A587413 4 HOSPITAL LMB PRHE If "I'll k A! f~ if - ~ K--- '--4 K,i<.-\ \it N' K 110M OTOP ATil IC MEDICAL DIRECTORY. THE BRITISH AN4D FOREIGN\N,' ME-DICAL DIRECTORY AND RECORD. EDITED BY GEORGE ATKIUN, MDEPINS 18 53. / LONDON: AYLOTT & CO. 8, PATERNOSTER ROW; BAILLIERE, 219, RECENT ST. MANCHESTER: H. TURNER, 41, PICCADILLY. HULL: S, SEATON) 30, WHITEFRIARGATE. 3MDCCCLIII. CHESTE R: EDWARD THOMAS, BRIDGE STREET, Row. PREFACE. THE Editors of the London and Provincial Medical Directory having announced their resolution to suppress all mention or allusion to the publications and appointments of the section of the Medical Profession who have publicly embraced Homceopathy-it was thought right, in self defence, that a sectional Directory should be compiled to supply the omission thus made. At the request of several friends, the Editor of this volume undertook the task, and, ignorant of the labour required, rashly promised that it should appear at the beginning of the year. On the first of January, when the work ought to have been in the hands of the profession, comparatively little information had been received by the Editor, and he was obliged either to delay the publication, orjto send out an imperfect and unsatisfactory work. Since that time many causes have concurred to increase the delay-the constant engagements of practice during a very sickly season left little time to carry on the extensive correspondence required, or even to arrange the materials which were at length liberally supplied. Six months after the promised time, he ventures to submit the results of his enquiries to the profession, in the hope that they may prove useful, though incomplete, and very far from shewing, as he hoped they would, the exact progress of Homaeopathy up to the present time. The contents of the book speak for themselves, and need no prefatory remarks, further than to indicate the principles which have been followed in the compilation. iv PREFACE. As it was impossible to compare the Medical Titles claimed by each Practitioner with the. records of the Universities and Examining Boards-the Editor has copied exactly the returns received-so that each individual, and not the Editor, is responsible for the correctness of the Professional Title and Medical and Literary Distinctions he assumes. It was found impracticable to obtain, for this publication, anything approaching to a complete list of the American and Continental Practitioners; and the Editor has been obliged to limit himself to naming one or two Medical Men in the principal towns. The list of Works published in English, on Hom eopathy, has occupied much attention. The Editor hopes he has omitted none of value; his aim has been to include all; and he will feel indebted for information respecting any omission. Lastly, he begs gratefully to offer his best thanks for the kind assistance and co-operation he has received from all parties to whom he has applied for information; to Drs. Quin, Chapman, Dudgeon, Russell, Metcalf, of New York, and a friend, a secret disciple, his acknowledgements are especially due. All communications respecting this, or future editions of the work, are requested to be addressed, either to the Editor, or to Mr. Turner, 41, Piccadilly, Manchester. 56, PROSPECT STREET, HULL, 21sT JUNE, 1853. CONTENTS. PAGE Homeopathic and General Medical Calendar.................... 1 Monthly Climate Table............................................ ib. Eclipses, Feasts, Terms, &c...................................... 13 Royal Family, and Her Majesty's Ministers................... 14 Banks and Bankers................................................ 15 8tamp Duties and Assessed Taxes.............................. 17 Literary and Scientific Institutions.............................. 18 Homceopathic Medical Directory. London Street List................................................ 21 Names and Qualifications of London Practitioners............... 21 Homceopathic Hospitals in London.......................... 36 Hommopathic Dispensaries in London......................... 36 Homoeopathic Societies. British Homoeopathic Society........................................ 44 Hahnemann Medical Society............................... 46 Homoeopathic Congress......................................... 47 Hahnemann Publishing Society................................. ib. Association for the Protection of Homoeopathic Students and Practitioners.............................................. 49 Provincial Homoopathic Medical Directory. English Local List..................................... 5 Names and Qualifications of Provincial Practitioners............ 57 Manchester Homceopathic Hospital.......................... 71 St. James's Hospital, Doncaster............................... 72 Provincial Homoopathic Dispensaries............................ 70 Provincial Homoeopathic Societies. Cheltenham Homoeopathic Medical Society..................... 76 Northern Homceopathic Medical Association..................... ib. Scottish Local List of Homeopaths. Practitioners' Names............,.........................a........... 56 Scottish Homoeopathic Dispensaries................................ 77 -vi COI TE TS, Irish Local List of Homceopaths. Practitioners' Names.......................................... 56 Irish Homceopathic Dispensaries...................................... 78 Irish Homceopathic Society................................ ib. Channel Islands Local List of Honmmopaths. Practitioners' Names.......................................... 56 Channel Islands Homceopathic Dispensaries.................... 78 Homoeopathic Veterinary Surgeons. Names and Qualifications of Surgeons........................ 79 American and Continental Homceopathic Medical Directory. Names and Residences of American Homceopathic Physicians... 81 American H-omeopathic Colleges, Hospitals, &c. Homoeopathic College of Pennsylvania.............................. 86 Homceopathic Hospital of Pennsylvania.....,............... 90 Western College of Homoaopathy............................ 90 New York Homceopathic Dispensary.............................. 91 Protestant Half Orphan Asylum...................... 93 Home of the Friendless, New York............................... 94 American Societies and Institutions. American Institute of Homoeopathy................................. 94 Members of the American Institute for 1851....................... 94 Hahnemann Academy of Medicine............................... 101 Homoeopathic Medical Society of the State of New York......... ib. New York Society for Medical Conference......................... 102 Massachusetts Homceopathic Medical Society..................... ib. Philadelphia Homoeopathic Medical Society........................ ib. Western Institute of Homceopathy............................ 103 Wisconsin Homceopathic Institute................................ ib. Homoeopathic Medical Society of Washington and Saratoga.. ib. Rhode Island Homoeopathic Society................................ ib. Homceopathic Medical School of Rio- de-Janiro................ ib. Continental Homceopathic Practitioners. France.............................................................. 105 Spain............................................................. 106 Italy..................................................................... 107 CONTENTS. 1711 Holland................................. 108 Austria.....................................................Ib. Tyrol..............qv......................... 4109 Bohemia................................... 10 9 Galicia................,4440....9G..0.................. 110 Hungary....................................................lib. Styria....................................................... 112 Ellyria...................................................... 113 Prussia......................................................lib. Saxony.............................................. 116 Hanover.................................................... 117 Wirteinberg.................................................. 118 Baden..........................................lib. Hesse.................................... 119 Nassau........................121 Sondershausen................................................lib. Weimar................ 0 o*0......................b. Free Towns................................................ lb. Bavaria.................................................... 122 Professors at Universities who have adopted Homoiopathy 123 Court Counsellors..............................................125 Medical Counsellors.........................................~. ib. Hommeopathic Court Physicians.............................. 126 Continental Homceopathic Hospitals. Gumpendorf Hospital, Vienna............................... 127 Leopold Faubourg, ditto......................................lib. Linz Hospital, Upper Austriabe...............................128 Kremsier Hospital........................................... ib. Ncchanitz Hospital...........................................lib. Gyongyos Hospital...........................................129 Turin Hospital............................................ lb. L'Hospice-de--la-Providence, Nice.............................lib. General Hospital, Madrid.................................... ib. Moscow Hospital..........................*.... 046.. lb. Miskoltz Hospital.............................. 0100#1... S....l!b. Viii CONeTENTS. St. Petersburg Hospital................ 130 Clinique, Leipzic....................*........................ ib. St. Marguerite, Paris....................... a..,0-.......... 130 Calcutta Native Hospital..............#.................. 131 Continental Societies and Institutions.......................131 Bibliographia Homceopathica, Anglica............I............. 132 On the Internal Development of Hoarceopathy in! England 174 Bibliographia Hom-ceopathica Amet-icana....176 Resolutions* of the' Provincial Medical 'and Surgical Association..................................................201 Counter Resolutions of the British Jlomceo'pathic Medical Society................................................. 202,Obituary. English...................................................i.204 American....................208 Foreign....................210 ERRATA. LONDON STREET LIST. Omit under Bloomsbury Square, Page 21, Hahnemann L. S., M.D.; Navarino Terrace and Northampton Square, Page 23, Laseron, M. A. H., M.D.; and Upper Clapton, Page 23, Fischer Carl., M.D. Insert under Navarino Terrace, Page 23, Hahnemann L. S,, M.D. LONDON DIRECTORY. Page 28, omit Fischer Carl., M.D. 29,,, Laseron M. A. H., M.D. "28, Hahnemann L. Suss., for 39, Bloomsbury Square, read Navarino Terrace, Dalston. 33, the following name, Russell John Rutherford, M.D., should be removed from this Page and inserted at Page 67, Provincial Directory, 17, York Terrace, Leamington. PROVINCIAL. ENGLISH LOCAL LIST. 53, Barnstaple, omit J. Joce. 53, Chester, insert J. Joce. 55, Leamington, for J. S. Sutherland, M.D., read J. R. Russell, M.D. SCOTTISH LOCAL LIST. 56, Under Edinburgh, insert J. S. Sutherland, M.D. PROVINCIAL DIRECTORY. 62, Joce, John, for 2, Union Terrace, Barnstaple, Devon, read 49, Nicholas Street, Chester. 62, Ker Claudius Buchanan, for 20, Cambray, read 7, Royal Parade. 67, insert Russell John Rutherford, 17, York Terrace, Leamington, Warwickshire, M.D. 67, Sharp William, Rugby. The Homoeopathic University, Cleveland, Ohio, U. S., has conferred on Mr. Sharp the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Medicine. 68, Sutherland John Stuart, for 17, York Terrace, Leamington, Warwickshire, read 1, Carlton Street, Edinburgh. Chemical Composition of some of the most popular British and Continental Mineral Waters, with a list of Diseases in which they have been found useful. I NAME. Airthrey......... Moffat......... Buxton........ Strathpeffer..... Malvern........ Cheltenham...... Harrowgate...... Selters............ Pyrmont......... Wiesbaden..... Ems............. Aix-la-Chapelle.. Saidschutz...... Frazenbad...... Carlsbad......... Vals............. Mont. d'Or...... Teplitz.......... Marienbad...... Sans Restituta... Olmitello......... Vichy............ WHEIRE SITUATED. 7 miles from Stirling......... 20 m. N.E. of Dumfries... 30 m. N.W. of Derby........ Ross-shire, Scotland............ 8 m. W. by S. of Worcester... 9 m. N.E. of Gloucester...... 2 m. W. of Naresborough... 30 in. E. of Coblentz, Germany On the left bank of the Weser South side of the Tannus...... 10 m. S. of Bregenz............ 22 m. N.E. of Leige, France... Bohemia.................... 2 m. W. of Eger.............. 24 m. E.N.E. of Egra......... 3 m. N. of Aubenas............ Dep. Puy-de-Dome, France... In a Valley of the Erz......... 6 m. S. of Carlsbad......... 15 m. E. of Leghorn............ On the Island of Ischia...... 40 m. S. of Moulins............ c= 600 540 820 630 600 650 550 610 520 1580 1220 1360 1200 500 1650 700 1130 1200 1360 1260 1170 1150 1 Contained Acids. 4.2576.46 2.80'13.60 0.78 0.061 0.28.. 9.32 2.17 0.32 0.14! 0.08. 11.0550.65 1.20 0.8076.83 5.37 0.181 9.92 4.03 9.83 0.99 1.38 0.87 33.09 20.32 0.76, 2.43 10.74 2.43' 4.50 4.81 97.43' 1.43 5.44 18.50 6.21 0.28 0.131 0.7 22.48 0.29' 3.00 2.86 0.36 2.05 1.89 0.40 0.29 9.5227.60 9.50... 19.30'29.05... 6.91) 5.95 5.81 0.87 13.00 Contained Bases.. 1.04 0.19 0.4 3 0 2.33 6.18 0.30 15 0.03 0.55 0.02 1, 4.2645.80 1.22111, 60.50 4 47 1.94 145, 1.3716.06 1.00. 34,, 8.56 1.29 1.98 27 5.29331.99 0.92 57,, 2.65 14.87 1.45 42, 4.06 14.9 1.73 45, 6.02 14:20 41.92 177, 1.26 26.70 0. 55 0.16 0.28 0.06 1 1.60 0.22 0.26 61 0.90 4.74 0.28 13 0.36 2.62 1.53 6 2.8738.05 1.67 86 2.0834.50 2.35 94 5.98 0. 1.80 24 2.45 23.90 0. 46 - ~ -- DISEASES BENEFITTED BY THESE WATERS. I) Hemorrhoids and Habitual Constipation. Calculous Diathesis, and some Renal dis. Slightly Stimulant and Tonic. Very useful in Rheumatalgia & Chorea. Nervous Disorders and general Torpidity. Impaired Nutrition & Incipient Phthisis. Chronic Cutaneous Diseases, &c. Dyspepsia and Nervous Irritability. Debility from Hemorrhage, Chlorosis, &c. Rheumatalgia & suppress'd Cutaneous dis. Pulmonary Congestion, Phthisis, &c. MetastaticParalysis, repressed Scabies,&c. Tendency to Congestion or Inflammation. Acidity, Biliary Obstruction & Indigestion. Hepatic Enlargements, Ascites, &c. Chlorosis, Amenorrhcea, &c. Chronic Cutaneous Eruptions. Gout, Chronic Rheum. and Paralysis. Abdominal Plethora, Bronchitis, &c. Scrofulous Disorders. Various Affections of Kidneys & Bladder. Irritation of Mucos Surfaces, &c. I J, The Hahnemann Hospital, FOR THE TREATMENT OF PATIENTS ON THE HOM(EOPATHIC PRINCIPLE, 39, BLOOMSBURY SQUARE. President, LORD ROBERT GROSVENOR, M.P. Treasurer, W. LEAF, ESQ. "The objects of the Hospital are1. To relieve the Poor who suffer from Acute Diseases, by receiving them as In-patients. 2. To give relief to Out-door Patients. 3. To afford facilities to the Medical student or Inquirer, for obtaining a knowledge of the Homoeopathic doctrine and practice, at lhk bedside of the Patient, by Clinical Lectures, and by Lectures, in the Hahnemann School attached to the Hospital, on the Homoeopathic Therapeutics and Materia Medica..Patients Treated at the Hospital from Commencement, October 16, 1850, to August, 31, 1852. IN-PATIENTS.-Adults.................. 448,, Children.................. 104 - 552 'OUT-PATIENTs.-Adults................ 5962 y, Children............... 2510 -8472 TOTAL..................... 9024 Patients Received at the Hospital from Half-past Seven to Nine o'Clock in the Morning, without letters of recommendation. The Board of Management beg earnestly to urge the importance of providing the means for the continuance and support of this Institution, which daily proves, by its extending list of Patients, the present benefits arising from this Charity, and leads the Board of Management to anticipate the best possible results in the advancement of Homoeopathy. One of the most important steps towards attaining this is the enlistment of the sympathies of the Rich and Poor, and by obtaining from each and all some contribution to the support qf an Institution which promises, from its now established School of Medicine, gradually to assist in training Homoeopathic Practitioners, who are so largely required in all parts ofthe country. In this view, as well as being a benevolent Institution, the maintenance of the Hospital is most important, and the Board of Management therefore trust their appeal will not be in vain. W. WARNE, HON. SEc. Donations or Subscriptions may be remitted to the Honorary Secretary Messrs. GLYN & Co., or Messrs. DihumMOND & Co., BaEkers. A London Homceopathic Hospital, 32, GOLDEN SQUARE. Patroness, H.R H. THE DUCHESS OF CAMBRIDGE. Vice-Patron,HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF BEAUFORT, K.G. President, F.M. THE MARQUIS OF ANGLESEY, K.G G.C.B. Vice- President, HIS GRACE THE ARCHBISHOP OF DUBLIN. Treasurer, SIR JOHN DEAN PAUL, 217, STRAND. Open daily (except Sundays) at 3- o'clock for inspection by Medical Enquirers, and for the reception of Out-patients. In-patients admitted every Tuesday, at 3 o'clock. Subscriptions are earnestly solicited in aid of the funds of the Charity, and towards the Building Fund for a New Hospital, and will be thankfully receivel by the Treasurer; the Bankers, Messrs. Strahan and, Co., Temple Bar; Messrs. Prescott and: Co., Threadneedle Street;.. and by RALPH BUCHAN, Hon. Sec. 32, Golden Square. Price Threepence, Stamped Fourpence. THE HOMCEOPATHIO TIMES. HOMIcEOPATHY has at length obtained a firm standing as a medical science.. The promulgation of the doctrine between the professional and non-professional supporters of the system can only be regularly communicated in a publication which shall impartially record the progress effected in the various branches of practice,, and the circumstances which are every day transpiring to establish its success. The HOMaEOPATHIC TrMES now in its fourth year of good service, supplies in all essential respects, this medium,. and furnishes, in a popular style, the general information identified with the development of the cause. Contributed to, and recognised by, the leading. members both of the medical and non-medical body, its columns.are devoted to the considerationpof those topics most calculated to prom'ote and disseminate the grand truths propounded through the Hahnemannian philosophy. The chief requirements to render this Journal further effective, are a copious supply of Hospital and Dispensary reports, and Medical observations: and cases, whether of public or private practice. A very large circulation only is needed, which should be aided by every sincere friend to our CAUSE,. to make this Journal the most powerful ihstrument for the propagation of sound and healthy Homceopathy. LoNDoN:-Published by HENRY RENSHAW, 3566 Strand;* W. HEADLAND, 15, Princes Street, Hanover Square; H. BAILLIERE, 219, Regent Street; Edinburgh--G. ALLSHORN, 63, Hanover Street. PUBLISHED QUARTERLY, Price 5s. THIE BRITISH JOURNAL OF HOMIEOPATHY. LONDON: AYLOTT & CO., 8, PATERNOSTER ROW; MANCHESTER: H. TURNER, 44, PICCADILLY. JUST PUBLISHED, TRACTS ON HOMUEOPATHY. BY WILLTIAM SHARP, F.R.S. No. 1. WHAT IS HOM(EOPATHY? Third Edition. No. 2. THE DEFENCE OF HOM(EOPATHRY. Third Edition. No. 3. THE TRUTH OF HOM(EOPATHY. Fourth Edition. No. 4. THE SMALL DOSE OF HOMCEOPATHY. PRICE 2d. EACH, LONDON: AYLOTT AND CO., 8, PATERNOSTER ROW;. MANCHESTER: H. TURNER, 41, PICCADILLY. HOMCEOPATHIC WORKS. WORKS PUBLISHED BY DR. EPPS, In connexion with HOM(EOPATHIC PRACTICE. 1.-HOM(EOPATHY AND ITS PRINCIPLES EXPLAINED, second edition, price 5s. 2.-WHAT IS HOM(EOPATHY? third edition. 3.-DOMESTIC HOM(EOPATHY; or Rules for the Domestic Treatment of Infants, Children, and Adults, fifth edition, price 5s. 4.-AFFECTIONS OF WOMEN, No. 1, The Monthly Period, second edition, price 2s. 6d. 5.-EPILEPSY, AND SOME NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, ITS PRECURSORS; being Twenty-two Cases successfully treated, price 3s. 6.-CONSTIPATION, ITS THEORY, ITS CAUSE; containing the Physiology of the Digestion of Food. This work is out of Print, a second edition is preparing for the press. 7.-ON ARNICA MONTANA, for Bruises, Falls, Wounds, Sprains, Lacerations, excessive Fatigue, and its consequences, Corns, Swellings, &c. second edition, price Is. 8.-AFFECTIONS OF THE HEAD; being upwards of fifty cases treated with success, on the Homceopathic Principle, price 2s. 6d. 9.-REJECTED CASES, containing a Letter to Thomas Wakley, Esq., on the Scientific Character of Homoeopathy, with four cases of cure rejected by him when sent to be inserted in the Lancet. SOLD BY MR. JAMES EPPS, HOMCEOPATHIC CHEMIST, 112, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, London, and 82, Old Broad Street, City; also by PIPER & Co., 23, Paternoster Row, London. N.B.-All these Works can be obtained of the Publishers in London, through any Bookseller in any Town, or in any part of the Country, HENRY TURNER, SOM(EOPATHIC CHEMIST, 41, Piccadilly, and 13, Market Street, I ANCHE STER. CHEMIST TO THE MANCHESTER HOMOEOPATHIC HOSPITAL AND DISPENSARY, &c. &c. Physicians, Dispensaries, and the Trade supplied with every requisite. NOTICE. ERNEST STORER, HOM EIOPATHIC CHEMIST, RESPECTFULLY announces that he has REMOVED HIS BUSINESS from No. 9, Foster Lane, to more convenient premises, No. 98, Cheapside, London, he feels also gratified in stating, that implicit confidence has been placed in his preparations, both by the profession, and the public, and he trusts still, to secure that confidence and receive that support which for many years it has been his pleasure to experience. Cases adapted to any of the Homoeopathic Domestic Works, and all Books upon the subject of Homosopathy, always on hand. Single Bottles of any of the Remedies, or Cases of Medicines, can be sent through the Post. AddressERNEST STORER, 98, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON. John Mawson, 4, Hood-street, Newcastle, and 60, Fawcett-street, Sunderland, Supplies all the I-omaoopathic preparations in their utmost purity, either in Globules or Tinctures-in Single Tubes, or in Cases and Boxes containing from Six to Four Hundred Medicines. Dispensaries and the Profession supplied, on advantageous terms, with Triturations, Tinctures, Pilules, and Globules, of any potency. lIi Cases, Tubes, and Books sent Post-free to any part of the Kingdom. Thompson & Capper Have for many years devoted themselves exclusively to the PREPARATION OF HOMiEOPATHIC REMEDIES, and supply the Medical Profession and the Trade with the MEDICINES in every variety and potency. All HOMEOPATHIC WORKS, both British and Foreign, including those of Hahnemann, Jahr, Hempfel, Bonucinghausen, Curie Laurie, &c. &c. constantly in Stock; as also Domestic Works, Family Cases, and all other Preparations required in private families. 43, BOLD STREET, LIVERPOOL. Homoeopathic Medicines, Works, and every Article connected with Homceopathy, prepared by ALFRED J. POWELL, IIOM(EOPATHIC CHEMIST, 15, Alfred Place, Newington Causeway, London, and 37, Granby Street, Leicester, ARE RECOMMENDED WITH THE GREATEST CONFIDENCE. Testimonial extracted from Dr. Kelsall's Manual of " Homceopathy and Hydropathy":"The author has much satisfaction in recommending the Homceopathic Medicines prepared by Mr. A. J. Powell, 15, Newington Causeway, London; having tested them in an extensive dispensary practice, and witnessed his care and scrupulous accuracy in the preparation of the various attenuations." Orders by Post should be accompanied with a remittance, to prevent delay. Manufacturer of Prepared Cocoa. Charles Lane, HOM EOPATHIC CHE MI S T, 146, SLOANE STREET, CHELSEA, LONDON. HHOI(EOPATHIC WORKS. 'FOR THE STUDENT OR PRACTITIONER.-Hahnemann's Materia Medica, Hahnemann's Organon, Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases; Hartmann's Acute and Chronic Diseases; Jahr's Ten Principal. Remedies, Jahr's New Manual, Jahr's Diseases of the Skin, Jahr's Symtomon Codex, Jahr's and Gruner's Pharmacopoeia and Posology, Jahr's Repertory, Jahr's Synitomatology, Jahr's Pocket Repertory; Lillie and Curtis's Epitome of Homeopathic Practice; Rau's Organon; Ruckert's Therapeutics; Ruoff's Repertory of Homceopathic Medicine; Stapf's Additions to the Materia Medica Pura. ON THE THEORY OF HOMa:EOPATHY.-Curie's Principles of Homceopothy; Joslin's Principles of Homceopathy; Sampson's Homceopathy, its Principle, Theory, and Practice; Dr. Epps's Homceopathy, and its Principles explained; Drysdale's and Russell's Introduction to the Study of Homoeopathy; Henderson's Inquiry into the Homceopathic Practice of Physic; Simpson's Practical view of Homceopathy; Black's Treatise on the Principles of Homceopathy. FURTHER WORKS ON THE PRACTICE OF I-OMVCEOPATHIY.-Dudgeon's Pathogenetic Cyclopadia, a systematic arrangement and analysis of the Homceopathic Materia Medica. Part 1.-Transactions of the American Institute of Homoeopathy; Dunsford's Pathogenetic effects of some of the Principal Homoeopathic Remedies; Gunther's New Manual of Homoeopathic Veterinary Medicine; Dr. Hamilton's Guide to the Practice of Homosopathy; Dr. Edwd. Hamilton's Flora Homceopathica, fifteen numbers ready; Laurie's Elements of the Homoeopathic Practice of Physic; Leadam's Homoeopathy as applied to the Diseases Peculiar to Women and Children; Marcy's Homceopathic Theory and Practice; Quin's Pharmacopoeia Homceopathica; Spillan's Homoeopathic Prescribers Pharmacopoeia; Tarbell's Sources of Health; Yeldham's Homceopathy in Acute Cases. The latest editions of all the Treatises on Homceopathic Domestic Medicine; also, the most recent pamphlets and smaller works. COMPLETE SERIES OF THE HOMDEOPATHIC JOURNALS AND MAGAZINES. -The North American Homceopathic Journal; the American Quarterly Homceopathic Journal; the Quarterly British Journal of Homoeopathy; the Monthly Journal of Homceopathy; the Homceopathic Times; the Homoeopathic Record; the Norwich Homoeopathic Journal; the Hahnemannian Fly Sheet. HOMCEOPATHIC MEDICINES. MEDICINE CHESTS.-A large supply of Medicine Chests and Cases for Professional or Domestic use are always kept in Stock. They are manufactured either in Rosewood, Mahogany, or Morocco Leather. Dispensing Chests are fitted with Phials of every desirable size and form. Pocket Cases in Morocco Leather are manufactured tastefully, and with all regard to portability and compactness. Tincture Cases, with Glass Stoppers, or with Corks, are made, comparatively, to be equally portable with those for Globules. Cases are kept arranged to accompany any of the various Treatises on Domestic Medicines. TINCTURES, DILUTIONS, AND GLOBULES.-The mother Tinctures of all vegetable substances are supplied and priced in regard to the quantities in which they are obtainable, and the time required in their preparation. Any attenuations of the triturated solids. The lowest to the highest dilutions both in the liquid form as well as in globules. EXTERNAL REEMEDTES.-The Tincture of Arnica Montana, prepared according to the Homceopathic method, for Bruises, Sprains, Wounds, Lacerations, Excessive Fatigue and its consequences, Corns, Swellings, &c., is supplied at Is. 6d. the ounce, it is also prepared in the form of Opodeldoc. Rhus Toxicodendron, indicated more directly for Sprains, in Phials, Is. each; also Calendula, for severe Lacerations, Is. each Phial. Arnica Plaister, in Packets, Is. Cerates of the various External Medicaments. The Tincture of Arnica, of Rhus, Toxicodendron, and of Calendula, are supplied at Wholesale Prices to Veterinary Surgeons, and to those using large quantities. Pocket Cases and Chests in Rosewood to contain Three or Six external remedies. Arnica Plaister and Lint are kept in Stock. MISCELLANEOUS.-The following adjuncts are prepared with due regard to their use by those under Treatment, they are free from Scents and other medicinally acting ingredients:-Tooth Powder, Cold Cream, Hair Pomade, Pate de Chocolate, Jujubes, Recrystallised Sugar of Milk, Purified Arrowroot, Farinaceous Food, Unmedicated Globules, Transparent Soap, &c. AsIATIc CHoLERA.-Medicine Boxes containing all the Homoeopathic remedies for Cholera, also the prophylactic or preventive medicines, and a pamphlet directing the course to be pursued on an attack, with the method of administering the remedies, 6s. 6d. complete. JAMES EPPS, Homceopathic Chemist, 112, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, and 82, Old Broad Street, City, London. Charles Corfield, HOM(EOPATHIC CHEMIST, 27, Bennett's Hill, Birmingham. CHEMIST TO THE BIRMINGHAM HOM(EOPATHIC DISPENSARY, &c. &c. John Boon's HOM OEOPA THIC PHARMA CY, 79, Redcliff Street (near the Bristol Terminus), Where every variety of HOM(EOPATHIC MEDICINES, in the greatest purity, may be obtained. Every kind of HOM(EOPATHIC BOOKS. Wf. Headland's and H. Turner's Honzcopathic Cocoa, Hydropathic Bandages, Chcst Preservers, 4c. 4c. Orders by post punctually attended to. Charles Guest, HOM (EOPATHIC CHEMIST, ( Chemist to the Bristol, Clifton, and other Dispensaries,) NEAR THE VICTORIA ROOMS, CLIFTON, BRISTOL, AND NO. 2, ALBION STREET, PITVILLE STREET, CHELTRENHAM, From whom may be obtained every Homceopathic Preparation. Cases fitted with Medicines suited to the various Domestic Works. Tincture of Arnica, Rhus Tox, and Calendula. Dispensaries and Public Institutions liberally supplied. All the Works on Homoeopathy constantly on hand. Orders by Post executed with facility and care. All Homoeopathic Medicines perfectly pure, Homoeopathic Books, Medicine Cases in great variety, &c., &c., may be had from JAMES BROWN, HOMCEOPATHIC CHEMIST, 19, SOUTH CASTLE STREET, EDINBURGH. Chemist to the Edinburgh and other Homceopathic Dispensaries. GLASGOW. The Homceopathic Medicines, Globules, Tinctures and Pilules of absolute purity and integrity, and at any potency, may be procured from W. H. BILLING, HOM1EOPATHIC CHEMIST, 72, SAUCHIEHALL STREET. Medicine Cases and Chests of all sizes, containing from six bottles and upwards; adapted to the various Domestic Works of Drs. Laurie, Chepmell, Pulte, Epps, Malan, &c., &c., and suitable either for Domestic or Professional purposes; or for parties leaving the Country. All the Homoeopathic Works kept in stock, and supplied free by Post or Parcel at the published prices, and Goods forwarded with the utmost dispatch. THE PROFESSION SUPPLIED ON THE USUAL TERMS. W. H. BILLING, 72, Sauchiehall Street, GLASGOW. List of Homoeopathic Works, PUBLISHED AT LEATH'S HOMEOPATHIC PHARMACY, 9, Vere Street, Oxford Street, and 5, St. Paul's Church Yard. Post 8vo. Gratis, Post Free, for Two Stamps, HOM(EOPATHIC MEDICINES, as prepared at Leath's Homeeopathic Pharmacy, Notices of all Articles prescribed for persons under Homoeopathic treatment, Family Chests and Pocket Cases, &c. 8vo. bound, price 16s., pp. 900, HOM(EOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. By J. LAURIE, M.D. Sixth Edition, ninth and tenth thousands. Devoid of all technicality, and much enlarged by the addition of many important articles, such as those on scrofula, dropsy, the various diseases of tropical climates, and on the characteristic effects of the medicines, including all which is of value in the Materia Medica and Jahr's Manual, and a most complete and elaborate Index. No medicine is prescribed without the indications for its selection, and the exact statement of the dose to be administered. An excellent work for all families, and the only book adapted for the emigrant or missionary, to which also a complete case is provided, at 55s. An Epitome of the above, price 5s., 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th thousands. To -which is adapted a Case of Medicines, price 35s. Carriage free on receipt of a post-office order. 8vo. bound, price 10s. 6d., HOM(EOPATHY AS APPLIED TO THE DISEASES OF FEMALES, and to the Disorders of Early Infancy and Childhood. By T. R. LEADAM, M.R.C.S., Member of the British Homeeopathic Association, Surgeon Accoucheur to the London Homoeopathic Hospital, and to the Hahnemannian Institution, Welbeck-street, &c. 8vo. bound in cloth, price 8s., HOMIEOPATHIC PHARMACOP(EIA AND POSOLOGY; by Jna and others; exhibiting the Method of preparing every known Medicament, and Tllustrative of the Theory of Doses. A new English edition, inclusive of the latest American edition (1850), revised and corrected. 12mo. bound in leather, price 12s. HOMOEOPATHIC PRACTICE (POCKET DICTIONARY, CONCORDANCE, AND REPERTORY OF), edited by Dr. LAURIE, whereby sv'nptoms are so associated as to render the discrimination (and treatment) of.iseases easy and certain. 8vo. bound, price 4s. 6d., HOM(EOPATHIC TREATMENT OF INDIGESTION, Constipation' and Ilcemorrhoids (Piles). By W. MORGAN, M.R.C.S., containing simple Directions for the Household Treatment of these Common Disorders; an Account of 13 Remarkable Cases illustrative of Treatment; a Plate and Explanatory Article showing the entire Course of the Alimentary Canal; 'full Directions for Diet and General H-ygiene and Simple Household Receipts for the Preparation of Delicacies which may be safely taken by persons suffering from either of these Complaints. 32mo. bound, price 4s. HOM(EOPATHIC PRESCRIBER'S PHARMACOP(EIA. By D. SPILLAN, M.D., Fellow of the College of Physicians of Dublin. Being a concise Compendium of Materia Medica, Pharmacy and of the Homoeopathic Formularies, stating the varieties of drugs employed, the specific properties of each, the range of disease to which each is especially applicable, the appropriate dose and dilution, the form of prescription, the method of test and preparation, and the Homoeopathic means employed in cases of poisoning, &c. 18mo. bound in cloth, price 8s. HOM(EOPATHIC VETERINARY MEDICINE, or Veterinary Homeeopathy, embracing the Breeding, Rearing, General Management, and Homaoopathic Treatment of the Horse, Ass, Mule, Ox, Cow, Sheep, Goat, Dog, Pig, Fowls, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, Pigeens, Rabbits, &c.; with Sketches of the most useful Varieties, the Tests of Age, Health, and Soundness, the Shoeing, Shearing, Docking, &c.; and the specific Action of the Medicines upon the Animals mentioned. 32mo. bound, price Is. HOM(EOPATHIC FAMILY GUIDE. New Edition, 15th thousand (To which is adapted, a Household Case of Medicines, price 24s.) Containing simple Directions for the Domestic Treatment of all ordinary Ailments, aud for the Doses to be administered. 8vo. bound, price 16s. HOM(EOPATHIC PRACTICE OF PHYSIC. By Dr. LAURIE. Second thousand. A very comprehensive work as a text-book for the practitioner or student. 18mo. bound in cloth, price 4s. HOM(EOPATHIC EPITOME OF JAHR'S MANUAL. By Drs. CURTIs and LILLIE; comprising the most Characteristic Features of 104 Medicines in respect of particular Organs, and a Repertory to assist in their Selection for Treatment. A new English edition. Foolscap 8vo. bound, price 6s. BOM(EOPATHIC PARENTS GUIDE. By J. LAURIE, M.D. A Treatise on the Method of Rearing Children from their earliest Infancy; comprising simple Directions for the Homoeopathic Treatment of all Affections incidental to childhood. 18mo. price 2s. HOMIEOPATHY (its Principles), in a Series of Lectures. By B. F. JOSLIN, M.D., of Philadelphia, U.S., "A truly admirable work, and by a great deal the neatest popular exposition of homceopathy which we have seen. It is accurate in reasoning, sprightly in diction and illustration, and comprehensive in arrangement."-Hahnemannian Fly Sheet. 8vo. bound, price 4s. Gd. HOMCEOPATHY.-A BIOGRAPHICAL MONUMENT TO THE MEMORY OF SAMUEL HAHNEMANN. Translated from the German with Additions, by C. FISCHER, M.D. Containing many valuable and interesting Papers, never before published. ARTHUR C. CLIFTON, HOM(EOPATHIC CHEMIST, PARADE, NORTHAMPTON, Prepares all the Medicines used under Homceopathic Treatment, in the form of Trituration, Tinctures, Globules, &c. Medicine Chests for Dispensaries or Private Families, Homceopathic 'Cocoa, Dentifrice, Sugar of Milk, &c. Foreign and English Works on Homceopathy, The Homceopathic Record, a popular exponent of the great law of healing, propounded by Samuel Hahnemann, and containing cases illustrative of Homoeopathic Treatment, is published on the first of every month, demy 8vo. thirty-two pages, price 2d. Northampton-A. C. Clifton; London-Piper and Co. and James Epps, 112, Great Russell Street; Manchester-H. Turner. H. PEARCE & WAYNE, 17, KING STREET, GREAT YARMOUTH, NORFOLK. HENRY PEARCE, Central Homceopathic Institution for the Eastern Counties, 4, LONDON STREET, NORWICH, Chemist by appointment to the Norfolk and Norwich Homceopathic Dispensary; also to the Yarmouth Homoeopathic Dispensary. DISPENSARIES and the PROFESSION supplied on liberal terms. Tinctures' Globules, Triturations, &c.:-Tinctures of Arnica, Rhus Toxicodendron Calendula, &c.; Foreign and English Works on Homoeopathy; Homoeopathic Cocoa, Dentifrice, &c. Pocket Cases for Tinctures, Globules, &c.; Homoeopathic Veterinary Works and Medicines; Prescriptions carefully prepared. THE HOM(EOPATHIC FURMENTUM. This light and agreeable preparation is the most wholesome article of diet for promoting an healthy action of the bowels, and is strongly recommended to patients under Homoeopathic Treatment, particularly those suffering from derangement of the stomach, constipation, and all other diseases of the system. PREPARED BY ALLSHORN, HOMoEOPATHIC CHEMIST, FAR GATE, SHEFFIELD. WILLIAM DARLING, HOMHEOPATHIC CHEMIIST, AN, NCHESTERi MANCE ESTER. J. OCKENDEN, Homoeopathic Chemist, 6, PRINCE ALBERT STREET, NEAR TIHE GENERAL POST OFFICE, BRIGHTON. PARTICIPATION IN PROFITS; GLBoE IN"R"-ANCE CORNHILL AND PALL-MALL, LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1803. Empowered by Special Acts of Parliament. MatIctars. JAMES W. FRESHFIELD, Esq, M.P., F.R.S., Chairman. FOWLER NEWSAM, Esq., Deputy-Chairman. GEORGE CARR GLYN, Esq., M.P., Treasurer. Henry Alexander, Esq. Robert Locke, Esq. John S. Brownrigg, Esq. Boyd Miller, Esq. William Chapman, Esq. Sheffield Neave, Esq. Boyce Combe, Esq. William Phillimore, Esq. Thomas M. Coombs, Esq. W. H. C. Plowden, Esq. William Dent, Esq. Robert Saunders, Esq. Edward Goldsmid, Esq. Sir Walter Stirling, Bart. Sir L L. Goldsmid, Bart., F.R.S. Wm. Thompson, Esq., Aid., ME.P: Robert Hawthorn, Esq. William Tite, Esq., F. R.S. John llodson, Esq. Josiah Wilson, Esq. Richard Lambert Jones, Esq. Benjamin G. Windus, Esq; FOR Fire and Life Insurance, and Annuities, AND FOR TIHE PUCI-HASE OF REVERSIONS AND LIFE CONTINGENCIES CAPITAL:-ONE MILLION STERLING. The Whole Paid--Up and Invested: and entirely Iadependent of the amount of Premiums received. KEW TABLES of Life Premiums on a Just and Liberal basis are adopted by the " GLOBE INSURANCE," combining the Plan of Participation, with those psinciples of Solidity and Security, which have distinguished the Company from its formation. Two Scales of Premiums are offered-Participating and Non-Participating. Two-TnIRDS of Profits divided as Bonus, every Seven Years. The BoNus so declared may be taken in Cash: in reduced future Premiums: or by addition to the Policy. ONE-THIRD of each Annual Premium on Participating Insurances of Z~500 and above, may remain Unpaid as a debt upon the Policy. No Entrance Money or Admission Fees, are required from New Insurers. Written Notices of Assignment received and registered by the Company. Residence permitted in any part of Europe without extra premium. Insurances granted to the extent of ~10,000 on a single Life. Every class of Life Insurance Business transacted by the Company; and facilities afforded to Insurers. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Every description of FIRE INSURANCE is undertaken by the " GLOBE." Merchandise and other Property in the COLONIES, and in FOREIGN CouVTRIas, insured. Losses from Fire by Lightning made good. PROSPECTUSES, with full Tables, and Details, and Forms; may be had at the Offices of the Company: and of any of the Agents. (By Order of the Board) WILLIAM NEWMARCII, Secretary. EDWARD THOMAS, HOM(EOPATHIC CHE1MIST, 2, BRIDGE- STREET ROW, CHESTER. All the Homoeopathic Medicines are kept in the form of Tinctures, Pilules, Globules,. and Triturations.. Standard Domestic and Theoretical, Works on Homceopathy. Homoeopathic Cocoa, Tooth Powder, Pomade, &c. &c. Pocket and Family Medicine Chests in great variety. STANDARD BOOKS CONNECTED WITH HOM(EOPATHIC PRACTICE, PUBLISHED AND SOLD BY Henry Turner, 41, Piccadilly, Manchester. ORG kNON OF MEDICINE, by S. HAHNEMANN. Translated from the Fifth German Edition, by R. E. DUDGEON, M.D., royal 8vo., 10s. MATERIA MEDICA PURA, by S. HAHNEMANN. Translated by C. J. HEMPEL, M.D., 4 Vols., 28s. CHRONIC DISEASES, their Specific Nature and Homoeopathic Treatment. Translated by C. J. HEMPEL, M.D., 5 Vols., 36s. JAHR'S NEW MANUAL OR SYMPTOMEN CODEX. Translated with extensive additions from various sources, by C. J. HEMPEL, M.D., aided by J. M. QUIN, M.D.; Revisions and Critical Notes, by J. F. GRAY, M.D.; and Contributions by DRS. HULL, COOKE, JOSLIN, HERING, JEANES, NEIDLAND, WILLIAMSON, and KITCHEN; and a Preface by C. HERING, M.D. Two large Volumes, bound, 54s. The most complete Work on the subject. A COMPLETE REPERTORY to the above. By C. J. HEMPEL, M.D. One Large Volume, 30s. JAHR'S MANUAL OF HOMCEOPATHIC PRACTICE. Translated and Edited with Annotations, by A. G. HULL, M.D. Two Vols. 8vo., 30s. JAHR'S MANUAL OF HOMCEOPATHIC MEDICINE. In Two Parts. Part I. Materia Medica; Part II. Therapeutical and Symptomalogical Repertory. Translated by P. F. CURIE, M.D. Two Vols. 8vo., 32s. JAHR'S HOM(EOPATHIC HANDBOOK and Clinical Guide. By D. SPILLAN, M.D. 12s. JAHR'S POCKET DICTIONARY, Concordance, and Repertory. Translated by Dr. I-HEMPEL; with Additions by DR. LAURIE. 12s. HARTMANN'S ACUTE DISEASES, and their Homoopathic Treatment. Translated by C. J. HEMPEL, M, D. Two Vols., 13s. HARTMANN'S CHRONIC DISEASES, and their Homoeopathic Treatment. Translated by C. J. HEMPEL, M. D. 2 Vols. 15s. RAU'S ORGANON of the Specific Healing Art of Homeopathy Translated by C. J. IE1MPEL, M.D. 8vo., 6s. 1853. Cfata. 31 DAYs. PHASES OF THE MOON. Last Quarter................. 2nd day.. 9th hour..54th min. New Moon.................... 9th day.. 3rd hour..53rd min. First Quarter................. 16th day..17th hour..29th min. Full Moon.................... 24th day..17th hour..43rd min. 'Last Quarter..................31st day..18th hour.. 1st min. HIomeopathic and general Medical Calendar. n 1 S British Journal of Homocopathy first published, 1843 8 47 3 47 11 am 4 11m54 2 S Leicester Homoeopathic Dispensary opened, 1846 8 473 48.... Oa 8 3 M Exeter Homceopathic Dispensary opened, 1849 8 47 3 49 Om30 0 22 4 Tu Hahnemann Medical Society meets, at 8 p.m. 8 46 3 51 1 57 0 37 5 W Northern Homceop. Med. Assoc. meets at Preston, 1853 8 46 3 52 3 27 0 52 6 Th Med. men of Hullpetition the Roy. Coll. Surg. to denounce 8 45 3 54 4 57 1 15 7 F Bulleyn Dr., au.' Healthful Medicine,' d. 1576 [Homeo.1852 8 44 3 55 6 26 1 47 8 S Muhlenbein; Homeoo. Physician, at Brunswick, died, 1845 8 44 3 57 7 48 2 30 9 S London Mesmeric Infirmary founded, 1846 8 43 3 58 8 54 3 31 10 M JLinnmus died, 1778 8 42 4 0 9 42 4 47 11 Tu York Homonopathic Dispensary opened, 1851 8 41 4 2 10 17 6 8 12 W 8 40 4 3 10 38 7 30 13 Th Pet. of 3337 Bri. Ho. presentedto patrons ofEdin.Uni. 1852 8 394 5 10 55 8 50 14 F Pringle, Sir J., M.D. died, 1782 8 38 4 7 11 910 6 15 S Becker, Homo3opathic Physician, at Cam. U. S., died, 1849 8 374 9 11 20 11 20 16 S 8 364 11 11 31 17 M Jenner, Edward, M.D., born, 1749 8 354 13 11 43 0m33 18 Tu Pathological Society of London meets, at 8 p.m. 8 344 15 11 56 1 46 19 W SundTd B. of Guard. depose their surg'n for his Hom.1851 S 324 17 Oa 11 2 59 20 Th Oliver, Dr., the French Naturalist, born, 1756 8 314 19 0 30 4 11 21 F Blumenback, Professor, of Gattingen, died, 1840 8 29 4 21 0 56 5 22 22 S Northern Homceo. Med. Assoc. held its first meeting, 1852 8 28 4 23 1 32 6 29 23 S 22 Leipzic Homosopathic Hospital opened, 1833 8 26 4 25 2 21 7 30 24 M Mabit, Dr., Homooo. Physician, born, at Toulouse, 1781 8 25 4 27 3 24 8 19 25 Tu 26 Royal Academy Charter granted, 1765 8 23 4 29 4 40 8 56 26 W Jenner, Dr., discoverer of Vaccination, died, 1823 8 21 4 31 6 0 9 24 27 Th Hom. Pet. remitted from the Patrons to the Senatus of Edi. 8 20 4 33 7 25 9 45 28 F Widnmann, Dr., died, at Munich, 1848 [Univ. 1852 8 18 4 35 8 51 10 2 29 S Hom.Phy. of Bavaria forbidden to dispense their own med, 8 16 4 37 10 16 10 15 30 S Afzelius, Prof., the last pupil of Linnmus, died, 1837 [1842 8 1414 39 11 42 10 29 31 M Chappe, inventor of the Telegraph, died, 1805 8 13 4 42.... 10 44 CLIMATE TABLE POR THE WfONTH OF JANUARY. Mean Quantity Number Pre- Mean Localities. Monthly of Rain of Rainy vailing Annual Remarks. Temp. in Inch's Days. Winds. Temp. Isle of Bute 38.42 2.87 14 S & N 50.0 Weather mild though wet. Edinburgh. 40.17 1.090 10 E& NE 47.8 Generally cold and frosty. Torquay.. 39.83 3.850 10 S & W 52.50 Air soft, mild, and equal. London.. 39.12 1.90 14 NW 50.39 Air mild and foggy. Penzance.. 44.03 3-775 17 NE 52 50 Atmosphere clear and bracing. Cove(Ireld.) 43.90 3.578 11 N & S 51.2 Mildest atmosphere in Ireland. Clifton.... 42.07 2.120 15 SE 52.50 Sheltered from cold winds. Rome..... 47.65 4.263 13 N & S 60.4 Weather agreeable and healthy. "Undercliff. 41.83 2.210 16 SE&SW 51.10 Mild, clear, and healthy atmos. Madeira... 59.50 3.217 15 NW 60.0 Climate delightful. Jersey..... 43.82 3.125 12 W & SW 52.10 Atmosph. damp and disagreeable. 1853. fjr tttv. 28 DAYS. PHASES OF THE MOON. New Moon.................. 7th day..17th hour..33rd min. First Quarter............... 15th day.. 15th hour.. llth min. Full Moon....................23rd day.. 7th hour.. 24th min. S Homceopathic and general Medical Calendar. m m 1 Tu Hahnemann Medical Society meets, at 8 p.m. 8 11444 4 ml0 10m59 2 W Harvey's addition to the Co. of Physicians opened, 1653 8 94 46 2 4'111 18 -8 Th British Homceopathic Society meets, at 8 p m. 8 7 4 4 4 8 11 45 4 F Hornbury, Dr. C. G., died, 1834 8- 54 50 5 31 0a 22 5 S Cullen, Dr., died, 1790 8 3 4 53 6 42 1 16 6 S " Lancet" rep. Mr. Liston's cases,treated H omceopathically, 8 114 55 7 35 2 12 7 M Dupuytren, burgeon, of H6Iel Dieu, died, 1835. [1836 7 594 57 8 13 3 42 8 Tu New York Homceo. Medical Society meets at Albany, 1853 7 57 4 59 9 39 5 4 9 W Emp. of Aus. decrees fullliberty for the prac. of Hom. 1837 7 54 5 1 8 59 6 27 10 Th I-esselquist, the Naturalist, died, 1752 7 50 5 4 9 14 7 44 11 F Latham, Dr., author of" A Hist. of Birds," died, 1837 [1644 7 48 5 6 9 27 9 1 12 S Mo.inH. ofCom.todep. HarveyfromofficePh.toSt.Bar.H. 7 465 8 9 38 10 14 13 S "Lancet" rep. Mr. Liston's cases, treatedHomoeopathically, 7 44 5 10 9 49111 27 14 M Macqner, Peter Joseph, M.D., died, 1784 [1836 7 4215 12 10 1 15 Tu Pathological Society of London meets, at 8 p.m. 7 39 5 15 10 15 Om40 46 W Mead, Dr. Richard, died, 1754 7 37 5 17110 31 1 53 17 Th Laennec, author of" Diseases of the Chest," born, 1781 7 34 5 19 10 54 3 34 18 F Homceo. Col. of Cleveland, U. S. attacked by the mob, 1852 7 32 5 21 11 26 4 14 19 S Hill, Dr. George, died, 1819 7 29 5 23 Oa 8 5 18 20 S Fall of snow occurred at Canton, lat. 23, 1836 7 27 5 26 1 5 6 12 21 M Mount, Mr., Surgeon, Dumfries, died, 1776, aged 136 7 25 5 28 2 15 6 54 22 Tu Tennant, Smithson, died, 1814 7 22 5 30 3 36 7 24 23 W Hope, Dr., Physician to St. George's Hospital, born, 1801 7 20 5 32 5 1 7 49 24 Th Microscopes invented, 1621 7 17 5 34 6 29 8 7 25 F Islington Homaeopathic Dispensary opened, 1846 7 1355 36 7 58 8 22 26 S Gram, Dr., Homceopathic Physician, New York, 1840 7 12 5 39 9 26 8 35 27 S James, inventor of the Fever Powder, died, 1776 7 1I 5 41 10 56 8 50 28 M Broussonet, Professor of Botany, Montpelier, born 1761 7 8 5 43.... 9 5 CLIMATE TABLE FOR THE MONTH OP FEBRUARY. Mean Quantity Number Pre- Mean Localities. Monthly of Rain o' Rainy vailing Annual Remarks. Temp. inInch's Days. Winds. Temp. Malta..... 56.50 1.50 very few NE 68.50 Climate clear and mild. Florence.. 45.00 0.991 11 N & NE 59.50 Climate unhealthy. Isle of Bute 39.59 3.07 12 N & S 50.0 Mild agreeable weather. Torquay.. 41.02 2.340 14 NE 52.50 Ranks next to Madeira. London... 40.44 1.250 16 NW 50.39 Weather wet and cold. Penzance.. 43.50 3.305 15 S & SW 52.50 Well adapted for Phthisicalpat'nts Cove...... 44.40 4.048 14 N & NW 51.52 The Madeira of Ireland. Clifton.... 42 64 2.770 15 N 52.50 Suitable for consumpt. patients. Underclifft. 41.81 1.380 15 SW 51.10 Delightful winter residence. Madeira... 58 50 1.757 7 NW 66.0 Weather cool and pleasant. Jersey..... 44.62 2.104 13 W & SW 52.10 Climate injurious in some diseases Edinburgh. 39.54 1.360 15 N & NE 47.8 Weather wet and disagreeable. Rome..... 49.45 1.687 9 N 60.4 Cool dry weather. Montpelier. 45.00 1.621 5 N 54.10 Bad place for consumption. 1853. 1at00, 31 DAYS. PHASES OF THE MOON. Last Quarter................. 2nd day.. 1st hour..39th min. New Moon................... 9th day.. 8th hour..18th min. First Quarter................. 17th day..llth hour..34th min. Full Moon....................24th day..18th hour..20th min. Last Quarter..................31st day.. 9th hour..42nd min. SHommoopathic and general Medical Calendar. I 1 2 83 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Tu W Th F S S M Tu W Th F S S Tu W Th F S S M Tu W Th F S S Tu W Th Hahnemann Medical Society meets, at 8 p.m. Strand Hospital, London, burnt down, 1776 Christ Church College damaged by Fire, 1809 Torquay Homeopathic Dispensary opened, 1849 Pathological Society of London meets, at 8 p.m. Mesmer died, 1815 Blackwell, Dr., died, 1757 [tioner, for defamation, 1850 Ozanne, Dr., obtained damages from an Allopathic practiFirst Lecture on Anatomy, delivered at Merton Col. 1624 Dr. Watt, author of the " Bibliotheca Britannica," died, 1819 Government of Bohemia grant Homoeopathists liberty to Marsh, Sir H., M.D.b. 1839 [dispense their own med. 1821 Cor.inq. held on the body of man said to have died from Hom. Gov. of Bohemia repeal edict agst. Hom. 1821 [Treat. 1845 Hom. Society of Vienna held its first legalized meeting, 1846 [1739 Lon. Gaz. pub. an account of Miss Stephens, Lithontriptic, Cor.inq. held on a child,said to have been kd. by Ho. trea.1847 Bergman, the Swedish Chemist, born, 1735 Wahlenberg, Prof., ofUpsaler, a firm Homceopathist, d. 1851 Uni. of Brunswick appoint a Hom exam. for students, 1842 A Surgeon tried at Oxford Circuit for manslaughter, 1846 Charity Schools first begin in England, 1683 London Mesmeric Infirmary opened, 1850 First Clinical Lect. deliv. at the Hahnemann Hosp. 1851 Venner, Dr., auth. of "Via Recta ad Vitam Longam," d. 1660 Vaccin'n dec. safe and proper, by the med. fac. of Paris Hunter, Dr., William died, 1783 Chester Homeopathic Dispensary opened, 1851 Testimonial presented to Dr. Conolly,1852 Co M a) 2 7 75 45 m45 m7 9m23 7 5 47 1 59 9 47 7 2 5 49 3 22 10 20 7 05 51 4 3411 8 6 575 53 5 32 0 10 6 555 55 6 15 1 25 6 525 58 6 45 2 46 6 496 0 7 4 4 6 6 476 2 7 21 5 25 6 44 6 4 7 33 6 43 6 42 6 7 44 7 57 6 396 8 7 55 9 11 6 386 10 8 6 10 1 6 346 12 8 18 11 6 31 6 14 8 24 Om54 6 29 6 16 9 21 2 2 6 26 6 18 9 57 3 7 6 23 6 20 10 47 4 4 6 21 6 22 10 51 4 49 6 186 24 la 7 5 24 6 156 26 2 31 5 50 6 136 28 3 57 6 11 6 106 31 5 27 6 27 6 8 6 33 6 58 6 41 6 56 35 8 31 6 54 6 2 6 37 8 54 7 8 6 06 39 10 5 7 26 5 576 41 11 39 7 48 5 546 43.... 8 17 5 52 6 45 Iml0 8 37 5 496 47 2 30 9 11 CLIMATE TABLE FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH. Mean Quantity Number Pre- Mean Localities. Monthly of Rain of Rainy vailing Annual Remarks. STemp. in Inch's Days. Winds. Temp. Isle of Bate 41.56 3.46 12 S & SW 50.0 Madeira of Scotland. Torquay... 47.43 0.500 12 NE 52.50 Best locality for consum. patients Penzance.. 46.40 3.477 13 NE 52.50 Temp. nearly equal day and night. Clifon.... 44.11 2.120 13 SE 52.50 Clifton is 1, warmerthan London Undercliff.. 44.50 1.230 8 E & SW 51.10 Best month for a residence here. Cove...... 45.40 1.9:11 10 SE&SW 51.2 Humid warm atmosphere. Rome..... 52.05 2.043 11 S & N 60.4 Wet weather prevails. Madeira... 61.06 1.510 9 NW 66.0 Showery, but mild weather. Edinburgh. 39.60 0.880 6 W NW 47.8 Frosty, changeable, and cold. London... 42.64 1.172 13 NW 50.39 Raw cold weather. 1853. gl. 30 DAYS. PHASES OF THE MOON. New Moon.................... 7th day..23rd hour..57th min. First Quarter................ 16th day.. 4th hour..45th min. Full Moon....................23rd day.. 3rd hour.. 11th min. Last Quarter................ 29th day..18th hour..50th min, 0 edci, S Homoeopathic and general Medical Calendar.,. o o 0 1 F Harvey, Dr. William, born, 1578 5 46 6 49 3m132 10m 1 2 S Gregory, Dr., Professor of Med., Edinburgh, died, 1821 5 446 51 4 1811 11 3 S Royal Society of Dublin incorporated, 1742 5 41 6 53 4 51 Oa 32 4 M Goldsmith, Dr. Oliver, died, 1774 5 39 6 55 5 12 1 52 5 Tu Hahnemann Medical Society meets, at 8 p.m. 5 36 6 57 5 29 3 11 6 W 7 British Homceopathic Society meets, at 8 p.m. 5 33 6 59 5 42 4 27 7 Th Adanson, the French Naturalist, born, 1727 5 31 7 1 5 53 5 42 8 F 9 Annual Meeting of Bri. Homoso. So. to be held, 1853 5 28 7 3 6 4 6 56 9 S Oersted, the Danish Philosopher, died, 1851 5 26 7 5 6 15 8 10 10 S Hahnemann born, at Meissen, 1755 5 23 7 7 6 27 9 24 11 M Hahnemann Publishing Society instituted, 1848 5 21 7 9 6 40 10 38 12 Tu Burney, Dr., died, 1814 5 18 7 11 6 5711 49 13 W 5 57 13 7 20.... 14 Th Hahnemann's fatal illness firstbegan, 1843 5 13 7 15 7 53 0m57 15 F Halifax Homoeopathic dispensary opened, 1850 5 10 7 17 8 36 1 58 16 S Coron. inq. held on the body of a patient of Dr. Epps', 184 5 8 7 19 9 32 2 47 17 S Hull Homceopathic Dispensary opened, 1849 5 5 7 21 10 42 3 25 18 M Cor. inq. held on a Homceopathic patient at Taunton, 1847 5 37 23 Oa 1 3 54 19 Tu Pathological Society of London meets, at 8 p.m. 5 1 7 25 1 25 4 15 20 W First stone of Bethlehem New Hospital laid, 1812 4 58 7 27 2 53 4 31 21 Th 22 Royal Society of Lond. corporated by royal let. pat. 1663 4 56 7 29 4 22 4 46 22 F Unzer, John Augustus, M.D., of Hamburg, died, 1799 4 53 7 31 5 54 4 59 23 S Foundations of the Bastile of Paris laid, 1369 4 517 33 7 29 5 12 24 S 4 487 35 9 7 5 27 25 M Harvey, Wm., took his degree of M.D. at Padua, 1602 4 46 7 37 10 43 5 48 26 Tu Apothecaries commanded, by royal proclamation, to follow 4 44 7 39.... 6 15 27 W [the London Pharma.1681 441 7 41 Oml2 6 52 28 Th 29 London University founded, 1827 4 39 7 43 1 27 7 48 29 F Unzer, John Augustus, born at Halle, 1727 4 37 7 45 2 19 8 59 30 S " Hahnemann Fly Sheet " first published, 1850 4 34 T 47 2 56 10 17 CLI~WATE TABILE FOR THE MONITH OP APRIL. Mean Quantity Number Pre- Mean Localities. Monthly of Rain of Rainy vailing Annual Remarks. Temp. in Inch's Days. Winds. Temp. London... 48.00 1.279 14 SW 50.39 Genial sunshine and showers. Kdinburgh. 45.84 0.990 9 W& SW 47.8 High winds prevail. Torquay... 50.13 2.500 10 NE 52.50 Showery weather, but mild. Ile of Bute 45.80 1.97 9 S & SW 50.0 " Skies indulgent." Penzance., 48.50 2.985 10 NE 52.50 N.S.W. portionvery advantageous. Clifton.... 48.24 2.040 10 NE 52.50 Cli. mildest and driestin England U-ndercliff.. 4ý.68 0.770 4 NE 51.10 Mean annualtemperature occurs, Cove...... 48.20 1.294 10 S 51.2 Almost no frost or snow. Marseilles. 55.30 0.650 4 N 68.50 Climate dry and variable. Pisa...... 56.30 2.706 9 E & N 59.50 Not so warm or dry as Rome. Rome..... 56.40 1.776 9 N & NW 60.4 Best climate in Italy for Phthisis. Madeir... 62.50 1.520 2 W & NW 66.0 Air more soft than at Rome. 1853. tag. 31 DAYS. PHASES OF THE MOON. New Moon.................... 7th day..16th hour.. 6th mmin. First Quarter................. 15th day..17th hour.. 56th min. Full Moon....................22nd day.. 10th hour..52nd min. Last Quarter................. 29th day.. 5th hour..88th min. A Homoeopathic and general Medical Calendar. c CC, 1 S' lewson, Mr., discoverer of the Lacteals, died, 1774 4 32 7 49 3m2011lm39 2 M Gov.Wurtemb.permit Hom.prac.todispensetheirownmed. 4 30 7 51 3 38 la 0 3 Tu Hahnemann Medical Society meets, at 8 p.m. 4 287 53 3 52 2 16 4 W 5 E. von Brunnow, translator of first Fr. ed. of Org. d. 1845 4 25 7 55 4 3 3 32 5 Th British Homceopathic Society meets, at 8 p.m. 4 23 7 57 4 13 4 45 6 F 4 21 7 59 4 23 5 58 7 S English Homeopathic Association organized, 1845 4 198 3 4 34 7 12 8 S Lavoisier suffered death on the scaffold, at Paris, 1794 4 17 8 3 4 47 8 25 9 M Roy. Co. of Phy. Ecin. repudiates its Homoeo. Fellows, 1851 4 15 8 5 5 3 9 38 10 Tu Young, Dr. Thomas, died, 1829 4 13 8 7 5 23 10 49 11 W Birmingham Homceopathic Dispensary opened, 1847 4 118 9 5 51 11 53 12 Th Thomson, Prof. of the practice of Physic, Glasgow, d. 1852 4 98 11 6 30.... 13 F Cuvier, the Comparative Anatomist, died, 1832 4 7 8 13 7 23 Om46 14 S Jennermadehis first exp.in Vac. on the human body, 1796 4 58 14 8 27 1 27 15 S Manchester Homoeopathic Dispensary opened, 1842 4 3 8 16 9 40 1 58 16 M 29 Medical Association of Ireland established, 1839 4 1 8 18 10 0 2 21 17 Tu Pathological Society of London meets, at 8 p.m. 4 0 8 20 Oa 25 2 38 18 W Herberden, auth. of "Hist. and Cause of Disease," died,1801 3 588 22 1 51 ' 52 19 Th Azara, Don Felix de, the Naturalist, died, 1746 3 56 8 23 3 19 3 5 20 F St. Andrew's University founded, 1411 3 548 25 4 51 3 17 21 S Russell, Lord William, beheaded, 1683 3535 27 6 27 3 32 22 S Mesmer, Anthony, born, 1734 3 51 8 29 8 6 3 49 23 M Foundation stone of Hahnemann's Monument laid, 1851 3 508 30 9 40 4 10 24 Tu Linnmausborn, 1707 [pract. without license, d. 1623 3 498 3211 6 4 43 25 W Anthony, Dr.,who wastwice imprisoned by the Co. Phy.for 3 478 33.... 5 31 26 Th Foundation stone of the Doncaster Hom. Hosp. laid, 1852 3 458 35 Om13 6 37 27 F Matthew, Prof. of Mat. Med. Pensylva. Hom. Co. died, 1851 3 44 8 36 0 56 7 56 28 S North American Academy of Homocopathy founded, 1836 3 438 38 1 27 9 20 29 S Daubenton, the coadjutor of Buffon, born, 1716 3 428 40 1 46 10 43 30 M Davy, Sir H., died, at Geneva, 1829 3 418 41 2 1 Oa 2 31 Tu Macintosh, Sir James, died, 1832 3 39 8 42 2 13 1 0 CLIBMATE TABLE FOR THE MONTH OF MAY. Mean Quantity Number Pre- Mean Localities. Monthly of Rain of Rainy vailing Annual Remarks. Temp. in Inch's Days. Winds. Temp. Naples.... 66.50 0.568 6 E & NE 58.60 Climate too exciting for Phthisis. Camajore.. 63.25 1.967 9 60.10 Hot unhealthy climate. Nice...... 63.00 Not kno. Not kno. E & NE 59.10 Is protected by its mountains. Genoa.... 60.60 1.786 10 SE 60.4 Best for Bronchitis and Dyspepsia. VillaFranca 63.00 1.907 10 SE 61.2 A delightful summer residence. N. S. Wales 60.53 0.608 8 S & NW 62.50 Climate healthy. N. Zealand 58.80 Not kno 10 S & NW 54.0 Salubrious atmosphere. Pau....... 54.96 2.486 10 E & W 54.50 Very mild springs. Malta..... 60.50 v'rylittle Very few NW 68.50 Air loaded with dust. Rome..... 64.50 2.486 5 S 60.4 Patients should leave this month Madeira... 63.00 1.072 6 W & NW 66.0 Cli. only usef.in first stages of Pht. __ __ 1853. fttU. 30 DAYS. PHASES OF THE MOON. New Moon..................... 6th day.. 8th hour.. 2nd min. First Quarter................ 14th day.. 3rd hour..26th min. Full Moon...................20th day..18th hour..10th min. Last Quarter................. 27th day..18th hour..36th min. S Homoeopathic and general Medical Calendar. 0 0 0 5u 1 W "Journal of Health and Disease," first published, 1845 3 38 8 43 2m23 2a 84 2 Th York, with its cathedral and 39 churches, dest. by fire, 1137 3 37 8 45 2 33 3 47 3 F Harvey, William, died, 1657 3 3, 8 46 2 43 5 0 4 S Gerand, Dr., Homceopathic Physician, Paris, died, 1849 3 358 47 2 54 6 13 5 S 2 British Homosopathic Society meets, at 8 p.m. 3 34 8 49 3 9 7 27 6 M 3 3: 8 50 3 28 8 40 7 Tu H-ahnemann Medical Society meets, at8 p.m. 3 338 51 3 54 9 45 8 W Hewitt, Dr.,beheaded, on Tower Hill, 1658 3 32 8 52 4 30 10 43 9 Th Hom. Chair opened in the Med.Inst tute of Ohio, U.S.,1849 3:il 8 53 5 1711 28 10 F London Hospital foundation stone laid, 1752 3 318 54 6 18.... 11 S Laennec took his degree of M.D., 18v4 3 30 8 55 7 29 Om 2 12 S Ledure, Dr., Homeopathic Physician, Paris, died, 1849 3 30 8 55 8 45 0 27 13 M Establ't, the Linsitzch Schlesisch Verein, at G6rlitz, 1832 3 29 8 56 10 6 0 47 14 Tu An Edinb. student refused his degree for his Hom. 1851 3 29 8 57 11 29 1 0 15 W American Homoeopathic Institute meets, at Cleveland, 1853 3 29 8 57 0a 55 1 13 16 Th Dundee Homosopathic Dispensary opened, 1849 3 29 8 58 2 21 I 25 17 F Dunsford, Dr. H., Homceopathic Phys., London, died, 1847 3 29 8 58 3 53 1 38 18 S Uni. St. Andrew demand the return of Dr. Hale's dipl. 1851 3 288 59 5 28 1 52 19 S 20 Sion College incorporated by royal Charter, 1624 3 288 59 7 3 2 11 20 M Lettsom, Dr., the "scourge of quacks," grad. at Leyden, 1769 3 29 9 0 8 36 2 37 21 Tu Kg. Prus. grantsfulllib. to Hom.to dis. their own med. 1843 3 299 0 9 52 3 15 22 W Tietze, Surgeon, of Ebersbach, a Homceopathist, died, 1848 3 29 9 0 10 49 4 12 23 Th Apothecaries' Company of Ireland incorporated, 1791 3 29 9 0 11 25 5 28 24 F Thorer, Dr. Samuel T., died, 1846 3 30 9 0 11 57 6 52 25 S Sydenham admitted a Fellow of Roy. College of Phy.,1663 3 30 9 1.... 8 19 26 S Hahn. def. his " Thesison the Helleborism of theAn."1812 3 31 9 0 Om 8 9 43 27 M Coll. of Phys., London, declare a Homoeopathist unfit for 3 31 9 0 0 20 11 3 28 Tu [the office of Union Doctor, 1843 3 32 9 0 0 31 Oa 21 29 W Dry clear fog app. at Moscow, 1783 [contained arsenic, 1842 3 328 59 0 41 1 35 30 Th Com. appointed at Bavaria to examine if Hom. medicine 3 33 8 59 0 51 2 48 CLIIIATE TABLE FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE. Mean Quantity Number Pre- Mean Localities. Monthly of Rain of Rainy vailing Annual Remarks. Temp. in Inch's Days. Winds. Temp. London.... 60.00 1.738 12 S 50.39 Quantity of atmos.vap. at its max. Edinburgh. 54.85 2.030 11 SW 47.8 Cold damp winds sometimes prev. Bute...... 57.06 2.03 8 SSW 50.0 Country and climate delightful. Cove...... 60.20 2.215 13 S 51.10 Moist and warm weather. Clifton.... 62.34 3.024 14 S & W 52.50 Elevated sit. best for nervous dis. Torquay... 59.08 2.030 12 S & N 52.50 Clim. suits relaxed constitutions. Undercliff.. 59.08 1.390 10 W 51.10 Well adapted for respiratory disea. Penzance.. 58.50 2.430 10 S 52 50 Mild Iumid atmosphere. Hastings.. 58-86 1.670 11 N 52.50 Sheltered from N. and N.E. winds. Rome..... 69.77 1.687 7 S 60.4 Malaria sets in this month. Madeira... i5.00 0.347 1 NE 66.0 Cool land wind prevails. 1853. $11[r 31 DAYS. PHASES OF THE MOON,.New Moon..................... 5th, day..22nd hour. 53rd min. First Quarter.................. 18th day..10th hour..15th min. Full Moon.................. 20th day.. 1st hour..54th min. Last Quarter..................27th day.. 10th hour.. 0 min. ed Oa d 0. S Homeopathic and general Medical Calendar. . I 1 F Edinburgh So. Hommeopathic Dispensary opened, 1852 3 33 8 59 1m 3 4a 2 2 8 I-lahnemann died, at Paris, 1843 3 34 8 59 1 17 5 16 8 S Willoughby, Francis, the Botanist and Naturalist, died, 1672 3 358 58 1 33 6 27 4 M Newton's, Sir Isaac, statue erected in Trinity College, 1755 3 36 8 57 1 56 7 37 5 Tu HIahnemann Medical Society meets, at eight p.m. 3 378 56 2 19 8 38 6 W Sisters of Charity Homoeop. Hosp. opened, at Vienna, 1812 3 38 8 55 3 12 9 28 7 Th Turner, Dr., the eminent Phys., Divine, and Nat., died, 1568 3 398 54 4 10 10 5 8. F Bergman, the famous Swede, died of hemorrhoids, 1784 3 408 54 5 19 10 33 9 S " Times " report a case of hydrophobia, cured by Bellu and 3 42 8,53 6 35 10 53 10 S Forster, a Naturalist and Bot., died, 1763. [Lach, 1850 3 43 8 52 7 55 11 8 11 M Hahnemann buried in the Cemetery of Montmartre, 1843 3 448 51 9 1711 21 12 Tu 3 4.58 50 10 40 11 34 13 W Bradley, Dr., died, 1762 3 468 49 Oa 4 11 44 14 Th Bastile destroyed by the mob, (Paris) 1789 3 47 8 48 1 3111 57 15 F 3 48 847 3 2.... 