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VON BONNINGHAUSEN, COUNSELLOR OF TIHE PRUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, INSPECTOR IOF THE BOTANICAL GARDEN, PRACTICAL HOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, ACTUAL HONORARY AND CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF MANY LEARNED SOCIETIES AT HOME AND ABROAD. EDITED BY CHARLES J. IfEMPEL, M. D. NEW-YORK: WILLIAM RADDE, 322 BROADWAY, LONDON: H. BALL.IERE, 219 REGENT STREET. 1847. ENTERED according to Act of Congress; in the year 1847, by WILLIAM RADDEQ in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New-York. - -.................... -.---. - - - -. - -.- -.. LEAVITT, TROW & CO., PRINTERS, 33 Ann-Street. PREFACE. IT is now more than fifteen years since I first introduced my c Repertory" of the homaoepathic remedies, which has proved eminently useful to the pfofession, and enjoys an extensive circulation, either through the original editions of the work itself, or the manuals of our indefatigable Jahr, by whom it has been adopted without any material alteration. The work 'havinigbeen constantly used, an opportunity has been afforded df appreciating its advantages as well as of pointing out its defects; and the publication of similar works which has been continued up to the present day, and their ready sale, clearly show that' they meet the- demands of our art. It is undoubtedly true, that the diligent and careful study of the " Materia Medica Pura" cannot be fully supplied by any Repertory whatever; nor have I ever had the intention of making that study unnecessary; on the contrary, I am of opinion that all works having sucha tendency unquestionably do a great deal of harm. On the other hand 4t cannot, be denied, that the homceopathic pliysigiag- can only devote himself to such studies in his hours of leisure, which are few indeed, and that in his practice his memory should be assisted by a work, containing an abridged account of the symptoms, which he will easily be able to look over, and where the characteristic symptoms of the remedies are pointed out, so that he may, in every case of illness, select the homoeopathic agent with certainty and without too great a loss of time, -from among those remedies which are generally indicated for that case. In my opinion, the defects of all existing Repertories consist principally in confining themselves to the symptoms contained in IV PREFACE. the Materia Medica Pura, to which-certainly not without a careful examination-the results which have been obtained in practice are added; but these two classes of symptoms have never been combined and arranged in such a manner as would enable the practitioner to determine the curative value of every single symptom, to complete those symptoms which have remained incomplete, and to fill up the numerous vacancies in the pathogenetic effects of our drugs, which the practitioner meets at every moment in practice. If a great many symptoms should remain incomplete, either because the part of the body or the sensations are not clearly indicated, or-which often happens-because it is not stated whether time and circumstances had made the case worse or better, the difficulty to determine the curative value of the symptoms increases, for reasons which are self-evident: The characteristic curative power of a remedy is never revealed by a single symptom, be it ever so complete; the peculiar bias and feeling of the examining agent may have a considerable influence on the examination, which may mislead his judgment; secondary effects and alternate symptoms of an inferior order may be allowed to slip in as characteristic symptoms of the higher order; and, after all, the greater or lesser value of most of the symptoms can only be determined by a laborious comparison of all the symptoms together, which cannot be accomplished at the sick-bed by means of the Materia Medica Pura, and requires great preparatory study. In the old manuals, many of the more or less important symptoms have been split up, and the fragments dispersed under different heads, besides leaving a great many vacancies, or symptoms which occur in disease without any corresponding symptoms having been obtained by our provings, and which the old manuals do not afford the means of supplying by analogy. The uncertainty arising from the splitting up of the symptoms, and the dispersion of their fragmentary expressions under different heads, together with the prolixity which every homoeopathic practitioner complains of in the old manuals, has induced me to think of and prepare an arrangement which would do away with the above mentioned defects, so far at least as this is possible in the present PREFACE. state of our science. It affords me pleasure to acknowledge with gratitude and reverence the excellent advice which my late friend and master, Hahnemann, has given me in relation to my plan, in an uninterrupted correspondence. In order to avoid the inconvenience of splitting up and dispersing the symptoms farther than had been done hitherto, and which has been so frequently complained of, it was at first my intention to retain the form and arrangement of mrny original Repertory, which Hahnemann had repeatedly assured me he preferred to all others: at the same time I intended to condense it into one volume, to define every part of it with greater accuracy, and to complete it as much as possible, from Anhalogy as well as from Experience. After finishing about one-half of the manuscript, it had, contrary to my expectation, grown to such a size, that I relinquished my plan, the more willingly as I discovered that the same object might be attained in a more simple and even more satisfactory manner, by arranging and combining the remedies in such an order as would point out their relative value in the treatment of disease; thus opening a hitherto untrodden path into the extensive field of a combination of symptoms into groups. In order to avoid encumbering the homceopathic literature with a useless work, 1 first arranged a work like the present, but confined only to polychrest medicines. Finding that the plan worked well, and to the satisfaction of our late master, who pronounced it excellent and eminently practical, I did no longer hesitate to finish the work, which I now present to the homceopathic public, requesting them at the same time to excuse its inevitable defects and errors. The object of this Pocket-book, as it has been stated on its title-page, is a double one, viz., to aid the memory of the practitioner at the sick-bed in the selection of the remedies, and to serve the student of the Materia Medica Pura as a guide, by which he is enabled to find his way, to determine the greater or lesser value of every symptom, and to complete and express the symptoms with greater accuracy. As a great number of remedies are mentioned for almost vi PREFACE. every symptom, it has been deemed indispensable to point out their relative value by means of a different print, as I had done in my former Repertories, and which Hahnemann had repeatedly declared to be requisite. The reader will find the remedies divided into five classes, distinguished throughout the whole book by the print. The four principal ones occur in the first part (Mind and Soul), under the head " Covetousness," and may serve as an example. The word PULS., given in capitals, takes the first, the most prominent place. It is followed, in a descending order, by the words ARS. and LYC., printed in small capitals, as being less distinguished, but still characteristically indicated for the symptom to which they belong, and having been found useful in practice. Of a still inferior order are the words, natr. and sep., given in italic letters, and the last place with regard to the value of the remedies takes calc., which is printed in Roman letters. The fifth order contains the dubious remedies, which require to be more closely ascertained, and occur the least frequently: they are inclosed in parentheses; as for example, on p. 61, the word (cham.), on page 63 (puls.), and some others. It is evident that the limits of these classes, which it was neither easy, nor seemed convenient or necessary to multiply, could not be fixed with any thing like mathematical certainty. I have not even been able to determine whether and how far the remedial power of the remedies contained in one class inclined to the remedies contained in the class next before or after; but this inclination never reaches one half of the difference allowed between every two successive orders or classes of remedies. Without presuming to maintain that I have marked off the curative limits of the remedies in every instance with infallible precision, I may, however, be allowed to say, that no assiduity, no care, no circumspection, has been wanting on my part, to avoid errors as much as possible. The arrangement of the work is easily understood; a few explanations will therefore be sufficient. It is divided into seven distinct parts, in each of which the systematical and the alphabetical order have been united as much as possible, in order to facilitate the use of the book. Although every section may be con PREFACE. viiJo sidered as a whole in itself, it nevertheless contains.only a portion of a symptom, which is completed in the other parts. In the case of toothache, for instance, the seat of the pain is to be found in the second section, the kind of pain in the third, the increase or decrease of the pain according to time and circumstances in the sixth; and whatever of secondary symptoms may be necessary to complete the picture of the disease, and to select with certainty the suitable remedy, is in a like manner to be found in the different sections. With 'regard to the first section, it is necessary to observe that our Materia Medica Pura contains nowhere a greater number of consecutive or secondary effects than among the symptoms of the mind; and that on the other hand most beginners misapprehend or very often overlook this part of a complete picture of the dis ease. I have therefore deemed it advisable to give only the most essential and predominant symptoms under as few heads as possible, in order to facilitate the business of looking for the symptoms and finding out the remedy. The chapter "Intellect" has been simplified in a great measure; many symptoms, such as the different shades of madness, having been more particularly defined in other parts of the work. The second section, " Parts of the Body and Organs," has been condensed as much as possible, as it is the tendency of the whole work to explain one part by another. In this section will be found several symptoms, which have proved of importance in practice-for instance, under "exterior head, face, cough"-which would in vain be looked&f6r in any other work. This section points out the medicines which have a greater or lesser specific influence on the different tissues and organs, and it is only to a few particular organs that some pathogenetic symptoms have been annexed, which are merely confined to these, and for which no suitable place could be found elsewhere. The third section contains, in an alphabetic order, all the sensations and complaints: 1, in general, and then in particular; 2, of the glands; 3, of the bones; and 4, of the skin and exterior, and is intended to show, more or less, the characteristic nature or form of the complaint, as the preceding section points viii PREFACE. out the part of the body which is principally acted upon by the drug. The fourth section treats of sleep and dreams, the fifth of fever, the essential character of both the sleep and fever being minutely distinguished and indicated in every instance. With regard to the second, fourth, and fifth sections, the following explanation of the chapter "Concomitant Complaints" will be necessary. Convinced of the importance of the symptoms which occur simultaneously with others, and form with them a group of symptoms, I have increased for a great many years the secondary symptoms in the Materia Medica Pura, by adding to them every secondary symptom occurring in my own experience, as well as in that of others, and their number has increased so incredibly, that I have been able to abstract from them general rules. By these rules it is proved with great certainty, that one remedy inclines much more than another to certain secondary complaints; that these last do not take exclusively this or that form, but that in general every kind of complaint which is at all related to the sphere of activity of the remedy, may be' its attendant, although its true characteristic secondary complaints attend it the most frequently. This discovery, proved by long experience to be true, has led me to bring the " Concomitant Complaints" together under one head, where the order of the remedies has again been pointed out by means of a different print; and whenever those secondary complaints require to be taken into consideration in the treatment of a case, they will have to be looked for among the peculiarities of the remedies, which are simultaneously indicated, in a greater or lesser number. The sixth section, containing the changes in the state of the patient according to time and circumstances, is not less important than any of the preceding ones; in referring to it the greatest precaution is required. One has particularly to avoid considering as an aggravation of the malady, what is only a consecutive (or alternate) effect of the remedy, even though the state of the patient in general should be worse. Diarrhoea for instance, appearing only in the morning, is very often cured by Bryonia, although obstruction and evening exacerbation characterize the PREFACE. ix primary action of this remedy. Such phenomena, which are called consecutive or alternate effects in the proving of drugs, occur very frequently in natural diseases, where a state developes itself, which, though opposed to the original complaint, is not the less a state of suffering, and may easily mislead the ignorant in the choice of the remedy. In another respect, the connexion existing between the aggravation or amelioration of single symptoms and the whole complaint, is by far greater than is generally supposed; this aggravation or amelioration is never limited exclusively to one symptom or another: on the contrary, the choice of the right medicine very often depends principally upon one or the other of these conditions. I will give a single instance as a proof. During my absence from home, my patients are always given over to a friend of mine, Dr. Lutterbeck, of this place. I had cured one of them of a deeply rooted phthisis tuberculosa, and in order'to remove some remaining complaints, amongst which a disagreeable smoothness of the teeth, with a good deal of slime on them, was particularly troublesome, and which became worse for two successive days, every time he shaved, my friend gave him Carb. an. 30, with the most decided and lasting effect, although the only skin-symptom of the face (152), which had been observed by Dr. Adams, did not exist, and could not, therefore, lead to the selection of that agent.* The experienced homoeopathist will therefore easily find, that I have bestowed a particular care upon this section, and that I have given in it many of the results of my own experience, which will be looked for in vain either in the Materia Medica Pura, or any where else. The seventh and last section gives under the head " Concordances," the results of a comparison of the effects of all the medicines in use: 1st, with reference to the preceding sections, marked with the corresponding number; an ddly, comparing the different remedies with reference to the symptom, and pointing to their relative value by the different print adopted throughout the work. This laborious work, which it has required a good * By referring to the chapter "Exacerbation," the reader will find that Carbo animalis produces an exacerbation after shaving, which was the curative indication in this instance.-HEMPEL. PREFACE. X deal of time to complete, and by means of which my knowledge of the Materia Medica has been considerably improved-is to supply the place of the I-Relations or Affinities" (Verwandschaften), which I published in 1836; imperfect as they were, yet my critic (Hygea, IV. p. 369 ff.) has acknowledged their usefulness by copying them literally with all their defects and errors, and with few, for the most part faulty additions, in his " Manual of the Homceopathic Materia Medica," (Leipsic, Schumann,) without naming the source from which he had taken them, and which he had ridiculed before his book was out. I trust that nobody will consider this section useless and superfluous, now that it has been improved and freed, as much as possible, from errors. In studying the Materia Medica which I consider the fountain-head of Homceopathy, these Concordances have been of the most decided importance to me, as they have not only led me to understand the genius of the medicines, but also to select with more certainty the proper remedies, and to determine the order of their successive exhibition, particularly in chronic diseases. A certain familiarity with the Materia Medica Pura, it is true, is indispensable to the proper use of these Concordances; but this use is greatly facilitated for the beginner by the polychrests, which are full of symptoms and present a great many points of contact, wherefore an intimate acquaintance with the latter will enable him to use the Concordances with great ease and advantage. At the end of every remedy I have given the known Antidotes (Antid.), as well as the noxious remedies (Noc.). I have to observe, that the same reasons which induced me, in 1835, to omit, besides Osmium, several other remedies, still continue, and that I did not wish to mix up the certain and tried with the uncertain and doubtful. It may be necessary to add a few words respecting the use of this Pocket-book, for beginners in homoeopathy, for whom it is principally intended. In studying the Materia Medica Pura, I have found it the most simple and most expeditious way, to mark with a pencilaccording to the order of this Pocket-book-all the characteristic PREFACE.. xi symptoms which have been indicated by the different print, either in the original works, or in one of the Repertories, and to add those symptoms which were wanting: this requires but little time and trouble, and affords at the same time an easy survey, which may be completed as its defects are perceived in practice. In this manner, one not only acquires a thorough knowledge of the most important symptoms, and of the genius of every single remedy, but also a lasting written collection of every thing necessary to be known, which, becoming deeply impressed upon the memory, may afterwards be referred to in difficult cases, and will frequently be of the greatest use in selecting the proper remedy. The facility with which this work may be used at the bedside of the patient, greatly depends upon the fact whether the practitioner is a mere beginner, or more or less versed in the homoeopathic art of healing. Every beginner ought to make a careful search for every symptom without exception. The more one knows, the less he will have to look for, and is only here and there required to assist his memory. This may be best shown by an example. I have chosen for that purpose a case from my latest practice, where the choice of the remedy was, indeed, not difficult, on the contrary, appeared quite easy to me, though through want of attention the right one might have been missed. It will at the same time afford an opportunity to many a beginner of trying his own skill. E. N., of L., a gentleman about fifty years of age, of a healthy, almost too florid complexion, generally of a cheerful temper, except during severe attacks of pain, when he broke out into fits of passion, and his nerves became exceedingly irritated, had been cured, by external alloeopathic applications, of a rheumatic pain, as it was called, in the right eyehole. The drugs which had been used could not be ascertained. For the last months he had been suffering with a peculiar kind of violent pain in the lower part of the right thigh, comprising all the muscles of the back part of it, viz., from the calf down to the heel, with the exception of the joints of the knee and ankle. The pain itself he described as a very acute, crampy, jerking, tearing one, often in xii PREFACE. termingled with stitches, proceeding from the inner parts: in the morning, however, the pain was upon the whole much less, but digging, and the patient felt as if beaten all over. It increased towards evening, and when in a quiet state-particularly when sitting or standing after movement, and more especially during a walk in the open air. During the walk itself, the pain often wandered from the right calf to the upper part of the left arm, and again became insupportable when the patient put his hand into his pocket or bosom, and kept the arm quiet: by moving the arm the pain was lessened, and often quickly returned to the right calf. He found the greatest relief by walking up and down in the room, and rubbing the affected part. The concomitant complaints consisted in sleeplessness before midnight, frequent attacks of flushes of heat, with thirst in the evening, without any previous shuddering, a disagreeable, greasy taste in the mouth, with nausea in the throat, and an almost continual, pressing pain in the lower part of the chest and the pit of the stomach, as if something were forcing its way through. No homceopathic physician, who is familiar with the effects of his remedies, having so complete and so accurate a picture of the disease before him, will long be in doubt as to the most suitable remedy in this case, as all those symptoms together correspond only to one remedy homoeopathically: the beginner, on the contrary, will be obliged to look for almost every single symptom, and will find the right remedy only after a long investigation. Between the two extremes, of knowing and not knowing, there are numerous degrees of half-knowledge, which require a more or less frequent reference to the Manual. One, for instance, knows that those pains which fly from one part to another, being worse towards evening and in repose, the greasy taste in the mouth, sleeplessness before midnight, and some others of the symptoms, which have been mentioned, are pre-eminently the effects of Pulsatilla; he is not sure, however, whether the rest of the symptoms belong to it, and wishing to act conscientiously, he will not mind the trouble of referring to the Materia Medica, when he will soon find that Pulsatilla is not the right homeoopathic remedy, as many of the symptoms, PREFACE. xiii besides those of the mind, are not similar to Pulsatilla, and are even directly opposed to it. Another has studied more particularly the peculiar character of pains, and distinctly recollects that the principal effects of China are laming, crampy,. tearing: pa painis as if beaten, stitches shooting from interior towards exterior" parts, as well as pains flying from one part to anotheir;-he knows, moreover, that other symptoms, as sleeplessipess b-fore midnight, aggravation in rest, amelioration by moving and rubbing, flying'heatwith'thirst, are caused by $ China: but with regard to the other symptoms he is:.iobsure, and lie is therefore obliged to consult a Repertory, when he will soon meet with counter-indications, showing that China is -not a fit remedy in the present case. Now neither of them will think of making a Itrial, and of giving the patient a remedy, the effect of Which in this:case is so uncertain; but, as conscientious hdmdeopathic, physicians, they will consider and compare, and with the assistance of this Pocklet-book they will.soon find without a great deal of trouble, what is the only fit and truly homoeopathic remedy) in the bcase.But, suppose there was a third, who -uiderstood enough of homoeopa'thy, to know at once that Pulsatilla, China, and other concurring remedies are not the right medicines, but who'does not sufficiently know, Valeriana,, which correspon'ds to the principal symptomns, and-therefore is doubtful as to the fitness of this remedy, which is.not as fiequeitly used as. other medicines: he will, only have to verify some symptoms, about which he' is in doub, to coQnvince himself that this. must `be the best among all knownimnedicines, which was proved by the result, as after a single, highly.poter4it'd, very smiall dose, 'dissolved in water, the principal complaint, with 'all the conicomitarit ones, was completely removed within "three days ' The ufninformed practitioner, who is only, illing to consult authorities, and refuses every sort of Repertory, wouldt p1robably not have thought of looking for this remedy, which is seldom used in similar complaints, in the second volume of the "Archiv," and would waste much time and.lbor in comparing othnr remedies, before discovering the true one. And even, if it should at lhst occur to him to refer to the xiv PREFACE. Archiv, he would still meet with doubts and uncertainties which he could not overcome without assistance. Valerian corresponds, it is true, to the symptoms of our case; but the correspondence can only be perceived by him who has made himself acquainted with the inmost curative character or genius of the remedy, by careful study and observation. The uncertainty is moreover increased by several typographical errors in the notes, and by the fact that several alternate effects have not been marked out as such, and are not easily recognized. But it is by far more difficult still for the less experienced homoeopathic physician to cure, without a Repertory, a disease with few symptoms, for which a great many remedies are indicated. In this district, for instance, a malignant whooping-cough is at present raging among the children, and it is only in single exceptional cases that the well known symptoms for Drosera present themselves, the remedies which are usually given for whooping-cough being never indicated. However, in the beginning of the cough a remarkable puffiness and swelling are present, not sp much of the face, as of the part immediately above the eyes, between the lids and eyebrows, where it often appears like a thick little bag, a symptom which has hitherto been observed only in Kali carb. (219); and indeed, in the beginning of the present epidemy, this was the only quick and sure remedy. Only in the last period the disease took another form, which required Veratrum alb., on account of the cold perspiration on the forehead during vomiting. This is not the place to speak about the magnitude and repetition of the doses, a subject on which opinions are still divided. I think it necessary, however, to direct the attention of the English and American homoeopathic physician to what we have experienced in this respect within the last two years. Several practical physicians of the highest order have ascertained by a number of the most careful experiments, that the high dynamizations, such as 200, 400, 800, so far from being inefficacious, not only continue to act with sufficient power to cure every kind of disease, but that the power of the medicines generally, and PREFACE. xV the number of their characteristic symptoms, are developed in a more perfect manner by the high dynamizations, and that very often a disease iscured with high dynamizafions which had been attacked in vain with the lower potencies of the same remedy. Convinced of the truth of this most important discovery, I have used those high dynamizations for two years past, and I am so entirely satisfied with the results, that during the last year I have scarcely used any other preparations,; since then, my practice, which has always been a successful one, has become still more so, and all those who have taken my advice are enthusiastic in their approbation of this progress. There are some who pretend to have found-more by reasoning than by expefience-that the high dynamizations, though capable of curing some kinds' of disease, particularly those of the sensitive sphere, are not applicable to the diseases of the vegetative system. For my part, I deem myself authbrized, by a number of incontestable facts, absolutely to deny this assertion. It is precisely in the diseases of the skin, of the glands, and of the bones, that I have observed the most surprising effects from dynamizations of the highest degree, and my journals contain a great many perfect cures, particularly of those kinds of diseases which had for a long time resisted the larger and often repeated doses of the same remedy. Caries, osteomalaxy, exostosis, curvature of the spine, as well as the different species of cutaneous eruptions, of tetters and ulcers, are not less curable with high dynamizations, than, the different kinds of mania, epilepsy, and all the other natural diseases, provided one is experienced enough in homoeopathy to choose the remedies which, under all circumstances, are the mostsuitable, and firm enough to allow them to act as long as that action will last. Every homoeopathic physician, who is able to select the right medicine, and who avoids the great fault of precipitation, which is always injurious, will soon perceive thatithe high dynamizations,* when given at long * As the preparation of the high dynamizafions (Hochpotenzen) is not without difficulties, and, besides beilg expensive, requires a great deal of time; it riiay bb worth while to lknoW tyhere they may be had gemuine, which is of, the greatest importance, e, therefore recommend *r v xvi PREFACE. intervals and without repetition, are generally preferable- to larger doses, which are repeated or changed too frequently. Nothing now remains, but to recommend this work, which is the fruit of about three years' labor, to the just, unprejudiced, and friendly criticism of all those, who, like myself, are determined to devote their lives entirely to homceopathy and to suffering humanity. C. VON BONNINGHAUSEN. Miinster, October, 1845. the medicines prepared by Mr. St Jenichen of Wismar, in the Grandduchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, which unquestionably surpass all others in strength and purity. THERAPEUTIC POCKET-BOOK, FOR THE USE OF HOMCIEOPATIIIC PHYSICIANS. PART FIRST. MIND AND SOUL. I. MIND. Affections of the mind, in general. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ANAC. ang. at crud. ant-tart. am. ARS. asaf. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. bry. calad.- CALO. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb.. Veg. CAUST. CHAM,. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. CON. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. HYOSO. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. LACH. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct., m-austr. magn. rnagn-. mur. mang. mar. men. mERC. mezer. moseb. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR.. nitr. nitr-dc. n-moscb. N-`OM:. oleand.* OP. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. Sabin. samb. sassap. scill. Sececorn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL.--Spig. spong. stann. staph. sTRAM stront. SULPH1. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valor. VERATR. verb. Violod. viol-tr. vit. zinc. Amativeness. Acoxi. ANT-CRUD. bell. calad. caic. cann. CANTH. carb-veg. chin. coff. coloc.- con. croc. duic. GRAPH. HYOSO. HONAT. kali. LAG H. LYC. m-austr. men. morc. mosch. natr. NATR-MTJR. n-mosch. N-VON. op. PHOSPH. PLAT. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabin. selen. SIL. staph. STRAM. suiph. thuj. VERATR. verb, zinc. is MIND. Anxiety. ACON. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ANAC. ant-crud, ant-tart. ARN. ARS. AUR. BAR. BELL. bor. BRY. calad. CALC. canth. carban. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. chin. cic. cocc. toff. con. cupr. cyci. 'dig. d ros. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. kali. lach. LYC. m-arct. m-austr. men. merc. mur-ac. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. petr. p14osph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. samb. SEP. SIl. spg spong. stctnn. STRAM. stront. SUL.PH. th uj. valer. VERATR. Vit. covetoulsness. ARS. caic. LYC. natr. PULS. sep. Darbig. Acon. ant-tart. boy. calad. IGNAT. DI-ARCT. mezer. nati'. OP. puls. scill. tar. veratr. Gayety. Alum. ang. ant-tar't.. AUR. BELL. CANN. caps. CARB-AN. dCi. COFF. con. CROC. cupr. cyci. ferr. HiYOSC. ignat. jod. lach. laur. lyc. men. NATR. natr-mur. n-mosch. OP. P-HOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. sabad. sassap. seneg. spig. SPONG. STRAM. TAR. valer. VERATH. verb. ZINC. Haughitinecss. Ana~c. amn. aur. caust. chin. cic. cupr. dulc~ferr. guaj. hyosc. ignat. ipec. lach. LYC. merc. n-vom. par. phosph. PLAT. STRAN. VERATR. H-opelessness. Acon. ambr. amnm-mnur. ant-tart. ARS. AUR. bar. bell. bry. CALC. camph. canth. carb-an. carh-veg. CAUST. chain. chin~. coff. coich. CON. dig-. GRAPH. kep. IGNAT. jod. LYC. m-arct. rnft~. NATR. nitr-ac. n-vom. pbosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sep. sil. spig. stann. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. verb. vit. Indifference. Agar. alum. ainm-mur. anac. arn. ars. asaf'. asar. bell.'caic. caust. chain. CHIN. dic. clem. COCC CON. cycl. dig. euphr. 'graph. hell. IGNAT. ipec. laur. lyc. men. merc. mezer. mur-ac. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. op. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. PULS. rheum. rhodod. scill. SEP. SIL. staph. strain. SUlph. VIOL-TR. zinc'. Irritability. ACON. ambr. amin-mur. anac. wig. ant-crud. amn. ars. AUR.' bar. BELL. bor. BRtY. calc. camph. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. ca~ist, MIND. 19 GUAM. chin. coce.. GOFF. creos. croc.. cupr. duic. FERR. hep. HaYOSO. ignat. jod. ipec. lachk laur. LYC. mgS. m-arct. m-austr. mar. merc. natr~. NATH~-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. peir. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. seneg. SEP. stann. strain. str~ont,. suIAPH. suiph-ac. valer. VERATR. zi7nc; M!aliciousnless, A CON. agar. amm. amm.mur. ANAG. arn. ARS. aur. bIell. bo'r'. caps. caust. chin. dc.i coloc. cuPR.pguqj. Hyosc. ignat. lach. led. LYC. mang. nat~r. NATR-MUR. nit r-ac. N-VOM. par. phosph. plat. soul,. sec-corn. STRAN. VERATH. M~ildness. Ambr. anac. asar. aur. hov. CALAD. caps. carh-an. caust. cic. -Clem. coco. croc. cupr. euphorb. euphr. hiell. ignat. jod. LYC. m-arct. magn-m ur. mang. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. op. p1)-ac. plumb. PULS. rhus. SIL. stann. strain. suiph. veratr. zinc. ANAC. ant-crud. aur. BAR. BELL. caic. GAUST. chain. GIG. dig. D-ROS. HELL. Hyosc. lach. LYC. M-arct. men. merc. natr. nit r-ac. op. phosph. plumb. PIJLS. ruta. staph. SULPH-AC. Peevish ness. Acon. ALUm. amin. ammf--mur. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. amn. ars. asaf. asar. AUR. bcl. bism. hor. boy. bry. GALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chin. cic. cina. clein. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. CON. creos. cupi'. cyci. dros. duic. graph. guaj. HE?. hIyosc. I NAT. iPEC. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. in-austr. rnagn. magfl-mfur. inang. mar. men. mERC. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. n atrmum. N1TR-AC. n-vom. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. ruta. sabin. SASSAP. scill. seneg. sep. SIL. spong. stann. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. verb. VIOL-TR. zinc. Sadness. AGON. amnbr. amm. asar. aur. BELL. hov. bry. caic. camph. carb-an. caust. CHAMt. chel. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. con. creos. cupr. cycl. dig. GRAPH. hell. hep..hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. laur. LYC. m-arct. men. merc. mezer. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-voin, petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. PULs. man. scel. rheumn. RHU5. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. strain. sulph. veratr. viol-od. viol-tm. Seriousness. Alum. ambr. aini. amin-mur. anac * ang. ant-crud. ars. aur. bar. boy. cann. caust. chain. cina. C`OCC.b con. cyci. EUPHoRtB. f20 INTELL~ECT. ignat. jod. LED. lyc. merc. natr. n-mosch. oleand. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. rhus. seneg. sep. spig. staph. suiph. SULPH-AC. THUJ. veratr. Variableness. Acon. ALUM. ant-tart. arn. asaf. asar. AUR. bell. bism. bov. cann. caps. GARB-AN. caust. con. croc. eupr. cyci. dros. FERR. GRAPH. hyOSC. IGNAT. jod. lyc. r-ar t. mere. natr. nair-mur. n-moseh. op. phosph. PLAT. puls. sassap. strai. suiph. SULPHAC. valer. vit. ZINC. - I. INTELLECT. Affections in general. AeON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. arm. ars. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. boy. bry. ealad. CALO. camph. CANN. canik. caps. carb-veg. caust. chan. chin. cic. coce. coff. coich.,con. croc. cupr. cyci. duic. graph. HELL. hep. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. kali. LACH. laur. led. LYC. m-arct. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. fur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. OP. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. FLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sec-corn, se/en. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. STRAM. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-od. vit. zinc. Absence of mind. ACON. alum. AMM. anac. ang. ARN. aur. BAR. bell. boy. CALAD. caic. cann. CAUST. CHAM. c/tin. cic. coce. colch. croc. cycl. dulc. graph. HELL. hep. IGNAT. kali. lach). led. LYC. ngs. r-austr. mang. MERC. mezer. mosch. natr. natr-rnur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. rhus. SEP. sil. spig. strarn. suiph. sulph-a6. thuj. VERATR. verb, violod. viol-tr. vit. Comprehension, easy. Ambr. ang. bar. cann. caust. COFF. hyosc. LACH. IYC. OP. phosph. sabad. sep. sulph. valer. veratr. VIOL-OD. Compreihensiol, diflicult. Alum AMBR. ami. anac. ant-crud. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. bry. catc., camph. CANN. caps. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cocc. colch. 6N. cupr. GYCL. duic. HELL. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. LAJR. LYC. in-arct. MEN. MERO. MEZER. mosch. mum-ac. NATR. INTELLECT. 21 natr-inur. nitr-aC. N-MOSCH. fl-VOin. OLEAND. OP. fpetr. phasphi. PH-AC. plat. puls. RAN-BULB. rheum.n. RHU-S. ruta. sabad. sec-corn. SELEN. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. staflf. STAPH. STRAM. suiph. THUJ. veratr. viol-ad. viol-tr. vit. zinc. Deliriuium. Aeon.. agar. amm. anac. ant-crud. amn. ARS.- AUR. BELL. bism. bry. cale. camph. cann. canth. chain. chin. cic. cina. coloc. canl. croc. cupR. duic. HYOSO. ignat. jod. kali. LAO H. LYC. mere. n-inosch. n-vain. OP.par. pho spA. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. rheum. rhus. sabad. sainh. sec-corn. spang. STRAM. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. valer. VERATR. JEcstasy. ACON. AGAR. ang'. ANT-CRUkJ. amn. bell. bry. chain. lack. in-arct. oleand. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. stann. sitram. veratr. vit. IExcitement. Acan. AGAR. alum. ambr. amm. anac. ang. ant-crud. bell. cann. chin. COFF. hyasc. LACH. laur. yc. mur-ac. OP. PHOSPH. plat. sabad. strain. suiph. SULPH-A.C. VALER. verb. VIOL-OD. zinc. Fantastic illusions. AeoN. AMFBR. anac. ang. ant-crud. aur. bar. BELL. bry. calc. cann. canth, carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chin. cic. COCC. coff. con. crac. cupr. euphr. HELL. hep. HYOSO. IGNAT. jod. kali, Jach. led. LYC. in-aret. inagn-inur. merc. inur-ac. nitr-ac. n-vain. op. PHOSP.H. PH-AC. PLAT. PULS. RHUS. SABAD. samb. SEC-CORN. sep. SIL. spang. stann. STAPH. STRAM. SULPH. thuj. VALER. verair. verb, vial-ad. linbecility. ANAC. ant-crud. ARS. asar. aur. bar. BELL. boy. calc. cann. caps. chain. cacc. con. cupr. eycl. dulc. hell. HYOSC. ignat. lach. LAUR. LYC. merc. inezer. inoseb. inur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. n-mosch. n-vain. oleand. OP. PAR. petr. PH-AC.. PLUMB. puls. ran-bulb. rheuin. rhus. ruta. SA-BAD. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spang. stann. staph. STRAM. suiph-ac. veratr. ]Insensibility. Aeon. alum. ambr. amm. anac. ant-tart. ARN. ars. asar. B3AR. BELL. boy. bry. calc. CAMPH. eann. cantk. chain. chel. chin. cic. cace. coleh. eon. CUPR. guaj. HELL. HYOSO. ipee. KALI. lach. laur. lyc. ings. m-arct. mere. mezer. moseli. MUR-AC. natr. NATR-MUR.. C 22 2~2 MEMORY.-CLOUDINESS. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. n-vom. oleand. op. phospis. PH-AC. plat. plumb. puls. ran. bulb. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sec-corn. selen. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph. STRAM. suiph. tar. valer. veratr. viol-od. vit. M1adness. Acon. agar. ANAG. ant-crud. ars. AUII. BELL. cann. canth. caust. cic. cocc. coloc. con. croc. CUPE. dig. duic. HYOSC." ig nat. lach. LYC. merc. natr. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. par. phospli. FLAT. plumb. rhus. scill. sec-corn. sep. STRAM. SULP.H. VERATR. zinc. III. MEMORY. quick TMemnory. Acon. anac. ang. AUR. BELL. COFF. croc. CYCL. HYOSO. or. phosplr. seneg. viol-od. Weak. Acon. ALUM. amm. ANAC. amn. ars. aur. bar. BELL. boy. BRY. caic. carb-veg. caust. cocc. coich. CON. creos. croc. CYCL. dig. GRAPH. GUAJ. HELL. hep. HYOSC. ignat. kali. iuch. LAUR. LYC. m-arct. merc. mezer. mosch. NATR-MUR. N-MO5CH. OLEAND. Op. FETR. phospb. plat. plumb. puts. rhodod. RHUS. subin. S EL EN. sep. sil. SF16. staph. STRAM. stront. 5ULPH. suiph-ac. VERATR. Verb. VIOL-OD. zinc. Lost. ANAC. BELL. bry. campbi. CON. cycl. graph. bell. HYOSC. kali. LYC. NATR-MUR. oleand. Op. PETR. puts. rhus. selen. sit. spig. staph. STRAM. sulph. VERATR. IV. CLOUDINESS. Cloudiness. Acon. AGAR. alum. amm-mur. ang. ant-tart. ARG. ars. asar. au.BELL. boy. BRY. CALC. camph. CANN. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cic. cocc. coff. CON. creos. croc. dulc. graph. hell. HYOSO. ignat. ipec. KALI. LAUR. lyc. MAGN-MUR. mer%,. MEzER. rnosch. natr. natr-inur. nitr. n-mosch. N-VOM. OP. petr. pho spA. PH-AC. PUL5. RHEUM. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. Sep. SIL. Spong. STEAM. sulpb. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. Stupefaction., Acon. agarn. alum. ant-tart. aing. arn. Ans. asar. bar, BELL. .CLOUDINESS. BOv. BRY. CALC. CAMPH. cann. caps. caust. cham, chin. cic. cocc. coff. CON. CUPR. dulc. graph. HELL. HYOSC. ipec. kali. lach. LAUR. led. lye. magn-mur. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUr. nitr. N-MOSCII. N-VOM. oleand. OP. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plumb. PULS. RHEUM. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sec-corn. sep. sil. spig. stann. STRAM. sulph. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. Dullness,(as is experienced in Cold in the head, or after Intoxication.) A CON. agar. alum. ambr. ammn. amm-mur. ANAC. ang. ant-tart. arn. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. BOv. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. CARB-AN. carb-veg. caust. CHIN:" CiC. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. CREOS. CROC. dig. dros. euphr. FERR. GRAPH. HELL. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. laur. led. lyc. m-arct. m-austr. MAGN. magn-mur. mang.. MEN. MERC. MEZER. MOSCH. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitraC. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. oleand. OP. par. PETR. PHOSPH. PHAC. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. RHODOD. R HUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. SEC-CORN. SENEG. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. STRAM. stront. SULPIH. sulph-ac. tar. THUJ.. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. ZINC. Dizziness. AcON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. arS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BIELL. bism. bor. bov. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. CANN. canth. caps. carb-an. carbveg. CAUST. cham. chel. chin. cic. cocc. coff. coloc. CON. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. LAUR. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. rn-austr. magn. magn-mur. men. merc. mezer. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. PETR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. SILOSpig. spong. statin. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. VALER. VERATR. verb. viol-od. %7it. ZINC. Concomitant Complaints. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARG. arm. ARS. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bov. Iwy. calad. CALC. camph. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. coloc. con. croc. cupr. dig. dulc. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. LACH. LAUR. led. lyc. magn. magn-mur. MERC. mezer. MOSCH. natr. natr-mur. bnitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N.VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. 24 INNER HEAD. plIumb. PULS. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. STRAM. stront. snip/i. VERATR. verb, zinic. PART SECOND. PARTS OF THE BODY AND ORGANS. 1. INNER HEAD. In cgeneral. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. AMM. amm-mur. ANAC. ang. ant-cruJ. ant-tart. arg. arn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. Bism. bor. boy. bry. CALO. camph. cann. cant/. caps. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. "f/.ut. chain. c/id. CHIN. cic. cina. Clemn. cocc. coff. colc/i. colo-c. COn. CREOS. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. DROS. didc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. HYO5C. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. LAUR. led. LYC. rngs. m-arct. m-austr. magn-mutr. mang. mar. men. MERC. mEZER. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MIUR. nitr. NITRAC. N-MO5cHi. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. PETM H SH PH-A. FAT.plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-sog-4her hdd r/ius. ruta. S-ABAD. SABIN. sarnb. sassap-ýs'6Ii 1.sec-corn. selen., seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. STAN'N.. slap/i. strain. sbion,. sIJ*LPH. snilp/i-ac. tar'. THUJ. vale?'. VERAXRA. VERB. viol-od. viol-tr. svit. ZINC. ACON. agar. alum. ambr.. A'M M MM -MTUR. anac.,,pg ANT-CRUD. ANT-TART. argr. armý ARS. at -1&R-A bar. J3ELb4,. BISM. bor. boy. BRY. CALC. camp/i. cann--tantt/Y S. cctrb.-kon. CARB-VEG. caust. c/iam. c/iel. CHIN. cic&,yia. clemn. COCC. coff colch. coloc. con. CRtEOS. croc. cupr. "C6ycl. dig, DROS. IJULC. eup/iorb. euphr. FERR. graph. guatj. hell. H4EP.;J1YOSC. IGNAT.jod. ipeC. KALI. lac/i. LAUR. led. lyc. mgs.-m-arct. in-austin. MAGN. MAGN-MUR. marig. mar. men. MERC. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosc/i. N-VOM. OLEAND. Op. par. PETRE. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PL&T. plumb. PEULS. R.AN-BULB. ran-scel. rheum. r/iodod. r/ius. ruta. SABAD. SABIN,. INNER HEAD. 2 25 samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL."SPiG. SPONG. STANN. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. suip h-ac. tar. THUJ. VALER. verair. VERB. VIOL-OD. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. Temples. Acon. ag-ar. ALUM. ainbr. amrn. amm-mur. ANAC. ang. antcrud, ant-tart. ARG. amn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bor. bell. bism. bor. boy. bry. CALC. eamph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. cina. clem. 00CC. coff. coich. coloc. con. CREOS. croc. cupr. CYCL. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat.. jod. ip~c. KALI. lach. laur. led. lyc. m-arct. ni-austr. MAGN. magn-mur. MANG. mar. men. MERC. mezer. inosci]. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. n-vom. oleand. PAR. PETR. jphosph. PH-AC. PLAT. PLUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. SABIN. samb. sassap. scill. seneg. sep sil. spý,g. spong. STANN. stcph. strain. stront. sulph. SULPH-AC. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr. VERB. viol-tr. VIT. ZINC. Sides of the Head. Aeon. agar. alum. amm. amnm-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. arg. arn. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. bar.' bell. bor. BOV. bry. calc. camph. cann. CANTH. Caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. chin. cie. cina. clem. coec. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. dule. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. GUAJ. hell. hep. hyose. ignat. jod. kali. lach. LAUR. led. lyc. ings. M-ARCT. M-AUSTR. magn. magn-nmur.?nang. mar. men. merc. rnezer. moseb. mur-ac. natr. natrý-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vomn. oleand. par. petr. phosph. PH-AC. plat. plumb. puls. rhodod. rims. ruta. sabad. sabin. SASSAP. scill. sep. ýil. spong. stann. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. THUJ. valer. VERATR. VERB. viol-tr. ZINC. Verten.ll Acon,,,a~oar. alum. ambr. amin. amrn-mur. anac. ant-c'rud, anttart. arg. ýar~n. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. boy. bry. caic. c~ann. canth. caps. CARB-A N. carb-veg. caust. chel. chin. cina. cocc. colch. coloc-. con. creos. croc. CUPR. cyci. dig. dulc. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. 'hep. hyose. ignat. jod. ipee. kali. lach. laur. led. lye. MGS. m-arct.?n-austr. magrn. mang. men. mere. mezer. mosch. murac. natr. flatr-mur. nitr. NiRA-AC. N-MO5CH. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. puls. ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap.,scill. sep. sil. SPIG.spong. sta'nn. staph. strain. stront. sulph. suilph-ac. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. 26 INNER HEAD. Occiput. Acon. agar. alum. AMBR. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. arg. amn. ars. asaf'. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. bry. cabe. camph. cann. cauth. caps. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. caust. CHEL. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. COLCH. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. laur. led. lyc. nmgs. m-,arct. in-austin. mag-n. MAGNN~uR. mang. mar. men. Merc. MEZER. MOSCH. mur-ac. NATR. natrmum. NITR. nitr-ac. n-mnosch.. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. SABIN. sarab. sassap. scill. sec-corn. SENEG. SE-P. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. sulph-ad. tar-. THUJ. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. ZINC. Half of the Head.' Acon. AGAR.- ALUM. ambr. amin. amim-mutr. ANAC. angr. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARG. arn. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. BAR. bell. bism. bor. boy. bry. CALC. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. chin. cic. CdNA. clem. cocc. coff. Colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cuipr. CYCL. dig. dros. DULC. euphorb. eu phin. fern, graph. GUAJ. hell. hep. hyosc. igna/. jod. KALI. lach. laur. led. lyc. m-arct. m-austr. magn. mnagn-mur. MANG. mar. men. mere. MEZiER. mosch. MUR-AC. natr. natr-rnur. nitr. nit r-ac. n-mosch. n-VOM. OLEAND. PAR. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT.,plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheumn. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. SABIN. samb. SASSAP. scill. selen. senegr. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. STRONT. suiph. SULPH-AC. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. VERB. viol-od. viol-tr. Vit. ZINC. Hfalf, right. Acon. AGAR.*,ALUM-. amin. arnmo-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. arg. amn. ars. asaf. aul*. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. bry. caic. camph. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham; chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cyci. dig.. DROS. duic. euphorb. euphr. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. kali. laur. led. lyc. rn-arct. in-austn. inagn. magn-mum. inang. MAR. men. inerc. mezer. moscH. mur-ac. natr. natm-mur. nztr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. puls. RAN-BULB. rheuin. rhodod. -httsARUTA. SABAD. SABIN. sassap. scill. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stro'nt. suiph. sulphac. tam. thuj. valer. verb. viol-tm. vit. zinc. Half, left. Acon. again. alum. wnbr. arnm. arni-mur. anac. aug. ant-crud. EXTERNAL HEAD. 27 ANT-TART. arg. ARN. ars. ASAF. ASAR. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. bry. CALO. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem, cocc. COLCH. COLOC. con. creos. CROq. CUPR. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hyosc. ignat. JOD. kali. LACH. laur. led. lye. m-arct. m-austr. rnagn. magnmur. mang. mar. men. MERO. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-rnosck. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHODOD. rhus. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. SELEN. seneg. sep. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. stront. SJLPH. suiph-ac. TAR. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. II. EXTERNAL HEAD. Movemnents of the Head. Agar. ALUM. amm-mur. ang. ant-tart. arg. asar. aur. BELL. bry. CAMPH. cauth. caust. chai. chin. CIC. CINA. cocc. coich. creos. CUPR. dig. ferr. hell. hep. HYOSC. IgNAT. kali. lack. lyc. m-arct. merc.natr-mur. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. par. phosph. puls. rheum. rlius. SEP. spig. SPONG. staph. STRAM. tar. veratr. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. Sensatioxns. Acon. agar. ALUM. ambr. amm. ang. arg. ARN. ars. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. hism. bor. boy. bry. CALC. cams. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chai. chel. CHIN. cina. clem. cocc. coloc. creos. cyci. dig. dros. ferr. GRAPH. GUAJ. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. i-arct. magnmur. mang. men. MERC. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-nur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. PAR. petr. PHOSPHi..ph-ac. plat. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS.' RUTA. sabad. sassap. selen. SEP. stl. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. THUJ,. VERATR. viol-od. vit. ZINC. Hlair. Acon. agar. ALUM. AMWBR. nmm. ant-crud. amn. ARS. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. BOR. boy. bry. CALC. cantth. caps. car/-an. CAREvEG. caust. chel. CHIN. cina. cocc. colch. con. creos. cyci. dulc. FERR.'GRAPH. HEP. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. laur. LYC. magn. magn-mur. mang. men. MERC. mvezer. mur-ac. natr. NATRMUR. nitr. NLTR-AC. n1-vor. _par. petr. PHO5PH. ph-ac. PLUMB. puls. RHus. sabad. sassap. sec-corn. SELEN. sep. SIL. spig. sp01og. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. VERATR. zinc. EXTERNAL HEAD. Hair, dark.* ACON. ainbr. amm-mrur. ANAC. ant-crud. arg. ARN. ARS. asar. bell. bry. calc. cann. caps. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chin. clem. con. dros. DULC. euphr. graph. GUAJ. hell. hep. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. led. lyc. magn-mur. rnerc. MoscH. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. N-VOM. oleand. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. plumb. PULS. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabin. sassap. SEP. sil. stann. STAPH. SULPH. veratr. verb. zinc. Hair, light. AGAR. ambr. amrn-rnur. ANG. ars. aur. bar. bell. BoR. bov. BRY. CALC. CAPS. caust. CHAM. cina. CLEM. COCC. coff. CON. croc. cupr. DIG. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. hell. hep. HYOSC. ignat. Jo0Dipec. kali. LACH. laur. LYC. magn. magn-rnur. MERC. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. n-vorn. op. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. plat. puls. rheum. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SELEN. SENEG. Sep. SIL. SPIG. SPONG. stann. staph. stram. SULPH. SULPH-AC. THUJ. veratr. viol-od. Skin. Alum. ambr. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arn. ARS. aur. bar. bell. BOR. bov. bry. CALC. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHEL. chin. cic. clem. cycl. dros. ferr. GRAPH. hell. HEP. kali. laur. led. lyc. magn. magn-mur. MERC. MEZER. rosch. mur-ac NATH-MUR. nitr-ac. n-vom. OLEAND. par. PETR. PHOSPH. puls. ran-scel. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. sassap. selen. SEP. SIL. spig. STAPH. sulph. sulph-ac. thiij. zinc. Bones. Ant-crud. ang. arg. ars. AUR. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. cham. CHIN. cocc. cupr. graph. guaj. HEP. ignat. jpec. LYC. mang. MERC. mezer. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-voin. PHOSPH. PH-AC. puls. rihodod. rhus. RUTA. sabad. sabin. samb. SEP. SIL. Spig. STAPH. sulph. veratr. viol-ir. vit. zinc. Whiskers. Agar. ambr. CALU. graph. MEZER. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. plumb. sil. Borders of the Hair. Cale. NATR-MUR. SEP. * The signs mentioned in this and the following section, are the result of careful observations through many successive years, which I did not wish to withhold, although they require further confirmation. EXTERNAL HEAD. 2 29 Occiput. Ambr. amm. amm-mur. ant-crud. ant-tart. ars. bar. bell. bor. bry. CALC. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. chel. chin. CLEM. cyci. euphorb. graph. REP. jod. LYC. m,'ere. mezer. NATH. natr-mur. nitrac. oleand. PETR. puls. rhus. ruta. SEP. SIL. spig. STAPH. SULPH. THUJ. viol-od. zinc. Behinad the Ears. Alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. ANG. arg. ARN. aur.-BAR. BELL. bry. CALO. cairn. CANTH. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. chin. cic. cina. COCC. CON. dros. GRAPH. hell. HIEP. kali. lach. LYC. men. merc. mezer. MUR-AC. nitr. nitr-ac. OLEAND. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. ruta. ~SABAD. sa-bin. sassap. selen. SEFP. SIL. spong. staun. STAPH. SULPH. tar. Itbuj. verb. viol-tr. zinc. Temples. Alum. ANAC. ant-crud. ARG. asar. bar. bell. bry. CALC. carbvegr. caust. chel. CHIN. cocc CREOS. cyci. dros. ignat. KALI. lach. LYC. mang. MERC. MUR-AC. NATR-MUR. nilr-ac. PAR. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus sabad. SABIN. Sep. si]. suiph-ac. THUJ. zinc. Sides of the Head. Agar. am hr. ars. bar. BOy. carh-an. CAUST. coloc. dros. GRAPH. guaj.- Icali. lye. nitr-ac. phosph. PH-AC. ruta. sassap.SAH hj verair. viol-tr. ZINC..ISAH hi Forehead. Alum. ambr. ant-crud. aur. bar.; Boy. CALC. carh-an. CARE'VEG. CAUST. chel. cic. GLEM. COfl. CREOS. DROS. graph. HEP. jod. LED. lyc. men. mere. mur--ac. NATR-iVIIR. nitr-ac. n-vomn. PAR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sassap. SEP. sil. spig. STAPH. SULPH. veratr. viol-od. vioL-tr. zinc. Si~mciputo Agar. alum. amm. ammi-mur. anac. ARS. bar. BSELL. bisin. bry. caic. carb-veg. cic. con. cr-eos. dros. duic. graph. HE.P. kali. lyc. magn. magn-mur. MERC. mezer. natr. 'NATR-MUR. oleand. ])ar. _petr. PHOSPH. plat. ran-bulb. sabad. sep. SIL. staph. sulph. thuj. VIOL-TR. zinc. CrowiiL of the Head. Agar. ars. BAR. bry. CALC. GARB-AN. earh -veg. caust. cupt, -4 30 EYES. GRAPH. HE?. LYC. men. MEZER. NITR-AC. par. phosph. plumb. RAN-SCEL. SCill. SELEN. sep. SIL. spig. spong. staph. VERATR. ZINC. III. EYES. Eyeball in general. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. antcrud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. ASAR. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. carph. cann. cauth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CRAM. chel. chin. cic. cina. CLEM. cOCc. COff. coich. coloc. coN. creos. CROC. cupr. cycl. DIG. dros. dulc. euphorb. EUPHR. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur: nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. SENEG. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. STANN. STAPH. strain. STRONT. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. THUJ. valer. VERATR. verb, violod. viol-tr. vit. zilzc. Conjunctiva. ACON. agar. alum. AMBR. amm. amm-mur. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. am. ARS. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. BRY. calc. cam ph. cann. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. chai. chel. CHIN. CLEM. cocc. COff. coloc. con. croc. cupr. DIG. duic. euphorb. EUPHR. ferr. graph. HE?. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. led. LYC. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. mar. MERC. mezer. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VON. Op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHUS. sabad. sarnb. SEP. SIL. SPIG. stann. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. VERATR. viol-od. zinc. Tunica cornea. Acon. amm. amm-mur. ang. ant-tart. arn. ars. aur. bar. bell. bov. bry. CALC. CANN. caps. CAUST. chel. chin. CON. creos. cupr. dig. dulc. euphorb. EUPHR. ferr. graph. HE?. hyosc. lach. lyc. MDAGN. MERC. mwoch. natr. natr-mur. nltr-ac. n-vom. op. phosph. plumb. PULS. rhus. RUTA. sassap. scill. SENEG. sep. SIL. spig. spong. stann. strai. SULPH. tar. valer. veratr. Pupils, dilated. ACON. agar. anac. ang. am. AR5. asaf. aur. BELL. CALC. camph. canth. CAPS. carb-an. caust. CiiiN. czc. CINA. CON. creos. CROC. cupr. CYCL. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. GUAJ. hell. HEP. HYOSC. IGNAT. IPEC. laur. LED. LYC. mgs. m-arct. i-ausir. mang. EYES. 31 (men.) mere. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. nair. nitr-ac. N-VON. oleand. OP. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. puls. rheum. rhodod. rhus. samb. sassap. SCILL. SEC-CORN. SPIG. stann. STAPH. STRAM. (tar.) thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. vit. ZINC. Pupils, immnoveable. Acon. BkR-.BELL.. chai. chin. CUPR. dig. ferr. HYOSO. LAUR. rn-arct. NITR-AC. op. plumb. ran-bulb. seneg. spig. STRAM. conttracted. Acon. agar. ANAC. ang. ant-tart. ARN. ars. aur. BELL. cale. CAMP H. canth. Caps. CHAI. CHEL. CHIN. CIC. cina. COCC. croc. DIG. dros. hell. hyosc. IGNAT. laur. LED. m-arct. mang. men. MEZER. mosch. MUR-AC. n-iosch. n-vom. oleand. op."PHOSPH. phac. plumb. PULS. rheum. rhodod. (rhus.) RUTA. samb. SCILL. Seccorn. seneg. SEP. SIL. stann. staph. strai. SULPH. tar. THUJ. VERATR. viol-od. viol-tr. ZINC. - grown together-. CALC. graph. NITR-AC. sil. suplph. Running of the Eyes. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. anmm. aim-mur. anac. ant-tart. ARN. ars. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bor. boy. bry. CALC. cainph. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. chel. chin. cina. clem. coff. coich. COLOC. con. CREOS. croc. dig. euphorb. EUPHR. ferr. graph. hell. hep. IGNAT. jod. kali. LACLI. laur. LED. LYC. MGS. m-arct. m-austr. iagn. mar. men. MERC. inosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. N1TR-AC. n-ioscb. N-voN. oleand. op. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-see!. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. SABAD. sabin. sassap. scill. sec-corn. seneg. sep. SIL. SPIG. spong. &tann. STAPH. STRAM. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-od. vit. zinc. Eyebrows. Agar. alum. arbr. amm-mur. ang. ARN. ars. asaf. bar. BELL. boy. bry. cainph. cann. cauth. CAUST. chin. cina. clem. coloc. croc. cupr. dig. DROS. euphorb. guaj. IDELL. ignat. ipec. KALI. laur. m-arct. inang. merc. mosch. natr-mur. n-voni. oleand. PAR. petr. plat. plumb. ran-bulb. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SELEN. sep. si. spig. spong. stann. strami. stront. sulph. tar. THUJ. viol-tr. VIT. zzinC. Orbit., Alum. ami-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. arn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bism. BOy. bry. calc. camph. chel. chin. cocc. coloc. 32 RYES. con. cupr. dig. hell. hep hyosc. ignat. jod. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. magn. men. merc. mezer. mur-ac. nitr-ac. n-mosch. oleand. par. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. puls. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sassap. selen. seneg. sep. SPIG. spong. STANN. stront. su@ph. sulph-ac. VALER. veratr. verb. Eyelids. A coN. agar. ALUM. ambr. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. anttart. arg. arn. ARS. asaf. fisar. aur. bar. BELL. bor. bov. BRY. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. c/el. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coich. coloc. con. creos. cuoc. cupr. cyci. DIG. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. h1yOSC. IGNAT. jod. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VON. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ranbulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATE. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. Upper Eyelids. Acon. agar. ALUM. ang. arg. arm. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. DRY. CALC. camph. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. CHEL. chin. cina. clem. coich. coloc. Con. creos. CRoc. cycl. dulc. ferr. graph. hell. HEP. hyosc. ignat. kali. laur. lyc. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. oleand. op. PAR. PIIOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PuLS. rheum. rhodod. RHus. sabin. scill. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. strai. SULPII. tar. thuj. VERATR. viol-od. vit. ZiNC. Lower Eyelijis. Agar. alum. amm-mur. arg. ARS. asar, aur. bell. BRY. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cic. colch. coloc. croC. DIG. dros. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. jod. lach. laur. lyc. m-austin. NAGN. NERC. mezer. natr. NATR-MUR. oleand. petr. PH-AC. puls. ranbulb. RIUS. RUTA. sabin. sec-corn. SENEG. SEP. Sil. Spig. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. zinc. Plargin of the Eyelids. Arg. arm. BELL. BOR. calc. canth. CHAM. CLEM. COlCh. creos. DIG. EUPHR. HEP. lyc. MERC. mezer. N-VON. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sabad. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. STAPH. stram. SULPH. VALER. zinc. SIGHT. 33 Ittternal surface of thne Eyelids. Acon. agar. ARS. BELL. bor. bry. caic. canth. caust. chain. con. dros. ignat. NERO. natr-mur. N-VOM. par. PHOSPH. PUt4L RHUS. sep. Sdl. SULPH. Angles Of the Eye., Acon. AGAR. alum. amm. amim-mur. anac. anDg. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. amn. arS. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. bism. BOR. boy. BRY. CALC. campb. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST.chain. Mel. chin. 010. cina. clem. coff. colcli,. coloc. con. dig. EUPHORB. EUPHR. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. icali. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. ni-aret. rn-austr. magn. m~tgn-mur. mar. men.'mere. mezei'. iosch. mur-ac. natr. NAT R-MIIR. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RANBULB. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sass-ap. scill. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STANN. STAPH. stront. SULPH. suiph--ac. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr. zinc. Extecrnal angrle of teine Eye. Again. alum. anac. ant-crud. asar'. B Ait bor. bry. C ALC. camph. carb-an. carb-veg. chain. chel. chin. cina. cobbh. con. ETJPHORB. euphr. graph. liep. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. kali. lauir. lyc. ings. m-arct. inerc. inoseb. mur-ac. naqtr. NATR-NUR. flitr. nitr-ac. N-VON. phosph. ph-ac. puls. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rhus. ruta. sabad. sassap. SCILL. Seneg. Sep. sib. spig. spon.'ann. STAPH. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. ]Inner angle of the Eye. AGAR. ALUM. anac. angr. ant-crud. ANT-TART. amn. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. bor. bry. CALO. carb-an. CARE-VEG. CAUST. chel. cic. cina. CLEM. coloc. CON. dig. euphr. grap~h. hell. hyosc. lach. laur. led. lyc. nigs. in-arct. rn-auStin. NAGN. magn-Vnur. mar. men. inerc. mezer. moscb. mum-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. par. PETH. PHOSPH. _ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sassap. sep. SIL. Spig. stann. STAPH. stront. sulph. suiph-ac. tar. tlzuj. valer. verator. zinc. IV. SIGHT. Objects mioving before the Eyes. Bell. 010. CON. EU.PHR.. hyosc. ignat. laur. lyc. ings. men. merc. mosch. N-VOM. OLEAND. parl. petr,. sabad. SEP. strain. Dazzinug of tile Eyes. Bar. CALO. camphIi carb-an. caust. chel. cic. con. dig. DROS. 34 SIG~HT. euphr. graph. hyosc. igrat. KALI. lyc. mang.?nerc. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. PHOSPH. ph-ac. seneg. SIL. strai. suiph. VALER. Blindness. Acon. ammn. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. ars. AUR. bar. BELL. CALC. cann. CAUST. CHEL. chin. cic. cocc. CON. croc. DIG. dros. duic. euphorb. EUPHR. graph. guaj. hep. HYOSC. jod. kali. laur. lyc. magn. merc. natr. NATH-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. op. peir. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. sassap. secCORN. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-od. zinc. Blindness, periodical. Acon. ami. anac. ant-crud. ANT-TART. bar. bell. caic. caust. CHEL. CHIN. con. croc. DIG. EUPHR. graph. HYosc. lyc. merc. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH-I. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. stram. SULPH. veratr. Vibrations of light before the Eyes. Alum. AMM. ANT-TART. ar's. bell. bor. caic. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chin. con. dig. dros. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. ignat. JOD. L1ED. LYC. mgs. mezer. mur-ac. N-VOM. oleand. PETR. phOsph. ph-ac. plat. puls. sec-corn. seneg. sep. STAPH. stront. sulph. veratr. Illu7sions, ocular, iin colors. Acon. agar. ambr. amm-mur. ANAc. am. ars. asaf. BELL. CALO. carb-veg. caust. cham. CHIN. cic. COCC. CON. cupr. dig. dros. EUPHR. ferr. hep. kali. laur. lyc. magn. mang. men. NERC. mosch. nur-ac. natr. natr-mur. NITH-AC. n-voi. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plutmb. ruta. sabad. scill. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. staph. STRAM. suiph. thuj. veratr. verb. Color, black. Acon. ami-mur. aur. bar. BELL. caic. caps. carb-veg. chin. cic. cocc. euphr. KALI. lyc. MAr;N. iang. merc. mosch. nitr-ac. (n-vom) petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. ruta. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. staph. STRAN. valer. veratr. - blue. BELL. LYC. stram. stront. suiph. zinc. - bright. Alum. amm. ANT-TART. ars. AUR. bar. BELL. BOR. bry. CAMPH. cann. caust. chel. cic. coloc. con. croc. dig. dros. duic. euphr. graph. HYOSC. ignat. jod. KALI. lyc. mgs. mang. men. mezer. SIGHT. 35 natr-ITur. N-VON. oleand. op. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. Sabin. Seccorn. seneg. spig. strornt. VALER. veratr. viol-o'd. zinc. Color, green. DIG. merc. PHOSPH. RUTA. sep. stront. suiph. zinc. -grey. Nitr-ac. (n-vomn.) PHOSPH. Sep. SIL. strain. Rabinbow'colors. BELL. CiC. CON. dig. euphorb. kali. nitr. PHOSPH. PH-Ac. stann. strain. suiph. -red. BELL. cann. coiNt. croc. dig. HEP. HYOSC. sabad. sassap. spig. ~stramn. stront. SULPH. -striped. ANN. amm-mur. bell. chain. CON. jod. kali. rngs. NATR-MUR. phosph. puls. s~r. -variegated. BELL. dCi. dig. euphorb. kali. nitr. PHOSPH. PH1-AC. strain. suiph. -white. Alum. amm. bell. cann. caust. chel. dig. KALL. ph-ac. suiph. -yellow. Alum. amm-mur. ars. BELL. CANTH. DIG. hyosc. kali. mang. SEP. sil. stront. suiph. zinc. Illusions, ocular, in form: Diplopia. Agar. amm. aur. bar. BELL. chain. ciC. con. DIG. EUPHOIIIB. graph. HYOSC. jod.. (kali.) led. Lyc. in-aus'tr. merc. NATR-NUR. nitr-ac. O.LEAND. petr. PULS. SEC-CORN. seneg. strain. SULPH. VERATR. Diplopia of one Eye. Chain. -- horizontal. OLEAND. Half sight. Aur. caic. caust. LYC. mur-ac. nafr-inur. hoirizontal. AUR. 36 SIGHT. Half sight: perpendicular. Caust. LYC. MIUR-AC..natr-mur. Too bright. Camph. carb-an. CON. HYOSC. n-vom. VALER. Too far. ANAC. carb-an. cic. natr-mur. n-mosch. PHOSPH. STANN. strain. sulph. Too near. Boy. cic. strain. Too large. Eaphorb. HyosO. laur. NATR-DEUR. PHOSPH. staph. verb. Too smwall. Hyosc. PLAT. strain. False sigrht. BELL. boy. euphorb. HYOSO. icali. PLAT. strain. -confused. CON. graph. jod. led. lyc. FLAT. sil. strain. Ocular illusions, in strantge things: fiery. Amm. ars. AUR. bar. BELL. BRY. caic. c~ann. carb-veg. c AUST. charn. coloc. con. CROC. dig. duic. graph. HYOSC. jod. KALI. ings. rn-arct. mang. inerc.* mezer. NATR. NATR-MUR. N-VON. oleand. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. sec-corn. sep. sil. SPIG. staph. strain. stront. suiph. valer. vematr. viol-cd. ZINC. Flashes. Bell. croc. kali. mngs. mn-arct. NATR. N-VOM. oleand. sec-corn. SPIG. staph. zinc. M ~iSlineSs, (gauze before the eyes.>. *Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amin-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. arg. amn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bisni. boy. bry. CALC. cann. carban. CAUST. chiel. chin. cina. con. creos. CROC. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. laur. LYC. m-arct. ma-aulstr. magn. inere. natr. NATR-MUR. natr-ac. op. par.i petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. sabin. sassap. SEC-CORN. seneg.,sep. sil. spig. staph. strain. SULPH. thuj. verb. viol-tr. SIGHT. 37 Halo round the candle. Alum. anac. BELL. caic. CWC. DIG. euphorb. kali. NITR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PTJLS. RUTA. sassap. SEP. staun. staph. stront. SULPH. zinc. Figures (faces, grimaces). Agar. ambr. BELL. bry. caic. caust. chin. cocc. con. hep. HaYOSO. merc. op. phosph. ph-ac. rltus. samb. sec-corn. ail. STRAM. suiph. veratr. Flies (musca? volitantes). AGAR. sm-m-mUr. ant-tart. aur. BELL. CALO. cann. caust. CHIN. cocc. coff. CON. dig.. duic. h ep. hyosc. magn. mERtC. natr '-mur. NITRAC. Op. PHOSrH. plumb.- puls. RHUS. ruta. sec.-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. STRAM. SUiph. zinc. Spotted. Acon. agar. ialumn. amm. AMM-MUR. anac. AUR. BAR. BELL. CALC., cann. carb-ve,,-. caust. chel. chin.- coec. CON. dig. dros. euphr. hyosc. KALI1. lyc. MAGN. mang. merc. mosch. natr. NATRSlUR. NITR-AC. petr. PHOSPH ha. ruta. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. SIL. stront. suiph. thuj. valer.'p-c Shortsightedness. -Agar. ANSI. aflac. ang. ANT-TART. CALC. carb-veg. CHIN. CON. CYCL. euphorb. EUPIIR. graph. hep. HYO5C.- LACH.. LYC. mang. mezer. natr. natr-rnur. NITR-AC. PETR. PHOSPHI. PH-AC..plumb. PULS. RUTA. selen'. spong. STRAM. SULPH1. 5ULPH-AC. thuj. VALER. verb. viol-od., viol-tr. Longsightedness, Alum. amm. bell. bry. CALC. CARE-AN. caust. CON. DROS. hyOSC. LYC. magn-mur. mezer. NATR-SIuR. N-VON.' PETR. SEP. SIlL. spig. sulph. Aversion to light (photophobia). ACON.. agar. alum. amm. amm-mur.. anac., ant-crud. ARN. ARS. bar. BELL. hbor. BRY.-CALO. camph. carb-an. caust. CHAN. C191N. cic. Cina., Clem. COFF. colch. CON, CR00. cUpr. DIG. dros. EUPUR. GRAPH. hell. HEP.,HYOSC. IGNA.T. kal~i. laur. LYC..m'-arct. magn. mang. MERC. mur-ac.:.' NATR'. natr-?nur. NITRO fltr-ac., n-mosch. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS.. R HUS., sassap. 'seneg. SEP. sil. spig. staph. STRAN. SULPH. s"ulph-ac- tar. vit. Photoniania (desire'to loo ok i'nitd t'he' light). AO.amm-mur.. BELL. Str~am. Weakness of sight'-(in'distinct vision). AGAR. -alum. amin. amm-inur. ANA~.C. ang. ars.4: aur. bar. D 38 SIGHT. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. CANN. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. cham. CREL. chin. cic. cina. coff. con. creos. croc. dig. DROS. duic. EUPHR. graph. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. lach. laur. LED. LYC. magn. MANG. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. rheum. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. sabad. sassap. sec-corn. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. STAPH. STRAM. stront. SULPH. thuj. veratr. verb. zinc. paralysis of the optic nerves. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. am. ars. asaf. AUR. bar. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carh-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. CHIN. ciC. cocc.- CON. creos. croc. cyci. DIG. dros. duic. euphr. ferr. graph. hep. HYOSC. ignat. jod. kali. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. magn. mang. MERC. niezer. fat'. NATRt-MUR. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. RHUS. RITA. sabad. sabin. sassap. SEC-CORN. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. thuj. VERATR. verb. zinc. Cataracta. Acon. agar. amm. ami-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. am. ars. aur. bar. bell. hov. hry. CALC. CANN. caps. CAUST. chel. chin. cina. CON. creos. croc. dig. dulc. euphorb. EUPHR. HEP. hyosc. ignat. lyc. magn. mang. merc.*natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. Op. PHOSPH. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. sassap. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. stann. staph. strai. SULPH. tar. valer. veratr. viridis. PHOSPH. PJLS. reticularis. C LUST. plumb. - amaurosis. (See Paralysis of the Optic Nerves.) Staring look*. t Acon. ami. ANG. ant-tart. am. ARS. asar. BELL. bry. camph. canth. chai. chin. CIC. cina. cocc. con. CUPR. DI.. hell. HEP. HYOSC. IGNAT. KAI. laur. nmgs. m-arct. merc. mosch. MUR-AC. n-mosch. n-vom. Op. PH-A.C. rhus., ruta. scill. SEC-CORN. seneg. sep. spig. STRAM. SULPH. VERATR. Dimisightedness. Acon. agarn. alum. amm. ami-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. am. ars. asaf. aur. BAR. BELL. boy. bry. CALC. CANN, canth. caps. carb-an. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. CON. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. EUPHR. ferm. graph. HEP. HYosc. ignat. jod. ipec. lach. laur. led. LYC. m-austr, E ARS. 39', MAGN. magn-mur. mang. MERC. moscb. natr. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. n-vom. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rheum. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. sabad. sassap. sec-corn. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. stann. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. Momentary loss of sight as from fainting (vanishing of sight). Acon. AGAR. alum. ambr. anac. ant-tart. arg. arn. ars. asaf.' asar. AUR. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. camph. cann. caps. carb-an. CAUST. cham. chel. chin. CIC. cina. clem. coN. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. DUOS. dulc. euphr. FERR. graph. HEP. HYOSC. jod. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. MANG. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR-MUR. NITR. nitr-ac. n-vom. OLEAND. op. petr. PHOSPH. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ruta. sabad. sabin. scill. sec-corn. seneg. sep. sil. SPIG. staph. STRAM. sulph. tar. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. Tremulous vibrations before the eyes. Bell. coN. led. LYC. phosph. plat. sabin. seneg. stram. thuj. viol-od. Letters running one into another, while reading. Bell. bry. CHIN. DROS. GRAPH. hyosc. lyc. NATR-MUR. seneg. SIL. strain. viol-od. V. EARS. External ear. Acon. ALUM. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ANAC. ANG. ant-crud. ARG. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. bism. BOR. bov. BUY. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHEL. CHIN. cic. Cina. clem. cocc. colch. coloc. con. CREOS. cupr. dig.,DOs. dulc. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. jod. KALI. laur. lyc. mgs. m-austr. mang. men. MERC. mur-ac. natr. nair-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. OLEAND. par. PETR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PLuLS. rhus. RUTA. SABAD. sabin. SASSAP. SCill. SEP. SIL. SPIG. SPONG. stann. staph. sulph. tar. thuj. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. zinc. Internal ear. Acon. agar. ALUM. ambr. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. Arg. amn. ars. asaf. ASAR. aur. bar. BELL. bism. BOR. bov. bry. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. chin, cic. cina. clem. colch. coloc. con. CREOS. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. DUOS. DULC. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. byosC. ign-at. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. LAUR. LYC. mgs. in-arct. m-austr. MANG. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mur-'ac. natr. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. n-ýVoml 40 EARS. oleand. par. PETIL. phosph. PR-AC. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap,. scill. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. -staph. strain. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. VERB. viol-od. zinc. Before the ears. Arg. bry. caic. carb-veg. mur-ac1 oleand. sassap. SEP. sil. verb. ZINC. Behind the ears. Acon. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ANG. ant-crud. arg. amn. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. bor. bry., CALC. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. cic. cina. coce. coich. coloc. CON. dicr -dros. GRAPH. hell. HEP. kali. LACH. LYC. magn. mang. men. mere. MEZER. MUR-AC. nitr. ~nitr-ac., OLEAND. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhodod., rhus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. sassap. seill. selen. Sep. SIL. spong. stann. STAPH. SULPH. tar. tbuj. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. zinc. Below the ears. Alum. arg. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. CHEL. chin. cina. cocc. dros. jod. inang.. natr. nitr-ac. OLEAND. PHOSPH. puls. RUTA. sassap. SEP. SIL. SULPH. veratr. zinc. on the lobes. Alum. amhr. ang. ARG. amn. BAR. bry. camph. carb-veg. CX.UST. chel. CHIN. coleb. CREOS. graph. hyosc. AIi. mar. mere. NATR-SfUR. NITR. nitr-ac. oleand. phospli. PH1-AC. plat. SABAD. SASSAP. SEP. stann. veratr. In the parotid glands. Amm.' arg. amn. aur. bar., BELL. BRY. CALC., caps. CARB-AN. cARB-VEG,. caust. CHAM. chin., coce. CON. dig.- dale. euphorb. graph. -hep. hyosc. IGNAT. KALI. lyc. Inagn. man-g.- MERC. mezer. natr. nitr-ac. -n-vomn. petr. -phosph. ph-a~c. PULS.'RHUS. SA-; BAD. Sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. thuj. Dischargre from the ears. Alum. amnni. amm-mur. anac. ASAF. aur. bell. bor. boy. bry. cALc. carb-an. CAUB-VEG. CAUST. cie. coich. CON. croc. graph. hey. jod. KALI. lach. LYC. ings.' men. MERC.'mo"seb. natr-mur. NI1TR-AC. PETUR_,phosph. PULS.-rh'us. SFrvE'N 3e.SL si.sih zinc. of blood. ý_Bell. bry. icMLoOc~.oý. con. graph. ach,-lYC. MERC. rnosch. NITRAe. petr.,phoay/h. ruLS.'rhus. Sell. sil, SULP.I. zineb-i. HEARING. 41 Discharge of pu's,. Alum. AMM. ASAF. AUR. bell. BoR. BOV. CALO..carb-an. carbveg. caust. con. graph. hep. kali. lach. ýLYC. NERO. natr-mur. nitrac. petr. phosph. PULS., rhu's. sep. SIL. suiph. zinc. - of hutmour., Asaf. carb-a'n. CAUST. coich. creos. m-gs. men. NERO. natrmur. NITR-AC. phosph. spig.--of fluid wax. Amm-mur. CON. jod. lack. NERC'. moscb. selen. sil. -of mucus. Alum. bell. bor. CALC. graph. LYC. rngs. MERC. phosyk. PULS. su~ph. VI. HEARING. Sensibility of hearing. ACON. alum. am'br. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang-. ant-crud. ARN. ars. asaf. ASAR.- AUR. bar. BELL. bor. bry. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CRAM. chel. chin. cina. cocc. COFF. coick. CON. cupr. dig. GRAPHf. hell. hep. kyosc. ignat.- jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. LYC. mgs. m-arct. mn-austr. magn. magn-mur. merc. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VON. oleand. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac, PULS. sabad. sabin.-sassap. scill. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. staph. suip.tu.vlr verair. viol-od. zinc. Fine hearing. Acon. agar. alum. arn. ars. AUR. BELL. calc. CHIN. cocc. COFF. coich. CON. cupr. REP. KALI. lach. lyc. m-austr. mur-ac. N-VON. phosph. thuj. Noise in the ears in general,. Acon. agar.. alum.,ambr'. amm. amm-mur.. anac. ant-crud. arn. ars. asaf. a-sar. AUR'. BAR.. BELL. BOR.-bOV. bry. CALC. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. CHEL.,chin..cic. cocc. CON. creos. cupr. dros. duic. euphorb-frrr. GRAPH. REP. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. lack. LED.. LYC. mgS. m-arct., m-austr. magn. magn-inur. mang. mar.' men. merc. inezer.?nosch. nat-r.. NATR-MUR. ni'tr-ac'. N-VON. oleand. o~p. par. PETR. pho~sph. ph-ac. PLAT. PUJLS rhe'um.-rho'dod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sassap. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. SPIG. sp~o~ng.stann. sta~ph. SULPH. suipli-ac. thuj. valer, veratr. viol-od. vit. zinc. H1um Ming in the evirs. Acon. agarn. alum. ambin. amm. amin-mur'. anac. ant-crud. apt 42 HEARING. tart. am. ars. asar. AUR. bar. B3ELL. bor. boV. BRY. CALC. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cham. chel. chin. cic. cocc. colch. coN. creos. croc. cupr. dig. dros. duic. ferr. GRAP[. her. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. LACH. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sec-corn. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. strai. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. viol-od. vit. zinc. Noise as fromui fluttering. Acon. alum. ant-crud. aur. bar. BELL. bor. CALO. caust. chamý chin. cocc. con. cupr. dros. duic. GRAPH. hep. kali. lach. laur. ings. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magr-mur. men. merc. mosch. natrmur. nitr-ac. oleand. petr. phosph. PLAT. PUbS. rheum. rhodod. sabad. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. suiph. zinc. Tinglinig ini the ears. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ang. ant-crud. am. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. BOR. bry. CALC. camph. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chan. CHEL. chin. cic. clem. CON. creos. croc. duic. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. ignat. KALI. lach. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. mang. mar. MEN. merc. mezer. mur-ac. NATR-MUR. nitr. N-VON. oleand. op. par. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sassap. sep. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-od. vit. zinc. Paralysis of the auditory nerves. Acon. alum. ambr. amm. anac. ang. ant-crud. am. ars. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. cann. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. cbam. CHEL. chin. cocc. CON. cyci. dros. DULC. GRAPH. HYOSC. ignat. jod. kali. led. LYC. ings-. m-arct. m-austr. magn. mang. MERC. natr. natr-mur. NITR-AC-i N-VON. oleand. op. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sahad. SEC-CORN. sep. SIL. spig. staph. sulph. veratr. Hard hearing.ý Acon. agar. alum. AMBR. amm. amm-mur. ANAC. aug. antcrud. arg. am. ams. asaf. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. bom. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chai. chel. chin. cic. cocc. coffi coich. con. creos. croc. cycl. dig. DROS. dulc. euphorb. GRAPH, hep. HYOSC. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. LAUR. LED. LYC. mngs. rn-arct. m-austr. 1AGN. magnmum. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. natrmur. mitr. NJTR-AC. N-VON. OLEAND. OP. par. PETR. PHOSPH. NOSE. '43 PH-AC. plat. PLU MB. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. sabad.'sabin. sassap. scill. SEC-CORN. selen. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. STRAM. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-od. vit. zinc. Obstruction of the ears. Anac. ang. arg. ars. asar. bism-. bor. BRY. calad. caic. carbveg. cause. chain. CHEL. chin. coich. CON. cyci. graph. guaj. JOD. kedi. lack. led. LYC. ings. MANG. mar.. MEN. MERC. mezer. natr'iNIT.R-A.C. n-mosch. petr. phosph. PULS. rhus. SELEN. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. SULPH. suiph-ac. VERATR.. VERB'. VII. NOSE. ]External nose. Acon. alum. arnbr. ant-crud. arm. AUR. bar. bell. bor. boy. bry. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. cic. clem. coff. coich. con. dros. dui~c. euphr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. jod. KALI. laur. lyc. ni-arct. mag~n. magn-mur. men. MERC. mezer. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. PH-AC. PLUMB. PULS. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. samb. sassap. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. staph up.slha.tr HS veratr. viol-od. viol-tr. zinc. h up.slha.tr HJ Internal nose. Acon,, agar. alum. arubr. amm. amin-mur. anac. ang. ANTCRUD. ant-tart. arg. amn. ars. asar. AUR. BELL. bor. boy. BUtY. 4DALC. cainph. CANTH. caust. chain. chel. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. COLCH. coloc. Con.' CREOS. cyci. dros. euphorb. GRAPH. guaj. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. KALI. lach. laur. led. lyc. 'mgs. m-arct. magn. inagn-mur. mai~g. MAR. men. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. naatr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plu -mb. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rhus.. ruta. SABAD. sassap. SCILL. selen'. seneg. sep. SIL. SPIG. stann. STAPH. suiph. thuj.' VERATR. zinc. Root of the nose. AcON. agar. amin-mur. ant-tart. arm. ASAR. bar, bell. BISM. CALC. camph. cann. carb-veg. caust. cina. coich. coloc. con. ferr. hell. hep. HYOSC. ignat. kali. laur. men. merc. mosch. natr-mur. oleand. petr. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. RUTA. staph. viol-tr. vit. Nasal bones. Anac. amn. ars. AUR. calc. carb-an. colch. con. hep. hyosc. l~ach. MERC. nair-mur. petr. plat. SIL. spong. thuj. veratr. 44 NOSE. Bridge. Alum. caic. canth. chin. con. oleand. PH-AC. ruta. samb. spig. spong. thuj.Sept"Mn Aur. bry. caust. cina. coich. con. jod. lyc. merc. petr. ruta.SIL. staph. Tip of the nose. Aur. bell. bor. bry. CALO. canth. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chel. clem. coich. con. m-arct. merc. mosch. nitr. NITRAC. ph-ac. rheum. RHUS. samb. SEP. SIL. spong. SULPH. suiphac. viol-od. Wings of the nose. Alum. ambr. AUR. canth. carb-veg. caust. con. duic. euphr. hell. kali. magn-mur. merc. natr. NATR-MUR. phosph. plumb. puls. 7rhus. SIL. spig. staph. THUJ. viol-tr. zinc. Bleedingt of the niose. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ANTCRUD. ant-tart. av'g. ARN. ars. asar-. AUR. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. CALC. cann. C.ANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. CHIN. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. CREOS. CR00. cupr. dig. dros. DULC. euphr. FERR.' GRAPH1. hep. HYOSC. ignat. jod. IPEC. kali. lach. led. lyc. mgS. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. MERC. mezer. MOSCH. mur-ac. nati. natr-mltr. NITR. NLTR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. Op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. samb. sassap. scill. SEC-CORN. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spongr. stann. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thutj. valer. veratr. viol-od. zinc. - coagulated blood. An. 'BELL. bry. cauth. carb-an. caust. CRAM. CHIN. COMl 'Zreos. croc. FERR. HYOSC. IGNAT. IPEC. rnagn-mur. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. RHUS. SABIN. sec-corn. Sep. STRAM. stront. - dark blood. Acon. amn?n. ant-crud. arm. ASAR. bell. bism. bry. cauthi. carb-veg. CHI1A M. chin. cocc. con. C4EOS. CR00. cu.pr. dig. dr'os. ferr. graph. ig-nat. LAdI. led. lyc. magn. magn-mur. nitr.,nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-YOM. phosph. PHI-AC. plat. PULS. seccorn. scien. SEP. STRAM. sulph. -- pale blood. Amrn. ant-tart. ARN. ars. BELL. bor. boy. bry. calc. ci-nth. cctrb-veg. chin. creos. dig. dros. DULC. ferr. graph. HYOSC. SMELLING. 45 ipec. laur. LED. magn-mur. mere. natr. nitr. n-mosch. PHOSPH. puls. RRUS. sabad. SABIN. SEC-CORN. sep. sil..strai. stront. suiph. zinc. - viscid blood. CROC. CUPR. magin. sec-corn. Blood coming from the nose, while blowing it. Agar. ambr. amm. amm-miur. ANT-CRUD. arg. asar. bar. bor. cauth. caps. caust. cupr. dros. FERR. GRAPH. hep. kali. lach. led. lye. magn. magn-mur. men. mere. mnezer. natr. natrmur. NITR-AC. n.-vom. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. ranbulb. rhus. ruta. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. stront. SULPI. thuj. Smell, fetid, from the nose. Alum. asaf. AUR. BELL. CALC. caust. con. dig. GRAPH. hep. Jvyc. magn-mur. mere. natr. NITR-AC. n-vom. phosph. phae. PULS. rhus. sep. suiph. thuj. sweetish. NITH-AC. - like urine.* GRAPH. VIII. SMELLING. Too sensitive. ACON. agar. amm. anac. ant-crud. am. ars. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. bry. caic. cauth. CHAM. CHIN. cina. COCC. COFF. coich. con. cupr. dig. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipee. kali. LYC. m-arct. magn. natr. n-moseh. N-YOM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLUMB. pUIS. sabad. selen. SEP. sil. spig. SULPH. valer. viol-od. zinc. Acute. Acon. agar. alum. AUR. BELL. chai. CHIN. COCC. COFF. colch. eon. dupr. graph. hep. LYC. natr. N-VOM. phosph. puls. SEP. spig. suiph. thuj. valer. Feeble (diminished or lost). ALUM. amm-mur. ANAC. ant-tart. autr. BELL. bry. CALC. CAPS. earb-an. caust. chel. coco. eon. cyci. graph. hep. HYOSC. IPEC. kali. laur. LYC. mgs. m-arct. MAGN-MUR. mang. MEZER. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. OP. piHOSPH, PLUI.,U. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SEC-CORN. SEP. SIb. stram. suiph. sulph-ac. veratr. zinc. Imaginary smells. Alum. ANAC. ars. AUR. BELL. CALC. canth. chin. con. creos. dig. GRAPH. hep. laur. lye. MGS. M-ARCT. MEN. inerc. 46 FACE. mezer. NITR-AC. N-VOM. PAR. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. SENEG. Sep. Sil. SULPH. valer. VERATR. Vit. Smells, agreeable. Puls. VIT. - as of blood. N-vom. sil. - like inveterate catarrh. Graph. mere. PULS. SULPH. - earthy. Anac. CALC. mgs. m-arct. sulph. VERATR. - empyreumatic. ANAC. calc. graph. N-VOM. sulph. - foul. Anac. AIR. BELL. CALC. canth. chin. con. creos. dig. graph. mgs. m-arct. MEN. merc. mezer. NITR-AC. n-vom. PAR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. seneg. SEP. sulph. valer. veratr. - as of pitch. Ars. con. - pus. Seneg. sulph. - sweetish. Aur. nitr-ac. n-vom. sil. - sour. Alum. bell. - sulphureous. Anac. ars. cakc. graph. N-VOM. plumb. IX. FACE. a. Outward appearance. Colour, bluish. Acon. agar. ANG. ant-tart. ARS. asar. AUR. BELL. BRY. CAMPH. cham. cic. CINA. CON. CUPR. DIG. droS. HEP. HYOSC. IGNAT. ipec. lach. lyc. merc. mezer. OP. phosph. pulS. SAMB. SPONG. staph. stram. VERATR. - - about the eyes. Anac. ARS. bism. calc. cham. CHIN. cina. coCC. CUPR. ferr. graph. hep. IGNAT. IPEC. kali. lach. lyc. mere. mezer. natr. n-mosch. n-vom. OLEAND. phosph. PH-AC. RHUS. SABAD. sabin. SEC-CORN. sep. spig. STAPH. stram. sulph. VERATR. about the mouth. Cina. CUPR. FACE. 47 Colour, bluish-red. ACON. agar. ANG. ant-tart. ars. asar. aur. BELL. BRY. camph. chain. cic. cina. con. C1IPR. dig. dros. hep. hyosc. ig~nat. ipec. lach. lye. merc. op. phosph. puls. SAMB. spong. staph. strain. veratr. - brownish. Bry. earb-veg. creos. hyosc. JOD. NITR-AC. Op. puls. seecorn. SEP, staph. strain. STJLPH. - changing. AGoN. ALUM. asaf. aur. BELL. bism. boy. CAPS. carb-an. CIIAM. chin. GINA. GROG. cyci. FERR. graph. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. kali. LED. lyc. inagn. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. n-vo'm. -oleand. op. PHOSPH. PR-AG. PLAT. puls. scill. strain. suiph. SULPHI-AC. valer. veratr. Vit. ZINC. -copperish (Acne rosacea). Alum. ARS. caic. eann. CARB-ANT. creos. led. RHUS. RUTA. veratr. -earthy. ARS. bism. BOR. BRY. cauth. OHIN. GIG. creos. croc..euphorb. FERR. hyose. IGNAT. ipec. laur. LYe. magn..MERO. moseh. flatr-nu?-. NITR-AG. N-VOM. Op. PROSPH. plumb. sainb. sec-corn. Sep. SIL. zinc. -erysipelatous. ACON. amin. ars. bar.'BELL. bor. bry. cale. GAMPH. cantli. carb-an. GUIAM. clem. EUPHO0RE. GRAPH. HEP. LACHJ. lye. merc. natr. phosph. puls. RHUS. ruta. sanmb. Sep. sil. strain. suiph. thuj. - greenish. Ars. GARB-VEG. veratr. -greenmish about the eyes. YERATR. - grey. CARB-VE.G. creos. lach. laur. I pale. Aeon, alum. ambr. amm. amin-mur. ANAC. ANT-TART. arn. ARS. bell. bism. bor. boy. B11Y. caic. camph. caunn. cauth. caps. carb-an. earb-veg. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. cic. GINA. CLEM. COCc. coich. coloc. CON. creos. croc. CUPR. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euiphr. FERR 'j graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ijgnat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. ingS.in-aret. magn. magn-'t#_ mur. MANG. marq. mere. mezer. inoseh. flatr. NATR-MUR. flitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PHAC. PLAT. pluvib. PULS. rheuin. RHUS. sabin. samb. SEC-CORN. 48 FACE. selen. SEP. SIL. sPIi. spong. STANN. staph. strain. SULPII. suiph-ac. ITERAT1.. zinc. Colouir, red. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud- ant-tar-t. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. calad. cabc. camph. cann. CANTE. caps. carban. carb-veg. caust. CHANL. chel. CHIN. dic. cina. clem. cocc. COFF. coboc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. FERR. graph. guaj. hell. IIEP. HYOSO. IGNAT. ipec. kali. lach.,laur. led. LYC. mgs. 9n-arct. m-austr. magn. rrfiagn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. OP. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ranscel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. SAMB. sassapscill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. sep. sil. SPIG. SPONG. STANN. staph. STRAM., stront. SULPI{. sulph-ac. TAR. thuj. VALER. VERATR. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. -circumscribed red spot on the cheeks. A con. ars. bry. caic. carb-veg. CHIN, con. CREOS. croc. dros. DIJLC. FERR. hep. JOD. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mn-arct. merc. natr-mur. nitr. nlitr-ac. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. VULS. seneg. sep. sil. spolug. STANN. strain. SULPH. -shiningr-greasy. Agar. aur. bry. chin. MAGN. merc. NATR-MUR. plumb. RHiUS. SELEN. strain. - spotted..A'lwm. ambr. amin. ars. bell. bry. CALC. canna. canth. GARB-AN. colch. creos. ferr. hell. laur. led. LYC. m-arct. mar. merc. mosch. NATR. n-niosch. n-vorn. op. par. phosph. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sanzb. sassap. sec-corn. sep. SIL. sulph. veratr. zinc. -yellow. Acon. AMBR. ant crud. amn. ars. asaf. aur. bell. BRY. calc. cann. CANT1H. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. chel. cHIaN. (citia.) cocc. CON. CR00. (cupr.) DIG. duflc. euphorb. FERR. graph. hell. hep. ignat. jod. kali. bach. laur. LYC. magii-mur. MERC. natr. natr-mtir. NITR-AC. N-VOM. op. peir., PHosPH.(ph-ac,.) PLUMB. putls. ran-bulb.. rheum. rhus. ruta. sabad. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. stanin. S.ULPEI. sul~Th-ac. tar. veratr. -I-About the eyes. NITR-Ac. n-vom. SPIG. -1 about the mouth. N-vom. SEP. FACE. 49 Colour, yellow, about the nose. N-vom. SEP. -- on the temples. CAUST. Countenance altered. Alum. ant-crud. ARS. bell. bism. bry. calc. CAMPH. cant/i. CAUST. CHAM. chin. COLCH. coloc. cupr. graph. hell. hiyosc. ignat. jod, lach. laur. LYC. magn. n-vomn. oleand. op. ph-ac. plumb. puls. ran-scel. rheum. RHiUS. sec-corn. sep. sil. spig. spong. STRAM. VERATR. viol-od. zinc. Distortion of the face. *Acon,. ambr. amin. ANG. ant-tart. ARS. BELL. bism. bry. caic. CAMPH. caun. canth. carb-veg. CATJST. CRAM-. cic. cocc coich. CUPR. dig. ducic GRAPH. guaj*. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. IPEC. kali. lach. laur. LYC. mgs. m-arct. MERC. moseli. atr. ni-mosch. n-vom. oleand. OP. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. RHTJS. sam~b. SCILL. SEC-CORN. Sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. STRAM. suiph. VERATR. Emaciation of the face only. Caic. mezer. SELEN.Exanthema. Agar. alum. arnbr. amnr. am~m-mur. ANT-CRUD. arg. amn. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bor. BOy. BRY. CALO. cann. canth. caps. carban. carb-veg. CATJST. chain. chel. cic. clem. coce.. CON. CREOS. dig. duic. euphorb. graph. hell. hep,. hyosc. ignat. kali. LACH. laur. LED. lyc. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. mang. merc. -mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac, n-vom. oleand. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. *puls. 'RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. selen. SEP. SIL. spong. STAPH. stront. 5ULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj'. VERATR. VIOL-TR. vit. zinc. -about the eyes. ARs. calc. con. HEP. ignat. mERC,. oleand. petr. sil. spong., staph. SULPH. vit. -in the eyebrows. Ars. CAUST. hell. KALI. flatr-mur. par-. rhUs..SELEN. sep.- sil. staph. sulph. thuij. on the cheeks. Agar. alum. ambr. amrn. anac~ ang.' ANT-CRUD. arm. asaf. bar. BELL. bor. BOy. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. ch ain. chel. cina, con. CREOS. cyci. dig.I duic,. euph orb., graph. hep. hyosc. LACH.' laur. magn-mur. merc..mezer. nair. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vomn-. oleand. phos ph. RHUS. ruta'. sabad. sabin. sassap. SEP. SIL. spong. STAPH., stront. tar. thuj. - Valer. VERATR. verb. viol -tr. vzt. 50 FACE. IExantheina on the chin. Alumi. ambr. arnm. anac. ANT-CRUD. bell. bor. caic. canth. c~aust. dCi. clem. Con1. CREOS. dig. dross. dui~c. graph. hep. hiyosc. kali. latir. LYC. rngs. m-auistr. magn. MERC. mezer. nati. natrmur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. ri-vomn. oleand. PAR. phosph. ph-ac. plat. puls. RHUS. sabin. sassap. scHil. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stront. suiph. tar. thuj. veratr. verb. vit. zinc. -1around the mouth. Acon. agar. alum. amm. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. arD. ARS. car. bell. b~r. BOy. BRY. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-in. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chin. dCi. clem. coce. coloc. con. CREOS. dig. duic. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. KALI. laur. led. lyc. rngs. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. m-anig. merc. mezer. NATR. NATR-MUiR. mitr-ac. N-VOM. PAR. peir. phosph. ph-ac. plat. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. samb. scill. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STAPH. SULPII. tar. thuj. veratr. zinc.,on the upper lip. Aeon. ant-crud. amn. ARS. BAR. bell. canth. carb-veg. caust. Cic. COD. CREOS. graph. hell. hep. KALI. lyc. ings. magD. magii-mur. mrec. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. PAR. peti'. plat. RHUS. sabad. sil. spig. STAPH. SULPH. thuij. zinc. - in the under lip. Alum. bor. BRY. CALC. caust. chain. clem. IGNAT. mezer., NATR-MUR. phosph. ph-ac. rhodod. SEP. - on the corners of the mouth. ANT-CRUD. amn. BELL. dALC. carb-veg. CAUST. coloc. CREOS. graph. hell. hep. ignat, m-arct. mang. MERC. mnezer. natr. NATR-MUR. petr. PHOSPH. rhodod. SEP. SIL. veratr. zinc. 1. on the nose. Agar. ALUM. amin. amin-iur. anac. ant-crud. arn. ars. AUR. bar. bell. bor. boy. bry. calc. Cann. cauth. caps. CARB-AN. CARBVEG. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. cina. CLEM. coloc. con. duic. euphr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. ignat. jod. E:A L'I. lach. laur. lye. rn-aret. magn. magn-mur. mang. MERO. mezer. mum-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n.-vom. oleand. petr.phosph. PH-AG. plat. plumb. PULS. rhodod. RHUS.,9 sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. staph. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tam. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. vit. zinc. -around the nose. Alum. ainm. ANT-CRUD. bar. boy. Calc. CAUST. duic. m-arct. inagn-mur. natr. par. RHUS. SEP. sil. sulph. suiph-ac. tam. zinc. -on the temples. Alum. ambin. anac. ANT-CRUD. arg. am., bar. BELL. bry,. FACE. 51. carb-veg. caust. cOcc. lach. LYC. mur-ac. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. sabin. spig. suiph. thuj. Exauthema on the forehead. Agar. alum. arnbr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ANT-CRUD. arg. arn. ars. aur. bar. bell. BOy. bry. caic. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. cic. clem. coce. co??,. CREOS. dig. duic. euphorb. graph. hell. HEP. kali. laur. LED. lye. magn. magn-mur. mere. mezer. mur-ae. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ae. n-vomn. oleand. par. PHOSPH. PH-AC. pals. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sassap. SEP. sil. staph. SULPH. sulph-ae. valer. veratr. viol-tr. vit. zinc. Hollow eyes. Ambr. ANAC. ARS. eale. CAMPH. CHIN. eIC. COLOC. CUPR. cycl. dros. VERR. hyose. jo -d. kali. laeh. LYC. mar. mitr-ae. N-vom. oleand..op. phosph. PH-AC. puls. SEC-CORN. spong. stann. s-taph. SULPH. VERATR. Projecting eyes. AeON. ang.- am. ARS. aur. BELL. bor. eanth. caps. chin. eie. coec., eon. eupr. GIJAJ. HEP. -HYOSC. laur. m-aret. MERC. moseh. n-vom. op. rims. sedi. spig. SPONG. stann. staph. strain. veratr. Freckles. Am1U. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. bry. CALC. earb-veg. eon. dros. IDULC. GRAPH. hyose. jod. kali. lach. laur. LYC. inerc. mezer. NATR. NITR-AC. i-inosch. petr. PHOSPH. plumb. PULS. -SEP. sil. stann. SULPH. thuj. Deep furrows in the face. LYC. SEP. strain. -on the forehead. Amm. bry. chain. graph. HELL. LYC. n-vom. rheum. rhu~s. SEP. STRAM. viol-od. Gaping mouth. Aeon. ANG. ars. BELL. earb-veg. cainph. HaYOSO. LYC. mgs. op. plumb. puls. samb. SCILL. Black pores. Dig. dros. GRAPH. NATR. NITR-AC. SABAD..9abin. SULPH. Putfiness. A con. alum. amm. ammf-fl2ur. ARN. ARS. ýaur. bar. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. caic. canth. caps. earb-an. carb-veg. caust. GUAM. ehel. chin. cie. cina. eocc. coich. eoloc. eon. ereos. cupr. dig. dros. DULC. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. HELL. hep. hyosc. jod. ipee. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. m-aret. inagu. magn-mur. mar. MERe. moseh. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr.- PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. puls. rheum. r-hus. 52 FACE. ruta. sabin. sarnb. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. spong..stann. staph. strcnn. suiph-ac. veratr. Puffiness about the eyes. Apts. ferr. PHOSPIH. puls. rheum. - under the eyes. ARS. bry. chain. n-vom. oleand. PHOSPH. puls. - over the eyes. Ruita. SEP. - between the eyelids antd brows. KALI. -of the chieeks. Amm. amin-mur. ARN. ars. AUR. bar. bell. hor. boy. bry. caic. canth. caust. CHAM. chin. euphorb. ferr. graph. hep. jod. KALI. lach. lyc. M-ARCT * magn * ma gn-mur. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. samb. SEP. sil. spig. sfpoflg. STANN. staph. sulph. -of the lips. Alum. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. boy. BRY. caic. cant/i. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chin. COn. dig. graph. hell. hep. kali. lyc. rngs. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATRMUR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. ruLs. RHUS. SEP. sil. STAPH. strain. sulph. thuj. zinc. -of the uapper lip. Arg. bar. BELL. boy. bry. Cale. canth. carb-veg-. con. graph. hep. kali. lyc. merc. mezer. NATR-MUR. nutr-ac. par. petr. phosph. rhus. sil. STAPH. SUlph. thuj. zinc. -of the under lip. Alum. asaf. caic. caust. lyc. mezer. mur-ac. natr-mur. PULS. SEP. sil. -of the nose. Acon. alum. ainbr. amin. amm-mur. ant-crud. amn. AilS. AUR. bar. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. CALC. Cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. cic. cocc. con. croc. duic. euphorb. graph. hell. RaEP. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. lyc. MERC. mezer. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. Ni-vom. petr. pHaOSPH.-PH-AC. PLUMB.- PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. ýsamb.-SEP. ýSIL. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. THUJ. veratr. vit. zinc. b. Sensations. Forehead. Agar. alUmeAMR.- amm. amm-mur. anac. ANT-CRUJD, arg, tanl. FACE, 53 ars. aur. bar. bell. BOV. bry. calc.'canlh. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. CHAN'. chel. chin. cic. CLEM. cocc.ý coich. coloc. con. cREos.., civoc. digr. dros. dule. euphorb. graph. guaj. hell1. HEP. jod. ipec. kali. laur. LED. lyc. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mur-aC,.. natr. NATJI-MUR. nitr-ac. n-vomn. oleand. PAR. PHO S P H. PH. A C. 'uis. r-heuin. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. samb. sassap. scill.:SEP. wil. spig. stap~h. SULPH. suiph-ac. valer. ver~ar. verb. vipI-oduL viol-tiv. vit. zinc. Temtples. Alumn. ambr. anac. ANG. ant-crud."arg. amn. asar. bar. bell. bry carb-veg. caust. Ccc. lach.'LYC. mur-ac., natrr-mur. nitr-ac. sab~in. spig. suiph'. thuj' VERB. Zygomiatic and mIalar -bone..Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amin-mur.- anew. ang. ant-crud. anttart. ARO. arn,. ars. asaf.'AUR. b ar.- BELL. bism, bor. BRY. CALO. cann. -canth. caps., carb-veg. caust. chel. chin. CINA. COCC. COLOR. coloc. cofl. DIG. 64:os. feir. graph. guaj,. hell. hep. ignat. KALI. lau. ld.lyc mgn.. MAGN-MUR. Mang., merc. mezer. mosch. murac. natr. natr-mzu. nitri-ac. n~-voth. 0OLEAND). Par,. phos~h. plat. plumb. pu1s'. rho-, rtqa. sba.sabin. sarnb..SEP. spq spong. STANN. STAPU. stropit. sulph. SULPH-AC. thuj.' valer.: veratr. VERB. VIOL-OD. z 'inc.. Cheeks. A-con. aii~m. ambn.'a mm ammi-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. au'r. BELL.0 BOR. bov.. bry. CALC. cann. canth. carb-an. CARB,-VEG..CAUST,* chain. chek- chin.;,-cina.- clem. cocc. coloc. con'-.itcreols. cyc'l. dig.Idros. dulc. euphorb.iteuphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hep.. hyosc'. ignat.,ipec6. *kali., lach-. Jatlr. lyc. mgs. M-ARCT. mn-austr. magn-mur. mang,.,men. mercy inezer. natr-mur. nitr. nitrac. N-YOM. oleand. par. yhosph. ph-ac~pa.PL. RHUS.rua sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. sep. sil. spig. SPONG. STANN.. STAPH. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. t/iuj. valer. veratr. verb. violl-tr. vit. Upper jaw, Acon. AGAR. ALUM. ambr., AMM. amm-mu'r. ang. -am. asar. AUR. BELL. bor. boy. bry CALC. canth. carb-an.I CARB-VEG. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. clern. coff. coich. con. CREOS. cyci. dubc. euphorb. euphr. graph. guaj. hell. hyosc. KALI. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. MACN-SlUR. mang. mar. men. mere. MEZER. mur1-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. N[TR-AC. n-mosch. n-vom. PHaOSPH. ph-ac. plat. pubs. RAN-SECEL. rhieum. rhodod. rhus. ssabad. samb. sassap. seneg. sep. sib. SPIG. SPONG.staun.staph. stront. su~ph. SULPH-AC. THUJ. veratr. verb. ZINC. 54 FACE. Lower jaw. Acon. AGAR. alum. ambr. ANM. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. arg. arn. asaf. asar'. AUR. bar. BELL. hor'. boy. BRY. caic. camph. Cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. CARE-VEG6. CAUST. CHAM. chel. CHIN. CJC. cina. Clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. cuPR. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. LAUR. led. lyc. mgs. MN-ARCT. magn. magnmur. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. par. petr. PH-ospH. phac. plat. PLUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-sodl. rheum. rhodod. RHaUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. S-ASSAP. scill. selen. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. siront. suiph. sulph-ac. thij. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. Articulation of the jaws. Acon. alum. amm. amm-mur. ANG. amn. asaf. asar. BELL. bry. Calc. CAMPH. canth. caust. chain. c-ic. cocc.COLOR. con. cupr. dros. euphr. graph. hyosc. IGNAT. kali. lach. laur. ings. MI-ARCT. mang. men. MERC. mur-ac. nari. natr-rnur. jitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. Op. _peir. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. RHUS. sabad. sabin. sassap. sec-corn. sep. Sdl. SPIG. SPONG. stann. staph. strain. suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. verb. Lips. Acon. agar. alum. amm. anim-mur. ang. ant-crud. ARN. ARS. asaf. B AR. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. -.JALC. Cann. canth. caps. carban. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chin. cic. clem. CON. creos. croc. cyci. dig. dulc. GRAPH. hell. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. KALI. laur. ltyc. mgsq. magn. miagn-mur. MERC. MEZER. rnur-ac. natr. NATRMUR. nitr-ac. N-vom. oleand. op. par. PHOsPH-. PH-AC. PLAT. PULS. rl)OdOd. RHUS. SABAD. scill. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. zinc. "Upper lip. Acon. agar. ainm. amm-mur. ant-crud. arg. amn. ARS. BAR. BELL. bor. boy. bry. caic. can th. caps. CARB-VEG. caust. chel. chin. cic. coiL. colch. con. CREOS. cyci. digr. duic. GRAPH. hell. hep. ignat. KALI. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. mEFRO. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. nair-mur. nitr-ac. n-ývom. oleand. PAIL. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. rheumn. rhus. SABAD. sassap. scill. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. STAPH. STILONT. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. TH1UJ. vakwr. veratr. ZINC. Lower lip. Agar. alum. amin. amin-mur. amn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. bell..BwL.. boy. BRY. cAi~c. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. clem. TEETH. 55 con. dros. euphorh. graph. hep. hyosc. JO NAT. kali. laur. lye. mgs. m-arct. magri. maflg. mar. merc. MEZER. mur-ac. natr. natrmur. n-vom. oleand. op. par. pliosph. PH-AC. lplat. PULS. ran-.scel. rheum. ritodod. rhus. sabad. sabin. samb. s 'assap. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. sulph. valer. zinc. Corners of the lip. Arnbr. amm-mur. ANT-CRUD. arn. asaf. har. BELL. hov. bry. CALC. cairn. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. coloc. creos. d ros. GRAPH. hell. HEP. IGNAT. ipec. laur.' lyo. rm-arct. MANG. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. fl-voi. oleand..op. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheumn. rIhodod. rhus. seneg., Sep. SIL. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. verair. zinc. Chin. AGAR. alum. ambr. amm.. amm-r-nur. anac. ANT-CRUD. asaf. aur. ]BELL. bor. boy. bry. calc. can-n. CANTH.'carb-veg. CAUST. chbel. cic. ciem. coce. coloc'. con. CRE0S ' cupr. dig. dros., duic. euphorh. euplir. graph. HEP. hyosc. kali. LAUR. led. lye. MGS. m-austr. magfl. magrn-mur. mang. MERC. mezer. natr. nair-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. par. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. pubs. ran-bulb. RHUS. sa~bin. S'ASSAP. Scill. sep. SIb. spig-.SPONG.. stcrnn. staph. strain. STRONT. SULPH. tar. lhuj. VERATR. verb. vit. zinc. X. TEETH. Toothache in general, AGAR. alumn. AMBR. anmrn amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant4art. arg. arnm asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. BOR. boy. BRY. calad. cale. cant/i. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. CRAM. CHIN. clem. coec. coff. coich. coboc. con. CREOS. ciroe. cyci. dros. eu-,phorb. graph. -guaj. hell. hep. HiYOSC. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. latir. lye. rmgs. M-ARCT. m-austr. magn. MAGN-MUR. mhang. mar. merc. MEZER. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. mitr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. oleand. par. petr. PHOSPHý p/-ae. plat. plumb. PULS. RAN-SCEL. rheum. rhodod. RHu'S. ruLita. sabad. sabin. sassap., scill. se 'len. seneg. SEP. si1. spiiu. SPOng. STAPH. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. Veratr. verb. ZIhýNC. -Incisores. AGA R. alum. ambr. arnm. amm-mur. aug. arg. asar. aur. bell. bor. boy. caic. cauith.. carb-veg. caust.I chain-. chin. cocec coff. COLCL-. creos. dros. ignat. jod. KALI. lye. rngs. m-arct. inagn. MAGN-MUR. mar. merc. mezer. niur-ac. natr. NAT R-MUR. nitr-ac. N-XO1SCH..n'-vorn. petr. p/iosp/i. ph-ac. plat. ran-scel. 56 TEETH. rhodod. RHIUS. sassap. seneg. SEP. sil. spi~g. sponý. staph. -STRONT. SULPH1. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. ZINC. Cuspidati.8 Arnm. anac. caic. laur. magn-mur. mur-ac. natr. petr. RHUS. sep. staph. stront. suilph-ac. zinc. H~olares. Agar. alum. arnbr. AMm. anac. ang. ant-tart. amn. asar. aur. bar. bell. bismn. bor. bov. BRY. calad. caic. canth. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. CHIN. clem.,coce. coff. coich. coloc. CREOS. croc. cyci. euphorb. graph. guaj. hell. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. laur. lye. m-arct. magn. MAGN-MTJR. mang. mnar. mere. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. NITR.?zitr-ac. n-rnosch. n-von&. oleand. par. petr. PH-ospH-. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. RAN-SCEL. rheum. RHJODOD. rhus. sabad. sabin. sassap. seneg. sep. sit.,spig. spong. STAPH. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. verb. ZINC. Decayed teetha. Alum. ambr. amim. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. asar. BAR. BELL. BOR. Bov. bry. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHI AM. chin. clem. coce. coff. con. creos. graph. hep. HYOSC. ipec. kali. LAC.H. LYC. mngs. M-ARCT. m-auistr. MAGN. magnz-mur. mang. MERC. MEZER. NATR. natr-mnur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. PLUMB. puls. rheuin. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. selen. SEP. sil. SPIG. STAPH. sulph. sulph-ac. TAR,. thuj. veratr. zinic. Upper teeth. AGAR. ALUM. ainbr. AMM. amm-mur. ang. amn. asar. AUR. BELL. bor. boy. bry. CALC. canth. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. CHIN. clem. coff. coich. con. CREOS. cycl. euphorb. graph. guaj. hell. hyose. KALL. lyc. migs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. MAGN-MUR. mang. mlar. mnerc. MEZER. mur-ac. NATR. NATRMUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. puls. RAN-SCEL. rheum. rhodod. rhus. sabad. sassap. seneg. sep. sil. SPIG. SPONG. staph. sulph. SULPH-AC. THUJT. veratr. verb. ZINC. Lower teeth. AGAR. alum. ambr. AMM. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. arg. amn. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. caic. CANTH. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. CHAM. CHIN. clem. coce. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. dros. euphorb. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hy~ose. ignat. kali. LAUR. lye. rmgs. M-ARCT. magn. rnagnmnni. MANG. mar. mere. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. par. peti'. PHiospH. ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. puls. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. SASSAP. scill. selen. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. spon1g. STAPH. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. VERATH. verb. ZINC. MOUTH. 57 Gums. Agar. alum. ambr,. amm. amm-mur. anac ant-crud. arg. arn. ars. aur. bar. BELL.7bism. BOR. boy. bry. CALC. canth. caps. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chain. chin. cic. coich. con. creos. GRAPH, hep. hy'osc. jod. kali. lach. lyc. mgs. m-arct. magn. magnt-mur. mar. MERC. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. ni-mosch. N-YOM. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plum'b. puls. ransee]. rhodod. rhus. RUTA, sabad. sabin. sassap. sec-corn. SE'P. sil. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. vit. zinc. Upper. gum. -Agar. amm. aug. aur. BAR. bell. CALC.- canth. carb-an. coich1. CREOS. graph. kali. lyc. rnagn-mur. mur-ac. natr-mur. nitr-ac. RUTA. sep. stront. Lower gum. AMM. amm-mur. anac. canth. carb-an. caust. laur. magilmur. mar. NATR. PETR. phosph. rhodod. sabin. SASSAP.sponig. STAPH-. suiph. sulpii-ac. thuj. zinc. Inner gum. Agarn. ambr. amm. amn. graph. kali. natin. natr-mur. ph-ac. puls. rhUS. RUTA. sep. STAPH. XI. MOUTH. Buccal cAvity in general. AcoN. agar. ALUM. ambr. amrn. amm-mur. anac. ang. antcrud, ant-tart. ang.,,,arn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. biSm. BOR. bov., bry.- calad. CALc. camph. cann. CANTH1. CAPS. carban. CARB!-VEGi. Caust.: CHAM. chel. CHIN. Cic. cina. cocc. coff. coich. col0c. con.. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. LACH. laur. led. lyc, ings. mn-arct. nii-austr. magn. magn-rnur. mang. mar. men.. MERC. MEZER. moschi. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITH-AC.wnmosch. N-YOM. oleand. op. par. petr.PHOS PH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS., ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheurm. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassa~p. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg, SEP. sil. sp1i~g. spong. stalin. staph. STRAM. stron1t. SULPIH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valeir. VERATR. viol-od. vit. ZINC. Hard palate. Ambr. amm. ant-crud, amn. ars. aur?. BAR. BELL. bor. boyr. CALC. cam ph. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-veor. caust. chain. chin. cocc. coloc. croc. dig. d ulc. euphorb. hell. yosc. ignzat. jod. kali. lach. latir. led. mngs. magn. magn-mur. men. merc. MEZER. mur-ac. natin-mur. NITR-AC. n-inosch. N-VOM. PAR. PHOSPYH. ph-ac.. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. SCILL. spouig. sep. sil. spig. STAPH. thuj. ZINC. 58 MOUTH.I Soft palate. Acon. ant-crud. arg. AUR. bell. caic. cantl. caps. carb-veg. caust. chai. chin. COFF. dig. duic. hell. hep. jod. kali. lach. led. magn. men. MERO. mezer. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-inosch. n-vom. par. PHOSPL. PH-AC. ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. rhodod. ruta. sassap. seneg. sep. sil. staph. STRAM. thuj. valer. zinc.' F auces, ACON. agar. ALUM. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. aug. antcrud. ant-tart. ARG. am. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. bry. calad. CALO. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. carban. 4CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. chel. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. DROS. duic. eupborb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. HYOSO IGNAT. JOD. ipec. leali. LACH. laur. led. lyc. igs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magr-mur. mang. mar. ment. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitri NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleanc. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. SENEG. SEP. sil. spig. SPONG. stann. staph. STRAM. stront. SuLPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. vit. zinc. Tomrgue. ACON. agaar. alum. ambr. amn. anac. ang. ant-crud. arg. am. ARS. asar. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. caic. cann. CANTH. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chel. CHIN. Cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. duic. ferr. graph. hell. hep. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. ngs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. MUR-AC. natr. NATRMUR. nitr. NITH-AC. n-m?,osch. N VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH.ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. PULS. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. sassap. $EC-CORN. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. TAR. thuj. VERATR. verb. viol-tr. zinc. Tonngue coated. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. anac. ang. ant-crud. anttart. ARN. ARS. asar. bar. BELL. bis'm. bor. boy. BLY. calc. cann. canlth. car-b-veg. caust. CIAM. chel. CHIN. cina. cocc. coloc. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. euphorb. graph. guaj. igniat. jod. ipec. lach. laur. lyc. m-arct. magn. magn-mnr. mang. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr--mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n7vom. oleaud. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. SEC-CORN. selen. seneg. SEE. sil. spig. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. tar. thuj. VERB. viol-tr. zinc. HUNGER AND THIRST. 5 59 ]Increase of saliva. Acdn. agal'. ALUM. "AMBR. amm. amm-mur. an'ac. ang. ANTCRUD. ant-tart. ARG. arn. ars. asaf. asar. aiim. BAR. BELL. bism. bon. boy. BRY. CALC. cam ph. Cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chel. CHIjN. CiC. cina. cocc. coff. CQLC EI. COn. creog. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. DROS. DULC. eutphorb. ferr. GRAPH-. guaj. HELL. hep. H-YOSO. IGNAT. JOD. IPEC. KALI. LACH.L L'AUR, led. LYC. MGS. m-arct; m-austr. magn. MAGNMUJR. Mar. men. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. NATIR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-rn sch. N-YOM. oleand. op. PAR. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. REIUS. sabad.' sabi~n. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. SENEG. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH-. STRAM. stront. SULP11. SULPH-AC. tar. thuj. valem. VERATR. verb. viol-tr. ZINC.ý Diminution of saliva. Aconi. agrar. alu m. ainbr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang., ant,--,,crud, ant-tart. arg. arn. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. BAR~. BELL. bo'r_._ boy. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. Cann. canth. caps. carb-an., carb-veg. caust. CirAM. chel.- chin. cina. Clem. cocc. coff. coich. con. croc. cupr. cyci. duic. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. hep. Hyosc. ign'at. jod. pec. cali. LACHI. laur. led. LYC. ngs. m-arct. magn. magni-num. rmang. mien. MERC. mezer. miosch. mumt-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-A.C. N-MOSCH. N-vom. oleand. op. PAR. petm. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. PULS. rani-bulb. r-anscel. rheum. rhodod. rhuts. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. SEN EG. SEP. sil. spig. spouIg' stann. staph.. STRAM. STRONT. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thutj. YERATR. vit. zinc. Bad smell from the mouth. Acon. again. alumi. ambr. amrn. anac. aug. ant-crud, ant-, tart. ARN. ARS. asam. AUR. bar. bell. bismn. bor. BRY. cai~c.' camph. canth. caps. camb-an. CARB-VEG.'CHAM. CHIN. cocc. coff. croc. cupr. d-ig. dt-os. DULC. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosq. ignat. jod. ipec.,, kali. lach. laum. led. lyc. mngs. m-arct.- rn-austr. MERO. mezer.--na,%ti,-mur. m1tm. NITR-AC. n-mosch. nvm oleand. petin. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rheum. rhus. ruta. sabin. sassap. sEi3. sil. spig'. staunD. straint.stront. SULPH. thuj. valer. verb.,zinc.' XII. HUNGER AND THIRST. Want of appetite. Acon. agar. alum. ambm. awnn. amm-miur. anac. aug. AN~rCRUD. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. aur. BAR. BELL. bor. boy'. BRY. caust. calad. CALC. cauni. CANTH-. caps. carb-an. carb-V'eg. 60 60 HUNGER AND THIRST. chain. chel. CHIN. cic. clern. 0CoC. coff. coich. coloc. CON. creos. croc. cupr. CYCL. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hiyose. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lao/i. laur. led. LYC. mngs. mn-arct. mn-autstr. magn. mna~yn-mur.miang., mar. MERC. mnezer. moschi. rntir-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op'. petr. p/iosph. phac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheuni. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. SABAD. sabin. sassap. scil~l. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. staun. staph. strain. stront. SULPLI. sulph-ac. T1TJJ. valer. verair. verb. viol-tr. zinc. Hunger. Agar. alum.- amrn. amm-mur. anac. ANG. ant-crud. anttart. ARG. arn. ars. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. bo r. boy. BRY'. calad. CALO. canthi. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. cic. CINA. COCC. COFF. col)c. cupr. cyci. dig. dulc. euphorb. euphin. GRAPH. guaj. HELL.' hyose. ignat. jý,od. kali. la~h. laur. LYC. mgs. mn-arct. rn-austr. rnagn. ma gn-mur. manig. mnar. men.. mnerc. mnezer. mosch. mutr-ac. natr'. natr-imur. nitr. nitr-ac. NT-1VOSCH. 7?S-VOIM. OLEAND. op. par. petr. phospli. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheumn. rhodod. rhuts. ruta. SABAD. sassap. scill. SEC-CORN. senegr. SEP. sil. spig. spoug.0 STANN. 'STAPH. strain. stront. suiph. sulph-ac. valer. veratr. verb. vit. zinc. Hungrer withovit appetite. AGAR. alum. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARS. BAR. bell. bor. BRY; calad. cabc. canth. carh-veg. caust. CHIN. cic. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. cycl. di-g. DULO. euphir. ferr. HELL. hep. ignat. jod.. lyc. rags. mnagfl. MAGN-MUR. merc. mezer. natr. NATRMUR. nitr. n-vom. OLEAND. OP. plat. puls. rlheum. rhadod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SIL. staph. suiph. SULPH-AC. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. Canine hunger. Agar.,inim. ant-tart. ars. asaf. aur. BRY. CALC. caps. caust. chain. CHIN. CINA. COOC. con. dros. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyOSc. ignat. JOD. KALI. lach. LYC. m-aus-t'r. rnagn. magn-rnur. men. 7nerc. mur-ac. nati'. NATR-MIJR. nitr. mitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. OLEAND. Op. PETR. PHiospH-. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. scill. sec-corn. sep. SIL. spig. stann. staph. suipli. sulph-ac. valer. VERATR. Thirst. ACON. amini~. AMMI-MUH. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. ARN. ARS. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. cann. canik. caps. Carb-afl. carh-veg. caust. CHAl\'. CHIN. cic. czna. coec. off. COLCH. coloc. con. creos. croc. CupR.. cyci. dig. dros. HUNGER AND THIRST. 6 61 duic. ferr. graph. gu aj. h ellI. HEP. HYOSC. ignat.jod. ipec. Mia. lach. laur. led. lyc. rn-austr. magn. magn-miur. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MU-R. nitr. NITR-AC. N-VOM. Op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. samb. scill. SIEC-CORN. selen. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. spong. stann. sta ph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. sulph-ae. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. zinc. Want of thirst. Agar. ambr. amm. amr-n-mur. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. amn. ARS. ASAF. asar. aur. bell, bov. bi'y. calad. caic. CAMPH. cann. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. chel. chin. cina. cocc. coff. coloc. CON. creos. cycr.. dig. dros. duic. EUPHOR.B. HELL. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. lach. led. lye. irngs. m-arct. m-austr. MANG. MEN. merc. mosch. mur-ac. n'atr. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. n-vom. OLEAND. Op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rheum. rhiodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. SAMB. sassap. SCill. SEP. SPIG. spong. STAPH. strain. sulph. tar. thuj valer. veratr. VIT. Thirst with aversion to drink. Amn. BELL. CANTII. c~aust. HY OSC. lach. lyc. natr-mur. N-YOM. rhus. samb. STRAM. Vit. Inclination to drink without thirst. ARS. calad. camph. cocc. coloc. graph. n-mosch. phosph. AVERSION to: Acid things. BELL. cocc. FERR. ignat. fl-vom. ph-ac. SABAD. SIJLPU. ]Beer. Alum. asaf~. bell. chain. chin. cocc. N-vom. phosph. spig. Spong. stann. sulph. Brandy. IGNAT. merc. Bread. Agar. CON. ignat. kali. LYC. inagn. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. phosph. p/i-ac. PPTLS. rhus. SEP. sulIPh. -rye. Kali. LYC. n-vom. puls. sulph. Broth. ARN. ars. bell. (chain.) graph. rhus. Buitter. (See Fat food). Cheese. Oleand. 62 62 HU~NGER AND THIRST. Coffee. Bell. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. CHAM. chin. COFF. duic. lyc. merc. natr-mur. N-VOIVL PHOSPH. rhus. sabad. spig. suiph-ac. -without' sugar. RHEUM. Fat food. - ANG. ars. bell. BRY. caic. CARE-AN. CARB-VEG. coich. croc. cyci. dros. hell. hep. men. mere. NATR-MUR. PETR. PULS. rheum. rhus. sep. suiph. Fish. Graph. ZINC. Garlic. SABAD. Meat. Alum. amrn. arn. ars. aur. bry. CALC. CARB-VEG. caust. ferr. GRAPH. hell. ignat. kali. L-yc. iagn. merc. mez.,er. MUR-AC. natr. nair-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. PETR. PLAT. puls. RHUS. SABAD. SEP. SJL. stront. SULPH. ZINC. 11eal aud flour (dishes of). Ars.,phosph. Mvilk. Amm. ant-tart. amn. bell. B RY. CALC. carb-veg. cina. GIJAJ. ignat. m-arct. m-austr. natr. n-vorn. phosph. PtJLS. rheum. SEP. SIL. stann. sulpit. Salt. Carb-veg. graph. SELEN. Solid food. Ang. ferr. mere. STAPH. Sweets. Ars. CAUST. graph. merc. nitr-ac. phosph. SLTLPH. zinc. Vegretables. HELL. magn. Water. BELL. bry. CAL AD. canth. caust. chin. lye. nair-mur. N-VOM. STRAM. Wine. ig.nat. lach. m-austr. MERO. rhus. SABAD. suiph. LONGING for: Acids. ANT-CRUD., ant-tart. ARN. ARS. bor. BRY. carb-an. ciAx, chin. HUNGER AND THIRST.63 63 - con. creos. dig. REP. ignat. kali. lack. magn. m~ang. PHo~SPH. puls. Sahin. SCILL. sec-Corn. scp) STRAM. SULPH. VERATR. Beer. ACON. BRY. calad. caic. caust. chin. cocc graph. lack. mgs. mnang. N1ERO. mosch. NATR. N-VOM. Op.- PETR. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. SABAD. sjpig. spong. STRONT. suiph. zinc. Dig. NATR-MUR. Bread. Amrn. ARS. hell. boy. ferr. hell. ignat. magn. natr. natr-mur. PILUMB. puls. staph. stront. - Iwheat. Aur. avid butter. Ferr. ignat. MAGN. mere. (puls.) 13ranidy. Acon. arg. AtS. Obov.' bry. calc.. bin. cic. REP. mosch. inurac. N-VON. OP. puls. SELEN. SEP. spig. staph. SULPH.'suiph4-ac. Coal. Cic. Cakes# Plumb. Ch4eese. Inat. Coffee@ ANG. qrs. ATJR. BRY. caps. chin. coich. con. moseb. n-rnosch. SELEN. Anti-crud; veriai.. -Fat food. N-voN. nitr-ac. Fruit,. Alum. a'nt-tart, chin. 1aNAT. miagn. puls. SULPH-AC. VERATR.' Herrings..Nitr-ac. veratr.. PRH-AC. -Likile (chalk). NTJETR.PAC. N-VON. 64 TASTE. Liquid food (soups). Ang. ferr. mrner. STAPH. SULPH. H.magn. men. suiph. RMeal and flour (dishes of). SAB AD. MVIilk. Anac. ars. AUR. boy. bry. caic. CHEL. mgs. mago. MERO. natrmur. n-vorn. ph-ac. rhus. SABAD. Sabin. SIL. staph. stront. Carb-an. caust. cooc. mrgs. PHOSPH. PH:-AC. PULS. rheum. VALER. Salt thingrs. Caic. carb-veg. CAUST. con. nitr-ac. phosph. VERATE. Smoked things. CAUST. Sovarkronit. C~ar b-an. chain. Sweets. (See Sweet things.) S weet things. Almm. caic. carb-veg. CHIN. ipeC. KALI. LYC. magn-mur. NATR. n-vom. petr. rheum. RHUS. SABAD. suiph. Vegretables. Alum. MAGN. Waivin f ood. Ang. cyci. FERR. lye. Winl-e. Aeon. arg. boy. bry. caic. chin. cic. HEP. lach. puls. selen. SEP. spig. staph. SULPH. Bad consequences arising from various kinds of solid food or drinks, see Sect. VI. b. under the head-" NOURISHMENT." XIII. TASTE. Taste elmunged in general. AcoN. agar. alu~m. ambr. amm. amrn-mur. anac. ang. antcrud. ant-tart. arn. ARS. ASAP. asar. aur. bar. ]BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calad. caic. carnph. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-an. carbveg. caust. CdAM. chel. CHIN. COCO. coffi coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. CUPR. eye1, dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. TASTE. 6'5 - graph. guaj. hell., hep. hyosc.. IGNAT. jod. i*pec. KALT. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-atistr., magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. mien. MEUC. mezer. moseb. mur-ac. NATR. NATAt-MUR. nlir-ac. ný-mosch. M-vom. oleand. opJ. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. jmb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-sel]. rheum. rhodod. R HUS. ruta. sa d.2 SABIN. SASSAP. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. strain., str~ont. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. Bitter. ACON. alum. ambr. amm. amml-mur. anag. ang. ant-crud. anttart. ARN. ARS. asaf. aSa r. aur. bar. bell. bism. (bor.) bov. B RY. cALC. camph an. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. CHiN. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. CON. creos. ci-oc. cupr. dig. DUOS. duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lau'r. led. LYC. m-arct. m~agn. MAGN-MUR. inaJ~. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mur-acI. NATR. NATRBtuxt. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. _petr. phosph.. ph-aci p'lumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. S A-BAD. s~abin. sas'sap.' scill. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spong. STANN. staph. strain. Stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thy].'vale~r.' VERATR. verb,, Violtr. zinc.Delicate. Acon. agar. amn. aur.. -bga'.JBELL. camph. CHIN. cocc. COFF. colch, con. hep. m-austr. n-votn. thuj. Diminished. Alum. amm-mur. anac. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. arg. ars. bar. bell. bry., CALC. carn.* caitth. caps., carh-an. carb-veg. caust. chin. cic. dina. cocc. coic'h. creos.,.cupr. cycl. dros. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec.*~ali. lyc. mgs. m-arct.. m!-aust~r. magn. magn-inur. mang. merc. inosch. natr. natrý-mur. miitr. N.VOM-. oleand. op. PAR. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rheum.' RHODOD. rhus. ruta. sassap. SCILL. SEC-CORN. seneg. SIL. spong. staph. STRA.M. stront. SULPH. sulphac. tar. thui. veratr. viol-tr. E arthy.. CANN. caps. chin. ferr. hep. ignat. merc. N-MOSCH. PHOSPE. PULS. IEmpyreutnatic. Bry. cycl. laur. PULS.. ran-bulb. scill. sulph. Fatty. ALUM. amnbr. ASAF. bar. ýbry. earb-veg, CAUST. chain. eu~pho'rb. ignat. ipec. laur. LYC. magn-mur. M.ANG. mur-ac.,petr. 66 TASTE. pho spit. ph-ac. PULS. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. sabad. Sabin. sil. thuj. VANLER. Flat* Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amrn-mur. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. arg'. amn. ARS. asal'. asar. aur. bar. BELL. BRY. cano. CAPS. carb-an. chain. chel. CHIN. cocc. coich. coloc. creos. cupr. cyci. dig. duic. euphorb. eupltr. guaj. hell. hep. IGNAT. ipec. kali. lye. mgrs. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. mang. in erc. nmezer. natr. NATR-MUR. n-mosch. n-voin. oleand. op. par. PETR. phosphi. pit-ac. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. riteum. rhodod. ritus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. sec-corn. seneg. sep. spig. stann. STAPH. strarp. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. valer. veratr. VERB. Herby. Calad. N-VOM. pit-ac. puls. sassap. stann. veratr. Lost. Acon. alam. AMM-1MUR. ANAC. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cina. coce. creos. hell. hep. hyosc. ipec. kali. lyc. m-arct. m-aus-tr. magn. MAGN-NUR. merc. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. n-voin. op. par. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rheum. RHODOD. rhus. ruta. sabad. sassap. SEC-CORN. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. staph. strain. stront. sulpit. sulpit-ac. thuj. veratr. Metallic. Alum. bism. caic. COCC. coloc. CUPR. hep. ipec. mgs. mn-austr. mnerc. natr. N-VOm, plumb. RAN-BULB. RHUS. sassap. seneg. sulph. VIT. ZINC. Offensive. Agar. amin-mur. anac. ant-tart. arg. ARS. asaf. bell. bisin. BRY. CALO. cann. cantit. caps. carb-an. caust. chain. citel. chin. cina. coce. