioration. "4 I--- t -; --, 2078. By or from walking. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. AMM-MUR. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arn. ars. asaf. asar. AUR. bar. bell. bism. bov. bry. calc. CAPS. carb-veg. caust. chainm. clin. cic. cic. cina. cocc. coloc. CON. creos. cupr. CYCL. DROS. DULC. EUPHORB. euphr. FERR. graph. guaj. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. lach. laur. MGS. m-arct. m-austr. magn. MAGN-MUR. mang. mar. MEN. mere. mezer. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. PH-AC. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. SAMB. sassap. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. TAR. tzhuj. VALER. veratr. VERB. VIOL-TR. Vit. zinC. ACTIVE LOCOMOTION.2079-2085.2 295.Exacerbation. 2079. When walking on level, ground. Ran-bulb. 2080. - - In the open air. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. arg. amn. ars. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bor. boy. B RY. calad. caic. CAMPHI. cann. canth. caps. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. cau-st. chain. CHEL. chin. ciC. cina. clem. COCC. COFF. COLCH. coloc. CON. creos. croc. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. GUAJY. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lack. laur. LE D. lyc. mgs. m-arct. in-austin. magn. magn-mur. Mang. mar. men. merc. niezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-moscH. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhe-um. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. SELEN. seneg. sep. SIL. SPIG. spong. staun. staph. STRAM. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. verat. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 2081. - - quick,, or running. Alum. ANG. arg. ARN. ABS. aur. BELL. bor. BRY. calc. CANN. CAUST. chel. chin. cina. cocc. coff. croc. CUPR. dros. hep. hyose. IGNAT.jOd. ipec. KALI. laur. LED. LYC. MERC. mezer. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N'-VOM. OLEAND. _phosph. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sabin. SCill,, SENEG. sep. SIL. SPIG. spong. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. veratr. zinc. 2082. From walking on the pavement. Ant-crud. CON. hep ~'2083. On going up a hill, or on ascending. Aecon. alum. AMM. trnac. ang. ant-crud. arg. arm. ABS. asar. aur. BAR. bell. BOR. BlIY. CALC. cann'. canth. carb-veg. caust. chin. Aemelioration. 2084. On walking,, or In a stooping posture. CON. HYOSC. LYC. n-VOM. RHUS. sabin. sulph. VIOL-TR. 2085. Whilst walking in the open air. AIcon. ALUM. ambr. amm. amin-mur. anac. aug. ant-crud. arm. ars. asaf. 0a2a. AUR. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. bry. caic. CAPS. carb-veg. caust. cic. cina. CON. DULC. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. laur. LYC. m-arct. m-austr. MAGN. MAGN-MIUR. Mang. men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABIN. sassap. selen. seneg. sep. spig. spong. staph. stront. sulph. suiph-ac. TAR. thuj. veratr. verb. viol-tm. zinc. - 296 ACTIVE LOCOMOTION. 2086-2093. Exacerbation. coff. creos. CUPR. dig. dros. euphorb. graph. hell. hep. hyose. ignat. kali. lack. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. men. MERC. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. NITR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. par. petr. phospl. ph-ac. plat. plumb. ran-bulb. rhus. ruta. sabad. scill. SENEG. SEP. sil. SPIG. SPONG. stann. staph. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. verb. ZINC. 2086. On ascending very high (on ascending a great height). Acon. CALC. OLEAND. SPIG. Mt/ph. 2087. - descending. Amm-mur. arg. bar. bell. bry. canth. coff. CON. FERR. lyc. men nitr-ac. plumb. RHODOD. rhus. ruta. sabin. staun. suiph. VERATR* verb. 2088. - walking with a dull heavy step. Alum. ambr. amm. ANAC. ANG. ANT-CRUD. arg. ARN. arn. ASAR. bar. BELL. bor. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. canth. CAUST. cham. chel. CHIN. cocc. coff. CON. dros. dilc. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. HELL. kali. lach. LVD. LYC. mngs. magn. M)AGN-MUR. men. merc. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-voM. par. petr. PHOSPH. plat. plumb. puls. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAB. sabin. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. thuj. verb. viol-tr. 2089. - - sideways. Caust. Amelioration.,x 2090. On walking quickly. Canth. IGNAT. natr-mur. SEP. sil. stann. 22091. - or whilst ascending. Amm-mur. arg. bar. bry. canth. coff. CON. FERR. lyc. men. nitrac. plumb. RHODOD. rhus. ruta. sabin. stann. suiph. VALER. verb. rk 2092. -- descending. Acon. alum. AMM. anac. ANG. ant-crud. arg. am. ARS. asar. aur. BAR. bell. BOR. BRY. CALC. cann. cauth. carb-veg. caust. chin. coff. creos. CUPR. dig. dros. euphorb. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. lack. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. i-austr. magn. magn-mur. men. MERC. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. NITR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb, ran-bulb. rhus. ruta. sabad. scill. SENEG. SEP. sil. SPIG. SPONG. stawn. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. verb. ZiNC. 2093. - walking with a dull heavy st4,. Caps. ACTIVE LOCOMOTION. 2094-2102. 297 Exacerbation. y~ (i -n a oYp--gc.2094. Onf/=alkig witth I wtnf-o (in a stooping posture). ACON. agar. ALUM. AMM. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. anttart. ARG. am. ars. asaf. asar. aur. BAR. bell. BOR. bov. BRY. CALC. camph,. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CRAM. chel. chin. cIc. cina. CLEM. COCC. COff. COLOC. con. Creos. CROC. cupr. cycl. dig. DROS. dulc. ferr. GRAPH. hell. HEP. ignat. IPEC. KALI. lach. laur. LED. lyC. rags. m-arct. m-austr. MAGN-MUR. MANG. MAR. MEN. MERC. mosch, mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. NITR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. OLEAND. op. par. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. RHODOD. rhus. RUTA. sabin. samb. sassap. SENEG. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. STRONT. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. TaHU. VALER. VERATR. verb. viol-tr. zinc. 2095. From bending downwards for a long time (from prolonged stooping). Alum. ASAR. BOY. cann, CAUST. HEP. hyosc. men. natr-mur. PLAT. viol-tr. 2096. - keeping a part of the body bent. Hyosc. mar. SPONG. valer. 2097. On sitting squat (on crouching down). Calc. coloc. graph. 2098. -- flexing, or on turning the affected part. Acon. amm. AMM-MUR. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. arg. ARN. Amelioration. 2099. On keeping a part of the body bent. Puls. rhus. SCILL. Co-Co2100. - stooping. Anac. ang. ANT-TART. arn. ars. bar. bell. CANN. carb-an. caust. chin. cina. COLCH. CON. dig. hell. HYOSC. ignat. lach. laur. lyc. m-austr. mang. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom.. phosph. ph-ac. puls. RAN-BULB. rhus. sabin. sassap. spong. staph. sulph. tar. valer. veratr. verb. VIOL-TR. 2101. - raising one limb. ALUM. AMM. ang. CALC. caust. cina. dig. hep. ignat. lyc. m-austr. natr-mur. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ruta. sabin. stann. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. 2102. - flexing or turning the affected part. Acon. amm-mur. arg. BELL. calc. cann. CHAM. CTIN. guaj. hep. 298 ACTiVE LOCi(O'MIOTION. 2103-2111. Exacerbation. asaf. aur. bar. ]BELL. bor. boy. BR-V. CALC. campli. caps. -carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHEL. CHIN. CIC. cia. cocc. COFF. Coil. CTOC. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. duic. graph. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. mn-arct. m-aust. MAGN. mar. mere. mezer. mur-ac. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. par. petr. ph-ac; plat. plumb. iPUis. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samnb. SELEN. SEP. srIo. SPONG. stain. staph. suiph. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. zinc. 2103. On turning the Affected part outwards. Caps. 2104.0 -inwards. Amin-mur. IGNAT. staph. veratr. 2105. - - to the right. SPig. 2106. - - backwards. Amm. ANAC. ant-crud. asaf. aur. BAR. CALC. caps. carb-vegcaust. chel. cina. coff. CON. cupr. dig. dror. duic. IGNAT. KALIm-arct. m-austr. mar. natr'-mur. NITR-AC. n-vom. PLAT. Plumb. PULS. rhodod. rhus. SEP. stann. SULPH., thuj. valer. 2107. -ýý __;_forwards and backwards.v Asaf. CHEL. coff. n-vom. thuj. 2108. - - sideways. BELL. bor. CALC. canth. chel. chin. cocc. KALI. lyc. NATR-MUR. plumb. stann. staph. Admelioration. h kali. lack. m-austr. mang. mar. me'n.ý,mur-ac. n-vom. petr. PULS.:rheum. rhusi sabada sabin. SCILLa THUS. veratr. 2109. On turning the affec ted part inwards. Amin-mur. BELL. 2110. -- backwards. c zg, Acon. BELL. Cann. CHAM. ehini kali. LACH. mn-tustr. n-vom. pails. rhus. sabad. sabin. THUJ. veratr. ~-2111. --sideways. Men. PULS. ACTIVE LOCOMOTION. 2112---2121. 299 Exacerbation. 2112, On turning the afrected part forwards. Asaf. chel. COFF. n,-Vom. thuj. 2113. - bending the head backwards. Bell. bry. caust. chin. CIC. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. kali. PULS. SEP. spong. valer. viol-od. 2114. - - sideways. Chin. SPONG. 2115. - bending the head forwards. Viol-od. 2116. - turning the head. Amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ARN. asa. bar. CELL. boy. BRY. CALC. camph. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. CIC. cocc. coff. coloc. cupr. dros. dulc. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. KALI. lach. LYC. magn. mezer. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. par. petr. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. SELEN. SEP. spig. SPONG. stann. staph. sulph. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. 2117. - drawing up or retracting a limb..gar. alum. amm-mur. anac. ANT-TART. asar. bell. bor. carb-an. carb-veg. cham. chin. coff. dig. dros. dulc. ferr. guaj. hep. ignat. kali. magn. mezer. mur-ac. natr-mur. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. plat. puls. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sabin. SEC-CORN. stann. staph. thuj. verb. zinc. Amelioration. X. 2118. On turning the affected part forwards. MAR. " 2119. - bending the head backwards. Bell. CHAM. HEP. m-austr. rhus. thuj. veratr. 2120. - - sideways. Puls. sep. c'v -- " "_ $ 2121. - -or from drawing up a limb. ALUM. amtm. amtm-mur. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. arg. arn. aur. bar. bell. bov. DRY. CALC. cann. caps. carb-veg. caust. cham. CHIN. cina. clem. con. croc. dig. dros. dulc. ferr. graph. guaj. HEP. ignat. kali. laur. lyc. m-astr. MANG. men. merc. mur-ac. natr-mur. n-vom. petr. phosph. plat. plumb. puls. rheum. rhus. RUTA. sabin. selen. SEP. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. THUJ. valer. veratr. 300 ACTIVE AND PASSIVE LOCOMOTION. 2122-2131. Exacerbation. 2122. On or from extending or stretching a limb. ALUM. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. arg. arn. aur. bar. bell. bov. BRY. CALC. cann. caps. carb-veg. caust. cham. CHIN. cina. clem. con. croc. dig. dros. dulc. ferr. graph. guaj. HEP. ignat. kali. laur. lyc. m-austr. MANG. men. mere. mur-ac. natr-mur. n-vom. petr. phosph. plat. plumb. puls. rheum. rhus. RUTA. sabin. selen. SEP. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. THUJ. valer. veratr. 2123. - approximating the shoulder-blades (on throwing back the shoulders). CALC. cycl. B. Passive Locomotion. 2124. From the motion of a swing. Bor. carb-veg. 2125. During the motion of a carriage. BOR. calc. carb-veg. COCC. colch. croc. ferr. graph. HEP. IGNAT. jod. kali. lach. lyc. magn. natr-mur. N-MOSCH. PETR. phosph. plat. SELEN. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. valer. 2126. - of a boat. Ang. ars. bell. COCC. COLCH. croc. euphorb. FERR. m-arct. n-mosch. PETR. sec-corn. Amelioration. 2127. On or from extending a limb. Agar. alum. amm-mur. anac. ann. ANT-TART. asar. bell. bor. carban. carb-veg. cham. chel. chin. coff. dig. dros. di'lc. ferr. guaj. hep. ignat. kali. magn. mezer. mur-ac. natr-mur. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. plat. puls. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sabin. SECCORN. stann. staph. thuj. verb. zinc. 2128 - approximating the shoulder-blades (on throwing back the shoulders). CALC. cycl. S2129. From running. Caust. IGNAT. natr-mur. SEP. sil. stann. 2130. - dancing. Caust. IGNAT. natr-mur. SEP. sil. stann. 2131. - the motion of a carriage. GRAPH. nitr.NITR-AC. RA-,. J -. MORAL INFLUENCES. 2132-2139. 301 _E1xacerbation. 2 132. After travelling in a carriage (after the motion of a carriage). Gi-apli. natr. natr-mur'. nitr. NITR-AC..plat. XI. INFLUENCE OF THE AFFECTIONS AND PASSIONS. p2133. Sufferings arising from, or exacerbated by,3 mental emotions in general. ACON. alum. aium-mur. ant-tart. arn. ars. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. BRY.cc. caps. carb-au. CAUST. CHAM. chin. cic. Cac COFF. coich. COLOC. con. croc. citpr. cyci. ferr. graph. hep. HYOSO. IGNAT. ipec. krali. lach. laur. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr.'magn. magn-mur. mar. mec natr. NATft-MUR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-YOM. oleand. op'. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. PU ran-bulb. rims. samib. sec-corn. selea. se'neg. sep. sil. spong. stann. STAPH. 8tram. stront. suiph. VERATR. verb. zinc. V 2134. --vexation,'contrariety,, chagrin. 6? Y ACON. alum. ant-tart. ARS. aulr. BELL. BRY. caic. CHAM. chin. coec COIFF. COLOC. crocc. cupr. hY=7=83. IGNAT.. ipec. LXII. gole1 in-arct. m-austr. magil. maga-mur. natr. natr-mur. ni-mosch. N-VOM. op. petr. PHOSPH.. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. samb. sec-corn. selen. sep. sil. stann. STAPH. strain. suiph. veratr. zinc. V-'2135.-- with anguish or anxiety. ACON. alum. AilS. aur. BELL. bry. caic. CHAM. coec.coff. CUPR. hyosc. IGNAT. lyc. natr. natr-mur. N-YOM. op. petr. phospli. PLAT. PULS. rhus. samb. sep. stann. strain. Muph. veratr. v2136. --passion. ACON. aur. bell. BRY. CHAM. COF-F. h -osc. lye. nt-mr N-VOM. phosph. sep. suiph. veratr. zinc. ki- ~ 6c 2137. --indigwnation. ~_ V2138. --concentrated grief (silent, inward grief. - _ Alum. ars8. aur. bell. coco COLOC. hyosc. IGNAT. LYC. natr. 2 c natr-mur. n-vom. phosph. PH-AC. plat. puls. STAPH. vematr. Amelioration. 2139. - carrying an infant in the arms. Ant-tart. bell. CHAM. merc. 2D 302 INFLUENCE OF SOCIETY. 2140-2149. Exacerbation. 2140. Sufferings arising from fright. ACON. anac. amrn. ars. aur. BF.kL. bry. calc. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. cic. cocc. COFF. CUPR. graph. hep. HYOSC. IGNAT. lach. laur. lyc. merc. natr-mnur. N-VOM. OP. phosph. FLAT. PULS. rhus. samb. sec-corn. sep. spong. stann. stram. sulph. veratr. verb. zinc. < V2141. - reproaches (wounded self-love) 14 Coloc. IGNAT. OP. ph-ac. STAPH. V 2142. - contradiction. AUR.jgat. n-vom. oleand. - v 2143. - gange, choler. 2 Acon. AUR. bell. BRY. CHAM. coff. COLOC. U -6p~ ipec. natr-mur. N-VOM. oleand. ph/osph. plat. sep. stron t7fit.ph. veratr. v 2144.- grief and sorrow-care. Amm-mur. ars. aur. bell. calc. caps. caust. cocc. COLOC. con. cycl. graph. HYOSC. IGNAT. kali. lach. lyc.natr. n-vom. phosph. PH-AC. ( plat. PULS. rhus. STAPH. stram. VERATR. S1 -V 2145. - afl'ornts or offences (mortification arising from an affront or offence). Acon. ars. aur. Ig~ bry. carb-an. CHAM. COLOC. IGNAT. ipec. lyc. merc. NATR-MUR. na-vom. PH-AC. plat. _ul_. SENEG. STAPH. stram. sulph. veratr. V2146. - unhappy love. Azr. caust. COFF. HYOSC. IGNAT. kali. lach. n-vom. PH-AC, sep. STAPH. - ' 2147. - excessive joy. C z,f COFF. croc. cycl. natr. op. PULS. V 2148. - jealousy. HYOSC. IGNAT. lack. n-vom. ph-ac. XII. INFLUENCE OF SOCIETY. 2149. Whilst in society. Ambr. BAR. carb-an. con. hell. LYC. miagn. natr. natr-mur. petr. phosph. PLUMB. SEP. stann. stram. sulph. INFLUENCE OF INTELLECTUAL SOCIETY. 2150-2160. 303 Exacerbation. 07,04 - 2150. In solitude. 4js. bov. _W. lRos. kali. LYC. mezer. PHOSPH. sil. STRAM. zinc. J1.c~o-~ f'A--c~- Z_ - 2151. - the society of strangers. Ambr. bar. lyc* petr. SEP. STRAM. XIII. INFLUENCE OF INTELLECTUAL LABOUR. 2152. From thinking, reflecting. BAR. dros. hell. oleand. plumb. RAN-BULB. sabad. spig. spony. staph. 2153. - efforts of the memory. Mgs. 2154. - want of application. CAMPH1. CiC. HELL. 2155. - intellectual efforts. Agar. arbr. amm. ANAC. aug. arg. an. ars. asar. aur. bell. bor. calad. CALC. carb-veg. cham. chin. cina. cocc. coff. COLCH. cupr. dig. hell. IGNAT. jod. kali. lach. laur. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m)-austr. mayn. iagn-mur. mang. mnen. natr. NATR-MUR. n-mosch. N-VOM. OLEAND. par. petr. phospl. ph-ac. plat. puls. ran-bulb. SABAD. selen. SEP. SIL. staun. staph. suiph. tar. vit. zinc. 2156. Whilst writing. Acon. agar. alum. amm. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. arm. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. bor. bry. calad. CALC. cann. canth. carb-veg. caust. Amelioration. ' 2157. In solitude. Ambr. BAR. carb-an. con. hell. LYC. magn. natr. natr-rur. petr. phospIh. PLUMB. SEP. stann. strai. sulph. 2158. - society. &du' -I-1-y ' ARS. bo. con. DROS. kali. LYC. mezer. PHOSPH. sil. STRAM. zinc. 2159. During intellectual efforts. C>, 4PY Y6tI " Croc. Cerr. NATR. 2160. Whilst thinking. Olu 7~ f Z 1 /1 CAMPH. cic. HELL. 304 INFLUENCE OF PHYSICAL LABOUR. 2161-2167. Exacerbation. cham. chel. chin. cic. CINA. COCc. coloc. croc. dros. euphorb. ferr. graph. hep. ignat. KALI. laur. led. LYC. men. mezer. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. OLEAND. par. petr. pho8ph. ph-ac. plat. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. RHODOD. rhus. RUTA. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. sulp/h. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. zinc. 2161. Whilst reading. Agar. alum. amm. ang. arg. arn. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. CINA. COCC. COff. CON. croc. cupr. dros. DULC. GRAPH. HEP. ignat. KALI. LYC. marct. magn-mur. mang. men. merc. mezer. mosch. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. OLEAND. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. puls. RHODOD. RUTA. sabad. sassap. selen. seneg. sep. SIL. staph. stram. SULPH. SULPH-AC. tar. thuj. valer. VERB. viol-od. VlT. zinc. 2162. - with a loud voice (or aloud). CARB-VEG. cocc. MANG. nitr-ac. PAR. PHOSPH. selen. VERB. XIV. INFLUENCE OF PHYSICAL LABOUR. 2163. From physical efforts. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ant-crud. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bor. bov. BRY. calc. CANN. caust. chin. cic. cina. cof. cocc. colch. con. creos. croc. euphr. ferr. graph. hell. hep. ignat. jod. ipec. lach. led. LYC. mere. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. mosch. n-vom. oleand. phosph. plat. puls. RHEUM. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. SABIN. sassap. scill. sec-corn. sep. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. zINC. 2164. Physical fatigue (synonymous with the preceding cause). ARN. ars. cann. chin. COFF. RHUS. veratr. 2165. Manual labour. AMM-MUR. BOv. ferr. kali. LACH. magn. mere. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. SIL. VERATR. Amelioration. 2166. Whilst reading. Ferr. NATR. Ferr. natr. INFLUENCE OF SIGHT. 2168-217803 305 -Exacerbation. 2168. Whilst sewing. Lach. NATR-MTJR. suiph-ac. 216 9. - shaving. Carb-an. XV. INFLUENCE 'OF THE FUNCTION OF THE ORGANS OF bTISION. 2170. Sufferings arising from, or exacerbated by, the effort of looking (fixing the sight on an object). Agar. alum. amm. amm-mur. anac. arg. amn. ASAFr. asar. AUR. bar. bell. bor. bry. CALO. canth. CARB-VEG. CAUST.. chain. chel. chin. cic. CINA.. cocc. coff. con. creos. CROC. cupr. dros. duitc. ferr. GRAPH. hep. ignat. KALI. laur. led. LYC. m-arct. magn. magn-mnr. mang. men. mere. mezer. mosch. mum-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitrac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. PIIOSPH. ph-ac. plat. puls. r-an-bulb. rheum. RHODOD. rhus. RUTA. sabad. SASSAP. selen. SENEG. SEP. SIL. SPIG. SPONG. staph. strain. stront. sulpk. -Sulphac. thuj. valer. verb. viol-od. vit. zinc. 2171. On looking at any revolving object. Lyc. 2172.' - a distance (on looking in the distance). Euphr. OLEAUND. SE-P. RUTA. 2173. - brilliant objects. BELL. caiith. HYOSO. lach. phosph. STRAM. 2174. - the light. Amin-iur. bell. DRY. CALC. caust. chel. coich. creos. ignat. kali. MAGN-MUR. MERC. fl-VOnf. PL(ospH. ph-ac. sabad. sep. Vinc. 2175. - downwards. Acon. CALC. OLEAND. SPIG. sulph. Ameliorationz. '-2176. From physical efforts. Cantli. IGNAT. natr-mnur. SEP. sit. staiin. 2177. W~hilst knitting. Lyc,, 2178. - working at the turnlngalathe. Sep. 2D2 306 ORGANS OF DIIGESTION. 2179-2791. Exacerbation. 2179. On looking upwards. Alum. ars. CALC. carb-veg. caust. cupr. graph. petr. plat. plumb. PULS. SABAD. sabin. SELEN. sep. sil. spig. THUJ. zinc. 2180. - sidewards, askaunt. BELL. oleand. spig. 2181. - at anything for a long time. Cic. creos. rheum. RUTA. SPIG. 2182. - running water. Arg. BELL. FERR. HYOSC. stram. 8ulpk. 2183. - anything white. Chlam. graph. kali. natr-mur. stram. 2184. - through spectacles. Bor. XVI. INFLUENCE OF THE FUNCTIONS OF THE ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 2185. On opening the mouth (exacerbation, or production of symptoms). Amm-mur. ANG. bry. caust. cham. cocc. dros. hep. MERC. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. puls. rhus. SABAD. sabin. sil. spig. spong. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. 2186. - shutting the mouth. MEZER. n-vonm. 2187. - licking the lips. Valer. Amelioration. / 2188. On looking steadily at an object. Ferr. NATR. petr. ph-ac. vit. V2189. - looking straight forwards. BELL. oleand. spig. /-2190. - sideways. OLEAND. v 2191 - blinking (winking). Asaf. croc. stann. 'I ~r2'~-~ 7- /4 9 / ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 2192-2202. 307 Exacerbation. 2192. On compressing the teeth. Alum. AMM. anac. bell. bry. carb-an. caust. chin. coff. colch. dig. graph. GUAJ. hell. HEP. hyosc. IPEC. lach. mang. merc. petr. puls. RHUS. sassap. SEP. sil. spong. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. VERB. 2193. Whilst cleaning the teeth, Carb-veg. lye. ruta. STAPH. 2194. - with a tooth-pick (whilst picking the teeth). Kali. PULS. 2195. - chewing (masticating). Acon. ALUM. AMM. AMM-MUR. anac. arg. arn. ars. aur. bell. bor. bov. BRY. calc. cann. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. cocc. coff. colch. dig. eutphorb. EUPR. graph. GUAJ. HEP. HYOSC. IGNAT. ipec. kali. lach. mgs. magn. mang. mar. MEN. merc. natr. NATRMUR. nitr-ac. n-vom. OLEAND. petr. PHOSPRn. PH-AC. PULS. ranbulb. RHUS. SABIN. sassap. scill. seneg. SEP. Sil. spig. spong. STAPH. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. THUJ. veratr. VERB. ZINC. 2196. After mastication. Sabin. staph. 2197. On putting out the tongue. Cocc. Amelioration. S2198. On opening the eyes. Agar. arn. ars. BELL. BRY. calad. calc. carb-an. caust. chel. CHIN. CLEM. COn. croc. dig. ferl. HELL. hep. ignat. kali. lack. LED. m-austr. MAGN-MUR. mang. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. PULs. sassap. sep. spong. staph. sulph. thuj. 2199. - shutting the eyes. Acon. amrn. aur. bell. bor. BRY. CALC. canth. chin. cic. CLEM. coff. con. CRoc. euphorb. IGNAT. LYC. mgs. rnagn-mur. N-VOM. phosph. plat. SPIG. zinc.,f 2200. - sucking with thwtongue. Mang. v'2201. - chewing. Bry. seneg. 2202. - biting (clenching the teeth). Ars. chin. cocc. coff. euphorb. magn-mur. STAPH. 308 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 2203-2210. Exacerbation. 2203. On sucking (or on squeezing or pinching?) the gums. Boy. carb-veg. kali. n-mosch. n-vom. SIL. zinc. 2204. From swallowing (performing the act of deglutition). Acon. alum. ambr. amm.. amm.-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. ary. ars. asaf. aur. BAR. bell. bor. boy. BRY. caic. camph. canth. caps. carban. carb -veg. caust ch am. chin. cic. cocc. coflf. coich. con. creos. CROC. cupr. dig. dros. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. HEP. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. icali. lach. laur. led. lyc. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. men. ME RC. mnezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC;' N-VOM. op. par. PETR. PROSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PVlLS, ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. seneg. SEP. sil.8sig. spong. stann. staph. dtram. stront. sv suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. 2205. On swallowing the saliva. /)211 Arg. bar. bell. bor. boy. B RY. caps. COCC7&-Cli-a. croc. graph. HEP. LACH. mang. MERC. mezer. n-vom. plnt. PIJLS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. spig. suiph. thuj. zinc. 2206. - - food, Alum. ambr. ars. BAR. BRY. carb-veg chain. chin. coich. euphorb. IIEP. ignat. jod. NITR-AC. N-VOM. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. ran-bulb. RHUS. SEP. SULPH. zinc. 2207.-- drinks (when drinking, whilst swallowing liquids). BELL. CANTH. cina. cupr. hyosc. ignat. JOD. lach. MERC. natrmur. PHOSPH. strain. 2208. After swallowing. AMBR. ars. bar. BRY. carb-veg. chain. chin. coich. euphorb. hep. ignat. jod. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. 2209. When not swallowing (when not employed in swallowing).Alum. AM13R. amm-inur. ARN. bell. CAPS. carb-veg. chel. chin..ilmelioration. V2210. When swallowing (while performing the act of deglutition). Alum. AMBR. ami~mi-inur. ARN. b ell. CAPS. carb-veg. chel. chin. cocc. dig. dros. graph. IGNAT. jod. ipec. LACH. laur. LED.'m-austr. magn, mang. merc. mezer. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. par. phosph. ph-ac. plat. puls. rheumn. rhus. ruta. sabad. isabin. SCill. spig. SPONG. stann. staph. suiph. sulph-ac. tar. zinc. ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 2211-2216. 309 Exacerbation. cocc. dig. dros. graph. IGNAT. jod. ipec. LACH, laur. LED. m-austr. magn. mang. merc. mezer. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. par. phosph. ph-ac. plat. puls. rheum. rhus. ruta, sabad. sabin. scill. spig. SPONG. stann. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. zinc. 2211. Whilst fasting (before breakfast). Acon. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ars. BAR. boy. bry. CALC. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHEL. chin. cina. CROC. ferr. graph. hell. hep. IGNAT. JOD. kali. LACH. laur. lye. magn. magn-mur. mar. mere. mezer. natr. nitr-ac,. n-vom. petr. phosph. PLAT. plumb. puls. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. SABAD. SEP. SPIG. STAPH. stront. sulph. TAR. valer. veratr. VERB. 2212. When hungry. Aur. canth. caust. graph. hell. JOD. KALI. oleand. plat. rhus. SPIG. veratr. 2213. After breakfast. Ambr. AMM-MUR. anac. ars. bell. bor. BRY. CALC. carb-an. carbveg. CAUST. CHAM. chin. CON. cycl. DIG. euphorb. GRAPH. hell. ignat. KALI. laur. lyc. magn. mang. NATR. NATR-MUR. NITR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. puls. rhodod. rhus. sassap. SEP. sil. stront. SULPH. valer. veratr. zinc. 2214. Whilst eating (masticating). Alum. ambr. AMM. amm-mur. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arn. ars. aur. BAR. bell. bism. bor. bov. bry. CALC. cann. canth. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. CAUST. CHAM. chin. cIc. clem. cocc. coff. colch. CON. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb.ferr. GRAPH. hell. HEP. Amelioration. ~/'2215. Whilst fasting. ")P /'Agar. alum. ambr. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. arn. ars. asaf. bar. bell. bor. BRY. calc. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAN. CHIN. cocc. CON. cycl. DIG. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. laur. lyc. magn. mang. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. n-vom. par. petr. phosph. PH-Ac. plumb. puls. rhodod. rhus. sabin. sassap. selen. sep. SIL. stann. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. veratr. ZINC. 2216. After breakfast. 7( Acon. alum. ambr. amm. amnm-mu7-`nac. ars. BAR. bov. bry. CALC. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHEL. chin. cina. CROC. ferr. graph. hell. hep. IGNAT. JOD. kali. LACH. laur. lye. magn. magn-mur. mar. mere. mezer. natr. nitr-aic. n-vonz. petr. phosph. PLAT. plumb. pulS. RAN-BULB. ran-seel. rhodod. rhus. SABAD. SEP. SPIG. STAPHI-I. stront. sulph. TAR. valer. veratr. VERB. 310 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 2217-2220. Exacerbation. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. MAGN-MUR. mang. mar. merc. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. SEP. Sil. spig. spong. staph. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. zinc. 2217. Before eating. Acon, alum. AMBR. amm. amm-muur. anac. ang. arn. ars. bar. bell. Bov. bry. CALC. CANN. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. CHEL. CHIN. colch. CRoc. dulc. euphr. FERR. GRAPH. hell. hep. IGNAT. JOD. kali. LACH. LAUR. m-austr. magn. mang. men. merc. mezer. mosch. NATR. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. petr. PHOSPH. PLUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. SABAD. sabin. sassap. scill. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. stann. STRONT. SULPH. TAR. valer. veratr. verb. 2218. After eating. Acon. agar, alum ambr. amm. AMM-MUR. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arn. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. bov. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. cauth. caps. CARB-AN. CARBVEG. CAUST. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. CON. creos. croc. CYCL. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. PETR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. zINC. Amelioration. 2219. Whilst eating (masticating). ALUM. AMBR. amm-mur. ANAC. arn. aur.bell. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. cham. CHEL. chin. cocc. CRoc. dig. dros. ferr. graph. IGNAT. jod. LACH. laur. led. lyc. m-arct. m-austr. magn. mang. mere. MERC. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom., par. phosph. ph-ac. plat. puls. rheum. rhodod. rhus. sabad. sabin. scill. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. ZINC. 2220. After eating. Acon. alum. ambr. amm. mm-mur. anac. aug. arn. ars. bar. noV. bry. calc. CANN. carb-an. caust. cham. CHEL. chin. FERR. graph. hell. IGNAT. JOD. kali. lack. LAUR. m-austr. magn. mang. men. merc. mezer. mosch-.7NATR. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. puls. ran-bulb. rhus. SABAD. sassap. scill. sep. sil. spig. stann. STRONT. veratr. ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 2221-2228. 311 Exacerbation. 222 1. After eating to satiety. Bar. CALC. carb-veg. LYC. natr. natr-rnur. n-vom. sep. &il SULPH. 2222. From eating quickly. Adrs. IPEC. led. N-YOM. suiph. 2223. - drinkingr (synonymous with, whilst swallowing liquids). Anac. ars. BELL. BRY. CANTH. chain. CINA. coich. con. cupr. ferr. Hyosc. ig-nat. JiOD. LACH. laur. merc. natr-mur. PHOSPH. rhus. sabad. sabin. scill. sep. STRAM. 2224. After drinking. ACON. ambr. anac. ang. ANT-TART. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bell. B RY. canil. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. cic. COCO. coich. COLOC. con. CROC. cupr. dros. rFERR. graph. hell. H EP. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. lach. laur. lyc. MAR. merc. mezer. nlosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. N-YOM. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhodod. RILUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. scill. sec-corn. selen. sep. SIL. spig. staph. strain. SULPH. suiph-ac. TAR.. thiij. VE RATR. 2225. - - quickly. ARS. ipec. natr-mur. NITR-AC. N-VOM. SIL. suiph. XVII. INFLUENCE OF THE RESPIRATORY FUNCTIONS. 2226. 'Whilst speaking (exacerbatio n or development of symptoms). Acon. alum. AMBR. ainm. amin-mur. ANAC. arg. ARN. ars. aur. bar. B3ELL. bor. DRY. CALC. CANN. canth. caps. CARD-VEG. caust. CHAM. CHIN. cic. COCC. cqgf. con. croc. dig. DROS. DULC. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. hell. HE P. hyosc. ignat. JOD. ipec. kall. led. lyc. magn. MAGN-MUR. MANG. mar. merc. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. NATRMUR. n-mosch. n-vom. par. petr. PHO'SPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. Amelioration. V2227. After drinking. BRY. carb-an. ferr. graph. ipec. inosch. n-vom. oleand. PHOSPH. rhus. SIL. Spig. tar. 2228.- eating to satiety. Ars. JOD..phosph 312 INFLUENCE OF RESPIRATION. 2229-2237. Excacerbation. puls. ran-bulb. RHUS. SASSAP. scill. SELEN. SEP. Sil. SPIG. STANN. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. VERATR. 2229. Whilst speaking about something unpleasant. CALC. cic. ignat. MAR. 2230. - singing. Agar. AMM. carb-an. CARB-VEG. cocc. DRnos. mang. nitr-ac. par. PHOSPH. sassap. selen. spong. STANN. SULPH. verb. 2231. After singing. Agar. HEP. 2232. During the act of inspiration. ACON. AGAR. atlum. amm. amm-mur. ANAC. any. ARG. ARN. ars, asaf. ASAR. aur. bar. BOR. bov. BRY. CALc. canmph. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. CHEL. Chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coich. coloc. con. CREOs. croc. cupr. cycl. dulc. euphr. GUAJ. Amelioration. 1 2233. After a motion. E Acon. AMM-MUR. ant-crud. ant-tart. asaf. aur. bar. bism. BOR. bov. BRY. canth. caps. cham. cina. coff. COLCH. coloc. CON. creos. croc. cycl. dulc. ferr. guaj. hep. ipec. mang. men. natr. natr-mur. op. par. PULS. rheum. RHUS. sabad. scill. seney. sep. SPIG. SULPH. thuj. veratr. 5Y - 2234. - the emission of flatus. Ambr. anac. ant-tart. arn. asaf. asar. aur. bism. bor. bry. canth. caps. CARB-VEG. CHAM. CHIN. CiC. COCC. coff. con. graph. guaj. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. cali. lach. laur. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. mar. men. mezer. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. scill. selen. sep. sil. spig. spong. STAPH. stram. sulph. thuj. VERATR. verb. zinc. QaLrd- L-e -/ '2235. Whilst speaking. &- 4%-- /'' Ferr. S2236. On retaining or holding of the breath. BELL., 2237. During expiration or breathing outwards. ACON. agar. anmm-mur. anac. ang. arg. amrn. asaf. asar. bar. BOR. BRY. calc. camph. canth. caps. carb-an. caust. cham. chel. chin. cina. clem. creos. croc. cycl. euphr. guaj. hell. hep. ipec. INFLUENCE OF RESPIRATION. 2238-2242. 1 313 Exacerbation. htell. hyosc. ignat. jod. IPEC. KALI. laur. led. LY C. m-arct. magn. magn-ranr. mar. MEN. MERC. mezer. mosek. mur-ac. natr. natrmur. NITR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. par. phosph. ph-ac. plat. Plumb. puls. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. SABIN. 8assap. SCILL. SELEN. SENEG. sep. sil. spig. SPONG. 8tann. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. VALER. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 2238. On drawing a deep breath. ACON. amm-mur. arg. ARN. asaf. BOR. BRlY. calad. caic. canth. caps. carb-an. caust. cina. creos. dros. duic. GRAPH. HELL. hep. ignat. ipec. KALI. LYC. magn-mur. mangq.MERO. 'mosch. natr. natrMU?'. NITR. 'n-moscli. n-vom. OLEAND. plumb. pulS. RAN-SCELL. rheum. RHUS. SABAD. SABIN. SCILL. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. spong. thuj. valer. verb. VIT. 2239. Fromn inhaling (synonymous with inspiration). Adlum. ANT-CRUD. BELL. bry. caic. caust. chin. cic. cina. hyosc. ignat. ipec. mgs. M-ARCT. MERC. niezer. natr-mur. nitr. n-mosch. N-VOM. par. petr. phospli. ph-ac. PULS. sabad. SABIN. 8sasap. selen. SEP. SIL. SPIG. STAPH. suiph. thuj. verb. V' 2240. - cold air. &__LZ4 1-7 -Alum. ant-crud. ARS. AUR. BELL. BRY. CALC. carnph. CAUST. chain. cina. duic. HEP. HYOSO. KALI. ngs.m?n-act. MERC. mosch. natr-mur'. N-MOSCH. N-YOM. par. petr. phosph. puls. RHODOD. RHUS. SABAD. sassap. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. staph. STRONT. sulph. thuj. veratr. A4melioration. Icali. lye. in-aret. MEN. merc. mosch. nitr~. n-mosch. oleand. op. plat. plumb, ran-bulb. ran-scell. RHUS. sabad. SABIN. sassap. SCILL. selen. seneg. sep. spig. spong. stann. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. vale?'. veratr. 224 1. During the act of inspiration. Ant-tart. asaf. bar. bry. calm. caust. CHIN. cina. COLCH. CUPR. DIG. dros. duic. IGNAT. jod. LACH. malig. men. n-vom. OLEAND. ph-ac. PULS. ruta. sabad. scill. sep. SPIG. STANN. staph. tar. veratr. viol-od. viol-tr. /2242. On drawing a deep breath (on taking a full inspiration). Asaf. bar. chin. COLCH. CUPR. dig. dros. IGNAT. jod. LACH. men. oleand. puts. sep. SPIG. STANN. staph. viol-tr. 2E 314 14 INFLUENCE OF RESPIRATION. 2243-2253." Exacerbation. 2243. Oni holding the breath. Dros. led. men. merc. NlTR. SPIG. 2244. - voluntarily puffing- up or distending the abdomen (by taking a deep inspiration). IGNAT. 2245. - retracting the abdomen. Acon. ambr. ant-crud. ANT-TART. asaf. ASAR. bar. bell. bOy. cale. lye. N-VOM.pjhospli. valer. ZINC. 2246. - sneezing. Aeon. aram. AMM-MUR. ant-tart. amn. ARS. bar. BELL. BOR. BRY. caic. canth. CARD-VEG. caust. CRAM, chin. c-ina. COD. DROS. eupborb. graph. hell. hep. kali. lach. led. LY C. gnagn. xnagfl-mfr. MEUC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. rntr-ac. N-VOM. phosph. P1JLS. RHUS. SABAD. scill. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. staph. suiph, 2247. From blowing, the nose. Aeon. alum. ambr. amin. any. an~t-tart. arg. ARN. AUJR. 6ar. BELL. bry. CALC cairn. CANTHa. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. ckamn. chel. chin. cina. coff. COLCH. con. creos. dig. euphorb. euplir. HEP. hyose. jod. KALI. led. lye. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. natr-inur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. phospli. PH-AC. par. IPULS. RAN-BULB. sabin. sassap. selen. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. staun. STAPH. strain. stront. 5ULPH. tar. thvi). veratr. vit. 2248. - the sicppression of a colel (coryzaj). Amibr. amm. amm-inur. ars. BRY. calad. CALC. earb-veg. caust. Amelioration. / 2249. On retracting the abdomen. 2250. Fromaddi~tas 2251. - yawninag.1 X CR00. =8g. STAPH. Y j-/L, ~ t~4~4 2252. - sneezing., Magn-mur. V2253. On blowing the nose.. MANQ, mere. SIL. stann. INFLTIENCE OF RESPIRATION. 2254-2261. 315~ Exacerbation. cham. CHIN. cina. con. creos. DULC. graph. hep. IPEC. kcali. lach. laur. lyc. m-arct.,-austr.i magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. merc. natr. natr-mur. NITR-AC. n-mnosch. N-VOM. par. petr. phosph. PULS. rhodod. sabad. samb. sassap. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. 2254. From the hiccough. Aeon. AMM-MUR. bell. bor. BRY. ciC. cocc. cupr. CYCL. HYOSC. IGNAT. lYC. magn-mur. MAR. Imler. natr. n-mosch. N-VOM. par. puls. ran-bulb. ruta. sassap. spong. staph. stram. stront. sulph. veratr. verb. 2251. - shedding tears (weeping). Ant-tart. ARN. BELL. bor. canth. cham. CRoc. CUPR. hep. lach. ma-arct. MAR. nitr. stann. VERATR. 2256. - laughter. Acon. ang. arg. ARS. aur. BELL. BOR. CARB-VEG. CHIN. co010oC. con. kali. laur. MANG. mezer. mur-ac. natr-mur. n-vom. PHOSPH. PLUMB. STANN. ZinC. 2257. When not respiring. Asaf. cina. IGNAT. MERC. spig. tar. 2258. During respiration. AcON. agar. alum. amm. AMM-MUR. ANAC. ant-crud. arg. a.rn. srs. asaf. asar. aur. BELL. bism, bor. bov. BRY. CALC. CANN. CAPS. chaam. chin. CINA. elem. coce. COLCH. coloc. con. croc. cupr. dig. dros. dulec. euphr. graph. HEP. hyosc. KALI. led. lyc.. g1S. MAGN. mnerc. mezer. MUR-AC. natr. NATR-MUR. nztr. NITR-AC. fl-VOM. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. SABAD. sassap. scill. SELEN. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. stann. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. 2259. - expiration. Ambr. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ars. asaf. aur. bry. eann. carb-veg. caust. cham. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. coff. COLCH. creos. DIG. DROS. dulc. euphr. IGNAT. JOD. laur. led. nang. mur-ac. natr. n-vom. OLEAND. ph-ac. PULS. rhus, ruta. sabad. seill. SEP. SPIG. spong, stann. STAPH. tar. veratr. VIOL-OD. VIOL-TR. vit. zinc. 2260. Before coughing (before the paroxysms). CINA. croc. led. 2261. During the cough (during a fit of coughing). ACON. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. aug. ant-crud. aotttart. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. BRY. ealad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. CAPs. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. 316 GENERATION. 2262- 2268. Exacerbation. chamin. chel. CHIN. CINA. cOCc. COff. cO1OC. con. creos. croc. cupr. dig. DROS. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferrr. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. hyosc. ignat. jod. IPEC. kali. lach. laur. led. lye. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. zinc. 2262. After coughing. Ars. calad. chin. CINA. croc. cupr. dros. ferr. HYOSC. ipec. n-vom. PHOSPH. scill. SEP. sulph. 2263. - expectoration. CALAD. chin. sep. XVIII. INFLUENCE OF THE GENERATIVE FUNCTIONS. 2264. Abstinence from sexual intercourse (Derangements which are aggravated, or produced by the). CON. mgs. 2265. Consequences of venereal excess. Acon. AGAR. alum. anac. ant-crud. am. ars. asaf. aur. bar. bell. bor. Bov. bry. calad. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARBVEG. caust. cham. CHIN. cina. cocc. coff. CON. dulc. ferr. graph. ignat. JOD. ipec. KALI. led. lyc. mgs. m-austr. magn-mur. MERC. mezer. mosch. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. Op. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. samb. scill. selen. SEP. SIL. SPIG. stann. STAPH. sulph. thuj. valer. vit. zinc. 2266. During coition. Y Cot, v'. '7__Z Anac. asaf. bar. calad. GRAPH. KALI. lyC. plat. SELEN. 2267. Consequences of onanism. Agar. alum. anac. ARG. ars. bov. calad. CALC. CARB-VEG. CHIN. cina. CON. dulc. ferr. ignat. JOD. kali. LYC. MERC. mosch. natr. NATR-MUR. n-mosch. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plumb. PULS. scill. SELEN. SEP. sil. SPIG. STAPH. SULPH. Amelioration. y 2268. From abstinence from sexual intercourse. Calad. -INFLUENCE OF TOUCH. 22-69-2274. 317 XIX. INFLUENCE OF THE TOUCH. ~Xvacerbation. 2269. From the touch (exacerbation on touching the affected parts). AcoN. agarn. arnlr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ANG. ant-crud. ANT'TART. arg. ARN. ars. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bor. boy. B RY. calad. caic. camph. CANN. cant/i. CAPS. carl3-an. CARB-VEG. caust. CRAIM. chel. chin. cic. CINA. clemn. cocec. coff. COLCH. coloc. con. CREOS. crocb CUPR. cyci. dig. dros. duic. EUPHORB. euphr. ferr. graph.,guaj. HE LL. HEP. HYOSO. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laum. LED. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. MAGN. MAGN-MUR. mang. mar. men. mere. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mnur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-YOM. oleand. op. PAR. petr. phosph. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. RHODOD. RHUS. ritta. sabad. SABIN. sassap. 8cill. SEC-CORN. seneg. SEP. si L. S PIG. spong. A4melioration. /1Cc 2270. From the touch,(on touching the affected parts). Again. alum. amm. amni-mur. anac. ant-crud. amn. ars.- ASAF. bell. BISM. 6ry. CALC. caust. chel. chin. coloc. con. CYCL. dros. euphorb. euphr. hep. kali. lyc. m-arct. MANG. MEN. MUR-AC.natr. natm-mur. oleand. petr. PHaOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. sep. spong. "ulph. tar. THUS. viol-tr. IV' 2271. On placing the hand on anythingr. BELL. caic.. canth. CROC. dros. mang. MEN. mnur-ac. natr. oleand. yar. phosph. rhus. sabad. sep. spig. suiph. th~j. 2272. From mesmerism. Acon. bar. BELL. chin, con. CUPR. graph. ignat. jod.- m-arct. MAR. flatr. N-VOM. PHOSPH. sabin. sep.. SIL. suiph. viol-od. 2273. - scratching, or scraping. Agar. alum. ambr. amm. amni-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart..ARN. ASAF. bar. bell. bor. boy. BRY. CALC caniph. caun. CANTH1. raps. carb-an. caust. diel, chin. cic. cina. clem. coloc. creos. CYCL. dig. DROS. GUAJ. hep. IGNAT. kali. laur. led. m-arct. rn-austin. magn. magn-mui'. MANG. men. mere. mezer. mosch. MUR-AC. NATR. nitr. nitin-ac. n-vom. -oleand. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PLUMIB. ran-bulb. ritus. RUTA. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. -selen. seneg. spig. spong. stann. staph.* SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. TI-UJ. valer. viol-tm. vit. ZINC. y'2274. -rubbing. Again. alum. ambr. amm. alnm-7nur. anac. ang. ant-crud. antI2E,2 318 38INFLUEN-CE OF TOUCH. 227"'--;2282. Exacerbation. staun. STAPH. STRAM. STRONT. SULPH. suiph-ac. TA R. th jo vale,'. VERATR. verb. viol-od. viol-tm. VIT. Z1inc. 2275. From the slightest touch. Ars. BELL. CHIN. IGNAT. magn-mur. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. STANN. 2276. - touching the neck. Bell. LACH. 2277. -- friction.t Anam-mur. ANAC. amn. ars. iBISM. bor. CALAD. caic. cann. cant/i. CAPS. carb-an. CAUST. chain. chel. COFF. CON. creos. cupr. dros.,qua}. LED. mgs. magil. mang. merc. MEZER. inur-ac. natr.--par. phospli. ph-ac. PULS. sdill. seneg. SEP. SIL. -spig. spong'. stann. staph. strain. STRONT. suiph. 2278. On laying hold of anythin g cold. HE?. inerc. NATR-MUR. rhus. sil. thuj.* 2279. From touching the hair. Ars. ambr. BELL. chin. FERR. ignat. N-VOM. PULS. phosph. ph-ac. rhus. SELEN. staun. 2280. - having had the hair cut (or on having the balir cut).BELL. led. puls. SEP. 228 1. On combingr the hair. BRY. chin. creos. ignat. SELEN. 2282. -. laying hold of anything., Acon. AMM. arnr-snur. arg. amn. bell. boy. bry. CAI cann21 CARB-YEG. CAUST. CHAM. chin. dros. kali. laur. led. LYC. natr. natr-mur. nitr. na-mosch. n-vom. op. plat. PULS. rhus. sabad. seccorn. SIL. Spig. veratr. Amelioration. tart. ARN. ASAF. bell. bor. boy. bry. CALC. campli. cann. CANTH. caps, carb-an. caust. chel. chin. cic. cina. creos. CYCL. DROS. GUAJ.. hep. IGNAT. kali. laur. m-arct. rn-austin. magn. magn-mur. mang., men. MERC. MOSChI. MUR-AC. NATR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vorn. oleand, PJIOSPII. ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. ran-bulb. rhus. RUTA. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. sec-corn. selen. seneg. spig. spong. stann. staph. SIJLPH. suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. valer. viol-tm. vit. zinc. INFLUENCE OF TOUCH. 2283-22&9, 319 Exacerbation. 2283. From external pressure. Acon. AGAR. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ANG. ant-crud. arg. arn. ars. asaf. BAR. bell. bism. bor. bov. bry. CALAD. calc. camph. CANN. CAPS. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. chin. CINA. coloc. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. GUAJ. hell. HEP. hyosc. ignat. JOD. ipec. kali. LACH. laur. led. LYC. MAGN. magn-mur. mang. MAR. men. merc. mezer. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. n-vom. OLEAND. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. puls. RAN-BULB. RAN-SCEL. rhus. RUTA. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. SELEN. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. SPONG. stann. STAPH. stram. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. VALER. veratr. VERB. zinc. 2284. - pressing or resting upon the side which is opposite to the affected part or side. AMBR. am. bell. BRY. CALC. cann. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. COLOC. IGNAT. KALI. lyc. MGS. M-AUSTR. n-vom. PULS. RHUS. SEP. STANN. viol-od. VIOL-TR. 2285. - crossing the limbs (on sitting with the legs crossed). Agar. alum. ang. arn. ASAF. aur. bell. DIG. laur. mur-ac. nitr. n-vom. phosph. plat. rheum. rhus. scill. valer. verb. tAmelioration. 2286. On passing the hand over a surface (on smoothing or wiping with the hand). Alum. arn. ASAF. bism. CALC. canth. CAPS. carb-an. CINA. CroC. CYCL. DROS. guaj. ignat. mang. men. mnerc. mur-ac. NATR. PHOSPH. PLUMB. u8ls. ruta. sulph. thuj. zinc. 2287. - laying hold of anything. Spig. ...tb/t. 2288. - tying up the hair. Nitr. 2289. From external pressure. Acon. alum. ambr. AMM. AMM-MUR. ana&. ant-crud. arg. amn. ars. asaf. AUR. bell.' bism. BOR. bov. bry. calc. camph. canth. caust. CHEL. chin. cina. CLEM. COCC. coloc. CON. creos. croc. dig. dros. DULC. GRAPH. guaj. hell. ignat. ipec. kali. laur. led. magn. MAGN-MUR. MANG. MEN. merc. mezer, mosch. MUR-AC. NATR. natr-mur. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. PAR. phosph. PH-AC. PLUMB. puls. RB us. ruta. sabad. sabin. sep. sil. spig. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. verb. VIT. zinc. 320 INFLUENCE OF PERSPIRATION. 2290-2296. XX. INFLUENCE OF PERSPIRATION. Exacerbation. 2290. After perspiring (symptoms excited or aggravated, after or from). Ars. bell. CALC. carb-veg. CHIN. con. ignat. jod. kali. lye. MERC. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. petr. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. scill. selen. SEP. sil. spig. STAPH. SULPH. 2291. From suppressed perspiration. Acon. amm. am. ars. BELL. BRY. CALC. cann. CHAM. CHIN. coff. colch. dulc. graph. hyosc. jod. ipec. kali. led. LYC. magn. mar. MERC. natr. nitr-ac. n-moscA. N-VOM. oleand. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. puls. RHUS. sabad. scill. sec-corn. seneg. SEP, Sil. spong. staph. SULPH. verb. viol-od. 2292. From want of cleanliness. CAPS. CHIN. puls. sulph. XXI. INFLUENCE OF SLEEP. 2293. During sleep. ACON. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. anttart. arn. ARS. aur. BAR. BELL. bism. bor. BRY. calad. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. CON. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. HYOSC. IGNAT. i2eC. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. MGS. m-arct. maustr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. MUR-AC. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vaom. OP. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHEUM. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabin. SAMB. sassap. scill. selen. seneg. SEP. Amelioration. 2294. On boring with the fingers (into the nose or car). Bell. CHEL. lach. NATR pa. par. OSPH. rheum. rhus. SPIG. sulph. THUJ. zinc. 2295. When sweating (during perspiration). Ars. Bov. bry. CALAD. calc. CUPR. l. natr. rhus. V 2296. From cold., N-vom. INFLUENCE OF SLEEP. 2297-2305.32 321 Exacerbation. SIL. spig., spong. stan~n. staph. STRAM. stronit. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 7uC~2297. After sleep. ACON. amibr. amm-mur. anac. ARN. ars. asaf. W~. 6cr. boy. bry. calad. caic. CAMPH. CARB-VfGi1. cALST. Mam. chel. chin. cifla. COCC. coff. CON. creos. dig. E UPHR. FERR. graph. HEP. hyosc. ignat. kali. lach. LYC. MGS. m-arct. maga. n-mosch. n-vein. oleand. OP. ph-ac. PULS. RHEUM. rhUS. SABAD. samb. scill. selen. spig. spong. staun. STAPH. STRAM. SULPH-. thUj. VERATR.7'. - 2298. - a siesta, or afternoon's nap.c a Anac. bry. chin. lach. phosph. PULS. STAPH. SULP-H. 2299. - a long sleep. Ambr. anac. amn. asaf. bell. ber. bry. CALC. carb-veg. CAUST. cocc CON. crees. dig. EUPHR. GRAPH. HEP. hyosc. ignat. kali. lyc. MGS. m-arct. inaga. N-VOM. ph-ac. pals. rhus. spig. STRAM. SULPH. veratr. 2300. From a night's debauch. C Ambr. bry. coich. ipec. LAU R. led. N-VOM. puls. rhua.sabn 2301. - sitting up at night.-E-- j fi,k t<'/24 Ambr. b chin. 0CC. COLCH. ipec. N-YOM. ph-ac. puls. ruta'. sabin. SELEN. sep. ~ ZZ.-~ (1~ Admelioration. 2302. After perspiring. Alcon. ambr. amin-mur. ant-tart. bar. bell. boy. BRY. CALAD. CANTH. CHAM. chel. clem. cecc. coloc. GRAPH. hell. HEP. hyosc. ipec. led.ic. m-arct. magn-mur. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-Vein. OLEAND. op. puls. rhodod. RHIJS. sabad. sabin. sainb. selen. speng. strain. STRONT. suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. valer. VERATHt. ~.2303. During sleep. A4mm-mur. calad. hell. phosph. sainb. 2304. After sleep.C4?. ~LiI'' Ainbr. amin-mur. ARS. bry. CALAD. calc. chain. chin. cocc. COLCH. creos. hell. ignat. ipec. lach. in-aret. natr. N-VOM. PI-OSPI-17. ph-ac. puls. ruta. sabin. samb. selen. SEP. spig. thuj. V2305. - awaking. Ainbr. amin-inur. ARS. bry. CALAD. calc. chain. chin. cocc. COLCH. ereo8. hell. ignat. ipec. lach. m-arct. natr. N-VOM. PHOSPII. ph-ac. puls. ruta. sabin. 8amb. selen. SEP. spig. thuj. 322 INFLUENCES OF VARIOUS MORB3ID CONDiTONS. 2306-2313. Efxacerbation. 2306. At the comnmencemnent of sleep (during the first sleep). Amm-mur. amn. ARS. aur. bar. bell. bor. BRY. calad. CALC. Caps. CARB-AN. CARB-YEG. caust. chin. cocc. con. creos. duic. GRAPH. guaj. hep. ignat. ipec. kali. lach. laur. LYC. magn. Inagnmur. mar. MERC.mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. il-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. RIIUS. sabin. sassap. selen. SEP. sil. spong. staph. stront. sulph. tar. thzj. veratr. vit. XXII. INFLUENCES OF VARIOUS MORBID CONDITIONS AND THEIR ACCOMPANYING SYMPTOMS. 2307. Consequences of indigrestion. ACON. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. ARS. bar. BRY. caic. caps. CARBVEG. caust. chain. chin. cocc. COFF. coich. con. cyci. euphorb. ferr. ignat. IPEC. lyc. NATR. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-YOM. phosph. PULS. rhus. sep. vil. staun. STAPH. SOiPh. suiph-ac. veratr. 2308. -intoxication. Acon. agar. AMM-MUR. ang. arg. bell. BRY. CARB-VEG. chin, COCC. COFF. creos. ipec. kali. LAIJR. mar. natr-mur. nitr. n1-mosch. N-VOM. OP. ph-ac. PULS. rheum. -samb. scull. SPONG. STRAM. valer. 2309. - - mechanical lesions. ARN. bor. bry. caic. canth. carb-veg. chain. chin. cic. CON. creos. croc. DULC. eupkr. HEP. hyosc. SOD. kali. LACE. laur. lyc. mgs. merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. par. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. pluab. PULS. RHUS. RUTA. samb. sec-corn. seneg. sil. STAPH. SULPH. SULPH-AC. veratr. zinc. 2310. --lipothymy. Acon. ars. chin. MOSCH. n-vom. op. sep. strain. 2311. - - miliary fever. Ant-crud. BELL. bry. chain. chin. HYOSC. ignat. inosek. n-vom. PUbS. RHUS. suiph. Amelioration. /'7/- ~ L 2312. During the sensation of drowsiness (whilst, sleepy).SEL EN. 2313. In the act of falling asleep# ME RC. INFLUENCES OF VARIOUS MORBID CONDITIONS,. 2314-2320. 323 Exacerbation. 2314. Consequences of exposure to cold. ACON. agar. alum. amm. anac. ANT-CRUD. arn. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bor. BRY. CALC. camph. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. CHIN. COCC. COFF. COLOC. CON. croc. cupr. CYCL. dig. dros. DULC. GRAPH. HEP. HYOSC. ignat. IPEc. kali. led. LYC. rmgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. MANG. MERC. natr. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. n-mo8ck. N-VOM. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. ruta. sabin. SAMB. sassap. selen. SEP. SIL. SPIG. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. valer. VERATR. 2315. Effects of a chill in the feet (of checked perspiration in the feet). ' -% -. 4- -i, C c. j -. CCham. PULS. SIL. 2316. - - the repercussion of exanthemata. Acon. alum. ambr. amm. ARS. BELL. BRY. calad. calc. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. con. cupr. dulc. graph. HEP. jod. IPEC. kali. lach. LYC. inerc. mezer. NATR. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. op. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. RHUS. sassap. selen. SEP. sil. STAPH. stram. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. 2317. From eructation (exacerbation after eructating). AGAR. alum. amnm. ant-crud. bar. bell. bry. calad. CANN. caps. CHAM. cocc. cycl. hep. kali. LACH. n-VOM. par. PHosPR. plumb. puls. rhodod. RHUS. sabin. SEP. sil. spong. stann. staph. sulph. VERB. ZINC. 2318. - scarlet fever (sequelse). AMM. aur. bar. BELL. BRY. CHAM. dulc. euphorb. HEP. hyosc. LACH. lyc. MERC. nitr-ac. rhus. sulph. 2319. - vomiting. Acon. ant-tart. arn. ARS. ASAR. bell. BRY. CALC. caps. chamn. chin. cina. cocc. COLCH. coloc. con. CUPR. dig. DROS. ferr. graph. HYOSC. jod. IPEC. lach. LYC. mezer. mosch. natr-mur. N-VOM. op. PHOSPH. PLUMB. PULS. ran-scel. ruta. sabin. SASSAP. sec-corn. SEP. sil. stann. SULPH. VERATR. Amelioration. V"' 2320. After eructating. Agar. alum. ambr. amm-mur. ANT-TART. AUR. BAR. 6or. BRY. camph. CANTH. CARB-VEG. chel. cocc. colch. DIG. GRAPH. IGNAT. jQd. KALI. lach. laur. LYC. magn. magn-mur. mosch. NATR,. NITR-AC. N-VOM. oleand. par. petr. phosph. PLAT. rhodod. sabad. sabin. sassap. sep. SIL. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. zinc. 324 MORBID CONDITIONS. 2321-2322. ACONITUM. Amelioration. c/A4. c 2321. In consequence of vomiting. Acon. colch. DIG. ltyosc. n-von. pul8. SEC-CORN.. V 2322. - - bleeding of the affected part. Bov. sassap. selen. jart Acbentb. CONCORDANCES OF THE HOM(EOPATHIC MEDICINES. I. ACONITUM NAPELLUS. Moral and intellectual faculties. Anac. ars. BELL. bry. calc. cham. cocc. graph. hyosc. ignat. lach. lyc. merc. mosch. natr-mur. n-vom. op. phosphi. puls. rhus. sep. stram. sulph. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Amr. ars. BELL. BRY. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. CHIN. cocc. con. dig. dros. dulc. graph. hep. hyosC. IGNAT. ipec. kali. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RHus. ruta. sabad. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. stram. SULPH. VERATR. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Arn. ARs. asaf. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. ferr. hyosc. ignat. kali. LYC. merc. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sil. spig. staph. stram. SULPH. veratr. Glands. BELL. bry. lyc. MERC. PHOSPH. pulS. SUph. Bones. Bell. calc. lyc. MERC. phosph. puls. sulph. Skin. Amm. amrn. ars. BELL. BRY. caust. cham. dulc. hep. ipec. kali. lach. lye. MERC. mezer. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUs. sec-corn. sep. sil. staph. SULPH. ACONITUM. AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. '3 23 Sleep and dreams. Anac. ars. 6e11. BRY. caic. caust. chain. chin. con. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. 'lye. mere. natr. n-vorn. Op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. rhus. Sep. sil. STJLPH. Pyrosis. Arn. a2rs. BEL 'L. BRY. caic. earb-veg. chain. chin. ereos. eupr. ferr. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipee. kali. lyc. MERC. natr-mur. mitr-ac. N-VOM. Op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PUlS. RHUS. samb. sec-corn. Sep. sit. stann. strain. suiph. veratr. Time. Ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. ars. bry. caic. caps. carb-an. croc. dale. hep. ignat. jod. kali. magn. mang. mere. nitr-ae. plumb. rhus. samb. sep. sil. staph. suiph. Exacerbations. Anac. ars. bar. bell. bor. BRY. CALC. caust. chain. hep. ignat. kali. LYC. N-VOM. phosph. puts. RHUS. sabad. sabin. seill. sep. suiph. veratr. Concordances in general. Anac. amn. ARS. BELL. BRY. CALC. earb-veg. caust. chain. chin. coce., dule. graph. hep. hyose. iqnat. ipee. kali. lach. LYC. MERO. natr. natr-inur. nitr-ae. N-VOM. op. PHOSPH. ph-ae. PULS. RHUS. see-eorn. SE P. sit. spig. staph. strain. SULPIT. veratr. Antidotes. Acetutn. chain. coftf. n-vom. veratr. vinuin. HI. AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. Moral and intell~eetnal facnlties. Ant-erud. BELL. bry. eann. hyose. tack. n-vom. OP. PHOSPH. STRAM. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Alum. aur. BELL. bry. CALO. cauth. earb-veg-. caust. CHIN. eon. hep. ignat. hleai. mang. MERC. mezer. natr-mur. PHOSPH1. PH-AC. PULS. RHUS. sabin. sassap. SEP. sit. Spig. Spong. staph. strain. suiph. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Aeon. ars. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. eanth. eaust. chain. chin. cocc. eon. cupr. hyose. ignat. kali. lye. mere. natr-mur. N-YOM. phosph. ph-ac. puls. Sep. sit. staun. suidph. zine. Bones. Amm-mur. bell. caust.' coce. hep. mere. phosph. puls. ruta. 2 r 326 AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. ALUMINA. Skin. Ant-crud. bry. CALC. chin. lach. led. lye. magn. merc. natr-mur. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. selen. sep. sil. sulph. veratr. Sleep and dreams. Acon. anac. ant-crud. cycl. lack. n-vom. phosph. sulph. Pyrosis. Bell. bry. CHIN. graph. hep. lach. merc. NATR-MUR. rhus. samb. selen. sep. STRAM. sulph. Time. Chel. nitr. n-vom. Exacerbations. Ars. bar. bov. oalc. cann. caps. carb-veg. chel. chin. con. kali. LACH. lyc. natr. n-mosch. n-vom. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SELEN. sep. SIL. spig. strata. VALER. Zinc. Concordances in general. Ant-crud. ars. BELL. 6ry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. COCc. con. hep. ignat. kali. LACH. lyc. MERC. natr-mur. n-vom. op. PHrSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. selen. SEP. SIL. stram. sulph. valer. zinc. Antidotes. Camph. coff. puls. vinum. III. ALUMINA. Moral and intellectual faculties. Anac. aur. bell. carb-an. cycl. ferr. graph. hyosc. IGNAT. lyC. natr-mur. pbosph. PLAT. puls. sulph. sulph-ac. zinc. Seat of the diseases. Anac. arn. ars. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. cham. chin. cocc. con. creos. ferr. graph. IGNAT. KALI. LYC. magnmur. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. nlat. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabad. SEP. SIL. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. ARN. asaf. BELL. bry. CALC. CAUST. cham. chin. cocc. con. dros. graph. IGNAT. kali. laur. lyc. merc. mezer. natr. natrmur. N-VOM. par. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sassap. SEP. Sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. veratr. zinc. Glands. Bell. con. merc. phosph. puls. spong. sulph. ALUMINA. AMBRA GRISEA. 327 Skin. Ant-crud. atr. bry. CALC. cic. con. duic. GRAPH. HEP. lach. led. lyc. mang. merc. natr-mnur. nitr-ac. petr. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sassap. SEP. SLL. staph. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Sleep and dreams. Ars. bell. bry. CALC. CAUST. chai. con. euplr. grap7h. ignat. mgs. magn-mur. merc. natr. N-YOM. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. sabad. SEP. sil. staph. SULPH. Pyrosis. ARS. bell. boy. BRY. caic. caps. cham. chin. creos. hell. hep. ignat. ipec. LYC. merc. mezer. natr-iur. n-inosch. N-YOM. phosph. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. sabad. sep. sil. spig. suiph. veratr. vit. Time. Ant-crud. ars. bell. canth. chin. icnat. lyc. natr-mur. n-vom. pu1. staph. Exacerbations. Amm. anac. ant-crud. bry. CALC. chin. CROC. hep. ignat. kali. iang. merc. n-voi. phosph. PULS. ruta. SABIN. SEP. spig. suiph. thuj. zinc. Concordances in general. Anac. ant-crud. am. ars. aur. bell. br*y. CALC. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. con. creos. croc. ferr. graph. hep. IGNAT. kali. LYC. merc. natr. natr-iur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHOsPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. sabad. sabin. SEP. sit. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. vcratr. zinc. Antidotes. Bry. (camph.) chai. ipec. pals. IV. AMBRA GRISEA. Moral and intellectual faculties. Cic. cocc. hell. ignat. LYC. op. ph-ac. puls. rhus. sit, staph. strain. suiph. Seat of the diseases. Ant-crud, bell. bry. calc. canth. carb-veg. caust. chin. ignat. kali. lye. merc. natr-iur. nitr-ac. n-voi. phosph. pals. rhus. SEP. sil. suiph. veratr. Morbid states and sensations. Arn. bell. bry. caic. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. ferr. IGNAT. kali. lyc. merc. NATR-MUR. N-VOM. petr. phosph. puts. rhus. sep. sil. 5ULPH. zinc. 328 AMBRA GRISEA. AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. Glands. Ars. BELL. bry. calc. carb-an. clem. coN. dulc. graph. hep. lyc. mere. nitr-ac. phosph. puls. rhus. sil. sulph. Skin. Anac. ars. bell. bry. carb-veg. caust. con. hep. LYC. mere. oleand. rhus. sec-corn. sep. SIL. SULPH. Sleep and dreams. Bry. calc. caust. con. hep. ignat. lyc. nitr-ac. n-vom., phosph. puls. rhus. sep. sil. staph. SULPH. Pyrosis. Amrn. bry. calc. caust. graph. hep. kali. LYC. N-VOM.phOsph.pUls. RHUS. sep. SULPH. thuj. Time. Ant-crud. ant-tart. amrn. euphr. nitr. nitr-ac. phosph. sep. Exacerbations. Ars. bry. CALC. caps. caust. cham. chin. dulc. ferr. ignat. jod. kali. LYC. mgs. magn-mur. natr. n-vom. phosph. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabad. samb. SEP. stront. sulph. tar. viol-tr. Concordances in general. Ant-crud. arnm. ars. bell. bry. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chin. clem. con. dulc. ferr. graph. hep. IGNAT. kali. LYC. mere. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. PHOSPH. PULS. RHUS. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. Antidotes. Camph. coff. n-vom. puls. staph. V. AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. Moral and intellectnal faculties. Bar. cham. cocc. lye. mere. sep. Seat of the diseases. Bry. calc. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chin. graph. ignat. kali. lye. merc. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. puls. SEP. sil. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. arn. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. croc. ferr. graph. hep. ignat. kali. LYC. mere. AMMONIUM CARBONICUM.32 329 natr. natr-mur. n-vom. op. petr. phosph. PULS. rhus. sassap. SEP. sil. spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. thuj. Glands. Arn. bell. bry. caic. car6-an. carb-veg. chin, graph. kali. lye. rne'c. phosph. puls. rhus. sil. s~pig. spong. staph. suiph. Bones, Asaf. bell. caic. hep. lyc. mere. nitr-ac. phosph. PULS. ruta. sep. sil. suiph., Skin. Aeon. ant-crud. amn. ars. BELL. bry. caic. caust. clein. creos. cyci. duic. graph. hep. kali. lach. led. LYC. magn. MERC. mezer. natr. nitr-ae. oleand. PHaOSPH. ph-ac. puts. ran-bulb. RHUS. sabad. scMl. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. Sleep and dreams. Amn. ARS. eale. earb-veg. caust. coec. graph. hep. ignat. ipee. kali. lye. m-aret. magn. natr-mur. N-VOM. phosph. puls. rhus. sabad. SEsP. sil. staph. sulph..Pyrosis. Amr. ars. bell. bov. BRY. CALC. chain. CHIN. ereos. eroc. ferr. graph. hep. jod. kali. lye. mere. natr-mum. n-vom. op. PHOSPH., ph-ae. jpuls. 2-hus. sassap. sep. sil. SULPH. thuj. Time. Ant-erud. bell, lye. magn. nitm. puls. ran-scel. zine. Exacerbations. Ant-erud. ams. 6ar. bell. 6my. CALO. camb-veg. eaust. chain. elem. coce. duic. graph. HEP. hyose. ignat. KALI. LYC. magn-mur. mang. MERC. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ae. n-mosch. n-vom. PHOSPH. PULS. RHUS. ruta. SEP. sil. spig. STRONT. SULPH. veratr. Concordances In general. Aeon. ant-erud. amn. ARS. bar. ]BELL. BRY. CALO. earb-an. carbveg. caust. chain. chin. elem. eoee. ereos. eroc. dule. ferr. GRAPH. HEP. zgflat. KALI. laeh. LYC. magn. MERC. natm. natm-mum. nitr. nitr-ac. n-moseh. N-VOM. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sassap. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. staph.'stront. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zine. Antidotes. Amn. camph. hep. laeh. 2F2 330 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM, VI. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. Mtloral and intellectual faculties. Aur. caust. cham. con. ignat. LYC. phosph. puls. sep. sulph. Seat of the diseases. Acon. ars. aur. bell. bry. calc. cham. chin. cocc. hyosc. ignat. lyc. merc. natr. natr-mur. ntr-ac. N-VOM. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. sulph-ac. VERATR. Morbid states and sensations. Asaf. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. cocc. GRAPH. KALI. laur. lyc. m-arCt. mere. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. PHoSPH. puls. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. tar. zinc. Glands. Asaf. bell. bry. CALC. caust. cocc. con. graph. ignat. KALI. MERC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. PHOSPH. PULS. ran-scel. rhus. sabad. sep. sil. spig. sulph. Bones. Agar. bry. cocc. hep. ignat. ipec. led. phosph. PULS. rhus. RUTA. sulph. veratr. Skin. Acon. amm. ars. bell. BRY. calc. caust. chin. clem. euphorb. graph. lack. led. lyc. mezer. OLEAND. PHOSPH. PULS. RHUS. sep. staph. sulph. Sleep and dreams. Amrn. ars. bell. bry. calc. chin. GRAPH. hep. ignat. kali. lach. lyc. merc. n-vom. phosph. puls. selen. sil. sulph. Pyrosis. Ars. bry. calc. caust. euphorb. m-austr. merc. phosph. puls. ranscel. rhus. sec-corn. veratr. Time. A ur. calc. carb-veg. chel. croc. jod. natr-mur. nitr. n-vom. phosph. ithodod. rhus. scill. Exacerbations. Ars. aur. bell. BRY. calc. caps. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cic. cocc. con. cycl. euphr. ferr. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. lye. magnmur. men. mere. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM.phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. samb. SEP. sil. 8pig. spong. sulph. valer. verb. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. ANACARDIUM., 331 Concordances in general. Ars. asaf. aur. bell. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. con. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. led. lyc. merc. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. PHOSPH. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. sulph. veratr. Antidotes. Camph. cof. hep. n-vom. VII. ANACARDIUM. Moral and intellectual faculties. Acon. ars. aur. BELL. bry. cale. con. graph. hell. HYOSC. ignat. LYC. merc. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. puls. rhus. sep. STRAM. SULPH. veratr. Seat of thne diseases. Alum. amrn. bell. CALC. CHIN. cocc. creos. graph. ignat. KALI. LYC. merc. natr-mur. n-vom. petr. phosph. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. sec-corn. sep. sil. spig. SULPH. veratr. Morbid states and sensations. Aug. amrn. ars. asaf. asar. niLL. bry. CALC. cann. carb-veg. caust. chin. cocc. con. dulc. igngt. kali. LYC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vomn. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sassap. sep. stann. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. veratr. Glands. Ang. calc. caust. con. phosph. PLAT. sil. spong. Bones. Bell. merc. puls. ruta. Skin. Ars. bell. bry. caust. cocc. CON. hep. kali. LYC. merc. mezer. oleand. op. ph-ac. puls. sec-corn. SIL. SULPH. Sleep and dreams. Acon. bell. bry. con. croc. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. puls. sulph. Pyrosis. Ars. calc. cham. LYC. n-vom. sep. veratr. Time. Cale, CARB-VEG. lyc. natr-mur. n-vom. puls. rhodod. rhus. sabad. staph. 332 ANACARDIUM. ANGUSTURA. Exacerbations. Acon. bell. bry. CALC. caps. carb-veg. cham. chin. con. ignat. KALI. led. lye. mezer. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. phospl. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sep. sit. stann. Suiph. zinc. Concordances in general. Acon. ars. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. CON. hyOSC. ignat. kali. LYC. merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. oleand. op. pho-sph. PH-AC. plat. PULS. rhus. ruta. sep. sil. stann. staph. strai. 5ULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Co/f juglans. VIII. ANGUSTUBA. Moral and intellectual faculties. Acon. cur. BELL. cann. chai. COFF. croc. hyose. lye. natr-mur. n-von. op. phoSph. sep. suiph. veratr. viol-od. Seat of the diseases. Am. ars. aur. bar. BELL. BRY. caic. caiph. caust. chin. cic. cocc. con. cupr. dig. graph. HEP. hyosc. ignat. LYC. merc. mur-ac. oleand. op. petr. ph-ac. puls. rhus. sabad. scill. sec-corn. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. stram. suiph. veratr. Morbid states and sensations. Aeon. anac. am. BELL. bry. CALC. caiph. caust. cham. chin. cic. cina. coce. coloc. IGNAT. ipec. kali. lye. MERC. n-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. pals. sec-corn. SEP. Sil. spig. stann. suiph. veratr. Glands. Am. bell. caic. carb-an. chin, con. graph. kali. mere. phosph. plat. puts. rhus. sep. sil. spong. suiph. Bones. Lye. mere. ph-ac. staph. Skin. Am. ars. bry. caust. con. LAC. LYC. oleand. PH-AC. puls. rhus. sep. sil. spig. spong. stront. suiph. Sleep and dreams. Rep. ignat. plat. rhus. sep. Pyrosis. Bell. chai. chin. n-voi. pUls. sep. sulph. ANTIMONIUM. CRUDUM. 333 Time. Bell. bry. caust. lach. lyc. phosph. puls. stront. Exacerbations. Amrn. ars. bell. b6ry. calc. cann. caps. carb-veg. cham. con. cupr. ferr. hyosc. led. LYC. magn-mur. merc. natr. natr-mur. N-vOM. ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. rhodod. rhus. sabad. seneg. SEP. il. spig. sulph. Concordances in general. Arn. ars. aur. BELL. bry. calc. caust. cham. chin. cic. coff. con. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. lach. LYC. merc. n-vom. op. petr. phospli. PH-AC. plat. PULS. rhus. SEP. sil. spig. spong. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Coff. IX. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. Moral and intellectual faculties. Agar. bell. canth. hyosc. LACH. lyc. op. PHOSPH. plat. pls. stram. sulph-ac. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Acon. amrn. ars. bell. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. creos. dulc. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. lyc. MERC. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-vonm. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. Thus. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. veratr. Morbid states and sensations. Amrn. ars. asaf. bell. bry. calc. caps. chin. croc. cupr. ferr. led. lyc. merc. n-vom. PULS. rhus. sep. suilph. Glands. Acon. amn. BELL. bry. carb-an. con. hep. lyc. mere. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. sil. sulph. Bones. ASAF. aur. chin. mere. PH-AC. PULS. Sil. staph. Skin. Acon. ARs. bell. bry. calc. caust. dulc. graph. hep. lach. led. lye. mere. nitr-ac. phosph. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUs. SEP. Sil. staph. SULPH. Sleep and dreams. Ant-tart, ars. bry. calc. carb-veg. croc. ignat. natr. n-mosch. N-vOM. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sabad. sep. sulph. veratr. 334 ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM. Pyrosis. Ars. bry. hep. natr-mur. n-vom. rhus. Time. Amn. bell. cauth. caps. ignat. lye. nitr-ae. puls. staph. Exacerbations. Ars. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-veg. chin. clem. con. euplir. graph. hep. ignat. ipec. lye. mere. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. phosph. PUbS. RHUS. SEP. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. Concordances in general. Aeon. arn. ars. asaf. BE LL. bry. eale. cantli. carb-veg. caust. chin. con. croc. graph. hep. hyose. ignat. lach. lye. merc. natr-mur. nitr-ae. n-vorn. op. PHaOSPH. pb-ac. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sil. staph. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Hep. mere. X. ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM. Mtloral and intellectual faculties. Ars. bar. bell. bry. caic. hep. hyosc. ignat. laur. mere. natr. n-vom. phosph. puls. rhus. sil. suiph. Seat of the diseases. Amn. ars. bell. DRY. Calc. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. coec. con. hyose. ignat. kali. LYc. natr-mur. N-VOM. PHOSPH. plumb. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. staph. SULPH. VERATR. Mtorbid states and sensations. Aeon. alum. amn. ars. asaf. bell. cale. caun. caust. con. creos. graph. hep. jod'. ipee. lach. mere. moseli. n-vom. phosph. PULS. spig. sulphi. veratr. Glands. Bell. phosph. suiph. Skin. Adnt-crud. ars. bell. carb-veg. lye. MERC. PULS. RHUS. sui~ph. veratr. Sleep and dreams. Ars. BRY. Con. eroe. cupr. ignat. laur. N-MOSCH. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. PUbS. rhus. veratr. Pyrosis. Ars. bell. bry. chin, graph. hep. kali. lye. mere. N-VOM. PHOSPH. PUbS. rhus. sep. SULPH. veratr. ARGENTUM FOLIATUM. 335, Time. Bell. bry. carb-veg. caust. lach. lyc. mezer. puls. ran-scel. stront. Exacerbations. Acon. ars. bry. carb-veg. chin. colch. DIG. ignat. jod. kali. led. lye. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. PULS. RHUvs. sep. spig. SULPH. veratr. Concerdances in general. Amrn. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb-veg. caust. chin. con. dig. hep. ignat. kali. lye. merc. n-mosch. N-VOM. Op. PHOSPH. PULS. RHUS. sep. sil. spig. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Cocc. ipec. op. puls. sep. XI. ARGENTUM FOLIATUM. Moral and intellectual faculties. Acon. BELL. bry. CALC. laur. N-VOM. op. phosph. puls. rhus. stra2n. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Alum. bell. bry. CALC. CHIN. creos. kali. lye. mere. natr-mur. nitr-ac. phosph. puls, sabad. SEP. spig. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. Morbid states and sensations. Alum. ASAF. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. CAUST. CHIN. COCC. Con. cycl. ignat. KALI. LYC. MERC. mezer. natr. NATR-MUR. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabin. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. zINc. Glands. Amrn. ars. bell. lry. calc. carb-an. cic. con. ignat. lyc. mere. phosph. puls. rhus. ruta. SEP. 8pong. sulph. Bones. Asaf. bell. bism. cupr. CYCL. lye. phosph. ruta. sabin. staph. Skin. Asaf. bell. 6ry. calc. cocc. cycl. hep. kali. lye. MERC. mezer. phosph. PULS. rhus. sabin. sep. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. zinc. Pyrosis. Ars. cham. chin. n-mosch. n-vom. puls. rhus. samb. SEP. Sil. spig. veratr. Time. Asaf. laur. mar. natr. sabad. SEP. sil. staph. sulph-ac. valer. viol-tr. 336 ARNICA. Exacerbations. Acon. anabr. ant-crud. ars. asaf. aur. bor. try. caic. caps. CON. dros. duic. euphor6. ferr. hep. kali. lach. LYC. magn-mur. men. mrnec. phosph. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHaus. ruta. sahad. S-EP. sit. STRONT. valer. Concordances in general. Acon. ars. ASAF. aur. BELL. 671y. CALC. caust. chin. con. cyci. hep. kali. laur. LYC. MERO. mezer. natr-mur. il-vom. PHOSPH. PULS. rhodod. RHIJS. ruta. sabaci. satin. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. staun. staph. stront. suiph. sidph-ac. zinc. Antidotes. Merc. puls. XII. ARNICA. M~oral and intellectual faculties. Aeon. bar. bell, try. chain. lye. -natr-mur. n-vom. puls. rhus. sep. strain. sniph. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Aeon. alum. ars. tar. BELL. bry. cale. eanth. carb-veg. eaust. chain. CHIN. eoee. coich. con. graph. hep. hyose. ignat. kali. lye. MERC. natr-mnur. nitr-ae. N-VOM. p~hosph. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabad. SEP. sit. spig. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. thuj. veratr. M~orbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. ars. asaf. asar. tar. BELL. BRY. CALC. eantli. caust. CHIN. coee. eon. eroe. ferr. graph. hep. ignat. Icali. lyc. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-mzur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ae. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta.- SEP. sit. spig. stann. SULPH. thuLj. veratr. zince. Glands. Acon. ars. asaf.-tar. BELL. Bl{Y. caic. CARB-AN. eart-veg. caust. CHIN. elein. CON. dule. graph. hep. jod. kali. LYC. MERC. natr. n-voin. PHOSPII. plat. PULS. RHUS. sep. -sit. spig. spong. SULPH. thij. Bones. Arg. chin. cyci. Skin. Acon. ars. asaf. bell. bry. caic. caust. chin. con. graph. H1vP. byose. kali. LACH. led. LYC. MERO. nitr-ac. n-voin. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. see-corn. SEP. sit, staph. stront. SULPH. squlph-ac. ARSENICUM ALBUM. 337 Sleep and dreams. Ars. bell. bry. calc chin. graph. ignat. kali. lyc. magn. merc. N-VOM. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. sulph, sulph-ac. thuj. Pyrosis. Acon. bell. bry. calc. carb-veg. chel. chin. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ipec. kali. merc. nitr-ac. N-VOM. phosph,. puls. rhus. sep. sil. SULPH. thuj. veratr. Time. Ant-crud. ant-tart. ars. carb-veg. chin. colch. lyc. magn. nitr-ac. phosph. PULS. ran-scel. sep. Exacerbations. Acon. ambr. ars. BELL. BRY. CALC. cann. caps. carb-vey. caust. cham. CHIN. cocc. co1ch. CON. ferr. graph. HEP. ignat. ipec. kali. lach. led. lyc. merc. natr. NATR-MUR. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sep. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. veratr. Concordances in general. Alcon. ars. asaf. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-an. car6-veg. caust. cham. CHIN. Cocc. colch. con. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. lach. led. LYC. magn. mere. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. SEP. SIL. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. Antidotes. Amm. camph. chin. cic. ferr. ignat. ipec. seneg. (noc. vinum). XIII. ARSENICUM ALBUM. Moral and intellectual faculties. Acon. anac. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. cupr. graph. hyosc. laur. LYC. natr. natr-mur. N-VOM. op. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sep. STRAM. sulph. VERATR. Seat of the diseases. Acon. arn. bar. BELL. BRY. calc. Car6-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. cocc. con. cupr. dig. dulc. ferr. graph. HEP. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhus. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. staph. stratm. SULPH. VE RATR. Morbid states and sensations. AcoN. anac. arn. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. cann. canth. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. coCC. con. cupr. dig. dulc. ferr. graph. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. LYC. MERC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. phosph. 2G 338 ASA FCETIDA. ph-ac. plat. -PULS. rhus. seill, sec-corn. SEP. Sil. spig. stann. staph. 8tramn. stront. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Glands. BELL. CON. hep. merc. phosph. sil. suiph. Blones, Asaf. caic. mere. staph. sniph. Skin. Aeon. ant-crud. asaf. bell. bry. caic. carb-an. carb-veg caust. chin, con. creos. cycl. duic. graph. hep. hyosc. LACH. LYC. MEUC. mezer. nitr-ac. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. RH-US. scull. vsee-cor'n. s6ep. SIL. staph. SULPH. veratr. Sleep and dream~s. Bell. bry. caic. carb-veg. chain. chin. hep. ignat. KALI. lyc. magn. mere. mur-ac. N-VOM. op. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sep. SIL. suiph. Pyrosis. ACON. BELL. B1{Y. caic. chain. CHIN. cocc. lach. lye. MERC. n-mosch. N-YOM. op. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. s~abad. sainb. scill. sep. sil. 8pig. stann. staph. SULPH. veratr. Time. Arn. chin. ciros. ferr. ignat. kali. inagn. inang. merc. natr-mur. n-vom. plumb. rhus. thuj. Exacerbations. Acon. aur. bell. BRY. caic. earb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. coich. dros. dule. Cerr. hep. ipec. kali. lye. merc. mosch. n~itr-ac. n-inosch. N-VOM. phospk. PULS. RHUS. sabad. samb. SEP. Sil. strain. stront. sulph. veratr. Concordances in general.' Aecon. anac. amn. asaf. BE LL. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. coce. Con1. cupr. duic. ferr. graph. hep. hyose. ignat. ipec. kali. lach. LYC. MERC. natr-miir. mitr-ac. N-VOM. Op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. RHUS. scull. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. staph.,strain. stront. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Carb-veg. chin. ferr. graph. hep. jod. ipec. lach. n-voin. samb. veratr. XIV. ASA FOETIDA. M~oral and intellectual faculties. Adlumz. anr. ignat. lyc. phosph. plat. pius. suiph. suiph-ac. zinc. ASA F(ETIDA. 339 Seat of the diseases. Arn. ars. aur. bor. bry. calc. CARB-VEG. caust. cham. CHIN. con. ignat. laur. lyc. merc. NITR-AC. n-vom. phosph. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. selen. sep. sil. spig. staph. sulph. thuj. valer. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. anac. arg. amrn. asar. BELL. bry. CALC. caust. chin. cocc. con. cupr. dulc. ferr. graph. ignal. jod. kali. LYC. mnerc. mezer. mosch. natr. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. phosph. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabin. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPrr. tar. thuj. valer. zinc. Glands. Amm-mur. bell. bry. CALC. cocc. con. ignat. mereC. natr-mur. PHOSPH. PULS. ran-scel. rhus. sep. spong. SULPH. Bones. Bell. CALC. chin. hep. lyc. MERC. mezer. nitr-ac. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. ruta. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. Skin. Acon. ARs. bell. bry. calc. carb-veg. caust. HEP. lach. Iyc. MERC. nitr-ac. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhus. sec-corn. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. thuj. Sleep and dreams. Ars. bry. kali. natr. n-mosch. n-vom. phosph. puls. sep. Pyrosis..rs. coec. phosph. puls. samb. spig. Time. Bell. lyc. nitr. puls. Exacerbations. Arg. amrn. ars. aur. bell. calc. caps. carb-veg. chin. cina. cocc. con. CYCL. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. hep. kali. lach. LYC. magnmur. mere. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. phosph. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. SEP. ail. SULPH. tar. Concordances in general. Alum. amrn. ars. aur. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chin. coc. con. cycl. ferr. hep. ignat. kali. lach. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. ruta. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. tar. thuj. valer. zinc. Antidotes. Camph. caust. chin. mere. puls. electr. 340 340 ~ASARUM EUROPA3.IM. XV. ASARUM EUROP}EUM. M~oral and intellectual faculties. Coec. con. IGNAT. lyc. mezer. natr-mnur. op. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sep. SIL. strain. Seat of the diseases. Acon. amn. bell. bry. caic. caust. chain, chin, con. creov,. graph. icali. lyc. MERC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. pho-sph. PULS. sep. sil. spig. 8uiph. veratr., Miorbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. anac. amn. asaf. aur. bell. bry. caic. canth. CHIN. cocc. coff. con. cupr. ignat. jod. kali. lyc. mezer. mosch. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-YOM. phosph. plat. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph. suiph. suiph-ac. valer. VERATR. Glands. Hyosc. Skin. Caust. chin.- mere. phosph. plat. puls. RHUS. spig..s-ulph. Sleep and dreams. Bry. caic. ignat. kali. n-vom. suiph. Pyrosis. Acon. bell. caic. CHAM. mere. n-voin. rhus. spig. suiph. veragr. Time. Bell. lyc. puls. valer. Exacerbations. Acon. anac. ant-crud. arm. bell. J3RY. caic. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. coich. con. croc; euphr. ferr. HE)?. jod. ipec. kali. led. l.yc. mrner. mezer. N-VOM. PHOSPH.- plat. PULS. rhus. sabad. sep. sil. spig. 8pong. suiph. vit. Concordances in general. Acon. amn. bell. bry. caic. caust. chain. chin. cocc. con. hep. ignat. jod. kali. lyc. mere. mezer. natr-mur. N-VOM. phosph. plat. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. spig. suiph. veratr. Antidotes.' Acetum. campli. AURUM FOLIATUM. 341 XVI. AURUM FOLIATUM, Moral and intellectual faculties. Anac. ars. BELL. calc. caust. cham. coff. graph. HYOSc. ignat. LYC. natr. n-vom. op. phosph. plat. puls. rhus. sep. stram. SULPH. sulph-ac. VERATR. Seat of the diseases. Agar. mm. amm-mur. arn. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. cCHIN. clem. con. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. KALI. LYC. m-arct. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabin. sec-corn. SEP. sIL. spig. staph. stram. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. ambr. anac. arg. arn. asaf. asar. BELL. bi'y. calc. canth. carb-veg. caust. cham. CHIN. cocc. coff. con. ferr. graph. hep. ignat. cali. LYC. magn. MERC. imezer. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitrac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. rhus. sabin. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. tar. valer. veratr. zinc. Glands. Amrn. BELL. carb-an. jod. lyc. merc. phosph. puls. rhus. sil. spong. sulph. Bones. Asaf. bell. calc. chin. cycl. lye. MERC. mezer. nitr-ac. phosph. ph-ac. puls. ruta. sep. sIL. staph. sulph. Skin. Alum. ars. bell. bry. CALC caust. cic. clem. con. dig. graph. hep. lyc. MERC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. SEP. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Sleep and dreams. Ars. bell. calc. coff. dulc. ferr. kali. lyc. magu. natr. N-VOM. phosph. puls. SEP. SIL. sulph. Pyrosis. ACON. arn. ars. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. chin. con. ferr. hep. kali. lyc. magn. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. phosph. puts. RHIUS. samb. sep. sil. stram. sulph. Time. Acon. arn. ars. calc. con. croc. dros. ferr. hep. ignat. jod. kali. magn. magn-mur. merc. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. rhus. sciul. 2G2 342 342 AURUM YFOLIATUM. BARYTA. Exacerbations. Acon. amm. ARS. bell. bry. caps. caust. chain. cocc. coich. CoNx. cyci. DULC. eitphorb. ferr. REP. hyosc. ignat. kali. LYC. magn-mur'. merc. mosck. n-mosch. n-vein. phospli. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodoci. BJHUS. SABAD. SAMB. SEP. sil. s taph. STRONT. suiph. tar. valer. 'veratr. Concordances in general. Acon. arn. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. CALO. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin, con. duic. ferr. graph. REP. hyosc. ignat. kali. LYC. inagil. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nit r-ae. N-VOM. PHOSPR. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHus. sainb. SEP. SIL. spig. stap-h. strain. stront. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Antidotes. Bell. camph. chin. coff. cupr. merc. puls. spig. XVII. BARYTA. Moral and intellectual faculties. Anac. am~. bell. caust. chain. cocc. hell. hyosc. ignat. kali. lyc. n-voin. op. _puls. rhus. sep. strain. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Alum. amn. ars. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chin, con. creos. graph. hep. ignat. KALI. LYC. MERC. iezer. natr. natr-mnur. nitr-ae. n-vomi. oleand. par. petr. PHOSPH. puls. rhus. ruta. sabad. sep. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. Morbid states and sensations. Aeon. amn. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. calc. canth. carb-sreg. caust. chain. CHIN. cocc. con. croc. cupr. cyci. ferr. graph. liyosc. ignat. kali. LYC.mi-arct. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-MUr. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHaus. sabin. SEP. sil. spig. spong. staun. staph. stront. SULPH. thuj. veratr. vit. zinc. Glands. Bell. BRY. carb-an. caust. chain. clein. CON. graph. lye. inerc. n-voin. PHOSPH. PULS. crhus. sil. spong. SULPH. Bones. Cocc. ruta. skine M-n. bry. CALC. caust. chain. con. cycl. duic. graph. REP. led. jyC. MERC. nitr-ac. oleand. petr. phiospli..plat. PULs. RHUS. sahad. ~SEP. SIL. spig,. spong. STAPH. SULPII. veratr. VO-R BARYTA. BELLADONNA. 343 Sleep and dreams. Ars. calc. CHIN. kali. natr. n-vom. PHOSPH. puls. rhus. sep. sil. SULPH. viol-tr. Pyrosis. Acon. amrn. bell. bry. calc. caust. chin, graph. kali. LYC. N-VOM. phosphI. puls. rhus. sep. sulph. thuj. Time. Arn. ars. calc. carb-veg. chin. ferr. jod. natr-mur. nitr. n-vom. plumb. rhodod. rhus. Exacerbations. Acon. agar. amm. ars. bell. bry. calc. caps. carb-veg. caust. cham. cic. cocc. CON. dulc. ferr. graph. HEP. ignat. jod. KALI. led. LYC. merc. mosch. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. ruta. sabacl. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. Concordances in general. Acon. amrn. ars. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. con. cycl. ferr. graph. hep. ignat. kali. led. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUs. ruta. sabad. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. staph. SULPH. veratr. viol-tr. Antidotes. Ant-tart. bell. camnph. dulc. XVIII. BELLADONNA. M1oral and intellectual faculties. Acon. anac. aur. bar. bry. cham. cic. coff. cupr. HIYOSC. ignat. Lyc.'natr-mur. n-vom. Op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. puls. rhus. sep. STRAM. sulph. VERATR. Seat of the diseases. Acon. ant-crud. arn. ars. aur. bar. nRY. CALC. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. chamin. chin. cic. cocc. con. creos. cupr. dros. euphr. graph. hep. HYOSC. ignat. ipec. kali. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-voM. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabad. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. &pig. stann. staph. stram. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. aug. arn. ars. asaf. BRY. CALC. canth. caust. cha7nm. chin. cic. cocc. con. cupr. dulc. ferr. HYOSC. ignat. kali. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. phosph. plat. plumb. PULS. 344 BELLADONNA. BSUHM RUUS. sabin. sec-corn. SEP. 8it. spig. stann. staph. strain.stront. SULPH. thuj. veratr. Glands. Acon. ARN. BRY. caic. carb-an. chin. clem. con. hyosc. jod. LYC. MERC. PHOSPH. PIJLS. rhus. sep. sit. spong. SULPH. Bones. Arg. asaf. CALM caust. dhin, con. cupr. cyci. dros. hell. hep. kali. lyc. MERO. nitr-ac. phosph. PULS. ruta.'sabin. sassap. sep. sit. spig. staph. siilph. Skin. Acon. amin. ARS. asaf. 6ry. caic. caust. dhin, con. duic. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. kali. tack. LYC. MERC. mezer. nitr-ac. oleand. phosph. PUtS. RHUS. sec-corn. SEP. Sit, staph. SULPR. veratr. Sleep and dreams. k'rs. bry. caic. chain. chin, graph. HiEP. hyosc. igqnat. kali. led. lyc. merc. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PUbS. rhus. SE P. sil. spig. strain. SULPH. Pyrosis. ACON. ARS. I3RY. calc. chain. chin. cocc. ferr. graph. hep,. HYOSC. ignat. jod. MERC. natr-inur. nitr-ac. N-YOM. ph-ac. PULS. RHTJS. sabad. -sep. all. strain. 5ULPH. thuj. veratr. Time. Ant-tart. bry. caust. lach. tyc. mezer. nitr. phosph. _puts., ranscel. stront. Exacerbations. Aeon. ant-crud, amn. ars. bar. BRY. CALC canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. Chin. cotch. con. croc. cupr. ferr.H EP. H YOSC. ignat. ipec. kati. lach. led. lyc. inerc. natr-inur. n-mosch. N-YOM. Op. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sit. spig. strain. stront. SULPH. Concordances In general.b Acon. amn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BRY. CALC. canth. cau-st. chain. chin. cic. cocc. con. cupr. ferr. graph. hep. HYOSC. ignat. kati. lach. led. LYC. MERC. natr-inur. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PUbS. nizus. sec-corn. SEP. sit. spig. staph. strain. stront. SULPE. veratr.. Anutidotes., CoffJ. hep. hyose. op. puls. vinum-(Noc. acetuin. duic.) BISMUTHUM. 345 XIX. BISMUTHUM. Moral and intellectual faculties. Alum. aur. bell. carb-an. ferr. graph. ignat. plat. zinc. Seat of the diseases. Acon. arn ars. BELL. bry. calc. cham. chin. cocc. hell. IGNAT. lye. mere. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. sec-corn. sep. spong. stann. sulph. veratr. Morbid states and sensations. Ars. BELL. bry. calc. caust. CHIN. colch. dulc. KALI. lye. merc. natr-mur. n-vom. oleand. puls. rhus. sabin. sep. sil. stram. staph. sulph. Bones. Arg. cycl. Skin. Acon. arn. ARS. bell. bry. calc. caps. caust. kali. lack. LED. lye. mere. mezer. n-vom. op. phospk. plat. PU'LS. rhus. sep. SIL. spong. staph. sulph. Sleep and dreams. Ant-crud. bry. CALC. cann. carb-an. earb-veg. chin. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. lyc. natr. N-VOM. phosph. puls. rhus. sabad. SEP. sil. staph. SULPH. Pyrosis. Acon. arn. ars. bell. carb-veg. cham. cocc. hyosc. kali. lye. merc. n-vom. op. phosph. sep. sil. stann. sulph. Time. Alum. ant-crud. bell. canth. ignat. lye. nitr. nitr-ac. puls. selen. sil. staph. thuj. Exacerbations. Asaf. aur. CAPS. CON. CYCL. dros. dulc. euphorb. ferr. lye, mgs. magn-mur. MEN. mosch. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. rhus. sabad. samb. SEP. stront. tar. valer. verb. viol-tr. Concordances in general. Acon. arn. ARS. BELL. bry. CALC. caps. carb-veg. caust. chin. cocc. con. cycl. dulc. ferr. IGNAT. KALI. lach. led. LYC. men. mere. N-VOM. op. phosph, plat. PULS. RIIUS sabad. SEP. SIL. stann. staph. SULPH. Antidotes. Calc. caps, (N-voM.) 346 BORAX. XX. BORAX. Moral and intellectual faculties. Bell. calc. lyc. natr-mur. n-vom. phosph. rhus. sep. sulph. Seat of the diseases. Alum. arn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. dulc. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. lyc. MERC. mezer. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N- VOM. petr. phosph. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. SEP. sil. spig. staph. suiph. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. arn. ars. asaf. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. cham. chin. graph. hell. ignat. kali. lyc. MERC. natr-mur. n.vom. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. stann. staph. SULPH. zinc. Glands. Bell. bry. ignat. jod. merc. n-vom. phosph. puls. sulph. Skin. Bar. bry. calc. cham. graph. hep. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. petr. rhus. scill. sep. SIL. staph. sulph. Sleep and dreams. ARS. calc. ignat. KALI. mur-ac. n-vom. puls. ran-bulb. sep. sil. Pyrosis. ACON. bell. bry. calc. cham. hep. natr-mur. n-vom. rhus. veratr. Time. Ignat. kali. nitr. n-vom. ph-ac. rhus. thuj. Exacerbations. Acon. amm. ars. bell. bry. CALC. caps. COcc. ferr. graph. ignat. jod. kali. LYC. mgs. m-arct. mang. MERC. N-VOM. phosph. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sep. SIL. SPIG. stront. sulph. VERATR. Concordances in general. Acon. ars. bell. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. cham. chin. graph. hep. ignat. kali. LYC. MERC. natr-mur. N-VOM. petr. phosph. PULS. RHUS. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Cham. coff.-(Noc. acetum. vinum.) XXI. LYCOPERDON BOVISTA. Moral and intellectual faculties. Alum. bell. calad, calc. cic. cocc. hell. hyosc. ignat. LYC. merc. natr-mur. n-vom. op. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. VERATR. LYCOPERDON BOVISTA.34 3 4,7 Seat of the diseases. Ant-crud. bell. bry. caic. CAUST. creos. lach. led. natr. natr-mur. il-vom. phosph. ph,-ac. plat. RHUS. SEP. sil. spig. STAPH. suiph. veratr. itorbid'states and sensations. Acon. amm-mur. am. aur. bell. bry. caic. caust. chin. KALI. laur. lye. magn-mur. nair-mur. phosph. plumb. puls. rhu8. sassap. SEP. spig. stann. staph. suiph. zinc. Glands. Phospli. suiph. Bones. Agar. amm-mur. cocc. liep. phosph. puls. ruta. veratr. Skini. Ars. bar. cale. -carb-veg. clem. creos. cupr. duiC. GRAPH. ipee. kali. lach. led. lye. magn. mere. petr. phosph. puls. RHUS. selen. SE P. sil. STAPH. suiph. veratr. Sleep and dreams. Kali. sil, Pyrosis. Aeon. am. bell. bry. CALC. CHAM. hep. ignat. lye. mere. natrmur. n-VOM. RHUS. sep. suiph. veratr. Time. Ant-crud. am. cale. ignat. rhus. Sep. Exacerbations. Cale. cann. CARB-VEG. CHIN. eon. JOD. kali. mere. nair. PHOSPH. ph-ac. 1'ULS. SEP. SIL. staph. suiph. Concordances in general. Aeon. ant-crud, amn. bell. bry. CALO. earb-veg. caust. chain. chin. coce. creos. graph. hep. ignat. jod. kali. lye. mere. natr. natr. mur. n-voin. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. SEP. 8il. STAPH. SULPH. VERATR. Antidotes. Camph. XXII. BRYONIA ALBA. Moral and intellectuial faculties. BELL. caic. liyose. lye. natr-mur. n-VOM. Op. RHUS. Sep. strain suiph. veratr. 348 BRYONIA ALBA. Seat of the diseases. Acon. amrn. ARS. aur. BELL. bor. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chin. con. creoS. dig. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. lye. MERC. natr. natr-mnur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhus. sabad. SEP. sIL. spig. staph. SULPH. VERATR. zinc. Mllorbid states and sensations. Acon. amrn. ars. asaf. BELL. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. con. graph. ignat. kali. LYC. MERC. meZer. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-vOM. PHOSPHa. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sil. spig. stront. SULPH. Glands. BELL. calc. con. lye. mere. PHOSPH. puls. rhus. SULPH. Bones. Arg. asaf. bell. calc. chin. cupr. cycl. ignat. lye. MERC. mezer. nitr-ac. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabin. sil. STAPH. SULPH. thuj. Skin. Acon. ant-crud. amrn. ARs. asaf. bar. bell. calc. caust. chin. cic. con. graph. hep. ipec. kali. lach. led. LYC. mere. mezer. natr-mur. n-vom. phosph. PULS. RHUS. sep. SIL. spig. spong. staph. SULPH. viol-tr. Sleep and dreams. Acon, ant-tart. ars. bell. calc. caust. chin. cic. coN. croc. hep. IGNAT. lye. Il-arct. magml. mere. natr. n-mosch. N-VOM. OP. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sep. sil. SULPH. Pyrosis. ACON. ARS. bell. calc. cham. CHIN. dig. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. jod. ipec. kali. LYC. merc. natr-mur. N-VOM. PHOSPH., ph-ac. PULS. rhus. SEP. sil. spig. stram. SULPH. veratr. Time. Bell. lach. lye. puls. Exacerbations. Acon. arnm. ars. BELL. CALC. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. colch, coloc. con. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. led. LYC. natr. N-VOM. op. phosph. PULS. RHnaUS. sabin. SEP. Sil. spig. stram. SULPH. veratr. Concordances in general. Acon. amrn. ars. asaf. BELL. CALC. canth. carb-veg.. caust. cham. BRYONIA ALBA. CALADIUM SEGUINUM. 349 chin. CON. graph. lep. hyosc. ignat. ipee. kali. LYC. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. Op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sil. spig. staph. strai. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Acon. alum. camph. cham. clem. coff. ignat. mur-ac. n-vom. puls. rhus. seneg. XXIII. CALADIUM SEGUINUM. Moral and intellectual faculties. Cocc. ignat. LYC. PULS. sil. veratr. Seat of thie diseases. Acon. am. ars. bry. caic. earb-veg. chai. chin. coec. eon. duic. hell. hyosc. lye. magn-mur. mere. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ae. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. phosph. PULS. rhus. sabad. sep. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. Morbid states and sensations, ACON. ARS. bar. bell. bry. eale. canth. earb-veg. chai. ehel. coce. guaj. ignat. kali. lyc. mere. mezer. mur-ae. natr-mur. nitr. n-moseh. N-VOM. par.phosph. PULS. rhus. sabad. sassap. seneg. SEP. sil. stann. strai. SULPH. veratr. Skin. Aeon. ant-tart. ars. bell. bry. earb-veg. CAUST. eon. hep. ignat. kali. laeh. led. lye. mere. MEZER. nitr-ae. n-voi. phosph. puls. ran-bulb. RHUS. scll. s8e. SIL. staph. SULPH. Sleep and dreams. Ars. BELL. BRY. cale. carb-veg., chin. eon. graph. hep. IGNAT. kali. led. lye. mar. mere. n-vom. PHOSPH. PTLS. rhus. selen. sepp. sil. sulph. Pyrosis. Ars. bry. cale. ehai. mere. imezer. n-voin. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. SULPH. Time. Ant-tart. bell. bry. eaust. lach. led. lye. mere. phosph. puls. ranscel. stront. Exacerbations. Agar. ars. bell. B RY. eale. eann. earb-an. earb-veg. chin. coce. eoff. colch. con. graph. hep. jod. ipee. kali. led, lye. merc. natrmum. N-VOM. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. selen. SEP. sil. staph. Concordances in general. Aeon. ars. bell. BRY. cale. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. coec. 2H 350 CALADIUJM SEGUINTJM. CALCAREA CROIA con. graph. hep. ýqnat. kali. led. LYC. MERC. maezer. natr-mur'. N-YOM. PHOSPia. PULS. rhus. SEPr. Sil. staph. SIJLPH. veratr. Antidotes. (Campli.) caps. XXIV. CALCAREA CAIRBONICA. MIoral and Intellectual faculties. BELL. lyc. n-VOM. Op. puls. RHUS. sep. dtramn. suiph. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Acon. amm. anac. ant-crud, arn. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bry. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cina. clein. cocc. con. creos. croc. euphr. graph. hep.hysc. ignatipcial.LC mnagn-mur. MERC. mezer. natr. NATR-.MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. par. petr. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. rutta. sabad. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. sp ig. stann. STAPH. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. Mlorbid states and sensations. A4con. alum. ant-crud. amn. ars. BELL. bry. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. chamn. chin. cina. cocc. con. cupr. ferr. graph. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. icali. LYC. merc. mezer. liatr. natr-mnur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. phosph. plat. plumb. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. sp~q. spong. stann. staph. strain. stront SULPH. zinc.. Glands. Ang. BELL. bry. clein. con. duic. kali. lyc. ME1{C. natr-mur. POP.puls. rhodod. sil. spong. staph. SULPH. Bones. ASAFi. bell, hep. lyc. MERC.miezeix nitr-ac. phosph. ph-ac. PIJLS. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH9. Skin. Ant-crud. amn. ars. asaf. bar. bell. bry. carb-veg. cauist. chin. clem. con. duic. graph. hep. lach. led. LYC. MERC.miezer. natr. natr-mur. nit r-ac. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHRUS. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. veratr. viol-tr. Sleep and dreams. Ars. bell. bry. carb-veg. caust. chin, con. graph. ignat. kali. mere. NATH. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sil. SULPH. Fyrosis. ACON. anac. ars. bell. BRY. chain. chin. ferr. hep. ignat. kali. LYC. MERC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. phosph..pulS. RHUS. -selen. SEP. spigp. SULPH[. veratr. C-A- ) REA CARBONICA. CAMPHORA. 351 TIU"C. Ars. aur. carb-vec. croc. ignat. natr-mur. nitr. n-vom. phosph. rhus. scill. Exacerbations. Amm. anac. ars. bell. bry. caps. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin, con. croc. graph. ignat. jod. kali: LYC. merc. natr. natr-mur. n-mosch. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. sabad. selen. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. Concordanices in general. Acon. anac. ant-crud. arn. ars. asaf. aur. BELL. bry. caps. carbveg. caust. chamn. chin. clern. cocc. con. croc. dulc. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. LYC. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. selen. SEP. siL. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Antidotes. Bry. camph. chin. NITR-AC. n-vom. sulph.-Spir-nitr-dulc. XXV. CAMPHORA. MIoral and intellectual faculties. Ars. aur. BELL. con. cupr. HYOSC. LYC. NATR-MUR. op. puls. rhus. stram. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Acon. alum. anac. ang. ARS. BELL. bry. chamn. chin. cic. con. eupr. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. kali. lyc. merc. n-vom. op. puls. rhus. sep. staph. stram. sulph. VERATR. Miorbid states and sensations. Acon. ang. amrn. ars. BELL. bry. calc. caust. chamn. chin. cic. COCC. con. cupr. hyosc. IGNAT. IPEC. laur. lyc. merC. Iosch. n-mosch. N-VOM. Op. phosph. plat. puls. rhus. sec-corn. SEP. sil. stann. stram. SULPH. thuj. VERATR. Glands. Bar. bell. bry. carb-an. clem. con. graph. lyc. mere. n-vom. phosph. puls. sil. sulph, Skin. Acon. amrn. ars. bell. bry. calc. dulc. hep. lyec. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. puls. RHUs. sec-corn. sep. sil. sulph. veratr. Sleep and drean- s. ANT-TART. bry. con. caoc. cupr. n-mosch. op. ph-ac. puls. veratr. 352 CAMPHORA. CANNABIS, Pyrosis. Acon. ARS. BELL. calc. chin. con. hell. laur. -erc. niur. n-osh. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. rhus. SABAD. samb. sep. spig. sulph. VERATR. Exacerbations. Acon. agar. arn. ARS. aur. bell. BRY. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. cocc. coff. colci. con. dig. duic. graph. hell. HEP. hyosc. KALI. led. lye. merc. mosck. n-mosch. N-VOM. phosph. puls. ranbulb. rheum. RHUS. SABAD. scill. selen. sep. sil. spig. staph. stram. STRONT. Concordances in general. Acon. aug. ant-tart. amrn. ARS. aur. BELL. BRY. calc. caust. cham. chin. cic. cocc. CON. croc. cupr. dulc. hell. hep. HYOSC. ignat. ipec. kali. LYC. MERC. mosch. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sec-corn. SEP. sil. stram. stront. SULPH. VERATR. Antidotes. Op. spir-nitr-dulc.-(Noc. nitr.) XXVI. CANNABIS. Moral and intellectual faculties. Acon. aur. BELL. caic. cocC. con. kyosc. ignat. LYC. mere. natr. n-vom. OP. phosph. PH-AC. plat. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. STRAM. sulph. VERATR. Seat of the diseases. Ant-tart. arn. bell. bry. calc. CAUST. chin, con. dulc. euphr. HEP. ignat. kali. lyc. mere. n-vom. PHOSPE. PULS. rhus. ruta. sep. sil. staph. SULPE. sulph-ac. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. anac. amrn. ars. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. caust. cham. chin. coce. con. dulc. graph. hyosc. ignat. ipec. laur. lye. mere. n-mosch. N-VOM. phosph. plat. puls. rhus. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. suMph. sulph-ac. VERATR. Glands. Bell. phosph. Bones. Cocc. hep. puls. ruta. Skin. Acon. amrn. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb-an. caust. chin. cocc. creos. CANNABIS. CANTHARIS. 353, graph. kali. lyc. rnerc. mezer. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. plat. pull. RHES. sabad. sec-corn. sep. sil. staph. suiph. veratr Sleep and dreams. Bism. chin. hep. natr. n-vom. sabad. sep. sil. Pyrosis. Acon. ars. BRY. mer. PULS. RHUS. suiph. VERATR. Time. Ars. ferr. hep. mang. natr. n-vom. sabad. sep. sil. suiph-ac. Exacerbations. Acon. agar. ang. ant-tart. ARN. ars. bell. BRY. calad. caps. carbveg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. colck. con. ferr. 'hep. ignat. JOD. kali. led. LYG. mnere. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. phospk. ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. HUS. selen. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph: SULPH. viol-tr. Concordances in general. Aeon. ant-tart. arm ars. BELL. BRY. caic. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. coich. con. duic. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. led. LYC. mang. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-YOM. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SEP. SIL. spio. stann. staph. stram. SULPH. suiph-ac. YERATR. Antidotes. Camph. XXVII. CANTHARIS. Moral and intellectual faculties. Aur. Sell. cic. cupr. HYOSC. ignat. lach. LYC. op. phosph. plat. puis. sil. STRAM. suiph. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Acon. alum. amnbr. ant-crud. arn. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. caps. carb-veg. caust. chant. chin. cocc. coich. con. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. lach. lIur. LYC. MERC. mezer. natr. natrmur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus.-sabad. sabin. sassap. SEP. SIL. staph. stram. SULPI. thuj. VERATR. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. alum, am. ars. asar. BELL. bry. caic. carb-veg. chant. CHIN. cocc. con. cupr. dros. ferr. hell. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. laur. lye. mere. mosch. natr. nitr-ac. N-YOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. pint. plumb. PULS. 2H2 354 354 CANTHARIS. CAPSICUM ANNIJUM. rhus. raita. sabad. sabin. sassap. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. SULPH# veratr. zinc. Glands. Acon. amn. BELL. bry. con. mere. PHOSPH. puls. rhus. sil. -suiphI. Bones. Amy. aur. bell. caic. caust. chin. coec. con. cupm. cyci. dros. kali. lye. mere. phospli. ph-ac. puls. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabin. sep. staph. Skin. Acon. amm-mur. amn. ars. bell. BRY. caic. carb-veg. caust. chin. cyci. graph. hep. kali. lach. led. lyc. merc. mezer. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sep. sil. spong. staph. SULPH. thuj. viol-tm. Sleep and dreams. Lach. natr. n-vom. phosph. sep. sil. staph. Pyrosis. Aeon. amn. ARS. BELL. BRY. ealc. eampli. chain. chin. hell. hep. laur. lyc. mere. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. PHOSPHR. ph-ac. puls. rhus. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. suiph. veratr. Time. Alum. ant-crud. caic. ignat. n-vom. sil. staph. suiph. ]Exacerbations. Amf'l. BELL. BRY. CALC. eamb-veg. eaust. eham. clem. coec. coich. con. graph. HEP. ignat. jod. kali. lach. LYC. MERO. natm. N-VOM. PHOSPH. PULS. RHUS. scifi. sep. sil. spig. staph. stront. SULPH. thuj. Concordances in general. Aeon. alum. amn. ars. aur. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chain. ehin. coec. con. cupr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. Lach. laur. LYC. MERC. natr. nitr-ac. N-VOM.- PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sabin. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. strain. SULPH. thuj. vematr. zinc. Antidotes. Aeon. cainph. laum. puls.-(Noc. coff.) XXVIII. CAPSICUM ANNUUM. M~soral and Intellectual faculties. Adnac. ars. aiur. BELL. caic. caust. chain. coce. con. croc. hyose. CAPSICUM ANNUUM. 355 ignat. LYC. merc. natr. NATR-MUR. op. phosph. ph-ac. puls. sep. sil. staph. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. Seat of the diseases. Acon. ars. BELL. bry. calc. canti. caust. cham. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. lyC. MERc. mezer. natr. N-VOM. op. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sil. staph.1 SULPH. veratr. M9orbid states and sensations. Acon. ars. BELL. BRY. CALC. caust. cham. chin. cocc. con. croc. hyosc. ignat. kali. laur. LYC. mere. N-VOM. oleand. PHOSPH. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sep. sil. sULPH. veratr. Glands. BELL. bry. calc. clem. con. lyc. puls. rhus. sulph. Bones. ASAF. aur. calc. chin. con. hep. lyc. merc. mezer. phosph. ph-ac. puls. ruta. sep. sil. staph. sulph. Skin. Acon. ars. asaf. bell. bry. calc. caust. chin. cocc. lach. LYC. MERC. mezer. oleand. phosph. PULS. RHUS. sep. SIL. spig. staph. sulph. Sleep and dreams. ARs. aur. cof. hep. KALI. natr. n-vom. sep. SIL. Pyrosis. Acon. ars. BRY. calc. CHAM. chin. hep. IGNAT. lach. lyC. mere. natr-mur. N-VOM. op. phosph. puls. RHUS. sabad. samb. sep. spig. sulph. veratr. Timne. Ant-crud. ant-tart. amrn. ars. bry. calc. cann. canth. caust. dros. ferr. ignat. kali. lyc. magn. mang. merc. nitr. n-vom. puls. ran-scel. rhus. samb. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. Exacerbations. Acon. amrn. aur. bar. 6ell. bor. nBRY. calc. cann. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cina. cocc. CON. cycl. dros. dulc. euphorb. ferr. HEP. kali. lach. led. LYC. magn-mur. men. merc. mosch. natr-mur. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. samb. selen. SEP. sil. spig. staph. stront. sulph. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. Concordances in general. Acon. ars. asaf. aur. BELL. BRY. CALC. caust. cham. chin. cocc. con. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. N-VOM. 356 CARBO ANIMALTS. op. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. samb. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Calad. camph. chin. cina. XXIX. CARBO ANIMALIS. Moral and intellectual faculties. Alum. aur. bell. coff. croc. ferr. graph. IGNAT. mezer. mosch. NATR. op. petr. pho8ph. plat. seneg. sep. sil. spig. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. Seat of the diseases. Alum. amm. ant-crud. aur. bar. bell. bry. CALC. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chel. chin. con. cycl. graph. ignat. kali. lyc. magn-mur. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. petr. phosph. plumb. puls. rhus. ruta. sabad. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. verb. Morbid states and sensations. Amm. ars. asaf. bar. BELL. bry. calc. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. coloc. GRAPH. hep. ignat. KALI. LYC. Ialgn-Tmur. merc. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. phosph. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabin. SEP. sil. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. thuj. zinc. Glands. Arn. BELL. bry. con. graph. hep. jod. lach. lyc. MERC. phosph. PULS. SIL. sulph. thuj. Bones. A,4saf. cocc. ruta. Skin. Ant-crud. amrn. ARS. bell. bry. carb-veg. caust. clem. con. dulc. graph. hep. LACH. lyC. mere. nitr-ac. PHOSPH. puls. ran-bulb. rhus. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. thuj. Sleep and dreams. Ars. CALC. chin. graph. hep. ignat. KALI. lach. lye. mere. n-vom. phosph. puls. ran-bulb. rhus. SEP. Sil. SULPH. Pyrosis. Ant-tart. ars. bry. calc. GRAPH. hep. kali. LYC. natr-miur. n-vom. phosph. rhus. SEP. sulph. Time. Arn. ars. colch. ferr. magn. mang. merc. nitr. nitr-ac. stront. CARBO VEGETABILIS. 357 Exacerbations. Amm. amm-mur. anac. am. ars. bell. BRY. CALC. CARB-VEG. chin. coce. con. graph. hep. ignat. KALI. led. LYC. mere. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. selen. sep. sit. spig. stann. stront. SULPH. Concordances in general. Alum. amm. am. ars. asaf. bell. bry. caic. carb-veg. caust. chin. coce. con. ferr. GRAPH. hep. ignat. kali. Lach. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. petr. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. rhus. ruta. SEP. SIL. staph. stront. SULPH. thuj. zinc. Antidotes. Ars. campl. n-vom. vinum. XXX. CARBO FEGETABILIS. Moral and intellectual faculties. Aeon. anac. aur. BELL. bry. caic. chai. coce. ignat. lye. n-vom. phospl. puls. rhus. suiph. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Aeon. alum. ami. ant-tart. arn. ars. asaf. aur. bell. bry. CALC. canth. carb-an. caust. chai. CHIN. clem. coce. con. creos. duic. graph. hep. ignat. kali. led. LYC. MERO. nair. natr-Mur. NITH-AC. N-VOM. pet?'. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. r-hus. sabad. SEP. SIL. STAPH. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Aeon. ambr. am. ars. bar. bell. b2ry. CALC. canth. carb-an. caust. chai. chel. ehin. coce. con. creos. dulc. ferr. GRAPH. ignat. kali. laur. LYC. merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-voM. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. sassap. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. staun. staph. strai. SULPH. veratr. zznc. Glands. Mn. BELL. bry. carb-an. graph. LYC. mere. phospl. puls. sulph. Bones. Asat. merc. ph-ac. ruta. sulph. Skin. Ant-tart. ars. asaf. bell. bry. calc. carb-an. caust. chin. clei. con. creos. graph. hep. ipec. kali. laeh. LYC. merc. mezer. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac. puIs. RHUS. selen. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. veratr. Sleep and dreams. Bell. bry. eale. graph. ignat. kali. mere. n-vom. phosph. PULS. rhus. SEP. sil. suiph. 358 CAUSTICUM. Pyrosis. ACON. arn. ARS. bell. bry. calc. cham. chin. cocc. cupr. hep. ignat. ipec. kali. lyc. merc. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. SEP. sil. stalln. strami. SULPH. VERATR. Time. Calc. lyc. natr. natr-nzur. n-vom. phosph. puls. rhodod. rhus. aabad. sep. staph. Exacerbations. Ars. bell. bry. CALC. caps. carb-an. caust. cham. chin. cocc. colch. con. euphorb. ferr. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. LYc. merc. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. selen. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. stram. SULPH. veratr. Concordances in general. Acon. arn. ars. asaf. aur. BELL. bry. CALc. carb-an. caust. cham. chin. cocc. con. creos. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. iaHUS. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. staph. stram. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Antidotes. Arm. camph. coff. lach. spir. nitr. dulc. XXXI. CAUSTICUM. Moral and intellectual faculties. Bar. calc. cham. con. ignat. lyc. PULS. sep. Seat of the diseases. Acon. alum. ant-crud. amrn. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bov. bry. CALC. cann. canth. carb-veg. cham. chin. clem. con. creos. graph. hep. iguat. kali. led. lyc. MERC. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SEP. SIL. spig. STAPH. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. MIorbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. amrn. ars. asaf. aur. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. cham. chin. cic. cocc. coloc. con. creos. croc. dulc. graph. hep. ignat. jod. KALI. LYC. magn. MERC. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sassap. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. zinc. Glands. Bell. bry. calc. con. kali. lye. merc. PHOSPH. puls. rhus. sil. spong. SULPH. CAUSTICUM. CHAMOMILLA. 359 Bones. Bell. cale. cdin, con. dros. hell. lyc. mere. ph-ac. puts. ruta. sep. Skin. Amn. ARS. asaf. 6ry. caic. carb-veg. dhin, con. dulc. graph. hep. lach. led. LYc. MERO. mezer. nitr-ae. phosph. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHUS. sep. SIL. staph. -stront. SULPH. thuj. Sleep and dreams. Bell. bry. CALC. CON. graphi. ignat. merc. natr. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. rhus. sep. sit. staph. SULPH. Pyrosis. Acon. arn. ars. BELL. bry. caic. graph. kali. lyc. mere. N-VOM. phosph. PULS. RHUS. sep. suiph. VERATR. Time. Ant-crud, bell. bry. lach. lyc. mezer. phosph. puls. Exacerbations. Acon. ars. ASAR. bell. bry. eale. carb-veg. chain. con. HEP. ignat. kali. lye. N-VOM-phosph. PULS. rhus. -sabad. SEP. sil. suiph. Concordances in general. Acon. amn. ars. asaf. asar. bell. bry. CALO. earb-veg. chain. chin. con. graph. hep. ignat. icali. lach. LYC. mere. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SEP. s-it. spig. staph. stront. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Anmtidotes. Asaf. coff. coloc. n-vom. spir. nitr. dule.-(NOC. coff. phosph. acetum). XXXII. CHAMOMILLA. Moral and intellectual faculties. ACON. anac. ars. AUR. BELL. eale. eaust. graph. IGNAT. LYC. mere. natr-mnr. N-YOM. plzosphi. plat. PULS. sep. strain. sulph. VERATR. Seat of the diseases. ACON. alum. amn. ARS. BELL. BRY. eale. canth. caps. earb-veg. caust. CHIN. cocc. eon. croc. dig. dulc. graph. hep. hyose. IGNAT. ipee. kali. lach. LYC. MERO. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sec-corn. SEP; sit. sp ig. stann. -staph. strain. SULPH. VERATR. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. ACON. agarn. alum. ambin. ang. amn. ARS. aur. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. eie. cec. coff. con. croc. 360 CHAMOMILLA. CHELIDONIUM. cupr.ferr. graph. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. LYC. MERC. o108sch. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. petr. PROSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabin. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. Stram. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Glands. Bell. bry. con. kali. lyc. mere. phosph. puls. sil. suilph. Bones. Arg. bell. Skin. Acon. ars. asaf. bell. bry. CALC. caust. don. graph. HEP. lach. LYC. mere. nitr-ac. petr. PULS. RHUS. sep. SIL. STAPH. SULPH. Pyrosis. ARS. BELL. bry. calc. chin. hep. kali. merc. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sabad. sep. sil. sulph. Sleep and dreams. ACON. ARS. BELL. BRY. CALC. chin. hep. ignat. laur. lyc. MERC. natr-mur. N-VOM. op. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sec-corn. SEP. sil. stram. SULPH. VERATR. Time. Graph. mang. stront. Exacerbations. Acon. amnbr. amm. amrn. ars. BELL. BRY. CALC. caps. carb-veg. caust. chin. cocc. coff. coloc. con. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. lack. led. LYC. mere. natr. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabin. SEP. sil. spig. staph. stram. SULPH. veratr. Concordances in general. ACON. arn. ars. aur. BELL. BRY. CALC. caps. carb-veg. caust. chin. cocc. con. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. lach. LYc. MERC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. stram. SULPH. VERATR. Antidotes. Acon. alum. bor. camph. cocc. coff. coloc. ignat. n-vom. PULS. XXXIII. CHELIDONIUM. Moral and intellectual faculties. Aeon. bell. calc. natr-mur. n-vom. rhus. stram. veratr. CHELIDONIUM. 361 Seat of the diseases. Alum. anac. arn. ars. aur. bell. bor. bry. calc. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. con. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lye. magn-mur. mere. mezer. natr-mur. n-vom. oleand. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. staph. stram. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. verb. zinc. Mllorbid states and sensations. ACON. alum. arn. Ans. bar. bell. bry. calc. canth. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. con. cycl. dulc. graph. guaj. IGNAT. kali. laur. LYC. mere. mezer. mosch. natr. natr-mur. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb, puls. rhus. ruta. sabad. sec-corn. SEP. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. tar. veratr. zinc. Glands. Ars. bell. chin. cocc. dig. mere. Skin. Am. BAR. bell. bor. bry. calc. canth. caust. cham. chin. con. GRAPH. hep. lye. mere. NITR-AC. n-VOm. petr. phosph. PULS. RHUS. sabad. scill. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. viol-tr. Sleep and dreams. Mur-ac. N-VOM. phosph. rhus. sulph. Pyrosis. ACON. arn. ars. BELL. bry. caic. camph. caust. chin. dig. ferr. hyosc. ipec. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. puls. rhus, sabad. sep. spig. stram. sulph. thuj. veratr. Time. Nitr. n-vom. Exacerbations. Arn. bell. bry. CALC. camph. cann. carb-an. chain. chin. cocc. coff. con. croc. graph. IGNAT. jod. kali. lack. led. lye. natr. natrmur. n-mosch. N-VOM. phosph. puls. ran-bulb. rhus. sabad. SELEN. sep. sil. SPIG. staph. stram. Concordances in general. ACON. arn. ars. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. caust. cham. chin. cocc. con. graph. ignat. kali. lye. merc. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. selen. SEP. sil. spig. staph. stram. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Antidotes. Camph.? coff.P 362 CHINA. XXekvXIV. CHINA. M~oral and intellectual faculties. Aeon. anac. ars. bell. caic.'caust. chain. cocc. con. graph. IGNAT. lye. mere. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PUbS. rhus. sep. sil. staph. suiph. Seat of the diseases. Acon. anac. ant-crud, ant-tart. arn. ARS. aur. BELL. 6ry. CALC. cauth. car6-veg. caust. ellam. cocc. eon. creos. duic. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhus. sec-corn. srEP. oil. spig. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. Y.ERATR. M~orbid states and sensations. Acon. amn. ars. bar. BELL. 6ry. CALC. cauth. carb-veg-. chain. coce. coic~h. con. dig. ferr. graph. hell. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. lye. mar. mere. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. RHIJS. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Glands. Mrn. BELL. 6ry. caic. jod. lye. mrner. phosph. PULS. SUIPh. Bones. ASAF. MERO. PH-AC. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sil. Skin. Ant-crud. amn. ARS. asqf 6bell. 6ry. eale. carb-veg. caust. con. dule. ferr. graph. kep. lach. led. LYC. mere. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. selen. SEP. SIb. staph. SULPH. thnj. veratr. Sleep and dreams. Aeon. ars. bell. lbry. caic. carb-an. chain. graph. hep. ignat. kali. Inch. lye. mere. natr. N-YOM. PHospH. ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. RH US. sep. sil. SULPH. Pyrosis. AeoN. ARS. BELL. DRY. cale. chain. con. dig. ferr. graph. hep. hyose. ipee.?mere. NATH-MUR. N-YOM. PhOSph. _ph-ae. PUbS. Ahu. sabad. sainb. selen. SEP. sil. spig. staph. strain. SULPH. thuji. veratr. Time.. Alum. amn. ars. ipee. natr-inur. Exacerbations. Aeon. ant-crud. amn. ars. BELL. BRY. CALC. Caps. car'6-veg. CHINA. CICUTA VIROSA. 363 cham. cocc. colch. con. ferr. graph. hep. ignat. jod. kali. lach. led. lye. mang. mere. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. ruta. selen. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. thuj. veratr. Concordances in general. Acon. arn. ARS. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. caust. cham. cocc. con. ferr. graph. hep. ignat. ipec. kali. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PULS. RHUS. selen. SEP. 8il. spig. staph. SULPH. thuj. veratr. Antidotes. Arn. ARS. bell. calc. CARB-VEG. ferr. IpEC. merc. natr. natrmur. PULS. sep. sulph. VERATR. XXXV. CICUTA VIROSA. Moral and intellectual faculties. Anac. aur. bar. BELL. caust. cupr. hell. HYOSC. lye. natr-mur. op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. sil. stram. sulph. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Anac. ang. ars. BELL. bry. calc. camph. cham. chin. cocc. cupr. cycl. dig. ferr. graph. hep. hyose. IGNAT. lye. merc. natr-mur. n-vom. oleand. op. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabad. sec-corn. sep. sil. spig. stram. SULPH. thuj. veratr. Morbid states and sensations. Anac. ang. arn. ars. BELL. bry. calc. camph. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. COCC. con. CUPR. dros. graph. HYOSC. IGNAT. ipec. kali. lye. mere. mezer. mosch. natr-mur. n-vom. oleand. op. petr. phosph. PLAT. plumb. ruta. SEC-CORN. SEP. sil. stann. STRAM. SULPH. sulph-ac. veratr. zinc. Glands. Am. carb-an. con. sep. Skin. Ant-crud. bry. calc. clem. creos. DULC. GRAPH. hep. kali. lach. lye. mere. natr. petr. phosph. puls. ran-bulb. RHUS. SEP. sil. staph. SULPH. Sleep and dreams. Bell. BRY. chin. ignat. lye. N-VOM. phosph. PULS. thus. sulph. Pyrosis. Rhus. 364 34CICUTA VIROSA. CINA. Time. Ant-crud. bell. canth. ignat. lyc. nitr-ac. puls. selen. sil. staph. thuj. Exacerbations. Acon. amm-mur. amn. ars. aur. bell. Bry. caic. carb-veg. caust. chai. cocc. coich. CON. croc. graph. REP. ignat. ipec. kali. lyc. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-moseh. N-VOM. phosph. puls. rhodod. 1HUS. ruta. samb. scill. selen. sep. SLL. Spig. Spon1g. stront. suiph. Concordances in general. Anac. ang. am. ars. BELL. BRY. caic. campl. caust. chai. cocc. con. cupr. dule. graph. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. kali. LYC. mere. natr-rur. N-VOM. op. phospl. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. stram. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Am. op. tabacum. XXXVI. CINA. MIoral and intellectual faculties. Chai. ignat. lyc. FLAT. puls. sulph-ac. Seat of the diseases. Acon. anac. arg. ars. aur. bell. 62ry. CALC. CHIN. coce. con, cupr. ferr. hyose. IGNAT. kali. LYC. mere. natr-nur. N-VOM. oleand. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. SABAD. see-corn. SEP. -SIL. SPIG. stann. staph. sui3ph. sulph-ac. veratr. verb, zinc. M llorbid states and sensations. Alum. anac. ang. arn. asaf. BELL. CALO. caust. chai. chin. coec. duic. ignat. KALI. lye. mere. natr. natr-iur. nitr-ae. n-vomn. PLAT. puls. sabin. sep. spig. suiph-ac. Glands. Mere. Skin. Acon. ars. asaf. bell. bry. hep. lach. lye. MERO. PULS. rhus. sil. suiph. Sleep and dreams. -Ars. caust. ereos. IGNAT. N-VOM. RHUS. sassap. Pyrosis. Aeon. bry. cham. chin. hep. ipec. natr-iur. veratr. CINA. CLEMATIS. 365 Time. Ant-crud. arn. ARS. bar. calc. canth,. caps. CHIN. ignat, lyc. natrtmur. plumb. puls. rhus. sabad. stapb. sulph. ]Exacerbations. Acon. asaf. bell. bry. CALC. caps. carb-veg. chin. ferr. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. LYC. NATR-MUR. N-VOM. oleand. phosph. plat. puls. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. SEP. SIL. Spig. SULPH. Concordances in general. Acon. arn. ars. asaf. bell. bry. CALC. caps. cham. CHIN. ferr. hep. IGNAT. kali. LYC. mere. natr-mur. N-VOM. phosph. PLAT. PULS. rhus. sabad. sep. SIL. spig. sulph. sulph-ac. veratr. Antidotes. Cpmph. caps. chin. (ipec.) piper. niger. XXXVII. CLEMATIS ERECTA. Moral and intellectual faculties. Calc. cocc. ignat. merc. ph-ac. puls. SIL. sulph. zinc. Seat of the diseases. Alum. ars. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. cham. cocc. HEP. kali. LYC. MERC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. THUJ. veratr. Morbid states and sensations. Alum. arn. bell. bry. calc. cham. chin. cocc. graph. ignat. lyc. merc. mezer. natr. n-vom. phosph. plat. puls. rhus. sep. spong. sulph. sulph-ac. Glands. BELL. bry. calc. carb-an. CON. merc. phosph. puls. sil. SULPH. Bones. Asaf. calc. puls. Skin. Amm. amm-mur. ant-crud. ARS. bell. bov. calc. carb-an. carbveg. caust. con. creos. dulc. graph. hep. kali. lach. led. lyc. magn. MERC. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. puls. RHUS. SEP. SIL. STAPH. SULPH, viol-tr. Sleep and dreams. Calc. n-vom. phosph. sil. sulph. Time. Acon. arn. aur. calc. con. natr-mur. nitr-ac. phosph. rhus. 2i2 366 COCCULUS. Exacerbations. AMM. ant-crud. ars. aur. bell. CALC. cocc. colch. con. dulc. HEP. lyc. merc. n-mosch. n-vom. puls. RHUS. samb. sep. sil. spig. STRONT. sulph. Concordances in general. Amm. ant-crud. ars. aur. bell. bry. CALC. caust. cocc. con. graph. hep. lyc. MERC. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sep. SIL. spig. staph. stront. SULPH. thuj. Antidotes. Bry. camph. XXXVIII. COCCULUS. Moral and intellectual faculties. Acon. bell. calc. hell. hyosc. IGNAT. lye. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. strata. sulph. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Acon. alum. anac. arn. ars. aur. BELL. BRY. CALC. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. cham. CHIN. con. cupr. graph. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. KALI. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. petr. phosph. plumb. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sep. SIL. spig. stann. staph. stram. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. VERATR. zinc. Ml orbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. anac. arn. ars. asaf. asar. BELL. bry. CALC. camph. caust. cham. chel. chin. cic. con. ferr. graph. hell. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. kali. lach. laur. LYC. mere. mezer. mosch. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. VERATR. Zinc. Glands. Ars. BELL. bry. calc. con. merc. phosph. sulph. Bones. Chin. cycl. hep. puls. ruta. sabin. sil. staph. Skin. Acon. ain. ars. bar. bell. BRY. calc. CAUST. con. dulc. hep. kali. lach. LYC. MERC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. scill. SEP. SIL. spong. staph. SULPH. thuj. Sleep and dreams. Bell. con. n-vom. phosph. puls. sep. sil. Pyrosis. Acon. arn. ARS. BELL. bry. calc. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. COFFEA. 367 creos. hep. ipec. kali. lye. MERC. N-VOM. op. pkospk. PULS. RHUS. sec-corn. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph. sulpk. veratr. Time. Ammz. ant-crud. asaf. asar. BELL. coloc. ignat. laur. LYC. nitr. nitr-ae. PULS. ran-bulb. sil, ttk?.j. valer., zincExacerbations. Amm. amn. ars. aur. bell. BRY. Caic. camph. cann. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CRAM. did,. chin. Cic. coff. coich. CON. duic. graph. REP. IGNAT. ipec. kali. lach. led. LYC. mang. mere. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-YOM. petr. pkosph. puls. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. scull. SELEN. -sep. SIL. spig. stapli. stront. suiph. Concordances in general. Acon. amm. amn. ars. BELL. bry. cale. camph. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. con. graph. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. 'ipec. Icali. lach. LYC. mere. natr-mur. nlitr-ac. N-VOM. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. selen. Sep. SIL. spig. staun, staph. strain. suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. Antidotes. Carnph..chain. cupr. ignat. fl-VOin.--NOC. coff. XXXIX. COFFEA. Moral and intellectual faculties. Aur. bell. HYOSC. lach. n-vom. OP. phosph. strain. suiph-ac. veratr. viol-od. Seat of the diseases. Acon. amn. AUR. BELL. bry. Calc. chain. CHIN. con. graph. hep. LYC. mere. N-VOM. phosph. pals. SEP. spig. strain. sulph. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. amn. asar. aur. BELL. bry. Cale. cauth. cha2n. CHIN. cocc. con. ferm. hyosc. ignat. lyc. mar. natr. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. petr. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. sil. strain. suiph. veratr. Skin. ACON. amn. ars. BELL. bry. Calc. hyose. ipec. kali. led. lyc. imere. n-voin. op. phosph. ph-ac. pals. rhus. soull. sep. sil. suiph. Sleep and dreamns. Ars. Calc.icali. n-voin. pals. sep. sil. Pyrosis. ARS. bry. Caic. lyc. n-voin. puls. sep. 368 368 COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE. Time, Dros. ignat. kali. nitr. n-vom. ph-ac. rhus. scill. Exacerbations. Acon. arn. BELL. BRY. ealad. ealc. campli. earb-an. car6-veg. CRAM. CHErL. chin. cocc. coleli. eon. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipee. lach. led. lyc. mere. natr-mur. n-moseh. N-YOM. op. phospli. PU LS. SELEN. sep. sil. spig. staph. strain. Concordances in gweneral. Aecon. amn. ars. autr. BELL. BRY. -caic. chain. chel. chin. coce. eon. hyosc. ignat. kali. LYC. mere. N-YOM. op, phosph. PULS. rhus. selen. SEP. Sit. spig. strain. suiph. ver-atr. Antidotes. Aeon. chain. ignat. n-vomn. pulS.-NOC. cauth. caust. coce. ignat. XL. COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE. Moral and intellectual faculties. Bell. cale. caust. eon. ignat. lye. mere. natr. op. ph-ae.'puls. rhus. SEP. Sit& Scat of the diseases., Aeon. alum. ant-erud. amn. ars. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. eantli. caust. chain, dig. hep. ignat. icali. lye. magil-mur. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ae. N-YOM. puts. r'hus. SEP. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. Morbid states and sensations. Aeon. ant-crud. arn. ARS. BELL. bry. eale. caust. chain. CHIN. coee. coloc. dig. hell. ignat. kali. lye. mere. natr. N-VOM. phospli. ph- ae. PLAT. PILS. rhodod. RHUS. seill, see-corn. SEP. spig. spong. SULPE. zinc. Bones. Bell. eale. chin. puls-, rhus. sep. Skin. Aeon. ars. bell. BRY. cate. caust. ipec. led. LYC. mere. PULS. RHUS. sil. spong. SULPH. Pyrosis. Ars. cale. ehain. HEP. natr-mnur. n-mom. rhus. sit. suiph. Time. Magn. nitr-ae. stront. COLOCYNTHIS. 369 Exacerbations. Amrn. ars. asar. aur. BELL. BRY. calad.caic. cann. cocc. coff. con. HEP. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. led. lyc. merc. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-VOM. phosph. PULS. ran-bulb. rheumn. rhus. sassap. scill. sep. sil. SPIG. staph. stront. Sulph. Concordances in general. Acon. arn. ar8. BELL. bry. CALC. caust. cham. chin. coce. con. hep. ignat. kali. led. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. phosph. plat. PULS. RHUS. scill. SEP. sil. spig. staph. sulph. Antidotes. Bell. camph. cocc. n-vom. puls. XLI. COLOCYNTHIS. Moral and intellectual facunlties. Anac. aur. cupr. hyosc. lyc. stram. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Arn. bell. calc. canth. carb-veg. chin. ignat. kali. lyc. MERC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. rhus. SEP. sil. SPIG. SULPH. thuj. valer. veratr. Morbid states and sensations. Ang. arn. asaf. bell. calc. CAUST. chin. cocc. con. GRAPH. ignlat. kali. lyc. merc. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. puls. rhus. SEP. sil. spig. spong. strout. sulh. sulh-ac. thuj. veratr. Glands. Bell. carb-an. con. lyc. phosph. puls. sulph. Bones. Arg. bell. ph-ac. puls. staph. Skin. Acon. arn. bell. phosph, PULS. rhus. sulph. Sleep and dreams. Bell. n-vonm. puls. Pyrosis. Acon. ars. bell. BRY. canth. chin. hyosc. merc. n-vonm. phosph. strain. sulph. Time. Asaf. bell. ignat. lyc. nitr-ac. PULS. sil. zinc. Exacerbations. Ars. aur. bell. bry. calc. CHAM. con. dros. ferr. hep. IGNAT. 370 CONIUM MACULATUM. kali. lyc. mgs. mang. mere. natr-mur. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. rhus. SEP. spig. STAPH. sulph. veratr. Concordances in general. Arn. BELL. bry. calc. caust. cham. chin. con. graph. ignat. kali. LYC. merc. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. spig. staph. sulph. veratr. Antidotes. Camph. (caust.) (cham.) coff. staph. XLII. CONIUM MACULATUM. Moral and intellectual faculties. Anac. bell. bry. calc. cann. caust. graph. hell. hyosc. ignat. laur. LYC. natr. NATR-MUR. n-mosch. n-vom. op. petr. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. RHvS. sep. SIL. STRAM. sulph. VERATR. Seat of the diseases. Acon. arn. ars. aur. BELL. bryo CALC. cann. caust. chain. CHIN. cocc. euphr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. LYC. MERC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sabad. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. strainm. SULPH. veratr. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. anac. arn. ars. asaf. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. caust. cham. CHIN. cocc. cupr. graph. ignat. jod. kali. LYC. mere. mosch. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. veratr. Glands. Alrs. BELL. bry. carb-an. cham. clem. hep. lyc. nitr-ac. PHOSPH. puls. rhus. SEP. sil. spong. SULPH. Bones. Asaf. bell. calc. lye. MERC. NITR-AC. PULS. ruta. sep. sil. staph. SULPH. Skin. Arn. arm. bar. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. clem. dulc. graph. hep. kali. lach. LYC. mere. mezer. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. SEP. SIL. staph. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. viol-tr. Sleep and dreams. Ant-tart. bell. BRY. CALC. caust. croc. GRAPH. hep. ignat. mgs. merc. natr. n-mosch. N-VOM. oP. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. sep. SIL. SULPH. CREOSOTUMO 371 Pyrosis. ARS. aur. bell. campli. chin. N-VOM. phospli. puls. RHUS. sep. suiph. veratr. Time. Acon. amn. aur. eale. croc. dros. euphr. hep. natr-mur. n-vom. phospli. rhus. Exacerbations. Acon. arn. ars. aur. bar. bell. bry. CALC. CAPS. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. coce. cyci. duic. eup/ior6. rFERR. graph. hep. ignat. kali. LYC. mere. natr. natr-mnur. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHIJS. sabad. samb. SEP. SIL. splig. SULPH. tar. valer. viol-tr. Concordances in general. Aeon. amn. ars. aur. BELL. 6r'y. CALC. caps. carb-veg. caust. eham. chin. coce. dule. ferr. graph. hep. hyose. ignat. kali. LYC. mnere. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N--VOM. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. strain. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Coff. nitr-ac. spir. nitr. dule. (vinuin.) XLIII. CREOSOTUM. Moral and intellectual faculties. Aeon. anac. BE LL. bry. chain. graph. lye. NATR-MUR. phosph. puls. rhus. suiph. Seat of the diseases. Alum. anac. ANT-CRUD. arg. ars. bar. BELL. boy. bry. CALO ear6-veg. caust. CHIN. hep. KALI. led. lye. MERC. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-vom. PAR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabad. SEP. SIL. SPIG. STAPH. SULPH. sulph-ac. veratr. verb, zinc. Morbid states and sensations. ACON. amn. asaf. BE LL. bry. cale. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. coce. ferr. hep. ignat. kali. lye. natr-mur. n-vomn. op. phos~ph. PULS. RHIUS. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. staph. suiph. thuj. zinc. Glands. Ars. JBELL. eon. hep. mere. phosph. sep. sil. SULPH. Bones. Ars. asaf. caic. lye. mere. mezer. NITR-AC. _phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. ruta. sil. staph. SULPH. Skin. Ant-crud. ARS. bell. cadc'. carb-an. CARB-YEG. caust. clebn. graph. 372 CREOSOTUM. CROCUS SATIVUS. hep. kali. LACH. LYC. MERC. oleand. petr. phosphli. puls. RIUS. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. Sleep and dreams. Ars. bry. cina. IGNAT. lye. mur-ac. n-vom. phosph. puls. RHUS. sassap. sep. sil. Pyrosis. Acon. ars. bry. calc. chin. hep. lye. merc. n-vom. phosph. puls. RHUS. sil. Time. Agar. ant-crud. chel. ignat. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. ran-bulb. staph. Exacerbations. Ars. bor. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-veg. chel. con. graph. ignat. kali. LYC. mere. n-mosch. N-VOMI. phosph. puls. RHUS. sep. sil. spig. stram. sulph. Concordances in general. Acon. anac. ant-crud. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. calc. carb-veg. caust. chin. con. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. LYC. mere. natr-mur. nitrac. N-VOM. par. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. Antidotes. N-vom. XLIV. CROCUS SATIVUS. Moral and intellectual faculties. Anac. aur BELL. carb-an. hyosc. lye. natr. oP. plat. stram. VERATR. zirTC. Seat of the diseases. Acon. bell. bry. CALC. caust. cham. chin. con. hep. hyosc. lye. mere. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. rhus. sep. spig. sulph. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Aeon. alum. ARN. asar. aur. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chin. cocc. ferr. graph. hyosc. ignat. kali. lyc. MERC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. sep. sil. spig. SULPH. Glands. Asaf. bar. cale. carb-veg. cham. chin. hep. kali. lye. mere. nitr-ac. petr. PULS. rhus. sep. SIL. spig. SULPH. Sleep and dreams. ANT-TART. ars. bry. con. cupr. ignat. lach. laur. mgs. n-mosch. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. sil. staph. veratr. CUPRUM. 373 Pyrosis. Bell. 6ry. hep. suiph. Time. Dros. ignat. kali. nitr. N-VOM. ph-ac. R]HUS. KillJ. ]Exacerbations. Alum. anac. arn. asar. bell. 6ry. CALC. cann. caps3. chain. chel. coce. graph. liep. ignat. JOD. lyc. mere. natr-mur. n-vom. phosph. PULS. rhus. ruta. SABIN. seneg. SEP. Sil. -Spig. sitaph. suiph. Concordances In general. Alum. ant-tart. arn. BELL. bry. CALC. chain. chin. coec. con. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. lye. merc. N-VOM. Op. pho-sph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. SAJBIN. SE P. 8i4. Spig. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Aeon. op. XLV. CUPRUM. Moral and intellectual faculties. Anac. ars. aur. ]BE LL. cic. HYOSC. lyc. natr-mur. n-vom. op. rhus STRAM. VERATR. Seat of the diseases. Aeon. ang. ARS. aur. BELL. bry. cainph. chain. CHIN. eCC. cina. coce. con. hep. liyosc. ignat. qjee. lye. merc. nitr-ac. N-YOM. Op. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. sec-corn. sep. sil. stann. strain. SULPH. VERATR. 4h Morbid states and sensations. Aeon. ars. bar. BELL. brv. CALc'. caust. CHAM. chin. cic. coce. con. HaYOSO. ignat. ipec. lach. lyc. mere. n-vom. op.. phosph. ph-ac. puls. SEC-CORN. sep. sil. stann. strain. SULPH. veratr. Glands. Ars. BELL. bry. carb-an. CON. mere. phosph. rhus. sep. sulph. Bones. Arg. ehin. sabin. staph. Skin. Amin-inur. ant-crnd. ars. bell. CALC. clem. duic. hep. led. magn. mere. phospli. puls. rhus. SEP. SIL. VERATR. Sleep and dreams. Ant-tart. croc. ignat. op. puls. 2K 374 CUPRUMi. CYCLAMEN EUROPAEUM. Pyrosis. AcON. bell. camnph. CARB-VEG. dig. guaj. hyosc. laur. merc. op. sil. stram. VERATR. Time. Chin. ferr. graph. Exacerbations. Ang. arm. ars. BELL. BRY. calc. carb-veg. caust. cham. colch. ignat. LYC. merc. N-VOM. phosph. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. spig. SULPH. veratr. Concordances in general. Acon. ARs. aur. BELL. bry. calc. carb-veg. cham. chin. cic. con.. HYosc. ignat. ipec. lyc. merc. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. sec-corn. SEP. sil. stram. SULPH. VERATR. Antidotes. Aur. bell. camph. chin. cocc. dulc. hep. ipec. merc. n-vom. saccharum. XLVI. CYCLAMEN EUROPIEUM. Moral and intellectual faculties. Anac. aur. bell. con. graph. hyosc. ignat. lyc. n-mosch. op. ph-ac. plat. puls. rhus. sep. stram. sulph. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Alum. anac. ars. bell. bry. CALC. caust. CHIN. con. hyosc. ignat. kali. LYC. merc. N-VOM. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. thuj. veratr. verb. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. anac. am. ars. bar. bell. calc. CARB-VEG. caust. cham. chel. chin. cocc. guaj. ignat. kali. lyc. natr-mur. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. puls. rhus. ruta. sabin. sep. STAPH. suiph. sulph-ac. tar. zinc. Glands. BELL. bry. calc. cocc. con. lye. sulph. Bones. Arg. phosph. Skin. Arn. ARS. asaf. bar. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. cocc. con. graph. hep. lach. lyc. M~ER. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sil. spong. staph. SULPI. thuj. viol-tr. CYCLAMEN EUROPdEUM. DIGITALIS PURPUREA 7 375 Sleep and dreams. Ars. caic. kali. n-vom. Pyrosis. Acon. ARS. BELL. euphorb. hell. ignat. n-mosch. n-vorn. phospli. PULS. rhus. sabad. SEP. -spg*SU* H Time. Ant-tart. bell. bry. caust. chain. lach. led. lye. mezer. phospli. puls. ratt-scel. stront. Exacerbations. Amm-mur. ars. asaf. aur. calc. CAPS. carb-veg. CON. dros. duilc. euphorb. euphr. FERR. LYC. Rigs. inagn-mllr. men. mur-ac. natr. ni tr-ac. phospli. ph-ac. plat. P ULS. R HUS. ruta. sabad. samib. SEP. suiph. TAR. valet'. verb. viol-tr. - Concordances in general, Acon. anac. arn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. -BELL. bry. caic. caps. carbveg. caust. chin. cocc. con. euphorb. ferr. ignat. kali. LYC. merc. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. tar. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. Antidotes. Campli. coir. puls. XLVII. DIGITALIS PURPUREA. Moral and intellectual faculties. Acon. ANAC. ars. aur. BELL. caic. graph. ignat. LYC. PULS. RIIUS. strain. suiph. Seat of the diseases. Aeon. ar8. BELL. bry. caic. canth. c/tam, c/tin. cic. clein. cocc. con. euphr. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. lye. MERO. natr-inur. n-voin. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. ruta. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig.. stanu. staph. SULPIT. thuj. veratr. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. amn. ars. aur. BELL. bry. caic. cantli. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. cocc. coich. con. cupr. ferr. hell. ignat. jod. kali. lach. lyc. Inerc. mezer. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. PHOSPH. iph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. rhus. seneg. SE P. spig. staun. staph. SULPH. veratr. Glands. Bry. con. puls.. 376 DIGITALIS PURPUREA. DRQSEA ROTUNDIFOLIA. Skin. Acon. ant-crud, amn. ars. aur. bar. BELL. BRY. caic. caust. cham. chel. CHIN. coce. graph. hell. lach. led. LYC. MERC. mezer. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. op. phospl. plat. PUbS. RHUS. scall. se3p. sil. spong. STAPH. SULPH. VERATR. Sleep and dreams. Ars. puls. Pyrosis. ACON. ars. BELL. BRY. chel. CHIN. hep. hyosc. natr-mur. nitr. ph-ac. sep. STRAM. suiph. veratr. Exacerbations. Acon. amm-mur. ANT-TART. arn. ars. bell. BRY. caic. cann. carban. carb-veg. caust. chai. chin. cic. cocc. colch. con. graph. hep. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. led. lyc. merc. natr. natr-mur. N-VOM. PHOSPH. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. sabin. samb. scill. sep. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. Zinc. Concordances in general. A.con. anac. ant-tart. am. ars. aur. BELL. BRY. caic. caust. cham. CHIN. cOCc. coich. con. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. lach. LYC. merc. natr-rur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. op. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. SEP. sil. spig. staph. strai. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Camph. n-vom. op. serpentaria.-Y-oc. chin. spir. nitr. dulc. XLVIII. DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. Moral and intellectual faculties. Bar. bell. caust. cic. lyc. puls. SULPH-AC. zinc. Seat of the diseases. Acon. alum. am. ars. BELL. 6ry. CALC. cantl. caps. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. con. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. ikali. led. lyc. MERC. natr. natr--mnzr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. par. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. sabad. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. strai. SULPH. veratr. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. alunz. arg. amn. asaf. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. chai. CHIN. Cic. COCC. con. IGNAT. ipec. kali. laur. led. lyc. mar. merc. inezer. iosch. iur-ac. natr. natr-iur. nitr-ac. n-vom. par. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ran-scel. rhus. RUTA. sabin. DROSEA ROTUNDIFOLIA. DULCAMARA. 377 - sassap. sep. sil. spig., spong. atann. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. veratr. zinc. Bones. Arg. bell. chin. cupr. merc. rhus. ruta. sabin. staph. sulph. Skin. Amrn. bar. bell. BRY. calc. caust. cycl. graph. hep. led. lyc. merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. oleand. petr. plat. PULS. ran-scel. rhus. sep. sil. spong. staph. SULPH. thuj. viol-tr. vit. zinc. Sleep and dreams. Calc. n-vom. sil. Pyrosis. ARS. cham. chin. n-vom. rhus. sulph. Time. Ignat. kali. nitr. n-vom. ph-ac. rhus. Exacerbations. Amm-mur. arg. ars. asaf. bry. cale. caps. carb-veg. cham. con. cycl. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. hep. jod. led. LYC. MigS. magn-mur. men. merc. mosch. natr. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph -ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. samb. SEP. sulph. tar. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. Concordances in general. Alum. arg. amrn. ars. bar. bell. bry. CALc. cauth. caps. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cic. cocc. con. cycl. graph. hep. ignat. kali. led. lyc. merc. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. par. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ran-scel. RHUs. ruta. SEP. sil. spong. staph. SULPH. sulphac. veratr. zinc. Antidotes. Camph. XLIX. DULCAMARA. Moral and intellectual faculties. Ars. bell. lach. lyc. plat. strain. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Ant-crud. amrn. ARS. bell. bry. calc. carb-veg. caust. chant. chin. graph. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. laur. lyc. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhus. sep. ail. spig. stann. staph. sulph. sulph-ac..veratr. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. anac. arn. ars asaf. BELL. bism. bry. CALC. carb-veg. 2K 2, 378 DULCAMARA. EUPHORBIUM. caust. chin. cina. cocc. con. graph. hell. hyosc. kali. laur. lye. mere. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. phosph. plat. PULS. rhodod. RIvs. ruta. selen. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Glands. Ars. BELL. bry. con. hep. lye. sil. SULPH. Bones. Cale. mere. puls. Skin. Acon. amm. ant-orud. ars. bell. bovy. bry. CALC. Caust. chin. con. graph. hep. kali. lack. led. LYC. magn. MERC. mezer. natr. nitr-ac. oleand. petr. phosph. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. sec-corn. SEP. sil. staph. SULPH. veratr. Sleep and dreams. Aur. sep. sil. sulph-ac. Pyrosis. Arn. bry. lye. sep. staph. Time. Ars. cann. dros. ferr. ignat. kali. magn. mang. mere. rhus. samb. thuj. Exacerbations. Amm. ars. AUR. bry. calc. camph. CAPS. caust. chamin. con. cycl. euphorb. ferr. graph. hep. kali. LYC. mosch. n-mosch. n-vom. phosph. plat. PULS. RHUS. SABAD. samb. sep. sil. stront. sulph. tar. veratr. verb. Concordances in general. Acon. ant-crud. arn. ARS. aur. BELL. bry. calc. caps. caust. cham. chin. con. ferr. graph. hep. kali. lach. LYC. mere. mezer. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. phosph. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabad. samb. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Camph. cupr. ipec. merc.-(Noc. bell. lach.) L. EUPHORBIUM. Moral and intellectual faculties. Cann. cocc. con. led. lye. puls. sep. sil. sulph-ac. thuj. Seat of the diseases. Acon. arn. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. CALC. caps. carb-veg. caust. EUPHORI3IUM. EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS 3 379 chin. cocc. coich. con. graph, hell. hep. ignat. kati. led. LYC. merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. PULS. rhodoci. RHus. ruta. sabin. SEP. sit. spig. spong. staph. stront. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. anac. amn. ars. asar. belt. bry. CALC. cantli. caps. carb-veg. caust. chin. coich. croc. ignat. kati. lach. LYC. merc. mezer. mur-ac. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. plat. puts. rhodod. rhus. sabad. sep. sil. stann. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. veratr. Glands. Bell. bry. caic. merc. phosph. suiph. Bones. Asaf. ph-ac. suiph. Skin. Ars. asaf. bry. caic. caust. LACH. LED. LYC. merc. mezer. oleand. PULS. sec-corn. SIL. spong. SULPH. Sleep and dreams. Cale. chin. ignat. lach. phosph. rhus. suiph. Pyrosis. ACON. ARS. BELL. bry. caic. chain. cyci. ignat. merc. n-vom. phosph. PULS. rhus. sabad. sep. spig. suiph. Time. Carb-veg. natr-mur. Exacerbations. Ambr. arg. ars. asaf. aur. bar. bell. bry. CAPS. carb-veg. chain. CON. cyct. dros. dutc. FERR. kali. LYC. Ings. magn-rnur. men. inosch. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad.sarnb. sep. sil. stront. sniph. tar. vater. veratr. verb. Concordances in general. Acon. ars. asaf. BE LL. 62-Y. CALC. caps. carb-veg. caust. chin. cocc. con. cyci. ferr. ignat. kali. tach. led. LYC. irnec. mezer. natrmur. n-vom. phosph. plat. PULS. rhodod. rhus. sabad. SEP. sit. spig. SULPH. suiph-ac. veratr. Antidotes. Camph. s uccus. citri. LI. EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS. Moral and intellectual faculties. Bell. iginat. phosph. puls. sep.1 sil. suiph. 380 EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS. FERRUM METALLICUM. Seat of the diseases. Aeon. BELL. CALC. cann. caust. chin. clem. CON. dig. HEP. hyosc. lyc. merc. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vor. phosiph. PULS. rhus. ruta. sep. SIL. spig. staph. strai. suiph. Morbid states and sensations. Agar. ars. BELL. CALC. caust. chai. chin. cocc. con. dros. graph. ignat. kali. lye. m-arct. mere. natr-inur. nitr-ac. n-vom. PHOSPH. puls. RHUS. sep. sit. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. Skin. Bry. ierc. ph-ac. staph. suiph. thuj. Sleep and dreams. Cale. con. GRAPH. natr. N-VOM. phosph. sep. sil. suiph. Time. Am. magn. natr. nitr-ac. Exacerbations. Ami-mur. ant-crud. asar. caic. caps. caust. cham. chin. CON. cyci. dros. euphorb. ferr. graph. hep. ignat. lye. mgs. men. natr. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabad. SEP. suiph. tar. valer. verb. Concordances in general. Acon. bell. CALC. caust. chai. chin. CON. dros. graph. hep. ignat. lyc. men. ierc. natr. natr-iur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabad. SEP. sit. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. Antidotes. Camph. LII. FERRUM METALLICUM. Moral and intellectual. faculties. Acon. aur. coff. n-vom. plat. zinc. Seat of the diseases. Aeon. ant-crud. am. ARS. bell. bry. eale. canth. caps. carb-veg. chain. CHIN. cina. graph. hep. hyose. IGNAT. ipec. kali. LYC. MERC. natr-mur. nitr-ae. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. sabad. SEP. Sil. spig. stann. strai. SULPH. veratr. Morbid states and sensations. Aeon. anbr. arn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. chaam. CHIN. coce. con. cupr. graph. hyose. ignat. jod. ipec. Icali. LYC. mere. natr-iur. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. FERRUM METALLICUM. GRAPHITES. 381 phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sabin. sec-corn. SEP. il. spig. stann. SULPH. veratr. Glands. Bell. bry. lyc. Bones. Asaf. CALC. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. phosph. puls. SIL. sulph. Skin. Ars. bell. bry. CALC. chin. LYC. merc. natr-mur. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. sep. spig. SULPH. veratr. Sleep and dreams. Ars. bell. chin. sil. sulph. Pyrosis. ACON. ars. bell. bry. calc. CHIN. hyosc. jod. LYC. phosph. puls. sep. sulph. veratr. Time. Ars. dros. kali. magn. merc. rhus. thuj. Exacerbations. Acon. amm-mur. arn. ars. aur. bar. bell. bry. calc. CAPS carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cina. cocc. CON. cycl. dulc. EUPHORB. euphr. ignat. kali. lach. led. LYC. mgs. magn-mur. mar. men. natr. natrmur. n-vonm. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. SABAD. samb. selen. sep. sil. spig. sulph. TAR. valer. veratr. Concordances in general. Acon. arn. ARS. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. caps. carb-veg. cham. CHIN. con. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. LYC. merc. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. sabad. SEP. SIL. spig. SULPH. tar. veratr. Antidotes. Ars. chin. ipec. puls. veratr. thea. LIII. GRAPHITES. Moral and intellectual faculties. Bell. cham. IGNAT. lyc. natr-mur. n-vom. PULS. rhus. sep. stramen sulph. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Acon. alum. arn. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. canth. 382 GRAPHITES. carb-veg. CAUST. chamn. chin, con. hep. ignat. kali. LYC. MERC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. Op. PETR. pJhosph. plat. plumb. PULS. rkus. sabad. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. STAPH. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Mlorbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. amm. amm-mur. arn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. coloc. con. ferr. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. LYC. men. merc. mdzer. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phospk. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Glands. Bell. BRY. carb-an. coN. lyc. merc. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. spong. SULPH. Bones. Con. merc. nitr-ac. puls. sulph. Skin. Ant-crud. arn. ars. bar. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. cham. chin. cic. clem. con. dulc. hep. kali. lach. LYC. ierc. natr-mur. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. sabad. scill. SEP. sil. spong. staph. SULPH. viol-tr. Sleep and dreams. Ars. bell. bry. CALC. caust. chin. con. hep. ignat. kali. lach. lye. mere. natr. N-VOM. op. PHOSPH. puls. SEP. sil. sulph. Pyrosis. Acon. ant-crud. amrn. ars. bar. bell. bry. calc. chin. hep. kali. LYC. mere. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. puls. rhUS. SEP. sil. staph. SULPH. thuj. Time. Cham. mang. stront. Exacerbations. Acon. amm. amm-mur. arn. ars. aur. bell. bor. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. chel. chin. cina. cocc. coff. coN. creos. croc. dig. dulc. euphr. hell. HEP. hyose. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. led. LYC. magn-mur. mere. natr. NATR-MUR. N-VOM. oleand. PIJOSPH. ph-ac. puls. rhodod. RHus. ruta. sabad. sassap. scill. SEP. SIL. SPIG. staph. SULPH. veratr. Vit. Concordances in general. Acon. amrn. ars. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chanm. chin. cocc. con. hep. ignat. kali. LYC. MERC. natr-mur. nitr GUAJACUM OFFICINALE. 383 ac. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. PULS. RHUS. sabad. SEP. sit. spig. staph. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Antidotes. Ar~s. n-vom. vinum. LIV. GUAJACUM OFFICINALE. Moral and intellectual faculties. Anac. bell. hyosc. lyc. natr-mur. ph-ac. plat. stram. veratr.Sleep and dreams. Acon. arn. ars. bell. Caic. carb-veg. CAUST. Chin. cocc. eon. ddle. giraph. hep. kali. LYC. MERO. natr. natr-mur. N-VOM. phospli. PH-AC. PULS. rhu8.s. EP. 8s. spig. Stalin. STAPH. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Aeon. alum. anac. ars. bar. bell. bry. CALC. caps. caust. chain. chin. cocc. graph. ignat. kali. lyc. mere. natr. natr-mur. N-VOM. pet~r. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. -spig. spong. stann. sulph. thuj. veratr. Bones. Asaf. eale. lye. mere. mezer. ph-ac. sil. staph. sulph. Skin. Asaf. bry. cale. caust. pul~s. rhus. Sleep and dreams. Ar~s. bell. bry. CALC. carb.veg. chin. GRAPH. hep. ignat. lack.!ye. mere. il-vom. phosph. puts. rhus. sep. sit. Spig. SULPH. Pyrosis. Aeon, carb-veg. chin. cupr. laur. sep. sil. VERATR. Time. Carb-veg. hep. laur. mang. natr. natr-mur. n-mosch. sep. sil. -taph. suiph. valer. Exacerbations. Agar. amm. am., asaf. bry. Caic. camph. carb-an. carb-veg. chain.,hel. chin. coec. coff. eon. creos. hep. ignat. ipec. lack. lye. mar. acre. natr-mur. n-rnosch. n-vomn. oleand. phosph. puls. ran-bulb.,hus. ruta. selen. sep. SIL. spig. staph. strain. sulph. thuj. valer. 'erb. zinc. Concordances in general. Aeon. anac. ars. asaf. bell. br-y..CALO. CARBVEG. caust. CHIN. 384 HELLEBORUS NIGER. cocc. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. n-mosch. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. Thus. ruta. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. stram. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. LV. HELLEBORUS NIGER. Moral and intellectual faculties. Acon. anac. ars. bar. BELL. bov. bry. caust. cham. cic. cocc. con. cycl. graph. hyosc. ignat. laur. LYC. men. mere. natr-mur. n-mosch. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sep. sil. spig. staph. stram. sulph. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Acon. ant-crud. arn. ARS. BELL. BRY. calc. canth. caps. carbveg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. colch. cupr. dros. dulc. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. led. LYC. magn-mur. mere. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. spig. staph. stram. SULPH. sulph-ac. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Alum. ant-crud. arn. ars. asaf. bar. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. canth. caust. CHIN. cocc. colch. coN. dig. dros. dulc. graph. ignat. ipec. KALI. laur. lyc. m-arct. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. phosph. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-scel. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. veratr. zinc. Glands. Bell. calc. merc. puls. sep. Bones. Bell. mere. phosph. puls. sulph. Skin. Ant-crud. arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. caust. chin. cocc. con. dulc. graph. kali. lach. LYC. mere. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. PULS. RHUS. samb. scill. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. veratr. Pyrosis. ARs. BELL. bry. calc. camph. cham. mere. n-mosch. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. sabad. samb. sep. SPIG. veratr. Time. Bell. bry. caps. caust. lyc. magn. mezer. sulph-ac. Exacerbations. Acon. ant-crud. arn. ars. asar. aur. BELL. BRY. calc. CAMPH. HELLEBORUS NIGER. HEPAR. SULPHURIS. CALCAREUM. 385 caun. carb-veg. caust. chel. chin. cocc. coff. coich. con. croc. duic. gr-aph. REP. ipec. kali. led. lyc. magn. magn-mur. merc. mosch. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-YOM. petr. PHOSPH. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. sabad. sabin. scull. SEP. sil. spig. spong. staph. stront. suiph. vit. Concordances in general. Acon. ant-crud. amn. ars. BELL. BRY. calc. campl. caust. cham. chin. cocc. coich. con. duic. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. Ikali. led. LYC. iflagn. magn-mnur. MERC. natr-rnur. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sabin. SEP. sil. Spig. spong. staph. strain. SULPH. suiph-ac. veratr. zinc. Antidotes. Camph. chin. LVI. HEPAR. SULPHURIS. CALCAREUM. Mtoral and intellectual faculties. Aur. bell. caic. caust. con. lyc. natr-mur. phosph. puls. sil. SULPH. Seat of the diseases. Acon. alum. ant-crud. am'. ARS. bar. BELL. bry. CALO. camph. cann. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chin. clem. colch. con. cupr. dig. euphr. graph. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. laur. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-rur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. _ph-a.C. plumb. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. selen. SEP. SIL. spig. Spon1g. staph. stram. SULPI. thuj. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. arn. ars. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. cauth. CAUST. chin. cocc. graph. ignat. kali. lyc. MERC. nati. natr-mur. N-VOM. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. ruta. SEP. SIL, spig. spong. staun. stront. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Glands. Aei's. BELL. con. dulc. lyc. merc. PHOSPH. SIL. SULPH. Bones. ASAF. calc. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. ph-ac. PULS. sep. SIL. staph. sulph. Skin. Acon. alum. ant-crud. am. ARS. asaf. bar. bell. bor. 61y. CALC. carb-veg. cau-st. chai. chin. clem. con. dulc. GRAPH. lach. LYC. MERC. mezer. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-von. petr. phosph. PULS. ranbulb. RHUS. scull. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. 2L 386 HEPAR. SIJLPHURIS. CALCAREUM. HYOSCYAMUS NIGER. Sleep and dreams. Aeon. ARS. BELL. BRY. CALC. chain. chin, con. graph. ignat. kali. lyc. MERO. fl-VOm. Op. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. SEP. sil. SULPH. Pyrosis. ACON. amn. ars. BELL. BRY. caic. carb-veg. CHAM. CHIN. coich. creos. graph. ignat. ipec. kali. lyc. mere. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-YOM. op. phosph. lph-ac. puls. RHUS. samb. sec-corn. sep. SIL, spig. SULPH4. thuj. veratr. Time. Acon. amn. guaj. mang. natr. nitr-ac. rhus. sep. sil. Exacerbations. Aeon. amm. ant-crud, amn. ars. asar. aur. bar. BELL. BRY. calad. CALC. campli. caun. caps. earb-veg. CAUST. chain. chin. cic. coce. coich. con. croc. duic. graph. hyosc. ignat. jod. IPEc. kali. lach. LYC. MEiRC. -natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-moseh. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. samb. sassap. sdill. selen. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. staph. stront. SULPH. thuj. veratr. Concordances in general. Aecon. amn. ars. asaf. BELL. liry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. con. graph. ignat. ipec. kali. lye. MERC. natr-mur. rntr-ac. n-voin. PIIOSPH. ph-ac. PIJLS. rhUS. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. thuj. veratr. Antidotes. Acetura veget. bell. chain. sil. LVII. HYOSCYAMUS NIGER. MIoral and intellectual faculties. Acon. anac. ars. aur. BELL. cic. colT. cupr. hell. ignat. lach. LYC. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. puls. rhus. sep. STRAM. suiph. VERATR. Seat of the diseases'. Aeon. ars. BELL. bry. cale. camph. canth. caust. chain. chin. cocc. con. cupr. dig. duic. ferr. hep. ignat. ipec. kali. lye. mere. natr-inur. rntr-ac. N-VOM. Op. PH-OSPH. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabin.* sec-corn. sep. -sil. spig. spong. STRAM. STJLPH. veratr. Miorbid states and sensations,. Aecon. ars. BELL. 6ry. cabe. cainph. caust. CHAM. chin. cic. coce. con. cupr. duic. ferr. ignat. 2pec. lye. mnere. nitr-ac. -n-mosch. n-vo~n. op'. phosph. plat. -plumb. PULS. rhuts. sec-corn. sep, sil. STRAM. sulph. veratr. HYOSCYAMUS NIGER. IGNATIA. 387 Glands. BELL. bry. carb-an. con. hep. lye. mere. phosph. sil. sulph. Skin. ARs. bell. bry. lye. mere. phosph. rhus. sec-corn. sulph. Sleep and dreams. BELL. ignat. merc. n-vom. op. puls. Pyrosis. ACON. arn. BELL. BRY. calc. chin. dig. ferr. natr-mur. phosph. puls. rhus. sil. stram. sulph. Time. Amm. bell. bry. caps. caust. colch. hell. lyc. mezer. sulph-ac. Exacerbations. Acon. amm. ars. aur. BELL. BRY. calc. caps. caust. CHAM. cocc. coff. colch. con. dulc. graph. hep. IGNAT. ipec. kali. LYC. mere. n-mosch. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sabin. samb. SEP. sil. staph. stront. sulph. veratr. Concordances in general. Acon. ars. BELL. BRY. calc. caust. cham. chin. cocc. con. cupr. hep. ignat. ipec. LYc. merc. natr-mur. n-vonm. op. phosph. plat. PULS. rhus. sec-corn. sep. sil. STRAM. sulph. veratr. Antidotes. Bell. camph, chin. strain. LVIII. TGNATIA. Moral and intellectual faculties. Acon. aur. cham. cocc. con. graph. LYC. natr-mur. op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. Seat of the diseases. Acon. alum. ant-crud. arn. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. chamn. CHIN. cina. cocc. con. ferr. graph. hep. hyose. ipec. kali. lye. mar. merc. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. sabad. sabin. scill. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. SULPH. thuj. VERATR. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. ambr. ang. arn. ars. asaf. BELL. BRY. CALC. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chel. chin. cic. cocc. con. croc. dros. graph. hyosc. ipec. KALI. laur. LYC, MERC. imosch. mur-ac. natr. 388 IGNATIA. JODIUM. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-billb. wHUS. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. stram. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Glands. Bell. con. merc. puls. rhus. sep. SPONG. suiph. Bones. Ph-ac. rhus. ruta. Skin. Amrn. bell. BRY. calc. caust. hep. lyc. merc. mezer. n-vom. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sil. staph. SULPH. Sleep and dreams. Bell. nBRY. calc. chin. con. graph. hep. lyc. merc. natr. N-VOM. phosph. PULS. RHUS. sep. Sil. silph. Pyrosis. ACON. arn. ARS. BELL. BRY. calc. caps. cham. chin. hep. lyc. inerc. N-VOM. phosph. PULS. RHUIJS. SEP. sil. spig. sulph. veratr. Time. Ant-crud. amrn. ars. calc. kali. lyc. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. puls. rhodod. rhus. staph. thuj. Exacerbations. Acon. arn. ars. bell. BRY. CALC. caust. cham. chel. chin. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. graph. hep. hyosc. kali. lach. LYC. merc. natr. natr-mur. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. selen. SEP. sil. spig. STAPH. SULPH. Concordances, in general. Acon. amrn. ars. BELL. BRY. CALC. caust. cham. chin. cocc. con. graph. hep. cali. LYC. merc. natr-mur. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Amrn. camph. cham. cocc. coff. n-vom.puls.-(Noc. coff. tabacum.) LIX. JODIUM. Moral and intellectual faculties. Acon. aur. bell. carb-an. ferr. graph. ignat. lyc. natr. natr-mur. phosph. plat. puls. rhus. sulph. zinc. Seat of the diseases. Acon. ant-tart. arn. ars. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. cham. ODIUM% 389 CHIN. cina. dros. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. lach. laur. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. liitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spongy stann. staph. SULPH. VERATR. zinc. Mlorbid states and sensations. Ambr. anac. ars. asaf. asar. BELL. bry. CALC. caust. cham. chin. cocc. con. cupr. ferr. graph. ignat. kali. LYC. mar. merc. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. sec-corn. selen. sep. STANN. stram. SULPH. veratr. Glands. Arn. bell. chin. n-vom. puts. rhus. Bones. Asaf. bell. cale. lyc. MERC. nitr-ac. sep. sil. sulph. Skin. Acon. amm. arnm. ARS. bell. BRY. calc. chin. con. kali. LYC. mere. nitr-ac. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. sil. SULPH. Sleep and dreams. Ars. aur. kali. magn. natr. n-vom. phosph. sep. sil. thuj. Pyrosis. ACON. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb-veg. cham. ferr. hep. kali. LYC. MERC. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. sep. sil. stann. sulph. veratr. Time. Acon. arn. ARS. cham. colch. dulc.ferr. hep. ignat. kali. magn. magn-mur. mang. merc. nitr. nitr-ac. plumb. rhus. samb. sil. stront. thuj. Exacerbations. Ambr. asar. bar. bell. bor. bry. calad. CALC. cann. carb-veg. chel. chin. colch. croc. dros. ferr. graph. hep. lach. led. LYC. IngS. m-arct. mere. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. ranbulb. sabad. scill. selen. SEP. sil. SPIG. STAPH. sulph. veratr. Concordances in general. Aeon. arn. ARS. 8asar. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-veg. cham. chin. colch. ferr. graph. hep. ignat. kali. LYC. magn. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. selen. SEP. sil. spig. stann. taph. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Ars. BELL. camph. chin. COff. HEP. phosph. sulph. 2L2 390 ~9O IPECACUANHA* LX. IPECACUANHA. M~oral and intellectual faculties. Aeon. bell, chain, con. ignat. lyc. natr-mur. p)ho~sph. ph-ac-. rus. sep. sil. suiph. Seat of the diseases. Acon, ant-crud, amn. ars. BELL. 62-Y. caic. canth. caps. carbveg. chain. CHIN'. COCC. con. cupr. dros. duic. ferr. hep. hyose. ignat. kali. lyc. )merc. natr-inur. N-VOM. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. rhus. sabad. sabin. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. strain. STJLPH. veratr. M~orbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. aug. amn. ars. BELL. bry. CALC. eamph. cann. eanth. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chin. cic. cocc. con. eupr. dros. ferr. hell. Hyosc. IGNAT. kali. lach. LYC. mnerc. MOSCH. natr-inur. nitr-ac, n-inosch. N-VOM. Op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. rhodod. rhus. -see-corn. SEP. sil. stann. staph. dtramn. SULPH. VERATR. Zinc. Bones. Rep. puls. Skin. A con. ars. bell. BIRY. caic. carb-veg. caust. chin. lach. led. lye. inerc. inezer. oleand. ph-ac. PULS. rhia. sil. spong. sui~ph. veratr. Sleep and dreams. Calc. suiph. Pyrosis. AcoN. ARS. bell. bry. caic. carb-veg. caust. c/tam, chin. cocc. graph. hep. ignat. lye. mnere. nitr-ac. N-VOM. _phosph. PULS. rhus. sabad. SEP. Sil. SULPH. thuj. YERATR. vit. Time. Ant-crud. amn. ars. caic. ignat. rhodod. Exacerbations. Aecon. ant-crud. arn. ars. asar. BELL. BRY. calad. CALC. cann. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. chin. coce. coff. colek. croc. dig. graph. HREP. ignat. led. lye. mnere. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-YOM. PHOSPHR. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. sabad. sassap. scill. selen. SEP. Sil. spig. spong. staph. SULPH. veratr. Concordances in greneral..dcon. ari. ars. BELL. BRY. cale. carb-veg. caust. c/tam. chin. IPECACUANHA. KAI CARBONICUM. 391 cocc. cupr. liep. hyose. ignat. LY C. mere. natr-mur. N-VOM. PHOSPH. plat. PULS.?'hus. Sec-Corn. SEP. Si1. SULPH. veratr. A-ntidotes. Amn. ars. chin. n-vom. tabacum. LXI. KALI CARBONICUM. Moral and intellectual faculties. Acon. anac. bell. caic. chain. graph. ignat. lye. natr-mur. n-vom. op. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. sil. s9trum. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Acon. alum. anim. anac. ant-crud. urn. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bor. 6ry. CALC. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chin. cocc. con. creos. dros. duic. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. LYC. magn. maga-mur. MERC. natr. nutr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHaospE. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. sabad. sabin. SEP. sit. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. amn. ars. asaf. BELL. 6ry. CALO. cantli. carb-an, carb-veg. cuust. chain. chin. cocc. con. ferr. graph.. hep. ignut. LYC. MERC. inezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. rhus. sabin. SEP. sit. spig. spong. stann. stuph. stront. SULPH. tar. thuj. veratr. zinc. Glands. Bell. bry. con. lyc. phosph. pius. sil. spong. suiph. Bones. Bell. chin. inerc. Skin. Aeon. amn. ARS. BELL. 62rY. cute. caust. chin. con. duic. graph. hep. lach. LY'C. MERC. nitr-ac. PHOSPHE. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. scill. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. Sleep and dreams. ARS. caic. coff. hep. natr. N-YOM. sep. sit. Pyrosis. ACON, urn. ars. BELL. DRY. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. ferr. graph. hep. ignat. LYC. merc. natr-rnutr. nitr-ac. N-YOM. op. PIJOSPH. _ph-ac. puts. zusus. samb. SEP. sil. -stann. staph. strain. SULPI-. thuj. veratr. Time. Ars. dros. ignat. rhus. 392 KALI CARBONICUIM. LACHESIS. Exacerbations. Acon. ambr. amm. anac. arn. ars. aur. bar. bell. BRY. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. con. dulc. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. LYC. mere. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. rhus. sabad. selen. seneg. SEP. siL. spig. stront. SULPH. Concordances in general. Acon. anac. amrn. ARS. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chanm. chin. cocc. con. ferr. graph.. hep. ignat. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. Op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sIL. spig. stann. strain. stront. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Antidotes. Camph. coff. spir-nitr-dulc. LXII. LACHESIS. M1oral and intellectual faculties. Acon. bell. coff. HYOSC. LYC. natr-mur. n-voin. op. PHOSPH. plat. STRAM. VERATR. Seat of the diseases. Acon. ant-crud. ars. barr. BELL. bor. bry. cALc. canth. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chin. con. creos. graph. hep. kyosc. ignat. kali. LYC. MERC. mezer. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. sabad. selen. SEP. Sil. spig. spOng. STAPH. stram. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. amm. ARN. ars. bar. BELL. bry. calc. canth. caust. cham. CHIN-. cocc. cupr. dig. ferr. graph. hyosc. ignat. ipec. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. Op. phosph. ph-ac. plunmb. PULS. selen. sep. sil. spig. stram. SULPH. veratr. Glands. Bell. carb-an. hep. merc. sil. sulph. Bones. Bell. calc. caust. chin. dros. lyc. merc. phosph. ph-ac. puls. ruta. staph. Skin. Acon. ant-crud. amrn. ARS. asaf. BELL. bry. calce, carb-an. carbveg. caust. cham. con. creos. euphorb. graph. hep. kali. led. LYC. merc. mezer. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. se-corn1. selen. SIL. staph. SULPH. veratr. LACHESIS. LAUROCERASUS. 393 Sleep and dreams. Aecon. BRY. calc. CHIN. graph. hep. ignat. lye. n-vom. op. PHOSPH. rhus. selen. sil. SULPH. Pyrosis. Acon. ARS. bell. BRY. calc. caps. hell. lye. mere. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. samb. scill. sep. spig. sulph.. Time. Ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. bell. bry. caps. caust. lye. mezer. phosph. puls. rhus. sabad. staph. stront. Exacerbations. Agar. ambr. ant-crud. arn. ars. bar. BELL. CHAM. chel. chin. cina. cocc. coff. con. dule. ferr. graph. hep. IGNAT. jod. led. LYC. mgs. mere. natr. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. selen. sep. sil. spig. staph. strami. sulph. tar. valer. veratr. verb. zinc. Concordances in general. Acon. ant-crud. am. ars. bar. BELL. bry. calc. canth. carb-an. cham. chin. cocc. con. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. LYC. merc. mezer. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabad. selen. sep. sil. spig. staph. strain. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Ars. bell. mere. n-vom. ph-ac.-Acida, cerevisia, vinum-(Noc. amm. dulc. nitr-ac. psoricum.) LXIII. LAUROCERASUS. Moral and intellectual faculties. Acon. BELL. bry. calc. cann. cham. CON. hyose. ignat. lyc. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. op. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PULS. t'hus. sep. sil. STRAM. sulph. VERATR. Seat of the'diseases. Alum. ambr, arn. asaf. BELL. bry. calc. CANTH. carb-veg. caust. cham. CHIN. cocC. dros. dulc. graph. hep. HYOSC. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lyc. mere. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-vOM. op. PHOSPH. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. sep. sil. stann. staph. stram. sulph. veratr. ZINC. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. arn. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. caps. carbveg. caust. chel. chin. cocc. con. dros. dulc. hell. hyosc. ignat. kali. lye. mere. mosch. natr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-voem. oleand. op. par. 394 LAUROCERASUS. LEDUM PALUSTRE. _pho-sph. ph-ac. PlUMb. PUlsV. RHUS. sabad. sassap. 8ep. sil. spig. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Glands. Bell. pho-sph. spong. Skin. Bell. bry. con. phospli. pius. rhus. sep. SULPH. Sleep and dreams. Ant-tart. ars. croc. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. sil. Pyrosis. ACON. ars. BELL. bry. calc. cantli. carb-veg. chamn. cupr. guaj. lyc. MERC. n-vom. PHOSPH. sep. strain. suiph. suiph-ac. VERATR. Time. Ant-crud. bell. coloc. ignat. lyc. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. puls. ran-bulb. sil. thuj. valer. zinc. Exacerbations. Bar. bell. bry. caic. carb-veg. caust. chel. con. croc. ferr. ignat. jod. lacli. lyc.- merc. -natr. N-v0m. PHOSPH. puls. rhus. sabad. sep. spig. staph. stront. suiph. veratr. Concordances in general. Aron. alum. arn. ars. BELL. BRY. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. con. hyo-sc. ignat. kali. LYC. mere. n 'atr. natr-inur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. RHUS. sabad. SEP. sil. staph. 8dram. SULPH. VERATR. Zinc. Antidotes. Cainpli. coff. ipec. op. LXIV. LEDIJM PALUSTRE. Moral and intellectual faculties. Chain. cocc. ignat. lyc. merc. Seat of the diseases. Acon. ambr. amn. ars. bell. boy. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chin, con. creos. croc. dros. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. LY C. merc. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabin. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. staph. strain. stront. SULPII. suiph-ac. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. ant-crud. amn. arS. BELL. BRY. CALC. caps. chin. colch. LEDUM PALUSTRE. LYCOPODIJM. 395 dros. ignat. kali. lyc. m-arct. mar. MERC. nitr-ac. N-VON. petr. pkosph. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. SEP. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Glands. Bry. phosph. suiph. Bones. Asaf. cocc. hep. ignat. ipec. merc. ph-ac. puls. ruta. sil. veratr. Skin. Acon. amm-mur. ant-crud. arm. ars. bar. bell. BEY. CALC. caust. dulc. euphorb. graph. hep. ipec. lack. LYC. magn. MERC. mezer. oleand. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. SCill. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spong. 8taph. SULPH. veratr. Sleep and dreams. Ars. BELL. bry. caic. con. graph. hep. ignat. n-mosch. n-vom. op. phosph. puls. Pyrosis. ACON. ars. caic. chin. jod. zipec. LYC. m-arct. mer. mur-ac. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. phosph. puts. rhus. sabad. samb. SEP. sil. spig. suiph. veratr. Time. Ant-tart. bell. bry. caust. chain. lach. lyc. mang. mezer. phosph. puts. ran-scel. rhus. sabad. stront. Exacerbations. ARN. ars. bar. BELL. BRY. calad. cann. caps. caust. chai. chel. chin. cocc. coff. colch. con. di'os. ferr. graph. hell. hep. ignat. jod. kali. lyc. MERC. natr-ru'r. N-YOM. phosph. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. selen. sep. sit. SPIG. staph. stront. suiph. veratr. Concordances in general. Acon. am. ars. BELL. BRY. CALO. caust. chai. chin. con. graph. hep. ignat. ipec. kali. LYC. MERO. n-vein. petr. phosph. PULS. RHUS. ruta. SEP. Sil. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Camph.-(Nec. chin.) LXV. LYCOPODIUM. 1MIoral and intellectual faculties. Acon. ANAC. ars. AUR'. bar. BELL. caic. caust. chai. cic. cocc. graph. hell. HYOSO. IGNAT. natr. nat-mur. n-vor. op. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. STRAM. suiph. VERATR. 396' LYCOPODIUM. Seat of the diseases. Acon. alum. arn. ARS. aur. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. cham. CHIN. clem. cocc. con. cupr. dulc. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabad. sec-corn. selen. SEP. SIL. spig. stann. staph. stram. SULPH. thuj. veratr. vit. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. anac. arn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chel. CHIN. cocc. con. cupr. ferr. graph. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. m-austr. mere. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. stram. SULPH. Zinc. Glands. Arn. BELL. bry. calc. carb-an. con. hep. MERC. nitr-ac. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. sil. spong. sulph. Bones. ASAF. bell. CALC. hep. MERC. mezer. NITR-AC. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. Skin. Acon. anac. ant-crud. arm. ARS. bell. BRY. CALC. car6-veg. caust. chin. cocc. con. dulc. GRAPH. hep. kali. lach. led. merc. nitr-ac. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. vit. Sleep and dreams. Arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb-an. chin. cic. graph. hep. IGNAT. kali. mar. merc. mur-ac. N-voM. PHOSPH. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. selen. sep. sil. SULPH. Pyrosis. ACON. ars. aur. BRY. CALC. chin.ferr. graph. jod. kali. merc. natr-mur. n-vom. op. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. sep. spig. sulph. veratr. Time. Alum. ant-crud. BELL. canth. ignat. nitr. nitr-ac. PULS. ranbulb. sil. staph. thuj. valer. Exacerbations; Acon. amm. am. ars. aur. bell. bor. BRY. CALC. caps. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. colch. CON. dros. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. hep. ignat. jod. kali. mere. natr. natr-mur. N-VOM. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. samb. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. LYCOPODIUM. MAGNES. 397 Concordances in general. Acon. arn. ars. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. con. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. MERC. natrmur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. stram. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Acon. camph. cham. puls. LXVI. MAGNES. Moral and intellectual faculties. Carb-an. n-vom. ran-scel. sep. spig. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Ambr. ant-crud. arn. ars. bell. bry. CALC. canth. carb-an. CARBVEG. caust. cham. CHIN. creos. dulc. GRAPH. hell. IGNAT. kali. lach. led. LYC. m-arct. m-austr. mar. merc. natr. natr-mur. NITR-AC. N-VOM. par. petr. PHOSPH. plumb. PULS. rhus. sabin. scill. SEP. SIL. SPIG. STAPH. stram. SULPH. thuj. VERATR. Zinc. Morbid states and sensations.Acon. alum. anac. ARN. ars. asaf. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. cawst. cham. chin. cocc. croc. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. kali. lyc. m-arct. m-austr. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SEP. sil. SPIG. stann. staph. stram. SULPH. sulph-ac. veratr. zinc. Bones. Mere. phosph. sulph. Skin. Bry. con. lyc. mere. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. SIL. SULPH. sulph-ac. Sleep and dreams. Bry. calc. coN. graph. ignat. natr. N-VOM. op. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PULS. sep. sil. sulph. Time. Ambr. amm-mur. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. calc. croc. euphr. nitr. nitr-ac. PHOSPH. rhodod. rhus. sep. Exacerbations. Acon. ambr. arg. aur. bor. bry. calc. caps. cham. coloc. CON. cycl. dros. dulc. EUPHORB. euphr. FERR. ignat. jod. kali. LYC. mi-arct. m-austr, magn-mur. men. mosch. n-vom,. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHODOD. RHUS. sabad. samb. SEP. spig. sulph. tar. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. 2M 398 398 MAGNES. MAGNES ARCTICUS., Concordances in greneral. Acon. ambr. amn. 6ry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. dhin, con. ferr. graph. ignat. kali. LYC. m-arct. in-austin. mere. natr. natr-mur. nitin-ac. N-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. RH US. SEP. -Sil..SPIG. staph. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Ignat. electr. galvan. LXVII. MAGNES ARCTICUS. Moral and intellectual faculties. Calad. ignat. lye. mgs. puts. suiph. Seat of the diseases. Arn. aur. bell. bry. caic. canth. carb-veg. caust, CHAM. chin. coce. GRAPH., ignat. kali. lye. MGS. m-austr. mere. natr. mitr-ac, N-VOM. PHOSPH. plat. plumb. PULS. rhus. sep. Sit. STAPH. suiph. thuj. VERATR. ZinC. Morbid states and sensations. Aeon. alum. amn. asaf. bar. BELL. caic. cann. caust. chin. coec. con. croc. graph. ignat. Icali. lye. MGS. m-austr. merc. natr. natrmum. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-YOM. oleand. par. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. -staun. staph. SIJLPH9 tam. thuj. veratr. Glands. Bell. caic. con. mere. phosph. spong. suiph, Bones. Chin, mere. PH-AC. puls. rhodod. ruta. Skin. Arn bar. bry. cale. caust. ignat. lye. plat. puts. ran-scel. Ahu. SEP. sit. spig. spong. SULPH. Sleep and dreams. Ant-tart. ars. 6ry. caic. caust. con. croc. htep. ignat. kali. lye. n-on.o.phosph puts.?'hus. sep. sil.-suipli. Pyrosis. ACON. amn. bry. cate. coce. hep. ipee. LYC. mur-ac. nitr. n-vom.phosph. puls. rhus. sabad. sep. SPIG. suiph. VERATR., Time. Nitr. phosph. MAGNES ARCTICUS. MAGNES ATUSTRALIS. 399 Exacerbations. Acon. ambr. amm. bor. calc. ferr. jod. kali. LYC. MGS. m-austr. merc. n-vom. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. sil. SPIG. sulph. veratr. Concordances in general. Acon. amrn. bell, bry. CALC. caust. cham. chin. cocc. con. graph. hep. ignat. kali. LYC. MGS. m-austr. mere. natr. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. piat. PULS. RHUS. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. staph. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. JIgnat. m-austr. galvan. LXVIII. MAGNES AUSTRALIS. Moral and intellectual facnlties. Acon. aur. cham. lye. merc. n-vom. phosph. puls. sep. sulph. Seat of the diseases. Ars. bell. calc. CANTH. chin. croc. hyosc. ignat. lye. mgs. m-arct. natr-mur. N-VOM. phosph. puls. rhus. sabin. sec-corn. sep. STAPH. sulph. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. ambr. arn. ars. asaf. bell. bry. CALC. carb-an. carbveg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. colch. ferr. graph. hyosc. ignat. kali. LYC. MGS. m-arcet. mere. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. SULPH. thuj. vit. zinc. Glands. Bell. puls. rhus. spong. Skin. Amrn. caust. GRAPH. mg8. m-arct. mere. puls. rhus. sil. SULPH. Sleep and dreams. Hep. ignat. rhus. sep. Pyrosis. Ars. caust. mere. n-mosch. n-vom. plat. puls. RHUS. sabad. samb. veratr. Time. Nitr. phosph. Exacerbations. Ambr. amrn. bell. BRY. carb-an. cham. kali. mgs. m-aret. mere. natr-imur. n-vom. PHOSPH. pus. vit. 400 MAGNES AUSTRALIS. MAGNESIA. Concordances in general. Acon. am. ars. bell. bry. caic. canth. caust. cham. chin, graph. ignat. lyc. mgs. m-arct. merc. natr. natr-iur. N-VOM. PHOSPH. PULS. RHUS. sep. sil. staph. SULPH. Vit. Zinc. Antidotes. Ignat. m-arct. zinc. galvan. LXIX. MAGNESIA. M~oral and intellectual faculties. Calc. phosph. Seat of the diseases. Amm. amm-mur. ant-crud. bell. bry. cALc. CAUST. chain. cocc. con. creos. ferr. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. KALI. lyc. MERC. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabin. SEP. SIL. stann. staph. SULPH. vit. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Alum. ami-mur. arg. arn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. boy. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. cocc. con. dros. duic. graph. hell. hep. ignat. KALI. lyc. iagn-iur. MERC. mezer. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sassap. SEP. Sil..Spig. STANN. staph. stront. SULPH. tar. zznc. Glands. Con. lyc. phosph. Bones. Caust. Skin. Amm. am. bell. bry. calc. chin. clem. con. DULC. led. lyc. MERC. natr-nur. nitr-ac. oleand. petr. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. sec-corn. sep. SIL. staph. suiph. veratr. Sleep and dreams..drn. ARS. bry. graph. kali. N-VOM. PHOSPH. puls. sep. oil. Pyrosis. Ars. bry. chin. coich. graph. hep. merc. nitr-ac. n-iosch. rhus. scill. sil. Time. Am. ars. iang. merc. nitr-ac. stront. MAGNESIA. MAGNESIA MURIATICA. 401 Exacerbations. Acon. alum. amm. ars. aur. bell. capv. duic. hell. hep. hyose. ignat. kali. LYC. magn-mur. n-corn. phospli. PULS. rhus. sabad. sabin.' S EP. sil. spong. stront. suiph. Concordances In general., Arum. arn. ars. aur. bell. bry. cale. caust. chin. coce. con. duic. graph. hell. hep. ignat. kali. lyc. magn-mur. MERC. natr-,nur. nitrac. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhu~s. SEP. SIL. stann. staph. stront. 8ulph. zinc. LXX. MAGNESIA MURIATICA. Moral and intellectual faculties. Cale. ignat. natr. n-vom. ph-ac. puts. SM. suiph. Seat of the diseases. Alum. amm. ars. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. cocc. graph. ignat. KALI. lyc. MERC. mezer. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. Op. PISOSPH. puts. rhus. sep..sil. staph. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Arn. asaf. aur. BELL. boy. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. coec. eon. ferr. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lye. m-arct. rnerc. natr. natr-mur. n-corn. pho~ph. plat. PULS. rhus. sabin. SEP. SIL. spig. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Glands. Bell. bry. carb-an. clem. con. graph. lye. puls. Bones. Bell. lye. mere. istaph. Skin. Bry'. lye. natr-mur. puls. sep. Sleep and dreams. Bry. cale. chin. eon. GRAPH.mrgs. mere. 2n-corn. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. rhus. SE P. sdl. SU LPH. Time. Aeon. ars;. caic. carb-an. chain. duic. hep. ignat. jod. kali. led. inagn. mere. sil. Exacerbations. Aeon. ambr. amm. amrn-rnur. arg. ars. asaf. aur. bar. bell. bry. caic. CAPS. carb-veg. chain. ehin. elem. coce. CON. cycl. DROS. 2 m2 402 MAGNESIA MURIATICA. MANGANUM. DULC. euphorb. FERR. graph. hell. hep. kali. LYC. mgs. magn. MEN. mosch. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. PH-AC. plat. PULS. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. samb. SEP. spong. sulph. TAR. valer. verb. viol-tr. Concordances in general. Bell. bry. CALC. cham. chin. cocc. con. dulc. ferr. graph. ignat. kali. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. SEP. SIL. SULPH. Antidotes. Camph. LXXI. MANGANUM. Moral and intellectual faculties. Acon. anac. ignat. lyc. merc. n-vom. ph-ac. PULS. sil. sulph. Seat of the diseases. Amm. anac. asaf. bell. bry. calc. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. con. creos. dros. graph. hep. kali. laur. lyc. MERC. natr-mur. PHOSPB. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. sabad. sabin. sassap. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. sulph. veratr. zinc. Mlorbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. am. ars. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. caust. cham. chin. cocc. con. dros. graph. ignat. kali. lyc. merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. plat. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. sulph. veratr. zinc. Glands. Bell. carb-an. lyc. mere. Bones. Bell. calc. chin. MERC. phosph. PULS. ruta. sil. staph. Skin. Alum. bry. CALC. graph. hep. natr-mur. petr. phosph. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sulph. zinc. Sleep and dreams. Ars. kali. magn. natr. n-vom. sep. sil. Pyrosis. Ars. n-vom. sabad. sep. Time. Hep. sil. MANGANUM. MARUM VERUM. 403 Exacerbations. AMM. ars. aur. bell. bor. nBRY. cALc. cham. chin. cocc. coloc. con. dros. dulc. graph. hep. ignat. kali. LYC. MERC. natr.. N-MOSCH. n-vom. mnosri. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SEP. sil. s8pig. stront. SULPH. thuj. VERATR. Concordances in general. Amm. ars. bell. bry. CALC. caust. chin. con.. graph. hep. kali. LYC. MERC. natr-mur. -vom. PHOSPH. PULS. RHus. rita. SEP. sil. spig. staph. stront. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Coff. LXXII. MARUM VERUM. Moral and intellectual faculties. Anac. aur. cham. Seat of the diseases. Amm-mur. arn. aur. bry. calc. carb-veg. caust. cham. CHmIN. creos. cycl. dulc. graph. ignat. kali. lyc. mere. nitr-ac. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. ruta. sabad. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. veratr. Morbid states and sensations. Ambr. arg. ars. bell. bry. calc. canth. carb-veg. caust. cham. CHIN. cocc. colch. con. cupr. ignat. jod. KALI. LYC. m-aret. MERC. natr-mur. N-VOM. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SEP. sil. stann. staph. sulph. zinc. Glands. Con. ignat. mere. rhus. spong. Skin. Calc. dulc. graph. led. lye. m-austr. MERC. phosph. sabad. SIL. staph. SULPH. Sleep and dreams. Bell. bry. calc. ignat. lye. mere. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. Pyrosis. Kali. lye. phosph. suiph. Time. Carb-veg. lye. mang. mur-ac. nitr. puls. ran-bulb. sabad. spig. staph. valer. 