16 S 3 50 8 46 4 35 0ml 4 17 S Prochaska, Professor of Physiology, at Vienna, died, 1820 3 52 8 45 6 6 0 35 18 M 17 Forgo, Dr. George, died, 1835 3 53 8 43 7 30 1 6 19 Tu 3 55 8 42 8 35 1 54 20 W Sparrmann,,the Naturalist, died, 1820 3 56 8 40 9 22 3 0 21 Th Northern IIomeopathic Medical Society instituted, 1851 3 58 8 39 9 50 4 21 22 F Lyonnet, the Anatomist and Naturalist, born, 1707 3 59 8 37 10 11 5 49 23 S The Lacteals accidentally discovered, by Mr. Hewson 4 1 8 36 10 26 7 17 94 S Assoc. for the Protection of Hom. Students formed, 1851 4 28 34 10 38 8 41 25 M 23 Dreadful tire in London broke out, 1794 4 8 32 10 49 10 1 26 Tu Lizars v. Syme-act. for damages was decided against the 4 6 8 30 10 59 11 16 27 W Bromonet, Prof. of Bot., Montpelier, d. 1807 [former, 1852 4 8 8 2911 10 Oa 31 28 Th 4 9 8 2711 23 1 46 29 F Caius, Dr., founder of Caius College, Cambridge, died, 1573 4 11 8 25 11 37 3 1 30 S St. Luke's Hospital, Moorfields, opened, 1751 4 138 2311 58 4 15 81 S Laennec app. tothe Chair ot Med.inthe Co.of France,1822 4 15 8 22.... 5 24 CLIMATE TABLE FOR THIE DONTH OP JULY. ivLean Localities. Monthly Temp. "London... 63.43 Edinburgh. 59.31 Isle of Bute 59.22 Cove...... 61.90 Hastings. 60.88 Scarbro'... 58.00 Penzance.. 61.20 Undercliff. 59 49 Panu....... 71.73 Nice...... 73.50 Naples... 75.00 ome..... 73.30 Madeira... 70.00 Cuanuty of Rain in Inch's 2.448 0860 3.00 3.142 2.370 3.111 2.840 Not kno. 1.243 0.372 iumber Preof Rainy vailing Days. Winds 16 S 4 S 11 S SW 11 S SW 12 W & S 9 WV 12 S 13 S 7 S SW Not kno. seabr'zes 1 W 5 W SW 3 NE Mean Annual Remarks. Temp. 50.39 Temp. of Atmosphere at its max. 47.8 Calm, hot, dry weather. 50.0 Best climate in Scotland for Pht. 51.2 Good deal of rain falls this month. 51.59 Hanks next to Undercliff 50.2 Famous as a watering place. 52.50 Far more rainy than London. 51.10 Atmosphere soft and humid. 54.50 Hot, but unhealthy. 69.10 Cold dry winds not unfrequent. 58.60 Hot winds very prevalent, 60.4 The siroe-o often very distressing. 66.0 High residences best for summer. 1853. -1ttgtst 31 DAYS. PHASES OF THE MOON. New Moon................... 4th day..12th hour,, 5th min, First Quarter.................th day..15th hour.. 89th min. Full Moon...................18th day..10th hour..55th min. Last Quarter................... 26th day.. 3rd hour..t 87 min. a ~. Cd c. C 7 Homeopathic and general Medical Calendar. |. 5 a 1 M Oxygen Gas discovered, by Dr. Priestley, 1774 4 18 8 20 Om27 6a 29 2 Tu Hahnemann Medical Society meets, at 8 p.m. 4 20 8 18 1 6 7 23 3 W Eng.I-Iom.Assoc.pet.Par. againsttheproc'dingsofCoroner 4 228 16 1 59 8 5 4 Th Hah. el. a mem. of Ac. of Sci., Mentz. 1791 [of Middlsex,1850 4 24 8 14 3 5 8 35 5 F " Homeopathic Times " first published, 1849 4 26 8 12 4 20 8 58 6 S Homosopathic Congress meets at Manchester, 1853 4 28 8 10 5 42 9 15 7 S Dr. Eamsbotham's case of Hydrophobia first seen, 1849 4 29 8 7 7 5 9 29 8 M St. Patrick's College, Aimagh, opened, 1838 431 8 5 8 23 9 41 9 Tu County Coroner Act passed, 1844 4 338 3 9 52 9 52 10 W Hahnemann's monument, at Leipzic, inaugurated, 1851 4 35 8 1 11 17 10 4 1 Th Hahn. took his degree of M.D. at the Uni. of Erlangen, 1779 4 38 7 58 Oa 47 10 19 12 F 4 40 7 56 2 1810 38 13 S Laennec, author of "Diseases of the Chest,"died, 1826 4 427 54 3 47 11 5 14 S Provincial Medical and Surg. Society of England condemn 4 47 51 5 11 11 44 15 M [Homceopathy, 1851 4 46 7 48 6 22 16 Tu New York Homceopathic Society founded, 1834 4 48 7 46 7 16 Om 40 17 W Gahn,the Chemist, died, 1745 4 50 7 44 7 51 1 55 18 Th 4 52 7 42 8 15 3 22 19 F "Med. Times "reports a case of cholera cured by Homceo. 4 56 7 39 8 32 4 49 20 S Glasgow Hom. Dispensary opened, 1849 [treatment,1848 4 57 7 37 8 44 6 15 21 S 4 597 35 8 55 7 38 22 M 5 1 7 32 9 5 8 56 23 Tu Griesselich, Dr., editor of the" Hygeia," Germany, d. 5 3 7 30 9 16 10 13 24 W 5 5 729 9 2811 29 25 Th 5 7 7 25 9 42 0a 45 26 F Lavoisier, the French Chemist, born, 1743 5 9 7 23 10 0 1 59 27 S Public dinner given, by the Brit. Hom. Society, to Dr. Quin, 5 11 7 20 10 24 3 11 28 S [1847 5 13 7 17 10 59 4 17 29 M 5 15 7 15 11 46 5 16 80 Tu Martini, Dr., the Naturalist, died, 1729 [18395 516 7 12 6 3 31 W Hahn. granted penn. to prac. Hom. in Paris, byroy.let. pat. 5 17 7 9 0m48 6 37 CLIIMATE TABLE FOe THE IXONTH OF AUGUST. Mean Quantity Number Pre- Mean Localities. Monthly of Rain of Rainy vailing Annual Remarks. Temp. in Inch's Days. Winds. Temp. London.... 63.52 1.807 16 S SW 50.39 Hot weather and showery. Edinburgh. 57.74 1.609 12 S SW 47.8 Clear cool atmosphere. Isle of Bute 57.78 3.042 11 SW 50.0 Occasional heavy rains. Cove...... 61.70 1.712 10 SSW 51.2 Dry warm weather prevails. Paris..... 6520 1.900 12 SSW 51.0 Great heat and swarms of flies. Bermudas.. 83.20, / alm. none 68.0 Winters cold-summers hot. Bahamas.. 86.50 i,, E & S 66.0- Iot uncomfortable summers. Pau....... 68.19 7 SSW 54.50 Situated near good waterg. places. Nice...... 74.30,, sea r'ze 59.10 Unfavourable for consumption. Rome..... 74.02 1.243 5 W SW 60.4 Hot dry oppressive weather. Madeira... 73.00 0.405 seld. any seabr'ze 66.0 " The trades" improve salubrity of the place. 1853. Septena 30 DAYS. PHASES OF THEi MOON. New Moon................... 2nd day.. 23rd hour..41st min. First Quarter.................. 9th day.. 20th hour.. 57th min. Full Moon.................. 16th day..22nd hour..llth min. Last Quarter................. 24th day..22nd hour..32ndmin. d. d FI.Homoeopathic and general Medical Calendar. - 3 1 Th "Hommeopathic Record" first published, 1851 5 19 7 7 2m 1 7a 1 2 F Great Fire in London broke out, 1666 5 20 7 4 3 20 7 21 3 S Moulin, Dr., Pres. of the Socit6O de Med. Hom. died, 1850 5 227 2 4 44 7 37 4 S Hom. Cent. Phar. founded by the Cor. of Apot. Munich, 1852 5 24 6 59 6 10 7 49 5 M Reconstituted, Gallican Homco. Soc. held its first meeting, 5 26 6 57 7 36 7 59 6 Tu Hahnemann Medical Society meets, at 8 p.m. [1851 5 28 6 54 9 3 8 12 7 W 8 British Homocopathic Society meets, at 8 p.m. 5 30 6 52 10 31 8 25 8 Th Fludd, Dr., a maintainer of the Rosycrucian Philosophy, 5 32 6 49 0a 3 8 42 9 F [died, 1637 5 34 6 46 1 35 9 6 10 S Gram, Dr., introduced Hommopathy into America, 1825 5 36 6 44 3 1 9 39 11 S 5 386 41 4 17 10 30 12 M First meet. of the British Hom. Cong. held at Cheltenham, 5 40 6 38 5 13 11 37 13 Tu [1850 5.426 36 5 52 14 W Geoffrey admitted a member of the Institute of France, 1807 5 44 6 35 6 19 Om59 15 Th 5 466 31 6 36 2 25 16 F 5 48 6 28 6 51 3 52 17 S Gross, Dr., one of Hahnemann's earliest disciples, d. 1847 5 50 6 25 7 2 5 14 18 S Wells, Dr., author of the "Essay on Dew," died, 1817 5 52 6 22 7 12 6 36 19 M Heaviside, Mr., Surg., famous forfighting a duel, died, 1825 5 54 6 20 7 22 7 54 20 Tu Pallas, Professor, of Berlin, born, 1741 5 566 17 7 33 9 11 21 W Sweating sickness of 1483 first appeared in London 5 58 6 14 7 46 10 27 22 Th Muller, Dr. M. W., died, 1831 6 06 12 8 211 43 23 F Boerhaave died, 1738 6 1 6 9 8 22 Oa 57 24 S College of Physicians, London, instituted, 1518 6 3 6 7 8 54 2 6 25 S 6 56 4 9 34 3 8 26 M Smallpox Hospital, Coldbaths Fields, opened, 1776 6 7 6 1 10 29 3 59 27 Tu Goodshaw, Dr., Homoeopathic Physician, Dublin, d. 1851 6 9 5 59 11 37 4 38 28 W 6 11 5 57.. 5 6 29 Th Small-pox Hospital, London, opened, 1767 6 13 5 54 Om54 5 26 30 F New York Homceopathic Dispensary opened, 1845 6 15 5 51 2 17 5 41 CLIMATE TABLE FOl THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER. Mean Quantity Number Pre- Mean Localities. Monthly of Rain of Rainy vailing Annual Remarks. Temp. in Inch's Days. Winds. Temp. London.... 58.80 1.842 12 WSW 50.39 Climate dry and warm. Edinburgh. 55.61 2.230 12 W & NW 47.8 Cool and damp mo. and evening. Hastings.. 57.23 3.940 14 SSW 52.50 Mean annual temperature. Bute...... 53.52 3.77 13 SSW 50.0 Cold in the evening and morning. Cove...... 56.80 3.453 15 W 51.2 Wind often blows hard this month. Cheltenham 59.06 Not kno. l WSW 51.0 Water contains chlybete and sulp. Clifton.... 58.89 2.730 9 WSW 52.50 Hot wells cont. Na 0, SO, & lime. Jersey..... 59.82 i1 W 52.10 Best climate of the Chan. Islnds. Isle of Man 55.15 3.080 16 SSW 51.10 Weather often wet and broken. Penzance.. 57.60 3.747 12 WSW 52.50 Pats. shd. leave P. fr. May till Oct. Torquay... 60.50 1.750 8 SW 52.50 Heat too great for relaxed frames. 1853. octobtr. 31 DAYS. PHASES OF THE MOON. New Moon................... 2nd day..10th hour..17th min. First Quarter................ 9th day.. 3rd hour..25th min. Full Moon....................16th day..12th hour..31st min. -Last Quarter................ 24th day.. 17th hour..19th min. New Moon..................31st day..20th hour..38th min. 6> a) ( 8 (vm o aO SHomoeopathic and general Medical Calendar. 0| i0 1 S Leeds Homoeopathic Dispensary opened, 1844 6 18 5 48 3m42 5a 54 2 S Pennsylvanian Homceopathic College opened, 1848 6 20 5 45 5 10 6 7 3 M Cholera of 1848 first appeared, in Edinburgh 6 22 5 43 6 39 6 19 4 Tu -Hahnemann Medical Society meets, at 8 p.m. 6 24 5 411 8 9 6 31 5 W Dupuytren, Guillaume, born, 1777 6 26 5 37 9 43 6 46 6 Th Emrich, Dr., died, 1836 6 28 5 35 11 18 7 8 7 F Luther, Dr. C., Homceopathio Physician, of Bath, d. 1849 6 30 5 32 Oa 49 7 38 8 S Ninez, Dr., appointed Hom. Phy. to Queen of Spain, 1847 6 3--5 30 2 11 8 23 9 S Ukase allowing the practice of Hom. by Russian gov., 1833 6 34 5 27 3 14 9, 26 10 M London Homceopathic Hospital founded, 184 6 36 5 24 3 58 10 43 11 Tu 9 Brainerd, David, died, 1747 6 38 5 22 4 26... 12 W Chemnitz, a Naturalist, died, at Copenhagen, 1800 6 40 5 20 4 46 Om 7 13 Th Foundling Hospital, London, instituted, 1739 6 42 5 17 5 0 1 35 14 F Harvey elected Phys. to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 1609 6 44 5 14 5 11 2 57 15 S Grand Duchy of Baden ord. Phy. to cease presc. angustura 6 46 5 12 5 21 4 18 16 S Hahnemann Hospital opened, 1850 [bark, 1815 6 48 5 10 5 31 5 36 17 M Reaumur, Seigneur de, the Chemist, died, 1756 6 5U 5 7 5 41 6 54 S8 Tu Co. of Phy. annually commemorate the bounty of Harvey 6 52 5 4 5 52 8 10 19 W Browne, Sir Thomas, author of " Religio Medici," d. 1682 6 54 5 2 6 6 9 26 20 Th Linacre, projec. of Roy. Coll. of Physicians, London, d. 1524 6 574 59 6 24 10 42 21 F Emp. of Aus. forbids anyone in his dom. toprac. Hom. 1819 6 594 57 6 50 11 53 22 S Pitcarne, Dr. Alex., Prof. of Medic., Edinburgh, died, 1713 7 1 4 55 7 26 Oa 59 23 S Cottonian Library damaged by fire, 1731 7 3 4 52 8 15 1 55 S24 M Winsten, Dr., app. Prof of Physic, in Gresham Col. 1615 7 54 49 9 17 2 37 25 Tu Cholera first appeared in England, at Sunderland, 1831 7 7 4 47 10 29 3 8 26 W Cor. inq. held on an alleged death from Hem. treatmt. 1852 7 94 45 11 47 3 31 27 Th Pearce, Mr., Hommao. Practitioner, tried for manslaug. 1843 7 114 43.... 3 48 28 F Edinburgh Homoeopathic Dispensary opened, 1841 7 1414 40 lml3 4 2 29 S Bolton Homoeopathic Dispensary opened, 1851 7 16 4 38 2 39 4 14 30' 8 King of Bavaria grants permission to practise Hom. in all 7 18 4 36 4 5 4 25 31 M [prisons, &c. 1848 7 20 4 34 5 34 4 36 CLIMATE TABLE FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER. Mean I Localities. Monthly Temp. Malta,.... 70.50 Madeira... 67.50 Rome..... 6360 Naples.... 65 00.Nantes.... 55.25 Nice...... 61.85 Pau...... 54.34 Pisa...... 62.62 C. G. Hope 65.50 Azores.... 60.50 Canaries.. 68.00 W. Indies.. 80.00 Quantity of Rain in Inch's 15 an. 2.082 5.507 Not kno. 3.906 3.060 1.906 Not kno, 68 an Numbel of Rain3 Days. 10 7 14 11 11 12 18 10 Prevailing Winds. SE WSW WSW SE, ENE W WSW SW SW E Mean Annual Temp 68.150 66.0 60.4 58.60 53.5 59.10 54.50 59.50 65.0 62.0 71 0 81.0 Remarks. Dry irritating weather. Rains begin to set in. Beautiful evening twilights. Coolest summer residce. in Italy. Climate variable. Bronchitis frequently relieved. Phth. pat. should rem. in-doors. Cold and humid climate. Was before named Cape of Storms Subject to high raw winds. Good resid'ce for pulmonary cases. Catarrh very common. 1853..obembr. 30 DAYS..PHASES OF THE MOON. First Quarter................ 7th day..l2th hour..llth min. Full Moon..................... 15th day.. 6th hour.. 0 min. Last Quarter.................23rd day..10th hour..35th min. New Moon................... 30th day.. 7th hour..13th min.. dj II Homceopathic and general Medical Calendar. op 5 |o 1 Tu I-Iahn. Hosp. London, opened for recept. of patients, 1850 7 22 4 32 7m10 4a 49 2 W Liverpool Homoeopathic Dispensary opened, 1841 7 25 4 29 8 47 5 8 3 Th Lettsom, Dr., one of the found. of the Lon. Med. So. d. 1815 7 274 27 10 24 5 34 4 F Bainbridge, Dr., Professor, Cambridge, died, 1613 7 29 4 25 11 56 6 14 5 S Harrison's Spinal Institution, founded 1833 5 31 4 23 la 8 7 13 6 S Berthollet died, 1822 7 33 4 22 2 0 8 27 7 I Baden, Professor, of Copenhagen, died, 1804 7 35 4 20 2 33 9 54 8 Tu Hahnemann Medical Society meets, at 8 p.m. 7 37 4 17 2 5411 20 9 W 8 Edinburgh University opens 7 39 4 15 3 10.... 10 Th Dublin Philosophical Society established, 1842 7 41 4 13 3 22 Om45 11 F Society of Irish Artists established, 1842 7 43 4 11 3 31 2 4 12 S 7 454 9 3 40 3 22 13 S 7 47 4 7 3 49 4 39 14 3M Abercrombie, Dr., of Edinburgh, died, 1845 7 50 4 6 4 0 5 56 15 Tu Hewson, discoverer of the Lacteals, born, 1759 7 52 4 4 4 13 7 11 16 W Foundation stone of the University of Edinburgh laid, 1789 7 544 2 4 28 8 26 17 Th Hawkesworth, Dr. John, died, 1773 7 56 4 0 4 52 9 40 18 F Commerson, Dr., a celebrated Naturalist, born, 1727 7 583 59 5 24 10 50 19 S British Museum erected, 1753 8 0 3 58 6 8 11 50 20 S Homceopathio Institution of Paris opened, 1839 8 23 56 7 5 Oa 37 21 M 8 43 54 8 13 1 11 22 Tu Hill, Sir John, the Botanist, died, 1775 8 83 52 10 47 1 38 23 W Mechanics' Institute, Dublin, founded, 1837 8 103 51.... 1 56 24 Th Maclain, Dr. Archibald, died, 1804 8 12 3 50 Oml0 2 9 25 F Assoc. of Med. Graduates of Trinity Col. instituted, 1837 8 143 49 1 34 2 20 26 S Gaubius, Dr., of Leyden, died, 1780 8 16 3 48 3 0 2 31 27 S New York Hahnemann Academy of Medicine founded, 1849 8 183 46 4 30 2 41 28 M Roy. Co. of Phys. Edinburgh established by roy. ohar. 1681 8 193 45 6 5 2 53 29 Tu Roy. Co. ofSurg. Eng. resolve not tointerfere with Homceop. 8 203 44 7 0 3 9 30 W Davey, Sir H., elected Pres. of Royal Soc. [members, 1851 8 22 3 43 7 44 3 31 CLIMATE TABLE FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER. Mean Quantity Number Pre- Mean Localities. Monthly of Rain of Rainy vailing Annual Remarks. Temp. in Inch's Days Winds. Temp. London.... 43.47 2.222 15 N & NE 50.39 Foggy wet weather. Edinburgh. 39.60 4.140 16 N & NE 47.8 Wet drizzling weather. Cove...... 46.80 5.382 14 SSW 51.2 Weather wet and windy. Bute...... 43.09 4.50 16 NNE 50.0 Subject to fogs and rains. Kendal... 40.59 4.785 19 E NW 47.0 Great quantity of rain falls here. Penzance.. 48 80 4.918 17 SSW 52.50 Is much exposed to high winds. Underoliff. 48.40 4.230 19 SSW 5110 Soothing agreeable atmosphere. Hastings.. 44.44 4 340 16 SW 52.50 Coldest month in the year. Sidmouth.. 46.00 1.990 12 N & W 52.60 Humid mild atmosphere. Clifton.... 47.11 3.390 11 SSW 52.50 Tern. of Hot-Well water 740 Fah. Rome..... 58,80 3 375 12 N 60.4 Wet season at Rome. Mndeira... 62.70 8.577 17 SW 66.0 Rain falls in large quantity. 1853. l ClfW l, 31 DAYS. PHASES OF THE MOON. First Quarter................ 7th day.. 0 hour..10th min. Full Moon..................15th day.. 1st hour..33rd min. Last Quarter............... 23rd day.. 1st hour..22nd min. New Moon................. 29th day.. 18th hour.. 5th min. S Homoeopathic and general Medical Calendar. 1 o5 1 Th Klaproth, M. I-., discoverer of Tellurium, born, 1743 8 23 3 42 9m22 4a 4 2 F Russell, Dr. J.,in aletter,condemnsproce.R.0C.P.E.reg'rd'g 8 253 4110 48 4 54 3 S 2 London Hosp. incorp. by royal charter 1759 [Hom. 1851 8 263 4011 52 6 5 4 S Willis, Dr., died, at Greatford, 1807 8 27 3 39 Oa 34 7 31 5 M Black, discoverer of Latent Heat, died, 1799 8 2913 39, 1 0 8 59 6 Tu Liston, Mr., Surgeon, died, 1847 8 3013 38 1 17110 27 7 W Hahnemann Medical Society meets, at 8 p.m. 8 32 3 38 1 3011 51 8 Th Berthollet, Claude Louis, born, 1754 8 33 3 37 1 41... 9 F 8 353 37 1 51 Im10 10 S Massachusetts Homoeopathic Medical Societyformed, 1840 8 36 3 37 2 0 2 28 11 S Cullen, Dr., Prof. of Materia Medica, Edinburgh, born, 1712 8 37 3 36 2 10 3 44 12 M Hom. Aca. of N. York recog. by law as a scientific soc. 1849 8 383 36 2 22 4 59 13 Tu Haller,Dr., of Switzerland, died, 1777 8 393 36 2 36 6 14 14 W College of Physicians, Ireland, re-incorporated, 1692 8 40 3 36 2 56 7 29 15 Th Schweikert, Dr., one of Iahn.'s earliest disciples, d. 1845 8 41 3 36 3 25 8 41 16 F Syme, Mr., memorializes Pat. of Edin. Univ. to depose Prof. 8 42 3 36 4 4 9 44 17 S Davey, Sir H., b. at Penzance, Cor. 1778. [Henderson, 1851 8 433 36 4 57 10 35 18 S Paul, Dr., S. K., Prew, died, 1832 8 443 36 6 311 14 19 M -IHomce. repudiated by the Edinb. Med. and Chir. Soc. 1851 8 44 3 36 7 16 11 41 20 Tu Queen's College, Oxford, much damaged by fire, 1778 8 453 37 8 32 Oa 1 21 W Morveau, the French Chemist, died, 1845 8 45 3 37 9 53 0 17 22 Th Radcliffe's statue erected, in the University of Oxford,1723 8 463 3811 13 0 29 23 F Potts, Dr., author of "A Treatiseon Ruptures," died, 1788 8 463 38.... 0 39 24 S 473 39 Om35 0 49 25 S Pitcairne, Professor of Medicine, Edinburgh, born, 1652 8 47 3 39 2 0 1 0 26 M Hyll, Dr., one of the three eminent Phy. of Wales. d. 1559 8 47 3 40 3 30 1 13 27 Tu Guy, founder of Guy's Hospital, died, 1724 8 47 3 41 5 4 1 30 28 W 8 473 42 6 41 1 55 29 Th Sydenham, Dr., died at his house in Pall Mall, 1689 8 473 43 8 14 2 35 80 F Royal Society of London instituted, 1660 8 473 44 9 31 3 36 31 S Boerhaave born, 1668 8 473 4510 25 4 56 CLIMIATE TABLE FOR THE MONTTH OF DECEMBER. Mean Quantity Number Pre- Mean Localities. Monthly of Rain of Rainy vailing Annual Remarks. Temp. inInch's Days. Winds. Temp. Jersey..... 45.27 1.976 12 WSW 52.10 Cold raw winds prevail. Pau....... 41.53 " 10 NE 54.50 Consumption a common disease. Pisa....... 47.00 1.908 7 NE & W 59.50 An agreeable winter residence. Nice...... 48.60 I, N & NW 59.10 Cool pleasant weather. Naples.... 50.50,, 11 W &NW 58,60 Subject to high winds. Malta. 59.00 15 an 6 NW 68.50 Pulmonary diseases common. Madeira... 0.50 3.100 6 NW 66.0 Low residences best for winter. Rome..... 49.62 3.553 13 N 60.4 Wet but agreeable weather. Montpelier. 46.00 4.841 8 NE & W 54.10 Once regarded as very healthy. Florence.. 47.00 5.683 9 NE 59.50 City too crowded to be healthy. 13' LEclipses, &c. in 1853. This year there will be Two ECLIPSES of the SUN, and ONE of the Moow, I. June 6, an annular Eclipse of the SUN, which will only be visible over portion of South America, the United States, and a large surface of the Pacific Ocean, on both sides of the Equator. The Eclipse will be central and annular on the principal Georgian Island, called Tahiti. II. June 20, a partial Eclipse of the MOON, not visible in this country. The Eclipse begins in the morning, at 5h. 13m., Greenwich time; Eclipse ends at 6h. 50m, III. November 30,a total Eclipse of the SUN, invisible in this country. The visibility of this Eclipse will extend over nearly the same portions of our globe as the former solar Eclipse, on the 6th of June. MERCURY will be visible in the mornings, a little before sunrise, about January 10, May 8, September 3, and December 23; and in the evenings, soon after sunset, about March 23, July 20, and November 14. VENUS will be at her greatest brightness about the end of the year. SATURN'S RING will be an interesting object for telescopic observation during the months of January, October, November, and December. Principal Articles of the Calendar, 1853. Golden Number........................... 11 Dominical Letter.......................... B Epact......................................... 20 Solar Cycle................................. 14 Roman Indiction........................... 11 Julian Period............................... 6566 Jewish Year................................... 5613 H egira..................................... 1269 Fixed and Moveable Peasts, q nniversaries, &c. Epiphany................... January 6 Whit Sunday................. May 15 Septuagesima Sunday.......... - 23 Trinity Sunday............... - 22 Martyrdom of King Charles I... 30 Birth of Queen Victoria....... - 24 Shrove Tuesday.............. February 8 Accession of........ June 20 Ash Wednesday................ 9 Proclamation of,........ - 21 First Sunday in Lent.......... - 13 Midsummer Day........... - 24 Aununciation. Lady Day...... March 25 Birth of Prince Albert.......... August 26 Good Friday.................. - 25 Michaelmas Day............Septem. 29 Easter Sunday................ - 27 Birth of Prince of Wales........ Novem. 9 Rogation Sunday.............. May I First Sunday in Advent........ - 27 Holy Thursday................ - 5 Christmas Day.............. Decem. 25 Law Terms, for 1853. HILARY TERM begins January 11, and ends January 31, and contains 21 days. EASTER TEiRM begins April 13, and ends May 9, and contains 25 days. TRINITY TERM begins May 22, and ends June 13, and contains 22 days. MICHAELMAS TERM begins November 2, and ends November 25, and contains 24 days. Oxford University Terms, 1853. Lent Term...................'.. Begins January 14....Ends March 19 Easter Term................... - April 6.... - May 14 Trinity Term.................. - May 18... - July 9 Michaelmas Term.............. - October 10.... - Dec. 17 The Act, July 5. Cambridge University Terms, 1853. Lent Term.......... Begins January 13....Divides February 14 n.....Ends March 1' Easter Term........ - April 6.... May 22 mi.... - July 8 Michaelmas Term.. - October 10.... - Novem. 12m.... - Decem.16 The Commencement, July 5. Terms in Scotland. Candlemas..........February 2 Lammas.........August 2 Whitsunday........ May 25 Martinmas...... November 11 11 The Queen and Royal family. THE Q.UERN.-Victoria, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen Defender of the Faith, was born 24th May, 1819; succeeded to the throne, 20th June, 1837, on the death of her uncle, King William IV.; crowned, 28th June, 1838, and married, 10th February, 1840,to his Royal Highness Prince Albert, named below. Her Majesty is the only daughter of his late Royal Highness Edwal d Duke of Kent, son of King George III. Her Mother, the Duchess of Kent, is named below. His Royal Highness Francis Albert Augustus Charles Emanuel Busici, Duke of Saxe,' Prince of Coburg and Gotha, K. G., consort of her Majesty, born 26th August, 1819. Her Royal Highness Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa, Princess Royal, born 21st November, 1840. His Royal Highness Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, born 9th November, 1841. Her Royal Highness Alice Maud Mary, born 25th April, 1843. His Royal Highness Alfred Ernest Albert, born 6th August, 1844. Her Royal Highness Helena Augusta Victoria, born 25th May, 1846. Her Royal Highness Louisa Caroline Alberta, born 18th March, 1848. His Royal Highness Arthur William Patrick Albert, born May 1, 1850 Mary, aunt to her Majesty, born 25th April, 1776; married, 22nd July, 1816, her cousin, the Duke of Gloucester. deceased. Victoria Mary Louisa, Duchess of Kent, born!7tb August, 1786; married, in 1818, the Duke of Kent, who died 23rd January, 1820; her Majesty's mother. Augusta Wilbelmina Louisa, Duchess of Cambridge, niece of the Landgrave of Hesse, born 25th July, 1797; married, in 1818, the late Duke of Cambridge, by whom she has issue, George William, Augusta Caroline, and Mary Adelaide, named below. George Frederick Alexander Charles Ernest Augustus, K. G., King of Hanover, died November 17, 1851, cousin to her Majesty, born 27th May, 1819; married 18th February, 1843, Princess Mary of Saxe Altenberg. George William Frederick Charles, K. G., Duke of Cambridge, cousin to her Majesty, born 26th March,1819. Augusta Caroline Charlotte Elizabeth Mary Sophia Louisa, daughter of the late Duke of Cambridge, and cousin to her Majesty, born 19th July, 1822; married, 28th June, 1843, Frederick, Hereditary Grand Duke of Mecklenburg Strelitz. Mary Adelaide Welhelmina Elizabeth, daughter of the late Duke of Cambridge, and cousin to her Majesty, born 27th November, 1833. Her Majesty's Ministers. First Lord of the Treasury......................The Earl of Aberdeen. Lora Chancellor................................Lord Cranworth. Chancellor of the Exchequer..................... Mr. Gladstone. (Hme....................Lord Palmerston. Secretaries of State Foreign....................The Earl of Clarendon. Colonial....................The Duke of Newcastle. First Lord of the Admiralty........................Sir James Gi abam. President of the Council..................Earl Granville. Lord Privy Seal..................................he Duke of Argyle. Secretary of War.................................Mr. Sidney Herbert. President of the Board of Control..................Sir C. Wood. First Commissioner of Public Works................ Sir W. Molesworth. The Marquis of Lansdowne has a seat in the Cabinet without office. Lord John Russell has a seat in the Cabinet without office. THE ABOVE FORM THE CABINET. President of the Board of Trade................. Mr. Cardwell. Attorney-General................................Sir C. Cockburn. Solicitor-General............................... Mr. Bethel. Post Master General.............................Viscount Canning. Vice-President of the Board of Trade, and Pay- Lord Stanley of Alderley. master-General of the Forces.................. I President of the Poor Law Board................. Right Hon. M. T. Baines. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.............. Right Hon. E. Strutt. Secretary to the Admiralty...................... Mr. Bernal Osborne. Under Secretary of State for the Colonies..........Mr. F. Peel. Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs........Lord Wodehouse. Under Secretary, Home Department............... Hon. I-. Fitzroy. Joint Secretaries to the Treasury................ ight on. G. Hayter (Mr. Sadleir. Junior Lords of the Treasury...............,., M'r Bouves e. SLord Alfred Hervey. SHon. F. Charteris. 15 (Vice-Admiral H. Parker. Rear-Admiral Berkeley. Lords of the Admiralty........................ Captain Hon. S. Dundas. Captain A. Milne. Hon. W. F. Cowper. Clerk of the Ordnance...........................Mr. Monsell. Judge Advocate General.........................Mr. C. P. Villiers. Lord Advocate ol Scotland.......................Mr. J. Moncrieff. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland........................Earl St. Germains. Chief Secretary of the-Lord Lieutenant of Ireland..Sir J. Young. Lord Chan-ellor of Ireland......................Right Hon. M. Brady. Att, rney-General for Ireland...................... Mr. Brewster. Solicitor-General for Ireland...................... Mr. Keogh, Q. C. Clerk Marshal to her Majesty......................Lord Allred Paget. Vice-Chamberlain of her Majesty's Household......Lord E. Bruce. Treasurer of the Household.......................Earl of Mulgrave. Comptroller of the Household.....................Lord Drumlanrig. Captain of the Gentlemen at Arms.................Lord Feoley. Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard...............Viscount Sidney. Bank of England Directors. GOVERNOR. William Cotton, Esq. G. W. Norman, Esq. Thomson Hankey, jun., Esq Bonamy Dobree, Esq. J. Horsley Palmer, Esq. C. P. Grenfell, Esq H. J. Prescott, Esq. DEPUTY GOVERNOR. John Benjamin Heath,Esq. T. C. Smith, Esq. John G. Hubbard, Esq. C. F. Huth, Esq. W. Thompson, Esq., Aid., G. Lyall, jun., Esq. M.P. DIRECTORS. J. Malcolmson, Esq. Thomas Tooke, jun., Esq. Thomas Baring, Esq. Thomas Masterman, Esq. T. M. Weguelin, Esq. H. W. Blake, Esq. Alex. Matheson. Esq., M.P. F. Wilson, Esq. H. Hulse Berens, Esq. James Morris, Esq. A. E. Campbell, Esq. S. Neave, Esq. Branch Banks and Agents. Birmingham-C. Tindal..W. Chippendale Newcastle-on-Tyne-R, Anderson.. D.H. Bristol-Joshua Saunders..H May G. L. Goddard Hull-G. A. Shee..E. A. D. Brooshooft Norwich-Edward Sm) th..J, Gould Leeds-C. E. M'Carthys.. R. B. Turner Plymouth-R. Morris.. C. K. Lee Leicester-T. C. Turner..R. L. Burne Portsmouth-H. J. Dorrien.. J. Henney Liverpool-W. Fletcher..T. L, Whitehouse Swansea-John Biddulph..F.Ritchie Manchester-J. Reid..James S. Kipping Directors of the East India Company. Sir J. Weir Hogg, Bt., M,P,,Chairman William Butterworth Bayley Russell Ellice, Deputy Chairman Sir Henry Willock, K. L. S. William Wigram Martin Tucker Smith, M,P, Sir Robert Campbell, Bt. Lieut-Colonel William Henry Sykes John Loch W. H. Chicheley Plowden Charles Mills Elliot Macnaghten John Masterman, M. P. John Clarmont Whiteman John Petty Muspratt Ross Donnelly Mangles, M.P. Lieut.-Gen. Sir J. L. Lushington, GC.B. William Joseph Eastwick Henry Shank William Dent Sir Richard Jenkins, G.C.B, Major John Arthur Moore John Cotton John Harvey Astell London Bankers. 1 Agra and United Service Bank, 9, Old Jewry Chambers 2 Bank of Australasia, 8, Austin Friars 3 Bank of British North America, 7, St. Helen's-place 4 Bank of England, Threadneedle-street 5 Barclay, Bevan, Tritton, and Co., 54, Lombard-street 6 Barnett, Hoare, Hoare, and Bradshaw, 62, Lombard-street 7 Bi gerstafl, W. andJ., 8, West Smithfield. 8 Bosanquet, Franks, Whatman, and Co., 73, Lombard-street 9 Bouverie and Co., 11, Haymarket 10 British Colonial Bank and Loan Company, 80, Coleman-street 11 Brown, Janson, and Co., 32, Abchurch-lane 16 12 Brown, John, and Co., 25, Abchurch-lane 13 Call, Sir W. B., Bt., Marten, and Co., 25, Old Bond-street 14 Challis and Son, 37, West Smithfield 15 Child and Co., 1, Fleet-street 16 Cocks, Biddulph, and Biddulph, 43, Charing-cross. 17 Colonial Bank, 13, Bishopsgate-street Within 18 Commercial Bank of London, 6, Lothbury; 6, Henrietta-street, Covent Garden. 19 Coutts and Co., 59, Strand "20 Cunliffe, Roger, Son, and Co., 24, Bucklersbury 21 Cunliffes, Brooks, and Co., 24, Lombard-street 22 Curries and Co., 29, Cornhill 23 Davies, Robert, and Co., 187, Shoreditch 24 De Lisle, Janvrin, and Co., 16, Devonshire-square 25 Dixon, Brooks, and Dixon, 25, Chancery-lane 26 Dimsdale, Drewett, Fowlers, and Barnard, 50, Cornhill 27 Drummond and Co,, 49, Charing Cross 28 Exchange Bank, A. Bauer and Co., 113, Leadenhall-street 29 Feltham, John, and Co., 42, Lombard-street 30 Fullers and Co., 66, Moorgate-street 31 Glyn, Sir R. P., Mills, and Co., 67, Lombard-street 32 Goslings and Sharpe, 19, Fleet-street 33 Hanburys, Taylor, and Lloyd, 60, Lombard-street 34 Hankey and Co., 7, Fenchurch-street 35 Herries, Farquhar, and Co., 16, St. James'-street 36 Heywood, Kennards, and Co., 4, Lombard-street 37 Hill and Sons, 17, West Smithfield 38 Hoare, Messrs, 37, Fleet-street 39 Hopkinson and Co., 3, Regent-street, Waterloo-place 40 Ionian Bank, 6, Great Winchester-street 41 Johnstbn, H. and J., and Co.. 15, Gt. Bush-lane, Cannon-street 42 Jones, Loyd, and Co., 43, Lothbury 43 London and County Joint Stock Banking Co., 21, Lombard-street; St. George's place, Knightsbridge; Connaught-terrace, Edgware-road 44 London Joint Stock Bank, 5, Princess-stieet, Bank; 69, Pall Mall 45 London and Westminster Bank, 41, Lothbury; 1, St. James's-square; 214, High. Holborn; 3, Wellington-street, Borough; 87, High-street, Whitechapel; 4, Stratford-place, Oxford-street. 46 Lubbuck, Sir J. W., Bt., and Co., 11, Mansion-house-street 47 Martin, Stones, and Martins, 68, Lombard-street 48 Masterman, Peters, and Co., 35, Nicholas-lane 49 National Bank of Ireland, 13, Old Broad-street 50 National Provincial Bank of England, 112, Bishopsgate-street 51 National Security Bank, 29, Great St. Helens 52 North Western Bank of India, 62, Moorgate-street 53 Oriental Bank Corporation, 7, Walbrook 54 Pocklington, Lacy, and Son, 60, West Smithfield 55 Praed, Fane, Praed, Johnston, and Co., 189, Fleet-street 56 Prescott, Grote, and Co., 62, Threadneedle-street 57 Price, Sir C., Bt,, and Co., 3, King William-street 58 Provincial Bank of Ireland, 42, Old Broad-street 59 Puget, Bainbridge, and Co., 12, St. Paul's-churchyard 60 Ransom and Co., 1, Pall Mall East 61 Robarts, Curtis, and Co., 15, Lombard-street 62 Royal British Bank, 16, Tokenhouse-yard, Lothbury; 429 Strand; 77, Westminster-Bridge-road; 97, Goswell-road 63 Rogers, Olding, and Co., 29, Clement's-lane 64 Sapte, Muspratt, Banbury. and Co., 77, Lombard-street 65 Scott, Sir Samuel, Bt, and Co.,1, Cavendish-square 66 Shank, J., 76, West Smithfield 67 Smith, Payne, and Smith, 1, Lombard-street 68 South Australian Banking Company, 54 Old Broad-street 69 Spooner, Attwoods, and Co., 27, Gracechurch-street 70 Stevenson, Salt, and Sons, 20, Lombard-street 71 Strahan, Pauls, and Bates, 217, Strand 72 Stride, J. and W. S., 41, West Smithfield 73 Tisdall and Ward, 15, West Smithfield 74 Twining. Richard and Co., 215, Strand 75 Union Bank of Australia, 38, Old Broad-street 76 Union Bank of London, 2, Princes-street, Bank: Argyll-place, 4, Pall Mall East 77 Williams, Deacon, Labouchere, and Co., 20, Bir.hin-lane 78 Willis, Percival, and Co., 76, Lombard street 17 STAMP DUTIES. BILLS OF EXCHANGE AND PROMISORY NOTES. If 40s. "and not above ~5 5s. Above ~5 5s.... 20... 20..... 30... 30...... 50... 50...... 100... 100...... 200... 200...... 300... 300...... 500... 500...... 1000... 1000....... 200... 2000...... 3000... 3000....... Two Mfonths.... Is. Od........ 1 6...... 2 0.... 2 6...... 3 6...... 4 6...... 5 0...... 6 0.... 8 6...... 12 6...... 15 0...... 25 0... Above Two Months..... 6d.... 2 0.. 2 6... 3 6... 4 6... 5 0... 6 0... 8 6...12 6... 15 0... 25 0O... 30 0 RECEIPTS FOR THE PAYMENT OF MONEY. ~5 and under~10 10...... 20 20...... 50 50...... 100 100...... 200... Os. 3d. X200 and under ~300... 4s. Od.... 0 6 300...... 500... 5 0.. 1 0 500...... 1000... 7 6... 6 1000......... 0 0... 2 6 In full of all demands, 10s. AGREEMENTS. Not more than 1080 words............................. 2s. 6d. And for every additional 1080 words............... 2 6 Bills of Lading, 6d.-Indenture, 20s. PROBATES OF WILLS AND LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION.' Probates. 10s. ~2 5 8 11 15 22 30 40 Letters of Admin.'Probates. Letters of Admin. ~50 and un. ~100 ~1 ~50 ~2000 and un. ~3000 ~75 100...... 200 3 60 3000... 4000 90 200...... 300 8 80 4000.. 5000 120 300...... 450 11 100 5000... 6000 150 450...... 600 15 120 6000... 7000 180 600...... 800 22 140 7000... 8000 210 800..... 1000 30 160 8000... 9000 240 1000...... 1500 45 180 9000... 10000 270 1500...... 2000 60 200 10000... 12000 300 ASSESSED TAXES. Armorial bearings.-Persons keeping a coach, ~2. 8s. - Not keeping such carriage, but paying the house-tax, ~1. 4s. --------- Persons not included in the preceding descriptions, 1 2s. Hair Powder.-Persons Wearing or Using Hair-Powder, ~1. 3s. 6d. C 18 TABLE OF EXPENSES, INCOME, OR WAGES, Giving at one viewo what any sum from one pound to one hundred per annum is per month, week, or day. Year. V Month. 9 Week. V Day. Year. V Month. V Week. 9 IDay. ~. d. ~. s. d. ~ s. d. ~. d. ~ s. d. ~ s. d. 1 0 1 8 0 0 4 0 0 15 1 5 0 0 5 9 0 0 91 2 0 3 4 009 001 16 1 6 8 C 6 1 00101 3 0 5 0 0 1 1 0 02 17 1 8 4 0 6 61 00114 4 06 8 0 1 6 0 0 2 18 100 0 6 10 0 011 5 0 8 4 0 1 11 0 0 3x 19 1 11 8 0 7 0 1 01 6 0 10 0 0 2 33 0 0 4 20 1 13 4 0 7 8 0 1 14 7 0 11 8 0 2 4 0 0 44 30 2 10 0 0 11 6 0 1 7 -8 0 13 4 0 3 1 0 0 5 40 3 6 8 0 15 4 0 2 24 9 0 15 00 3 5 0 0 6 50 4 3 4 0 19 2 0 2 9 10 0 16 8 0 3 10 0 0 64 60 5 0 0 1 3 0 0 3 31 11 0 18 4 0 4 3 0 0 74 70 5 16 8 1 610 0 310 12 1 0 0 0 4 74 0 0 8 80 6 13 4 1 10 8t 0 4 4, 13 1 1 8 0 5 0 0 0 84 90 7 10 0 1 14 64 0 4 11 14 1 3 4 0 5 44 0 0 9.F 100 8 6 8' 1 18 44 0 5 5 POST OFFICE. INLAND LETTERS (the Channel Islands included) are to be stamped, if not exceeding half an ounce, to the value of Id.; one ounce, 2d,; two ounces, 4d.; and 2d. for every additional ounce or fraction of an ounce. Parliamentary petitions may be received by members of either house, free, if sent without covers, or in covers open at the sides, when not exceeding 32 oz. in weight. By a new regulation, prepayment of all Inland Letters must be by stamps. Letters insufficiently stamped are charged double the deficiency on delivery. If sent unpaid, double the prepaid rate. This additional charge does not apply to parliamentary proceedings. Pamphlets open at the ends pay in England Id. per 2 oz.;, 6d. from 2 to 3 oz.; 8d. from 3 to 4 oz.; and 2d. per oz. more up to 16 oz.; beyond which they cannot be sent. This postage applies to the English side only; in France, the postage is as heretofore. A single book or pamphlet, in a cover, open at the ends, or without a cover, not exceeding 1 lb. in weight, 6d., not exceeding 2 1bs., ls.; and for every additional lb. or fraction of a lb. 6d.: the postage to be prepaid by affixing stamps. Besides the address of the party to whom sent, the address of the sender may be added; and any other writing may be added in the book itself, but not on the cover. No packet must, on any account, exceed 2 feet in length. LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS. Aelfric Society, 177, Piccadilly, Agricultural Society (Royal), 12, Hanover Square. Antiquaries Royal Society, of Somerset House. Archaeological Institute, 12, Haymarket. Architects Royal Institute, of 16, Grosvenor Street. Art Union of London, 3, Trafalgar Square. Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce Society, for Encouraging, Adelphi. Asiatic Society Royal, 5, New Burlington Street. Astronomical Society, Somerset House. Botanical Society, 20, Bedford Street. British Institution, 52, Pall Mall. British Meteorological Society, 13, Moorgate Street. 19 British Museum, Great Russell Street. Cadogan Literary and Scientific Institution, Sloane Street. Camden Society, 25, Parliament Street. Cavendish Society, 19, Montague Street, Russell Square. Chemical Society, 5, Cavendish Square. Church Building Society, 4, St. Martin's Place. Church Missionary Society, 4, Salisbury Square, Fleet Street. City of London Literary and Scientific Institution, 165, Aldersgate Street. Civil Engineer's Institution, of 25, Great George Street. College of Preceptors. Eastern Literary and Scientific Institution, Commercial Road. Ecclesiastical History Society, Clarence Chambers, 12, Haymarket. Eclectic Society, 11, Prescott Street. Entomological Society, 12, Bedford Row. Ethnological Society, 23, Newman Street. Geographical Society Royal, 3, Waterloo Place. Geological Society, Somerset House. Horticultural Society, 21, Regent Street. Incorporated Law Society, Chancery Lane. Incorporated Society for Promoting the Enlargement, Building, and Repairing of Churches and Chapels, 7, Whitehall. Institution of Civil Engineers, 25, Great George Street, Westminster. Islington Literary and Scientific Society. Law Society, Chancery Lane. Linnean Society, 32, Soho Square. Literary Fund Society, 73, Great Russell Street. London Institution, Finsbury Circus. London Library, 12, St. James's Square. London Mechanics' Institution, 29, Southampton Buildings. London Missionary Society, 8, Bloomfield Street, Finsbury. Marylebone Literary and Scientific Institution, 17, Edward Street, Portman Square. Mathematical Society, 9, Devonshire Street, Bishopsgate. Mechanics' Institution, 29, Southampton Buildings. Microscopical Society, 21, Regent Street. National Society for Education of the Poor, Sanctuary, Westminster. Numismatic Society, 41, Tavistock Street, Covent Garden. Parker Society, 33, Southampton, Strand. Percy Society, 100, St. Martin's Lane. Philological Society. Poplar Institution,'Folkestone Terrace, East India Road. Royal Academy, Trafalgar Square. Royal Academy of Music, 4, Tenterden Street, Hanover Square. Royal Agricultural Society of England, 12, Hanover Square. Royal Asiatic Society, 5, New Burlington Street. Royal Botanic Society, Regent's Park. Royal Geographical Society, 3, Waterloo Place. Royal Institution, Albermarle Street. Royal Institution of British Architects, 16, Grosvenor Street. Royal Literary Fund, 73, Great Russell Street. Royal Polytechnic Association, 5, Cavendish Square. Royal Society, Somerset House. Royal Society of Literature, 4, St. Martin's Place. Royal Society of Musicians, 12, Lisle Street, Leicester Square. Russell Institution, Crane Street, Russell Square. Shakespeare Society, 192, Piccadilly. Society of Arts, 18, John Street, Adelphi. Society for Protection of Agriculture, 17, Old Bond Street. 20 Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge, 67, Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. Society for Propagation of the Gospel, 79, Pall Mall. Society of British Artists, 64, Suffolk Street, Pall Mall. Society of Painters in Water Colours, 5, Pall Mall, East. Society New, 53, Pall Mall. Statistical Society of London, 12, St. James's Square. - Westminster Literary Institution, 6, Great Smith Street. Zoological Society of London, 11, Hanover Square. DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING A WILL. Specified to be used -ince December, 1837. The Will must be signed at the foot or end of it by the Testator, or by some other person in his presence, and by his direction. The signature must be made or acknowledged by the Testator in the presence of two or more witnesses present at the same time. The witnesses must attest and subscribe the Will in the presence of the Testator. It will then be sufficient for the passing of real or personal property, or both. VNote. The whole of the above ceremonies will be required whether the Will contain the most trifling gift, or disposes of property of the first magnitude. And note further. A gift to an attesting witness or to the wife or husband of an attesting witness is void; therefore neither a legatee nor the wife nor husband of a legatee should be made an attesting witness to the Will. No particular form of attestation is necessary, but the following may be used If used, it must be copied and written at the end of the Will below the signature of the Testator. " Signed by the said the Testator, in the presence of us present at the same time, who in his presence have subscribed our names as Witnesses.7' The Testator should appoint one or more Executors. If, after the execution of the Will, any alteration be made in it, by obliteration, interlineation, or otherwise, care must be taken that such alteration be executed in like manner as the Will itself. And it will be desirable also that the names of the Testator and witnesses be written on the margin of the Will, opposite every such obliteration, interlineation, or other alteration. Wills may at any time be revoked; but Wills made by single persons or widowers are absolutely void on their marriages after the date of the Wills, but such Wills may be re-executed by new delivery with two attesting witnesses, or by a Codicil similarly executed, expressive of the Testator's wish to carry into effect the provisions of the original Will. N.B. No person who is under 21 can make a WilL Elje lowafptic g11i6mal pginlr atq. 1853. London Street List. Addison Terrace, Notting Hill, Hunter, T. D., 9. Albermarle Street, Piccadilly, Chapman, M. J., M.D., 25. Alfred Place, Newington Causeway, Anderson, John, 15. Argyle Street, Regent Street, Laurie, W. F., M.D., 23. Artillery Place, Finsbury Square, Barry, F., M.D., 9. Bedford Terrace, ClapJiam Rise, Anderson, John, 4. Bloomsbury Square, Hahnemann, L. S., M.D., 39. Boyne Terrace, Notting Hill, Laurie, D. C., 1M.D., 6. Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, Wilson, D., 22. Burnham Villas, Richmond, Anderson, T. B., 2. Burton Crescent, Blest, A. E., M.D., 18. Cambridge Terrace, Hyde Parkc, Reynolds, I., 15. Camden Road Villas, Camden New Town, Drury, W. V., M.D., 65. Canonbury Park, Islington, Clarke, J. S., M.D., 1. Chadwell Street, Pentonville, Viettinghoff, J. J. F. C. W. G., Von., M.D., 10. Chalcot Villas, Adelaide Road, Haverstock Hill, Frith, R., 10. Clapham Common, Mackern, T. Clapton Square, Hackney, Metcalf, J. B., 16. 22 THE HOMUEOPATHIC Claremont House, Brixton, Cronin, E., M.D. Connaught Terrace, Hyde Park, Wielobycki, S., M.D., 22 Morgan, W., 74. Cork Street, Bond Street, Broackes, W., M.D., 1. Denmark Hill, Camberwell, Massol, V., M.D., 4. Dorset Square, Hands, D., 9. Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, Hands, J., 23. Euston Square, Engall, T., 15. Euston Place, Euston Square, Wooltorton, J., 7. Finchley Road, St. John's Wood, Sussex Lodge, Wilkinson, J. J. G. Finsbury Place North, Finsbury Square, Batchelour,W., M.D. Gloucester Place, Portman Square, Dudgeon, R. E., M.D., 82. Grafton Street, Bond Street, Epps, G. N., 10. Hamilton, E. M.D., 22. Great Cumberland Street, Malan, H. V., M.D., 6. Great Russell Street, Epps, J., M.D., 89, Hanover Square, Curie, P. F., M.D., 17. Harriet Street, Lowndes Square, Smith, D., 2. Harrington Square, Jones,'D. G., M.D., 14. Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square, Chepmell, E. C., M.D., 22. Hounslow, Simmons, J. Kennington Green, Searle, H. S., 7. Lower Berkeley Street, Portman Square, Laurie, J., M.D., 12. Haddox Street, Bond Street, Hamilton, R., M.D. Mfoorgate Street, Kidd, J., 37. M1ortimer Street, Cavendish Square, Hering, W., 38. zfount Street, Grosvenor Square, Mountjield House, Quin, F. F., M.D. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 23 Navarino Terrace, North Dalston, Laseron, M. M. A. H., M.D., 18. Northampton Square, Goswell Road, Laseron, M. M. A. H., M.D., 28. Old Cavendish Street, Cavendish Square, Roth, M., M.D., 16a. Onslow Square, Brompton, Wood, N., M.D., 10. Pall Mall East, Mackern, T., 12. Percy Circus, Pentonville, Millard, J., 25. Russell Square, Bloomsbury, Wyld, G., M.D., 11. Salisbury Place, New Road, Browne, H., 13. Southwick Crescent, Oxford Square, Luther, C.W., M.D., I. Stamford Street, Blackfriars Road, Yeldham, S., 9. Vai-dy, J, L., 53. Swan Street, Chelsea. MacOubrey, W., M.D., 13. Upper Baker Street, Young, J. G., 38. Upper Berkeley Street, Portman Square, Henriques, A., 67. Upper Clapton, Fischer, Carl, M.D. Valentine Terrace, Greenwich, Rosenstein, J. G., M.D., 10. Wyndham Place, Bryanstone Square, Leadam, T. R., 12. York Place, Portman Square, Partridge, S. T., M.D., 2. 24 THE HOM(EOPATHIC THE LONDON HOM(EOPATHIC MEDICAL DIRECTORY. ANDERSON, JOHN, 4, Bedford Terrace, Clapham Rise, and 15, Alfred Place, Newington Causeway, M.R.C.S., Eng. 1839, L.S.A., 1834, late Surgeon to the Richmond Union, Surrey; Surgeon to the Hahnem. Hosp., Surgeon to the Hahnemannian Institution, Welbeck Street, Manchester Square, and to the Newington Homoeopathic Dispensary; formerly Member of the Botanical Society, London; Fell. Phys. Soc. Guy's Hosp.; Member of the Hahnemann Medical Society; Author of " An Essay on Renal Dropsy," "' Sketch of the Comparative Anatomy of the Nervous System, with Remarks on its Development in the Human Embryo, with Plates and Tables;' Contrib. Article L Nervous System (Comp. Anat.) Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology," " Essay on the Application of Comparative Anatomy to Human Embryology," -Med. Gaz. " Case of Diabetes Mellitus, with Remarks."'Med. Gaz. ANDERSON, THOMAS BLAIR, 2, Burnham Villas, Richmond, Surrey, in Practice prior to the Act of 1815. BARRY, FREDERICK, 9, Artillery Place, Finsbury Square, M.D., Surgeon, &c.; formerly Member of the British Homeopathic Association; Physician to the East London Homceop. Dispensary; Author of "A Useful Dose of Homceopathy,"1843, " An Outline of the Principles of Dynamic Medicine," 1852. BATCHELOUR, W., Finsbury Place, North, Finsbury Square, M.D.; Author of H-omoeop. compared with the usual Practice, 1845. BLEST, A. E., 19, Burton Crescent, M.D., Edinburgh, 1821, M.R.C.S.E, 1822, Surgeon to the Madras Establishment, 24 years' Service; Physician to the Hahnemann Hospital; formerly Member of the Royal Physical Society, Edin. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 25 BROACKES, W., 1, Cork Street, Burlington Gardens, M.D.,. Erlangen, M.R.C.S., Eng., 1850, Author of " Principles and Practice of Homceopathy; 2, Hommoopathic Documents; 3, Constipation and Dyspepsia; 4, Cutaneous Diseases." BROWNE, HENRY, 13, Salisbury Place, New Road. In practice prior to 1815. CAMERON, HUGH, M.R.C.S.E., F.R.S., Resident Phys. to Field Marshal the Marquis of Anglesea. CHAPMAN, MATTHEW JAMES, 25, Albermarle Street, Piccadilly, M.A., Cantab. M.D., Edin.; Contrib. several Articles to British Journal of Homceopathy, and Homoeopathic Times. CHEPMELL, EDWARD CHARLES, 22, Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square, M.D., Edinburgh, 1844. Formerly Physician to the London Homoeopathic Hospital, established by the English Homaoopathic Association, 1847; late Physician to the Hahnemann Hospital; at present Physician to the Islington Homoeopathic Dispensary; Member of the British Homeopathic Medical Society; Author of " A Domestic Homeopathy restricted to its legitimate sphere of practice, together with Rules for Diet and Regimen." 5 Editions. Reprinted in America. Translated and published in Germany and France. An abridgement of the above Work, " A Practical Guide to the Treatment of the common disorders, with Twelve Hommopathic Remedies, with Instructions as to Diet, and an Appendix on Asiatic Cholera." Contrib. to Hommop. Times. "The " Contrast of Allopathy and Hommopathy in the Treatment of " Disorders dependant on moral causes, illustrated by a case "of Chronic Metrorrhagia." Vol. I. "Practical Observa"tions on the advantages of bringing pathological knowledge Sto bear upon the Homceopathic treatment of complicated "disorders." Vol. I. " Dispensary Practice with Clinical SComments." Vols. I. and II. CLARKE, JOHN SAY, 1, Canonbury Park, Islington, M.D., King's College, Aberdeen, 1851, M.R.C.S., Eng., 1838, L.S.A., 1833. CRONIN, EDWARD, Claremont House, Brixton Road, M.D., Dublin, 1828; Member of the Hahnemann Medical Society. CURIE, PAUL FRANCIS, 17, Hanover Square, M.D., Paris,.1824; Aberdeen, 1845; Physician and Lecturer on Clinical Medicine to the Hahnemann Hospital; Member of the Hahnemann Medical Society, and Societe Gallicane; Author of 26 THE HOMUEOPATHIC " Principles of Homeopathy," 1836; "Practice of Homocopathy," 1837; "Annals of the Homceopathic Dispensary;" " Domestic Homceopathy," 1850; " A Pamphlet on Cholera;" Contrib.. to Journal Homceopathique, Paris. DRURY, WILLIAM VALLANCEY, 65, Camden Road Villas, Camden New Town, M.D., Edin. 1842, M.R.S.A.; Late Lecturer on Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the School of Medicine, Park Street, Dublin; late President of the Royal Physical, and Hunterian Medical, Societies of Edinburgh; Member of the Royal Medical Society, Edinburgh, &c. &c. DUDGEON, ROBERT ELLIS, 82, Gloucester Place, Portman Square, M.D., Edin., 1841; L.R.C.S., Edin. 1839; formerly Physician to the Marylebone and West London Homoeopathic Dispensaries; now Physician to the Hahnemann Hospital; Lecturer on the Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy at the Hahnemann Hospital School of Homoeopathy; formerly Member of the Liverpool Medical and Pathological Societies; now Member and Secretary of the Hahnemann Medical Society; Member of the Pathological Society of London; of the Central Society of the Homoeopathists, Leipzic; of the Rhode Island Homoeopathic Society; of the Homaeopathic Academy of Rio Janeiro; of the Munich Society of Physiological Materia Medica; of the Austrian Society for the Physiological Proving of Medicines; of the Homceopathic Society of Madrid; Fellow of the Homeopathic College of Pennsylvania. Author of "The Homceopathic Treatment and Prevention of Asiatic " Cholera," 1847; Editor of the British Journal of Homceopathy, from 1846; the Pathogenetic Cyclopsdia, Part 1., 1850; Hahnemann, a Biographical Sketch, 1852; Co-editor of the Hahnemann Materia Medica, and Contributor of the Article Aconite; Translator of Hahnemann's Organon of Medicine, 1849; of Hahnemann's Lesser Writings, 1851; Contrib. several Articles in British Journal of Homeopathy " On the Cure of Pannus by the Inoculation of the Secretion of Purulent Ophthalmia"; Lond. and Edin. Monthly Journal of Med. Sciences, May, 1844. ENGALL, THOMAS, 15, Euston Square, M.R.C.S.L., 1843; formerly Surgeon of the West London Homeopathic Dispensary; now one of the Surgeons of the Hahnemann Hospital; formerly Member of the British Homoeopathic Society; now Member and Treasurer of the Hahnemann Medical Society; Author of " An Essay on the Mechanical and Homaeopathic MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 27 Treatment of Spinal Curvature and Distortion;"-British Journal of Homoeopathy, Vol. V. EPPS, GEORGE NAPOLEON, 10, Grafton Street, Bond'Street, M.R.C.S., Eng., 1845; formerly Surgeon to the London Homoeopathic Hospital, Hanover Square, and to the Royal Jennerian and London Vaccine Institution, Providence Row; now Member of the Hahnemann Medical Society; one of the Council of the English Homoeopathic Association; author of "Spinal Curvature, its theory, its cure," 1849; "On the Treatment of Accidents (with wood cuts), being Part IV. of Pulte and Epps' Domestic Physician," 1852; Contrib. papers " On Diarrhcea, Rheumatic Gout, Chorea from Fright, Affection of the Head of many years standing"-Monthly Journal of Homoeopathy; Inventor of " An Extendor for the Reduction of Dislocations, more especially of the hip joint"-Lancet; "Bandage for the Suppression of Uterine Hemorrhage"Lancet. EPPS, JOHN, 89, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, M.D., Edin., 1826; Medical Director of the Royal Jennerian and London Vaccine Institution, Recognised Lecturer on Mat. Med. and Botany, at the Westminster Dispensary; Consulting Physician and Trustee to Harrison's Spinal Institution; Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medicine and Surgery, Barcelona; Lecturer on Mat. Med. Hahnemann Hospital; Member of the Hahnemann Medical Society; one of the Committee of the English Homeopathic Association; formerly Member of the Westminster Medical Society, and of the Edinburgh and London Phrenological Societies; Honorary Member of the Liverpool Mechanics' Institution; Author of " Prize Essay on the Ranunculaceae;" "De Insania;" " Horoe Phrenologicse," 2 edits.; Co-editor in 1828, of Lond. Medic. and Surg. Journal; Contrib. thereto, " On successive development of the Nervous System from Zoophytes to men;" and Lectures " On Colchicum Autumnale;" "Life of Dr. Walker," two editions; "Counteraction as a means of cure;" "Epilepsy;" "The Student's Assistant;" "Speech delivered at Westminster Medical Society;" Editor of " Anthropological Magazine;" "Chemical Nuisances;" " Cases of Affections of the Head," 2 edits.; "What is Homceopathy," 3 edits., re-published in America; "Constipation Curable;" " Virtues of Arnica, &c." 2 edits.; "Domestic Homoeopathy," 5 edits., all re-printed in America; "Pulte Domestic H omoeopathy;" "Epilepsy, and some Nervous cases;" " Homoeopathy and its principles explained," 2 edits.; L Case of HaIma 28 THE HOM(EOPATHIC temesis," Lancet; " The rejected Cases, with Letter to Thos. Wakley, M.P., on the Science of Homoeopathy," " Journal of Health and Disease," 6 vols.; L Asiatic Cholera, suggestions for the treatment and prevention of;" " The Coroner's Jury Perverted;" ' Affections of Women," Part I. Monthly Period., 2 edits.; "Manual of Phrenology." FISCHER, CARL, Upper Clapton, M/.D., Berlin; Member of the Hahnemann Medical Society; Author of a " Biographical Monument to Sam. Hahnemann," 1852. FRITH, ROBERT, 10, Chalcot Villas, Adelaide Road, Haverstock Hill, M.R.C.S., Eng., 1816; formerly Member of the Medical Society, Calcutta; now Member of the Hahnemann Medical Society. HI-AHNEMANN, L. SUSS, 39, Bloomsbury Square, M.D., Leipzic, 1851; HouseSurgeon to the Hahnemann Hospital; Corresponding Member of the Societe Gallicane, Paris; -Ion. Member of the Associazione Omeopatica, Turin. HAMILTON, EDWARD, 22, Grafton Street, Bond Street, M.D., St. Andrews; formerly Physician to the Westminster and Lambeth Homoeopathic Institution; now Physician to the London Homoeopathic Hospital; Fellow of the Linnaean Society; Member of the Royal Institution of Great Britain; Member and Treasurer of the British H-omeopathic Society; Author of a Guide to the Practice of Homeopathy, 1844; A short History of Cholera, 1848; Flora Homceopathic, 1852. HAMILTON, ROBERT, Maddox Street, Bond Street, M.D., Phys. to Hah. Hosp. and Memb. of Hah. Med. Soc. HANDS, DECIMUS, 9, Dorset Square, M.R.C.S.E., Memb. Hah. Med. Soc. HANDS, JOSEPH, 23, Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, M.R.C.S., Eng., 1831, L.S.A., 1830, formerly Surgeon to the Hahnemann Hospital, and M.P.S.; Contrib. " On Cholera" to the Times; " On Vaccination,"-Lancet. IENRIQUES, AMOS, 67, Upper Berkeley Street, Portman Square, H.S.L., of Paris, M.R.C.S., Eng.; Surgeon to the Hahnemann Hospital; Physician Accoucheur to the Hahnemann Medical Institution and Dispensary; formerly Member of the Philosophical Society, Jamaica; now Fellow of the Medico Chirurgical Society; Author of "Letters on Mesmerism."-2. "Practice of Medicine in Constantinople," -" Etiological, Pathological, and Therapeutical Reflections on Asiatic Cholera as observed in Europe, Asia Minor, and MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 29 Egypt."-" Homoopathic Medical Dictionary,"-" Lectures on Anthropology, delivered before the Philosophical Society of Jamaica."-" Contributions to the British Journal of HIom(eopathy." HERING, WILLIAM, 38, Mortimer Street, Cavendish Square, L.S.A., Lond., 1826, formerly Medical Officer of the Eastern District of St. Marylebone; formerly Member of the Westminster Medical Society and Phrenological Society of London; now Member of the Hahnemann Medical Society, and of the Central Homoopathic Society of Germany; Contrib. Cases at various times to the British Journal of Homeopathy. HUNTER, THOMAS DAVIS, 9, Addison Terrace, Notting Hill, M.R.C.S.E., 1825; L.A.C., 1832. JONES, DAVID GRIFFITHS, 14, Harrington Square, M.D.P., 1847, M.R.C.S., Eng., 1847, and M.A., Paris; formerly Assistant Physician University College Hospital; Assistant Surgeon to the Hotel Dieu, during the Revolution of Feby. and June, 1848; now Physician to the Hydrohomoeopathic Establishment, Harrington Squar e; Phys. to the Homceop. Dispensary, Denmark Street, Soho; and Physician to the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Red Lion Square; Fellow of the Societe de Dupuytren; Member of the Societe Medical de Paris; and late President of the English Medical Society, Paris; Hon. and Correp. Member of the English Medical Society, Paris; Author of " Thesis on Diseases of the Heart;" awarded the Hony. Diploma of the Med. Soc., Paris, 1848 Gazette Medical. Contrib. " Difficult Labour, with Craniotomy;" Lancet, " On the Impropriety of Craniotomy." KIDD, JOSEPH, 37, Moorgate Street, and Blackheath, Kent, M.R.C.S., Eng., 1846, Member of the British Homceopathic Society.; Contrib. Essay on Fever and Dysentery, British Journal of Homoeopathy, 1848. LASERON, MICHAEL, M.A.H., 18, Navarino Terrace, North Dalston, and 28, Northampton Square, Goswell Road, M.D., and Accoucheur Jena. 1850. LAURIE, DAVID C., 6, Boyne Terrace, Notting Hill, M.D. and L.R.C.S., Edin., 1847, formerly one of the Physicians to the Bath and Brighton Homoaopathic Dispensaries; Member of the Hahnemann Medical Society. LAURIE, JOSEPH, 12, Lower Berkeley Street, Portman Square, M.D., Giessen, 1840, M.D. (by examination) Homoeop. Medi. cal College of Pennsylvania, 1851, L.R.C.S., Edin, 1837; one THE HOMCEOPATHIC of the Medical Council of the Hahnemann Hospital; Consulting Physician to the Hahnemann Dispensary; Medical Referee to the Scottish Equitable Life Assurance Society, (London Branch); formerly Member of the Hunterian Medical Society, Edinburgh; now Member of the Hahnemann Medical Society and the Societe Gallicane de Paris; Author of Domestic Medicine, 6 edits.; Practice of Physic, 2 edits.; Epitome of Domestic Medicine, 3 edits.; Treatment, of Cholera, 3 thousand; Parents' Guide; Editor of Boenning Hausens Therapeutics and Jahr's Pocket Dictionary. LAURIE, WILLIAM FORBES, Hydropathic Establishment Dunstable, Bedfordshire; and 23, Argyle-street, Regent-street, M.D., Edin., 1838, L.R.C.S., Edin., 1838, L.S.A., 1838, formerly Medical Officer to the Houghton District of the Luton Union; Contrib. " On the Water Cure in Typhus Fever,"-H-Iomeopathic Times. LEADAM, THOMAS ROBINSON, 12,Wyndham Place, Bryanstone Square, M.R.C.S., Eng., 1832, L.A.S., 1832, formerly Surgeon to St. Olave's Union; now Surgeon Accoucheur to the London Homceopathic Hospital; Surgeon, and Surgeon Accoucheur, to the Hahnemann Institution, Welbeck-street; Surgeon to the Marylebone Dispensary, Adelaide-street, West; ormerly Member of the Physical Society, Guy's Hospital; now Member of the British Homoeopathic Society; Author of Homeopathy, as applied to the Diseases of Females, 1851; Contrib. "H Hydrophobia, successful Cure of;" "Homeopathy and the Ancients;" " A Paper on Uterine Diseases, with Cases,"-British Journal of Iomcopathy. LUTHER, CHARLES W., 1, Southwick Crescent, Oxford Square, M.D., Halle in Prussia, 1832, M D., St. Andrew's, 1846, Member of the Irish Homoopathic Society, and most of the Continental Homceopathic Societies; author of Homceopathy and Allopathy, Paris, 1836; Homceopathy explained and objections answered, London, 1840; Concise View of Homceopathy, Dublin, 2 edits.; Contrib. a Variety of Articles to German, French, and English, Homcoopathic Journals. MACKERN, THOMAS, Clapham Common, and 12, Pall Mall, East, M.R.C.S., Ireland, 1842, Licentiate of Midwifery, Rotunda Hospital, Dublin, 1837; Surgeon to the London Homceopathic Hospital, and to the Clapham and Kennington Hommeopathic Dispensary; formerly Member of the Medico Chirurgical Society of Dublin; now of the British Hommopathic Society; Contrib. Treatment of Aneurism by Compression.-Lancet. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 31 MACOUBREY, WILLIAM, 3, Swan-street, Chelsea, M.D. MALAN, HENRY V., 6, Great Cumberland Street, M.A. and M.D., Tubingen, 1839; Doctor of Surgery and Doctor of Midwifery, Tubingen, 1839, M.D., Aberdeen, 1845; Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Geneva; of the Medical Societe, Geneva; of the Societe flahnemanniene, Gallicane, Paris; of the Hahnemann Medical Society, London; late Physician to the Hahnemann Hospital; Physician to the Marylebone Homceopathic Dispensary; Author of "Description dim Nouveau, Tourniquet, Tubingen, 1839; L' Homoeopathic est une Verite, Geneva, 1844; Vade Mecum of the Homceopathic Practitioner: How can such small doses have any effect, London, 1848; What to do against Cholera, London, 1849; Pocket Book of Homoeopathy, London," 1850; Contrib. to the British Journal of Homceopathy and to the Homoeopathic Times. MASSOL, VICTOR, 4, Denmark Hill, Camberwell, M.D. METCALF, JAS. BELL, 16, Clapton Square, Hackney, M.R.C.S., Eng., 1841, L.S.A., 1835. MILLARD, JOHN, 25, Percy Circus, Pentonville, M.R.C.S.L., 1826, L.A.C., 1825, formerly Assistant Surgeon and Surgeon H.E.I.C.; Contrib. to British Journal of Homeoopathy and Homeop. Times " Diseases caused by Mental Emotions." MORGAN, WILLIAM, 74, Connaught Terrace, Hyde Park, M.R.C.S.L., 1846, formerly Accoucheur to the West End Maternity Institute; now Surgeon to the Paddington Private Homceopathic Institute; Author of "' A Treatise on IndigesStion, Contion, tition, and Hemorrhoids," 1852. OSMAN, HENRY, M.D. PARTRIDGE, SAMUEL THOMAS, 2, York Place, Portman Square, M.D., Marish College, Aberdeen, 1820, M.R.C.S., Eng., 1818, Physician to the Marylebone Homoeopathic Dispensary, and Physician Accoucheur of the London Homoeopathic Hospital; Fellow of the British Homeopathic Society. QUIN, FREDERICK FOSTER, Mountfield House, 111, Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, M.D., Edin., 1820; Physician Extraordinary to his Majesty Leopold the First King of the Belgians; Physician in Ordinary to her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cambridge; Consulting Physician to the London Homeopathic Hospital; late Physician to the St. James's Homoeopathic Dispensary; President of the British Homoeo 32 THE HOM(EOPATHIC pathic Society; Fellow of the Academy of Medicine, of. Naples; Foreign Associate of the Royal Institute of Science of the two Sicilies; Ordinary Member of the Medical Society of Edin.; Member of the Royal Institution, London; Member of the Homeopathic Society of Paris; Ordinary Member of the Gallicane Society; Member of the Homoeopathic Society of Leipzic; Foreign Associate of the Hahnemannian Society of Paris; Corresponding Member of the Homoeopathic Academy of Palermo; Fellow and Corresponding Member of the Homeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania; Honorary and Corresponding TMember of the Rhode Island Homceopathic Society; Member of the Homoeopathic Society of New York; Corresponding Member of the Homoeopathic Academy of Rio de Janeiro; Honorary President of the Homceopathic Congress of France, and Corresponding Member of the Austrian Physiological Society of Homeopathic Physicians. Author of "Thesis Inauguralis de Arsenico," Edinburgh 1820; "Du Traitement Homeopathique du Cholera," Paris, 1832; of " The Pharmacopoeia H-omoeopathica," London, 1834; Editor of " Fragmenta de Viribus Medicamentorum Positivis sive in sano corpere Humano observatis Hahnemann," Lond., 1835; Translator of the Materia Medica Homoeopathica, London; and Author of Papers on Neuralgia and Tic Doloreux, in the British Journal of Homoeopathy, 1845; and on Cholera and its Homceopathic Treatment, in the Homoeopathic Times, 1849; and on Magnetoid Currents, in 1851. REYNOLDS, HENRY, 15, Cambridge Terrace, Hyde Park, M.R.C,S., Eng., 1828, L.A.C., 1827, Surgeon to the Eastern Dispensary; Surgeon to the London Hfomceopathic Hospital; to the West London Truss Society; Member of the Council of the Microscopical Society of London, and of the Hunterian Society of London; Member of the British Homoeopathic Society. ROBERTSON, HENRY, L.A.C., 1828, formerly Member of the Westminster Medical Society; now Member of the Hahnemann Medical Society. ROGERS, J., 39, Bloomsbury Square, M.D. ROSENSTEIN, JOHN GEORGE, 10, Valentine Terrace, Greenwich, M.D., 1822; Re-examined, Utrect, Holland, 1828; Author of " Comparative Merits of Homoeopathy and Allopathy, Montreal," 1849; "Evidences of the Truths of the Homceopathic Practice, its Progress, and Development," Kidderminster, 1849. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 33 ROTH, MATTHIAS, 16a, Old Cavendish Street, Cavendish SSquare, M.D., Pavia, 1839, formerly Homoeopathic Practitioner in Hungary, and at the head of an Establishment for the cure of Diseases by the Russian Bath; now Physician to the Hahnemann Hospital and to the Private Institution for the Cure of Spinal and other Deformities by Movements and the Russian Bath; Member of the Hahnemann Medical Society; Author of " The Prevention and Cure of Chronic Diseases by Movements, 1851; the Russian Bath, 1852; Movements according to Ling's system for the Development and Strengthening of the healthy body, 1852;" Contrib. during the last three years numerous Papers to the Homceop. Times. RUSSELL, JOHN RUTHERFORD, M.D.,Edin., 1838, formerly Physician to the Edin. Homceopathic Dispensary; Member of the Royal Medical Society, Pennsylvanian College, and various Societies in Britain and Germany; Edited in conjunction with Dr. Drysdale " Fletcher's Elements of Pathology," 1842; from 1842 to 1852. Edited in conjunction with Dr. Drysdale and Black, latterly Dr. Drysdale and Dudgeon, the British Journal of Homoopathy; Edited in conjunction with Dr. Drysdale, an Introduction to the Study of Homceopathy; Author of a Work on Epidemic Cholera, 1849; Edited " Homoeopathy in 1851 " in 1852; Contrib. Papers to the British Journal of Homceopathy; to, Edinburgh Medical and Surgical, and Monthly Journal of Medical Science. SEARLE, HENRY SMITH, 7, Kennington Green, F.R.C.S.E., 1844. Author of "An Essay on the Absorbent Vessels," 1823; "A Critical Analysis of Dr. Barry's Work on the Influence of Atmospheric Pressure on the Circulation," 1827; " On the arrangement of the Fibres of the Heart," 1838; "' On the Treatment of Affections of the Stomach and Brain," 1844; Contrib. several Papers to the Lancet and Medical Gazette, to prove the fatal tendency of the Antiphlogistic System of Treatment in Inflammations and other Diseases; also on the Agency of the Atmosphere in the production of Diseases, 1835-1836. SIMMONS, J., Hounslow, M.R.C.S., Eng., 1828; L.A.C., 1827; Member of Hahnemann Medical Society. SMITH, DANIEL, 2, Harriet Street, Lowndes Square, M.R.C.L., 1830, L.A.C., 1830, Surgeon in Ordinary, and Surgeon Accoucheur, to the Hahnemannian Institution and Dispensary, Welbeck-street. Cavendish-square; and Surgeon to the Chelsea Iomoeopathic Dispensary. D TH.E IHOM(EOPATHIC SPILLAN, D., M.D. VARDY, J. LAMBERT, 53, Stamford Street, L.A.C., 1827. VIETTINGHOFF, JOSEPH JOHANN FREDERICK CARL WILHELM GRAF VON, 10, Chadwell Street, Myddleton Square, M.D., Wilna, 1825, Consulting Physician to the North London I-Iomoeopathic Medical Establishment; Member of the Hahnemann Medical Society and the English Homoeopathic Association; Contrib. several Papers to the British Journal of Homoopathy, HomoeopathicTimes, Hahnemann Fly Sheet, and the Homceopathic Case Book. WIELOBYCKI, S., 22, Connaught Terrace, Hyde Park, M.D., and L.R.C.S., Edin., Physician Accoucheur to the Hahnemann Institution, Welbeck-street; and Physician to the London Homceopathic Hospital; formerly Member of the Botanical, Hunterian, Medical, and RoyalPhysical Societies, Edinburgh; now Member of the British I-Iommopathic and iHahnemann Medical Societies. WILKINSON, JAMES JOHN GARTH, Sussex Lodge, 24, Finchley Road, St. John's Wood, M.R.C.S., Eng., 1834, L.A.C., 1834, Surgeon to the Hahnemann Hospital; Author of the Human Body and its connection with Man, 1851; Memb. of Hiahnemann Medical Society. WILSON, DAVID, 22, Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, London, M.R.C.S., Edin., 1829; formerly Surgeon to the Hahnemann Hospital and Member of the Westminster Medical Society; now Medical Officer to the Westminster and St. George's Free Dispensary for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest; Member of the Western Medical and Surgical Soc.; British H-omceopathic Society and Hahnemann Medical Society; Contrib. Observations on Pulmonary Consumption, &c., to the Homeopathic Times; Papers on Naptha in Pulmonary Consumption, Lancet, 1843. WOOD, NEVILLE, 10, Onslow Square, Brompton, M.D., Edin., 1844, F. R. C. P., Edin,, 1845, Physician to the Chelsea Homceopathic Dispensary; Author of "A brief View of Homceopathy," 1846; Contrib. numerous Articles to several Journals. WOOLTORTON, JOHN, 7, Euston Place, New Road,M.R.C.S. Eng., 1821, L.A.C., 1823. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 35 WYLD, GEORGE, 11, Russell Square, M.D., Edin., 1851, Physician to the Hahnemann Hospital; Contrib. "The Liver the Hydroginator in Animals," Lond. Monthly Journal of Med., 1852. YELDHAM, STEPHEN, 9, Stamford Street, L.S.A., 1832, M.R.C.S., Eng., 1833, formerly Surgeon to the Royal South London Dispensary, and Surgeon to the Royal Maternity Charity; now Surgeon to the London Homceopathic Hospital; formerly Member of the South London Medical Society; now Member of the British Homoeopathic Society; Author of "Homeopathy in Acute Diseases," 2 edits; " Moral Evidences of Homceopathy," 2 lectures; Contrib. "1 Cases of Cholera, a Contrast," to Homceopathic Times. YOUNG, JOHN GITTERS, 38,Upper Baker Street, M.R.C.S.L., 1838, Assistant Surgeon, London Homoeopathic Hospital. 36 THE HOM(EOPATHIC METROPOLITAN HOMtIEOPATHIC HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. LONDON HOM(EOPATHIC HOSPITAL, 32, Golden Square, founded by the British Homceopathic Association, October 10th, 1849. Opened for the Reception of Patients, April 10th, 1850. Patroness. Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cambridge. Vice-Patron. His Grace the Duke of Beaufort, K.G. President. Field-Marshal the Marquis of Anglesey, K.G., G.C.B. Vice-Presidents. His Grace the Archbishop of Dublin. Lord Francis Gordon. The Most Noble the Marquis of Capt. Lord C. Paget, R.N., M.P. Worcester. Capt. Lord A. Paget, M.P. Rt. Hon, the Earl of Essex. Col. Lord G. Paget, M.P. Rt. Hon. the Viscount Sydney. Col. Wyndham. Rt. Hon. the Lord Gray. F. Foster Quin, Esq., M.D. The Viscount Maldon. Marmaduke B. Sampson, Esq. Chairman. Culling Charles Smith, Esq. Trustees. George Hallett, Esq. William Watkins, Esq. Phillip Hughes, Esq. D. W. Witton, Esq. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 37 Treasurer. Sir John Dean Paul, Bart., 217, Strand. Hon. Secretary. Ralph Buchan, Esq. Board of Nathaniel Barton, Esq. R. Beamish, Esq., F.R.S. Captain Branford, R.N. John Broadhurst, Esq. Ralph Buchan, Esq. Capt. Chapman, R.A., F.R.S. J. B. Crampern, Esq. Colonel Disbrowe. Edward Esdaile, Esq. Francis Fuller, Esq. George Hallett, Esq. Management. Philip Hughes, Esq. J. P. Knight, Esq., R.A. R. Pope, Esq. R. T. Reep, Esq. H. Rosher, Esq. Culling C. Smith, Esq. Colonel Sir J. Smith, Bart. Charles Snewin, Esq. Thomas Uwins, Esq., R.A. William Watkins, Esq. Auditors. James D. Cuff, Esq. Henry Goez, Esq. Collector. Mr. George Middleton, 12, Pall Mall. Medical Council. Frederick Foster Quin, Esq., M.D., President of the British Homceopathic Society. Edward Hamilton, Esq., M.D., Treasurer to the British Homceopathic Society. T. R. Leadam, Esq., Honorary Secretary to the British Homceopathic Society. Dr. Wielobycki. Dr. Partridge. Hugh Cameron, Esq. Dr. Massol. George Newman, Esq. Dr. Hilbers. Dr. Goodshaw. Dr. Irvine. Dr. Ozanne. J. B. Metcalfe, Esq. J. Kidd, Esq. E. Smith, Esq. Dr. Mayne. Henry Reynolds, Esq. S. Yeldham, Esq. W. Watson, Esq. T. McKern, Esq. J. G. Young, Esq. Dr. W. McDonald. J. L. Yardy, Esq. Dr. Roche. Dr. J. Rutherford Russell. H. Searl, Esq. J. Lynch, Esq. Dr. Massy. Dr. S. Wielobycki. 38 THE HOMCEOPATHIC Medical Officers. Dr. Quin, Consulting Physician. Mr. Yeldham. Dr. Hamilton. Mr. Leadam, Surgeon-Accoucheur. Dr. Partridge,Physician-Accoucheur. Mr. Reynolds. Dr. Massol. Mr. McKern. Dr. S. Wielobycki. Mr. Young, Assistant-Surgeon. The Hospital is open daily (Tuesdays excepted), at half-past Two o'clock' for the reception of Out-patients. In-patients admitted every Tuesday, at Three o'clock. Obstetric Cases every Tuesday, and Ophthalmic every Wednesday. CASES TO 1st AUGUST, 1852. In-Patients................................. 480 Cured......................... 388 Died.............................. 18 Out-Patients................................ 6013 Cured....................... 3461 Died............................ 6 Total................................. 6493 During the Winter Session, Lectures are delivered on Materia Medica, by Dr. Quin; and on Clinical Medicine and Surgery, by Dr. Hamilton and Mr. Yeldham. HAHNEMANN HOSPITAL, 39, Bloomsbury Square. Instituted, 16th October, 1850. Patrons. His Excellency Chevalier Bunsen, The Right Honourable the Earl of Min. Plen. and Env. Ex. Prussia. Wilton. -President, the Lord Robert Grosvenor, M.P. Vice-Presidents. Rev. Thos. R. Everest. J. M. Molyneux, Esq. William Leaf, Esq. James Wilson, Esq., M.P. C. P. Leslie, Esq., M.P. Trustees, William L. Leaf, Esq.; Charles Hunt, Esq. Treasurer, William Leaf, Esq., 39, Old Change. Hon. Secretary, William Warne, Esq. MIEDICAL DIRECTORY& 39 WT. T. Ashurst,Esq. WT. T. Berger, REsq. AV. A. Case, Esq. J. M. Dougles, Esq. G. H. Fletcher, Esq. John Fowler, Esq. Jos. Glover, Esq. S. Hlanson, Esq. Thomas 1-igrgs, Esq. T. H. Johnstone, REsq, C. P. Leslie, REsq., M.P. Board of Mlanagemnent. John Miller, Esq. Lieut. Gen. Sir Chas. Pasley, K.C.B. F1". Sandoz, Esq. AV. Stephenson, Eeq. S. Sugden, Rsq. A. Temnpleton, Esq. Major Tyndale. WT. Warne, Esq. A. Wilkinson,, Esq. S. Wilson, REsq., Aid. M1edical C'ouncil. T. Anderson, Esq., M.R.C.S. J. Blest, Esq., M. D. Edward Cronin, Esq., M.D. P". F. Curie, Esq., M1.D. R, E. Dudgeon, Esq., M.D. T. Engall, REsq., M.R1.C.S. John Epps, Esq, Al.D. Joseph Hands, Esq., M.R.C.S. LONDON. A. H-enriques, Esq., M.R.C.S. MT. Harmng Esq., L.A.C. Joseph Laurie, REsq., M. D. David Laurie, REsq., M. D. H. V. Malan, Re.q., M.D. K. Roth, REsq., M.D. J. J. G. Wilkinson, REsq., MI.R.C.S. George Wyld, Esq., M.;D. CLIFToN.,-Francis Black, Esq., M.D. Bmaeee1.NGIeAAs-G~eorge Fearon, REsq., M.D. MVELTON1 MOWBenAx-Sydney 1-lauson, Esq., M.D. LLiEiO-STER-H1. Kelsall, Esq., F.R.C.S., M.D. BRIGIHTON-L-H. R. -Madden, Rsq., M.D. Medical Officers. Mr. Anderson. Dr. Blest. Dr. Curie. Dr. Dudgeon. Mr. Engall. Mr. Hands. Dr. Henriques. Dr. D. C. Laurie. Dr. Roth.* Mr. Wilkinson. Dr. Wyld. Hon67orary Chemist.-MHr. Headland. House Sargeon.-Dr. Hahuemnaun. The Hospital is open daily (Sundays excepted), for the reception of patients from heWf-past 7 to 9 amr. Total Number of Patients fromn commencement......7653 Or WHOM ARE Children.......................... 2417 Adults..,........ a............A. 5 236 40 THE HOMCEOPATHIC Total Number of In patients............ 452 Of whomHave been discharged Cured............ 240 " Improved................... 146 Unaltered................................ 15 Under treatment......................... 27 Entered the Hospital for examination 6 Died...................................... 18 No account rendered.................... Total............ In-patients......... 452 Of whom are, Children.................. 71 Adults..................... 381 Out-patients........... 7201.......................... Results unknown............................................................ Out-patients............................................................. 1973 1718 98 1578 1584 34 216 7201 2346 4855 Total of Children............. 2417 Adults............... 5236 Grand Total..................... 7653 The following COURSES OF LECTURES are delivered at the Hospital, 39, Bloomsbury Square:PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF HOM(EOPATHY, by Dr. DUDGEON. Lectures every Thursday Evening, at 8 o'clock p.m., beginning Dec. 2nd. MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS, by Dr. EPPs. Lectures every Monday Evening, at 8 o'clock p.m., beginning Dec. 6th. CLINICAL MEDICINE, by Dr. CURIE. Lectures every Wednesday, at 1 o'clock p.m., beginning Dec. 8th. CLINICAL SURGERY, by Dr. HENRIQUES. Lectures monthly, at 8 o'clock p.m., beginning Dec. 14th. DISPENSARIES. CHELSEA HOM(EOPATHIC DISPENSARY, Commercial Hall, King's Road, Chelsea. Instituted, 1st January, 1832. Physician, Dr. Neville Wood. Surgeon, D. Smith, Esq., M.R.C.S.E. Attendance, Monday and Thursday, at 10 a.m. Terms of Admission, by a recommendation from a Subscriber, or a monthly payment of 2s. 6d. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 41 CLAPHAM AND BRIXTON HOM(EOPATHIC DISPENSARY. No. 1, Bedford Road, Acre Lane. Supported by Voluntary Contributions. Committee. Rev. E. O. Morgan, Minerva Terrace, Brixton Road. James D. Cuff, Esq., Prescott Lodge, Clapham New Park. Bernard Barton, Esq., Percy Cottage, Studley Road, Stockwell. Henry Kift, Esq., Berkeley Villas, Loughborough Road. G. Moore, Esq., Messina Cottage, 17, Sutherland Terrace, East Brixton. G. Hayward, Esq., Water Lane, Dulwich Road. Medical Oficers. Edward Cronin. Esq., M.D., Claremont House, Brixton Road. John Anderson, Esq., M.R.C S., L.A.C., 4, Bedford Terrace, Clapham Rise. Dispenser. Mr. A. J. Powell, 15, Alfred Place, Newington Causeway. Collector. Mr. Grey, 1, Bedford Road, Acre Lane, Clapham. The Dispensary will be open (for Out-Patients only) on Monday and Thursday Afternoons, from 3 to 4 o'clock. Subscribers of Half-a-Guinea and One Guinea per annum, will have Four or Eight Tickets for distribution. The destitute Poor alone are to be considered proper objects for Medical charity; although others, who are unable to pay for Medical advice, will be admitted Patients, (with the consent of the Medical Officers.) on payment of I-Ialf-a-Crown per month to the funds of the Dispensary. EAST LONDON HOMCEOPATHIC DISPENSARY; 9, Artillery Place. Instituted, 1843. Physician, Dr. Barry. Attendance daily, from 9 to 12. Total Cases 2764. Average Annual Number 320. WHITECHAPEL BRANCI, 34, Gloucester Terrace, Commercial Road East. Instituted, 1850. Physician, Dr. Barry. Attendance daily, from 1 to 2. Total Cases 450. 42 THE HOM(EOPATHIC HAHNEMANNIAN MEDICAL INSTITUTION AND DISPENSARY Welbeck Street, Manchester Square (Corner of Bulstrode Street). Instituted, 1850. Consulting Physician, Dr. Laurie, 12, Lower Berkeley Street, Portman Square. Physicians in Ordinary, Dr. A. H-enriques, 67, Upper Berkeley Street, Portman Square, attends every Monday evening at 7, and Friday morning at 10. Dr. Wielobycki, 22, Connaught Terrace, H-yde Park, attends every Friday evening at 7. Surgeons in Ordinary, Mr. Leadam, 12, Wyndham Place, Bryanston Square, attends every Wednesday morning at 10. Mr. D. Smith, 2, Harriet Street, Lowndes Square, attends every Thursday evening at 7. Physician-Accoucheurs, Dr. A. Henriques and Dr. Wielobycki. Surgeon-Accoucheurs, Mr. Leadam, Mr. D Smith, and Mr. J. Anderson. Hours of Attendance.-Monday evening at 7, Tuesday evening at 7 Wednesday morning at 10, Thursday evening at 7, Friday morning at 10, Friday evening at 7. Total Cases 1261. Terms of Admission, by a recommendation from a Subscriber, or a voluntary Subscription by the patient. HOM(EOPATHIC MEDICAL INSTITUTION, 6, Hackney Grove, Hackney. Instituted, 10th April, 1851. Physician, Dr. Carl Fischer. Resident Assistant, A. Shaw. Attendance, Wednesday and Saturday, from 5 to 7 p.m. Term of Admission, Gratuitous to the Poor, &c.; and a Subscription of 1 or 2 Shillings per week, from those able to pay. Total Cases 240. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 43 HOM(EOPATHIC DISPENSARY, 18, Denmark Street, Soho. Instituted, January, 1852. Physicians, Dr. Griffiths Jones and Dr. Edward Bates. Surgeon, Mr. Morgan. Dentist, Mr. Athey. Attendance, Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Term of Admission, Is. per week, or ~1. Is. per year. Total Cases 471. ISLINGTON HOM\I(EOPATHIC DISPENSARY, 20, Claremont Place, New Road, near the "Angel," Islington. Instituted, February, 1845. Physician, Dr. Chepmell. Chemist, Mr. Headland. Dispenser, Mr. Brunet. Committee, Fred. Sandoz, Esq., Geo. Friend, Esq,, Geo Powell, Esq., John Hardy, Esq., Rev. A. R. G. Thomas, William Cooper, Esq., William Serre, Esq. Attendance, Thursday, from 8 to 9 a.m. Average Annual Number of Cases 300. NEWINGTON HOMEEOPATHIC DISPENSARY, 15, Alfred Place, Newington Causeway. Instituted, March, 1850. Medical Oficer, Mr. Anderson. Attendance, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 8 to 10. 30 a.m., and Tuesday and Friday, from 7 to 8 p.m. Terms of Admission Free, and by Payment. Total Cases 2000. NORTH LONDON HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT, 10, Chadwell Street. Instituted, February, 1842. Physician, Dr. Viettinghoff. Attendance daily, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Admission free. Total Cases 1289. 44 THE HOM(EOPATHIC PENTONVILLE HOMOEOPATHIC DISPENSARY, 25, Percy Circus, Pentonville. Instituted, 1846. Medical Oficer, Mr. Millard. Attendance, Tuesday and Saturday, Noon and 6 p.m. Terms of Admission, a small subscription. WESTMINSTER AND ST, GEORGE'S FREE DISPENSARY FOR CONSUMPTION AND DISEASES OF THE CHEST, 22, Davies Mews. Instituted, April, 1849. Medical Officer, Mr. Wilson. Attendance, Wednesday and Saturday, from 8 to 10 a.m. Admission Free. Total Cases, 708. SOCIETIES. BRITISH HOM(EOPATHIC SOCIETY. Instituted in 1844. Holds its Meetings on the First Thursday of every month from October to May inclusive, at 7 p.m., at 32, Golden Square. Annual Assembly in the month of April of each year. Extraordinary Meetings are held at any time during the year on the order of the President and Council, or on the requisition of five members. President, Dr. Quin. Treasurer, Dr. Hamilton. lHonorary Secretary, Mr. Leadem. Council.-Dr. Partridge, Dr. Massol, Mr. Yeldham. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 45 Fellows. Frederic Foster Quin, M.D., London, 1844. Hugh Cameron, M.R.C.S., Edin., London, 1844. Samuel Thos. Partridge, M.D., London, 1844. Victor Massol, M.D., London, 1844. J. Rutherford Russell, M.D., London, 1845. Matthew James Chapman, M.D., London, 1845. Members. *John C. Charles, M.R.C.S.E., 1845. George Newman, M.R.C.S.E., Glastonbury, 1846. *- Goodshaw, M.D., 1845. George J. Hilbers, M.D., Liverpool, 1846. "Harris Dunsford, M.D., London, 1845. Dyonysius Wielobycki, M.D., Edinburgh, 1846. Robert Walker, M.D., Manchester, 1846. F. W. Irvine, M.D., Leeds, 1846. George Dunn, M.D., Doncaster, 1846. Sydney Hanson, M.D., Melton Mowbray, 1847. Edward C. Chepmell, M.D., London, 1847. John Ozanne, M.D., Guernsey, 1847. Edward Hamilton, M.D., London, 1847. J. Bell Metcalfe, M.R.C.S.E., London, 1847. Joseph Kidd, M.R.C.S.E., London, 1847. J. H. Ramsbotham, Huddersfield, 1847. J. M. Gully, M.D., Malvern, 1848. Robert Douglas Hall, M.D., Hastings, 1848. T. R. Leadam, M.R.C.S E., London, 1848. Edmund Smith, M.R.C.S.E., Sheffield, 1848. George Calvert Holland, M.D., Sheffield, 1849. John Moore, M.R.C.S.E., Liverpool, 1849. Henry Reynolds, M.R.C.S.E., London, 1849. David Wilson, M.R.C.S.E., Edinburgh, London, 1849. Stephen Yeldham, M.R.C.S.E., London, 1849. George Atkin, M.D., Hull, 1849. Tuthill Massy, M.D., Worcester, 1851. J. G. Young, M.R.C.S.E., London, 1851. William Watson, M.R.C.S.E., Colchester, 1851. Thomas Mackern, M.R.C.S.E., London, 1851. John Roche, M.D., Liverpool, 1851. William H. Mayne, M.D., Ipswich, 1851. J. L. Vardy, M.A.C., London, 1851. William Macdonald, M.D., Prof., St. Andrews, 1851. Henry Searle, M.R.C.S.E., London, 1852. S. Wielobycki, M.D., London, 1852. J. C. Lynch, M.R.C.S.E., Sudbury, 1852. John Hutton Hill, M.D., London, 1852. A. C. Edwards, M.R.C.S.E., London, 1852. Those marked thus * are deceased. 46 THE HOMCEOPATHIC Honorary Members. Dr. Stapf, Edit. of Horn. Archiv. Naumburg, Physician to H. S. H. Duke of Saxe Minningen, 1846. L. Abbe Cesdle, Director of the Nice Hospice, 1850. Count IL de Bonnevale, M.D., Bordeaux. Corresponding Members. Leon Simon, M.D., Paris, 1846 Dr. Croserio, Pres. Hahn. Soc., Paris, 1846. Dr. Belluomini, Phys. to H. R. H. Duke of Lucca, Lucca, 1846. Dr. A. G. Hull, Edit. Horn. Exam., New York, 1846. Dr. J. T. Gray, New York, 1846. Dr. Wenike, Vienna, 1849. Dr. Charge, Edit. Revuie Hom., Marseilles, 1849. Dr. J. L. Warmer, New York, 1850. Dr. Williamson, Prov. Horn. Med., Pennsylvania, 1851. Dr. Witherell, Prof. of Anatomy, Cleveland, Ohio, 1851. Dr. Petroz, Pres. of Gallicaine Soc., Paris, 1851. Dr. Tessier, Phys. to Hosp. S'Margarita, Paris, 1851. Dr. Anton Smidt, Phys. to I-H.R.H. Duchess of Lucca, Vienna, 1851. HAHNEMANN MEDICAL SOCIETY, 39, Bloomsbury Square. Instituted, 10th April, 1850. Holds its Meetings on the first Tuesday of every month, from October to July inclusive, at 8 p.m., at 39, Bloomsbury Square. The Annual Assembly in the mcnth of April of each year. The Council meets at seven p.m, on the ordinary nights of meeting in October, January, April, and July. Council. Mr. Anderson Mr. Epps Dr. Black. Dr. H-enriques Dr. Chepmell Mr. Hering Dr. Clarke Dr. Madden Dr. Cronin Dr. Roth Dr. Curie Mr. Wilkinson Dr. Epps Mr, Wilson Treasurer, Mr. Engall. Secretary, Dr. Dudgeon. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 47 THE HOM(EOPATHIC CONGRESS, Instituted, 1850. The next Annual Congress of H-omceopathic Practitioners will be held at Manchester, on the 4th and 5th of August, 1853. Secretaries, Dr. Walker and Mr. Phillips. HAHNEMANN PUBLISHING SOCIETY, Instituted, 10th April, 1848. Formed for promoting the publication and circulation of good practica Homoeopathic Works, aud first, a New Materia Medica aud Pharmacopeia. Members. Shares, Dr. Black, Clifton......................................... 8 "Dr. Blyth, Dublin..................................... 1 Dr. Chapman, London.................................. 3 Dr. Chepmell, London.............................. 2 Mr. Clifton, Northampton.................................. Dr. Drysdale, Liverpool................................. 5 Dr. Dudgeon, London................................. 5 Mr. Engall, London...................................... 1 Dr. Fearon, Birmingham.............................. 3 Mr. Gillow, Clifton...................................... 2 Dr. Gully, Malvern..................................... 2 Mr. Headland, London.............................. 5 Mr. Hering, London........................................... 2 Mr. Hewitt, Ipswich...................................... 2 Dr. Hilbers, Liverpool................................. 2 Dr. Irvine, Leeds........................................ 3 Dr. Ker, Cheltenham................................ 3 Mr. Lawrence, Birmingham............................ Dr. Mackintosh, Torquay................................ 4 Dr. Madden, Brighton................................. 3 Dr. Norton, Chester................................. 1 Mr. Phillips, Manchester................................ 1 Dr. Ramsbotham, Huddersfield...................... 3 Dr. Rosenstein, Greenwich............................ 1 Dr. Russell, London....................................... 3 Mr. Smith, Sheffield..................................... 1 Dr. Viettinghof, Londdoh............................... 1 Rev. T. Wright, Coldstream.......................... 1 Secretary, Dr. C. B. Ker. Acting Committee. Dr. Black, Dr. Drysdale, Dr. Dudgeon, Dr. Ker, and Dr. Madden. 48 THE HOM(EOPATHIC ENGLISH HOMOEOPATHIC ASSOCIATION, Instituted in May, 1845. President. Lord Robert Grosvenor, M.P. Treasurer. Thomas H. Johnston, Esq. Committee. W. I-H. Ashurst, Esq. Edward Bates, Esq. Donald Brown, Esq. P. F. Curie, Esq. M.D. A. 0. Deacon, Esq. Robert S. Dick, Esq. John Epps, Esq. M.D. George N. Epps, Esq. M R.C.S. Robert Frith, Esq. M.R.C.S. Peter Gardner, Esq. Thomas H. Johnston, Esq. W. M'Oubrey, Esq., M.D H. F. Osman, Esq., M.D. C. T. Pearce, Esq. W. Perkins, Esq. James Stansfeld, Esq. Peter Stuart, Esq. Allan Templeton, Esq. James Thomson, Esq., M.D. William Warne, Esq. James Wilson, Esq., M.D. John Miller, Esq. Honorary Secretary, William Arnum, Esq. Each Member pays an annual registration fee of 2s. 6d., and gives any donation deemed suitable. Persons desirous of joining the Association can communicate with the Honorary Secretary, William Arnum, Esq. 18, Upper Belgrave Place, Pimlico. ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROTECTION OF HOM(EOPATHIC STUDENTS AND PRACTITIONERS. AT a Congress of Homteopathic Practitioners, held in London, on the 23rd and 24th of July, 1851, which was attended by upwards of sixty medical men engaged in the practice of the Hom&opathic system of medicine, the recent proceedings of the Universities of Edinburgh and St. Andrews, and the College of Physicians of Edinburgh, were brought under consideration, and an association was formed for the purpose of protecting the interests of the public and of Homoeopathic practitioners and students, endangered by the proceedings of these established bodies. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 49 In order to darry out the views of the'Association, a numerous and influential committee was formed. This committee met on the 26th July, and passed the following resolutions:1st.-That immediate steps be -taken to enlist among the members of the Association as great a number as possible of the friends of Homceopathy, lay and professional, and of those who acknowledge the justice of the cause which the Association has espoused, 2nd.-That a circular should be issued, without loss of time, inviting the co-operation and union of as large a number as possible in this undertaking. 3rd.-That the committee should be increased by as many influential names as can be obtained. 4th.-That tracts and pamphlets should be issued, in order to inform the public respecting the measures resorted to by the established corporations, for the purpose of depriving practitioners of the right to practice medicine according to the best of their judgment. 5th.-That other measures, to be hereafter resolved on, should be taken for the defence of Homomopathic students and practitioners, and of the public, against the acts of oppression perpetrated and contemplated by the Colleges and other licensing bodies. 6th.-That local secretaries and committees be established in every town where there is a Homoeopathic practitioner, for the purpose of aiding the Association in its efforts. 7th.-That Dr. Dudgeon be appointed secretary, with power to nominate a paid assistant secretary, for the purpose of carrying out the resolutions of the committee. 8th.-That the secretary be empowered to call a meeting of the committee as often as circumstances shall occur to render it necessary. In order to carry out the views of the association a committee was formed, consisting of the following gentlemen:Dr. Black. Dr. Ker. Mr. Blake. Dr. Laurie. Dr. Chapman. Mr. Leadam. Dr. Curie. Dr. Macdonald. Dr. Drysdale. Dr. Madden. Dr. Dudgeon, Hon. Secretary. Dr. Norton. Dr. Fearon. Dr. Ozanne. Dr. E. Hamilton. Dr Russell. Mr. Hering. Mr. Wilson. Report of the Acting Committee of the Association for the Protection of Homcaopathic Students and Practitioners. IT is now 18 months ago since Mr. Alfred Pope was refused his degree of Doctor of Medicine by the medical faculty of the University of Edinburgh, because he declined to pledge himself never to practice the Homoeopathic system of medicine. To vindicate the liberty of every practitioner of mediE 50 THE HOMOEOPATHIC cine to employ all the means for 6dring the sick which his reason might suggest and his experience sanction, this Association was formed; and three distinct objects were pointed out to your committee to strive to attain. The first was the redress of the immediate grievance, and the procuring a diploma for Mr. Pope; the second was to act on the medical faculty in the University, through the patrons, in order to prevent the recurrence of the injustice; and the third was to acquaint the public with the whole facts and arguments of the case, so that in the event of a continuance of this despotic course they might be prepared to claim the protection of the State in some way or other in favour of conscientious students against the infatuated attempts of any learned body to make them pledge themselves to remain for ever stationary in the practice of their professiot. We are happy to say, that the efforts of the Association have been attended with triumphant success. Mr. Pope received a diploma from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Philadelphia, on forwarding his testimonials to that body along with the statement of the facts drawn up by your committee. To the Town Council, who are the chief patrons of the Edinburgh University, a petition was presented, numerously signed by men of the highest weight in the kingdom, and the result was that the Lord Provost said "he believed that that which caused the complaint had been done somewhat inadvertently, and he was satisfied that every student, whatever his notions regarding homceopathy might be, would soon find no barrier to his obtaining a degree." The public were addressed in a volume entitled, "Homoeopathy in 1851," of which nearly a thousand copies were sold in the course of a few months; and among some fifty notices in various journals there was only one which took the part of the Professors as against the Students. But the most emphatic testimony given in our favour is that by Sir William Hamilton, Professor of Logic in the University itself, who, by the universal and undisputed consent of Europe, is the most distinguished name connected with that Institution. His judgment is given in the following words:-" Since the previous sheet was printed, above four months ago, I see that the Medical Examiners have been publicly accused of rejecting a candidate, not for incompetence, but on the confessed ground that he was supposed favourable to a medical theory, rising dangerously in opinion, and not in unison with the medical theory of his examiners. On such a step-such an injusticesuch an absurdity-the old sectional examiners would not have ventured. If the charge be well founded, an Edinburgh Medical Graduate may now be an ignorant, unable to spell his mother-tongue, but must not be a proficient, professing to think for himself. So certain also are now the opinions of a majority, touching the very practice and in the very body where heretofore medical scepticism was always in proportion to medical wisdom! Our Gregorys and Thomsons-what would they now say to this? "-Discussions on Philosophy and Literature," by Sir William Hamilton, Bart, p. 643. That after this, such a scene should again occur in Edinburgh, is, we believe, simply an impossibility; and were the operations of this Association confiued to this one great school, there would be no need of its further continuance. Unfortunately, however, the light which has been forced upon the Examination-hall of Edinburgh has not yet travelled so far as Aberdeen. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. That most northern of the Universities adheres to the evil example set byV the metropolis, as the following document, which will be interesting to some future historian of medicine, proves:King's College, Aberdeen, 5th Aug., 1852. "Which day the Senatus Academicus of the University of King's College, Aberdeen, being met and constituted, inter alia, the Mediciner handed in a report, signed by himself and the other examiners for medical degrees, wherein they stated, inter alia, that immediately after the last term they had examined another candidate, who had arrived too late, in consequence of a mistake regarding the advertisement, that they were then satisfied with the examination, and told the candidate that they would recommend him to the Senatus for graduation. Since that time, however, he had, after correspondence, stated to the Examiners, that 'he believes, the homoeopathic law is genera.ly, if not universally, true;' and the Examiners have had what appears t o them satisfactory proof that he practices accordingly; and they therefore now recommended to the Senatus that the degree should not be conferred on him. The Senatus, therefore, unanimously resolved not to confer the degree of M.D. on the gentleman in question, for the reasons given in the said report." &c. &c. It does seem somewhat strange that this learned body, after the avowal of the candidate of his belief in homoeopathy, should have sought proof of' his-practising according to that method. Suppose that proof had failed, and he avowed his belief in one system, but practised another, the inference is that then they would not have had the same difficulty. That Aberdeen will, at a proper interval, follow Edinburgh, in its contrition as it has in its error,, we have no doubt; but, in the meantime, it would be premature to disband. our forces, more especially as there is to be brought before Parliament this session a bill respecting the practice of medicine, which may seriously effect, as it seems to be aimed especially against, homceopathists, if it be allowed to pass in its present form. Your committee is in communication with some, influential members of parliament on this matter, and is assured that if the body of adherents to homceopathy are only firm there is no real danger. In these circumstances the committee thinks it is indispensable for the full' accomplishment of all that the Association proposed, that it should not yet be dissolved, and to cover the expenses already incurred, which will be seen by the balance sheet to exceed the sums collected by upwards of ~15, and to have some money in hand to meet future expenses, the committee begs to suggest that it is desirable that each member contribute a further sum of half-a-crown. As it is important to extend the influence of the Association, the Committee hopes that many who are not yet members may be induced to become so, which they can do by sending their names to the Honorary Secretary, accompanied by the enrolment fee of half-a- crown. On behalf of the Committee, R. E. DUDGEON, HoNx. SEC. December, 1852. 52 THE HOM(EOPATHIC MEDICAL DIRECTORY. Financial Statement of the Association for the Protection of Homoeopathic Students and Practitioners for the year ending August, 1852. RECEIPTS. ~ S. D By Subscriptions paid.. 166 19 0 Balance due to Secretary 15 4 7 ~182 3 7 EXPENDITURE. ~ s. D Cost of collecting, printing, & advertising Local Committee in Edinburgh.. 17 0 6,,,, Bath........ 0 15 6,,,, York........ 0 5 0,,,, Taunton... 0 5 0,,,, Clifton...... 0 13 6,,,, Worcester.. 0 1 6,,,, Manchester.. 13 17 8 Dublin...... 2 17 1 Salary of Assistant Secretary...... 25 4 0 Postages, paper, &c. paid by ditto.. 4 2 0 Postages paid by Secretary........ 19 4 Parcels by railway................ 0 14 6 Advertisements.................. 8 4 0 Cheltenhem Expenses............ 1 11 0 Hogg for printing " Homceopathy in 1851," &c., minus profit by sale 103 17 6 Davy for printing circulars, &c..... 1 15 6 ~182 3 7 [Post-office Orders to be made payable to Dr. Robert E. Dudgeon, 82, Gloucester Place, Portman Square, London, or the amount subscribed may be transmitted to him in postage stamps.] *,* T'he above report and financial statement have been drawn up and circulated in conformity with a resolution of the Committee at a meeting held at Edinburgh on the 4th of September. THE 1 8 5 3. ENGLISHI LOCAL LIST. BEDFORDSHIRE. Dunstable. W. F. Laurie, M.D. BERKSHIRE. Windsor. W. C. Boddy, M.D. CHESHIRE. Birkenhead. W. Wright, M.D. Chester. J. E, Norton, M.D. DERBYSHIRE. Derby. A. C. Pope, M.D. DEVONSHIRE. Barnstaple. J. Joce. Bideford. G. K. Prince, M.D. Exeter. A. Guinness, M.D. B. Kingdon. R. D. Mackintosh, M.D. "Plymouth.. G. J Fox, M.D. W. J. Morgan, M.D. Torquay. C. U. Mackintosh, Pbys. DURHAM. Bishop Wearmouth J. J. Gray. Sunderland. J. Potts. R. S. Tate, 54 THE HO1MCOPATIUC E SSEX. Colchester. W. D. Watson. GLOUJCESTERSHIREc. Bristol. W. HT. Trotman. 11. Wilkins., Cheltenham. E. Acworth, MI.D. Hugh Hastings, M.D. C. B. Ker, M. D. S Wvillis, M.D. Clifton. F. Black, M.D. W. Gillow. HAMPSHIRE. Ryde. C. D. J. Lowder, M.D. Southampton. P. M. Wilmot, M.D. HEREFORDSHSIRE. Hereford. W. Gwilltirn, M. D. Ross. G. Strong, M.D. KENT. Dover. P. H. Parsons. Maidstone. J. B. Walters, M.D. LANCASHIRE. Bolton-le-11Moors. W. W. Scholefield. Liverpool. J. J. Drysdale, M.D. G. J. Elil1bers, M.D. J. Mvoore. J. Roche, M.D. A. Stokes, M.D. Manchiester. W. P. Harrison. J. hM. Dowel, M.D. J. Matthews, M.D. E. Phil~lips. R. Walker, M.D. Preston. C. C. Tuckey, Phys. Rochdale. E. C. Holland. LEICESTERSHIRE. Leicester. H. Kelsall, M.D. D. McReed,.'M.D. Melton Mowbray. S. Hanson, M.D. NORFOLK. Norwich. W. Bell, M.D. F, A. Hartman, M.D. MEDI(,kL DIRECTORY. 5 55 NO0RTI-TAaFTONSIURaC. Northamnpton, C. T. Pearce. E. Al. Iigg,, M.D. NO RTUHUB URLM{D. N~ewcastte-on - Tyne.Hl. Elliot. T. H-ayle, MT.D. N1OTTINGHAM SHIRE. Nottingham.n G. 11, Hanson, M. D. SOMERS~ETSI-Il E. Bath. J. Hewitt, M. D. G. Newman. Glastonbury. W. Hitchinan,' M.D. Twaeuten J. D. Blake. Westen-super- Mare. G. B. Cochran, M.D. STAFFORDSHIRE. Walverhaompton. G. S. Knowles, M.D. SJF FOLK. Ipswich. G. Mayne, M.D. SUSSEX-. Brighton. IHL R. Madden, MI.D. J. G. de 'Michele. St. Leonard' s7 R. D. Hale, M.D.. I-astings ) WARWsCKS1eraa. Birmingham. G. Fearon, M.D. J. M. Galloway, M.D. W. Johnson, Phys. J. Lawrence. W. A. Parsons. Leamington. J. S. Sutherland, M.D. Ruegby. W. Sharp. WIDTSIURE. Salisbury. J. Toone..WORCSE5T1IIRIRE. M1alvern, Great. J. L. MAarsden,AM.D. J. M. Gully, M. D. R-orcester. H. T. Massy, M.D. 5~G THE HOMCEOPATHIC YORKSHIRE. Ben Ihydding. W. Macleod, M.D. Bradfbrd. P. A. Brady. J. Le Gay Brereton, M.D. Doncaster. G. Dunn, M.D. JHalifax. J. A. Wrighbt, M.D. Hluddersf~ield. R. Cameron, M.D. J. HI. Ramsbotham, MIa Rull.G. Atkin, M.D. E. H. Millin. K.eiqhldey. D. Turner. Leedax. T. Booth. W. S. Craig, Mi. 1 HT. Cressawell, M.D. F1. W. Irvine, M D. Scarborough. J. C. Smart, M.D. Sh~.ffield. E. Smith. York. C. Ransford, M.D. SCOTTISH LOCAL LIST. Edinburgh. G. B. Alishorn. W. H-enderson, M.D. J. Laurie, M.D. A. Lvschinski, AI.D. J. F. Paisley, IV. D. 1). Wielob~vcki, M.D. Glas~gow. IV. Beilby, M.D. G. ~IN. Scott, M.D. SY. 4nr*rew-s. IV. Macdonald, 1Al.D. Dundee. S. Cockburn, M.D. G1. E. Stewart, iM.D. IRISH LOCAL, LIST. Dublin~. J. Blyth, MJ.D. WV. Luther, M.-D. IV. B. B. Scriveii, Phys. WV. Walker, AkID. Belfast. J. B. Mc~Gregor. Galway. J.McSwinney, CHANNEL ISLANDS. Guernseir. F. Bellamy. J. Ozanne, m.D. Jersey. H. B. HarrisR, M.D. M EDICAL DIRECTORY. 56 THE PROVINCIAL HOM(EOPATHIC MEDICAL DIRECTORY. ACWORTH, E., 26, Promenade, Cheltenham, Gloucester,; M.D.; Edinburgh, 1831; late Phys. to the Cheltenham General Hospital and Dispensary; Author of 1" My Conversion to Hoinoeopathy," and " On Cardiac Diseases;" British Journal of Hoinceopathy, 1852. ALLSHORN, GEORGE EDWARD, 52, Hanover Street, Edin.; L.R.C.S.,, Edin., 1850; Licentiate of Midwifery, University of Edinburgh; Member of the IHahnemann Medical Society; Member of the Northern Homoeopathic Medical Association; Fellow of the Botanical Society, Edin.; Extr. Member Royal Medical Society, Edin.; Surgeon to the Southern Homoeopathic Dispensary for the Diseases of Women and Children. ATKIN, GEORGE, 56, Prospect Street, Kingston-on-Hull, York; M.D., Edinburgh, 1838; Physician to the Hull Homceopathic Dispensary; General Secretary to the Northern Homoeopathic Medical Association; Member of the British Homeopathic and Hahnemann Medical Societies. BEILBY, WILLIAM R., 137, Hope Street, Glasgow,; M.D. Edinburgh, 1847; L.R.C.S.E., 1847; late Assistant Physician to the Royal Dispensary, Edinburgh; Physician to the Glasgow Homoeopathic Dispensary; Author of occasional Contributions to the British Journal of Homceopathy and Hommopathic Times. BELL, WILLIAM, St. Stephens, Norwich; L.R.C.S., Irel.; Lie. Mid. Dublin, M.D.; Erlangen, 1826; formerly Surgeon to the Queen's County Militia, Ireland; Medical Officer to the County Tipperary Workhouse and Lunatic Asylum; Medical Officer to the Norwich Homoaopathic Dispensary and Hospital; Contrib. several Cases to the Homcopathic Times. BELLAMY, FRANCIS, 2, Clifton, Guernsey; M.R.C.S., Eng. 1843, L.S.A.' 1837; formerly Surgeon to the Langport Union; Assistant Surgeon to the Cholera Hospital, Jersey; now Surgeon to the Guernsey Homceopathic Dispensary; formerly Member of the Provincial, Medical, and Surgical Association; at present Member of the Hahnemann Medica 1 58 THE HOMCEOPATHIC Society; one of the Medical Witnesses examined before Lord Ashley's Committee on the subject of the Administration of Poor-Law Medical Relief. BLACK, FRANCIS, 12, Lansdown Place, Clifton, Bristol,; M.D., Edinburgh, 1840; L.R.C,S.E., 1839; formerly President of the Hunterian Medical Society, Edinburgh; Fellow of the Roy. Med. Soc., Edin.; Member of the -Hahnemann Society; Corresponding Member of the Rhode Island and of the Rhenish Homceopathic Societies; Physician to the Bristol and Clifton Homoeopathic Dispensary; Author of " Paper on Sanguineous Tumours on the Scalps of Children"-Edin. Med. and Surg. Journal, 1841; " Treatise on the Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy," 1842; Various papers in the British Journal of Homceopathy; Co-editor of the Hahnemann Materia Medica; and Author of the proving of Arsenic in that work. BLAKE, JAMES DORE, Taunton, Somerset; M.R.C.S.E., 1846; Surgeon to the Taunton Convent and West of England proprietary College School; Member of the Hahnemann Medical Society. BLYTH, JOHN, 16, Fitzwilliam Square, South Dublin; M.D. St. Andrews, 1838; L.R.C.S., Edin. 1833; Physician to the Dublin Homceopathic Institution and Dispensary. BODDY, WALTER THOMPSON, Park Street, Windsor, Berks,; M.D., St. Andrews, 1850; M.R.C.S., Eng. 1842; M.A.C., 1842; formerly Resident Surgeon, Lying-in Hospital, York Road, Westminster; at present Physician to the Windsor Homceopathic Dispensary; Fellow of the Microscopical Society; Author of a "Paper on Puerperal Fever;" Obstet. Record, 1848. BOOTH, THOMAS, 28, Meadow Lane, Hunslet, Leeds, Yorkshire; L.A.C., 1836; formerly Apothecary to the Malton Dispensary; Medical Officer to the Holbeck Township. BRADY, P. A., Bradford, Yorkshire; M.R.C.S., Eng. 1847; L.S.A., 1847; L.S.A., Dublin, 1840; Contrib. 1, "A Paper on the Philosophy of Physiology in reference to the Phenomena of Motion in Organic Life," Nov. 1846; 2, " The Status of the Medical Profession considered in connection with its Educational System," Jan. 1848; 3, " Chloroform as an Internal Remedy in Cholera, " &c., Aug., Sep., and Oct., 1848. BRERETON, JOHN LE GAY, Little Horton Lane, Bradford, York; M.D., St. Andrews, M.R.C.S.E., and L.A.C., 1851; Medical PQor Law Officer to the Township of Little Horton, Bradford. CAMERON, ROBERT, South Parade, Huddersfield, Yorkshire; M.D., Glasgow, 1838. COCHRAN, GEORGE BLAIR, 6, Victoria Place, Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset M.D., Edin., 1844; M.R.C.S.E., 1833; formerly Alember MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 59 of the Royal Physical Society, Edin.; Physician to the Weston-SuperMare Homceopathic Dispensary. COCKBURN, SAMUEL, 43, Union Street, Dundee; M.D., St. Andrews, 1848; L.R.C.S., Edin., 1848; Physician to the Dundee Homceopathic Dispensary; Author of " Hommoopathy, a system of Medicine founded on facts, not on speculation," 1850. CRAIG, WILLIAM S., 15, York Place, Leeds, Yorkshire; M.D., St. Andrews, 1850; M.R.C.S., Edin., 1849; Surgeon to the Leeds Homeopathic Dispensary; proved Cotyledon Umbilicus. CRESSWELL, HENRY, 25, Oxford Street, Leeds, Yorkshire; M.D., Edinburgh, 1843; M.R.C.S.L., 1846; formerly Surgeon to the Newcastle Hommopathic Dispensary. DRYSDALE, JOHN J., 44, Rodney Street, Liverpool, Lancashire; M.D., Edinburgh, 1838; M.R.C.S., Edin., 1838; Physician to the Liverpool Hommaopathic Dispensary; Ext. Mem. Edin. Roy. Med. Soc.; Mem. of the Liverpool Medical Institution; Honorary and Corresponding Member of several Continental and American H ommopathic Societies. Editor of Fletcher's Pathology; Co editor of the Hahnemann Materia Medica; and Author of the Introduction, and Proving of Kali Bichromicum in that work; "Introduction to the Study of Homceopathy." Editor British Journal of Hom(eopathy. DUNN, GEORGE, Doncaster, Yorkshire; M.D. Edinburgh, 1848; M.R.C.S. Edin., 1.832; L.A.C., 1833; Physician to St. James's Hospital. ELLIOT, HENRY, 4, Hood Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne; M.R.C.S.L., 1839'; Surgeon to the Homceopathic Dispensaries, Newcastle and Sunderland. FEARON, GEORGE, 31, Great Charles Street, Birmingham, Warwickshire; M.D.; M.R-C.S.E., Phys. to Birming. Hom. Disp. Contrib. Article on "Preventive Medicine," British Journal of H omceopathy. FOX, GEORGE IRWIN, 7, Flora Place, Union Street, Plymouth, Hampshire; M.D., Glasgow, 1837; M.R.C.S.L., 1825; formerly Surgeon Royal Navy. GALLOWAY, JOHN MASON, 13, Old Square, Birmingham, Warwickshire; M.D., Edin., 1852. GILLOW, WILLIAM, Pemberton Villa, Clifton, Bristol, Somerset; M.R.C.S., Eng., 1848. GRAY, JAMES JOSEPH, 18, Foyle Street, Bishop Wearmouth, Durham; M.R.C.S.L., 1842. GUINNESS, ARTHUR, 3, Dixfield, Exeter, Devonshire; M.D. Glasgow, 1836; F.R.C.S., Dublin, 1835; formerly Physician to Raheny and 60 THE TTOM(cEOPATTIC. Clontarf Dispensaries, near Dublin; Medical Attendant of the Dublin llomoeopathic Institution; now Physician to the Exeter Homceopathic Dispensary; Author of " A Lecture on Homoeopathy; " Contrib. Report of Raheny Dispensary for the year 1846; Cases and Letter to Professor Henderson-British Journal of Homoeopathy; Cases to Homceopathic Times; at different times Cases in the Dublin Medical Press; proved Diosma Crenata. GULLY, JAMES MANBY, Great Malvern, Worcester; M.D. Edin. 1829; L.R.C.S.; formerly Fellow of the Royal Physical Society, Edinburgh; at present Fellow of the Royal Medico Chirurgical Society, London; Translated Tiedemain's Physiology of Man, 1834; Magendies Manual of New Remedies, 1835; Broussait's Lectures on General Pathology, 1833-34; Author of " Symptoms and Treatment of Neuropathy," 1837; "The simple Treatment of Diseases," 1842; "The Dangers of the Water Cure considered," 1843; "The Water Cure in Chronic Disease," 4 edits. GWILLIM, WILLIAM, Berbice Villa, Hereford; M.D., Erlangen, 1831 L.A.C.L., 1819; M.R.C.S.L., 1821. - HALE, ROBERT DOUGLAS, 3, Seymour Place, St. Leonard's-on-Sea, Sussex; M.D. St. Andrews 1835; M.R.C.S.E., 1839; L.A.S., 1842; Licentiate in Midwifery, Dublin, 1839; formerly Medical Officer, Norwich Homceopathic Dispensary; Member of the British Homomopathic Society. HANSON, GEORGE ff., Market Place, Nottingham; M.D., Glasgow; formerly one of the Physicians of the Leicester Homceopathic Dispensary; now Physician of the Nottingham Homoeopathic Dispensary. HANSON, SYDNEY, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire; M.D., Glasgow, 1843; formerly House Physician to the London Homoeopathic Medical Institution; now Physician to the Leicester Homeopathic Dispensary; MemLer of the Hahnemann Medical Society; and Fellow of the Statistical Society. HARRIS, HENRY BARHAM, David Place, St. Heliers, Jersey; M.D., Edin, 1839; formerly Physician to the Dumfries and Maxwell Town General Dispensary; Physician to the Hospital for Children and Aged Persons; now Physician to the Jersey Homrneopathic Institution; Fell. Roy. Bot. Soc., Edin.; Life Mem. Bot. Soc., London. HARRISON, WILLIAM PHILLIP, 107, Great Ducie Street, Manchester; M.PRC.S., Eng 1847; L.A.C., 1847; formerly House Surgeon to the Southern and Toxteth Hospital, Liverpool. HARTMANN, FRANCIS ALEXANDER, Surrey Street, Norwich, Norfolk; M.D., Leipsic, 1847; Member of the Homoeopathic Central Society, Germany: Hahnemann Medical Society; Physician to the Norfolk and Norwich Homceopathic Dispensary; Proved Myrthus Communis, Norwich Homceop. Journal, No. 2. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 61 HASTINGS, HUGH, 8, Cambray, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire; M.D., 1848; M.R.C.S., 1845; L.S.A., 1847; Licentiate in Midwifery, 1840; Contrib. to Homceop Times-" Mineral Waters Cure on the Principles of Homceopathy;" " Cases of Acute Rheumatism and Ophthalmia; " " Homceopathic Treatment, versus Allopathic; " " H-omoeopathy, versus Young Physic;" " Case of Lumbrici;" " Gonorrhoea cured by Catheterism;" " Paper on Puerperal Mania;" to Med. Times; " Inutility of non-Medical Coroners, and an extraordinary Verdict;" " Liberality of Medical Profession;" " Sal Volatile, versus Chloroform;" " Singular case of Hysteria and Catalepsy," &c., &c. HAYLE, THOMAS, 3, Jesmond Terrace, Newcastle-on -Tyne; M.D., Edin., 1837; L.R.C.S., Edin., 1829; Physician to the H-omoeopathic Dispensaries of Newcastle and Sunderland; Member of the Hahnemann Medical Society; Author of " An Address on the Homoeopathic System of Medicine," 1843; "Popular Lectures on Homceopathy," 1851; " Homeopathy, its nature and evidence, with a few words on small doses," 1850; Contrib, Articles to British Journal of Homeopathy and Homoeopathic Times. HENDERSON, WILLIAM, 61, Northumberland Street, Edinburgh; M.D. Edin., 1831; L.R.C.S.E., 1831; formerley Professor of Clinical Medicine, Edin. University; now Professor of General Pathology, Edinburgh; Author of "An Enquiry into the Homceopathic Practice of Medicine," 1845; and several articles in the British Journal of Homoeopathy;" " On Molluscum Contagiosum," on the Epidemic Fever of 1843; Contributions to Pathology and Practice; on the incompetency of the Aortic Valves, and on Substernal Aneurisms, in the Edin. Med. and Surg. Journal; on Laryngismus Stridulus, and on the Anatomy of Pneumonia; on the treatment of Acute Articuldr Rheumatism, with Opium; " On Dissecting Aneurism and Clinical Lectures on Aneurisms and Polypi of the heart," in the Edin. Monthly Journal; " On Digitalis in Diseases of the heart;" in the Northern Journal of Medicine, 1844; " On Acetate of Lead in Bronchitis;" in the Medical Gazette, and various articles in the British and Foreign Medical Review. HE-WITT, JOSEPH, 21, Camden Place, Bath, Somerset; M.D., St. Andrews, 1850; L.A.C., 1844; M.R.C.S., Eng. 1845; formerly Surgeon to the Kidderminster Dispensary; now Physician to the Bath Homoeopathic Dispensary; Member of the British H-omoeopathic and Hahnemann Medical Societies. HILBERS, GEORGE JAMES, 19, South Bedford Street, Liverpool, Lancashire; M.D., St. Andrews, 1845; M.R.C.S., 1841; L.A.C., 1842; Member of the British Homoeopathic Society. HITCHMAN, WILLIAM, High Street, Glastonbury, Somersetshire; M.D., Erlangen; M.R.C.S.L., 1844; Physician to the Homoeopathic Dispensary; formerly resident Medical Officer of the London Sanatarium, or 62 THE HOM(EOPATHIC Home in Sickness, Regents' Park; and for many years District Medical Officer of the Cirencester Union, and Surgeon to the Workhouse Infirmary; Author of "An Essay on the state of the Blood and Blood Vessels in Inflammation," Erlangen, 1851; Contributions to the Homceopathic Times, " What is Homeopathy," &c., 1852. HOLLAND, EDWARD, C., Yorkshire Street, Rochdale, Lancashire; M.R.C.S.L., and LA.C., 1833; formerly Surgeon to Districts, 3 and 10, H-oniton Union, Devonshire; now Surgeon to several Factories; Member of the Northern Homeopathic Medical Association; and Corresponding Member of the Medical Society of Paris. IRVINE, F. W., 6, South Parade, Leeds, Yorkshire; M.D., Edin. 1842; L R.C.S., Edin. 1842; Physician to the Leeds Homceopathic Dispensary; Contrib. " On Andral's Homceopathic Experiments."-British Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. VI. JOCE, JOHN, 2, Union Terrace, Barnstaple, Devon.; M.R.C.S., 1830; L.S.A, 1829; formerly Medical Officer to Districts of the Barnstaple Union; now Surgeon to the Barnstaple Homceopathic Dispensary; Member of the Hahnemanu Medical Society; Contrib. to Homceop. Times-" Statistics of Scarlet Fever;" " Treatment of Epilepsy;" to Lancet-" Reports, Medical and Surgical, from St. Bartholomew's Hospital." JOHNSON, WALTER, Umberslade Hall, near Birmingham, Warwick;M.D., London University, 1847, when awarded a Gold Medal in Medicine; two years before awarded Gold Medal for Materia Medica; formerly Medical Tutor, Guy's Hospital, 1849; Physician to the Hydropathic Institution, Wheelley's Road, Edgebaston, Birmingham; Assistant Physician to the Hydropathic Establishment, Umberslade Hall; Author of " Principles of Homoeopathy," 1852; "Essay on the Diseases of Young Women," 1849; "Hydropathic Statistics," 1851. KELSALL, HENRY, New Walk, Leicester; M.D., Glasgow, 1842; F.R.C.S., L.S.A.; formerly Surgeon, R.N.; Physician to the Hahnemann Hospital; Member of the Hahnemann Medical Society; Author of Manual of Homoopathy and Hydropathy, 1852; Contrib. "Paper on Cholera."-British Journal of Homoeopathy. KER, CLAUDIUS BUCHANAN, 20, Cambray, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire; M.D., Edin. 1844; Secretary to the Hahnemann Publishing Society; formerly Member of the British Homoeopathic Society; now of " Hahnemann Medical Society;" Contrib. several papers to British Journal of Homceopathy. KINGDON, BOUG-ITON, Upper Paul Street, Exeter, Devon.; L.A.C., 1842; Medical Associate, King's College, London; Author of " Vege-' table Organography, or Analytical Description of the Organs of Plants, 2 vols., two edits., 1839 and 1841; Contrib. several papers to Homceop. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 63 'Times; Articles' on subjects connected with Natural History, Botany, Horticulture, &c. in Gardeners' Chronicle, &c. KNOWLES, G. S., Wolverhampton, Staffordshire; M.D., Edin. 1851. LAURENCE, JOSEPH, Great Hampton Street, Birmingham, Warwick; M.R.C.S.E., 1832; L.S.A., 1832. LAWRIE, JAMES, 22, Rankeillor Street, Edinburgh; M.D, St. Andrews, 1845; L.R.C.S.E., 1828; Physician to the Edinburgh Southern Homeopathic Dispensary for Diseases of Women and Children; Member of the Northern Homceopathic Medical Association; Contrib. "' First impressions of Homceopathy."-British Journal of Homoeopathy. LAURIE, WILLIAM FORBES, Hydropathic Establishment, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, and 23, Argyle Street, Regent Street, London; M.D., Edin. 1838; L.R.C.S., Edin. 1838; L.S.A., 1838; formerly Medical Officer to the Houghton District of the Luton Union; Contrib. " On the Water Cure in Typhus Fever."-Homoeopathic Times. LOWDER, CHARLES D'OYLEY JOHN, John Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight; M.D., Edin. 1828; L.R.C.S., Edin. 1828; formerly Physician, Bailbrook Lunatic Asylum, Bath. LUTHER, WOLDEMAR, 111, Stephen's Green, West, Dublin; M.D., St. Andrews, 1847; formerly Physician to the York and Bath 'Homocopathic Dispensaries; now Physician to the Dispensary of the Irish Homoeopathic Society, Dublin; Member of the Irish Homoeopathic Society. LYSCIHINSKI ADAM, 10, Warriston Crescent, Edinburgh; M.D., Edin. 1837; L.R.C.S.E., 1837; Surgeon in charge of H.M. Transports to the Isle of Mauritius, 1838; Surgeon in charge of H.M. Troops to Madra, 1839; Medical Officer in the District of Tongue, in Sutherlandshire, 1828. MACDONALD, WILLIAM, St. Andrews; M.D., Edin. 11818; F.R.S.E., F.L.S., F.G.S., F.R.C.P.E., M.W.S., M.R.P.S., M.R.TM.S., Edin.; and Professor of Civil History in the United Colleges of St. Salvator; and St. Leonard, St. Andrews. McDOWALL, JOHN, 6, Chatham Street, Piccadilly, Manchester, Lancashire; M.D., Homceopathic College of Pennsylvania, 1851; late House Surgeon, now Dispensary Physician to the Manchester Homceopathic Institution. McGREGOR, JAMES B., 34, Upper Arthur Street, Belfast, Ireland L.R.C.S., Edin. 1838; formerly Surgeon of an East Indiaman. MACKINTOSH, CHARLES HILLS, 3, Higher Terrace, Torquay, Devon; extra Lic. Roy. Coll. Phys. London, 1841; M.R.C.S.E., 1830; L.S.A., 1829; Physician to the Torquay Homoeopathic Dispensary. 64 THE HOMMEOPATHIC MACKINTOSH, R. DUNCAN, 11, Dix Field, Exeter, Devon.; MD., Edin. 1799; formerly Physician to the Essex and Colchester Hospital; formerly President of the Colchester Literary and Philosophical Society; Member of the Roy. Coll. of Phys. London; Corresponding Member Roy. Med. Soc. Edin.; of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society, London; Literary and Philosophical Society, Li\vepool. MACLEOD, WILLIAM, Ben Rhydding, Ottley, Yorkshire; M.D., and F.R.C.P., Edin. 1841; formerly Lecturer on the Institutes of Medicine, Edin.; Physician to the Edinburgh Old Town Dispensary; now Physician to Ben Rhydding and the Ilkley Hydropathic Hospital; formerly Member of the Edinburgh Medico Chirurgical Society; at present Member of the Edinburgh Royal Medical Society; Author of "Treatment of Eruptive Diseases, by the Water Cure and Homosopathy;" and a letter to Professor J. Y. Simpson. MAC SWINNEY, JAMES, Galway, Ireland; L.A.C., Dublin; Contrib. " A case of Facial Erysipelas; and a Case of Cynanche Tonsillaris to Homoeopathic Times;'" proved The Diamond in 1846. MADDEN, HENRY R., 10, Pavilion Parade, Brighton, Sussex; M.D., Edin. 1839; L.R.C.S., Edin. 1838; Physician to the Brighton Homosopathic Dispensary; formerly Member of the Hunterian Medical Society, Edin.; now Member of the Hahnemann Medical Society; Author of " Homceopathy viewed in connection with Medical Reform," 1846; Contrib. since 1846, several papers to the British Journal of Homceopathy; and prior to 1844, several papers to the Quarterly Journal of Agriculture. MALRSDEN, JAMES LOFTUS, Great Malvern, Worcestershire; M.D. and F.R.C.S.E., 1836; Author of " Notes on Homoeopathy." MASSY, R. TUTHILL, Worcester; M.D., Glasgow, 1844; L.R.C.S.I., 1843; formerly Physician to the Exeter Homosopathic Dispensary; now Physician to the Worcester Homoeopathic Dispensary; Member of the Surgical Society of Ireland; and the Devon and Exeter Pathological Society; Author of "Mild Medicine in contradistinction to Severe Medicine; or Young and Old Physic," 1851; Contrib. Celt and Saxon Hand Homoeop. Times; a letter on the Famine Fever of 1847 -Dublin Quart Journal; Cholera and its Cures-Med. Times; "Injuries of the Head;" Papers read before the Devon and Exeter Pathological Society; " On Spongoid Inflammation;" Races of MenMed. Times; Sir C. Bell's Grave, and Dr. Steven's Study, with their different views on the Nervous System-Dub. Med. Press; Traumatic Fistula of Steno's Duet. cured-Provincial Med. and Surg. Journal MATTHEWS, JOHN, Dunham Terrace, Stretford New Road, Hulme, Manchester, Lancashire; M.D., Glasgow, 1830; formerly House Surgeon to the Manchester Homoeopathic Hospital and Dispensary; MAEDITCAL DTREC"TORTY. 