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros.- euphorb. guaj. ignat. JOD. kali. led. ings. m-arct. m-austr. mang. mar. MERC. mnezer. natr. natrmur. N-VOM. par. petr. phospit. ph-ac. 1)lurnb. PULS. rheuin. rhus. sabad. Sabin. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. senegr. SEP. sil. spig. STANN. staph. strain. sulpit. sulph-ac. thuj. VALER. veratr. verb. ZINC. (See Putrid.) Putrid. ACoN. anac. atig. ant-tart. ARN. ars. asar. auir. BELL. boy. bry. caic. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. chit). coce. COff. coloc. CON. creos. cupr. cyci. dros. euphorb. ferr. grs-.ph. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. lye. mgs. magn. magn-mur. mar. MERO. rnosch. mur-ac. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. pet. phos ph. ph-ac. PULS. rheum. RHUS. ruta. SEP. spig. staun. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. valer. veratr. zinc.I TASTE. 67 ~Saltisb 0 Alumn. amnbr. amnir. anac. ant-crud. ANT-TART. -amn. ARS. ba.bell, boy. calc, canfl. CARB-VE G. caust. CHIIN. coff. croc. cup'r. dig. dros. CU1)lorb. graph. hyosc. JOD. LYC. m~agn. rnagrn-mur. MEROC. mezet'. NATR. n-mosch. n-vomn. PHOSPH. PULS. rhodod.' RHUS. SEP. stann. strain. SULPHI..S'Ulph-ac. tar. VERATR. verbý. zinc. Sour*. Alum. ambr. amm. amm-m~ur. ant-tart. ars. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. hor.. bry.!C AL. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb.. veg. caust. CHAM.'CHIN. cina. cocc. ton. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. fei-r. graph. hey. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. laur. mLrC. ings. mn-arct, m-austr. rffiagn'. magn-mur. mang. MERO. mezer. inur-ac. nair. NATR-MUR. nit r-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. PETE. PHO SPH. ph-ac. plum'b. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheumn. rhodod. rlius. sabad. sabftz. sassap., scill. sec-ýcorn. sep. sil. sp~ig. spong. STANN. staph. stramin: SULPH. sulph-ac. TAR. thuj. veratr. zinlc. Sweetish. ACON. ALUM. amm., anac. ars. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. boy. bry. calc. canth. carb-veg. chin.,cocc. coff. cr'eos. croc. CU pr. DIG. ferr. hep.,hyosc. jod-. ipec. kali. laur. lyc. m-austr. nlagn. merc. mnezer. myur-ac. natr. nitr-ac.'n-vom. PH OSPH. _plat. PLUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhus. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassap. SCILL. -selen. sep. spong. STANN. sulph. sulpha. luj. veratr. zinc. XIV.,ERUCTATIONS. -Belching..Acon. alum. amm-mur. ant-crud. ANT-TART. arg. ARN. ars. bar. bell. BRY. CALC. camph. CANN. canth. carb-veg. caust. chan. chin. cic. cina. CON. cyci. dig. dros. dule. ferr. GRAPH. he. IGNAT. kali. lach. laur. lyc. ings. magn-mur. MAR. MERO.e mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. par. petr. PHOSPLI. plat. PLUMB. PULS. rhodod. rhus. sabin. SASSAP. sep. spong. staph. stront. SULPH. SULPH-AC. tbuj.alr veratr. verb, zinc. Confluence of water in the mouth. Aeon. alum. ambr. AMM. AMM-MUR. anac. ant-crud. ANT-TART. arn. ARS. asar. BAR. bell. boy. BRY. CALO. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chel. chin. cic. CINA. clein. Ccc. coich. con. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. DROS. duic. euphorb. ferr. graph. hel ep.I IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. 68 TASTE. m-arct. magn. macrn-mur. mang. men. NERO. MEZER. mosch. inur-ac. NATR. NATft-MUR. NLTR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. PAR. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. pids. RAN-BULB. ranScel.- RHODOD. RHUS. SABAD. Sabin. sassap. scill. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj valer. VERATR. verb. zinc. IE ructations. Acon. agar. ALUM. AMBR. amin. amm-mur. anac. an g. ANTCRFUD, ant-tart. ARN. ars. asaf asar. BAR. BELL. bism. boy. BUY. calad. CALO. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. CARB-AN. GARBVEG. CAUST. chain. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. COCC. coff. coich. coloc. CON. creos. croc. cupr. CYCL. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. eulphr. fe rr. GRAPH1. 0gUaj. hell. hep. hyosc. I GN AT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. LAUR. led. LYC. ings. m-arct. m-austr. mtgfl. magfl-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. miezer. mosch. inur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-moschi. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. PETR. PHOS PH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. RITUS. ruta. S AB AD. sabin. SASSAP. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SSEP. SIL. spig'. spong.0 STANN. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. SULPH1 -AC. tar. THUJ. VALER. VERATR. VERB. viol-ti'. vit. zinc. Iffickuping. Acon. AGAR. alum. ambr. amm. AMMI-MUR. anac. ang. antcrud. ant-tart. arg. arD. ars. asar. bar. BELL. bor. boy. B RY. cale. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. 010. cina. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. cupr. CYCL. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. eupbr. graphi. hep. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. kali. lach. Jaur. led. lyc. magn. magn-m~ur. MIAR. men. merc. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-VO1V. op. par. petr. phosph. plat. plumb. PULS. RANBULB. ran-scel. rhus. ruta. sabad. samb. sassap. selen. Sep. sil. s~pong. stann. staph. strain. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thLuj. YERAT.R. verb. vit. zinc. Heartburnu. Agar. alum. ambr. AMM. ant-crud. arg. amn. ars. asaf. asar. bar. bell. bor. boy. CALC. canth. CAPS. GARB-AN. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. CHIN. cic. coWf. CON. CR00. dig. dube. euphorb. ferm. graph. guaj. heill hep. hyosc. ignat..IOD. kali. LYC. in-arct. mn-austZ'. mang. NERO. inosch. rour-ac. NATR-MUR. sitr. nitr-ac. wninosch. N-VOMIN. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. P ULS. ranseel. sabad. sabin. scul,. sec-corn. SEP. sib. staph. sulph. sulph-ac.. tar. thilj. VALER. VERATR. zinc. Rising in the thiroat. Aeon. alum. atnbr. ASAF. asar. bell. cabc. cann. canthacarb-~ ~, NAUSEA. 6 69 veg. caust. chel. chin. cic. coff. CON. croc. cycl. duic. hell. hep. ignat. kali. lye. m-austr. rpagn-mur. mang. MERC. nair. nicr-ac. n-mdsch. n-vorn. PHOSPH. pivaac.- PLAT. plumb. pul' s. ran-bulb. rhus. ruta. sabad. sassap. SPIG. stann. suiph-ac. VALER. VERATR. XV. NAUSEA. ACON. ambr. ant-tart. arg. amn. ARS. bar. bell. bry. caic. canth. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chel. chin. cic. cina. coff. croc. CYOL. dig. eu~phr. hep. ignat. ipec. kali. laur. lyc. mi-arct. men. merc. inosch. NATR. natir-rnur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. pet'r. phos ph. plat. puls. rhus. sabad.' Sabin. sit. STAPH. stront. SULPH. tar. th'uj. verair. zinc. Disgust. Ac-on. alum. amm. anac., ANT-C.RUD. ANT-TART. arg. arm. ars. asaf'. asar. aur. BELL,. bor. BRY. calc. c~anth. carh-%ve'g. caust. chum. chin. cocc. co Ich. con. cupr. cyci. dig. dulc. eup ho" b. f~er. guaj. hell. hep. ignat. jod. 1PEC. KALI. lach. laut. lyc. magn. rnagn-mur. mang. men. in~osch-. mur--ac. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. oleand. op. peltr. Oio~ph. plat. plum-b', puls. -rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sassap. sec-c6cd'n. seneg-. SEP. SIL. spig. stann. s~tram. sulpj&-ac. thuj. valer. "Niwnsea in general. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ANTCRUD. ANT-TART. AUG. arn. ARS. asaf. ASAR. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. caeb~an. CARB-VEFG. caust. CHAM. chel. CHIN. czc. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. CON. creos. croc. CUPR. CYCL. DIG. dros. dulc. eu-,phorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. HELL. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. IPEC. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. m-arct. m-austr.* magn. magnmur. ma~ng. mar. men. MERC. mezer. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. NATRMURt. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch.. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat.'pl'Umb-. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. 13.HUS. ruta. sabad. -Sabin. samb. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. senegr. 5EP,. SIL. *pig. spong. STANN. staph. strain. stront. SIULPH. SULPH-AC. tat. tihuj. VALEIR.*VERATR. viol-tr. vit. zinc. -at the stom'ach. Acon. ang. ANT-TART. amn. asar. aur. bar. bell'. bism. bor. boy. caic. 'cann. canth. caps. carb.-an. carb-veg. caust. c'hain. chel. chin. cina. cocc. coff. coich. croc. CUPR. cycl. dig. drbs. HELL. ipiEC. kali. laur. led. LYC. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nilrý-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. par. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumnb. PULS. rheum. rhus. ruta. F 70 NAUSEA. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. see-corn. seneg. sil. stann. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuLj. valer. VERATR. VIT. zinc. Nausea iea the throat. Aeon. anac. ant-tart. arg. ars. asar. aur. bell. cann. chin. coce. coffi croc. CUPR. CYOL. fern. mere. niitr-ac. oleand. PHAC. PULS. rhus. sassap. scill. spig. STANN. staph. suiph. tar. VA LER. - in the chest. Acon. ariac. arg. asaf. bry. croc. merc. n-vom. par. R.HUS. sec-corn, staph. - in the belly. Ant-tart. bell. BRY. cic. coec. croc. cupr. cyci. hell. hep. ipec., m-arct. mnang. mar. n-rnosch. par. PULS. rheumi. ruta. sanib. sil. starmn. staph. valer. vit. Nausea, with inclination to vomit. ACON. agar. alum. ammT. arnm-mrw. anac. ant-crud. anttart.. a g. amn. ars. asaf. asar. auir. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. BRY. caic. c~anph. cann. canth. CAPS. caib-an. ecarb-veg. catist. CRAM. chel. chin. cina. coce. coff. coich. con. creos. eroc. cllpr-. eye!, dig. DROS '. duic. euphorb. fern% graph. hell. hep. h-yose. ignat. jod. ipEC. IKALI. lach. lamr. led. lyc. mgs. rn-arect. m-auistr. magn. magn-mur. niang. mar. men. MERC. mnezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr--rnur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-rnosch. Nv-voai. oleand. op. pliOsphi. ph-ac. plat. plumnb. PULS. ran-see!. rheum. rhodod. RRI-US.ruta. SABAD. sabin. sassap). scill. scC-cornD. seneg. sep. sdl.I spig. sp~ong. s/atin. staph. strain. stront. sul~ph. sulph-ac. thuij. valer. YERATR. verb, zinc. Emply retchiing (gagging). Acoii. arnbr. anac. ant-crud, ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. ASAR. aur. BELL. bisY1n. B RY. cairn. canth. cairb-veg. CHIN. COCC. coich. coloc. cREos. cupr. dig. di-os. duic. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. iPEC. kali. led. lyc. maI n. mere. inezer. rnosch. natr-mnur. nitr. N-VOM. oleanid. op. plumb. PULS. rhus. sabin. sassap. sqcill. sec-corn. seneg. sep. sil. stanu. strain. stront. sulph. th tj. V ER AT R. viol-ti. zinc. Vomiting in gener'al. Acon. amrn. amin-mur. anac. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. arg. amn. ARS. asar. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. CALC. camph. cann. can/h. caps. carb-veg. caust. CHAMR CHIN. Cic. C INA. cocC. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. CUPRt. dig. DROS. dulc. euphorb. FERR. graph. hell. hep. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. IPEC. kali. lach. Jaur. led. lyc. rnagn. merc. mezer. nair. niatr-mur. nitr'. nitr-ac. n-mnosch. N-VOM. - oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLUMB. PUbS. rhodod. rhus. sabad. sabin. sainb. scill. SEC-CORN. NAUSEA. 7L serieg. SEP. SIL. stann. *strain. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. valer. YERATR. zinc. Vomiting or bile. (bitter). ACON. ant-crud, ant-tar't. amn. ARS. asar'. BE LL. bism. bor. BRY. caic. cam~ph. cann. canith. cairb-veg. CHAM. CHIN. cina. coce. coich. coloc. CON. CU*PR. dig. dros. DULC. hell. Ilep. hyosc. IGNAT., jod. IPEC. kali. lach). LYC. rnagn. MERO. mezer. murac. nair. nair-mzur. nitr--ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. PETR. phosph. PLUMB. PULS. rhodod. i-hus. sabad. sabin-t. SEC-CORN. SEP. sil. STANN. strain. SULPH1. 1thj. valer. VERATR. zinc. -of black mattler. ARS& bism. caic. campli. chin. hep. ipec. laur. lyc. N-YOM. Op. PETR. PHIOSPH. PLUMB. scill. sec-coin. strain. suiph. sitiphac. VERATR. - of bl(o~d. ACON. ant-crud. ARN. ars. asar. bell. bor. bry. caic. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. cai-b-veg. caust. c/tarn. CHIN. cic. con. ci-eos. cupr. dr-os. F ERR. hep. hyosc. jod. I P 'EC. led. lyc.?ferc. me~zer. nitr. nitr-~ac. N-VOM. Op. PHOSPH. PLUMB. PULS. rims. sabin. sec-corn. SEP. sil. stauin. strain. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. vei-atr. zinc. -of what has been drank. A con. ant-crud. ANT-TART. amn. ARS;, BRY. CHAM. chin. Cic. cocc. Con1. DULC. fen-r. IPEC. iatr-mnur. N-VO.M. -'puts. rhus. sec-corn. si L. suiph. veratr. -of what has been eateti. Acon. AMM. anac. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart, armt ARS. bell. bisin. bor. boy. BRY. CALC. canth. caps. car-b-veg. ctarn. chin. CINA. cocc. coWf. coich. coloc. con. cre'os. CUPR. dig. DROS. FERR. graph. H4YOSO. IGNAT. jod. IPEC. kali. lacch. laur. led. LYC. m~afgn. 7nerc. rnosch. miu i-ac. nat 1'. NATR-MIUR. nit r-ac. N-YOM. oleanid. op. PopmoPi ph-ac. 2plunib. PULS. rhus. ritta. sabinl. sarnb. sec-corn. SEP. -SILI-. STANN. SULPH. sulph-ac. thqj. VERATR.zinrc. of excremetititionus uuattcr. BELL. br-y. N-VOM. OP. plumb. - fetid. Ant-tart: am. ARS. bell. bism. bry. cabc. COCC. coff. CUPR. guaj. IPEC. led. mnere. natr. N-VOM. OP. ph-ac. plumb. sec-corn. SEP. STANN. SULPH.. thiij. valer. veratr. -of slimy matter. ACON. amin-mur. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARlS. bar. BELL. bor. boy. bry. cabc.- cauin. can'th. caps. CHAM. CHIN. Gina. cocc. 72 INNER ABDOMIEN. coich. CON. creos. cupr. DIG. DROS. duic. ferr. graph. guaj. hep. wvosc. IGNAT. jod. ipEC. lyc. rnagn. MERC..mezer. mosch. natr. rtitr. N-VOM. oleand. phosph. PULS. sarnb. SEC-CORN. sit. spig. strain. suiph. thuj. valer'.VERATR. Zi11C. Vomiting, sour. Amin. ant-tart. ARS. asar. bar. BELL. br-y. CALC. caps. carb-veg. cautst. CIJAM. CHIN. coec. con. f~err. graph. hep. 4'-nat. IPE-C. iati. LYC. natr. natr-mur. iiitr-ac. N-VOM. oleatid. op. petr. PLIOSPH. ph-ac. PUbS. sabin. sassap. seccorn. Sep. staun. strain. SULPH. thuj. vyerair. - watery. Acon. arnm. ant-crud. -ant-tart. arg-. ARN. ars., asar. bar. BELL. boy. BRY. CANN. CAUST. CHIN. citia. CON. creos. CUPR. cyci. dros. ferr. graph. guiaj. Itep. hyosc. ipEC. kali. laur. inagn. magn-mur. nierc. natr. i)itr'. N-VOM. oteaud. par. petr. p/iosph. plumnb. putls. sassap. sep. sit. spig. STANN. strum. stronit. SULPHI. SULPHI-AC. t/itj. VERATR. verb, zinc. - of worms. ACON. anac. ars. CINA. coff. FERR. hyosc. inerc. riatr-rnur. SABAD. SEC-CORN. sit. spig. veratr. XVI. INNER ABDOMEN. Stomach. ACON. agar. alumn. amnbr. arnrn. amm-rnur. anac. aing. antcrutd, ant-tart. arg. amn. ARS. asaf asar. aml. BAR. bett. bism. bor. boy. BRY. catad. CALC. caniph. cMIn. can/h. caps. carban. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chet. CHIN. cic. citia. COCC. coff. cotch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cutpr. cyci. dig,4r.dis. dutic. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. HELL. hep). hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. taur. led. LYC. rnigs. rn-airct. inagn. muagn-linnr. mang. mar. mien. rnerc. mezer. 7tosch. muit-ac. NATR. NATRMUR. niitr. nitr-ac. n-rnosch. N-YOM. oleatid. op. par. peir. PIIOSPH. ph-ac. pltat. pltunib. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-,scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sub in. samib. sassap. scill. sec-corn. sefleg. SEP. SIL. spig. spolig. STANN.,taph. strain. stront. SULPH. SULPH-AC. thuj. vater. YERATR. verb. vit. zinc. Hypochondria* ACON. ALUM. amm-mur. ang. ant-crud, ant-tart. amn. ar's. ASAF. asar. aur. bell. bisrn. boy. BRY. CALC. CAMPH. caiii...canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. cau~st. CHAM. CHIN. coc coff. coich. CON. cupr. dig. dros-ferr. graph. hell. hep. IGNAT. ipec. kali. lach. LAUR. led. tyc. ings. m-arcl. rm-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. IMOSCH. mum-ac. n1atr. niatr INNER ABDOMEN. 7 73 mur. flitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. Op. phosph. ph-a~c. plat. plumb. -PULS. RAN-BULB. ranl-scel. RHODOD. rhus. ruta. sabad. sassap. seccorn. selen. selieg. SEP. sil. spig. spon1g. STANN. STAPH. stront. SJL PH. SUiph-ac. tar. thnj. valer. veratr. verb. ZINC. Liver. ACON. agar. ALUM. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ARN. ars. asaf. bar. 'bell. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. cainph. cann. canth. CARB-AN. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. CHIN. clemn. cocc. coich. CON. creos. croc. dig. duic. ferr. graph. hell. hyosc..IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. LYC. m-arct. magn. MAGN-MUR. mar. MERO. mosch. nlur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-YOM. op. par. petr. phosph 'i ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. SABAD. sabin. sassap. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sdl. spig. spong. stann. staph. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. Vit. ZINC. Spleen. *Acon. agar. alum. amrn. amm-inur. anac. ant-tart. arg. amn. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. bell. bisrn. BOR. boy. bry., calad. camph. CANN. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. colch. con. creos. dros. DULC. ferr. graph. guaj. hep. IGNAT. jod. ipec. LAUR. lyc. magn. Inagil-mur. mang. mar. merc. mezer. mosqhi. MUll-AC. NATR. natr-mzur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vorn. oleatnd. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. PLUMB. puls.ý RAN-BULB. rari-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhuS. RUTA. sabad. sassap., sec-corn. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. STANN. su *lph. suiph-ac. tar. thuij. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. Kidneys. Acon. alum. BELL. bor. camph. CANN. CANTH. CLEM., coc. -colch. dig. HEP. KXALI.merec. nitr. N-VOM. ph-ac. plumb. puls. ran-scel. scill. suiph-. thuj. ZINC. -Abdomnen in general. Aecon. agar. alum. ainbr. arnim. amm-rnur. anac. aug. antC~rud, ant-tart. arg. an.- ARS. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. canlph. cann. 'CANTH. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. ciaust. chain. chel. CHIN. cic. dina. clern. cocc. coff. colch. COLOC. con. creos. croc. cupr. cye)l. dig. dros. dubc. euphorb. euphr. ferri.,graph. guiaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. lan?-. led. LYC. figs. mz-arct. m-austr. magn. mag~n-9nur. m ang. mar. meni. MERC. mnezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-inur. iiiti'. nitr-ac n-mosch. N-YOM. oleand. op;' par. peti'. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. PljUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-see]. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. 74 74 INNER ABDOMEN. sam~b. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. se?2eglo. SEP. sil. spigspong~. stann. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPL-. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. Upper abdomen (e-pigastritim). ACON. agar. ambr. amin. amrn-mur. anac. ant-crud, anttart. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. boy. bry. CALAD. CALC. camph. c~ain. CANTH. Caps. CARE-VEG. CAUST. GUAM. CH11E L. CHIN. CINA. COCC. coich. coloc. con. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. duic. enphr. ferr. guaj. hell. hep. hyo'sc. IGNAT. JOD. ipec. Icali. lach. laur. LYC. ings. M-ARCT.vm-autstr. rnagni-mur. mar. men. MERO. mezer. mosch.. mutr-ac. natr. NAT R-MUR. nitr. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabiti. samb. seneg. sep. sil. spig. sponig. stann. STAPH. strain. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. thu~j. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. Umbilicus. ACON. alum. ambr. armM. AMM-MUR. ANAC. ant-crud, anttart. amn. asaf. car. BELL. BOV. BRY. calad. cabc. camph. cairn. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veglo. caust. chain.CHEL. CHIN. CdNA. cocc. coich. coloc. con. CREOS. dig. DULC. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipEC. kali. lach. laur. rngs. rn-arct. m-austr. magn. magu-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. MOSCH-. mur-ac. NATR. nitr. N-MOSCHF. N-VOM. OLEAND. Op. par. phos ph. PH-AC. PLAT. PLUMB. pubs. ran-bulb. ran-scel. 1-1H1E UM. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabin. sassap. senieg. SEP. sib. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. strain. STRONT. SULPH. SIJLPH-AC. tar. thnj. valer. YERATR. VERB. vio1-tr, zinc. Sides of the abdomen. Agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. aug. ant-crud. amn. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. bry. calad. caic. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. CARB-YEG. CAUST. chain. chel. CHIN. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. creos. croc. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphor7b. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyose. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. LAIJR. LED. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mul-. manig. mar. men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATH. natr- mur. n1itr NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. plat. plumb. puls. r-anbulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. SASSAP. sec-corn. seiieg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. stront. SULPH. TAR. THUJ. valer. viol-tv. Vit. ZINC. Loins. Acon. agar. ambr. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud., arg. amn. ASAF. AUR. bell. boy. caic. camph. cann. CANTH. carb-an. aEXTERNAL ABDOMEN. 7 pow carb)-veg. caust. chain. CHEL. c/u~n. Cifla. cleni. cocc. coich. COLOC. creos. dig. dros. eunphorb. hep. hyosc. ignat. j')d. kali. LACH. LAUR. led. LYC. m-arct. magn. mar. men. mere. MEZER. natr. NITR.. nitr-ac. ui-vom. oleand. PLUMB. PUlth. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. RHCEUM. rhu-s. rutta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. sec corn. SEP. spig. spOlIg. STAPH. STRONT. suiph. tar. rrHUJ. valor. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. Lower abdomen (hypogastrium). Agar. al1UM. AMBR. amm. amm-mur. aiiac. aug. ant-crud. anttart. arg. AR.%,. ars. asaf. asar. AUR. BAR. B ELL. BISM. bor. boy. BRY. calad. caic., camph. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-an. CARBVEG. CAUST. chain. chel. CHIN. Cic. cina. clem. cooc. coff. coich.. COLOC. con. croc. cupr. CYCL. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hop. hyosc. IGNAT. jod.' KALI. laur. led. LYC. ings. rsi-arct. m-austr. mnagn. rnagnt-mur. wang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. natr. natr-rnur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOIN. oleand. par. PHOSPH. ph:-ac. plat. plumb. puls. RAN-BULB. rbeuni. rhodo'd. rhus. RUTA. sabad. sabin. sainb. sassap. SCILL. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. STANN. staph. stront. suiph. suiphac. TAR. TH1UJ. valer. VIERATH. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. Inguinal ring., Agar'. ALO0m. amrn. AMLV-MUR. anac. ant-crud, ant-rtart. arg. ars. asaf. asar: AUR. bar. bell. boy. CALO. campi). cann. can th. caps. CARB-AN. carb-vegr. caust. chain. chel. chin. cie. CLEM. COCC. coff. COLOC. con. creos. croc. dig. dros. duic. euph orb. graph. guaj. hell. IGNAT. jod. kali. laur. LYC. mgs. M-ARCT. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. ndtr. nzfr-ac. N-VOM. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheurn. RHODOD. 1RHUS. sabad. sassap. sep. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. straw. STRONT. SULPH. SULPH-AC. tar. THUJ. valer. VERATR. viol-tr. vit. zzntc. Ingutinal hernia. Alum. amin. AMM-MUR. anac. ant-crud. arg. asar. AUR. bell. caic. camph. cann. caps. carb-ani. CHAN. chin. CLE.M. COCC. colT. coloc. dig. euphorb. graph. gLuaj. hell. igonat. kali. LYC. mgs. MI-ARCT. m-austr. magn. mar. merc. mezer. natr~rmur. nitr. NITR-AC. N-VOM. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumib. rheum. RHus. sep. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront. suiph. SULPII-A.C. thuj. VERA.TR. zinc.P XVII. EXTERNAL ABDOMEN. Pit of th-e stomach. Acon. alum. ant-crud.. ars. aur. bar. BELL. BRY. CALO. caps. 76 FLATULENCY. caust. chain, chin cic. cooc. cd'ff. con. croc. euphorb. ferr. HELL. hf p. ig'nat. kali. lach. LYC. ni-austr. mang. mezer. mosch. natr. NATR-MIUR. vi-vorn.. op. petr. phosph. jplat. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-sccl. ruta. sabad. sabin. sec-corn. spig. spong. stann. zinc. Abdoenwi. Acon. alum. AM1BR. amrn-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. arg. amn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. B ELL. boy. BRY. caic. camph. cann. CANTH. ca ps. carb-vegr. causi. chain. chel. chin. cic. cocc. coich. COLOC. con. croc. cupr. dig. dros. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. Hyosc. ign at. jod. ipec. kali. laech. led. lyc. ings. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. inang. mien. MERC. mosch. mur-ac. nair. nitr-ac. *N-VON1. oleand. op. par-. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. SELEN. seneg. SEP. sil. spigr. spong. stann. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. yeratr. viol-tr. zinc. Iniguini ral rig. Alum. amnbr. anmi. amrnn-mur. ARS. aur. boy. caic. campb. canni. canth. chin. cic. cocc. dig. euphorb. graph. guaj. kali. LYC. mgrs. m-arct. magrn-mur. MIEIC. rnezer. mur-ac.' natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. ph-ac. pals. sassap. SELEN. sep. SIL. spig. stront. suiph. sul])/-ac. tIbuj. 1!Iois vetueris. Anac. ant-tart. arg. asaf. aur. bell, hell. hyosc. MEN. natr. natr-tiur. nilr-ac. n-vomn. plumb. RHUS. ruta. sabad. selen. sta ph. VALER. viol-tr. Ant-crud. ARS. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. CALC. cann. CLEM. con. DULC. graph. HEP. jod. lyc. mngs. men. MERC. mezer. natr. NITR-NLC. n-vomn. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rheurn. sil. SPONG. stann. staph. strain. sulph. TFIUJ. XVIII. FLATULENCY. Fl-trutlency ini gener-ld. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. atnin. AMM-MIJR. anac. ang. ant-crud. ANT-TART. argr. ARN. ars. ASAF. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. 13RY. calad. calc. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. CARB-AN. CA01i3-VEG. CAUST. CHAMN. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. coCCcccoi.colch. coloc. CON. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. cuphorb. eujhir. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. HELL. HEP. hyosc. IGN AT. jod. ipeC. KALI. lach. laur-. led. LYC. MGS. m-arct. M-AUSTR. niagn. mao-gn-mar. mang., MAR. men. merc. mezer. mur FLATULENCY. 7 77 ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH., PH-AC. plat. PLUMB. PULS. ranbulb. ran-seel. riteUM. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sabad. Sabin. sainb. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. Seneg. SI.P. Sib. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. sit/ph-atc. tar. Ltluj. valer. VLRATR. verb. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. Colica tiatulemuta. Acon. alum. ambr. amm. ammn-mur. ANAC. ant-crud. ANTTART. arg. AI{N. ASAF. asar. AUR. bell. bism. bry. calc. campb~. cann. cant/i. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cic. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. CON.acycl. dros. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. LYC. mgs. M-ARCT. M-AiJSTR. magn. MAR. men. mezer. natr. natr-mur. flit r-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. op. par. PHOSPH. plat. PLUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. R HEUM. RHO DOR rlus. ruta. Sabin-, samb. ScILL. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. STAPH. sulph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. zinc. Loud rumbling" and rolling in the bowels. Acon. AGAR. alum. ambr. arnm. amnm-mur. a nac. ang. ant-crud. ANT-TART. arg. ARN. ars. qsaf. asa'r. aur. ba'r. bell. bism. bor. boy. BRY calc. CANTH. caps. carb-an.,CARB-V-EG. COAUST. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clern. cocc. coff. coloc. con. croc. cu pr. cycl. dig. dulc. euphorb. euphir. ferr. graph. guaj. HELL. hep. b1yosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. laur. 'led. LYC. MGS. mi-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. MAR. men. merc. mezer-. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-moschi, N-VOM. olea ad. par. petr. PHOSPH. PHý.AC. plat. PLUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhieum. rliodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. Sabin. samb. SASSAP. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. strain. stront'. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. vit. zinc. Incarcerated flatulency. Acon. agar. ainbr. amm, amm-mur. ang. ANT-CRUD. ANTTART. ARN. ASAR. aur. bar. bell. bor. calc. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. CHIN. cic. COCC. coff. coich. COLOC. CON. euphorb. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. KALI. lack. LYC. MGS. M-ARCT. m-austr. magn-mur. mar. men. mezer. m~oscli. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. NLTR-AC. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. op. 'petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. PLUMB. PULS. RtHE~um. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. Sabin. SCILL. selen. sep. Sib. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. strain. strorit. sulph sulph-ac. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb, zinc. 78 EVACUATION. Flatus, burning.* Acon. ant-tart. cha~n. cocC. MGS. MAR.* mag~n mur. n-vorn. plhosph. plumb. PULS. staph. zinc. - cold. CON. -smtelling like garlic. AGAR. mosch. phosph. - humid-warm. CARB-VEG. - noisy. Amrn-mur. eanth. LACH. laur. rngs. mar. mere. scill. -of a putrid smell. Acon. alum. ant-tart. A-RN. ARS. asar.. aur. bell. boy. bry. calad. cale. CARB-VEG. chum. chin. coce. coff. coloc. ereos. DULO. graph. hep. ignat. jod. ipec. lyc.. mgs. mar. mere. nair. natr-tnur. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM.L OLEAND. par. PULS. ru/ia. sabin. sassap. see-corn. sep. sil. spig. staph. strain. SULPII. VALER. zinc. -smellhing like rottemi eggs. Ant-tart. ARN. co,#*. creos. mar. sep. stann. suiph. valer. - inodorous. Ambr. amn. BELL. cann. carb-veg. coff. lyc. mar. mere. zinc. -smellinig sour. Amn. bell. CALC. chain. coloc. dMe. GRAPH. hep. m-austr. metgn. MERC. NATR. petr. phosphi. RHEUM. sep. SULPH. -stinking. Aeon. agar. alum. amin-mur. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARN. ARS. ASAF. asar. AUR. bar. bell. bism. BOR. bov. BRY. ealad. CALC. cantb. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. CHIN. COCC. coff. coloc. creos. dros. DULO. GRAPH. goaj. hell. hep. ignat.jod. iPec. kali. lack. lye. MIGS. in-aret. rnagn. MAR. merc. mur-ac. natr. natr-miur. nitr. N[TR-AC. n-inosch. N-VOM. OLEAN.D. Op. par. petr. phosph). ph-ac. PLUMB. PUJLS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhieum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabin. sassap. sCeaL. sec-corn. sep. SIL. sp~r STAPH. STRAM. stront. SULPII. sulph-ac. valer. veratr. zinc. XiX. ALVINE EVACUATION. Obstrutction. Acon. agar. ALUM. amfbr. arnmf. amin-mur. anac. ang. antcrud, ant-tart. argr. amn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. ealad. CALC. eamph. can n. CANTH. eaps. carb-an. CARB EVACUATION. 7 79 VEG. caust. chain. chel. chin. cic. cina. COCC. coff. coich. coloc. CON. CREOS. cLIPr'. cyc]. dig. dros. DULC. euph~orb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. IhyOSC. ignat..jod. KALI. lack. LAUR. led. LYýC. nigs. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. mang. MEN. MERC. mez.er. mosch. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-inosch. N-VOM. oleand. OP. par. petr. PHiOSPH. _ph-ac. PLAT. PLUMB. _puls. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. salnn. SASSAP. scill. selen. sefleg. SEP. SIL. spig. spOng. STANN. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. SULPH-A.C. tliuj. VERATR. VERB. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. Obstruction from inactivity of the bowels. Aeon. ALUM. amm. arni-mur. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. anttart. ARN. asaf. aur. bar. boy. bry. eale. C AMPIPH. canath. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. c/lam. CHIN. COCC. coff. colch. creos. duic. euphal. GRAPH. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. KALI. lach. lye. m-arct. magn. MAGN-MUR. niang. merc. inezer. anosch. mur-ac. NATR.,,,MATR-M`UR. futr. niir-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. PE'rR. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rheumt. rhodod. rhus. RUTA.- sabad. sassap. scill. selen. sjeneg. sep. sil. spig. stann. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. sulpli-ac. ta'r. THiUJ. valer. VERATR. verb. vit. zinc. -from induration of the stools. Aeon. agar. alUM. AMM. amrn-mur. angr. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg arn. ars. asaf. asar. AUR. bar. bell. boy. BRY. calc. camph. Cann. can/il. caps. GARB-AN., carb-veg. C AUST. chain. CHEL. chin. cina. cocc. colch. eoho~c. con. creos. cyci. dulc. euphr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyose. ignqt. jod. KALI. lach. lauri. led. lyc. M-ARCT. MACN. MAGN-MUR. mang. men. MEEC.rmezer. mur-ac.,nair. natr-mur. nilr. nitr-ac. n-mnosch. N-VOM. oleand. OP. par. PETR. phiosph. ph-ac. plat. PL`UMN B. puls. ran-bulb. rhieum. rhodod. rhus. IIUTA. sabad. sabin. sassap. scill. selen. seneg. SE:P. SIL. spig. spong. stan'n. slap/I. stront. SULPH. SEUhPH-AC.!THUJ. verair. VERB. viol-tr. vit. zinc. Diarrhoea. ACON.agar. alum. ambr. aini. AMM-MUR. anao. avg. ANTCRUD. atnt-tart. alrg. amh. Ails. ASAIF. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. ]BOR. boy. BRY. CALAD. CAMC cann. can th. caps. carb-an. carb. veg~. caust. CH-lAM. c/tel. CHIN. cic. cina. clean. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. CON. croc. cupr. c)'cl. DIG. dros. dulc. cup/orb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hpep. HiYOSC. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. LACH. laur. led. lyc. ings. in-aret.?n-ausir. magn. magn-mur. ruang. mar. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. nati'. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC.?l-mosc/L. n-vom., 80 EVACUATION. oleand. op. par. *PETR. PHOSPLI. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHEUMv. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin-. sassap. scill. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. ]Diarrhoea, painiafl. Agar. alum. amm. arnm-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. ARS. asaf. asar. bar. bell. bor. boy. BRY. calad. caic. canth. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chin. coich. coloc. cofl. Croc. cupr. dig. dros. DULC. euphorb. graph. hell. hep. ignat. ipec. kali. laur. lyc. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magrn-mur. maug. men. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-niur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. Op. PETR. phosph. plumb. PULS. RHEUM. RHUS. sabad. sassap. seneg. sep. sil. spig., spo ug. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. thuj'. VERATR. viol-tr. zinc. 4 - painless. Acon. ambr. anac. ant-tart. amn. ARS. aur..bar. BELL. bor. boy. bry. caic. cauth. carb-an. carb-veg~. CHAM. CHIEL. CHIN. cic. clemn. cocc. coloc. cont. croc. cupr. dig. duic. FERR. graph. hiell. HYOSC. igniat. ipeC. laur. led. LYC. mg-s. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. merc. nmr-ac. niatr-rnur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. puls. ran-bulb. rhodod. rhus. sabin. sassap. sec-corn. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. thiij. valer. veratr. zinc. Stools, acrid. Aeon. alum. ang. ANT-CRUD. ARS. bry. caic. canin. canth. caps. caust. CHAM. CHIN. DULC. FERR. GRAPH. hell. IGNAT. KALI. L ACH. mgS. MERC. natr. natr-gnur. n-mosch. N-VOM. petr. PHospHa. ph-ac. PULS. sabin. sassap. selen. spong. stann. STAPH. SULPH. VERATR. -bilious. Ars. bism. CHAM. chin~. coloc. DULC. IPEC. merc. n-vom. oleand. P.ULS. sulph. VERATR. - black coloured. ARs. BRY. calc. camph. CHIN. coloc. hep. jod. nz-vom. op. phosph. scill. strain. sulph. SULPH-AC. veratr. -bloody. Acon. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud, anttart. ARN. ARS. ASAR. bar. bell. bor. BRY. CALC. CANTLI. CAPS. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. CHIN. colch. coloc. con. croc. c~upr. DROS. dulc. FERR. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. IPEC. kati. lach. LED. LYC. magn-mur. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPHa. ph EVACUATION.'8 8L ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RHIJS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. SASSAP. scill. sec-corn. selen. SEP. SI.. Stanhi. strain. SULPH. suiphac. tar. thuij. valer. vei-atr. ziznc. Stool, frothy. -(ale. -ca-uth. CHIN. COLOCt jod. MAGN.mnerc. Op. RHus. ruta. si~p/i. sulph-ac. - green. Amin-trur. ars. bell. bor. cauith. carb-an. CHAM. coloc. DULC. hep. ipec. aiim. magn. MERO. nitr-ac. n-vom. PHOSPH. PH1-AC. PULS. rheum. sep. STANN. SULPH., suiph-ac. valer. VE RATR. - gray (ash-coloured, whitish). -Aeon. am- n-mur. arn. ars. asar., aur. bell. CALC. carb-veg. caiisi. chain chini. ciiia. cocc. coich. DIG. dros. duic. hep. ignat. jod. LACH. vincrc. n-mnosch. ti-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. plumib. )Imls. ihieumi. rhuts. spig. SPONG. strout. suiiph. suiph-ac. verair. -involuiatary. I filcon. ant-tait. armfl ARS. BELL. bry. cai-b-veg. chini.' cina. cocc. coich. con. dig. hell. /lyosc. igiiat. lach. laur. m-austr. flCIC. NlUR-AC. NATJR-MUR. ui-vorn. oleand. op. PIIOSPH. P11 -A(.,. pits. rin~is. scill. sec.-corit. sep. spotig. '#taph. 'SULPH. VE RATR. ziiac. knotty- like sheep's-dung. A-~gar. ainn?.AVMm. ammn-mur. aug. ani., asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. l[WV. CARIB-A.N. CAUST. CHEL. chin. GRAPH. guaj. jod. kali. le)(. magn~. MAGN-MUR. Wnang. MERO. nair. iiitr. unitr-ac. N-VOMt. oleand. OP. peir. p/i-ac. plat, PLUMB. rutta. SEP. sil. sp~ig. staunt. staph. siront. SULPII. SULPH-AC. THUJ. VER.B: viol-od. - nucolls. Agrain. alum.- aimm. mm-rnur. aug. ant-crud, ant-tart. ARN. ARS. ASAR. b~ar. bell. BO0R. caic. cant/i. CAPS. carb-aii. GARBVEG. caust. CL-JAM. chel. 6'hin. colch. COLOC. con. dig. dros. dui1c. feii'. GRtAPH. giU1fj. H-ELL. hop. hyosc. ignat~jod. IPEC. KALI. lach.-latur, led. lyce. i-austin. magn. MAGN-MUR. MERO. vatr. iiatr-rnu. nit *i.', iir-ac. ui-miosch. N-VOM. par. PETR. PH-OSPH. 7)/4-q~c. PULS4 RHIEUM. RHUS. RUT-A. sabad. sabin. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. Sit., SPIG. stann. staph. SULPH. SLllp~h-ac. veratr. viol-tr. -puruldent..Au1N'. bell. calc. dairn. 'CANTH. Chin. clem. cocc. con. ignat. jod. Ical. LYC.- MERC. n-vorni petri. PULS. sabin. sep. SIL. SULPH. # 0 82 EVACUATION. Stools of a sour smell. Amn. bell. CALC. chain. coloc. duic. GRAPH. hep. m-austr. magn. MERO. NATR. petr. phosph. RIIEUM. Sep. SULPH. - stinkinng. Aeon. agar. alum. amm-mur. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARM. ARS. ASAF. asar. AUR. lhar. bell. bism. BOR. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. canth. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. CRAM. CHIN. COCC. coff. coloc. ereos. dros. DULC. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. igrnat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. lyc. MGS. m-aret. mnagn. MAR. mrnec. mur-ac. natr. natr'-mur. nar. NITR-AC. n~mosch. N-VOM. OLEAND. op. par. petr. phospli. ph-ac. PLUM1B. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabin. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. sep. StL. spigr. STAPH. STRAM. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. valeir. veratr. zinc. - the faeces being to large in size. An~t-crud. aar. BRY. caic. GRAPH. IGNAT. KALI. M-ARCWT mere. n-vom. ran-bulb. ruta. senieg. stann. suiph-ac. thuj. VERATR. zinc. - -too siluall in size. Asar. bell. CAUST. graph. hyosc. m-ERC. mur-ac. n-yam. pius. SIEP. staph. suiph. veratr. -undigested. A nt-crud. arn. ARS. asar. bor. BRY. calr. chain. CHTIN. con. IFERR. grraph. MEN. nitr-aC. n-m-osch. OLEAND. PHOSPH. PHAC. rheum. rhodod. rhuts. scill. sil. sulph. sutlpua..vlr -insufficient. Acon. agar. ALUm. ambr. amm-mur. anac. a~ng. ant-crud. arg. ARN. asar. -bar. bell. boy. bry. calad. caic. camph. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CEIAMV. chin. coce. COLCH. euphr. graph. hell. hep. HYOSC. ignat. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. lyec. magn. MAGNNUR. mang. inere. mezer. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-moseh. N-VOLM. oleand. pe~tr. plat. plumb. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. sassap. scill. seneg. SEP. sil. spong.-stanfl. STAPH3. SULPH. thuj. valer. verb, zinc. -tenacious. Ars. ASAR. cale. earb-veg. CAUST. hell. hep. ignat. kali. MERC. mezer. nat'. n-vom. plumb. SASSAP. veratr. -with ascarides. Aeon. alum. ambr. ASAR. CALC. CHIN. CINA. coich. eroe. dig. FERR. grath. hyoSe. IGNAT. kali. mntgn. MAR. merc. natr. n-moseh. m-vom. pear. phosph. PLAT. rims. sabad. sabin. SCILL. Sep. SIL. SPJG. SPONG. SULPH. valer. zinc. EVACUATION. 8 83 Stoni iWith luxnbrici. AcoN. ANAC. ars. bar. bell. bor. caic. Caust. CHADY. chin. cic. GINA. coloc. GRAPH. hiyose. jod. kali. lyc. rnagn. rnagn-mur. mere. NATR-MUR. n-mosch. n-voml. petr. pbosph. RUTA. SABAD. SEC-CORN. SIL. SV11G. SULP.H. valer. -with itape-worm. Alum. ambr. anac.. ars. GALG. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. chin. cina. coff. coich. croc. GRAPH. ignat. kali. laur. lye. magn-mur mnar. merc. natr. natr-mur. N-VOM. PETR. PHOSPH. PLAT. PIJLS. rims. SABAD. sabin. sep. SIL. spigr. spong. stann. SULPH. valer. zinc. CO1MPLAINTS ATTENDING THlE STOOL. Be,fore evacuation. Acoýz.ý agar. alum. arnbr, ammi. amm-mur. ana~c. ang. AN'TTART. eamt. ars. asaf. asar. BAR. bel. iBoR. boy. bry. calad. caic. camph. eann. ca?*th. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAMi. ehel. chin. cina. cocc. coich. con* croc. oupr. cyci. 'dig. dros. DULC. euphdrb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. ignat. KALI. lqCh. laur. lye. rn-a ret. m-austr. magn. mang. men. M ERG. MEZER. moseb. nytr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ae. n-vom. oleand. 6P. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rheum, rho-dod. RIUS. ruta. SABAD. sassa p. see-corn. selen.' seneg. sep. sil. -SPIG. spongr. stanlo. staph. strain. strout. suiph. suiph-ac. this]. valer. VERATR. viol-od. viol-ir. vit. zinc. During evacuation..Acon. agar. alums. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. -aulg. ANTCRUD. ant-tart. arg. amn. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar-. bell, bor. boy. bry. ca la.d. CALc. camph. cann. cauth. CAPS. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. chiel. CHIN. eoec.coich. COLOC. con. creos. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. DULC. euphorb. FERR. graph '. guaj. hell. HEP. hyose. ignat. jod. ipEC. kali. lach. law'. lyc. mgs. m-atistr. magn., magrn-mur. men. M-ERG. mezier. inoseli. mur-a~c. natr. NATR-MrJR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. phac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhei m. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabin.. sassap. scill. selen. s~eneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. strain. strontf. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. VERATR. verb'.' viol-tr. vit.,'zinc. After ev'acuation.1 Aeon. 0 agar. alum. arnbr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. arg. amn. ARS. -asar. bar. bell, bar. boy. bry. CALC. eamph. CANTH. caps. carb--an. cAR)3,-VEG. GAUST. chain. CHIN. COCC. coloc. con. 84 ANUS. 84 ANUSL1c eipot.Fe cujpr. (1g4 crs.dic upob. e% grapb. hell. hfp. hyose. ign at. Jorl. pee.ý( KALI. bACII. lanti. lyc. mrgs. mn-at'ct. ntagn. MAGN-MUR. mnar. ME tIC.INMEZiR. inn -ac nat b ntt-mnur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosc/t. J\-VOM. oleand. op. p)ett-. PHOSPH. phi-ac. plat. plumbb. pu/s. R.U.rhokod. rhus. ruta. sahbad. sabin. sassap). sec-corn. SELEN. sentg. Sep. sil. -spiv. Spongr. stanii. STAPH. stront. SULPH. sulhb-ZIc. tatl. thLtj. valet-. VERATR. vit. zinc. Agrdi. a/urn. amhr. arnim. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. amn. ARS. a(/sa!. asaIr. BAit. bell. bism. bor. boy. caic. UAMPH. CANTH. Vap~s. cuirb-an. carb-veg. ca-ust. chel. chin. cocc. coff. co/cA. coloc. con. cioc. digf. (/11C. euphoib. terr. graiph. hell1. HEP. HYosc. gn at. icali. LACK. lye. rugs. 1rn-arct. ltnagn.MAGN-MUR. imar. titen. IM ERC. meZ->,r. tttoschi. tint-ac. natr. flatr-mumr. NITIt. NITRAC.' ti-ttioscli. nvi-On. Oj). petr. PHOSPH. P/ut. plumb. PULb. rn scel. RHEUM. RItODOD. rhitus. ruta. sabud. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. senegr. sep. sil. spig. slaun. STAPH. stratn. sitont. SU LPH. suip~h-;c. tar. /thuj. verair. verb. viol-od. viol-Ir. zinc. Urging, iisellfect coals ACON. gt. alum1. ambr. arum. amm-mur. anac. ARN. arsq. asaf ba r. BELL. bism. boy. CALC. CANTH. CAPS. cairb-an. caib-ve~g. C07131. Chin. COcC. COLCH. ('010C. CON.creos. duic. eup/iorb. graph. m-agn. magn-mar. man~r. M IiNC. niezer. 1noSCh. N,%TRtt. alr-inutr. mitr. nitr-ac. n-tnosch. N-VOM. oieanl op. par. pliosplih. ph-ac. I)lat. plumb. rut~s. RHE~UM. rltodod. RHUlS. ruta. sabud. sahin. sassap. selen. senegr. SEP. Sit. spig. sp)o ng. s taniai. STAPH. stiwin.. SttOntt. SULPH. suipli-ac. tar. t/n9. valet. VERATR. vtol-od. zinc. XX..ANUS. 'Anus. Acont. agrar. ALUM. ambr. amm. amm-muir. anac. ang (. ANTCRUD. ant-tart. arn. ARS. asat. dUt'. BAR. be/l. bor. boy. bry. (ALC. camjth, cann. canth. caps. CARB-AN. CA RB-Vl';G. CAUST. chatnl. C/h/il ciC. cinia. coec. COLCH. co/oc. con. cdUOS3. croc. cttp~r. cycl. ditlc.) tlphor-b. etitphr. firr. GR{APH. hell. hle[). hyosC. ]GNAT. jodd^ipec.'KAIAJ. (ac/i. klau. Cld. LYC.m 7lgs. In-a rct. nmi- a U-SIr. nmagcn. m~agntntt7ir. rmang. mar. neie. mrRC. tezet. tnoschl. AUR-AC. muir. NATR-dUKt. itrft. NITR-AC. ni-itosch. N-VOiV. oleatid. op. p~etr. PhiOSIH. p/i-ac. p/at. plumb. PtbS. ran-bulb. tan-scel. theimn. rhodod. r-uns. tuta. sabad. sabbin. sa,4,sapi; scill. senegr. SEiP. sil. sp)ig. spong. satan. staph. stt'ont. SULPH. suiph-ac. t/tuj. valet'. veratr. verb. vit. zinc. UIJINE. 85 lf1aeniorrhouds Acon. alum. ambr'. AMM. amm-mur..anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. anttar~t. amn. ARS. bar, bell. bor. CALC. c'anth. CAPS.- CARB-AN. CARBVEG. CAUST. cbafiit chin. colo'c. cupr., euphr.FR. GRAPH. hell. IGNAT. - - MGS.,m-austrVran hep. hyosc-IGA. KALI. J ach. led.IMg) miere. MtJR-AC. N4ATR-muR-. nitr. NITR-A. N-.V OMX petrS,1IOSVH. ph-aic. plun~ib. P']ULS.' ran-bulb. rhodod. ihýus. sabtn ~a. 4,E ý-Si spig. -stan-n: sta~ph. strain. Sftýont. SUJI.PH.:ur cthuij. valer., Veratr. i& s ic, Perinawaelk., ALUM. avm~n-'wnur. AN'r%-dRUD. -AN'r-TA'4RT ats a~saf.bell. bov: bry..cale: cann. CARB-AN.--CARB-ThG cautst.chin. GYCL. gr-aph. hep. ignat. -LYC. magn-'mur. mere'.,mezer. nmurar.. N-'YOM%. PEt,ýrt. plitspL P L U--MB. RHIiO-D O.D. rhus. 4ie..sep,,spig. SULIH. TAR: tlzij. NTIT: ileetum. Acwn., AL.UM~. AM"BR. anrnft. `mnLtmur. Cana* -pdantocrud. antl-tart.:arfl. 'ars, ASAR. auir. ]BELL'bor. jýpv.byCAO campbi. -cath. carb-an. carb;-veg. CAVST. eham, CHIN.' dc. cina. cocc..o1lh. con. creos*. cupr. dulc..euphoi b. ~Xgi aph. hell. he~p. IGNAT. jod-. KALI. lack. laur. LYC?,m'g's".m- arct. m-auistr. matgo. m-agni-9nur. ang. mar.. men. MERC. mezer. mnur-ac2zatr.,*N'ATR-MUR. NITA-AC.:n`-mosch.-;N VOM 9j-qp.pet?,. PI1OSPHLphaI patpum.p~ls i'Aodod frhus RU, A $ABAiD. sassap. scill. SEP. sil. spig. spbng. stswnn staph.stram. stront. 8I}LPH. suiph-ac. thuj. valer. verati 'zinc., XXL VjRTNE: kitfofthe& Urine. Ambr. a4-taifi arn.. arsi;-.Pbor. calc..canIphffM ANYeanth. caps. car'b-Veg% qAU.Sý. cham4 chin. CLEM. graph.. guaj.' HEP. i gnadt. jod., kali. laur.# m-austr, -M iE~c. natr-mttr. PAR. petr. awu.S ia bfdsqssap; se~zeg, seip,. pI Trs. veatr. smeifti'~g lfike liwiiniacv. Ant-tart. ASWRY.6bdr.%alc. caitb-an. carb-!veg. ereos'. dig. gr-aph. jod.. 'Oclx. *ix-AA-,petr. i.HosP#,% rhodo: asrnt. viol-tr.Ard1ent, ACON. alumz. amm~-.mrnuiARSý bell. bor. bry-. calc, c'amph. caniz. (AN'TJI. CAPS. Ga b-an. cau~t. GRAM. chin. -,.COLCH. creos. iIG. c, c ferr. ~E ignAt. ipec. kalh.. lYC. MERC. mezer. natr.' ncatrhi.n~tair.n*ac-.* hvonZv,.oleand. par. phosph. -PIT-AC. G.4 86 URINE. puls. rhodod. rhus. sabad. sabin. sassap. SCILL. seneg. sep. sil. staph. strain. suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. Bloody. A con. ambr. ant-crud, ant-tart. amn. ARS. bell. C'ALC. caroph. cann. CANTEI. CAPS. carb-veg. caust. chel. chin. coloc. con. dig. duic. euphorb. hep. IPEC. lach. LYC. MERC. MEZER. flitr-ac. N-VOM. Op. petr. P1IosPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. sabad. sassap. SCill. SEC-CORN. SEP. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. ZINC. Cold. Agar. nitr-ac. With a variegrated cuticle on its surface. Caic. hep.jod. PAR. petr. phosph. PULS. snilph. Dark. ACON. alum. ambr. amm. amin-mur. ANT-CRUD. ANTTART. ARN. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. boy. BRY. CALC. camph. cainn. CANTH. CARB-VE-G. caust. chel. chin. clem. coff. COLCH. coloc. con. creos. cupr. DIG. dros. dui~c. graph. hell. IIEP. jod. 1PEC. kali. lach. led. l~yc. in-arct. MERO. inezer. natr. nitr. ntitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. pan. pet?-. p/iosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rheum. r-hodod. sabin. sassap. scill. SELEN. SEP. sil. STAPH. stront. SULPH. saiph-ac. thnij. valer. YERATR. vit. Flaky. Ant-tart. canzn. CANTH. CHAm. kali. merc. MEZER. nitr. par. sassap. scill. seneg. zinc. Frothy. Lach. LYC. seneg. spong. Greenish. Ars. aur. bov. CAMPH. chin. jod. kali. magn. RHi-Eum. rhodod. ruta. sulph. VERATR. Itlilk-coloured. Ant-tart. AUR. Cann. chin. CINA. COn. cyci. duic. hep. jod. merc. mur-ac. PH-AC. rhus. sulph. Mtucous. ANT-CRUD. ars. aur. bry. caic. Cann. canth. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cina. COLOC. con. DULC. hep. ipec. rner-c. mezer. niatr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. ni-vorn. pet?-. phosph. PULS. rheuin. sassap. seneg. sep. suiph. suiph-ac. VALER. Pale. AGAR. ALUM. ambr. anac. ANG. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARN. ars. aur. BELL. bism. bry. caic. cann. cauth. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. chin. cocc. COLCH. COLOC. CON. creos. dig. dros. duic. euplir. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. kali. lach. laur. m-austr. URINE. 87 magn. magn-rnuir. mar. merc. mezer. mosch. mnur-ac. natr. natr-mur. N ITR. n-vorn. op. par. phosbil. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. sarnb. SASSAP. SCILL. SEC-CORN. sep. spig. spong. staph, STRAM. STRONT. suiph. suiph-ac.,thuj. veratr. zinc. Puirulent. Acon. cauu. CANTU..catps.* CLEM. con. ipec. kali. LYC. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. puls. SABIN. sassap. sep. staph. suiph. Smelling sour. Ambr. cale. graph. m-austr. NERO. natr. petr. Stinking. Agar. ambr. ARS. bor. calei. cam ph. carb-an. CARB-VEG. coloc. creos. cupr. dros. DULC. guaj..iterc. NATR. N1TR-AC.,petr. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. r-hodod. sep. stann. suiph. V1OL-TR. Turbid. Alum. AMBR. amm. anac. antt-tart. ars. aur. bell. boy. bry. caic. camph. CANN. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. chain. CHIN. GINA. coich. coloc. CON. creos. cupr. cyci. dig. DULC. ferr. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lach. lye. magn. maga-mur. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. PHOsPHa. ph-ac. plIumb. PULS. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sassap. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. sil. -sudph. suiph-ac. valer. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. Becoming turbid. Ambr. amm. amm-mur. aug. amn. aur. bell. BRY. cale. CAUST. CI-AM. chin. cif>ta. coce. -coloc. con. dig. dule. graph. hell.,hep. jod. laur. mang. MERC. mezer. nAtr. nitr..par. _petr. phosph. PHAC. vlat: rhodod. RHUJS. sabin. sassap. SENEG. inuiph. suiph-ac. thuj. VALER. zinnc, Viscous (sticky). Ai'g. canth. COLOC. creos. cupr ph-ac. b. Sediment. In general. Acon. alum. AMBRi. amm. amm-mur. anac. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart, amn. ars. aur. bell. boy. bry. CALC. caun. CANTH.' caps. carbz' an. carb-veg-. caust c' hain. CHIN. cina.. clem. coicli. COLOC. CON. creos. dig. D*ULC. euphorb. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod, ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. magn-mur. MANG'. men. DXE2RC. MEZER. natr. mAwFR-muRt. nitr! NITH-AC. n-inosch. n-vom*.'oleand. op"ar. P~ETR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. PULS. rheum. rhodod. ritus. ruta." SASSAP. soul,. sec-corn. selen. SENEG. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. SULPH. suiph-ac. THUY. VALER. ZINC. 88 URINE. Gray. Ant-tart. CON. hiyosc. led. mang. spong. Reddish. ACON. alumn. AMBR. amm-mur. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. ARN. bell. bov. caic. cann. CANTH. carb-veg. CHIN. coloc. creos. duic. graph. ipec. kali. lach. laur. LYC. mang. mezer. NATR-MUR. NlTR-AC. n-mosch. op. par. pets-. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. ruta. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. suipli. suiph-ac. tihsý. VALER. zinc. l11hltish. A~mm. ant-tart. bell. caic. canth. caps. chin. coich. COLoc. CON. creos. dulC. euphorb. graph. HEP. hyosc. ignat. led. NITRAC. OLEAND. PETR. PI-OSPH. PH-AC. RHUS. seneg. SEP. SPIG. Spong. SULPH. VALER. zinc. Yellow. Amm. ammn-mur. anac. bry. canth. CHAN. chin. lach. lyc. mang._phosph. ph-ac. seneg. sil. spong. suiph-ac. thuij. ZINC. Bloody. Aeon. ant-tart. amn. caic. cann. CANTH. caps. chin. coloc. con. DULC. ipec. LYC. merc. mezer. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. seccorn. SEP. suiplI. sulph-ac. ZINC. Clayisla. Amm-mur. anac. canth. ignat. kali. mang. sass~ap. sep. SULPH. thuj. ZINC. Cloudy. Alum. amhr. amm-mur. boy. BRY. caust. chin. kali. laur. macrn-mur. merc. NITR. par. pets-. phosph. PH1-AC. plat. rhodod. sassap. SENEG. THIJJ. vales-, zinc. Flaky. Ant-tart. cann. CANTH. chain. kali. mes-c. MEZER. nitr. par. sassap. scill. seneg. ZINC. Like flouir. Ant-tart. CALC. chin, graph. hyosc. mnerc. nats--mur. ph-ac. Like pus. Calc. cann. CANTH. CLEM. con. Icali. LYC. nitr-ac. petr. PULS. sabin. sep. suiph. MUCiiOUS. Ant-crud. ars. aur. bry. calc. canth. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cina. coloc. Con. DULC. ipec. merec. nats-. NATR-muR. nitr. nitrac. n-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rheuim. sassap. seneg. Sep. suiph. suiph-ac. VALER. URINE. 89 Sandy (gravelly). Acon. alum. ambr. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. am. CALC. cann. canth. chin, graph. ipec. kali. lach. led. LYC. mang. men. natr-mur. nitr ac. n-mosch. n-vom. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. rhodod. RUTA. SASSAP. selen. sep. SIL. suiph. sulpli-ac. thui. valer. ZINC. c. Discharge of Urine. 'Desire to urinate in general. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. antcrud. ANT-TART. arg. ARN. ars. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. caic. camph. cann. CANTH. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. COCC. coff. COLCH. COLoc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. DIG. dros. DULC. euphoxb. GRAPH. GUAJ. HELL. hep. HYOSC. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lack. laur. led. LYC. n-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. men. MERC. moSchI. MUR-AC. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-moscbh. N-VOM. oleand. par. peir. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. SABAD. SABIN. samb. SASSAP. SCILL. Sec-corn. selen. Seneg. sep. -sdl. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. strai. stront. SULPH. TAR. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. VIOL-TR. vit. zint. -ineflfectual. ACON. agar; alum. amm. anac. ant-crud. ARN. ars. aur. bar' bell. bism. bor. boy. bry. caic. CAMPH. cann. CANTH. caps. ca'rb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. chin. cic. clem. colch. COLOC. con. croc. cupr. DIG. dulc. euphorb. graph. guaj. hell. hep. HYOSC. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. lyc. magn-mur. mang. merc. mumac. natr. natr-nur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLUMB. PULS. rhug. ruta. Sabad. sabin. SASSAP. scill. sec-corn. stp. sil. stannn. staph. strai. stront. SULPH. thuj. vemai. viol-tr. zinc. Discharge too copious. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm-mur. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARG. am. ars. aur. BAR. hell. BISM. boy. bry. calc. cann. CANTH. camban. carb-veg. caust. chai. chePl. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. duic. euphr.'graph. GUAJ. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. kali. lach. led. lyc. m-arct. m-austr. niagn. mang. maf.- mrRc. mosch. MUR-AC. nair. natrmur. NITR. nitr-ic. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. phosph. P-H-AC. PUIS. rheu'm..rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. SENEG. sep. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. TAR. thy. valer. vemair. VERB. VIOL-TR. VIT. zinc. 'tý 90 URINE. Discharge too scanty. AeON. agar. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. ANTTART. ARN. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bism. BUY. cale. campk. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. CHIN. Cie. clem. cocc. coff. COLCH. coloc. con. creos. cupr. cyci. DIG. dros. DULC. eup/torb. GRAPH. HELL. HEP. HYOSC. jod. ip6ec. KALI. blach. LAUR. led. lye. m-austr. magn. magn-mu-r. mang. men. mere. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NLTR.AC. n-mosc/. N-VOM. OP. par. petr. PHOSPH. pi-ac. PLUMB. PULS. rhus. RUTA. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. seill. sec-corn. selen. sep. sil. spong. stann. STAPH. strai. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. VERATR. viol-tr. zinc. - too frequent. Aeon. alum. amm. anac. ang. ant-crud. ARG. am. ars. BAR. bell. bism. BRY. caic. cann. eanth. caps. CAUST. e'ham. ctel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. COFF. coleh. coloc7. eon. CREOS. cupr. cyci. dig. dule. euphorb. euphr. graph. guaj. hell. hyose. IGNAT. jod. KALI. LACH. laur. led. lyc. ings. m-aret. m-austr. magn. magnmur. MERC. mezer. mosch. MUR-AC. NATR. natr-mur. NITR. oleand. petr. plosp/t. PH-AC. plumb. puls. RHUS. ruta. sabin. samb. SASSAP. SCILL. see-corn. SELVN. seneg. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. strain. sulpph. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. - too seldom. AcoN. agar. alum. amin. amm-mur. ARN. ars. AUR. bell. bism. bry. cale. CAMPH. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-veg. caust. chel. chin. cic. clem. colch. coboc. eon. cupr. dig. dule. euphorb. graph. hell. HEP. HYOSO. jod. ipee. kali. lach. LAUR. led. lye. m-arct. r-austi. mere. mezer. mur-atg. nitr-ae. N-VON. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLUMB. PULS. 'RUTA. salbin. sassap. seill. seccorn. sep. staun. staph. STRAM. 9tront. sulph. sulpt-ac. veratr. zinc. - by drops. Agar. ant-crud. AUN. ars. bell. boy. caic. CAMPH. cann. CANTH. caps. carh-an. caust. chain, c/in. CLEM. COffi colch. coloc. con. creos. dig. dros. DULC. euphorb. grapph. guaj. hell. kabi. led. lye. M-AUSTR. magn-iur. mere. nitr-ae. n-mosch. n-vom. op. PETR. pit-ac. plumb. puls. rheum. ruta. sabin. samb. sec-corn. sil. spig. spong. STAPH. strai. SULPH. thij. zinc. - involuntary. Acon. amm.-ant-crud. ant-tart. am. ars. bar. BELL. bor. bry. calc. camph. cann. cantt. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chai. c/in. cic. czna. clem. cocc. cobch. coloc. con. CREOS. cyc. 4~. -URINE. 04 91 dig. DULC. ferr. graphl. guaj. hep. hyosc. ignat., kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. m-austr magfl. magn-mur. men. MERC. mur-ac. natr. NAT-R-M1JR. nitr-ac. n-rnosch. n-vom. op. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. pltimb.-PULS. rheumf. RHUS. RUTA. scill. sec-corn. seneg. SE P. SIL. SPIq.' spong. staph. strain. SULP H. stilph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. Discharge involuiitayy at night (incontinence of urine in bed). Acon. amm-. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. ARS. bar. BELL. bor. iBRY. caic. camph. cann. caiflh. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coich. coloc. con. creos. cyci. dig. duic. ferr. graph. guaj. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. rn-austr. magn. magn-mur. rnen. mERtC. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nit'r-ac. n-vom. op. petr. phd's ph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rheum. RHUS. ruta. scill. sefleg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. staph. STRAM. SULPH.,4sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. -in terrupted. -Agar. boy, caps. carb-ang~ caust. CLEM. CON. DULO. kali. led. M-AUSTR.o. ph-ac. sabin. SULPH. thuj. ZiNC. Retenktion of urine. ACON. agar. ARN. ars. aur. bell. bisin. calc. CAMPH. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-veg-. caust. chel. chin.- cic. clem. colch. coloc. con. cupr, dig. duic. euphorb. graph. hell. HiEP. inosc. jod. ipec. lach. LAUR. led. LYC. rn -arct. mnerc. mezer. rnur-ac. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. ph-ac. PLUMB. PTJLS. rhus. RUTA., Sabin.- sassap. sci~ll, a-corn. sep. sib. stann. staphi. STRAM. suiph. veratr. zirw~. d. Concomitant Complaints. - Before nnakin~g water. Alum. ang..ANr'-TART. ARNt. asaf. aur. bell. BOR. BRY. caic. cann.* canth.* caust.. chain. chel. chin. cicc. cocc. coff. coich. GOLOC. con'. creos. c'roc. DIG. duic. graph. hep. hyosc. merc. mosch. natr. N-VOM. Op. PH'-AC. plumb., PUL S. rhodod. R~HUs, s~a b ad. 5IJLPH. sulphý-ac. tar. thuj. zinc. When begfiawning to pass water. Canth. caust. clem. MElIC. While passing water. ACON. alum. ambr. amrn. anac. a4g. ant-crud. ant'-tart, amn. ars. asaf. asar. bar. bell. bor. boy. bry. calad. calc. carnph. C ANN. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. chin. CLEm. 'COLCH. coloc. coni. creos. cupr. cycl. dig. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. HEPI.ý hyosc. ignat. IPEC. kali. lach. laur. 922 PARTES URINARIAE. LYC. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mar. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. nair. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-musch. N-VOM. op. par.petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. SASSAP. scill. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. Si]. spig. stann. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. THUJ. VERATR. viol-tr. zinc. On leaving croff making water. Bry. CANTH. petr. phosph. suiph. After having mnade water. Alum. ambr. ANAC. ang. ant-tart. ARN.- arts. asaf. asar. bar. BELL. bor. boy. bry. CALO. cam ph. CANN. CANTH. CAPS. carbveg. chel. CHIN. clem. coich. COLOC. coN. creos. DIG. graph. guaj. LEP. ignat. kali. lack. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. magn. mar. MERC. mur-ac. NATH. NATR-1UR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PAR. phospi. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PUbS. rhodod. rhuS. RUTA. sabad. sassap. scill. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. stann. STAPH. SULPH. sulphac. THUJ. veratr. viol-t. vit. ZINC. XXIL. PARTES URINARIAE. Bladder. ACON. alumr. ambr. amin. amni-mur. angr. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. ARN. ars. asaf. aSar. aur. BELL. bry. CALAD. caic. camp/. cann. CANTH. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chai. ch-in. cic. coff. coich. coloc. con. dig. DULC guaj. hiell. hep. HYOSC. ignat. ipec. kcli. lach. laur. led. LYC. inmg. M-AUST1. magn-inur. mang. men. merc. mezer. mosch. MUR-AC. natr-rur. nitr-ac. N'-VOM. Op. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheunt. rh6dod. rhus. RUTA. sabad. Sabin. SASSAP. SCILL. en eg. SEP. sil. spig-. stann. STAPH. sulph. sulpb-ac. thuj. valer. veratr. zinc. Urethra. Acon. agar. alum. arbr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. am. ars. aSar. aur. bar. bell. bor. boy. BRY. CALC. camph. CANN. CANTH. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chiam. chel. CHIN. cic. CLEM. cocc. coff. COLCH. coloc. CON. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. duic. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. ignat. jod. lipec. kali. lack. laur. led. LYC. iugs. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. inang. mar. MERC. MEZER. mur-ac. nair. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITRAC. n-flosch. N-VOM. op. par. peir. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plumb. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. SABIN. samh. sassap. scill. seccorn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. Spig. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. THUJ. veratrs. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. NOTA.-To compare the parties of genitals and the kidneys under the rubric 16. (Inner abdomen.) GENITALS. 9 93 XXIII. GENITALS. Genitals in general. Aeon. agar. alum. arnbr. amm. amrn-rnur. anac. angr. ant-crud. ant-tart. (arg.) ARN. ARPS. asaf. (asar.) aur. bar. bell. (bism.), bor. bov. bry. calad. CALO. camph. CANN. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. CHIN..(cic.) (cina.) CLEM. cocc. coWf coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr'. (cyci.) dig. (dros.) duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. G"RAPHI. guaj. hell. H-EP. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. helih. laur.'led. LYC. mgS. rn-arct. M-AUSTR. magn. inagn-Thur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. (moscb.) mur-ac. natr. NAT-R-mUfR. nitr. NLTR-NLC. n-mrosch. N-VOM. op.' (par.) petr. phospli. PH-A.C. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-scel. (rheumi.) RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sahad. SABIN. (samb.) sassap. scil,. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. sp~ig. Spong. stann. STAPH. (strain.) SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr. viol-tr. VIT. zinc. a. Xale Genitals. In general. Aeon. agar. cilum.-ambr. amhm. amin-mur. anac. ang. ant-criud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. bry. calad. calc. carn ph. C ANN. CANTH. Caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. chin. cic. CLEM. COcC. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. (cyci.) dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr..err. GR~APHi. gruaj. hell. hep. hyose. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. nhgs. rn-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. (mooach.) mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. nimnosch. N-YONV. op,. par. pet?'. pliosph. PH-A.C. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-scel. RHODOD. RHLJS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. samb. sassap. sedi. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. 'spig. spong. stann. STAPH. strain. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr. viqitr. VIT. Zinc. Penis. Aeon. agar. alumi. a~nbr;.'arnrni. a:*.-mur. aiiac. ang. antcrud. ant-tart. ARN. A1RS. Asaf. asar. aur. -bar. bell. bor. boy. bry. CALC. carnph. CATNN. CA.N.T'H. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. cAUST. chain. chel. chin. cic. CLEMteocc. coff. COLCH. coloc. coN. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. lios. duic. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. HEP. IGNAT.jod. ip'eC. KALI. lack. laur. led. LYC. ngs. qm-autstr. rnagn. rnagn-rnur. mang. miar. MERO. MIEZER. inoseb. qmur-ac. flatr. NATR-MUR. flitr. NITR-AC. n-rnosch. N-VOM. Op. par. petr. PHOSAH. PH-AC. plumib., PUL8. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. SABIN. samb. sassap. scill. 94 GENITALS. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. SULPF. THUJ. veratr. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. Glans. Acon. alum. ambr. aug. ant-crud, ant-tart. amn. ars. asaf. aur. bell. bor. bry. calad. caic. CANN. canth. Caps. carb-veg. caust. chin. coff. coich. con. cupr. dig. dros. euphorb. euphr. graph. hell. hep. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. led. LYC. mz-austr. magnmur. mang. MERC. MEZER. natr. NAT-R-MUR. NITR-AC. N-VOM. petr. phosph. PH-AC. puls. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. SABIN. sassap. scill. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. valer. viol-tr. zinc. Prepuce. Acon. agar. alum. aug. am. ars. bell. bry. CALAD. calc. camph. CANN. caiith. carb-veg. caust. chai. chin. cocc. coloc. Con. croc. euphorb. euphr. graph. hep. IGNAT. lach. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. mang. MERC. mezer. mnur-ac. natr. natr-mur. NITR-AC. n-Z-voin. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. puls. rhodod. RHUS. sabin. sassap. sep. sil. SULPH. tar. THUJ. veratr. viol-tr. Testicles. Acon. agar. alum. (ambr.) amm. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. AUR. bar. bell. bism. bry. calc. (camph.) caun. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. CLEM. cocc. coff. CON. dig. euphorb. euphr. graph. hep. hyosc. igrnat.jod. ipec. iali. lyc. igs. m-arct. mi-austr. mang. m7ar. men. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. N-YOM. petr. phosph. P-I-AC. plat. plumb.-PULS. RLODOD. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. scill. selen. sep. sil.h spig. SPONG. STAPH. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. THUS. valer. veratr. VIT. ZINC. Scrotutlim. Aeon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. anac. ang. ant-crud. anttart. ARN. ARS. aur. bar. bell; caic. camph. caun. canth. caps. carb-an. carb veg. caust. chai. CHIN. CLEM. cocc. coff. con. dig. dulc. enphorb. GRAPH.,Qll. HEP. ignat. jod. kali. lach. lyc. r-auisti. magn-mur. maA. men.i merc. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natrmur. nitr-ac. ni-vom. PETR. ph-ac. plat. pluimb. PULS. ran-scel. RHODOD. RHUS. sainb. selen. sep. SIL. spig. spong. staph. SULPH. THUJ. viol-tr. vit. zinc. -. Spermatic cords. Alum. ambr. amin. amm-mur. aug. anit-cruc. am. bell. caun. canth. caps. chin. clem. coich. graph. jod. 1ali rnigs. M-AUSTR. mang. mar. meM mere. nat.i. nitr. ntitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vomf. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhodod. sabad. sabin. sil. SPONG. STAPH. sulph. thij. veratr. vit. zinc. GENITALS. 9 95 -b. Female Genitals. In general. Aeon. agar. alum. AMBR. arnm. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. ai'S. ASAF. AUR. BELL. born boy. bry. CALC. camph. cann. CANTH4. GARB-ANT. CARB9-VEG. caitst. CRAM. chel. CHIN. cina. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. CON. CREOS. croc. cuipr. dig. dros.- dUIC. FERR. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod.- ipe-c. KALI. lach. laur. LYC. rn-austr. magn. magn-miur.MERC. mnezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosoh. N-VOM. op. petr.,phosph.ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS.. ran-bulb. ran-scel]. rlxe~m. trHus. ruta. sabad. SABIN. sassap. SEC-CORN. SEP. sil. stann. STAPH. SULPH. sulph-ac. THUJ. veratr. vit. zinc'. External parts. Acon. agar. alum. AMBR. amm. ant-tart. ars. bell. bor. bryA CALC. canth. CARB-VEGq. caust. chain. chin. cocc. cofL,CQI" CREQS. croc. -dule. FERR. graph. hep. hyose. KALI. lyc. MER'C. niatr. flair-mum. NITR-AC. n-vom. petr. plat. puls. rhus. sassap. sec-cor-n., SEP. sil. vSTAPH. SULPH. THUJ. veratr. zinc. Vagina. Ambr.:ýtzrs. aur. IBELL. bor. bry. CALO. CANTH. carb-an. carb-veg. ca'ust. chain.' CHIN. COCC coff. con. CREOS. croc. dulc. FERR. graph. hop. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. LYC. magn. mnagomur. MERC. natr. nair-mur. niur-ac. n-moschI. N-VON. petr. _phasph. _Plat., PULS. rheum.. RnmS. sabin. sassap. sec-corn. SEP. sil. stann. staupih. SULPH. sulph-ac. THUJ. zinc. Uterus. Acon. ant-crud. ant-tart. arm. asaf. aur. BELL. bor. boy. bry. cale. camph. CARB-AN. carb-vegr. caulst. CHAM. chin. cina. cocc. coff. CON. creos. CR'OC'. cupr. dr-os. FERR.Agraph. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. lyc. rnagg. mqgn-mur' merc. mosch. mur-ac. natr. nair-mur. n-mo5sch. N-VOIL.'OP. phosph. ph- ac. PLAT. PULS. RHUS. -ruta.;s4a*,d. SABIN. SC-CORN. SEP. stann. SULPH. sulph-ac. thug. ziriee.I Ovaria. Acon. agar. ambr. 'ant-crud. arn. _SAF. AUR. bell. calc. CANTH. CARB-AN. carb-veg. caus't. cihei CHIN. Coloc. d ros. graph. hyosc. ignat. LACH. laur. LYC. merc. (t71 ezer.., fltr. nitr. lonitr-ac. n-!Iqm. plurab. puls. RAN;-BU.&B. r-an-sce~lit ruto 5~~sap-. sEC-CORN. SEPivTAPH. sulph. TFIUJ. vit..ýfl,ý. 4 tabon.at-r-like ains.ar, '~ asaf'. aur. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. Cazlc. camph.1camb-an. caXb-vg. caust. OQHAM. chin-.~ cina. A 96 SEXUAL DESIRE. COCC. 00FF. COfl. CREOS. croc. cupr. dros. F ERR. graph. hyose. ignat. jod. ipec. K ALI[. lach. lyc. nmagn. magnmu.merc. MOSCH. mur-ac. nair. natr-mur. n-[nosch. N-VOM. op'. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. RtHus. ruta. sabad. SABIN. SEC-CORN. SEP. stann. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. zinc. Af ter-pains. Aeon. ARN. asaf. aur. BELL. bor. B RY. Caic. carb-an. ecarbveg. C.HAMI. chin. cic. cina. CO0CC. 00FF. conl. creos. croc. CLIPH. FERR. graph. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipee. KALT. lach. lyc. natr. NATRMUR. n-moseh. N-VOM. Op. plat. PULS. RHUS. RUTA. SABIN. sec-corn. SEP. SULPH. suiph-ac. zinc. Pains cecssing. Amn. asaf. BELL. bor. bry. caic. camph. earb-an. carh-veg. CHAM. chin. cocc. coff. ereos. graph. hyosc. ignat. K ALT. lyc. magn. magn-mitr. mere. mosch. natr. NATR-muRt. n-mosch. N-VOM. OP. phosph. plat. PULS. rhus. RUTA. SEC-CORN. SEP. stann. suiph. suiph-ac. thiy. zinc. -distressing. Aeon. ant-crud. amn. aur. BELL. CHAM. chin. coce. COFIF. con. eupr. hyose. lyc. magn. nat r. N-V OM. phosph. sec-corn. SEP. suiph. spasinodic. Amn. asaf. BELL. bry. eale. earb-an. earb-veg. caust. CHAM. c0CC. cupr. ferr. HYOSC. ignat. iPEG. Icali. lye. mnagn-mur. moseb. n-moseh. N-VOM. Op. phosph. PULS. sec-corn. SEP. stanii. strain. zine. -too weak. Arm. asaf. BELL. bor. bry. caic. camph. earb-an. carb-veg. CHAM. Chin. cocc. coff. creos * graph. hyose. ignat. KALI. lyc. magn. magn-mur. mere. moseb. nair. NATR-MUR. n-mosch. N-VOM. OP. phosph. plat. PULS. rhus. RUTA. sabad. SEC-CORN. SEP. stann. suiph. sulph-ae. thuj. zine. -too strong (vid distressing). XXIV. SEXUAL DESIRE. Sexual desire too weak. Agar. alum. ambr. amim. anae. ant-erud. amn. BAR. bell. bor. CALAD. cabc. eann. eanth. caps. carb-an. varb-veg. CAUST. clem. con. euphorb. ferr. graph. HEP. hyose. ignat. kali. laur. lyc. mgS. MAGN. magn-mur. mar. men. MUR-AC. nair-mur. nitr-ac. n-moseh. _petr. phosph. PR-AC. plat. RHODOD. sabad. Sabin. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph. suiph. sulph-ac. VIT. SEXUAL DESIRE. 9 97 Sexual desire too strong. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. anac. ANT-CRUD. amn. ars. asaf. aur. bell. bor. boy. CALC. cann. CA NTH. caps. CARE-VEG. caust. charm. CHIN. clem. cocc. COIFF. coloc. "con. creos., croc. dig. duic. ferr. GRAPH. hep. ltyosc. ignat. jod. kali." LACH. la ur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. maco--mur. manoa. men. mERC. mezer. MOSCH. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. p Iar. petr. PJIOSP 1H. PLAT. plumb. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABIN. sassap. seneg. sep. SIL. spig-. stann. staph. STRAM. suiph. suiph-ac. th,1j. VERATR. verb. ZINC. Impotence. Agar. alum. amm. ANT-CRUD. bar. CALAD. caic. CAMPH.cann. caps. c~arb-an. Oarh-veg. caust.- chin. coff. &oloc. CON. creos. dig. duic. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. hell. hep.. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. LYC. mgs. m-austr. magn. mar. men. mere. moseb. nmur-ac; natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. op. petr. pkosph. ph-ac. plumb. rhodod. ruta. sabin. SELEN. sep. spong. stann. stram. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. VIT. zinc. 10,reetions. Agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-miur. anac. ant-crud. amn. ars. aur. bar. calad. c'ale. CANN. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN~.I CLEM. coloc. COU. DIG. EUPHORB. ferr. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. KALI. lack. led. lyc. mgs. M-ARCT. MAGN-MXJR. MERC. mezer. mosch.-mui'-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. NJTR-A.C. N-VOM. op~. par.petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sabin. sassap. seneg. sep. sil. spig. stann. STAPH. suiph. sulplz-ac. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr. viol-tr. vit. zinc. Seminal emission. Agar. alum. ambr. amm. anac. ang. ant-crud. arg. arn. ars. AUR. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. CAL AD. CALC. camph. cann. canik. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. cic. clem. cocc. coff. CON. cycl. dig. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hep. ignart. KALI. lach. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. in-austr. magn. magn-mur. MERC. mosch. NAT.R. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. n-vom. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PHAC. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-seel. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. samb. sassap. SELEN. SEP. sil. STANN. staph. strain. SULPH. tar. thuj. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. Weakness of the sexual powers. Agar. alum. ambr. amm. ANT-CRUD. amn. BAR. bor. CALAD. Calc. CAMPH. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. coff. coloc. CON. creos. dig. duic. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. KALI. lack. LYC. ings. m-austr. 98 MENSTRUATION. magn. mang. mar. men. mere. moscb. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitrac. n-mosdt. n-vom. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. Sabin. SELEN. sep. sil. spong. stann. SULPH. suiphi-ac. thuj. VIT. zinc. Emission of prostatic jilice. Alum". amm. ANAC. aur. bell. caic. cann. carb-veg. caust. dig. euphorb. HER. ignat. jod. kali. lye. rngs. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac*. n-mosch. petr. ph-ac. plat. puts. SELEN. SEP. sil. spig. staph. SOLPH. thuj. VIT. zinc. Complaints arising from coition. AGAR. anac. asaf. bar. bar. Bov. CALAD. CALC. canth. CHIN. con. graph. KALI. lyc. rnagn-mur. moseb. NATR. natrmur. nitr-ac. n-yam. PET.R. ph-ac. plumb. rhadod. SELEN. SEP.' sil. staph. vit. - from involtintary seminal emission. -Agar. ALUM. ars. bar. boy. calc. cann. carb-an. carb-veg. caust.- chin. KALI. led. lyc. m-austr. merc. mezer. natr. N-VOMN. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumnb. puds. ran-bulb. rhodod. sabad. SEP. sil. STAPH. thuj. XXV. MENSTRUATION. Abortus. Aeon. ant-crud. amn. asar. BELL. BRY. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CHAM. CHIN. cooc. con. creos. CROC. cupr. cyci. FERRL. HYOSO. IPEC. KALI. lyc. merc. natr. nit r-ac. n-rnosch. N-vom. op. phosph. PLKAT. plumb. PU'LS. RHtlS. ru ta. SABIN. SEC-CORN. SEP. sil. Strain. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Discharge of blood before the proper period..Ambr. arn. asar. BELL. boy. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. CHAM. chin. cooc. coff. CROC. ferr. hep. hyosc. IPEC. kali., lye. magn-mur. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. plumb. puls. RHUS. SABIN. SEC-CORN. Sep. SIL. strain. sulph. zinc. 1!etrorrhagia. Acon. ant-crud. arn. ars. BELL. bar. BRY. CALC. canth. caps. carb-an. cdrb-veg. CHAM. CHIN. cina. cocc. coff. creos. CRtOC. cupr. FERR. Hyosc. ignat. jOd. IPEC. LYC. mgs. m-austr. MERC. natr. natr-flhi1r. NITR-AC. n-inoscli. N-VOM. PHosPH. pl at. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. SABIN. sainb. SEC-CORN. SEP. sil. STRAM. SULPE. sulyk-ac. zinc. ]Delaying (delay of the first* menses). Acon. amrn. aur. bry. caic. CAUST. chel. cic. cocC., CON. croc. cupr. dig. dros. dule. FERR. GRAPH. guaj. hyosc. KALL MENSTRUATION. 99 lach. lyc. MAGN. magan-mur. mere. NATR-DfUR. PETR. phosph. PULS. sabad. SABIN. sassa p. SEP. sil. spig. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. valer. veratr. vit. vine.,.J!eistru~ation too early. Aeon. alum. AMBR..ainin. AMM-MUR. amn. ars. as af. ASAR. bar. bell. bor. BOY. bry. CALC. dann. CANTH. carb-an. C ARBVEG'. caust. CHAM. chin. CINA. clem. coce. coff. COLCH. coloc. eon. CREOS. CROC. dig. duic. ferr. graph, hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. IPEC. KALI. lack. LAUR. led. lye. MGS. M-AUSTR. magn.?nagn-mur. MANG. meozer. 9nosch. mum-ac. natm. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. _plumb. puls. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABIN. SEC-CORY. SE.P. sil. spigr. spong. stann. staph. strain. stront. suiph. SIJLP H-A C. vcmatm. zinc. - too late., AcoN. amm. arn. ars. aum. bell. bo'r. boy. bry. calc. canth. ca~rb-an. CAUST. charn-. CHEL. chin. cic. eocc. colch. coloe. CON. croc. CUPR. dig. DROS. DULC. FERR. GRAPH. guaj., hell. heip. ltyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. lack. LYC. m-amct. MAGN. mnagn-mur. MEEC. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ae. n-inoseh. n-vom. PETR. pkospk. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. rhius. ruta. sabad. SABIN. sassap. sed-corn. SEP. SIL. spig- staph. strain. stront. SULPH. sulph-ae. VALEkR. ver-atm. VIT. ZINC. -too short. Alum. AMA. bar. boy. carb-an. coleb. CON. DULC. eupkm. GRAPH. jod. ipee. lack. lye. in-aret. magn. magn-mur. mang. MERC. mosch. PHROSPH.. plat. PULS. rhodod. ruta. sabad. sassap. sil. SULPH. -protracted. Acon. agar. amm. ams. asar. bar. bell. bor. boy. BRY. cale. CANTH. caust. c/tel. C HIN.-.cifla. COFF. CREOS. CROC-.CUPR. dulc. FERR. hyose. IGNAT.,kali. laum. led. LYC. MGS. M~-AUSTR.miagn. MERC. natr. ~'iATR-MUR. nitr. N-VOM. PHOSPH. PLAT. RHUS. s'abad. SABIN. SEC-CORN. SEP.' SLL. stann.'strain. si4ph. sulph-ac. zinc. - too scanty. Acon. ALUM. AMM..arn. asaf'. aur. bar. boy. bry. caic. carban.. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. cic. c0CC. colclt. CON. eroc.. cupr. dig.. dros. DULC. eupkm-. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hep. hyose. sgnat,. jod. ipee.-KALI. LACH., LYC. M-ARCT. MAGN. magn-mur. mangXECmoseb. NATR-MUR. n-vom. petr., PHOSPH. plat. PUbS.5 49 100 MENSTRUATION. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. SASSAP. Sep. SIL. STAPH. strarn. stront. SULPH. tka4. valer. veratr. vit. zinc., M~enstruation profuse. Aeon. agar. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ant-,crud. amn. ARS. bar. BELL. bor. boy. B RY. CALC. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEOG. caust. C HAM. c/tel. C14IN. cina. clein. cocc. 00FF. coloc. creos. CROC. cupr. cyci. duic. FERR. hep. HYOSC. ig-nat. jod. IPEC. laur. led. lyc. rngs. N-AUSTR1. magn. magn-mur. NE RC. mnezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. ntitr. NITR-AC. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. op. PHOSPH. pit-ac. PLAT. plumb. puls. rhodod. rhuts. ruta. sabad. SABIN. samb. SEC-CORN. selen. SEP. sil. spongr. saann. STRAM. stront. suiph. SULPH-AC. veratr. zinc. -stippressed. AcON. alum. ANN. -amn. ars. aur. BAR. bell. bor. bry. C ALC. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAN. chel. chin. cooc. coicli. coloc. CON. croc. CUPH. dig. dros. D ULC. euphr. FERRi. GRAPH. guaj. hell. Ityosc. ignat. jod. KALI. lack. LYC. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. mang. merc. NATH-NUR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. mhus. ruta. SABAD. Sabin. sassap. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPIL. thuj. VALER. verair. vit. zinc. Blood acrid. Amm. ar-s. bar. boy. canth. carb-veg. graph. hep. K ALI. NITR. rhus. sassap. SIL. suiph. suiph-ac. zinc. - of a brown colour. BRY. ca/c. CAUB3-VEG. con. puls. rhus. - coagulated. Amn. BELL. bry. canth. carb-an. caust. CHAM. CHIN. con,. creos. croc. FERR. HYOSC. IGNAT. ipEc. magfl-mur. merc.rnitr-ac. n-vomn.ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. RHUS. SABIN. sec-corn. sep. STRAM. stront. -dark. Acon. ANN. ANT-CRUD. arm. ASAR. bell. BTSN. bry. cant/i.'carbveg. CHAM. chin. cocc. con. CREOS. CR00. cupr. dig. dros. ferr. graph. ig-nat. LACH. led. lyc. NAGN. magn-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. phosph. pl-ac. plat. PULS. sec-corn. selen. SEP.. strain. sulph. - of a light colour. Amm. ant-tart. ARN. ars. BELL. bor. bdvll. bry. calc. ca'nth. carb-an. carb-veg. chin. creos. dig. dros. DULC. frr. graph. HYOSC. spec. laur. LED. N-AUSTR. magfl-inur. merc. natr. mitr. LELJCORRHOEA.10 101 n-mosch. PHOSPH. puls. RtHUS. sabad. SABIN. SEC-CORN. sep. sil. strain. stront. suiph. zinc. Blood of a bad sujell. Ars. BELL. BRY. CARB-AN. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chin. CROC. ignat. ka'li. merc. phosph. plat. rheum. SABIN. sec-corn. sil. suiph.. - viscous. CROC. CUPR..magn. sec-corn) CONCOMI1TANT COMPLAINTS. Before menstruation. Alum. ANNm. amm-mur. asar. BAR. bell. bor. boy. bry. CALC. -canth. carb-an.. CARE-VEG. caust. chain. chin. cina. cocc. coff. CON. CREOS. croc. CUPR. dulc. ferr. graphi. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. LYC. magn. magn-rnur. mang. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. n-mnosch. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabad. sassap. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. valer. VERATR. zinc. At the beginning of menstrua tion. ACoN. asar. bell. bry. CAUST.* CHAM. co'CC. coff. graph. HYOSC. ignat. jod. ipec. LYC. magn. magn-mur. merc. rnosch. natrmur. nitr-ac. PHROSPH. PLAT. PULs, ruta. sassap. SEP. sil. staph. During menstruation. Acon. aluim. ambr. AMM. AMM-MUR. ars. asar. bar. bell. bor. boy. bry. CALC. cann. canth.,caps.cýarb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHA M. chel. chin. COCC. COIFF. Con. CREOS. croc. -cupr. ferr. GRAPH. hep. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. KALI. lach. laur. LYC. NAGN. NA:GN-MUR. merc. moscdh. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. rnitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch.-N-VON.. op. petr..FHOSPH. ph-ac. plat.' PULS. rhodod. rhus. sabin. sassap. sec-corn. selen. SEP. sil. spong. statin. strain. stront. SULPII. suiph-ac. veratr. zinc. After menstruation. Alum. amin. BOR. boy. bry. caic. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. chin, con. CREOS., cupr. GRAPH. jod. kali. Jach. LYCS mnagn. merc. NATR-NUR.' N-VOM. ýPHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. puls. rhus. ruta. s ep. si). STRAm. suiph. suiph-ac. veratr. XXVI. LEUCORRHOEA. Leucorrhcea in general. Acon. ALUM. amhr. AMM.,ami-nmur. anac. ant-crud ant-.tart. ars. bar. bell. bor. BOY. bry. CALC. cann. cant/i. carb-an. CARl~.' H 102 LEUCORRROEA. VEG. caust. chain. CHiN. coco. coff. CON. CREOS. dros. IFERR. GRAPH. guaj. hep. ignat. jod. kali. LYC. magn. magn-mur. mang. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vorn. petr. PHosp.H. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PIJLS. ran-bulb. ruta. SABIN. sassap. scill. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. SIL. stann. stront. STJLPH. suiph-ac. thuj. viol-tr. vit. zinc..Leucorrhoea acrid. ALUM. amm. anac. ant-crud. ARS. BOY. caic. cann. canth. carb-an. CARB-VEG. chain. chin. CON. creos. FERR. hep. ignat. JOD. kali. lyc. magn. magn~-mur. MERC. mezer. natr-mur. nitrac. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. ruta. SEPr. SIL. suiph.'suiphac. thuj. -burning. Amm. ars. bor. CALC. canth. carb-an. CON. CREOS. icali. PULS. suiph-ac. - of a bad smell. Chin. CREOS. natr. mitr-ac. n-vom. SABiN. sep. -blood-coloured. Alum. ant-tart. ars. canth. carb-veg. CHIN. COCO. con. CREOS. lyc. magn-mur. NITR-AC. Sep. sil. suipli-ac. -brown*.Amm-mur. NITR-AC. -greeiiish. Boy. carb-veg. mere.puls. SEP. - yellow, Acom. alum. ars. boy. carb-an. carb-veg. chain.CR-EOS. kali. LYC. NATR. n-vom. ph-ac. SABIN. SEP. sulph. --itching. ALUM. anac. ars. CALC. chin. CREOS. fer'r. kali. mEUC. phac.. Sabin. Sep. -mild. Caic. creos. fe-rr. merc. natr-mur. n-vomn. PUlLS. ruta. sep. -~like milk. A~mm. CALC. carb-veg. con. creos.ferr. graph. lyc. natr-mur. phosph. PULS. Sabin. sep. SILO suiph. sulph-ac. I. mucous. Alumn. amnbr. amm-mur. ars. bell. BOR. bQIv. bry. CALC. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. cocc. con. creos. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. MAGN. mere. MEZER. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phospb. plumb..Puts. sabin. sassap. seneg. sep. STA NN-& SULPH. sulph-ac.* thuj. zinc. CJATARRH. 103 Tencorrhoea purulcut. Calc. chin. cooc. creos. ignat. MERC. SABIN. Sep. -thick. Ambr. ars. boy. carb-veg. magn-mur. natr. natr-mur. PULS. SABIN. Sep. ZinC. - Viscid. Aeon. amm-mur. BOR.. boy.. mezer. phosph. ph-ac. sabin. ISTANN. -watery, Amm. ant-crud. ant~-tart. carb-an. carb..veg. chain. chin. crevos. GRAPH. magn. magnt-mur. merc. mezer. nitr. puls. sep. sil.,suiph. Concomitant complaints*, ALUM. ambr. amm. amin-mur. anac.. ant-crud. ars. bell. bor. bov. CALCý cann. canth. car'b.an. carb-veg.. caust. chain. chin. coco. coN. CREOS. dros. fert. graph. hep. ignat. jod. KALI. LYC. snagn. magn-mur. M ERC. mezer. flair.. NATR~-MUR. nitr. nitrac. phos ph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. ruca. Sabin. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. suipk-. sulpit-ac. thuj. zinc. XXVII. CATARRH,. Fluent catarrh. Aeon. agar,. alum. ambr. amm.. AMM-MUR. anac. ant-crud. ant'. tart. arg. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar.. bell, bor. boy. bry. calad. 4CALC. camph.. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain chel.,chin. cic. cina. clem. coec. coff. coich, coloc. CON. creos. cupr.,cyci. dros. euphorb. EUPHR. ferr. GAPHr. guaj. hell. hep. ignat. jo d. kali. LACK. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-a'r'ct.' m-austr. magn. MAGNMTJR. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer.. moseb. flfr-ac. NAT'R. natrmnur. nitr-ac. N-VON. PAR. petr. PH-OSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb, PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhoclod. RHUS. sabad. sassap. SCILL,,SELEN. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIGv. spong. stann. staph1. stron~t. SULPH.. suiph-ac. thuzj.. veratr. zinc. Dry catarrh* Aeon. agar. alum. ambr. ANx"* ainm-mur. Uatac. ant-crad. arg. ars. asar. aur. bar.. bell. boy.' BRY. ICALAD. CALC. camph. CANN. canth, caps. carkb-an. CARB-VEG. catist. chain. CHEL. chin. cic. ibna. ooff. CON. cMOS. cupr.. dig. dros. DUL.C. euphorb. G~RAPH. guaj. hep. hyosc.. ignat. jod. IPEC. KA.I. lach. laur. LYC. mngs. m-arct. in-austr. magn. magn-mur. inang. MAR. men. merc. mezer. inosch.. mlur-ac. natr. NATR-IUR. nitr. N1TR'.AC. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. op. par. PETR'. HOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS.. rari..bulb. RHO. 104 CATARRH. DOD. 8abad. sabin. SAMEB. sassap. scill. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. suiph-ac. t/iuj. veratr. verb. vit. zinc. Secretion from the nose, acrid. ALUM. amm. AMM-MUR. anac. ant-crud. ARS. bor. caic. cairn. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. chain, chin. con. creos. euphorb. PIEUR. hep. ignat. jod. kali. lack. 4,w. im-arct. magn. magn-mur. mang. MERC. mezcwr. mur-ac. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. _puls. ran-bulb. scill. sep. SIL. spvig. suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. -burning. Amm. ARS. calad. caic. canth. carb-an. cina. con. creos. kali. m-arct. mezer. moseb. PULS. suiph. suiph-ac. - of a bad smell. Alum. -ars. asaf. aur. bell. CALC. caust. chin, con. creos. graph. guaj. hep. LED. Jyc. rm-au *str. magn-mur. merc. NATR. nitr-ac. n-vom. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. Sabin. SE:P. stann. sulph. thuj. -bloody. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. ant-tart. arg. ars. bar. bor. bry. canth. caps. carb-veg. cautst. CHIN. cocc. con. creos. cupr. dros. euphr. FERR. graph. hep. jod. ipec. kali. lach. lautr. led. lyc. magn. rn-agn-mui'. merc. mezer. natr-mutr. futr-ac. n-mosch. n-vorn. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. rhus. sabad. sabiri. scill. selen. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stront. sulph-ac. ithtj. zinc. - greenish*./rs. asaf. aur. bor. boy. caic. cann. carb-an. carb-veg. colch. creos. dros-ferr. hyosc. jod. kali. led. lyc. m-austr. mauig. merc. natr. nitr-ac. ni-vomn. PAR. phosph. plumb. PULS. rhus. SEP. sil. stann. suiph. thuj. -grays AMI3R. ariac. ARS. carb-an. chin. creos. kali. LYC. mang. n-vom. rhus. seneg. sep. THUS. -indnratede Agar. ant-crud. CRYx. CON. jod. lach. NATR. phosph. sep. sil. staph. stront. suilph. -purulent. Acon. amim. arg. ars. asctf. asar, bell. CALC. chain. CHIN. cic. cina. cocc. CON. CREOS. dros. ferr. graph. guaj. hep. ignat. ip ec. KEALI. lach. led. LYc..ýmagn. magn-muzr. MERc. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac.. n-vom. PHOSPH. PH-Ac. plumb. PULS. RHUS. sabin. samb. SEP. SIL. stann. staph. sulph. zinc. -slimy. Acon. agar. alum. ambr;, amm. AMM-MUR. ant-crud, ant CATARRH. 105 tart. ARG. ARS. asar. aur. bar. BELL. BOR. bov. BRY. calad. CALO. caun. can th. caps. earb-an..carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. CINA. coMc coloc. -con. creos. dig. dros. dulc. euphr. FERR. graph. guaj. hep. hyose. jod. ipec. LAUR. lyc. mgs. m-austr. MAGN. mang. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vomn. Op. PAR. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhodod. rhus. SABiN. samb. sassap. SCILL. selen. SENEG. SEP. SIL. spig. SPONG. STANN.. STAPH. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. vit. ZINC. Secretion, thick. Acon.. alum'. ambr. AMM-MUR. ant-crud. arg, ars. aur. bar. bor. boy.CL.CRvE. caust. creos. dig. graph. jod. ipec. lye. magn. maign-mur. mang. merc. mur-ac. N'ATR. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. op. par. PHOSPHi. PULS. ran-bulb. sabad. sassap. selen. Sep. spong. STANN. STAPH. SULPH-AC. ZilC. -viscid.. Aeon. alum. amrn-mu~r. ant-crud~. ant-tart. ARs. bar. bor'. B~Oy. bry. caic. CANN. canth. carb-veg. causb. CHAR'I chin. coce. coich. duic., euphr. gr~aph. jod. kali. mgs. rnagn-mur. MEZER. natr. n-vom. PAR. petr. PHOspw-ph-ac. plumb. 'I~s. ran-bulb. sabad. sabin. SAMB. scill. seneg. sep. spig. spoqng.d, STANN..staph. veratr. vit. zinc. -watery. Agar. alum. ambr. amm. amin-mur. ant-crud, ant-tart arg. ars. asar. bell, boy. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CHAM. chin. clem. coff. con. ereos. GRAPH. guaj. ignat. jod. LACH. m-arct. magn. MAGN-MUR. men. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. nitr. 7z-vomf. par. phosgh. plumb. puls. ran-seel. rhus. scill. seneig. sep. stann. staph. SULPH.supac -whey-like. Amm.A1S carb-veg. ferr. puls. sep. sil. SUjLPH1. jyeli10w. Acon. ýalum. amm. amm-mur. ant-crud. ARS. aur. bar. bell. bor..bo'v. bry. CALC. cait-an. carb-veg. chain. cic. con. CREOS. dig. graph. hep, ignat. joc'., kali. LYC. magn. ftnagn-mur. mang. mere. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. nitr-ac. n-vom. PHOSP H. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. sabad. sabin. selen. SEP. spig. spong. stann. staph. suiph. thuj. vera.tr. Sneezing. Aeon. agar. alum. ambr. amrn. amin-mur. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arm. ars. asaf. asar. bar. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. calad. calc. cann. cauith. caps. carb-an. CARB-YEG. CAUST. chel. CHIN. CINA. clem. coce. coff. coich. con. creos. croc. CYOL. dxos. dule. euphorb. euphr. graph. hell. hep. jod. ipec. kali. lach. 106 BRFATIT Jaur. lyec. mgs. mn-arct. in-austin. magn. magn-mur. inang. MAR_ MERO. mezer. moseb. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. phosph. plumb. PULS. ranseel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SAI3AD. sassap. scill. seneg. Sep. SIL. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. strouit. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. vit. zinc. Sineezing hiteffectual. Aeon. alum. cauth. CARB-VEG. caust. coce. euphorb. hell. laur. lye. mezer. niur-ac. NATH-MUR. nitr-ac. phosph. PLAT. pluimb. sassap. SIL. suiph. suiph-ac. zinc. Concomitant complaints. Aeon. alum. amibin. AMm-MTJR. anac. ant-tart. arn. ARS. bar. bell. bor. bov. bry. ealad. CALC. eamph. caiith. caps. carb-an. CARB-VE G. caust. CLIAM. chin. cic. cina. coec. coff. creos. eupr. dig. dule. euphorb. euphr. GRAPH. hell. HEP[. ignat. ipec. icali. LACH. laur. LYC. in-aret. m-aiistr. magil. magn-mur. inang. mar. MERO. mezer. moseb. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitrac. n-mosch. N-VOM. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhadod. rhus. SABAD. samb. sassap. -scill. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. stap.,h. suiph. suiph-ac. thilj. veratit. zinc. XXVIII. BREATH. Stiffocating attacks. ACON. anac. ant-crud. ANT-TART. ARS. asar. aur. bar. bell. BRY. calc. camph. canit. cauth. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. CRAM. CHIN. dCi. cina. coce. coff. con. creos. cupr. cycl. dig. DROS. euphr.ferr. GRAPH. hell. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. JOD. IPEC. lach. laur. led. lyc. M-ARCT.mi-austin. magn-mur. mere. moseb. natin-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. petr. PHOSPH. Plat. plumb. PULs. ran-bul~b. rhus. sabad. SAMB. sec-corn. seneg. sep. sil. spig. SPONG. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. VERATR. Respiration oppressed. ACON. agrar. alum. ambr. arnmg. amm-rnur anac. ang. antcrud, ant-tart. arog. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. AUR. bar. B ELL. bism. bor. boy. 131Y. calad. CALO. carnph. cann. canth. caps. carb -an. CARJ3-YEG. cauist. CHAM. chel. CHIN. czc. cina. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. ereos. croc. CUPR. cycl. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. JPEG. KALI. lach. lawr. led. LYC. ngs. rm-arct. rn-austin. magn. magu-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. MEZER. rnosch. mumac. natr. natr-rnur. nitr. nitin-ac. n-mosch. N-YOM. oleand. op. par. petin. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB3. ran-see]. rheum. RHODOD. RHTJs. ruta. sabad. Sabin. SAMB. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. SENEG. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. BREATH. 107 STANN. staph. stram.-ptron~t. SJJLPH. suiph-ac. tar, thuj. valer. YERATR. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. ZINC. Arrest of breathzing. Aeon. alumz. amm. ANAC. aZnt-tart. ARN. ars. bar. bell. bism. bor. BRY. ealad. CALO. eamph. eann. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. dna. coce. coff. cre'os. croc. CUPR. dros. euphr. hep. ignat. ipec. kali. laur. LED. LYC. m-aret. m-:austr. magnmur. mere. moseb. mur-ac. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ae. N-MOSCH. op. phos~ph. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scell. rhus. RUTA. sabad. sabin. samb. scill. selen. sep. SIL. Spig. spong. stanin. staph. strain. sulph. suiph-ac. tar. valer. veratr. verb. Respiration anxious,, ACON. amm. anac. ant-tart. ARN. ars. BELL. BRY. CAMPH. cann. CHKMý. eheh ecina. COFF. coleb. ereos. eroc. ferr. HEP. IGNAT. IPEC. kali. la6h. lawr. lye. mgs. m-aret. n-vom. ruta. oleand. op... PHOSPH. PLAT. plumb. PULS. RHUS. saba~dl SAMB. 'SCILL. SE-C-CORN. spig. spong. STANN. staph. STRAM. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-od; viol-tr. -cold. CARB-V.EG. chin. rnur-ae. rhus. -deep. Acon. agar. amrn. ANT-.OitR U D.am. AUR. bell. BRY. eate. eamph. caun. CAPS. chain. chin. ele. coe'c. ereos. croc. CUPR. dig. dros. EUPHORB. hell. hep. ignat. IPEC. kali. LACH. laur. m-aret. m-austr. mere. mosch. mur-ae. natr. n-mosch n-vom. oleand. OP. par. phosph. plat. plumb. puls. RAN-BULB. ran-Seel. rhus. sabin. Sassap. scill. sec-corn. SELEN. seneg. SIL. spong. stann. STRAM. thuj. -having a smnell (some kind 6~f smell). Acon. qgar. alum. ambbr. ainm.-1 anac. aug. ant-crud., anttart. ARN. ARS. aqsar. AUR. bar. bellvbism."bbv. BRY. eale. eainph. canth. caps. ccirb-an. CARB-VEGý eli-AM. CHIN. CO(2C. coff. cOTC. cupr. dig. dros. DULC. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyose. ignat.jod. ipec. kali. laeh- laur. led." lye. mgs. in-aret. mn-austr. MERO. miezer. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-moseh. n-vorn. oleand. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb.-PULS. rheuin. rhus. ruta'. sabin. sa~sap. - SEP. sil..sj~ng, staun. strain. sTront. SULPH. thuj. valer. verb. Zinc. -hot. ACON. ant-crud. asar. calic. chain. coff. ferr. inang. NATR-MURt. pltospl&.-plat. RHUS. SABAD. scill. STRONT. suiph. zinc. -loud (withiout mucous rattle). Acon. alum. arnbr. ant-crud.- ant-tart. ARN. at's. asar. bell. bry.,calad. C VALO. camphi.. cann. caps. CHAM. CHIN. CINA. cocc 108 BRRATH.. coloc. dros. dulc. ferr. graph. IIEP. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. KALI. laur. lye. mgs. m-austr. magn-mur. mur-ac. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOmr op. petr. PHOSPH. plumb. puls. rheum. rhus. sabad. sabin. SAMB. SOILL. sep. sil. SPONG. stann. STRAM. SULPH. verair. Respiration panting. ACON. amm. ant-crud. bry. camph. caps. chin. cooc. cuphorb. hell. ignat. IPEC. mi-austr. natr. op. plumb. puls. ran-seel. sEcCORN. selen. S[L. STRAM. - quick. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. anac. ant-tart. am. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bor. bov. BRY. caic. camph. cann. canth. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. chai. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. coloc. con. creoc. CUPR. cyci. dig. dros. euphorb. euphr. ferr. guaj. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. IPEC. iali. lach. laur. led. LYC. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. merc. mezer. -mosch. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VoM. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. 'samb. sassap. scili. sec-corn. SENEG.-SEP. SIL. Spig. spong. STANN. staph. strain. SULPH. VERATR. viol-od. zinc. - rattling (with mucous rattle). Acon. alum. ami. anac. ang. ant-crud. ANT-TART. amn. arc. bell. bry. cale. cainph. cann. carb-an. carb-veg. cauct. CHAM. CHIN. czna. coce. croc. CUPR. ferr. HEP. HYOSC. ignat. IPEc. kali. lach. LAUR. led. LYC. merc. natr. nair-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. par. petr. phosph. puls. samb. scill. sep. spong. STANN. STRAM. suiph. - sighing. Acon. alum. am. ars. bar. BELL. BRY. CALAD. campl. GARB-AN. CHAM. cina. cocc. creos. cupr. graph. ignat. IPEC. kali. laur. mgs. merc. mum-ac. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. phospb. plumb. puls. scill. sec-corn. si]. SPONG. stann. STRAM. - slow. Acon. agar. ant-crud. am. asaf. aur. BELL. BRY. caic. campl. cann. CAPS. chai. chin. cic. coff. creos. croc. CUPR. dig. dros. ferr. hell. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. IPEC. kali. lack. laur. mgs. M-AUSTR. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. n-mosch. n-vomn. OLEAND. op. par. plosph. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhus. ruta. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. sil. spong. stann. staph. strai. suiph. thuj. zinc. - sobbing. Ang. asaf. caic. led. mgS. Op. SEC-CORN. COUGH.,. 109 Respiration subdued. BELL. canti. chin. hep. ignat. laur. mgs. mezer. nitr-ac. oleand. op. PHOSPH. suiph. veratr. VIOL-OD. - unequal. Acon. ANG. ant-tart. asar. BELL. camph. CHAM. chin. cic. CINA. coec. coff CUPR. dros. IGNAT. JOD. ipec. LAUR. LED. m-arct. mezer. mosch. OP. PULS. ruta. sec-icorn. sep. veratr. zinc. Concomitant complaints. ACON. alum. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arn. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALO. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. cham. chel. CHIN. cic. czna. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. CUPR. cyci. dig. dros. duic. eupborb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. IPEC. kali. lack. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. niang. mar. men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. SENEG. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. strai. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. zinc. XXIX. COUGH'. Cough in general. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. ami. amm-rur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arn. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calad.- CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. cham. CHIN. cic. CINA. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. DROS. duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. HyO5C. ignat. TOD. iPEC. KALI. lach. laur. LED. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc.. inezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N,-4YOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sIL. spig. SPONG. STANN. staph. strai. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. t/uj. veratr. verb. vit. zinc. - with expectoration. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crutd. ant-tart. ARG. amn. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. BISM. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALO. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. 110 COUGH. caust. cham. CHIN. cic. czna. cooc. coich. coloc. con. CREOS. croc. cupr. dig. DROS. clic. euphorb. euphr. FERR. graph. guaj. hep. hyosc. ignat. JOD. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. merc. mezer. mur-ac. nair. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plumb. PULS. rheum. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. sabad. sabin. samb. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. SENEG. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STANN. staph. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. veratr. vit. zinc. Cough without expectoration. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. antcrud. ant-tart. arg. am. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. boy. BRY. calad. calc. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARE-VEG. CAUST. cham. CHIN. CINA. clem. cocc. COFF. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. CUPR. cyci. dig. DROS. duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. REP. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. IPEC. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. nzerc. mezer. mosch. mum-ac. natr. natr-mur. oitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VON. oleand. op. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ranscel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. SAMB. sassap. scill. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. SPONG. stann. staph. strai. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. VERATR. VERB. zinc. - with expectoration in the evening, without expectoratioir in the morning. Alum. ant-crud. arg. ARN. ars. aur. bar. bell. EOV. bry. calc. cann. cantb. caust. chin. orNA. creos. dig. GRAPH. igriat. kali. lyc. mur-ac. natr. nitr. n-vom. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. sep. sil. stann. staph. suiph-ac. thuj. Veratr. witth expectoration in the morning, without expectoration in the evesding. Acon. alum. arnbr. AMM. amm-mur. ANG. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. am. ars. aur. bar. bell. BRY. CALC. caps. carh-an. CARB-VEG. caust. cina. colch. creos. cupr. dig. dros. EUPHR. FERR. HEP. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. lach. led. lyc. rngs. MAGN. maga-mur. MANG. mezer. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MJR. nitr. N1TR-AC. n-vom. PAR. PHOSPH. PHf-AC. PULS. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. SCILL. seneg. SEP. sil. spong. stann. staph. STRONT. SULPH. SULPH-AC. yeratr. ZINC. - with expectoration at night, without expectoration in the day. Alum. amm-mur. am. calc. caust. euphr. led. m-austr. phosph. rhodod. SEP. STAPH. sulph. COUGH. III Cough with expectoration in the day, without expectoration at nighlt, A4con. alum. amm. anac. ang. ant-tart. arg. arn. A 'RS. asaf'. bell. bry. CALC. caps. carb-an. caust. CHAM. chin. cocc. coich. CON. euphr. GRAPH. guaj. HEP. 4yosc. kali. lach. mgs. magn. magn-mur. mang. MERC. NITR-AC. N-VON. oOp. petr. pAOSpI&. PULS. rhus. SABAD. scill. SIb. stann. STRONT. suipýh. veratr. zinc. - ind being obliged -to -swallow again what had been raised. ARN. calad. cann. CAUST. CON. dig. dros. KALI. lack. inaustr. n-mosch. sep. spong. staph. Expectoration acrid. ALUM. amm. amm-mur. anac. ARS. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. COn. creos. ferr. ignat. jod. lach. lyc. magn-miir. MERC. inezer. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. PULS.SC6ll. sep. SIL. Spig. suiphi. suiph-ac. -blackish. CHIN. lYC. N-VON. rhus. - bloody. ACON. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. AIRN. &RS. asar. aur. BELL. bism. bor. BRY. CALC. cantit. caps. carb-an. carbveg,. chain. CHIN. cina. con. creos. CRtOC. cupr. dig. DROS. duic. FERR. hep. Hyosc. jod. IPEC. kali. laur. LED. LYC.migs. magn. ma gn -mur. mang. MEUC. mezer. mum-ac. n'atr. natm-mum. nitm. NITR-AC. n-mosch. n-vom. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PUbS. RHUS. sabad. SABIN. scill. sec-corn. selen. SEP. sil. stann. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. Lhuj. ZINC. - - blood acrid. Amm. ars. canth. carh)-veg. hep. KALI. NITR. rhus. SIb. suiph. suiph-ac. zinc. -- blood brownish. J3RY. caic. CARB-VE.G.,con. puls. rhws. -- blood coagulatede. Ar7I. BELL. bry. canik. carb-an. CHAM. CHIN. con. creos. croc. FERR. HYOSC. IPEA.Q.magn-mum. merc. nit r-ac. n-vomn. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. SABIN. sec-corn. sep. - blood dark. Acon. AMM. ANT-CRUD. aM. ASAR. bell. BISM. bry. canth. carbveg. CHAM. chin, con. CREOS. CROC. cup?' dig. dros. ferr. led. lyc. MAGN. magn-mur. nitr. NIT.R-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. sec-corn. selen. SEP. suiph. 112 COUGH. ]Expectoration bloody, blood pale. Amrn. ARN. ars. BELL. bor. bry. caic. canth. carb-an. car-bveg. chin. creos. dig. dros. DULC.ferr. HYOSC. ipec. laur. LED. magn-mur. merc. natr. nitr. n-mosch. -PHOSPH. puls. RHUS. sabad. SABIN. SEC-CORN. Sep. Sil. suiph. zinc. - blood-streaked. Aeon. alum. armM. ARN. ars. bism. bor. BRY. caust. CHIN. coce. con. creoS. dros. euphr. FERR. jod. IPEC. LAUR. lye. natrmur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. op. PHOSPH. puls. sabin. scill. sec-corn. seZen. SEP. sil. spong. suiph-ac. ZINC. -blood viscous. CROC. cuPR. magn. sec-corn. -cold. Bry. cann. nitr-ac. n-vom. PHOSPH. suiph. -like the white of an egg. Amm-mur. amn. ARS. bor. boy. CHIN. FERR. LAUR. mezer. fpetr. seneg. sdl. stann. -frothy. ARS. hep. n-vom. op. PHaOSPH. plumb. PULS. sil. Suiph. -granular. Chin. PHOSPH. Sep. greenish. Ars. asaf. aur. bor. bov. caic. cann. carb-an. carb-veg. coich. creos. dros. ferr. hyose. jod. kali. led. lye. m-austr. mang. mere. natr. nitr-ac. n-vorn. P'AR. phoSPh. plumb. PULS. rhuS. SEP. Sil. stann. sulph. thuj. -gray. AMBR. anac. ARS. carb-an. chin. creos. kali. LYC. mang. n-vom. rhus. seneg. sep. THUJ. -indurated. Agar. amm-mur. ant-crud. DRY. calad. CON. creos. jod. kali. lach. mang. NATR. phosph. Sep. sdl. SPONG. staph. stront. suiph thuj. -like jelly. ARG. amn. bar. chin, dig. FERR. laur. - lemon-coloured. KALI. phosph. puls. Milky. Amm. ARS. carb-veg. ferr. pubs. sep. sil. SULPH. -MUCOUS. Aeon. agarn. alum. Amit amm. amrn-mur. aug. ant-crud. ant COUGH. tart. ARG. amn. ARS. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. DRY. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. CINA. cocc creos. croc. cupr. di 'g. dros. duic. euphr.ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. JOD. ipec. kali. lach. LAUR. LYC. mgs. magn. magnmur. mnerc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. PAR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. P-ULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. SENEG. sep. sil. spig. pong.STANN STAP.suph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. veratr. vit. ZINC., E xpectoration purulent.' Acon. amm. anac. arg. ars. asaf. aur. bell. bry. CALC. carb-an. carh-veg. chain. CHIN. cic. cina. cocc. CON. CREOS. DROS. duic. FERR. graph. guc]. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. KALI. lach. led. LYC. magn. magn-rnur. MERC. NATR. natr-mur. NITR. nztr-ac. n-moscl n-vom. PHOSPH. PHa-AC. plumb. pVuls. RHUS. ruta. sabin. samb. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. STANN. STAPH. stront. suiph. zinc Acon. alum. amm-mur. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARS. bar. bor. BOY. bry. caic. CANN. canth. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chin. cocc. coich. duic. euphr. graph. jod. kali.. mngs. magn-mur. MEZER. inati'. n-vom. PAR. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. puls. sabad. sabin. SAND. scill. seneg.sepv. spig. spong. STANN. staph. veratr. vit. -watery. Agar. amm. amm-mur. arg. -am. boy. barb-an. carb-veg. cHAM. chin. GRAPH. guaj. lach. MAGN. magn-mur. merc. mezer. mur-ac. n-vom. plumb. puls. scill. sep. STANN. sulph. -whitish. Ac6n. ambr. amin-mur.. AUG. dina. creos. laur. LYC. par. PHOSPH. p-. hs cl.SPsi. spong. stront. -sulph. -yellow. Acon. alum. ambi'. ainm. AMM-MUR. anac. ang. ant-crud. arg. ARS. aur. bar. bell. bism. hjor. boy. IDRY. CALO. carb-an. CARBVEG. caust. chain. cic. con. CREOS. d~g. dros. graph. hep. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. LYC. magfl.,inagnjnur. mang. MERC. mezer. murac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom., op. par. PHOSPH. ph-ýac. plumb. PULS. ruta. sabad. sabin. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. SPONG. STANN. STAPH. sulph. sul~ph-ac. THUJ. veratr. zinc. Taste of the expectoration bitter. Acon. amn. ARS. bry. calc. CHAM. chin., Con. dros. ignat.. t14 UO(JGH. kali. lyc. mere. natr. natr-nrnr. nitr-ac. n-vom. PULS. sabatl. sep.stann. suiph. vefratr. Taste of the expectoration like the dischargve in a chronic catarrh* Ig-nat. mezer. PULS. sabin. SULPH. zinc, -empyreutnatic. Bry. PUlLS. scill. suiph. n-vom. RETIS. vit. zinc. - flat. Alum. amm-mur. ant-crud. arg. arn. ars.. aur. bell. B RY. C AL C. Caps. CHIN. creos. euphr. IGNAT. ipec. kali. lyc. natr. natr-mur. P~AR. petr. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. Sabin. stann. STAPH. stront..sulpkh. thuj. - greasy, Alum. ASAIP.- CAUST. chain. lyc. MAGN-M7UR. mang.. mur-ac. petr. phosph.. PULS. rhus. sil. thuj. - herby. Calad. N-vom. pvh-ac.. metallic. Caic. COCC. UPR. ipE~C. natr. - Musty. Bor. Imgs. -like onions. Asaf. - offensive. Ams. asaf. bry..calc. canth. chin. cinal. cocc. dros. JOD. ipec. Icali. led. MERC. natr-mur. n-vom. phosph. PULS. sabad. samb. soill. selen. sep'. STANN. suiph. zinc. -putrid. Acon. ARN. ARS. bell, boy. bry. caic. carh-an. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. coce. con. cupr. dros. ferr. jod. ipec. kali. lyc. merc. n~-vom. phosph. rux~s. rhus. samb. SEP. STANN. staph. suiph. veratr. zinc. ts~iltyO Alum. ambr. amm. ant-tart. ARS. bar. bell, bov. caic. cann. carb~-Veg. CHIN. coec. con. dros. euphorb. graph. hyosc. jod. lach. LYC. magfl. magn-mur. MEcRC. NATR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. nvm PHOSPI.- PULS. rhus. SEP. stann. suiph. suiph-ac., tar. verair. -sour. Ambr. ant-tart. ars. DELL. bry. CALO. carb-an. carb-veg. chain. CHIN. COD. graph. hep. ignat. ipec. KALI. lye. Magtf-mur, WINDPIPE. 115 marc. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. vetr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PUlLS. rhus. sabin. sep. 4 tann. SULPH. TAR. Taste of the expectoration sweetish. Acon. alum. amm. ars. asar. aur. CALO. canth. chin. cocc. ereos,. dig. ferr. hep. jod. ipec. kali. laur. lye. 'mere. n-vom. PHOSPH. PLuMdB. PUlLS. rhus. SABAD. samb. SCILL. selen. Sep. STANN. suiph. sulph-ae.. zine. -like the juice of tobacco.D Puls. ]Expectoration of an offensive smell. Alum. ARS& asaf. aur. bell. CALC. eaust. chin. con. creos. graph. GUAJT. hep. led. LYC. m-austr. magn-rnur. mere. NATR. nitr-ac. n-vom. PH-AC. puls. rhus. sabin. SEP. STANN. SULPH. thiij. Concomitant complaints. ACON. alum. ambr. arnm. amimmur. anatc. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELLi bism. bor. BRY. calad. CA*LC. camph, cann. eanth. CAPS. carb-an. CAR33 -VEG. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. CINA. cocC. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. dig. DROS. dule. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. REP. hyosc. ignat. jod. IPEC. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-aret. m-austr.. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. 'merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOlV. oleand. op. par. petr. -PHOSPII. ph-ac. pluimb. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin.'samb. sassap. SCIL'L. see-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPH.. sulph-ae. thuj. valer. VERATR. XXX. WINDPIPE., Larynx. ACON. agar. alum. arnbr. amm., amm-mur,.anac. ang. ant-t crud. ant-tart. arg. amn. ars. asar. bar. BELL. bor. bov. bry. ealad. cabc. camph. cann. CANTH. caps, carb-an. CAILE-VEG. CAIJST. CHIAM. chel. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. eolch. con. creos. cupr. dig. DROS. dube. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. REP. hyosc. ignat. SOD. iýpec*- kali. LACH.b LAUR*, lye. magn. magn-mur. MANG. men. mere. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr-mur. nitr--. nitrac. fl-mQseh. N-VOM. oleand. op.-PAR. petr. PHOSPII. ph-ac. plat. plumb.- PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. samb. SENEG. Sep. sil. ýspig. SPONG. stann. staph. strain. stront., SULPH. sulph-ae. tar. thuj. VERAT'R. verb. ZINC. Trachea. Aeon. a'gar., alum'. ambr-. afmm. amin-mur. anac, 'ant-crud. arg. arn. ars. asar. bar., bell.. bor. boy. bry. calad. cabo, ca'Mph. 116 WINDPIPE. cann. cauth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. chin. cic. cina. coce. coff. con. creos. cupr. dig. DROS. euphorb. ferr. graph. HEP. hyosc. ignat. JOD. IPEC. kali. lach. LAUR. led. lyc. magn. magn-mur. mang. MAR. mere. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. N-YOM. PAR. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhodod. RIUS. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. SENEG. sep. sil. SPONG. STANN. staph. stront. SULPE. suiph-ac. thutj. veratr. verb. zinc. Profuse secretion of mucus. Alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. am. ars. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. -bry. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. caib-an. carb-veg. CATST. charm, chin. cina. cocc. coff. coich. con. creos. croc. cupr. dig. dros. duic. euphr. graph. guaj. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. law'r. LYC. mgs. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. mere. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vonz. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. selen. SENEG. sep. sil. spig. STANN staph. suiph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. vit. zinc. Aphony (loss of voice). Aeon. arnbr. ANT-CRUdf. bar. BELL. boy. bry. calc. camph. cann. carb-an. CAUB-VEG. CAUST. chant. chin. cupr. dig. DROS. graph. HEP. hyose. jod. kali. lach.' laur. mang. men. MERO. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-Miiosch., n-vom. oleand. petr. PHOSPH. plat. plumb. PULS. rhu's. 'ruita. sabad. samb. selen. sep. sil. SPONG. stann. sulph.. VERATR". verb. Voice not clear. Agar. amm. anac. ant-crud, bar. bry. calc. CAMPH. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. charm. CHIN. croc. cupr. DROS. GRAPH. hep. HYOSC. MANG. MERO. natr-mur. n-mosch. n-vom. phosph. sabad. sassap. SELEN. SPONG. STANN. Sulph.- verb. - croaking. -AcoN. ars. cina. lach. ruta. - deep. Am. bar. chai. CHIN. DUOS. jod. laur.-par. hissing. Bell. phosph. hoarse. Acon. alum. AMBR. amin. ami-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. am. ars. asaf. bar. bell. boy. bry. CALC. camph. - cann. cauth. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CA-UST. CHAM. CHIN. CiC. cina. coff. colch. con. creos. croc. cupr. dig. DROS. dule. ferr. GRAPH. HEP. hyose. ignat.jod. kali. lach. laur. led. lye. magn. magn.. It. NECK. 117 mur. MANG. men. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-'VOM. olearid. op, pax. Petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhodod. rhus.a ruta. sabad. samb. seccorn. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. SPONG-. stann. staph. strain. stront. s? i p/i. sulph-ac. tar. 'th~uj. VE RA TR. vierb. vit. zinc. Voic~e hollow. ACON. ant-tart. bar. b6L camph. &Larb-veg. caust. chin.. cina. creos. digr. fraos- e'uphorb. hep. ignat. IPEC. LED. n-mosch.. op. phosph. ISA M 3. sec-corn. sit. spig. SPONG. STANN. staph. stra~n?, ERATR. verb. - iiterruptede Cic. -dros. euphr. imagn.. aIrONG. -low. ANG. ANT-CRUD. bell. cahn'n CANTIL cr''ust. CHAM. CHIN.. LIEPI'GNAT. laur.- LYC. mo~sch. n-vom.. op.. par. PULS. SECCORN. SPONG. staunt. STAPH. YERATR. -mumuring, Hyosc. lach. op. strain. 'with a nasal sound. Bell. bry. l'ach. -ph-ac. STAPH. raised. Cipt. Stauxi. strain. 4k Aluim. ambr. bor. bry. cakc. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chin. coff. creos. dIros. hep. jod. kali. la'ch. laity. mang,.M1EN. merc. mnezer. nitr. n-mOSCh. N-VOM.- PHOSPLI. - 'phfac. plumb. PULS. rhu&.sassap. SEMEG, SPONG S4TANNq. staph. stramn.-stronzt. SULPH. suiph-ac. thnij. verb,- zinc., shrill aud rouxgh. Cupr. strain. -wit'hout resonnauce. Mntbr.,C"A'LA*D. "carb-ah. chin. cina. DROS.' dod. sa'mb. spongi. yit. -tremabling. Acon. ars. C'otnth. rGNAT. a 1ERCO hep. natr. rho.-- Neck.ZXXXI. NECK. Ac'o n.. a gar.. al Ium-. amm. AMM-MTJR. anac. ang. -ant-cru.i. ant-ta't. Arg~g ARS. asaf ASAR. aur. bar. BELL. bis wobr. boy. ~BRy * 0ALC. "Ca'mph. cann, cant/i. caps.. carb-an., cbVeg 'CýATS'T. chain. chel. chin.Qbic. cina clem. cocc.doff. colehotbloc.. 118 CHEST. con. creos. croc. cupr. CYCL. dig. duic. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. REP. hyosc. ignat. JOD. ipec. icali. LACE. laur. led. LYC. MGS. M-ARCT. magn. magfl-mur. MANG. mar. men. MERO. mezer. moseb. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-yarn. OLEAND. op. par. petr. PHOSPHi. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ransceL. rheum. rhodod. RH-US. ruta. sabin. samb. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. Sep. sil. spig. SPONG. starin. STAPH. stront. suilph. suiph-ac. TAR., THUJ. veratr. verb, viol-ad. Vit. ZINC. Nape. ACON. agar. alum.. ambr. arnm. arnrn-mur. anac. ang. antcrud. ant-tart. arg. amn. ars. asaf. ASAR. aur. BAR. BE LL. bor.boy. BRY. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb~-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chain. CHIN. cina. clern. COCC. coichi. coloc. can. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. duic. oeuphorb. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. heop. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lack. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. MEN. MERC. mozer. mosch. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-YOM. oloand. op. par. peir. phos ph. PH-AC. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. RHODOD. RI-US. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. seecorn. solen. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. staun. STAPH. stront. SOLPEI. tar. thuj. valor. varatr. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. Glands of the neck (and lower jaw). A/lum. arnbr. amm. amm-rnur. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg.. amn. ars. asaf. asar. AIJR. bar. BELL. bor. bay. bry. calad. CALC. camph. canth. caps. CARB-AN. carb-veog. caust. CRAM. chin. cic. ciria. CLEM. cocc. CON. creos. cupr. cycl. dulc. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. hell, hop. hyose. IGNAT. jod. KALI. lach. lyc. mngs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-rnur. MERO. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. NITR-AC. n7-yam, par. potr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. puls. ran-scel. RHUS. sabad. sassap. scill. solon. soneg. Sep. SIL. SPIG. SPONG. stann. STAPH. strain. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. vit. zinc. Glandula thyroidea (struma). AMBR. amin. bell. calc. carb-an. caust. con. dig. JOD. kali. lyc. magn. merc. NATR. natr-mur. potr. phosph. plat. sil. SPONG. sulph. XXXII. CHESTI[nner chest., ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. antcrud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bar. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carban. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. CiC. cina. clem. cocco. coff. colch. cdocb. con. creos. croce. cupr. cycl. dig.- dro-s. DTJLC. euphorb; eupht.'ferr. graph. guaj. hell, hop. hyosc. i~ont. iod,.' CHEST. 119g ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. L'YC. mgS. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-vom. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. SENEG. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. STANN. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. Chest, upper part. Acon. alum. ambr. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. arg. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bry. calc. cann. CANTH. carb-veg. caust. cham. chel. chin. cic. cina. cocc. colch. con. cycl. dulc. graph. guaj. hyose. jod. kali. laur. lyc. m-aret. MANG. men. merc. mezer.- natr-mur. nitr-ac. oleand. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. ran-bulb. rhus. ruta. sassap. seneg. SEP. Sil. spig. STANN. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. vit. zinc. - lower part. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. AMM. anac. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bell. bism. bov. bry. calc. cann. canth. CARB-VEG. CAUST. cham. CHIN. cic. cocc. colch. croc. creos. dig. dros. dilc. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc.jod. KALl. laur. led. m-austr. magn. malig. mar. merC. MEZER. MOSCH. mur-aC. NATR. nair-mur. nitr. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. PH-AC. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. rhus. ruta. sabad. SABIN. samb. sassap. SCILL. SENEG. SEP. Sil. SPIG. stann. staph. stront. tar. thuj. VALER. veratr. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. Heart and region of the heart. AcON. alum. ambr. amm. anac. aug. ant-tart. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. AUR. bar. bell. bism. bor. bov. bry. CALC. camph. CANN. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. clem. cocc. colch. coloc. Con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dulc. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyose. ignat. JOD. ipec. kali. lach. laur. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-voin. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb.PULS. ran-scel. rhodod. Raus. ruta. sabin. sassap. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. staph. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. thij. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. ZINC. Palpitation of the heart. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. anac. ang. ANT-TART. ARN. ARS. asaf.'asar. AUR. bar. BELL. bism. bor. bov. BRY. CALC. camph. CANN. canth. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. cham. CHIN. clem. cocc. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. CUPR. cycl. dig. dule. ferr. graph. hell. HEP. hyose. IGNAT. JOD. ipec. KALI. 120 CHEST. lach. laur. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-7nur. mang. men. MERO. mezer. mosch. mu,1r-ac. NA~PR. NATRMUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. SASSAP. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. S PIG. SPONG. straph. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. TH1UJ. valei. VERATR. verb. VIOL-OD). viol-tr. ZINC. Palpitation 'of the heart with angulish. ACON. alum. ainm. anac. ang. ant-tart. amn. ARS. asaf. AIJR. bell. bor. bry. CALC. camph. cann. carb-veg. caust. c/tam. CHIN. cocc. coich. coloc. cupr. dig. ferr. graph. hyosc. ignat. kali. lach. laur. LYC. rngs. m-arct. m-raustr. magn. MERC. mosch. natr. NAT R-M UR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. petr. PIIOSPH. PLAT. plumb. PULS. rhus. muta. SEC-CORN. seneg' SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. valer. veratr. -violod. viol-ir. zincPulsation of the heart intermittent. ACON. agar. alum. ang. ars. asaf. bism. BRY. canth. caps. carb-vegr. CHIN. DIG. HEP. hyosc. KALI. lach, laur. mezer. mur-ac. NATR-MUR. n-VOM. OP. PH-AC. plumb. rhus. sabin. SAME3. SEC-CORN. SEýP. STRAM. SULPH1. thuij. veratr. zinc. -trembling. Ambr. ang. ant-tart. ARS. aur. bell. CALC. camph. CIC. cina. coco CREOS. jod. kali. lach. natr-mur. n-mosch. phosph. RHTJS. ruta. SABIN. Sep. SPIG. STAPH. strain. ]External chest. Aeon. agar. alumn. anibr. amm. amm-7mur. anac. ang. antcrud, ant-tart. arg. AKIN. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. cainph. cann. CANTH. caps carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chiel. CHIN. cic. ciina. clem. cocc. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. dig. dros. DULC. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyose. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. LED. LYC. MSmg.i-aret. m-austr. magn. magn-iunu.mang,. mar. mnen. merc. MEZER. ruoseb. mur-ac. natr. natr-nmr. nit~'. nitrac. n-inosch. N-VOM. OLEAND. Op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. aHus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. sep. sil. SPiG. spong. stann. STAPH-. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR.- verb. viol-tm. zinc. 1I 'ammaeo Acon. alum. ambr. ainm. ARN. ARS. asaf. bar. BELL. bor. HEY. CALO camph. cann. CARB-AN. camb-veg. caust. CHAM. CLEM. coce coloc. CON. creos. croc. cupm. dig. duic. fer'r. graph. guaj. IiEP.jod. kali. laur. lyc. mang. merc. mezer. natr. natr BACK. 1-2 t mur. nitr-ac. n-nmcsch.ji-vorn. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-scel. rheurn. rhus. ruta. sabin. sarnb. sep. SIL. SULPH1. thuj. veratr. zinc. Nipples. Acon. agar. ARN. bell. bism. bry. caic. camph. cairn. carban. caust. CHAM. Cic. coce. COD. GRAPH. hep. ignat. LYC. rn-arct. m- austr. mang. MERO. mezer. mur-ac. nitr-ac. n-vom. Par. petr.. phosph. plumb. PULS. ran-scel. rheum. rhus. sabad. sabin. sassap. sep. sil. SULPH. thrij. zinc. MilIlk increased. 0 ACON. utsaf BELL. BUY. CALO. chin. con. jod. n-vom. phosph. PULS. RHUS. strain. - decreased. Bell. bry. CALC. chain. chel. chin. DULO. phosph. puls. rhus. samb. sec-corn. sep. sulph. VIT. ZINC. -spoiled. Bell. BOR. carb-am, CHAM. ipec. lach. merc. n-vomn. pul~s. RHEUM. samb. XXXIII. BACK Shoulder-blades. sficon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. AMM-MUR. ANAC. aug. antcrud. arg. amn. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. bism. bor. boy. bry. CALC. cam ph.. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. CHEL. CHIN. cic. dnta. cocc. coich. coloc. con. CREOS.,croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. DULO. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. lye. mgs. rn-arct. m-austrt. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. MEN. MERO. mezer. mosch. mum-ac. NATR. natr-mzur. niti-. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. iop. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. pluimb. puls. ran-bulb.'ransceL, rhodod. RHUS, rutta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassal). scill. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. staun. staph. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuij. valer. VERATR. verb. VIOL-TR. Zinc. flack. AcON. agar.,alunt. ambr. amm. amm-mutr. anac. ANG. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. bry. CALC. camph. caun. canth. caps. carban. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chan., chel. CHIN. cic. cina. COCO. coif. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupi'. cyc]. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph, GUAJ. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. rngs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mum-ac. W. VTR. NATR-MUR. nitr. nit r-ac. n-mosch. N-YOM. oleand. op. par. P E TR. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. 122 ARMS. ran-sceb. rheum. ritodod. RIHuS. RTJTA. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STANN. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR1. verb. viol-tr. Vit. ZINC. Small of the back. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. aur. BAR. b(,il. BOR. boV. BRY. calad. CALC. cann. canth. caps. CARB-AN. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chel. cHuIN. cina. COCO. coff. colch). coloc. con. CR~EOS. croc. cupr. dig. dros-. duic. eu phorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur, led. LYC. wgs, m-austr. magn. MAGN-MUR. wiang. men. NVERO. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATRMU.R. nitr. nitr-ac. IN-MOSCH. N-VOM. op. petr. PHospH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheumn. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. SABIN. sawb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. straw-. STRONT. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. zinc. Sacrum and buttocks. AGAR. ALUM. amm. amrn-mur. ang. ant-crud. arg. ARN. asaf. bel. 1301t. boy. CALC. cann. CANTH. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. CHIN. CiC. COLOH. cioc. dros. GRAPH. HEP. IGNAT. jod. kali. lach. laur. LED. magn. MERc. mur-ac. PAR. petr. phosph. PH-AC. FLAT. plumb. RHUS. RUTA. sil. spig. staph.. SULPH. thuj. valer. veratr. VIT. zinc. XXXIV. ARMS. Shoulder. ACON. agar. ALUM. AMER. -amm. AMM-MUR. anac. ang. antcrud. ant-tart. arg. arn. ars. asaf. asar. bar. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. calc. camph. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. Cic. cina. coCC. COLOR. creos. croc. cupr. dig. dros. euphorb. YERR. graph. guaj. hep. hyoso. ignat. KALI. laur. LED. LYC. mgs. MAGN. magn-mur. wang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. moscb. murac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. N-VON. oleand. op. par. petr. PHO5PH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHODOD. RHUS. sabad. Sabin. sassap. scill. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. straw. STRONT. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. vit. zinc, Axilla. Amrn. amm-mur. anac. arg. amn. ars. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bor. boy. bry. caic. canth. caps. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. caust. chel. CLEM.CC. c c. clo.CN. cupr. dig. dulc. HEP. jod. KALI'. IJach. laur. LYC. magn. wang. mar. men. merc. mezer. natr. NATR ARMS. 1f23 MUR. NITR-AC. oleand. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. puls. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. scill. selen. seneg. SEP. sIL. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. SULPH. SULPH-AC. thuj. valer. veratm. viol-tr. vit. zinc. Upper arm. Acon. agar. alum. ambm. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. arg. am. ARS. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. caic. camph. cautth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chet. chin. cina. clem. COCC. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. FERR. graph. guaj. hell. hep. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. m-arct. niaustr. magn. magn-mur. mnang. mar. men. mere. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. NITR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. OLEAND. par. petr. phospb. ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rius. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sep. sil. spig. spong. STANN. staph. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. VALER. verair. vit. zinc. Fore-arm. NOON. agar..alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arn.asaf. aur. bar. bell. BISM. boy. bry. calad. CALC. carmph. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chai. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. coce. colcl. coloc. CON. creos. CROC. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. laur. led. lye. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. M'ERC. mezer. mosch. mum-ac. NATR. natm-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. PH-AC. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheuin. RHODOD. RHUS. muta. sabad. sabin. samb. SASSAP. sec-corn. SELEN. seneg. sep. sit. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. &tram. STRONT. suiph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratm. verb. viol-tm. vit. zinc. Hand. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arn., ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. bov. BRY. CALC. camph. caun. canth. caps. camb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. coce. coff. colch. coloc. con. CREOS. croc. cupr., cycI. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. femr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyose. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. ted. LYC. ings. m-arct.i m-austi. maga.f magn-mum. niang. mar. men. MEUC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitm. nitr-ac. nmosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. Pl-AC. plat. plumb. puts. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. sciti. sec-corn. SELEN. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. STANN. staph. strai. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valem. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tm. vit. ZINC. 124 ARMS. Back of the hand. Alum. ang. ars. bor. bov. bry. CALO. camp/i. caust. emna. CREos. cyci. dig. euphorb. lye. mere. mur-ac. NATR. n-vom. Bpeer. ph-ac. puls. rheum. RHUS. SAMB. SEP. sil. spig. stann. SULPH. Palni of the hand. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm-mur. ANAC. asar.. bar. bism. BOR. BRY. camph. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. chin. coff. con. CREOS. digf. DTJLC. heill. hep. ignat. ipec. kali.. LACH. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-(lrct.?nagn. mang. MERO. mezer. mur-ac. natr. nair-mnur. N-VON. _peer. phosph. puls. RAN-BULB. RANSC EL. rhieum. rhus. ruta. SAMB. SE LEN. sep. SPIG. spongr. STANN. staph. SULPH. Fingers. Acon. agar. alum. ANBR. AivN~. AMM-MUR. anac. ang. antcrud. ant-tart. arg. arn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. bry. CALC. camph. cann. canti]. carb-an. carb-v~eg. CAUST. chain. CHEL. chin. cic. cina. clem. coec. coff. cole/i. coloc. con. CREOS. croc. cupr. CYCL. dig. dros. dubc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. lack. laur. led. LYC. mg-s. in-arct. in-ausir. MAGN. magrn-m ur. mang. MAR. men. MERO. mezer. mosc/i. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. N1TR-AC. nVOM. OLEAND. Op. par. peer. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PUL-S. RAN-BULB. RAN-SCEL. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. SABSAD. sabin. sctssap. SEC-CORN. selen. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. STANN. ST.APH. stront. SULPH. SULPH-AC. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr.,verb. viol-tm. vit. Zinc. Tips of the fingrers. Acon. agar. am/ir. AMMI-MUR. ang. ant-crud. ANT-TART. ars. asaf. bar. bell. bism. bor. calc. cann. canth. chani. CHEL. chin. coff. colch. COn. CREOS. CR00. cupr. dros. ferm. hell. hey. lach. laur. mgs. m-arct. M-AUSTR. AJAR. inerc. mezer. mur-ac. oleand. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhus. sabad. Sabini. sassap. SEC-CORN. selen. sep. SrL. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. stront. StJLPH. sulph-ac. tar. THU`J. valer. veratr. verb, zinc. Between tie fingers. Ambr. amm-mur. ars. aum. cainph. caust. creos. c~,cl. ferr. GRAPH. HELL. lach. LAUR. flit r-ac. plumb. PtTLS. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. SELEN. sep. sulph-ac. zinc. Finger-nails. ALUM. ainin-inur. ant-crud. ars. bar. bell. bor. boy. calc. caust.,chel. chin. cocc. con. dig. dl-os. GRAPH. bell. liep. jod. kali. lach. lye. m-austr. miar. MERC. mur-ac. natr-mur. fulr-ac. Bar. ph-ac. ARM *. 125 plat. puls. ran-bulb. ruta. sabad. scill. SEP,. SIL. SULPH. sulph-. ac. thluj. Joints in general. Acon. agar. alum. AMBR. AMM. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. amn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. BOY. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARBVEG. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con.' creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. DROS. duic. eLuptiorb. ewphr. ferr. G RAIPH. guaj. HELL. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. KALI. lach. Jaur. LED. LYC. MGS. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur.MAG mar. men. MERC. niezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. NITR. nztr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. par. PFETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bul 'b. ran-scel. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. SABIN. samb. SASSAP. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. sp ong. STANN. STAPH. STRONT. SULPIT. SL AC. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr. verb. 'viol-od. viol-tr. VIT. ZI.NC. Slitonider-joinit. Acon. AMBR. amim. amm-mur. ant-tart. arg. amn. ASAF. asar. bism. BOy. BRY. CALC. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. cAUST. chain. chel. chin. cic. cocc. coloc. creos. CROC. dig. dros. euphorb. FERR. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. KALI. laur. LED. ~IYc. mgs. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-inosch. n-vom. oleand. Op. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sahad. SABIN. sassap. SEP. sil. spig. stann. STAPH. STRONT. SULPH. sulpk-ac. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. Elbow-joint. Acon. aga r. alum. AMB R. amm. amm-i-nur. anac. ANG. ANTCRUD. ant-tart. ARG. amn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. BOY. bry. calad. calc. camph. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. colch.cEoloc. con. CREOS. croc. cupr. dig. dros. duic. euphr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. laur. LED. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. mnagn. magn-mur. *mang. mar. men. MERO. MEZER. MUR-AC. natr. natr-mfur. NITH. n-moscbi. n-vorn. oleand. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. STRONT. SULPH. suip h-ac. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. Hollow of the elbow. Alum. amin-mur. ANAC. ant-crud. ARN. bar. bell. caic. canth. carb-an. CAUST. dic. cina. clem. coich. coloc. con. cupr. dros., 126 A RMS. duic. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. jod. KALI. LATIR. lYc. mar. men. mum-ac. nitr. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. SEP. sp'ig. staph. SULPH. thuj. valer. veratr. vit. zinc. Point of the elbow. Agar. alum. arg. asaf. bar. bry. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. creos. dulc. graph. HEP. hyoso. lye. merc. inur-ac. natr-mur. oleand. ph-ac. puls. rhus. sabin. sassap. sep. spig. spong. STANN. suiph-ac. valer. wrist. ACON. alum. ambr. AMM. AMM-MUR. ANAC. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. am. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. BOY. BRY. CALC. canth. caps. carb-an. CAUB-VEG. CAUST. chain: chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat.jod. KALI. lach. laur. LED. lyc. mgs. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. MANG. mar. men. MEUC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. NITR. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. UHODOD. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. SABIN. samb. SASSAP. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sIL. spig. spong. staun. staph. STRONT. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. verb. viol-tm. vit. zinc. Joints of the fingers. Acon. alum. ambr. arm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. anttart. arg. arn. ars. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. bry. CALC. camph. cann. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAU5T. CHAM. chel. chin. cina. coce. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. HELL. hep. ignat. jod. K ALI. LED. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. mang. mar. men. merc. mosch. natr. NATR-MIJR. NITR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-scel. rheuin. rhodoi. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. sIL. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. veratr. verb. vit. zinc. Bones. Acon. agar. alum. ami. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. arg. am. ASAF. AUR. bar. bell. bism. boy. BBY. caic. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. CHIN. COCC. coloc. con. cupr. cycl. dig. DUOS. duic. euphorb. hell. hep. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. LYC. m-arct. magn. mang. mar.' MERC. MEZER. natr. natrmum. nitr-ac. oleand. par. petr. PHO5PH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. UHODOD. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. sep. sIL. spig. spong. STAPH. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. THUJ. valer. veratr. verb, zinc. LEGS. 127 XXXV. LEGS. Lumbar region. Acon agar. ALUM. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ANG. antcrud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. ASAR. aur. bar. BELL, bov. bry. CALC. camph. -canr. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chai. chel. chjn. cic. cina. cleni. cocc. coff. COLCH. COLOC. con. creos. cycl. dig. dros. duic. EUPHORB. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyose. ignat. JOD. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. rn-arct. m-austr. magn. mago-mur. mang. mar. MEN. mere. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUlt. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PJLS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. SABIN. samb. sassap. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. strai. stront. SULPH. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. ZINc. 'Buttocks. Alum. ambr. amm. augr. ANT-CRUD. asaf. bar. bell. bor. calc. camph. cann. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. cina. cocc. coff. coN. croc. cyci. dig. dros. duic. GRAPH. guaj. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. laur. LYC. magn. mang. men. MERC. NEZER. iur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. puls. RHUS. samb. sassap. selen. SEP. sil. spig. stann. STAPH. stront. SULPH. tar. tbuj. veratr. viol-tr. ZINC. Thighs. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. ami. amm-mur. anac. ang. antcrud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. bry. calad. calc. camph. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-an. CARBVEG. CAUST. cham. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. cofl coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyc]. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. GUAJ. hell. hey. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. igs. m-arct. m-austr. nagn. magn-nur. mang. mar. men. MERC. MEZER. mOSCh. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr., nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. OLEAND. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sarb. sassap. scill. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. -SPIG. SPONG. stann. STAPH. strai. stront. sulph. suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit., zinc. Thigh, anterior surface. Agar. ambr. ANAC. ANG. ant-crud. arg. asaf. raur. BAR. bell. boy. bry. caic. cann. chel. CHIN. cina. coloc. con. dig. dros. dulc. eutphorb. euphr. hep. kali. laur. lyc. magn. mang. men. mere. rosch. MUR-AC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. ph-ac. 15!8 LEGS. plat. puls. rhus. sabad. SABiN. samb. sassap. sil. spig. SPONG. stann. staph. tar. thuj. valer. viol-tr. zinc. Thigh, posterior surface. Agar. alum. ambr. AMM. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. asaf. aur. bar. bell. bor. caic. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. cina. COcc. coff. coN. croc. CYCL. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. GRAPH. guaj. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. laur. led. LYC. magn. magn-mur. mang. men. MERC. MEZER. mosci. mur-ac. natr. natrmur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand., par. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. puls. ranbulb. rheum. rhus. samb. sassap. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. stann. STAPH. stront. SULPL. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. ZINC. external side. Agar. alum. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. am. asaf. aur. bar. bell. bism. canth. carh-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. cocc. coich. euphorb. laur. magn. mang. men. merc. mezer. inosch. mur-ac. natr. nitrac. n-vom. oleand. PH-AC. rhus. ruta. sassap. s'pig. STANN. staph. sulph. tar. valer. vit. ZINC. - inner side. 'Alum. anac. ant-crud. arg. arn. ars. asaf. bar. bell. CALO. camph. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. cocc. coff. creos. dig. GRAPH. HEP. ignat. jod. KALI. laur. lyc. m-arct. m-austr. magn-mur. mang. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natrmur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. par. PETR. plat. plumb. ran-bulb. RHODOD. rhus. ruta. sabad. SABIN. samb. sassap. SELEN. sep. spong. STANN. STAPH. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. verb. violtr. vit. zinc. Legs. ACON. agar. alum. arnbr. amm. amm-mur. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arn. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. bov. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canik. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chai. c/el. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. (;RAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. MEN. MERC. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VON. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. strai. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thij. valer. verair. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. LEGS. 129 Shin bone. AGAR. alum. ambr. ammr. ANAC. ANG. ant-c~rud. amn. ars. ASAF. asar.. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bry. CALC. caun. carb-an. caust. chain. chel. chin. cina. clem. cocc: coff c. oo.CN. CREOS. CYCL. dig. dros. DULC. euphorb. euphr. guaj. hyose. ignat. KALI. LACH. LAUR. lyc. mgs. m-arcl. rn-austin. magn. magnniur. MANG. men. MIERC. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. par. petr. PHOSPH, rh-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. R.HODOD. RHUS. sabad. SABIN. samb. sassap. SEP. sil. spig. SPONG. stann. staph. suiph. suiph-ac. TAR. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. vzt. zinc. Calves. Agar. ALUM. AMER. amm. amm-mur. ANAC. ang. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. arg. amn. ARS. ASAF. asar. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. BRY. CALC. cam ph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cina. cocc. coff. coich. COLOC. CON. creos. croc. CUPR. cyci. dig. duic. euphorb. EUPHR. VERR. GRAPH. guaj. hep. hyosc. ]GNAT. ipec. kali. lach. laur, LED. LYC. mgs. m-arct. M-AUSTR. magn. magpn-mur. MANG. mar. men. merc. mur-ac. NATR. NATE-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. N-VOM. oleand. par. petr. phospb. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rheum. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. samb. sassap. sec-corn. selen. SEP. SIL. SPIG. STANN.'STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. TAR. thu~j. VALE R. VERATR. viol-tm. vit. ZINC. Tendo Achillis. -Acon. alum. ANAC. ant-crud. arg. amn. bell. bism. bry. camph. carb-an. caust. chel. creos. duic. EUPHR. hep. kali. mar. mezer. MUR-AC. rnatm. natin-mur. lplat. puts. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. rhus. sabin. SEP. stann,, STAPH. 5ULPH. sui ph-ac. thuj. valer. ZINC. Foot. A CON. agar. alum.- ambr. amrn. amin-iur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. -asaf. asar. aur. BAR., BELL. bism.'bor. boy. IBRY. calad. CALC. carnph. cann. canth. cars. camb-an. carbveg. CAU5T. chain. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. gUaj. hell. hep. hyoso. igniat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led.,LYC. mn-arct. m-austr. magn. m agn-mur. mang. men. merc. mezer. mu,),-ac. NATR. sqatr-mur. nitr. nitm-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. Op. par. petin. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ranbuib.;an- 'scel. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta.,; sabad. Sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. SEP. SIL. spig. "spOng'. STANN. Stapi). 130 LEGS. stra-m. STRONT. SULPH. SUlph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. Hleel. Agar. alum. ambr. amm. AMM-MUR. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. anttart. arg. ARN. ars. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. bry. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CAUST. cham* chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coich. creos. cyci. dros. euphorb. GRAPH. hell. hep. IGNAT. jod. kali. lach. laur. LED. lyc. MGS. M-ARCT. magn. magn-mur. men. merc. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. PAR. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ranscel. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. SABIN. sassap. selen. SEP. SIL. SPONG. stann. staph. STRONT. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. VALER. veratr. viol-tr. vit. zinc. Back of the f oot. Agar. ANAC. ang. ant-tart. arg. ars. ASAF. aur. bell. bism. BRY. caic. CAMPJJ. cann. canth. curb-an. CAUST. chel. CHIN. COco. COLCH. Coloc. con. CUPR. cyci. dig. graph. guaj. HEP. ig-nat. kali. lach. LED. LYC. magn-mur. mang. merc. mezer. moseb. MUR-AC. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. phosph. plat. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rheum. RHUS. ruta. sabin. SASSAP. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. strai. sulph. TAR. THUJ. Viol-ti'. ZINC. Sole. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arm. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chum. chel. CHIN. ciC. cina. clem. coff. colch. coloc. con. CREOS. croc. CUPR. dig. dros. dule. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. iali. lach. laur. LED. lyc. igs. m-arct. m-austr. magn-mur. mang. men. merc. mezer. MUR-AC. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. pari PETR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-scel. rheumr. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill, sec-corn. selen. sep. SIL. spig. stann. staph. stront. SULPII. sulph-ac. TAR. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. Toes. Acon. AGAR. alum. ambr. AMM. AMM-MUR. anac. ant-crud. anttart. arg,. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. AUR. bar. bell. bism. bor. bov. bry. calad. caic. camph. cann. caps. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chain. clel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coich. con. creos. cupr. CYCL. dig. dros. duic. euphi. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. ht~p. hyosc. ignat. KALI. lach. laur. LED. lYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. LEGS 131 magn. rnrngn-mur. mar. MERC. MEZER. MOSCh. mur-ac. nair. natr., mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT.,,plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. rbheum. rhodod. rhus. rii-ta. sabad. SABIN. sassap. scill. SEC-CORN. SEP. SIL. Spig. spong. STAPH. stront. SULPH. Suiph-ac. TAR. THUJ. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. Big toe. Agar. alum.' AMBR. AMM. amm-mur. anac. ANT-CRUD. ARN.,ars. ASAF. AUR. bar. bism. caic. Cannf. caps. carb-an. CAUST. chin.. clem. cocc. coich. con. cupr. CYCL. duilc. graph. hell. hey. jod. KALI. laur. LED. M-ARCT. rnagn.. mar. merc. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. petr. phospJ&. ph-ac. PLAT. plutnb.puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHUS. ruta. SABIN. saksap. Sep. SIL. staph. sulph. suiph-ac. tar. 'THUJ. veratr. viol-tr. ZINC. Tips of the toes. Alum. ambr. amm. AMM-MUR. arm. ars. asaf. bism. calc. camph. canthi. caps. CHIN. hep. KALI. lach. mgs. m-austr. -mosch. MURAC. OLEAND. pbosph, PULS. ran-bulb. SEP. SIL. spig. THUJ. ZINC. Ball, under part of the toes. Aga'r. AMBR. amm. amm-mur. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. ars. asaf. bar. BRltY~g CANN. carb-an. caust. cina. coff. COLCH. con. cupr. dros. graph. hell. KALI. laur. LED. lyc. mezer. mur-ac. nit r-ac. PETýR.,. PH.-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-scel. RIMS. sabad. sabin. scill. SPIG. tar.. viol-tr. Toe nails. Alum. ant-crud. ars. bor. boy. c-aic. caust. coich. con. dig. GRAPH. hell, hep. mgs. m-austr. mar. MERC. mosch. mur-ac. nafr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. par. ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. SABAD. scill. SEP. SIL. suiph. thuj. Corns. Agar. aml~r. 4&mm. anac. ANT-CRUD. arg. amn. bar. bor. boy. BRY. CAIIC. camph. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cocc. con. graph. hep VA. Po IAT. j'od. kali. LYC. mngs. m-arct. m-austr. natr. nair-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. vetr. phosph. ph-ac., puls. ran-bulb. A-AN-SCEL. rhodod.. RHUS. ruta. SEP. SLL. spig. staph. SULPH.,iWlph-ac. thuj. iveratr. Jroinits in- general. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARO. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. 132 LE GS. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-am. carb-veg. CAUST. chai. chel. CHIN. CiC. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. FERR. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. LED. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. nar. men. NERO. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATRMUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-voN. oleand. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rlieum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STANN. staph. STRONT. SULPH. sulpb-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. tIlip-joiit. Acon. alum. amm. amm-mur. ANG. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. arg. arn. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. camph. caps. carban. CAUST. chai. chel. chin. coca. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. FERR. graph. HELL. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. LED. LYC. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. men. mere. mezer. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. par. petr. phosph. p/-ac. plat. plumb. puls. RHUS. samb. seneg. SEP. SIL. stann. staph. STRONT. SULPH. thuj. veratr. vit. zinc. Kiiee-Aoint. Acon. agar. alum. arnbr. amm.. amm-mur. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARG. arn. ars. AS&F. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chai. chel. CHIN. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. FERR. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. KALT. lach. laur. LED. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERO. n ezer. moseb. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheumm. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. STANN. STAPH. STRONT. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. YERATR. verb. viol-tr. Vit. ZINC. Hollow of the knee. Alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ang. ant-tart. ARS. asaf. asar. BELL. bor. BRY. calc. cann. carb-an. CAUST. chel. chin. cocc. coloc. con. creos. dig. dros. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. m-austr. NAGN. mang. men. NERO. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. N-VON, oleand. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHEUA1. RHUS. ruta. samb. sassap. soill. sep. spong. STANN. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. zinc. LEGS. 133 PatellaN ALUM. amm. anac. ang. arg. am. ASAF. BELL. bry. cALc. CAMPH. CANN. carb-veg. CATST. chel. chin. cocc. con. creos. graphk guaj. hell. LED. IYc. M-AUSTR. mar. men. mezer. mur-ac. NITR-AC. n-vom. pa phosph. ph-ac. ran-bulb. rtus. samb. sassap. Sep. SPIG. STANN. S~APH. stront. suiph. tar. thuj. verb. viol-tr. ZINC. Ankle. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm., amm-mur. anac. ANG. ant-crud. arg. am. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. bry. CALC. camph. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. chin. cic. cocc. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. CYCL. dig. DROs. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. LED. LYC. mgs. mn-arct. zn-austr. magn-nur. mang. mar. MERC. MEZER. mosc). mur-ac. natr'. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. samb. sassap. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. STRONT. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. tluj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. Joints of the toes. Ambr. amm. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARG. ARN. AUR. bell. bism. bry. caic. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CRAM. chel. CHIN. cina. cocc. con. cupr. cyci. dros. FERR. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. KALI. LED. LYC. magn. MAR. merc. mezer. natr. nair-mur. 'nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puts. ran-bulb. Tan-scel. RHUS. ruta. SABIN. sec-corn. SEP. sit. spig. staph. STRONT. SULPH. tar. veratr. vit. ZINC. Bones. AGAR. alum. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. arg. ars. asaf. AUR. bar. bell. bism. bor. bry. CALO. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carbveg. caust. CHIN. cocc. coloc. CON. CREos. cupr. cycl. dros. dulc. euphorb. graph. guaj. REP. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. magn. magn-mur. mar. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. nitr. NITR-AC. n-vom. oleand. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PULS. RHODOD. RRUS. RUTA. sabad. sabin. samb, sassap. SEP. SIL. spig. STAPH. stront. SULPH. thujh valer. veratr. viol-tr. ZINC. ',~a` rt~,J "V~~~ 134 134 SENSATIONS. PART THIRD. SENSATIONS AND COMPLAINTS. 1. EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL PARTS OF THE BODY IN GENERAL. Aiti, open, aversion kto. Agar. alumn. ambr. arnm. amm-raur. anac. ang. arri. ars. aur. BELL. BRY. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CH1AM. chel. CHIN.- cic. dn7a. COCC. COFF. coloc. CON. creos. dig. ciros. fcrr. graph. GUAJ. REP. IGNAT. 10ip ec. K ALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. M-AUSTR. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. MOSCH. mur-ac. NNTR. natr-mur. niti'. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. op. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. rhodod. RHIJS. ruta. sabmI. sassap. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. s~iGi. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. SULPH-AC. thug. VALER. vbratr. verb, VIOLT.R. zinlc. Air, openq desire for. Acon. ALUM. ambr. amm. amrn-mur. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. arg. ARN. ars. ASAF. ASAR. AUR. BAR. bell. BOR. boy. bi'y. caic. cann. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cic. cina. CROC. dig. graph. HELL. hep. JOD. kali. lach. laur. LYC. M-ARCT. MAGN. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. nair-mur. fu~r. op. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabin. sassap. selen. seneg. sep. spong. stann. staph. strain. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. TAR. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. VIT. zinc. Air, sensation as if a current of air blew upon one. Canth. chel. graph. mgs. m-arct. M-AUSTR. n-vom. oleand. puls. rhus. Sabin. scill. spig. strain. Sensation as if touched by a current of cool air. M-arct. M-AUSTR. mosch. rhus. samb. Aueurisms by aniiastomosis. Carb-veg. CAUST. lyc. PLAT. THUJ. Sensation of anxiousness in the body., Amm-mnur. ARS. bar. BRY. CALC. Cann. CANTH. carb-veg. CHAM. CHIN. cic. cocc. coff. coich. cofl. CUPR. euphorb. ferr. guaj. iguat. laur. LYC. mgS. MAR. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr-mur. N-VOM. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. rhus. sabad. 4 SENSATIONS. 135 sabin. SEC-CORN. sefieg. SEP. STANN. staph. strain. SULPH. suiphac. thuj. VERATR. Apoplexia. ACON. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARN. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. bry. caic. CAlIPH. aarb-veg. CHIN. COCC. COFF. con. creos. croc. cupr. dig. FERR. Xlp. nyosc. ignat. ipEC. LACH.-1 laur. LYC. mer~c. natr-tnur. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. oleand. OP. phosph. plumb. PULS. rhus. sabad. samb. sassap. sec-corn..sep. SIL. strain. -sulph. veratr. viol-od. -.ervosaw.ý Amn. asar. bar. bell. bry. CHIN. coff. cupr. dig.. hyosc. ignat. laur. merc. n-vom. phosph. puls. rhus. sit. strain. viof-od. - sangufinea. ACON. AUR.- bell. bry. Caic. camph. chi'n., cocc. coff. creos. ferr. ignat. ipec. lack. LYC. merc. n-vom. olean'd. rhus. sabad. samb. Sep. sulphj, viol-od.I Arthritic paini (in the joints). Acon. agar. alum. amnbr. 'amm. arnm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARG. ARN. ars. ASAF. asar. aur'. BAR. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. CALO. catnph. cann. cant/i. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. c/tam. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem, cooc. COLCH. coloc. con. creos., cupr. cycl. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. FERR. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. HYOSO. IGNAT. jod. KALI. laur. LED. lyc. mgs. mn-arct. M-AUSTR. magn. magn-rnur. mang. mar. MEN. MERC. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR.?titr. nitr-ac. n-nzosch. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumnb. PULS. ran-builb. ran-scel. rheumn. rhodod. RHUS. ruta.- sabad.,SABIN. samb. SASSAP. scill. sec-corn., SEP.,'sil. spig. SPONG. STANN. STAPH. strain. STRONT. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. vale~r. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tm..VIT. ZINC. -flying froim one part to ' aiiother. AIRN. ars. asaf. BELL. -chini. ignat. MANG. N-MOSCH. pl~umb. PULS. rhiodod. SABIN. sassap. sep. SUJLPH. valet'., zinc. Nodi arthritici. II- 1 Acon. ANT-CRU'D. amn. a u.r. bry. CALC. CAUST. dcI. cocc. Colch. dig. GRAPH. h ep. Ilaoh. LED. LYC, men, mere. nitr-ac. puls. R.HODOD. RHUS. sabin. STAPH. sulph. vit.. Asphyxia. Ant-tart. arn. CAUB-'VEG. Chin. COiFF. laur. nitr-ac. op. *phosph. p/i-ac. strain. Attacks of sick feeling. ACON. agar. alum. AMBR. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARlS. 136 SENSATIONS. asaf. asar. bar. BELL. bor. boy. bry. caflad. CALC. camph. carbveg. CAUST. chain.. chel. chin. cic. cina. coff. CON. croc. CUPR. eup hr. ferr. graph. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. KALI. led, LYC. m-austr. magn. magn-inur. MANG. mERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. phosph. plat. plumb. puls. rims. sabad. sabin. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. SPONG. stann. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. thuj. valer. verair. zinc. Ball in inner parls, sensationi as of a. Acon. asaf. caic. caust. con. graph. IGNAT. kali. LACH. magn-mur. natr-mnur. par. plat. PLUM7B. ruta. SEP. sil. staph. strain. suiph. valer. Band. (See [loop.) - iroaR, sens-ltioin as if parts weu'-e conapressed wvith. COLOC. Pain as if beaten. Acon. ALUM. amm. amin-mur. anac. ARN. bar. boy. bry. cann. caust. cic. CINA. cocc. con. creos. croc. cupr. dros. duic. graph. icali. lach. laur. led. imrs. m-arct. M-AUSTH. magn. i-nagrn-mur. mang. mezer. mosch. NATR. natr-rnur. N-MOSCH. n-vomn. OLEAND. PHO5PH. ph-ac. PLAIT. plumb. puls. ran-bull). ruta. sabad. sassaP. staph. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. zinc. Flesh as if beatexi off the bones. BRY. canth. creos. dros. IGNAT. led. mosch. nitr-ac. n-vom.. RIIUS. staph. SULPH. THUJ. Baiting pain (pungent). Aeon. agrar. alum. AMV~ER. amm. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. amn. ars. asar. aur. bell. bry. calad. caic. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-au. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. CHIN. CLEM. cocc. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. DROS. duic. euphorb. euphr. graph. HELL. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. IPJc. KALI. lach. laur. led. lyc. ings. m-arct. m-austr. magn. MAR. MVERC. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-?nur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. pUIls. RAN-BULB. RAN-SCEL. rheum. rhodod. RHUs. ruta. sabad. Sabin, sassap. scill. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. stann. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH,. suiph-ac. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. Blackness of outer parts. ACON. agar. alum. amm. ang. ANT-CRUD. ARN. ARS. as af. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bry. caic. camph. carb-veg.,caust. chain. CHIN. CiC. cina. COCC. CON. CUPR. DIG. dros. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. LACH. lye. MERC. Datr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. OP. SENSATIONS. 137 phosph. PH-AC. PLUMB. puls.. sabad. SAMB. sassap. scill. SECCORN. sep. sil. spig. sp~ong. staph. strain. thuj. VERATR. Bleeding from inner parts. ACON. agar. alum.ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. asar. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. B RY. CALC. cairn. CANTH. CAPS. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. CHIN. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. CROC. CUPRt. dig. dros. duic. euphr. KERR.-graph. hep. HYOS'c. ignat. jod. JPEG. katli. lach. LIED. LYC. MngS. r-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. futr. NITR-AC.-n-mosch. N-VOM. op. par. petr.- PHOSPH. rh-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. sassap. scill. SEC--CORN. selen. SEP. SIL. stann. staph.' STUAM. SULPH. sulplt-ac. t'ar. thuj. valer. veratr. zinc. Blood, abunrdance of (plethora). ACON. alum. amml. amn. ars. AUR. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. canth. chel. CHIN. coloc. croc. dupr. DIG. duic. FERR. g~raph. guaj. hep. HYOSC. ig'nat. KALI. lach. LYC. merc. moseb. natr. NATR-MUIR. NITR. NITR-AC. N-VOM. Op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. Sabin. selen. SEP. Sit. STRAM. SULPH. thuj. veraltr. -sensationi as if tihe circulation of the blood were interrupted.0 Aco -n. bell. bry. caust. croc. dig. hep. ignat.' LYC. in-austin. n-vom. oleand. puls. rhodod. SABAD. senegr. sul ph>. zinc. -collection of, in the. interior. Ars. CAMPH. can~th. cupr. VERAT11. congestion of, to single parts. 2ACON. alum. amhr. amm. amm-mur. ant-crud. ARN. asaf. AUR. bar. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. CALC. cam ph. cann. canth. carban. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. clein. cocc. coff. coloc. con. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. duic. FERR. GRAPxH. guaj. hell. hep. Hiyosc. ignat. jod. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. m-arct. m.-azstr. magn. magn-Inur. mang. merc. mezer. mosch. naitr. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOw oO'p..petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat.plumb. PULS.'AAN-BULB. rhodod. R~ius. sabjn. samb. scill. sec-corn. SENEG. SEP. SIL,. spig. SPONG. staph. STRAM. -SULPH. suiph-ac. ~tar.. thu'j. v'aler. veratr. VIOL-OD., -erethisin of (flush, rush, etc.). ACON. alum. AMBRk. ARM. arnn-mur. ant-tart. arg. ARtN. ar1S. APR. bar. BELL. BOY. BRY. CALC. cann. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chain. chin, con. CREOS. CROC. dig. dulc. FERR. gua0j. HEP. jrn'at. -JOD. KALI. LYC. mi-austi'. nzagn-miar. merc. snosch. NATR-MUB,. njtr-ac. n-tfoschl. fl-VOin. OP. PETR, PHOSPH. PH-Ac. 188 SENSATIONS. pulr. RHUS. sabad. SAM0B. SASSAP. SENEG. SEP. SLL. spong. STANN. staph. SULPH. THUJ. veratr Blood, sweating.4 Amn. caic. chain. clern.1'ach. n-nmosh N-VOM. - deficiency of. Acon. alum. arn. ARS. BELL. boy. BRY. caic. car-b-veg. chain. CHIN. cina. coff. coloc. CON. cupi1. cyci. F-E RR. I GN AT. jod. kali. lyc. mgs. mn-austr. magn. miagn-mur. mERc. mezer. natn~ nairmur. nitr-ac. ii-mosch. n-voin. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. r-hodod. RHUS. ruta. sabin. SCILL. SEP. sit. spigr. stanni. STAPH. SLILPH. valer. veratr. zinc. Blood-vessels, buain'ningsensation in UMe. ARS. bry. hiyosc. op. rims. veratr. - inflaiiirationi of. Acon. ANT-TART. lack. Pricking ini the. iIerc. -pulsations of the. ACONL. aac. ANT-CRUD. ars. asar. BELL. 6ev. bry. Cajad. caic. canth. as ABA. carb-verr clem. COIOC. con. Creos. cupr. GRAPH. he]]. REP. Bi1iit. JOD. KALI. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N--VO.N. PHO5PH. ph-aC. plumb. PULS. RHUS. sabad SABIN. sassap. SE LEN. SEP. Sil. staph. STRONT. suiph. THUJ. ZINC. - senalsation of cold in the. Acon. Ant-tart. -distention oi the. Acon. alumfl. MVAMM ARN. ars. BAR. BELL. bry. caic. Campi). chkl; CHIN. cic. coloc. con. CROC. cyci. FERR. GRAPH. HYOSC. lack. 4w. m-arct. in-austin. men. mosch. natr--mur. n-vom. oleanid. Op. PHiOSii. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. rims. sassap. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. stront. SULPH. THFUJ. Zinc. Boiling senisationL in the body. (See Erethiism.) Board, sensationi as if oine had been lying upon a. Acon. ARN. bryr. caust.. con. dr-os. graph. kali. mgrs. m-austr. rnagn. magn-rnur. n-mosch. n-vein. phosph. plat. sabad. sil. stann. suiph. tar. thuj. veratin. As if placed oin a board. (See Lying). Boring.o Acen. again. alum. amin. anmi-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. antta rt. A RG. amn. ai's. asaf. AUR. bar.' BELL. BJSM. bor. 6ev. CALC. canth. caps-, carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. CINA. clem. SENSATIONS.13 139 cocc. coichi. coloc., con. creos. cup'r. cycl. dig. dros. DULC. euphorb. euphr. HELL. HEP. igriat., ipec. KA 'L1. lach. laur. lyc. mgs. in-aret. magn. magn-murn mang. men. MERc. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. NATRMUR. nitr. nitr-ac.,n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. par. peti4. hosph-. ph-a. pat.plui~ib., PULS. ia-bulb. RANN9CEL. RHODoD. Thus. ruta."sabad. sabin. selen'. SENEG. SEtP. *SIL.,S PIG. spong~kt`S-nn. staph. strhm. gtront. sulph' TAR. -TIXIJJ. valer, ZINC. Boring, fromnit withiin outwards.:Ant-cri4.,as~af. telil. BISM. boy. caic. dros. DULC. tpeX0. MIS. sep. Spop~g,. STAPH. -from Wi*vthouft liaiiards.-', A.hatnv.-beltl:caic.. cpcc.. KALI. #mang..Zinc. Panas lukruised in,'ovateI, parts.A con. AGAR. ALUK.vV a~mn-ýar 'n-nwm vmu.,aniacANG. ant-tart. ARG. ARN. arsý. asaf. ASAR V.AUR 'bi. beboy BRY). calad., CALC. cam zph. ann-i. canith-. caps...carb-am carb veg, CAUST. cnarn. CHIN. dic., cna00C CaE Coc. 'COnw,creos. CROC. cupr: -cycle. dig: 'dro's. *d-utc -,eti~hoxrb. s gi-apfz guaj. hell. IE P. fy ýIGNT.1CcuskaJM. 1acb~. 1aturtexiJyc ngS. m-arct. inq~ hyQV~dc-. GNAT.. R-. au4wqrnen: MERC -n4ezei"mmau-ac. NATR. T-MU. flt7ac Up1-,Qsch.*N VON pairý.-pety-. PH 0S&P11:H AC dt -plaphibib. PULS. ran -bulb i-an-scelI.rheum. rho4odtrhus-6 ROT.A.~s~bad sabin. *sassap.c Lii,cfleg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong4 stANN Ar amn.stont 'SULPHI suip~hace tar. TFIUi"-V'ALbR Ný.ERALTBisviolti r.IN-c. Acon. (iýar.ýaiqc;ap't-crýidARG. air 1LUR: llB Oy. b ry c ale. " a2 h..,c a rb -an4 v'~a'r b--v eg tAtST c+ hain OTRIfNci. 'cojf. b coloC cO& crpc. cyci 'DkiQ M,40 dulc.V 4,R R graph. hp.hyo~ i~r~t.kali. iýd 111'aMbUSti4. i1agil MEZER".MUR-AC. flatir NA'R-Mvqt7R. NIT*R'--AC. N-NoMf. par',phospfliph-ac. plat. PVOL)gr4- T?s. RCTA.:'ýabad. Sh-).P SPIG-. sda*Wi~j*,tai siph. MA S'I 11c?kjvdlIe r.. iý.ER'ATa,.Vvi-,od. zinc, til te boe 4 s14'aiv. a,?no'z-ontn ang. saf. aw.mrbaboy ealc - nv~t hin. COCC.g 9'aph. I+1 P. 'J G NIXT -IPIC. LE D. m: aV;Strist agu.. nate-~ mm11. -pyonii par. petix~ hUS-RT.#zbd.sp aeVEAR 11C.4 Acm alrian'r i mm-o~u? ad.iac.arwan.sQ~ti i~.~ 'y~A1wbI ci'uca 6 n ra ~ eq il CHIN. Gina. clen.6dc cOffcoloc. 'qjn~zci6rods cuw r. epboyb. cnphr.,; ferin graji,. 1FiE LT,.heqp..i~g natijo 1pio- k&i.La f, v -%V'k 140 SENSATIONS. laur. led. lyc. mgrs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. rragn-mnur. mang. men. merc. mosch. mur-ac. riatr. mitr-ac. N-VOM. Op. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabin. samb. sassap. sep. sil. spig. spong0,. STANN. staph. strain. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. valer. VERATR. viol-tr. zinc. Bubbling. (See Clucking.) B urns. Agrar. alum. ant-crud. ARS. caic. CARB-VEG. CAUST. CREOS. cycl. enphiorb. lack. plumb. ruta. SEC-CORN. STRAM. Burning pain. of exterior parts. ACON. agar. alwn. ambr. aqnin. amm-mur. anac. aug. anitcrud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. ASAF. asar. bar. bell. bism. BOR. b~oy. IRY. calad. caic. camph. cairn. catnth. caps. carb-an. CARI3-FEG. CNUST. chain. CHEL. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. CYCL. dig. dros. dubc. euzphorb. ferrn graph. gtiaj. hell. hep. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. mnagn-m72ur maD g. mar. men. MERC. miezer. mosch. MUR-AC. NATR. Datr. mur. nitr. jitr-ac. n. mosch. N-YOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOS PH. PH-AC. plat. pluimb. PULS. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. r-itta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. setieg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. STANN. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPII. suiph-ac. TAR. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. ZINC. of inner parts. ACON. alum. ambr. ar-nm. aynnn-mur. aug. anit-cruid, anttart. ar'g. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. ami. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. camnph. caun. CANTH. caps. carbani. CARB-VEG. CAUST. c/ata. CHEL. CHIN. CIC. ciiia. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con). creos. CUPR. dig. dros. DULC. ETJPHORB. euphr. GRAPHi. hell, hop. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. LAUR. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. in-austr. magn. mag~i-n-mur.?nang. MERO. AMEZER. mosch. muitr-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. n1itr-ac. n-mosch. N-YOM. par. petr. PHOSPFI-. PH1-AC. plbat. plumib. puls. RAN-BULB. r-an-scel. rhodod. RH-US. rutta. SABAD. sabin. SASSAP. SEC-CORN. senegr. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stalin. staph. strain. stront. SULPI-. suiphi-ac. tar. VERATR. viol-od. vo-r zinc. Paina as if bbuirnvt. Aluim. ambr. BAR. bell. bry. cairn. caust. chin. ferr. hyosc. IGNAT. kali. MAGN-MUR. merc. natr. n-vomi. op. par. phosph. PLAT. PULS. SABAD. SEP. stlllJh-ac. thtij. veratr. Paini as if the parts urould burst, 'were presssed asuiider, pushecd asiauader. A con. anmr. arnim-rnr. anac. ant-crud, ant-tart. amn. ars. asaf. ASAR. bar-. BELL. bisnz. bor'. boy. BRY. CALC. carnph. SENSATIONS.14 141 canln. CAPS. -carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. cina. coce. coff. coich. coloc. CON. creos. croc. -dig. duic. EUPHORB. euphr. ferir. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. LGNAT. jod. ipeC. K'ALI. Jach. laur. lyC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magu. marig. mere. mezer. rnosch. mmi-ac. natr.. natr-mzur. ni-tr. nitr-ac. n-inosch. n-vom. oleand. op. PAR. petr. phospht. ph-ac. -plat. plumb. puils. RAN-BULB. raw,-scel, rhodod., rhus. sabad. SABIN. sarnb. sassap. scill. seneg. SEP. SIL. -SPIG. spong. stann. staph. strain. STRONT. S111ph. suiph-ac. tar... huj, valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. zinc. Buzzing. (See Humming.) Want to be carried (children). Ant-tart. CRAM. Catalepsy. Acon. alum. Amm. amm-mur. ANG. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. caic. CAMPH. cann. canik. CRAM. CIC. con. creos. Cupr. dros. hell. hep. HYOSC. IGNAT. ipEc. kali. laur. led. LYC.. m-arct. MERC. MOSCH. n-vom. op. PETR. phosph. PLAT. plumib. puls. rhodod. rhus. SEC-CORN. seneg. SEP. 'STRAM. suiph. veratr. zinc. - with bending backwards. ANG. BELL. canth. CRAM. %CIC. clem. -cocc. con. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. n-vom. op. rhus. sec-corn. 5TANN. strain. Catching. (See Grasping.) 1ITIovement of the nuouth, as if one were chewing. ACON. bell. bry. caic. CRAM. LACH. mosch. veratr. Chiorosis. Ars. bar. BELL. CALO. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. COCC. CON. dig. FERR. graph. HELL. ignat. KALI. LYC. mere. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. M-vom. oleaiid. PHOSPH-. ph-ac. PLAT. PLUMB. PULS. Sabin. SEP. SPIG. staph. SULPII. sulphac. valer. zinc. Chioppin,g, as if with a hatchet. Autr. ph-ac. stapht. thuj. Chiorea, St. Viti. (Sde Spasms, clonic.) Clotlhes, feeling uneasy and encumbered by tMe. AMM. arn. asaf. asar. bry. CALC. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. coff. creos. -1E P. ignat. lach. LYC. nitr. N-YOM. oleand. Op. puls. RAN-BULB. SASSAP. SEP. SPONG. stann. Clucking. -Agar. alurn. AMBR. amm~. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. amn. ars. ASAF. asar. bar.-BELL. boy. bry. cabc. carb-an. carbveg. chain. chel. chin. cina..coec. COLCH. creos. croc. dig. graph. 142 SENSATIONS. hell. /cali. LYC. m-arct. m-anstr. njagn. mnagn-mur. m aug. mnar. men. merc. N-VOM1. oleand. par. peti'. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plUrrb. PtJLs. RH-EUM. rhus. ruta. sabin. sassap. SCILL. Sep. sil. SPIG. Spo1ng. stann. staph. stront. suilph. sniph-ac. TARt. valer. verb. viol-I,'. zinc. Sen21sation as of cobwebs. AIlum. bar-. BOR. caic. grapTh. magrn. ph-,ac. plumb. r-anscel. suiph-ac. Mon'bils cocrirleutv. A con. agar. alumn. (amm. anig. ant-cruld, armi ARS. asaf. asar. aar. bar. BELL. bis~m. bry. calec. camp/I.. earb-veg. caust. chain. chel. chini. cic. chifa. COCC. CON. CUPR. DIG. dros. ferrn hop. hyosc. ignat. ipec. LACI{ led. lyc. manig. rnerc. mnosch. mma-ac. niatrmarw. iit i-ac. iin-osch. n-vonz. OP. phosph. ph-ac. plum~b, pals. rail-bnl~b. r-hus. ruta. sabad. SAMVB. sas 'sap. SEC-CORN. s eneg. sil. spo)ng-. staph. stamn. sniph. suiph-ac. fthuj. ver-at. Dispositionn to Catch cold. ACON. alum. amam. aniac. anit-crud. am. ars. BAR. B3ELL. bor. BRY. CALC. cainph. CARB-VEG. causi. CRAM, chini. cocc. cofT. coloe. coui. croc. cnipr. dig. dros. DULC. fen'. graph. hep. uyxosc. igriat. jod. ipec. /cali. led. lyc. migs. m-arct. rn-austr. miagui-mur. MERC. rnezer. NAT.R. 7zair-mari.INITR-AC. n-mrosch. N-YO1XJ op. peir. pliosp~h. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHTJS. ruita. sah~io. samnb. sassap. 50101). SEP. Sd., spig-. stalin. staph. SULPI-. sulph4 -ac. valor. verair. Sexisatlort of coldness irn Iinaer parts..1con, alumi-. ambr. anit-crud, ant-tart. arm. ARS. asaf. bar, bell. boy. bry. CALO. cczgnph. caps. carb-an. carb-vog. catist. c/id. c/hin. colcit. coti. croos. croc. dros. graph. hell. igniat. ipee. kali. lach. LAUR. LYC. mn-autstr. magn). mang. MEN. more. qnezer. miosch. nair. nair-7inur. nit?-. nitr-ac. N--,VOM. olealld. PAR. p/iosp~h. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. rhims. ruta. sabad. sassap. secC0l1L1 SEP. spOng. SULPH. suiph-ac. valor. ver-atr-. zinc. Coml'fortable feel ing.~aw COFF. plumb. op. strain. valci'. Complaints prevailinig hi hainer paits. AC~ON. alum. ambr. AMMT. aug. anit-crud. ANT-TART. ars. as a. asar. aur. bell. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. campit. caun. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-vog. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. 6Ce. coec. colc/i. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. dig. dulc. ouphorb. ferr. graph. HELL. hop. hyose. ig-nat. JOD. ipec. kali. lach. LAUR. lyeC. mgs. in-arct. m-austr. magu. ma gu-mur. maug. mar. men. mere. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. uitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N SENSATIONS. 143 VOM. oleand. par. petr. PHOSPH. p/-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-sdel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap, scill. sec-corn. SENEG. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. strai. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb, violdod. zinc. Complaints prevailing hit outer parts. Aeon. AGAR. alum. arnm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ARG. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bry. caic. cann. caps. carban. carb-veg. CAUST. chain, chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc., cycl. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. EUPHR. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. KALI. bach. led. mngs. M-ARCT. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. MEN. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. M"ATH. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vor. OLEAND. op. par. petr. phosph. iVi-ac. PLAT. pubs. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. salbin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. Sep. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. strai. stront. sulph. sulph-aC. TAR.-thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-ir. VIT. zinc. Conclussion. Acon. anac. ARN. aur. BELL. cale. camph. cann. caust. chin. cic. cina. cocc. creos. cupr. hyosc. laur. LED. lye. mgs. m-arct. magn-mur. mang. mezer. NATR-MUR.- n-mosch. N-VOM. ph-at. pubs. RHUS. seneg. sep. sil. SPIG. staph. vaber. veratr. zinc. Constriction. (See Contraction.) Constriction of the orifices. Alum. ars. bar. BELL. calc. carb-veg. 'che/. cocc. colch. con. dig. dulc. ferr. graph. hep. Hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. lye. MG5. rnaustr. mezer. natr-mur. N-VOM. phosph. plat. PLUMB. rhodod. sabad. sassap. sep. STAPH. strain. suiph. tar. thuj. VERATR. Consumption in general. Acon. amibr. amm. amm-mur. arg. arn. ARS. aur. bar. bell. bor. BRY. calad. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. charn. CHIN. cocc. Con. creos. cupr. DROS. dule. F ERR. graph. guaj. hep. hyosc. ignat. JOD. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. LED. LYC. mang. mar. mverc. natrmur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. phac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. ruta. sabad. samb. scill. seccorn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. STANN. staph. stram. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Contortions of thne limbs. Acon. ang. arn. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. camph. cant/i. CHAM. chin. cic. cocc. CUpR. graph. hell. HYOSO. laur. merc. n-vom. op. petr. PLAT. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. ruta. SEC-CORN. Spig. stann. STRAM. sulph. veratr, 144 SEN\ISATIONS. Contraction of the body. Ant-tart. cocc. coloc. sec-corn. Sensation xof contraction ii onter parts. Acon. agar. alum. amm. amm-mur. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. arg. am. ars. asaf. ASAR. aur. bell. BiSM. bor. boy. bry. caic. cann. canth. cap* carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chai. CHIN. cina. coco. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. cupr. dig. dros. duic. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. jod. iali. lach. laur. led. LYC. ni-arct. m-aust.i magn. rnagn-mur. mang. men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-Inosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. _petr. phosph. PLAT. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ranscel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. scill. seccorn. selen. SEP. sil. spig. spong. STANN. staph. strai. STRONT. suiph. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. verb. viol-tr. zinc. Contraction of tthe joints. Acon. arnin-mur. ANAC. AUR. calc. carb-an. chin. coloc. creos. fcrr. GRAPH. lyc. men. NATR-MUR. NJTR-AC. n-mosch. n-vom. PETH. ruta. scill. sil. spig. stann. STRONT. suiph. zinc. of- oinner parts. ACON. agar. ALUM. ambr. amm. anac. ang. ant-crud, ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. ASAR. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. bov. bry. calad. CALC. campl. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chai. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coich. COLOC CON. creos. croc. cupr. DIG' DROS. dulc. euphorb.ferr. graph. guaj. hell. he p. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. IPEC. icali. lach. LAUJR. led. lyc. ns. in-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. MOsCH. mum-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. N-MO5CH. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. PLUMB. PULS. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. SASSAP. scili. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. Sil. spig. spong. siann. staph. strai. stront. SULPH. SULPH-AC. tar. THUJ. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. Contusions. Acon. ant-crud. ARG. ARN. caUst. CIC. CON. DROS. jod. kali. lach. led. mar. gi-n-osch. OLEAND. par. petr. phosph. plat. puls. riodod. rhus. RUTA. sep. sulph. SULPH-AC. veratr. verb. Pain as from contusion. Acon. alum. aug. ant-crud. ARG. ARN. asar. bar. calc. caith. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. CIC. cina. clem. con. cupr. cycl. dig. DROS. duic. euphorb. hep. hyosc. i-nat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. led. ngs. mar. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. OLEAND. paar. petir. p/osph. PLAT. pUIs. rhodod. SENSATIONS. 145 RHUS. RUTA. sabad. sabin. sep. spon1g. sui1ph. SULPE-AC. thu'j. veratr. verb. viol-od. Convulsions. (See Motions, convulsive.) Convulsions, with jerking of the convulsed part. Aeon. agar. ALUM. AMI3R. anit-crud. arg. amn. ARS. bell, bry. caic. camph. caun. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chin. CLC. coloc. CUPR. dig. dros. duic. hep. nx-osc. IGNAT. ipec. kali. lach. lawr. lyc. qmgs. magfl. MEN. MERC. mezer. rnur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. initr--ac. ni-vorn. op. patr. PH-ospH-. plat. PLUMB. RA N-BULB. rhodod. sabad. scill. SEq-CORN. sep. sil. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. VERATR. viol-tr. ZINC. Corrosion of parts. ARS. cauist. MERC. sil. staph. suiph. Cracking of the joinis. Acon. amim. anac. aug. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart, bar. bry. calad. caic. CAM PH. CAPS. caiist. chain. chin. cic. COCC. coloc. con. CRoc. eulphr. hep. ignat. ipec. kali. LED. lyc. mgs. m-arct. rm-austis. men. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. N-VOM. PETR. PHOSPH. puls. Tan-bulb. RHUS. SABAD. sabin. sassap. selen. seneg. spong. stann. SULPH. THUJT. veratr. zinc. Sensation as of cracking in the inner parts. Bar. cabc. caust. chani. coce. coff. graph. kali. men. natr-mur. n-vom. petr. sabad. sep. spig. Sensation as of crackling (crepi~tation). ACON. alum. ars. aur. bar. bry. CALC. carb-veg. coff. con., lach. mgs. m-arct. mosch. nitr-ac. par. phosph. puls. RHEUM-.. sabad. sabin. sep. SPIG. Cramp-pain in the muscles. dcon. agar.. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ANAC. ANG.. arg. A RN. ARS. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. boy. bry. CALC. camph. CANN. caps. carb-an. carb-vegr. CATJST. chain. chin. cic. CINA. clem. COCC. coich. COL'OC. CON. creos. croc. cupr. dig-, dros. DULC. euphorb.; ETJFHR. ferr. GRAPH. hell. hep. hyose. IGNAT.-jod. ipec. KALI. ach. -LYC. mgs. M-ARCT. magn. M AGN-MUR. mlaflg.ý MEN.ý MERO. mezer.- moschk. MUR-AC. natr. natr-mur. nitr. -NITR-AC. n:,mosch. n-vom.. oleand:: par. PETR. phosph, ph-ac. PLAT.. ran-bulb.,r2h-odod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. samb. scill. sec-corn. SEP. SIL..SPIG. SPONG. STANN. staph. Strain. stront.. SULPH. suiph-ac., THUJT. VALER. verb. viol-od. Viol-tr. zinc.6 ----; in. the, joints. ýAeon. ainm-inur. ANAC. ANG. am. aur. bar. B3ELL. boy. BRY. CALO. cainph4 cann. canth., caust. chain. chel. chin. cic. 146 SENSATIONS. cocc. cokch. con. ci-eos. cupr. duic. euphorb. hep. ]Ityosc. ignat. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. rn-arct. men. rnerc. mezer. Yiitr. n-vorn. oleand. op. par. petr. phos ph. PLAT. plumb. r-hus. SEC-CORN. selen. spig. spong. staph. strain. SULPH. veratr. verb. Crantj)-prain in the iainuca parts. ANG. ant-tart. calad. caic. GINA. CIrOC. ignat. kali. mur-ac. PE TR. phi-ac. PLAT. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. sarnb. staphi. thu~j. valer. velratr. verb. zinc. Creekinig of the joints. CAPS. FERR. LED. natr-rnur. petr. plumb. puls. rhus. suiphi. vit. Sensatioiu as off creeping (a-s of an animal). ALUM. arg. bar. bor. cann. caust. chin. duic. Icali. lachi. LAUR. rn-austr. N-VOM. plumb. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. sabad..sec-corn, staph. suiph. tar. tbuj. vit. Creepincr in the limbs like a mouse. Arn. Ars. BELL. CALC. nitr-ac. rhodod. SEP. sil. SULPH. CrepitationL. (See Crackling.) Curbing. (See Comrtiaction.) Cutting in outer parts. Acon. ALUM. ambr. anac. ang. ant-crud. arg. amn. asaf. asar. aur. BELL. bism. bor. bry. CALC. camph. cann. cant/i. caust. chin. cina. clem. coich. COLOC. con. dig. DROS. dulc. euphorb. GRAPH. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. kali. led. LYC. m-ai'ct. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merx. mezer. mosch. MUR-AC. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vorn. oleand. par. _petr. phosph. PH-AC. plat. puls. ranbulb. rhodod. RHUS. ru~ta. SAMB. sassap. seneg. SEP. SIL. Spig. stann. staph. Strain. SULPH-AC. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. -in inner parts. Agarn. alum. amnbr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ANG. ant-crud. anttart. av*g. ARN. a2'5. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bisrn. bor. boy. bry. CALAD. CALO. cam ph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. c/id. CHIN. Cie. GINA., clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. CON. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dr05. duic. 6err. graph. guaj. hell. hep. Iiyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. ing-s. mn-arct. mn-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezem. moSch. MUR-AC. natr. natr-mur. NITR. nitr-ac. n-mosc/i. N-VOM. Op. PAR. _petr*. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. manScel. RHEUM. rhodod. rhus. muta. sabad. Sabin. samb. sassap. scill. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. STANN. STAPH. STRONT. SULPH. suiph-ac. t/iuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. SENSATIONS.14 147 Cyanosis. (Sce Morbus coeruleus.) Deadiness of single parts. (See Insensibility.) Debility. (See Weakness.) Amm-mur. ant-crud. chel. creos. kali. laur. rnagn. mclgn-mur. n-VOM. RHUS. suiph-ac. Di4g1Jging p. (See "1Rooting.") Sensation as if the joints were disjointed. Mgs. STRAM. Sensation as if inner parts were distenuded (enlarged). Anac. ant-tart. amn. ars.- ASAR. aur. BELL. BISM. boy. bry. calad. CAPS., carb-veg. cina. cocc. con. euphorb. guaj.'hyosc. IGNAT. KALI. laur. migs. rnerc. n-mosch. OLE AND. op. PAR. petr. plat. plumb. ran-.bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. sassap. SEP. SPJG. STANN. tar. VERATR. zinc. Dragging pain. Agarn. alum. arn~br. anac. ang. ARN. ARS. a'sar. BELL. boy. bry. CALO. cann. cant/i. CAPS. carb-an. carb-yeg. caust. GRAM. cina. clem. cocc. COLOR. coloc. con. creos. croc. dros. duic. EUPHORB. guqj. hell. hep. ignat. jod. icali. LATJR. lyc. mn-arct., m-austr. magcn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERO. MEZER. mur-ac. NATR. natrmur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. op.' par. petr. PHOSPHA. PLAT. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHEUM. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. Sabin. sassap. seneg. sep. sil. spig. SPONG. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. thuj. valer. veratr. verb, zinc. Drawingy. (See Tearing.) Drawingy in of soft parts (retraction). Aeon. agar. amm. amn. ars.' bar. bell. CALAD. carb-veg. caust. chel. chin, con. cupr. DROS. duic. euphorb '. eup hr. hell. kali. lach. laur. SIOSCI{. natr. n-vom. PLUMB. rhus. sil. staph. sulph. valer. zinc. Sensation as of drawing in (retraction). Dig. hep. mum-ac. n-vom. plumb. rhus. sulph. verb. Limbs drawn together crooked. Aeon. alum. ambr. amm-murc. 2ztac. ant-crud. aýnt-tart. amg. amn. bell. hism. CALO. carb-ant. 8aamh-veg. C"AUST. chain. chel. CHIN. cina. coce. 'coff. colch. coloc. con. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. euphorb. FEURi~.GRAPH. GUAJT. hep. HYOSO. kali. laur. LYC. maustr. magn-mur. men. MERc. natr. natr-mur. nitin. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. plat. plumb. rhus. ruta. sabad. Sabin. sassap. SEC-CORN. Sep. SIL. Spig. Spong. stann. strain. suiph. sulph-ac. yeTatr. 148 SENSATIONS.S Sensation as of drawing downwards. Cann. memc. n-vom. Sensation as of dropping. Ambr. am. bell. CANN. sep. spig. thuj. veratr. Dropsy of outer parts. Acon. ANT-CRUD. ARS. aum. BELL. BISM. BRY. caMph. CANTH. chel. CHIN. COLCH. coN. DIG. DULC. euphorb. FERR. guaj. HELL. hyos..JOD. KALT. LACE. LED. LYC. MEN. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. nitr. NITR-AC. N-MOSCH. OLEAND. op. phosph. plat. PLUMB. PULS. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. SABIN. SAMB. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. SENEG. SEP. sil. strai. SULPE. VERATR. VERB. - of inner parts. Acon. ambr. amm. ant-crud. arg. am. ARS. aur. BELL. BRY. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-veg. CHIN. cina. COLCH. coloc. con. DIG. DULC. euphorb. firm. guaj. HELL. hep. /yosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lack. laur. LED. IYC. mar. MERC. mezer. mum-ac. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. sabad. samb. sassap. SCILL. SENEG. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. strai. SULPH. veratr. viol-tr. Dryness, excessive, of the paini of the hands and the bottom of the feet. Bism. Dryness of inner parts (iisuallylmoist). AcoN. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. auig. ant-crud. ant-tart. am. ARS. asaf. asam. aur. BAR. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. CALAD. CALC. campl. caun. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coich. con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRPAPE. guaj. hell. hep. EYosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-amct. m-austr. magn. magnmur. MANG. men. MERO. mezer. mosch. mum-ac. natm. natrmum. nitr. NLTR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. Op. PAR. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. rUta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. SENEG. sep. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. STRAM. STRONT. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. VERATR. vit. ZINC. Sensation of dryness in inner parts. ACON. alum. amm-mur. arg. an. ASAF. ASAR. bar. bell. BRY. CALAD. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. croc. dros. euphorb. ferr. ignat. ipec. kali. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. ýmar. men. merc. mezer. mosch. N-MOSCH. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. phosph. plumb. PULS. rheuin. RHUS. SENSATIONS.14 149 ruta. sabad. scill. seneg. sil. spig. stann. staph. STRAM. suiph-ac. tar. thinj. valer. VERATR. viol-od. viol-tr. Sensation of drynessf in the joints.; CANTH.' croc. lyc. m-arct. N-YOM. ph-ac'. PULS. Dull pain.,AGAR. alum. anaC. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. asar. bism. bor. boy. bry. calc.' carn.ýh.`cauth. carb-veg. cautst. ch~l. CHIN. CiC. cina. clem.( cocc., co ff-. coloc. con. CREOS. cyci. d'ros." DULC. euphorb. ferr. HELL. hep. HYOSC. IGNAT. L4UR. ked~ lye. m-austr. mairg. mar. mel). mere. mezer. moseb. ndtr-.na't#;-qhur. mitr-ac. n-vomn. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. piils. ranscel.- rheumr. rhodod. rhus. sajad. sami). sassap. scifl. s~ec'corn. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stront. suiiph-ac. thuj. vera?&. verb. viol-,od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. Seiisation as of dust iii inner parts. AMM. ars. BELL. CALC. CDna. dros. htp INT. mar. ph-ac. rhetni. suiph. -Dying, appearance as if. Ant-tart. amn. CARB-VEG. chin. COFF. -laur. NITR-AC. Op. phosph. ph-ac. strain. * Emnaciation gener'al. Alutm. AMBR. amm. a~nac. ant-crud. amn. ARS. BAR. bor. BRY. CALC. canth. CHAM. CHIN. cina. CLEM. COCC. con. CUPR. d1ig. dros. duic. FERR. GRAPH. GUAJ. hep. IGNAT. JOD. ivi'c. kali. LACH. LYC. magn. magn-mur. MER~C. mtezer. natr.-NeATRMUR. NITR-AC. 1i-mosch. N-YOM. Op.. PETR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLUMB. PULS. ruta. samb. SASSAP. SEC-CORN. selen. Sep. SIL. 4spig. spong. STANN. staph. strain. STRONT. SULPH. VERATR. - of single parts. 1 Bry. calc..carb-ve'g. duic. graphi-jod. led. MEZER. ncttr-mur. nitr-ac. ph-ac. SELEN. lý of the parts affeicted, Ars. bry. CARB-VEG. duic. GRAPH. LED. MEZER, liatr-mur. nitr-ac. ph-ac. plutmb. PULS. selen. sil. Sensation of emptiness (hiollowniess). Alum. amm. amnni-mur. ant-crutd. ant-tart. arg. amn. aur. bar. bry. CALAD. caic. caps. carb-veg'. caust. chain. chin.' cina. COCC. cofl. coloc. croc. cupr. dig. duiic. ei~phorb. graph. guaj. hep. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. lýc. magn. mang. mar.. men. merc. mezer, MUR-AC. natr. natr-mur. nitr. n-vom. OLE-- AND. op. par. petr. phosph. plat. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta.sabad. SASSAP. scifi. seneg. SEP. spig. STANN. strain. sulph, veratr. verb, zinc. K 150 SENSATIONS. Epilepsy. Aeon. agoar. aluim. amm. aug. ant-cruid. aiit-tart. arg. amn. ARS. asaf. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. CAM PH. cauth. CAUST. GUAM. chin. CIG. CdNA. cocc. coloc. con. CUPR. dig. dros. dule. ferr. hell. HYOSC. ignat. jod. IPEC. KALI.' LACH. laur. led. LYC. mgs.marnan. mrar. mere. mosch. mur-ac. NATR-MUR. NITH-AC. n-moseh. N-VOW, Op. peli'. phosph. ph-nc. plat. PLUMB. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. 7rhus. ruta. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. st a nn. staph. STRAM. SULPIJ. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. zhic. Epilepsy with rigror. Acon. alumn. amMn. ANG. ant-tart. arg-. ars. ASAF. bell. bry. CAMPH. catith. caust. chain. chin. crc. cuina. coce. COLOG. DROS. hell. hyose. IGINAT. IPEC. kali. LAUR. led. lye. M]ýRC. MOSCH. iiitr-ac. oP. PET11. phosph. PLAT. pluimb..sec-corn. sep. sit. strain. sulph. thiij. VERATR. ZinC. -with Consciousness. Ang-. ars. bell. caic. carnph. CANTH-. caust. CINA. hell. h1yose. KALI. lye. m~gS. MAGN. mrere. rnnr ac. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. phosph. PLAT. sep. sil. STRAM. snip/i. -withouit conscioiusness. Ant-tart. ars. aur. BELL. CALO. CAMPHI. CANTH. chain. chin. CIG. cina. COCO. CU PR. digr. ferr. HYOSC. ipec. lack. laur. led. lyc. merc. natr- miui'. nitr-ac. n-von. o-p. phosph. PLUMB. sec-corn'. SEP. SIL. staph. strain. SULPH. verair. Erethisin. (See Un dulation.) Excitemenit, nervouls. ACON. alum. AMBER. ANG. BELL. calc. canth. CHAM. CHINT. cic. dOFF. coich. CREOS.'croc. dros. FERR. JOD). lach. laur. mgs. m-arct. MAR. men. N-YOM., PETR. phosph., PH-AC. plat. puts. rhus. ruta. sahad. SEP. ESil. SPOng. strani, suiph. VALER. veratr. verb. viol-od. vit.*I Extendincr of the limbs. ALUM. amin. bell, cairn. chin. dina. CLEM. croc. ignat. led. mezer. natr. phospli. ph-ac. ruta. sabad. suLph-ac. verb. viol-od. Sen-sation of eixtenxsiona (swelling, distention, increase of size). Aeon. alum. ambr. amin-mur. anac. att-crud, ant-tart. ang. amn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar'. BELL. BISM. bov. BRY. cale. can th. CAPS. carb-veg. caust. charn. chin. dina. coec. coleb. c'on. creos. cyci. dig. duic. euphorb. GUAJ. hell. Imp. /tyosc. ign'at. ipec.kali. lach. LAUR. led. lye. mg's- m-aitstr. miagn. mang. 9nerc. mezer. mosch. nitr. nitr-ac. u-inosc*. n-vomn. oleand. op. PAR. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS., sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. seneg. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. strain. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. thuij. valer. veratr. zinc. SENSATIONS.15 151" Fainting. ACON. ambr. amm. ANT-TART. ARN. ARS. aiur. bell. bor. boy.-13R Y. calad. cabe. CA-dPHl. CANN. canth. carb-ve~g. caust. CHANI. CHIN. CiC. cina. cocc. C'OLOC. COIL. CREOS. dros. DIG. duic. FERR. graphi. hell. REP. HYOSC. i~gnat. IPEC. icali. LACH. laur. led. lye. MGS. rn-arct: m-aus'tr. magn. 'magn-mur. rnerc, mezer. MOSCH. iiitr. nitr-ac. N-morcricr~ N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. PROS PH. plumb. pubs. rani-bulb).'ran-.-cel'. ritus. ruta. sa'bdd. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG ýtaph. STRAM. huilph. valer.' VERATR. VIOL-OD. Senisatioin as if jinter paamts were. alling out. 'BELL. boy. bry. con. creos. gia'pli. ka~li. lyc.' m-arct. mere. mnosch. ijatr. Nv:VoM. PLkT. pilh~mb.- ran-bul~b. -Seflsp, ig.*staph. SULPH1. thuj. vit. zinc:Fat, tendency to get...9gar. amibr. aimnm flilaug. aT ANT-,CRUD. anl-tart. arn. asaf. bar. bell. bor. bi-y. CALC. ca'nwiph..,c'anth' CAPS. chain. chin. cic. clem. coce. coloc. t-on. croc.,cud. *dig. euphorb. FERK. graph.. guaqj. hell' hyos.c 3od.'pe~c, kalIiL bach. lauir. LYC..magii. mherc. mrun-ac. natr.ii- ros h.o I. p.plt lub.PULS. rhu. acd. sassap. senag% sep. sit. spig. spong. strani. SULPH. thuij. beratr. ol ad*ý Sensation of faltig1IeC Ac' qaon: uw nir.am.ta.ag. ant-crud. ANTTAP.T. arg0'XRPN. au's. aslaf. asar. aur. barbell. bismi. boy. bry. CAM.c~aulbh, AN cauth. caps. carb-an. CAU5T. chain. chel. chne cicmcau. cle~ini. bocc*: coff. coich. coloc.'!CON. creos. CROC. cycl. dig. dr'o" dub. euphork.. eyzphr. -ferr. graph. hell. REP. ma-e.MERO. mezer. mosch. niur-,ac. natr. natir.rIn-ur. liftu.. nitru'c. n,-411 osch'.. N-VOM. oleanid. 0op. PAR. petr. Sph-ac.YL A, T..plurnib.gU'JLS;-av4i blb. RHREUM. RRODOD - Riustra rta. sabjtd.-sabin..sainlx sassap. soul. sec-corn: seneg. - se.silspg spqng'. staunl. stap rtam.-stront. ýulph. sulph-& a.huj.vler.t AT R. yerb. viOl od. zinc. - Sensation~as of inward festering, Amin. ahiac. arn., ats.-,gsaf auý.bar. btyý calc. carb-veg. chin. colch. con. creos. CYC*L. drvos-. euphorb. graph. hep. hyosc. jod. kali. led. natr-mur. nitr- 'ac. n-v Iom. par.petr.'PHOSPH. PULS. RAN-BULB. rho~dod.'-r4w. ruta'. sass~p. sec-corn. sil. staun. staph. sulpt. -tar. Vaber. verat. vit. zine. Y -. Fidge~ty disposition (iestlossness &the body). * Aco~-agar. alum. arnbr. amm. ANAC, ant-tart.. a.AS 152 SENSATIONS. asaf. asar. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. camph. CANN. cant/i. carb-an.. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. CHIN. cina. COCC. cofT. coloc. con. CROC. cupr. duic. euphorh. euphr.- FERR. gra~ph. hell. HYOSC. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. led. lyc. MGS. m-arct. m-ýaustr. magn. ma~gn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. nair-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOMN. oleand. op.. par. petr. pliosp/i. ph-ac. FLAT. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. SAMB. scill. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. STRAM. suiph. tIhuj. valer. veratin. viol-tr. zinc. Sen~sation as if tiled. Bry. ignat. loch, par. PLAT. vacle~r. Floccilegr'iuni (grasping at flocks). Arm. ars. bell. chin. HYOSO. jod. mnur-ac. op. phoaph.. plk-ac.. inhus. stram.. suiph. Frailty, (See Weakness.) Limnbs frozeiit. AGAR. ARS. bell. H~oR. bry. camp/i. CARB-VEG. COLC'H. hep.. m-austr. mur-ac. NJTR-AC. n-vom. peti'. PaOSPH. ph-ac. Pur~s. suiph. suiph-ac. Sensatioiiaof fntitnactsý; fn @utev.parts. Ars. cctust. laur.. nitr. n-mosch. par. 1iiospiu. veratr. - in hiner parts. ACON. agar. alum... amim. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud, anttart. ARN. ars. ASAF. ASAR. aur. BAR. BELL. bar. boy. bry. caic. carnph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. CARE-VEG. caust. C HIAM. chel, CHIN. cie. cocc. coff~. colch. coloe. con. creos. crop,. cycl. dig, 31E1R. graph. guaj. HELL,. hyosc. ignat.jod. KAL!D. lachi. laur. led. LYC. rngs. rn-arct. mn-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. men. merc, mezer. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. nair-mar. mitr. nitr-ac. zi-mo~scH.,n-vom. oleand. op. par. petin. PHQSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. P~JLS.. RAN-SCEL. riheum. rhodod. RHUS. into. sabad. SAB EN. sassap. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stanu. staph. stront. SULPH. stslph-ac.. thuj. YALER. veratr. verb, zinc. As if cov-ered with fur in innxer parts. Caust. cocc. dros. merc-. n-mosch.?HOSPH.. PULS.. Gnawing in onter parts. Agar. ALUM. amhr. armm. aing. amn. aur. BAR. bell. bry. calad.. cole. CANTH. caps. CHAM. creos. eycl. dig. DROSi. dulc. euphorb, graph. hell. hyasc. ignat. KAL.I. laur. led. lyc. mgs. rn-austin. magn.. magn-mur. Mang. MEN. mere. mezer. mur-ac. natr.n vcm. oleand SENSATIONS. 153 Op. PAR. P'HOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. plumb. PULS. RAN-SCEL. rheum. rhodod. rhus. RUTA.' samb. Sep. sil. spig. SPONG. stann. STAP [-. stront. suiph. TAR. thUJ. veratr. VIT. zinc. Gnawing in the joints, Amm. canth. DROs. duic. graph. magn. mang. phosph. RANSCEL. stront. zinc. int the bones. Aruni-mur. arg. bell. can th. DRLOS. gra ph.-lYC. MANG. phosph p12~S. RUTA. samlb. STAPH. stront.p - oii inner parts,.I Alumn. amm-mur. arg. AILs. bar. BELL. calad. CALC. cann. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. chdl. coce. CON. CREOS. ICUPR. dros. duic. lup.jod. kali. lach. LYC. mar. inerc. mezer. n-voin. oleand. phosph. ph-ac.' PLAT. puts. RAN-SCEL. rhodod. RUTA. seneg. sil. stann. suiph. veratr. Grasping with the hands..Ar. BELL. cocc. hyosc. op. ph-ac. rbus. strain. Griping (withi sense as of tearing away). Aeon. alumn. AlfM. arn. bar. BELL. bor. CALO. CARB-AN, carb-veg. caust. chain. dim. cocc. coloc. con. creos. ciros. EUPHORE. graphf. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. k~ali. LED. LYC. m-arct. mn-austr. alagn. magn-mur. nien. MERC. rnosch. n~atr. natr-mur. nitr. N-VOM. petr. phospk. PUtLS. samb. sep. SIL. STAN N. STRONT. sulph. suiph-ac. veratir. zinc. Paimi as it froin growing. Guaj. m-austr. ph-ac. Sensation as if inner parts wvere grown together. Ain. bryq. coloc. euphorb. hep. ings MIEZER. nitr. n-vom. par. petr. phospit. PLUMB. pitls. RHUS. seneg. SEP. SUlph. tllztj. verb. Sensation as of a hair. Atte. lye. ni-austr. natr-mrur. pals. ran-bulb. Sit. SULPE. Sensation as if pulled by the hair. A OON. alum. amn. bar. bry. canth. caust.* chin. creos. kali. LAUR. lyc. inagn-mur. mur-ac. niuI. phosph. ph-ac. RHUS. selen. flaminering. Amm. arnm-mur. caic. chin. cic. clem. coffi 'dros. ferr. hep. lack.in. ms. mezer. natr-mur. PHOSPH. sil. suiph. thuj. verb. Skin as if hiauuging loose. Ant-crad, bell. creos. PHGSPI-L. SABAD. 154 SENSATIONS. Sensation of hieaviness in outer parts. Acon. agar. ALUMi. atnbr. amm. anac. ang-. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bor. bov. bry. caic. camph. cann. canth. caps. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. cic. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. CREOS. croc. cu pr. dig. duic. eu phorb. euphr. ferr. graph. hell. hep. ignat. jod. ipec. klit. laur. LED. lyc. mgs. M-ARCT. in-austr. rnagn. tinagn-mur. mar. men. MERC. MEZER. mosch. mttr-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-rnosch. N-VOM. op. par. pctr. PHOSPIJ. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. RUTA. SABAD. sabin. sarnb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. SEP. Sil. SPIG. SPONG. STANN. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. TII1UJ. valer. VERATH. verb, violod. vit. zinc. - in inner parts. ACON. ag-ar. alum. arnbr. AluM. AMM-MUR. anac. ang. anttart. amn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. BISXI. BOR.. BOV. BRY. calad. CALC. camp/i. cann. canth. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. CHIN. CIC. clewi. cocc. cofil coich. con. creos. crac. cupr. dig. dros. duic. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. HELL. hep. hyosc. ignoat. joct. ipec. KALI. inch. LAUR. LYC. ni-arct. in-austin. MACN. -,VAGN-3MtR. Mang. men. MERC. me.zer. moscil. NCR-AC. natin. NATR-MUR. siztr. nitr-ac. N-moscHa. N-VOM. OLEAND. OP. par. peir. phosph. pb-ac. plat. PLUMB. puis. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhieuin. rhodod. RHJUS. ruta. SABAD. SABiN,. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. 5TANN. STAPH. stram. stront. SULPH. sulphac. tar. thuj.- valer. veratr. verb. 'viol-od. viol-tr. vit. -,(,. itc -Of holloWne-ss. (See Emptiness) Hoop., sensationa as of a., or band, beling aroun-d parts,Acon. ANAC. ant-crud. ant-tart, at-n. at-s. asaf. AS AR. AUR. caic. carb-veg. caust. chin. cocc. coloc. CON. creos. cinoc. GRAPH4. hell. jod. laur. lyc. migs. merc. rnosch. NATR-m-UR. NJTR-AC. n-mosch. n-vain. oleand. op. petr. phosph. PLAT. PULS. sabad. sabin. sassap. sit. spig. stann. SULPH. sulpit-ac. zinc. Hopping in irnner parts. CRoc. mosch. Humming (buzzingr) in the body. Ambr. ars. aur. bar. bell. ca/c. cann. car-b-vegr. CAUST. ictc. cocc. coff. con. CREOS. croc. fc'rr. graph. /lyosc. Jach. mgs. MARCT. mar. men. mosch. mur-ac. N-MO1SCIJ. N - V O. OLEAND. op. phosph. p/i-ac. p/nt. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sassap. scill. SE:P. SPIG. stana. stap/i. SULPET. thuj. veratr. viol-r.nvit. zinc. SENSATIONS. 15 "a' Hlydrophobi -a. Ars. BELL. caic. CANTH.- cupr. HYOSC. jod. LACH. rnerc. PHOSPH. ruta. sabad. STRAM. Hyperaestliesis. (See Sensibility.) Hypochondria anti hysterics. Acon. alum. ambr. amm. ANAC. amn. ars. ASAF. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. boy. bry. cailc. cann. cantb. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. cic. cocc. coff. CON. croc. cyci. dig. euphr. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. JOD. ipec. kali. lach. LYC. m-arct. magn. MAGN-MUR. men. merc. mezer. MOSCH. NATR. NATR-MULI. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N OM. Op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PL AT. plumb. PULS. rheurn. rhus. ruta. SABIN. sassap. selen. Seneg. SEP..si1. Spig. spong. STANN. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. VALER. VERATR. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. Hysteiric~s. (Stee Hypochondria Hysteric fits. Ars. bell. bry. cgust. COCC. coff. CON. creos. cupr. ferr. IGNAT. ipec. lyc. MAGN-MUR. mosch'. natr-mur. n-mosch. Nvoivi. phosph.plat. puls. rhuS. sec-corn. Sep. STANN. staph. Strain..Asulpli. sulph-ac. valezr. zinc. Jaunndice. Acon. AMBR. ant-crud. amD. ars. asaf'. AUR. BE~LL. BRY. caic. cann. CANTH. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. c/tel. CH'IN. cina. cocc. CON. croc. cupr. dig. dUlc. euphorb. FERR. graph. hell. hep. IGNAT. jod. kali. lach. laur. LTC. ma'grn-rnur. merc. natr. natr-mur. Aitr-ac. N-VO.M. op. poel'. phosph. p-h-ac. PLUMB. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. rhus. sabad. sec-corn. SEP. Sil. SPIG. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. veratr. Jerks (convulsive sensationis) in. inner parts. ACON. agar. ambr. anac. ang. arn. ar-s. BELL boy. bry. calad. CALO. CANN. caust. clem. coich. conz. creos. croc. dig. duitc. LYc. Mgs'. im-arct. m-austr. mnagln. mia ng. miar. nieZer. mur-ac. na/in. na/in-mum. N-MOSCLT. N-VOM. petin. phosph. PLAT. PULS. ran-scel. ritodoid. rhus. rnt~a. samb. sep. SIL. SPIG. SPONG. STANN. str-ont. sztiph-ac. thuij. VALER. -in the munscles. Aeon. alum. ANAc. arit-&ludl. ant tart. arn. ails. bar. bell. bry. caic. caps. chain,- chin. CIC. coec. COLOR. duic. enphoinb. euip/r. fcrr. graph. ipec. MGS. M-ARCT. m-austrl. magn. mnen. merc. nmezer. natr-mur. iiitr-ac. n-MOSChI. N-VOM. oleand. op. peir. PHOSPH. pb-ac. PLAT. PULS. REuS.m rial sabad. sabini. SLEP. sil. SPIG. STANN. st~aph. strain. SULPH. SULPH-A.C. valer. viol-tm. zinc.I" 156 SENSATIONS. Jerks iii the joints. Alum. bell. bry. graph. m-austr. natr-mur. pius. sil. (-pig. spong. suiph. SULPH-A.C. VERATR. - in thie bones. Phosph. rhodod. Jerking pain in outer parts. Acon. agar. ALUM. amibr. anac. angr. ant-crnd. anit-tart. arg. ARN. ars. ASAF. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. bisrn. bor. boy. 'BRY. CALC. camph. cauth. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. CHIN. cic. CdNA. CLEM. cocc. coff. coloc. con. creos. croc. cyci. dig. dros. duic. GRAPH-. hell. hep. hyosc. ga. jod. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. m~gs. m-arct. M-AUSTR. rnagn. mnang. mar. MEN. MERO. mezer. mosch. muir-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. N-VOM. oleandl. op. par. PETR1. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumnb. PULS. ran-builb. ran-scel. rheznin. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. scill. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. spaongo. STA NN. staph. stront. snip/i. s~tlih-aC. TAR. thij. VALER. veratr. verb. viol-ti'. vit. zinc. - pain in inner parts. Aeon. agar. arnbr. amm-mnir. anac. aug. arn. ars. bor. bry. CALC. cauni. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. coec. coich. con. croc. graph. IGNAT. KALI. lyc. M-AUSTR.?mang. mar. ninel. miezer. Datr-mur. NITR-AC. n-vom. petr. ph-ac. plat. pl-umb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. mhw.s. EP. SIL. spig. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. VALER. Sebnsation as of being ill (feeling unwell, indisposed). ACON. agrar. ALUM. ambr. aug. anit-crud. ANT- TART. arg. ARS. asaf. asar. bor. bov. bry. calc. cam7ph. canth. caust. chan.. CHIEL. chin. cic. coff. CON. croc. euphir. ferr. graph. guaj. hep. igrnat. ipec. led. lyc. rn-anstr. magni-mur. ianýg. mere. MVEZER. mioseb. mur-ac. niih'. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. petn' plat. Plumb. puls. rhus. ruta. sabad. Sabin. sec-corn. seneg. spig. SPONG. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. tar. thnj. veratr. zinc. Illusions of the senise of tact. Acon. ALUM. anac. amn. ars. ASAF. asar. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. bry. CALC. cairn. canith. caps. caust. chel. cocc. coloc. con. creos. CROC. dros. duic.. graph. gnaj. hell. hep. hyosC. IGNAT. jod. kali. LACH. laur. lyc. mG5X.?n-arct. m-austr. magni. magninur. mnet). mere. moschi. natr. uiatr-mnr. nitr. n-mosch. n-von-. oleand. op PAR. pliospli. ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sam-b. scill. senieg. Sep. sil. SPIG. spong. staph. STRAMN. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thij. valem. veratr. verb. SENSATIONS. 157 ]Immovability of the. parts affectedo ACON. agrar. alum. ambr. am~m. amin-mur. anac. ang. antcrud. arg. amn. ars. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bov. bry. caic. cann. canth. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. ch'ain. chel.' chin. cic. COOC. cole/i. coloc. con. cupr. cyci. dig. 'dros. DULO. euphr. fcrr. graph. guiaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod.'ipec. kali. lachi. laur. led. lyc. mgs. rn-au sir, men. rnerc. mezer. mur-ac. NAT R-MUtR. nitr-ac. ri-rnosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLUMB. puls. rhodod. RHUS. rulta. sabin. sassap. sec-corn. selen. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. stann., strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar.' VERATR. zinc. un pressions, deep, from musical iustritments. Boy. Feeling indisposed. (See Sensation as of being ill.) Induration of the mitscles. (See Muscles.) ilndvirations after inflammations. Alum. anibr. ARN. ars. asaf. ant'. bar. BELL. BRY. cALO. camph. carin. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. cina. CLEMV. coloc. CONq. cnpr. cyci. duic. ferr. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. igniat. jod. kali. led. LYC. magri. MAGN-MJJR.. mere. mezer. natil. n-vo~n-. op. phosph., PLUMB. PULS. r-an-scel. rhiodod. sec-corn. selen. sep. sil. spig. spoiig. staph. strain. suitph. thuj. valer. veratri VIT. 1Intlamanuatiomi of external parts. AcoN\. agar. amnbr. amin. ant-crutd. amn. ARS. asaf. asar., aiim. bar. BELL. bor. boy, try. cALC. caruph. cann. canth. caps. camb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHANT. che1, chin;: clem. cocc. coff. coloc. con. creos. cupr. dig. dtitc. euphorb. EUPHR. ferr. graph. hell. iwP. hyose. igrnat. jod. ipec. hkali. lach. led'. tvc. nigs. m-arct. m-austr. magni. magn-inur. mangr. mar. MERC. iiezer. mum-ac. natr. iiatm-mur. NITR. NITR-Ac. n-voin. op. petrPHOSPH. ph-ac. 7)1iimb. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. sep. SLL. 5PLG. spongr. statin. STAPH. strain. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thutj. valer. veratr. zinc. -of inner patrts. ACON. agar. alumn. augy. ant-c-rud. ant-tart. ar-g. arml ARS. asaf. aiim. bar. BELL. bism. BRY. calad. cale. camph. CANN. CANTH. caps. carb-vegr. cHAM. chin. cic. cina. clem. coce. coff. cole/i. coloc. con. cupr. dig. dros. duiic. eutphorb. femr. graph. guaj. hiell. hep. i-ivosc. igna't~jod. ipec. KALI. lack. lau~r. LY.C. rnagnl-mur. mnang. MERC. mnezer. niat,..natr-mur. NITR. nitrac. N-VOM. op. par. petr. PI-OSPLI. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. r-an-scel. r-heum. rhus. r'uta. sabad. sabin. sarnb. SCILL." see-corn. seneg.. sep. spig. qpong". staun. strain. stro11t. SULPI1. sulph-ac. thuj. VERATR. 153 SENSATIONS. linflammation of the nmueovis mennbrazic. ACON. AGAR. alum. ambr. amin. anun-mur. anac. aitcrud, ant-tart. arg. an). ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar-. BELL. bism. BOR. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb ani. caib-vegr. caust. CG-UA.M. cihin. ci.c. dna. clem. cocc. coffi coich. coloc. con. creos. cupr. cyci. dig. DROS. dUic. eiiphorb. cujphr. gr-aph. guc-j bell. hop. h1yosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lacit. laUr. lyc. nmgs. m-arct. m-atistr. magni. magni-rnr. man. mar. meni.IMERC. mezer-. mosch. mur-ac. natrn. NATR-MUR. nitr. niitr--ac. ni-mosch. N-YOM. op. PAR. petiv. PIIOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rani-scel. rhodod. rhus, ruta. sabad. sanib. sassap. SCILL. e-on ee.sng E. SIL. spig.. S/)ongr. stani). staph. stront. SULPIJ. sulph-ac. thnij. ver-air. vit. zince. -of the veanq. Acon. ANT-TART. lack. Of the gl;,nds, of the skin and bones. (See 1I1. 2, 3, 4.).Scnlaationil of iiaflAtio2i. Par. ran-bulb. Inuflexibility of the joints of the limbsAmnhr. anim-mur. anac. ango. ar-s. amll. BELL. boy. bry. calc. canith. CAPS. GARB-AN. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. chini. cinia. cocC. COLOC. con. dig. dros. dnlc. eiiphoib. eUPhr1. GRAPH. hell. hep. hyosc. ign7at. KCALI. lach. led. Lvc.?n-Carctd-anbstr mer-c. mezer. natr. 7natr-ntur.nitr, n-nio.-ch. ni-vomn. PErFR.. ph--ac. plumb. PULS. raui-holh. rheum. rhodoci. RI-JUS. rutin. sabinl. sassap. sec-corn. SEP. sil. stauin. staph. SULPH. suipJh-ac. Ihnij. vereatr. zinc. Ineuib~iyOf oulter parltii, (painlessness, pithy, numbfeel inrg). Acon. aIlum-. amnbr amm. amm--mur. aniac. ang. anit-crud. antl-tart, amw. ar-s. asaf. tasar. a71r. bar'. BELL. 1)iSri. bov. bry. calc. cainph. cann. cantl. car-b-anz. catrh-vegr. caust. chain. CL-TEL. chin. cic. COCO coleb). coloc. CON\. cr-oc. cupr. dnlc. enphr. ferr.ZIIh HELL. hep. LIYOSQ. IGNAT. jOd. iJ.'C. Inch. LAUR. led. LjYC. MO-S. im-austi'. mau-nr. mc. mezer. mosci-.?ninosch. n-votn. OL4EAND. OP. p~etr. PUsPH. PU4-AC. p~rit. pl tmb. PULS. r/,odod. RHJUS. SEC-CORN. 81)on1(gy. sta1)h. STRAM, snip/i. valer. veratr. verbzhinc. -oi, inner I)qarts. Acon. anitbr. a-mm. ARS. asaf. bar. BELL. nov. caic. carb-an. caust. chain. chin. cina. coff. coloc. cupr. dig.ferr. graph. LIY()SC. ignat. kali. lani'. lyc. m-arc2t. MI-AUTSTR. magn. magn. SENSATIONS.19 IW9 a mutr. mere. mutr-ac. natr-mutr. nzitr-ac. n-mosch. oleand. op. petr. phosph. PLAT. plumb. puils. ran-bulb. rheumn. sassap. seneg. sil. SPIG. stann. strain. stront. thnj. valer. veratr. Insensibility of the parts affected. Aconi. alumr. ambr. ANAC. aug. ant-tar't. ar-s. ASAF. aur. b)ell. bor. boy. bry. caic. cann. carb-an. carb-veg. canst. chain. chel. chin. cic. ciina. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. CON. creos. cioc. cupr. cyci. dig. duic. euphr. ferr. graph. hell. he~p. hyosc. igrnat. jod. icali. LYC. m-arct. rn-austr. magn-mur. mei-c. mezer. murac. natr-mur. nitr. n-mosch. u1-VOrn. OLEAND. peti-. phospli. phac. PLAT. PULS. rhieuin. rhodod. RtHUS. iruta. samb. sec-corn. Sep. sil. spong. stain. staph. strani. stront. suiph. suiphi-ac. lhuj. veratr. verb. viol-od. zinc. As if -at hot ironi were forced into a part. AL~UM. Irritability, excessive, of the body..i3cm. agar. ambr. anac. ant-crud, ant-tart. cirn. ars. as-af. ASAR. AUR. bar. bell. bor. boy. bry. caic. caniph. CANTH. c~arbveg. caust. CHAM. CHIN. cina. cocc. COFiF. con. creos. ~croc. cullr. dig. FERR. grap~h. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat.- kali. lach. laur. lyc. M-ARCT. m-austr. magn. rnagn-rnur. mang. MAR. min.Cl MERO. niezer. mosch. natr. natr-miur. n-rnosch. N-YOM. par. pet1r. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhuis. sabin. sas-sap. scill. seccorn). selen. sep. SIL. spig. sponZg. STAPH. strain. suiph. valer. VERATR. Deficiency of irritability of the bodIy. Acon. alutm. ambr. amm. aamn-Mur1. ANAC. aug. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. ARS. asaf. asar. bar. bell. bismn. bor. bry. CALC. CAMPH. cairn. caiuth. caps. GARB-A'N. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. c/tel. chin. cic. clern. cocc. colch. colloc. CO~N. croc. cupi'. dig. DTJLC. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. htyosc. ignat. JOD. ipE,.C. kali. lach. LAUR. led. LYC. Irugs. in-tustr. magrn. ni-agnimui'. marc. Ynezer. mnosch. muwr-ac la~tr. flat)'-inur. NITR-AC. nirnos~ch. ni-voin. OLEAND. OP. petr. p/iosph. PH-AC. plumib. p11lS. RHOL)OD. rhuts." sec-corn. scneg.sP. sil. spong. stann. staph. S'rRAM. stront. SULPH. th11j. valer. verb. vit. zjn1c. Itching (tickling) of inner parts. Acon. agrar. alum. AMBR. amm. amm-mur. aniac. ang. anttart. arn. assi'. bar. bell. bor. bov.. bry. caic. caps. carb-veg. caust. c/tam. chiin. cic. ciuct. cocc. colchi. co~u. croc. cupi-. dig. eujp~iorb. FERR. grarph. haep. igrnat. JOt*.ý il)ec. kali' LAUR. - 1ed. mnagn. magn-mur. mar. men. merc. -nioschi.* natr. 'nitr-ac. n-moschl. N-VOM. oleand. patr. PHOSPET. pli-avc. plumb. puls. rhiodod. 160 SENSATIONS. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. scill. seneg. sep. sil. spig. sponga. STANN. suiph. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. zinc. Jactitation of the muscles. (See Muscles.) Knocking in outer p-arts. Acoh. ag-ar. alum. ambr. amm. ARM-MUR. angr. ant-tart. arg. aurn. a rs. ASAF. bar. bell. boy.b.CL. cann. cnh abvg CAUST. chain. chin. coec. coff. coloc. con. creos. croc. dig. dros. duic. euphr. graph. guaj. hep. hyosc. ignat. KALI. laur'. LYC. MGS. Mi-ARCT. M-AUSTR. magn.?nagn-mur. mang. MERO. mezer. mur-ac. N4ATR. flair-mur. nitr. N1TR-AC. n-mosch. n-vomn. OLEAND. par. petr. PHiospH. p4-ac. PLAT. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rheuIm. RHODOD. 'rhuts. RUTA. SAI3AD. Sabin. samb. sassap.Rcil. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. Spong. staph. strain. stront. SULPLI. suiph-ac. TAR. THUJ. veratr. zinc. -in the joinlits. Amm-miur. arc. dros. mgs. MEFRC. mezer. olean-d. ph-ac. rhodod. rhi4S. RUTA. sabad. spig. /huj. ill finnier patrtsi. ACON. agrar. alum. amin. ammn-mur. anac. ang". ant-tart. arn. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. BELL. BOR. boy. B RY. calad. CALC. cam ph. OANN. can/h. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. Thel. chin. cic. COCC. coff. CREOS. croc. dio. dros. duic. ferr. graph. hell. hopj. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lach. LAUR. led. lyc. in-ausir.- maga. rnagn-rnur. merc. nmezer. mosch. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. ni/iý-ac. n-rnosch. n-vomn. oleand. Op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. Sabin. Sdtssap. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spOng. stann. STAPH. Sulph-ac. thuj. vera/r. verb. zinc. Las-Aluede of the body, Alum. amin. ANT-C'RUD. asaf. bell. BISM. caic. cann. caps. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chel. CHIN. dC.COC. co.Cff. COLCH. COLOC. con. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. lach. LAUR. LYC. m-arct. magfl. M AR. men. mosch. natr-mur. -nitr. n-mosch. op. pe/r. phosph. P H-AC. plumb, ran,-bulb. rhodod. selen. SENEG. SPONG. s/ann. strain. VALER. vio"i-/r. Lax~ness of the muscles. (See Muscles.) Sensation as of a lid (a valve) in the throat. Jod. SPONG. Inclination to lie dowvn. ACON. ALUM. amnbr. am~m. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. ARS. asar. BAR. bell. -bism. bor. bry. CALAD. cabc. canth. caps. SENSATIONS. 161 carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. CHEL. chin. Aina. cooCc. coff. COn. crocý cupr. CYCL. dig. dros. duitc. ferr. graph. GU'AJ-. IGNAT.?pec. kali. lach. led. LYC. m-austr. magn. rmagn-mur. mar. merc. mezer. mur-ac. natr. nair-mur. nitr-ac. N-YQM. op. petr.:_pkosph. ph-ac._puls.,ran-bulb. RHTJS. ruta. sabad. selen. SEP. SPON. stann.' staphi. STRAM. stront. suiph. tar. thuj. verair. zinc. Seinsation as of being lifted lip. Acon. mgys, Disposition to strain a part by lifting, heavy things. Alum. ambr. ARN. bar. BOR. bry. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. causi. chin. coec. coloc. con. croc. dubc.' ferr.* GRAPH. jod. kali. lach. LYC. merc. mur-ac. NATR. nair-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. phosph. PH-4C. plat. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sep. SIL. spig. stann. staph. suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. valer. Lightness, feeling of, in the linibs,. Asar. chin. COFF. hyosc. m-austr. natr-mur. n-vomn.'op. rh~us. Spig. STRAM. th~j. Sensation as of something living in inner pavrts, Anac. asar. bell. Cann. cocc. CROC. h1YOSC. IGNAT. lach. led. me,5. magn-mur. men. merc. Datr-mur. petr. _plumb. rhodod. sabad. sec-corn. sil. spong. suiph. tar. thuj. viol-tr. Not bearing to be looked at. ANT-OTUD. chain. ch~in. Sensation as of a Iump in inner. parts. Ambr. ant-tart. arn. ARS. bry. carb-an. chain. Ci. con. creos. magn-inur. n-vom. _petr. puls. RHUS. sec-corn. se~p. SPIG. staphi. fflobility too great. Alum. amn. BELL. camph. caust. cocc. coff. con. cupr. hyosc. m-arct. ph-ac. STRAM. Motion rendered diffilcnlt,, Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ANG. ant-crud. ant-tart. aft. am. ARS.' asar. aur. ban. 'BELL. bor. boy. B RY. CALC. camph. Cann. cantb. caps. CARB-AN. carb-vecr CAUST. CHAM. chel. chin. cic. cina. cooc. coff. colch. COLOC. con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. G RAP H. guoj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. KALI. lach. laur.,led. LYC. ings. m-arct'. in-.austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. m-en.MERuc. inezer. mosch. mur-ac. nat?'. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-no~sch. N-VOA1. oleand. op. par. PETR. phosph. phi-ac. plat. plumb. PilLS, ran 162 SENSATlONS. bulb. rhjeurn. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. seill. sec-corn. selen. sen eg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. slann. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. sU11)h-ac. tar. TI-UJ. valer. VERATR.E.zinc. Acon. agar. ang. ant-tart. amn. ars. bar. BELL. bry. cale. CAMPH. cann. CANTH-. caust. CHAM. CIC. cina. COCC. coff. con. croc. CUPR1. dig. dule. HELL. HYOSC. IGNAT., 30D. IPEC. lack. laur. lyc. mgs. m-aret. men. mere. moschi. natr. n-mosch. N-VO.M. oleand. OP. peir. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. ran-scel. lIH4EUM. rhus. RUTA. sabad. samb. SCILL. SEC-CORN. spig. spongr. STANN. sta[)h. STRAM. suiph. VERATR. zinc. involuntary. Aeon. alum. aum. bell, cam ph. canth. caust. chain. chin. coce. coich. con. CUPR. HYOSC. IGNAT. kali. LACH. lye. mgS. in-aret. men. mosch. n-moseh. oi>. plumb. rhus. samb. Sep. spig. staph. STRAI\. verair. M~oving, avcrsion to. ACON. alum. ambm. amm. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. ARS. asar. BAR. bell. bor. bry. CALAD. caic. eanth. caps. earb-an. earb-veg. caust. chain. CHEL. chin. cina. coec. coff. eon. eroc. cu pm. CYOL. DIG. dros. duic. ferm. ograph. GUAJ. hyose. IGNAT. ipee. kali. lack. led. LYC. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mar. merc. M1fE ZE R. mjum-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ae. N-VOM. op. petr. 1)hosph. ph-ac. puls. ruta. sep. srann. stront. suiph. tar. T HUJT. 'zinc. - iclination to. Acon. agrar. alum. ambr. a'mm. ARN. ars. asar. bell. bor. bry. eale. cann. canik. CHAM. CHIN. coff. coloc. eon. creos. cupr. euphr. F ERR. hyose. ignat. jod. ipee. lye.Migs. M-ARCT. rn-austr. rnagn. mnacn-rnur. inano'. mar. mere. mosch. mnur-ac. natm. n-mosch. n-vom.n op. ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. samb. scill. see-corn. sep. sil. stann. staph. suiph. valer. veratr. sensation of. Aeon. alum. amni. anae. ang. ant-tart. amn. ars. asar. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. eann. c/tam. ehin. cocc. creos. CROC. eyel. dig. dule. guaj. hyose. IGNAT. jod. kali. lach. laur. led. mgs. magrn-mum. men. mere. mosch. natr-mnr. n-vom. petr. phosph. phae. plumb. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. sabad. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stront. SULPH. tar. thuj. veratr. viol-tm. zinc. -up and down. Lack. plumb. SPONG. SENSATIONS. 163 pai11sns moving quickly from oue part to another. (See Arthritic Pain.) Secretion of mucus increased* Acon. agar. ALUM. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ang. ant-crud. anttart. arg. amn. ars. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. BOR. boy. bry. CALC. camh. ann cat/i cps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. CHIN. CiflU. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr.* dig. dros. DLTLC. e~uphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. gtlaj. hell. biep. iiyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. LYC. mgl~s. m-arct. mn-aust~r. magn. magn-rnur. mar. MERC. mezer. nair. natr-mur. nitr. natrac. n -mosch. N-VOM. oleand. PAR. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. Sabin. samb. sassap. soul,. sec-corn. selen. SENEG. Sep. sdl. spigr. spong. STANN. staph. SULPH. sulplt-ac. thuj. valer. veratr. zin-c. I111iscles, convulsive motions of the (subsultus tendinurn). Ambr. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARG. arn. ars. ASAF. asar. bar. BELL. bism. bor,. bry. caic. cana. carb-vegr. caust. chain. chin. cic. CLEM. COCC. COLOC. c61kcroC.cu.RCP. dig. GRAPH. hell. hyosc. ignat. JOD. ijpec. KALI. lach. laur. many. mar. MEN. rnerc. N1EZ ER. NATH. natr-mnur. nitr-ac. olcand. phosph.' PLAT. plumb. pius. ran-sclol. rheun. rhus. SEC-CORN. sLp. sil. spig. SPONG. stann. SUlpit. suiphac. tar. viol-tr. - induration of the. Alumn. -bar. bry. carb-an.' carb-veg. CAUST. Con. (~lu.Ic.e1). hyosc. jod. kali. laclh. LYC. natr. n-vom. ph-ac. pals. ran-bulb. rhodod. rhus. sassap. Sep. sil. spongr. sudph. thuj. -laxnes-3 of the. AGAR. amnbr. ang. a~nt-tart. amn. asaf. bor. bry. CALC. cam ph. cantb. CAPS. CRAM. c/hin. cic. CLEM. COCC. CON. CROC. cupr. dig. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. H-YOSo. JOD. ipec. kali. lach. laur. LYC. magn. -MERC. mur-ac. natr. n-mrosch. 01). plat. plumb. puls. rheum-. sabad. sec-corn. SEINEG. sil. spigr. SPONr,. SULPH1. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. viol-od. s ~hortness of the (museli s being sh rtencd). Ambr. amm. AMIM-MUR. anac. ang. arn. ars. aur. BAR. boy. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cic. COLOC. con. creos. croc. dig. dros. euphorb. euphr. GRAPH. gruni. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. lach. led. LYC. ings. magn. ec.meere. mosch. near. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOMa. petir. p/iosph. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rheum:ýiuius. Sabin., samb. SEP. sil. spig. stann. sulj)h. suiph-ac. veratr. - tightness of the. ACON. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. amn. ars. bell. cann. carb 164 SENSATIONS. veg. caust. chin. duic. graph. GUAJ. kali. led. MoscH. natr. natrmur. NITR-AC. N-VOM. oleand. PHOSPH- ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. puls. rhus. SEP. stann. staph. sulph. verb. zinc. Sensation as of a nail in outer parts. (See Peg.) Nervous debility. Acon. alum. ambr. amm. ang. arn. ars. ASAR. aur. BAR. BELL. bry. CALC. camph. carb-an. carb-veg. cham. CHIN. cic. coce. COFF. coich. CON. croc. coUPR. dig. graph, hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. JOD. lach. laur. led. lyc. M-ARCT. rn-austr. MAR. MERC. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. nair-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VQM. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. rhus. sabin. sassap. sec-corn. selen. sep. SIL. spig. spong. STANN. staph. stram. SULPH. Sulphac. VALER. veratr. VIOL-OD. vit. zinc. 1uumb feeling. (See Insensibility.) Obesity. (See Fat, tendency to get.) Sensation as if inner parts were obstructed. Ang. bism. bry. cham. chel. chin. guaj..Wgs. men. natr. n-mosch. OP. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. spig. spong. verb. Obtuse pains. Carb-veg. cina. hyosc. mur-ac. natr-mur. rheum. Obtuseness. (See Insensibility) Opistotonus. ANG. BELL. canth. CHAM. CIc. clern. cocc. con. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. n-vom. op. rhus. sec-corn. STANN. stram. Oppressive pain. Agar..ant-crud. ars. BELL. bov. bry. calc. cann. caust. cham. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. colch. coN. creos. euphr. hyosc. ignat. MAGN. magn-mur. mar. MOSCH. natr-mur. n-vom. plat. plumb. puls. rhus. ruta. sabad. sec-corn. seneg. sep. spig. staph. viol-tr. Pain, corrosive. Con. mar. ruta. - as if from concussion. ANN. mang. petr. Palsy. (See Paralysis.) Paralysis (palsy) of the limbs. AcoN. agar. alum. ambr. amm-mur. anac. ang. arg. arn. ars. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bov. bry. cALc.'cann. carb-veg. CATJST. cham. CHEL. chin. COCC. colch. coloc. con. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. DULC. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. ings. merc. mezer. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUU. nitr. SENSATIONS. 1653 nitm-aci, N-VOM. OZJEAND. Op. pt. 'rorl f-ac. PLUMB. puis. rhodod'. Ri4Ueý. -3uUTA.&.'abln, sfasiap. SEC-CORN. selen. seneg. SEP. SIb. spi' a t.1..ram.,sr91. SULPH. su~jl 'h4Ic.tar. VERA Xri`Z IN C.Paralysis Of "~e.s!&e only Ac Tr agg A1Mamrri-miur.*ANAC. arg. amn. asar.4 bar. '1.l boy. &c.'ca6~-ve9# Pcaqst. chel.- chin-. cocc. C5olch. cyci. dig. dule; grp.gt~hel-1 heop- 'ý46sc. ignat. KALI. LACH. laur lOped.ly merc. Mezer. mui-ac. natr~natr-mur. ýnitr'-ac. n-vurm. oleant. -op. phospA. -PH-AC. -Plumb.' rhodbd. rh'us. 'sabzm SAS~p.8pig. statin. staphi. stront. StTLPH-AC. tar. zinc. paintless. Alum. ambr. ANýAC. an'g&. amn. ars. aur. bar.. bell, boy. bry. calc. cam~ph. carh-veg. caust. chain. cheJ'. chin. cic. COCC. coich. coloc.' CON. f'err, irra~ph, hell. Hosc. ig-nat. ipeci. kali. laiir. led'.- LYC. --nhgs. -p~erc. natr-rnur.. n-mosch. n-vom. OLEAND",pp. photwph; pI&-qc. PULS. r-hodod. RHUS. sec-corn. sil.,8taph.., strum. sjrQnt. stAlph. veratr.. zinc. of thie)gans.,ACON. agar. a1un':.#nbr*. amm. amm-xnur. ANAC.' ang. antcrudl. ant-tagt. arn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar.- BELL. bism. bor. bor. iBRty. CALC. cariaph. canin. canth. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. chin~. cic. cocc. coich. co'loci con. creos. croc, ctupri. ryd. d'ig.. d~ros. DULC. euphr. graph.,hep. HYOSC. ign at. jod. Pece.kqli. lach. LAvUB>. leg1. LYd. Figs, m-arct. m-austr-magn. mqgn-mur. maing. mend merc. mezer. mur-,ac. natr. nat r-mur. NITR1-AO. ft-740OSh. N-V'Ok.,OLEAND.,OP. nar. pt. 0HS'.~h ac.PLUB.-PUiLS4 riokrhoo.RHU's. RUTA. sabad. Sabi. sassap. scill. SEC-CORWMsereg. -,;'"SL pg pn.san, sta~ph. STRA~gt stront. sýL pg. sulpji,-ac. thuj. VERATR. verb. vit. zinc, -of the inneir_ p;irts.ACON. ant-crud. A4,9. bar.,BELL, caic. catin. canth. caps. caust.-shinri.* ic.' COdoC Q, yl.dig. DULCIX euphir. graph. H OSO 1'ipec. kali.. lach- Si. lyc. m-aL1tr.ý men. merc. murac. natrP= u, r. ' ý'SCpu t yom.'op. petr.' phosph. plumb. PULS. rheum. A,*,.. eercern. snbig. se 'I. slspig. strain. PRain'as fparalyzeu'. Acon. agar.. alum. amibr. amm. antm-mur. ang. ant-crud. arg. ars. asaf'. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. Aft~tM. boy.' caic. cann. canth. carb.tveg., caust.j GUAMK. chel. CHIaN. INA. COCC. coff. coick. col0'o.ý cfr'cd o. ro. YCL. dig.dros. dulic. euphorb. eu''hr" L 166 SENSATIONS4 ferr. graph., hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. led, lyc. m-sZustro magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men, merc. MEZER. mosc/t. mu'r-ac,. natr. N 'ATR-MUR. nitr. N-VOM. oleand. par. petr.p/tosph. ph..ac-d plat. pluimb..puls. ran-scel. rhodod. RtHus. ruta. sabad. SABIN, sassap. selen. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. stan~n. STAPH. strain4 stronto suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. valer. YERATR. verb, vit. zinc. Pain as if paralyzed in the joints.( Acon. ambr. amm. anac. arg. arn. ars. ASAR. 'AUR. belld bism. BOY. CA&PS. CARB-VEG. caust. c/tam. CHIN. cina. cocc. coich, coloc. conl. CR00. dig. DROS. EUPHORB. ferr. graph. hell. ignat, KAL!. led., lyc. ings. m-austr. magp-miur. men. mere.# MEZER. natri. natr-rnur. nitr-ac. n-vom. PAR. petr, p/tosp/t. p-t-ac. PLUMB. PULS, mints. ruta.- sabad. SABIN. samb. sassap. 'SENEG. sep. stann, STAPH. strain. stront.'I suiph. VALER. veratri. ierb. vit. zinc. Sensation as if inner parts were paralyzed.Caust. Cilia. 00oCC. ipeC. LY-C. mend pulsq. seneg. siI, suiph. Pains like labor-pains. ACON. ant-tart. arn. "ASA. aur. BELL. bo&. bry. calc. cainph. CARB-AN. carb-veg. CHAM. chin. CINA. cocc. COFF,. con. CREOS. croc. cupr. dros. FERK. graphi. HYOSC. IGNAr., jod. ipec. KALI. lach. mosch. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-VOM. OP. PLAT. PULS. RHnUS. ruta. sabad. SABLN. SEC-CORN. Sep.,suiph. sulph-ac. Pecking., Ambr. aur. carb-an. CHIN. ivocc. drosO mgs. m~aarct. mezere n-vom. rhus. ruta. verb. Sensation as if the skin were peeling off. AGAR. alum. amm. IBAR. cad. LACH. merc,. PHIOSP11. PH-AC4 sp. sulplt. -as of a ping, peg (nail), in outer parts., -Agar, arn. bell. lac/t. plat. ruta. -in inner parts. Acon, agar, amnbr. amme ANA C. ANT-CRUXO. arg. A"]. ASA~'. aurs bar. bell, bov. caic. causi. chain. c/tel. cocc, o. con. creoso croc. dros., ferm. graph. /tell. HiEP. IGNAT. kali. jod. lye. MOS. mnerc. mezer. mur-tic. natr-nrnr. N-VOM.' oleand. par. plat. plumb.,ran-scel. rhodod. RUTA. sabad. salun. sep. 3spig. SPONG. stap/I. SULPE. t/tuj pinching, with sense--as of tearinug. Alum. AAM.M4TJ-R. ant,-crud. aur. bell. HOEt. cantt/. carb-an. caust. CHEI.. cocc. diros. jod. kali. LAUR. lye, m-austr,.- magn4 l3rNSATIOX8, 167 irwtm e.mrc, MOSCH. mur-ac. pkosph. pb-ac. PLUMB. vidis. sdbin. s-a-s's~dP. senegr. sil. Staphi.. stront. suiph-ac-. valen. Irinchi~ng in outer parts. #Aeon,. anac. ang. antutrud. atg. ari. bell., hry,.x- cannb. tasý carb-veg. caust, ch~ek chim.,,dna.' coce. co-n..creos. croc-:. ýdig. dros.. duic.. euphorb,. eufplr. HYO0SC.J:PEC. kali. led.. m-austr.. m a n 9--M F4Nx,. UR,.AC. -nafrý niir. ac. nbvon-i oleanck.par. poh ph-ac... RHODOD.. RHTJS. ru~ta. SABAD.,-ab~i~n samb. sassap. sih, Spong.. STiLANN.sap SLPFJ,Su~phacthujveratr, -ver]3b, vzo'01 4t&. Zinc,, iii inner parts. -Acon.. 'agar.. alumu ot. amm'murni. S anac. ang. ant'-cradcl.an-.~ tart.ag. arn as: sf. a-a. ur bac.-r Btr. bisrn., bor. boy. BRY. CALC, ca~nph.l CANN.*CANTH. caps. carrb%-an. CARBt-VES. caust. c~akamXHEL. CHIN. CiC. cina.. COCC. of plh'ooc0orreos. croc. cuipr. cyci. digý dros. eULi ph'rKýetfpb,-. GRAPH..,guaj -1ELLr."hepý liyosc,. IGNA T.. jo&, ipEc... xMiisLYC. -- mg. r-ct m'uaustr, magn,. mapgn-miur. mng.. mar. MEN. RMERC.Mezýr-. rnosch;MUR-Ad. NAT]%, N)ATR%MUR. nitr-ac,. n-.mosel&.n-iom. olea.* '9EA. 011s"~f. ph..ac.. LT.punb PUtS. RAN`-BULB. RXiN SGEli rheurnt. RHODOD. RHUS,. RUTA.- SADAD. sabin, samb.. 'sassapi,&cillkseneg. sEP.61~. SPIG. SPONG. STANN. STAPH. stront. Isulph.,'sulpfrw~ac. tar. THTJim vAler-. VERATE.,. VERB,. viol'.tr.. vit.. zINC. covipressiveý. POlYpns. Amnbr,. abtl-crid.Air. be~ll. CALC-LUco'N. graph. hlwy. lye.,MAU U.ERC. me-Zer, naitr-mur~. nir-ac. petr. -,PHosPH.gh~.aC. p.uls. sep.. s~il. STAPH. sidbh... sul~ph%-at-, thzj. SPressed oripq~Sho-A4 asUnder, poiin a-s it. A-con. aiui. amr-m-mu. anac... ait--c'id-ud ant-tart,. arn. ars. waaf AsAR. b ar..' BELL, bzsmn. bor. boy. 13RV. 'JALC.N camph.. ýbann-. cAP-S.% '&srWi-azn-. crb-eg.. CAUSII'. chain. tv/iel.A/in,. cina.. tcote. coff,. cokdh.. coloc. iCON.creos.crod. dig. du'le, REUPHIORB., euphr. fielr? -graph. guaj.. helt hep. lzyosc. GNAT.. jod.. ipec.. K~ALI. lach.. laur. lyc.. mgs. rnv.arct.. muaustr, mragn. inang, m*nerm, w.ezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr,;natr-mur.. nitr. riitr-ac,. i-mosch. D-vom,. vileaxnw.. O]ý PAR. -petqtr phosph. ph-at. plat, plumb. ptds.. RA- WiBLW,rain-scel rirodod, Tvls. saba4. SABIN. sarnb. sas-, sa. sciv.v g.SEP.SIL.. SPICG. prng.-stannm stiphi. strain. tTRONT-- tilph.. su1h.~c. tar.* tu, v~aler.,veratr.. verb, viol,.trz. 168 SENSATIONS. Pressing (simple) in outer parts. Aeon. agar. alum. ambr. amm-mur. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. anttart. ARG. amn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. bry. CALC. camph. cann. cantb. caps. 6arb-an. CARB-VEG. CAIJST. chain. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coffi coich. coloc. con. ereos. eupr. CYCL. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep., hyoso. ignat. jod. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. MgP. m-arct. m-abstr. magn. rnagn-mur. mang. mar. men. mere. me.zer. moseb. mum-ac. flair. natr-mum. nitm. nimr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. OLEAND. par. petr. phosph. PH-A.kcNpat. plumb. pids. ran-bulb. ran-seel. rhieum. rhodod. rhus. RUTTA. sabad. sabin. samb. SASSAP. seneg. sep. sil. spigr. spong. STALNN. STAPH. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. TAR. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-pd. viol-tr. vit. ZI.NC. -in Inner parts. ACON. again. ALUM. AMBR. amm. amm-mur. ANAC. ang. antcrud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. AS AF.- asar. AUR. bar. BELL. hism. BOR. boy. bry. calad. C 'ALC. CAMPH. eann. cantb. caps. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chain. ehet. CHIN. cic. cinal. elein. COCC. coff. coich. coloc. CON. ereos. eroe. cupr. cyei. DIG, dros. dui~c. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipee. K&IT. lach. laur. led. LYC. migs. m-arct. m-austri magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. NEZER. mosch. mur-ac. na tr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitin-ac. n-rnosch. N-VONf. oleand. op,. par..petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAW.plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-seel. -rheum. rhadod. rhus. muta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill.- seec-orn.,SENEG. SEP. sil. spig. sp ong. STANN. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. TAR. thuj. valem. vematin. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. -fromn-without inwards. Aeon. again. alum., ANAC. ant-crud. ant-tart. asaf. asar. aur. bar. b 'ell. bism. bom. bry. CALC. eann. carb.-an. caust. chel.. chin. 00CC. coff. CREOS. croc. cyci. DTJLC. HELL. hep. ignat. kali. 'lour. mgs. m-arct. mar. mezer. mosch. NITR-AC. n-mosch. n-vom. OLEAND. ph-ac. PLAT. man-scel. rheum. rhodod. i'hus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. Sep. sil. sp-ig. stann. STAPH,. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. verb. viol-tr. ZINC. - from within outwards. ACON. alum.. amrn. amin-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. arg. amn. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. BRY. caic. eamph. caun.' canth. caps. ea'rb-veg. caust. chel. ehin. cina. elem. coec. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc., cupr. dig. DROS. dub., euphorb. :~gNSATIONS. 169 graph. guaj. hell. hep,. IGNAT. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. M-ARCT. m-ausir. magn-mur. mang. MAR. P~en. MERC. mezer. muRAC., natr. nitr. nitr-ac, n-rnosch. Ný-v0M. oleand. Op'. PAR. petr. PHOSPH. PH1-AC. plat. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb.:icill. seneg. sep. sil. SPOIG. SPONG. stann. staph. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. tar."tkug. valer. VERB, violir, zinc. SPressing as of a heavy load. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. AMM-MUR. ant-tart. arg. amn. ifrs. asaf. asar. BAR. bellh, bism. bo r. boy. bry. calau. caic. camph. ~cann. carb-an. carb-veg.*- caust. chain. chin'. cina. cocc. coich. cokoc. con. CREOS. croc. CUPR.. dig.. ferr. greaph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. laur.'leW.' lyc. rngs * M-ARCT. magn. rnagn-mur. mang. men.* merc. rnosch. NATRY natr-mu'r. nitr. nitr-adc. n-mosch. N- 'VOM. oleand. OP~. PAR. petr. phosph.,ph-ac. plat. plumnb. PULS. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sabin. SAMB.' sassa~p. wcill. SEC-CORN.' seneg. SEP.. sil. SPIG. spon~g. stann. staph. stroint. SIJLiP.Ha. suiphac. thuj. valer. ve~rb. viol-od. zinc. - ogether (compressive). Acon.' agar. ALUM. ambr. amm-mur. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. ASAR. aur. bar. BELL. Bov. bry. caic. camph. CANN. CANTH. caps. carh-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. chin. cic. cina. COCC. coff. coloc. con. cupr. dig. DROS. dMoc-: ehorb. ferr. graph. guay-,4HE;LL, hyosc. *gnat. jod. ipEC. lcaij*. aur. led. lyc. m-arct.?nagn. magn-mur. mar. men. merc. mezer. MOSCIf. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. ii-vom. oleand. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PL1AT. pilumb. puts. ran-scel. rho -dod. rhus.,ruta. sahad. sabi'n. SASSAP. SCdll. seneg. sep. sit. spig. SPONG. STANN. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. STSLPH-AC. tar. thuj. valer. ~TERATR. verb. viol-od. zinc. Pressure (simpite) in the mtuscles. J Agar. amin-inur. ANAC. ang. arg. amn. ASAF. ASAR. aulr. belL. bism. by. cai.capht. ann. CAPOS, CARB-AN. caust.' chel. chin.,cina. clem. cocc. con. CLJP'R. CYCL. dig. dros.!ýeuphorb. euphr. graph. hell. hep. TONAT. LIED. lyc. mgs. m-arct.,in-austr.. male.. rnagn-mur. mang. MAR. ment. merc. mezer. MOSCH. mum-ac. natm. nair-mur. nitr. N-MOSCH. n-?Yom. OLEAND. peir.. PHOSPH. PHAC. PLAT. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. r~n-scel, theum. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. SABAD. sabin. samb. sil. 4pig. spong., STANN. STAPH. stront. suiph. SULPIH-AC. TA&R. thu~j. YALEiL verati. VERB. viOlftr. vitL zinc.A 170 SENSATIOWT Pressure in the joints. Alum. anac. arg. asaf. asar. bar, bell. caic. carnpb. carb..an. caust. chamn. chel. chin. clem. coich. dulc-g-raph. hep. hyose. ignat. jod. K:AL.I. L-ED. men. merc. mezer. masch. n'it r-ac. n-vom. petr. rhus. sahad. sahin. sep. sil. spong. stann. staph. stront. s~h tar. thuj. viol-od. viol-tr. vrr. zinc. -in the bones. Anac. ang. ARG. ars. asaf. aur. DELL.- RI SM. bry. canth. chain. coce. caich. coloc. con. CUsIR. CYOL. dros. graph. GUAx,. hell. hep.. ignat. KAIA. m-arct. m-austr. mere. mezer. nitr. n-mosch. OLEAND. phosph. plat. puls. rhodod. RHUS. sA~iN. siL. spong. stan~n. STrAP~IM thtsj. valer. veratr. viol-.tr.. zinc. -with stingingg, in the mitscles. Anac. asaf. bell. cale. coloc- cyci. diros. eupltart. IGNAT.. MTJR-ACG. oleand.,plat. sassap- sep. suilph-ac.. thuj. -- --in the bo~nes. Mezer. staph. -with tearingg. in the munscles. Agar. anac. ANG. arg. arn. asaf. asar- aur. 3E,LL. lis'n. calcU CAMPH. caun. carb-veg. chin. coich*.. cupr. cyci. hyosc. led. men. petr.. ph-ac. ruta.. sass&ap. sep. spig. spong. stann. suiph.. zinc.. - with tearing-, in the joints. Aniac. ang. amn. asaf. bell. bism. earb-veg. caust. chain. hyose. led. lyc. ruta. spong. stann. --In the bones.. Arg. bell. chain. coloc.' thuj. Pricking (darting> in outer parts*. A con. agar. ALUM. ambr. amm. AMM-MuR. anac. ang. anterud. ant-tart. ar~r. ARN. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. DRY. calad. CALO. carnph. cann. canth. caps.. earb-an. carb-veg.- CAIJST. chain. chel. 'CHIN. cic. cinia. clem. coco.. coff. eoich. coloc. coN. creos. croc. cupr. eyci. dig., DROS. dulc. euphorb. eutphr. ferr. GRAPH- guaj4. HELL. hep. hyosc. GNTjOd. ipec.. KALI. lacth. LAUR. led. lye.mgs. M-ARCT. inaustr. M-agn. ma~gn-mur. mang. mar. MEN. MERO. mezer.. inosch. rdUrR-AC.- NATR. NATR-M'UR%. nitr. NIETH-Ac. n-inosch,. n-tvom. oleand. P-AR. petr. ipHosPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb.. RAN-SCEL. i'hetiim. r-hodod. RHUS. muta. SABAD.. SABIN. Sainb. SASS AP. scill.-selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPJG. SPONG. STANN. STAPH. strain. stront. BSULPH. suiph-ac. TAR. THUJ.. valer. veratr.. verb, viol-ad..VIOL-TB,. vit. ZINC. SENSAMONS.17 171 Pricking htf inner parts. ACON. agar. A L UM. ambr. amm. arnm-mur. anac. ang. antcrud, ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. A~AF~. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bisrn. bor. -Boy. BRY. ealad. CALO. eamph. CANTH. caps. earb-an. carb-veg. CAUST'. chain. CI-EL. CHIN. dci. cina. clemn. coec. coff. coich. coloc. con.. CREOS. eroe. eupr. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyose. IGNAT.jod. ipee. KALI. lach. 'LAURA led. lye. mgs. rn-aret. m-austr. MAGN. MAGN-MUR. mang.- mar. m7en. merc. mazer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-moseh. n-vom. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH--AC..plat. PLUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel.- rheum. rhdpdo. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. samb. SASSAP. scHil. see-corn.s8elen. seneg. SEP. sil. -SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPE. suiph-ac. TAR. thuj. valer. veratr.,VERB. viol-tr,. vit. ZINC. P -from without inwards. Aeon. alum. arn-m-mur. ang. arg, ARN. bar. bell, bov. bry. CALC. cann. CANTII. caps. carb-veg. caust. cina. elem. coce. coloc. croe. dros. guaj. hyose. IGNAT. LAUR. m-aret. mang. men. mezer. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLUMB. rhus. R-ABIN. samb. scill. sil. staph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. verb. -from within outwards. ALUM. amin-mur. ant-erud. ARG. amn. ASAF. asar. BELL. bry. CALC. eann. cauth. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. -clem. cocc. coff. eoleh. CON. dros. DULC." hell. hyosc. kali. faur, LYC. m-arct. mang. men. MEZER. mur-ac. NATR. natr-rnur. nitr-ac. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhodocl. RHUS. SABAD. sabin. SIL. SPIG. SPONG. STANN. STAPH. stront. SULPH. TAR.. thuj. VALER. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. -from below upwards. Aeon. alum. amn. ars. bar. BELL. eale. canth. earb-veg. CAUST,. CHAM. chin. eina. coloc. euphr. kali. in-arct. mang. petr. puls. rhus. ruta. sep. spongr. stann. sulph. tar. thuj. from above downwards. Ant-enad. arn. bell. bor. canth. caps. CARB-VEG. CAUST. cina. coloc. creos. dros. FERR. lyc. in-arct. mang. nitr-ac,: ntom.' petr. ph-ac. PULS. sabin. sassap. 8eill. sepe sqVdph. tail. valer. zinc. 1 diagonally. Aeon. arnbr. anac. arg. bell. boy. bry. calc. canth. caust. chain.' chin. coce. kali. laur. lym' mere. mur-ac. phospli. rhus. seneg. SEP. spig. stront. sulph. suiph-ac. tar,. .172 SENSATIONS. Pricking in the muscles..Ikon. agar. ALUM. ambr. amm. AMM-MtJR. anac. ang-. antcrud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. 'ASAF. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chet. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cooc. coich. coloc. CON. creos. croc. cupr. cycl."dig. D ROS. duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. HELL. hep. hiyos'c. IGNAT. jod. KALI. lach. LAIJR. led. lyc. mngs. M-ARCT. in-auistr. magn. magn-mutr. mang. mar. MEN. MERC. mezer. rnosch. MUR-AC. NATR. NATR-MUR. flitr. NITFR-AC. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. PAR. petr. PH0ospr. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. SABIN. samb. SASSAP. scill. SEP. SIL. SPLG. SPONG. STANN. STAPH. stront. SULPH. suilph-ac. TAR. TH1UJ. valer. veratr. verb. VIOL-TR. VIT. ZINC. - in the joints. Acon. agar. alum. amrn. amrn-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. ASAF. asar. BAR. BELL. BOy. BRY. CALC. camph. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. c/wi. chin. cina. cleim.COCC. coloc. CON. CREOS. dros. duilc. euiphorb. euplir. ferr. GRAPH. g~uaj. HELL. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. KALI. laur. led. i//c. m-austr. maqgf. MAGN-MUR. MANG. ME N. MERC.-mezer. mosch. mur-ac. flatr. NATR-MUR. NITR. nitrac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. PHospHi. phrac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-scel. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. samh. SASSAP. scil. SEP. SIL. SPIG. SPONG. STANN. STAPH. STRONT. SULPH. SULPH-AC. TAR. THUJ. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. VIT. ZINC. -Wi the bones. Acon. agrar. amrn. anac. ant-crud. arg. ars. asaf. aur. BELL. CALC. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. CHIN. coce. coich. CON. DROS. duic. eiiphorb. graph. HELL. jod. kali. LACH. lyc. m-arct. magn. mang. MERO. mezer. nitr-ac. n-vom. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RAN-SCEL. RUTA. sabin. samb. SASSAP. SEP. sil. spig. staph. stront. suiph.. valer. ve~rb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. - burninge in the miuscles.6 ALum. amm-fmur. anac. ARG. amD. ASAF. aur. bar. bry. caic. caust. cic. cina. COCC. coich. DIG. igliat. laur. lyc. M Gs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. mnang. mere. MEZER. mur-ac. N-VOM. OLEAND. platt.pluzmb. rhodod. RHIUS. SABAD. sabin. samb. sep.. spig. stanin. STAPH. SULPH-AC. tar. THUJ. viol-tr. -- in the joints. Mezer. plat. plumb. suiph-ac. thu.j. - -in the inner epigasti'ic region. IGNAT. SENSATI0N8.17 173 Pricking burning in the bones. Arg. euphorb. zinc. -drawing. (See Tearing) -with jerking..fing. arn. CALC. caust. CINA. cocc. coff. euphorb. guaj. LYC. mang. mezer. mur-ac. N-YOM. ph-ac. plumb. Sep. sil. spong. stann. zinc. -,with pressing in the inuscies. Amm-mur. anac. arg.,amn. ASAiF. bar. bell. caic. 2ghin., coich. dros. eu~horb. ignat. kali. mezer. MUR-AC. phosph. 'rhus. 1-uta. sabad. SASSAP. spong. 'stann. staph. tar. THUJ. verb. viol-tr. ZINC. - -in the joinits, Ph-ac. sassap. staph. zinc. - -in the bones. Anac. ruta. - tearing (drawing) in the muscles. A con.. alumn. amnbr. arpim. amm-mur. ANAC. aug. arg. ARS. asaf. as'ar. aur. bell. bism. bor. CALO. CAmpE. cann. canth. caps., caust. CHIN. cina. clem. colov. con. creos. cyci. dig. dros. GUAJ. hell. icali. led. m-arct. MANG. merc' mezer. mur-ac.?zatr-mur- n-vom. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. PULS.. rheumn. rhus. ruta. sabin. samb. SASSAP. scill. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. suiph-ac. tar. TLIUJ. verb. v'it. zinc. N - A n the joints. Aug. ars. asaf. ASAR. carb-veg. caust. clern. duic. ferr. merc. mur-ac. PTJLS. SABIN. Staii). STAPH. sulph. suiph-ac. tar. TrHUS. verb, zinc. - in the bones. Acon. ARS. chel. me'rc. phosph. thuj. -tensive. ASAF. CAL.C. cina. cocc. dig. kali. mang. natr-tnur.fileand. ph-ac. ruta. SPIG. STAPH. sulph. tar*. viol-tm. Puffiness. ACON. anIM. AMM-MUR. ANT-CRUD. arn. ARS'. ASAF. aur. bar. BELL. BUY. CALC. CAPS. chain. chini.,cina;* cocc.- coich. coloc. con. creos. CUPR. dir~. dros. duic. 'FERR. graph.'guaj. hell. hyosc. ipec. kali. lachi. laur. led. lyc. rnagu. mar. merc. mezer.mosch. natm. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vbm. OLEAND. Op. phosph. plumb. PULS. r~heum. RHUS. samb. sassap. SENEG. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. staph. strain.: sulph. Pulling.- (See Tugging.) A 174 SENSATIONS. Pulsation in outer parts. AeON. AGAR. alum. arnbr. anac. ARG. ASAF. bar. cann. caust. chain. chel. cina. clem. cocc. coloc. creos. croc. dros. graph. guaj. hell. IGNAT. KALI. lye. m-arct. m-austr. mar. NATR-MUR. n-vom. OLEAND. op. FLAT. ran-bulb.' rhodod. sabin. scill. sec-corn. -spzg. spong. stann. stront. TAR. thuj. zinc. - ini inner Farts. ALUM. ambr. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. ANT-TART. ASAF. asar. bell. bor. boy. bry. calad. CALC. caps. carh-veg. chel. chin. cic. coloc. creos-. croc-. cyci. dig. dulc. graph. hell. hep. hyosc..TOD. lyc. m-austr. magn-mur. man~g. MERC. natr. nitr. n-vom. OLEAND. op. par. petr. PHO5PH. PLUMB. PUL$. rhus. sabad. sabin. sec-corn. seneg. sep. sPIi. 5PONG, suiph. suiph-ac. THUJd, zinc. Pungent pain. (See Biting.) Puishing. Alum. arnbr. amm. amrn-mur. anac. aug. ant-crud, amn. ASAF. au r. bell. bism. bor. caic:- cann. CANTH. caps. carb-aij. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. chin. cina. clern. COCC coich. coloc. con. CrOC. dig. dulec. graph. hell. hyose. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. laur. led. lye. mgs. rn-arct. m-austr. magn. rnagn-rnur. mar. mere. MOSCH. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. phosph. plat. PULS. ran-bul-b. rhodod. RHiUS. SABIN. sainb. sassap. seneg. sep. spig. spong. stann. strain. suiph. suiph-ac. thiij. Qutivering in external parts. AGAR. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ANG. ant-crud. ars. ASAF. bar'. BELL. bov. bry. CALO. camph. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. chel. chin. cic. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. dios. graph. guaj. hell. ignat. ipec. K ALI. lye. mgs. M-ARCT. magn-mur. men. merc. MEZER. mur-ac. NATR. natr-miur. N-VOM. par. petr. phosph. plat. plumb. puls. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabin. selen. seneg. sep. SIL. SPIG. STANN. strain. STRONT. suiph. tar. thuj. valer. violtr. vit. zinc. -in internal parts. ]3ov. CANN. seneg. Relaxation., (See Laxness.) Rending sensation.' Coloc. hep. ing. mosch. n.vom. petr. phosph. PLUMB. RHUS. sep. sulph. Pain as fromý rending. Agar. alum. amin-mur. anac. arn. ars. asar. cale. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. COFF. con. dig. ferr. graph. ignat. ings. rn-austr. SENSATIONS.17 175 MAR.rmezer. mur-aC. NATR-MITR. N-VOM. op. puls. rhus. sabin. Sep. spig. STAPH. suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. zinc. Restlessness. (See Fidgety disposition.) Retraction of soft parts. (See Drawing in.) Rigor. Acon. amm. amm-mur. ang. ant-tart. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. cam ph. cann. cic.. cina. creos. DROS. hell. HYOSG.. AADnat. kali. LED. lye. M-ARCT. mnosch. oleand. petr. PLAT.,plurreb. PU-tLS. SECCORN. Sep. STRAM. suliph. veratr. zinc. Sense of rigor. Alum. ang. ARG. AS AF. casýst. c/tam, chin. cina. cocc. mang. men. mosch. nitr-ac. petr. phosph.. PLAT. rhodod. sabad. sec-corn. Sensation as of rolling. Acon. bell, graph. ignat. m-austr. plat. plumb. RHIJS. SEP. tar. Rooting (dligging-up). ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amrn. AMM-MUR. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. BOY. BDRY. C ALOC. cann. cauth. caps. c~arb-an, carb-vegr. caust. chain. chel. chin. C'INA..clemn. cocc. coich. coloc. con. creos. crop; dig. dros. DULC. -euphorb. fer.r. graph. hell. hep. ignat. KALI. led. l,-yc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. merc. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr.- n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. petr. PHOSPH. _ph-ac. PLAT. 'puls, rheum. RHODOD. rhws. RUTA. sabad. sabin. samb. scill. seneg. -SEP. sil. SPIG. 'spong. STANN. staph. stront. suiph. thuj. vatler. zinc, Sense of roughness in' inner parts. Acozz agar. ALUM. ambr,, amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. arg. ars. bar. bell. bor. bov. bry. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carban. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chain., eheL chzsn.cina. cocc. coff'. coich. coloc. creos. cr*oc. cycl..DIG. DOROMdtflc. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosso. igniat. jod'. ipet.,1ckh.ieachA.LAuR.ied. lyc. MAGN. magn-mur. mang., mai mee viezer.mur;:ac iiatr..natrmur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mos~h. N4OM. 4o1esýtL -iiOx. 13 H PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. raibib?~bi4Ru abdd S"ASSAP. scil. SENEG. p.S-il..iplgtSP.p71i s~, stram., STRONT. SULPH. SULPH-AC. 4iij ea.-vr iC Scraping. I Amn. asaf. chain. CHIN. coloc. led. LY pa h-ac. puls. RHUS. sabad. spig. pr - over the bones. ASAF. CHIN. coloc. ph-acý,puls. RBm SABAD., 176 p SENSATIONS. Scraping in the interior of the bones. SABAD. Screwing together. Alum. ambr. boy. n-mosch. STRONT. zinc. Scuirvy. Alum. ambr. ant-crud. arg'. ARS. aui'. bell. bor. boy. bry. caic.,canth. caps. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. caust. chin. cic. con. creos. duic. graph. kep. jod. kali. lyc. magrn-mur. MERC. MUR-AC. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. petr. phosph. ph-ac. rhus. ruta. sabin. sep. sil. stann. STAPH. suiph. sulph-ac. vit. zinc. Sense of deadness in siilgle parts. Acon. ambr. amm-miur. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. a'sar. bry. CALC. cann. caust. CHELA. cic. coff. con. creos. cupr. cyc]. euphorb. hep. lyc. merc. mur-ac. natr. nair-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. par. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. samh. SEC-CORN. sil. stann. suiph. tIL?{. veratr. zinc. 'Sensitiveness of outer parts. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ang. ant-crud. arg. ARN. ars. AIJR. BAR. BELL. bor. boy. bry. caic. camph. cann. CANTHI. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. cina. COFF. coich. coloc. con. creos. cupr. dig. ferr. hell. REP. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. LACH. led. lyc. rnigs. 'M-ARCTF. magn. magnz-mur. mar. merc. mezer. mosceh. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. RHUS. sabad. sassap-. scill. sec-corn. SELEN. seneg. sep. SIL. SPIG. spong. STANN. staph. stront. SULPH. sutlph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. - of inner parts. Acon. agar. alum. AmM. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boyV. B RY. calad. C ALC. cann. CANTH. CAUB-AN. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. dic. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. croc. cupr. cyci. dulc. ftorr. GRAPHr. hell. HEP. hyosc. jod. ipec. LACH. laur. led. m-arct. magn. MAGN-MUR. mang. men. merc. MOSCh.?NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. par. PI-OSPH. puts. ran-bulb. rhus. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spong. stann. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. yeratr. zinc. -to pain. ACON. AGAR. amhbr. amin. anac * ang. ant-crud.,ant-tart. amn. ars. ASAR. AUR. BAR. BELL. bry. calad. caic'. cainph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CHAM. CHIN. cina. coco. SENSATIONS.17 177 COFF. COLCH. CON. CUPEt. dig. grapli. hell. hep. HYOSC. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. MACN. magrn-miir. mere. rnur-ac. NATH. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. PETR. PHOSPH. p/i-ac. pltl[nh. puls. sabad. sahin'. sassaR. scill. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. SPiG. staph. suiph. thuj. valer. vera-tr. violo d. zinc. Shaking. (See Trembling.) Shocks. (See Concussion.)4 -pain as if from. AeON. agar. alum. amm.. amm-mur. ANAC. ANG. ant-tart. ARN. asa-f. asar. aur. bar. bell. boy. bry. caic. camph. CANN. caust. chain. chin. cic. CINA. clem. cocc. colch. con. CROC. 'cycl. dig. dros. DU'LC. euphorb. ferr. graph. HELL. help. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. MGS. M-ARCT. nmang. mar. mere. MEZER. MUR-AC. natr. natr-mur. nitr. N-MOSCH.A n-vom. OLEAND. par. petr. PLAT. puls. rhodod. rhus. RUTA. samb. sassap. ksill. SPIG. stanil. suiph. SULPH-AC. tar. veratr. viol-od.. viol-tr. Shortness of the muscles. (See. Muscles.) Shrinking (wasting) of soft parts. Acon. ANG. ant-crud. amn. ars, BELL. boy. calad. camp/i. caps. carb-veg. chin. cocc. coloc. duic. euphorh. graph. hep. hy osc. ignat. JOD. laur. mgs. MERC. natr. natr-riur. N-VOM. Op. phosph. ph-ac. rhus. scill. sep. ctaph. strain. suip h. Shrivelling. Arnm-mur. amn. bism. c'hin. cupr. merc. rhodod. veratr. zinc. Complaints on one side only. AGAR. ALUM. amhr. amm. amm-mur. AN AC. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARC. amn. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. BAR. bell. hism. bor. boy. bry. CALC. cainph. canm. CANTH. caps. carh-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. chin. cic. CINA. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. eon. creos. croc. cupr. cYCL.- dig. dros. DULO. eulphorh. euphr. ferr. graph. GUAJ. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat, jod. KALI. lach. laur. led. lyc. m-arct. rn-austin. magn. magn-mur. MANG'.mar. men. merc. MEZEII. mosch. MUR-AC. natin. natr-mur. nitr. nunr-ac. n-mosc/i. n-vom. OLEAND. PAR. petr. PHO5PH. PH-AC, PLAT. plumb. puls. ranb~Ib. ran-see1. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. SABIN. sa'mb. SASSAP. scill. selen. seneg. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. STRON'r. sulph. SULPH-AC. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. VERB. viol-od. viol-tm. vit. ZINC. -on tbk sight side. Aeon. AGAL. ALUM. amrn. amm-mtir. anac. avg. ant-tart. arg. arn, ark. asaf. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. bov.*bry. cale. campli. CANTII. Il S'AIOS8 taps. curb-an. carb;-veg. C ATST. c/tam. chel. chin. cic. 'oiMa. clemt c~occ. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cyci. dig. DROS. duic. euphorb. euphr. graph. guaj-. hell. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. kali.. laur. led, lyc. m-arct. m~-austri, magni. magn;wmur, mang. MAR. men. mere. mezer. moscE. mur-uci. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch4 n'-Vorn. oleand. par. petr. phosph. ph.,.ac. plat. PLIUMB6 puls. RAN-' BULB. rheum. rhodod. ritus. RUTA. SABAD. SABIN. sassap. scill. se&, nteg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront, sulph. sulp/t.ac. tar. thuj. valer. verb. viol-tr, vit. zinc,. Complaints on the left side. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anacb aug. ar*nt.'crudb ANT-TART. urgb ARN. ars. ASAF. ASAR. aur. bar. bell, bism. bor., boy. bry. CALO. ccmp/t. cann. canth. capsi. carb-veg. caust. c/tel` iCHIN. tcie. cna. Clem. coce. COLCH, CoLoc-X con, creos. 4iROC., ICUPR. cycl. dig. dros. duic. evtphorb. euphr. ferr. graph,. guaj. hell. hyoso. ignat. ion. kali. LAO H. laur, led. lyc. rn-arct. m-uaustr. magn, magn-miur. mnangr. mar. men. SIERC. meZer. mur.'ac., natr,4 natr-nmur.' flitr. N[TR"AC. n-ntoscek. n.'vom. oleand. par. peir. phosph4 ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-ýscel. ItHODOD,. rhus. sabad. sabint samb. sassap. scill. S EL PN. seneg.. 313p. SPIG. spong. slann. staph. stront., suLt'R. suiph-ac. ~rA&b thuj% valer. verater. verb. viol-odb viol-ir. vit. zinc. from side to side, di agonallys AGAR. cuic. MANG. nitr-.ac. sil. valerb. nclination to sit down. Acon. AGAR. alum. actmm. AMM-'MUR-, anac6 ant-6crud, vint-tartb rsrg. urni. ARS. asur. bar. BELL. bor. bry. calc. camph. CANN, canth. CARB.'VEG. caust. CHEL., CHIN,. cocc. colch. CON. croc. cupr. eycl. dubc, EUPHR. GRAPH. GUAJ. hell. /tep. hyosie. ignatt JVOD. ipec, kali. lath. laur. lyc, m-arct. m-6austr. nlagn. magn-rnurý MAR. merei. mezer. mur.&ac. natr. NATR-&MUR. NITR-&AC. N.'VOM. oleund. op. petr.. PHOSPH. P'HlAC. plumb. puls. ian-bulb. RAN& scEt.. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SCILL. SEC-IC6RN. SEP. sil, SPONG. stann. stront. SULPIELI TAR. verb. viol-ir. ZINC, Sleep, sensation as if gone to, in single partS. Acon. agar. alutm. AhtfBR. amm. amm-mur. anaC. ang. ants'crudb tint-tart. ARG. am.b asaf'. asar. atir. BA~fi, bell. bor. boy. bryu CALC, camph. Cann. canth. caps.. CARB-AN, CARB-VEG. causi. CHAN. r~hel. CHIN. tVzc. cina. COCC. colch. coloc. con. creos. CROC., dig. dros. duic. eup/torb. eup/tr ferr% GR1APH. OLTAJ. he p. /tyosc, IGNAT. jod,. ipec. KALI. Jaur. led. LYC. rngs. M-A RCT. M-AtJSTR. inagn. MAGN;-MUR. mang. mar.MERC. meserb mostA. natr. NATR.' StIOATIONS. 4b Ake' 1;7 9 mtnt;, nitt& nntfr~ac. N-VOM. olcand. op. piar& PETR. P11o0%-PH. ph-ac., plat. plumb. PUtS. rheL?Mý., RHODOD. RHUS. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spi~g. spong. stann. staph sran BULPH1. sulph~ac. tlwj,. valer. VERATH. zinc, Sentsation~as ofT growing smaller& C AIC. crebos,.croca, Soft, hard'parts feel tas if. Cause, n.ERC. mezer. NItR-AC.. njamosch& S'oftening of inner parts,. CALC'. creos. Sore pain in ouiter parts. Atuiu. ambr. ainm. amrni-mur. anac'. -ang. ANT'1Citub. afga ARN. virs. asaf. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. b oy. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. cant A. carb-an-. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chin. cic6 cina, clem. cofiL coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. euphorb. -euphr. ferr. GRAPH. HEgP; hyosc. IGNAT'.jod. ipec6 kAL1. led. lyc. mg8. m'.arct. m-austr. magn4 magna-mur. mang. mar., men' MERC6 MEZER. mosch. mur';ac. nattr. NATR"MUR., nitr-aci Na VOM. oleand. par. petr.'riiosPii.ph~ac. PLAT. -plumb. PU'LS. rana bulb& rhodod. RHTus.rutai'sabad. sabin. sassap. scill. sec'&corn**SEP. asi. spig. spong. stanfl.-N STAIPH. stronta, SU'L1PHe SULPH"AC. th a 6 vialer. verair. ZINC. u In inner par~ts,, Acon. agar, wAttm. ambr. amm& amm-mur. anac. ang., ant.& crud. ant-tart. ARC. arn. ars, asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. iBUY. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carbaan. carb-aveg, caust. chain. CHIN cic. cina. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos., croc. dig9. euphorb. ferr, graph. hell. hep..- IGNAT. jod& ipec6?cali. lach. led. LYc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-murs mang. mar. miere. mtzEEit. moseb. rnur-ac. nair. NATVR--MUR. nitr. 91ITRa-Ac.'n.-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. petr. PHOSPH. PH-Ac. plat, plumb., PULS. RMý-IBULB9. ra~n-scel. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. seneg. SEP. sil,6 spig..Spong.- STANN. staph. strain. stront.,8uiph& stslp'h-ac. thuj4-valer. violaod. ZINC. 'Spasms in general. Acon. agar. ambr,..ang. ANT-1TAnT. amn. ars& aktf.. aur. bar, LVELL. BRY. CALO~s cAMPHM cann. camlh. caUSt. -CHAM. CIC. citsa. clem. cocc. coff'. col1h. coloc6 CON;. croc. CUPR.,lig'duic. ferr hell. HYOSO. iGNA"T. jod,. it~c. lach. laur. lye. rngs. ng% in~gn-mur. mere. mosCH. nitri-ac. N-MOSCH. n-iO.-om.P0. petr.. phosph,. plat. plumb. ruip.s.ranasce1.- rhus. ruta, sabad& samb. scills 180 SENSATIONS. SEC-CORN. Sep. spig. stann. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. valer. veratr. zinc. Spasms, clonic. Acon. AGAR. alilm. 'amnbr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. anttart. arg$ amn. ARS. asar. aulr. BAR. BELL. bor. BRY. CALO. camp/i. cann. cant/i. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chin. CIC. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coloc. CON. cre~os. croc. CUPR. dig. duic. graph. guaj. hell. hep. L-YOSC. IGNAT.jod. iPEC. KALI. lach. laur. LYC. mgs. mn-arct. rn-austin. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. mnen.,MERC. MEZER. mDosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. mitr-ac. n-inosch. n-VOM. oleand. OP. peir. p/iosph. p/i-ac. PLAT. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheurn. rhodod. r/ius. ruta. sabad. samb. sassap. scill. SEC-CORN. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. S pig. spong. STANN. staph. STRAM. STRONT. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. t/iuj. veratr. zinc. - -tonic. Acon. alum. amm. amm-mur. anac. ANG. ant-tart. ang'. amn. ars. asaf. asar. BELL. bor. bry. caic. camp/i. cann. canthi. caps. CAUST. C HAM. chin. CIC. cina. clem. coco. c'oloc. con. cupin. cyc1.,dig. duic. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hep. hyosc. iGNAT. IPEC. icali. laur. led. LYC. rngS. m-arct. mnang. men. MERC. mezer. moscH. natin. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-voin. oleand. op) PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. puls. rhodod. rhus. sabad. sassap. SECCORN. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. STRAM. SIJLPH. thuj. VERATR. zinc. -hysteric. Ars. ASAF. aur. BELL. BRY. caic. cann. CAUST. chain. cic.' COCC. coffi CON. croc. dig. /iyosc. ]GNAT. JOD.. ipe. 'ah. le mgS. MAGN-MtXR. merc. MOSCH. flitr-ac. N-MOSCI. 