404 44 MARUM VERUM. MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA. Exacerbations. Agar. bry. caic. carb-veg. chain. chin. cina. coec. ferr. guaj. hep. ignat. lach. N-vom. petr. SIL. sp~ig. spong. suiph. YALER. 4Concordances in general..Bry. caic. carb-veg. caust. cham.cin.m*N coce. graph. ignat. kali. LYC. MERC. N-VOM. PHOSPH.i ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sabad. Sep. SIb. spig. spong. staph. SULPH. valer. Antidotes. Camph.? LXXIII. MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA. Moral and intellectual faculties. Bell. hell. 'hyose. ignat. lyc. inerc. natr. op. phospli. puls. sil. staph. 3train. zinc. Seat of the diseases. Bell. bry. caic. carb-an. -carb-veg. caust. chel. chin. con. graph. ignat. kali. lye. mere. mezer. uatr-mur. nitr-ac. u-vom. petr. phosph. PUbS. rhus. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Alin. amn. asaf. BELL. bry. CALC. caust. chin. coee. graph. IGNAT. kali. lyc. in-arct. merc. mur-ac. uatr. natr-inur. n-vom. phosph. plat. puls. rhus. sabad. sep. sil. spig. spong. STA14N. s tap h. SULPH. tar. thuj. zinc. Glands. CALC. clein. rhodod. spong. Skin. Led. lyc. staph. Pyrosis. Ars. bell. caic. hell. lye. n-inoseh. n-vom. phosphk puls. SEP. SPIG. suiph. Time. Bell. bry. caps. caust. lach. lyc. inezer. puls. ran-scel. stront. Exacerbations. Aini-inur. arg. asaf. aur. CAPS. chain. con. CYCL. dros. DULC. euphorb. euphr. ferr. LYC. Mlgs. MAGN-MUR. mosch. mum-ac. ph-ac..plat. PULS. rhoclod. RHUS. SABAD. sainb. SEP. TAR. valer. verb. viol-tm. MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA. MERCURIUS VIVUs. 405 Concordances in general. BELL. bry. CALC. caps. caust. ignat. LYC. mere. n-vom. phosph. PULS. rhus. sabad. SEP. Sil. spig. staph. Sulph. tar. LXXIV. MERCURIUS VIVUS. Moral and intellectual faculties. Acon. anac. calc. hell. ignat. lye. natr. n-vom. op. phosph,. ph-ac. puls. rthus. SEP. sil. staph. stram. sulph. Seat of the diseases. Acon. alum. arn. ars. aur. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. canth. carbveg. caust. cham. chin. clem. con. creos. graph. hep. kali. lye. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. selen. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. stram. SULPH. thuj. veratr. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. arn. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cic. cocc. con. croc. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. lyc. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Glands. BELL. bry. calc. lyC. PHOSPH. puls. sil. spong. SULPH. Bones. ASAF. bell. CALC. chin. hep. lye. nitr-ac. phosph. ph-ac. puls. sep. SIL. staph. sulph. Skin. Acon. ARS. asaf. bell. bry. calc. caust. dulc. graph. HEP. lach. lye. nitr-ac. phosph. PULS. RHUS. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. thuj. veratr. Sleep and dreams. Acon. ars. bell. BRY. CALC. caust. Cham. chin. con. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lye. mgs. natr. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. SEP. SIL. SULPH. Pyrosis. ACON. ARS. BELL. BRY. calc. carb-veg. chanm. chin. cocc. cupr. graph. hep. ignat. jod. ipec. laur. mosch. N-vOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sec-corn. selen. sep. sil. sulph. valer. VERATR. Time. Ars. ferr. hep. ignat. kali. magn. mang. nitr-ac. rhus. samb. thuj.. 406 MERCURIUS VIVUS. DAPHNE MEZEREUM. Exacerbations. Acon. amm. ant-crud. am. ars. aur. BELL. bor. BRY. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. colch. coloc. con. dros. graph. HEP. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. led. LYC. mang. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. SEP. Sil. SPIG. staph. stront. SULPH. veratr. Concordances in general. Acon. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. con. graph. hep. ignat. jod. kali. lye. mang. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHnS. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. thuj. veratr. Antidotes. Asaf. aur. bell. camph. carb-veg. chin. HEP. lach. mezer. NITR-AC. op. sassap. sep. sil. staph. sulph.-Electric. LXXV. DAPHNE MEZEREUM. Moral and intellectual faculties. Acon. bell. calc. cham. cocc. con. hell. IGNAT. lye. merc. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. op. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. Thus. sep. SIL. staph. stram. Seat of the diseases. Amm. am. ars. bar. bell. bry. CALC. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. con. graph. hep. ignat. kali. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. rhus. ruta. sabin. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. thuj. veratr. ZINC. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. arg. arm. asaf. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chin. cocc. con. ignat. KALI. lyc. merc. natr. natr-mur. N- VOM. phosph. plat. PULS. RHUS. SEP. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. thuj. zinc. Glands. Bell. bry. con. phosph. suIph. Bones. Asaf. calc. lyc. merc. ph-ac. 8il. staph. sulph. Skin. Acon. amm. amm-mur. ant-crud. are. bell. BRY. calc. carb-veg. CAUST. con. dulc. euphorb. hep. ipec. LACH. led. LYC. MERC. n-vom. oleand. petr. phosph. PULS. RHUS. sep. SIL. spong. staph. SULPH. veratr. DAPHNE -MEZEREUM. MOSCHUS. 0 4-Ow Pyrosis. ACON. ARN. ARS. bell. DRY. CALC. cantli. CHAM. chin. kep. igqnat. lyc. MERC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. phosph. PULS. RHUS. sep. sil. suiph. veratr. Time. Ant-tart. bell. bry. caust. lach. lyc. phospli. puls. stront. Exacerbations, Ambr. ANAC. bell. bry. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. coich. con. euphorb. ignat. kali. lach. led. lyc. magn-inur. merc. n-vom. phosph. PTJLS. sil. Concordances in general. A con. amn. ars. asaf. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chani. chin. cocc. con. hep. IGNAT. kali. lach,. LYC. MERO. natr-iaur. N '-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RIMS. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH., veratr. zinc. Antidotes. A4cetum. bry. campli. merc. rhus. LXXVI. MOSOHUS. Moral and intellectual faculties. Acon. ars. bell. bry. CALC. con. laur. mere. natrT-mur. N-VOM. Op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sil. STRAM. suiph, veratr. zin6. Seat of the diseases. Acon. ant-crud. ars. BELL. bry. CALC. crb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. con. cupr. hell. ignat. ipec. kali. lyc. mere. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. IPULS. sabin. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. staph. strain. suph. suiph-ac. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. anac. aug. ari. asaf. BELL. bry.. calc. cauth. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. 00CC. con. dros. hyose. IGNAT. ipec. kai. LYC_. rnagn-niur. natr-inur. n-niosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH, ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. r'hus. sabin. sec-corn. SEP. sil. staunn. staph. -st7ram. sulph. suiph-ac. valer. ver~atr. Skin. Acon. amn. bell. DRY. cale. caust. mere. phosph. plat.. pUIs. RIIUS. sep. veratr. Sleep and dreams. Bry. con. hep. ignat. n-'voin. phosph. pius. r4hus. Sep. suiph. 408 408 MOSCHUS. MIJRlATICUM ACIDUM. Pyrosis. ACON. amn. ars. BELL. BRY. caic. caust. chain. chel. chin.,hyosc. m-austr. MERC. n-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. plat. puls. rhus. 8ep. all. stalin. strain. veratr. Time. Ignat. ran-bulb. selen. thuj. valer. Exacerbations. Aeon. agar. ARS. AUR. bar. bell. camph. CAPS. -caust. cocc. con. cyci. dros. DIJLC. eupliorb. ferr. hell. hep. hyose. kali. LYC. mgS. maqn-mur. men. n-mosch. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. plat. puls. rhodod. RHTJS. SABAiD. SEP. stront. tar. valer. verb. viol-tr. Concordances in general. Acon. amn. ars. aur. BELL. DRY. caic. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. con. duic. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. lye. magn-mur. mnere. natr-mur. N-VOM. Op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabad. SEP. all. strain. suiph. valer. veratr. Antidotes. Campli. LXXVII. MURIATICUM ACIDUM. Moral and intellectual faculties. Ignat. ph-ac. pills, all. suiph. Seat of the diseases. Anac. ang. ant-crud. arg. arn. ars. asaf. bar. bell. br-y. CALC. camph. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. CHIN. creos. graph. hep. hyosc. if/fat. KALI. LYC. merc. natr. natr-inur. n-vom. oleand. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sabad. sabin. acifi. SEP. all. 8pig. staph. SULPH. thnj. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. amm-mnr. amn. ama. asaf. BELL. bry. calc. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. cocc. con. dros. dale. graph. hell. hep. IGNAT. KALI..lyc. m-arct. mar. men. MERC. mezer. NATR. natr-rnur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. -sabad. SEP..8il. SPIG. spong. staun. STAPH. SULPH. tar. thuj. zinc. Glands. Bry. phosph. pals. rhus. Skin. Amn. ars. asaf. bar. bell. bry. CALC. chin. con. cyci. dale. MURIATICUM ACIDUM. NATRUM CARBONICUM. 409 graph. HEP. kali. LYC. MERC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. pho8ph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. sabad. sec-corn. sep. SIL. staph, SULPH. thuj. Sleep and dreams. ARS. bell. bry. calc. chin. creos. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lye. men. N-VOM. PHOSPH. puls. rfn-bulb. RHUS. sabad. SEP. SIL. sulph. Pyrosis. ACON. bry. chin. m-arct. op. sabad. samb. SPIG. Time. Bell. lach. lye. puls. ran-bulb. valer. Exacerbations. Amnm-mur. arn. ars. ASAF. bry. cale. caps. cham. cina. con. CYCL. dros. dulc. ferr. igonat. lach. lye. mgs. magn-mur. mang. men. natr. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sep. sulph. viol-tr. Concordances in general. Acon. amrn. ars. asaf. bell. bry. CALO. carb-veg. caust. chin. con. cycl. graph. hep. ignat. cali. LYC. men. merc. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. ZinC. Antidotes. Camph. bry. LXXVIII. NATRUM CARBONICUM, Moral and intellectual faculties. Anac. ars. aur. bell. calc. con. croc. hyosc. ignat. LYC. mlerC. op. phosph. PH-Ac. puls. rhus. sep. sil. staph. stram. sulph. Seat of the diseases. Acon. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. amrn. ars. aur. bar. bell. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. CHIN. con. creos. graph. hep. ignat. KALI. yc. MERC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sabin. selen. SEP. SIL. Spig. Stalnn. staph. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc, Mlorbid states and sensations. lcon. alum. anac. arn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. coff. con. cupr. dulc. graph. hep. ignat. kali. LYC. m-arct. m-austr. MERC. mezer. natrmur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. zinc. 2N 410 10 NATRUM CARI3ONICUM. NATRUM MURIATICUM. Glands. Amn. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-an. chin. clem. eon. kali. LYC. rnerc. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. sdl. spong. vuiph. Ainini. ant-crud, amn. ars. bar. Wel. bry. CALC. chain. clem. coni. DULC. graph. hep. LYC. Merc. NITR-AC. PHOSPH. ph-ac. RHUS. scill. selen. SEP. sil. staph. SULPH. viol-tr. Sleep and dreams, Ars. aur. caic. cann. chlin. con. graph. hep. ignat. KALI. N-YOM. OP. pho-spk. pals. sabad. SEP. sil. suiph. suiph-ac,. Pyrosis. IKali. lyc. sep. 5V'LPH. Time. Guaj. hep. -sep. suiph-ac. Exacerbations. Acon. ant-crud. amn. ars. asaf. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chain. ehel. chin. CON. cyci. dros. graph. ignat. kali. LYC. inagninur. mere. natr-mur. N-VOM. PHospH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS.. rhus. ruta. sabad. selen. SEP. sil. SULPH. thi-j. Concordances in general. Acon. amn. ars. aur. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chin. con. graph. ignat. kali. LYC. mnerc'. natr-inur. nitr-ac. n-vonz. PHOSPH. p~h-a~c. PULS. rhus. sabad. SEP. SIL. -staph. SULPH. A-utidotes. (Jamph. spir. nitr. duic. LXXIX. NATRUM MURIATICUM. MIoral and intellectual faculties. Acon. alum. anne. BE LL. bry. cai~c. cic. con. eupr. graph. hell. HYOSC. ignat. laur. lye. n-mosch. nz-vom. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. puls. rhus. sep. sil. STRAM. suiph. VERATR. Seat of the diseases. Acon. anac. ant-crud. amn. ars. aur. bar. BELL. 6ry. CALC. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. coec. eon. creos. dule. ferr. graph. hep. hiyosc. ignat. KALI. led. LY C. mnere. nitr-ae. n-vo2n. petr. PHOSPH. ih-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. muta. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. vematr. zinc. M~orbid states and sensations. Aeon. ainbr. amn. ars. aiim. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-veg. CAUST. NATRUM MURIATICUM. NITRUM (KALI NITRICUM). 411 cham. chin. cocc. con. ferr. graph. ignat. kali. LYC. merc. mezer. natr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Glands. Bell. calc. phosph. PULS. sulph. Bones. Asaf. aur. calc. chin. lyc. nitr-ac. PULS. sil. Sulph. Skin. Alum. ars. bell. bry. CALC. chin. con. GRAPH. hep. kali. lyc. MERC. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. selen. SEP. sil. SULPH. thuj. Sleep and dreams. Bry. calc. caust. chin. con. ignat. n-vom. op. phosph. sep. SIL. SULPH. Pyrosis. AcoN. ars. bell. BRY. calc. cham. CHIN. dig. ferr. hep. hyosc. kali. lyc. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. samb. sec-corn. sep. stram. SULPH. Time. Calc. carb-veg. n-vom. rhodod. rhus. sep. staph. Exacerbations. Acon. amm-mur. ant-crud. arn. ars. bell. BRY. CALC. cann. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cic. cina. cocc. con. ferr. graph. hep. ignat. ipec. kalti. LYC. merc. natr. nitr-ac. N-voM. oleand. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. rhus. ruta. scill. selen. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. Concordances in general. Acon. arn. ars. bell. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chin. cocc. con. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. LYC. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUs. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Camph. spir. nitr. dulc. LXXX. NITRUM (KALI NITRICUM). M9Ioral and intellectual faculties. Bell. bry. calc. n-vonm. op. ph-ac. puls. rhus. sep. sil. strainm. sulph. veratr. 412 NITRUM (KALI NITRIO1!M)i 1N1TRI ACIDYJM. Seat of the diseases. Acon. ambr. arg. amj. ars. asaf. aur. bar. bell. bry. CALC. can'th. carh-veg. cau-st. chain. chin, coich. con. creos. croc. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. KALI. led. lyc. mang. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHRUS. ruta. sabih. sassap. scill. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. -sit. vpig. stann. staph. SIJLP.H. suiph-ac. thuj. zinc. MIorbid states and sensations. Aeon. arg. arn. ars. asaf. aur. BELL. B RY. CALM canth. carbveg. cau-st. chain. chin. coce. con. dros. graph. ignat. KALI. latir. LYC. MERC. imoseli. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. par. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sabin. sassap. SEP. sll..spig. stana. -staph. STRONT. SULPEI. suiph-ac. veratr. zinc. Glands. Bell. puls. rhus. spong. Bones. Cyci. phoa-ph. Skin. Amn. bell. bry. cauth. caust. chin. cyci. phosph. RHUS. sep. 8wlph. Sleep and dreams. Ars. aur. bell. caic. hep. kali. natr. N-VOM. phosph. sep. sil., Pyrosis. ACON. amn. BELL. bry. chel. chin. DIG. 1kyosc. sep. dtram. Time, Bell. lyc. n-vom. pals. rhus. thuj. Exacerbations. Amin. ama. bor. bry. CALC. chain. ipec. kalli. lye. MERC. l-Yomu. rhus. seneg. SEP. spig. stront. suiph. Concordances In general. Acon. amn. ars. BELL. BRY. CALC. cauth. caust. chain. chin. ignat. kali. lye. mere. natm-mur. N-VOM.phosph. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. SEP. all. spig. staph. strain. stront. aulph. Antidotes. Spir. nitm. dulc.--(Noc. cainpli). LXXXI. NITRI ACIDUM. MIoral and intellectual faculties. Aeon. ANAC. ars. aur. bar. bell. calc. caus~t. cupr. graph. hell. NITRI ACIDUM. 413 hyosc. ignat. LYC. natr. natr-mur. n-mosch. n-vom. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. stram. suiph. Seat of the diseases. Alum. amrn. ars. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. carb-an. CARBVEG. caust. chamn. chin. clem. con. creos. dule. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. lyc. MERC. natr. natr-mur. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. ruta. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. stram. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. Mlorbid states and sensations. Acon. anac. arn. ars. asaf. aur. BRY. CALC. cauth. car-vegy. caust. cham. CHIN. COCC. con. dulc. ferr. graph. hyosc. ignat. kali. LYC. natr. NATR-MUR. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhodod. rhus, ruta. SEP. Sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Glands. BELL. bry. calc. carb-an. cham. chin. coN. dulc. ignat. kali. lyc. MERC. n-voin. PHOSPH. puls. rhus. SIL. spong. SULPH. Bones. Asaf. calc. con. graph. lyc. merc. phosph. - PULS. rhus. ruta. sep. sil. staph. SULPH. Skin. Ars. asaf. bar. bell. bry. cale. carb-veg. caust. cham. con. dulc. graph. HEP. LYC. MERC. petr. phosph. PULS. RHUS. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. thuj. Sleep and dreams. Ars. calc. caust. con. hep. ignat. phosph. puls. sep. sil. sulph. Pyrosis. ACON. arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb-veg. chain. chin. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. led. lyc. MERC. natr. natr-mur. N-VOM. Op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. sabad. SEP. Sil. Spong. stram. SULPII. veratr. Time. Ant-crud. bell. lyc. nitr. puls. Exacerbations. Acon. ars. bar. bell. BRY. calc. CARB-VEG. cham. chin. colcllh. con. graph. HI-IEP. ignat. kali. LYC. Ierec. natlr-rur. N-VOM. PHOSPH. PULS. nRUs. SEP. sil. staph. SULPH. veratr. Concordances in general. Acon. anac. amrn. ars. aur. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chaim. 2N2 414 NITRI ACIDUM. NUX MOSCHATA. chin. con. dulc. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. PHOSPHE. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. SEP. SIL. staph. stram. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Camph. hep. mezer. sulph.-(Noc. lach.) LXXXII. NUX MOSCHATA. Moral and intellectual faculties. Alum. BELL. bry. cann. carb-an. con. cycl. graph. HELL. HYOSC, ignat. kali. laur. lyc. mere. natr. NATR-MTjR. n-VOm. Op. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. puls. RIIUS. sep. sil. spig. STRAM. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. Seat of the diseases. Anac. ant-crud. amrn. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chanm. chin. cocc. con. creos. graph. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. lyc. merc. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. SEP. sil. Spig. stann. staph. stram. SULPH. VERATR. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. arn. ars. asar. bar.. BELL. 6ry. calc. camph. canth. caust. chanz. chin. cocc. coff. con. cupr. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. laur. lye. merc. mosch. natr. N-VOM. oleand. op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sep. sit. spig. stann. stram. SULPH. sulphac. valer. veratr. Glands. Bell. cham. jod. puls. rhus. sec-corn. spong. Skin. Amr. BELL. bry. CALC. CHIN. led. LYC. nitr-ac. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. sec-corn. SEP. sil. SULPH. Sleep and dreams. ANT-TART. bry. con. croc. kali. or. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. veratr. Pyrosis. ARS. bry. cham. chin. colch. hep. lye. n-vonm. phosph. puls. rhus. sabad. sit. SPIG. SULPH. Time. Hep. mang. natr. sil. Exacerbations. Agar. arnm. ars. aur. bar, bellt bor, bry. calc. camphli. caust. cham. NUX MOSCHATA. NUX VOMICA. 415 chel. chin. cic. cocc. coff. coich. con. creos. duic. guaj. hep. hyosc. ignat. lack. lyc. mang. m~erc. N-VOM. petr. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. selen. SIL. spig. strain. stront. suiph. veratr. Concordances In general. Ant-tart. arn. ars. BELL,. bry. caic. chain, chin. coec. con. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. LYC. mnerc. natr. natr-inur. N-VOM. op. PHosPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sep. SIL. spig. strain. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Cainph. sern. carvi. LXXXJII. NUX VOMICA. Moral and intellectnal facnlties. ACON. anac. ars. aur. bell. bry. CALC. cham. cocc. hyosc. lyc. natr-inur. op. phosph. puts. rhus. sep. suiph. VERATR. Seat of the diseases. Adcon. amn. ARS. aur. BELL. bor. BRY. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. CHIN. COCC. coff. con. creos. croc. cupr. euphr. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. LYC. ME RC. 'natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhus. sabin. SEP. sit. spig.,staph. strain. SULPH. reratr. Morbid states and sensations. ACON. ambr. amn. ars. asaf. aur. BELL. b*y. CALC. canth. carbveg. caust. chain. CHIN. cina. cocc. coff. con. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. LYC. mar. MERC.miezer. natr. natr-inur. nitr-ac. petr. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SEP. sit.,spig. spong. stann. staph. stiont. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Glands. Amn. BELL. bry. caic. chin, con. ignat. jod. lyc. 2nerc. phospli. PULS. sit. spOng. SULPH. Bones. Chin. cocc. dros. merc. PULS. skits. Skin. Acon. amn. ars. bell. BRY. caic. carb-veg. ca-ust. con. hep. ipec. kali. inch. led. LYC. merc. miezer. nitr-ac. phosph. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. iscill. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPEL. Sleep and dreams. Ant-tart. ars. bell. bry. CALC. dhin, con. cicos. croc. GRAPH. hep. IGNAT. KALI. natr. PHOSPH. PUlLS. RHUS. sep. sil. suiph. 416 NUX VOMICA. NERIUM OLEANDER. Pyrosis. ACON. ARS. bar. BELL. BTY. CALC. caps. caust. CRAM. CHIN. duic. hep. ignat. ipec. lyc. merc. natm-mur. op. PROSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. aamb. SEP. Sil. apig. SULPR. vematr. Time. Ars. chel. dros. ferm. ignat. kali. NITR. RHUS. SCill. thai. Exacerbations. Acon. a-rnm-mur. am. ARS. asar. aum. BELL. BRY. CALC. carbveg. CAIST. CRAM. chin. cocc. coff. coich. con. graph. EP. hyosc. ignat. ipec. hali. lach. led. LYC. merc. mosch.`natr. natr-rnur. nitrac. nr-mosch. op. PROSPH. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. sabad. selen. SEP. SIL. Spig. SULPH. Concordances in general. Acon. am. ARS. aur. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. COCC. con. ferm. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. LYC. merc. natr. natr-mur. nitm-ac. op. PROSPR. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. Anutidotes. Acon. camph. chain. cocc. coff. ignat. puls.-Spirituosa, vinum. -(Noc. acetum. zinc.) LXXXIV. NERIUM OLEANDER. Moral and intellectual faculties. Acon. am. bar. BELL. bry. cann. chain. cic. cocc. CON. HELL. hyosc..ignat. laur. LYC. merc. NATR-MUR. n-rnosch. n-vom. op. phlosp)h. PR-AC. pulS.. RHUS. SEP. sil. STRAM. sulph. VERATR. Seat of the diseases. Anac. ang. am. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. caps. caust. chel. CHIN. CiC. cina. cocc. con. ferm. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. lyc. mere. mezer. natr-mur. n-vor. op. petm. PROSPR. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabad. sec-corn. sep. SIL. spig. atain. STAPH. suiph. vematr. M~orbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. anac. amg. am. ars. asaf. BELL. bism. bry. CALC. Caps. caust. COCC. CON. cupr. hell. ignat. kali. laur. LYC. mere. natm-mur. n-mnosch. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. staun. staph. SULPR. suiph-ac. tam. thnj. veratr. verb. Skin. Amm-mur. anac. ars. bar. b'y. caic. caust. ipec. lach. led. NERIUM OLEANDER. OPIUM. 417 LYC. mezer. ph-ac. plat. puls. rhus. see-corn, sil. spong. STAPH. SULPH. vit. Sleep and dreams. Ignat. N-VOM. phosph. sabad. Pyrosis. Acon. ARS. bell. bry. calc. lye. n-vom. ph-ac. sep. sulplh. Time. Aeon. con. hep. nitr-ac. Exacerbations. Acon. arn. bar. bell. BRY. CALC. caps. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cina. cocc. colch. con. cupr. graph. hep. IGNAT. kali. lach. led. lye. NATR-MUR. N-VOM. phosph. puls. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sep. SIL. SPIG. staph. sulph. thuj. veratr. Conecordanees in general. Acon. anac. arn. ars. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. caust. chin. coce. con. graph. hell. hep. ignat. kali. laur. LYC. mere. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RUTA. sabad. sEP. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Camph. LXXXV. OPIUM. Moral and intellectual faculties. Aeon. arn. ars. aur. bar. BELL. coce. COFF. HYOSC. IGNAT. lach. lyc. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. sep. sil. STRAM. VERATR. Seat of the diseases. Acon. arn. ars. BELL. bry. calc. camph. canth. caps. caust. cham. chin. cocc. con. cupr. dig. dule. graph. HEP. HYOSC. ignat. ipec. kali. laur. lye. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-voM. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. samb. see-corn. sep. sil. spong. staph. STRAM. SULPH. veratr. Morbid states and sensations. 'Acon. anac. arn. ars. BELL. bry. cale. camph. carb-veg. chamin. chin. cic. cocc. coff. con. cupr. dig. ferr. HYOSC. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. LYC. mere. n-mosch. n-voem. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. RHUS. samb. SEC-CORN. sep. sil. spig. STRAM. sulph. veratr. Skin. Acon. ARN. ARS. BELL. BRY. calc. chin. con. dig. dulc. graph. 418 OPIUM. PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. hyosc. kali. lach. led. LYC. MERC. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. scill. sec-corn. sep. sil. SULPH. veratr. Sleep and dreams. Acon. ANT-TART. ars. bell. BRY. calc. CON. CRoc. hep. ignat. laur. m-arct. natr. natr-mur. N-MOSCH. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. puls. sep. staph. sulph. veratr. Pyrosis. ACON. ARS. bell. bry. calc. caps. carb-veg. CHAM. chin. cocc. cupr. dig. ferr. hep. hyosc. jod. ipec. kali. lye. merc. natr-mur. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. samb. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. STRAM.,sulph. VERATR. Time. Con. rhus. Exacerbations. Acon. ant-crud. ars. bell. bry. caust. cham. coff. ferr. hep. ignat. kali. lach. lyc. merc. natr-mur. N-VOM. phosph. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. sabad. sep. sil. spig. stram. sulph. veratr. zinc. Concordances in general. ACON. ant-tart. arn. ARS. BELL. BRY. calc. chain. chin. cocc, coff. con. cupr. dig. hep. HYosc. ignat. kali. lach, laur. LYC. merc. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sec-corn. sep. sil. STRAM. SULPH. VERATR. Antidotes. Camph. coff. con. ipec. merc. plumb.-V-inum, vanilla-arom. LXXXVI. PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. Moral and intellectual faculties. Anac. bell. cupr. HYOSc. lach. LYC. plat. STRAM. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Alum. anac. ant-crud. arg. arn. ars. bar. bell. bry. CALC. carbveg. CAUST. cham. chin. creos. graph. hep. kali. lyc. mnerc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. PHOWPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sabin. scill. seneg. SEP. sil. stann. STAPH. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. arg. arn. ars. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. caust. cham. chin. cocc. con. dros. graph. ignat. kali. lyec. m-arct. MERC. natr. natr-mur. N-VOM. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. RHUs. ruta. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. tar. veratr. zinc. PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. PETROLEUM.4 419 Glands. Merc. spong. Bones. Phosph. ruta. Skin. Amm. ars. bar. bell. BRY. caic. caust. chain. clem. con. GRAPH. hep. kali. lach. lyc. merc. inezer. nitr-ac. oleand. petr. phrsph. puts. ran-bulb. RHUS. scill. SEP. SIL. spig. s3taph. SULPH. Viol-tr. Sleep and dreams. Bry. ignat. n-vom. phospli. rhus. suiph. Pyrosis. Ars. bell. BRY. lyc. N-VOM. puls. rhus. sep. suiph. Time. Rep. natr. sep. Exacerbations. Acon. arnrn. anac. arn. bar. bry. caic. caps. carb-veg. graph. hep. ignat. lach. -lyc. natr. natr-mur. phosph. puls. sep. spig. spong. SULPH. Concordances in general. Anac. amn. ars. bar. bell. BRY. CALC. caust. chin, graph. hep. ignat. kali. LYC. merc. niatr. N-VOM. PHOSPH. PULS. RHIJS. SEP. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Campb. cotf. LXXXVII. PETROLEUM. Moral and intellectual faculties. Acon. anac. BE LL. bry. calc. con. graph. hell. hyosc. laur. lyc. rnerce. NATR-MUR. n-mosch. n-vorn. op. phosph. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. SEP. sil. spig. STRAM. SULPH. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Acon. ang. ant-crud. arn. ars. bar. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. carbveg. CAUST. chain. chel. chin, con. creos. dulc. GRAPH. hep. ignat. KALI. led. LYC. MERC. mezer. linur-ac. natr. natr-rnur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. SE P. SIL. spig. staph. SULPII. thuj. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Ainbr. ang. arn. aur. bell. bry. CALC. cauzst. chant. chin. cic. cocc. 420 PETROLEUM. PHOSPHORUS. graph. IGNAT. ipec. kali. LYC. merc. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. plat. puls. RHUS. SEP. sil. spig. stann. SULPH. thuj. veratr. Glands. Bell. carb-an. LYC. merc. phosph. puls. Bones. Asaf. calc. con. merc. nitr-ac. PULS. ruta. sil. sulph. Skin. Ant-crud. ars, asaf. bar. bell. bov. bry. CALc. carb-veg. caust. cham. clem. con. creos. dulc. GRAPH. EEP. LACH. led. LYC. mere. mezer. natr-mur. nitr-ac. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. putls. RHUS. sassap. scill. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. veratr. Sleep and dreams. Bry. calc. con. ignat. lyc. n-vom. SIL. sulph. Pyrosis. Acon. amrn. ars. BELL. bry. calc. carb-veg. cham. chin. hep. ignat. merc. nitr-ac. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. sep. sil. stawn. SULPH. Time. Ant-tart. phosph. ran-bulb. rhus. Exacerbations. Acon. agar. amm. ars. aur. bar. bell. BRY. CALC. camph. caps. carb-veg. caust. chin. cocc. con. dulc. ferr. hell. HEP. ignat. kali. LYC. mang. merc. mosch. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. PHOSPH. puls. rhodod. rhus. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. stront. sulph. veratr. Concordances in general. Acon. arn. ars. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. caust.- cham. chin. cocc., con. graph. hep. ignat. kali. LYC. merc. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. PULS. RHUS. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. N-vom. LXXXVIII. PHOSPHORUS. lMoral and intellectual faculties. AcON. aur. BELL. bry. calc. cham. coff. con. hell. hyosc. ignat. lach. laur. lyc. merc. mosch. natr. natr-mur. N-vOM. Op. PH-AC. plat. PULS. thus. sep. sil. ataph. STRAM. suiph. valer. VERATR. zinc. PHOSPHORUS. 421 Seat of the diseases. Acon. alum. anac. ant-crud. am. ARS. aur. bar. BELL. 6ry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. cham. chel. CHIN. con. creos. dros. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. 4pec. kali. led. LYC. MERC. mezer. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-voM. oleand. par. petr. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. scill. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. strai. SULPH. sulph-ac. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. am. ars. asaf. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. eanth. carbo-veg. caust. cham. CHIN. cOCC. con. dros. ferr. graph. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. LYC. MERC. nosch. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. par. petr. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SEP. Sil. Spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. Glands. Am. ars. bar. BELL. bry. calc. carb-an. caust. CON. hep. tyc. MERC. puts. r'hus. Sil. spong. SULPH. Bones. Asaf. bell. caic. LYC. MERC. mezer. nitr-ac. ph-ac. puls. sil. staph. suiph. Skin. Acon. amm. am. ARS. asaf. bell. bry. caic. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. clem. con. dulc. graph. lep. kali. LACH. LYC. merc. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sep. SIL. staph. stront. SULPH. thuj. Sleep and dreams. Acon. ant-tart. ars. bell. BRY. CALC. caust. chain. chin, con. croc. graph. hep. ignat. kali. m-arct. maga. merc. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sassap. SEP. sit. SULPH. Pyrosis. ACON. am. ARS. BELL. BRY. catc. carb-veg. chain. chin. croc. ferr. graph. hyosc. jod. kali. LYC. MERC. niatr-mur. N-VOM. op. PH-AC. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. spig. staun. strain. suiph. thuj. veratr. Time. Ant-tart. carb-veg. staph. Exacerbations. Acon. arnin. arn. ars. asaf. bar. belt. DRY. calad. CALC. caun. carb-veg. caust. chai. chin. cocc. colch. con. dros. euphr. graph. hep. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. LYC. mang. inerc. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. ph'-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. scull. selen. SEP. sil.' spig. staph. SULPH. thUj. Vit. 2o 422 PHOSPHORUS. PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. Concordances in general..con. arnm. ars. asaf. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. con. graph. hep. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. 0p. ph-ac. plat. PULS. irhus. SEP. SIL. spig. stann. staph. stram. SULPH. thuj. veratr. Antidotes. Camph. coff. n-vom. vinum.-(Noc. rhus. P) LXXXIX. PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. Moral and intellectual faculties. Acon. anac. ars. BELL. bry. calc. cann. cic. cocc. con. hell. HYOSC. ignat. kali. laur. lyc. merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. n-mosch. n-vom. oP. phosph. PULS. RHUS. sabad. SEP. SIL. staph. STRAM. sulph. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Acon. alum. anac. arg. arn. ars. aur. bar. bell. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. CHIN. coCC. con. creos. croc. cupr. dros. dulc. ferr. graph. hep. ignat. KALI. led. lyc. magn. MERC. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. plat. plumb. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sassap. scill. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. stram. SULPH. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. ambr. anac. arg. arn. ars. bar. BELL, bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. CHIN. cocc. con. cupr. dros. ferr. graph. IGNAT. jod. KALI. laur. LYC. magn. mar. merc. natr. natrmur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. PHOSPH. plat. plumb. PULS. tHUS. sassap. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. veratr. zinc. Glands. Bell. CON. plat. rhus. SEP. spong. sulph. Bones. ASAF. calc. merc. puls. sil. staph. sulph. Skin. Acon. arn. ARS. asaf. bell. bry. calc. chin. con. dulc. graph. hep. lach. LYC. merc. nitr-ac. oleand. petr. phosph. puls. rhzus. sec-corn. selen. SEP. SIL. SULPH. thuj. veratr. Sleep and dreams. Acon. ant-tart. ars. bell. bry. calc. cham. chin. coN. croc. hep. ignat. kali. mgs. mere. natr. n-mosch. N-voM. op. PHOSPH. PULS. sabad. sep. sil. sulph. PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. PLATINA. 423 Pyrosis. ACON. ARS. bell. BRY. calc. cham. CHIN. dig. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. MERC. natr-mur. n-voim. op. PHOSPH. puls. rhus. sec-corn. sep. sil. stann. STRAM. suiph. Time. Ignat. rhus. Exacerbations. Acon. ammn-mur. arn. ars. aur. bar. bell. bry. CALC. caps. carbveg. chainam. CHIN. cocc. CON. cycl. dros. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. hep. ignat. jod. kali. LYC. mgs. magn-mur. men. merc. mosch. natr. natr-mur. n-voem. phosph. plat. PULS. rhodod. rhus. sabad. samb. SEP. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. tar. valer. veratr. verb. Concordances in general. Acon. alum. arn. ARS. asaf. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. cham. CHIN. COcc. CON. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. RHUS. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Antidotes. Camph. coff. XC. PLATINA. Moral and intellectual faculties. Alum. aur. bell. graph. HYOSC. IGNAT. LYC. PHOSPH. puls. Sil. STRAM. sulph. VERATR. zinc. Seat of the diseases. Acon. alum. anac. arn. ars. asaf. asar. bar. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. CHIN. cina. cocC. coff. con. creos. croc. ferr. graph. hyosc. ignat. ipec. KALI. lyc. iang. MERC. natr. natr-mur. n.-mosch. N-VOM. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. RHUS. sabad. SABIN. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. stan1. staph. stram. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. ANAC. ang. arn. ars. asaf. asar. BELL. bry. CALC. cann. caust. chain. chin. cic. cina. cocc. con. graph. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. kali. lyc. mere. mezer. mosch. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. phosph. PULS. rhus. sabad. see-corn. SEP. spig. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. suIph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. Glands. Amrn. calc. CON. rhus. SEP. 8p0ong. Skin. Acon. arn. bar. bell. bry. calc. caust. colch. graph. led. LYC. 424 424 PLATINA. PLUMBIJM METALLICUM. mrnec. nitr-ac. n-vom. OLEAND. phosph. ph-ac. PIJLSi. ran-seel. RHUS. sabad. sec-corn. sep. sil. spig. spong..staph. SULPH. vit. Sleep and dreams. Ignat. rhus. sep. Pyrosis. ACON. ars. bell. calc. carb-veg. chain. cocc. eupr. MERC. op. rhus. sec-corn. sil. VERATR. Timne* Caps. suiph-ac. Exacerbations. Aeon. amin-inur. ars. AUR. bar. bell. caic. CAPS. chain. cofi. cyci. dros. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. ignat. lach. LYC. mngs. inagl-inur. men. mosch. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. rhus. SABAD. sam1b. SEP. sil. spig. stront. &ulph. tar. valer. VERII. viol-tr. Concordances in general. Acon. alum. anac. amn. ars. aur. bar. BELL. CALC. caps. caust. chain. chin. coec. con. ferr. graph. hyose. IGNAT. kali. LYC. MERC. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. pho-sph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad..seccorn. SEP. sil. spig. staph. strain. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Antidotes. Puls. XCI. PLUMBUM METALLICUM. M~oral and intellectnal facnlties, Ars. aur. bell. HYOSC. LYC. natr. op. puts. strain. sulph-ac~. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Acon. amn. ars. aur. BELL,. BRY. caic. cant/i. caust. chani. chin. coec. graph. hep. hyose. kali. laur. LYC. mer-c. natr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op~. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. ruta. SEP. SIL. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. thuj. veratr. verb, zinc. M~orbid states and sensations. Aeon. alum. amn. ars. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. caust. chamin CHIN. Cie. cocc. eon. cnpr. hyose. ignat. kali. lach. laur. mere. moseh. natr-inur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. phosph. puts. rhus. ruta. sabin. sec-corn. sep. sit, strain. SULPH. veratr. Glands. BELL. bry. con. mere. n-voin. phosph. PTILS. suiph. PLUMBUM METALLICUM. PULSATILLA. 42 425 Bones. AS'AF. bell. caic. LYC. MERO. initr-ac. PHOSPH. puts. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. Skin. ARS. asaf. bell. BRY. caic. carb-veg. chain. chin, con. duic. ferr. hep. kali. inch. laur. LYC. MERC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. op.phosph. phac. puls. scill. SEC-CORN. sep. SWL. SULPH. Sleep and dreams. Ant-tart. n-mosch. op. veratr. Pyrosis. Aeon. chain. op. phospli. Time. Amn. ars. Exacerbations. Ars. asaf. CALC. caps. chain. coec. con. cycl. ciros. graph. ignat. lyc. mnang. natr. n-vom. PHOSPH. puls. rhus. sabad. SEP. Suiph. thuj. veratr. Concordances in general. Aeon. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. CALC. chain. chin. cocc. con. hyose. ignat. kali. laur. LYC. MERO. natr. nitr-ac. n-vomn. op. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. sec-corn. SEP. SI'L. strani. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Alum, bell. hyosc. op. plat. strain.-Electricitas. XCII. PULSATILLA. Moral and intellectual faculties. ACON. anae. amn. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. cann. caust. chain. cic. cooc. con. graph. hell. hyosc. IGNAT. laur. LYC. mere. natr. natr-rnur. N-'VOM. Op. PHOSPH. PH-AC. Plat. RHUS. sep. SIL. STRAM. suiphI. VERATR. Seat of the diseases. Acon. amn. ars. asaf. bell. b7y. CALC. cann. cauth. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. coec. con. cupr. cyci. dulec. euplir. graph. hyosc. ignat. ipec. hali. lyc. MERC. natr. nat?-i2nu~r. nitr-ac. N-VOM. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. rhus. sabad. sabin. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. istann. staph.- SULPH. thuj. valer. veratr. Morbid states and sensations. Adcon. anac. amn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. cailth. 2o 2 426 PULBATILLA; caps. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. CHIN. Cic. COCC. Colch. con. creos. croc. cupr.ferr. graph. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. laur. LYC. m-arct. MERC. Inezer. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. par. petr. PHOSPH. plat. RHUS. sabad. sabin. sec-corn. SEP..il. SPIG. stann. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. tar. thuj. veratr. zinc. Glands. Acon. arn. BELL. BnRY. calc. carb-an. chin. con. lye. MERC. PHOSPH. rhus. sil. spong. SULPH. Bones. Asaf. bell. calc. hep. merc. NITR-AC. sep. s8z. SULPH. Skinm Acon. amm-mur. amr. ARS. ASAF. bell. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. caust. clem. con. euphorb. graph. HEP. LACH. led. LYC. MERC. nitr-ac. phosph. plat. RHUS. SEP. SIL. spong. staph. SULPH, Sleep and dreams. Ant-tart. ars. bell. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. cham. chin. con. croc. graph. hep. ignat. led. mere. n-mosch. n-vom. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. rhus. SEP. sil. stram. sulph. veratr. Pyrosis. AcON. arn. ARS. bell. BRY. calc. caust. chin. hell. ignat. ipec. lyc. mere. N-VOM. PHOSPH. RHUS. sep. spig. staph. sulph. veratr. Time. Ant-crud. bell. canth. ignat. LYC. ran-bulb. rhus. sabad. staph. valer. Exacerbations. Acon. ambr. amm. anac. amrn. ARS. aur. bell. B3RY. CALC. cann. CAPS. carb-veg. caust. chai. chin. colch. coloc. CON. croc. cupr. cycl. dulc. euphorb. FERR. graph. hep. hyose. IGNAT. JOD. ipec. kali. led. LYC. magn. mere. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. RHUS. sabad. sabin. samb. SEP. sil. spig. staph. stram. stroot. SULPH. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. Concordances in general. Adcon. arn. ARS. asaf. BELL. BRY. CALC. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. chami chin. cocc, con. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. lach. LYC. MERC. natr-imur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. RHUS. sabad. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. staph. stram.. SULPH. thuj. veratr. Antidotes. Cham, cof. ignat. n-vom. acetum. RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. 427 XCIII. -RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. Mloral and intellectual faculties. Bell. con. laur. lyc. natr. phosph. ph-ac. sep. sil. stram. sulph. Seat of the diseases. Acon. arn. asaf. aur. bell. BRY. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. cocc. dulc. hep. IGNAT. kali. lach. laur. LYC. mnerc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. N-VOM. phosph. PULS. rhus. sabad. scill. SEP. Sil. SPIG. stann. STAPH. SULPH. thuj. veratr. ZINC. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. asaf. bell. BRY. calc. canth. carb-veg. caust. chin. cocc. IGNAT. kali. lyc. mere. natr-mur. N-VOMl. par. phosph. PULS. RHUS. sabad. SEP. Sil. spig. spong. stann. sulph. veratr. zinc. Skin. ANT-CRUD. ARS. bell. bry. caust. clem. con. dulc. graph. hep. lach. lyc. meIc. phosph. puls. RHUS. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. viol-tr. Sleep and dreams. ARS. bell. bor. calo. carb-an. chin. hep. ignat. KALI. lyc. merce. mur-ac. n-vom. phosph. puls. rhus. SEP. SIL. sulph. Pyrosis. Acon. amrn. ars. bry. calc. chin. lyc. natr-miur. nitr-ac. n-vom1, phosph. PULS. RHUS. sep. sil. spig. sulph. veratr. Time. Ant-crud. ignat. nitr. nitr-ac. staph. Exacerbations. Arn. ars. bar. BELL. calc. cann. chel. colch. hell. hep. ignat. jod. lach. led. natr-mur. N-VOM. rhus. sabad. selen. sep. sil. SPIG. STAPH. Concordances in general. Acon. ant-crud. ARS. BELL. BRY. Calc. caust. Chin. hep. IGNAT. kali. lach. LYC. merc. natr-mur. N-VOM. phosph. Puts. RHUS. SEP. sIL. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Antidotes. Bry. camph. rhus.-(Noc. acetum. spir. nitr. dulc. spir. vini. staph. sulph. viwcnm.) 428 428 kANUNCUrnJS SCELERATUS. XCIV. RANUNCULUS SCELERATUS. Moral and intellectual faculties. Acon. bell. eale. laur. mosch. natr-mur. n-vom. phosph. puls. rhus. strain. veratr. Seat of the diseases. AMM. aur. bry. caic. earb-an. carb-veg. caust. chin. creos. graph. kali. lyc. mere. mezer. natr-mur. nitr-ac. PHOSPH. phi-ad. rhus. sil. SPIG. 8uiph. thu}. veratr. ZINC. Morbid states and sensations. Alum. arn. BELL. caic. canth. earb-veg. caust. chin. coec. con. dros. graph. hell. ignat. kali. laur. mere. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ae. n-vomn. phosph. ph-ae. PLAT. PULS. rhus. sassap. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. Zinc. Glands. Bell. mere. phosph. puls. spongq. Skin. Ars. asaf. bry. eale. caust. hep. Lxc. mere. n-vom. plat. puls. RHUS. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. Sleep and dreams. Ars. coff. kali. sil. Pyrosis. AeON. ars. bell. bry. chain. chin. hep. hyose. natr-mur. Time. Mang. rhus. Exacerbations. Aeon. alum. croc. hell. magn. puls. sabin. s9pong. vit. Concordances in general. Acon. amm. ars. BELL. bry. caic. caust. chin. Icali. lyc. mere. natr-mur. n-vom. pho-spk. plat. PULS. RHUS. vep. SIL. spig. 8pong. SULP9. ziflc. Antidotes. Camph. P.HEUM (RHABARBARUM). RHODODENDRON CHRYSANTHUM. 429 XCV. RHEUM (RHABARBA1UM)., Moral and intellectual faculties. Aeon.* ars. BELL. bry. caic. eon. hell. laur. natr-mur. n-vom. op. phospl. pih-ac. PULS. -rhus. sep. sil. stran. suiph. veratr. zinc. Seat of the diseases. Ant-crud. amn. ars. bell. bor. RRY. caic. cauth. carb-veg. CHAM. CHIN. duic. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lyc. MERC. natr. natr-nur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sep. spig. staph. SULPH. VERATR. Morbid states and sensations. Aeon. am. asaf. BELL. CALC. caust. chai. CHIN. COCc. coIch. eon. graph. ignat. kali. lyc. mere. mezer. natr. natr-mur. N-VOM. phosph. plat. PULS. rhus. SEP. STANN. staph. SULPH. veratr. Glands. Bell. eale. mere. phosph. spong. suiph. Pyrosis. CHAM. chin. hep. ipee. mere. sep. SuMph. VERATR. Time. Ars. dros. ferr. ignat. kali. nitr. n-vom. rhus. thuj. Exacerbations. Arn. BELL. BRY. calad. chin. coce. coff. colch. croc. graph. hep. ignat. jod. led. lye. MERC. natr-mur. N-VOM. phosph. puls. seill. sil. spig. spong. staph. suiph. Concordances in general. Arn. ars. BEJbL. 6ry. caic. chai. chin. hep. ignat. kall. lye. MERC. natr-mur4 N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. PULS, RHUS. sep. staph. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Camph. chani. coloc. mere. n-voin. puls. XCVI. RHODODENDRON CHRYSANTHUM. Moral and intellectual faculties. Aeon. ars. BELL. boy. bry. caic. coce. con. hell. hyose. kall. laur. natr-rnur-. n-mosch. n-vom. op. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. rh71U1s. sep. sil. strain. suiph. veratr. zinc. Seat of the diseases. Aeon. amm. amm-mur. am. asaf. aur. bar. 67Y. CALC. car6-veg. 430 RHODODENDRON CHRYSANTHUM. caust. chamin. chin. clem. con. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lyc. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabin. SEP. SIL. Spig. stann. STAPH. stront. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. ambr. arg. arn. asaf. bell. bry. CALC. canth. carbveg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. con. croc. dros. dulc. graph. hell. ignat. ipec. KALI. LYC. men. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. tar. thuj. veratr. zinc. Glands. ARN. bell. bry. calc. chin. clem. CON. puls. spong. suiph. Bones. ASAF. bell. calc. chin. MERC. phosph. ph-ac. puls. ruta. sil. sulph. Skin. Ant-cru.d. ars. bry. calc. caust. chin. LYC. mere. plat. puls. RHUS. SEC-CORN. sep. sil. staph. sulph. veratr. Sleep and dreams. _Ars. con. ignat. kali. op. puls. sep. sil. Pyrosis. ARS. bry. calc. caust. chin. con. merc. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. SEP. staph. sulph. Time. Ant-crud. arn. calc, ignat. rhus. sep. Exacerbations. Acon. amm. ars. AUR. bell. bry. calec. CAPS. carb-veg. cham. cina. coco. CON. tdros. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. hep. ignat. KALI. led. LYC. nigs. magn-mur. mang. mere. mosch. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. samb. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. stront. sulph. tar. valer. VERATR. verb. Concordances in general. Acon. arn. ars. asaf. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chin. cocc. CON. graph. ignat. kali. LYC. MERC. natr-mur. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. zinc. Antidotes. Bry. camph. clem. rhus. RHUS TOXICODENDRON.41 431 XCVII. EHUS TOXICODENDRON. Moral and intellectual faculties. A4con. anac. amn. ars. BELL. bry. caic. cann. cic. COCC. CON. graph. HELL. hyose. ignat. kali. laur. LYC. mezer. natr. natr-rnur. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. petr. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. Sep. sil. spig. staph. STRAM. 8uiph. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Acon. ant-crud. arg. amn. ars. bar. br'y. CALC. carb-veg. CAIJST. chain chin. creos. graph. hep. ignat. ipec. icali. led. lyc. MERC. mnur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleanld. petr. pliosph. _ph-ac. plat. PULS. sabad. sabin. scill. selen. SEP. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. valer. veratr. verb. Morbid states and sensations. ACON. alum. amm-miur. anac. ant-crud. arg. amn. ars. asaf. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. Cic. COCC. coicli. con. creos. croc. dros.ferr. graph. hyosc. ignat. hali. led. LYC. In-arct. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. olean~d. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. sabad. sahýin. selen. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. vtram. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. zinc. Glands. BELL. 6ry. CON. duic. hep. lyc.?merc. PHOSPH. PULS. SPONG. suiph. -Bon es. Arg. ASAF. caic. chin. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. ruta. sil. staph. SULPH. Skin. Acon. amn. ARS. bar. bell. bor. 6ry. caic. carb-veg. CAUST. clein. duic. GRAPH. kali. lach. LYC. MERC. miezer. natr-mur. nitr-ac. phosph. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. sec-corn. selen. SEP. sil. spong. staph. SULPII. veratr. viol-tr. Sleep and dreams. Ars. liry. caic. carb-veg. chin. hep. ignat. lyc. inerc. N-VOM. phosph. plat. puls. SEP. SULPH. Pyrosis. ACON. ARS. BELL. BRY. caic. caps. caust. CHAM. chin. HEP. ignat. ipec. MERC. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. phosph. PULS. sabad. sanib. sec-corn. sep. sil. spig. strain. SULPII. YERATR. Time. Ars. dros. ignat. icali. nzitr. N-VTOM. ph-ac. sainb. scull. thuj. 432 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. RUTA GRAVEOLENS. Exacerbations. Acon. amm. amm-mur. ant-tart. arn. ARs. aur. bell. bor. BRY. calc. caps. caust. cham, cic. clem. cocc. con. dulc. euphorb. ferr. hep. kali. LYC. mere. mosch. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. 2hosph. PULS. sabad. sabin. samb. scill. SEP. SIL. spig. stront. SULPH. viol-tr. vit. Concordances in general. Acon. arn. ars. bell. BRY. calc. caust. cham. chin. con. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lyc. merc. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-vOM. phbsph. ph-ac. PULS. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. staph. stram. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Bell. bry. camph. coff. sulph.-(Noc. phosph.?) XCVIII. RUTA GRAVEOLENS. Moral and intellectual faculties. Anac. ars. aur. bell. calc. con. graph. hell. IGNAT. LYC. merc. natr. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. staph. stram. sulph. Seat of the diseases. Acon. alum. anac. ARN. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. coc. con. creos. DIG. dros. euphr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. led. LYC. MERC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhus. sabad. sassap. scill. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. stram. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. anac. arg. ARN. bell. bry. calc. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. cic. cocc. con. cupr. dros. dulc. hell. hep. ignat. kali. led. lyc. mgs. mar. merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-vOM. oleand. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. rhodod. rhus. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. VERATR. verb. zinc. Glands. Arn. carb-an. con. phosph. rhus. Bones. ASAF. bell. calc. chin. dros. hep. lyc. MERC. nitr-ac. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. sep. SIL. staph. sulph. Skin. ARN. ars. asaf. sRY. calc. caust. chin. dulc. kali. lach. LED. LYC. mang. mere. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. SEP. Sil. STAPH. SULPH. RUTA GRAVEOLENS. SABADILLA. 433 Pyrosis. Ars. cham. chin. merc. puls. rhus. SEP. suIph. veratr. Exacerbations. Amm. arn. asaf. bar. bry. CALC. caps. chin. cina. cocc. con. cycl. dros. dulc. HEP. kali. lach. LYC. mang. mere. natr. NATRMUR. n-mosch. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. sep. SIL. spig. stront. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Coincordances in general. Arn. asaf. bell. bry. CALC. caust. chin. cocc. con. dros. hep. ignat. kali. led. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Camph.? XCIX. SABADILLA. M~Ioral and intellectual faculties. Acon. anac. ars. BELL. bry. calc. cann. cocc. hell. hyose. ignat. aur. lye. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. op. phosph. PH-AC. pulS. rhus. sep. sil. staph. STRAM. sulph. veratr. zinc. Seat of the diseases. Acon. alum. arn. ars. bell. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cina. cocc. con. creos. graph. ignat. kali. lye. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sep. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. arn. asaf. bell. bry. CALC. canth. caust. chin. cocc. graph. ignat. kali. laur. lye. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. N-VOM. oleand. PHOSPH. PLAT. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sep. sil. stann. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. Giands. Bell. bry. CALC. con. mere. phosph. puls. spong. sulph. Bones. Asaf. chin. mere. puls. rhus. ruta. sep. sil. Skin. Arn. bar. bell. bry. calc. cocc. GRAPH. lyc. MERC. plat. puls. Rvs. sec-corn. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. viol-tr. Sleep and dreams. Ant-crud. graph. IGNAT. N-VOM. oieand. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. staph. sulph. 434 SABADILLA. SABINA. Pyrosis. Aeon. ARS. bell. 6ry. Cale. campli. chain. chin, hell. ignat. ipec. lye. merc. nitr. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. _pho-sph. ph-ac. puls8. RHUS.. sep.,vpig. suidph. veratr. Time. Car6-veg. lye. puls. sep. staph. Exacerbations. Aeon. ainin-mur. arn. ARS. asar. aur. bar. bor. briI. cale. caraph. CAPS. earb-veg. CAIIST. chain. chel. con. cyci. DULC. eutphor6. FE RR. graph. hep. ignat. jod. ipee. hati. lach. LYc. men'. mere. mosch. natr. ni-mosch. N-YOM. -phosph. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. samb. SEP. sit. spig. spong. stront. suiph. tar. valer. veib. Concordances in greneral. Acon. amn. ars. bar. bell. bry. CALC. earb-veg. caust. chain. chin. coce. eon. graph. ignat. kali. lye. MERC. natr. ni-moseh. N-YOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Cainph. puls. C. SABINA. Moral and intellectual faculties. Aeon. ars. bell. cate. graph. hyose. tach. mere. moseli. natr-mur. ii-vom. op. _pho-sph. puts. sil. staph. strain. veratr. zinc. Seat of the diseases. Amn. ars. BELL. 6ry. CALC. eanth. carb-veg. caust. chaint. CHIN. coec. coich. eOn. creos. croc. ferr. graph. hyose. ignat. ipec. KALI. led. 1l1c. mere. mezer. mosch. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. phosph. ph-ae. _plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. saba~d. sec-corn. SEP. sil. staph. strain. STJLPH. thiij. zinc.4 Morbid states and sensations. A,2-. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. 62-7. eate. eanth. earb-veg. eaust. chin. coce. coich. con. cyci. ferr. graph. ignat. KALI. lye. mnere. natr-inur. nitr-ae. n-vom. phosph. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sil. sRpong. staph. stront. SULPH. thnj. zinc. Glands. Belt. bry. Cale. CON. mere. phosph. puts. rhus. SPONG. sutph. Bones. ASAF. bell. Caic. chin. cyci. lye. MERC. mezer. phosph. P11-AC. puls. ruta. sit. staph. sulph. SABINA. SAMBUCUS NIGRA. 4355 Skin. Ant-crud. am. ARS. bar. bell. B3RY. caic. eamph. caust. con. graph. kep. lach. led. lyc. MERC. nitr-ac. phosph. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. sec-corn. sep. sil. staph. SULPH. Sleep and dreams. -4rs. aur. bell. bry. chin. hep. ignat. kali. lyc. natr-mur. n-vom. phospk. rhus. sep. sil. SULPH. Pyrosis. Aeon. ARS. bell. bry. n-vom. puls. RHUS. sabad. spig. veratr. Time. Ignat. kali. ph-ac. Exacerbations. ACON. alum. anm. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. am. ars. asar. bell. bor. BRY. cale. caps. carb-veg. cHAM. cocc. croc. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. led. lyc. magn. magn-mur. mere. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. samb. scill. sec-corn. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. s8lph. vit. Concordances in general. Aeon. am. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. calc. caust. cham. chin. con. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lyc. mere. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sec-corn. sep. sil. spong. staph. SULPH. zinc. Antidotes. Camph. puls. CI. SAMBUCUS NIGRA. Mioral and intellectual faculties. Bell. hyosc. lye. op. phosph. piat. strai. sulph. Seat of the diseases. Acon. am. ars. aur. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chamn. CHIN. eon. cupr. HEP. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. lye. mere'. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. PHOSPII. ph-ac. PULS. rh7US. seWll. SEP. sil. spig. SPo02g. stann. strain. SULPH. veratr. Mllorbid states and sensations. Acon. ars. BELL. bry. caic. chin. con. cupr. ferr. ignat. jod. lack. lye. mere. N-VOM. OP. phosph. puls. RHUS. sep. suiph. veratr. Glands. Phosph. puls. suiph. Skin. Aeon. arn. ars. BELL. bry. caust. chin, dig. duic. kali. lach. 436 SAMBUCUS NIGRA. SASSAPARILLA. led. lyc. MERC. op. phosph. PULS. RHJS. sabin. sep. sil. SULPH. veratr. Sleep and dreams. Ars. hep. kali. sep. sil. Pyrosis. AcoN. ARS. aur. bell. blry. calc. carb-veg. cham. chin. creos. hell. hep. jod. kali. lye. mere. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-VOMI. op. phosph. PH-AC. puls. RHUS. sabad. SCILL. SEP. sil. spig. staun. stront. sulph. veratr. Time. Ant-crud. amrn. ars. calc. caps. ignat. kali. lyc. magn- mang. mere. plumb. puls. rhus. sulph. thuj. Exacerbations. Acon. ambr. amnm-mur. ars. AUR. CAPS. carb-veg. cham. CON. cycl. dulc. EUPHORB. FERR. hep. hyosc. LYC. mgs. magn-mur. men. mosch. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. scill. sep. sil. stront. sulph. tar. valer. verb. Concordances in general. Acon. amrn. ARS. aur. BELL. bry. calc. caps. carb-veg. cham. chin. con. ferr. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. lye. mere. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. scill. SEP. Sil. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Ars. camph. CII. SASSAPARILLA. 1Moral and intellectual faculties. Aur. ignat. lye. phosph. plat. Seat of the diseases. Acon. alhm. amrn. asaf. bar. bell. bry. calc. cantk. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. con. graph. hep. ignat. kali. laur. lyc. merec. natr. natr-mur. nitr. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PULS. rhus. ruta. sc8ll. sep. sil. spig. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. M1orbid states and sensations. Alum. anac. amrn. asaf. bar. bell. bry. CALC. caust. CHIN. cocC. dros. graph. hell. ignat. kali. lagr. lye. mere. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. plat. puls. rhus. sep. sil. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc. Glands. Acon. BELL. mere. phosph. sil. sulph. SASSAPARILLA. SCILLA MARITIMA. 437 Bones. Bell. caust. mere. puls. sep. Skin. Ant-crud. bar. bell. CALC. dul. hep. led. lyc. MERC. petr. puls. rhus. SEP. sil. staph. sulph. veratr. Sleep and dreams. Bell. bry. chin. creos. graph. ignat. kali. lyc. merc. n-vom. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. Pyrosis. Bov. sep. Time. Ant-crud. ignat. n-vom. staph. Exacerbations. Arn. bell. BRY. CALC. cann. carb-an. carb-veg. colch. croc. graph. HEP. jod. ipec. LYC. merc. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. puls. rhus. SEP. spig. staph. sulph. \ Concordances in general. Arn. BELL. bry. calc. caust. chin. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lyc. MERC. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. rhus. SEP. Sil. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. Antidotes. Bell. mere. CIII. SCILLA MARITIMA. Moral and intellectual faculties. Acon. ANAC. ars. BELL. calc. con. ignat. lye. NATR. natr-mur. n-vom. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. sep. sil. staph. stranm. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Seat of the diseases. Acon. arg. arn. ars. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. dig. graph. hep. IGNAT. kali. lyc. mere. mur-ac. natr-mur. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. sabad. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph. stranm. sul2h. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. ARS. BELL. bry. calc. canth. cham. CHIN. con. ferr. hyosC. IGNAT. mere. natr-mur. n-vomn. op. phosph. plumb. puls. rhus. seccorn. sep. SULPH. veratr. Glands. Ars. BELL. carb-an. con. hep. lye. merc. phosph. puls. sil. SULPH. 2P2 438. SASSAPARILLA. SECALE CORNUTUM. Skin. Arn ARS. asaf. bell. BR-Y. caic. caust. chin. ddle. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. led. lyc. MERC. nitr-ae. phosph. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. SULPH. Pyrosis. Acon. amn. ARS. bell. bry. caic. cocc. coff. hell. ignat. kali. lack. lyc. merc. n-moseh. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. sam6. sep. sit. spig. sulph. Time. Nitr. n-vom. rhus. Exacerbations. Aeon. arn. ars. asar. belt. B RY. calad. cale. caun. chin. cie. coec. coich. eon. dig. graph. HEP. jod. ipec. led. lye. mere., natr-mur. N-VOM. phospli. ran-bulb. RHUS. sabin. samb. selen. sit. spig. staph. stront. suiph. vit. Concordances in general. Aeon. amn. ARS. BELL. bry. caic. chain. chin. con. hep. ignat. kali. lye. mere. natr-rtir. n-vom. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puts. RHUS. samb. sep. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Camuph. CIV. SECALE CORNUTUM. Moral and intellectual faculties. Aeon. ANAC. ARS. BELL. eroc. eupr. hell. HYOSC. ignat. lach. LYC. mere. NATR. natr-mui'. n-moseh. il-vom. op~. par. phosph. ph-ac. plat. rhus. sabad. sep. sil. staph. STRAM. sulph. veratr. Seat of the (liseases. A4con. amn. ARS. BELL. bry. CALC. cauth. caust. CHAM. chel. CHIN. Cie. coec. eon. croc. cupr. dig. ferr. hep. H-YOSC. ignat. ipEc. kali. led. LYC. mere. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. OP.. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb.* PULS. r-hus. sabin. scill. SEP. sit. STRAM. SULPH. veratr. 4 Morbid states and senisations. Aeon. amn. ars. BELL. bry. caic. caust. CHAM. ehel. chin. cic. coce. Con. CUPR. ferr. graph. HYOSC. ignat. ipee. tyc. merc. N-VOM. OP. phosph. ph-ae. plat. plumb. puts. rhus. sep. sil. strain. suiph. veratr. zinc. Glands. Chain. eon. jod. nitr-ac. SECALE CORNUTUM. SELENIUM4 439 Bones. Ars. sep. Skin. Aeon. arn. ARS. asaf. bell. bry. caic. chin. dule. jod. kali. lach. LYC. MERC. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puts. RHUS. sabin. scull. sep. SIL. SULPH. veratr. Sleep and dreams. Ant-tart. belt. bry. con. croc. ignat. Led. N-MOSCH. n-Vom. OP. phosph. ph-ac. puls. veratr. Pyrosis. ACON. am. ars. BELL. BRY. CALC.cham. chin. coce. duic. hep. hyosc. kali. lach. led. lye. MERO. natr-mur. n-vom. op. phosph. PH-AC. plat. PUIS. RHUS. samb. sep. sit. stann. strain. SULPH. veratr. Exacerbations. Ant-tart. bell. bry. cale. caps. CHAM. cocc. croc. dros. hyosc. jod. led. lye. n-moseh. plat. PULS. RHUS. SABIN. sep. sulpk. veratr. Concordances in greneral. Aeon. ant-tart. am. ARS. BELL. bry. cate. CHAM. chin. coec. eon. eroc. cupm. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipee. kali. led. LYC. mere. natrmum. n-mosch. n-vom. op. phOSph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabin. sep. sit. strain. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Camph. op. CV. SELENIUM. Moral and intellectual faculties. Anae. bell. con. hell. hyose. ignat. LYC. mere. natr. natr-mur. op. rhus. STRAM. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Aeon. ant-crud. arn. ams. bell. bry. calad. CALC. eanth. caps. earb-veg. caust. CHIN. CON. GRAPH. hep. ipec. KALI. lack. LYC. MERO. natr. natr-mum. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosph. PULS. rhus. SEP. SIL. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. thuj. vematr. vit. Morbid states and sensations. Aeon. asam. aum. bar. belt. cale. CHIN. coce. eoff. ignat. jod. kali. lye. mere. mezer. natr. N-YOM. pliospk. puts. rhus. sep. stann. SULPHO 440 SELENIUM. SENEGA. Glands. Amrn. bell. bry. carb-an. caust. chin. kali. lye. merc. puls. sil. sulph. Skin. Ars. asaf. bry. carb-veg. caust. chin. creos. graph. kali. lack. lyc. merc. natr. ph-ac. RHUS. SEP. sil. staph. sulph. Sleep and dreams. Ars. bell. bor. BRY. caic. carb-veg. chin. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. lye. merc. n-vom. phosph. puls. rhus. SEP. Sil. spig. suiph. Pyrosis. Acon. ant-tart. ars. bell. bry. CALC. cham. chin. graph. hep. kali. lye. MERC. n-vom. phosph. puls. rhus. SEP. SULPH. thuj. veratr. Time. Nitr-ac. sil. Exacerbations. Agar. amrn. BELL. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. carb-an. carbveg. cham. chel. CHIN. COc. coff. colch. ferr. graph. hep. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. led. lyc. mere. natr. NATR-MUR. n-mosch. N VOM. phosph. puls. ran-bulb. rhus. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. staph. sulph. veratr. Concordances in general. Amrn. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb-veg. caust. CHIN.' cocC. con. graph. hep. ignat. jod. kali. lach. LYC. MERC. Iati. natr-mur. n-vom. phosph. puls. rhus. SEP. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Ignat. puls. (Noc. chin. vinum.) CVI. SENEGA. 1Morbid states and sensations. ANAC. ars. aur. BELL. eale. COff. croc. hyosc. lye. merc. natr. op. PROSPH. ph-ac. sep. stram. sulph. zinc. Seat of the diseases. Acon. arg. ars. bell. BRY. CALC. Carb-veg. caust. Cham. chin. hep. ignat. jod. kali. lach. lye. MERC. nitr-aC. N-VOM. par. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. ruta. SEP. Sil. spig. spong. stann. SULPH. thuj veratr. zinc. SENEGA. SEPIA. 441 Morbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. ars. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. caps. carb-veg. caust. chin. cocc. con. croc. ferr. graph. hyosc. kali. LYC. merc. natr-mur. n-vom. phospkh. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. stann. SULPH. Zinc. Skin. Ars. bell. bry. calc. chin. led. lyc. puls. sil. Sleep and dreams. Bell. ignat. puls. veratr. Pyrosis. ACON. arn. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. chin. ferr. jod. kali. LYC. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. rhus. sep. sil. SULPH. Exacerbations. Acon. ang. bar. bor. BRY. calc. cina. dros. jod. kali. led. LYC. merc. natr-mur. puls. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sep. sil. spig. sulph. Concordances in general. Acon. ars. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chin. kali. LYC. merc. n-vom. PHOSPH. puls. rhus. sep. sil. SULPH. Antidotes. Arn. bell. bry. camph. CVII. SEPIA. Moral and intellectual faculties. Acon. anac. ars. aur. BELL. bry. calc. caust. cham. cocc. con. graph. hell. hyosc. IGNAT. LYC. merc. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. op. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. rhus. sil. stram. sulph. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Acon. arn. ars. aur. bell. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chin. con. creos. cupr. graph. hep. ignat. ipec. KALI. led. LYC. magn. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RHUS. sabin. sec-corn. sil. spig. stann. staph. stram. SULPH. thuj. valer. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. anac. arn. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. CHIN, cic. COCC. con. dros. ferr. graph. IGNAT. jod. KALI. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sec-corn. sil. spig. stann. staph. stram. SULPH. valer. veratr. zinc. 442 SEPIA. SILICEA. Glands. Mrn. bell. bry. caic. CON. ignat. lyc. merc. phospli. plat. rhus. SIL. spong. SIJLPH. Bones. Asaf. bell. CALC. hep. lyc. MERC. nitr-ac. puls. sil. suiph. Skin. Amm. ant-crud. arn. ARS. bar. bell. boy. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chin. clemn. con. duic. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. led. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-voxn. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. selen. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Sleep and dreams. Airs. befl. 6ry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. phosph. Aep. kali. merc. natr. n-vom. PHOSPH. PULS. RHUS. sil. sul~ph. Pyrosis. AcON. amn. ARS. BE LL. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. creos. dig. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. LYC. mere. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-YOM. Op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. _puls. RHUS. sabin. samb. selen. sil. spig. stann. stram. SULPH. thuj. veratr. Time. Carb-veg. natr, natr-mur. sabad. staph. suiph-ac. Exacerbations. Acon. ambr. amm. ant-crud. ars. bar. bell. BRY. calad. CALC. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. coich. coloc. eon. cupr. cycl. duic. hep., ignat. kali. lye. mang. merc. natr. natr-rnur. nitr-ac. N-YOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabin. selen. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. thuj. verb. viol-tr. Concordances in general. Aeon. ant-crud, amn. ars. anr. bar. BELL. BRY. CALO carb-veg. eau~st. chain. chin. cocc. con. duic. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. led. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-inur. nitr-ae. N-YOM. Op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabin. selen. SIL. spig. staun. staph. strain. SULPH. thnj.-veratr. zinc. Antidotes. Aeon - ant-crud, ant-tart. -Acetum-veg. spir-nitr-dule. -(Noc. lac.) CVIII. SILICEA. M~oral and intellectual faculties. Bell. cale. caun. coce. CON. hyosc. IGNAT. laiir. LYC. merc. nati' SILICEA. 4433 mnur. n-vom. op. PHoSPH. PH-AC. plat. PULS. RHUS. sep. staph. STRAM. suiph. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Acon. amim. amm-mur. ant-crud. arn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. hry. CALO. cantli. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chel. chin. cina. COCC. CON. creos. cupr. dros. duic. euphlr. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. KALI. LYC. MERC. mezer. natr. NATR-MTR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. petm. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sec-corn. SEP. spig. stann. STAPH. strai. SULPI. thuj. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. ars. aur. am. bar. BELL. bry. CALO. canth. carb-veg. caust. chai. chin. cocc. coff. con. croc. cupr. duic. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. hali. LYC. i-arct. merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. phosph. ph-ac. '.puls. RHUS. sec-corn. SEP. Spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPHT. thuj. valer. veratr. zinc. Glands. Amr ars. BELL. bry. caic. carb-an. chin, con. HEP. lyC. Bones. ASAF. bell. CALC. hep. lyc. MERO. nitr-ac. phosph. ph-ac. puls. sep. staph. -suiph. Skin. Acon. ARS. asaf. bar. bell, bry. CALC. camb-an. carb-veg. caust. chanz. chin. clem. con. duic. graph. REP. LACH. led. LYC. MERC. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. PULS. RHUS. SCifi. SEP. staph. SULPH. veratr. Sleep and dreams. ARs. bell. BRY. caic. caust. chin. hep. ignat. ikali. lyc. magn. mere. natm-mur. N-VOM. op. PHOSPH. pus. rhus. SEP. SULPH. Pyrosis. AcoN. amn. ARS. aur. BELL. BRY. caic.. car6-veg. chain. chin. coich. creos. cupr. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lyc. inere. natrmur. n-iosch. n-vom. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puts. RHUS. saib. seecorn. sep. spig. strain. suiph. veratr. Tinte. Rep. mang. staph. suiph-ac. Exacerbations. Acon. amn. a-s. 6ama. 6ell. bor. 6my. calad. CALC. caps. camb-veg. caust. chanv. chin. cina. cocc. CON. ferr. graph. H-EP. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. led. LYC. natr-mum. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. phosph. 444 SILICEA. SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA. ph-ac. puls. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. samb. sep. spig. stront. SULPH. veratr. Concordances in general. Acon. arn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. con. graph. HlEP. hyosc. ignat. kali. JYC. MERC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sec-corn. SEP. spig. staph. straim. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Camph. hep. CIX. SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA. 1Mloral and intellectual faculties. Acon. anac. ars. BELL. bry. calc. carb-an. con. cycl. GRAPH. hell. hyosc. ignat. LYC. merc. NATR. natr-mur. n-mosch. op. petr. phosph. plat. puls. RHUS. sep. STRAM. sulph. thuj. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Acon. anac. arn. ars. aur. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. con. creos. graph. hep. ignat. KALI. led. lye. merc. natr. natr-mnr. n-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. RHus. sabin. scill. seneg. SEP. sil. stann. staph. SULPH. valer. veratr. zinc. Ilorbid states and sensations. Acon. arn. ars. asaf. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. con. bep. ignat. kali. lye. m-arct. mere. mezer. natr. natr-mur. N-VOM. PROSPH. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. SEP. sil. spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc. Glands. Amn. aur. BELL. carb-an. chin. con. jod. lye. phosph. puls. Bones. Chin. ph-ac. PULS. Skin. Acon. arn. ars. bar. bell. BRY. calc. caust. chin. con. hep. kali. lye. mere. natr-mur. n-vom. phosph. plat. PULS. RHus. SEP. sil. SULPH. Sleep and dreams. Phosph. sulph. 4Acon. ARS. bell. bry. calc. cham. hell. ignat. lye. nierc. n-mosch. n-vom. phosph, PULS.' rhus. SEP. veratr. Time. Carb-veg. mang. sabad. staph. valer. SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA. SPONGIA TOSTA. 445 Exacerbations. Acon. amm-mur. amrn. ars. asar. BELL. bor. DRY. CALC. caps. arb-veg. CHAM. chel. chin. cocc. coff. COLCH. con. croc. ferr. raph. hep. IGNAT. JOD. kali. lack. led. LYC. m-arct. MERC. natr. atr-mur. nitr. N-VOM. phosph. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. sabad. elen. SEP. Sil. staph. suiph. veratr. Concordances in general. Acon. arn. ars. aur. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. caust. cham. hin. con. graph. hep. ignat. jod. kali. LYC. merc. natr. natr-mur. I-von. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sil. staph. SUJLPH. eratr. Antidotes. Camph. puls. CX. SPONGIA TOSTA. Moral and intellectual tfaculties. Alum. anac. aur. bell. calc. cann. carb-an. caust. cham. con2l. iyosc. ignat. lyc. mere. NATR. op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. puls. rhus.,ep. sil. spig. staph. stram. sulph. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Acon. ang. arn. ars. BELL. 6ry. CALC. CARB-VEG. caust. cham. CHIN.cina. con. creos. DROs. graph. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. laur. nang. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. sabin. samb. seneg. sep. sil. spig. staun. staph. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. amrn. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. CALC. cann. canth. carbveg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. con. dulc. graph. hep. ignat. jod. kali. lye. men. mere. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. RHUS. SEP. Spig. stann. staph. SULPR. thuj. valer. zinc. Glands. Bell. bry. calc. caust. CON. ignat. lyc. MERC. phosplh. plat. 1'ULS. RHUS. sabin. sep. sil. staph. sulph. Bones. Arg. bell. cupr. cycl. kali. lye. mere. ph-ac. sabin. staph. Skin. Amm-mur. arn. bar. bell. nRY. calc. CAUST. chin. COCCe. olch. con. cycl. euphorb. graph. ipec. kali. lach. led. LYC. merc. mezer. nitr-ac. oleand. phosph. plat. PULS. ran-scel. RHUS. sabad. sep. sil. spig. staph. SULPH-I. viOl-tm7. 446 446 SPONGIA TOSTA. STANNUM. Sleep and dreams. Ilep. lach. phosph. suiph. Pyrosis..% A CON. ARN. arS. BELL. BRY. caic. carb-veg. chin, graph. hyose. (ignrat. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. n-vein. PH-ospH. ph-ac. puls. rhus. sep. sil. stann. stram. suiph. Time. Chain. graph. mang. stront. ]Exacerbations. Aeon. amn-na-ur. anac. ant-crud. arm. ars. asaf. ASAR. bor. BRY. caic. caps. car6-vey. caust. cic. croc. hell. HEP. ignat. ipec. kali. lach. lyc. mnagn. magn-mnur. inerc. natr-mur. N-YOM. phosph. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. selen. sep. sil. valer. Concordances in general, Acon. amn. ars. B3ELL. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. CON. graph. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. LYC. MERC. noatr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH1. plat. PULS. RHTJS. sabia. SEP. Sil. spig. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. Antidotes. Canpli. CXI. STANNUM. Moral and Intellectual faculties. A4con. ainbr. anac. ars. aur. bar. IBE LL. bry. caic. caust. chain. chin. cic. coce. con. graph. hell. hyosc. IGNAT. LYC. merc. mum-ac. natr. nlatrm-iur. n-inosch. n-vein. op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PUJLS. rhus. sabad. sec-corn. sep. sil. staph. dtram. SULPH. Seat of the diseases. Acon. amn. ars. bell. 6ry. CALC. camb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. con. cupr. dros. ferr. graph. hep. ignat. ipec. icali. lyc. merc. natr. niatr-inur. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. SEP. sil. spig. spong. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. Morbid states and sensations. Alum. amn. ars. asaf. BE LL. 6ry. CALC. cantli. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. CHIN. COCC. con. cupr. duic. ferr. graph. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. LYC. merc. mezer. nair. natr-mnur. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. r-hus. SEP. sil. spif,. spong. staph. stront. SULPH. valem. veratr. zinc. Glands. BELL. caic. merc. phosph. rhodod. suiph. STANNUM. DELPHINIUM STAPHYSAGRIA. 447 Skin Arn. bry. calc. chin. cocc. cycl. graph. lyc. MERC. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. puls. RHUS. sep. sil. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. Sleep and dreams. Ars. bell. bry. calc. chin. ignat. lyc. mur-ac. natr. n-vom. phosph, PULS. rhus. sabad. sep. sil. sulph. Pyrosis. ACON. arn. ARs. bell. BaY. calc. carb-veg. cocc. hell. aOD. kali. Zyc. MERC. n-voem. op. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. puls. rhus. samb. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spong. staph. stranm. sulph. veratr. Exacerbations. Anac. bell. BRY. CALC. cann. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. hep. ignat. kali. lyc. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. sulph. Concordances in general. Acon. anac. arn. ars. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. con. graph. ignat. jod. kali. LYC. merc. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sil. staph. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Puls. CXII. DELPHINIUM STAPHYSAGRIA. Moral and intellectual faculties. Acon. anac. BELL. calc. cham. chin. cocc. CON. graph. hell. hyosc. IGNAT. LYC. merc. natr. NATR-MUR. n-vom. op. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. PULS. rhus. sep. SIL. STRAM. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Seat of the diseases. Acon. ant-crud. arn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chin. clem. cocc. con. creos. dig. dulc. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. LYC. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vonz. oleand. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sassap. scill. SEP. sil. spig, stann. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zINC. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. anac. arg. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. carb.-veg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. con. graph. hell. ignat. KALI. lyc. mar. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. zinc. 448 DELPHINIUM STAPHYSAGRIA. DATURA STRAMONIUM. Glands. Aur. BELL. bry. calc. ignat. lyc. mere. phosph. puls. rhus. SPONG. sulph. zinc. Bones. Arg. ASAF. caIC. cycl. lyC. MERC. mezer. nitr-ac. phosph. PH-AC. puls. ruta. sIL. sulph. Skin. Acon. amm-mur. ant-crud. ars. asaf. bar. bell. bdv. bry. calc. carb-veg. caust. cham. clem. con. dulc. graph. hep. kali. lack. led. LYC. MERC. mezer. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spong. SULPH. sulph-ac. tliuj. viol-tr. Sleep and dreamns. Ars. calc. caust. chin. graph. IGNAT. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. phosph. puls. rhus. sabad. sulph. Pyrosis. Acon. amrn. ARS. bar. BELL. bry. calc. caust. cham. chin. coce. graph. ignat. kali. lye. mere. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. scill. SEP. Spig. sulph. veratr. Time. Bell. carb-veg. lye. puls. sabad. valer. Exacerbations. Arn. bell. bry. CALC. cann. CARB-VEG. chel. chin. cocc. colch. coloc. con. croc. dig. graph. HEP. IGNAT. JOD. lach. lye. mere. natr-mur. N-VOM. oleand. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. ran-bulb. SEP. sil. SPIG. SUiph. Concordances in general. Acon. amrn. ars. asaf. bar. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. con. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. LYC. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabad. sep. sil. spig. spong. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Antidotes. Camph.-(Noc. ran-bulb.) CXIII. DATURA STRAMONIUM. IiMoral and intellectual faculties. Acon. anac. ars. aur. BELL. cann. cic. cocc. con. cupr. hell. HYOSC. ignat. laur. LYC. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. OP. phosph. ph-ac. plat. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. VERATR. DATURA STRAMONIUM. STRONTIANA. 449 Seat of the diseases. Aeon. amn. ars. aur. BELL.. bry. CALC. camph. cantli. carb-veg. c/ham,. chin. cic. cocc. con. cupr. hep. HYOSC. ignat. ipec. lach. LYC. merc. natr-mur. nitr-ac.- n-vom. OP. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS.' rhus. ruta. scil. sec-corn. Sep. -Sil. SULPH. veratr. M~Iorbid states and sensations. Aeon. anac. amn. ars. BELL. 6ry. caic. caust. chain. chin. cic. cocc. con. cupr. IIYOSO. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lye. mere. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. OP. phospli. plat. puls. rhus. -sec-corn. sep. sil. suiph. veratr. Glands. Bell. caic. lyc. mere. spong. suiph. ARS. BELL. 6ry7. hyose. lyc-puls. rhus. suiph. Sleep and dreams. Ars. BELL. '62-Y. chain. hep. hyose. ignat. lye. mere. op. phosph. ph-ac. puls. sil. suipli. veratr. Fyrosis. ACON. ars. BE LL. BRY. cale. carb-vegs. chain. chin, dig. ferr. hyosc. kali. lye. mere. natr-mur. mitr-ac. n-vom. op. PH-ospH. ph-ac..puls. RHus. sep. sil. spong. stann. suiph. veratr. Time. Nitr. n-vom. rhus. Exacerbations. Aeon. agar. ARS. BELL. 6ry. caic. carb-veg. chain. chel. chin. coff. con. creos. graph. hep. ignat. lach: lyc. mere. natr. n-mosch. NNO/M. op. phos8ph. PULS. rhus. selen. Sep. -sil. spig. sul/ph. veratr. Concordances in general. Acon. ARS. BELL. BRY. caic. carb-veg. c/tam, chin.. cie. conl. cupr.. hep. 1-YOSO. iognat. LYC. mere. flfti'-mur. nitr-ac. n-voin. OP. pliospit. ph-ac. plat. PULS. r-hus. sec-corn. Sep. sil. SULPH. veratr. Aintidotes. Bell. hyosc. n-vomn.-Acetuim. acet-veg. 'citri-vtccus. tabacum. CXIV. STRONTIANA. M~oral and intellectual faculties. Aeon. anae. ars. aur. bar. bell. bry. CALO. chain. hep. iL/nat, ipec, lye, mere. n-vom. joho-sph. pzds. Sep. strainz. ru/p/. veratr. 2 Q2 450 450 STRONTIANA. -SIJLPIXLJRO Seat of the diseases. Aeon. amn. bell. bry. CALC. CAUST. chain. chin. con. ferr. graph. ignat. KALI. led. lyc. mERC. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. par. petr. phospli. ph-ac. PTJLS. rhodod. RHUS. sabin. SEP. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. M~orbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. amin. anac. aria. ars. asaf. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. CAUST. chain, chin. cocc. eon. graph.. hep. hyosc. ignat., KALI. lye. MERC. inezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. par. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PIJLS. RHUS. sabin. sassap. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. SULPH1. suiph-ac. thuj. zinc. Glands. Bar. BRY. caust. CON. graph. kali. PHOSPH. PULS. RHUS. SpOlig. SULPH. Bones. Bell. chin. dros. kali. merc. ruta. Skin. Amn. bar. CAUST. eon. kali. lach. led. mere. n-vom. phosph. plat PULS. rhus. sep. sil. sidph. Sleep and dreams. Calc. hep. kali. pho-sph. puls. sep. suiph. Pyrosis. Aeon. ars. bell. bry. calc. eolch. hep. kali. mere. N-VOM. phosph. RHUS. samb. scml. sep. sil. suiph. Time. Chain. mang. puls. Exacerbations. Amin. ars. aur. bell. caic. caps. caust. chain. clein. colch. con. dule. flE1. hyosc. kali. lye. mere. mosch. n-mosch. n-vom. plat. puls. IRHUS. sabad. samnb. scull. sep. sil. sulph. veratr. Concordances In general. Aeon. ars. bar. bell. 67ry. CALC. CAUST. chain. con. graph. hep. igiaat. KALI. lye.* MERO. natr-mur. N-VOM. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sil. SULPH. zinc. Antidotes* Cainph. CXV. SULPHUR. Mioral and intellectual faculties* Aeon. anae. ars. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. caust. chain. cic. coec. SULPHUR. 451 con. graph. hell. hyosc. IGNAT. LYC. merc. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sep. sil. staph. STRAM. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Acon. amm. arn. ars. bar. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. cann. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chin. cina. cocc. con. creos. cupr. dig. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. led. LYC. merc. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sec-corn. SE P. SIL. spig. stann. staph. stram. thuj. valer. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. ambr. amm. anac. ant-crud. am. ARS. asaf. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. CHIN. cic. cocc. colch. con. croc. cupr. dulc. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. LYC. MERC. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront. tar. thuj. veratr. zinc. Glands. BELL. bry. calc. con. hep. lye. MERC. PHOSPH. puls. rhus. SIL. spong. Bones. ASAF. CALC. lyc. mere. NITR-AC. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sil. staph. Skin. Acon. amm. ant-crud. arn. ARS. asaf. bar. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. colch. con. creos. cycl. dulc. ferr. graph. hell. hep. kali. lach. led. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabad. scill. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. staph. veratr. Sleep and dreams. ARs. bell. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. cham. chin. con. graph. HEP. ignat. kali. lyc. merc. natr-mur. n-vonm. op. PHOSPH. PULS. RHUS. SEP. SIL. Pyrosis. AcoN. ambr. arn. ARS. BELL. BRY. CALC. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. COcc. dig. ferr. HEP. hyose. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. LYC. MERC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. samb. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. stann. strain. thuj. veratr. Time. Ant-crud. arn. ars. calc. caps. ignat. lye. plumb. puls. rhus. 452 SULPHUR. SULPHURICUM ACIDUM. Exacerbations. Acon. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ang. ant-crud, arn. ARS. bar. bell, BRY. CALC. cann. carb-veg. caust. chaint. chin. cocc. colch. con. cupr. dros. graph. hep. ignat. kali. led. LYC. mang. mere. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-vOM. op. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabin. SEP. sil. spig. staph. stram. thuj. veratr. Concordances in general. Acon. ant-crud. arn. ARS. asaf. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. con. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. stram. veratr. Antidotes. Acon. camph. cham. chin. merc. PULS. rhus. sep. CXVI. SULPHURICUM ACIDUM. IMoral and intellectual faculties., Alum. anac. aur. BAR. BELL. carb-an. caust. cic. con. ferr. graph. hell. hyosc. 1GNAT. LYC. mere. natr. phosph. plat. PULS. sep. sulph. zinc. Seat of the diseases. Alum. amm. amm-mur. aur. bell. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chamin. CHIN. cocC. con. creos. graph. ignat. ipec. KALI. lyC. magnmur. mere. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RHUS. SEP. Sil. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. thuj. veratr. verb. zinc. 1Morbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. anac. arg. arn. asaf. asar. bell. bry.calc. canth. carbveg. caust. chini. cic. cocc. dros. graph. ignat. kali. laur. lyc. mere. mezer. mosch. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Glands. Arn. ars. aur. bell. CARB-AN. CON, hep. ignat. jod. lach. lye. n-vom. phosph. puls. SEP. sulph. Skin. Amm-mur. ARN. ars. bell. BRY. calc. carb-veg. chin. cic. con. cycl. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. lyc. mere. mezer. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sec-corn. sep. sil. staph. SULPH. thuj. STJLPHURICUM ACIDUJM. TARAXACUM. 45 453 Sleep and dreams. Ars. graph. kali. nagn. natr. N-VOM. phospli. sep. sil. Pyrosis. Aeon. bell. cale. chain. chin. kali. mere. phospli. rhus. sep. suiph. veratr. Time. Cann. hep. mang. natr. sabad. sep. sil. Exacerbations. Amm2. ARN. ars. bell. DRY. calc. campli. carb-veg. chain. did. chin. cocc. CON. duic. graph. hep. kali. lach. led. lyc. mang. mere. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ae. n-mosch. N-VOM. phosph. puls. RHTJS. ruta. selen. sep. sil. spig. stront. SULPH. Concordances In general. Alum. amn. ars. aur. bell. bry. caic. carb-an. carb-veg-. caust. chain. chin. coec. con. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. LYC. mnere. natr. n:atrinur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. plat. PuLS. SEP.,sil. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Antidotes. Puls. CXVII. TARAXACUM. Moral and intellectual faculties. Aur. bell. cann. carb-an. cic. croc. cupr. hyosc. ignat. natr. op'. phosph. spong. strain. veratr. zinc. Seat of the diseases. Am?-. asaf. bell. bry. caic. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. CHIN. coec. dupr. cyci. graph. hep. ignat. kali. led. LYC. MIERC. inur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ae. N-VOM. petr. PHospE. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. rhus. sabin. sep. sil. spig. staun. staph. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Aeon. alumn. arg. amn. ars. ASAF. asar. BELL. br-y. CALC carbveg. caust. chin. eoee. con. hell. ignat. KALI. LYC. MERC. inezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. phosph. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sep. -sit. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. thuy. Zinc. Skin. Bar. DRY. caUSt. cyci. graph. LYC. mere. oleand. puls. RHUS. sabad. SEP. sil. spong. STAPI-. suiph. viol-tr. Sleep and dreams. Ignat. lye. fl-voin. phosph. rhus. sil. suiph. 454 TARAXACUM. THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. Pyrosis. Ars. caps. cham. n-vom. op. rhus. sep. Time. Dros. kali. n-vom. rhus. Exacerbations. Ars. aur. bry. caps. carb-veg. cham. con. CYCL., dros. dulc. euphorb. FERR. ignat. lach. lyc. mgs. magn-mur. men. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHnavs. sabad. samb. SEP. sulph. valer. verb. viol-tr. Concordances in general. Amrn. asaf. bell. bry. calc. caust. cham. chin. cycl. ignat. kali. LYC. merc. natr. N-VOM. op. phosph. PULS. RHUS. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. spong. staph. sulph. zinc. Antidotes. Camph.? CXVIII. THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. MIoral and intellectual faculties. Acon. anac. ars. aur. bar. calc. caust. cham. cocc. con. graph. hell. IGNAT. LYC. MERC. NATR. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. SEP. sil. staph. stram. sulph. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Amm-mur. arn. ars. aur. bar. bell. bry. calc. cann. CANTH. carbveg. CAUST. Chin. clem. cocc. creos. cycl. graph. hep. ignat. KALI. led. lyc. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. NITR-AC, n-vom. par. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. sabin. SEP. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. ZINC. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. arn. ars. ASAF. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-an. caust. chin. cocc. coloc. con. croc. dros. ferr. graph. hell. hep. ignat. KALI. lyc. m-arct. men. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mnur. nitr-ac. n-vom. par. petr. PHrOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. stront. SULPH. tar. veratr. zznc. Glands. Ars. bell. bry. calc. carb-an. clem. con. hep. kali. lach. lyc. MERC. PHrnosPH. puls. rhus. sil. spong. SULPH. Bones. Ars. asaf. bell. kali. MERC. ph-ac. rhws. ruta. sabin. sil. staph. suiph. THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. VALERIANA OFFICINALIS. 455 Skin. Aeon. ant-crud. ari. ars. asaf. bell. bry. cale. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chin, con. cyci. duic. graph. liep. hyosc. kali. lach. LYC. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nit r-ac. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. SEP. SIL. itaph. SULPH. Sleep and dreams. Ars. bry. chin, graph. ignat. kali. N-VOM. phosph. puls. suiph. Pyrosis. ACON. ambr. ars. BELL. bry. CALO. caust. chain. chin. ferr. graph. hep. jod. ipec. kali. LYC. mnere. initr-ac. N-VOM. Op. PHOSPH. _puls. rhus. selen. SEP. spig. suiph. VERATR. Time. Ars. dros. ferr. kali. fitr. n-vomn. rhus. Exacerbations. Acon. alum. amm. asaf. bar. bell. B RY. caic. canth. caps. carbA veg. chain. chin. cocc. con. cyci. dros. graph. HEP. lyc. iang. merc. natr. natr-mur. uitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. ru ta.-SEP. sil. SULPH. veratr. Concordances in general. Acon. amn. ars. asaf. bar. bell. 6ry. CALC. canth. carb-an. carbveg. caiast. chain. chin. cocc. con. dros. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lyc. MERO. natr. natr-inur. nitr-ac. n-vomz. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sep. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Antidotes. Cainph. merc. puls. suiph. CXIX. VALERIANA OFFICINALIS. Moral and intellectnal facnlties. Acon. ang. aur. BELL. bry. caic. cic. coff. ferr. HYOSO. ignat. lach. lyc. natr-mur. n-vom. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. _puls. rhus. STRAM. suiph. VE RATR. Zinlc. Seat of the diseases. Ant-crud. amn. ars. bell. bry. caic. carb-veg. caust. chin. cocc. con. duic. graph. ignat. kali. lyc. 'merc. natr-mnur. nitr-ac. n-voin. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. anac. amn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. BELL. ry. caic. caust. CHIN. cocc. con. ferr. IGNAT. kali. lyc. merc. mnosch. natr. nitr-ac. n-raosch. 456 VALERIANA OFFICINALIS. VERATRUM ALBUM. N-VOM. petr. phosph. ph-ac. FLAT. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. sulph. Bones. Bell. calc. chin. merc. PULS. ruta. Skin. Bry. CALC. cic. natr-mui. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. puls. rhus. sep. sulph. veratr. Sleep and dreams. Ars. bell. calc. carb-veg. graph. puls. rhus. sep. sulph. Pyrosis. Acon. bell. bry. cham..hep. merc. phosph. rhus. sep. sulph. Time. Arg. carb-veg. laur. mar. sil. spig. STAPH. viol-tr. Exacerbations. Agar. amm-mur. arg. ars. aur. bar. bry. calc. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. cham. chel. coN. cycl. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. FERR. guaj. lach. LYC. mgs. magn-mur. mar. men. mosch. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. SAMB. selen. sep. sil. spig. spong. tar. verb. viol-tr. Concordances in general. Ars. aur. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. cham. chin. con. ferr. ignat. lye. merc. natr-mur. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sil. spig. staph. sULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Camph. coff. puls. CXX. VERATRUM ALBUM. Mloral and intellectual faculties. Acon. anac. amrn. ars. aur. BELL. bry. caic. cann. cham. cic. cocc. con. cupr., HYOSC. ignat. lach. laur. LYC. natr-mur. N-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. STRAM. sulph. Seat of the diseases. Acon. ant-crud. arn. ars. aur. BELL. BRY. calc. cauth. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. con. cupr. dig. graph. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. kali. LYc. mere. natr-mur. N-VOM. Op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. sabad. scill. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. stram. SULPH. sulph-ac. zinc. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. arln. ars. asar. BELL. 6ry. calc. cann. canth. caust. cham. VERATRUM ALBUM. 457 CHIN. cic. coco. cupr. dig. duic. ferr. graph. hyosc. ignat. joc. ipec. kali. lyc. MERC. mosch. natr. natr--mur. nitr-ac. n-nosch. N-VOM. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabad. sec-corn. siEi'. sil. spig. stann. staph. strai. SILPH. Glands. BELL. bry1. CALC. carb-an. con. lyc. MERC. phosph. PULS. spong. SULPH. Bones. ArMg. asaf. bell. calc. cocc. cupr. cycl. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puis. RUTA. sabin. sit. STAPH. sulph. Skin. Ant-crud. ars. bar. 6ell. 6ry. CALC. caust. chin. cupr. dig. dulc. lep. ipec. lach. LED. lyc. magn. MERC. mezer. natr-mur. petr. pkosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sec-corn. SEP. sil. staph. sulph. Sleep and dreams. Ant-tart. ars. 6ell. bry. calc. caust. con. croc. natr. n-nosch. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. puts. sep. sulph. Pyrosis, ACON. ARS. bell. BRY. caic. camph. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chin. cina. cupr. hep. ignat. jod. ipec. laur. lyc. MERC. n-von. op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. puts. RHUS. sahad. SEP. spig. strai. suiph. Time. Anac. ant-crud. am. caic. carb-veg. ignat. natr-mur. n-vom. rhodod. rhus. sep. staph. Exacerbations. Acon. amm. ant-tart. amn. ars. bell. bor. bry. CALC. caps. carbveg. cham. chin. cocc. coloc. con. cipr. dros. euphorb. ferr. graph. hep. jod. ipec. lach. led. LYC. rugs. inang. merc. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. SEP. sil. spig. staph. strai. stront. SULPH. thuj. Concordances in general. Acon. am. ars. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. caust. c/am, c/hin. cocc. con. cupr. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. LYC. MERC. natr-iur. N-VOM. Op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. SEP. sil. spig. staph. stran. SULPH. Antidotes. Acon. camph. chin. coff. 2a 458 VERBASCUM THAPSUS. CXXI. VERBASCUM THAPSUS. Moral and intellectual faculties. Acon. BELL. bry. calc. chin. cic. con. graph. HYOSC. IGNAT. LYC. merc. natr. natr-mur. or. PHOSPH. plat. pAls. rhus. sil. staph. STRAM. sulph. SULPH-AC. valer. VERATR. viol-od. zinc. Seat of the diseases. Alum. anac. arg. bell. BRY. calc. caust. chin. creos. ignat. kali. lyc. magn-mur. merc. natr-mur. n-vom. oleand. petr.'phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. puls. rhus. sep. spig. stann. staph. sulph. SULPH-AC. thuj. veratr. Morbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. Airn. asaf. bell. bry. calc. canth. CHIN. con. dros. ignat. kali. merc. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. par. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. SEP. spig. spong. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. veratr. Skin. Bell. bry. led. phosph. plat. puls. rhus. sulph. Sleep and dreams. Ars. kali. magn. n-vom. sep. sulph-ac. Pyrosis. Bell. bry. caust. lyc. n-vomnz. PULs. rhus. Time. Carb-veg. guaj. hep. natr. natr-mur. sep. Exacerbations. Amm. amm-mur. ang. aur. bar. calc. CAPS. cina. CON. cycl. DULC. euphorb. ferr. HEP. jod. lach. LYC. magn-mur. men. mosch. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. samb. SEP. sil. stront. TAR. valer. viol-tr. Concordances in general. Bell. bry. calc. caps. chin. con. dulc. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. lyc. merc. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. oleand. op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RnUS. ruta. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. staph. stram. suliph. sULPrr-I-AC. tar. valer. veratr. Antidotes. Camph. VIOLA ODO RATA. TRI COLO R.(JTACEA).49 459 CXXII. VIOLA ODORATA. M~oral and Intellectual faculties. Aeon. anac. aur. BELL. bry. caic. coff. con. graph. hell. hyose. lacli. lyc. natr-mur. n-vorn. op. petr. PHosPH. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. Sep. STRAM. SULPH. valer. VERATR. Seat of the diseases,, Acon. aur. bell. bry. caic. chin. kali. lyc. natr-mur. n-vom. phosph. plat. puls. sep. spig. suiph. Mtorbid states and sensations. Acon. amn. bell. caic. caust. chin. con. ferr. jod. lyc. N-vom. PHOSPHa. plat. puts. rhus. sep. spig. SUIPh. Skin. Amr. bell. bry. caust. kali. lyc. phosph. plat. puls. rhus. sep. spig. suiph. Sleep and dreams. Bry. caust. ignat. m-arct. N-VOM. phospli. pUIs. RHUS. sep. staph. Time. Dros. kali. n-vons. rhus. Exacerbations.. Coich. dros. ignat. lye. n-vom. oleand. phospli. PULS. sabad. sep.Pig. Concordances in general. Acon. amn. bell. bry. caic. caust. duin, con. ignat. kali. lye. N-VOM. OP. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. RHUS. SEP..Spig. strain. sulph. veratr. Antidotes. Campli. CXXIII. TRICOLOR (JACEA). Mtoral and intellectual faculties. Con. ignat. natr-mur. phosph. ph-ac. puls. sep. sil. suiph. Seat of the diseases. Ant-crud, arn. ars. bell. bry. cale. caun. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. 460 TRICOLOR (JACEA). VITEX AGNUS. creos. graph. hep. ignat. hali. lye. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. sabin. SEP. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Mlorbid states and sensations. Am. asaf. BELL. bry. calc. caust. chin. cocc. col6h. coloc. con. dros. graph. ignat. kali. lyc. m-arct. men, mere, mur-ac. natr. natrmur. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. puls. RHUS. sabad. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. tar. zinc. Skin. Ant-crud. arn. ars. bar. bell. BRY. calc. caust. cham. clem. con. cycl. dulc. GRAPH. hep. led. lyc. natr. nitr-ac. petr. PULS. ranbulb. RHUS. sabad. sassap. scill. SEP. SIL. spoDg. STAPH. sulph. Sleep and dreams. Ars. bry. calc. carb-an. chin. hep. ignat. kali. lyc. mere. n-vonm. PHOSPH. puls. ran-bulb. rhus. sep. sil. staph. SULPH. Pyrosis. Acon. ars. bell. bry. cham. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. sep. Time. Arg. mar. sil. staph. valer. Exacerbations. Ambr. amm-mur. bry. caps. cham. coloc. coN. cycl. dros. dule. euphorb. ferr. ignat. LYC. ings. magn-mur. men. mosch. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. SEP. tar. valer. verb. Concordances in general. Arn. ars. bar. bell. bry. calc. caust. cham. chin. con. cycl. dros. dulc. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lyc. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. staph. SULPH. Antidotes. Camph. rhus. CXXIV. VITEX AGNUS. Mloral and intellectual faculties. Acon. alum. anac. arn. ars. AUR. bar. BELL. calc. caust. cham. cocc. con. croc. GRAPH. hyose. IGNAT. LYC. mere. mezer. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. oleand. op. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. stram. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. TITEX AGNUSP 461 Seat of the diseases. Amn. ars. calad. caic. cauth. chin. con. cyci. graph. hep. ignat. Icali. LYC. MERC. n-vom. ph-ac. P1JLS. rhodod, rhus. sabin. Yselen. sep. staph. SULPH. thuj. zinc. M~orbid states and sensations. Amn. -bar. bell. BRY. CALC CALJST. chin, con. graph. ignat. kali. led. lyc. merc. natr. natr-niur. nitr. n-vom. phosph. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. sep. spong. staph. SULP.H. Glands. Amn. BELL., BRY. cale. carb-an. chin. clem. CON, graph. kali. LYC. merc, i'nosPH. PULS. rhUS. sil. spong. SULPH. Bones. Chin. cupr. skin. Arn. asaf. bar. BRY. caic. caust. con. cyci. euphorb. graph. lach. led. LYC. mere. mezer. oleand. phosph. plat. PULS. ran-scel. rhus.,sil. -spong. STAYH. suiph. Sleep and dreams. Ant-tart. bry. croc. n-no-sch. op. veratr. Pyrosis. Acon. ant-tart. ARS. bell. bry. caic. chin. coce. hell. ipec. lyc. MERC.- nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VQM. PHOSPII. PULS. rhus. sabad. sep. SPIG. SULPH. thiij. veriatr. Time. Ant-crud, -ant-tart. euphr. nitr-ac. phosph. Exacerbations. Acon. amn. asar. bell. bry. carb-an. chel. croc. dig. graph. hell. hep. lyc. m-anstr. mere. natr-mur. n-voif. PHOSPHa. puls. rhus. vabin. scull. suiph. Concordances In general. Amdr. ars. bell. DRY. calc. caust. chin, con. croc. graph. hell. ignat. kali. LYC. MERC. natr-mur. n-rnosch. n-vom. PHOSPH. PULS. RHJUS. s8ep. sil. spong. staph. SULPH. veratr. Antidotes. Camph. 2R2 462 ZINCUM. CXXV. ZINCUM. Moral and intellectual faculties. Acon. alum. anac. ars. aur. BELL. bry. calc. carb-an. cham. chin. coff. con. croc. cycl. ferr. graph. hell. hyosc. IGNAT. lach. lye. merc. mosch. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. puls. rhus. sep. sil. staph. STRAM. sulph. valer. veratr. Seat of the diseases. Acon. amm. ant-crud. arn. ars. asaf. aur: bell. bry. calc. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. CHIN. con. creos. ferr. graph. hep. KALI. laur. led. LYC. merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabin. scill. sec-corn. SEP. sil. STAPH. stront. SULPH. thuj. MIorbid states and sensations. Acon. alum. arg. arn. ars. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chin. cocc. con. ferr. graph. hell. hep. IGNAT. KALI. LYC. MERC. mezer. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. sabin. sassap. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. thuj. Glands. BELL. calc. CON..hep. ignat. lye. mere. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. sil. spong. staph. SULPH. Bones. Arg. bell. calc. chin. coce. con. cupr. lye. merc. phosph. rhus. RUTA. sabin. SEP. sil. staph. sulph. Skin. Alum. ant-crud. am. bry. calec. caust. cic. GRAPH. hep. ignat. lye. mang. natr-mur. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. SEP. SULPH. Sleep and dreams. Acon. CHIN. IGNAT. lach. phosph. sil. 8ulph. Pyrosis. Acon. bell. bry. chin. mere. phosph. PH-AC. puls. rhus. sep. stram. Time. Amm. ant-crud. bell. lyc. nitr-ac. puls. ]Exacerbations. Anac. arm. ars. bry. CALC. cham. chin. IGNAT. lach. lye. merc. -ZINCUM. -463' natr. natr-mur. N-vom. phospli. puls. Amu8 ruta. 8ep. sil. suiph. thuj. Concordances In general. Acon. arn. ars. aur. BELL. 6ry. CALC. carb-veg-. caust. chain. CHIN. cocc con. graph. hep. IGNAT. kali. lach. lyc. merc. mezer. natr. nair-mur. ri-vom.' PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS..H-US. ruta. sabin. SEP. sil. staph. strain. SULPH. Antidotes. Cainpli.liep. ignat.-Noc. chain. n-vom. vinum. 4`64 ADDENDA. ADDENDA. Page 2, No. 8, his. Gravity. Alum. ambr. amm. am~m-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. iars. aur'. bar'. nQY. cann. caust. chain. cina. cocc. con. cyci. EUPHORD. ignat. jod. led. lyc. mere. natr. n-mosch..oleand. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. rhus. seneg. 6ep. spig. staph. suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. Page 356. By movement. On mounting on horseback. Ars. graph. magn-mur. NATR. SEP. sil. -&pig. STJLPH-AC. valer. Page 135, No. 846, after suiph. add SYMPHRITUM OFFICINALE. Page 305, No. 1794, bis. Old persons (medicines appropriate to the complaints of). AMBRA. Op. con. aur. HARY-AC. ant-c. bry. cic. china. nux-v. suiph. ol-tereb. carh-an. et v. graph. Meen. rhus. tart-em. her. scid-ben. Page 9 1, No. 4 91, his. Itching in the vagrina (in pregnant women especially.) AMBR. con. car6-v. lye. suiph-ac. coff. kali. kreos. lach. mere. mar. nitr-ac. petr. puls. sep. sil. staph. thuj. ferr. cale. phospli. alum. phosph. cann. canth. chain. chin. igriat. ran-bulb. sabin.I INDEX. Abdomen in general, 55. - sides of the, 56. - external surface of the, 57. Abortion, 81. Acids, repugnance to, 43. Acne rosacea, 191. Accenosia, 23. Addenda, 464. Adherence of the pupils, 15. Adipsia, 43. Affections of the external parts, 114. - occupying the half of the body in general, 114. - occupying the right half of the body, 115. - occupying the left half of the body, 115. - of the internal parts, 114. - shewing themselves crossways, or in obliquely opposite parts (as, for instance, in the right arm and the left leg), 115. After pains, 81. Agrypnocoma, 230. Air, desire for the open, 121. - dread of the open, 127. Alcoholic liquors in general, sufferings from, 278. Aliments derived from the animal kingdom, 275. - derived from the vegetable kingdom, 276. - which agree or disagree, 273. Alteration of countenance, 28. Alysmus, 1. Amativeness, 2. Amaurosis, 18. Amblyopia, 17. Amelioration, affected side, when lying on the, 287. - abdomen, on retracting the, 314. - after partaking of salted food, 275. - air, in cold, 259. - air, in the open, 266. - air of a room, in the, 266. - aliments, cold, after partaking of, 273. - aliments, warm, from, 274. - asleep, in the act of falling, 322. - awaking, after, 321. - back, whilst lying on the, 287. Amelioration, bed, on rising or getting up from, 292. - bed, whilst in, 285. - bed, after getting up from, 293. - bed, from the heat of the; on becoming warm in bed, 261.. - bent, doubled up, or in a crooked position, whilst lying, 286. - bent, on keeping a part of the body, 297. - biting, whilst (clenching or approximating the teeth), 307. - bleeding, from or in consequerice of, at the affected part, 324. - blinking (winking), on, 306. - bread, after eating, 276. - breakfast, after, 309. - breath, on drawing a deep, or on making a full inspiration, 313. - breath, on holding the, 312. - carriage, from the motion of a, 300. - carrying an infant, whilst, 301. - chewing, whilst, 307. - clothes, on putting on one's (on dressing), 290. - coffee, from, 280. - cold, from, 320. - cold in general, from, 262. - cold air, from or in the, 263. - cold, on becoming, 263. - darkness, from (in the dark), 264. - damp or humid weather, during, 268. - dancing, from, 300. - descending, on or whilst, 296. - drinking, after, 311. -'drowsiness, during the sensation of, (whilst sleepy), 322. - dry weather, during, 268. - ear, on boring with the fingers into the, 320. - eating, whilst, 310. - eating, after, 310. - eating, after, to satiety, 311. - eructating, from, 323. - exertion, physical, from, 305. - expiration, during, 312. - eyes, on opening the, 307. - eyes, on shutting or closing the, 307. - fasting, whilst, 309. - food, warm, from, 274. 466 INDEX, Amelioration, food, salted, after eating, 275. - from fruit (after eating fruit), 277. - flatus, after the emission of, 312. - flexing, (or turning) on the affected part, 297. - hair, on tying up the, 319. - hard surface, whilst lying on a, 286. - head raised, whilst lying with the (high), 286. - head, on covering the, 271. - head, on shaking the, 290. - head, on bending the, backwards, 299. - head, on uncovering the, 272. - head, sideways, on bending the, 299. - heat, from, in general, 260. - horizontally, whilst lying, 286. - inspiration, during the performance of the act of. 313. - intellectual efforts or employment, during, 303. - kneeling, whilst, 284. - knitting, whilst, 305. - left side, when lying on the, 285. - light, from, 264. - limb, on or from drawing up or retracting a, 299. - limb, on or from extending a, 300. - limb pendant, whilstkeepingone,283. - looking straight forwards, on, 306. - looking sideways, on, 306. - looking steadily at an object, on, 306. - lotions, from the use of, 269. - lying on, or leaning or supporting oneself against something hard, 284. - lying down, whilst (whilst in the recumbent posture), 284. - lying down, after, 291. - meal, after a (see after eating). - meat, after partaking of, 275. - mesmerism, from, 317. - milk, from, 279. - motion or stool, after a, 312. - motion or movement, from or during, 287. - movement, from a prolonged, 288. - moving the affected part, from, 289. - nose, on blowing the, 314. - on boring with the fingers (into the nose or ear), 320. - on covering the head, 271. - on laying hold of anything, 319. - on placing the hand on anything, 317. - on passing the hand over a surface, 319. - on tying up the hair, 319. - on unbuttoning or loosening the garments, 272. Amelioration, on uncovering oneself, 272. - on uncovering the head, 272. - physical exertion, from, 305. - pork, or bacon, after eating, 275. - position, on changing the, 290. - posture, in a sitting, 281. - posture, erect, in an, 281. - posture, curved or stooping, whilst, 282. - posture, standing, in a, 282. - pressure, from external. 319. - raising a limb, on, 297. - reading, whilst, 304. - repose, during, 280. - right side, when lying on the, 285. - rising up, on, from a seat, 291. - rubbing, from, 317. - running, on, 300. - scraping, or scratching, from, 317. - seat, after having risen from a, 291. - sexual intercourse, in consequence of abstinence from, 316. - shoulder-blades, on approximating the (on throwing back the shoulders) 300. - side, affected, whilst lying on the, 287. - side, unaffected, whilst lying on the, 287. - side, whilst lying on the, 287. - sitting down, in the act of, 282. - sleep, during, 321. - sleep, after, 321. - sneezing, 314. - society, from, 303. - solitude, from, 303. - speaking, whilst, 312. - standing posture, in a (whilst standing), 282. - stove or fire, from the heat of the, 261. - stooping, on, 297. - sucking with the tongue, on, 307. - sun, from exposure to the, 258. - supporting oneself, from (or from leaning against something), 284. - swallowing, whilst, 308. - sweating, when, 320. - sweating, after (or perspiring), 321. - tea, from, 279. - tears, on shedding, 314. - thinking or reflecting, whilst, 303. - tobacco, from, 278. - tongue, on sucking the, 307. - touch, from the (or on touching or handling the affected parts), 317. - turning-lathe, whilst working at the, 305. - turning the affected part inwards, on, 298. INDEX. 467 Amelioration, turning the affected part backwards, on, 298. - turning the affected part sideways, on, 298. - turning the affected part forwards, on, 299. - twilight, from. 265. - vinegar, from the use of, 278. -- vomiting, from or after, 324. - unaffected side, when lying on the, 287. - walking, on, 294. - walking, on, in a stooping posture, 295. - walking in the open air, whilst, 295. - walking quickly, on, 296. - walking with a heavy step, on, 296. - warm dresses, clothing, or bedclothes, from, 271. - warmth, from; on warming oneself. on becoming warm, 261. - washing the body, on, 269. - water (cold), from, 280. - water (hot), from, 280. - wetting or moistening, on, the affected part, 270. - whilst keeping one limb pendant, 283. - whilst resting on the knees (kneeling), 284. - wine, from, 279. - writing, whilst, 304. - yawning, 314. Amentia, 4. Amnesia, 5. Anasarca, 128. Anemia, 116. Angles of the eye, 13. Anthrax, 190. Anus, 65. Anxiety, 1. Aphonia, 97. Apoplexy in general, 116. - nervous, 116. - sanguineous, 116. Apncea, 89. Apparent movement of objects, 18. Appetite, 41. - loss of, 41. Applications, external, effects of, 269. Apprehension, difficulty of, 4. - quickness of, 4. Arms, 104. Arm-pit (axilla), 104. Arthritis or arthrosis (gouty pains in the joints), 116. - erratica, 117. - nodsa (nodo arthritici), 117. Articulation of the shoulders, 104. - of the elbow, 105. Articulation of the hand, 106. - of the knee, 109. - of the foot, 111. - of the toes, 111. - of the superior extremities in general, 104. - inferior extremities in general, 108. Ascarides, 64. Ascites, 128. Asphyxia, 117. Atmosphere, influence of the, 266-.a 269. Atrophy, general, 117. - partial, 117. - of the diseased organs, 117. B. Back, 102. Bad humour, 3. Ball of the eye in general, 14. Beer, derangements from drinking, 279. - repugnance tb, 43. Black (brown) bread, repugnance to, 44. Blackening of the external parts; black discolouration of the outer parts, 133. Bladder, 73. Blanched appearance of the red parts, 183. Blebs, formation of, in consequence of rubbing or scratching, 202. Blood, ebullition of the, 117. - congestion, 117. - spitting of, 95. Blood-vessels, swelling, distension of the, 235. - burning sensation in the, 235. - inflammation of the, 235. - sensation of cold in the, 235. - throbbing of the, 236. - mottled, web-like, or reticulated appearance of the superficial, 236. Blotches, (see spots), 198. Boils, 192. - large, 192. - small, 19. Bones, 11. - alteration of structure, loss of consistency, 175. - pain in the, as if from a bruise, 176. - boring, or piercing pains in the, 177. - burning pain in the, 177. S- caries, 175. - coldness, sensation of, in the, 178. - contractive, constrictive pain in the, 177. - cutting pain in the, 177. - deviation, distortion, 175. c 468 INDEX. Bones, drawing or dragging pains ii the, 177. - drawing and burning pains in the 177. - drawing and pressive, or aching pains in the, 177. - drawing and binding pains in the 177. - drawing and shooting pains in the 177. - drawing and jerking pains in the, 177. - excessive sensibility of the, 178. - gnawing pain in the, 177. - inflammation of the, (ostitis), 175. - jerking pain in the, 177. - necrosis, 175. - of the inferior extremities in general, 107. - of the superior extremities in general, 103. - pains in the, in general, 175. - pains in the, as if arising from a fracture, (synonymous with pain, as from a bruise, or blow), 176. - pains in the, as if arising from a wound, 176. - pains, as from ulceration in the, 177. - pressive, or aching pains in the, 176. - pressive, aching, or drawing pains in the, 176. - pressive, aching, or shooting pains in the, 176. - raking pain in the, 176. - scraping pain in the(long bones), 177. - sensation of beating, or of pulsation in the, 178. - sensation of itching in the, 178. - sensation of swelling, 178. - sensibility, excessive, of the, 178. - shooting, lancinating pains in the, 176. - shooting and burning pains in the, 176. - shooting and pressive, or aching in the, 176. - shooting and drawing pain in the, 176. - softening (ramollissement,mollities), 175. - swelling of the, 174. - - tensive pain in the, 177. - tingling, creeping, or formicating sensations in the, 178. Borborygmus, 58. Brandy, sufferings from drinking, 279. Bread, 44. - black (brown), repugnance to, 44. Breath, offensive, 41. - hot, 89. - cold, 90. a Breath, fetid, 90. - concomitant complaints of the, 90., Bruises, 125. Buboes, botches, 118. g Bullm, formation of, in consequence of rubbing or scratching, 202., Bulimia, 4t. Burns, scalds, (ambustiones), 118,, Burning heat, sensation of, after rubbing or scratching, 203., Buttocks, 103. Buzzing, humming, whizzing in the body, 118. C. Callus, slow formation of, 175. Canthi, 13. Carbuncle (see Anthrax), 190. Caries, 175. Carphologia (see floccillation), 118. Carus, 227. Cataphora, 227. Cataract, 17. - reticular, 17. Cephalonosia, 6. Chaps, fissures, (rhagades), 193. - deep and bleeding, 193. - from working in the water, (washing, &c.), 193. Cheeks, exanthema on the, 33. - swelling of the, 33. - circumscribed red spots on the, 33. Cheese, repugnance to, 44. Chicken-pox (varicella), 195. Chilblains, 191. - suppurating, 191. - blue, 191. - inflamed, 191. - itchy, 191. - painful, 191. Children, medicines which are peculiarly adapted to the diseases of the, 255. Chin, exanthema on the, 35. Chlorosis, 118. Circulation, sensation as if the, was interrupted, 236. Coccyx, 103. Coffee, exacerbations, or amelioration from, 280. - repugnance to, 43. - unsweetened, repugnance to, 43. Coitus, see copulation, Cold, coldness, cold fits in general, 241. - consequences of exposure to, 323. - in the head, (see coryza). - partial, 242. - semilateral, 242. - sensation of, in external parts, 242. - sensation of, in internal parts, 249. INDEX. 469 Cold, tendency to take, 122. Coma, 227. Coma vigil, 228. Coma somnolentum, 228. Commissures of the lips, 34. Commotions, concussions, 118. Complexion, changeable, 30. Condiments, 278. Confusion of objects, on looking at them, 18. - of letters in reading, 18. Conflux of water in the mouth, 50. Congestion in general, 119. - partial, 119. Conjunctiva, 14. Consciousness, loss of, 4. Consequences of indigestion, 322. - of a chill in the feet, (checked perspiration in the feet), 323. - of exposure to cold, 323. - of fainting, (lipothymia), 322, - of intoxication, 322. - of lipothymy, 322. - of mechanical lesions, 322. - of miliary fever, 322. - of repercussed exanthemata, 323. - of scarlet fever, 323. Constipation, 61. - arising from inertness of the intestines, 61. - from hardness of the stools, 62. Contraction of external parts, 119. - of internal parts, 119. - of the articulations, 120. - of the limbs, 120. - or stricture of the orifices, 140. - of the iris, 15. Contusions, 132. Contortion of the features, 28. - of the limbs, 120. Convulsions, 120. Copulation, 77. - desire for, too feeble, 77. - desire for, too strong, 77. - sufferings in consequence of, 78. - sufferings in consequence of pollutions, 78. Corns, 220. - attended with piercing pain, 220. - with beating, throbbing pain, 221. - with burning pain, 220. - with drawing, dragging pain, 221. - which are excessively sensitive, 221. - inflammatory, 221. - with jerking pain, 221. - with pain as from excoriation, 221. - with pressive, aching pain, 221. - with shooting pain, 221. Cornea, 15. Coronal region of the cranium, 7. Coryza, acrid, corrosive, 86. - bloody, 86. - burning, 86. - dry, 84. - fetid, 85. - fluent, 84. - green, 85. - grey-coloured, 84. - indurated, (scabby) forming incrustations, 85. - mucous, 85. - purulent, 86. - serous, 86. -thick, 85. - viscous, 86. - watery, 85. - yellow, 85. Cough in general, 90. - with expectoration, 90. - without expectoration, 91. - with expectoration during the day, without it during the night, 91. - with nocturnal expectoration, without it during the day, 91. - with expectoration in the morning, 91. - with expectoration during the evening, 91. - with inability to abstain from swallowing what has been detached, 92. Countenance, alteration of the, (see also face), 28. Coxo-femoral region in general, 108. Cracking in the joints, 120. Cramps in general, 139. Cranium, coronal region of the, 7. - external surface of the, in general, 10. - interior of the, in general, 7. - parietal region of the, 8. - temporal region of the, 8. Crusta lactea, 190. Cyanosis, 121. Cyanochraa, 29. D. Dark hair, 12. Dazzling of the sight, 16. Deafness,(see hearing, hardness of) 24. Delirium, 4. Despair, 2. Desire or longing for acids, 45. - beer, 45. - for bitters, 45. - hread, 46. - bread and butter, 46. - cabbage, 45. - cheese, 46. - coffee, 45. - dainties, sweetmeats, 45. 2s 470 INDEX. Desire or longing for fat or greasy food, 45. - farinaceous food, 45. - fried food, 45. - fruits, 46. - gherkins, (pickles), 45. - hot food, 45. - juicy or succulent food, 46. - lime and chalk, 45. - liquid food, 46. - meat, 46. - milk, 46. - refreshing things, 46. - smoked meat, 46. - spirits, 45. - vegetables, 46. - wine, 46. - pressing, to go to stool, or to evacuate, 61. - or longing for the open air, 121. - for the sitting posture, 121. - for the recumbent position, 121. - to be carried (in the case of children), 121. - to move about, 121. Diarrhaa, 60. - painful, 60. - without pain, 60. Difficultv of breathing, (see dyspneaa, orhbopnoea, apnea), 88. - of apprehension, 4. Dilatation of the iris, 15. Diplopia, 20. Discharge of serum from the skin after rubbing or scratching, 205. Distraction, 5. Dizziness, 6. Dread of the open air, 127. Dreams, 231. - agreeable, 231, - amative, amorous, 232. - of animals, 231. - anxious, 231. - when awake, 235. - confused, 232. - continuing after waking, 232. - disgusting, 232. - of dancing, 232. - of difficulties, 232. - of the dead, 234. - of disappointed hopes, 232. - of the events or transactions of the day, 233. - fantastic, 234. - of falhng, 232. - which fatigue the mind, 233. - of festivities, 233. - of fire, 233. - frequent, 283. - gay, merry, lively, 233. Dreams of ghosts, 234. - of history, 233. - of humiliation, 2353 - of illness, 234. - indifferent, 233. - of learned subjects, 234. - of misfortunes, 234. - of money, 231. - of mortifications, 234. - of quarrels, 234. - with reflection, 234. - of robbers, 235. - of storms, 234. - of travelling, 235. - of vermin, 235. - vivid, 235. - vexatious, annoying, contrary, 232. - of water, 232. - of war, 233. - which cannot be called to mind, 234. Drinks which agree or disagree, 278. Drunkards, medicines which are well adapted to the diseases of, 256. Dryness of internal parts, which are usually moist, 138. --of the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, 139. Dulness, 6. Dyspncea, 88. E. Eagerness, 1. Ears, 21. - blood from the, 23. - buzzing, tingling, in the, 23. - discharge from the, 22. - external, 21. - fluttering, as from the wings of a bird, in the, 24. - humour from the, 22. - liquid cerumen from the, 22. - lobe of the, 22. - mucus from the, 22. - noises in the, 23. - obstruction of the, 24. - pus from the, 23. - ringing in the, 24. - space before the, 21. - space behind the, 21. - space below the, 22. - as if stopped, 24. Ebullition of the blood (congestion), 117, Ecstacy, 4. Ecchymosis, 122. Effrontery, 2. Elbow joint, 104. - internal surface of.the, hollow of the elbow, 105. Emaciation of the face, 28. INDEX. 471 Embarrassment, 6. Emission of wind-see Flatulence. Encephalocele, 125. Encysted tumour in the sheath of a tendon, 125. Enuresis, 73. Ephelis, 31. Epigastrium, 55. Epilepsy, 122 -- with consciousness, 123. - with loss of consciousness, 123. - with convulsions, 123. - with stiffness of the limbs, 123. Epiphora, 15. Erethism, physical, excessive irritability of the body, 123. Eructations, 49. Eruptions in general, (see Exanthemata). Eruptions on the face, 29. Erysipelas, 191. - vesicular, 191. - after rubbing or scratching, 204. - gangrenous, 191. Evacuate, pressing desire to, without result, 61. Evacuations, involuntary alvine, 60. - of grey, ash-coloured, or whitish matter, 62. - of black matter, 62. - of bilious matter, 62. - bloody, 63. - of frothy matter, 62. - of green matter, 62. - of mucous matter, 62. - of purulent matter, 63. Exacerbation, acid food, from, 275. - after having risen up from a seat, 291. - after partaking of cheese, 376. - after a siesta, or afternoon's nap, 321. - after partaking of bread and butter, 276. - affected side, when lying on the, 286. - affront or offence, in consequence of an, 302. - air, from warm, 259. - air, on getting warm in the open, 261. - air, in the open, 266. - air, from a current of, (in a draught), 267. - air, evening, from the, 267. - air of a room, from or in the, 267. - air, vitiated, from the, of a crowded assembly, 267. - air, close or pent up, from (as that from the vaults of churches, &c.) 268. - air, cold, from, 313. Exacerbation, aliments, cold, from, 274. - aliments, warm, from, 274. - aliments, hot, from, 274. - aliments, salted, from, 274. - arsenic, from exposure to the fumes of, 273. - aliments, sweet, 275. - anger, choler, from, 302. - anthrax, poisonous effects of the matter of, 273. - arms, on moving the, 289. - arm, on raising the, 293. - ascending, on, very high (on ascending a great height), 296. - autumn, during the, 259. - back, whilst lying on the, 286, - bark, from the use of, 272. - bark, derangements or sufferings. arising from the abuse of, 272. - baths, cold, from, 270, - baths, marine, (sea bathing), 270. - baths, from (bathing), 269. - bed, from the heat of the, 260. - bed, when in, 285. - bed, on returning to, 292. - bed, on getting up from (on rising), 292. - bed, after getting up from, 293. - beer, from drinking, 279. - beer, fresh, from the use of, 279. - bells, from the sound of, 265. - bent, from keeping a part or portion of the body, 297. - bending downwards for a length of time (from prolonged stooping), 297. - boat, from the motion of a, 300. - boots, on pulling off the, 270. - bread, after partaking of, 276. - bread and butter, after eating, 276. - bread, rye, after eating, 276. - breakfast, after, 302. - breath, on holding the, 314. - brilliant, dazzling, objects, on looking at, 305. - brandy, from, 279. - buck-wheat, from, 277. - butter, from partaking of, 276. - cabbage, from, 277. - carriage, from the motion of a, 300. - carrots, from, 277. - changeable weather, during, 269. - charcoal, from the fumes of, 273. - cheese, after eating, 276. - cheese, tainted, decayed, after eating, 276. - chewing, masticating, whilst, 307. - chewing, masticating, after, 307. - chill in the feet, from a, 323. - cleanliness, from want of, 320. 472 INDEX. Exacerbation, clothes, on putting on one's (on dressing), 290. - coffee, from, 280. - coffee, from the smell of, 266. - coition, during, 316. - cold, from, in general, 262. - cold air, on going into the, 262. - cold air, from, 262. - cold, on becoming, 263. - cold, on becoming, in some part of the body, 263. - cold, on laying hold of anything, 318. - cold, from the suppression of a, (coryza), 314. - cold, from exposure to, 323. - cold food, from, 274. - contradiction, from, 302. - conversation, from the, of others, 266. - copper, from the fumes of, 273. - cough, during a paroxysm of, or whilst coughing, 315. - coughing, before, 315. - coughing, after, 316. - day-light, from or in the, 264. - darkness from, (in the dark), 265. - damp, moist weather, during, 268. - debauch, from a night's, 321. - descending, on, 296. - dry weather, 268. - dry food, from, 274. - distance, on looking in the, 305. - dried vegetables, from, 277. - drinking, after, 311. - drinking quickly, after, 311. -drinking, from, (synonymous with whilst swallowing liquids), 311. - descending, on, 296. - easterly wind, during the prevalence of, or when exposed to an, 269. - eating, masticating, whilst, 309. - eating, before. 310. - eating, after, 310. - eating to satiety, after, 311. - eating quickly, from, 311. - eggs, after having partaken of, 276. - eructating, from, 323. - expectorating, after, 316. - expiration, during, 315. - eyelids, on moving the, 289. - eyes, on moving the, 289. - eyes, on opening the, 289. - eyes, on closing the, 290. - eyes, turning the, on, 289. - false step, on making a, 288. - fasting, whilst, 309. - fat, rich food, from, 273. - fire, on warming oneself at the, 262. - fire, the light of the, from (synonymous with artificial light), 265. Exacerbation, fish, after partaking of, 275. - flatulent food, from,'273. - flexing, on, the affected part, 297. - fomentations (moist) from, 270. - fresh meat, from, 275. - friction, from, 318. - fright, from, 302. - from resting one limb upon another, 283. - frosty air, on exposure to, (hoarfrost), 263. - fruit, from, 277. - fruit, cold (or iced), 277. - full moon, during the, 259. - garlic, from, 278. - grief, concentrated, from, 301. - grief and sorrow (care), from, 302. - gums, on sucking (or on squeezing or pinching? ) the, 308. - gun, from the report of a, 265. - hair, from touching the, 318. - hair cut, on having the, 318. - hair, on combing the, 318. - hat, from the pressure of the, 271. - head, on covering the, 271. - head, forwards, on bending the, 299. - head, on turning the, 299. - head, sideways, on bending the, 299. - head, on moving the, 289. - head, on shaking the, 290. - head low, whilst lying with the, 286. - head, on bending the, backwards, 299. - head, on uncovering the, 271. - heat, from, in general, 261. - hiccough, from the, 315. - hill, on going up a, 295. - honey, from, 278. - hot food, from, 274. - hot room, from being in a, 260. - hungry, whilst, 309. - idleness, when in a state of, 284. - impregnated or adulterated with sulphur, 279. - indigestion, from, 322. - indignation, from or from passion attended with indignation, 301. - inhaling, from, (synonymous with the act of inspiration), 313. - inspiration, during, 312. - inspiration, on taking a full, or on drawing a deep breath, 313. - intellectual exertion or efforts, from, 303. - intoxication, 322. -jealousy, from, 302. - kneeling, from or while, 283. - labour, manual, from, 304., - laughing, from, 315. INDEX. 473 Exacerbation, left side, when lying on the, 285. - lemonade, from drinking, 280. - light, from, in general, 263. - light, from artificial (that of a lamp, candle, &c.), 264. - light of the sun, from or in the, 264. - light, on looking at the, 305. - limb, on drawing up or retracting a, 299. - limb, on extending or stretching a, 300. - limb, on raising the affected, 293. - limb, pendant, whilst keeping one, 283. - limb, on resting one upon another, 283. - lipothymy, from (the effects of), 322. - lips, on licking the, 306. - looking upwards, whilst, 306. - looking sidewaids, askaunt, on, 306. - looking at anything for a long time, on, 306. - looking at running water, on, 306. - looking at a white object, on, 306. - looking through spectacles, on, 306. - lotions, from, 269. - lotions of tepid water, 969. - love, unhappy (crosses) from, 302. - lying down, when, 284. - lying down, after, 291. - meal, after partaking of, 276. - meat, from the smell of, 266. - meat, after partaking of, 275. - mechanical lesions,from, (effects of), 322. - memory, from taxing the, or from efforts of the, 303. - mental emotions in general, from, 301. - mercury, from exposure to the fumes of, 272. - mercury, from the abuse of, 272. - meridian sun, from exposure to the, 258. - miliary fever, from, 322. - milk, from, 279. - moon, during new, 259. - moon, during full, 259 - moon, during the wane of the, 259. - motion or movement, from or during, 287. - move, on commencing to, 288. - movement, after, 288. - mouth, on opening the, 306. - mouth,on closing or shutting the, 306. - muscles, after having partaken of, 276. - music, from, 265. Exacerbation, narcotics from (derangements or sufferings arising from the use of), 273. - nebulous or gloomy weather, during,268. - neck, from touching the, 318. - new moon, during the, 259. - noise, from, 265. - northerly wind, when exposed to, or during the prevalence of a, 269. - nose, on blowing the, 314. - odours, from strong, 266. - oil, from, 278. - onanism, in consequence of, (or injurious effects of onanism), 316. - onions, from, 277. - overheating, after an, 262. - or accession of suffering after partaking of butter, 276. - on covering the head, 271. - on crossing the limbs, 319. - on flexing (or on turning) the affected part, 297. - on laying hold of anything cold, 318. - on laying hold of anything, 318. - or poisonous effects arising from the matter of anthrax, 273. - on pressing or resting upon the side which is opposite to the affected part, 319. - on puffing up or distending the abdomen, 314. - on retracting the abdomen, 314. - on sneezing, 314. - or sufferings arising from the fumes of copper, 273. - or sufferings arising from the fumes of charcoal, 273. - or sufferings arising from smoke,273. - on uncovering the head, 271. - parts affected, on moving the, 289. - pastry, after partaking of, 276. - passion, from, 301. - pears, from, 277. - pepper, from, 278. - perspiring, from, 320. - perspiration, from suppressed, 320. - physical exertion, from, 304. - physical fatigue, from, 304. - piano, from the sound of a, 265. - pork,or bacon, afterpartakingof, 275. - position or posture, from changing the, 290. - posture, in a sitting, 281. - posture, upright, in an, or erect (whilst sitting erect), 281. - posture, curved, stooping or bent, from sitting in a, 282. - posture, standing, in a (or whilst standing), 282. 2s2 474 INDEX. Exacerbation, posture, in the recumbent, 283. - potatoes, from, 277. - pressing, or resting on the side which is opposite to the affected part, 319. - pressure, external, from, 319. - raw, uncooked, crude food,from, 274. - reading, whilst, 304. - reading aloud, whilst, 304. - repercussion of exanthemata, 323. - reproaches, from, or in consequence of, (wounded self-love), 302. - respiring, when not, 315. - respiration, during, 315. - revolving object, from looking at a, 305. - right side, when lying on the, 285. - rye-bread, after partaking of, 276. - salad, from, 277. - sausages, stale, tainted, from, 275. - scarlet fever, (sequelm of), 323. - scraping or scratching cloth or linen, from the noise produced by the act of, 265. - seat, on rising from a, 291. - seat, after having risen from a, 291. - serene weather, 268. - sewing, from, 305. - sexual intercourse, in consequence of abstinence from, 316. - shaving, whilst, 305. - shoulder blades, on approximating the (on throwing back the shoulders), 300. - side, whilst lying on the, 286. - sideways, on walking, 296. - siesta, after a, 321. - sight, from fixing the, or from the employment of the eyes, 305. - singing, whilst, 312. - singing, after, 312. - sitting down, in the act of, 282. - sitting squat (on crouching down), 297. - sitting up at night, from, 321. - sleep, during, 320. - sleep, after, 321. - sleep, after a long, 321. - sleep, at the commencement of, 322. - sleep, during, or repose, 280. - smoke, from exposure to, 273. - smoking, from, 278. - smoked meat, 275. - society, whilst in, 302. - solitude, from, 303. - sour crout, from (sauer kraut, cabbage which has undergone the process of fermentation), 277. - speaking, whilst, about something unpleasant, 312. Exacerbation, speaking, from or whilst, 311. - spring, during the, 259. - stooping, or bending downwards on, 297. - stooping, from prolonged, 297. - storm or tempest, during a, 268. - stormy weather, during, 268. - strangers, whilst in the society or company of, 303. - summer, during the, 259. - sun, from exposure to the, 258. - sun-rise, after, 258. - sun-set, after, 258. - swallowing, on, 308. - swallowing the saliva, on, 308. - swallowing food, on, 308. - swallowing drinks, on, 308. - swallowing, after, 308. - swallowing, when not, 308. - sweet food, (sweet meats, &c.), 275. - swinging, from, or from the motion of a, 300. - tainted meat, from, 275. - tainted fish, after having partaken of, 276. - tainted, decayed cheese, after par. taking of, 276. - tea, from, 279. - tears, from shedding, 315. - teeth, on compressing the, 307. - teeth, whilst cleaning the, 307. - teeth, whilst picking the, 307. - temperature, from a change of, 261. - thinking or reflecting, whdilst, 303. - travelling in a carrriage, after, 301. -. tobacco, from chewing, 278. - tongue, on putting out, protruding the, 307. - touch, from the, (as exacerbation on touching the affected parts), 317. - touch, the slightest, from, 318. - turning the affected part backwards, on, 298. - turning the affected part forwards and backwards, 298. - turning the affected part sideways, 298. - turning the affected part forwards, on, 299. - turning the affected part outwards, 'on, 298. - turning the affected part inwards, on, 298. - turning the affected part to the right, on, 298. - turnips, from, 277. - twilight, from or in the, 264. - unaffected side, when lying on the, 286. INDEX. 475 Exacerbation, uncovering, on, a portion of the body, 271. - undressing, after, 270. - undressing (or uncovering) oneself, whilst, 271. - unhappy love (crosses in love), from, 802. - unwholesome food, from, 274. - veal, after partaking of, 275. - vegetables, from eating, 277. - vegetables, dried, from, 277. - venereal excess, from, 316. - vexation, contrariety, chagrin, arising from, 301., - vexation, attended with anguish or anxiety, from, 301. - vinegar, from, 278. - violin, from the music or tones of the, 265. - vomiting, from a, 323. - walk, at the commencement of a, 293. - walking bent or double, on (or in a stooping posture), 294. - walking on level ground, when, 295. - walking in the open air, when, 295. - walking quick, when, or when running, 295. - walking on the pavement, 295. - walking, on, with a heavy step, 296. - walking, whilst, 294. - walking sideways, whilst, 296. - waning of the moon, during the, 259. - warm clothing, from (warm dresses or coverings), 271. - warm food, from, 274. - water, from drinking, 280. - water, on walking near, or on crossing a bridge, 294. - weather, during changeable, 269. - weather, during damp, moist, 268. - weather, during stormy, 268. - weeping, from, 315. - wet, from getting, 270. - wet, from getting, when perspiring, 270. - wet, from getting the head, 270. - whilst keeping one limb pendant (on allowing one limb to hang down), 283. - wind, easterly, during the prevalence of, 269. - wind, northerly, from, 269. - wind, when exposed to the, 269. - wind, from walking in or against the, 294. - wine, from, 279. - wine, from drinking, impregnated or adulterated with lead, 279. - wine, sour, from drinking, 279. Exacerbation, wine, from drinking, adulterated with sulphur, 279. - winter, during the, 259. - wood, from the smell of, 266. - writing, whilst, 303. Exanthema on the forehead, 31. - attended with swelling, 186. - black points, with, 190. - blackish, 190. - bullosa, 186. - burning pain, with, 189. - in the form of clusters, 187. -confluent, 186. - on the chin, 34. - difficult to heal, 187. - dragging pain, with, 188. -dry, 188. - excoriation, with pain as from, 189. i- in the formation of fissures, or cracks in the cutaneous surface, 186. - furfuraceous, 187. - flat, (projecting little), 187. - gnawing (attended with gnawing pain), 187. - granular, gritty, 188. - in groups, 187. - hard, 186. - indolent, painless, 187. - itchy, pruriginous, 187. - itching, with, 189. -jerking pain, with, 188. - moist, 188. - on the lips, 33. - painful, 187. - scaly, squamous, 189. - shooting pain, with, 189. - - very small (minute), 187. - suppurating (pustular), 188. - on the temples, 31. - tensive pain, with, 188. - transparent, 188. - ulceration, with pain as from, 188. - whitish, 190. - - yellowish, 190. Exanthemata, 29. - repercussed, consequences of, 323. - in general, after rubbing and scratching, 204. - in general, 186. Excitement, 4. Excoriation, 191. - in infants, 192. - pain, as if from, after rubbing or scratching, 203. - after rubbing or scratching, 203. Expectoration, white, 92. - acid, 92. - acrid, 94. - albuminous, 94. - bitter, 93. 476 INDEX. Expectoration, blackish, 92. - cold, 95. - fetid, 92. - frothy, 94. - gelatinous, 94. - granular, globular, 94. - greasy, 93. - greenish, 92, - grey, 92. - herbaceous, 93. - indurated, 94. - insipid, 93. - lemon-coloured, 92. - metallic, 93. - milky, 94. - mucous, 94. - nauseous, 93. - purulent, 94. - putrid, 93. - saline, 93. - sweetish, 93. - taste of onions, 93. - viscous, thick, tenacious, 95. - watery, 94. - yellow, 92. Eye, angles of the, 13. - ball of the, 14. - external, angles of the, 14. - internal, angles of the, 14. Eyes, 12. - encircled with blue, 39.. - encircled with green, 32. - encircled with yellow, 32. - exanthema round the, 32. - prominent, 32. - sunken, 32. Eyebrows, 12. - exanthema on the, 32. Eyelids in general, 12, - inferior, 13. - internal, surface of the, 13. - margins of the, 13. - superior, 13. - swelling of the, 32. - swelling of the superior, 32. - swelling of the inferior, 32. F. Face in general, 28. - black spots, or points, on the, 31. - cheeks, 35. - chin, 37. - commissures of the lips, 37. - complexion, bluish, 29. - complexion, bluish red, 30. - complexion, brownish, 29. - complexion, changeable, 30. - complexion, copper-coloured, 29. - complexion, earthy, 31. - complexion, erysipelatous red, 30. Face, complexion, greenish, 31, - complexion, pale, 30. - complexion, red, 30. - complexion, yellow, 29. - contortion of the features of the, 28. - emaciation of the, 28. - eruptions on the, 29. - exanthema on the, 31. - forehead, exanthema on the, 31. - forehead, 35. - freckled, 31. -jaw, upper, 35. - jaw, lower, 36. - lips, 36. - lips, upper, 36. - lips, lower, 37. - maxillary articulation, 36. - parts of the, which form the seat of the abnormal sensations, 35. - shining, greasy appearanceof the, 29. - spotted and blotched, 31. - swelling of the, 29. - temples, 35. - wrinkles very deep on the, 29. - wrinkles on the, 31. - zygomatic bones, 35. Fainting fits, 130. Fair hair, 11. Farinaceous food, repugnance to, 44. Fat, 44. Feebleness, lassitude, debility in general, 124. - of memory, 5. Feet, checked perspiration, effects of, in the (or effects of a chill in the feet), 323. Females, medicines which are peculiarly adapted to the diseases of, 255. - medicines which are peculiarly adapted to pregnant, 255. Fetid discharge from the nose, 27. Fevers, compound, in general, 250. - composed of shivering attended with heat, followed by perspiration; 252. - composed of shivering attended with perspiration, 252. - composed of shivering followed by heat, with perspiration, 252. - composed of shivering alternating with heat, 252. - composed of heat followed by shivering, 252. - composed of heat, then shivering, then heat, 252. - composed of heat, then shivering, then heat and perspiration, 252. - composed of heat followed by horripilation, 253. - composed of heat followed by perspiration, 253. INDEX. 477 Fevers, composed of heat attended with perspiration, followed by shivering, 253.1 - composed of heat, then perspiration, then cold, 253. - composed of heat with horripilation, 253. - composed of heat attended with perspiration, 253. - composed of heat alternating with, shivering, 253. - composed of heat attended with perspiration, 253. - composed of horripilation followed by a hot fit, 253. - composed of horripilation followed by sweating, 253. - composed of horripilation attended with sweat, 253. - composed of perspiration followed by shivering, 254. - composed of perspiration, then shivering, then perspiration, 254. - composed of perspiration followed by heat, 254. - consisting of shivering followed by heat, 251. - consisting in shivering followed by sweat, 251. - consisting in shivering followed by heat, then shivering, 251. - consisting in shivering followed by heat, then sweat, 251. - consisting in shivering simultaneous with heat, 251. -consisting in external shivering and internal, heat, 251. - consisting in internal shivering and external heat, 252. - sufferings preceding the, 254. - sufferings during the, 254. - sufferings after the, 254. Fickleness, 2. Fingers, 107. - between the, 107. - nails of the, 107. - tips of the, 107. -joints of the, 106. Fish, repugnance to, 44. - derangements after eating, 275. - tainted, stale, derangements after eating, 276. Fixed look, 16. Flaccidity of the muscles, 132. Flatus, obstructed, 58. Flatulence causing colic (flatulent colic), 59. - emission of cold wind, 59. - emission of very warm wind, 59. - emission of hot and humid wind, 59. Flatulence, emission of inodorous wind, 59. - emission of wind of an acid smell, 59. - emission of wind of the smell of gar. lic, 59. - emission of wind of a fetid smell, 59. - emission of wind of the smell of rotten eggs, 59. - emission of wind of a putrid smell, 60. - noisy emission of wind, 59. Flatulency in general, 58. Floccilation (crocidixis), 118. Food, derangements from different kinds of (see Aliments). Fore arms, 105. Foot, articulations of the, 111. Foot, 112. - back of the (instep), 112. - sole of the, 112. Forgetfulness, 5. Freckles (ephelis), 31. Frontal region, external, 10. Frost-bitten limbs, 126. Fruit, derangements after eating, 277. Fungus articulationis, 125. - hamatodes, 125. Furunculus, 192. - large, 192. - small, 192. G. Gaiety, 2. Galactorrhoea, 102. Gangrene, 126. - inflammatory, 126. Ganglions, 125. Garlic, repugnance to, 43. Genital functions, feebleness of the, 78. - discharge of prostatic fluid, 78. Genital organs in general, 74. - of the female, 76. - of the male, 74. Giddiness, 6. Glands, mammary, 101. - beating, throbbing in the, 169. - boring, piercing pain in the, 172. - bruise, pain as if arising from a, in the, 171. - burning heat in the, 169. - cold swelling of the, 173. - constriction in the (sensation of), 170. - contraction in the (sensation of), 170. - cutting pain in the, 172. - drawing, dragging sensations in the, 172. - dull, obtuse pain in the, 172. 