65 now Physician to the Hulme Homoeopathic Dispensary; Contrib. to the Monthly Journal of Homceopathy, and Journal of Health and Disease. MAYNE, GEORGE, Ipswich, Suffolk, M.D. MICHELE, JOHN GEORGE DE, 10, St. James's Street, Brighton, Sussex; I.R.C.S., Eng. 1822; L.S.A., 1822; formerly Surgeon to the Parish of Farnham, Surrey, and Crondall, Hants; now Surgeon to the Brighton Homoeopathic Dispensary. MILLIN, EDWARD HENRY, 46, Waverley Street, Hull, Yorkshire; L.S.A., 1844; formerly in the H.E.L Service. MOORE, JOHN, 37, Great George Street, Liverpool, Lancashire; M.R.C.S., Eng. 1835; L.A.C,, 1834; Surgeon to the Liverpool Hommeopathic Dispensary; Member of the British Homoeopathic Society, and the Liverpool Medical Society; Author of "Homoeopathy briefly explained and compared with the ordinary system of Medical Treatment," 3 edits.; Contrib. "On Delirium Tremens"- British Journal of Homceopathy. MORGAN, WILLIAM ISAAC, 12, Lockyer Street, Plymouth, Devon; A.M., Dublin; M.D., Edin. 1815; Fellow of the King and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland; Corresponding Member of the Association of Members of the College of Physicians; and Fellow of the National Institute of America; formerly Physician to the Whitworth Free Hospital, Dublin; and to the Dublin General Dispensary. NEWMAN, GEORGE, 17, Queen Square, Bath, Somerset; M.R.C.S., Eng. 1835; L.S.A., 1835; formerly Medical Oflicer to the Glastonbury District of the Wells Union; dismissed in August, 1843, for practising Homoeopathy, and re-elected 1851; Member of the British Homoeopathic Society; Author of Exposition of Homoeopathy, 2 edits.; the Hommoopathic Family Assistant, 2 edits. NORTON, JOHN EDWARD, Grey Friars, Chester, Cheshire; M.D., St. Andrews, 1844; M.R.C.S.L., 1849; Physician to the Chester Homoeopathic Dispensary; Author of a Glance at Hahnemann and Homceopathy, a translation, 1845; a brief attempt to show the Truth and Value of Homoeopathy, 3 edits.; Homceopathic Family Medicine. O'ZANNE, JOHN, 24, Saumarez Street, Guernsey; M.D., Paris; Membcr of the British Homoeopathic and Hahnemann Medic. Societies; Contrib. many Articles to British Journal of Homoeopathy and Homeopathic Times. PAISLEY, JOHN F., 6, Queen Street, Edinburgh; M.D., Glasgow, 1840; formerly Physician to the Bowness and Grassmere Hydropathic Institutions; now Physician to the Edinburgh Hydropathic Institution. F 6( THE HOM(EOPATHIC PARcONz, P. P. I-H., Folkestone Road, Dover, Kent; M.R.C.S.L., 1814 Member of Hahnemann Medical Society. PARSONS, WILLIAM, Hockley Hill, Birmingham, Warwickshire; M.R.C.S.E.; Surg. to Birmingham Homoeopathic Dispensary. PEARCE, CHARLES THOMAS, Northamrpton; M.R.C.S., Eng.; Surgeon to the Northamptonshire Homceopathic Institution; Member of the Hahnemann Medical Society; late Secretary of the English Homceopathic Association; Joint Editor of the Homoeopathic Record, Northampton. PHILLIPS, EDWARD, 2, Arlington Place, Oxford Road, Manchester, Lancashire; M.R.C.S., Eng. 1843; Surgeon to the Manchester Homoeopathic Hospital. POPE, ALFRED CROSSBY, 60, Friargate, Derby; M.D., Hommoop. Med. College, Pennsylvania, 1852; formerly Resident Medical Officer of the Manchester Homceopathic Hospital and Dispensary; Contrib. " University of Edinburgh, and Candidates for their degree of M.D."-British Journal of Homoeopathy. POTTS, JOHN, Sunderland, Durham; M.R.C.S., Eng. 1836; L.S.A., 1836; formerly Medical Officer of the Darlington Union; and Grindon Hall Lunatic Asylum; now District Medical Officer of Sunderland Union. PRINCE, GEORGE KINGHORN, Park Villa, Bideford, North Devon; M.D., and M.R.C.S.E., Edin. 1822; L.A.C., 1837; formerly Assistant Surgeon, Island Militia, Kingston, Jamaica; Member of the Roy Med. Soc. Edin.; Hahnemann Society; and English Homoeopathic" Associatiou. RAMSBOTHAM, JOHN HODGSON, Vernon Terrace, Huddersfield7 Yorkshire; M.D., Erlangen, 1852; M.R.C.S., Eng. 1832; L.A.C. 1832; late Surgeon to the Royal Maternity Charity, London; Member of the British Homoeopathic, and Hahnemann Medical Societies. RANSFORD, CHARLES, 22, Bootham, York; M.D., Edin. 1833; L.R.C.S., Edin. 1833; F.L.C-P.E., 1835; formerly Examiner and Treasurer R.C.P., Edin.; Physician to the Edinburgh Western and Royal Dispensaries; now Physician to the York Homoeopathic Dispensary; extraordinary Member, and formerly President of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh; of the Harveian Society; and formerly Secretary of the Edin. Obstetric Society; Author of "Biographical Sketch of the late Robert Graham, M.D., Professor of Botany and Medicine, Edin. University;" "Reasons for embracing Homoeopathy," 3 edits.; " Battle of the Doctors, a letter to former Medical Friends." " On Carbonate of Ammonia in the Urine."-Edin. Med. and Surg. Journal; on the use of Cantharides in Bronchitis-Edin. Monthly Journal. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 67 REED, DAVID McCONNELL, New Found Pool, Hydropathic Institution near Leicester, and 42, Gloucester Place, Hyde Park Gardens, London Dr. 1848, and L.M. Havana, 1841; M.R.C.S.E., 1831; formerly Physician to the Seaman's Hospital at Port-au-Prince; now Physician to the Hydropathic Institution, Cheltenham. Author of " Fever Physiologically considered," London, 1846. Contrib. " A case of Tetanus treated successfully, by large doses of Opium, and counter spinal irritation," Jamaica Physical and Surgical Journal, 1834; " Observations on Cholera and on the Eclair," Med. Times, 1846; Report to H. M. Government, on the Commercial Resources of Porto Rico, 1843; quoted in the Report of the Secretary to the Board of Trade in both Houses of Parliament, in 1844. RIGG, CHARLES MERIT, Northampton; M.D. King's College and University, Aberdeen; formerly Surgeon of the Second, or Queen's Own Irish Lancers, in the service of the Queen of Spain. Member of the Academy of Madrid. Doct. Med. et Chir. Giessen. Fellow of the Royal Medico Botanical Society, London. Fellow of the Royal Physical Society, Edinburgh. ROCHE, JOHN, 63, Canning Street, Liverpool, Lancashire; M.D. Glasgow,. 1837; M.R.C.S., Dublin, 1836; formerly Surgeon Accoucheur to the Liverpool Lying-in Hospital; now Surgeon to the Liverpool Female Penitentiary, and to the self-supporting and free Homoeopathic Dispensary; formerly member of the Liverpool Philosophical Society; now member of the British Homceopathic Society. SCHOLEFIELD, WILLIAM W., 149, St. George's Road, Bolton-le.moorst Lancashire; M.R.C.S., Eng., 1848; formerly Assistant Surgeon to the Chorlton Union Workhouse, Manchester. SCOTT, GEDDES MACKENZIE, 80, Bath Street, Glasgow; A.M., Glasgow, 1825; M.D., Glasgow, 1836. Author of Homceopathy, a Thesis, 1837; Translation of Hahnemann's Spirit of the Homceopathic Doctrine, and Letter to Hufeland, 1838; Prize Essay, 1848; Three Lectures on the Elementary Principles of Homoeopathy, 1851, from the H-omoopathic Times. Contrib. Lectures on the History of Medicine, British Journal of Homceopathy, and various contributions to that Journal and the Homceopathic Times. SCRIVEN, WILLIAM B. B., 40, Stephen's Green, Dublin; AJB., and M.B., Trin. Coll., Dublin, 1840 and 1842; M.R.C.S., London, 1842; formerly Travelling Physician; now Physician to the Dispensary of the Irish Homoeopathic Society; Author of Homwopathy Briefly Explained, by a Practitioner, 1851. SHARP, WILLIAM, Rugby, Warwickshire; M.R.C.S,, Eng. 1827; L.S.A. 1826; formerly Senior Surgeon to the Bradford Infirmary; President of the Bradford Philosophical Society; now F.R.S., F.G.S., Fellow of the Royal Medico Chirurgical Society. Author of Practical Observations on Injuries of the Head, 1841. Tracts on Homoeopathy-1. What 68 THE HOMXEOPATHIC is Homceopathy? 2 edits. 1852.-2. Reply to Routh's Fallacies of Homceopathy, 1852.-3. Enquiry into the Truth of Homceopathy, 2 edits. Contrib. Articles to the British Journal of Homceopathy. " On Necrosis of the Lower Jaw." Medico Chirurg. Transact. Reports of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. SMART, JOHN CASS, 8, Huntress Row, Scarborough, Yorkshire; M.D., Heidelberg 1838; Extra Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, London, 1843; M.R.C.S., Eng.; L.A.C., 1837. SMITH, EDMUND, 6, Gell Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire; M.R.C.S.L., and L.A.C., 1827; formerly Surgeon in the Hudson Bay Company's Service. STEWART, GEORGE E., Dundee; M.D., Edinburgh, 1851; formerly House Surgeon to the Edinburgh Homceopathic Dispensary; Honorary member of the Literary Society of St. Andrews. Author of " Correspondence between Professor Christion, and Dr. G. E. Stewart," 1851. Contrib. "Record of cases treated in connection with the Homceopathic Dispensary, Edinburgh;" the British Journal of Homceopathy. STOKES, ADRIAN, 19, Bedford Street, Liverpool; M.D., Edin. 1844. STRONG, GEORGE, the Chase, Ross, Herefordshire; M.D., Edin. 1835; M.R.C.S., Edin. 1835; late Senior Physician to the Ross Dispensary; Author of the Heraldry of Herefordshire, Folio, 1848; Contrib. " Chronic Diseases;" " The Vital Principle"-to Homoeopathic Times; to Edin. Medical and Surgical Journal. SUTHERLAND, JOHN STUART, 17, York Terrace, Leamington, War. wickshire; M.D., St. Andrews, 1838; L.R.C.S., Edin. 1834; retired H.E.I.C.S.; Member of the Habnemann Society; Author of "1- Health, Disease, and Homceopathic Treatment;" Observations on the Medico Statistical Features of Upper Scinde," Calcutta, 1844; Contrib. " The Homoeopathic Treatment of Kidney Affections;"-to British Journal of Homceopathy; " A new species of Opium, called Hill Opium;"-to Northern Journal of Medicine; " Diagnostic and Therapeutic Remarks on Renal Elimination" to the Institute; republished in Braithwaite's Retrospect of Medicine, vol. XXIII. TATE, ROBERT STARK, 6, Fawcett Street, Sunderland, Durham; M.R.C.S., Eng. 1846; L.S.A., 1841; formerly Surgeon to the Monkwearmouth district of Sunderland Union; now Surgeon to the Bolton District of South Shields Union; Surgeon to the Sunderland House of Refuge; and to the Sunderland Homceopathic Dispensary. TOONE, JOHN, High Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire; M.R.,C S,, Eng. 1813; formerly Assistant Surgeon, Royal Navy. TROTMA.N, W. H., 27, Park Street, Bristol, Gloucestershire; Surgeon R.N., prior to 1815. MEDICAL 'DIRECTORY. 69 TUCKEY, CHARLES C., 1, Bow Lane, Fishergate Hill, Preston, Lancashire; A.B. & M.B., Univ., Dublin, 1841; L.R.C.S., Dublin, 1840; Licentiate of Midwifery, 1839; formerly Physician to Castletown Roche Dispensary; Resident Surgeon Manchester Homceopathic Hospital; Member of the Dublin Medico Chirurgical Society; now Member of the Northern Homoeopathic Medical Association. TURNER, DAVID, Keighley, Yorkshire; L.R.C.S., Edin. 1844. WALKER, ROBERT, 51, George Street, Manchester; M.D., St. Andrews' 1844; L.R.C.S., Edin. 1836; Physician to the Manchester Homceopathic Hospital and Dispensary; Contrib. Papers to British Journal of Homceopathy. WALTER, WILLIAM, 217, North Earl Street, Dublin, M.D. WALTERS, JOHN BUTLER, Upper Stone Street, Maidstoue, Kent; Batchelour of Medicine, and Licentiate of the South Eastern Lying-inHospital; Physician to the Maidstone Homoeopathic Institution and Dispensary, Upper Stone Street, Maidstone. WATSON, WILLIAM D., 12, Crouch Street, Colchester, Essex; L.R.C.S., Edin. 1815; formerly Army Surgeon; and late Staff Surgeon of Army in Spain; formerly Corresponding Member of the London Phrenological Society and Member of the Provincial, Medical, and Surgical Association; now Member of the British Homceopathic Medical Society; Author of "A Practical Treatise on the Hooping Cough;" " What is Homceopathy?" 2 edits.; Contrib. " Case of Croup;"--to Homoeop. Times; " Case of Uterine Hydatids Transact. of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association." WIELOBYCKI, DIONYSIUS, 55, Queen Street, Edinburgh; Ph. D. Berlin, 1837; M.D., Edin., 1843; formerly House Surgeon and Assistant to the Edin. General Lying-in Hospital; now Physician t; the Edinburgh Homoeopathic Dispensary; formerly Member of the Krakow Astronomical Institution; Edinburgh Hunterian Medical Society, and others; now Member of the British Homceopathic Society; Contrib. " A Puerperal Case, False Membrane in the Bladder;" " On Total Placental Presentation;" " Cases of Puerperal Convulsions;" " Phleginonous Erysipelas, with Sloughing during Pregnancy," and others, to the British Journal of Homceopathy. WILKINS, HENRY, 56, Park Street, Bristol; M.R.C.S., and L.A.C., 1832 WILLIS,:SHERLOCK, Shandon Manor House, Cheltenham; M.D., Oxon. WILMOT, PH. MANN, 84, Marland Place, Southampton; M.D., M.R.C.S., L.A.C. WRIGHT, JOHN ARMSTRONG, the Square, Halifax; M.D. Edin., 1827; L.R.S., Edin., 1827; L.A.C, 1830; Physician to the Halifax Homoeopathic Dispensary. WRIGHT, WILLIAM, Birkenhead; M.D., Edin., 1848; formerly Fellow of the Royal Botanical Society, Edinburgh. 70 THE HOMICEOPATHIC PROVINCIAL HOM(EOPATHIC HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES. BERKSHTIRE. Windsor Homoeopathic Dispensary, No. 4, Church Street. Instituted 1852. Physician, Dr. Boddy. Attendance, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 12 to 2 p.m. CHESHIRTE. Chester Homceopathic Dispensary, Bridge Street. Instituted, 1st April, 1851. Physician, Dr. Norton. Total Cases to 1st August, 1852, 1052. Attendance daily (Sunday excepted), at 9 a.m. Terms of admission, recommendation from a Subscriber, or weekly payment by the patient. DEVONSHIRE. Barnstaple Homoeopathic Dispensary, 45, High Street. Instituted, 10th March, 1851. Medical Officer, Mr. Joce. Total Cases to 1st August, 1852,.34 9. Attendance, Monday and Thursday, from 11 to 1 p.m. Admission by recommendation. Bideford Hommoopathic Medical Institution, High Street. Opened 1st July, 1852: Physician, Dr. Prince. Attendance, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, from 12 to 3 p.m. Admission by ticket from a Subscriber, or monthly subscription. Exeter Homoeopathic Dispensary. Instituted, January, 1849. Patron, Sir J. Kenuowey, Bart. Vice Patron, Sir C. Parker, Bart. Medical Officers, Dr. Guinness and Mr. Kingdon. Total Cases to 1stAugust, 1852, 1057. Attendance, Dr. Guinness Monday and Friday, Mr. Kingdon Tuesday and Saturday, at 10 a.m. Admission by Subscriber's recommendation, or quarterly subscription from patient. Torquay Homceopathic Dispensary, 6, Carey Parade. Instituted, March, 1848. Physician, Dr. Mackintosh. Total Cases to 1st August, 1852, 1145. Attendance, Tuesday and Friday, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Admission free. DURTHAM. Sunderland Homceopathic Dispensary, 60, Faucett Street. Instituted, 1st January, 1849. Total Cases to 1st August, 1852, 2287. Medical Officers attend-Dr. Hayle, Wednesday, 10 to 12 noon; Mr. Elliot, Friday, 2 to 4 p.m.; Mr. Tate, Saturday, 10 to 12 noon. Admission, by payment of 1s. per month. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 71 GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Cheltenham Homoeopathic Dispensary (private). Instituted, 1844. 'Physician, Dr. Ker. Total Cases 1500. Attendance on Tuesday and Friday, from 9 to 10 a.m. Bristol and Clifton Homoeopathic Dispensary, Upper Berkley Place,.Bristol. Instituted 1832. Medical Officers, Dr. Black, Messrs. Trotman, Gillow, and Wilkins. Attendance, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from half-past 1 to half-past 2 p.m. Admission by ticket. Southampton Homoeopathic Dispensary. Physician, Dr. Wilmot. Annual number of Cases 550. Attendance, Wednesday and Saturday, from 9 to 1 L a.m. Admission free. HEREFORDSHIRE. Ross. Dr. Strong maintains a private Homcmopathic Dispensary. KENT. Dover Homceopathic Dispensary, Castle Street. Instituted, Oct., 1850. Medical Officer, Mr. Parsorns. Total Cases to 1st Aug., 1852, 187. Attendance, Monday and Friday, at ten a.m. Admission gratuitous, or payment of 2s. 6d. per month. LANCASHIRE. Bolton Homoeopathic Dispensary, 8, Ward Street, Great Moor Street. Instituted, 28th October, 1851. Medical Officer, Mr. Scholefield. Total Cases to 1st August, 1852, 288. Attendance, Tuesday and Thursday, from "10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and Saturday, from 3 to 5 p.m. Admission by Subscriber's recommendation, or payment of 2s. per month. Liverpool Homeopathic Dispensary, 2, Harford Street, Mount Pleasant. Instituted 1st November, 1841. Medical Officers, Dr. Drysdale, Dr. Hilbers, Mr. Moore, and Dr. Roche. Total Cases to 1st August, 1852, 27,450. Attendance, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Admission free. Self-supporting Dispensary, 3, Clarence Street. Manchester Homoeopathic Hospital and Dispensary, Bloom Street, Piccadilly. Dispensary, instituted, 1842; Hospital, 10th May, 1850. Medical Officers, Dr. Walker and Mr. Phillips. Dispensary Physician, Dr. McDowal. Resident Surgeon, Dr. C. Phillips. Chemist, Mr. Turner. Dispenser, Mr. Smith. In-patients, 342-of these, cured 130, relieved 153; discharged for irregular conduct 2; sent to workhouse I; no result 1; incurable 32; died 9; remaining in Hospital, 14. Term of admission of inpatients, payment of 5s. per week; out-patients 24,884, admission free, or if able, payment of is. per month. Attendance daily (Sunday excepted), from 8 to 10 a.m. Hulme Homoeopathic Dispensary, Great Jackson Street. Instituted, 1st July, 1852. Physician, Dr. Matthews. Total Cases to 1st Aug., 1852,, 273. Attendance, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, from halfpast 8 to 10 a.m. Admission, payment of Is. per month. 72 THE HOM(EOPATHIC Salford Homoeopathic Dispensary, St. Stephen Street. Instituted, 1851. Medical Officer, Mr. Harrison. Total Cases to 1st Aug., 1852, 400. Attendance, Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, from 5 to 6 p.m.; Friday, from 8 to 10 a.m. Admission, payment of Is. per month. Preston Homoeopathic Dispensary, Lancaster Road. Instituted, September, 1851. Physician, Dr. Tuckey. Total Cases to 1st Aug., 1852, 542. Attendance, Monday and Saturday, from 12 to 2 p.m. Admission free, or payment of 1s. to 2s. per month. LEICESTERSHIRE. Leicester Homceopathic Dispensary, London Road. Instituted, March, 1845. Physicians, Dr. Hanson and Dr. Keleall. Attendance daily, from 10 to 11. Admission by Subscriber's ticket, or by patient paying for medicine. NORFOLK. Norwich Homceopathic Dispensary, 8, York Place. Instituted, 1847. Physician, Dr. Bell. Average annual number of cures 400. Attendance, Monday and Friday, from 9 to 10 a.m. Attached to the Dispensary are a male and female ward, each containing three beds for in-patients. Terms of admission, payment of 5s. per week. Norfolk and Norwich Homoeopathic Dispensary: Surrey Street. Instituted, 22nd March, 1852. Physician, Dr. Hartmann. Attendance daily, (Wednesday excepted) from 9 to 10 a.m. Admission by recommendatiBn, or payment of medicine. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Northampton Homoeopathic Institution, Parade. Instituted, 1st Aug., 1851. Medical Officer, Mr. Pearce. No. of patients not known, but 4550 prescriptions issued. Attendance, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, from 9 to 11 a.m.; Wednesday and Saturday, from 12 to 3 p.m. Admission by a Subscriber's ticket, or a payment of 2s. 6d. per month. NORTHUMBERLAND. Northumberland and Newcastle Homoeopathic Dispensary, 4, Hood Street. Instituted, 1844. Medical Officers, Dr. Hayle and Mr. Elliot. Total Cases to 1st Aug., 1852, 7,162. Attendance, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, from 9 to 1 p.m. Admission free, or by payment of is. per month. NOTTINGHAsHmIE. Nottingham Homoeopathic Dispensary, Mansfield Road. Instituted, 1852. Physician, Dr. G. H. Hanson. Attendance, Wednesday and Saturday, from 8 to 10 a.m. Admission by a Subscriber's ticket, or payment of 2s. 6d. per month. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 73 SOMERSETSHIRE. Bath Homceopathic Dispensary, 52, New King Street. Physician, Dr. Hewitt. Attendance, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, from 11 a.m. to 12. Admission by a Subscriber's ticket, or payment of 2s. 6d. per month. Glastonbury Holnmopathic Dispensary. Instituted, 1843. Physician, Dr. Hitchman. Total Cases to 1st Aug., 1852, 12,753. Attendance, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 10 a.m. Admission free. Weston-Super-Mare Homoeopathic Dispensary. Instituted, 1st July, 1852. Physician, Dr. Cochran. Total Cases to 1st Aug., 126. Attendance, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 9 to 11 a.m. Admission, payment of Is. per month. SUSSEX. Brighton Homceopathic Dispensary, 6, Prince Albert Street. Instituted, 1844. Medical Officers, Dr. Madden and Mr. De Michele. Total Cases to 1st Aug., 1852, above 4000. Attendance from 9 to 10 a.m. Admission, the poor gratis; working classes, 5s. per quarter. SWvARWICKSHIRE. Birmingham Homoeopathic Dispensary, 13, Old Square. Instituted, 1847. Medical Officers, Dr. Fearon, Mr. Laurence, and Dr. Galloway. Avetage annual number of Cases 1750. Attendance daily, from 2 to 3 p.m. Admission by a Subscriber's recommendation, or payment of 2s. 6d. per month. WORCESTERSHIRE. Kidderminster Homceopathic Dispensary. Instituted, 17th July, 1847. Patrons, The Right Honourable Lord Foley, Sir Edward Blount, Bart. Physician, Dr. Massy. Total Cases, above 2000. Attendance on Thursday noon. Worcester Homomopathic Dispensary, Angel Place. Instituted, March, 1851. Physician, Dr. Massy. Total Cases to 1st August, 1852, 365. Attendance, Wednesday and Saturday, at noon. Admission, by payment of 2s. 6d. per month. YORKSHIRE. Doncaster, St. James's Hospital, Cleveland Street. The first stone was laid by Dr. Dunn, the founder, on the 26th May last, and it is expected the building will be ready for the reception of patients in January, 1853. It is a triangular-shaped building with the apex pointing towards the turnpike road to Sheffield, and the base abutting upon a reserved area of land which tnay be applied to the future extension of the edifice, if necessary. The prin - cipal front faces Cleveland-street, but the principal wards are lighted by large plate-glass windows looking out upon the turnpike road. The building is divided into two sections, one of which is for the accommodation of 74 THE HOMOEOPATHIC patients, the other for the officers and conveniences of the institution. The entrance is placed between these two leading compartments and is approached through a handsome porch of four arches, surmounted by a lofty turret provided with four circular apertures at the top for clock dials. The vestibule and staircase are immediately within the porch, the former being spacious and lofty, and the lat:er consisting of two flights of broad stone steps. In this, as in every other part of the edifice, the most excellent and efficient provision is made for warmth and ventilation. A box of coiled pipe, in connection with the heating apparatus, is situated at the bottom of the staircase, and diffuses a most agreeable warmth throughout this portion of the building. Fresh air is admitted by apertures all round the floors, and the vitiated atmosphere escapes through ventilators inserted in the ceiling. On the left-hand side of the entrance is situated the casualty ward-a lofty, spacious, well-lighted, and well-ventilated apartment, capable of holding eight beds, and provided with a recess near the window for facilitating sur.gical operations. This room occupies the whole area of the west-end of the building. On the right hand side of the entrance a short passage runs to the extremity of the building, on each side of which are arranged the surgeon's room, matron's room, porter's room, and kitchen; the latter is fur-: nished with proper apparatus for supplying the bath room with hot, warm, and tepid water, besides the usual culinary requisites. On the opposite side, but having no internal communication with the building, is placed the wash-- house; and there is also a store-room and pantry. The kitchen garden is situated at this end of the hospital, and we may here mention that the most: ample cellar room is provided under the building. On ascending the staircase, we find at the top of the first flight, and under the window which lights it, a large blank panel, in which is to be inserted a painting by Mr. H. Tilbury, of the town, representing " The Good Samaritan," or some other appropriate Scripture incident. On the second floor, the principal apartment corresponding with, and situated immediately over the casualty ward,.is adapted for a fever ward, or a supplementary casualty ward, as the exigencies of the case may require. It is also a spacious, lofty, well-lighted, and well-ventilated apartment, and capable of holding eight beds. These beds, we may state, will all consist of horse-hair mattresses, placed upon iron frames, each three feet wide and six feet six inches long, and it is intended that none but iron bedsteads shall be used throughout the institution. On the opposite side of the landing, a gallery runs to the end of the building corresponding with the passage below, and on each side are ranged the sleeping apartments of the surgeon, the matron, and the porter respectively. At the end of the gallery is situated a spacious room, which, on occasion, may be used as a female ward, there being sufficient accommodation for the matron and nurse in the apartment into which the ward immediately opens. We are informed that, if required, room could be made for as many as 21 beds in this institution, without intrenching upon the accommodation of the officers. On the north side of the gallery is the bath room, which will be provided with hot, warm, cold, and shower baths, which, we understand, will be available to the annual subscribers to the institution. On the south side of the landing a small room over the porch will be supplied with water, washing conveniences, &c., to obviate unnecessary journeys up and down MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 75 stairs. Above this apartment is placed another of the same dimensions, "which might be employed as a sleeping room, and above that is the clock turret, in which will be placed a clock with two illuminated dials, one facing St. Sepulchre Gate, Cleveland Street, &c., and the other, the Shakespeare's Head, and the new houses rising in the intervening space. The whole institution will be lighted with gas. The building will be warmed, as we have already intimated, by hot water circulating through pipes placed in every compartment of the building; underneath these pipes are placed the apertures for the admission of fresh air, which will thus be tempered as it ascends into the rooms, and will diffuse a uniform temperature throughout the edifice. In addition to the warming apparatus, fire-grates are placed in all of the rooms, to be in readiness, if necessary. The whole building is in fact replete with every convenience, and no one who inspects it cau doubt its fitness for the purposes for which it is designed, or the great utility it is calculated to be, not merely to the railway people, but to the town at large. Dr. Dunn has already secured the services of W. H. Denham, Esq., M.R.C.S. and L.A..C., as House Surgeon; Sergeant Lane, late of the 10th Light Dragoons (11 years clerk to the regiment), as House Porter; Mirs. Mullins, of Wadworth, as Matron; and supernumerary nurses will be engaged as required. Dr. Dunn will be the Consulting Physician and Surgeon, and have the general management of the institution. There will be eight beds in the: first instance, and others added as required. The total cost of the building and fittings will be about ~1,500. It has been insured under the special clause of the act of parliament exempting charitable buildings from the duty on such policies. The architect is Mr. G. Houghton; the contractor Mr. Elsworth; the clock and dials have been supplied by Mr. Woodmansey; the gas fittings by Mr. 'W. S. Smith; the stores, &c., by Mr. Farr; and the heating apparatus by Mr. Slater. We are requested to state that in all cases where serious accidents are sustained, patients will be admitted without the necessity of obtaining any previous recommendation. Halifax Homoeopathic Dispensary, 13, Square Road. Instituted, 15th April, 1850. Physicians, Dr. Ramsbotham and Dr. Wright. Average Annual Number of Cases 260. Attendance, Monday and Thursday, from 8 to 10 a.m. Admission by Subscriber's ticket. Hull Homoeopathic Dispensary, 51, Waterworks Street. Instituted, 1849. Physician, Dr. Atkin. Total Cases to 1st August, 1852, 2,377. Attendance, Tuesday and Friday, from 9 to 11 a.m. Admission by Subscriber's ticket, or a payment of Is. 6d. per month. Leeds Homceopathic Dispensary, 26 and 27, Oxford Street. Instituted, October, 1844. Medical Officers, Dr. Irvine and Dr. Craig. Total Cases to 1st Aug., 1852, 6,172. Attendance, two days, from 2 to 4 p.m., and two evenings, from 7 to 8. Admission by Subscriber's ticket and payment of a small subscription. York Homoeopathic Dispensary, 22, Bootham. Instituted, 10th Jan.' 1851. Physician, Dr. Ransford. Admission by ticket from a Subscriber' or payment of 2s. 6d. per month. 76 THE HOMCEOPATHIC Provincial Homoeopathic Societies. CHELTENHAM HOMO(EOPATHIC MEDICAL SOCIETY NORTI-IERN -IOM(EOPATHIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. President, Dr. Ramsbotham; General Secretary, Dr. Atkin; Local Secretary, Dr. Tuckey. This Association consists of qualified Medical Practitioners practising Homneopathy. It meets at least half yearly in some town in Lancashire or Yorkshire. Each member pays an annual subscription of 5s. The business of the meeting consists of communications on the progress of Homeopathy, practical papers, and discussions. Gentlemen desirous of joining the Society must transmit their names, with a recommendation, signed by two members of the Association to the General Secretary a month before the meeting. MEMBERS, Mr. Harrison, Manchester; Dr. Irvine, Leeds; Dr. McLeod, Benrhydding; Mr. Holland, Rochdale; Dr. Pope, Derby; Dr. Ramsbotham, Huddersfield; Dr. MacDowal, Manchester; Dr. Walker, Manchester; Dr. Atkin, Hull; Dr. Tuckey, Preston; Mr. Brady, Bradford Mr. Phillips, Manchester; Mr. Pearce, Northampton; Dr. Wright, Halifax; Dr. Cameron, Huddersfield; Dr. Craig, Leeds; Dr. Russell, London, Dr. Hayle, Newcastle; Dr. Dunn, Doncaster; Dr. Cockburn, Dundee; Mr. Alshorn, Edinburgh; Dr. Laurie, Edinburgh; Dr. Sutherland, Leamington; Mr. Sharp, Rugby; Dr. Lyschinski, Edinburgh; Mr. Scholefield, Bolton; Mr. Moore, Liverpool; Dr. Ransford, York; Mr. Grey, Bishopwearmouth; Dr. C. Phillips, Manchester; Dr. Dr sdale, Liverpool; Dr. Hilbers, Liverpool; iMr. Booth, Leeds, 1. The Association shall be called the Northern Medical Homeopathic Association. 2. The Association shall be composed of qualified Medical Practitioners practising Homceopathy. 3. The Association shall meet at least half yearly, in some town in Lancashire or Yorkshire. 4. At each meeting, the time and place of next meeting shall be appointed. 5. Each meeting shall choose a chairman, who shall hold the office and title of President until the next meeting. 6. The Association shall have two Secretaries. A General Secretary to be chosen annually, whose duties shall be to preserve the records of the association, minutes of meeting, &c,, and a Local Secretary to be chosen at MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 77 the preceding meeting to assist the General Secretary and make the requisite local arrangements for the meeting. 7. The Meetings shall be regulated by such laws as always govern public meetings-and five members shall be necessary to constitute a quorum at any meeting. 8. Each member shall pay an annual subscription of 5s,, to be paid to the General Secretary at the first annual meeting each year. 9. The business of the meeting shall consist of communications on the progress of homceopathy, practical papers and discussions. 10. Gentlemen desirous of becoming members of the association, must transmit their names, with a recommendation signed by two members of the association, to the General Secretary a month before the meeting. The application and recommendation shall be circulated with the notices; and thle admission shall take place by ballot at the next meeting-a majority of tvwo-thirds of the members present being necessary for election. 11. No alteration nor addition to the rules of the society shall be considered, unless notice of the proposed alteration, or addition, shall have been given a month before the Meeting to the General Secretary. The next meeting is to he held at Preston on the 5th January. Scottish Homoeopathic Dispensaries. Edinburgh Homeopathic Dispensary, 5, St. James' Square. Instituted, October, 1841. Medical Officers, Dr. Wielobycki and Dr. Lyschinski. Total number of cases treated to 1st August, 1852, 19,055. 'Attendance, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, from two to four o'clock, p.m. Admission free. Supported by private contributions. Southern Homceopathic Dispensary for Diseases of Women and Children, West Richmond Street, Edinburgh. Instituted, 1 st July, 1852. Total cases treated to 1st August, 1852, 94. Medieal Officers, Dr. Lawrie and Mr Allshorn. Attendance, Monday and Friday, from 1 to 3 p.m., and Wednesday, from 7 to 8 p.m. Admission free. Supported by voluntary contributions. Glasgow Homceopathic Dispensary, 74, Cambridge Street. Instituted, August, 1849. Medical Officer, Dr. 'Beilby. Attendance daily, (except Saturday.) Admission free. Supported by voluntary contributions. Dundee Homceopathic Dispensary, 14, New Inn Entry. Instituted, 16th June, 1849 Total cases to 1st August, 1852, 1835. Medical Officers, Dr. Cockburn and Dr. Stewart. Attendance, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 2 to 3 p.m. Admission free. Supported by private donations. THE HOMCEOPATHIC Irish Homoeopathic Dispensaries and Institutions. Dispensary of the Irish Homceopathic Society, 31, South Anin Street, Dublin. Instituted, 10th April, 1845. Total cases to 1st March, 1852, 2067. Medical Officers, Dr. Scriven, Dr. Luther, and Dr. Walker. Attendance daily, at 10 a m., and on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 4 p.m. Supported by voluntary subscriptions and monthly payments of 2s. 6d. Dublin Homeiopathic Institution and Dispensary, 122, Upper Abbey Street. Instituted, 1844. Average annual number of cases, 1000. Medical Officer, Dr. Blyth. Attendance, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, from 1 till 4 o'clock. Supported by voluntary subscriptions, and monthly payments from patients. Irish Homceopathic Society. This Society, which is composed chiefly of non-professional persons, was organized on the 10th April, 1845, principally with the view to secure, for the poor and needy, the benefits of a genuine homoeopathic treatment, and also by means of publications, addresses, &c., to aid in the general diffusion of Hahnemann's doctrines. During the past years of its existence the Society has been enabled to extend its benefits to many suffering individuals. And still further anticipates the establishment of an Hospital for the reception of acute cases of disease. The Society has published two editions of Dr. Luther's " Concise View," which has been reprinted in America, and translated into German and French. It has also published a pamphlet entitled " Homoeopathy briefly explained by a practitioner." Channel Island Homoeopathic Dispensaries. Jersey Homceopathic Institutiton. Instituted, 1849. Medical officer, Dr. Harris. Days of Attendance, Tuesdays and Fridays, from 12 to halfpast 2 p.m. Admission free. Supported by voluntary contributions Guernsey Homoeopathic Dispensary, 2 Clifton New Town. Instituted,. 1849. Medical Officers, Dr. Ozanne and J. Bellamy, Esq. Attendance daily, from 8 to 9 a.m. Supported partly by voluntary contributions, and partly by paying patients. Homceopathic Veterinary Surgeons. AUSTIN, GEORGE, 13, London; M.R.C.V.S., May 12th, 1847. Author of " Revision of Gunther's Veterinary Homceopathy," 1847. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 79 HAYCOCK, WILLIAM, Veterinary Institution, West Parade, Huddersfield, Member of the Edinburgh Veterinary College, 19th May, 1842. Contributed to the Veterinarian-(Lymphatitis and Megrims; Congestion of the Lungs; Typhoid Pneumonia; Phlebitis; Inflammation of the Bowels; Rheumamatism and Pleuritis; Puerpural Fever; Abscess of the Liver; Trachea and Rupture of the Stomach; Pupura Hamorrhagiea and Scarlatina ) Author of "Elements of Veterinary Homceopathy," 1852. Contributed to the British Journal of Homceopathy. Contributions to Veterinary Homceopathy-" On Irritation of the Bowels, with numerous cases and remarks." KNOWLES, MR., Jun., Chilham, near Canterbury. McTAGGERT, MR., Veterinary Surgeon, Lord Street, Halifax. MOORE, JAMES, Manchester, Veterinary Institution, Downing Street, Ardwick, Manchester; Member Edinburgh Veterinary College, April, 1837. Contributed to the Veterinarian(1845, " On Erysipelas and Scarlatina;" 1850, " Rabies in the Horse."):RUSH, JOHN, Eye, Suffolk. TVUIrt ian mu 4 64to ftil alfal Two affn* T| bical The Editor finds it impossible to give, as he intended, a complete list of the American and Continental practitioners and Homceopathic institutions in this year's publication-the short period which has elapsed since this volume was projected rendered it impossible to obtain the necessary information. The following lists, though very imperfect, are inserted:List of Homoeopathic Physicians in the State of New York and Principal Atlantic Cities. (From the North American Homeopathic Journal.) At an expenditure of considerable time and labour, we have procured the following list of the homoeopathic practitioners in the State of New York. We are sorry to say that it is quite imperfect, many names being undoubtedly omitted in those counties fiom which we have received none, or at least very imperfect returns. It presents, however, quite a formidable appearance, when we reflect that, ten years ago, there were not a dozen physicians in the State, and that we now count over three hundred legally qualifled practitioners. This number, however, does not by any means truly represent the actual progress and state of the homoeopathic art in the State of New York; for we learn from the reports that have been sent in to us that in nearly every county there are physicians who make a partial, sometimes secretly, a very extensive use of the homoeopathic remedies, and who desire earnestly to be homeopaths, but who have not the moral courage to announce themselves as such, and breast the persecution of their fellow practitioners. We are THE HOM(EOPATHIC MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 81 further informed that in those counties which are poorly -supplied with physicians of our school, there are numbers of lay practitioners, who,.from a sincere conviction of the excellence of the new system, do their best to relieve the sufferings of the sick until a professional man can find his way among them. To the best of our information, and we have taken great pains to secure accuracy in this matter, every person whose name is included in the following list, is an avowed homoeopathist, and either a graduate or a duly licensed physician. No returns have been received from Essex, Hamilton, Livingston, Orleans, Steuben, Sullivan, Warren and Yates counties. ALBANY COUNTT. Adams, Henry, Cohoes. Brooks, Pascal P., Albany. Cox, James W., Albany. Jones, Erasmus D., Albany. Paine, Henry D., Albany. Paine, Horace M., Albany. Paine, John A., Albany. Randel, William H., Albany. Springsteed, David, Albany. ALLEGANY COUNTY. Bailey, S., Little Genesee. Burdick, Edwin, Whitesville. Thorp, John H., Whitesville. BROOME COUNTY. Brown, -, Binyhampton. Brownson, -, Windsor. Doane, W. C., Binghampton. Hand, S. D., Binghampton. Mather, Thaddeus, Binghampton. Peabody, J. W., Vestal. Witherill, A..A., Union. CATTARAUGUS COUNTY. Morgan, L. M., Gowanda. Stone, Joshua, Randolph. CAYUGA COUNTY. Alley, William W., Moravia. Boyce, C. W., Auburn. McCarty, Lewis, Throopsvillc. Peterson, -, Springport. Potter, E. T. V., Moravia. Robinson, Horatio, Auburn. Robinson, Horatio, Jr., Auburn. Smith, E. P. K., Moravia. CHATAUQUE COUNTY. Bigelow, Alfred J., Mayville. Brown, ---, Sinclairville. Cook, Elihu G., Fredonia. Gray, Alfred W., Jamestown. Hedges, William S., Jamestown. Hopkins, -, Quincy. Kenyon, Lorenzo M., Westfield. Orms, Cornelius, Panama. Parker, Charles, Forestville. Philips, -, Sherman. Van Baren, R. F., Frewsburg, CHEMUNG COUNTY. Lewis, -, Jefferson. Minier, William E., Elmira. Towner, D. A., Elmira. CRENANGO COUNTY. Bruchhausen, Gaspard, Norwich. Cone, -, Coventry. Ow(n, J. N., Sherburne. Roberts, G. W., Greene. Whitney, --, Bainbridge. CLINTON COUNTY. Dewey, George A., Ellenburgh. Jounes, Reuben, Keesevillc. 82 THE HOM(EOPATHIC COLUMBIA COUNTY. Coburn, E. L., Ghent. Cook, A. P., Hudson. Perrine, IW. L. R., Hudson. Philips, John, Kinderhnok. Philips, -, Austerlitz. Van Vleck, -, Valatie. CORTLANDT COUNTY. Ball, Jay, Virgil. Browne, W. R., Homer. Hubbard, Henry C., Scott. DELAWARE COUNTY. Foote, S. H., Walton, New Road. Gorton, William R., Franklin. DUTCHESS COUNTY. Bartlett, -, Rhinebeck. Baxter, -, Fishkill. De La Montagnie, -, Fishkill. Hall, A., Pokeepsie. Haight, Charles, Pokeepsia. ERIE COUNTY. Ehrman, Lewis, Buffalo. Gray, Patrick W., Býffulo. H-aven, Simon Z., Buffalo. Lewis, Dioclesian, Buffalo. Lewis, George W., Buffalo. Marven, Harvey, Evans. Warner, N. H., Buffalo. FULTON COUNTY Berry, James, Gloversville. GENESEE COUNTY. Baker, J. F., Batavia. Blake-ley, J. M., Transit. Gage, J. L., Le Roy. McCall, S. H, Batavia. Sullings, Hervey, Batavia. GREENE COUNTY. Stevens, C. A, Coxsackie. BERKIMER COUNTY. Spencer Nathan, Hcrkimcr. JEFFERSON COUNTY. Bailey, Silas, Watertown. Kimball, Daniel T., Sackett's Harbor. Rosa, W. V. V., Watertown. Seymour, -, Smithville. Woodward, -,. Evans Mills. KING'S COUNTY. Brooklyn. Beebe, George R., 154, Atlantic. Burke, A. C., 127, Union. Bryant, J., 8, Clinton. Dunham, Carroll, 63, Warren. Guy, S. S., 184, Clinton. Hempel, C. J., 432, Atlantic. Hull, A. C., 76, State. King, 0. R., 16, Amity. Lodge, E. A., 1, Union Place. Moffatt, R. C., 182, Clinton. Newcomb, G. V., 72, Carlton Avenue. Orton, J. R., 378, Pacific. Rosman, R., 132, Henry. Rossiter, C. D., 178, Atlantic. Wells, P. P., 84, Clinton. Williamsburgh. Cox, George, 82, Fourth. Dickinson, -, 141, Fourth. Hanford, S. C., 440, Grand. Ward, -, 82, Fourth. Wright, -, 90, Fourth. LEWIS COUNTY. Adams, Ira, Stows Square. MADISON COUNTY. Barker, ---, Madison. Green,, Hamilton. HI-ays, F. B., Morrisville. Parker. C. M., De Ruyter, Rice, Fordyce, Cazenovia. Spooner, S., WPunpsville. MONROE COUNTY. Baldwin, David A., Rochester. Ball, A. R., Clarkson. Bennett, Hilem, Rochester. Biegler, Augustus P., Rochester. Hlarris, C. F., Brockport. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 83 Hurd, E. H, Rochester. Mahon, J. F., 9, Eighteenth Stfeet. Lewis, George, Rochester. Marcy, E. E. 115, Tenth Street. Lucky, S. M., Rochester. Morton, 111,, Amity Street. Mathews, M. M., Rochester. Mairs, J., 462, Broome Street. Peer, G. W., Rochester. Mayer, M. J., 526, Sixth Avenue. Schuch, Charles E, Rochester. McGonegal, H. G., 31, Grove Street. Smith, H. E., Rochester. McMurray, R., 169, East Broadway. MONTGOMERk COUNTY. McVickar, J. A., 838, Broadway. Phelps, Elias P., Fort Plain. Metcalf, J W., 31; St. Marks Place. l, Palmer, W.. C., 54, Rivington Street. NEW YORK CITY AND COUNTY. Palmer, M. W., 64, Rivington Street. Allen, J. H., 1, Washington Square. Peters, J. C., 742, Broadway. Anderson, M., 42, Walker Street. Quin, J. AM., 148, Ninth Street. Appleton, H. D., 88, Fourth Avenue. Reisig, A., 33, West Fourteenth Ball, A. S., 128, Bleecher Street. Street. Barlow, S. B., 222, 'Twelfth Street. Shepard, S. E., 171, Macdougal Street. Bartlett, E. H., 128, Bleecher Street. Sherrill, H., 513, H-udson Street. Bayard, E., 1, Waverly Place. Stearns, D. E., 19, West Twenty-seBeakley, G., 35, Clinton Place. cond Street. Beakley, J., 35, Clinton Place. Stewart, W., 141, Eighth Street. Belcher, G. E., 380, Fourth Street. Sullivan, J. L.. Bell, H. W., 55, -West Twenty-third anderburgh, F., 5, Great Jones Street. Street. Blakeney, J. T., 140, Greenwich Warner, L. T., 49, Lafayette Place. Avenue. Wescott, J., 34, Dominick Street. Bolles, R. M., 294, Fourth Street. West, E., 103, Fourth Avenue. Bowers, B. F., 124, Bleeelier Street. Wheeler, E. G.,145, West Seventeenth Bowers, J., 124, Bleecker Street. Street. Brown, E. V., 126, Eldridge Street.. Wilsey, F. L., 588, Houston, n. Channing, W. Broadway. Cook, E. D., 15, Eighth Avenue. Wilson, A. D,42, Walker Street. Croffut, J., 145, Avenue C. Worrall, I. G., 265, H-ouston Street. Curtis, J. T., 193, Bleecker Street. Wright, C., 61, West, Fourteentl Doyle, G. H., 7, Amos Street. Street. Dunnell, H. G., 53, Broome Street. Dutcher, B. C., 135, Grand Street. NIAGARA COUNTY. Evans, J. T.,. 218, East Broadway. Battey, B. A., Lockport. Freeman, A., 73, Fourth Avenue. Coman, J. W., Lockport. Freligh, M, 88, Prince Street. Harris,. C. F., Lockport. Gray, J. F.,49, Lafayette Place. Knapp, -, Royalton. Guernsey, E.,19, West Twenty-second Street. ONEIDA COUNTY Hallock, L., 103, Fourth Avenue. Bishop, Leverett, Sauquoit. Joslin, B. F., 122, Bleecker Street. Doty, Hilen, H., Vernon. Kellogg, E. M., 93, Fourth Avenue. Gross, J. E., Clinton. Kiersted, C., 227, I'est Thirtieth Humphreys, Frederick, Utica. Street. Kellogg, John L., Bridgewauter. Kinsley, H., 111, Amity Street. Munger, E. A., Waterville. Kirby, S. R., 72, Tenth Street. Norton, --, Vernon. 84 THE HOMMiOPATHIC Raymond, J. C., Utica. Scudder, Samuel 0., R~ome. Stewart, S. W., Utica. Wells, L. 13., Utica. ONONDAGA COUNrTY. Bigelow, J. G., Syracuse. Cator, H. H., Syracuse. Clary, Lyman, Syracuse. Hall, L1 B., Baidwinsville. Illoyt, William H., Salina. H-lurd, George, Fayetteville. Lathirop, D., Syracuse. Richardson, E. T., Syracuse. Seward, WV., Liverpool. ONTARIO COUNTY. Bennett, H. F., Canandaigua. Fleming, L. D., Canandaigua. H-owe, Israel, Ruslhville. White, Daniel, Geneva. Wilder, Louis, D. V., Geneva. ORANLGE COUNTY. Bradner, lireS., Scotchtoscn. Culbert, William A., Newburgh. Hotchkiss, -, Bloomingrave. Houghiton, A., St. Andrews. Bull. A. G., Newburgh. Jayne, --, Florida. Lawrence,----, Port Jarvis. Ostrum, -,Goslhen OSWEGO COUNTY. Allen, Joseph HI., Oswego City. Pool, Augustus, Oswego City. Potter, E. A., 0swego City. Weeks, Benjamlin, F'ulton. OTSEGO COUNTY. Blodgett, Thomas S., Cooperstown. Fox, C. W., 14orris. Peak, J. lil., Cooperstown. Stone, henry E., Otego. Sumner, Charles, Bu tternuts. PUTNAD1 COUNTY.,SloanD, Jaims D., Coldspriug IQUEEN'S COUNTY. Leggett, Charles J., Flushing. Valx, W., Flushing. Wright, ---, lNewtown. RENSSELAER COUNTY. Bloss, Richard, Tray. Bryan, R. S., Tro'y. Cook, S. A., Trog. Mosier, J. P., Schagtieohe. RICHMOND COUNTY. Donovan, Thomas W., Quarantine. ROCKLAND COUNTY. Gov-an, William, North EHaverstrazo. Lilienthal, Samuel, IHaversto-aw..SARATOGA COUNTY. Clements, J., Victoryville. Comastock, -, iVfechanicsville. Cornell, Benj. F., Mfore'au Slation Easton D. J., Saratoga Springs. Harris, -, Ballston Spa. Perkins, S. G., Wccteoford. SCOEARIE COUNTY..Osborn, 0., Schoharie. Patrick, Abram, East Gobblesh-ill. SENECA COUNTY. Childs, Amherst, Waterloo. Eddy, H. L., ('anogo Village. Heath, H. H., Seneca F als. Swift, Charles E., Farneersville. SUFFOLK COUNTY., Bowers, Josiah, Jr., Sinitletown. TIOGA COUNTY. Armstrong, -, Spoeedsvitle. Corbin, E. L., if~averley. Chamnplin, E. 1+1., On1ego. Lovejoy, E., Owego. Peabody, - -, Ve st(al. Sprague, E. B., Oweego. TOMPKINS COUNTY. Barr, --, Ludiowe-vlte.' MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 85 Hewitt, -, - Medlenb.rg. Morgan, E. J., Ithaca. Sibley, S. Lewis, Ithaca. Talmadge, Rufus, Enfield. Wager, J. L., Ithaca. ULSTER COUNTY. Crispell, G. D., Kingston. Everett, Daniel L., Modena. Nelson, Thomas J., Kingston. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Cole, E. B:, Easton. Hull, --, Whitehall, Kendrick, --, Granville. Mason, --, alesville. Searle, --, Granville. Wolcott, W. G., Whitehall. Wright, William, Cambridge. PRACTITIONERS IN THE BOSTON AND VICINITY. Birnstill, J., Boston. Capen, Robert, Boston. Chase, Hiram L., Cambridgeport. Clark, Luther, Boston. Cutler, William W., Boston. Flagg, Joseph F., Boston. Geist, C. F., Boston. Gregg, Samuel, Boston. Lindsay, Albert, Roxbury. Neilson, J. C., Chiarlestown. Nichols, J. S., E. Boston. Osgood, David, Boston. Russel, George, Boston. Saunders, O. S., Boston. Tarbell, John A., Boston. Thayer, David, Boston. Train, H. D., Roxbury. Wales, Thomas B., Boston. Wesselhoeft, William, Boston. Weymouth, A. L., Boston. STATE OP RHODE ISLAND. Barrows, Ira, Providence. Crocker, Isaac S., Providence. Clark, Peleg, Coventry. DeWolf, John J., Providence. Greene, Daniel H., E. Greenwich. Gale, Ampry, Woonsocket. Hoppin, Washington, Providence. McKnight, Chas. G., Providence. Manchester, Chas. P., Pawtucket, Okie, Abraham H., Providence. Preston, Henry C., Providence. Wheaton, James S., Pawtucket. WAYNE COUNTY. Chase, D., Palmyra. Childs, -, Clyde. Moore, Samuel, Lyons. Sherman, Stephen, Lyons. Throop, B., Palmyra. WESTCHESTER COUNTY. Ely, --, Dobbs Ferry. Flagg, --, Yonkers. Woodward, J. W., G'eensburgh. WYOMING COUNTY. Blanchard, H. C., Warsaw. Crossfield, C. C., Attica. Dake, C. A., Warsaw. PRINCIPAL ATLANTIC CITIES. PHILADELPHIA. Allibone, -- Lee, J. K. Anderson, M. Lippe, A. Ashton, A. H. Loomis, J. G. Berens, B. Metcalf, William. Berens, J. Neidhard, C. Bloede, C. Nichols, H. F. Brown, W. Pearson, S. A. Cooley, E. Pearson, J. G. Coxe, J. R., Jr. Pfeiffer, G. F. S. Dubs, S. R. Powers, -- Duhring, G. Randal, J. M. Esrey, W. P. Reed, W. A. Evans, R. T. Riehle, W. B. Fellger, A. Schmole, H. Freedley, S. Schmole, W. Gardiner, Dan. Semple, M. Gardiner, R. Sheek, J. F. Gardiner, W. A. Sims, F. Gilman, J. B. Small, A. E. Helmuth, W. S, Steck, J. H. Hering, C. Stiles, W. Howard, J. G. Thomas, R. W. Ihrie, R. R. Toothacher, C. E. Jeanes, J. Waters, G. H. Kitchen, J. Williamson, W. Koch, A. Withby, Saml. J. Kruger, G. H. BALTIMORE. Cyriax, - Miller, -- Hammond, M. Raborg, C. IHaynel, A. F. Schmidt, J. Martin, J. Lloyd. Wiener, M. McManus, F. R. Zumbroeck, Anthy. WASHINGTON. Green, J. Piper, J. R. 86 THE HOM(EOPATHIC American Homoeopathic Colleges, Hospitals, and Dispensaries. HOM(EOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE OF PENNSYLVANIA. Located in Filbert Street, above Eleventh, Philadelphia. This School was chartered by the Legislature of Pennsylvania about five years ago, and with the same rights and privileges guaranteed to it as to the Medical department of the University of Pennsylvania. The Faculty was formed in the fall of 1848, and the first course of instruction was given during the latter part of that year and the beginning of the next. The School has prospered beyond all precedent since its establishment. Its first class numbering sixteen Students, and its last ninety-three. The College edifice is large and commodious, and has an extensive Museum of apparatus, designed to assist the Student in his studies, and the several Professors in delineating their respective courses of instruction. FACULTY OF MEDICINE. WALTER WILLIAMSON, M.D., Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. WM. S. HELMUTH, M.D., Professor of Homceopathic Institutes' Pathology, and the Practice of Medicine. JOSEPHi G. LooMIs, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics and the Diseases of Women and Children. ALVAN E. SMALL, M.D., Professor of Physiology and Medical Jurisprudence. MATTHEW SEMPLE, M.D., Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology. FRANCIs SIMs, M.D., Professor of Surgery, its Principles and Practice. WILLIAM A. GARDDIER, M.D., Professor of Anatomy, General and Special. REGULATIONS OF THE COLLEGE. The affairs of the Institution ape under the control of a Board of Managers, consisting of the President of the College and twelve gentlemen, elected annually by the Corporation. The Faculty shall have authority to elect their own officers, consisting of a President and Dean, hold meetings for the purpose of arranging and conducting the business of their department, and for the preservation of order and decorum among the medical students. The Winter Course of Medical Lectures will begin annually on the second Monday in October, and end about the first of March ensuing. Graduates of respectable Medical Schools shall be permitted to attend the Lectures of the College free of expense, except the payment of the Matriculation Fee. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 87 A candidate for graduation must be of good moral character, and be possessed of sufficient preliminary education; have attained the age of twenty-one years, have applied himself to the study of medicine for three years, attended two courses of medical lectures, the last of which must have been in this Institution; and have been, during that time, the private pupil, for two years, of a respectable practitioner of medicine. Students who have attended one complete course of Lectures in another Medical School, may become candidates by attendance upon one full course in this Institution. The candidate, when making application for an examination, must exhibit his tickets to the Dean, or give other satisfaotory evidence to the Faculty to prove that the above regulations have been complied with. Special examinations in particular cases may be had, with the consent of the Faculty. The examination of the candidates for graduation will begin about the middle of February; and the commencement for conferring the Degree of the College shall be held by a special mandamus of the Board of Managers, as soon after the close of the Lectures as practicable. The candidate, on or before the first of February, must deliver to the Dean of the Faculty a thesis, composed by himself, and in his own handwriting, on some medical subject, which shall be referred to one of the Professors for examination. The Essay must be written on thesis paper, of a uniform size, the alternate pages being left blank. A thesis may be published by the candidate, permission of the Medical Faculty being first obtained. The candidate shall pay the fees of graduation at the time of presenting his thesis, and in the event of his rejection, the money shall be returned to him. The order of the examinations of the candidates shall be determined numerically by lot. The examination shall be conducted in private by each Professor, and the voting in the case of every candidate shall be by ballot. A student receiving two-thirds of the whole vote of the Faculty, shall be considered as having passed. If, in the opinion of the Faculty, a candidate would be very much benefitted by attending another course of lectures, of which the Dean will inform him, he may withdraw his thesis without being considered as rejected. If a candidate should not be successful in the first ballot, and one or more of the Professors have any remarks to make in relation to his qualifications, they shall be heard, and if the case demands it, a second vote may be taken. In unsatisfactory cases, the candidate may avail himself of a second examination before the whole Faculty, with their consent. Formal notice of the successful examination shall be given by the Dean to the passed candidates, each of whom shall record his name and address upon the Register of Graduates, with the title of his thesis. The names of the passed candidates are to be reported by the Dean to the President, who will communicate such report to the Board of Managers, in order, if approved by them, their mandamus be issued for conferring the degree. 88 THE HIOM(EOPATHIC A passed candidate shall not absent himself from the commencement without the permission of the Faculty. DOLLARS, Amount of Fees for a full Course of Lectures................... 100 00 Matriculation Fee (paid once only)............................... 5 00 Practical Anatomy................................................. 10 00 Graduation Fee...................................................... 30 00 Fee for Students who have attended two full Coursesin another medical school......................................... 30 00 -The Matriculation ticket must first be obtained of the Dean, before any other tickets can be purchased. The tickets must be taken by the first Monday in November, except in special cases, to constitute a fall course. Students who have attended two full courses of instruction in this Institution, or one full course in this school, and one or more in another respectable medical school, shall be admitted to the subsequent courses of the College without further charge. The Medical Faculty shall have authority to consider and decide upon cases of special application for admission to the lectures. Students will be admitted to the Homceopathic Hospital, to receive Clinical Instruction and witness treatment at the bedside of the Patients, and surgical practice and operations. For public information, address WILLIAM A. GARDINER, M.D., No. 303, Arch Street, Philadelphia, Dean of the Medical Faculty. GRADUATES OF 1849. At a Public Commencement, held March 15th, 1849, the Degree of the College was conferred by the Hon. A. V. Parsons, President, upon the following gentlemen:Name. Residence. Subject of Thesis. Clark, Joseph K., Massachusetts, Homceopathy. Davis, Henry F., Ohio, Symptoms of the Ear. - Engle, Nathan S., New Jersey, Menstruation. Gardiner, Daniel R., Philadelphia, Pleuritis. Hall, E. Bentley, New Jersey, Scudder, Samuel 0., New York, Evils of excessive indulgence in Venery. GRADUATES OF 1850. At a Public Commencement, held March 2nd, 1850, in the Musical Fund Hall, the Degree of the College was conferred by the Hon. A. V. Parsons, President, upon the following gentlemen: MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 89 Name. Bacon, Ebenezer, I-H. Bigler, George W., Chittenden, George W., Coxe, John Redman, Jr. Dodge, Lewis, Frost, James H. P., Gardiner, Richard, Gross, James E., Hoppin, Washington, Humphreys, Frederick, Janney, Daniel, Leonard, Ezra, Loomis, Joseph G., Luyties, D. R., Munsey, Barton, Peirce, Thomas A., Sheek, Jacob Fred., Shultz, Jonas Y., Williams, Theodore S., Wright, Augustus S., Residence. Subject of Thesis. Maine, Tubercular Phthisis Maryland, Strumous Diathesis Wisconsin, Inhalation of Medicine. Philadelphia, Inflammation. Michigan, Coinciding tendency of Medicine Maine, Origin & Philosophy of Disease Philadelphia, Use of Forceps. Maine, Homceopathic Treatment of Dysentery Rhode Island, Infinitesimal Doses and their Rationale of Action. New York, Posology. Virginia, Puerperal Fever. New York, Relations of Pathology and Practice. Ditto, Philadelnhia, Chloroform. North Carolina, Scarlet Fever. Maine, Croup. Philadelphia, Yellow Fever. Pennsylvania, Bilious Remittent Fever. Ditto, Effects of Opium. Ohio, Cholera GRADUATES OF 1851. At a Public Commencement, held March 3rd, 1851, in the Musical Fund Hall, the Degree of the College was conferred by the Hon. A. V. Parsons, President, upon the following gentlemen: Name. Armor, Smith, Armor, Thomas, Barton, Joseph, Bauer, George Joseph, Bigelow, Joshua Gregory, Comstock, T. Griswold, Crocker, Isaac Senter, Gushing, John J., Dake, Jabez P., Dowdall, P. Bower, Geiger, Charles A., Henry, John H., Holmes, William H., Howard, John G., Laurie, Joseph, Lee, John K.,. Residence. Subject of Thesis. Delaware, Hygiene. Delaware, Erysipelas. Pennsylvania, Angina Pectoris. Ohio, Digestion and' Nutrition. New York, Dysentery. Missouri, Rhode Island, Pleuritis. Rhode Island, Epidemic Dysentery. Pennsylvania, Medicinal Forces. Virginia, Calomel. Maryland, Dysentery. Alabama, The Science of Medicine. Ohio, Typhoid Bilious Pneumonia. Philadelphia, Yellow Fever. London, Eng., Antagonism to new medical theories. Pennsylvania, Homoeopathy,-its progress and destiny. 06 Name. Lindsay, Albert, McDowall, John, Merriman, Charles L., Minier, William S., Mulford, Joseph L., Pratt, David S., Raymond, Jonas C., Ring, Hamilton, THE HOMlEOPATHIC Residence. Subject cf Thesis. Massachusetts, Present position of Medical Science. Manchester, Eng. Manchester Dispensary. Michigan, Life. New York, Hepatitis. New Jersey, Boletus Laricis. Pennsylvania, Intermittent Fevers. New York, Croup. Maryland, The Path. and Mat. Med. of Homceopathy. Pennsylvania, Arsenicum Metallicum. Vermont, Secretions and certain Urinary Diseases. Missouri, Massachusetts, Dyspepsia. Pennsylvania, Cynanche Trachealis. Stevenson, T. Collins, Toothaker, Chas. Everett, Yastine, Thos. Jefferson, Wilder, Daniel, Williams, George C., GRADUATES IN 1852. The Degree of the College was conferred on 31 gentlemen, but the list of the names has not been received. THE HOM(EOPATHIC HOSPITAL OF PENNSYLVANIA. Located in Philadelphia. This Institution was chartered in 1850, and was opened for the reception of patients in October of 1852. Under the direction of its efficient Board of Managers provision has been made for about sixty beds, equally distributed to the Medical, Surgical, and Obstetrical Wards. President of the Board of Managers.-VINCENT LE BRADFORD, EsQ. Secretary.-ADOLPHUS H. ASHTON, M.D. Attending Physicians.-RICHARD GARDINER, M.D.; JAMES KITCHEN, M.D.; WM. S. HELMUTH, M.D.; A. E. STALLa, M.D. Attending Surgeons.-FRANCIS SIMs, M.D.; WM. A. GARDINER, M.D. Attending Obstricians.-WALTER WILLIAMSON, M.D.; JOSEPH- G. Loois, M.D. WESTERN COLLEGE OF HOM(EOPATHIC MEDICINE, CLEVELAND, OHIO. The Second Annual Course of Lectures in the Western College of Homcoopathic Medicine, will commence on Monday, November 3rd, and continue sixteen weeks. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 91 A new Chair has been added to the Faculty during the past summer; and it is believed that the facilities for obtaining a thorough instruction in 'Medical Science, are not surpassed by any School in this country. The faculty of Instruction are as follows:STORn ROSA, M.D., Professor of Midwifery and Diseases of Women and Children. CI-lAS. D. WILLIAMS, M.D., Professor of Institutes and Practice of Homwoopathy. B. L. HILL, M.D., Professor of Principles and Practice of Surgery. LEWIS DODGE, M.D., Professor of Materia Medica and Medical Jurisprudence. HAMILTON L. SMrIr, A.M., M.D., Prof. of Chemistry and Toxicology. EDWINr C. WITHERELL, Prof. of Anatomy. HORATIO P. GATCHELL, M.D., Prof. of Physiology and Hygeine. JEHU BRAINERD, A.M., Prof. of Physical Science. WM. OWENS, M D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. DOLLARS. Fee for the entire Course of Lectures.................. 55 00 Students of two full Courses in other Colleges...... 20 00 Matriculation Fee....................................... 5 00 Demonstrator's Ticket (imperative to all Candidates for graduation)................................ 5 00 Graduation Fee....................................... 20 00 Graduates of respectable Medical Schools are admitted to the Course on payment of Matriculation Fee only. Good Board, including room, fuel and lights, can be obtained from 1 50 to 2 50 dollars per week. A Medical and Surgical Clinic is connected with the College, and facilities will be afforded for-the study of Microscopic Anatomy. For further information, address C. D. WILLIam S, M.D., Dean of the Faculty; or Prof. H. L. SMrrH, Cleveland, Ohio. NEW YORK HOM(EOPATHIC DISPENSARY. Established, October 1st, 1845. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Benjamin R. Winthrop, President, 10, Wall Street. N. N. Halsted, First Vice-President, 23, William Street. W. H. Macy, Second Vice-President, 189, Front Street. Thomas Denny, Treasurer, 8, Jauncey Court, Wall Street. Wm. K. Lowthrop, Secretary, 46, Water Street. Jona Sturges, 125, Front Street. J. R. Leroy, 26, Lafayette Place. Wm. 0. Bryant, 18, Nassau Street. Wilson G. Hunt, 80, William Street. Roe Lockwood, 411, Broadway. THE HOMLEOPATHIC P. S. Van Rensselaer, 18, Wall Street. Henry James, 58, West 14th Street. Samuel R. Betts, 16, St. Mark's Place. John W. Edwards, 80, Lexinton Avenue. Stephen Cambreleng, 18, Wall Street. Orsamus Bushnell, 20, Nassau Street. W. W. T. Greenway, 45, Broadway. John T. Adams, 89, Wall Street. John T. Bruce, 175, Pearl Street. John Gray, 210, East Broadway. J. S. Harberger, 40, Wall Street. A. Thornton, 94, Pearl Street. George Platt, 53, (Broadway. G. C. Satterlee, 54, Wall Street. J. T. S. Smith, 488, Broadway. R. M. Stratton, 242, Water Street. A. W. Sus, 119, Pearl Street. Isaac C. Kendall, 139, Broadway. A. J. T. Giraud, 42, Fourth Street. Joshua L. Pope, 98, Pine Street. R. W. Heurtley, 109, Water Street. J. J. Hyde, 21, Maiden Lane. W. F. Van Wagenen, 54 and 56, Exchange Place. Archd. Russel, 45, Tenth Street. Daniel C. Halsted, 119, Maiden Lanie. MEDICAL OFFICERS OF THE DISPENSARY. ATTENDING PHYSICIANS. J. M. Allen, M.D., 1, Washington Square. H. D. Appleton, M.D., 88, Fourth Avenue. E H. Bartlett, M. D., 128, Bleecker Street. Jacob Beakley, M.D., 35, Clinton Place. E. V.. Brown, M.D., 126, Eldridge Street. J. T. Curtis, M.D., 193, Bleecker Street. M. Freelish, M.D., 88, Prince Street. E. Guernsey, M.D., 19, West Twenty-second Street. C. Kiersted, M.D., 227, West Thirtieth Street. H. Kinsley, M.D., 111, Amity Street. S. R. Kirby, M.D., 72, Tenth Street. James Mairs, M.D., 462, Broom Street. J. W. Metcalf, M.D, 81, St. Mark's Place. J. C. Peters, M.D., 742, Broadway. A. Reisig, M.D., 33, West Fourteenth Street. WV. Stewart, M.D., 141, Eighth Street. L. T. Warner, M.D., 49, Lafayette Place. J. A. McVicar, M.D., 838,'Broadway. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 93 CONSULTING PHYSICIANS. John F. Gray, M.D., 49, Lafayette Place. E. Bayard, M.D., 1, Waverly Place. F. Vanderburgh, M.D., 5, Great Jones Street. A. Gerard Hull, M.D., 49, Lafayette Place. R. M. Bolles, M.D., 249, Fourth Street. A. D. Wilson, M.D., 42, Walker Street. PHARMACEUTIST. John T. S. Smith, 488, Broadway. ANNUAL NUMBER OF CASES. 1845--Prescriptions.......................... 211 1846-,,.......................... 849 1847-,,......................... 1,103 1848 -,,.......................... 1,789 1849-,,......................... 2,525 1850--,,...................... 2,711 1851-,,...................... 2,931 In 1851-1,323 cases were treated, of which 647 cured or much relieved, 45 not much benefitted, 506 cases of acute and not severe disease received but two or three prescriptions. 125 still under treatment. THE PROTESTANT HALF ORPHAN ASYLUM, New York, has been under Homceopathic treatment for ten years. From August 1842 to 1848, this Institution was under the care of Dr. Wright, with the following result:Year. No. of Cases. Cured. Died. 1842-3..... 421... 413... 1 1844......... 168... 154.. 2 1845......... 142... 139... 0 1846........ 145... 142... 1 1847......... 177... 172.. 1 52 years. 1053 1020 5 From 1848 to 1852, the Institution has been under the care of Dr. Bowles, with the following result:No. of Cases. Cured. Under treatlment Died. 838 767 52 1 94 THE J1OMCEOPATHIC THE HOME OF THE FRIENDLESS, NEW YORK, has been under Homoeopathic treatment one year, in charge of Drs. Appleton, Bartlett, and Stewart, assisted by Drs. Ball and Peters, with the following result:No. of Cases. Cured. Under treatment208 191 17 American Homoeopathic Societies and Institutions. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOM(EOPATHY, Established April 10th, 1,844. This Association is composed of nearly 300 duly qualified Homceopathic medical practitioners, residing in various parts of the United States. The main object of the Society is to improve and consolidate the art of medicine, and to secure,-by means of successive and extensive experiment,-a sound and permanent Materia Medica. The Society has, year by year, reported much useful and interesting information on the therapeutic properties of certain American plants, the medicinal powers of which had hitherto been unknown, and which are published in the 'Transactions of the Institute.' An Annual Session of the Institute is held in some important town in the States, when an address is delivered to the members, and the interests of Homoeopathy, both past and anticipated, are freely discussed. Each member is expected to make some written communication on the subject of Hommoopathy at every general meeting, and also to make trials of drugs upon. himself. The Society is governed by the following officers:President.-E. T. Foote, Esq., M.D., of New Haven. General Secretary.-William A. Gardiner, Esq., M.D., Philadelphia. Provisional Secretary.-S. S. Guy, Esq., M.D., Brooklyn. Treasurer.-S. R. Kirby, Esq., M.D., New York. The next annual meeting of the Institute will be held in Cleveland, Ohio, on the second Wednesday in June, 1853, at ten o'clock, a.m., when Dr. Bayard,. of New York, will deliver the-yearly address. The following. is a list of the MEMBERS OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR 1851 -The Asterisk (*) denotes Deceased. A Abbott, Jelliel, M.D., Westfield, Mass. Adams, Henry, M.D., Glen Falls, N. Y. Adtams, R. E. W., M.D., Texas, MEDICAL DERECTORY. Anderson, Mbf MN.D., Philadelphia. Andrews, J. R., M.D., Camden, N. J. Annir, J. D., M.D., Newark, N. J. "*Atwood, M., M.D., Francistown, N. H. Allen, James H., M.D., New York City. Armour, Thomas, M.D., Allowaystown, N. J. B Ball, A. S., M.D., New York City. Barlow, S. B., M.D., New York City. Bauer, A., M.D., Cincinnati, O. Barrows, Ira, M.D., Pawtucket, R. I. Bartlett, E. M., M.D., Louisiana. Bayard, Edward, M.D., New York City. Belcher, George E., M.D., New York City. Bell, Sanford, M.D. Bell, Wm. C., M.D., Middletown, Conn. Belt, R. G., M.D., Milford, Mass. Bennet, H., Dr., Rochester, N. Y. Berens, Bernard, M.D., Philadelphia. Berens, Joseph, M.D., Philadelphia. Bloss, Richard, M.D., Troy, N. Y. Boardman, J. C., M.D., Trenton, N. J. Bolles, R. M., M.D., New York City. Bowers, B. F., M.D., New York City. Bowers, Josiah, M.D., New York City. Bradford, Richmond, M.D., Auburn, Me. Brown, W. R., M.D., Galveston, Texas. Bryan, R. S., M.D., Troy, N. Y. Burritt, A. -I, Dr., Cleveland, 0. Bute, G. H., M.D., Nazareth, Pa. Barrows, George, M.D., Taunton, Mass. Beakely, J., M.D., New York City. Baker, George, M.D., Chelsea, Mass. Baxter, Wm., M.D., California. Brown, J. R., M.D., Phcenix, N. Y. "*Beard, D. H., Dr., Troy, N. Y. Burke, A. C., M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bigler, G. IW., M.D., Cincinnati, O. Bell, H. W., M.D., New York City. c Cator, H. Hull, M.D., Syracuse, N. Y. Channing, Wm., M.D., New York City. Childs, Amherst, M.D., Waterloo, N. Y, Clark, Eliphalet, M.D., Portland, Me. Clark, P., Dr., Coventry, R. I. Clark, Luther, M.D., Boston, Mass. 95 96 THE HOM(EOPATHIC "Cook, Geo. W., M.D., New York City. Clements, Z., M.D., Victoryville, Saratoga Co., N. Y. Cook, A. P., M.D., Hudson, N. Y. Collins, H. A., M.D., Conway, Mass. Crittenden, W. H., Dr., Bergen Co., N. J. Crittenden, J., Dr., Morris Co., N. J. Crosby, -, Dr., Akron, Summit Co., 0. Chase, H. L., M.D., Cambridge, Mass. Clary, Lyman, M.D., Syracuse, N. Y. Colby, Isaac, M.D., Salem, Mass. Cox, Geo., M.D., Williamsburgh, L. I. Coxe, John Redman, M.D., Philadelphia. Crocker, Isaac Center, M.D., Providence, R. I. Cummings, J. M., M.D., Portland, Me. Cushing, John J., M.D., Providence, R. I. Chase, Durfee, Dr., Palmyra, N. Y. Clark, J. K., M.D., Worcester, Mass. Cook, Simeon, A., M.D., Troy, N. Y. Cole, Harvey, M.D., Pittsfield, Mass. Cornell, Benj. F., M.D., Moreau Station, Saratoga, Co., N.Y. Dake, D. M., M.D., Pittsburg, Pa, Dake, C. M., Dr., Geneseo, N. Y. Denison, Jeremiah T., M.D., Fairchild, Conn. Detwiller, H., M.D., Easton, Pa. Dubs, Samuel R., M.D., Philadelphia. Dunnell, H. G., M.D., New York City. Dutcher, B. C., M.D., New York City. Dewolf, Jno. J., M.D., Providence, R. I. Douglass, J. S., M.D., Milwaukie, Wis. Dodge, Moses, M.D., Portland, Me. Donovan, T. W., M.D., Quarantine, Staten Island, N.Y. Duffield, Henry, M.D., Carlisle, Pa. Dake, J. P., M.D., Pittsburg, Pa. Dodge, Lewis, M.D., Cleveland, 0. Ehrman, C., M.D., Lancaster, Pa. Ehrman, F., Dr., Cincinnati, 0. Ehrman, B., Dr., Cincinnati, 0. Esrey, W. P., M.D., Philadelphia. F Fairchild, S., M.D., Parsippany, N,J. Flagg, Josiah F., M.D., Boston, Mass. Freeman, Alfred, M.D., New York City. Fuller, Milton, M.D., Medford,.Mass. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 97 Foote, Elias T., M.D., New Haven, Conn. Foote, Geo. T., M.D., Syracuse, N. Y, Foote, Charles C., M.D., New Haven, Conn. G Gambell, Wm. P., M.D., Francistown, N.H. Gardiner, Richard, M.D., Philadelphia. Gardiner, W. A., M.D., Philadelphia. Gardiner, Daniel R., M.D., Philadelphia. Gilbert, James B., M.D., Savannah, Ga. Gosewich, C., M.D., Wilmington, Del. Gray, John F., M.D., New York City. Green, J., M.D., Washington City, D.C. Gregg, Samuel, M.D., Boston, Mass. Guernsey, H. N., M.D., Frankfort, Pa. Gallop, Wm., M.D., Bangor, Me. Guernsey, E., M.D., New York City. Geist, F., M.D., Boston, Mass. Graves, S. W., M.D., Springfield, Mass. Guy, S. S., M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y. Gatchell, H. P., M.D., Cleveland, O. Guernsey, William F., M.D., Frankford, Pa. H *Hale, Eben, M.D., Boston, Mass. Hallock, L., M.D., New York City.. Harris, Z. I-., Dr., New York City. Heavens, S. F., M.D., Buffalo, N. Y. Haynel, A. F., M.D., Baltimore, Md. Helmuth, Wm. S., M.D., Philadelphia. Hempel, Charles J., M.D.,, New York City. Hering, C., M.D., Philadelphia. I-olt, Daniel, M.D., Lowell, Mass. Hull, A. G., M.D., New York City. Hull, A.. Cooke, M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y. *Humphreys, E., Dr., Utica, N. Y. Hanford, L. C., M.D.; Williamsburgh, L. I. Harris, C. W., M.D., Swanzey, Mass. Herrick, I., M.D., Lyndenborough, N. H. Hoppin, Washington, M.D., Providence, R. I, Humphreys, Fred., M.D., Utica, N. Y. Hammond, Milton, M.D., Baltimore, Md. Hill, B. L., M.D., Cleveland, 0. Henry, John H., M.D., Montgomery, AlaI 'Ingalls, Wmin., sen., M.D., Worcester, Mass. Ei 98 THE HOMIEOPATHIC J James, D., M.D., Somerton, Pa. James, Isaac, M.D., Bustleton, Pa. Janney, D., M.D., Loudon Co., Va. Jeanes, Jacob, M.D., Philadelphia. Jones, E. D., M.D., Albany, N. Y. Joslin, B. F., M.D., New York City. K Keep, L., M.D., Fairhaven, Conn. *Kern, B. F., M.D., Philadelphia. Kimball, D. S., M.D., Sacketts Harbor, N. Y. Kirby, S. R., M.D., New York City. Kitchen, James, M.D., Philadelphia. Koch, A., M.D., Philadelphia. Kinsley, H., M.D., New York City. L Leon, Alexis., M.D., New Orleans, La. Lingen, Geo., M.D., Mobile, Ala. Lippe, A., M.D., Philadelphia. Loomis, I. G., M.D., Philadelphia. Lovejoy, E., M.D., Oswego, N. Y. Lewis, Dioclesian, M.D., Buffalo, N. W. M Martin, Jos. Lloyd, M.D., Baltimore, Md. Munger, E. A., M.D., Waterville, N. Y. Mairs, J., M.D., New York City. Manchester, C. F., M.D., Pawtucket, R. I. McManus, F. R., M.D., Baltimore, Md. *Matthews, Caleb B., M.D., Philadelphia. McVickar, J. A., M.D., New York City. Morrell, A., Dr., Concord, N. H. Merrill, J., M.D., Portland, Me. Metcalf, James W., M.D., New York City. Miller, Adam, M.D., Quincy, Ill. Middleton, J. D., M.D., Wheeling, Va. M arcy, E. E., M.D., New York City. Middleton, R. S., M.D., Burlington, N. J. McKnight, C. G., M.D., Providence, R. I. Moore, J. D., M.D., Newtown, Pa. Miller, Thomas, Dr., Cleveland, O. Miller, Frederick, M.D., Carlisle, Pa. N Neidhard, Chas., M.D., Philadelphia. Norton, L. H., M.D., Bridgeport, Conn. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. \ 99 Okie, A. H., M.D., Providence, R. I. Orme, John, M.D., Panama, N. Y. Osgood, David, M.D., Boston, Mass. Ober, Benj. M.D., San Francisco, Cal. P Palmer, M. W., M.D., New York City. Paine, Henry D., M.D., Albany, N. Y. Paine, John A., M.D., Albany, N. Y. Payne, John, M.D., Belfast, Me. Payne, W. E., M.D., Bath, Me. Palmer, W. C., M.D., New York City. Peak, J. M., Dr., Cooperstown, N, Y. Pearson, Wm., M.D., South Hadley Falls, Mass. Pehrson, J. G., M.D., Philadelphia. Peirson, F. D., M.D. Piper, J. R., M.D., Washington City, D. C. Pulte, J. H., M.D., Cincinnati, O. Petherbridge, J. B., M.D., Hoboken, N. J. Parker, H. C., M.D., Manchester, N. H. Payne, L. V., M.D., Belfast, Me. Preston, Henry C., M.D., Providence, R. I. Peterson, James, M.D., Ware, N. H. Poole, A., Dr., Oswego, N. Y. Potter, E. A., M.D., Oswego, N. Y. Paine, Horace, M.D., Albany, N. Y. Peck, William, M.D., Cincinnati, O. Peirce, T. A., M.D., Norristown, Pa. Q Quin, Jas. M., M.D., New York City. R Raborg, Christopher H., M.D., Baltimore, Md. Rhees, Morgan L, M.D., San Francisco, Cal. Robinson, Horatio, M.D., Auburn, N. Y. Romig, J., M.D., Allentown, Pa. Rosa, Storm, M.D., Painesville, O. Rosa, Lemuel K., M.D., Elycia, 0. Rosman, Robert, M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y. Royston, T. P., M.D., Lockport, N. Y. *Rea, Albus, M.D., Portland, Me. Raymond, J. C.. M.D., Utica, N. Y. Reading, J. K., M.D., Somerton, Pa. Roberts, J., Dr., Yassalboro, Me. Richardson, E. T., M.D., Syracuse, N. Y. Russell, George, M.D., Boston, Mass. 100 THE HOMiEOPATHIC Roche, M. B., M.D., New Bedford, Mass. Reichhelm, Gustavus, M.D., Pittsburg, Pa. Randel, J. NI., M.D., Philadelphia. S Sceitz, Oscar, M.D., New-London, Conn. Schmidt, J., M.D., Baltimore, Md. Schmoele, HI, M.D., Philadelphia. Schwartz, Gust., Dr., Philadelphia. Scherrill, I-., M.D., New York City. Sheppard, David, Dr., Bainbridge, O. Schue, J., M.D., Hartford, Conn. Sims, Francis, M.D., Philadelphia. Smith, Edward M., M.D., Burlington, N. J. Small, A. E., M.D., Philadelphia. *Snow, R. A., M.D., New York City. Sullivan, John L., M.D., New York City. Stevens, C. A., M.D., Buffalo, N. Y. Swazey, Geo. W., M.D., Springfield, Mass.. Sawyer, B. E., M.D., Concord, Mass. Skiff, C. H., M.D., New Haven, Conn. Swan, Daniel, M.D., Medford, Mass. Shakford, Rufus, M.D., Portland, Me. *Stansbury, R. M., M.D., California. Stebbins, N., M.D., Clinton, N. Y. Smith, D. S., M.D., Chicago, Ill. Springsteed, David, Dr., Albany, N. Y. Smith, Hamilton L., M.D., Cleveland, O. Stevenson, T. Collins. M.D., Carlisle, Pa. T 'Taft, G. MA, M.D., New Orleans, La. *Taylor, John, M.D., New York City. Taft, C. A., M.D., Hartford, Conn. Thayer, David, M.D., Boston, Mass. Train, H. D., M.D., Roxbury, Mass. Tarbell, J. A., M.D., Boston, Mass. v Vastine, P. E., M.D., Trenton, N. J. Vanderburg, Fred., M.D., New York City. Vinal, L. G., M.D., Salem, N. J. w Ward, Walter, M.D., Mount Holly, N. J. Ward, J. M., M.D., Newark, N. J. WVeld, C. M., M.D., Jamaica Plains, Mass. WVells, P. P., M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 101 Wesselhoeft, W., M.D., Boston, Mass. Whitehead, C., M.D., Harrisburg, Pa. Wild, Chas., M.D., Brooklyn, Mass. Williams, C. D., M.D., Cleveland 0. Williams, T. S., M.D., Germantown, Pa. Williams, George C., M.D., West Chester, Pa. Williamson, W., M.D., Philadelphia. Wilsey, F. L., M.D., New York City. Wilson, A. D., M.D., New York City. Witherill, E. C, M.D., Cincinnati, 0. Withby, Samuel J., Dr., Philadelphia. Wright, Clark, M.D., New York City. Walker, C., M D., Northampton, Mass. Wack, P., M.D., Trappe, Montgomery Co., Pa. Warner, L. T., M.D., New York City. Wells, L. B., M.D., Utica, N.Y. Whittle, J. F., M.D., Nashua, N. H. Woolverton, A. N., M.D., Canada, W. Wolcott, W. G., M.D., Whitehall, N. Y. Wheeler, John, M.D., Cleveland, 0. z Zumbrook, Anthony, M.D., Baltimore, Md. HAHNEMANN ACADEMY OF MEDICINE. The Physicians of New York and its vicinity established the above Academy in the year 1850, and secured its incorporation under the law of the State, as a scientific Association. President.-John F. Gray, Esq., M.D. Vice- President.-S. R. Kirby, Esq., M.D. Corresponding Secretary.-P. P. Wells, Esq., M.D, Recording Secretary.-J. W. Metcalf, Esq., M.D. Trustees.-Hudson Kinesley, M.D.; J. A. McVickar, M.D.; A. S. Ball, M.D. HOM(EOPATHIC MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. The existence of this Society is found to be a great boon to the persecuted and calumniated followers of Hahnemann in New York State. Shut out from kindly intercourse with their Allopathic brethren, they seek closer fellowship with their own order, and unitedly labour for the attainment of that triumph Homceopathy is destined yet to achieve. Numerous meetings of the Society are annually held, and the central " Bureau of Materia Medica' 102 THE HOMOBOPATHIC is constantly receiving additions, while the whole body of members are investigating the properties of ten different drugs At the last annual meeting of the Society fifty new members were admitted. The next annual meeting will be held in the City Hall, Albany, on the 8th February, 1853. President.-Dr. L. Clary, of Syracuse. Secretary.-Dr. Henry D. Paine, of Albany. HOMIEOPATHIC MEDICAL ACADEMY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. It is proposed to organise a new Society for the propagation of Homoeopathy in the State of New York. The first meeting will be held in January next. The members will be composed of Physicians practising in Yates, Ontarior Steuben, &c. The foundation will be under the Act of Congress of 1848. Dr. Hudson, Dundee, N. Y., Secretary. NEW YORK SOCIETY FOR MEDICAL CONFERENCE Was instituted with a view to create a spirit of unanimity and concord among the practitioners of New York, and by means of discussions and conversations, on the forms of disease, and the modes of treatment, to form a kind of Medical Improvement Society. So far it has succeeded admirably. The Winter Session was resumed on the 13th of October last. MASSACHUSETTS HOM(EOPATHIC MEDICAL SOCIETY, First formed in December, 1840, and composed of three members only, the membership, however, has continued to increase till the roll now numbers sixty names. In the early part of 1850 the Society resolved that each member be requested to report the number and results of cholera and dysenteric cases treated during the period of epidemic in the States. Up to June of that year only twenty members had reported. The aggregate isCholera...... 115 cases...... 14 deaths. Cholerine... 318 cases...... 2 deaths. Dysentery... 1160 cases...... 32 deaths. PHILADELPHIA HOM(EOPATHIC MEDICAL SOCIETY. Circumstances prevented the formation of a Homoeopathic Medical Society in this large and flourishing State until the 19th July last, but now that a Society has been organised, with a powerful and energetic staff of officers, surrounded by a host of practitioners, a popular College, and a crowded Hospital, it is confidently anticipated that at no distant day Philadelphia shall reap for itself Homceopathic laurels, and largely extend the benefits of the cause. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 103 WESTERN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. The first Session of this Association was held in the city of Chicago, Ill., on Tuesday the 3rd of June, 1851. The members have been actively engaged since the formation of the Society in proving medicines, among which the following are mentioned:-Apis Mellifica, Arsenite of Lime, Esculusglabra, and the Iodide of Sulphur. WISCONSIN HOMOEOPATHIC INSTITUTE. In common with other Societies, the Wisconsin Institute has its Annual Meeting, its President, Secretary, and Treasurer. It has been in existence for some years, and has been employed in proving the medicinal virtues of Euonymus-atropurpurea (Burning Bush) and Apis Mellifica (Honey Bee). HOM(EOPATHIC MEDICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON AND SARATOGA COUNTIES Was organised on the 16th of October last, and "is open to all Physicians who acknowledge the great law of cure, viz, Similia Similibus Curentur." President.-Dr. B. F. Cornell, of Moreau. Secretary.-Dr. S. G. Perkins, of Waterford. RHODE ISLAND HOM(EOPATHIC SOCIETY Has been in existence for some years, and has been eminently beneficial in " civilizing' the State in which it is located. President.-H. C. Preston, Esq., M.D. Secretary.-Wm. Hoppin, Esq., M.D. HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICAL SCHOOL OF RIO DE JANEIRO. This School was founded in July, 1844, by the indefatigable Dr. Mure, of Rio, and by him, and his colleagues, opened for Homcoopathic Medical Instruction in January, 1845. During the year 1845 numerous accusations were brought against the Institution and its Teachers. Some of the lattei were imprisoned on false charges, and the former was condemned as a nursery for " assassins." At length in 1846 the Secretary of State for Justice acknowledged the right of the College to grant diplomas, and under 104 THE HOMCEOPATHIC State sanction the School has continued to prosper, annually sending forth a goodly band of labourers into the field of Brazilian Homeopathic practice. The following is the prescribed plan of study:PREPARATORY. Languages-Portuguese, French, German, Latin. Sciences-Geometry, Geography, Natural History, Chemistry, Natural Philosophy, Astronomy. MEDICAL STUDIES. Anatomy, Physiology, Homoeopathic Doctrine, Pharmacology, Pathogenesy, Pathology, Hygiene and Prophylaxis, Surgery, Operations, Accouchements, Clinical Homeopathy, Toxicology, History of Medicine. President of the College.-Dr. Mure, Rio. Director.-Dr. Moreira, Rio. Secretary.-Dr. Martins, Rio. MEDICAL~ DIRECTORY.10 105 LIST OF CONTINENTAL HOM~EOPAT-HIO PRACTITIONERS. FRANCE. Paris. A Dr. Andry Arnaud B Dr. Bortand..Blot Bordet Bouguie Brasier *,Brand Dr. Catellan Chaucerel Chanet..Cramoisy Croserio, D Dr. Davet Defert Denans..Deslauriers,..Doumerc Dr. Escalier Dr.. Gabalda..Godier GtieyrArd H Dr. Hubers..Hermel Hureau, sen...Hureau, jun. Dr. Jacquemyns..Jalir Joli Jounin -L Dr. Lafisse Leblaye Leboucher..Lethiers..Love Dr. Magnan -M Ailcen... Molin.P Dr. Paten..Penoyi..Perry Petroz Picasei..Pillassy..Pitet..Poirson R Dr. Roth Dr io Lo) er Dr. Simon (Leon), senr. 0.Simon Lewis T Dr. Tessier 0.Teste.0Timbart U Dr. Uzac Weber X~ 106 Dr. Charge..Sollier THE HOMCEOPATHIC Alarseilles. Dr. Rampai -.Turrel Dr. Trichon. Pluntin, M., Veterinary Surgeon. Avignon. Dr. Beehet. B3ordeaux. Count Bomevale, M.LD. Dr. Marchant. Lyons. Le Comte des Guidi, M.D. Dr. Noack Rapou, senr. Brussels. Dr. Carlier..Dillenboug Dr. Vartis. Liege. Dr. Mataise Geneva. Dr. Panthin Dr. Rapou, jeur. Salvert de Fayolles Terrant Dr. Dugniolle Vanmeerbeck Alost. Dr. Moor' Dr. Perchier S P AI N.3Jfadrid. Dr. Jos. Lebast Coil Dr. Alouzo R. Pardo..Er Tejeroy Cano,... R. Fernandez del Rio..Edwardo Carcia..Manuel Rolan..Gonzales..Luis Setjet Joaquin de Hesean, Prof. University of Madrid Joaquin Larlo Dr. Franciso Tejero J. Suarez Monge..Vitoriano de Torrecilla Juah Suarez..Ciricho Tejedor..Joseph Nunez, Phys. to the Queen...Bartholome Obrador, Prof. University of Madrid MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 107 Badajos. Dr. Florenzio Gomez, Phys. in Chief to the Army of Estremadura. Raphael Caseres Dr. P. Rino y Huntado Seville. Dr. Don A. Lopez del Bano, ex-Member of the Cortez... Joseph Nostenchi Dr. Lorenzo Veles Grenada. Dr. Felipe Bassas... F. Caldas Dr. Felipe Gil.. Dr. Antonio Rajas Barcelona. Dr. Francisco de Paulo Folch, Prof. of Pathology, University of Barcelona.. Felix Janer, Dean of Faculty and Prof. of Chemistry, Barcelona Dr. Plana Dr. Rode Porta... Saulteri... Saulchi, Professor ofAnatomy, Barcelona. IT ALY. "Dr. d Horatus... Mauro Dr. Bava... Bruno... Bertolini "... Chio Dr. Cambiazo.. Gatti M. Marenio, Surgeon Dr. Conveis Naples. Turin. Genoa. Florence. Dr. Peggille... Romani Dr. Denricheles.. Granette... Poeli... Porta Dr. Pollen... Soleri M. Massa, Vet. Surgeon Dr. Morillo Rome. Dr. Centamore Dr. Siuzzi... Ladelci, Professor of Botany. Wahle 108 lo TILE I7I0MCOI0PATHIC Nice. Dr. Levirin. Sicily. Dr. lBartholi..Buffaidici Palermio. Dr. Tripi. Dr. Fauichin-a..Magri H~OLLAND. Dr. Evrarcl, Phys. to the King. A UST R IA. Vienna. Dr. Arneth Dr. Bb6hm Braun. Caspar, Asst. PhYs. Guimpendorf Hospital Fleisclmirnan, Phys. Gumpendorf Hospital IDr. Friichlich Dr. Gerstel Glacker... Gulidi,,er Giirstel...lampe, Physician to Prince Lichtenstein..Hirsch Dr. Streinz Landsrnann Ledlerer Von Lichtenfels D~r. L,6we M 1areuzellor Maschauer..Mcnz..Moutbel Muller Plovel Von Pleyburg..Puff-er...Reisin.,er Rýichter Rothansl...Schmelzer..SchfifTer..Sterz W. Irurnb, Phys. Hornce. Hospital.1 laao owich, Imperial Counsellor..Schmid Schutz Schitly Sig el..Schlesinger..Schureryina..Schwarz..Schwierzua..Tedesko..Wachtel Weber Wurda..Veith.. recha..Weinke.W lurstel.W Natzke..Zowe Marenze~lcr MEDICAL DIRECTORY. Linz. 109 Dr. Bergmann..Huber Kremsmilnster. Dr. Mayerhofer Thalgau. Dr. Dulalion G'astein. Dr. Kiihne CGlauben~doi~f. Dr. Taubitz H-erzogsdog~f. Dr. Hauber Dr. Pleninger Reuss Dr. Heller Slazburg. Dr. Schider Oberneukirchen. Dr. Still Theschem. Dr. Braun. Schnzeeberg. Dr. Mayer Troppa~u. Dr. Steiner. TY RO0L. T-Yeissenbach. Dr. Ielilcenberger Botrem. Dr. I~iarchesani L ofer. Dr. Weinseisen. Bregenz. Dr. Bayer [nsbriicec. Dr. Morz.21/era ie. Dr. Matzeecker B OH EM I A Prague. Dr- Altschul Dr. Bttr Dr. Hirsch, Dr. Jiofriebter Dr. Lemi Dr. 11. Lbvy Dr. Schaller 110 110THE IHOMCE'OPATHIC Dr. Fiedler Plisen Dr. Brand Gotte~sgab. Dr.. Haunstein Kladrau. Dr. Holeczek Comrnotau. Dr. Knaf Brux. Dr. Muller Senftenberg. Dr. Netolitzky Dr. Debrowsky Dr. Hirschberg. Teplitz. Dr. Gersune. Dr. Krornada Kolin. Dr. Elsass Strickna. Dr. I-auptmann Biechenau. Dr. Huber Brug. Dr. Kozischek Hokenfurt. Dr. Nenning Gbrkau. Dr. Sigi Postelberg. Dr. Sturmn. G A L I CI A. Lember-g. Dr. Von Keler Dr. Schreter HUNGARY. Pest. Dr. H-aunsmaun Dr. Ivanovitch Mayer Dr. Muller Dr. Rosenberg Presburg. Dr. Kaiser Dr. Koch Dr. Nelirer Dr. Attomyr Dr. Von Balogh Dr. Forgo Dr. Cservinka, Dr. ilanelly Dr. Lobell 11'' MEDICAL DIRECTORY. Gyiingybs. Dr. Bagner Horner, Hospital Physician Ofe n. Dr. Abel III Waitzen. Dr. Argenti Dr. Bayer Dr. Haiwax.Ilederwar. Dr. Bauadisz -Dr. Fischer Schleining. Dr. Fuchs Moor. Dr. Bdarth Oedenburg. Dr. Melczer Giins. Dr. Bless Szala Egersregh. Dr. Fecher Steinarnanger. Dr. Lohr Kaposwar. Dr. Gylyas 'Gakany. M. Gebhard, Veterinary Surgeon. ~Szalader. Dr. Griess Gepregh. Dr. J-arafz -Debrezin. Dr. IHirsch Dr, I-orschetzky Kle~inzell. Dr. Hiuber Dr. Sparny,Sorar. Dr. Heilmann St. Gydrgy. Dr. 1-ollosy Pinkaeld. Dr. Hofer Gross Kanisc. Dr. Takats Miartzaly, Dr. Hirtling 112 112 THE HOM(EOPATIIIC Dr. ilunyady Erlaw. Dr. Jackel Dr. Ivanyos Bannat." Dr. Von Kaydewo' G Dr. Morgitay Ktdnigsberg. Dr. Olezeweski Dr. Petzler..Schanez Ilermannstadt.. Dr. iReinolt H/iittweida. Dr. Von Schwarzenberg Dr. Sipos Dr. Fussin S Professor Maly Professor Mayer Dr. 1-iefer ~.MAId ilunfkirchenDr. Wagner NeeesiedelI. Dr. Jakobi Cornorn.. Dr. Kolmeer Raab. Dr. Konats ro~sswardein. Dr. Sztaroveszky Eszterhaz. Dr. Pahrharnmer Dr. Sciff-manu Warga Altenbur~g. Dr. SchellhamnrerBalatinez. Dr. Siegel Crosigath. Dr. S tein. St..M1a rtn. I Dr. Eberan )r. Swoboda. T YR I A Gratz. Dr. MetzSiegel St6ger..Zaruba; Eisenerz. Dr. Dobey. MEDICAL DIRECTORY.13 113 IL LY RIA. Dr. Bukominik Durnbock A delsberg. Dr. Ave Dr. ]Iormann Dr. Hockinayer Count Schafgottscheý Kia~qenfurt. Dr. Hollezeck Nassenfuss.. Dr. Papesch R-adleersburg Dr. Fuhr Kcirschmid Trieste. Dr. Gunzel Laibach. Dr. Tiunmel Kick Dr. Koch. Gorz. Dr. Kersehil FurtstenfeldDr. Lusehin Radkersbuitg. Dr. Semlitz Lichtenwald. Dr. Sch'eiblitz. p Dr. Aegidi; Court Phys...Bamnberg..Berg Bicking Gaspary RUSSIA. Berlin. )r. Kallenbachi Melicher Montagrk M~ullet-..Ressig )r. Schimidt r. Vehsemvr. Kiiniysberg. Dr. NAfarter Dr.~ Tietzer M1agdeburg. Dr. 'Rummel..Sparinann Dr. B~aumgarten..Rath, senr. 114 114 THE HOMM1EOPATHIC-.Ualberstad. Dr. Gross, jUor. Dr. iRunzeber 9..Negal Dr. RThIh Posen. Dr. Mlatkowsky Dr. Schrenk. Dusseldorf. Dr. Barkhausen 'Glauckce. Dr. Baumgiirth ifll nster. Dr. Yon Bonniag-hausen Erwvitee. Dr. Bredenbil Danzig. Dr. Geiseler Fra nkenstein. Dr. Fischer Delitzch. Dr. Gerber Juterbock. Dr. Gross Striegatc. Dr. fleer Cologne. Dr. H-endrichs TWetzlar. Dr. Behreods Franstadt. Dr. Thick Luckau. Dr. Burdach Mi1ersebutrg. Dr. Elirharci Peterwitz. Dr. Gebel Pomrerania. Dr. Goeden Langensaiza Dr. Gunther IStolz,. Dr. Helem Gue~fsert. Dr. Kaiser Dr. Reil HTalle. Dr. Kayser K-leinschrnidct. Dr. Frejenwalde. WIank-leben - Dr. Rohlmann' Sen. Dr. ohiraunSen.Dr. Kohlrnann, Jun. MEDICAL DIRECTORY.15 115 ~Soost. Dr. Ganwertey Bosslebene. Dr. Kraft.Lutter. Dr. Lichitenstein Glogaee. Dr. Links Dr. Lobethal.Tauer. Dr. Marbach Suhi. Dr. Metzch Gross-glogau. Dr. Neumann Nordhausen. Dr. Rlath, Jun. Ilerford. Dr. Rose Lausitz. Dr. Schindler Paderboore. Dr. Bolle Dandeck.' Dr. Kurz Rctstenbaerg. Dr. Lietzau Liibben. Dr. Lb5scher Breslau. Dr. Schweike~rt Egein. Dr. Lohrback Potsdam. Dr. Lubze. Frankenstein. Dr. Mattersdorf Glatz. Dr. Netwig Neisse. Dr. PatzackQeeerfeerto Dr. Rohll Brieg. Dr. Sauermann Grefinberg. Dr. B. Schindler Liegnitz. Dr. Schmnieder, Court Phys. Sommerschenburg. Dr. Schnieber Dr. B. Muller Glatz. Dr. Schmidt 116 11 T~HE IIOMCBOFATHICý Soreu.. Dr. Schuieber c~runceee. Dr. Schultz Sicdenburgh. Dr. Sparnaunn Naumburq. Dr. Stapf, Court Physician Dr. Giuber Bona. Dr. Stenus Dr. DennickWitneg 2)lalsehowen. Dr. Givesius H~e fo rd. Dr. Weihe Kcelau. Dr- Wolfe. Reichenbach.. Dr. Schumann,'raqnAfiort-one- the- Oder. Dr. Somnmer Silberberg. Dr. Starke, Staff Surgeon. Dr. Messerschmidt Dr. Strecker Dr. Teiclimaun S~chqniedeberg. Dr. Weigel Langensaiza. Dr. Weuzel S AX 0 NTY'. D r. Elb Dr. Gerson Dr. Geyer Dr. LehmauuDr. Piper Dr. Schwarze Dr. A pelt Dr. Drescher 1. r. Hartmanan Er. Hauhold Dr. Kirsten Dresden. Dr. Wolf Leipzig. Dr. 1-eleiig Dr. I-irschel Dr. Kucheumister Dr. Trinks Dr. Wiggler Dr. Wiltzer Dr. Kreussler Dr. V. Mlever Dr. Ceolt MAuller Dr. Seidel Dr. Schubert M1. Gutmann, Dentist. M. Lux, Veterinary Surgeon. MEDICAL DIRECTORY.11:117 C reiz. Dr Barth Dr. Bergh -Dr. Biiller Grimsma. Dr. Borinanri. Freibeýrg..Dr. Heyder Penig.!Dr. Jancovins Zwickau. Dr. Lehmann Konigsbruck. Dr. Ruckert Bautzen. Dr. Schonke Newkirclzen. Dr. Bauer Leisnig. Dr. Billig Dr. Schober Plaue. Dr. Handt Eybersbach. Dr. Gerner Wechselburg. Dr. H-esse Lobstadt. Af. Kasselt, Vet. Surgeon Dippodiswalde. Dr. Rake Glsemsaitz. Dr. Rock Stollberg. Dr. Schuler Dr. Herzog. Miithweida. Dr. Schwarzenburg Dr. Seidel Grunina. Her Trauwetter, Veterinary Surgeon Oschcetz. Glauchau. Dr. Woost Dr. Banmgartl H ANOTVE R. LZIin~ebegy. Dr. Fischer Dr. iluch Dr. Schubert Dr. Winter 118 THE HOMCEOPATHIC Hanover. Dr. EBiwert, Bremerlihe. Dr. Betzendorf Dr. Frank Stacle. Dr. mi1mer Dassel. Dr. Metz Dr. Weber 147eissberglzolzen.. Dr. Frische BHildesheirn. Dr. Nicol Dr. Sternheim Scdzdetfurth. Dr. Laudatin Pronnebeck. Dr. Theobald WIX R TBE M B RR G. Miinzingen. Bransbach. Dr. Bentsch Dr. Bosch Ludwigsling? Dr. Eichhorn Dr. Widenmann Steettgard. Dr. Koch Dr. Kolb (Ruoff) Teinach. Dr. Zipperlen BADEN..Eningen.. Dr. J. W. Arnold Dr. Diehl Dr. Diez Dr. Tamm Dr. Nuhn Dr. Segin Lahr. Von Schamger, Vet. Surgeon. MEDICAL DIRECTORY.19 119 T'Vesloch. Dr. Brenufieck Emmerdingen. Dr. Schyrmeier Bruschall. Dr. Siehgel Rastatt. Dr. Kriimer Oppenau. Dr. Seither Freirbury. Dr. Werher Il1ochstdtter. Dr. Wich, Court Counseller H ES S E. W~orms. Dr. Heicheflheim D r. Kaiser Hlomburg. Dr. Lorenz Rinkein. Dr. Wilhelmi Lich. Dr. K'aisemann Dramstadt. Amman, Staff Surgeon. Dreieichenheim. Dr. Metz.Alzei. Dr. Wolfson Sctslichtern. Dr. Zinkha'u. Brunswick. Dr. Muhleinhein Dr. Rosenthal Schumann, Vet. Surgeon S-chilningen. Dr. Traub Secsen. Dr. Rillie Gancderslieim. Dr. Spohr Dr. Fielitz Dr. Ilartlaub Dr. Kiesselbach Dr. Hermann TWolfenbiittel. Dr. Goidruam Dr. Ruhe 420 120 THE H[OMCEOPATHIC Dr. Berhardtj D~r. Ruppius Altenburg. Bernburg. Dr. Wurzler. Dessau.' Dr. Wagner Dr. Winkler Dr. Kurtz Dr. Madelnhauer Dr. Prietab. Ch2emnitz. Dr. Zerbst. Coburgh. Dr. Vorbrod. Got ha. Dr. H-enicke Dr. Schindler Dr. Madelung. Neudietendorf. Ranni & Rlunamiug, Vet. Surgeons. Volkenrode. Dr. Wohileban Coet hen. Dr. Lehmann Neustrelity. Dr. Genzke Rostock. Dr. Kramer Rostock. Dr. Vansa Dr. Lutzi Cassel. Dr. Gustav Aitmuller Miecklenbuarg..Mildenitz. Dr. Hoffendapi Neubrandenburgle. Dr Preller f'Varen. Dr. Nithak W~ismar. Dr. Reulseli MEDICAL~ DIMRECTORY.12 19-11 'Dr. Emmrich Mleinengen. Dr. Emmerling Dr. Marschall Liebenstein. Dr. Arnlronn Sonnenberg. Dr. Schiercher IWisbaden.,Dr. Hirsch iiochlzeim. Dr. Weber so Dr. Bliidau Dr. Hunius Dr. Gonlion Ilrnenau. Dr. Sitzter NASSAUI. Biebricls. Dr. Kirsch llfontabaur. Dr. Kunze Ilolzapfel. Dr. Gunzenheimer. NDERSHAU SEN. Arnstadt. Dr. Schubart Dr. Wilbelmi 6nch, Veterinary Surgeon WEIMAR. Dr. Kampfer.Jena. Dr. Mlartin. Efisenachs. Dr. Wislicenus ]FREE TOWNS, F rankfort-on- the- Main. Dr. Neef Dr. Hoffmann Dr. Frei 122. Dr. Kruger Dr. Krummacher Dr. Buchner, Dr. M1ahir Dr. Krafft llendellieii Dr. F. A. Ott Bayreuth. Dr. Schr~in.Naila. Dr. Pxeichel Heideck.. Dr. A. Pemane Ratisbon. Dr. Gerster Dr. llasslocher JWurzbur9 Dr. Ohihauth TILE JIOMCEOPATHTC' Ifamburg. Dr. Siemers Bremen. Dr. MNeierhoff BAVARIA. Muin ic h.. Dr. Roth Dr. Widrnmanmn Augsburg. Dr. Nusser Z. Efbersdo~f. Dr. Kunstmann Erlangen. Dr. Fleiselimaun Nuremnbe'rg. Dr. iReuter I'ollnzach. Dr. Kuchler Cernersheirn. Dr. Schwab Landau. Dr. Schupp *~Dfiirklzeim. Dr. Lechner. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 123 The following are the names of Professors at Universities,. so far as they are known at present, who have adopted Homoeopathy:1. Professor Amador, of the University of Monpellier. 2. Dr. J. W. Arnold, late Professor of Pathology in the University of Zurich. 3. Dr. F. Arnold, Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine in the University of Zurich. 4. Dr. H. Arnith, Professor of Midwifery in the General Hospital, Vienna. 5. Dr. Bigel, Professor of Midwifery in the University of St. Petersburgh. 6. Dr. Botto, Professor of Surgery in the University of Genoa. 7. John Brainerd, A.M., Professor of Physical Science, Western College of Homceopathic Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio. 8. Dr. Buchner, Professor of Homcepathy in the University of Munich. 9. Lewis Dodge, M.D., Professor of Materia Medica and Medical Jurisprudence, Western College of Homoeopathy, Cleveland, Ohio. 10. Dr. Folch, Professor of Pathology, University of Barcelona. 11. Dr. Freedley, Professor of Botany and Medical Jurisprudence, Homoeopathic Medical College, Pennsylvania. 12. Dr. Gardiner, Professor of Anatomy, Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. 13. Horatio P. Gatchell, M.D., Professor of Physiology and Hygiene, Western College of Homceopathy, Cleveland, Ohio. 14. Dr. des Guidi, late Professor at Turin. 15. Dr. Henderson, Professor of Medicine and General Pathology; and lately one of the Professors of Clinical Medicine in tho University of Edinburgh. 16. William S. Helmuth, M.D., Professor of Homceopathic Institutes and the Practice of Medicine, Homoeopathic Medical College, Pennsylvania. 17. Dr. Chevalier de Horatiis, Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine in the University of Naples, and President of the Royal Academy of Medicine. 124 THE HOMEOPATHIC 18. B. L. Hill, M.D., Professor of Principles and Practice of Surgery, Western College of Homoeopathy, Cleveland, Ohio. 19. Dr. Janer, Dean of Faculty and Professor of Clinical-Medicine, University of Barcelona. 20. Dr. Kirschleger, Professor of Botany in the University of Strasburg. 21. Dr. Lambrecht, Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine in the University of Padua. 22. Professor Leupoldt, of the University of Erlangen. 23. Dr. Maly, Professor of Dietitics in the University of Griitz. 24. Dr. McDonald, Professor of Civil and Natural History in the University of St. Andrews. 25. Dr. Edward Martin, Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine in the University of Jena. 26. Dr. Matthews, Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Homceopathic Medical College, Pennsylvania. 27. Dr. Neidhard, Professor of Clinical Medicine, Homceopathic Medical College, Pennsylvania. 28. Dr. Owens, Demonstrator of Anatomy, Homceopathic Medical College, Cleveland, Ohio. 29. J. P. Petherbridge, M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy, Homoeopathic Medical College, Pennsylvania. 30. Professor Quadri, of Naples. 31. Professor Quadranti, University of Naples. 32. Dr. Reubel, Professor in the University of Munich. 33. Professor Ribes, of Montpellier. 34. Professor D. Romano, of Naples. 35. Dr. Rosa, Professor of Midwifery, Western College of Homceo pathy, Cleveland, Ohio. 36. Matthew Semple, M.D., Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology, Homceopathic Medical College, Pennsylvania. 37. Francis Sims, M.D., Professor of Surgery, Homoeopathic Medical College, Pennsylvania. 38. Alvan E. Small, M.D., Professor of Physiology and Pathology? Homoeopathic Medical College, Pennsylvania. 39. Dr. Smith, Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology, Western College of Homoeopathy, Cleveland, Ohio. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 125 40. Professor-Tagliavani, of Ascoli. 41. Dr. J. A. Weber, Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine in the University of Freyburg. 42. Chas. D. Williams, M.D., Professor of Institutes and Practice of Homceopathy, Western College of Homocopathy, Cleveland, Ohio. 43. Walter Williamson, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics and the Diseases of Women and Children, Homoeopathic Medical College, Pennsylvania. 44. Dr. Witherell, Professor of Anatomy, Homoaopathic Medical College, Pennsylvania. 45. Dr. Zlatarovich, late Professor of Materia Medica in the Joseph's Academy, Vienna. COURT COUNCILLORS. St. Petersburgh, Dr. IHerr, Dr. Stegeman. Dr. Trinires. Warsawo, Dr. Wolff. _Hesse, Dr. Weber. Hofheinm, Dr. Wolff. Hanover, Dr. Elwert. Lucca, Dr. Schmidt. IVechselburgh, Dr. Hesse. Hanan, Dr. Kolph. Bruchsal, Dr. Siegel. Kurst, Dr. Eglan, Dr. H-Iennicke. Altenburg, Dr. Ruppins. Mitwoeid, Dr. Schwaryenburg. Dresden, Dr. Schwarze. St. Gall, Dr. Geell. Baden, Dr. Kramer. f Miunich, Dr. Reubel. Naples, Dr. Necker. Miinster, Dr. Bonninghausen. Dresden, Dr. Wolf. Riga, Dr. Brutzer. Karlsruhe, Dr. Wich. Frankfort, Dr. Neef. Vienna, Dr. Zlatarovich. Hanover, Dr. Weber. Liegnitz,. Dr. Schmieder. Schmiedeberg, Dr. Weigel. Leipzig, Dr. Schubert. ililan, Dr. Hartung. MEDICAL COUNCILLORS. Ichterchausen, Dr. Blanu. Naumburg, Dr. Stapf. Dresden, Dr. Trinks. Gandersheinm, Dr. Spohr. Berlin, Dr. Stuler. Gehard, Dr. Ritgen. Ahunich, Dr. Widnmann. Dantzick, Dr. Geiseler. Dessau, Dr. Kurtz. Altenburg, Dr. WVinckler. Dresden, Dr. Starke. Weimer, Dr. Goullon. Coethon, Dr. Lehman. ulagdeburg, Dr. Rumnel. Jiterbock, Dr. Gross. 126 THE HOM(EOPATHIC HOMCEOPATHIC COURT PHYSICIANS. Dr. Aegidi, Physician to H. R. H. Princess Wilhelm of Prussia. Dr. Altmiiller, Surgeon to H. S. H. the Grand Duke of Hesse. Dr. Backhausen, Physician to H. R. H. the Princess Frederick of Prussia. Dr. Bigel, late Physician to H. I. H. the Grand Duke Constantine. Dr. Cramer, Physician to H. R. H. the Grand Duke of Baden. Dr. Goullon, Physician to H. R. H. the Grand Duke of Weimar. Dr. Hartung, Medicin en Chef of the Austrian Army in Italy, was Physician to H. I. M. the Empress Marie Louisa. Dr. Horatiis was Physician to his late Majesty Francis I. of Naples. Dr. Kunstmann, Physician to Prince Von Reuss at Ebersdorf. Dr. Kurtz, Physician to H. S. H. the Duchess of Anhalt Dessau, Princess of Prussia. Dr. Lehman, Physician to H. S. H. the Duke of Anhalt-Koethen. Dr. Mareuzeller (Physician General to the Austrian Armies,) Physician to H. I. H. Archduke John of Austria. Dr. Quin, Extraordinary Physician to the King of Belgium, Ordinary Physician to H. R. H. the Duchess of Cambridge. Dr. Necker, Physician Extraordinary to H. M. the King of Prussia Dr. Nunez, Physician to Her Most Catholic Majesty the Queen of Spain, Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. and of the Legion of Honour. Dr. Romano, Physician to H. M. the Queen Dowager of Naples. Dr. Schmidt, Physician to H. S, H. the Duke of Lucca. Dr. Stapf, Physician to H. S. H. the Duke of Saxe-Meiningen. Dr. Vorbord, Surgeon to H. S. H. the Duke of Saxe-Coburg. Dr. Weber, Physician to His Majesty the King of Hanover. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 127 Continental Homoeopathic Hospitals. 'GUMPENDORF HOMWEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, VIENNA. Physicians.-Dr. Flieschmann. Dr. Wrumb. Assistant Physician.-Dr. Caspar. This Institution was formerly called the " Hospital of the Sisters of Charity," and is well known, both in Britain and on the Continent, as an object of interest, as well as of abuse. The Hospital was opened in 1832, for the reception of Cholera patients, from which period till January, 1835, a half Homceopathic, half Allopathic system of treatment was pursued. In 1835 Dr. Flieschmann was appointed Hospital Physician; and having resolved fairly to try the strength of Homceopathy, he got rid of all Allopathic drugs, and treated every case of disease that presented itself solely homceopathically. The success of Dr. Flieschmann's experiments are well known. The following table shews the total results of cases admitted into the Hospital from January, 1835, to January, 1848:Remaining Admitted. Cured. Dismissed Died. Remaining.' from 1847. Uncured. 56 11,758 10,741 238 769 49 In addition to the above, and during the same period, upwards of 52,000 out-patients were treated at the Dispensary in connection with the Hospital. The Hospital of the Sisters of Charity at Vienna has been largely frequented by medical men from all parts of Europe, who were anxious to see homoeopathic practice; and certainly, homceopathy is much indebted for its present position in the world to the ability and zeal of the physicians, and to the care and kindness of the nurses of this hospital. Through the interest of Dr. Flieschmann, and on account of the success attending the HIomceopathic treatment of disease in this hospital, the Emperor of Austria was induced to rescind the statute which forbade the practice of homceopathy in the Austrian dominions, and also to establish an institution in Vienna for the teaching of Homoeopathy, under the protection of the Government, and with Dr. Wrumb at its head as Principal. HOMIEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, LEOPOLD FAUBOURG, VIENNA. This Hospital contains twenty-four beds, is attended by an efficient Staff of Physicians, and Sick nursed by the Sisters of Charity. 128 THE ITOM(EOPATHIC HOM(EOPATHIC HOSPITAL, LINZ, UPPER AUSTRIA. Physician.-Dr. Reiss. House Surgeon.-Dr. Pleninger. As the Government of Austria requires a correct monthly return of the number of patients admitted to any hospital within its jurisdiction, together with the nature of the disease laboured under, and the results of treatment, the utmost reliance may be placed on the published medical statistics of that country; and, therefore, the charge " manufacturing," which is frequently brought against' Homceopathic statistics is altogether groundless, so far as Austria is concerned. The Hospital at Linz was opened for the reception of diseased persons on the 1st of June, 1842. It contains thirty beds; the patients are nursed by the Sisters of Charity, to which order the building belongs; and in point of cleanliness and comfort, it is in no way inferior to the most favoured hospital in Britain. The total results of cases treated in this institution from 1st June, 1842, to 31st December, 1848, are shown in the following table:Admitted. Cured. Relieved: Dismissed. Died. Remaining. Uncured. 4247 3719 181 111 200- 38 KREMSIER HOM(EOPATHIC HOSPITAL. Physician.-Dr. Schweitzer. This Hospital was opened on the 12th October, 1845, for the benefit of the sick poor of Kremsier. The Sisters of Charity act as nurses here also. The following are the results of treatment from the date of opening till 31st December, 1848: Remaining Admitted. Cured.. Dismissed Died; Remaining. from 1847. Uncured. 26 1515 1413 54. 89 2.3, HOM(EOPATHIC HOSPITAL, NECHANITZ. Physician.-Dr. Feltli This Hospital was founded in 1846 by the Countess Theresa Won Harrach. The mortality in this Hospital during the years 1846--7-8 was 2-48 per cent., and the cost of each patient in the Institution was, on an average, 6 florins, 15 krewners, (13s.). The total results during these years were as follows: - Admitted. Cured.- Relieved. Died. Remaining. 404 381 3 10 10 MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 129 IHOMIEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, GYONGYOS. Physician.-Dr. Horner. The following are the results of cases treated in this Hospital from 1st July, 1846, to 30th June, 1847:Admitted. Cured. Relieved. Uncured. Died. Remaining. 155 132 8 2 13 6 HOM EOPATHIC HOSPITAL, TURIN. This Hospital was founded by the efforts of the Canon of the Cathedral Abbd Cottolaengo, where all the patients are treated I-lommoopathically under the immediate superintendence of Dr. Demichelis. L'-IOSPICE DE LA PROVIDENCE, NICE. This is an Institution of great interest, being solely devoted to the restoration and protection of neglected and diseased Orphan Children. From 1815 to 1835, the-Hospital was under Allopathic treatment, from 1835 it has been under Homceopathic; the mortality under the former system was very great; under the latter the health of the Children has been better maintained, and the number of deaths greatly reduced. HOM(EOPATHY IN THE GENERAL HOSPITAL AT MADRID. For a number of years Homceopathy has been practised in this Hospital "with so much success that the Queen has, by royal mandate, sanctioned the establishment of the chairs for the teaching of HIomoopathy: one for Clinical, the other for Theoretical Lectures. Drs. Rio and Nunez, Professors. HOMOEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, MOSCOW. Physician.-Dr. Schweikert. This Hospital was opened for the Homceopathic treatment of disease, in presence of the Governor General, Prince Sctscherbatoff, and other persons of rank on the 16th of December, 1845. It is supported by voluntary contributions. No report of the success of the undertaking has yet reached us. MISKOLTZ HOICEOPATHIC HOSPITAL. Physician.-Dr. Stern. The local authorities of Miskoltz, aware of the benefits of Homceopathy, granted Dr. Stern permission (in 1846) to open an Hospital, and voted a yearly donation to assist in supporting it, but the Royal Government K 130 THE HOMOEOPATHIC shortly after overruled the resolution of the local power, and caused the Hospital to be closed, not however before certain good results were obtained -out of one hundred and twenty- one patients treated, ninety-six were cured, twenty-two much improved, and three were dismissed uncured, and no deaths. HOM(EOPATHIC HOSPITAL, ST. PETERSBURG. Physician.-Dr. Stender. The Minister of the Interior (in 1848) placed one half of a female Hospital under the care of Dr. Stender, Homoeopathic Physician, in order that, side by side with Allopathy, the merits of Homceopathy might be made to appear. The experiment continues to demonstrate the utility of the last named system. HOM(EOPATHIC CLINIQUE, LEIPZIC. This Institution is in connection with and supported by the Central Society of Homceopathic Physicians. Without having Hospital accommodation, it affords medical advice and medicine to a large number of the destitute poor of Leipzic. The supporters of the Charity anticipate being able shortly to open an Hospital. HOM(EOPATHIC WARD IN THE HOSPITAL ST. MARGUERITE, PARIS. Dr. Tessier has, for a number of years, practised Homceopathy in his Ward in this Hospital. The Ward contains one hundred beds, and the applications for admittance to this department of the Hospital are very great, and constantly increasing. Dr. Tessier has recently published a comparative view of the results of Allopathic and Hommeopathic practice in St. Marguerite's, from which publication we quote the following statistics:HOM(EOPATHIC. ALLOPATHIC. 1849. Admit. Disch. Died. Per Cnt. Admit. Disch. Died. Per Ont. Male.... 870 780 75 8.62 689 595 87 12.62 Female.. 422 378 51 12.08 398 316 82 20.62 1292 1158 126 9.75 1087 911 169 14.71 1850. Male.... 966 896 63 6.52 754 692 61 8.08 Female.. 711 632 75 10.54 441 394 46 10.43 1677 1528 138 8.22 1195 1086 107 8.99 1851. Male.... 1085 997 70 645 901 828 77 8.54 Female.. 609 558 65 10.67 541 467 58 10.72 1694 1555 135 7.96 144-2 1295 135 9.36 Total.... 4663 399 8.5 3724 411 11.30 MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 131 CALCUTTA NATIVE HOMEEOPATHIC HOSPITAL. Physician.-Dr. Tonnerre. This Hospital was opened on the 17th March, 1852; it contains ten beds. The total number of in-door cases treated since the opening have been eighty five; seventy two of which have been dismissed cured, and seven remain under treatment. A Dispensary is connected with the Hospital, where advice and medicine have been afforded during the same period to 1291, of which 996 have been dismissed cured, and 214 cases have been lost sight of. Continental Societies and Instititutions. On the Continent, as in Britain and America, there exists many associations for the defence and protection of Homceopathy, and for general professional improvement and intercourse. Among the most useful of Foreign Societies may be named the following-" The Gallican Homeopathic Society," which holds an annual Congress in some of the French cities; " The Central Society of German Homnopathists," which was founded by Hahnemann in 1829; " The Austrian Proving Society;" " The Hungarian Homceopathic Society;" " The Homceopathic Society of Vienna;" and ' The Hamesopathic Society of Western Germany." 132 THE HOMEOPATHIC Bibliographia, Homoeopathica Anglica. The special vocation of the Missionaries of Truth is to proclaim it to-- their fellow men, to bring it practically to bear on the interests of humanity7 and to defend it from the assaults of the ignorant and the prejudiced. In, such occupations their energies and their days are worthily spent. Time passes on, the truth, which a short time before was only received by a few, is embraced by all. The historian seeks to trace its progress, but the,steps by which it has advanced, and the individual efforts which have been made for its diffusion, are forgotten; he knows what once was ridiculed is now worshipped-but for want of contemporary records, he is obliged to chime in with the hackneyed language of his brother historians.-" The early history of all great movements is buried in obscurity." I have made the following catalogue of the works published iin Great Britain on Hommcopathy, not as a history of the propagation in our country of the truth Hahnemann was privileged to enunciate, but to provide materials for the future historian of medicine. When the time comes, as come it will, that the- Homaeopathic science shall be universally acknowledged by the Medical Profession, it will be matter of interest to know who were the men whose hearts were first opened to receive the truth, and how they sought to propagate it. Nay, the enquiries will be made who opposed it, and what were the causes that prevented its immediate and universal recognition. To furnish a reply to the first, I have endeavoured to give a complete list of all the works published in defence of Homceopathy in Great Britain. At some future time I hope to place on record a similar list of allthe writings of its opponents. By the kindness of Dr. Metcalf, of New York, who has liberally placed his papers and manuscripts at my disposal, I am enabled to add the North American IHomceopathic works. So the following catalogue includes all the Homoeopathic works published in theEnglish language. I do not criticise; I merely record. The time f6r criticism has not yet arrived:.-- 1833. 1. The IHomccopathic Medical Doctrine, or " Organon of the Healing Art;" A New System of Physic, translated from the German of S. Hahnemann. By Charles H. Devrient, Esq. With Notes, by Samuel Stratten, M.D. Dublin: W. F. Wakeman, 9, D'Olier Street; Simpkin, Marshall, and Groombridge, London; and Malcolm and Stewart, Edinburgh. 1833, Svo., pages 332. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 133 "2. Title Page-A Practical Appeal to the Public through a series of Letters, in defence of the new system of Physic, by the illustrious Hahnemann; who commenced his honourable career in Germany thirty years ago as a Homoeopathic Physician, and continues still, though now an octogenarian, to prosecute his profession of medical faith with progressive success, from a system founded upon reason, truth, and long experience; already confirmed by incontrovertible facts; authenticated by a ýcloud of respectable witnesses in different parts of Europe and America, which, if introduced and verified in the British dominions also, will speedily be hailed there as the most useful, and consequently the greatest discovery of any age, and a real blessing to future generations, when assailed by the cholera morbus, and other fatal diseases, whether acute or chronic. A variety of candid remarks and desultory observations are likewise subjoined on HAHNEMIANN'S ORGANUM, which may be justly styled his Gospel of Medicinal Redemption to perishing patients in the hands of their well meaning, but deluded Physicians, who may thus procure a reasonable supply of Genuine Cordial Drops from the true Balm of Gilead, extracted from the Homceopathic Laboratory for the general benefit of mankind, and the particular consolation of every Hypochondriac, Dyspeptic, Nervous Sufferer in the known world. Letter the First. By John Borthwick Gilchrist, L.L.D., &c., &c. London: Parbury, Allen, & Co., Leadenhall Street. 1833, pages 100. 1834. 3. Fragmenta de Viribus Medicamentorum Positivis sive in Sano Corpore Humano Observatis. A. Samuele Hahnemann, M.D., &c. &c. Editit. F. F. Quin, M.D. Londini: Veneunt apud S. Highley. 1834, 8vo., pages 214. 4. Pharmacopoia Homceopathica. Editit. F. F. Quin, M.D. Londini: Veneunt apud S. Highley, 1834. 8vo., pages 164. 5. A Letter addressed to the Medical Practitioners of Great Britain, on the Subject of Homceopathy. By the Rev. Thomas Everest, Rector of Wickwar, Gloucestershire. London: Wm. Pickering. 1834, 8vo., pages 40. 1836. 6. A Popular View of Hommeopathy, exhibiting the present state of the Science. By the Rev. Thomas R. Everest, Rector of Wickwar. Second edition, much enlarged and amended. London: J. Baillibre, 219,*Regent Street. 1836, 8vo., pages 151. Two editions of this work have been published in America, and it has been translated into German. 7. A Practical View of Homoeopathy, being an address to British practitioners on the general applicability and superior efficiency of the Homoeopathic method in the treatment of diseases, with cases. By Stephen Simpson, M.D. London: J. B. Baillicre, 219, Regent Street. 1836, 8vo., pages 350. 134 THE HOM(EOPATHIC 1837. 8. Principles of Homceopathy. By P. Curie, M.D. London: Thomas Hurst, 65, St. Paul's Church Yard. 1837, 8vo., pages 195. 9. Homoeopathy and Allopathy, or Large, Small, or Atomic Doses. By David Uwins, M.D. London: Henry Newsham, 356, Strand. Pamphlet. Pages 34. 10. Homceopathy, a Thesis. By G. M. Scott, M.D. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman; Edinburgh: Blackwood and Son; Glasgow: John Smith and Son. 8vo., pp. 80. 1838. 11. Practice of Homoeopathy. By P. F. Curie, M.D. London: J. B Bailliere, 219, Regent Street. 8vo., pages 366. 12. The Pathogenetic Effects of some of the Principal Homceopathic Remedies, translated from the German, with Introductory and Practical Observations. By Harris Dunsford, M.D. London: Baillibre, 219, Regent Street, and Henry Renshaw, 256, Strand. 1838, 8vo., pages 276. 13. Popular View of Hommoopathy. By Harris Dunsford, M.D. 14. Cases illustrating a New Method of Treatment for affections of the headand nervous system. By John Epps, M.D. 15. Constipation Curable. By John Epps, M.D. London: S. N. Epps, 15, Furnivals Inn, Holborn. 1838, 8vo., pages 36. 16. What is Homceopathy? By John Epps, M.D. 17. The Spirit of the Homceopathic Doctrine, and a Letter to a Physician, on the Necessity of a Reform in Medical Practice. By Dr. Samuel HIahnemann. Translated by Geddes M. Scott,. M.D. London: Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman; Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood and Sons;. Glasgow: John Smith and Son. 1838. 8vo, pages 62. 1839. 18. Constipation, and the affections connected with it, treated homoeopathically, By W. Broackes, M.D., and M.R.C.S. London: T. Hurst, and J. Bailliere. Pages 137. 19. Cutaneous Diseases Treated Homceopathically. By W. Broackes, M.D. London: T. Hurst. Pages 111. 20. Homceopathic Documents, being the Authentic Basis of Homeopathy in its reformed and no longer mystical state, namely, the Declaration of the German Central Hommeopathic Congress, and the propositions of Raw. Translated and annotated by W. Broackes, M.D. London: T. Hurst, St. Paul's Churchyard, and J. Bailliere. Pages 152. 21. Domestic Homoeopathy, or Rules for the Domestic Treatment of the Maladies of Infants, Children, and Adults, and for the conduct and treatment during pregnancy, confinement, and suckling. By John Epps, M.D. London: Sherwood and Co. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 135 1840. 22. Annals of the London Homoeopathic Dispensary, with Clinical Remarks. By P. Curie, M.D. Parts from May 1840 to 1845. 23. Popular Outlines of the Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy. By F. Blagdon Hurral, Surgeon, &c. London: Thomas Hurst, 5, St. Paul's Churchyard; J. Bailliere, 219, Regent Street. 1840. 24mo. pages 18. 24. On the Virtues of Arnica. By J. Epps, M.D. 25. Affections of Women-No. 1, Monthly Period. By J. Epps, M.D. 26. Homceopathy Explained, and Objections Answered. By C. W. Luther, M.D., London. 1841. 27. Domestic Homoeopathy. By P. F. Curie, M.D. Second edition. London: Thomas Hurst, Homceopathic Bookseller, 5, St. Paul's Church Yard. 1841. 18mo. pages 188. 28. The Practical Advantages of Homoeopathy, illustrated by numerous cases. Dedicated by permission to Her Majesty Queen Adelaide. By Harris Dunsford, M.D. London: H. Bailliere, 219, Regent Street. 1841. 8vo. pages 215. 29. Sketch of Homoeopathy, or the System of Medical Treatment, with Specific Remedies in all cases. By S. C. Davids, M.D. London: J. Leath, 5, St. Paul's Church Yard; Manchester: H. Turner, 26, Piccadilly. Pages 22. 30. Affections of the Head, and the Nervous System, being fifty-two cases treated with success on the Homosopathic principle. By John Epps, M.D. Second edition. London: Sherwood and Co. 23, Paternoster Row; Hurst, 5, St. Paul's Church Yard; Forrest, Market Street, Manchester; Gadsby, Market Street, Manchester; Grapel, Church 'Street, and Marples, Lord Street, Liverpool. 1841. 12mo. pages 92. 31. Epilepsy, and some Nevous Affections, its Precursors, being twentytwo cases successfully treated. By John Epps, M.D. London: Sherwood and Co., 23, Paternoster Row. 1841. 8vo. pages 84. 32. Homceopathy and its Principles Explained, being four lectures thereon. By John Epps, M.D. London: Sherwood and Co., 23, Paternoster Row; Hurst, 5, St. Paul's Church Yard. 1841. 18mo. Pages 83. 33. On Arnica Montana, and its beneficial effects as a remedy for bruises. By J. Epps. M.D. Second edition. 34. Manual of Homoeopathic Medicine, translated from the third edition of C. H. C. Jahr. By J. Laurie, with a Preface by P. Curie, M.D. London: Bailliere. 35. The Homeopathic Domestic Medicine. By J. Laurie, M.D., London. 36. Family Guide.to the Administratiou of Homceopathic Remedies. By ---- M.D. London: T. Hurst. 18mo. pages 36. 1842. 37. A Treatise on the Principles and Practice of Homeoopathy. By Francis Black, M.D. London: James Leath, 5, St. Paul's Church Yard; Maclachlan, Stewart and Co., Edinburgh; J. S. Machin, D'Olier Street, Dublin. 1842. 8vo. pages 239. 136 THE HOM(EOPATHIC 38. Sketch of Homceopathy. By C. Daniels, M.D. Second edition 39. What is Homceopathy. By J. Epps, M.D. Second Edition. 40. Domestic Homoeopathy; or Rules for the Domestic Treatment of the SMaladies of Infants, Children, and Adults, and for the conduct and the Treatment during Pregnancy, Confinement, and Suckling. By John Epps, M.D. Second Edition. 18mo. 200 pages. London: Sherwood and Co. 1843. 41. A Useful Dose of Homceopathy for the prevention and cure of false impressions concerning the system in the minds of the public at large. By ----, one who lately practised upon the old principles. London. Pages 39. 42. Scarlatina, and its Treatment on Homceopathic Principles. By J. Belluomini, M.D. 43. Homoeopathy no humbug; or a Refutation of Dr. James Johnson. By Dr. Ludwig Calmann. London: Black. Pages 48. 44. An Address on the Homoeopathic System of Medicine, read before the Medical and Surgical Society, at the Literary and Philosophical Institution, Newcastle-on-Tyne, January 31st, 1843. By Thomas Hayle, M.D. Newcastle on Tyne: R. and S. Fletcher, Grainger Street; London: J. B. Bailliere. 8vo. pages 48. 45. BRITISH JOURNAL OF IHOIMCOPATHY. VOL. 1. 1843. COTrENTS- NO. I. PAGE Sketch of the Origin and Progress of Homoeopathy. By J. Rutherford Russell, M.D................................................ 1 Illustrations of Homoeopathic Practice. By J. J. Drysdale, M.D. 21 On the Treatment of Pleuritis. By Dr. Wurmb, of Vienna; along with some Observations by Dr. Trinks, of Dresden............. 41 Homccopathic Treatment of Asiatic Cholera. By Francis Black, M.D.......................................................,...... 57 Effects of Galvanism in certain Organic Diseases of the Eye...... 68 On the Use of Arsenic in a Chronic Affection of the Digestive Organs. By Dr. J. W. Arnold, of Heidelberg.................. 71 Statement of Dr. Brenfleck on the use of Arsenic in Typhus...... 74 Review of Dr. Joseph Skoda on Percussion and Auscultation...... 77 M iscellaneous.............................................................. 96 No. II. Letter to Hufeland. By Samuel Hahnemann....................... 105 Discussion on Homceopathy in the Baden Parliament. Translated by J. R. Russell, M.D.......................................... 114 On the Preservative Properties of Belladonna in Scarlet Fever. By Francis Black, M.D............................................. 129 MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 137 'Theoretical and Practical Observations. By Dr. Liedbeck, of U psal................................................................... 140 Malignant Tumours of the Eye; History of the Cure of Field Marshall the Count Radetsky.................................. 147 On the Proving of Medicine on the Healthy Body. By Dr. Drysdale 157 Report of the Homceopathic Hospital, Vienna....................... 169 NOTICES OF BOOKS-IOM(EOPATHIC LITERATURE-- On Respiration, &c., and on Homoeopathy: Lectures delivered in the Museum at Bremen. By Dr. Hirschfield, Bremen... 171 Observations on the Utility and Mode of Applying the Magnetic, Electric, and Rotatory Apparatus of Keil............... 180 Lafitte's Symptomatology........................................... 188 Miscellaneous Notices................................................ 187 M edical Intelligence.................................................. 195 No. III. Introduction to the Proving of Arsenic. By Samuel Hahnemann 205 Theory of Small Doses............................................... 213 On the Use of Cuprum Aceticum, Acetate of Copper. By Dr. G. Schmid, Vienna................................................ 233 Clinical Observations communicated in a Letter from Dr. Frank of Osterode.................................................................. 254 'What is the Inference? or the Comparative Statistics of Allopathic and Homceopathic Treatment. By Dr. Kurtz, of Dessau, M edical Counsellor, &c................................................. 260 Critical Remarks, by Dr. Trinks, Dresden........................ 