7n-VOm.. op. petin. phosph. PLAT. plumb. puls. ruta. sep. stann. staph. STRAM. sU.phi. VALER. veratr. zinc. -in inner parts. Acon. again. alum. ambr. amm. anac. ant-crud.' ant-tart. arg. arm. ars. ASAF. asar. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. niRY. calad. CALC. camp/i. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. CHAM.' c/id. chin. cina. COCC. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. CumR.dig dulc. eup/iorb. FERR. graph. hep. [-YOSC. IGNAT.jod. uipc. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mngs. rn-arct. magfl. MAGN-MUR. mar. mere. MOSCH. mum-ac. natr. nair-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosck. N-VOM. op. p'eir. 'PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. jhodo~d.,, rhus. sabad. sassap. SEC-CORN., seneg. SEP. sil. spong. STANN. STAPH. strain. stront. suiph. sulph-ac. t/iuj. valer. veratIr. ZINC. SITMVPVAT10N S 181 Sensation. as of a sp~in C. C~A~i3VECCCco~L~4~ N~R-C0ptr:i t. ran-&15ub. SIL. Ambr-Amm. an g.A. +M. r b'~BRY. C ALJ;cn.CARB-AN. carb vegcaust. cod. cOeos,,ý(. grfihhep. IGNAT. LYC. mgs. M -ATSTRO mEuc.fmezer. teh -N.TR.IN AT R-MUR. NITR. NITR-AC,? rpPETR, POSPH..PULS. rhodod, - RHUS. RUTX Sabin..selp:spiggt starnn,staph.i'S~JLPH.'VIT. zin,ý. A Dios xion-A Priig. Ammi. br'y. cqlc.** caYrfn.CR N carb-veg",CON. j)epD,,LYC`. M-AU-STR-. merc. NATR'.. WNATR-MUR. nitr.' NITR-ACo N-V`OM.'IEtR. PHo9PH. RHUS. RUTA. S T1LP i. VIT.TIN, Pain as i( sApiained in outgr parts. A~con..agpr' "aluM:A MB Ra arntn. adm-rnur. anac,. ang. antcrud. ant-tart. ARI,..ams. ASAR'. a u r.'bar, -bell. by R.cmad CAJ1C. -ca~riph. oardh.caps. carb~-an;-CA'RB-VE'G.-CAUST. chain. chel. chirn.,cina..cc coloc. e reoscrF~c. cu~pr. cyci.'dig. dros. dulc. eup'orb. gfdA-k hell h'P, T.NAT4. ipec. kali. lid. lyc. mias. mn-arct. m-wflstr. -tiagn p-iagn-mur. tmen.?nerc. M.EZER. moscli. mur-Zzce. natr. NA:TR MTJUR.-nitr-.-nitW-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. PETR. PiioSP'H.,ph-ac., plat. `Zplumb. PULS,. ra~n-bulb. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta.- sabjr. sa'ssap. seneg. SEP. il. SPIG. spongr. STANN. stiolt. S1LP I-i.thu~j. valer. veratr. ve'rb.'ivit. zinc. -ias if s~prained in the joiiitm. 0 nacZ fgar alum. AMBa. anim. amin-mur. ana~c. wing. antcrudiaptifa-rt, ARN. ars. asar. aur. bar. bell. 't B1RY. calad. cina,- pdcc. con. creos. croc. cyci. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb., GRAPHf. ~eW h2 ~JA.T pec. ali. le. lcMG S. m-arct. - 'n-austr. in ah 'mhgn -ur. 'rnang, imen. rnerc. mez*.er. imosclm.. mur-c natr. n.At'#MUR'.NIIrt-. nitr-ac..n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. PETR. PL!.SPH: `*h.n.c plat. -plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RHODOD. R tS.ruta. 3iiti~ asa. eeg e J iI. SPIG. spong. stann. >it aph. SJJLPH. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. vit.- zinc, Sin inner prts,-.~ Agar. alumim. ainibr. amtfn4nth" u;-u~mibkaW11. LYC.. n-iom. petr. plat. rhoddd.,~pig,, sta~phi. Su1'iph. 4hUj. Sensation.-as of aiOb bbblio spiting. RHEUM. tl.-4 M. f 182 SENSATIONS. Sensation of qualmishness. ACON. agar. ambr. amnr-mur. ant-tart. avg. amn. AR'S. asar. BAR. bell. boy. bry. caic. canth. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. CHEL. chin. cic. cina. coff. CROC. CYOL. DIG. euphorb. euphr. graph. hep. IGNAT. jod. IPEC. kali. laur. LYC. mgs. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. mar. men. merc. MOSCH.' mur-ac. NATR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N- VOM. oleand. par. petr. PHOSPH. PLAT. pulS. rhodod. rhus. SAB AD. Sabin. seneg. sil. spong. STAPH. stront. SULPH. tar. thuj. VERATR. ZINC. Squeezing pain in outer parts. Acon. alum. ambr. ANAC. ANG. arg. amn. bar. BELL*. b ry. calad. CALC. camph. cann. CARB-VEG. cauist. chain. chel. cic. GINA. coce. coich. coloc. creos. croc. cyol.,dig. dros. duic. eyphr. graph. hyosc. jod. kali. led. lyc. m-arct. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. mosek. natr. NITR. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleaind. petr. phosph. rh-ac. PLAT. puls. van-bulb. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. scill. sep. sil. spig. stront. sulj)h. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. vilol-tv. zinc. -in inncer parts. - ACON. AMI3R. arnn-amir. anac. ANG. ant-tart.,arg. amn. ars. asaf. asar. auir. bar. bell. bism. bor. bry. CALO. camphi. canth. caps. cavb-an. CARB-VEG. chain. chel. chin. cinta. cocC. COLCH. COLOC. con. croc. cyci. dig. dros. duilc. ferr. gr~aph. hyosc. LGNAT. jod. KALI. lach. led. lyc. mnagn. MAR. men. merc.' IMEZER. muzr-ac. natr-mnur. N-VOM. oleand. petr. phosph. PHAC. PLAT. puls. ran-scel. rheutm. rhodod. rhus. Sabin. sassap. scill. seten. seneg. Sep. sil. spong. stann. STAPH. Strait. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. valer. veratr. vit. ZINC. staggering when walking. AcolN. AGAR. ant- cvind. arg. arn. ars. ASAR. aur. BELL. boy. BRY. ca'ic. C'AMPH. CANN. cauth. CAPS. carb-an. carb-.Veg. caust. chanin. he1. chin. ciC. COCC. COFIF. coich. CON. croc. cyci. dros'i duic. euphorb.-ferr. graph. hell. rY-osc. IGNAT. ipec. kali. LAtJR.- led. mgs. mn-arct. mn-austr. miagn. rnagn-mur. mar. inerc. MEZER. viniosch. mum-ac. natr. natin-mur. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. olcand, op. par. petr. ph-ac. plumb. puls. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. samb. sassap. SEC-CORN. seneg. s4ep. SIL. spig. spoug. STRAM. stroilt. suilph. tar-. THUJ. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-od. viol-tm. zinc. Starting of the body. Acon. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. aug. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARN. ARS. bar. BELL. BISM. bor. BRY. calad. caic. cauth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. CHIN. czua. COCC. cOff COLCH. creos. croc. dros. duic. euphorb.,graph. guaj. REP. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. lyc. magn. 'SENSATIONS. 183 rnagn-mur. mar. MERO. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr. futr-ac. N-VOM. op'. petr. phosph. ph-ac..pl at. p lumb. putls. RHUS*. samb. sassap. selen. seneg. sep. sil". spong. stann. staph. STRONT. StJLPH. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. vit. zinc. Stiffiling Pain. Acon. agar. ambr. AMM. asar. bell. biy. cairn. canth. carbtin. chel.'coce. coff. creos. cupr. dmos. graph.'hep. IGNAT. marot. m-austr. magri. niatr. N-VOM. plumb., PULS, ran-scel. pabin. SPONG. strain. suiph. suiph-ac. veratr. zinic. Str-angulating patin. (See Stifling pain.), Prickling in outer parts. Agrai' alum. ant-diud..ant-tart. bell:caic. cann. caps. caust. coloc. croc. DROS. hep. lauir..lyc. mgs. m-arct. MEZER. mosch1. n-mosch. PLAT. RAN-SCEL. ruta. sabad. sep. staph. suiph. suiph-ac. zinc. -ini inner parts. -Acon. aur. d'anii. PHOSPHI. 1h-aC. plat. sabad. sec-corn. seneg. verb. viol-od. $trictnres (aifteri inflarnmations). Acou. AGAR. alium. ant-crud. arg. arn. ars. asaf. BELL. BRY. caic. OAMPH. OCANTH. caust. chel. chin. CI'C. Clem. cooc. con. dig. dios. ' dulc. euphorb. hyosc. ignat. lach. led. rngs. in-arct. m-austr'. mar. men. MERC. MEZER. natr-mur. flitr-ac. N-YOM. op. peir. PHiOSPii. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUs9'. ruta.-sabad. scill. sep. SPONG. staph. str-am. suiph. thuj. ve2'atr. zinc. Like hot streams. Mgs Sensation of streingth. (S~eeVigor.) SiretcIincg, simple, of the limbs. 4 AcoN. ALUM. ANG. BELL. CALO. CIV4M., C4inix. tN4* IGNAT. IPEC., Mgs. puls. rhus. strain. veratei& Streiching of thie limnbs, as from drowsinesgs., Agar. ALUM. amblr. AMM. auig. ars. BELL. boy. BRiK' CALO. canth. carb-an. car b-veg. caust. CHAM. chin. clem. cocc. GRAPH.' gmaj. hell. hep. ip~ec. LED..Magn. mere'. rhezer. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. -oleand. phosph. ph-ac. plat. puls'. 7hus. rutta.,sabad. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. Sit. SPONG. staph. SULPH. suilph-ac. valer.' verb., zinc. Stunning pain% Aeon. agar. amm. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. amn. asaf. asar. aur. bell. boy. bry. cALd. caun. carb-an. chin. cic. CINA. cocc. con., croc. cupr. cyci. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. hell. hep. 184 SENSATIONS. hyosc. ignat. lauir. led. ings. m agn. rnagn-mur. mang. men. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. n-mosch. OLEAND. op. par. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHEUM. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. sarnb. seneg. sep. stann. staph. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. valer. VERATR. VERB. vit. zinc. Stupefyinkg pain. (See Stunning.) Subsivltts tendinuani. (See Muscles.) Sugillation.,ARN. bry. chan. cdin, con. duic. ferr'. LA CE1-. laur. N-VOM. par. plumb. rhU.S. RUTA. sec-corn. suitph. suilph-ac. Stigillatioan, feeling as of. ARN. talc. chin. ferr. fl-vorn. par. rutta. sec-corn. suiph-ac. Supporthig the body, difficulty in. Aqco1Z. agar. alum. ant-tart. ARN. al's. ASAR. aur. ]BELL. bism. bry. camph. cauvst. chani. chel. chin. cic. cina. COCC. coff. colch. cupr. cyci. dig'. duic. euphorb. ferr. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. KALI. lach. lyc. in-aret. m-austr. men. mere. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-rnosch. N-VOM. oleaud. OP. par. petl. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus ruta. sabad. sabin. selen. sep.-SIL. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. strain. suiph. TAR. VERATR. viol-od. viol-ir. vit. zinc. Swelling r ia general. AcoN. agar. alu/m. arnbr. arnr. amrn-mur. anac. ant-crud. arg. ARNT. ARS. asaf. aur. BAR. BELL. jism. bor. bov. BRY. calad. CALO. carnph. cann. CA NTH.- caps. caib-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cic. cletn. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dui~c. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. REP. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgS. m-arct. rin-austr. io. magn.fag-mlur. mang. mar. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mu~r. nztr. NITRA C. n-mosch. N-VOM oleand. op. par. petr. PH-OSPHi. PH-A.C. PLUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. r-hodod. RHUS. rutta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. Scill. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPLG. spon~g. staun. staph. STRAM. srtrot. SULPHI. suiph-ac. TH UJ. valer. veratr. Vit. zinc. Swellimig, inflammiatory. ACON. alum. amm. ant-crud. amn. ars. asaf. bar'. BELL. BRY. CALC. cairn. CANTH. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. cocc. colch. con. cupr. euphorb. graph. guaj. hep. jod. KALI. led. LYC m-aret. magn. MERC. natr. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. n-voin. pet?'. PHOSPHi. plumb. PULS. RHUS. sabin. samb. sassap. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spong. staun. SULPH. thuj. vit. zinc. -of the parts affected. Acon. alum. ant-crud. amn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. boy.. SENSATIONS. BRY. CALC. 'cýtnn. CANTH. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chin. cic. cleimi. cocc. con. cupr. dig. duic. euiphorb. ferr. graph. guraj. hell.' HEFP. ignat. jod. KA~LI. lach. led. LYC.nmagn. mang. MERC. mur-ac. natr. NA'1ýf-MUR. NITR-AC. fl-vorn. peir. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. r'an-bulb. rhqdod. RHUS. ruta. sabin. SAM B. sassap. sec-,corn. SEP. SIL. spig. SPONG. stanni. strain. SULPL-1 thnij. vit. zinc. Sensation of swellingr. (See Sensation of extension.).1Tearing; (drawingr) ini outer parts. SACON. agoar. ALUM. AMBR. arnin. aqnm-mitr. ANAC. ~g ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. ASAF. asa'r. ant'. bar. B ELL. bismn. bor. bov. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. capD. canth. c~aps. carb-an; CARB-VEG. CAUST. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cnpr. eye']. dig. dros. DUiLC. euphorb. euphr. FERR. graph. gtuaj. hell. hep. hyose. iignat. jod. ipec. KAUI1. lach. laur. led. LYC. mngs. m-arct. inaustr. inagn. magn-mur. mang. mar. meat MERC. mezer. rnosch. inur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. ntitr-ac. n-moschI. NVOM. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bnlb. ran-scehl rheuim. RHOD0I). RI-IUS. ruta. sabad. sab in. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. 4i~egc~. siE. SIL. s~pig. sponzg. stal)1. staph. stranz' STR0NT.;,-~ULPH. suiph-ac. tar. t/tuj. VALER. verair. verb, viol od. vioi-tr. vit. ZINC. -in inner parts. Acon, agar. alhVm. AMER. amin. arnm-rnur. anac. aug'. antcrud, ant-tart.- ARG. ant% ars. asaf. asal'-.AUR: bar. BELL. lbiSm. bor. boy. BRY. calad. calc. ca~riph. canfi. canth. Gcps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHTAN. chel. chiun. cic. cina. cJ(enl. cocc. coff...colch. coloc. CON. creos. croc-,_cnpr. cycl. dig."&Itos. dule. eUphorb. etiphr. ferr. giraph. hell.. hiep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. icali. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. rn-ard't4 m-austi-. iagn. riiagn-rnur. m~ang'. mar. men.a MERC. mezer. mosch. in-ur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. iiitr. nitr-ac" ii-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHiOSPH-. ph-ac. piat. plumb,. PULS. ran-bulb, ranscel. RHODOD. rhius. ruta. sahad'. sabin. sarnb. sassap, scill. sec-corni. selen. seneg. sep. 81L. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. strain. stront. sulph. suiph-ac. TAR. thuij. valei'. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. - from below upwards. Acon. alum,. ANAC. ant-crud. amn. ARS. asaf. aur. BELL. hism. bor. calc. carb-veg. caust. chin. ciem. colch. CON. DULC. euphr. in-arct. mag-n. men. m-ei-c. NATR. natr-mnur. NITR-Ac.. N-vom. phosph. pb-ac. puls. rhiodod. rhus. samb. sassap,,, sep. Spig. spon1g. STRONT. suiph. thuj. valer. 186 SENSATIONS. Tearing (drawing) from above dowrnwards. ACON. AGAR. alum. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. ars. asaf. am'. BAR. bell. bisM. BRY. caic. canth. CAPS. CARB-VEG. caust. cliel. CHIN. cina. coichi. con. croc. duic. euphir. FERR. GRAPH. icmat. KALI. laur. L~YC. M-AUSTR. magn. men. MERC. mezer. mnurac. NATH. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VONI. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. Sabin. sassap). scill. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. thuij. valer. VERATH. verb. VIT. ZiC. in the muscles. Acon. agar. alum. AMBR. aMm. AMM-MUR*. anac. ang. antcrud. anlt-tartl. ARG. amn. ARS. ASAF. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. BISM. BOR. boy. BR-Y. CALO. camrphi. CANTH-'. caps I. CARB-AN. CARBVEG. CAUST. chain. CHEL. CHIN. CiC. CINA. clem. COtCc. COLCH. coloQ.. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. digr. dros. DULC. euphorb-ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. HEP. hyosc. ignat~jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. ru-austr. MAGN. MAGN-MUR. MANG. MAR. men. MERC. mezer. miosch. MUR-AC. NATR. NATR-MUR. NITR. NITR-AC. nz-vom. oleand. par. petr. PHosP.H.Jph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rani-bulb. rhieumn. RHODOD. ritus. RUTA. sabad. SAB[N.' samb. sassap. scill. sec-col-D. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STANN. STAPH. STRONT. SULPH. suphac. tar. thuj. valer. verati'. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. -ina the joints. Acon. ag-ar. alum. AMBR. amrn. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. ARG. amn. at's. asaf. asar. AUR. bar. bell. bisrn. BOy. BRY. CALC. camph. canth. carb-an. carb-veg'. CAUST. chain. chel. CHIN. CIC. cina clem. coce. colch. con. creos. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. dijc. euphr.ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALI. laur. LED. LYC. mgrs. m-austr. magii. magn-mur. mang. MAR. men. MERC. mezer. inosch. mur-ac. natr. natrmur. NITR. nit r-ac. n-inosch. N-VOM. oleand. par. pe~tr. PHlOSPII. PH-AC. plumib. puds. ran-b idb. rheaum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. SASSAP. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. STRONT. SULPE-. tar. thiij. valet'. veratr. verb. viol-od. VIT. ZINC. -Inhathe bontes. Acon. AGAR. aluIm. AMM-MUR. anac. ang.% ARO. amn. ars. asaf. AUR. BAR. BELL. bism. bor. boy. bry. cann. canth. CARBVEG. CAUST. chain. chel. CHIN. cina. cocc. coloc. con. CUPR. CYCL. dig. DROS. dulc. graph. hell. hep. igitat. jod. KALI. lach. laur. LYC. MAGN. magn-mur. mang. MAR. MERC. natr. iiatrmur. NITR. nitr-ac. n-voin. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plumb. puls. ]RHODOD. rhUS. RUTA. SABIN. samib. sassap. sep. SPIG. spon1g. stann. STAPH. STRONT. sulph. suiph-ac. thu~j. valer. verair. verb. ZINC. SENSATIONS.18 187 Tearing (drawing) burning in the muscles. Bell. CARB-VEG. caust. icali. led. lyc. mgs. NITR-AC. ruta. sabin. tar. zinc. -- in the joints. CARB-VEG. natr. n-itr-ac. - n the bones. 4 Sabin. -craunpy in the muscles. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. arg. asaf. aur. bi"sm. CALC. cautsi. cliel. CHIN. duitc. euphorb. graph. jod. kali. rn-austr. mang. MEN. inosch. MUR-AC. NATR. natr-inur. n-womn. PETH. pho~ph. ph-ac. PLAT. ran-bulb. ru~t. sarub. sil. stann. stront. thuj. valer. - -in the joints. Anac. ars. qur. boy. kali. QLEAND. phosph.,PLAT. - -in the bones..Aur. oleand. - jerking' in the muscles. Acon. agar. alum, bell. caic. caztnph. CHIN. cina. CUPR. dig. duic. guaj. lyc. m~hngr. mere. natr. _phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rims. spig-. STAPH. stront. suiph. suiph-ac'.'vit. ini the j~oints. Aeon. caust. CHIN. cupr. laur. mangr. oleand. RHUS. SULPH. --in, the bones. CHIN. cupr. mang. vit. -paralytic in the muscles. Ant-crud. asaf. carb-veg. CHIN. Cie.' GINA. cocc. con. dig.n graph. HELL. KALI., mezer. mosch. natr-mur. nitr-ac. phosph. SABIN. SASSAP. seneg. sil. stann. verb. vit. - -in the joinits. Bell. carb-veg. chel. chin. cocc. con. digo. kali. men. natrmur. nitr-ac. pAosph. sassap. stann. STAPH. - -in the bones. Bell. chel. chin. c occ. dig. -with pressure, in the muscles. Aeon. ambr. anac. augr. ant-crud. arg. arn. asar. bism. carnph. cann. CARB-VEG. caust. chin. c-olch. cIdpr. cyci. digr. euphorb. gUaj. KALT. laur. led. lyc. m-arct. m-austr. mnar. nitr. ph-ac. ranbulb. ruta. sabin. sassap. sep. spig. STANN. STAPH. stront. sulph viol-tr. Arne, 188 SENSATIONS. Tearing (drawing), with pressutre, in the joints. Anac. angr. erg. bismy. CARB-VEC. chin. coloc. graph. guaj. kali. lyc. m-austr. rnezer. ph-ac. ruta. sabad. sassap. sep. slann. staph. vit. zinc. - -in the bones. ARG. amn. asaf. bis-m. bry. coloc. CYCL. mar. staph.. -sticking (lancinations) in the muscles. Acon. ambr. ang. ant-tart. arg. amn. bar,. bell. bry. camph. cann. canthi. caps. chin. cic. COLCH. coloc.. con. dros. duic. EIJPHORB. g11aj. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. lyc. rnagn. mang. mar. merc. mur-ac. natr-mur. phosph. _ph-ac. rheum. sassap. spong. staph. suiph. thiýj. vit. ZINC. - - i the joilats. Bar. chin. coich. dulc. graph. hyos6'.' LED. magn. merc. murac. natr. natr-rnur. puls. suiph. sep. staph. vit. ZINC. --sticking bit the bones. Bell. flur-ac. Sabin. Tentsion in the outer parts. Acon. again. ALUM.. ambr. amrn. amm-mur. anac. ang. antcrud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. bismn. bor. boy. BRY. caic. camiph. cann. cauth. caps. CARB-AN. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. cic. clem. cocc.' coich. COLOC. CON. creos. croc. cupr. S dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. igrnat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. rn-austin. magn.~magon-rnur. rnang. mar. men. merc. M EZ ER. mosch. mur-ac. na tr. nat*-mur. n itr.nvitr--ac. n-rnosch. N-VOM. OLEAND. op.,par. peir. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. plumnb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. sanib. sassap. scill. seneg. SEP. sll. SPIG. SPONG. stctnn. STAPH. strain. STRONT. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. THUST. valer. veratr. V.ERB. VIOL-OD. viol-tin. vit. ZINC. -in the joints. Anac. ant-tart. ARG. etrn. ars. asaf. bell. Bov. BRY. calc. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. coich. coloc. con. creos. CR00. dig. dros. euphorb. euphr. g-raph. hell. hep. jod. K ALI. lach. lauir. led. LYC. MIAGN. MANG. MAR. merc. MEZER. mur-ac. NATRMUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-vom. par. petr. phosph. plat. PULS. rheum. RHODOD. rhus. ruta. samb. SENEG. SEP. sil. spig. spong. STANN;. SULPH. suiph-ac. veratr.. verb, ZINC. -in the inner parts. Acon. agar. alum. ainbr. airn-inur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ANT SENSATIONS.18 189 TART. arg. amn. ARS. ASAF. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. boy. bry. CALC. camph. CANN. caps3. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. c/tam. c/tel. chin. cic. Clemn. cocc. cotL. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cyci. dig. drog. DULC. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. icali. lacb. laur. led. LYC. mgs. mn-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mutr. mn'ang. mar. me-n. MERtC. mezei. NOSCH. mur-ac. natr. natr-;mur., NITR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. Petr. p/tospA. ph-ac. plat. plu'mb. PULS. ran-scel. RHEum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. s-abin. samb. scill. sec-corn.' seneg. sep. sil. s pig. sp ong. STANN. STAPH. strain. STRONT. SULPE. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. vit. zinc. Tetanus. (See Catalepsy and Tonic spasms.) Tickling. (See Itching.) Tightness. (See Tension.) -of the muiscles. (See Muscles.) Tingling in outer parts. ACON. agar. ALUM. ambr. am*~. arnm-miur. anac. ang. ant. crud, ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. asaf'. asair. auir. bar. bell. bor. boy. bry. caic. campli. cann. "ca-p's. carb-aii. icarb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. c/tin. cic. cina. Clem. coec. COLCH. ýcoloc. con. creos. CROC. dros. dulc. euiphr. ferr. graph. guaj. Asp. hyosc. ignat. ipec. KALI. loch. laur.' led. mgs.. m-arct. m-austr. magrn. magninum. mang. mar. MERC. mezer. moschi. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. niti'. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oletnd. op. par. phosph. PH:-AC;. PLAT' plumb. PULS.' RAN-BULB.' ran-scel. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassa p. SEC-CORN. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. S PIG. sponrg. starih. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. suiphac. tar. thuf. valer. verair. verb. viol-tr. ZINC. -in inner psairts. A CON. alum. ambi'. ainin. amm-mum. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. bar. bell. caic. CANTFI. carb-veg. caust. chd. CHIN. cic. cocc. COLC HI. coloc. dupr. dros. duic. euphr. grap~h. guaj. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. laur. led. M-AUSTR. men. mnere. mezer. natr. n-moscb. n-voin. phospl ph-ac. PLAT, plu-mb. PULS. rheumn. rhodoci. REIUS. SABAD. sabin. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. sta ph. S fL P H. tar. th'uj. viol-od.-vit. ZINC. Sensation as if something wvere being torn out. Bell. boy. bry. CALC. Cann. caust. COCC. cyci. euphorb. i'pec. m-arct. mang. miezer. inur-ac. natr. par. ph'-ac. RHUS. SLL. SPIG. spong. strain. II Trembling (shaking) of outer parts. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amnm. -amm-mur. ANAC. ang. ant 190 SENSATIONS. crud. ant-tart. ARN. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. bov. BRY. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. CIC. cina. cooc. cof. colch. coloc. CON. creos. croc. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. euphr. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. JOD. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezgr. mosch. nair. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. OP. par. -petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassap. sec-corn. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. STRAM. stront. SIJLPH. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. violod. vit. zinc. Trembling (shaking) of inner parts (sensation of trembling of inner parts). Ambr. ang. ant-tart. asaf. bell. bry. CALC. camph. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. cina. cocc. colch. con. creos. cyci. GRAPH. JOD. KALI. LYC. m-arct. MAR. merc. mosch. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. petr. PHOsPH. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. samb. sep. sil. sPIG. stann. STAPH. STRONT. sulph. SULPH-AC. valer. Tugging. Acon. cann.. canth. caust. COLOC..gs. merc. mezer. N-VOM. PETR. PULS. sep. staph. veratr.. Inclination to tumble. Anac. ang. asar. bell. bov. camph. caps. CAUST. cina. cocc. colch. dros. hell. hyosC. IGNAT.jod. ipec. mgs. MAGN. mang. mcrc. natr. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-VON. PHOSPH. PH-Ac. plat. plumb. puls. sabad. sec-corn. spig. spong. stann. STRAM. sulph. Tumor. (See,wvfling) V Turning (twisting, writhing). Agar. alum. amrm-mur. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. ars. asaf. bar. bell. bry. calad. calc. caps. cham. cina. con. dig. dros. dulc. IGNAT. ipec. led. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. sassap. seneg. sep. SIL. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. valer. veratr. Twisting together (rolling up). Alum. anac. ars. bor. calc. dig. kali. merc. thuj. Sensation as of twitching and pulling. Chin. cic. Pain as if ulcerated in outer parts. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. AMM-MUR. anac. ang. antcrud. arg. arn. ars. aur. bar. bell. bov. BRY. camph. cann. canth. SENSATION~S. 11 191 caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chin'. cd. cocc. coich. creos. cyci. dros. dule. ferr. GRAPH. hep. IGNAT. KALT. -lach. -laur. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. MANG. mar. mwrc. MUR-AC. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac., plaqt. PULS. RHUS-..ruta. ssa.sp. sil. spig. spong. staph. suiph. suip-c tu.vear Z[NC. Pahin as if ulcer-ated in inner parts. Aeon. Amm. ars.s bell. bor. boy. BRY. CANN. canth. caps. carbani. carb-veg. CAUS-T. -chain. chel. cocc. creos. cupr. dig. hell. hep., kali. LACH. laur. magn. rnagn-mur.. mang. MERC. mur-ac. nitrac. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS.'ruta. saba'd. sep. sil. spig. stann. stap.srnt up. ae.vratr. Undnlatikon, feeling of. Coff. hyosc.. par. Unaiilatin~gpains. Acon.,a-nac. ant-tart. arm. asaf. chin. cocc. duic. mar. mezer. oleand. plat. rhbdod. sep. spig. viol-tr. Unidulating sengation in thD body (erethism). Acon. alum. ars. c'arib-veg. caust. cina. coce. dig. duic. ferr. GRAPH. hyosc. -laur. magn-mur. mang. mere. N-VOM. plumb. rhodod., sassap. -seneg. SEP. spong. thuj. ]Feeling unwell. (See IDl.)' IUnwieldlitness'of tihe" body. -ASAs'. calc. camph.' c hin. euph r. ignat. kali. mezer. NATR. NATrR-MUR. ph-ac. puls. RHEUM. ruta. sabad. sep. sil. sponge, STANN. $Sensation~as of a -valve. (See L~id.) f VariceiV AMBR. ANT-TART. ARN. Ans. calc. CARB3-VEG. CAUST. coloc. CREOS. FERR. GRAPH. -LACH. LYC. M-AUSTR. iragn. NATR-MUR. n-vom. PULS. sil. SPIG. SULPH 4. sulph-ac. thtij. ZINC. Vibration'like dnll tingling, in the body. Amm. BELL. bism. caps. caust. clem. con. dig., hep. hyose. ignat. jod. kali. lye. rnagn. mosehinitr.,NITA-AC. n-vom. petr. sassap. SER.Ijil. stann. stront'. SULPH. 'Verb. -Seus~tfion of vigor. Agar. COFF. m-arct. OP. sArain. ý"lenlsation of ivarintli.,AC~ar. ALUM. 4amm. ant-tart. ars. asaf. ASAR. boy. bry. cabc. camph. C ANN. canth. caps, caust. chel. chin. c'ina. coce. COFF. coich. creos. croc. eyci. euphorb. graph.~ hell. ignat..Jon. ipec. i9~ SENSATIONS. kahi. LAUR. m-arct. m-ausir. magrn. magný-mur. MANG. mar. merc. flatr. natr-mur. nitr. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. l)lat. puls. ran-bulb. rheurn. rhodod. rhus. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassap. seccorn. SENEG. staph. s&Ilph., SULPH-A.C. ihuj. valer. VERATR. Vit. Zinc. Aversion to washing. AMM. amm-mur. ANT-CRUD. bar. BELL. BOR. boy. BUY. CALC. CANTH. CAUB-VEG. CHiAM. "CLENI. con. duic. kali. LAUR. ~ yc. magn. merc. flEZER. mur-ac. n 'atr. NITR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. phosph. 'PULS.'R[IUS. SASSAP. SEP. sil. SPIG. stann. STAPH. STRONT. SULPH. suiph-ac. zq~c.,.Sensation as of water dashing against inner parts. Bell. cina. dig. ferr. hell. laur. ph-ac. lWeak~ness (d~ebility). Aeon. AGAR. alumz. ambr. amnm. amm-7mur. ANAc. ANG. antcrud. ant-tart. arg. amn. ARS. asaf. bar,.-BELL. Bism. bor. boy., BRY. calad. CALC. CAMPH. CANN., CANTH. caps. carb-ati. carbveg. CAUST. CIRAM. chel. CHI1N. cic. cina,. clein. cocc. coff.- COLCIT. con. creos. croc. CUPR. cyci. DIG. dras. duic. euphorb. euphr. FERR. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc.'IGNAT: JOD., ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC'. mgrs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. mragn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer., mosch. mndr-ac. nair. N-ATR-MUR. nitr. nitr:-ac,, N-MoscH'. N-VQM. OLEAND. -Op. par. petr. poph. PH-AC. PLAT..jPlMb. is a-bl.rnsel. rheM. EHODOD. RFIUS., ruta. s-abad. sahin.'samb,. sa'ssa'p. scill. S~ffC-7CORN.' seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STANN. -staph. strain. stront. 5ULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb., viol-Er. -Vit. zinc. of the joints. ACON. agrar.'alum. anm'm. ýanac. anit-tart.'ARN. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. boy. BR'Y. CALC. caun. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHIiN. clem. cocc. coich. con. creos. cupr. cyc]. dig. d ros. duic. euphorb. ferr. hep. hyosc. ignat. KALI. lach. LED. LYC. man g. M ERC. mezer*. mosch. NATR-M-iUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. Ole'and.- par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta,. sabad. s'assap.. SEP. SIL., spong. stanm. STAPH. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. viol-od. vit; zfinc. -as if paralyzed. Alum. amm-mur. ang. ars. bell. bry. calc. car-nph. canih.dorbVeg. CAUST. CRiAM-11 chel. CrnN. ci~na. coce.*'COLCH. con. dros. euphorb. ferr. hell. laur. m-arct. moei~. mezer. nosch. natr. nitr. SENSATIONS. n-vom. oleand. ph-ac. plUMb.. PIJLSRH0DOD. RHUS.,sabad. Silo strain. stront. valer. v~raik. - Like ai wedge. (See Peg, Plug).. Ant-crud. boy. cau-st. dros. par. syomg. Whirling, senswr as of. Ant-ta'rt. larg. cmcG. -n-vom.- petr. ran-bulb. sabad. sep. sil. suiph. tar. White, Parts wvhichi are -usufally' red, turn.v Amb'r. anac. ang,. ars. 13&R. irale. ca'ntli; c**!ýblcicferr. HELL. kali., Jyc. 1V,'RC. pnatr. NITR-AC. N-'VOM. oleand. Op. yez&. pop 6l1~4.~~s. sAbin. sec-corrn.. se p.,,STAPH. SUih SULPH-AC. valer..veratr. Virol-tr. zinc. ' WhizzifuiW. (Sbe Humming.) Sensation- a) if; Inde of wood. -eNitr. Wr~ftingO. 4See Tuxig~,i lbI r GLANDS, 4 Se~xmation' as if a"ir went througb. Boring: 4itSee Piircifig.) Cr.0 Ye. rBuii*Ijg SChapping.(ýqe Soreniess- ) Sensatio 'of oltradcti~ Acon. alufm4 irn- e.br.Do-p ~~4AT. JOD. lyc. Mang. nitr-ac. N',vom.- phb'spW.' j urb. puls;' rhu~s. Sep. Slh splpph-ac. - iP. Pain as from cojitu~sioino Arg. ARN. are. CARB-AtR. caust. cic.V N.c upr.- jd. i'ai:m-arc~t. phosjb1. plat. pu48't rhodod'. r hlu~ý-RUTA. s. Ip.slh -'.Sulifh-ac.CreepJ~it, %Iq~aton as, of, in theig~Iands. 4B ealce*'laur'. seji! p i 6s u Iph. SBELL..tl,c. con. graph. pignat. LYc. natr. ph-ac saP. sil.'4,tap'h. std ph. Darting pain. (See tTfhking) Digging. (See ReojintA4 44 194 SENSATIONS. Sensation of distention. (See Sensation of swelling.) Drawing. (See Tearing.) Festering. BELL. caic. canth. coloc. creos. DULQ. 1HEP. hy0`~c. igrnat. lack. LY C. MNERC. NiTH-AC. petr. phosph. sassap. scill. sep.,-SIL. SULPH. Flaccidity (wasting, withering). Ars. CHAN. chin. CON. JOD., kali. NITH-AC. n-mosch.,ph--ac. SEC-CORN. sil. veratr. Gnawing. Bar. chain. mezer. ph-ac. PLAT. ran-scel. SPONG. staph. Hardness. (See Induration.) Heat. (See Burning and Swelling.) Feelingr of heaviness. BELL. chin. cupr. m-arct. merc. n-vom. PHOSPH.I puls. rhus. sil. stann. staph. sulph. Jerking Pain. A Arn. asaf. auir. bell, bay. CAL 6. caps. caust. chin. CLEN. graph. lye. mien. memo. nata'. NATR-NUR. rntr-ac;- n-vom. pe'tr. PUlLS. rIhus. sep. sil. suiph. Induration (hardne~ss knots). Ambr. amm. ant-crud. ant~. ars. aur. bar. BELL. boy. BRY. caic. -camphi. cann. eanth. caps. CAAtB-AN. CARR-VEG. caust. chain. CHIN. CLEM. cocc. coloc. CON. cupr. cyci. dig. duic. ferr. GRAPH. h~ep. hyose. ignat. jod. Iaiat. LYC. MAGN-MUR. m ang. merc. tlatr. nilr-ac. n-vom. petr. _phosph. _plumb. PilLs. rhodod. rltus. scill. sep. sil.. spig. spong. staph. sulph h&.vrar It Inflammation. ACON. amn. ars. aum. BARi~. BELL. bry. caic. CAMPH. canth., carb-an. carh-veg. c/tam. con. duic. hep. kali. Jach. laur. lyc. rn-austin. MERC. nitr-,ac. N-VON. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PUlLS. rhus.. sarnh. sassap., scill. SIL. spig. staph. 5ULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. Itching. Amm. anac. ant-crud. canth. carh-an. carb-veg, CAUST. eo'6C. CON. kali. mag-n. merc. PHOsPH. ran-seel. rheum. rhus. sabin. Sep. SIL. SPONG. K[nots. (See Induration.) Senisation as of something living in the gland. Ignat. mere. rhodod. SPONG. SUIPh. SENSATIONX& 195 Sensation of numbness. Anac. asaf. bell., cocc. -con~. lyc. PLAT. puls. Thus. sep. sil. s pon. ObJ&se pain. Vf4&r. carbI-veg. hyosc. mdr-aQ.Pafiiifuness in generaIAcon. ALUM. armbr.- AMM. ant-crud, ant-tart. ARN,. ars. AUR. bar. BEL.L. bry. caic.. CANN. can-th. CARB-AN. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chi~n. cic. clein. COLOC. con'. duic.. graph. hell. he~p. ignat. JOD. kali. LYC. mgs. m ago. MERC. nat~r-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH.'ph-ac. PUTLS.-rheum. risus. scill. selen. Sep. 'sil. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. strain. STJLPH. sulft-ac. thuj.- veratr. Pie 'c iug. BELL. puls. sabad., Pinching. Bry. CALC. ma-arct. men. mur-ac. RHODOD. rhus. sa~bad. stann. sulph. veratr. Pýressure,, Arg. ars ~Ur, -. B"ELL. CAL,C. carb-veg. caust. chin. cina. cocc. c6L ignat. ka'li. LYC. m-arct. mang. mar. men. MERC. par. ph-.ac. p~ul's. drheurn. rhuS. satin. SPONG. Stann. STAPW 1.S.train. SULPH. - Lom iwithin. Arg. cina. ignat. lyc. m-arct. roang. mar. men. MERC. par. puls.ý' rus. SPONG. suiph. -f rom without. Aur.'..CALC. eocc. cyci. rheu'm. 'STAPH. zinZc. Prick1iiuig. Aeon. al-um. Amm-MUR.. ang. arg. amn. ASAF. bar. BELL. bor. laiRY. cALO. ca-r6-dn. "c aus t. c hiin" - 'c' O. cp cyci. euphdrb-. graph. h Aell. he~p. IGNAT. jod. icali. lach. lyc. mgs. m-arct.,.MERC. mnezer. mum-ac. natm. NATif-MU R. flitr-ac. navom. 1-HoSpHi. ph-ac. plumb. PUJLS. RAR-S'CEL. rheum. rhus. sabaA. SEP. Sl Spig. SPONG. stann. staph UP.suiph-ac. thj.vat.i. AmMLmuR. arn. asaf. bell. boy. bry. CALO. caust. chain. clem. 'KALI.l1yc.migs. MERC. natr. nitm-ac. PHOSPH. -rhodod. SABAD. Redness. (See Swelling.) 196 SENSATIONS. Rooting. Aeon. amm-rnur. amn. as-af.. bell. boy. bry. caic. DU LC. kali. flatr. phosph. plat. RHODOD. rhus. ruta. sep. spig. stann. - Sensibility. Amn. AU-R. bar. bell. CHAM. chin. c'occ. CO 'N. cupr. graph. bep. igriat. kali. laur. LYC. magn. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom' - petr. PHOS PH. phi-ac. puls. scill. S ELA sit. spi~g. suilph-ac. zinic. simple pain. (See Painfulness) APain as if from soreness. Alum, ant-crud. -am. bry. caic. caust. cic. clErn.m CON. grapht. hep. IGNAT. Imali. mar. mrner. rnzer. natr-mur. n-vom. phosph. plat. puls. rhus. SEP. staph. suiph-ac. ZINC. Squeezing sensation. Anac. ANG. bell. CALC. carb-veg. cauist. c/hin. jod. kali. lyc. in-austr. natr. ph-ac. PLAT. sabad. sep. sil.' swelling (tu-mor).Acon. alumn. am~br. amnzl. amm-mur. ant-crud. an~t-tart.-Iarg. arn. Ants. asaf. aur. BAR. BELL. bor. bay. BRY. calad. CALG. camph. cann. ' anth. caps. GARB-AN. carb-veg.'caust GUAM. chin. cic. CLE~M. coecC. coloC. CON. croc. cupr. cyci. dig.. DULG. euphorb-ferr. GRAPH. hell. HEP.' hybso. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. led. LYC. magn. mnagn-rnur. maig. mar. MEL{C. mezer. mumi-- ac. NATH. natr-rnur. NITR-AC. N-VOM. pet-. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. iran-bulb. i-ra-scel. rhodod. RHUS. muta. sabaid. sabin. sainb. sassap. scill. sqp. SIL. spig. SPONG. staun. staph. strain. stront. SU LPIT. suiphi-ac. THUJ. vei-atr. viol-od. Vit. ZING. -bluish. Arn. ar-s. aut-. GARB-AN. carb-veg. con. hep.. LAGH. mang. miere. puils. sil. suiph-ac. -cold. ARN. asaf. bell. GOGG. CON. cyci. duic. iach~i-hbdl 'od. spig. -hard. Ant-crud. amn. ars. asaf. BRY. caust. chin. CON. dig. graph. lach. led. merc. mezer. n-vom. PHOSPII. PULS. RHUS. Sabin. samb. spong. stront. sulph. yRt. -hot. - ACON. amm. ant-crut-d. are. asaf. BELL. BRY. GALG. canfh. carb-an. carb-veg. chine. clem. cocc. euphoirb. hep. kcali. led. MERO. n~rvom. petr. PLJOSPH. puic. rhus. sassap. sil., SULPH. -inflammatory. AGON. amm. ant-crutd. ARN. ars. asaf BELL. bor. BitY. cale. caust. GARB-AN. carb-veg. chain. coec. con. HEP. hyosc. ixc. SENSATlONS.19 19,01, mang. MERO. mezer. mur-ac. natr. petr. PHOSPH. pulS. an US. sassap. sil. suiph. THUJ.T.vit. Swelling, like knotty strings. Caic. DULC. hep. JOD. lye. rhus. - painful. Acon. ant-crud. ARN. autr. BELL. caic. canth. carb-an,.CHIN. clern. jod. nitr-ac. n-voflZ. PULS. rhus. SIL. spig. stafln. staph. - painless. Caic. CON. dui c. IGNAT-, nitr-ac. P11-AC. plumb. SEP. SIL. staph. suiph. Sensalion of swelling (of distention). Ant-crud. -aur. BELL. bry. carb-veg. chin, con. dude. hep. ignat. lach. mgs. m-austr. merc. nitr. nitr-ae. n-mosch. n-vom.,PULS. RHUS. sabin. spig. SPONG. staph. zinc. -TWaring (drawing). 'Ambr. amm. OARN. bar. BELL. boy. BRY. cale. cann. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. cocc. con. creos. cyci. duic. ferr. graph. ignat. KALI. LYC.. merc. mezer.-natr. nitr-ac. n-vonz. phosph. puls. rhodod. rlzus. selen.,seneg. sep. SIL. SULPH. thuj. vit. zinc. Tension. Alum. ambr. ang. arg. amn. aur. BAR. bell. boy. BRY. caic. carb-an. CAUST. clem. coloc. CON. dude. graph. leali. lyc. mgs. m-arct. mrnec. mur-ac. ni-vom. PHOSPII. PTJLS. RHUS. sabad. Sabin. sep. sil. SPONG. staph. stront. SULPH. thuj. Tickling. KALL. plat. Tingling. Acon. ARN. canth. caun. CON. mn-austr. mere. natr. ph-ac. PLAT. puls. rhodod. RHUS. sabin. SEP. SPONG. suiph. zinc,, Tumor. (See Swelling.) Twitching. 1 ANG. hell. caic. kali. mezer: natr. sib. Ulcers. AMBR. ant-crud. amn. ARS. asaf. aur. BELL. caic. CANTH. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. clem. coboc. CON. creos. cupr. duic. HEP. hyosc. ignat. kali. LACH. lye. merc. nitr-ac. PHOSPH. ph-aic. rhus. sassap. scil.sp I pn.STJLPR. suiph-ac. thuj. zinc." - cancerous. Arn. ARS. aur. BELL. cale. carb-an..carb-veg. caust:ý clem. CON. CFLEOS. cutpri dubc. 1EP. kali. lyc. vmerc. nitr-ae. phosph, ph-ac. rhus. soull. SEP. SIL. SULPH. suiph-ac. zinc. N 198 SENSATIONS. Ulcers, spongy. CARB-AN. clem. creos. LACH. MERC.?titr-ac. rhius. Sep. SIL. SULPLI. THUJ. Pain as if ulcerated. Amm.'AMM-MTJR. aur. bell. bry. caic. canth. caust. chain. chin. dc. cocc. graph. hep. ignat. kali. mar. merc. mur-ac. natr. natrmur, nitr-ac. petr. PHOSPH. PULS. RHus. ruta. sil. staph. sLulphac. zinc. Wasting and withering. (See Flaccidity.) III. BONES. Sensation as of a band around. Aur. chin. CONi. creos. graph. lyc. merc. natr-mur. NITRAC. pet1r. phos ph. PULS. sabad. sil. SULPH. Bending. Arni. ASAF. BELL. CALC. cic. ferr. HEP. jod. ipec'. LYC. MERC. mezer. NITR-AC. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. P1JLS. rhodod. ruta. SEP. SIL. staph. SUYLPH. Boring. (See Piercing.) Pain as if broken. CGupr. hep. puls. REITA. Sep. veratr. Pain as it bruised. Agar. amm-rnr. ang. asaf. aur. bar. boy. caic. cann. chin. COCC. graph. HEP. IGNAT. iPEC. LED. m-austr. magn. ar mur. n-vom. par. petr. phosph. PULS. RUTA. sabad. Sep. valer. VERATR. zinlc. Burning. Ars. ASAF. bry. carb-veg. caust. euphorb. lyc. merc. natr. nitrac. par. phosph. PH-AC. puls. RHUS. RUTA. Sabin. Sep. sil. staph. SULPH. thuj. Caries. (See Festering.) Cold, sensation of. Ars. CALC. lyc. sep. suiph. zinc. Concussions. (See Jerks.) Slow consolidation of the fr~ictures. Asaf. CALC. ferr. lyc. merc. mezer. mitr-ac. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rulta. Sep. SIL. staph. suiph. Contractive, constrictive sensation. Amm-mur. anac. aur. chin. COCC. CONq. creosl,' GRAPH. lyc. erar. natr-mur. NJTR-AC. n-vom. petr. _phospk ULarhdd RHUS. RUTA. sabad. sep. sil. stront6, SULPH. zinc. SENSATIONS.19 199 Cutting in the interior of the bones. Sabad. ]Darting pain. ASAF. aur. bell. CALC. caUS1t. CHIN. clem. coich.. tyc. merc. NATR-MUR. n-vorn. petr. phosph. PULS. rhodod. ritus. spp. sil. valer. ]Digging. (See -Rooting.) Distention, interstitial, o~rthe bones. ASAF~s aur. 'bell. CALL. dubc. ferr.-gtaj.~ep. LYCO: MERCO. MEZER. nitr-ac. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC: *puts.. rhodod.!rhus. rula. sabin. STAPHo. MR~. SIL. SULPH.I,Dr'awxing. (See Tearing.) Fes -tering (caries). - Ang; ARS. ASAY. aurw.bell.-bry. c,ýc. caps. chin. clem. con. creos. cupr. duic. euphorb. graplt. guaj. HEP. jod. lach. LYC. MERC. MEZER. natr-mnur. NI'rR-Ac'I Op. petr. phospk. PH-AC;. puts. 'rhus. ruta. sabin. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. s-pong. STAPH. SULPH. thuj. -of the periosteum..Ant-:crud. ASAIF. aur. bell. CHIN. cyci. hell. MERC. mezer. PH-AC. puts. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabin. SIL. staph. Flesh were beaten off the bones, sensation as if the. BRY. canth. creos. dros. IGNAT. led. mosch. nitr-ac. n-vom~. RHUS. Staph. SULPH. THUJ. Gnawing. Arnn]-mur. arg. belt. canth. DROS. graph. lYC. MANG. phos ph. puls. RUTA. samb. SULPH. stront. Jerks (concussions). Phosph. rhodod. Inflammation. ACON. ang. ars. ASAF. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. chin. ctem.?z.eiloc con. creos. cupr. dig. euphorb. hey. jod. laclt. LYC. m~kn-mpfr. mang. MýERCSr mezer. natr. NITR-AC. OPH0SPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhus. sep. SIL. Spig. STAPH. SULPH. thuj*.'Veratr. of the periostenme Ant-crud. ASA~.fr. bell. chin. led. MERC. PH-AC. VUth).rhus. SIL. stah. C &i$i1.V 'hosph. veratr. X~arrqwý, Aelnation as-if Rov were in the bones. ý200 SENSATIONS. Marrow were coagulating, sensation as if the. Ang. Mortification (necrosis). ARS. asaf. bell, con. creos. euphorb. merc. PHiosPH. ph-ac. plumb. SABIN. sec-corn. sil. suiph. thuj. Painfulness in general. Aeon. agar. alum. amm-rnur. anac. ang. ARG. amn. ars. ASAF. AUR. bar. bell. bism. bry. CALC. canii. canth. caps. carban. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. CiC. ciem. cocc. coich. coloc. con. creos. CUPR. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. igrnat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. led. LYC. m-arct. rnagD. magni-mur. man~g. mnar. MERC. MEZER. natr. natr-mur. NITR-AG. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. P11-AC. pluimb. PULS. ran-scel. RHODOD. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. SABIN. samb. sas'sap. see-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. Spol~g. STAPH. stront. SULPH. thinj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. vit. zinc. - of the periostextin. Ant-crud. ASAF. aur. bell. bry,. carnph. CHIN. coich. coloc. CYOL. hell. ignat. led. mgs. M-ARCT. m-austr. 9nang. MERC. MEZER. PH-AC.PUIlS. RHODOD. rhi'ts- RUTA. sabad. sabin. SIL. spig. staph. Paralytic paiui. Aur. bell, chin. coce. cycl. led. miezer. natr-mur. n-vom. petr. pids. rhus. sabin. SIL. staph. veratr. zinc. Piercing (boring). Ang. asaf. aur. BELL. CALO. dulc. hell. hep. lach. lyc. mang. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. Thus. sabad. Sabin. SEP~. SIL. SPIG. staph. sulph. thuj. Pressure (simple). Anac. aug. ARG. ars. asaf. aur. BELL. BISM. bry. carith. chain. cocc. colch. coloc. CODl. CUPR. CYCL. dros. grraph. GUAJ. hell. hep. ignat. KALI. in-aret. ni-austr. mnerc. mezer. nitr. n-mosch. OLEAND. phosph. plat. puls. rhodod. RHUS. SABIN. Sit. spong. staflf. STAPH. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. - - with sticking sensation. Mezer. staph. - with tearing. Arg. bell. chain. coloc. thuj. Pricking. Acon. agar. amm. anac. ant-crud. arg. ars. asaf. aur. BELL. CALO. canth. carh-veg. caust. chel. CHIN. cocc. col.c'h. CON. DROS. dulc. euphorb. graph. HELL. jod. kali. LACH.I yc. maret. magn. mang. MERC. mezer. nitr-ac. n-vom. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RAN-SCEL. RUTA. sabin. sarnb. SAS /SENSATIONS. 20-1 SAP. SEP. sil. spig. staph. stront. suiph. valer. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. Pricking burning. Arg. euphorb. zinc. -with pressure. Anac. ruta. - with tearing (drawing). Acon. ARS. chel. merc. phosph. thuj. Pulsation. ASAF. CALC. carb-veg. lye. MERC..nitr-ac. phosph. rhodod. ruta. sabad. sep. sil. SULPH. thuij. Rooting. Asaf. caic. CARB-AN. cooc duic. MANG. rhodod. rutct. sep. spig. Ithnj. Scraping along the periostenunt IVASAF. CHIN. coloc. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. SABAD. spig. -in the interior of t-he bones. SABAD. Sensibility. Aur. bell. caic. carb-an. chili. lacli. lye. natr. PULS. rhus. SIL. suiph. -of the periosteum. Ant-crud. aur. bell. CHIN. ignat. mgs. m-arcl. m-austr. nmerc. PH-AC. PULS. rhus. ruta. sil. spigr. staph. Sore paima. Hep. ignat. merec. PH-AC. sep. Softening. Amm. ASAF. BELL. CALC. cic.ferr. HEP. jod. ipec. LYC. MERC. mezer. NITR-AC. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhodod. ruta. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPE. Squeezing painu. Ang. bell. caic-. ignat. mezer. petr. PH-AC. plat. Swelling. Amm. ASAF. aur. bell,'bry. CALO. carb-an. elem. coloc. con. creos. dig. dul~c. euphorb. ferr. guaj. liep. jod. lach. LYC. mang. MERC. M.EZER. natrs. iatr-mur. NITR-AC. petr. PHosPH. PH-AC. plumb. PULS 'rhodod. rhus. RUTA. sabin. sep. SIL. spig. STAPH. SULPH. thuj. veratr. -of tMe periosteum. Ant-crud. ASAF. AUR- bell. bry. chin. mang. MERO. mezer. PH--AC. puls. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabin. SIL. staph. Swelling,' sensation of..4 nt-crud. bell. guaj. PULS. rhus. spig. 202 SENSATIONS. Tearing (drawing). Acon. AGAR. alum. AMM-MUR. anac. ang. ARG. am. ars. asaf. AUR. BAR. BELL. bism. bor. bov. bry. cann. canth. CARBVEG. CAUST. chain. chel. CHIN. cina. cocc. coloc. con. CUPR. CYcL. dig. DROS. dulc. graph. hell. hep. ignat. jod.-KALI. lach. laur. LYC. MAGN. magn-mur. maug. MAR. MERC. natr. natr-mur. NITR. nitr-ac. n-vom. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plumb. puls. RHODOD. rhus. RUTA. SABIN4. samb. sassap. sep. sPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. STRONT. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. verair. verb. ZINC. - with burning. Sabin. - cramnpy../lur. oleand. - jerking. CHIN. cupr. mang. vit. - paralytic. Bell. chel. chin. cocc. dig. - with pressure. ARG. arn. asaf. bism. bry. coloc. CYCL. mar. staph - in the periostenm. Bry. M-ARCT. ph-ac. RHODOD. - sticking. Bell. mur-ac. sabin. Tension. RUTA. ZinC. Titillating. Acon. arn. cham. colch. merc. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. puls. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sec-corn. SEP. Spig. sulph. zinc. Ulcerated. (See Festering.) Pain as if ulcerated. Amm. amm-mur. caust. cic. graph. ignat. mang. natr-mur. PULS. rhus. IV. SKIN AND EXTERNAL PARTS. Bites of insects. Acon. ant-crud. ARN. ars. BELL. CALAD. caust. coloc. lack. merc. seneg. sep. sil. sulph. Biting (stinging) in the skin. Alum. amm. AMM-MUR. ant-crud. arm. bell. bor. bov. BRY. CALC. camph. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. cham. SENSATIONS. chel. chin. coce. COLCH. coloc. con. creos. dros. EUPHORB. hell. IPEC. LACH. LED. - LC. nm-arct. m-austr. magn. mang. mere. MEZER. mur-ac. ~natr-. natr-mur. N-VOM. OLEAND. Op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS, ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. rhodod. rhus. ruta. selen. sep. sdl. spig. SPONG. stront. SVJLPHI. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. vit. zinc. Blackness of the skin. (See Colour.) Bloatedness. ACON. amrn. AMM-MUR. ANT-CRUD. amn. ARS. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. BRY. CALO. CAPS. chain. chin. cina. coec. coich. coloc. con. creos. CUPR. dig. dros. duic. FERR. graph. guaj. hell. hyosc. ipee. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. magni. mar. mere. mnezer. mnosch. natr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vorn. OLEAND. Op. phosph. plumb. PULs. rheu M. R H TS. samb. sassap. SENEG. Sep. sil. SPIG. spong. staph. strain. sulph. Blood-sweating. Amn. eale. chain, chin. clem. lach. lye. n-mosch. N-VOM. Blood-vessels, swelling of the. Acon. alum. AMM. ARN. ars. BAR. BELL. bry. cale. camph. chel. CHIN. cie. coloc. con. CROC. CYCl. FERR. GRAPH. HYOSO. lach. lye. m-aret. m-austr. men. mosch. natr-mtur. n-vom. oleand. op. Pr-Iosvi. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. rhus. sassap. sep. sil. epig. spong. staph. stront. SULPH. THUJ. zinc. Blueness of the skin. (See Colour.) Pain as if brnis~ed (contused). Arg. ARN. cic. dros. duic. oleand. plat. rhus. sulph-ac. Burning iti the skin. ACON. agarn. alum. ambr. anim. amin-mur. cinac. ant-crud. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. eann. canth. CAPS. earb-an. carb-veg. CATJST. chain. chel. chin. cic. clem. 00CC. coff. colch. coloc. coni. creos. cu pm. cyci. dig. dros. dule. EIJPHORB. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. HYOSO. IGNAT. jod. RALI. LACH. laumr. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. in-austin. magn. magn-mur. nzankg. mar. men. MERC. MEZE R. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitm. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petin. PHOSP11. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. rhodod. RHTJS. ruita-. stabad. sabin. samb. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. 'spongq. stann. staph. strain. stront. SWtPH-. suipli-ac. thuj. valer. veratin. violod. viol-tr. zinc. Burning as, of flames* Viol-od. 204 SENSATIONS. Burning as of sparks. &ec-corn. SELEN. -with dryness of the skin. (See Drynes.3.) Barns. Agar. aluim, ant-crud.' ARS. caic. CARB-VEG. CAUST. CR EQS. cyci. euphorb. lach. rnagn. rhus. ruta. sec-corn. ST RAM. Callosity. (See Hardness.) Cancer. (See Ulcers.) Chickena-pox. (See Exanthema.) Chilblains. AGAR. ant-crud. ARN. ars. asar. aur. bell. bry. CARIB-AN. C"ARB-VEG. CHAM. CHIN. 00CC. coich. croc. C YCL. hep. HYOSCý. i~rnat. kali. LYC. m-arct. m-austr. magn. NITR-AC. n-rnosc/i. n-vorn. op. PETR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PULS. rheum. RH-US. ruta. Sep. stann. slap/i. SUL PH. SULPH-AC. THUJ. zinZc. -blue. Amn. bell. kali. PULS. -inf lamed. ARS. bell. chain. hep. lyc. nitr-ac. phosph. PULS. rims. staph. SULPH. -painfual. Amn. bell, chin. hep. lyc. magn. NITR-AC. n-vom. PETR. phosph. p/i-ac. PULS. sep. -pustulons. Ant-crud. bell. carb-an. chin. cyci. magn. NITH-AC. phospli. RHUS. sep. sulph. -tinglinlg. Ant. coich. n-vom. RHLTS. Sep. Chapping of the skin. (See Rhiagades.) Cicatrices, old. bursting openx again. Lach. sil." Circular desquamuation of the skini. (See Tetters.) Coldness, external. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. ammi-mur. aniac. ant-crud. ANT-TART. amn. ars. asaf. asar. aiim. bar. BELL. bism. bov. bry. calad. calc. CAM PH. caun. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chain. CHEL. CHIN. cic. cina. coec. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupi. cyci. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyose. ignat. jod. IPEC. Icali. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magfl. magfl-miir. mang. mar. men. merc. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. flair. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. NMOSCH. N-VOM. oleaiid. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. SENSATIONS. 205 plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sahin. SAMB. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. strai. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. YERATR. verb. vit. zinc. Sensation of coldness on the skin. Acon. agar. ambr. ami-mur. ant-tart. ARN. ars. asar. bar. bell. bor. boy. bry. CALO. camph. cann. cauth. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. CHEL. chin. CiC. COCC. COff. coloc. con. creos. croc. dig. duic. euphorb. graph. hell. hyose. ignat. ipec. lach. laur. led. lye. mgs. m-arct. M-AUSTR. miagn. mang. men. MERC. mezer. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. n-mosch. oleand. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. SEC-CORN. sep. spig. spong. staph. stront. sulph. thuj. valer. YERATR. verb. viol-tr. COLOUR OF THE SHKIN. Blackish. Acon. ant-crud. asaf. nitr-ac. sec-corn. spig. - bluish (blueness of the skin). Acon. amm. aug. amn. ARS. aur. BELL. bism. bry. caic. camph. carb-veg. cocc. con. CUPR. DIG. LACH. merc. natrmnur. n-vorn. OP. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. puls. rhlus. samb. seccorn, sit. spong. thiij. VERATR. - dirty. Bry. FERR. JOD. merc. phosph. sec-corn. - pale (paleness of the skin). Ars. bai. BELL. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. COCC. CON. dig. FERR. graph. HELL. ignat. KALI. LYC. mnerc. MATR-MUR. NLTR-AC. N-VOM. oleand. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. PLUMB. PULS. sabin. SEP. SPIG. staph. SULPH. sulphac. valei. zinc. - red. ACON. AGAR. amm. ant-crud. ARN. BELL. boy. bry. caic. camph. carb-veg. cauth. chin,. cocc. con. creos. cyci. DULC. euphorh. GRAPH. hyosc. igniat. led. LYC. rngs. mar. MERC. natr-mur. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. phosph. PH-AC. p)lu1mb. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. scill. sec-cbrn. sep. sil. spong. stann. strain. stniph. suiph-ac. tar. vit. zinc. - yellow (jaundice). Acon. AMBR. ant-crud. am. ars. asaf. ATR. BELL. BRY. calc. cain. CANTH. CARB-VEG. caust. CRAM. chel. CHIN. cina. cocc. CON. croc. cupr. dig. duic. euphorb. ERR. graph. hell. hep. IGNAT. jod. kali. lach. laur. LYC. magn-mur. rnerc. natiw~ 206 SENSATIONS. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-YOM. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLUMB. puls. ran-bulb. rheumn. rhuts. sabad. sec-corn. SEP. Sil. SPIG. SULPH1. suiph-ac. tar. veratr. Counedones. (See Exanthema.) Coming off of hardened pieces of skin. Amm. ant-crud. bor. graph. ran-bulb. SEP. sdl. suiph. Condylornata. (See Excrescences.) Contraction of the skin. Alum amm-mnur.,anac. asar. bell. bism. bry. carb-veg. CHIN. cocc. creos. cupr. ferr. GRAPH. kali. lyc. mere. nair-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOm. oleand. par. petr. phosph. PLAT. plumb. puls. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. S EVE.N. sep.-sil. spig. stann. stronzt. suiph. sulph-ac. zinc. Paiui as if contused. (See Bruise.) Corns. -Agar. ainbr. AMM. anac. ANT-CRUD. arg. amn. bar. bor. boy. BRY. CALO. carnpb. carb-an. ýarb-veg. caust. cocc. con. graph. hep. IGNAT. jod. icali.. LYC. mgs. rn-arct. m-austr. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosph. pit-ac. puls. ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SEP. SIL. spig. SULPH. sul ph-ac. thuj. veratr. -boring. Bor. caic. caust. hep. kali. natr-mur. phosph. puls. RAN-SCEL. rhodod. SEP. SIL. spig. thuj. - bnrning. Amm. arg. bar. bor. BRY. Caic. carb-vcg. caust. graph. hep. ignat. kali. LYC. mgs. natr. n-vom. petr. phospit. ph-ac. puls. ranscel. RHLTS. SEP. sil. spig. staph. SULP H. thuj. -horny. ANT-CRUD. ran-bulb. sulph. -with jerks in thjem., Anac. cocc. mgs. m-arct. n-vom. phosph. puls. rhus. SEP. SULPH. SUiph-ac. -inflamed. Bor. caic. hep. LYC. nitr-ac. pbosph. pul~q. rhus. SEP. SIL. staph. suiph. - with pressure. Agar. anac. ANT-CRUD. arg. boy. bry. caic. carb-veg. CAUST. graph. ignat. jod. LYC. m-arct. m-austr. phospli. ph-ac. ruta. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. veratr. SENSATIONS. 207 Corns pricking. Agar. amm. ANT-CRUD. arg. amn. bar. bor. boy. BRY. CALC. carh-an. caust., cocc. graph. hep. ignat. kali. LYC. MgS,- m-arct. natr. natr-rnur. nitr. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. ýph-ac. _puls. RANSCEFL. rhodod. RHUS. SEP. -SIL. spig. staph. SULPU. suiph-ac. thuj. ver'atr. - pulsating. Caic. kali. LYC. sep. sil. suiph. -sensitive, -Agar. 'amm. AMN. BAR. boy. B RY. C AL C. camph. carb-an. carI)-veg. IHEP.. IGNAT. kali. LYC. mgS. M-ARCT. nair. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. pkospk. PULS. ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. RHUS. SEP. SIL. SPIG. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac: thiij. veratr. - sore, painful as ifi. Agar. ambr. ANT-CRUD. amn. bry. caic. camph. caust. graph. HEP. It4N AT. kali. lyc. mngs. ni-aret. natr-mur. N-VOM. phosph. phi-ac. puls. rhus. SEP. sil. staph. suiph. suiph-ac. veratr. - tearing. Amm. arn. BRY. caic. caust. -coce. ignat. kali. LYC. natr. n-voin rhus. SEP. 'SIL. SULPH. s'uiph-ac. Al Cu1taneous eruptions,. (See Exanthema) Cutting ini the skin. BELL. CALC'. dros. graph. ignat. lyc. mur-ac. NATH. ph-ac. rhus. sep. sil. suiphi-ac. VIOL-TR. Crawling in the skin, as of insects. (See Formication.) Decubituis. (See Soreness from lying in bed.) De'squaination of the skin. AcoN. agarn. AMM. AMM-MUR. ant-tart. ars. AUR. bar. BELL. B6~. cai1c. canth. caps. carb-an. eaust. chain. clenL. COLOC. con. dig. DtJLC. euphorb. ferr. graph. HELL. jod. kali. LAUR. MAGN. merc. MEZEW inosch. natin. natr-mur. OLEAND. op. par. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-;scel. rhus. sabad. SEC-CORN. selen. sep. sil. spig. STAPH. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. YErtATR. Dingy skin. (See Coloifr.) Dropsy. (See Swelling.) * Dryness of the skin (want of exhalation, want of sweat). ACON. alum. ambr. AMM. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. AILS. asaf. bar. BELL. Bism. bor. BRY. CALO.. campk CANN. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. CHIN. clem. cocc. COFF. COLCH. coloc. con. creos. DULC. ferr. GRAPH. hell. kep. HYOSC. ignat. JOD. iPEC. KALL. lack. laur., LED. LYC. mgs. 208 SENSATIONS. m-austr. MAGN. mang. MAR. ffMERC. mezer. mur-aC. NATR. natrmur. nitr. NITR-AC. N-MOSCH. n-vom. OLEAND. OP. par. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. samb. SCILL. SEC-CORN. SENEG. sep. SIL. spig. SPONG. STAPH. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. valer. veratr. VERB. VIOL-OD. viol-tr. Dryness with heat (dry burning of the skin). ACON. alum. ambr. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. bar. BELL. bism. BRY. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. cham. chel. chin. clem. cocc. coFF. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. DULC. ferr. graph. HELL. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipeC. KALI. LACH. laur. LED. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. mang. MERC. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitrac. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. par. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PULS. ranbulb. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. SAMB. SCILL. SECCORN. selen. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STANN. STAPH. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thiý. valer. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. Want of elasticity of the skin. Ant-crud. ars. BOV. cUrP. duic. lach. ran-bulb. RHUS. sep. VERATR. Eruptions, cutaneous. (See Exanthema.) Erysipelas. (See Exanthema.) EXANTHE191A. Exanthenna in general. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. AMM. amm-mur. anac. ang. ANTCRUD. ant-tart. arg. arn. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. BAR. bell. bism. bor. bov. BRY. calad. CALC. carnph. cann. canth. caps. CARBAN. CARB-VEG. CAUST. cham. chel. chin. cic. cina. cLEM. co-c. coff. colch. coloc. CON. CREOS. croc. cupr. cYcL. dig. dros. DULC. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. HELL. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. IPEC. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-nosch. n-vom. OLEAND. op. par.PETR. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheuix. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. SASSAP. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. THUJ.. valer. veratr. verb. VIOL-TR. vit. zinc. - abscess. Ant-crud. ant-tart. ars. ASAF. bry. calc. cic. cocc. con. CROC. SENSATIONS. 209 duld'- HEP. kali. magn.. merc. natrw'atr-mur. petr. PIUhS. sec-corn. sep. SIL. staph. sulph.. Exanthema achor. (See Milk-crust.) -anthrax. Ant-tart. ARS. BELL. caps. HYOSC. lach. rhus. sec-corn. SIL. -blackish. Ant-crud. ARS. asaf. BELL. BRY. hyosc. LACEf. rvjir-ac. nitrac. RHUS. SEC-CORN. sep. sil. spig. - -biting (stinging). Alum. amm.. AMM-MUR. ant-crud. amn. ars. bell. bor. boy. BRY. CALC. camnph. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. coc~c. COLCH. coloc. con. dros. EUPHORB. hell. IPEC. LACH. LED. LYC. rn-arct. rn-aust-r. maga. mang. merc. ER.mr ac. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. OtEAND. Op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. r-an-'bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. selen. sil. spig. PN.srnt suiph. thuj. veratr. viol-tm. vit. -blisters. (See Pocks.) --containing, blood.', ARuIS. aur.,bry. canth. nat7-1z. SEC-.CQEIN. UA -as- from a burnh Acon. ARS. bell. C4AML.H. carb-ve,&. lack. mur-ac. RAN-BULB. SABIN. SEC-CORNPý -blotches. (See Nettle-rash and Knots.) - -containing blood. Arn. BRY. sec-corn. burning. -Agar. alum. AAMBR. AMM. (Lmm-mur. anac. ant-crud, ant-tart. arg. ARS. aur. bar. BELL. boy. BRY.' calad. Calc. cann. carntk. caps. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. CAUST. CHIN. cic. clem. cocc. coff. colch. CON. creos. dig. duic. euphorb. guaj. hell. HEP. ignat. Icali. lack. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. in-austin. mang. mar. MERC. MEZER. natr. nair-mur. nitr. N-VOM. oleand. par. petin. phosph. pit-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. RHIUS. sabad. sassap. scull. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. thuj. veratr. viol-od. VIOL-TR. zinc. -chicken-pox. LED. RHUS. -- chapped. Alum. ant-crud. amn. aur. bry., 4,AMC chain. creos. CYCL. graph. 210 SENSATIONS. RIEP. kali. LACH. lyc. magn. maug. mere. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. petr. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sassap. SEP. sil. SULPH. viol-Ir. inc. Exauthema circular desquaination. (See Tetters.) Agar. CALC. rhus. staph. veratr. -comedones. (See Maggots.) -condylomata. (See Excrescences) Agar. ANT-TART. cic. hyosc. PH-AC. valer. - copper-coloutred. Alum. ABS. caic. canrn. CARB-AN. carb-vcg. CREOS. led.mE - ZER. RHUS. ruta. VERATR. -corroding and spreading (phagedenic blisters). Alum. ammn. BAR. BOR. CALC. carb-veg. caust. CHAIV. chel. CLEM. CONi. croc. GRAPH. hell. HE?. kali. lack. lyc. magn. mang.?nerc. mur-ac. NATR. NITR-AC. n-vom. oleand. par. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. RHUS. SCILL.,SEP. SIL. STAPH. suiph. tar. VIOL-TR. - on covered parts only. LED. thuj. - on parts covered with hair (except the head). Kali. lye. MERC. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. ph-ac. RHUS. -crusty. (See Scurfy.) -with painful dartiugs. Asaf. caic. CAUST. chain. chin. cupr. lye. PULS. RItTS. sep. sil. STAPH. -drawing. (See Tearing.) -dry. Alum. ars. BAR. BOY. bry. C ALC. CARB-VEG. caust. clem. coce. creos. CUPR. DULC. graph. hyose. LED., lyc. MAGN. mar. HERc. natr. natr-mur. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. rhus. SASSAP. SEP. SIL. stann. STAPH. suip.vlr VRT.VO-TR. zinc. -erysipelatous. ACON. AMM. amm-mur. ant-crud. ARN. ARS. bar. BELL. bor. _BUY. CALC. CAMPHa. canth. GARB-AN. carb-veg. caust. chin. clem. dule. euphorb. GRAPH. HEP. kyosc. JOD. ipec. kali. lack. LYC. magn. mang. MERC. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. NlTR-AC. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. samb. sassap. Sep. sil. spong. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. THUJ. zinc. - flat. A~mm. ang. ant-crud, ant-tart. ARS. ASAIF. BELL. carb-an. eu SENSATIONS.21 211 phorb. LACH. LYC. merc. NATt. mitr-ac. peir. phosph. P11-AC. puls. ran-bulb. S.ELEN. SEP. SIL. staph. sui~ph. thuj. Exaftthemta gangrenous. * Acon. A~RS. BELL-0 CAMPH. chin. hyosc. lach. mar-ac. rhus. SABIN. SEC-ýCORN. 511. -pustulous. Amm. ARS. bar. BELL. bry. carb-an. chin. euphorb. GRAPH. h ey. LA.CH. peir. vhosvlh. ran-bulb. RHUS. sahad. SEP. staph. 'suiph. -of a scarlet colour (scarlet fever). Acon. AMM. amm-mur. amn. ARS. bar. BELL. IBRY. carb-veg. caust. chain. coff. CROC. duic. euphorb. ltep. HYOSC. jod. ipec. lack. MERC. phospk. ph-ac. rhus. strain. STJLPH., - smooth (genuine scarlet, fever). AMM. BELL. euphorh. hyosc. merc. -with, swelling. ACON. amm. amn. ars. BELL. bry. caic. canth. carb-veg. caust. chin. euphorb. kep. kali. lyc. magn. MERC. natr. natr-rnur. nitrac. petr. phosyk. ph-ac. puls. RHUS, ru ta. samb. sassap. sep. sil. SULPH. THUJ. -freckles. (See Spots.) -fungus. (See Excrescences.) furuncles.k Alum. arnr. amm-mur. anac. ANT-CRUD. ant-irt ARN. ars. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. chin. cocc. creos. EUPHORB. graph. HEP. HYosc. igfhat. LACK. laur. LED. LYC. mgs. niagn. magn-mur. MERC.' mezer. 'MUR-AC. natr. NATR-MUR. nzlr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. n-voni. PETR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. puls.rhus. SEC-CORN. SEP. sil. spong. staph. strain. SULPH. suiph-ac. THUJ. zinc. -- furuncles, large. Ant-tart. HE?. hyosc. LYC. natr. NITR-AC. phosph. - --small. ARN. ixigs. rnagn. suiph. zinc. ~-gritty. Amin. graph. HE?. natr-,nur. phospli. zinc. - in groupsq, clusters. AGAR. CALCO ran-bulb. rhus. veratr. hard. Ant-crad& ran-bulb. rhus. spig.,valer., 21'2 SENSATIONS. Exanthena diflicult to heal. Alum. amm. BAR. BOR. CAL-C. earb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. CLEM. coN. croc. GRAPH. hell. HEP. kali. lach. lye. nagn. mang. merc. mur-ac. NATR. NITR-AC. n-vom. oleand. par. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. RHUS. SCILL. SEP. SIL. STAPH. tar. VIOL-TR. - herpes. (See Tetters.) - horny. ANT-CRuD. RAN-BULB. - humid. (See Moist.) Ambr. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. ARS. bry. eale. canth. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. clem. coloc. con. CREOS. CUPR. DULC. graph. g-uaj. LACH. led. lye. mgs. MANG. mere. mezer. natr. petr. PH-AC. puls. sabad. scill. SELEN. SEP. sil. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. valer. VERATR. ZINC. - ~- bleeding. Cale. duic. MERC. suiph. - -- dry. Ars. CALC. caust. Clem. ereos. cupr. duic. graph. LED. lye. mere. natr. petr. ph-ac. SEP. SIL. staph. sulph. valer. VERATR. zinc. - - greasy. Ant-crud. CAUST. clem. CREOS. cupr. MERC. scill. selen. SEP. suiph. - - moist (humid). Cale. CARB-VEG. caust. clem; con. creos. dule. GRAPH. LYC. mere. petr. seill. sep. sil. staph. suiph. S- suppressed (driven in by mismanagement). Alum. ambr. ant-crud. ant-tart. ars. carb-veg. CAUST. ereos. dulc. graph. lach. natr. natr-mur. ph-ac. SELEN. SEP. sil. SULPH. veratr. zinc. -- -- with mercury and sulphur. Ars. bell. cale. carb-veg. CAUST. CHIN. dule. hep. jod. nitrac. PULS. rhus. sassap. SELEN. SEP. sil. STAPH. thuj. valer. vit. - itching. Aeon. AGAR. alum. ambr. AMM. amm-mur. anac. ANT-CRUD. ANT-TART. arg. am. ars. asaf. bar. bell. boy. BRY. CALAD. cale. CANTH. caps. earb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chel. cie. cina. CLEM. COCC. con. CREOS. eupr. dig. dule. graph. hep. IGNAT. ippec. SENSATIONS.21 KALI.41"LACHT. laur. LED. lyVý. ngs m-a~rct. m-austr. mar. magn. magn-mur. mang. xERC. NLEZER. natr. natr-mur. nitr. N1TR-AC. n-Vom. OLEANDi. P.AIRt4pr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. Th1S. RAN-BUL-B. ran-sceJL RHUS. sabad. Sabin. S-assap. KCILL. SELEN. SEP. SIL. sp ig.. sp Ang. stann. STAPH. strawn. stront. SULPH. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. VIOL-TR. vit. Zinc. )Exanthenmaq knots (blotches, nodesr). AaA~R. ALUMX. arnm. amm-rnur. anac. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. ars. aur, bar. bell. BRY. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. Chin. cic. cocc. con. creos. dig. dros. DULC. graph.,hell. HEP. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. LACH. LED. LYC. mgs.. rn-arct. MAGN. magn-mur. MANG. mere. MEZER. mur-ac. natr.:NATR-MTJR, nttr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. op. PETR, phosph. ph"4'C. PULS. RIJUS. RUTA. Sabin. scill. SEC-CORN. selen. SEP. SJL. Spzgoff' spong. stann. STAPH, strain. suiph. sulph-ac. tar. thuf. valer. VERATRt. verb. viol-Lri zinc. - _-*ose!-colottrede NATR.,phosph. sil. -maculae. (See Spots.) -maggots (comedones). Au'r. bry. caic. graph. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. plumb. sabin. SELEN. suiph. -like measles. ACON. -ars. B E'LL. BRY. carb-veg. chain. Chin. coff. dros. hyosc., ignat. i1PEC. magn. n-vom.,phosph. PULS. RtHUS. strain. -miliary eruption. ACON. alum. amm. amm-mur. ANT-CRUD..ANT-TART. amn. ARS. asaf. BELL. boif. BRY. CALAD. caic. can~th. CAR-VEG. CAUST.,CHAN. Chin. clem. coff. cupr. dig. duic. EUPH.R. graph. hell. hyosc. IPEC. LACH. LED. mar. MERC. MEXZER. natr-mur. n-vom. op. yphosph. PH-AC. PULS. rheum. RHUS. ruta. sassap. sec-corn. SELEN. sep. sil. spong. STAPH. strain. SULPH. valer. VERATR. VIOLTB. zinc. purpura miliaris. ACOIN. bell. COFF. - -scarlet* ACON. amm. ars. bell., BRY. carb-veg. caust. coff. dule. hyOSC. IPEC. lach. MERC. phospli. ph-ac. rhus. su~ph. -whidte. Agarn. ARS. boy. BRY. ipec. phosph. sulph. VLCt f~f a0 214 SENSATIONS. Exanthema, miliary eruption in the open air* _SASSAP. - --.in the room. -milkwcrust (achor)., Amnbr. ANT-CRUD. ars. aur. bell. bry. CALC. carb-an. carbveg. chain. cic. DULC. GRAPH. hep.. LIED. lyc, MERtC. mezer. natr-. mur. phosph. RHUS. SASS NP. SEP. sil. STAPH. sulph. viol-t&. -like millet-seed. AGAR. amin. ars. coce. creos. led. n-vorn. _par. valer. -moist. Alum. ars. bar. bell. BOV. bry. cai7c. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. czc. CLEM. 'con. CREOS. duic. GRAPH. hell. hep. KALI.LACH. led. LYC. merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nit'r-ac. oleand. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. RHUS. ruta. Sabin. -scill. SELEN. SEP. sil. STAPH. suiph. suiph-tic. tar. thuj. 'viol-tr. - like nettle-rash. ACON. arnin. amm-mur. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart'. ARS. bar. BELL. BUY. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. cic. COCC. CON. creos. DULC. graph. HEP. ignqt. ipec. kali. lach. led. LYC. magn. rnerc.. MEZER. natr. NATR-MTJR. nitr-ac. n-'vomn. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sec-corn. selen. SEP. Sil. staph. strain. SULPH. tbuj. valer. VERATR. zinc. -nodes. (Se6 Knots.) -paint nl. Agar. ainbr. ant-crud. arg. ARN. ars. AS AF. aur. bar; BELL. Cann. canth. caps. CHIN. CLEM. CON. CUPR. DULC. gu aj. H4EP. -kali. loch, led. LYC. m-arct. m-austr. 'MAGN."MAGN-MUR. merc. natr. N-VOM. pa r. PETR. jphospIL. PH-AC. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhus. ruta. scill. -selen. serieg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. sp ong. suiph. thuj. vatler. VERATR. verb. -painless. AME R. ANAC. ant-crud. ant-tart. bell, chain. COCC. C ON. cyci. dros. HELL. HYOSC. lach. laur. LYC. OLEAND. pbosph. p~h-ac,, puls. rhus. samb. SEC-CORN. Spig. statph. STRAM I. SULPH4b -peeling oly. ACONI. AMM. AMNM-IUR.. ars. aur. BELL.. CLEM.. cupr..duic. hell. lach. LED.ý magn. mar. merc. MEZER. oleand. PHOSPH.. ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. STAPH. sui ph. veratr. SENSATIONS. 215 Exanthema, petehiviac. Amn. ARS', bell. BRY..HYOSC. lack. L E:D'.'.n-Vorn. pkoqPh. RHUS. ruta. SEC-CORN. sil. strain. suiph-6acm - phagedenic blisters. (See Cprýpding.) pimples Jin general.* - AqON. agar. alum. ambr. amrn. ztm-patr. anac. ANT-CRUD. ANT-TART. arg. amn. ARS. aur.--basr. B,ýLL. boy. BRY. ca/c. CANTH. caps. carh-an' ' arb-ve&g cAUST.. CHAM. Chel. chin. cina. c/em. COCO. CON. cypr. cycl. drvqDr.UXc. euphr. graph,. hell. kep. jod. kaWlfed. ly c. mgs. M'ag,7C.'m9gflmur. mfang. MERC. mezer. rnosch. mu-c.nai.NT'MR nitr. NJTR-AC. n-vorn. par. petr. PHO~SPH. PH-AC..ylurnb. PRULS. RHUS. sabad,.Wsassap. SCILL. se/en. seneg. SEP. ~ i/. Spi. SPONO. stalin. STAPH. stront. SULPH. suiphac'. tar. THUJ, va/er. veratr. viol-tr. ZINC. pores blac~k. (See Puies.), - p0ck-shapedo Amm-niu'Aor ANT-CRUD. ANT-TART. amn. ars. ]BELL. bry. 'canh. ha#c/em. cocc. hyosc. MERC. nitr-c PULS'. RHUS. sdl. -straw, SULPH. t/ulj. -,-black. 4nt-crud. ARS. BELL. bry.. hyose. LACH. mum-ac. RHUS. SECý-CORN. STp. Sil. Spig-. -spurious. Acon. BELL. PULS. TlLus, -purulent* Ant-crud. ant-tart'. ars. bell. cic. c/em. coec. con. cyCi. DULC. euphr. hep. led, LYC. mgs. rnagn. MERO. LNATR. natr-mur. petr. plumhb. piils. RHUS. sarnb. 'sassap.- sec-corn. SEP. sil. Spig.' STAPH. "sulj~h. tar.,thpj.-.veratr. viol-oid. viol-tr. ZINC. -.pustules* Amm-m__ur.' AN-T-dRuD". ANT-TART. amr. ARS. -BELL. bry. chain. c/em. coec. eye]. 1wvosc. MERO. nitr-ac. op.'PULS.* RH US.,sec-corn. sil. STAP',H.. SULPH-. thuj. -pustulous (vesicular.) Alum'. amm. AMM-MUR., ANT-7CRUD. arg. ARS,; aur. 'bar. BELL.,boy. BRY. calad.' ca'le. cann. CANTH. CARIB-AN. carb-veg. CAU'ST. chain. CHIN. cic. CL;EM. coce. con. CREOS. cyc/. DULC. euphorb. GRAPH. HELL. HEP. hyosC'. KALI. LACH. laur. mgs. m-arct., magn. mang. -mere. mezer. NLATR. natr-rnur. NITR. nitr-ac. oleand. op. pet?*. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. Plumb. puls. RAN-BULB. RAN-SCEL. rheum. RHUS. ruta. sabad. -SAHIN. sassap..9C??//. SEC-CORN. se/en. seneg. SEP. Sil. spig. spong. staph. strain. SULPH. 'sulph-tzc. tar. thuj. veratr. zinc,.1 216 SENSATION S. Exantheina, pustulons, containing blood. ARS. aur. bry. canth. natr-mur. SEC-CORN. suiph. -- blue. ARS. bell. con. LAcHa. RAN-BULB. rhus. - - on chilblains. Magn. nitr-ac. RHU3. -- with erysipelas, Amm. A Rs. bar. BELL. bry, ciarb-an.-chin. euphorb. GRAPH. hep., LACH. petr. phosph. ran-bulb. 1{IIUS. sabad. SEP. staph. suiph. - -gangrenous. Acon. ARS. bell. CAMPH. carb-veg. lach. mur-ac. RANý-BULB. SABIN. SEC-CORN. - -after scratchingo (See Itehing.) - -around ulcers. Lach. RHUS. - rubeolae. ACON. BELL. BRY. carb-veg. 00FF. ipec. merec, phosph. PUbS. rhus. suiph. -scaly.. Agar. AMM-MUR. ant-crud. ars. AUR. bell. cic. CLEM. cupr. duic. hep. hyosc. kali. LED. MAGN. mar. MERC. OLEAN1D. PHOSPII. plumb. rhus. Sep. staph. SULPIT. -scurf y (crusty). ALUM. ambr. amnm. amm-mur. ANT-CRUD. ars. ]BAR. BELL. boy. BUY. CALO. caps. CARB-AN. carb-veg. chain. cic. clem. CON. creos. DULO. GRAPH. hell. HREP. kali. LED. LYC. magn. MERC. mezcr. MUR-AC. natr-mur. riitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. phosph. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. RHUS,. SABRAD. sabin. SASSAP. scill. SEP. SIL. spoflg. STAPH. SULPH. thuj.FerIr. V1OL-TR. zinc.' -sore. Aeon. agar. ALUM. ambr. ant-crud. ARG. arS. AUR, bar, EBRY. CALO. cann. cauith. caps. c~arb-an. chel. chin. cic. coff. GOLCOR. DUOS. ferr. GRAPH. hell. HEP. ignat. kali. lyc. mgs. m-oustr. magn. MANG. mar. merc. mezer. natr. NATU-1VIUU. NITUL-AC. n-vom. oleand. PAR. PETR. phosph. PH-AC PULS. ran-, 1. AUHUS. ruta. sabin. sassap. SCILL. selen. SELR sil.SPG spýflg- staph. SULPH. valer. VERATU. ZINC. ---stinging* Akcon. alum. aini-mur. ant-crud. arn. AUS. asafj. BAR, BELL. boy. DBRY. caic. camph. canth, caps. carb-veg.. caust. SEWSATIQNS. 217 chain. chin. CLEM. coce. con. creos. CYCL. dig. DROS. graph. guaj., hell. HEP. ignat. kali. LED. lyc, mgs. m-arct. magr&. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. NITR-AC. n-vom. petr. phosph. PLAT. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. RHUS. sabad. SABIN. scill. s-elen. SEP. SIL. spong. STAPH. stront. SULPH-. thuj. verb. VIOL-TR. ZiU1C. * Exauthema with swelling. Acon. amm. amn. ars. BELL. bry. calt'. canth. car-b-veg. caust. chin. dci.'con. euphorb. hep. KALI. lye. magn. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. ruta. SAMB. sassap. SEP. sdl. SULPH. THU.J. tearing (drawing) and painful. Aeon. amn. ars. bell. BRY. CALO. canth. earb-veg. caust. clem. coec. duic. graph. kali. LYC. merc. mezer. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. puls. rhus. SEP. SIL. STAPH. SULPH. zinc. -tensive. Alum. ant-tart. ARN. bar. bell. bry. cantit. carb-an. CAUST. cocc. con. hep. kali. 'mezer. oleand. PHOSPH. puls. RHUS. sabin. sep. spong. staph. STRONT. suiph. th ij. - transparent. Cina. mere. ran-bulb. -with pain as if ulcerated. Amm. AMM-MUR. ant-crud. ars. bar. caps. caust. con. graph. laur. kali. MANG. mere. PHOSPH. PULS. RH US. SEP. SiL. STAPH. suilph. tar. zinc. -warts., (See Warts) whitish~ Agar. ARS. bor.. bov,.BRy. ipec. plzosph. suiph. thuj.vALER. zinc. ~ -Wit~h ivhjte*;tipfjw -varicet2~Ia See-corn. SIR.'4 -yellowish., Agar. a-rs. cic. coce. creos. cupr., EUPHORB. hell, led. lye. MERC. NATR. nitr-ac. par. sep.-valeor." zona. ARS. bry. chain. graph. MERO. natr. puls. RLIUS. selen. ]EXCRESCENCES., Excrescences. (See Exantherna.) 218 SENSATIONS. Excrescences, condylomata. 6Calc. euphr. LYC. m-aiistr. NITR-AC. PH-AC. SABIN. staph. THUJ. -corns. (See Corns.) -flesh-colouared. STAPH. THIUJ. - fungus articularis. ANT-CRUD. ARS. Clemn. CON. CREOS. jod,. LACH. petr. phosph. rhus. Sabin. SIL. STAPH. suiph. - -hae atodes. Ant-tart. ARS. bell. caic. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. Clem. creos. LACH. LYC. MERC. N[TR-AC. vi-vom. PHOSPU4. rhus. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. th?qj. - -medullaris. Bell. CARB-AN. PH-ospE. sil. suiph. 'ýrHU3. - hangnails. CALC. lyC. MERC. NATR-MIJR. RHUJS. sabad. STANN. SULPH. -horny. ANT-CRUD. RAN-BULB, suiph. -knots. (See Exanthema.) -maggots. Auir. bry. cab,. graph. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. plumb. sabin. SELEN. sulph. -moles. CALC. carb-veg. graph. nitr-ac. petr. ph-ac. sib. SULPH. subp h-ac. - nodi arthritici. Aeon. ANT-CRUD. arn. AUR. BRY. CALO. carb-an. CAUST. CIC. COCC. colch. DIG. GRAPH. hep. bach. LED. LYC. m~en. MERC. nitr-ac. pubs. RHODOD. RHUS. sab in. STAPH1. sulph. vit. -polypus. Ambr. AUR. bell. CALC. CON. graph. HEP. LYC. MAR. MERdC. MEZER-. natr-mur. nitr-ac. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. SIL. STAPH. subp/. suiph-ac. THUJ. -spongy. Alum. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARS. bell. caic. CARB-AN. carbvegr. caust. cham., CLEM. con. creos. graph. jod. LACH. Jyc. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. fOPHopi. ph-ac. rhus. Sabin. SEP. SIL. STAPH. SULPH. THUJ. -steatoma. (See Tumor cysticus.) SENSATION&.,2 t9 ExCrescences, tumor cysticus. Agar. 'ant-crud. BAR, CALO. GRAPH. HEiP. icali. m-arct. NITR-AC. SABIN. sil. spong. SULPH. -varices. (See' Varices.) warts. (gee Warts.) -wpens. AMM. plumnb. Pwiospn. pb-ac. SIL.. zinc. - wild flesh. (See Ulcers.) Fat, inclination to get. (See MI. 1.) Fistulae. (See Ulcers.). Flaccidity of the skin. Agar. ang. ant-tart. bor. CALC. CAPS. c/ram. CHIN. clem. coco. con. croc. cupy. dig. euphorb. ferr..graph. hell. hyose. JOD. ipec. lach.. LYC. mhagn. m'erc. natr. puls. rheumn. sabad. sec-corn. seneg. sil. spong. sui1ph. suiph-ac. VERATR. -A F ormication.(crawling i n the skin, as cf insects). Alum. amm. arg. aur. BAR. bor. boy. cai~c. cann. caps. carbveg. caust. laur. led. LYC. nm-austr.. magn. rnagn-mur. mang. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. OLEAND. phosph. PH-AC. PLAT. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHODOD. rhus. SABAD. SEC-CORN. sil. sispong. STAPH. suiph.itznc Freckles. (See Spots.) Fungus. (See Excrescences.), -articularis, haematodes, medullaris. (See Excrescences.) Gangraenae Acon. ars. bell. inur-ac. SABIN. SEC-CORN. -humida. CHIN. HELL.. Greasy skin. -Agar. a'ur. BUY. caic. CH1N. magn. MERC. NATR-MUR. plumb. selen. strain. Hair, losing one~se AMBR' ammn. amm-mur. ant-crud. ARS. aur. bait. BELL. boy. CALC. canth. carb-an. CAR.B-VEG. caust. chel. coich. con. creos. cycl. duic. FEUR. GRAPH. hell. HE?'. ignat. jod. KALI. lack. lyc. mag'n. MERC. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. OP. par. PETR. PHOSPH. plt-ac. plumb. rhus~.,S &SSAP. Sabin. sec-corn. selen. SEP. -sil. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac.'zinc., --in tuifts (clusters). -Phosyk. 220 SENSATIONS. Losing one's hair on the baclR of the head. Caic. CAUB-VEG. hep. PETR. sep. sil. staph. suiph. -on the crown of the head. BAR. caic. carb-an. PHQSPH. hep. lyc. nitr-ac. plumb. selen. SEP. sil. zinc.I - on the forepart of the head. ARS. bell. hep. MERC. NATR-MUR. PHOSPH. sil. -on the sides of the head. Boy. GRAPH. Icali. ph-ac. staph. zinc. - on the temples. Caic. KALI. lyc. merc. NATR-MUR. par. cabin. -of the eyebrrows. Agar. BELL. caust. hell. RCALI. par. plumb. selen. -of the tvhiskers. Agar. ambr. CALC. GRAPH. -natr.,NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. plumb. silo -of the moustach~es* Bar. KALI. plumb. - of the nostrils. Calc. caust. GRAPH. sil. - of the genital organs. Bell. hell. natr. NATR-MUR. rntr-a-c. RHaUS, selen. - of the body in general. Ars. CALC. carb-veg. GRAPH. hell. kali. NATR-MUR. op. phosph. sabin. sec-corn. sulph. Sensation as if pulled by the hair., ACON. alum. amn. bar. bry.- canth. caust. chin. creos. KALI. LAUR. lyc. magn-mur. mur-ac. nitr. PHO5PH. phi-ac. RHUS. selen. Hangnails. CALC. lyc. MEUC. NATR-MUR. RHUS. sabad. STANN. SUTLPH. Hardness of the skin. Amm. ANT-CRUD. ars. boy, chin. cic. clem. DULC. GRAPH'. kali. lack. led. lyc. par. phosph. RAN-BULB. RHUS. scill'. SEP. SIL. sulph. tkuj. -veratr. callous* Amm. ANT-CRUD.. bor. GRAPH. lack. RAN-BULB. rhus. SEP. SIL. sulph. SENSATIONS. 221 Hardness of the skin with thickening& Amm. ant-crud. ars. bor. Cic. clem. DtXLC. graph. LACH. par. RAN-BULB. RHUS. SEP. sil. suiph. thuj. veratr. - like parchment. AR$. CHiNi. duic. kali. led. LYC. phosph. scill. SIL. SkinH difficult to heal. Alum. amm. bar. boo. CALC. carb-veg. caust. Cl-AM. chel. clem. con. croc. GRAPH. hell. HEP. kali. LACH. LYC. magn. mang. merc. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. rhus. scill. sep, SIL. STAPH. SULPH. Herpes. (See Tettwrs.) Hority excrescences.. (See Excrescences.) Humidity of the skin. Alum. ars. bar. bell. Boy. bry. caic. carb-an*. CARB-VEG.,~caust. cic. CLEM; c2il. CREOS. dulc. GRAPH. hell. kep. KALI. LAC HI. led. LYC. mgs. merc. mezer. natr. natr-rnur. nitr-ac. ol8-,, and. PETR. phosph. phý-ac. RHUS. ruta. sabin. scill. SELEN. SEP..4 S~i. STAP H. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. viol-tr. Hydrops. (See Tumor.) Jauindice. (See Co~1our.) -Impressions, deep, froin ins~ruxnentsBoy. veratr., lInactivity (want of action) of the skin. Alum, ambr. ANAC. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARS. bell. BRY. calc. camph. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin cocc. CON. cYei dg0DL. rph. hell. hep.jod. ipEC. KALI. lach. LAUJR. led. LYC. merc. mum-ac. natr. nair-mur. NITR-AC. n-vom. OLEAND. op. petr. phosph. PH-A.C. plat. plumb. puls. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabin. sassap. scill. SEC-COR.N. sep. SIL. spongte aaph. Strain. StILPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Inflammation, disposition to, of the skfi., -;Alum. ars., ASAE1. BAR. bell. BOR. caic. camph. canth. CHAM. nchetred. 1arocI. euphorb. graph. HEP. hyose. lack. mang. MERC..wt..-~ar-mr.NITR-AC. PCRplumb.'PuLs. ran-bulb. SIL. staph. 'Iniflammation of the skin. A6"ONiq alum. ant-crud. arn. ARS. ASAF. bar. bell. bor. bry. calc. caiph..canii. canth. caust. CHAM. cina. cocc. colch. con. creos. croc. euphorb. graph. 1-EP. hyosc. lach. lye. m-arct., mang. MIERC. mezer. natr. ilatr-mur, NITR-AC. petr. phosph. plumb. 222 SENSATIONS. PULS. ran-bulb. RHus. ruta.. Sep. SIL. #FAPH. SULPH. vera tr. vit. zinc. Insensibility (numbness) of the skin. AMBR. ANAC. ang. ant-tart. chain. con. cyc]. lach. LYC. mgs. n-vom. OLEAND. phosph. P H-AC. plat". plumb. SEC-C/ORN. sep. strain. suiph. Itch. ('ee Exanthema) ITCHING* Itching in general. Acon. agar. alumn. ambr. antm. amm-mur, anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. ARG. arm. ars. asaf. asar. aur. B3AR. bell. bisin. bor. 6ev. BR.calad. caic. cainph.cn.ch. caps. carb-an. carb-vec, CAUST. Ciain. chel.,c/tim. cic. Cina. clem. COCC. coff. colcit. COlOC. 9on. creos. c~roc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphir. GRAPH. guaj. hell. /iep. hyos)c. igmat. jod. ipec. KALI. LACH. laur. LED. LYC. mgs.?n-arct. mn-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n1-Vcm. OLEAND. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rijodod. RHUS. ritta. SABAD. Sabin. samb. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. SPONG. stann. STAPH. stratra. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar, THUJ. valer. verair. viol-od. VIOL-TBR. VIT. zint. -bitilig (stinging). Alum. amm~. arnm-mur. ant-crud. amn. bell. bor. boy. BRY.,calc. camph. cant/u. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CATJST. chain. chel. c/hin. cocc. colch. coloc. con. dros. EUI1HORB. hell. ipec. LACH. LED. LYC. m-arct. m-austr. magn. ma ng. merc., MEZER. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. n-veni. OLEAND. Op. petr. pbosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. rltus. selen. sep. SIL. spig. SPONG. stront. SULPH. //uuj.,veratr. viol-tm. VIT. zinc. - burning. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. anac. ant-crud. arg. amn. ARS. asaf. asar. aum. bar. BELL. bism. boy. BRY. calad. calc. carnph. cann. can th. caps. camb.-an. carb-veg. CATJST. chain. chin. cic. clem. cocc. coff. celch. coloc. con. creos. cupm. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. graph. guaj. hell. H1EF. hyesc. igmat. jod. KALI. LACH. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. rn-austin. magn. mang. miar. men. mERc. MEZER. mur-ac. natin. natin-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. in-vein. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PTJLs. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. samb. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. selem. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. thus,j valer veratr. viol-od. viol-tm. zinc -SENSATIONS.23 223 Itching crawling (creeping). Alum. amm. arg. aur. BARt. bor. bov. caic. cann. caps. carbveg 'c tt. laur., led. LYC. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mur-ac. nafl'. nitr-ac. n-votn. OLEAND. phosph. ph-ac'. PLAT. ranbulb. ran-scel. RHODOD. RHUS. SAB'A]. SEC-CORN. SIL. spig. spang. STAPH. SEJLPH. vit. zinlc. -drawing. (See Tearing.) -gnawing..Agar. alum,, ambr. anac. ant-crud. arg. ars. BAR. bell. bism. bry. canth. caps. chain. clem. coec. con. cyci. dig. dros. eupborb. graph. guaj. hell. hyosc. kali. LED. LYC. mgs. m-'austr. men. merc. mezer. natr. n-vom. OJ4EAND. par. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. puls. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. ruta. scill. sep. spig. SPONG. stann. STAPH. sulph. tar. thuj. veratr. VIT. -jerking. C'alc. caust. LYC. 'natr-mur., puls. rhus. -prickling (stinging). Acon. alum. amm-rnur. anac. ang. ant-crud. arg. ARN. ars. as-af. asar. aur. BAR. bell. boy. BRY. calad. caic. ca-mpli. cann. cant/v. caps. carb-an. carb-veo.'CAUST. charn. chel. chin. clem. cocc. coic-h. CON. 'creos. CYCL. digr. DROS. duic. euphorb. euphr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hiep. hyosc. ignat. jdd. KALI. lack. laur. led. lyc. mgrs. m-arct. mi-austr. m'agn. magn-mur.' mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch.,M~UR-AC.,tnatr. NATR-MUR. nitr. rntr-ac. n-vom. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. phi-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. sainb. sassap. scill. selen. SEP. SIL. SPIG. SPONG. STANN. STAPH. strain. stront. SU.LPIH. sulphf-ac tar. T11UJ. veratr. VJOL-TR. vit. zinc. -with soreness. Alum.. ambr. ARG. aur. bry. calc. cann.* cic. coich. dros. GRAPHi. hep. kali. led. lye. ings. m-arct. maga. mang. merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. PLAT. puls. rhus. ruta. Sabin. sassap. scill. SEP. sil. staph. SULPH. valer. veratr. ZINC. - tearing (drawing). BELL. bry. LYC. sil. STAPH-. sulph ic -tingling. ACON. alum. ambr. amm. ant-crud. arg. ARN. ars. asaf.,BAR. bell. bry. calc. camph. canth. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. chin. cina.'COLCH. con. croc. euphr. graph. guaj. hey. ignat. KALI. 224 SENSATIONS lack. led. lyc. mgs. m-arcl. m-austr. mar. MERC. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. N-vom. par. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. RAN-B'ULB. ran.-scel. rhodod. RHUS. SABAD. sabin. scill. SEC-CORN. -selen. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. xinc. Itching with titillation. Acon. cagar. alum. AMBR. amm-mur. ARG. liry. caic. canth. caps. chel. chin. coec. dig. dros. euphorb. puphr. ignat. mang. MAR. MERVC. mur-ac. phosph. PLAT. _puls. ruta. SABAD. scill. sep. SIL. SPIG. spong. staph. STJLPH. tar. - voluptuous. Ambr. anac. arg. m-arct. men. MERC. mur-ac. plat. puls. sabad. Sep. S[L. spig. spong. SULPH. - abating by scratching. Agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-icrud. anttart. ARN. ASAF. bar. bell. bor. boy. RRY-. CALC. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. caust. c/tel. chin. cic. cina. clem. coloc. creos. CYCL. dig'. DROS. GUAJ. hep. IGNAT. kali. laur. led. rn-arct. mn-austr. magn. magn-mur. MANG. men. merc. mezer. mosch. MUR-AC. NATR. nitr. nitr-ae, n-vom. oleand. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat., PLUMB. ran-bulb. rhus. RUT A. sabad. Sabin. slamb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. spig. spong. stann. staph. STJLPH. suiph-ac. tar. THLTJ. valer. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. -changing the place by scratching. Anac. caic. carb-an. chel. cyci. IGNAT. m-arct. magn. magflmur. MEZER. SPONG. STAPH. SULPH-AC. zinc. -- unaltered by scratching. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. anmn. amm-mur. AN.G. ant-crud, anttart. ARG. amn. asaf. aur. bar. bell. bismn. bor. inov. calad. camph. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. c/tam. c/tel. cina. clem_. cocc. coil'. coich. coloc. croc. cupr. dig. euphorb. euphr. hell. hyosc. jod. IP3EC. laur. MGS. m-arct. m-austr. MAGN-MUR. mar. mur-ac. natr. n-vom. op. plat. PULS. RAN-SCEL. rheum. rhus. ruta. samb. sec-corn. seneg. sil. SPIG. SPONG. stann. strain. sulph-ac. tar. valer. vit. -worse by scratching. Amm-mur. ANAC. a'rg. ars. BISM. boy. CALAD, ca/c. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-an. CAUST. chain. chel. CON. creos. cupr., dros. guaf. LED. mgs. magn. mang. merc. MEZE:R.mur-ac. natr. par..phosyk. ph-ac. PULS. scill. seneg. sep.sLvsig. spo'ng. stann. staph. strain. STRONT. suiph.0 SENSATIONS. 5a25 Itching; after scratching: biting (stinging) in the ski-n. AmM~. AM1M-MUR. bry. caic. canth. carb-an. carb-veg., CATJST. chin. con. creos. drosi EUPHRORB. hell. ipec. LACH. LED. LYC. m-arcl. mang. merc. MEZER. natr. natr-rnur. n-vo"m. OLEAND. pvetra ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb, ruta., selen. sep. sil. SPONG. SULPH. zinc. -blisters (vesicuhae) Amm. AMM-MUR. ant-crud. ars. bar. bell. bry. caust. chin. creos. CYCL. duic. graph. HEP. kali. LACH. laur. figs. mang. merc. nair. natr-mur. PHOSPH.*RAN-BULB. EHUS. sabin. sassap. selen. Sep. spong. suipli. -blotche. Agar. alum. amm. amm-mur. ant-crud. ars. bar. bry. CAL IC. carb-an. carb,-veg. CAUST. cic. cocc. con. DULC. graph, hell. REP. ipec. LACH. led. LYC. magn. magn-mur. mang. merc. MEzER. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand., PETR. puls. RHUS. ruta. selen. sep. sil. spig. STAP.H. suiph., thuj. veratr. zinc. -burning. Agar. amnbr. AMM. amm-mur. anac, amn. ARS. BELL. boy. BRY. calad. caic. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. -cic. cocc., con. CREOS. cyci. dros. ])LLC. eupliorb. graph. HaEP. kali. LACH. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. mang. MERC. mezer. mosch. n-vom. OLEAND. par. rHiosPH. ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sabin.-saimb. sassap. SCILL. selen. seneg., SEP. SIL. spig. spong. staph. stront. SULPH. tkuj. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. -chapping. (See Soreness) -corrosion (gnawing). Agar'. alum. ant-crud. bar. canth. caps. cycl. dros. kali. led. LYC. OLEAND. par.. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rilus. ruta. spong. STAPH. tar. veratr. - ecehyinosis. Alum. calc. chin. cocc. CYCl. DULC. euphorb. liep. hyosc. kali. LACH. lyc. m~gs. MERC. nitro. ittr-ac., PAR. petr. SULPH. -erysipelas, Ambi. ant-crud. amn. ars. BELL. bor. bry. calc. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. GRAPH. REP.,hyoso. LACH. LYC., magn. MERC. natr. viitr-ac. petr.po Apl&5 puls.. ran-bulb.. fRHUS. sarnb., sil. spong. SULPH. thuj.lI 226 SENSATIONS. Itching; after scratching. excorkiated. surface..Agar. amm. ang. ant-crud. amn. bar. calc. caust. chin. creos. dros. GRAPH. hep. 'kali. LACH. LYC. mang.'merc. OLEANrD. PETR. phiosph. plumb. IpulS. rims. ruta. Sabin. scill. SEP. Sdl. SIJLPH. suiph-ac. -eruptions in greneral. Agarn. alum. AMM. ainm.-rnur. ant-crud, amn. ARS. BAR. bell. boy. bry. CALC. canth. carb-an. carb--veg. CAUST. chiin. czc.. con. CREOS. CYOL. dulc. euphorb. graph. hell. HEP. ipec. KALI. lack. laur. LYC. magrn. MERC. mezer..natr. natr-rnur. nitr-ac. n-vom, OLEAND. PETR. phiosphi. phi-ac. plumb. PUrLS. rhodod. RHUS. s'a-, bin. SASSAP. scill1. SEP. SIL. spong. STAPH. &front. SULPH. suiph-ac. thvj. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. guiaiing. (See Corrosion.) -humidity of skin (dampness). Alum. ars. bar. bell. boy. bryI. caic. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. cic. con. CREOS. duic. GRAPH. hell. hep. kali. LACH. led. LYC. rngs. merc. me,,Qer. natr. natin-mur. nitr-ac. OLEAND. PETR. RIJUS. ruta. sabin. scill. selen. Sep. Sil. STAPH. suiph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. viol-tr. - milary eruption.e Amm. arnm-mu'r. ant-ditud. boy. bry. calc. caust. dulc. graph. ipec. LACH. led. NERO. mezer. pl)OSph. phý-ac. puls. RHSJS. sassap. selerr. Sil. spoflg. staph, SIJLPH. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. -nodules, white. Agar. ARS. bov. bry. ipec. suiph - numbness of the skin. Ambr. ANAc. ang. con. cyci. LACH. LYC. OLEAND. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. Sep. SULPH. Spimples. Amm. amm-mUr. ANT-CRUD. bry. CAUST. chin. cocc. con. cyci. dros. duic. graph. hep. kali. laur. merc. natr. natr-?nur. NITH-AC. petr. pop.h-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sabin. sassap. scill. selen. SEP. sil. spong. staph. stront. SULPH. veratr. ZINC. -pricking. Y ac*an Alum. amm-mur. amn. ars. asaf. BAR. bell. BRYP ac an canth. CA&UST. chel. chin. cocc. con. CYCL. dros. duic. GRAPH. bell. kali. lach. lyc. m-arct. mar. MERC. mezer. nitr-ac. par. ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. ruita. SABAD. sassap. SCILL. selen. sep. sit. SPONG. stph. stront. suLrll. tar. thuj. VIOLTRzic SENSATIONS. 2~ 227 Jtchi~pg; after scatching: ptistules. Amti-mur. ant-crud. ars. bell. bry. cy'ci. hyosc. mere. puls. RHUS. sil. staph. SULPH, -redness of the skinw.Agar. amm. ant-crud. arm. BELL. bov. canth. chin. creos. duic. GRAPH. lyc. mar. MERC. natr-mur. n-vom. OLEAND. Op. petr. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. ru~ta. spong. tar. -red'streaks. Cairb-veg. euphorb. par. ph-ac. SA'BAD. -scirf. Alumn. ammn. amm-mur. ant-crud. ars. BAR, bell. boy. bry. CALO,. caps. carb-an. carb-veo-. cic C-ON. creos. DULd. GRAPH. HEP. k 'ali.. led. LYC. MERC. mezer. natr-mur. peir. phosph. puls. ranbulb.. RHUS. SABAD. sabin. sassap. sep. sil. STAPH. SULPH. thuj. veratr. viol-ti'. zinc. - simple (indefinite) pain. Agar. alum. ars. BAR, bell. calc. caps. chin. cocc. con. creos. euplir. led. mgs. natr-mur. n-vom. par. PETR. ph-ac. plumb. puls. rhus. scill. selen. sep. sil. staph. suLPIT. thuj-. veratr. - soreness (chiapping). Agar. alum. ambr. ant-crud. arg. bar. bry. cvalc. cann. canth. caps.. cic. dros. graph. HEP. kali. led. lye. mgs. m-austr. magn. mang. merc. MEZIER. natr. natr-mur. nit r-ac. n-vom. OLEAND. par. PETR. phosph. ph1-4c. puls. RHUS. sabin. sassap. scill. selen. SEP. sil. staph. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Amm. ant-cirud. bell. calc. cocc. cyci. graph. magn. mang. merc. nitr-a 'c. PHOSPH. ph-ac. RHUs. SABAD. sep. sil. SULPH. sulph-ac. veratr. -sweating blood. Calc.. chin., LACH. LYC. n-vom. -tearing (drawing). Ars. bell. bry'. calc. cycl LYC. mgs. puls. rhus. sepsi.tah SULPH..sl.sah -tension, Ang. caust. LACH. mn-arct'. ph-ac. ruta. spig. STRONT. -tickling. Agar, ambr. caps. chin. cocc. Mar'. MERO. SABAD. SIL. spig. -swelling.' Ant-crud. am., ars. bell. bry. oalc. canth. caust. chin. con. creos. duic. hep. kalli. bACH. led. LYC. mang.MERC. mezer. natr 228 SENSATIONS. mur. nitr-ac. phosph. PULS.. RHUS. sabin. samb. Sep. sil. SJJLPH. suiph-ac. Itching; after scratching: thickening of the skin. Ant-crud. ars. cic. DULC. graph. LACH. ran-bulb. RHUS. SEP. thulj. veratr. - ulcers. Ang. ant-crud. ARS. ASAF. bar. bell. bry. caic. carb-an. carbveg. CAUST. chin. con. creos. graph. HEP. LACH. LYC. mang. MERC. mezer. natr. nztr-ac. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. RHUS. sabin. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. thxj. - ulcerated, pain as if. Amm. AMM-MIUR. belL. bry. caust. chin. cic. GRAPH. hep. kali. magn-mur. mang. merc. natr-mur. phosjl. PULS. REUS. sep. sil. spig. staph. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. - pain as of subcutaneous ulceration. Arm. asaf. bar. bry. caic. carb-veg. con. cyci. GRAPH. hep.,cali. led. natr-mur. petr. PHOSPH. PULS. ran-bul-b. RHUS. SIL. staph. SULPH. zinc. Knots. (See Exanthenia.) Leather, skin like. (See Hardness.) Lousy disease. Ars. lach. rngs. MERO. oleand. SABAD. staph. SULPH. Maaculae. (See Spots.) Maggots. (See Exanthema.) Moles. (See Excrescences.) Nails, complaints of the, in general. ALUM. anim-mur. ant-crud. ars. aur. bar. bell. bor. boy. caic. caust. chel. chin. cocc. colch. con. dig. dros. GRAPH. hell. hep. jod. kali. lach. lyc. mgs. m-arct. M-AUSTR. mar. MERC. mosch. mur-ac. natr-mur. NITR-Ac. n-vom. par. peir. ph-ac. plat. puls. ran-bulb. rhus. ruta. SABAD. ScILL. sec-corn. sep. SIL. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. - getting blue. AUR. CHEL. chin. COCC. DIG. dros. NATR-MUR. n-vom. petr. SIL. - brittle. Alum. caic. GRAPH. merc. sabad. sep. SIL. SULPH. crumbling offg Alum. cabc. GRAPH. merc. sabad, sep. SIL. SULPHT. SENSATIONS. 229 Nails defor~med. lucaic. GRAPH. merc. SABAD. sep. sil. suiph. -discolorued..Ant-crud. ars. GRAPH. mur-ac. NITR-AC. suiph. -exfoliating. Merc. --falling (coining) off. Ant-crud. ars. hell. merc. SCILL. sec-corn. thuj. -growing of the nails into the flesh. Coich. graph. M-AUSTR. mar. sil. SULPH. -growing slowly. Ant-crud. -jerks, with sensation as of. Alum. caic. caitst. GRAPH. m-austr. mosch. nzatr-mur. nitrac. fl-VOnfl. PULS, rhlus. sep. sil. suiph. -painful in general. Amm-mur. ant-crud., bell. CAUST. GRAPH. hep. kali. mgs. MATJSTR. mar. merc. natr-mur. nitr-ac. nz-vorn. par. puls. ranbulb. rhus. saba'd-. scill. sep. SIL. suiph. -painfutl and sore as from pressure. Mgs. - sensitive. Calc. con. hep. mgs. M-AUSTR. mere. natr-mur. N-V&M., petr. ph-ac. scill. sep. SIL. suiph., thuj. -sore, painful as if. Alum. ant-crud.' caic. caust. GRAPH. hep. mgs. m-austr. merc. natr-mur. n-vom. puls. SEP. sulph. -as if a splinter were under the nails. Coich. hap. NITH-AC. petr. plat. ran-bulb. SIL. STJLPH. splitting. SCILL. sil. -spotted..fflum. ars. NITR-AC. sep. SIL-. suiph. -thickening. Aqlum. calc. GRAPH. merc. SABAD. Sep. sil. suiph. -ulcerated. Alutm. amm-mur. ant-crud. ARs. aur. -bar. bell. bor. bor~. CALO. cdaust. chin. conl. GRAPH. H)EP. lach. lyc. nm-arct. m-austr.. mar. MERO. mur-ac. natr-mur. NITR-AC. petr. ph-ac. plat. PULS. r 230 SENSATIONS. ran-bulb. rhus. ruta. s~.bad. scill. sece-corn. sep. SIL. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj, Nails uilcerated, painful: as if. AMM-MUR. bell. caust. chin. GRAPH.- hep. kali. mg-s. niaustr. merc. mosebh. mur-ac. NATR-MUR. n1-vo0n. PULS. ranbulb. RHUS. ruta. SEP. SIL. slidph. suiph-ac. thuj. - yellow. Ambr. ant-crud, ars. aur. bell. bry. caic.. cauth.; carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. chin. CON. ferr. hep. ignat. lyc. MEEC. NITR-AC. N-VOM. op. plumb. puls. SEP. sil. spig. STJLPH. Nodes. (See Exanthema.) Nodi arthritici. (See Excrescences.). Numbness of the skin. (See Insensibility.) Paleness of the skin. (See Colour.) Peeling off, sensation as if. AGAR. alum. amin. BAR. caic. LACH. mere. PHOS-PH. PH-AC'. sep. suiph.I Perspiration, want of. (See Dryness.) Petcclikiae. (See Spots.) Phagredenic blisters. (See Exanthema.) Polypus. (See Excrescences.) Pores, black. Dig. dros. graph. NATR. nitr-ac. sabad. sabin. suiph. Pricking in' the skin. Agar. alum. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. ARN. ars. ASAF. BAR. bell. BRY. CALC. cctnr. CANTH. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. CHIN. clem. cocr. coich. con. creos. CYOL. dig. dros. duic. euphr. GRAPH. gutaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. lach. lyc. mgs. m-arct. magn. mar. men. MERO. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mUT. nitr. NITR-AC. n-vom. oleand. par. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. raudscel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. sassap. scil. selen. SEP. SIL. spig. SPONG. STANN. STAPH. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. TAR. THaUJ. veratr. VIOL-TR. vit. zinc. -burning. AcON. alum. anac. arg. arn. ars. ASAF. bar. bell. 'BRY. caic. cann. caps. carb-veg. caust. dina. cocc. coich. dig. dros. duic. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. lach. LYC. mgs. rn-arct. m-austr. magfl. men. MERC. MEZER. N-VOM. oleand. pkosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel, RHTUS.,'sabad. samb. scill. Selen. Sep. SIL. spig. spong. stauni. STAPH. SULPH1. SULPH-AC. THUJ. vioi-tr. III SENSATIONS5.23 Pricking itching. (See Itching.). -prickling. Agar. ant-tart. bell. cann. croc. dros. lye. mezer. moseb. PJ9AT. RYAN-:SCEL. sabad.. sep. sulph. zinc. Redness of the skin. (See Colour.) Rhagades (chapping) of the skin. ALUM. ant-crud. ARN. AUR. bar. bry. CALO. carb-an. carbveg. CHAM. CREOS. CYOL. graph. HaEp. kali. LACH. LYC. magn. MANG.rmar. mere. natr. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. PETR. phosph. PULS. RHUS. ruta. SASSAP. SEP. sit. SULPH. viol -tr. ZINC. -deep, bloody. MERe. petr. puls. 'SASSAP. suiph. -afteir washing. ANT-CRUD. bry. CALC. claim. kali. lye. riitr-ac. PULS. rhus. sassap. SEP. SJJLPH. zinc. Salt-rhenm, (See Ulcers.) Scabs. Lyc. par. rhus. Scarlatina. (See Exanthema.) Sensibility of the skin in general. Acon. AGAR.,alum. anim. ant-cru'd, ant-tart. amn. ars. aulr. bar. BELL. boy. bry. CALC. camph. cann. canthi. caps. carb-an. carb-veg, chain. CHIN. COFF. coich. CON. CREOS. FERR. hep. igniat. iPEC. kali. tach. LED. tyc. m-arct. mn-austr. MAGW. imere. MOSCH. natr. NATR-MUR. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. oleand. par. PETR. phosph. PH-AC. puts. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHUS. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. SELEN. SEp. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. suiph. sulph-ac. THUJ. VERATR. zinc. Shrivelled skin. (See Wrinkled skin.) Soreness from lying in bed. Agar. amnbr. amm. amm--mur. ang. anit-crud. ARN. ars. bar. bell, bov. CALC. canth. carb-an. ca rh-veg. caust. chain. CHIN, coil'. coich. creos. dros. euphr. GRAPH. HEP. IGNAT. kati. tach. LYC. rn-arct. magn-mur. mang'. mere. mezer. natr. nair-mur. nitr-ae. n-vorn. oteand. op. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. ptumb. PULs. rhus. ruta. seleii. scilt. SEP. sit. spig. SULPH. sutph-'c-.zinc. - of childrien. A~nt-crud.'bar. bell. CALC. GUAM. CHIN. creo.s. ignat..Lvc. merc~p, ils. ruta. soull. 5EP. sjt. SIJLPII. -sensation of. Aeon. agar. ALUM. ambr. ant-cr'ud. arg,. arn." ars. aur,. bar. bp~r., AYj.ýALC., ff.,cjnth. caps.. caý-b-an.,carbk'Vo&.q casl 2~32 S ENSATIONS. chel. chin. owc. coff. coich. dros. ferr. GRAPE. hell. HEP. IGINAT. kali. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. mang. mar. merc. mezer. mosch. natr. NATR-MTR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. 9leand. par. PE-TR.phosph. ph-ac. FLAT. PULS. ran-bulb. REuS. ruta. sabir. sassap. scill. selen. SEP. sil. spig. spong. staph. SULPE. suiphac. valer. veratr. ZINC. Spbacelus. Ant-tart. ARS. ASAF. bell, con. EUPHORB. LACH. mere. PLUMB. ran-bulb. SQILL. SEC-CORN. SIL. suitph. suiph-ac. Spots, black. Ars. LACE. rhuts. sec-corn; - blackish (with old people). Ars. bar. CON. lach. op. - blue. Ant-crud. ARN. ars. bar. BRY. Con. ferr. lack. LED. mosch. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. op. rhuts. ruta. sec-born. sil. suiph. SULP11-AC. - brown. (See Liver-coloured.) - burnt, as if. Ant-crud. ARS. carb-veg. caust. creos. CYCL. euphorb. hyosc. rhus. sec-corn. stram. - burning. Ami. amm-mur. ARS. bell. canth. chel.,croc. ferr. jod. KALI. lyc. magn. mere. MEZER. PH-AC. rhus, suiph. suiph-ac. - circular. (See Tetters.) confluent. BELL. CIC. hyosc. ph-ac. valer; - copper-coloured. (See Red.) like flea-bites. Acon. (strai.) - gangrenous. Cyci. HYOSC. sec-corn. - greenish. ARN. ars. CON. nitr. sep. suiph-ac. - herpetic. (See Tetters.) - itching. Amm-inur. am. CON. dros. euphorb. graph. jod. KALI. led. lye. mgs. merc. mezer. natr-mutr. op. par.' sep. sil. spong. SULPH-AC. Vit. - lverncoloured (brown). Amm. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. am. ars. bry. cabc. canth. CARB SENSATIONS. -233 VEG. caust. CON. dros. DULC. ferr. graph. hyosc. jod..kali. I1ach. L AURý._ LYC. MERG-. MEZER. NATR. NITR-AC. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. plumb. puls. ruta. sabad. SEP. sil. stann. SULPH. thuj. Spots, petechiac. Amn. ARS. belil. BRY. inrosc. lach. LED. 'n-vom.'phosph;RHUS. -ruta. SEC-CORN. sil. strain. suiph-ac. -pink-co1oured. (See Pale-red.) -pricking. Cauth. chel. nitr-ac. puls.' - red.,Acon. alum. ambr. AMM. arni-injr. anit-tart,. ARN. ars. aur. bar. BELL. BRY. Calad. CALC. canth. caps. carb-an. carbveg. caust. chain. chin. clem. COCC. COff CON. croc. cup-r. CYCL. dros. duic. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. jod. f'pec. ka'li. 'lach. led. lyc. mgs. in-arct. MAGN. magn-mnur,. mar. MERC. meze'r.,- natr. natr-mur. nitr. NLTR-AC. n-vom. op. par. PHOSPH. PH:-AC.., plumb. puls. rhodod. RHUS. SABAD. scill. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spong., staun. STRAM. SULPH. SULPE-AC. veratr. vit. ziflc. -red-brownish. Cann. NLTR-AC. PHOSPHI. --copper-colouried. Alum. ARS. caic. cann. CARI3-AN. ' carb-veg'. CREOS.," led. MEZE R. RHUS. ruta. VERATR. - -fiery-red. Aeon. bell. strain. - -marbled. Carb-veg. CAUST. lyc. plat. T4U.J. - -pale (pink-coloured). Mar. natr. phosph. SIL. - --pale, growing pale in the cold. SABAD. -sca;rlet~., Acon. AMM. amnm-mur. am. ARS. bar'. BELL. B'RY. carbveg. caust. chiain. cof. CR00. dl. euphorb. he~p. HY'OSC. jod. ipec. -lach. MERO. phosph. ph-,ac.' rhus. strain. SULPH. 1,osh.ver4r. -red'v eas from. COCC. Sep.' - reddish..blitue4 BELLS phosph. 2a4 SENSATIONS. SpVdtg, reddisb-br~swn. Cani,';NITR-AC. PHOSPH. -sore, painful as if. BRY. FERR. hep. LED. liatr-mur. ph-ac. sil., veraitr. isummer-freckles.,A MM. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. liry. CALO. carb-veg. con. dros. DULO.- GRAPH. hyose. jod. k ali. lach., laur. LYC. mere. mezer. NATR. NITH-AC. n-mosch.,petr. PHOSPH. plumb. PULS. SEP. sil. stann. SULPH. thuj. white. 'ALlm'1. amm. ARS., carb-an. PHOSPH. SEP. SIL. SULPH. -yellow. Am'br. ant-tart. ARN. ars. canth. CONv. F'ERR. jod. ickal'i. lack. LYC. NALTR. petr. PHospH. ruta. sabad. SEP. staun.' SULPH. Steatoma. (See Excrescences.) Stickiness of the skin. ACON. amm. ant-tart. amn. ars,.. BRY. caic. CHAM. chin, dig. ferr. hep. JOD. LYC. MERC. moseb. n-vom. PUOSPH. PH-AC.,plumb. sec-corn. spig. VERATR. Skin sticking to, the ulcers of the bones. Arn. ASAF. aur. chin, hell, mere. PH-AC. puis. ruta. sabin. SIL. Stinging skin. ARN4. bar. Stiffness of the skinl. (See Want of elasticity and hardness.) Sugillation. A RN. iBRY. chain. chin. coN.'duic. euphr. ferr. HEP. Ilack. laur. ýN-VOM. par. plumb. PtJLS. rltus. RUTA. sec-corn. SULPH. SULPH-AC. Snmnier-ireckles. (See Spots.) Suppuration* (See Ulcers.) Sweatsý want of.- -(,ee Dryness) Swell'Ingi, external, in general. Atoni. 8aMM. ANT-CRUD. ARN. ARS. a s6if. aur. BELL. bor. BRY.- caic. cantk. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chel. CHIN. dina. clem. cocc.-colch. coloc j. con.ý creos, cyci. dig. DULC. 'euphorb. ferr. gr7aph. hell. kep. hqosc. jod..kl. ac.LED*' LYC. ran mang. MERO. mezer. mur-ac"..natr. natr-mur.;,-,nitr. nitr-iac. n-vom. oleand. op. petr. PHoSPH'. ph-ac. plumU 'PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABIN. SA.MB. sassap. scill. sec-cornt. seneg.." sep. sil. spig. spo~ng. stram.--stront. SULPH.' suiph-ac. thuj. Veratr. vit. SF,,NSATIONS. 4 63 r_ Wo *Sw.elling of the p-arts affected. *Acqn,. an t-crud. aOn ars. asaf. aur. BELL;* DRY.. CALC. CANTH. carb-aJ1ý.arb vg CUST.chin. clem. coCC. con. dig duic: eujilorb 4:err. ra-p1 h;-bell. li-m jod. kalU. lach. led. LYC.,magn. mang. E, ~ ira ai IR~C -o. petr, TSEp ac., plumb"",ULS. rhodod- RHUS.''ruta. osabjn. SAMB.s a ssap!eý&-corn.' SEP. SIL."spig -ýSPONG. stram. SUJLPH. th`j. vit. - blue-oblack., Acob, amm. A-a RS ar BýIJýL,. carb-,eg. cdon. DIG. hep. LAQH'.'mang. 0 s*1v~ P.~phosph, -pb-vac. plumnb. PULS. samb. see-corn. seneg Sl uihc.YRA. -burning. ' -ACON..antý-'crud. Af~ARS.,IB LL.:,,BRY-..6ic. -,c~iarb-anc arb - v egi.'.Caus.. hzk.coich. coloc. duic. eupho IrVi-,hell. '!h ep. JIýAyosg. jodltzl AC e d. LYC m-ang. MERC ý'meZOW. natr. n-v~m~opHOS~H~bam 4-LSP.RHUS.Sambsil~e-on sep. sIL4ý,spig. spng-.-stann,. 4UN LH. AR bel.cocc. CON. cyci duicl lach,rhodod gec-corn. cysticus. (See Excrescences.) dropsical (dropsy, hydrops). Aeon. ANT-CRUD. ARS. aur. BE4Vj.. B RY. canh., chel. CHIN. coich. coloc. con. Di q. Du.Lc euphorb. ferrm gu*-oj,. HELL. hyose. cad: kali. lach. LF.D. rLC MKERC _mezer. mur-ac. natri nitr. ni&:-ac. oleand'. op plzosph. plumbw APULS. ihodod RiTU.Aus"uta. SAE.SAM.'sasap SCLLs~e~c corn seneg. sep sil. strain. SULPHL. verair. 1 hard-(tensiVe). Acn ijtcud. AUN. aft. asaf. bell. BRY. c-41c.CAVtST. g?Kdia.dulc. graph-; hell'.hep 'hLD, lye. merc. pL-ac.pum ULS. RHUS. SABIN. 0 -urning and In1qarne.)4 * *CaONt. beg an crud. arti ARS. b E hoc4c~le Canh. aibr-g.caxast cocc coich. cd r.hys. aa- c mans. MERO. me~eis mur-ac. natr. ad Reflv NOs~hP1S IMF`. assap. s44 ý?STLp SLPH lthu,.vrtr j ARN. wrtý-,bell. BRY. qc Aýthi n. coca~. con-fitug. ferr. gtaph. CAM, 236 SENSATIONS. hell. Jon. kali. lach. LYC. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. plumb. puts. ILHUS. Sep. spig. Suliph. Swelling pricking (stinging). Aeon. urn. ars. ant-crud. BRY. cant/i. CAUST. chel. c/hin. cocc. con. cyci. dig. ferr. graph. lach. led. magn. mang. mezer. nitr. NITR-A.C. n-vom. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. Sep'. spong. SULPH. THUJ. Vit. - tingling. Acon. A RN. caust. chel. coich. con. Jach. MERC. natr. n-vom. ph-ac. Puns. RHUS. sec-corn. SEP. spig. SULPH. - shaining. ARN. urs. BRL. merc. RHUS. Sabin. SULPH.L,- spoWngy. ANT-CRUD. A RS. bell. caic. CARB-AN. carb-vegr. caust. clem. con. creos. graph. jod. LACH. lyc. merc. nitr--a-c. n-vorn. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. rhus. Sabin. Sep. SIL. SULPH. thUj. -tensive. (See Hiard.) -whife. ANT-CRUD. ARS. bell. BRY. rcalc. chin. creos. dig. euphorb. graph. hep. jod. LTC. mere. -n-vorn. PULS. rhodod-.'RHUS. SABIN. Sep. sil. SILPH. -sensati on as of. AlUM. AMM-MUR. ant-crud. amn. ARS. aur. BELL. BRY. cant/i. caps. carb-veg. CHIN. coco. con. creos. dig. duic. guaf. hep. hy-. osc. ignat. luck. LAUtt. mer'c. NITR. flitr-.uc. n-mosch. n-vom. PAR. plat. PULS. RHUS. Sabin. sassap. seneg.'sep. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. suiph. suiph-uc. veratr. zinc. Tenseness (tightness) of the skini. ACON. anac. ang. ant-crud. urn. ars. bar. bell. carb-veg. CAUST. con. duic. guaj. kali. led. mosch. natr-mur. NITR-AC. N-VOK. oleand. peir. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT*. plumb. pu/s'. rhus. ruta. Sahin. SE P. stann. staph. STRONT. sulph. viol-ir. zinc., Tenasion. Alum. amim. amm-mur. anac. ANG. arg. ARN. saSf uasar. au'. ]BAR. bell. bor. bry. caic. canth. curb-an. CAUST. chamin chin. coich. COLOC. CON. creos. dig. euphorb. hell. h ep. jod. ku/i. lack. laur. led. lyc. m-arct. magn-mur. mang. men. merc. mezer. Imoseb. m-ur-ac, natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vomn. oleund. par. petr. PHOSPE. jil-uc. PLAT. PLTLS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. sep. Sil. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. STRONT. STJLPH. tar. t/t2ý. veratr. verb., VIOL-OD. viob-tr. vit. zinc. SENSATIONS.23 237 Tetters (herpes) in general. Ag s alhmrn/ am-br. amm. anac. ARS. aur. bar. bell. BOY. iBRY. calad. -CALO. caps-. carb-an. carb-veg., CAUST. chel. cic. CL~EM. cooc.- CON. CREOS. cupr. cyci. DULC. GRAPH. hell. hey. byosc. kali. lachi LED. LYC-. m-arct.- magn. magn-mur. rnangr. mar. MERC. mezer. mosch.mur-ac. NATR.x.natr-mur. nitr. nztr-ac. li-vom-. oleand. par. PETR. PHOS PH. ph-aC. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. raný.scel. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sassap. scill. SEP. SIL. spig. spong, starmn. STAPH. S.ULPH.'sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. burning. Agar. alum. ambr. amm. anac. ARS. aur. bar. bell. boy. bry. calad.- calc. caps. cqrb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. cic. clem. coce. CON. creos. dule. hell, hey., kali. lach. led. LYC. mn-arct. mang. mar. ME RC. mezer. natr. nati,-mur.- nitr. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. p'hosph.ý-ph-ac.' plumb. puls. ran-bulb. RHUS. sabad. sassap. scill. sep. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. -chapped (widh 6haps, xrhagades). -.Alum. aur: bry. CALC. creos. cycl. graph. hey. kali. lach. lyc. rnagn. Knang. rmerc. n'atr. natr-,mur. nitr-ac. petr. PULS. RHUS. rutai. sassap. S]EjP. sil. SULPH. viol-tr. zinc. -llcircular. Clemn. magn. -,NA'TR. natr-mur. SEP. -corrodingr and spreadinig. Alum. amm. bar. CALC. carb-veg. caust. die]. CLE.N. CON. GRAPH. hell, hey. kali. lach. lyc. magn. mang. znerc. mur-ac. nair. rnitr-ar. n-vom. oleand. par. PETR. ýphos'pb. ph-tic, plumb. RHUS. scili. SEP. SIL. staph. sulph. tar. viol-tr. -,drawing. (See Tearing.) --dry.* Alum. WS)'. BAR. BOV. bry. CAL-C. carb-veg. caust. clem. cocc. creos. cilyr. DULC. graph. hyosc. LED. lyc. magn. mar. MERd. natr"-natr-mur. par. ptr hosph. p -ac hus. sassap.SP IL s~anp. stapkb. tulph. valer. VERATR. Viol-tr. zinc,.ARS. idu~r. bky. CALCi, creos. DULC. grap4.,. lyo. pIhosph.' SEP. SIL. sulph. graY., Mts. !238 SENSATIONS. Tetters, humid. JAlum. ars. bar. bell. BQV. bry. caic. carb-.an. CARB-VEG. caust. CiC. CLEMr. con. creos. duic. GRAPH. hell. hep. icali. lack. led. LYC. mere. nmezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. oleand. petr. pbosph-. ph-ac. RHUS. ruta. scill. SEP. sil. stapk. suiph. suiph-ac. tar.. thuj. viol-tr. -jerking. Caic. caust. cupr. lyc.pvuls. RHUS. sep.'sil. STAPH. -itching. -Agar. alum. ambr. amm. anac. ars. bar. bell. BOy. bry. calad. caic. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. cic. CLEM. coec. con. creos. cupr. dulc. GRAPH. hep. kali. lack. led. lyc. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. mang. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. NiTR-AC. n-vomn. oleand. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-see]. RHUS. sabad. sassap. scill. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. SULPH. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. - prickinag. Alum. ARS. bar. bell. boy. bry. caic. caps. carb-veg. caust. CLEMVI. coec. con. creos. cycl. grapk. hell. kep, kali. led. lyc. mn-arct. magn. mERO. mezer. -mur-ac. natil.' natr-mur'. NITR-AC. n-vom. petr. phospli. PULS. ran-buzlb. ran -scel. Ruus. sabad. scill. SEP. IL. pong.stay. SULPH. thuj. viol-:tr. zinc. -red. Arnm. bry. cic. CLEM. DULC. led. LYC. MIAGN9. MERC. -petr. phac. staph. -ring-worm. (See Circular.) -with rhagades. (See Chapped.) -scaly. Agar. ars. aur. bell. cic CLEM. cupr. dulc. hep. byose. kali. led. magn. mar. mERc. oleand. PHOSPH. plumb. rkus. Sep. staph. STJLPH. -scurfy. Alum. ambr. amm. ars. bar.-bell. bov. bry., CALC. caps. ca-rb-an. carb-veg. cic. clem. CON. creos. nUrLc. GRAPH. hell. kep. kali. led. LYC.. magn. MERO. Ymezer. mur-ac. natr-rnur. nitrac. n-vom. oleand. par. petr. pbosph. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. RHUS. sassap. scill. SEP. SIL. stapk. SULPH..thuj, veratr. violir. zinc. - -whitish. Ars. GRAPH. LYC. Zzinc. SENSATIONS.23 2391 Tetters, suppurating* Ars6,!bell.- cic. -Clem., cocc., con. cyci. DULO., hep.- led. LYC. mego. MERO. INATRa natr-mur. 'petr. pl-umb. puls. RUUS. sas-~ sayr. SEP. sil. spig. staph. suiph.- tar. thuj. verati. viol-tr. zinc. -tearinlig (dkawing). Ars. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. Clem. cocc. duic.- graph. kali. LYC. m-arct. merc. mezer. natr, nitr-ae. n-voni. phosph. puls. rhus. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. zinc. -yellowish. Agar.- ars. cic. cocc. creos. cupr. hell, led. lyc. MERC. natr. nitr-ac. par. sep. -of a yellow-broWn. LYC. NATR.Tickling. (See Itching.) Tightness. (See Tenseness.) Ulcers' in general. Acon. alum. ambr. amm. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. amn. ARS. ASAF.' aur. bair. IBELL. bor. boy. BRY. CALC. camph. cantli. carb-an. CAREL-VEG. caust. c/tam. c/tel. c/tin. cic. cifla. Clem. coec. coff. colch. cQN.,crecis.,-croc'. cupr. cyck dig. drois. duic. eupborb. gtaap/. gpiaj.* HEP#.Khyo~SC. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. LACR. led. LYC m&g~, m-arct. m-auistr. nitii~g. MERO. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. NITR-AC.'n-mosch. hb-vorn. par. petr. PHOSPH. PHAC. plumnb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHUS. ruta. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spong. sTAPHR..stram. stront'. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. veratr. vit. zinc. bruised, with pain as if Ang. A 'RS. chain6 chin. cocc. coN. HEP. hyosc. natr-mur. n-vom. rhus. rula. SULPH.. biting (9mprting)..Ars. bell.. bry. Caic. carb-an. caust. chanm. chin. coich. dig. EUPHORE. graph. LACH. LE.D. LYC. mang'. merc. mezer. natr. petr. ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. ruta. selen. sil. staph. SULPH. sulphac. thuj. -black, turning. Ant-tart. ARS. ASAF. bell. carb-veg. con. cup/torb. ipec. lack. PLUM-B. rhus. scill. SEC-CORN. SIL. suiph. suiph-ac. - on the bottom. ARS. ipec. plumb. sil. suiph. -- on the edges. ARs. lach. sil sulph, / 240 SENSATIONS. Ulcers, bleeding. Ant-tart. arg. am. ARS. ASAF. bell. CARB-VEG. caust. con. creos. croc. dros. HEP. hyosc. jod. KALI. LACH. LYC. mgs. MERýC. mezer. natr-mur. NITR-AC. PHOSPH. pph1ac. PUL'S. thus. ruta. sabin. sec-corn. sep. SIL. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. zinc. on the edges. ARS. asaf. caust. hep. lach. LYC. MERO. phdsph. ph-ac. puls. sep. SIL. suiph. thuj. - with blisters around. ARS. hell. caust. hep. LACH. mgs. rerc. natr. petr. phosph. rhus. sep. - bluish. Arm. ars. asaf. aur. bell. bry. caic. carb-veg. CON. HEP. LACH. mang. mere. ph-ac. sec-corn. seneg. sil. staph. veratr. boring. Arg. aur. bell. calc. caust. chin. hep. kali. natr. natr-mur. puls. ran-scel. sep. SIL. SULPH. thuj. - burning. Ambr. ARS. asaf. aur. bar. bell. boy. bry. caic. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chai. chin. clem. CON. creos. dros. graph. HEP. ignat. kali. lack. LYC. mang. MERC. MEZER. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom.. petr. phosph, ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. sep. SIL. staph. stront. SULPH. thUj. zinc. - - in. the edges. ARS. asaf. carb-an. CAUST. clem. -HE?. lach. LYC. MERC. mur-ac. petr. phosph. ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. sep. SIL. staph. sulph. th uj. - - in the circumference. ARS. ASAF. bell. CAUST. cham.-lep. LACH. LYC. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. n-vom. petr. phosph. PULS. RHUS. sep. SIL. staph. as if burnt. Alum.- ant-crud. ARS. bar. bell. bry, calc. CARB-VEG. caust. creos. CYCL. hyosc. ignat. lach. n-vom. puls. sabad. sec-corn. sep. strai. - cancerous. Ambr. ant-crud. ARS. aur. bell. calc. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chel. clem. con. creos. dulc. HEP. LACH. MERC. nitr-ac. phosph. rhus. sassap. scill. SEP. SIL. spong. staph. SULPH. thuj. - cold, with a sensation of. Ang. ARS. BRY. merc. petr. plumb. rhus. SIL. thuj. SENSATIONS.24 241 Ulcers with corroding (gnawing) pabins. Bar. bell. caic. c/tam. cyci.. dros. hyose. kali. led. l7yc. mang. mero. meZer. natr. phosph. ph-ac. HrAT. PULS. RAN-~CEL. rhus. ruta..ST-APH. suiph. thuj. VIT. - cruvsty (scabby); Ars. bar. BELL. boy. bry'. CALC.: carb-an. cic. clem. CON. GRAPH. hep.le. YC MRC. mur-ac. pzls. ran-bulb. RHUS. sassap. SEP. SIL- staph. SULPH. viol-tr. -cuttinge BELL. CALC. dros. graph. ignat. lyc. mur-ac, NAcTA. ph-ac. rhus. sep. sil. sulph-ac. -deep. Ant-crud. ars. asaf. aur. BELL. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chel. clem. CON. creos. hep. lack. led. LYC. mgs. merc. mur-ac. natr. na'trmur. NITR-AC. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. Ahu. ruta. sabin. selen. se. SIL. stapix. strain. SULPH'. thuj. digging.* ASAF. bell. bry. calc. chin. natr. phosph. ruta. Sep. stront. suiph. -drawing. (See Tearing.) -dry. (See Pus too little.) * ' even (flat)., I Amm. ang,. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARS. ASAF. bell. carb-an. carbveg. chin. LAC H-. LYC. MIERC. natr. nitr-ac:- petr. phosph. PH-AC. puls. ran-bulb. SELEN. SEP. SIL. staph. suiph. thuj. feeling, destitute of. Anac ARS. CALO. camph. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CON. dule. euphorb. graph. jod. ipec. kali. lach. LAUJR. LYC. mgs. mur-ac. nitr-ac. oleand. op. phosph. PH-AC. _plumb. rhus. sec-corn. Sep. SIL. strain: SULPH. Vit. zinc. -fistulous. Ant-crud. ars. ASAF. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. CARB-VEG. caUSt. chel. clen. CON. creos. hey. lack. led. LYC. mro~r. natr. natrmur. NITH-AC. petr. phospli. ph-ac... PULS. Thus. ruta. sabin., selen. Sep. SIL. -staph. strain. SULPH. thuj. -Hfat. (See Even.) -gangrenous. Ant-tart. ARS. ASAýF. bell. carb-veg. con. EUPHORB. LACE. merc.' PLUMB. ran-bulb. SCILL. SEC-CORN. SIL. suiph. suip h-ac. gnawing pains, with,. (See Corrodjkg) 242 SENSATIONS. Ulcers, hard..Am. ARS. ASAF. aur. bar. BELL. BRY. CALO. carb-an. carb~veg. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. CIC. cina. CLEM. CON. cupr. cycle duic. graph. HEP. hyosC. jod. L4CH. led. LYC. mF&R'C. mezer. natr. n-vown. phosph. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. selen. Sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. thuj. veratr. v"it. - on the edges. ARS. ASAF. bry. carb-an. Caust. ci6. cina. clem. HEP. bACH. LYC. MERC. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. sep. Sib. staph. suiph. thuj. - -in the circumference. Amn. ARS. ASAF. BELL. Caust. chain. cina. hep. LACH. LYC. merc. mezer. natr. n-vow. petr. phosph. -PUbS. sep. sil. staph. suiph. -with high, hard edgces. ARS. ASAF. bry. cirb-an. caust. CIC. cina. clew. hep. lach. LYC. MERC. wur-ac. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. sep. SIb. staph. suiph. thuj. -difficult to heal. Alum. aww. bar. CALC. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. clem. CON. croc. GRAPHj. hell. HEP. kali.- LACH. IYyc. magn. wang. MERC. wur-ac. natr. NITR-AC. n-voin. PETR. phosph, ph-ac. plumb. RHUS. SCill. SEP. SIb. STAPH. SULPHO -hot. (See Burning and Inflamed.) -jerking. Amn. ASAF. aur. bell. bry. CALC. CAUST. chain. chin. clem. cupr. graph. lyc. merc. 'latin. NATR-muR. natr-ac. n-vom. petin. PUbS. RHUS. sep. SIL. staph. suiph. -infl-amed. ACON. ant-crud. amn. ARS. asaf. bar. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. caic. caust. chain. cina. cocc. coich. con. creos. croc. cupr. dig. HEP..hyosc. ignat. led. LYC. m-arct. wang,. MERC.,mezer,. natr. nitr-ac. n-vow. petr. phosph. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUsi. ruta. sassap. Sep. SIb. STAPH.,s?41ph. thuj.. veratr. yit. zinc4. -itching. Alum. arnbr. awin. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. am. ARS. bar. bell. boy. bry. caic. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. CHIN. clem. con. creos. dros. GRAPH, HEPR ipec. lach, led. LY Q, merc. inezer. natr. natr-wLure--nitr. nitr-ac. n-vow.. petr. p hosph. PH-,AC. PIUhS. ran-bulb. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sassap. scill. selen. SEP. $L STAPH3. SULPH. thuij. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. SENSATIONS. 243 Ulcers, itching roundf about. Ant-tart. ars. lell. caust. clem. HREP. LACH. LYC. mere. mezer, natr. nm-vom. petr. pho~ph._. ph.~ac., PULS. rhus. sabin. sep. SIL.- staph. sulplz. vit.. -loo'kitig like 'lard. Aizt-crad. A:RS. creos'y cupr. - HEP. MERO.i NITR-AC. sabin. suiph. thuj. V - -on the bottom.Ars.'hap.,MERC. nit r-ac. with maggots~. Ars. calc. merc. SABAD. SIL. suiph. -old, opening again. (See Cicatrices.) - a Inhfl. '*(See Senisitive.) -painless. Ambr. anac. ant-tart. arn. ARS. aur. bar. BELLý. boy. bry. -camnph,. carb-an-.chani-r. d~el'.chin. ic. 6.cooc.coN.*croc. graph. hell. HYOSO. ignat. ipec. laur. l ed. LYC. mgs. merc. n-mosch. n-.vom. OLEAND. OP. PHOSPH.* P-H-Ac:" plat. PULS. rhus. sec-corn, sitaph. STRAM. suilph. 'veratr. zinc. with tpressure. Camph. ca'rb-veg. chin. GRAPH. par. SIL. -pricking. Acon. alum.- ant-crud. amn'. ARS. ASAIF. bar. BELL. boy. iBRY. calc. camph. canth. carb-vecr chain'. chin.. clam. coec. con. cyci. graph. HE:P. led. LYC., if-arct. magn. ianan. MERC. mezer. murac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-vomt. PETR. phosph. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. sab 'ad., sabin.- sassa.sil en E.SI pog STAPH. SULPH. thuj. a.sil ee.SP I.sog - -in the' edges. ARS. ASAF. bry. cleni. HEP. LYC. MERCO mur-ac. patr. pbosph. PULs. ran-bulb. sap. SIL. staph. SULPH. thuj. - pin'the dr~ciimei~ence, Acon. ARS. ASAF. ball. chain. coco. hap. lyc. MERC., mezer. str-a.naph9 -yo.'yedr. phosph'. PULS. rhus. s'abin. sep. SILO -with tingling, Acon. an't-tart. ARNO bell. caust. chain. CLE.M. coich. CONi. croc. graph., hap. kali. lach. mrnec. natr. natr-mur. n-ývom. ph-ac. plumb. puls. -ran-bulb. RIIUSO sabin. sec-corn. SEP. spong. staph. sulpi&. stllph-ac. thuj. SENSATIONS. Ulcers, with flesh in theulcer* Alum. ant-crud. ARS. bell. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. clem. creos. graph. LACE'. mere. PXTR. poph. sabin. SEP. SIL. staph. StILPH. thuj. pulsating. Acon. arn. ars. ASAF. lbar. 'bell. boy. bry. CALC. caust. chain. chin.-clein. con. hep. hyose. igcnat. KALI. LYC. rngs. MERC. maezer. mLr-ac.lflatr. natr-inur. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. ph-ac. puls4 -rhus. ruta. sabad. sassap. sep. SIL.'staph. SULPH. thuj. -pus of the ulcers. (See Suppurating.) -with pustules around. Acon. ARS.-bell. CAUST. chan. 'hep. LACH. lyc. mgs. mere. rnezer. mur-ac. natr.. petr. phosph. PUlLS. rhUS.q SEP. sil. staph. suiph. - putrid. Arni. ars. asaf. aur. bell. boy. bry. -CAL.C. carb-veg.. caust. chel. CHIN. cic. con. creos. cycl. graph. HiEP,, lyc. mang. merc. mezer. MUR-AC. natr. nitr-ac. n-mo~sch. n-vom, phos~ph. PH-AC. plumb. puis. RHU5. ruta. s'abin. sec-corn. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. - with redness around. ACoNi. ant-crud. amn. ARS. ASAF. bar. bell. bor. bry. caic. CHAM. cocc creos. cupr. HEP. hyosc. ignat. LACH. led. LYC. MERC. inezer. natr. futr-ac. 'n-vom. _pet?-. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. sassap. sep. SIL. sTAPH. suiph. thuj. yeratr. zinc. -salt-rheum. AMIBR. ARS. caic., chin. GRAPH. LYC. mere. natr. petr. phosph. PUlLs. SEP. sil. staph. suiph. zinc. -scabby. (See Crusty.) -sensitive (painful). Alum. amm. anac. ang. ARN. ARS. ASAIF. aur. BELL. carban. CAUST. chain. chin. cic. CLEM. cocc. coff.' con. creos. -croc. cupr. dig. duic. GRAPH. HEPR hyosc. jod. LACH. led. LYC. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. n ati'. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosph. PHAC. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhus. Sabin. scill. selen. SEP. SIL. suiph. thuij. veratr. -on the edges. ARS. ASAIF. caust. clem. HEPR LACH. LYC. MERC. muracý. petr. phosph. ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. sep. SIL. suiph. thuj. SENSATIO NS.24 245 Ulcers, sensitive in the circnmfer ence. Aas. ASAF. -,bell. caust. cocc. REP. LXUJc,ýec'mzr mur-ac. natr. n-vow. petr. phiosph.' PULS. rbus~ey.. sil. suppnrating.,. '. l.Acon. amnbr. amm. anac. ang. ant-~rrqd;,dni-ta-rt.: arg. am. iVA' ASAF. aur. bar. BELL.. boy. '!lyy. 1%4C.AN _Ipas. carb-a CARB-VEfx. CAUST. cham~ cbel. chin" cic. clem. cocd. cmnjcreoig. croc. dros. duic. graph. he].-1.iP.hQS!iga."o ie.ka. laciL. led. LYC. mgs. wang.?vii]E;RC. mezer. mur-ar. nl`atr. natr-n M.nitro NfTR-AC. n-vomn. petr'. phosyk. ph-ac-. plumb. PULS. ran.-),'b 'ulb. r~in-scel. RHUS eru(a. sabad.i1sabin. sassa"O. sc~l see-cqrrr.*uselen. sr.P. SIL. spig. sporig. STAPH. SULPI-I. sulph-ac., thuj. violýtr. zinc. - scrofuxions, of the glands. Cistus canadensis. - -with sJkocks in- thenm*~,...Aug. ARN. CiC. CLEM. meze~r.ximur-ac. plat. RLUTA. sulpit-ac. -with pain as- of sorewpes.: --k Alum. ambr. ant-crud.?rn*.: ars.,' bell. bry.-it-calc2_p'at *Cleo GRAPH. HEP. hyosc. ignat, kali. lyc. 'Ygs. 'r1-a~p~tr.' MU~d)Zezer, natr-mur.I n-vom. phosyk. PH-AC. PULS. rhuts. SEP. sil. staph. SULPH, sulph-ac. thuj. zin c. -..-" -spongy.,Alum., ant-crud. ant-tart. ARSj..bl.calc,. CA RB-AN. carbveg. caust. chain. CLEM. ýc6n. creos. g~oýh;IJ64.LAC H. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. n-vow. pe1r. PHosPT-. ph-ac. rhus. sabin. SEP. SIL. STAPB. SULPH. THIIJ. - -on the edges. I ARS. CARB-AN. catist. clem. LACH. lye. merc., petr. phosph. ph-ac. sep. SIL. staph. suiph. thuj. -with white spots. ARS. con. LAO H. phosph. sep. SIL. suiph. - speckled,'s Ari. ars. CON. ipec. LACH. sulph-ac,. Ulcers, suppurating: The pus being blackening. Bry. chin, lye. SULPH. -bloody. Ant-tart. arg. amn. ARS. ASAF. bell. CARB-VEG. CAUST. cOft. creos. croc. dros. HEP. hyose. jod. kali. lack. LYC.rnmgs. MERC,. mezer. natr-mur. NITR-AC. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. ruta. saiiu.. sec-corn. sep. SIL. suiph. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc. q ch A6 X9 SENSATIONS. The pus being brownish. Anac. ars. BUiy. caic. carboveg. con. puls. rhus. SIL. - -cheesy. Merc. -~too copious. Acon. arg. ARS. ASAR'. bry. CALC. canth. chin. Cic. creos. graph. - jod. kali. lyc. mang. brERC, mezer. natr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RItJs, ruta. Sabin. sMill. SEP. siL.,staph. suiph. thuj. - -corroding (acrid). Amrn. anac. ARS., bell. -caic. CAR'B-VEG. CAUST. chain. chel. clem. con. creos. cupr. graph. HiEp. ignat. jod. lach. LYC. MERC. mezer. iiatr. natr-m-ur. NITRýAC. ~n-vom. phosph. plumb. pUIlS. RAN-BULB. RAN-SCEL. RHUS. rut,\SCILL. Sep. 'SL0L. spig. staph. suiph. sulph.-ac. zinc. --fetid. (Sve Stinking.) - -gelatinous. Arg. amn. bar. chain. ferr. merc. Sep. SIL, -greenishi.I Ars. ASAF. aur. carb'veg. CAUST. clem. creos. merc. natr.,r--vorn. phosph. PULS. rhus. sep.'SIL. staph. - -gray..Ambr. ars. carb-an. CAUST. chin. lyc. mere. sep. SIL. thuj. - -ichorous. Amin. ant-tart. ARS. ASAPF. aur. bov. caic. CARB-VEG. -,CA4JST. CHIN. Cic. Clemn. con. creos. dros. graph. hey. kali. lyc. mang. MERC. mur-ac. NITR-AC. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. RHUS. scill. sec--c'orn. sep. SIb. S~DAPH. suip h. --lingeringf. (See Too little.) -too little (tarrying, lingering, wanting). Acon. ars. bar. BELL. boy. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chin. *cina. clem. coff. creos. cups. dros. DULC. graph. H EP. hyosc. igrnat. ipec. LACH. led. lyc. magn. MIERC. n-vom. petr. phosph.,FLAT. plumb. puls. rhus. saSSap. SEP. SIL. spong. staph. suiph. -VERATR. - -with maggots. Ars. calc. merc. SABAD. SIL. suiph. - -too much. (See Copious.) - -putrid. (See Stinking.) --salty. (See Salt-rhieum.) --smelling like old (rotten) c~heese. (See Stinking.) - - like herring brine. (See Stinking.) SENSATIONS. 247 The pus being of a putridl smell., (See Stinking.) --of "a sour smells* Caic. graph. HEP. MERC. natr. sep SULPH. -stinktng, Arnm A~RS., ASAY, _aulr. bell. bov. bry CALC. carb-veg. caust. chel. CHIN. cic. con. creos. cycl. GRAPH. HEP. LYC. mang. MERC. mezer. miur-ac. na(%,.nitr-a~c. n-moscb. n-vom. phoosph. PH-AC. plumb. -puls. rhus. rata. sabin. SeC-COrm. SEP. S IL. staPh. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. - -stiiiking, like herring brine. Graph, - - - like old (rottemn) cheese. HEP. suiph. - like tallow.A Merc.. Ant-tart. SAAF. carb-veg. CA 'UST. dros. jod._kali. lye. MERO. nitr-ac. plumb. puls. raw-bylb. ran-scel. Hatis. rula. SIL. staph. SUL~tl huja --tenacio"Us.s Ars. asaif. BOy. chain. CON. MERO. mezer. pkosph. ph.ac. spsi staph. viol-ir., - -wanting. (See Too little.) watery. Ant-tart:. AM-S.-ASAF. Calc. carb-veog. CAUST. clem. con, dros. graph. jod..kali'A -C. MERO. nitr-ac. n-vom. plumb.- puls. RANBUJU.B. RAN.MSCEL EtHUM. - uta. scill. SIL. staph. suiph. thuj. -1- wjitish (like milk).1 Amm. ars., CALC. cat~b-vbg. hell.., LYC. PULS. Sep. sil. sulpla. yellow..4con,. ambr. amm., anac. ang. arg. ars.- aur. boy. bry. CALO. caps. CARB-VEG. CAITST.'CWC. CLEM. con. creos. croc. di.gah hep. jod.- lyc'. mang. MERC. Ytatr. na-tr-mur. tzitr. nitr-ac. n-voz& PHOSPH; PULS. rhus. ruta. sec-corn. selen. SEP. SIL. spigl. STAPH. Sulpi). suiph-ac. thij. viol-tr. Ulcers, swollen. Acon. arn. ars: aur. bar. BELL. BRr,. caic. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. cic. coce. con. duic. graph. HEP. jod. KALI. led. lyc. mang. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phospk. ph.. ac. plumb. PULS. RHUS. Sabin. samb. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH.;' Vrito 248 SENSATIONS. Ulcers, swollen roun 'd about. Acon. ars. BELL. caust. chain. HEP. lyc. M1AnC. -aatr. n-vom. petr. phospb. PULS. rhus. SEP. silo sta ph. - -on the edges. ABS. bry. carb-an. caust. cic. HE.P. lyc. MERC. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. SEP. SIL. STJLPH. - tearing (drawing). Aiis. bell. bry. C ALOC. canth. carb-veg. caust. clem. cocc. CYCL. graph. kali. LYC.Migs. MERC.miezer. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. puls. ThUS. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. zinc. -tensive. Arn. ASAF. aur. BAR. bell. bry. caic. ca'rb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chin. clein. cocc. CON. creos. hep. jod. kali. L A CH. lyc. MERC. miezer. inur-ac. natr. flitr-ac. n-vom. peti'. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabint. Sep. Sil. SPONG. staph. STRONT. SULPH. ihuj. zinc. -tensive, in the circnnitferemice. ASAF. bell. cautst. chain. cooc. hep). LACH. lyc. merc. mezer. inur-ac. flatr. n-voin. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLJLS. rkus. Sabin. sep. silo staph. STRONT. SULPH. -with indented edlges. Ilep. lach. MERC. PH-AC. Silo staph. Suliph. THUJ. - with pain as of subcutaneous ulnceration. Aini. anac. amn. ars. ASAF. aur. bar. BRY. CALO. CARB-VEG. chin. coich. CON. creos. cyci. dros. euphorh. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. jod. kali. led. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vorn. par. petr. PHOSPH., PULS. RAN-BULB. RHUS. ruta. sassap. sec-corn. SIL. staph. SULPH. valer. veratr. zinc. Pain in the skin., as if ulcerated. Alum. ainbr. amm. AM1AI-MUR. anac. ang. ars. bell. boy. BRY. canth. caps. caust. chain. CHIN. cic. cocc. creos. dros. ferr. GRAPH. hep. igmat. KALI. lach. laur. inagn. magn-mur.. NDANG. merc~mur-nC. natr, NA~TR-MUA. nitr. rntr-ac. n-vom. petr. PHO5PH. ph-ac. PULS., RHUS. ruta. sassap. s 'up. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. veratr. zinc. Varices. AMBR. ANT-TAUT. ARN. ABS. caic. CARB-VEG. CAUST. coloc..OREOS. FERR. GRAPH,. LACH. LYC. M-AUSTR. magn. NATR-MUR. n-yam. PULS. Sil.,SPIG. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. ZINC. -suppurating. Ant-tart. ABS. creos. LACH. LYC. PULS. SIL. Muph~. SENSATIONS. -249 Varices inflamed. AAN. ARS. caic. creos. LYC. ni-vom. PULS. 816. SPIo. SULPHN. -thuj. Zinc. Warts. Ambr. amm. anac. ant-crud. A49S. BARI. BELL.- bor. boy. CALO. carb-an.'carb-veg. CAUST. c-hel.cupr2DUL] IX euphorb.,euphr. HEP. kali. lach. lyc. rn-austr.W'ATR.,nair-hzir.NT-G -petr. lphosph. P11-Ac. ran-bulb. 1AHUS. ruta. -sabin.'s'ass'ap. s'zp. sil. spig. staph. SULPH., suiph-ac. THUJ. -big. (See Large.) -burning., Ars. lyOc. PE~TR. phosph. RHUS. Sep. sulph., flat. DULC. -hard. Ant-crud. duic. ran-bulb. sit. SULPH. -horny. Ant-,crud. ran-bulb. SULPIT. -indented.0 Caic. euphr. lyc, nitr-ac. PH-AC. sabin. staph. THUJ.Y -inflamed. Arnm. boy. CALC. caust. hep. lyc. nitr-ac.' rhus. Sep. SIL. sta ph. sui~ph. -large (big). Caust. DULC. natr. NITR-AC. -pediculated (with a pedicle). Duic. lyc. ph-ac. staph. THUJ. -pricking. Ant-crud. bar. C ALC. caust. hep. 'lyc. NITR-Ac. rhus.. sep. sil. staph.,.sui~phI. -pulsating. CALC. kali. lyc. petr. sep. SIL. sui ph, -purulent (suppurating). Ars. boy. caic. CAUST. REP. sil., thuj,. -small. Bar. CALC. duic. hep. rhus. SASS-AP". sep. SU'LPH. -suppurating. (See Purulent.)' -surrounded by an ulce-rous circlee Ars. NATR. phos ph. Wes (See Excrescences,.) 250 SENSATIONS. Withered s~kin. ARS. caic. camph. caps. chain. CHIN. clem. cocc. croc. PERR. hyose. JOD. leali. lye. mere. phosph. PH-AC. rheum. rhodod. SASSAP. SEC-CORN. seneg. SIL. spong. sulp/L.VERATR. Wrinkled skini. Ylmbr. aMnr. ANT-CRUD. bry. camph. chain. CUPR. graph. hell. LYC. mere. mur-ac. n-vomn. ph-ac. plumb. rheum~. rhodod. rhus. -sabad. sassap. SEC-CORN. SEP. spig-. strain. suiph. VERATR. viol-od. W~ounds in general. ARN. bor. carb-veg. cic. con. creos. croc. euplir. liep. jod. LACH. mgqs. merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. riitr-ac. PHOSPH. phac. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. seneg. sil. STAPH. suiph. SULPHAC. zinlc. Wounds bleeding very anuch. ARN. CARB-VEG. creos. croc. hep. LACH. MGS. merc. natrmiur. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. rhus. SUJLPH. suiph-ac. zinc. - bruises (contusions). ARN. CiC. CON. euphr. hep. jod. puls. RUTA. suiph. SULPII-AC. - citit-wounds. ARN. mere. 