478 INDEX. Glands, excoriation, pains as from, in the, 170. - flaccidity, laxness, 170. - gnawing, in the, 171. - hard swelling of the, 173. - heaviness, weight, sensation of, in the, 171. - hot, burning, swelling of the, 173. - induration of the, 171. - inflation, distension, sensation of, in the, 170. - inflammation of the, 171. - itching in the, 171. -jerking in the, 172. - numbness in the, 170. - painful swelling of the, 173. - pains in general, in the, 170. - pinching, sensation of, in the, 171. - pression, pressure, aching, in the, 171. - pressive or aching pains in the, proceeding from within outwards, 171. - pressive or aching pains in the, proceeding from without inwards, 171. - prickling, pricking, creeping sensations in the, 170. - quivering in the, 171. - raking, searching, digging pains in the, 170. - sensibility of the, 172. - shootings in the, 170. - suppuration of, 172. - swelling of the, of a bluish colour, 173. - swelling of the, in the form of a chaplet, 173. - tickling in the, 170. - tightness, sense of in the, 172. - tension, sensation of in the, 172. - tumefaction of the, (swelling, glandular enlargement in general), 172. Glandular tumors or swellings,indolent, 173. - cancerous, 173.. - inflamed, 173. -- pains as from ulceration in the, 174. - spongy, 174. - ulcerated, 173. Glaucoma, 18. Gnathonosis, 35. Great desire for light, 17." Groin, 57. Gullet, 40. Gums in general, 39. - interior of the, 39. - lower, 39. - upper, 39. Gurgling of wind, 58. H. Haemoptysis, (see spitting of blood), 95. Hematemesis, 53. Hair in general, 11. - dark, 12. - fair, 11. - falling off of the, 216. - falling off of the, in tufts, 217. - falling off of the, at the occiput, 217. - falling off of the, at the vertex, 217. - at the frontal region, 217. - falling off of the, at the parietal region, 217. - falling off of the, at the temples, 217. - falling off of the, at the eyebrows, 217. - sensation as if one were pulled by the, 217. Hairs of the nostrils, falling off of the, 217. - of the pubis, falling off of the, 217. - of the body in general, falling off of the, 217. Hairy scalp in general, 11. - borders of the, 11. - coronal region, 11. Hallucination, 5. Ham, hollow of the knee, (popliteal space), 110. Hand, articulation of the (wrist), 106. - back of the, 106. - in general, 106. - palm of the, 106. Hang-nails, 219. Head, movements of the, 12. - concomitant complaints, 7. Hearing, 23. - acuteness of, 23. - deafness from paralysis of the acoustic nerve, 24. - hardness of, 24. - sensibility of, 23. Heart, and region of the, 100. - intermittent palpitation of the, 101. - palpitation of the, 101. - palpitation of the, with anxiety, 101. - tremulous palpitation of the, 101. Heat, with repugnance to be uncovered, 246. - concomitant symptoms of, 246. - in general, 242. - attended with anxiety, 244. - dry, 244. - external, 243. - fugitive, transient, 245. - internal, 243. - partial, 243. - partial, external, 244. - partial, internal, 244. - semilateral, 244. INDEX. 479 Heat, with thirst, 245. - with desire to uncover oneself, 245. Heaviness of the body, 134. Hemicranium in general, 9. - dexter, 9. - sinister, 9. Hemiopia, 20. - horizontal, 20, - vertical, 20. Hemiplegia, 134. Hemorrhages, 127. Hemorrhoids, 66. Hernia cerebri, 125. - inguinal, 57. Herpes in general, (see Tetters), 195. - annular, 195. - brown, 197. - chapped, 196. - dry, 196. - furfuraceous, 196. - gnawing, corroding, 196. - grey, 197. - moist, 196. - red, 197., - scabby, crustaceous, 196. - scaly, 196. - suppurating,196. - white, 196. - yellow, 197. Hiccough, 48. Hip-joint, (see articulation of the hip), 108. Horripilation in general, 238. - partial, 239. - semilateral, 239. Horror, dread of being looked at, 127. - of moving, 127. - of, or insurmountable aversion to washing oneself, 127. Hunger, 42. - insatiable, 42. - without appetite, 42. Hydrophobia, 128. Hydrops, external, 128. - internal, 128. Hydrothorax, 128. Hyperanosa, 39. Hyperatmia, 136. Hypochondria, right and left, 54. Hypogastrium, 56. Hypochondriasis and hysteria, 128. Hysteria spasmodica, 128. I. Icterus, 128. Idiotcy, 5. Idiotism, 5. Illusion of feeling, 133. Illusions, see sight. Imaginary smells, 27. Immobility of the diseased parts, 130. Immoveability of the pupils, 15. Impotency, 77. Incrustations, 190. Indifference, 2. Indigestion, consequences of, 322. Induration, in consequence of inflammation, 129. Infants, medicines which are peculiarly adapted to, at the breast, 255. Inflammation, (dermatitis), 193. - of external parts, 129. - of the internal parts, 130. - of the mucous membranes, 130. Inguinal ring, 56. - glands, 58. - hernia, 57. Injuries, mechanical, consequences of, 322. Insensibility, 4. - (general loss of sensation), 129. - partial, 129. - of internal parts, 129. Instability, 2. Internal surface of the eyelids, 13. -- angles of the eye, 14. Intellect in general, affections of the, 3. Internal surface of the elbow, (hollow of the elbow), 105. Intertrigo, 191. Interior of the cranium in general, 7. Intoxication, consequences of, 322. Involuntary alvine evacuations, 60. Iris, contraction of the, 15. - dilatation, 15. Irritability, 2. - defective, physical, (muscular), 117. Ischuria, 72. Itch, 192. - bleeding, 192. - dry, miliary, 192. - humid, 192. - pustular, (large), 192. - repercussed, 192. - repercussed by sulphur and mercury, 193. Itching, jerking, 202. - ameliorated by friction, 202. - biting or smarting, after rubbing or scratching, 203. - voluptuous, 202. - which shifts its seat after friction, 202. - which is not relieved by friction, 202. - which is aggravated by friction, 202. Itchiness, or itching in general, 200. - burning, 200. - biting, 200. - crawling, 201. - drawing, 201. 480 INDEX. Itchiness, excoriation, attended with pain as if caused by, 201. - gnawing, 201. - prickling, tickling, or tingling, (formication), 201. - shooting, 201, - titilating, 200. J. Joint, elbow, 105. - shoulder, 104. Joints of the fingers, 106. - cracking of the, 120. - stiffness of the, 131. - joints, stiffness of the, 131. - weakness of the, 124.. K. Kidneys, 55. Knee, articulation of the, 109. - cap of the (patella), 110. - hollow of the, 110. L. Labia and clitoris, 76. Labour pains, too violent, 82. - pains, too feeble, 82. - pains, sudden cessation of, 82. - pains, spasmodic or convulsive, 82. Lachrymation, 15. Lancinating pain, after rubbing or scratching, 204. Larynx, 96. - mucous secretion from the, 96. Leg, calf of the, 111. - tendo-achilles, 111. Legs, 110. Leucorrhoea in general, 82. - attendant symptoms, 84. - bloody, 83. - brown, 83. - burning, 83. - corrosive, 84. - fetid, 83. - green, 83. - itching sensation, with, 83. - milky, 83. - mucous, 83. - purulent, 83. - thick, 83. - viscous, 83. - watery, 83. - yellow, 82. Lienteria, 64. Light, exacerbation or amelioration from, 264-265. - great desire for, 17. Light-headedness, 4. Limbs, contortion of the, 120. Lips, exanthema of the, 33. - exanthema on the lower, 34. - exanthema on the upper, 34. - commissures of the, 34. - swelling of the, 34. - swelling of the lower, 34. - swelling of the upper, 34. Lipothymia, (see fainting, swooning). Liver, 54. Look, fixed, 16. Loins, 56. Look, fixed, 16. Loss of consciousness, 4. Lumbrici, 64. Lupus vorax, 208. M. Maggot pimples (acne punctuata), 194. Maliciousness, S. Mammae, 101. Margins of the eyelids> 15. Mastoidal region posterior (behind the ears), 10. Meat, 44. - salted, 44. Mechanical lesions, 322. Medicines, medicaments, antidotes to the effects of the abuse of, 272. Memory, quickness of, 5. - feebleness of, 5. - weakness of, 5. Menses too soon (before the time), 78. - abnormal symptoms before the, 80. - abnormal symptoms at the appearance of the, 81. - abnormal symptoms during the, 81. - abnormal symptoms after the, 81. - too abundant, 79. - of a brown colour, 80. - of a dark colour, 80. - of a light colour, 80. - in the form of clots, 80. - of too long duration, 79. - of too short duration, 79. - too feeble (scanty), 79. too late (retarded), 78. - retarded, in young girls, 80. - suppression of the, 79. Menstrual. periods, sanguinolent discharge before or between the, 81. - secretion of a viscous nature, 80. - acrid, 80. - of a very fetid odour, 80. Mental alienation, 4. Metoponosia, 35. Metrorrbagia, 81. Miliaria, 193. INDEX. 481 Miliaria alba (purpura alba, miliary fever with white pustules), 193. - measles, 194. - purpurea (purpura rubra, miliary with red pustules), 193. - with scarlatina (scarlatina miliaris), 193. - evolution of, after rubbing or scratching, 204. Miliary fever, consequences of, 322. Milk, exacerbation or amelioration after drinking, 279. - copious secretion of, 102. *' - diminished or defective sceretion of, 102. - poverty, badness, or deterioration of the, 102. - repugnance to, 44. - crust, 190. Mildness, 2. Mind in general, affections of the, 3. Mischievousness, 3. Mobility, too great, 131. Momentary loss of sight, 16. Moral symptoms in general, 1. Morbus pedicularis, 136. Moroseness, 3. Motion or movement, influence of, 287. Movement,difficult,(defective mobility), 131. - convulsive, 131. - involuntary, 132. - difficult, of the joints, 131. - apparent, of objects, 18. Moustache, falling off of the, 217. Mouth half open, gaping, 34. - cavity of the, in general, 39. - conflux of water in the, 50. - diminished secretion of saliva, 41. - encircled with blue, 34. - encircled with yellow, 34. - fetidity of the mouth, 41. - gullet, 40. - increased secretion of saliva (salivation), 41. - offensive breath, 41. - palate, 39. - palate, soft, 40. - tongue, 40. - tongue, coating on the, 40. Mucous membrane, inflammation of the, 130. Mucus, secretion of, very copious, 138. Muscles, flaccidity of the, 132. - induration of the, 132. - stiffness of the, 132. - shortening of the, 132. - starting, twitching of the, 132. Muscular weakness, 125. Mydriasis, 15. Myopia, 17. N. Naevus, 193. Nails of the fingers, 107. - brittle, 219. - bluish, 218. - deformed, 219. - discoloured, 218. - exfoliation of the, 218. - falling off of the, 218. - in general (affections of), 217. - growing into the flesh, 218. - pain as from excoriation at the, 219. - painful, 219. - sensation as if a splinter were under the, 219. - slow, retarded growth of the, 219. - splitting, 219. - spotted, 218. - tender, sensitive, 218. - thickening of the, 218. - of the toes, 1 L3. - ulcerated (panaris), 218. - with pressive aching pain, 218. - with pain as from ulceration, 218. - yellow, 218. Nausea, 50. Neck, 98. - cervical and maxillary glands of the, 99. - nape of the, 99. - thyroid glands (goitre), 99. Necrosis, 175. Nervous excitement (nervous erethism), 123. - weakness, 124. Nettle-rash, 195. Nipples, 102. Nodosities, nodules, tubercles, white. formation of, after rubbing or scratching, 204. Nose, 25. - blood and mucus discharged on blowing the, 26. - bones of the, 25. - bridge of the, 25. - discharge having a sweetish odour, from the, 27. - discharge having the odour of urine, from the, 27. - division of the, (see Septum). - epistaxis in general, 26. - epistaxis, of light coloured blood, 26. - epistaxis, of dark coloured blood, 26. - epistaxis, of coagulated blood, 26. - epistaxis, of viscous, 26. - exanthema on the, 32. - exanthema around the, 33. - exterior of the, in general, 25. - fetid discharge from the, 27. - interior of the, in general, 23. 2T 482 INDEX~ Nose, point of the, 25. Pains, as from a fracture in the joints. - root of the, 25. 145. - septum of the, 26. - as from a fracture in the bones, 145.. - swelling of the, 33. - as if arising from a bruise, 149. - wings of the, 25. - as from a puncture (pricking, pierc- yellow colour around the, 33, ing, or stabbing pains), 150. Numbness, partial, 123. - as from suppuration, (synonymous with pain as from internal ulcera-. 0.' tion), 155. Obesity, 136. - as from ulceration in the external Obnubilation, 6. parts, 160. Obscurity of sight, 16. - as from ulceration in the internal Obstructed flatus, 58. parts, 160. Occiput, 9. - as from suppuration, after rubbing or. Occipital region, external, 11. scratching, 206. Ocular illusions, (see Sight). - consisting of drawing and pressure. (Edema, 133. (or aching), in the joints, 159. Olecranon, 105. - consisting of drawing and tightness Open air, dread of the, 127. in the joints, 159. Opisthotonos, 140. - consisting of drawing and pressure Optic nerve, paralysis of the, 13. (or aching), in the bones, 159. Orbits, 12. - contusive, or pain as from a bruise Orthopnea, 88, or sprain in the joints, 144. Osmodysphoria, 27. - corrosive (pains as if from erosion), Ostitis, 175. 142. Otorrhea, 22. - cutting in the external parts, 153. Ovaries, 76. - cutting, in the internal parts, 153. - dragging, or drawing, in the muscles, P. 158. Pains, as if from a bruise in the joints, - dragging, in the bones, 158. 141. - dragging and burning, in the joints, - as if from a bruise in the external 158. parts, 141, - dragging and burning, in the muscles, -as if from a bruise in the internal 158. parts, 142. - dragging and burning, in the bones, - as if from a bruise in the bones, 142. 158. - as if from a burn, (burning pains), - dragging and shooting, in the joints, 142. 159, - as if from contusion, 142. - dragging and shooting,-in the mus- as if a part had been cut or struck cles, 158. off, (eccopalgia), 142. - dragging and jerking, in the joints, - as if from being torn asunder (pain 159. as if the parts were being divided, or - dragging and jerking, in the muscles, rent asunder), 143. 159. - as if from a sudden shock, or from - dragging and jerking, in the bones, perturbation, 143. 159. - as if from an excoriation in the ex- - drawing,ordragging,inthejoints,l56. ternal parts, 143. - drawing, from below upwards, 157. - as if from an excoriation in the inter- - drawing or dragging, in the external nal parts, 143. parts, 157. - as if from impending suffocation, - drawing,from above downwards,157. strangulation, 144. - drawing, in the internal parts, 157. - as if a hot iron were passed through - drawing, tearing, rending inthe skin, the part, 144. after rubbing or scratching, 205. - as from a bruise in the external - digging, searching, or rummaging, parts, 145. 144. - as from a bruise in the internal - dull, obtuse, 155. parts, 145. - gnawing, in the joints, 152. - as from a fracture, (synonymous with - gnawing, in the external parts, 153, pain as from a contusion), 145. - gnawing, in the internal parts, 153o. / Y INDEX. 483 Pains, gnawing, in the bones, 153. - gnawing, corrosive, in the skin, after rubbing or scratching, 204. - of growth, (growing pains), 142. - hammering, throbbing, 149. -jerking, in the joints, 153. -jerking, in the external parts, 154. -jerking, in the muscles, 154. -jerking, in the bones, 154. - tensive, or constrictive, in the joints, 154. - jerking or starting, in the external parts, 160. - jerking or starting, in the internal parts, 160. - (not characterized), after rubbing or scratching, 203. - obtuse, 149. - oppressive, 149. - piercing, from without inwards, 156. - paralytic, 149. - paralytic in the joints, 149. - piercing, boring, 156. - piercing, from within outwards, 156. - piercing, from withoutinwards, 156. - pinching in the external parts, 150. - pinching in the internal parts, 150. - pinching, squeezing, griping, as if caused by being seized by a claw, 145, - pruriginous, 142. - pressive or aching, in the joints, 150. - pressive or aching, from the interior to the exterior, 150. - pressive or aching, from the exterior to the interior, 151. - pressive or aching, in the external parts, 151. - pressive or aching, in the internal parts, 151. - pressive or aching, in the muscles, 151. - pressive or aching, in the bones, 152. - pressive or aching, as if caused by a heavy weight, 152. - pressive or aching, and tensive, 152. - pressive or aching, and drawing in the muscles, 152. - pricking, shooting, lancinating, in the skin, after rubbing or scratching, 204. - pricking in the external parts, 150. - pricking in the internal parts, 150. - rending or tearing, 142. - resembling paralytic drawing, in the joints, 159. - resembling paralytic drawing, in the muscles, 159. Pains resembling drawing and tightness in the muscles, 159. - resembling drawing and tightness in the bones, 159. - resembling those of labour, (labour pains), 144. - scraping, 152. - shooting and concussive, or jerking, 148. - shooting, darting, lancinating in the articulations, 145. - shooting, which proceeds from below upwards, 146. - shooting, from within outwards, 146. - shooting, from without inwards, 146. - shooting, in the external parts, 146. - shootings, which proceed from above downwards, 146. - shooting,which extends transversely, 147. -shooting and burning, in the muscles, 148. - shooting, in the internal parts, 147. - shooting, in the muscles, 147. - shooting, in the bones, 147. - shooting and burning, in the articulations, 147. - shooting and burning, in the bones, 148. - shooting, burning, and formicating, 148. - shooting and pressive, or aching, in the articulations, 148. - shooting and pressive, or aching, in the muscles, 148. - shooting and pressive, or aching, in the bones, 148. - shooting and tensive, 148. - shooting and dragging, in the articulations, 148. - shootingand dragging, in the muscles, 148. - shooting and dragging, in the bones, 148. - straining, forcing, (squeezing pain), 155. - stunning, 144. - suppurative, after rubbing or scratching, 206. - tensive, as if caused by an iron hoop, or tightly drawn band, 154. - tensive, or squeezing, in the external parts, 154. - tensive, constrictive, or squeezing, in the internal parts, 154. - tensive, in the articulations, 155. - tensive, in the external parts, 155. - tensive, in the internal parts, 156. - twisting, wringing, winding, 160. - violent, external, 141. 484 INDEX. Pains, violent, internal, 141. - ulcerative, after rubbing or scratching, 205. - undulating, (coming at intervals like waves), 149. Pandiculation, 135, 222. Papulai, 190. - formation of, after rubbing or scratching, 203. Paralysis, partial, 133. - of one half of the body, 134. - indolent (without pain),134. - of internal parts, 134. - of the limbs, 133. - of the optic nerve, 18. - of organs (partial), 134. Paralytic weakness, 124. Parannaa, 3. Parietal region of the cranium, 8. - region, internal, 10. Parotides, 22. Peevishness, 3. Penis, 74. - glans, 75. Period at which the sufferings are developed or exacerbated, (see Time), 256. Periodical symptoms or sufferings, 258. - amblyopia, 17. Perineum, 66. Periostitis, 174. Periosteum, pains in the, 174. - drawing, dragging pains in the, 174. - inflammation of the, (periostitis), 174. - scraping in the, (sensation of), 174. - sensibility of the, 174. - suppuration, 174. - swelling of the, 174. Perniones, 191. - blue, 191. - suppurating, 191. - inflamed, 191. - itchy, 191. - painful, 191. Petechia;, 135. Phlyctenme, formation of, after rubbing or scratching, (see bullre), 202. Photophobia, 17. Phthisis in general, 155. Phthyriasis, (morbus pedicularis), 136. Phygethlon, 190. Physical weakness, 115. - agitation, 116. Pimples, formation of, after rubbing or scratching, 203. - 190. Pit of the stomach, 57. Plethora, 136. Poisons, antidotes to the effects of certain kinds of, 272. Pollutions, 77. - sufferings in consequence of, 78. Polychimia (hyperaemia), 136. Polypi, 136. Polysarcia, (obesity), 136. Position, desire for the recumbent, 121. - influence of, 284. - change of, influence of, 290. Posture, desire for the sitting, 121. - influence of, 281-283. Presbyopia, 17. Pregnancy, medicines which are peculiarly adapted to diseases during, 255. Pressing desire to evacuate, without result, 61. Prepuce, 75. Pride, 3. Priapism, 77. Prurigo, (see Itching), 200. Pubis, 57. Puerperal women, medicines which are peculiarly adapted to, 255. Pulse, alteration of the, in general, 236. - full, 237. - hard, 238. - imperceptible, 238. - intermittent, 237. - more accelerated than the beating of the heart, 237. - much accelerated, 237. - small, 238. - soft, 238. - tremulous, 238. - unchanged, unaltered, 236. - unequal, 237. Pupils, immoveability of the, 15. - adherence of the, 15. Pustules, (formation of), after rubbing or scratching, 205. Pustules, 194. - malignant, 194. Pyrosis, 50. Pytiriasis versicolor (see hepatic spots), 199. Q. Qualmishness, 51. - in the belly, 51. - in the chest, 52. - in the stomach, 51. - in the throat, 51, Quickness of the apprehension, 4. - of memory, 5. Quivering in the external parts, 125. R. Raving, 4. Redness of the skin, after rubbing or scratching, 205. INDEX. 485 Reduvitc, 219. Regurgitation (of solid and liquid matter), 50. Repose, influence of, 280. Repugnance to acids, 43. - beer, 43. - black (brown) bread, 44. - bread, 44. - cheese, 44. - coffee, 43. - farinaceous food, 44. - fat, 44. - fish, 44. - garlic, 43. - meat, 44. - milk, 44. - salted meat, 44. - solid food, 44. - to soup, 43. - spirits, 44. - sweet food, 43. - to water, 44. - vegetables, 44. - unsweetened coffee, 43. - wine, 45. Rest, influence of, 280. Respiration, short, 87. - accelerated, 87. - deep, 87. - loud (without rattling), 89, - rattling (mucous rale), 89. - sighing, 89. - slow, 88. - sobbing, 89. - panting, 89. - unequal, 88. - whistling, wheezing, 89. Retraction of soft parts, 137. Rhagades, (see Chaps), 193. Risings in the throat, 50. Rubeola, 194. S. Sacrum, 103. Sadness, 3. Saliva, increased secretion of the, 41. - diminished secretion of the, 41. Scabs, 190. -crusts, incrustations, formation of, after rubbing or scratching, 203. Scabies (see Itch), 192. Scalds (see Burns), 118. Scapulae, 102. Scarlatina, 194. - smooth (scarlatina plana seu lavigata), 194. - with swelling, 194. - miliaris, 193. Scorbutus, 137. Scrobiculus cordis, 57., Scrotum, 75. Scurvy, 137. Sediment (urinary), see Urine, 69. Semilateral affections (see Affections o ccupying the Right Half of the Body), 115. Sensation as if an animal were creeping or crawling on some part of the body, 167. - as from extravasation of blood (ecchymosis), 163. - as if a joint were being detached, or wrenched open, 163. - as if something alive '(such as a mouse) were running or moving about in the limbs, 168. - as if a peg were driven into the external parts, 163. - as if a peg were driven into the internal parts, 163. - as if produced by a thread, 164. - as if a splinter of bone were driven into the soft parts, 164. - as if a valve were in the throat, 168. - as if a wedge were driven in, 163. - of adherence in the internal parts, 160. - of a ball in the internal parts, 162. - of a clew, pincushion, or ball in the internal parts (see Sensationof aBall), 166. - of ascending and descending movement, 166. - of beating or throbbing in the external parts, 161. - of beating or throbbing in the internal parts, 162. - of beating or throbbing in the joints, 161. - of being in perfect health (or full of vigour of body and mind), 162. - of being lifted up, 168, - of bloatedness, puffiness (of being puffed up), 162. - of cold in the internal parts, 165. - of cold wind, 169. - of cold wind blowing, 169. - of cracking in the internal parts, 163. - of creeping or tingling in the external parts, 164. -of creeping or tingling in the internal parts, 164. - of diminished size, 169. - of dragging (as if something were...being torn from the interior), 161. - of drops (of water) falling on parts of the body, 165. Sensation of dryness in the joints (articulations), 168. 2T2 486 INDEX. Sensation of dryness (in organs or parts which are usually moist), 168. - of dust in internal parts, 167. - of emptiness, hollowness, 169. - of enlargement of the internal cavities, 163. - of falling down of the internal parts (prolapsus), 163. - of fatigue, 164. - of fulness in the external parts, 167. - of fulness in the internal parts, 167. - flaccidity, flabbiness, cloyment, 52. - of fluctuation against the internal parietes of organs, 164. - of hardness of the bed (the bed feels hard) on which one lies, 163. - of heat, 162. - of heaviness in the external parts, 166. - of heaviness in the internal parts, 167. - of laxness or relaxation of internal parts, 168. - of lightness in the limbs, 165. - of movement, 166. - of obtuseness, torpor, insensibility of internal organs, 166. - of paralysis in internal parts, 166. - of physical anxiety (anguish), 161. - of pulling or dragging, 169. - of retraction, 168. - of rolling (in the head, &c.), 168. - of roughness (rawness or soreness) in the internal parts, 161. - of shaking, trembling, vibrating (internal), 163. - as of something alive in the body, 169. - of softness, flabbiness, weakness, exhaustion, illness, 165. - of softening (ramollissement) in hard parts, 167. - of stiffness, rigidity, 167. - of strength, 164. - of swelling (of enlargement, extension, expansion), 165. - of tension, tightness, squeezing, constriction, 168. --of tickling in the internal parts, 162. - of tickling, as if caused by a hair (on the tongue especially), 162. - of tightness of the clothes (as if the garments were too tight), 165. - of uneasiness (malaise), 165. - of upward movement, 166. - of weakness, or want of tone in the internal organs, 163. - of whirling, turning round, 169. Sensatio non parts of the face or body, as if they were covered with a spider's web, 161. Sensibility of the external parts, 137. - of the internal parts, 137. - to pain, extreme, 138. Sequelae (see Consequences). Serum, discharge of, from the skin after rubbing or scratching, 205. Shin-bone (tibia), 110. Shingles, 195. Shivering in general, 239. - attended with goose-skin (cutis anserina), 241. - attended with thirst, 240. - concomitant complaints of, 241. - internal, 240. - partial, 239. - semilateral, 240. - slight, 240. - with shuddering, 241. - with trembling, 241. - without thirst, 240. Shoulders, 104. Shoulder-blade, 102. Shoulder-joint (articulation of the shoulder), 104. Shrivelling, 136. Shrinking, or contracting of parts, from the effects of inflammation, 137. Sight, 16. - apparent trembling of objects before the, 18. - areola round the flame of the candle, 20. - black colour before the, 19. - blue colour before the, 18. - bright colours before the, 18. - dark colour before the, 18, - dark spots, flying insects, before the, 21. - dazzling of the, 16. - flames of fire before the, 20. - grey colour before the, 19. - green colour before the, 19. - hideous faces before the, 20. - horizontal, 20. - iris (or resembling the rainbow), before the, 19. - lightning, or flashes of light, before the, 20. - momentary loss of, 16. - movement, apparent, of objects, 18. - objects appear too far off, 19. - objects appear too near, 19. - objects appear too large, 19. - objects appear too small, 19. -- objects appear double, 20. - objects appear painfully distinct, 20. - objects are seen too obscurely, 20. INDEX. 487 Sight, obscurity, 16. - red colour before the, 19. - semilateral, 20. - spots before the, 21. - striped colour before the, 19. - trembling, apparent, of objects, 18. - variegated colours before the, 18. - weakness, feebleness of, 16. - white colour before the, 18. - yellow colour before the, 19. Skin, inflation, general, of the, 181. - biting-itching pain in the, 182. - blackish, 179. - bleeding of the (or oozing of blood from the), after rubbing or scratching, 205. - blue colour of the, 179. - burning, shooting pains in the, 185. - clamminess of the, 182. - coldness, external, sensation of, in the, 185. - coldness, external, of the, 185. - contraction of the, 179. - cutting pain in the, 183. - desquamation, sensation of, in the, 184. - desquamation of the, 179. - detachment of callosities, or of indu. rated pieces of skin, 179. - difficult to heal, 195. - dirty-coloured, 179. - diseases of the, 179. - discharge of serum from the, after rubbing or scratching, 205. - drawing, tearing, rending pains in the, after scratching, 205. - dryness of the, 181. - excoriation, sensation or pain as if from, in the, 183. - flabbiness of the, 180. - gnawing pain in the, 183. - gnawing, corrosive pain in the, after rubbing or scratching, 204. - greasiness of the, 181. - hard, indurated, 180. - hard, like parchment, 180. - hard and thickened, 180. - hard and callous, 180. - harshness or roughness of the, 181. - heat, burning of the, 184. - heat of, as if from exposure to flames, 184. - heat of, as if caused by sparks, 185. - heat and dryness of the, 185. - inactivity of the, 179. - inelastic, 180. - inflammatory tendency of the skin (extreme liability of the skin to become inflamed), 181. Skin, numbness, insensibility, sensation of, in the, 184. - numbness, sensation of, in the, after rubbing or scratching, 204. - oedematous state of the, 181. - of a dirty colour, 179. - oozing (humecting), 182. - pain in the, as if arising from, or caused by contusion, 182. - pale, blanched, 179. - pricking pains in the, 184. - prickings, shootings, dartings in the, after rubbing or scratching, 204. - prickling, or formicating sensation in the, 183. - redness of the, after rubbing or scratching, 205. - redness of the, 179. - scraping pain in the, 182. - sensibility, excessive, of the, 184. - serum, discharge of, from the, after rubbing or scratching, 205. - stiffness or rigidity of the, 181. - shooting or darting pain in the, after rubbing or scratching, 204. - shooting or lancinating pains in the, 182. - streaks, red, on the, after rubbing or scratching, 204. - swelling, distension, sensation of, in the, 184. - swelling of the, after rubbing or scratching, 204. - tension of the, after rubbing or scratching, 205. - tensive pain in the, 183. - thickening of the, after rubbing or scratching, 204. - ulcerative, suppurative pain in the (pains as if arising from ulceration or suppuration), 183. withered, faded, 180. - wrinkled state of the, 181. - yellow colour of the, 179. Sleep, concomitant phenomena during, 224. - agitated, 227. - after midnight, 230. - anxious, 227. - arising from disease, 230. - comatose, 227. - epiphenomena of, 228. - inability to get to, again, after being awakened, 225. - in a prone position, 226. - influence of, 280. - in the supine posture, 226. - on one side, 226. - positions during, 225. - prevented by suffering, 223. 488 INDEX. Sleep, profound, towards morning, 225. - profound, 227. - retarded, 224. - sitting, in a sitting posture, 226. - towards morning, 225. - unrefreshing, 228. - want of, or sleeplessness in general, 229. - with the hands above the head, 225. - with the hands beneath the head, 225. - with hands across the belly, 225. - with the legs widely separated, 226. - with the legs drawn up, 226. - with one leg bent, the other extended, 226. - with the legs crossed, 226. - with the legs straight, or stretched out, 226. - with the legs bent, 226. - with the head bent back, 226. - with the head bent to one side, 226. - with the head bent forwards, 226. - with the head low, buried, 226. Sleeplessness, with drowsiness or inclination to sleep, 230. - after midnight, 230. - arising from disease, 230. - before midnight, 230. Small-pox (variola), 195. Smell, 27. - earthy, 28. - empyreumatic, 28. - imaginary, 27. - of blood, 28. - of pitch, 28. - of pus, 28. - resembling that which attends inveterate coryza, 28. - rottenness and putridity, of, 28. - of sulphur, 28. - sweetish, 28. Smelling, diminution, feebleness, and loss of the sense of, 27. - acuteness of the sense of, 27. - extreme sensibility of, 27. Sneeze, desire to, without effect, 86. Sneezing, frequent fits of, 87. - concomitant symptoms of, 87. Solid food, repugnance to, 44. Somnolence, 223. - in the afternoon, 223. - in the evening, 224. - in the forenoon, 223. - in the morning, 223. - arising from morbid causes, 224. Sounds, which exacerbate, 265. Soup, repugnance to, 43. Spasms, or cramps in general, 139. - clonic, 159. Spasms, hysterical, 139, - of internal parts, 139. - of the muscles in general, 120. - tonic, 139. Spermatic cord, 75. Sphacelus, 126. Spirits, repugnance to, 44. Spilosis (see Hepatic Spots), 199. Spirituous liquors in general, sufferings from, 278. Spitting of blood, 95. - acrid, 96. - of a bright colour, 95. - of a brown colour, 95. - in clots, 95. - concomitant symptoms of, 96. - of a dark colour, 95. - in streaks, 95 - viscous, 96. Spleen, 55. Spots, formation of, after rubbing or scratching, 205. - black, 198. - or blotches, with pain as if caused by a burn, 199. - blotches, whitish, 198. - or blotches, accompanied by burning, 199. - blue, 198. - bluish, 198. - brownish, 198. - confluent, 199. - copper-coloured, 198. - excoriation, with pain as if arising from, 199. - flea-bites, like, 199. - gangrenous, 199. - greenish, 199. - hepatic, liver-coloured (pityriasis versicolor, spilosis), 199. - itching, attended with, 199. - livid (on old people), 198. - of a fiery red, 198. - of a wine colour, 198. - pale, 199. - red, 198. - shooting pain, with, 199. - violet, 199. - which become pale in the cold, 198. - yellow, 198. Sprains, tendency to, 122. Sprains, 125. Squeamishness (see Qualmishness), 51. Staggering, 118. Startings, 138. Stiffening (becoming rigid, inflexibleness), 136. Stiffness of the muscles, 132. Stings of insects, 194. Stomach, 54. INDEX. 489 Stomach, pit of the, 57. Stone-hewers, -cutters, -masons, medicines which are well adapted to the diseases of, 256. Stool, pressing inclination to go to, 61. - abnormal symptoms before a, 65. - abnormal symptoms during a, 65. - abnormal symptoms after a, 65. - containing thread worms, 64. - containing round worms, 64. - conlaining tape worms (taenia),64. - knotty, resembling sheeps' dung, 63. - of a small size, 63. - of an acid odour, 63. - of a very fetid odour, 63. - of a very acrid quality, 64. - of undigested substances (lienteria), 64. - scanty, 64. - viscous, tenacious, 64. Stools of an unusually large size (thickness), 63. Stumble, tendency to, 122. Stunning, 6. Suspiciousness, 3. Sweat, in general, 246. - accompanied by thirst, 250. - at the anterior surface of the body, 247. - at the lower part of the body, 247. - at the posterior surface of the body, 247. - at the upper part of the body, 247. - attended with anguish, 247. - bitter smell, of a, 249. -cold, 248. - concomitant complaints of (epiphenomena), 250. - debilitating, 247. - factid, 249. - greasy, 248. - great tendency to (tendency to perspire readily), 247. - hot, 248. - musk, having the smell of, 248. - of a bitter smell, 249. - of an acrid smell, 249. - of the smell of blood, 249. - of the smell of camphor, 249. - of the smell of cheese, 249. - of the smell of elder, 249. - of an empyreumatic odour, 249. - of the smell of honey, 249. - of a mouldy smell, 249. - of the smell of onions, 250. - of the smell of rhubarb, 249. - of a sour smell, 249. - of a sulphurous smell, 249. - of the smell of sulphuretted hydrogen (rotten eggs, burnt powder), 249. Sweat, of the smell of urine, 250. - of a sweetish-sour smell, 250. - offensive, 248. - partial, 246. - sanguineous, 248. - semilateral, 247. - viscous, 248. - which stains, 248. - which stains yellow, 248. - which stains red, 248. - without thirst, 250. Sweet food, repugnance to, 43. Swelling of the lips, 34. Swellings in general, 126. - inflammatory, 126. - of diseased parts, 126. Sycosis, 194. T. Taste, alteration of the, in general, 46. - acid, sour, 47. - bitter, 47. - delicate, 47. - earthy, 49. - empyreumatic, 48. - flat, obtuse, 47. - insipid, 48. - loss of, 47. - metallic, 48. - nauseous, 48. - of grease or fat, 48. - of herbs, 48. - putrid, 49. - salt, 49. - sweetish, 48. Tmnia, 64. Tea, exacerbation or amelioration after drinking, 279. Telangiectasis, 236. Teeth, canine (eye-teeth), 38. - carious, hollow, 38. - lower, 38. - molar (grinders), 38. - upper, 38. Telangiectasis, 236. Temples, 31. - exanthema on the, 31. - yellow colour of the, 31. Temporal region, interior of the, 8. - region, external, 10. Tendency to sprains, 122. - to be affected with sprains in the loins, or to experience severe pains after lifting a weight, 122. - to take cold, 122. - to fall or stumble, 122. Tension of the skin, after rubbing or scratching, 205. Testicles, 75. Tetanus, 140. 490 INDEX. Tetters in general, 195. - annular, 195. - brown, 197. - burning pain, with, 197. - chapped, 196. - drawing, tearing pain, with, 197. - dry, 196. - furfuraceous, 196. - gnawing, corroding, 196. - grey, 197. - itching, 197. -jerking pain, with, 197. - moist, 196. - red, 197. - scabby, crustaceous, 196. - scaly, squamous, 196. - shooting pain, with, 197. - suppurating, 196. - white, 196. - yellow, 197. Thickening of the skin, after rubbing or scratching, 204. Thigh, 108. - anterior region of the, 109. - external region of the, 109. -internal region of the, 109. Thirst, 42. - with disinclination to drink, 43. - desire to drink without, 43. - want of, 43. Thorax, cavity of the, 99. - external surface of the, 100. - inferior part of the, 100. - superior part of the, 100. Throat, rising in the, 50. Tickling, after rubbing or scratching, 203. Time or period at which the symptoms or sufferings are developed or exacerbated, 256. - afternoon, in the, 256. - evening, in the, 257. - forenoon, in the, 256. - midnight, before, 257. - midnight, after, 258. - night, at, 257. - morning, in the, 256. Tobacco, sufferings from the use of, 278. - amelioration from the use of, 278. Toe, great, 113. Toes, 112. - articulation of the, 112. - ball of the, 113. - nails of the, 113. - tips of the, 113. Tongue, 40. - foul, 40. Toothache in general, 37. -in the incisors, 37. Trachea, 96. Trembling of external parts, 140. - of internal parts, 140. Tubercles, formation of, after rubbing or scratching, 205. Tuberosities, tubercles, 194. Tumefaction of the affected parts, 207. - spongy (molluscum), 207. Tumors in general, 126. Tumors, white-coloured, 206. - accompanied by pricking, shooting pains, 206. - accompanied by prickling, tingling, formicating, or prurient sensations, 206. - burning, (with burning heat), 206. - cold, 207. - dropsical, cedematous, 206. - hard, 206. - inflammatory, 207. - of a blackish-blue colour, 206. - pale, 207. - shining, 207. Typhlosia, 6. Typhonia, 228. U. Ulceration, pain as if from, after rubbing or scratching, 205. Ulcers, 207. - attended with pain as from a bruise, 211. - aching, 212. - attended with shocks or jerks in the interior, 211. - atonic, 208. - blackish, 208. - bleeding, 210. - bluish black at the base, 208. - boring, piercing, 210. - burning, 211. - burnt, as if, 208. - cancerous, 208. - cold, with sensation of, 212. - cutting pain, with, 212. - deep, 209. - difficult to heal, 209. - digging pain, with, 212. - dragging, 210. - excoriation, with pain as from, 212. - formation of, after rubbing or scratching, 205. - fistulous, 208. - flat, 209. - gangrenous, 209. - gnawing, (with gnawing pain), 212. - grey-coloured pus, 215. - hard, 208. - inflammatory, 209. - in general, 207. INDEX. 491 Ulcers, insensible, indolent, 211. - itching, prurient, 211. - jerking, 210. - lardaceous, 209. - lardaceous at the bottom, 209. - luxuriant, 209. - margins of, black, 213. - margins of, bleeding, 213. - margins of the, affected with burning heat, 213. - margins of, elevated and hard, 213. - margins of,;jagged,irregular,serrated, 213. - margins of, painful, 213. - margins of, shooting, (shooting or pricking pain in the margins), 213. - margins of, spongy, 213. - margins of, swollen, 213. - of a bluish colour, 207. - putrid, 210. - scabby, crustaceous, 208. - sensitive, painful, irritable, 210. - shooting, (with shooting pain), 212. - sphacelous, 210. - spongy, 210. - spotted, mottled, 208. - suppuration, with pain as from, 212. - suppurating, 214. - surrounded by pimples, 214. - surrounded by vesicles, 213. - swollen, tumefied, 209. - tense, 210. - throbbing, 211. - which re-open after having cicatrized, 208. - with acrid pus, 216. - with bloody pus, 216. - with brownish pus, 215. - with burning pain in the surrounding parts, 214. - with copious secretion of pus, 215. - with creeping or crawling sensations in the surrounding parts, 213. - with feetid pus, 215. - with gelatinous pus, 215. - with grey-coloured pus, 215. - with hardness of the surrounding parts, 214. - with pain as from, after rubbing or scratching, 205. - with painfulness or sensibility of the surrounding parts, 214. - with pus containing maggots, 215. - with pus of an acid smell, 215. - with pus of the smell of herring brine, 215. - with pus of the smell of old (rotten) cheese, 215. - with pus which stains block, 216. - with pus which stains green, 216. Ulcers, with redness of the surrounding parts, 214. - with sanious pus, 216. - with sebaceous, 216. - with scanty secretion of pus, 216. - with shooting pain in the surrounding parts, 214. - with smarting, itching, 211. - with swelling of the surrounding parts, 214. - with thin, liquid pus, 215. - with tightness or tension of the surrounding parts, 214. - with viscous, tenacious pus, 216. - with watery pus, 215. - with white spots, 208. -with whitish pus, 215. - with yellowish pus, 215. Ulosia, 39. Umbilicus, 55. Uneasiness in paroxysms, 131. Uraniscosia, 39. Urethra, 73. Urine of a pale colour, 66. - abnormal symptoms before the emission of, 72. (See also Urinate.) - acrid, 68. - bloody, 67. - cold, 69. - covered with avariegated pellicle, 68. - dark, 67. - drop by drop, 72. - emission of, too abundant, 71. - emission of, in bed at night, 72. - emission of, very frequent, 71. - emission of, interrupted, 72. - emission of, involuntary, 72. - emission of, scanty, 71. - emission of, very seldom, 71. - fetid, 68. - frothy, 68. - filamentous, stringy, thread-like, 68. - gelatinous, albuminous, 68. - greenish, 67. - milky, 67. - mucous, 68. - of an acid odour, 68. - of an ammoniacal odour, 68. - purulent, 68. - retention of, 72. - scalding, 68. - sediment of, bloody, 69. - sediment of, clayey, 70. - sediment of, cloudy, 70. - sediment of, farinaceous, 70. - sediment of, flock-like, flocculent, 70. - sediment of, in general, 69. - sediment of, grey colour, 69. - sediment of, mucous, 70. 492 INDEX. Urine, sediment of, purulent, 69. - sediment of, reddish, 69. - sediment of, sandy, 70. - sediment of, whitish, 69. - sediment of, yellowish colour, 69. - thick and turbid, 67. - viscous, 68. - which becomes turbid, 67. Urinate, abnormal symptoms on commencing to, 73. - desire to, in general, 70. - desire to, without effect, 70. - on ceasing to, 73. Urination, abnormal symptoms during the act of, 73. - after the act of, 73. Urticaria, 195. Uterus, 76. V. Vagina, 76, 464. Varicella (chicken-pox), 195. - conoid, 195. - emphysematous (wind-pox), 195. Varices in general, 236. - attended with inflammation, 236. - attended with ulceration, 236. Varicose veins, 236. Variola, 195. Vegetables, derangement after eating, 277. Veins, inflammation of the, (see Varices, or Varicose veins attended with inflammation), 236. - varicose, 236. Velum palatinum, 40. Vertex, 8. - exterior of the, 10. Vertigo, 6. Vinegar, exacerbation or amelioration from the use of, 278. Voice, loss of, 97. - broken, 97. - croaking, 97. - deep (synonymous with hollow), 98. - feeble, low, 98. - harsh, rough, 98. - hissing, 98. - hoarse, 97. - hollow, 97. - loud, bawling, 97. - muttering, murmuring, 98. - not clear, muffled, 98. - quaking, tremulous, 98. - sharp, screeching, 97. - through the nose, nasal, 98. - toneless, 98. Vomiting, 50. - amelioration after, 324. - bitter, bilious, 53. Vomiting, dry (retching), 51. - inclination to, 50. - of black matter, 53. - of blood, 53. - of fetid matter, 53. - of faecal matter, 53. - of ingesta, 52. - of mucus, 53. - of sour and acid substances, 52. - of water (liquid), 53. - of what has been drunk, 53. - of worms, 54. - sufferings from. 323. - vomiting in general, 52. Voracity, 42. W. Waking, frequent, 228. - too early, 228. - too late, 229. - epiphenomena of, 229. Warts, 219. - attended with burning pain, 219. - attended with shooting pain, 220. - attended with pulsative or throbbing pain, 220, - inflamed, 219. - hard, 220. - horny, 220. -in the form of a cock's-comb or crest (toothed), 220. - pediculated, 220. - small, 220. - smooth, 220. - suppurating, 219. - very large, 220. - with an ulcerated circumference, 220. Water, exacerbation or amelioration after drinking, 280. - repugnance to, 44. Wens, 193. Weakness of memory, 5. - muscular, 156. - nervous, 124. - of the joints, 124. - of sight, 16. - paralytic, 124. Whiskers, 12. - falling off of the, 217. White swelling, 125. Wind, gurgling of, 58. Winds, influence of the, 269. Windpipe, (see larynx and trachea), 96. Wind-pox, 195. Wine, exacerbation or amelioration after drinking, 279. - repugnance to, 44. Women, medicines which are peculiarly adapted to the diseases of, 255. INDEX.' 493 Women, medicines which are peculiarlyI Wounds, wi th lesion of the glands, 135. adapted to, when lyi-ng in (puerpe- Wrinkles on the face, 28. ral), 269.- on the forehead, 31 Worms, (see Stools). Wounds, 135. Y. - from contusion (contused wounds, Yawning, 222. bruises),,135. - attended with stretching and twist- from pointed instruments, 1035. ing, 222. - from sharp instruments, (incised - concomitants of, epiphenomena, 222. wounds), 135. - without feeling sleepy, 222. - which reopen after being closed, - interrupted, abortive, 222. healed, cicatrized, 136. - spasmodic, 2A?2. - which bleed copiously, 135. - with contortion-of'the muscles, 1335. Z. - with lesion of the'bones, 135. Zona, zoster, 195. THE END. ERRATA. Page 73, No. 475, erase "emission." 148,.. 916, after "shooting", insert " burning." 1 60,... 997,ftr "internal" read "external." 0.194,... 1299,for" Freckles" read"1 Magg ot- pimples."..200, 0.. 1355,for. tickling, itching" read "1 biting, or smarting itching." 203,203, 1375, after " itching" insert 41 biting or smarting." 280,280, 1998,jbi "during sleep" read "1during repose or rest." 291,... 2063,far "after rising from a seat" read "1on rising from a seat." 297)... 2094,for "on walking with the body bent" read "6on stooping, or bending downwards." U N IV.OFDEC 19 1912 WILSON and 00uILVY, 57, Skinuer Street, Snowhill, London. WORKS ON IIOMUEOPATIIY, PUBLISHED By H. BAILLIERE, 219, REGENT STREET. BELLUOMINI (J., M.D.)-SCARLATINA: its Treatment Homceopathically. Is. London., 1843. CHEPMELL (E. C C.0)-THE LEGITIMATE APPLICATION AND PRACTICE OF DOMESTIC HOM(EOPATHY: with Rules for Diet and Regimen.I l2mo. 3s. London, 1847. CURIE (P. F., M.D.)-PRACTICE OF HOMUSOPATHY. 1 vol. Svo. 6s. London, 1838. PRINCIPLES OF HOMCEOPATHY. 1 vol. 8vo. 5s. London, 1837. EVEREST (T. R.)-A POPULAR VIEW OF. HOMCEOPATHY; exhibiting the Present State of the Science. 2d Edition, amended and much enlarged, Svo. 6s. London, 1836. A LETTER addressed to the Medical Practitioners of Great Britain on the snbject of Hom.ceopathy. 8vo. is. 6d. London, 1834. GUNTHER.-NEW MANUAL OF HOMCEOPATHIC VETERINARY MEDiCINE; or, the Homceopathic Treatment of the Horse, the Ox, the Dog, and other Domestic Animals. Translated from the Third German Edition, wit], considerable Additions and Improvements. Post 8vo. l0s. 6d. cloth. London, 1847. HERING (of Philadelphia). -THE HOM4ZEiOPATHIST; or, Domestic Physician. 2d Edition, l2mo. 7s. London, 1845. JAHR.-MANUAL OF HOM(EOPATHIC MEDI.CINE. In Two Parts. Part I. MATERIA MEDsCA; Part II. THERAPEUTICAL AND SYMs'TOaATOLOosCAL REPERTORY. Translated from the Fourth Edition, and edited, with Additions, by P. F. CURIE, M.D. 2d Edition, 2 vols. Svo. ~1l. 12s; 1847. SHORT ELEMENTARY TREATISE UPON HOM(EOPATHY AND ITS PRACTICE: with somne of the most important Effects of Ten of the principal Homoeopathic Remedies. Translated by E. Bayard, M.D. 18nmo. 2s. 6d. London, 1846. LAURIE (J.)-ELEMENTS OF HO.UI(EOPATHIC PRACTICE OF PHYSIC. Svo. 16s.- London, 1847. HOMCEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. 4th Edition, Svo. 12s. 1847. NEWMAN (G..)-HOM(E-OPATHIC FAMILY ASSISTANT. 2d Edition, 12mo. 5s. London,. 1847. A CONCISE EXPOSITION OF HOME OPATHY: its Principles and Practice. Second Thousand. 8vo. is. 6d. London, 1844. SAMPSON.-THE PROGRESS OF HOM(EOPATHY: a Series of Papers illuistrative of the Position and Prospects of Medical Science. 8vo. 6s. 1847. SIMPSON (M. D.)-PRMJTICAL VIEW OF HOMCEOPATHY. Svo. l~s. 6d. London, 1836. WORKS By DR. LAURIE. ELEMENTS OF HOM(EOPATHIC PRACTICE OF PHYSIC. 8vo. (London, 1847), cloth, 16s. HOM(EOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. Fourth Edition, 8vo. cloth, 12s. "The very fact of the publication of a Third Edition of such a large work as Dr. Laurie's proves how widely the practice is spread among the public generally." DR. PORBES'S British and Foreign Medical TlBeiev, Jan. 1846. Filmed by Preservation 1990 4 -l~~,~X~~ CY~":iI ~ ~k.;> i;;..; Ie (- I i, I'I r N IN I (:: C:: "Sta~ r -( *2"-";si:::4 UNIVERSIY1 OF MICHIGAN I! I I III III IIi I tI I 3 9015 01079 6020 -4 e44 4 )W-1 Ait1 stom /r.A air