270 Dr. Skoda on Percussion and Auscultation.......................... 275 NOTICES OF BOOKS-I-IOMEOPATH-IC LITERATUREDie Macht der Aehnlichkeit und wre es zu erklaren ist dass aehnliches aehnliches heilt. Von Dr. C. G. Helbig.......... 287 An Address on the Homceopathic System of Medicine, &c. By Thomas H-ayle, M.D......................................... 293 Austria; its Literary, Scientific, Medical Institutions. By W. R. Wilde, M.R.G.A., Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland.............................................. 295 Wissenschaftliche Begrundung des Principes der Homoeopathic Von Dr. Adolph Heinrich Gerstel, Vienna.................... 296 Miscellaneous Notices.............................................. 296 Medical Intelligence.................................................. 304 No. IV. Iahnemann. By Dr. Chapman.................................... 317 The Medicine of Experience. By Samuel Hahnemann.......... 330 On Diet, by P. F. Curie M.D...................................... 339 138 THE HOM(EOPATHIC Practical Observations. By Dr. Drysdale...................... 354 Homoeopathic Treatment of the Insane. By Dr. C. Sztaraveszki, Physician to the Hospital of Gross Wardein, in Hungary...... 361 Practical Observations on the Treatment of Excessive Menstruation. By Dr. Patzack............................................ 36G Opium. By Dr. Schmid, Vienna................................... 370 REVIEWSAustria; its Literary, Scientific, and Medical Institutions, and Guide to the Hospitals and Sanitory Establishments of Vienna. By W. R. Wilde, Esq........................................ 382' The Contagion of Ophthalmo-blennorrhe; an abstract from J. F. Piringer's Work, a" The Blennorrhoe of the Human Eye." By Arthur B. Stout, M.D...................................... 38 Die Blennorrhce am Menschenauge. Von Joseph F. Piringer, M.D............................................................I..... 382 The Blennorrhce of the Human Eye. By Dr. Joseph F. Piringer.................................................... 382 Pathology, founded on the Natural System of Anatomy and Physiology; Philosophical Sketch, in which the Natural Classification of Diseases, and the distinction between Morbid and Curative symptoms, afforded by pain or its absence, are pointed out, as well as the Errors of Homceopathy, and other Hypotheses. By Samuel Walker. Second Edition......... 398 -Scarlatina and its Treatment on Homoeopathic Principles. By Jos. Belluomini, M.D........................................... 405 Vollstandige Bibliothek, oder encyclopadische Real-lexicon der gesammten theoretischen und practischen Homceopathie zum Gebrauch fur Aerzte Wundaerzte, Studirende, Apotheker and alle gebildite Nicht-Aerzte, nach ihrem gegenwartegen. Standpuncte bearbeitet von einem Vereine Homceopathiker 406, Die Homceopathic in ihrer Bedentung fur die Entwicklung den Medicin als Kimst und Wissenschaft. Von Dr. Fr. Mosthaft in Munchen Homceopathy in its influence upon the Development of Medicine as an Art and Science. By. Dr. Fr. Mosthaft, of Munich........................................ 40& M iscellaneous Notices..................................................... 407 Medical Intelligence................................................. 413 Death of Hahnemann.................................................... 417 APPENDIX TO VOL. IST. Containing the Provings of Lobelia Inflata. By Dr. Noack.............................. I. Ranunculas Bulbosus XX. Ranunculus Sceleratus.............................. XLIV. Plumbum. By Dr. Black....................................... LVI. Carea. By Dr. Buckner............................. LXXV. Kali Bichromicum. By Dr. Drysdale..................... LXXXIV. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 139 1844. 46. Domestic Homoeopathy. By J. Epps, M.D. 3rd edition. 47. A Guide to the Practice of Homoeopathy. Translated and Compiled in Alphabetical order, from the German of Rouff, Huss, and Ruckert, with many additions by Edward Win. Hamilton, M.D. London: H. Bailliere, 219, Regent Street. J. Leath, 5, St. Paul's Church Yard. 1844, 8vo. Pages 337. 48. Homceopathic Domestic Medicine. By J. Laurie, M.D. 49. A Concise Exposition of Homosopathy, its Principles and Practice, with an Appendix, containing a statement of the proceedings that led to the Author's dismissal from the situation of Medical Officer of the Glastonbury District of the Wells Poor Law Union; Correspondence with the Poor- Law Commissioners on the subject; Opinion of the Royal College of Physicians on Homoeopathy, &c. &c. By George Newman, M.R.C.S.L. London: J. Leath, 5, St. Paul's Church Yard. 1844, 8vo. Pages 68. 50. Defence of Hahnemann and his doctrines, including an exposure of Dr. Alexander Wood's Homceopathy Unmasked. Edinburgh: McLachlan & Stewart. 51. BRITISH JOURNAL OF HOMEOPATHY. VOL. 2. CONTENTS- PAGE. Medicine of Experience. By Samuel Hahnemann................. 1 The Hospital of the Sisters of Charity in Vienna. By Dr. Flieschmann, Physician in Ordinary.............................. 25 M. Andral's Homoeopathic Experiments at La Pitie. By Dr. F. W. Irvine................................................. 49 Practical Observations. By Dr. Buckner, of Munich.............. 64 Practical Observations. By Dr. Ozanne............................. 70 Affection of the Bladder, with formation of False Membrane, with difficult parturition. By Dr. D. Wielobyckie, Edin.... 86 Account of the Edinburgh Homoopathic Dispensary. Physicians, Dr. J. Rutherford Russell, and Dr. Black............... 91 RE VIEWBericht uber Pharmacoligie im Talore. 1842. Von:Professor Dierbach in Heidelberg.................................. 94 NOTICES OF BOOKS AND PAPERS ON THERAPEUTICS.Die Wirkung der Arzneimittel und Gifte im Gesunden thierischen kbrper, nach fremden und eigenen Beobachtungen bearbeitet Von Dr. Carl Wilmer. The effects of Medicines and Poisons of the healthy animal body, from his own observations and those of others. By Dr. Carl Wilmer............ 103 Cinchona and Sulphate of Quinine................................. 103 Bebeeru Bark......................................................... 104 Rhatany Root, Colocynth, Petrosilinum, Secale Cornutum...... 106 "140 THE HOMCEOPATHIC Eupatorium Perfoliatum. By Dr. Williamson, Philadelphia... 108 Cystisus Laburnum..................................................... 108 Homceopathic Intelligence................................. 112 M iscellaneous Notices................................................... 129 No. VL Mr. Newman and the Ro. Co. of Physicians........................... 133 State decision in Germany regarding Homoeopathic Practice...... 150,On Helianthus Annuus and Lichen, by Dr. Harris, London...... 169 Are the Obstacles -to Certainty and Simplicity in Practical Medicine Insurmountable. By Samuel Hahnemann.......... 172 Plea of a Convert. By Dr. Chapman............................... 188 On Inflammation of the Eye. By Dr. Segin of Heidelberg......... 204 REVIEWSHomceopathy and its kindred Delusions; Two Lectures delivered before the Boston Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. By Oliver Windell Holmes, M.D. Boston, 1843... 211 Homosopathy, with particular reference to a Lecture, by 0. W. Holmes, M.D. By A. H. Okie, M.D., Boston.......... 211 Some Remarks on Dr. 0. W. Holmes' Lectures on Homceopathy and Kindred Delusions. By Robert Wesselheft, M.D., Boston 211 An Answer to the Homoeopathic Delusions of Dr. 0. W. Holmes. By Charles Neidhard, M.D..................................... 211 Homoceopathic Intelligence............................................. 226 No. VH. On the Value of the Speculative Systems of Medicine, especially as viewed in connection with the usual methods of practice with which they have been associated. By Samuel Habnemann 233 On the Study of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica. By Constantine H erring...................................................... 250 Practical Observations-Affections of the Spinal Marrow; Employment of Ranunculus Bulbosus; Eruption consequent on the Use of Arnica. By Francis Black, M.D.......................... 267 On the Action of Lycopodium........................................ 279 On the Treatment of Encephalitis and Hydrocephalus. By Dr. W ahle................................................................ 285 On Angina Faucium. By Dr. Goullon Weimar................... 288 REVIEWSHomceopathy Unmasked. By Alex. Wood, M.D............... 293 Defence of Hahnemann and his Doctrines, including an Exposure of Dr. Alexander Wood's Homceopathy Unmasked... 293 Homceopathic Domestic Medicine. By J. Laurie, M.D.......... 304 Eine Stimme aus der wuste. Von Dr. V. R. Vivenot, Pract. Arzte in Wien............................................ 307 MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 141 Pathogenetic Fragments................................................ 308 Pathology........................................................ 314 Homoeopathic Intelligence.......................................... 323 No. VIII. Hahnemann on Trituration................................................. 329 On the necessity of a revision of our Materia Medica. By Dr. W atzke, of Vienna..................................................... 332 Practical Observations on Pneumonia. By J. Laurie, M.D....... 335 Report of Cases treated in the Hospital of the Sisters ot Charity, Vienna, from 1835 to the end of 1843........................... 346 Some Cases cured by Lachesis. By Dr. Hering, of Philadelphia 369 On the New Medical School, and the causes that prevent it being more generally adopted by Medical Men, by J. Gilioli, M.D_ L.L.D.................................................................. 379 Pharmaceutical Hints, by William Headland..................... 389 REVIEWSScientific Foundation of the principle of Homceopathy. By Dr. Gerstel............................... 393 L Homoeopathie est une verite, ou les faits tels qa'il sont. Par le Dr. H. V. Malan........................................... 404 Homoeopathy, versus Allopathy; or Reform among the Mystery Men. By E. Whitefield, M.D.,............................. 405 Materielle zu einer kunftigen Homoeopathischen Therapie Von E. F. Ruckert. A Guide to the Practice of Homoeopathy. By Ed. Hamilton, M.D........................................ 406 Medical Intelligence............................................ 407 M iscellaneous............................................................... 411 52. Homoeopathy compared with the usual practice of medicine, and its superiority vindicated; exemplified by statistical facts and cases successfully treated. By Dr. W. Batchelour. London: J. Leath. 53. Introduction to the study of Homoeopathy. By J. Drysdale, M.D., and J. R. Russell, M.D. 12mo. 54. The Rejected Cases; with a Letter to Thomas Wakley, Esq., M.P., on the scientific character of Homceopathy. By John Epps, M. D. London: Sherwood & Co., 23, Paternoster Row. 1845, 8vo. Pages 70. 9, Cambridge Square, Hyde Park, November 9th, 1844. Dear Sir,-I have been requested by Mr. Wakley, in returning your communications, to express how much he regrets his inability to insert them in the Lancet. Although he entertains himself opinions far different from those which you uphold, he would willingly have given your cases a place, had it not been for the determined opposition of the subscribers and readers of the Lancet to any thing in the shape of homocopathy. When your case of hiamate 142 THE HOM(EOPATHIC mesis, [the fifth case referred to above,] was inserted last winter, we received an avalanche of letters from all parts of the country, couched in such terms as to make it next to impossible for us to insert any further communication of the kind. Mr. Wakley's personal regard for yourself has induced him to hesitate about returning your cases; but he has, at last, felt it imperative upon him to do so, and he has particularly desired me to convey to you his great regret at being compelled to take this course. I remain, Sir, very truly yours, HENRY BENNET, M.D., Sub-Editor. 55. An Inquiry into the Homceopathic Practice of Medicine. By Wm Henderson, M.D. London: J. Leath, 5, St. Paul's Church Yard; Smyth, Berry Street, Liverpool; Maclachlan & Stewart, Edinburgh. 1845, 8vo. Pages 241. 56. The Homoeopathist or Domestic Physician. By C. Hering, M.D Reprinted from the second edition, Philadelphia. London: Bailliere 57. The Homceopathic Domestic Medicine. By J. Laurie, M.D. 3rd edition 58. Concise view of the system of Homceopathy, and refutation of 'th objections commonly brought against it. By C. W. Luther, M.D Issued by the Irish Homoeopathic Society. Dublin. Pages 262. 59. A concise exposition of Homceopathy, its Principles and Practice. By George Newman, M.R.C.S. 2nd edition. 60. H-omeopathic Family Assistant. By George Newman, M.R.C.S.L London: James Leath, 5, St. Paul's Church Yard. 18mo. Pages 301 61. A Glance at Hahnemann and Homceopathy. By Ernest Yon Brunnow Translated from the German, by J. Norton, M. D. London: Simpkin Marshall, and Co. Pages 39. 62. Arnica Montana, and Rhus Toxicodendron, as External Remedies, with full Directions for their use in Cases of Accidents, Injuries, Surgical Operations, Gout, Rheumatism, &c. London: J. Leath, 5, St. Paul's Church Yard. 1845. 18mo. pages 34. 63. BRITISI JOURNAL OF HOMiEOPATHY. VOL. 3. CONTENTS- No. IX, PAGEf IEsculapius in the Balance. By Samuel Hahnemann............... 1 Report of Linz Homoeopathic Hospital........................... 9 Practical Observations-Neuralgic Pains. By J. Laurie, M.D.... 13 Microscopic Examination of some Homoeopathic Metallic Preparations. By Dr. Mayerhofer....................................... 14 The New Medical School, and the causes which prevent its being more generally adopted by Medical Men. Second letter. By J. Gilioli, M.D., L.L D.......................................... 21 Cases Illustrating the Use of Sea Salt, administered internally. By Dr. D unsford................................................. 36 MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 143 A Method of Writing Down Cases. By S. C. Davids, M.D...... 40 RRVMEwsContributions to a Future Materia Medica, from Experiments "with Medicines on Persons in Health obtained and collected. By Dr. John C. G. Jorg....................................... 44 Austrian Journal of Homoeopathy. Edited by Dr. BM Flieschman 50 Domestic Homceopathty. By John Epps, M.D................. 53 Medical Intelligence................................................. 55 M iscellaneous............................................................. 61 No. X. jEsculapius in the Balance. By Samuel Hahnemann............ 65 On Dysentery, and the Characteristic Symptoms of the different Medicines which produce it. By Dr. Attomyr................ 78 An Account of Scarlet Fever cases treated on Homceopathic principles during an Epidemic, which prevailed in the Island of SGuernsey throughout the chief part of the year 1844. By Dr. Ozanne.............................................................. 91 Comparative results of the Homoeopathic and Allopathic treatment of Asiatic Cholera. By Dr. A. Edward Hamilton, of London........................................................ 101 Dr. Laurie's Practical Observations, continued from No. IX. p. 13 105 A Case of Epilepsy. By S. C. Davids, M.D., Exeter........... 107 REVIEWSMateriellen zer Einer Vunftigen Heilmittellchre durch Versuche der Arzneien an Gesunden Mlenschen gewonnen und gesammelt von Dr. Johan, C. G. Jorg Ordentlichen, Professor der Geburtshulfe an der Universitat zu. Leipzig: 1825............ 110 SEin Blick auf Hahneman und die Homcepathick von Ernest von Brunnou. Leipzig: 1844.................................. 119 Pathogenetic Fragments.................................... 123 Practical Notices......................................... 125 Pathological Observations............................................... 127 No. XI. Hahnemann's Correspondence with Dr. Stapf. Nos. I., II. and III.................................................................... 138 An Account of Scarlet Fever Cases treated on Homoeopathic principles in the Island of Guernsey in the year 1844. By Dr. Ozanne. Continued from page 101........................... 144 Suggestions. for the improved plan of the Materia Medica. By Dr. D rysdale............................................................ 166 Plumbum Carbonicum. By Dr. Chapman......................... 176 Report of the Homoeopathic Hospital at Linz, Upper Austria...... 171 Homoeopathic Family Assistant. By Geo. Newman, M.REC.S., Member Bri. Homceo. Soc. London........................... 175 144 THE HOM(EOPATHIC The I-Iomceopathist or Domestic Physician. By C. Hering, M.DL, Philadelphia........................................................... 181 REVIEWSAustrian Journal of Iomceopathy.................................... 188 Intelligence................................................ 189' No. XII. Hahnemann's Correspondence with Dr. Stapf. No. IV., V., and VI. Continued from No. IV. p. 133.............................. 197 Report of Dr. Flieschmann's Hospital, Vienna..................... 203 On the use of Lead in Chlorosis. By Dr. F. C. Winter, of Luneburg..................................................................... 218 On the use of Corrosive Sublimate in Scrofulous Ophthalmia. By Dr. Bocker, of Rade. Vonn Wald Prussia................ 223 On the Action of Opium. By Dr. J. W. Arnold, of Heidelberg.. 229: On Pure Homceopathic Medicinal Doses and Specificity. By Dr. Goullon, of W eimar................................ 232 REVIEWSAnimal Chemistry or Organic Chemistry in its application to Physiology and Pathology. By Justus Liebig, M.D.... 240 Dr. Samuel Hahnemann's Heilung and Verhutung des Scharlach-fubers und Purpurfriesels mit einigen Zusetzen. Von Dr. J. Buckner................................ 247 Miscellaneous....................... 251 Medical Intelligence..................................... 259' No. XIII. Examination of the Sources of the Common Materia Medica. By Samuel- Hahnemann................................................. 361 On Pure Homceopathio Medicinal Doses and Specificity. By Dr. Goullon of Weimar. Cont. from No. xii. p. 240................. 367 On Hooping Cough, by Dr. Kasemann, of Lich, in the Grand Duchy of Hesse....................................................... 371 A Glance at Symptomatology. By J. D. Charles, M.R.C.S. Read before the Bi. Homce. Soc., June 3rd, 1845............... 377 Tabular View of Cases treated at the Hospital of the Sisters of Charity, Vienna........................................................ 394 REVIEWSAnimal Chemistry or Organic Chemistry in its Application to Physiology and Pathology. By Justus Liebig, M.D. Cont. from No. xiii., p. 247................................................ 396 An Inquiry into the Physiological and Medicinal Properties of Aconitum Napellus; to which are added Observations on several other Species of Aconitum. By Alexander Fleming, M.D., President of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh 404' MEDICAL DIRECTORY. A Glance at IHIahnemann and Homcoopathy. By Ernest Von Brunnow. Translatedhby J. Norton, M.D............... 415 An Inquiry into the Homteopathic Practice of Medicine. By William H-enderson., M.D., Professor of Medicine and General Pathology, and lately one of the. Professors of Clinical Medicine in the University of- Edinbughl..............416 Miscellaneous.......................................... 416 Homceopathic Intelligence............................417 No. XIV. Examination of the Sources of the Common Materia Medica. By Samuel HIahnemaun; 1817. Continued from XIII. p. 367.. 425 On the use of Arsenic, prepared from Pharmacological and Clinical Materials. By Dr. Wrumb, of Vienna.. Continued from page 393................................................ 453 Case of Bronchocele. By lHugh Cameron, Esq. Being the substance of a paper read before the British Homceopathic Society 469 Case of Paerperal Pepitonitus. By Dr. Edward C. Holland.... 474 REVIEwsOrganic Medicine and Homoopathy...................... 478 Hahnemann's Monument............................ 498 H-omeopathliic Intelligence.-.............................500 "vMiscellaneous........................................ 502 1'846. 64. Hommepathy viewed in connection with M edical Reform. By H. R. Madden, M.D. London: J. Leath. Pages 163. 135. Homceupathy, its Principles, Theory, and Practice. By \Marmaduke B. Sampson. Published under the superintendence of the British IHomceopathic Association. 66. Homneopathy; the True Art of - Healing. By E. Whitfield, M.D., 46, Marine Parade, Brighton. -7. Brief View of H-omceopathy. By Dr. N. Wood. 18mo. 68. A kManual of H-Iomnceopathic Cookery, designed chiefly for the use of such persons as are under Hommopathic treatment. By the Wife of a Homceopathic Physician. London: G. Bouron, O&fobit Street. Reprinted in America. 69. A Sketch of the Advantages of H-omosopathy. By J. G. Rozenstein, M.D. 70. An Epitome of Hlommeopathic Practice, compiled chiefly from Jahr, Ruckert, Beauvais, Bocninghausert. By J. T. Curtis and J. Lillie, M1.D. London: James Leath. 71. BniTsS JOURNAL OF HIOaCTOPATHIY. VOL. 4. CONTENTS- N o. XV. PAGE Editorial Address................................ I L 146 THE HOM(EOPATHIC On Neuralgia. By Dr. Quin, Physician to His Majesty Leopold, King of the Belgians, and Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cambridge......................................... 18 Cases of Total Placental Presentations. By Dr. Wielobycki, Edinburgh.......................................... 4& On the properties of Digitalis Purpurea. By Francis Black, M.D., Edinburgh........................................ 61 Two Cases of, the Pathogenetic Action of Sulphur and Cantharides.............................................. 91 REVIEWSAn Inquiry into the Homoeopathic Practice of Medicine. By William Henderson, M.D., Professor of Medicine and General Pathology, lately one of the Professors of Clinical Medicine, University of Edinburgh...................... 93 Homoeopathic Pharmacopeia, prepared and published for the use of Pharmaceutists. By Carl Ernst Gruner, Dresden.... 107 Journal de la Medicine Homceopathique publi4 par la Societe Hahnemannienne de Paris............................ 109 Pathology............................................ 111 Mliscellaneous.......................................... 13 No. XVI. On the Use of Arsenic. By Dr. Wrnmb, Vienna. Continued from Vol. 3, page 469................................ 129 Letter to John Forbes, M.D., F.R.S. By Wm. Henderson, M.D., Professor of Pathology in the University of Edinburgh...... 148 Neuralgia. By Dr. Quio. Continued from page 47.......... 220 M iscellaneous.......................................... 241 No. XVII. On the Use of Arsenic. By Dr. Wrumb, Vienna.............. 246 On the properties of Digitalis Purpurea. By Dr. Black. Continued from page 91.................................. 267 Report of Dr. Flieschmann's Hospital, Vienna, 1845........... 281 Case of Dysentery. By J. McGregor, M.R.C.S., of Belfast...... 282 Effects of Phosphorus. Communicated by Dr. Walker, Manchester........................................... 287 On the Action of Imperceptible Agents on the living body. By Professor D. Amador................................. 289 Neuralgia. By Dr. Quin. Continued from page 240.......... 298 REVIEWSConfessions of a Homocopathist.......................... 323 Homceopathic Institutions and Dispensaries................ 323 Pathology........................................... 336 MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 147 M iscellaneous..................................... 346 Homoeopathic Intelligence.............................. 354 No. XVIII. On the use of Arsenic. By Dr. Wrumb, of Vienna............ 357 Practical Observations, Ascites and Anasarca. By Dr. Ladelci, of Rome..........................................363 Case of Ulceration of the Stomach terminating fatally in Perforation. By Dr. Holland............................... 379 Practical Observations on Nervous and Mental Disorders. By Dr. Mayerhofer Kremsmunster......................................... 385 On Total Placental Presentation. By Dr. Wielobycki........ 395 On Chylo Serons Urine................................. 419 REVIEWSHahnemann's sew de Homoeopath, Naples, 1840............ 424 On German Homoeopathic Manuels................................ 430 NOTICES OF BOOKSThe Brain and its Physiology. By Daniel Noble, M.R.C.S.L. 443 Summary of the Principles of Homceopathy, and reasons for the preference of this System........................................ 443 Homoeopathy viewed in connection with Medical Reform. By Henry M adden, M.D.............................................. 443 Medical Intelligence................................................. 444 72. THE MONTHLY JOURNAL OF HOM(EOPATHY. VOL. 1. COiNTENTSPhisiology in regard to the laws of Increase, and the Influence of Parents on Offspring, in Four Chapters. Phrenological Science. Phrenological Essays, by Dr. Gall, on the Functions of the Brain, and on those of each of its parts. Practical Homceopathy, with XI. Cases. The Superior Efficacy of Homoeopatlic Treatment Demonstrated. Cases of Affections of the Head. Homoe opathy Scientific. Uncertainty of the Old System Practice. REVIEWSPathogenetic Effects of Medicines. Rints on Diet. Physicians' Opinions of the Old System Practice. Miscellaneous. 148 THE HIOMCEOPATHIC 1847. 73. Homoeopathic Treatment and Prevention of Asiatic Cholera, with an Historical Survey of its Treatment by the Homceopathic Practitioners of the Continent during its last appearance in Europe in 1831, and subsquent years. By R. Dudgeon, M.D. Bowson, London. Pages 51. 74. The Homoeopathic Treatment of Cholera, extracted from the British Journal of Hormoopathy. London: Baillire, Headland. Pages 23. 75. A Sketch of Homaeopathy on the System of Medical Treatment with Specific Remedies in all cases. By S, C. Davids, M.D. Leath, London. 3rd edition. 76. Manual of Homoeopathic Medicine. In Two Parts. Part I. Materia Medica. Part II. Therapeutical and Symptomatological Repertory. By G. H. G. Jahr. Translated from the Fourth Edition, and Edited, with Additions, by P. F. Curie, M.D. Second Edition. London: Hippolyte Bailliere, Publisher and Foreign Bookseller, 219, Regent Street; Paris: J. B. Bailliere, Libraire de l'Academie Royale de Medicine, Rue de PEcoie de Medicine. 2 Vols. 1847. 8vo. Pages 1251. 77. Elements of Homceopathic Practice of Physic. By J. Laurie, M.D. London J. Leath. Pages 779. 78. Manual of Homceopathic Therapeutics, intended as a Guide in the Study of the Materia Medica. By C. Boenninghausen, M.D. Translated from Dr. Roth's Improved French Edition. By J. Laurie, M.D. London: H. Bailliere, Publisher and Foreign Bookseller, 219, Regent Street. 1847. 8vo. Pages 493. 79. The HomoeopaEhic Domestic Medicine. By J. Laurie, M.D. 4th Edition. 80. Vade Mecum of the Homceopathic Practitioner. By H. V. Malan, A.M. M.D. London: J. Leath, 5, St. Paul's Church Yard. 1847. 18mo. Pages 22. 381. An Answer to the Enquiry-How can such small doses have any effect? By H. V. Malan, M.D. London: H. Baillibre. Pages 16. 82. The Homceopathic Family Assistant. By G. Newman, M.R.C.S. 2nd Edition. 83. The Progress of Homceopathy. A series of Papers illustrative of the Position and Prospects of Medical Science. London: S. Highley. Published under the superintendence of the English Homoeopathic Association. CONTENTS- -PAGE Address. By M. B. Sarmpson.................................. 1 Popular Considerations on Homoeopathy. B. W. C. Bryant, President of the New York H-omeopathic Society................. 21 On Chronic Gastritis. By P. F. Curie, M.D...................52 Dr. Forbes on Homoeopathy........................................... 75 M. Magendre on Homceopathy........................................ 94 Dr. Andrew Combe on Homceopathy............................ 103 MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 149 On Belladonna as a Prophylactic against Scarlet Fever. By T. Hayle, M.D........................................................ 114 Medical Prejudices-Cholera and its Treatment.................... 134 The Curative Powers of Nature..................................... 149 Medical Society of London and Honimopathy........................ 156 The British Association and its Services to Science................ 170 Sir Humphrey Davey and Nitrous Oxide Gas. By J. Epps, M. D. 177 Sea Sickness Hommopathic to the Sickness of Disease............. 181 M edical Compromises.................................................... 182 H omoeopathy in India.................................................. 192 Homceopathy in Africa............................................ 195 The Advantages of a Homeopathic Hospital. By Richard Beamish, F.R.S........................................................ 199 Inconsistencies of Medical Writers................................ 203 The Effects of Coffee-Translation of the Treatise by Hahnemann 205 Action of Nature in Disease........................................... 233 Report of the First Annual General Meeting of the English I-omoeopathic Association.................................. 245 84. Hints o Ho' Homeopathy, with an Account of the Effects of the Medicines contained in the Domestic Box. By a M. R. S. L. Iluddersfield: Bond and Hardy. 85. New Manual of Hommopathic Veterinary Medicine. By F. A. Gunther. Translated from the third German Edition, with considerable additions. London: Baillibre. 86. BRITISH JOURNAL OF HOMEOPATHY. VOL. 5. CONTENTS- No. XIX. PAGE Homceopathy, via Young Physic. By J. Rutherford Russell, M.D. 1 Practical Observations. By Dr. Guinness, Dublin............... 19 Report of the Linz Homeopathic Hospital..................... 27 Report of the Iýremsier Homeopathic Hospital................ 30 Allopathic and Homoeopathic Treatment of the Malignant Pushell in Domestic Animals, By Wilhelm Jenitre, Bailiff of the Manor of Zagorowo...................................... 32 Observations on the treatment of Inflammation of the Ocecum and Apoplexy. By Francis Black, M.D.......................... 40 On the Treatment of Apoplexy. By J. Ozanne, M.D., Guernsey 58 On the Mechanical and Homeopathic Treatment of Spinal Curvature and Distortion. By Thomas Engall, M.R.C.S.......... 68 Editorial Retrospect of the Progress of Homoaopathy in 1846, containing a Reply to Dr. Balfour's Letter on the Vienna H ospital, &c................................................... 78 REVIEWS.Concise View of Homceopathy, and Refutation of the Objections commonly brought forward against it.................... 103 150 THE HOMOEOPATHIC Homoeopathy, its Principle, Theory, and Practices. By M. B. Sampson............................................................... 103 New Manual of Homceopathic Veterinary Medicine. By F. A. Gunther..................................................... 11 M iscellaneous......................................................... 112 Medical Intelligence.................................................... 121 Correspondence............................................................ 124 No. XX. Historical Notice of High Dilutions................................. 122 On the Treatment of Pleuropneumonia in Cattle..................... 162 On the Mechanical and Homoeopathic Treatment of Spinal Curvature. By Thos. Engall, M.R.S.E.............................. 165 Cases of Puerperal Convulsions. By'Dr. Wielobycki, Edinburgh 197 On the Medicinal Virtues of Calcaria Carbonica. By Dr. Croserio 212 On Cataract, its Nature and Treatment, By Henry V. Malan, M.D.................................................................. 224 REVIEWSManual of Homceopathic Medicine. By Jhar.................... 236 Pathology...................................................... 239 Medical Intelligence................................................ 242 Obituary................................................................. 251 No. XXI, Dr. George Schmid's Homceopathic Cures with Undiluted Medicines................................................................... 257 Characteristics and Physiography of the Gemis Croup and its Species............................................................ 282 Case of Pericarditis Rheumatica. By Dr. Joseph Laurie, of London................................................................. 310 Calendula Officinalis as a Vulnarany. By Dr. Thorer, of Gorlitz 318 On the Treatment of Headaches. By Dr. Black..................... 325 REVIEWSHomoeopathic Pharmacy.................................... 353 Mr. J. Dore Blake, of Taunton, and the College of Surgeons... 377 Medical Intelligence................................................ 382 HAHNEMANN'S CORRESPONDENCELetters to Dr. Schreter, of Lemberg........................... 396 Obituary......................................................... 400 No. XXII. On the Treatment of Headaches. By Dr. Black.................... 401 On the Therapeutic Action of Coffee. By Dr. Weitenbreber, of Prague............................................................ 441 MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 151 Case of Diarrhoea, with Discharge of Membranous Tubes. By Dr. Hayle, of Newcastle............................... 450 Cases of Puerperal Convulsions, By Dr. Weilobycki, Edinburgh 452 On Stimulants, their Mode of Action and Practical Application. By Dr. Madden................................................. 505 REVIEWSThe Progres of Homoeopathy................................. 519 Jahr's New Manual................................................ 524 Pathology....................................................... 526 M edical Intelligence............................................... 529 M iscellaneous............................................................ 560 87. MONTHLY JOURNAL OF HOM(EOPATHY. VOL. 2. CONTENT. - PAGE Absurd Legal Position of the Medical Profession in Great Britain 364 Allopathists' Attack on Homoeopathy................................ 229 Belladonna, a Preventative in Scarlet Fever......................... 17 Cholera, its Treatment in India................................ 214 Copaiba, Evils from......................................252 Case Treated by Dr. Epps......................... 39 et seq. Essay by Dr. HIering, on the Progress of Homeopathic Medicine 63 Pathogenetic Effects of Graphites................................ 205 Medical Gazette and Homceopathy......................... 127 Mesmerism. By Dr. Carpenter..................................... 314 Medical Society of London and Homieopathy........................ 175 M atico as a Styptic................................................... 145 Teeth Artificial. By L. Kcecker, M.D........................ 195 Testimony of Allopathists to the excellent method of preparing Homoeopathic Medicines................................. 143 Veterinary College, near Paris................................... 49 Phrenology and Dr. Barrow......................................... 109 Physicians' Skill, in what consisting.................................. 117 Stramonium, Effects of........................................... 93 Pathology, its Uncertainty............................................ 113 Phosphorus, Diseases Produced and Cured by it................. 119 Purgative Medicines, their Evils.................................. 320 Schinus of the Stomach transmissible..............................217 Want of Knowledge of the Pure Effects of Medicines............. 206 1848. 88. A Domestic Hommopathy restricted to its Legitimate Sphere of Practice together with Rules for Diet and Regimen. By Edward C. Chepmell, M.D. London: -. Baillibre, Publisher and Foreign Bookseller, 219, Regent Street. 18mo. Pages 233. 152 THE HOMIEOPATHIC 89. A Letter, illustrating the Illustrations of the Fraud and Folly of Homceopathy, by Jonathan Toogood. By Aliquis. London: Headland. Pages 27. 90. Suggestions for the Treatment and Prevention of Asiatic Cholera. By J. Epps, M.D. London: Sherwood and Co. Pages 20. 91. What is IHomoeopathy? By J. Epps, M D. London: Piper and Co. Pages 16. Three editions, and reprinted in America. 92. Domestic Homoeopathy. By J. Epps, M.D. Fourth edition. London: Sherwood and Co. Pages 239. 93. Lecture on Bomceopathy. By A. Guinness, M.D., Exeter. 94. A Short History of the Cholera, with a few hints as to its prevention by Homoeopathic Treatment. By E. Hamilton, M.D. 95. An Epitome of the Homoeopathic Domestic Medicine, intended to serve as a guide to those who are desirous of commencing the Honweopatlic Treatment in Family practice. By J. Laurie, M.D. London: J. Leath. Pages 240. 96. A few Plain Directions for the IHomeopathic Treatment and Prevention of British and Asiatic Cholera, and also Cholerine. Extracted from the " Homceopathic Domestic Medicine" of Dr. Laurie, with alterations and additions. Third thousand, enlarged. London: J. Leath, 5, St. Paul's Church Yard. Pages 22. 97. On Cholera, and three modes of treating it. By Dr. Lees, Edinburgh; and A. Courtney, Esq., Surgeon. 98. The Treatment of Small Pox, Measles, Scarlet Fever, Hooping Cough, Croup, Quinsy, &c., by the Water Cure and Homoeopathy. Adapted for the use of families. By W. McLeod, M.D. Manchester: W. Turner. London: Simpkin and Marshall. Pages 155. 99. An Answer to the Enquiry-How can such small doses have any effect? By H. V. Malan, M.D. London: Baillicre. Pages 16. 100. A Concise View of the System of Homceopathy, and Refutation of the objections commonly brought forward against it. By C. W. Luther, M.1). Second edition. Dublin: James M'Glashan. Published by the Irish Homceopathic Society. 101. Homceopathy-its Principle, Theory, and Practice. By M. B. Simpson, Esq. Second edition. London: S. Highley. 102. Truths, and their Reception considered in relation to the Doctrine of Homoeopathy; to which are added various essays on the Principles and Statistics of Homoeopathic Practice. London: S. IHighley. Published under the superintendence of the British Homoeopathic Association. Pages 251. CONTENTS- PAGE Truths, and their Reception considered in relation to the Doctrine of Homoeopathy............................................. 1 First Essay by Hahnemann on the Homwoopathic Principle......... 89 Ilomceopathic Treatment of Asiatic Cholera....................... 187 llomwopathy in Acute Diseases. Narrative of a Mission to Ireland during the Famine and Pestilence of 1847................... 201 MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 10. I-omceopathy at Taunton-The Case of Mr. James Dare Blake and the Royal College of Surgeons. London: S. Highley. 104. Arnica and Rhus, with Directions for their use in Mechanical Surgeries and other Affections. 18mo. 105. Homoopathy abd its Critics. London: J. Leath. Pages 12. 106. A Conversation betwesn Two Ladies on Homeopathy. London: J. Leath. Pages 51. Third thousand. 107. H-omcopathy Vindicated; being a reply to the objection made against that doctrine by Captain Basil Hall, Dr. Verity, of Paris, Mr. Edwin Lee, and others; with an Appendix containing hints to guide the layman in selecting the appropriate medicine. By an Amateur. London: J. Leath. 108. A Popular View of the System of Medicine called HomoEopathy, in a brief exposition of its Origin, Principle, and Advantages, as a prompt, safe, and effectual mode of cure. Written for the instruction of the people, by a Student. London: J. Leath, pages 38. 109. A Summary of the Principles of Homcoopathy, and Reasons for the preference of this system to the ordinary method of medical practice. London: J. Leath. Pages 33. 110. BRITISH JOURNAL OF HOMciEOPATHY. VOL. 6. No. XXIII. CONTENTS- PAGE Critical Examination of the Dose.................................. 1 Dr. Madden on Stimulating Drinks................................... 3 Dr. Ozanne on Epidemic Measles in Guernsey, in 1846-7......... 5; Report of the H-ommoopathic Hospital of Vienna................... 81 Report of the Homceopathic Hospital of Linz....................... 8' Report of the Hommopathic Hospital of Kremsier.................... 8 Mr. Kidd on the Fever and Dysentery of Ireland in 1847........ REVIEWDr. Malan's Vade Mecum.......................................... 11 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICESDr. Molin on Specifics.................................... 115 Dr. A. L. Siman on Mercury and Syphilis.......................... 115 Drs. Arneth and Marenzeller's Yearly Report.................... 125 Homoeopathic Intelligence............................................. 132 Obituary.................................................................. 137 No. XXIV. Dr. Scott's Prize Essay................................................ 145 Cases by Dr. W atkze................................................... 1 G5 Dr. Ozanne on M easles............................................. 181 154 THE 1HOMCEOPATHIC Dr. Dudgeon on Diseases of the Eye................................. 190 Dr. Madden on Infinitesimal Doses of Nat. Mur................... 221 %REVIEWDr. Laurie's Practice of Physic................. s................... 227 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICESBonninghausan's Manual............................................. 251 Chepmell's Domestic Homceopathy................................. 252 Allshorn's Notes....................................................... 252 Homoeopathic Intelligence............................................... 253 Miscellaneous............................................................... 288 No. XXV. What is Psora?....................................................... 289 Dr. Dudgeon on Diseases of the Eye................................... 317 Professor Henderson on the Chemistry of Disease.................. 371 Dr. Sutherland on Urinary Deposits................................... 394 Hahnemann's Correspondence........................................... 413 Homoeopathic Intelligence................................................ 418 Obituary................................................................ 423 Miscellaneous............................................................ 425 No. XXVI. Dr. Madden on Cod Liver Oil...................................... 433 Professor Henderson on the Chemistry of Disease.................... 459 Dr. Dudgeon on Diseases of the Eye................................. 478 Dr. Ozanne on Erysipelas............................................ 542 Dr. Atkin on Spasmodic Cholera..................................... 552 Dr. Sutherland on a New Test for Diabetic Urine..................... 554 HOMOEOPATHIC INTELLIGENCEProceedings of the British Homceopathic Society................ 557 Homceopathic Publishing Society.................................... 563 Statistics of the Homeopathic Treatment of Measles.............. 568 MISCELLANEOUSMr. Blake on Vulcanized India Rubber.......................... 569 111. MONTHLY JOURNAL OF HOMCEOPATHIY. VOL. 3. CONTENTS- PAGE Successful Treatment of Cholera by HIcmeopathists............. 140 Epps' Domestic Homceopathy in America........................... 354 Dysentery in Ireland............................................... 308 Cases Treated by Dr. Epps....................................... 13 Lecture on Pure Physiology. By Dr. Epps..................... 301 Harrison's Victory over Prejudice.................................. 66 MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 155 Harrison's Spinal Institution............................................ 66 Literary Labours of Hahnemann....................................... 185 Materialism Refuted. By Dr. Gall................................... 257 Mattencci Professor, his Discoveries in Galvanism............... 241 Medical Gazette ieplied to...................................... 89 Homceopathy in Mental Cases................................. 172 Mercury detected in Pus from a Bubo............................... 49 Mineral Waters at Hinckley............................................ 272 Page Mr. W. B., his Treatment of Tetanus.......................... 382 Peruvian Bark, Essay on............................................ 209 Essays on Phrenology. By Dr. Gall.......................... 33 Soup, how to make. By Liebig............................... 238 Strychnia Sulphate, effects as a Poison....................... 155 Tea, its Adulteration and Pathogenetic effects..................... 262 Trausseau, M., testimony that Iron is often the Cause of Consumption.................................................. 386 Viper Cure.................................................... 174 Lay Medical Practitioners.......................................... 153 Bennet, Dr. J. H.................................................. 364 Constipation, Absurd Treatment by the Old System Practitioners... 339 Minuteness of Detail necessary in descriptions of diseases and their treatment................................................ 121 1849. 112. The New Test Act, a recent Conspiracy against the Medical Practitioners of Homceopathy and the Public, by the College of Physicians and the Faculty of Medicine, considered in a Letter to the Patrons of the University of Edinburgh. By Alummis. Edinburgh: J. Hogg. Pages 39. 113. A Domestic Homceopathy restricted to its legitimate sphere of practice, together with Rules for Diet and Regimen. By E. C. Chepmell, M,D. London: Headland. 114. A Practical Guide to the Treatment of the Common Disorders, with Twelve Homoeopathic Remedies,-with Instructions as to Diet, and an Appendix on Asiatic Cholera. Second Edition. London: William Headland, 15, Princess Street, Hanover Square. 1849. 32mo. Pages 64. 115. A Treatise on Cholera, English and Asiatic, with Directions for the Homoeopathic Treatment. By P. F. Curie, M.D. London: Headland. Pages 48. 116. On Homcaopathic Dispensaries. By Dr. Drysdale. Extracted with additions from the British Journal of Homoeopathy. London: Headland. Pages 29. 117. Organon of Medicine. By Samuel Hahnemann. Translated from the Fifth German Edition. By R. E. Dudgeon, M.D. London: Headland. Pages 339. 118. Homceopathy in Acute Diseases: Narrative of a Mission to Ireland during the famine and pestilence of 1847. By J. Kidd, M.R.C,S. 156 THE HOMIEOPATHIC Published under the superintendence of the British Homoeopathic Association. London: Highley. Pages 52. 119. The Homoeopathic Domestic Medicine. By J. Laurie, M.D. London: J. Leath. Fifth Edition. 120. The Parent's Guide. A Treatise on the Method of Rearing Children from their earliest Infancy; comprising the Essential Branches of Moral and Physical Education, to which are attached a few simple regulations for the Homceopathic Treatment of some of the more common affections incidental to childhood. By J. Laurie, M.D. London: J. Leath, 5, St. Paul's Church Yard; Turner, Piccadilly, Manchester; Maclachlan, Stewart, & Co., Edinburgh. 1849. 12mo. Pages 427. 121. What to do against Cholera. By -. V. Malan, M.D. London: Pag4s 4. Nine Editions 122. Notes on Homceopathy. By James Loftus Marsden, M.D. London: W. Headland, 15, Princess Street, Hanover $Square. H. Bailliere, 219, Regent Street. 1849. 8vo. Pages 179. 123. Homeopathic Hospital and College. By the Hon. A. H. M. Moreton. London: Headland. Pages 40. 124. Evidences of the Truth of the Homoeopathic Practice, its progress and development. By J. G. Rosenstein, M.D., Kidderminster. 125. A Treatise on Epidemic Cholera. By J. Rutherford, Russell, M.D., with an Appendix of cases treated in the Edinburgh Homcopathic Dispensary, 1848 and 1849, and a Map shewing the course of Cholera from India to Britain. London: Headland. Pages 853. 126. Second Annual Report of the Acting Committee of the Edinburgh Homoeopathic Dispensary. Edinburgh. Pages 14. 127. Truths and their Reception, considered in relation to the Doctrine of Homceopathy; to which are added various essays on the principles and statistics of Homoeopathic Practice. London: Highley. Second Edition. Published under the superintendence of the British Homeopathic Association. 128. Concluding Task of the Disciples of Homcebpathy-An Address delivered to the members of the British -omoeopathic Association; together with a Report of proceedings connected with the formation of the London Homoeopathic Hospital. London: Highley. Pages 85. PUBLISHED UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF THE BRITISH IHOMOEOPATnIC ASSOCIATION. CONTENTSAddress-The Concluding Task of the Disciples of Homoeopathy. By M. D. Sampson................................................. 5 Proceedings of the General Meeting on 22nd August, 1849..... 19 Proceedings of the General MIeeting on 10th October, 1849...... 41 Address on the transference of the future energies of the members of the British Homeopathic Association to the maintenance of a London Homoeopathic Hospital.................................. 66 Committee, &c., of the London Homoeopathic Hospital........... 86 Balance Sheet of British Homoeopathic Association................ 88 MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 1.7 129. Homoeopathy in Acute Diseases. By S. Yeldham, nM.R.C.S. London: Baillisre. Pages 276. 130. H-omoopathy Disclosed-as a Word to the Allopathists, shewing the Truths of Homceopathy, with cases successfully treated, and all objections answered. By a Non-Professional. London: Harrold. pages 54. 131. Medical Toogoodism and Homceopathy. Extracted from the British Journal of Homoeopathy. London: Headland. Pages 30. 132. Arnica, Montana, and Rhus, as External Remedies. London: J. Leath. Second thousand. Pages 31. 133. The Homoeopathic Treatment of Diseases of Females and Children. By Walter Williamson, M.D. London: J. Leath. Pages 124. 134. BrITISH JOURNAL OF HOMEOPAT-HY. VOL. 71 No. XXVII. CONTENTS- PAGE Dr. Dudgeon on Diseases of the Eye.......................... 1 Dr. Elb on Scarlatina in Dresden................................. 33 The Asiatic Cholera in Edinburgh................................ 48 Professor Henderson on General Pathology....................... 85 Dr. Sutherland on a Case of Apoplexy............................... 97 REVIEWS-- Dr. Laurie's Homeopathic Practice of Physic.................. 100 Dr. Toogood's Ftraud and Folly of Homeopathy............. 122 Homceopathic Intelligence........................................... 123 Obituary.............................................................. 129. Dr. Griesselich and Dr. Molin................................... 130 No. XXVIII. Mr. Leadam on a Case of Hydrophobia........................... 145 Dr. Griesselich on a Case of Potts Disease........................ 159 Cases by Dr. Buchanan Ker....................................... 161 Dr. Russell on the Cholera in Edinburgh....................... 170 Dr. Beilby on the Cholera in Glasgow............................. 220 Dr. Black on Posology.............................................. 224 Dr. Drysdale on a Case of Vascular Tumour of the Cornea......... 244 REVIEWSMedical Toogoodism and Homoeopathy............................ 248 The Baron de Monestrol on Gout............................ 275 H-om eopathic Intelligence.............................................. 277 M iscellaneous................................................. 283 158 THE HOM(EOPATHIC No. XXIX. Professor Henderson on General Pathology.......................... 289 Dr. Madden on the Use of Auxiliaries to Homceopathic Treatment 300 Sketch of the Progressive Development of Homceopathy......... 328 Dr. Drysdale on the Uses and Abuses of Homceopathic Dispensaries................................................................. 362 A Few Notes on a Few Medicines. By Dr. Chapman........... 383 Practical Remarks. By Dr. Huber................................. 399 On the Physiological Action of Glonoine............................. 411 REVIEWSMr. Yeldham's Homceopathy in Acute Diseases............. 421 Mr. Critchett's Treatment of Ulcers of the Leg................. 423 Miscellaneous................................................. 432 No. XXX. Hahnemann on the Contagiousness of Cholera........................... 433 Sketch of the Progressive Development of Homceopathy........ 441 Dr. Liedbeck on the Homomopathic Treatment of Small Pox..... 475 Cases by Dr. Ker..................................................... 485 Cases from Hahnemann's Note Book in 1842-3.................... 494 A Few Notes on a Few Medicines. By Dr. Chapman............ 498 Professor Henderson on General Pathology........................... 515 Dr. Black on the Homoeopathic Treatment of Hydrocele........... 525 REVIEWSDr. Mure and the School of Rio-de-Janeiro........................ 530 Dr. Marsden's Notes on Homeopathy....................... 542 Homoeopathic Intelligence........................................... 544 Correspondence.................................................... 550 Miscellaneous......................................................... 559 135. MONTHLY JOURNAL OF HOMCEOPATHY. VOL. 4. CONTENTS- PAGE America, Homeopathy in........................................ 86 Cocculus, Pathogenetic Effects of..................................... 87 Coffee, translated from Hahnemann................................. 153 Death, Signs of..................................................... 240 Harvey, his Discoveries and Cotemporaries........................... 144 Kelsall, Dr., Pathogenetic Effects of the Sulphate of Quinine...... 273 Moral Diseases, with Hints for their Treatment................... 367 Ormerod, Dr., on the Old System of Treatment..................... 211 Phrenology, by Dr. Gall............................................. 121 Physiology of Digestion........................................... 43 Propensities and Faculties................................ 89 Rheumatic Fever................................................ 11I MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 159 Scarlet Fever......................................................... 235 Tea causes Pressure at the Chest..................................... 280 Uterine Diseases and Gastric Affections............................ 236 Uwins, Dr., and Homceopathy...................................... 291 Trades, Effects on the Health.................................... 104 Pathologists Chemical, their Non-sequiturs......................... 104 Causes of Disease.................................................... 361 Letter addressed by Hahnemann to Hufeland upon the importance of a Reform in Medicine...................................... 333 Advice by Hahnemann to a Candidate for the Physician's degree 288 Life of Hahnemann. By Dr. Hull, New York..................... 249 Medical Men, their Action on Human Progress.................... 240 What is Homoeopathy.............................................. 1 Muniz, Dr., case of Scabby Ulceration cured by Vaccination...... 319 1850. 136. The Homcoopathic Directory. A List of the Homoeopathic Practitioners of Great Britain and Ireland. By G. Atkin, M.D. Extracted with Additions from the British Journal of Homoeopathy. No. 31. London: W. Davey and Son. 137. A Domestic Homceopathy, restricted to its legitimate sphere of practice, together with Rules for Diet and regimen. By E. C. Chepmell, M.D. Fourth Edition. London: Longman, Brown, & Co.; and W. Headland. 138. Similia Similibus Curantur Hommeopathy. A System of Medicine founded on Facts, and not on Speculation, giving a brief View of its Origin, History, and Progress, with Answers to some of the chief Objections brought against it. By S. Cockburn, M.D., L.R.S.E. Dundee: W. Middleton. Pages 27. 139. Domestic Practice of Homoeopathy. By P. F. Curie, M.D. Third Edition. 12mo. 140. The Pathogenetic Cyclopmedia. A Systematic Arrangement and Analysis of the Homceopathic Materia Medica. Part 1st, containing the Symptoms of the Disposition, Mind, and Head. By R. E. Dudgeon, M.D. London: printed for the Hahnemann Society. Samuel Highley, 32, Fleet Street. Pages 595. 141. Homceopathy and its Principles explained. By J. Epps, M.D. Second Edition. Published by the English Homoeopathic Association. London: W. and J. Piper. Pages 320. 142. Domestic Homioopathy. By J. Epps, M.D., and J. H. Pulte, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fifth Edition. London: W. and J. Piper, and BailliBre. 12mo. Pages 277. 143. A Treatise on the Virtues of Arnica, Rhus Toxicodend ron, and Calendula, in reference to Wounds, Bruises, and other diseased States thereupon consequent. By John Epps, M.D. London: Piper & Co., 23, Paternoster Row. 1850. 18mo. Pages 112. 144. The Coroner's Jury Perverted, being the History and the Evidence 160 THE HOMEOPATHIC and the Trial of Mr. C. Pearce, in connection with'-a Coroner's Verdict for Manslaughter. By J. Epps, M.D. 145. Homceopathy, its Nature and Evidence, with a Few Words on Small Doses. By T. Hayle, M.D., Newcastle-on-Tyne.146. A Letter to the Members of the Liverpool Medico-Ethical Society. By G. Hilbers, M.D. Liverpool: Waring Webb. Pages 20. 147. Correspondence with the Poor-Law Commissioners relative to the Practice of Homceopathy in the Honiton Union. By E. C. Holland, M.R.C.S. Published by Order of the House of Commons. 148. Elements of Homceopathic Practice of Physic. By J. Laurie, M D. Second Thousand. London: J. Leath, 5, St. Paul's Church Yard. 1850. 8vo. Pages 779. 149. Epitome of I-omceopathic Domestic Medicine. By J. Laurie', M.D. Second Edition. 12mo. 150. Jahr's Pocket Dictionary and Concordance of Hom.ceopathic Practice; A Clinical Guide and Repertory for the Treatment of Acute and Chronic Diseases. Translated by Charles J. Hempel, M.D.; and Edited with Enlargements, and the addition of a Complete Glossary and Index. By Joseph Laurie, M D. London: James Leath, 5, St. Paul's Church Yard. 1850. 12mo. Pages 488. 151. Pocket Book of Homoeopathy. By H. V. Malan, M.D. 152. What to do against Cholera. By H. V. Malan, M.D. Fifth Edition. 153. Homccopathy Briefly Explained, and Compared with the6Ordinary, System of Medical Treatment. By John Moore, M.R.C.SIL. Two Editions, Fifth Thousand. Liverpodl: Thompson and Caper; London: J. Leath, 5, St. Paul's Church Yard; Manchester: Turner, Piccadilly. 1850. 18mo. Pages 36. 154. A Brief Attempt to shew the Truth and Value of Homceopathy, with illustrations of Homceopathic Practice. By J. E. Norton, M.D. Third Thousand. London: W. Headland, Princess Street, Hanover Square; Manchester: H Turner, Piccadilly. 1850. 18mo. Pages 36. 155. Homceopathy, its Principles, Theory and Practice. By M. Sampson, Esq. Third Edition. 156. Health, Disease, and Hompeopathic Treatment, rationally considered. By J. Stuart Sutherland, M.D. Headland, London. Pages 29. 157. Homooopathy made clear to the British People. London: Headland. Pages 16. 158. Homceo. An Allegorical Poem. By R. Wells. London: H. Bannister. Pages 22. 159. BRITISH JOURNAL OF HOMPEOPATHY. VOL. 8. No. XXXI. CONTENTS- PAGE Dr. Madden on the different kinds of Action of Medicines......... I Dr. Chapman's Notes of Medicines.......................... 22 Professor Ilenderaon on Acute Inflammation of the Lungs........ 37 IMEDICAL DIRECTORY. 161 The Verdict of Manslaughter against Mr. Pearce................. 70 Mr. Ramsbotham's case of Hydrophobia............................ 81 Analysis of 175 Cases of Cholera. By Dr. Drysdale............ 94 REVIEWSParents' Guide. By Dr. Laurie.................................... 137 Homceopathic Hospital and College. By the Hon. A. Moreton 139, Obituary.................................................................. 140 Homoeopathic Intelligence.............................................. 142 No. XXXII Dr. Drysdale on the Treatment of Asiatic Cholera................ 145 Dr. Scott on the Relation of Pathology to Homceopathy........... 165 Dr. Black on Cod Liver Oil......................................... 174 Dr. Madden on the different kinds of Action of Medicines......... 189 Dr. Chapman's Notes on Medicines............................ 223 Mr. Turner on Arnicated Collodion............................ 241 -,REVIEWSDr. Rapou's History of Homceopathy............................ 245 The. Modern Paracelsists......................................... 251 Professor GeorgUis Kinesipathy............................... 258 The Thirst Cure....................................................... 262' Austrian Journal of Homoeopathy.................................. 265, Leipzic Quarterly Journal of Homoeopathy...................... 2.67 Obituary................................................................... 268 Homoeopathic Intelligence................................ 272: Clinical Retrospect...................................... 281 Ko. XXXIII. Our Relative Position. By Dr. Scott........................ 289 -The Influence of Homnceopathy upon Surgery. By-Mrn Yeldham.. 296, Practical Observations. By Dr. Liedbeck................... 319 Contributions to Veterinary Homceopathy. By Mr. Haycock.. 328 Cases of Croup and Acute Bronchitis. By Professor Henderson.. 348 Homoeopathy and the Ancients,. By Mr. Leadam............ 3N7) REVIEWSNoack and Trink's Handbook........................... 395 Jahr's New Manual................................... 394 Marcy's Theory and Practice of Homoeopathy.............. 405 Homaeopathic Intelligence............................... 411 Clinical Retrospect...................................... 416 No. XXXIV., The Homoeopathic Treatment of Typhus. By Dr. Wolf........ 433 -Evidences of the Truth of Homceopathy. By Dr. Ker........ 446, Mi 162 THE HOM(EOPATHIC The Application of Pathology to Homoeopathi. Practice: By Dr. Scott.......................................... 462 On Purgatives, as a cause of Prolapsus Uteri. By Dr. Henriques 469 Communications, Theoretical and Practical. By Dr. Trinks.... 478 The Homceopathic Treatment of Delirium Tremens. By Mr. Moore.......................................... 488 On-Inflammation of the Organs of Respiration. By Dr. Ozanne.. 505 Opening Address of the Homceopathic Congress. By Dr. Black.- 534 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICESDr. Caspan's Domestic Physician...................... 548 Jahr's Clinical Guide.............................. 551 Homoeopathic Intelligence............................ 552 Clinical Retrospect..................................... 558 160. MONTHiLY JOURNAL OF HOMIEOPATHY. VOL. 5. CONTENTS- PAGE Absorption of Cartilage under the Patella................... 13 Allopathists, Confessions of, in reference to Cholera.......... 161 Allopathy, a word of advice..By Hahnemann.......... 58 Bleeding ineffectual in Inflammatory Diseases........... 60 Hereditary Qualities, Transmission of.................... 88 1lomeopathy in Austria and Prussia...................... 193 Homceopathic Physician. Case of Defamation.............. 301 Pearce, Mr., Report of the Trial at the Old Bailey............ 215 Effects of Medicinal Agents on the Healthy Body......... 263 Medicinal Substances produce Disease.................... 67 Effects of Mercurius Corrosivus in. Cholera.................. 90 Ozanne, Dr., Persecution of.............................. 301 Certainty of.Science,................................ 