'natr. ph-ac.,sil. STAPH. suiph. SULPH-AC. - willik injured bonies. Con. PH-AC. puls. RUTA. sil. - withi injured glands. ARN. cic. CON. hep. mere. phosph. puls. SIL. suiph. -with sprained muscles. I A/rn. NATR. natr-mtir. phosph. RHUS. - from sticking, stab-wounds. CARB-VEG. cic. hep. N1TR-AC. plumib. sil. suiph. -healed, opening again. CARB-VEG. cofl. croc. lack. m.gs. natr. NATR-MUR. PHOSPH. SIL. suiph. Zoina. (See Exanthemna.) SLEEP.25 ý61 PART FOURTH. SLEEP AND DREAMS. I. SLEEP. Yawning in general. A con. aga r. alum. ambr. AMM. airim-mtir. anac. ang. antcrud. ANT-TART. arg. ARtN. ARS. asaf. asar. atir. bar-. bell. bor. boV. BRY. calad. caic. camph. cann. cant/i. caps. carb-an. carbveg. CAUST. chain. CHEL. chin. cic. CINA. clem. cooc. coff. colch. con. CREOS. CRO-C. CUPR: ceyci. dig. dros. duic. euphoi-b. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. IGNAT. ipec. k-au. lach. LAUR. led. LYC. mgs. M-ARCT. m-auistr. MAGN. magn-mur. maug. mar. MEN. rnerc. mezer. rno0SCh. MU1R-AC. nair. NATR-MUR. riitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. OLEAND. OP. PAR. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. pltimb. PTJLS. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAPD. sabin. SASSAP. scull,. sec-corn. seneo. SEP. SIL. spig. Spon~g. STANN. STAPH. strain. stront. sulph. suilph-ac. tar. thuij. valer. veratr. verb. VIOL-OD. zinc. -ineffectual. Acon. chain. croc. ignat. LYC. phosph. ruta. stann. -spaismodic. Aug. aiit-tart,arn. bry. croc. cupr. HEP. IGNAT. laur. MARCT. nz-austr. mosch. natr-mur. PLAT, RHUS. scill. SEP. staph. suiph. wvithout inclination to sleep. Acon. alum. amm-mur. ang. ant-tar(. amn. bry. cauth. caust. chain. chin. cupr. cycl. hep. IGNAT. lach. lauir. M-ARcT. MAUSTR. magn. moseb. natr-mur. phosph. PLAT. RHUS. scill. SEP. spig.-staph. suiph. viol-od. -with stretching of the limbs. Acon. agar. ALUM. arnbr. AM514 ang. ant-tart. amn. ARS. bar. BELL. bor. boy. bry. cArLc. cann. canth. caps. CARB-VEG. CAUST. CHAM. chin. cocc. creos. dros. -fei-r. GRAPH. guaj. hell., hop. ignat. IPEC., laur. led. magn. mei-c.rnezer. mtur-ac. nitr-ac. NVOM. oleand. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ranbulb. RIIUS. rutta. SABAI). scill. sec-coi-n. seneg. SEP. sil. SPONG. stann. STAPH. STJLPH. valer. verati-. ver-b, zinc. Concomitant complaints. Acon. agar. amm., amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. arg. ARN. SLEEP. ars9. atir. bar. bell. bor. bry. calad. caic. canth. caps. carb-an. CAUST. GEL. chini. CINA. cocc. CREOS. croc. cyci. dig. ferr. -GRAPH. hep. IGNAT. ipec. kali. latir. lyc. M-ARCT. m-austr. magn. magni-mur. mang. mar. mEN. niezer. MUR-AC. natr. natrmur. N-VOM. OLEAND. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac plat.puls. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. SASSAP. sep. sit. stann. STAPH. s=iph. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. viol-od. zinc. Falling asleep, late. Accwi. agar. aluzm. ambr. amm. amm-muir. anac. aug. ant-.crnd. ant-tart. amn. ARS. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. BOR. BRY. CALAD. CALC. camph. canin. canth. caps.' CARB-AN. ICARI3-YEG. caust. chain. chel. CHINv. clem. cocc. coff. coloc. con. -creos. cyci. dig. dubc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. KALI. LACH. laU?-. LED. LYC. MgS. mn-arct. M-AUSTR. magn. magn-mur. mang. MAR. MERO. mezer. mosch. MUR-AC. natt. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. par. petr. PHOS PH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RANBULB. rari-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sabini. sambsassap). SELEN. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. epong. stanii. staph. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. th~tj. VALER. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. Not being able to sleep again after waking. Amm. ar-s. ATJR. bar. BELL. bor. caic. carb-veg. caust. clem. coMC01. co.eyci. DULC. FERR. graph. kali. laur. led. lye. magn. magn-mur. mang. MERC. mezer. rnur-ac. NATR-MUR. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puts. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rhus. ruta. sabin. SASSAP. selen. SEP. SIL. spotigr. SULPH..suiph-ac. zinc. Complaints preventing sleep. Acon. agar. alum. amhr. amm. ami-n.tur. anac. ant-crud. amn. ARS. asar. am'. bar. BELL. bism. bor. BRY. CAL AD. CALO. camph. canth. caps. CA-RB-AN. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. clem. cocc. coff. coloc. COIL. CR EQS. cyci. dig. duic. euiphorb. euphr. GRAPH. gutaj. HEP. IGNAT. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. ings. m-arct. m-austr. miazn. rnagn-mur. man~g. mar. MERC. mezer. mosch. n-iur-ac. nair. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-moschi. n-vorn. par. lpetr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. RI9US. sabad. sabinz. samb. SASSAP. selen. senegr. SEP. -SIL. spig. spong. staun. staph. stront. SULPII. suiph-ac. tar. Ihtuj. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. WVaking frequently dnr'ing the night. Acon. agrar. aluIt1n7. AMBR. arn~m. arnin-mur. anac. ant-cruld. ant-tart. amn. ARS. aur. bar. bell. bisrn. bor. boy. bry. calad. SLEEP. 253 CALO. cann. cauth. caps. GA RB-AN.. carb-veg. C AUS T. chain. chel. CH IN. Cic. cina. Clem. cocc. coff. coich. con. creos. croc. cyci., dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. HEP. hyosc. eI'GNAT. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC.rnigs. M-ARCT. m-austi-%. magn. magn-mur, mang;, mar. men,, MERC. mezer. mosch. mar-ac. nair. nair-mur. nitr. NIT RAC. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PQOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RA7N-B3ULB. ran-scel. rheumi. rhodod. REMUS.rata. sabad. sab in. samb. sassap. scill. selen. scueg. SEP. SIL. sp~ig. spong. staiin. STAPH. strain. siront. SULPH. suip~h-ac. tar. thqj. valer. veratr. viot-od. violir. vit. zinc. Wakingr too early. Aeon. alum. ambr. amm-mur. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arm ARS. asaf. AUR. bar. bor. bry. calad. caic. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-vegy. caust. chain. chin. cocc. COFF. con. creos. croc. cyci. dros. DULC. euphr. ferr. gr-aph. gitIaj. hell. hep. ignat. jod. KALI. lach. lyc. m-arct. m-austr. MAGN. mnang. merc. mezer. MUR-AC. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-YOM. oleand. phosph. phac. plat.,1plumnb. pul~s. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rhodod. Thus. sabad. Sabin. sam~b. sassap. scill. selen. SEP. SIL. spong. staph. suiph. SULPH--AC. thuj. veratr. verb. viol-tr. - top late. Agar. alum. arnbr. anac. ang. ant-crud, ant-tart. amn. asaf. bell. bism. bor. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. Clem. cocc. CON. creos. croc. dig. duic. EUPHiR. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. igrnat. kali. laur. led. lye. MGS. m-arct. inagri. MAGN-MUR. MERO. NATR. natr-mur. nztr. 72itr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. pliat. puls.. ran-bulb. rhodod-. rhus. SEP. SIL. spig. strain. SULPH. suiph-ac. veratr. verb, zinc. Concomitant complaints. Aeon. 'alumz. AM BR. 1AMM. AMM-MUR. anac. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. ARN,. ARS. aur. bar. bell. bisin. bor. boy. bry. calad. CALO. eann. canth. GARB-AN. CARB-VE'G. CAUST. chain. chel'. CHIN. Cie. cina. Clem. cocc. c'off. coich. con. creos. croc. cyc]. DIG. dros. duic. euphorb. euiphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. HE P. hyosc. IGNAT. IPEC. KALI. lach. latin. led. LYC. M-ARCT. -m-austr. magn. m~agn.-mutr. mang. mar. men. MYERC. mezer. mosch. mnur-a~c. nair. NATR-MUR. nitr. NLTR-AC. n1-mosch. N-VOM. op. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. rati-scel. rheuin. rhodod. RH9US. ruta. sabad. sabin. SAMB. sassap. scill. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-od. viol-ir. vit. 254 SLEEP. Drowsiness. Acon. anac. aug. ANT-CRUD. ANT-TART. amn. ars. asaf. bar. bell. BRY. cale. CAMPHI. carb-ve-g. caust. chain. cie. elem. COCC. coloc. CON. CR00. CUPR. cyci. dig. euphorb. b#ell. hyosc. kali. lach. laur. led. lye. mgs. m-arct. mere. mosch. nitr-ae. N-MOSCH. n-vorn. oleand. OP. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLUMB. PULS. rhus. ruta. sec-corn. sep. stann. strain. suiph. VERATR. vit.Z zinc. Somunolency. Aug. ANT-TART. bell, BRY. cale. camp/i. earb-veg. caust. clem. COff. CON. CR00. kali. lach. lye. MGS. mi-arct. N-MOSCH. op. phospli. ph-ac. putls. stann. vit. zine. Sleep in the early iiorning. Agar. alum. amnbr. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. asaf. bell. bism. bor. bry. CALO. canth. carb-ve~g. CAUST, elem. cocc. CON. ereos. eroe. dig. dule. EUPHR.' GRAPH. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. laur. led. lye. MvGS. rn-auistin. nagn. MIAGN-MUR. MERC. NATR. nair-nur. 2 nitr. nitr-ac. N-YOM. petr. PHOSPH-. PH1-AC. plat. pitls. ran-bulb. rhodod. rh/us. SEP. SLL. spig. strain. SULPH1. sulph-ac. veratr. Verb. zinc. -like stutpor. Anae. ang. ant-tart. BELL. bry. CALC. earb-veg. cauist. clem. eoee. CON. croc. dig. euphr. GRAPH. liep. /iyo-sc. ignat. kali. LED. lye. mgs. natr-inur. nitr. N-VOM. PHOSPH. p/i-ac.. puls. ran-bulb. spig. strum. veratr. zinc. -deep. (See Sound.) -anxilouls ACON. ARS.' BELL. chain. coco. dule. ferr. HEP. ipee. KALI. mere. op. peir. rhus. samb. veruir. -not ref reshing. ACON. agar. alum. AMBR. arnm. amm-mur. anuc. ant-crud. ant-tart. urn. ars. asaf'. aur. bar. bell. BISM4. bor. boy. BRY. CALC. camp/i. CANN. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chum. 'did. CHIN. cic. cina. clem; cocc. coff. CON. creos. croc. dig. dros. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guuj. HER. IGNAT. ipec. kuli. LACH. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. magn. mugn-mur. mar. men. merc. mezer. inosebi. nur-aC. natr. NATR-MURt. nitr. NITR-AC. n-moseh. n-vom. oleand. OP. PETR. phosph.p/i-uc. puls. run-bulb. rheum. rhiodod. rhlus. ruta. subud. sarnb. scill. sec-corn. SELEN.,Sep. SIL. spig. spong. stunn. STAPH. strum. stront. SULPH. tar. thuj. valer. yeratr. viol-tr. zinc. -stupor-like.o A4nac. augf. ANT-TART. BELL. BRY. calad. CALC. CAMPH1. SLEEP. 5ý55 carb-veg. chain. chin. cic. clem. cocc. coloc. CON. CROC. dig. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. HEP. HYOSO. IGNAT. kali. lach. LE D. lyc. mgs. m-ARCT. nair-mur. NITR. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. OP. PHOSPH. pit-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. SEC-CORN. SENEG. spig. Atann. STRAM. V IALER. vit. zinlc, Sleep sounkd (deep). * Acon. alum. dizac. ant-crud. ANT-TART. ARS. bar. BELL. bor. bry. caic. campit. caust. chain. chin. cic. coec. con. creos. CROC. CUPH. cyci. dig.. hell. HYOSC. IGNAT. LAUR. LED. MGS. m-arct. rnerc. mosch. N-MOSCH. OP. peir. phospit. PH-AC. plumb. PULS, RHODOD. rhus. ruta. sabad. SEC-CORN. selen. SENEG. sep. spig. Stan n. STRAM. suiph. YERATR. vit. zinc. unquiet. Acon. agar, ALUM. ambr. ainm. amm-inur. anac. an~g. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. ARS. ASAF. asar. AUR. 'BARABELL. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. car 'b-an,. carb-veg., caust. CHAM. c/tel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coi'ch. COLOC. con. CREOS. croc. cupr. cyci. DIG. dros. duic. euphorb. FERR. -graph. gruaj. hell. HEzP. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. Sipec. KALT. lack. laur. led,. LYC. * ngs. m-arct. in-austr. magn. magyn-mur. ianan. mar. men. merc. mezer. mosch. MUR-AC. NATR. natr-mur. NITR. NITR-A.C. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand,. op. par. PI'ETR. PHOSPH. phl-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb., ran-scel. rheumn, rhodod. RHUS. ruta., SABAD. SABIN. samb.. rsassal). scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SE P. SIL. spig. spong. STANN. staph. strain STRONT. SULPH. suiphac. tar. THUJ. valer. veratr., verb. viol-tr. vi-t. zinc. Sleep-waking. ACON. AGAR.. alum. ANAC. ang. ant-crud, bell. BRY. croc. cycl. ignat. lack. lyc.. mgs. M-'ARCT. mar. natr-inur. OP. petr. PHOSPH. plat. rheum. Sep. sil. spig. SPONG. stann. strain. SULPH. Concomitant complaints. ACON. alum., ambr. amm. amin-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. anttart. amn. ARS. aur. BAR. BELL. bisin. bor. BRY. calad. calc. cam phi. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. C H-AM. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clein. coce. coff. coich. coloc.. CON. creos. crocý. cupr. cycl,. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. HYOSC. 1GNAT. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC.. MGS. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MIERC,. mezer. mosch. NUR-AC. nair. statr-mur. nitr. nztr-ac. n-vom. OP. par. lpetr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHEUM. rhodod. rhus. rufta. Sabin. SAMB. sassap. scill. selen. seneg..SEP. 256 SLEEP. SIL. spigl. spongr. stann. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. suiphac. thuj. valei'. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc-.. Sleepines~s in the daytime in generail. Acori. agar. alum. arnbr. amm. ammn-mur. ANAC. wig. ANT.. CRUD. ANVT-TA RT. arg. amn. ARS. ASAIF. asar. aur. bar. 1BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY.. calad. CALC. campnt. cann.. canth. caps. carban. CARB-VEG. CAUST., chain. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coich. C0Olo CON.- creos. GROC.'.d upr. CYCL. dig. dro~s. duic. euphorh. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. kyosc. ignat. ipec. KAL[. lach. LAUR. led. lqc. mgs. m-arct.. rn-austr. mjagn. magn-mur. mang. mra'. merc. mezer. MOSCH. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCHr. N-VOXI. oleand. op. par. petr. IPHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. s'eneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. s-taph. strain. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-od. viol-Ir. vii. zinc. - in the morning. Agrar. alum. ambr. anac. ang. ant-crud, ant-tart. amn. asaf. bell. bism. bor. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. CA-UST. clem. cocc. CON. creos. ci'oc. dig. duic. ETPHR. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. laur. led. lyc. MGS. m-austr. magn. MAGN-MUR~. MERC. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. puls. ran-bulb. rhodod. rhus. SEP. SIL. spig. strain. SULPH. sulph-ac. verair. verb, zinc. -in the forenoon. Agoar. alum. amm. ang,. ANT-CRUD. ant-ta'rt, bar. BISM. caic. CANN. carb-an. CARB-VEG. con. cyci. dros. duic. graph. hell. kali. lyc. magn-mur. MOSCH. NATR. N-VOM. puls. rims. SABAD. sassap. sclen. SEP. sil. spig. staph. suiph-ac. zinc. -in the afternooni. ACON. AGAR. alum. amm. ANAC. ant-crud. ant-tart. ars. asaf. aur. bar. bell. boy. bry. caic. can~th. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. cawst. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cotf. con. CROC. cycl. duic. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hyosc. ignat. kali. LACH. laur. merc, mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. n-m~osch. N-VOM1. par. petr. PHospHi.ph-ac. plat.puls. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. scill. sep. sil. spig. spong. STAPH1. stront. SULPH. sul phac. thuj. verb. viol-tm. zinc. - in the evening. Agar. alum. arni. ammin-ur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ANT-TART. ARN. ARS. asaf. bar. bell. bor. BOy. calad. CALC. carb-veg. SLEEP. ýM caust. chin. cina. COCC. CON. CROC. CYCL. dros. duic. graph. kep. ignat. KALI. lack. LAUR. lyc. m-arct. m-austr. magn-mur. mang. mosch. natr-mur. N-VOM. par. petr. phiosph. PH-AC. plat. plumb. puls. ranm-bulb. rhodod. ritus. ruta. sassap. scill. selen. seneg. Sep. SIL. spig. suiph. thuj. valer. Concomitant complaints. Acomb agar. ambr. ANT-TART. arg., ARs. asaf. bell. BOR. calad. caps. CIIAM. chel. cbin. cic. cina. cocc. CON. creos. croc. cyci. dig. ezuphr. ferr. hell. kep. IGNAT. KALI. lach. LAUR. led. nigs. m-arct. rn-a'ustr. magn. merc. MEZER. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. N-MO0SCH. n-vom. OP'. petr. phosph. P11-AC. PLAT. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. RHODOD. rhus. SABAD. Sabin. sep. stann. STAPH. strain. stront. sulph-ac; tar. th'ij. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr.-I Complaints causinig sleepiness. Acon. agar. dmm. anac. ang. ant-crud. ANT-TART. arn. ars. asaf.,asar. aur. ba'r. bism. bov. bry. caic. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. cheJ. CHIN. cic. cina. elem. coec. coff. con. croc. cyc!. dros. euphr. ferr. graph. hyose. IGNAT. KALI. LACH. laur. lyc. ings. m-austr. magn. rnerc. mosch. mur-ac. nair. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. Op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. RHUS. ruta.. SABAD. sabin. selen. sep. 51L. Qpitr. stann. staph. SULPH. TARL. thuj. verb. ZINC. 'Sleeples~ness in general. ACON.. agar. alum. ambr. amin. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. ARS., asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. BOR. BRY. calad. CALC. camph..cann.. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. C HAM. chel.- CHiIN. cic. cina. clem. cocc. COFF. colch. CON. CREOS. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. duic. euphr. ferr,. GRAPHI. guaj. hell. HEP. HYOSC. GNAT. jod. fpec. KALI. LACH. laur-. led. 4wc. m-arct. rn-austr. rnagn. inag~n-mur. mang. mar. MERC. mnezer. mosch. _mur-ac.,NAT.iR. natrrnur., nitr. NI1TR-AC. n-niosch. N-VOM. oleand. or. petr.. rnsqsrE.i ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RAN-BUL.B. rqný-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. Sabin. samb. sassap. scill., sec-corn. SELEN. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. slr~am. strofltb SULr.H. suiph-ac. tar. riiui. valer. veratr. verb, viol.od. viol-tr. Zinc. -before midnight. Acon. agar. alum., arnbr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant 258 SLEEP. crud. ant-tart. amn. ARS. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. BOR. BRY. CALAD. CALO. camph. cauri. catith. caps. CARB-AN. CARBVEG. caust. charn. chel. CHIN. Clem. cocc. COff coloc. con. creos. cyci. dig. dulc. euphor-b. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. gUaj. HIEP. h yosc. IGNAT. ipec. KALI. LACHI. laur. LED. LYC. mgs.?n-arct. M_-A UST R.?nagn. magn-rnur. mang. MAR. MERO. rnezer. mosch. MUR-AC. nair. nair-mur. iiitr. nztr-ac. n-rfosch. n-vom. par. petr. PHOS PH. ph-ac. plat plumb. PULS. RtAN-BULB. ranlscel. 1iheum. rhodod. RHOS. sabad. sabiii. samb. sasSap. SELEN. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPJG. spong. stann.. shiph. stront, SULPIJ. suiph-ac. tar. thaj. VALER. verair. verb. viol-tm. zinc. Sleeplessness after midnighit. Acon. alum. ambr. arnrni. amm-mur. aug. ant-cr'ud, ant-tart. amn. ARS. ASAF. AUR. bar. bor.,, bry. calad. caic. CANN. canik. CAPS. cai-b-vegr. caust. chain. chin. cocc. COFF'. con. creos. croc. cyci. dros. DULC. euphr. ferr. graph. gnaj. hell. HE.P.' ignat.yod. KALI. lach. lyc. m-arct. ni-austin. MAGN. mang. rnerc. mezer. mum-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. n-ilr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. RHODOD. rhuts. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. selme. SEP. SIL. spong. staph. suiph. SULPE1-AC. thitj. veratr. verb. viol-tr. - with drowsiness. ACON. amm. amrn-mur. amn. ARS. bar. BELL. bor. BRY. calad. CALOC. camph. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clern. coce. coff. CON. euphr. ferr. gr-aph.. HIEP. hyosc. KALI.- lach. laur. Ilyc. m-amct. m-a~ust r. ma~rn-rnur. ME RC. mosch. NATR. natr-mum. nitm-ac. N-VOM. op. PHOS PH. PHi-AC. plumb. PULS. man-bulb. rhiOdod. RHIUS. sabad. sabin. samb. selen. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. veratr. viobod. zinc. Complaints causing sleeple~sne~s. Acon. agar. alum. ambm. amrr. anm-m-nur. anac. ang. antcrud. ant-tart. amn. ARS. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. BRY. CALAD. CALC. ca?nph. cann. cauth. caps. ca~rb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cic. ciiia. clem. cocc. 00FF. coich. CON. CREOS. cupr. cyci.I dig. dro.s. duitc. euphm. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. HEP. H1YOSC. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. latin. led. LYC. nz-arct. in-austi. MAGNO' MAGN-MUR. mang. mar. MEARO. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. rutr. nitm-ac. n-rnosch. n-vorn. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. rheurn. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. samb. SASSAP. SCill. SELEN. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. sta 'ph. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac., tar. thuij. valer. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. SLEEP. 0~59 Positions during sleoep: with the arms above the head. Gale. chin. COlOC. N-VOM. plat. PULS. rheumn. rr-ta. thuj. veratf.' --u~ifder the head. Acon. ambr. ant-tar 't. ars. bell. cý-cc. coloc. ignat. mgs. maustr. men. N-VOiML plat. puls. rhus. sabad. spig. viol-od. - -on the belly. Coce.' mgs. PtLS. head low. Arn. hep. n-vomn. SPONG. - -bent backwvard. BELL. chin. cic. CdNA.. cupr. hep. hyosc. ignat. mgs. n-vom. sep. SPONG. sgannr. viol-tr. - -bent forward. Acon. cic. cupr. staph. viol-o(1. - turned sideways. Gina. spong. tar., ---knees far apart. OHAM. mgs. plat. puls. viol-od. -knees bent. Ambr. mgs. viol-od. -le'gs crossed. Rhodod"." stretched..~ Agar. bell. chan.- chin. duic. plat. PULS. rhus. - -drawn up. Ariac. carb-veg.46ham. chin. mang. mnen. pl'at. PULS. rhodod. strain. - one dra~wn Up, the other stretched. Stan n. Lying on the back. Acon. ambr. ant-crud ant-tart. amn. ars. aur. bism. BRY. CA.LV. chin. cic. coloc. dieos. dros. 'E1IR. IGNAT. LYC. mgs.~r m-arct. i-austin. N-vom. par. p/iosph. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHIJS. ruta. satad,,s~pig,. stann. strain. SULPU. veratr. viol-od. -on the belly. BELL. cabc.,COLOC. ignat. puls. STRAM. I.4 260 DREAMS. Lying on one side. Acorn. alum. BAR. bor. ciftUst. COLCH-. ferr. mn-arct, rnerc. mnosch. natr. flitr. n-vont. PHOSPE. ran-bulb. sabad. sabin. spig. suiph. ARts. bor. caun. caps. carb-veg. c/hin.. cic. CINA. dig. hep. Lyc. nitr. phosph. puls. RHus, sabbin. spig. SULPH. II. DREAMS. Dreams in general (many). ACON. agar. ALUM. ambr. amtn. arnim-mur. anac. aug. antcrud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. c/tam. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. coec. coff. coloC. CON. creos. croc. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. LACH. Jaur. led. lye. MGS. M-ARCT. mn-austr. MAGN. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-a.c. NATR. NATRMUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-YOM. oleaud. op. par. petr. PHOS PH. PH-A.C. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. S'amb.' sassap. scill. seccorn. seleii. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig-. sporg. STANN. STAPH-. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. TFIUJ. valer. veratr. verb, violtr. vit. zinc. Dreams, anxious. ACON. agar. alum. arnbr. amm?. AMM-MUR. ANAC. aug. antcrud, ant-tart. arg. ARN. Ans. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. CALC. cartn. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. chin. cina. clemn. coce. cofE. coloc. con. CREOS. croc. dig. dros. euphorb. euphr. ferr.. GRAPH-. guaj. hell. HIEP. hyosc. IGNAT.jOd. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. rflgS. m-arct. maustr. MAGN. MAGN-MUR. mangr. mair. MERC. mnezer. mutr-ac. natr. natr-mur. n1itr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. pit-ac. plat. plumhb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sabiti. SASSAP. scill. seleii. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPFI. SULPHI-AC. tar. TIIUJ. valer. VERATR. verb. vit. zinc. -- about fatal accidenits. Alum. AMM-MUR. anac. ant-crud. ARN. ars. bar. BELL. cann. carb-an. C HAM. chin. cocc. croc. GRAPH. guaj. ignat. KALI. laur. led. LYC. maiig. mere. mur-ac. nitr. N-YOM. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. SASSAP. selen. spong. stann. staph. SULPHa. SULPII-AC. THUJ. veratr. verb. zinc. DREAMS. 261 Dreanis anxious about aniinalsv Arnm. AMM-MUR. ARN. bell. boy. hyosc. rn-austr. merc. N-VOM. ran-scel. sil. suiph-ac. about dead pe~rsons. Alum. anmM. ANAC. ARN. ARS. aur. bar. bry. caic. coce. con. GRAPH. jod. KALI. laur. lyc. mi-arct. MAGN. mnagn-mur. mur-ac. nitr-ac. PHospH. ph-ac. plat. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheumn. sassap. spong. suiph-ac. THUJ. verb, zinc. --with feeling of embarrassmeint. AMM-MUR. anac. aut-tart. ARS. cann. caps. croc. GRAPH. M-AGN. mqgn-?,ur. mur-ac. PHOSPH. plat. rhius. about fallinag. AMM-mU 'R. aur. bell. caps. chin. creos. DIG... ferr. guaj. hep. ignat. m-arct. af-u. mere. mezer. nitr. plumb. sabin. sassap. suiph. TIIUJ. l "- - about f~re. Alum. amm. ANAC. ant-tart. ars. bar. bell. caic. clem. creos; croc. euphr. HEPR laur. mn-austr. MAGN. MAGN-MUR. natrmur. PHOSPH. plat. rhodod. rhus. spig. stann. stront'. suiph. suiph-ac. abu(sotgX I- a- uf firing siotn)AMM-mUR. hlep. mere. - -about ghosts. Alum. boy. C-ARB-VIEG. Sgigat. icali. sassap'. sil. spig. - -illness. 4mm-mur. anac. asar. bor. CALC. cocc. CREOS. dros. Itep. KALI. m-arct. N-VOM. phos~ph. scill. sil. zinc. --r-about quarrelling. Alum. amm. ant-crud. ARN. aur. IBRY. cale. canth. caust. chain. con. guaj. hep. m-austr. MAGN. nafl'. N-VOM. op. PHosPH. ph-ac. plat. puls. sabin. selen. spig. STrANN.' staph. tar. veratr. - -about thieves. Alum. aur. kali. MAGN. magn-nMur. MERC. natr. plumb. sil. veratr. --about thunder-storm-s. AR.N. ars. euphr. natr. --about war.,: Ferr. plat'. THUJ. verb. --abouxt water. Alum. AMM-MUR. boy, dig. ferr. GRAPH. -ignat. jod. kali. MAGN. magnomur. merc., natr. ni~r. ranb6zib. sil. valer. 4 ý262 DREAMS. Dreamsn conftiise&I Acon. alum. an-g. bar.ý bry. CANN. canth. caust. CHIN. CIG. cina. croc. dule. euphorb. hell. laur. led. lyc. rn-arct. m-austr. magn. mang. NATR1. petr. phosph. plat. plumb. PULS. ruta. sabad. sabin. Sil. Spig'. STANN. thuj. valer. -historical. Caust. c/rain. roc. hell. MG S. m-arct. MAGN. mere. PHospHi. selen. sdl. strain. Dreauis indifferetit. Alumn. anac. arg. ars. bell. 13RY. cauith. chain. ehel. CHIN*. CiC. eina. elem. cocc. coff. con. euphorb. hep. ignat. kali. lach. lye. MAGN. me~re. natr-mur. N-VOM. phosph-.,PH-AC. plat. PuLs. rhodod..RHus. sa bin. sassap. selen. SE.P. sil. s-tarin. staph. stront. SULPH. viol1-ir. -abouit the businelss of the day. Arg. bell. BRY. cantb.'chel. cic. cina. euphorb. hep. kali. lyc'. MAGN. merc. N-VOM. phiosphi. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHaUS. sabin. sa~ssap. selen. si1. stann. staph. sulph. ]Dreams continuing a long while. ACON.' anac. ant-tart. arrn. asaF. BRY. CALO. CHIN. coffi euphorb. graph. IGNAT. lach. mn-austr. merc. NATR. natr-mnur. PULs.ep. sf1.. spigr. staph. zine. -contiinuiing after wakiiog. Acon. anac. amn. bry. CALO. CHIN. cuphorb. giraph. IGNAT. mere. NATR. natr-mitr. puls. sep. sil. zinc. -with continuation of the thouvigts of the day. -Ant-tart. asaf. IGNAT. in-austin. puls. 'Dreams exertiag the Mind. Acon. amnbi. anac. amn. ars. BRY. earnph. earb-an. CHIN. Cic. 'clem. dulc. graph. IGNAT. jod. LACH. laur. led. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. mar. moschr. mur-ac. NATR-MUrR. nitr. N-VOM. OLEAND. op. par. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plumb. puls. rhrus. SABAD. SABIN. sassap. sec-corn. spong. staph. SULPH. THUJ. VIOL-TR. zinc. -with reflection. Aeon. anac. amn. bry. camph. earb-an. graph. IGNAT. lack. m-arct. m-austr. N-VOM. puls. rims. sabad. sabin. thuj. Dreams pleasant* Acon. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. amn. DREAMS. 2`03 UrS. nSal'. AVRn. bar. bell. bism.. bor. boy..CALC. cann. c'anth. CARB-AN. carb-veg. caust, chain. chel. chin. Cic. clem. cocc. COFF. coloc. CON. creos. CR00. cyci. dig. dros. euphorb. GR A PH. hell. murc g~a. KALI. LACHi. lau~r. led. lyc. MGS. m-arct. MAGN. magnmr./_mang. mar. men. rnerc. mezer. mnur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-inosch. N-VOM. oleand. OP. par. petr. PHaOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rkhodo~d. SARAD. sqmb. sassap. scill. SEP. siL. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. strain. stront. STJLPH. tar. tltuýj valer, verair. VJOL-TR. vit. zinc. Ikreamis amorous* Acon. alum. atmm-mur. ANT-CR UD. amn. ars. aur., bism. bor. boy. caic. CANTH. camb-an. caust. chel. chin. Clem. cocc. coloc. CON. creos. euphorb. GRAPH. hyosc. IGNAT, kali. LACH. le d. lyc. NIoS. m-arct. magn. magn-mur. men. merc. mezer. mur-ac. NATR,,-. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-moscb. N-VOM.'OLEAND. OP. par. PHosp"iI. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. SABAD. samb. sassap. SE P. SIL. spig. stannt. STAPH. stram. sul~ph. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. VIOL-TR. vit. zinc. -Pleasant aboul5 ceretraidiues. Ant-crud. rmgs. -about dainiingr. Alagn. imagTn-miir. - full oilfifaxcies. Ars. CALO. chani. hell. kali. LACH. merc. nitr-ac. spong. -about learned matters. lonat. m-arct. merry. Asaf. ca~ust. coff. CR00. dig. LACH. laur. mgs. magn. mezer. OP. _phosph. soul sizlph. -0 about money. Cyct. puls. -phan'tastical. Ambr. ant-tart. ai's. bar. CALC. CARE-AN. carb-veg. qham. COW~. 'GRAPH. hell. KALI. lach. lyc. mere. NATH. NIATR-MUR..,nitm. rntr-ac. n-vom. OP. SEP.~ sil. spong. SULPH. Zinc. -about travelling. Amam. amm-mur. MAGN. magn-mur. INA~R. OP. Dreams which one does not recollect. Arn. aur. BELL. boy. bry. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. cic. cooce. con. croc. HELL. ignat. jod. ipec. lack. laur. LYC. m-arct. magn. 264 DREAMS. magn-mur. men. merc. mur-ac. natr-mur. phosph. ph-ac. plat. rhus. sabad. samb. sassap. SELEN. seneg. SPIG. stann. strain. suiph. suiph-ac. TAR. VERATR. vit. Dreams vexatious. Acon. agar. ALUAT. ambr. anmi. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-' crud. arn. ars. ASAR. bor. boy. BRY. caic. cann. C AU.ST. chain. chel. chin. cina. COCC. CON. creos. dig. dros. hep. 1GNAT. lach. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. ni-austr. magn-rnur. moscH. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VON. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. Iplat. puls. rheum. RHUS. ruta. sabin. sassap. sep. sil. Spoflg. STAPH. stront. SULPH. zinlc. --in whrich hie feels ashanited. Alum. amm. amn. ASAR. con. led. magrn-mur. MOSCH. mur-ac. staph. -busy. Ci~na. n-vom. rhus. gabin. --disagreeable anid discgustiing. Amin. anac. chel. creos. 7fagl-m.Ur. mum-ac. natr--mur. N-VOM. phosph. puls. suiph. zinc. - -- about blasted hopes. ]gnat. -- about ininries received. Ignat. mosch. rheum. Staph. -I about vermin. Chel. mur-ac. N-VON~. phOSph. Dreams vivid. ACON. ambr. ANAC. arg. ant-tart. ARN. ars. aur. bar. BELL, bism. BRY. calad. cALc. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carh-veg. chain. chin. cic. clem. cocc. coff. COlOC. CON. croc. dros. euphorb. ferr. graph. gUaj. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. kwch. laur. led. LYC. MGS. m-arct. mn-austr. KAGN. MAR. men. MERO. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitm-ac. n-mosch. N-VON. Op. PETE. PHOSPH. PHR-AC. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. samb. SEP. SIL. spig. STANN. staph. strain. SULPH. TAR. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. -in the waking state. Acon. amm. anac. ang. ARN. ars. BELL. bry. calc. camph. CRKAM. graph. hell. REP. hIyosc. lach. mgs. MERC. n-mosch. N-VON. oleand. op. phosph. kH-AC. pills. ran-scel. rheum. samb. selen., sil. strain. thuj. veratr. FEVER. 265 PART FIFTH. FEVER. I. CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. Blood, congestio~n of, to internal parts. Ars. CAMPH. canth. cupr. VERATR. -congestion of, to single parts. ACON. alum. ambi'. amm.. arnm-rnur. ant-crud. ARN. asaf. AUR. bar. BELL. bor. bov. BRY. CAL0. caniph. cann. canth.4 carb-an. CARLB-VEG. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. clem. coec. cojf. coloc. con. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. duic. FERR. GRAP H. guaj. hell. Ahep. HYOSO. ignat. jod. kali. lach. laur. led. LYC. m-arct. rn-austr. m -agn. magn-mur. mang. merc. mezer. mosch. natr. NATJR-MUR. mitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM1. op. petr. PHOSPHI. ph-ac. 'plat. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. rhiodod. R.HUS. sabin. sarub. scill. seccorn. SENEG. SEP. SIL. spig-. SPONG. staph. STRAM. SULPH. sulphac. tar. tkuj. valer. veratr. VIOL-OD. -erethisiu~ofe ACON. alum. AMBR. AMM. arnr-mur. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. AUR. lar. BELL. BOy. BRY. CALC. cann. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chain. chin, con. CREOS. CROC. dig. duic. FERR.. guaj. HiEP. ignat. JOD. KALI. LYC. m-austr. magn-mur. merc. mosch. NATR.-MUR. nitr-ac. n-moscli. fl-VO7Th OP. PETH. P'HOSPH. PH-AC. pvuls. REIUS. sabad. SAMB. SASSAP. SENEG. SIEP. SIL. spong. STANN. staph. SULPH. THUJY. veratr. -sensation as if the circ'ulationt were interrupted. Acon. bell. bry. caust. croc. dig. hep. ignat. LYC. m-awstr. 'n-voM. oleand. puls. rhodod. SABAD. seneg. sep. sulph. zinc. -plethora. ACON. alum. amin. amn. ars. AUR. bar. BELL. BRY.# CALC. canth. c/tel. CHINI. coloc. croc. cupr. DIG. duic. FERR. graph. guaj. hep. HYOSC. ignat. KALI. lach. LYC. merc. mosch. natr. NATR-MUR. NITR. NITR-AC. N-VOM. Op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PUbS. RHUS. Sabin. selen. SEP. sil. STRAM. SULPH. tlLUj. veratr. -Ivwant of blood. Acon. alum. amn. ARS. BELL. carb-veg. c/tam. CHIN. cina. 266 FEVER. coff. coloc. CON. cupr. cyci. FERR. IGNAT. jod. kali. lyd. mgs. rn-austr. magrn. mnagn-mur. MERC. mezer. n.air. natr-mur. rntr-ac.n-mosch. n-vom. phospk. PH-AC. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. rulci. sabin. SCILL. SE.P. sil. spig. stanri. STAPH. SULPH. valer. veratr. zinc. Aneurisaits by anastomnosis. (See Nets.) Blood-vessels burning. ARS. bry. hyosc. op. rhUS. veratr. sensation of cold in the blood-ve.ssels. Acon. ant-tart. inflamnnatiolm Of. Acon. ANT-TART. lack. inflation of 1hes. Acon. alum. AMM. AR-N. ars. BAR. BELL. bry. caic. campli. c/tel. CHIN. cic. coloc. con. CROC. cyci. FERR. GRAPH. HYOSC. lack. lyc. m-arct. mi-austr. men. rnosch. natr-mur. nvm oleand. Op. PHOSPH. pit-ac. PUiLS. ihodod. i-hus. sassap. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. stront. SULPH. THUJ. zinc. -net-work of. Garb-veg. CAUST. lye. PLAT. THUJ. -1 pricking sensation in the Mlood-vessels. Merc. - pulsation of the. ACONi. anac. ANT-TART. ars. asar. BELL. boy. bry. calad. calc. canth. caps. CARB-AN. carb-veg. clem. coloc. con. CREOS. cupr. GRAPH. hell. RIEP. ignat. Jon. KALI. MERO. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PLUtS. RHUS. sabad. SABIN. saossap. SELEN. SEFP. sil. staph. STRONT. sulpit. THU3J. ZINC. -varices. Amimn. ANT-TART. ARN. ARS. cale. CARB-VEG. CAUST. coloc. CREOS. FERR. LACH. LYC. DM-AUSTR. magfl. NATR-MUR. n-vom. PULS. sil. SPIG. SULPH. sulph-ac. tltuj. ZINC. Pulse changred in general. ACON. agar. ambr. amm. amm-rnur.ang. ant-crud. ANTTART. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. any, bar. BELL. bisrn. bon. boy. BRY. calad. calc. CAMPH1. Cann. cauth. caps. carb-an. CARBVEG. caust. c/tar. c/tel. CHIN. cic. cina. cocc. colch. coloc. CON. CREOS. croc. CUPR. DIG. duic. ferr. graph. guaj. 1(1611. HEP. FEVER. '267 IIYOSC. ignat. JOD. ipec. KALI. lach. LAUR. led. lye. mgs. -m-arct. m-ausrr. maing. meni.MEJIC. mezer. moscit. mutr-ac. natrInur. ji~r. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vomi. oleand. OP. par. pet?'. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. pidls. rani-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rho,4od. RHUS. sabacL sabin. SAMB. scRil. SEC-CORN. Sefleg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. thiid. valer. YERATR. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. Pulse vunchanged. Agar. ALUM. amm. Wim-n -?l. ANAC. ANG. ANT-CRUD. arg. ASAiF. asar. bismn. BOR. calad. camiph. cann. -cauth. CAPS. cauist. rchel. Sic. CINA. C~iEM. COCC. 6of oc.clc CYCL. DROS. duic. JýUPHORB. EUPHR. graph. hell. ipec. lachl' laur. 'led. lye. MGS. M-ARCT. mi-austr. MAGN. magn-muir. mang. MAR. mren. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. niitr. niltr-ac. ii-mosch. OLEAND. PAR. plat. ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. 'RHEUMi. rhodod. RUTA. SCill. SEC-CORN. selen. sep. spig. sporig; stront. subld/iac. rAR. valer. VERB. viol-od..viol-tr. vit. zinic. - -full. -AO0N. ant-tart. ARN. asaf. 'hosair. bar. BELL. biSrn. BRY.,camph. canth. CHEL. chin. coich. coloc. coni. CUPR. DIG. duic. ferr. h-ell. hep. HYOSO. ignat. jod. lack. led. m7-arct. rn7erc. mezer. mosci-. mur-ac. natr-nmr. NLTR. n-vorn. oleanid. op: par. petr. phospAi. p/i-ac. plumb, ran-bulb. ran-scel. SABIN. isamb-..SEP. siL. svipx sponig. STRAlV. qsulph. ver-atr. viol-od. -hard. ACON.~ant-tart. 'ARN. ars. asaf. asar. bar. BELL. bism. BRY. calad. camph. CANTH. chain. CHEL. CHIN. cina. coce. colcit. coloc. CUPR. DIG. DULC. FERR. hell. HEP. HYOSO. IGNAT. jod. lach. led. mgs. m-arct. tnerc. vmezer. qnosch. mur-ac. natrnriur. NITR. niitr-ac. n-vomt. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. p/i-ac. plumb, ran-bulb. ran-scel. sabin. sarnb. scill. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. SIL.'spig_0. spong-. STRAM. suilp/z. valci'. veratr. viol-od. zinic. linperceptible. ACON. ant-tar't. ARS. bell. cann. CARI3-YEG. ýcic. COCC. creos. CUPR. duic. ferr. gtiaj. hell. hiyosc. jod. IPEC. law'. 'H-.austr. 1mERC. fi-VOfi. op'. phosphi. rh-ac. plat. puls.. rhus. SEC. CORN. SIL..~a?*.srn sulpli. 8stilph-ac. VE1{ATR. vit. zinc. - fintrinttiJIgo ACON. AGIAR. alumn. ang. ars. asaf. bism. BRY. canth. caps. *carb-veg. CHIN. DIG. HEP. kyoSCT KALI. lach. laur. mezer. -qnw'-ac. NATR-MUR.. iu-vom. op. PH-AC. pturn. 7rhus. Sabin. SAM1B. SEC-CORN. SEP. STRAM. SULPH. thuj. veratr. kinc. 268 FEVER. Pulse, irregular. ACON. AGAR. alum. ANG. ant-crud. ARtS. asaf'bell. bism. BRY. cauth. CAPS. carb-veg. chain. CHIN. con. DIG. HEP. HYosc. icali. LACH. laur. mgs. ruaig. qnerc. mezer. mnur-ac. NATRMUR. n-vom. oleand. op. PH-AC. PLUMB. RHJUS. sabiti. SAM'B. SEC-CORN. seneg. si4,i'. sit. spig. STRA1\. SULPH7. thiij. valer. VERATR. ZtflC. -quicker. ACON. ambr-. aug. anit-crud, ant-tart. avg. amn. ARS. asaf. asar. auy, bar. BELL. bisrn. bor. BRY. cai~c. camph. canth. carbveg. chain. chin. chia. cocc. coich. coloc. coni. creos. croc. cupr. dig. gIIaj. hep. I-IYOSC. ign(Lt. JOD. ipec. kali. lack. led. lyc. m-arct. m-austr. men. MEL{C. mezer. MOSCH. natv-mur. niti.. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. op-. par. petr. PHOSPH. P14-AC. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheuim. rhuis. Sabin. sarnb. sec-corn. seneg. sep. SIL. SPONG. STANN. staph. STRAM. suiph. suiphac. VALER. veratr. viol-tv. zinc. qumicker than the beating of the heart. ACON. amn. vhus. SPIG. - slow. Agar. ant-crud. arn. ars. BELL. CAM PH. cann. CANTIT. chin. cic. coich. coloc. CON. CUPR. DIG. dui1c. HELL. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. LATJR. meni. ierc. rnoscfl. mur-ac. nitr. op. par. petr. phosph. puls. rhiodod. rhus. sarnb. scill. sec-corn. sil. spig. STRAM. thuij. VERATR. vit. - slower thant the beating of the heart. Agar. cann. DIG. dui~c. hell. laurf. nitr. sec-corn. veratr. - small. ACON. agrar. ant-crud, ant-tart. amn. ARS. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bism. hi-y. CAMPI-1. cann. canth. CARB-VEG. CHAM. CHIN. cic. cina. cocc coich. con. CREOS. CUPR. dig. duic. ferr. GUAJ. hell. Hiyosc. igniat. JOD. ipec. KALI. lach. LAUR. rngs. m-austr. manig. men. MERC. mur-ac. natv-mnr. nitr. nz.vom. op. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLAT. plum~b. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. rhuts. sabad. SAMB. scill SEC-CORN. seneg. SIL. spig. STANN. staph. STRAM. sulJ)h. SULPH-A.C. thuj. valer. YERATR. violod. zinc. -soft. ACON. agav. ant-crud, ant-tart. amn. ars. bar. bell. bismn. camp~h. cann. canith. CARB-YEG. chain. chin. cic. cocc con. creos. CUPR. dig. duic. fevr. GUAJ. hep. hyosc. jod. ipec. icali. lach. LAUR. m-arct. manig. MERC. mur-ac. natr-muy. nitr. u-vom. op. PHOSPIT. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. puls. ran-scel. rhiodod. rhus. sec-corn. seneg. sil. spig. strain. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. YERATR. Vit. FEVER. 269 Pulse suppressed. (See Imperceptible.) - tremulouis. Ambr. ang. ant-tart. ARS. aur. BELL. CALC. cam ph. cic. cina. cocc. CREOS. jod. kali. lack. niatr-mutr. n-mosch. phosph. RHI-U. ruta. SABIN. SEP. SPIG. STAPH. strain. If. COLD STAGE. Chilliness. Agar. ALUM. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anzac. ant-crud. anttart. am. ARS. ASAR. -bar. bell. bism. bor. BOy. BRY. calad. CALO. camph. cairn. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. cocc. coff CREOS. croc. cupr. dig. dros. duic. uphorb. euphr. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. hyosc. ignat. TPEC. kali. laur. led. LYC. M-ARCT. m-austr. mar. men. MERC. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MJR. nitr. NITR-AC. N-MOSCH. N-VO. oleanid. op. par. petr. P IOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. seneg. sep. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. viol tr. VIT. zinc. - in general. Acon. agar. ALUM. AMBR. AMM. aimn-niur. anac. ang. antcrud. ANT-TART. arg. ARN. ARS. asar. aum. bar. bell. bism-. bor. BOV. BRY. CALAD. CALC. camph. cani. CANTH. CAPS. CARB-AN. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. clem. cOcc. coff. COLCH. coloc. con. CREOS. croc. cpr. cyci. dig. dros..duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guiaj. hell. HEP. h1YOSC. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laiir. led. LYC. ings. m-arct. i-austr. magn. xnagn-iur. mang. mar. Men. MERO. MEZER. iosch. mur-ac. natr. NATrt-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VoM. oland. op. par. petr. PHOSPI-I. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. saib. SASSAP. SCill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. sponlg. staun. STAPI-I. strarn. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thzjt. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. - interninal. Acon. alumb. amb'. ANAC. ant-crud. anit-tart. am.n ARS. asaf. bar. BELL. boy. BRY. CALO. caiph. cauth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. chin. COFF. coich. coil. creos. croc. dig. dros. euphr. graph. HELL. hep. IGNAT. IPEC. kali. LACH. LAUR. LYC. m-austr. iagn. inang. men. MERC. m3tezer. iosch. uatrs. natr-m.ur. nitr. iitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. par. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. ruta. sabad. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. SEP. Sil. PIG. spong. stront. sulplh. suiph-ac. THUJ. valem. VERATH. VIT. zinc. !270 FEVER. Chilliness of single parts. A con. agar. alu~m. ambr. aiac. arg..am--. AR's. asar. ani'. bar. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. caic. ca~nph. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. coff. coich. CREOS. croc. dig. dross. dubl. euphr. guaj. hell. HEEP. hyosc. IGNAT. ip~ec. kali. LYC. m-arct. m-auistn. magn. meii. merc. mezer. rnuir-ac. natr. natr-mutr..N-YOM. op. PAR. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumib. PULS. ran-bul~b. RHUS. sanib. scill. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. staiin. staph. stront. suzlph. thuij. VERATR. verb. zinc. - of one side only. Aluma. ambr. aiiac. ant-tart. amt. BAR. bell. BRY. CAUST. chamn. chin. cocc. croc. dig. ignat. Icali. LYC. flatr. N-VOM. patr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RH~US. ruita. sabad. sassap. spig. Stan!). strain. sutlph. suiph-ac. thiij. VERB. - with thirst. ACON. amm-mnur. anac. ANT-CRUD. ARN. ars. bar. bell. 'bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. camphi. cann. CAPS. CARB-VEG. CHAM. chin. CINA. creos. croc. di-os.- duic. HEP. IGNAT. ipec. KALI. lachi. laur. led. m-arct. m-austr. magn-mur. rnerc. mezer. mw-r-ac. natr. NATR-MUTR. nitr. N-VOM. op. phos ph. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. RtHUS. ruta. sabad. scill. sec-corn. sep. sil. spong. s-tann. staph. suiph. thuj. valer. VERATR. without thirst. Agar.- alum. amm. amm-mur. ant-crud. ANT-TART. ARS. asar. aur. BELL. bor. boy. bry. calad. caic. camph. canth. caps. carbveg. caust. CHIN. cina. cocc. coff. coloc. con. creos. CYCL. dros. duic. euphorb. guaj. HELL. hep.ý hyosc. ipec. kali. lach. led. m-austr. mang. men. MUR-AC. natr. natr-mur. ni~r. nitr-ac. NMOSCH. N-VOM3. oleand. op. _petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. SABAD. Sabin. sainb. sassap. scill. sep. SPIG. spong. staph. strain. SULPH. tar. thi]. veratr. VIT. zinc. -withi shivering. ACON. agarn. amm. ana~c. ars. bell. BRY. cabc. camphi. cann. canthi. CAPS. carb-veg. chain. chel. CHIN. cic. cina. cocc. CREOS. ferr. hell. IGNAT. jod. IPEC. laur. led. lyc. im-arct. rn-a ust~r. mang. mw-r-ac. natr-mur. n-moschi. N-VOM. _petr. ph-ac. RHus. -uta. SABAD. Sabin. SAMB. sec-corn. spig. spong. strarri. valer. vcratr. -With shakinjg (Iremnblirig). ACON. anac. ant-tart. amn. bell. BRY. caic. camn. canth. c/hin. cic. cina. cocc. con. croc. led. mar. rnerc. n-vom. oleand. op. par. p hosph. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabtid. strain. SULP H. vzt. -with goose-flesh. Angr. ant-tart. asar.'bar. -BELL. bor. BRY. CAMPH4. CANN. canthi. FEVER. 271 dlie], Chinl. CROC.,hell,, ignat. laur. mang. mur-ac. nair-mur. N-VOM. par. phosph. ran-bulb. rhodoid. SABAD.I~Sabin. sassap. spig. stann. staph. suiph-ac. thuj. VERATR. Concomitant complainiits. ACON. agar. alumn. ambr. amrn. amm-mur. anac, ant-crud. anttart. amn. ARS. asar. aur. bar. bell. BOR. boy. BRY. calad. CALO. canmph. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. ClIAM. chel. CHIN. CIC. erna. cocc. coffi coloC. con. CREOS. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. ferr. graph. HELL. HEP. 11yosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lack. laur. led. LYC. m-arct. rn-austin. magn-mur. man'cr mar.* men. merc. mezer. mur-ac. nail'. NATR-MUR. niti'. nitrac. n-mosch. N-YOM. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhiodod. RHUS. rula. SABAD. Sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. strain. stront. sulph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. YE-- RATR. viol-tr. vit. 'zinc. 111. COLDNESS. Coldness in general.. A CON. agar. alumn. ambr. amm. amrn-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-,tart. amn. ARS. asaf. asar. au~r. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. bry. calad. calc. CAMPH. Cann. cant/i. caps. carb-an. carb-veg*. CAUST. c/tam. CHEL. CHIN. cic. cina. cocc. coff. coich. cokac. C-ON. creos. croc. dilyr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphiori?. euphr. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. IPE-C. klci. --kVh, lour. LED. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. ma-gn. magn-rnzur. s-ndng% mar.* men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. NITR. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOBN. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RANBULB. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. strain. strsont. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. valei'. VERATR. verb. vit. zinc. -of single parts. AcoN. agar. alum. AMBR. amin. amin-mur. anac. angr. ant-crud. ANT-TART. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. AUR. bar. IBELL. bism. bor. boy. bry. CALAD. CALO. CAMPH. cann.' canth. caps. carb-an. carbveg. CAUST. chain. CHEL. CHIN#, cic. cina. cocc. coff. coich. cobOc. CON. creos. c 'roc. cupr. cyci]. DIG. ýdros. duic. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. J. 4 *Z* la -au. ed l7 ma. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mký,ang-. mar. men. MERC. '4 272 FEVER. MEZER. mosCb. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. NITR. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHosPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sarnb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. THUJ. VERATR. verb. VLT. zinc. Coldness of one side only. Alum. ambr. anac. ant-tart. arn. bar. bell. bry. CAUST. cham. chin. cocc. croc. dig. ignat. kali. lyc. natr. N-VOM. par. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sassap. spig. stann. stram. suiph. sulph-ac. thuj. verb. Sensation of cold in outer parts. Acon. agar. ambr. amm-mur. ant-tart. ARN. ars. asar. bar. bell. bor. bov. bry. CALO. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. CHEL. chin. cic. cocc. coff. coloc. con. creos. croc. dig. dulc. euphorb. graph. hell. hyosc. ignat. ipec. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. M-AUSTR. magn. mang. men. MERC. mezer. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. n-mosch. oleand. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULs. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. SEC-CORN. sep. spig. spong. staph. stront. sulph. thuj. valer. VER&ATR. verb. viol-tr. - - in inner parts. Acon. alum. ambr. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. ARS. asaf. bar. bell. bov. bry. CALC. camph. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chel. chin. colch. con. creos. croc. dros. graph. hell. ignat. ipec. kali. lach. LAUR. LYC. m-austr. magn. mang. MEN. merc. mezer. mosch. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VON. oleand. PAR. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. rhus. ruta. sabad. sassap. sec-corn. SEP. spong. sULPH. sulph-ac. valer. veratr. zinc. IV. HEAT. Heat in general. AcoN. agar. alum. ambr. amm. ammin-mur. anac. ang. antcrud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. bar. BELL. bism. bor. bov. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. AyOSC. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. NVOM. oleand. op. par. PETR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. FEVER. 5273 PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod.,RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. spong. staun. staph. strant. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. vit. zinc. H1eat, external. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. antcrud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. camftph. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-an. CARBVEG. caust. CH4M. Mel. chin. cic. cina. coc'. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. dupr. cycl di~g. dros. duic. EUPHORB. f~rr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. HyOSC. 1GNAT.jod. ipec. KALI. LACH. laur. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. nm-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad sabin. samb. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. slann. staph. strai. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. yeratr. viol-tr. zinc. - internal. ACON. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. bar. BELL. bism. bor. bov. BRY. calad. CALO. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cHAM. CHEL. chin. czc. cina. coec. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. dig. dros. duic. euphor-b. graph. guaj. HELL. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. fmagn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-,scel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. STANN. staph. stram. stront. suiph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. viol-tr. ZINC. - of single parts. ACON. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amn-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. ca'mph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. CAREVEG. caust. CHAM. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. gUaj. hell. hep. hyose. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. loch. LAUR. led. LYC. mgs. in-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. MERC. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VON. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PHAC. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. r/iodod. rhus. Q74 E'~VER. ruta. SXBAD. sabin. sarub. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. sP. sil. spig. spong. STANN. staph. strani. stront. SULPI. suiph-ac. tar. ihuj. valer. veratr. verb; viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. Heat of sinfrge outer parts. AcoN. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann. Cni/i. caps- carb-an. CARBVEG. CAUST. cham. ciel, chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coich. coloc. con. creos. croc. upr. cyci. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. XALI. lack. laur. led. LYC. rngs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mnar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mar-ac. natr. natr-mu~r. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-scel rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. Sil. SPIG. spong. STANN. STAPH. strai. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. M4_. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. - of sibagle ihaner Parts. ACON. alum. ambr. amm. amn-mur. aug. ant-crud. ant-tart. Irg. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bisn7. bor. boy BRY. calad. CALC. CAMPH. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. ctel. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. dcur. dig. dros. dulc. EUPHOEB. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyose. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. LAUR. led. IIYC. mgs. r-arct. r-austr. maon. magn-mur. mang. men. MERC. MIEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSFH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. rtus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. sassap. scill. SEC-CORN. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. strai. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. veratr. viol-od. viol-tr. zinc. on one side only. Alum. ambr. anac. ant-tart. am. bar. BELL. BRY. caust. ctam. chin. cocc. croc. dig. ignat. kali. LYC. natr. N-VOM. par. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabad. sassap. spig. stann. stram. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. verb. Heat with anxiousness. ACON. ambr. ami. anac. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. BELL. boy. BRY. CALC. CARB-VEG. caust. c/am. chin. coff. coich. con. cyci. dros. euphorb. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. laur. lyc. m-arct. magn. MERO. natr-mur. NITR-AC,. N-VOM. op. par. PETR. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PUbS. rhodod. RHUS. FEVER. 2701,5 ruta. SEP. sil. spig. SPONG. STANN. STRAM. SITLPH. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. Heat, dry. ACON. alum. ambr. amin-mur. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARNq. ARS. bar. BELL. bism.. BRY. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. chin. clem.'cocrx COFF. colcit. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cy1ci. DULO. fdrr. graph. HELL. hep. hyose. ignat. ipec. KALI. LACH. laur. LED. LYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. mang. MVERC. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-m~osch. N-VOM. op. par. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PULS. ran-bulb. rh~eum. rhodod. RHUs. ruta. sabad. Sabin. SAMB. SCILL. SEC-CORNw. selen. SEP. SIL. Spig. Spong. STAN.N. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. tloy.. valer. veratr. viol-tr.* zinc. -f lushes of. Acon. alum. AMBR~. amm. amin-mur. ant-tart. ARN. ars. asaf. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. bry. Caie. cann. canth. carb-an. CAREVEG. caust. chain. chin. cocc. coff. coloc. creos. croc. cupr. dig. dros. GRAPH. HEP. igflct. jod. KALI. laur. LYC. m-arct. xn-austr. inagn. maga-miur. MAR. men. merc. NATR. natr-miur. NITRAC. N-V.OM. oleand. opý PETR. PHOSPEI. ph-ac. plat. plumb. p~uls. ran-bulb. rhus. ruta. sabad.. sabin. samb. seneg. sri. sil. Spig. SPONG. STANN. slap/i. SULPH. T HUJ. VALIER. viol-tr. vit. zinc. MHeat with thirst. ACON. agar. amin-mur. anac. ang. ant-cirud. acnt-tart. arn. ars. asar. bar. BELL. bisin. bor. boa. BRY. calad. CALC. canth. caps. carh-an. carb-veg,. caust. CHAM. Chin. cic. cina. coec. coff. COLCH. coloc. con. croc. cupr-. dig. dros; dulc. guaj. HEP. HYOSC. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lawr. lyc. m-austr. magon-mur. -MERC.. mezer. mosch. natr. NATR-M IBI. flit r-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. op.petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb-. PUlS, RAN-SCEL. rhodod. RI-US. ruta. sabad. SEC-CORN. Sep. SIL. spigf. spong. stann. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. suiphi-ac. thuj. valer. veratr-. verb, zinc. - withouxt thirst. Acon. ambr. 'amin-mur. anac. aug. ant-tart. arg. amn. ARS. ASAF. bell. bor. bry. calad. calc. CAMPH. cant/i. CAPS. carb-veg. chtr~in. chel. chin. cina. cocc. coff. coloc. con. CYCL. dig. droS. dulc. euphrorb. guaj. HELL. hep. ignat. ipec. kali. LACH. laur. led. mgs. M-ARCT. m-ctustr. magn. HANG. MEN. mere. mosch. MUR-AC. natr. natr-mur. NITR. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. n-vom. OLEAND. Op. yphosph. PH-AC. plumb. puls. rheuim. rhodod. rims. rLta. SABAD. ý276 FEVER. Sabin. S AMB. sassap. SCILL. SEP. SPIG. spong. staph. strain. suiph. TAR. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. VIT. Heat, with inclination to iuncover or undress one's self. ACON. ars. asar. aur. bor. bry. CALO. carb-veg. chain. chin. COff. FERR. ignat. JOD. lach. led. LYc. MGs.M-ARCT.rnerc. mOsclI. MUR-AC. nitr-ac. n-vom. op.. phosph. plat. puls. rhus. sec-corn. seneg. sep. SPIG. suiph. suiph. thuj. VERATR. with aversion to unncover or undress one's self. Acon. agar. ant-crud. arg. arn. ARS. asar. AUR. bell. bor. bry. camph. canth. caps. carb-an. chain. chin. dic. CLEM. cocc.coff. COLCH. CON. creos. graph. bell. HEP. ignat. lach. led. m-austr. MAGN. magn-rnur men. merc. mur-ac.- natr. natr-7nur. N-IVIOSCT{. N-VOM. pbospb. ph-ac. put~s. rheum. ritodod. RHUS. sabad. SAIVB. SCILL. sep. SIL. staph. strain. STRONT. thuj. Concomitant comphaints. ACON. agar. alum. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang.. ant-tart. arg. amn. ARS. asaf. asar. BELL. bor. boy. B RY. calad. caic. camph. canth. caps. CARB-VEG. CRAM. chel. chin. cic. cina.. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. ci'eos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. hiep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. IPEC. icali. lack. lam'. led. LYC. mgrs. i-arct. m-austr. magn. mago-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. olean. OP.par.peti' phoph. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS.rin bulb. ran-scel. rhieum. rhiodod. RHUs. ruta. sabad. sahin. sarnb. sassap. scill. SEP. sit. spig. spong. staph. strain. suiph. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. viol-tr. vit. zinc. V. SHUDDERING. Shuddering in general. A CON. agar. alum. amm. amm-mur. anac. ANJG. ant-crud. arg. amn. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bor. boy. bry. calad. caic. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAN. chel. CHIN. cina. clem. COCC. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cyci. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. lyc. ings. m-arct. M-ATJSTR. magn. magn-mur. mang. Men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. par.- phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheurn. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. Sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. senegr. SEP. Sil FgVER. spng. spong. stann. STAPH. strain: stront. SULPH. sui'ph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-od. zinc. Shuddering of single parts. Acon. amm. ang. arg. arn. ARS. asaf. aur. bar, BELL. bor. boy. bry. camph. cain,. canth. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cinqt. cocc. coff. coloc. croc..dig'. GRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. sgnat. Icali. lach. laur. led. m-arct. in-austin. magn-mur. mang. men. merc. inezer. mn-osch. natr. natr-mur. nitin. n-vom. par. phosph. pha.plat. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. rhus.ruasbd abn samb. sen~go s54. sil. s'pig. spong. ST.APH. strain. stront. suiph., thiuj..va~ler. VERATR. zinc. -oi one side only. Alum. ainbr. anac. ant-tart. amn. bar. BELL. bry. C-AUST. cliam. chin. cocc. croc. digr. ignat. kali. IyC. nair. N-VOM. par., phosph. ph-ac. plat. PIJI-S. RHUS. ri~rta. sabad. sassap. spig. stann. strain. suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. verb.VI. PERSPIRATION. Perspiration. iti geiieral. ACON. agar, alum. ambr. ainin. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. amn. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. camph. cann.' cANTH. caps. carb-an. cARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cic: cina. clern. cocc. coff. coloc. con., creos: croc. cupr. cyc]. dig. dros. dulc. euL~horb. eiiphr. fern. GRALPH. guaj. hell. HEP. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali,. lach. laur. led.- LYC. rngs. m-csrct. m-,austr. ma~gn., magn-mur. )n~ang. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. _natr. NA~r-MUR. nitr. NlTR-AC. N-VOM. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PH-A6 pl~ar."plurfib. PULS.- ranbulb. ran-scel. RHEU1 rhodod. RHUS4,..iita'. SABAD. s abin. SA M"B'. sassap. scillt sec-corn. SELEN. sen'eg.' EP: sil. spg0 sog startn. staph. strain. stront. SULYLL isulph-ac. tar. THUJ.. valer. -of single -parts. AcoN. agar. ambr: amni. arnin-inui. anac. ang. ant-tart. arg arn. ars. asaf. asar. a'ur. BAR. BELL. bor. boy. bry. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CHAM. chel. CHIN. cic. czna. clem. cocc. coff.- coloc- con. creos. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dukb. euphorb. euphr. fern. JGRAPH. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. iPEc. kai. laur. LED. LYC. mgs,. m-arct. rn-austin. xnagn -rur. mang.,MIERC. mezer. inosch. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-vom.. op. par. petr.,PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-scel. RHEUM.rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin.-, sambý. sassap. scill. sec-corn. S 278 FEVER.' SELEN. SEP. sIL. Spig. spong. stann. staph. strai. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. 'vcler. veratr. viol-tr. vit. zinc. Perspiration on one side only. Alum. AMBR. anac. ant-tart. arni. BAR. bell. BRY. ca2T(t. CHAM. chin. cocc. croc. dig. ignat. kali. LYC. natr. NWVOM. par. phosph. ph-ac., plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sassap. spig. stann. SJLPH. suiph-ac. thuj. verb. on the forepart of the body. Agar. anac. ARG. am. asar. bell. boy. CALC. caiith. cocc. euphr. graph. m-arct. m-austr. nERO. nitr. plumb. Thus. sabad. sec-corn. SELEN. sep. on the back part of the body. Aeon. CHIN. coff. ipec. led. mgs. N-VOM. par. petr. puts. sabin. SEP. sil. stann. strain. SULPHI. - on the upper part of the body. Agar. anac. ant-tart. ARG. ASAR. BOV. carph. caps. carb-veg. CHAM. CHIN. CIC. GINA. dig. DULC. guaj. ignat. kali. LaIJR. mgs. m-austr. mosch. n-vom. op. par. plat. ran-scel. RHEUM. ruta. sarb. sassap. sec-corn. selenr. SEP. SPIG. spolg. stann. stram. stront. SULPH-AC. VALER. VERATR. viol-tr. vit. - on the lower part of the body. Amm. amm-mur. chel. CYCL.ý EUPHORB. ferr. jod. sabin. tar. Zinc. Perspiring easily (great inclination to perspire). Agar. ambr. anac. ANT-TART. ars. asar. bell. BtY. CALO. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chin. cocc. coloc. con. creos. dulc. FERR. GRAPH. guaj. hep. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. lach. led. LYC. magn. magn-mur. merc. NATR. NATR-MIYR. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rheum. rhodod. rhus. sabad. sassap. SELEN. seneg. SEP. sit. spig. spong. starin. staph. stram. SULPH. SULPH-AC. valer. veratr. zinc. Want of perspiration (dryness of the skin). ACON. alum. ambr. AMM. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. bar. BELL. BIsM. bor. BRY. CALC. camph. CANN. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. CHIN. clem. cocc. coFF. COLCH. con. creos. DULC. ferr- GRAPH. bell. hep. HYOSC. ignat..JoD. IPEC. KALI. loch. laur. LED. LYC. mgs.,r-austr. MAGN. mang. MAR. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. natr-iur. nitr. NITR-AC. N-MOSCH. n-vom. OLEAND. OP. par. PHOSPH. PH-AC. FLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. RHLS. ruta. PEVER. "I079 SxriAD. Samb. SCILL. SEC-CORN. SENEG. sep. SIL. spg SPONG. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. valer. veratr. VERB. VIOL-OD. viGl-tr. Want of perspiration with heat (dry burning' of thle skin). ACON'. alum.ambr. amr-nmur; anac., ant-crad. -ant-tart.'arg. ARN. 'RS. 'bar. 1 BELL. -'bism. -ABRY. CALC.. camp/i. cann. canth,. caps. carb-vegy iaust. chain. Chet. chin. cleM".' COCC. COFF. Coick. coloc. con. creos. croc~. tupor. cCy-pi. DUL"C. feri'. graphi. HELL. hep. hyosc. igotat. ipec. KALI. LAC~f. laluir, LED. LYQ. mgs. m-arct. mn-austr. mitrlg. MERC. mosch.,ý mur-ac.. natrý-natr-mur. nitr. nitrac.m stoh. N-VOJV. OP. -par. PHOSPH'i~-Ac. PULS. ranbulb. rheum.:-rlodcid. RHUS.'ri~ta.,, sabad. Sahin. SAMB. SCILL.# SEC-CORN. Meen. SEP. SiL. Splgb spong'. STANN.- STAPH. strain. stront. -s~pg sulph-a~c. tar. thu~j. valer. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. Persp~ration with anxiety. Aeon. anac. ant-.crud. Orti. ARS. bar. bell. bry. CALG. carb'veg. caust. CHAM. coce.. creos. croc. ferr. graph. ign at. lye.* mang. rnerc. mezer. mur-ac. na-tri intr. N-VOM. phosyk. ]PA-ac. plumb. PULS. rkus$, sabad. SEP. spong. stann. sf'aph..ftram. SULPH. thuj. veratr. -bloody, Amn. ilv. Chain, chin.. clem. lac h. lyc. n-mosch. N-v0M. -cold.I Acon. amnbr. amin. ang.. ANT-TART. arn. ars. asaf.' bell. iBRY. caic. eamph. C.ANN.. eanth.. caps. cetrb-veg. chain. chin. GINA. couc. cot. croc. cupr. dig. ciros. duic. euphorb. ferm. graph. hell. HEP. kyosc. i"nat. JPEG.. lach. LYCq mgs. M-ARCT. magn-mur. mang. merc. mezer. natr. nitr.-ae. n-vom. op. petr. pbosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS,ý RHEUIM. rhus. ruta. sabad. seill. sec-corn. sep. sil. spIg. STAPH. -strarn. SETLPH. sulph-ac'. thuj. VERATR. -coloudring. Amn. ars. bell. cak.c.earb-a&n#.ehain. chin. Clem,. dule.. GRAPTIf lach.. lyc. inagn. MERC. n-mosch. N-viom. rheumn. SELEN. - -red, ARN. caic. chain. chin. elem. DUL.C. laich._iyoý-n-moseh. N-VObr. -leaving'spots uipon the linen. Merc. SELEN. yelloW. Ars. bell.'carb-an. GRAPH.3ach. magn. IVERC. rheum. debilitating. (See Weakening.) g ý280 FEVER. *Perspiration greasy. -Agar. aur. BRY. calc. CHIN. MAGN. merc. natr-mur. plumb. selen. strain. -hot. Amnm-mur. ant-crud. bell. bry. camph. canth. caps. CHAM. chi~n. cina. con. dros. hell. hep. ignat. ipec. led. m'erc.naatr. n-vomn. ~O.par. PHOSPHI. ph-ac. plumb. puls. rhus. sahad. SEP. spig. spong. staun. staph. STRAM. sulph. tar. valer. verair. viol-tr. -smelling. Acon. ambr. arm. ars. asar. bar. BELL. boy. bry. camph. CANTH. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. coloc. con. cyci. duic. eupbr. ferr. graph. guaj. HEP. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. icali. LED. LYC. mgs. m-arct. MAGN. MERC. mosch. natr-mur. NJTR-A C. N-vom. phosph. plumb. PULS. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. SEP. SIL. spig. stann. STAPH. s~train. SULPH. thuj. VERATR. zinc. -- acrid. Rhus. -- bitter. Veratr. - -like blood., Lyc. - - like camphor. Camph. - - like cheese. -Plumb. - - like rotten eggs. SUdp h. -empyrenmatic. BELL. mgS. --like honiey. Thuj. - -like lilach. SE'P. - -mouldy (musty). M-arct. n-vom. puls. RHUS. STANN. -- like mnsk. Mosch. PULS. SUlph. -- like onions. Boy. LYC. - - having a putrid smell. Rhus. staph. STRAM. FEVER. 281 Perspiration slnclling like rhubarb. Rheum. - -sour. Aeon. arn. ASAR. bell. bry. carb-veg. caust. CHAN. graph% HEP. hyosc. igriat. JOD. ipEC. kali. led. lyc. MACN. MERC. natr-mur. NITRAC. n-vom. rheumn. rlius. SEP. SIL. SULPH. VERATR. - -sweetish-sour. Bry. - -like spice. Bliodod. stinking. Ars. BAR. cant/i. carb-an. con. cyci. DULC. eup/ir. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hep. KALI. LED. LYC. m-arct. magn. merc. NITR-AC. n-vom. PHOSPH. puls'. rhodod. rhus. SEP. sil. spig. STAPH. 43Uiph. vd4edtr. zinc. - like sulphur. Phosph. --like urinie. CANTH. coloc. NITR-AC. - viscid. ACON. anac. ant-tart. arn. ars. bry. caic. CHAM., chin, dig.0 ferr. 'he p. JOD. LYC. MERC. mosch. n-vom. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PLUMB,. sec-corn. spig. veratr.' - weakeinlg (debilitating). Aeon. ambr. anac. ant-crud. amn. ARS. bor. BRY. CALC. canth. carb-an., caust. CHIN. coc, creos. croc. DIG. FERR. graph. hyose. JOD. ipec. LYC. rn-arct. merc. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. puls. rheum.rn.ihododt sabad. SAMB. SEP. Sil. STANNV. SULPH. ear. veratr. Perspiration w ithi thirst. ACON. amni-mu'., anac. artrcrud. arn. ars.. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. bry. caic. canth. caps. carh-veg. caust. CHAM. CHIN. eict. cina., coff. coich. con. creos. croc. cupr. dros. duic. HE?. kyosc. ignat. jod. kali. lach. laur. miagn-mur. marc. mezer. natr. NATRýXUR. nitr-ac. n-vom. ph-ac. plumb. puls. ran-scel. rhuts. ruta. sabad. SEC-CO-11N. Sep. sil. spong. stann. staph. strain. stront. suipli. suiph-ac. tar. th uj. valei'. verair. verb. without thirst. Ainbr. amm-mur. ang. ant-crud. ANT-WART. arS. asaf.. bell. bry. calad. camp/i. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. chel. chin. coc. 282 282 COMPOUND FEVERS. coff. con. cyci. dig. EUPHORB. HELL. hep. ignat. ipec. led.. m-arct. m-austr.' mang. DIEN. merc. mosch. mur-ac. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MO5cH. n-vom. op). PHOSPH. ph-ac. rubs. rhodod. rhus. SABAD_ sabin. SAMB. sassap. scill. sep. SPIG. staph. strain. suiph. tar. thuj. veratr. vit. Perspiration with inclination to uncover or undress one's self. ACON. ars. asar. aur. bor. bry. CALC. carh)-veg. chain. chin. coff. IFERR. ignat. JOD. lach. led. LYC. MGS. M-ARCT. mere. mosch. MUR-AC. nitr-ac. n-vom). op. phasph. plat. puls. rhus. seccorn. seneg. sep. SPIG. staph. suiph. thuj. VERATR. - with aversion tonuncover or undress oiie!s self. -Acon. agar. ant-crud. arg. amn. ARs. asar. AUR. bell. bor. bry. camph. canth. caps. carb-an. chain. chin. cic. cLEFM. cocc. coff. COLCH. CON. creos. graph. hell. H-1EP. ignat. lach. led. m-austr. MAGN. rnagn-rnur. men. merc. inur-ac. natr. natr-mur. N-MOsCH. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rheurn. rhodod. RHTJS. sabad'. SAMB. SCILL. sep. SIL. staph. strain. STRONT. thuj. Concomitant complaints. ACON. ambr. anac. ant-crud. ANT-TART. amn. ARS. bar. bell. BRY. caic. camph.cn. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. chel. chin. cina. cocc. coff. coloc. con. creos. croc. dig. dros. duic. ferr. graph. hyosc. IGNAT. iPEC. led. lyc. m-arct. mi-austr. MANG. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. futr. NITR-AC. N-VOM. OP. par. PHO5PH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-,bulb. rhodod. RHUS. SABAD. Sabin. samb. selen. SEP. spong. stann. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. tar. thtj. valer. VERATR. VII. COMPOUND FEVERS. Compound fevers in gexteral. ACON. alum. amhr. amin. amin-iur. anac. ang. ant-crud. anttart. amn. ARS. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CAL.C. camph. canth. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veo. caust. CHAM. chel. CHIN. crna. clem. cocc. coff. coloc. eon. creos. croc. cyci. dig. dros. dule. euphorh. GRAPH]. guaj. 1-HE LL. HEj P. hyosc. )GNAT. jod. ipec. Icali. lach. laur. led. lyc.. mgrs. m-arct. M-AUSTR. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. natr. natr-mnur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM.. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumh. PULS. ran-sceek rheum. rhodod.' RHUS. SABAD. Sabin. samb. scill. sec-corn. selen. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stresm. stront. SULPH. tar. thuj. valer. VERATR. vit. zznc. COMPOUND FEVERS., 283 Chilliness followed by heat. ACON. alum..ambr. amm. arnm-mur. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. ars. asar. bar. BELL. bor. bry. cauth. caps. carb-an. carbveg. caust. chai. chin. cina. coff. creos. croc. cyci. dros. duic. gr-aph. guaj. hell. HEP. hyosc. ignat. ipec. rali. lyc. m-austr. mien. merc. natr-rnur. flit?. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. scill. SEC-CORN. Sep. -SPIG. staph. strai. SULPH. valer. veratr. - - followed by perspiration. A nmm-mar~. bry. caps. carb-an. CAUST.' charn. chel. dig. hell. hep. lyc. M-AUSTR. natr-mur. n-vom. op. petr. phosph. phac. RHUS. sabad. sep. spig. thuj. VERATR. - followed by heat, then chilliness. Suiph. - followed by heat, tthen perspiration. Ami-mur. ARS. BRY. caps. caust. chain. chin. cina. cocc. dig. dros. GRAPH., hep. IGNAT. IPEC. kali. lyc. m-arct. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. plumb. pals. RI-IUS. SABAD. sabin. samb.. sep. SPONG. staph. suiph. VERATR. with heat at- the same time. ACON. alum. ANAC. ant-tart. ARS. bar. BELL. boy. bry. CALO. camph. canth. carb-veg. CHAM. chin. cina. cocc. coff. coloc. eup'horb. graph. hell. IGNAT. jod. auli. lach. lyc. MERC. mezer. mosch. natr. NITR-AC. N-VOM. OLEAND. petr. phosph. plat. plumb. PULS. RHUS. sabad. samb. scill. SEP. spig. spong. sulph. thuj. VERATR. zinc. external wvith internal heat. Acon. agar. amnm-mur. anac. ARN. ars. asar. bar. bell. bry. calad. caic. camph. caun. canth. carb-veg. caast. chain. CHEL. chin. cic. cocc. con. croc. cupr. dig. duic. euphorb. graph. hell. ignat. ipec. kali. laur. lyc. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mere. 9nexer. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. n-vorn. phosph. PH-AC. plat. puls. ran-buflb. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sainb. sassap. scill. SEC-CORN. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. sulph. valrr. VERATR. zinc. - internal with external heat. ACON. agcry. alum. ambr. ANAC. arg. am. ARS. asaf. bar. BELL. bism. bry. CALAD. CALO. camph. cann. caps. carb-ad. carb-veg. caust. chai. chel. chin. cic. cocc. COFF. c'lch. coloc. creos. cupr. cyci. dig,. dros.,dIc. euphorb. hell. hep. hyose. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kali. LACE. LAUR. LYC. in-austr. mang. MEN. merc. mezer. mur-ac. nat,'. natin-inur. NITR. N-YOM. oleand. Op. PAR. PHiOSPE. ph-ac. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. r-hus. 284,4COMPOUND FEVERS. sabad. samb. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. SEP. SIL. spigx spong. stann. staph. strarn. SULPH. tar. thnj. verair. vit. zinc. Chilliness with heat and perspiration. N-vom. - with perspiration. Ars. eale. euphorb. led. lye. n-vorn. PULS. sabad. suiph., thnj. - followed by heat with perspiration. AcoN. ant-tart. BELL. bry. caps. CHAM. chin. cina. eon. dig. graph. hell. HEP. ignat. ipec. kali. m-austr. mere. nitr-ac. ni-vom. OP. phosph. puls. iR-IUs. sabad. spig. stann, staph. strain. sniph. valer. veratr. - and heat alternately. Amm. ammn-mur. anzt-tart. ARS. asar.'aur. bar. bell. bor. BRY. CALC. canth. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. cocc. COff. COlOC. creos. dros. graph. hep. jod. kali. lach. laur. lyc. MERC. mosch. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ae. N-VOM. PHOSPH. PH-AC. rheuim. rhodod. rhus. sabad. selen. sep. sil. spig. stranm. sulph. veratr. vit. Heat followed by chilliness. Aug. bell. BRY. ealad. CALO. caps. caust. chin. duic. ignat. lyc. men.-mere. nitr-ae. N-VOM. petr. phosph. puls. SEP. stann. staph. SULPH. thuij. - followed by chilliiess, qthien heat, Strain. followed by chillinessq, then eat, thepm perspiration. Rh-Its. - followed by shuddering. Caps. coec. hell. natr-rnur. puls. ihUs. 5ULPH. - followed by perspiration*. Anrn-mur. ant-crud. anzt-tart. ARS. -bell. bor. eale. carb-au. CARB-VEG. chai. chii. COFF. ereos. hell. ignat. n-vom. op. petr. puls. RAN-SCEL. rhodod. stront. - followed by perspiration, then chilliness. Calad. w- ith chilliness. (See Chilliness with heat.) - with shuddering. Aeon. anac. arn. ars. asar. BELL. bry. caic.- caps. CHAM. coff. dros. HELL. ignat. kali. m-austr. mzerc. mosch. n-vom. puts. RH US. sep. spig. suiph. ZINC. - with perspiration. A/con. alum. amm-mur. ant-tart. bell. bry. CAPS. CHAM. chin. CQMPOL7ND FEVERS.28 285 czqi-con.~dig., graph. hall. hep. ignat. ipec. kali. m-austr. mere. nutr-ac. N-ViOM. OP. PIIosPH. plumb. puls. RHUS. sabad. spig. SPOrDg. stann. staph. STEA.M. suiph. tar., valei'. veratr. Heat wit~h perspiration, then chilliness. Staun.' -,with -;thilliness alternately. (See Chilfliness and heat alternately.)_ -and shnddering alternately. 'Acon. amm. ARS. asair. BELL. bor. BRY. caic. caust. CIRAM. ch~el. chin *. cocc. coff. doloc. g~raph. hep-. kali. lach. MERC. mosch. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. rheum, rhuts. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. suiph. 'veratr. -and perspiration alternately. Bell. LED. Shnuddering followed by chilliness. Ars. bry. ipec., lach. - followed by heat. Auig. BELL. bry. canth. carb-vegr. cocc. coni. cyci. graph. IGNAT. lach. law%' led. m-arct. mWaustr. mosch. fl-von. SEP. Sil. staph. SULPI-. -followed by perspiration.* Br-y. caps. caust. clem. dig. graph. Mgs. M-AUSTR. natrmur. RHUS. - with beat. (Seo Heat with shuddering.) -with perspIrations Aeoni. rgs. m-autstr. Riius. -and heat alternatiely. (See Heat and shiuddering alternately.) PerspiratIq0Ilfollowed by cold. CARB-VEG. hep:-f __ ' y 'eoldý then perspiration., N-voN. 110kheat. N-vom.Copiconitkt.a'nt eoxplaintso Beforerthe feivvv. 4 Aeon. ant-erud. afiý ~tA9 ARS. bar. bell. br-y: CAT*C. daps. CARB-VEG. caust. CHLNT-. -C' N'ýA. docc. ferr. graph.. kep. hyose. ignat. IPEc. kali. lach. -ly~c. magn. -mere, natr. natr-.7nur, uitr. 286 286 AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO TIME. nitr-ac. 'n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. saLbin. samb. Sep. sil. spig. StTLPH. veratr. During the fever. A con. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. aug. ANTCRUD. ant-tart. amn. ARS. aur. bar. bell. bor. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. canth. caps. carb-vecr caust. CRAM. CHIN. cina. cocc. cofr. con. creos. croc. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. FERR. graph.hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. IPEiC. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mang. mar. men~. merc. mezer. mdsch. nanur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. petr. PH-os.PkH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. rheuim. rhodod. RHUS. ruta, sabad. samb. sassap. sec-corn. SEP. sill, spig. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. zinc. -After the fever. Ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. ARS. BELL. bry. carb-veg. CHIN. cina. dig. HEP. kali. natr-mur. N-VOM. phosph. puls. sep*, sil. veratr. PART SIXTH.1 ALTERATIONS OF" THE STATE -O HEALTH. I. AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO TIME. In the morning. ACON. AGAR. alum-. AMBR. amnz. AMM-MUR. ANTAc. ang. ANT-CRUD. ANT-TART. arg. ARN. ars. asaf.' asar. AUR. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. bry. calad. QALC. carin. cauth. caps. carban. 'CARB-YEG. caust. chain. CHEL. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. 00FF. coich. COloc. CON. CREOS. CROC. cupr. cyci. dig. DROS. duic. euphorb. EUPHIR. ferr. graph. GTJAJr. hell. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT.jod. -ipeC. KALI. lach. laur. led. lyc. 1mgs. M-ARCT. MI-AUSTR. magn. magn-mur. miang. mar.) men. merc. mezer. rnosch. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. NJTL{. NITR:-AC. n-moseh. N-VOM. oleand. 01p. parl. PETH. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. plumb. puls. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. 'RHEUM. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN-. samb. sassap, SCILL. sec-corn. ý,selen- senzeg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. STRAM. stont. sulph. sulph-ac. TAR. thus. valer. VERATR. VERB. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO TIME.28 287 Iii the forenoon. Alum. ambr. amm. amm-mu'r. ang. ant-crud. bnt-t'art. ARG. ars. asaf. aur. bar. bell. bor. bov. bry. caic. CANN. canth. carb-an. GARBý-VEG. caust. chain. chel. ch~in. coce. coloc. con. -creos. cupr. cyci. dros. duic. euiphorh. euphr. ferr. graph. GUAJ. liell. HEP. ignat. ipec. kali. lach. LAUR. lyc. m-arct. m~-austr. magn. magni-mur. MANG. MAR. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR. N",ATR-MUR. nitr. niifr-ac. N-MOSCH. n-vom. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. purs. ran-bul b. rhodod. rhus. SABAD. ýsassap. sec-corn. selen. seneg.' SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH, stro nt~. suiph. SULPII-AC. tar. VALER. veratr. 'verb. VIOL-TR. Z111C. In the afternoon. AGA-R. ALUM. ambr. AMM. amm-mur. anac. anzg. ANTCRUD. ant-tart. ARG_. arn. ars. ASAF. ASAR. aur bar. BELL. Bism. bor. boy. bry. calad. caic. camphi. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHEL. chini. cic. ciui%,cocc. coff. coich. COLOC. con. -creos.. croc. cIc. dig. dros, duic. euphr. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyose. I GNAe. jod. ipec. kali. lach. LAUR. LYC. m-arct. m--austr. magn. magn-tnuir. mang. MAR. men. merc. mezer. MOSCH. MUR-AC. niatr. natr-mur. NLTR. NITR-AC. n1-MOSCh. N-VOM. Op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. -plat. plutmb. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran.-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. 'ruta. sabad. sabin. SASSAP. scHil. 5ELEN. senzeg. sep. SIL. spig. spon1g. stann. STAPH. stront.kulphi. suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. VALER. veratr. verb. VIOL-TR. ZIC'" lii the evening. AcoN. agar. aluim. AMBR. AMM. AMM-MUR. anac. - ANG. ANT-CRUD. ANT-TART. arg. ARN. ARS. ASAF. ASAR. aU). bar. BELL. bism. BOR. boy. BRY. CALAD. CALC. camph. camir. carAt. CAPS. CARB-AN. carb-veg. CAUST. CRAM. chel..ý chin. cic. ci~na. clem. cocc. coff. iCOLCH. COLOC.. t07-. creos. CR00. cutpr. QYOL. dig. dros. DJLC. EUPUR. ferr. graph. G'UAJ. RHELL. i-EP. [IYOSCO IGNAT. JOD. IPEC. KAT4 bLACH.LAR LEP"LYC. m~gS. M-ARCT. M-AUS'TR. MAGN. MA'GN-MUR. MANG. m77ar. MEN. MERO. MEZER. mosch. inur-ac. N4TR,. natr-rnur.I NLTR. NITR-A.C. N-MOSCH. n-vorn.- oleand. op. PAR. ETR PHOSPH. PFI-AC. PLAT. PLUMB. PULS. RAN-BULB. RANSCEL. rheum. RHODOD. RiiruSernta. salbad. ZABflN. SAMEf. sassap. scill. selen. SENEG. SEP. SIL. V~ig'. spong. 5TANN. staph. STRONT. ~,ULPA_ SULPHI-'AC...tar. THUJT. VALE'R. X'Cratl'. In the night. - ACON. agar. alump.--ambr. -amah.,Om-rnur.,bnac. ang. 288 AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO ANT-CRUD. ANT-TART. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. AUR. BAR..BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY.-calad. CALC. CAMPH. CANN. CANTH. CAPS. ' CARD-AN. carb-veg. CAUST. CLIAM. chel. CHIN. cic. CINA. cleM. coce. COFIF. COLCIT. coloc.' CON. creo~s. CROC. CUPR. cyci. digr. DROS. DULC. EUPHR. FERR. GRAPH. HELL. HEP. hyoso. IGNAT. J9D. ipec. KALI. LACH. laur. LED. LYC. mgs. m-arct. rn-a 'ustr. MAGN. MA GN-MUR. MANG. mnar. mnen. MERC. MEZER. mosch. mui'-ac. nmstr., Nq'AT R-MUR. nity. NITRAC. n-mosch. n-vonm. OLEAND. OP. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. PULs. ran-bulb. ran-scel. RHEUM. rhodod. RHUS. SABAD. sabint. SAMB. sassap. Sc611. SEC-CORN. SELEN. seneg. sep. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. strayin. STRONT. SULPH-. SULPH-AC. tar. THTJJ. valer. veratr. viol-tr. Vit. ZinC. Before midnighit. Alum. arnbr. anmr-mur. anac. ang. ANT-TART. amn. ars. asar. BELL. BRY. calad. cann. CARB-VEG. CAUST. C HAMv. chel..chin. cycl. duic. ferr. GRAPH. hep. igrnat. kali. LACH. LED. LYC. m-arct. MANG. mar. rncrc. MEZER. mosch. MTJR-AC. n'atr-mur. niti'ac. n-vom. petr. PJ~osPH. plat. PULS. RAN-BULB. RAN-SCEL. rhodod. RHUS. SABAD. samb. sep.. SPIG. SPONG. stann. STAPH. STRONT. suiph. thuj. VALER. viol-tr. After midnight. Acon. alum. ambr. qinm-mur. ang. ant,-crud. ant-tart., ARS. asaf. aur. bar. bor. bry. calad. CALC. CANN. canik. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. couc. coff. con. croc. DROS. dui1c.. euphr. FERR. graph, hell. Itep. IGNAT. jod. KALI. lyc. mgs. - mn-arct. m-austr. MAGN. MANG. MiEUc. mezer. nair. natr-mur. NLTR. nitr-ac. N.-VQM. phosph. PH--AC. plat. puls. ýran-bulb..RAN-SCEL. rhodod. RHiUS. sabad. sabin. SAMVB. sassap. SCILL. senegr. sep. sil. spig..spongr. staph. strain. suiph. sulpli-ac. tar. THUJ. viol-od. Periodical* A4con. ALUMN. ainbr. ANAC. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. ARNi. ARS. BAR. bell. boy. bry. CALC. cann. CANTH. CAPS. CARB-VEG. CHIN.* cina. clem. coce. coich. croc. cup+r. dros. ferr. gra~ph. ~"GNAT. I.PEC. lack. LTC. men. mere. NATR-MUR. nitr. N-VOM. vetr. PLUMB. PULS. RHODOD. RHUS. SABAD. samb. sec-corn. SEP. spigy. STAPH. StTLPH. v'aler. VERATR. zi-nc. 11. AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO SITUATION AND CIRCUMSTANCES. From affections of the mind. ACON. Adui. aini-inur. ant-tart. amn. ars. asar. *AUR. bar. SITUATION AND CIRCUMSTANCES. 29 289. BE ILL. 'BRY. calc. caps. carb-an. CAUST. CHAM. chin. cic. cocc. -coFF. coich. GOLOC. con. croc. cupr. cyci. ferr. graph. hep. HYOSC. IGNAT. ipec. kali. lack. laur. LYC. mgs,. m-arct. rn-austr. magn. magn-mur. mar. merc. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM.0 oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AkC. PLAT. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. samb. sec-corn. selen. seneg.'sep. sil. s pong. stann. STAPH. strain. strofit. suiph. VERATH. verb. zinc. From anger. ACON. alum. ant-tart. ARS. aur. BELL. BRY. caic. CHAM. chin. coC'c. COFF. COLOC. croc. cupr. kyosc. IGNAT. ipec. Lyc.. mgs. in-aret. m-austr. magrn. magn-mur. natr. nair-mur. n-mosch. N-VOM. op.. petr. PHOSPH. pit-ac. PLAT. PULS. ranbulb. rhus. sarn 'b. sec-corn. selen. sep. sil. stann. STAPH. strain. suiph. veratr. zinc. - -with anxiety, ACON. alum. -ARS. aur. BELL. bry, -CalC. CHAM. cocc. COffi CIJPR. b)yosc. IGNAT. lyc. natr. natr-mur. N-VOMI. op. petr. phosph. FLAT. PULS. rims. samb. sep. stann, strain. sulpim. ve-rair. - -with fright. ACON. BELL. cabc. cooc. cupr. IGNAT. nala. N-VOM. OP. peir. PHOSPH. PLAT. PULS. samb. sep.-.sulphm. zinc. - -with silent grief and sorrow. Alumn. ars. aur. bell. COcC. COLOC. -hyo'so. IGNAT. LYC. anjtr:" natr-rnur. n-vom. phospb. PH-AC. plat. puls. STAPH. veratr. with indignation. COLOC. ipec. N-VOM. plat. STAPH. - -with vehemence. ACON. ciur. bell. BRY. CHAM. 00FF. hyosc. lyc. nati'-rnur. N-VOM. phospim. Sep. suiph. veratr. zinc. -anxiet,*. (See Frighit.) -after contradiction. AUR. ignat. n-vomn. olcand. - - fear: (See Fright) affections, frighU- (anxiety, fqar). ACQN. anac. amn. ars. aur. BELL. br-y. calc. carb-veg. CAUST.chain. cic. coc.C'00CFF. CUPR. gra~ph. hep. HYOSO. IGNAT. lack. laur. lmyc., mero'. nair-mur. N-vc~u. OP. jplospk. FLAT. PULS. rhus.. samb. sec-corn. se~p. spongt stann. strain. suiph. ver-atr. verb. zinc.-.gri~ef and sorrow. Anmrrinar.,ars. aur. bell -calc,.caps.ý caust. cocc COLOC. con... 1290 290 AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO cyci. graph. nyosc. IGNAT. kali. lach. lyc. natr. n-vom. phosph. PH-AC. plat. PUL[S. rhus. STAPH. strarn. VERATR. Fromi ill behaviour (naughtiness) of others. lei Colch. STAPH. -jealousy. HYOSC. IGNAT. lack. n-vom. ph-ac. - excessive joy. COFF'. croc. cyci. natr. op. PULS. - 'unhappy love. Aur. caust. COFF. HYOSC. IGNAT. kali. lach. n-vom. PHc.w.Sep,. STAPH. -mortification caused by offence. Acon. ars. aur. bell. bry. carb-an. CHAM. COLOC. IGN ATI. ipec. lyc. merc. NATR-MUR. n-vom. PH-AC. plat. puls. S EN E. STAPH. strain. suiph. veratrI. offences received. (See Mortification) reproaches* Goloc. IGNAT. OP.- ph-ac. STAPH.. exciting, stories. (See Stories.) wratlh. Aeon. AR. bell.BRY. CHAM.qcof.CLOC. ferrrhyose. ipec. lye. nair-mur. N-VOM. oleand. phosph. plat. Sep. stro'nt. suiph. From the cold air..(See Cold,.) From damp air. (See Cold and Warmth, Wet.) V-romn dry air. (See Cold and Warmth, Dry.) In the evening air. Amm. carb-veg. MERC. nitr-ac. suiph. In the open air,. AGAR. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. arnb;ars. aur. baCr. bell. bor. boy. bry. ealad. eale. CAMPH. eann. eant/t. caps. GARB-AN." CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. CHEL. CHiN. dCc. ezna, COCC. COFFP. coloC. CON. CRaEos. dig. dros. duich euphorb. ER graphi.. GUAJ. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. LACH. la-ur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. MAR. muen. merc. mezer. mosek. mur-ac. siatr. natrr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. olecind. op. rPrit. phosph. ph-ac. plat., plumb. puls. ra n-bulb., rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sesbad. sabin. saSSap, SE[.EN, seneg. sep. SIL., SPIG. spong. stann. staph. STRAM. SITUATION AND CIRCUMSTANCES. '9 291 stront. suiph. swi~ph-ac, tar. thUj. VALER. veratr. verb. viol-r. vit. zinc. When left alone. ARS. bov. con. DROS. kali. LYC. mezer. PHOSPH.- Sil. STRAM. zinc.After anger. (See Affections of the mind.), From the poison, of anthrax. ARS. From arsenious vapours, Camph. ipec. MERC. n-VOM. Before falling asleep. Acon. agar. alum. anibr. am~m. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. am., ARS. asar-. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. BRY. CALAD. CALC. camph. canth. cap's. CARE-AN. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. chel. CHIN. clern. cocc. coff. coloc. con. CRE.,OS. cyci. dig. duic. eu phorb. euphr. GRAPH. guaj. REP.' IGNAT. ipec. KA.Li. lack. laur.-led. LYC. ings. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mar~g,. mar. MERC. meozer. moseb. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitro nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac.' plat. plumb. PULS. ranbulb. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sabin. samb. SASSAP. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spvong. sta~nn. staph. stro'nt. SULPH. sulphac.. tar;* tluj. veratr. verb. viol-tr. VIT. zinc. From ascending. (See MovAing.) From want-of attentions - CAMPH. cic. BELL..In antumn. Aur. bry'. CHIN. coich. 'mnerc.- n-vom. RHUS. strain. VERANTR. On waking. Acon. alum, AMBR. AIIM. AMM-MUR.' anac. ANT-CRUD. anttart. ARN. ARS.'au'r. barý. bell. bismrn. bor. boy,. bry. calad. CALG. cann. canth. CARB-AN. CARE-VEG. CAUST. c/tam.' chel. CHIN, cic. cina. clemn'. cmcc. ' dffi. coich. -c6n. creos. croc. cyci. DIG. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. HEP. /myosc.. G NAT. IPEC. KALI. lack. laur. led. LtC.*-M-A'RCT. m-austil.-?nagn. magn-mur.,mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATR-DIUR. nitro NJTR-XC. n-inosch. N-Tom, op.petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum'. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. *By this is meant that the pain retu'rns or becomes worse when the patient dores not think of' it, and that it'disappears when he does think of it. 0 HrMPEL. 292 292 AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO sabact. sabin. SAMB. sassap. scill. selen. seneg.' SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STAPH. stramn stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valei'. verair. viol-od. viol-ir. vit. zinc. From babies. (SQee Children.) Fromt bathing. ANT-CRUD. caic. carb-veg. caust. mang., NITR-AC. RHUS. sep. sulph. (comp. water.) -in cold water. 'BELL. NITR-AC. RHUS. sassapsF. -in tthe sea. Ars. RHUS. sep. From the ringingy of a bell. Ant-crud. From draxving,-in the belly., Acon. amzbr. ant-crud. ANT-TART. as 'af. ASAR. bar. bell. boy. caic. l.yc. N-VOM. phosph. valer. ZINC. From distending the belly. IGNAT. On bending, down. (See Stooping.),ACON. agar. ALUM. AMMN. amm-mur. ýanac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARG. amn. ars. asaf. asar. -aur. BAR. bell. BOR. boy. BRY. CALC. camph. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. chin.,CIC. cifla. CLEM.'CO0CC.,coff. COLOC. con'. creos. CROC. cupr. cyci. dig. ~u'toS. duic. ferr. 'GRAPH. hall. - HEP. iga.ipEC. KALI.lc au. LED. lyc. m gs. m-arct. mn-austr. MAGN-MUR. MANG. MAR. MEN. MERC. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natrmnur. NITR. nitr-ac., n-mosch. n-vom. OLEANW.' o.p. par. petr. phosph. p-ac.'plat. PLUMB. puls. ra'n-bulb. rheuin. RHODOD. rhus. 2RUTA. Sabin. samb. sassap. SENEG. SEP. SIL. S PIG. spong. stann. staph. STRONT. sulph. suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. VALER. VERATR. verb. viol-tr. zinc.I Sifter bending down a long while. (See ý9tooping.) Alum. ASAR. BOV. cann. CAIJST. HTEP. hyosc. men. na'tr-mur. PLAT. v-iol-tm. (comp. rising.) From the bites of gnats, mosquitoes, insects.ý Acon.' ant-crud. ARN. ars. BELL. CALAD. caust. lach. memre. seneg. sep. sil. suiph. From bitinig. (See Teeth.) After bleeding. (See Loss of animal fluids.) After loss of blood. (See Loss of animal fluids-.) SITUATION AND CIRCUMSTANCES.23 293 BI "'I Ji tie' nose,, when. Acon-, alum. arnbr. amm. ang.,antitart.'arg. ARN. AUR. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. cann; CANTH. caps. carb an. 'carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel'. chin. cina. c6ff. COLCHR con. creos. dig, ehiphorb. euplhr. HEP. ltposc. jod.'KALI. led. lyc. magn. magn-rnur. mang. mar.men MEC. mzer iur-mur. mUtr. nitr-ac. N.-VOM. phiosph. PH-Ac.. par. PULS. R~AN BULB.. sabrn. sassap, _sele.n. S EP. Sdl. SPIG. spo~ng. stann'.I STAPH. strain stront SULP-H. tar. thuj. eratr.- vit. 4ý -I On taking' off one s boots Be fo01e r- eakfa4,18.,(SeFastingr.) -After br~akbiste O 'Arnbr. M-xiwaa.as ell. -bor; BRY. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg-. CAUrS~r."C HAM'chin'CON. cyci. DIG. euphorb. GRAPH.,hell. int L~ ly, 4wmag t -~n.NATR. NATR7MUR.,NITIR. puilsf M tntsk.N-v n" petr. PHOSPH. ph-4c. pub pu.hod od.,,rhus -.saissap EP Csrn.-SULPII.. valer. verair. zinc,,~ 2 lhi~le 4býýwIng breathiý ACON.1ia~. irpIamm'AM-MUR. AY~AQ. ant-crud. arg. ann. ar-s. asaf.-asar,Wr,`. kBEiLL,"bism. bor'. boy. BR'Y. CALC. CANN. CAPS. chcam. 6hin. y.c ~mcoec. COLCco.updio'di'os du C~H. coloc. con`~co. ur die'ros 'dlc4jeuphr: gizaplrt HE-P. hyo8C. KALI. 1e4 ly. ngs. MAGN.- ierc. inezer. MUR-AC. natr. NAT'R-MUR. ýnur. NITE-AC. iz-'von.ýPh-ac. p/at-. _PULS. ai iIb~*.SABAD. sassa~p. scUIl. SELE'N. seneg. SEP. sil.SLQr,,st'ann. SELPH.- sul~ph-ac. thiuj. -verair. D uring Ai xpivationt."$ Ambr. anaca"nk. ants crud' ant-tdtr4$ý:-1k*g. a'rs'. asaf. 5'r. bry... cann. carh'b'-veg. caust.' chainfl chel. ' ehin. -cic. cina'. clemn. coff. COLCH. creos. DIG.~, R0S.duilc; euphr*. IGNAT. 30D. laur. led. mang. mwr-ac. natr. *46"oL- OLiAND. 'Thrac. PU.LS. rhus. ruta. sabad. s'cill. SEP,. SPi- pti staun. STAPH. tar. veratr. VIOL01j. VIOL-TR. Vit. Zifir9 During an inspiration. A CON. AGAAJ. alum. armm. armM-mur. ANAC. ang. ARG. ARN. ars..aotf_ ASAR.. aur. bar-.'BQst. boy. ]BAY. CALO. camph. cann. ciakh. 'clmk., ctr&ýa. clh.rb~-veg. caust. qHAx. CHEL. Chin. cic.. colo. cn. CEOS cro. cpr. cyci. duic.. euphr. GLTA.J. 'Aedl. hyoso. ign~at. jod. aPEC KALT. laur. led. LYC. m-arct.inagn. rnagn-mLur. mar. MEN. MERC. mezer. rnosch. mur-ac. T 294 AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO natr. natr-mtir.N1TR. nitr-ac. n-mosclr. n-voin. oleand. op. par. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. SABIN. sassap. SCILL. SELEN. SENEG. sep. sil. spig. SPONG. stann. stront. sulph. suipli-ac. tar. VALER. veratr. verb. viol-ti'. vit. zinc. From keeping one's breath. Dros. led. men. merc. NITR. SjPIG. On taking a deep breath. ACON. amm-mur. arg. ARN. asaf. BOR. BRY. calad. calc. canth. caps. carb-an. caust. cina. creos. dros. dulc. GRAPH. HELL. hep. ignat. ipvec. KALI. LYC. magn-mur. mnang. MERC. -mosch. natr. natr-mur. NITR. ni-mosch. n-VOM. OLEAND. plumb. puls. RAN-SCEL. rheum. RIIUS. SABAD. SABIN. SCILL.,seneg. sep. SIL. spig. spong. thuj. valer. verb. VIT. Withont breathing. Asaf. cina. IGNAT. NERO. -qpig. tar. After bruises. (See Injuries.) From burning. (See Scalding.) Dnringr a catarrh. Acon. aluim. ambr. AMM-MUR, anac. ant-tart. amn. ARS, bar. bell. bor. boy. bry. calad. CALC. camph. cauth. caps. carban. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. creos. cupr. dig. duic. enphorb. euphr. GRAPH.- hell. REP. ignat. ipec.. kali. LACH. laur. LYC. m-arhct. rf-austr. magn. magfl-mur. mang. mar. MERC. mezer.. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitrac. n-mosch. N-VOM. par. petr. phosph.. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. rhus. SABAD. samb. sassap. scill. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. suiph. suiphi-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. From a snPPressed catarrh. Ambr. amrn. amrn-mur. ars. BRY. calad. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. cina. con. creos. DtJLC. graph. hep. IsiEC. kali. lach. laur. lyc. m-aret. rn-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. mar. mere. natr. natr-mur. NI1TR-AC. n-rnosch. N-VOM. par. petr. phosph. PULS. rhodod. sabaci. sa Imb. sassap. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. staun. strain. sulph. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. Catching cold, from. (See Gttting cold1.) Cellar, in a. (See Vaulted places.) Change of cold and warm weather, romm a. (SeeTemperature.) r Changing the position, from. Acon. bry. CAPS. CARB-VEG. caust. CON. EUPHORB. FERR. LACH. LYC. petr. PROSPri. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PIJLS. ran-bulb. rhodod. rhus. sabad. SAMB. sdl. thuj. (comp. beginning to move.) SITUATPION AND CIRCUMSTANCES. 295 While chewing. Acoii. ALUMa. AMM. AMIV-MUR. anac. arg. arn. ars. aur. bell. bor boy. BRY. cabe. catin. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. COCC. tcoff. coich. dig. euphorb. EUPHR. graph. GUAJT. HEP. Hyosc. IGNAT.. ipec. kali, lach. mgs. magn. mang. mar. MEN. merc. natr. NATR-MUR. ntitr-ac. ni-vom. 6LEAND. petr. PHosPR. PH-AC. PULS rait-buth. R-HUS. SABIN. sassap. scill. seneg. SEP. Sil. spig. speng. STAPH. sulph..sulph-ac.. tar. TH1UJ. veratr. VERB. ZINC.' After chewing. Sabin', staph. W1ithi children (particulairly). Aeon, agar. AMIBR. ang. aint-crud. ant-tart. amn. ars. asaf. tar. 'BELL. BOR. bry~. CALO. camph. canth. CAPS. CHAM. tchin. ctc. cina. dlent. COCC. con., creos. CROC. cutpr. dig. dros. -euphor-b. ferr. graph.. hell. HYOSC. IGNAT. JOD. IPEC. kali. &ach.. lam'. LxVC. magn. MERO. mur-ac. natr. N-MOSCH. n-vom. op. plumb. puls. RHEUM. rhus. ruta. sabad. Sabin. scill. seeýcorn. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. SPONG. 'stann.. staph.. SULPH. sulphac. thuij. veratr, viol-od. viol'-tr. zinc. 1n the church. (See Vaulted places.) From taking off the clothes. (See Undresing.) From tight clothes-. (See Pressure of the clothes.,) Friom vapouirs of coal. Arm.boy. burjukg c~ohabitation,. Anac. bar. calad. GRAPH. K(ALI,. lye. plat,.*SPRLEN.. After cohabitation. AGAR. anac. asaf. bar. bocf. BOy. CALAD. CALO. cauth. -cmn.r con.. graph.. KALI,. lye. magn-muir. niOSCh. NATR. natrmum. hitr-ae. n-vom. PETR. ph-ac. plumib. rhodod. SE.LEN. SEP. sil. st~ph. VAt. From.cold In gxedieralv AcON. AGAl. al -ill. A*VmM. anac. ant-emud. arg. arn, ARS. Vsm ~.BR pL O. boy. bry. caic.. CAMPH. ca~nth.% CAPS. c (t, b7. a126, r b-veg, CAGST~ chain. chin. cic. clem. coec. loff. coich. &JA om. c7~ dig. DIILO. ferr rph EL HEP. w"Vosa., I..M pec. KALI..lach. laur. led. lye,. rns. m-austrM. MGX. qmafn-m~tr,.MANG., men. mere.. mezer. MOSCH11. mur-ac...latrf. natt-ffitU.r. nitr.Tac. N-MOSCH.. N-YOM. PE1TR. phosph. ph-ac. puls,. RAN'-BULB. rheum' H]0. HS ua SABAD. sarnk. sassap. scill. seneg. 'sep. SIL. spig. Spo'ng. stah. strain.. STRONT, suiph. sulph-ac.. thuj. veratr. verb. vifrzinc. 296 AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO On entering, a cold place. ARS. camph. carb-veg. caust. con. duic. kali. mosch. nrnosch. N-vom. phosph. puts. RAN-BULB. SABAD. Sil. spong. stront. VERB. Cold things, froin eating or drinking. (see Kinds of nourishment.) 1n. cold air. ACON. AGAR. alUM. AM~m. anac. ant-crud. amn. ARS. asar. AUR. BAR. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. CALC. CAMPH. canth. CAPS., carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chain, chin. cic. cina. 00CC. coff. COLCH. coloc. coNi. creos. dig. DULC.ferr. graph. HELL. HEP. HYOSC. IGNAT. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. LYC. nmgs. rn-arct. maustr. magn. magni-mnr. MANG. men. MERC. mezer. MOSCH. mur-ac. nair. natr-rnur. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-YOM. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. ran-bulb. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. samb. sassap. scill. senegg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. staph. strain. STRONT. suiph. suiph-ac. thiij. VERATR. verb. vio[-tr. zinc. -. and dry weathier. AcoN. alum. ars. ASAR. bell. bor. BRY. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chant, HEP. TPC laur. magn. mezer. mur-ac.N-YOM. i-hodod. SABADj. sep. sil. spig. SPONG. staph. stilph. zinc. -and wiv et atliter. Agar. AMM. ant-crud. auir. bar. bell. bor. boy. bry. CALO. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. chain. chin. clern. COLCH. con. cupr. DULC.ferr. hiep. ipec. kali. LACH. laUr. LYC. rnagn. MANG. MIERC. mezer. miur-ac. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. n-voin. petr. phosph. puls. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA: sassap. seneg. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph. STRONT. SULPH. suiph-ac. VERATR. zinc. On getting cold. Acon. agar. amm. ant-crud. ARIL ARS. -asar. AUR. bar. bell. bor. boy. BRY. caic. CAMPH. canth. caps. camb-an. carbveg. CAUST. chaint. chin. cic. clein. 0CoC. con. creos. dig. DULC. ferm. GRAPH. hell. HEP. HYOSO.7ig-nat. KALI. lach. LYC. mgS. m-aUstr. magfl. magfl-mum. mang. men.rnierc. miezer. MOSCH. mum-ac. natr. natr-lflUm. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. muta. SAI3AD. sainb. sassap. scHil. SEP. sil. spig..9poflg. staph. strain. STRONT, suiph. snilphac. thuij. verair. verb. viol-tm. zinc. U~pon single parts getting cold. BELL. chain. HELL. HEPR led. Puts. RHUS. SEP. SIL. After taking cold. AeON. agar. alagn. amm. anac. ANT-CRUD. arn, ars. aur. bar. BIELL. bor. BRY. CALC. carnph. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. SITUATION AND CIRCUMSTANCES.29 297 CHIN. COCC. 00FF. COILOC. CON. Cro0c. CUpr. CYCL. dig. dros. DULO. GRAPH. HE?. HYOSO. ignat. IPEC. kali. led. LYC. rngs. rn-arct. m-austr. magn. MANG. MERO. natr. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC.?Imnosch. N-VOM. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac., plat. PULS. ran-. bulb. RHUS. ruta. sabin; SAMB. sassap. selen. SEP. SLL. SPIG. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. valer. VERATH. After taking cold in the head. BELL. led. putls. SEP. - by the feet. Oham. PULS. SIL. - and getting wet. (See Wei.) In company. Ambr. BAR. carb-an. con. hell. LYC. magn. natr. nat r-mur. petr. phosph. PLUMB. SEP. staun. strain. suizph. From iconcussion.b ACON. ARN. BELL. BRY. CIC., HEP. ignat. n-vom. ph-ac. rhus. ruta. Consciousness (the senses) being only possessed partially. Camph. From congwelation. (See Frost-bitten.)From contradiction. AUR. ignat. ui-vom. oleand. Copper, from the vapoutrs of. Oamph. IPF.C. lyc. MERC. n-vom. op. PULS. Before -counghing. C[NA. croc. led. While coughing. AcoN.. alumn. ambr. amm. ammi-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. antfart. arg. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bism. -bor. BRY. calad. C'ArC. cam ph. cann. can Lh. CAPS. carb-an. CARB-VE.G. caust.,,ckarA4f'el.-ChIN. CINA. coce. coff. coloc. con. creos. croc. cu~pr..dig.,,.,.,OS. duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph._guaj. hell. REP. hyOsb ignat. jod. IPEC. kali. lach. laur. led. lye. mgs. m-arct. in-austr. magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. mosch. murac. natr. N&TR-MUR. witr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhodod. RHU1S. u ta. s-bixd. sabin. sarnb. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. SULP1T. suiph-ac. thuj. valer. VERATR. verb, zinc. After coughing. Ars. calad. chin. CNA. croc. cupr. dros. ferr. HYOSC. ipec. nR-yam. PHOSPH. soifl. SEP. sulph. 298 AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO After coughing and expectoration. CALAD. chin. sep. From covering one's self. (See Wrapping up.) From crossing the limbs. Agar. alum. ang; arn. ASAF. aur. bell. DIG. laur. mur-ac. nitr. n-vom. phosph. plat. rheum. rhus. scill. valer. verb. (comp. touching and pressure.) While cowering. Calc. coloc. graph. From crumbs of food. N-vom. staph. Cutaneous eruptions, after suppression of. Acon. alum. a mbr. amm. ARS. BELL. BRY. calad. calc. carban. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. con. cupr. dulc. graph. HEP. jod. IPEC. kali. lach. LYC. merc. mezer. NATR. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. op. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. RHUS. sassap. selen. SEP. sit. STAPH. stram. SULPH, sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. zinc. While dancing. Bor. (comp. moving, walking, running.) After dancing. Spong. (comp. after moving, etc.) In the dark. AMM-MUR. ars. bar. CALC. CARB-AN. carb-veg. staph. stram. stront. VALER. Dark, when getting. (See Twilight.) Denudation, from. Acon. agar. ant-crud. arg. arnm. asar. AUR. bell. bor. bry. camph. canth. caps. carb-an. cham. chin. cic. CLEM. cocc. coff. COLCH. CON. creos. graph. hell. HEP. hyosc. ignat. lach. led. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. men. mere. mur-ac. natr. natr-miur. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. SAMB. SCILL. sep. SIL. staph. stram. STRONT.,thuj. (comp. getting cold.) Denudation, from partial. HEP., rhus. scill. SIL. stront. From descending. (See Going down.) After diarrhoea. (See Loss of animal fluids.) During digestion. (See After eating.) From a draft of air. Acon. anac. BELL. CALC. CAPS. caust. cham. CHIN. coloc. SITUATION AND CIROUMSTANCIES.29 299 graph. HEP. ignat. KAILI. lach. led. mn-ausMr merc. mur-ac.- natr. riitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. puls. ri-us. sassap. SELEN. Sep., SIL. spig.. SULPH. valer. verb. From drawinqg in -air.. (See Breath.) cold air. Alum. ant-crud. ARS. AUR. BF~LL. BRY. CALC. camp/s. C AUST. chain. cina. dubC. HE?. HYOSO. KALI. nigs.- m-arct. ME RC. moscis. natr-mur. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. par. peir. phosph. puls. RHODOD. RHUS. SALBAD. sassap;-seneg. SEP. sil. spig. staph. STRO`NT. suiph. thuj. veratr. -shrugging one's shoulders. CALC. CycL. -drawving up the limb.Agar. alum. amrn-mur. anac. AN.T-TART. asar: bell. bor. carban. carb-veg. chain. chel. chin. coffi dig. d ros. d qjl6. f~rr gu~aj. hep. ignat. kali. magn. rnezer. rnu~r-ac. Ua14?nur. n--mos~fi.-n-vom",oleand. par. petr. plat, puls. rheum. rhodod- 'R:tJ;sabdýsa SEC-CORN. stann. staph. tlwj.verh.;mb.-inc, While drvinking. Anac. ars. BELL. i1p.1% CANTH. cham' CINA. CO Chcon cupr. ferr. HYOSO. ignat. sori', LACH-Iau'r., mer~c. natr-inur. IPHosPH. r-hus. sabad. sahin. scill. sep. STR&M. After drinking. ACON. ambr. anac. ang-. ANT-TART. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bell. IBRY. cann. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. c/tam. CHIN. Cic. COCC. COlch. COLOC. con. CROCI',. cupr. dros. FERR. graph. hell. HE?. hyosc. i~gnat. ipec. kali. lach. laur. lyc. M AR. merc. mezer. mosci). mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. NITR-AC. N-,VOM. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plu'mb. PUiLs. rhodod. R HUS. ruta., sahad. sabin. scill. sec-corn. selen. sep. SIL. spig. staph. strain. SULPH. sulphac. TAR. tJ)uj. YERATR..diverse beverages. (See Victuals.) -cold and warm. (See Victuals) -quickly. AR~S. ipec. natr-mur. NLTR-AC. N-VOM. S1. sulpAm For drunkards. Acon. AGAR. alum. amin-inur. anac. ANT-CRUD. am. ARS. BELL. bor. boy. CALO. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHPL. CHIN. coc. CO.FF. con. hep. lsyosc. IGNAT. LAC H. laur. LED. LYC. NATR. NAtIIRfl.JR. NI-MOSCH. AN-VOM. OP. petr. PULS. RAN-BULB. RHODOD., 300 AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO RHUS. RUTA. sabud. SELEN. Sep. SIL. SPIG. STRAMN. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. VERATR. ZINC. Before eating. Acon. alum. AMBR. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. amn. ars. bar. bell. BOy. bry. CALC. CANN. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. clhan). CHFtL. CHIN. coich. CR00. dulc. euphr. F ERR. GRAPH. hell. kep. IGNAT. JOD. kali. LACH. LAUR. m-austr. magn. mang. men. mierc. mezer. mosch. NATR. nitr-ac., n-vom. oleand. peir. PHOSPH. PLUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. SABAD. Sabin..sassap. scill. seneg. SEP?. sil. sjng. stann. STRONG. SULPH. TAR. Valer. verair. verb. During eating. Alum. ambr. AMM. amm-mur. angp. ant-crud. ant-itart. arg. amn. ars. aulr. BAR. bell. bism. bor. boy. bry. -CALC. Cann. canth. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. CAUST. CHAM. chiin. 010. clem. COCO. coff. colc/I. CON. cyci. dig. dros. dule. eupkorb. ferr. GRAPH. hell. REP. ignat. jod. KALI. lack. laur. led. LiYC. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. Tnagn. MAGN-MUR. mang. mar. merc. NATR. NATR-MUA1. nitr. NJTR-AC. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. 'petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. ru/a. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. SEP. sil. Spig. sporig. staph. Strain. sulph. suiph-ac. thuij. valer. verair. verb, zinc. After eating.I Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. AMM-MUR. ANAc. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. arm. ABS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. hell. bism. bor.- boy. BRY. calad. CALC. caruph. cann. canth. caps. CARB-AN. CARB'lEG. CAIJST. CHAN. chel. CHIN. C10. cmna. clem. coce. coff. colch. coloc. CON. creos. cr00. rcYOL. dig-. dros. dulc. euphorb. euphr. fer r. GRAPH. hell. liep. hyosc. ignat.jod. 4pec. KALI. lack. laur. led. LYC. rngs. in-arot. mi-au~str. rnagnt. magn-inur. mangr. mar. men. inero. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. NATR.- NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-MOSCl& N-VOM1. oleand. op. par. 1PETR. PHOSPET. PH1-A.C. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb., ran-seel. rheum. rhodod. RHU~S. rura.. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. s/ann. staph. stront. SULPH. sulphac. tar. t/uiu. valer. verair. verb. viol-tm. vit. ZINC. After eating and having satisfied one's appetite. Bar. CALC. carb-veg. LYC. na/in. natr-mur. n-vom. sep. sil. SULPH. From eating fast. Ars. I PE C. led. N-VOTV. suiph. -diffeirent things. (See Ncaurishrnent.) SITUATION AND CIRCUMSTANCES. 301 On drawing one's self up. (See Rising and stretching.) Front eructations. AGAR. alumn. amm. ant-crud. bar. bell. bry. calad. CANN. caps. C H AM. cocc. cyci. hep. kali. LACH. -n-,vom. par. PHOSPI!.plumb. puls. rhodod. RHUS. Sabin. SEP. silo spong. stann. staph. suiph. VIERB. ZINC. From, exertion of the body. Aeon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. ammn-mur. ant-crud. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. boy. BRY. caic. CANN. caust. chin. cic. cina. cooc. coff. coich. con. creos. %,oc. euphr. ferr. graph. hell. he~p. ignat. jod. ipec. lach. led. LYC. mterc. mur-ac. natr. NATRMUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-moscli. -vorn. oleand. pliospli. platvy puls. RHEUiv. rhodod. RI-US. RUTA. sabad. SABIN. sassap. scdll. Seecorn. sep. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULAPH. sulph-ac.,thtij. veratr. ZINC. -of the memory. Mgs40 -ol the mind. -Agar. ambr. amm. ANAC.,ang. arg. amn. ars. asar. aur. bell. bor. calad. CALC. carb-veg. chamn. chin. cina. COCC. coff. COLCH. cupr. dig. hell. IGNAT. jod. kali. lack. laur. LYC. mgs. M-arsct. rn-austr. magn. rnagn-mur. miang. men. natr. NA'TR-MUR. n-mosch. N-VOM. OLEAND. par. petr. pkolsph. ph-ac. plat. puls. ran-bulb. SABAD. selen. SEP. SIL. stann. staph. sulph. tar. vit. zinc. Eyes, fromk opening one's. Aeon. amn. aur. bell. bor. BRY. CALC. canth.' chin. cic. CLEM. coff. con. caOq,. (_Upllorb. -IG-NAT. -LYC. MgS,,, rnagn-miur. N-VOM. phosph. plat. s~iao~.z.zi1%, -fritom raisi~nig one's. Ars. bell.. BR cl,;PSý CHIN. mn-arct. Indls. sabin. -from shultting one's,, --A~gar. amn. ars. BELL. BRY. ~cdad. cctlc. c~irb-ait. cauwst,*chel. CHIN. CLkWý. con. coto.*, dig. ferr. "HELL. hep. ignat. kali. lack. LIED. ryl-austr. MAGN-MUR. mang. n -vomn. op.pop.p-c U5 sassap. Sep. spong. staph. sulph. thuj. -from turning one's. Bry. caps. cupr. lyc. n-vom. puls. rhus. se~p. sirL. SPIG. Face, from distorting the muscles of time. Bry. oleand. puls. spig. After a fainting fit. Aeon. a~'s. chin. mIosCH. n-vom. op.. sep. strain. 302 302 AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO After a fall. (See Injuries.) From fasting (before breakfast). Aeon. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ars. 1ýAR. boy. bry. CALC. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHEL. chin. cina. CROC. ferr. graph. hell. hep. IGNAT. JOD. kali. LACH. laur. lyc. magn. magn-mur. mar. merc. mezer. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. _peir. phosph. PLAT. plumb. puls. RAN-BUL-B.' ran-scel. rhodod. rhus. SABAD. SEP. SPIG. STAPH. siront. sui~ph. TAR. valer. yeiatr. VERB. From fatigue. ARN. ars. cann. chin, COFF. RHUS. veratr. In a feather bed. Cocc. COLOC. led. lyc. MANG. MERO. Suliph. Before the fever. Acon. ant-crud. ant-tart. AR.N. ARS. bar. bell. bry. CALC. caps. CARB-VEG. caust. CHIN. GINA. 'C0CC. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat., IPEc. kali. lach. lyc. magn. merc. natr. natr-inuzr. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. Sabin. samb. sep. sit. spig. su-LPH. verat~r. During the fever. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ANTCRUD. ant-tart. arn. ARS. aur. bar. bell. bor. boy. B RY. calad. CALC. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. CHIN. cina. cocc. coff. con. creos. croc. dig. dros. dulc. euphorb. FEER. graph. hell. hep. hiyo-3c. ignat. jod. 1PE6. KALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mang. mar. men. mere. mezer. mosch. m 'ur-ac. natr. NATR-MTJR. nitr. nPitr-ac. n-moschi. N-VOM..op. petr. PIIOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. rheuin. rhodod. RHUs. ru ta.' sabad. samb. sassap. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spigr. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. SUlph-ac.' tar. thuj. valer. veratr. zinc. After the fever. Ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. ARS.' BELL. bry. carb-veg. CHIN. cina. dig. H EP. kali. natr-mur. N - VON,. phosphi. puls. sep. s~il. vera tr. During thiefeverish c!hill, heat, etc. (See Sect. V. Fever.) With the female seX (principally). Agarn. ambr. amm-mur. ang. ant-tart arn. asaf. BELL. bor. BRY. CALC. camnph. canth. CAPS. CAUST. CHAM. chin. czc. clem. COCC. CON. C'ROC. cupr. dig. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. HYOSC. IGNAT.jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. magn. mang. mnere. mosch. mum-ac. natr. N-MOSCH. op. PLAT. plumb. PULS. SITUATION AND CIRCUMSTANCES.30 303 rheum. R.HUS. sabad. SAB IIN. 4EC-CORN. SELEN. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. su~ph. suiph-ac.. thuj. VALE:R. Iveratr. viol-od. From the glare of tMe fire. ANT-CRUD. bry. EUPHORB. mnagn-xpur. mere. puls. ZINC. Fluids, from loss of animal. Ag9ar. alum. ftnac. ant-cru~d. ant-tart. arg. arn. ARS' bell. bor. boy. bry. CALAD. QALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CAUB-VEG. caust. chain. CHIN. cina. coWf com. digr. duic. ferr. graph. hep. ig-nat. JOD. ipec. KALI. led. ly~c. rngs. m-austr. magn-mur. mERO. mleze'r. mosch. natr. nair-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VON. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. _plum *b. PULS. ran-bulb. -rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. samb.'SCILL. selen. SEP. SML, spzg. siann. STAPH. SULPH, thuj. Ivaler. veratr. zinc. In foggy weather. (See Weather.) After a fool-bath. (See Wet feet) From freezing. (See Frost-bitten.) After fright. (See Affections of the mind.) Front being frost--ýitten. Agar. ARS. bell. BOR. bry., eamph. CARB-VEG. COLCH. hep. in-austin. mur-ac. NITR-AC. n-vowo. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. suiph. suiph-ac. Fromm gargling. Carb-veg. Whenat giddy.,AOQN. again. alum. ambr. amm. amin-mu'r. anac. ant-erud. a n t-iirt. `ARG. amn. -ARS, asaf. aur. bar. )3ELL. boy. bry. c~alad. CAL'CGca mphe cant A. carb-an. carb-vegr. caust. CHAM. chel. chin. Cie. ci*na. copcci coff. cplo0c. con. croe& cupr. dig. duic. ferr. graph. hell. liep. yosc. gnat jod. p.hoi.`n. pec. kali. L#CH. LAUR. led., lyc. magn. mnagn-mur. MERC. mezer. MOSCH. natr. nair-mur. nitin. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. olean'd.-6p. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. p)lumnb. PULS. ran-scel. rhoddd. rhiis. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. sen'eg.' sep. siJ. spig. spongr. stann. staph. STRAM. stront. sulph. VIRAT'k. ve'rb. ZINC. 4GIandlers, from the poison of. A*,s-. caic. ph-ac. suiph. Fromt gnashing one's teeth. (See Pressinig together.) Front going-,down (descend iig), Amm-mur. arg~bar. bell. bry. canth. coff. CON. FERR. lye. men. nitr-ac. plumb. RHdl6OD. rhus. ruta.,sabin. stann. suiph. VERATR. verb. ý 304 AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO From grief. (See Affections of the mind.) Hair, from combing one's. BRY. chin. creos. ignat. SELEN. - after cutting the. BELL. led. puls. SEP. - from turning back the. Puls. rhus. Hands, from working with the. AMM-MUR. BOv. ferr. kali. LACH. magn. inerc. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. sIL. VERATR. Hands gently over a part, from rubbing the. Mar. Hang dowvn, from letting the limb. ALUM. AMM. ang. CALC. caust. cina. dig. hep. ignat. lyc. m-austr. natr-mur. n-vom. par. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ruta. SABIN. stann. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. Hat, from pressure of the. Agar. alum. ang. arg. carb-an. CARB-VEG. hep. lach. laur. led. lyc. mezer. nitr. NITR-AC. SIL. stront. sulph. VALER. Head, from exertions of the. (See Exertions) Head backwards, from bending the. Bell. bry. caust. chin. crc. cupr. cycl. dig. ios. kali. PUbS. SEP. spong. valer. viol-od. - - forwards. Viol-od. - - sideways. Chin. SPONG. Head, from covering the. (See Pressure of the hat, and Wrapp ng up the head.) f- rom raising the. (See Rising) - from shaking the. Acon. aminm. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARN. asar. bar. BELL. bor. BRY. calad. calc. camph. cann. canth. carb-an. carbveg. caust. cham. chel. chin. cic. cocc. coff. COLCH. creos. croc. cupr. dig. graph. guaj. hell. HEP.jod. ipeC. LED. m-austr. mang. merc. mezer. natr-mur. 1itr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. par. petr. phosph. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. rhus. ruta. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. staph. stram. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. vit. - from turning the. Amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. ARN. asar. bar. BELL. bov. BRY. SITUATION AND CIRCUMSTANCES.30 305 CALC. camph. cairn. cantli. carb-an.. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. CIC. cocc. coff. coloc. cupr. dros. duic. REP'. hyosc. IGNAT.- ipec. KALI. lach. LYC. rngn. mezer. NATR. NATR-MUR. tiitir-ac. N-VOM. par. petr. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabad-. Sabin. samb. sassap. SELEN. SEP. spig. SPONG. stann. staph. sUtlp/. thuj. veratr. violtr. zinc. Iead, from uncovering the. Acon. agarn. ant-cruid. arg. amn. ars. AURh. BELL. cam ph. canth. chain. chin. cic. clem. cocc.coff. COLCH. CON. creos. graph. HEP.. HYOSC. ignat. lach. led. rn-aus-tr. Imagn. mago-mur. merc. natr. natr-i-hur. N-MOSCH. N-VOM, pfi-ac. puls. rhodod. RHIJ1S. sabid. SAMB. SCILL. Sep. SIL. staph. strain. STRONT. -from wrapping up the. ACON. asar. aur. BOR.. bry. CALC. carb-veg. chain. chin. FERR-. ignat. JOD. lach. led. LYC. MGS. M-ARCT. merc. mnur-ae'o nitinac. op. phosph. plat,.PULS,. sec-corn. seneg. sep. SPIG. staph. suiph. thuj. VERATR. From getting heated. Acon. amm. ANT-CRUD. saELLI.RY, caps. CARB-VEG. COff.!DIG,. hep. ignat. ipec. KALL-: meze 'r. sialr-mur. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. sep. sil. sta ji. THUJ. ZINC. --near the' sideý. ANT-CRUD. Iffy. EUPHORB. taonaf-fliiur. inecpuls. Z'INC. From hiccuping. (See Sobbing) From holding fast to any thing. Goff RHIUS. Spig. (comp. exertion.) Hungwry, from being. A~u?. cauth. caust. ~r- -rhell. JOD. KALI. oleanid. plat. rhus. SPIG. veratr.. Idle, from being. Alum. bar. CONq. croc. ferr. IGNAT. lye. magn-nmur. NATR. natr-m'ur. rN-vo.VoMn et. ~umb, SEP,. sil~:trukveratr..F rom ill-behaviour of otbi)~sel (See Affections of the mind.) F,,rom immoderate Oeatiog. ý.(~ee Stomach, derangement of) From ~i injuries (fa1li,4g;4knocking, lbruises, etc.) in general. AR 'N. bor. bry. eale. canth. carb-veg. chain. chin). cic. CON. ereos. Mero. DULC.. euphr. HEP. hyose. JOD. kali. LACHT. lam'. lye. rngs. mere. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ae. in-vom. par. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RHUS. RUTA.* sa~nb. seecorn. seneg. sil. STAP11. SULPH. SULPH-AC. veratr. zinc. 306 306 AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO From violent bleeding. ARN. CARB-VEG,. creos. croc. hep. LACEL. MOs. mere. natrmnur. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. rhus. SULPH,1 sulphv-ac. zinc. -bruises. ARN. Cic, CON. euiphr. hep-.jod,. puls. RUTA. stilph. SULPH-AC& cluts. ARN. mere. uatr. I)h-ac. sit. STAPH. suiph. -StJLPH-AcI. ecehymosis. (See Suggailation) stabs,CARB-VEG. cic. hep. NITR-AC. plumb. sil. suiph. from lifting. (See Lifted.) -witih suggilation. ARN. bry. chain. chin. CON. duic. euiphr. ferr. Hnp.* lach. lauir. n-vom. par, plumb. PULS. rhu.s. RtJJTA. sec-corn. SULPH, -SULPH-AC. -of soft part,,% ARNM chani. CON. dubc. euplir. lack. PULS. samb. suiph. SULPH-AC. -of the glands.6 ARN. Cie.. CON. DULC. hep. JOD. mere. PHospLI. pulbs. hus. SML. suiphl. of the bones (and periosteumn). Arm. caic. con, hep. jod. phospit. PH-AC. puls. rhus. RUTA. sil. staph. From spraining Parts. Ambr. AMM. aug. ARN.. bar. boy. BRY. CALO. caflf. CARBAN. carb-veg. caust. conb creos. graph. hep. IGNAT. LYC. ingst M-AUSTR. MERC. mezer. mosch. NATR. NATR-MUR6 rNITR. NITR-AC. N-VOM. PETR. PHOSPH. PTJLs. rhodod. RHUSb RUTA. sabin. sep. spig. stauni. staph. SULPH. VIT. zinc. After intoxication, Acon. agar. AMM-MTJR. ang. arg. bell. BRY. CARB-VrBG. chin, iCOCC. COFF. creos. ipec. kali. LATJR. mar. natr-mur. nitr. n-mo~ech. N-YOM. OP. ph-ac. PIJLS. rheum. sainb. scill. SPONG. STRAM. valer. From jinnping, ASpig. (comp. running.) when kneeling. Coco. rnagn. Sep. When knitting# (See Working with the hiands.) SITUATION AND CIRCUMSTANCES.30 307 On knockirig a part against any thing. Bar. DRY. carb-veg. t"AUST. hep. puils. sep. szl pg.aer While lying down.Aconi. agar. aluM. AMBR. aftm. 4 MUR. aaac., aug. -aozt-., crud. ant-tart. ARG. arn. ABRS. AsAF.*asar. AIJR. baý.-ýefl. bism..d' bor. boy. bry. calad. caic.- cam "h-. cann? leanth. *CAPS. #rfan carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. chin. cia,. cina. clernt. coce. coff. Polch. coloc. CON. creos. droc. cupr. 8YCL. (dig. DROS. DULO., EUPHORB. EUPHR. FERR. graph. guatj. hell. hep. hyo~sc. ignae. jod. ipec. kaili. lach. laur. led. LYC. MGS. in-arct. inaustin. rhagn. MAGN-MUR. mans. 1mar. MEN. merc. mnezer. MOSCH. MUR-AC. NATR. natin-mur. NITR. nitr-ac'. n-m~osch. ntvO'm. oleand. op.-par. jetl'. phosph. PH-AC. PLAT. plumnb. PUbS. ran-bulb. rheuni. RHODOD. R HUS. RUTA. SABAD. "sabi iiiS AMB. sa~sap. scill1. sec-corni. -elen. seneg. S'4- sil. spig. spolig. stann. staph., strain. STRON'r. suiph. suiphi-ac. TAR. thuij. VALER. veratr.' VERB. viol-od. VIOL-Tl,. Vit. ZiflC. in bed. Acon. agar. alum., AMI3R. AMM. amm-inuY. anac. ang. ant. crud. ANT-TART. ARG. arD. ars. asaf. asar'. ATJR. bar, bell. bism. BOJt. bov'. bi'y. calad. caic. carnph. cainD. canitlh, cap~s. carb-an, carb-veg. c aush chain. c/tel. chin. cic. cinia. clem. coec. coff coich. COLOC. c~fl. creos. croct mlg. dig. DR-os. d?4le6 EtýPHORB.. euphr. FERR. graph. guaj. licll:14ep. hyosc.- ignat.-1OD. KALI. lach.- laur. LED. LYC. mGs. M-ARCT. rni-austin. magn. magnmum. MANG. mar. men. MERO., mezer. mosch. muir-ac. natr. riatr-mum. nitr. nitr-ac. n-rnosch. n-vom. oleand. op. par. pet'r. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. plpmb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheumn. RHODOD. rhuts. ruta. sabadi sa6'in. samb. sa~sqp. scill. sec-corn. SELEN. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. sponig.. stann. staph. strain, STRONT. SULPFIT. sul4h-ac. tar. thuft*v~aler. VERATR. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. % -on the back. Acon. alum. amnm=. AMM-MUR. ang. amn. ARS. bar. bell. bor. bry. canth. CATJST, CHAM. c/hin. cina,, clem. colcic. COLOC. CUPR. duic. euphorb. igpdt. JOD. kali. lach. mgs. rnagn-mur. merc. natr. natinmur. NITE. N-VOM. par. PHOSPH. plat. vuls. man-bulb. RHUS. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stront. sulph. ithu]. -on the side. ACON. amm. amm-mur. ANAC. ang. amn. bar. bell. bor. BRY. CALAD. CALO. canth.* GARB-AN. caust. chini. CYNA., clem. coich. CON.- CREOS. FERR. IGNPT. IPEC. KALI. lach. LYC. mgs.:mdgn-mur. MERC. m~osch. nair. natr-mur. n-vom. PAR. p/tosp. 308 308 AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO plat. PULS. ran-bulb. sabad. SENEG. sep. sil. spig. spong. STANN. SULP H. thuj. veratr. viol-tr. While lying on the right side. Aeon. AMM-MUR. anac. Boii. bry. cale. cathb-an. caust. cina. clem. con. creos. ipec. kali. lach. lye,. mrgs. MAGN-MUt. MERC. natr. N-VOM. puls. ran-bulb. seneg. spig!. SPONG. stann. sulph. tbuj. - on the left side. AeON. Amm. anac. ang. am * BAR. bell. bry. cale. eanth. earban. chin. coich. eon. creos. ipec. kali. lye. mere. NATH. NATRMUR. PAR. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. stann. SULPH. THUJ. - on the painsful, side. ACON. agar. ambr. AMM. arum-mur. anae. ang. ant -crud. arg. art). AIRS. BAR. bell. bryr. CALAD. caic. eann. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. Cina. clem. eroc. cupr. DROS. GRAPH. guaj. HEP. hyose. ignat. JOD. kali. lach. led. LYC. MAGN. DMAGN-MUR. mang. mar. mere. mezer. MOSCH. mur-ac. uatr-mur. tiitr. NITR-AC. N-MOSCH. N-VON. oleand. PAR. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. ran-bulb. ran-seel. R HEIJM. rhodod. rhus. RUTTA. SABAD. Sabin. samb. sassap. selen. sep. SILL SPONG. staph. strain. suiph. tar. thuj. valet. veratr. verb, -on the painless side. AMBR. amn. hell. BRY. C4LC. cann. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. COLOC. IGNAT. KALI. lye. MGS. M-AUSTR. n-vom. PULS. RHUS. SEP. STANN. viol-od. VIOL-T.R. -head low. ANT-TART. ARS. cairn. Caps. CHIN. clem.'COLCH. HEP. lack. rn-austin. NITR. n-vom. petr. phosph. PULS. SPIG. stront. suiph. After lying down and having risen agaiti. Acon. agarn. alum. AMB R. AMM. amin-mur. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. amn. ARS. ASAF. asar. AUR. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy. bry. ealad. eale. eanth. CAPS. carb-an. earb-veg. caust. C H AM. chel. chin. CLEM. coce. coff. coleb. coloc. eon. eroc. eupin. cvciA. dros. DULC. EUPHORB. EUPHR. FERR. graph. guaj. hell. hep. HYOSC. ignat. ipee. RALI. lach. laur. led. LYC. mgs. M-ARCT. rn-austin. MAGN. MAGN-M1JR. mang. mar. MEN. mere. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. n-moseh. n-vom. oleand. op. par. petr. pbosph. ph-ac. PLAT. PLUMB. PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. Sabin. SAMB. sassap. sMen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. STRONT. SULPH. SULPH-AC. TAR. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. vit. zinc. '4. SITVAT4~ON AND CIRCUMSTANCES. 3fl9 FProm 'laugh ing. Aconf.,ang.arg. ARS. aur. BELL.'J3OR. CARB,!;VEG. cRINr. COloc. coneic ali. lauir.' MAN1G. mezer. mffi-ac. natr-mur. n-vom. PHOSPH. PLUMB-. STANN. ZlfG.Fromn1tiying or leaning the limb on any thin' Amm-mur. ang. -A~tN. arg. asar. BELL. camp/i. caust. z,?, 'CON.,croc. graphb. KALI. magn-tiur. mar. ni-mosch. phosph. RHUS. ruta.. sabin. samb.. scill. siul. spong. stann. suiph. diuj. valer. verb. While leaning against any thing. Arg. ar-4. bell.. cannlycI. hey. "NITR-AC. S'ULPH. staph. -against a sharp edge. Agar. SAME.. backwards. Nitr-uc. staph. After ha~vi-ng leaned against ahy thing., CoLoc. From. leaning on one sidef. Men..-* Upon any thing. (See Leaning' and Laying.) Fram Jicking one's lips.. Valer. F'rom lifting too heavyAi weight' (injuries from lifting).. Alum. ambr. ARN. bar. BOR. bry.. CALC. carb-an'. carb-veg. caust. c/hin. coec. coboc. con. croc. duic. f'err. GRAPH. jod. kali. lach. LYC. merc,. mur-ac. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vorn. oleand. phosph. PRa-AC. plat. rhodod. RHUSsý,ruta.'sep. sim.. spig. stann, staph. sulphz% suiph-ac..thuj.. valers. -the arm. AcON. ancic. ant..;crud. BAR. bor. bry. caps. chin. CON. CUPR. VERR. grap/h. lach. TED. plumb. ran-bulbt. sulyk. thuj. -the part affiected. Acon. antm-mur.'anac. ant..crud. arg. ARN. asar. BAR. -XEZ~ii bor. bry.-calc. campli. caps. caust. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. coich; coloc. CONz- creos. cupt. dros. euphorb. FERR.&gaph. hep. ignat. KALI. lach. LED. lyc. m-AUStr, magn. magn iu.mr mr.mzr natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. fi-vomn. oleand. petr. phosph. plumb. puli, ran-bulb. RHUs. ruta. SIL. Stn' suiph. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. ver*. From light in generatt AcoN. agar. 'alum. ammv ammrmur.ý anac. ANT-CRUD. amn. ars. 04 310 310 AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO asar. BA&R. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. camnpl. c ar'b-an. CaUst. chain. CHIN. CIC. czna. coco. coff. oC. colch. IONCRoc. cupr. dig. DROS. EUPHR. GRAPH. hell. HE?. hyosC. IGNAT. kali. lach. laur. LYC. marct. magn. magn-mur. mang. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. NATR. natrmur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-inosch. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. samb. sassap. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. Spig. stann. staph. STRAM. SULPH. suiph--ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. vit. zinc. From the light of a candle or a lamp. Amm-mur. anac. BAR. BELL. bor. CALC. carb-an. caust.'cina. CON. CROC. DROS. GRAPH. HE?. IGNAT. kali. laur. LYC. mang. MERC. mezer. nitr-ac. n-moschi. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. _puls. ruta. sassap. seneg. SEP. SIL. suiph., vit. - of the day. Arm-m-rni. ANT-CRUD. CALC. CON. DROS. EUPHR. GRAPH. hell. HEP. hyosc. mnagn. mang. "merc. nitr-ac. NVOM.,petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. rhodod. samb. -sassap. SEP. SIL. strain. suiph. thuj. -of the sun. -Acon. agar. ANT-CRUD., ars. asar. bar. bry. CALC. camph. C HIN. CON. EUPHR. GRAPH. IGNAT. lack. rn-arct. magnmur. NATR. n-vom. PH-AC. PULS. selen. seneg. stann. strain. SULPHa. valer. verair. zinc. 0OnL ]Loking in the distance. Euphr. RUTA. -downwards. Acon. CALC. OLEAND. SPIG. sutplh. - straight -for~ward. OLEAND. -at an object fixedly# -Agar. alum. amnm. amm-mur. anaC. ang.. arg. amn. ASAFY. asar, AUR. bell. bo~r. bry. CALC. canth. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chain. 6ar. chel. chin. CIC. CIlNA. cocc. coff. con. creos. CROC. cupr. dros.. duic. fer-r. GRAPH. hep. ignat. KALI. laur. -led. LYC. m-arct, magn. m agn-nmr. mnang. mnen. merc. mezer. mosch. inur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand.. par. petr.. PIIOSPH. ph-ac. plat. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. RHODOD. rhu~s. RUTA. sabad. -SASSAP. seleri. SENEG. SEP. SIL. SPIG. SPONG. staph. strain. stront. suiph. -sulph-ac. thuj. valer. verb. viol-od.. vii;. zinc. - in the light. Amm-rnrr. bell. DRY. CALC., caust. ckel. coich. creos. ignat, SITUATZtON AND CIRCUMSTANCES.31 311 kali. MAGN-MUR. MERC. fl-vomf., PH'OSPH. ph-ac. sabad. sep. zinlc. (Comp. IigIht.) On looking long at an object. Cic. creos. rheum. RUTA. SPIG. across a large plain. SEP. -sharply at any thuing. (8ee Fixedly) -at shining olijects.. I BELL. canth. HYOSO. lach. Plosplt. STRAM. -sideways. B1tLL. oleand. spigsf - At something -tirning around. Lyc. 4 -upwrds. Alum. ars; OALC. earb-v~eg.ý caust.. cuer. graph. petr. plat. plufnb. PULSit. R4AD. a f~~ e.Sil( pi. HJ.zic *-at (r~iviuing) water.$ Arg. BEMt.'*FERR. ItYOSC, strain. sudplt. -at atky thing wvhite. Gham~graph. kali. nat r-mur. Aram. Whilst looking around. Cale. ceic. 'CON. ipec. kali. Fronm unlitappy lo ve. (See Affections ef'the mind. For masons. (See Stonecutters 5 From masturbation., Agar. alum. anac. A RG. ars. *6boo. eql'ac4 CALC.,- CARB-VEG. CHIN. cina. CON. dulc. ferr. igna&.JOn. k4#t tc. miEx4&jmocli. natr. NATR-MUR. n-mosch. n-vomn. petr..3gosPHj.-PHfA'C. plumb. PULS. scil'r SELEN. SEP. Sil. SPI1G. TSTAPHt STJLPH. (comp. sexual excesses and loss of animal flt~ids.) Mlieasles, having the. ACON, ars. B ELL. BRY. carb-vqg. chain.chncf.do. h1yose. ignat'. iPEC. magn. n-vomn. PhTospA. PULS. RHUS.; straw. suiph. -after the.*. Ant-crud. BELL. bry. c/tam, chin. HYOSC. igat. mosclt. n-vomn. PULS. RHUS.. suipli. A From meditation. (See Exertion of the mind.) Before menstruation. Alum. Amm. amm-n~qr. atart. BARt. bell. bor. boy. bry. CALO. 12:312 AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO canth. carb-an. CARB-VEO. caust. cha-n, chin. cina. cocc. coff. car;, CREOS. croc. CUPR. duic. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod, ipec. kali. lach. LYC. magn. magn-mur. mang. MERC.rmezer. miosch. mur-ac. natr. NATH-MUR. nitr. n-mosch. n-vomn. petr. PHOSPH. PH-A.C. PLAT. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabad. sassap. SEP. sil. spig. spongr. stann. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. valer. VERATR. zinc. Ienstri'vation, from approaching. ACON. anac. bell. bry. CAUST. CHAM. coce. coff. graph. HYOSC. ignat.jod. ipec. LYC. magri. magn-mur. merc. imoseb. natrmur. nitr-ac. PHOSPH-. PLAT. PULJs. ruta. sassap. SEP. sil. staph. During menistruation. i Acon. alum. ambr. AMM. AMM-MUR. ars. asar. bar. bell. bor. boy. bry. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chel. ch~in. cocc. COFF. con. CREOS. croc. cupr. ferr. GRAPH. hep. HYOSC. SGNAT. jod. KALI. lach. LYC. MAGN. MAGN-MUR. mere~I. iosch. mur-ac. natr. naitr-mur. nitr. nuir-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. Op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. rhus. sabin. sassap. sec-corn. selen. SEP. sil, spong. stann. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. veratr. zinc. After menstruation. Alum. amin. BOR. boy. bry. caic. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. chin, con. CREOS'--. cupr. GRAPH. jod. kali. lach. LYC. magn. rnerc. NATR-MURt. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. puls. rhus. ruta. s5ep. sil. STIUAM. suiph-ac. veratr. 1TIcnstruation, from suppressed. ACON. alumn. AMM. arn. ars. aur. BAR. bell. bor. bry. CALC. carb-an. carb-vegr. CAUST. CHAM. chel. chin. cocc. coich. coloc. CON. croc. cuPR. dig. dros. DULC. euphr. FERR. GR APH. guaj. hell. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALIL la'ch. LYC. m-arct. magn. magn-mUr. mang. merc. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-miosch. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. Sabin. sassap. sec-cOrn. SEP. SIL. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. thuj. VALER. veratr. vit. zilnc. 1T1ercury, abuse of. (See Quicksilver.) From affections of the mind. (See Affections.) itloon is declining, when the. Duic. 0 -during the full. Alum. calc. cyci. GRAPH, mar. vanai. abad. sil. spong. SULPH. SITUATION AND CIRCUMSTANCES. 313 Moon, dnriipqthe new%. Alum.' amm. caic. CAUST. cup.R. lyc. sabad. SEP. si1. In moonshine. Ant-crud. From mortification. (See Affections of~ the mind.) - From mounting an eminence (ascending)..Acon. alum. Amm. anac. ANG. ant-crud. avg. amn. ARS. asar. aur. B3AR. bell. B~oR. BRY. CALC. cann. canth* carb-veg. caust. ch1in. coff. creos. CUPR. dig. dros. euphorb. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. lack. led. lye. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magnmur. men. MERC. mosch. flmur-ac. Tzatr. natr-mur. NITR.?litr-ac. n-mosc4li N-v'om~. par,ypetr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. ran-bulb. r/tus. ruta. sabad. sci~ll. SENEG. SEP. Sit. SPIG. SPONG. staun.,staph. suiph. sul ph-ac. tar.'thuj. verb, ZINC. -ahigh emninence. Acon. CALC. OLEAND. SrwG. suiph. Mouthq on opening one's. Amm-mur. ANG. bry. caust. chain. cocc. dros. hey. MERC. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. puls. rhus. SABAD. sabin. sil. spig. spong., sullph-ac. thuj. veratr. -on shutting one's. MEZER. n-vom. Upon beginning to move. Asar. B3RY. caic. CAPS. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chin. cina. cocc. CON. cupr. dros. EUPIIQRB. FERR. graph. lach. led. LYC. mngs. magn. nitr-ac. petr. PHEOSPH. plat. plumb. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sal-in. SAMB. sassap. SIL. thuj. valer. (comp. rising. Movement,- roq. a limb performing a wrong. Ars. HWY. lc~< On moving. *Aeon.'agar. aluim. ambr. arnm. amm-mur'. anac. ang. antcrud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ai's. fisaf. ASAR. aur. bar-. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. CALAD. caic. CAMPH. CANN. cdnt/i. caps. CARBAN,*arb-veg. caust. chain. C 1- E. chin. cic.,jeina&. clem. cocc. 00FmF. COLOR. coloc. con. cr-eos. cRoc. cupr. cycl. DIG.. dros. dtiie. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. gUaj. HELL. REP. hyose. ignat. JOD. ippc. kali. lach. laur. LED. lye. ings. m-arct. M%-AUSTR. miagn. magn-mur. mang. mrai. men. MERC. mezer-. mosch. mur-ac. riatr. N#TR-MLJR. 13itr. nitr-ac. ni-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPHi. ph-ac. plat. plumb. p111s. RAN-BULB. ran$eel. RHE4um. irhodod. rhts. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. SASSAP. 314 314 AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO SCILL. sec-corn. SELEN. seneg. Sep. sil. SntG. spong. stann. STAPH. strain,. stront. suiph. suilph-ac. tar. thuLj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. VIT. zinc, On moving the arms. ACON. amm-mur. ANAC. ANG. ant-crud, bar. bor. carnph. DIG. ferr. LED. m-arct. n-rnoscb. pluimb. puls. RAN-BULB. RHUS. Sep. spong. suiph. thuj. viol-tr. - the eyes. Aeon. alum. amn. ars. BELL. BRY. camph. CAPS. carb-veg. CHAM. chin. Clem. coloc. con., cupr. dig. di-s. HEP. ignat. MARCT. in-auStin. mang. mere. mosch. mnur-ac. natuir-mur. N-VOM. oleand. op. plumb. pul~s. ran-scel. rhus. sabad. sabin. seneg. Sep. SIL. SPIG. Spon1g. staun. stiont. SULPH1. VALER. vit-. zinlc. - the eyelids. COLOC. mosch. - the head. Acon. amim. ARN. bar-. BELL. BRY. CALC. Cairn. CAPS. eainbveg. chin. coec. coloc. CUPR. euphorb. graph. ipec. kali. LYC. mnatg. mezer. MOSCHi. natr. riatr-inur. ph-ac. plat. 7puls. rhodod. samb. SEP. Sit. SPIG. stann. Staph. suiph. suiph-ac. veratr. viol-od. f - the part affected. Arnm. anac. ang. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. bar. BELL. 'BRY. camph. CANN. CAPS. caust. CRAM. chel. CHIN. Cie. cocC. coff.. con. croc. dig. hep. ignat. jod. kali. LED. mngs. ma~gn. mnang.r men. MERC. natr. natr-mu-r. N-VOM. oleand. petr. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. r-uta. sabad. sabin. samb. aspsen.S. SPIG. staph. suiph. lhuij. zitie. asp ee.Sp After moving. AGAR. amm. ANAC. amn. ARS. calad. camph. CANN. CARB-VEG. caust. cocc. COff CROC. droe.. Hyosc. jod. KALI. laur. m-auistr. mere. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. phosph. plumb. PULS. RCHUS. RUTrA. sabin. Sep. Sspig. SPONG. STANN. staph. ST RAM. suiph-ac. VALER. ZINC. Fr-rom music. ACON. ambr. bry. caic. carb-ani. CHAM. cofr. creos. ign~at. kcali. LYC. NATR. N-VOM. phosp~h. PH-AC. pulS. sabin. SEP. stann. staph. VIOL-OD. Zinc. From narcotic medicines. Aeon. agar. ars. aur. BELL. bry. Caic. canth. carb-veg. ocaust. CHAMs chin. COFF. colcim. eroc. cupr. DIG. duic. euphorb. fe rr. GRAPH. hep. HYOSC. igilat. IPEC. LACH. LYC. merc. mosch. niatin. natr-mur. nitr-ae. rn-mosch. N-YOM. op. phosph. ph-ac. SITUATION AND CIRCUMSTANCES.31 315 plat. plumb. PULS. rhus. seneg. SEP. staph. sui ph. VALER. veratr. zinc. Neck, on touching the (or the throat). Bell. LACE. -on turning the.BELL. bry. hep. From night-revelling. Ambr. bry. coich. ipec. LAUR. led. N-VOM. puts. rhus. sabin. From a noise. ACON. alum. amm. anac. ANG. ARN. aur. -bar. BELL. bor. lbry. calad. CALO. carin. caps. carb-an. caust. CHAM. chin. COFF. COLCH. CON. IGNAt. jod. ipec. kali. L-YC. ngs. mn-arct. mang. mere NATR. nitr-a'c. N-VOM. PHI-AC. PLAT. puts. sabad. SEP. 54l. SPIG. stann. zznc. During a north wind. (See Wind.) From different kinds of nourishment, food and drink. Bcans. (See Vegetables with husks,.) Beer. A6don. aps. asaf. bell, chin. coloc. euphorb. FERR. ignat. lyc. mnar. mezer. mur-ac. N-VOM. pul1s. RHUS.. Sep. sill. stann. staph.,stain. suiph. veratr. - new. Chin. lye!'mar. puts. Brandy. Aga;%ARs. bell. caic. ekel. chin. COCC. hep. hyosc. ignat. -ýach. laur. LED. N-VOM. OP. puls. RAN-BULB. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. 4pig. 5TRAV. suilph. sitiph-ac..ve~ratr. zinc. Bread. IBRY. carb-an. caust. chin. clem. coff. kali. miar. mero. NATRMUR. NITR-AC. N-VOM. oleandi phosphi. ph-ac. PULS. ran-scel. RHU~s. ruta. SASSAP. sec-corn. sklp. staph. SULPH. swiph-ac. ZINC. -made of rye. Bry. ignat. KALI. LYC. natr-mur. nitr--ac., n-vom. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. suiph. - and butter. Carb-an. caust. CHIN. cyci. men. natr-mur. NITR-AC. fl-vom. phosph., PULS. SEP. sui1ph. 316 -AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO Buckwheat. Ipec. PULS. veratr. Butter. Acon. ant-cruid, ant-tart. ARS. asaf. bell. carb-an. CARRVEG. caust. chin. coich. CYCL. dros. euphorb. ferr hell. hepipec. magn-mur. men. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosphPULS. SEP. spou1g. suiph. TAR. thuj. Cabbage. Ars. BRY. caic. carb-veg. CHIN. cuzpr. hell. k~li. LYG. natr-mur. PETR. PULS. sep. sil. veratr. Cake,, warm.. Kali. puls. Carrots. Caic. lyc. Cheese. Galoc. - rotten (spoiled). ARS. BRY. ph-ac. rhus-. Cherries. (See Fruits.) Coffee. Ars. bell. cal~c. CANTEF. caps. carb..veg. CAUST. CHAM. coMco. coc. REP. IGNAT. IPEC. LYC. mgs.rmagn. mang. MERC. nitr. nitr-ac. N-YOM. plat. PULS. rltus. Sep. StJLPH. suiph-ac. -smell of. Suiph-ac. Cold food. Agar. alum. ant-crud. ARS.t aur. boy. bry. eailc. canth. carb-veg. caust. cham ' COIN. CREOS. GRAPH. hell. ignat. kali. LYC. magfl. ragn-Mur. MANG. merc. mur-ac. natr. natr-miur. nitr. nitr-aC. N-MOSCHi. N-YOM. par. ph-ac. pluimb. puls. RHODOD. RHUS. sep. sil. SPIG. 5LTLPH. suiph-ac. thuj. VERATR. Food of *difficult digestion. Bry. caic. CAUST. cupr. JOD. lyc. natr. PULS. suiph. Dry food. Agar. CALO. chin. ipcc. LYC. NATR. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. ph-ac. PULS. sassap. sil. sulph. Eggs., Coic'h. ferr. SATUAT1ON.AND CIRCUMSTANCES.31 ERggs, smell of. COLOR. Fat f ood. Aeon. ant-crud, ant-tart. ARS. ASAiF. bell. bry. carb-an. CARB-Y EG. caust. chin. COLORI. CYOL. DROS. eutphorb. FERR. HELL. hep. ipec. kali. magn. MAGN-MUR. men. mere. nat'r.'natrmur. NITR "-AC. n-vom. phosph. 1g1LS. ruta. SEP. sil. SPONG. stapWf. SULPH. TAR. T1HU~.T veratr. Fish.s Carb-an. kali. PLUMB. stale. Ars. CAUB-VEG. chin. PTJLS. Food, flatulent. Ars. BRY. caic: carb-veg. chin. cupr. hell. kali. -tyc. flatrmur. PETR. puls. sep. sil. veratr. Fruits. ARS. BORL. BRY. CARB-VEG. CHIN. creos. igna~t. lyc. MAGNMUL. NATIL. phosph. PULS. rheum. rholodod. ruta SELEN. SEP. tar. VERATIL. Garlic, smell of. Sabad. Honey. Niatr. Hot things. Bry. carb-veg. ferr. PULS. (comp. warm.) I1ce. ARS. carb-veg. PULS. Lemonade. SELEN..1tleal, dishes made of flour or. Suiph. Heats cooked in iron pots. SULPH. Meat (butcher's).v Carb-an. caust. COLOR. FERIL. magnng-mrmec P ULS. r-uta. sil. staph. suiph. n anmr ee -freshi. CAtJST. putrid. CARB-VEG. chin. PULS. 3,f8 AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO Meat, snmoked. CALO. SIL. -smell of. Ars. coich. - Lyc. M1UM. AMBR. ANG. ant-tart. ARS. BRYV. CALC. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CHAM. CHiEL. CHIN. CON. CUPR. hell. ignat.' KALT. lacki. LYC. NATR. NATR-MUR. N[TR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM.PHOSPH. puls. rhus. sabin. samb. SEP. Al. spong. SULPH. suiph-ac. zinc. Oil. Bry. cauth. PULS. Onions* Thuj. Oysters. Lyc. Pancalkes. BRY. ipee. kali. PULS. veratr. Pastry.' Ars. carb-veg. _pulse Peas. (S','ee Vegetables with husks.) Pears. Bor. bry. VERATR. Pepper. Ars. CINA. natr. sep. sil. Plums. (See Fruits) Pork (fat). Aeon. ant-crud. ant-tart. ars. asaf. bell. CARB-VEG. caust.,COLCH. cyci. IPEC. NATR. NATR-MU R. IPULS. SEP. tar. THUJ. -smell Of. ICo ich. Potatoes. ALUM. amm-mur. coloC. SEP. VERATR. Salad. Ars. bry. CALC. carb-veg. lack. lye. Salt food. Ars. caic. CARB-VEG. DROS. lyc. n-vom. Sausages poisoned (sausage-poison). ARS. BELL. BRY. ph-ac. r/us. SITUATION AND CIRCUMSTANCES. 319 Smoked things. CALM.SIL. Soups, warm. (See Warm.) Sour smells. Dros. I things. ANT-CRUD. ARS. BELL. bor.~caust. creos. dros. fERR. lack. natr. natr-mur. n-vom., phosph. ph-ac. ran-bulb. SEP. staph. StILPH. Sourkrout. Ars. BRY. CALjC. biarb-veg. CHIN. cupr. hell. LYC. nair-mur. PETR.. PHospri. PULS. sep. veratr. Spirituous liquors in general. Acon. 'AGAR. alum. amm-rnur. anac. ANT-CRUD. arn. ARS. BELL,. bor. boV,. CALC. carb-an. car6-veg. caust. C.HEL. CHIN. cocc. 00FF. Pon. hep. kyosc. IGNAT. LACH. laur. LED. LYC. NATR. NATR-MUR. N-MOSCHO N-VON. OP. petr. PULS. RAN-BULB. RHODOD. RHIJS. RUTA. sabaid. SELEN. Sep. SIL. SPIG.' STRAM. stront. suiph. sulph *ac. VERATR. ZINC. Sweets. Acon. amm. caic. CRHAM. IGNAT. MERC. natr. SELEN. spig. -,inc. Tea. Chin'. coff. FERR. lach. SELEN. THUS. veratr. Tobacco. Acon.,agar. alum. ambr. ang. ANT-CRUD. ar-g. bell. br-y. caic. camph. carb-an. chin. cic. CLEM. COCC. ColoC. CYOL. EUPHR. ferr. hell. hep. IGNAT. jod. IPEC. LACH. MGS. m-arct.. magrn. men. NATR-MUR. N-VON. PAR. peir. PHOSPIT. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. RUTA' sabad. sabin. sassap. SELEN. Sep. sil. spig. SPONG. STAPH. suiph. suiph-uc. TAR. thuj.. veratr. -chewing. ARS. Turnips. Bry. PULS. Uncooked food. Ars. bry. Chin. lyc. PULS. R1.UTA. VERATR. Veal. Ars. C.AL-C. CAUST. Chin. IPEC. NITR. n 'vomn. SEP. suip~h. vei'atr, ZINC. 320 320 AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO Vegetables with husks.I.firs. BRY. CALC. earb-veg. chin. cupr. hell., icali. LYC. flatr-mur. PETR. P211s. sep. sil. veratr. -without husks. A4rs. BRY. cur HELL. IyC. NATR. -veratr. Vinegar. ANT-CRUD. ARS. BELL. bor. caust. creos. dros. FERR. lack. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. ran-bulb. SEP. staph. SULPH. Warm food. Aeon. alum. AMBR. amm. ANAC. ang. ant-tart. ars. asar. BAR. BELL. bor. BRY. caic. canth. CARB-VEG. caust. C HAM. clem. cupr FRUPHORtB. ferr. hell. KALI. lack. laur. mn-aret. M-AUSTR. magn. magn-mur. merc. MEZER..natr-mur. n-moseh. n-vom. par. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PULS'. rhodod. rhus. sassap. scill. sep. sil. spig. suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. vit. zinc. Water, cold., 1 Agar. ALum. anae. ARS. BELL. bar. eale. CANTFI. carb-an. clern. CROC. hyosc. IGNAT. kali. LYC. mn-aret. magn. MAR. merc. mur-ae. natr. n-mosch. N-VOM. ph-ac. puls. RHODOD. RHUS. sassap. sil. SPIG. strain. SULPH::. sulph-ac.' veratr. Wine. Acon. amm-mur. ANT-GRUD. ARN. ARS. bell. bor. boy. CALC. earb-ani. carb-iveg. COFF. eon. LACH. LYC. NATR. NATR-MUR. N-OC.N-VOM. OP. petr. puls. RAN-BULB. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABAD. SELEN. SIL. stront. veratr. ZINC. containing lead-t Alum. ars. BELL. chin. n-vomn. op. plat. sLJLPH.- sui'ph-ac., -sour. ANT-CRUD. ARS. ferr. Sep. sulph. -sulphuretted. Ars. chin. MERO. PULS. sep. From offences received. (See Affections of the mind.) Organ, from hearing the'play of an. Lyc. Stove, near the warm. (See Warmth.) From onanism. (See Masturbation.) From, overfilling the stomach. (See Stomach.) During perspiration. AcoN. ambr. anac. ant-crud. ANT-TART. amn. ARS. bar. bell. SITUfATION -AND. CIRGUMSTANC ES.32 NI DRY. caic. camph. cann. carb-veg.ý CAUST. CRAM. chel. chin. cipa. cocc. coff coloc. con. creos. croc. dig. dros. duic. ferr. grap'h,. hy&sc. IGNAT. IPEC. led. -.Jyc. m-ar.ct. m-austr. MANG. MERC. mezer. mosch. rnwr-ac.- NATR.- natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. N-VOM. OP. par. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS, SABAD. Sabin. samb. selen. SEP. spon g.. staun. staph. STRAM. stront. SULPH. tar. thu]. valer. VERATR. After perspiratione Ai-es eheR. CAI4C. carb-veg. CHIN. con. ignat. jod. kali. Jy'c. MERtC. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. petr. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. scull. selen. SEP. sil. spig. STAP-H. SULPH. Perspiration, from suppressed. Acon. amm; -.ar. ars. BELL. pRy.' CALC. cann. CHAM. CHIN. coff. coich.,duic. graph. hye, od iec.kxi e.LC magn., mar., MERC. natN nitr-ac. n-moich. N-VOM. oleand. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. puls. Ravs. sabad. scill. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. sil. spong. staph. SULPH. verb. viol-od. From Peruvian bark (without China-cachexmy). Led.'SELE~q. Peruvian bark, from abuse of. AmM-.,-#jT-TART. ARN. ARs.. asaf. BELL. bry. CALC. Capps. CARB-VEG. chain. CINA. cupr. -cyci. dig. FERR. hell. IPEC. LACH. merc.NARMR ~o~pop.P-AC.-plumb. PULS. samb.. SAP. stann_.- STJLPH. sulp4-ctc. VERATR. Fjroij~frieud~ly persuasion. Bell4, cl~n. IGNAT. NATRMV.n-vom. pa.Sep. SIL. WNOK-l~eaplaying on the piano. AnWC.,catc. kali. NATR. SEP. zinc. (comnp. musi&.) After po~lutions, involuntary. AL~Utr. ars. bor.,boy. cahz. cann. catrb-an. carb-veg. caust. c/tin. `Jon. KALI. led.' lyG. m-austr. merc, inezer. natr. N-VOM. petr. phposph. ph-ac. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rhodod. sabad. St?. sil. STAPH. thuj. (comyp. loss of' animal fluids.) From a false position'. Staph. TAR. Poultices, from Wet., AMM. tq_,qim~u.- ANT-CRUD. bar. BELL. bor. boy.- bry. CALC. CANTH 'RM3VEG.,,CHAM. CLEM. con. duic. kali. laur. LYC. magr. mgt..ne~zer. mum-ac. natr. NITR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. ffldspkrpuls. RHUS. sassap. SEP. Sil., SPIG' stann. staph. STRONT. SUL PH. su7ph--ac. zinc. 322 AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO Small-pox, having the. Amm-mur. ANT-CRUD. ANT-TART. amn. ars. BELL. bry. canth. chain. clem. coec. hyosc. MERC. nitr-ac. PULS. RHUS. sil. strain. SULPH. thuj. During pregnancy. Acon. alum. ambr. aini-mur. amn. ars. asaf. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. CAPS. CAUST. CHAM. chin. cic. COCC. coff., con. creos. CROC. duic. ferr. graph. HYOSO. ignat. _IPEC. kal'Ii. lyc. magn. magn-mur. mang. inerc. mosch. natr-mur. N-MOSCH. n-vom. petr. phosgTh. PLAT. PULS.' RHUS. SABIN. SEC-CORN. selen. SEP. sil. spig-. staph. SULPH. valer. verair. From pressing the teeth together. (See Teeth.) From pressure from without. Aeon. AGAR. alum. ambr. amp. ainip-mur. anac. ANG. antcrud. arg. arn. ars. asaf. BAR. bell. bisin. bor. boy. bry. CALAD. caic. cam ph. CANN. CAPS. carb-an. CAR3B-VEG.,caust. chin. CINA. coloc. cupr. dig. dros., duic. GUAJ.'h-1l. HEP. hyosc. ignat. JOD. ipec. kali. LACH. laur. led. LYC. MACN. rnagn-mur. mang.. MAR. men. merc. mezer. MOSCH. ipur-ac. natr. NATR- 'MUR. -nitr. NITRAC. -n-mosch. n-vom. OLEAND. phosph. ph-Ac. PLAT. pulS. RANBULB. RAN-SCEL. rhus. RUTA:. sabad., Sabin. samb. sassap. SELEN. seneg. SEP. SIL. Spig'. SPONG. stann. STAPH. strain. stront. Suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. VALER. veratr. V]jýRB. zinc. - oný the opposite (painless) side. AMBR. amn. hell. BRY. CALC. c'Jfnn. carb-an. carh-veg. CAUST. CHAM. COLOC. IGNAT. KALI. lyc. MGS. M-AUSTR. n-vomn. PULS. RHUS. SEP. STANN. viol-od. vioL'-Tl. -of the clothes. Amm. amn. asar. BRY. CALC. CAPS. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chin. coff. HEP. LYC. N-VOM. oleanci. op. puls. ran-bulb. SASSAP. SEP. spong. STANN. suiph. -of the hiat. (See Hat.) 4Qnicksilver, from the abuse of. Acon. ANT-CRUD. ARG. amn. ars. ASAF. AUR. BELL. bry. calad. CALC. CARB-VEG. CHIN. cic. cina. CLEM. cocc. coff. COLCH. CUPR. dig. duic. EUPHORE. euphr. ferr. graph. GUAJ. HE?. JOD. LACH. laur. LED. MEZER. nati'-mui'. NITR-AC. n-vomn. op. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rheum. rhodod. rhus. sabad. SASSAP. selen. Sep. SIL. Spong. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPH. thuj. valer. veratr. viol-tr. vit. zinc. SITUATION AND CIRCUMSTANCES.33 323 Quicksilver, fromn the vapours of.0 Carb-veg. CHIN. pulS. STEAM. Quiet, during. (See Reposing) Froni reading. Agar. ahim. 'anmm. ang. erg. arn. ars. A.SAF. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. canth..carb-veg. Caust. CHIN.ý GINA. COCC. COff. CON. croc. cupr, dros. DULC. GRAPH. HEP. ignal. KALI. LYC. rn-a rct. magn-rnur. mangL. men. m'erc. mezer. moseb. natr. NATRMUR. nitr-ae. n-mosch. N-VOM. OLEANP. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. -PUls. RHODOD. RiUTA. sabad. sassap. selen. seneg. sep. SIL. M~ph.. strain. ~ULPH.. SULPH-AC. tar. thuj. valer. VERB. viol-od. VIT. zinc. (comp. ltioking alý an object- with a fixed eye.) From readingr aloud. CARB-VEG. cocc. MANG. O'i'r-ac. PAR. PHOSPH. selen. VE.RB. (comnp. talking.) Reposing, While (reSting). Acon. agar. alum. asnbr. aM'm. AMM-NUR. anac. augr. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. amn. ars. a.9af. asar'. AUR. bar. bell. bism. bor. boy-. bry. calc. CAPS. carl;,6veg. caust. chain. chin. cic. cina. coec. UOLOC., CON. creos. cupr.s CY CL. DR'OS. DULC. EUPHORB. etplr. FERR. guaj. hep. hyosc. ignat. ki.lc.au.LC MGS. m-arct. rn-austin. ragn4MATXGN-MUR:. mang. mar. MEN. tnerc. mnezer. MQSCH. mur-ac. *ndtr. natr-rnur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. PH-A*C..PLAT. plumb. PULS. RHOýDOD. RHUS. rule. SABAD. sabin. SAMB. sassap."selen. seneg. SEzP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. sulphi. suiph-ac. TAR. thuj. VALER. veratr. VERB. VIOL-TE. zinc. After reposing. (See Beginning to move.) While resting. (See Reposling.) After- revelling.*(See Night-revelli ng.) From rid ink V a carri;age. BOR. caic. f~6e.CO. col~ch. croc. feii'. graph. I4EP. IGNAT. jod. kal4Jach. lyc. magn. natr-rnur. X-MOSCH. PETR. ph~osph. plat. SELEN. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. valer. -on horsebacek. Ars. graph. magn-mur. NATE. SEP. sil. spig. SULPE9-AC. valer. -on board a ship. Ang. ars. bell. COOC.- COLCH. croc. eutphorb. FERR. rn-aret. ni-mosch. PETR. sec-corn. After. riding in a carriage. Graph. natr. natr-rnur. nitr. NITR-AC. plat. 324 AGGRAVATION ACOORJANG TO On rising. ACON. aluIm. AMM-MUR. anac. ang. arg. ARN. ARS. asar. bar. I31ELL. boy. BRY. calad. CANN. caps. carb-an. caust.,,cHAM. chel. chin. cic. cocc. cole/i. coloc. CON. croc. dig. dros. FERR. hell. hep. IGNAT. kali. laur. LYC. m-austr. magn-mur. mang. mnen. merc. MUR-AC. NATR-MU'R. NITR-AC. N-VOM. OP. PHbsPH0 ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS:' ran-lulb. RHUS. sassap. SCILL. seneg. sep. spong. stann.. staph. s'train. SULPII. suiph-a'c. tar. veratr. VLOL-TR. zinlc. On rising from the bed. ACON. amm-mur. an~g. ant-crud. ant-tart. ars-. asa'r. aur. ]BELL. boy. BRY. calad. CALC. CAPS. earb-an. CARB-YEG.,caust. CHAM. chin. Cie. CINLA. clem.- COCC.. CON. creos. croc. dig. datle. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. HEP. h1yose. IGNAT. kali. LACLI. led. LYC. MGS. r-arct. m-austr. rnag-n. magn-niur. men. mnere. mosch. NATR-MUR. nitr-ae. N-VOM. OLEAND5. par, petr. PHOSPH. PHI-AC. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bul~b. RHODOD. RMaUS. ruta. SABIN. SAME. scill. SELEN,.1ep. SMn. SPIG. stann. STAPH. strain. sniph-ac. THU.S. valer. ver~atr; After risingy from the bed. Aeon.'at-m. AMM-MUR. anac. aug. ant-erud. ant-tart. arg. ars. bar. bell. bor. bov. bry. CALC. eampb. caun. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. cina. coloc. eon. croc. duic. euphorb. GRAPH. GUAJ. HELL. hep. hyosc-. IGNAT. ipee. kali. LEACH. laur. led. lye. mgs. mn-aret. magn. rnagn-mur. mang. meti. mezer. mur-ýac. natin. NATR-MUR. mitr. nitr-ac.- n-moseh. N-VOM. OLEAND. par. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RAN-BULB. rhodod. RHUS. rr-ta. sabad. sassap. scill. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. STAPH. strain. SIJLPH. suiph-ac. thij. valer. VERATR. verb. On rising from a seat. AeON. ambr. anac. ang. ant-crud. ANT-TART. arn. ars. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. boV. BRY. eale. cairn. eanth. CAPS. earban. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chain. CHIN. eie. COce CON. eroc. dig. dros. E-UPH-ORE. IFERR. graph. kali. lach. LAUR. LED. LYC. mngs. in-aret. m-austr. mang. mere. mur-ac. nzatr. NATR-MUR. flitin. NITR'-AC. N-VOM. OLEAND. PETR. PHOSPLI. PH -AC. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. SEP. sil. SPIG. STAPH. strain. stront. SULPHl. THUJ. VERATR. After having risen from a seat. (See Beginning to move.) in the room. ACON._ALUM. arnbr. amm. amm-mnir. ANAC. ang, ANTCRUD. ARG. amn. ars. ASAF. ASAR. aur. bar. bell. bor. boy. bry. cale. camph. eann. canth. caps. earb-an. earb-veg. caust. chel. cic. cina. coff. colch. con. CROC. -dig. dule, graph. HIEL'L. hep. SITUATION AND CIRCUMSTANCES..325 hyosc. ignat.jod. ipec. kali. law'. lyc. qm-arct. rni-austr. MAGN. MAGN-MUR. inang. men. mrnec. MEZER. rnosch. nlur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-von. 0o). PHOSPH. ph-ac. p lat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RAN-SCEL. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SA;BIN. sassap. selen. seneg. sep. spig. SPONG. stann. staph. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. tbuj. veratr. verb. vidt-tr., VIT. zinC. In a room full of people. Ambr. ars. bar. carb-an. conl. HELL. LYC. MAGN. natre. ratrmur. petr. PHO0SPH. plumb. PULS. SEP. staun. strain. SULPH. 1n a warm room. Acon. ALUM. ambr. ANAC. ANT-CRUD. amn. ASAR. aur. bar. bell. bor. bry. caic. cairn. carb-veg. caust. cinia. colch. CR00. duic. graph. hell. hep. igtiat. JOD. ipec. kali. laur. lyc. m-arct. mere. 9mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. phosjph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. SABIN. selen. SENEG. Sep. spig. spongr. staph. sulp~h. thuj. veratr. VIT. On entering the room. (See Temperature.) From rubbing. Amm-mur. ANAC. arn. ars. BISM. bor. CALAD. calc. caim. canth. CAPS. carb-an. CAUST. chain. chel. COFF. CON. creos. cupr. dros. guaj. LED. mg-s magn. mang. merc. MEZER. mumac. natr. par. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. scill. setieg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. staun. staph. strain. STRONT. suiph. From running., Alum. ANG. ar'g. ARN. ARS. aur. BELL. bor. BRY. calc. CANN. CAUST. chel. chin. cina. cocc. coff. croc. CUPR. dros. hep. hyose. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. laur. LED. LYC. MERC. mezer. natm. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM'. OLEAND. phosph. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sabin. scill. SENEG. sep. SIL. SPIG. spong. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. veratr. zinc. From poisoned sausages. (See Nourishment.) From scalding, (burning). Agar. alum., ant-crud! ARS. cdlc. CARB-VEG. CAUST. CREOS' cyci. euphorb. lach. magnz. rhus. ruta. sec-corn. STRAM. In scarlet fever. (See 111. 4.) After scarlet fever, AMM. aur. bar. BELL. IBRY. CIJAM. dulc. euphorb. HEP. hyosc.' LACH. lyc. MERC. nitr-ac. 'rhus. suiph. From scratching,~ Amm-mur. ANAC. arn. ars. BISM. boy. CALAD. caic. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-an. CAUST. chain. chel. coff. CON. creos. cupr. dros. guaj. LED. mgs. magn. mang. merc. MEZER. mumV 326 AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO ac. natr. par. phiospit. ph-ac. PULS. scill. seneg., sep. SIL. spig. sp~ong. stann. stap~h. strain. STRONT. suiph. From scratching on linen. Asar. When seeing. (See Looking.) While sewving* Lack. NATR-MUR. suiph-ac. After sexual excesses. Aeon. AGAR. alumn. dnac. ant-crud. amn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. bell. bor. BOV. bry. calad. CALC. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. CARB-VFG. caust. chain. CHIN. cina. cocc. coff. CON. dulc-ferr. grap'h. ignat. JOD. ipec. KALL. led. lyc. ings. mn-austr. inagnIIiur. M ERC. mezei.ir. osch. NATR. natr-rnur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. Op. petr. PHOSPH. P11-AC. plat. pluimb. PULS. r-an-bul~b. rhodod. rhius. ruta. sabad. samb. scill. selen. SEP. SIL. SPIG. stann. STAPH. suip[h. thnj. valer. vit. zinc. Sexual instinct, from suppression of the. CON. mgs. From shaving., CA11BýAN. From shining objects*, (,See Looking.) From shooting with firearms. Bor. From shrugging 'one's shoulders. - (See Drawing in.) When singing. Agar. AMM. carb-an. CARB-YEG. cocc DROS. mang. nitrac. par. P1105PH. sassap. selen. spong. STANN. SULPH. verb. After singing. Agar. HEP. When sitting. Acon. AGAR. alum. AM1BR. amm. amm-mur. anac. ANG. ant-crud, ant-tart. ARG. ari., ars. ASAiF. asar. aur. BAR. bell. bism. b 'or. boy. bry. calad. caic. camph. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. cautst. chani. chel. chin. cic. CINA. clem. cocc. doff. coich. coloc. CON. creos. croc. cutpr. CYCL. dig. DROS. JJULO. EUPHORB. EUPHR. KERR. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. LACH. laur. led. LYC. MGS. m-arct. m-aztstr. magn. M 'AGN-MnLUR. mang. mar., MEN. merc. mezer. MOSCI-1. MUR-AC.. NATR. flatr-mfur. nfitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. * r-vom; oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. PH-AC. PLAT. plumb. *PULS. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. RH"ODOD'. RHUS. RUTA. SABAD.,sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn". selen. SENEG. SEP. sil. SITUATION AND CIRCUMSTANCES. 3127 spig. spongr. stann. staph.. strarn. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. TAR. thiij. VALER. veratr. VERB. viol-od. VIOL-TR. vit znc When sitting crool~ed. ACON. alum. AMM-MUR. ang. ANT-TART. arg. ARS. asaf. bar. bor. boy. bry. caps. carb-veg. caust. 'zharn. chel. chin. cic. DIG. duic. ferr. hyosc. men. u-vom. PHOsPH. plumb. puls. rhodod. RHUS. SABIN. SAMB. SCILL. Sep. spig.. spong. stann. StY-0L,ph. verib. viol-tr. VIT. -erect. Xn'dc. an,,o,. ars. bar. BELL. bor. bry. calad. carb-tieg. cauist. chain. chel. chin. cina. COLCH. COLOC. CON. creos. dig. IGNAT. KALI. LYC. m-austr. mang. MERC. MEZE R. rnosch. n-mosch. 11-VOM. Op. puls. RHIEUM. *rhiis. sabad. sassap. spig. spong. staph. suiph. tar. veratr. verb. viol-tr. After sitting. (See Rising from a seat, and Beginning to move.) On sitting down. Alumi. amm-inuir. ant-tart. ai'g. aur. bar, bov. bry. caust. CHEL. chin. COFF. croc. cyci. gr-aph. HELL. IPEC. icali. lyc. MAGN. 9nang'. merc. nitr-ac. phosph. ph-ac. putls. rhuts. ruita. sabin. SAMB. sassap. scill. spigr. SPONG. tht~j. VALER. veratr. After sitting down. (See Sitting.) During the first hours of the sleep. Amm-mur. am-. ARS. aur. bar. bell. bor. BRY. calad. 'CA LC caps. CARE-AN. CARB-VEG. ciatst. chin. cocc. con.cro.d. GRAPH. gu-aj. itep. ignat. ipec. kali. lach. lauir. LYC. hia-gn. magn-miur. iar. MERC. 9nur-ac. natr. natin-mur. n-vom. PHospH:. ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. sabin. sassap. selen. SEP. sil. SPOng. staph. str'out. sUiph. tar. thuj. veratr. vit. During the sleep. ACON. alum. ambr. amm. amm-f-Lur. anac. aug. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. ARS. aur. EAR. BELL. bisin. bor. BRY. calad. calc. camnph.can n. cauth. capvcarb-an. carb-vegr. caust. CHA M. chel. CHIN. cic. cinna., clem. cocc. -coff. ~COlCH. coloc. CON. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. cdtlc. 1euphorb. ferr:grapiig guaj. hell1. REP. HyosC. iGNIT. ipec. KALI. l~ch. ax. -led. IYC. -MDGS. m-arct. in-austin. rnagtK m ffig'rm-md~r. nniia* i. m~at"."men. AMERC. mezer. mos~h. MUR-AC. t. npi a~tr4hu?%. flitr. tnitr-ac! n-vomn. OP. par. petr. PHOSu.PIr. platv pl umb. PuLS ran-bulb. rarw~'el. RHEUM. rhodod-:"rhuo. ruta. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. seildn. sene g. SEP. Stturp,4 ong'..9tann. staph. ST RAM. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac, thi4 valer. veratm. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. After the sleep. ACON. ambie. amm-ffiur. anac,. ARN. ars a-saf. bell. bor, boy. 328 AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO bry. calad. caic. CAMPH. CARB-VE',. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. cina. cocc. coff. CON. creos. dig. EUPUR. EERR. graph. HEP. hyose. ignat. kali. lack. LYC. MGS. m-a 'rct. magn. n-mosck. ni-vom. oleand. OP. pit-ac. PULS. RHEUNi. TtU-S. SABAD. sam-b. scill. selen. spig. spong. stann. STAPH. STRAM. SULPH. thtuj. VERATR. After a long sleep., Ambr. anac. amn. asaf. bell. bor. bry CALC. carb-veg. CAUST. coec. CON. creos. dig. EUPHE. GRAPH. HEP. hyose. ignat. kali. iyc. MGS. mn-aret. magn. N-VoM.ph-ac. puls. rhus. spig. STRAM. SULPH. veratr. From sleeping in thje afternoon. Anac. bry. chin. lach. phosph. PULS. STAPH. SULPH. After the loss of sleep. (See Waking) From strong smells. ACON. agar. anac. asar. AUR. bar. BELL. bry. caic. canth. CHAN. CHIN. cocc. COFF. COLCH. con. cupr. GRAPH. Itep. IGNAT. kali. LYC. mnag'n. natr. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. plumb. puls. sabad. selen. sep. spig. S1JLPH. valer. From smoke. Gale. caust. EUPHR. natr-mur. n-vom. oleand. SEP. SPIG. sulpk. From sneezinag. Aeon. amm. AMM-MUR. ant-tart. amn. ARS. bar. BELL. BOR. BRLY. caic. canth. CAUB-VEG. caust. CHAbt. chin. cina. con. DROS. euphorb. graph. hell. ktep. kali. lach. led. LYC. magn. magn-mur. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. phosph. PULS. RHUS. SABAD. scill. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. staph. suiph. In snow-air. CALC. caust. CON. LYC. magfl-mur. mere. natr. n-vom. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. rhus. SEP. SIL. SULPH. From sobbin'g (hiccuping). Aeon. AMM-MUR. bell. bor. BRY. czc. coec. cupvr. CYCL. HYOSC. IGNAT. lye. magn-mur. MAR. mere. natr. n-moschI. N-VOM. par. puls. ran-bulb. ruta. sassap. spong. staph. strain. stront. suiph. veratr. verb. ]During solitude. (See Being left alone.) From sorrow. (See Affections of the mind.) From spitting. Dig. LED. N-VOM. SITUATION AND CIRCUMSTANCES.39 329 From splinters. CARB-VEG. cic. coleb. hup. NITR-AC. peir. plat. ran-bulb. siL. SUIPh. From using spectacles. Bor. In the spring. Aeon. AMBR. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-veg. dule. lack. LYC. natr-mur. n-vom. VUlS. RHUS. sep. sdl. suiph. VERATR. While standing. Aeon. agar. alum. amhr. ammn. AMM-MUR. arg. amn. ars. asaf. asar; AUR. bar. bell. bism. boy. bry. caic. camph. eann. eanth. CAPS. carb-an: qairb-veg. caust. chain. ehel. chin. cie. cina. coce. coff. coloc. COIN. eo. upr. CYCL. dig. dros. dulcEPiREPR FERiR. graph. guaj. hell. hep. ignat.,kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. rnagn. magn-mur. mang. mar. men,. mere. mezer. mosclz. mur-ac. natr. natr-mnur. nitr. mitr-ac. n-rnoseh. n-vom. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph, PH-AC. PLAT., plumb. uruis. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. SAMB. sassa p. S-EP. sil. spig. sponr stann. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac.. TAR. tluin. VAitER. VERATR. VERB. Viol-tr. vit. zinlc. From stepping heavily upon the ground or floor. Alum. ambr. amm. ANAC. ANG. ANT-CRUD. arg. ARN. ars. ASAR. bar. BELL. bor. BRY. ealad. CALC. eamph. eanth. CAUST. chain. chel. CHIN.M coce. coffi CON. dros. dui~c. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. HELL. kali. lach. LED. LYC. mgs. magn. MAGN-MUR. men. mere. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-moseh. N-VOM. par. petr. PHOSPH. plat. plumb. puls. rhodod. RHUS. ritta. SABAD. sabin. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. 5ULPH. thuj. verb. viol-tr. From parts sticking together. IGNAT. staph. Stonnachq from derangemenit of tMe. ACON. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. ARS. bar. BRY. calc. caps. CARBVEG. caust. c/sam. chin. coce. COIFF. eoleh. con. cycl. eupkorb. ferr. ignat. IPEC. lye. NATR. natr-mur. n-moseh. N-VO1AI. pisospis. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. stann. STAPH. sulpis. sulph-ae. yerair. (eomp. nourishment.) For stonecuitters (masons). CALC. ipec. LYC. natr. nitr-ac. ph-ae. PULS. SIL. suiph. Before stool. Acon. agar. *alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ANTTART. arn. ars. asaf. asar. JBAR. bell. BOR. boyv. 1BRT. calaci. caic. 330 330 AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO camph. cann. canik. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAN. chel. chin. cina. cocc. coich. con. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. diros. DULO. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. ignat. KALI. lack. Jaurn lye. m-arct. m-austr. magn. mango% men. MERC. MEZER. rMoschI. nair. natr-mur. futr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. op. _peir. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rheuin. rhodod. RHiUS. ruta. SABAD. sassap. sec-corn. selen. seneg. sep. sil. SPIG. Spong. stann. staph. strain. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. tkuj. valer. VERATR. viol-od. Viol-tr. vit. zinc. During stool. Acon. agar. alum. ambr. ammi. amm-mur. anac. ang. ANTCRUD. ant-tart. argy. vam. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. boy. bry. calad. CALC. camph. cann. canih. CAPS. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. chel. CHiN. cocc. coich. COLOC. con. creos. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. DULCO. euphorb. FERR. graph. guaj. hell. HREP. byosc. ignat. jod. IPEC. kali. lach. laur. lyc. rngs. rn-austin. magn. magn-mur. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. na(tr'. NATR-MUR. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. olearid. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. Phac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabin. sassap. scill. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong., stann. STAPH1. Strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. VERATR. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. After, stool. Acon. agrar. alum. armbr. amm. amm-?nur. anac. ang. ant-tart. a rg. amr. ARS. asar. bar. bell. bor. boy. bry. CALC. camph. CANTH. capvs. carb-an. CARE-VEG. CAUST. chain. CHIN. cocC. coloc.' con. cupin. dig. dros. duic. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. LACH. laur. lyc. mgs. rn-arct. rnagn. MAGN-MUR. mnar*. MEUC. DIEZER. mum-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac.,plat. plumb. _puls. RHEum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. Sabin. sassap., sec-corn. SELEN. seneg. sep. sil. spig. 'spong. stann. STAPH. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. VERATE. vit.. zinc. Stories, from exciting. CALO. cic. ignat. MAR. In stormy weather.i (See Weather.). Among strangers..Ambr. bar. lyc. petr. SEP. STRAM. From stretching the limbs. AMMý. RAN-BULB. RHUS. -the affected limb. ALUM. amm. amrn-mur. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. arg. amn. aur. SITUATION AND. CIRCUMSTANCES.33 331 bar. bell. boy. BRY. CALC. cann. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIIN. cina. clern. con. croc.- di~g. rlros. dule. fterr. graph. guaj. HE?. ignat. kali. laur. lyc. m-austr. MIANG. men. merc. miur-ac. natr-mur. n-vom. petr. phosph. plat. plumb. puls. rheumn. rhus. ILUTA. sabin. selen. SEP. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. THUJ. valer. veratr. Fronm sucking the cgums. Bor. carb-veg. kali. N-MOSCH. n-vom. siL. zinc. While sucklingr the child. Aeon. ars. BELL. bor. BRY. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. CHAMT. chel. CHIN. Cina. con. DULC. ferr. graph. ignat'. jod. ipec. kali. lach. lyc. merc. natr. riatr-mur. n-vom. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. rheum. rhus. samb. scili. sec-corn. selen. SEP. sil. spigr. stann'. STAP H. stram. suiph. vit. Zzinc. In the summer. Ant-crud. bar. -BELL. EliY. CARB-VEG. chain. graph. lyc. NATR. natr-inur. n-vom. PULS.fs~den. thuj. In the sun. AGAR. ANT-CRUD. bar. bell. BRY. caic. CAMPH. Cclm. EUP HR. graph. igynatxjod. ipec LACH. magn-mur. NATR. n-v.oin. PULS. SELEN. stann. suiph. VALER. zinc. Fronm the siun bijrning. Acon. BELL. camph. clem. Hyosc. Itn'the siun light. (See Light) Af ter sunrise. CHAN. ings. m-austr. N-VOM. puls. A fter sunset'. Bry. ignat. POLS. rhus. When s~allowing. Acon. alum. ambr. amni. amin-mur. anac. angr. ant-tart. arg. ors. asafl. aUr. BAR-. bell. bor. boy. BRY. caic. camph. canik. caps). carb-an. carb-vegr. caust. chain. chini. cic. COCC. coff. coich. con. creos. oitoci. cupi. dig. dros. eulhorb. ferr. graph. hell. HEP. hyosc. ignat, jod. ipeeQ.lcali. lack. laur. led. lye. m-ai~str-. nagn. rn~acn-mur. mpn~r. men. MVERC. rnezer. natro. natro-rur. fl~tr. NITR0oC, f I AC. N-VOMN. op.,1pqr..P1Xi,.-PiHosPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ranbulb. rhIodod i4L RII ruaa. sabad. sahin. sassap. seneg. SEPp. sil. sg.songr. stann. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. THUJ. veratr. zinc. 1~buswallowving drinks. 37PELrUý. GAN-KH. cina. cupr. hyosc. ignat. JOD. lack. DEC natr-mur. PHO'SP~i-. strain. 332 33-2 AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO When swallowing food. Alum. ambr. ars. BAR. BRY. carb-veg. chain. chin. coich. euphorb. HEP. igrnat. jod. NITR-AC. N-VOM. PETR. PHOSPH. phac. ran-bulb. RHUS. SEP. SULPHI. zinc. - the Spittle. Argr. bar. hell. bor. boy. DRY. caps. COCC. colch. croc. graph. HEP. LACH. mnang(. MERC. inezer. n-vain. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. spig. suip.tuj ic After having swallowed the food. AMBR. ars. bar. BRY. carb-veg. chain. chin. coich. euphorb. he~p. ignat.jod. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. PULS. ran-bulb. RHus. sep. SULPH. ZINC. Between ihe acts of swallowing.v Alu1m. AMBRt. amIll-mur. ARN. bell. CAPS. carb-veg. chel. chin. cocc. dig. dros. graph. IGNAT. jod. ipec. LAcH. laur. LED. m-austr. magyn. mang,. mcrc. mezer. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. par. phosph. ph-ac. plat. puls. rheum. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. SCdll. Spig-. SPONG. staiin. staph. sulph. sulp/&-ac. tar. zinc. From swvinging. Bar. carb-veg. From, takingy hold of any thing. Acon. AMM. ANAC. amm-mur. arg. arn. bell. boy. bry. CALC. canit. CARB-YEG. CAUST. CHAMr. chin. dros. kali. laur. led. uic. natr. natr-mnur. iuitr. n-inosch. n-vorn. op. plat. PULS. OhuS. sabad. sec-corn. shj,. spig. verair. (comp. touching.) From talking. Acon. alu1m. AMBRi. amin. amm-mur. ANAC. arg'. ARN. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bor. DRY. CALC. CANN. canth. caps. CARBVEG. caust. CHAM. CHIIN. cic. COCC. coff. con. croc. dicr. DROS. DULC. euphr. fer1. GRAPH. hell. iHEP. hyos~c. ignat. JOD. ipec. kali. led. lyc. magn. MAGN-MUR. MANG. mar. inerc. mezermnur-ac. NATR-. NATR-MUR. n-mosch. n-vom. par. petr. PHOSPHi. PH-AC. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. RHUS. SASSAP. scill. SELE N. SEP. sil. spirc. STANN. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. VJERATR. From talkingr of unpleasant things. CALc. CdC. igynat. MAR. From the talking of other people. Amm. ARS. chin. colch. miangr. NATR. N-voM. rh13. SEP. sil. veratr. zinc. (comp. noise.) SITUATION AND CIRCUMSTANCES.3 333 Teeth, from cleaning one's. Clarb-veg. lyc. ruta. STAIýH. - from pressing one's together (gnashing). Alum.. AMM. anac. bell. bry. carb-an. caust. chin. coff. colch. dig. graph. GUAJ. hell. HE?. hyosc. IPEC. lach. mang. merc. petr. puls. RHUS. sassap. SEP. sil. spong. staph. suiph. sulph-ac. VERB. (comp. chewing.) - from picking the. Kali. PULS. From a change Qf temperature, Alum. ARS. CARB-VEG. caust. graph. lyc. magn. n-vom. phosph. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. rhus. SABIN. spong. sulpj. veratr. VERB. On thinking of the pain. BAR. dros. hell. oleand. plumb. RAN-BULB. sabad. spig. spong. staph. Thujnider-storm, during a. Bry. caust. lach. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. RHODOD. SIL. From tobacco. (See Nourishment.) From putting out the tongue. Cocc. From touching the parts. ACON. agar. ambr. amm. amm-rur. anac. ANG. ant-crud. ANT-TART. arg. ARN. ars. asar. aur. Ihar. BELL. bor. boV. BRY. cald. caic. camph. CANN. canth. CAPS. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAM. chel. chin. cic. CINA. clem. cocc. coff. COLCH. coloc. con. CREOS. CrOC. CUPR. cycl. dig. dros. duic. EUPHORB. euphr. ferr. graph. guaj. HELL. HEP. HYOSC. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. laur. LED. LYC. mgs. rn-arct. m-austr. MAGN. MAGN-MUR. mang. mar. men. merc. MEZER. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. NITR-Ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. PAR. petr. phosph. PH-AC. plat. plumb. PULS. RAN-BULB. ran-scel. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. sassap. scil1. SEC-CORN. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG spontg. stann. STAPH. STRAM. STRONT. SULPH. suiphac. TAR. tluj. valer. VERATR. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. VIT. zinc. From touching softly.,4rs. BELL. CHIN. IGNAT. magn-mur. N-VOM. PHOSPH. pi-ac. STANN. On touching any thing. Acon. amm. amm-mur. arn. arg. bell. boy. bry. CALO. CANN. 334 AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO CARI3-VEG. CAUST. CHAM. chin. dros. kali. led. lyc. merc. natr. nitr. phosph. plat. PULS. sec-corn. sIL. spigr. veratr. (op taking hold.) On touciiing anty thinkg cold, HEP. merc. NATR-MUR. rhus. sil. thzýj. From touching the hair. Ars. arnbr. BELL. chin. FERR. ignat. N-VOM. PULS. phosph. ph-ac. rhus. SELEN. stann. From treading heavily. (See Stepping.) From holding the part turned or twisted. Hyosc. mar. SPONO. valer. Whilst turning or twistingc the part. AMM-MUR. angr. ant-tart. arn. BELL. boy. B RY. caic. camph. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. chiai. CHIN. CIC. cocc. con. cyci. dros. duic. euphorb. guaj. HEiP. ignat. jod. ipec. loch. lauir. m-arct. rnagn. nierc. mezer. mur-ac. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rhodod. nuius. sabad. sabin. samb. SELEN. spig. SPONG. STANN. staph. thuj. veratr. zinc. -the part affected.I Acon. amm. AMM-MUR. anac. anugo. ANT-CRUD. ant-tart. arrg. ARN. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. CALC. camphi. caps. carb-an. carb-veg-. caust. chain. CHEL. CHIN. CIC. Cina. cocc. COFF. con. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. dros. duic. graph. hiep. hiyose. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. loch. laur. led. LYC. mg-s. i-arct. in-austin. MACN. mar. merc. mezer. mur-ac. NATR-lURt. uitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. par. patr. 1)h-ac. plot. plumb. PULS. ran-builb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. SELEN. SEP'. SPIG. SPONG,. stonn. staph. sui~ph. tar. thyj. valer. veratin. zinc. -outwards. caps. -inwards. Amm-mur. IGNAT. staph. veratr. -backwards. AMin. ANAC. ant-crud. asaf. aur. BAR. CALC. caps. corb-veg. caust. chel. cina. coff. CON. cupin. digr. dros. duic. TGNAT. KALI. rn-arct. m-austr. mar. natin-mur. NITR-AC. n-vom. FLAT. plumb. PTJLS. rhodod. rhus. SEP. stann. 5ULPH. thUj. valor. - backwards and forwvards. Asaf. CHEL. coff. n-vom. thuj. -forwards. Asaf. chel. COFF. n-vomn. thuj. SITUATION AND CIRCUMSTANCES.33 335 While turnaing to the -right. Spig. -sideways. BELL. bor. CALC. canth. chel. chin. COec KALI. lye. NATRMIUR. plumb. stann. staph. On turningr round. Agar. caic. chain. IPEC. kali. merc. natr-inur. par. phosph. -in bed. ACON. agar. amm-mur. anac. ars. asar. BOR. BRY. cabc. CANN. CAPS. CARB-VEG. caust. chin. cina. COCC. CON. creos. cupr. dros. EUPHOEB. FERR. graph. HE?. kali. bach. led. LYC. nigs. magn. merc. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. p'etr. phosph. plat. plumb.PULS. ran-bulb. rihodod.' rhus. ruta. sabad. Sabin. samb. sassap.' SIL. STAPH. SULPiT. vaber. thuj. In th~e twilighit (evening). AMM-MUR. ang. ARS. CALC. dig. natr-mur. plumb~. PULS. rhuis. staph. sulph-ac.'valer. Fronm uncleanuliness. CAPS. CHIN.,pubs. sulyk. Af ter nundressing. Amm-mur. ARS. COCC. DROS. hep. magrn. mezer. N-VOM. OLEAND. PULS. RHUS. sep. sil. SPONG. stann. Before urinatingy. Alum. ang'. ANT-TART. ARN. asaf. aur. bell. BOR. BRY. caic. ca nn. cant/i. caust. chain. chel. chin. cic. cocc. coff. coich. COLOC. con. creos. croc. DIG. duilc. graph. hep..hyosc. merc. mosch. natr. N-VOM. op. PH-AC. plumb. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. SULPH. sulphi-ac. tar. thuj. zinc. On beginnaing to urinate. C~anth. caust. Cclm. MERC. While urinating. ACON. ALUM. amnbr. amm. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. amn. ars. asaf. asar. bar. bell. bor'. bov. bry. cabad. caic. camph. CANN. CANTH. caps. car b-an. carb-vcg. caust. chain. chel. chin. CLEM. COLCH. coloc. COs. creos. cupr. cyc]. dig. duic. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. HREP hyoso. ignat. iPEFC. kali. bach. baum. LYC. ni-austin. magrn. mnagn-mur. mar. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. nair-mur. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. N-YOM. Op. pa~r..petr. PHOSPH. PH-A.C. plat. plumb. PULS. rheumn. rhodod. 336 AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. SASSAP. scill. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. strai. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. THUJ. YERATR. Viol-tr. zinc. On leaving off uitrinating. Bry. CANTH. petr. phosph. suiph. After having urinated. Alum. ambr. ANAC. ang. ant-tlart. ARN. ars. asaf. asar. bar. BELL. bor. BOY. bry. CALC. campb. CANN. CANTH. CAPS. carbveg. chel. CHIN. clem. coich. COLOC. CON. creos. DIG. graph. guaj. HEP. ignat. kali. lach. 7aur. led. lyc. mgs. m-arct. magn. mar. MERC. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PAR. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhodod. rhus. RJTA. sabad. sassap. scill. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. stann. STAPH. SULPH. suiph-ac. THUJ. veratr. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. Having the varioloid. Acon. BELL. PULS. rhus. In vaulted places (churches, cellars). ARS. BRY. caic, CARB-AN. caust. lyc. PULS. SEP. STRAM. From vomiting. ACOn. ant-tart. am. ARS. ASAR. hell. BRY, CALC. Caps. cham. chin. cina. cocc. COLCH. coloc. con. CUPR. dig. DROS. ferr. graph. HYosC.jod. IPEC. lach. LYC. mezer. mosch. nair-mur. N-VOM. oP. PHOSPH. PLUMB. PULS. ran-scel. ruta. sabin. SASSAP. sec-corn. SEP. sil. stann. SULPH. VERATH. (comp. loss of animal fluids.) Frotn vomiturition. ASAR. oleand. Fromt playing on the violin. Calc. KALI. viol-od. (corp. music.) From waking in the nigrht. Ambr. bry. chin. COCC. COLCH. ipec. N-NOM. ph-ac. puls. ruta. sabin. SELEN. sep. On beginning to walk. Acon. ambr. amm. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant-tart. am. ars. asar. aur. bar. bell. boy. BRY. caic. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-an. CARB. VEG. CAUST. chai. chin. cic. cina. cocc. CON. croc. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. EUPHORB. FERR. graph. kali. lack. laur. led. LYC. -mgs. i-aret. r-austi. magn. mang.i merc. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nilr-ac. n-vom. oleand. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. SABAD. sabin. SAMB. sassap. sep. SIL. spig. slaph. strai. stront. sulph. THJJ. valer. verair, SITUATION AND CIRCUMSTANCES. 337 During walking. Aeon. ag-ar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. antt-tart. argr. ARN. ars. asaf. ASAR. aur. bar. BELL. bor. bov. BRY. CALAD. caic. CAMPH. CANN. cant A. caps. CARB-AN. carb-vegr. caust. chain. CHEL. chin. cic. cina. clem. coce. COFF. COLCH. coloc. con. creos. CROC. cupr. cyci. DIG. dros. duic. euphorb. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. HELL. HEP. hyose. ignat. JOD. ipEC. kali. lach. laur. LED. lyc. mgs. m-arct. M-AUSTR. inag )n. inagn-inlr. mang. mar. men. MtRC. mezer. mosch. rnur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. PHosPH. ph-ac. plat. plumnb. puls. RAN-BULB. ran-see]. RHEUM. rhodod. rhjus. ruta. sabad. sabiri. samb'. SASSAP. SCILL. sec-corn. SELEN. seneg. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. strain. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-od. viol-tr. VIT. zinc. Whien walking in the open air; Aeon. agar. alum. amnbr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-crud. arg. amn. ars. asar. aur. bar. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. calad. calc. CAMP H. cann. canth. caps. CARB-AN. UARB-YIEG. caust. clzam. CHEL. chin. cic. cina. Clem. COCC. COFF. COLCH. coloc. CON..creos. croc. dig. dros. dubc. euphorb. euphr. ferr. graph. GUA.J. hell. hep. hyose. ignat., jod. ipec. kali.- lach. laur. LED. lye. Mgs. m-arct. m-austr. magflt magn-mur. mang. mar. men. merc. mezer. moseb. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-aC. N-MO5CH. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. ran-seel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap., SELEN. seneg. sep. SIL. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. STRAM. stront. sulph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. On walking with the body bent forward. BRY. - over a narrow bridge. BAR. ferr. sui ph. -on level ground. Ran-bulb. - quickly, Alum. ANG. arg. ARN. ARS. aur. BELL. bor. BRY. caic. CANN. CAUST. chel. chin. cina. cocc. coff. croc. CUPR. dros. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. JOD. ipec. KALI. laur. LED. LYC. MERC. mezer. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. ii-mosch. N-voM. OLEAND..phosph. rheumt. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sabin. scull. SENEG. Sep. SIL. SPIG. spong. staph. SULPH. sulph-c. veratr. zinc. 338 338 AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO On walkingr along or across a river. A'ng(. FERR. SULPH. -on stone pavement. Ant-crud. CON. he. -in th~e wind. Acon. ars. ASAR. aur. BELL. carb-veg. chain. chtin. eon. eup/ir. g-raph. lack. lyc. mur-ac. natr'.-n-moseh. N-VOM. PHiOSPH. pla t. puls. spig-. th uj. FProm walkingr sideways. CA UST. From warmth in genieral. Acon. alumn. amibr. anac. atit-crud. ANT-TART. amn. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. bry. calad. caic. caun. carb-veg. c aust. cha?n. chin. cina. coec. coich. coloc. cr'oc. DROS. dule. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. hep. ignat. JOD. ipec. kali. lach. laur. LED. lyc. mgs. m-arct. mar. mere. mnezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mzur. iitr-ac. n-mosch. il-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac'. plat. PUbS. rhus. sabad. sabin. SEC-CORN. selen. SENEG. sep. sil.' spi~g. sponig. staph. suip~h. thuj. veratr. Wit. In warm air. Amnbr. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. ARS. aur. bry. calad. caic. cann. carb-veg. chain. dina. cocc. COLCri. croc. dros. euphorb. icrnat. JOD. ipec. lack. led. LYC. m-aret. mar. mere. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vomn. op. phosph. plat. PULS. rhus. sabin. sec-corn. i~elen. seneg. sep. STJLPH. thnj. vit. From warm food and drink. (See Nourishment) Near the warm stove. (See Warm room.) In the, warm roomn. (See Room.) On gettingr warm in the bed. Alum. amnbr. anac. ant-crud, ant-tart. amn. asar. aur. bar. boy. bry. calad. caic. cann. CARB-VEG. caust. CRAM. chin. cina. clem. 00CC. coich. eroc. DROS. euphorb. GRAPH. hell. ignat. JOD. ipee. kali. lach. LED. LYC. mYgs. m-arct. mar. MERC. mezer. mum-ac. natr. natr-mutr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH-. n-vom. op. phosph. PR-AC. plat. PULS. rhus. sabad. SABIN-. sassap. SECCORN. selen. seneg. sep. spig. SPONG. staph. SULPH. T H UJ. VERAT-R. Vit. -in the open air., Aeon. alum. ambr. anac., ant-crud. a rs. bar. bell;6.- o. I3RY. calad. cabc. cann. carb-veg. caust. chain., chin. cina. -coec. coff. coich. coloc. croc. dro. DU-LC. enphorb. graph. ignat. JOD. ipec. kali. bach. led. LYC.0 mgs. in-aret. mang. mar. memc. mezer. natm., SITUATION AND CIRCUMSTANCES. 33 339 natr-rnur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n1-VOrn. Oleand. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS.--rh-us. SABAD. sabin. sec-cor-n. selen. senegr. sep. sil.4'rrx.,spong; staph. suiph. lhiij. verair. vit. After getting warm. (See Gettingr heated) Fronk washing. (See Water.) From watching.- (S'ee Wkin. From water (and washing). AMM. amm-mur. ANT-CRUD. bar. BELL. bor. boy. bry. CALO. G1ANTH. CARL3-VEG. cautst.- CH AM. CLEM. con. duic. kali. laur. LYC. magn. mapg. MERC. mezer. rn-ur-ac. natr. NLTR. NITR-AC. n-mosch. n-vom. Pho'SPH. puls. RITUS. SASSAP. SEP. sil. SPIG. staimD. staph. STRO~.; SULPH: sulph-ac. zinc. lukewarm.e Ang. Fromadrinking water. (See Nourishment.) From seeing wat~er* (See Looking.) When! thiO weather changres. Amm. ars. bor.. DRY. caic. coich. duic. e'uphorb. graph. MANG.. rnerc. natr. nitr-ac. N-MO1SCH1. n-vomn. PHOSPH. r~keUM.'RHODOD. RHUS. sep. SIL. stront. sulplz. verat'r. (comp. dry and -wet weather.) In cleat; (fine) weather. ACON. alum. ars. ASAR. bell. bor. BRY. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CJiam. HEP.'IPEC. laur. magn. meter. mur-ac. N-VOM. rhiodod. SABAD. sep. sdl. spigr. SPONG. staph. suiph. zinc. In damp weather. (See Wet weathier,) In dry weathier. ACON. alum. ars. ASAR. bell. bor. BRY. carb-an.ixzurb--veg-. CAUST. chain. HEP. IPEC. laur. magn.--mezer. mur-ac. N-VO.M. rhodod. SAI3AD' sep. sil. spig. SPONG. staph. suiph. zinc. In fogg~y weath-er. Bry. caic. CHAM.* CHIN-. dubc. MANqG6 merc. 1*-MOsOH-. plu-mb. rhodod. RHUS. SEP. suiph. veratr. In wet weather. Agar. AMM. ant-crud. aur. bar. bell. -bor.- boy. bry. CALC. eanth. carb-an. carb-veg. chain. chin.,clem.' con. cupr., DULO. ferr. hep. ipec. kali. LACH. laur. LYC. magnt. MANG. MERRC. mezer.,rhur-ac. nafr'. tzir.,njtr-ac. N-MQSOH. n..,vom.- petr. phosph. TAu. rhqdoa6L RHUS. RUTA. sassap., fteneg. ýsop. sil. -spigsta-nn..6tý,pk. STRONtý. SULPIT,--sulphL-ac--VERATR.'Zinc..*JjIn we6t anad cold Weath~ei. (See Coid'dir, and Wet weather.) 340 340 AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO In windy (stormy) wveather. Aeon. ars. asar. aur. bell. bry. carb-veg. CHAN. CHIN. con. eupkr. grra ph. LACH. lyc. MUR-A.C. nair.- N-MOSCH. N-VON. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. RHODOD. ritus. ruta. spig. sulyk. thuj. From weeping. Ant-tart. AUN. B ELL. bor. canth. c/tam. CROC. cupiu. Iep. lach. mn-aret. MAR. nitr-ac. stann. VERAT.R. From getting wet. Arnm. ant-tart. ars. BELL. bor. IBRY. CAL(.'. camph. earbveg. caust.'COLCH. DULC. euphorb. HEP. IPEC. lack. LYC. nit r-ac. N-MOSCH. pliosph. PULS. RIIUS. SASSAP. sec-corn. SEP. Muph. veratr. -inc. - -while perspiring. AeON. caiC. DULC. RHUS. SEP. From the feet getting wet.* Chain. mere. nair.-PTJLS. rhus. SEP. SIL. From the head getting wet. Bar. BELL. led, PULS. Having the whites. ALUM. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anae. ant-crud. ars. bell. bor. bov. CALO. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. eham. chin. COCC. CON. CREOS,. dros. ferr. graph. hep. ignat. jod. 'KALI. LYC. magn. magn-mur. MERO. mezer. natr. NAT-R-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. ruta'. sabin. sec-corn. SEP. sil. suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. zinc. Wind, in the. Aeon. ARs. asar. aur. ]BELL. bry. cale. carb.V~g. CHAM. CHIN. cofl. EUPHR. graph. LACH. LYC. mur-ac. natr. ni-nioseh. N-YOM. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. spig. suiph. thuj. -in the, east. Acon. ars. ASARI. bell. bry. carb-an. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chain. HEP. ipec. N-YOM. sabad. sep. sil. SPONG. -in the north. Afcon. ars. ASAR. bell. bry. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chamn. RffEP. ipec. N-VOM. sabad. SEP. sil. SPONG. From wine., (See Nourishment.) In wintero. ACON. agar. xMN. ARS. AUR. bar. bell. boy. BRY, calc. CAMPH. caps. carb-ran. carb-veg. CAUST. c/tam. cic. cina. 'cocc. coich. con. DULC. ferr. HELL. REP. hyosc. ignat. ipec. KALI. lyc. inagn. imang. mnerc. niezer. MOSCH. natr. natrprnur. N-MOSCH. SITUATION; AN~D CIRCUMSTANCES.34 341 N-VQIX. P~ET.R. phosph. ph-ac. PtLS. ritodod. 'RHUS. ruta. sAB AD. sassqp. SEP. S1l pg pog.RN-T'dSU4p/l.,,VRATR. From withdrawing (drawing."p) bh limb. Mosech, W IXro mn h~se iull *of %vodd. Grqph.* 1 Wilth 6'women in `4i ikeneait (particul4rly). Aocorn. tjni-criad. pjitflar4. ARN~. asuf a*sa e., rBEL. or boy. BRY. CALC. Car~iph. i"a~nth: QARPB -AN '.C ibvg ast. GJ1AM. chin, china.`~~c'CC-PiFF. ccudfh. CIol6-o. c - c roWe~id'"occu p r. d ros. daic. FE#RR. gr&apb.,bat. HYOSC. igt-,atj a iPE).K I ach., 131C. miagn. magn-miur. drierc. mosc/i. mur-a4c.'nair. nutr-mur. _ýnik-fad. nz~m osch. N-VOM. op. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. PUbS. rhIýWum. R H US. ruta. swbar&d-SABIN. SECxCORN. SEP,ý4sl.-sta n;-stram. sJL'PH. 8ulph-at. thluj. veratr.,zinc. lb women suckling their childireAJ.ý*Sxe *4Jding. * Frd worms. * Acorn. alum. arnbr. anac. ars.asr bar. i ý1.o~r. CA 41~ carb-an. carli-veg. caust. qhamn.&Hi:N. cic. CINA coff. coich. co.lo c~o.~igfrr W. G RA PH. hyosq. ignt. "od. kaýi lau r. lyc. magn.' magn'-paur., mar. me&c na~tr.., natr-mur. n-mosch. N-VON. jatr. phosfik.PLAT. puls. rhus.,ruta. S'ABAP. Saibin,. soi1Iý sec-corn. -sep. SIL.'SPIi. spong. stahn. SULPH., valO: - zinc. -ascarides, ýAcon. a'lu`m. am'br. ASAR. CALC. C HLNt CINA. colcfi. croc...dig. FERR. graph. hyosc. IGNASTI. kali., mago. MAR. merc. PAUr. i-mosch. N-VOM. petr.. phospl. PLATi rh~us.' sabad. sabiij. SL.SPIG. Sjý9NG. SULPH. Oq z inc. ACON.?&Nai.ar&. bar. bell. bor.,'caZk. Ckust--HAh[f- chin. Icic. CJN.A. 'colo&'. -GRAP.H. hyosc. jod." katu. lyc. mnagn. magn-niur. "fmeia NA~FR-Mt1R,. u-mosch. n-voith. perr. ph6sph'. RbT A'.SABAD. zsrc~co~w SIL. SPIG. SULPH. valer. ýTajWoi.worm, fro'm the, A 4,'nam6f,a,,n ac. cara. -C ALC. carb.~an~ CARP~-VEG. caust. Okn A~offi 'coich. croc1 GRAPH. AjgW. kAfi. lauro lyc. hagn-z zum. ynar. mgrc ftatr. natr-mUh4NrVok~j trR. PIROSPHe PLAT.YPUL1S. rhus.,,BAD sa4i- sjip ~L-,wspig. spoug. stanhi.. UL?H,. pqler. zinc. F11irom wrappint9A 9e'*i~i a AeoN. ASAR. aur'!aoRcbr~y'. C., ca cb-vtlg -hn.vh~in.coff. W, 342 342 AMELIORATION BY FERR. ignat. JOD. lach. led. LYC. MGs. M-AUSTR. merc. mosch. inur-ac. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. phosph. plat. puls. ' hus. sec-corn. seneg. sep. SPIG. staph. suiph. thuj. VERAT.R. (comp, warmith.) When writing. Acon. agar. alum. amm. amm-mur. anac. ant-crud. amn. ASAF. asar. aur. bar. bor. bry. calad. CALC. cann. canth. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. chtim. Cic. CINA. cocc. coloc. crod. dros. euphorb. ferr. graph. hep. igmat. KALI. laur. led. LYC. men. mezer. murac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VON. OLEAND. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. RHODOD. rhus. RUTA. sabad. sabin. sassap. samb. seneg. SEP. SIL, spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. suiph. suiph-,ac. thuj. valer. zinc. When yawning. I Acon. agar. amin. amm-mur. anac. aug.' ant-tart. argr. A RN. ars. aur. bar. bell. bor. bry. calad. calc. canth. caps. carb-an. CAUST. CHEL. chin. CINA. cocc. CREOS. croc.. cycl. dig. ferm. GRAPH. hep. IGNAT. ipec. kali. laur. lyc. M-ARCT. m-austr. magm. magn-mur. Foang. mar. MEN. mezer. Mull-Ac. natr. natr-mur. NVOM. OLEAND. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. puls, RHUS. ru ta. SABAD. SASSAP. sep. sdl. stann. STAPH. suiph., suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. viol-od. zinc. After yawning. Amnm-mur. croc. N-VON. Ill. AMELIORATION BY POSITION AND CIRCUMSTANCES. 1ni the open air. A CON. ALUM. ambr. amm'. amm-mur. ANAC. an7g. ANT-CRUD. AUG. arm. ars. ASAF. ASAR. aur. bar. bell. bor. boy. bry. caic. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chel. cic. cina. coff. coich. con. CROC. dig. dulc. graph. HELL. hep. byosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. laur. lyc. m-arct. in-austin. MAGN. MAGN-MUR. mang. men. merc. MEZER. inosch. mur-ac. natr. nairmur. nitr. mitr-ac. n-vom. op. PHo5PH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. ram-bulb. RAN-S4JEL. rhodod. rhus. ruta. SABIN. sassap. selen'. seneg. sep. spig. SPONG. stamm. staph. stront. sulph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. veratr. verb. viol-tr. VIT. zinc. 1[n ascending. (See Gciing up.) On falling asleep. MERCS Attending to (thinking of) the pain, front.CAMPH. CiC. HELL. 1 POSITION AND CIRCUMSTANCES.:4 343 On awakiing. Arnbr. amrn-mur. ARS. bry. CALAD. caic. chain. chin. coce. COLCJI. creos. htell. ignat., ipec. lach. m-arct,. natr. N-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. pids. ruta. sabin. samb. selen. SEP. spig. thuj. From bacon. (See Nourishment.) On bending,(or turning) the affected part. Acon. amm-mur. arg. BELL. caic. cann. CRAM. CHIN. gUaj. hep. kali. lack'. m-ausrr. mang. fnq....fen; mur-ac., n-vorn. petr. PIJLS. rheum. rhus. sabad. sabrn.. SCILL. THU'J. veratr. -backwards. Acon. BELL. cann. CRAM. ehin.. kali. LACH. m-austr. n-vorn. puls-, rhus. sabad. sabin. THUJ. veratr. -forwardg. MAR. -inwards* Amin-mur'. BELL. -sideways. Alen. PULS. Binding tight, from. (See Prmvsre, and Wrapping up.) Bent, from keeping-a part. Puls. rhus. SCILL. From biting. Ars. chin. cocc. coff. euphorb. rnagn-mur. STAPH.After bleeding of the affectedt part. Boy.,sa'.ssap. selen. 'Frr~m~linking. Asaf. croc stann. After biowing one's nose. MANG. merc. SIL. staun. -, Frp0M boring with the finger (into the ear or nose). Bell. CHEL: IJich. NATR. par. PHOSPH. rheum. rhus. spra.. sulyk. THUJ. iinc.,Before b'reakfast. (See Fasting) After breakfast. Acon. alufiii; ambr. amin. ammamur.-'.anac. ar. BAR,. bov, bry. CALC. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust.-CHEL. chin. cina. CROC. ferre' graph. hell. kep. [GNAT. JOD. kali. LACH. laur. lyc. magn. rnagn-mur..mar. merc. mezer. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosphi. PLAT. 1iluim b. puls. RAN-BULB. ran-sel]. rhodod. rhus. 344 AMELIORATION BY SABAD. SEP. SPIG. STAPH. stront. sulpit. TAR. valer. 'veratr. verb. Breath, from holding (keeping) one's. BELL. - on taking a deep. Asaf. bar. chin. COLCH. &TPR. dig. dros. IGNAT. jod. LACH. men. oleand. puls. sep. SPIG. STANN. staph. viol-tr. From carrying a child on one's arm. Ant-tart. bell. CHAW. mere. From changing one's position. Ars. c/am. IGNAT. mar. ph-ac. VALER. ZiZnc. From chewingr. Bry. seneg. By cloudy air. BRY. plumb. From coffee. (See Nourishment.) Cold, in the (in a cold place). Aeon. alum. ambr. ant-crud. ANT-TART. am. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. bry. calad. caic. cann. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cina. coce. coich. coloc. croc. DROS. dule. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. hep. ignat. JOD. ipec. kali. lach. laur. TYEi. lyc. mgs. m-arct. mar. mere. mezer. niur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. sabad. sabin. SEC-CORN. selen. SENEG. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. suiph. tltt. veratr. vit. From the cold air. Ambr. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. ASAR. aur. bry. calad. calc. cann. carb-veg. chain. cina. cocc. COLCH. croc. dros. euphorb. ignat. JOD. ipec. lack. led. LYC. m-arct. mar. merc. natr-mur. nitrac. n-vom. op. phosph. plat. PULS. rhus. sabin. sec-corn. se/en. seneg. sep. SULPH. thuj. vit. From cold things. (See Nourishment.) From cold water. (See Nourishment, and Washings.) Cold, out getting. Aeon. alum. ambr. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. BRY. calad. caic. cann. carb-veg. caust. CRAM. chin.,cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. croc. DROS. dulc. euphorb. graph. hell. ignat. JOD. ipec. kali. LED. LYC. mgs. m-arct. mang. mar. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. op. petr. phosph.pl-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. sabad. SkEIN. sassap. SEC-CORN. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph..SULPH. thuj. VERATR. Vit. POSITION AND CIRCUMSTANCES.34 345 In company. ARS. boy. con. DRO-S. kali. LYC. mezer. PHOSPH. Sil. STRAM.. zinc. From~ covering one's self. (See Wrapping up.) From, dancing. Caust. IGNAT. ni~tr-mnur*.SEP. sil. stan'n. In the dark. ACON. agar. amm. amm-mur. anac. ANT-CRUD. arn. ars. asar. BAR. BELL, bor. bry.. CALC. cainph. carb-an 'cautst. chain. CHIN."cic. cina. cle'm. coec.*coff. coich. CON. CROC. dig. DROS. EUPH2R. GRAPH. hell. REP. hyosc. -IGNAT.- kali. lach. laur. LYC. m-arct. magn. mao-n-mutr. mang,. MERC. mezer. mur-ac.. NATE.. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. h-mn'osch. N-VOM. petr. PHOS PH. PH-Ad. PULS. rhodod. rhus: ruta. sassap. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL.,spig. staph, STRAM. SULPE. tar. thuij. valer. veratr. vit. zinc. In descending. (See Ooing down.) From drawing in one's bellIy. IGNAT. sabin - - the part alrected. Sabin. (comp. drawing up.) From drawing one's shonlders back. CALC. cyci. From drawing np the limb. AMUM'. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ANT-CRUD. arg. amn. aur. bar. bell, boy. BRY. CALC. cann. caps. carb-veg.. cau~st. chain. CHIN. cina. clem. con. croc. dig. dros. duic. ferr.igraph. guaj. iiEP. igriat. kali. lautr. lyc. m-austr. MANG.. men. merc. mur-ac. natr-mur. n-vomi. petr. phosph. plat. plumb. pius. rheum. rhus. RUTA. sabin. seleni. SEP. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPIJ..THUJ. valer. veratr. After drinking. BRY. carb-an. ferr. graph. ipec. rnosch. n-vom. oleand. PHiOSPE.- rhus. SIL. s~pig. tar. different things. (See Nourishment.) -cold and warm things. (See Nourishiment.) While eating. ALUM. AMBR. arnm-rniur. ANAC. amn. autr. bell. CAPS. carban. carb-veg. chain. CHEL. chin. coce. CROC. dig. dros. ferr. graph. [GNAT., jod. LACH. laur. led. lyc. m-arct. rn-austin. rnagn. mang. merc. MEZER. nitr.. nitr-ac. n-vom. par. phosph. ph-ac. plat. pals. rheunl. rhodod. rhus. sabad. Sabin. scill. sil. SPIG. spong. staun. staph. sulph. suiph-ac. tar. ZINC. 346 346 AMELIORATION BY Aftler eating. Aeon, alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur, anac. ang. amn. ar-s. bar. BOy. bry. caic. CANN. carb-an. caust. chain. CLIEL. chin. FERR. graph. hell. IGNAT. JOD. kali. lach. LAUR. m-austr. magn. mang. men. mere.?nezer. mosch. NATR. n-vorn. petr. PHOSPH. puils. rani-bulb. rhus. SABAD. sassap. soull. sep. sil. spig. stann. STRONT, veratr. After having eaten enough. Ars. JOD. phospk. After eating different kinds of food. (See Ndurishmn#:nt.) From eructation. Agar. aluim. cimbr.. amnin-mr. AINT-TART. AU R. BAR. bor. BRY. eamph. CANTH. GARJ3NVEG. ehel. cocc. coich. DIG. GRAPH. IGNAT-jod. KALI, lack. laur. LYC.- magn. magnmur. mosch. NATR. NITRt-AC. N-VOM. oleand. par. petr. phospiL. PLAT. rhodod. sabad. sabin. sassap. sep. SIL. stront. SULPH1. suiph-ac. zinc. IE xpiration,ý while taking an (exhaling). AeoN. agar. amni-mur. anac. auig. arg. amn. asaf. asar. bar. BOR. BRY. cale. eainph. cauth. caps. earb-an. caust. chain. chel. chin. cina. clem. creos. croc. cyci. euphr. guaj. hell. hep. ipec. kali. lyc. in-aret. MEN. mere. rnosch, nitr. n-rnoseh. oleand. op. plat. plumb. ranz-bulb-..ran-scel. RHUS. sabad. SABIN. sassap. SCILL. selen. seneg. sep. spig. spong. stann. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. valer. veratr. After evacuation. Aeon. AMM-MUR. ant-crud, ant-tart. asaf. ani'. bar. bismn. BO0R. boy. BRY. canth. caps. chain. -cina. coff. COLCH. coloc. -CON. ereos. croc. cydi. duitc. ferr:- guaj. hep. ipee. mang. men. natr. natr-mur. op. par. PULS. rheum. RHUS. sabad. scill..seneg. sep. SPIG. SULPH. thutj. veratr. From exertion of the body. Canth. IGNAT. niatr-mur. SEP. sil. stann. -of the mind. Groc. ferr. NATR. Eyes,) fronk opening one's. Agar. arm ars. BELL. BRY. calad. caic. carb-aut. caust. eChet. cHiN. CLEM. con. croc. digr. ferr. HELL. hep. ignat. kali. lach. LED. in atisti. MAGN-MUR. inang. fl-voi. op. phosph. ph-,aC. PULS. sassap. sep. spong. staph. sulph. tbuj. -from shutting the. Aeon. amn. am'. bell, bor. BRY. CALC. cauth. chin. Cie. CLEM. POSITION AND CIRCUMSTANCES.34 347 coff. COnI. CR00. euphorb. IGNAT. LYC. mgs. inagn-rnur. Nq-vom. phosph. plat. SPIG. zinc. Flatulency.'- (See Wind) Fasting, while (before breakfast). Agar. alum. ambi'. amm-mur. ainac. ant-crud. amn. ars. asaf. bar. bell. bor. BRY. caic. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAM. CHIN. cocc. CON. CYCI. DIG. eniphorb. ferr. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. KALL. lach. laur. lyc. magn. mang. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nil--ac. N- 'MOSCH. n--vom. par. petr. jphosph. PH-AC. plumb. pl)Us. rhodod. rhus. sabin. sassap. se 'le'n. sep. SIL,..tanzn. stront. sulpit. suiph-ac. tliuj. valet. veratr. ZINC% (On going. down (descending) Aeon. alum.b AM M. -anac. ANG. ant-crud. arg. amn. ARS. asar. aur. BAR. bell. BOR. BRY. CALC. cairn. canth. ca~rb-veg. caust. chin. coff. creos. CUPR. dig. dros. d-uphorb. graph. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. kcali. lach. led. lye. rmgs. mn-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-inur. mnen. -MERO. mosch. mur-ac. nzatr. natr-mur. NITR. nzitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb,, ran-bulb. rhus. ruta. sabad. scill. SENEG. SEP. sil, SPIG. SPONG. staun. slap&z. sulph. sulph-ac.tar. thuj. verb. ZINC. On going -tp (ascecnding.) Amrn?-mur. arg. bar. bell. biry. canth. coff. CON. FERR. lye. men. nitr--ac. plumb. RHODOD. rhus. rutta. sabin. stann. suiph. VAL-ER. verb. Hair, from tying up the. Nitr.' Hand, from putting the, on a part. BELL. cale. canth. CR00. dros. mang. MEN. mu,?r-ac. natr. oleand. par. phosph. rhus. sabad. sep. spig. sulph. thuij. (comp. touching and pressure.) Hang down, from letting the limb. Acon. amnz-rnar. anac. ant-erud. arg. ARN. asar. BAR. BELL. bor. bry. calc. camph. caps. caust. chin. cic. cina. eoee. coff. colch. coloc. CON.,creos. eupr. dros. euphorb. PEER. graph. hep. ignat. KALI. lach. LED. lyc. rn-austin. magn.magnmur. mar. merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. ni-vorn. oleand. petr. phosph. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. RHUS. ruta. SIL. staun. 'sulph. suiph-ac. thnij. veratr. verb. Head,, from bending the, backwards. Bell. CHAM. HIEP. m-austr. rhuts. thuj. veratr. - -sideways (to one side). Pul1s. Sep. 348 348 AMELIORATION BY Head, from laying; one'sq, on one side. Men. -from leaning the, against something. BELL. icali. 1VIERC. rhodod. sabad. sabin. seneg. spig. - from resting one's, on a table. Ferr. SABAD. -from shaking the. 'Chin. orna. LACII. Stooping, from. (See Bending, and Sitting) From nncovering the head. ACON. asar. any. BOR. buy. CALC. carb-veg. ctarn, chin. IFERR. ignat. JOD. -lach. led. LYC. MGS. M-ARCT., merc. murac. nitr-ac. op. phosph. plat. PULS. sec-corn. seneg. sep:- SPIG. staph. suiph. thuj. VERATR. From wrapping tlile head up. Aeon. agar. ant-crud. aug. amn. airs. ATJR. BELL. camph. canth. c/tam. chiui. cic. clem. cocc. coff. COLCH. CON. creos. graph. HER HYOSC.ignat. lach. led. mn-austr. magn. magnmui'. mere. natr. 'natr-mur. N-MOSCH. N0O.p-c us rhodod. RHUS. sabad. SAMB. SCILL. sep. SIL. staph. strain. STRONT. From hot things. (See Nourishment.) Inspiration, while taking. Ant-tart. asaf. bar. bry. canui. caust. CHIN. cmna. COLCH. CUPR. DIG. dros. duic. IGNAT-jod. LACH. manig. meii. n-vom. OLEAND. ph-ac. PULS. ruta. sabad. Sci11. Sep. SPIG. STANN. stap~h. tar. veratr. viol-od. viol-tr. While knitting. Lye. Lacing, from tight. (See Pressure, and Wrapping up.) While lying down. Acon.'Sgar. alumi. ambr. amin. amin-'mur. anac. ang. antcrud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. a1ts. ASAR. bar. BELL~ bor. BRY. calad. CALO. carnph. cann. CANTH. caps. GARB-AN. carb-veg. caust. chain. c/tel. chin. cic. cina. coce. cojJ. COLCH. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. dig. dros. duic. enphorb. feu-r. graph. gnaj. hell. hep. hyose. ignat. jod. ipec. kali., lach. laur. led. lye. m-arct. mn-austr. miagn. magn-inir. mang. mar. m2erc. mezer. inur-ac. iiatr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitu-ac. n-mosch. N-YOM. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb, ran-bulb. rheulh. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. strain. suiph. suiph-'ac. thtij. veratr. vit. zinc. POSITION AND CIRCUMSTANCES.34 349 While lying in bed. Aeon. agar. ambr. amm-rnur. anac. ang. ant-crud, ant-tart. arg. arn. a's.. asar. q~ur. bar. bell. boy. BRY. calad. caic. camph. cairn. CA.NTH1. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. chin. 010. cina. clam. coco. coff. coich. coloc. CON. creos. eroc. cupr. dig. duic. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. HEP. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. LACH1. lawr. led. LYC. mgs. m-arct. rn-austn. rnagn. magnmum. merc. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nit r-ac-n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. par. petr. phosph,:ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. RHUS. sabad., sabin. sarub. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. sep. SML. spig. spong. Stainn. STAPH. STRAýM. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratin. verb., viol-tr. on the back. ACON. amrn. amin-mur. ANAC. aug. amn. bar. bell. bor. BRY. calad. CALO. cant/i. CARB-AN. caust. chio~. cina. clem. colch. con. creos. ferr. ignat. ipec. KALI. lach. LYC. mgs.. magn-rnur. rnerc. mosch, natr. natr-mur. n-vom. par. phosph. plat. puts. ran-bulb. sabad. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. STANN. sulpk. thrj. veratr. viol-tr. -on the side., Acon. alum. amin. amrn-mur. ang. arn. ars. bar. bell. bor. bry. cauth. caust. chain. chin. cina. clem. coich. coloc. cupr. dui' c. euphorb., ignat. jod.' kali, lach. nr~gs. magn-mur. merc. natr. natr-ýmur. nitin. N-YOM. par. PHO5PH. plat. puls. ran-bulb. rhu~s. sep. sit. spig. spong. stront. suiph. thuj. /_on thfe painmful side..Ambr. amn. bell. BýRY. CAiC. cann. carb-vegu. caust. CHAM. COLOC. ignat. kali. lyc. mgs. m-austr. n-vorn. PUL9L. rhus. seip. strain. viol-od. viol-ir. -on the painless side. Acon. agar. ambr. amm. amm-rnur. anac. ang. ant-crud. arg. arn. ars. BAR. bell. bry. CA&LAD. caic. cann. caps. carb-an. carbveg. caust. chin. ciiia. clem. croc. cupr. dross graph. guaj HP hyosc. ignat. JOD. kali. lach. led. lyc. maga. magn-mur. inang. mar. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr-mur. 6itr. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. N-VOM. oleand. par.' petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. ran-bulb. ran-scel. rheum. rhodod. rhus. iRUTA. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. selen. sep. SIL. SPONG. staph. strain. suiph. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. -on the right side. AeoN. AMM. anac. ang. amn. BAR. bell. br'y. caic.- canth. carban. chin. colch. con. creos. ipec. icali. lye. merc.NARNAM1UR. P&aR. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. stann. SULPH. THUJ. 350 AMELIORATION BY 11"hile lying on the left side. Acon. AMM-MUR. anac. BOR. bry. cale. carb-an. caust. cina. clem. con. creos. ipec. kali. lach. lye. rags., MAGN-MUR. MERC. natr. N-VOM. puls. ran-bulb. seneg. spig. SPONG. stann. suiph. thuj. -on any thing hard. Bell. RHUS. - With thp head high. ANT-TART. ARS. cann. caps. CHIN. Clern. COLCH, HE?. lacIL. rn-austr. NITH.. n-vom. petr. pbiosph. PULS. SPIG. stront. suiph. horizontally. Arn. spong. -bent for'ward*COLCH. COLOC. puls. RHEtjUM. rims. After lyinig down. Acon. agar. ambr. amm-mur. anac. anlg. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. art. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. boy. BRY. calad. C AbC. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. chel, chin. ciC. C INA. cocc. cofi. coich. coloc. con. creos. cRoc. cupr. dig. dros. duic. euphr. GRAPH. guaj. hell. HEP. hyosc. ignat. Jon. ipec. kali. lach. laur. led. lyc. ings. mn-arct. rn-austin. magn. magn-rnur. merc. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-rnosch. N-VOM. OLEAND. par. petir. phosph. ph-ac. puls. ran'-bulb. rheumn. rhodod. rhus. sabin. sarnb. sassap. SCILLi. sec-corn. selen. Sep. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. STRAM. sulph. sulph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. vit. Lathe, when turning at a. SEP. On leaning against any thing. Bell. CARB-VEG. dros. FERR. icali. mang. merc. n-vorn. rhodod. rhus. sabad. sabin. seneg. spig. staph. (comnp. pressure.) - -hard. Bell. RHUS. (cornp. pressure.) From licking with the tonuge, Mang.Z _eFrom light. Amrn-rur. anac. ars. bar. caic. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. con. FLAT. staph. strain. STRONT. valer. Inj~ the light (brighit). AmM-muIL. anac. ains. bar. CALC. CAUB-AN. carb-veg. con. PLAT. staph. strain. STRONT. VALER. POSlTION AND CIRCUMSTANCES.35 Poo I On looking down. SABAD. 0 -at an object with a fixed eye. Ferr. NATR. petr. ph-ac. vit. -sideways. OLEAND. -straight foirward. BELL. oleand. spig.. From loosening the garments. Awnm. amn. asar. Biti. CALC-. CAPS. CAUB,-VEG. CAUST. Chin. coff. REP. LYC. N-VOM. oleand. op. puls. ran-bulb. SASSAP. SEP. spong. STANN. suiph. After eating meat. (See Nourishmnent) Mesmerized, from, being4. A con. bar. BELL. chin, con. CUPR. graph. ignat. jodftm-arct. MAR. natr. N-VOM. PHOSPH. Sabin. sep. SIL. suiph. vio'l-od. Moving, from. Aton. agar. alum. ambr. amm. AMM--MUR. an-ac. ang. antcrud. ant-tart. arg. arn. ats. asaf. asar. AUR. bar. bell. bism. boy. bryc;' caic. 'CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. c/tam, chin. Cie czna. cocc. COLOC. CON. creos. cupr.' CYCL. DROS. DULC. EUPHORB. eupltr.,FERR. guaj. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. lack. lapjr. LYC. MGS. mi-arct. rn-austin.rnagn. MAGN-MIJR. mang. mar. mEN. merc. mezer. moscH. mur-ac. natr. natr-rpur. nitr. mitr-ac. n-'rnosch'. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. PH-AC. FLAT. Plurnb. PULS. RHOD'OD. R HUS. ruta. SABAD. Sabin.. SAM B,. sassap. selen. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. st-ann. -'taph. stront. *,suilph. suiph-ac. TAR. thuj. VALER. veratr. VERB. VIOL-TR. zinc. Moving from, continued., AMBR. AMM-MUR. bry. #CAPS. carb-veg. caust. chin. cina. CON. CYOL. DROS. EUPHORB. FERR. kali. LYC. mgS. plat. _plumb. PULS. rh6dod'. rltus. ruta. SABAD. Sabin. SAMB. sepv. SIL. tar. thuj. VALER. VERATR. From moving the affected part. Acon. AMM-MUR. aug. a r. ARtS. asaf. asar. AUR. Calc. CAPS. c/tam. CHIN. cina. CON. croc. DULC. EUPHORB. FERR. kali. -LYC. magn. MAGN-MUR. men. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. PH-AC. PULS. RHODOD. RHUS. SABAD. SAMB. scill. SEP. stann. stront. suiph. TAR. tkuj. VALER. verb. viol-tr. vit. Neair the warm stove. (See Warmth.) 352 352AMELIORATION BY, During perspiration. Ars. BOY. bry. CALAD. caic. CUPR. lyc. natr. rhus. During cold perspiration. N-vom. After perspiration. Acon. ambr. amm-mur. ant-tart. bar. bell, boy. BRY. CALAD. CANTH. CHAM. chel. Clemn. cocc. coloc. GRAPH. he'll. REP. hyosc. ipec. led.,lyc. m-arct. magn-mur. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. u-'vom. OLEAND. Op. puls. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sabin. samb. selen. spong. strain. STRONT. suiph-ac. tar. THtTJ. valer. VERATH. In a cold place. (See Cold.) From wet poultices. (See Wetting.) From pressing together. (See Pressur~e.) From pressure from without. Acon. alum. ambr. AMU. AMM-MUR. anac. ant-crud. arg. arn. ars. asaf. AUR. bell. bism. BOR. boy., bry. calc. camph. caulk. caust. CHEL. chin. cina. CLEM. coco. coloc. CON. creos. croc. dig. drosV DULC. GRAPH. guaj. hell. ignat. ipec. kali. laur. led;- magn. MAGN-IMUR. MANG. MEN. merc. mezer. mosch. MUR-AC. NATR. natr-rinur. n-moschi. u-vom-. oleand. PAR. phosph. PH-AC. PLUMB. puls. RHUS. ruta.'sabad. sabin. sep. sil. spig. stann. sulpli. su~plt-ac. thuj. veratr. verb. VIT. zinc. While quiet. (See Reposing.) From raising the limb. ALUM. AMM. ang. CALC. caust. cina. dig. hep. ignat. lyc. m-austr. natr-rnur. n-vom. par. pltosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. rut~a. sABIN. stann., stront. sulph. suiph-ac. thuj. valer. From reading. Ferr. NATR. While reposing. Acon. agar. alumr'. amhr. amm. amin-mur. anac. aug. ant-crud. ant-tart. arg. ARN. ars. asat'. ASAR. aur. bar. BELL. bism. bor. boy. BRY. CALAD. caic. CAMPH. CANN. cantlt.' caps. CARB-AN. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHEL. chin. cic. cina. COCC. COFF. COLCIJ. coloc. con. creos. CROC. CUpr. cycl. DIG.' dros. duic. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. HELL. REP. hyosc. ignat. JOD. IPEC. kali. lach. laur. LED. lyc. ings. m-arct. M-AUSTR. magn. magnmur. mang. mar. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. NATRmIujR. nitr. ni~tr-ac. rt-moscl&. N-VOM. oleand. op. par. peir. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. RAN-BULB. R~rEUM. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. SASSAP. SCILL. sec-corn. SELEN. seneg. POSITION AND CIRCUMSTANCES.35 353 seey. Sil. SPIG. s o ng.,s t ann. STAPH. strain. stront. suiph. suiph-ac. chuj. veratr. viol-tr. VIT. zinc. After reposing. (See Moving.) While resting. (See Reposinig.) On resting the limb itpon any thing. Alum. AMM. CALO. cau-st,. dros. hep.. ignat. n-vorn.-phosph. PULS. ruta. sabin.- STAPH. SUiphi thuj. on ithe knees. Euphorb. While ridin in a carrIagee. GRAPH.,nitr..NLTR-AC. On rising., Aeon. alum. AMM. amin-mnur. ang. ANT-TART. ARS. asaf. aur. bar. bell. BOR. bov. bry. CALC. cann. canth. carb-vieg. _caust.~cH.Am.chel` chin. Cie. coloc. con. DIG. ferr.', hell. htp. HyOSC. IGNAT. -KALI. laur. LY-C. magn. ifang. mar. mere. unoseh. natr. natr-mur. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand. p.etr. phosph. puls. i-hus. SABIN. SAMB. scill. SEP. siuL..Spig. stann. sulph.- suiph-ac. Oin ritsing from bed. 0mm -irnzgg. drg Rc ~.CAS arb-an. caust. chin. Cei. concrVdg. D'F4 'E~R. hell. hyosc. IGNAT. laur. LED. LYC. magn, m~ar,. mere.* mosch. na tr. nitr. par. 'PLAT.. plumb. PULS.-IRHus. Sabin'. SAMB. SEP. StanD. sulph-ae. tar. TV ERAT R. zinc. - A,ý_ risigug from bed. Acon. agar. alum. AMBR. Amm. amin-7ipur. inob. crud. ANT-TAT. AG m.AS aa.as ar. AuiE. bar. 'BELL. bihrn. BO0R. boy. bry. calad. caic. camph. cann. eanth. caps. CAILE-AN. carb-veg. eaust. chain. chel. chin. eie. eina. elem. coce. coff. coich. COLOC. con. ereos. eroc. cycl. dig,- DROS. duic. EUPHORB. euphr.. FERR. grapk., guaj. hell. hep._ hyose. IGNAjr. JOD. KALI. lach.' laur. LED. LYC. N-OS. N-ARCT. m-austr. MAGN. iflagn-mur. NANG. mar. men. MEIýV. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitrae. n-mosck. N-VON. oleand. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rheum, RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. seill. sec-corn. SELEN.- seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. strain. STRONT. SULPH. suph-ac. tar.z- thus]. valer. VERATR. verb. viot-od. viol-tr. vit. zine. On rising fropm a seat. Amm-mur.'arg. AUX,. bar. caust. chin. cyci. DULC. IGNAT. kali. 354 AMELIORATION BY % lyc. MAGN * mang.0 mar. merc. natr. phosph. plat. PULS, rhus. samb. SEP. spigT. spong. valer. VERATR. viol-tr.. After rising rf rom a seat. Aeon. AGAR. alum.. AMBR. amm. amm-mur. anac. ANG. antcrud. ant~-tart. ARG. ars. ASAF. asar. aur. BAR. bell., bism. bor. boy. caic. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-veg. caust. chain. chel. c/tin. CiC. CINA,. COCC. CON. creos. cupr. CYCL. dig. DROS. DULC. EUPHORB. eup/tr. FERR. graph. guaf'. hell. hep. hyose. ignat. jod. kali. LACH. laur. led. LYC. DIGS. m-arct. m-auslr. mnagn'. MAGNMUR. mang. mar. MEN. merc. nmezer. MOSCH. M~UR-AC. NATR. natrmui'. nitr. nitr-ac. oleand. op. 'par. petr. phosphi. PH-AC. PLAT. plumb. PULS. RHODOD. RHUS. RUTA. SABAD. sabin. samb. sassap. selen. SENEG. SEP. sil. spig. spong. slann. staph. stront. suiph. suip h-ac. TAR. t/tuj. VALER. verair. VERB. viol-od. VIOL-TR. vit. zinc. In the room. AGAR. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. amn. ars. aur. bar. bell. bor. bov. bry. calad. caic. CAMPH. cann. cant/t. caps. CARB-AN. CARB-VEG. caust. CHAN. CHEL. CHIN. CiC. cina. COCC. COFF. coloC. CON. CREOS. digr. dros. duic. euphorb. FERR. graph. GUAJ. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. irec. kali. LACH. laur. led. lye. mgs. m-arCt. m-austr. magnq. magn-mur. rnang. MAR. men. merc. mezer. mosc/t. mur-ac. natr. natr-inur. nitr. nitr-ac. NMOSCH. N-VOM. oleand. Op. PETR. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. rhodod. r/tus. ruta. sabad. Sabin. sassap. SELEN. seneg. sep. SWL. SPIG.,staflf. staph. STRAM. stront. suiph. sulph-ac. tar. t/tuj. VALER. veratr. verb. viol-tr. vit. zinc. From ruabbing. Agar. ALUM. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. angr. ant-crud. anttart. ARN. ASAF. bell. bor.. boy. bry. CALC. camph. cann. CANTH. caps. carb-an. caust. c/tel. chin. cwc. cina. creos. CYCL. DROS. GUAJ. hep. IGNAT. kali. laur. rn-arct. m-austr. magn. magnmur. mang. men. mERC. mosch. MUR-AC. NATR. nitr. nitr-ac,. n-vom. oleand. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. ran-bulb. rhus. RUTA. sabad. Sabin. samb. sassap. sec-corn. selen. seneg. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. tar. THUJ. valer. viol-tr. vit. ZINC. From running. Caust. IGNAT. natr. SEP. sil. stann. From scratching. Agar. alum. ambr. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang..ant-crud. anttart. ARN. ASAF. bar. bell. bor. boy. BRY. C/ALO. camph. cann. POSITION AND CIRCUMSTANCES. 355 CANTH. caps. carb-an. caust. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. coloc. creos. CYCL. dig. DROs. GUAJ. hep. IGNAT. kali. laur. led. in-arct. m-austr. magn. mnagn-mur. MANG.-men. mere. mezer. mosch. MUR-AC. NATR. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PLUMB. ran-bulb. rhus. RUTA sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. scill. sec-corn. selen. seneg. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. THUJ. valer. viol-tr. vit. ziNc. From suppression of Ihe sexual instinct. Calad. S'houlders, from drawing back one's. (See Bending) 'Whil sitting. Acon. agar. alum. amm. amm-mur. anac. ang. ant-tart. am. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bor. BRY. CALAD. caic. camph. cann. cantb. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chai. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. COFF. COLCH. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. cyci. dig. ferr. graph. guaj. hell. hep. hyosc. ignat.jod. ipec. kali. laur. led. m-arct. m-austr. magn. magn-mur. mang. men. MERC. mezer. mosch. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. par. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. puis. ran-bulb. ran-sceh. RHEUM. rhus. sabad. sabin. samb. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. selen. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. straam. suiph. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. valer. yeratr. vit. zinc. - with your back resting against' something. (See Leaning against,) - bent. Anac. ang. ars. bar. BELL. bor. bry. calad. carb-veg. caust. chai. chel. chin. cina. COLQH. COLOC. CON. creos. dig. IGNAT. KALI. LYC. rn-austr, mang. MERC. MEZER. mosch. n-mosch. h-vom. op. puls. RHEUnf. rhus. sabad. sassap. spig. spoug. staph. tar. Veratr. verb. viol-tr. - erect. ACON. alum. AMM-MUR. ang. ANT-TART. arg. ARS. asaf. bar. bor. boy. bry. caps. carb-veg. caust. chai. chel. chin. cic. DIG. dulc. ferr. hyosc. men. n-vom. PHOSPH. plumb. puls. rhodod. RHUS. SABIN. SAMB. SCILL. sep. spig. spong. stann, SULPH. verb. viol-tr. VIT. On sitting down. Acon. ambr. anac. ang. ant-cruyd. an t4eart. arn. ars. asar. aur. BAR. BELL. boy. bry. cabc. cann. canth. CAPS. carb-an. CARBVEG. CAUST. chain. chin. cic. coec. CON. croc. dig. dros. EtPHORB. FERR. graph. kali. lach. LAUR. LED., lyc. mgs. m-arct. m-austr. mang. merc. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr. nitr-ac. N-VOM. OLE 356 356 AMELIORATION BY AND. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plait.' puls. ran-bulb. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. SEP. sil. SPIG. SULPH. strain. stro~nt. SULPH. thuj. veratr. After sitting dowvn. (See Sitting) During sleep. Amin-mur. calad. hell. phospit. sarnb. After sleep. Amnbr. amrn-mur. ARS. bry. CALAD. caic. chain. chin. cocc. COrCa. creos. hell. ignat. ipec. lach. mn-arct. natr. N-VON. PHOSPHI. ph-ac. puls. ruta. sabin. samb. selen. SEP. Spig. thuj. In a state of half sleeping, half waking. SELEN. While slumbering. Hell. While sneezinig. Magn-mul'. Iniasolitude., Ambr. BAR. carb-an.. con. hell. LYC. ma~gn. n atr. natr-mur.. pen'.,phospit. PLUMB. SEP. stann. strarn. suiph. From spirits. (See Nourishment.) While standing. Agar. amnin. anac. ang. ant-tart. arn. ars. ASAR. bar. BELL. bor. bry. CALAD. V(1ic. campit. CANN. cantit. carb-an. carb-veg. chel. chin. czc. cina. cocc. coff. COLCH. coloc. creos. croc. cupr. dig. euphorb. graph. guaj. hell. hep. ignat. JOD. IPEC. LED. m-austr. mang. men. merc. mezer. mur-ac. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mnosch. N-VOM. par. petr. PHOSPH. plumb. RAN-BULB. rheum, rhus. ruta. sassap. SCILL. sec-corn. SELEN. spig. spong. stann. staph. strain. suiph-ac. tar..thuj. vzt. From stepping heavily., Caps. When stooping. Anac. aug. ANT-TART. amn. ars. bar. bell. CANN. carb-an. caust. chin. cina. COLCH. CON. dig. hell. HYOSC. ignat. lach. laur. lyc. mn-austr. mang. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natr-mur. ujir-ac. n-yam. phosph. ph-ac. puls. RAN-BULB. rhus. sabin. sassap. spong. staph. suiph. tar. valer. veratr. verb. VIOL-TR. From jstretchtiing one's limbs, as it sleep~y., GUAJ. -sabin. ..I POsITiON AND CIRCUMSTANCE$. 357 From stretchinig *on4j..he limb. a.Agar. alum. amm-!mur. anaC. ANT-TART. asar. bell. bor. carba.carb-veg. chain. chel. chin. coff. dig. dros. duic. ferr. guaj. hep. ign~at. kali. magn. mezer. mur-ac. natr-mur. n-mosch. n-vom. oleand.,p~ar. petr. plat. puls. rhe*um. rltodod. RHUS. sabad.'sabin. SECkCORNV.;stansi. staph. thuj. verb, i ZNC. From sucking with the tongue. Mang. In sunshine. Anac. con. PLIAT."trafn. STRODNT. (comp. light.) From -swallowl!1A - Alum. AMBR. amm-miur.,ARN. bell. CAPS...ca'rb-veg. c/tel. c'hi~n. cocc. dig. dr9o P~1~A.jd pe.LC.laur. LEI). m-ut~magn. mdn zt. mntzer. nat~r.. nitr-ac. n-i'om. oleand. par. p~hospb.ptdc la. p ul. leu4.rus uta. sabad. sabin. scill. spig. SPONG. stann. gtaph. sLulph. suiph-ac. tar. zinc. On taking- hold of any thing. (See Touching,) From talking. Ferr.; From thinking of the pain. 'CAMPH. CiC. HELL. Touched, from being. Agar. alum. amm. aftnti-mur. anac. ant-crud. amn. ars. ASAF'. bell. jBism. bry. CALC. caust.' chel. chin. coloc. con. CYCL.dros. euphorb. euphr. hep. kali. ly.e narLMN. MEN. MUR-- ACnatr. natr-mur. oleand. petr. PHOSPH. pb-ac. plumb, Sep.. spohg. suiph. tar. THUS. riol-tr. On touching any thing. Spig. Tongue, from licking with the. (See Licking.) -from sucking wit-h the. (See Sucking.) From tobacco., (See Nourishment), From turning-; (see Bendcing.). -In thie twllght.i Bryi PHPHHsi. Fr Vrom'ulicoVering-one's self. AC-ON. ars. asar. aur. BOVu.1-Y; &krtc.- carb-veg.. c/tam. chin.i. coff. Frj&RR. ignat. JOD. lach. led. LYC. MGS.*M-ARCT.mero.. mo~seh. mur-iac.-nitri'ac. D-Vprn. ap.-.p 'AtovkP40'~c. puls. rhus. Sec..,.xrn.~eng. eptspl. taphu. lpi&.9 thuf. vIrATR.:(týorp, cold.) 1~A 358' AMELIORATION BY Front different kinds of Nourishiment Bacon. RAN-BUL-B. ran-scel. Bread. CAUST. laur. NATR. phosph. Coffee. ARS. canth. CHAM. coloc. Cold things. Aeon. alu.m. AMER. amm. ANAC. a'ng. ant-tart. ars. asar., BAR. BELL. bor. BRY. caic. canth. CARE-VEG. caust. CHAM. clem. CUpr. dros. EUPHORDB. ferr. hell. KAMA. lack. laur. m-arct. M-AUSTR. niagn. magn-mur. merc. MEZZER.?tatr-mur. n-mosch. n-vom. par. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PULS. rhodod. rhus. sa-ssaip. scill. sep. sil. spig, suiph. 'sulpk-ac. thuj. ve'ratr. vit. zinc. Fruits. Lack. Hot things. (See Warm.) Meat. Veratr. ffIilk. Veratr. Salt thingrs. Magn. Spirlits. (See Wine.) 'Tobacco. B3or. coloc. REP. merc. natr. SEP. spig. "Tea. AsAaR. ignat. men. 'PULS. strain. Warm (hot) things. Agar. alum. ant-crud. ARS. bar.,boy. bry. caic. cinth. carb'.,veg. caust. chain. CON. CREOS. GRAPH. hell, -i~gnat. kali. -LYC.,magn. magn-mfur. HANG. inezer. mnur-ac. natr. nair-mur. nitr.' nitrac. Nq-MGS6CH. N-VOM.par. ph-ac. plumb. puls. RHUS, sep. sil. 6SPIG. SULPH. suiph-ac. thUj. VERATR. Water, cold& Anac. ant-tart. ars. ASAR.' bor.'DRY. caic. CAUST 'chain.,clem. CUPu. kali. 'laur. PHOSPH. PULS. SEP. tku-j. veratr,-zinc. POSITION AIND ClRdUMSTANýCES. 3~ 359-,,. - Water, waaiin. A4rs. LYC. mang. n-mnosch. N-VOM. RiHUSý-era-tr. Wine* ACO.N. agar. bell. co,ý. graph., lack. n-vorn. or..phosph. sutpkhac After vomitiutg. Acon. tcolch. DIG.Iiy osc. ni-yam. puls. SEC-CORN. 1ihen walking. Acon. agar. Alum. ambr. atniffl. AMM-MUR. anac. ang. ant-crud. ant4~rt rgna. ars. asf sr U.br ell. bism. boy. b~y,ca~c.XQAkPS. carb-veg. caust. c/tam, chin. ck inda. cocc. colo6 CON. creqs. cupr. CYCL. DROS.' D.UIt& EU PHQRB.eiipkm' MFERR. graph. guaj. hep. hiyosc. - igr~af; kali. lack. la ur. LYC. MGS. marct. rn-,austr. rnagn. MAGN-MUR. A., anvc. mar. ME.N. merc. mezer. 0 f MOSCH. mur-ac. nair. natr-mur. nitrn. nitr-aci. n~giosch. oleand. op. par. petr. phosph. PH-AC. PLAT. plumh. PULS. ran-bulb. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. Sabin. SAMNB. sassap. seilen. seneg. SEP. 'SiI. spig. Spong.,~4ton. staph. stront., sulph.. sullplh-ac. TAR. tituj. VALER. verair.`VE*'RB. ViOL-TR. vit. zinc. When walking with the body bent. CON. Ei:Vosc. LYC. n1-yomI. RHJUS. sabin. sulpim. YIOL-TR. in the open air. Aeon; ALUM' ambr. amm. amm-mutr. anac. ang. ant-crud. ag. Arn. ars. as-af. ascrT. AUR. bar. eibism. bor'. boy. brri.. caic. CA-PS. carb-veg. caust. cic. cina. CON%.fU.LC. graph.. hep. hyosc. 'ignat.: kalij. laur. ty.c. rn-amct-.m-aiistri. mAINT. MAGN,-MUR. mang. men. merc. mezer. moseft. mumr-ac. natr. flatr-nmur. nitr. rntr-ac. op. phosph. ph-a%4 plat.ýpmI ULS -ht od. RHUS. rhita.' SABI N. sassap,,:*le'ii c3?neg,*. sep. -spiig.' spong. stann. staph-. stront. suiph. sulph-ac T A R;#1Uj. veratri ver-b. viol-tr. Zin1c. -quickly*, Ctilth. IGNAT.flajr-imum. SEP,.*tI.sthnu. Warin, oir%-,N~ tiA~,ig Acon.!gamr`.aanm. ant-crud. ARN. ARS. asar. AuO. bar. bell. bor. boy. -Buy. cabc. CAMPH. cauth. caps'. camb-an. cambvqi-b ve UST. &ha'm- c/tin. *-. clem 'c6ttc. con.~cheos. dig. DULO..ferr. GRAPH. hell. H EP.,,OSC igkzat. KALI. lach'."LYC. mgs. rn-austrhin.p~ag.n. agn-niw mAang. men. rnerc. mezer. MOSCH. rnur-a&. naltt. natrm-rnu. nitr.-ýac. n mosch. N-VO!M. petr. PHospH. ph-ae. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS 'ruta. SABAD.; samb. sassap 4A 360 AMELIORATION BY selen. SEP. sil. spig. spong. staph. strain. STRO'NT. suiph. suiphac. thuij. veratr. verb. viol-tr. zinc. On getting warm in be~d. Agar. amm. arn. ARS. aur. bar. bell. BRY. camp/i. canzt/. CAUST. cic. cocc. con. duic. graph. REP. hyosc. KALI. lach. LYC. mosch. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-YOM. phosph. ph-ac. rhus. SABAD. scill. sep. sil. spong. staph. strain. strout. suip'h. veratr. From warm~th in general. AcON. AGAR. alum. AMM. anac. ant-crud. arg. amn. ARS. asar. AUR. BAR. BELL. BOR. boy. bry. caic. CAlYPH. cant/i. CAPS. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chin. cic. clem. 00CC. coff. colch. coloc. CON. creos. di9'.DULO. ferr. graph. HELL. HEP. HYOSO.' IGN AT. ipec. KALI. lach. laur. led. lye. mgs. mz-austr. MAGN. magn-mnur. MANG. men. mere. mezer. MOSCH. mum-ac. natr. natr-miur. nitr-ac. N-MOSCI~. N-YOM., PETR. phosph. ph-ac. puls. RAN-BULB. rheum. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. samb. sassap. scill.. seneg. sep. SIL; spig. spong. staph. strain. STRONT. suiph. sulph-ac. thuLj. veratr. -verb. viol-tr. zinc. I roin warmth; exterual.- (See Wrapping up.) Warm things, from eating or drinking. (See Nourishment.) Warm, the air being. ACON. AGAR. alum. AMM. anac. ant-c'rud. an.* ARS. asar. AUR. BAR. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. CALC. CAMPH. canth. CAPS. camb-ýan. CARB-VEG. CAUST. chain. chin. cic. cina. cooc. c.off. coich. coloc. CON. creos. dig. DULC. ferm. graph. HELL. HEPR HY'OSC. IGNAT; ipec. KALI. lach. laur.,LYC. mgs. in-amct. maustr. magn. magn-niur.I MANG. men. MERC.miezem. MOSCH. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. iN-MOSCII. N-YOM. par. PETR. PHOSPH. ph-ac. ra n-bulb. RHODOD. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. samb. sassalp. scill. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. sponjg. staph. strain. STRONT. suiph. suiph-ac. t huj*. VERAT IR. verb. viol-tr. zinc. Near the warm'stove. Acon. agar. amm. ARS. aur. bar. bell. bor. caqnp~h. canth. caps. caust. cic. coec. con. duic. hell. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. kali. magn. mnang. men. mosch. n-mnosch. N-VOM. petr. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sil.'STRONT. suiph. From washing. Alum. AMM-MUR. ant-tart. ams. ASAR. bor. bry. 03-AUST. dhain. CEL. EUPHR. laur. magn. mezer. mum-ac. nt-voin. PUbS. rhodod. sabad. Sep. SPIG. staph. 'zinc. -the face. ASAR. mezer. sabad. POSITION AND CIRCUMSTANCES. 361 Water, from drinking. (See Nourishiment.) Weathe~r, in damp (wet).. ý-Acco&. ahuxn. ars. ASAR. bell. bor. BRY. carb-an. carb-veg. GAUST. c/tam. HlP *. ii'sc. lauir. rnagn. mezer. mur-ac.-NVOM. rhodod. SABAD. Sep. Sil. spig. SPONG. staph. suiph. zinc. -in dry.' AgaYr. A MI'ant-crud. our. bar. bell. bor. boy. bry. CALO. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. chain. chin. clem. con. cupr. DULO. ftrr. hep. ipec. kali. LACE,. laurl. L YC. magn. MANG. MERC. rnezer. mutr-ac. uctir. nitr.?Ptr-ac. N-MOSCH. n-vom. petr. phosph. puls. rhodod. RHUS. RUTA. sassap. seneg. sep. sil. spig. starin. staph. STRONT. SULPH. suiph-ac. VERATR. zinc. On wretting, the affected part. Aliim. "AMM-MUR. ant-tart. ars. ASAR. bor-. bry. CAUST. chain. C'HEL. EUPHR., laur. magn. mezer. mur-ac. n-vom. PULS. rhodod. sabad. Sep. SPIG. staph. zinc. -Wiaid, after breaking. Ambr. anac. ant-tart. amn. asaf. asar. auir. bism. bor. bry. canth. caps. CARB-VEG. CHAM. CHIN. cic. cocc. coff. con. graph. guaj. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. kali. lach. laiir. LYC. mgs. m-arct. maustr. mar. mnen. mezer. natr-mur. Ditr-ac. n-nosch. N-VOM. phosph. plat. PLUMB. PULS. rheUmn. RHODOD. rhus., ruta. sabin. scill. selen.. sep. sil. spig. spon3g. STAPH. strain. suiph. thuij. VERATR. verb, zinc. ]From. wine. (See Nourishmaent.) From wiping with the hand, Alhum. amn. AS-AF. Ubsni'. CALO. ca.nth. CAPS. carb-veg. CINA. croc. CYCL. DROS. guiaj. ignat. inang. men. merc. mutr-ac. NATR:' PHOSPH. PLUMB. puls. ruta. sulph. thuj. zinc. From wrapping opie's self up. wariuly. Aeon. agqar. ant-trud. arg. an. ARS. a~ar. AUR. bell. bor. bi'y. cag&ph. ca'nth. caps. carb-an. c~hainz. chin. CIC. CLEM. COCO. COff COLCH. CONN. creos. g-rap)h. HELL. HEP. hyosc. ignat. lach. led. rn.7austr.mragn. magn-mur. men. mert.-rnur-ac.' natr. nair-mur. N-MOSCH. N-VOM,%. phosph.-ph-ac. puls. rheum, RHODOD. RHUS. sabad. SAMB. SCIL L. sep. SIL. staph. strain. STRONT. thtij. From writing. Ferr. natin. - After yawntiing. Croc. Ings. STAPH. 46 362 362 ACONITUM NAPELLUS. PART 'SEVENTH.. CONCORDANCES OF1 THE MEDICAMENTS. 1. ACONITUM NAPELLUS. I. Atiac. ars. BELL. bry. Cale. chain. coce. graph. byosc. iguat. lach. lye. m'erc. moscWf natr-Trnzir.. ui-vomn. op. pltosph. pUtS. rhus. sep. strain'. sui~ph.' veratr. 11. Arn. ar-s. BELL. BRY. CALC. cailth. carb-veg. cau * t. CRAM. CHIN.' cocC, COD. dig. dros. duic. graph. *hep. Ityose. IGNAT.ipec. kali. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-muzr. nitr-ac. N-YOM. op. petr. PHospH. lph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RHUS. rtuta. sa~bad. sec-corni. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. VERATR'. -zinc. 111. 1. *nr. ARS. asaf. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. canth. carbvegi. caust. chain. chin. cocc. ferr. hyosc. ignat. kali. Lirc. merc. natr. natr-mu?-. nitr-ac. N-YOM. PHOSPI~. ph-ac. plat. *PULS. REUS. SEP. sil. spig. staph. strain. SULPH. -veraty. 111. 2. BELL. bry. lYC. MERC. PHOSPH. pius. suiph. I11. 3. Bell. Caic. lyc. MERC. phosph~puls.. su Iph. 111. 4. Amm. arn. ars.- BELL. BRY. caust. charn. duic. hep. ipec. kali. lach. lyc. MERO. mezer. nitr-ac. n-vom. ph~osph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sec-corn. sep. sil. staph. SULPH. IV. An ac, ar-s. bell. BRY. calc. caust. chain. chin. con. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. Ilyc. merc. natr. n-vom. Op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls.- rhus. sep. sil. SULPH. V. Arn. ars. -BELL. BRY. caic. carb-veg. chain. chin. creos. cupr.' err. hey. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lyc. MERC. nair-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. Op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. pals. RHus. samb. sec-corn. sep. sit. stann. strain. suiph. verair. VI. 1. Ant-crud. ant-tart. arm. ars. bry. caic. caps. carb-an. croc. duic. hey. -ignat.' jod. kali. ruagn. miang. mero. nitr-ac. plumb. rhus. samb. sep. sil. staph. suiph. V1. 2., Anac. ars". bar., bell. bor. BRY. CALC. cauSt. chain. hep. ignat. kafi. LYC. N-VOM. phosph. pU1s. RHUS. sabad. s-abin. scill. sep. sulph. veratr. VII. Anac. amn. ARS. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. duke. graph. hep. hyosc. ignaf. ipec. kali. lach. .:ALUMRN-A-. 363 LCMERO. natr.. natr-mur. nitý-af, N-VOM. Op. PHOSPIH. phac. PUbS. RHUS. sec-corn.~iip. Sil. spig. staph. strain. SULPH. Antid. Acetuni. ebam'scoff.. n~o~vrri, veratr. vinum. 2. AGARICUS4MUSCA fJ1. A I. Ant-crud. BELL. bryq, cau1.` hyosc. i~~vn P PffO'PH. STRAM. veratr. - 11. 'Alum. aur. ~BELL. bry'. C.AbC. canth. caLrb-veg. cau t'. CHIN. con. h ep. ignat.,-kali. mnang. M.ER.Q.-mezer. natr-mur. PHOSPU. PH-)AC. PULS. RHUS. sitbiti. s's stp. ~. sil. spigr. spong. staph. strath.,-4Llph. zinc, a. 111.I. L Aeon. ars. bar. B LUL bry. cALC. canth~.. caust. chain. chin. icocc. co'n. cu'pr. hyosc. ignat.' kali. lyc. merc. natrinur. N-VOM. pkosph. -ph-ac. puts. sep.sl tnn up.zic 111. 2. Vacat.v.sl tn.sph *ie 111. 3. Amrn-mur. bell. caust. cocc. hep. mere. phosph. puls. ruta. I-l 1I1. 4. Ant-crud. 4ry. CALC~ chin. lach. led. lyc. magn~. mere. natr-mur. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. selen. sep. sit. suiph. veratr. IV., Aeon. anaom ant-crud. cyci. lach. n-vom. phosph. suiph. V. Bell. 61Y. CHiN. graph-. hep. lach. merc. NATR-MuRý tu. samb. selen. sep. STR'An. suiph. VI. 2. Ar:. bar. boy, oakc. cairn. caps. carb-veg. chel. chin. c~on. kali. L ACH1. lyc. natr. n-mosch. n-vom. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. SELEN. Sep. sIL. spig. strain. VALIER. zinc.. VII. Ant-crud. ars. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. CHIN.. cocc. con. h ~.igyn&t. kali. LACHi. lyc. MERC. natr-mur. n-vom. op.. PHosPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. selen. srzP.5114.s1rram. s~lph. valer.. zinc. Cnid am np.1. off. pusvnti X3., ALUMJNA7. 4.Anac. aur. bell. carbrantcycl. fierr, &aph.tiyose.s~# lyc. -natr-mur. phosph. PLAT. puls. suiph. &alp4.-acl zinc," 364 AMBRA GRISEA. 11. Anac. arn. arS. BELL. bry. CALO-. carb-an. CA'RB-VEG. CAUST. chain. chin. coec. con. creos. ferr. graph. I -NAT.KAI LYC. magn-mur. MERC. natr. natr-mur. futr-ac. N-VOM. pete. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabad. SEP. SIL. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj, v'eratr. zinc. 111. 1. Aeon. ARN. a saf. BELL. bry. CALC. CATJST. chain. chin. cocc. con. dros. graph. IGNAT. kali. laur. lye. mere. inezer. natr. natr-mur. N-VOM. par. PHROSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RMHUS. sabad. sassap. SEP. sil. spig. spo~ng. stann. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. veratr. zinc. 111. 2. Bell. eon. inerc. phosph. puls. sl)ong. sul ph. 111. 3. Vacat. 111. 4. Ant-erud. aur. bry. CALC. cic. eon. duic. GRAPH. HEP. laeh. led. lyc. mang. mere. nalr-rnur. nitr-ae. petr'. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sassap. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. veratr. -#Vnc. IV. Ars. bell. bry. CALC. CATJST. chain. con. euiphr.' graph. ignat. ings. magn-inur. mere. nair. N-VOM. phosph haepus rhus. sabad. SEP. sil. staph. SULPHE.I V. ARS. bell. bov. BRY. caic. caps. chain. chin. creos. hell. hep. ignat. ipec. LYe. mere. rnezei'. natr-mur. n-mo~eh. N-VO'M. phosph. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. sabad. sep. sil. spig. suiph. veratr. vit. VI. 1. Ant-crud. ars. bell. eanth. chin. ignat. lyc. natr-inur. n-vom. puls. staph. VI. 2. Amm. anac. ant-crud. bry. CALC. chin. CROC. hep. ignat. kali. mang. mere. n-vom. phosph. PULS. ruta. SABIN. SEP. spig. sulph. thuj. zinc. VII. Anac. ant-crud. amn. ars. aur. bell. bry. CALC. carbveg. caust. chain. chin. coec. con. creos '. eroc. ferr. graph. hep. IGNAT. kali. LYC. merc. natr. natr-mur. rntr-ae. N-VoM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. sabad. Sabin. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. -Zinc. Antid. Bry. (camph.) chain. ipee. puls.' 4. AMBRA GRISEA. 1. Cic. coce. hell. ignat. Lye'. OP. ph-ac. puls. rhus. sil. staph. strain. sulph. II. Ant-crud. bell, bry. cale. eanth. earb-veg. caust. chin. ignat. kali. lyc. merc. natr-mur. nitr-ae. n-vom. phosph. puls. rhus. SEP. sil. suiph. veratr. AMMONIUM CARBONIOUM.36 365 III.I. Amn. bell. bry. caic. carb-veg. caust. chan., chin. ferr. IGNAT. kali. lyc. mdrc. 'NATR-MUR. N-VOMdi petr. phosph. puls. rhus, sep. sil. SULPH. zinc.T 111. 2. Ars. BELL., bry. caic. carb-an. clem. CON. duic. graph. hep. lye. mere..nitr-ac.,.phosph. puls. rims. sil. suiph. Ill. 3. Vacat. lI L11. 4. Anac. ars. bell. bry. carb-v-eg. caust. con. hep. LYC. mere. oleand, rhus. sec-corn. sep. SIL. SULPH. IV. Br'y. calc. caust. con. hep. ignat. lyc. riitr-ac. -on phosph. puls. rhus. sep. sil. staph. SULPH.I *V. Amn. bry. calic caust. grraph. hep.' kali. LYC. N-VOM. phosph...puls.,1RHUS. sep. SULPH. thuj. VI.I. Ant-crud. ant-tarc. amn. eupbr. nitr. nitr-ac. phosph. sep. VI. 2., Ars. bry. CALC. caps. caust. chain..chin. duic. ferr.' ]gnat. jod. kali. LY 'C. ings. inagn-mur. nair. n-vom. phosph. plat. PULS. RHUS.* sahbad. samb. SEP. stront. suip.tr vo-r V11. An't-crud. amn. ars. bell. bry. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chin. clem. eon. duic. ferr. graph. hep. IGNAT. 'kali. LYC. mere. natr. n-atr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vorn.PHO5PH. PULS. RHUS. SEP. SIL. -staphi. SULPH.ý Antid. (Caniph.) coff. n-vom. puls. staph. 5. AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. I. Bar. chain. cocc. lyc. mere. sep. II. Bry. eale. carb-an. earb-veg. caust. chin. graph. ignat. kali. lyc. mnerc. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. In-voin. petr. PHOSPH. puls. SE.P. sil. staph. suiph. suiph-ac. ver-atrd zinc. 11I. 1. Acon. amn. bar. BELL. IBRY. CALC. canth. carban'. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. croc. ferr. graph.. hep. ignat. kali. LYC. mere. natr. natr-inur. n-vom. op. petr...phosph. PULS. rhus. sassap. SEP. sil. spong. stann. sta-ph. stront. SULPHR. thuj. IlI. 2. Amn. bell. bry. caic. carb-an. carb-veg. chin, graph. kali. lye. 'merc. phosph. pubs. rhus. sil. spig. spong. staph. suiph. 111. 3. Asaf. bell. eale. hep. lyc. mere. nitr-ac. phosph. PULS. ruta. sep. sil. suiph. III. 4. Acon. ant-crud.. arm ars. BELL. bry. cale. caust, clem. creos. cyci. duic. graph. hep. kali. lack. led.' LYC. magn. 366 366 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. hIERC. mezer. natr. nitr-ac. oleand. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. RHUS. sabad. scill. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. IV. Amn. ARS. caic..carb-veg. caust. coccb graph. hep. ignar. ipee. kali.-lye. m-arct. magrn. natr-mur. N-VOM. phosph. puib. rhus. sahad. SEP. sil. staph. sulph., V. Amn. ars. hell. boy. BRY. CALC. chain. CHIN. creos. croc. ferr. graph. hep. jod. kali.' lyc. mere. natr-mu'r. n-vorn. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. rhus. sassa P. Sep. Sil. SULPH. thuj. VI. 1. Ant-crud. bell. lye. magn. nitr. puls. ran~-scel. zinc. VI. 2. Ant-crud. ars. bar. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chain. clem. coce. duic. graph. HEP. hyosco. ignat. KALI. LYC. mbagn.. niur. mnang. MERC. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. PHOSF-H. PULS. RHUS. ruta. SEP. Sdi. Spig. STR'ONT. SULPH. veratr. VII. Aicon. ant-crud.'amn. ALs. bar. BELL. BERY. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. ca'ust. chain. chin. clem. coce. -creos. croc. dule, ferr. GRAPIH. HEP. ignat. KALI. lach. LYC. magn. MERC. nair. natr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VON. Op. petr. PHOSPH. phac. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. asassap. SEP. _SIL. Spig. spong. staph. stront. SULPH. thuj,' veratr. zinc. Anmtid. Amn. camph. hep.-(Noc. bachb.) 6. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. I. Aur. caust. chain. eon. ignat. LYC. phosph. puls. Sep. sulph. Aen II.Ao. ars. aur. bell. bry. cale. chain. chin. coce. hyose. ignat. lye. mere. natr. nair-m~ur. nitr-ae. 'N s-VOM. phosph. puls. r~hus. Sep. SIL. sulph. suiph-ac. VERATR.. III. 1. Asaf. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. earb-veg. CAUST. Chin. eocc. GRAPH. KALI. laur. lye. in-aret. merc. mur-ac. nair. natrmum. nitr-ac. n-vom. PHOSPH. puls. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. Sabin. SEP. sil. sp'ig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH. tar. zinc. I1I. '2., Asaf. -bell. bry. CALC. caust. coec. con. graph. ignat. KALI. MERCý. nair-mur. nitr-ae. PHOSPH. PULS. ran-seel. rbus. sabad. Sep. sil. spig. suiph. 111. 3. Agar. bry. cocc. hep. ignac. ipee. led. phosph. PULS. rhus. RtJTA. sulphI. veratr.I11. 4. Aeon. amin. ars. bell. BRY. cale. caust. chin. clern. euphorb. graph.' ach. led. lye. mezer. OLEAND. PHQ5PH. PULS. RHUS. sep. staph. sulph ANACARDIUM.36 367 IV. Arm ar&.-bell. bry. caic. ch-in. GRAPHi. hep. ignat. kali. lad). lyc. merc. n-vonz. phasp'A. puls. selen. sil. suzlph. V. Ars. bry. coic. caust. euphorb. m-austr. merc. phosph. puls. ran-scel. rhus. sec-corn. veratr. Vi. 1. Aur. caic. carb-veg. chel. croc. jod. natr-mur., nitr. I-vom-. phosph. rhodod. rhus. scill. VW. 2. Ars. aur. bell. BRY. caic. caps. carb-veg. caust. cham. chin. cic. cocc. -con. cycl. euphr. ferr. graph. hep. ignac. kali. lach. lyc. magn-mur. men. rnerc. mum-ac. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-vom. phospit. ph-ac, PULS. RHUS. sabad. samb. SEP. sil. spig. spong. suiph. valer. verb. VII. Ars. asaf. aur. bell: DRY. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chain. chi~n. cocc. con. graph. -hep. ignat. kali. lach. led. lyc. merc. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. PHOSýPH,PbS. RHUS. inta.!ýabad. SEP. sil. spig. suiph. v'eratr. Autid. (Camph.) coff.- (hep.) n-~vom-r 7. ANACARDIUM. I. Acon. ars. aur. BELL. bry. caic. con. graph. hell. HYOSC. ignat. L~YC. mere. natin. natr-mur. n-vom. op. pet'. phosph. phac. plat. puls. rhus. sep. STRAM. 5ULPH. veratr. Ii. Alum. amn. bell. CALC. CHIN. cocc creos. graph. igiiat. KALT. LYC. merc. natr-mur. n-vom..,' petin. phosph. PH-AC. plat. p)lumb. PUbS. rhus. ruta. sec-corn. sep. sil." spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. III.I. Ang. amn. ars. asaf. asar. ]BELL. bry. CALC. oann. camb-veg. caust. chin. cocc. con. duic. ignat. kali. LYC. natr-mur. mitr ac. n-vorn. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. RHaUS. ruta. sassap. sep. stann.. staph.. SULPH. suiph-ac. veratr. 11I. 2. Ang. calc.-caust. con. phosph. PLAT. sdl. spong. 111. 3. Bell. merc. puls. lruita. 1I1. 4. Ars. bell. bry. causi. cocc. CON. hep. kali. LYC. merc. mezer. oleand. op. ph-ac. puls. sec-corn. SIL. 5ULPH. 1M. Acon. bell. bry con. -croc. n-vom. -op. phosyk. ph-:ac. puls. sulph. V. Ars. caic. chum. lyc. n-vom. sep. veratr. Vi.I. 1Calc. CARB-VEG. lyc. natr-mur. n-vom. puls. rhodod., rhus. sabad. staph. VI. 2. Aeon. bell. bry. CALC. caps. carb-veg. chain. chin. 368 ANGUSTURA. con. ign at. KALI. led. lyc. mezer. nair. natr-mur. n-vom.' phosphi. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. stann. suiph. zinc. VII. Aeon. ars. B ELL. biy. CALO. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. CON. hyosc. ignat. kali. LYC. inerc. mezer. natr. natr-, mur. n-voin. oleand. op. phosph. PH-AC. plot. PULS. rhus. ruta. sep. sil. stann. staphi. strain. SULPH., verair. Antid. Cff uglans.' 8. ANGUSTURA. 1. Aecon. (tur. BELL. eann. chain. COFF. croc. hyo~sc. lyc. natr-mur. n-vom. opl. phosph. sep. sulphi. veratr. viol-od, 11. Arn ars. aur. bar. BELL. iBRY. calc. cam ph. caust. chi'n. cic. coec. con. cupr. dig. graph. HEP. hyosc. ignat. LYC. merc. mur-ac. oleand. op. peir. ph-ac. pius. rhus. sahad. soul,. see-corn. Sep. sil. spig. spong. staph., strain. suiph. veratr.. 111. 1. Aeon. anac. amn. BELL. bry. CALC. eamph. caust. chant. chin. cic. cina. coec. coloc. IGNAT. ipec. kali.,lyc. MERC. n-voin. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT, puls. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spigr. staun. suiph. veratr. 111. 52. Amn. bell. cale. carb-an'. chin. eon. graph. kali. merc. phosph. plat. puls. rhus. sep. sil. spong. suiph. 111. 3. Lyc. mere. ph-ac. staph. 111. 4. Amn. ars. bry. caust. con. LACH. LYC. oleand. xisAC. puls. rhus.-sep. sil. spig. spong. stront. sulph. IV. Hep. ignat. plat. rhus. sep. V. Bell. chain. chin. n-vomn. piuls. sep. suiph. VI. 1. BelU.bry. caust. laich. lye. phosph. puls. stront. VI.' 2. Arn ars. bell. bry. eale. cann. caps. carb-veg. chain. con. cupr. ferr. hyosc. led. LYC. ihlagfl-mlui. merc. natr." natr-inur. N-VOM. ph-ac. puls. ran-bulb. rhodod. rhus. sabad. seneg. SEP. sil. spvig. suiph. Vii. Arn ars. a'ur. BELL. bry. calc. caust. chain. chin. cie. coff. con. graph. hep. hyose. ignat. kali. Jach. LYC. merc. n-vorn. op. petr. phosph.., PH-AC. plat. PULS. rhus. SEP. sil. spig. spong. SULPH. veratr. Antid. Coff. ANT1M0NIU1M TARTARICUM.36 369 9. ANTIMONITJM CRIJDUM. % 1. Agar. bell, canth, hyosc. LACH. lyc. op. v'HOSPHi. plat. pul s. strain. sul ph-ac. veratr.I II. Acon. ami. ars. bell. bry. CALO. cauth. varb-veg. caust. chain, chin. creos. duic. ferr. grap~h. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. lye,. MERO. NAT 'R-MUR. nitr-ac. fl-vom. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. veratr. HLi 1. Arn. ars. as~f. bell. bry. caic. caps. chin. croc. cupr. ferr. led. lyc. meqc. n-vomn. PULS. rhus. sep. suiph. 111. 2. Acon. amn. BELL. bry. carlj-an. con. hep. lyc. merc. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. sil. vulph.. 111. 3. ASAF. aur. chin. merc. PH-Ac. PULS. sil. staph.. -111. 4. Acon. ARS. bell. bry. calc. caust. dulc. graph. hep. lach. led. lye. merc. nirr-an. phosph. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. SEP. sil. staph. SULPII. LV. Anti-art. ars. bry. caic. carb-veg. croc. ignat. natr. u-mosch. N-VOM. Op. PHO5PH. ph-ac. PULS,. rhus. sabad. sep. suiph. veratr. V. Ars. bry. hep. natr-mur. n-vom. rhus. VI. 1. Amn. bell. canth.1caps. ignat. lycý nitr-ac.1puls. staph. VI. 2. Ars. BELL. bry. CALO. carb-veg. chin. clem. con. euphr. graph. hep. ignat. ipec-; lyc. mere. naflx natr-mur. nitrac. N-VOM. phosph. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sil. spig. staph. 'SULPIT. VII. Acon. amn. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. cale. canth. carb-veg.caust. chin, con. croc. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. lach. lyc. mere. natr-mur. nitr.,ac. n-vorn. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sil. staph. SULPHI. veratr. Autid. Hep. merc, 10. ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM. J. Js.r. bar. 'bell. bry. calc. hep. hyosc. ignat. laur. mere. natr. n-vom. phospli. puls. rhus. sil. sulph. IL. Ar~p. ars. bell. BRY. Calc. carb-v'eg. caust. chain. hin. cocQ con. h c~eigjd't. kali. tyc. natr-mur. N-VOM. PHOSPH. plumb. PUbS. 4i~vs.- sep.,sil. staph. SULPH. VERATR. II1.Acon Alum. amn. ars. asaf. bell. caic. can. caust. con. creos. graph. hep. jod. ipec. lach. merc. mosch. n-vornt phosph. PULS. spig. sulp,4. verafr. III.- 2..-, l~ell. ph9qsph..suiph. 111. 3. Vacat. 3"TO 370 ARGENTUM FOLIATUM. 111. 4. A nt-critd. ars. bell. ca rb-veg. lyc. M ERC. PuLs. RHUS. suiph. veratr. -IV. Ars. BRY. eon. croc. cf~pr. ig-nat. lauir. NMSF.nv op. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. veratr. V. Ars. bell. bry. chin. graph. bep. k~li. lyc. 9mere. N-VOM. PHOSPIJ. PULS. rhuts. sep. SULPH. veratr. VI; 1. Bell. bry. carb-veg. catist. lach. lyc. nmezer: puls. ran-seel. stront. VI. 2. Aeon. ars. bry, carb-veg. chin. cobbh. DIG. ignat. jod. kali. led. lye. nitr-ac. ui-vom. phosph. PUbS. RRTJS. Sep. spig. SULPH. veratr. VII. Arn. ars. bell. bry. caic. ca~rb-veg. caust. chin. con. dig. hep. ignat. kali. lye. mere. n,;mosch. 'N-VOM. Op. PHOSPH. PUbS. RHUS. SOP. sil. spigr. SULPH.' veratr. Autid. Coce. ipec. op. pubs. sep. 11. ARGENTUM FOLIATUM. I. Aeon. BELL. bry. CALC. laur. N-VOM. op. phosph. putls. rhus. strain. veratr. II. Alum. bell. bry. CALC c H-IN. creos. icali.- lye. mere. natr-muir. nitr-ac. phosph. puils. sabad. SEP. spig. stann. snlph. sulph-ac. I11. 1. Alum. ASAF. autr. BELL. bry. CALC. CAUST. CAIN. coce. con. cyci. ignat. KALI. LYC. MERC. -mezer. n-atr. NATRMUR. n1-vom. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. Sabin. sep. sil. sp~ig. spong. stauin. staph. strmn~t. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. ZINC. 11I. 2. Arn. ars. bell. bry. eabe. carb-an. cie. eon. ignat. lye. mere. phosph. puls. rhius. ruta. SEP. spoutg. sulph. 111. 3. Asaf. bell. bism. eupr. CYCL. lye. phosph. ruta. Sabin. staph. 111. 4. Asaf. bell. bry. cale. coce.c. yH. hep. kali. lye. MERC. mezer. phosph. PULS. rhuts. Sabin. sep. SIL.- spig. staph. SULPH. zin1c. IV.? V. Ars. chain. chin. n-moseh. n-vom. puls. rhus. samb. SEP. sib. spigr. veratr. VI. 1. Asaf. laur. mar. niatr. sabad., SEP. sil. staph. suiphac. valer. viol-tr. VI. 2. Aeon. ambr. ant-crud. ars. asaf aur. bor. bry. cabe. caps. CON. dros. dule., euphor-b. ferr. hep. kali. bachi. LYC. 'ARNICA. 311 magn-mur. mceii. mere. phosph. plat. PULS. 'riodod. RiHUS. ruta. sabad. S.EP. sil. STRONT. valer. Vii. Acon. ar-S. ASAF. aur. BELL. bry. CALO. caust. chin. eov. cyci. $hý.icali. laur. LYC. 1A1ER'C. mezer. natr-rnuti. n-vom. Pfio, PH. PUbS. rhodod. RHius. ruta. sabad. sabin. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. Stalin. staph. stront. suiph. s~ulp~h-ac. zinc. Antid. illerc. puls. 12. ARNICA. I. Aeon, bar. bell. bry. chain. lye. natr-ffnUr. n1-vor. pills. rhu~,sep. strain. suiph. veratr. 11../k6n. alumn. ars. -bar. BELL. bry. caic. earith. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. COCC. colch. con. graph. hep. hyose. ignat. kali. lyc. MERC. Jzatr-mur. nfitr-ae. N-VOM. phosph. PULS. rhus. ruta. s'abad. SEFP. sil. spig. stal]D. staph- strain. SULPH. thuj. veratr.I III. 1. Acon. alum. ars. asaf. asar, bar. BELL. BRY.CALC. cant h. caust. CHIN. coce. con'. eroc. ferr. graph. hep. ignat'. kali. lyc. M VRC. mezer. natr. nair-murf. nitr-ae. n-mosch. NVOM. PHOSPLI. pb-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. SEP. S11. spig. staitn. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinic. 111. 2. Acon. ars. asaf. bar. BELL. BRY. caic. CARB-AN. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. clgin. CON. duic. graph. hep. jod. kali. LYC. MERC. natr. n-vom. PHOSPH. plat. PUbS. RHUS..sep. Sil. spig. spon1g. SULPH. thu1j. 111. 3. Arg. chin. eye). 1I1. 4. Aeon. ars. asaf. bell. bry. cale. caust. chin, con. graph. UEP. hyose. kali. LACH~. led. LYCmMEUC..nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. DHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sec-corn. SEP. sil. staph. stront: SULPH. sulph-ae. IV. Ars. bell. bry. caic. chin, graph. ignat. kali. lye. magn.. mere. N-VOM. PIIOSPH. PULS. rhus. Sep. s'il. suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. V. Aeou. bell. bry. cale. carb-veg. chel. chin. ferr. graph. bep. hyose. ipec. kali. mere. nitr-ac. N-VON. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. Sit.' SULPH. thuj. vei*r. VI. 1. Ant-crud. ant-Tart. ars. carb-veg. chin. coich. lyc. magn. nitr-ac. phosph. FPlLS. ran-sodl. sep. VI. 2. Aeon. ainbr. ars. BELL. BRY. CALO. cann. caps. earb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. CO oe och. CON. ferr. graph. HEP. ignat. ipec. kali. lach. led. lye. mere. natr. NATR-MUR. N-VON. 372 372 ARSENICUM ALBUM. phos ph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS.. ruta. sep. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. veratr. V1I. Acon. ar-s. asaf. bar. BELL. BRY.- CALC. carb-an. carbveg. caust. chain. CHIN. cocc. cole1. co9n. ferr.; graph. hep. hyose. ignat. kali. lach'. led. LYC. magn. merc- natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPiT. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHTJs. ruta. SEP. ISIL. spig, staun. staph. SULPH. suilph-ac. thiij. veratr. Aistid. Amm. cam ph. chin. cic. fcrr. ignat. ipec. seneg.(Noc. Vinum.) 13. ARSENICUM ALBUM. I. Acon. anac. aur. BELL. bry. CALC, cupr. graph. hyosc. laur. LYC. natr. natr-mur. N-VOM. op. pho'sph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sep. STRAM. suiph. VERATR. 11..Acon. amD. bar. BELL. BRY. caic. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. coce. con. eupr. dig. duic. fer'r. graph. HEP. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-vom. op, PHOSPH. ph-ac., plumb. PULS. rhus. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. staph. strain. SULPH. VERATR. Ill..I1. ACON. anac. arm, bar. BELL. bry. CALC. cann. canth. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. coce. con. cupr. digr. dule. ferr. graph. hyosc. ignat. jod. Pali. LYC. MEEC. ncttr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. phos ph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. scill. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. veratr' zinc., 111. 2. BELL. CON. hep. mere. phosph. sil. suiph. Il1. 3. 'Asaf. cac. imere. staph. suiph. II1. 4. Aeon. ant-crud. asaf. bell. bry. eale. earb-ari. carb-veg. caust. ehin. con. creos. cycle duic. graph. hap.,hyose. LACH. LYC. MERO. mezeh nitr-ac. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. RHUS. scill. sec-corn. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. veratr. IV. Bell. bry. cale. carb-veg. chain. chin. hep. ignat.. KALI. lye. magn. mere. inur-ac. N-VOM. op. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sep. SIL. sulph. V. ACON. BELL. BRY. cale. chain. CHIN. coec. lach. lye. MERC. n-moseh. N-VOM..op._phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. samb. scill. sep. sil. spig. staph. stann. SULPH. veratr. V1. 1. Amn. chin. dros. ferr. ignat. kali. magn. mang. mere. natr-mur. n-vom. plumb. rhus. thuj. VI. 2. Acon. aur. bell. JBRY. eale. carb-veg. caus?. c/tam. CHIN. coich. dros. dule. ferr. hep. ipee. kali. lyc. merc. mosch. -nitr-ae#. n-mosch. N-VOM. phosph. PULS. RHTJS. sabad. samb. SEP. sil. strain. stront. sulph. veratr. ASA IPOETIDA.37 373 VII.fAeon:'anac. arn. asaf. BELL, 13fY. CALO. carb-veg. caust. chum. CHI-iN. cocc. con. cuipr. duic. ferr. graph.- hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kuli, lach. LYC. MtRC. flatr-mxur. nitr,-ac. N-VOM. Op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. R'HUS. sail,. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. strum. stiont. t'SULPH. veratr. Antid. Carb-veg. chin, ferr. graph. hep. jod. ipec. lach. n-vom. sarnb. veratr. --14. ASA FOftTIDA. I. Alum. aur. ignut. lyc. phosph. plat. puls. suiph. suiphac. zinc. I II. -.,Arn. ars. aur. bor. try. cuic. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. CHIlN. con. ignat. laur. lyc. merc. NITR-AC. fl-yom. phosph. plat. plun~ib. PULS, ranl-bulb. selen. sep. sil. spig. staph. sulph. thiij. ixle ydratr. -zinc. ]I. Acon. alum. anac. arg. urn. asar. SELL. bry. CALG. caust. cUlin. cocc. con, cupr. duic. ferr. graph. ignut. jo~d. kali.. Lyc. merc. mezer.'masch. nutr. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-VOM.-.oleand. phosph. plat. PUtS. iRnus'. Sabin. sep.'sil. sPIG. spong.stann. stup'h.-,stront. SULPH. tar. thu1j. valer. zinc. Ill. 2. Ammi-mnu. bell.,bry. "CALC. COO C. Co. ignat. ec natr-mur. PHO5P.H. PULS. ran-scel. rhus. sep. spong. SULPE. 111., 3. Bell. CALC. chin. hep.,lyc. MERO. mezer. nitr-ac. phjosph. PH-AC. PUL.S. ruta. 6ep. SIL. staph. SULPH.* Ill. 4. Acon. ARS.! bell. bry. cubc. carb-veg. caust. REiP.. luch. lye. MERC. n-itr-ac. phos~ph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhus. sec-corn. sep. SIL. staph. StJLPH. thuij., IV., Ars. bry. kali. nutr. n-rnosch. n-vom. phosph. puls. sep., V. Ars. coca. phosph. puts. samb. spig. VI. 2. Arg. amn. ars.,-aur. bell.. cuic. caps. curb-veg. chin; cina. cocc. con. C1kCL. dros. dulc. euphoarb.. euphr.'ferr. hep.. kali, lach.ý LYC. rnagn-rnur. merc. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. phosph. PIVJLS. rhodod. rhus~.rutu. sabad. SEP. sil. SULPH;: tar.. VII1. Alum. amn. ars. aur. bell. bry. CALM.curb-veg. caust. chili..coce. con. cyel, ferm. hep. ignut. kall. la'ch. LYC, MERC.. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. PHaospE*. ph-ac.,plat. PULT~ rhus. rtlta. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. tar. thuj.: valer. zin~...&ntde COamphý. caust. chint. mere. puls.-.-Electric.' T 3 "40 4 374 AURUM FOLIATUM. 15. ASARUM EUROPAETM. I. GocC. COn. IGNAT. lyc. mezer. natr-mur. op. p-c PULS. rhus. sep. SIL. strain. LI. Aeon. ari. bell. bry. caic. caust. chain. chin. COn. creos. graph. huhi. lye. ME RC. iiatr-ratir. flitr-ae. N-VOM. phosph. PULS. sep. sil. spig..suiph. veratr. 111. 1. Aeon. alum. atac. urn. asaf.'air. bell. bry. Cate. cauth. CHIN. cocC. coff. COD. cupr. ignat. joi. kali.lye. mezer. moseh. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-VOM. phosph. plat. PULS. rhus. sep. sit. spig. stann. staph. suiph. suiph-ac. valer. VERATR, Ill. 2. Hyose. III. 3. TVacat. 111. 4. Caust. Chin. merc. phosph. plat. putls. RHUS. spig. sulph. LV. Bry. Caic. ignal. kali. n-vorn. suiph. V. Aeon. boll. Calc. CGUAM. mere. ni-vorn. rhus. spig. suiph.; veratr. VI, 1. Bell. lye. puls. valer. VI. 2. scon; arae. ant-crud. am.i. bell. BRY. eale. CAUST. -eham. ehel. ehin. eolch. eon. cr'oe.f euphr. ferr. od. ipee. kali. led. lyc. mere. mezer. N-VOM. PHOSPi.. plat. PULS. rhous. sabad..sep. sil. spig. spong. s~uiph. v~it. V11-. Aeon. aft. bell. bry. eale. ca?'Ist. ehb~m. chin. coed..con. hep. igniat. jod. kali. lye., mere. mezer.ntrmrN-Q..p*osph. plat. PULS. rhus. s~ep. sil.- spig. sulph. veratr. Anatid. Aeteium. e~amph. 16. AURUM FOLIAT1JM. I. sAnac. ars. BELL. eale. eaust. eham. coff. graph. iavosc. ~ignat. LYC. natr. n-vom. op. phosph.. plat. puls. rhus. Sep.,strain. SULPH. suiph-ac. VERATR. II. Agarn. ammn,. amm-mur~ arn..-ars. asaf. BELL. bry. C AbC. -canth. earb-an. carb-veg.. CAUST. chain. CHIN. elem. con. graph. hep. hyose. ignat. KALI. LYC. m-aret. MERC. natr., nair-mur. rntr-ac. N-VOM. Qp. I'HOSPH. ph-ac. plat.. plumqnb. PULS. rhuts. jruta:.,sabin.- see-eorn. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. strain. SULPE. sulph-;ae. thuj. ver'atr. zinc. II.1. Aeon. amnbr. anac. arg.*ehrn. asaf. asar. BEL.L. bry cale. cauth. earb-veg. cautst. chain. CHIN. coce. coff. con.ferr. graph. hep. ignat. kali. LYC. rnagn. MERO. mezer. natr. NATR v ~I1T AS 375 MURt. nitr. nt(Z.-SVMPOSI patPUDLS. rhus. sabin., setieg. sr,,. sil. spig."~stann. staph 41oft.SULPH. tar. valer. veratrI. zinc. 111. 2. A r. B EL L.4b-an. jod.-lye,ý merc. p~os"ph. puls. rhus. sil. spong. suiph. 14 111. 3. Asaf. Meil: eaC bn ye].,lyc. MERO. mezer. nitr-ac. phosph. ph-ac. Pii~~t.sp i4 staph. suiph. 111. 4. Alum. arso,,bei,ý-Abry-.A$4LC. caust. cic. clemn. con.. dig. graphi.' he).'ly. MERO.C. ntr-nitir. mitr-ac. petr-. phbsph ph-ac. PULS. rIUS SEP. sqil. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. ziinc. IV. Ars. bell. caic. coff. dutc. ferr. kali. lyc. magn". uatr. N-VOM. phospli. p)uls. SEP. SIL. suiph. V. ACON~arn. ai~s. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg, chin, con. ferr. hep. krpii. lyc.,nagn, natr-mur. hlitrzac. n-niosch. N-VOM. phosph. pUts-..RHJS.' samb. sep. sil. strain. sulpl&.,--, VI. 1. Acon. amn. ars. caic. *con. ci~oc. "dros. ferr. hep. ignat. ]od.: kali.magn. magrn-mur.,merc. na~tr-mur. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph.rA us. sclL' V1. 2. Acon. amm. ARS. bell. bry. caps. caust. chain. coce., cocH). CON. cycl. DULC. eupltorb. yferr. HEPý. hy Osc. ignat. kcali. LYC. rnagn-mur. mere. moscli. n-edltsch. N-VOM. phosph. ph-a&..pla'1t-kPULS.- rhodod. RHUS. SAUAD. SAMB. SEP. sil. staph. STR-N'T. suiph. tair. yaler. vera'tr.-; V1H. -'Acon. a'ru. a9s'. asaf, B'ELL. 'bry. CALC. carb-veg. eclzstý chinm. chin. cpoa'140C. ferr. giatph. liEP. Ityosc. igrnat. kali. LYC. mago. MERC. natr. uatr-mur. nifr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. phac. plat. PULS' RHUS. samb. S~EP. SIL. Spig. staph. strain stront. SULPL-. verair. zi~nc.. Antid. Bell. camplhi chin. qof. cupr. merc. puls.. spig. 17. BARYTA. I. Anac. arn. bell. caust. chain. cocc. hell. hyose. ignat, kali. lyc. n-vom'. op. pdls. rhus., sep. strain. yeratr. I1. Alum. amn. ars. BE:LL. hry. CALC. Carl) veo. caust. Ain. con. creos. gr-aph. hep. ignat. KALI. LYe. MERG9IjeZOI.. natr.,, natr-nuur'. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. par. petr..-,itbsPH rds rkusn ruta. subad. sep. SIL. spig. Stalh. SULPH. Vrr*atr, Ill. 1. Acon. amn. ars. asaf. BE.L L. bry..'ýcalc "nt-b*-earbveg. caust. chain.,CHIN., coce. con. croc. cupr.1bycl1 ferr graph hyose. *ýignat,.,ka~ii. xxjY-c., m-arct. EA. 5zmY.ezer. 4natr,.natr-mid?. 376 BELLADONNA. N-VOBI. PHQSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHLTS. sabin. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann; staph. stront. SIJLPH. thuj. veratr. vit. zinc. 111. 2. Bell. BRY. carb-an. ca~ust. charn. clemi.CON. graph. lye. merc. n-vom. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. sil. SpOng. SULPH. 111. 3. Cocc. ruta. 111. 4. Amn. bry. CALC. Caust. charn. con. cyci. dulc-graph. HEP. led. lye. MERiC. nitr-ac. oleand. petr. phosph. plat. PULS. RHUS. saba-d. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. STA~PH..ULPH. veratr. *IOL-TR. IV. Ars. c'al. CHIN'. kahi. fatr. n-vorn. PHosPH. puls. rhus., sep. sil.,SULPH. viol-tn.' V. Acon. amn. bell. bry. caic. caust. chin,' graph. kali. LYC. N-VOM. phosph.-puls. rhus. sep. sutlph. thuj. VI. 1. Amn. ars. caic. carb-veg. chin. ferr. jod. natr-mur. nitr. n-vom. plumb. rhodod. rhus. vi. 2. Acon. agar. arnm. ars. bell. bry. caic.. caps. carb.. veg. caust. chain. cic. coce. CON. duic. ferr. graph. HEP. tgnat. jod. KALI. led. LYC. rm'erc. rnosch. natr-mur. -nitr-ac. n-vomn. petr. iPHOsPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS..rafl-bulb. rhus. ruta. sabad. SEP. SIL.. spig. staph. SIJLPH. V1I. Acon. arn. ars. BELL. bry. CALC, carb-veg. caust.. chain. chin. cocc. con. cyci. ferr. graph. key. ignat. kali. led. LYC. MERC. natr. nair-mur. nitin-ac. N-V.OM. petr., PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RIHU5. muta. sabad. SEFP. siit. spig. spong. susph. SULPH. veratr. viol-tr. Autid. Ant-tart. bell. camph. du'ic. 18. BELLADONNA. I. Accm. anac. aur. bar. bry. chain. cic. coff. cupr. HYOSC.' ignat. LYC. natr-mur. n-vomn. op. phosph.yh-ac. plat. puls. rhus., sep. STRAM. sulph. VERATR. - 11. Aeon. ant-crud, amn. ars. aur. bar., BRY-. CALO.- cant h,. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cic. cocc. con. creos., cupr. dros. euphr., graph. hey. HiYOSC. ignat. ipec. kali. Lyc.0 NERGVF, natr. natr.-mUr. nitr-tiac. N-VOM. oleand. op.-pt. iop 0.p-c plat. plumb. PULS. rhusr. ruta. sabad. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. apig. stanD. sztaphij friawm. SULPH. veratr. zinc,. CL.cnh II1.Acon. aug. drn. ar3. asaf., BRY. CL.ank causi. chain. chin.'"cic. -cocc. con. cupin. dtslc. fetrr.. Hyosq, ignate BISkUTHU*M'. 377 kalli. LYrC. 1 mrmc.- natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac,. N-VOM. qp. phosyk..plat. plumb. PULS. RHU5s. sabin. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spvig. stann. staph. stram. stro'nt. SUILPH. thuj. verair.. MeI 2. Aeon. ARN. BRY. caic. earb-an. chin. clem. con. hyose. jpd. LYC. MERO. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. Sponig. SUL-PH. 111. 3. Arg. asaf. CALC. caust. chin. con. eupr. cyci. dros. hell. hep. kali.. lyc. MERO. nitr-ac. _piosyk. PULE. ruta. sabin. sassap. sep. aui. spig. staph'. tulph.,111. 4. Aeon. amM-. ABS. asaf. bry. caic. caust. chin. con. duic. ferr. graph. hep. hyose:. kali. lach. LYC. MERC. mezer. riitr-ac. oleand. p/icmph. PULS.'RHUS. sec-corn. SEzP. sil. staph. SU'LPM.veratr. TV. Ars. bry. caic. chain. chin. grapha HEP. hyo'se. ignat. kali. led. lye. merc. n-vom. PHOSPHr. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sEP.511l. spig. strain: 5ULPH. V. ACON. ARS. BRY. cale. chdm. chin'. coec.~ ferr. graph-. hep.HOC ga.jd MRc, natr-inur. nitr-ac. N-VOM;,pkosph. ph-ac PULS. RHUS. sabad. sep. sil. strain. suLPH~. thuj. veratr. VI. 1t. Ant-tart. bry. caust. lach.,lyc..mezer. nitr. phosph. puls.. ran-scel. stront. VI. 2. Acon. ant-cruc4. arn. ars. bar. BRY. CALC. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. CHAN. chin., colcic. con. croc. cu pr. ferr. HIEP. HYO5C. ignat. ipec. kali. -lach. led. lye. merc. natr-mur. i-inosch. N-VOM. op. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. Pauius. SEP. sil. spig. strain. stront. SULPH. VII. Acon*. arn. ars. asaf. tiur. bar. CRRY. CALC. canth. caust. chain. chin., cic. cocec. con. eupr. ferr. graph. hep. iwyosc. ignat. kali. lach." led. LYC. NERO. nat-in ur% flitr-aca n-vom. op. PHospH. ph-e. plat. PULS..-RHUS.'sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig., staph. strain. stront. SULPH. veratr. Antid. V"Coff. *hap. hyose. op. puls. vinum.-(Noc. Acetum. dule.) 19. BISMUTkHUM. - I. Alum.ar bell. carbran. ferr. graph. ignat. plat. zinc. II Acon..amr. ars, BE;LL, bily. cal.c-ýohain. chin. coce. hell. IGNRAT.,lj~t NvN phosph. ph-ac. PuLS. see-corn. sep spong. stann. SUdph veractr. 378 BORAXel IlI. 1. Ara. BELL. bry. caic. caust. CHIN. coich. 'duic. KALI. lyc. merc. n atr-mnur. n-vom. oleand. puls. rhus., sabin. Sep. sil. stann. staph. suiph. II1. 2. Vacat. I11. 3. Ara. cyci.Ill. 4. Acon. arn. ARS. bell. bry. caic. caps. caust. kali. tach. LED. lyc. merc., mezer. n-vomn. op. phosph. plat. PULS. rhus. sep. SIL. spong. staph. suiph. IV. - Ant-crud. bry. CALC. cann. carb-an. carb-veg. chin. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. l1yc. -natr. N-,VOM. phosph. puts. rhus. sabad. SEP. sit, staph. SULPH.I V. Acon. amn. ars. bell. carb.-veg. cha m.-coce. hyosc. kali. lyc. merc. n-vom. op. phosyk. sep. sil. stann. suiph. VI. 1. Alum. ant-crud. bell. canth. igrnat. lye. nitr. nitr-ac. puts. selen. sil. staphl. thuj. VI. 2. Asaf. aur. CAPS. CONi. CYCL. dros. duic. euphorb. ferr. lyc. mgs. magn-mur. MEN. mosch. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. rhus. sabad.' samb. SEP. stront. tar. valer. verb. viol-tr. VII. Acon. amn. ARS. BELL. bry. CALC. caps. carb-veg. caust. chin. cocc. con. cyci. duic. ferr. IGNAT. ]KALI. lach.- led. LYc. men. mere. N-VoMd. op. phosph. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabad. SEP. sjiL. stan~n. staph. 51ILPH. AntiaI. Calic. caps.:(n-vom.) 20. BORAX. I. Bell. caic. lye.- natr-mur. n-vomn. phosph. r~hug. sep.'sulph. '11. Alum. amn. ars. asaf'. aur. bar. belt'. bry. CALC. carbveg. caust. chain, chin. duic. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. lyc. MERC. niezer. nat-r-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr., phosph. plumb. PULS. rhtus. ruta. SEP. sit. spig. staph. sul ph. III. i. Acon. amn. ars. asat'. betl."bry. CALO. earb-veg.chain. chin. graph.- hell. ignat. kali. lyC. MERc.' patr-muir. n-vom. PHO0SPH. PULS. rhus. Sep. sil. stann. staph. SULPH1. zinc. III. 2. Bell. bry. ignat. jod. merc. n-vomn. phosph. puls. suiph. 111. 3.? III. 4. Bar. bry. calc..chain. graph. hep. lye. imere. nitr-ac. petr. -rhus. scill. Sep. SIL. staph. sulph. IV. Aus. calc. ignat. KALI. mum-ac. n-vomn. puls. ran-bulb, sep. sit. LYCOPERDON BOVISTA.39 379 V. AcoN bell. bry. caic. chiain. hey. natr-mur. navom. rhus. verair. V1. 2. '.4.com arnrnm. -ars. bell. -bry. C'AL1C. caps. COCC. ferr. graph. ig tatjod. kalzi LYC. mgrs. rn-aret. man.ER.NVM Phosph.P ULS. RtiA, sa'bad.'Sep. SIL. SPIG. stront.: sulpki.. VERATR. VI1. Aeon ars. bell. 'Ry., CALC..caih-veg. chain. chin grph. hep. ig'nat. kali. LYC. MERC.'ntr-ur. N-VOM.pe. PIhosp'k. PULS. RHUS. SEP. SIL.; spig. staph.,SULPH.'veratr. Antid. Chain. coffi-(Noc. Acetum. vinum.) 21. LYCOPERDO1N BOYISTA., L Alumn. bell. -cala~d. -caic. cic. co~c'. hell.'hyosc. ignat. LYC. mnere. n'atr-muy. n-vom. op. pids. rhus. sep. sil. siilpk. VERATHt. 11. Ant-cr-ud. -bell. bry.. caic. CAUST". cre~os. lach, led. natr. nair-mur. n-vom. phosphi. phL.%a~c. pla~t. RI-US. SEP. sil; spig. STAPH. suiph. veratr. -Ill. 1. Aeon. amm-mur. amn. aor. bell. bry. caic. caust. chin. KALI. laur. lye. rn~agn-miur. nair-mur. phosyk.,plumb. puls. rhus. sassap. SEP. spig. alann. sta'h. -sulp4,. zinc. 111. 2. Phosph. sul~ph. 11I. 3. A~gar. armi-mur. covc. hep. phosph.* puts. ruitt. e ratr, Ill. 4.. Ars,- bar. cale. c'arb-vg. clem. ereos., cupr. dule.. GRAPH,. 1PAk. 14. la'ch. led. lye: magn. mere. 'petr., phosph. puls., JaHus.seen SEP. s~il. STAPH. sqlph.: veratr. V., A-con. ain,.ý bell. bry. CALC. C HAM. key. ignat. lyc. merc.. natr-mur. n-vomt-aius. sep. sulph. verair. vi,. 21, Ant-erud. amn. cale. ignat.' rhus. sep. VI. 2. CALO. eatin. CARB-VE!G. CHIN. Con. JOD. kali. mr. nair. PHospHi. ph-ac. PlL'S. SEP. SI L staph. sulph. VII. Aeon. ant-c-rud. arn. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. catuts chain. chin. coce. creos. graphi. hep. ignat. jod. kali. lyc. mere.. natr. natr;-mur. n-vorn. PHospH:. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sit. STAPH. SLTLPH. VERATR. Antid. Chmiph, 380 380 BRYGNIA ALBA. 22. BRYONIA ALBA. I. BELL. cale. hyosc. lye. natr-m'ur. n-vom. op. Rnus. sep. s~train. suiph. veratr. If, Acon. amn. ARS. aur. BELL. bo'r. CALC. canib.'earb-veg. caust. CHAM. chin. con. creos. dig,; graph. hep. hyose'. ignat. kai. lyc. M ERC. natr. natr-mu-r. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. _phosph. ph-.ac. plumb. PULS,. rhus. sabad. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. VERATR. zinlc. 111. 1. Aeon. amn. ars. asaf. BELL. CALC.' canth/. carb-veg. cautst. chain. c/hin. con. graph. ignat. kali. LYC. MERC. mezer. nat r-m~ur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sit. spig stront. SULPH. 111. 2. BELL. caic. con. lyc. mere. PHOSPH. puts. rhus. SULPH. 111. 3. Arg. asaf. bell.'calc. chin. ciipr. cyct. ignat. lye. MERC. mezer. nztr-ae. phosph. _p4-ac. puts. rhodoct. RHUS. ruta., sabin. sil. STAPH. SULPH. th-uj. 111. 4. Acon. ant,-erud. amn. ARS. asaf. bar. belt.caic. caust. chin.- cic. con. graph. hep. i pee. k.ali. inch. led'. LYG. merc. mezer. ratr-mur. n-vomn. phosph. PULS:- RIIUS. sep. SIL. spig. spong. staph. SULPH. vioi-tr..IV. Acon. ant-tart. ars. bell. cal. caust. chin. pic. 'CN croc. hop. IGNAT. lye. mn-aret. magn. mere. natr. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sep. sil, SULPH. V. A CON4. AR5. bell. cale. c 'ham, CH!19N. dig. ferr. graph. hep. hyose. jod. ipee. kali. LYC. mere. nair-mur. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. SEP. sil. spig. strain. SULPH. veratr. VI. 1. Bell. laeh. lye. puls. VI. 2. Aeon. amn. ars. BELL."CALC. caps. carb-veg. caus't. c/tam. chin. coce. eoleh. coloc. eon. hep. hyose. ignat. ipee. kali. led. LYC. natr. N-VON.M.Op. phosph. PULS. RHUS. sabin. SEP.rsl spig. stann. strain. SULPH. veratr. VII. Aeon. amn. ars. asaf. ]BELL. CALC. caiith. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. CON. graph. hep. hyose. ignat. ipee. klit. LYC. MERC. inezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-aeb N-VOM. Op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHRUS. SEP. szl. spig. stal)1. strain. SULPH.'ve'rat'r. Antid. Aeon. alum. camph. c/tam. clem. coff. ignat. mur,-ae. n-vom. puls. rhus. senegb CALCAREA CARBONICA. 48 ssi 23. CALAADIUJM SEGUINUM. I. Coce. ignat.' LYC. PULS. sil. veratr. 11. Aeon. amn. ars. bry. cale. carb-veg, chain. chin. cocc. eon. duic. hell. hiyosc. lyc. [nagn-mur. merc. natri nair-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. -op. petr. phosph. PULS. rhus. sabad. Sep. sd1. spig. staph. SUL-P f. verair. III.. ACON. ARS. bar. bell. bry. pale. c'pnth. earb-veg. chain. ehel. coec. guaj. ignat. kali. [~ye. merc. mezer. mur-ac. natr-ý mui'. nitr. n-rnosch. N-VOM.. par. phosph. PULS. rhus. -sabad. sassap. seneg. SEP. sil. stana. strain. SULPH. veratr.,# I12,? 