269 Soda Carbonate, Use.of in Food.......................... 270 Surgery, Evils from................................... 337 Warlingham Common.................................... 313 161. HOMaEOPATHIm TIMES. VOL. 1. CONTwNTS- P.. AGE Homoeopathy in Acute Diseases........................... 450 Abuse of Mercury by Allopathic Practitioners............ 780 Animal Magnetism as a Homoeopathic Remedy.............. 289 Arnica, Homceopathicity-of.... i................... 223 Casuistrey of Medical Ethics......................... 774 Local Application of Chloroform-..................... 750 On the Classes of Homoeopathists....................... 151 Collapse, the power of Digitalis in the state of................ 251 MEI)ICAL DIRECTORY. 163 Tiet for 'the Corpulent.................,...... 735 bietetics.............................................348 Dynamism Vital.................................. 161 Why am I a Hommopathist?. i~~~~~........~ 269 Induence of Stimulants...............1................ 158 Physiology of Man from birth to deoripit age........, 371 Pulmoniary Consumption...............................653 Medical Reform...........................se............ 431 Science, Development of............. 6..4................ 335 On the value of some of the Homeopathic Medicines...........490,Zymotic Diseases.................................... 65 Domestic Medicine................................. 380 A few facts in relation to HIommopathy.................... 737 Discovery and nature of Hommopathy...................... Hommopathic Auxiliaries.........................o...* 135 Quiackery, what is?........................ 497 On the Rationale of Homceopathy in general.............. 282 Retrospect of Hommeopathy...........................,, Specifics, the nature of.............................. 140 Universal Applicability of the Homceopathic Iaw....... 79 Reviews.........................................3 et. seq. Scarlitina Statistics at Barnstaple....................... 507 Reasons plain, for plain folks........................... 222 Medical Society ot London.............................. 238 Spirit of Camphor in the cure of Cholera.......,....... 251 1851. 162. Domestic Homceopathy. By E. C. Chepmel, M.D. Fifth Edition. Londoii:: Longman. Pages 304. 163. The Lesser Writings of Samuel Hahnemann. Collected and Translated by R. E. Dudgeon, M.D. London: Headland. Pages 881. 164. Domestic' Hommopathy. By Dr. Pulte, of Cincinnati, and Dr. Epps, with Surgical Notes by G. M. Epps, M.R.C.S. 165. Affections of Women. No. I. The Monthly Period. By G. Epps, M.D. 166. A Serifton preached in the Church of St. Augustin, Old Change, Cheapside, on Wednesday, 9th 'April, 1837, in aid of the Hahnemann Hospital. By the Rector' of Wickwar. London: Aylott & Jones. Pages 376. 167. A Letter addressed to Dr. Rose Cormack. By the Rev. T. Everest. - London: Headland. Pages 25. 1:68. Homosopathy, a Testimony. By Spencer Hall. London: Headland. Pages 12. 169. Flora Homceopathica, or illustrations and descriptions of the Medicinal Plants used as Hommiopathic Remedies. By E. Hamilton, M.D., F.L.S. London. Headland. Publishing in parti. 170. Popalar Lectures on Homceopathy, containing a vindication of Hahnemain and his doctrines from the attacks of Dr. Clover. By T. Haylei MD. Newcastlee Ldmlert. Pages 60 - 164 nij HI CE O'rPA' TIInCi 171. A Letter to the Honourable the Patrons of the Universityl on the memorial of Mr- Syme. 'By William' H-enderson, M.D. Edinburgh: Kennedy.. -Pages -14l'- '' ''' 172. A. Letterto- the Presideit of the Medico-Chirurgical Society of,Edin-. bhrgh, on the recent* speeches 'of Professors Syme and Simpson. By William 'Henderson.' Edinburgh: Kennedy. Pages 12.:173. Homeopathic-Dictionary and- Home Guide. By A. Henriques, M.D. 174..Principles 'of Homceopathy, inma series of Lectures. By B. F. Joslin, I.D. - London: Leath. Pages 172. 175. 1Homieopa-thv, as'applied to the 'Diseases of Ftmales and the moAtt im-.portant diaseses of early' childhood. By T. R. Leadam, M.R.C.S. SLondon: Leeath'' -Pages 407. '176. The. Homeopathic 'Domestic Medicine. By Joseph Laurie, M.D. -Sixth edition,' revised and materially enlarged. London: J..Leath,..5, St. Paul's Churlch Yard. 1851. 8vo. Pages 885.. '177..An- Epitome of the I-Iomccopathic Domestic Medicine, intended tq serve s a -Guide to those who are desiroLis of commencing the Hdimceopathic STreatment in. Family Practice.' Fifth; Sixth, 'Seventh, and Eighth Thousands.' By1J. Laurie, M.D. London: J. Leath, 5, St. Paul's Church-Yard. '1851' 12 tid. 'Piage.420. '178. A' Letter to Professor J. 'Y. Simpson, President of the Royal Col'ege of' 'Physieiansi concermihg 'thb' 'esdlutions recently passed by that body in reference to the Therapeutic' Practice commonly called H1omeopathy. By Wnm.' M'Leod; M.1)., F R.C.P. London: Billibre. Pages '45. 179. What to do against Cholera.. By H. V. Malan, M.D. Thirteenth edition. Pages 4. 4t80' Pocket Book of' Homcoopathy. By H 'V. talan, M.D. Second' edition. London: WT. Headland, 15, Princess Street, Hanover Square. I: Baillibre, 19; Regent Street. 1851. 18mo. Pages 84. 181, Mild Medicine, or Yoiung Physic in contra distinction to Severe Medieine or Old Physic. By R. Tuthill Massay, M.D.. London:. A. Hall, Virtue & Co. Pages 81. 1'82 lionioeopathy briefd) explained andf compared with 'the ordinary system of Medical Treatpient. By J. Moore,.M.R.C.S. Third edition. London: Simpkin, Marshall, & Co. Pages 6. '183. Homceopathic Famiily Medicine.. By J. E. Norton, M.D.. London: HIeadland. Pages 148. 184. Reasons for embracing Homomopathy.. By. Charles Ransford, M.D. Seeond edition. Lonuon: Wm. Davey & Son, 8, Gilbert Street,' Oxford Street. 185.1.. Svo. Pagbs 24. -185. The Battle of the Doctors; or, Hommwopathy and Allopathy in 1851 A Letter addressed to former Medical Friends. By Charles Ransford M.D. 'London: Davey & Son, 8, Gilbert Street, Oxford Street. 1851 8'vo. Pages.16. 186. A Letter addressead to the President of the Royal College of Surgeons, on the late' proceedings of that body regarding Hom'eopatlhic Practitioners. By James Russell, M. D. Edinburgh: Greig & Son. Pages l, MEDICAL DIRECTORY. r35 187. ZThree Lectures on the Elementary Principles of Homoeopathy.:By CrG, M. Scott, IVI. D. London: Headland. Pages 40. 188. Homcopathy briefly explained. By a Practitioner. -Published for'_ the Irish H-lommopathic Society.. Dublin: M'Glashan. Pages 32. 189. An enquiry into the Truth of Homoeopathy. By W. Sharp, RR.'-' Extracted from' the British Journal of Homeopathy. No. 38. London: Davey & Son. Pages 27. 190. Homoeopathic Hand Book and Clinical Gpide for the treatment of Diseases. A complete Pocket Book of Homomopathic Therapeutics, for Domestic Use, as well as for-Medical Practitioners,- By Dr. G. H. Gr, Jahr. Translated from the German, b'y D. Spillan, A.M., M.D. London: Win. Headland, 15, Princess Street, Hanover Square. 1851. l12mo. Pages 611.. 191. The Homo-opathic Prescriber's Pharmacopeia. By D. Spillan, K.D., F.R.C.PSD. -London: -Leath. Pages 171. 192. Correspondence between Professor Christison and Dr. George E. Stewart, on Homoeopathyi- Edinburgh: James-Hogg,'4, Nicholson Street, and James aBrown, '34, South Castle Street; 1851. 8 vo. Pages 30. 183. On -the -Uanion - of -Hydropathy - with - Homoopathy. By 'Le'opold Stumanes, M.D. An Address read at the Homoeopathic Congress in London, July 24th, 1851. London: Baillibre. Pages 15. 194. The Human Body and its connection with Man. By J.J. G. Wilkinix M.R.C.S.. 8vo., 195. Romoodpatby in- AcnteDiseases. By S. Yeldham, M.R.C.S. Second edition.. London:, Baillilre. Pages 276. 196. Ijomoopathy Vindicated, being a reply to the objections made against that doctrine. By Captain Basil Hall, Dr. Verity, Mr. Edwin1Lee, and others, withI an. Appendix, 'contaiiing hints to guide the laymen in selecting the appropriate medicine. By an Amateur.. Thirdsedition. 'Lodotii: Leath. Pages 102. 197. Ariicak, - Motifadia' and (' RhIhs' Toixicodendron, as External Remedies. oCdmrptisirig likebiie Caleridinla, Canithalides, Causticum, and Urtica. Fifth-thousand. - Londorn-: J. Leath; 60; Vere- Street, Oxfoid Street, and 5, St. Paul's Church Yard. 1851. 12mo. Pages 63,. 198. Warning to the public. Alarming state of the Medical Profession M-. D--'s.- -abroad. Three Colleges and a whole host of editors and -members already- bitten. - London:' John Walker. Pages 40. 199. Claiis bf 'Hoioceopathy, being a Letter from the acting committee of the Bri ghtori Hommeopathic Association, to the Editor of the Btighton 'Herald Reprinted from the Brighton Herald. Pages 18. 200. Common Sense in its relations to Homaeopathy and Allopathy, with a Tayina' "s reasoni fodr embacing Homoeopathy. - A Letter to James Y. 'Sihipson, cIj METs., on the subject of his speech at the Medico -Chirurgical tSociety. BBy L. D. H{. Edinburgh.: James Hogg. Pages 16. 201. Homosopathic Tracts for the Times. Republished from the -ominopathic Times. London: Headland. No. I. Dr. Symonds on Orthodpx Medicine and thejHeresies of the Day.-NXolL The Wolf!s Apdlogy 166 THE HOMCEOPATHIC or the Excuse of the Edinburgh Clique for withholding their diploms from Mr. Pope. 202. Homceopathy and its opponents. Extracted from the Monthly Journal of Homoeopathy. Issued by the English Homceopathic Association. 203. The Persecution of Homceopathists. Extracted from the British Journal of Homceopathy. No. 38. Londcon: Headland. Pages 28. 204. Homceopathy. Letter of J. Silk Buckingham, Esq., to the British Banner. Newcastle: J. Mawson. 205. BRITISH JOURxAL OF HOMCEOPATHY. VOL. 9. CONTENTS- PAGH Theory of Hom eopathy.................................................. 1 Dr. Madden on Uterine Diseases.................................. 20' On Pneumonia.................................................... 113 Clinical Record.......................................................... 147 Homoeopathic Intelligence............................................. 162 No. XXXVI. Dr. Russell on Psora................................................. 177 Dr. Feron on Preventive Medicine............................... 195 Mr. Leadam on Six Cases of Asphyxia.................. 206 Dr. Scott on Pathology and Pathological Hypothesis............ 211 Dr. KelsalI on Asiatic Cholera.......................................... 214 Dr. Russell on the Poison of the Cobra................................. 232 Contributions to Homceopathy by the Paracelsists.................. 237 On Bryonia....................................................... 238 Proving of Iron...................................... 243 Mr. W. Cattell on Sumbul............................... 256 REVIEWSReichenbach's Researches in Magnetism................ 29(0 Arneth's Midwifery Practice............................ 301 Hemple's Homoeopathic Domestic Physician................ 304 Henrique's Homoeopathic Medical Directory............... 304 The London and Provincial Medical Directory.............. 307 Jahr's Homceopathic Handbook. By Dr. Spillan........... 309 Clinical Record........................................ 310 Correspondence........................................ 331 Homoeopathic Intelligence........................ 336 Miscellaneous......................................... 351 No. XXXVII. Lecture on the History of Medicine. By Dr. Scott........... 353 MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 167 Reasons for Embracing Homceopathy. By Dr. Ransford...... 374 Diseases caused by Mental Emotions. By Mr. Milard........ 396 Notes on Camphor. By Dr. Norton........................ 407 Notes on Canabis Sativa. By Dr. Norton..................413 Contributions from Practice. By Dr. Gentzke........... 428 On the Yellow Fever. By Dr. Martins.................... 435 Cases by Dr. Liedbeck.................................. 444 On the Croup. By Dr. Viettinghoff.............................. 457 Curative Action of Varioline. By Mr. Schnappauf............... 470 Manchester Homceopathic Hospital and Dispensary............... 474 Clinical Record.................................................... 481 Biographical Notices............................................... 487 Homoeopathic Intelligence........................................... 491 Clinical Retrospect.................................................. 322 No, XXXVIIL Lectures on the History of Medicine. By Dr. Scott............... 529 Address to the Second Homceopathic Congress. By Dr. Russell 559 Enquiry into the Truth of Homoeopathy. By Mr. Sharp......... 570 On Typhilitis and Perityphilitis. By Dr. Hofrichter.............. 594 Persecution of the Homceopathists............................ 600 Clinical Notes. By Professor Henderson......................... 633 Schirrous Tumours of the Lungs and Bronchial Glands. By Dr. Black.................................................................... 644 The Brighton Protest Analysed................................... 649 REVIEWSLesser Writings of Samuel Hahnemann.......................... 655 Leadam on Diseases of Females.................................. 658 Burq on Metallotherapia.................................. 667 Roth on Treatment by Movement................................... 673 Correspondence.......................................... 674 Honiceopatbic Intelligence................................ 676 206. MONTHLY JOURNAL OF HOICsEOPATHY. VOL. 6. CONTENTSAbsurdity of the use of Beer and Wine in Disease................. 343 Abstinence from purging............................................... 260 Alderson Baron and Medical Gazette.............................. 139 Alternate Employment of Medicine.................................... 231 Apoplexy, Theory of................................................. 261 Autumn at Warlington Common................................ 175 Constipation. By Dr Epps.................................... 341 Curie's, Dr., Clinical Lecture on Confluent Variola.............. 315 168 THE HOMBEOPATHIC Fever, Nourishment in. By Dr. Epps........................... 241 Gymnastic Exercises as connected with health................... 297 fIomoeopathy and its Progress...................................... 325 11yoscyamus Pathogenetic, effects of................................ 328 Nervous Disease. By Dr. Epps.............................. 204 Roe, Dr., on Homoeopathy.......................................... 143 Sambucus Pathogenetic, effects of............................. 339 Transmission of Diseased States...................................... 343 Vision, Obliquity of...................................................... 368 Vandenburg, Dr., on Homoeopathy............................... 3 207. HOMCEOPATHIC TrIES. VOL. 2. CONTENTSAlliance, Homoeopathic and Allopathic................................ 525 Anatomy and Physiology, Elementary................................ 530 Blood-letting, Observations on.................................... 530 Chester Homoeopathic Dispensary................................... 722 Contributions to the Materia Medica............................ 554 Critical Observations on Allopathic and Homceopathic Practice...! 209 Demonstration against Homoeopathy........................... 681 Drug Diseases..................................................... 153 Edinburgh Royal College of Physicians............................. 637 English Homoeopathic Association........................... 482 Everest, Rev. T, R., Sermon by.................................... 584 Flora Homceopathica................................................. 658 Fungus Hoematodes............................................. 767 Great Globule Question............................................... 442 McLeod's, Dr., Letter to Dr. Simpson............................. 746 Homceopathy in Paris. By Dr. Ozanne....................... et seq. Scott's, Dr., Lectures on Homoeopathy............................... 378 University of St. Andrew's and Homoeopathy..................... 655 Royal College of Surgeons............................................. 376 Toxicology Allopathic.............................................. 169 What can Government do for Homceopathy..................... 53 What are the Best Means to propagate Homoeopathy............... 739 Veterinary Homoeopathy......................................... 219 Progress of Homoeopathy............................................ 686 Elegant Extracts from the Lancet................................. 693 Is Hydropathy sufficient in a Homoeopathic point of view......... 325 Hydrophobia................................... 34 Clinical Observations................................ 469 Our Medical Reform.................................. 65 French Medical Translations........................... 644 Orthodox School of Medicine.......................... 28 The New Test Act.....................................7 730 Neuralgia, Homoeopathic Treatment of..................... 543 MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 169 208. HAHNEMLANIAN FLY-SHEET. VOL. 1.-1851. CONTENTSExperience of Practice. Characteristics of -Iomceopathic Remedies. Statistics of Homoeopathic Treatment in Acute Diseases. Popular Reception of Homceopathy. Homoeopathy Illustrated by Eruptive Fever. Tracts and Figures. Literary Notices. Notes and Queries. Transactions of the London Homoeopathic Hospital. 1852. 209. My Conversion to Homosopathy. By Dr. E. Acworth, of Cheltenham. Extracted from British Journal of Homoeopathy. London: Davey. Pages 12. 210. The Homceopathic Petition Examined, and the Fallacies of the Faculty Exposed, in a letter to the Rev. Principal of the University of Edinburgh. By Ascripton. Edinburgh: J. Hogg. Pages 2 0. 211. An Outline of the Principles of Dynamic Medicine. By Dr. Barry. London: Leath. 212. Hahnemann-an Introductory Lecture, delivered at the Hahnemann Hospital, February 19th, 1852. By R. E. Dudgeon, M.D. London: Headland. Pages 31. 213. Pulte's Homoeopathic Physician, entirely revised, with additions and annotations. By John Epps, M.D. With directions for Surgical procedure in cases of emergency. By George N. Epps, M.R.C.S.E. London: Piper and Co., Paternoster Row. 8vo. Pages 614. 214. A Biographical Monument to the memory of Samuel Hahnemann. Translated from the German, with alterations and additions. By A. Fischer, M.D. London: Leath. Pages 130. 215. Elements of Veterinary Homceopathy, embracing hints on the application of Hydropathy, or a Treatise on diseases of the Horse and Coy, with remarks on the general management and principal diseases inci dental to the Sheep and Dog. By W. Haycock, V. S. London: Aylott & Jones. Pages 438. >16. Reply to Dr. Simpson's pamphlet on Homceopathy, and second edition of the letter to the President of the Medico-Chirurgical Society. By William Henderson, M.D. Edinburgh: Kennedy. Pages 47. )17. Do. Second Edition. Pages 87. 18. Hahnemann Materia Medica. Part I. Containing, Introduction by J. J. Drysdale, M.D. Kali Bichromicum, by Dr. Drysdale. Aconitum Napellus, R. E. Dudgeon, M.D. Arzenium Napellus, Francis Black, M.D. Printed for the Hahnemann Publishing Society. London: Baillicre. 170 THE HOM(EOPATHIC 219. Homoeopathy; a popular exposition and defence of its Principles and Practice. By Walter Johnson, M.D. London: Simpkin, Marshall, & Co. Pages 137. 220. Manual of Homeopathy and Hydropathy. By H. Kelsall, M.D. 221. The Homceopathic Treatment of Indigestion, Constipation, and Hemorrhoids. By W. Morgan, M.R.S.C. London: Leath. Pages 120 222. A proposal for the settlement of the Homceopathic Controversy. By J. F. Paisley, M.D. Edinburgh: Kennedy. Pages 16. 223. Homceopathy in 1851. Edited by J. R. Russell, M.D. Published for the Association. Edinburgh: Hogg. Pages 416. CONTENTS OF THIS VOL. ARE-- 1. Letter to John Forbes, M.D., F.R.S., on his article entitled Homceopathy, Allopathy, and Young Physic, contained in the British and Foreign Medical Review. By W. Henderson, M.D., Professor of Pathology in the University of Edinburgh. 2. On the observation of nature in the treatment of Disease. By Andrew Combe, M.D., F.R.C.P.E., one of the Physicians in Ordinary in Scotland to the Queen, &c. &c. 3. Homceopathy, via Young Physic By J. R. Russell, M.D. 4. Medical Toogoodism and Homceopathy. 5. The Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, and Homoeopathy. 6. To our College of Physicians. 7. The New Test Act. 8. Dr. Ransford's Reasons for embracing Homceopathy. 9. Fulminations against Homoeopathy. 10. Royal College of Physicians and the Homoeopathists. 11. Homceopathy and Allopathy. 12. Brighton Protest analyzed. 13. A Letter addressed to Dr. Rose Cormack. By the Rev. T. R. Everest, Wickwar. 14. The East, versus the West. 15. Proposed Inaugural Address for 1852, to be delivered to the Medical Graduates of the University of Edinburgh. By the Professor of Materia Medica Pura. 16. Trial and Confessions of Professors Syme, Christison, and Simpson. 17. Dr. Russell's Address at the second Congress of Homoeopathic Practitioners, held at London on the 23d and 24th July, 1851. 18. A Trip to Leipzic. The Hahnemann Jubilee. 19. Proceedings of the Town Council of Edinburgh in reference to Homceopathy. 20. Appendix List of the names of the members of the Association. 224. What is Homaeopathy? By W. Sharp, M.R.C.S.F.R S. Second edition. Manchester: Turner. Pages 18. 225. Defence of Homoeopathy. By W. Sharp. M.R.C.S. 226. An enquiry into the truth of Homaeopathy. By W. Sharp, M.R.C.S. 227. What is Homceopathy? By W. Watson, M.R.C.S E. Two editions. 228. A letter. to the Governors-and Subscribers to the Hahnemann Hospital. By D. Wilson, L.R.C.S. London: Baillibre. Pages 49. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 171 229. The moral evidences of Homceopathy. Two Lectures delivered at the London Homeopathic Hospital. By S. Yeldham, M.R.C.S. London: Baillibre. Pages 48. 230. Homoeopathy, a,Topic of.the day.. Reprinted from the Eclectic Review, for January, 1852. London:.Ward.& Co. Pages 15. 231. Account of the reception of Vaccination when discovered by Dr. Jenner, with a few words on Homceopathy. Liverpool: W. Webb. Pages 8. 232. Homceopathic Case Book and Journal of private and dispensary practice, in occasional leaves. Part I. 233. Speeches delivered at the.annual dinner of the Homceopathic Congress held in Edinburgh, 4th September, 1852. Edinburgh: Brown. Pages 16. 234. Report of the Proceedings of the Third Meeting and Festival of the Northern Medical Homoeopathic Association, held at HEuddersfield, 2nd July, 1852. 235, Report of the meeting, of the Manchester Homoeopathic Hospital, held in the Town Hall, Manchester, 21st April, 1852. Manchester: A. Ireland & Co. Pages 16. 236. BRITISH JOURNAL OF HOMcEOPATHY. VOL.. 10. CONTENTS-- No. XXIX. PAGE Lecture III. on the History of Medicine.. By Dr. Scott............ 1 On Mesmerisni. By yDr. J. Rutherfurd Russell..................... 26 Cases of Uterine Disease. By Mr. Leadam........................ 42 On Scurvy, Hemorrhage, and the Homceopathic Law. By Dr. Hayle............................. 65 On the Homceopathic College Question................................ 74 My Conversion to Homceopathy. By Dr. Ackworth............... 85 The Odometer. and the Magnetoscope.................................. 94.Cases of Puerperal Peritonitis and Ascites. By Dr. Ozanne...... 107 Cases of Calculus.in the Female. By Mr. Sharp................. 133 Case of Idiopathic Phlebitis. By Dr. Walker........................ 137 Case of Erysipelas with Sloughing.. By Dr. Wielobycki......... 147 Trial and Confession, of Professors Syme, Christison, and Simpson 148 M iscellaneous............................................................. 167 Obituary....................................................... 174 Correspondence........................................................ 175 No. XL. Lecture IV. on the History of Medicine. By Dr. Scott............ 177 The Skin and its Diseases. By Dr. Rutherfurd Russell......... 2 L Six Months, of Hospital Practice. By Dr. Dudgeon........... 243 Clinical Notes-on Acute Pleurisy. By Dr. Beilby............... 283 172 THE HOM(EOPATHIC REVIEWS-- ' Mr. Wilkinson on the Human Body................................ 316 Dr. Arnold's Idiopathic Method of Treatment.................. 325 Dr. Routh's Fallacies of Homceopathy.......................... 342. Honmceopathic Intelligence............................................ 352 No. XLI. Lecture V. on the History of Medicine. By Dr. Scott.......... 353 First Impressions, By Dr. Laurie................................ 367 Cases of Dyspepsia, with Head Affections. By Mr. Hering...... 377 Manchester Homaeopathic Hospital. By Dr. Pope.............. 384 Pathology and Treatment of Croup. 'By Dr. Elb............. 395, Essays on General Pathology. By Professor Henderson......... 419 On Cardiac Disease. By Dr. Ackworth................... 434 Fractures and their Homoeopathic Treatment. ^By Dr. Henriques 438 REVIEWSDr. Bushman's Homceopathy and the Homoeopaths............ 455 Dr. Walshe on Diseases of the Lungs and Heart.........t...... 480, Mr. Sharp's-What is Homceopathy?............................. 506 Dr. Roth's Russian Bath......................................... 507 Dr. Hamilton's Flora Homoeopathica........................... 508 Account of the Reception of Vaccination.................. 509 iHomoeopathic Intelligence............................................ 510 M iscellaneous........................................................ 516 Clinical Record...................... 517 No. XLII. Pathology and Treatment of Croup. By Dr. Elb................... 529 Anticipations of Homoeopathy. By Mr. Sharp............... 556 The Skin and its Diseases, By Dr. Russell.................. 570 Pneumonia under Homceopathic, Allopathic, and Dietetic Treatment. By Professor Henderson............................ 629 On the Dose and its Repetition. By Mr. Philips................. 660 Homcceopathic Intelligence...................................... 668 Miscellaneous....................................... 695 237 MONTBLT JOURNAL OF HOMCEOPATHY. VOL. 7. CONTENTSHomceopathy and the Edinburgh College of Physicians-Dr Benderson to the Editor of the " Witness." Progress of Homceopathy. Notices of Moral Diseases, with Hints for their Treatment,. Provincial, Medical, and Surgical Association, MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 173 Evils of the Old System-Practice of Blood-letting. Homoeopathy in Acute Cases. Thoughts tending to Health, and useful in Sickness. Remarks on Gastric Fever. Are Homoeopathists to give up their titles. Physiological Phrenology. Essay, on the " Od Power." By Dr. Fischer. Prospects of Homoeopathy in Parliament. Infinitesimal Quantities. Small Dose and Large. 238 HoMcEOPATrHc - TIMES. VOL. 3. CONTENTSAberdeen, University of Allopathic and Hoiitepathic Quackery. Amalgamation of the London Hospitals. Birmingham Homceopathic Association. College of Surgeons and Homeopathy. Diplomas, a Charter and Examining Board. Editors, Allopathic. Romeopathic Literature. Infinitesimal Miasms. Jenichen and the High Potencies. Kinesopathy. Ling's Exercises. Madden, Dr., and the.Magnetiscope. Medicine, Right Motives for Practising. Mode of Keeping Homoeopathic Medicines., New MedicalReform Bill.. Origin of the Hahnemann Hospital., Our relations with Honmdeopatihy. Dr. Routh's Fallacies of Homoeopathy. Letters to Dr. Simpson. Statistics, Homoeopathic. Suggestions to the Homoeopathic School. 239 HoMCEOPATIrIC FLY SHEET. VOL, 2. CONTENTS-- Literary Review. Characteristics of Hommoopathic Remedies. On the Tincture of Arnica. On the merits of Silicea. Report of the London Homceopathic Hospital. Experiences of Practice. The Art of Creating Disorders. 174 THE HOMOEOPATHICI 240 IHOMCEOPATHI RECORD. VOL. 1. CONTENTSBiography of Hahnemann. Blindness and Ignorance; or it cannot and shall not be. Claims of Homceopathy to the consideration of its Opponents. Editorial Articles. Evils of the Old System of Practice. 'Homoeopathy and the " Northampton Herald." Homceopathy, a Topic of the Day. Homceopathy not a D.elusion. Mechanical Infinitesimals. Moral Aspect of Homoeopathy. Nature's Laws. Principles and Practice of Homceopathy. Dr. Routh and Homceopathy. Three Articles. Cases Cured. Correspondence. 241 THE NORWIcH HO~tEOPATHIC JOURNAL. VOL. I. CONTENTSAccount of the Reception of Vaccination. New Truth. Proving of Myrthus Communis. Northamptonshire Homeopathic Institution. The Press and Homceopathy. What is Homceopathy? Effects df Homcopathic Treatment in Cholera Cases. Phenomena of Disease. Homceopathy from the " Edinbro News." On Auxiliary Aids. MEDICAL DIRECTOýRY. 175 "O0 THE INTERNAL DEVELOPMENT OF HOMCEOPATHY IN ENGLAND. BY F. W. IRVINE, M.D., LEEDS. In the preceding pages we have endeavoured to present our readers with a view of the position Homoeopathy has attained in this country, as denoted by the number of its practitioners; of the Hospitals and Dispensaries devoted to its propagation; and of the Works which have been written to vindicate its principles and explain their application to practice. These particulars may be termed collectively the signs of the external development of Homceopathy in Great Britain. It would next be incumbent to -consider its internal development, by which we mean the additions and -improvements macde in our knowledge of -the theory and practice of the system. There is, it is true, another and more inward sense to be attached to the expression, viz., the degree in which the principles of Hahnemann have taken root in the minds of our practitioners, and the amount of 1knowledge they possess of the Materia Medica Pura. Doubtless it is only in proportion to those acquirements that Hommopathy has any real hold among us-; but as no accurate estimate can be formed, or precise statements made respecting them, we must be content, in a publication which, like the present, deals alone in specific statements, to estimate the vigour and soundness of the tree by the new branches which it puts forth. We have -therefore to inquire:-1st. What have the labours of British Homceopathists added to outrknowledge of the conditions which govern the application of the great law, " Similia similibus curanitur?" (Theory of Homceopathy.) 2nd. What have they taught us respecting the treatment of disease? (Practice of Homoeopathy.) And 3rd. What have they added to our Materia Medica? (Homoeopathic Provings.) Unfortunately these queries admit of very concise replies. The list given above of the various English 14omoeopathic Writings comprises the very few original papers on the theory -of Homceopathy, and practical essays op the treatment of va-rious diseases, which our countrymen have contributed to the general stock. As to provings of new medicines, we know of but three English ones-the 'elaborate proving of Kali Bichromicum,* by Dr. Drysdale; that of Sumbul.t by Mr. Cattell; and that of Cotyledon Umbilicus,T by Dr. Craig. -Dr. Black, though he did not prove Plumbum himself, has so well arranged the collected provings, voluntary and involuntary, of others, as to almost 'entitle his'account of this, equal to that of a proving.~ * B. J. of H., vol. ii., and H-ahnemann Mat. Med., part 1. t B. J. of H., vol. ix. S See forthcoming part of- the Hahnemann Mat. Med. ~ B. J. of H., vol. iii. 176 THE HOMCEOPATHIG Bibliographia Homoeopathica Americana. BY J. W. METCALF, M.D., NEW YORK; The first whisper of Homoeopathy that was heard upon the West* ern Continent, so far as is now known, was breathed by Dr. H. Bi Gram, An American by birth, he resided in his native city, Boston, until the age of twenty-one, when the death of his father, who, before his removal to this country, had held the important post of principal Secretary of the Danish West India Government, rendered it necessary for him to visit Denmark. He reached Copenhagen in 1808,. and there resumed the study of medicine, which he had already com, menced in this country, and prosecuted it with such. success and eclat that he received the offer of the post of Assistant Surgeon in a large Military Hospital. This he accepted and retained*until 1814, when he went into general practice in Copenhagen, and in the course of eleven successive years, accumulated a respectable fortune, and acquired the friendship and esteem of the most distinguished scientific men of that country. His heart, however, seems to have yearned for his native land, and in 1825, he put in practice an intention, which he had doubtless long cherished, of returning to spend the remainder of his days in America. He arrived in the city of New-York from Copenhagen on the 10th day of September, 1825. It is not known how long he had been an advocate of Homceopathy before that time, but he was a most confirmed disciple of Hahnemann on his arrival, and claimed the honor of having early adopted the new faith. His course in New-York was a chequered one. In the great commercial revolution of 1825, he lost the property he had laboriously accumur lated abroad, and was thrown upon his professional resources for a living. He continued to practice until May 1839, when he suffered an attack of Apoplexy, a second of which put an end to his life on the 26th of February, 1840. Dr. Gram was a remarkable man,-of deep, accurate, and very varied learning, and with an exceedingly ingenious and original cast of mind, it is not to be wondered at, that he produced strong impres MI DICAL DIRECTObRY. asohian'd exercised great influence over those with whom he came in contact. His friends were many, and affectionately attached to him, and his pupils in Homceopathy were indelibly stamped with his peculiar views. He made but one publication, which appeared in 1826. 1.,The Characteristics of HI-omoopathia. (From Hariemann's "Geist der homiopathischen Heillehre.") By* H. B. Gram; C; M..L. New-York, 1825. Of this pamphlet I have not been able to obtain a copy. It is said to have been nothing more than a rendering into indifferent English of the minor paper of Hahnemann, to which reference'is made on the title page. It met with no success. It was laughed at by the' profession, and there was as yet no public appreciative' of Homoeopathy. From this time until 1833, the press.seems to have been silent. In New-York, by the efforts of Gram and his pupils, Gray, Channing and others, the new doctrine was making silent but very slow progress among the laity, while in other than the great Atlantic cities of the Union, the name even, had scarcely yet appeared. In March, 1833, our learned-colleague, Dr. Constantine Heri-ng, arrived in Philadelphia from Surinam, whither he had sailed from Europe in 1826, and the prospects of -Homeopathy began.to brighten. A H-ahnemann Society was founded in Philadelphia on the anniversary of the birthday of the master, 10th Aprfl: 1833, and before this body Dr. Hering delivered anaddress, which.asthe next publication of our school. 2. Knurze 6ebersicht der homoopathischen Heilkunst, ihrer allmaligen 'Entstehung und jetzigen Ausbildung, von Constantin Hering, M.D., praktischem Arzte in Philadelphia. Vorgetragen in der I-Iahnenmannschen Gesellschaft zu Philadelphia, den 18I April 1833. Philadelphia: Wesselhoeft, 1833. (Pamphlet, pp. 30.) 3. A concise View of the Rise and Progress of Homocopathic Medicine. By Constantine Hering, M.D. Translated from the German by Charles F. Matlack, M.D. Philadelphia, 1833. The English translation of the address, by Dr. Matlack, was printed at the expense of the Society, and the German original, with a preface by the author, was subsequently published for the benefit of the numerous citizens of Pennsylvania speaking that language. 1834. In the lattet part of this year, the New-York Homoeopathic Socicty was founded, an association of laymen and physicians, having for its object the dissemination of Homceopatby. 1835. 4. The American Journal of Homosopathia. Edited by John F. Gray, M.D., and A. Gerald Hull, M.D., New-York, 1835. The first number of this journal appeared in February, 1835. It was in octavo form, containing forty-eight pages, every two months, and was very creditably conducted: but according to the testimony of Dr. Hull, N -- 178 THE HOMEOPrATHIC' (Hor. Exam., 2, 67,) was still "too early for public opinion," and was discontinued after four numbers were issued. Homoeopathy, however,. had begun to attract so much attention, that in this year a person of the name of William Leo-Wolf, M.D., was induced to publish a scurrilous book, of some 270 pages, entitled, " Remarks on the Abracadabrca of the 19th Century," which was aimed at the doctrine, but seems, from some cause or other, to have fallen still-bora from the press. 5. Letter to the Physicians of France on Homcoopathia, by the Count des Guidi, M.D. Translated by W. Channing, M.D. New-York, 1835. (Pamphlet.) 6. A concise View of the Principles of Homcoopathia. By the Baron De Brunnow, of Dresden; with introductory remarks in presenting this exposition in English to the New-York Homoeopathic Society, by John L. Sullivan, A.M. New-York, 1835. (Pamphlet.) 7. A popular View of Homceopathy. By the Rev. T. R. Everest, Rector of Wickwar. 8vo. Philadelphia. A second edition was published, by Radde, in New-York, under the editorial care of Dr. Hull, in 1842, with notes by Dr. Gray, and an appendix, consisting of three papers, which had previously appeared in the Hoaceopathic Examiner. A society had existed for some time in the interior of Pennsylvania, under the name of the " Northampton Homoeopathic Society," the moving spirit of which was Dr. Wesselhoeft, who had practised H6 -moeopathy among the Moravian settlements in that state since about the year 1830. On the 27th of May, 1835, a public meeting of the friends of Homeeopathy was held in Allentown, Pennsylvania, at which it was resolved to establish a hospital and school of instruction in Homoeopathy. The " North American Academy of Homacopathy," which was subsequently incorporated by an Act of the Legislature of the State of Pennsylvania, passed.on the 25th February, 1836, was then organized, and a large amount subscribed for its support. Dr. Hering was chosen president, and delivered an address, prepared for the occasion, which was subsequently published under the following title:8. Ueber die Nothwendigkeit und den Nutzen der Hom6opathik, gesprochen bei Eroffnung der nordamerikanischen Akademie der homiopathischen Heilkunst zu Allentown an der Lecha, den 27. May, 1835, von Constantin Hering, M.D. 9. Correspondenzblatt der homoopathischen Aertze, herausgegeben durch die nordamerikanische Akademie der homiopathischen Heilkunst zu Allentown an der Lecha, 1835, 1836. Fourteen numbers of this periodical were published, containing reports of cases, &c. 10. The l-lomceopathist, or Domestic Physician. By C. Hering, M.D., Professor in the college of HI-omoopathic Medicine at Allentown, Pa. First part. Allentown, 1835, pp. 177. Second part. Allentown, 1838, pp. 290. "MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 179 1836. 11. Treatise upon a new manner of medical practice called Homceopathie, elucidated by comparing the high station of Homceopathie with the usual mode of practice called Allopathie; dedicated to our patients and the friends of truth and humanity. By I. 0. Rosenstein, M.D., allied in practice with two skilful Homo3opathic physicians, M. Biegler and M. Seitz. Albany, 1836. -12. Organon of Homnceopathic Medicine, by Samuel Hahnemann. First American, from the British translation of the fourth German edition, with improvements and additions from the fifth, by the North American Academy of the Homceopathic healing art. Allentown, 1836. 8vo. pp. xxiii, 212. The first English edition of the Organon was published in 1833, and was translated from the fourth German edition. The present work is a reprint of the English translation, corrected by the fifth German edition, with a short preface of some half-dozen pages, by Dr. Hering. It is very well printed, with clear type, and on good paper, and formed an invaluable contribution to infant American Homoeopathic Literature, for which we are indebted to the Allentown Academy and its president. 13. G. H. G. Jahr's Manual of Homceopathic Medicine. Translated from the German. With improvements and additions by C. Hering, M.D. Allentown, 1836-1838, pp. 600. This work forms two volumes, (usually bound in one) the first containing the provings of the remedies, and the second the repertory. It was published in five parts and contains 200 remedies. "14. A fdmiliar Exposition of Homoeopathia, or the new mode of curing diseases, illustrating its superiority over the prevalent system of medicine. By Jonas Green, M.D. Philadelphia, 1836. 15. Hombopathischer Hausarzt. Fiir die deutschen BUrger der Vereinigten Staaten, nach den besten vaterlindischen Werken und eignen Erfahrungen bearbeitet. Von C. Hering, MtD. Professor der homiopathischen Akademie in Allentown, Pa. Allentown an der Lecha: J. Behlert, 1837. 8vo., pp. 352..The Domestic Physician by C. Hering. The second and subsequent *editions of this exceedingly popular work were published in Germany. The last, the seventh, appeared in 1850. 16. On Homceopathic Medicine, illustrating its superiority over the other medical doctrines, with an account of the regimen to be followed during the treatment of diseases, by M. Croserio, Doctor of Medicine, President, &c., &c. Translated from the French, with notes, containing the opinions of Brera, Broussais, &c., on Hommopathia, by C. Neidhard, M.D Philadelphia: Kiderlen & Stollmeyer, 1837. (Pamphlet, pp. xi.-89.) 180 THE HOMOEOPATHIC 17. Denkschriften der nordamerikanischen Akademie der hom6opqthischen Heilkunst. Erste Lieferung; enthaltend: Wirc kungen des Schlangengiftes zum arztlichen Gebrauche vergleighend zusammengestellt durch Constantin Hering, mit eine.r Einleitung ilber das Studium der Homobpathischen Arzneimittellehre. Allentown, 1837.t Effects of the poison of serpents, with an introduction on the study of the Homceopathic Materia Medica, by Dr. Hering. 18, Homceopathia revealed. A brief exposition of the whole system, adapted to general comprehension, with a notice of Psora and Dr. Duringe's objections. By Alexis Eustaphieve. NewYork, 1837. (Pamphlet.) A second edition of this pamphlet, preceded bya letter to John Forbes, M.D., F..S., and followed by a sketch of Isopathy,was issued in 1846. pp. x-91. 1838. 19i Homaoopathic Practice of Medicine. By Jacob Jeanes,, M.D. Philadelphia: Waldin, 1838. 20. The Philadelphia Homceopathic Journal. By Drs.,C. Hering, G. Lingen and Neidhard. Philadelphia: Kiderlen, 1838. Six numbers of thirty-six pages each were issued and subsequently published under the next following title: 21. The Homceopathist's Pocket-Book and Reference. Translated from the German,-compiled and arranged with considerable additions and improvements, by Dr. John Tanner. Philadplphia, 1838. 18mo. pp. 158.. 1839. 22. Miscellaties on Homceopathy, edited by an Association of Homceopathic Physicians. Philadelphia: W. L. J. Kiderlen & Co., 1839. pp. 216. 23. Domestic Homceopathy. By P. F. Curie, M.D., formerly surgeon in the Military Hospital.of Paris, &c., &c. With additions and improvements by Gideon Humphrey, M.D., &c. Philadelphia, 1839. 12mo. pp. xxxiv-250.. A republication of the English work with a preface of thirty pages by the American editor. 24. The Reformation of Medical Science demanded by inductive Philosophy: a discourse delivered before the " New-York Physicians' Society," on their Anniversary, Nov. 21, 1838. By William Channing, M.D. New-York: Wiley & Putnam, 1839. (Pamphlet.) pp. 58. A second edition was published. by the Author in 1851. 12mo. pp.69. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 181 25. Homceopathia the Science of Specific Remedies, sthewing the -.consistency of the Homceopathic Treatment of Consumption, -'with.that of Dr. Ramage of the London Lung Hospital; and that combined they constitute a complete system of remedial -means for its cure. The substance of a dissertation read Oct. 2, 1839, before the New Haven County Medical Society, by John L. Sullivan, M.D. Published in reference to a passage in Dr. Miner's printed address to the Medical Class, Feb. 26, 1839. New Haven, 1839. 18mo. pp. 60. 1840. 26. The Homceopathic Examiner. Edited by A. Gerald Hull, M.D. New-York, 1840. 8vo. This periodical was-issued monthly, icommencing January, 1840, and continued to be published somewhat irregularly until January, 1844; forming three royal octavo volumes of 432, 392 and 382 pages. It was 'then suspended until Aug., 1845, when' it was revived under the editorship of Drs. John F. 'Gray, and Charles J. Hempel, continued for two years and'finally discontinued. 27. Theory and Practice of Homoeopathy. First part, containing a Theory of Homoeopathy with Dietetic rules, etc. By I. G. -Rosenstein, M.D. Louisville, 1840, 12mo. pp. 288. 28. Letter to the Hon. ---, with reasons for examining and believing the fundamental principles of Homoeopathy. By C. Ticknor, M.D. New-York, 1840. (Pamphlet, pp. 31.) This interesting pamphlet contains the experience of the lamented Dr. STicknor, a most intelligent, sober-minded, and honest physician of long practice in the old school, in his investigation of and conversion to Homceopathy. The following extract will explain the reason of the publication, and will also tend to show the state of feeling in regard to ' Homosopathy at this time:Various reports are coming to me, almost daily, that I am' charged 'with entertaining heretical opinions on medical subjects-that Lam the disciple and advocate of a system of medical practice which is denounced by ninety-nine in a hundred of my professional brethren, as sheer -,quackery and imposture-that I have, therefore, lost my reason or lack honesty, and, as a consequence, the community is to be injured. I am charged with having become the disciple and advocate of the system of medicine called Homceopathy. There is a more weighty reason yet for thus addressing my friends. In the January number of the New-York Medical Journal there is an arSticle upon Homceopathy, denouncing the whole -system as a chimera, and all those who believe in any part or parcel 'thereof, as deluded or disShonest. That article was written, as the author says, in consequence of his attention having been drawn to the subject by "several spirited discussions in one of the medical societies." Those " spirited discussions," as they are called, arose from a paper which I had the honour to read before the society-a fact which is well known to all the pro4 fession.nd.others who have ever heard of the " discussions," The ar 182 THE IIOMOEOPATHIC" tide in the Journal annihilates Homoeopathy most logically; but;, u~p fortunately, the writer was so little acquainted with his subject or waer so eager for victory, that all his facts, as to the reputation of the new doctrine, and its adherents abroad, are totally false. This article has been copied into some of the popular journals of the day; and as I have been the innocent cause of this diffusion of error, and having borne whatever opprobrium there is attached to it among my brethren in the city, I felt it to be incumbent upon me to ask the Editors of the Medical Journal to permit me to reply, and correct the mis-statements. My request has not. been granted-the pages of the Journal are closed against me; and " as the-appeal has been made to Carsar, to Cuesar I will go." 1841. 29. Jahr's New Manual of Homceopathic Practice. Edited, with Annotations, by A. Gerald Hull, M.D. Second American, from tha third or Paris edition. New-York: Radde, 1841 and 1842. 2 vols., 12mo. pp. 651-710. A reprint of the English translation, with corrections and additions from various sources. The toilsome labors of the indefatigable editor have laid'the cause of Homoeopathy in this country under. great obligations to him. This edition having been for some time entirely out of print, a third is in process of publication; the Repertory, or seconi volume of which, with additions, has already appeared, (1850). 30. Homceopathia a principle in medicine and not an exclusive system; in a letter to Alban Goldsmith, M.D. By Jno. Aug. McVickar, M.D. New- York: Taylor & Co., 1841. (Pamphlet, pp. 45.) 31. Life of Hahnemann. By A. Gerald Hull, M.D. New-York: Felt & Co. (Pamphlet, pp. 24.) A publication of the first article in the second volume of the Examiner in pamphlet form, with a portrait of Hahnemann. 32. Popular Considerations on Homceopathia. By William CulIen Bryant, Esq. Delivered before the New-York Homoeopathic Society, December 23, 1841. New-York.: Radde. (Pamphlet, pp. 24.) 33. Practical Observations on some of the chief Homoeopathic Remedies. By Dr. Franz Hartmann. Translated from the German, with notes, by A. Howard Okie, M.D., of Philadelphia. First series. Aconite, Bryonia, Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni, Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus, Mercurius prcecipitatus ruber, Mercurius dulcis, and Chamomilla. Philadelphia: Dobson, 1841. 12mo. pp. 171. The second series, containing Belladonna and Nux vomica, was published in 1846. 1842. 34, The Practical Advantages of Homceopathy, illustrated by numerous cases. Dedicated, by permission, to Her Majesty, MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 183 Queen Adelaide. ByHarris Dunsford, M.D., &c. &c. Philadelphia: Pennington, 1842. 12iuo: pp. 201. A reprint, apparently without alteration or addition. 35, New Homoaopathic Pharmacppceia and Posology; or, the Preparation of Homceopathic Medicines, and the Administration of Doses. By G. H. G. Jahr. Translated, with additions, by James Kitchen, M.D. Philadelphia: Dobson, 1842. 8vo. pp. 304. 36. An Essay on Homoeopathy; a Synopsis of the History and Principles of the Science, with the Author's opinion of Palliative Remedies; designed principally for lay readers. By Dr. Geib of Philadelphia, Philadelphia: J. Dobson, 1842. 12mo. (Pamphlet, pages 23.) 37. Homcsopathy, with particular reference to a lecture by O. W. Holmes, M.D. By A. Howard Okie, M.D. Boston: Clapp, 1842. (Pamphlet.) 38. Answer of the Homceopathic Delusions of Dr. 0. W. Holmes. By Charles Neidhard, M.D. (Pamphlet.) 39, Some Remarks on Dr. 0. W. Holmes's Lecture on Homceopethy and its kindred Delusions. Communicated to a friend, By Robert Wesselhoeft, Homoeopathic Physician in Cambridge. Boston i Clapp, 1842. (Pamphlet, pp. 59.) The three foregoing pamphlets, issued nearly simultaneously fiom the press, in reply to the most readable abuse of Homoeopathy, which has been published on this side of the Atlantic; " Homoaopathy and its Kindred Delusions, &c. By Olivar Wendell Holmes, M.D." Boston: Ticknor, 1842. The witty doctor only needed to have known a little about Homoeopathy, to have written a very intelligent criticism upon it; as it is, his book is interesting and amusing. 1843. 40. Domestic Homceopathy; or, Rules for the Domestic Treatment of the maladies of infants, children and adults, and for the conduct and treatment during pregnancy, confinement and suckling. By John Epps, M.D., Graduate of the University of Edinburgh, &c. First American edition. Boston: Otis Clapp, 1843. 16mo. pp. 195. An exact reprint of the second London edition, without note or comment. The call for works on Domestic Medicine, is an exceedingly significant sign of the progress which Homoeopathy is now making among the laity. The fourth American from the fourth London edition was published in 1849. 41. Family Guide to the Administration of Homceopathic Remedies. By * * * M.D. New-York: Radde, 1843. 32mo. pp.44. A reprint from the Enelish, of. a little pamphlet, intended as an accompaniment to a box of medicines.. 184 THE HOM(EOPATHIC 42. The Homo3opathic Medical Library. Materia 'edica. WPhiladelphia: Dorsey, 1843. 8vo. (Pamphlet, pp. 24.) This pamphlet was issued as a prospectus for a large work to be published in numbers, and to contain a translation of the provings of all the remedies of the school, commencing with the Materia Medica Pura aid the Chronic Diseases. It is to be remembered that at this time those works existed only in foreign languages. The attempt, however, was too grand for the time, and was soon abandoned. 43. An Epitome of Homceopathic practice, compiled chiefly from Jahr, Riickert, Beauvais, Bbnninghausen, &c. By J. T. Curtis, M.D., and J. Lillie, M.D. New-York: Radde, 1843. pp. 200. A second edition of this little manual was published by Radde, in 1850. 44. Homceopathic Domestic Medicine, by J. Laurie, M.D. Edited -by A. Gerald Hull, M..D. Newv-York: Radde, 1843. A second edition was issued by the. same publisher, in 1844; a fourth in 1848, and a fifth in 1849. 45. Homoeopathy vindicated in a letter to J. V. C. Smith, M.D., editor of the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, containing a reply to his review of Drs. C. and L.'s " Epitome of Homceopathic Practice" with the acceptance of Dr. J. V. C. Smith's and Dr. C. A. Lee's challenges and the conscu'~Hces. By James Lillie; M.D., Brooklyn, L. I. New-York: Bogs,1843. (Pamphlet, pp. 8.) An issue in pamphlet form of an article appearing originally in the N. Y. Evening Post. 1844. 46. The Homosopathist; or Domestic Physician, by C. Hering, M.D. Second American, with additions from the fourth German edition. Philadelphia: Behlert, 1844. 8vo. pp. 217. The third edition was issued by Rademacher, Philadelphia, in 1846; the fourth in 1848, and the fifth in 1850. In the fourth edition, the part relating to the diseases of Women and Children was contributed by Walter Williamson, M.D., of Philadelphia, and was subsequently published as a separate work. 47. An Appeal for Homceopathy; or, remarks on the decision of the late Judge Cowen, relative to the legal rights of Homcaopathic Physicians. By F. Vanderburgh, M.D. New-York: Radde, 1844. (Pamphlet, pp. 29.) " The following circumstances called for this letter. Dr. Paine, of Newburgh, presented his diploma to the Medical Society of Orange County, for admission to the privileges of membership. He was refused on the ground of his being a Homceopathist. On applying to the Supreme Court for a vmandamus to compel the Society to receive him, Judge Cowen, who presided, decided against his application." It was in this year that the 1" American Institute of Homceopathy" was formed, an account of which will be found further "on. See Na. 57 post.) MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 185 1845. '48. The Chronic Diseases, their specific nature and Homoeopathic treatment. By Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Translated and edited by Charles J. Hempel, M;D. With a preface by Constantine Hering, M.D. New York: Radde, 1845. 12mo. pp. 202; vols. 2, 3, 4 and 5, Antipsoric Remedies, 1846, pp. 323, 328, 378, 401. The obligations of the American disciples of the New School to Dr. Hempel's unremitting labors are great. It is through his industry that "they have been first put in possession of the great classics of Homoeopathy,:* the works of the master. 49: Ruoff's Repertory of Homomopathic Medicine, nosologically arranged. Translated from the German, by A. Howard Okie, M. D., Translator 'of Hartmann's Remedies, with additions and S improvements by Gideon Humphrey, M.D., &c. Second American edition, carefully amended and revised, with additions. "New-York: Radde, 1845. 12mo. pp. 251. This is stated on the title page to be the second edition. I have not seen.copy of the first. 50. Boenninghausen's Essay on the Homceopathic Treatment of Intermittent Fevers. Translated and edited by Charles Julius Hemipel,. M.D. New-York: Radde, 1845. 8vo. (Pamphlet, pp. 56.) The translator has prefixed a preface illustrating the mode of using the work, has added the indications for a few remedies, and has arranged the repertory inca more convenient form for use. 51. Short Elementary Treatise upon Homceopathia, and the manner of its practice; with some of the most important effects of ten of the principal Homoeopathic Remedies, for the use of all honest men who desire to convince themselves by experiment of the truth of the doctrine. By G. H. G. Jahr, M.D. Second French edition, corrected and enlarged. Translated by Edward Bayard, M.D. New-York: Radde, 1845. 24mo. pp. 90, 52. A Manual of Homoeopathic prescriptions, with a full and improved Repertory, in which diseases are alphabetically arranged with the remedy for them connected. An introduction in which the doctrine and nature of the Homoeopathic system is explained. Also a complete catalogue of poisons, with the most certain antidotes and remedies for them. With directiens for diet and regimen during the use of Homceopathic treatment. ByjHunting'Sherrill, M.D., Member of the New-York Homceopathic Physicians' Society, etc., etc. Now-Rork; Radde, 1842. 24mo. pp. 181. 186 THE HOMCEOPATHIC 53. Views of Homoeopathy, with reasons for examining and admitting it as a principle in Medical Science. By Daniel Holt, M.D. New Haven: Benham, 1845. 8vo. (Pamphlet, pp. 48.), 54. On Eclecticism in Medicine; or, a critical review of the leading medical doctrines. An Inaugural Thesis, presented at the New- York University on the first of March, 1845, By CharlesJulius Hempel, M.D. New-York Radde, 1845. 8vo. (Pamphlet, pp. 45.) 55. A Treatise on the use of Arnica in cases of contusions, wounds, strains, sprains, lacerations of the solids, concussions, paralysis, rheumatism, soreness of the nipples, etc., etc., with a number of cases illustrative of the use of that drug. By Charles Julius. Hempel, M.D. New-York: Radde, 1845. 8vo. (Pamphlet, pp. 16.) 1846. We have now arrived at a point when Homoeopathy has acquired such firm hold of the feelings of the public, that its success and perinanent establishment are no longer a matter of doubt. Its friends are open and bold; and its enemies, however bitter and abusive, are; nevertheless, c.mpelled to admit that it has taken rank as an acknowledged part of medical science. Through the labors of Dr. Hempel, several valuable additions are made to our literature from foreign sources, the most important of which is the JMateria M3edica Pura. 56. Materia Medica Pura.. By Samuel Hahnemann. Translated and edited by Charles Julius Hempel, M.D. New-York:. Radde, 1846. 4 vols. 8vo. pp. 221, 194, 202, 260. The translator has added under each remedy, both in this work and iq the chronic diseases, the clinical suggestions of Noack and Trinks. 57. Additions to the Materia Medica Pura. Collected and edited by: Ernst Stapf, M.D. Translated by Charles Julius Hempel,. M.D. New-York: Radde, 1846. 8vo. pp.292. This volume contains the provings of Rhododendron, Senega, Valerian, Coffee, Sabadilla, Ranunculus bulbosus and Sceleratus Crocus, Juniper, Clematis, Teucrium and Agnus castus, which had appeared from time to time in the Archiv; to which is added Miiller's proving of Argentum nitricum, from the Austrian Journal. 5. Practical Observations of some of the chief Homoeopathic Remedies. By Dr. Franz Hartmann. Translated from the German, with notes, by A. Howard Okie, M.D. Secondseries. New- York: Radde, 1846. 12mo. pp. 192. Contains Belladonna and Nux-vomica. 59. Therapeutics of Homceopathy; or, Outlines of successful Homceopathic cures. Collected from the best Homceopathic periodicals, by Dr. Ernst Ferdinand Rueckert. Translated by MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 187 Charles J. Hempel, M.D. New-York: Radde, 1846. 8vo. pp. 496. Di. Riickert's work, of which the above is a translation, was originally published in Leipzic in 1837-the author's preface bears date November 25, 1836. It isa laborious compilation of all the published cases of cures of homoeopathic remedies down to the time of publication, condensed and abridged, and with a reference to the original report of everyr case. This last feature, which is frequently neglected in homoopathic literature, gives the work a peculiar value to the student. 60. Transactions of the American Institute of Homosopathy, Vol. I. "Philadelphia: Rademacher, 1846. 12mo. pp. 299. We quote, as part of the history of Homoeopathy, the account of the founding of the Institute, from the first pages of this volume:" The New-York Homoeopathic Physicians' Society," in July, 1843, in view of the benefit to be derived from a mutual cultivation of the art by the various members of our school throughout the United- States, appointed a committee to draft and send suitable invitations to them. They performed the duty assigned them, and on the 10th of April, 1844, a convention of the practitioners of Homoeopathy of the United Stated, took place in the city of New-York, at the Lyceum of Natural History, upon the.anniversary of the birth of the -illustrious.Hahnemann. Dr. Constantine Hering, of Philadelphia, was elected President; Dr. Josiah F, Flagg, of Boston, Dr; William: Channing, of New-York, Vice-Presidents; and Henry G. Dunnel, Secretary.,A preamble.and resolutions in these words were adopted, viz: Whereas, A majority of. the allopithic physicians continue to deride and oppose the contributions to the materia medica that have been made by the Homoeopathic School; and whereas, the state of the materia medica in both schools is such as imperatively to demand a more satisfactory arrangement and greater purity of observation, which can only be obtained by associate action on the part of those who seek diligently for truth alone; and, inasmuch as -the state of the public information "respecting the prindiples and practice of Homoeopathy is so defective as to make it easy for mere pretenders to this very difficult branch of the healing art to acquire credit as proficients in the same; Therefore, Resolved, That it is deemed expedient to establish a so"ciety entitled "The American Institute of -lomoeopathy;" and the following are declared to be the essential purposes of said Institute-: 1st. The reformation and augmentation of the materia medica. 2d. The restraining of Physicians from pretending to be competent to practice Homoeopathy who have not studied it in a careful and skilful manner. Dr. John F. Gray was elected General Secretary of the Institute, and Dr. S. R. Kirby, Treasurer. The convention then adjourned. First session of the " American Institute of Homoeopathy" was organized immediately after the adjournment of the Convention, on the evening of the 10th of April, 1844, at the call of the General Secretary elect. This work contains American provings of the following remedies: Benzoic, fluoric and oxalic acids; Eupatorium perfoliatum;.Kalaia 188 THE HOM(EOPATHIC latifolia; Lobelia cardinalis and inflata; Podophyllum peltatum; Sanguinaria canadensis; and Triosteum perfoliatum: with a repertory. The institute has yearly published a small pamphlet containing the proceedings of its annnal meetings, but no further volume of transactions. It is understood, however, that one is in contemplation, and will. shortly appear. 61. The American Journal of Homoeopathy. By Drs. Kirby.and Snow. The first number of this semi-monthly journal, intended principally for lay readers, was issued on the 26th April,.~846. It is still published (16 pages monthly) by Dr. Kirby, and is consequently in it fifth volume, and increasing in circulation. 