111. 3. Vacat. 111. 4. Aeon. ant-tart. ars. bell. bry. carb-veg. CAUST. eon. hep.. ignat. kali. lach. led. lye. merc. MEZER. nitr-ae. n-vom. phosph.puis. ran-bulb. RHUS. scill. sep. SIL. staph. SULP'H. IV. Ars. BELL..BRY. caic. earb-veg. chin. con. graph. hep. IGNAT. kali. led. lyc. mar. merc. n-vom. PHOSPH. IPULS. rhus. sel e n. Sep. sil. suiph. V. Ars. bry. caic. chain. rerc. mezer. n-vom. phosph. puts. rhus. Sep. SULPH. - VI. 1. Ant-tart. bell. bry.,eaustd lach. led. lyc. mere. ph~osph'. puls. ran-scel. stront. VI. 2. Ag'ar. ars. bell. B RY. caic. cann. earb-an. carbý-veg. chini. eoee. eoff. eolch. eon. graph. hep. fiod. ipee., kali. led. lycb. merc. natr-mur. NrVOM. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. se'en. SEP. sil. staph. VII. Aeon. ar-s. bell. BRY. cale. earb-veg. eaust. eham. chin. coce. con. graph. hep. igntat. kali. led. LYC. MPRe. mezer. natrinur. N-VOM: PIJOSPH. PULS. rhus. ss~s. sil. staph. SULPH. veratr, Antid., (Cain ph.) caps. 24. CALCAREA CARBONICA. I. BELL. lyc. n-vom. Op. puls. RHUS. sep. strain. sulph. ye.. ratr. II. Aeon. amm. anac. ant-crud. amn. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bry. canth. caps. carb-an, carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cina. clem. coco. con. creo's. croc. euphr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. icali LYC. magn-Inur. MERC. mezer. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-Yom,, 382.CAMPHORA. oleand. par. petr. PHOSPH. PULS. rhuis. ruta. sabad. seccorn. SEP. SIL. spig. stann. STAPH. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. yerair. zinc. 111. 1. Acon. alum. ant-crud. amn. ars. BELL. bry. canth. caps. carb-veg. ca~ust. c/tam, c/tin. cina. cocc. con. czupr. [err. graph., /tyosc. -ignat. jod. ipec. /cali., LYC. rnerc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-a-c. N-VOIM. petr. p/tosp/t. plat..plumb. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. Spig. spongr. stann. staph. siram. stront. SULPH. zinc. 111. 2. Ang. BELL. bry. clem. con. duic. kali. lyc. MERC. natr-mur. PHO5PH. puls. rhodod. sil. spong. staph. SULPHL. Ill. 3. ASAF. bell. hep. lyc. MERC. mezer. nitr-ac. p/zosp/t. ph-ac. PULS. Sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. Ill. 4. Ant-crud. amn. ars. asaf. bar. bell. bry. carb-veg. caust. chin. clem. con. duic. graph. hep. lach. led. LYOC, MERC. mezer. natr. na 'tr-mur. nilr-ac. petr. p/tosp/t. p1)-ac. PUbS. RHUS. SEP. SIb. staph. SULPH. veratr. viol-tr. IY. Ars. bell. bry. carb-veg. caust. chin, con. grap/t. ignat. kali. merc. NATR. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sil. SULPH. V. ACON. anac. ars. bell. BRY. c/tam. chin. ferr. hep. ignat. kcali. LYC. MERC. nat' r-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. 1)bosph. -,puls. RHUS. selen. SEP. spig. SULPH. veratr. VI. 1. Ars. aur. carb-veg. croc. ignat. nair-mur. nitr. n-vom. plhosph. rhus. scill. VI1. 2. Amm. anac. ars. bell. bry. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain c/tin, con. croc. graph. ignat. jod. kali. LYC. nierc. natr. natr-inur. n-mnosch. n-voz. 'p/tosplt. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. sab-ad. selen. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. VII. Acon. anac. ant-crud. amn. ars. asa('., aur. BELL. bry. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. clem. cocc. con. croc. duic. grap/t. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. LYC. MERC. mezer. natr. nair-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. selen. SEP. Sib. spig. spong. stann. stap/t. strain. SULPH.. veratr. zinc. Antid. Bry. cairnph. chin. NITR-AC. n-vom. sulph.-Spirnitr. duic-. - 25. CAMPHORA. I. Ars. aur. BELL. con. cupr. HYOSC. LYC. NATR-MUR. Op. puls. r/tus. strain. veratr. CANN, ýA191S. 383 11. Aeon,, alum. anac. aMg. ARS. BELL. bry. chain. chin. cic. con. cupr. %hep. hyosc. IGNAT. kali. lyc. merc. n-vom-. op. Fuls. rhus. sep. stapl). strain. suiph. VFRATR. 111. 1. Acon. ang. arn. ars. BELL. bry. caic. caust. chain. chin. cic. COCC. con. cupr. hyosc. IGNAT. ipEC. labr. lyc. merc. mosch. n-mosch. N-VOM. op-. 1iosph. plat. puls. rhu-s. sec-corn.SEP. sil. stann. sirarn. SULPH Ll)LIJ. VERATRt. 111. 2. Bar. bell. bry. carb-an. clem. con. graph. lye. mere. n-vomi. phosph, puls. s1l suiph. II. -3. *? 111. 4. Aeon. amn. ars. bell. bry. caic. dube. hep. lyc. rnerc. n~itr-ac. n-vom., phosph. ph-ac..puls. RHUS. sec-corn. sep. 321. sulph veratr. IV. ANT-.TART. bry. eon. CROC. cupr. n.-mosch. op. ph-ac. puls. verair. V. Acon. ARS. BELL. cale. chi~n. con. hell. baur. mere. nitr. ni-mosch. N-VOM. 'PHOSPII. ph-ac. puls. rhus. SABAD. samb. Sep. Spig. suiph. VERATR. vi.i1.? VI. 2ý. Acon. agar. amn. ARS. aurv bell. BRY. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chel. c'occ. coff. coich. con. dig. duic. graph. hell. HEP. hyosc. KALI. led. ly'c. niere. mosch. n-miosch. N-VOM..phosph. puls. ran-bulb. rheum. RHUS. SABAD. scill. selen. sep. sil. spig. staph. strain. STRONT. VII. Acon. an~g. antrtart. amn. ARS. aur. BELL. BRY. cale. caust. chain. chin. cic. cocc. CON. croe. cupr. dule. hell. hey. HYose. ignat. ipec. kali. LYC. MERC. inoschb. natr-niur. n-mosch. NVON.o~.phoph. ph-ac.. PULS. uiHUS. sabad. s'ocm.SE.sl strain. stront. 5ULPH. VERATR. 26. CANNABIS. -1. Aeon. aur. -BELL. cale. cooce. con. hyosc. ignat. LYC. merc. natr. n-vom. OP. phosph. PH-AC. plat. PUL5. mhus. Sep. sil. STRAM. suiph. VERATR1. 64 II.. Ant-tart. ar'n. bell. bry. caic. CAUST. chin. con. duic. euphm. HEP. ignat. kali. lye. -mere. fl-VOnfl. PHiospH. PULS. rhus. ruta. sep. sil. staph. SULP11. suiph-ac. veratr. zinc., III: 1. Aeon. anac. arn,,&rs. BELL. bry. CALC. ca-nth. caust. chain. chili. cocc. cory. dii-l. graph. hyose. igntat. ipec. 384 CANTHARIS. laur. lyc. merec. n-mosch. N-VOM. phosph. plat. puls-'rhus. Sep. sil. spig. spong. str~nn. suiph. suiph-ac. VE RATR..111. 2. Bell. phosph.p 111. 3. Oocc. hep. puts. ruta. 111. 4. Acorna. arn.ws. bell. bry. Calc. carb-an. caust. chin. cocc. creos. graph,, kali. lyc. merec. mezer. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. plat. puls. RHUS. sabad. sec-corn. Sep. sil. staph. suiph. vera~tr. IV. Bisrn. chin. hep. natr. n-voru. sabad. sep. sil. V. ' Acon. ars. BRY. merc. PrJLs. RHUS I. s11fph. VERATR. VI. 1. Ars. ferr. hep. mang. natr. n-v~m. sabad.. sep. sil. suiph-ac. VI. 2. Aeon. agar. aug. ant-tart. ARN. ars. bell. BRY. c.alad. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cocc,. colch. con. ferr. hep. ignat. JOD. kali. led. LYC. merc. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM". oleand. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. selen. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. Viol-tr. VII. A con. arft-tart. amn. ars. BELL. BRY. cabc. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. oocc. coich. con. duic. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. led. LYC. mang. MERC. mezer. natin. natr-mur. nitin-ac. N-VOM. Op, PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ran - bulb. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SEP. SIL. spig. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. sniph-ac. VERATH.. Antid. Camph. 27. CANTHARIS. I. Aur. bell. cic. cupr. HiYOSC. ignat. lach. LYC. Op. phosph. plat. puls. Sit. STRAM. suilph. veratr. *II. Aeon. alum. ambr. ant-cruid. amn. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. caps. carb-veg. cauist. chain. chin. cocc. coich. con.' graph. hep. hyose. ignat. ipec. kali. lach. laur. LYC. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. sabad. Sabin. sassap. SEP. SIL. staph. strain. SULPH. thuj. VERATR. zinzc 111. 1.,A con. alum, amn. ars. asar. BELL. bry. calc. carbveg. chain. CHIN. COCC. COn. cupr. dro's. ferr. hell. hyo'se. ignat. ipec. icali. laur. lyc. mere. mosch. niatr. Ditr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhus. rtita, sabad. Sabin. sassap. sýE'. sil. spig. stann. staph. 5ULPH. veratr. zinc. II 111. 2. Acon. amn. BELL. bry. con. mere. PHOSPII. pUIs. rhus'. sil. sulph. I11. 3. A rg. awi. bell. Cale. caust. chin. con. cupr. cycli dros. kali. lyc. vmere. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhodod. rhus. ruta. s8abin. sep. staph. CAPSICUM ~ ANNUUM.38 385. 111. 4. Acon. amin-Xmur. amn. ars. bell. BRY. caic. earb-ve~g. caust. chin. cyci. graph. ep. kali. lach. led. lyc. mete. mezer. nitr-ae. n-vom. oleand, phosph. phi-ac. PtJLS. IRHus. sep. sil. spon g. staph. SULPH. thuij. viol-tm. IN. Lach. na~tm. n-vom. phosph. sep. sjl. staph. V.- Acon. 'ami'. ARS. IELL. DRY~. caic. camph. cham. chin. hell. hep. laur. lye. mere. nitm-ac. n-mosch. Nv-voM. PHospH. phi-ac. puls. rhus. sabacL. SEP. sil s&pig. suiph. verair, VI. 1. Alum. ant-crud. cale. ignat. n-vom. sil. staph. suiph. VI. 2. Amn. BELL. DRY. CALC. carb-veg. caust. c/tam. clem. coce. coich. con. graph. ]REP. ignat. jod., kali. lach. LYC. MERC. natr. N-VOM. PJJOSPH. PULS. RHUS. seill. sep. sil. 4pig. staph. YII. Acon. alum. amn. ams. aur. BELL. DRY. cAic. earbveg. caust. c/tam, c/tin. eocc. eon. cupr. graph. hey. hyose. ign at. kali. lach. laum. LYC. MERC. natr. nitr-ae. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-t ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabad. Sabin. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. strani. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Antid7. Aeon. cam p/t.laur. puls.-(Noc. 'off.) R8. CAPSICUM ANNUIJM..1'Anac. ams. jaum. BELL. caic. caust. chain. coce. con. croc. hyose.,ignat. LYC. mere.. nair. NATR-MUR. op. pho~ph. ph-ac. puls.,sep.,sil stiph.. shtrm. sulph. suiph-ac. I'Acojn. ars.v BELL.' bry. cale. cantit. caust. c/tam. hep. hyose.: ignat. kalii lye. MERC'., nmezer. natr. No-VOM. op.- phosph. ph-rac.. PULS.. ritus.. sep. sil. stah. -t S19LPH. veratr. IIIII. - 1. 'A-con.' ars-e- BELL. BRY. GALe. caust. c/tam. chin. coce. con. croc. hyose. ignft. kali. laur. LYC. mere. N-Yom. oleand. PHiospH. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sep. sil. spig. suL.PH. vematr. Il1. 2. BELL. bry. cale. clem. con. lye. puls. rhus. suiph. 11I. 3. ASAF. aur. caic. chifl. con. hep. lyc. moec. mezer. phosph. ph-ac. puls. ruta. sep. sil. staph. sulph,.Il--L 4. Aeon. ars. asaf. bell. bry4 caic. caust. chin. coce. lach,. LYC. MERC. mezer. oleand. phosph. PULS. RHUS. Sep. SIL. spig. staph. sulpit. IV. Aus. aur. coff. hep.iL. natr. n-vom. sep. sit.. V., Aeon.,urs. DRY. caic.,-tw~i. c/tin. Itep. IGNAT. lach. lye. merc,. natrrmur, N-VOM.op. hosph. puls. RH s.abad. am.sep spig. sulph. verair. HS 386 386 ARBO ANIMALIS. IVI. 1. Ant-crud, ant-tart. arne ars. bry. calc., canpi. eanth. caust. dros. ferr. " n at. kak. lye. magn. mang. mere. nitr. n-vom. puls. ran-scel. rhus. samb. staph. suiph-ac. thuj. V1..2. Acon. arn. aur. bar. bell. bor. BRY. caic. can n. carbveg. caust. c/tam, chin. cina. coce. CON. cyci. dros. dule. cuphorb. ferr. HEP. kali. lach. led. LYC. magn-mur. men. mere. moseh. natr-mur. n-voin. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. samb. selen. SEP. sil. spig. staph. stront. suiph. tar. thuj. valer. veratr. verb.VII. Acon. ars. asaf. aur. BELL. BRY.- CALC. caust. chain. chin. coec. con. liep. hyose. ignat. kali. LYC. mERO. natr. natrmur.' N-VOM. Op. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHU S. sabad. samib. SEP. SI'L. spig. staph. SULPH. vleratr.. Antid. Calad. ca'mph. chin. cina. 29. GARBO ANIMALIS. 1. Alum. aur. bell. coff. croc. ferr. graph. IGNATr. mezer. mosch. NATR. Op. petr. pkosph. plat. -,seneg. sep. sil. spig,. strain. suiph. Sul ph-ac. thuj. veratr. ZINC. 1I. Alum. amin. ant-crud. aur. bar. bell. bry. cAILC. CARBVEG. CAUST. chel. chin, con. cyci. graph. ignat. kali. lyc. inagn-mur. MERO. natr. nair-inur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op.petr.phosph. plumb. puls. rhus. ru-ta. sabad. SEP. si-L. staph. SULPH1. sulph-.ad, thuj. veratr. verb. 1I.11. Amm. ars. asaf. bar. BELL.-bryýT. caic.- carb-veg.,caust. chain. chin. coec. coloc. GRAPH. hep,. igna~t. KALI. LYtC. magn-' mum. merc. inur-ac.- natr. -nair-mur. n itr'- a c. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. phosph. plat. PULS. RHUS. - ruta.,sabin. SEP. sil. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. thujzinc. 111. 2. Amn. BELL. bry. con. graph. hep. jod. lach. lyc. MERC. phosph. PULS. SIL. suiph. thuj. I11. 3. Asaf. coce. ruta. 111. 4. Ant-crud. amn. ARS. bell. bry. carb-veg. caust. clewn. con. dule. graph. hep. LACHT. lyc. mere. nitr-ac. PHOSPH. Pal&~ ran-bulb. rhus. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. thuj. IV.- Ars. CALC. chin, graph. hep. ignat. KALI. lach. lyc. merec. n-vom. phosph. pils., ran-bulb. rhus. SEP. sil. SULPH. V., Ant-tart. ars. bry., cale. GRAPH. hep. icali. LYC. natrrnur. n-vom. phosph. rhus. SEP. suiph. CARBO VEGETABIL-TS.38 387 vi. 1. "Amn. a-rs'. colch. ferr. mnagj ryt.ang. ni'erc. nitr. nitrfic. stront. V 1. 2. Amwn. ammn-mur. anac. amn. ars. Irell. BRY. C%"ALC. CARB-VOcG. chin. cocc. con. graph. hep. ignat. KALI. led. LYC. merc. nair-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHospHr. *PULS. Thus. selen. sep. szl. spig. stan.n. stront,. STILPH. VII. Alum. amm. arn-. ars. asaf'. bell. bry. caic. carb-veg. caust. chin. cocc. con. ferr. GRAPH. hep. ignat. kali. lach. LVC. MIERC. natr. natr-mur., nitr-ac. n-vom. op. petr. PHOSPH. plat. PUILS. Thus. ruta. SEP. SIL. staph. stront. SULPH. thuj. zinc. Antid. Ars. camph. n-vom. vinumn. 30. CARBO VEGETABILIS. I. Acon. anac. aur. prBELL.- bry. caic. cham..cocc. igna t. lyc. n-vom. phosph. puls. rhus. suiphf. veratr., IL _Acon. alum..amm. ant-tart. amn. ars. asaf. alur. bell. bry. CALC. canth. ca~rb-an. caust. chain. CHIN. cle'm. cocc. con. creos. dulc;..roaph. hep. igndt. i;kali. led. LYC. ME':C.,nair. natr-murw. Nl'TR-AC. N,-VOM. vetr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulbs, rhod od., Musl'osa bad. SE P. SIL. STAPH. SULPH.- thuj. vera.r&, II.I.~ axtbr- amn. ars. bar. bell. bry. CAL-C. canth. ca4ar. caiust. cb zikeý "ebL' chin. co'ce. con. creos. dulb. ferrn, GRAEkea,L-YC..4merc. mezer. natr. natr-ýmur'. nitrCps.O b e re kOph p-ac. plat. PULS. ran-bulb., rhododw WI~u s as sa p. sen~g E. sit. spigi'spong. Stann. staph- strain SULLH. vratip. zAcM III.2. Ara. BELL. bi-y. carb-an. graph). LYC. mrner. phosph. puls. suiph.',111. 3. AsaT. merc. ph-ac. ruta, -sulp~h. 0 111. 4. Abt-tart.,: ars; 'asaf. bell.- bry, "calc. carb-an. caust. chin. clem. con. creos. graph. hep. ipec. kali. lack. LYC. merc. tnezer. nttr-ac. n-voL-.- peir. phosph.- ph-ac. puis. RHUS. selen. sep..SIL. stap'h. -SULi:a. veiratri IV. Bell. bry. calc.ý-griiph.jignat. kali. merc. n-vomn. phosph. PULS. Thus. 'SEP. sit. suth. h V. ACON. amn. ARS. -bell. brys calc.-cham. chin. cocc. cupr. hejp. 'ignat. i~pec. kali. lyc. rnerc. *natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. pkosph.. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. SEP. sil. staun. strain. SULPII. VERATR. 388, CAUSTICUM. V1. 1. Calc. lyc. natr. natr-mur. n-vomn. phosph. puls. -rhodod. rhus. sabad.' Sep. staph. VI..2. Ars. bell.,by CALC. caps. carb-an. caust. chain. chin. cocc. coich. con. euphorb. Cerr. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach-. LYQ. merc. natr. natr-mur. nihr-ac. n1-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PUbS. rhus. selen. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. strain. SULPH. veratr. VII. Aeon. arn. ars. asaf. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-an. caust. chain. chin. coce. con. creos. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-rnur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod'. RUKUS. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. staph..' Strain. SULPH. verair. zinc. Aintid. Ars. camph. coff. lac~h. spir-nitr. duic. 31. CAUSTICUM., I. Bar. caic. chain. con. ignat. lyc. PULS. Sep. II. Acorn. alum. ant-crud. amn. ars., aur. bar. BELL. bov. bry. CALC. eann. cut.cabvexchi. hn. elein. con. creos. graph. lrhep. ignat. kali. led.'lyc. mEU'C. nd~tr.- NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. par.- petr. riHospH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SEP. SIL. SP g. STAPH. SULPH,. thuj. ver~atr.zic II1. 1. Aeon. alum. amn. ars. asaf. aur. BELL. BRY. C AbC. earb-veg. chain.'chin. cic. cocc. coloc. corn. ereos. eroc. dule. graph.ihep. ignat. jod. KA L'T. LYC. magn. mERe. nair. NATRMUR. iti'-ac. N-VON'. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat.PL.rodd RHU 'S. sabad. sassap. see-corn. seneg. SEP. sil., Spig. spong. stann. staph., strain. siront. SULPH. tar. thuj7. valer. veratr. zinc. -Ill. Bell. bry. eale. con. kali. lye. mere. PH'OSIPH. puls. rhus. sil. spong.'SULPH.I 111. 3. Bell. caic. chin, eon. dros. hell. lye. merc. phi-ac. puls.,ruta.- Sep. 111. 4. Amn. ARS. asaf. bry. caic. carb-veg. chin. eon.A~ulc. graph. UeP, lach. led. L'YC. MERC. mezer. nitr-ac. phoaph. PULS. ran-bulb.-Zran-scel. R HUS. sep. SIL. staph. stront. SULPH. thuj. IV. Bell. bry,. C'ALC. CON. graph.,ignat. mere. natr. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. rhus. se~p. sil. staph. SULPH. V. Aeon. amn. ars. BELL. bry. caic., graph. kali., lye. mere. N-vom. phosph. PLYLS. RHUS. sep. suiph.'VERATR. VI. 1. Ant-crud. bell. bry. lach. lye. inezer. pbosph.,puls. VI. 2. Aeon. ars. ASAR. bell. bry. caic. carh-veg. chain. 4 389 con.,HEP. ignat. kali. lyc. N-VO1Mf. phosph. PULS '04l'us. sabad. SEP. sil. suiph. VII. Acon. amn. ars. asaf. as~ar. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. chain. chin. con. graph. hep. ignact.' kali. lacli. LYC. merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac.. n-vom. PRtO SPH. ph-ac. PULS; RHUS. ruta. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. staph.'stront. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Antid. Asaif. coff. coloC.'_,,h--vom. spir-nilr. dulc,-(Noc. lCoffifphosph. ac-etrumn,,32. CHAMOMILLA. 1. ACON.*anac...ars.-AUR. BELL. caic. -causi. graphb. IGNAT. LY9. rnerc, n~atr,-.miir. Ný.VOMU..phosph. plat'. RUbS. sep. strain.. su;p.,lpMVERATR. II. AcON. alum. arn. ARSýO. BELL$, BR'Y. 'ýcaic; CAn-th. caps.. carb-veg..,caust. cHIN. comcon. CQflroc. -dig. duic. graph. Itefi hy-- Osc. IGNAiP. ijec. kali. lach. jc. MERO.,riahr. ndtr-mur. nitrr-ec. N-VOM., pet r., Poos PHp.,yh-.-aC`., pumb. PULSi RH~us' sabad. seecorn. SEP 4i. si pig stann. staph. strain. SULPH Y4ERATR. zinc. JIllI. ACON. agar. alum. ambri, ang,. am i -ýARS aur. bar. BEll:.BAY. c AitC. cafnthe, caps. carb-v~eK. caustoC-HiN. CW. COCC. coW co. cro.Lcpro ferr. gyaph." Ysosc. iG~t;$ od. ipec. kali. LYG6. MERC. mosch. -natr. nawr-njur. nitr-ac-. N-,VOM. op. par. PHOSPH. ph-ad'.plat: PULS. IIHUS. ahihýs'ec-comfl SEP sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stivar. SULPH. ve.ra~r`.4z'inc-Sui.ph.: 1II. Th,Arg. bell; - ILL, 40 Acqn. ws. asaf. ~b eIry.IiicAL.-cau'st. con. gah ~E; gc.'~i~ier. it;*.C. petr. PULSý. -gp ý STAU. ~J~~H ~us sp. SIL. IV. RS.BELL. brf al6 lin hp. klimerc. n-vom. pvhe6!;h. ph,ýacý fbIS.r/us. sabad. s~ep..9il.,suiph. V. AoN. AR yb,,bL. 3$ OA Lob C in1* pignat.,10tr. lyc. MER..natr-m Ot 4p p.hph-acf PULS. RHUS-. sece-- corn. SEP. osi I>Otihan.SU LP*j."VERAk'. V1.I. 1,. Gr&6h*,:mwVtront. VI. 2. Aco'n'. ambr. amin.* amn. at$s. BELL. BRY. cAic. 'caps. carb-vego - ýust.,chim.coe tofcoloc. COT&. graph. Aep ky.. z 390 CHRLIDONIUM. osc. ignat. i pec. kali. lack. led. LYC. merc. natr. natr-mur.'n-mosch. N-VOM. Op. PHOSrH.ph-ae. plat. PULS. RHUS. Sabin. sEiP. 8i1. spvig. staph. strain. SULPH. verair. VI1. AcON. arn. ars. aur. BELL. BRY. CALC., caps. carb-veg. caust. chin. coec. con. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. lach. LYC. MERC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM1. op. peir. PHo5PH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. strawn. SULPH. YERATE. Antid. Acon. alum. bor. camph. cocc. coff. coloc. ignat. n-vom. PULS. 33. CJJELIDONIUM. 1. Aeon. bell. caic. natr-m'ur. n-vom. rhus. strain. veratr., 11. Alum. anac. amn. ars. aur. bell. bor. bry. caic. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. con, graph. hep. ignat. kali. lyc. inagnmur. merc mezer. natr-m-ur. n-vom. oleand. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PUbS. rhus. ruta.. sabad. SEP. sil. spigr. staph. strain..SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. verb, zinc. I11. 1. AcON. alum. amn. ARS. bar. bell. bry. caic. canth. rcarb-veg. caust, chain. chin. cocc. con. cyci. duilc. graph. guaj..1GNAT. kali. laur. LYC. merc. inezer. mosch. natr. natr-mur. NVOM. tiuosisi. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puls. rhus. ruta. sabad. seccorn. SEP. spig. spongr. staun. staph. SULPH. tar. veratr. zinc. 11I. 2. Ars. bell, chin. coce. dig. mere. 111. 3. Vacat. 111. 4. Amr. BAR. bell. bor. bry~. eale. canth.'eaust. chain. (chin, con. GRAPH. hep. lyc. m-ere. NITR-AC. n-Voin. petr. phosph. -PULS. RHUS. sabad. scill. SEPs. SIL., staph. SULPH. viol-Ir. IV. Mur-ac. -N-VOM. phosph. rhus. suiph. V. ACON. (tin. at's. BELL. bry. calc. cawph. caust. chtin, 'dig. ferm. hyosc. ipec. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vow. phosph. puls. rhtus. sabad. sep. spig. strain. suiph. thuj. veratr. VI. 1. Nitr. n-vorn. VI. 2. Amn. bell. bry.. CALC. camph. cann. carb-an. chain. chin. cocc. coff. con.. croc. graph.,1GNAT.4,jod. kali. lach. led. lyc..natin. natr-mum. n-wosch. N-VOM. phosplt. puls. ra'n-bulb. rh/is. sa-,bad. SELEN. Sep. sil. SPIG. staph., straw. VT1. AcON; amn. ars.- bar. BELL. bry. cA..rc. caust.'. chain. CHINA. 391 chin. coce.c. oI. grapi). ignat. kali. lyc. mere. natr. natr-mur. nitrac. N-VQM,,. PHO5PH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. selen. SEP. sil. spig. staph. strain. SULPH. veratr. zine. Antid. Carnph.? coff.,? 34. CHINA. 1. Acon. anac. ars. bell. caic. caust. chain. cocc. con. graph. IGNAT. lye. merc. nair. natr-mur.'n-vom. vhosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. sep. sit, staph. suiph. '11. Acon. anac. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. ARS. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. c/tam. cocc. con. creos. duic. ferr. graph. hep. hy~c. ignat. ipec. kali. LYC. MERC. natr. nair-mur. nitr-~ac.- N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plu~mb. PULS. rhus. seccorn.MspEP. sit. spig. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. VERATR. ilL111 1. Acon. amn. ars. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. carbvet ' ham.'co~cc. coich. con. dig. ferr. graph. hell. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. lye. nmar. mere. natr. natr-inur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. _phospvh. ph-ac. plumnb.- PULS. RHUS. SEP. sil. 'Spig. stann. staph. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. 111. 2. Amn. BELL. bry. caic. jod. lyc. inerc. phosph. PuLSO' 111. 3. A sA'F. MERC. P'H-AC. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ru&V sil. HII. 4. Ant-crud. am'. ARS. as~af. bell. bry. caic. cI-veg. cautst. con. duic. ferr. graph. hep; lach. led. LYC. merc'. ~tr-mur. nitr-ac. n-yom. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sele - SE-P. SIL. staph. SU'LPI. thuj. veratr. IV. Acon. ars. bell. bry. caic. carb-an. ch. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. lyc. merc. nativ. N-VOM. PRO IH. ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. RHTJS. sep. sil. SýULPH. V. ACON. 'ARS. BELL. BRY. Caic, c am. con. digr. fer-r. graph. hep. hyosc. ipec. merc. NATR-M1UR.I.-VOM. phiosjh. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sabaci. samb. sel en. 9EPb spig. staph. stramn. SULPH. tIhuj. veratr. V1. 1. Alum. amn.. ars. ipec. natfmu. VI. 2. Aconi. ant7crud. ariL eU'S BELL. BRY. CALC. caps. carb-veg-. chain. cocc. colb,. con/ferr. graph. hep. ignat. jod. kali. lacl.h led"Iyc. mgain~n'ere rzlitr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mnosch. N-Vom. PHoýPp. liac. 'PLI$ rus. ruta, selen. stp.. sil pg stan'n. sitcipf.SUtP. huý ertr1.pg V11. Aeon. arn. A'1*S. asaf.-ABELL'. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. 392 392 CICUTA VIROSA. caust. c/tam. cocc. con-ferr. graph. hep. ignat. ipec. kali. LYC. MERC. nair. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N--vom. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PULS, RHUS. selen. SEP. sil. spig. staph. SULPIT. thuj. veratr. Antid. Amn. ARS. bell. Caic. cARB-VEG-ferr. i PEc. merc. natr. natr-rnur. PULS. Sep..9Ulph. vERATR.-Salvia off. Thea. -(Noc. Dig. led. selen.).35. CICUTA VIROSA, 1. Anac. aur. bar. BELL. caust. cupr. hell. Hyosc. lyc. inatrmur. op. phosph. ph-ac;' plat. PutLS. rhus. sil. strain. srilph. veratr. II. Anac. ang. ars. BELL. bry. caic. camph. chain. chini. cocc. cupr. cyci. dig. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. lyc.mrner. natr-mur. n-vom.. oleanid. op. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabad. sec-corni. sep. sil. spig. strain. SULPH. dthuj. veratr. 111. 1. Anac. aug. am. ars. BELL. bry. calc.'cam ph. carbveg. CAUST. CHAM. 0000. CODl. CUPR. dros. graph. nyosc. IGNAT. ipec. kali. lyc. merc. inezer. mosch. natr-mur. n-voin. oleand. OP. petr. phosph. PLAT. plumb. ruta. SEC-CORN. SE-P. 'sil. stann. STRAM. SULPH. suiph-ac. verair. zhinc 111. 2. Arn car b-an. COn. sep. 111. 3.? 111. 4. Ant-crud. bry. caic. clem. ci'eos.DULC. GRAPH. hep. kali. lach. lyc. mrnec. natr. petr. phosph. puls. rani-bulb. RH. SEP. sit, staph. 'SULPH. IV. Beil. BRY. chini. igniat. lyc. N-VOM. phosph. PUs rhus. sulph. V. Rhuws VI. 1. Ant-crud, bell. canth. i2iiat. lyc. nitr-ac. puls. selein. sil. staph. thnj.,\ VI. 2. Acon.',-mmn-mur. arn. ars. aur. bell. bry. caic. carbveg. caust. chain. 6Dcc. coich. CON. croc. graph. HEP. ignat. ipec. kali. lye. NATR- ' UR. nitr-ac. in-mosch. ii-voin. phosph. puls. rhodod. RHUS. f,,ta. samb. scill. selen. sep. SIL. spig. spong. stront. suiph.\ VII. Anac. ang. amn. ars, BELL. BRY. cabe. camph. caust. chain. cocc. con. cupr. duic. gratph. h'ep. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. kali. LYC. merc. natr-mur. N-VOM. op.- phosph. aplat. PULS.,RHUS. ruta. sec-corn. SEP. SYL. spig. staph. strain. StJLPH.*Veratr. Antid. Amn. op. tabacum. CLEMATIS ERFECTA. ~ 9 393 36. CINA. 1. Chain. ignat. lyc.,PLAT. pulS. suilph-ac. IR. Aeon. anac. arg. ars. aur. bell. bry. CALC. CHIN. coec. con. cutpr. ferr. I'y-ose. IGNAT. kali. LYC. inerc. natrniur. N-VOM. oleand. PHospH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. SABAD. ý6c-corn. SEP. SIL. SPIG. stann. staph. suiph. suiph-ac. veratr. verb, zinc. 111. 1. Alum. anac. ang. amn. asaf. BELL. CALC; caust. chain. chin. coce. dule. ignat. KAL-I. lye. mere. natr. natr-inur. niti-'ae. n-vom. PLAT. puls. sabin. sep. sil. spig. suiph-ac. 111I. 2. Mere. III. 3.? 111. 4. Aeon. ars. atsaf. bell. bry. hep. lach. lyc. mEitC. PULS. rhus. sil. suiph. IV. Ars. caust. creos. IGNAT. N-VOM. RHUS. sassap. V. Acon. bry. chain. chin. hep. ipee. natr-mur. veratr. VI. 1. Ant-crud, arn. ARs. bar. cale. canth. caps. CHIN. ignat.~ lye. nair-mur. plumb. puls. rhrs. sabad. staph. suiph. Vi' 2. Aeon. asaf. bell. bry. CALC. caps. carb-veg. chin. ferr.. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. LYC. NATR-MUR., N-VOM. ole"And. phosph. plat. puls. rhodod. rhuts. rutta. sabad. SEP. Si.spig. SLH VII. Aeon. amn. ars. asaf. bell. bry., CALO. caps. chain. CHIN. ferr. he6p. IGNAT. kali. LYC'. mere. natr-mur.' N-VOM. phosph. PLAT. PULS. rhus. sabad. s'p.S IL. spig. suiph. suiphac. veratr., Antid. Camph. caps. chin. (ipee) piper. nigr. 37. CLEMATIS ERECTA. I. Caic. coec. ignat. merc. ph-ac. puls. SIL. sulph. zinc. IL Alum. ars. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chain. coce. VHEP. kal.i. L`C.'MERC. niatr-mur. nitr-ae. n-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. SEP. SIL. sj)ig. staph. 5ULPH. suiphI-ac. THU.Y. veratr. 1[1. 1. Al um. amn. bell. bry. calc. chain. chin. coec. graph. ignat. lye. mere. mnezer. natr. n-vom. phosph. plat. puls. rhus. sep. spong. sutlph. sulph-ac. I11. 2. BELL. bry. cale. carb-aun. CON. mere. phosph. ptdls. Sil. sULPH. III. a. Asaf. cale. pals. Ill. 4. Airim. amm-mur. ant-crud. ARS. bell. bor. caic. 394 COCCULUS. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. con. creos. duic. graph. hep. kali. lach. led. lye. magn. MERC. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. puls. RHUS. SEP. SIL. STAPH. SULPH. viol-tr. IV. Calc. n-vom. phosph. sil. suiph. V.? VI. 1. Acon. am. aur. caic. con. natr-mur. nitr-ac. phosph. rhus. VI. 2. AMM. ant-crud. ars. aur. bell. CALC. COCC. coich. con. duic. HE.P. lyc. rnerc. r-mosch. n-von. puls. RRUS. samb. sep. sil. spig. STRONT. suiph.RU VII. Amm. ant-crud. ais. aur. bell. bry. CALC. caust. cocc. con. graph. hep. lyc. IVERO. ritr-ac. n-vomD. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. vep. SIL. spig. staph. stront. SULPH. thuj. Antid. Bry. camph. 38. COCCULUS. I. Acon. bell. calc. hell. hyosc. IGNAT. lyc. n-VOm. op. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. strai. suiph. veratr. 1I. Acon. alum. anac. am. ars. aur. BELL. BRY. CALC. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. con. cupr. graph. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. KALI. LYC. MERC. ilatr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. NVOM. op. petr. phosph. plumb. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sep. SIL. spig. stann. staph. strai. SULPH. sidph-ac. th?ýj. VERATR. zinc. IMl. 1. Acon. alum. anac. amn. ars. asaf. asar. BELL. bry. CALC. camph. caust. chain. chel. chin. cic. con. ferr. graph. hell. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. kali. lach. laur. LYC. merc. mezer. mosch. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. staun. staph. strai. 5ULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. VERATR. zinc. III. 2. Ars. BELL. bry. caic. con. mere. phosph. sulph. III. 3. Chin. cycl. hep. puls. ruta. sabin. sil. staph. III. 4. Acon. am. ars. bar. bell, BRY. caic. CAUST. con. dulc. hep. kali. lach. LYC. MERC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. phosph. phac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. scill. SEP. SIL. SPong. staph. SULPH. thuj. IV. Bell. con. n-vom. phosph. puls. sep. sil. V. Acon. am. ARS. BELL. bry. calc. carb-veg. caust. chami. chin. creos. hep. ipec. kali. lyc. MERC. N-VOM. op. phosph. PULS. RHUS. sec-corn. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph.. suiph. veratr. VI. 1. Amm. ant-crud. asaf. asar. BELL. coloc. ignat. laur LYC. nitr. nitr-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. sil. thuj. valer. zinc. COFFEA. 395 V1. 2. Amm. amn. ars.. aur. bell. BRY. caic. carnph. eann. caps. car b-an. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. ehel. chiin. cie. coff. coich. CON. dule. graph. HEP. IGNAT. ipec. kali. lach. -led. LYC. mang. mere. nat~r-mur. n-mosch. N-VO1V. petr. phosph. puts. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. scill.SELEN. sep. SIL. spig. staph. stron't. suiph. VII. Aeon. amm. arn. ars. BELL. bry. caic. eamph. carbveg. caust. chain. chin, con. graph. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. kali lach. LYC. merc. natr-mur. nitr-ae. N-VOM. op. petm. PHOSPH. ph~ac. PULS. RH'US. -ruta. sabad. selen. sep. SIL, spig. stann. staph. strain. suiph. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. Anhtid. Camph. chain. eupi'. igrnat. n-'vom.-Noc. Coff. 39. COFIEA. I. Aur. bell. HYOSC. lach. n-vomn. OP. phosph. strain. suiph-;ac. veratr. viol-od. If. Aeon. amn. 'AIR. BELL. bry. cale. chain. CHIN. con. graph. hep. LYC. mere. N-VOM. pizosph. piUs. SEP. spig. strain. suiph. II. 1. Aeon. amn. asar; aii. BELL. bry. cale. eanth. chain. CHIN. coec. eon. ferm. hyose. icmat. lyc. mar. natr. n-moseh. NVOM. op. petr. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. sit. strain. suiph. veratr. 1I1. 2. Vacat. III. 3. Vacat. 111. 4. ACON. amn. ars. BELL. bry. cale. hyose. ipee. kali. led. lye. inemC.. n-vomn. op. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. seill. -sep. -Ril. suiph. IV..Irs. caic. kali. n-vom. puls. sep. sil. V. ARS. bry. eale. lye. fl-VOinf. puts. Sep. VI. 1. Dros. ignat. kali.,niti'. n-vom. ph-ac. rhus. seill. VI. 2. Aeon. amn. BELL. BRY. calad. caic. canpli. earb-an.. carb-ve'. CH'AM. CHEL. chin. coco. coich. con. graph. hep. liyose. tguat. ipec. lach. l-ed. lye. mere. natr-niuu." n-inoseh. NVOM. op. phosph. PULS. SELEN. sep. sil. spig. staph. strain. VII. Acon. amn. ars. aur. BELL. DRY. catc. chain. che'l. chin. coce. con. hyose. ignat. kali. LYC. mere. N-VOM. op. phosph. PULS. rhus. selen. SEP. sit. spig. strain. suiph. vematr. Aautid. Aeon. chain. ignat. u-vom. puls.-Noc. Canth. caust. cocec. ignat. 396 396 COLOCYNTHIS. 40. COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE. 1. Bell. caic. caust. con. ignat. lyc. merc. natr. op. ph-ac. puls. rhus. SEP. Sil. 11. Acon. alum, ant-crud. amn. ars. aur. BELL. bry. CALO. canth. caust. chani. dig., hep, igrnat. kali. lyc. magn-mur. NERO. iuatr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. Nv-VOM. puls. rhus. SEP. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. 111. 1. Aeon. ant-crud. amn. ARS. BELL. bry. caic. caust. chain. CHiN. coec. coloc. dig. hell. ignat. kali. lye. nirc natr. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. seill. seecorn. SEP. spigr. spong. SULPHT. zinc. III. 2. Vacat. 111. 3. Bell. cab,. chin. puls. rhus. sep. 111. 4. Aeon. ars. bell. BRY. caic. caust. ipec. led. LYC. mere. PULS. RHUý. 511. spong. SU LPH1-. IV? V. Ars. cale. chain. HEP. natr-mur. n-vom. rhus. sil. sulph. VI. 1. Magn. nitr-ac. stronit. VI. 2. Amn. ars. asar. aur. BELL. BRY. calad. cale. caun. 'COcC. coff. con. 'HEP. hyose. ignat. jod. ipee. led. lye. merc. natrinur. n-mosch. N-VOM. phosph. PULS. ran-builb. rheumn. rhus. sassap. seill. selen. sep. sil. SPIG. staph. stront. sulpk. VII. Aeon. amn. ars. BELL. kny. CALC. caust. chain. chin. coce. con. hep. ignat. kali. led. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-inur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. phosph. plat. PULS. RHUS. scill. SEP. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. Antid. Bell. campli. coce. n-vom. pule. 41. COLOCYNTHIS. I. Anac. aur. eupr. hyose. lye. strain. veratr. 11. Amr. bell. cale. canth. earb-veg. chin. ignat. kali. lye. MERO. natr-inur. niitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. pitos ph. PH-AC. PULS. rhus. SEP. sil. SPIG-. SULPH. thuij. valer. veratr. 111. 1. ADO'. amn. asaf. bell. eale. CAUST. chin. coce. con. GRAPH'. ignat. icali. lye. mere. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-yam. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. vuls. rhus. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stront. suiph. sui ph-ac. thuj. verati'. Ill. 2. Bell. carb-an. con. lye. phosph. puls. suiph. MI. 3. Arg. bell. ph-ac. puls. staph. 111. 4. Aeon. amn. bell. phosyk. PULs. rhus. suiph. CONHJM MACULATUM. 37 397ý IV.* Bell. n-vom. puls., V. Aeon.. ars. bell. B,ýv.canth. chin.. hyose. mere. n-vom. phosph. strain. suiph. IV1. 1. A~saf'. bell. ignat. lyc. nitr-ae. PULS. -sil. zine. VJ. 2. Ars. aur. hell. bry. caic. CHAN. eon. dros. ferr. hep. IGA.kali. lyc. ings. ianan. merc. natr-inur. N-VOM. phosph. phae. plat. PULS. rhodod. rhus. SEP. spig. STAPH. suiph. veratr. VII. Amn. BELL. bry. eale. caust. chain. chin.. eon. graph. ignat. kali. LYC. merc. natr-inur. nitr-ae. N-VOM. phosyk. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhu~s. Sep. sil. spig. staph. suiph. veratr. AntAL1 Campit. (caust.) (chain.) coff. staph. 42. CONIUM MACULATUM. I. Anac. bell. bry. cai.c. ann-. caust. graph. hell. hyosc. ignat. laur. LYC. natr. NATR-MU'R. n-inoseh. n-vom. op. petr. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. RHUS. Sep. SIL. STRAM. suiph. VERAT'R. %II. Aeon. arn. ars. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. cann. caust. chain. CHIN. coce. euphr. graph. hep. Iiyosc. ignat. kali. LYC. MERC. natr-mur. nitr-ae. N-VOM. oleand. op. _peir. PHOSPHI. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sabad. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. strain. SULPH. veratr. III. 1. Aeon. alum. anae. arn. ars. asaf. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. caust. chain. CHIN. COCC. cu pm. graph. ignat. jod. kali. LYC. merc. moseh. natr. natr-mur. nitm-ae. N-vom. oleand. op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. strain. Stront. SULPE. valer. 111. 2. Ars. BELL. bry. carb-an. chain. clem. hep. lye. nitr-ae. PHOSPH. puls. rhus. SEP. sil. sponig. SULPH. I11. 3. Asaf. bell. caic. lye. MEAC. NITR-AC. PULS. ruta. Sep. sit. Staph. STJLP 11. I11. 4. Amn.. ars. bar. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. c*lein. dule. graph. hep. kali. lach. LYe. merc. mezer. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PtLS'. RHUS. SEP. SIL. staph. stront. SIJLPH. sulph-ae. viol-tr. IV. Ant-tart. bell. BRY.' CALC. caust.croe. GRAPH. hep. ignat. ings. mere. natr. n-moseh. N-VOM. opl. PHOSPH'. pA-ac. puls. Sep. SIL. SULPH. V. Aits. aum. bell. cainph. chin. N-VOM. phosph. puls. RHUS. Sep. suiph. ver'atr. VI. 1. Acon. amn. aum, calc. croc. dros. euphr. hep. natrmum. n-voin. phosph. rhus. 398 CREOSOTUM. VI. 2. Acon. amn. ars. aur. bar. bell. bry. CALC. CAPS. carbveg. caust. chain. chin. coec.,cycl. duitc. eupliorb. FERR. graph. hep. ignat. kali. LYC. merc. natr. natr-mtsr. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabad. samb. SEP. SIL. spig. SULPH. tar. valer. viol-tr. VII. Acon. arn. ars. am'. BELL. bry. CALC. 'caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. coec. duic. ferr. graph. hep. hyoso. ignat. kali. LYC. merc. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. petr. P`HOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. SEP. SIL. Spig. staph. strain. SULPH. veratr. Antid. Coff. nitr-ac. spir-nitr. duic. (Vinuni. Plin. XLV. 28.) 43. CREOSOTUM. I. Acon. anac. B ELL. bry. chain. graph. lyc. NATR-MUR. phosph. puls. rhus. suiph. 11. Alum. anac. AN 'T-CRUD. arg. ars. bar. BELL. boy. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. hep. KALI. led. lyc. MERC. natr. NAT.R-MUR. nitr-ac. n-vom. P AR.' PHOSPH. PH1-AC. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabad. SEP. SIL. SPIG. STAPH. StJLPH. suiph-ac. veratr. verb. zinc. III. 1. ACON. amn. asaf. BELL. bry. caic.' ca'rb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. ferr. hep. ignait. icali. lye. natr-inur. n-vom. op. phosph. PULS. RHUS. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. staph. suiph. thuj. zinc. 111. 2. Ars. BELL. con. hep. merc. phosph. sep. sil. SULPH. 111. 3. Ars. asaf. caic. lyc. merc. mezer. NITR-AC.phospk. ph-ac. puls. rhus. ruta. sil. staph. SULPH.% 1I1. 4. Ant-crud. ARS. bell. caic. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. clem. graph. hep. kali. LACH. LYC. mEROc. oleand. petr. phosph. puls. RHUS. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPI!. IV. Ars. bry. cina. IGNAT. lye. inur-ac. n-vom. phosph. puls. RHUS. sassap. Sep. sil. V. Aeon. ars. bry. calc. chin. hep. lyc. mere. n-vom. phosph. puls. RHUS. Sil. VI. 1. Agar. ant-crud. ehel. ignat. nitr. nitr-ae. NVM ran-bulb. staph. IVI. 2. Ars. bor. br'y. caic. earb-an. carb-veg. ehel. con. graph. ignat, kali. LYC. merc. n-mosch. N-VOM. phosph. puls'. RHUS. Sep. sil. spig. strain. suiph. w CUPRUM. 3991 VII. Acon'. a~nac. ant-crud. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. caic. ca~rbveg. caust. chin, con;. graph. hep4 ig'nat. kali. lJach. Lie. merc. natr--mur. nitr-ac. N-vom. par. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. SEP. SIL;, spig. staph. SULPHF. Antide N-vomn. 44. CROCUS SATIIVUS. I. Anac. aur. BELL. carb-ani. hyosc. lyc. natr.'oii. plat. strain. VERATR. zinc.9 II. Acon. bell. bry. CALC. caust. chain. chin, con. hep. hyosc. lyc'. merc. N-VOM. PHOSHo i.. ph-ýac. puls. rhus. S11' P. spig. suiph. veratr. zinc. II.Acon. alum. ARN. asar. aur. bell. bry. CALC. carbveg. caust. chin. cocc. ferr. graph.' hyosc. ignat. kali. lc EC nfatr-mnur. nitr-ac'. n-vorn. phosph. plat.' PULS. rhodod. RHUS. sep. sil. spig. SULPH. 111. 2. Vacat. 1I1. 3. Vacat. MI.. 4. Asat'. bar. caic. carb-veg. chain. chin. hep. kali. lyc merc. nitr-ac. petr. PULS. rhus. sep. Sir,. spig. SULPH. IV. ANT-TART. ars. bry. con. cupr. ignat. lach. Jaur. mgs.cr n-mosch. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac.puls. rhus. sil. staph. veratr.' V. Bell. bry. hep. sulph. VI. 1. Dros. ignat. kal'i. nitr.w~-vom. ph-ac. RHUS..scill. V1. 2. Alum. anac. amn. asar. bell. bry. CALIC. ca nn. caps, chain. chel. cocc. graph. hep. ignat. JTOD. lyc. mnerc. natr-mur. n-vomn. jhosph. PULS. rhus. ruta. SABIN. seneg. sep. sil. spig. staph. suiph. VII. Alum. ant-tart. amn. BELL. bry. CALC., chain. chin. cocc. con. hep. hyoqc.. ignat. jod. kali. lyc. merc. N-vom. op.poph. ph-ac., PULS. RHUS. 8abin. SEP'. sil Syig. SULPI-. verair. Antid. Aeon.~ op. 45. OUPRWJM. I. Anacý.I ars. aur. BELL. cice. nyxosc. lye. natr-mur.n-oý op. rhus. STRAM. VEZRATR. -% 11. Acon. ang.' ARS. auM. BELL. bry. camph. chain. CHIN. 400 400 CYCLAMEN EUROPAEUM. cie. cina. cocc. con. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. lyc. mere. nitr-ac. N-YOM. Op. phospk,. pit-ac.'_puls. ritus. sec-corn. sep. sil. stann. strain. SULPH. VERATR. 11I. 1. Acon. ars. bar. BELL' bry. CALC. caust. CHAM. chin. cic. cocc. con. HYOSC. ignat. ipec-. lach. lyc. mere. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. puls. SEC-CORN. sep. sil. stantj. strain. SULPH. veratr. 111. 2. Ars. BELL. bry. earb-an. CON. merc. phosph. rhus. sep. sulph.I 111. 3. Arg. chin. Sabin. staph. 111. 4. Amm-mur. ant-'crud'. ars. bell. CALC. clem. dule. hep. led. magn. merc. pbosph. puls. rhus. SEP. SIL. 'VERATR. IV. Ant-tart. croc. ignat. op. puls. V. ACON. bell. camph. CARB-VEG. dig. gufaj*. hyosc. laur. merc. op. sil. strain. VERATR. VI. 1. Chin.- ferr. graph. VI. 2. Ang. -am. ars. BELL. BRY. caic. earb-veg. caust. chain. coich. ignat. LYC. mere. N-VOM. phosph. PULS. rhus. sep. Sil. spig. SULPH. veratr. VII. Aeon. ARS. aur. BELL. bry. calc. earb-veg. chain. chin. cie. con. HYOSC. ignat. ipec. lyc. merc. n-vom. op. _phospit. ph-ac. _puls. rhus. sec-corn. SEP. sil. strain. SULPH. VERATR. Antid.- Aur. bell. campit. chin. coce. duic. hey. ipec. mere. n-vom.-Saeeh aruin. 4.CYCLAMEN EUROPAEUM. 1. Anac. aur. bell. con. graph. hyose. ignal. lye. n-mosch. op, ph-ae. plat. puls. rhMs. sep. strain. suiph. veratr. 11. Alum. anac. arý. bell. bry. CALC. -caust. CHIN. eon. hyose. ignat. kali. LYe. inere, N-VOM. petr.- phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. spvig. staph. STJLPH. thuj. verair. verb. III. 1. Acon. anatc. amn. ars. bar. bell. eale. ABVG caust. eham. -chel. chin. coco. guaj. ignat. kali. lqc. natr-inur. n-inoseh. n-vom. oleand. PLIOSPH. ph-ac. -plat. puls. rhus. ruta. sabin. Sep. STAPH. suiph. sulph-ae. tar. zinc. Ill. 2. BELL. bry. ealc. cocc. con. lye. suiph. 111. 3. Arg. phosph. II1. 4. Amn. ARS. asaf. bar. bry. cA~c. earb-vegr. Gaust. DIGITALIS PURPUREA.40 40 1 cocc. con. graph. hep. lach. tYC. MERC. nilr-ac. petr. pbosph. PUbS. RHUS. SEP. sil. sp'ong. staph.ýSULPHI. thujI vioi'tr. IV. Ars. caic. kali. n-vom. U V. Acon *. ARS. BELL. euphorb. hell. ignat. n-mosch. n-ivom. phosph. iULS. rhus, sabad. SEP. spig. SLVLPH. VI. 1. Anit-tart. hell. bry. caust. chain. Jach. led. tyc. mezer. phosph. puls. ran-scel., stront. VI. 2. Ami-n-ur. ars. asaf. aur. caic. CAPS. carb-veg. CON. dros. duic. eftphorb. euphr. 1VEni. LYC. figs. m~agn-mur. men, mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RtHUS. ruta. sabad. samb. SEP. sulph. 'TAIL. vater, verb. viol-ti'. VII. Acon. anac. amn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bry. caic. caps,ý carb-veg. t~aust. chin. cocc. con. euphorb. ferr. ignat. kali. LYC. merc. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. _phosyk. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. tar. valer. veratr. verb. viol-tr. Autid. Camoph. coff. pulSd 47. DIGITALIS PURPUREA. I.Acon. ANAC. ars. aur. IE LL. calc. graph. ignat. LYC. PULS. nnus. straini. sulph. II. Acon. ars. BELL. bry. caic. canth. chain. chin-. cic. cleni. cocc. con. euphr. hep.'hyosc. ignat. kali. lIyc. m-gRc. natrmium. n.,vom. op. PiiospH. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. ruta. sec-comai. SEP. sit. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. thuj. vERA~riR. 11I. 1. Acon. alum. amn. ars. aur. BELL. bry. caic. cauth. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. cocc. coich. con. cupr. ferr. hell. ignat. jod. kali. lach. lyc. merc. mezer. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb.. puts. rhus. seneg. srr. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. veratr. 111. 2. Bry. con. puls. II1. 3.? 111. 4. Acon. ant-crud. amn. ars. aur. bar. BELL. nRy. caic. caust. chain. chel. -crit. cocc. graph. hell. tack. led. LYC. MERC. inezer. nitr-ac. n-voin. oleend. op. phosph. plat. PUL& RRWS. scill., sep. Ai. spo'ng. STAPH. SULPH. VERATR. IV* Ats. puls. V., ACON. ars. BEL.L. BRY. chel. CHIN. hep, Iayosc. natrmur. nitr. ph-ac. se.1 TRM.suiph. veratr. 402 402 DROSERA ROTUNýDIFOLIA. VI.1I.? VI. ý2. Acon. arnrn-rnur. ANT-TART. amn. ar~s. bell. RY calc. cann. carb-an. carh-kveg. caust. chem. chin. cic. coec. coich. con. graph e.INA.jd pC. KALI. led. lyc. merc. natr. natrmjur. N-VOM. PHOSPH. PIJLs. ran-bulb. rhus. sabin. samib. scill. sep. sil. spig. staph. suLPH. zinc. VII. Acon. anac. ant-tart. amn. ars.- aur. BELL. BRY. caIC. caust. chain. CHILN. cocc. coich. con. graph. hep. hyose. ignat. kali. lach. LYC. merc. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-v ~m. oleaud. op. phosyk. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. SEP. sil. spig. staph. strain. SULPH. veratr. Antid. Gzmph. n-vomn. op. serpentarila.-Noc. Chin. spirnitr. duic. 48. Dft.OSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. I. Bar. bell. caust. cic. lyc. puts. SULPE-AC. zinc. II. Acon.' alum. amn. ars. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. con. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. kali. led. lyc. MERC. natr. natr-kmur.ý- nitr-ac. N-VOM. par. PHOSPH. Pp.rs. rhus. saiad. SEP. SIL. Spig. staph. strain. SULPH. veratr. 'it.Acon. alum. argk. amn. asaf. ]BELL. bry. CALC. cant/i. cr-g.caust. cb~mC laur.,ý IN.~y me Cime, ncocch. con..INAT.ipec. kali. laur ar mec. mezr. msqh mu-,a. ntr, natrsinur. rntt-ac. n-,voln park., PHOSPH. pb-ac. plat. PULS. ran-scel. rhxus. RUTA. Sabin. sassap. sep. s'il. spig. spong. stann. staph. -;SJL.PH. sUWh-ae. _vera~tr. zi 6e Il 2 acat. JII. '3. Arg. bell. chin. cupr. merc. rIhus. xruta. Sab~in. staph. suiph. 111. 4. Arnbar. bell. wuY. cacdc.c catist. cyci. graph. hep. led. lye. mere. inezer. nair. natr-mur. nitr-ac. oleand. petr. plat PULS ranscel rhu. se. sil. spong staph. SULPH. thuj viol-tr. vit. zinc.I. ' IV. Caic. n-vom. sil. V. ARS. chain. chip. n-vom. r~us..sulph. VI. I. Ignat. ka~i,,nitr# n-votn. ph-ac. Amu.. VI. 2. Amin-intr. arg. ars. asaf. bry. caic. caps. cerb-veg. chain. con. cyci. dulc~ euphorb. ferr. graph. hep.joi., led,. LYC. ings. magn-mur. men. imere,,rnosch.,n~tr,,n-on.! USF. l.Poco IDULCAMAR.A.40 403 plat. PULS. rhodod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sarnb. SEP. suip~h. tar. valer. veratr., verb. viol-tr. VII1.Malui. arg. arn. ars. bar. bell. -bry. CALC. can th. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain, chin. cic. coec. con. cqycl. graph. hep. ignat. kali. led. lyc. merc. natr. natr-~mur. nitr-ac. N-vom. par. pliosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. ran-scel. RHUS. ruta. SEP. sdl. spong. staph. SUL4PH. suiph-ac. verati'. zinc. Antid. Camph. 49. DULCAMAkA.4 1. Ars. bell. lach. lyc. plat. strain. 4d"Itr. -11.,Afit-crud. ai'n. ARS. 'bell. bry. caic. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. grapsh. hyose. ignat. ipec. kali. laur. lye.' mERc. natr. natrmur. nit r-ac. n-vorn. oleand..phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PIJLS. rhus. sep. gi1. spig. stann. staph. suiph. suiph-ac. veratr. 111. 1. Aeo'n. anac. arn. ars. asaf.- BELL. bism. bry. CALC. carh-veg.- caust. chin. cina. coec. con. graph. hell. hyose. kali. laur. lyc. merc. miezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac, n-~vom. oleand. phosph. plat. PULS'. rhodod. RHTJS. ruta. selen. SEP. sil. spsg. stann. staph. SULPH. veratr. zinc-. II.2. Ars. B EL L. bry. con. hep. lye.,sil. SULPH. II.3. Calc. mnerc. puls.4 111. 4. Aeon. amin. ant-crud. ars. bell. boy. brys.*CA LC. caust. chin, con. graph. hep. kali. lack. led. Lyc. miggn.;$Thd mazer. natr. nitr-ac. oleand. petr. phosph.. ph-ac. puls. RHVtS. sec-corn. SEP. sil. staph. SULPH. veratr. IV. Aiim. sep. sil. sulph-ac. V. Amn. bry. lyc. sep. staph. V1!. I. Ar.*. cnann. dros. ferr. ignat. kali. magn. mangr. mere. rhus. bamb. thuj'. VI. 2. A9mm. ars. AUR. bry. calc. camph. CAPS. caust. chain. con. cyci. euphorh. ferr. graph. hep. kali. LYCG. mosch. fl-in9sch. n-vom. phosph. plat. PULTS. RHUS. SABAD. 5GWmbi sep. sil. str'ont.- aulph`. tar. veratr. verb. VII,. Aeon 1,ant-cr-ud. amn. RS. tIui.ý, BELL. bry. caic. caps. caust. chain. chin. con..fe~rr. graph.. hep. kali. lach. LYC. mere. 404 404 ~~EUPHRASIA OFFlOINALlS. mzr ar ira.nvm lad hsh lt US HS sabad. sarnb. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. STJLPH. veratr. Antid. Camph. cupr. ipec. merc.-(Noc. Bell. lach.) 50. EUPHORBIUM. I. Cann. coce. con. led. lye. puls. sep. sil. sulph-ac. thuj. IL. Acon. am. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. CALO. caps. carb-veg. caust. chin. coce. colch. con. graph. hell. hep. ignat. kali. led. LYC. merc.-mezei4. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-,vom. pkosph. PULS. rhodod. RH1JS. ruta. sabin. SEP. sil. spig. spong. staph. stront. SULPH. ver'atr. zinc. 111. 1. Acon. anac. amn. ars. asar. bell. &ry. CALC. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. chin. coich. croc. ignat. kali. lach. LYC. merc. mezer. mur-ac. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. plat. puls. rhodod. rhus. sahad. S'ep. sil. stann. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. veratr. Hi. 2. Bell. hry. calc. mere.* phosph. sulph. 111. 3. Asaf. ph-ac. sulph. 111. 4. Ars. asaf. bry. caic. caust. LACH. LED. LYC. mere. mezer. ol~earid. PULS. sec-corn. 51L. spong. STJLPH. IV. Caic. c~in. ignlat. lach. phosph. rhus. sulph. V. ACON. ABS. BELL. bry. caic. chain. cycl. ignat. mere. n-vom. phos ph. PULS. rhus. sabad. Sep. spig. su/ph. VI. 1. Carh-veg. na'tr-mur. V1. 2. Amnbr. arg. ars. asaf. aur. bar. bell. bry. CAPS. carbveg. chain. CON. 'cyci. dros. dub.- FERR. kali. LYC.migs. magnmur. men. mosch. phosph. ph-ac. Plat. PULS. rhodod. rhus. *ruta. sabad. samb. sep. sil. stront. stilph. tar-. va/er. veratr. verb. VII. Acon. ars. asaf. BELL. bry, CALC. caps. carb-veg. caust. chin. coec. con. cycl. ferr. ignat. kali. lack. led.. LYC. merc. mezer. natr-mur. n-vorn. phosph. plat. PULS. rhodod. rhus. sabad. SEP. sib. spig. SIJLPJI. suiph-ac. veratr.., Antid. Camph. suceus. citri..51. EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS. 1. Bell. ignat. phosph.- puls. sep. sil. sulpir. FERRUM METALLICIJM.40 405 HI. Acon1. BELL. CALC. cairn. caust. chin. clem. CON. dig. H-EP. hyosc. l.ye. mere. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos ph. PULS. rhus. ruta. sep. SIL. spig. staph. strain. SULPH. III. 1. Agar. ars. BELL. CALC. caust. chain. chin. cocc. corn. dros. graph. ignat. kali. lyc. rn-arct. merc. natr-mur. nitrac. n-vorn. PHOSPH. puls. RHUS. sep. sil. spig. spong. slann. staph. SULPH. III. 2. Yacat. III. 3. Vacat. 111. 4. Bry. merc. ph-ac. staph. suiph. thuj. IV. Caic. con. GRAPH. natr. N-.VOM. phosph. sep. sit. suiph. V. '? VI. 1. Arn. magn. natr. nitr-ac. VI. 2. Amm-mur. ant-crud. asar. caic. caps. caust. chain. chin. CON. cyci. dros. eiiphorb. ferr. graph. hep. ignat. lyc. i-ngs. men. natr. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabad. SEP. suiph. tar. valer. verb. VII. Acon. bell. CALO. caust. chain. chin. CON. dros. grapk. hep. ignat. lyc. men. merc. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PUt.S. rhus. ruta. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. Antid. Camph. 52. FERRUM METALLICUM. I. Acon. aur. coff. n-vom. plat. zinc. 11. Acon. ant-crud. amn. ARS. bell:bry. Cale. canth. caps. carb-veg. chain. CHIN. cina. graph. hep. hyosc. TGNAT. ipec. "mii. L-YC. ýMERC. -natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. SEP. sil. spig. stann. strain. SULPII. veratr. II. 1L' Aeon. arnbr. amn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. 673/. E1AMi. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. cocc. con. cup-r. grraph. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. LYC. merc. natr-mur. nitr-ao. Ni-vomi op. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sabin. sec-corn. SEPi. sI 1. spig. stann. SULPE. veratr. IlU.3 Asaf. CALO. lyc. mere. nitr-ac. phosph. puls. SIL. -11. 4. ApTS. bell. bry. CALC. Chin. LYC. mere. natr-mur. phosph. ph-ac. pals. rhus. sep. spig. STJLPH. veratr. IV. - Ars. bell, chin. sil. suiph. V. AACON. ars. bell. bry. Cale. CHIN. hyosc. jod. LYC.. phospli. putsr. sep. suiph. veratr. AA 406 GRAPHITES. VI. 1. A-&rs dros. kali. rnagn. inaug. mere. rhus. thuj. VI. 2..,/con. anim-rnur. arm ar-s.aur. bar., bell. bry. caic. CAPS car-b-vco' caust. chani. chin. citia. coce. CON. cyci. duic. EZUPH 'ORB. euphr. ignat. kali. lach. led. LYC. mgs. magn-rnur. Mar. wen. nati'. latr-rnur. nz-vom. phosph. 'ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. SABAD. samnb. selen. Sep. sit. spig. suiph. TAR. valer. veratr. VII../con. arn. ARS. am'. BELL. bry. CALC. caps. carb-veg. chain. CHIN. COn. hyose. ignat. ipec. kali. LYC. mnere. natrmiir-i'.itr-ac. n-vom. PHOSPH. phi-ac. plat. PULS. rhuzs. sabýad. SEP. SIL. spig. SULPH. tar. veratr. Antid. Ars. chin. ipec. putls. veratr. thea. 53. GRAPHITES. I. Bell. chain. IGNAT. lyc. natr-mur. n-vom. T'ULS. rhus. isep. stran. suiph. veratr. ILI. Acon. alum. arm. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bor. bry. CALO. canth. ca7-b-veg. CAUST. chanin. chin. con. liep. ignat. Icali. LYC. MERC. nali'-mnur niltr-ac. N-VOI'. Op. PETR. phosph. plat. plumbh. PUL-S. r-hus. sabad. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. s8pig. STAPh-. SUL-PH. thunj. ver-air. zinjc.I Ill. 1. Acon. alumr. amrn. ain-n-mur. arm. ars. asaf. auir. bar. BELL. br-y. CALC. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. coloc. con. ferr. hyosc. irptal- jod. kati. LYC. men. rlnerc. inezer. natr. NATR-MUR., niih-ac. nu-vomn.. petr. phos ph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sit. spig. sponga. starin. staph. stront. SULPeH. 11h1j- veratr,. z*inc. 111. 2. Bell. BRY. carb-aii. CON. IYC. merc. PIIOSPH. PULS. rhus. spong. SULPH. 111. 3. Con. mnere. nur-a~c. puts.. sutlp'h. -111. 4. Ant-crud. ani. at's. O~ar. oeii. br-y. CALO. carb-veg. chani. chin. Cic. clemi. con. dul c. hep. kali. lach. LYC. mnerc. niatrnmur. nitr-ac. peti' phosph. ph-ac. pals. RHUS. sabad. scill. SEP. sit. spong. staph. SULP11. viol-tr. IV'. At's. bellI. bryr. CALO. catisi. chin, con, hep. ignat'. kali. ach. -lye. mnete. [alt'. N-VOM. OP. PHOSPH. puts. SEP. sit. sfttp4. V. Aeon. atit-cru~d. am. ars. bar. bell. bt'y. catc. chin. hep. a Ii.LYC. rnero. ifiti'ý-aaO' N-VOM PHGSPH. puts. rhus. s EP. sil. staph. SULPH.1 hu.7' VI.1 Chain. Mang. stront. -V1. '2. Aeon'. atnim' ainm-mur. armn., ars. aur. bell. bar. BRY. calad. OALC. carnph. cafb-4an. carb-veg.- cautst. c/tam. / GOA5ACUMA OFFICINALE. 407 ~Ch.chin. Chia. cocc. coff. cog~. ereos. croc. dig. duic. euphr. -heILl HE?. hyose. ignat. jod. ipee. KALI.* led. LYC. magfl-n~iir. #merc. iiatr. NATR-MtOR. N-VOM. oleand. PHOS PH. ph-ac. pffls. rhodod. Ru-ius. rura. sabad. sassap. scill SEP. SIL. SPIG. staph. -SULPH. veratr. vit. V11. Aeon. arx-. arsq. bar. BELL. 3BRY. UALC. carb-an.. vcarb-veg. ca/ist. chant. chin. coce. con. Itej). ignat. kali. LYG. zip1tiC. natr-muzr. nitr-aC. N-VOIM. petr. PlioSrti. PULS. aiius..sab ad. SEP, sdI. ýpig. stapk. SIJLPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Autifd, Ars.. n-vom. vinumi. 54. GUAJACUM OIFICINALEh. 1. Anac. bell. hyose-. lyc.. natr-miur. ph-ac. plat. sty-ainm 'Veratr, IIL Aeon. amn. ars.. bell.,calc. carh-veg% CAUST, -chin. cocc.,con. duic. graph. hep. kali. LYrC. MlIRG. naltr; natr-rnur. NVOM. phOSPh. PH-AC. POLS. rhiis. rwta. SEP. sdl. spig. stanmi;STAPH4. SULPH-I thu~j. verair. zinc.. 111. I.. Aeon.. alum. atiac,. ars. bar. brell. bry. CALC, Caps. r~aust. chain. chin. cacc-. graph. ignat.. kali. lyc. mer-c. uatr.. zatr'-miUr. N-VOM. petir. phosph,. ph-ac. plat. PULS. I"kMs. Sep.. -siL. spig, spong.. statin. sudph. thiij. ver~tr. 111. 2. Vacat. M1. 3., Asaf. caic. lye,.mrnei-. mezer. ph.-ac. i. staph. suiph.. MI.4..A Asaf. firy. cal,. canst.-.PHlS. rhus. IV Aqrs. bell. bry. CALO. Carb-veg. chin,. GRAPH-,. hep. ignat. lacli. lyc. melrc. nvom.. phosph, puls. rhus. Sep,. sil. spig. SULPH. V. Aeon.. carb-veg. chin. ctipi; lain SI-. scpil. VEr,.ATR.. VI. 1. Carb-veg. hep. laur. rnangr. natr. niatr-muz-. n-mosch., 'Sep. S-il. staph.,suiph. valer. V1. 2a Agar. amin. arn. asaf. br~- caic. carnph.. carhb-an.,carb-veg. chain. ehel. chin. coec. co tf. eon. ereos. kep. ignat.. ipec'. lach. lyc. mar-. merc. tiatr-r-nur.-.n-rnosch. n-vo~n. oleand.. phosph. puls.. ran-bulb. chus. nita. selen. sep. SIL. spig. staph. strain. suiph. thuj. valer. verb. zinc. VII. Acon., anac.. ars. asaf. bell.. bryt. CALO. CARIAVE%, caust. cHIN. cocc. graph,.Izep-. ignat. kaliL lach. iyc. MEnc% 408 HELLEBORUS NIGER. 48HLE RUNIE.natr. natr-mur. n-mosch. n-vorn. phosphi. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. ruta. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. strain. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Antid. 7 55. HELLEBORUS NIGER. 1. Acon. anac. ars. bar. BELL. boy. bry. catist. chiai. cic. coce. con. cyci. graph. hyosc. ignat. laur. LYC. men). merc. ntatr-rnur. n-mosch. n-vonil. op. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sep. sil. spig. staph. strain. suiph. veratr. 11. Acon. ant-crud, amn. ars. BELL. BRY. caic. canth. caps. carb-veg,. caust. chain. chin. cocc. coich. cupr. dros. duic. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. led. LYC. mnagn-mur. merc. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. oleand. op. petr. PHiOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. spig. staph. strain. SULPEL. suiph-ac. veratr. zinc. 111. 1. Alum. ant-crud. amn. ars. asaf. bar. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. canth. caust. CHlIN. cocc'i colci.chCON. dig. dros. duic. graph. ignat. ipec. KALI. laur. lyc. m-arct. men. MIERC. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. natir. natr-rnur. nitr-ac. n-inosch. n-voin. oleand. op. phosph. plat. plumnb. PUbS. ran-scel. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. sassap. SEP. sit. spIy. spong. staun. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thiij. veratr. zinc. 11L. 2. Bell. caic. mere. putis. sep. 111. 3. Belt. merc. phosph. puls. sulphi. II[ 4. Ant-crud. arn. ars. bell. bry. caic. cauist. chin. cocc. con. duic. graph. kali. lach. LYC. ineic. uatr-rnur. nitr-ac. nvom. phosph. PULS. RIIUS. sarnb. scill. sec-corn. SEP. sit. spig, spong. stann. staph. SULPH. veratr. IV.? V. ARs. BELL. bry. calc. camph. diem. inerc. n-mosch. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. sabad. samb. sep. sPIo. yeratr. VI. 1. Bell. bry. caps. caust. lyc. matgn. mezer. sulph-ac. VI. 52. Acon. ant-crud. amn. ems. asar. auir. BELL. BRY, caic. CAMPH. cann. carb-veg. caust. chel. chin. cocc. coff. coich. con. croc. dulc. graplh. HEP. ipec. kali. led. lyc. magn. magnmum. merc. mosch. natr-rnur. n-mosch. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. sabad. sabin. scill. SEP. sil. spig. spong.. staph. stront. sulph. vit. VII. Acon. ant-crud. arn. ars. BELL. BRY. caic. campb., cawmt. chain. chin. cocc. coich. con, duic. graph. hep. hyosc. 1g. HEPAR SULPHURIS CALOAREUM.4O 409 nat. ipec. kali. led.' LYC. magn. magn-mur. MERC. natr-mnur. n-mosch. N-VOM., op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad..sabin. SEP. Sif. spig. spong. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. suiph-ac. yeratr. zinc. Antid. Camph. chin. 56. HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM. 1. Aur. hel1..calc. caust. con. lyc. natr-mriibr. phosph. puls. sil. SULPH. 11. Acon. alum, ant-crud. amn. ARS~bar. BELL. bry. CALC. camphi. cann. canik. carb-veg. CAUST. -cham.' chin. clem. coich. con. cupr. dig. euphr. graph. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. laur. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ae. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPHR. _ph-ac. plumb. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. selen. SEP. -SIL. spig. spung. staph. strain. SULPH. thuj. verair. zinc. -111. 1. Acon. arn. ars. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. CAUST. chin. cocc. graph. ignat. kali. lyc. MERic. natr. natr-mur. N-VOm. PHOSPH. PULS. r'hus. ruta. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. stront.,SUL PH1. thuj. veratr. zinc. 111. 2. Ars. BELL. con. duic. Jyc. merc. PHOSPH. SIL. SULPH. 1J1. 3. ASAF. caic. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. ph-ac. PULS. sep. SIL. staph. suiph.? II11. 4. Acon. alum. ant-crud. arn. ARS. asaf. bar. bell. bor. bry'. CALC. carb-vegr. caust. chain. chin. clein. con. duic. GR.APh. lach. LYC. MERO. imezer. natr-mnur. nztr-ac. n-vomn. petr. phosph. PULSk_'. ran-bulb. RHUS. scill. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. yeratr. viol-tr. zinc. IV'. A con. ARlS. BELL. BRY. CALO. chain. chin. con. graph. ignat. kali. lyc. MERC. n-vom. op. PHO5PH. PULS. rhus. SEP. Sil. SULPH. V. ACON. amn. ars. BELL. BRY. caic. carb-vegr. CHAM. CHIN. colchl. creos. graph. ignat. ipec. kali. lyc. merc. natr-mutr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM.v.op. phios ph. ph-ac. puls. RHJUS. samb. sec-corn.,sep. SIL. spig. SULPH. thuij. veratr. VI.. Acon. amn. gualj. mang. natr. nitr-ac. rlns. sep. sil. VI. 2. Acon. amm. ant-crud. amn. ars. asar. aur. bar. BELL. BRY. calad. OALC. campli. cann'. caps. carb-tieg. CAUST. camai. chin. cic. cocc. coichi. con. croc. dulc. graph. hyosc. ignat. jod. iPEc. kali. lach. LYC. MERO. natr-mur. nit r-ac. n-inosch. N-VOM. 410 HYOSCIAM7US NIGERFHOPiaH. ph-ac. PnULs. RHUS. ruta. sabad. samb. sassap.. sefl?.,selen. 'SEP., SIL. spig.- spong. staph. stront. SULP.H. tlrnj. -vera tr. VII. Acon. amn. ars. asaf. BELL. br-y. CAL.C. carli-vego. caust. c/tam. chin. con. graph. ignat. ipec. kali. lyc. MERC. natr-miir. mitr-ac. n-yam. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PvubS. rltus. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. thuj. ear Antid. Acetum. veg-et. belt. c'hain. sit. 57. HYOSCIAMUS NIGER. 1. Acon. anac. ars. aur. BELL. cic. cotn cupr. hell. ignat. lachv L'Y1c.nati'. natr-mur. n-vomý. op. phosph.,pit-ac. plat. puls. rhus. sep. STRAMN. suiph. VERATR. IL Acon. ars. BELL. bry. caic. cam ph.,canthI. caust. c/tam. chin. cocc. con. cupr. dig. dule. ferr. hep. ignal. ipec. kali. lye..snrc.nat-mr. itraC.N- OMOp. PHOSPH. PUL.S. rhus. ruca. sabin. sec-corn. sep. sdl. spig. spong. STRAM. suLPH. veratr. II1.Acon. ars. BELL. bry. caic. camph. caust. CHAM. chin. cic. cocc. con. ciupr. duic. ferr. igflat. ipec. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-nomn. op. phospht. plat. plumb. PULS. rhus. see-corn. sep. sil. STRAiTAI suiph. veratr., 1I1. 2. BELL. bry. carb-an. con. hep. lyc. merc. phosph. sil. Sul Ph. 111. 3. Vacat. 111. 4. ARS. bell. bry. lyc- merc. phosph. ri-rus. s~ee-corn. suiphi.I IV. BELL. igrnat. rnerc. n-rom. op. pubs. V., ACON. arn. BELL. iBRY. caic. chin, dig. ferr. arm. phosph. pubs. rhus. sit. strain. sulph. V1. 1. A mm. bell. bi-y. caps. caust. coich. hell. lyc. mzr suiph-ac. SV1. 2. Acon. arnm. ar's. aur. BELL. BRY. caic. ca ps. caust. CHAM. cocc.coff. coich. con. duic. graph. Itep. IGNAT. i pec. kati. LY'c. mere. n-mosch. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabad., Sabin. samb. SEP. sil. staph. siront. suiph. veratr. VII. Acon. ars. BELL. BRY. caic. caust. c/ram. chin. cocc. IGNATIA. 411,von.. cupr. hep. ignat. ipe6. LYC. ' mere. nat~r-mur. 'n-vomn. op. phosph. plat. PULS. rhus. sec-corn. sep. Sil. STRAM., Suiph. veratr. Antid. Bell. camph. chin. strain. 58. IGNATIA. I. Aeon. aur. chain. coec. con. graph. LYC. natr-mur. op. pbosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. thus. sep. sil. sui ph. 11. Acon. alum. ant-crud. amn. ars. asaf..-BELL. bry. CAMC cauth. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. cina. coec.' con. ferr. graph. hep. hyosec. ipec.. kali. lyc. mar. rnerc. natr. natr-mnur. nitr-ac. IN-VOM. op. peir. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb.. PULS. ran-bulb. rhusLsabad. sabin. scill. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. sýpong. stann. s~taph. strarn. SULPH. thuj. VERATR. zinc. 4A III.. Aeon. alu m v. ambr. ango-.-am. ars, acsaf, BE L4.. BRYr. CALC. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. charn,,chel. chini.ci6J fc~c. con. croc,. dros. graph. hyosc. ipec. KALI. laur4. Yc. MERC. moseb. murac. natr. natr-mnur. nitr-ac. N-VOM1. op. pear. PHOSPH:. ph-acqplat. Olumb). PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. sec-corn. SE?. -sit. spvig. stann..9taph. strain. SULPH. thuj. verair. Zinc. Ill. 2. Bell. eon. merc. pals. rhus. Sep. SPONG. suiph. 111. 3. Phi-ac. rhus. ruta. 111. 4. Amn. bell. IBRY. calc.r caust. hep. lyc'. iere. mfezer. rff-VOM. PULS. UHUS. SEP. sil. staph. STJLPH. IV. Bell. BRn. caic. chin, con. graph. hep. lyc. merc. natr. N..XOM. phosph. PUL'S. RHUS. sep. sil. suiph. V. A CON. arn. ARS. BELL. BRY. caic. caps. chain. chin. hep. lye. mnerc. N-VOM. phosph. PULS. RHUS. SE-P. sil. spig. suiph. vera tr. VI. 1. Ant-crud. amn. ars. caic. kali. lye. nitr. nitr-ac. n-votn. puls. rhodod. rhus.' staph. thuj. VI. '2. Aeon. arn. ars. bell. BRY. CALC. caust. c'hain. chel. chin. coec. coff. colch. coloc. con. graph. hep. hyose. kali. lach. LYC. mere. natr. natr-mur. N-V OM.phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. wHUS. selen. SEP. sdl. spig. STAPH. SULPH. VII. Aeon. amn. ars. BELL. BRY. CALO. caust. chain. chin. coec. con. graph. hep. kali. LYC. mere. natr-mur. N-VOM. plhosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. 4 N JODIUM. *Antid. Ar. camph. chain. coce. coff. n-yam. _puls.-(Noc. -Coff. tabacurn.) 59. JODIUM. 1. Aeon. aur. bell. earb-an. ferr. graph. ignat. lyc. latW. natr-mur. phosph. plat. puls. rhus. suiph. zinc. 11. Aeon. ant-tart. arn. ars. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. cina. dros. grapi]. hep. hyose. ignat. kali. lachi. laur..LYC. MERC. natr. nair-mur. nitr-ae. N-VOM. PHOSPH. PULS..rhus. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. SULPH9. VERATR. -zinc. III.. Ambr. anac. ars. asaf.' asar. BELL. bry. CALC. caust. charr. chin. coec. con. cupr. ferr. graph. ignat. kali. LYC,. mar. mere. natr-mur. nitin-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. Op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. sec-corn. selen. e. STANN. strain. SULPH. veratr. 111. 2. Amn. bell, chin. n-vomn. puls. rhus. 111. 3. Asaf. bell. caic. lye. ME.Re. nitr-ae. puls. sep. sil. suiph. 111. 4. Aeon. amm. amn. ARS. bell. BRY. caic. chin. Con. kali. LYC. mere. nitr-ac. phosph. _ph-ac. puls. rhus. sil. SULPH. IV. Ars. aur. kali. mnago. natr. n-vom. phosph. sep. sil. thuj. V. ACON. ars. bell. bry. eale. earb-veg. chain. ferr. hep. kali. LYC. NERC. Op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. sep. sil. stann. suiph. vera tr. -VI., 1. Aeon. arn. ARS. eham. eolch. dulc. ferr. hep., ignat. kali. magn. magn-inur. mang.?nerc. nitr. nitr-ac. plumb. rhus..samb. sil. stront.. thuj. VI. 52. Ambr. asar. bar. bell. bor. bry. calaci. CALC., eann..carb-veg. chel. chin. coich. croc. dros. ferr. graph. hep. lach. led. LYC. mcrs. m-arct. mere. natr*. natin-mur., n-Vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. sabad. scill. selen. SEP. Sdl. SPIG. STAPH. suiph. veratr. VII. Aeon. amn. ARS. asar. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-veg. eham. chin. eolch. ferr. graph. hep. ignat. kali. LYC. magn. MERC. natr. natr-mui'. nitin-ac. Ng-Yom. PHOSPHE. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. selen. SEP. sil. spig. stanri. staph. SULPH. veratr. Antid. Ars. BIELL. cam ph. chin. coff. HEp. phospisuh. KCALI CARBONIGUM.43 413 60. IPECACUANHA. I. '~Aeon. hell, charn. con. ignat. lye. nair-mur. plzosph. ph-.a p u~s. se p. sil: suiph. 11. Acon. ant-crud. arn. ars. BELL. bry. caic. canth. caps. * carb-veg. chari. CHIN. coce con. cupr. dros. dule. ferr. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. ly~c. mrnec. natr-mur. N-VOM. P-HOSPH. plat. PULS. rhus. sahad. Sabin. sec-corn. SEP. sil. s~pig. stann. staph. * strain. SULPH. veratr. III 1.Acon. alum. ang. amn. ars. I3ELL. bry. CALc. camph. cann. cant/i. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chin. cic. coec. con. 'cupr. dros. ferr. hell. HYOSC. IGNAT. kali. lach. L-YC. merc. MOSCH. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VO.M. Op. petr. phospli. ph-,ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. rhodod. rhus. sec-corn. SEP. sdl. stann. staph. strain. 5ULPH. VERA&TR. zinc. I11. 2. Vacat. 111. 3. Hep. puls. 111."4. Aeon. ars. bell. BRY. caic. carb-veg. caust. chin. lach. led.ý lyc. mere. mezer. oleand. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sil. spong. sulph. veratr. IV. Cale. 'suiph. V. A CON. ARS. hell. bry. cale. earb-veg. caust. chain. chin. coce. graph. hep. ignat. lyc. merc. nitr-ae. N-VOM. phosph. PULS. rhus. sahad. SEP. sil. SULPH. thu1j. VERATR. vit. 1V.. Ant-crud. amn. ars. cale. ignat. rhodod. VI. 2. Acon. ant-emud. amn. ars. asar. BELL. BRY. ealad. CALC. cann. carb-an. earb-veg. caust. chiarn. chel. chin. cocc. coffi colc/i. eroc. dig. graph. HEP. ignat. led. lyc. merc. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOS PH. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. sabad. sassap. seill. selen. SEP. sil. spig. spong. staph. SULPH. veratr. VII. Acon. amn. ars. BELL. BRY. caic.. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin..cocec. cupr. hep. hyvose. ignat. LYC..mrner. natr-mnur. N-VOM. PHO5PH. plat. PULS. rhus. sec-corn. SEP. sil. SULPH. veratr. Autid. Amn. ars. chin. n-voni. tabacum. 61. KALI_, CARBONIC UM. I. Aeon. anac. bell. cahd. chain. graph. ignat. lyc. natr-mur.,n-vorn. op. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhu's.* sil. strain. veratr. It. Aeon. alum. aminrn anac.. ant-crud, arm. ars. aur. bar. 414 LACHESIS.) BELL. bor. bry. CALO. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chin. cocc. con. creos. dros. duic. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. LYC. magn. miagn-mnur. MERC. natr. nat r-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. r-hus. sabad. sabin. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staphi. SULPIR. thlij. veratr. zinc. 111. 1. Acon. alum. amn. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. carb-an. carh-veg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. coni. ferr. graph). hep. ignat. LYC. MERO. inezer.- natr. vatr-rn.ur. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. plat. iiULS. rhodod. rhus. sabin. SEP. sil. spigr. spolig. starin. staph. stront. SULPH. tar. thluj. verair. zinc. 111. 2. Bell. bry. con. lyc. phosph. puls. sil. spongr. suiph 111. 3. Bell. chin, merec. 111. 4. Acon. arn. ARS. BELL. bry. caic. caust. ch-in, con. duic. graph. haop. lachi. LYC. MERC. nitr-ac. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. scill. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. staphi. SULPH. IV. ARS. caic. coff. hiep. flair. N-VOM. Sep. sil. V. A coN. arn. ars. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. ferr. graph. hep. igrnat. LYC. merc. nat r-?nur'. itr-ac. N-VOM. Op. PHOSPHL. ph-ac. puts. RHUS. samb. SEP. sil. stann. staph. strain. SIJLPH. thuj. veratr. VI. 1. Ai's. dros. ignat. rlims. VI. 2. Aeon. amnbr. amm. anac. arn. ars. aur. har. bell. BRY. C ALO. carh-an. carb-veg. causi. chan., chin. cocc. con. duic. ferr. graph.,hep. hyosc. ignat. LYC. merc. natr-mur. nitrar.. N-VOM. phospn. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. rhus. sabad. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. stront. SULPH. VII. Acon. anac. arn. ARS. BELL. BRY. CAL.C. carb-an. carbveg. caust. cliani. chin. cocc. con. fer-r. graph. hep. ignat. LYC. MEROt. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-von. Op. PHO5PH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHIIS. SEP. SIL. spigr. stanfi. staph. strain. stront. SUiLPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. Antid. Camph. coff. spir-nitr. duic. 62. LACIHESIS. I. -Acon.^bell. coff. HYOSC. LYC. natr7-mur. n-vomn. op. PHOSPH. plat. STRAM. VEI{ATR. IL. Acon. ant-crUd. ars. bar.' BELL. bor. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. GUAM. chiin, con. creos. graph. hep. hyosc. ig-nat. kali. LYC. MERC. mezer. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM.- peir. PI{OspH. LAUROCERLASUS.41 415 PULS. rhus. sabad. selen. SEP. sil. spig. spong. STAPH1. strain. SULPEL. rhu. veratr. zinc. 111. 1. Aeon. arnin. ARN. ars. bar. BELL. bry. cale. eanth. caust. chain. CHIN. cocc. cupr. dig. ferr. graph. hyosc. ignat. ipec. lyec. merc. nitr-ae.?n-tiom. op. phosph. phi-ac. plumnb. PULS. sekan. Sep. sil. spig. strani. suiPH. veratr. 111. 2. BeIU curb-an. Ihep. mere. sil. suiph. ~.I.3. Bell. caic. caust. chin. dros. lye. mere. phpsph. phiac. p~l)Ul. ruta. staph. 111. 4. Aeon. aht-erud.'am. ARS. asaf. BELL. bry. caic. carb-an. carb-vegr. caust. ehiam. eon. creos. eupborb. graph. hep. kqji. led. LYC. merc. imezer. op. petr. phosph. ph-ae. PULS. RHUS. see-eorn. selen. SEP. SIL. staph. 5ULPH. veratr. IV. Aeon. IBRY. cale. CHIN. grra ph. hep. ignat. lye. n-vom. op. PHiOSPH-. rlius. selen. sil. SULP H. V. Acon. ARS. bell. BRY. colc. caps. bell. lyc. mere. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. samb. scill. sep. spig. sulph. VI. 1. Ant-crud. aiit-tart. amn. bell. bry. caps. caust. lye. mezer. phosph. puls. rhus% sabad. staph. stront. 0VI. 2. Agar.:,ambK ant-crud amn. a-rs. bar. BELL. CRAM. chel. chin. cina4,coec. coff. COv. dule1. ferr. graph. hep. ]GNAT. jod. led. LYC. mgs. merc. natr. nair-mur. n-mosch. N-VOM. op. PiOSP Fl. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. selen. sep. sil. spzg. staph. strata. suiph. tar. valer. veratr. vei~b. zinc. VII. ACON. ant-crud, amn. ors. bar. BELL. bry. caic. canth. carb-an. clzam. chini. coce. con. ferr. graphi. hep. hyosc. ignat. LYC. mere. mezer. -natr-rntr. nitr-ac. ni-vorn op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLILS. rhuts. ruta. sabad. selen. sep. sil. spig. staph. strain. SULPH. veratr. Ali-tid. Ars-. bell. mere. n-vom. ph-ac.-Acida,' cere visia, vinum.-(Noc. Arnm. duic. nitr-ac. psoricurn.) 63. LAUROCERASUS. I. Aeon. BELL. bry,. cakc. cann. chain. CON. lz jOSC% ignat. lye. nati'. natr-inur. n-vom. op. PnoSPR. PR-AC..PUL'S, rhuts. sep. Sil! STIR-AM. SUlph. VERATR.,ý HI. Altim. ainbr. amn. vsal. LL.. bry. cale. CANTH. carbveg. caust. chain. CHI-1N. coce. dflos.. dule. graph. hap). HyosO. igiiat. jod. ipec. leali. lye. mere. nzatr,.,natr-rnur-.nitr-ac. NWVOMd 416 416 LEDUM PALUSTRE. op. PLIOSPEI. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. Sep. sil. statin. s~aplt. strain. sul/)h. veratr. ZINC. 111. 1. Acon. alum. arm. at-s. asaf.BELL. 6mg. CALO. canth. caps. earb-veg. caust. chel. chin. cocc. con. di-os. dule. hell. hyose. ignat. kali. lye. mere. in6sch. natr. niitr-ae. n-rnoseh. nz-vomt. oleand. op. par. phosph. ph-ac. plumb. pUls. RHUS. sabad. sassap. Sep. sil. spig. slann. staph. strain. SULPH. veratr. zine. MI. 2. Bell. phosph. spong. Ill. 3. Vacat. Ill. 4. Bell. bry. eon. phos~ph. puls.?-hits. Sep. SULPH. IV. Ant-tart. ars. eroc. n-vomn. phosph. phi-ac. sil. V. AeoN. ars. BELL. bry. calc. eanth. carb-veg. chain. cuzpr. guaj. lye. MERC. n-vom. PHOSPH. Sep. strain. suiph. suiphae. VERATR. VI. 1. Ant-erud. bell. eoloe. ignat. lye. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. puls. ran-bulb. sil. thuj. valet-, zinc. VI. 2. Bar. bell. bt-y. calc. earb-veg. eaust. ehel. eon. rc ferr. ignat. jod. lach. lye. mere. natr. N-VOM. PHOSPLI. puls. rhus. sabad. SEP. spig. staph. stront. suiph. veratr. VI1. Aeon. alum. art. ars. BELL. BRY. CALC. eanth. earbveg. caust. chain. chin. eoce. con. hyosc. ig-nat. kali. LYC,. memc. natm. natr-inur. nitr-ae. N-VOM. Op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. - urLs. RHUS. sabad. SEP. sil. staph. strain. SULPH. VERATR. Zince. Antid. Camph. coff. ipee. op. 64. LEDUM PALUSTRE. I. Chain. coce. ignat. lye. metec. II. Aeon. amnb-. am-. at-s. bell. boy. bNy. CALC. can th. earbveg. CAUST. chain, chin. eon. et-eos. et-oc. dro~s. ferr. gtraph. hep. hyose. ignat. ipee. icali. LYC. mei-e. nati-. natr-mut-. nitr-ae. ni-vom. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. ruta. Sabin. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spigr. staph. strain. sti-ont. SULPH. sulph-ac. veratr. zinc. III. 1. Aeon. ant-ct-nd. at-n. asl~. BELL. BRY. CALC. caps. chin. colch. dros.- ignat. kali. lye. in-arct. mar. MEROni. nitr-ae. N-vom. peir. phosph. plat. PUlLS. RHIJS. t-uta. sabad. sabin. SEP. spig. spotig. stann. stalph. sULPH1. veratt-. zitie. I11. 2. Bry. phosph. sulph. III. 3. Asaf. coce. hep. ignat. ipec. mere. ph-ac. puls. ruita. sil. veratir. LYCOPODIUM. 417 111. 4. Aeon. arnr-rnur. ant-crud. arri. ars. bar. bell. BRY. CALO caust. duilc. euphorb. graph. hep. ipec. lach. LYC. magn2 M*1E RC. mezer. oleand. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. scill. sec-ýcorn. si~p. SIL. spong. staph. SULPH. verair. I V. Ars. BELL. bry. caic. con. graph. hep. ignat. n-mosch. n-vorn. op. phosph. putls. V. ACON. ars. caic. chin. jod. ipec. LYC. m-arct. merc. mnur-ac. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. phosph. puzls. rhus. sabad. samb. SEP. sil. spig. suiph. veratr. VI. 1. Ant-tart. hell. bry. caust. chain. lach. lyc. mang. mezer. phosph. puls. ran-scel. rhu *s. sabad. stront. VI. 2. ARN. ars. bar. BELL. BRY. calad. cann. caps. caust. chain. chel. chin. coec. coff. coich. con. dros. ferr. graph. hell. hep. ignat. jod. kali. lyc. MERac. nair-mur. N-VOM. phosph. PULS. ran-bulb. rhodod. RHUS. selen. sep. si1. SPIG. staph. stront. suiph. verair. VII. Acon. amn. ars. BELL. BRY. CALO. caust. chain. chin. con. graph. hep. ignat. ipec. kali. LYC. MERC. fl-vom. petr. phosph. PULS. RHiUS. ruta. SEP. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. Antid. Camph.-(Noc. Chin.) 65. LYCOPODIUM. 1. Acon. ANAC. ars. AUR. bar. BELL. caic. caust. chain. cic. coec. graph. hell. HYOSO. IGNAT. lach.. natr. natrzmur. n-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. STRAM. suiph. VERATR. I1. Aeon. alum. amn. ARS. aur. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. canik. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. clem. coec. con. cupr. dule. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipec. kali. MERC. natr. natrmum. nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. mhus. ruta. sabad. sec-corn. selen. SEP.- SIL. spig. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. thuj. veratr. vit. zinc. 111. 1. Acon. anac.. ar. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. caps. tearb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. CHIN. cocc con.' cupr,, ferm. graph. hyosc. ignat. jod~ipec. kai. in-austr. memc. natr. natr-mum. nitm-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spigr. spong. stann. strain. stront. SULPH. zinc. 111. 2. Amn. BELL. bry. calc. carb-an. con. hep. MERC. nitr-ac. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. sil. spong. sulph. 416 MAGNES. 111. 3. ASAri. bell. CALC. hep. NE1RO. flWZer. NITR-AC.. PIIOSPH. ph-ac. piuls. sep. SIb. staph. SULPH. 111. 4. Acon. anac. ant-crud. amn. ARS. bell. B RY. CALC. carb-vcg. caulst. chin. cocc. con. duic. GRAPH. hep. 1cili. lack. led. mere. nztr-ac. oleand. phos ph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. vit. IV. 'Arn. ars. bell. bry. caic. carb-an. chin. cic. graph. hep. IGNAT. kali. mar. mnerc. inum-ac. N-VON. PHOSPH. PULS. ian-bulb. RHUS. selen. sep. Sdl. SULPH. V. ACON. ars. aur. BRY. CALC. chin. ferr. graph. jod.kali. mere, natm-mum. n-vom. op. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. sep. spig. suliph. veratr. VI. 1. Alum. ant-crud. BELL. canth. ignat. nitr. nitr-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. sil. staph. thq4. valei'. VI. 2. Aeon. amnm. arn. ars. aur. bell. bom. BRY. CALC. caps. carb-vcg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. colch. coN-. dros. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. hep. ignat. jod. kali. mere. natm. natr-mur. N-VOXI. letm. m-sospi.ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHiUS. ruta. sabad. samb. SEP. SIL. 'Spig. staph. SULPH. ve'ratr. VII. Acon. amn. ars. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chatin. chin. cocc. con. ferr. graph. hep. hiyosc. iognat. kali. MERc. natr-mum. nitr-ac N-VON. PHG5PH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RH1JS. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. strain. SULPH. veratr. Antid. *Acon. camph. chain. puls. 66. MAGNES. I. Garb-an. n-vom. ran-scel. sep. spig. veratr. 11. Amnhr. qnt-erod. arn. ars. bell.,bry. CALC. canth. carb.. ain. CARB-VEG. catist. chain. CHIN. creos. dUIC. GRAPH. hell. IGNA&T. kali. lach. led. LYC. tfl-arct. m-austr. mar. mrner. natm. natrmur. NITR-AC. N-VOM. par. petir. PIIOSPH. plumb. PULS. rhus. sabin. scill. SEP. SIL. SPIG. STAPH. strain. SULPH. thuj. VERATRt. zinc. 1l1. 1. Acon. alumn. anac. ARN. ai's. asaf. bell, bry. CALC. carb-vegr. caust. chain. chin. cocc. croc..hep. hyosc. IGNAT. kali. lye.?n-arct. m-austr. MERO. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac.ý n-mosch. N-VOIA1 oleand. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULO. rhodod. RH US. ruta. SEP. sil. SPIG. stann.. staph.. stram.,-SIJLPH. suiphac. veratr. zinc.I MAGNES AROTICtIS.41 419 A].. ere. plospli. suiph. I1l. 3.? 111. 4. Bry. con!. lyc. mere. phosph. pzds. rhus. sep. siL.. SULPH. sulph-ac. IV. Bry. caic. CON. gra ph. ignat. natr. N-VOM. op. PHOSPH. P H-A C. PULS,. Sep. sil. suiph. V.? V1. 1. Amnbr. arnm-mur. ant-crud. ant-tart. arn. caic. croc. euphr. rntr. nitr-ac. PHOSPH. rhodod. rhus. sep. V1. 2. Ac~on. arnbiý. arg. aur. bor. bry. &tlc. caps. chain. COJOC. CON. cyci. 0dros.- duic. EUPHORB. eu phr. FE RR. ignat. jod. kali. LYC. m-arct. in-austr. niagn-murs. men. mosch. n-vomn. ph-ac. plat.'PULS. RHODOD. RHUS. sabad. samb. SEP. spig. Sul ph. tar. valer. veratr. verb. viol-ir. VII. Acon. amnbr. aim. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chin. con. ferr. graph. ignat. kali. LYC. in-aret. rn-austis. mere. natr. riatr-rnur. nitin-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPII. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. SEP. sit. SPIG. sta1)h. SULPHl. vcratr. Autid. Ignat.'eleetr,. galvan. 67. MAGNES ARCTICIJS. 1. Calad. ignat. lyc. mgs. puts. stilph. 11. Amn. cur. bell. bry. ea/c. canth. carb-veg. cazsst. CHIAM. chin. COOC. GRAPE. ignat. Ikal. lyc. MGS9. m-austr. merc. natr. nitin-ac. N- 'VOM. PHOSPH. piat. pluimb. PUbS. rhus. sep. Sit. STAPH. suiph. thulj. VERATR. zinc. Ill. 1. Aeon. alum. amn. asaf. bar'. BELL. caic. cann. caust. chin. cocc. con. croc. graph. ignat. kati. lye. M GS m-a'ustr. rnerc. natr. nalisr-ur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. par. PHOSPH. plot. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. stanni staph. SULPH. tar. tlii.)U veiatin. 111. 2. Bell. ca/c. con. mnerc. posh spong. sulph. 111. 3." Chin, mere. PH-AC.' pIMls. ihodod. ruta. IllI. 4. Amn. bar. bry. calc. caust. igna t. lyc. plat. puls. ranwsctul. r-hus. SEP. sit. sp)ig. spong. SULJPH. IV Ant-taq~. ar!ý. bry. eale. enus~t. eon. croc. h-ep. ignat. kali. lye.. n-voin. op. phosph. pu/s. rhus. sep. sil. sul ph. V. ACON. amn. br-y. ca/c. coec. hep. ipec. LYC. mum-ac. nitr. n-vom. phos ph. puls. ritus. sabad. sep. SPIG. sitiph. VERATR. 420' 420 MAGNES AUSTRALIS. V1. 1. Nitr. pho spA. VI. 2. Aeon. ambr. amrn. bor. cale. ferr. jod. kali. LYC. MGS. m-austr. merc. n-vom. phosph. puts. rhus. Sep. sil. SPIG. sui ph. verair. VII. Acon. amn. bell. bry. CALC. caust. chain,. chin. coec. con. graph. hep. ignat. kali. LYC. MG S. m-austr. merc. natr. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHiUS. sep. sdl. SPIG. spong. staph. SULPH. veratr. Antid. Ignat. m-austr. galvan. 68. MAGNES AUSTRALIS. I. Acon. aur. chain. lye.- merc. n-vom. phosph. puls. sep. suiph. 1I. Ars. bell. caic. CANTH. Chin. croc. hyose. ignat. lyc. m.gs. rn-arct. natr-mur. N-VOM. phosph. puls. rhus. sabin. sec-corn. sep. STAPH. suiph. veratr. zinc. IlI. 1. Aeon. alum. arnbr. amn. ars. asaf. bell. bry. CALO. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. coce. coich. ferr. graph. hiyose. ignat. kali. LYC. MGS. sn-arct. merc. NATR. natr-mur. nitrac. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sep. sit. spig. spong. stann. SULPH. thuj. vit. zinc. 111. 2. Bell. puls. rhus. spong. II1. 3.? HI1. 4. Amn. cauist. GRAPH. ngs. m-arct. mere. putls. rhus. sil. SULPH. IV. ilep. ignzat. rhus.- sep. V. Ars. caust. mere. ri-MOSeb. n-vom. plat. puls. RHUS. sabad. sarnb. veratV. VI. 1. Nitr. phosph. VI. 2. Amhr. amt. bell. BRY. carb-an. chain. kali. wmgs. m-arct. mere. natr-mur. n-vom. PHiOSPLi. puts. vit. VII. Aeon. amn. ars. bell. br-y. caic. eatnth. caust. chain. chin, graph. iguiat. lye. rngs. m-arct. merc. natr. natr-mur, N-VOM. PHqOSPH. PULS. RHUS. sep. sil. stiaph; fSULPH. vit. zinc. Antid. Ignat. m-arct. zinc. galvan. w MAGNESIN MTIRIAT1CA <,1_,421 -69:.'MAGNES1A. 4 I. fCalc. phosph. 11. A7n m. a inrni-mur. ant-crud. bell. bry. CALC. GAUST. chani. cocc.6I con, creos.'ferr'. GRAP H, hep. *hyosc. KALI. lyc. MEDi~c. NATR-MUR. ýnitr-ac..m~-2ovn; petr. PHOSPI1. - ph-ac. plumb. PIJLS. -rhus. rulta. sabin. SEP. SIL. stanuy. staph. SULPI-. vit. zinc. 11l.1.I. Alum. armn-inur. arg. arn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. BE~LL. -b ow.bry. - cALCc~anth. carb-veg. -CAýUST. chin. cocc. cop. dros-.' dulc. graph. h6,11. liep. ignat. KALI. lIYC. magn-mur. M ERC. mezer, natr'. NMTR-MUR. nitr-ac. n-vorn. PflosPH. Phlac. plat. 'PULS. rhodod. 7-hus. axtai.. sassap. -SEP. nil. spig. STANN. staph. gftront. SULPH. tar~i~lc.' 111. 2. Coni. lye. phos -4It. 111. 3. --Caust. 111. 4. Amm. amn. bell. bry. aalc. chin. clem. COn). DULC. led. lye. iWERC. rnatr-mur- nitr-ac. oleand. petr. phosph. ph-4c. Puls. rhus. sec-corn. sep. SIL. staph. suiph. veratr. IeIV..Jrn.-A Rs. bry. 'gr~aph. kali. N-VOM. PHOSPH. puts.. sep. sil. V. Ars. Illy. chin~. coich. graph. hep. merc. nit tr-ac. n--mosch. rhus. scill. sil. VI. 1. Ari. ars. mang. mere. nitr-ac. stront. VI. 2. Acon. alum. am~m. ars. autr. bell. caps. dulc-; hell. hep. hyosc. ignat. icali. LYC. magan-miur. n-vornz. phosph. PULS. riths. sabad. sabin. SEP. sil. spong. stront. 'suiph. VII. Anifn. arn. ars. aur. bell. bry. calc.,caust. chin. coec.. co~n. dui~c. graph. hell. hep. ignat.,icali. lyc. magn-mur. MERO. ntair-mutr. nitr-ac. n-vom. PI-OSPil. ph-ac. PuLs. rhus. SEP.. v.sit. s'iann. staph. stront.'suiph. zinc. Anitid.? 70. MAGNESIA MURIATICA. I1 Cale.ignat 'natil. n-vom. ph-ac. puls. SIL. suiph. II. Aluim./ahnm. ars. bell., bry. CALC..carb-veg. caust.. chain. CHIN. cdcc gra~ph. ig9nat. KALI.Jl.Vc. MERC.rmezer. n atr. ~XATR-MUjR. hitr-ac"' VOi. Op.JPHOSPH. pulS. rtza. sep. sit. Star&. 7LPI-..th.uj. vervatr. zinc. III. 1 A,.,asaf,. alar. BIELL. bovr. bfy. CAL C.anth. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. corh.. COn. ferr. graph. lhep. igna&L 422 MANGANUM. - kali. lyc. mn-arct. mvere. nati'. iiatr-m'ur. n-vok"n. pitos ph. plat. PULS. rits. sabin`Y. SEP. SIL. spig. stann. stapb. stront. sautpH. thuj. verati'. zinc.. 'Ill. 2. Bell. brý. carb-an.' clem. con). grawph. lyc. puls. Ill. 3. Bell. lyc. 'nmere. staph. 111. 4. Bry. lyc. natr-muv. pUls.. Sep. IV. Bry. caic. echip.~ COD). GRAPH. rngs. rnerc, n-vein. PLIOSPH. ph-ac. p46l. 1rhhI. SEP.-sil. SULPH. - V1. 1. Acon. ars.: cailc. earb-an. chain. dule. -hep. ignat. jod. kali. led. mang, rueve. sil. VI. 2. Aco-n. -arnbr. anrum. arnm-rnmr.'a-rg. ars. a'saf. au'r. bar. bell. bry. caic.' cAPS. earb-veg. chain. chin) lef. domCOcC, CON. cyci. DROS. DUJLC. equpliorb. FERR. graph. hell. lýep. kali. LYC. mgs. rnagn. MEN. mere. Mosck. natr. nitr-ae. n-vorn. phto~ph. PH--Ac. plat. PULS. RHODOD. RH'US.~ruta:' SABAD. Sarnb. SEP. spong. s niph. TAR. valei'. ve'rb. viol-ti'. VII. Bell. tn-y. CAL.C. chain.cdin. coce.c.on). duic.- feri'. graphi., igrnat. Ic ci. ILYC. MERC. inati'. natr-mur.?t-vom. vPHospH. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. SEP. SIL. SULPH-.-.;,Antid. Carnph-. -71. 'MANGANUM. 1.Aeon. anac. ignat. lyc. mere. n'-vorm ph-ac. PULS. Sil. sulph. 1.by ai:.a l.~csbvg 11. Amnrn. a-nac.- asaf. bel.-by)cc:rnh.abve6 c-ATST. chin. con. creos. dros. graph. hop. kali. laur. lyc. MERC. nat-mu. POSP. P-AC. plat.--PULS. rhus. sab~ad. s~bhrt sassap. SEP. sit. spig. spong. stani). staph. stront. suiph. veralif. -zinc. - Ml. 1. Aeon. alumn. arn. arg. BE.LL. bry.. CALC. eanth..caust. ehani. chin-. coce. con. dros. graph,, ignat. kali. inezer. niatir. natr-mur. nitr-ae. n-voin. p!4os~p4. plat. PULS. rhus.!i -sep. sit. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. stu,,PHI. thuj, vetatr. zInc.#2, Bell. carb-an. lye,. mere. "Ill. 3. Bell. cdC-lC. hin. MERO. phosph. 'PULS. ruta. S11. staph. ULL 4. Alur4zi- bry. -CALO. graph. hep. ndici-mur& petr.,phosph. PUbS. RRUS., Sif suiph. zinc. -IV. Ars. kali. na~gn. natr.?z-vein. sep. sit, i MARUM VERUM. 423ý M4k VRM.43 V. -Ars. n- vomf;sabad. sep. VI. 1. ilop. Sýj. YVi. 2:' Am.&-M ~s. atir. bell. bor. BRY. CALC. chain. chin. cocc. coloc. con. drws. -duic. gr-aph. hep. igna4. kali.-.LYc. MERC. natl'. N-MOSCtH. f-VOmf. PHOSPH. r/iod$. RHUS. ruta.-sEP. sil. spig. ttont. S-ULfff. th~j'. VE-,RATR,. VII. Ainm. ars. bell. bry, CALC. 6ati~t. chin. con. graph. hep. kahi. LYC. M*ERC. natr-niw's. li-vom. PHospyi. PULS. RHUS. ruta. SEP. sil. spiý. stfaph. stront. SUL4H, veratr. Autkid. Coff. 72.~AMRUM VERUM.. I. Anac. aur. chain. 1I. rnm-mtrnarn a. anr. bry.c-aic., carb-veg. cauist. chain. CHIN..creos. eye]. duic. graph..ig~nat. Icali. lyc. mere. *nitr-ac. N-VOM. pk.osph. ph-ac. piumib. PULS. ran-builb. rhus. ruta. sabad. Sep. sil. spig. stann. staph. SUL.PH. sul-ph-ac, veratr.. - tlu. 1. Ainbr. a~rg. ars.' bell. bry. caic. canth. carb-veg. caust. eh~p. CHIN. cocc. colich. con. cupr. ignat. jod. KALI. LYC. rn-arct. MERC. natr-ilnur. NVQM. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PUL.S. rhodod-I. rhus (. rmta. SEP. sil. stalin. staph. suiplh. z'inc. UTI. 2. Con. ignat. mere. rhus. q~ong. IIi: 3.? * Il1. 4. Calc; dl~cimg~raph. led. lyc. m-auistr. MERC. phosph., sabad. SIL. stap~h. SULPH. IV. Bell. bry. cale. ignat. lye. mere. phos~h )I.ru.Sp sil. su Iph. "T- Kali. lye. phosph. sulph. 0*,Vi. 1. Carb-veg. lye. inaug. mur-ac. nitr. puls. ran-bulb. ý,sabad. spig. htaph. ta~er. A.VJ4Agar. bry. caic. earb-,veg. chain. chin. cina. cocc. fe Al(ajbhep. ignat. -1ach. N-VOM. petr. SIL.' spig. spong. ft h~VALER. VII. Brr- chlc.iq b-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. COCC. graph. ignat. kali. LYCtAIERC. N-VOM. PROSP1H. ph-aU PULS. rhus. sabad. sep. SIL. spig."spotig. staph. suLp"H. va4er. Antid., CaioahV. 4j"4 r - 424 424 MERCUIJRUS VIVTJS. 73. ýMENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA. I. B~ell. hell. hlyose. igDa-t. lyc. tnore. natr. op. phosph. puls. sil. staph. strain. zinc. 11. Bell. bry. caic. carb-an. carb,-veg. caust. chel. chin. con. graph. igilat. kali. lye. rnerc. mnezer. 'nair-mur. nitr-ag., ni-vom. petr. prhosph. PULS. rhus. SE-P. SIL. Splig. staph. STJLPH.' veratr. zinc. 111. 1. Alum. amn. aa0f, BELL. bry. CALC. caust. chin. coce. graph. IGNAT. kali. lye. m-arct. mnere. inuir-ac. nat~r. natr-mur. n-vo~n-. phosph. plat. puils. rhus. sabad. sep. sil. spig. spong. STANN. staph. SULPH. tar. thuj. zinc. 111. 2. CALC. clem. rhodod. spong. 111. 3. Yacat. 111. 4. Led. lyc. staph. V. Ars. bell. caic. hell, lye. ni-mosch.'n-vomi. phiosph. puls. SEP. SPIG. suiph. VI. 1. Bell.. bry. caps. caust. l~ach. lyc. moz31'. puls-. rhanscel. stront. VI. 2. Amm-mur. arg- asaf. aur. CAPS. chain. co~n. CYCL. dros. DULC. euphiorb. euphr.ferr'. LYC.MrgS. AMAGN-MUR. moschz. mur-ac. ph-ac. plat. PULS.' rhodod. RHUS. SABAD..saw~b- SEP. TAR. valer. ver-b. viol-tr. VII1. BELL. bry. CALC. caps. caust.,ignat. LY9. rnerc. ni-voin. phosph. PULS. 7-h us. sabad. SEiP. sil. spig. staph. suiph. tar. 74. MERCURIUS VIVUS. 1. Aeon. anac. cab,. hell. ignat. lye. natr. n-vom. op, phosph. ph-ac. putls. rhus. -SEP. sil. staph. strain. suiph."& 11. Acon. aluim. amn. ar's. auir. BELL., bor. bry.,CAL0. canth. carb-veg. caust. chamn chin. clemd. con. creos. raph,. kep. kali. lyc. natr. niztr-mur- nitr-ac. n-vorn. petr. PR'.. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RIUS. ruta. sabad. selen. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. strain. SULPH. thuj. veratr. 111. 1. Aeon. arn. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. CALC canth. carbi veg. caust. chain.,chin. cic. coec. con. croc. ferr. graph. hell. hep, h1yosc. ignat. Icali. lyc'. natr. natr-mun, nitr-ac. N-VOM. plaOSPH. plat. PVlLS. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. SEP. Sdl. spig. staph. SULPII. thuj. vefatr. zinc. 1II. 2. BELL. bry. cale. lye. PHaOSPH. Puls. sil. spong. SULPH. DAPHNE MEtEREUM.42 425 111I. 3.' ASAF. bell. CALO. chin. hep. lyc. nitr-ac. phosph. ph-ac. puls. Sep. S[L. staph. suiph. 111. 4. Aeon. ARS. asaf. bell. bry. caic. caust. duic. graph. HEP. lacli. lyc. nzitr-ac. phosph. PULS. RHUS. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH, thuj. veratr. IV. Aeon. ars 'bell. BR.Y. CALC.' caust. chain. chin. con. graph. liep. ihat, kali. lye. rugs. natr. ni-vomn. PHOSH. ph:.ac. PULS. r/ius. 9EP. SIL. SULPHJ.- I. V. AeON. ARS. BELL. BRY. calc. earb-veg. chain. chin. coce. elipi. graph. Itep. ignat. jod. ipec. Ia'ur. mosch. N-VOM. PHiospH. pit-ac. plat. PtJLS. RHUS. sec-corn. selen. Sep. sil. sulph. valcr. VE;RATR. VI..1. Ars. ferr. itep. ignat. kali. magrn. mnang. nitr-ac. rhuns. sa mb.FLij VI. 2. Aeon. ammn ant-crud. amn. ars. aur. BELL. bor.,BRY. CALC. eanth. carb-veg. caust. chain chin. coecc. coich. coloc. eon. dros. grap4. 1HEP. ignat. jod. ipee. icali. lach. led. LYC. ma'ng. nair-inur. rntr-ac. N-VOM. PiiOSPHr. ph-ac. PULS. R HU S. sabad. SEP. Sil. SPIG. staph. stront. SULPH. veratr. V11. Aeon. ars. asaf. BELL. Zbry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chant. chin. con. graph. hep. ignat. jod. kali. lyc. mang. natr. natr-rnur. nitr-ac. nlvomfl PHOSPtT1. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. SEP. SIL. spigr. staph. SULPL-. thuj, verat~r. Antid. Asaf. auir. bell. caruph. carb-veg. chin. HEP. lach. ihozer. NITR-AC. op. sass-ap. 'sep. sil. staph. sulp4~.-Electric. 75. - DAPHNE ME7ZEREUM. 1. Aeon. bell. calc. eham. coec.' con. hell. -IGNAT. lyc. tnerc. niatr. natr-mur. n-vom. op. phosph. PH-A.C. PULS. rhus. sep. SIL. staph.. strain. 11. Anirn. amn. a~rs. bar. bell. bry. CALC. canth. caps. carbveg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. con. graph.. hep. ignat. kqli. LYC. MERC. natr. vn'atr-?nur. nitr-ac. nvoin. par. peir. PHOSPH. phac. puls. rIhus. ruta. sabfn..-SEP. silW. snt pig. stana. staph. 5ULPH. thiq. veratr. ZINC.0,MI. 1. Aeon. alum. arg. am * asaf. BELL. bry. *CALC. carbveg. caust, chin. coce. con. iognat. K ALI. y. mere. natr. nairrtur. N-VOM. phosph. plat. PULS. RHUS. SEP. spig-. spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. thqj. zinc. Ill. 2. Bell. bry. con. phosphi. suiph. 11I. 3. Asaf. cab,. lye. merc. ph-ac. sil. staph. sulph, 426 MOSCHUS. III. 4, Aeon. amm. arrjrn-rnur. ant-crud. ars. bell. BRtY. caic. carb-veg. CAUST. con. d'uic. eulphorb. hep.. ipec. LACH. led. LYC. MERC. n-vorn. oleand. petr. pho~sph. PULS. iU~s..sep. sir'. spong. staph. SULPH. veratr. I V.? V. AeoN. ARM. ARS. bell. B RY. CALC. canth.. CHIAMN. chin. hep. ignat. lye. MERC. natr-rnur. nitr-,ac. N-VOM. phosph. PuLa. RHUS. Sep. sil. suiph. veratr. S VI. 1. Ant-tart. bell. bry. caust. lach. lyc. phosph. puls. stron t. VI. 2. Arnbr. AN9AC. bell. bry. caps. carb-veg. cai~st. chain. coich. con. euphorb. ignat. kali. lach. led. lyc. magni-mur. merc. n-vomn. pho~ph. PULS. sil. VII. Aeon. amn. ars. asaf. BELL. BRY. CALC. oarb-veg. caust. chain. chin. coce. con. hep. IGNAT. kali. laeh. LYC. MERC.'natrmur. N9-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS'. SEP. s5T. staph. SULPH'. veratr. zinc. Antid. Acetunt. bry. eainph. merc. rhus. 76. MOSCHUS. 1. Aeon. ars. bell. bry.ý CALC. con. laur. merc. natir-mur. N-VOM. op). PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhuss. sil. STRAM. sul ph. veratr. zinc. II. Acon. ant-c~rud. ars. BELL. bry. CXLc. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. coce. con. cupr. hell. ignat. ipoe. kali. lye. merc. natr. natr-inur. nitr-ae. N-VOM. oleand..op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. sabin. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. staph. strain. sulpli. sulph-ac. yeratr. zinc. 111. 1. Aeon. anae. ang. arn. asaf. BELL. bry. caic. canth. carb-veg. cau~st. chain..chin. COCC. con. dros. hyose. IGNAT. ipec. kali. LYC'., magn-inur. natr-iniir. sn-rnosch. N-vom. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ae. PLAT. PULS. rhus. sabin. sec-corn. SEP. sil. sta~nn. staph. sirain. suiph. suiph-ac. valer. veratr. 111. 2. Vacat. III. 3. Vacat. III. 4. Aeon. amn. bell. BRY. calc. caust. merc. phosyk. pl at. puls. RHUS. sep. verair. IV. Bry. eon. hep. ignat. n-voin. pliosph. puls. rhus. sep. sulph,. MURIATICIJM ACIDUM.42.1, 427 V. AcoN. arm. ars. BELL. BRY. caic. caust.~chamn. chel. chin. hyose'. ni-austr. )IERC. n-vom. phosyk., ph-a4e*plat. puls. rhus. Sep. sil. Stann. strain. veratr. VI. L. Ignat. ran-bulb. selen,. thuj. valer. V1. 2'. Aeon. agar. ARS. AURt. bar. hell, camphI. CAPS. caust. coece. con. cyci. dros. DULC. eupborb. fer~r. hell. hep. ihy~osc.,k-ali. LYC. mgs. m~agný-mur. men. n-mosc h. N-YOM. phosph *'ph-ac. plat. puils. rhodod. RHus. SAI3AD. SEP. stront. tar. valer. verb. violrtr. 'VIL Acon. amn. ars, au-r. BELL. BRY. caic. caps. carb-veg. caust. chant. chin. cocc. con. duic. hep. hyosc. ignar. ipec. kali. lyc. mrnagn-rnur. merc. natr-rn ur. N-VOM. op. PHOSPH. _ph-ac. plat. PUlLS. RHUS. sabad. SEP; -sil. strain. suiph. valer'.*ve~rair. Antid. C am plh 77. HMIUIATICUM ACIDUM. i I. I'A 1."lrat. -ph-ac. puls.- sil. suiph. II. Anac. an-g. ant-erud. arg. urn. ars. asaf. bar. bell-. bry. UALC. cam ph. canth. -carb-veg. 'CAUST. chain. CH1IJN. creos. graph,. hep. hyose. igntaf. KALI. LYC. merc. n'atr. tat r-tnur. n-_vom. oleand. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PU LS. rhus, sabad. Sabin. scill. SIt. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. thuj. zinc. 1II. 1. M~on. a-lum. amin-mur. arn. ars, (Is af. BELL. bry.,CALC. carb-veg. CAUST. chin.. cocc. con. dros. duic. graph. hell. hep. J'GNAT. KALI. lyc. -m-arct. mair. wen. MERC. mnezer. NATR. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-V0M. phosph. 'ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SEP. S il. S P IG. spong. stann. STAPH. SUjLPH. tar. thi'jo. zi~nc. IM' 2. Bry. phosph. puls. rhus. 11I. 3.?ý I1l. 4. Amn. ai's. asaf. bar. bell. bry. CALO. chin, con.,cycl. duic'. graph. HE.P. kali. JI.YC. MERO. n'atr-m~ur. nitr-ac.phosph. ph-ac. puts. ritus. sabad. sec-corn, sep. SIL. staph.. SULPH. thuj. I V. Aus. bell. bry. calc. chin. creos. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lye'. men. N-VOM. PHospv. puts. ran-bulb. RHUS. sabad.!SEP. SIL. sul ph, V. ACON. bry. chin. m-arct. op. sabad. sanib. sPIa. VI. 1'. Bell. lach. lyc._puls. ran-bulb. valer. VI. 2. Ainni-rnur..arn. ars. ASAF. bry. caic. caps. chumt 428 428 NATRUM CARI3ONICUM. crna. con. cycL~. dros. duic. ferr. ignat. lach. lyc. mgs. magn-mur. rnang. men. natri n-vom. PHospH. ph-ac. puls. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sep. suiph. viol-tr. VII. Acon. arn. ars. asaf. bell. bry. CALC. caub-veg. caust. chin. con. cyci. graph. hep. ignat. icali. -LYC. men. m~erc,. natr. riatr-mur. n-vons. PHOSPH. ph-ac. VULS1. RHUS. sabad. SEP. sdl. 8pig. stap~h. StJLPH. zinc. -Antid. Camph. bry. 78. NATRUM CARBONICUM. 1. Anac. ars. aur. bell. caic. con. croc. hyosc. ignat. 'LYC. maerc. op'. phiosph. PH-AC. puls. rhus. sep. sil. s~taph. strain. suiph. It. Acon. ambr. ammn. ammi-n-ur. anac. ai'n. arsaur. bar. bell. bry. CALC, c-an th. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. CHIN. con. creos. graph. hep. ignat. KALT. lyc. MERC.. nair-mur., nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sabin. selen. SEP. S1U. spig-. stann. staph. SUL?ýH. thuj. verair. 2zinc. 111. 1. Acon. a-lum. anac. amn. ars, asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. c-arb-veg. caust. chain. chin. ~cocc. coff. con. cupr. dui~c. graph. hep, ignat. Icali. LYC. m-arct. rn-austin. MEUiC. mnezer. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VON. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PuLs. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. SEP. sit. spig. ~pong. stann. staph. SULPH-. tar. thuj. valci'. vera~tr. zinc. 111. 2. Amn. BELL, bry. cALC.carb-an.clhin. clein. con. ka'l;. LYC.?nerc. phosph',puls.. rims. sep. sil. spong. sulph.?I. 3 11I. 4. Ammi. ant-cru d. amn. ars. bar. bell. bry. CALC. chain, clein. con. DULOC. graph., hep. LYC. merc. NITT-AC. PHOSPH. phac. RHUS. scill. selen. SEP. sil. staph. SULPH. vioi-tr. I V. Ars. aur. caic. ca-nn..chin. con. graph. hep. ignat. KALI. N-VOM.. op. phosph. puls. sabad. SEP. sil. suiph. suiph-ac. V. Kali. lyc. sep. sULP I. VI. 1. Guaj. hep. sep. sulph-ac. VI. 2. Acon. ant-crud. arn. ars. asaf. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chain. chiel. chin. CON. cycl. dros. graph, ignat. kali. LYC. magn-mui'. merc. nair-mur. N-VON. PHO5PH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta,. sabad. selen. SEP. sil. SULPH. thuj. NAtRUM MURIATICUM. 42 429 VII., Acon. arn. ars-. aur. bell. bry. C ALO. carb-veg. caust. chtin. con. graph. ignat. kali. LYC. merc. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. PHOSPH'. ph-ac. PuLs. rhus. sabad. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. Antid. Campit. spir-nitr~idulc. 79. NATRUM MURIATICUM. I. Acon.'alumi. ana~c. BELL. bry. cabc. cic.- con. cupr. grraph.'hell. HyoSO. iknat. laur. lyc. n-mosch. n-vom;- op. petr. phosyph. ph-ac. pint. puls. rhus. sevý54 1, STRAM. suiph. VERATR. 11. Acon. anac. ant-cruid. am:, ars. aur. bar. 'BELL,. bry. CALC. *carh-veg-. CAUST. Chi*, cocc.'Cbon.'creos. duic.-Terr. graph, Iiep. hyosc. ignaýt. K Agj*. led. LYC." merc.- nitr-ae. -o. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. rut~a. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SOiLPH. Vzeratr. zinc.- I II1. 1. -Acon. ambr. urn. arm. aur. BELh. bry. CALO. carbveg. CAUST. chain. chin. cocc. con. ferr. graph. ignat. kali. LYC. merc. rnezer. natr. nitr-ac. N-1'OM. peir. P116SPH. plnt. PULS. rhodod. RHS. ~ta SE. sl._pig-. stann. staph. SULPH. thuij.ye ratr. zinc. I11. 2. Bell. caic;- phosph. PULS. sulph. 1I1. 3. Asaf. aur. calc. chuin. lyc. jiitr-ac. PTILS. sil. suiph. Ill. 4. Alum.'ars. hell. bry. CALC. ch'in, con. GRAPH. hep. kali. lyc. MERC. nitr:-ac. peir. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RITUS. selen. SEP. sil. SULPH. thuij. IV. Bry. caic. caust. chin, con. igrnat. n- vom. op. phospit. sep. SIL. 5ULPH. V. ACON. ars. hell. BRY. caic. chain. CHIN. dig. ferr. hep. hyose. kali. -lyc., n-vom. op. phosph. _ph-ac. puls. rhus. samb. seccorn. sep. Strain. SULPH. 'VJ. 1. Calc. carb-veg. n-voin..rhodod. rhus. sep. staph. VI. 2. Aeon. ainin-inur. ant-crud. arn. ars. bell. B RY. CALC. cann. carb-veg. caust. chain. chini. cic. cina. cocc. con. ferm. graph. Itep. ignat. ipec. kdli. LYC. mere. natr. nitr'-ac. N-YOM. oleand. PHO5PH. ph-ac. puls. ritus. ruta*. scill. selen. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPIT. 'VII. Acon. arn. ars. bell. EiRY. CALC. carh-veg. caust. chin.'cocc. co'n. ferr. gr-apih. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. LTC mere. nitr-ac. n-vont. op. petr. PHospHi. 1)1-ac. PULS. RHUS. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. veratr. 430 NITRI ACIDUM. e Aitfid. Camnph. spir-nitr. duic. 80. NITRUM (KALI NITRICUM). I. Bell. bry. caic. n-vom. op., ph-ac. puls. rhuzs. ~sep. sil. strain. suiph. veratr., 1L. Acon. arnbr. arg. amn. ars. asaf. aur,. bar. bell. bry. CAL-C. canth. carb-ve'g. caust. chain. chin. 'coich. con. creos. croc. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. KALI, led. lyc. man~g. MERU. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. obý,and. PHOSPH. phrac. PtXLS. RHUS. ruta. Sabin. sassap. scill. sec-corn * seneg. SEP. sit. spig. stann. staph. s'train. SULP H. suip~h-ac. thuij. zinc. Ill. 1. Acon. arg. amn. ars. asaf.' aur '. BELL. BRY. CA&LG.. canth. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. con. dros. graph. ign at. KALI. laur. LYc. I-MERC. mosch. natir. natr-rnur. nitr-ac. N-VOle. par. PoH.ph-ac. plat. PULS'HS. sabad. sa-bin. sassapSE.sl spig. stunn. staph., STR *ONT. SULPil. suiph-ac. veratr. zinc., I11. 2. Bell. puls. rhus. spong.. 4 MI. 3. fCycl. phosph. Ill. 4. Arm. bell. bry. canth. caust. chin.'0 cycl.,phosph. RHUS. sep. suiph. LV.. Ars. aur. bell. caic. hep. kali.. natr. N-VOMx. phosph. sep. sil. V. A coN. arn. BELL. bry. chel. chin..DIG. hyoso.- sep. strain. VI. 1. Bell. lyc. n-vomn. puls. rhus. thnj. VI. 2. Amm. ars. bor. bry. CALG. chain. ipec. kali. lyc. MERC. n-vom. rhus. seneg. SEP. spig. stront. suiph. V11. Ac6n. am. ars. BELL. BRY. CALC. can th. catist. chain. chin. ignat. kali. lyc. inerzt. natr-mur. N-YOM. pho sph. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. SEP. sil. spig. staph. strain. stfdnt. sulph. Antid. Spir-nitr. dulc.-(Noc. Camph.) 81. NITRI ACJDUM. I. Acon. ANAC. ars. aur. bar. bell. calc. caust. cupr. graph. hell. hyose. ignat. LYC. natr. natr-mur. n-mnosch. fl-voin. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. strain. sulph..II. Aluim. amn. ars. aur. BELL. bry1. CALC. canth. carb-an. CARB-VEG. caust. chain.. chin. clem. con. creos. dulc. ferr. graph. NUX MOSCHATA.43 431 hey. hyosc. ignat., kali. lyc. AMERO. natr. nair-mur. N-YOM. PHOSPH. ph-zc. PULS. rhus. ruta. SE:P. sil. spig. stann. stopp h. strain. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. 111. 1. Acon. anac. arm. ars. asaf. aur. BELL. 617/. CALC., canth. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. COCC. eon. duic. ferr. graph. liyosc.. ignat. kali. LYC. mer-c. natr. NATR-MUR. N-VOM. petr. PiiOspH. ph-at,. splat. plumb. I3ULS. rhodod. rhu&. ruta. SEP. sil. spig., SpQflg. -stann. staph...9train. stront. SULPH. veratr. zinc. 111. 2. BELL. bry. caic. carb.-an. chain. chin. CON. duic. ignat. kali. lyc. mERc;. n-voin. P$OSPH. ýpuls. rhsis. SIL. spong. SULPH. I.1 111. 3. Asaf. cabc. con.. graph. lyc. merc. phosph. PULS. rhus. ruta. Sep. s-il. staph. SULPH. 111I. 4. Ars.. asal:- bar. bell. bry. caic. carb-veg. caust. chain. con. duic'. graph. HE-P. LYC. MERC. petr. phosph. PULS. RHUS. Sep. SIL. staph. SULPILI thuj. IV. Ars. caic. caust. con. hep. ignat. phosph. sepo sil. 8ulph. V. ACON. arn. ars. bell. br'y., caic. carb-veg. chain. chin. grqph. hep. hbyOSC. ignat. ipec. kabi. led. lyc. MERC. natr. natrmur_. N-VOM. Op. petr. PHOSPH. pb-ac. PULS. ran-bulb..HLTS. sahad. SEP. sil. spong. strain, SULPL-.. veratr. V1. 1. Ant-crud. hell. lyc. niti'. puls. VI. q. Acon. ars. bar. beIll BRY. caic. CARB-VEG. chain. chin. coich. con. graph. HEFP. i gnfa t. kali. LYC. rnerc. natr-rnur. N-VOK. PHOSQPH. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sil. staph. SULPH. Vrera tr. VII. Acon. anac. amn. ar-s. aui'. bell. bry. CALC. carb-v eg. caust. chara. chin, con. duilc. gr-aph. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur.,n-vomn. PL-OSPH-. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. SEP. EjIL. staph. strain. SULPH. veratr. Antid. Cainph. hey. nmezer. sulph.-(Noc. bach.)82. NqUX MO'SCHATA. I. Alum. BELL. bry.. cann' car b-an. con. cycl. graph. HaELL. HYOC.ignt.kai. au. yc. merc. nati'. NATH-MVUR. 11-11om. OP. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. puls. RHUS. Sep. sdl., spig. STRAM. suiphac-. thuj. veratr. zinc. 1I. Anac. ant-crud. arn. bell. bry., CALC. carb-veg. caust. 432 NUX VOMICA. chain. chin. coce. con. creos. graph. hyose. ignat. ipec. icali. lyc. merc. natr. natr-miur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. 0Op. PHOSPH. ph-ac.- plat. plumb. PULS. rhus. rua.' SEP. sil. spigr. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. VERAIR. I11. 1. Acon. arn. ars. asar. bar. TIELL. 'bry. -caic. camfph. canth. caust. chain, chin. cocc. coff. con. cupr. hyosc. ýg'nat. jod. ipec. kali. laur. lyc. mere. rnosch. natr. N-~VOMI. oleand. op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS; RHUs. ruta. sabad. sep. sil. spig. stann. strain. SULPH. s11lph-ac. valer. verair. 111. 2. Bell. c~hain. jod. puls. rhus. sec-corn. spong. 111. 3.? 111. 4. Amn. BELL. b ry. CALC. CHIN. led. LYC. nitr-ac. n-vOm. PHOSPH. ph-ac. pUIls. RHIJS. sec-corn. SEP. sil. SULP FT. IV. ANT-TART. bry. con. croc. kali. op. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. veratr. V. ARs. bry. chain. chin. colob. lhep. lyc. n-vom. phospb. puls. rhus. sabad. sil. SPIG. suiph. V1. 1. Ilep. ma~ng. natr. sil. VI. 2. Agar. amm, ars. aur. bar. bell. bor. bry. caic. cam ph. caust. c'hain. chel. chin. cic. cocc. coff. coich. con. creos. duic. guaj. hep. hyose. ignat. lach.' lyc. inang. mrner. N-VON!. petr. ranbulb. rhodod. 1RHUS. ruta. 'sabad'. selen. SIL. spigy. strain. stront. suiph. verair. VII. Ant-tart. amn. ars. BELL,. bry. 'caic,. cIain. chin. cocc. con. graph. hep. hyosc. igrnat. kali. LYC. mnerc. natr. natr-inur. N-VO MI. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sep. SIL. spig. strain. SIUhPH. veratr. Antid. Campb. sein. car'vi. 83. NUX VOMICA. I. ACON. anac. ai's. aur. bell. -bry. CALc. chani. cocc. hyosc. lye. natr-mur. op. phosph. puis. rhus. sep. strain. suiph. VERATR. II. Acon. amr. AR'S. aur. BELL. bor. BRY.I CALC. can th. carb-veg. Caust. CHAN!. CHIN. cocC. coff. con. creos. croc. cupr. euphr. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. i.gnat. ipec. icali. LYC. MERC. flair. natr-muir. nitr-ac. oP. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhus. sabin' SEP. sil. spig. staph. strain. SULPHl. veratr. Ill. 1. AeoN. ainbr. amn. ars.. asaf. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. c/tamn. CHIN. cina4 cocc. coff. con. ferr. NERIUM OLEANDER.43 433 gra pb. hep. hyosc. ignalt. jod. ipec. kali. LYC. mar. MERC. mezer. natr. inatr-mur. nitr-aV. petr. PHOSPH. Plat. PULS. RHUrS. ruta. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. strout. SULPH. veratr. zinc; III. Arn. BELL. bry. Caic. chin, con. ignat. jod. lye. merc. phosph. PtTLS. sil. spong. SULPH. 111. 3. Chin. coec. dros. mierc. PULs,. ruta. I11. 4. Aeon. amn. ars. bell. B RY. caic. earb-veg. caust. con. hep. ipec. kali. lach. led. LYC. mere. mezer. pitr-ac. Phosph. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. scill. sec-corn. SEP.. SIr. staph. SULPH... LV. Ant,-tarI. ars.. bell. bry. CALC. chin. con. creos. croc. GRAPH. hep..IGNAT. KALI. nair. PHO5PH. PULS. RHUS. sepv. sil. suiph. V. ACON. ARS. bar. BELL. BRY. '.CALC. Caps. caust. CHAN. CHIN. dule. hey. ignat. ipec. lyc. mere. natr-mur. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. samb. SEP. sil. spigf. S1JLPH. verat~r. VI.- I. Ars. c/tel. dros. ferr. ignat. kali. NITR. RHETS. scllt. ehujir VL 052. Aeon. anm-m-ur. amn. ARS. asar.. aur. BELL. BRY.CALO. carb-veg. CAUST. CHAN. chin. cocc. coff. -eoleh. con. graph. REP. hyose. ignat. ipec. kali..lach. led. LYC. mere. moseb. natr. nair-mur. niftr-ac'. n-mhosch. op. PIIOSPH. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. sabad. selen. SEP. SIL. spig. SULPH. VIL, Acon. arm. ARS. aurm! BELL. BRY. CALC. earb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN., coee. con. Iferr. graph. hey. hyose. ignat. ipee. kali. LYC. mere. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ae. op. PHOSPH. PUbS. RHUS. SEP. sil. s~pig. staph. SULPH. veratr. Antid. Aeon. camnph. chain. coce, coff. ignat. puls.-.. Spirituosa, v'inurn.-(.Noc. Adeturn.zic 84. NERIUM OLEANDIE"IL I. Aeon. amn.-bar. BELL. bry. eann. chain. cic. coce.CON. HKkLL. *hyosc. ignat. laur. LYQ. inere '. NATR-MUR. n-rnosch. n-uom. op. phospk. PH-AC. fPUlS. RHUS. SEP. sil. STRAM. s uph. VERATR. I.-Anac. ang. amn. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. caps, caust. chel. CHIN. Cic. cina. c0c9.,con. ferm. graph. hep. hyose. 434 OPIUM. ignat. ipec. kali. lyc. merc. mnezer. nair-mur. n-vom. op. petr., PHospH-. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. rutA. sabad. secncorn. sep. SIL. spig. stann. STAPH. suiph. veratr. 111. 1. ACOLI. alum. anac. arg. amn. ars. asaf,. BELL. bism. bry.' CrALC. caps. caust. cocc. CON. cup~r. hell. ignat. kaki. laur. LYC. mrner. natr-mur. n-mosch. n-voin. op. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT.PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. stanni staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. veratr. verb. 111. 2. Vaca't.. 111. 3.? II1. 4. Arnm-rnur. anac. ars. bar. bry. caic, caust. ipeco. lach.- led. LYC. mnezer. ph-ac. plat. puls..rhus. sec-Corn. -sil. spong. STAPH. SULPH, Vit. I V. Ignat. N-VON. phosph. sabad. V. Acon,. A*RS. bell. bry. caic. lyc. n'-vont ph-ac. Sep. sulpl&. VI. 1. Acon. con. hep. nitr-ac. VI. 2. Acon. amn. bar. bell. BRY. CALC. c~aps. carb-veg.~ caust. chao. chin. cina. cocc.. colch. con. cu-pr. graph. hep. IGNAT. kali. Jach. led. lyc. NATR-MUR.'N-VON. phosph. puls. rhodod. 'RHUS. i'uta. sep. SiLf. SPIG. staph. suiph. thuj. veratr. VII. Acon. anac. amn. at-s. bar. BELL. BRY. CALC. caust. chin. cocc. con. graph. hell. hep. ignat. kali. iaur.'LYC. merc, nair-mur. n-mnosch. N-VON. op.. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. -RHUs. ruta. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. staph. suLPH. veratr. Antid. QGampi. - 85. OPIUM.4 I. Acon.. arn. ars. aur. bar. BELL. cocc. COFF. HYOSC. IGNAT. lach. lyc. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac, puls. rhus., Sep. Si1. STRAM. VERATR. II. Acon. amn. ars., BELL. bry. caic. camPh. canth- caps. caust. chain. chin. cocc. con. cupr. dig. duic. graph.. HEP. HYOSC. ignat. ipec.ic' ali. laur. lyc. natr-mur. n-itmr1acv N ti0m. pho spA. ph-ac. plumb. iui~s. rhus. ru-ta. samb.- sec-cotn.( sep.I sil. S'pong. staph. STRAM. SiULPH. veratr. [II. 1. Acon. anac. amn. ars. BELL. bry. caic., camph.. carb-veg. chain. chin. cic. cocc coff.e con. cupr. dig'.ferr. HYOSC. ignat. jod. ipec.' kali. l1ach'. laur. LYC. mtere. n-rnokth.s. 4 PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. 43 435 n-vom. olcand. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. _puls. RHUS. samb. SEC-CORN. sep. ýsil. spigl. STRAM. suiph. veratr. II2.Va~oat. 111. 3.? I I L 4. Ac'On.' ARN. ARtS. BELL. B RY. caic. chin. con. dig. duic. graph. hyose. kali.,lach. led. LY'C. MERC. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. r-hus. scill. sec-corn..sep..sdl. SULP H. veratr.,..IV. 'Acon. ANT-TART. ars. bell. BRY. Calc. CON. O. he~ignat in' r-rt., natr. natr-mur. N-MOSCH. n-vom. pltosp4.. ph-ac. pul.s. ep. staph. suiph. veratr. V. ACON. A-RS. bell. bry. caic. caps. carb-veg. CHAM. chin. cocc. cupr. dig. ferr. hep. hyosc. jod. ipec. kali. lyc. mere. natr-- mur. -vom.phosh. plh-a'. puls:- RHUS. samb. sec-coin. SEP.'sl spig. STRAM. suip/i. VERtATR. A V1. 1. C,on. ritus. VI1. 2. Acon. ant-;crud.' ari. bell. bry. caust. chain. coff. ferr. hep. ignat. kali. lyc. mrner. natr-mulr. N-VOM. phosph. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. r'hus. sabad, sep. sil. spig. strain. suiph..- veratr. zinc. VII. ACON. ant-tart. amn. ARS. BELL. iBRY. calec, chain. chin. cocc,. coff. con. c upr. digr. lhp. HiYOSO. ignat. icali. lach., laur. LYC. mere. na~tr-mur. n-moesch. N-VON. phosph. ph--ac. PULS. A~u% sc-orn. sep. sil. STRAM. SULPH. VERAT.R. - Antid- Camiph. coff. con. ipec. merc. pllumb.-Vinum,. van~lla*-fr'oin. S 86. PARIS. IU]ADRIFoLIA:' I,, Anac. bell. cupr. H-yo S C. lach. LYC. plat. STRAM. veratr. 11I. Ahum. anac. ant-crud. arg, an. jars. bqr. bell. bry. C ALP. carbdiueg. CAUST. *chigm. chi4ý. creos. graph. hirp. kWi. merc. rizr ar at-u 'ritr-ac. n-vom. petr. PHOSPH. ph..ac. PUL,6,.,RHRUS. sabad.,sahin. sqdil. seneg. *SEP. sal. stann, StAPH. SULT*PH. thUj. vevatr. Znc 14 1. Acon' au. r.a. 1Wkr. BELL, bry. CALC, defiftth cottw chain. chin.,cocc. con. dros. gra ph. ýigat. koli. lyc. m-aret. mEBq, jatr. natr-miur N-vom. PHospHi. plat.,PULS. PMus. ',ruta SEP.,L SPIG. spong. stann. staph. stront. suLii.Itar. ve-i ratr.,zinc. IMe."2. Mere. spong. 436 PETROLEUM. Ill. 3. Phosph. ruta. Ill. 4. Amm. ars. bar. bell.: BRY., caic. caust. chamn clem, con. GRAPH. hep. kali. lach. lyc. merc. mezer. nitr-ac. oleand. petr. phosph. puls. ran-bulb. RHUS. seill. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SUUPH. viol-tr. IV.,- Bry. ignat. n-voin. phosph. rhus. suiph. V. A r's. bell,. BRY. lyc. N-VO1V. juls. rhus. sep. suiph. VI. 1. He p. natr., sep. VI. 2. Aeoin. amrn. anac. amn. bar. bry. caic. 'caps. -carbvegr. graph. hep. ignat. lach. lyc. nat'. niatr-rnur. n-voim~phosph. puls. sep. spig. spon:'. SULPH. VIL Anac. amn. ars. bar. bell. BRY.- CALC. caust. chin. graph. hep. ignat. kali. LYC4 merr. natr. N-VOM. PHOSPH. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sil. spiý. staph. SULPH. výeratr. Antid. C'amph. coff. 87. PETROLEUM. I. Aeon. aflac. BELL. bry. caic. con. graph. hefll: hyosc. laur. ilyc. mere. NATR-MUR. ii-mQSCh. n-vom. bp. phosph. ph-ac.. puls. RHUS. SEP. sil. spig. STRAM. SULPH. veratr..A III.' Aeon. au'g.'an t-crud. arm. ars. bar. BFLL. bor. bry. CALC. car-b-veg. CATJST. chain. ehel.,chin. con. ereos. dubc. GRAPH. hep. igflmt. KALL. led. LYC. MIERC. inezer. mur-ac. natr. natrý-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHTUS. ruta. sabad. Sabin. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. thuij. veratr. zinc. LII. 1. Ambr. aug. amn. aur. bell. bry. CALO. caust. chain. chin. cie. cocc. gr-apA. IGNAT. ipee. kali. LYC.' merc. natr. NATRMUR. nwitr-ac. n-voin. phosph. plat. puls.JRHUS. SEP. sil. spig. stann. SULPH. thuj. veratr. 1II. 2. Bell. carb-an. LYC. Mere. phosph. pubs. 111. 3. Asaf. caic. eon. mere. nitr-ae. PULS. rruta. sil. suiph. Ill. -4. Ant-erud. ars. asaf. bar. bell. bov'bry. CALO. carbveg. causgt* chain. elem. eon. ereos. dule. GRAPH. HEP. LACH.led. LYC. merc. mezer. natr-mur, nitr-ac.'oleand. phosph. phac. puls. RHUS. sassap. seill. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPIT. veratr. IV. Bry. caic. con. ignat. lye. Jn-VOr. SIL. suiph. V. Aeon. arm. ars. BELL. bry. cale. carb-veg.. chain. ehn. hep. ignat. mere. nitr-ae. N-VOM. phosph. ph-ae. pubs. aiiT s. sep. sifl. stann. SULPH. VI. 1. Ant-tart. phosph. ran-btilb. rhus. PHOSPHORUS. 437 ViW; 2. Aeon. agar. amm. ars. aur. bar.. ell. BRY. CALC. eamph. caps. carb-veg. caust. chin. coco. con. dule. ferr. hell. REP. ignat. kali. LYC. mang. mere. mosch. natr-mtir. nitr-ac. n-mrosch. N-VOM. PHospH. puls. rhodod. rhus., sabad., SEP. Qosil. spig. stront. suiph. veratr. VII.. Aeon,.,arn. ars. bar. BELL. BRY. CALO. e~rb-7veg. ca~ust. cham.-chin. coce. con. graph. hep. ignat. kali. ',LYC. merc. natr-mur. nitr-ac. X-VoM. PHOSPH. PULS.- RHUS. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPII. veratr. Anti~d. N-VOM. 88. PHOSPHORUS. 4 1. Aeon. aur. BELL. bry. caic. chain. coff. eon. hell. hyosc. iguat. lach. laur. lye. mere. moseh. natr. natr-mur. N-VOM. Op. PH-AC. plat. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. staph. STRAM. sruiph. valer. VERATR. zinc. II..Jcon. alum. an'ae. ant-crud. amn. ARs. aur. bar. BELL. bry. CALO. carb-veg. caust. chain. ehel. CHIN. con. ereos. dros. ferr. graph. hep. hiyose. ignat. ipec. kali. led. LYC. ME1AC.mezer. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-NOMi. oleand. par. petr. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. seill. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. sulph-ae. veratr. zinc. III. L. Acon. alum. arn. ars. asaf. bar, BELL. BRY. CALC. canth. carb-veg. cautst. chain. CHIN. cocc. coi.-dros-ferr. graph. IGNAT. jod. ipee. icali. LYe. MERC. moseb. natr. natr-:mur. nitr-ac. N..VOM.- par. petr. Ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHus. ruta. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPII. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. 111. 2.1 Ama. ars. bar. BELL. bry. cale. earb-an.- caust. CONw. hep. lyc. NERC. puls. rhus. sil.,spongr. SULPH. III.3:Asf bell. caic. LYC. NERO. mezer. nitr-ae. ph-ac. puls.,sil, staph. suiph. 4-1--, A-com. amm. arm. ýts. asaf., bell. bry. caic. carb-an. carb-veg., caust.!Clem. con.. dple.- graph. hep. kali. LACH. LYC. merc. natr. natr-murn nitrr'ac.\ ph-ac. PUJLS. 4&tss. sep. SILi staph. stront. SULPH. thuj. IV. Acon. ant-tart-vars. bel.-WRY. CALO. caust. chain. chin. con. croc. graph. hep. ignat. kali. in-aret. magn. merc. natr-inur. n-mosch-. N-TVONf. Op,. ph-ac. PUbS, -untis.. 'sassap. SEP. sil. SULPK. V.; ACON., ar. ARS. BELL.,BRY. calc.-carb-veg. chum. chin. cc 438 438 PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. croc. ferr. graph. hyosc.jod. kali. LYC. ME:RC. natr-mur. N-VOM. Op. PH-AC. PULS. rhus. sep. cii. spig. stann. strain. suiph. thuj. veratr. VI. 1. Ant-tart. carb-veg. staph. Vi. 2. Acon. amnm. amn. arc. asaf. bar. bell. BRY. calad. CALC. cann. carb-veog. caust. charn, chin. coecc. coich. con. dros. euphr. graph. hep. ignar. jod. ipec. kali. lach. LYC. mang. mere. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. ph-ac. -PULS. RHUS. sabad. scill. selen. SEP. cii. spig. staph. SULPH. thuj. vit. VII. Acon. amn. arc. asaf. bar. BELL. BRY. CALO. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. con. graph. hep. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. Jach. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-inur. nitr-ac. N-V OM. op. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. SEP. SIL. spig. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. thuj. veratr. Antid. Camph. coff. n-vom. vinum.-(Noc. Rkhus.?) 89. PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. 1. Aeon. anac. ars. BELL. bry. caic. cann. cic. cocc. con. hell. HYOSC. ignat., kali. laur. lye. mere. mezer. natr. natr-mur. n-mosch. n-voi-. op,. phocph. PULS. RHUS. sabad. SEP. SIL. sta ph. STRAM. suiph. veratr. II. Acon. alum. anac. arg. amn. arc. aur. bar. bell. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. CHIN. COCC.con. creos. croc. cupr. dros. duic. ferr. graph. hep. ignat., KALI. led. lye. magn. MEUC. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr. nit r-ac. fl-VOlf. petr. PHOSPH. plat. plumb. PULS. RHUS. rUta. sassap. cciii. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. cii. cpig. stann. staph. strain. 5ULPH. thuj. vaier. veratr. verb. zinc. MI. 1. Aeon. alum. ambr. anac. arg. amn. ars. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. CXusT.,chain. CHIN. coce. con. cupr. dros. ferr. graph. IGNAT. jod. KALI. laur. LYC. inag.n. mar. mere. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. PHOSPH. plat. plumb. PULS. RHUS. sassap. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tar. thuj. veratr. zinc. 111. 2. Bell. CON. plat. rhus. SEP. spong. suiph. 11I. 3. ASAF. caic. inerc. puls. cii. staphi. suiph. 111. 4. Aeon.^ am. AR.S. asaf. bell. bry. caic. chin. con. dub., graph. hey. laeh. LYC. mere. nitr-a-c. oleand. petr. phosph. puis.rlzts. sec-corn. selen. SEP. SIL. SULPH. thuj. veratr. IV. Acon. ant-tart. ars. bell. bry. calc. chain. chin. CON. PLATINA. 439 croc. hep. ignat. kali. migs. merc. natr. n-m~osch. N-VOM. op. PHOSPH. PULS. sabad. sep. sil. Mupht. V., ACON ARS. bell. B RY. caic. chain. CHIN. dig. hep. by-. osc. ignat. jod. MERC. natr-mur. n-vomn. op. PHosPH. puls. ThUs. sec-corn. sep.-sil. stann. STRAM. suiph. V1. 1. Ignat. rhus. VI. 2. Acon. amrnM-mur. amn. ars. aur.'bar. bell., bry. CALC. caps. carb-veg. c/ram. CHIN. cocC. CON. cycl. dros. dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. hep. ignat. jod. kali. LYC. mgs. magn-mur. men. merc. mnosch. natr. natr-mnur. n-vom. phosph. plat. PULS. rhodod. rhws. sabad. samib. SEP. sil. spig. staph. SULP H. tar. valer. yeratr. verb. VII. Acon. alurn, am. A~tS. asaf. BELL,. bry. CALC. carb-veg-. caust. chain. CHIN. cocc CON. graph. hep.. hyosc. ignat. kali. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-voz. Op.e PHOSPH. plat. PULS. RHUS. sec-corn. SEP. sit.. spigr. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Autid. Camnph. coff. 90. PLATINA. I. Alum. aur. bell., graph. HYosc.IJGNAT. LYC. PHsH puls. sil. STRAMt. suiph. VERATR.- zinc. I1. Acon. alum-. anac. arti. ars. asaf. asar. bar. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. canth.- carlb-veg. caust.' CHAM. -CHIN. cina. cocc': coff. con. creos. croc. ferr. graph. hyosc.-ignat. ipec. KALI. lyc~i-man g, MERC. natr. natr-mur. n-mosch. Ni-VOu. op. petr. PHOSPHr. phr~ac. plumb. PULS. RHUS. sabad. SABIN. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. sti'am. SIJLPH. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. 111. 1. Acon. alum. ANAC. ang. arm. ars. asaf. asar. BELL. bry. CALC. cann. caust. chain. chin. crc. cina. cocc. con. graph. hyosc. IGNAT. ipec. kali. lyc. merc. mezer. mosch. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. op. petr. phosyk. PULS. rhus. sabad. sec-corn. SEP. spig. 'stannz. staph. strain. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. 111. 2. Arn. calc. coN. mhus. SEP. spong. I11. 3.?* 111. 4. Acon. amn. bar. bell. bry. caic. ~caust. colch. graph. led. LYC. merc., nitr-ac. n-vom. OLEAND. phosph. ph-ac. iPuL.s ran-scel. RHUS. sabad. sec-corn. sep. sil. spig. spong. STAPH. SULPH. vit. 440 PLUý1BUM METALLICUM. IV. Ignat. rhus. ýep. V. ACON. ars. be~ 1. calc. carb-veg-. chain. cocc. cupr. MERO. op. rhus. sec-ccn'n. sil. 1,ERATR. VI. 1. Caps.. suiph-ac. VI. 2. Aeon. amm-mur. ars. AURt. bar. bell. calc. CAPS. chain. CON. cyci. dros. DULC. euphorb. euphr. fetr. graph. ignat. lach. LYC. mgYs. magn-mur. men. moseb. natr. nitr-ac, n-voin. ph-ac. PULS. rhodod. rhus. SA18AD. samb. SEP. sil. spig. stront. suiph. TAR. valer. VERB. viol-ir. VII. Acon. alum. anac. amn. ars. aur. bar. 1BELL. CALC. caps. caust. chain. chin. cocc. con. ferr. graph. hyosc. IGNAT. kali. LYC. MERO. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. staph. strarD. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Autid. Puls. 91. PLUMBUM METALLICUM. I. Ars. aur. bell. HYOSC. LYC. natr. op. puts. strain. suiphac. veratr. II. Acon. amn. ars. aur. BELL. B RY. caic. canth. caust. chain. chin. cocc. graph. hep-. hyosc. ignat. kai. laur. LYC. merc. natr. nitr-'ac. N-VOM. OPe. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. ruta. SEP. sil. stann. staph Iri. UP. thuj. veratr. verb, zinc. III. 1. Acon. alum. amn. ars. BELL. bry. CALC.. canth. caust. chain. CHIN. dCi. cocc con. cupr. hyosc. ignat. kali. lach. laur. lyc. merc. inosch. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. op. jphosph. puts. rhus. ruta. Sabin. sec-corn. sep. sil. strain. SULPH. veratr. 111. 2. BELL. bry. con. inerc. n-vom. phosph. PULS. suiph. I1I. 3. ASAF. bell. calc. LYC. MERC. nitr-ac. PHOSPH. puts. sep'. SIL. staph. SULPH. II1. 4. ARS. asaf. bell. BRY. calc. carb-veg. chain. chin. con. duic. ferr. hep. kali. lach. laur. LYC. MERC. natr-inur. nitr-ac. op. _phosph. ph-ac. puls. scill. SEC-CORN. sep. SIL. SULPH. IV. Ant-tart. n-inosch. op. veratr. V. Acon. chain. op. phosph. VI. 1. Arn ars. V1. 2. Ars. asat'. CALC. Caps. chain. cocc. con. cycl. dros. graph. ignat. lyc. mang. nair. n-vom. PHOSPH.,puts. rhus. sabad. SIEP. sutph. thuj. veratr. PULSATILLA. 441 VII. Aeon. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. CALM chain. chin. coec..con. hyosc. ignat. kali. laur. LYC. MERC. natr. nitr-ac. fl-v ~m. op. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. strain. SULPH. veratr. Autid. Alum. bell. hyosc. opl. plat. stram.-Electricitas. 92. PULSATILLA. I. ACON. anac. arn. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. cann. catst. chain. dic. cocc. con. graph. hell. kyosc. IGNAT. lach. laur. LYC. mere. natr. natr-mur. N-vor4. Op. PHOSPH. PH-AC. plat. RHIJS. Sep. SIL. STRAN. SUIPh. VERAT-R. II. Aeon. amr. ars. asaf. bell. bry. CALC. cann. canth. carbveg. caust. cltam. chin.. coec. con. cupr. cyei. duic. euphr. graph. h~yosc. igrnat. ipec. kali. lyc. MERO. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-. VOM. par. peir. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. rhus. sabad. sabin, sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. stana. staph. SULPH. thuj. 'valer. veratr. I1I. I. Acon. ainac. amn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. BUY. CALC. canth. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. c'hain. CHIN. cic. coco. coich. con. creos. eroc. cupr. ferr. graph. hyosc. ignat. jod. kali. laur. 'Lyc. m--arct. MERC. mezer. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. par. petr. PHOSPH. plat. RHUS. sabad. sabin. sec-corn. SEP. oil. spiia. stann. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. tar. ihuj. yeratr. zinc. 111. 2. Aeon. arn. BIELL. BRr. caic. carb-an. chin, con. lyc. MERC. PHiospHf. rhus. sil. spong. SUTLPH. 111. 3. Asaf. bell. cakc. con. hep. merc. NITR-AC. sep. sdl. SULPH. f III. 4. Acon~. amm-inur. amn. ARS. &SAF. bell. BRY. CALC. icarb-veg. caust. clemn. con. euphorb. graph. HE?. LACH. led..Lyc. MEUC. nitr-ac. phosph. plat. RHUS. SEP. SIL. spong. staph. SULPH. IV.. Ant-tart. ars. bell. BRY. CALC. earh-vegr. chain. chin. con. croc.. graph. kep. ignat. led. mere. n-niosch. w-vom. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. rhas. SEP. sil. strarn. szdph. veratr. V. Acori. amn. ARS. bell. B Y. caic. caust. chin, hell. iginat. ipee. lyc. merc. N-VOM. 1PHospH. RHUS. sep..spig. staph,. sulph. veratr. VI. 1. Ant-crud. b~ell. canth. ignat.. LYC. ran-bulls. rkuws.:sabad. staph. valer. IV1. 2. Acon. anahr. arni. anac. arnn. ARs. aur. bMl. BaR.G 442 442 ~RANUNCULUJS BIJLBOSTJS. CALC. cann. CAPS. carb-ve~g. caust. chain.. chin. cokch. coloc. CON. cupr. cyci. duic. euphorb. FERR. griaph.-hep. hyose.. IGNAT. JOD. ipec. kali. led. LYC. magn. merc. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. Op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. RHUS. sabad. Sabin. samb. SEP. sil. sjng. staph. stram. stront. SULPH. tar. thuji. valer. veratr. viol-tm. VII. Acon. amn. ARS. asaf. BELL. BUY. CALC. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. con. femr. graphi. hep. hyose. ignat. jod. kali. lach. LYC. NERO. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VON. PHOSPH. ph-atc. plat. RHUS. sabad. SEP. ISIL..spig. spong. staph. strain. SULPH. thuj. verair. Antid. Chain. cuff. ignat. n-vom. acetum. 93. RANUJNCULUS BULBOSUS. I. Bell. con. laur. lyc.. natr. phos ph. ph-ac.. sep. sil. strain. suiph. II. Acon. amn. asaf. aur. bell. BRY. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. CHIN. cocc. duic. hep. IGNAT. kali. lach. laur. LYC. merc. mezer. natr. natrm-iur. N-VON. phospit. PULS. rhus. sabad. sciul. SEP. sil. SPIG. stafli. STAPH. SULPH. thuj. veratr. ZINC. 11I. 1. Acon. alum. asaf. bell. B RY. caic. canth. camb-veg. c'Just. chin.' cocoIGNAT. kali. lyc. merc. natr-inur. N-VON. par. phosph. PULS. RHUS. sabad. SEP. sil.. spig. spong. stann. sulph. veratr. zinc. 111. 2.? 111. 3. Vacat. 111 4. ANT-CRUD. ARS. bell. bry. caust. clem. con. dubc. graph. hep. lack. -lyc. merc. phosph. puls. RHUS. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. vioI-tr. IV. ARtS. bell. bor. cale. camb-an. chin. Imp. ignat. KALI. lye. merc. mum-ac. n-voin. phospit. pails. rhus. SEP. SIL. s u Iph. V. Acon. amn. ars. bry. cab,. chin. lyc. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. PULS. RRIUS. sep. sil. spig. sulpit. vematr. VI. 1. Ant-crud. ignat. niitr. nitr-ac. staph. VI. 2. Amr. ars. bar. BELL. cale. cann. chel. colcit. hell. hep. ignat.jud. bach. led. natr-inum. N-VOM. rhus. sabad. selen. Sep. sil. SPIG. STAPH. VII. Acon. ant-crud. ARS. BELL. BRY. caic. caust. chin. hep. RHEUM (RHABARBARUM.)44 443 IGNA.T. kali. lach.- LYC. merc. natr-mur. N-VOM. 1ihosph. PULS. RHUS. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Axitid. Bry. camyk. rhus.-(l~oc. Acetum.si-ir uc spii--vifl. staph. suiph. vinum.fi prir uc 95. RANUNCULUS SCELERATUS. I.- Acon. bell. ealc. laur. mosch. natr-mur. n-vom. pho-sph. puls. rhus. strain. veratr. II. AMM. aur. bry. caic. carb-an. carb-veg'. caust. chin. creos. graph. kali. lyc. rnedc. mezer. natr-mur. nitr-ac. PIIOSPH. phac. rhus. sil. sPIG. suiph. ithuj. veratr. ZINC. 111. 1. Alum. arn. BELL. caic. canth. carb-veg. caust. chin. cocc. con. dros. graph. hell. ignat. kali. laur. mere. mezer. flatr. natr-inur. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. rhus. sassap. SEP. sul. spig. spong.. stalin. staph. SfJLPTI. zinc. I11. 2. Bell. mere. phosph. ýpuls. spong. 111. 3.? 1II. 4. Ars. asaf. bry. calc. caust. hep. LYC. mere. n-vomn. plat. puls. RHUS. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH-. IV., Ars. coff. kali. sil. V. ACON. ars. bell. bry. chain. chin. hep. hyosc. natr-mur. V1. 1. Mang. rhus. VI. 2. Aeon. alum. eroc. hell. magn. puls. sabin. spong. vit. VII. Acon. anmi. ars. BELL. bry. caic. caust. chin.'kali. lyc. mere. natr-mur. n-vom. phospit. plat. PULS. RHUS. sep. sIti. spig. spongy. 5ULPH. zzinc. Antiatd. Camph. 95. RHEUM (RHABARBARUM). I. Aeon. ars. BELL. bry. eale. con. hell. laur. natr-mur. n-vom. op. phosph. pit-ac. PULS. ritus. sep. sil. strarn. suiph. veratr. zinc.. I1. Ant-crud. amn. a 'rs. bell. bor. BUY. caic. cauth. earb-veg. CHAM. CHIN. duic. graph. hep. igrnat. kali. lyc. MER. flatr. natiFmur. nitr-ae. N-yOH. PHOSPH. ph-ac. Put~s. RHUS. sep. sp~ig. staph. SULPH. VERATR. 444 444 RHODODENDRON CHRYSANTHUM. 111. I. Acon. arn. asaf. BELL. CALC. caust. chain. c/tin. coce. coich. con. graph. ignat. kali. lyc. merc. mezer. natr. natrmur. N-VOM. phosph. plat. PULS. r/tus. SEP. STANN.- staph. SULPH. veratr. 111. 2. Bell. caic. mere. phosp/t. spong. suiph. 111. 3. Vacat. 111. 4.? IV.? V. CHAM'. chin. hep. ipec. merc. sep. SUiphA. VERATR. VI. 1. Ars. dros. ferr. ignat. kali. nitr. n-vom. r/tus. thuj. VI. 2. Amn. BELL. BRY. calad. chin. coce. coff. coich. croc. graph. hep. ignat.jod. led. lyc. MERC. natr-mur. N-VOM. phosph. puls. scill. sil. spig. spong. slap/t. suiph. VII. Amn. ars. BELL. bry. caic. c/tam. c/tin. hep. ignat. kali. lye. MERC. natr-mur. N-VOM. p/tosp/t. ph-ac. 'PULS. RIMS. sep. staph. 'S'ULPH. veratr. Antid. Cam~ph. c/tam. coloc. mere. n-vom. puls. 96. RHODODENDRON CHRYSANTHUM. I. Aeon. ars. -BELL. boy. bry. eale. coec. con. /tell. hyose, kali. laur. natr-mur. n-rnoseh. n-vom. op. phosph. PH-AC. PIJLS. rltus. sep. sil. stram. suiph. verair. zinc. If. Aeon. amin. amin-mur. arn. asaf. aur. bar. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chain. c/tin. clem. con. grap/t. hep. ignat. kali. lyc. MERC. me~zer. nati'. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n4'vom. petr. PHOSPH. p/t-ac. PULSI RH'US. sabin. SEP. SIL. spig. staun. STAPH. stront. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. III. 1. Aeon. alum. a-mbr. arg. am. asaf. bell. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. chain. c/tin. cocc. eon,. croc. dros. dule. graph. hell. ignat. ipec. KALI. LYC. men. MERC. mezer. natr. natrmum. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. p/tosp/t. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. stap/t. SULPH. tar. thuj. veratr. zinc. I11. 2. ARN. bell. bry., cai1c. chin. clem. CON. puls. spong. suiph. II1I. 3. ASAF. bell. caic. c/tin. MERC. phos ph. p/-ac. puls. -ruta. sil. sulph.'9 II1. 4. Ant-crud. ars. bry. cale. caust. ehid. LYC. mere. plat. puls. RHUS. SEC-CORN. sep. sil. staph. suitph. veratr. RHUS TOXICODENDRON.45 445 IV. Ars. con. ignat. kali. op. puls. sep. sil. V. ARS. bry. caic. caust. chin. con. mere., N-VON. phosph. ph-ac. puls. rhus. SEP. staph. suiph. VI. 1. Ant-crud. amn. caic. igrnat. rhus. sep. VI. 2. Acon. amm. ars. AUR. bell. bry. caic. -CA-PS. carb-veg. chi.cina. cocc. CON. dros. dule. -euphorb. ferr. graph., hep. ignat. KALI. led. LYC. mgs. mago-mum. mang. merc. mosch. natr-mnur. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. samb. seneg-. SEP. SIL. SPIG. stront. suiph. tar. valem. VERATR. verb. VII. Acon. 'amn. ars. asaf. aum. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chin. cocc. CON. graph. ignat. kali. LYc. MERC. natr-mur. N-VOM. phosyk. ph-uc. plat. PUbS. RHUS. ruta. SEP. SIL. sta ph. SULPH. verat. zinc. Antid. Bry. camph. clem. rhus. 97. RHUS TOXICODENDRON. I..Aeon.,anac, amn. ars. BELL. bry. caic., cann. cic. cocc. CON. graph. HELL.' hyosc. ignat. kali. laur. LYC. mezer. natm. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-VOM. OP. petm. phosph. PHa-AC. PULS. sep. sil. spig. staph. STRAM. sulph. verair. I I. Acon. ant-crud. arg. amn. -iirs. bar. bell. bry. CALC. carbveg. CAUST. chain. chin. creos. graph. hep,. ignat. ipec. kali. led. lyc. MERC. mum-ac. natr. natm-mum. nitm-ac. 'n-votiz. oleand. petm. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. sabad.,sabiQ.,seillý.iýe-n.SEP. stil. spig. staph. SULPH. valem. veratm. verb. 1I1. 1. - ACON. alup. arnm-mrnu. anac. a~ntcnick dg. A. -ars. asaf. bar. BELL. BRY. C AL C., antb. caps...carb-veg. cai'st. charn. CHIN. Cic. cocc. coich. con. creos. cmoc-% dros. ferr. graph. hyosc. ignat. kali. led. LYc. in-arct. NERO. natr. nair-mur. nitm-, ac. n-mosch. N-VOIVI. oleand. par. petm. phoaph. ph-ac. plat. P~ULS. sabad. sabinmf'sel en. SP.W.,sil. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. strain. stront. SUfLPH. suiph-'ac. thuj. zinc. 1II. 2. BELL. bry. CON. duldt-hep. lyc. mere. PHOSPH. PUbS. SPONG.. sulph. Ill. 3. Amg. &SAF. eale. chin. lyc. inerc. nitr-ac, phosph. ph-ac. PULS. ruta. sil. staph. SULPH, 111. 4. Acon. amn. ARS. bar., bell. bor. bry1..calc. camb.-veg. CAUST. Clemn. dulc. GRAPH. kali. lack. LXC.'E-C1' mezer. 446 RUTA GRAVEOLENS. natr-mur. nitr-ac. phosph. plat. PULS. ran-bulb. sec-corn. selen. SEP. sil. spong. staph. SULPH. veratr. viol-tr. IV. Ars. bry. caic. carb-veg. chin. hep. ignat. lye. mere. N-vom. phosph. plat. puls. SEP. SULPH. V. AcON. ARS. BELL. BRY. calc. caps. caust. CHAM. chin. HEP. ignat. ipec. MERC. nitr-ac. N-VON. op. phosph. PULS. sabad. samb. sec-corn. sep. sil. spig. stram. SULPH. VERATR. VI. 1. Ars. dros. ignat. kali. nitr. N-VON. ph-ac. samb. scill. thuj. VI. 2. Acon. amm. amm-mur. ant-tart. arn. ARS. aur. bell. bor. BRY. calc. caps. caust. cham. cic. clem. cocc. con. dulc. euphorb. ferr. hep. kali. LYC. mere. mosch. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-vom.phosph. PULS. sabad. sabin. samb. scill. SEP. SIL. spig. stront. SULPH. viol-tr. vit. VII. Aeon. arn. ars. bell. BRY. calc. caust. chain. chin. con. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lyc. merc. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOn. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. staph. strain. SULPH. veratr. Antid. Bell. bry. camph. coff. sulph.-(Noc. Phosph.?) 98. RUTA GRAVEOLENS. I. Anac. ars. aur. bell. calc. con. graph. hell. IGNAT. LYC. mere. natr. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. staph. stram. sulph. II. Acon. alum. anac. ARN. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. caps. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. cocc. con. creos. dig. dros. euphr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali. led. LYe. MERC. nar-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. petr. PROSPR. ph-ac. plumb. PuLS. rhus. sabad. sassap. scill. sec-corn. seneg. SEP. SIL. Spig. staph. strain. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. III. 1. Aeon. alum. anac. arg. ARN. bell. bry. calc. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. cic. cocc. con. cupr. dros. dulc. hell. hep. ignat. kali. lee. lyc. mgs. mar. merc. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VOM. oleand. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat..plumb. puls. rhodod. rhus. sabad. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. VERATR. verb. zinc. III. 2. Am. carb-an. con. phosph. rhus. Ill. 3. ASAF. bell. calc. chin. dros. hep. lye. MERC. nitr-ac. phosph. PH-AC. PULS. sep. SIL. staph. sulph. SABADILLA.47 447 I11. 4. ARN. ars. asaf.,BUY. caic. caust. chin. dole. kali. lach. LED. LYC. mang. merc. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. ULHUS.- SEP. sil. STAPH. SULPH. IV.? V. Ars. chain. chin. merc. puls. rhus. SEP. suiph. veratr. V1.l1.? VI. 2. Ainin.'amn. asaf. bar. bry. CALO. caps. chin. cina. coce. con. cyci. dros. duic.. HEP. kali. lack. LYC. mang. merc. natr. NATR-MUR. n-mosch. n-vom. phos ph. ph-ac.' PULS. rhodod. RHUS. sep. SIL. Spig. stront. SULPH. thui. veratr. zinc. VII. Amn. asaf'. bell. bry. CALC. caust. clhin. COCC. con. dros. hep. ignat. kali. led. LYC. MERC. natr. natr-mor. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. veratr. Antid. Camph.? 99. SABADILLA. I. Acon. anac. ars. BELL. bry. caic. cann. cocc. hell. hyosc. ignat. laur.- lyc. natr. natr-rriur. n-vom. op. phosph. PHa-AC. puls. rhus. sep. sil. Staph. STRAM. suiph. veratr. zinc. II. Acon. alum, amn. ars. bar. bell. bryl. CALC. canth. carbveg. caust. chain. chin. cina. cocc. con. creos. graph. ig'nat. kali. lyc. MERC. natr. natr-mur. rntr-ac. n-vom. oleand. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sep. SIL. Spig. staph. SULPHa. veratr. III. 1. Acon. alum, amn. asaf. bell. bry. CALC. canth. caust. chin. cocc. grap~h.. ignadt. kali. laur. lyc. mERtC. mezer. natr, natrmur. N-VOM. oleand. PHOSPH. PLAT. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sep. sil. stann. stapz. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. III. 2. Bell. bry. CALC. con. merc. phosph. puls. spong. suiph. III. 3. Asaf. chin. merc. puls. rhus. rota. Sep. sil. III. 4. Amn. bar. bell. bry. calc. cocc GRAPH. lye. MERO. plat. pulsý. RHUS. sec-corn. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. viol-tr. IV. Ant-crud. graph. IGNAT. N-YOM.' oleand. phospli. puls. rhus. sep. staph. suiph. V. Acon. ARS. bell. bry. calc. camph. chain. chin, hell. ignat. ipec. lye. merc. nitr. N-MOSCH.I N-VOM. phosph. ph-ac. -puls. RHUS. sep. spig. sulph. veratr. VI. I. Carb-veg. lyc. puls. Sep. staph. VI. 2. Acon. amin-mur. amn. ARS. asar. aur. bar. bor. bry. calc. camph. CAPS. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chel. con. cyci. 448 SABINA. DULC. euphorb. FERR. graph. hep. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lach. LYC. men. mere. mosch. natr. n-moseh. N-VOM. phosph. _plat. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. samb. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stront. suiph. tar. valer. verb. V11.."con. am. ars. bar. belt. bry. CALM carb-veg. caustchain. chin. cocce. con. graph. ignat. kali. lyc. MERC. flati'. frnosch. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. Antid. Camph. puls. 100. SABINA. I. Acon. ars. bell. calc, graph. hyose. lack. mere. mosch. natr-mur. n-vomn. op. phosph. puls. sil..staph. strain. veratr. zinc. HI. Amn. ars. BELL. bry. GALC. canth. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. COCC. colch. con. creos. croc. ferr. graph. hy'ose. ignat. ipec. KALI. led. lyc. merc. mezer. mosch. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-Voai. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sec-corn. SEP. sil. staph. strain. SULPH. thuj. zinc. III. 1. Amn. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bry. caic. canth. carbveg. *caust. chin. coce. coich. con. cycl. ferr. graph. ignat. KALI.lye. merc. hnatr-rnur. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. PULS. iuius. SEP. sil. spong. staph. stront. 8ULPHa. thuj. zinc. Ill. 2. Bell. bry. call. CON. mere. phosph. puts. rhus. S PONG. SUi ph. 111. 3. ASAF. bell. cale. chin. cyel. lye.- MERO. mezer. phosph. PH-AC. puls. r-uta. sit, staph. sulph. MI. 4. Ant-emud. amn. ARS. bar. belt. BRY. caic. camph. caust. con. graph. hep. laeh. led. *lye. MERC,. nitr-ac. phosph. PULS. ran-bulb. RHTJS. sec-corn. sep. sit, staph. SULPH. IV. dr-s. aur. bell. bry. ehin. hep. ignat. kali. lye. nati'mum. n-vomn. phosp-h. rhus. sep. sit. SULPH. V. Aeon. ARS. bell. bry. n-vom. puts. R-HtS. sabad. spig. veratr. VI. 1. Ignat. kali. ph-ac. VI. 2. AcON. alum. amm.. anac. ant-crud, ant-tart. amn. ars. asar. bell. bor. BRY. cale. caps. eamb-veg. CRAM. coec. croc. hell. hep. hyose. ignat. jod. led.. lye. magn. magn-mur. mere. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. samb. seill. see-corn. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. sutph. vit., SASSAPARILLA.44 449 VII. Aeon. arn. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. caic. caust. chain. chin. con. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lyc. merc. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vorn. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sec-corn. Sep. sil. spong. staph. SULPH. zinc. Antid. Camph. puls. 101. SAMBUCUS NIGRA. I..Bell. hyosc. lyc. op. phosph. plat. strain. suiph. 11. Aeon. amn. ars. aur. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chain. CHIN. con. cupr. HEP. kyose. ignat. ipec. kali. lyc. mnerc. nitr-ac. n-vorn. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. scill. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. strain. SULPH. veratr. I11. 1. Aeon. ars. BELL. bry. caic. chin, con. cupr. ferr. ignat. jod. lach. lyc. merc N-VOM. OP. phosph. puls. RHaUS. sep. suiph. veratr. 111. 2. Phosph. puls. suiph. III1. 3.? 1I1. 4. Aeon. amn. ars. BELL. bry. caust. chin, dig. duic. kali. lach. led. lye. MERO. op. phosph. PULS. RHUS. sabin. sep. sil. SULPH. veratr. IV. Ars. hep. kali. sep. sil. V. ACON. ARS. aur. bell. bry. caic. carb-veg. chain. chin. creos. hell. hep. jod. kali. lye. mere. natr-mur. n-mosch. N-NiOM. op. phosph. PH-AC. puls. RHUS. sabad. SCILL. SEP. sil. spig. staun. stront. suiph. veratr. VI. 1. Ant-crud. arn. ars. caic. caps. ignat. kali. lyc. inagn. mang. merc plumb. puls. rhus. suiph. thuj. VI. 2. Acon.-ambr. ainm-mur. ars. AUR. CAPS. carb--veg. chain. CON. cycl. dule. EUPHORB. IFERR. %hep. hyose.. LYC. mgs. magn-mur. men.. 'mosch. ni-vom. -phosph.. ph-ac. plat. PULS..rhodod. RITUS. sabad.- scill.. Sep. sil., stront.- suiph. tar. vale?-. verb. VII. Aeon. amn. ARS. aur. BELL. bry. caic. caps. carb--veg'. chmi. chin, con. ferm. hep-, hy-6sc~igriat.-kali. lye. mere. n-vom. op,, phosph. ph-ac. PULSg. RHUS.'scill. SEP. sil; SUL-PlE. veratr. Antid., Ars. camph. 102. SASSAPARILLA. I., Aur. ignat. yc. phosph. plat. II. Acon. alum. amn. asaf. bar. 1*11. bry. cale. cant/i. carb 450 SCILLA MARITIMA. veg. CAUST. chin. con. graph. hep. ignat. kali. laur. lyc. merc. niatr. iiatr-mur. nitr. n-vonf. petr. PHOSPH. PH-AC. PULS. rhus. ruta. scill. sep. sil. spig. staph. stront. suiph. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. ziizc. ILL. 1. Alum. anac. arn. asaf. bar. bell. bry. CALC. caust. CHIN. cocc. dros. graph. hell. ignat. kali. laur. lye. mere. natr. natr-mnr. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. plat.-puls. rhus. sep. sil. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. suilph-ac. thqj. zinc. IMI. 2. Aeon. BELL. merc. phosph. sil. suitph. IIM. 3. Bell. caust. mere. puis. sep. MII. 4. Ant-crud. bar. bell. CALC. dule. hep. led. lyc. MERC. petr. puls. rlws. SEP. sil. staph. suiprh. veratr. IV. Bell. bry. chin. creos. graph. ignat. kali. lye. mere. n-vorn. phosph. pils. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. V. Boy. sep. VI. 1. Ant-crud. ignat. n-vom. staph. VI. 2. Ami. bell. BRY. CALC. cain. carb-an. carb-veg. coich. croe. gr-aph. H EP. jod. ipec. LYC. merec. natr-mur. nitrac. n-vom. phosph. puls. rhus. SEP. spig. staph. stlph. VII. Am. BELL. bry. caic. caust. chin, graph. hep. ignat. kali. lyc. MERO. u-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. SEP. sil. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. Antid. Bell. mere. 103. SCILLA MARITIMA. I. Aeon. ANAC. ars. BELL. cale. con. ignat. IYC. NATRl natr-'mur. n-vom. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. sep. sil. staph. strain. SULPH. veratr. zinc. 4eon. arg. amn. ars. bar. BELL. brj. CALC. cauth. caps. carb-veg. caust. chai. chin. dig. graph. hep. IGNAT. kali. lye. nefec. mum-ac. natr-mur. n-voi. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. sabad. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph. strain suiph. veratr. zinc. III. 1. Aeon. ARS. BELL. bry. cale. canth. chai. CHIN. con. ferr. hyose. IGNAT. merc. natr-mur. n-vom. op. phosph. plumb. puls. rhus. see-corn. sep. SULPH. veratr. III. 2. Ars. BELL. carb-an. con. hep. lye. mere. phosph. puls. sil. SULPH. 1II. 3. Vacat. III. 4. Am. ARS. asaf. bell. BRY. caic. caust. chin. dule. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. led. lye. MERC.. nitr-ac. phosph. ph-ac. puls. UHUS. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. SULPH. SECALE CORNUTUM45 451 IV. q V. Aeon. arn. ARS. bell. bry. cale. coce. coff. hell. ignat. kali. lach. lye. mere. n-mosch. n-vorn. op. phosph. ph-ac. puls. r-hus. -.amb. sep. sil. spig. suiph. V[. 1. Nitr. n-vom. rhus. VI. 2. Aeon. amt. ars. asar. bell. BRY. ealad. eale. eann. chin. eje. eoee. coich. eon. dig. graph. REP. jod. ipee. led. lye. mere. natr-mur. N-VOM. phosph. ran-bulb. RHTJS. Sabin. samb. selen. sil. spig. staph. stront. sulph. vit. VII. Aeon. amn. ARS. BELL,. bry. caic. chain. chin, eon. hep. ignat. kali. lye. merc. natr-mur. n-vorn. op. iPiosiqi. phac. puls. RHUS. samb. sep. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. Antid. Camph. 104. SECALE CORNUTUM. I. Aeon. ANAC. ARS. BELL. &~roc. cupr. hell. HaYOSC. ignat. lach. LYC. mere. NATR. niatr-mur. n-moseh. n-vom. op. par. phosph. ph-ac. plat. rhus. sabad. Sep. sil. staph. STRAN. suiph. veratr. II. ilcon. amn. ARS. BELL. bry. CALO. eanth. caust. CRIAM. ehel. CHIN. cic.'eoee. eonn. croc. cup?-. dig. ferr. hep. iitosc. ignat. IPEC. kali. led. LYe. mere. natr-mur. flitr-ac. N-VOM. OP. PHOSPR. ph-a~c. plat-.. plumb. PULS. rhus. sabin. seill. Sep. sil. STRAM. S'ULPH. veratr. LI.1. Aeon. amn. ars. BELL. bry. calc. caust. CRAM. chel. chin. cie. cocc. con. CUPR. ferr. graph. 'HYOSC. ignzat. ipec. lye. mere. N-vom. op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. puzls.' rhus. sep. sil. strain. sulph. veratr. zinc., III. 2..* O-harn. eon. jod. nitr-ac. IlI., 3. Ars. Sep. I 1-1I. 4. Aeon. amn. ARS. asaf. bell. bry. cale. chin. dule. jod. kali. lach. `LYC. MERO. oleand. phosph. PR-AC. plat. plumb. puls. RHUS. 'Sabin. seill. sep. SIL. SIJLPR. veratr. 1V. Ant-ta'rt. bell. bry. con. croc. ignat. led. N-MOSeR. flVom. op. phosph. ph-ac. puls. veratr.V. ACON. amn. ars. BELL. BRY. CALC. chain. chin. coec. dule. hep. hyose. kali. lach. led. lye. NERO. natm-mum. n-vom. OP..Phosph. PR-AC. plat, puls. RRUS. 'sep. sil. stann. *strain. SULLR.-veratr. vI 1. 1. VI. 2. 'Ant-tart. bell. bry. caic. caps. CRAM. COCC. croc. 452 StLENIUM, dros. hyosc.jocl. led. lye. n-mosch. plat. PULS. RHUS. SABIN. sep.-sutph. veratr. VII. dicon. ant-tart. amn. ARS. BELL. bry. -caic. CHRAM. chin. coec. con. croc. cupr. hyosc. ignat.' jod. ipec. kali. led. LYC. merc. natm-mur. n'-mosch. n-v'om. OP. phosph. ph-ac. plat.,PULS. RHTJS. sabin. 8C72. sit. strain. SULPH. veiaatr. Antid. Cam'ph. op. 10.SELENIUM. I. Anac. bell. con.: hell. hyose. ignat. LYC. mere. natr. natrmum. op. rhus. STRAM. veratr. 1I. Aeon.' ant-crud, amn. ars., bell. bry. calad. CALO. canth. caps. carb-veg. caust. C'HI'N. CON. GRAPH. he'p. ipec., KALI. lack. LYC. MER.O. natr. natr-mum. nit r-ac.,n-vofl h.petr.' phosph. PULS. rhus. SEP. SIL, spig.:st~ann.ista~ph` SULPH. thpj. veratr. vit. 111. 1. Acop. asar. aum. bar. bell. caic. CHIN. cloce. COff igna~t. jod.-'kali. lye-. m-erc'. -iheýer. ti.atr. N-11OM. phosph. ruts. rhus. sep;ýstann. su-LPH. WeI2.-2: Arm, belt. bry. da'rb-abu; cal$&t. - chin. kali. lye. mere,. pulse sil..ýulph. / 111. 3. Vacate Ilt' 4._ Ars". a:saf- bry. cab 6eieui. chin. 'ereo's. graph., kati. tack. lyc. merc'.:vratr. ph;,-cq-te RUfS`.SEP. sit. s'taph. sulph. IV. -Ars'.' bell. bor. 'BRýýY: -calrebC46b vg;ic h in'. gmaph,.'hep ignat. kali. lach. lye. mnere. n-vom. phosfp'h.,.put1s. rhus. e 8" sil. spig. sutrh. f V. Aeon.- ant-tart. acrs. b~tl. bry.&AL!C. chain. chin. grd~pk-. hep. kali. lye-. MERO; nt-'vom. rhosrh. puls. rhu s. SEP. SULPXI. thuij. veratr. VI. 1. Nitr-ac. sil. VI. 2. Again. ams. BELL. P3RY. ealad. c'Ane. camph. Cann. camb-an. carb-vege. chain. chel. 'CHIN.cocC. coff. coleb. ferr. graph. key. ignat.,bod. ip0c'. kati. lack. led. lyce mere. natr-.NATR-DnIR.' ni-moseh. N--VOM. frphosyk. puts. rdn-.bulb. rhus. s.sit. SIG spong. staph. Sulph. veratm.. VIL, Amn.'ar-; belt. brV. calc. darb-ve'g. catist. 'CHIN.' OC con. graph. hep. ignat. jod-. k 'ati. lach. LMC MERC. nhatr. natr4 mur. n-vom. ykosyh. puts. rhUS. SEP.u.sit. spig. staph. stithutr.ye'rair. ,SEPIA. 453 % oEPI. C i453nu. *Antids Ignat. puls.-(Noc hn iu. 106. SENEGqAj ANACk. ai's. -~BELL. caic. coffbi rc.Iyoc yc-. merc..ncttr. Op. PHOSPH. ph"'ac. sep. strain. suiph. '7Anc, II 147'Acon. arg'. ars.bell. DRY., CAL'C. carb-veg. taut chain. chin-e' bigat. jod. kali. lach, lYe MERC. -nitr-acN-M.pr,PHOSPH. -ph rac- PUJLS..rkus,ruWa-SEP, sil, spig. sp ong. 8'tann. SU4LPH,. thujveratr. zine% f1:Lj Hcnisin rsar EL iy. C ALO. ', c. cab v- 'cus hrn" cac, c 'o-n.ýc~roc. fY-err. griph. hbs"k. kMi. LYC. merc. natr-mur. n vfom 'pyzospk P~uLs. rhfts. sep. Ail. stann. 11-1. 32 Vaat il.~.ArsýAb~ll. b ry.cicc Po i Rn. le d.lyc. puls. sil - 1 Bell.-B igna7t. ptilsvveratr' V..Aco6ýq, rflBELL. BU-Y,CA.LC'V drb'-vbg..chin. ferr. jod. ItkaIli. LY op.?o slH phP acoxu sp Pi uIr~ TVI.1 V1. ~2S4 Acon, i, br oi B '41c~acc,-ina. droki.,.jod. kali. led tvjc.' merc. * urh a. *0- ýsil. spig. Vfi.A~oi~as~qsa~. BY:CLC.carib-vey cast. chin. kaýi C Y-C.,tf.n-Vo.PHSH.pls hus.Se. slSULPIT. ~n~.Am. bell1. bry. camphi,-: 107.SEIA I,,Acon. anac. ars. aur. BELL& bry. calc. caust. chain. cocie. Coll. gr-PLPP. hell. hyosc. IGNAT. LYC. merc. natr. natr-mur. n vom4- op.,losp. 1HAc. PUbS. ritus. sil.; &tra'm. sulpit. verair. 11,,.Ac-Parn. ars. aur. bell. b ry. CAC.cthcabvr CAUST. chain.hin.,qon. creos. cu pr. *rapt. hep. gn 0.ipc KALI. -led. LYC.miagn. MERC. natr. nair-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM -Pet PHOSPH. h7 6C. plat. plumb. IPULaus sabin. sec-ýcqrn. a1 AMý.st tamSULPE. ~huj-.valer. verar vTiIL-4 i>Aeon. Alm. -anac. amn. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bry. CALO. cý'nthcarb-vbg. CAUSW. chain. CHIN. cic. 'cocc, on dros D D 4.54 MICEA. ferr. gra ph. IGNAT. jod. KALI. LYC. MERC. 'natr.?Zatr-muri nilr-'ac. N-VO M. petr. PHiOSPH. ph-ac.pvlat. plumb. PULs. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sec-corn. sil. spig. stann-. staph. strain. SULPH. valer. veratr. zinc. 111. 2. Arn. bell. bry. caic. CON. ignat. lyc. merc. phosph. plat. rhus. SIL. spong. SULPH, 111. 3. AsaI. bell. CALC. hep. lyc. MERC. iiitr-ac. puls. sil. suiph. 111. 4. Amin. ant-crud. amn. ARS., bar. bell. boy., bry. 'CALC. carb-vega. caust. chin. clem. con. duic. grqph. hep. igrnat. kali. lach. ledl.'LYC. MIERC. natr. natr-mur. nitr-!ac. n-vom. petr.y osph. ph-ac. plat. PULS', RHUS., selen..SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. IV. Ars. bell. bry. CALO. carb-veg*. c'aust. chain.-chin. graph. hep. kali. merc. natr. n-vom. PHOSPH. PULS. RHUS. sil. 3sUiP h. V. ACON. am.,,ARS. BELL. iBRY..CALO. carb-veg. caust. chain.chin.* creos'. dig. ferr. ýgraph. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod.- ipec. kali.-, lach. 'LYC-. rerc. -natr. -natr-mur., nitr-ac. N-VOM. op. PHO5PH. ph-ac--puls. RHUS. sabin. samb. selen. sil. spvig. stann. strain. SULPH. thuj. veratr. VI.- t. Carb-veg'. natr. natr-mur. sabad. stakph. suiph-ac. VI*.' 2. Acon, ambr'. amm. ant-crud. ars. bar. bell. BRY. calad. CALC. caps. carb-veg. c'aust. cham. chin. cocc. coich., coloc. con. cupr. eyci. duic. hep. ignat. kali. lyc. mang. merc. nair. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac'. plat.,PUbS. RHUS. sabin. selen. 'sil. spig. staph'. 5TJLPH. thiuj.' verb?.,viol-tr. VII. Acon. ant-crud. amn. ars. aiim. bar. -BFLL. BRY. CALO. carb-veg, caust. chain. chin.'cocc. con. dube. gmaph;.( hep. ignat. kali. lach. led. LYC. MERC. 2%atr. natr-mur.?iitr-qc. iN-vom. op. petm. PLIOSPE. ph-ac. -plat. PUbS. RHUS. sabin. selen. SIL. 'spig. stann.,staph. strain. SULPH. th~uj. veratr. zinc. Anti4. Aeon. ant-enord.:lan-t-tart.-,'Acetum,ýveg,, spir-nitr. dulc. (Noc. La~c.) 1081. SILICEA. 1. Bell.2.caic. canil. COCC, CON. hy-OSe.,,lGNA~T, laur. cLymerc. natr~muir. n-voibn. 0oP., iuosPH'. PH-AC. plat. P ULS. RHUS. SUP. Staphi STRA]L.SUlph. veratr. SiLICEA.455 HI. Acon. ar~mamzi_-!mur. -an~t-crud. amn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. BEL. ry CtC~anbi~car-an. jarbe-veg.,CAUST.C chi.cel. chin., cina. cocc. 'boN' icr osi.c'u p.ydrs.dice. euphr. GRAPH. hep. Ay'osC ` gnat. ipec'.--KALI. LYG. MERC. mezer-. natr. NATR-MUR. nira4 -~~io etr PrOP W ýH plat.: PULS. -rh dold. R~HUS..rura. sabadsec-ýcorn. SEzP.spig, stann iq.YAPýH.strain. SULPH' thuj. veratr. zinc. 11.1o. Ac'on.-amn.,am.aur ar.BELL. bry. 9ALC. canth. carb-v-eg. qau.s't. cha`,m,.,chrn. qccc coff `m.cn cic cu pr. duic. ferr. graph.:heip. hyosc. zgaht, kalz LYC m-arct mperc. mezer. natL'. natr'-mur. nitr-ac,N VOM. p-etr. phosph. ph-ac: puds. HUS. seecorn., SEP4 Spi ~ng.!stannýý,g!aph. sitro'nt.!SULPHi.,th'uj. valer..veratr. zinc. Ill.2. A at~BELL. bry.-,caic..carb-' -inii. con. HEP. lC.,Merqc.j'OPr ussep. StJLPIP.. III 3. A 8"A'F-: bell. CALC. hep. lyjc. MER-C. nt-c phosph, nh-aic'._.`pidus.: sep`say. srqp. 111. 4. Acon. ARS. 'asisf. bai. bell. bry. CAuLC. carb-an.:carb-,veg. -causto- cham. chin*.clem. c'on. duic. graph. HEP. LACH. led. LYC.MERC:.nit -ac. petr phosi. PULS. RHUS. scill. SEP. WV. ARSo, bel l~tBRY. caic. caust. chin. hqi., igna~t. kaiý -lye. magn. inerc:'-natr-moiir. N-VOIM. 6p`ý. PHOSPH.PI. rhtas. SEP. -SULPH. - 4 V. ACONw. am~n.,,AR.vg.a4ur. BELL. t R!'. caic. car4ý-veg. chain. A6ir' olci.creos.- obpr.'-! IoscIgna., jod pec e i.lc inerc. natr-nlur,,n- M6 -h 0 f~ rn.O.?OPH. ph -ac* uS. Rilk sam'b. sec-corn. sespg.stjrdnq ~suiph. veratr< vi. I,--Hep.finantIg. say4--1Uph,-aq. vi.2 A naA. War js,ýWVTbet., bor. bryCcajadC-A'L C. Ca ps. cark-veg. cui~an hn ~ oczo.ferr.)gratph M,:FEP.,'byosc. ignat. jod. K"ALI l.ed. LYC. matr-mur.-nitr4aC,,N 4MOSCA. NVQM. ýpjospAt. ph-ac. puls. eModod.-RHUS. - rruk-. sabad. sarnb. sep. spig. 9f ron t SULIO. y-rat~.. V11.4 Acon. ~m ~s *tlr abB*Ltby AL carbvegw rnt.chai. t tOn graph,.w'4f3. hyoseb ignat.!$MOtXyH. phjoe. FPULS. RIIUSQ sC-c a d 2 sin 6a1Ssran SflULPH. veratr. ~ Autid. anh.hp 4 i-10 456 456 SPONGIA TOSTA. 109. SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA. I. Acon. anac. ars. ]BELL. bry. cabc. carb-an. con. cyci. GRAPH~. hell. hyosc. ignat. LYC. merc. NATR. natr-mur. n-mosch. op. petr. phosph. plat. puls. RHUS. sep. STRA.M. SUIPh. thuj. veratr. H1. Acon. anac. amn. ars. aur. bell. bry. CALC. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. con. creos. graph e.int AI led. lyc. merc. natr. natr-mur. n-vom. petr. _phosyk. ph-ac. PULS. ran-bulb. RHUS. Sabin. scill. seneg. SEP. sil. stann. staph. SULPH. valer. veratr. zinc. 111. 1. Acon. arn. ars. asaf. aur. BELL. bry. cALc. 'carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. coce. con. hep. ignat. kali. lyc. in-aret. rnerc. mezer. nair. natr-mur. Ni-VON. rLOSPH. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. SEP. sil. spong. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. suiph-ac. tI]Uj. zinc. 111. 2. Arn. aur. BELL. carb-an. chin, con. jod. lyc. phosph. 111. 3. Chin. ph-ac. PULS. Ill. 4. Aco6n. amn. ars. bar. bell. BDRY. Calc. caust. chin, con. hep. kali. lyc. merc. natr-mur. n-vom. phosph. plat. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sil..SULPH. I V. iPhos~ph. sulph. V. Acon. ARS. bell. bry. calc. chain. hell. ignat. lyc. merc. n-mosch. n-vom. phosph. PULS. rhus. SEP. veratr. VI. 1. Carb-veg. mang. sabad. staph. valer. VI. 2. Acon. amm-mur. arn. ars. asar. BELL. bor. BRY. CALC. caps. carb-veg. CHAM. chel. chin. cocc. coff. COLCH. COn. croc. ferr. graph. hep. IGNAT. JOD. kali. lack. led. iLxc. ni-arct. MERC. natr.nfair-mum. nitr. N-VOM. phosph. PULS. ran-bulb. rhus. sabad. selen. SEP. sil. staph. suiph. veratr. VII. Acon. din. ars. aur. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin, con. graph. hep. ignat. jod.'kali. LYC. merc. natr. natr-rnur. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat; PULS. RHUS. SEP. Sil. staph. SULPH. veratr. Antid. Cainph. puls.' 110., SPONGIA TOSTA. IL Alum. anac. aur. bell. calc. oann. carbý-an. caust. chain. STANNUM. 457 0TNUM 5 con. hyosc. igAn~at. lyc. merc,. NATR. op. piosyk. ph-ac. plat. puls. rhus. sep. sil. spig. staph. strain. suiph. veratr. 11. Acon. ang. amd. ars. BELL. *bry. CALC. CARB-VEG. caust. chain. CHIN. cina. con. creos. DROS. graph. HEP. hyosc. IGNAT.jod. ipec. kali. laur. mang. mERtC. fatr. flatr-miir. nitr-ac. N-!VOM. petm. PHOSPH. PULS. rlius. sabin.- samb. seneg. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. thuj. verair. Zinc. 111. i. Acon. alu 'm,. amn. ars. asaf. ]BELL. bry. ACcan canth. carb-veg. caust-; chain. chin. cocc..con. duic. graph. hey..ignat.jod. kali. lyc. men. merc. mezem. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. p la t. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sil. spig. stann.-sta ph. sui~pu. thuj. valer. zinc. 111. 2. Bell.. bry. cae.' caust. CON. ignat. lye. MERC. phosph. plat. PULS. RHiUS. sabin. sep. sil, staph. sulph.' 111. 3. Arg;- bell. cupr. cyci. kali. lyc. merc. ph-ac. sabina. staph. 111. 4. Amm-mur. amn. bar. bell. B RY. caic. CAIJ5T. chin. coec. coich.,' con. cyci. euphorb. graph. ipec. kali. lach. led. LYC. merc. mezer. nitr-ac. oleand. phosph. plat. PULS. ran-scel. RHUS. sahad.-sep. sil. spig. staph. 5ULPH. viol-tr. IV. liep. lach. phosph. suiph. V., ACON. ARN. ars. B3E LL. BRY. cai~c. carb-veg. chin. graph. hyosc. ignat. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. rhus. sep. sil. stann. strain. sulph. VI. 1. Chain. gra'ph. mang. stront. VI. 2. Acon. amin-mur. anac. ant-crud. amn. ars. asaf. ASAR. bor. BiaY. calc. caps.-carb-veg. caust. cic. croc. hell. HEP. ignat. ipec. kali. bach. lyc. magn. magn-mur. merc. natr-mur. N-VOM. phosph. PUL$. rhus., ruta. sabad. sabin. selen. sep. sil. valer. VII. Acon. amn. ars. BELL. B RY. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. C *ON. graph. hep. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. kahi. LYC. MERC. natrs. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabin. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph. strain. SLPH. Aintide Camph. 111. STANNUM. 1. Acon. ambr. anac. ars. aur. bar. BELL. bry. calc. caust. chain, chin. cic. cocc. con. graph. hell. hyosc. IGNAT. LYC. merc. m-um-ac. natr. natrm-rnu. n-inosch. n-voin. op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULs. rhus. sabad. sec-corn. sep. sil. staph. strain SULPH. 458 458 DELPHINIUM STAPHYSAGRIA. II IL.Aeon. amn. ars. bell. bry. CALC. earb-veg. caust. chain. chin. coce. eon. eupr. dros. ferr. graph. hep. ignat. ipec. kali. lyc. merc.ý natr. natr-mur. N-VOM. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. SEP. sil. spig. spong. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. 111, 1. Alum. amn. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. -CALC. eanth. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. CHIN. COMCCcon. cupr. dulc. ferr. graph. hyosc. IGNAT. jod. ipec. KALI. LYC. merc. mezer. flat?'. natr-mur. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac.- plat. PULS. rhus. SEP. sil. sp-ig. spong. staph. stront. SULPH. va-ler. veratr. zinc. III - 2. BE-LL. caic. mere. phosph. rhodod. suiph. I1L.3.? I11. 4. Amn. bry. eale. chin. cocc. cyci. graph. lye. MERC. nitr-ac. n-vom. ph~osp-h. _puls. RHUS. Sep. sil. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. IV. Ars. bell. bry. caic. chin. ignat., lyc. u-c-nar n-vom. phosph. PULS. rhus. sahad. sep. sil. sulph. V. ACON. amn. AILS. bell. BRY. calc. carb-veg. cocc. hell. JOD. kcali. lyc. mERc. n-vom. op. petr. PHOSPH. P-H-AC. pUIS-. rhus., samb. see-corn. SEP. sit. spongr. staph. strain. suiph. veratr. VI.1I.? VI. 2. Anac. bell. BRY. CALC. cann'. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin-. hep. ignat. ka-li. lye. -phosph. puls.-rhus. sep. sulph. VII. Aeon. anac. amn. ars. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. con. graph. ignal. jod. kai. LYe. merc. natr. natr-inW'. n-vom. op. PHosPH. ph-7ac. PULS. RHLTS. SEP. &it. staph. STJLPH. veratr. Antid. Puls. 112. DELPHINIUM STAPHYSAGRIA. I. Aeon. aflac. BELL. calc. chain. chin. coce. CON. graph. hell. hyose. IGNAT. LYC. merc. natr. NATR-MUR. n-voin. op. PHO5PH. PHa-AC. plat. PULS. rhus. sep. SIL. STRAM. SULPH. veratr. zinc. II. Aeon. ant-crud. amn. ams. asaf. aur. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chin. clein. coce. con. creos. dig. dub,. graph. hep. ignat. Icali. lach. LYC. MEIIC. mezer. nati'. natr-mur. niti'-ae. M-VOM. oleand. petr.phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rh'odod. RHus. ruta.. sabad,. sassap. seill.' SEP. sil. spig. stann. SULPH. thuj. -veratr. Zinc. DATURA STRAMONIUM.45 459 II11. 1. Acon;, anac. arg. ars. asaf. BELL. bry. CALC. esuth. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin., coce. eon. graph.. hell. ignat. KALI. lye. mar., MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOMf. PHOiSPH. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. SEP. sdl. spig. spong. stanrn. *tront. SULPH. suiph-ac. -tar. thuj. valer. yeratr. Zeinc. 111. 2. Aur. BELL. bry, caic. ignat. lye. merc. phosph. puils. rhus. SPONG. suiph. zinc. 111. 3. Arg. ASAF. caic. eye]. -lyc. mERC. mezer,. nitr-ac. pliosph. PH-AC. puls. ruta. SIL. suiph. Ill. 4. Aeon. amm-mnur. ant-crud. ars. asaf. bar. bell. boy. bry. caic. -carb-veg. caust. chain. clem. eon. dule. graph. hey. kali. lack. led,.- LYC. MERC. mezer. natr. nitr. nitr-ae. n-vomn. oleand. pair. phosyk. ph-ac. plot. PULS. RHUS. sabad. see'-eorn. SEP. SIL. spong. SULPH. suiph-ac. tkuj. viol-tr. IV. Ars. cabc. caugt. ehin..graph. IGNAT. nitr-ae. N-VOTM. Op. phosph. pubs. rhus. sabad. suiph. V. Aeon, arn. ARS. bar. BELL. bry. vale. caust. chain. chin. coce. graph. ignat. kali. lye. mere. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac. rULs. rlius. seill. SEP. spig. suiph. veratr. VI. 1. Bell. carb-veg. lyc. p'ls sabad. valer. V1. 2. Amn. bell. bry. CA'LC. eann. CAh1B-VEG. elhel. chin. coce. coleli. coloc. eon. croc. dig. graph. HEP. IGNAT. JOD. lach. lyc. mere. natr-mur. N-VOM. oleand. pkospk. PH-AC. PULS. ran-bulb. SEP. sil. SPIG. suiph. VII. Aeon. amn. ars. asaf. bar. bell. bry. CALC. carb-vego. caust. chain. chin. coce. -con. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. LYC. mERC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ae. n-vom. oleand. phosyk. phat. plat. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabad. sep. sil. spigr. spong. SULPH. t11_1. veratr. zinc. Antid. Caenph.-(Noc. Ran-bulb.) x, 113. DATURA STRAMONIUM. 1. Aeon. anac. ars. aur. BELL. cann. cie. coec. con. eupr. hell. HYOS*IL ignat. baum. LYC. natm. natr-rn ur. n-vomn. op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. puls. rhus. sep. sil. suJ ph. VERATR. IIa. Aeon. arn. ars. aur. BELL. bry. CALO. eamph. eanth'. carb-veg. chain. chin. cie, coce. con upr. hep. HYOSC. ignat. 460 STRONTIANA. ipec. lach. LYC. merc. natr-mur. nit r-ac. n-vom. OR. PHOSPH. phac. PIJLS., rhus. ruta. seill. sec-corn. Sep. sit. SULPH. veratr. 111. 1. Acon. anac. arn. ars. BELL. bry. caic. caust. chain. chin. cic. coce. con. cupr. HYOSC. ignat. jod. ipee. kali. 4lyc. merc. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vdm. op. phosph. plo~t. puls. Thus. seccorn. sep. sdl. suiph. veratr. 111. 2. Bell. cale. lye. mere. spong. suiph. 111. 3. Vacat.I 111. 4. ARS. BELL. bry. hyosc. lyc. puls. rhus. suiph. IV. Ars. BELL. bry. chain. hep. hyos~c. ignat.'lye. mere. op. phosph. ph-ac. puls. sil. suiph. veratr. V. ACON. ars. BELL. BRY. cale. carb-veg. chain. chin. dig. ferr. hyosc. kali. lye. mere. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. RHUS. sep. sit. spong. stann. suiph. veratr. V1. 1. Nitr. n-vom. rhus'. VI. 2. Aeon. agar. ARS. ]BELL. bry. caic. carb-veg. chain. chel. chin. coff. con. creos. graph. hep. igrnat. l-ach. lyc. mere. natr. n-moseh. N-VOM. iop.,phosph. PULS. rims. selen. sep. sil. spig. sulpA. veratr. VII. Acon. ARS. BELL. BRY. cczlc. carb-vegY. ckhin. chin. cic. con. cupr. liep. HYO8C. ignat. LYC. merc. pnatr-mur. rpitr-ac. n-vorn. op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PuLS.s. hus. see-corn. sep.. sit. SULPH. veratr. Avitid. Bell. hyose. n-vomn.-.Acetum. acet-vegr. citri-succus. tabacum. 114. S'rRONTIANA. I. Aeon. anac. ars. aur. bar, bell. bry. CALC. chain. hep. ignat. ipee. lyc. mere. n-vom. phosph. puts. sep. strain. sulph. vera tr. II. Acon. amn. bell. bry. CALC. CAUST. chain. chin. con. ferr. graph. ignat. KALIL led. lyc. ME RC. natr. n~atr-mur. n-vorn, par. petr. phosphi. ph-ae. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. sabin. SEP. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. suiph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. -II11. 1. Aeon. alum. amin. anae. arn. ars. asaf. bar. BE LL. bry. CALC. CAUST. chain. chin. coec. con. graph. hep. hyose. ignat. KALI. lyc. MERC. mezer. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ae. N-VONt. par. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PuLs. RHU5. sabin. sassap. SE.P. sdl. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. suiph_-ae. thuj. Zinc. SULPHUR. 461. IlL 2. Bar. BRY, caust. CON. graph. kali. PHOSPH. FULS. RHUS. spong. SIYLPHf.% 111. 3. Bell. chin. dros. kali. merc. ruta. 111. 4. Amn. bar. CAUST. con. kali. lach. led. mere. n-vom. pliosph. plat. PULS. -rhus. sep. sil. suiph; JIX. Cale. hep. kali. phosph. puts. sep. sulp-he V. Aeon. ars. bell. bry. Cale. coleb. hey. kali. mere. N-VOM. phosph. RHUS. saaib. seill. sep. sil. sulph. VI. 1. Chain. mang. p'uls. VI. 2. Amin. ars. aur. bell. caic. eaps. eaust. chain. elem. coleb. COn. Elulc. HEP. hyose. kali. lIyc. mere. mosch. n-mosch. n-vom.* plat. puls. RHUS. sabad. samnb. scill. sep. sil. suiph. vera tr, VII. Aeon., aTs. bar. bell. bry. CALC. CAUST. chain. 'eon. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lyc., MVRO. natr-mur. N-VOM. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. RHUS. SEP. sil. SULPH. zinc. Autid. Camph. 115". SULPHUR. I. Aeon. anac: ars. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. cauist. chain. cie. coce. con. graph. hell. hyosc. IGNA'T. LYC. mere. natr. natr-mur. nm-vom. op. petr.. phosph.- ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sep. sil. staph. STRAM. veratr. IL. Acon. amin. amn. ars. bar~. BELL. bor. bry. CALO. Cann. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. chin. dina. coce.c.on. creos. cupr. dig. duic. euphork. euphr. ferr. graplv. hep. hyosc. ignat. ipee. kali. led. LYC. merc. niatr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PIIOSPH. ph-ac. plumb. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. seecorn. SEP. SIL. spig. staun. staph. strain. thuij. valer. veratr. zinc. 111. 1. Acon. ainbr. aini. anac. ant-crud. amn. ARS. as af. bar. BELL. BRY. CALO. Cann. cantha, caps. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. CHIN. Cic. cocc. colch. con. Croc. cupr. duic. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. KALI. LYC. MERO. natr. NATRMUR. nitr-ac. n-fmo'sch. N-VOM. Op. petr. PHO5PH. ph-ac. plat. plumab. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. sec-corn. SEP. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. strain. stront. tar. thuj. verair. zinc. 111. 2. BELL. bry. Calc. con. hep. lyc. MERO. PHo5PH. puls. rhus. SML. spong. IlL, 3. ASAF. CALC. lic. mnere. NITR-AC. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhus. sil. staph. 462 462 SULPHUR-ICUM ACIDUM. 11-1. 4. Acon. amm. ant-crud, amn. ARS. asaf. bar. bell: bry. CALO. carb-veg. cautst. chain. chin. coich., con. creos. cyci. dulc. ferr. graph. hell. hep. kali. lach. led. LYC. MERO. natr. natr-mur, nitr-ac. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. R HJS. sabad. scill. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. -spig. sponig. staph. veraty. IV. ARS. bell. BRY. CALO. carb-veg. chain. chin. con. graph. HEP. ignat. kali. lye. mere. nAatr-mur. n-vonL. op. PHOSPH. PIJLS. RHUS. SEP. SIL. V. ACON. ambr. amn. ARS. BELL. BRY. CALO. ca&ps. arbveg. caust. chain. CHIN. cocc. dig. ferr. Ht p. hyosc. ignat.-jod. ipec. kali. LYC. MERC. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. Op. petr. iiiosriH. pfrac. PULS. RHUS. samb. see-eoru. SEP. sil. spigr. staun. strain. thuLj. vera'tr. VI. 1. Ant-crud. amn. ars. caic. caps. ignat. lyc. plumb. puls. rhus. V1. 2. Aeon. ambr. amm. amin-mur. ang., ant-crud. amn. ARS. bar. bell. BRY. CALC. cann. carb-veg. caust. eltan. chin. cocc. coich. eon. cupr. dros. graph., hep. igrnat. kali: led. LYC. ianag. mere. natr. natr-muir. nitr-ae. N-VOM. Op. phosph. phac. PULS. RHus. muta. Sabin. SEP. sil. spig. staph. strain. thuj. veratr. VII. Aeon ant-crud. amn.'ARlS. asaf. BELL. BRY. CALO. carb-veg. caust. chain. chin. cocc. con. ferr. ýgraph. hep. hyosc. ignat. kali-. LYC. 1VERC. natr. nzatr-muzr. nitr-ae., n-vom. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sec-corn. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. strain. veratr. Antid. Acon. carnph. chain. chin, mere. PULS. rhiis. Sep. 116. SULPHURICUM ACIDUM. I. Alum. anac. aur. BAR. BELL. carb-an. caust. cic. con. ferr. graph. hell. hyose. IGNAT. LYC. merc. natr. phospli. plat. PULS. sep., suiph. zinc. 11. Alum.-ainr. ainm-mur. aur. bell. BRY. CALC. earbveg. caust. chain. CHIN. coc'c. con. creos. graph. ignat. ipec. KALI. lye. magn-flilr mere. natr. NATR-MUR. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr, PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RH US. SEP. sil. sp~ig-. stann. staph. SULPH. thu.j. veratr. verb, zinc. MI. 1. Acon. alum. anac. arg. amn. asaf. asar. bell. bry. cale. canth. carb-veg. caust. chin. cic. coca. dros. graph. ignat. kali. laur. lye. me-c. inezer. mosch. nair-mur. nitr-ac. n-inosch. N-VOM. oleand. PHOSPH. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. RHus. muta. TARAXACIJM. '63 463' sabad. Sabin. sassap. SEP. sil. spig. stantz. staph. SULPH. Veratr. zinc.t HLI 2. Arn. ars. aur. bell. CARB-AN. CON: hep. ignat. jod. lach. lyc. n-vom'. pho'sph. puls. SEP. suiph. 111.3.? 111. 4. Amm-mur. ARN. ai"s. bell. BRY. caic. carb-veg. chin. cic. con, cycl. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. lyc. merc. mezer. nitr-aQ. n-vom. petr. phosp/r. ph-ac. PULS. RH1J5. ruta. Sec-corn. sep. sil. staph. SULPH. thuj. IV. Ars. graph. ka-li. magn. natr. -N-VOM. phosph. sep. sil. V. Acon. bell. cal~c. chain. chin. kali. merc. phosph. rhus. sep. sulph. veratr. VI. 1. Cann. hep. ma-ng. natr. sabad. sep. sil. VI. 2. Amm. ARN. ars. bell. BRY. calc., camph. carb-veg. chain. chel. chin. cocc. CON. dui~c. graph. hep. kali. lach. led. lKjc. mang. rn~erc. iatr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. nijmosch. N-VOM. Phosph. pul~s. -RmIUs;- ruta. sel %en. sep. sil. spig. stront. STJLPH. - I;Alum. amn. ar's.' aur. bell. brýy. calc. carb-an. carbveg. caust. chain. chin. coet. con. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lach. LYc. merc. natr. natr-mnur. nitr-ac. N-VOM.. PHOSPH-. plat. PULS.*RHJUS. SEP. sil. spig. stann. staph.- SULPH. veratr. zinc. Antid. Puls. 117. TARAXtACUM. I. Aur. bell. caun.' carb-an. cic. croc. cupr. hyosc. ignat. natr. op. phosph. spong. strain. veratr6 zinc. IIL. dirm asaf. bell. bry. cabc. carb-veg. CAUST. chain. CHIN. coce. cupr. cycl.. graph. hep. ignat. kali. led. LYC. MERC. innurac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. petr. PHo5PH. ph-ac,. PULS. rhodod. rhus. Sabin.. sep,. sil. spig. staun. staph. SULPH. thiij. vera-tr. zinc. 1II. 1. Acon. alutm. arg. amn. ars. ASAF. asar. BELL., bry. CALC. carb.-ve'g. caust. chin.'I coec. con, hell. ignat. KEALI. LYC. MERO. inezei'. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac. N-VOM. oleand. phohph. plat. PULS. RH~tS. sabad. -sep. sib. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. SU'LH.-,thuj. zinc. ILL 2.' Vacat. 111. 3.3 111. 4., Bar. BRY. caust. cycb. graph. LYC. merc. oleand. pubs. RHUS. -sabad'. SEP. silt spong.- STAPH. suiph. viol-tr. IT.- Ignal. lye-. n-vomi phosph.: rhus. sil. suiph. 464 464 THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. V. Ars. caps. chain. n-vom. op. rhus. sep. VI. 1. Dros. kali. n-vom. rhus., VI. 2. Ars. aur. bry. caps. carb-veg. chaim con. CYCL. dros. duic. euph orb. FERR. ignat. lach. lyc., mgs. magn-mur. men. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. samib. SEP. sulph. valer. varb. viol-tr. VII. Amn. asaf...el bry. caic. caust. charri. chin. cyci. ignat. kali. LYC. merc. natr. N-vom. op. phosph. PULS. RIUS. sabad. SEP.. sil.- spig. spon'g. slaph. suiph. zinc. Antid. Camph.? 118. THUJA OCC-IDENTALIS. I. Acon. anac. ars. aur. bar. caic. caust. chain. cocc. con. graph. hell. IGNAT. LYC. MERC. NATR. n-voin. op. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. SEP. sil. staph. strain. suiph. veratr. II. Amm-mur. amn. ars. aur. bar. bell. bry. 'caic. caun. CANTH. carb-veg. CAUST. chin. 1tlem. cocc. creos. cyci. graph. hep. iguat. KALI. led. lyc. MERO.. mezer. nair. natr-mur. NITR-AC. n-vom. par. phos ph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. Sabin. SEP. sil. spig. staph. 'SULPE. ZI.NC.I 111. 1. Acon. alum, an., ars. ASA&F. bar. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-an. caust. chin. cocc. coloc. con. croc. dros. ferr. graph. hell. hep. ignat. KALI. lyc. m-arct. men. MERO. mezer. mur-ýac. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ac.. n-vom. par. petr. Piiosi'. ph- 'ac. plat. PULS. RHus. ruta. saba~d. Sabin. sassap. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. STAPH. stront. SULPH. tar. veratr. zinc. 11I. 2. Ars. bell. bry. caic. carb-an. clem. con. hep. kali. lach. lyc. MERC. PHOS-PH. puls., rhus. sil. spong. SULPH. Ill. 3. Ars. asaf'. bell. kali. MERC. ph-a~c. rhus. ruta. Sabin. sil. staph. suiph. 111. 4. Acon. ant-crud. am'.n ars. asaf. bell. bry. cai~c. carban.- carb-veg. caust. chin, con. cyci. dulc. graph. hep. hyosc. kali. lach. LYC. MERC. mezer. mur-ac. natr. natr-mur. nztr-ac. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. REUS. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. IV.' Ars. bry. chin, graph., ign'at. kali. N-VON. phosph. puls.. suiph. V. AcoN. ambr. ars. BELL. bry. CALC. caus't. chain. chin. ferr. graph. hep. jod. ipec. kali. LYC.?nerc. nitr-ac. N-VON. OP. PHOSPH. puls. rhus. selen. SEP. spig. suiph. VERATR. ~VI. 1. Ars. dros. ferr. k ali. nitr. n-vom. rims. VI. 2. Aeon. alum. amm. asaf. bar. bell. BUY. caic. canth. VALERIANA OFFIGIALIS.46 4 65 caps. carb-veg. chain. chin. coce. con. cyci. dros. graph. HEP. lye. mang. mere. natr. natr-mur. nitr-ae. n-vomn. oleand. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rims. ruta. SEP. Sil. SULPHK. veratr. VII. Acon. amn. ars.,a~saf. bar. bell. bry. CALC. eCanth. earban. carb-veg. cacist. chain. chin. coca. eon. dros. graph. bep. ignut. kali. lyc. MERO. natr. natr-mur. nltrý-ae. n-vom. PHOSPH. ~phJae. PUJLS. RHus. ruta. sep. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Antid. Camnph. inerc. puls. suiph. 119. VALERIANA OFFICINALIS. 1. Acon. ang. atir. BELL. bry. Caic. cic. coff. ferr. ioc ignat. lach. lyc. natr-mnur. n-vomn. OP. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat..Puls. -rhus. STRAM. suiph. VERATHL. zinc. 1I. Ant-crud. amn. ars. bell. bry. caic. ca-rb-veg. caust. chin. coec. eon. dule. graph. ignat.',kali. lye. mere. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n.-6vorn. petr.phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. spig. stann. sta~ph. StJLPH. III.. Acon. anac. amn. ars. asafa asar. aur. IBELL. bry. caic. caust., CHIN. coce. con.' ferr. IGNAT. kali. lyc. merc. mosch. natrq nitr-ac. n-mosch. N-VON. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. PULS. r/zus. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. suiph. 111. 2. Vacat. Ill. 3. * Bell. caic. chin, mere. PULS. ruta. 111. 4. Bry. CALC. CiC. natr-mui'. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. puls. rhus. sep. suiph. veratr. IV. Ars. bell. Cale. carb-veg. graph. puls. rhus. sep. suiph. V.. Aeon. bell. bry. chain. hep. mere.. phosph. rhus. Sep. suiph. V1. 1. Arg. carb-veg. laur. mar. sit. spig. STAPH. Viol-tr. VI. 2. Agar. amm-mur. arg, ars. aur. bar. bry. 'caC. CAPS. carb-an.- carb-veg. chain. chel. CON. cyci. dros., duic. euphorb. euphr. FERR. guaj. lach. LYC. m~gs. magn-mur. mar. men. mosch. pvh-ac. plat* PUILS. 'rhodod. RHus. ruta. SABAD. `SAMB3. selen. sep. VI-. Ars. au. el4 bry. CALC carb-veg. ehani. chin. con. ferr. -ignat. lyc. mere. natr-mur. n-voin. PHosPH.,,Ph-ac. plat. PULS. RMUMS SE)PI sit. spig., staph. STJLPH. veratr., 466 466VERATRUM IALBUM. Antid. Camnph., coff. puls. 120 VERATRIJM ALBUM. 1. Acoii. anac. arm. ars. aur. BELL. bry. caic. cann. chani. dCi. coce. con. cupr. HiyosO. ignat. lach. laui'. LYC. ncar-mur. N-VOM. op. phos p/. _ph-ac. plat.-ruiLS. rhus. Sep. sil. STRAM. suiph. IL. Acon. ant-c'rud. -amn. ars*. aur. BELL. BRY. cctlc. canth. carb-veg. caust. c/tam, chin. coc'c. con. cpr. digr. graph. hep. byosc. IGNAT. ipec. kali. LEO. merc. natr-mur. N-VOM. OP. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. PULS. rhus. sabad. scill. s3ec-corn. SEP. Sdl. spig. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. suiph-ac. zinc.ILL. 1. Aeon.'arii. ars. asar. BELL. bry.,calc. cann. canth. caust. chain. CHIN. cie. cocc. cupr. dIig. duic. ferr. graph. hyosc. ignat. jod. ipec. kali. lyc.. MERc. mosctl. natr. nqtrmur. nitr-ac. n-mOseh. N-YOM. op. petr. PHOSPH. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS..rhus. ruta. sabad. sec-corn. SEP. Sil. spig. staun. staph. strain. SULPH. 111. 2. BELL. bry. CALO. carb-an. con. lyc. MERC~ phosph. PULS. spong. SULPH.I 111. 3. Arg. asaf. bell,- caic. cocc. cupr. cyci. 1lyc.' mei-c. nitr-ac. PHOSPH. ph-ac. puls. R.UtA. sabin. sil. STAP'H. suilph. 111. 4. Ant-crud. ar-s. bar. bell. bry. CALC. caust. chin. cupr. dig. duic. hep. ipec. lach. LED. lyVc. magn. MERtC. meze'r. natr-mur. petr. phosph. ph-ac. plat. PULS. RHUs. sec-corn. SEP. sil. staph. suiph. IV. An~t-tart. ars. bell. bry. cai~c. caust. conl; eroc. niatr. n-mosch. n-vomn. op. phos-ph. ph-ac. putls. Sep. suiph, V. ACON. ARS. bell. BRY. ealc. camph. carb-veg. caust. CHAM. chi -n. cina, cupr. hep, ignat. jod. ipec. laur. lye. MERO. n-vorn. op. phosph. piv-ac. plat. puts. RHUS. sabad. SEP. spig. strain. sulph. VI. 1. Anac, ant-crud. arn, cale. earb-veg. igynat. natrmur. n-vom. rhodod. rhus. sep. staph. VI. 2. Acon. amm. ant-tart. amn. ar-s. bell.,bor. bry. CALC. caps. carb-veg. chain. chin. cocc. coloc. con. cupr. dros. euphorb. ferr. graph. hep. jod., ipec. lach. led. LYC. mgs. mang. mere. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. ph-ac., PULS. rhodod. RHUS. SEP. sil.?pig. staph. strain. stront. SULPH. thuj. VII. Acon. amn. ars. BELL. BRYý CALO. carb-veg., caust. chain. chin. c~cc. con. cupri- hep. hyose. ignat. ipec. LYC. M ERO. VIQLA ODORATA. 47 46T.natr-mur. N-vom. op. PHOSPECH. ph-ac. plat.. PULS. RHaUS. ruta. SEP. sil. spig. staph. str~ain. SULPE. Antid. Aeon. camph. chin. coff. 121. VERBASCUM THAPSUS. I.Aeon'. BELL. bry. cale. chin. cic. con. graph. nyose. IGNAT. LYC. mperc. natr. n~tr-inur. oyP. PHaospE. plat. puls. rhuis. sit, staph. STRAM. suiph. S U~PH:AC. -eater. VERATR. viol-od'. zinc. IL. Alum. anae. arg.'-belt. BR:Y. caice.- caust. chin. creos. ignat. kati. lye. magri-mur. merc. uatr-mur. n-vom. oleand. petr. phosph. ph-ac. PLAT. plumb. puls. rhus. sep. spig. stailn. staph. suiph. SULPH-AC. thud. vetatr. i11. I. Aeon. alum. aD.- asaf. bell. bry. tale. cantli. CHIN. con. dros. ignat. kali. mere. n-mosch. n-vom. oteand. par. pkosph. phi-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabad. SEP. spig. spong. staph.- SULPEC. suilph-ac. veratr. 111. 2. Vacat. 11L. 3.? 111. 4. Bell. bry. led. phosph. plat. puls. rhus. suiph. IV. Ars. kali. magn. n-vorn.-sep. sulph-ac. Y. Bell. bry. caust. lye. nz-vom. PULS. rhus. VI. 1. Carb-veg. gua,.j. hep. natr.,, natr-'mur. sep. VI. 2. Amm. amm-mur. aug., aur. b~ar. pale. CAPS. cina. CON.' cyci. D',ULO. euphorb. ferr., HEP. jod. lach. LYC. magnmur. men. moseb. phosph. ph-ac. plat. 'PTLS. ran-butb* rhodo~d. RHUS. ruta#. SABAD. samb. SEP. sil. stront. TAR. valer. Viol-tr. VII. Bell. bry. cale. caps.,chin. con. -dub.. hep.. hyosc. ignat. kali. lyc..inerc. natr. natr-niur. -n-vom. oleand. op,. phosph. ph-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. RHIUS. kuta. sabad..SE P. Sil splig. staph. strain. suiph. SULPEC-AC. tar. valer. veratr. Autid. Camnph12 122. VIOLA ODORATAi, I. k~n a nj. u.BEL b eof' on. graph. hell. 1.1osc~lb lyOnatr-init*. n-vom. l p'. ptr. iHQspH. ph- tw. puts. RHU0,:eV% SW,,AM. SULPHI. valer. VER4TR. II Aeon. kur..\ beiU bry. caic. chin. kali. lyc. natr-znur. n-vom. phosph. plat. pq4."6sep.ý spig. sulph. 4 468 VIOLA TRICOLOR. MeI 1. Aeon. -arn.. bell. caic. caust. chin, con. ferr. jod. lyc. N-VOM~,. PHOSPH. plat. puls. rhus. Sep. -spig. suiph.. Ill. 2. Vacat. 111. 3. Vacat. 111. 4. Arn. bell. bry. caust. kali. lye. phosph. plat. pull. rhus. Sep. spig. suiph.P IV. Bry. caust. ignat.,mr-aret. N-VOM. phosph. puls. us sep. staph. V.? VI. 1, Dros. kali. n-vom. rhTfs., VI. 2. Coich. dros. ignat. lye. n-vom. oleand. phosph. PULS. sabad. s ep. sp ig. VII. Aeon4 amn. bell. bry. eale. caust. chin. con. ignat. kali. lyc. N-VOM. op. -PH~OSPH. plat. PULS. RHUS. SEP.*pz* trin suiph. veratr. Antid. Campli.,123. VIOLA TRICOLOR (JACEA).; I. Con. ignat., natr-rnur. phosph. ph-ac. puls. Sep. sil. sulph. 1I. Ant-crud. a. r.ars. bar. bell. bry. caic. eann. carb-veg. CAtTST. chin. creos. graph. 'he~p. ignat. kali. lye. M ERC. natr. nallmum. nztr-ac. n-vom. phos ph. pvh-ac. pus HS ai.SP. sil. spig. staph. STILPE. thuj. veratr. zinc. 11I. 1. Amn. asaf. BEFLL. bry. caic. caust. chin. coce. coich. coloc. eon. dros. graph. ignat. kali. lye. m-aret. men. mere. mur-ac. naim. natr-mur. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. puls. RitJs. sabad. sep. Sil1sigvsong. stann. staph. 5ULPH. -tat. zinc. 113.? 111. 4. Ant-crud. amn. ars. bar. bell. BRY. calc. caust. chain. clemn. con. cycl. dule. GRAPH. hey. led. lye. mERC. natr. nitr-ac. petr. PTJLS. ran-bulb. RHUS. sabad. sassap. seill. SEP. SIL. spong. STAPH. sulph.a IV. Ars. bry. eale. earb-a'n. chin. hejpint kali. lach..lye. mere.- n-vom. PHOSPE. pulse ran-bulb. r'Ius. sep. sil. staph. SULPHO V. Aeon. ars. bell. bry. chain. n-vom. phosph. ph-ace" pulis. rhus. sep. VI. 1. Arg. mar. sil. staph. valer. VITEX AGN1JS CASTUS.46 469 VI. 2. Ambr. amrn-mur. b 'ry. caps. chain. coloc. coNi. cyci. dros. duic. euzphorb. ferr. ignat. LYC. ings. magrn-mur. men. mosch. ph-ac. plat. PLILS. rhodod. RHUS. sabad. SEP. tar. valer. verb. VII. Arn. ars. bar. bell. bry. caic. caust. chain. chin, con. cyci. dros. dulc. graph. hep. ignat. kali. lyc. HEUC. natr. natrmur. nitr-ac. n-vom. PHiosPH. ph-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. staph. SULPH. Antid. Camph. rhus. 124. -VITEX AGNUS CASTTJS. I. Acon. alum. ana~c. arn. ars. AUR. bar. BELL. caic. caust. chant. cocc. con. croc. GRAPH. hyosc.- IGNAT. LYC. merc. mezer. naitr. nair-mur. ny-vom.* oleand. op. ph-ac. PtJLS. rhus. sep. sil. strain. SULPH. thujA"'endr. II. Ar. ars. calad. calc. canth. chin, con. cyci. graph. hep. ignat. kali. LYC. MER.C. n-vom. ph-ac. rui~s. rhododcL rhus. Sabin. selen. Sep. staph. SULPH. tfhuj. zinc. Ill. 1. Amn. bar. bell. RRY. CALC. CAUST. chin. con. graph. ignat. kali, led. lyc.' merc. natr. natr-mur. nitr. n-vom. phosph. PULS. rhodod. itnus. sep. Sporig.-staphi. SULPH. I.2.Amn.]BELL. BRY. Calc. cti l-an. chin. 'Clem. coN'. graph. kali. ILrC. merc. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus~sl. spon'g. SULPH. JRf. 3. C~hin. cupr. 111. 4. Amn. asaf. bar. BRY. caic. caust. con. cyci. euphorb. graph. lach, led. LYC. merc. mnezer. oleand. phosph.plat. PULS. ran-seel. rhus. sil. spon~g. STAPH. sul ph. IV. Antý-tart. bry. cr-oc. n-rnosch. op. veratr. V. Acon. ant-tart. ARS. bell. bry. calc. chin. cocc. hell. ipec.- lyc. MERC. nitr-ac. n-?nosc/i. N-VOM. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus.,sabad. sep. SPIG. SULPH. th1uj. veratr. VI. 1. Ant-cruid, ant-tart. euphr. nitr-ac. phosph.,VI. 2. Acon. amn. asar. bell. bry. carb-an. chel. croc. dig. graph. hell. h-ep. lyc. m-austr. merc. natr-mur. n-vorn. PHospHa. punls. rhus. sabin. scill. suiph. VII. Amn. ars. bell. BRY. calc. cautst. chin. con. croc. graph. hell. ignat. kait LYC. MERC. niatr-mur. n-mosch. n-vom. PHOSPH. PULS. RHUS. sep. sil. spong. staph. SULPII. veratr..,Antid. Camph. 470 ZINCTJM. 125. ZINCUM. 1. Acon. alum. anzac. ars. aur. BELL. bry. caic. carb-an. chain. chin. coff. con. croc. cyci. ferr. graph. hell. hyosc. IGNAT. lach. lyc. mrner. mosch. niatr. natr-rnur. n1-vom. op. petr. PHospH. ph-ac. plat. pu.ls. rhus. sep. sil. staph.- STRAM~. suiph. valer. veratr'. 11. Acon. amin. ant-crud. arm. a-rs. asaf. aur. bell. bry. caic. canth. carb-veg. CAUST. chan. CHIN. con. creos. ferr. graph. hep. KALI. laur. led. LYC.mrerc. mezer. natre natr-mur. PHOS PH.i PHI-AC. plat. PU*LS. RH US. sabin. 8cill. sec-corn. SEP. sil. STAPHT. stront. SULPIT. thuj. 111. 1. Acon. alum. arg. amw. ars. BELL. BRY. CALC. carbveg. CAUST. chain. chin., cocc. COn. ferr..1-rapht. hell. hep. IGNAT. KALI. LYC. MERC. meze~f. nattr. NA:TR-MUR. Ditr-ac. N-VOM. PHOSPH. ph-ac.- piat.' PULS. rani-scel., rhodod. RHU.S. sabin. sassap. sec-corn. SEP. sib. pig. stann. -staph. stront. SIJLPH. th-uj.1'5 111. 2. BELL. ccIlc. CON. h ep. igbat. lyc. mere. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. sit. spong. staph. SULPH. 111. 3. Arg. bell. Caic. chin., cocc. con. cupr. lyc. merc. phosph. pul~s. rhus. RUTA. sabin. SEP. sil. staph.,suiph. 111. 4. Alum. ant-crud, amn. bry. cale. caust. cic. GRAPHI. hep. ignat. lyc. mang. natr-mnur. nitr-aC. "peft. phosph. ph-ac. PULS. rhuts. SE.P. SULPH. LV. Acon. CHIN. IGNAT. lach. op. phos'ph. siL-sulpit. V. Acon. bell. br-y. chint. merc. phosph. PH-AC. puts. i'hus. sep. strarn. VI. 1. Amrn. ant-crud. bell. lyc. nitr-ac. puls. V1. 2. Anac. amn. ar-s. bry. CALC. chain. chin. IGNAT. lach. lyc. mere. natr. nzatr-rnur. N-VOM. phosph. puls. rhus. ruta. sep. sil. suilph. thuj. V11. Acon. aim ais. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-veg. Caust. chain. CHIN. cocc. con. graph. hep. IGNAT. kali. lach. lyc. merc. inezer. natr. natr%-rnur. n-vom. PHOSPHi. ph-ac. plat. -PULS. RHUS. ruta. sabin. SEP. sil. staph. strain. SULPIJ. Antid. Camph;- hep. ignat.-(Noc. Chain. n-vom. vinum.) NAMES OF THE MEDICAMENTS AND THEIR ABBREVIATIONS. L. Acon.-Aconinirji. qapP1hi~ 2. Agar.-Agaricfrsinu -6u~ 3. Alum.-Alumin'n.ý A. Ambr.-Ambra.grisea. 6. Amm,,--Amrnoniuni carbbnicurn. 6'A,,Wn-mu7'.-Ammonium muriaticum, 7. Anac.-,-A-nacardium*, 8. Ang.--*Angustura. 9. Ant-crud."'-Antifrionium cridum. 10. Ant-tarl,,-Antimnonium tartaricume 11. Arg.---Argenitum foliatum. 12. Arn.-Arnicea monitanab. 13. Ars.-Arsenicurn album% 14. Asaf.-Asa foetida. 16. Asar.-AsarupimEutopaeumb 16.Aur.-Aururn. foliatum. 17. Bar.-Baryta. 18. Bell.-Antropa Belladonna. 19. Bisrnz.-~Bismuthumn. 20. Bor.-Bora'x. 21. Bov,-.-Lycoperdon B1ovista. 22. Bry..-Bryonia alba. 23. Calad.-Caladium seguinum. 24. Calc.-Calcarea carbonica. 2~. Garnph.-Camphora. 26. Cann,.-Cannabis sativa. 27.,6Canth. Cantharis. 28. Caps.-Capsicum annuum'. 29. Carb-an,-Carbo' animalis. 30. Carb-veg.-Carbo vegetabilis 31, Camt.-%Jausticum.g IS 472 472 NAMES OF THE MEDICAMENTS, 32. Cham.-Matricaria, Chamo'milla'. 33. Chel.-Chelidonium majus'. 34. Chin.-China, Cinchona Qificinalis. 35. Cic.-Cicuta, virosa. 36. Cina.-Semen Cinae. Cistus Canadensis. 37'. Clem.-Clematis erecta. 38. Cocc-Menispermurn Cocculus ' 39. Coff.-Coffea, Arabica, 40. Colch.-Colchicum autumnale. 41. Coloc.-Cucumis Colocynthis.42. Con.-Coiiiurn maculatumn. 43. Creos.-Creosotum. 44. C~roc.-Crocus sativ us. 45. Gupr.--Cuprurn metallicum. 46. Cycl.-Cyclarnen Europaeum. 47. Dig.-Digitalis purpurea. 48. Dros.-Drosera rottundifolia, 49. Dulc.-Solanum Dulcamara. 50. Euphorb.-Euphorbia oflicina-rum. 51. Euphr.-Euphrasia officina~lis. 52. Ferr.-Ferrurn metallicurn. 53. Graph.-Graphites. 54. Guaj.-Guajacum officirnale. 55. Hell.-Helleborus niger.' 56. Hep.-Hepar suiphuris- calca'reum. 57. Hyosc.-Hyosciamus niger. 58. Ignat.-Ignatia amara. 59. Jod.-Jodium. 60. I'pec.-Cephae-Iis Ipecacuanha. 61. Kali.-Kali carbonicumn. 62. Lach.-Trigonocephalus Lachesis. 63. Laur.-Prunus Laurocerasus. 64. Led.-Ledum palustre.- I 65. Lyc.-Lycopodiurn clavatu'm.' 66. Mgs.-Magnes artificialis, (uterque polus>. 67'. M-arct. --Magnetis polus arcticus. 68. M-austr.-Magnetis polus australis, 69. Magn.-Magnesia carbonica. 70. Magn-mur.-Magnesia muriatica. 71. Mang.-Manganum. 72. Mar.-Teucrium Marum. 73. Men.-Menyanthes trifoliata. 74. Merc.-Mercurius vivus. 75. Mezer.-.Daphne Mezereum.. NAMES OF THE MEDICAMENTS-. 76. Mosck.-Moschus. 77. ur-ac.-Muriaticum acidu'r]. 78. 'Natr.-Natr~um c~arbonicum. 79.,Natr-Mur,--Nairunm muriaticumn...80. Nitr.-Nitrum, Kali nitricum. 8.1. Nitr-ac.-Nitri acidum. 82. N~-mosck.-Nux moschata, (Myristica). 8.N-vom.-NuxI vornica (Strychnos). 84. Oleand.-Nerium Oleander.v 85. Op.-Opium (Pa~paver sonniferum). $6..Par.-Paris quadi-ifolia. *87. Petr.-Petro'le'um'.' 88. Phosyh.-Phosphoru's. 89. Ph-ac.-Phosphoricum acidum. 90. Plat.-Platina metallica. 91. Plum6.-Plum'bum metallicurn. * 2. Pu~ls.-Pul'satilla pratensis Mill. 93. Ran-bulb.-'Ranunculus bulbosus. 94. Ran-scel.-Ran un'culus sceleratus. 95. Rheum.-Rheu'm,:Rhabarbarum). 96. Rhodod.-Rkhododendron* chrysanthum..97. Rhus.-Rhus T oxicodendron-. *98. Ruta,.-Ruta, graveoleris. 99. Sbabcd.-Verafrurh Sabadilla..100. Sabin.-Juniperus Sabina. 101. Sam b,-Sa mbucu s nigra..102. S~a~sap.-Srnilax $assaparilla..10, Scill.-Scilla, maritima. 104. Sec-corn.-Sec ale'corutu m. 105. Selen',-Seleniurn. 106. Seneg.-Poly~gala' Senega. 107. S&p.-Sepiae'succus. 1.09. Spig*- Spigelia, Anthelmia.:110. Sp~g.~Spongia marina tosta. 11:1.4S~tanzn.-Stannui'm'ie'tallicum. 112. Stap/&.-Delphlini'utv Staphysagria. 113. Str4Jn.-'Datura Strfimonium. 114. Stront.,-Stro'ntiana, carbonica. 115. Sulph.-Sul phur. '116. Sulph-ac.--Sulp'hu1-ium acidumt. 117. Tar.--Leontodcin. Taraxacumn. 118. TI&u~j.-Thuja occidentalis, 473 474 NAMES OF THE MEDICAMENTS. 119. Valer.-Valeriana officinalis. 120. Veratr.-Veratrurn album. 1.21. Verb.-Verbascvum Thapsus-. 122. Viol-od.-Viola~ odorata. 123. Viol-tr.-Viola tricolor, (Jacea). 124. Vit.-Vitex Agnus Castus. 125. Zinw.-Zincurn metallicum. ALPHABETICAL REPERTORY OF THE CONTENTS. OF THIS VOLUME. A Abdomen in general, remedies acting upon the... 3 Abdomen, external, remedies acting upon the... 76 Abdomen, upper, (epigastrium,)., 74 Abdomen, sides of, remedies acting upon.... 74t Abdomen, lower, (hypogastrium). 75 AGGRAVATION of the symptoms according to time,.. 286 in the morning,.. 286 in the forenoon,.. 2870 in the afternoon,.. 287 in the evening,. 87 in the night,.. -.- 287 before midnight,.. 88 after midnight,... 288 s periodical,..288 AGGRAVATION of the symptoms according to situation and circumstances. affections of the mind, from. 288 anger, from...,, 289 with anxiety,...29 with fright,.... 289 with silent grief and sorrow,. 289 with indignation,.. 289 with vehemence,.. 289 anxiety. (See Fright.)...289 contradiction,.... 289 fear. (See Fright.). 289 affections, fright, (anxiety, fear.) 289 grief and sorrow.. 289 ill behaviour, (naughtiness) of others, from... 290 jealousy,..... 290 AGGRAVATION, etc. from excessive joy,. 29... 290 unhappy lve, -. -290 mortificion causes byofferie,* 290 offeneatreeee^ 2See Mt$rt fi-.. "c ~.-ati0o) ^Tr,*..". 290 reproachee,/,.*... 290 stories, excittihg..See Stories.) 290 ". wrath... 290 cold air,'from (see cold.).. 290 damp air, from. (See Cold and "Warmtih, Wet.).. 290. S:dry air, from. (See Cold and Warmth, Dry.)... 290 evening air, in the... 290 open air, in the... 290 alone, when left,... 291 anger, after. (See Affections of the Mind.).,.. 291 anthrax, from the poison of. 291 arsenious' vapours, from.. 291 asleep, before falling. 291 ascending, from. (See Mounting.) 291 "attention, from want of, to the symptoms... 291 autumn, in... 291 babies, from. (See Children.). 292 "bathing, from... 292 in cold water,.. 292 in the sea,.... 292 bell, from the ringing of a. 292 belly, from drawing in the. 292 belly, from distending the.. 292 bending down a long while, after. ",(See Stooping).. 292 bending down, on. (See stooping.)..... 292 476 ALPHABETICAL REPERTORY. AGGRAVATION, etc. bites of gnats, mosquitoes, insects, from the... 292 biting, from. (See Teeth.). 292 bleeding, after. (See Loss of Animal Fluids.).. 292 blood, after loss of. (See Loss of Animal Fluids.)... 292 blowing the nose, when.. 293 boots, on taking off one's.. 293 breakfast, before. (See Fasting.) 293 breakfast, after... 293 breath, while drawing,.. 293 breath, from keeping one's. 294 breath, on taking a deep.. 294 breathing, without... 294 bruises, after. (See Injuries.). 294 burning, from. (See Scalding.) '294 catarrh, during a... 294 catarrh, from a suppressed. 294 catching cold, from. (See Getting cold.)..... 294 cellar, in a. (See Vaulted places.) 294 change of cold and warm weather from a. (See Temperature.)... 294 changing the position, from. 294 chewing, while... 295 chewing, after.... 295 children, with (particularly.). 295 church, in the. (See Vaulted places.). 295 clothes, from taking off the. (See Undressing.)... 295 clothes, from tight. (See Pressure of the clothes.).. 295 coal, from vapours of.. 295 cohabitation, during.. 295 cohabitation, after... 295 cold in general, from.. 295 cold place, on entering a.. 296 cold things,from eating or drinking. (See kinds of nourishment.) 296 cold air, in.... 296 and dry weather... 296 and wet weather... 296 cold, on getting... 296 cold, upon single parts getting. 296 cold, after taking... 296 cold in the head, after taking. 297 by the feet,... 297 and getting wet. (See Wet.) 297 company, in 9... 297 concussion, from... 297 consciousness (the senses) being only possessed partially. r.: 297 congelation, from. (See Frostbitten.).... 297 AGGRAVATION, etc. contradiction, from... 297 copper, from the vapours of. 297 coughing, before... 297 coughing, while... 297 coughing, after... 297 coughing and expectoration, after 298 covering one's self, from. (See Wrapping up.)... 298 crossing the limbs, from.. 298 cowering, while,... 298 crumbs of food, from.. 298 cutaneous eruptions, after suppression of.... 298 dancing, while... 298 dancing, after.... 298 dark, in the.... 298 dark, when getting. (See Twilight.).... 298 denudation, from... 298 denudation, from partial.. 298 descending, from. (See going_ down.).... 298 diarrhoea, after. (See Lcss of animal fluids.)... 298 digestion, during. (See after eating.)..... 298 draft of air, from a.. 298 drawing in air, from. (See Breath.).... 299 cold air..... 299 drawing up one's shoulders. 299 drawing up the limb,.. 299. drawing one's self up. (See,rising and stretching.). 299 drinking, while... 299 drinking, after... 299 divers beverages. (See Nourishments.)... 299 Scold and warm. (See Nourishments.).. ~ 299 quickly.. 0.. 299 drunkards, for.... 299 eating, before.... 300.eating, during.... 300 'eating, ifter.... 300 eating and having satisfied one's appetite, after... 300 eating fast, from... 300 S_ different things. (See Nour' ishment.)... 300 eructations,from... 30L_ exertion of the body, from. 301 of the memory... 301 of the mind.. 301 expiration, during an.. 293 eyes, from opening one's.. 301 from raising one's... 301 ALPHABETICAL REPERTORY. 477 AGGRAVAVION, etc. AGGRAVATION, etc. eyes, from shutting one's. 301 idle, from being... 305 from turning one's.. 301 ill-behaviour of others, from. 305 face, from distorting the muscles immoderate eating, from. (See of the..... 301 Stomach, derangement of.). 305 fainting fit, after a.... 301 injuries,- from falling, knocking, fall, after a. (See Injuries.). 302 knocking, bruises, etc. in gefasting, from (before breakfast.) 302 neral.... 305 fatigue, from.... 302 bleeding, from violent... 306 feather bed:, in a,.. 302 bruises... 306 fever, before the... 302 cuts..... 306 fever, during the... 302 ecchymosis. (See Suggilation.) 306 fever, after the... 302 stabs... 306 feverish chill, heat, etc. during lifting, from (See Lifted.). 306 the. (See Sect. V. Fever.) 302 suggillation, with... 306 female sex, with the (principally.) 302 of soft parts... 306 fire, glare of, from the.. 303 of the glands... 306 fluids, from loss of animal.. 303 ofthe bones and (periosteum.) 306 foggy weather, in. (See Weather.) 303 spraining parts, from.. 306 foot-bath, after a. (See Wet feet.) 303 inspiration, during an.. 293 freezing, from. (See Frost-bitten.) 303 intoxication, after.. 306 fright, after. (See Affections of jumping, from... 306 the mind.)... 303 kneeling, when... 306 frost-bitten, from being.. 303 knitting, when. (See Working gargling, from.... 303 with the hands.)... 306 giddy, when.... 303 knocking a part against any glanders, from the poison of. 303 - thing, on.... 307 gnashing one's teeth, from. (See lying down, while...- 307 pressing together.).. 303 in bed..... 307 going down from, (descending) 303 on*the back.... 307 grief, from. (See Affections of on the side.... 307 the mind.).... 304 on the right side, while. 308 hair, from combing one's.. 304 on the left side... 308 Safter cutting the... 304 on the painful side.. 308 from turning back the '. 304 on the painless side,.. 308 hands, from working with the. 304 head low..... 308 hands gently over a part, from lying down and having risen rubbing the.... 304 agaitnifter.... 308 hang down, from letting the limb 304 laughing, from.... 309 hat, from pressure of the.. 304 laying or leaning the limb on any head, from exertions of the. (See thing, from.. -... 309 Exertions)..... 304 leaning against any thing, while 309 head backwards, from bending the 304 against a sharp edge.. 309 * forwards....4304 backwards.... 309 * sideways...,:.304 leaned against any thing, after S head, from covering the.- (Seei, having.... 309 SPressure of the -hat and leaning on one side, from. 309 ~ Wrapping up the head'),. 304 upon any thing. (See Leaning from raisinig the. (See Rising, )04 and laying.)... 309 from shaking the..,. 04, licking one's lips, from.. 309 from turning thep.."- 04 lifting too heavy a Weight, from 309 frqm uncovering hte. - 05 the arm... 309 from wrapliihg up the.. 305 the part affected... 309 heated, from getting.,. 305 light in general, from. 309 near the side... '305 of a candle or a lamp, from the 310 hiccuping from. (See Sobbing.) 305 Opf the day.... 310 holding fast to any thing, from. 305 Qof the sun... 310 hungry, from being.. ~ 305 'looking in the distance, on. 310 478 ALPHABETICAL REPERTORY. AGGRAVATION, etc. from looking downwards... 310 straight forward.. 310 at an object fixedly.. 310 in the light. *... 310 long at an object... 311 across a large plain. 311 -sharply at any thing. (See fixedly.).... 311 at shining objects... 311 sideways.... 311 at something turning around 311 upwards.... 311 at (running) water.. 311 at any thing white.. 311 looking around, whilst.. 311 love unhappy, from. (See Affections of the mind.).. 311 masons, for. (See stonecutters.) 311 masturbation, from... 311 measles, having the... 311 after the _.. 311 meditation, from. (See Exertion of the mind.)... 311 menstruation, before.. 311 menstruation, from approaching 312 menstruation, during.. 312 menstruation, after... 312 menstruation, from suppressed 312 mercury, abuse of. (See Quicksilver.)..... 312 mind, from affections of the. (See Affections.)...0. 312 moon is declining, when the. 312 during the full... 312 during the new,... 313 moonshine, in.. 313 mortification, from. (See.Affec"*tions of the mind.).. 313 mounting an eminence, from, (ascending).... 313 a high eminence. a. 313 mouth, on opening one's.. 313 on shutting one's... 313 move, upon beginning to.. 313 movement, from a limb performing a wrong... 313 moving, on.... 313 moving the arms, on.. 314 the eyes a... 314 the eyelids.... 314 the head.... 314 the part affected... 314 moving, after.... 314. music, from.... 314 narcotic medicines, from --.314 neck, on touching the. (or the throat.).P.1.0. 335 AGGRAVATION. etc. neck, on turning the.. 315 night-revelling, from.,315 noise, from a.315 north wind, during a. (See Wind.) 315 NOURIsHMENT, from different kinds of food and drink. 315 beans. (See Vegetables with husks.......315 beer. 315 new. 315 brandy. 315 bread.......315 made of rye.. 315 and butter.. 315 buckwheat,.. 316 butter.... 316 cabbage.... 316 cake, warm.... 316 carrots.... 316 cheese _.. 316 rotten (spoiled). 316 cherries. (See Fruits). 316 coffee,. ".... 316 smell of.... 316 -cold food.. 316 digestion, food of difficult. 316 dry food.... 316 eggs......316 smell of. 317 fat food. 317 fish.......317 stale.......317 food, flatulent. 317 fruits.. 317 garlic, smell of. 317 honey... 317 hot things. 317 ice.......317 lemonade. 317 meal, dishes made of flour or. 317 meats cooked in iron pots. 317 meat (butcher's.).. 317 fresh.........317 putrid. 317 'smoked. 318 smell of. 318 mussels.......318 milk.........318 oil......318 onions.......318 -oysters.......318 pancakes... 318 pastry...... 318 peas. (See Vegetables with husks) 318 pears..... 318 pepper.... 318 plums. (See Fruits,). 318 ~d ALPHABETICAL REPERTORY. 479 AGGRAVATION, etc. from pork (Tat). 318. mnell of.. 318 potatoes... 318 salad *.. 318 salt food.... 318 sausages poisoned (sausage-poison.)..... 318 smoked things. 319 soups, warm. (See Warm.). 319 sour smells. 319 things..... 319 sourkrout... 319 spirituous liquors in general. 319 sweets..... 31W tea...... 319 tobacco.... 319 chewing.. 319 turnips..... 319 uncooked food... 319 veal..... 319 vegetables with husks. 320 without husks... 320 vinegar...... 320. warm food.... 320 yvater, cold.. 320 wine... 320,containing lead... 320 sour. 320 sulphuretted.. 320 offences received from. (See Affections of the mind.).320 -;organ,from hearing the play of an 320 'nanism, from. (See Masturbarý tion..... 320 overfilling the stomach, from. (See Stomach.)... 320 perspiration, during... 320 perspiration, after... 321 perspiration, from suppressed. 321 Peruvian bark, from (without China-cachexy)... 321 Peruvian bark, from abuse of. 321 persuasion, from friendly.. 321 playing on the piano, while. 321 pollutions, involuntary, after. 321 position, from a false.. 321 S poultices, from wet... 321 pregnancy, during. *.. 322 Spressing the teeth together, from. (See Teeth.)... 322 pressure from without, from. 322 on the opposite (painless) side 322 of the clothes... 322 of the hat. (See Hat.). 322 quicksilver, from the abuse of. 322 from the vapours of.. 323 quiet, during. (See Reposing.) 323 AGGRAVATION, etc. reading, from.... 323 reading aloud, froni.. 323 reposing, while (resting.).. 323 reposing, after. (See beginning to move.).... 323 resting, while. (See Reposing.) 323 "revelling, after. (See Night-re-. veling.).... 323 riding in a carriage, from. 323 on horseback... 323 on board a ship... 323 in a carriage, after.. 323 rising, on.... 324 rising from the bed, on.. 324 rising from the bed, after.. 324 rising from a seat, on.. 324 risen from a seat, after having. (See beginning to move.). 334 room, in the... 324 room full of people, in a.. 325 room, in a warm... 325 room, on entering the. (See Temperature.)... 325 rubbing, from.... 325 running, from.... 325 sausages, from poisoned..(See Nourishment.).. 25 scalding (burning), from.. 325 scarlet fever, in. (See III. 4.). 325 scarlet fever, after,.. 925 scratching, from,.. 325 scrttching on linen, from,.. 326 seeing, when. (See Looking). 326 sewing, while,.... 326 sexual excesses, after,.. 326' sexual instinct, from suppression of the,.... 326 shaving, from,... 326 shining objects, from. (See looking.).. 326 shooting with firearms, from,. 326 shrugging one's shoulders, from. (See Drawing in.). 326 singing, when,.. 326 singing, after,.... 326 sitting, when,... 326 sitting crooked, when,.. 327 erect,..... 327 sittings after. (See rising from a seat, and beginning to move.) 327 sitting down, on,... 327 sitting down, after. (See sitting.) 327 sleep, during the first hours of the, 327 sleep, during the,...327 sleep, after the.... 327 sleep, after a long,.. 328 sleeping in the afternoon, from, 328 ~ 480 ALPHABETICAL REPERTORY. AGGRAVATION, etc. sleep, after the loss of. (See Waking.).... 328 smells, from strong,.... 328 small pox, having the,. 322 smoke, from,.... 328 sneezing, from,. 328 snow-air, in,.... 328 sobbing (hiccupping), from,. 328 solitude, during. (See being left alone)..... 328 sorrow, from. (See Affections of the mind.).. 328 spitting, from,.... 328 splinters, from,... 329 spectacles, from using,.. 329 spring, in the,.... 329 standing, while,... 329 stepping heavily upon the ground or floor, from,.. 329 sticking together, from parts,. 329 stomach, from derangement of the,..... 329 stonecutters (masons), for,. 329 stool, before,... 329 stool, during,.... 330 stool, after,.... 330 stories, from exciting,.. 330 stormy weather, in. (See Weather.).... 330 stove, near a,..... 320 strangers, among,.. 330 stretching the limbs, from,. 330 the affected limb,.. 330 sucking the gums, from,.. 331 suckling the child, while,.. 331 summer, in the,.. 331 sun, in the,... 331 sun burning, from the,. 331 sun light, in the. (See Light.). 331 sunrise, after,.. 331 sunset, after,.... 331 swallowing, when,.. 331 swallowing drinks, when,.. 331 swallowing food, when,.. 332 the spittle,.... 332 swallowed the:food, after having, 332 swallowing, between the acts of, 332 swinging, from,:... 332 taking hold'of any thing, from,. 332 talking, from,... 332 talking of unpleasant things, from,. 332 talking of other people, from the, 332 teeth, frotm clearing one's,. 333 from pressing one's together (gnashing.).. 333 from picking the,.. 333 temperature, from a change of,. 333 AGGRAVATION, etc. thinking of the pain, on,.. 333 thunder storm, during a,.. 333 tobacco,from. (See Nourishment.) 333 tongue, from putting out the,. 333 touching the parts, from,.. 333 touching softly, from,.. 333 touching any thing, on.. 333 touching any thing cold, on,. 334 touching the hair, from,.. 334 treading heavily, from. (See Stepping).... 334 turned or twisted, from holding the part,... 334 turning or twisting the part, whilst,.. 334 the part affected,... 334 outwards,.... 334 inwards,.. 334 backwards,.... 334 backwards and forwards,. 334 forwards,.... 334 turning to the right, while,. 335 sideways,.... 335 turning round, on,... 335 in bed,... 335 twilight (evening), in the,.. 335 uincleanliness, from,... 335 undressing, after,... 335 urinating, before,... 335 urinate, on beginning to,.. 335 urinating, while,... 335 urinating, on leaving off,..336 urinated, after having,. 1336 varioloid, having the,. 336 vaulted places (churches, cellars), in,.. 336 vomiting, from,... 336 vomiturition, from,... 336 violin, playing on the, from,. 336 waking in the night, from,. 336 waking, on,... 291 walk, on beginning to,.. 336 walking, during,... 337 -in the open air, when,.. 337 with, the body bent forward, on,.... 337 over a narrow bridge,. 337 on level ground,.. 337 quickly,.... 337 along or across a river,.. 338 on stone pavement,. 338 in the wind,... 338 walking sideways, from,.. 338 warmth in general, from,.. 338 warm air, in,.. 338 warm food and drink, from. (See Nourishment.)... 338 ALPHABETICAL REPERTORY. 481 AGGRAVATION, etc. warm stove, near the. (See Warm Room.)... 338 warm room, in the. (See Room.) 338 warm in the bed, on getting,. 338. in the open air,... 338 warm, after getting. (See getting heated.). 339 washing, from. (See Water.). 339 watching, from. (See Waking.) 339 water (and washing), from,. 339 lukewarm,.... 339 water, from drinking. (See Nourishment.).... 339 water, from seeing. (See looking.) 339 weather changes, when the,. 339 weather, in clear (fine),..339 weather, in damp. (See Wet Weather.).... 339 weather, in dry,... 339 weather, in foggy,... 339 weather, in wet,. 339 weather, in wet and cold. (See Cold Air and Wet Weather) 339 windy (stormy) weather, in,. 340 weeping, from,... 340 wet, from getting,..3Y40 while perspiring,.. 340. from the feet getting,.. 340 from the head getting,.. 340 whites, having the,... 340 wind, in'the,.. 340 S.., in the east,.... 340 -0'ien fhe north,. 340 Swine, from. (See Nourishment.) 340 winter, in,. 340 withdrawing (drawing up) the limb, from,.... 341" wood, frornthe smell of,.. 341 wombn in confiriement (particularly), with,... 341 women suckling their children, for. (See Suckling.).. 341 worms,from,.. 341 ascarides,... 341 lumbrici,... 341 tapeworm, from the,. 341 wrapping one's self up warmly, from,..... 341 writing, when,... 342 yawning, when,... 342 yawning, after,. 342 AMELIORATION of the symp- - toms by position and circiimnstances,.... 342 air, in the open,... 342 ascending, in. (See going up:). 342 asleep, on falling,... 342 AMELIORATION, etc. attending to (thinking of) the pain, from,... 342 waking, on,... 343 bacoii, from. (See Nourishment,) 343 bending (or turning) the affected part, on,.... 343 backwards,.. 343 forwards,.... 343 inwards,.... 343 sideways,.... 343 binding tight, from. (See Pressure, and wrapping up.). 343 bent, from keeping a part,. 343 biting, from,... 343 bleeding of the affected part, after,...... 343 blinking, from,... 343 blowing one's nose, after,.. 343 boring with the finger (into the ear or nose), from,.. 43 breakfast, before. (See Fasting.) 343 breakfast, after,... 343 breath, from holding (keeping) one's,.... 344 on taking af deep,... 344 carrying a child on one's arm, fiom,..... 344 changing one's position, from,. 344 chewing, from,... 344 cloudy air, by,.... 344 coffee,from. (See Nourishment) 344 cold, in the (in a cold place.). 344 cold air, from the,.. 344 cold things, from. (See Nourishment.)... 344 cold water, from. (See Nourishment and Washings.).. 344 cold, on getting,... 344 company, in,.... 345 covering one's self, from. (See wrapping up.)... 345 dancing, from,.. 345 dark, in the,....345 descending, in. (See going down,) 345 drawing in one's belly, from,. 345 the part affected,... 345 drawing one's shoulders back, from,..... 345 drawing up the limb, from,. 345 drinking,.after,... 345 ""diferent things. (See Nourishment.).... 345 cold and warm things. (See Nourishment.)... 345 eating, while,.... 345 eating, after,... 346 eaten enough, after having,. 346 482 ALPIABETICAL REPERTORY'. AMELIORATION, etc. eating different kinds of food, after. (See Nourishment.). 346 eructation, from,... 346 expiration, while taking an (exhaling),.... 346 evacuation, after,. 346 exertion of the body, from,. 346 of the mind,.. 346 eyes, from opening one's,.. 346 from shutting the,.. 346 flatulency. (See Wind.).. 347 fasting, while (before breakfast), 347 going down (descending), on,. 347 going up (ascending), on,. 347 hair, from tying up the,. 347 hand, from putting the, on a part......347 hang down, from letting the limb, 347 head, from bending the, backwards......347 sideways (to one side),.. 347 from laying one's, on one side,... 348 from leaning the, against something....348 from resting one's, on a table, 348 from shaking the,... 348 from uncovering the,.. 348 from wrapping the, up,.. 348 hot things, firom. (See Nourishment.)... 348 inspiration, while taking an,. 348 knitting, while,.. 348 lacing, from tight. (See Pressure, and wrapping up.).. 348 lying down, while,... 348 lying in bed, while,... 349 on the back,... 349 on the side,... 349 on the painful side,.. 349 on the painless side,.. 349 on the right side,.. 349 on the left side, while,.. 350 on any thing hard,.. 350 with the head high,.. 350 horizontally,... 350 bent forward,... 350 down, after,.. 350 lathe, when turning at a, ~. 350 leaning against any thing, on,. 350 hard,.........350 licking with the tongue, from. 350 light, from....... 350 light (bright), in the,. 350 looking down, on,.. 351 at an object with a fixed eye, 351 sideways,. 0... 351 AMELIORATION, ett. from looking straight forward,.. 351 loosening the garments, from,. 351 meat, after eating. (See Nourishment.)... 351 mesmerized, from being,. 351 moving, from....... 351 moving, from continued,.. 351 moving the affected part, from,. 351 NOtRISHMENT, from different kinds of,. 358 bacon........358 bread,,. 358 coffee,.......358 cold things.......358 firuits,.. 358 hot things. (See Warm.) - 358 meat........ 358 milk........ 358 salt things, _.... 358 spirits. (See'Wine.). 358 tobacco....... 358 tea....... 358 vinegar,. 358 warm (hot) things,. 358 water, cold,. 358 warm,. 359 wine,...... 359 perspiration, during, ~. 352 perspiration, during cold,.. 352 perspiration, after,. 352 place, in a cold. (See Cold ). 352 poultices, from wet& (See Wetting).......352 pressing together, from. (See Pressure.).. 352 pressure firom without, from,. 352 quiet, while. (See Reposing.). 352 raising the limb, from,. 352 reading, fromt....... 352 reposing, while,. 352 reposing, after. (See'Moving.). 353 resting, while (See Reposing.). 353 resting the limb' upon any thing, on,........ 353 on the knees, -353 riding in a carriage, while,. 353 rising, on,.... 353 rising from bed, on,... 353 rising from bed, after, 0. 353 rising from a seat, on,. 353 rising from a seat, after,.. 354 room, in the,.... 354 rubbing, from,.... 354 running, from,... 354 scratching, from,... 354 suppression of the sexual instinct, from,. 6.... -355 ALPHABETICAL REPERTORY. 483 AMELIORATION, etc. shoulders, from drawing back one's. (See Bending).. 355 sitting, while,.... 355,with your.back resting against something. (See Leaning against.)-.... 355 bent,..... 355 erect,..... 355 sitting down, on,.. 355 sitting down, after,.. 356 sleep, during,.... 356 sleep, after,.... 356 state of half sleeping, half waking, in a,.... 356 slumbering, while,... 356 sneezing, while,.. 356 solitude, in,... 356 spirits,from. (See Nourishment ). 356 standing, while,.. 356 stepping heavily, from,.. 356 stooping, when,... 356 stove, near the. (See Warmth.) 356 stretching one's limbs, as if sleepy, from,..... 356 stretching out the limb, froin,. 357 sucking with the tongue, from,. 357 sunshine, in,..... 357 swallowing, from,... 357 taking hold of any thing, on. (See Touching).... 357 talking, from,.... 357 thinking of the pain, from,. 357 touched, from being,.. 357 touching any thing, on,.. 357 tongue, from licking with the. (See L4cking.)... 357 from sucking with the. (See Sucking.).... 357 tobacco, from. (See Nourish4 ment,..... 357 turning, from. (See Bending.). 357 ~ twilight, in the,. 357 uncovering one's self, from,.. 357 vomiting, after,.. 359 walking, when,.. 359 walking with the body bent, when,.... 359 in the-open air,... 359 quickly,.... 359 warm, on getting,... 359 warm in bed, on getting,.. 360 warmth in general, from,.. 360 warmth, external. (See Wrapping up).... 360 warm things, from eating or drinking.- (See Nourishment.) 360 warm, the air being,.. 360 AMELIORATION, etc. warm stove, near the,.. 360 washing, from,.. 360 the lace,.... 360 water, from drinking. (See Nourishment).... 361 weather, in damp (wet),.. 361 in dry,.... 361 wetting the affected paft, on,. 361 wind, after breaking,.. 361 wine, from. (See Nourishment.) wiping with the hand, from,. 361 wrapping one's self up warmly, from,..... 361 writing, from,.... 361 Syawning, after,.. 361 Air, open, desire for,.. 134 Aneurisms, by anastomosis,.. 134 Ankle, remedies acting upon,. 133 Anus, remedies acting upon,. 84 Anxiousness, sensation of, in the body,..... 134 Aphony (loss of voice),.. 116,.Apoplexia nervosa,.. 135 sanguinea,.... 135 Apoplexia,... 135 Appetite, want of, remedies occasioning,..... 59 Arm, upper, remedies acting upon, 123 Arm, fore-, remedies acting upon, 123 Arthritic pain (in the joints),. 135 flying from one part to another,. 135 Arthritic, nodi,.. 135, 218 Asphyxia,..... 135 Attacks of sick feeling,. 135 Auditory nerves, paralysis of the,. 42 AVERSION to, remedies occasioning-- acid things,.. 61 air, open,.... 134 beer,... 61 being looked at,.. 161 brandy,..... 61 bread,..... 61 rye,..... 61 * broth,... 61 butter,..... 61 cheese,..... 61 coffee,.... 62 without sugar,.. 62 fat food,..... 62 fish,.. 62 garlic,..... 62 meat,..... 62 meal and flour (dishes of),. 62 milk,... 62 motion,..... 162 salt,..... 62 484 ALPHABETICAL REPERTORY. AVERSION to solid food,.... 62 sweets,......62 vegetables,.... 62 water...... 62 washing,.... 192 wine,.... 62 Axilla, remedies acting upon,. 122 B Back, remedies acting upon,. 121 Back, small of the, remedies acting upon... 122 Band. (See Loop.) Beating, in parts. (See Knocking.) Belching,..... 67 Bending, of bones... 198 Bites of insects.... 202 Biting (stinging) in the skin. 202 Blackness of outer parts. 136 Blackness of the skin. (See Colour.)..... 92 Bladder, remedies acting upon. 92 Bleeding from inner parts.. 137 Bloatedness of the skin. 203 Blood, abundance of (plethora). 165 Blood, circulation of (sensation as if it were interrupted),. 265 Blood, collection of in the interior, 137 congestion of, to internal parts. 265 congestion of, to single parts. 137 erethism of (flush, rush, etc.). 137 265 flushes of. (See Erethism ) rush of. (See Erethism.) sweating... 138 deficiency of... 138, 265 Blood-vessels, burning sensation in the... 138, 266 inflammation of.. 138, 266 inflation (distention) of the 138,266 net-work of the... 266 pricking in the.. 138, 266 pulsation of the. 138, 266 sensation of cold in the.. 138 Blood-sweating... 2030 Blood-vessels, swelling of the. 203 Blueness of the skin. (See Colour.) Bones of upper extremities, remedies acting upon.. 126 Boring... 138 Boring, from within outwards. 139 from without inwards.. 139 Bubbling. (See Clucking.). 140 Burning in the bones.. 198 glands... 193 skin ~.. 203 as of flames in the skin.. 203 Burning pain of outer parts.. 140 of inner parts... 140 as of sparks in the skin.. 204 with dryness of the skin. (See Dryness.).... 204 Burns.... 140, 204 Buttocks, remedies acting upon' 127 Buzzing. (See Humming.) I C Calves, remedies acting upon. 129 Cancer. (See Ulcers.) Caries of bones. (See Festering.) Carried, children want to be,. 141 Catalepsy.. 141 with bending backwards... 141 Catarrh, Fluent, remedies occasioning,.... 103 dry.... 103 the secretion from the nose being acrid.... 104 burning. 104 of a bad smell. 104 bloody.... 104 greenish... 104 gray... 104 indurated... 104 purulent... 104 slimy.... 104 thick..... 105 viscid... 105 watery.... 105 whey-like... 105 yellow.... 105 complaints accompanying. 106 Catching. (See Grasping.) Chapping of the glands. See Soreness.) Chapping of the Skin. (See Rhagades.) Cheeks, remedies producing morbid sensations.. 653 exanthenia on. T.. 49 Cheeks, puffiness of... 52 Chest, outer, remedies acting upon 120 Chest, inner, remedies acting upon 118 Chest, upper part.. 119 lower part. -.. 119 Chewing, movements of the mouth as if one were.... 141 Chicken-Pox. (See Exanthema.) Chilblains..... 204 blue..... 204 inflamed..... 204 painful..... 204 pustulous.... 204 tingling... 204 Chilliness.... 269 4, ALPHABETICAL REPERTORY. 485 Chilliness,in genera.. 269 initernal... 269 of single parts. 270 of one side only.. 270' with thirst. 270 without thirst... 270 with shivering.. 270 with shaking,, (trembling). 270 with goose-flesh.. 270 followed by heat.. 283 followed by perspiration.. 283 followed by heat, then chilliness 283 followed by heat, then perspiration.... 283 with heat at the same time. 283 external with internal heat. 283 internal with external heat. 283 with heat and perspiration. 284 with perspiration.. 284 followed by heat with perspiSration,..... 284 Chlorosis.... 141 " Chorea St. Viti. (See Spasms, clonic.)... 141 ",Clothes, feeling uneasy, and encumbered by the.. 141 'Clucking... 141 Coeruleus Morbs. 142 -Coition, complaints arising from. 98 S Cold, disposition to catch.. 142 Coldness in general... 271 of single parts... 271 of one side only... 272 sensation of in outer parts. 272 in inner parts... 272 external of the skin.. 204 sensation of, of the skin. 205 S Collca flatulenta, remedies producing 77 COLOR OF THE SKIN,. 205 S blackish... 205 S bluish (blueness.of the skin] j205 S dirty (dingy) -... 205 "pale (paleness of the skin). 205 red,...... 205 yellow (jaiundice),. 205 Comedones, *(See Exanthema.) Complaints prevailing in inher parts 142 prevailing in outer parts. 143 Concussiori of external and internal. parts.... 143 in bones. (See Jerks.) SColdylomatit. (See Excrescences.) Cbfluehceof water in the mouth 67 ' Conjunctiva, remedies acting upon the.... 30 Consolidation, slow, of fractures. 198 Constriction.... 143 of orifices.... 143 Consumption in general.. 143 Contortions of the limbs.. 143 Contraction of the abdomen (body) 144 of the joints.... 144 of inner parts... 144 of limbs. (See Drawn together Crooked Limbs) of the skin.. *.. 206 Contusions.... 144 Convulsions. (See Motions, convulsive.) with jerking of the convulsed part 145 Cornea, remedies acting upon the 30 Corns, remedies acting upon 131, 206 boring.... 206 burning.... 206 horny... 206 with jerks in them.. 206 inflamed.... 206 with pressure... 206 pricking... 207 pulsating.*. -. 207, sensitive... 207 sore, painful as if. 207 tearing.. 207 Corrosion of parts.. 145 Cough in general, remedies occasioning... 109 with expectoration... 109 without expectoration.. 110 with expectoration in the evening, without expectoration in the morning.... 110 with expectoration in the morning, without expectoration in the evening.... 110 with expectoration at night, without expectoration in the day..... 110 with expectoration in the day, without expectoration at night 11I and being obliged to swallow again what had been raised. 111 with expectoration acrid. 111 blackish.. 111 bloody... lll "blood acrid... 111 blood brownish... 111 blood coagulated.. 111 blood dark... 111 bloody, blood pale. 112 blood streaked... 112 blood viscous... 112 cold.... 112 like the white of an egg". 112 frothy..... 112 granular.. 112 greenish.. 112 486 ALPHABETICAL REPERTORY. Cough with expectoration indurated 112 gray..... 112 like jelly.... 112 lemon-colored... 112: milky.... 112 mucous. *.. 112 purulent.... 113 viscous.... 113 watery.... 113 whitish.... 113, yellow..... 113 tasting bitter... 113 like the discharge in a chronic catarrh.... 114 empyreumatic... 114 flat..... 114 greasy..... 114 herby... 114 metallic.... 114 musty..... 114 like onions.... 114 offensive.. 114 putrid.. 114 salty..... 114 sour..... 114 sweetish.... 115 like the juice of tobacco. 115 having an offensive smell. 115 concomitant complaints of 115, 271 Chin, remedies producing morbid sensations in... 55 exanthema on.... 50 Cicatrices, old, bursting open again 204 Circular desquamation of the skin. (See Tetters.) Cracking of the joints.. 145 Crawling in the skin. (See Formication.) Creaking of the joints... 146 Creeping in the limbs like a mouse 146 Crepitation. (See Crackling.). 146 Curving. (See Contraction.) Cutaneous eruptions. (See Exanthema.) Cutting in the glands.. 193 in the interior of the bones. 199 'inthe skin. 207 "in outer parts... 146 in inner parts.. 146 Cyanosis. (See Morbus coeruleus.) D Deadness;sense.of, in inner parts. 176 Deadness of single parts. (See Insensibility.) Death, apparent. (See Dying, appearance as if.) Debility. (See Weakness.) Decubitus. (See Soreness from lying in bed.) Desquamation of the skin.. 207 Diarrhoea, painful... 80 painless.... 80 remedies occasioning. 79 Digging in bones. (See Rooting.) in external and internal parts. 147 up. (See " Rooting.") Dingy skin. (See Color) Digging. (See Rooting) in the glands Discharge of blood before the proper period..... 98 Disgust to food.... 69 Distention, interstitial, of the bones 199 Drawing. (See Tearing.) Drawing-in ofsoft parts (retraction) 147 Drawing in bones. (See Tearing). in the glands. (See Tearing.)Dreams in general, (many.). 260 anxious.... 260 about fatal accidents.. 260 about animals... 261 about dead persons.. 261 with feeling of embarrassment 261 about falling.. 261 about fire.... 261 about firing, (shooting). 261 about ghosts... 261 about illness... 261 about quarreling... 261 about thieves... 261 about thunder-storms. 261 about war.. 261 about water.. 261' confused..... 262 historical.... 262 indifferent... 262 about the business of the day. 262 continuing a long while.. 262 vexatious, busy... 264 disagreeable, and disgusting. 264 about blasted hopes.. 264 about injuries received.. 264 about vermin... 264 vivid..... 264 in the waking state... 264 continuing after waking,. 262 with continuation of the thoughts of the day.. 262 exerting the mind... 262 with reflection.. 262 pleasant..... 262 amorous.... 263 pleasant about ceremonies. 263 about dancing... 263 full of fancies.... 263 -- d ALPHABETICAL REPERTORY. 487 ~~ ~, f Dreams, about learned matters. 263 Epilepsy, with rigor*... 150 merry..... 263 with consciousness.. 150 about money... 263 without consciousness.. 150 phantastical...- 263 Erethism of the blood, (See Boil-. about travelling.. 263 ing Sensation.) which one does not recollect. 263 Erections, remedies occasioning. 97 vexatious.... 264 Eructations.... 68 in which he feels ashamed. 264 Eruptions, cutaneous. (See ExanDropsy, of outer parts.... 148 thema.) of inner parts.. *. 148 Erysipelas. See Exanthema.) Dropsy. (See Swelling') EXANTHEMA on particular parts of Drowsiness.. 254' the body.... 3 Dryness, excessive, of the palm of on the skin... 50 the hands, and the bottom of around the mouth.. 50 the feet... 148 oh the upper lip. 50 of inner parts.... 14, on the lower lip.. 50 of the skin, (want of exhalation, on the corners of the mouth. 50 want of sweat)... 207 on the nose... 50 with heat, (dry burning of the around the nose... 50 skin)..... 208 on the temples... 50 Dying, appearance as if.. 149 on the forehead... 51 in general.... 208 E abscess..... 208 Ears, remedies acting upon the achor. (See Milk-crust.).. 209 parts behind the., 29 anthrax...,. 209 obstruction of the... 43 blackish.... 209 noise in the, in general. 41 biting (stinging)... 209 as from fluttering.. 42 blisters. (See Pocks.).. 209 humming.,.. 41 4 containing blood.. 209 lingling... 42 as from a burn... 209 external, remedies acting upon. 39 blotches. (See Nettlerash and internal, remedies acting upon..39 Knots.)... 209 before the, remedies acting upon ' containing blood... 209 the region.....40 burning..... 209 behind tie, remedies acting upon chicken-pox.. 209 the region.... 40 chapped.. 209 below the, remedies acting upon circular desquamation. (See Tetthe region.... 40 ters.)..... 210 on the lobes of, remedies acting clustering... 220 upon the region... 40 comedones. (See Maggots.). 210 discharge from the.,. 40 condylomata. (See Excrescen-,of blood.... 40 ces.).... 210 of pus.....41 confluent.. 210 of humour.. 41 copper-colored... 210 of-fluid wax... 41 corroding and spreading (phageof mucus.... 41 denic blisters.)... 210 Elasticity of the skin, want of. 208 on covered parts only.. 210 Elbow-joint, remedies acting upon 125 on parts covered with hair (except Elbow, hollow of the... 125 the head.).... 210 point of-the... 126 crusty. (See Scurfy.).. 210 Emaciation, general. 149 with painful dartings.. 210 _., of single parts '.. 149 drawing. (See Tearing.), 210 of the parts affected.. 149 dry.... 210, Emission of prostatic juice, reme- erysipelatous...,. 210 dies occasioning..0; 98 flat..... 210 involuntary, complaints from. 98 freckles. (See Spots.)..211 Epigastrium, remedies acting upon 74 fungus. (See Excrescences.).211 Epilepsy..... 150 furuncles.... 211 488 ALPHAIETICAL REPERTOIY, Exanthemafuruncles, large. 211 Exanthema, rubeolae.., 16 small..... 211 scaly -... 21 gangrenous.... 211 scarlet-colored (scarlet-fever). 211 gritty..... 211 with-swelling... 211 in groups, clusters,. 211 scurfy, (crusty).. 210 hard.... 211 smooth scarlet, (genuine scarletdifficult to heal.. 212 fever)... 211 herpes. (See Tetters.).. 212 sore..... 216 horny.... 212 stinging..... 216 humid. (See. Moist,).. 212 with swelling.. 217 itch..... 212 tearing (drawing) and painful. 217 bleeding.. 212 tensive.... 217 dry..... 212 transparent.. 217 greasy... 212 with pain, as if ulcerated.. 217 moist (humid)... 212 warts. (See Warts.).. 217 suppressed (driven in by mis- whitish.... 217 managerhent).. 212 with white tips... 217 with mercury and sulphur. 212 varicella... 217 itching..... 212 yellowish.... 217 knots (blotches, nodes).. 213 zona..... 217 rose-coloured... 213 EXCRESCENCES, (See Exanthema.) 217 maculae. (See Spots.)-. 213 condylomata..18 maggots (comedones).. 213 corns. (See Corns.).. 218 like measles... 213 flesh-colored.... 218 miliary eruption... 213 fungus articularis... 218 purpura miliaris... 213 haematodes.... 218 scarlet... 213 medullaris.... 218 white.... 213 hangnails.... 218 in the open air, 214 horny..... 218 in the room... 214 knots. (See Exanthema.). 218 mnilk-crust (achor). 2. 214 maggots.... 218 like millet-seed,.. 214 moles... *. 218 moist.... 214 nodi arthritici.... 218 like nettle-rash... 214 polypus.. 218 nodes. (See Knots.).. 214 proud flesh. (See Wild Flesh.) painful... 214 spongy.. 218 painless... 214 steatoma. (See Tumor cysticus.) 218 peeling off... 214 tumor cysticus.. 219 petechie.... 215 varices. (See Variees.),. 219 phagedenic blisters, (See Corro- warts. (See Warts.).. 219 ding.)..... 215 wens, (ganglia, exostosis). 219 pimples in general... 215 wild flesh. (See Ulcers.). 219 pores, black. (See. Pores.). 215 Excitement, nervous.. 150 pock-shaped0.. 215 Extending of the limbs.. 150 black... 21.5 Exostosis, (See.Excrescences; spurious... 215 Wens.).... 90 purulent..... 215 Eyes, hollow.... 51 pustules..... 215 projecting... 51 pustulous. ~, 211 inner angle of the, remedies actpustulous (vesicular), 215 ing upon,... 33 pustulous, containing blood. 216 Eyeball in general, remedies acting blue... 216 upon the;... 30 on chilblains... 216 Eyes, running of the... 31 with erysipelas,.. 216 Eyebrows, remedies acting upon. 31 gangrenous.... 216 Eyes, orbit of the, remedies acting after scratching. (See Itch- upon..... 31 ing.)..... 216 Eyelids, remedies acting upon. 32 around ulcers.. 216 upper, remedies acting upon, 32 ALPHABETICAL REPERTORY. 489 Eyelids, lower, remedies acting upon 32 margin of the, remedies acting upon,.. 32 "internal surface of the, remedies acting upon,... 33 Eye, angles of the, remedies acting upon,.. 33 external angle of the, remedies acting upon,. 33 Eyes, puffiness about the,. 52 under the,.... 52 over the,... 52 between lids and<browd, ' 52 exanthema about the,.. 49 Eyebrows, exanthema in,. 49 Eyes, yellow color about the,. 48 F Face, outward appearance of. 46 color of, bluish.... 46 about the eyes.. - 46 about the mouth... 46 bluish-red... 47 brownish... 47 changing... 47 copper-colored, (Acne rosacea) 47 S earthy..... 47 erysipelatous.. 47 greenish.... 47 greenish about the eyes. 47 grays..... 47 pale..... 47 red..... 48 circumscribed red spot on the cheeks... 48 shining-greasy.. 48 spotted.. 48 yellow... 48 about the eyes.. 48 about the mouth.. 48 about the nose. 49 on the temples. 49 countenance -altered. 49 distortion of the. 49 emaciation of the, only. 49 freckles on the. 51 deep furrows in the.. 51 on the forehead. 51.black pores in... 51 puffiness of.. 51 exanthema of... 49 taboat the eyes.. 49. iri the eyebrows.. 9 on the chees... 49 Fainting..... 151 Fat, tendency to get'.. 151 inclination to get (See III. 1.).,219 Fancies, remedies acting upon.. 58 Festering of the periosteum.. 199 of bones (caries)... 199 - of the glands.... 194 Fevers compound in general.. 282 Fever, concomitant complaints of. 285 before the..... 285 during he.... 286 after the.... 286 Fidgety disposition (restlessnes of _ -the-body)..... 151 Fingers, remedies acting upon. 124 remedies acting upon joints of the.. 126 remedies acting upon tips of the 124 remedies acting on the parts between.. 124 remedies acting upon finger-nails 124 Fistulas. (See Ulcers).. 219 -'// Flaccidity (wasting, withering) of the glands.. 194 of the skin..... 219 Flatulency in general, remedies producing..... 76 incarcerated, remedies producing 77 Flatus,burning, remedies producing 78 cold, remedies producing.. 78 smelling like garlic, remedies producing..... 78 humid-warm, remedies producing.... 78 noisy, remedies producing. 78 of a putrid smell, remedies producing..... 78 smelling like rotten eggs, remedies pioducing... 78 inodorolus, remedies producing. 78 smelling sour, remediesproducing 78 stinking, remedies producing. 78 Floccilegium (grasping at flocks) 152 Forehead, remedies acting upon the 29 exanthema'on.. 51 deep furrows in the... 51 remedies producing morbid sensations in.... 52 Foot, remedies acting upon.. 129 dorsum of... 130 Formication, (crawling in the skin, as of insects)... 219 Frailty., (See Weakness.). 152 Freckles. (See Spots.). 219 1frozen limbs,...-.. 152 Fungus. (See Excrescenses.). 219 articularis, haematodes, medullaris. (See Excreseences.). 219 G Gagging,.. 70 490 ALPHABETICAL REPERTORY. Ganglia. (See Excrescences: Wens.). 219 Gangraena,.. 219 humida... 219 Genitals in general, remedies acting upon... 93 Glands, parotid, remedies producing morbid sesations in the. 40 penis) remedies acting upon 94 of the neck, (and lower jaw) remedies acting upon.. 118 Glandula thyroidea, (struma,) remedies acting upon... 118 Gnawing, in bones... 199 in the glands... 194 in outer parts... 152 in the joints.. '153 in the bones.... 153 in inner parts... 153 Grasping with the hands.. 153 at flocks. (See Floccilegium.) Greasy skin.,219 Griping, (with sense as of tearing away.).... 153 Gums, remedies acting upon. 57 upper, remedies acting upon. 57 lower, remedies acting upon..57 inner, remedies acting upon. 57 H Hemorrhoids, remedies occasioning 85 Hair, losing one's,. 219 in tufts, (clusters.). 219 on the back of the head. 220 on the crown of the head. 220 on the forepart of the head. 220 on the sides of the head. 220 on the temples... 220 of the eyebrows... 220 of the whiskers.. 220 of the moustaches.. 220 of the nostrils.. 220 of the genital organs.. 220 body in general... 220 borders of the, remedies acting upon..... 28 of the head, remedies acting upon... 27 of the head, dark... 28 of the head, light... 28 Hammering.. 153 Hand, remedies acting upon. 123 backof the, remedies acting upon 124 palm of the, remedies acting upon 124 Hangnails... 220 Hanging loose, skin as if. 153 Hardness of the skin.. 220 callous..... 220 Hardness of the skin, with thickening 22. like parchment... 221 Hardened pieces of skin coming off... 206 Hardness of the glands. (See Induration.), Head, inner, in general, remedies acting upon.... 24 half of the, remedies acting upon 26 half, right, remedies acting upon 26 half, left, remedies acting upon 26 sides of the... 25, 29 external, remedies acting upon 27 movements of the.. 27 external, remedies producing. morbid sensations in,. 27 skin of, remedies acting upon. 28 bones of, remedies acting upon. 28 remedies acting upon the crown 29 Heal, skin difficult to.. 221 Hearing, fine.... 41 hard..... 42 sensibility of.... 41 Heart, and region of the heart, remedies acting upon. 119 palpitation of the, remedies occasioning.... 119 of the, with anguish remedies occasioning... 120 pulsation of the, intermittent remedies occasioning.120 trembling, intermittent, remedies occasioning.. 120 Heart-bum. 68 Heat, in the glands. (See Burning and Swelling.) and chilliness, alternately.. 284 followed by chilliness, then heat 284 followed by chilliness, then heat, then perspiration.. 284 followed by shuddering.. 284 followed by perspiration.. 284 followed by perspiration, then chilliness.... 284 with chilliness. (See Chilliness with Heat.).. 284 with shuddering... 284 with perspiration.. 284 with perspiration, then chilliness.... 285 with chilliness alternately. (See chilliness, and heat alternately.)... 285 and shuddering alternately.. 285 and perspiration alternately. 285 (in fever), in general.. 272 external..... 273 internal.... 273 ALPHABETICAL REPERTORY. 491 Heat of single parts... 273 ofsingle outer parts... 274 of single inner parts.. 274 on one side only... 274 with anxiousness. 274 dry.. 275 flushes of.. -. 275 with thirst.... 275 without thirst.... 275 with inclination to uincover, or undress one's self... 276 with aversion to uncover, or undress one's self... 176 concomitant complaints of. 276 Heel, remedies acting upon. 130 Herpes. (See Tetters.). 221 "Heaviness, feeling of in the glands 194 HiAuping..... 68 Hip-joints, remedies acting upon. 132 Hopping in inner parts.. 154 Horny excrescences. (See Excrescences.). "... 221 Humidity of the skin... 221 Humming (buzzing in the body). 154 Hunger, remedies occasioding. 60 without.appetite.. 60 canine..... 60 Hydrops. (See Tumor.):. 221 Hydrophobia... 155 Hypochon'dria, remedies acting upon the.... 72 and Hysterics.... 155 Hyperaesthesis. (See Sensibility.) Hysterics. (See Hypochondria.). 155 Hysteric fits... 155 I Illusions of the sense of tact ". 156 Immovability of the parts affected 157 Impressions, deep, from instruments 221 deep, from musical instruments 157 Impotence, remedils occasioning. 97 Inactivity -(want of action) of the skin.... 221 Inclination to lieFdown.. 160 to sit don.. 178 Induration of the muscles. (See Miscles ) after inflammations.. 157 (hardness, knots) of the glands. 194 Inflammation of the glands.. 194 of bones.... 199. of the periosteum.. 199 "of external parts.. of inner parts... 157 of the mucous membrane.. 158 of the veins... 158 Inflammation of the glands, of the skin and bones... 158 of the skin... 221.disposition to, of the skin.. 221 Inflexibility of the joints of the limbs..... 158 Inguinal ring, internal remedies acting upon... 75 external.... 76 glands, external, remedies acting upon... 76 hernia, remedies acting upon. 75 Inner parts,.complaints prevailing.in...... 142 Insensibility (numbness) of the skin 222 of outer parts, (painlessness, pithy, numb feeling).. 158 of inner parts... 158 of the parts affected... 159 Irritability, excessive, (f the body. 159 of the body; deficiency of.. 159 ITCING in general... 222 biting (stinging)... 222 burning..... 222 crawling (creeping).. 223 drawing. (See Tearing.). 223 gnawing.... 223 jerking.. 223 pricking (stinging).. 223 with soreness.. 223 tearing (drawing)... 223 *tingling..... 223 Itch. (See Exanthema.).. 222 Itching in bories... 199 Sin the glands... 194 (tickling) of inner parts.. 159 ITCHING: AFTER SCRATCHING, biting (stinging) in the skin. 225 clisters (vesicule). 225 blotches..... 225 barning..... 2 chapping. (See Soreness.). 22 -corrosion, (gnawing). 225 ecchymosis... 225 erysipelas.. 225 excoriated surface... 226 eruptions in general.. 226 gnawing. (See Corrosion.). 226 humidity of skin (dampness) 226 miliary eruption... 226 nodules, white.. 226 numbness of the skin.. 226 pimples.... 6. pricking..... 226 pustules.... 227 redness of the skin... 227 red streaks.. 227 scurf..... 227 492 ALPHABETICAL REPERTORY. Itching, simple (indefinite) pain. 227 soreness (chapping).. 227 spots.. 227 sweating blood... 227 tearing (drawing)... 227 tension.... 227 tickling... 227 swelling.... 227 thickening of the skin.. 228 ulcers.... 228 ulcerated, pain as if.. 228 pain as of subcutaneous ulceration 228 with titillation... 224 voluptuous.... 224 abating by scratching.. 224 changing the place by scratching 224 unaltered by scratching,.. 224 worse by scratching.. 224 J Jactitation of the muscles. (See Muscles.).. 160 Jaw, upper, remedies producing morbid sensations in.. 53 lower, remedies producing morbid sensations in.. 54 Jaws, articulation of the, remedies producing morbid sensations in 54 Jerks (convulsive sensations) in inner parts.,.. 155 in the muscles.... 155 in the joints....-156 in the bones.... 156 (concussions) in bones.. 199 Joints, cracking of the.. 145 creaking of the... 145 in general, of lower extremities, remedies acting upon.. 131 in general, of upper extremities, Sremedies acting upon,. 125 Jaundice. (See Color of,the Skin.)... 155, 221 K Kidneys, remedies acting upon the 73 Knee-joint, remedies acting upon. 132 Knee, hollow of the, remedies acting upon... 132 Knocking in outer parts. 160 in the joints.. 160 in inner parts... 160 Knots. (See Induration.) (See Exanthema.). 228 LL Lancinations. (See Pricking.) Larynx, remedies acting upon. 115 profuse secretion of mucus from. 116 Lassitude of the body... 160 Laxness of the muscles. (See Muscles.). Leather, skin like. (See Hardness.) 228 Legs, remedies acting upon.. 128 Leucorrhcea in general, remedies occasioning... 101 acrid, remedies occasioning,. 102 burning, remedies occasioning. 102 of a bad smell, remedies occasioning.... 10 blood-colored, remedies occasioning..... 102 brown, remedies occasioning. 102 greenish, remedies occasioning. 102 yellow, remedies occasioning. 102 itching, remedies occasioning. 102 mild, remedies,occasioning. 102 like milk, remedies occasioning. 102 mucous, remedies occasioning. 102 purulent, remedies occasioning. 103 thick, remedies occasioning, 103 viscid, remedies occasioning. 103 watery, remedies occasioning. 103 concomitant complaints, accompanying... 103 Lightness, feeling of, in the limbs. 161 Lips, puffiness of.... 52 upper, puffiness of... 52 lower, puffiness of... 52 upper, exanthema on.. 50 lower, exanthema on.. 50 remedies producing morbid sensations in... 54 upper, remedies pruducing morbid sensations in.. 54 lower, remedies producing morbid sensations in.. 54 corners of the, remedies producing morbid sensations in. 55 Liver, remedies acting upon the. 73 Loins.. 74 LONGING FOR, remedies occasioning a acids... 62 beer..... 63 bitter things.. 63 bread. 63 wheat. 63 and butter. 63 brandy... 63 cakes.. 63 cheese.... 63 coal..... 63 coffee.... 63 cucumbers.. 63 ALPHABETICAL REPERTORY. 493 Longing forlfat food... 63 fruit..... 63 herrings... 63 juicy things.... 63 lime (chalk).... 63 liquid food (soups).. 64 meat..... 64 meal and-flour (dishes of). 64 milk-.. 64 refreshing things... 64 sal things.... 64 smoked things.. 64 sourkrout. 64 sweets. (See Sweet Things.) 64 sweet things... 64 vegetables.. 64 worm food.. 64 Swine..... 64 Lousy disease.. 228 Lumbar region, remedies acting upon.... 127 M Maculae, (See spots.).. 228 Maggots. (See Exanthema.). 228 Mammae, remedies.acting upon,. 120 Menstruation too early.. 99 too late... 99 too short.... 99 profuse..... 100 protracted.. 99 too scanty.. 99 suppressed.. 100 remedies influencing. 98 "delay of the first, remedies oc, casioning... 98 Menstrual blood acrid.. 100 of a brown color.. 100 coagulated... 100 dark.,. 100 of a light color.. 100 of a bad smell... 10J viscous.... 101 Menstruation, coinplaints before. 101 at the beginning of. 101 during,... 101 Safter... 101 Metrorrhagia. 98 Milk increased, remedies occasioning..... 121 decreased.. 121 spoiled.. 121 MIND AND SOUL, affections of. 17 Absence of Mind.. 20 Amativeness.. 17 S Anxiety..... 18 Cloudiness.... 22 Cbmprehension, easy.. 20 MIND AND SOUL, affections of Comprehension, difficult.. 20 Covetousness. 18 "Daring.... 18 Dizziness.. 23 Delirium..... 21 Dullness of the head, as in a cold of the head or after intoxication 23 Ecstasy... 21 "Excitement... 21 Gaiety... 18 Haughtiness.... 18 Hopelessness.... 18 Illusions, fantastic... 21 Imbecility.... 21 Indifference.... 18 Insensibility.. 21 Irritability... 18 Madness,.... 22 Maliciousness.... 19 Memory, quick.... 22 weak..... 22 lost..... 22 Mildness.... 19 Mistrust... 19 Peevishness... 19 Sadness.... 19 Seriousness.... 19 Variableness of mood. 20 concomitant complaints of. 23 Miscarriage, remedies occasioning 98 Mobility too great... 161 Moles. (See Excrescences.).. 228 Mons Veneris, remedies acting upon 76 Mortification, (necrosis) of bones 290 Motion rendered difficult.. 161 conwulsive... 162 WMotion involunfary...162 Motion, inclination to, of parts of the body... 162 sensation of, in parts of the body 162 up and down, of parts of the body 162 Mouth, corners of, exanthema in. 50 Mouth, exanthema, around the. 50 Mouth, yellow color about the. 48 Mouth, gaping, remedies occasioning..... 51 Mouth, inner, remedies acting upon..... 57 Mucus, secretion of increased. 163 Muscles, convulsive motions of the (subsultus tendinum)... 163 induration of the. 163 laxn1ss oftthe.. 163 shortness of the (muscles being 4 shortened).... 163 tightness of the... 163 494 ALPHABETICAL REPERTORY. N. Nails, complaints of the, in general 228 getting blue.... 228 brittle.. *.. 228 crumbling off.... 228 deformed.... 229 discolored.... 229 exfoliating... 229 falling, (coming) off.. 229 growing of the nails into the flesh 229 growing slowly... 229 jerks, with sensation as of. 229 painful in general... 229 painful and sore as from pressure.... 229 sensitive.... 229 sore, painful as if... 229 as if a splinter were under the 229 splitting.. 229 spotted..... 229 thickening... 229 ulcerated. 229 ulcerated, painful as if.. 230 yellow..... 230 Nape remedies acting upon. 118 Nausea in general... 69 at the stomach... 69 in the throat... 70 in the chest.... 70 in the belly.... 70 with inclination to vomit.. 70 Neck, remedies acting upon. 117 Nervous debility.. 164 Nipples, remedies acting upon / 117 Nodes. (See Exanthema.).. 230 Nodi arthritici... 135, 218 Nose, external remedies acting upon 43 root of the.... 43 bones of the... 43 bridge of.... 44 septum of..... 44 tip of..... 44 wings of the.. 44 bleeding of the... 44 coagulated blood. ~. 44 dark blood.. 44 pale blood... 44 viscid blood.. 45 of the nose while blowing it. 45 exanthema on... 50 around the, exanthema.. 50 puffiness of... 52 smell, fetid, from the.. 45 sweetish.. 45 like urine.. 45 yellow color about the.. 49 Numb feeling of parts of the body (See Insensibility.).. 416 Numbness of the skin. (See Insensibility.).... 230 0 Obesity. (See Fat, tendency to get.) Obstruction, remedies occasioning 78 Obstruction from inactivity of the bowels..... 79 from induration of the stools. 79 Obtuseness. (See Insensibility.) Occiput, remedies acting upon 26, 29 Opistotonus..... 164 Outer parts, complaints prevailing in 143 Ovaria, remedies acting upon.. 95 P Pain, arthritic, in the joints.. 135 flying from one part to another 135 as if beaten.. *. 136 biting (pungent)... 136 as if broken, in the bones. 198 as if bruised in outer parts. 139 in the joints.... 139 in the bones.... 139 in the inner parts... 139 in the bones... 198 burning, of exterior parts. 140 of inner parts. ~. 140 as if burnt... 140 as if the parts would burst, were pressed asunder, pushed asunder..... 140 as if from concussion.. 164 as from contusion... 144 in the glands... 193 corrosive.. 164 crampy. (See Squeezing.) cramp-pain in the muscles. 145 joints... 145 inner parts... 146 darting in outer parts. (See Jerking.) in the inner parts. (See Jerking.) darting in the glands. (See Jerking.) in the bones... 199 dragging.... 147 dull. 149 in the glands. (See Obtuse.) as if from growing.. 153 - jerking (darting) in outer parts. 156 in inner parts... 156 in the glands... 194 pains, labor-like in uterus.. 95 after pains.... -s& 6 labor-pains ceasing.. 96 distressing... 96 spasmodic.... 96 ALPHABETICAL REPERTORY. 495 Pain-labor, too weak. like labor-pains in inner parts. ] lame. (See Asif paralyzed.) obtuse... in the glands... oppressive... ] as if paralysed... in bones... as if pressed or pushed asunder I as from rending.. as if from shocks... sore in bones... sore in outer parts... ] in inner parts.. in the glands... spasmodic. (See Cramp-pain.) as if sprained inmouter parts. 1 in the joints... in inner parts... squeezing in outer parts. i in inner parts... in bones... stifling... strangulating. (See Stifling.) stunning.. stupifying. (See Stunning.) as if ulcerated in bones in glands...:s if ulcerated in outer parts. in inner parts undulating Painfulness in general, of bones. 5 of, the periosteum... of the glands.. Palate hard, remedies acting upon soft " " Paleness of the skin. (See Color.)..... Palsy. (See Paralysis.). Paralysis (palsy) of the limbs of one side only.. painless.. of the organs,. of the inner parts. of the auditory nerves Patella, remedies acting upon Pecking... Penis, remedies acting upon Perinseum, remedies acting upon PeRSPIRATION in general.. of single parts on one side only. on the fore part of the body on the backlpart of the body 'on the uppei part of the body. on the lower part of the body Perspiring easily (great inclination to perspire). 96 1 Perspiration, want of (dryness of the skin).... 278 want of with heat (dry burning of the skin.. 279 with anxiety... 279 bloody.... 279 cold.... 279 coloring... 279 red..... 279 leaving spots upon the linen 379 yellow. 279 debilitating. (See Weakness.) 279 greasy.... 280 hot.... 280 smelling.. 280 acrid.... 280 bitter... 280 like blood.... 280 like camphor... 200 like cheese.... 280 like rotten eggs... 280 empyreumatic... 280 like honey.... 280 like lilac.... 280 mouldy (musty). 280 like musk.. 280 like onions.... 280 having a putrid smell. 280 like rhubarb.... 281 sour..... 281 sweetish sour... 281 like spice.... 281 stinking.. 281 like sulphur... ~ 281 like urine.... 281 viscid... 281 weakening (debilitating). g 81 want of. (See Dryness.). 230 followed by cold..285 Sby cold, then perspiration. 285 by heat.. 285 with thirst.. 281 without thirst... 281 with inclination to uncover or undress one's self... 282 with aversion to uncover or undress one's self... 282 concomitant complaints of. 282 PetechiEe. (See Spots.)... 230 Phagedenic blisters. (See Exanthema.)..... 230 Piercing (boring) in bones.. 200 in the glands.. 195 Pinching in the glands... 195 with sense as of tearing. 166 in outer parts.. 167 in inner parts... 167 compressive.. 167 496 ALPHABETICAL REPERTORY. Polypus...........167 (See Excrescences.)~. 230 Pores, black.,j- 2. 230 Prepuce, remedies acting upon. 94 Pressing (simple) in outer parts. 168 in inner parts... 168 from without inwards.. 168 from within outwards.. 168 as of a heavy load. a. 169 together (compressive).. 169 Pressure (simple) in the muscles. 169 in the joints.... 170 in the bones... 170 with stinging, in the muscles. 170 in the bones.... 170 with tearing, in the muscles. 170 in the bones.... 170 (simple) in bones... 200 with sticking sensation in bones 200 with tearing in bones.. 200 in the glands.... 195 from within.... 195 from without.... 195 Pricking (darting) in outer parts. 170 in inner parts... 171 from without inwards.. 171 from within outwards.. 171 from below upwards.. 171 from above downwards 171 diagonally.... 171 in the muscles. 172 in the joints.... 172 in the bones.. 172 burning in the muscles.. 172 in thejoints... 172 in the inner epigastric region. 172 Pricking burning in the bones. 173 drawing. (See Tearing.). 173 with jerking.. 173 with pressing in the muscles. 173 in the joints.... 173,in the bones.. 173 tearing (drawing in the muscles) 173 in the joints. 173 in the bones. 173 tensive........173 Pricking in bones... 200 burning in bones... 201 with pressure in bones.. 201 with tearing (drawing) in bones 201 in the skin. 230 burning..... 230 itching. (See Itching.).. 231 prickling.... 231 in outer parts.... 183 in inner parts.... 183 in the glands.... 195 Puffiness about the eyes.. 52 Puffiness under the eyes.. 52 over -the eyes.... 52 between the eyelids and brows. 52 of the cheeks.... 52 of the lips.... 52 of the upper lip.. 52 of the under lip.. 52 of the nose.... 52 in general... 173 Pulling. (See Tugging) in bones..... 201 Pulsation, in the glands. 195 in outer parts... 174 in inner parts... 174 PujsE, changed in general. 266 unchanged... 267 full........267 hard..... 267 imperceptible.... 267 intermitting.... 267 irregular.... 268 quicker. 268 quicker than the beating of the heart..... 268 slow ~ ~ 268 Pulse slower than the beating of the heart..... 268 small..... 268 soft 268 suppressed. (See Imperceptible.) 269 tremulous.... 269 Pupils, dilated....... 30 immovable.... 31 contracted. ~ ~. 31 grown together. 31 Pushing, in parts of the body. 174 Q Qualmishness... 69, 182 Quivering. in external parts. 174 in internal parts... 174 Rectum, remedies acting upon 85 Redness of the glands. (See Swelling.)_.. of the skin. (See Color.).. 231 Relaxation, (See Laxness.). 174 Respiration, morbid, concomitant complaints of. 109 oppressed. 106 arrest, of a.1076--. anxious....... 107 cold. 107 deep...107 having a'smell (some kind of smell).......107 hot... 107 loud (without mucous rattle). 107 panting......... 108 ALPHA13ETICAL Respiration quick... 108 rattling (with mucous rattle. 1G8 Ssighing.... 108 slow.... 108 sobbing.... 108 subdued... 109 unequal... 109 Restlesneness. (See Fidgety disposition.).... 175 Retching, empty (gagging).. 70 Retraction of soft parts. (See Drawing in.) Rhagades (chapping) of the skin. 231 deep, bloody.. 231 after washing... 231 Rigor... 175 sense of... 175 Rising in the throat.. 68 Rooting (digging-up) in parts. 175 in the glands.. 196 in bones..,. 201 Roughness, sense of in inner parts 175 Rumbling and rolling in the bowels, remedies producing.. 77 S Sacrum and buttocks, remedies acting upon... 122 Saliva, increase of, remedies occa" sioning.... 59 diminution of, remedies occasioning.... 59 Salt-rheum. (See Ulcers.).. 231 Scabs.... 231 Scarlatina. (See Exanthema). 231 Scraping over the bones.. 175 in the interior of the bones. 176 along the periosteum.. 201 in the interior of the bones. 201 Screwing together... 176 Scrotum, remedies acting upon. 94 Scurvy..... 176 Seminal emission, involuntary, remedies occasioning... 97 Sensation of strength. (See Vigor.) 183 as if a current of air blew upon 134 as if touched by -a current of cool air.. 134 as if air went through the glands 193 as of a band around bones. 198 of anxiousness in the body. 134 as of a ball in inner parts. 136 as if the parts were compressed with an iron band. 136 as if the flesh were beaten off the bones.. 136, 199 as if the circulation of the blood were interrupted.. 137 SREPERTORY. 497 Sensation as of boiling in the body. (See Blood, erethism of.) as if one had been lying upon a board.... 138 as of cobweb.... 142 of cold in bones.. 198 of coldness in inner parts 142 contractive, constrictive in bones 198 of contraction in outer parts. 144 in the glands... 193 of cracking in inner parts. 145 of crackling (crepitation). 145 of crepitation (See crackling) as of creeping (as of an animal) 146 in the glands,. 193 as if the joints were disjointed 147 as if inner parts were distended (enlarged)... 147 of distension, swelling.. 150 as of drawing-in (retraction). 147 drawing downwards.. 148 dropping.... 148 of dryness in inner parts.. 148 in the joints... 149 as of dust in inner parts.. 149 of emptiness.. 149 as if inner parts were falling out 151 of fatigue.... 151 as of inward festering.. 151 as if filed... 152 as of fulness in outer parts -. 152 as if covered with fur in inner parts... 152 as if inner,parts were grown together... 153 as if pulled by the hair.. 153 of heaviness in outer parts. 154 in inner, parts.. 154 of hollowness. (See Emptiness.) as of a hoop or band being around parts. 154 as of being ill.. 156 of inflation.. -. 158 as if a hot iron were forced into a part.....159 as of a lid (Vralve) in the throat 160 as of being lifted up- ".. 161 as of something living, being lodged in inner paris.,161 something living in: the glands 194 Sas of a lump in inner parts. 161 aiisifno marrow were in the bones 199 "as if'the marrow were coagulated ii the bones.... 200 as of a ndil in outer parts. (See Peg.). 164 as if inner parts were lame. (See Paralysed,) -6 498 ALPHABETICAL REPERTORY. Sensation of numbness in the glands.. 195 as if inner parts were obstructed 164 as if inner parts were paralysed 166 as if the skin were peeling off 166,230 as of a plug, peg, nail in outer parts.... 166 in inner parts... 166 as of rending.. 174 as of rolling.... 175 as if gone to sleep in single parts 178 as of growing smaller. 179 as of a splinter... 181 as of a bubbling spring. 181 as of squeezing in the glands. 196 of hot streams.. 183 as of sugillation... 184 of swelling in the skin.. 236 of swelling. (See Extension.) in the glands... 197 in the bones... 201 as of something being torn out 189 as of twitching and pulling. 190 as of a valve. (See Lid.) of warmth.... 191 as of water dashing against inner " parts.... 192 as of a wedge. (See Plug.) as of whirling.... 193 as If made of wood... 193 Sensitiveness of outer parts.. 179 of inner parts.... 179 Sensibility of bones... 201 of the glands.... 196 of the periosteum... 201 of the skin in general.. 231 Sensitiveness to pain... 176 Sexual desire too weak... 96 too strong.... 97 powers, weakness of... 97 Shaking. (See Trembling.). 177 Shocks. (See Concussion.) Shortness of the muscles. (See Muscles.) Shoulder, remedies acting upon. 122 Shoulder-blades, remedies acting upon.... 121 Shoulder-joint, remedies acting upon..... 125 Shrinking (wasting) of soft parts. 177 Shrivelling..... 177 Shrivelled skin. (See Wrinkled Skin.)..... 231 SHUDDERING in general... 276 of single parts.... 277 of one side only... 277 with heat. (See Heat with Shuddering.)... 285 Shuddering, with perspiration. 285 and heat alternately. (See Heat and Shuddering alternately.). 285 followed by chilliness. ~ 285 followed by heat... 285. followed by perspiration.. 285 Sick feeling, attacks of... 135 -Side, complaints on one, only. 177 on the right.... 177 on the left.... 178 from side to side, diagonally. 178 SIGHT, AFFECTIONS OF.. 33 Amaurosis. (See Paralysis of the Optic Nerve.). 38 Blindness.... 34 periodical.. 34 Cataract..... 38 viridis..... 38 reticularis.... 38 Dazzling of the eyes. 33 Dimsightedness... 38 Illusions, ocular, in colors. 34 black..... 34 blue...... 34 bright.... 34 green.. 35 Sgray..... 35 rainbow colors... 35 red.. 35 striped... 35 variegated.. 35 white..... 35 yellow..... 35 JIllusions, ocular, in regard to forms 35 Confused sight.. 36 Diplopia... 35 of one eye.. 35 horizontal.... 35 False sight.. 36 Half sight..... 35 horizontal... 35 perpendicular. 36 Too bright.. 36 Too far... 36 Too large. 36 Too near..... 36 Too small. 36 Illusions Ocular, in strange appearances... 36 Flashes.. 36 Fiery appearance,. 36 Figures, (faces, grimaces).. 37 Halo round the candle. 37 Mistiness, (gauze before the eyes) 36 Motes, (muscae volitantes). 37 Spotted appearance... 37 Letters running into one another while reading... 39 4 ALPHABETICAL REPERTORY. 499 SIGHT, AFFECTIONS Or Longsightedness '. 38 Light aversion to (photophobia). 37 desire for bright... 37 Objects moving before th eyes. 33 Photomania (desire to look into brightlight.... 37 Photophobia. 37 Paralysis of the optic nerves. 38 Staring look. 38 Sight, momentary loss of as from V fainting.. 39 weakness of.. 37 Shortsightedness.. 37 Vanishing of sight.. 39 Vibrations, tremulous before the eyes 39 of light before the eyes.. 34 Vision, indistinct.. 37 Sinciput, remedies acting upon the 24,ý29 Sleep in the early morning. 254 like stupor... 254 deep. (See Sound.)... 254 anxious.. 254 not refreshing.. 254 stupor-like. 254 sound (deep). 255 unquiet..... 255 Sleep-waking... 255 Sleep morbid, concomitant complaints of.... 255 falling asleep late... 252 again, not being able to after waking.. 252 complaints preventing.252 Sleepiness in the daytime in general 25t in the morning. 256 in the forenoon. 256 in the afternoon... 256 in the evening..... 256 concomitant complaints of. 257 complaints causing.. 257 Sleeplessness in general.. 257 before midnight.. 257 after midnight... 258 with drowsiness.. 258 complaints causing.. 258, SLEEP POSITIONS DURING. 259 head low... 259 with the arms above the head. 259 under the head... 259 on the belly... 259 bent backward.. 259 bent forward... 259 turned sideways.. 269 knees far apart.. 269 knees bent.. 259 legs crossed.. 259 stretched... 259 Sleep, with legs drawn up. 259 ' one drawn up, the other str'chd 259 lying on the back... 259 on the belly.... 259 on one side.... 260 Sitting.... 260 Skin sticking to the ulcers of the bones... 234 Smelling acute.... 45 feeble (diminished or lost). 45 too sensitive.. 45 Smells imaginary.. 45 agreeable. 46 as of blood 46 like inveterate catarrh.. 46 earthy... 46 empyreumatic.. 46 l. 46 as of pitch... 46 pus *. ~... 46 sweetish.. 46 sour..... 46 sulphureous.. 46 bad from the mouth, remedies occasioning.. 59 Sneezing, remedies occasioning. 105 ineffectual. 106 Softening of bones. 201 of inner parts.. 179 Soft parts feel as if hard.. 179 Sole of foot, remedies acting upon 130 Sommolency. 254 Soreness from lying in bed.. 231 of children.. 231 sensation of.. 231 Spasms in general.. 179 chronic. 180 tonic. 180 hysteric... 180 ininner parts.. 180 Spermatic cords, remedies acting on 94 Sphacelus. 232 SpleenW remedies acting upon the. 73 Spots, black. 232 blackish (with old people). 232 blue. 232 Sbrown. (See Liver-colored.). 232 bufnt,,as if.. 232 burning 232 circular. (See Tetters.).. 232 conflhent. 232 copper-colored. (See Red.). 232 like flea-bites.. 232 gangrenous. 232 greenish. 232 herpetic. (See Tetters.).. 232 itching. 232 liver-colored (brown). 232 500 ALPHABETICAL REPERTORY. Spots petechi. 233 Strain a part by lifting heavy things pink-colored. (See Pale-red.). 233 disposition to... 161 pricking. 233 Stretching, simple of the limbs. 183 red... 233 of the limbs, as from drowsiness 183 brownish... 233 Stricture of the orifices.. 143 copper-colored... 233 Strictures (after inflammations).. 183 fiery-red.... 233 Subsultus tendinum. (See Musmarbled.. 233 cles).... 184 pale (pink-colored). 233 Suffocating attacks, remedies occapale, growing pale in the cold 233 sioning.... 106 scarlet.. 233 Sugillation.... 234 violet..... 233 Summer freckles. (See Spots). 234 red wine, as from,. 233 Supporting the body, difficulty in. 184 reddish-blue... 233 Suppuration. (See Ulcers.).. 234 reddish-brown.... 234 Sweat, want of. (See Dryness.). 234 sore, painful as if.,. 234 Swelling in general.,. 184 summer-freckles.., 234 inflammatory.... 184 white.... 234 of the parts affected.. 184 yellow.... 234 of bones... 206 Sprains.... 181 of the periosteum... 201 disposition to.. 181 external, in general.. 231 Staggering when walking.. 182 of the parts affected.. 234 Starting of the body... 182 blue-black.... 235 Steatoma. (See Excrescences.). 234 burning.. 235 Stickiness of the skin... 234 of the parts affected, cold. 235 Stiffness of the skin. (See Want of cysticus. (See Excrescenses.). 235 elasticity and hardness.) ~. 234 dropsical (dropsy, hydrops). 235 Stinging skin... 234 hard (tensive). 4. 235 Stomach, remedies acting upon. 72 hot. (See Burning and inflamed.) 232 pit of, remedies acting upon.. 75 inflamed... 235 Stools, acrid, remedies producing. 80 pale..... 235 bilious..... 80 pricking (stinging)... 236 black colored... 80 tingling... 236 bloody.... 80 shining..... 236 frothy..... 81 spongy..... 235 green.... 81 tensive. (See Hard.).. 236 gray (ash-colored, whitish). 81 white..... 236 involuntary... 81 sensation as of, in the skin. 236 knotty, like sheep's dung.. 81 SWELLING OF THE GLANDS.. 196 mucous.... 81 bluish..... 196 purulent..... 81 cold..... 196 of a sour smell... 82 hard..... 196 stinking.. 82 hot..... 196 the faeces being too large in si2e 82 inflammatory... 196 too small' it size... 82 like knotty strings, of the glands 197 undigested... 82 painful..... 197 insufficient.... 82 painless..... 197 tenacious.... 82 TASTE changed in general.. 64 with ascarides... 82 bitter, remedies occasioning a. 65 with lumbrici...,. 83 delicate.... 65 with tape-worm... 83 diminished.... 65 complaints attending the.. 83 earthy..... 65 before evacuation.. 83 empyreumatic... 65 during evacuation. 83 fatty..... 65 after evacuation. 93 flat....,. 66 urging to, remedies occasion- herby..... 66 ing...... 84,lost...... 66 urging, ineffectual,. &. 84 metallic... 65 ALPHABETICAL REPERTORY. 501 Taste offensive... 66 Tension.... 236 putrid... 66 in the outer parts.. 188 saltish... 67 in thejoints... 188 sour.... 67 in the inner parts.. 188 sweetish.. 67 Testicles, remedies acting upon. 94 Tearing (drawing) in the glands. 192 Tetanus. (See Catalepsy and (drawing)... 202 Tonic Spasms.).. 189 with burning... 202 Tetters (herpes) in general. 237 crampy.... 202 burning... 237 jerking.... 202 chapped (with chaps, rhagades) 237 paralytic... 202 circular... 237 with pressure... 202 corroding and spreading. 237 in the periosteum.. 202 drawing. (See Tearing.). 237 sticking.... 202 dry... 237 drawing in outer parts.. 185 furfuraceous... 237 in inner parts... 185 gray.... 237 from below upwards.. 185 humid.... 238 drawing from above downwards 186 jerking... 238 in the muscles.. 186 itching... 238 in the joints... 186 pricking... 238 in the bones... 186 red.... 238 burning in the muscles.. 187 ring-worm. (See Circular.). 238 in the joints... 187 with rhagades. (See Chapped.) 238 in the.bones... 187 scaly.... 238 crampy in the muscles.. 187 scurfy.... 238 in the joints.. 187 whitish... 238 in the bones... 187. suppurating... 239 jerking in the muscles.. 187 tearing (drawing).. 239 in the joints.. 187 yellowish... 239 in the bones.. 187 of a yellow-brown.. 239 paralytic, lame, in the muscles 187 Thighs, remedies acting upon. 127 in the joints.. 187 anterior surface.. 127 in the bones.. 187 posterior surface. 128 with pressure, in the muscles 187 external side... 128 (drawing), with pressure, in the inner side... 128 joints... 188 Thirst, remedies occasioning. 60 in the bones. 188 want of.. 61 sticking (lancinations) in the with aversion to drink.. 61 muscles... 188 inclination to drink without. 61 in the joints... 188 Tibia, remedies acting upon. 129 sticking in the bones.. 188 Tickling. (See Itching.) 189, 239 Teeth, remedies acting upon. 55 in the glands.. 197 incisores... 55 Tightness. (See Tension.). 189 cuspidati... 56 of the muscles. (See Mjescles.) 189 molares.... 56 (See Tenseness.).. 239 decayed... 56 Tingling in outer parts.. 189 upper.... 56 in inner parts... 189 lower.... 56 in the glands... 197 Temples, exanthema on the ~.50 Titillation in bones.. 202.yellow color of the.. 49 Toes, remedies acting upon. 130 Sremedies producing morbid-sen- joints of... 133 sations in... 53 big... 130 remedies acting upon the. 25, 29 tips of the... 131 Tendo Achillis, remedies acting ball of the... 131 upon.. '... ]29 nails.... 131 Tension in bones... 202 Tongue, remedies acting upon. 58 in the glands.. 197 coated, remedies occasioning. 58 Tenseness (tightness) of the skin. 236 Toothache in general 5 GG 502 ALPHABETICAL REPERTORY. Trachea, remedies acting upon. 115 Trembling (shaking) of outer parts 189 of inner parts (sensation of trembling of inner parts). 190 Tugging. 190 Tumor. (See swelling.) (See Swelling) of the glands. 197 Tumble, inclination to. 190 Turning (twisting, writhing) _. 190 Twisting together (rolling up). 190 Twitching in the glands.. 197 U Ulcerated. (See Festering.). 202 Ulceration inward. (See Festering.) Ulcers in general. 239 bruised, with pain as if. 239 biting (smarting). 239 black, turning.. 239 on the bottom. 239 on the edges. 239 bleeding... 240 on the edges. 240 with blisters around. 240 bluish.... 240 boring.. 240 burning. 240 bleeding in the edges. 240 in the circumference.. 240 as if burnt... 240 cancerous.. 240 cold, with a sensation of. 240 with corroding (gnawing) pains 241 crusty (scabby). 241: cutting. 241 deep.... 241 digging. 241 drawing. (See Tearing.). 241 dry. (See Pus too little.). 241 even (flat).. 241 feeling, destitute of. 241 fistulous.. 241 flat. (See Even.). 241 gangrenous 241 gnawing pains, with. (See Corroding.) 241 S hard. 242 on the edges. 242 in the circumference.. 242 with high, hard edges.. 242 difficult to heal. 242 hot. (See Burning and Inflamed.) 242 jerking... 242 inflamed... 242 itching.. 242 itching round about... 243 looking like lard. 243 on the bottom. 243 Ulcers, with maggots.. 243 old, opening again. (See Cicatrices.)... 243 painful. (See Sensitive.). 243 painless... 243 with pressure... 243 pricking.. 243 looking like lard in the edges. 243 in the circumference.. 243 with tingling... 243 with flesh in the ulcer.. 244 pulsating.. 244 pus of the ulcers. (See Suppurating.)... 244 with pustules around,.. 244 putrid... 244 with redness around.. 244 salt-rheum... 244 scabby. (See Crusty.). 244 sensitive (painful). 244 on the edges.. 244 in the circumference. 245 suppurating... 245 scrofulous, of the glands. 245 with shocks in them.. 245 with pain as of soreness. 245 spongy.. 245 on the edges.. 245 with white spots.. 245 speckled... 245 suppwrating.. 245 the pus being blackening. 245 bloody... 245 brownish.. 246 cheesy.. 246.too copious..246 corroding (acrid). 246 fetid. (See Stinking.). 246 gelatinous. 246 greenish.. 246 gray. 246 ichorous.. 246 lingering. (See Too little.) 246 too little (tarrying, lingering, wanting). 246 being with maggots. 246 too much. (See Copious.) 246 putrid. (See Stinking.). 246 salty. (See Salt-rheum.) 246 smelling like old (rotten) cheese. (See Stinking.) 246 like herring brine. (See Stinking.).. 246 of a putrid smell. (See Stinking.).. 247 of a sour smell.. 247 stinking.. 247 like herring brine.. 247 0 ^; ALPHABETICAL REPERLTORY. Ulcers, suppurating smelling like old (rotten) cheese. 247 likeitallow.. 247 thin-... 247" tenacious. 247 wanting. (See Too little.) 247 watery... 247 whitish like milk. 247 yellow... 247., swollen... 247 round about.. 248 on the edges.. 248 tearing (drawing). 248 tensive... 248 in the circumference. 248 with indented edges.. 248 -with pain as of subcutaneous ulceration... 248 of the glands.. 197 cancerous, of the glands. 197 spongy, of the, glands.. 198 'Umbilicus, remedies acting upon 74 Unwieldiness of the body.. 191 Urine, quality of the, remedies actingupon. '. 85 Arid, reimedies pecasioning. 85 ammoniatcal.. 85 ardent.... 85 bloody....y 86 cold... 86 dark.... 86 flaky.... 86 "frothy.... 86 greefiish... 86 milk-colored... 86' mucous... 86 opalescent... 86 pale.... 86 purulent... 87 smelling sour... 87 stinking.. 87 turbid.... 87 becoming... 87 viscous (sticky).. 87 with sediment, remedies occasioning... 87 gray.... 88 reddish... 88 whitish... 88 yellow. 88 bloody... 88 clayish.. 88 cloudy..88 flaky... flour-like... 88 mucous... 88 purulent. 88* sandy (gravelly).. 89 Urine, discharge of,.remedies in- fluefncing the., 89 Uiniate, desire to ih general, remedies occasioning a.. 89 ineffectual, remedies occasioning 89 Urine, discharge of, too copious a, remedies occasioning. 89 discharge too scanty.. 90 too frequent... 90 too seldom. *.. 90 by drops... 90 involuntary.. 90 *at night (incontinence of urine in bed).. 91 interrupted... 91 retention of... 91 Urination, concomitant complaints of 91 after... 92 before... 91 beginning of, at the.. 91 during. 91 end of, toward the.. 92 Urethra, remedies acting upon. 92 Uterus, *emedies acting upon. 95 S V Vagina, remedies actfing upon. 95 Varices.. 191,248 suppurating... 248 inflamed... 249 Vertex, remedies acting upon. 25 Vibration like dull.tingling, in the body... 191 Vigor, sensation of.. 191 Voice, loss of... 116 not clear... 116 croaking... 116 deep... 116 hissing.... 116 hoarse.... 116 hollow... 117 interrupted... 117 low.... 117 murmuring... 117 with a nasal sound. 117 raised.... 117 rough. I.... 117 shrill and rough.. 117 without resonance.. 117 trembling... 117 Vomiting in general. 70 of bile (bitter).. 71 of black matter. 71 of blood. 71 "of what has been drunk. 71 of what has bben eaten. 71 of excrementitious matter. 71 fetid.... 71 5AIHABiE fAU REPERTORt.. 'Vomiting of limy matter -i *A 71 k Weakness as jf paralyzed. 192 sour.. 72 Wens.,(See Excrescences.). 249 watery... -72 hiskers, remedies acting upon. 28 of worms. 72 hite, parts which are usuaily red, Sturning... 193 "W Whizzing. (See Humming.). 193 Waking frequently during the nfht 252 Withered skin.. 250 too early... 253 Wounds in general.,. 250 too late...'. 253 Wound bleeding very much. 250 concomitant comiplaints, of. 253 bruises (contusions).. 250 Warts... 49. cut-wounds... 250 big. (See Large.).. 249 Wounas with injured bones. 250 burning... 249 with injured glands. 250 flat.... 249 with sprained muscles.. 250 hard... 249 from sticking, stab-wounds. 250 horny....249 healed, opening again.. 250 indented... 249 Wrinkled skin... 250 inflamed.. 249 Wrist, remedies acting upon. 126 large (big). 249 Writhing. (See Turning.). 193 pediculated (with a pedicle. 249 pricking...249 Y 4 pulsating.. 249 -Yawning in general..251 purulent (suppurating)..,249 ineffectual... 251 small... 249 spasmodic... 251 suppurating. (See Purulent.). 249 without inclination to sleep. 251 surrounded by an ulcerous circle 249 with stretching of the limbs. 251 Wasting away of soft parts. '(See Shrinking.).. Z Wastingýnd Withering. (SeeFlac:- x Zona. (See Exanthema.). 250 cidity.) ' Zygomatic and malar bone, remeWeakness (deility). 192 dies producing morbid sensations of the joini.. 192 in... 53 THE END. - ý -. "71 -.. - ý, - -ý ý ý.- ' I -,, - -- -. - '7.1 -... " J,,41 '- --'-V.l,. 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