62. A Manual of Homaeopathic Cookery, designed chiefly for the use of such persons as are under Homoeopathic treatment. By the wife of a Homceopathic Physician. With additions-by the wife of an American Homceopathic Physician. New-York: Radde, 1846. 18mo. pp. 176. 63. Homoeopathy, Allopathy and " Young Physic," by John Forbes, M.D., F.R.S., one of the Editors of the Cyclopedia of Practical Medicine, etc. New-York: Radde,.1846. 8vo. (Pamphlet, pp. 58.) A republication of the article of Dr. Forbes in the forty-first mumber of the British and Foreign Medical Review. 64. Letter to John Forbes, M.D., F.R.S, Editor of'the c'British and Foreign Medical Review," on his article, entitled " Homceopathy, Allopathy and Young Physic," contained in the number of the review for January, 1846. By William Henderson, M D., Professor of Pathology in the University of Edinburgh. Extracted from the British Journal of Homoeopathy for April, 1846. New-York: Radde, 3846. 8vo. (Pamphlet, pp. 66.) 65. An Inquiry into the Homoeopathic Practice of Medicine. By William Henderson, M.D., Professor of Medicine and General Pathology, etc. in the University of Edinburgh. New-York: Radde. 8vo. (Paper covers, pp. 154.) A republication of the cases of Homoeopathic treatment, which ococcurred during the author's investigation of the subject. They are preceded by prefatory and explanatory remarks. 66. The Homceopathic Domestic Physician. By Charles J. Hempel, M.D. New-York: Radde, 1846. 16mo. A second edition was issued in 1850.. 67. Reasons why Homoeopathy should receive an impartial investigation from the Medical Profession and the Public. By B. F. Bowers, M.D. New-York: Radde, 1846. 8vo. (Pamphlet, pp. 24.) A republication of an article which was originally-contributed by Dr. Bowers to the Examiner Y0ol. 4,p. 378. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 189 68, The Principles of Homceopathic Practice, as contrasted with those of the old school of Medicine, or Allopathy. By Henry Wigand, M.D,. Boston: Clapp, 1846. (Pamphlet, pp.,7.) 69; Homoeopathy and Allopathy compared together, with some of the reasons for adopting the former. With an appendix by S. Rosa, M.D. Painesville, Ohio, 1846. 12mo. (Pamphlet, pp. 32.) 70, Calumny refuted, in a review of a charge of mal-practice of Medicine. By Hunting Shirrell, M.D. New-York, 1846. 18mo. (Pamphlet, pp. 12. 1847. 71,. Hartmann's Theory of Acute Diseases, and their Homoeopathic Treatment. Third German Edition, revised and considerably enlarged by the author. Translated with additions and adapted to the use of the American profession, by Charles J. Hempel, M.D. New-York: Radde, 1847-48. 2 vols. 12mo. pp. 272 -204. This is.a valuable work for the student of Homoeopathy, containing the results of twenty-eight years' practice of the system, by one who stands high as a physician in his.native land. The third edition appeared in Germany in 1846. 72, Organon of the Specific Healing Art. By Gottlieb Ludwig Rau, M.D. Translated from the German, with an essay on the present internal condition of the Homceopathic school. By Charles. Julius Hempel, M.D. New-York: Radde, 1847. 8vo. pp. 200. The work of the independent philosopher of Giessen.is too well known to need any comment. However much his brethren may have differed from him in many of his views, none have denied him the merit of patient thought, much learning and great originality. The Organon was published, I think, in 1838. Dr. Iempel's essay, mentioned in the title, is not appended to the work. 73. Bbenninghausen's Therapeutic Pocket Book for Homoeopathists; to be used at the bedside of the patient, and in.the study of the Materia Medica. Edited by A. Howard Okie, M.D. Boston: Otis Clapp, 1847. 12mo. pp. 483. 74, Therapeutic Pocket Book for Romoeopathic Physicians, to be used at the bedside of the patient, and in studying the Materia Medica Pura. By Dr. C. Von Boenninghausen, Counsellor, etc., etc. Edited by Charles J. Hempel, M.D. New-York: Radde, 1847. 8vo. pp. 504. The original of Boenninghausen's Pocket Book was issued under the author's eye in three languages, simultaneously, German, French, and English.* * The Germnan title is as follows:-Therapeutisches Taschenluch fir ho I190 THE HOMXEOPATHIC '75. Inaugural Address delivered by Henry G. Dunnel, M.D., President of the New-York Homreopathic Physicians' Society, on the 6th of January, 1947. (Pamphlet, pp. 16. Originally printed in the Homceopathic Examiner, Vol. 5, p. 258. 76. Discourse on the evidences of the power of small doses and attenuated medicines, including a theory of potentization. By B. F. Joslin, M.D., of New-York. (Pamphlet, pp. 18.) An article which was contributed by Dr. Joslin to the American Journal of Homoeopathy. Vol. 1, p. 263. 77. Consumption treated Homceopathically. From the German. By A. C. Becker, M.D. New-York: Radde, 1847. 18mo. pp. 86. A translation of Dr. Rilckert's collection of cases of consumption, "with an introduction. 78. Diseases of the Eye, treated Homoeopathically. From the German. By A. C. Becker, M.D. New-York: Radde, 1847. 18mo. pp. 77. m6opathische Aerzte, zum Gebrauche am Krankenbette und beim Studium der reinen Arzneimittellehre, herausgegeben von Dr. C. Von Boenninghausen, Kbnigl. Preussischem Reg.-Rath a. D., etc., etc. Miloster: Coppenrath, 1846. 8vo. pp. 510. The 'English translation, of 'which the above works are reprints, seems'to have been effected by the aid of a dictionary, and having been printed and published in Germany, abounded in inaccuracies of translation, and contained some gross errors of the press. The task of the American editors consisted simply in the correction of these. In 1846, Dr. Roth, of Paris, published a French edition of Boenninghausen which Dr. Laurie has lately translated into English. The alphabetical arrangement is dropped and a methodical one adopted, which, however scientific, is by no means as convenient. The errors and omissions, too, are numerous and important, if I may judge by those which come to light on a by no means thorough examination. Boen. 14, Whiskers; 22, False sight; 52, Longing for herring, salt food and sourcrout; 97, Mild leucorrhea; 107, Cough and being obliged to swallow what is detached; 110, Cough with expectoration tasting like chronic coryza-Expectoration with musty taste; 111, Tasting like tobacco juice; 171, Uterine spasms-are specimens of omissions. Boen. 119, " Kreuz," small of the back, is translated " Sacrum," (No. 668);Boen. 137, "Beissencler Schmerz," smarting pain, is rendered "Itching pain" by Roth (No. 888) and " Pruriginous pain" by Laurie; Boen. 142, " Brennen," burning, is rendered " Ardent pain" by Roth (No. 876), and " Violent pain" by Laurie (p. 141); Boen. 206, the remedies for " sensibility of the periosteum" are transposed with those for " suppuration of the periosteum" (Nos. 1123, 1124); Boen. 254, " Nagel rippig," ribbed nails, is rendered "splitting nail" by Laurie (No. 1528); Boen. 258, " Wounds with injuries of the bones;" the remedies given under this rubric (by Roth, 840,) are those for " Warts with burning pain;" the proper ones (Con. Ps-Ac. Puls. RUTA, SiL) are omitted. RIEDICAL DIRECTORY. 1191 79. New Manual of Homroopathic Veterinary Medicine: or the Homceopathic Treatment of the Horse, the Ox, the Sheep, the Dog, and other domestic animals. By F. A. Gunther. Translated from the third German edition, with considerable additions. Reprinted from the London edition. Boston: Clapp, 1847. 12mio. pp. 408. 1848. 60. Jahr's new Manual, (or Symptomen-Codex.) Translated, with extensive additions, from various sources. By Charles Julius Hempel, M.D., aided by James M. Quin, M.D., with a preface by Dr. C. Hering, revisions and clinical 'notes by Dr. J. F. Grav, contributions from Drs. A. Gerald Hull, G. W. Cook, B. F. Joslin, C, Hering, J. Jeanes, C. Neidhard, W. Williamson and J: Kitchen. New-York: Radde, 1848. 2 vols. 8vo. pp.943-1060. Dr. Laurie considers the amelioration and aggravation from the act of " chewing' to be the same as from " eating," although different lists of remedies are given by Boenninghausen. " Verschlimmerung beim S;iugen (Stillen) der Kinder," Boen. 339, Aggravation when sucklingis completely metamorphosed by Roth, who makes it refer to the children instead of the mother, No. 1795. Laurie (1794) copies the error "in the case of children at the breast." " Adern," Been. 134. 275., is misrendered by all the translators as referring to "blood-vessels" instead of " veins." Roth and Laurie, 1657. A nnmber of errata are noted by Boenninghausen which have not been corrected in the American republications. I give them, with references to Hempel's edition, for the convenience of those consulting Boenninghausen, who may not have access to the German. Hempel, p. 72. Stomach; Ipec. should be IPEC. 81. Gray stool; insert SEPIA. 83. Before evacuation; Bry. should be BRY. 95. Ovariac; insert KALI. 99. Menstruation,protracted; Cale. should be CALC. 287. Aggravatio in evening; Arg. should be ARG. 291. From want of attention; BELL. should be HELL. 308. Lying head low; insert ARG. 309. IVWile leaning against anything; SULPH. should be SAMB. 340. In winter; insert ARG. The errors and omissions which have been noted may by some be considered exceedingly trivial and unworthy of attention; but such should remember that accuracy the most minute is insisted upon by Boenninghausen, and sought after by his followers as the most important element of success in prescribing. Of the editions in the market at present, that of Hempel is the best. 192 Tfi924E fIOMtEOPATRHICU This immense work is the most complete collection of the results 'if the development of Homoeopathy that exists in any language at the present time. Though founded on the Symptomen-Codex of Jahr, it yet contains all that is valuable, (and much, perhaps, that is not,) in Noack and Trinks, and the results obtained by the Austrian provers up to a reasonable time before its publication. Its very bulk, however, is the greatest argument of its imperfection, ýand of the rawnres of out system; and the ordinary practitioner, and the scientific homoeopath look forward with equal eagerness, though for different reasons, to the dawning of that genius which shall reduce the Materia Medica to order, produce the touchstone for the separation of its false fa'ts, and evolve light from its obscurity. Until then, we must accept it in its present chaos, of which these volumes are the most compr hensive and convenient manuals. 81. Diseases of the Digestive Organs and Constipation, treated Homceopathically, By W. Broackes, M.I.. and M.R.C.S. Second American from the third London edition. With preface and additions by A. C. Becker, M.D. New-York:.Radde, 1848. 18mo. pp. 128. 82. Dentition, according to some of the best and latest German authorities; intended for domestic use. ByA. C. Becker, M.D. New- York: Radde, 1848 18ino. pp. 82. 83. Allopathy, Hahnemannism and Rational Homonopathy, Compiled from the German of D'. Griesselich, Physician to the StAff, etc. By A. C.. Beckr, M.D. New-York: Radde, 1848: (Pamphlet, pp. 24) Dr. Becker, whose useful labours were cut short by an early death, was strongly captivated by the strong sense, keen wit, and rational views of the lamented Griesselich, and he has here translated and reproduced in fifty-four propositions, what may be called the creed of the rationalistic school of Hlomceopathy. 84. The rival schools of Medicine; or Homoeopathy, versus Allopathy. A Lecture by Dr. J. Bryan, of Northport, L.I. New-York 1848. (Pamphlet, pp. 24.) 85. The Mariner's Physician and Surgeon; or a Guide to the Homoeopathic treatment of those diseases to which seamen are liable; comprising the treatment of syphilitic diseases, etc. By Geo. W. Cook, M.D. New-York: J. T. S. Smith, 1848. 1Smo. pp. 105. 86. The North-western Journal of Homoeopathy. George E. Shipman, M.)., editor and proprietor. Chicago: Davis & Haddock, 1848. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 1849. 87. Samuel Hahnemann's Organon of Homoenopathic Medicine. Third American edition, with improvements and additions from the latest German edition, and Dr. C. Hiering's introductory remarks. New-York: Radde, 1849. 8vo. pp. 230. This is, at present, the only edition of the Organon in the market. 88. Quarterly Homoeopathic Journal, edited by A. C. Becker, M.D. Boston: Clapp, 1849. The first number appeared January, 1849, and was the only one prepared by Dr. Becker; his death having occurred on the 15th Janaary. The seven subsequent numbers were published under the' editorship of Drs. Birnstill and De Gersdoff. 89. Hartmann's Theory of Chronic Diseases, and their Homceopathic treatment. Third German edition, revised and considerably enlarged by the Author. Translated with additions, and adapted to the use of the American profession by Charles J. HeIempel,, M.D. New-York: Radde, 1849. 2 vols. 12ino. pp. 2.58. These two volumes complete Hartmann's work on actie and chronic diseases, 90. A Domestic Homoiopathy, restricted to its legitimate sphere of practice;: together with rules for diet and regimen. By Edward C. Chepmell, M.D. First American edition, with additions and improvements. By Samuel B. Barlow, M.D. NewYork: Radde, 1849. 18mo. pp. 224. The presence of the Cholera now caused the issue of several monographs on that subject. 91. The Cholera and its Homceopathic treatment. By Dr. F. Humphreys. New-York: Radde, 1849. 18mo. pp. 72. 92. Homoeopathic Treatment of Diarrhcea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus and the Cholera, with repertories for these diseases. By B. F. Joslin, M.D. New-York: Radde, 1849. 18mo. pp. 144. 93. On the Hom'eopathic Treatment of Cholera. By C. F. Hoffendahl, M.D. Boston: Clapp, 1849. (Pamphlet, pp. 20.) 94. A Report read before the Homceopathic Association of Cincinnati, October 2, 1849. Cincinnati, 1849. (Pamphlet, pp. 48.) 95. The Cholera in Cincinnati, or a connected view of the controversy between the Homaoopathists and the Methodist Expositor. Also a review of the report read before the Homoeopathii 0o 194 THE HOM(EOPATHIC Association. By S. A. Latta, M.D. Cincinnati, 18650 (Pamphlet, pp. 40.) 96. Review of Dr. S. A. Latta's pamphlet, entitled, &c., &c., by Adam Miller, M.D. Cincinnati, 1850. (Pamphlet, pp. 16.) I have placed these three pamphlets together, as they are connected by a single thread of history. It seems that two homoopathic physiciaas of Cincinnati, Ohio, inserted in the public papers, on the 11th of August, 1849, a report of the cases of cholera treated by them, in which the per centage of deaths was certainly very small. This account did not at all please Dr. Latta, who, besides being a physician, was also editor of a religions newspaper, and on the 25th of the same month he attacked their report, alleging that it was not true, and professing his readiness to give facts and names. These were called for and given, and the excitement grew warm; the Homceopathic Association of Cincinnati appointed a committee to investigate the facts, who reported in favor of the physicians attacked. Their report was reviewed by the clerical doctor, and his review replied to by Dr. Miller, and the matter ended after the true polemical fashion, by both parties becoming satisfactorily confirmed in their previous- opinions. It is probable, however, that the cause of Homceopathy was advanced among the laity of the Queen City by the discussion.. 97. An Address delivered in the HIomceopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania, as a preliminary to the course of 1849-50. By A. E. Small, M.D., Professor of Physiology and Pathology. Boston: Clapp, 1849. (Pamphlet, pp. 19.) The Homeuopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania delivered its first course of lectures under a charter obtained from the state in the winter of 1848-49. It is now in the third year of its existence. Another College has just been organized in Cleveland under the laws of the state of Ohio. 98. The Law of Cure. An Address delivered before the American Institute of Homoeopathy at its sixth annual meeting, held at Philadelphia, June 13, 1849. By B. F. Joslin, MD. Boston: Clapp, 1849. (Pamphlet, pp. 18.) 99. The Pocket Homceopathist and Family Guide. By. John A. Tarbell, M.D. Boston: Clapp, 1849. 32mo. pp. 63. 100. The first Annual Report of the New-York IHpmoeopathic Dispensary Association; the Constitution and Bye-laws of the Association; together with the anuual lecture. By B. F. Joslin, M.D. New-York, 1849. (Pamphlet, pp. 27.) 1850. 101. Elements of Homoeopathic Practice of Physic; an appendix to *#K: IMrEDICAL DIRECTORY. 195 Br. A. G. Hall's Laurie's " Homoeopathic Domestic Medicine." Arranged as a practical work for students. Containing, also, diseases of the Urinary and Genital Organs. New- York: Radde, 1850. 12mo. pp. 372. On Auxiliary Aid. a02. New Homoeopathic Pharmacopceia and Posology; or, the mode of preparing Homoeopathic Medicines, and the administration of doses. Compiled and translated from the German works of Buchner and Gruner, and the French work of Jahr, with original contributions by Charles J. Hempel, M.D. New-York: Radde, 1850. 12mo. pp. 359. "103. Alphabetical Repertory of the Skin Symptoms, and external alterations of substance, together with the morbid phenomena observed in the glandular, osseous, mucous, and circulatory systems, arranged with pathological remarks on the diseases of the skin. By Dr. G. H. G. Jahr. Edited by Charles J. Hempel, M.D. New-York: Radde, 1850. 18mo. pp. 515. 104. Jahr's Clinical Guide, or Pocket Repertory, for the treatment of Acute and Chronic Diseases. Translated and edited, with annotations, by Charles J. Hempel, M.D. New- York: Radde, 1850. 18mo. pp. 409. 105. The Homceopathic Theory and Practice of Medicine. By E E. Marcy, M.D. New-York: Radde, 1850. 12mo. pp. 629 3106. The Sources of Health and the Prevention of Disease; or Mental and Physical Hygeine. By John A. Tarbell, M.D., Member, &c., &c. Boston: Clapp, 1850. pp. 170. 107. Principles of Homoeopathy. In a series of Lectures. By B. F. Joslin, M.D. New-York: Radde, 1850. 12mo. pp. 185 308. The Duty of the State in relation to Homoeopathy; an Inaugural Address delivered -before the Hahnemann Academy of Medicine, on Wednesday, January 9, 1850, by John F. Gray, M.D., President. Published by order of the Academy. NewYork: 1850. (Pamphlet, pp. 28.) The prefatory note gives a succinct account of the origin and object of the Academy. The Homoeopathic physicians of the city of New-York and its vicinity, after several preliminary meetings, on the 28th day of November, 1849, organized themselves into an Association under the name of " THE HAHNEMANN ACADEMY OF MrEDICINE." The preamble of the Constitution declares the assent of its subscribers to the three following truths: 1. That the law propounded by Hahnemann, " Similia similibus curantur," is a fundamental truth in the theory of M. edicine and the only safe guide in its practice. 2. That the best 196 THE HOM(EOPATHIC mode of ascertaining the-effects of drugs is by:provings upon the healthy organism. And 3, that there is efficacy in attenuated remedies. The object of the Association is stated in the Constitution to be " the advancement of the Healing Art by mutual consultations and by public and private teaching." On the 12th day of December, the Academy was incorporated as a Scientific Society under the general law of this State, passed April 12, 1848, by the filing in the offices of the County Clerk of the City and County of New-York and of the Secretary of State, a certificate duly acknowledged by the Executive Council, in the form required by law. By the Bye-Laws of the Academy, the President is required to deliver an inaugural address on the second Wedhesday of January in every year. The following address was delivered in pursuance of that regulation on the evening of Wednesday, January 9th, 1850, at a public meeting held at the Hope Chapel, Broadway, in the city of New-York, and is now published by order of the Academy. 109, Address delivered hefore the American Institute of Homoeopathy, at its annual meeting in Albany, in 1850. By A. E Small, M.D. Boston: Clapp, 1850. (Pamphlet, pp. 42.) 110. An Address delivered before the Rhode Island Homoeopathic Society. By A. Howard Okie, M.D., President of the Society. Providence: Whitney, 1850. (Pamphlet, pp. 28.): 111. Valedictory Address, delivered at the second annual commencement of the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania,. March 2, 1850. By William S. Helmuth, M.D., Professor of Homceopathic Institutes and the Practice of Medicine. Philadelphia: 1850. (Pamphlet, pp. 16.) 112. Homceopathy in Germany and England in 1849, with a glance at Allopathic men and things: being two preliminary Discourses delivered in the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. By C. Neidhard, M.D., Professor of Clinical Medicine. Boston r Clapp, 1850. (Pamphlet, pp. 45.) 113. Letter to Worthington Hooker, M.D., of Norwich, in relation to so much of his book entitled " Physician and.Patient," as has reference to Homoeopathy. By F. Mathes, M.D. Boston: Clapp, 1850. (Pamphlet, pp. 16.) 114. Letter to Valentine Mott, M.D., in reply to his Valedictory Address to the members of the New-York Academy of Medicine, by F. Vanuerburgh, M.D. New-York, June 3d, 1850. New-York: 1850. (Pamphlet, pp. 8.) 1851. 115. The North American iHormeopathic Journal; a Quarterly M3a BMEDICAL DIRECTORY. 197 Sgazine 6ofMedicine and the Auxiliary Sciences. Conducted by Constantine Hering, M.D., Philadelphia; E. C. Marcy, M.D., SNew-York; and J. W. Metcalf, M.D., New-York. NewYork: Radde. 116. Sketch of Hahnemann and his wife. From the portfolio of one who knew them. By Helen Berkeley. Together with a Homceopathic Dietary and a list of popular works on the principles and practice of Homceopathy. New-York: Radde, 1850. 18mp. (Pamphlet, pp. 25,) 117. The I-Uistory of Nedical Science; an Introductory Lecture. By Storm Rosa, M.D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Homceopathy in the Eclectie Medical Institute. Cincinnati, 1850. 8yo. (Pamphlet, pp. 20.) 118. Homoeopathic Domestic Physician; containing the treatment of diseases, with popular explanations on Anatomy, Physiology, Hygiene and Hydropathy. Also an abridged Materia Medica. By J. I. Pulte, M.D. Cincinnati: H. W. Derby & Co., and H. F. Davis, 1850. 12mo. pp. 556. Three editions have been published in America and one in England. 119. Inaugural Address delivered before the Hahnemann Academy cf Medicine, January 8th, 1851, by S. R, Kirby, M.D., President. Published by order of the Academy. New-York, 1851. 8yo. (Pamphlet, pp. 9.) 120. Proceedings of the Homceopathic Medical Society of the State of New-York. Albany, 1851. 8vo. (Pamphlet, pp. 12.) This includes, stitched in the same cover, 121. Annual Address delivered in Albany before the " Academy of Medicine of the State of New-York," Feb. 19th, 1851. By F. Vanderburgh, M.D. Published by order of the Society. New-York, 1851. 8vo. (Pamphlet, pp. 29.) 122. Valedictory Address, delivered at the third annual commence"ment of the Homceopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania, March 3, 1851. By Walter Williamson, M.D. Philadelphia, 1851. 8vo. (Pamphlet, pp 20.) 123. Homosopathic Treatment of Diseases of the Sexual System; being a complete repertory of all the symptoms occurring in the Sexual Systems of the Male and Female. Adapted to the use of Physicians and Laymen. Translated, abridged and edited, with additions and improvements, by F. Humphreys,: M.D. New-York: Radde, 18mo. pp.144. THE I1OMCEOPATHIC 124. A Pocket Manual, or repertory of Homceopathic MIediciney alphabetically and nosologically arranged; which may be used as the Physician's Vade Mecum, the Traveller's Medical Companion, or the Family Physician, containing the principal remedies for the most important diseases, symptoms, sensations, characteristics of diseases, &c., with the principal pathogenetic effects of t4e medicines on the most important organs and functions of the body; together with diagnosis, explanation of medical terms, directions for the selection and exhibition of remedies, rules of diet, &c. &c. Compiled from the best Homoeopathic authorities; by Dr. J. Bryant. New-York: Radden. 18mo. pp. 352. 125. An examination of the evidence in regard to Infinitesimal doses. By W. W. Rodman, A.M., M.D. Waterbury, Ct.: W. Patton, 1851. 12mo. pp. 99. 126. An Address delivered before the Rhode Island Iomceopathic Society at its annual meeting, May 7th, 1851. By Charles Neidhard, M.D., Professor of Clinical Medicine in the Homceopathic Medical College, Penusylvania. Providence, 1851. '(Pamphlet, pp. 28.) 127. An Address delivered before the Central New York Homceopathic Society at Syracuse, N.Y., June 3d, 1851. By F. Humphreys, M.D. 128. Letter to Thomas E. Bond, A.M., M.D., on Homceopathia, occasioned by the publication of his address to the Graduates at Washington University, March 3d, 1851. By J. Schmidt. Baltimore, 1851. (Pamphlet.) 129. Letter to the members of the Connecticut Medical Society. By W. W. Rodman, M.D. Waterbury, 1851. (Pamphlet, pp. 8.) 130. Report of a Committee of the Massachusetts Medical Society on Homceopathy, adopted by the Counsellors, October 2,1850, and ordered to be printed. 131. Report of a Committee of the Massachusetts Homeopathic Medical Society, occasioned by a report of a Committee of the Counsellors of the Massachusetts Medical Society. Boston, 1851. (Pamphlet, pp. 8.) 132. Fourth annual announcement of the Homceopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania, Session of 1851-52. Philadelphia, 1851. (Pamphlet, pp. 16.) 1852. 133. The Lesser Writings of Samuel Hahnemann. Collected and MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 199 translated by R. E. Dudgeon, M.D. With additions by an American Physician. New York: Radde, 1852. 8vo. pp. 784. 134. Dr. Caspari's Homceopathic Domestic Physician. Edited by F. Hartmann, M.D., &c. Translated from the eighth German edition, and enriched by a treatise on Anatomy and Physiology. By W. P. Esrey, M.D., with additions and a preface by C. Hering, M.D. Containing also a chapter on Mosmerism and Magnetism. Directions, &c., with 30 illustrations. Philadelphia: Rademacher & Sheek, 1852. 12mo. pp. 475. 135. The relations of Homoeopathy to Chemistry; an Inaugural Address, delivered before the Hahnemann Academy of Medicine, January 14th, 1852. By Joseph F. Curtis, M.D. Published by order of the Academy. New-York, 1852. (Pamphlet, pp. 20.) 136. Life, disease and the law of cure. By G. W. Swazey, M.D. An Address delivered before the American Institute of Homoopathy at New Haven, Conn., with a list of members. Published by request, 1852. (Pamphlet, pp. 48.) 137. Homoeopathy; an examination of its doctrines and evidences. By -Worthington Hooker, M.D., Author, &c. New-York: Scribner, 1851. 12mo. pp. 146. 138. Homceopathy and Allopathy. Reply to "an examination of the doctrines and evidences of. Homoeopathy, by Worthington Hooker, M.D." By E. E. Marcy, M.D., Author, &c. NewYork: Radde, 1852. 12mo. pp. 144. 139. The Scientific Basis of Homceopathy. By William H. Holcombe, M.D. Cincinnati: Derby & Co., 1852. 12mo. pp. 304. 140. Proving of the Apis Mellifica; or, poison of the Honey-Bee. A report of the Central New-York Homceopathic Society. L. Bishop, M.D., F. Humphreys, M.D., A. E. Munger, M.D. Committee. Utica, 1852. (Pamphlet, p.p. 24 ) 141. Proceedings of the American Institute of Hommeopathy, together with the Annual Address, by G. W. Swazey, M.D., at its eighth anniversary Session, held at New Haven, Ct., June 11, 1851. Springfield, 1852. (Pamphlet, pp. 64.),142. The Philadelphia Journal of Homoeopathy. Edited by William A. Gardiner, M.D., Professor of Anatomy, &c. Vol. 1, April 1851. No. 1. Philadelphia: Rademacher & Sheek. 8vo. pp. 48. 143. Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the New-York Homoeopathic Dispensary Association for the year 1851. NewYork, 1852. (Pamphlet, pp. 20.) 200 THE HOMGMOPATHIIG 144. An Address to the Homceopathic Physicians of the State of New-York, together with the Constitution and Bye-laws of the Homceopathic Medical Society of the State of New-Yorlk Albany, 1852. (Pamphlet, pp. 14.) 145. An Address on Homoeopathia, delivered in the Assembly Room, Baltimore, on Wednesday evening, May 19, 1852. By S. R. Kirby, M.D., of New-York. Published by order of the American Institute of Homceopathy. New-York, 1852. (Pamphlet, pp. 16.) 146. Homoeopathy and its requirements of the Physician. An Address delivered before the Homceopathic Medical Society of the State of New-York, at its semi-annual meeting held at Syracuse, June 1, 1852, by J. W. Metcalf, M.D., of New-York. Published by order of the Society. New- York, 1852. (Pamphlet, pp. 24.) 147. Address of the Homcopathic Society of Orange County, convened at Goshen, February 25th, 1852. Newburgh, 1852. (Pamphlet, pp. 6.) 148. Jahr's new Manual, or Symptomen-Codex. Translated with extensive additions from various sources, Volumh e IIL Complete Repertory of the Homeeopathic Materia Medica. By Charles J. Hempel, M.D,, Fellow, &c. New-York: Radde, 1853. 8vo. pp. 1220. 149. A Treatise on Headaches; including acute, chronic, nervous, gastric, dyspeptic, or sick headaches; also congestive, rheumatic and periodical Headaches. Based on Dr. J. Riiokert's Clinical Experience in Homeeopathy. With Introduction, Appendix, Synopsis, Notes, Directions for Doses, and Fifty additional Cases. By John C. Peters, M.D. New-York-: Radde, 1853. 8vo. 150. Proceedings of the American Institute of Homceopathy for 1852. Session held in Baltimore, Md., May 19, 1852. NewYork, 1852. (Pamphlet, 8vo. pp. 60.) 151. An Address to the Friends of Homceopathy in New-York, from the Trustees of the New-York Homouopathic Dispensary Association. In certis Unitas; in dubiis Libertas; in omnibus Charitas. New-York, 1852. (Pamphlet, 8vo. pp. 17.) 152. An Enquiry into the Justice of the Treatment pursued by the Medical Profession towards Physicians who have become Homeeopathic Practitioners, as set forth in Dr. Hooker's Report, read before the Connecticut Medical Society, May 15, 1852. By a Layman. New-York, 1852. (Pamphlet, 12mo. pp. 12) MEDICAL DIRECTORY.:201 RESOLUTIONS OF THE PROVINCIAL MEDICAL AND SURGICAL ASSOCIATION. REPORT ON IRREGULAR PRACTICE. "The following Report was brought up and unanimously agreed to. "Your committee have, after consultation with numerous members of the Association, maturely considered the subject referred to them, and beg respectfully to. suggest the adoption of the following resolutions:" That it is the opinion of this Association, that Homeopathy, as propounded by.i.ahnemann, and practised by his followers, is so utterly opposed to science and common sense, as well as so completely at variance with the experience of the Medical Profession, that it ought to be in no way or degree 'practised or countenanced by any regularly educated Medical practitioner. "That Homceopathic practitioners, through the press, the platform, and the pulpit, have endeavoured to heap contempt upon the practice of Medicine. and Surgery as followed by members of this Association and by the Profession at large. "That for these reasons it is derogatory to the honour of members of this Association to hold any kind of professional intercourse with Homoeopathic practitioners. "That there are three classes of practitioners who ought not to be members of this Association; viz.-1st, real Homoiopathic practitioners; 2nd, those who.practice H.omceopathy in combination with other systems of treatment; and 3rd, those who, under various pretences, meet in consultation or hold professional intercourse with those who practise Hommopathy. "That a committee of seven be appointed to frame laws in accordance with these resolutions, to be submitted to the next annual meeting of the Association. "That the thanks of this Association are eminently due, and are hereby given, to the Universities of Edinburgh and St. Andrew's, for their resolution to refuse their diplomas to practitioners of Homcoopathy, but the Association feel imperatively called on to express its disapproval ot any School of Medicine which retains among its teachers any one who holds Iomaopatbic opinions. 202 THE HOM(LOPATHIC " That these resolutions be printed and transmitted to all the MedicalLicensing Bodies and Medical Schools in the United Kingdom, and that they likewise be inserted in the Times newspaper, the Morning Post, the North British Advertiser, Saunders's News Letter, all the British and Irish medical periodicals, and in such other journals as the council may sanction upon the recommendation of the branch Associations. " In proposing these resolutions for the adoption of the Association, your committee are anxious to state that they are actuated by a strong sense of the importance of the subject in its relation both to humanity and morals. They most conscientiously believe that the countenance afforded to the form of charlatanry herein alluded to is detrimental to the true interests of the public, as it is subversive of that strict integrity which ought to characterise practitioners of medicine, and which has ever, distinguished the profession, in these kingdoms. " JOHN ROSE CORMACK, M.D., Edin., Fellow Royal College Phys. Edin., of Putney. " JAMES TUNSTALL, M.D. Edin., of Bath. " H. H. RANKING, M.D. Cantab., of Norwich." COUNTER-RESOLUTIONS OF THE BRITISH HOM(EOPATHIG MEDICAL SOCIETY. DR. QuIN, President, in the Chair. A Series of Resolutions on Homoeopathy passed by the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, at Brighton, on the 14th of August, having been read, it was resolved"That this Society deeply regrets that a body of gentlemen belonging 'to a liberal profession should resort to invective in place of argument. " That the merits of Homceopathy being a subject of dispute between two parties in the medical world of equal professional standing, it is impossible that a resolution of one of these parties, that the views of the other ' ought to be in no degree countenanced,' can have any influence in facilitating the settlement of the question in dispute. "That, in stigmatizing Homcoopathy as an ' irregular practice,' as a 'delusion,' and an 'imposture,' the Provincial Medical and Surgical Asso MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 2 03 ciation resort to terms of abuse which are at the command of every one, andý which, While they are. in every case inexcusable, unless accompanied by proofs, are especially valueless when employed to silence a new doctrine in opposition to the preconceived views of the persons by whom snch terms are used. " That the differences between Homceopathic practitioners and their brethren of the old school being simply differences of opinion, a resolution not to hold professional intercourse with them is nothing more than the announcement of an inability on the part of the members of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association to tolerate in others the same independence of judgment they claim for themselves. " That, while the legislatures of two of the most important States of the American Union (Pennsylvania and Ohio) have granted Charters of Incorporation to Homoeopathic Universities--while the Chambers of the Kingdom of Bavaria, of the Grand Duchy of Baden, and other German States, have authorized professorships of Homoeopathy in the public Universities-while the Imperial Government of Austria has sanctioned the establishment of Homoeopathic hospitals in different parts of its dominions-while, in Berlin and Moscow, similar hospitals exist-and, while one hundred beds in the Hospital of St. Marguerite (a branch of the Hetel Dieu in Paris) are devoted to patients, who are openly treated in accordance with the Homoeopathic system, by Dr. Tessier and his hospital assistants, it is to be deplored that so large a portion of the medical body in England and Scotland should not only commit themselves to personal animosities against all who may entertain the system, but should record their thanks to the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh for having endeavoured to expel from their body those of its members who practice I-Iomceopathy, and to the Universities of Edinburgh, Aberdeen, and St. Andrew's, for having indicated an intention to deny their diploma to every student who shall refuse to give a pledge that he will not publicly profess himself a convert to its truth. "Finally, that the British Homoeopathic Society have never, as a body, either ' through the press, the pulpit, or the platform,' endeavoured to heap contempt upon their allopathic brethren, their conviction being that nothing could tend more to retard their cause than the use of taunts and imputations, in lieu of the calm statement of such evidence as from time to time it may be in their power to furnish. "For and in the name of the British Homceopathic Society, 1"FrEEDERIOR F. QuIN, M.D., President, " Physician to the Homccopathic Hospital, &c. &c." OBITUARY. BRITISH PRACTITIONERS. DR. DAVIDS, OF MANCHESTER Was born in Persia, in the year 1818. His parents had destined him to fill the united offices of priest and physician in the Armenian Church of his native country, but having, at an early age, embraced Christianity, and suffered great persecution from his relatives on account of his apostacy from the ancient faith, he resolved to quit his home and seek among strangers in England, that toleration his own countrymen denied him. Immediately on his arrival in Britain, Dr. Davids entered Glasgow College as a student of medicine; and, in 1840, became a graduate of the same University, as well as a member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Dr. Davids was induced, by his friend Dr. Cronin, of London, to study Homceopathy-which system he ultimately embraced, and became both a useful exponant, and successful practitioner of Hahnemann's doctrines. Dr. Davids began practice in Manchester about the end of 1841, and had succeeded in establishing a good reputation, when his health gave way, and he was compelled to seek fresh vigour in a warmer and more genial clime. After a few months spent in Madeira, he again returned to Manchester, but it was not long ere the deadly power of Phthisis again enfeebled him; therefore he finally withdrew from active duty, and retired to Brixton, where he spent the last months. of his life in the society of kind and devoted friends, and died in the spring of 1844.-ZEt. 26. Dr. Davids was the author of a modest little work, entitled " A Sketch of Homceopathy," which has gone through three editions, and of several articles in the medical journals. As a physician, Dr. Davids was minute and cautious in his examination and treatment of disease; his gentle deportment gained him many friends, and had his life been prolonged, he would, doubtless, have become one of the pillars of Homceopathy and an ornament to his profession. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 205 MR. CHARLES, M.R.C.S., OF LONDON, Author of L A glance at Symptomatology," died at the beginning ofthe year 1846. Mr. Charles commenced practice in Gloucestershire as an Allopath, but, on becoming convinced of the truthfulness of Homceopathy, he established himself in Orchard Street, London, and became a member of the British Homeopathic Society in 18 15, only a few months before his death. His premature loss was deeply regretted by the Society,. and by a numerous circle of friends. DR. LUDWIG CALMAN, OF LONDON, Was a native of Germany, but resided and practiced Homeopathy in the City of London. He was L a pains taking, hard working, member of his profession," but ill health, and the difficulties a young foreigner has.always to encounter in beginning practice, prevented his rising to any eminence. Dr. Calman was Physician to -the Homeopathic Dispensary, Southampton Road, and to the West of Londoi Homceopathic Dispensary. He was author of a small wok'kentitled "1 Hommopathy no Humbug," and translated into German many of the best English Allopathic and Homceopathic authoris. Dr. Calman died of Phthisis Pulmonalis on the 16th May, 1847. DR. HARRIS F. DUNSFORD, OF LONDON, Was one of the first English medical practitioners who adopted the Homeopathic system of medicine. Born in the year 1808,-he became a licentiate of the Apothecaries' Company in 1829-in 1830 he became a member of the Royal College of Surgeons, and settled in *the City of London as a general practitioner. In 1831 he accepted -the appointment of medical attendant to the family of the Marquis of Anglesey, and travelled with one of the members thereof on the continent. In 1833 he, took his degree of M.D. at Freiburgh. In 1834 he returned to, and commenced practice in London, as a 'Homceopathic practitioner. In 1838 he published a work bearing the following title-" The Pathogenetic effect of some of the principal Homeopathic remedies." And again, in 1841, he published " The Practical Advantages of Homceopathy," which he was permitted to dedicate to Her Majesty Queen Adelaide; and was at ithe period of his death engaged on a translation of" Hahnemann's Therapie."' 206 THE H OM(EOPATHI-C Dr. Dunsford enjoyed the personal esteem of Hahnemann, and doubtless it was from that master spirit himself, that he imbibed those large and comprehensive views of Homceopathy, which so eminently characterize his writings, and so successfully appeared in his practice. Immediately after his return to London, Dr. Dunsford's practice began to extend and increase-his quiet and gentlemanly bearing-his patient attention to the tale of the afflicted-combined with a quick apprehension of the nature of the disease laboured under, and a generally fortunate mode of treatment, so enhanced his reputation-that he speedily rose to be one of the first physicians in the city, and had the honour of prescribing for Her late Majesty the Queen Dowager during the life time of the King. Dr. Dunsford died at London on the night of the 17th June, 1847, in the 39th year of his age; the immediate cause of his death was cerebral congestion and effusion into the ventricles. Cut down in the prime of his days, and at the very time when his talents were becoming known, his death was widely and deeply deplored, and his name to this day is held in affectionate and grateful remembrance by many of his former friends and patients. The following is the account of the post-mortem examination, which was made by Mr. White Cooper:"1 The examination was confined to the head. Some difficulty was experienced in the preliminary steps, in consequence of the unusual density and thickness of the cranium. The necessary section having been completed, endeavours were made to remove the upper portion of the cranium, but so firmly adherent was the dura mater, that it was found impracticable to do so. During the removal of the brain, between two and three ounces of serum,escaped from beneath the arachnoid, and possibly from the.ventricles--the sinuses of the brain were gorged with blood-the dura mater having been reflected, the pia mater presented the ap.pearance of great vascularity, and in the upper surface of the left hemisphere there was a small quantity. of gritty deposit. The brain was of large size, and somewhat beyond the usual weight. The cerebral substance was of natural consistence, but highly vascular throughout. The lateral ventricles contained a small quantity of fluid, but there was reason to believe that a portion had previously escaped. The third ventricle was dilated. The lining membrane of the ventricles was injected. The cerebellum and pons varolii were congested, but otherwise healthy. The medulla spinalis was engorged, and much blood flowed from the divided vessels of the membranes. There appeared to have been effusion into the theca. These were the only abnormal appearances discovered on careful examination." MEDICAL 'DIRECTORY. 207 DR. LUTHER, OF BATH. John Christian Luther was born in the country near Dessau, 'in Germany, on the 18th of May, 1816. He was the third son of Dr. J. C. W. Luther, a well known medical practitioner in Germany, and one of Hahnemann's earliest friends and followers. After receiving a thorough classical education in the Gymnasia of Dessau and Zerbst, he entered the medical academy of Dresden in the year 1838, where he remained three years. He then went to the University of Berlin to complete his medical studies; and in the year 1843, he went to Jena, where, after writing, and having publicly defended his inaugural dissertation De Arsenico Albo, he took his degree of M.D. After studying Homoeopathy earnestly, and under the most favourable circumstances, he came to England, and settled in Bath in the year 1845, as a Homceopathic Physician. In 1846 he took.a British degree of M.D. at the University of St. Andrews. Dr. Luther introduced Homoeopathy into Bath, where his exertions and professional skill had secured him many friends, and.where he remained till the autumn of 1849, when, during the prevalence of an epidemic of typhoid fever, he caught the disease in the discharge of his professional duties, and sunk under it on the 7th October, 1849..AEt. 33 years. DR. GOODSHAW, OF DUBLIN. The subject of this notice was born in the year 1797. From his earliest years he was distinguished by a spirit of untiring perseverance, and unassuming dignity. He early resolved to devote himself to the study and practice of medicine. Having honourably completed his college curriculum, he began practice as an Allopathic Physician in Dublin, and gradually worked himself up to.a position of honour and responsibility in that capital. Dr. Goodshaw held the appointments of Physician to the Clergy Sons' School, at Lucan, and to the Dunboyne Dispensary. He was also the founder of the first Homceopathic Dispensary in Ireland. After the establishment of this charity Dr. G. resigned his connexion with Lucan School and Du nboyne Dispensary, devoting his energies to his town practice, and especially to the New Dispensary, and had the satisfaction, not only of seeing it prosper, but of witnessing the origin and successful progress of the Irish Homoeopathic gociety and Dispensary. On his withdrawal from the Dunboyne Dispensary, and two years after his profession of belief in Hahnemann's laws, Dr. Goodshaw was presented by the 'Governors of the Institution with a handsome piece of plate, and a 208 THE HOMMEOPATHIC highly flattering address, " as a memorial of esteem and respect, and as a testimony to the value of his professional services." Dr. Goodshaw was an honourable exception to the dogma, that no man after he has attained his fortieth year changes his medical creed, as he was considerably beyond forty years of age before he began to examine Homceopathy, and having "mastered the new system of therapeutics," he had the moral courage at once to avow his convictions, and carry his principles into practice. The success attending Dr. Goodshaw's efforts on behalf of the sick, excited the envy and animosity of many of his Allopathic brethren in Dublin, who seldom shrunk from denouncing him as guilty of all manner of baseness and quackish practices. Such asperities told powerfully on the sensitive mind of Dr. Goodshaw, and materially affected his bodily health. After two years suffering from unquestionable valvular disease of the heart, Dr. Goodshaw suddenly died at Fairbrook, near Dublin, on the 27th September, 1851. JEt., 54. " The post-mortem examination revealed an amount of cardiac disease incompatible with any prolongation of life. The heart was enormously hypertrophied, but especially the left ventricle; the muscular tissue of which was softened, and almost friable; the free edges of the mitral valve were studed with cartilaginous excrescences, which necessarily interfered with.its proper functions. There was also considerable serous effusion into both the pleurae and the pericardium." AMERICAN PRACTITIONERS. H. B. GRAM, M.D., NEW YORK. Dr. Gram was the son of the principal Secretary of State of the Danish West Indian Government; by birth an American; and for a number of years Assistant Surgeon in the large Military Hospital, at Copenhagen. Dr. Gram had the honour of introducing Homoeopathy into the United States, and was remarkable for his deep and varied learning, and for the influence he exercised over all with whom he came in contact; he died of apoplexy, on the 26th February, 1840. A. C. BECKER, M.D., CAMBRIDGE, U.S. Dr. Becker was a Russian by birth; received the first part of his education in England, and the latter part in Germany and France. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 209 He died on the 15th January, 1849. His death is said to have been "undoubtedly occasioned by the overtasking of both body and mind in the exercise of his professional and literary duties." Dr. Becker was Editor of the 1" Quarterly Journal of Homoeopathy," and author of several useful works on Homoeopathy, besides leaving a large amount of manuscript, which he intended for the press. R. M. STANSBURY, M.D., CALIFORNIA. Dr. Stansbury was born in New York City, in 1807, and graduated with honour at Yale College, in 1831; he also graduated as M.D. in 1834, at the University of Pennsylvania. He began practice as an Allopath, and in 1846 openly embraced Homoeopathy. He continued to practice in Brooklyn, N. Y., till 1849, when unequivocal signs of Phthisis began to develop themselves, and rendered a change of residence imperative. He resolved to settle in California, and having purchased Dr. Cragen's interest in the Hospital, at Sacramento City; he introduced, and, till the day of his death, maintained a strict Homceopathic treatment in his department of that establishment. During the ravages of cholera in 1850, Dr. Stansbury caught the disease in the discharge of his duties, and died after twenty-four hours illness, on the 5th of November, 1850. lEt. 43. R. S. JACOBSON, M.D., NEW YORK. Dr. Jacobson was a Physician of great promise; he died on the 31st January, 1851, of Phthisis Pulmonahs, in the 31st year of his age, deeply lamented by all who knew him. C. B. MATTHEWS, M.D., PENNSYLVANIA. Dr. Matthews, Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the Homceopathic Medical College, Pennsylvania, died of Phthisis Pulmonalis, on the 27th May, 1851. Dr. Matthews was at one time Editor of the " Medical Recorder," and Consulting Physician to the "Frankfort Asylum for the Insane." He practiced his profession with zeal and honour for a period of nearly thirty years, and died deeply regretted, both by his colleagues and his students. I' 210 THE HOMGEOPATHIC WILLIAM INGALLS, SEN., M.D., Was born at Newburyport, Mass., May 3rd, 1769, and received his degree of B.A. at Haward University, in 1790. At the same University he took his degree of M.B. in 1794, and in 1801, that of M.D. He was for many years Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in Brown University. Dr. Ingalls was one of a committee appointed to prepare a Topographical work on Anatomy, and from his knowledge of the subject, and extensive learning, largely contributed to the success of that work. He retired from public practice in the year 1834, and employed part of his time in examining the doctrines of Homceopathy, which he fully embraced in 1842, and died on the 8th of September, 1851, a constant adherent of similia similibus curantur. LEt. 82 years. CONTINENTAL PRACTITIONERS. SAMUEL HAHNEMANN, M.D., PARIS. Dr. Hahnemann was born at Meissen, in Saxony, on the 10th April, 1755. His father was employed as a china painter in a manufactory on the banks of the Elbe. He began the study of medicine first at Leipzic, then at Vienna, and finally graduated at Erlangen in 1779; he then returned to his native village, where he remained till the spring of 1781; then removed to Dessau. In 1782, he was appointed official Physician at Gommern; where he employed his spare time in the study of Chemistry, &c. In 1785, he removed to Dresden, where he published his celebrated Treatise on Poisoning by Arsenic, which, to this day, is quoted as a standard authority. In 1789, he removed to Leipzic; m 1791, was elected a member of the Academy of Science at Menz. It was in 1790, when engaged in translating the Materia Medica of the distinguished Cullen, that he first caught the idea of establishing a new law of cure; this idea he improved and extended, both by observation and experiment, till 1796, when he proclaimed his discovery to the world, and published it in Hufeland's Journal. In 1806, his " Medicine of Experience" appeared; this was followed, in 1810, by the first edition of his " Organon of Medicine," which contained a full elaboration of the whole system of similia similibus; and, than which the entire literature of medicine does not embrace a more masterly or logical dissertation. Five editions of this work MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 211 appeared respectively in 1810, 19, 24, 29, and 33, besides having been translated into the English, French, Italian, Russian, Prussian, and Hungarian languages. In 1795, Hahnemann migrated to Wolfenbiittal, from which place he was driven out in 1799, by the united persecutions of its apothecaries and physicians. After wandering over various parts of Germany, he again returned to Leipzic in 1810, where crowds of patients and admirers flocked around him, and fortune seemed at last to favour him. During his residence in Leipzic, Hahnemann published many useful papers. In 1821, the tide of fortune again turned, and Hahnemann was compelled to quit Leipzic. He next sought an asylum in Ccethen; where he dwelt peacefully under the protection and patronage of the reigning Prince. From this period (1823) Hahnemann's star began to ascend; persons from all quarters of Europe came to consult him, and his advance was steadily onwards to honour, fortune, and fame. In 1827, he communicated to Drs. Stapf and Gross his theory of the origin of Chronic Diseases. In 1829, the first public gathering of Homceopathists was held, and the: Central Society of German Homceopathists" formed. In 1835, he removed' to Paris, where, through the influence of M. Guizot, he obtained authority to practice, and where he continued till his death, which event occured on the 2nd July, 1843, in the 89th year of his age. DR. GEO. A. H. SCHWEIKERT, OF BRESLAU. Dr. Schweikert was born at Zerbst, on the 25th September, 1774, and died at Breslau, on the 15th December, 1845; he was one of Hahnemann's earliest disciples, and was much esteemed for, his learning and unwearied zeal. DR. MUHLENBEIN, OF SCHONINGEN. Geo. A. H. Miihlenbein, Doctor of Medicine, Privy Counsellor, Knight of the Order of Henry the Lion, &c. &c., died at Schdningen, on the 8th January, 1846, in the 81st year ot his age. Dr. M. took his degree of M.D. at Helmstadt, in 1789, and began practice in Kdnigslutter, where he formed an acquaintance with Halnemann, and was the first medical man who introduced vaccination into the district. It was not till the year 1826, and after he had practiced in the old school for thirty-three years, that he embraced Homoeopathy, publicly declaring his conversion in the sixth vol. of the AncHlv. During the remainder of his life he practised Homceopathy with 212 THE HOM(EOIATHIC reat success, and has been termed the "Apostle of Homceopathy" in the north of Germany. He endeavoured to obtain the repeal of the law against the dispensing of medicines by physicians in Brunswick, but was only successful in securing the establishment of a Hommopathic Pharmacy. DR. MABIT, OF BORDEAUX. The Courrier de la "1 Gironde," of the 13th May, 1847, says that the death of Dr. Mabit " produced a great sensation in Bordeaux. No man ever departed this life amidst such deep regret and such universal sympathy." He was born at Toulouse, on the 24th January, 1751, and entered the army as Surgeon, in which capacity he served in Italy and France-was wounded at French Cape and taken prisoner in England. In 1815, he returned to Bordeaux,, where he was induced to settle, and was appointed Professor in the secondary School of Medicine, and Physician to the Hospital of St. Andrew. He was the friend of Laennec, from whom he received a stethoscope, turned by his own hand. In 1829, he was elected a member of the Board of Health. In 1832, he was sent to England to study cholera; and as a reward for all his services, was about this time named Chevalier of the Legion of Honour. Dr. Mabit replied to the report of the French Academy of Medicine on Homouopathy; and published several memoirs, the result of his own experience, on the same subject. At the time of his death he was engaged on a work on internal pathology, which contains the collected observations of forty-five years practice. Dr. Mabit died in May, 1847, in the 66th year of his age. DR. S. T. THORER, OF GORLITZ, Was born at Girlitz on the 25th April, 1795, and died at the same place on the 25th June, 1846. Dr. Thorer was an able as well as frequent writer on Homeopathy-he was a constant contributor to the pages of the AnRcHy. SURGEON TIETZE, OF EBERSBACH. Dr. G. J. Ruckert has written a short memoir of this distinguished practitioner, from which we learn that Von Tietze was born near L6ban, on the 29th July, 1799-that his father was a MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 213 schoolmaster-that he studied at the Gymnasium at Bauzen, and the Medico-Chirurgical Academy at Dresden-and that he entered on the practical part of his career in 1820. We are told further that he regarded Hommopathy as an absurdity, and was compelled, in spite of himself, to yield belief in the doctrine, by reason of some works on the subject, which had been given him to read in 1828. He afterwards became an enthusiastic Homccopathist, and died of typhus abdominalis, on the 23rd June, 1847. MEt. 48. DR. GRIESSELICH Occupied the situation of Staff-surgeon in the army, and met his death by a fall from his horse while riding from Altma to Hamburgh, on the 23rd August, 1847. He was regarded as the leader of the " Homceopathic Specific School," and distinguished for his opposition to some of the dogmas of Hahnemann. He was editor of the " Hygea," the publication of which, in consequence of his melancholy death, has been suspended for a time. DR. J. J. MOLIN, PARIS. Jean Jacques Molin was born at Annecy, (Savoy), on the 13th June, 1797. He entered the army when he was 16, and attained the rank of lieutenant. In 1829, after studying medicine, he graduated as M.D. at Strasburgh. In 1831, he was appointed Inspector of the Thermal Springs of Luxeuil, which situation ho resigned in 1836, in order that he might devote his time to the practice of Homceopathy in Paris. Dr. Molin was a member of most of the Literary and Scientific Societies in France-the Spanish Medical Institute, and of the Brazilian Hommopathic Medical Academy. He was twice elected President of the,S'ocietd de Medicine Iommopathique, and published the Journal de la Doctrine Hahnemannienne, in two vols. The success attending Dr. Molin's practice in Paris was very great-the high position he held greatly tended to the spread of the cause in that city. Towards the end of May, 1847, a suspicious tumour appeared on the side of the inferior maxilla, which led Dr. Molin to suspect cancer; on the tumour being incised, numerous vegetations were discovered, and extensive suppuration established, which, with his inability (owing to carcinomatous excrescences) to take proper nourishment, at length put a period to his valuable life on the 3rd of September, 1847, in the 51st year of his age. 214 THE HOMCEOPATHIC DR. G. W. GROSS, JUTERBOGK, Was the son of a Clergyman-born on the 6th September, 1794. At first destined for the clerical profession, he was sent to the Cathedral School at Naumburgh, where he caught scabies, to the improper treatment of which he was wont to ascribe his usually delicate health; after this he resolved to study medicine. Having gone to Leipzic, he was introduced to Hahnemann (in 1815) and soon became his warmest disciple. In 1817, he settled in Jiiterbogk, where his practice, during the latter years of his life, averaged about 3,000 cases per annum. In 1843, he was appointed, by the King of Prussia, member of the Board of Examiners for Homoeopathic Physicians. Dr. Gross was co-editor of the Neues Archiv. He died on the ] 6th September, 1847. ZEt. 54. DR. WIDNMANN, MUNICH, Was born on the 19th March, 1765-studied theology at Dillingen' -graduated in medicine at Wurzburg in 1792- settled as a Physician in Wallerstein, was appointed Court Physician of Eischstradt in 1798-subsequently he occupied the situation of body Physician to the Prince-bishop, and then was created a Medical Counsellor. In 1817, he was appointed body Physician to the Duke of Lenchtenberg. He was converted to Homceopathy by observing a scarlet rash appear on the body of his son after a large dose of Belladonna. Dr. Widnmann died on the 28th January, 1848, in the 83rd year of his age. His writings are distributed throughout Hufeland's Journal and the Hygea. DR. LEDURE, OF PARIS. Victor Ledure was born in Paris of opulent parents in 1813. He studied at Montpellier and graduated at Paris. When cholera raged in 1848, Dr. Ledure was devoted and unwearied in his efforts to stay its ravages among the neglected poor. On the 11th June, 1848, at midnight, he was seized, and died, as the devoted physician too often dies, a victim to the very pestilence he was labouring to arrest. DR. GIRAUD, OF PARIS, Having adopted the medical profession and completed his studies, was offered a Surgeoncy in the Navy, but declined it. He. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. 215 settled in Hermencault, where he formed a large obstetric practice. In 1838, he quitted this place for Paris. Some years after his arrival in the capital, he became a convert to Homoeopathy, and was expelled from the Medical Society of the arrondissement to which he belonged, for his Homoeopathic tendencies. Dr. G. died of cholera on the 4th June, 1848, in his 57th year. DR. D'AMADOR, OF MONTPELLIER, Was Professor of Pathology in the School of Montpellier. He was greatly distinguished as a brilliant orator and elegant writer. He died suddenly on the 3rd August, 1848. DR. M. MULLER, OF LEIPZIC, Was born on the 1st August, 1784. Took the degree of M.A. in 1809. In 1810 graduated as M.D. In his 21st year he was appointed first Clinical Lecturer and under Surgeon in Jacob's Hospital. On the death of Dr. Rheinhold, he succeeded to a large practice, and owing to his talents and agreeable manners became exceedingly popular. In 1828, he was ordered to treat a member of the royal family without consultation with the court Physician. Dr. Miiller was instrumental in obtaining the formation of the Leipzic Homceopathic Hospital, and the formation of the New Homoeopathic Society. Besides attending to the numerous duties of a large practice, he found time to enquire into the history of many disorders, and to deliver and publish a series of Lectures on Homoeopathy. He died on the 24th September, 1848, of cholera. AEt. 64. I CITFSTER: PRINTED 13Y E. TrHOMAS, 3, BRIDGE. STREET ROW. 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